Onomasticon to Cicero's Treatises [Reprint 2012 ed.] 9783110959857, 9783598774324

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Table of contents :
Tria Nomina
Index I. Persons (Roman and Italian)
Index II. Persons (non-Italian)
Index III. Philosophies and philosophers
Index IV. Mythological (including stars)
Index V. Places and peoples
Index VI. Laws
Index VII. Miscellaneous
The Thirty-five Tribes
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Onomasticon to Cicero's Treatises [Reprint 2012 ed.]
 9783110959857, 9783598774324

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D. R. Shackleton Bailey Onomasticon to Cicero's Treatises

Onomasticon to Cicero's Treatises By D.R. Shackleton Bailey

S B.G.Teubner Stuttgart und Leipzig 1996

BIBLIOTHECA TEUBNERIANA Critical editions by D. R. Shackleton Bailey Anthologie Latina Pars I. Carmina in codicibus scripta Fase. 1. Libri Salmasiani aliorumque carmina 1 9 8 2 . B T 1 0 3 0 . Cloth D M 1 5 8 - , ÖS 1 1 5 3 - , SFr 1 4 2 , Cicero Epistulae ad Atticum Vol. I: Libri I - V I I I 1 9 8 7 . B T 1 2 0 8 . Cloth D M 1 3 6 , - , ÖS 9 9 3 , - , SFr 1 2 2 , Vol. II: Libri I X - X V I 1 9 8 7 . B T 1 2 0 9 . Cloth D M 1 7 4 , - , ÖS 1 2 7 0 - , SFr 1 5 7 , Cicero Epistulae ad familiares libri I—XVI 1 9 8 8 . B T 1 2 1 0 . Cloth D M 2 4 5 , - , ÖS 1 7 8 9 , - , SFr 2 2 1 , Cicero Epistulae ad Quintum fratrem. Epistulae ad M . Bmtum. Commentariolum petitionis. Fragmenta epistolarum 1 9 8 8 . B T 1 2 1 1 . Cloth D M 7 8 , - , ÖS 5 6 9 , - , SFr 7 0 , Horatius Opera 1 9 8 5 . B T 1 4 3 7 . Cloth D M 4 6 , - , ÖS 3 3 6 , - , SFr 4 1 , Editio tertia. 1 9 9 5 . B T 1 4 3 6 . Paperback D M 3 9 , - , ÖS 2 8 5 , - , SFr 3 5 , Lucanus De bellum civili libri Χ 1 9 8 8 . B T 1 5 0 2 . Cloth D M 1 3 8 , - , ÖS 1 0 0 7 , - , SFr 1 2 4 , Martialis Epigrammata 1 9 9 0 . B T 1 5 3 1 . Cloth D M 1 6 8 , - , ÖS 1 2 2 6 , - , SFr 1 5 1 Quintilianus Declamationes minores 1 9 8 9 . B T 1 7 5 3 . Cloth D M 1 6 8 , - , ÖS 1 2 2 6 , - , SFr 1 5 1 Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Förderungs- und Beihilfefonds Wissenschaft der V G W O R T GmbH, Goethestraße 4 9 , 8 0 3 3 6 München Die Deutsche Bibliothek — CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Bailey, David R. Shackleton: Onomasticon to Cicero's Treatises / by D. R. Shackleton Bailey. - Stuttgart ; Leipzig : Teubner, 1 9 9 6 ISBN 3 - 5 1 9 - 0 7 4 3 2 - X NE: HST Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt besonders für Vervielfältigungen, Obersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen. © B. G. Teubner Stuttgart 1 9 9 6 Printed in Germany Satz: Passavia Druckerei GmbH, Passau Druck und Bindung: W . Röck G m b H , Weinsberg

Contents Preface Abbreviations Tria Nomina Index I. Persons (Roman and Italian) Cognomina Index II. Persons (non-Italian) Index III. Philosophies and philosophers Index IV. Mythological (including stars) Index V. Places and peoples Index VI. Laws Index VII. Miscellaneous The Thirty-five Tribes Quotations

VII IX 1-12 13-63 64-67 69-83 84-95 96-112 113-134 135-137 138 139 140-142

Preface As in the two earlier volumes, anonymous references are placed in round brackets. Round brackets in a name itself indicate parts of it not found in the text. Two or more occurrences under the same reference number are indicated thus: 5ο 2 , 5 1 3 and so on. Variations of style in recurrent names are given in separate notes. An asterisk indicates that the reference is part of a quotation. Entries with two components, e.g. Demetrius Phalereus, are listed as they occur in the first reference and changes of order in subsequent references indicated thus: Ο Ι·3Γ. In the first index geographical appendages like Paelignus or Pisaurensis, which might or might not have been regarded as cognomina (as some certainly were, e.g. Calenus), are italicized, a and / or b before an entry means that it is also in OCS and / or O C L respectively. Letters (RE etc.) following an entry refer to published lists; see below. In the case of Roman magistrates reference to Broughton's Magistrates of the Roman Republic is assumed as automatic. The tribe being part of a Roman's official name, they are given where possible, mostly from L. R. Taylor's Voting Districts of the Roman Republic. Usually there can be no more than a probability. Certainties or near-certainties are italicized. Apart from brief identifications, such as the date of a magistracy (but not all magistracies), biographical detail, superfluous now that we have RE etc., is not included. Attention is however drawn to some problems or discoveries, especially onomastic.

Ann Arbor, Michigan


Abbreviations AJPh = American Journal of Philology Broughton = T. R. S. Broughton, The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, 2 vols (New York 1 9 5 1 - 1 9 5 2 ) Bs = Supplement to the above (Atlanta, 1986) CR = Classical Review HSCPh = Harvard Studies in Classical Philology JRS = Journal of Roman Studies Ν = G. Nicolet, L'ordre équestre à l'époque républicaine, vol. II (Paris 1974) O CL = Onomasticon to Cicero's Letters (Teubner, 1995) OCS = Onomasticon to Cicero's Speeches, ed. 2 (Teubner, 1992) RE = Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft S(umner) = G. V. Sumner, The Orators in Cicero's Brutus (Toronto), 1973 Studies = Two Studies in Roman Nomenclature, ed. 2 (1991) (pages of ed. ι given in brackets) W = T. P. Wiseman, New men in the Roman Senate 1 3 9 B.C.-A.D. 14 (Oxford, 1 9 7 1 ) The following abbreviations, as in Merguet's lexicon, are used in the Indexes: Philosophica A = Académica (I,II, fr.) C = Cato Maior (De senectute) D = De divinatione (1,11) F = De finibus bonorum et malorum (I-V) Fa = De fato L = De legibus (I-III, fr.) Lae = Laelius (De amicitia) Ν = De natura bonorum (I-III) O - De offieiis (I-III) Ρ = Paradoxa Stoicorum R = De república (I-VI, fr.) Τ - Tusculanae disputationes (I-V) Ti = Timaeus Fr = Fragments of lost works, ed. Müller (I-XIV)




Rhetorica Br = Brutus D e orat = De oratore (I-III) Inv = De inventione (I, II) OGO = De optima genere oratorum Or = Orator PO = Partitiones oratoriae Top = Topica

Tria Nomina1 As in Cicero's other writings (and Caesar and Sallust), the three-name style by way of introduction is frequent in the treatises. Naturally, many of the examples come from the Brutus. Solemnity is notably served in R VI.9: grates, inquit, tibi ago, summe Sol vobisque, reliqui caelites, quod ante quam ex hac vita migro conspicio in meo regno et his tectis P. Cornelium Scipionem, cuius ego nomine ipso recreor. Nobiles named in the treatises are mostly non-contemporary. For ancient personalities combination of praenomen + gentilicium is quite usual. The tendency to avoid it sets in from the third century on. The following list does not include consular and censorial pairings, for which see p. 6, or families without cognomen, or the exceptions specified in OCL, p. 1: Cassii Longini, Claudii Pulchri, Coelii Caldi, Domitii Ahenobarbi, Hortensii Hortali, Mucii Scaevolae*, Pompeii Rufi, Servilii Isaurici, Sulpicii Rufi. For references see Index I. M'. Acilius (Balbus) (cos. 150) Sex. Aelius (Paetus) (cos. 198) Q. Aelius (Paetus) (cos. 167) L. Aemilius (Paullus) (cos. 216) 3 M. Aemilius (Scaurus) (cos. 1 1 5 ) 4 A. Atilius (Calatinus) (II cos. 254)* M. Atilius (Regulus) (II cos. suff. 256) 6 Sp. Cassius (Vecellinus) (III cos. 486) 7 Ap. Claudius (Caecus) (cens. 3 1 2 ) Αρ. Claudius (Crassus) (decemvir 451-450) P. Cornelius (Rufinus) (II cos. 277) 1

See corresponding sections in O C S and OCL. On the Mucii Scaevolae, frequent in both styles, see OCL, p. 1 and the Registers. The Iulii Caesares seem to be similarly eclectic, at least where noncontemporaries are concerned. 3 This unusual style in De orat. z. 1 9 7 recalls the same in certain speeches (see OCS). In Sallust, Lepidus (cos. 7 8 ) refers to himself as M. Aemilium con2

sulem (Orat. Lepidi 27) and is called M. Aemilius, omnium flagitiosorum postremus (Orat. Philippi 3), but usually 'Lepidus'. 4 5 6 7

Likewise exceptional. Unique in Rep. 1 . 1 . So twice instead of the usual '(M.) Regulus'. So in four namings, 'Vecellinus' once.




M'. Curius (Dentatus) (cens. 272)® P. Decius (Mus) (cos. 340) Q. Fabius9 C. Fabricius (Luscinus) (II cos. 278) Ser. Fulvius (Flaccus) (cos. 1 3 5 ) 1 0 Ser. Fulvius (Flaccus?) (accused of 'incest' in 1 1 3 ) Q. Fulvius (Nobilior) (cos. 1 5 3 ) 1 1 L. Furius (Philus) (cos. 136) C. Iulius (Caesar Strabo Vopiscus) (aed. cur. 90) L. Iulius (Caesar) (cos. 9o) 1 * C. Iulius (Iulius) (decemvir 4 5 1 ) L. Iunius (Pullus) (cos. 249) Sp. Lucretius (Tricipitinus) (cos. suff. 509) Q. Lutatius (Catulus) (cos. 102) 1 3 Cn. Mallius (Maximus) (cos. 105) L. Manlius (Acidinus Fulvianus) (cos. 179) 1 4 T. Manlius (Imperiosus Torquatus) (III cos. 340) C. Papirius (Carbo) (cos. 120) 1 5 C. Popillius (Laenas) (leg. 107) P. Popillius (Laenas) (cos. 132) Sp. Postumius (Albus Regillensis) (cos. 499?) L. Quinctius (Cincinnatus) (diet. 468) P. Rutilius (Lupus) (cos. 90) P. Rutilius (Rufus) (cos. 105) Ti. and C. Sempronii (Gracchi) (tr. 1 3 3 and 1 2 3 - 1 2 2 )

8 Not noble by birth. The same is true of P. Decius Mus, C. Fabricius Luscinus, Cn. Mallius Maximus, P. Rutilius Lupus, P. Rutilius Rufus, the last three relevant to the rule enunciated in OCS, p. 6: 'Cicero likes this combination (praenomen + cognomen) when the cognomen is unusual, even bizarre, and avoids it with very common cognomina such as Rufus or Balbus' (cf. OCL, p. 2 f.). 9 In the vocative, 'Q. Fabi.' The name in Div. 2 . 7 1 is a John Doe; but see n. 1 4 below. 10 In the Speeches the consul of 1 2 5 is usually ' M . Fulvius.' Contrast ' M . Flaccus' in De orat. 2.285 a n d Q- Flaccus in Att. 4.3.3 f. (assuming him to be a Fulvius). 11 But ' M . Nobilior' (cos. 189) in Tusc. 1 . 3 . 11 See p. ι n. 2. 13 Exceptional and a special case. See Index I. 14 See Index I, and with die de L. Manlio cf. die, M. Tulli in Att. 7 . 1 . 4 et al. and die mihi, inquit, M. Pinari in De orat. 2 . 2 6 1 . 15 On his nobility see AJPh 1 0 7 (1986). 2 5 6 . This style, in Amie. 68, is quite exceptional.




M. Servilius (Pulex Geminus) (cos. 202) C. Sextius (Calvinus) (pr.? by 92) C. Sulpicius (Galus) (cos. 166) M'. Tullius (Longus) (cos. 500) Of Cicero's noble contemporaries over thirty are named by praenomen + cognomen. The following earlier nobiles are thus named, consular and censorial pairings excepted: M'. (Acilius) Glabrio (cos. 1 9 1 ) M. (Aemilius) Lepidus (II cos. 175) M. (Aemilius) Lepidus (Porcina) (cos. 137) L. (Aemilius) Paullus (II cos. 216) L. (Aemilius) Paullus (II cos. 168) M. (Aemilius) Scaurus (cos. 1 1 5 ) M. (Atilius) Regulus (II cos. 256) L. (Aurelius) Cotta (cos. 144) L. (Aurelius) Cotta (pr. 95?) L. (Aurelius) Orestes (cos. 126) L. (Caecilius) Metellus (II cos. 247) Q. (Caecilius) Metellus (Baliaricus) (cos. 123) C. (Caecilius) Metellus (Caprarius) (cos. 1 1 3 ) Q. (Caecilius) Metellus Celer (tr. 90?) Q. (Caecilius) Metellus (Macedonicus) (cos. 143) Q. (Caecilius) Metellus (Nepos) (cos. 98)? Q. (Caecilius) Metellus (Numidicus) (cos. 109) Q. (Caecilius) Metellus (Pius) (cos. 80) L. (Calpurnius) Bestia (cos. i n ) L. (Calpurnius) Piso (Frugi) (cos. 133) Ap. (Claudius) Caecus (cens. 3 1 2 ) C. (Claudius) Cento (leg. c. 200) C. (Claudius) Marcellus (pr. 80) M. (Claudius) Marcellus (V cos. 208) M. (Claudius) Marcellus (III cos. 152) M. (Claudius) Marcellus (pr. by 103?) M. (Claudius) Marcellus (aed. cur. 91) M. (Cornelius) Cethegus (cos. 204) P. (Cornelius) Cethegus (pr. after 87) Cn. (Cornelius) Dolabella (cos. 81) P. (Cornelius) Lentulus (pr. 203) L. (Cornelius) Lentulus (Lupus) (cos. 156) P. (Cornelius) Scipio (son of Africanus maior) P. (Cornelius) Scipio (cos. 218)




P. (Cornelius) Scipio (Africanus) or P. (Cornelius Scipio) Africanus (II cos. 194) P. (Cornelius) Scipio (Aemilianus Africanus) or P. (Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus) Africanus (II cos. 1 3 4 ) M. (Cornelius) Scipio (Maluginensis) (pr. 1 7 6 ) P. (Cornelius) Scipio (Nasica Corculum) or P. (Cornelius Scipio) Nasica (II cos. 1 5 5 ) P. (Cornelius) Scipio (Nasica Sarapio) or P. (Cornelius Scipio) Nasica (cos. 1 3 8 ) P. (Cornelius) Scipio (Nasica Sarapio) (cos. 1 1 1 ) L. (Cornelius) Sisenna (pr. 78) L. (Cornelius) Sulla (Felix) (dictator) Q. (Fabius) Maximus (Aemilianus) (cos. 1 4 5 ) Q. (Fabius) Maximus (Allobrogicus) (cos. 1 2 1 ) Q. (Fabius) Maximus (Eburnus) (cos. 1 1 6 ) Q. (Fabius) Maximus (Verrucosus) (V cos. 209) C. (Fabricius) Luscinus (II cos. 278) C. (Flavius) Fimbria (cos. 104) C. (Flavius) Fimbria (quaest.? 86) M . (Fulvius) Flaccus (cos. 1 2 5 ) M . (Fulvius) Nobilior (cos. 189) M . (Furius) Camillus (V diet. 367) L. (Furius) Philus (cos. 1 3 6 ) C. (Hostilius) Mancinus (cos. 1 3 7 ) L. (Hostilius) Mancinus (cos. 1 4 5 ) C. (Iulius) Caesar (Strabo Vopiscus) (aed. cur. 90) L. (Iulius) Caesar (cos. 90) L. (Iunius) Brutus (first consul) M . (Iunius) Brutus (pr. c. 140) M . (Iunius) Brutus (son of the above) D. (Iunius) Brutus (Callaicus) (cos. 1 3 8 ) M . (Iunius) Pennus (tr. 1 2 6 ) D. (Iunius) Silanus (leg. 146) M. (Iunius) Silanus (cos. 109) L. (Licinius) Crassus (cos. 95) P. (Licinius) Crassus (cos. 97) M. (Licinius) Crassus (Agelastus) (pr. before 1 2 6 ) P. (Licinius) Crassus (Dives) (cos. 205) P. (Licinius) Crassus (Dives Mucianus) (cos. 1 3 1 ) L. (Licinius) Lucullus (cos. 74) C. (Livius) Drusus M. (Livius) Drusus (cos. 1 1 2 ) M . (Livius) Drusus (tr. 9 1 )




C. (Livius) Salinator (cos. 188) A. (Manlius) Torquatus (Atticus) (II cos. 241)? C. (Marcius) Censorinus (leg.? 8ζ) L. (Marcius) Censorinus (cos. 149) C. (Marcius) Figulus (cos. 156) L. (Marcius) Philippus (cos. 91) Q. (Marcius) Rex (cos. 1 1 8 ) C. (Papirius) Carbo (eos. izo) Cn. (Papirius) Carbo (III cos. 8z) M. (Porcius) Cato (the elder) M. (Porcius) Cato (tr. 99) A. (Postumius) Albinus (cos. 1 5 1 ) Sp. (Postumius) Albinus (cos. 1 1 0 ) Sp. (Postumius) Albinus (Magnus) (cos. 148) Sp. (Postumius) Albinus (Paullulus) (cos. 186) L. (Quinctius) Flamininus (cos. 19z) T. (Quinctius) Flamininus (cos. 198) C. (Sempronius) Gracchus (tr. 1Z3-1ZZ) Ti. (Sempronius) Gracchus (II cos. 163) Ti. (Sempronius) Gracchus (tr. 1 3 3 ) C. (Sempronius) Tuditanus (cos. IZ9) Q. (Servilius) Caepio (cos. 106) Q. (Servilius) Caepio (quaest. 100) P. (Servilius) Geminus (cos. 252) C. (Sulpicius) Galba (cos. 144) C. (Sulpicius) Galba (pr. 1 1 3 / i i z ) C. (Sulpicius) Galus (cos. 166) C. (Terentius) Varrò (cos. zi6) Examples of alternative appellation are not hard to find, e.g. '(L.) Furius'/'(L.) Philus', '(L.) Scribonius' / '(L.) Libo'. Sometimes one style is immediately followed by another for variety, e.g. 'Antipater' by 'Coelius', 'M. Marius Gratidianus' by 'Marius' and then 'Gratidianus.' Naturally, this does not happen with obscure names which might mislead the suggestion that Q. Sosius in Nat. Deor. 3.74 is one with the following Alenus (?) does not commend itself. I note here that a cognomen may be replaced by a second cognomen (agnomen), as often in the case of the Africani; also 'P. (Scipio) Nasica' (twice) and 'M. Aemilius (Lepidus) Porcina.'




With relation to the unwarranted opinion that Cicero reserved praenomen + cognomen for nobiles and/or senators 16 observe the following: C. Aculeo Q. (Aelius) Tubero L. Aurifex Ti. (Claudius) Asellus 17 L. (Hostilius) Tubulus P. (Licinius) Murena Cn. (Munatius) Plancus (?) L. (Scribonius) Libo M. (Terentius) Varrò (of Reate) T. Tinga (or Tinca) L. (Tullius) Cicero L. (Tullius) Cicero (son of the above) M. (Tullius) Cicero (grandfather of the orator) C. (Valerius) Triarius Aculeo, Tinga, and the three Ciceros certainly, Aurifex probably, were not senators. 'In expressions like L. Licinio Q. Mucio consulibus there is a marked tendency to use gentilicia' (OCS, p. 4). That statement requires some qualification. In consular and censorial pairs of the fifth and fourth centuries gentilicia are indeed normal ('L. Camillus' in Sen. 41 will be due to his father's celebrity under that cognomen), but so they are in other references. Living contemporaries are usually thus named by cognomen. 'Marked tendency to use gentilicia' is however found (relatively speaking) in those applying to c. 210-80. In the following lists the relevant date follows the name. Italics are used where there was no cognomen or where the gentilicium is normally or equally in use (OCL, p. 1). Speeches Gentilicium (both names) Balb. 53 Sp. Cassio Postumo Cominio consulibus (493) Leg. agr. 2.90 post Q. Fulvium Q. Fabium cónsules (209) Verr. I.106 (edict) ab A. Postumio Q. Fulvio consulibus (174) Verr. IV. 108 P. Mucio L. Calpurnio consulibus (133) Iá

See OCS, p. 4 - 6 ; OCL, p. 2 - 6 . Unless the third-second-century Claudii Aselli were an offshoot of noble plebeian Claudii, which seems unlikely. 17




Verr. IV.112 P. Popillio P. Rupilio consulibus (132) Phil. 1 1 . 1 8 P. Licinio L. Valerio consulibus ( 1 3 1 ) Verr. 1.143 L. Cassius Cn. Servilius censores (125) Fr. VII.23 Q. Caecilio M. Iunio consulibus (109) Catil. 1.4 C. Mario et L. Valerio consulibus (100) Rab. perd. 20 (decree) C. Marius L. Valerius cónsules (100) Phil. 8.15 C. Mario L. Valerio consulibus (100) Verr. II. 1 2 2 L. Licinio Q. Mucio consulibus (95) Fr. VII.25 L. Marcio Sex. Iulio coss. (91) Verr. I.143 de L. Marcio M. Perperna censoribus (86) Leg. agr. 3.6 (law) post C. Marium Cn. Papirium cónsules (86) Leg. agr. 2.35 M. Tullio Cn. Cornelio consulibus (81) Verr. I.130 L. Octavius C. Aurelius cónsules (75) Verr. I.60 ad M. Terentium et C. Cassium cónsules (73) Balb. 19 L. Gellius Cn. Cornelius (72) Pis. 8 post L. Iulium et C. Marcium cónsules (64) (Speeches) Cognomen (both names) Dom. 1 3 6 T. Flaminino Q. Metello consulibus (123) Verr. I.130 de L. Sulla Q. Metello consulibus (80) Balb. 34 M. Lepido Q. Catulo consulibus (78) Verr. V.34 L. Lucullo M. Cotta consulibus (74) Leg. agr. 2.44 L. Cotta L. Torquato consulibus (66) Catil. 1 . 1 5 Lepido et Tullo consulibus (66) Catil. 3.19 Cotta et Torquato consulibus (65) Mur. 71 L. Caesare (C. Figulo) cos(s). (64) 18 Flacc. 30 Silano et Murena consulibus (62) Har. resp. 13 P. Lentulo et Q. Metello consulibus referentibus (57)

Phil. 2.51 L. Lentulo C. Marcello consulibus (49) (Speeches) Mixed Verr. I.143 Cn. Domitius L. Metellus censores ( 1 1 5 ) Cluent. 1 1 9 a L. Metello et Cn. Domitio censoribus ( 1 1 5 ) Arch. 5 Mario consule et Catulo (102) 18

HSCPh 83 (1979). 2 5 9 .




Arch, i l Iulio et Crasso (censoribus) (89) Leg. agr. 1 . 1 0 Sulla et Pompeio consulibus (88) Leg. agr. 2.38 L. Sulla Q. Pompeio consulibus (88) Leg. agr. 2.39 post L. Sullam Q. Pompeium cónsules (88) Leg. agr. 2.56 ab Sulla et Pompeio consulibus (88) Leg. agr. 3.7 (twice) and 1 1 (law) post Marium et Carbonem cónsules (86) Quinci. 24 Scipione et Norbano coss. (83) Verr. II.95 Cn. Lentulus et L. Gellius cónsules (72) Balb. 33 a Gellio et a Lentulo consulibus (72) Cluent. 1 2 0 L. Gellius et Cn. Lentulus, duo censores (70) Verr. 3 . 1 2 3 ad Cn. Pompeium et M. Crassum cónsules (70) Cluent. 179 (Q.) Hortensio Q. Metello consulibus (69) Sull. i l Lepido et Volcado consulibus (66) Sull. 56 L. Iulio C. Figulo consulibus (64) Phil. Vili.27 (decree) M. Brutus C. Cassius cónsules prove coss. (41)

Phil. 3.37 et al. C. Pansa A. Hirtius cónsules (43) Letters Gentilicium (both names) Att. Att. Att. Att. Att.

12.5b T. Quinctio M'. Acilio consulibus (150) 13.33.3 Cn. Cornelio L. {Mummio) consulibus (146) 12.5b (L.) Furio Sex. Atilio (consulibus) (136) 1.19.4 P. Mudo L. Calpurnio consulibus (133) 13.32.3 P. Popillio P. Rupilio (consulibus) (132) (Letters) Cognomen (both names)

Att. 12.5 b L. Metello Q. Maximo consulibus (142) Att. 1 . 1 2 . 4 M. Messalla M. Pisone coss. (61) Att. 5 . 2 1 . i l Lentulo Philippoque consulibus (56) Pam. 1.9.8 Marcellino et Philippo coss. (56) Att. 9.9.4 Marcellino (et Philippo) consulibus (56) Pam. 8.8.5 (decree) L. Paullus C. Marcellus cos. (50) Pam. 7.3.1 and Att. 1 5 . 3 . 1 Lentulo et Marcello consulibus (49) Pam. 13.29.4 Paullo et Marcello consulibus (50)




(Letters) Mixed Att. 12.5b Censorinone et Manilio (consulibus) (149) Att. 16.13a.2 P. Africano L. Mummio censoribus (142) Att. 12.5b Caepione et Pompeio (consulibus) (141) Q. fr. 3.5.1 Tuditano et Aquillio consulibus (129) Att. 1.18.8 Q. Metello L. Afranio coss. (60) Att. 5.21.9 Sulpicio et Marcello consulibus (51) Fant. 8.8.5 (decree) Ser. Sulpicius M. Marcellus cos. (51) Farn. 12.15.2 (ser. Lentulus Spinther filius) M. Marcello Ser. Sulpicio coss. (51)

Treatises Gentilicium (both names) Rep. 2.57 Postumo Cominio Sp. Cassio consulibus (493) Rep. 2.60 Sp. Tarpeius et A. Aternius cónsules (454) Rep. 2.60 C. Iuli P. Papiri consulum (430) Rep. 2.60 L. Papirius P. Pinarius censores (430) Div. ι . 5 1 M . Valerio A. Cornelio consulibus (343) Sen. 41 Sp. Postumius T. Veturius cónsules (321) Off. 3.109 T. Veturius et Sp.Postumius, cum iterum cónsules essent (321) Div. 2.20 L. Iunio et P. Claudio consulibus (249) Div. 2.71 P. Claudius L. Iunius cónsules (249) Brut. 73 C. Cornelio Q. Minucio consulibus (197) Brut. 60 P. Claudio L. Porcio ... consulibus (184) Brut. 78 Q. Marcio Cn. Servilio consulibus (169) Brut. 60 L. Marcio M'. Manilio consulibus (149) Brut. 85 de P. Cornelio L. Mummio censoribus (142) Off. 3.109 L. Furius Sex. Atilius (add cónsules) (136)

(Treatises) Cognomen (both names) Sen. Off. Sen. Sen. Nat.

50 Centone Tuditanoque consulibus (240) 3.114 a Paullo et a Varrone consulibus (216) 10 consulibus Tuditano et Cethego (204) 14 Caepione et Philippo iterum consulibus (169) deor. 2.10 P. Scipione C. Figulo consulibus (156)




Acad. 2 . 1 3 7 P. Scipione et M. Marcello consulibus (155) Amie. 96 Q. Maximo fratre Scipionis et L. Mancino consulibus (145)

Leg. 3.20 ante D. Brutum et P. Scipionem cónsules (138) Brut. 85 P. Scipio et D. Brutus, ut opinor, cónsules (138) Brut. 106 Lepido et Mancino consulibus (137) Brut. 109 M. Lepido et L. Oreste consulibus (126) Off. 3.47 sapientissimi cónsules Crassus et Scaevola (95) Brut. 328 a Crasso consule et Scaevola (95) Brut. 229 L. Paullo C. Marcello consulibus (50) Brut. 328 usque ad Paullum et Marcellum cónsules (50) (Treatises) Mixed Sen. 41 L. Camillo Αρ. Claudio consulibus (349) Tuse. I.3 C. Claudio Caeci filio M. Tuditano consulibus (240) Brut. 72 C. Claudio Caeci filio et M. Tuditano consulibus (240) Brut. 106 Censorino et Manilio consulibus (149) Brut. 161 Q. Caepione consule natus et C. Laelio (140) Amie. 37 Laenati et Rupilio consulibus (132) Nat deor. 2.14 Tuditano et Aquillio consulibus (129) Rep. 1 . 1 4 Tuditano cons, et Aquillio (129) Brut. 224 Mario et Fiacco consulibus (100) Brut. 306 Sulla consule et Pompeio (88) Brut. 2 1 7 Curionem et Octavium cónsules (76) In each pair the style is regularly the same for both components. Both have praenomina or neither.19 Gentilicia or cognomina, as the case may be, come in both, except where the latter are wanting or belong to the families that avoid them. Apparent exceptions hardly count. On 'Iulius' in Arch. 1 1 and Sull. 56 note p. 1 n. 2 n. and on 'L. Camillo Αρ. Claudio' in Sen. 41 cf. p. 6. But 'C. Claudius Caeci filius' in Tuse. 1.3 and Brut. 72 may reflect a disposition to prefer the gentilicium for patrician Claudii evidenced in the Pulcher family. Comparing the seventeen examples in Caesar (including one in B. G. VIII and one in Bell. Alex.) and Sallust, we find that except for

19 Note that gentilicia are always accompanied by praenomina except for Iulio in Arch. 1 1 , Volcacio in Sull. 1 1 , Sulpicio in Att. 5.21.9, Pompeio in Leg. Agr. 1 . 1 0 , Brut. 306 (all 'special'), and families lacking a cognomen (cf. OCL, p. z).




lug. 27.4 cónsules déclarait P. Scipio Nasica L. Bestia Calpurniusz° ( i n ) and Orat. Macr. 10 Bruto et Mamerco consulibus ali are after 75 and all but the following employ praenomen + cognomen: B.C. 3.1 dictatore habente comitia Caesare cónsules creantur Iulius Caesar2·τ et P. Servilius; Β. G. 1.6 L. Pisone A. Gabinio consulibus; B. G. 4.1 and Sail. Cat. 38.1 Cn. Pompeio et M. Crasso consulibus; B.G. 5.1 L. Domitio Ap. Claudio consulibus; Sail. Cat. 18.ζ P. Autronius et P. Sulla designati cónsules. Gentilicium + cognomen (without praenomen) in either order, common in the Philippics and the Letters, " is rare in the Treatises: Papus Aemilius Turpio Ambivius Cornelius Culleolus Fabius Pictor Helvius Mancia Pullus Numitorius Pompeius Phrygio Chius (?) Postumius Vespa Terentius Tetrilius Rogus Shadowy or shady figures, except for Papus Aemilius and Fabius Pictor, both from the remote past. I do not count Tarquinius Superbus or Superbus Tarquinius. As elsewhere, Appii Claudii and Ser. Sulpicius Rufus are named by their distinctive praenomina. Similarly Mam. Aemilius Lepidus Livianus becomes 'Mamercus', as also in Sallust. Scipio Aemilianus addresses his friend Sp. Mummius as 'Spuri' (also a rather rare praenomen). 'Gai' in De orat. 2.286 is an insulting familiarity (see Claudius Cento in Index I). Otherwise the single praenomen is used by close relatives. But children do not so address their parents, and from Q. Cicero's case (see his entry) it would seem that, at least to M. Cicero's feeling, a younger brother would not so address his elder.


This monstrosity should leave the text, especially in view of the diversity in the manuscripts. 21 'Iulius Caesar' should have been mentioned in O C L , p. 7, but surprises in so formal a context in tandem with 'P. Servilius.' Perhaps the praenomen C. has fallen out. " See OCS, p. 7 f.; OCL, p. 7-9.




Mi with vocative, common in the Letters, is very rare except in De officiis, where 'mi Cicero' takes turns with 'Marce fili.' 'Mi frater', 'Attice noster' and 'Tite noster', 'Luci noster' (Cicero to his cousin) come singly, 'mi Brute' in Brutus twice. In De orai. 2.249 a mother addresses her son as 'mi Spuri.'

Index I Persons (Roman and Italian) ab Accius, L. (author of tragedies, II—I cent.) RE ι A I . i o . D I . 4 3 . F I V . 6 8 . V.32. L II.54. Ν II.89. ΠΙ.4Ι. O III.84; I 0 2 · Τ I.105. II.I3III. i o . IV-55 Br 72L; 107 1 ; 229. De orat III.27. O G O 3; 18. Or 36; 156. See Quotations Accianus, Agamemno Τ 111.62 Atreus De orat III.217. Brutus D I.43. Clytemestra O I.114. Epigoni O i . i 14. Cf. Τ II.6o. O G O 18. Melanippus Τ III.20 With praenomen in Br 107 L. Accius poeta. Acilius, (C.) (senator, author of Roman history in Greek, II cent.) RE 4 O III.115 Acilius, L. (jurist, III—II cent.) RE 7 L II.59. Lae 6* 'L. Acilius', followed in Lae by 'Acilius'. b Acilius (L.f.K.n. Vol. Balbus), M'. (cos. 150) RE 25 C 14 (Acilius C.f. L.n.) Glabrio, M'. (cos. 191) RE 35. Bs C 32 ab (Acilius M'.f.M'.n.) Glabrio, M'. (cos. 67) RE 38. S. Bs Br 239

Aculeo, C. (eq. Rom., II—I cent.) RE Visellius 1. Ν no 395 Br 264. De orat 1.191. II.2 3 ; 2.6z2·. His sons (Cicero's cousins) De orat II.2. His wife (Cicero's aunt) ibid. With praenomen in De orat I.191 and II.2 (first naming). See Visellius. Aelius Lamia, L. (prosecuted the foregoing) RE 74. Ν De orat II.262; 269 Three names, then 'Lamia.' Aelius (Rf. Q.n. Paetus), Q. (cos. 167) RE 104 Br 169 b Aelius (Q.f. P.n. Paetus Catus), Sex. (cos. 198) RE 105. S C 27. L II.59. R I.30*. Τ I.i8*. Br 78. De orat I.198*; 212; 240. III. 133 Commentarti De orat 1.240 'Sex. Aelius' except for 'catus Aelius Sextus' in Ennius' line. Aelius Paetus Staienus, C. See Staienus a Aelius (Mae. Stilo Praeconinus), L. (eq. Rom., speechwriter and grammarian, II—I cent.) RE 144 and suppl. I. Ν A 1.8. L II.29. Br 169; 205-207 4 . De orat 1.26 5. Top 10 Aelianae oratiunculae Br. 207. na studia De orat. 1.193 With praenomen except in repeat namings.




ab Aelius Tubero, Q. (tr. before 129, nephew of Scipio Aemilianus) RE 1 5 5 and suppl. I and VI. S. Bs A II.135 F IV.23. Lae 37; 101. O III.63. R I - I 4 - I 7 6 ; 2.3; 26; 3 1 . II.64 f. Τ IV-4· Br i i j z f . De orat II.341. III.87 Speeches against C. Gracchus Br 1 1 7 Three names in Br, first naming; elsewhere 'Q. Tubero', or 'Tubero' in A and repeat namings. Aemilia Tertia (daughter of L. Aemilius Paullus, cos. 168) RE 180 D 1.103*. II.83 'Tertia' (filiolam suam Tertiam and mea Tertia) and 'Aemilia.' (Aemilii) Lepidi (sc. II cos. 1 7 5 and Porcina) De orat II.290 a (Aemilius M.f.M.n. Pal.) Lepidus, M. (II cos. 175) RE 68 and suppl. I C 6 1 . (FV.64). De orat II.287 'Censor Lepidus' in De orat distinguishes from preceding 'M. Lepidus' (Porcina). See above. (Aemilius Pal.) Lepidus, (M.) (cos. 126) RE 7 1 Br 109 (see p. 10) a (Aemilius M.?f. Pal. Lepidus Livianus), Mamercus (cos. 77) RE 80. S, p. 65, h i . Bs O II.58. Br 175 Mamerco, homitti divitissimo and D. Brutus, is qui consul cum Mamerco fuit.

Aemilius (M.f.M.n. Pal.) Lepidus Porcina, M. (cos. 137) RE 83. S. Bs Τ I.5. Br 95-97*; 106 (see p. 10); 295; 333. De orat I.40. II.287. See Aemilii Lepidi His speeches Br 9 5 f. M. Aemilius Lepidus, qui est Porcina dictus and 'M. Aemilius Porcina' in Br and De orat, first mentions. Elsewhere 'M. Lepidus' (Br 97, De orat II.287) or 'Lepidus'. Aemilius Papus, (Q.) (II cos. 278) RE 1 1 2 . Bs Lae 39 'Papus Aemilius.' Aemilius (M.f.M.n.) Paullus, L. (II cos. 216) RE 1 1 8 (with false praenomen M.) C 29; 75; 82. D II.71. Ν III.8ο. O III.114 (p. 9). Τ I.89; n o With praenomen in C 75. Elsewhere 'Paullus', except C 29, where Cato addresses Scipio Aemilianus, naming four ancestors of the latter as examples of old men 'surrounded by eager attentions of the young:' mihi vero et Cn. et P. Scipiones et avi tui duo L. Aemilius et P. Africanus comitatu nobilium iuvenum fortunati videbantur, nec ulli bonarum artium magistri non beati putandi, quamvis consenuerint vires atque defecerint. The choice stretches the facts. The brothers Cn. and P. Scipio were consuls in 222 and 218 respectively. The former left Rome to take command in Spain in 218, the latter in the following


year. Both were killed there in battle in ζ 1 2 . Even by Roman standards they could not be considered as old men in 2 1 8 or earlier. As for the grandfathers (cf. C 82 aut patrem tuum Paullum aut duos avos Paullum et Africanum aut Africani patrem aut patruum), Paullus will hardly have been more than fifty when he lost his life at Cannae in 2 1 6 and the elder Africanus, though similarly adduced in C 62, was only a little over fifty when he left Rome for good in 184, to die shortly afterwards. The nomenclature 'L. Aemilius' is highly unusual, but paralleled in Phil. 13.9 nec L. Aemilio nec Aemiliano Scipioni nec superiori Africano, where 'L. Aemilius' is this Paullus' son, the victor of Pydna. ab (Aemilius L.f.M.n.) Paullus, L. (II cos. 168) RE 1 1 4 . Bs C 1 5 ; (49;) 61; (77;) 82(f). D I.103. II.71; 83. F V.70. Lae 9; 2 1 (Paulli); 101. Ν II.6; 1 6 5 . 111.8ο. Ο Ι . ι ι 6 ; 1 2 1 . II.76. Ρ 48. R I.14; 23; 3 1 ; (36). VI 14*; (26). Τ I.89; n o . III.70. V.i18. Cf. FrV.io. Br 77; 80; 107; 1 1 7 . De orat II.272. Or 232. Two dead sons C 68. Lae 9; 91 Τ III.70. Cf. Fr V.io 'L. Paullus' or, more often, 'Paullus.' ab (Aemilius M.f.Q.n. Pal.) Paullus, L. (cos. 50) RE 81. Bs Br 229; 328. See p. 10.



ab Aemilius (M.f.L.n. Cam.) Scaurus, M. (cos. 1 1 5 ) RE 140. S. Bs L III.36. Ν II.6ι. O I.76; 108; (138). Br 1 1 0 - 1 1 3 5 ; 1 1 6 ; 1 3 2 . De orat I.214. II.197; 203; 257; 265*; z8oz; 2 8 3 1 . Cf. Fr V.io and RE 1 3 7 Speeches and three books of memoirs Br 112; 132. Three names in N. Elsewhere 'M. Scaurus' or 'Scaurus', except De orat II.197 'M. Aemilius' and (a special case) 280 'Aemilius.' ab (Aemilius M.f.M.n. Cam.) Scaurus, (M.) (pr 56) RE 1 4 1 . Bs O I . 1 3 8 . II.57 b Aeserninus (gladiator in Lucilius) RE OGO 17 Aesopus See (Clodius) Aesopus Afranius, L. (author of comedies, II—I cent.) RE 5 F I . 7 . T I V . 4 5 ; 55. Br 1 6 7 . See Quotations With praenomen in Br L. Afranius poeta. Ala See (Servilius) Ahala Albius (contemporary of the following) RE 2 De orat II.281 a Albucius, T. (pr. before 104) RE 2. W. S. Bs F 1.8; 9*4. Ν l 9 3 . [O II.50.] Τ V.io8. Br 102; 131. De orat II.281. I I I . 1 7 1 1 . Or 149 With or without praenomen.




Greeted ' Χ α ί ρ ε Tite' by Scaevola A u g u r in Lucilius (F I.9). Alenus, L. (forger, II—I cent.) N o t in RE Ν III.74 Ά very uncertain restoration' (Pease). Alliennius Paelignus, M . (life saved in battle by the younger Africanus) RE Τ IV. 5 o b Amafinius, C. (writer o n Epicureanism, II-I cent.) RE A I.5 f. Τ (1.6). IV.6f. W i t h p r a e n o m e n in T, first naming. Ambivius Turpio, (L.) (actor a n d stage director, II cent.) RE 4 C 48 'Turpio Ambivius.' a b Ampius (T. f. Hor. Balbus, T.) (pr. 59) RE i . W. Bs L II.6 Amulius (great-uncle of R o m u lus) RE ι R Π.4 1 Ancus M a r c i u s See M a r c i u s Anicius (L.f. L.n. Gallus, L.) (cos. 160) RE 15 Br 287 Aniciana n o t a Br z 8 8 Annius Vel., T. (pleader, early II cent.) RE 20 Br 1 7 8 Annius (L.f.) Luscus, T. (cos. 1 5 3 ) RE 64. S. Bs Br 79

a b (Annius Mae.) M i l o , (T.) (pr. 55) RE 67. W. Bs O II.58. O G O 10 Miloniana (Cicero's speech) Or 165 Antistius Pyrgensis, M . (eq. R., II cent.) RE 1 7 . Ν De o r a t II 2 8 7 (not Br, as RE) Antistius, P. (tr. 88) RE 18. S. Bs Br 1 8 2 ; 2 2 6 (f.); 308; 3 1 1 W i t h p r a e n o m e n in 1 8 2 (in series) a n d 226, then w i t h o u t (in series). Antius Briso, M . (tr. 1 3 7 ) RE 7 Br 97* T h r e e names, then 'Briso.' a b Antonius ( M . f . M . n . ) , M . (cos. 99) RE 28 and suppl. I. S. Bs O II.49. III.67 1 . Τ L i o . II.57. V.55. Br 1 1 5 ; 1 3 8 - 1 4 4 6 ; 1 6 1 ; 1 6 3 ; 1 6 5 ; 168; 1 7 3 ; 186; 189; 203 2 ·; 207; 2 I 4 Í . ; 230; 296; 3 0 1 ; 304; 307; 3 1 7 ; 3 3 3 . De o r a t passim (note I.24; 1 7 2 ; 206. II. 3 f.; 8; 48; 59; 107; 1 2 4 ; 265. III.10; 16; 32). O r i 8 f . ; 33; 69; 100; 105 f. 1 ; 1 3 2 Book o n rhetoric Br 1 6 3 . D e o r a t I.206. O r 18. W i t h p r a e n o m e n in O II.49 and T, Br 115 (first mention), 168, 304, De orat at first m e n tion in Books I a n d II, also in I.62 a n d II. 10 ('pathos') a n d O r 18. Better omitted in De o r a t I.172. Appius See Claudius


ab Appuleius Saturninus, L. (II tr. 100) RE 29. S. Bs A II.14; 75. L III.20; 26. Br 224*. See Index VI. Introduced in Br with three names; elsewhere 'Saturninus'. ab Aquillius (M'.f.M'.n. Pom., M'.) (cos. 129) RE 10. BS Ν II.I4· R I.14. See p. 10. a Aquillius (M'.f.M'.n. Pom.), M'. (cos. 1 0 1 ) RE I i . Bs O II.50. Τ V.14. Br 222. De orat II (124;) 188; i94(f.) ab Aquillius Gallus, C (pr. 66) RE 23. N. Bs Ν III. 74 Ο III. 60 f. Br i 5 4 \ Top 32; 51 Aquilliana definitio O III.61 'C. Aquillius' followed by 'Aquillius' in Ν and O. Three names followed by 'Gallus' in Br. 'Aquillius collega et familiaris meus' and 'Gallus noster' in Top. Aquinius (bad poet, friend of Cicero) RE Aquinus 2 TV.63 ab Arrius (Aem.), Q. (pr. 73?) RE 7, 8. S. W. N. Bs Br 242 Arruns See Tarquinius b Ateius (L.f. Ani. Capito), C. (tr. S5) RE 7. W. Bs D I.29 f. With praenomen, then without. Aternius (Varus Fontinalis), Α. (cos. 454) RE R II.60 (see p. 9)



b Atilius, (M.) (playwright, II cent). RE 2, 3 F I.5. Τ IV.25 Electra F 1.5. Μισόγυνος Τ IV. 1 5 a Atilius (A.f. C.n.) Calatinus (or Caiatinus) (II cos. 254) RE 36 C 61. F II.(ii6)f. L II.28. Ν II.6i; 165. R Ι.ι. Τ 1.13; n o Ά . Atilius' in R. 'Atilius Calatinus' in the manuscripts of C 61 and Ν II.6i, where editors add the praenomen; see OCL, p. 158. Elsewhere 'Calatinus.' ab Atilius (M.f.L.n.) Regulus, M. (II cos. suff. 256) RE 51 C 75. F II.65. V.82Í.; 8 8 \ Ν III.8ο. O I.39; III.99-105 7 ; 108; i i o f . ; 1 1 3 ; 1 1 5 . Ρ ι6. Τ V.14 Three names in O III.99, introducing the topos. Elsewhere 'Regulus', except for 'M. Regulus' in F II.65, Ρ and ^M. Atilius' in C and T. b Atilius (M.f. C.n. Aem. Serranus), Sex. (cos. 136) RE 69 O III. 109 (see p. 9) a Attius (Cam.) Pisaurensis, T. (prosecutor of A. Cluentius) RE Accius 29a (suppl. I). Ν Br 271 Aufidius, Cn. (praetorius, wrote history in Greek, II cent.) RE 6 F V.54. T V.i 12. Cf. Fr V.io ab Aufidius, T. (pr. 67?) RE 12. S. Ν Br 179 a (Aufidius Cn.f.) Orestes, (Cn.) (cos. 7 1 ) RE 32. Bs O II.58




(Aurelius or Aurunculeius) Cotta See Titinia (Aurelius L.f.C.n.) Cotta, C. (II cos. 248) RE 94. Bs A II.84 f. With praenomen, then without. ab (Aurelius M.f.) Cotta, C. (cos. 75) RE 96. S. Bs D I.8 3 . Ν passim. O II.59. Br 1 1 5 ; i82f.; 189; 201-207 7 ; 2 1 5 ; 217?; 227; 297; 301; 303; 305; 3 1 1 ; 3 i 7 1 f . i ; 333. De orat passim (note I.25. II.98. III. 1 1 ; 31). Or 10 132 Speech pro se lege Varia Br 205; cf. 207. Introduced with praenomen in Ν I.χ5; Br 1 1 5 ; also with praenomen in Br 182 (in series) and De orat I.25. Elsewhere 'Cotta.' a (Aurelius L.?f. C.n.) Cotta, L. (cos. 144) RE 98. S. Bs Br 81 f. (Aurelius L.f.L.?n.) Cotta, L. (pr. 95?) RE 100 and suppl. III. S Br 1 3 7 1 ; 259. De orat II.197. III.42; 46 In Br 1 3 7 (second naming) and 259 without praenomen, which seems needed in the latter for distinction from Gaius. In De orat 'L. Cotta', then (III.46) 'Cotta noster.' ab (Aurelius M.f.) Cotta, L. (cos. 65) RE 1 0 2 D I.19*. II.47; ( n o ) · L III.45 With praenomen in L (vir ma-

gni ingeni summaque prudentia, L. Cotta). Aurelius (L.f. L.n.) Orestes, C. (brother of the following) RE 178. S Br 94 L. et C. Aureliorum Orestarum. Their speeches ibid. Aurelius (L.f. L.n.) Orestes, L. (cos. 126) RE 180. S Br 94; 109. See above. 'L. Orestes' in 109 (see p. 10) Aurelius Scaurus, M. (cos. suff. 108) RE 2 1 5 . S. Bs Br 1 3 5 See Sumner. The Aurelius Scaurus in O CS will have been his son (add filiation there). Aurifex, L. (eq. R.?) RE 1. Ν

De orat II.245 On the jury in a trial at which Granius of Puteoli was present and L. Philippus (cos. 95) an advocate, probably therefore pre-Sullan with an equestrian jury. The point has nomenclatural relevance (see p. 6). ab Autronius (L.f. Paetus). P. (cos. desig. for 65) RE 7 A II.80. Br 241; 244 (Autronii); 2 5 1 (Autronii) b Avianius (Flaccus), C. (friend of Cicero's) RE 6 A II.80 Axilla

See Servilius Ahala 'Bellius' (i.e. Duellius) Or 1 5 3


Betucius (or Betutius) Barrus, T. (of Asculum, II—I cent.) RE Betitius. S. Bs Br 169 His speeches ibid. Billienus, C. (pr. before 102) RE Bellienus 3. S. N. Bs Br 1 7 5 Blossius Cumanus, C (friend of C. Gracchus) RE 1 Lae 37 Brulla (dicer, II—I cent.) RE De orat III. 8 8 An odd name, inviting speculation: see Studies 13 (18) (Trulla suggested). Buculeius, M. (householder, II—I cent.) RE De orat 1.179* With praenomen, then without. 'Caecilius' Inv II.28 (Caecilii) Metelli T I . 1 3 . Cf. 85 (Caecilii) Metelli, duo, Celer et Nepos Br 247 Caecilia (Metella) (II—I cent.) RE 1 3 3 D I.104 3 . II.83 'Caecilia Metelli' (i.e. wife (?) of Metellus), then 'Caecilia.' Her niece ibid. a Caecilia (Metella) Baliarici filia RE 1 3 5 D I.4; 99. II.136 So in I.4, II.136. 'Caecilia Q. filia', in I.99.



