International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Part II A-Z Reversed Edition 9783110971781, 9783598235160

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Reversed Edition. A–Z
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International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Part II A-Z Reversed Edition
 9783110971781, 9783598235160

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Part II / Teil II A-Z Reversed Edition

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology Series C: Disarmament, Policy of Peace, Military Policy and Science Compiled by Michael Peschke

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik Reihe C: Abrüstung, Friedenspolitik, Militärpolitik und -Wissenschaft Bearbeitet von Michael Peschke


Reversed Edition

Κ · G · Saur München 2008

Bibliographie information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at

® Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier Printed on permanent paper The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard - Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R1997) Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved K. G. Saur Verlag, München 2008 An Imprint of Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Datenerfassung und Satz / Computer-controlled keyboarding, data preparation and automatic data processing by Michael Peschke, Berlin Druck und Binden/Printed and bound by Strauss GmbH, Mörlenbach N o part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher 978-3-598-23514-6 (Set) 978-3-598-23516-0 (Part II)

Contents / Inhalt

Preface and Notes for the User


Vorwort und Hinweise für den Benutzer



Series C / Serie C (Reversed Edition)




Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initials in all their various forms confront us today more than ever. We encounter them in all areas of daily life, both at home and at work: they are often the basis of documentation and communication and frequently themselves contain the central information in a given context. Decoding them is, however, often difficult, sometimes even impossible because adequate reference sources are either not available or not readily accessible. As the use and the invention of abbreviations is increasing world-wide, no one reference work can hope to answer all queries concerning them correctly. The present volume of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology lists more than 68,000 entries in each of 2 volumes. It continues the International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations in Science and Technology with its over 1 million entries in 17 volumes and 6 yearbooks. This extensive continuance now is opened up for individual science and society areas and is updated. The series C of the continuation and expansion of the reason work grasps abbreviations from the areas Disarmament, Policy of Peace, Military Policy and Science as well as from adjoining areas. Where the use of punctuation within the abbreviation is erratic, the most commonly-used form has been given preference. Further information of this nature can be found in the "Notes for the User".

Notes for the User


The abbreviations are presented in alphabetical order from a to z. Ä, œ, ç, ä, ö, ü are arranged lexically. Symbols and (diacritic) signs such as . - ( ) [ ] " AO & + are of no importance in regard to the alphabetical order. 1.1. Alphanumeric sequences are listed in the alphabetical place of the respective letter(s). 1.2. Roman numerals are arranged in their value as literal character. Arabs numerals in alphanumeric sequences are arranged in their value as number. Abbreviations beginning with a number are arranged after the character z. 2. Styles of type are used as follows: 2.1. boldface for the abbreviation 2.2. italics for the language code 2.3. plain for the remaining text 3. Within each entry (beginning with the abbreviation pro-

Berlin, November 2008



3.3. 3.4.

trading to the left), the meanings are likewise listed a) in alphabetical order of the label indicating the language in which the abbreviation is used, b) in alphabetical order. Each abbreviation is followed by the label indicating the area or sphere in which the abbreviation is used and/or the pertinent language. The sign of equality (=) normally separates explanatory remarks (usually abbreviated) from each other as well as from the remaining text. In connection with the grammalogue of a language the colon (:) refers to a different expression in another language of the respective meaning. Any additional explanations are enclosed in parentheses (). Brackets [] are components of abbreviations as well as of meanings. However, parentheses are also used for marking a word that can be substituted for the preceding word, and for marking that part of a word, which, if omitted, will result in a different meaning or spelling.

Language Codes

A a al b c ch d e eo es F f g H h ha i id ir in is j

Afrikaans Danish Albanian Bulgarian Czech Chinese German English Esperanto Estonian Finnish French Greek Hungarian Hebrew Haitian Italian Indian Irish Indonesian Icelandic Japanese

ko Ιοί le li ma Ν η Ρ Ρ ph R r

ra S s se sk U z

Korean Croatian Latin Latvian Lithanian Malayan Norwegian Dutch Polish Portuguese Philippine Russian Swedish Romanian Slowenian Spanish (too: Catalan, a.o.) Serbian Slovakian Ukrainian Turkish

Michael Peschke



Abkürzungen, Akronyme und Initialen in ihren mannigfachen Erscheinungsformen begegnen uns heute überall und mehr denn je. Sie treten in allen Bereichen des täglichen und beruflichen Lebens auf; sie sind oft Grundlage von Dokumentation und Kommunikation und vielfach die entscheidenden Informationsträger. Ihre Bedeutung zu entschlüsseln, ist gleichwohl oft schwierig, manchmal unmöglich, weil geeignete Hilfsmittel fehlen oder diese nur schwer greifbar sind. Weil der Gebrauch und die Erfindung von Abkürzungen und Abbreviaturen in der ganzen Welt ständig zunehmen, vermag niemand allein auf diesem Gebiet alle Fragen zutreffend zu beantworten. Der vorliegende Band der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik verzeichnet in 2 Bänden jeweils ca. 68.000 Einträge mit Entsprechungen. Es setzt die 17bändige Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik sowie 6 Jahrbücher mit ihren über 1 Million Einträgen fort. Dieser umfangreiche Bestand wird jetzt für einzelne Wissenschaftsgebiete und Gesellschaftsbereiche erschlossen und aktualisiert. Die Reihe C der Fortsetzung und Erweiterung des Grundwerkes enthält Abkürzungen aus den Bereichen Abrüstung, Friedenspolitik, Militärpolitik und -Wissenschaft sowie aus angrenzenden Gebieten. Abkürzungen, die teils mit, teils ohne Punkt geschrieben werden, sind nach der jeweils überwiegenden Verwendung verzeichnet. Im übrigen geben die "Hinweise für den Benutzer" alle Erläuterungen über die Anlage der Einträge wie des gesamten Werkes.

Hinweise für den Benutzer 1.

Die Abkürzungen werden in der alphabetischen Reihenfolge a...z gebracht. Ä, œ, ç, ä, ö, ü werden lexikalisch eingereiht. Zeichen wie . - ( ) [ ] " Λ 0 & + sind für die alphabetische Reihe ohne Bedeutung. 1.1. Alphanumerische Folgen stehen an der von dem (den) Buchstaben bestimmten alphabetischen Stelle. 1.2. Römische Zahlzeichen werden nach ihrem Buchstabenwert eingereiht. Arabische Zahlzeichen innerhalb alphanumerischer Folgen werden nach ihrem Zahlenwert geordnet. 2. Die Schriftarten werden wie folgt verwendet: 2.1. halbfett für die Abkürzung 2.2. kursiv für das Sprachkürzel 2.3. Grundschrift für den übrigen Text

Berlin, November




3.1. 3.2.

3.3. 3.4.

Innerhalb einer (mit einer links herausgerückten Abkürzung beginnenden) Wortstelle sind die Bedeutungen a) nach ihrem Bedeutungsbereich (Sortierung Sprache), b) in ihrer alphabetischen Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Der Abkürzung folgt die Angabe der Sprache. Das Gleichheitszeichen (=) trennt im allgemeinen abgekürzte erläuternde Hinweise voneinander und vom übrigen Text. Der Doppelpunkt (:) in Verbindung mit einem Sprachkürzel verweist auf anderssprachige Bezeichnungen der entsprechenden Bedeutung. Sonstige Erläuterungen stehen in runden K l a m m e m (). Eckige Klammern [] schließen Bestandteile von Abkürzungen und von Bedeutungen ein. Bei den Bedeutungen werden diese Klammern mitunter auch dazu benutzt, ein Wort zu kennzeichnen, das an die Stelle des vorangehenden gesetzt werden kann, bzw. Wortteile zu markieren, die, läßt man sie weg, eine andere Bedeutung oder eine andere Schreibung ergeben.

Sprachenkürzel A a al b c eh d e eo es F f g H h ha id ir in is j

afrikaans dänisch albanisch bulgarisch tschechisch chinesisch deutsch englisch Esperanto estnisch finnisch französisch griechisch ungarisch hebräisch haitianisch italienisch indisch irisch indonesisch isländisch japanisch

ko kr 1 le li ma Ν η Ρ Ρ ph R r

ra S s

se sk U ζ

koreanisch kroatisch lateinisch lettisch litauisch malaiisch norwegisch holländisch polnisch portugiesisch philippinisch russisch schwedisch rumänisch slowenisch spanisch (auch: katala nisch u.a.) serbisch slowakisch ukrainisch türkisch



Reversed Edition


Acoustic Detection Range A A Christmas Trains and Trucks Program [LJSMC in Vietnam] e: A C T T A Fairchild piston-powered stol aircraft e: AU-23 A-12 fighter plane e: AX A Language Oriented to Flight-engineering and Testing e: A L O F T A Mutual Aid Group Comprised of Shippers and Carriers e: C H L O R E P A Power for Good [action group supporting nuclear power] e: APG A satellite data system developed by the U.S. Air Force e: Mark-IVB A Specific High Altitude Nuclear Detonation e: BLUEGILL, e: C H E C K M A T E , e: KINGFISH A twin-engine, supersonic, turbofan, allweather tactical fighter e: F - l l l aan en afvoertroepen n: AAT AB Atomenergi, Stockholm r: AB At ABC-Abwehrtrupp d: A B C A b w T r p ABC-Abwehrtruppe d: A B C A b w T r Aberdeen Marine Laboratory e: AML Aberdeen Proving Ground/Ballistic Research Laboratory e: APG/BRL Aberdeen Proving Ground - Ballistics Research Laboratory e: A P G B R L Aberdeen [weapon] Proving Ground e: APG Abfanglinie d: AFL abgezweigtes Kommando d: Abgezw.Kdo. abkommandiert d: abkdrt. Able Aircraftsman e: A.C. AB MD A [Army Ballistic Missile Defense Agency] Data Processing Testbed and Evaluation e: ADTEC Abnahme- und Revisionsdienst d: [A] Abnahmekommando d: Abko. Abnahmekommando der L u f t w a f f e d: Abko.[L] Abnormal Mission Routine e: AMR Aboriginal Cadetship Program e: A C P Above-Ground Radiation Tests e: A G R T Above-Named Officer e: ANO Above Water Warfare e: AWW Abrechnungsintendantur d: Abr.Intdtr. Abrüstungskonferenz d: A K Abschleppabteilung d: Abschl.Abt. Abschnittsbauleitung d: ABL Absendestelle des Wehrmachtamts im Reichskriegsministerium d: Abs. Absolute Global Warming Potential e: AGWP Absolute Radiation Scale e: ARS Absolute Time Command e: A T C Abstecktrupp d: Abst.Tr. Abteilung d: Abt.St.A.Lw. Abteilung Abwehr d: Abt.Abw. Abteilung Ausland im Wehrmachtsamt d: Ausi Abteilung Behandlung radioaktiver Abfälle d: ABRA Abteilung der Kriegsgefangenen-Heimkehr [Zugbegleiter] d: Asta Abteilung der Lazarettbasis der Front d: ALBF Abteilung der rückwärtigen Frontbasis d: ARFB Abteilung der vorderen Frontbasis d: AVFB Abteilung Feldzeugwesen d: Abt.Fz. Abteilung Fremde Heere d: Abt.Frd.Heere Abteilung Friedenserhaltende Operationen d: AFO Abteilung Friedenspolitische Massnahmen d: A F M Abteilung für allgemeine Armee- und für

persönliche Angelegenheiten [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: A Abteilung für die persönlichen Angelegenheiten [Preußisches Militärkabinett] d: A.f.d.p.A. Abteilung für die Sicherheit der Kernanlagen des Eidgenössischen Amtes für Energiewirtschaft d: ASK Abteilung für Ein- und Ausfuhr [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: A 8 Abteilung für Frauenarbeit der Kriegsamtsstelle d: All Abteilung für Genie und Festungen d: AGF Abteilung für Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesen d: Abt.f.Kr.Kart.u.Verm.Wes. Abteilung für Militärflugplatze d: A M F Abteilung für Transport- und Reparaturtruppen d: ATR Abteilung für verbündete Heere [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: A 11 Abteilung für Waffen, Feldgerät und Kriegsamtsangelegenheiten d: Abt.f.W.F.u.K. Abteilung Haushalt d: H Abteilung Heeresversorgung d: Abt.H.Vers. Abteilung Kriegsgefangene d: Abt.Kgf. Abteilung Kriegsverwaltung d: Abt.Kr.Verw. Abteilung Landesverteidigung d: Abt.L Abteilung Landesverteidigung [Wehrmachtamt] d: L Abteilung Personal d: Ρ Abteilung Presse und Funkspruch d: APF Abteilung Strahlenschutz und Sicherheit d: ASS Abteilung Technologie und Arbeitsorganisation d: TAO Abteilung Verwaltung und Recht d: VR Abteilung W a f f e n - und Schiessplätze d: AWP Abteilung Wehrmachthaushalt [Wehrmachtamt] d: WH Abteilung zur Sicherung der Bewegung d: ASB Abteilungschef d: ACH Abteilungsgefechtsstand d: Abt.Gef.St. Abteilungskommandeur d: Abt. Kdr. Abteilungsleiterausschuß Bundessicherheitsrat d: ALA/BSR Abu Dhabi Defenc[s]e Force e: A.D.D.F. Abu Dhabi Marine Areas Ltd. e: ADMA Abwärme d: Abw. abwärts d: abw. [Abwehr] d: [Abw] Abwehr I Marine Ost-Süd d: A b w . l M OS Abwehrabteilung d: Abw.Abt. Abwehrabteilung im Wehrmachtamt d: ABw Abwehrleitstelle d: A L S T Abwehroffizier d: A O Abwehrstelle d: Abst., d: Abw.St., d: A.St. Abwicklungs-Referat der MobilmachungsAbteilung des H.D. [Abw.] [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: A.M. [Abw.] Abwicklungsbüro d: Abw.B. Abwicklungskommission d: Abwick.Kom. Abwicklungsstelle d: Abw.St. AC [Atomar-Chemischer] Schutzddienst d: A C S D Academic Administration Internship Program e: AAIP Academic Instructor and Allied Officer School e: A I A O S Academic Instructor and Foreign Officer School e: AIFOS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Academie de Guerra Aérea, Santiago e: AGA Academy for Peace Research e: APR Academy Introduction Mission e: AIM Academy of American Poets Fellowship e: AAPF Academy of International Military History e: AIMH Academy of Military Science e: A M S Academy of Model Aeronautics e: A M A Academy on Human Rights and Peace e: AHRP Académie du Conseil International du Sport Militaire f : A C I S M Académie Militaire f : A.M. Académie Navale f : A.N. Académie Régionale des Sciences et Techniques de la Marine f: A R S T M Accademia Aeronautica i: A.A. Accademia di Servizi di Commisariato a di Amministrazione Militare i: A.S.C.A.M. Accademia Marine Mercantile i: A M M Accademia Militare de Modena i: AMM Accademia Militare Unificata i: AMU Accademia Militare Unificata, Modena i: AMU Accadèmia Navale i: Accad Nav Accelerated Apprenticeship Training e: AAT Accelerated Turnover to the Vietnamese e: ACTOV Acceptance and Ferry Flight e: AFF Acceptance Into Naval Service e: AINS Acceptance, Transfer and Training Unit e: ACTRU Accessory Defenses e: acc. def. Accident Site Liaison Officer e: A S L O Accidental Nuclear War Prevention Project e ANWPP Accommodation Service Unit e: ASU Accompanying Artillery e: Ac Arty Accoplishment of Assigned Mission Impeded by Deadline e: A A M I D Accountable Property Officer e: ACtPO Accounting and Finance Officer e: AFO A c c o u n t i n g division] e: A C T Accounting Property Officer e: A P O Accueil et Information des Française à l'Étranger f : ACIFE Accueil Familial des Jeunes Étrangers f: A.F.J.E. Accumulated Dose Special Process e: PKAD Accured Military Pay System e: A M P S ACE [Allied Command Europe] Mobile Force e: A M F ACE [Allied Command Europe] Mobile Force, Air e: AMF[A] ACE Mobile Force e: A M F ACE Mobile Force-Land e: A M F - L ACE Order of Battle e: A C E O R B A T ACE Rapid Reaction Force e: ARRF ACE Reaction Forces Planning Staff e: ARFPS Acid Mine Drainage e: AMD Acid Rain National Early Warning Systems e: A R N E W S ACLANT [Allied Command, Atlantic] Planning Guidance e: APG Acoustic Artillery Location System e: AALS Acoustic Artillery Observer Subsystem e: AAOS Acoustic Charged Transport Electronic Warfare e: ACTEW Acoustic Counter-Countermeasures e: ACCM Acoustic Countermeasure[s] e: A C M Acoustic Detection Range Prediction Model e: ADRPM


Acoustic Guidance Sonar Acoustic Guidance Sonar e: AGS Acoustic Helicopter Overflight Detector e: ACHOD Acoustic Low-Flying-Aircraft Detector e: ALFAD Acoustic Midflight Deck Module e: AMDM Acoustic Mine Sweeping e: AMNSWP Acoustic Radar e: ACDAR Acoustic Radiation Element e: ARE Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures e: ATC Acoustic Transponder Navigation e: ATNAV Acoustic Underwater Range Determination e: ACURAD Acoustics of the Target e: ACTAR Acquisition Aid Vehicle e: AADV Acquisition and Command Support e: ACS Acquisition Radar e: ACQ RDR, e: AR Acquisition Radar Jamming e: ARJ Acquisition Radar Repair Helper e: acq rdr rep hlpr Acquisition Radar Repairman e: ACQ RDR REPM Acquisition Strategy e: ACQ STRAT Acronym Control Officer e: ACO Act Australian Heritage Commission Act e: AHC Act Inside the Army e: AITA Acting Army e: AA Acting Assistant Quartermaster e: AAQM Acting Assistant Quartermaster General e: A.A.QM.G. Acting Chief Petty Officer e: ACPO Acting Commander, Royal Engineers e: ACRE Acting Petty Officer Air Mechanic e: APOAM Acting Pilot Officer e: APO Acting Secretary of the Navy e: ACTSECNAV Acting Transporting Officer e: ATRO Acting Wing Commander e: AWC Action Data Automation [and] Weapons System e: ADAWS Action Data Automation Weapon System e: ADAWS Action for Nuclear Disarmament Education Fund e: AND E F Action Information Control Officefr] e: AICO Action Office[r] e: ACTO Action Officer e: AO Action Peace International e: AP Action Plan for Marine Biodiversity Conservation in China e: APMBCC Action Sociale des Armées f: A.S.A. Action-Speed Tactical Teacher e: ASTT Action-Speed Tactical Trainer e: ASTT Actions Sociale des Forces Armées f: A.S.F.A. Active Air Target Fuse e: AATF Active Airborne Expendable Decoy e: AAED Active Aircraft Plume Suppression e: AAPS Active Army e: AA Active Army Locator System e: AALC, e: AALS Active Army Military Manpower Program e: AAMMP Active Army Personnel Reporting System e: AAPERS Active Assistive Range of Motion e: AAROM Active Citizen Force e: A.C.F. Active Citizenship Campaign e: ACC Active Commission Base Date e: ACBD


Active Corps of Executives e: ACE Active Defense e: Act. Def. Active Dipping Sonar e: ADS Active Duty Agreement e: ADA Active Flight Load System e: AFLS Active Framework for Data Warehousing e: AFDW Active Integral Defense e: AID Active Mariner [program] e: A-M Active Microwave Imager Synthetic Aperture Radar e: AM ISAR Active Militia e: A.M. Active Night Covert Viewing System e: ANCOVS Active Officer Promotion Branch e: AOPB Active Radar Augmentar Beacon System e ARABS Active Radar Demonstrator e: ARD Active Radar Homing e: ARH Active Range of Motion e. AROM Active Sonar for Entrance Surveillance e: ASES Active Swept Frequency Interferometer Radar e: ASFIR Activities Report. Research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems e: Act Rep Res Dev Assoc Mil Food Packag Syst Activities Report. Research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems. Incorporated e: Act Rep Res Dev Assoc Mil Food Packag Syst Ine Actual Military Service e: AMS actual weight of an aircraft e: A Actualités Marines e: Actual Mar Actuation Mine Simulator e: AMS Acute Care Admission e: ACA Ad-hoc Committee for Guided Missile Reliability e: ACGMR Ad Hoc Group on Missile Reliability e: AHGMR Ada Language System/Navy e: ALS/N Adaptive Agile Radar ECCM [Electronic Counter-Countermeasures] e: AAREC Adaptive Digital Avionics Module e: ADAM Adaptive Feedforward e: AFF Adaptive Flight Control System e: AFCS Adaptive Flight Training System e: AFTS Adaptive Force Packaging e: AFP Adaptive Multibeam Experiment for Aeronautical and Maritime Services e: AMEAMS Adaptive Network Analysis Connected with Defence Applications e: ANACONDA Adaptive Phase Array Radar e: APAR ADCC [Air Defense Command Computer] Programming and System Training Office e: APASTO ADCOM [Air Defense Command] Intelligence Memorandum e: AIM Additional Air Force Speciality Code e: AAFSC Additional Flight Training Period e: AFTP Additional Military Production e: AMP Additionally-awared Military Occupational Specialty e: AMOS Address Substitution Command e: ASC Addressable Secondary Surveillance Radar e: ADSEL radar, e: ADSS Radar Adelaide Northern Division of General Practice e: ANDGP Adelaide Southern Division of General Practice e: ASDGP Adelaide Western Division of General Practice e: AWDGP Adjustable Zero, Adjustable Range e: ÀZAR

Κ · G · Saur, München

Adjusted Range Correction e: ARC Adjutant General, Air Force e: A-G AF Adjutant-General and QuartermasterGeneral e: A.G.&Q.M.G. Adjutant General Management Information System e: AGMIS Adjutant General of the Army e: AGA Adjutant General Pool for Army Officers e: AGP Adjutant General, Royal Marines e: ÀGRM, e: A.G.R.M. Adjutant General to the Forces e: AGF Adjutant General, War Department e: ÀGWAR Adjutant General's Branch e: A Adjutant-General's Branch e: A.G.B. Adjutant-General's Corps e: AGC Adjutant General's Department e: AGD Adjutant Inspector General e: AIG Adjutant to the Corps of Royal Engineers e ACRE Adjutant-Unteroffizier d: Adj Uof Adjutants General Association of the United States e: AGA, e: AGAIIS Adjutantur d: Adjtr Adjutantur des Oberbefehlshabers des Heeres d: AdjObdH Adjutantur des Reichskriegsministers d: Adj.Min. Adjutantur des Reichswehrministers d: Àdj.Rw.M. Administration Area Unit e: AAU Administration Center e: ADMCEN Administration Duty Officer e: ADO Administration militaire f: Adm.Mil. Administration Militaire f: A.M. Administration militaire française en Allgemagne f: A.M.F.A. Administration Militaire Soviétique en Allemagne f: A.M.S.A. Administration of Territories Committee [Balkans] e: AT [Β] Administration of Territories Committee [Europe] e: AT[E] Administration of Veterans' Affairs e: A.V.A. Administration, Ryukyu Islands, Army e: ARIA Administration Services Division e: ASD Administrative Aircraft Standardization Office e: AASO Administrative and Clerical Officers Association e: ACOA Administrative and Management Services Division e: AMSD Administrative Applications Division e: AAD Administrative Area Control Centre e: AACC Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army e: AASA Administrative Automatic Data Processing Division e: AADP Administrative Battalion e: AB Administrative Command e: ADCOM, e: ADCOMD Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Atlantic Fleet e: ADCOMPHIBSLANT Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet e: ADCOMPHIBSPAC Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet, Subordinate Command e: ADCOMSUBORDCOMPH1BSP Administrative Command, Minecraft, Pacific Fleet e: ADCOMINPAC Administrative Conference of the United States e: ACUS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Advanced Airborne Radar Administrative Contracting Officer e: ACO Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission e: ADEPT Administrative Division e: A, e: ADMD, e ASD Administrative Liaison Officer e: ALO Administrative Medical Officer e: AMO Administrative Office-Navy e: AO-N Administrative Office, Navy Department e: AOND Administrative Office[r] e: ADMINO Administrative Officer e: Admo, e: AO Administrative Officer for Commander in Chief, Pacific e: ADMINOCINCPAC Administrative Officer of the Day e: AOD Administrative Service Company e: Admin Svc Co Administrative Services Division e: ASD Administrative Staff College e: A.S.C. Administrative Task Force e: ATF Administrative Unit Commandant e: AUC Administrative Use Vehicle e: AUV Administrative Veterinary Officer e: AVO Administrator Professional Leadership Scale e: APLS Administrator's Officer e: AO Admiral d: Adm., e: A, e: ADM, e: ADML, e: OlO Admiral, Benelux & Netherlands e: ABNL Admiral Commanding e: AC Admiral Commanding, Aircraft Carriers e: ACAC Admiral Commanding Cruiser Squadron e: ACSqn Admiral Commanding North Atlantic Station e: ACNAS Admiral Commanding Reserves e: A.C.R. Admiral Commanding Submarines e: A.C.S. Admiral Corporation e: ADL Admiral der Kleinkampfverbände d: A.d.K. Admiral der Küstenflak d: A.d.K.Flak Admiral der Nordsee[station] d: A.d.N. Admiral der Ostseefstation] d: A.d.O. Admiral der U-Boote d: A.d.U. Admiral des Westens d: Α.d.W. Admiral Kriegsmarine d: Adm.Kr. Admiral of Mine Sweepers e: AMS Admiral of the Fleet e: AF, e: A.F., e: Α. of F. Admiral of the Ocean Sea e: AOTOS Admiral Schwarzes Meer d: ASM Admiral Superintendent e: AS Admiralarzt d: ADMA, d: AdmArzt Admiralität d: Adm. Admiralitätsrat d: AR Admirally Islands e: AI Admiraloberstabsarzt d: AdmOStArzt Admiralstab d: Admst. Admiralstab der Marine d: AdM. Admiralstabsarzt d: AdmStArzt Admiralstabsoffizier e: Asto Admiralty e: A Admiral[ty] e: Adm., e: Adml Admiralty e: Admt., e: ADMTY, e: Admy, e: Ady Admiralty and Royal Dockyards Technical Officers' Association e: A.R.D.T.O.A. Admiralty Berthing Officer e: ABO, e: ABQ Admiralty Board e: AB Admiralty Center e: Adm Admiralty Center [or Court] e: AdmCen Admiralty Centre for Scientific Information and Liaison e: ACSIL Admiralty Chart Datum e: ACD Admiralty Civilian Shore Wireless Service e: ACSWS, e: A.C.S.W.S.