(Caecilius) Metellus Cf. Fr V.i o The bereaved father was probably one of Macedonicus' four sons. Caecilius (L.f. C.n. Ani.) Metellus, L. (II cos. 247) RE 72. Bs C 30; 61. Ν II.165. R I i Respectively 'L. Metellus,' 'L. Caecilius Metellus,' 'Metellus' (in series), 'L. Metellus' (in series). (Caecilius L.f.L.n. Ani.) Metellus, Q. (cos. 206) RE 81. S. Bs Br 57; 77 a (Caecilius Q.f. Q.n. Ani.) Metellus Baliaricus, Q. (cos. 123) RE 82 and suppl. III. Bs D I.4. II.136. Br 259 'Baliaricus' (D) and 'Q. Metellus' (Br). a(Caecilius Q.f.Q.n. Ani.) Metellus (Caprarius), C. (cos. 1 1 3 ) RE 84 and suppl. III. Bs De orat II.267 (Caecilius L.?f. (Q.n. Ani.) Metellus (Celer), Q. (tr. 90?). RE 85 and suppl. III. Bs Br 206 (see on Q. Metellus Nepos, cos. 98); 305 Probably son of L. Metellus Diadematus (Sumner, p. 132). ab (Caecilius Q.f. L.?n. Ani.) Metellus Celer, (Q.) (cos. 60) RE 86 and suppl. I. S. Bs Br 247. See (Caecilii) Metelli. The common filiation Q.f. Q.n. was amended by Sumner.




a (Caecilius Q . f . L . n . Ani.) M e tellus (Macedonicus), Q . (cos. 1 4 3 ) RE 94 a n d suppl. I and III. S. Bs F V.8if.; 88 1 . Lae 7 7 . O I.87. R I . 3 1 . Τ I.85 z f. Br 8 1 ; 2 1 2 . De orat I. 2 1 1 ; 2 1 5 . His f a m ily F V.82. Τ 1.85 Speeches Br 81 W i t h or w i t h o u t p r a e n o m e n . a (Caecilius) Q . f . ( Q . n . Ani.) M e tellus (Nepos?), Q . (cos. 98) RE 95. Bs Br 206 ' Q . Metellus f.' in the m a n u scripts. Generally t a k e n f o r Q . Metellus N e p o s , cos. 9 8 a n d so b o r n n o later t h a n 139, w h o s e father w a s Q . Metellus Baliaricus. But t h a t identity is n o t certain. This Metellus is mentioned along w i t h Q . Caepio, b o r n c. 1 3 0 , and Q . Pompeius R u f u s , cos. 88, as someone f o r w h o m Aelius Praeconinus w r o t e speeches. Q . Metellus Celer, tribune p r o b ably in 90, w o u l d be closer t o t h e m chronologically t h a n N e pos. N o t h i n g is said elsewhere of N e p o s as an orator, whereas Celer is described in Br 305 as n o o r a t o r indeed, but n o t inarticulate and a frequent speaker at meetings. Such a person might well get his speeches written f o r him. If Celer is m e a n t , the missing p r a e n o m e n (though Lambinus supplied Baliarici) will have been L. ( M a r t h a ) . Either w a y he is distinguished by filiation f r o m his cousin, Q.f. or L.f. as m a y be.

a b (Caecilius Q . f . Q . n . Ani.) M e tellus N e p o s , (Q.) (cos. 57) RE 96 a n d suppl. III. S. Bs See (Caecilii) Metelli a b (Caecilius) L.f. (Q.n. Ani.) Metellus N u m i d i c u s , Q . (cos. 109) RE 97. S. Bs L III.26. Ν III.81 ? O III.79. R I.6. Br 1 3 5 ; 2 1 2 . De o r a t II.263; 2 7 5 · 111.68 ' Q . Metellus N u m i d i c u s ' in Br 135; ' Q . Metellus L.f.' in De o r a t III.68; ' Q . Metellus' in O , Br 2 1 2 , De orat II.263; elsewhere 'Metellus.' a b (Caecilius Q . f . L . n . Ani.) M e tellus (Pius), Q . (cos. 80) RE 9 8 a n d suppl. III. Bs De o r a t II. 1 6 7 a b (Caecilius Q.f. Q . n . Fab. M e tellus Pius) Scipio, (Q.) (prior t o a d o p t i o n P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica) (cos. 52) RE 99 a n d suppl. III. S. Bs Br 2 1 2 Hie Scipio, collega meus (Brutus speaking) b (Caecilius Q.f. P o m p o n i a n u s ) Atticus, (Q,) (prior to a d o p tion T. P o m p o n i u s Atticus) RE P o m p o n i u s 1 0 2 , suppl. VIII. Ν n o 283 A I . i f.; 14; 18; 25; 33; 35. C i(f.). D II.3. F I.16. II.67. V . i ; 3 f.; 8; 9 6 z . L I . i a n d passim. Lae 2; (4f.). Br 1 0 and passim. O r 120. His father L III.49 Annales Br 1 3 f.; 19. O r 1 2 0 In F Book V, dialogue set in 79, (T.) P o m p o n i u s . O n e of the three participants in L, he is


usually addressed or mentioned as 'Atticus' ('Attice noster' in I.i), but sometimes as 'Tite' (I.4 'Tite noster'; 5, 37, II.34, 58 1 , ΙΠ.19,34), sometimes as 'Pomponi' (1.17,2.1,53,63, II.45). Since that dialogue is set to a date after Clodius' murder in January 52 (II.42) but before 49, the mixture is in order (OCL, p. z6f.). In the other works 'Pomponius' is found only in A 1.3 5 and in Br, where he is 'T. Pomponius' in 1 0 and 18 and addressed as 'Pomponi' in 15,21,258,270 and 'Tite' in 292. But there too 'Atticus' is usual. ab Caecilius Statius (author of comedies, II—I cent. )RE 25 C 24 f.2·; 36. F I.4. R IV.11. Τ IV.68. Br 258. De orat II.40; 257. OGO 2. See Quotations Caecilianus F II.13. num Τ III.56 Hymnis F II.22. Synephebi C 24. F I.4. Ν L i 3 . III.7Z. Τ 1.31 OGO 18 Usually 'Caecilius,' but 'Statius noster' in C 24 (Cato speaking) and 'Statius' in De orat II.257 (Caesar Strabo speaking), ab Caecina (Sab.), (A.) RE 6. N. Or 102. See Tullius Cicero, M. Caelius Not in Κ E De orat II.257. His son ibid. A witness in M. Antonius' trial de ambitu, possibly C. Coelius Caldus. ab Caelius (M.f. Vel. Rufus), M. (aed. cur. 50) RE 3 5 and suppl. I and III. S. W. N. Bs Β 272; 297 With praenomen and without.



a Caepasii, C. and L. (quaestors before 70) RE. W. N. Br 242 Caesulenus, L. ('accusator de plebe' II—I cent.) RE 1 Br 1 3 1 'Caldus' Inv II.28 ab Calidius (Q.f.), M. (pr. 57) RE 4 and suppl. III. S Br 274-278* (Calpurnius) Bestia, L. (cos. hi) RE 23. S Br i 2 8 \ De orat II.283 ab (Calpurnius C.f.) Bibulus, M. (cos. 59) RE 28 and suppl I Br 267 Calpurnius Lanarius, P. (litigant II—I cent.) RE 49. Bs O IH.66Z Three names, then 'Calpurnius.' ab (Calpurnius) Piso, C. (cos. 67) RE 63. S. Bs Br 239 a (Calpurnius L.f.C.n. Men.) Piso (Caesoninus, L.) (cos. ι ix) RE 87 (for 88) and suppl. I. Bs De orat II.265; 285 'Piso' in both passages is a man on trial, in the first with a Gaul as a hostile witness (Gallus Ule testis), probably then the consul of 1 1 2 , who may have governed the Narbonensis after praetorship or consulship and served as legate there in 107 (killed in battle). See Münzer, RE suppl. I Calpurnius 88, also Magius 1. Bs accepts this, but strangely reverts to the older and less plausi-




ble view that Gallus in 11.265 'may well represent, not a Gaul, but the cognomen of some member of a prominent Roman family, such as the Aquillii.' The Aquillii Galli were scarcely prominent, neither were any other Galli, and the meaning 'Gaul' is important to Münzer's construction. ab (Calpurnius L.f. L.n.) Piso (Frugi), C. (quaest. 58, Cicero's son-in-law) RE 93 and suppl. I and III. S. Bs Br 272 ab (Calpurnius L.f. C.n.) Piso Frugi, L. (cos. 133) RE 96 and suppl. III. S. Bs F II.90. (V.2). L 1.6. O II.75. T I I I . 1 6 ; 4 8 \ Cf. Fr V.50. Br i o 6 \ De orat II.51; 53. Annales L 1.6. Br 106. De orat II.51; 53. Speeches Br 106 'Frugi ille Piso' and 'L. Piso ille Frugi' in F II.90 and Τ III.48, elsewhere 'L. Piso' or 'Piso.' 'Frugi' (cf. Τ III.16) was a personal tribute from his contemporaries, like the elder Cato's and the younger Laelius' 'Sapiens,' which, unlike them, he was able to pass on to his posterity. See OCL, p. 159. Calvus Not in RE De orat II.250 Calvus satis est quod dicit parum, offered as a joke ex ambiguo. It has baffled interpreters, but I take the ambiguity to lie in est, 'is' or 'eats.' The saying seems to be proverbial and Calvus a John Doe.

Canius, C. (eq. R., II cent.) RE suppl. I. Ν Ο ΙΙΙ·58-6Ο6. De orat II.280 With praenomen, but for repeat namings. a Cannutius, P. (wrote speeches for P. Sulpicius Rufus) RE 2 Br 205 Canuleius, M. (defended by Cotta and Hortensius) RE 10 Br 3 1 7 Carvilius (Sp.f.C.n. Sab. Maximus Ruga), Sp. (II. cos. 220) RE 10 C il Carvilius (Sab.), Sp. Cf. RE 10 De orat 11.249* 'Sp. Carvilius' and 'mi Spuri' (so addressed by his mother). Identity uncertain. (Cassia familia) LIII.35 a Cassius (C.Pf.C.Pn. Longinus Ravilla), L. (cos. 127) RE 72 and suppl. I. S A II. 13. LIII.35 f. Br 97; 106.See Index VI Praenomen dropped in second naming (L III.3 6). a Cassius Vecellinus, Sp. (III. cos. 486) RE 91. Bs Lae 28; 36. R II.49; 57; 60. His father R II.60 'Vecellinus' in Lae 36, 'Sp. Cassius' elsewhere (see p. 9). Cincius (Alimentus), M. (tr. 204) RE 6. Bs De orat 11.286*. See Index VI 'M. Cincius,' derisively addressed as 'Cinciole' (see Claudius Cento).


(Claudius) Asellus, Ti. (tr. 139) RE 6 3 . Ν De orat II.258; 268 'Asellus' and 'Ti. Asellus.' Claudii, patricii De orat 1.176* ab Claudius (C.f. Ap.n.) Caecus, Ap. (cens. 312) RE 91. S, p. 2 9 . Bs C 1 5 f.; 37. D I.29. Τ Ι·3· I V . 4 . V.i 1 2 . Br 55*; 6 1 ; 7 2 . His family C 37 Speech De Pyrrho C 16. Br 61. Carmen Τ IV.4 Ά ρ . Claudius' in C 15, followed by 'Appius,' and Br 55. 'Appius' in C 37 and Τ V . 1 1 2 (;veterem ilium, qui caecus annos multos fuit). 'Αρ. Caecus' in D, Τ I V . 4 , Br 5 5 and 6 1 . Cf.T. I . 3 and Br 72 C. Claudio Caed filio. (Claudius C.f. Ap.n. Caudex), Ap. (cos. 2 6 4 ) RE 1 0 2 Inv 1 . 1 7 * Claudius (Ap.f.C.n.) Cent(h)o, C. (cos. 2 4 0 ) RE 1 0 4 C 50. T.I.3.

Br 7 2

'Cento' (C) and 'C. Claudius Caeci filius' (see p. 10). (Claudius C.Pf.Ap.Pn.) Cento, C. RE 105 and suppl. I D e orat II.286Z

Probably in naval command in 200 (Broughton I, p. 325). In altercation with Cincius addressed as 'Gai' in reply to 'Cinciole.' Claudius Centumalus, Ti. (litigant, II/I cent.) RE 107 O III.66 3 Three names, then 'Claudius.'



Claudius (P.f.Ap.n. Crassus Inregillensis), Ap. (cos. 349) RE 122

C 4 1 (see p. 1 0 ) Claudius (Ap.f. M.n. Crassus Inregillensis Sabinus), Ap. (decemvir 4 5 1 - 4 5 0 ) RE 1 2 3 F 11.66 a (Claudii) Marcelli De orat I . 1 7 6 2 · (Claudius) Marcellus Cf. Fr V.i o Unidentified, ab (Claudius M.f.M.n. Arn.) Marcellus, C. (pr. 80) RE 214 D II.75. L I I . 3 2 ( f . )

'C. Marcellus' and 'Marcellus' (inter Marceilum et Appium, optimos augures). His book on augury L II.3 2 ab (Claudius C.f.M.n. Arn.) Marcellus, C. (cos. 50) RE 2 1 6 . Bs Br 2 2 9 ; 3 2 8 (see p. 1 0 ) a (Claudius C.f. M.n. Arn.) Marcellus, M. (V cos. 208) RE 220 C 75. D II.77. Ν ΙΙ.6ι;


III.80. O I . 6 1 . R I . i ; 2 1 . V . i o . Τ I.89; n o . IV.49.


1 2 . Or 232 (Marcelli) Sometimes with, sometimes without praenomen. a (Claudius M.f.M.n. Arn.) Marcellus, M. (III cos. 152) RE 225 and suppl. III A I I . 1 3 7 (see p . 1 0 ) . D I I . 1 4 .

Fa 3 3 . R I . 2 1 1 With praenomen except Fa Marceilum eum qui ter consul fuit and R, third naming, Marcellus idem.




a (Claudius, Arn.) Marcellus, M. (pr. by 103?) RE zz6. S. Bs Br 1 3 6 'M. Marcellus Aesernini pater'. See Sumner, p. 9 1 f. In OCS delete '(Aeserninus?)'. a (Claudius M.f. Arn.) Marcellus, M. (aed. cur. 9 1 ) RE 227. S, p. 93. Bs De orat 1.57 ab (Claudius M.f.M.n. Arn.) Marcellus, (M.) (cos. 5 1 ) RE 229. S Br 2 4 8 - 2 5 1 1 a (Claudius M.f. Arn. Marcellus) Aeserninus, (M.) RE 2 3 1 Br 1 3 6 See above on RE zz6. (Claudius Ti.f.Ti.n. Am. Nero, C.) (cos. 207) RE 246 and suppl. I. Bs (De orat II.248) Illud Neronianum vetus. 'No other Nero before this time was famous enough to be so quoted without any further definition' (Wilkins). a Claudius (C.f.Ap.n. Pulcher), Ap. (cos. 1 4 3 ) RE 295 and suppl. III. S. Bs R. I.31. Br 108. De orat II.284 'Ap. Claudius' in R and Br, Appi maioris illius in De orat, where the speaker is Caesar Strabo and maioris illius distinguishes this Appius from his son, cos. 79 and Strabo's contemporary. Taken as a reference to the latter this would be an unacceptable breach of dramatic

propriety on Cicero's part. Furthermore, the elder Appius was appointed triumvir de agris dividundis in 1 3 3 and so can fittingly take part in a senatorial debate de agris publicis et de lege Thoria except that he died in 1 3 1 / 1 3 0 , long before any plausible date for Sp. Thorius' tribunate (see Sumner, p. 90f., Bs p. 205). Was Cicero mistaken in linking the debate to the law? If, as I hold almost certain, the other person named was L. Licinius Lucullus, cos. 1 5 1 (see his entry), that too suits a date c. 1 3 0 . ab (Claudius Ap.f. C.n. Pal. Pulcher), Ap. (cos. 79) RE 296 and suppl. I. Bs De orat II. 24 6 Ut iste qui se vult dicacem et mehercule est, Appius. ab Claudius (Ap.f. Ap.n. Pal. Pulcher), Ap. (cos. 54) RE 297 and suppl. I. S, p. 1 2 2 f . D I.29; 1 0 5 ; 1 3 2 . II.75. L II.32. Τ Ι·37· Br 230; 267; 324 His book on augury L II. 3 2 'Ap. Claudius' in D 1.105 and Br 230, 267. Elsewhere 'Appius' with accompanying 'amicus tuus' or the like. Claudius (Ap.f.P.n. Pulcher, C.) (cos. 1 7 7 ) RE 300 R VI.2 (a fragment). (Inv. 48) In R he will have been named earlier. a Claudius Ap.f. (C.n. Pulcher), C. (cos. 92) RE 302. S. Bs L III.42. O II.57. Br 1 6 6


' C . Claudius consul', ' C . Claudius Ap. filius,' ' C . Claudius', a Claudius Ap.f. (C.n. Pulcher), P. (cos. 2,49) RE 304 D I.29. II.20; 7 1 (see p. 9). Ν II.7 In D P. Claudius Appi Caeci filius; L. Iunio et P. Claudio consulibus; P. Claudius L. lunius cónsules. In Ν 'P. Claudius' followed by ' C l a u d i u s ' (the better attested spelling 'Clodius' will be scribal). Claudius (Ap.f.P.n. Pulcher), P. (cos. 184) RE 305. Bs Br 60 (see p. 9) •Clodius' Inv II.28 Clodius (historian) Cf. RE Claudius 308 (Quadrigarius)

L I .6 a b (Clodius) Aesopus (tragic actor) RE 16 D I.80. O I . 1 1 4 . Τ 11-39. IV.5 5· De o r a t 1.259· (III.102) a b Clodius (Ap.f.Ap.n. Pal. Pulcher), P. (tr. 58) RE 48. Bs (L. H.36; 42. III.21; 26). O II.58 a Cluentius (A.f. Clu.) H a b i t u s , A. RE 4. Ν Br 2 7 1 . O r 1 0 3 ; 108. See Tullius Cicero, M . Ά . Cluentius' in Br, ' H a b i t u s ' in Or. Coelius (L.?f.) Antipater, L. (historian, II—I cent.) RE 7. S D I.48 f.; 55 f. 1 ; 78. L 1.6*. Ν II.8. Br 102. De orat. II 54*. III. 1 5 3 - O r 230. See Q u o t a tions



Bellum Punicum O r 230. Three n a m e s in Br a n d Or. ' A n t i p a t e r ' in De o r a t II.54 a n d L, followed in b o t h by '(iste ipse) Coelius.' 'Coelius' in D, N , De o r a t III. 1 5 3 . a b Coelius (C.f. C.n. Caldus), C. (cos. 94) RE 1 2 and suppl. I a n d III. S. W. Bs L III.36. Br 1 6 5 . De orat I.i 1 7 a Cominius (Hor) Spoletinus, P. (eq. R., I cent.) RE 8 (cf. 4). S. Ν Br 2 7 1 a Cominius (Auruncus), Postum u s (II cos. 493) RE 16 R II.57 (see p. 9) a b Coponius (Col.), C. (pr. 49) RE 3. W. Bs D 1.68. I I . 1 1 4 1 W i t h p r a e n o m e n in I, w i t h o u t in II. C o p o n i u s , M . (defended by Q . Scaevola the Pontifex in 93) RE 5 Br 194. De orat 1.180. II. 140 f. W i t h p r a e n o m e n in Br a n d De o r a t I. Cornelia (mother of the Gracchi) RE 407 and suppl. III. D (I.36). II.62. Br 104; 2 1 1 . (De o r a t 111.214 s ). I-9 1 a Cornelia, gens L II.56 (Cornelius) (scriba of Sulla, quaest. c. 45) RE 5 O II.29 a b Cornelius, C (tr. 67) RE 18 Cf. F r I V . 4 1 . Br 2 7 1 . O r




103; 108. See Tullius Cicero, M. With and without praenomen. Cornelii, patricii L II.57 (Cornelii) Cet(h)egi Or 160 Cornelius (L.f.M.n. Cethegus), C. (cos. 197) RE 88 Br 73 (see p. 9) Cornelius M.f. (M.n.) Cethegus, M. (cos. 204) RE 92. S C 10; 50. Br 5 7 - 6 1 3 ; 58* 'Cethegus' (see p. 9) and 'M. Cethegus' in C. Three names in Br 57. 'Cornelius . . . Cethegus Marcus . . . Marci filius' in 58 (Ennius). 'Hie Cethegus' in 60 f. a (Cornelius) Cethegus, P. (pr. after 87?) RE 97. S. Bs Ρ 4θ. Br 178 Cethego, homini non probatissimo in P, where the absence of praenomen indicates notoriety. 'P. Cethegus' in Br. ab (Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Cinna, (L.) (cos. 87-84) RE 106. Bs N i l 8of. T V 54f.* Cornelius (P.f.A.n. Cossus Arvina), A. (cos. 343) RE 1 2 2 D I.51 (see p. 9) Cornelius Culleolus (author of prophecies in the Bellum Octavianum) RE 1Z3 D I.4 a (Cornelius P.f.L.n.) Dolabella, Cn. (cos. 81) RE 1 3 4 . Bs Br 3 1 7 (Cornelii) Lentuli duo (Clodianus and Sura) Br 308; 3 1 1

(Cornelii) Lentuli duo (Crus and Spinther) Br 268 (Cornelius (L.?f.L.?n.) Lentulus, P. (pr. 203) RE 2 1 4 . S. Bs Br 77 Probably son of P. Lentulus Caudinus (Münzer, Sumner) and so (as in Münzer's entry) with agnomen Caudinus, though this is not attested. '(Lentulus) Caudinus' in Bs will be a slip for 'Lentulus (Caudinus)', as in Broughton. (Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Lentulus, P. (cos. suff. 162) RE 202 and suppl. III. S. Bs Br 108. De orat I . 2 1 1 ab (Cornelius Cn.f.Cn.n.) Lentulus (Clodianus), Cn. (cos. 72) RE 216. S. Bs Br 230; 234f. See (Cornelii) Lentuli 'Cn. Lentulus', followed by 'Lentulus' in 235. ab (Cornelius P.f.L.?n.) Lentulus (Crus), L. (cos. 49) RE 218. S. Bs Br 268. See (Cornelii) Lentuli See Sumner, p. 140. (Cornelius Cn.f.L.n.) Lentulus Lupus, L. (cos. 156) RE 224. S. Bs Ν 1.63*. Τ III.51. Br 79 'Lupus' in Ν (Lucilius), 'L. Lentulus' in Τ and Br. ab (Cornelius P.f.P.n.) Lentulus Marcellinus, Cn. (cos. 56) RE 228. S. Bs Br 247


(Cornelius P.f.P.Pn.) Lentulus (Marcellinus), P. (quaest. 75/ 74) RE 230. S. Bs Br 136 ab (Cornelius P.f. Cn.Pn.) Lentulus (Spinther), P. (cos. 57) RE 2.38 and suppl. I. S. Bs D I.59. O II.57.

Br 268

O n his grandfather's praenom e n see Sumner, p. 140Í. a b (Cornelius) P.Pf.P.n.) Lentulus Sura, P. (cos. 71) RE 240. S Br 230; 235. See (Cornelii) Lentuli 'P. Lentulus Sura' and 'P. Lentulus.' Cornelius (Cn.f.P.n. Rufinus), P. (II cos. 277) RE 302 De orat II.268 (Cornelii) Scipiones TI.13

a (Cornelii) Scipiones (Cn. Scipio Calvus a n d his brother Publius) C 29 (see Aemilius Paullus, c o s . 216); 75; (82). Ν 111.8ο. O I.61. III.16. Ρ 12. R Ι . ι . IV. I i . Τ 1.89; n o

' D u o Scipiones' or C n . et P. Scipiones' (P. et Cn. Scipioni in R IV.11), except Τ I.89 non uno bello pro patria cadentis Scipiones Hispania vidisset, where, however, duos should be added t o balance uno. a (Cornelii Scipiones) Africani F III.37. Τ I.110. De o r a t I.210. II.290

(Cornelius) Scipio De o r a t II.280. 'Praetor Scipio', unidentified.



(Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Scipio, P. (cos. 218) RE 330 See (Cornelii) Scipiones (Cornelius P.f.P.n. Scipio, P.) (son of the elder Africanus) R E 331 (C 35. O 1 2 1 . Br 77) a b (Cornelius P.f.L.n.) Scipio Africanus, P. (II cos. 194) RE 336. S. Bs C 13 (Scipiones); (19;) 29; (34)f.; 61; 82. D I.36. 11.66; 95. F II.56; 106. IV.22. V.70.

L II.57. Lae 14. Ν I I . n ? ; 165. O I . 1 2 1 . II.80. I I I . ι f.; 4.

Ρ 12. R I . i ; 27. VI.(9;)f. 1 ; 15; 17; 20; 26. Lib. inc. fr. 3. Τ V.49· Br 77 1 . De o r a t (I.38). II.250; 262. I n v I.5; 9 i \


152*. See (Cornelii) Scipiones Africani. Usually '(P.) Africanus', less often '(P.) Scipio', sometimes with ' m a i o r ' or 'superior.' ab (Cornelius P.f.P.n.) Scipio Aemilianus Africanus, P. (II cos. 134) RE 335. S. Bs A II.5; 13; 15. C 3 f.; 6; 9; 19; 28; 34f.; 49; 68; 77; 82; 85. F I.7. IV.23; V . 2 ; 70. F a 13; 17 f 5 ; 27 3 ; cf. fr. 4. L 1.20; 27.

II.23. HL 12; 3 7 f. Lae


Ν 11.14; 165. 111.8ο. O Ι.76; 87; 9 ° ; I 0 8 ; 116 2 ·; (121).

ΙΙ.76Ζ. Ρ 48. R passim.

Τ I.5;

8 ι \ II.62. IV. 5, 50. Br 77; 80-85 8 ; 97; 100; 108; 1 1 7 ; 258; 295; 299*. D e o r a t 1.211; 215; 255. II.22; 106; 154; 170; 249; 253; 258; 267f.; 270; 272; 341. III.28;

56 (Scipiones); 87; 164. Inv I.5. O r 152; 232 (Africani).




Top 78. Mother and sisters Lae i l . Sister (mother of C. Cato, cos. 1 1 4 ) Br 108. See (Cornelii Scipiones) Africani 'P. Cornelius Scipio' for solemnity in R VI.9. 'Paulli filius Africanus' in O 1 . 1 1 6 , 'P. Africanus Paulli filius' in R 1.14. Addressed as 'Publi' by his father in R VI.15. Otherwise 'Scipio' or 'Africanus,' occasionally with praenomen, except Br 85 P. Cornelio L. Mummia censoribus (p. 9) and De orat II.270 'Africanus hie Aemilianus'. ab (Cornelius L.f. L.n.) Scipio (Asiaticus/Asiagenus), L. (cos. 83) RE 338 and suppl. III. S. Bs Br 1 7 5 a (Cornelius L.f. L.n. Scipio Calvus, Cn.) (cos. 222) RE 345 See (Cornelii) Scipiones (Cornelius) Scipio Maluginensis, M. (pr. 176) RE 348 De orat II.260 Maluginensem ilium M. Scipionem. The additional cognomen Maluginensem takes on the likeness of an adjective; alternatively, M. Scipionem may be seen as an adjunct, underpinning Maluginensem ilium (Cf. De orat 1.170 P. Crassum ilium Divitem).The praenomen can and should be retained, though without ilium the style would be anomalous. 'Maluginensis' is not found elsewhere among the Scipiones, but maintained itself as a cognomen among Cornelii of the fifth century and the first

half of the fourth. Perhaps we have here a revival, like Paullus and Regillus in the first-century Aemilii Lepidi. a (Cornelius Cn.f.L.n.) Scipio Nasica, P.) (cos. 1 9 1 ) RE 350 and suppl. I (F V.64. Br 79) a (Cornelius P.f. P.n.) Scipio (Nasica, P.) (pr. 93?) RE 3 5 1 and suppl. III. Bs Br 2 1 1 . (De orat III. 8) Married to L. Crassus' elder daughter (RE Licinius 183) and probably the P. Scipio who befriended Roscius of Ameria in 80 (so Münzer). The exile mentioned in De orat III. 8 non luctum ftliae, non exsilium generi (but not by Münzer) was probably under the lex Varia. Luctum filiae refers to the death of the younger Marius, which in itself would hardly have brought sorrow to a man like Crassus. (Cornelius P.f. Cn.n.) Scipio Nasica Corculum, P. (II cos. 155) RE 353. S. Bs A II.137. C50. D II.74. Lae 1 0 1 . Ν Il.iof. Τ I.i8. Br 79; 2 1 3 . De orat II.276 5 . III.134 Nasica ille prudens bis consul Corculum (dicitur) in T, P. Scipionem Nasicam qui est Corculum appellatus and P. Scipionis, qui bis consul fuit, qui est Corculum dictus in Br. 'P. Nasica' in Lae and 'Nasica' in De orat 11.276, which refers to him rather than to his father (cos. 191); see Badian, Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique (Ennius), 1 7 1 f. Elsewhere '(P.) Scipio'


(p. 10). ' C o r c u l u m ' is yet another example to illustrate the imprudence of p r o n o u n c e m e n t s like ' C a t o der Ältere h a t nie ein c o g n o m e n Sapiens g e f ü h r t ' ( O C L , p. 159). a b (Cornelius P.f.P.n.) Scipio N a sica (Sarapio), P. (cos. 138) RE 354 and suppl. III. S. Bs LIII.20. Lae 41. Ν III.5. O I.76; (109). R 1.6. Τ IV.51. Br 85 (f); 107; 212. De o r a t II.285 '(P.) Scipio' except O 'P. N a s i c a ' and R ' N a s i c a . ' a (Cornelius P.f.P.n.) Scipio N a sica (Sarapio), P. (cos. h i ) RE 355· S O I.109. Br 128; 212 'Ρ Scipio N a s i c a , ' 'P. Scipio,' 'Scipio.' a (Cornelius) Sisenna, L. (pr. 78, historian) RE 374. S. Bs D I.99. II.54. L Ι·7· Br " 8 ; 259 f.* P r a e n o m e n in Br 228. a b (Cornelius P.?f.L.n.) Sulla, P. (cos. desig. for 65) RE 386 F II.62. O II.29 a b (Cornelius L.f. P.n.) Sulla (Felix), L. (dictator) RE 392. Bs D I.72 2 . 11.65*. F ΙΠ.75. L II.56(f.). III.22. O I.43; 109. II.27; (2-9;) 51· ΠΙ.87. Br 179; 227; 306 (see p. 10); 312; 328 Sullanum t e m p u s Ρ 4 6 Historia D 1.72 W i t h or w i t h o u t p r a e n o m e n . a C o r u n c a n i u s (Ti.f.Ti.n., Ti.) (cos. 280) RE 3 C 15 (Coruncanii); 27; 4 3 \ L



II.52. Lae 18; 39. Ν 1.115. II.165. ÏÏI-5· B r 55· De o r a t III.56 (-canii); 134 W i t h p r a e n o m e n (added in Ν 115), except C 43 (second n a m ing) and Ν II. 165 Curium Fabricium Coruncanium. (ab) Cosconius (C.f.) Calidianus, C. (pr. 63) RE 12 (cf. 4) Br 242 Sumner (index) assumes identity w i t h RE 4, left hypothetical by Münzer. Add in Studies (register of adoptions). Cossi (brothers, litigants c. 100) N o t in RE De o r a t II.98 Curiatii RE Inv 11.78a· (f.) Curiatius, C (tr. 138) RE 3 L III.20 Curius, M ' . (litigant in 93) RE 5 Br 144; 1 9 5 - 1 9 8 1 ; 256*. De o r a t I.1802-; 238; 242. 11.140^. C u r i a n a causa De orat II.24. Top 44. na defensio De o r a t II.221 W i t h p r a e n o m e n except in repeat n a m i n g s (Br 198. De o r a t II.i4of.). a b Curius ( M ' . f . M ' . n . Dentatus), M ' , (cens. 272) RE 9. S. Bs C 15 (Curii); 43 55 f. 1 F II.30. Lae 18; 28; 39. Ν 11.165. Ρ I 2 ·; 38; 48; 5 ° (Curii). R III.6; 40. Τ I . n o . Br 55 C u r i a n a (villa) L II.3 (cf. C 55) Usually with p r a e n o m e n .




Decius (P.f.? Subolo?), P. (pr. 1 1 5 ) RE 9 and suppl. III. S. Bs Br 108. De orat II. 132.; 1 3 4 f . ; 253*. PO 104; 106 Praenomen in Br. a Decii (Mures) C 75 (duo). D I.51. (F. II.61). Ν III.r 5. O I.61; III.16 (duo). P. 1 2 (pater et filius). Τ II.59 a Decius Q.f. (Mus), P. (cos. 340) RE 1 5 C 4 3 \ D I.51. II.136. F II.61. Ρ 12. Τ 1.89 'P. Decius' (C, followed by 'Decius', F, D II. 13 6), 'P. Decius ille Q.f.' (D. 1.51), 'pater Decius' (Ρ, T). See Decii a (Decius P.f.Q.n. Mus, P.) (IV cos. 295) RE 1 6 (D I.51. F II.61. Ρ 1 2 . Τ 1.89). See Decii aDidius (T.f.Sex.n.), T. (cos. 98) RE 5 and suppl. III. W. Bs De orat II. 197 (Domitii) (De orat II.242) a Domitius (Cn.f. Cn.n. Fab. Ahenobarbus, Cn.) (cos. 122) RE 20 and suppl. III. Bs Br 99 a Domitius (Cn.f. Cn.n. Fab. Ahenobarbus), Cn. (cos. 96) RE 2 1 . S Br 164f. De orat (II.45; 227;) 230; (242) With praenomen except in Br, second naming, ab Domitius (Cn.f. Cn.n. Fab. Ahenobarbus), L. (cos. 54) RE 27. S. N. Bs Br 267

Duellii Or 153 a Duilius (Duel(l)ius, Bellius) M.f.(M.n.), C. (cos. 260) RE 3

C 44. Ν II.165. R I.i. Or 1533 'C. Duellius M.f.'; 'Duellius'; 'C. Duilius'; 'Duellius' ('Bellius'), Duellii Duronius, M. (prosecutor of M. Antonius, c. 96) RE 3 De orat II. 274 Egilius and 'Egilia' (II cent.) RE De orat II 277 ab Ennius, Q. (poet, III—II cent.) RE 3 A I.io. II.51; 88*. C 10; 1 4 1 ; 16; 50; 73. D I.23; 40; (42;) 88; 107; 1 3 2 . II.57; 82; 104; m ; 1 1 6 3 ; 127. F I.4; 7. II.4I. IV.62. Fa 35. L II.57; 68. Lae 22; 64. Ν I.97; 1 1 9 . II.4 1 ; 49; 65; 93. O I.26; 51 f.; 84. II.23; 6z. 111.62*; 104. R I.3; 2 5 1 ; 302·; 49; 64. VI.10. Τ Ι.32·; 27f.; 34*5 107; 1 1 7 . II. ι . ΠΙ.5; 63. IV. 19: 52·; 7θ. Fr V.65. Br 57; 5 9 U 72-76*. 78 f. De orat 1.154; 199. II.156; 222; 276 4 . III.27: 162. OGO 2. Or 36; 93; 109; 15 2 ·; (155;) 1 5 7 ; 160; 1 7 1 Cf. Fr IV.34. See Quotations Enniani (versus) D I I . 1 1 1 Aiax O I.i 14. Andromacba A II.20. D I.23. Τ 111.53. OGO 18. Annales Ν II.93. Epicharmus A II.51. Euhemerus Ν I.i 19. Iphigenia R I.30. Medea F I.4. Melanippa O 1 . 1 1 4 . Thyestes Or 184


With praenomen in Br 57 and 79 (cf. D II.111). Eurydica (aunt of Romulus) Not in RE D I.40* Fabia Top 14 1 'Fabius' F 12*; 14* 'Fabius, Q.' D II.71 ('Q. Fabi' (voc.) exempli causa) Fabius (Q.f.Q.n.) Labeo, Q. (cos. 183) RE 91 OI.33 Fabius (Q.?f.Q.?n.) Labeo, Q. Cf. RE 91. S Br 81 Probably son of the foregoing. (Fabius Q.f.Q.n. Maximus, Q.) (cos. 213, son of Cunctator) RE 103 (C 12. Ν 111.8ο. Τ III.70) (Fabius Q.f.Q.n. Maximus, Q.) (degenerate son of Allobrogicus) RE 107 (Τ I.81) a (Fabius Q.f.Q.n.) Maximus (Aemilianus), Q. (cos. 145) RE 109 and suppl. III. Bs Lae 69; 96 (p. 10). Ρ 48. (Τ Ι.8ι) a (Fabius Q. Aemiliani f. Q.n.) Maximus (Allobrogicus), Q. (cos. 121) RE 110. S. Bs (TI.81). Br 107 2 Fabianus Fornix De orat II.267



With praenomen, then without. a (Fabius Q. Serviliani f.Q.n.) Maximus (Eburnus), Q. (cos. n é ) RE n i and suppl. III. Bs De orat I.121 ab Fabius (Q.f.Q.n.) Maximus Verrucosus, Q. (Cunctator, V cos. 209) RE i l 6 and suppl. III. S. Bs C 10-13 3 ; 13 (Maximi); 15; 39; 61. Ν Il.éi; 165. III.80. O I.84; 108. R I.i. V.io. Τ I . i i o . III.70. Cf. Fr V.io. Br 57; 72; 77. De orat I.210 (Maximi). II.273 1 ; 290 (Maximi). Or 232 (Maximi). Laudatio mortui filii C 12 'Q. Maximus Verrucosus' in Br 57. Elsewhere 'Q. Maximus', except for 'Maximi' or in second naming (C 13, De orat II.273) o r i n association with compeers like 'Paullus,' 'Africanus' (C 61. Ν II.iój. III.80. R V.io. Τ I.iio). Addressed as 'Q. Fabi' in C 11 (cf. D ΙΙ.71). Fabius (M.f. Pictor), C RE 122 Τ I.4 C. Fabio, nobilissimo homini. Fabius Pictor, (Q.) (annalist) RE 126 D I.43; 55 (Fabii) Fabius Pictor (annalist) Cf. RE 128 L 1.6. De orat II.51; 53 'Fabius' in L. 'Pictor, between 'Cato' and 'Piso' in De orat. See Peter, Hist. Rom. rei. I. LXXVII.




Fabius (Q.?f.Q.?n.) Pictor, N. Cf. RE 128. S Br 81 Perhaps identical with the foregoing. On the conjectural praenomen (Ser. in the manuscripts) see Badian JRS 57 (1967). 2.28. a Fabricius (C.f. C.n.) Luscinus, C. (II cos. 278) RE 9. Bs C 15 (Fabricii); 4 3 1 . (F V.64). L II.58. Lae 18; 28; 39. Ν II.165. O I.40. III.6 3 f.; 16; 48*; 86 3 f. Ρ 1 2 f . ; 48*; 50 (Luscini). Τ 1 . 1 1 0 . III.56. Br 55. De orat II.268; 290 (Fabricii). III.56 (Fabricii). Cf. R III.40 Usually '(C.) Fabricius.' Exceptional cognomina in Ρ 50 (Luscini) and Lae 39 ('C. Luscinus'). Fadia (daughter of the following) cf. RE 13 F II.55 Or Fabia? See CR 3 (1962). 196 Fadius Gallus, Q. (II—I cent.) RE 7 F II.55; 58

Three names and 'Fadius'. Or 'Fabius'? See above. Fannii C. et M. filii, C. (duo) Br 99 Fannius C.f. (C.?n.), C. (pr. before 1 1 8 ) RE 7. S. Bs Br 99 2 f. 3 Br 99 (C. Fannius) Gai filius, qui consul cum Domitio fuit, where he is confused with M.f., to whom the following references rightly apply.

b Fannius M.f. (C.?n.), C. (cos. 122, annalist) RE 7 and suppl. III. S. Bs A II.15. L I.6Z. Lae 3; 5; 8f.; I 5 - I 7 1 ; 25; 40; 50; ioo(f.) R I.i8. Lib. inc. fr.2. Τ IV.40. Br 81; 99; 100f.; 1 1 8 ; 299. De orat II.270. III. 183. See Fannii. See Quotations Annales De orat II. 270. Br 81; 299. Speech De sociis et nomine Latino Br 99. In Br 100 C. Fannius M. filius C. Laeli gener. Elsewhere '(C.) Fannius'. Flaminius (C.f. L.n.), C. (II cos. 217) RE 2. S. Bs A II.13. C i l . D I.774. II.21; 7 1 . L III.20. Ν II.8. Br 57; 77. Inv II.52 Flaminiana ostenta D II. 67 With praenomen except in D after first naming, ab Flavius (Anni f.), C. or Cn. (scriba, aed. cur. 304) RE 15. Bs De orat I.i 86 'Cn. Flavius'. (Flavius C.f.) Fimbria, C. (cos. 104) RE 87. S. W. Bs Ο ΙΠ.773- Br 129; 168. De orat II.91 With praenomen except in O, repeat namings (conjectural in first naming), a (Flavius C.f. C.n.) Fimbria, C. (quaest.? 86) RE 88. S. W. Bs Br 233 Fufidius, L. (pr. II/I cent.) RE 3. S. Bs Br 1 1 2 f. 'L. Fufidius', 'ipse Fufidius.'