Admiralty Coast Organization e: ACO Admiralty Compass Observatory [Laboratory] e: ACO Admiralty Computing Service e: ACS, e: A.C.S. Admiralty Constabulary e: A.C. Admiralty Corrosion Committee e: ACC Admiralty Court e: Adm.Co. Admiralty Design e: A.D. Admiralty Distilling Experimental Station e: ADES Admiralty Dockmaster e: AD Admiralty Draughtsmen's Association e: A.D.A. Admiralty Emergency Service e: A.E.S. Admiralty Engineering Laboratory e: AEL Admiralty Engineering Laboratory, West Drayton, Middlesex e: A.E.L. Admiralty Establishment Civil Servants' Federation e: A.E.C.S.F. Admiralty Experimental Diving Unit e: AEDU Admiralty Experimental] Works e: AEW Admiralty Fleet Confidential Order e: AFCO Admiralty Fleet Order e: AFO Admiralty Floating Dock e: AFD Admiralty Forecast Section e: AFS Admiralty Fuel Experimental Station e: AFE S Admiralty Fuel Research e: AFR Admiralty Fuels and Lubricants Advisory Committee e: AFLAC Admiralty General Message e: AGM Admiralty Gunnery Establishment e: AGE Admiralty House e: A.H. Admiralty Inspection Officer e: AIO Admiralty Instruction e: AI Admiralty Instructions e: AI Admiralty Interview Board e: AIB Admiralty Islands e: AI Admiralty Letter e: AL Admiralty Liaison Officer e: ALO Admiralty Lines Limited e: ALL Admiralty List of Lights e: ALL Admiralty List of Radio Signals e: ALRS Admiralty List of Wireless Signals e: ALW Admiralty Machinery Depot e: AMD Admiralty Marine Engineering Establishment e: AMEE Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment e: AMTE Admiralty Materials Laboratory e: AML Admiralty Mining Establishment e: AME Admiralty Naval Staff e: A.N.S. Admiralty Notice to Mariners e: ANM Admiralty Oil Laboratory e: AOL Admiralty Overseeing Staff Association e: A.O.S.A. Admiralty Pattern e: AP Admiralty Press Division e: A.P.D. Admiralty Prize Court e: APC Admiralty Raster Chart Service e: ARCS Admiralty Reactor Test Establishment e: ARTE Admiralty Recruiting Service e: A.R.S. Admiralty Regional Electrical Engineer e: A.R.E.E. Admiralty Regional Office e: A.R.O. Admiralty Representative e: AR Admiralty Research Establishment e: ARE Admiralty Research Laboratory e: ARL Admiralty Research Laboratory Extension e: ARLE Admiralty Salvage Department e: A.S.D. Admiralty Signal and Radar Establishment e: ASRE Admiralty Signal Establishment e: ASE Admiralty Small Vessels Pool e: ASVP

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Admiralty Standard Range e: ASR Admiralty Stores Depot e: ASD Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment e: ASWE Admiralty Test Rating e: ATR Admiralty Trawler e: AT Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment e: AUWE Admiralty Vickers Gearing Research Association e: AVGRA Admiralty Weekly Order e: A.W.O. admission e: admsn Admission and Disposition e: AAD Admission Control Service e: ACS Admission Reject e: ARJ admission temporair f: ata A d m i s s i o n s ] e: ADM Admissions Committee e: A.C. Admissions Liaison Officer e: ALO ADP System Security Officer e: ADPSSO Adriatic Base Command e: ABC Adriatic Force e: ADFOR Advance Contracting Officer e: ACO Advance Decoy Missile e: ADM Advance Deposit Agreement e: ADA Advance Informed Agreement e: AIA Advance Missile Deviation Report e: AMDR Advance Procurement Planning Council e: APPC Advance Section, Verdun e: ADSEC Advance Warfighting Experiment e: AWE advance warning equipment e: aware. Advanced Aerial Armed Reconnaissance Vehicle e: A 3 RV Advanced Aerospace Flight Experiment e: AAFE Advanced Aerospace Flight Experiment/Radiometer-Scatterometer e: AAFE/RADSCAT Advanced Aerospace Vehicle e: AAV Advanced Air Defense Electro-Opticfal] Sensor [System] e: AADEOS Advanced Air Defense System e: AADS Advanced Air Defense Weapon e: AADW Advanced Air-launched Anti-armour Weapon e: AAAW Advanced Air-Launched Anti-Armour Weapon e: AALAAW Advanced Air-Launched Missile e: AALM Advanced Air Station e: AAS Advanced Air Striking Force e: A.A.S.F. Advanced Air-to-Air Missile e: AAAM Advanced Air-to-Surface Missile e: AASM Advanced Air-to-Surface Missile Seeker e: AASMS Advanced Air Training Command e: AATC Advanced Airborne Anti-Armour Weapon e: AAAW Advanced Airborne Command Post e: AABCP, e AABNCP, e AACP Advanced Airborne Computer e: AAC Advanced Airborne Demonstrator e: AAD Advanced Airborne Digital Computer e: AADC Advanced Airborne Expendable Decoy e: AAED Advanced Airborne Flight Experiment e: AAFE Advance[d] Airborne Launch Center e: AALC Advanced Airborne Multispectral Scanner e: AMSS Advanced Airborne National Command Post e: AABNCP, e: AANCP Advanced Airborne Radar System e: AARS


Advanced Airborne Radio Advanced Airborne Radio Position Location System e: AARPLS Advanced Airborne Remote Instrumentation e: AARI Advanced Airborne Surveillance Antenna e: AASA Advanced Airborne Surveillance Radar e: AASR Advanced Airborne Surveillance Sensor e: AASS Advanced Aircraft Early Warning Radar e: AAEWR Advanced Aircraft Electrical System e: AAES Advanced Aircraft Programs' Office e: AAPO Advanced All-Weather Weapon System e: A A WW S Advanced Allied Headquarters e: A.A.H.Q. Advanced Ammunition Depot e: AAD Advanced Amphibious Assault e: AAA Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle e: AAAV Advanced Amphibious Training Base e: AATB Advanced Anti-Armor Missile Systems e: AAAMS Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile e AARGM Advanced Anti-Radiation Missile e: AARM Advanced Anti-Tank Weapon e: AATW Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System e: AAWS advanced antisubmarine warfare exercise e: adex Advanced Antitank Missile System e: AAMS Advanced Antitank Weapon System-Heavy e: AAWS-H Advanced Antitank Weapon SystemMedium e: AAWS-M Advanced Application^] Flight Experiment e: AAFE Advanced Applications Flight Experiments Program e: AAFE Program Advanced Applications Research Laboratory e: AARL Advanced Army Airborne Indicating System e: AAAIS Advanced Army Aircraft Instrumentation Program e: AAAIP Advanced Army Aircraft Instrumentation System e: AAAIS Advanced [Army] Base Supply Depot e: ABSD Advanced Army Defense System e: AADS Advanced Army System Requirements e: AASR Advanced Atomic Demolition Munition e: AADM Advanced Attack Aircraft e: AAA Advanced Attack Helicopter e: AAH Advanced Automatic Flight Control System e: AAFCS Advanced Aviation Forward Area Refueling System e: AAFARS Advanced Avionic System for MultiMission Application e: AASMMA Advanced Avionics Architecture e: A3 Advanced Avionics Data Handling System e: AADHS Advanced Avionics Fault Isolation System e: AAFIS Advanced Avionics Integration Program e: AAIP Advanced Avionics Interface Program e: AAIP


Advanced Avionics Technology Demonstration e: AATD Advanced Avionics Testbed e: AAT Advanced Ballistic Computer e: ABC Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense e: ABMD Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency e: ABMDA Advanced Ballistic Missile Systems e: ABMS Advanced Ballistic Re-entry System e: ABRES Advanced Ballistic Reentry Vehicle e: ABRV Advanced Ballistic-type Lodistic Spacecraft System e: ABLSS Advanced Ballistics Concepts e: ABC Advancefd] Base Aviation Training Unit e: ABATI) Advanced Base Combat Communication^] Training Center e: ABCCTC Advanced Base Construction Depot e: ABCD Advanced Base Depot Area Command e: ABADACOM, e ABDACOM Advanced Base Functional Component e: ABFC Advanced Base Hospital e: A.B.H. Advanced Base Ordnance Depot e: ABOD, e: AdvBOD Advanced Base Personnel Officer e: ΑΒΡΟ Advanced Base Personnel Unit e: ABPU Advanced Base Proving Ground e: ABPG Advanced Base Receiving Barracks e: ABRB Advanced Base Repair Depot e: ABRD Advanced Base Reshipment Depot e: ABRD Advanced Base Support Aircraft e: ABSA Advanced Base Workshop e: ABW Advanced Battalion Headquarters e: Adv Bn Hq Advanced Battery Acquisition Radar e: ABAR Advanced Battery Acquisition Radar Unit e: ABAR Unit Advanced Battlefield Computer Simulation e: ABACUS advanced beach signal station e: ABSS Advanced Cableship Navigation Aid System e: ACNAS Advanced Capabilities Anti-Radar Missile e: ADCAPARM Advanced Capabilities Radar e: ACR Advanced Cargo Aircraft e: ACA Advanced Cargo/Tanker Aircraft e: ACTA Advanced Civil/Military Aircraft e: ACMA Advanced Combat Air Patrol e: ACAP Advanced Combat Aircraft e: ACA Advanced Combat Experimental e: ACX Advanced Combat Rifle e: ACR Advanced Combat Surveillance Radar e: ACSR Advanced Command e: ADCOM Advanced Common Intercept Missile e: ACIM Advanced Common Intercept Missile Demonstration e: ACIMD Advanced Communications and Countermeasures Division e: ACCD Advanced Composite Aircraft Program e: ACAP Advanced Composite Airframe Program e: ACAP Advanced Computer Flight Plan [or Planning System] e: ACFP Advanced Concepts Missile e: ACM

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Advanced Conformai Submarine Acoustic Sensor e: ACSAS Advanced Conventional Munition[s] e: ACM Advanced Conventional Stand-off Missile e: AC SM Advanced Conventional Standoff Weapon e: ACSW Advanced-Core Military Engine e: ACME Advanced Counter-Air Fighter e: ACAF Advanced Countermeasures System e: ACS Advanced Crew-Served Weapon e: ACSW Advanced Cruise Missile e: ACM Advanced Cruise Missile Combustor e: ACMC Advanced Cruise Missile Program e: ACMP Advanced Cruise Missile Technology e: ACMT Advanced Defence Radar Unit e: ADRU Advanced Defense Communications Satellite e: ADCS Advanced Defense Communication^] Satellite Program [or Project] e: ADCSP Advanced Defense Intelligence Support System e: ADISS Advanced Defense Satellite Communications Project e: ADSCP Advanced Defense Suppression Antiradiation Missile e: ADSARM Advanced Defense Suppression Weapon e: ADSW Advanced Defensive Avionics Response Strategy e: ADARS Advanced Depot e: Adv Dep Advanced Design Array Radar e: ADAR Advanced Design Composite Aircraft e: AD CA Advanced Development Array Radar e: ADAR Advanced Development Hardware e: ADH Advanced Digital Avionics e: ADA Advanced Digital Avionics System e: ADAS Advanced Direct-Landing Apollo Mission e ADAM Advanced Direct Support Unit e: ADDSU Advanced Divisional Headquarters e: ADHq Advanced Drawing Change Notice e: ADCN Advance[d] Drawing Release Notice e: ADRN Advanced Dressing Station e: ADS Advanced Earth Satellite Weapon System e: AEWS Advanced Electronic Combat Aircraft e: EX Advanced Electronic Warfare Test Set e: AEWTS Advanced Energy System[s] Division e: AESD Advanced Field Array Radar e: AFAR Advanced Field Artillery System e: AFAS Advanced Field Artillery System-Cannon e: AFAS-C Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System e: AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Target Designation System e: AFATDS Advanced Field Site Facility e: AFSF Advanced Fighter Capability Demonstrator e: AFCD advanced fighter-control-flight simulator e: afcfs Advanced Fighter Diagnostic System e: AFDS Advanced Fighter Radar System e: AFRS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Advanced Research Division Advanced Fighter Technology Integration [project] e: AFTI Advanced Fire Control Radar System e: AFCORS Advanced Fire/Flight Control System e: AFFC System Advanced Fire Support Avionics System e: AFSAS Advanced Fleet Training e: Adv Fit Trng Advanced Flight Control Actuation System e: AFCAS Advanced Flight Control Actuation SystemAll Electric e: AFCAS-AE Advanced Flight Control Program[me] e: AFCP Advanced Flight Control Programmer e: AFCP Advanced Flight Control System e: AFCS Advanced Flight-Deck Simulator e: AFDS Advanced Flight Management System e: AFMS Advanced Flying Unit e: A.F.U. Advanced Forward Air Defense System e: AFADS Advanced Forward Area Air Defense [System] e: AFAADS Advanced Forward Area Air Defense Weapon e: AFAADW Advanced Forward Looking Infrared e: AFLIR Advanced GEM Task Force e: A-GEMTF Advanced Ground Surveillance Radar e: AGSR Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology e: AGVT Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology Project e: AGVT Project Advanced Gun Technology e: AGT Advanced Gun Weapon System e: AGWS Advanced Gun Weapon System Technology e AGWST Advanced Gunnery Target Systems e: AGTS Advanced Hardware Architectures e: AHA Advanced Headquarters e: ADVH[E]Q, e: Adv HQ, e: AHQ Advanced Heavy Antitank Weapon System e: AHAWS Advanced Helicopter Development e: AHD Advanced Helicopter Development Program e: AHDP Advanced Helicopter Improvement Program e: AHIP Advanced Helicopter Pilotage e: Α Η Ρ Advanced Helmet-sight Reticle Assembly e: AHRA Advanced High Performance Nuclear Attack Submarine e: AHPNAS Advanced Hypersonic Manned Aircraft e: AHMA Advanced Image Management Software e: AIMS Advanced Individual Combat Weapon e: AICW Advanced Inertial Navigation System e: AINS Advanced Integrated Digital Avionics System e: AIDAS Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System e: AIEWS Advanced Integrated Flight System e: AIFS Advanced Intelligence Center e: ADINTELCEN Advanced Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area e: AICPOA Advanced Interceptor Air-to-Air Missile e: AIAAM

Advanced Intercontinental Ballistic Missile e: AICBM Advanced Intercontinental Missile System e: AIMS Advanced Interdiction Weapon System e: AIWS Advanced Land Navigation e: ALN Advanced Laser-Guided Missile System e: ALGMS Advanced Light Antitank Weapon e: ALAW Advanced Light Helicopter e: ALH Advanced Lightweight Ground Weaponry e: ALWGW Advanced Lightweight Tactical Antenna e: ALTA Advancefd] Logistical [Command] e: ADLOG Advanced Logistics System Project Advisory Committee e: ALSPAC Advanced Long-Range Air-to-Air Missile e: ALRAAM Advanced Long-Range Interceptor e: ALRI Advanced Maneuvering Demonstration Aircraft e: AMD A Advanced Manned Missions Program e: AMMP Advanced Manned Precision Strategic Aircraft. Requirement e: AMPSA Advanced Manoeuvring Re-entry Vehicle e: AMARV Advanced Marine Airborne Signals [Intelligence] System e: AMASS Advanced Marine Helicopter Squadron e: HMX Advanced Marksmanship Unit e: AMU Advanced Medium Caliber Aircraft Weapon System e: AMCAWS Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile e: AMRAAM Advanced Medium-Range Anti-Radiation Missile e: AMRARM Advanced Message Centre e: Adv Msg Cen Advanced Military Occupational Specialty e ADVMOS Advanced Military Spaceflight Technology e: AMST Advanced Military Spacelift Capability e: AMSC Advanced Military Studies Program e: AMSP Advanced Mine Countermeasures e: AMCM Advanced Mine Detection System e: AMDS Advanced Missile Materials Research Technical Advisory Group e: AMMRES Advanced Missile System e: AMS Advanced Missile Technology Integration e: AMTI Advanced Missions Docking Subsystem e: AMDS Advanced Mobile Acoustic Torpedo Target e: ADMATT Advanced Modular Artillery Command System e: AMACS Advanced Moving Target Indicator Radar e AMTIR Advanced Multi-Mode Radar Altimeter e: A M RA Advanced Multi-Purpose Radar e: AMPR Advanced Multimission Radar e: AMMR Advanced Multiplatform Navy Computer System e: AMNCS Advanced Multivision Radar e: AMMR Advanced Munitions Office e: AMO Advanced Naval Gun Weapon System e: ANGWS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Advanced Naval System Requirements e: ANSR Advanced Naval Training School e: ANTS Advanced Naval Vehicle e: ANV Advanced Naval Vehicle Concepts Evaluation programme e: ANVCE Advanced Navigation System Inertial Reference e: ANSIR Advanced Navy Display System e: ANDS Advanced Navy Tactical Command and Control System e: ANTACCS Advanced Nuclear Attack Submarine Program e: ANASP Advanced Nuclear Fuels e: ANF Advanced Nuclear Systems Business Unit e: ANSBU Advanced Nuclear Systems Engineering e: ANSE Advanced Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engine Simulator e: ANTARES Advanced Ordnance Depot e: AOD Advanced Park e: Adv Pk Advanced Patrol Sensor System e: ADPASS Advanced Planetary Mission Technology e APMT Advanced Point Defense Surface Missile System e: APDSMS Advanced Radar Altimeter e: ADALT, e: ARA Advanced Radar Information Evaluation System e: ARIES Advanced Radar Maintenance Training Set e ARMTS Advanced Radar Missile Scoring System e: ARMS Advanced Radar Modelling System e: ARMS Advanced Radar Techniques for Improved Surveillance & Tracking e: ARTIST Advanced Radar Terminal System e: ARTS Advanced Radar Test Bed e: ARTB Advanced Radar Tracking System e: ARTS Advanced Radar Traffic Control System e: ARTCS, e: ARTC System Advanced Radar Traffic [Control] System e: ARTS Advanced Radar Warning Receiver e: ARWAR, e ARWR Advanced Radar Warning System e: ARWS Advanced Radiation Effects Simulation e: ARES Advanced Radiation Technology Facility e: ARTF Advanced Radiation Technology Office e: ARTO Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft e: ARIA Advanced Range Instrumentation Ship e: ARIS Advanced Range Instrumentation System[s] e: ARIS Advanced Reactor Division e: ARD Advanced Real-Time Range Control e: ARTRAC Advanced Reconnaissance and Target Acquisition Capabilities e: ARTAC Advanced Reconnaissance Electrically Propelled Spacecraft e: AREPS advanced reconnaissance helicopter e: arch Advanced Relay and Technology Mission Satellite e: ARTEMIS Advanced Remotely Piloted Vehicle e: ARPV Advanced Research Division e: ARD


Advanced Research Projects Advanced Research Projects Agency e: ARPA Advanced Resolution Gunnery Simulator e: ARGS Advanced Rocket Engine Storable e: ARES Advanced Rocket Ramjet e: ARR, e: ARRJ Advanced Rocket System e: ARS Advanced Scout Helicopter e: ASH Advanced Sea Launched Cruise Missile e: ASLCM Advanced Sea Mine e: ASM Advanced Seeker Technology for Air-to-Air Missiles e: ASTAAM Advanced Sensor Systems for Autonomous Navigation e: ASSAN Advanced Ship Development e: ASD Advanced Ship-to-Air Missile e: ASAM Advanced Short-Range Attach Missile e: ASRAM Advanced Space Technology Division e: ASTD Advanced Space Vehicle Engineering Operation e: ASVEO Advanced squadron e: A.Sq. Advanced Stand-off Area Weapon e: ASAW Advanced STOVL aircraft e: ASTOVL Advanced Strategie Air-Launched Missile e: ASALM Advanced Strategie Aircraft e: AMSAS Advanced Strategie Bomb e: ASB Advanced Strategie Missile System[s] e: ASMS Advanced Strategie & Tactical Expendable e: ASTE Advanced Strike Weapon System e: ASWS Advanced Striking Force e: ASF Advanced Study Institute on Underwater Acoustics and Signal Processing e: ASI Advanced Submarine Tactical ESM Combat System e: ASTECS Advanced Submarine Technology Program e: ASTP Advanced Supply Depot e: ASD Advanced Supply Point e: ASP Advanced Support Helicopter e: ASH Advanced Surface Missile e: ASM Advanced Surface Missile System e: ASMS Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile e: ASAM Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System e: AdSAMS Advanced Surface-to Air Weapon System e: ASAWS Advanced Surveillance Radar e: ASR Advanced Swimmer Delivery Vehicle e: ASDV Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System e: ASARS Advanced System Avionics e: ASA Advanced Systems Division e: ASD Advanced Tactical Air Command Central e: ATACC Advanced Tactical Air Defense System e: ATAD S Advanced Tactical Air Reconnaissance System e: ATARS Advanced Tactical Air Warfare System e: ATAWS Advanced Tactical Airfborne] Command and Control e: ATACC Advanced Tactical Air[borne] Command and Control System e: Ataccs, e: ATACC System Advanced Tactical Aircraft e: ATA, e: ATTA


Advanced Tactical Aircraft Command and Control System e: ATACCS, e: ATACCS. Ataccs Advanced Tactical Aircraft Protection System e: ATAPS Advanced Tactical Assault Weapon e: ATAW Advanced Tactical Avionics Radar e: ATAR Advanced Tactical Ballistic Missile e: ATBM Advanced Tactical Battle Management e: ATBM Advanced Tactical Command and Control Capabilities e: ATCCC Advanced Tactical Electronic Warfare System e: ATEWS Advanced Tactical Fighter e: ATF Advanced Tactical Inertial Guidance System e: ATIGS Advanced Tactical Mini-drone e: ATM Advanced Tactical Missile System e: ATACMS Advanced Tactical Radar e: ATR Advanced Tactical Stand-off Missile e: ATSM Advanced Tactical Support Aircraft e: ATSA Advanced Tactical Support System e: ATSS Advanced Tactical Surveillance Radar e: ATSR Advanced Tactical Surveillance System e: ATSS Advanced Tactical Transport e: ATT Advanced Target Attack programme e: ATACK Advanced Technical Fighter e: ATF Advanced Technical Service School e: ATSS Advanced Technical Training Center e: ATTC Advanced Technical Training Facility e: ATTF advanced technology ballistic missile e: atbm advanced technology bomber e: atb Advanced Technology Fighter e: ATF Advanced Technology Ground Attack Fighter e: ATGAF Advanced Technology Radar Jammer e: ATRJ Advanced Technology Testing Aircraft System e: ATTAS Advanced Telecommunications Science Office e: ATSO Advanced Tomahawk Weapon Control System e: ATWCS Advanced Trainer Aircraft e: ATTA Advanced Training Squadron e: ATS advanced training unit e: ATU Advanced Undersea [Weapon] e: A/U Advanced Undersea Weaponfs] e: AUW Advanced Underwater Acoustic Modeling Project e: AUAMP Advanced Underwater Missile e: AIIM Advanced Vehicle Control System[s] e: AVCS Advanced Vehicle Design Department e: AVDD Advanced Vehicle Reception Park e: AVRP Advanced Vehicle Simulation Technique e: A VST Advanced Vehicle Technology e: AVT Advanced Very High Resolution Radar e: AVHRR Advanced Warning of Active Radar Emissions e: AWARE Advanced Warning System e: AWS

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Advanced Weapon Carriage Integration Technology e: AWCIT Advanced Weapon Delivery Radar e: AWDR Advanced Weapon System e: AWS Advanced Weapon[s] e: AW Advanced Weapons Carriage Configured Vehicle e: AWCCV Advanced Weapons Monitoring System e: AWMC Advanced Weapons Radiochemical Diagnostics Facility e: AWRDF Advanced Weapons Support Command e: AWSCOM Advance[d] Weapons[s] Ammunition Support Point e: AWASP Advances Degree Program for ROTC [Reserve Officers Training Corps] Instructor Duty e: ADPRID Advances in Marine Biology e: Adv. Mar. Biol. Adventist Board of Missions e: ABM Adverse-Weather [or All Weather] Precision Guided Weapon e: AW-PGW Adverse Weather Precision Guided Munition e: AWPGM Advertise and Award e: A & A Adviesraad voor Militaire Produktie n: AMP Advise by Admiral e: adami advise date of shipment e: adash advise method and date of shipment e: admad Advise Method, Bill of Lading, and Data Shipped e: AMBLADS Advise Shipping Data e: ADSHIPDA, e: adshpdat Advise Shipping Date e: ADSHIPDA, e: ASD Advise this Headquarter of Complete Action e: adhca Adviser on War Administration to the Viceroy of India e: A.W.A.V.I. Advisory Board on Chaplaincy Services e: A.B.C.S. Advisory, Caution, And Warning System e: ACAWS Advisory Commission on Information e: ACI Advisory Commission on Textbook Specifications e: ACTS Advisory Committee of Experts on Marine Resources Research e: ACMRR Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission e: ACPR Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards e ACDA Advisory Committee on Flight Information e: ACFI Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments e: ACHRE Advisory Committee on Marine Pollution e: ACM Ρ Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research e: ACMRR Advisory Committee on Nuclear Facility Safety e: ACNFS Advisory Committee on Nuclear Materials Safeguards e: ACNMS Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety e: ACNS Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste e: ACNW Advisory Committee on Safety in Vehicle Design e: ACSVD Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment e: ACME

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Aeronautical Research Advisory Council on Community Relations in Defence e: ACCORD Advisory Council on Naval Affairs e: ACNA, e: ACONA Advisory Group e: ADGRU Advisory Group for Aeronautical [or Aerospace] Research and Development e: AGARD Advisory Group on Electronic Devices e: AGED Advisory Group on Electronic Parts e: AGEP Advisory Group on Electronic Tubes e: AGET Advisory Group on the Reliability of Electronic Equipment e: AGREE Advisory Support Force e: ASF Advocates for Border Law Enforcement e: ABLE AEGIS Combat Training System e: ACTS AEGIS Weapon System e: AWS Aerarium Militare I: AER.MIL Aerial Armo[u]red Reconnaissance Vehicle e: AARV Aerial Cartographic and Geodetic Squadron e: ACGSq Aerial Combat e: AC Aerial Combat Evaluator e: ACE Aerial Combat Maneuvering Training e: ACMT Aerial Combat Maneuvres e: ACM Aerial Combat Reconnaissance e: ACR Aerial Combat Tactics e: ACT Aerial Common Sensor-Corps e: ACS-C Aerial Delivered Land Mine e: ADLM Aerial Demonstration Squadron e: ADS Aerial Exploitation Battalion e: AEB Aerial Field Artillery Multi-Mode e: AFAMM Aerial Fire Support Officer e: AFSO Aerial Free Gunnery Instruction School e: AFGIS Aerial Free Gunnery Unit e: AFGU Aerial Gunnery Part Task Trainer e: AGM, e: AGPTT Aerial Gunnery Target System e: AGTS Aerial [In-Flight] Refueling e: AR Aerial Multi-Mission Integrated Test-bed e: AMMIT Aerial Nurse Corps of America e: ANCO, e: ANCOA Aerial Photographic Analysis Centre e: APAC Aerial Port Liaison Office[r] e: APLO Aerial Port Squadron e: APS Aerial Radiation Pattern e: ARP Aerial Radiation Resistance e: ARR Aerial Range Equipment e: ARE Aerial Reading Data Conversion Special Process e: PMAR Aerial Reconnaissance and Security Troop e: ARST Aerial Reconnaissance Laboratory e: ARL Aerial Rocket Antitank Program e: ARAT Aerial Rocket Artillery e: ARA aerial scout helicopter e: ash. aerial surveillance and target acquisition platoon e: ASTAP Aerial Vehicle e: A V Aeritalia-Aermacchi single-engine threeplace armed-trainer aircraft e: AM-3C Aernspatiale armed helicopter made in 4passenger and 6-passenger versions e: Alouette Aero-Ballistic Rocket e: ABR Aero Gun Sightfs] e: AGS Aero Propulsion Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, Ohio e: APL Aero Rifle Platoon e: ARP

Aeroassist Flight Experiment e: AAFE, e: AFE Aeroballistic Re-entry Vehicle e: ARV Aerobrigata i: Abg. Aerodrome Control Radar e: ACR Aerodrome Defence Corps e: ADC, e: A.D.C. Aerodrome Flight Information Service e: AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service Officer's Licence e: AFISOL Aerodrome Radar Approach Aid[s] e: ARAA Aerodrome Radar/Radio Approach Aid e: ARAA Aerodynamic Configured Missile e: ACM Aerodynamic Design and Analysis System for Supersonic Aircraft e: ADASSA Aerodynamic Flight Control e: AFC Aerodynamic Flight Test e: AFT Aerodynamic Propulsive Interactive Force e APIF Aerodynamic Test Vehicle e: ATV Aerodynamically Neutral Spin Stabilized Rocket e: ANSSR Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics e: A&FM Aerojet Liquid Rocket Company e: ALRC Aerojet Nuclear Company e: ANC Aerojet Nuclear Corporation e: ANC Aerological Duty Officer e: AEDO Aeromedicai Airlift Squadron e: AAS, e: AASq Aeromedicai Airlift Wing e: AAW, e: AAWg Aeromedicai Evacuation Control Officer e: A ECO Aeromedicai Evacuation Unit e: AEU Aeromedicai Field Laboratory e: AFL Aeromedicai Liaison Officer e: AMLO Aeromedicai Staging Flight e: ASF Aeronautic Department e: A.D. Aeronautica Industrial SA s: AI Aeronautica Militare i: A.M. Aeronautica Militare Italiana i: AMI Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana i: A.N.R. Aeronautica Regala Romana ru: ARR Aeronautical Administrative Communications e: AAC Aeronautical Advisory Council e: AAC Aeronautical and Aircraft Experimental Establishment e: AA[&]EE Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering e: AAE Aeronautical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory e: AEEL Aeronautical and Navigati on [al] Electronics e: ANE Aeronautical Approach Chart e: AAC Aeronautical Assignment Group e: AAG Aeronautical Board e: AB Aeronautical Center e: AC Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America e: ACCA Aeronautical Chart and Information Office e ACIO Aeronautical Chart and Information Squadron e: ACIS, e: ACISq Aeronautical Chart Service e: ACS Aeronautical Charting and Cartography e: AC&C Aeronautical C h a r t i n g ] and Information Center e: ACIC Aeronautical C o m p u t e r s ] Laboratory e: ACL Aeronautical Data e: AD Aeronautical Data Interchange System Panel e: ADISP Aeronautical Data Link Program e: ADLP

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

© Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Aeronautical Data Report e: ADR Aeronautical Data Reproducer e: ADR Aeronautical Decision Making e: ADM Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Industrial Technology e: ADMIT Aeronautical Design Standard e: ADS Aeronautical Development Establishment e: ADE Aeronautical Development Group e: ADG Aeronautical Electronic[s] and Electrical Laboratory e: AEEL Aeronautical Engineer e: AeEng Aeronautical Engineering and Electronic Laboratory e: AEEL Aeronautical Engineering Duty Officer e: AEDO Aeronautical Fixed Service e: AFS Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication^] e: AFT Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication^] Network e: AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Service e: AFTS Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd. e AGI Aeronautical Ground Station e: AGS Aeronautical Icing Research Laboratory e: AIRL Aeronautical Information Data e: AID Aeronautical Information Documents Unit e AIDU Aeronautical Information Management e: AIM Aeronautical Information Manual e: AIM Aeronautical Information Publication^] e: AIP Aeronautical Information Report e: AIR Aeronautical Information Service [s] e: AIS Aeronautical Information Specialist e: AIS Aeronautical Inspection Directorate e: AID Aeronautical Instruments] Laboratory e: AIL Aeronautical Manufacturers Planning Report e: AMPR Aeronautical Manufacturers Progress Report e: AMPR Aeronautical Materials Laboratory e: AML Aeronautical Meteorology Programme e: AeMP Aeronautical Operating Systems Division e: AOSD Aeronautical Operational Control e: AOC Aeronautical Quality Assurance Directorate e: AQAD Aeronautical Radio e: AR Aeronautical Radio and Radar Laboratory e: ARRL Aeronautical Radio Incorporated e: ARINCO Aeronautical Radio Incorporated Communications, Addressing the Reporting System e: ACARS Aeronautical Radio Incorporated [or Incorporation] e: ARINC Aeronautical Radio Navigation Services e: ARNS Aeronautical Radio of Canada e: ARCAN Aeronautical Radionavigation Glide Path e: ARGP Aeronautical Radionavigation Radar e: ARR Aeronautical Recommened Practice e: ARP Aeronautical Repair Station Association e: ARSA Aeronautical Requirement e: AR Aeronautical Research e: AR


Aeronautical Research and Development Aeronautical Research and Development e AR and D Aeronautical Research Association of Princeton e: ARAP Aeronautical Research Board e: A.R.B. Aeronautical Research Committee e: ARC Aeronautical Research Council e: AEC, e: ARC Aeronautical Research Division e: ARD Aeronautical Research Establishment e: ARE Aeronautical Research Foundation e: ARF Aeronautical Research Incorporated e: ARINC Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden e: ARIS Aeronautical Research Laboratories [or Laboratory] e: ARL Aeronautical Research Scientist e: ARS Aeronautical Research & Test Institute e: ARTI Aeronautical Satellite Data Link e: ASDL Aeronautical Satellite Earth Terminal e: ASET Aeronautical Satellite[s] Communication^] Center e: ASCC Aeronautical Services Communication Centre e: ASCC Aeronautical Society of Great Britain e: ASGB Aeronautical Society of India e: A.S.I. Aeronautical Standard[s] e: AS Aeronautical Standards Group e: AG, e: ASGp Aeronautical Standards Group [Air Force and Navy] e: ASG Aeronautical Structures Laboratory e: ASL Aeronautical Supply Office e: ASO Aeronautical System Development e: ASD Aeronautical Systems Center e: ASC Aeronautical Systems Division e: ASD Aeronautical Systems Division Regulation e: ASDR Aeronautical Telecommunications Operator e: A T O Aeronautical Turbine Laboratory e: ATL Aeronautical Vehicles Division e: AVD Aeronautics Advisory Committee e: A.A.C. Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordination[ing] Board e: AACB Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board [National Academy of Engineering] e: ASEB Aeronautics Division, Ford Motor Company e: ADF Aeronàutica Industrial S.A. s: A.I.S.A. Aéronautique Marcel Dassault-Breguet Aviation f: AMD-BA Aéronautique Navale f: A.N. Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment e: A&AAE, e: AA[&]EE Aeroplane Flight Manual e: AFM Aeroplane [or Aircraft] and Armament Experimental Establishment e: A and AEE Aeroplane Repair Section [Shop] e: A.R.S. Aerosol Solar Radiation e: ASR Aerospace Audio-Visual Service e: AAVS Aerospace Command and Control System e: ACCS Aerospace Communication and Controls Division e: ACCD Aerospace Communications Squadron e: ACOMMW Aerospace Communications Wing e: ACOMMW Aerospace Defenc[s]e Command e: ADC Aerospace Defense Command e: ADCOM


Aerospace Defense Command Intelligence Center e: ADIC Aerospace Defense Command Region e: ADCOMR Aerospace Defense Flight e: AERODF Aerospace & Defense Sales Inc. e: ADSI Aerospace Defense Software Engineering Environment e: ASD/SEE Aerospace Defense Squadron e: AERODS Aerospace Defense Systems Officer e: ADSO Aerospace Defense Wing e: AERODW Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment e: ΑΕΤΕ Aerospace Flight Test Radio Coodinating Council e: AFTRCC Aerospace Flight Vehicle e: AFV Aerospace Ground Equipment out of Commission for Parts e: AGEOCP Aerospace Information Division e: AID Aerospace, Maritime and Military Systems e.· AMMS Aerospace Medical Command e: AMC Aerospace Medical Division e: AMD Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB e: AMRL Aerospace Nuclear Safety Information Center e: ANSIC Aerospace [or Air] Defense Communications Office e: ADCO Aerospace [or Air] Defense Division e: ADD Aerospace Physiology Officer e: APO Aerospace Reconnaissance Technical Wing e ARTW Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service e: ARRS Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron e ARRS, e: ARRSq Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Wing e: ARRW, e: ARRW[g] Aerospace Research Pilot School-Edwards Air Force Base e: ARPS-E Aerospace Research Vehicle e: ARV Aerospace Security Force e: ASF Aerospace Services Division e: ASD Aerospace Surveillance and Warning System e: ASWS Aerospace Systems Division e: ASD Aerospace Test Wing e: ATW Aerospace Vehicle e: A V Aerospace Vehicle Distribution Office[r] e: AVDO Aerospace Vehicle Electronics e: AVE Aerospace Vehicle Equipment e: AVE Aerospace Vehicle Inventory Status and Utilization Reporting System e: AVISURS Aerospace Vehicle Simulation e: AVS Aerospac[s]e [or Air] Defense Command Post e: ADCP Aérospatial Helicopter Corporation e: AHC Aerospun Cluster Munition e: ACM Aerothermodynamic Structural Vehicle e: ASV afdeling vuurpijlartillerie r: afdva Affaires Militaires Musulmanes f: Α.M.M. Afghan Republican Air Force e: ARAF Afloat Command and Control System e: ACCS Afloat Prepositioned [or Prepositioning] Force e: APF Africa Auxiliary Pioneer Corps e: A.A.P.C. Africa, India Ocean Region Air Navigation e: AFI-RAN African Agricultural Credit Commission e: AACC African Defence Federation e: A.D.F.

© Κ · G · Saur, München

African Division e: ADiv African Force Headquarters e: AFHQ African Peace Research Institute e: APRI African People's Liberation Army e: APLA African Studies Association of Australasia & the Pacific e: AFSAAP Afrikaner Weerstandbeweging A: AWB Afrikaschützenregiment d: ASR. Afro-American Liberation Army e: AALA Aft Flight Deck e: AFD Aft Flight Deck Control Panel e: AFDCP Aft Flight Deck Operator e: AFD O Aft Flight Deck Power Distribution Box e: AFDPDB aft or forward e: a or f After Contract Award e: ACA Afterwards e: AFTWDS AFWL [Air Force Weapons Laboratory] Los Alamos EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse] Calibration and Simulation [facility] e: ALECS AGARD [Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development] [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] e: AGARD Agena Target Vehicle e: ATV Agence d'études de Géologie appliquée à l'Étranger f: AGE Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique / · AIEA Agence Militaire d'Inspection f: MIA Agence pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar f: ASECNA Agency for Defence Development e: ADD Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean e: OP ANAL Agency Procurement Officer e: APO Agile Combat Aircraft e: ACA Agile Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar e ACWAR Aging Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Development & Demonstration Center e: AANC AGM Training Missile e: ATM Agree[ment] e: agr Agreement e: AGRM, e: AGRMT Agreement and Account of Crew e: AAC Agreement for Fighter Interceptor Operations e: AFIO Agreement Item e: AGI Agreement on Defence Co-operation e: ADC Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas e: ASCOBANS Agreements and Commitments e: A&C Agribusiness Shippers Group e: ABSG Agricultural Aviation Research Unit e: AARII Agricultural Credit Corporation e: ACC Agriculture, Marine, Scientific, and Industrial Research Ministry e: AMSIR Agrupación Técnica Español de Constructores de Matérial Aeronàutico s: ATECMA Agrupamento Científico de Estudos Ultramarinos ρ: ACEU Agusta antisubmarinewarfare single-engine singleseat helicopter e: A-Í06 Agusta-Bell flve-seat turbine-powered helicopter e: AB-206 Agusta-Bell gunship twin-engine helicopter e: AB-204 Agusta-Bell ten-place troop-transport helicopter e: AB-205 Agusta-Bell three-place utility helicopter e: AB-47

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Air Defence Technology AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Bulletin e: AIAA Bull AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Journal e: AIAA J AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Monographs e: AIAAM AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Paper e: AIAA Pap AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Student Journal e: AIAA Stud J Aiborne Mechanical Special Mission System e: AMSMS Aid of the United States of America e: AUSA Aid-to-Navigation Buoy e: ATN Buoy AIDAB Centre for Pacific Development and Training e: ACPAC Aided Display Submarine Control System e ADSCS Aided Target Recognition e: ATR Aids to Navigation e: ATON Air Adjutant General e: AAG Air & Air Defence Force e: AADF Air-Air Forced Cooling e: AAFA Air Ammunition Depot e: AAD Air and Ground Forces Resources and Technical Staff e: AGFRTS Air and Naval Gunfire Tiaison Company e: AIRNAVGUNFIRELCO Air [and] Naval Gunfire Liaison Company e: ANGLICO Air and Radiation Division e: AR Air and Toxics Division e: ATD Air and Waste Management Division e: AWMD Air Antisubmarine Squadron e: AIRANTISUBRON, e VS Air Armament e: AA Air Armament Evaluation Detachment e: AAED Air Armament School e: AAS Air-Arming Impact Rocket e: AIR Air Assault Division e. AAD Air Attack Radar e: AAR Air-Augmented Propulsion for Short-Range Air Defense e: AAP/SHORAD Air Augmented Rocket e: AAR Air Augmented Rocket Propulsion System e AARPS Air Ballistics Missile Division e: ABMD Air Barrier Exercise e: AIRBAREX Air Base Air Defense e: ABAD Air Base Commander e: AIRBASECOM Air Base Defense/Sensor Communications and Display System e: ABD/SCADS Air Base Defense Simulator e: ABDS Air Base Flight e: ABF Air Base/Force Survivability e: AB/FS Air Base Ground Defence e: ABGD Air Base Group e: ABG air base service e: ABSv Air Base Squadron e: ABRON, e: ABS, e: ABSq Air Base Wallerfield e: AB Wa Air Base Wing e: ABW Air Bases Command, First Naval District e: AB ONE Air Battalion Royal Engineers e: ABRE Air Battle Analysis Center Utility System e: ABACUS Air Battle Analysis Division e: ABAD Air Battle Captain e: ABC Air Battle Damage Report e: ABDR Air Battle Management Operation Center e: ABM OC Air Board e: A.B. Air Bomber e: AB Air Bombers Training Unit e: ABTU

Air Branch e: A.B. Air-Breathing Launch Vehicle e: ABLV Air Cadet League of Canada e: ACLC Air Cadet Liaison Officer e: ACLO Air Capable Ship e: ACS Air Carrier Flight Engin e: ACFEA Air Carrier Flight Engineers Association e: ACFEA Air Carrier Safety District Office[r] e: ACSDO Air Center Commander e: ACC Air Chief Commandant e: ACC Air Co-operation Command e: AC/OC Air Co-operation Command [Royal Air Force] e: AC/OC Air Combat Analysis e: ACA Air Combat and Surveillance System e: ACSS Air Combat Command e: ACC Air Combat Element [or Emulator, or Engagement] e: ACE Air Combat Engagement Experiment e: ACEE Air Combat Environment Test and Evaluation Facility e: ACETEF Air Combat Evaluation e: ACEVAL Air Combat Expert Simulation e: ACES Air Combat Fighter e: ACF Air Combat Information e: ACI Air Combat Intelligence e: ACI Air Combat Intelligence Office[r] e: ACIO Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation [System] e: ACMI Air Combat Maneuvering Performance Measurement e: ACMPM Air Combat Maneuvering Range e: ACMR Air Combat Maneuvering Visual System e: ACMVS Air Combat Man[o]euvering e: ACM Air Combat-manoeuvres Evaluation f: ACE Air Combat Manoeuvring Expert Systems Trainer e: AC M EST Air Combat Part Task Trainer e: ACPTT Air Combat Simulator e: ACS Air Combat Tactics [or Training] e: ACT Air Combat Training e: ACBT Air Command e: AC, e: AIRCOM Air Command and Control System e: ACCS Air Command and Staff College e: ACSC, e: AIRCSC Air Command and Staff School e: ACSS Air Command Headquarters, Canadian Forces Base, Westwin, Manitoba e: MWAC Air Command Operations Center e: ACOC Air Command Operations Center [or Centre] e: ACOC Air Command, Southeast Asia e: ACSEA Air Command Squadron e: ACS Air Commandant e: A CDT, e: ACt, e: Air Comdt Air Commander e: Air Cdr Air Commander, Central Atlantic e: COMAIRCENTLANT Air Commander Home Defence Forces e: ACHDF Air Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic Area e: CINCAirEastLant Air Commander Nore Subarea Channel e: ComAirNoreChan Air Commander North Norway e: ACNN Air Commander Norway e: ACN Air Commander's Pointer e: ACP Air Commando Group e: ACG Air Commando Squadron e: ACMDOSq, e: ACS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Air Communication Officer e: ACO Air Communications and Weather e: AC&W Air Component Command e: ACC Air Component Commander e: ACC Air Component Commander, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization e: ACCSEATO Air Contact Area Commander e: ACAC Air Contact Officer e: ACO Air Contingency Force e: ACF Air Control and Warning Station e: ACWS Air Control [and] Warning[system] e: ACW Air Control Area Commander e: ACAC Air Control Commission e: ACC Air Control Officer e: ACO air control post e: ACP Air Control Radar e: ACR Air Control Wing e: ACW Air Cooperation Mission e: ACM Air core enhanced Turbo Rocket e: AceTR Air Corps e: AC Air Corps Information Circular e: ACIC Air Corps Medical Forces e: ACMF Air Corps Reserve e: ACR, e: Air Res Air Corps Tactical School e: ACTS Air Corps Technical Report e: ACTR Air Corps Training Center e: A.C.T.C. Air Cushion Aircraft e: ACA Air-Cushion Logistic Vehicle e: ACLV Air Cushion[ed] Vehicle e: ACV Air Decoy Missile e: ADI, e: ADM Air Defence All-weather e: ADX Air Defence Anti-Missile System e: ADAMS Air Defence Artillery Commander e: ADAC Air Defence Battle Management Technology e: ADBMT Air Defence Brigade e: A.D.Brig. Air Defence Cadet Corps e: ADCC, e: A.D.C.C. Air Defence Centre e: ADC Air Defence Command Computer e: ADCC Air Defence Command Information System e: ADCIS Air Defence Command[er] e: ADC Air Defence Control Center e: ADCC Air Defence Control Ship e: ADCS Air Defence Control Unit e: ADCU Air Defence Data Centre e: ADDC Air Defence Data Handling System e: ADDHS Air Defence Division e: AIRDEF Air Defence Element e: ADE Air Defence Exercise e: ADEX, e: AIRDEX Air Defence Fighter e: ADF Air Defence Gun Sight e: ADGS Air Defence Institute e: ADI Air Defence Interoperability Validation System e: ADIVS Air Defence Master Plan e: ADMP Air Defence of Great Britain e: ADGB Air Defence of Great Britain Command e: ADGBC Air Defence [or Defense] e: AD Air Defence [or Defense] Group e: ADG Air Defence Position e: ADP Air Defence Radar Control e: ADRC Air Defence Research and Development Establishment e: ADRDE, e: A.D.R.D.E. Air Defence Research Committee e: A.D.R.C. Air Defence Tactical Training Theatre e: ADT3, e: ADTTT Air Defence Technology programme e: ADT