Fufius, L. (tr.? 91/90) RE 5. S. Bs O II.50. Br 182; 222. De orat Ι . ΐ 7 9 ζ . II.91. III.50 With praenomen in O, Br., and De orat, first naming (ille qui furit in re publica Fufius in II.91). Fulvius, Ser. (defended de incestu by C. Curio, 113?) Cf. RE 64 Br 122. Inv I.80 'Ser. Fulvius' and 'Fulvius'. Age and rank make identity with Ser. Fulvius Flaccus, cos. 135 (see below), highly improbable. a Fulvius (M.f.Q.n. Pap.) Flaccus, M. (cos. 125) RE 58. S Br 108 3 . De orat II.285 Three names, then 'Flaccus' in Br; 'M. Flaccus' in De orat. Fulvius (Q.f. Flaccus), Ser. (cos. 135). RE 64. S. Bs Br 81. See Ser. Fulvius above, a (Fulvius M.f. Ser. η. Pap.) Nobilior, M. (cos. 189) RE 9 1 . N. Bs Τ 1-3. (Br 79). De orat II.256 Called Nobiliorem mobiliorem by Cato (De orat). Fulvius M.f. (M.n. Pap.) Nobilior, Q. (cos. 153) RE 9 5. S. Bs Br 79 z 'Q. Nobilior M.f.' and 'hie Q. Fulvius.' Cicero's statement that he gave citizenship to Ennius in 184 is chronologically hardly possible; see Badian I.e. (on (Cornelius) Scipio Nasica Corculum).



a Furius, N. (eq. R., friend of L. Crassus) RE 1 , 2 1 . Ν De orat III.87 See O CS. Furius (Antias), A. (II—I cent.) RE 34 Br 132 Ά . Furius poeta.' (Furius M.f. L.n.) Camillus, L. (cos. 349) RE 41 C 41 (see p. 6) a (Furius L.f.Sp.n.) Camillus, Μ. (V diet. 367) RE 44 and suppl. III R 1.6. Τ I. 9 o* With praenomen in T, first naming, ab Furius Philus, L. (cos. 136) RE 78. S Lae 14; 21 (Phili); 25; 69; 101. O III.109. R 1.17t; 19-21-»; 30; 34; 3 7 1 . III.5; 85. Br 108. De orat II. 154. In Lae 'Philus' ('Phili'), except 'L. Furius' in 1 0 1 . Introduced in R as 'L. Furius' (followed by 'Furius'), he is subsequently mentioned and addressed by simple cognomen except in III. 5, where L. Philo goes with P. Scipione and C. Laelio (contrast De orat P. Africano, C. Laelio, L. Furio), and III.8, where tria nomina set him as a Roman grandee against the glib Greek Carneades. Tria nomina also in Br., 'L. Furius' in O (p. 9). (Gabinius, A.) (tr. 139) RE 6 (LIII.35) (lex) Gabinia, lata ab homine ignoto et sordido.




ab Gallius, Q. (pr. 65) RE 6. W Br 277 a Gallonius, P. RE 2 F II.24*; Μ^· 2 ) 9o With praenomen in the quotation o Publt, o gurges, Galloni (Lucilius). Gargonius, C. (eq. R., early I cent.) RE 4 and suppl. III. S. N. Bs Br 180 Gellius, (Cn.) (historian, II cent.) RE 4 D I.55 (Gellii) ab Gellius (L.f. Tro.), L. (cos. 72) RE 1 7 and suppl. III. S. Bs LI.53 2 ·. Br 105; 174 With praenomen except in L, second naming, ab Granius (Fai.), Q. (praeco of Puteoli, famous wag, II—I cent.) RE 8. Cf. Ν no 172. Br 160; 172*. De orat II.244 2 ; 253; 281 f. 'Praeco Granius' and 'Q. Granius praeco' followed by 'Granius' in Br. 'Granius' in De orat. (Gratidia) (Cicero's grandmother) RE 5 (L III. 3 é) Gratidius (Cor.) M. (II—I cent.) RE 2. S. Ν L ΠΙ.36Χ. Br 168 With praenomen except second naming in L. Helvius Mancia (freedman's son, II—I cent.) RE 1 5 De orat ΙΙ.ζββ2^; 274. See Mancia 'Helvius Mancia' and 'Mancia.'

Herennius, (M.f.), M. (cos. 93) RE 10. Bs Br 166 Hirtilius, C (defendant in the Sullan period) RE Hirtuleius 2 Br 260 ab Hirtius (A.f. Pob., A.) (cos. 43) RE 2 and suppl. III. W. N. Bs Fa i f . a Horatia Cf. RE 2 Inv II. (78) f. Horatius (Hor.) RE 2 Inv II.78. His brothers Inv II.79 Horatius (M.f.L. or P.n. Hor.) Barbatus, M. (cos. 449) RE 8 R II.54 (Horatius Hor.) Codes RE 9 L II.10. O I.61. Ρ i 2 a Horatius (M.f. Hor. Pulvillus, M.) (II cos. 507) RE 1 5 Cf. Fr V.i o ab Hortensius (L.f. Hortalus), Q. (cos. 69) RE 1 3 . S A II.2; 9f. 3 ; 28; 61; 63; 145; 148*. F 1.2. II.61. Fa 28. O II.57. III.73-TI.59. FrV.45. Br i-6z; 189 f.; 2.28-230 3 ; 232^.; 279; 291; 3 0 1 ; 304; 307f.; 3 1 7 - 3 3 3 passim. De orat III.228-230 1 . Or 10ó2·; 129; 1 3 2 . Cicero's Hortensius A II. 6; 61. D II.ι. F 1.2. Τ II. 4 . III.6 Rarely with praenomen: O.III.73 (M. Crassum et Q. Hortensium). Br 1; 6; 228; 307; 328 (solemnity). Hostilianae actiones De orat 1.24 5


Hostilius, Tullus RE Tullus N I I . 9 . R 11-31"; 53 'Tullus Hostilius' in R II.31, then 'Tullus.' '(Rex) Tullus' in R II.53. ' R e x Hostilius' in N . a Hostilius (A.f. L.n.) Mancinus, C . (cos. 137) RE 18. Bs O III. 109. R 111.28". Br 106. De orat I.i8i"(f.); 238. II.1373. Top 37 Three names in De orat I.238, 'C. Mancinus' in O and De orat I.238, first naming; elsewhere 'Mancinus' (see p. 10). (Hostilius L.f. L.n.) Mancinus, L. (cos. 145) RE 20 Lae 96 (see p. 10) ab (Hostilius) Tubulus, L. (pr. 142) RE 26 F 11.54". IV.77. V.62. Ν I . 6 3 \ III.74 With praenomen in F II.54, first naming, and Lucilius (Ν I.63) Tubulus si Lucius. (Ilia) (Vestal, mother of Romulus) RE ι (D I.40 f.) Iulius, Proculus (rustic, contemporary of Romulus) RE 33 L I.3. R II.20 ab (Iulius C . f . C . n . Fab.) Caesar, C. (dictator) RE 1 3 1 . S. Bs D I.27; 1 1 9 . 11.(6;) 2 3 f . ; 3 6 f . ; 52·; 79; 995 ( n o ; ) 1 1 4 . Fa 2. (Ν I.7). O I.26; 43; 1 1 2 . (II.2; 23; 26-28; 84. III.19; 82-85. Τ 1.86). Br 2i8 3 f.; 248"; 2 5 1 - 2 5 5 5 ; 258; 26x(f.). Top 94 De analogia Br 253. Commentarti Br 262. Orationes ibid.



With praenomen in O 1.26 and 43 (L. Sullae, C. Caesaris). ab Iulius L.f. (Sex. n. Fai.) Caesar (Strabo Vopiscus), C. (aed. cur. 90) RE 135. S. Bs O I.108; 133. II.50. Τ V.55. Br 1 7 7 ; 182; 207; 216; 301; 305; 307. De orat II.12 and often (note II.98; 266; 275 f. III. 10; 30) Orations and tragedies Br 177 In O 'C. Caesar L.f.', 'Caesar', and 'Iulius.' In Τ 'C. Caesar.' In Br 177 'C. Caesar L.f.', thereafter 'C. Iulius' or 'Iulius' except 'Caesar' in 207. In De orat II and III usually mentioned and addressed as 'Caesar', but sometimes '(C.) Iulius' (II.12.; 27; 231; 234; 296 after 'Caesar'. III.10; 17; 226). a Iulius (L.f. Sex. n. Fai.) Caesar, L. (cos. 90) RE 142. Bs D I.4. Τ V.55. De orat III. 10 'L. Iulius' in D and De orat, 'L. Caesar' in T. a Iulius (C.f. L.n. Iulius), C. (decemvir 451) RE 294 R II.61 Iulius (C.f. Cn.?n. Iulius), L. (cos. 430) RE 296 R II.60 C. (sic) luli P. Papiri consulum (p. 9). Iunia (aunt? of Brutus the Prosecutor) RE 190 De orat II.225 (Iunii Bruti) (Br 53)




Iunius L.f., T. (tr. c. 9 5 - 8 5 ) 32.

S. Bs


Br 1 8 0 ab (Iunius D.f.M.n.) Brutus, D. (cos. 7 7 ) RE 4 6 . S. Bs Br 1 7 5 ab (Iunius M.f.) Brutus, L. (first consul) RE 46a (suppl. V) C 75. F 11.66. O III.40 2 . Ρ 12. R II.46. Τ 1.89. IV.2; 5 o .


53. De orat I.37. II.225 Brutus (Accius' play) D I.43. Sometimes with, sometimes without praenomen. ab (Iunius M.Pf.M.Pn.) Brutus, M. (jurist, pr. c. 140) RE 49. S F I . 1 2 . ( Ο II.50).

Br (130;)

175. De orat II.142;


His three law books De orat I I . 1 4 2 ; 2 2 3 f.

With praenomen in F and Br, without in De orat. a (Iunius M.f.M.Pn.) Brutus, M. (the Prosecutor) RE 50. S. Ν O II.50. Br 130. De orat II.220-226


With praenomen in O and Br, 'Marcus filius' twice in De orat II.224 (father speaking), ab (Iunius Brutus, M.) (tr. 83) RE 52. S. N. Bs (L III.49.

Br 2 2 2 )

Iunius Brutus, M. ('tyrannicide') See (Servilius) Caepio Brutus a (Iunius) M.f.(M.n.) Brutus (Callaicus), D. (cos. 138) RE 57· S

L (II.54). III.20. Lae 7. Cf. Fr


Br 85(f.); 107

'D. Brutus M.f.' in Br 107. Elsewhere 'D. Brutus' (see p. 10). In Lae 7 cum in hortos D. Bruti auguris commentandi causa, ut assolet, venissemus perhaps read augures. a Iunius Congus (Gracchanus), M. RE 68 L III.49. R I.fr.i*. De orat I.256

De potestatibus L III.49. 'M. Iunius' in L. 'Iunius Congus' in R (Lucilius), 'familiaris meus Congus' in De orat. (Iunius M.f.M.n.) Pennus, M. (cos. 1 6 7 ) RE 1 2 2 See the following (Iunius M.f.M.n.) Pennus, M. (tr. 1 2 6 ) RE 123. S. Bs O III.47. Br i o 9 z 'Pennus' in O. In Br 'M. Pennus' and Pennus, illius Marci filius qui cum Q. Aelio consul fuit. Iunius (C.f.L.n. Pullus), L. (cos. 2 4 9 ) RE 1 3 3 D I.29. II.20; 7 1 . Ν Π . 7 1

'L. Iunius' in D, conjoined with his colleague, 'P. Claudius' (p. 9). 'Iunius' in Ν (Piasberg added praenomen). (Iunius) Silanus, D. (commissioner 146) RE 160 F I.24 (Iunius D.f. Silanus Manlianus, D.) (pr. 141, adopted by the foregoing) RE 161 (F I . 2 4 ) Add to the Register of adoptions in Studies. But the agnomen 'Manlianus' is not actually attested.


a b (Iunius M.f.) Silanus, D. (cos. 62) RE 1 6 3 . S O II.57. Br 240 'Silanus' (Luculli, Hortensius, Silanus) a n d 'D. Silanus, vitricus tuus.' a (Iunius D.f. D.n.) Silanus, M . (cos. 109) RE 169. S. Bs Br 1 3 5 Iuventius (Pap.), T. (advocate in the Sullan period) RE 10 Br 1 7 8 Perhaps a T h a l n a ; cf. T. Iuventius T h a l n a , pr. 194 (RE 32.). a b Labienus (T.f. Vel., T.) (tr. 63) RE 6. W. Cf. Ν n o 1 9 2 . Bs D 1.68 Laelia C.f. (elder daughter of C. Laelius, wife of Scaevola Augur) RE 25 Br (101;) 2 1 1 . D e orat III.45 'Laelia C.f.' a n d 'Laelia.' (Laelia) (younger daughter of C. Laelius, wife of C. Fannius M.f.) RE 26 (Br 1 0 1 ) Laelii Br 2 5 2 a (Laelius C.f. C.n., C.) (cos. 190) RE 2

(C 77;83)

a b Laelius (C.f. C.n. M e n . Sapiens), C. (cos. 140) RE 3. S. Bs C 3 f. 1 ; 28; 35; 77; 85. F II.24»; M U 59· IV.23. V.2. Lae 1; 3~6 7 ; 8; 15 f.; 32. Ν II.165. ΠΙ.5; 4 3 . O I.90; 108. II.40. III. 16. R passim. Τ 1.5;



n o . IV.5. V.54-56 4 . Br 8 2 - 8 9 passim: 94; 1 0 0 f . z ; 1 6 1 (see p. 10); 2 1 1 ; 2 1 3 ; 258; 295. De o r a t I.35; 58; 2 1 1 ; 2 1 5 ; 2 5 5 . II.22; 1 5 4 ; 286; 3 4 1 . III.28; (45). Inv I.5? O r 230; 2 3 2 (Laelii). Top 78. See Laelii. See Q u o t a t i o n s Cicero's 'Laelius' O II.31 Laudatio Scipionis De orat II.341. Oratio de collegiis Ν III.5; 4 3 . Br 83. Cf. R 2 W i t h or w i t h o u t p r a e n o m e n . O n 'Sapiens' see O C L , p. 1 5 9 and Münzer, RE XII.406 f. Laelius, D . RE 4 De o r a t II.25* 'Laelius Decimus' (Lucilius). Larcius, T. (cos. 501) RE 2 R II.56 Largus or Largius (contemporary of L. Crassus) RE Largus 1 De o r a t 11.240* (Latinius, T.) ( R o m a n rustic, V I - V cent.) RE 1 (D I.55) Liciniae (two daughters of L. Crassus) Br 2 1 1 (Licinia) (daughter of Crassus M u c i a n u s ) RE 1 7 9 (RIII.17. Br 98. De orat I.239) Licinia (elder d a u g h t e r of L. Crassus, wife of P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica) RE 1 8 3 . Br 2 1 1 f. Hanc vero Scipionis a n d istius Liciniae. See Liciniae. (Licinia) Sister of the foregoing, wife of C. M a r i u s the younger) RE 184 (De o r a t III.8). See Liciniae




Licinia (Vestal defended by L. Crassus) RE 185 Br 160 Licinius (slave of C. Gracchus, probably manumitted by his widow Licinia) RE 5 De orat III. 22 5 ab (Licinius) Archias, (A.) (poet) RE 35 DI.79 (Licinii) Crassi Br 282 a Licinius Crassus, C. (tr. 145) RE 52 Lae 96 (Licinius C.f. Crassus, L.) (father of the following) RE 54 (De orat III.74; 133) ab Licinius (L.f. C.n.) Crassus, L. (cos. 95) RE 55. S. Bs L III.42. Ν 1.58. Ο 1.108; 1 3 3 . II.47 1 ; 49; 57; 63. 111-47 (see p. 10); 67 1 . Ρ 4 i . Τ Ι.ιο. Br 102 et passim. De orat passim (esp. 1.24; 27; 255. II.2Í.; 4; 8; 44f.; 122; 170; 220; 228; 240; 259; 262; 267; 285; 289. III.r—16; 33; 1 7 1 ) . Inv Ι Ι . ι ι ι . Or 19; 1062·; 1 3 2 ; 219; 222Í.; 226. Top 44. See Quotations and Index VI Many of his speeches are mentioned in Br 1 5 9 - 1 6 4 and De orat II.222-227. Also in O III.47; 63. Ρ 4 i . Br 256. De orat I.225. Π.170. 262. Top 44. With praenomen in Ν, O 1.108, 1 3 3 . II.47, P> a n d T. Also in Br 1 0 2 and elsewhere. Introductory in all three books De orat and occasional otherwise.

Introductory in Or. 19. In Inv 'L. Licinius Crassus consul.' ab (Licinius P.f.M.n.) Crassus, M. ('triumvir') RE 68 (omit 'Dives'). S. Bs D I.29 f. II.22; 24; 84*; 99. F II.57. III.75. O I.25; 109. III.73; 75· (Ρ 42.-48)· Τ Ι.Χ2-Ι4 5 · V . i 1 6 . Fr V.22. Br 230; 233; 242; 308; 3 1 1 Except in second namings (D I.30. II.24; 84; praenomen added in Τ 1.14), nearly always 'M. Crassus'; 'Crassus' only in D II.99 (between Pompeio and Caesari), F III.75 (after 'Sulla', but M. could have fallen out after quam·, cf. O I.109), Br 3 1 1 (in series), Fr V.22 hunc Crassum. In the speeches the praenomen is lacking only in Sest. 4 1 , Pis. 58 {Crasse, pudet me tui), and in the fragment Schol. Bob. 92.33, where also the name may be a repeat. Cicero's animosity towards him may perhaps have prompted this public formality. In the letters he is always 'Crassus', except in the formal heading of Fam. V.6. ab (Licinius M.f. P.n.) Crassus, P. (cos. 97) RE 57 Τ V.55. Cf. O II.57. Fr V.io. De orat III. 10 b (Licinius) M.f.(P.n.) Crassus, P. (quaest.? 55) RE 63. S. Bs D II.22. Br 28i(f.) Marcone Crasso ... interfecto R filio and 'P. Crassus M.f.' (Licinius) Crassus (Agelastus), M. (pr. before 126) RE 57 F V.92. Τ III.31. De orat 1.166


b Licinius (P.f.P.n.) Crassus (Dives), P. (cos. 205) RE 69. S C 27; 50; 61. Br 77. De orat III.134 Three names in C 50, elsewhere 'P. Crassus' (P. Crassi illius veteris in De orat.) ab (Licinius P.?f.P.n. Crassus Dives, P.) (pr. 57) RE 71 (T I.81) a (Licinius P.f.P.n.) Crassus Dives (Mucianus), P. (cos. 1 3 1 ) RE 72. S. Bs A II.13. Cf. O II.57. R I.31. III.17. T I . 8 1 . Br 98; 127. De orat I.170; 216; 239 5 f. 3 P. Crassum ilium Divitem in De orat 1.170, rightly maintained in Leeman Pinkster's edition (1985). Elsewhere 'P. Crassus,' repeat namings excepted. But in O II.57 P. Crassus cum cognomine dives turn copiis, whose aedileship according to Cicero fell shortly before that of L. Crassus (paullo post), there is a confusion with the consul of 97 (who was not 'Dives'). It was probably Mucianus in 142 who gave the extravagant show. Cicero gets the name and description right but the date wrong unless he mixed up two shows as well as two Crassi. (Licinius L.f. L.n.) Crassus (Scipio, L.) RE 76 Br 2 1 2 Crassum ilium, istius Liciniae filium, Crassi testamento qui fuit adoptatus.



(Licinii) Luculli (L. Lucullus and his brother) O II.50 ('duo Luculli'); 57 b (Licinius) Lucullus, L. (cos. 1 5 1 ) RE 102 (A II.137). Br 81. De orat II.2843 'Lucilius' in De orat (see Claudius, Αρ., cos. 143), accused of feeding his livestock on public land, should have been sent about his business in favour of the alternative reading 'Lucullus.' A public figure is indicated, present in the senate (cum ... premeretur ...ab eis qui a pecore eius depasci agros públicos dicerent). Neither would Cicero have brought the poet into such a context by simple gentilicium. This Lucullus, however, will be the consul of 1 5 1 ; his son, pr. 104, was too young, a (Licinius L.f. Lucullus, L.) (pr. 104) RE 103 (A II.ι ) ab (Licinius L.f. L.n.) Lucullus, L. (cos. 74) RE 104. S. Bs A II. passim. F II. 107. III.8(f.). L III. 3 o\ O I.140. Fr V.i7; 18. Br 222. See Luculli With praenomen in A II. 1 and L, first naming, O, Br. Licinius Lucullus, M. See Terentius Varrò Lucullus ab (Licinius L.f. L.n.) Lucullus, (M.) RE no F III. 7 - 9 1 'Puer Lucullus' and 'Lucullus noster.' His praenomen is given only in Val. Max. 4.7.4, not a very trustworthy source, but see




Münzer. If it is correct, an elder brother Lucius will have died after Marcus was born, for exceptions to the rule that the eldest son took his father's praenomen are hard to prove, ab (Licinius L.f.) Macer, C. (pr. 68? Historian) RE uz. S. Bs L I . 7 . Br 2.38 'Macer' and 'C. Macer.' b Licinius (C.f. L.n. Macer), Calvus, C. RE 1 1 3 . S Br 280; 283 f. Three names, then 'Calvus.' a (Licinius L.f. L.n. Mae.) Murena, (L.) (pr. 88?) RE 122. Bs A II.2 ab (Licinius L.f. L.n. Mae.) Murena, L. (cos. 62) RE 1 2 3 . Bs FIV.74 (Licinius) Murena, P. (orator in the eighties) RE 124 Br 237; 3 1 1 'P. Murena', 'Murena.' Licinius Nerva, C. (tr. 1 2 1 / 1 2 0 ) RE 134. S. Bs Br 129 Licinius (P.f. P.n.) Varus, P. (pr. 208) RE 1 7 5 De orat II.250 Livius (Andronicus) RE 10a (suppl. V) C 50. Τ I.3. Br 72 1 f. Livianae fabulae Br 7 1 . ni modi L II.39 (Livius C.f. M. Aemiliani η.) Drusus, C. (blind jurist, II. cent.) RE 15. S T V . 1 1 2 . Br 109

b (Livius) C.f. (M. Aemiliani η.) Drusus, M. (cos. 1 1 2 ) RE 1 7 . S FIV.66. Br 109. Or 2 1 3 * 'Avus tuus Drusus', 'M. Drusus C.f.', o Marce Druse, patrem appello (Carbo Arvina) a (Livius M.f. C.n.) Drusus, M. (tr. 91) RE 18. S. Bs Ν III.8of. O I.108. Br 182; 222. De orat I.2.4 f.; 97. 111.2*. See Index VI With praenomen in O, Br. (Livius M.f.M.n.) Salinator, C. (cos. 188) RE 29 C7 Livius (M.f.M.n. Pol.) Salinator, (M.) (cos. 207) RE 33 C i l . Br 73. De orat II.273 3 'Salinator' except for 'Livius' in De orat, second naming. By mistake for M. Livius Macatus in C and De orat. ab (Lollius Pob.) Palicanus, (M.) (tr. 7 1 ) RE 2 1 . S. W. N. Bs Br 223 b Lucilius, C. (satirist, II cent.) RE 4. Ν A II.102. F I.7; 9. II.23; 2 5 · V.92. Ν 1.63. Τ ΙΙΙ-31. IV 48. Br 99; J 6o; 172; 274. De orat 1.72. II.25; 253. III.86; 1 7 1 . OGO 17. Or 149. See (Licinius) Lucullus, cos. 1 5 1 . See Quotations With praenomen in A and De orat I.72, II.25. (Lucilii) Balbi (L. and Q.) De orat III. 7 8 Duo Balbi a Lucilius (L.?f.) Balbus, L. RE 19, cf. 8. Bs


Br 1 5 4 1 . See foregoing. Three names, then 'Balbus.' Lucilius Balbus, Q. RE 2,0. Bs D I.9. Ν passim. His father Ν I I . i i ; 14. See (Lucilii) Balbi 'Lucilius' in D and sometimes in N, but mostly 'Balbus.' Introduced with three names (I.15). Note the variation in II. 1 nunc Lucilium ... audiamus.' tum Balbus. Lucretia (victim of Sex. Tarquinius) RE 38 F 11.66. (V.6 4 ).LII.IO. 1111.46* a (Lucretius) Afella, (Q.) RE 25. S. N. Bs Br 178 'Q. Lucretius' is understood from Q. Lucretius Vespillo preceding. Lucretius Tricipitinus, Sp. (cos. suff. 509, father of Lucretia) RE 30 (F 11.66). L II.10. R II.46; 55 'Tricipitinus' in L, R II.46, 'Sp. Lucretius' in R II.55. Lucretius Vespillo, Q. (II—I cent.) RE 35. S Br 178 The collocation of the two Lucretii suggests that they were related, perhaps cousins (Sumner). Lucumo RE 1 R II.14 (Lutatii) Catuli, (Q.) (father and son) O I . 1 3 3 1 . Cf. O I.109 Lutatius (C.f. C.n. Catulus, C.) (cos. 242) RE 4 Ν II.165



Calatinum, Duellium, Metellum, Lutatium. ab Lutatius (Q.f.) Catulus, Q. (cos. 102) RE 7. S Α (ΙΙ.12;) 18; (148). Ν 1.79. 111.8ο. O I.109; 1 3 3 . Τ V.$6K Fr V.19. Br 1 3 2 - 1 3 4 3 ; 2 5 9 1 ; 307. De orat II and III often (esp. II. (220;) 278. III.9; 29). See (Lutatii) Catuli. See Quotations Laudatio Popilliae De orat II.44. Speeches and memoirs Br 1 3 2 . 'Q. Catulus' in Ν, Br 1 3 2 and 307, De orat II. 1 2 (introductory) and III.9. Elsewhere 'Catulus', except De orat II. 1 7 3 hoc verum est, dixit enim Q. Lutatius, where the name seems to be exempli causa, chosen in compliment to his presence, ab Lutatius (Q.f. Q.n.) Catulus, Q. (cos. 78) RE 8. S. Bs A II passim. (Ν 1.79). O 1.76; 109. Br (133). 222. See (Lutatii) Catuli A II.55 innumerabiles Quinti Lutatii Catuli non modo possint esse sed etiam sint has a hint of humour enhanced by the solemn triple name. Elsewhere in A 'Catulus', but 'Q. Catulus' in O and Br. Lutatius Pinthia, M. (eq. R., in litigation c. 100) RE 2 1 . Ν O III.77 b (Maccius) Plautus, (T.) RE C 50. O.I.104. R I V . 1 1 . Τ Ι·3· Br 60; 73. De orat III.45. Inv. I.95. See Quotations




Pseudolus C 50. Trinummus De orat II.39. Truculentas C 50. Maelius, Q. (tr. 320) RE 3 O III. 109 a Maelius, Sp. (killed by Ahala) RE 2 C 56. Lae 28; 36. R II.49 Without praenomen in Lae 36, with 'Coriolanus' and 'Vecellinus.' Magius (praefectus, accused of bribetaking, c. 110?) RE 1 De orat II.265 3 Magius (Minati f.?), P. (tr. 87) RE 10. W. Bs. Cf. Ν no 2 1 3 Br 179 Mallius (Cn.f. Maximus), Cn. (cos. 105) RE 1 3 . W. Bs De orat II. 125 b Mamilius, Octavius (ruler of Tusculum, son-in-law of Tarquinius Superbus) RE 4 Ν II.6 [Mancia] O I.109 Winterbottom obelizes Q. Mudo Manda. Neither Helvius Mancia (q.v.) nor an unknown can stand alongside the Catuli and Scaevola Augur as a vir praepotens of easy manners. But Mudo is unimpeachable, though needing an added Q. f. to distinguish him from the Pontifex. manda can be eliminated as a rewrite of mudo. See Bryn Mawr Class. Rev. 6 (1995). 295. ab Manilius (P.f.P.n.), M'. (cos. 149) RE 12. S. Bs

A II.102. F I.12. Lae 14. Ρ 5o. R 1.18; 202·; 30; 34. II.28^. III.17. VI.9. Br 61; 106; 108. De orat I.212. III.133 Manilianae venalium vendendorum leges De orat 1.246 Without praenomen in Lae, R except 1.18 and VI.9, and Br 106 (p. 10). ab Manlius (L.f.L.n.) Acidinus (Fulvianus), L. (cos. 179) RE 47 De orat II.260 cum ... renuntiaret Acidinum consulem praecoque dixisset 'die de L. Manlio.' ab Manlius (T.f. A.n. Capitolinus), M. (cos. 392) RE 51 R II.49 Manlius A.f. (Capitolinus Imperiosus), L. (diet. 363) RE 54 O III. 1 1 2 * 'L. Manlius A.f.' followed by 'Manlius.' (Manlii) Torquati (i.e. RE 57 and 83) F I.25; 34(f·)· (Π.116) a Manlius (L.f. A.n.) Imperiosus Torquatus, T. (Ill cos. 340) RE 57 F I.23; (35). II.60f.; 7 2 ( f . ) . 0 i n . 1 1 2 a . TIV.49. His son F I.23; 35. O III.112. See (Manlii) Torquati Manliana (imperia) F II.105 In F I.23 eum Torquatum qui hoc cognomen invenit and sim. in T. In F II. 60 f. 'Imperiosus ille' followed by 'Torquatus', in 72 'idem ille Torquatus.' In O I filium, qui postea Torquatus est appellatus and 'T. Manlius.'


ab (Manlius (A.?f.) Torquatus, A. (pr. 70?) RE 76 F II.72 ab (Manlius L.f.) Torquatus, L. (cos. 65) RE 79. S. Bs D I.19*. II.47. (F I.39. II.62). Br 239 'Torquatus' and (Br) 'L. Torquatus.' ab (Manlius L.f. L.n.) Torquatus, L. (pr. 50 or 49) RE 80. S. Bs F I and II passim. III.2f. Br 265 f. 'L. Torquatus' in F 1.13 (introductory) and Br 265. Elsewhere 'Torquatus.' (Manlius A.f.T.n.) Torquatus, T. (cos. 165) RE 83 F I.24. See (Manlii) Torquati a Manlius T.f. (Torquatus), T. (pr. 70/69?) RE 85. S. Bs Br 245 (Manlius T.f.T.n.) Torquatus (Atticus), A (II cos. 241) RE 87 L II.55 Identification not certain. Marcii (brothers, seers, III cent.) D I.89. II.113 Marcius (vates) RE 2 D I . i 1 5 . See above Marcius, Ancus (fourth king of Rome) RE 9 R II.5; 33; 35*; 38. His parents II.33. His sons II.38. 'Ancus Marcius' in 33, elsewhere '(rex) Ancus', followed by 'Marcius' in 35. (Marcius C.f. C.n.) Censorinus, C. (leg.? 82) RE 43. S. Bs Br 237; 3 1 1 'C. Censorinus,' 'Censorinus.'



b Marcius (C.f. C.n.) Censorinus, L. (cos. 149) RE 46 A II.102. Br 61; 106. 'L. Censorinus', 'L. Marcius', and 'Censorinus' (p. 10). b (Marcius) Coriolanus, (Cn.) RE 50, suppl. V ('51') Lae 36*; 42. B r 4 i ~ 4 3 5 (Marcius C.f.Q.n.) Figulus, C. (cos. 156) RE 61 D II.74. Ν II.io. Br 79 'C. Figulus' in Ν and Br, 'Figulus' in D (see p. 9) ab (Marcius C.f.C.n.) Figulus (Thermus), C. (cos. 64) RE 63; cf. Minucius 7. Bs L II.62 To be identified with L. Minucius Thermus (OCS). ab (Marcius) Q.f.(Q.n.) Philippus, L. (cos. 91) RE 75. S. Bs L II.31. O I.108. II.59; 73. III.87. Br 166; 173*; 186; 207; 230; 301; 304; 308; 326. De orat I.24. II.220; 245; 249; 255; 3 1 6 . Ill 2-4 3 . See Index VI 'L. Philippus Q.f.' in O II.59 and III.87, distinguishing from his son, cos. 56. 'L. Philippus' in O 1.108, Br 166. 'Philippus' elsewhere, a Marcius (L.f. Q.n. Philippus), Q. (II. cos. 169) RE 79 C 14. Br 78 (see p. 9) (Marcius Q.f. Q.n.) Rex, Q. (cos. 1 1 8 ) RE 91 De orat II. 1 2 5 ab Marius (C.f. C.n. Cor.) (VII cos. 86) RE 14 (suppl. VI.1363). W. N. Bs A II.13. D I.592·; 106*.




II.i3éf. 3 ; 1 4 0 1 . F II.105. L I.3. II (6;) 56. Ν Ill.Sof. O I.76. III.79. Ρ i 6 . R 1.6. Τ 11-35; 53 3 · V.56 1 . Br 168; 224 (see p. 10). De orat I.66 1 . Π.196. III.8. See Index VI Mariani consulatus Br 1 7 5 . na quercus L 1.1 f. num scutum Cimbricum De orat II.266. num (somnium) D II. 141 Marius (Cicero's poem) D I.io6. L I.i 1 ; 4. Without praenomen in D II.i36f., 140, L I.3, Br 224 (p. 10), and repeat namings. a (Marius C.f. C.n. Con, C) (cos. 82) RE 15 (De orat III.8). See Licinia Marius, (M.) (adoptive father of the following, pr. c. 102) RE 22. Ν Cf. Fr V.i o ab Marius (M.f. C.n. Cor.) Gratidianus, M. (II pr. 84?) RE 42. S. W. Ν. Bs L III.36. O III.673; So^f. 1 Cf. Fr V.io. Br 168; 223. De orat I.178. II.262 Three names in O III.67 (followed by 'Marius' and 'Gratidianus'), Br 168, and De orat I.178. 'M. Marius' in Br 223. 'Noster Gratidianus' followed by 'Marius' in O III.8of. 'Filius eius (sc. Gratidii) Marius' in L. Mat(h)ones Or 160 Memmii (L.Pf.C.Pn. Men.), C. L. Br 1 3 6

Memmius (L.f.C.n. Men.?, C.) (tr. i n ) RE 5. S. Bs De orat II.240*; 264; 267; 283. See the foregoing ab Memmius L.f. (L.n. Men.), C. (pr. 58) RE 8. S Br 247 Memmius (L.Pf.C.Pn. Men.). L. (monetai, c. 110) Cf. RE 1 2 , 1 3 . S. Bs Br 304. See Memmii As a defendant under the lex Varia, he will have been the adviser of Livius Drusus mentioned in a fragment of Sisenna (Sumner, p. 89f.) and probably the L. Memmius of Br 136 (Münzer notwithstanding). Minucius, Ti. (tr. 320) RE Numicius 3 O III. 109 So rather than T(i). Numicius. See Winterbottom's apparatus. a Minucius (L.f. Vel.) Basilus, L. Cf. RE 38 and W Satrius. N. Bs O III.73 f. 'L. Minucius Basilus' and 'Basilus.' See OCS. Minucius (C.f. C.n. Rufus), Q. (cos. 197) RE 55 Br 73 (see p. 9) Muciae (daughters of Scaevola Augur) RE 26 and 27 Br 2 1 1 'Mucius' (Mutius) Inv II.28 Mucii Scaevolae Br 1 6 1 ; 252. De orat (I.39). II. 144


'Scaevolae', 'Mudi', 'Scaevolae.' (Mucii) Scaevolae (cos. 133 and his son) L II.47; 5°; 5 2 a Mucius (Cordus Scaevola), C. RE 10 Ρ 12 Mucius (Q.f. P.n. Scaevola), P. (cos. 175) RE 16 Br 98 (Mucius) Scaevola L I.i The reference remains obscure. ab Mucius (P.f.Q.n.) Scaevola, P. (cos. 133) RE 17. S A II.13. F I . i z . II.54. IV.77. L 11.47; s 2 · f ·; 57.NI.115.111.5. O II.47. R I-io; 31. (T IV.51). Cf. F r V . i o . Br 98; 108; (197;) Z39. De orat I.i66f.; 170; 2 i z ; 217; Z34; Z40; Z4Z; (244). II.5Z; Z85. Top 2 4· See Mucii Scaevolae and Index VI Law books De orat I.240; 242 'P. Scaevola' in A, F, L II. 5 2, N , Br 98 and 108, De orat I.i66 and 170, Top. 'Scaevola' in Br 239 and De orat I.234 and 242. 'P. Mucius' in O, R, L II.57, and De orat except as stated. 'Mucius* in L II. 5 3 and De orat 1.167, both following 'P. Scaevola.' ab Mucius Q.f. (Q.n.) Scaevola, Q. (Augur, cos. 117) RE 21. S. Bs F I.8-10 3 . L I.13. Lae i - 8 é ;



14; 16; (32;) 37; 40; 50; 100. O I.109. R 1.18; 33. Br ι ο ί f.; 212; 306. De orat I passim (esp. I.24; Z14; (292)). II. 13 f.; 269; 281. 111.68. Or 149. See Mucii Scaevolae, (Mucius) Scaevola 'Q. Scaevola Q.f.' (P.f. codd.) in Br 306, 'Q. Scaevola' in Br 101 (followed by 'Mucius augur'), z i ζ , and R 1.18. Introduced in Lae as 'Q. Mucius augur', 'Q. Mucius' in 5 and 100 (voc.), elsewhere 'Scaevola.' 'Mucius augur' in R I.i8 and Br i o z . 'Mucius' following 'Scaevola' in F I.io, O (where the allusion is clearly to the Augur, not the Pontifex), and R I.33. In De orat usually (in voc. always) 'Scaevola' and so in Or, but 'Q. Mucius' in I.Z4 (introductory), huiusce Q. Muci in I.zoo, and 'Mucius' in 1.105; 113; 164 (following 'Scaevola'); Z04. ab Mucius P.f.(P.n.) Scaevola, Q. (Pontifex, cos. 95) RE 22. S. Bs L II.47; 49U 53· Lae 1. Ν III.8ο. Ο I.i 16. II.57. III.47; 62Í.; 70. Br 115; 145-148 5 ; 150; 1521; 1552; 1612·; 163; 194; i97Í·*; 2.2-9; 311; 32.8 (see p. 10). De orat 1.(170;) 180; 229; 242^44*. II.242·; z z o - z z z 3 ; 224. (III. 10). Top 37f. See Mucii Scaevolae and Index VI Licinia et Mucia His speeches Br 163 Distinguished as 'Q. Mucius P.f.' in O I.i 16 and 'Q. Scaevola P.f.' in III.62; 'Publi (Scaevolae)




filius' in L. II.47, 'Scaevola P.f.' in Top. Usually 'Scaevola', with praenomen in Ν, O III.70, and often in Br, but '(Q.) Mucius' in L II.53, Ο Π.57, Br 1 1 5 , De orat 1.229, 2.44, Top 38. b (Mucius Q.f.Q.n.) Scaevola, (Q.), (tr. 54) RE 23 Br 147 'Scaevola noster' (Brutus speaking). Münzer would make him grandson rather than son of the Augur. If so, one would have expected to hear something of his father. On the other hand, it is impossible to be sure that Scaevola, whose birth date is unknown, was too young to be the Augur's son. One thinks of the contemporary Aemilii Scauri or of Cato the elder's younger son. ab Mummius (L.f. L.n.), L. (cos. 146) RE 7a and suppl. XVI. S. Bs O II.76. Ρ 38. Br 85; 94. [De orat 11.268]. Or 232 In Br 94 L. et Sp. Mummii fratres ... Lucius ... Spurius. Mummius, P. (III—II cent.) RE 10 De orat II. 271 b Mummius (L.f. L.n.), Sp. (leg. 146) RE 1 3 . S Lae 69; 1 0 1 . R I.18; 34. III.46-48 3 . V . u . Br 94 With praenomen in Lae 1 0 1 and so introduced in R. For Br 94 see L. Mummius above. Elsewhere 'Mummius' except in R III.47 f., where Scipio addresses him as 'Spuri.'

[(Munatius) Plancus, Cn. or C.] See Plancius, Cn. ab Naevius, (Cn.) RE 2, suppl. VI C 20; 50. R I V . 1 1 . T I . 3 . Br 6oz; 73; (75 )f. De orat III.45. Or 152. See Quotations Naevianus Hector Τ IV. 67. ni modi L II.39. na scripta Br 60 Bellum Punicum C 50. Br 75. Lupus C 20. Naevius, Ser. (defended by C. Curio, cos. 76) RE 5 Br 2 1 7 Navius (target of a joke by an unidentified Scipio) Not in RE De orat II.249 Navius, Attus (legendary augur) RE ι D I.31 f.2·. II.8o\ L II.33. Ν II. 9 . III. 14. R II.36 'Attus Navius' except for 'Attus' in D I.32 (once), ab Nigidius (Figulus), P. (pr. 58) RE 3. W. Bs Ti i f . With, then without, praenomen. aNorbanus, C. (cos. 83) RE 5. W. Bs O II.49. De orat II.89; 107; 124; 167; 188; (I97Í·;) 198-203*. PO I04(f.) With praenomen in O and De orat 89, 188, 199. Novius (writer of Atellan farce, II—I cent.) RE 5 De orat II.255; 279; 285. See Quotations


Nucula RE De orat II.2.53* N u m a Pompilius See Pompilius, Numa [Numicius, Ti.] (tr. 320) RE 3 (with praenomen T.) O III.109 See Minucius, Ti. a Numitorius Pullus, Q. (betrayer of Fregellae, 125) RE 5 F V.62. Inv II.105 'Pullus Numitorius Fregellanus' and three names. (Numitor) (grandfather of Romulus) RE ι D I.41* Nummius (divisor, II—I cent.) RE ι De orat II.2.57 a Octavius (Cn.f. Cn.n. Aem.), Cn. (cos. 165) RE 17. Bs F I.24. O I.138 Octavius (Cn.f. Cn.n. Aem.), Cn. (cos. 128) RE 18. Bs De orat I.i66(f.) a Octavius (Cn.f. Cn.n. Aem.), Cn. (cos. 87) RE 20. S (p. 105, 115). Bs T V . 5 5 . Br 1 7 6 Octavianum bellum D I.4. Ν Π.14 Octavius M.f. (Cn.n. Aem.), Cn. (cos. 76) RE 22. S. Bs F II.93. B r 2.17 3 ; Z Z 2 · 'Cn. Octavius M.f.' in F and Br 222. 'Octavius' (p. 10), 'Cn. Octavius', 'Octavi' (voc.) in Br 217. Octavius Reatinus. L. (I cent.) REzS Br 241



a Octavius (Cn.f. Cn.n. Aem.), M . (tr. 133) RE 31. S (L III.24). Ν I . i o 6 \ Br 95 Without praenomen in N , second naming. Octavius Cn.f.(Cn.n.), M . (tr. c. 93?) RE 32. S. Bs O II.72. Br 222 ' M . Octavius' in O . Opimius (Q.f.Q.n.), Q . (cos. 154) RE 10 De orat II.277 a Opimius (Q.f.Q.n.), L. (cos. 121) RE 4. Bs R 1.6. Br 128; 287. De orat II.106; 132; 134; 165; 169 f. Inv II.105. P O 104; 106 With praenomen only at first mentions (Br 128, De orat II.106, Inv). Orbius, P. (pr. 65?) RE 3. W Br 179 Orc(h)ivii W O r 160 Ot(h)ones Or 160 b Pacideianus (gladiator in Lucilius) RE T I V . 4 8 . O G O 17* Pacuvius, M . (playwright, II. cent) RE 6 A I.10. D I.24. F I.4. V.31. Lae 24. Ν II.91. III.48. R I.30. Τ II.49· Br 229; 258. De orat I.246. 11.(187;) 193. III.27. [Inv I.94]. O G O 2. Or 36; (155). See Quotations Pacuvianum R III.14. nus Amphio D II. 13 3. nus physicus D I.131. nus Zethus De orat II.155




Antiopa A II.zo. F I.4. O 1.114. O G O 18. Chryses D I.131. Or 155. Medus O I.i 14. Niptra Τ II.48-50. Teucer De orat I.Z46. With praenomen only in Lae amici mei M. Pacuvi. Papirius, L. (cens. 430) RE 13, cf. 65 R II.60 (p. 9) Papirius Fregellanus, L. (II. cent.) RE 19 Br 170 Speech pro Fregellanis colonisque Latinis ibid. ab Papirius (C.f. Clu.) Carbo, C. (cos. 120) RE 33. S. Bs L III.35. Lae 39; 41; 96. Ν 1.63*. Τ 1.5. Br 96; 103-106 4 ; 159; (zzi;) Z96; 333. De orat I.40; 154. II.9; 106 2 ; 165; 170. III.28; (74). Or Z13 Often with praenomen. 'Carbo' in L, Lae 41, Ν (Lucilius), Br 104-106 (repeat namings), 296; 333, De orat II. 106 (second naming), 170 (voc.), III.28 (in a series). Exceptionally 'C. Papirius' in Lae 96. ab (Papirius Cn.f. C.n. Clu.) Carbo, Cn. (Ill cos. 82) RE 38. S. Bs L III.42. Br ZZ3 b (Papirius) C.f. (C.n. Clu.) Carbo (Arvina), C. (tr. 90) RE 40. S Br z z i ; zzy; 305; 308; 3 1 1 . De orat III. 10. Or Z13. See Quotations 'C. Carbo C.f.' in Or. Without praenomen only in series

(Br ZZ7; 308; 311). Papirius (Crassus), L.? (cos. 430) RE 43 R II.60 C. Iuli R (sic) Papiri consulum (p. 9) (Papirius C.f. L.n.) Masso, (C.) (cos. Z31) RE 57 Ν III. 5ζ Papius, (C.) (tr. 65) RE 5 O III.47 ab Peducaeus Sex.f. (Qui.), Sex. (pr. 77) RE 5. Cf. W no 313 F II.58 b (Peducaeus Sex.f. Sex.n. Qui., Sex.) (son of foregoing) RE 6 F II.58 a Perperna (M.f.M.n.), M. (cos. 9z) RE 5 De orat II.z6z Persius C. (litteratus homo, II cent.) RE 4 F I.7. R I. fr ι*. Br 99. De orat II.Z5*; 25 Praenomen in Br. Pinarius, P. (cens. 430) RE 5 R II.60 (p. 9) Pinarius, T. (II—I cent.) RE 7 De orat II.266 Pinarii Nattae D II.47 (Pinarius) Natta RE 15 D I.19*. II.45; 47 Pinarius Rusca, M. (pr. 181?) RE z i De orat II.z6i Rusca ... die mihi, inquit, 'M. Pinari, num sqq.' See Index VI, Pinaria. Plancius, Cn. RE ζ De orat II.zzo


T h e n a m e is d o u b t f u l , perh a p s C n . or C. (Munatius) Plancus; see Münzer. (Plautius) H y p s a e u s , (M.) (cos. 1 2 5 ) RE 2 1 D e orat I . i 6 6 ( f . ) Plautus See M a c c i u s Plotius, C. (of N u r s i a , eq. R. II—I cent.) RE Plautius 12. Ν F II.58. His wife ibid. a b Pompeius (A.f. Arn.), Q . (cos. 1 4 1 ) RE 1 2 . S. Bs A II.13. F. II.54. Lae 77. O III.109.RIII.281. Br 96f.; 263 W i t h p r a e n o m e n except in R a n d Br second namings. T h e reading sed Pompei in Br 9 χ should be k e p t (Sumner, p. 51 f·)· Pompeius (Sex. f.), Sex. (jurist a n d mathematician) RE 18 O I.19. Br 1 7 5 . De o r a t I.67. III.78 b Pompeius A.f. Bithynicus, Q . (quaest. 75?) RE 25. S. Bs Br 2 4 0 ; 3 1 0 Q. Pompeius A.f., qui Bithynicus dictus est a n d ' Q . Pompeius.' a b Pompeius (Cn.f. Sex.n. Clu.) M a g n u s , Cn. ('triumvir') RE 31 a n d X X I . 2 5 4 9 . S. N . Bs D I.24; 27. I I . 2 2 - 2 4 3 ; 53; 7 8 f . ; 99. F II.57. L 1.8. II.6. III.22; 26. O I.76; 78. II. (20;) 45; 575 60. (III.82). Τ I.I2; 86. II.6I. 111.66. Br 230; 239; 3 1 1 . O r 102. See Index VI Pompeia, curia D II.23. ei porticus Fa 8



Gentilicium with p r a e n o m e n or, m o r e often, w i t h o u t , in the latter case sometimes with noster (F, L III.22, O II.57; Pompeius, noster familiaris Τ 1.86). Exceptionally Magnus ille noster in L II.6. See O C L . Pompeius Phrygio (II cent.) N o t in RE De o r a t II.283 Phrygionis Pompei. a Pompeius ( Q . f . A . n . Arn.) R u fus, Q (cos. 88) RE 39 Lae 2. Br 206; 304; 306. De o r a t 1.168 Three n a m e s (Br 206), ' Q . Pompeius' (Lae, Br 304, De orat), 'Pompeius' (p. 10). a Pompeius Sex.f. (Cn.n. Clu. Strabo), Cn. (cos. 89) RE 45. S. Bs Br 1 7 5 a Pompilius, N u m a RE N u m a Pompilius ι L I.4. II.23; 2 9? 56· Ν 1.107. III.5; 43. Ρ l i . R II.25 f.; 28f.; 31 1 ; 33. III.47· V.3 1 · Τ IV.3· De o r a t I.37. II.154. III.73; 197. His d a u g h t e r R II.33 ' N u m a Pompilius', ' N u m a (rex)', a n d '(rex) Pompilius'. Pompilius is gentilicium, N u m a praenomen. a Pomponius, Cn. (tr. 90) RE 3. Bs Br 1 8 2 ; 207; 2 2 1 ; 227; 305; 308; 3 1 1 . De o r a t III.50 With p r a e n o m e n and w i t h o u t . Pomponius, M . (tr. 362) RE 8 O III. 112? With p r a e n o m e n , then without.