Air Defence Unit Air Defence Unit e: ADU Air Defence Warning e: ADW Air Defence Weapon e: ADW Air Defenc[s]e Canada-United States e: ADCANUS Air Defenc[s]e Command [or Center] e: ADC Air Defenc[s]e Exercise e: ADX Air Defenc[s]e Identification Zone e: ADIZ Air Defenc[s]e Institute e: ADI Air Defenc[s]e Notification Centre [or Center] e: ADNC Air Defenc[s]e Operation[s] Center [or Centre] e: ADOC Air Defenc[s]e Operations Liaison Team e ADOLT Air Defenc[s]e Region e: ADR Air Defenc[s]e Software Committee e: ADSC Air Defenc[s]e Software CommitteeSupport Office e: ADSC-SO Air Defenc[s]e Tactical Air Command e: ADTAC Air Defenc[s]e Technical Center [or Centre] e: ADTC Air Defenc[s]e Zone [or Board] e: ADAZ Air Defens[c]e National Center [or Centre] e: ADNC Air Defense e: AIRDEF Air Defense Advanced Mobile System e: ADAMS Air Defense Agency e: ADA Air Defense Aircraft e: ADA, e: AD/AC Air Defense Alert Facility e: ADAF Air Defense Alert Unit e: ADAU Air Defense Alerting Device e: ADAD Air Defense and Targets Office e: ADCAT Air Defense Annual Service Practice e: ADASP Air Defense Anti-Tank System e: ADATS Air Defense Antimissile e: ADAM Air Defense Area e: ADA, e: AD AR Air Defense Artillery e: ADA Air Defense Artillery Board e: ADA, e: ADABD Air Defense Artillery Command and Control e: ADAC2 Air Defense Artillery Command Post e: ADACP Air Defense Artillery Complex e: ADAC air defense artillery director e: adad Air Defense Artillery Fire Control Direction Center e: ADA FDC Air Defense Artillery Magazine e: Air D Arty Air Defense Artillery Operations Detachment e: ADAOD Air Defense Artillery Operations Office[r] e ADAOO Air Defense Artillery Threat Simulator e: ADATS Air Defense Board e: ADB Air Defense Combat Operations Staff e: ADCOS Air Defense Command e: AD Comd Air Defense Command and Control e: ADCC Air Defense Command and Control System e ADCCS Air Defense Command Center e: ADCC Air Defense Command Commendation Certificate e: ADCCC Air Defense Command Communications Network e: ADC COMNET Air Defense Command Computer e: ADCC Air Defense Command, Control and Coordination System e: ADCCCS


Air Defense Command & First Air Region e: MACEN Air Defense Command Interoperability System e: ADCOINS Air Defense Command/North American Air Defense e: ADC/NORAD Air Defense Command Operation Control e: ADCOC Air Defense Command Post e: ADCOP Air Defense Command Regulation e: ADCR Air Defense Command Unit Proficiency Directive e: ADCUPD Air Defense Commander e: AIRDEFCOM Air Defense Communications Platform e: ADCP Air Defense Computer [or Controller] e: ADC Air Defense Control and Coordination System e: ADCCS Air Defense Control Center e: ADCC Air Defense Coordination Center e: ADCC Air Defense Defended Area e: ADDA Air Defense Defended Point e: ADDP Air Defense Demonstration System e: ADDS Air Defense Development e: ADD Air Defense Direction Center e: ADDC Air Defense District e: ADD Air Defense Early Warning e: ADEW Air Defense Effectiveness Demonstration e: ADED Air Defense Electronic Environment e: ADEE Air Defense Electronic Warfare System e: ADEWS Air Defense Emergency e: ADE Air Defense Engagement System e: ADES Air Defense Engineering Service e: ADES Air Defense Evaluation e: ADE Air Defense Experimental Establishment e ADEE Air Defense Filter Center e: ADFC Air Defense Firing Unit e: ADFU Air Defense Force e: ADF, e: CIS Air Defense Ground Environment e: ADGE air defense group e: ADG Air Defense Group e: ADGp Air Defense Hardware Committee e: ADHC Air Defense High Energy Laser e: ADHEL air defense identification line e: adii Air Defense Initiative e: ADI Air Defense Integrated System e: ADIS air defense intercept e: adi Air Defense Interceptor e: ADI Air Defense, Interdiction and Photographic e: ADIP Air Defense Liaison Office[r] e: ADLO Air Defense Machine Gun e: ADMG Air Defense Management Office e: ADMO Air Defense Missile e: ADM Air Defense Missile Base e: ADMB Air Defense Missile Battalion e: ADMSLBN Air Defense Missile Command e: ADMC Air Defense Missile Squadron e: ADMS Air Defense Missile Wing e: ADMWg Air Defense Mission e: ADM Air Defense of the Division e: ADDIV Air Defense of [the] North American Continent e: ADNAC Air Defense Officer e: ADO Air Defense Operations e: ADO Air Defense Operations Area e: ADOA Air Defense Planning Board e: ADPB

Κ · G · Saur, München

Air Defense Planning Group e: ADPG Air Defense Reticle e: ADR Air Defense SAM System e: PATRIOT Air Defense School e: AirDefSch, e: AirDefScol Air Defense Sector e: ADS, e: Air Def Sec Air Defense Ship e: ADS Air Defense Simulation e: ADSIMS Air Defense Simulator Evaluation e: ADSE Air Defense Software Evaluation Team e: ADSET Air Defense Special Weapons Support Organization e: ADSWSO Air Defense Squadron e: ADEFSq, e: ADS, e: ADS.Q Air Defense Squadron [Vietnamese Air Force] e: ADSq [VNAF] Air Defense Status e: AIRSTAT Air Defense Suppression e: ADS Air Defense Suppression Missile e: ADSM Air Defense Suppression System e: ADSS Air Defense/Surface-to-Air Missile e: AD/SAM Air Defense System e: ADS Air Defense Systems Command e: ADSC Air Defense Systems Directorate e: ADSD Air Defense System[s] Engineering Committee e: ADSEC Air Defense Systems Integration Division e AD SID Air Defense System[s] Management Office e: ADSMO Air Defense Tactical Data Systems e: ADTDS Air Defense Tactical Operations Centre e: ADTOC Air Defense Test Center e: ADTC Air Defense Variant e: ADV Air Defense Version e: ADV Air Defense Vulnerability [Simulation] e: ADVUL Air Defense Warning Key Point e: ADWKP Air Defense Warning System e: ADWS Air Defense Weapon Simulation System e: ADWSS Air Defense Weapon System e: ADWS Air Defense Weapons Center e: ADWC Air Defense Weapons Center Regulation e ADWCR Air Defense Weapons Cost Effectiveness Study e: ADWEPS Air Defense Wing e: ADW Air Defense Zone e: ADZ Air-Delivered Land Mine System e: ADLMS Air-Delivered Target-Activated Munitions e ADTAM Air Delivery Equipment Division e: ADED Air Delivery Platoon e: ADP, e: AIRDELPLT Air Denial Weapon e: ADW Air Deployable Drifting Linear Array Sonar System e: ADDLASS Air Deployment & Control Squadron e: ADCS Air Depot Wing e: ADW, e: A/D Wg Air Despatch Company e: ADC Air Development Center e: ADC, e: AirDevCen Air Development Force e: ADF Air Development Squadron e: AIRDEVRON, e: VX Air Directed Surface-to-Air Missile e: AD SAM Air Director e: A.D. Air Division e: AD, e: A.D., e: ADiv, e: AIRDIV

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Air Force Claims Air Division Defense e: A I R D I V D E F Air Division Warning Center e: A D W C Air Electrical Officer e: AIRELO Air Electronic Warfare e: AEW Air Engineer Officer e: A I R E O Air Engineering Development Division e: AEDD Air Equipment and Naval Photography Department e: A.E.D. Air Equipment Authority e: A.E.A. Air Equipment Department e: A.E.D. Air Evacuation Wing e: A I R E V A C W I N G Air Ferry Squadron e: A I R F E R R O N Air Field Attack Munition e: A F A M Air Fighting Development Squadron e: AFDS, e: A.F.D.S. Air Fighting Development Unit e: A F D U Air Fleet, Marine Force e: A F M F Air Fleet Marine Force e: A I R F M F Air Fleet, Marine Force, Atlantic e: AirFMFLant Air Fleet, Marine Force, Pacific e: AirFMFPac Air Flight e: AF Air Foirce With Army e: AFW Air Force e: AF Air Force Academy e: AFA Air Force Academy and Aircrew Examining Center e: A F A A E C Air Force Academy Board e: A F A B Air Force Acceptance Team e: A F A T Air Force Accountable Property Officer e: AFAPO Air Force Accounting and Finance Center e: A F A F C Air Force Acquisition Circular e: AFAC Air Force Acquisition Document e: AFAD Air Force Acquisition Executive e: AFAE Air Force Acquisition Logistics Center e: AFALC Air Force Acquisition Logistics Division e: A F A L D Air Force Act e: AFA Air Force Administration and Organization e: AFAO Air Force Administrative Order e: A F A O Air Force ADP Planning Guide e: AFAPG Air Force Advanced Flying School e: AFAFS Air Force Advanced Management Class e: AFADVMC Air Force Advisory e: AFA Air Force Advisory Group e: AFADGRII, e: AFAG Air Force Aero Propulsion Directorate e: AFAPD Air Force Aero-Propulsion Laboratory e: AFAPL Air Force Aeronautical Chart and Information Center e: AFAC&IC, e: AFAC & I C Air Force Aeronautical Research Laboratory e: A F A R L Air Force Aeronautical Systems Command e: A F A S C Air Force Aeronautical Systems Division e: AFASD Air Force Aerospace Fuel Petroleum Supply Office e: A F A F P S O Air Force Aerospace Fuels Field Office e: AFAFFO Air Force Aerospace Materials Information Center e: A F A M I C Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory e: A F A M R L Air Force Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service e: AARS Air Force After-Action Reporting System e AFAARS Air Force Agent Installation e: AFAI

Air Force Aid Society e: AFAS Air Force Air Materiel Area e: A F A M A Air Force Air Request Net e: AFARN Air Force Alaskan Long Line System e: AFALLS Air Force Alternate Command Post e: A FA LT Air Force Ammunition Depot e: AFAD Air Force Ammunition Ordnance Depot e: AFAMMOD Air Force and Space Digest e: AF/SD Air Force & Anti-Aircraft Command e: AFAAC Air Force & Anti-Aircraft Logistics Command e: A F A A L C Air Force & Anti-Aircraft Training Command e: A F A A T C Air Force Arctic Broadcasting Squadron e: AFABS Air Force Armament and Testing Laboratory e: A F A T L Air Force Armament Center e: A F A C Air Force Armament Development and Test Center e: A F A D T C Air Force Armament Laboratory e: AFATL Air Force Armament Museum e: A F A M Air Force Armament Technology Laboratory e: AFATL, e: A F A T L E Air Force/Armed Service Procurement Regulation e: AF/ASPR Air Force Assistance Fund e: AFAF Air Force Assistant Chief of Staff, Director of Policy, Plans, & Programs e: AF/INX Air Force Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence e: AF/IN Air Force Association e: AFA Air Force Association-Space Education Foundation e: A F A - S E F Air Force Astronautics Laboratory e: AFAL Air Force, Atlantic Command e: A F L A N T Air Force Audit Agency e: AFAA Air Force Audit Branch e: A F A B Air Force Audit, Inspection & Investigations Council e: AFAIIC Air Force Auditor General e: A F A U D Air Force Authorization Document e: AFAD Air Force Automated Information Systems Review Council e: A F A I S R C Air Force Automated Message Processing Exchange e: A F A M P E Air Force Automated Systems Project Office e: A F A S P O Air Force Automation Data Processing Plan e: AFADPP Air Force Auxiliary e: AFA Air Force Auxiliary Field e: A F A F Air Force Auxiliary [Field] e: A F A U X Air Force Avionics Laboratory e: AFAL Air Force Bailment Property e: AFBP Air Force Ballistic Missile e: A F B M Air Force Ballistic Missile Arsenal e: AFBMA Air Force Ballistic Missile Center e: AFBMC Air Force Ballistic Missile Committee e: AFBMC Air Force Ballistic Missile Division e: AFBMD Air Force Ballistic Missile Installation Regulation e: A F B M I R Air Force Ballistic Missile Office e: AFBMO Air Force Ballistic Missile Training Center e: A F B M T C Air Force Baltistic Systems Division e: AFBSD Air Force Base e: AFB

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Air Force Base Command e: AFBC Air Force Base Development Center e: AFBDC Air Force Base Disposal Agency e: AFBDA Air Force Base Group e: AFB Gp Air Force Base Information Transfer System e: AFBITS Air Force Base Squadron e: AFB Sq Air Force Base Unit e: AFBU Air Force Basic Flying School e: AFBFS Air Force Bent Fin Artillery Rocket e: AFBFAR Air Force Board e: AFB Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records e: AFBCMR Air Force Board of Review e: AFBR Air Force Board Structure e: A F B S Air Force Broadcasting Service e: AFBS Air Force Bulletin e: AFB Air Force Business Research Management Center e: A F B R M C Air Force Cambridge Research Center e: AFCRC Air Force Cambridge Research Computer e: A F C R C Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories [or Laboratory] e: A F C R L Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories-Physical Sciences Research Paper e: A F C R L - P S R P Air Force Cambridge Research Library e: AFCRL Air Force Capability Assessment Program e AFCAP Air Force Cargo Coordination Support System e: A F C C S Air Force C 3 C M Support Data Base e: AFC3CMSDB Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence e: A F C E E Air Force Center for International Programs e: AFCIP Air Force Center for Studies and Analysis e: AFCSA Air Force Center, Guided Missiles e: AFCGM Air Force Central Museum e: AFCM Air Force Central NOTAM Facility e: AFCNF Air Force Central Review Board e: AFCRB Air Force Ceramics and Graphite Information Center e: A F C G I C Air Force Chaplain School e: AF Ch Sch Air Force, Chief of Flight Safety e: AFCFS Air Force Chief of Operations Analysis e: AFCOA Air Force Chief Scientist e: A F C C N Air Force Circulars e: AFC Air Force Civil Engineer e: AFCE, e: Air F Civ Eng, e: Air Force Civ Eng, e: Air Force Civil Eng Air Force Civil Engineering Center e: A FC EC Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency e: AFCESA Air Force Civil Engineering Unit e: A F C E Air Force Civilian Automated Pay System e: AFCAPS Air Force Civilian Personnel e: AFCP Air Force Civilian Personnel Management Center e: A F C P M C Air Force Civilian Personnel Manual e: AFCPM Air Force Civilian Welfare Fund e: AFCWF Air Force Claims Information Management System e: AFCIMS


Air Force Clothing Air Force Clothing and Textile O f f i c e e: AFC & TO Air Force Coated A l u m i n u m Metal e: AFCAM Air Force C o m b a t A m m u n i t i o n Center e: AFCOMAC Air Force Combat Climatology Center e: AFCCC Air Force C o m b a t C o m m a n d e: A F C C Air Force C o m b a t Operations Staff e: AFCOS Air Force Combat Theater C o m m u n i c a t i o n s e: A F T C Air Force C o m b a t Theater C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Program e: A F C T C P Air Force C o m b i n e d T o m o g r a p h y System e AFCTS Air Force C o m m a n d and Control Development Center e: A F C C D C Air Force C o m m a n d and Control D e v e l o p m e n t Division e: A F C C D D Air Force C o m m a n d and Control M o d e r n i z a t i o n M e t h o d o l o g y e: AFC2M2 Air Force C o m m a n d and Control Modernization Methodology Handbook e AFC2M2H Air Force C o m m a n d and Control Post e: AFCCP Air Force C o m m a n d and Control System e: A F C C S Air Force C o m m a n d and Control Systems e: A F C 2 S Air Force C o m m a n d and Control Systems Systems P r o g r a m O f f i c e e: A F C 2 S S P O Air Force C o m m a n d and Staff College e: AFCSC Air Force C o m m a n d Post e: A F C P Air Force C o m m e n d a t i o n Medal e: A F C M Air Force C o m m i s s a r y Service e: AFCOMS Air Force C o m m o n User I n f o r m a t i o n Services Planning D o c u m e n t e: AFCIIISPD Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s e: A F C O M Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Center e: AFCC Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s C o m m a n d e: AFCC Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s C o m m a n d Regulation e: A F C C R Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n f s ] C o m p l e x e: AIRCOM Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s - C o m p u t e r Integration and Planning System e: AFCIPS Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Computer Programming Center e: A F C C P C Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s - C o m p u t e r Systems Architecture e: A F C S A Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s - C o m p u t e r Systems Doctrine O f f i c e e: A F C S D O Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s N e t w o r k e: AIRCOMNET Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Project e: AIIRCOM Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Security e: AFCOMSEC Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Security Center e: A F C O M S E C C E N Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Security Letter [or Manual, or Pamphlet] e: A F C S L Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Security Manual e: A F C O M S E C M Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Service e: AFCS Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s ServiceEngineering and I n s t a l l a t i o n ^ ] e: A F C S E&I


Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Service-Ground Electronics Engineering Installation Agency e: A F C S - G E E I A Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Service Manual e: A F C S M Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Squadron e: AFCS Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Station e: AFCOMMSTA Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Support System e: A F C S S Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s System e: AFCS Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Systems Integration O f f i c e e: A F C S I O Air [force] C o m p o n e n t e: A C Air Force C o m p o n e n t e: A F C Air Force C o m p o n e n t C o m m a n d Post e: AFCCP Air Force C o m p o n e n t C o m m a n d e r e: AFCC Air Force C o m p o n e n t Headquarters e: AFCH Air Force Composite e . A F C o m p Air Force Composite C o m m a n d e: A F C o m p Cmd Air Force Comptroller e: AFC, e: A F Compt, e: A FOC Air Force Comptroller M a n a g e m e n t Engineering Team e: A F C O M P M E T Air Force Computer Acquisition Center e: AFCAC Air Force Computer Acquisition O f f i c e e: AFCAO Air Force Computer P r o g r a m Library e: AFCPL Air Force Computer Program[me] e: AFCP Air Force Computer Security P r o g r a m [Office] e: A F C S P O Air Force Computer Systems Integration O f f i c e e: A F C S I O Air Force C o n f i g u r a t i o n Control Board e: AFCCB Air Force Container System Development Group e: A F C S D G Air Force Contingency Operations Staff e: AFCOS Air Force Contract Law Center e: A F C L C Air Force Contract Maintenance Center e: AFCMC Air Force Contract M a n a g e m e n t Division e: A F C M D Air Force Contract M a n a g e m e n t O f f i c e e: AFCMO Air Force Contracting O f f i c e Approvai e: AFCOA Air Force Contracting O f f i c e r e: A F C O Air Force Control O f f i c e e: A F C O Air Force Controlled [Unit] e: A F C O N Air Force Coordinating O f f i c e for Logistics Research e: A F C O L R Air Force Cost Analysis A g e n c y e: AFCAA Air Force Cost Center e: A FCC E, e: AFCSTC Air Force Cost Reduction Program e: AFCRP Air Force Cost Reduction P r o g r a m m e: AFCPR Air Force Council e: A F C Air Force Cross e: A.F.C. Air Force C r y p t o g r a p h i c Aid, General e: AFKAG Air Force Cryptologie Depot e: A F C D Air Force Cryptologie Support Center e: AFCSC Air Force D a t a A u t o m a t i o n e: A F D A Air Force Data Automation Agency e: AFDAA

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Air Force D a t a A u t o m a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t Engineering Team e: A F D A M E T Air Force Data Automation Planning e: AFDAP Air Force D a t a C o m m u n i c a t i o n s [System] e: A F D A T A C O M Air Force Data C o m m u n i c a t i o n s System e: A F D A T A C O M System, e: A F D C O M System Air Force D a t a Dictionary e: A F D D Air Force Data Services Center e: A F D S C Air Force Data Station e: A F D A S T A , e: AFDATASTA Air Force D a t a System[s] Design Center e: AFDSDC Air Force Data Systems Evaluation Center e: A F D S E C Air Force D a t a Transmission and M e s s a g e System e: A F D T A M S Air Force Decision Coordinating Paper e: AFDCP Air Force Decorations Board e: A F D B Air Force Defence Control Centre e: ADFCC Air Force D e f e n s e Acquisition Regulations e: A F D A R Air Force Defense Metals Information Center e: A F D M I C Air Force Department e: A F T Air Force D e p a r t m e n t Constabulary e: AFDC Air Force Department Fire Service e: AFDFS Air Force Departmental Catalog Coordinating O f f i c e e: A F D C C O Air Force Departmental Industrial Equipment Reserve Storage Site e: AFDIERSS Air Force Departure Point e: A F D P Air Force Depot e: A F D Air Force Depot Equipment P e r f o r m a n c e Tester e: A D E P T Air Force, Deputy for Foreign D e v e l o p m e n t e: A F D F D Air Force Designated Acquisition Program e AFDAP Air Force D e t a c h m e n t e: A F D Air Force Development Field O f f i c e e: AFDFO Air Force D e v e l o p m e n t Field Representative e: A F D F R Air Force Development Test Center e: AFDTC Air Force Development Unit e: A F D U Air Force Digital Graphics System e: AFDIGS Air Force Directive e: A F D Air Force Director for Strategic Force Analysis e: A F S A S Air Force Director of A c c o u n t i n g and Financing e: A F A F Air Force Director of Data Automation e: AFDDA Air Force Director of Inspection Services e: A F D I S Air Force Director of M a n a g e m e n t Analysis e: A F D M A Air Force Director of Requirements e: AFDRQ Air Force Director of Research and Technology e: A F D R D T Air Force Directorate of A d v a n c e d Technology e: A F D A P , e: A F D A T Air Force Directorate of Materials and Processes e: A F D M P Air Force Directorate of Requirement e: AFDR Air Force D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Research and Development e: A F D R D

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

A i r F o r c e I n t e l l i g e n c e Study Air Force Directory of Resident Inspection Facilities e: AFDRIF Air Force Disability Review Board e: AFDRB Air Force Disaster Preparedness Resource Center e: AFDPRC Air Force Discharge Review Board e: AFDRB Air Force Disciplinary Board e: AFDCB Air Force Discrepancy Report e: AFDR Air Force Distribution Agency e: AFDA Air Force Distribution Control Office e: AFDCO Air Force District of Washington e: AFDW Air Force Doctrine Center [or Command] e: AFDC Air Force Driver Magazine e: AFDM Air Force Drug Testing Laboratory e: AFDTL Air Force Duty Officer e: AFDO Air Force Eastern Test Range e: AFETR Air Force Eastern Test Range Manual e: AFETRM Air Force Education With Industry e: AFEWI Air Force Educational Requirements Board e: AFERB Air Force Edwards Research Center e: AFERC Air Force Electro-Optical Site e: AFEOS Air Force Electronic Data Processing Center e: AFEDPC Air Force Electronic Key Distribution System e: AFEKDS Air Force Electronic Properties Information Center e: AFEPIC Air Force Electronic Security Command e: AFESC Air Force Electronic Systems Command e: ESC Air Force Electronic Systems Division e: AFESD Air Force Electronic Warfare Center e: AFEWC Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator e: AFEWES Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation System e: AFEWES Air Force Emergency Operations Center e: AFEOC Air Force Engineering and Logistics Information System e: AFELIS Air Force Engineering and Services Agency e: AFESA Air Force Engineering and Services Center e: AFESC Air Force Engineering and Services Center/Engineering and Services Laboratory e: AFESC/ESL Air Force Engineering and Services Management Engineering Team e: AFESMET Air Force Engineering and Services Quarterly e: Air Force Eng Serv Q Air Force Engineering and Technical Service e: AFETS Air Force Engineering Data Service Center e: AFEDSC Air Force Engineering Responsibility e: AFER Air Force Engineering & Sciences Center e: AFESC Air Force Engineering Services Center e: AFESC Air Force Engineering & Services Laboratory e: AFESL Air Force Engineering Technology Office e: AFETO

Air Force English Syntax Project e: AFESP Air Force Environmental Rocket-Sounding System e: AFERSS Air Force Environmental Technical Applications Center e: AFETAC Air Force Equipment Maintenance Management Information System e: AFEMMIS Air Force Equipment Management Survey Team e: AFEMST Air Force Equipment Management System e: AFEMS Air Force Equipment Management Team e: AFEMT Air Force Equipment Procurement Instruction e: AFEPI Air Force Escape and Evasion Society e: AFEES Air Force European Broadcasting Squadron e: AFEBS Air Force European Office of Aerospace Research e: AF[-]EOAR Air Force Examination Board e: AFEB Air Force Examining Stationfs] e: AFES Air Force Exchange e: AFEX Air Force Exchange Service e: AFES Air Force Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Program e: AFEEIP Air Force Exercise Program e: AFEP Air Force Experiment e: AFE Air Force Far East e: AFFE Air Force Ferry[ing] Command e: AFFC Air Force Field Office Manager e: AFFOM Air Force Field Technical Center e: AFFTC Air Force Film Library Center e: AFFLC Air Force Finance Center e: AFFC Air Force Financial Postal Clerk e: AFFPC Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory e: AFFDL Air Force Flight Standards Agency e: AFFSA Air Force Flight Test Center e: AAFTC, e: AFFTC, e AFTEC Air Force Flight Test Instrumentation System e: AFFTIS Air Force Flying Safety e: AFFS Air Force Flying Training Command e: AFFTC Air Force Forces e: AFFOR Air Force Foreign Technology Division e: AFFTD Air Force Foreign Technology Intel Center e: AFFTIC Air Force, Forward Area, Central Pacific e: AIRFORWARD Air Force Frequency Management Agency e: AFFMA Air Force Frequency Management Center e: AFFMC Air Force General Orders e: AFGO Air Force Geographic Information Handling System e: AFGIHS Air Force Geophysical Laboratory e: AFGL Air Force Global Weather Center e: AWGWC Air Force Global Weather Center [or Central] e: AFGWC Air Force Global Weather Information System e: AFGWIS Air Force Global Weather Reconnaissance Program e: AFGWRP Air Force Good Conduct Medal e: AFGCM Air Force Group e: AFGp Air Force Guide for Writing e: GW

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Air Force Guide Specification e: AFGS Air Force Handbook e: AFH Air Force Headquarters e: AFHQ Air Force Headquarters Command e: AFHC Air Force Headquarters Information System e: AFHIS Air Force Health Professions Scholarship Program e: AFHPSP Air Force Historical Foundation e: AFHF Air Force Historical Research Agency e: AFHRA Air Force Historical Society e: AFHS Air Force Hospital e: AFH Air Force Human Relations [or Resources] Laboratory e: AFHRL Air Force Hurricane Liaison Office e: AFHLO Air Force Iceland e: AFICE Air Force in Europe e: AFE Air Force Industrial Fund e: AFIF Air Force Industrial Security Regulations e: AFISR Air Force Information for Industry Office[s] e: AFIFIO Air Force Information Management Study e AFIMS Air Force Information Network e: AFIN Air Force Information Program e: AFI Ρ Air Force Information Systems Architecture e AFISA Air Force Information Systems Plan e: AFISP Air Force Information Warfare Center e: AFIWC Air Force Inspection Agency e: AFIA Air Force Inspection and Safety Center e: AFISC Air Force Inspector General e: AFCIG Air Force Inspector General Activities Center e: AFIGAC Air Force Installation Representative e: AFIR Air Force Installation Restoration Management [Committee] e: AFIRM Air Force Installations Representative Officer e: AFIRO Air Force Institute of Technology e: AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology School of Systems and Logistics e: AFIT/LS, e: AFIT/ST Air Force Instruction e: AFI Air Force Instruction and Military Training School e: AFIMTS Air Force Integrated Command and Control System e: AFICCS Air Force Integrated Maintenance Management Support System e: AFIMMSS Air Force Integrated Systems Architecture e: AFISA Air Force Intelligence e: AFI Air Force Intelligence Center e: AFIC Air Force Intelligence Command e: AFIC Air Force Intelligence Communications Plan e: AFICP Air Force Intelligence Data-handling System e: AIDS Air Force Intelligence Information Systems Plans e: AFIISP Air Force Intelligence Management Engineering Team e: AFINTELMET Air Force Intelligence Plan e: AFIP Air Force Intelligence Publication e: AFIP Air Force Intelligence Reserve programme e: AFIR Air Force Intelligence Service/Intelligence Data Management e: AFIS/IND Air Force Intelligence Service[s] e: AFIS Air Force Intelligence Study e: AFIS


Air Force Intelligence Support Air Force Intelligence Support Agency e: AFISA Air Force Interim Command and Control System e: AFICCS Air Force Inventory Manager e: AFIM Air Force Jet e: AFJ Air Force Job Knowledge Test e: AFJKT Air Force Joint Project Office e: AFJPO Air Force Journal of Logistics e: Air F J Log Air Force Judge Advocate General e: AFJAG Air Force Judge Advocate General School e AFJAGS Air Force Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps e: AFJROTC Air Force Justice Information System e: AFJIMS Air Force Justification for Major System New Start e: AFJMSNS Air Force Language Aptitude Test e: AFLAT Air Force Law Enforcement Terminal System e: AFLETS Air Force Legai Services Agency e: AFLSA Air Force Legislative Item e: AFLI Air Force Letter e: AFL Air Force Liaison e: AFL Air Force Library Service e: AFLS Air Force List e: AFL Air Force Locai Area Net e: AFLAN Air Force Locai Area Network Systems Program Office e: AFLANSPO Air Force Logistic Command Manual e: AFLCM Air Force Logistics Center e: AFLC Air Force Logistics Command e: AFLC Air Force Logistics Command Form e: AFLCF Air Force Logistics Command Letter e: AFLCL Air Force Logistics Command-Operations Analysis Office e: AFLC-OAO Air Force Logistics Command Operations Network e: AFLCON Air Force Logistics Command Pamphlets e: AFLCP, e: AFLCPs Air Force Logistics Command Regulations e: AFLCR Air Force Logistics Command Support Office e: AFLCSO Air Force Logistics Communications Network e: AFLCN, e: AFLCON Air Force Logistics Control Group e: AFLCG Air Force Logistics Management Center e: AFLMC Air Force Logistics Management Engineering Team e: AFLOGMET Air Force Longevity Service Award e: AFLSA Air Force Lumber Stock Control Office e: AFLSCO Air Force Machinability Data Center e: AFMDC Air Force Magazine e: AirFMgz Air Force Maintenance and Supply Management Engineering Team e: AFMSMET Air Force Maintenance Management Engineering Team e: AFMAINMET Air Force Major Command Information System e: AFMIS Air Force Management Analysis Group e: AFMAG Air Force Management Engineering Agency e: AFMEA Air Force Management Improvement Group e: AFMIG


Air Force Management Information System e: AFMIS Air Force Manpower and Personnel Center e: A FM PC Air Force Manpower & Personnel Management Engineering Team e: AFMPMET Air Force Manpower Standards e: AFMS Air Force Manual of Abbreviations e: AFMA Air Force Manufacturing Technology e: AFMT Air Force Material Review Board e: AFMRB Air Force Materials Laboratory e: AFML Air Force Materiel Command e: AFMC Air Force Materiel Command Support Center, Europe e: AFMCSCE Air Force Maui Optical Site e: AMOS Air Force Maui Optical Station e: AMOS Air Force Maui Optical System e: AMOS Air Force Measurement Standards Laboratories e: AFMSL Air Force Mechanical Properties Data Center e: AFMPDC Air Force Medal e: AFM Air Force Medical Center e: AFMC Air Force Medical Information and Control System e: AFMEDICS Air Force Medical Logistics Office e: AFMLO Air Force Medical Management Engineering Team e: AFMEDMET Air Force Medical Material [or Materiel] Field Office e: AFMMFO Air Force Medical Materiel Letter e: AFMML Air Force Medical Operations Agency e: AFMOA Air Force Medical Publications Agency e: AFMPA Air Force Medical Service e: AFMS Air Force Medical Service Center e: AFMSC Air Force Medical Services Information System Plan e: AFMSISP Air Force Medical Specialist Corps e: AFMSC Air Force Medical Support Agency e: AFMSA Air Force Meteorological Center e: AFMeTC Air Force Meteorological Satellite Program e: AFMSP Air Force-Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests e: AF-MIPR Air Force Military Personnel Center e: AFMPC Air Force Military Training Center e: AFMTC Air Force Minicomputer Multi-User System e: AMMUS Air Force Minicomputer Multi-User System Network e: AMMUSNET Air Force missile e: ATLAS Air Force Missile e: BULLPUP Air Force missile e: FALCON Air Force Missile e: GAM-83B Air Force Missile Development Center e: AFMDC Air Force Missile Test Center e: AFMTC Air Force Mission Element Need Statement e: AFMENS Air Force Mission Support System e: AFMSS Air Force Model Base for CommunicationsComputer Systems Program e: A FM BP Air Force Morale, Welfare & Recreation Agency e: AFMWRA

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Air Force Motor Vehicle Operator Test e: AFMVOP Air Force Museum e: AFM Air Force National Guard e: AFNG Air Force National Range Division e: AFNRD Air Force/Navy e: AF/N Air-Force-Navy e: AFNA Air Force-Navy e: AN Air-Force/Navy Aeronautical e: AF/NA Air Force-Navy Aeronautical e: ANA Air-Force-Navy Aeronautical Bulletin e: AFNAB Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Design Standard e: AND Air-Force-Navy Aeronautical Standard e: AFNAS Air-Force Navy-Army Guided-Missiles e: ANG Air Force-Navy-Civil e: ANC Air Force-Navy-Civil Committee on Aircraft Design Criteria e: ANC Air Force-Navy-Civil Committee on Aircraft Requirements e: ANC Air Force-Navy Design e: AND Air Force/Navy Ground Radar e: AN/GRA Air Force-Navy-NASA-Army e: ANNA Air Force/Navy specification e: AN Air Force Network e: AFNET Air Force News Agency e: AFNEWS Air Force News Service e: AFNS Air Force Noncommissioned Officer Academy Ribbon e: AFNCOAR Air Force NOTAM [Notice to Airman] Exchange Area e: AFNEA Air Force NOTAM [Notices to Airmen] Exchange Office e: AFNEO Air Force Nuclear Engineering Test Facility e AFNETF Air Force Nuclear Engineering Test Reactor e: AFNETR Air Force Nurse Corps e: AFNC Air Force Objective Series e: AFOS Air Force Obligation/Outlay Tracking System e: AFOOTS Air Force Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory e: AFOEHL Air Force Occupational Safety and Health e: AFOSH Air Force of the People's Liberation Army e: AFPLA Air Force of the Republic of Viet Nam e: AFRVN Air Force of the United States e: AFUS Air Force Office for Atomic Energy e: AFOAT Air Force Office for/of Aerospace Research e: AFOAR Air Force Office of Aerospace Industry Modernization e: AIM Air Force Office of Aerospace Sciences e: AFOAS Air Force Office of Atomic Energy e: AFOAE Air Force Office of Civil Engineering e: AFOCE Air Force Office of Manpower and Organization e: AFOMO Air Force Office of Medical Support e: AFOMS Air Force Office of Public Affairs e: AFOPA Air Force Office of Research Analysis e: AFORA Air Force Office of Scientific Research e: AFORS, e: AFOSR Air Force Office of Security Police e: AFOSP Air Force Office of Special Investigation^] e: AFOSI

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Air Force School Air Force Officer Education and Commissioning Program e: AFOECP Air Force Officer Education Program e: AFOEP Air Force Officer in Charge e: AFOIC Air Force Officer Qualifying Test e: AFOQT Air Force Officers' Wives Club e: AFOWC Air Force On-Line Data System e: AFOLDS Air Force One e: AFO Air Force Operational Reportfing System] e AFOREP Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center e: AFOTEC Air Force Operational Test Center e: AFOTC Air Force Operations Analysis Office e: AFOAO Air Force Operations Base e: AFOB Air Force Operations Center e: AFOC Air Force Operations Resource Management System e: AFORMS Air Force Operations Room e: AFOR Air Force Order e: AFO Air Force Organization Status Change Report e: AFOSCR Air Force Organizational Excellence Award e: AFOEA Air Force Orientation Group e: AFOG Air Force Outstanding Unit Award e: AFOIIA Air Force Outstanding Unit Award Ribbon e AFOUAR Air Force Overseas Replacement e: AFOR Air Force Overseas Replacement Depot e: AFORD Air Force Overseas Replacement Group e: AFORG Air Force Pacific Broadcasting Squadron e AFPBS Air Force Packaging Evaluation Agency e: AFPEA Air Force Packaging Laboratory e: AFPL Air Force Pamphlet e: AFP, e: AFPAM Air Force Personnel Board e: AFPB Air Force Personnel Council e: AFPC Air Force Personnel Processing Group e: AFPG Air Force Personnel Research Laboratory e AFPRL Air Force Personnel Test e: AFPT Air Force Personnel Training and Research Center e: AFPTRC Air Force Petroleum Retail Distribution Station e: AFPRDS Air Force Physical Disability Appeal Board e AFPDAB Air Force Pictorial Service e: AFAPS Air Force Plan e: AFP Air Force Planning Element e: AFPE Air Force Planning Guide e: AFPG Air Force Plant e: AFP Air Force Plant Office e: AFPO Air Force Plant Representative e: AFPR Air Force Plan[t] Representative^] Office e AFPRO Air Force Polaris Material Office e: AFPMO Air Force Police e: AFP Air Force Policy Council e: AFPC Air Force Policy on Disclosure of Classified Military Information e: AFDCMI Air [Force] Post Office e: APO Air Force Postal Clerk e: AFPC Air Force Postal Unit e: AFPII Air Force Potential Contractor Program e: AFPCP Air Force Preliminary Evaluation e: AFPE

Air Force Procurement Circular e: AFPC Air Force Procurement District e: AFPD Air Force Procurement Instructions e: AFPI Air Force Procurement Officer e: AFPO Air Force Procurement Procedure[s] e: AFPP Air Force Procurement Regulation e: AFPR Air Force Procurement Representative e: AFPR Air Force Production Reserve Policy e: AFPRP Air Force Professional Manpower and Personnel Management School e: AFPMPMS Air Force Professionel Entertainment Branch e: AFPEB Air Force Program e: AFP Air Force Program Executive Office e: AFPEO Air Force Program for Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems e: AFJINTACCS Air Force Program Objectives Memorandum e: AFPOM Air Force Programs Executive Officer, Director of Strategic Programs e: AFPEO/ST Air Force Project Representative e: AFPR Air Force Property Accountable Office [r] e AFPAO Air Force Property Officer e: AFPO Air Force Publications and Distribution Center e: AF-PDC Air Force Purchase Item Description e: AFPID Air Force Purchasing Office e: AFPO Air Force Qualification Test e: AFQT Air Force Qualified Products List e: AFQPL Air Force Quality Assurance e: AFQA Air Force Quality Assurance Representative e AFQAR Air Force Quality Control e: AFQC Air Force Quality Control Representative e AFQCR Air Force Radiation Effects Information Center e: AFREIC Air Force Range Support Facility e: AFRSF Air Force Records Center e: AFRC Air Force Recoverable Assembly Management System e: AFRAMS Air Force Recruiter Assistance Program e: AFRAP Air Force Recruiting Office e: AFRO Air Force Recruiting Service e: AFRS Air Force Recurring Publication e: AFRP Air Force Regional Civil Engineer e: AFRC Air Force Regional Civil Engineerfs] e: AFRCE, e: AFRDE Air Force Regional Civil Engineers e: AFRLC Air Force Regulation^] e: AFR Air Force Remedial Action Program e: AFRAP Air Force Replacement Squadron e: AF Repl Sq Air Force Reports Control System e: AFRCS Air Force Representative e: AFREP Air Force Rescue Coordination Center e: AFRCC Air Force Rescue Service e: AFRS Air Force Research and Development Branch e: AFRDB Air Force Research and Technology Division e: AFRTD

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Air Force Research Center e: AFRC Air Force Research Directorate e: AFRD Air Force Research Division e: AFRD Air Force Research in Aircraft Propulsion Technology e: AFRAPT Air Force Research Laboratory e: AFRL Air Force Research Objectives e: AFRO Air Force Research Training Center e: AFRTC Air Force Reserve e: AFR Air Force Reserve-Base Level Military Personnel System e: ARF-BLMPS Air Force Reserve Base Support Group e: AFRBSG, e AFRBSGp Air Force Reserve Combat Support Training Center e; AFRCSTC Air Force Reserve Combat Training Center e AFRCTC Air Force Reserve Command e: AFRC Air Force Reserve Coordination Center e: AFRCC Air Force Reserve Division e: AFRD Air Force Reserve Facility e: AFRESF Air Force Reserve Flying Training Center e: AFRFTC Air Force Reserve Navigation Squadron e: AFRESNAVSQ Air Force Reserve Officer[s] Training Corps e: AFROTC Air Force Reserve Order[s] e: AFRO Air Force Reserve Policy Committee e: AFRPC Air Force Reserve Recovery Group e: AFRRG, e AFRRGp Air Force Reserve Region e: AFRR Air Force Reserve Regionfs] e: AFRESR Air Force Reserve Regions Base Support Group e: AFRESBSGP Air Force Reserve Regions Group e: AFRESRGP Air Force Reserve Sector e: AFRS Air Force Reserve Sectorfs] e: AFRESS Air Force Reserve Specialist Training Center e: AFRSTC Air Force Reserve[s] e: AFRES Air Force Resident Officer in Charge e: AFROIC Air Force Resident Representative e: AFRR Air Force Retiring Board e: AFRB Air Force Review Boards Agency e: AFRBA Air Force Review Boards Office e: AFRBO Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory e: AFRPL Air Force Rome Air Development Center e AFRADC Air Force Routine Order e: AFRO Air Force Royal Aeronautical Society e: A.F.R.Ae.S. Air Force Safety Agency e: AFSA, e: SEW Air Force Satellite e: AFSAT Air Force Satellite Communications [System] e: AFSATCOM Air Force Satellite Communications System e: AFSCS Air Force Satellite Control Center e: AFSCC Air Force Satellite Control Facilities e: AFSCF Air Force Satellite Control Facility e: AFSATLCF, e AFSCF Air Force Satellite Control Network e: AFSCN Air Force Satellite Test Center e: AFSTC Air Force School e: AFS Air Force School of Applied Tactics e: AFSAT


Air Force School Air Force School of Aviation Medicine e: AFSAM Air Force Scientific Advisory Board e: AFNB, e: AFSAB Air Force Screen Magazine e: AFSM Air Force Section e: AFS, e: AFSec Air Force Section, Military Assistance Advisory Group e: AFSMAAG Air Force Security Clearance Office e: AFSCO Air Force Security Communications Center e: AFSCC Air Force Security Police Agency e: AFSPA Air Force Security Police Management Engineering Team e: AFSPMET Air Force Security Service e: AFSS Air Force Security Service Office of Production e: AFSSOP Air Force Senior Advisory e: AFSA Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officers' Academy e: AFSNCOA Air Force Sergeants Association e: AFSA Air Force Serial Number e: AFSN Air Force Service Center e: AFSC Air Force Service Command e: AF Sv Comd Air Force Service Information and News Center e: AFSINC Air Force Service Number e: AFSN Air Force Service Office e: AFSO Air Force Service Statement e: AFSS Air Force Service[s] Command e: AFSC Air Force Signals Intelligence Pian e: AFSIP Air Force Skill Code e: AFSC Air Force Small Computer/Office Automation Service Organization e: AFSCOASO Air Force Small Launch Vehicle e: AFSLV Air Force Software Facility e: AFSWF Air Force Solar Observing Optical Network e: AFSOON Air Force Space and Missile Organization e: AFSMO Air Force Space and Missile Systems Organization e: AFSAMSO Air Force Space Command e: AFSPACECOM, e: AFSPC, e: SPACECMD Air Force Space Division e: AFSD Air Force Space Forecast Center e: AFSFC Air Force Space Pian e: AFSP Air Force Space Program e: AFSP Air Force Space Systems Division e: AFSSD Air Force Space Technology Center e: AFSTC Air Force Space Technology Satellite e: AFSTS Air Force Space Test Center e: AFSTC Air Force Spacecraft Control Facility e: AFSCF Air Force Special Activities Center e: AFSAC Air Force Special Activities Wing e: AFSAW Air Force Special Air Warfare Center e: AFSAWC Air Force Special Communications Center e: AFSCC, e: AFSPCOMMCEN Air Force Special Operation[s] Base e: AFSOB Air Force Special Operations Command e: AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Component e: AFSOC


Air Force Special Operations Detachment e: AFSOD Air Force Special Operations Element e: AFSOE Air Force Special Operations Forces e: AFSOF Air Force Special Security Office[r] e: AFSSO Air Force Special Staff Management Engineering Team e: AFSSMET Air Force Special Weapons Center e: AFSWC Air Force Special Weapons Project e: AFSWP Air Force Speciality e: AFS Air Force Specialty Code e: AFSC Air Force Specification Bulletin e: AFSB Air Force Squadron e: AFSq Air Force Staff College e: AFSC Air Force Staff Washington [British Defence Staff] e: BD S [Air] Washington, e: BDS [Air] Washington Air Force Standard e: AFS Air Force Standard Civilian Automated Pay System e: AFSCAPS Air Force Standard Command and Control Information Systems Architecture e: AFSC2ISA Air Force Standard Information Systems Center e: AFSISC Air Force Standard Intelligence Publication e: AFSIP Air Force Standard Items and Equipment e: AFSIE Air Force Standard Practice e: AFSP Air Force Station e: AFS Air Force Stock e: AFS Air Force Stock Fund e: AFSF, e: ASFS Air Force Stock Fund Reporting System e: AFSFRS Air Force Stock Number e: AFSN Air Force Stock Record Account Number e AFSRAN Air Force Strike Command e: AFSTRIKE Air Force Supply e: AFS Air Force Supply Catalog e: AFSC Air Force Supply Code e: AFSC Air Force Supply Date e: AFSD Air Force Supply Depot e: AFSD Air Force Supply Directivefs] e: AFSD Air Force Supply Force e: AFSF Air Force Supply Services System e: AFSS System Air Force Support Base e: AFSB Air Force Support Office e: SP-AF Air Force Surveys in Geophysics e: AFSIC Air Force System e: AFS Air Force Systems Acquisition Review Council e: AFSARC Air Force Systems Command e: AFSC Air Force Systems Command Design Handbook e: AFSC-DH Air Force Systems Command Director of Laboratories e: AFSC/DL Air Force Systems Command Form e: AFSCF Air Force Systems Command Inspection Center e: AFSCIC Air Force Systems Command Letter e: AFSCL Air Force Systems Command Manual e: AFSCM Air Force Systems Command Pamphlet e: AFSCP Air Force Systems Command Procurement Production e: AFSCPP Air Force Systems Command Regulation e: AFSCR