Pomponius, M . (eq. R., friend of C. Gracchus) RE 24. Ν D II.62

Pomponius Atticus, T. See Caecilius Pomponianus Atticus Pontidius (II—I cent.) RE 1 (cf. 3) D e o r a t II.275

Pontidius, M . (of Arpinum, contemporary of Cicero) RE 3. Ν Br 2 4 6 Pontius (friend of Africanus minor) Not in RE Fa fr. 4 Pontius, C. (father of the following) Cf. RE 4 C 41

Pontius, C. (Samnite commander, IV cent.) RE 4 (C41l.On.751 With praenomen, then without. Pontius, T. (centurion in Lucilius, II cent.) RE 16 C 33. F I.9* Popillia, gens L II.55

Popillia (mother of the elder Catulus and Caesar Strabo) RE 32 D e o r a t II.44

a Popillius (P.f. C.n. Laenas), C. (leg. 1 0 7 ) RE 1 9 . S L III.36.

Br 9 5 ?

Popillius (M.f. C.n. Laenas), M . (IV or V cos. 348) RE 20. S Br 56 Popillius (P.f.P.n. Laenas, M.) (cos. 1 7 3 ) RE 24 O I.363.

The passage is probably spurious. ab Popillius (C.f.P.n. Ter.) Laenas, P. (cos. 1 3 2 ) RE 28. Bs L III.26. L a e 3 7 (see p. 10). R 1.6. Br 9 5 ; 1 2 8

'Laenas' except for 'P. Popillius' in Br. Porcii, tres R II.54 (Porcius M . f . M . n . Pap.) Cato, C. (cos. 1 1 4 ) RE 5. S. Bs Lae 39. Br 1 0 8 ; 1 2 8 ab Porcius M.f. Pap. Cato (Sapiens), M . (the Censor) RE 9. S. N. Bs A II.5. C 3 a f. ; 6*; 8. D I.28. I I . 5 1 . F (III.37). V . 2 . L 1.6.

11-5"·. IIL40. Lae 4^.; 9ζί.;


90; Ι Ο Ι . Ν 1 1 . 1 6 5 . Π Ι . Ι Ι . O

I.[ 3 6]f.; 79; 104. II.89-. ΙΠ.ι; n o . III. ι ; 1 6 ; 1 0 4 . Ρ 1 2 . R Ι . ι ; 2 7 . II. ι ; 3; 3 7 . III.40. I V . i i . Τ 1.3; 5. ι ο ί ; 1 1 0 .

ΙΠ.51; 70. IV.3. Cf. Fr V . i o . Br 6 o 2 f . ; 63; 6 5 - 6 9 ? ; 7 5 , 7 7 ; 8 o - 8 2 3 ; 89 f.; 293 f . z ; 298; 333. De orat I . 1 7 1 ; 2 1 5 ; 2.27 f. II.5X; 53; 1 4 2 ; 2 5 6 ;

260; 271; 279; 290 (Catones). III.56 (Catones); 135; 1 6 5 . Inv I.5. Or 1 5 2 . Top 7 8 Cicero's Cato maior Lae 4. O I.151

Apopthegmata I . 1 0 4 . De rebus rusticis C 53. Epistola ad Marcum filium O I.37. Orationes C 38. Cf. O III.104. Τ 1.3. Br 6 3 - 6 9 ; 89. De orat I . 2 2 7 . O r 1 5 2 . Origines C 38; 7 5 . Cf. R II.3. T I.3. IV.3.

Br 66; 75; 89; 294. De orat


I.227· (II.51; 53)- Cf. R I I . 3 . Books on law De orat II.142 Comparatively seldom with praenomen: A (followed by P. Africani)·, C 3 non Tithono ... sed M. Catoni seni, 4 tuam excellent em, M. Cato, perfectamque sapientiam respect and emphasis; Lae 6 (M. Catoni ... L. Acilium), 1 0 1 (L. Paullum, M. Catonem, C. Galum); Ν III.il (Vatieno potius homini rustico quant M. Catoni); I.37 (Marci quidem Catonis senis est epistula ad Marcum filium), 79, and III. 16 (li qui sapientes habiti et nominati, M. Cato et C. Laelius); R I.i (introductory), IV. 11 (aut Naevius P. et Cn. Scipioni aut Caecilius M. Catoni); Τ III. 51 (cum aliud M. Catoni aliud P. Lentulo videretur), 70 (following 'Q. Maximus' and 'L. Paullus'); Br 60 (introductory), 89; De orat I.17; 2 1 5 (in series), 227 and III 1 3 5 ; 165. On 'Sapiens' see OCL p. 159. Reference F 4.6.1 to be added in OCL. (Porcius M.f.M.n. Pap.) Cato, M. (tr. 99, father of 'Uticensis') RE 12. S. Bs O m . 6 6 . Br 222 b (Porcius M.f.M.n. Pap.) Cato (Licinianus), M. (son of the Censor, died as pr. desig. c. 152) RE 14 C (15; 68;) 84. (Lae 9). O I.[ 3 6]f. (TIII.70) 'Cato meus' (father speaking) in C 84, 'Marcus filius' in O 37. Add (F 4.6.1) in OCL.



ab (Porcius M.f.M.n. Pap.) Cato, M. ('Uticensis') RE 16. Bs D I.24; 68. II.114. F 111.6-8*; I i f.; 1 5 ; 40. IV.i et passim. Fa 28. L III.40. O I . 1 1 2 1 . III.66; 88. Ρ 1-3?. Τ Ι·74*· V (4;) 3 2 ·

Br Xi8(f.). O r (35ϊ)

4 ΐ . Top 94 Cicero's Cato D II.3. Or 35 With praenomen at first appearances in D, F, O; also in D 1.68 Marcumque Varronem et M. Catonem (cf. II.114 Catonem, Varronem, Coponium ipsum) and F IV.61, where philosophers of old apostrophize him nos cum te, M. Cato, sqq. Porcius (L.f.M.n. Licinus), L. (cos. 184) RE 23. Bs Br 60 (see p. 9) (Porcius) Licinus (wrote verses on Latin literature in late II cent.) RE 48 F I.5. See Quotations The correction of Licinius is virtually certain, Morel's point (Fr.: poet. Lat. p. 45) that he is not elsewhere mentioned by cognomen having no merit. And cf. Gell. 17. 2 1 . 45. See also Badian, I.e. at (Cornelius) Scipio Nasica Corculum), p. 163 n. 2. Porcius Nasica, L. Cf. RE Cornelius 359, Nasica 1. De orat II.260 Ridicule etiam illud L. Porcius Nasica censori Catoni. Porcius is generally excluded as an intrusion due to Catoni. But if this Nasica, a married man in 184, was a Scipio, his father




must have been the first P. Scipio Nasica, consul 1 9 1 , whose homonymous son, cos. 162, will have been born no later than 203. Thus this Lucius would be the latter's elder brother, implying by his praenomen an earlier brother Publius lost in childhood. Münzer rightly judged that Lucius can hardly have belonged to the Scipio family, but none the less considered the transmitted name 'unhaltbar.' However, as Münzer himself observed, the cognomen Nasica is found in Hor. Sat. II.5.57 and 65, where its bearer in obviously no Scipio. A Porcius Nasica is not beyond possibility, ab Porsenna (king of Clusium) RE Ρ 12 Postumius, C. (haruspex in Sulla's service) RE 1 1 D I.72 Postumius, Τ. (I cent.) RE 26. S Br 269 Sumner (p. 144) thought emendation of the praenomen obligatory, but see Studies 37 (59)·

b (Postumius A.f.A.n.) Albinus, A. (cos. 1 5 1 ) RE 3 1 . S. Bs A I I . 1 3 7 . Br 81 History in Greek A II. 13 7. a (Postumius) Albinus, A. (cos. 99) RE 33. S. Bs Br 1 3 5 (Postumius A.f.A.n.) Albinus, (L.) (II cos. 229) RE 40. Bs Τ I.89 (in series)

(Postumius) Albinus, (L.) RE 43. S. Bs Br 1 3 5 'Flamen Albinus'. (Postumius) Albinus, Sp. (cos. 110) RE 45. Bs Br 128 Postumius (Albinus Caudinus), Sp. (II cos. 3 2 1 ) Cf. RE XXII.892.38 C 4 1 . O III.109 a With praenomen except second naming (p. 9). Missing in RE, but Broughton (I.140) refers to article 1 7 in 'the old RE: b (Postumius Sp.f. Sp.n.) Albinus (Magnus), Sp. (cos. 148) RE 47. Bs Br 94 Speeches ibid. (Postumius L.f.A.n.) Albinus (Paullulus), Sp. (cos. 186) RE 49

C 7 Postumius (P.f. Albus Regillensis), A. (diet. 499 or 496) Cf. RE XXII.892.2 Ν II.6. III.ii; 1 3 With and without (III.11) praenomen. Postumius Chius (?) (bon vivant, II cent.) RE 53 F 11.70 'Chius (?) Postumius.' (Postumius Q.f.) Tubertus, (P.) (II cos. 503) RE 64 L II.58 Praecia (mistress of P. Cethegus) RE Ρ 40


Publicius (seer, III cent.) RE 3 D I.115. II.113 Publicius, C. RE 9a (cf. M u m mius 10) De orat II.2.71 ab (Pupius M.f. Sea.) Piso (Frugi), M . (cos. 61) RE 10. S. Bs F IV.73 2 . V . i 1 et passim. Ν I.i6 Z . (P 32). Br 230; 236; 240; 308; 3 1 0 . De orat I.104 ' M . Piso, familiaris noster' in F IV.73. Introduced in V.i as ' M . Piso,' thereafter mentioned and addressed as 'Piso.' Elsewhere with praenomen, distinguishing from other contemporary Pisones, except in N , second naming, and Br 308 (in series). a Quinctius, L. (pr. 68) RE 12. S. W Br 223 Quinctius (L.f. L.n.) Cincinnatus, L. (diet. 458) RE 27 C 56. F II.12. R II.63 Three names in C, 'L. Quinctius' in R, 'Cincinnatus ille' in F. (Quinctius T.f. L.n.) Flamininus, L. (cos. 192) RE 43 C 42 ab (Quinctius T.f.L.n.) Flamininus, T. (cos. 198) RE 45. Bs C I-*; 42.'Flamininus' in 1, also 'Tite' in quotations (Ennius). 'T. Flamininus' in 42. b (Quinctius T.f.T.n.) Flamininus, T. (cos. 150) RE 46. S C 14



a Quinctius T.f.T.n.) Flamininus, T. (cos. 1 2 3 ) RE 47. S. Cf. Bs Br 109; 259 Rabirius (writer on Epicureanism, I cent.) RE 1 A I.5 ab Rabirius (C.f. Gal.), (C.) (perduellionis reus) RE 5. W. N . Bs Or 1 0 2 Remus RE D 1.(20;) 107*. II.45; 80. L I.8. (O III.41). R II.4 ab Romulus RE 1 D I.3; (20;) 30*f.; 1 0 5 1 ; 1 0 7 1 ; 1 0 7 V 11.45; 47; 70; 73; 8 c , i ; 98. L I.3; 8. II.33. Ν I.I07. II.62. III.5; 39. O III.41. Ρ i l * . R I.25 1 ; 58*; 64**. II.4; 1 0 - 2 6 passim; 5 0 - 5 3 5 . III.47. VI.24. Τ 1.3; 28*. Fr V.54Br 40. De orat 1.37. See Index IV Quirinus a Roscius, Sex. (of Ameria) RE 7. Ν O II.51. Br 3 1 2 . See Tullius Cicero, M. ab Roscius (Mae. Gallus, Q.) (actor in comedy, II—I cent.) RE 16. Ν D I.79 2 . 11.66. L I.i ι . Ν 1-79*. Br 290. De orat I.124; 1 2 9 f . ; 1 3 2 ; 2 5 1 ; 254; 258. II.233. III· 102; 2 2 1 . His father D 1.79 Rosciana imitatio De orat II.242 Rubrius Varrò, Q. (prosecutor, Marian) RE 24 Br 168




Rupilius (tragic actor, II—I cent.) RE ι O I.114 Rupilius L. (brother of the following) RE 4 Lae 73. (T IV.40) ab Rupilius (P.f.P.n.), P. (cos. 132) RE 5. Ν Lae 37; 69; 73; 101. Τ IV.40 Without praenomen in Lae 37 (p. 10) and 69. Rusius, C. (prosecutor in the Sullan period) RE Br 259 f. z Unusual repeat of praenomen in 260. Rusticelius Bononiensis, C. (II—I cent.) RE 2 Br 169 Rutilius, C (friend of Scaevola Pontifex) RE 2 Br 147 Rutilius M.f., P. (tr. 136) RE 9 De orat I.181 a Rutilius (L.f. L.n. Lupus), P. (cos. 90) RE 26 D I.4 ab Rutilius (P.f.) Rufus, P. (cos. 105) RE 34. S. Bs F I.7. Lae 101. Ν III.8o; 86. O II.47. Π. 10. R I.13; 17*. Br 85; 87; 89; n o ; 1 1 3 - 1 1 8 5 . De orat. Ι.ζζγί.1·; 230. II.28ο 5 . His sister Br 115 Three names in O III. 10, R I.13, Br 85, De orat I.227; 'P. Rutilius' in Lae, Ν, O II.47, R I.17 (first naming), Br n o (first naming), De orat I.230 and (a special case) 280, where also, for variety, 'Rufus.' Elsewhere 'Rutilius.'

Sabellius (?), L. (defendant c. 90) RE ι Br 131 The name is doubtful. See Badian, JRS 57 (1967). 227, proposing 'Salevius.' b Sallustius, (Cn.) (friend of Cicero) RE 6 D 1.59* Satrius, M. (I cent.) RE 1 O III. 74 1 With praenomen, then without. (Scribonius, Pom.) Curio, C. (pr.? by 117?) RE 9. S Br 110; 1 2 2 - 1 2 4 ; ( 2 I 3 ) · (De orat II.98). Inv 1.80. See Quotations His speech Pro Ser. Fulvio Br 122; 124. Inv I.80 With praenomen in Br 110 (in series), ab (Scribonius C.f. Pom.) Curio, C. (cos. 76) RE 10. S. Bs O II.59. III.88. Br 182; 192; 210; 2I3-220 6 ; 227; 234; 305; 311. De orat II.98. Or 129 With praenomen in Br 182 (first mention) and 305, both in series. No need to add it in De orat. 'Curio pater' in Or. See p. 10. ab (Scribonius C.f. C.n. Pom.) Curio, C. (tr. 50) RE 11. S. Bs Br 2182·; 28o(f.); 283 'C. Curio' with 'C. Licinius Calvus' in 280. Elsewhere 'Curio filius' and 'Curio.' b Scribonius (L.?f. L.?n.) Libo, L. (tr. 149) RE 18. S


Br 89f. De orat 1.227. 11.263* 'L. Libo' followed by 'ipse Libo' in Br, but 'L. Scribonius' in De orat I. 287 and 11.263, followed by 'Libo' in the latter. b (Scribonius L.f.) Libo, (L.) (cos. 34) RE 20 A I.3 Seius (L.f.), M. (eq. R. II—I cent.) RE 3. Ν O II.58 Selii, P. and C. (docti homines, friends of L. Lucullus) RE 1 A II.ι ι (Sempronius) Asellio (historian, II—I cent.) RE 16 L I .6

a Sempronii Gracchi, Ti. and C. L III.24. O II (43;) 80. Τ I.5. Br 2 1 1 ; 224; 296; 333. De orat I.38. Inv I.5; 91 'Ti et C. Sempronii' in De orat, elsewhere '(duo) Gracchi'. a (Sempronius Ti.f.P.n.) Gracchus, C. (tr. 1 2 3 - 1 2 2 ) RE 47. S. Bs D I.36; 56*. II.62; 136. F IV.66. L III.20; 26. Lae 39; 4 1 . O II.72. TIII.48 4 . IV 5 1 . Br 99 f.; io9 3 f.; 1 1 7 3 ; 12.5(f.); 128*. De orat I.154. II.106; 1 3 2 ; 169; 269. III.214; 225 f. Or 233. PO 104. See Sempronii Gracchi. See Quotations and Index VI Gracchani iudices Br 128 Orations Τ III.48. Br 126. Apud censores Or 233. In Laenatem L III.26. In Tuberonem Br 1 1 7


5 5

Without praenomen in repeat namings, also in Br 99(?); 1 1 7 , De orat (except II.206, 269), Or, PO. a (Sempronius Ti.f.Ti.n.) Gracchus, (Ti.) (II cos. 2 1 3 ) RE 51 Τ I.89 (in series) (Br 126) b (Sempronius) P.f. (Ti.n.) Gracchus, Ti. (II cos. 163) RE 53. S. Bs D 1.33*; 36. II.62 1 ; 7 4 z ; (136). F IV.65. Lae 1 0 1 . Ν II.io 2 f.; 165. O II.43; 80. R VI.2. Τ I.89. Br 79; (126;) 170 De orat I (38;) 2 1 1 . Inv I.48; 91 Oratio Graeca apud Rhodios Br 79 With praenomen and filiation in D I.36, O II.43, Br 79· Elsewhere with praenomen except in D II.62, second naming, and Inv I.48 'Gracchus pater.' a (Sempronius Ti.f.P.n.) Gracchus, Ti. (tr. 1 3 3 ) RE 54. S A II.13; 15. D I.56. F IV.65. L III.20; 24. Lae 37 3 ; 39; 41*. Ν I.I06 1 . O I.76; 109. R I.31. II.49 (ex coni.). III.41. Τ IV. 5 i. Br 81; 95 f.; 103 f. z ; 107; (126;) 2 1 2 . De orat II.106; 170; 285. (III.214*). See Sempronii Gracchi Speeches Br 103 f. Always with praenomen except for second namings in Ν and Br 104. Sempronii (Muscae), A. and M. RE 7 1 De orat II.247




A. Sempronius cum M. fratre suo, followed by 'puer, abige muscas'. a (Sempronius C.f.C.n.) Tuditanus (lunatic) RE 89 A II.89 b (Sempronius C.f.C.n.) Tuditanus, C. (cos. 129) RE 9z. S. Bs Ν II. 14- R I.14. Br 95 With praenomen in Br. See p. 10. (Sempronius (C.f.M.n.)) Tuditanus, M. (cos. 2.40) RE 93 C 50. Τ 1.3. Br 72 With praenomen in Τ and Br. See p. 10. (Sempronius C.f.C.n.) Tuditanus, P. (cos. 204) RE 96 C 10. Br. 58*; 60 With praenomen in Br 60. See p. 9. Septumuleius, (L.) (of Anagnia, delivered C. Gracchus' head to Opimius) RE. Ν De orat II.269 ab (Sergius L.f.M.P.n. Tro.) Catilina, (L.) (pr. 68) RE 23. Bs Ρ 27. Or 129 Sergius Orata, C. (entrepreneur and bon vivant, II—I cent.) RE 33

F II.70. O III.673. Cf.Fr IV.10. De orat I.i78 z 'Orata' in F. Three names in O (followed by Orata' and 'Sergius') and De orat (followed by Orata'). (Sergius?) Silus, (witness c. 1 1 0 ) Cf. RE 39 De orat II.285 3

a Sertorius (Qui.), Q. (pr. 83) RE 3. S. W. N. Bs Br 180 (Servilia daughter of RE 40) Cf. RE 1 0 2 and 103 (F III.9?) Servilii TI.13 Servilii (P. Servilius Geminus, II. cos. 248, and Q.) A II.56 b Servilius, M. (quaest. or leg. 55) RE 20. S Br 269 ab Servilius (C.f.) Ahala, C. (mag. eq. 439) RE 32 C 56. R I . 6 . Cf. Or 153 (Axilla, Ala) Three names in C. 'Ahala' in R. (Servilii) Caepiones Or 160 a (Servilii) Caepiones (Cn. and Q.) Br 97 'Duo Caepiones.' (Servilius) Caepio, (Q.) Cf. RE 40-42, also 1 0 2 (Servilia) F in.8 a f. Called in the text grandfather {avi) to the young Lucullus, usually believed to be his uncle (avunculi, as conjectured by Schütz). See however Münzer (RE Servilius 102). The problem remains. Servilius (Cn.f.Cn.n.) Caepio, Cn. (cos. 169) RE 45 C 14. Br 78 'Caepio' and 'Cn. Servilius' (see p. 9).


a (Servilius C n . f . C n . n . ) Caepio, C n . (cos. 1 4 1 ) RE 4 6 . S. Bs F II.54. See (Servilii) Caepiones a (Servilius C n . f . C n . n . ) Caepio, (Q.) (cos. 1 4 0 ) RE 4 8 . S Br 1 6 1 (p. 10). See (Servilii) Caepiones a (Servilius Cn.f. Cn.n.) Caepio, Q . (cos. 1 0 6 ) RE 4 9 . S. Bs (NIII.74).TV.I4.

Br 1 3 5 ;

162; 164. De orat II. 124; 1 9 7 ; 1 9 9 - 2 0 3 5 . Inv I . 9 2 . P O

105. See Index V I With praenomen in T, Br, and De orat II. 199 (after 'Caepio'). Filiation to be corrected in RE and OCS. (Servilius Q.f. Cn.n.) Caepio, Q . (quaest. 100) RE 50. S Br 1 6 9 2 ; 2 0 6 ; 2 2 3 ab (Servilius Q.f. Q . n . Caepio, Q.) (M. Brutus, pr. 44) RE Iunius 53. Bs, p. 1 1 2 A I.12, F I.χ; (8). III.ι; 6. V.I; 8. Ν I . i . P i . Τ I . i . II.I. III.I. I V . i . V . i ; 4 ; 1 2 ; 2 I Z ; 30; 3 4 ; 39; 1 2 1 . Br passim. O r passim Cicero's Brutus D II.4. O r 23 Philosophica A 1.12. De virtute F 1.8 ' M i Brute' in Br 187 and 253. ' M . Brutus' in Br 10 (introductory) and O r 140 ('pathos'). Otherwise addressed as 'Brute' and mentioned as 'Brutus,' the latter usually with possessive adjective. (Servilius P.f.Q.n.) Geminus, (Cn.) (cos. 2 1 7 ) RE 6 1 Τ 1.89 (in series)



Servilius (Q.f. Cn.n.) Geminus, P. (cos. 2 5 2 ) RE 62 A 11.84^. Three names, followed by 'Geminus' and 'P. Geminus.' See Servilii. Servilius ( Q . f . C n . n . ) Geminus, Q . (twin of the foregoing) RE 63 A II.84 F*

'Quintus' following 'P. Servilius Geminus' and 'P. Geminus.' See foregoing and Servilii. a Servilius Glaucia, C . (pr. 100) RE 6 5 . S. Bs Br 224. De orat II.249; 263. III.164

Three names in Br. 'Glaucia' in De orat. Servilius (C.f. P.n. Pulex Geminus), M . (cos. 2 0 2 ) RE 7 8 (see 1 8 0 7 . 4 0 )

De orat II.261 Servius Tullius See Tullius Sestius, L. (patrician, V cent.) RE ι R II.61 Sextilius Rufus, P. (in Fadius Gallus' will, c. 90) RE 25. W FII.553

Three names, followed by 'Sextilius.' Sextius, P. (pr. desig. towards 9 0 ) RE 9. S Br 1 8 0 Sextius (C.f.C.n.) Calvinus, C . (pr.? by 9 2 ? ) RE 2 1 . S. Bs Br 130. De orat 11.246*; 249 Three names in Br. ' C . Sextius' followed by 'Sextius' in De orat II.246, 'Calvinus' in 249.




Sicinius, C . (quaest. c. 74) RE 7· S Br 2 6 3 Sicinius, C n . (tr. 76) RE 9 Br 2 1 6 Sosius, Q . (eq. R o m . f r o m ager Picenus, forger of public records) RE 3. Ν III-74 T h e suggestion that 'Alenus' in the next sentence is the same man is not plausible. Such variations occur with names already given or which the reader m a y be expected to know, ab Spartacus RE Ρ 30 b Spurinna (haruspex, w a r n e d Caesar) RE 2 D I.119 a Staienus, C . (C. Aelius Paetus Staienus) (quaest. 7 7 ) RE W Br 2 4 1 .

C. Staienus, qui se ipse adoptaverat et de Staieno Aelium fecerat. See O CS and Studies 60 (93) n. 1 2 and 65 ( 1 0 1 ) . Suffustius, N . (of Praeneste) RE D II.85 Sulpicius (P.f. Camerinus C o r n u tus), Ser. (cos. 500) RE 3 5 Br 6 2 (Sulpicius Ser.f.Ser.n. Ani.) G a l b a , C . ( p r . 1 1 3 / 1 1 2 ) RE 5 1 . S. Bs Br 98; i 2 7 f . D e orat 1.(228;) 239

His epilogus Br 127

ab (Sulpicius Ser.f.P.n. Ani.) G a l b a , Ser. (cos. 1 4 4 ) RE 58. S A I I . 5 1 1 . R I I I . 4 2 . Τ I.5.


80; 82; 8 6 - 9 5 passim; 98; 1 2 7 ; 2 9 5 ; 3 3 3 . D e orat I.40; 58; Z 2 7 z f : l ; 2 3 9 f 3 j 2 5 5 · II.9; 2633.111.28 Speeches Br 9 1 ; 2 9 5 . Without praenomen in repeat namings (but in Br 89 'Ser. G a l b a ' f o l l o w s ' G a l b a ' in a new context) and series. A II. 5 1 has usually been referred to his father, praetor in 1 8 7 , which is possible but unlikely; see Badian, I.e. (at Fulvius Nobilior, Ser.), p. 1 7 1 f. ab Sulpicius ( C . f . C . n . ) G a l u s , C . (cos. 1 6 6 ) RE 66. S. Bs C 49. L a e 9; 2 1 (Gali); 1 0 1 . O I . 1 9 . R 1 . 2 1 - 2 3 " ; 30. C f . F r V.io. Br 7 8 ; 90. D e orat I.228 Three names in R , first n a m ing, Br 7 8 , and D e orat. ' C . Sulpicius' in O . ' C . G a l u s ' in L a e 1 0 1 (in series) and Br 90. ' G a lus' in C , L a e 9, and R after first naming. (b) (Sulpicius C . f . C . n . Galus), Q. RE 69 (Lae 9). (Br 90). D e orat I.228

C. Gali filium (Br) and C. Sulpici Gali propinqui sui Q. pupillum filium.

ab Sulpicius (Rufus), P. (tr. 88) RE 9 2 . S. Bs L III.20. L a e 2. O II.49. Br 1 8 2 f.; 2 0 1 - 2 0 7 7 ; 2 1 4 f.; 226-228"; 230; 297; 301; 3 0 4 ; 3 o é f . ; 3 3 3 . D e orat passim (esp. I . 2 5 ; 1 3 1 . II.88(f.); 96; 1 0 7 . I I I . 1 1 ; 3 1 ; 46). O r io6z; 132.


With praenomen in Lae, O, Br 182, De orat I.25 (first mentions), also Br 306. Speeches, really by Aelius Praeconinus Br 205. ab Sulpicius (Q.f. Lem. Rufus), Ser. (cos. 51) RE 95. S. N. Bs (L I.17. O II.65). Br 1 5 0 - 1 5 5 4 . Top 36 'Ser. Sulpicius' followed by 'Servius (noster)' in Br. 'Servius noster' in Top. Tarpeius (M.f. M.n. Montanus Capitolinus), Sp. (cos. 454) RE 4 R II.60 (p. 9) Tarquinii O III.40. R II.46; 53 (Tarquinius), Arruns RE 4 (R II.46). Τ IV. 5 o Tarquinius, Sex. RE 14 (F II.66. III.75). L II.10. (R II.46) (Tarquinius Egeri f.) Collatinus, (L.) (cos. 509) RE 8 (F 11.66). O III.40 1 . R II.46; S3· (Br 53) a Tarquinius Priscus, L. (fifth king of Rome) RE 6 D I.31 f. 3 L I . 4 . R I I (34)f. ; 37Í. 4 Τ V.I09 'Priscus Tarquinius', followed by 'rex Priscus' and 'Tarquinius' in D. 'L. Tarquinius' in R II.35. 'Tarquinius' elsewhere, ab Tarquinius Superbus, L. (last king of Rome) RE 7 D I.43. F (11.66). III.75. L II.10. Lae 28; 53(f.). O III.40. P. i l . R I. (58;) 62 1 . II.28 2 ;



(44;) 46; sxf.- Τ I. 3 8; 88(f.). III.27. (IV.50). (Br 53) Three names in R II.28. 'Tarquinius Superbus' in Lae 28, 'Superbus Tarquinius' in D, 'L. Tarquinius' in L. Elsewhere 'Tarquinius' or 'Superbus.' Tar(r)utius Firmanus, L. (friend of Cicero) RE 2 D II.98 Tatius, T. (Sabine king) RE 1 R II. 13 f· 4 'T. Tatius', then 'Tatius.' ab Terentius (Afer, P.) (wrote Latin comedies, II. cent.) RE 36 F I.4. V.28. Lae (89;) 93. Ν 11.6ο. Ο Ι.ι50. Τ III.3I. Inv I.27; 33. OGO 3. Or 1 5 7 . See Quotations Terentianus Chremes F 1.3. O I.30 . nus Ipse se poenin u m ver tens Τ III.65. " bum Lae 89 Adelphi C 65. Andria F I.4. Lae 89. Inv I.33. OGO 18. Eunuchus Ν II.6o (Terentius C.f.M.n.) Varrò, C. (cos. 216) RE 83. S (C 75). O III.114. Br 77 'Varrò' (p. 9) and 'C. Varrò' (in series), ab (Terentius Qui.) Varrò, M. (of Reate) (pr. c. 75) R É 84 and suppl. VI. N. Bs A I . 1 - 3 3 ; 9; 1 1 ; 15; 18; 26; 4 3 1 . Fr 29; 36. D 1.68. II.114. Br 60; 205 Menippea A 1.8. Poetry A 1.9. Antiquitates A 1.8. De lingua Latina A I.2 f. Laudationes A 1.8 With introductory praenomen in A I.i and D 1.68.




b (Terentius M.f. Varrò) Lucullus, M. (cos. 73) RE Licinius 109. S. Bs (A II.i). Br 222 Before adoption M. Licinius Lucullus (Studies 1 98, OCL, p. 6). Terentius Vespa (II—I cent.?) RE 93

De orat II.2.53 'Vespa Terentius.' Tertia See Aemilia Tertia Tetrilius Rogus (friend of L. Lucullus) RE A II. 1 1 Thorius, Sp. (tr. between 1 1 4 and n i ? ) RE 2. S. W. Bs Br 136. See Index VI See Claudius (Pulcher), Αρ., cos. 146. Thorius (Mae.) Balbus, L. (man of pleasure, II—I cent.) RE 4. F II.63-65 1 ; 70 L. Thorius Balbus fuit Lanuvinus and 'Thorius.' Tinga (or Tinca), T. (of Placentia, a wit, II—I cent.) RE Tinca. S Br 172* With praenomen, then without. Titinia (defended by Cicero) RE 26 Br 2 1 7 a . (Or 129) 'Titinia Cottae' and 'Titinia.' 'Wife of Cotta'? 'No parallel is cited for the dative with perorare, and the older view still deserves consideration' (Douglas ad loc.).

Titius, C. (eq. R., II—I cent., author of tragedies) RE 7 S. Ν Br 167 a Titius, Sex. (tr. 99) RE 23. W Br 225. De orat II.48; 253; 265. III.88. F II.13. Τ IV.67. See Index VI With praenomen except in De orat II.253 ('ille Titius') and III.88, where, however, the reference may well be to a different man. Trabea (writer of comedies, II cent.) RE 2 F II.13. Τ IV.Ó7. See Quotations b Trebatius (Testa), C. RE 7. Ν Top 1; (72) 'C. Trebati' (voc.) Tritan(n)us (centurion in Lucilius) RE F I.9* a Tullius, Servius RE 18 D I . 1 2 1 . R II.37-40Î; (58). III.47. (Τ I.38). Br 39. De orat I.37 'Servius' in R, repeat namings. 'Tullius rex' in R III.47. (Tullius M.f. Cor.) Cicero, L. (uncle of the orator) RE 25. Ν De orat II.z(f.) ab (Tullius L.f.M.n. Cor.) Cicero, L. (son of the foregoing) RE 26. Ν F V.i; 5 f . 1 ; 8; 15; 7 1 ; 75f.; 86;95 Introduced as 'L. Cicero.' Thereafter 'Lucius (noster)' or 'Cicero (noster, meus).' Addressed as 'Luci (noster)' or 'Cicero.'


(Tullius Cor.) Cicero, M. (grandfather of the orator) RE 27. Ν L (II.3). III.36. Deorat II.265 Addressed in L (by Scaurus) as 'M. Cicero.' 'M. Cicero senex' in De orat. ab (Tullius M.f. Cor. Cicero, M.) (father of the orator) RE 28. Ν (L. II.3. Lae ι . O III.77. De orat II.ι f.; 265) ab (Tullius M.f.M.n. Cor.) Cicero, (M.) (orator) RE 29. W. N. Bs Top 51. See Quotations Speeches: Pro Caecina Or 102 Pro Cluentio Or 103; 108 Pro Cornelio Or 103; 108; 232. Corneliana secunda Or 225 Pro Fiacco Or 1 3 1 Pro lege Manilia Or 102 Pro Milone (Miloniana) Or 165. OGO 10 Pro Murena F IV. 74 Pro Rabirio perduellionis reo Or 102 Pro Roscio Amerino Br 3 1 2 . De orat II.51. Or 107f. Pro Titinia Br 2 1 7 . Or 129 In Verrem O II.50. Or 103; 210 Philosophica Académica D II.i. Ν I.i 1. II 104. O II.8. Τ II.4. Ti ι Cato D II.3. Or 35 Cato Maior (De senectute) D II.3. Lae 4. O I . 1 5 1 . Top 94 Consolatio D II.3; 22. Τ I.65; 76; 83. III.70; 76. IV 63



De divinatione D II.3. Fa ι De fato D II.3 De finibus F 1 . 1 1 f. Τ V.3 2 De natura deorum D I.7-9; 33; 1 1 7 . II.3; 148. Fa ι De república D II.3. F II.59. L I.i5; 20; 27. II.23. III-4; 1 2 f.; 32; 38 f. O II.60. Cf. Lae 1 4 f . Τ I . 5 3 . IV.i Hortensius A II.5; 61. D II.i. F 1.2. Τ II. 4 . III.6 Laelius (De amicitia) Lae 3 f. O II.31 Tusculanae disputationes D II.2. Fa 4 Rhetorica Brutus D II.4. Or 23 De inventione De orat I.5; 93 De oratore D II.4 Orator D II.4 Verse Aratea D II. 14. L II.7. Ν II.I04 De consulatu D I.17. II.47 Marius D I.i; 4; 106. L I.i; 4 Prognostica D I.13. II.47 ab (Tullius M.f.M.n. Cor.) Cicero, M. (son of the orator) RE 30 O. I . I ; 3; 15; 78. II.i; 8; 44. ΙΙΙ.ι; 5; 33; I 2 i \ PO 1; 140 Addressed as 'Marce fili' (O I.i; 15; 78. III. ι ; 1 2 1 ) or 'mi Cicero'; never '(mi) Marce.' ab (Tullius M.f. M.n. Cor. Cicero), Q. (pr. 62, brother of the orator) RE 3 1 . Ν D Ι.8Ζ; iof.; (58;) 132*. ΙΙ.8 1 ; 1 3 ; ioof.; 1 3 5 f . ; 150. F V.i; 3; 8; 96. L passim. (R 1.13). De orat I.i; (4; 23). II. 1; (10). III.i; 13; (15)




Introduced as 'Q. frater' in D (1.8 and II. 8) and F. Thereafter 'Quintus' (usually vocative), except for a parting 'Quinte frater' in D II.150. In L addressed as 'Quinte', except in III. 1 2 and 26 'frater', 25 'optime et dulcissime frater', and 26 'o Quinte frater.' In De orat addressed as 'frater' in I.4, 'mi frater' in I.23; 'Quinte frater' in I.i, II. 1, III.ι,13; 'carissime frater atque optime' in II. 10. In return Quintus is consistently made to address Marcus as 'frater', never 'Marce' (see p. 11). b (Tullius) Cratippus, (M.) See Index II Cratippus Tullius (Longus), M'. (cos. 500) RE 41 Br 62 Tullus See Hostilius b Turius, L. (pr. 75?) RE 2. S. W. Bs Br 237 b (Turpilius, Sex.) (writer of comedies) RE 7 Leucadia Τ IV.72 Valerius (actor) RE 6 De orat 111.86 (L. Crassus speaking) Valerius (M.f.M.n.) Corvinus (or Corvus), M . (VI cos. 299?) RE 1 3 7 C 60. D I.51 Three names in C, 'M. Valerius' in D (p. 9). (Valerius P.f.L.n.) Flaccus, L. (cos. 195) RE 173 C 42

ab (Valerius L.f.L.n.) Flaccus, L. (cos. 100) RE 176. Bs D I.104. (L I.42). Br 224 L. Flaccum, flaminem Martialem (on the identity see Münzer in RE) in D, 'Flaccus' in Br (p. 10). ab (Valerius L.f.C.Pn. Flaccus, L.) (pr. 63) RE 179. Bs (Or 1 3 1 ) Valerius (Volesi f.) Maximus, M ' . (diet. 494) RE 243. S. Bs Br 54 M'. Valerium dictatorem ... ob earn ipsam causam Maximum esse appellatum. ab (Valerius M.f.M'.n.) Messalla (Niger), M. (cos. 61) RE 266. S. Bs Br 246 ab (Valerius M.Pf. Lem.) Messalla (Rufus, M.) (cos. 53) RE 268. Bs Br 328 a Valerius (Volusi f.) Poplicola, P. (IV cos. 504) RE 302 A I I . 1 3 . L II.58. R II.53; 55. See Index VI 'P. Valerius' (A, R II.53) and 'Poplicola' (R II.53 in quo fuit Poplicola maxime, 55). Valerius (P.f.P.n. Poplicola) Potitus, L. (cos. 449) RE 304 R II.54. Br 54 Three names in both. Valerli Sor ani, Q . D. Br 169 Valerius (Rom.) Soranus, Q . RE 345. S. W. Bs De orat III.43. See above b (Valerius C.f. C.n. Aem.) Tria-


rius, C. RE 365. Bs. Cf. W F I.i3 f.; 2 5 - 2 7 ' ; 72. II.21; 74; 84; i i 9 z . Br 265 f. Introduced in F with praenomen, elsewhere 'Triarius.' Vargula (friend of Caesar Strabo) Not in RE De orat II 244; 247 Varius, A (iudex, period uncertain) RE ι F II.62 a Varius (Severus Hybrida), Q. (tr. 90) RE 7. W Ν III.8ιΛ Br 182; 221; 305*. De orat I.117. See Index VI With praenomen except in N, second naming. Vatienus, P. (of Reate, II cent.) RE Vatinius 1. Ν Ν II.6. III.11 3 ; 13. His grandson Ν II.6 With praenomen II.6. See Studies, 46 (73). Vellerns, C. (older contemporary of Cicero, Epicurean) RE 1. Bs Ν I. passim. II. 1; 47; 61; 73; 162. III.2f.; 11; 65; 95*. De orat III.78 1 With praenomen in Ν 1.15 (introductory), 66, and De orat, first naming. Velocius, Q. (amateur swordfighter in Lucilius) RE De orat III. 8 6 b Vennonius (historian, II cent.) RE ι L 1.6



Vergilius (or Verginius), M. (tr. 87) RE 4. S. N. Bs Br 179 (Verginia) RE 24 (F 11.66). R II.63 Verginius, A (jurist, late II cent.) RE 6 Lae 101 Verginius, L. (father of Verginia) RE 7 F 11.66. (V.64). R IL63 'D. Verginius' in R. a (Verres, C.f. Rom., C.) (pr. 74) RE ι. Cf. W Or 129 Vettius Vettianus, Q. (Marsian, orator II—I cent.) Not in RE Vettianus appears to be a cognomen, hardly an adoptive one. Veturius (Calvinus), T. (II cos. 321) RE 8 C 41. O III.109. See p. 9 Veturius (L.f.L.n.) Philo, L. (cos. 206) RE 20. Bs Br 57 ab (Vibius C.f. C.n.) Pansa (Caetronianus, C.) (cos. 43) RE 16. Cf. W no 490. Bs Br 218 'Pansa noster.' Vigellius, M. (Stoic, friend of L. Crassus) RE 1 De orat III.78 ab Visellius (Qui.) Varrò, C. (aed. cur. 59?) RE 3. S. W. N. Bs Br 264 Son of Aculeo q.v.