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Air Force Systems Command Scientific Technical Liaison Office e: AFSC/STLO Air Force Systems Command/Space Systems Division e: AFSC/SSD Air Force Systems Concept Paper e: AFSCP Air Force Systems for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers e: AFSC4 Air Force Systems for Command, Control, Communications and Computers Intelligence e: AFSC4I Air Force Systems Project Division e: AFSPD Air Force Tactical Air Command e: AFTAC Air Force Tactical Center e: AFTAC Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center e: AFTFWC Air Force Tactical Imagery Exploitation System e: AFTACIES Air Force Tactical Shelter e: AFTS Air Force Tactical Shelter Systems Development Office e: AFTSSDO Air Force Task Force e: AFTF Air Force Technical Applications Center e: AFTAC Air Force Technical Approval Team e: AFTAT Air Force Technical Headquarters e: AFTH Air Force Technical Intelligence Center e: AFTIC Air Force Technical Objectives Documents e: AFTOD Air Force Technical Order e: AFTO Air Force Technical Order Standardization Board e: AFTOSB Air Force Technical Report e: AFTR Air Force Technical Service Command e: AFTSC Air Force Technical Training Center e: AFTTC Air Force Technical Training Command e: AFTRC, e: AFTTRC Air Force Technical Training Headquarters e: AFTTH Air Force Telecommunications Certification Office e: AFTCO Air Force Teleprocessing Center e: AFTPC Air Force Test and Evaluation Center e: AFTEC Air Force Test Base e: AFIB, e: AFTB Air Force Test Director e: AFTD Air Force Test Pilot School e: AFTPS Air Force Test Unit e: AFTII Air Force Theater Command e: AFFOR Air Force Theater Intelligence Pian e: AFTIP Air Force Thermionic Engineering and Research e: AFTER Air Force Thermophysical Properties Research Center e: AFTPRC Air-Force Training Auxiliary e: ATA Air Force Training Camp e: AFTC Air Force Training Category e: J Air Force Training Center [or Command] e: AFTRC Air Force Training & Support Command e: AF T&S C Air Force Troop Carrier Command e: AFTCC Air Force Undergraduate Navigator Training System e: AFUNTS Air Force Uniform Board e: AFUB Air Force Unit Post Office e: AFUPO Air Force Visual Aids e: AFVA Air Force Wargaming Center e: AFWC

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Air Munitions Development Air Force Wartime Manpower & Personnel Readiness Team e: AFWMPRT Air Force Weapon e: AFW Air Force Weapon System Improvement Group e: AFWSIG Air Force Weapons Effectiveness Testing e: AFWET Air Force Weapons Laboratory e: AFWL Air Force Weapons Support Improvement Group e: AFSIG Air Force Weather Agency e: AFWA Air Force Weather Observing and Forecasting System e: AFWOFS Air Force Weather Wing e: AFWW Air Force Welfare Board e: AFWB Air Force Western Development Division e: AFWDD Air Force Western Test Range e: AFWRT Air Force Western Test Range [Manual] e: AFWTRM Air Force Western Test Range, Vandenberg AFB, Calif, e: AFWTR Air Force Wide Mission Area Analysis e: AFWMAA Air Force Wing e: AFW Air Force with Army e: AFWA, e: AFW AR Air Force with Navy e: AFWN Air Force World Wide Military Command and Control System e: AFWWMCCS Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories e: AFWAL Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Materials Laboratory e: AFWAL/ML Air Force WWMCCS ADP Modernization Program e: AFWAM Air Force WWMCCS Information System e: AFWIS Air Force Zone of Interior e: AFZIN Air-Forced-Air Cooling e: AFAC, e: AFA Cooling Air Forces, Atlantic Fleet e: AIRLANT Air Forces Contractor Experience List e: AFCEL Air Forces Europe Exchange e: AFEX Air Forces Ferry Command e: AFFC Air Forces Flight Safety Committee Europe e: AFFSCE Air Forces Gulf e: AFG Air Forces, Iceland e: AFI Air Forces Korea e: AFK Air Forcefs] Materials Information Center e: AFMIC Air Force[s] Network e: AFN Air Forcefs] Network Station e: AFNETSTA Air Forces, Pacific Advanced e: AIRPAC/ADV Air Forces, Pacific Fleet e: AIRPAC Air Forces Pacific, Pearl Harbor e: AIRPAC/PEARL Air Forces Pacific, Subordinate Command, Forward Area e: AIRPACSUBCOMFORD Air Force[s] Reserve Training Center e: AFRTC Air Forces, Southern Region e: AIRSOIITH Air Forces Studies & Analyses Agency e: AFSAA Air Force['s] Weapons Effectiveness Testing System e: AFWETS Air Forces, Western Europe e: AFWE Air Freight Forwarders Association of America e: AFFA Air General-Head-Quarters e: Air G.H.Q. Air General Staff e: G/A Air/Ground Anti-jam Transmission from Helicopter or Aircraft e: AGATHA Air-Ground Cooperation Officer e: AGCO

Air-Ground Engagement Simulation e: AGES Air-Ground Engagement System e: AGES Air Ground Liaison Officer e: AGLO Air-Ground Operations Section e: AGOS Air Group e: AIRGRP Air Group Headquarters e: GARIM Air Gun e: AG Air Gunnery Instructor e: AGI Air Gunnery Officer e: AGO Air Gunnery Officers School e: AGOS Air Gunnery School e: AGS Air Gunnery Target System e: AGTS Air Headquarters e: AH, e: AHQ Air Headquarters, Malta e: AHqM Air Height Surveillance Radar e: AHSR Air Information Division e: AID air installation office e: AIO Air Intelligence Duty Officer e: AIDO Air Intelligence Force e: AIF Air Intelligence Liaison Officefr] e: AILO Air intelligence officer e: A-2 Air Intelligence Officer e: A Int O, e: AIO Air Intelligence Service Squadron e: AISS Air Intelligence Training Center e: AITC Air Intercept Battle Analysis e: AIBA Air Intercept Missile Evaluation [joint program] e: AIMVAL Air Intercept Missile Package e: AIMP Air Intercept Missilefs] e: AIM Air Intercept Officer e: AIO Air Intercept Radar e: AIR Air Intercept Rocket e: AIR Air Interception Missile e: AIM Air Interception Radar e: AI Radar Air Jungle Rescue Squadron e: AJRS Air-Land Battle e: ALB Air-Land Battle Management e: ALBM Air-Land Force[s] Application[s] Agency e: ALFA Air-Land Forces Applications Agency e: ALFAA Air-Land Forces Integration e: ALFI Air-Land Forces Interface e: ALFI Air/Land Warfare e: ALW Air-Launched Ballistic Intercept e: ALBI Air-Launched Ballistic Intercept System e: ALBIS Air-Launched Ballistic Missile e: albm Air Launched Cruise Missile e: ALCM Air-Launched Cruise Missile Guidance Set e: ALCMGS air-launched decoy missile e: adm Air-Launched Guided Missilefs] e: ALGM Air-Launched Guided Weapons Modification Committee e: A.L.G.W.M.C. Air-Launched Intercept Missile Record System e: AIMS Air-launched Interceptor Missile e: AIM Air-Launched Medium-Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile e: ALMIRBM Air-Launched Missile e: ALM Air-Launched Missile Ballistics e: ALMB Air-launched Missile Bulletin e: AMB Air-Launched Missile Change e: ALMC, e: AMC Air-Launched Missile Intermediate Maintenance System Program e: ALMIMSIP Air-Launched Missile Inventory Objectives Study e: ALMIOS Air-Launched Missile Propulsion Technology e: ALMPT Air-Launched Missile System e: ALMS Air-Launched Non-Nuclear Ordnance e: ALNNO Air-Launched Nuclear Weapon e: ALNW

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Air-Launched Saturation System missile e: ALSS Air-Launched Ship-Attack Missile e: ALSAM Air Launched Surface Attack Missile e: ALSAM Air-launched Trainer Rocket e: ATR Air Launched Vehicle e: ALV Air Launched Weapon e: ALW Air Launcher Low Volume Ramjet e: ALVRT Air Liaison Office[r] e: Air LO, e: ALO Air Liaison Officer Net e: ALON Air Lift Forces e: ALF Air Logistics Command Local Area Network e: ALCLAN Air Logistics Service e: ALS Air Maintenance Squadron e: AMS Air Management Division e: AMD Air material and supply officer e: A-4 air material area stock control point e: AMASCP Air Material Armament Test Center e: AMATC, e: AMTC Air Material Base e: AMB Air Material Command e: AIMACO Air Material Command Communications Network e: AMCCOMNET Air Material Command Compiling System e: AIMACC System Air Material Command Compilingfsystem] e: AIMACC Air Material Force e: AM F Air Material Force, European Area e: AMFEA Air Material [Materiel] Force Europe e: AMFE Air Material [Materiel] Force, Pacific Area e AMFPA Air Material Proving Ground e: AMPG Air Materiel Command e: AMC Air Materiel Command-Aeronautical Systems Center e: AMC-ASC Air Materiel Command Forms e: AMCF Air Materiel Command Headquarters e: AMCHQ Air Materiel Command Letter e: AMCL Air Materiel Command Logistics Officer e: AMCLO Air Materiel Command Manual e: AMCM Air Materiel Command Missile Field Office e: AMCMFO Air Materiel Command, Ottawa, Ontario e: AMC Air Materiel Command Regulation^] e: AMCR Air Materiel Command Research and Development e: AMCRD Air Materiel Command Test Site Office e: AMCTSO Air Materiel Department e: AMD Air Member, Canadian Joint Staff, London e: CanAirLon Air Military Attaché e: AIRMA Air Ministry Command Order e: A.M.C.O. Air Ministry Navigational Warning e: Α.M.N.W. Air Ministry War Room e: AMWR Air Ministry Warden e: AMW Air Missile System e: AMS Air Mission Unit e: AMU Air Mobile Aircraft Refueling System e: AMARS Air-Mobile Task Force e: AMTF Air Mobility Command e: AMC Air Mobility Wing e: AMW Air Movements Unit e: AMU Air Munitionfs] e: AMUN Air Munitions Development Laboratory e: AMDL


Air Munitions Report Air Munitions Report e\ MUNIREP Air Munitions Requirements and Development e: AMRAD Air Musketry Range e: AMR Air National Guard e: ANG Air National Guard of the United States e: ANGUS Air National Guard Operational Support Aircraft e: ANGOSTA Air National Guard Operational Support Transport Aircraft e: ANGOSTA Air National Guard Policy Council e: ANGPC Air National Guard Support Aircraft e: ANGSA Air Naval School e: ANS Air Navigation e: AN Air Navigation Act e: ANA Air Navigation and Bombing School e: ANBS Air Navigation and Tactical Control e: ANTAC Air Navigation and Traffic Control e: ANATC Air Navigation Bureau e: A, e: ANB Air Navigation Charge e: ANC Air Navigation Commission [or Conference] e: ANC Air Navigation Committee e: ANC Air Navigation Conference e: ANC Air Navigation Development Board e: ANDB Air Navigation Device e: AND Air Navigation Directionfs] e: AND Air Navigation Directivefs] e: AND Air Navigation Facilities [or Facility] e: ANF Air Navigation & Management System e: ANMS Air Navigation Multiple Indicator e: ANMI Air Navigation Office e: AIRNAVO, e: ANO Air Navigation Order[s] e: ANO Air Navigation Routes e: ANR Air Navigation School e: ANS Air Navigation Service Provider e: ANSP Air Navigation Services e: ANS Air Navigation System e: ANS Air Navigation Traffic Control e: ANTC Air Navigation Trainer e: ANT Air Navigation Training Unit e: ANTU Air Navigational Aid e: AIRNAVAID Air Observer School e: A.O.S. Air Observers Navigation School e: AONS Air Officer e: AO Air Officer Commander-in-Chief e: AO Cin-C Air Officer Commander-in-Chief, Strike Command e: AOCSTC Air Officer Commanding e: AOC Air Officer Commanding, Base Air Forces e: AOCBAF Air Officer Commanding, Coastal Area e: AOCCA Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief e: AOC-in-C Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Coastal Command e: AOCCC Air Officer Commanding, Scotland & Northern Ireland e: AOSNI Air Officer in charge of Administration e: AOA Air Officer in charge of Engineering e: AOEng Air Officer of the Day e: AOD Air Operations Officer e: AIROPNSO Air [or Army] Defense Combined Arms Tactical Trainer e: ADCATT Air Patrol e: AP


Air personnel officer e: A - l Air Photographic and Charting Service e: APCS Air Pilot Officer e: APO Air Pollution Control Strategy Resource Estimator [Model] e: APCSRE Air Prisoner of War Interrogation e: APWI Air Procurement District Commander e: APDC Air Proving Ground Center-Eglin Air Force Base e: APGCE Air Proving Ground Command e: APGC Air Publications and Forms Centre e: A.P.F.C. Air Publications and Forms Store e: A.P.F.S. Air Quality Management Division e: AQMD Air Quartermaster e: AQM Air Radar Support Team e: ARST Air & Radiation Division e: ARD Air Radio Officer e: ARO Air Raid Precautions Officer e: ARPO Air Raid Reporting Officer e: ARRO Air Raid Warden e: ARW Air Raid Warning e: ARW Air Raid Warning Officer e: ARWO Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre [Near East] e: ARICNE Air Reconnaissance Liaison Officer e: ARLO Air Reconnaissance Support Battalion e: ARSB Air Refueling Squadron e: ARSq Air Refuelling Squadron e: AREFS Air Refuelling Wing e: AREFW, e: ARW Air Reinforcement Squadron e: ARS Air Rescue Operations Center E: AROC Air Rescue Squadron e: ARS, e: ARSq Air Research and Development CommandAndrews Air Force Base e: ARDC-A Air Research and Development Command, Ballistic Missile Department e: ARDCBMD Air Research and Development Command Forms e: ARDCF Air Research and Development Command Manual e: ARDCM Air Research and Development Command Regulations e: ARDCR Air Reserve Center e: Air Res Cen, e: ARC Air Reserve Forces e: ARF Air Reserve Forces Facility e: ARFF Air Reserve Forces Meritorious Service Ribbon e: ARFMSR Air Reserve Forces Personnel Data System e: ARFPDS Air Reserve Forces Policy Committee e: ARFPC Air Reserve Officers' Training Corps e: AROTC Air Reserve Specialist Training Squadron e: ARSTS Air Reserve Squadron e: Air Res Squad Air Reserve Volunteer Support Group e: ARVSG Air Reserve Wing e: ARW Air Reserve Wing Headquarters e: ARWH Air Route Surveillance Radar e: ARSR Air Salomons Command e: AIRSOLS air, sea, and land defense e: triad Air-Sea Rescue Squadron e: VH Air/Sea Warfare Development Unit e: ASWDU air search [and] attack team e: ASAT air search [and] attack unit e: ASAU Air Search Radar e: ASR Air Search Radar Receiver e: SR

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Air Self Defence [or Defense] Force e: ASDF Air Service Area Command e: ASAC Air Service Command e: ASC Air Service Command Advisory Team e: ASCAT Air Service Signal Corps e: A.S.S.C. Air Signal Officer e: ASO Air Solomons Command e: AIRSOLS Command Air Staff Officer e: ASO Air Store Issuing Ship e: AIRIS Air Stores Park e: A.S.P. Air Superiority Fighter e: ASF Air Superiority Mission e: ASM Air Supply Officer e: ASO Air Support Command e: ASC Air Support Command Operations Centre e: ASCOC Air Support Control Unit e: ASCII Air Support Officer e: ASO Air Support Operations Center e: ASOC Air Support Operations Center [Tactical Air Force] e: A S O Q T A F ] Air Support Radar Team e: ASRT Air Support Signal Unit e: ASSU air support test [training] unit e: ASTU Air-Supported Threat Defense e: ASTD Air Supported Threat Defense System e: ASTDS Air Surface Coordinating Office Mediterranean e: ASCOM ED Air Surveillance & Gun Control console e: AS/GC Air Surveillance Officer e: ASO Air Surveillance Radar e: A.S.R. Air-Surveillance Vehicle e: ASVEH Air Systems Command e: AIRSYSCOM, e: ASC Air Tactical Control Operator e: ATACO Air Tactical Data System e: ATDS Air Target Indicator e: ATI Air Target Intelligence Liaison Program e: ATIL Program Air Target Materials Program e: ATMP Air Targets Officer e: ATO Air Task Force e: ATF Air Tasking Officer e: ATO Air Technical Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario e: OONDAT Air Technical Service Command e: ATSC Air Terminal Movement Control Team e: ATMCT Air Terminal Officer e: ATO Air Test and Evaluation Squadron e: VX Air Test Vehicle e: ATV Air-to-Air Armament Mission Analyses e: AAAMA Air-to-Air Battle Management e: AABM Air-to-Air Combat Test e: AACT Air-to-Air Guided Weapon e: AAGW Air-to-Air Gunnery e: AAG Air-to-Air Gunnery Range e: AAGR Air-to-air Interceptor Radar Training e: AIRT Air-to-Air MEP/Weapons Demonstrator e: AAMWD Air-to-Air Missile e: AAM Air-to-Air Missile Guidance Element e: AAMGE Air-to-Air Mistral missile e: ATAM Air-to-air Rocket e: AIR Air-To-Air Stinger missile e: ATAS Air-to-Ground Engagement/Air Defence e: AGES/AD Air-to-Ground Engagement System e: AGES Air-to-Ground Gunnery Range e: AGGR Air-to-Ground Missile e: AGM

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Airborne Common Sensor air-to-ground missile e: agm Air-to-Ground Moving Target Indicator e: AGMTI Air-to-Ground Stand-off Weapon e: AGSW Air to Land Ballistic Missile e: ALBM Air-to-Surface Guided Weapon e: ASGW air-to-surface missile e: AS, e: asm Air-to-Surface missile e: GAM Air-to-Surface Weapon e: ASW Air-to-Underwater Missile e: AlIM Air-to-Underwater Missile-Nuclear e: AUM-N Air Toxics Task Force e: ATTF Air Traffic Control and Navigation e: ATC/NAV Air Traffic Control and Navigation Board e ATCNB Air Traffic Control Command Center e: ATCCC Air Traffic Control Officer e: ATCO Air Traffic Coordinating Officer e: ATCO Air Traffic Navigation & Communications System e: ATNAVICS Air Traffic Navigation, Integration & Coordination System e: ATNAVICS Air Traffic Service Flight Services Division e ATSFSD Air Traffic Situational] Awareness e: ATSAW Air Training Camp e: ATC Air Training Command e: ATCOM, e: ATRC Air Training Command Manual e: ATCM Air Training Corps e: AIRTC, e: ATC Air Training Corps Cadet e: ATCC Air Training Officer e: ATO Air Training Squadron e: AIRTRAINRON, e AIRTRATON Air Training Team e: ATT Air Transport Auxiliary e: A.T.A. Air Transport Command e: ATC Air Transport Command Headquarters e: CanAirLift Air Transport Development Unit e: ATDII Air Transport Force e: ATF Air Transport Liaison Officer e: ATLO Air Transport LORAN [Long Range Navigation] System e: ATLS Air Transport Movement Control Centre e: ATMCC Air Transport & Movements Officer e: ΑΤΜΟ Air Transport Operations Centre e: ATOC Air Transport Squadron e: AIRTRASRON Air Transport Squadron, Atlantic e: AIRTRANSRONLANT Air Transport Squadron, Pacific e: AIRTRANSRONPAC Air Transport Squadron, West Coast e: AIRTRANSRONWESTCOAST Air Transport Wing e: ATW, e: ATWg Air Transportability Training Centre e: ATTC Air Transportable Sonar [Sound Navigation and Ranging] e: ATS Air Transportable Sonar Surveillance System e: ATSSS Air Transportation Corps e: ATC Air Transportation Exercise e: AIRTRANSEX Air Turbo Rocket e: ATR Air University Board of Visitors e: AUBV Air University Library e: AUL Air University War and Mobilization Plan e AUWMP Air Vehicle e: A V Air Vehicle Handler e: AVH

Air Vehicle Inventory Status and History e AVISH Air Vehicle Synthesis e: AVSYN Air Vehicles Ltd e: AVL Air War College e: AIRWC, e: AWC Air War College Associate Program e: AWCAP Air War Plans Division e: AWPD Air War Simulations e: AWSIMS Air Warfare e: AW Air Warfare Analysis e: AW Air Warfare Course e: AWS Air Warfare Research Department e: AWRD Air Warfare Simulation System e: AWSIMS Air-Warfare Simulator [or Simulation] e: AWSIM Air Warfare Systems Analysis e: AWSA Air Warfare Training Development e: AWTD Air Warfare Training Division e: A.W.T.D. Air Warning e: AW Air Warning Service e: AWngSvc, e: AWS, e: AWSVC Air Warning Squadron e: AWS Air Warning System[s] e: AWS Air Weapon System[s] e: AWS Air Weapons Control System e: AWCS Air Weapons Controller e: AWC Air Weapons Group e: AWG Air Weapons Systems Management e: AWSM Air Weapons Systems Plan e: AWSP Air Weapons Training Installation e: AWTI Air Weather Group e: AWG Air Weather Officer e: AWO Air Weather Wing e: Air Wea Wg Airbiorne Corps Operation Plan e: ACOP airboirne[-radar] gunsight e: ags Airborne Interceptor Radar e: AIR Airborne e: A, e: a/b, e: ABN Airborne Activity Confinement e: AAC Airborne Activity Confinement System e: AACS Airborne Activity Monitor e: AAM Airborne Advanced Communications System e: AACS Airborne Adverse Weather Weapons System e: AAWWS Airborne Aerial System e: AAS Airborne Air Control Squadron e: AACS Airborne Airfield Lighting System e: AALS Airborne Alert e: A/A Airborne Alert Indoctrination e: AAI Airborne Alert Weapon System e: AAWS Airborne Alternate Command Echelon e: A ACE Airborne and Communications Electronics Board e: ACEBD Airborne and Electronics Board e: AEB Airborne and Helicopter Division e: AHD Airborne and Surface Early Warning System e; ASEWS Airborne and Surface Warning e: ASEW Airborne Angular Position Sensor e: AAPS Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment e: AOE Airborne Antenna System e: AAS Airborne Anti-Armour Defence e: AAAD Airborne Anti-Ballistic Missile[s] e: AABM Airborne Anti-Ship Missile Defense e: AASMD Airborne Antiaircraft e: ABAA

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery e: Abn AAA Airborne Antiarmor Defense Concept e: AADC Airborne Antisubmarine Warfare e: AASW Airborne Antitank Armor Air Defense e: AAAAD Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition e: AASE Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Experiment e: AASE Airborne Area of Operation e: AAO Airborne Armament Control e: AAC Airborne Assault e: ABA Airborne Assault Vehicle e: AAV Airborne Associate Array Processor e: AAAP Airborne Astrographic Camera System e: AACS Airborne Atmospheric Uranium Sensor e: AAUS Airborne Attack Recorder e: AAR Airborne Audio Frequency Coder e: AAFC Airborne Automatic Voice Communications System e: AAVCS Airborne Auxiliary Memory System e: AAMS Airborne Auxiliary Power Plant e: A A P P Airborne Auxiliary Power Unit e: AAPU Airborne Ballistic Missile Intercept System e: ABMIS Airborne Ballistics Division e: ABD Airborne Bathymétrie Survey [System] e: ABS Airborne Battlefield Command and Control e ABCC Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center e: ABC3 Airborne Battlefield Command & Control Center [or Centre] e: ABCCC Airborne Battlefield Light Equipment System e; ABLES Airborne Beacon Electronic Test Set e: ABETS Airborne Beacon Interference Locator e: ABIL Airborne Beacon Processing System e: ABPS Airborne Beacon Processor e: ABP Airborne Bombing Evaluation e: ABE Airborne Chromatograph for Atmospheric Trace Species e: ACATS Airborne Cigar e: ABC Airborne Cloud-Radiation Observing System e; ACROS Airborne Collection Electronic Signals e: ACES Airborne Collection System e: COMFY LEVI Airborne Collision Avoidance system e: ACAS Airborne Collision Warning e: ACW Airborne Combat Group e: Abn Cbt Gr Airborne Combat Operations Center e: ACOC Airborne Command e: A.B.C., e: A/B Comd Airborne Command [and] Control System [or Squadron] e: ACCS Airborne Command Center e: ABCC Airborne Command Control Squadron e: ACCSq Airborne Command Element e: ACE Airborne Command-Launch Control Subsystem e: ACLCS Airborne Command Post e: ABCP, e: ACP Airborne Common Sensor e: ACS


Airborne Communications Airborne Communications and Electronics e ACE Airborne Communications Center e: ABCC AirBorne Communications, Command, and Control System e: ABCCS Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System e: ACLICS, e ACLIS Airborne Communications Reconnaissance Platform e: ACRP Airborne Communications Reconnaissance Programfme] e: ACRP Airborne Communication[s] Relay Station e ACRES Airborne Communications Restoral Relay e: ACRR Airborne Communications Squadron e: ACSQ Airborne Computer [or Control] e: ABC Airborne Computer [or Control] Unit e: ACU Airborne Computing & Communications System e: ACCS Airborne Contingency Operations Director e: AIRCOD Airborne Control Computer e: ACC Airborne Control System e: ACS Airborne Controlled Interception] e: ACI Airborne Cooperational Equipment e: ACE Airborne Coordinating Group e: ACG Airborne Coordination Group e: ACG Airborne Countermeasures e: AIRCM Airborne Countermeasures Environment and Radar Target Simulation [or Simulator] e: ACEARTS Airborne Crew Trainer e: ACT Airborne Data Acquisition and Recording System e: ADARS Airborne Data Acquisition and Registration e ADAR Airborne Data Acquisition Multifunction System e: ADAMS Airborne Data Acquisition System e: ADAS Airborne Data Analysis and Monitoring System e: ADAMS Airborne Data Automation e: ADA Airborne Data Link e: ADL Airborne Data Link Processor e: ADLP Airborne Data Link System e: ADLS Airborne Data Link Terminal e: ADLT Airborne Data Loader e: ADL Airborne Data Processing Unit e: ADPU Airborne Data Processor e: ADP Airborne Data Recorder e: ADR Airborne Data System e: ADS Airborne Data Terminal e: ADT Airborne Data Transfer System e: ADTS Airborne Deception Device e: ADD Airborne Designation and Discrimination Study e: ADDS Airborne Designator e: AD Airborne Detection Discrimination Sensor e ADDS Airborne Detection System e: ADS Airborne Digital Automatic Collection System e: ADACS Airborne Digital Avionics Test System e: ADATS Airborne Digital Computer e: ADC Airborne Digital Data Acquisition System e ADDAS Airborne Digital Decoder e: ADD Airborne Digital Instrumentation System e ADIS Airborne Digital Processing Unit e: ADPU Airborne Digital Recorder e: ADR


Airborne Digital Recording System e: ADRS Airborne Digital Timer e: ADT Airborne Digital Voltmeter e: ADV Airborne Direct Air Support Center e: ABNDASC Airborne Directed Energy Weapons e: ADEW Airborne Direction Finder e: ADF Airborne Display Electrical Management System e: ADEMS Airborne Division e: AB Div, e: AbnDiv Airborne Division, Territorial Army e: AD TA Airborne Doppler Lidar System e: ADLS Airborne Dual-channel Variable Input Severe Environmental Recorder/Reproducer e: ADVISER Airborne Dual Detector Indicator e: ADDI Airborne Dual-frequency Microwave Radiometer/Scatterometer e: ADMSR Airborne Dynamic Alignment System e: ADAS Airborne Early Control and Warning Squadron e: AECWRon Airborne Early Control and Warning Wing e AECWWg Airborne Early Warning e: AEW Airborne Early Warning Aircraft e: AEWA Airborne Early Warning and Control e: AEW & C, e: AEWCON Airborne Early Warning and Control Squadron e: AEW & CSq Airborne Early Warning and Control Wing e AEW & Con Wg Airborne Early Warning and Interceptor Control System e: AEWICS Airborne Early Warning and RV Tracking System e: ALERTS Airborne Early Warning Combat Air Patrol e: AEWCAP Airborne Early Warning & Control e: AEW&C Airborne Early Warning Fighter e: AEWF Airborne Early Warning Ground Integration Segment e: AEGIS Airborne Early Warning Radar e: AEWRADAR Airborne Early Warning Squadron e: AEWRON, e AEW Sq, e VW Airborne Early Warning Training Unit e: AEWTII Airborne Early Warning Wing e: AEWW Airborne Electrical Test Set e: ABETS Airborne Electromechanical Bombing e: AEMB Airborne Electron Beam Recorder e: AEBR Airborne Electronic Equipment Modification e: AEEM Airborne Electronic Warfare e: AELW, e: AEW Airborne Electronic Warfare School e: AELW School Airborne Electronics e: AE Airborne Electronics Laser System e: AELS Airborne ELINT Emitter Location System e AEELS Airborne Emergency Action[s] Officer e: AEAO Airborne Emergency Alternate Command Post e: AEACP Airborne Emergency Reaction Unit e: ABERU Airborne Engineer Aviation Battalion e: A/B Engr Avn Bn Airborne Engineer Battalion e: Abn Engr Bn

Κ · G · Saur, München

Airborne Engineer Contraction Equipment e AECE Airborne Equipment e: A/BE Airborne Equipment [Division] e: AE Airborne Evaluation Equipment e: AEE Airborne Expendable Bathythermograph e: AXBT Airborne Expendable Current Profiler e: AXCP Airborne Field Mill Program e: ABFM Airborne Fill-and-Drain e: A/BF & D Airborne Fire Control Radar Set e: AFCRS Airborne Fire Fighting Equipment e: AFFE Airborne Fixed Array Radar e: AFAR Airborne Fiate Plate Array e: AFPA Airborne Flight Detection Measurement System e: AFDMS Airborne Flight Information Service e: AFIS Airborne Flight Test System e: AFTS Airborne Flight Training Command e: A FTC Airborne Force, Army Air Base e: ABFAAB Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment e: AFEE Airborne Forces Liaison Officer e: AFLO Airborne Forces Security Fund e: A.F.S.F. Airborne Formation Flight Simulator e: AFFSIM Airborne Forward Air Controller e: AFAC Airborne Forward Delivery Airfield Group e AFDAG Airborne Frauenhofer Line Discriminator e AFLD Airborne Freight Corp. e: ABF Airborne Frequency Doubler e: AFD Airborne Frequency Multiplexing System e:AFMS Airborne Fuze Test Jammer e: AFTJ Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometer e: AGRS Airborne General Illumination Light e: AGIL Airborne Graphics Software Support System e; AGSSS Airborne Ground Fire Location System e: AGFLS Airborne Ground Fire Locator e: AGFL airborne gun laying e: agi Airborne Gun-Laying for Turrets e: AGLT Airborne Gun Laying Radar e: AGLR Airborne Gunsight e: AGS Airborne Height Surveillance Radar e: AHSR Airborne Helmet Mounted Display e: AEMD, e: AHMD Airborne Identification Kit e: ABKI Airborne Identification Mobile System e: AIMS Airborne Imagery Transmission e: ABIT Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer e: AIMR Airborne Imaging Radar e: AIR Airborne Imaging Spectrometer e: AIS Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Campaign e AISC Airborne Imaging Spectrometer for Different Applications e: AISA Airborne Inertial Navigation System e: AINS Airborne Infantry e: ABNINF Airborne Infantry Combat Group e: AICG Airborne Infantry Regiment e: AIR Airborne Information Correlation e: AIC Airborne Information Display System e: AIDS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Airborne Radar Orbital Airborne Information Systems Squadron e: AISS Airborne Infrared Early Warning e: AIREW Airborne Infrared Equipment for Target Analysis e: AIETA Airborne Infrared Gunfire Locator e: AIRGLO Airborne Infrared Linescan System e: AIRSS Airborne Infrared Live Scanner e: AILS Airborne Infrared Mapper e: AIM, e: AIRM Airborne Infrared Measurement Instrument e: AIMI Airborne Infrared Measurement System e: AIRMS Airborne Infrared Observatory e: AIO Airborne Infrared Radiometer System e: AIRS Airborne Infrared Spectrometer e: AIS Airborne Infrared Surveillance Set e: AISS Airborne Initial Data System e: Aids Airborne Initiation System e: AIS Airborne Insertion Display Equipment e: AIDE Airborne Installation Unit e: All) Airborne Instrument Landing Approach system e: AILA Airborne Instrumentation Platform e: AIP Airborne Instrumentation Research Program [or Project] e: AIRP Airborne Instrumentation Subsystem e: AIS Airborne Instrumentation Subsystem Internal e: AISI Airborne Instrumentation System e: AIS Airborne Instruments Laboratories [or Laboratory] e: AIL Airborne Instruments Laboratory Approach e: AILA Airborne Integrated Antenna System e: AIAS Airborne Integrated Data System e: Aids Airborne Integrated Display System e: AIDS Airborne Integrated Flight Test Data System e: AIFTDS Airborne Integrated Light Avionics System e: AILAS Airborne Integrated Maintenance System e: AIMS Airborne Integrated Mapping System e: AIMS airborne integrated reconnaissance system e: airs Airborne Integration Area e: AIA Airborne Intelligent Display e: AID Airborne Intercept Command Control e: AICC Airborne Intercept Missile e: AIM Airborne Intercept Missile Evaluation e: AIMEVAL Airborne Intercept Radar e: AIR Airborne Interception] e: AI Airborne Interception and Gun Direction e: AIGD Airborne Interception Fire Control System e AIFCS Airborne Interception of Aircraft e: AIA Airborne Interception Radar and Pilot's Attack Sight System e: AIRPASS Airborne Interceptor e: A.I. Airborne Interceptor Equipment e: AIE Airborne Interceptor Officer e: AIO Airborne Interceptor Rocket e: AIR Airborne Investigations of Mesoscale Convective Systems e: AIMCS Airborne Ion Laser e: AAIL

Airborne Ionospheric Observatory e: AIO Airborne Laser e: ABL Airborne Laser Electronic warfare Receiver Training System e: ALERTS Airborne Laser Equipment Real Time Surveillance e: ALERTS Airborne Laser Experiment e: ABLEX, e: ALE Airborne Laser Extended Atmospheric Characterization Experiment e: ABLE ACE Airborne Laser Illuminator e: ALI Airborne Laser Illuminator Ranging and Tracking System e: ALIRATS Airborne Laser Laboratory e: ALL Airborne Laser Mine Detection System e: ALMDS Airborne Laser Polarization Sensor e: ALPS Airborne Laser Radar Mine Sensor e: ALARMS Airborne Laser Rangefinder e: ALR Airborne Laser Rangefinder and Designator e: ALRAD Airborne Laser Ranging System-for Measuring Crustal Dynamics e: ALRS Airborne Laser Receiver Module e: ALARM Airborne Laser System e: ALS Airborne Laser Terrain Scanner e: ALTS Airborne Laser Topographic Mapping System e: ALTMS Airborne Laser Tracker e: ALT Airborne Launch Control Center e: ALCC Airborne Launch Control System e: ALCS Airborne Launching e: ABLCHG Airborne Lidar Agent Remote Monitor e: ALARM Airborne LIDAR [Light Detection and Ranging] Oceanographic Probing Experiment e: ALOPE Airborne Lidar Observations and Hawaiian Airglow e: ALOHA Airborne LIDAR Plume and Haze Analyzer e: ALPHA-1 Airborne Light Observation System e: ALOS Airborne Light Optical Fibre Technology e: ALOFT Airborne Light Regiment e: AB Lt Reg Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracker [or Tracking] e: ALOT Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracking System[s] e: ALOTS Airborne Line Discriminator e: ALD Airborne Line Printer e: ALP Airborne Linescan Image Processor e: ALICE Airborne Live Scanner e: ALS Airborne Long-Range Input Electronic e: ALRIE Airborne Long-Range [Radar] Input e: ALRI Airborne Longe-Range Intercept e: ALRI Airborne Low-Frequency Sonar e: ALFS Airborne Magnetic Recorder e: AMR Airborne Maintenance Battalion e: Abn Maint Bn Airborne Maintenance System e: AMS Airborne Maritime Situation Control System e: AMASCOS, e: AMSCOS Airborne Maritime Surveillance e: AMS Airborne Measurement System e: AMS Airborne Microwave Moisture Sounder e: AMMS Airborne Microwave Radiometer System e: AMRS Airborne Microwave RainScatterometer/Radiometer e: AMRS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Airborne Microwave Scatterometer e: AMSCAT airborne mine countermeasures e: amcm Airborne Mine Detection and Surveillance System e: AMDASS Airborne Mine Detection & Surveillance System e: AMDAS Airborne Mine Neutralization System e: AMNS, e: AMNSYS Airborne Minefield Detection and Reconnaissance System e: AMIDARS Airborne Minefield Detection System e: AMIDS Airborne Missile Control Subsystem e: AMCSS Airborne Missile Control System e: AMCS Airborne Missions and Applications Division e: AMAD Airborne Mode Control e: AMC Airborne Molecular Contamination e: AMC Airborne Moving Target Attack e: AMTA airborne moving target indicator e: amti Airborne Moving Target Indicator System e: AMTIS Airborne Multi-role Solid-state Active array Radar e: AMSAR Airborne Multisensor Pod System e: AMPS Airborne Multispectral Scanner e: AMSS Airborne [National] Command Post [or Force] e: ABNCP Airborne Navigation Computer e: ANC Airborne Navigation Sensor e: ANS Airborne Navigation System e: ANS Airborne Night Classification System e: ANCS Airborne Night Observation Device e: ANOD Airborne Night Television System e: ANTS Airborne Nuclear Operations Center e: ABNOC Airborne Observation Post e: AOP Airborne Ocean Colour Imager e: AOCI Airborne Oceanographic Lidar e: AOL Airborne Operation e: AIROP Airborne Operational Computer Program [me] e: AOCP Airborne Operational Equipment e: AOE Airborne Operations Center e: Abn CP Airborne Optical Adjunct e: AOA Airborne Optical Beacon e: AOB Airborne Optical Platform e: AOP Airborne Optical Radar e: AOR Airborne Optical Sensor e: AOS Airborne Order e: ABO Airborne Overland Radar e: AOR Airborne Particle Monitoring System e: APMS Airborne Particulate and Precipitation Data e: ERFD Airborne Platforms e: AP Airborne Profile Recorder e: APR Airborne Propellant System e: A/BPS Airborne Radar and Doppler e: ARAD Airborne Radar Approach e: ARA Airborne Radar Approach Control e: ARAC Airborne Radar Attachement e: ARA Airborne Radar Control e: ARC Airborne Radar Demonstrator System e: ARDS Airborne Radar Extension e: ARE Airborne[-radar] Gunsight e: AGS Airborne Radar Inflight Monitoring System e ARIMS Airborne Radar Orbital Determination e: AROD


Airborne Radar Orbital Airborne Radar Orbital Determination System e: ARODS Airborne Radar Platform e: ARP Airborne Radar Technician e: ART Airborne Radiation Area e: ARA Airborne Radiation Thermometer e: ART Airborne Radio Communicating e: ARC Airborne Radio Communication e: ARC Airborne Radio Direction Finding e: ARDF Airborne Radio Installation e: ARI Airborne Radio Instrument e: A.R.I. Airborne Radio & Intercom Control system e: ARIC Airborne Radio Maintenance Team e: ABNRADIOMAINTTM Airborne Radio Receiver e: ARR Airborne Radio Relay e: ARR Airborne Radioactivity Hazard Index e: ARHI Airborne Rain Mapping Radar e: ARMAR Airborne Range and Orbit Determination e: AROD Airborne Range Instrumentation Aircraft e: ARIA Airborne Range Instrumentation Station e: ARIS Airborne Range Only e: ARO Airborne Range Only Radar e: ARO Radar Airborne Ranging and Orbit Determination System e: AROD System Airborne Ranging System e: ARS Airborne Receiver e: AR Airborne Receiving Aerial e: ARA Airborne Receiving Antenna e: ARA Airborne Reconnaissance Low programme e: ARL Airborne Reconnaissance Support Program e: ARSP Airborne Recording & Training System e: ARTS Airborne Refrigeration System e: ARS Airborne Regimental Combat Team e: ARCT Airborne Relay Facility e: ARF Airborne Release Fraction e: ARF Airborne Release Rate e: ARR Airborne Remote Control Officer e: ARCO Airborne Remote Mapping e: ARM Airborne Remotely Operated Device e: AROD Airborne Research Capsule e: ARC Airborne Research Instrumentation System e ARIS Airborne Resupply e: ABR airborne rocket artillery e: ara Airborne Ruggedized Memory System e: ARMS Airborne Sample Data Reduction e: ASDR Airborne Scanning Radiometer e: ASR Airborne Science Office e: ASO Airborne Sea Swell Recorder e: ASSR Airborne Search and Attack Plotter e: ABSAP airborne search equipment e: ase Air[borne] Search Radar e: ASR Airborne Search & Rescue System e: ASARS Airborne Search Target Attack Radar e: ASTAR Airborne Seeker Evaluation Test Set e: ASETS Airborne Self-Defence Laser e: ASDL Airborne Sensor System for Evaluation & Testing e: ASSET Airborne Separation Assurance System e: ASAS


Airborne Shared Aperture Program e: ASAP Airborne SHORAD Target Acquisition Radar e: S-STAR Airborne Signal Battalion e: ABNSIGBN airborne signal battalion e: Abn Sig Bn Airborne Situational] Awareness e: AIRSAW Airborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Expedition e: ASHOE Airborne Special Bombing e: ASB Airborne Stabilized Viewing System e: ASVS Airborne Stand-off Minefield Detection System e: ASTAMIDS Airborne Stand-Off Radar e: ASTOR Airborne Standoff Radar e: ASTOR Airborne Supply and Transport Company e: Abn Sup & Trans Co Airborne Surface Vessel Detection e: ASV Detection Airborne Surveillance, Airborne Control e: ASAC Airborne Surveillance and Control System e: ASACS Airborne Surveillance and Intercept Defense System e: ASIDS Airborne Surveillance and Warning Control System e: ASWACS Airborne Surveillance, Ground Control e: ASGC Air[borne] Surveillance Radar e: A.S.R. Airborne Surveillance Set e: ASS Airborne Surveillance Warning and Control Radar e: ASWCR Airborne System, Gun e: ASG Airborne Systems Functional Test Stand e: ASFTS Airborne Tactical Air Command and Control System e: ATACCS Airborne Tactical Air Control System e: ATACS Airborne Tactical Data Processing System e: ATDPS Airborne Tactical Data System e: ATDS Airborne Tactical Jamming System e: ATJS Airborne Tanker, Boom e: TAB Airborne Tanker, Drogue e: TAD Airborne Tanker, General e: TAG Airborne Target Acquisition & Fire Control System e: ATAFCS Airborne Target Augmeter e: ATA Airborne Target Hand-off System e: ATHS Airborne Target Handover System e: ATHS Airborne Task Force e: ABTF Airborne Technical Data System e: ATDS Airborne Terminal e: AIRTERM Airborne Test Bed e: ATB Airborne Test Bed Mode Control e: ATBMC Airborne Test Bed Turret e: ATBT Airborne Test Conductor e: ATC Airborne Test Reactor e: ATR Airborne Thematic Mapper e: ATM Airborne Time-Frequency Range-Altitude Monitor e: ATFRAM Airborne Towed Array Sonar System e: AIRTASS Airborne Tracking e: A BT Airborne Tracking, Acquisition & Recognition e: ATAR Airborne Traffic and Situation Display e: ATSD Airborne Transmitter Control Center e: ATCC Airborne Transponder Subsystem e: ABTSS

Κ · G · Saur, München

Airborne Transport Rack e: ATR Airborne Troops e: airtps Airborne Turnable Laser Absorption Spectrometer e: ATLAS Airborne Ultraviolet Laser e: AUVL Airborne Uninhabited Fighter e: AUF Airborne Unit e: All Airborne Vapour Monitor e: AVM Airborne Vehicle Equipment e: AVE Airborne Vehicle Identification e: AVI, e: AVID Airborne Very Low Frequency e: AVLF Airborne Vibration Monitor e: AVM Airborne Video Recording System e: AVRS Airborne Videocassette Tape Recorder e: AVTR Airborne Viewing System e: AVS Airborne Visible and Infared Imaging Spectrometer e: AVIRIS Airborne Visible and Infrared Data Processing System e: AIR Airborne Visible Laser Optical Communication e: AVLOC Airborne visual Laser Optical Communication e: ALOC Airborne Warning and Command System e: AWACS, e: AWAC System Airborne Warning and Control e: AWAC Airborne Warning and Control Division e: AWACD Airborne Warning and Control Squadron e: AWACS Airborne Warning and Control Support Squadron e: AWACSS Airborne Warning and Control System e: AWAC System Airborne Warning and Control Training Squadron e: AWACTS Airborne Warning and Control Wing e: AWACW Airborne Warning and Recording Equipment e: AWARE Airborne Warning Composite Wing e: AWCW Airborne Warning[s] and Control System[s] e: AWACS Airborne Waste e: ABW Airborne Waveguide Slot Array Aerial e: AWSAA Airborne Waveguide Slot Array Antenna e: AWSAA Airborne Waveguide Slotted Array e: AWSA Airborne Weapon and Control e: AWAC Airborne Weapons Control e: AWC Airborne Weapons Control System e: AWCS Airborne Weather [and] Reconnaissance System e: AW ARS Airborne Weather Radar e: WX Airborne Weather Radar System e: AWRS Airborne Weather Reconnaissance System e AWRS Airborne Workshop e: AB Works Airbush Patrol e: AP AirCommand Net e: AIRCOMD Aircraft e: A, e: A/C aircraft e: acft Aircraft e: ACRFT, e: Aircft aircraft e: arcft Aircraft Accessories & Components Co. e: AACC Aircraft Accessories Corporation e: AAC Aircraft Accident Board e: AAB Aircraft Accident Data Reporting Panel e: ADRE [Ρ] Ρ Aircraft Accident Investigation e: AAI Aircraft Accident Investigation Board e: AAIB

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Aircraft Force Projection Aircraft Accident Investigation School e: AAIS Aircraft Accident Notification Procedures e: AANP Aircraft Accident Record [or Report] e: AAR Aircraft Acquisition and Support e: AIRACS Aircraft Actually Possessed e: AAP Aircraft Adapter Groups e: AAGS Aircraft Airworthiness Section e: AAS Aircraft Alerting Communications Electromagnetic Pulse e: AACEP Aircraft Alerting Communications EMP e: AACE Aircraft and Airways Operators' Society of Great Britain and Ireland e: AAOSGBI Aircraft and Armament Development e: AAD Aircraft and Engineering e: A & E Aircraft and Facilities e: A & F Aircraft and Missile Maintenance Production Compression Report e: AMMPCR, e: AMREP Aircraft and Missile Maintenance Production Total System e: AMMPTS Aircraft and Missiles e: Aircr Missiles Aircraft and Related Procurement, Navy e: ARPN Aircraft and Weapons Control Interceptor e: AWCI Aircraft and Weapons Control Interceptor System e: AWCIS aircraft anti-collisionbeacon-system highintensity l i g h t i n g ] e: aabshil Aircraft Antisubmarine Development Detachment, Atlantic Fleet e: AIRASDEVLANT Aircraft Antisubmarine Squadron e: AIRASRON Aircraft Appliances & Equipment Ltd. e: AAE Aircraft Approach Light e: AAL Aircraft Approach Limitation e: AAL Aircraft Approach Overlay e: A AO Aircraft Armament Bulletin e: AAB Aircraft Armament Change e: AAC Aircraft Armament Laboratory e: AAL Aircraft, Armament Unit e: AIRARMUNIT Aircraft Armaments, Inc. e: AAI Aircraft Armorer e: Arm. Aircraft Artificer e: AA Aircraft, Asiatic Fleet e: AIRAF Aircraft Assembly Plant e: AAP Aircraft Assignment Directive e: AAD Aircraft Assignment Letter e: AAL Aircraft Assignment Order e: Acft Asgmt O Aircraft Attack, Experimental-Light e: VAX-L Aircraft Attrition e: A/CA Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring e: AAIM Aircraft Availability Model e: AAM Aircraft Based Augmentation System e: ABAS Aircraft-Based Infrared Detector e: ABIRD Aircraft Battle-Damage Repair e: ABDR Aircraft Battle Force e: ABF Aircraft Battle Force, Pacific Fleet e: AIRBATFORPAC Aircraft Blast Interaction Tests e: ABIT Aircraft Builders Council e: ABC Aircraft Bulletin e: A / B Aircraft Cabin Water Spray System e: ACWAS Aircraft Camera Parameter Control e: AC PC