Cognomina Cognomina or nomina not occurring in the text are bracketed. Only those freedmen or new citizens are included whose gentilicia appear in the text. Only agnomina appearing in the text are listed separately. Acidinus (Fulvianus), Manlius Aculeo Aemilianus See Maximus; Scipio Aeserninus Aeserninus See Marcellus Afella, (Lucretius) (Afer), Terentius Africanus See Scipio Ahala, Servilius (Ahenobarbus), Domitius Albinus, Postumius (Albinus Caudinus), Postumius Albinus (Magnus), Postumius Albinus (Paullulus), Postumius (Albus Regillensis), Postumius Alenus (??) (Alimentus) Cincius (Andronicus), Livius (Antias), Furius Antipater, Coelius Asellio, (Sempronius) Asellus, (Claudius) Atticus, Pomponius / (Caecilius) Aurifex (Auruncus), Cominius Balbus, Lucilius; Thorius (Balbus), Acilius (Balbus), Ampius Baliaricus, See Metellus Barbatus, Horatius Barrus, Betucius (or Betutius) Basilus, Minucius Bestia, (Calpurnius) Bibulus, (Calpurnius) Bithynicus, Pompeius

Bononiensis, Rusticelius Briso, Antius Brulla Brutus, (Iunius) Brutus (Callaicus), (Iunius) Caecus, Claudius Caepio, (Servilius) Caesar, (Iulius) Caesar (Strabo Vopiscus, Iulius) Calatinus (or Caiatinus), Atilius (Caldus), Coelius Calidianus, Cosconius Calvinus, Sextius (Calvinus), Veturius Calvus See Macer (Camerinus Cornutus), Sulpicius Camillus, (Furius) (Capito), Ateius (Capitolinus Imperiosus), Manlius Carbo, Papirius Carbo (Arvina), Papirius Catilina (Sergius) Cato, Porcius Cato (Licinianus), Porcius Cato (Sapiens), Porcius Catulus, Lutatius (Caudex, Claudius) Celer See Metellus Censorinus, Marcius Cent(h)o, Claudius Centumalus, Claudius Cethegus, (Cornelius) Chius (?), Postumius Cicero, (Tullius)


Cincinnatus, Quinctius Cinna, (Cornelius) Codes, (Horatius) Collatinus, (Tarquinius) Congus (Gracchanus, Iunius) Corculum See Scipio Nasica Coriolanus, Marcius Corvinus (or Corvus), Valerius (Cossus Arvina), Cornelius Cotta, (Aurelius) (Crassus Inregillensis Sabinus), Claudius Crassus, Licinius Crassus (Agelastus, Licinius) Crassus (Dives), Licinius Crassus Dives (Mucianus, Licinius) Crassus (Scipio), Licinius (Crassus), Papirius Culleolus, Cornelius Cumanus, Blossius Curio, (Scribonius) (Dentatus), Curius Dives See Crassus Dolabella, Cornelius Drusus, Livius Figulus, (Marcius) Figulus (Thermus, Marcius) (Figulus), Nigidius Fimbria (Flavius) Firmanus, Tar(r)utius (Flaccus), Avianius Flaccus, Fulvius; (Valerius) Flamininus, (Quinctius) Fregellanus, Papirius Frugi See Piso Galba, Sulpicius Gallus, Aquillius; Fadius (Gallus), Anicius; Roscius Galus, Sulpicius Geminus, Servilius Glabrio, (Acilius) Glaucia, Servilius



Gracchus, Sempronius Gratidianus, Marius Habitus, Cluentius (Hortalus), Hortensius Hypsaeus, (Plautius) Imperiosus Torquatus, Manlius (Iullus), Iulius Labeo, Fabius Laenas, Popillius Lamia, Aelius Lanarius, Calpurnius Lentulus, (Cornelius) Lentulus (Clodianus, Cornelius) Lentulus (Crus, Cornelius) Lentulus Lupus, (Cornelius) Lentulus Marcellinus, (Cornelius) Lentulus (Spinther, Cornelius) Lentulus Sura, (Cornelius) Lepidus, Aemilius Lepidus Livianus, Aemilius Lepidus Porcina, Aemilius Libo, Scribonius Licinus, (Porcius) (Longinus Ravilla), Cassius (Longus), Tullius Lucullus, (Licinius). See Varrò Lupus See Lentulus (Lupus), Rutilius Luscinus, Fabricius Luscus, Annius Macer, (Licinius) (Macer) Calvus, Licinius Magnus, Pompeius Maluginensis See Scipio Mancia, Helvius Mancinus, Hostilius Marcellinus See Lentulus Marcellus, Claudius (Marcellus) Aeserninus, Claudius Masso, (Papirius) Maximus, Fabius; (Mallius); Valerius




Maximus (Aemilianus, Fabius) Maximus (Allobrogicus), Fabius Maximus (Eburnus, Fabius) Maximus Verrucosus, Fabius Messalla (Niger, Valerius) Messalla (Rufus, Valerius) Metellus, Caecilius Metellus Baliaricus, (Caecilius) Metellus (Caprarius, Caecilius) Metellus Celer, (Caecilius) Metellus (Macedonicus, Caecilius) Metellus Nepos, (Caecilius) Metellus Numidicus, (Caecilius) Metellus (Pius, Caecilius) (Metellus Pius) Scipio, (Caecilius) Milo, (Annius) (Montanus Capitolinus), Tarpeius Murena, (Licinius) (Mus), Decius (Musca), Sempronius Nasica See Scipio Nasica, Porcius (?) Natta, Pinarius (Nero, Claudius) Nerva, Licinius Nobilior, Fulvius Nucula Numidicus See Metellus Orata, Sergius Orestes, (Aufidius); Aurelius Ot(h)o, (Roscius) Pacideianus Paelignus, Alliennius (Paetus), Aelius; Autronius (Paetus Catus), Aelius (Paetus) Staienus, (Aelius) Palicanus, (Lollius) Pansa (Caetronianus, Vibius) Papus, Aemilius Paullus, Aemilius Pennus, (Iunius)

Philippus, Marcius Philo, Veturius Philus, Furius Phrygio, Pompeius Pictor, Fabius Pinthia, Lutatius Pisaurensis, Attius Piso, (Calpurnius) Piso (Caesoninus, Calpurnius) Piso Frugi, (Calpurnius) Piso (Frugi, Pupius) Plautus, (Maccius) Poplicola, Valerius (Poplicola) Potitus, Valerius Porcina See Lepidus Potitus See Poplicola Priscus, Tarquinius (Pulcher), Claudius; Clodius Pullus, (Iunius); Numitorius (Pulvillus), Horatius Pyrgensis, Antistius Reatinus, Octavius Regulus, Atilius Rex, (Marcius) Rogus, Tetrilius (Rufinus), Cornelius Rufus, Pompeius; Rutilius; Sextilius (Rufus), Caelius; Minucius; Sulpicius Rusca, Pinarius Salinator, Livius (Sapiens), Laelius. See Cato Saturninus, Appuleius Scaevola, Mucius Scaurus, Aemilius; Aurelius Scipio, (Cornelius). See Crassus; Metellus Pius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus, (Cornelius) Scipio Africanus, (Cornelius) Scipio (Asiaticus / Asiagenus, Cornelius)


(Scipio Calvus, Cornelius) Scipio Maluginensis, (Cornelius) Scipio (Nasica, Cornelius) Scipio Nasica Corculum, (Cornelius) Scipio Nasica (Sarapio, Cornelius) (Serranus), Atilius (Severus Hybrida), Varius Silanus, (Iunius) (Silanus Manlianus, Iunius) Sisenna, (Cornelius) Silus, (Sergius?) Soranus, Valerius Saturninus, Appuleius Spoletinus, Caninius Staienus See Paetus Statius, Caecilius (Stilo Praeconinus), Aelius (Strabo), Pompeius (Subolo?), Decius Sulla, Cornelius Sulla (Felix, Cornelius) Superbus, Tarquinius Sura, See Lentulus



(Testa), Trebatius Tinga (or Tinca) Torquatus, Manlius Torquatus (Atticus), Manlius See Imperiosus Trabea Triarius, (Valerius) Tricipitinus, Lucretius Tritan(n)us Tubero, Aelius Tubertus, (Postumius) Tubulus, (Hostilius) Tuditanus, (Sempronius) Turpio, Ambivius Vargula Varrò, Rubrius; (Terentius); Visellius Varrò (Lucullus, Terentius) Varus, Licinius (Varus Fontinalis), Aternius Vecellinus, Cassius Verrucosus See Maximus Vespa, Terentius Vespillo, Lucretius Vettianus, Vettius

Index II Persons (non-Italian) Acusilas (of Argos, mythographer, V cent.) De orat II.53 Aeacida (Pyrrhus) D II. 1 1 6 * . dae ibid. ' O I.38 Aeschines (Athenian orator and politician, IV cent.) RE 1 5 and suppl. X F V.5. R I V . 1 3 . Τ III.63. B r 3 6; 285; 290. De orat II.94. III.28; 2 1 3 . OGO 14; 17; 2 1 - 2 3 3 . Or 26 1 ; 57; i i o f . ; 2 35 Oratio in Ctesiphontem De orat III.213. OGO 19-23 Aeschines (of Miletus, rhetor, I cent.) RE 19 Br 325 Aeschylus (tragic dramatist, V cent.) RE 13 and suppl XI A I.io. Τ II.23. III.76. De orat III.27. See Quotations Aeschylus (of Cnidos, rhetor, II—I cent.) RE 15 Br 316; 325 Aetion (painter, IV cent.) RE 1 Ρ 3 7 . Br 70 Agathocles (of Syracuse, historian, II—I cent.?) RE 25 D I.50 His History ibid. b Agesilaus (Spartan king, V-IV cent.) RE 4

F 11.1x6. Ο II. 16. De orat II.341. III.139 Agis (IV, Spartan king, III cent.) RE 4 O II.80 Aglaopho(n) (of Thasos, painter, V cent.) RE De orat III. 26 Alcaeus (of Lesbos, lyric poet, VII-VI cent.) RE Alkaios 9 and suppl. XI Ν 1.79. Τ IV.71 Alcamenes (of Athens or Lemnos, sculptor, V-IV cent.) RE Alka 5 Ν L8 3 b Alcibiades (Athenian statesman and soldier, V cent.) RE Alki 2 D II. 143. Fa 10. Τ III.77 4 f. Fr II.2. Br 29. De orat II.93. III. 139 Alcidamas (of Elaea, rhetor and sophist, IV cent.) RE Alki 4 TI.116 Alexander (tyrant of Pherae, IV cent.) RE 5 D I.53. Ο II.25f. InvII.144 ab Alexander (the Great) RE 1 0 A II.3; 85 (Alexandri). D I.47 3 ; 1 2 1 . II.135 3 ; 141 2 ·. F II.116. L II.41. Ν 11.69. O (I.90). II.16; 48; 53(f.). R


III.15. Τ III.zi. IV.79. V.91 f. Br 282. De orat II.58; 341. III.141. Inv I.93 2 . O G O 22 Amynomachus (heir of Epicurus) RE F II. ι ο ί Anacharsis (celebrated Scythian, VII-VI cent.) RE Τ V.90 z . See Quotations Anacreon (of Teos, lyric poet, VI cent.) RE 1 and suppl. XI Τ IV 71 Anchialus (astronomer, II cent.) RE, suppl. Ill D 11.88 Antigenidas (of Thebes, flautist, V-IV cent.) RE 3 Br 187 Antigonus (one of Alexander's successors, IV cent.) RE 3 O II.48 Antimachus (of Colophon, poet, V-IV cent.) RE 24 Br 191 a Antiochus (III. 'the Great') RE 25 and suppl. I De orat II.75 Antipater (ruler of Macedonia after Alexander) RE 12 0 II.48 Antipater (of Sidon, epigrammatist, II cent.) RE 22 Fa 5. De orat III. 194 Antipho(n) (of Rhamnus, orator, V cent.) RE 14 and suppl. 1 and III Br 47 Antipho(n) (Athenian author of various works including one on the interpretation of



dreams, V cent.) RE 15 D I.39; 116. 11.144* Antipho(n) (character in a comedy) De orat II.242* b Apelles (of Colophon, painter, IV cent.) RE 13 O III. 10. Br 70. De orat III. 10; 26. Or (5;) 73 Apollodorus (tyrant of Cassand r a , III cent.) RE 43 Ν 111.82 Apollonius (of Alabanda, rhetor, called ó μαλακός, II—I cent.) RE 84 De orat I.75; 126; 130. Inv 1.109. See Quotations b (Apollonius) Molo(n) (of Alabanda / Rhodes, teacher of rhetoric, II—I cent.) RE 85 Br 245; [307]; 312; 316 Aratus (of Soli, poet, III cent.) RE and suppl. I, Χ, XIV A 11.66; R 1.22; 56. De orat I.69 Aratea D II. 14. teum carmen L II.7. tea, carmina Ν II.I04· See Index I Tullius Cicero. Aratus (of Sicyon, statesman III cent.) RE 2 O II.81-83 Archelaus (king of Macedonia, V-IV cent.) RE 7 TV.35* Archias See Index I, (Licinius) Archias b Archilochus (of Paros, poet, VII cent.) RE 2 and suppl. XI F I I . 1 1 J . N I . 1 0 7 . III.91.T I.3. Or 4




ab Archimedes (of Syracuse, mathematician, III cent.) RE III and suppl III A II.116. F V.50. Ν 11.88. R 1.21'f.; 28. Τ I.é3 z ; V.64. De orat III. 13 2 Arganthonius (king of Tartessus, famous for longevity, VII-VI cent.) RE 5 C 69 Ario(n) (of Lesbos, poet and musician, VII-VI cent.) RE 5 Τ 11.67 a Aristides (Athenian statesman, VI-V cent.) RE 1 C 21. F II.116. V.62. O III.16; 49 3 ; 87. Τ V.105. De orat II.341 Aristodemus (of Metapontum / Athens, actor, IV cent.) RE 10 R IV. 13 Aristogito(n) (Athenian tyrannicide, VI cent.) RE 1 and suppl. I TI.116 (Aristolochus) (of Ephesus, supposed discoverer of an antidote to snakebite) RE 2 (D I.i6; cf. II.47) Aristomache (wife of Dionysius I, V-IV cent.) RE 3 TV.59 b Aristophanes (Athenian comic dramatist, V-IV cent.) RE 12 and suppl. XII. 1392 L II.37. O f 29 Aristophaneus anapaestus Or 190 (b) Aristophanes (of Byzantium, grammarian, III—II cent.) RE 14 F V.50. De orat III.132

Artemisia (sister, wife, and successor of Mausolus, IV cent.) RE 3 TIII.75 Asclepiades (of Prusa, physician, II—I cent.) RE Askl 39 De orat 1.62 Aspasia (of Miletus, friend of Pericles) RE 1 Inv I.5if. 1 Astyages (king of Media, VI cent.) RE 2 D I.il 2 · Bacis (of Boeotia, oracle-monger, VI? cent.) RE Bakis 1 DI.34 Bardulis (Illyrian ruler) RE 1 O II.40 Bito(n) (of Argos, in legend) RE ι TI.113 Brennus (leader of Gauls, invaded Greece in 279) RE 1 D I.81 Burrus (i.e. Pyrrhus) Or 160 Calamis (Boeotian? sculptor, V cent.) RE Kal 1 Br 70 Callanus (Indian sage, IV cent.) RE Kalanos and suppl. V D I.47; 65. Τ II.s2 Callicratidas (Spartan admiral, V cent.) RE Kail 1 O I.84; 109 Callimachus (of Cyrene, poet, III cent.) RE Kali 5a, suppl. V and XIII Τ I.84; 93- De orat III.132


ab Callisthenes (of Olynthus, historian, put to death by Alexander the Great, IV cent.) RE Kall ζ D I.74. II.54; 57· Τ 111.21*. De orat II. 5 8 Callisthenes of Theophrastus Τ V.25 Canachus (of Sicyon, sculptor, VI cent.) RE 1 Kanachos Br 70 1 (Candaules) (king of Lydia) and his wife (VIII-VII cent.) RE Kan (Ο III.38) Cassander (king of Macedonia, IV cent.) RE Kassandros 2 O II.48 Cassander (astronomer, II. cent.) Not in RE D 11.88 Cercops (Orphic poet, V. cent.) RE Kerkops Ν I.I07 (Chaeremon) (author of tragedies, IV cent.) RE 5. See Quotations Charisius (Athenian logographer, IV-III cent.) RE 6 Br 286 l Charmides (pupil of Epicurus, III cent.) RE 3 F V.942· Charondas (of Catana, lawgiver, VII cent.) RE 1 L I.57. II.14. III.5 b Chremes (character in Terence) F I.3. O I.30. Τ III.6 5 * Chrysis (character in Terence) De orat II. 3 27



Chrysis (character in Trabea) Τ IV. 6 7 Cimo(n) (leading Athenian, V cent.) RE 2 Kimon O II.64 b Cineas (Thessalian minister of Pyrrhus, IV-III cent.) RE 3 Kin C 43· Τ 1-59 Cleobis (brother of Bito(n)) RE K1 Τ I 113 a [Cleombrotus] See Theombrotus Cleombrotus (I, Spartan king, IV cent.) RE Kleo 2 O I.84 Cleomenes (III, Spartan king, III cent.) RE Kleo 6 Cf. Ν III.65 Cleo(n) Athenian demagogue, V cent.) RE Kleon 1 R I V . 1 1 . Br 28 Cleopho(n) (Athenian demagogue, V cent.) RE Kleo 1 R IV. 11 Clinias (Cretan, character in Plato's Laws) Not in RE L I.15 Clisthenes (Athenian statesman, VI cent.) RE Kleis 2 L II.41. R II.2. Br 27 b Clitarchus (historian of Alexander, IV-III cent.) RE Kleitarchos 2 L I.7. Br 42 Clitus (Macedonian officer, killed by Alexander, IV cent.) RE Kleitos 9 Τ IV. 79




Cluti(a)dae (hereditary prophets in Elis) RE Klyti(a)dae ι D I.91 b Cono(n) Athenian admiral, V - I V cent.) RE Konon 3 O I.116. De orat III.139 C o r a x (of Syracuse, rhetor, V cent.) RE Korax 3 Br 46. De orat I.91. III.81 Critias (chief of the Athenian 'thirty tyrants', V - I V cent.) RE Kr 5 Τ I.96. Br 29. De orat II.93 1 . III. 139 Crito(n) (friend of Socrates. V - I V cent.) RE Kriton 3 D I.52; 123. Τ I.I03 3 Critobulus (interlocutor in Xenophon's Oeconomicus) Not in RE C 59 Critolaus (chief of the Achaean League, II cent.) RE Kritolaos 1 Ν III.9I Croesus (king of Lydia, VI cent.) RE suppl. V Kroisos D I.37; 1 2 1 . I I . n 5 * f A F II.87. ΠΙ.45; 76. IV 2.9; 31. His son D 1 2 1 Ctesipho(n) (supporter of Demosthenes, IV cent.) RE 2 De orat III.213 1 . O G O 1 9 - 2 1 3 . Or 26; h i ; 133 (Cylo(n)) (would-be tyrant of Athens, VII cent.) RE Κ ύ λ ω ν ι Cylonium scelus L II.28 Cypselus (tyrant of Corinth, VII cent.) RE Kypselos 2 Fa 13. R II.342·. Τ V.I09

Cyrsilus (stoned by Athenians for advocating submission to Xerxes, 480) N o t in RE O III.48 b Cyrus (founder of the Persian empire, VI cent.) RE suppl. IV Cyros 6 C 30; 32; 79; 81. D I.46 2 . II.136. F II. 1 1 6 . III. 7 é. L II.56. O II.16. R I.43 f. Br 1 1 2 ; 282 Cyrus (the younger, V - I V cent.) RE Kyros 7, suppl. IV C 59 3 . D I.52; 122 Damaratus (Dem ) (Corinthian father of Tarquinius Priscus) RE 3 a suppl. I R II.34. Τ V.109 Damocles (courtier of Dionysius II, IV cent.) RE 6 Τ V.ói^f. Damo(n) (Athenian musician, V cent.) RE 17 and suppl. Ill De orat III.132 Damo(n) (of Syracuse, Pythagorean, IV cent.) RE 18 (F II.79). O III.45. (Τ V.63) Daphitas (grammarian, III cent.) RE Fa 5* Darius (I, king of Persia, V I - V cent.) RE Dareios 1 F V.92 b Darius (III, last king of Persia, IV cent.) RE 3 D Ι . ΐ 2 ΐ ζ . Τ V.97 ab Deiotarus (king of Galatia, I cent.) RE ζ and suppl. Ill D I.26(f.). II.20; 76; 7 8 f . z Br 21


Demades (Athenian orator and politician, IV cent.) RE Br 3 6 . Or 9 0 Demaratus See Damaratus Demetrius (Poliorcetes) (son of the 'successor' Antigonus, IV-III cent.) RE 33 and suppl. I O


ab Demetrius, Phalereus (Athenian orator, author, and statesman, IV cent.) RE 85 and suppl. XI F V . 5 4 . L I I I . 1 4 . O I.3 r . I I . 6 0 .

R II.2.

Br 285. De orat

II.95. O r 92. Demetrius L

11.66. Phalereus D II.96. L II.64.

Br 37- O r 94

Demetrius Syrus (teacher of rhetoric in Athens, II—I cent.) RE 98 Br 3 1 5 Demochares (Athenian politician, author of speeches and history, IV-III cent.) RE 6 Br 286. De orat II 95 b Demosthenes (Athenian orator and statesman, IV cent.) RE 6 A I . i o . D II.96; 1 1 8 . F V.5*. O I.4. II.47. Τ L i o . ΙΗ.63. IV.44; 55· V.1032·. Br 3 5 ; 66; 1 2 1 ; 1 3 8 ; I 4 i f . ; 1 9 1 * ; 2 8 5 f . ; 2 8 8 - 2 9 0 3 . De orat. I.58; 8 8 f . ; 2 6 0 . II.94f. III.28; 7 1 ; 2 1 3 3 . O G O 6 ; 1 0 ; 1 3 f.; 1 9 - 2 1 3 . O r 6; 1 5 ; 2 3 ; 2 6 f . * ;

29; 56f. 2 ·; 90; 104; n o ( f . ; ) 133; 136; 1 5 1 ; 226; 234f.

His sister Br 286 Contra Leptinem Or 111. De corona {Pro Ctesiphonte) De orat 2 1 3 . O G O passim. Or



26; i n ; 133. De falsa legatone Or h i . Philippicae Or III

Diagondas (of Thebes, author of law banning nocturnal rites) N o t in RE L II.37

Diagoras (of Rhodes, famous athlete, V cent.) RE 1 TI.III3 Dinarchus (Attic orator, IV cent.) RE Deinarchos 1 Br 36. De orat II.94 Dino(n) (historian of Persia, father of Clitarchus, IV cent.) RE Deinon 2 D I.46 Persica ibid. b (Dio(n) (of Syracuse, friend of Plato) RE ζ O I . 1 5 5 . Τ V.ioo. De orat ΙΙΙ.ΐ39 ζ ab Dionysius (I, tyrant of Syracuse, V-IV cent.) RE 1 D 1.39*; 73*. II.67; 1 3 6 . (F II.79). Ν III.81 ; 8 3 . O II.25. III.45. R I.28. III.43. Τ V . 5 7 - 6 3 3 ; 98. De orat I I . 5 7 .

His mother D I.39. II.136 ab Dionysius (II, IV cent.) RE 2 F I V . 5 6 . Τ 111.27

Dionysius Magnes (rhetor, II—I cent.) RE 125 Br 3 1 6 Diophanes (of Mitylene, rhetor, II cent.) RE 4 Br 1 0 4 Diphilus (L. Crassus' reader, II—I cent.) RE 9 De orat I.136




Diviciacus (chieftain of the Aedui, I cent.) RE Diviti 2 D I.90 Doris (Locrian wife of Dionysius I, V-IV cent.) RE, suppl.


D II.87. R I · " 1

b Eumolpidae (Attic priestly clan) RE L II.35


Draco(n) (Athenian lawgiver, VII cent.) RE Drakon 8 R II.2.

Eudoxus (of Cnidos, mathematician, IV cent.) RE 8

De orati.197

Elysius (of Terina, III? cent.) N o t in RE TI.115

b Epaminondas (Theban statesman and general, V-IV cent.) RE F II.62; 67; 97· O I . 8 4 ; 1 5 5 · Τ 1.4; 3 3 ; n o ; n é . II.59. V.49. Br 50. D e o r a t 1.210. II.341. III.139. I n v I.55f.; 69 f.

b Ephorus (of Cyme, historian, IV cent.) RE 1 Fr V.25. Br 204. De orat II.57; 94 ( E p h o r i ) . III.36. O r 172; 191 f.; 194; 218

b Epicharmus (Sicilian comic poet, V cent.) RE 2 Τ Ι.ι Ennius' poem A II. 51 Epimenides (Cretan wonderworker, VI-V cent.) RE 2 D I.34. L II.28

Euclides (geometer, IV—III cent.) RE Eukleides 7 De orat III. 13 2 Eudemus (of Cyprus, friend of Aristotle, IV cent.) RE 10 DI-535

Euphorio(n) (of Chalcis, poet, III cent.) RE 4 D II. 13 2. T I I I . 4 5 b Eupolis (Athenian comic dramatist, V cent.) RE 3 Br 38; 59 ab Euripides (Athenian tragic dramatist, V cent.) RE 4 and suppl. XI A I . 1 0 . II.89. F I.4. II.105. Ν 11.65. O III.82; 108. Τ 1.65; ι ι 5 . ΙΙΙ.29f.; 67. IV 63; 71· D e o r a t III.27. I n v I.94. O G O

18. See Quotations Euripideum carmen Τ III. 59 Crespbontes Τ I.i 15. Medea F I.4(f.). Orestes

Τ IV.63.

Phoenissae O III. 8 2 Eurysthenes (first Eurypontid Spartan king, XI cent.) RE 3 D II.90

Euthynous (son of Elysius, q.v.) N o t in RE TI.115

Galeotae (Sicilian clan of prophets) DI.39

Gelo(n) (tyrant of Syracuse, VI-V cent.) RE 3 Ν 111.83 (by mistake for Hiero) a Gnatho (in Terence) Lae 93; 94 (Gnathones)


Gorgias (of Leontini, rhetor and sophist, V cent.) RE 8 C 1 3 ; 23. F II.i. Br 30; 47; 292. De orat I.47; 103. III.59; 129. Inv I.7. Or 39f.; 165; 167; 175 f.2· See Plato Gyges (king of Lydia, VII cent.) RE 2 O III.38; 78 Hamilcar (son of Gisgo, Carthaginian general, III cent.) RE 5 D I.50 2 . II.136 Hamilcar (Barca?, III. cent.) Cf. RE 6 and 7 O III.99 ab Hannibal III.—II cent.) RE 8 C í o ; ( 7 5 ) . D I . 4 8 f . 1 ; 77. II.52; 136. F II.56. IV. 22. V.70. Lae 28. Ν ΙΙΙ.8ο.Ο Ι.38; 40 1 ; ιο8. ΙΙΙ.99; ι ι ? ^ · 1 · De orat 1.210. II 75~77 5 · Inv I.17. I I . 1 7 1 3 Hanno (addressed in a letter of pseudo-Anacharsis) Not in RE Τ V. 9 o* Harmodius (Athenian tyrannicide, VI cent.) RE ι Τ Ι.ιι6 Harpalus (pirate, IV cent.) Not in RE Ν 111.83 Hasdrubal (son of Gisgo, Carthaginian general, III cent.) RE 1 0 Ν III.9I b Hegesias (of Magnesia by Sipylus, rhetor, III cent.) RE 13 Br 286. Or 226; 230



Hellanicus (of Lesbos, historian, V cent.) RE 7 De orat II. 5 3 Hermagoras (of Temnos, rhetor, II cent.) RE 5 Br 263; 2 7 1 . Inv I.8 Z ; 12; 16; 97 Hermocreo(n) (of Rhodes) RE Hermokreon 2 Inv I.47 Hermodorus (of Ephesus, VI-V cent. ?) RE 3 Τ V.1051 Hermodorus (of Salamis, architect in Rome, II cent.) RE 8, suppl. II De orat 1.62 b Herodotus (of Halicarnassus, historian, V cent.) RE 7, suppl. II D I . 1 2 1 . II.116. F II.87. L I.5. O II.41. T I . 1 1 3 . Fr V.25. De orat II.55. Or 39; 186; 219 b Hesiodus (of Ascra, IX cent. ?) RE and suppl. VIII and XII C 23; 54. Ν I.36; 4 i . O I.48. Τ I.3; 98* Hesiodium, illud Br 15 Tbeogonia Ν 1.3 6 Hiero(n) (I, tyrant of Syracuse, VI-V cent.) RE 11 Ν I.6o\ See Gelo(n) Hierocles (of Alabanda, rhetor, II—I cent.) RE Hierokles 19 Br 325. De orat II.95. Or 231 Hippias (of Elis, sophist, V-IV cent.) RE 13 Br 30; 292. De orat III.127 b Hippocrates (of Cos, father of medecine) RE Hippokr




16 and suppl. III, VI. 1 2 9 0 , XII Ν III-91. De orat III. 132 b Hipponax (of Ephesus, iambographer, VI cent.) RE 1 Ν III.9I Hipponactei Or 189 ab Homerus RE ι and suppl. XI A II.51*; 88. C 23; 3 i z ; 54. D I . 7 2 ; 8 7 - 8 9 3 · Π . 2 5 ; ¿ 3 Z ; 975 132; 139.



II.ι χ 5 f.

V . 4 9 \ Ν I . 4 1 ; 1 0 7 . II.70; 1 6 6 . III.11; 4 1 . O III.97. R

I.56. II.18f. IV.5. VI.10. Τ 1-3; 375 6 5 z ; 79; 98*. ΠΙ.18; 63; 65. I V . 4 9 \ V.7; ι ι 4 ί . ζ Br 40; 50; 7 1 . De orat III. 57; 1 3 7 . O G O 6. Or 4 ; 1 0 9 . Top 55. See Quotations Homericus, Achilles Τ IV. 52. cus, Agamemno(n) Τ 111.62. IV.52. cus Aiax D II.82 .

c u s H e c t o r D 1.65.

cus Ulixes L I.2. cus versus D I.52 Hyperbolus (Athenian demagogue, V cent.) RE and suppl. IX 1 1 6 0 R I V . i i . Br 224 Hyperides (Athenian orator and politician, IV cent.) RE A 1 . 1 0 . Br 3 6 ; 6 7 ( dae); 1 3 8 ; 2 8 5 * ; 2 9 0 . De orat I . 5 8 . II.94. III.28. O r 90;


Iamidae (clan of prophets in Elis) RE Iamos D I.91 Iaso(n) (ruler of Pherae, IV cent.) RE 3 O I . 1 0 8 . Ν III.70

Ibycus (of Rhegium, lyric poet, VI cent.) RE 1 Τ IV. 71 Icadius (pirate) N o t in RE Fa 5 f . b Isocrates (Athenian rhetor, V-IV cent.) RE Isokr 2 C 1 3 ; 2 3 . O I . 4 . Τ I . 7 . Br 32; 48; 204. De orat II.10; 5 7 ; 94. III.28; 3 6 ; 59; 1 4 1 1 ; 1 7 3 . Inv II.17.

139; OGO

17. Or 3 7 f.; 40-42· 4 ; 62; 1 5 1 ; 167; 172-1765;


Isocrateus mos Or 207; 235 Ad Philippum Or 176. Panathenaicus C 13. Or 38. Panegyricus Or 37 a lugurtha (king of Numidia, II cent.) RE O III.79

Iugurthina, coniuratio Ν III.74. Br i 2 7 r Laches (Athenian general, V cent.) RE 1 D 1.123*

Leo(n) (tyrant of Phlius, VI cent.) RE 8 Τ V.83 Leonidas (Spartan king, hero of Thermopylae, VI-V cent.) RE 2 F II.62; 9 7 z . Τ I . i o i ;


Leontium See Index III Leptines (Athenian politician, IV cent.) RE 1 Or h i b Lycurgus (Spartan lawgiver, VIII cent. ?) RE Lykurgos 7 A I I . 1 3 6 . D I.96. F II.67. L


I.57. Ν ΙΙΙ. 9 ι. O I.76. R II.2; 15; 18 3 ; 24 1 ; 41Í; 5θ ζ ; 58. III.16. IV.5. T l . i o o f . ; n o . II.34. V.7. Br 40. De orat I.58; 197. III.56 (Lycurgi) (b) Lycurgus (Athenian statesman and orator, IV cent.) RE 10 Br 36; 130. De orat II.94 Lysander (leading Spartan, V-IV cent.) RE 1 C 59 4 ; 63. D 1.75 a ; 9· F V.7. mia, recentior De orat III.68. mia vêtus A I.7; ( i 3 ) f . r ; i8 r ; 335 4 3 " ; (46). ΙΙ·7θ Γ ; 1 1 3 " ; i 3 i r f . r ; i 3 5 r f . r D I. 5 r ; F V. 7 r f. L I.38. Τ V.82 r . Br i 4 9 r ; 315'; 332'. miae, duae A I . i 3 . See Index V Academicus A II.11; 132. fr. 34. Ν II.i 2 f. eus, vetus A II.135. ci A I.17; 22. II.I2 1 ; 15; 1 7 f . ; 29; 70 1 ; 103; 143. fr. 21. D II.126. F II.34; 4 3 . I I I . 3 1 . I V . 5 . V. 7; 21 f. Fa 4. Ν I . i . II.2; 205147. III.72.. O 1.6. III.20. Τ IV.6; 47· Br 120. De orat III.67 Z . ci, veteres A II. 13 2. fr. 21. F II.34. IV.5. Ο ΙΠ.20. Τ V-75; 85. cus Carneades Τ IV.5. ci libri (Cicero's) D II.ι. Ν I . i i . Τ II.4. ci philosophi De orat III. 109. Académica O II. 8 Aeschines (of Athens, Socratic, IV cent.) RE Aisch 14

Br 292. Inv I.51. See Quotations Aeschines (of Neapolis, ' N e w ' Academic, II cent.) RE 20 A II.16. De orat I.45 Alcmaeo(n) (of Croton, pupil of Pythagoras, V cent.) RE Alkmaion 6 and suppl. I and XII Ν 1.27 Alexinus (of Elis, Megaric, IVIII cent.) RE A II.75 b Amafinius, C . (Epicurean) II—I cent.) RE See Index I. Anaxagoras (of Clazomenae, V cent.) RE 4 and suppl. I and III A I.44. IL14; 72.; 100; 1 1 8 . D II.58. Ν 1.26. R I.25. Τ I.I04· III.30; 58. V ί ο ; 66; 1 1 5 . Br 44. De orat III.56; 138. O r 15. His son Τ III.30 Anaxarchus (of Abdera, Democritean, IV cent.) RE 1 Ν 111.82. Τ II.52 Anaximander (of Miletus, VI cent.) RE 1 and suppl. I and XII A II.118. fr. 26. D I.112. Ν 1.25 Anaximenes (of Miletus, VI cent.) RE 2 and suppl. XII A II.118. Ν 1.26*


(Anniceris) (of Cyrene, Cyrenaic, IV cent.) RE Annicerii O III. 1 1 6 b Antiochus (of Ascalon), Academic, I cent.) RE 62 A I.12-145; 35; 43. II.4; 1 0 - 1 2 1 1 ; 18; 29; 49; 61; 63; 67; 69; 97f.; 102; 109; h i 1 ; 1 1 3 ; 1 3 1 - 1 3 5 * ; Ι 3 7 ζ ; 139; 143 f. fr· i o ; 2-5- F V.i; 6-8*; 14; 16; 75; 81. LI.54(f.) Ν I.6; ι6>. Τ III.59· V 21 f. 1 ; 107. Br 3 1 5 Antiochii A II.70. chia II.98; 1 1 5 Sosus A II. 1 2 . Cf. Ν L i 6 Antipater (of Cyrene, follower of Aristippus, IV cent.) RE 25 Τ V.II2

Antipater (of Tarsus, Stoic, II—I cent.) RE 26 II.17; 28; 1 0 9 1 ; 143. fr. ι . D 1.6*; 39; 84; 1 2 3 . II.35; I ° I ; 144. F 1.6. O III.51 3 ; 54; 9 i z . Τ V.107 De divinatione D 1.6; II. 144 Antipater (of Tyre, Stoic, II—I cent.) RE 27 O 11.86 b Antisthenes (of Athens, Socratic, V-IV cent.) RE 10 Ν 1.32. Τ V.26. De orat III.62 Physicus Ν I.32 Apollodorus (Stoic, II—I cent.) See RE Syllos 3 Ν 1.93 (see [Sillis]) Arcesilas (of Pitane, founder of 'New' Academy, III cent.) RE Arkesilaos 19 A I.35 1 ; 43-465. II.12; 14-165; 59 f.; 66f.; 7 6 f . 1 F



II.2. V.io; 94. Fa 7. L I.39. Ν I . i i ; 70. Τ V.107; 109. De orat. III.67; 80 Archedemus (of Tarsus, Stoic, II—I cent.) RE 5 AII.143 Archelaus (of Athens? Disciple of Anaxagoras, V cent.) RE 36 T V . 10 Archytas (of Tarentum, Pythagorean, V-IV cent.) RE 3 and suppl. I C 39; 4 1 . F II.45. V.87. Lae 88. R I.16; 59f. Τ IV-78. V.64. DeoratIII.139 Ario(n) (Pythagorean, IV cent.) RE 6 F V.87 b Aristippus (of Cyrene, founder of the Cyrenaic school, IV cent.) RE 8 A I I . 1 3 1 ; 139*. F I.23; 26. II.18f. 1 ; 3 4 D ; 39; 41 2 ·. V.20. Ν III.77. O 1-148. III.116. Τ ΙΙ.15. De orat III.62. Inv II.176 Aristippeum genus voluptatis F II.20. eum, illud F II.18 Aristo(n) of Ceus, Peripatetic, III cent.) RE 52 and suppl. XI C 3. F V.13. Cf. O H.56 On old age C 3 Aristo(n) (of Chios, Stoic, later diverged, III cent.) RE 56 A II.123; 130. F II.35; 43· III.11 f.; 50. IV.433; 47; 49; 60; 68f. 3 ; 72; 78. V.23; 73. L I.38; 55. Ν 1.37· ΙΠ.77· O 1.6. T I I . 1 5 . V . 2 7 | 3 3 ; 8 5 . FrV.38 Aristonea vitia F IV.40




Aristo(n) of Alexandria (Peripatetic, II—I cent.) RE 54 A II. i z ab Aristoteles (IV cent.) RE 18 and suppl. XI A 1.10; I7*f.; 26; 33. II.113; 119; i 3 i f · ; i36f·; i43· D I.53 1 ; 81. II.3 f.; 128. F 1.6U 14. II.17; 19; 34; 40; 106. IV.3; 15; 49; 72.*f·; 79· V.7; 1 0 - 1 2 ' ; 14; 73. Fa 39. L I.38; 5 5 \ III.14 3 . Ν 1.33; 93; 107. II.42; 44; 95; 125. O I.4. II.56. III.35· Τ 1.7; 22; 41; 65; 7θ; 80; 94. II.9. III.69. V.30; 39; 87; ι ο ί ; 107. Br 46; 121. De orat I.43; 49; 55. II.43; 58; 152; ι 6 ο \ 111.62; βη\ 141; 147; 193· Inv I.7; 9; 6 i \ II.6f.; 156. Or 5 1 ; 46; 62; 94; 114*; 127; 172 1 ; 192; 194; 214; 218; 228. Top i f . ; 6f.; 35. See Quotations Aristotelia Top 3. Iii, commentarli F III. 10. lius mos De orat III.80. lia vis De orat III.71 De iustitia R III. 12. De moribus (Nicomachea) F V.12. De philosophia Ν I.33. Rhetorica De orat II. 160. Or 114. Topica Top ι b Aristoxenus (of Tarentum, pupil of Aristotle, IV cent.) RE 7 and suppl. XI F V.50. Τ 1.19; 24; 41; 51. De orat III. 132 b Aristus (of Ascalon, Academic, brother of Antiochus, I cent.) RE 9 A I . 1 2 . II.12. F V.8. Τ V . 2 I f. Br 332

Asclepiades (of Phlius, friend and co-philosopher of Menedemus of Eretria, IV—III cent.) RE 33 Τ V.113 Atheos Ν I.63. III.89. See Diagoras Bias (of Priene, VI cent.) RE 10 and suppl. V Lae 59. Ρ 8 Bio(n) (of Borysthenes, itinerant preacher of popular philosophy, III cent.) RE 10 Τ 111.62 Boethus (of Sidon, Stoic, III cent.) RE 4 D I.13. II.47 Callipho(n) (affiliations unknown, III or II cent.) RE Kali 3 A II.131; 139. F II. 19; 34f. IV.50. V.21; 73. O III.119. Τ V e s ; 87 b Carneades (of Cyrene, head of 'New' Academy, II cent.) RE Kar ι and suppl. XI A 1.46*. II.12; 16 3 ; 28; 33; 59 a f.; 67; 78; 87; 93; 9 8 3 f · ; 102; 108 f.; 112; 131; 1372·; i 3 9 i . fr. ι . D I.7; 12; 23*; 62; 109. II.9; 48; 51; 87; 97; 150. F 11.35a·; 38; 42·; 59· III.41; 57· V.4; 6; 20. Fa 19; 23; 31 f. L I.39. Ν 1.4; i l . II.162. III.29; 44. R f f l . 8 f . T f f l . 5 4 1 ; 59. IV.5; 53. V . i i ; 83f.; 88; 107; 120. De orat I.45; 49. II.155; 161. III.68; 80; 147. Or 51


Carneadeum Τ V.57. dea divisio F V.i 6. deus finis F IV.49. Τ V.8 7 ? deus mos et modus Ti.i. dea sententia A II. 148. F V.2.2 Charmadas (Academic, pupil of Carneades II—I cent.) RE ι A II. 16. Τ 1.59· De orat I.45; 47; 84.(£.;) 93. 11.360. Or Si b Chrysippus (of Soli, Stoic, III cent.) RE 14 and suppl. XII A II.73; 75; 87; 935 138; 140; 1433. D 1.6; 37; 39; 84. II.35; 61; 1 0 1 ; H 5 Í . ; 126; 130; 134; 144· F Ι·6; 39 2 ; 43 III.57; 67. IV. 7 ; 9; 28; 68. V.89. Fa 7; 1 2 - 1 6 6 ; zof. 1 ; 23; 30; 3 8 f . ; 4 i f . ; 44z; fr. V. Ν 1.39; 93. II.i6; 3 7 ^ 63; 160. III.5; 18; 25; 63; 65; fr. 4. O III.42. R III.12. Τ I.I08. ΠΙ.52·; 59; 61; 76; 79· IV.9; 23; 53 z ; 63. V.107. De orat I.50. Or 1 1 5 . 'Chrysippa' Ν 1.93. See Quotations Chrysippeus adj. II.96 Ars rhetorica F IV.7. De divinatione D 1.6. De natura deorum Ν I.40. III.52,; 59; 61; 76; 79. IV.9; 23; 52f.; 107 De oraculis D 1.6. Liber somniorum D 1.6. II.134; 144 Cleanthes (of Assos, Stoic, Zeno's successor, IV—III cent.) RE Kle 2 and suppl. XII A II.73; 12,6; 143. C 23. D 1.6. F II.69. IV.7. Fa 14. Ν 1-37- Π.Ι3; 24; 40; 63. III.5; 16f.; 37; 63. Τ ΙΙ.6ο ζ ; 76f. 4 V.107 Ars rhetorica F IV.7



Clitomachus (of Carthage, succeeded Carneades in the Academy, II cent.) RE Kleit 1 A I I . l i ; 16f.; 78; 98; ioz z ; 108; 1 3 7 ; 139; fr. 24. D II.87. Τ III.54. V I07- De orat I.45. Or 51 Books dedicated to Lucilius and Censorinus AII. 102. Consolatio ad Carthaginienses Τ III.54. Four books De sustinendis assentationibus A 98 Crantor (Academic, IV—III cent.) RE Kra A I.34. II.135. F V.7. T I . 1 1 5 . III.12; 7 1 . V.i07. De orat III.67. See Quotations Consolatio (De luctu) A II.135. Τ I . 1 1 5 Crates (of Athens, Academic, IV cent.) RE Kra 8 A 1.34 b Cratippus (M. Tullius Cratippus of Pergamus, Peripatetic, I cent.) RE Kra 3 D I.5; 70f.; 1 1 3 . II.100f.; 1 0 7 - 1 0 9 4 . Ο I.i(f.) II.8. III.5 f.; 33; 1 2 1 . Ti ζ2·. Br 250 Critolaus (of Phaselis, succeeded Aristo as head of the Peripatetics, II cent.) RE Kri 3 F V . 1 4 . T V . 5 1 . De orat I.45. II.155; 160 Cynicus Τ I.I04. V-92. ci F III.68. 0 . i 2 8 z ; 148. De orat. III.62 cus, Diogenes Ν III. 8 3 Cyrenaici A II.20; 76; i 3 i z ; 142. F I.23; 39. II.39; 1 1 4 . O III.116. Τ 111.28; 3 1 ; 52·; cf. 76. Cyrenaicus, Antipater Τ V.i 12. cus Hegesias Τ




I.83. ca philosophia De orat III.62 Dardanus (of Athens, Stoic, II cent.) RE 1 2

A II.69

b Democritus (of Abdera, V cent.) RE suppl. IV and XII A I.5; 44*; II. 1 4 1 ; 32; 5 5 Z U 73; 1 1 8 ; 1 2 1 ; 1 2 5 . C 23. D I.5; 80; 87; 1 3 1 . II.30; 57; 120; 1 3 3 ; 1 3 7 ; (139). F I.18; 2 0 i f . i ; 28. II.102. V.23; 50; 87. Fa 23; 39; 46. Ν 1.29; 66; 6% 73; 93; i o 7 ; ΐ2·ο 3 · 11.76. Τ 1.22; 42; 82. IV.44; 55. V.66; I04; 1 1 4 f . Fr V.34. De orat I.49. II.194; 235. III.56. Or 67. See Quotations Democriteus F IV.13. tei Τ 1.82. De orat I.42. tea D II.32. F 1.17. Ν I.73 · teus, Anaxarchus Ν III.82. Τ ΙΙ-52. teus, Nausiphanes Ν I.73 Diagoras (of Melos, called Atheos, V cent.) RE 2 Ν 1.2; 63; 1 1 7 . III.892· b Dicaearchus (of Messana, pupil of Aristotle, IV cent.) RE Dikaiarchos 3 and suppl. XI A II.124. D I.5; 1 1 3 . II.100; 105. F IV.79. L III.14. O II.16. Τ I.2i; 24; 4 1 ; 51; 77. IV.71

De interitu hominum O II. 16.

Lesbiaci libri Τ 1.77. 'Great book' deprecating knowledge of the future (cf. RE V.558) D II.105 Dinomachus (mentioned along with Callipho, III or II cent.)

RE Dein F V . 2 1 . O I I I . 1 1 9 . TV.85 b Diodorus (Cronos, of lasos, Megaric, IV—III cent.) RE 42 A II.75; τ43· F a 12.-15 4 ; 1 7 1 Diodorus (of Tyre, Peripatetic, II cent.) RE 44 A I I . 1 3 1 . F I I . 1 9 ; 3 4 f . IV.50. V.14; 2 1 ; 73. Τ V.85; 8 7 . De orat I.45 b Diodotus (Stoic, I cent.) RE II A I I . 1 1 5 . N I . 6 . Τ V . 1 1 3 . Br 309 Diogenes (of Apollonia, VI cent.) RE 42 and suppl. XII Ν I.29 a Diogenes (of Sinope, Cynic, IV cent.) RE 44 Ν 111.83; 89. Τ I.104. III.56. V. 9 2 b Diogenes ('the Babylonian', Stoic, III—II cent.) RE 45 A II.98; 1 3 7 . C 23. D 1.6; 84. II.90f.; 1 0 1 . F 1.6. II.24. III.33549; 5 7 . L I I I . 1 3 . N I.41. Ο III.51-533; 5 5 ; 9 ι * · Τ IV-5· De orat II.155; 1 5 7 ; (ι 59) f.

De divinatione D 1.6. De Minerva Ν 1.41

Dio(n) (of Alexandria, Academic, I cent.) RE 1 3 , cf. 14 A II.12 Dionysius (of Heraclea in Pontus, pupil of Zeno, later diverged, IV—III cent.) RE 1 1 9 A I I . 7 1 1 . F V.94. Τ II.60. III. 18 Dionysius (Stoic, I cent.) RE 123 Τ 11.26


Echecrates (of Phlius, Pythagorean, V-IV cent.) RE 3 and suppl. Ill F V.87 Eleatici philosophi A II.129. (De orat III.zo) b Empedocles (of Agrigentum, philosopher-poet, V cent.) RE 3 and suppl. XII z

A I.44. I I . i 4 ; 7 4 ; 1 1 8 . Fa 39. (Lae 24). Ν I.Z9; 9 3 . R III.19. TI.19. De orat I . Z 1 7

Empedocleus sanguis Τ I.41 ab Epicurus (of Athens, IV—III cent.) RE Epikuros 4 and suppl. XI

A I . 5 ; 7 . I I . 1 9 ; 4 5 ; 7 9 ; 8 ζ f.; 9 7 ; ι ο ί 3 ; ιο6ζ; 1 2 3 ; 1 3 1 ; 1 3 9 ; 1 4 z . (C 4 3 ) . D I . 5 ; 6 2 ; 8 7 ; 1 0 9 . I I . 4 0 ; 5 1 ; 5 9 ; 1 0 3 f.;

1 1 6 . F I and II passim. III. 3. IV.11; 13; Z9; 49. V.3 3 ; 80. Fa 1 8 - Z 3 7 ; 3 7 ; 4 6 . (L III.i). N. 1.17f.; 4 3 - 4 S 4 ; 4 9 ^ · ;

6 1 ; 8 9 f . 1 ; 72f.2·; 85; 8 7 1 ; 90;

93 3 ; 10z; i n - i i 5 s ; Ι Ζ Ο - Ι Ζ 3 5 . Il.zf.; 4 6 ; 4 9 ; 5 9 ; 7 6 ; 8z; 1 6 2 . IH.zf. O

III.i 16f. Τ 1.82. II.8; 15; 1 7 * f.; 2 8 * ; 4 4 ( f . ) I I I . 2 8 ;

32(f.); 3 7 - 5 0 passim; 7 6 ; 7 8 . IV.70. V.26; 3 1 ; 7 3 - 7 5 ; 84; 8 7 - 8 9 4 ; 93(f.;) 1 0 8 - 1 1 0 3 ;

1 1 8 . Br 292. See Quotations Epicureus D I.99. F I.27. Ν 1.66 f. Br 1 3 1 . rei A (1.6). I I . 1 1 5 . C 8 5 . D I I . 3 9 .

F 1.6; 2 5 ; 6 5 ; 6 9 . II. 1 2 ; 8 1 . Fa 2 3 ; 3 7 ; 4 6 . (L L u . Lae 3 2 ) .

Ν I.i5; (18;) 58f.1; 85;

m ;

1 1 3 . d l . 4 7 ; 73 f.). R VI.3. Τ I (48); 77. III.33; 50. V.94;



1 1 6 ; (119). reus adj. Ν ΙΙ.ι6ο. reus, Charmides F r e u s deus Ν 1.75. V.94. rea doloris medicamenta F II.22. reus, Timagoras A II.80. reus Zeno(n) A I.46

De fine {De summo bono) F I I . 2 0 ; 1 0 0 . Τ I I I - 4 I f. De


tate adversus déos Ν 1.115. De regula vel iudicio Ν I.43. De sanctitate Ν 1 . 1 1 5 ; 1 2 2 . De voluptate D II.59. Epistula ad Hermarchum F II.96. 100. Κύριαι δόξαι F II.20. Cf. Ν. I.85. Testamentum F II. 1 0 0 f. Eretri(a)ci A II.129.

De orat III.62

Eretricus philosophus Τ V.II3 Erillus (of Carthage, pupil of Zeno, later views denounced by Chrysippus, III cent.) RE Herillos A II.129. F II.35; 43· IV 36; 4 0 . V . 2 3 1 ; 7 3 . O 1.6. Τ V e s

Erillii De orat III. 62 Euclides (of Megara, V-IV cent.) RE Eukleides 5 A II. 1 2 9 Euhemerus (of Messene, author of Sacra historia, III cent.) RE Euem 3 Ν Ι.ιΐ9ζ Evander (Academic, III—II cent.) RE Euandros 8 A II.16

Hagno(n) (of Tarsus, Academic, II cent.) RE 12 AII.16




Hecato(n) (of Rhodes, Stoic, II—I cent.) RE Hekaton I O III.63; 89. See Quotations De officio ( its) ibid. Hegesias (of Cyrene, Cyrenaic, IV-III cent.) RE 1 2 Τ 1.83 f. Άποκαρτερων Τ 1.84 Hegesinus (of Pergamus, Academic, III-II cent.) RE A II.16 b Heraclides (of Pontus, pupil of Plato and Aristotle, IV cent.) RE Herakleides 45 and suppl. X D I.46; 130. L III.14. Ν 1.34. Τ V.8 Heraclitus (of Ephesus, VI-V cent.) RE Herakleitos 1 0 and suppl. X A II.118. D. II.133. F II.15. Fa 39. Ν 1.74. III.35. Τ V.105 Heraclitus (of Tyre, Academic, I cent.) RE 1 1 A Il.ii^f.1 Hermarchus (of Mitylene, Epicurus' successor, IV-III cent.) RE I A 11.97*. F Π.96; 1 0 1 . Ν. I.93 Hicetas (of Syracuse, Pythagorean, V-IV cent.) RE Hiketas 4 A II. 123 Hieronymus (of Rhodes, Peripatetic, III cent.) RE 1 2 A I I . 1 3 1 . F II.8; 16; i9 z ; 32; 35 3 ; 4 1 · IV.49. V.14; 20; 73. Τ II.15. V.84; 87f.; 1 1 8 . Or 190 Italici philosophi (sc. Pythagoreans) C 78

Lacydes (of Cyrene, head of 'New' Academy, III cent.) RE Lakydes A II.I62·. Τ V.I07 Leontium (mistress of Epicurus, IV-III cent.) RE Leontion 1 Ν I.93 Leucippus (atomist, V cent.) RE Leuki 13 A II.118. Ν 1.66 Lycium Ν 1-72. See Peripatetici Lyco(n) (of Troas, head of Peripatetics, III cent.) RE Lykon 14 FV.13.TIII.78 Lysis (Pythagorean, VI-V cent.) RE 2 O I.155. De orat III.139 Megarici A II.i29 i . De orat III.62. cus philosophus Fa 1 0 Melanthius (of Rhodes, Academic, II cent.) RE 1 2 A II. 1 6 Melissus (of Samos, Eleatic, V cent.) RE 4 A II.118 Menedemus (of Eretria, IV-III cent.) RE 9 A II.129 Menippus (of Gadara, Cynic, IV-III cent.) RE 1 0 A 1.8

Metrodorus (of Chios, pupil of Democritus, IV cent.) RE 14 A II.73. See Quotations De natura A II.73 Metrodorus (of Lampsacus, Epicurean, IV-III cent.) RE 1 6


F I.25. II.7; 9 2 ; 9 6 ; 9 8 ; ι ο ί . Ν 1 . 8 6 ; 93 ζ ; " 3 1 · Ο III. 1 1 7 . Τ II.8; 17. V.271; 1 0 9 . H i s

children F II.9 6 Metrodorus (of Scepsis, Academic turned rhetor, II—I cent.) RE 23 Τ I . 5 9 . De orat I I . 3 6 0 ; 3 6 5 . ΠΙ.75

Metrodorus (of Stratonicea, Epicurean turned Academic, II—I cent.) RE 17 A II.16; 78. De orat I.45 Mnesarchus (of Athens, Stoic, II cent.) RE 5 A I. fr. ι . I I . 6 9 . F 1-6.


orat I.45; 83 Nausiphanes (teacher of Epicurus, IV cent.) RE Ν 1.73; 93 Nicomachus (son of Aristotle) RE Niko 19 F V.12 De moribus ibid. Pamphilus (pupil of Plato, IV cent.) RE 23 Ν I. 7 2(f.) ab Panaetius (of Rhodes, Stoic, II cent.) RE 5 AII.5; 107; 1 3 5 . D I . 6 M f . ) ; 1 2 . 11.88*; 9 7 . F 1.6. I I . 2 4 . IV.23; 79. L I I I . 1 4 . N I I . 1 1 8 . O I.7; 9; 9 0 ; 1 5 2 ; 161. II.16; 35; 51; 60; 76; 86; 88. 111.7-12*; 1 8 ; 3 3 f . 1 ; 6 3 . R I . 1 5 ; 3 4 . Τ 1.42; 79; 8 i . IV.4. V.107. Br 101; 1 1 4 . De orat I . 4 5 ; 7 5 . I I I . 7 8 . See Quota-




Epistula (?) ad Tuberonem de dolore minuendo F I V . 2 3 AII.135.TIV.4).

Parmenides (of Elea, VI-V cent.) RE and suppl. XIV 928 A II. 1 4 ; 7 4 ; 1 1 8 ; 1 2 9 . Ν 1 . 2 8 Peripateticus A II.il2; cf. 1 3 1 . F V . 1 4 1 ; 7 5 ; 94. O I I . 1 6 . De orat I . 1 0 5 . ci A I.17f.; 22 1 ; 33. I I . 1 5 ; 1 1 3 1 ; 1 1 5 ; 1 3 1 f.; 1 3 9 . D I.51; 72; 87. II.3; 1 0 0 . F I I . 3 4 ; 6 8 ; 7 6 . 111.414; 4 3 f. I V . 2 1 ; 5; 1 0 ; 5 7 ; 7 8 . V . 7 - 9 3 ; 2 1 f.; 7 5 ; 7 8 ; 8 6 ; 9 3 . Ν I . i 6 \

O I.2; 6; 89. III.11; 20. Τ II.9- I I I . 2 2 ; 7 6 . I V . 6 ; 9 ; 3 8 ; 4 3 ; 4 7 . V . 3 2 1 ; 7 5 ; 8 2 ; 85*;

12o z . Ti 2.

Br 119 f. De orat [Inv I.éi]. Or

I.43. III.62; 67. I2

7 Peripateticus Critolaus De orat I.45. cus, Dicaearchus D I.5. cus Diodorus Τ V.85. cus, Hieronymus Or 190. ci philosophi De orat III. 109. cus Phormio De orat II.75. cus Staseas De orat I.104 Persaeus (Stoic, III cent.) RE ι Ν Líe Phaedo(n) (of Elis, Socratic, V-IV cent.) RE Phaidon 3 Ν 1.93 ab Phaedrus (Epicurean, II cent.) RE Phaidros 8 F I . i 6 z . V.3. L I . 5 3 . Ν 1-93

b Philo(n) (of Larissa, head of Academy, II—I cent.) RE 40 A 1.13 a ·. π · 4 ; ι ι 6 ί Λ ΐ7*ί· 3 ; 69 ζ ; 78; m ; ΐ43· Ν 1.6; 17; 59ζ; ι ΐ 3 · Τ Η.9; 2 6 . V . 1 0 7 .




Br 306. De orat I I I . n o Two books A II. 1 1 a Philodemus (of Gadara, Epicurean, I cent.) RE 5 FII.119 Philolaus (of Croton, Pythagorean, V cent.) RE 5, suppl. XIII R I . 16. De orat III. 139 Phormio (Peripatetic, III—II cent.) RE 8 De orat 11.75*; 77 (Phormiones) ab Plato (IV cent.) RE 1 A I.7; 10; i 6 f 4 . ; 19; 30; 3 2 i f . ; 46. II. 14 f.; 7 4 1 1 8 ; 123f.; 1292·; 142. C 13; 23; 4 1 ; 44; 78. D I . i ; 46; 52; 60-62 4 ; 78; 8o z . II.3; 6; 59; 66; 87; 1 1 9 . F I.5; 7; 14; 72. II.2; 4; 15; 45; 52; 92. IV.3; 21; 56; 6 1 2 ; 64; 72; 79. V.2; 75 50; 58; 84; 87. L I.15; 55. II.6; 141; 16; 38(f.); 4 1 ; 45; 67; 69. III. ι ; 5; 14*; 32. Ν 1.18f.; 24; 30-34 5 ; 68; 72; 93; 107. II.32. III.82. O 1.4*; 15; 22; 28; 63 f.; 85; 87; 155. III.38f. R I . i 6 z ; 22; 28(f.); 65. II.3; (2i)f.; 5 i . I V . 4 f . T I.20 1 ; 22; 24; 39; 49 1 ; 53; 55; 57 U 63 £.; 70; 79; 84; 97. II.8; 27. III.36; 43. IV. 10; 44; 55; 7 1 . V.8; I i ; 30; 34; 36; 64; 100 1 ; 109; 1 1 9 . Fr V.81. Br 24; 120 f.; 1 9 1 3 ; 292 ζ . De orat 1.28 a ; 47*; 49; 89; 2 1 7 ; 224; 230. II.194. III. 15; 21; 60; 62; 6y4; 129 3 ; 1 3 9 1 . O G O 15; 17. O r 5; 10; 12; I 5 1 ; 41 f. 1 ; 62; 67; 101; 1 5 1 . See Quotations

Platonicus Ν I.73. ci O 1.2. cus deus Ν Ι.2θ Epistula ad Archytam F II.45; Ad Dionis propinquos Τ I . i o o . Epitaphius Τ V.36. Or 1 5 1 . Gorgias Τ V.3 5 De orat I.47. III.122; 129. Leges L II.14. Ν I.30. Meno Τ I.57. Phaedo Τ I.24; 83. Phaedrus D I . 8 0 . FII.4. L I I . 6 . Τ I.53. De orat I.28. O G O 1 7 . O r 15; 39; 4 1 . Respublica (Politia) D I.60. II.59. L II. 14. Ti I.53. Timaeus A II. 123. F II.15. Ν Ι.ι8; 302·. Τ 1.63 Polemo(n) (of Athens, succeeded Xenocrates as head of the Academy, IV—III cent.) RE 8a (XXI 2524) A I.34f. II.113; 1 3 1 ; 139. F II.34f· IV.3*; 14; 45; 51; 61. V.2; 7; 14; 9 4 . L I . 3 8 . T V . 3 0 ; 39; 87; 109. De orat lll.6yz Polemonius II. 13 2 Polyaenus (of Lampsacus, mathematician turned Epicurean, IV-III cent.) RE 6 A II.106. F I.20 b Posidonius (of Apamea, called 'the Rhodian', Stoic, II—I cent.) RE Poseid 3 D I.6 Z ; 64; 125; 130. II.35; 47. F 1.6. Fa 5; 7. Ν 1.6; 123. 11.88. O I.159. 111.8*; 10. Τ I I . 6 i \ V.107. Fr V.44 De divinatione D 1.6. De natura deorum Ν L i 2 3 Pyrrho(n) (of Elis, Sceptic, IV-III cent.) RE ι A II.130. F II.35; 43· HL 1 1 f. IV.433; 49; 60. V.23. O 1.6. Τ ΙΙ.ι5· V.8 5 Pyrrhonei De orat III.62


a Pythagoras (of Samos, VI-V cent.) RE and suppl. X c 1 3 ; 33; 73; 78· D 1.5; 8 7 ; 1 1 2 . II.119. F V.4; 50; 87. L II.26. Ν I.io; 27; 74; 93; 1 0 7 . III.27; 88. O I.56; 108. R I . i 6 \ 11.283 f. ΠΙ.19. Τ L i o ; 3 8 f.; 49; 62. III.36. IV.23 f. 1 ; 10; 44; 55. V 8 - 1 0 3 ; 30; 66. De orat. II.154. III.56; 1 3 9 Pythagoreus F II.79. R II.28. T I I . 2 3 . I V . 3 . De orat II.154 . rei A I I . 1 1 8 . C 38; 78. D I.62; 102. I I . 1 1 9 . F V.872·. Lae 1 3 . Ν I.io; 107. O I I I . 4 5 . T I . 3 8 f . IV 2f. 1 . V 6 3 ; 1 1 3 . Ti ι . De orat I.42. II.154. rea L I.34. Τ Ι·39· reus adj. Τ IV.4. rei, homines R 1.16. reus, Lysis Ο I.i55. De orat III.139. rea vox L I.34

Rabirius (writer on Epicureanism, II—I cent.) RE 1 A I.5. See Index I Scylax (of Halicarnassus, astronomer, friend of Panaetius, II cent.) RE Skylax 3 D II.88

[Sillis] See RE Syllos 3 b Siro(n) (Epicurean, I cent.) A II.106. F I I . 1 1 9 ab Socrates (V-IV cent.) RE Sokr 5 A I.3; I 5 - I 7 1 ; 44^· ILi 4 f.3; 74*; 1 2 3 ; 129; 1 3 1 . C 26; 59; 78. D I.5; 52; 60; 62; 87; 1 2 2 - 1 2 4 5 . II.150. F II.ι f.; 90.



V.87Í. Fa i o 1 ; 30. L I.33; 56. II.6. (Lae 7; 10; 13). Ν I.i χ; 3 1 i ; 93. II.18; 1 6 7 . III.27; 82. O I.90; 108; 148. II.43. III. 11; 77. Ρ 2 3 . R I.i5 f.4· II.3; i x ; 51. III.5. T I . 8 ; S 3ï 55; 57 z ; 7 1 ; 74; 97; ioo(f.); I02(f.). IIL8; 10; 3 1 ; 36; 56; 7 7 \ IV.6; 63; 80 3 . V . i o ^ . ; 2-6; 30; 35; 9 1 ; 97; 108; 1 1 9 . Fr II.2; 3. V.43; 1 1 9 . Br 3 1 ; 292*; 299. De orat I.28 1 ; 42; 63; 204; 2 3 1 f. II 270. III. 1 5 ; 6o z f.; 7z2·; 1 2 2 ; i 2 9 z . Inv I . 5 1 ; 53; 6 1 ; 90. OGO 17. Or 1 5 ; 39; 4 1 f. Top 42 Socraticus De orat II.58. ici A 1.16. D I.5; 1 2 2 . O I.2; 1 3 4 . Τ ΙΙ.8. De orat III.61 f.; 72f. Inv I.61. icus adj. A II.136. F V.84. Ρ 4· De orat ΙΙΙ.67. icus Aeschines Inv 1.21 icus Aristippus Τ II.15. ica conclusio Τ V.47. icae disputationes De orat III. 139. ica dubitatio et ... consuetudo disserendi A I.17. icus lepor R I.16. icus libellus Τ III.43. ica medicina Τ IV. 24. ica oratio F 84. ici philosophi O I . i 0 4 . icus, Phaedo Ν I.93. ica ratio Τ 1.8. icus sermo De orat III.62. ici, sermones De orat III.67. icus, Xenophon D I.52. O II.87. Τ II.62 r Sosus (of Ascalon, Stoic, I cent.) RE 1 A II.12 Speusippus (of Athens, Plato's nephew and successor in the




Academy, IV cent.) RE ζ A I . 1 7 ; 3 4 . F IV.3. V . 2 ; 7 . L I.38. Ν 1.32. Τ V.3o; 3 9 ; 87.

De orat 111.67 Sphaerus (of Borysthenes, Stoic, III cent.) RE 3 TIV.53

Staseas (of Naples, Peripatetic, II—I cent.) RE F V.8; 7 5 z . De orat I . i o 4 f .

Stilpo(n) (Megarian, IV cent.) RE A II.75. F a

1 0


A II.98; 1 1 9 ; n é ; 132.3; 1 3 7 * . fr. 3 1 . D 1.6. F I V . 2 3 . O I I I . 5 1 . Ρ 2. Τ V . 1 8 .

206. De orat II. 159.

Br 1 1 8 ;

ici A

I.7; 4 3 . I I . 1 5 ; 4 0 ; 4 7 ; 6 7 ; 6 9 ' ; 7 5 ; 8 7 Î 975 1 0 1 ; i 0 7 2 f . ; 1 1 2 ; ιζ6ζ; 1 3 1 - 1 3 3 4 ; 1 3 6 ; 1 4 7 . fr. 20. D I . 6 - 8 7 ; 1 0 ; 56; 7 2 ; 82; 8 7 ; 1 1 8 . II.8; 1 9 ; 2 1 ; 24 z ; 3 3 ; 3 9 U 445 8 1 ; 8 6 ; 88; 9 7 ;

ioof.; 103; 129; 145. F 1.6;

39; 6 1 . II.13; 3 4 ; 4 2 ; 68; 76; 1 1 9 . I I I . 2 f . ; 5; 7 ; 1 0 ; I 4 f . ; 1 7 ; 2 1 ; 26; 3 5 ; 4 1 * ; 4 5 f . IV.2 2 ·; 6; 1 0 ; 1 2 ; 1 4 * f . ; 1 9 ; 30; 3 3 ; 3 6 ; 4 3 ; 6 1 - 6 3 4 ; 73; 7 8 . V.20; 2 2 f . ; 7 4 ; 7 6 ; 7 8 ;

83 f.; 85; 88; 90*; 9 3 * ί Λ Fa 1

16; 33*. L III.14. Ν Ι.Ι6 ; ι 8 ;

4 ΐ ; (47;) ι " · Π·66; 73; ΙΙΙ.2; 5; 15; 2-3; (3 5;) 39; 43 ί·; 6 5 ; 9Ι 2 ·; 9 4 ί · Ο Ι . 6 1 ; 2 2 Í . ; 6 2 ; 1 2 8 ; 1 4 2 . I I . 5 1 - III.χ 1 r 3 ί·;

2θ; 9 ΐ · Ρ 3· Τ 1-77^· H-2.9! 42. III. 10; 1 3 ; 2 2 ; 84· IV.6; 9; I I f.; 23 1 ; 2 7 ; 335 475 5*5 5 3 f.; 72.· V . 1 3 ; 4 7 ; 7 6 ;

82-85 7 ; izo2·.

Br 94;

1 1 7 - 1 2 0 4 . De orat I . 4 3 ; 2 3 0 . III.62; 6 5 f . ; 78. O r 1 1 3 . Top 6; 5 9 . ica F 1.6. Ν I.15.

Br 114. icus adj. A II.85. icus, Antipater A II. 17. icus, Antipater Tyrius O II. 8 6. icus, Boethus D I.13. II.47. icus, DiodotusTV.113.

Br 309.

icus Diogenes A II. 13 7. C

2 3 r . D II.9o r . F II.24 r . L

III.i3 r. II.26 .

icus, Dionysius Τ

ici h o m i n e s Ρ 6.

ici or atores Br 116. icae res Br 175. icus sapiens A II. 119. ica somnia Ν 1.39. icus Zeno(n) F ΙΙ.ΐ7 Γ . Τ I.i9 r . V.27. Stoice D II.8. Ρ 3 Strato(n) (of Lampsacus, pupil and successor of Theophrastus, called 'Physicus', IV—III cent.) RE 13 A I.34. I I . 1 2 1 1 . F V.13. Ν

1-35 Thaies (of Miletus, VII-VI cent.) RE 1 and suppl. X A II.118. D I . i i l . II.58. L II.26. Ν 1 . 2 5 ; 9 1 · R 1-2.2; 25. De orat I I I . 1 3 7

Theodorus (of Cyrene, philosopher turned mathematician, V-IV cent.) RE 31 Ν 1.2; 6 3 ; I I 7 - Τ I . i o 2 \

V.II7 b Theophrastus (of Eresus, disciple and successor of Aristotle, III cent.) RE 3, suppl. VII A Lio; 33~35 ì - Π · " 3 ; " 3 ; i 3 4 . D II. 3 f. F 1.6; 14. IV.3; 79. V.IO-I36; 54; 7 3 ; 7 7 ;

INDEX III PHILOSOPHIES AND PHILOSOPHERS 85f. Fa 7. L 1.38. II.15. III.13 f . \ O I.3. II.56; 64\ Ν 1.35; 93· T 1-45· HI.21; ¿9- V 2-4Í-; 85; 107· Br 37; 1 2 1 ; 1 7 2 . De orat I.43; 49; 55. III.i84(f.); 2 2 1 . Inv l.6i\ Or 39; 62; 79; 1 7 z ; 194; 2 1 8 ; 228. See Quotations

Callisthenes Τ V.25. De divi-

tiis O II.56. De vita beata F V . 1 2 . Τ V.24 Timaeus (of Locri, 'Pythagorean', V cent.) RE Timaios 4 F V.87. R I . 1 6 . See Plato

Timagoras (Epicurean, II—I cent.) RE 5 A II.80 Timocrates (of Lampsacus, Epicurean, brother of Metrodorus, heir of Epicurus, IV—III cent.) RE Timokr 11 F II.101. Ν 1-93; 1 1 3 ab Xenocrates (of Calchedon, disciple of Plato, IV cent.) RE Xenokr 4 A 1 . 1 7 ; 34; 39. I I . 1 1 3 ; 1 2 4 ; i 3 6 f . ; 1 4 3 . C 23. F IV.3; 1 5 ; 495 5 1 ; 79· L I.38; 5 5 i . V.2; 7. Ν 1-34; 72. O I.109. R I.3. Τ I.20. Υ·3θ; 39; 5 1 ; 87; 9 1 ;

I07; ιθ9·



De orat III.62; 67*

De natura deorunt Ν I.34

Xenophanes (of Colophon, V I - V cent.) RE 1 A II. 1 4 ; 74; 1 1 8 ; 1 2 3 ; 1 2 9 . D I.5; 87. Ν 1.28

Zeno(n) (of Elea, pupil of Parmenides, V cent.) RE 1 A I I . 1 2 9 . Ν III.82. Τ II.52 ab Zeno(n) (of Citium, Stoic, IV-III cent.) RE 2 A I.7; 3 4 - 4 1 4 ; 44· Π.16; iSz; 66; 7 1 ; 7 6 f . 1 ; 1 1 3 ; 126*; I 2 9 - I 3 5 6 ; 1 3 9 ; i 4 4 f . C 23. D I.5 f. II.119. F II.17; 35. III.5; 14f.; 51*. IV.3-9 5 ; l i ; 14*; i9 z ; 44f·; 47; 5 1 ; 54f·; (56;) 5 9 - 6 1 4 ; 69-735. V.79; 84*; 88; 94. Fa 7. L I.38; 53; ( 5 5 ) . N I . 3 6 - 3 8 3 ; 59; 7 o \ II.20 1 ; 57f.; 63. III.5; 18; 22*f.; 25; 27; 63; 65; 77. O III.35. Τ I.19. II. 1 5 ; 29; 60 1 . III.75. IV.11; 47. V.27; 32~34 4 ; 1 0 7 . Or 1 1 3 Zeno(n) (of Sidon, Epicurean, II—I cent.) RE 5 A I.46. F I.16. Ν 1.59; 9 3 1 . Τ III. 3 8 1

Index IV Mythological (including stars) Absyrtus (brother and victim of Medea) Ν III.48; (67). See Aegialeus Acantho (mother of 'fourth' Sol) Ν III. 54 a Acheron (river of the underworld) NIII.43. T I . 1 0 ; 371* Acherusia templa Τ 1.48* ab Achilles (Homeric hero) D I.65. II.82. (F I.65). Ν II.I66. III 4 5 . R I.30. Τ L í o s 1 . Ι Ι Ι . ι 8 . IV.52. De orat III. 5 7 Adonis (lover of Venus) Ν III.59 Aeacus (judge in the underworld) O I.97. Τ I.98* Aeacida(e) see Index II, Pyrrhus. Aeeta ( tes) (king of Colchis, father of Medea) Ν III.48 1 ; 54; (67). Τ III.26; 39 Aegialeus (in Pacuvius = Absyrtus) Ν III.48 Aegisthus (murderer of Agamemnon) Ν 111-91 Aegyptius Ν III.42

a Aeneas (Trojan hero) D I.431 ab Aesculapius D I I . 1 2 3 . L I I . 1 9 . Ν 11.62. I I I . 3 9 ; 4 5 ; 83 f.; 9 1 . Τ I I . 3 8 * . Or 1 5 5 * . pii (three) Ν III.57· Statue of Ν III.83. His sons Τ I I . 3 8 * . Or 1 5 5 * Aether NIII.44; 5 3 f . Agamedes (co-builder with Trophonius of Apollo's temple at Delphi) TI.114 ab Agamemno(n) (king of Mycenae) (C 3 1 ) . D I.29. II.63. Fa 34. Ν II.I66. O III.95. Τ I . 9 o ; ( 9 8 * ) . III. (57;) 62. IV. 1 7 ; 5 1 ; (77). I n v l . i 8 ( f . ) ; 3 1 . Or 74 A i a x Oileus (Homeric hero) ( T I I I . 7 1 ) . De orat II.265. Top 6 1 (plur.) ab A i a x (Telamonius) C 3 1 . D II.82. O I . 1 1 3 . III.98. Τ I.98*. I I I . ι ι ; 7 1 . IV.49; 52. FrVIII.9. (De orat I I . 1 9 3 ) . Inv I . 1 1 ; 92. Play of Ennius O I.114 Aius Loquens D I . 1 0 1 . 11.69* Alabandus (local deity) Ν III.39; 5 0 3


a Alcmaeo(n) (matricide) A II.52; 8 8 f . F I V . 6 2 . T I I I . i l Alcmena (mother of Hercules) Ν III.42 Alco(n) (one of the 'third' Dioscori) Ν III. 53 Ales (constellation) Ν I I . 1 1 3 * . See Avis Alexander (i.e. Paris) Fa 3 4 b (Amalthea) (nymph, nurse of Jupiter) Amaltheum (of Atticus) L II.7 Amor Ν III-44. Τ I V . 6 9 * b Amphiaraus (prophet, one of the Seven against Thebes) D I . 8 8 \ L II.33. Ν II.7. III.49. Τ II.6ο* Amphilochus (son of Amphiaraus) D 1.88 Amphio(n) (son of Antiope, built Thebes with his lyre) D II. 1 3 3 (in Pacuvius) Inv I.94 Amphitryo(n) (earthly father of Hercules) (A II.89). Fr I X . 1 1 Anactes (Dioscori at Athens) Ν III. 53 (b) 'Andromacha' (Ennius' play) An.20.DI.23.Tm.53. OGO18 Andromeda (Ethiopian princess rescued from a sea-monster by Perseus, constellation) Ν II. 1 1 1 * f. (Τ V.8) Anemo (?) (stream-deity near Rome) Ν III. 52



Anguis (constellation) Ν II. 1 0 9 * . See Serpens Anguitenens (constellation) Ν II. 1 0 9 * . See Ophiuchus Ante Canem (constellation) Ν I I . 1 1 4 * . See Procyon Anteros (son of M a r s and Venus) Ν III.59 f. Anticlea (mother of Ulixes, named by mistake for his nurse Euryclea) Τ V.46 Antiope (mother of Amphion and Zethus) Ν III.54. Pacuvius' play A II.20. F I.4. O I.i 1 4 . OGO 18 Aoede (one of the 'first' Muses) Ν III.54 Apis (the divine bull of Egypt) Ν 1.82. R III.14 ab Apollo A II.89*. D I - 4 1 * 1 ; 6 6 * ; 98. II.38. Ν 1 . 8 1 ; 83. 11.68. III.42; 4 5 1 ; 5 1 ; 555 575 595 88; 9 1 . Τ 1-73; 1 1 4 * . I V . 7 3 * . Four Ν III.57· Delphic oracle A 1 . 1 6 . C 78. D I . 4 2 1 ; 1 1 5 ; 1 2 2 . I I . 1 1 3 ; i i 5 * f . 3 ; 1 1 8 . Fa 1 3 ; 3 2 f . \ Lae 7; 1 0 ; 1 3 . Ν III.91. R II.44. Τ 1.52. ι ΐ 4 · (V-70). Br 5 3 · Delphicus D I . 8 1 ; 96. Delphicus deus L I.58. Pythius D I.37. F V.44. L I . 6 1 . II.40. O II.77. Τ 1 . 1 7 . De orat I . 1 9 9 . Statue(s) D I.98. (Ν III.63). Ludi Br 78. See Phoebus, Pythius (Index V) Aquarius (constellation) Ν II. 1 1 2 2




Aquila (constellation)

mother of 'fourth' Hercules) Ν III.4 2; 46 a Athamas (king of Thebes, killed his children)


Aquilo (Boreas) L I . 3 . Τ 1.68* Ara (constellation)

Τ III. 1 1

A I I . 1 1 4 " . III.40

Arche (one of the 'first' Muses) Ν III. 54 Arctophylax (constellation) Ν I I . I 0 9 * . See B o o t e s

Arctos (constellation) Ν I I . 1 0 9 - 1 1 1 4 * . Arctoe Ν II.I05· See Cynosura, Helice, Septentriones Arcturus (star) Ν II.iio* Arcus (constellation) NII.113*

Argo (the first ship) ( Ν II.89). Τ 1 . 4 5 * .

Top 61.

Constellation Ν 1 1 . 1 1 4 * . III.40 Argonautae Ν 11.89. Τ IV.69. De orat 1.174

Argus (killed by Mercury) Ν III. 56 Aries (constellation) Ν II.iii*;


Aristaeus (son of Apollo, said to have invented the olive) NIII.45 Arsinoe (mother of the 'third' Aesculapius) Ν III. 5 7

Arsippus Ν III. 57 Astarte ('fourth' Venus) Ν III.59 Asteria (sister of Latona,

Atlans (Titan, carried the world on his shoulders) Τ V.8 a(b) Atreus (king of Mycenae, father of Agamemnon) Ν III.53; 68; 7 2 . O I.97. 111.(84; 1 0 2 ; ) 1 0 6 . Τ Ι . Ι 0 7 · IV-77- V . 5 2 . De orat III.217; 219*

Auriga (constellation) Ν II.IIO*

Aurora (dawn goddess) Ν Ι·79* Avis (constellation) Ν I I . 1 1 2 * . See Ales a Bacchus D I . 8 0 * . See L i b e r

Bacchanalia L II. 3 7 Bellerophon (in Homer) Τ 111.63 Belus ('fifth' Hercules) Ν III.42 ab Bona Dea Ρ 32 Bootes (constellation) Ν I I . i o 9 * f . See Arctophylax Busiris (Egyptian king, killed strangers) R III.15 Cabirus (?) (father of 'third' Dionysus) Ν III.58


Ν III.48. Τ I.28. Fr I X . 1 1

Caelus (Ουρανός) Ν 11.63. I I I . 4 4 1 ; 5 3 ; 5 5 f . ; 5 9 ; 62. Τ 1 1 . 2 3 * · Ti 3 9

Calchas (Homeric prophet) I I . 3 3 . Ν II.7.


Or 74

Calypso (goddess, kept Ulixes on her island) O I.113

Camirus (son of 'fourth' Sol) Ν III.54 Cancer (constellation) Ν II. ι i o * Canícula (Dog-star)a D I . 1 3 0 . II.93. F

12.-158. Ν

III.26 Canis (constellation) Ν II.II4 2 ·*. Cf. Ante canem Capra (constellation) N I I . 1 1 0 * . III.40. R I . 3 0 *

Capricornus (constellation) Ν II. 1 1 2 * Caprius (?) (father of 'third' Dionysus) Ν III.58 (cf. Cabirus) Carmentalis, flamen (priest of Carmentis, mother of Evander) Br 5 6 Carthago (daughter of 'fourth' Hercules) Ν III.42 b Cassandra (prophetess, daughter of Priam) D I.(66*;)f.; 85; 89. I I . 1 1 2 .

De orat II.265 Cassiepia (constellation) N I I . 1 1 1 * . (T V.8)


ab Castor and Pollux (twin sons of Jupiter and Leda)

Cadmus (founder of Thebes)

D I.72; 87. II.63; 6 3 * f . "


D I . 7 5 . L I I . 1 9 . Ν II.6; 6 2 . III.45; 5 3 · De orat II.352.

Temple of D I.98. 11.68. Ν III. 1 3 . See Dioscoroe, Tyndaridae. Castoris equus see Cyllarus Cecrops (king of Athens) L II.63

a Centaurus (Centaur, half man half horse) Ν I I . 1 1 4 (constellation). (On the Capitol) D I.98. (Nessus) Ν III.70. Τ II.20; 2θ*. Centauri Ν III.51. See Hippocentaurus Cepheus (king of Aethiopia, father of Andromeda) Ν Ι Ι . ι ι ι (constellation). Τ V.8 Cerberus (three-headed guard dog of the underworld) Ν III.43. Τ I . i o ; 1 2

a Ceres L I I . 2 1 ; 3 7 . Ν Ι·4θ. 11.62;


7 i . III.52; 62; 64. = fruges Ν II.éo; 60*. III.41. De orat III.167. (Hennensis) Or 2 1 0 . See Δημήτηρ Charon (ferryman of the underworld) Ν 111.43 a Charybdis (monster/whirlpool in the Straits of Messina) De orat III. 163 Chelae (constellation Libra) Ν ΙΙ.ιΐ4* Chimaera (monster) Ν I.I08 (

rae). II.5




'Chryses' (Pacuvius' play) D I.131.

O r 155

Cimmerii See Index V a Circe (enchantress) Ν 111.48*; 54. O I.113 ab Clytaemestra (wife and murderess of Agamemnon) Fa 34. Inv I (i8f.). 31. Play of Accius O I.i 14 Cocytus (river of the underworld) NIII.43. T I . 1 0 Codrus (king of Athens) F V.62. N I I I . 4 9 . T I . 1 1 6 a Concordia Ν II.6i; 79. III.47 Consualia (festival of Consus, ancient fertility-god) R II. ι ζ Contumelia L II.28 Κ ο ρ ί α (Arcadian name for 'fourth' Minerva) Ν III.59 Corona (constellation) Ν II.io8*. III.40 Coronis See Phoronis Corvus (constellation) Ν II. 1 1 4 * Corybas (father of 'second' Apollo) Ν III.s y Coryphe (mother of 'fourth' Minerva) Ν III.59 'Cresphontes' (Euripides' play) TI.115

Cretera (constellation) Ν ΙΙ.ιΐ4* Κρόνος Ν 11.64 a Cupido Ν II. 61. III. 5 8 f. Three Ν ΠΙ.6ο a Cyclops Τ V . i 1 5 . Cyclopes D II.43 (Cyllarus) (Castor's horse) (Ν III. 1 1 ) Cynosura (constellation, Ursa Minor) A 11.66. Ν II.I05* f.; m * Cyprus (father of 'fourth' Venus) Ν III. 59 Daedalus (creator of Minos' Labyrinth) Br 71 Danaus (father of the fifty Danaids) Ρ 44 Deianira (wife of Hercules) Ν III.70. Τ II.2.0 Delphinus (constellation) Ν II.113 Δημήτηρ (mother of the gods) Ν II.67 Deucalio(n) (sole male surviver of the great flood) TI.21 a Diana A II.89*. D (I.81*). II.38. Ν II.68 3 f. 3 . III.51; 60. O III.95. Inv II.95 1 . Dianae (three) Ν III.58. Ephesia, temple of D I.47. Ν II.69. Segestana O r 210. See Lucifera, Omnívaga


Dies Ν III.44; 56; 59. See Hic Dies Digiti See Idaei Digiti Diomedes (Homeric hero) Ν II.i66 Diona (mother of 'third' Venus) Ν III. 59 Dionysi (five) Ν 111.58 Dionysus (one of the 'first' Dioscoroe) Ν III. 53 Dioscoroe (three sets) Ν III. 53 a Dis Pater (Pluto, king of the underworld) Ν 11.66. See Π λ ο ύ τ ω ν Dius Fidius Τ I.74.

De orat 11.274*

Dolus Ν III.44 D r a c o (constellation) Ν ΙΙ.ιοό*; io8

Egeria (nymph, friend of N u m a ) L I.4 (b) 'Electra' (of Sophocles and Atilius) F I.5 Endymio(n) (the sleeper, beloved by the M o o n ) F 55. Τ I.9Z Engonasin (constellation) Ν II.io8* Equus (constellation) Ν ΙΙ.ιιι*f.; 114* Erebus (spouse of N o x ) Ν III.44



a Erectheus (king of Athens) F V . 6 2 . N I I I . 4 9 f . Τ 1.116. His daughters F and Τ ibid. (Eridanus) See Flumen a Eriphyla (treacherous wife of Amphiaraus) Inv I.94 Erymanthian boar See Index V, Erymanthus Eteocles (son of Oedipus) O III.82 Eubuleus (one of the 'first' Dioscoroe) Ν III. 5 3 Eumenides (Furies) Ν III.46 a Europa (carried off by Jupiter as a bull) Ν I. 7 8 (Euryclea) See Anticlea Eurypylus (Homeric hero) Τ II.38* f. Eurystheus (king of Argos, taskmaster of Hercules) A II.89. Τ II.20*

Fatum Ν 11.44 Faunus Ν III.15*. Fauni D I . 1 0 1 ; 114*. NII.6. Br 7 1 * ; 75. Or 171 Febris L II.28. Ν 111.63 Fides (deity) L II. 19; 28. Ν II.61 1 ; 79III.47; 88. O III.104*




Fides (Χέλυς, constellation) Ν II.II2* Flumen (constellation Eridanus (Po)) NII.114* Fons 8* L 11.56. Ν ΠΙ. 5 2 a Fors (Fortuna) L II.28. O I . 3 8 * ab Fortuna D II.85-87 5 (at Praeneste). L II.28 (Huiusce Diei, Respiciens, Fors, Primigenia). Lae 54. Ν III.6I. O I.38*. Τ IV.67*. V.27*; 27; 7 2 " See Mala Fortuna Fraus Ν 111.44 Furiae DI.114*. LI.40. NIII.46. Ρ ι 8 . Τ 11.23*. III.25· See Eumenides b Furina (grove of) Ν III.46 Ganymedes (Jupiter's page) Ν Ι . ι 1 2 . Τ 1.65. IV 7 i Gemini (constellation) Ν I I . n o * . 1 1 4 * . Nati Gemini Ν II.no* Gigantes C 5. Ν 11.70. Τ II.20* Glauce (mother of 'third' Diana) Ν III.58 Gratia Ν 111-44 Gyges See Index II

Haedi (constellation) Ν II. ι i o * Hammon (Jupiter) D I.3; 95. Ν I.82 Hecate Ν III.46 b Hector (son of Priam) D I . 6 5 . T I . 1 0 5 5 ; 105*. II.39*. III.44*. IV.17; 49*; 67. Fr VIII.9 Hectoreus ensis Fr VIII.9 Hecuba (wife of Priam) D I.42*; (66*). Fa 34. Τ III.63. D e orat III.219* a Helena (wife of Menelaus) (DI.114*). DeoratIII.219*. Inv II.ι. Or 164* Helenus (son of Priam) D I.89. L II.33. Ν II.7 Helice (constellation, Ursa Major) A 11.66. N I I . 1 0 5 * ; n o * Helle See Index V, Hellespontus ab Hercules A II.89; 108; fr. 24. D I.47; 54; 743. II.67. F I I . i i 8 f . III.66. L II.19; 27. Ν 11.62. III.39; 4 i f . 4 5 ; 5ο 1 ; 70; 88. O I . I I 8 1 . III.25· R II.24. üb. inc. fr. 3. Τ 1.28; 32. II.17; I 9 - 2 2 4 . IV 50. De orat II.70f. Six Ν III.42. See Index Hercules b Hermae L II.65 (Hesione) (mother of Teucer) (D I.80) Hesperides (Nymphs in a magic garden in the far west) Ν III.44. (Τ 11.22*)


"Εσπερος (evening star) Ν 11.53 Ε σ τ ί α (Vesta) Ν II. é 7 Hippocentaurus (= centaurus) D II.49. Ν L í o s . II.5. Τ I.90 Hippodamia (bride of Pelops) Τ 111.2.6* Hippolytus (son of Theseus, killed by his father's curse) Ν 111-76. Ο Ι.32Λ III.94. Τ IV. 27 a Honos L II.28. Ν II.6i. Temple of L 11.58*. Ν III.47 Hospitalis See Jupiter Huiusce Diei, Fortuna See Fortuna Hyades (constellation) I L i i i * . See Suculae Hydra (swamp-monster destroyed by Hercules) Ν II.114* (constellation). Τ 11.22* Hyperborei (mythical people of the far north) Ν III.57 Hyperio(n) (father of 'second' Sol) Ν III.54 a Iacchus (name of Bacchus) L II.35 ab Ialysus (son of 'fourth' Sol, painting by Protogenes) Ν III. 54. Or 5 Ianus Ν II.67. Ianus medius see Index V



(Iason) (leader of the Argonauts) (T IV.69) a Idaea Mater (= Cybele) L II.22; 40 Idaei Digiti Ν 111.42 Idyia (mother of Medea) Ν III.48 Iliona (in Pacuvius' play) A 11.88 Impudentia L II.28 Index D I . 5Hercules 4

Ino (wife of Athamas, became a sea-goddess, Leucothea) Ν III.39; 48*. Τ 1.28. See Leucothea, Matuta Invictus See Iuppiter Invidentia Ν III.44 Iphigenia (daughter of Agamemnon, sacrificed at Aulis) O I I I . 9 5 . T I . 1 1 6 . Or 74. Ennius' play R I.30 Isis (Egyptian goddess) Ν III.47 Isiaci coniectores D 1.132* a Iuno D I.48; 101. II.85. N I-3Ö; 81 f.z. 11.66*. III.55. Τ II.20*. Ti 39. Temple of D I.48; 101. Inv II.ι. Iuno Lacinia (temple) D I.48. Iuno Lucina Ν 11.68. Iuno Moneta, Moneta D Ι . ι ο ι . II.69. Ν III.47· Iuno Samia (temple) L II.41. Iuno Sospita Ν 1.82. Temple D I.4; 99




ab Iuppiter A II.65. D passim. F 11.88. Fa fr.3*. L 1.2*. II.7*; 1 0 . Ν passim. O I . 1 1 8 . III.102 2 ; 1 0 4 ; 1 0 4 * f . R I.30*; 5 6 \ Τ I.é5. II 2 3 - 2 5 * * ; 34; 40. III.26; 4 5 * . IV.70. Ti 39. Br 1 2 1 . Three Ν III.53 (cf. 42). Planet D I.85. II.91. Ν 11.52; i i 9 . R V I . 1 7 . See Φ α έ θ ω ν . Capitolinus Ν 1.82. I I I . i i . Dodonaeus D I.76. Hospitalis F III.66. Invictus L II.28. Olympius Ν i n . 8 3 f . T n . 4 0 . Or 5; 9. Optimus R I.50. III.23. Optimus Maximus D I . 1 6 (temple). F III.66. L II.20. III.43. Ν 11.64. O III. 1 0 4 . R II.36. puer D II.85. Salutaris F III.66. Stator D I.77. F III.66. L II.28. See Hammon, Saturnus b Iuventas Ν I . 1 1 2 . Τ I.65. Br 73 Labor Ν III.44 Laertes (father of Ulixes) C 54 Laius (father of Oedipus) Fa 30 3 . Τ IV.71 Laomedo(n) (father of Priam) Τ I.65 Lar L II.55. Lares L II. 1 9 ; 27. Ν ΙΙΙ.63. Lares familiares L II.42. R V.7 a Latona (mother of Apollo and Diana) Ν III.42; 46*; 57 f. Leda (mother of the Dioscuri and Helen) Ν III.5 3

Leo (constellation) D I . 1 2 1 . Ν Ι Ι . ι ι ο * . III.40 Λεωκόριον (shrine in Athens) Ν III. 5 o [Leonaticum] Ν III.50 Lepus (constellation) NII.114 Leucothea (see Ino) Ν III.39. Λ ε υ κ ο θ έ α Ν ΙΙΙ.48. Τ 1.28. See Ino a Liber F III.66. L II.19. Ν 11.623. (Semela natus) Ν 11.62. III.45; 53· Τ 1.28. = vinum Ν II.6o; 60*. III.41. De orat III. 1 6 7 a Libera Ν 11.623 ab Libertas Ν II.6I Licentia (for Libertas) L II.42. Ν II.61 Lindus (son of 'fourth' Sol) Ν III.54 Lubentina Venus Ν II.6I Lucifer (morning star) Ν II.53. ΠΙ.5Ι. Ti 29 Lucifera (Diana) Ν 11.68 Lucina (Iuno) SeeIuno Luna Ν III.58. Τ 1.92 Lupus See Quadrupes Lycomedes (king of Scyros, father-in-law of Achilles) Lae 75


Lysithoe (mother of 'first' Hercules) Ν III.42

(Machaon) (son of Aesculapius) See Aesculapius Maemalius (?) (father of 'fourth' Volcanus) Ν III. 5 5 M a i a (mother of 'third' Mercurius) Ν III. 56 M a l a Fortuna L II.28. Ν III.63 Manes, di M a n e s L II.22; 45; 62 Marathonian bull See Index V, Marathon ab M a r s D I.20* (Mavors). Ν II.67 (Mavors). III.59 f.; 62 (Mavors). R II.4. (T IV.69*). Planet D I.85. II.91. Ν II.53; I I 9 1 . Cf. R VI. 1 7 . See Πυρόεις. Marte nostro et sim. O III.34. Τ 11.26. De orat III.167 Martius (fulgor) R VI. 1 7 . Martia (lupa) D 1 . 2 0 " . Martialis, flamen D I.104 a Mater, M a g n a (Cybele) C 45. See Index V Idaea Mater Matuta Ν III.48. Τ 1.28. See Ino Mavors See M a r s ab Medea (wife of Jason) Ν III.48; (66)f.; 72. Τ ΙΙΙ.(26;)63*. IV.69. Ennius'



and Euripides' play F I.4. Fa 35* 'Medus' (play of Pacuvius) O I.114 (Megara) (wife of Hercules) (A II.89) Melampus (seer) L II.33. Ν 111.53 'Melanippa' (play of Ennius) O I.114 'Melanippus' (play of Accius) Τ III.io Melete (one of 'first' Muses) Ν III.54 ab Menelaus (king of Sparta, husband of Helen) R V . u . (TIV.11). Br 50. O r 74 Menoeceus (sacrificed his life for Thebes) TI.116 Mens L II.19; 28. Ν I l . é i ; 79. III.47; 88 ab Mercurius D I.46. Ν III.45; 57; 5 9 ί · ζ · Five Ν ΙΙΙ.56. Planet D ΙΙ.91. N I I . 5 3 ; ( I I 9 ) - R V I . I 7 . Ti 29 1 . See Hermae, Στίλβων Midas (Phrygian king) D I.78. 11.66. Τ I.i 14 ab Minerva A I . 1 8 1 (sus Minervam). D (I.81). II.123. (L II.42). Lae 19 (pingui). Ν 1.41 ; 81; 83; 100. II.67. III-53; 555 62. o I.i 10 (invita). Five Ν III.59. Phidias' statue Ρ 5. Τ I.34. Br 257· De orat II.73. O r 9 Minos (king of Cnossos, after




death judge in the underworld) O I.97. R II.2. Τ L i o ; 9 8 * . II.34 Miseria Ν ΙΙΙ.44 M n e m o s y n e (mother of 'second' Muses) Ν III. 54 b Moneta See I u n o M o p s u s (seer) D 1.88. L II.33. Ν II.7 M o r b u s (?) Ν III.44 Mors Ν III.44 Mulciber Τ 11.23* a b Musa(e) A 1.2. D I.17 (Urania). II.123. L II.7*. Ν 111.45; 88. Τ V.66. Br 71 s t ; 187. O r 12; 62. T h r e e sets Ν III. 54 M u s a e u s (poet) NI.41.TI.98* Myrtilus (charioteer, killed by Pelops) Ν III.90* Natio Ν 111.47* Nécessitas Τ III. 59* N e m e a n lion See Leo a n d Index V, N e m e a N e o p t o l e m u s (son of Achilles) Lae 7 5 . R I.30 (in Ennius). Τ I I . i f . De o r a t II.156 (in Ennius); 2 5 7

N e p a (constellation) N I I . 1 0 9 * ; 114*. III.40. R I.30. See Scorpios a Neptunus D I.13*. II.123. Ν I.4o; ¿ 3 * ; 8 ι ; 83. 11.66^71.111.43; 45; 52; 6z2·; 64; 7 6 \ O I.32. 111.94*. Τ Ι . ι ι ο . IV-73*. = m a r e De o r a t . III. 167. Portico of, at Puteoli A II.80. N e p t u n i equi Τ ΙΙ.67 Nessus (centaur killed by H e r c u les) See C e n t a u r u s b N e s t o r (long-lived king of Pylos) C31MV.7. Br 4 0 N i l u s (in mythology) Ν III.42; 5 4 - 5 9 ' N i o b e (turned t o stone) Τ III.63 N i s u s (father of 'fifth' Dionysus) Ν III.5 8 N o d i n u s (stream-deity near R o m e , p e r h a p s derivative like Tiberinus) Ν III. 52 N o m i o (Arcadian n a m e for ' f o u r t h ' Apollo) Ν 111.57 N o x (mother of F a t u m etc.) Ν 111.44 a Nymphae Ν II.433. Ρ 3 i Nysa Ν III.58

Oceanus Ν III.48 2 ; 59. Τ 1.45. Ti 39


Oedipus F V.3. Fa 30 z ; 3 3 . Oedipus Coloneus' C 22. Cf. F V.3 Oeneus (king of Calydon, father of Deianira) Τ II. zo* b Oenomaus (king of Pisa, father of Hippodamia) Τ 111.26* Oileus (father of Ajax the lesser) Τ III.γι. See Aiax Omnívaga (Diana) Ν 11.68 Ophiuchus (constellation) Ν II. 1 0 9 * . See Anguitenens ab Ops L 11.2,8. Ν II.6I. Ti 39 Orbona C f . Ν 111.63

a Orcus (king of the underworld, Pluto) FII.22*. NIII.43f.TI.48* a Orestes (son of Agamemnon, matricide) F I.65. II.79 Z . V . 6 3 1 * . Lae 24«. T I I I . 1 1 . Inv I . 1 8 3 f.; 92. Euripides' play Τ IV.63 Orion (constellation) Ν I I . 1 1 3 * . III.26 Orithyia (Athenian princess, carried off by the North Wind) LI.3 Orpheus (musician) Ν I . 4 i ; 107 2 ·. III.45. Τ I. 9 8* Orphicum carmen Ν 1 . 1 0 7 . ca, sacra Ν III. 5 8

Palaemo(n) (son of Ino) Ν III.39



Palamedes (at Troy, 'framed' by Ulixes and put to death) Ο III.98*. Τ I.98*. Top 76 Pallas (father of 'fifth' Venus) Ν III. 59 Pan Ν III.56 Paniscus ('little Pan') D I.23. II.48. Panisci Ν III.43 Parcae (Fates) Ν 111.44 ab Parilia (festival of Pales, shepherd-god) D II.98 b Paris (son of Priam) (D I.42*). Ν III.91. D e o r a t III.219*. Or 164 See Alexander Pasiphae (wife of Minos) D I.96 (temple). Ν III.48 b Patroclus (friend of Achilles) (F I.65). Τ II.38*f. (Patricoles) Πείθω Br 59 Peleus (father of Achilles) De orat III. 5 7 Pelias (Jason's uncle, king of Iolcus) C 83. De orat III.217* (b) Pelops (son of Tantalus, father of Atreus) N I I I . 5 3 . OIII.84. T I . 1 0 7 . II.67. ΠΙ.26* Penates, di A II.65. Ν ΙΙ.68Γ. R V.7 r Penelope (wife of Ulixes) A II.95. Ν 111.56 Perseis (daughter of Oceanus) Ν III.48




Περσεφόνη (Proserpina) Ν 11.66 Perseus (constellation) Ν II. 11 ζ. (Τ V.8) Pertinacia Ν III.44 Phaeaces (mythical inhabitants of Corcyra) Br 71 Φαίνων (planet Saturn) Ν II. 5 ζ Phaethon (son of Sol) Ν III.76. O III.94 Φαέθων (planet Jupiter) Ν Π. 5 2 Pherecrates (son of Deucalion in Dicaearchus' Κορινθιακοί λόγοι) TI.ZI ab Philoctetes ( eta) (hero, marooned on Lemnos with diseased foot) F II.94. V-3Z. Fa 36f.* Τ II.19; 33; 44. De orat III. 141 Philocteteus, clamor F II.94. ΤΠ·55 Γ Phoebus D I.18* a Phoenix (Achilles' senior companion at Troy) De orat III. 5 7 Phoronis (Coronis? Mother of 'second' Mercurius) Ν III.5 6 Φωσφόρος (morning star) Ν II.53 Pierides, Pieriae ('third' Muses) Ν III.54. Pierus ibid. Pietas D I.98. L II.19; z8

Pisces (constellation) Ν Ι Ι . ι ΐ 2 » ; II4 2 ·* Πλούτων (Pluto) Ν 11.66 (Podalirius) (son of Aesculapius) See Aesculapius a Pollux See Castor Polydorus (Priam's youngest son) (A 11.88). De orat III.219* Polyidus (seer in Homer) D I.89. L II.33 Polyphemus (Cyclops) Τ V.115 Portunus (harbour god) Ν 11.66 a Priamus D I.42; 4 2 * i ; 66*; 85; 89. II.22; 63*. Τ I.8J*; 85*; 93; I 0 5 * . 111.44*f.* De orat III.102*; 2 1 7 " Primigenia, Fortuna See Fortuna Procyon Ν II. 114*. See Ante canem Prometheus (Titan) Τ 11.23; 2-3"· 111-76; 7 6 * . V.8 Pronoea Ν I.i8; 20; 22. II.73; See Providentia a Proserpina Ν 11.66. III.53 z ; 56; 58*; 83. See Περσεφόνη Providentia Ν 1.18. II.73. III.78. See Pronoea Pthas ('second' Vulcan) Ν III.5 5 (ex coni.)


Pylades (friend of Orestes) F ( I . 6 5 ) . 11.79*. L a e 2 4

Pyladea amicitia F II.84 Pyriphlegethon (river of the underworld) Ν 111.43 Π υ ρ ό ε ι ς (planet M a r s ) Ν 11.53 Q u a d r u p e s (i.e. Lupus, constellation) Ν II. 114* Querella Ν III.44 ab Quirinus L I . 3 . I I . 1 9 . Ν 11.6z. O I I I . 4 1 . R II.20. See Index I, R o m u l u s

Sabazius (Bacchus) L II.37 Sabazia Ν III. 5 8 (Sagittarius) See Arcus Salacia Ti 3 9 Salmacis Cf. O 1.61* a b Salus L II.28. Ν II.61. Salutis augurium D I.105


Salutaris See Iuppiter Sarpedon (son of Jupiter, killed at Troy) D II.25

a b Saturnus Ν 11.631 f · 1 ΠΙ.44; 5 3 ; 6 2 \ Ti 39. Planet D I.85. II.91. Ν

11.52*; 1 1 9 . R VI. 1 7 (Saturnia stella). See Φ α ί ν ω ν Saturnius genitor D II.64*. nius Iuppiter Τ 11.23* Satyri Ν 111.43 Satyriscus ('little Satyr') DI.39

Scorpios (constellation) Ν 11.113*.

Respiciens See F o r t u n a R h a d a m a n t h u s (judge in the underworld) Τ Ι.ιο; 98* Rhesus (Thracian prince, killed at Troy) Ν 111.45 R h o d u s (?) Ν 111.54


S e e


a Scylla (monster in the Straits of Messina) Ν I.I08 (


Semele (mother of Dionysus) Ν 11.62. Τ 1.28 Senectus Ν III.44 Septem Triones, Septentriones A 11.66. Ν 11.49; ι ° 5 * ; ι ο 9 · Septentrio, m i n o r Ν Ι . ι ι ι a Serapis (Egyptian deity) D I I . 1 2 3 . Ν 111.47

Serpens (constellation) Ν I I . I 0 9 · See Anguis ab Sibylla D I.34 (Erythraea); 79; 9 7 f . I I . n o ; 1 1 2 . Ν III.5 Sibyllini (libri) D I I . 1 1 2 (cf. I.98).

nae vaticinationes

Ν II.io. ni versus D I.4 (cf. I.97. I I . n o ; 1 1 2 ) Silenus (follower of Bacchus) Τ Ι . ι ι 4 . Fr V.2




Silvanus (forest god) Ν 11.89* Sirenes FV.49 Sisyphus (sinner punished in the underworld) Τ I . i o * ; 98* Sol Ν III.48 1 ; 76. O III.94. R VI.9. Τ 111.26. Soles (five) Ν III.54 Somnia Ν 111.44 Sospita SeeIuno Spes L II.28. Ν 111.47 Spicus (star) Ν II.no* Spino (stream-deity near Rome) Ν III. 5 2 Stata L II.28 Stator See Iuppiter Στίλβων (planet Mercury) Ν 11.53 Styx (river of the underworld) Cf. Ν III.43 Suada (Ennius' name for Πείθω, Persuasion) C 50*. Br 59 Suculae (= Hyades) NII.111 Summanus (god of high places) D I.i6 Syria (mother of 'fourth' Venus) Ν 111.59

Tages (originator of Etruscan divination by entrails) D 11.50^.; (80) Tantalus (sinner punished in the underworld) F I.60. O III.84. Τ Ι.ιο. III.26*. IV.35 Tantalidae Ν III.90* (Tartarus) Tartarea plaga Τ 11.22* Taurus (constellation) Ν I I . n o * . III.40 Telamo(n) (king of Salamis, father of Ajax and Teucer) Ν 111-79- Τ ΠΙ.(28*;) 3 9 * ; 43; 58; 7 1 . De orat II.193 ab Tellus Ν III. 52 Tenebrae Ν 111.44 Tenes (hero-god of Tenedos) Ν III.39 Terra Τ II.20*. Ti 39 Teucer (son of Telamón) D I.80*. Τ V.io8. Pacuvius' play De orat I.246. II. 193 Thaumas (father of the rainbow) Ν III. 51 Thelxinoe (one of the 'first' Muses) Ν III.54 Theseus (Athenian king and hero) F I . 6 5 . L I I . 5 . NIII.45; 7 6 . O 1.32 a . III.94 1 . R II.2. Τ III.29f.; 58. IV.50 Theut (Egyptian deity, Thoth) Ν III. 56


a Thyestes (brother of Atreus) Ν III.68*. Τ I.ioy. III.26; 39; 39*. IV.77. De orat III.219*. Ennius' play Br 78. Or 184 Thyone (mother of 'fifth' Diana) Ν III.58 Tiberinus (Tiber god) Ν III. 52 Tiresias (Theban seer) D 1.88. II.9. Ν II-7- Τ V . i 1 5 Titan (i.e. Sol) Ν 1 1 . 1 1 2 * . Titanes L III.5. Τ 11.23*. Titani Ν II.70 Tithonus (spouse of Aurora) C3 a Triptolemus (giver of grain) Τ I.98* Triton (sea deity) Ν I.78. 11.89* Tritopatreus (one of the 'first' Dioscori) Ν III.3 Troia See Index V Troilus (son of Priam) Τ I.93 (b) Trophonius ('second' Mercury in the underworld) D I.74. Ν III.49; 56 Trophonius See Agamedes Tyndareus (father of the Dioscori and Helen) Fa 34. Fr IX. 1 1 . Tyndaridae NII.6. I l l . n f . ; 39. Τ 1.28. De orat II.352. See Castor, Dioscoroe



b Ulixes A II.89*. (C 54). F V.49. L 1.2. (II.3). Ν II.I66. III.4I. O 1 . 1 1 3 . 1 1 1 . 9 7 ^ . Τ I.98*. II ( 4 8 ) f . ; 4 9 * . V . 7 ; 4 6 . Br 40. De orat (1.196). 111.09; 162*. Inv I . 1 1 ; 92. II.176. Or 74 Odyssea Latina Br 71 Upis (father of 'third' Diana) Ν III. 58 Upis (i.e. Diana) Ν III. 5 8 2 Urania (Muse) D I.17 Valens (father of 'second' Mercury) Ν III. 5 é Veiovis (ancient Roman deity) Ν 111.62 Venti TIV.73* ab Venus D I I . 1 2 1 . Ν 11.6ο*; 69 i . III.60 1 ; 62. Τ rV-73; 73*· F i v e Ν 111-59· Planet D I.85. II.91. Ν II.53; (119). R VI.17. See "Εσπερος, Φωσφόρος Venus, Coa D I.23. Ν I.75. Ο III.io r Or 5. See Lubentina Venerius complexus D II. 143. Veneriae, res C 47. iae voluptates Τ IV.68. Venerius (iactus) D 1.23*. 11.48*; 1 2 1 Vergiliae (i.e. Pleiades) Ν II.112* ab Vesta L II.29. Ν 1.36. 11.67. ΠΙ.8ο. De orat III. 10. Vestae lucus D 1 0 1 . See Ε σ τ ί α




Vestalis (Ilia) D I.40. Her sister D 1.41*. lis, Virgo R III. 1 7 . les, Virgines L II.20. R I l . z é . (Br 160; Z36) Vica Pota L II.28 ab Victoria D I.98. L II.28. Ν II.61. Victoriolae Ν III.84 Vincla (constellation) Ν ΙΙ.ιΐ4* Virgo (constellation) Ν ΙΙ.ιιο* a Virtus L 11.19; 2-8. Ν II.6i; 79.

III.88. O I . 1 1 8 . R I . Z 1 . Τ 11.45 a Volcanus N I . 8 1 ; 8 3 ^ . 1 1 1 . 4 5 ; 54f.; 57; 59; 62. See Mulciber Volcania arma Τ II.33. niae insulae Ν III. 5 5 b Voluptas Ν II.6ι. O I . 1 1 8

Zethus (brother of Amphion) R I.30. De orat II.155 (in Pacuvius)

Index V Places and Peoples b (Abdera) (in Thrace) (Ν I.I20) Abderites ( ta) Protagoras Ν I.63 Br 3θΓ. De orat III.i28 r Aborigines R II. 5 b Academia (hall near Athens where Plato taught) A I . 1 7 . D I.2.2*. F V . i 1 ; 8. Fa 19. Τ V.9I. De orat I.98. Or 1 2 . On Cicero's property at Tusculum Τ II.9. III. 7 Achivi D I.24; 29. 1 1 . 6 4 " . De orat III.166* a (Adramyttium) (on the coast of Mysia) Adramyttenus Xenocles Br 316 Aedui See Haedui a Aegaeum mare F III.45. L III.36 b Aegina (island in the Saronic gulf, south-west of Athens) O III.46 Aeginetae ibid. ab Aegyptus F V.872·. Ν I . ι ο ί . II.I30. III.55f. R I.16. III.15. V.97. V I . 1 1 . Or 23 2 \ Aegyptius Ν 1.82. til D I.2; 93. II.22. Ν 1.43; 8ιf. 2 ·; ι ο ί .

III.39; 54f.; 5 6 \ R III.14 2 . Τ I.io8. V.78. tium acetum F V.89. tii, haruspices D II.23 . tiae, ibes Ν II. 126. tii Saietae Ν III. 59 Aenianes (people of Thessaly) R II.8 (a) Aeolia (Aeolis, district on the north-west coast of Anatolia) D I.3 Aequi (people of Latium) O I.35. R II.36 a Aequimaelium (in Rome) D II.39. Aethiopes D II.96 a Aetna {Mt Etna, in Sicily) C 4. D II.43 Aetnaei ignes Ν II.96 ab Aetolia (region of north-west Greece) Τ I.3. Br 79 Aetoli R III. 15 ab Africa A II.ι. D II.52. F II.56. Ν 1.84. Π.165. O I . 1 1 2 . III.99. R II.9; 67. VI 9. De orat ΙΙΙ.ι67*; 2.2.9· Or 93* Afri Ν 1.82. R lib. inc. fr. 8. Africus, ventus Ν I.ioi a Agrigentum (on the south coast of Sicily, Agrigento) R III.45




Agrigentini O II.26. nus vir (i.e. Empedocles) Lae 24 [Agragianae] portae (at Syracuse, name corrupt) Τ V.65 b (Alabanda) (in Caria) Alabandi ( dis?) Ν III. 39. denses Ν III.50. densis Apollonius De orat I.126. densis Menecles De orat II.95 . deus, Hierocles Br 325 ab Alba, Longa (north-east of Rome) RII.4 Albanum De orat II.224. Albana aqua D 1.100; II. 69r. nus lacus D I.ioo. II.69r. nus mons D 1.18* De nus rex orat 11.69. R II.4 Alei campi (in Cilicia) τ 111.63* ab Alexandria A II.il 3 ; 61. F V.54. O II.82\ III.50 1 Algidus (mountain south-east of Rome) R II.63 ab Allobroges (principal tribe of Narbonese Gaul) D 1.21* ab (Ambracia) (in Epirus, Arta) Ambraciota Theombrotus Τ 1.84 a (Amena) (in Umbria, Amelia) Amerinus, Sex. Roscius O II.51 Ampsancti (lake in central Italy) DI.79 ab (Anagnia (Anagnt, west of Arpinum)

Anagninus, Septumuleius De orat I1.26 9 (Andros) (Aegean island) Andria (of Terence) F I.4. Lae 89. Invl.33. OGO 18 Anemo (?) See Index IV a Anio (river near Rome, Aniene) F II.73. L II.56. OIII.112. Br 54 (Apollonia) (in Crete?) Apolloniates, Diogenes Ν 1.29 ab Appenninus De orat III. 69 ab Apulia DI.97 ab Arabes D I.92; 94 b Arcadia Ν III.53; 57* Arcades D I.57. Ν III.57 i ; 59. R III.25 (Ardea) (in Latium) Ardeas, ager Ν III.47 (a) Argi O II.81 Argia Iuno Ν 1.82. ia sacerdos Τ I . 1 1 3 . Argivi D I.37; 88. Ν 1.82. Τ 1.45*. II.39*. III.53· vus orator Br 50. Argolicae classes D 11.63*. cum, decus F V.49* Arginusae (Aegean islands, site of Athenian naval victory) O I.84 a Ariopagus D I.54. Arius pagus Ν II.74. See Index VII.


a Armenia (minor) D II.79 ab Arpinum (Arpiño) L II.2-6. (III.36) Arpinates L Ι . ι . O I.21. ñas Τ V.74. ñas, ager O I.21. ñas homo L I.4. Τ V.6é r ab Arretium (in Etruria, Arrezzo) DI.77 a Asculum (chief town of Picenum, Ascoli) Br 169 Asculanus, T. Betucius Barrus ibid. ab Asia A II.1-34. D I.3; 47; 58-; 79; 89. II.115. Lae 37. Ν II.165. III.58. R II.9. III.41. VI i l . Br 1 1 ; 51; 314—316 4 ; 318; 325. De orat II.95; 269; 360; 365. III.75. O G O 8; 22. O r 163*; 2 1 2 Asiatici O r 230. ica dictio Br 325. icum genus Br 325*. ici, homines De orat III.43. cus, mos O r 27. ici oratores Br 51. ici rhetores Or 231 Assyrii D 1.2. R III.7 (Astypalaea) (island/town in the Sporades) Astypalenses insulani Ν III.45 ab (Atella) (town in Campania, whence Atellane farce) Atellanius versus D II. 2 5 ab Athenae A I . 1 2 . II.69. C 1; 43; 63. F 1-8f.*; 39. V 4 z (f.;) 8. Fa 7. L 1.2f.; 42; 53 2 . II.4; 28; 36;



63. III.26. Lae 7; 87. Ν I.59; 79; 83. II.154; 165. III.46; 4 9 f · 1 ; 53; 55; 57· Ο Ι . ι . II.64; 86. III.6; 54; 87; 1 2 1 . R 1.68. III.33; 45. Τ I . I I 6 . 11.26. III.22; 38. V.91; 100; 104; i o 8 f . Br 26f.; 39; 44 z ; 49; 63; i 3 o f . ; 172; 258; 285f.; 3 1 5 1 . De orat I 13; 45; 47; 57; 82; 216; 232. II.3; 56; 360; 365. III.3; 68 1 ; 75; I 3 8 1 ; 213. Inv I.63 2 . II.87. O G O 7; 13; 19. Or 23; 27; 105; 1 5 1 Atheniensis C 8. Br 43. De orat III.43. Inv I.35. nses C 64. D I.37; 75; 95; 122. L I.42. II.40; 67. Ν 1.63; 85. II.74; 154· O I.75; 84; 86. III.46; 4 8 f . R I.5; 25*543 f. z ; 47· II.2. III. 14f.; 25; 44. IV. (4;) 13. Τ IV.5. Br 37; 39; 4 1 ; 49; 257; 306. De orat I.62; 85. II.155. III.43; 75; 138. O r 25; 27; 3 1 ; 105. P O 118. nsis, Aeschines R IV.13 . nsis Clisthenes L II.41 . nsis Demosthenes De orat I.260. nses, homines De orat I.85. nsis Hyperbolus Br 224. nsis, Plato C 41. nsis, populus O G O 19. nsis, Solon D n s i s TheI . 1 1 1 . R II.59. mistocles De orat II.299. Panathenaicus (of Isocrates) C 13. O 38 Athos (mountain on the coast opposite Lemnos) F II. 1 1 2 . RIII.fr. 5 z a (Atina) (town of the Volsci, Atina) Atinas, campus D 1.59. Π.137. nas somnium D I.59

II 6



Atlanticum (mare) R VI.21 Atratus (river near Rome) D I.98. II.58 (ab) Attica Br 43 Atticus Br 63; 284; 286. Or 90. ici D II. 13 3. F V.4. Fa 7. L. 11.5a. Ο Ι · ΐ ° 4 · Τ Π·3· Br 172; 224; 285-289®; 3 1 5 · De orat II.217. III.42. OGO 8; 11-155. Or 23 f.; 28 f.; 89 f.; 2 3 1 ; 234. Atticus adj. Or 23 z ; 29 1 ; 75; 83; 89. ica dictio Br 51. icum genus (dicendi) Br 68; 285. icus Lysias Br 63; 293. ica monumenta Br 28. icus mos OGO il. icus orator Br 284. ici oratores R III.42. Br 51; 287. OGO 7. ica pubes F II.18*. icus, scurra Ν 1-93. icus sermo Ν 1-93. icus stilus Br 167. ica subtilitas Br 67. Attice Br 284 f. z ; 290 f. z ; OGO 8; 1 1 - 1 3 5 ; 23. Or 23; 26; 283 f. 1 Aulis (harbour on the coast of Boeotia) D II.63. τ Ι · π 6 ab Aventinus (collis, mons) DI.98; 107*. R II.33; 58; 63 Avernus (lake in Campania, Averno) Τ I.37 Axinus (earlier name of Euxine, Black Sea) R III. 15

a Babylon D I.47. II.139 Babylonius Τ IV. 5. nii D I.36; 93. II.97. ius Diogenes D 1.6. Ν I.i r ; 41'. O III.5ir b Bauli (resort on the Bay of Naples) A II.9; 125 ab Bithynia (region of northwest Anatolia) De orat III.229 ab Boeotia (district north of Attica) Ν III.49.TI.no Boeotii, augures D 1.74. tius, Bacis D I.34. tii, vates D II. 5 6 b (Bononia) (Bologna) Bononiensis, C. Rusticelius Br 169 b Britannia Ν 11.88 Britannici, aestus Ν III. 24 Bruges (i.e. Phryges) Or 160 ab Brundisium (Brindisi) D II.84 ab (Byzantium) Byzantii De orat II.217. tius, Theodorus Or 39 Caelius mons (in Rome) O III. 66. R II.33 ab Caieta (port of Formiae, Gaeta) (De orat II.22) (Calchedon) (on the Asiatic coast opposite Byzantium) Calchedonius, Thrasymachus

INDEX V PLACES AND PEOPLES Br 3 0 . D e o r a t I I I . 1 2 8 . O r 3 9 .

ius, Xenocrates A I.17 (Camirus) (in Rhodes) See Index IV. Campus Martius See Martius (a) Cannae (in Apulia, site of Roman defeat by Hannibal) Ν 111.8ο. Τ I.8 9 Cannensis calamitas O III.47.

Br 1 2 .


ignominia C 75.

sis pu-

gna D I I . 7 1 ; 97. O I.40. III.113

b Capena, porta (Roman gate onto the Appian Way) T1.13

ab Capitolium A I I . 1 3 7 . D I . 9 8 . II.46. L a e 3 7 . Ν I . i o ö * . II.6I. O III.104.

R II.36; 44. V I . I i .

De orat


I I . 1 9 5 . I I I . 1 8 0 ; 2.14*

Capitolinus Iuppiter Ν 1.82. III.11 . nae sedes D I.19* = H.45 a ab Capua (chief town of Campania) C 1 0 . D I.98 ab Caria (region of south-west Anatolia) D 1.91; 9 4 . Τ 1.92. I I I . 7 5 . Or 2 5 ; 5 7

ab Carinae (quarter in Rome) Ρ so a Carthago (Kar ) C 1 8 . F I I . 6 5 . V.70. F a 1 3 . (Lae i l ) . Ν III.91. O I.35. I I . 7 6 . I I I . 9 9 f . R Ι . ι ; ( 7 1 ; ) fr. 3. II.7. V I . i i 1 . Τ I I I . 5 4 . De orat I I . 7 5 . Inv L I T ; 1 7 . Or

160 (Cartago)


Carthaginienses (Kar


) Ν

111.83. Ρ IL· R Π.42. Τ

III.53. De orat III. 109. Inv I . 1 7 ; 27; 7 1 f. sis, Hamilcar D I.50. sis, Mago De orat I.249

ab Casilinum (modern Capua, about three miles east of ancient Capua) Inv II.171 1 Casilinenses ibid1. Catadupa (Nile cataract) R VI.19 Caucasus D I.36. R IV.22. Τ I I . 2 3 * ;

2 5 * ; 5 2 . V.8; 77 Caudium (in Samnium) O III. 1 0 9 Caudinum proelium C 41 b Caunus (town in Caria) D II.84

Cauneae ibid. (a) Celtiberi (people of central Spain) O I . 3 8 . Τ II.65

b (Ceos) (Aegean island) Cei D I . 1 3 0 . Ceus, Aristo(n)

C 3. Ceus, Prodicus Ν Ι.ι 18. Br 30. De orat III.128. Ceus, Simonides De orat II.351 b Ceramicus (quarter of Athens) F I . 3 9 . L II.64

(Chalcis) (in Euboea, opposite Aulis) Chalcidicus Euripus Ν III. 24 a Chaldaeus D II. 149. Chaldaei D 1.2; 9 i z .

I I . 7 0 ; 84; 8 7 Z ; 89; 9 1 ; 9 9 ; 3 1 0 9 . Fa 15 f. Τ 1.95· dai-

cum praedicendi genus D




11.88. daicae rationes D II.98 ab (Chios) (large Aegean island) Chii D I.23. II.49. Chius, Aristo(n) A II. 123. L 1.55'. Ν in.77.TV.27. Fr V.38. us Metrodorus A II.73. us Postumius F II. 70 ab Cilicia (region of south-east Anatolia) D 1.88. L II.41. Ti 2. Br 1; 168. De orat I.82. II.2. Cilices D I.2; 25; 92; 94. II.80. L II.33 a Cimbri (German tribe) OI.38. Τ 11.65 Cimbricum, scutum De orat 11.266. ca victoria Τ V.56 Cimmerii (semi-mythical people north or north-west of the Black Sea) A II.61

b Circeii (on the coast of Latium) F IV. 7 Circeienses Ν III.48 (Citium) (in Cyprus) Citiei F IV. 5 6. Citieus, Zenoin) Τ V-34 Clastidium (in Cisalpine Gaul, Chiasteggio) TIV.49 Clazomenae (on the coast of Ionia) Τ I.I04 Clazomenius ille Anaxagoras De orat III. 13 8 a (Cnidos) (in Caria) Cnidius, Aeschylus Br 316; 325. dius, Eudoxus R I.22 (Cnosos) (in Crete) Cnosii L 1.15

(Colchis) (region south-east of the Black Sea) Colchi Ν III. 54 Collina porta (gate near the Quirinal hill) L II.58 (Colonus) (Attic deme) Coloneus lucus F V.3. 'Coloneus, Oedipus' C 22 ab (Colophon) (in Ionia) Colophonius, Nicander De orat I.69. nius Xenophanes D I.5 (Consentía) (Cosenza in the toe of Italy) Consentini F 1.7 ab Corinthus Fa 13. Ν III.9I. O I.35. III.46. Ρ 38. R II.7f. Τ I.2I. III.27; 53. V.109 Corinthii D I.37. R II.34; 36. Τ III. 5 3 a . De orat II.262. Inv L i 7 . thium (aes) F II.23. thium, aes Τ IV.32. thia (aera) Τ II.32. thius, Damaratus R II.34. thius, matellio Ρ 38. thia opera Ρ 13; 37. thius orator Br 50. thius, Polyidus D I.89 Corsica Ν III. 5 2 ab (Cos) (Aegean island) Coa, Venus D I.23. Ν Ι.75· Ο III. ιο Γ . Or 5. Cous, Hippocrates De orat III. 13 2 Crannon (in Thessaly) De orat II.352 ab Creta L I.15. Ν 11.126. III.57- R II.58


Cretes R II.2. III.15. Τ II.34. Cretensis (Iuppiter) Ν III.53. Cres, Epimenides D I.34. L II.28 b Croton (on the west coast of modern Calabria) R II.28 Crotoniatae Ν II.6. Inv II. 1 - 3 4 . tes Alcmaeo Ν 1.27. tes, Milo C 27 ab Cumae (on the Bay of Naples, Cuma) D I.98. Τ III.27 Cumanum Α Ι.ι. II.80. F 1.14. Br 300. Cumanus, C. Blossius Lae 37 b Cures (town of the ancient Sabines) R II.25 Cynosura (mountain in Arcadia) Ν III.57 ab Cyprus D I.53. Τ II.52 Cyprius, Eudemus D I.53. ius tyrannus (se. Nicocreon) Ν 111.82 a (Cyrene) Cyrenaeus Τ IV. 5. aeus, Theodorus Ν 1.2. ( aicus codd.). Τ I.io2 r . Cyrenaici etc. See Index III Danai F II.18*. Τ IV.52* Delium (in Boeotia) D I.123 ab Délos (Aegean island) A II.57. L 1.2. Ν III.88 Deliacus O r 23 zz. cus, gallinarius A 11.86



a Delphi D I.37; 7 5 1 ; 79; 95· Π.68*; 1 1 7 . Ν III (42;) 57. R II.44. Τ Ι.114. V-70. De orat III.129 Delphicus, Apollo D 1.81; 96. cus deus L 1.58. ca, oracula D II.118 Dipylon (gate in Athens) F V.i b Dodona (in Epirus) DI.95 Dodonaeus, Iuppiter D I.76. naeum oraculum D I.3. naea, simia D II.69 a Dolopes (people of Thessaly) R II.8 (Doris) (district near Delphi) Doris (η. pl.) R II.8 ab Dyrrachium (on the coast of Illyrium, Durazzo) D I.68 z

(Elea) (in south-west Italy) Eleates, Zeno(n) Ν 111.82. Τ II.52. Eleatici philosophi See Index III b Eleusis (in Attica) Ν 1.119 (Eleusinia mysteria L II.35 f.) b Elis (in the west of Peloponnesus) D I.91. Ν III.59 Elei D II.28. R IV.4. Elii, haruspices D II.28. Elius, Hippias Br 30. De orat III.i27 r ab Ephesus (on the west coast of Anatolia) Ti 2. De orat II.75 Ephesii Τ V . i 0 5 z . sia Diana D I.47. Ν II.69 r




b Epidaurus (on the north-east coast of the Peloponnesus) Ν III.83 ab (Epirus) (part of modern Albania) Epirotes, Thyamis L II.7 Equus (crag in Greece, Hippos) Fa 5 Eretria (in Euboea) A II. 129 Eretri(a)ci See Index III. Eretricus philosphus Τ V . 1 1 3 a (Erymanthus) (mountain range in Arcadia) Erymanthius aper Τ IV.50. ia belva Τ 11.2.2* a (Erythrae) (in Ionia) Erythraea, Sibylla D 1.34 (a) Esquiliae (Esquiline hill in Rome) L II.28. Ν 111.63 Esquilinus mons R I I . 1 1 . na, porta De orat II.276 ab Etruria D 1 - 3 ; 3 5 ; 9^· Π . 1 1 ; 5 ° · L II.21. R II.34. III.7 Etrusci D I.72; 93. II.28; 42; 50; 80. R II.9; 38. Τ 1.89. Etruscae, chartae D 1.20*. ci, haruspices D II.28; 75 r . L II.2i r . Ν II.io(f.) r . cus, hospes De orat III. 10. ci, praedones Fr V.95. See Lydia, Tyrrhena gens; Tusci b Euphrates D II.22; 24. F III.75. Ν I I . i 3 o Euripus, Chalcidicus (channel between Boeotia and Euboea) Ν III.i 4 . 'Euripi' L II.2

ab Europa Ν II.165. I I I . 2 4 * . T I . 4 5 * ; 94 b Eurota(s) (river of Sparta) T I I . 3 6 . V.98. Inv II.96. 124 Euxinus pontus (Black Sea) De orat I.174 a Fabianus fornix (arch in Rome) De orat II.267 ab (Falernum) (district in northern Campania) Falernum vinum Br 287 Fibrenus (river near Arpinum, Fibreno) L II.i; 6 ab (Firmum) (town in Picenum, Fermo) Firmanus, L. Tarutius D II.98 ab (Formiae) (on the coast of Latium, Formia) Formianum R 1.61. nus, fundus Ν III. 8 6 ab (Fregellae) (Volscian town destroyed in 1 2 5 ) Fregellani Br 1 7 0 . Inv I . 1 1 . nus, Pullus Numitorius. F V.62. nus, L. Papirius Br 170

ab Gades (Cadiz) C 69 ab Gallia C 42. D I.78; 90. Br 1 7 1 ; 2 1 8 ; 3 1 8 . Or 34. Gallia citerior Inv II.i 1 1 Gallus F II.73. O III.112. Τ IV-49· De orat II.265 f. (see Index I Calpurnius Piso, cos. 1 1 2 ) . Galli D I.81; 100. II.69.


R III. 15*. Gallicus adventus R II.11 . cus, ager C 1 1 Br 57. cae copiae D I.81 Ganges R VI.22 Gnosos See (Cnosos) ab Graecia A 1.8. II.2. C 3 1 . D I.3; 39; 68; 88. II.53. F Π-49; 1 1 2 . III.4. V . 1 1 ; 4 9 L I.5; 53. II.26; 32; 37~39 4 . III.13; 47· Lae 7; 4 2 1 ; 45. Ν I . i i ; 58. II.60; 63; 1 6 5 . ΙΙΙ·39 Ζ ; 46; 6o; 82; 84. O II.60; 79 f. III.48; 7 3 5 9 9 . R I.5; 36; 5 8 . 1 1 . 8 ^ . 3 ; 18; 34. III.14f.; fr. 3. IV.4. V.3. V I . i i . Τ I-3-4 4 ; 29*. II.4f.; 27; 3 5 f . 48. III.28*. IV.i. V.9f.; 58; 66; 1 0 2 ; 1 1 4 . Br 26; 32; 4 1 ; 49 2 ; 5 1 ; i o 4 z ; 1 4 1 ; 254; 258; 289; 3 3 2 . De orat I . 1 3 . II.6; 1 5 4 . III.60; 1 2 7 ; 1 2 9 L 1 3 9 ; 1 9 7 . Inv II.69. O G O 22. Or [25;] 27; 29. Top 5. Magna Graecia Lae 1 3 . R III.7. Τ I.38. IV.2. V.io. De orat II.154. III. 1 3 9 (veterem Italiae Graeciam). Top 5 Graecus D II.25. 1 1 4 . F 1.8f. O I I . 8 3 . Br 63; 1 3 1 ; 326. De orat I . i o 4 f . ci A I.4f.; δ2·; 24 £.3. II.15; 1 7 ; 30; 37*·; 54· C 45. D I.X 3 ; 55; 84; 90; 1 2 5 . I I . 1 1 ; 34; 92·; 1 1 6 . F 1.63; 8 Z ; 42. II.18; 62; 68; 80. III.3; 5 3 ; 1 5 ; 26; 35; 395 55· IV.5. V.17; 66; 75; 96. Fa ι . L I.72·; 27. II.32; 62. III.46. Lae 1 7 . Ν I.82·; 1 5 ; 30. II.14; 29; 5 2 L ; 58; 66-68 5 ;



94; 108; n i ' 1 ' . III.13; 1 5 ; 28; 42; 48; 5 1 ; 58. O I.3; 8; 5 1 ; ι ο 8 3 ; 1 4 2 ; 1 5 3 2 . II.18. R I.5; 1 2 ; 30; 34; 58*. II.χ8; 2 1 ; 34; 37; 47; 49· IV.3; 6. V.3. Τ Ι . ι ; 3-85; 2.8-; 4 1 ; 68; 74596; m . 11.35. III-7 2 ; i l 1 ; 1 3 ; i63; 23; 8 1 . IV.IO-; 34; 70. V.7; 24; 1 0 5 ; 1 1 3 ; 1 1 6 ; 1 1 8 . Ti 1 7 ; z 3 ; 35· B r 35; 3 8 ; 52; 59; 67-693; 96; 1 1 8 ; 1 3 8 ; 1 4 1 ; 1 6 2 ; 265; 275; 294. De orat I.9; 1 1 ; 23; 45; 58; 1 3 1 ; I97Í.; 2 1 7 ; 232; 2 5 1 . II.42·; 1 3 ; 1 8 - 2 1 7 ; 28; 4 1 ; 5 1 - ; 53; 56; 77; 1 1 3 ; 1 5 3 f.; 2 1 7 ; 256; 288; 299; 323; 3 4 1 1 . III.27; 42; 56; 93~95 4 ; 109; 1 3 1 ; 1 3 7 ; 186; 228. Inv I.55. O G O 18; 23. Or 4; 36; 70; 83; 9 Z ; 94; 12.5; 12.8; 1 5 2 L ; 164; 166; 1 7 1 ; 1 8 1 ; 1 8 3 ; 204; 2 1 1 ; 223; 229. Top 24; 3of.; 35; 38; 48; 55; 79; 83; 95. cum A I.26. O II.87. T I . 1 5 . O G O 18. caA I.4; i o 1 ; 1 2 . F Ι . ι ; 6 2 ; 8; 10. Ο Ι . ι . Τ II.26 Br 1 3 1 . De orat II.60. O G O 23. cus adj. F I.5. Ν 11.68; 9 1 . De orat III.69. annales D I.43. cae aures Br 6. cae, bibliothecae Τ II.6. ca, carmina Lae 24. ci dicendi artifices et doctores De orat I.23. eus doctor De orat II.75. ci doctores Br 3 1 0 . cae doctrinae A I.4. Br 1 7 3 ; 236. ca eruditio A I.4. ca, exempla Or 1 3 2 . cae (fabellae) F I.4. O G O 18. ca historia D I.49. Τ





Br 77r.

historiae D II.69.


142. I I I . 1 1 5 . Τ I . 1 5 . I V . 2 I ;


25. V.II6. T i 13; 27.

B r 81;

h o m o R III.8. De orat II.76. ci homines R 1.3 7? II. 5 8R.

H·2·; 55; 595 755

Τ II.65.

61; 67; 126; 160; [170]. P O

I n v II.28 R .

D e o r a t 1 . 2 2 ; 253. cae institutio-

121; 3101. D e o r a t I . 1 5 5 . 265· 0 r


i f . Top 42; 49; 93. Graeculus

nes Ν 1.8. ci iudices Τ Ι.ιο. ci libri De orat II.217. ca lingua F Ι . ι ο . ca littera O r 1601. cae litterae A I.4; 10. I I . 4 f . z C 3 r ; 26 R ; 38. D II.5. F L i . O I.I. Br 78; 104; i o 7 r ;

D e o r a t I . 1 0 2 ; 221.

114; 167-169'; 175; 205;

V I . 16.

237; 247. De orat I.82. II.28. cae et litterae et doctores Τ I.i. ca locutio Br 259. cum nomen L I . i 9 . c a oratio II.29 1 . R II.35. 1 Br 79; 3 io . cae orationes, Graecae De orat I . i 5 5 . O G O 18. [ cus orator De orat II. 122.] ci, oratores

O r 152*. Graium nomen Ν I I . 1 1 4 * . Graia vis Τ II.2o*. Graiugena Ν ΙΙ.91*

D e o r a t I . 1 4 . II.92 R . O G O


O r 6. cum otium O r 108. ci poetae A L i o . D I.40. Τ 11.26. cae res R I.36. De orat II.I52Í. ci rhetores O r 3 1 . cum sacrum L II.21 . eus sermo F I . i . III. 15. Τ I . i 5 . ci tragoedi De orat I . 2 5 1 . cae, urbes D 1.88. R I I I . 4 3 . b u m F I I . 1 3 . III. 15.

c u m verL I.58.

De orat II.i 57 r ; 270. ca verba A I.25. O L u i . Τ III.io r . eus versus D I I . 1 2 ; 25. F I I . 1 0 5 . ΙΙΙ.64 Γ .

ci versus O III.82. Graece A I I . 2 6 ; 137. D I I . 8 9 . F 1 - 9 * · II.8; 1 2 f . ; 1 5 2 ; 19. I I I . 2 3 . I V . 7 2 . F a i l . Ν 11-47; 53; 6 4 ; 66; 9I; 123. O I.93; 101;

li h o -

mines De orat I.47. lum negotium Τ 1.86. Graius Ν ΙΙ.91. Inv Ι.35· Grai(i) D I . 1 7 * ; 37. I I . 8 2 . L I I . 2 6 . Ν




9 * · ΙΙΙ-53;

1 1 5 · R Ι . 5 8 . ΙΙ.9. ΙΙΙ.15. Τ III.39·

Inv 11.69 f- 4 -

G y t h e u m (port in Laconia) O III.49

b (Haedui) (Gallic tribe) Haeduus, Diviciacus D I.90 ab Halicarnassus (in Caria) Τ 111.75 Halicarnassius, Scylax D 11.88 Halys (river in Anatolia) D 11.115* Heliopolis (in lower Egypt) Ν III. 54 ab Hellespontus F II. 1 1 2 . O r 163"· (pontus Helles) a (Henna) (in central Sicily, Enna) Hennensis Ceres O r 210 (Heraclea in Pontus) Heracleotes, Dionysius A I I . 7 1 , F V . 9 4 r . Τ II.6o r , I I I . I 8 R

a (Heraclea in Lucania) Heracleotes Z e u x i s Inv II. 1


a Hernici (people of Latium) OI.35

a Hirpini (people south of Samnium) D I .79 ab Hispania C 32. Ν I.84. 111.8ο. Τ 1.89. De orat I.183 Hispani D II.131. nienses aestus, Ν III.24 Hister (Danube) Or 1 5 2 * Hostilia (curia) F V. 2 b Hymettus (mountain in Attica) F II.112

Hymettium, mei Fr V.89 Hypanis (river Bug) Τ 1.94 Hyperborei See Index IV Hyrcania (region south-east of Caspian Sea) Τ I.io8

(lalysus) (in Rhodes) See Index IV a Ianus medius (in the Roman Forum)


a India F 111.45. Ν I.97. III.42. Τ

V.77f. Indus R II.67. Indi D I.47. II.9é. Τ II-40. Indus, Callanus D I.47. Τ 11.52 Indus (river) Ν II.130

Inter duos lucos (in Rome; cf. Att. 4 . 3 . 4 ) D II.40

ab Ionia DI.3

Ionium, mare De orat III.69 Isthmus (of Corinth) Fa 7 ab Italia D I.3; 49*; 7 8 . F II.49. L II.42. III.45. Lae 28. Ν I.84. O I I . 7 6 1 . R I . 1 6 . II.9 f.; 28 f. III.7. Τ I . 3 8 f . ; 86. IV.2; 7. V

10. Ti ι . De orat II. 154. III.8; 1 3 9 ; 1 5 3 * . Inv I.17. 11.r. Or 34; 2 3 2 Italicum bellum O II.75. cae mensae Τ V.ioo. ci philosophi C 78 Ithaca (Ulixes' island) L II.3. O III.97 De orat I.196

O II.87

a (Ida) (mountain in the Troad) Idaei Digiti Ν III.42. Idaea mater L II.22; 40. Idaea, sacra C 45. F V.64 b Ilium (Troy) D I.24; 87 ab (Illyricum) (region bordering the eastern Adriatic) Illyrius latro O II.40


Karthago See Car


a (Labici) (in Latium) Labicanum Ρ 50 (a)b Lacedaemo(n) C 6 3 . L II.39. I I I . 1 6 . Ν I I . 1 5 4 . III. 11; 9 1 . R I.50. II.50. Τ II.46. V-77. Inv




II.96. See Laco, Laconia, Sparta Lacedaemonius Inv I.35. aii C zo; 63. D I.37; 7 4 - 7 ¿ 5 ; 9 5Í·2·; 112.· Π.54 f.; ^7; 69; 90. F II.972·. Ν II.154III.91. O I.64; 76; 84 4 . II.26; 77; 80 1 . 111.49*. R I.25. II.2; 42. III.15. IV.4. Τ I . i o i 1 . II.59. V.42. 9 8 ^ . Br 40. Inv I.55; 69. II.69; 96· nius, Cleomenes Ν III.65 (fr.). nius Leonidas Τ 1.116. nius Lycurgus R II. 24. nius, Lysander C 59; 63. O I.io9 r . nius Megillus L 1.15. nia mulier D 1.114*. nius (orator) Br 50. nius Pausanias Top 75. nius quidam Τ Ι.ιοο. nius, Xanthippus O III.99 (Lacia) (Attic deme) Laciades. O II.64. dae ibid. (Lacinium) (headland near Croton) Lacinia, Iuno D I.48 Laco (= Spartan) Τ L u i . V.40. ones Τ V-49*· Lacaena Τ I.io2. nae virgines Τ II.36*. Laco, Menelaus R V.11 a Lampsacus (on the east shore of the Hellespont) Τ I.I04 Lampsacenus Strato A II. 121 ab Lanuvium (in Latium) D I.79; 99. II.59 Lan(u)vini Ν 1.82. nus, ager D I.79. nus, L. Thorius Balbus F II. 63

ab Latium R II.44. HI.7. Br 170 Latini A 1.8. D I.51 1 . F I.23. II.61. Lae 12. Ν II.6. O I.38. III.112. R II.33. ΙΠ.7. VI.12. Τ 1.89. II.8. ΙΙΙ.27. Br 82; 169. De orat III.43; 93. Or 22f. Latinum A 1.2,6. O II.87. Τ 111.29·

n a F 1.8.


I.i. Br 298. nae (sc. feriae) D I . i 8 z . R I.14. nus adj. F III.16. Ν II.91. Or 79. PO 18. num, bellum D I.55. ni, coloni Br 170. na consuetudo F III.40. na, exempla Or 132. nae, fabellae F I.4. Cf. OGO 18. nae, feriae Ν I . i 5 . R I.14. ni, librarioli L I.7. ni, libri Τ 1.6. ΙΙ.γ1. na lingua F I.io. Fa i r . O I.i33 r . Or 150. nae litterae A I.3; 9; 12. II.4. F I . i 1 ; 4. L ι . ι . Ν I. 7 . Τ I.i; 5 r . II.5. Br io7 r ; 125; 169; 175; 205; 228; 247. na, locutio Br 258. ni magistri dicendi De orat III.93. na monumenta Τ IV.6. num nomen R I.31. III.41. Br 99. na, Odyssea Br 71. na oratio O 1.2. Τ 11.26. nus, orator Br 96; ι67 γ . [De orat II. 122]. ni poetae A I.io. na scripta F I.4 . nus sermo D II.11. F II.15. Τ I.15. III.10. Br 132; 233 r . De orat II.28. III.42. Or 153. num verbum D II.11. F II.10; i3 r . III.15. Ν I-93na verba A I.9; 25*. F III.5; 16. T I I I . i o r . Br 26i r . De orat II. 17. Latine A

INDEX V PLACES AND PEOPLES 1.14; 1 8 ; 2 5 . D I I . 1 0 8 ; 1 1 6 . F I.5; 8. II.8; 10; I Z - 1 5 5 ; 7 7 ; 1 0 5 . III.5; 1 5 ; 40. IV.72. V.96. Ν 1.8; 1 8 ; 5 5 . I I . 5 3 ; 9 i z . O I.93; 1 4 z . R I.65. Τ I . 1 5 a . III.20. V . 1 1 6 . T i 1 3 . Br 1 0 8 f.; 1 2 8 ; 1 3 5 ; 1 3 8 ; 140 2 ·; 1 4 3 ; 1 6 1 ; 1 6 6 ; z i o ; z z 8 ; 2 5 z f . ; 2.58f.; 2 6 1 ; Z 6 7 ; 3 i o 1 . De orat I.144; 155. III.Z9; 3 7 - 4 0 4 ; 4 8 f . ; 5 2 z ; 9 5 . O G O 4; 1 8 ; 2 3 . O r 6 1 . [ 1 7 0 ] . PO i f . Top 30; 35; 4 8 ; 9 3

Latmos (mountain in Caria) Τ 1.9z

Laurentum (on the coast of Latium) De orat II.22 b Lavernium (near Formiae) Fa fr. 4 Lebadia (in Boeotia) D I.74. II.56

Lemnos (Aegean island) Fa 36. Ν 1.119. ΠΙ.55

Lemnium, furtum Τ II.23. nium, saxum F II.94 Leocorion (shrine in Athens) Ν III. 5 o a Leontini (on the east coast of Sicily) Leontinus, ager D 1.73. nus Gorgias C 13. F II.ι.

Br 30. D e o r a t 1 . 1 0 3 .

I I I . 1 2 9 . I n v I-7 r . O r 3 9

Lerna (swamp near Argos, haunt of the Hydra) Τ II.22 S b (Lesbos) (large Aegean island) Lesbiaci libri (of Dicaearchus) Τ I.77 b (Leucas) (island off Acarnania


IΖ 5

in western Greece) Leucadia (play by Turpilius) Τ IV.72

b Leucata (headland on Leucas) TIV.41 b Leuctra (in Boeotia, scene of Spartan defeat) D II.54? O I . 6 1 . Τ I . i i o

Leuctrica calamitas D I.74. O II.26.

ca p u g n a D I . 7 5 1 ;

Τ I.iior Libya Ν I . ι ο ί . ΙΙΙ.24*. Τ 1.45* a Ligures D Ι.78. Br Z55f. Ligusticum, bellum Ν ΙΙ.6ι (Lindus) (in Rhodes) See Index IV. Liris (river between Latium and Campania, Garigliano) L I . 1 4 . I I . 6 \ fr. 3 Litana (forest in Cisalpine Gaul) Τ I.8 9 ab Locri (Epizephyrian, in the toe of Italy) F V.87. N I I I . 8 3 . R I . 1 6

Locri (= Locrenses) L II. 15. Ν II.6. III.ii. Locrus, Timaeus R I.i6. Locrensis, Doris Τ V.59 a (Lucania) (region of southwest Italy) Lucani Τ 1.89 b Lucrinus lacus (Lago Lucrino, lagoon near Baiae) A fr. 1 3 b (Lusitania) (region in northeast Spain) Lusitani Br 89. nus, V i r i a t u s O II.40




Lusius (river of Arcadia) Ν III.57 b (Lycaonia) (region of central Anatolia) Lycaones L II. 3 3 a (Lycia) (region of south-west Anatolia) Lycii D I.25 Lycium (in Athens) A I.17. D 1.22s·. De orat I.98. (Cicero's at Tusculum) D 1.8. II.8 a Lydia (region in western Anatolia) O III.3 2 Lydius (i.e. Tuscus) haruspex D 1.19*

ab Macedonia D I.53. O I.37. R I.23. De orat I.45. Inv 1.17 Macedones D 1.121. F 1.24. O I.90. II.26; 53 2 ; 76. Τ III.53. Macedo, Alexander Inv I.93. do, Philippus O G O 22. Or 176 a Maeotis (lake, sea of Azov) TV.49* b Magnesia (ab Sipylo, in Lydia) R II.9 Magnes, Dionysius Br 316 b Mantinea (in Arcadia, scene of battle) F II.97 b Marathon (in Attica, scene of battle) O I.61 Marathonius taurus Τ IV. 5 o (Marathus) (in Acarnania) Marathenus, Menelaus Br 100

ab Marsi (people of central Italy) Br 169. sus augur D 1.13 2. II.70. sicum bellum D I.99; 99 r . II.54; 59 (a)b Martius, campus (in Rome) De orat II.257. Campus F I.69. Fa 8; 34. Ν ΠΙ.69. O I.104 ab Massilia (Marseilles) O II.28 Massiiienses R I.43 f. Medi (Medes) O II.41 b Megara (on the Isthmus of Corinth) D I . 5 7 . 11.13 5 Megarici (philosophi) see Index III. Megareus, Euclides A II. 129 (Melos) (Aegean island) Melius, Diagoras Ν 1.2 b Mesopotamia NII.130 Metapontum (Lucanian town, home of Pythagoras) F V.4 (Methymna) (in Lesbos) Methymnaeus, Arion Τ II.67 ab (Miletus) (in Caria) Milesius Aeschines Br 325. sius, ager D I.111. sius Thaïes D I.111. Ν I.25 r ; 9i r . R I.22 r ; 25r. De orat III. 13 7 ab Misenum (promontary, Punta di Miseno, and town on the Bay of Naples) De orat II.60 ab Mitylen(a)e (Mytil ) (in Lesbos)


Τ 1.77. Ti 2. Br 2 5 0 Mitylenaeus, Diophanes Br 104 Molossi (people of Epirus) D I.76 (Mycenae) (ancient city of north-east Peloponnese) Mycenenses F II.18* ab Mysia (region of north-west Anatolia) Or 25 Mysus Or 27 ab (Narbo) (Narbonne) Narbonensis, colonia Br 1 6 0 . De orat II.223 ab Neapolis (Naples) Τ 1.86 Neapolitanum A II.9. ni O I.33. Τ 1.86. nus, Staseas F V.8; 75 Nemea (valley near Argos) Fa 7 Nemeaeus leo Τ 11.22*; IV-50 r Neptuni porticus (in Puteoli) A II.80 a Nihis (Nile) Ν II. 1 3 0 . R VI. 1 9 . 'Nili' L II. 2. See Index IV Nodinus See Index IV. b Nola (Nola, in Campania) D I.72. Br 1 2 Nolani O. I.33. nus, ager D I.72 Nova via (in Rome) D I.101. II.69 Novae (tabernae) (shops bordering the Roman Forum) A II.70. De orat II.266



ab Numantia (in northern Spain) Fa 2 7 3 . (Lae i x ) . O I.35; 76. R 1.17; (71). V I . i l . De orat II.267 Numantini O III. 1 0 9 . De orat I . 1 8 1 . num, foedus F II.54*. R III.28 r Br 1 0 3 . De orat I . i 8 i r (Nursia) (Sabine town, Norcia) Nursinus, C. Plotius F II. 5 8 ab Oceanus Ν II. 4 o. III.24. R IV.21. Τ I.28; 4 5 * . See Index IV Oeta (mountain range between Thessaly and central Greece) TII.19 Oetaeus, mons Ν III.41 ab Olympia (in western Peloponnese) C 3 3 . N I I . 6 . T I . 1 1 1 . II.46. De orat III. 1 2 7 . Festival C . 1 4 * . D II.144. Fa 30. Τ II.41; 46. Br 2 4 3 . OGO 8. Olympionices Τ I.111. nicae ibid. Olympias R I I . 1 8 1 ; 20; 28; 4 2 (a) Olympus (mountain in Thessaly, home of the gods) D I . 1 9 * = II.45. R L56. III fr. 5 Olympius, Iuppiter Ν III. 8 3 f. Τ ΙΙ.40. Or 5 a (Paeligni) (people of central Italy) Paelignus, M. Alliennius Τ IV. 5 o ab Palatium (Palatine hill) D I.30; 1 0 1 . L II.28. Ν




III.63. Ο I.138. II.263


ab Pamphylia (region along the south coast of Anatolia) D 1.2 Pamphylii D I.25 a (Pelion) (mountain in Thessaly) Pelius, mons Fa 3 5 * . ium, nemus ibid. Ν III.75*. Inv I . 9 1 * . Top 6 1 * b Peloponnesus D I.91. Ν III.83. R ÏÏ.81. Τ III.53 Peloponnesiacum bellum O I.84. R III.44 Pergamus (Troy) D I.42* a (Pergamus) (city in My sia) Pergamenus, assecla (sc. Mithridates) D II. 79 ab Perses R I.43 (Perses, Cyrus). Τ I.ιοί ( ses hostis). Persae C.59. D I.46; 90f.; 1 2 1 . II.96. F II.92. V.87. L II.26. O III.48f. R I . 5 . III.7; 1 4 f . 1 Τ Ι . ι ο 8 . V-35; 9Ζ> 99· Br 4 1 · Persica (by Dino) D I.46. cum, bellum Lae 42. O I.37 . cus, ornatus C 59 ab (Phalerum) (Attic deme) Phalereus (sc. Demetrius) D II.96. L II.64. Br 37. Or 94. reus Demetrius F V.54. L III.14. O I.3 r . II.60. R II.2. Br 285. De orat II.95. Or 92. Phalericus (se. portus) F V.5 a (Pharsalia) (district around Pharsalus in Thessaly, site of Pompey's defeat)

Pharsalia fuga D 1.68. Cf. D II. 1 1 4 (Pheneos) (town in Arcadia) Pheneatae Ν III. 5 6 Pherae (in Thessaly) DI.53 Pheraei Inv II.144. raeus, Alexander Ο II.25. raeus Iason Ν III.70. O 1.108 b Phlius (near Corinth) Τ V.8 Phliasii R II.8. Τ V.8. sius sermo Τ V . i o a Phoenice (Phoenicia) F IV.56 Phoenices A 11.66*. Ν I I . i o ö * . 'Phoenissae' of Euripides O III.82 ab Phrygia (region in central Anatolia) Or 25; 57 Phrygii cantus D I . 1 1 4 . giae litterae Ν III.42. Phryx Or 27. Phryges D I.92; 94. II.80. L II.33. Or 160. Phryx, Midas D I.78. See Bruges ab (Picenum) (territory on the Adriatic, north of Ancona) Picenus, ager Ν III. 74. O III.74. Br 57. Picens, ager C II

b Piraeus (port of Athens) O III.46. R III.44. Br 5 1 ab (Pisaurum) (Pesaro, on the Adriatic) Pisaurensis, T. Accius Br 2 7 1 ab Pisidia (region in south-west Anatolia) DI.94 Pisidae D 1.2; 25; 92. II.80. L


II.33 . da augur D I.105 (but augurent should perhaps be excluded) ab (Placentia) (Piacenza) Placentinus h o m o Br 1 7 2 Plataeae (in Boeotia) O I.61 Plutonia (n. pl., in Asia, supposed entry (entries?) into the underworld) DI.79 a Poenus A II.98. Ν 111.8o. R II.67. De orat II.75. III.153*. ni C 44; 75. D II.20; 28; 1 3 1 . Ν 111.8o. O I.38 l f.; 108. III.99; n o ; 1 1 3 . Ρ i6. R II.9. III.7; 15; fr. 3. Or 1 5 3 . Poenus Hamilcar D II. 13 6. ni, haruspices D II.28. ni milites D I.50. Poenulus (sc. Zeno) F IV.56. Punicum bellum A II. 13. C 3 2r. P. 12. Τ III.51. Of Naevius C 50 Br 75. Of Coelius Antipater Or 230. Ρ b primum D II.20. Ν Il.y; 165. O I.39. Br 76. Ρ b secundum A II.13. D I.77. II.21. Ν II.165. O I.40. III.47. R I . i . Br 57; 60. Inv II.52. Ρ b tertium O I.79 Pompeia, curia D II.23 Pompei porticus (in Rome) Fa 8 ab (Pompeii) Pompeianum A II.9; 80 b (Pomptinum) (Pontine Marshes) De orat II.290



Pontus (Black Sea) Τ 1.45; 94 ab Pontus (region bordering the above to the south-east) A II.2 Ponticus Heraclides D I.46; 130. LIII.i4 r . Ν I.34. T V . 8 ab Praeneste (in Lati um, Palestrina) D II.87 Praenestini D II.85. nae sortes D 11.86 Priene (coast town in Ionia) Ρ 8 a (Privernum) (in Latium) Privernas De orat II.224. nas, ager D 1.97. nas fundus De orat II.224 Prytaneum (Athenian city hall) De orat 1.23 2 Pthia (region in Thessaly) D I.52* Pthiota senex, Pherecrates Τ 1.21 Ptolemaeum (gymnasium in Athens) F V.i ab Puteoli (on the Bay of Naples, Pozzuoli) A II.80; 100; 125. F II.84 Puteolani Τ 1.86. num Fa 2 (Pyrgi) (seaport in Etruria) Pyrgensis, M. Antistius De orat II.287 Pythius Pythia (Delphic prophetess) D I.38; 79; 81. II. 1 1 7 f. Pythius Apollo D I.37. F V.44. L 1.61r. ΙΙ. 4 ο Γ . Ο ΙΙ·77Γ. Τ 1.1 7 . De orat 1.199. ium oraculum D I.3




b Quirinalis mons (collis) (in Rome) R II. 1 1 ; 20 ab (Reate) (Sabine town, Rieti) Reatinus, L. Octavius Br 2.41. na, praefectura Ν II.6 Regillus (lake in Latium) Ν II.6. III. 11 ab (Regium) (at the toe of Italy, Reggio) Reginus Ibycus Τ IV. 71 Remora (Remus' name for Rome) D 1.107* (Rhamnus) (in Attica) Rhamnusius, Antipho(n) Br 47 ab Rhodos (Rhodes) Ν II.165. III.54. O III.50 1 . Τ II.éi. Br ι ; 1 5 1 ; 316. De orat I.75. II.3. III.213. Or 5. See Index IV Rhodii D I.68 2 . O III. 5 o3; 57. R I.47. III.48. Br 79; 312. De orat II.217. III.213. Inv I.47. II.87; 98 1 . Or 25. PO 118. dia, classis D 1.68 f. dius Diagoras Τ L u i , dia disciplina Br 245. dius, Hecato O III.63. dius, Hieronymus F II. 8. Τ II.χ5dius, Melanthius A II. 16. [ dius, Molo(n) Br 307]. dii (oratores) Br 51. dius quidam D 1.64 ab Roma A I . i f . II.2; 1 1 ; 137. C 23. D I.98; 100f.; 107*. II.53; 69 1 ; 94; 98; 1 1 2 . F IL106*. III.40. L II.2; 5; 10; 28; (33;) 36*·f.; 66. Ν II.6; 165. (ΙΙΙ.21). O

I.39f. III.73; 79; 99; 1 1 2 f . Ρ 32. R Ι.25; 58. ΙΙ.ΐ2 ζ ; ι 8 ; 25; 43· ΠΙ.33; 44· Τ Ι·3; 9°· ΙΙΙ·53· Ti. 2. Br 39; 7 2 ; Ι Ζ 7 5 169; ΐ 7 ΐ ; 3 o 6 [ f · ] ; 314; 316. De orat 1.85; (ι°5;) 177*; 1832·; (195)· π · 6 ° ; ! 5 5 ; 157; 2.69. III.2; (42;) 68; 167*. Inv Ι.63. Ι Ι . ι ι ι . P O ι Romanus F I.9*. L II.5. ni D II.106; 1 1 6 2 * ; 1 1 6 . R I.58. II.13; 25. IV.12. De orat III. 168*. nus augur D II.70. ni augures D I.25 . nae aures Br 6. nus, civis R II.53; 61. Br 140; 261. nus, eques F II.58. L III.30. Ν III.74. O III.58; 77. Br 167; 205. De orat I.191. II.280. III.87. I n v II.59 . ni, équités Br 271. De orat II. 199. Inv I.92. num genus urbsque De orat III.44. na, historia R II.33 . nus, homo C 12. Fa 4Γ. Ν I.91. Deoratl.231. III.i68* r . ni homines D II.5. R II.25r. na Iuno Ν I.82 . ni, ludi R II.36. De orat I.24. num nomen D I.20*. F Ι·4Γ. nus, populus (p. r.) A II.6. C. 41. D I.i; 27; 29; 97; 100. II.20f.; 78 z . F I.io. 11.66; 76. L II.5; 35. III.37; 48f. Lae 12; 41; 96. Ν II.7; i l · IH·5» 1 1 ; ! 5 ; 45; 51· O I.33; 36; 61. II.26; 29. III.19; 79"; 83 f· 1 ; 86; 105; 1 1 4 . Ρ 45. R I.7. II.3; 30; 365 52. V I . i ι . Τ I.28. III.48. Br 6; 12; 39; 90; 157; 253 f. De orat 105; n i . Or 72; 140. PO 1053. na, resR V . i * f .


nae res O II.43. Br 44'; i 2 5 r ; 174; 32.2Λ De orat II. 52' na respublica D 1.45*. nus, rusticus D I.55. ni, rustid C 24 Rubrum mare Ν 1.97 a (Rudiae) (in the heel of Italy, birthplace of Ennius) Rudini De orat III. 168* Rutuli (ancient Latin people) RII.5 ab Sabinus F I.9*. niC 55.LII.3.O I.35; 38. R II.133f.; 36. De orat I.37. (Sabine country or property therein) C 46. R III.40 . nus, ager C 24. O III.74. num, bellum R II.36 . na gens R III.7. nus homo R II.25. num proelium R II. 14. nae virgines R II. 12; (14) a Sacer, mons (hill near Rome) R II.58; 63. Br 54 Sagra (river in south Italy) Ν II.6. III.II; I 3 1 a Saguntum (on the east coast of Spain) DI.49 Saguntini Ρ 24 (Sais) (in lower Egypt) Saietae Ν III. 5 9 a Salamis (island in the Saronic gulf) O 1.61; 75. Τ 1.11 o. De orat II.

1 9 3 *

Salaminius tropaeus Τ 1.110 Salaria (via) Ν III.ι ι


13 I

ab Samnium (region of central Italy) R III.7 Samnites C 43; 55 f. D I.51; 72. O I.38. III. 109. Ρ 48. R III.40 2 . Inv ΙΙ·9ΐ ζ . Samnis, C. Pontius C 41. O II.75. Samnis (kind of gladiator) Τ Ι Ι . 4 ΐ * . De orat 111.86*. nites (gladiators) De orat II.325. 111.86 ab Samos (island in the Aegean) Ν I.72. Br 156 Samiae capudines R VI. 2*. ia, Iuno L II.41. ius, Polycrates F V.92 a Samothrac(i)a (island off southern Thrace) Ν I . I I 9 . 111.89 ab (Sardinia) Sardi O II.50 b Sardis (ancient capital of Lydia) C 5 9

(Scepsis) (in Mysia) Scepsius Metrodorus Τ I.59. De orat II.360; 365 a(b) Scythia Ν 11.88 Scythes Anacharsis Τ V.90. Scythicum tegimen ibid. a (Segesta) (on the north coast of Sicily) Segestana Diana Or 2 1 0 (Sena) (on the coast of Umbria) Senense proelium Br 73 Seriphos (Aegean island)

Ν 1.88 Seriphius C 8 2 ab Sicilia D I.3; 395 53· Ν 111.55- R

13 2



1.16. II.9. Ti ι . Br 46; 3 1 8 . Or 210. Siculus R I.22. T I.i 5. De orat II.278; 280. li F I.7. O II.50. De orat II.217. li Corax et Tisias Br 46. li milites D I.50 . lus tyrannus F II.79. liensis annus Br 318. líense, fretum Ν III.24. líense, patrocinium Br 319 ab Sicyon (west of Corinth) O II.81 f. Sicyonii Τ III.53. nius, Aratus O II. 81. nii, calcei De orat 1.2.31 b (Sidon) (in Phoenicia) Sidonius, Antipater De orat III.194 Sila, silva (forest in south Italy) Br 85 ab Smyrna (Izmir) R I . 1 3 . Br 85 (Soli) (on the coast of Cilicia) Solenses L II.41 b Solonium (district near Lanuvium) D I.79. 11.66 a (Sora) (Volscian town) Soranus augur D I.105 (see Pisida). nus, Q. Valerius De orat III.43. ni Q . D . Valerli Br 169 b Sparta F II.97. Ν II.165. ΠΙ.9ΐ. O II.77. R 11.15543; 58. IV.3. Τ I . i o o f . * II.34. See Lacedaemo Spartiatae D I.76. Τ Ι . ι ο ζ . II.36f . tae, pueri Τ V.77. Spino See Index IV

a (Spoletium) (in central Italy,


Spoletinus, P. Cominius Br 271 (Stagira) (in Macedonia) Stagirites, Aristoteles A I.17 (Stratonicea) (in Caria) Stratoniceus Metrodorus A II. 16. censis, Menippus Br3i5 ab Suessa Pometia (ancient town of Latium) R II.44 Sybaris (town in Magna Graecia, later Thurii) R II.28 ab Syracusae (Syracuse) D I.502·; 53. Ν III.83. O I I I . 5 8 ^ . R I.2.I. III.43; 45. Τ ΙΙΙ.27· Br 63. Or 167; 2 1 0 Syracusani D I.50. Τ V.57; 64 f. sanae mensae F II.92. Syracosii D I.39. sius Dio(n) Ο 1.155. De orat III.i39 r . sius, Hicetas A II. 123. siae mensae Τ V.ioo. sius, Philistus Br 66. De orat 11.57' ab Syria A II.61. D I.91. F II.106. R VI.11. T I I . 6 1 . V.101. Or 23 2 1 . Syrus Or 23 2 1 . Syri D II.96. Ν 1.81. III.39 De orat II.265. Syrus, Demetrius Br 315 b (Syros) (Aegean island) Syri us, Pherecydes Τ 1.3 8 Syrtis (sandbank off Libya) De orat III. 163


ab Tarentum (Taranto) C io^f. 1 ; 39; 41. F V.87. Br 72. De orat II.273 2 Tarentini F I.7. tinus Archytas C 39. Lae 88r. R I.i6 r ; 59* De orat III. 139' tinus, Nearchus C 41 a Tarquinii (in Etruria, Tarquinie) R II.34. T V . 109 Tarquinienses R II.34. nsis, ager D II.50. nsis, materfamilias R ns s II.34. i » serva R II.37 ab Tarracina (Terracina, on the coast of Latium) De orat II.240 1 b (Tartessus) (ancient town on the south coast of Spain, confused with Gades) Tartessii C 69 Tauri (living in modern Crimea) R III.ι 5 Taurici fines (?) Or 1 6 3 * Taygetus (mountain range in Laconia) D I.112 (Tegea) (in Arcadia) Tegeatae D 1.3 7 Telmessus (in Lycia) D I.91 Telmesses D I.94 ab (Tenedos) (island off the Troad) Tenedi Ν III. 3 9 (Terina) (in toe of Italy) Terinaeus Elysius Τ 1.115 Thebae (Thebes in Boeotia) D I.74. 11.67. F a 7 I n v 1*93 Thebani D I.74. II.56. Fa 7. R IV.4 Inv I.32; 55; 69'. II.69.



nus, Diagondas L II.37. nus Epaminondas O I.155. Τ 1.116. De orat III.139. nus orator Br 50. nus, populus Inv 1.56 Thermopylae C 32. F II.97. Ο Ι.6ι. Τ I . ι ο ί ab Thessalia D I.53. II.114. De orat II.352. Inv II.144. Or 176 Thessalus Cineas C 43 (a) Thra(e)c(i)a R II.9 Thraeciae, notae O II.25 b Thyamis (river in Epirus) L II.7 Tiberinus (Tiber) Ν III.52 ab Tiberis D I.16. II.45. R II.4; 33 Tiberina descensio F V.70. num, ostium R II.5 ab (Tibur) (Tivoli) Tiburs De orat II.224; 263 a Tmolus (mountain in Lydia) Or 1 6 3 * a (Tolos(s)a) (Toulouse) Tolossanum, aurum Ν III.74 (Trachin) (on M t Oeta) Trachiniae (Sophocles' play) Τ II.20 ab (Tralles) (in Caria) Trallianus Or 234 ab Transalpina bella O II.28. nae gentes R III. 16 ab Transpadani (inhabitants of Cisalpine Gaul north of the Po) O III.88




a Trasimenus lacus, Trasimenus (lake in Etruria, Trasimeno) D II.2i r . Ν II.8. Br 57 Trocmi (people of Galatia) D II.79 Troezen (in Argolis) O III.48 Troglodytae (Ethiopian cavedwellers) D II.93 ab Troia C 31. D I.42*; 89. II.63 f. F V.49*. Lae 75. Τ 1.98*. 111.28* De orat 11.257 Troiani D II.82. Fa 34. Inv I.32 . num, bellum D I.72. nus > equus De orat II.63 . II.94. Troica tempora Br 40 b Tusci D II.106. Ν I I . i i . See Etruria Tuscus adj. De orat III.69 ab Tusculum (near Rome) D I.98. II.94. L II.5\ R I.i Tusculanus L II. 5. ni O I.21; 35. num D 1.8. F III.7. Fa 28. Τ 1.7; 1 1 9 . II.2; 9 . III.6. IV.7. V . u . Fr VIII.11. Br 20; 300. De orat I.24; 27; 98; 224; 265 i . II.13*·. ΠΙ.121. Or 110. Top ι. na A II.148. nus, ager O I.21. nae disputa tiones D II.2. Fa 4. Τ V.l. nus, homo Br 294. nus, Octavius Mamilius Ν II. 6. na, villa L III. 3 o

ab Tyros (Tyre) Ν 111.42. Τ III.66 Tyrius, Antipater O 11.86. ius, Heraclitus A II.ii. ius, Nicomachus Fr V.44 Tyrrhena gens D Ι.19* ab Umbria D I.92; 94. ab Veii (ancient Etruscan town near Rome) D I.100 1 . II.69 Veientes D I.ioo 3 . II.69. Τ III.27. Veiens bellum D Ι.ιοο. ens quidam ibid. b Velia (quarter in Rome) RII.53-

ab Velia (coastal town in southwest Italy) Top 5 b Venusia (in western Apulia, Venesa) Τ I.89 Veseris (river in Campania) F I.23. O III.112 Vestae lucus (in Rome) D I.101 Volcaniae insulae (islands northeast of Sicily, Lipara etc.) Ν III. 5 5 a Volsci (people of ancient Latium) O I . 3 5 . Br 41 Volsca gens R III.7

Index VI Laws Laws promulgated but not passed are bracketed. a Appuleiae L II. 14. De maiestate De orat II.107. 201 L. Appuleius Saturninus (tr.) 103/100. a Aquillia, de damno iniuria Br 131 Mover and date uncertain. See Bs, p. 23 b Calpurnia, de pecuniis repetundis O II.75 Br 106 L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi (tr.) 149. Calpurnia, de P. Popillio restituendo Br i z 8 L Calpurnius Bestia (tr.) i z i / izo Canuleia, de conubio patrum et plebis R II.63 C . Canuleius (tr.) 445. a Cassia, tabellaría L III.35; 37. Lae 41 L. Cassius Longinus Ravilla (tr.), 157. b Cincia, de donis et muneribus C 10. De orat II.286 M . Cincius Alimentus (tr.), 204.

Coelia, tabellaría L III.36 C. Coelius Caldus (tr.) 107 a Cornelia, de tribunicia potestate L III.22 L. Cornelius Sulla Felix (diet.) 82-80. Curiata (of Servius Tullius) R II.38 Flaminia, agraria AII.13.Cn. Inv II.52. Br 57 C. Flaminius (tr.), 232. Furia Atilia, de foedere Numantino O III.109 L. Furius Philus and Sex. Atilius Serranus (coss.), 136. Gabinia, tabellaría L III.35. Lae 41 A. Gabinius (tr.), 139. Laetoria, de circumscriptione adulescentium Ν III.74. O III.61 Or Plaetoria? Mover and date uncertain, a Licinia et Mucia, de civibus redigendis OIII.47. II.257

Br 63. De orat.




L. Licinius Crassus and Q. Mucius Scaevola (coss.), 95. (Licinia, de sacerdotiis) Lae 96 C. Licinius Crassus (tr.), 145. a Liviae L II. 14; 31 M. Livius Drusus (tr.), 91. Maenia, de ludís circensibus Br 55 Maenius (tr.), 279? See Broughton. Mamilia, de coniuratione lugurthina Br. 12.7L de limitibus LI.55 C. Mamilius Limetanus (tr.), 109. a Manilla, de imperio Cn. Pompeii Or 102 C. Manilius (tr.), 66. (Marcia, agraria) O II.73 . L. Marcius Philippus (tr.) c. 104. Maria, tabellaría L III.38 C. Marius (tr.), 1 1 9 . Mucia, de Hostilio Tubulo F II.54 P. Mucius Scaevola (tr.), 1 4 1 . Octavia, frumentaria O II.72. Br 222 M. Octavius Cn. f. (tr.), c. 93? See Bs.

Papiria, tabellaría L III.35. De orat II. 170 (De tr. pi. reficiendis) Lae 96. De orat II. 170 C Papirius Carbo (tr.) 1 3 1 / 130. Peducaea, de Vestalibus Ν III. 74 Sex. Peducaeus (tr.), 1 1 3 . Pinaria, annalis De orat II.261 M. Pinarius Posea (see Broughton, I.387 n. 2). ab Pompeia, iudiciaria Br 324 Cn. Pompeius Magnus (cos.), 52. a Porciae (de provocatione) Three laws passed by different movers in the second century; see Broughton II.472. Sacratae L II.18. Semproniae A II.13 Ti. Sempronius Gracchus (tr.), 133. a Sempronia, frumentaria O II.72. Τ III.48. Br 222 C. Sempronius Gracchus (tr.), 123-122. a Servilla, iudiciaria Br 1 6 1 ; 194; 296. De orat II.223. I n v Ι·9 2 Q. Servilius Caepio (cos.), 106. See Bs. Thoria, agraria De orat II.284 Sp. Thorius (tr.), between 1 1 4 and HI? See p. 24.


a Titia(e) L II.14; 3 1 Sex. Titius (tr.), 99. Cf. OCS. Valeria, de provocatione R II.53 P. Valerius Poplicola (cos.) 509. Valeria Horatia, de provocatione R II.54



L Valerius Potitus and M. Horatius Barbatus (coss.), 449. a Varia, de maiestate Τ II.57. Br 2.05; 304f. Q. Varius (tr.), 90. Voconia, testamentaria C 14. F II.55. R I I I . 1 7 Q. Voconius Saxa (tr.), 169.

Index VII Miscellaneous Amphictyones Inv 11.69 Annales Maximi L 1.6. R I.25. De orat II.52 ab Ariopagus (Arius pagus) D I.54. Ν II.74. O I.75. R I.43 Ariopagitae D 1.54. O 1.75 Druidae D I.90 Favonius (wind) A II.105; 147 Galeotae (Sicilian interpreters of portents) DI.39 Luceres R II.36. See Index I Lucumo

Maenianum A II.70 Persa (puppy) D I.103. II.83 Quirites R I . 2 7 . De orat III. 1 8 3 * Rhamnenses R II.36 ab Salii D I.30. R II.26. De orat III.197 Titienses R II.36 Titius (a dance) Br 225

The Thirty-five Tribes Aem(ilia) 1 Ani(ensis) Arn(iensis) Cam(ilia) Cla(udia) Clu(stumina) Col(lina) Cor(nelia) Esq(uilina) Fab(ia) Fal(erna) Gal(eria) Hor(atia) Lem(onia) Mae(cia) Men(enia) Ouf(entina) Pal(atina)


Pap(iria) Pob(lilia) Pol(lia) Pom(ptina) Pup(inia) Qui(rina) Rom(ilia) Sab(atina) Sca(ptia) Ser(gia) Ste(llatina) Sub(urana) Ter(etina) Tro(mentina) Vel(ina) Br 1 7 8 Vol(tinia) Vot(uria)

Parentheses distinguish the full names from the usual abbreviations.

Quotations Accius D I . 4 4 f . F I I . 9 4 . IV.68. V.32. Ν II.89. ΠΙ.41; 68; 90. O I.97. III 84; 101; 106. Τ 1.68. ι ο 5 · ΙΙ.Ι3; 19; 335 3; 6ο. ΙΙΙ.20; 6ζ. IV.55; 77· De orat III.158? 217; 219. Or 156 Aeschines Socraticus (Cicero) Inv 1.51 f. Aeschylus (Cicero) Τ II.23-25. III.76 Afranius Τ IV-45; 55 Anacharsis (Cicero) Τ V.90 Apollonius (rhetor) (Cicero) Inv 1.109 Aratus (Cicero) See Cicero Aristoteles (Cicero) Ν 11.95. Τ V . i o i Caecilius C 24f.; 36. F II.13 f.; 22. Lae 9 9 . N I I I . 7 2 f . TI.31.III.56. IV.68. De orat II.40; 257 Carbo Arvina Or 213 Catulus (elder) Ν I.79 Chaeremon (Cicero) Τ V.25 Chrysippus (Cicero) Ν III.25. O III.42

Cicero Aratea A 11.66. D 1.13-15. L II.7. Ν II.104-114. Or 152. De consulatu D 1.17-22. II.45. Ο I-77- Marius D 1.106. L 1.2. Cornelianae Or 225; 232. Mil. Or 165. Rose. Am. Or 107. Consolatio Τ 1.66. Rep. Τ I.53 Coelius Antipater De orat III. 153 Crantor (Cicero) T I . 1 1 5 . ΠΙ. 12 Crassus, L. De orat I.225. Or 219; 222 Delphic oracle (Cicero) D I.81. II.115 Democritus (Cicero) AII.73. Τ V.104 Elogia Atilius Calatinus C 61. F II.116 Epaminondas Τ V.49 (Cicero) Sardanapallus Τ V . I O I (Cicero) Solon C 73 Ennius A II.51 f.; 88 f. C ι ; 10; 14; 16; 50; 73. D I.40-42; 66f.; 88; 107; 114; 132. II.30; 57; 82; 104; i n f . ; 116; 127. F I.5. II.41; 106. IV.62. V.31. Fa 35. L II.57; 68. Lae 22; 64. Ν 1.97. π · 4 ; 49; 65. III.io; 24; 40; 66f.; 75; 79. O

QUOTATIONS I.26; 38; 51 f.; 61; 84. II.23; 62. III.62; 104. R I.3; 25; 30; 49; 64. III.6. V.l. Lib. inc. fr. 3; 4. T. I.18; 27f.; 34; 45; 48; 85; 105; 107; i i 6 f . II. ι ; 3 8 f. III.5; 26; 44f.; 53; 63. IV.19; 69 f.; 77· V.49. Br 58 £.; 71. De orat I.i98f. II.156; 222. III.102; 154; 162? 164; 167L; 183; 217Í. Inv 1.91. Or 93; I 5 2 -; 155; 157; 160f.; 171; 184. Top 61 Epicharmus (Cicero) TI.15 Epicurus (Cicero) F 1.68. II.96. Τ II.17. III.41 f. Euripides (Cicero) DII.X2. F I I . 1 0 5 . N I I . 6 5 . O III.82; 108. Τ I.II5· 111.29; 58 f.; 67. IV.63 C. Fannius M. f. De orat III.183 C. Gracchus De orat III.214. Or 233 Hecato(n) of Rhodes (Cicero) O III.63 Homer (Cicero) D I.52. II.63 f.; 82. F V.49. Fa fr. 3. Τ III.I8; 63; 65 Laelius R VI.2 Licinus, Porcius F I. 4 Lucilius D II.133? F I.9. II.23-25. Ν 1.63. R I-fr-i· Τ I.io? II.41. III.31; IV.48. Br 274. De



orat II.25; 2 53· III.86; 171. O G O 17. Or 149; 161 Metrodorus of Chios (Cicero) A II.73. Τ V.27 Naevius C 20. TIV.67. Or 152 Novius De orat IL255; 279; 285 Pacuvius A 11.88. D I.24; 80; 131. II.133. F V.31; 63. Ν 11.91. R III. 14. Τ Ι.ιο6. 11-44; 48~5°· V.46. De orat ΙΙ.187; 193· III. 157- Ι η ν 1.2.7» 9°· Or 155 Panaetius (Cicero) O I.90 Plato (Cicero) C 4 4 . D I.60f. F II.52. V.58. O I.63; 87. R 1.66f. Τ 1.97; 995 !θ3· VL 3 5 f - î Ι Ο ° · Or 41 Plautus D I.65. De orat II.39. Inv 1-95 Proverb (Cicero from Greek) Τ Ι. 4 ι Scribonius Curio (pr. by 117?) Inv I.80 Scaevola (?) L I.i Simonides (Cicero) TI.101 Solon (Cicero) C 26; 50; 73. Τ I.II7 Sophocles (Cicero) Τ II.20-22; (6o). III.71




Terence F I. 3 . II.14. V.z8f. Lae 89; 93; 98. Ν 11.6ο. III.73. O I.30; 150. Τ ΙΙΙ.30; 65· IV-76. De orat II. 172; 326 f. Inv I.27; 33. Or 1 5 7 Trabea F II.13. Τ IV.35; 6 7 Turpilius Τ IV. 72 f. Twelve Tables See Bruns, Fontes, 1 5 - 4 0 Xenophon (Cicero) C 79-81

Unknown author (drama) D I.29. II.25. Τ IV.48. Or 147. Top 55. (Comedy) F I I . 1 4 . Τ I.94. IV.35. De orat II.242; 257; 274. III.102; 218. (Tragedy) A II. 89. D I . 1 1 4 . II.115. F II. 18; 7 1 . Ν 1 . 1 1 9 . O I.61; 139. III.98. Τ Ι.ιο; 37; 69. IL34; 3¿· ΠΙ.26; 28; 39; 58. IV.35. V.52; 108. De orat III.166; 219. Inv I.83. Or 1 5 7 ; 160; 1 6 3 f . ; 166. Cf. Top 55