Aircraft Cannon e: AC Aircraft Capable of Satellite Operations e: ACSO aircraft earner e: acftc Aircraft Carrier e: AC, e: Acft C, e: CVS Aircraft Carrier Battle Group e: CVBG Aircraft Carrier Firefighting Assistance Team e: AC FAT Aircraft Carrier Landing System e: ACLS Aircraft Carrier, Medium-Sized e: CVV Aircraft Carrier [Multi-purpose] e: CV Aircraft Carrier [Nuclear] e: CV[N] Aircraft Carrier Nuclear Propulsion e: CV Ν Aircraft Carrier [or Commander] e: ACC Aircraft Carrier, Small e: CVL Aircraft Carrier Squadron e: ACS Aircraft Carrier, Training e: CVT Aircraft Castings Association e: ACA Aircraft Catering Equipment e: ACE Aircraft Certification Systems Evaluation Program e: ACSEP Aircraft Change Analysis e: ACA Aircraft Change Application List e: ACAL Aircraft Change Control Board e: ACCB Aircraft Checker's Report e: ACR Aircraft Circular Letter e: ACL Aircraft Classification Number e: ACN Aircraft Collision Avoidance System e: ACAS Aircraft Colouring and Marking e: ACM Aircraft Commander e: AC Aircraft Commander Time e: ACT Aircraft Communication and Recording System e: ACARS Aircraft Communication Procedure[s] e: ACP Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System e: ACARS Aircraft Communication^] System e: ACS Aircraft Compatibility Control Drawing e: ACCD Aircraft Component [Intensive] Management System e: ACIMS Aircraft Component Mating Evaluation e: ACME Aircraft Condition Evaluation e: ACE Aircraft Condition Inspection e: ACI Aircraft Configuration Allowance List e: ACAL Aircraft Configuration Change Board e: ACCB Aircraft Configuration Control Board e: ACCB Aircraft Configuration Equipment e: ACE Aircraft Control e: AC Aircraft Control and Surveillance e: ACS Aircraft Control and Warning e: ACAW Aircraft [Control] and Warning e: AC&W Aircraft Control and Warning Group e: ACWG Aircraft Control and Warning Officer [or Squadron] e: ACWO Aircraft Control and Warning Service e: ACWS Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron e: ACWRON, e ACWS, e AC & WSq Aircraft Control and Warning Station[s] e: AC and WS, e: AC & WS Aircraft Control and Warning System e: ACWS Air[craft] Control and Warning System e: ACW System Aircraft Control and Warning System Station e: ACWSS Aircraft Control Link e: ACL Aircraft Control Operator e: ACO Aircraft Control Room e: ACR Aircraft Control Room Officer e: ACRO Aircraft Control System e: ACS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Aircraft Control Unit e: ACU Aircraft Corporation of Great Britain e: ACGB Aircraft Crash Rescue Field Assistance and Evaluation Team e: ACRFAET Aircraft Crashworthiness Program Plan e: ACPP Aircraft Crew Interphone System e: A O S Aircraft Crewman Badge e: Acft CrmnBad Aircraft Damage e: ACD Aircraft Damage Repair e: ADR Aircraft Damage [Sensing] System e: ADSS Aircraft Data Acquisition and Recoding System e: ADARS Aircraft Data Entry e: ADE Aircraft Data Line e: ADL Aircraft Data Recording Evaluation System e: ADRES Aircraft Data Systems e: ADS Aircraft De-Ice and Inhibitor e: ADI Aircraft Decontaminating, Deicing, Cleaning System e: ADDCS Aircraft Defense Analysis e: ADA Aircraft Delivery Group e: ADG Aircraft Delivery Unit e: ADU Aircraft Depot e: ACD, e: AD Air[craft] Depot e: ADep air[craft] depot e: A.Dpo. Aircraft-derivative Gas Turbine e: AGT Aircraft Design Research Division e: ADR Aircraft Destination Record e: ADR Aircraft Development Service e: ADS Aircraft Development Test Activity e: ADTA Aircraft Direction Room e: ADR Aircraft Directives Configuration e: ADC Aircraft Discrepancy Report e: ADR Aircraft Distributors and Manufacturers Association e: ADMA Aircraft Division/Department List e: AD/DL Aircraft Dummy Deck Landing e: ADDL Aircraft Early Warning System e: AEWS Aircraft Electronics Association e: A & E Aircraft Electronics Warfare Self-Protection System e: AEWSPS Aircraft Emission Estimator e: ACEE Aircraft Energy Efficiency e: ACEE Aircraft Engine Laboratory e: AEL aircraft engine overhaul and structural repair ship e: ARV Aircraft Engineering e: Aire Engng, e: Aircraft, e: Aircr Eng Aircraft Engineering District Office e: AEDO Aircraft Engineering Maintenance Company e: AEMCO Aircraft Engineering Support Wing e: AESW Aircraft Engineers Association e: A & E Aircraft Environmental Support Office e: AESO Aircraft Equipment List e: AEL Aircraft Escort Vessel e: AVG Aircraft Establishment e: AE Aircraft Familiarization e: AIRFAM Aircraft Fatigue Data Analysis System e: AFDAS Aircraft Ferry e: AKV Aircraft Ferry Squadron e: AIRFERON, e: AIRFERRON, e: VRF Aircraft Fleet Marine Force Pacific e: AFMFP Aircraft Flight Correlator e: AFC Aircraft Flight Report e: AFR Aircraft Flighting Zone e: A.F.Z. Aircraft Flying Training e: ACFT Aircraft Force Projection Model e: AFPM


Aircraft General Standards Aircraft General Standards e: AGS Aircraft General Stores e: AGS Aircraft General Stores, Chessington, Surrey e: AGS Aircraft Generation Squadron e: AGS, e: AGSq Aircraft Ground Equipment e: AGE Aircraft Ground Equipment Ltd. e: AGE Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue e: AGFSR Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue Systems [project] e: AGFSRS Aircraft Ground Mobility System e: AGMS Aircraft Ground Support Equipment e: AGSE Aircraft Grounded for [Lack of] Parts e: AGP Aircraft Gun Pod e: AGP Aircraft Gunfire Detector e: AGD Aircraft Guns e: GAU Aircraft Handler e: AH Aircraft Handling Characteristics e: AHC Aircraft Handling Vehicle e: AHV Aircraft Hangar e: ACH Aircraft Holding Station e: A.H.S. Aircraft Holding Unit e: A.H.U. aircraft homing system e: YE Aircraft Identification e: ACID, e: AI, e: AID, e: ARCID Aircraft Identification Military System e: AIMS Aircraft Identification Monitoring System e: AIMS Aircraft Identification Number e: AIN Aircraft Identifier e: AID Aircraft In Commission e: AIC aircraft-in-tlight collision barely missed e: airmiss Aircraft Incident Report e: AIR Aircraft Industries Association e: AIA Aircraft Industries Association's Utility Airplane Council e: AIAUAC Aircraft Industries Center e: AIC Aircraft Industries Research Organization e A.I.R.O. Aircraft Industries Research Organization on Housing e: A.I.R.O.H. Aircraft Industry e: AI Aircraft Industry Conference e: AIC Aircraft Inertial Alignment System e: AIAS Aircraft Inflight Monitoring System e: AIMS Aircraft Information Correlator e: AIC Aircraft Information Subsystem e: AIS Aircraft Inspection and Survey Party e: A.I.S.P. Aircraft Inspection Department e: AID Aircraft Inspection System e: AIS Aircraft Inspections and Repair e: AIR Aircraft Inspector e: acft insp Aircraft Installation Diagnostic Equipment e AIDE Aircraft Installation Kits e: AIK Aircraft Instrument Bulletin e: ΑΙ Β Aircraft Instrument Laboratory e: AIL Aircraft Instrument Repair Facility e: AIRF Aircraft Instrument Subsystem e: AIS Aircraft Integrated Crew Station Concepts e: AICSC Aircraft Integrated Data System e: ACIDS, e: AIDS Aircraft Integrated Design System e: AIDS Aircraft Integrated Munition System e: AIMS Aircraft Integrated Test Equipment e: AITE


Aircraft Intelligence Department e: AID Aircraft Intensively Managed Items e: AIMI Aircraft Interception] e: AI Aircraft Interception Special Weapon e: AISW Aircraft Interceptor e: A.I. Aircraft Intercommunication e: AIC Aircraft Interface Data Summaries e: AIDS Aircraft Interface Unit e: AIU Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department e: AIMO Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department [or Depot] e: AIMD Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Support Office e: AIMSO Aircraft International Register e: AIR Aircraft Interphone & Mixer e: AIM Aircraft Intrusion Detection System e: AIDS Aircraft Inventory Record e: AIR Aircraft Inventory Reporting System e: AIRS Aircraft Kill Indicator e: AKI Aircraft Laboratory e: AL Aircraft Landing Gear e: ALG Aircraft Landing Lamp e: ALL Aircraft Landing Measurement System e: ALMS Aircraft-Landing Quality-Assessment Scheme e: ALQAS Aircraft Landing System e: ALS Aircraft Laser Infrared Absorption Spectrometer e: ALIAS Aircraft Latitude e: ALAT Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment Maintenance Program e: ALREMP Aircraft Launch Interface Computer e: ALIC Aircraft Launching Accessory Service Change e: ALASC Aircraft Launching Bulletin e: ACLB, e: ALB Aircraft Limited Model e: ALM Aircraft Load e: ACL Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Association e: ALMA Aircraft Logistics e: AL Aircraft Logistics Division e: AL Aircraft Logistics Planning Board e: ALPB Aircraft Longitude e: ALON Aircraft, Machine Gunner e: AIRMG Aircraft Machine Gunner e: AMG Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Department e: A.M.R.D. Aircraft Maintenance and Support Equipment Exhibition & Conference e: AMASE Aircraft Maintenance Base e: AMB Aircraft Maintenance Branch e: AMB Aircraft Maintenance Control System e: AMCS Aircraft Maintenance Delayed for Parts e: AMDP Aircraft Maintenance Engineer e: AME Aircraft Maintenance Group e: AMG Aircraft Maintenance Irregularity Control System e: AMICS Aircraft Maintenance Manpower Information System e: AMMIS Aircraft Maintenance Manpower Requirement e: AMMR Aircraft Maintenance Manual e: AMM Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List e: AMMRL Aircraft Maintenance Qualification Program e AMQP Aircraft Maintenance Squadron e: AMS

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Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment e: AMSE Aircraft Maintenance Unit e: AMU Aircraft Management Computer e: AMC Aircraft Management System e: AMS Aircraft Manufacturers Association e: AMA Aircraft Manufacturers Council e: AMC Aircraft Manufacturer's Progress Report e: AMPR Aircraft Manufacturing Company e: AMC Aircraft Manufacturing Factory e: AMF Aircraft-Marine Products, Inc. e: A-MP Aircraft Materiel Officer e: AMO Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association e: AM FA Aircraft Meteorological e: AC/M Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay e: AMDAR Aircraft Military Mission e: AIRMILMIS Aircraft Mishap Prevention programme e: AMP Aircraft Missile Parts Mfg. Co. e: AMPM Aircraft-Missile Project e: AMP Aircraft Modification Center e: AMC Aircraft Monitor and Control e: AMAC Aircraft Motion Compensation e: AMC aircraft-mounted accessory drive e: amad Aircraft Mounted Control System e: AMCS Aircraft Movement Information Section e: AMIS Aircraft Multiband Scanner e: AMS Aircraft Multichannel Scanner System e: AMSS Aircraft Multiplex Intercommunications e: AMI Aircraft Multiplex Intercommunications System e: AMIS Aircraft Multipurpose Test Inspection and Diagnostic Equipment e: AMTIDE Aircraft Navigation e: Avigation Aircraft Noise Prediction Program e: ANOPP Aircraft, Northern Salomons e: AIRNORSOLS Aircraft Not Operationally ReadyMaintenance e: Anorm Aircraft Not Operationally Ready-Supplies e: ANORS Aircraft Nuclear Power Plant e: ANPP Aircraft Nuclear Power Plant Facility e: ANPPF Aircraft Nuclear-Power[ed] [Program] e: ANP Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion [Department] e: ANP Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Office e: ANP O Aircraft Nuclear-propulsion Program e: ANP Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program e: ANPP, e: ANP Program Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project e: ANPP Aircraft Nuclear Propulsionan e: ANP Aircraft Number e: AN Aircraft Observer e: AOB Aircraft Observer, Bombardment e: AOB Aircraft Observer Training Wing e: Acft Obsr Tng Wg Aircraft of Bomber Command e: ABC Aircraft on Ground e: acog Aircraft on [the] Ground e: AOG Aircraft Operating Cost Report e: AOCR Aircraft Operating Report e: AOR Aircraft Operations Center e: AOC Aircraft Operations Division e: AOD Aircraft Operator e: AO

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Airlift Control Squadron Aircraft or advanced Multichannel Microwave Radiometer e: AMMR Aircraft [or Airplane] and Armament Experimental Establishment e: AA[&]EE Aircraft out of Commission for [lack of] Parts e: AOCP Aircraft out of Commission for Parts e: AOCM Aircraft Park e: AP Aircraft Parts Corp. e: APC Aircraft per Hour e: AC/HR Aircraft Procurement-Army e: APA Aircraft Procurement, Navy e: APN Aircraft Production e: Aircr Prod Aircraft Production Board e: APB Aircraft Production Resources Agency e: APRA Aircraft Propulsion System Integration e: APSI Aircraft Pulse Navigation e: APN Aircraft Qualification Course e: AQC Aircraft Radio Corporation e: ARC Aircraft Radio Incorporated e: ARINC Aircraft Radio Instrument e: ari Aircraft Radio Laboratory e: ARL Aircraft Radio Mechanic e: ARM Aircraft Radio Regulations e: ARR Aircraft Radiosight e: ARS Aircraft Reactor Experiment e: ARE Aircraft Reactor Test e: ART Aircraft Reactor[s] Branch e: ARB Aircraft Ready e: AR Aircraft Reception Unit e: ARU Aircraft Recording Instrumentation System e: ARIS Aircraft Recovery e: AIR Aircraft Recovery Bulletin e: ARB Aircraft Recovery Equipment e: ARE Aircraft REference Point e: ARP Aircraft Refueling and Rearming System e ARRS Aircraft Reliability and Maintainability Simulation e: ARMS Aircraft Reliability, Maintainability, Availability Design Analysis e: ARMADA Aircraft Repair and Supply Center e: ARSC Aircraft Repair Division e: AIREPDIV, e: AIREPDN Aircraft Repair Section e: ARS Aircraft Repair Ship for Aircraft e: ARVA Aircraft Repair Ship for Engines e: ARVE Aircraft Repair Ship for Helicopter e: ARVH Aircraft Replaceable Assemblies e: ARA Aircraft Report e: ACRT, e: AIREP Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting e: AR&FF Aircraft Rescue Association e: ARA Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting e: ARFF Aircraft Research Association e: ARA Aircraft Research Instrumentation System e: ARIS Aircraft Research & Testing Committee e: ARTC Aircraft Resources Control Office e: ARCO Aircraft Resources Management System e: ARMS Aircraft Resources Management System, Pacific e: ARMSPAC Aircraft Rocket e: AR Aircraft Rocket Launcher e: ARL Aircraft Routeing Right-of-Way e: ARROW Aircraft Safety Beacon e: ASB Aircraft Schedule for Delivery to Fleet e: AIRSKEDELFLT

Aircraft Scheduling Cell e: ASC Aircraft Scheduling Unit e: ASU Aircraft Scouting Flotilla e: Airscoflot Aircraft Scouting Force e: Airscofor Aircraft [seaplane] Tender e: A V Aircraft Search Equipment e: ASE Aircraft Security e: A/C S Aircraft Service Association e: ASA Aircraft Service Change e: ASC Aircraft Serviceability Equipment e: ASE Aircraft Services Base e: ASB Aircraft Services Facility e: ASF Aircraft Shipment Readiness Date e: ASRD Aircraft Shop Stewards' National Council e: A.S.S.N.C. Aircraft Situational] Display e: ASD Aircraft Sound Description System e: ASDS Aircraft, South Pacific Force e: AIRSOPAC Aircraft, Southwest Pacific Force e: AIRSOWESPAC Aircraft Specification Form Committee e: ASFC Aircraft Squadron e: A.C.Sqn. Aircraft Standard Communication Bus e: ASC Β Aircraft Standard[s] e: AS Aircraft Starting Unit e: ASU Aircraft Station Keeper e: ASK Aircraft Storage and Disposition Group e: ASDG Aircraft Stores Establishment e: ASE Aircraft Strength e: acft str Aircraft Structural Integrity Program e: ASIP Aircraft Supply Council e: A.S.C. Aircraft Supply Depot e: ASD Aircraft Supply Group e: ASG Aircraft Supply Officer e: ASO Aircraft Surge Launch and Recovery e: ASLAR Aircraft Survivability Equipment e: ASE Aircraft Survivability Equipment Trainer e: ASET aircraft synthesis e: acsyn Aircraft Synthesis e: ACSYNT Aircraft Synthesis Analysis Program e: ASAP Aircraft Synthetic Aperture Radar e: AIRS AR Aircraft System Controllers e: ASC Aircraft Tactical Air Battle Control System e: ATABCS aircraft tail-warning e: atw Aircraft Target Unit e: ATU Aircraft Technical Committee e: ATC Aircraft Technical Order e: ATO Aircraft Tender e: AT Aircraft Test Equipment Modification e: ATEM Aircraft Torpedo Development Unit e: ATDU aircraft torpedo maintenance unit e: ATMU Aircraft Transfer Order e: ATO Aircraft Transmitter Receiver e: atr aircraft transportation lighter e: YCU Aircraft Trouble Report e: ATR Aircraft Turbine Service e: ATS Aircraft Undersea Sound Experiment e: AUSEX Aircraft Unitized Diagnostic Inspection and Test e: AUDIT Aircraft Utilization Report e: AUR Aircraft Vehicle Manufacturer e: AVM Aircraft Vertical Accelerometer Reports e: AVARs Aircraft Warning e: AW

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Aircraft Warning Company e: AWRNCO Aircraft Warning Service e: AWS Aircraft Warning Set e: AWS Aircraft Warning System e: AWS Aircraft Warning Unit Training Center e: AWUTC Aircraft Weapons Electronics e: AWE Aircraft Weapons Release Set e: AWRS Aircraft Weather Report e: AIRE Aircraft Weight and Balance Requirements System e: AWBS Aircraft Working Party e: AWP Aircrafthand e: ACH Aircrafts Departing at Minimum Intervals e: ADMIS Aircraftsman e: AC Aircraftsman First Class e: AC 1 Aircraftsman Second Class e: AC 2 Aircraftsman Third Class e: AC 3 Aircraftwoman e: ACW Aircrew Combat Mission Enhancement e: ACME Aircrew Electronic Warfare Tactics Facility [project] e: AEWTF Aircrew Flight Training Period e: AFTP Aircrew Integrated Helmet System e: AIHS Aircrew Uniform Integrated Battlefield e: AUIB Airdrome Battalion e: ADROBN Airdrome Defense Corps e: ADC Airdrome Officer e: AO Airdrome squadron e: A Sq airfeld attack ammunition e: afam Airfield Ammunition Park e: AFAP Airfield Attack Munition e: AAM Airfield Construction Group e: ACG Airfield Construction Squadron e: ACS Airfield Control Radar e: ACR Airfield Damage Repair Squadron e: ADRS Airfield Surface Detection Radar e: ASDER Airfield Surveillance Radar e: ASR Airfield Vehicle Obstacle Indicating Device e: AVOID AirForce-Navy Aeronautical Bulletin e: ANA Airforce Post Office e: APO Airframe e: AFME, e: AFR Airframe and Engine e: A and E Airframe Bulletin e: AFB Airframe Capability Model e: AIRCAP Airframe Change e: AC, e: AFC Airframe Change Control Board e: ACCB Airframe Design [division] e: aD Airframe Fatigue Data Analysis System e: AFDAS Airframe Flight Qualification e: AFQ Airframe Integrated Nozzle e: AIN Airframe Manufacturers Planning Report e: AMPR Airframe Manufacturing Equipment Committee e: AMEC Airframe Manufacturing Tooling Committee e: AMTC Airframe Mounted Accessory Drive e: AMAD Airframe Nose Up e: ANU Airframe Repair Technician-Repairman e: ART/R Airframe Unit Weight e: AUW Airhead Air Traffic Coordination Center e: AATOC Airland battle Force e: ALF Airless Spray Gun e: ASG Airlift and Training Division e: ATD Airlift Command Post e: ACP Airlift Communications Division e: ACD Airlift Control Squadron e: ALCS


Airlift Coordinating Office [r] Airlift Coordinating Officefr] e: A L C O Airlift Coordination Center/Military Airlift Support Squadron e: A C C / M A S S Airlift Division e: ALD Airlift Flight e: ALF Airlift Industrial Services Flight e: AISF Airlift Launch Control Officer e: A L C O Airlift Liaison Coordination Officer e: ALCO Air[lift] Liaison Officer e: ALO Airlift Mission Planning and Scheduling System e: A M P S Airlift Squadron e: ALS, e: AS Airlift Task Force e: A L T F Airlift Total Force Plan e: ATFP Airlift Wing e: AW Airman Commissioning Program e: A C P Airman Education and Commissioning Program e: AECP Airman Military Record e: AMR Airmanship Training Squadron e: ATS Airmobile Aircraft Maintenance Shop e: AAMS Airmobile Cavalry e: Air Cav Airmobile-Mechanized Task Force e: AMTF AirObservationPost Flight e: A O P Airplane Avionics e: AA Airplane Avionics/Autoland e: AA/AL Airplane Flight Manual e: A F M Airplane Sizing and Mission Performance e: A S A M P Airport and Airways Surveillance Radar e: AASR Airport and Surveillance Radar e: AASR Airport Management Services Division e: AMSD Airport Radar Service Area e: A R S A Airport-radar Terminal System e: A T S Airport Surface Detection Radar e: ASDR Airport Surveillance Radar e: ASR Airport Trailing Vortex Warning SYstem e: A T V W S airship e: ash, e: ashp Airship Association e: AA Airship Detachment e: A.D. Airship Group e: A I R S H I P G R Airship Squadron e: AIRSHIPRON Airship Training Unit e: ATU Airship Utility Squadron e: ZIITRON Airspace Coordination Element e: ACE Airspace Navigation Team e: A N T Airtrooper e: Airtpr airway bill for air-freight shipments e: AWB Airways and Air Communications Service e: AACS Airways and Air C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Service Squadron e: A A C S R O N Airways and Air Communications Service Wing e: A A C S W g Airways Environmental Radar Information System e: AERIS Airways Flight Inspector e: A F I N S Airwork Atlantic Limited e: A I R W O R K Aisan Buddhist Conference for Peace e: ABCP Aktiebolaget Atomenergi r: ABA Aktion Sühnezeichen/Friedensdienste e.V. d: ASF Aktionsgemeinschaft Dienst für den Frieden d: ADF, d: AGDF Aktionsgruppen Mot Svensk A t o m b o m b r: AMSA Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters e: AAFGH AL Special Programs Division e: AL/SPD AL Waste Management & Operational Surety Division e: A L / W M O S D


AL Weapons Development Division e: AL-WDD Alabama Commission of/on Higher Education e: ACHE Alabama Marine Resources e: Ala Mar Resour Alabama Ordnance Works e. AOW Alabama Space and Rocket Center e: ASRC Alametta Naval Air Station [California] e: KNGZ Alamogordo/Holloman Air Force Base [New Mexico] e: KliMN Alarmausschuß d: AA alarmeringscentral r: ac Alarmkompanie d: A.Kp. Alaska Air Command e: A L A C Alaska, Canada, Unites States e: ALCANUS Alaska Defense Command e: ADC Alaska Game Commission e: A G C Alaska Marine Highway Authority e: AMHS Alaska Military Highway e: AMH Alaskan Air Command e: AAC, e: ALAC, e: A L A I R C Alaskan Air Defense Region e: A A D R Alaskan Air Depot e: AAD Alaskan Command e: AC, e: ALCOM Alaskan District Corps of Engineers e: ALDISTCE Alaskan Forces Radio Network e: AFRN Alaskan General Depot e: A L G E N D E P Alaskan Integrated Air Defense System e: ALIADS Al ay z: A alay z: al. Albania Force e: A F O R Albert Schweitzer Friendship House e: ASFH Alberta Association of Medical Radiation Technologists e: A A M R T Alberta Dragoons e: Alta Dns Alberta Light Horse e: Alta L.H. Albuquerque Operations, Weapons Development Division e: A L - W D D Alcohol and Drug Control Office [r] e: ADCO Aldershot Command e: A.C. Aldershot Detention Barracks e: A.D.B. Aldershot Military Corrective Establishment e: AMCE, e: A.M.C.E. Alert Force Capability Test e: A F C A T Alexandria/England Air Force Base [Louisiana] e: KAEX Alga Bloom Task Force e: A B T F Algemeen Hoofdkwartier n: AH Κ algemene en volledige ontwapening n: AVO Algemene Miltaire Pensioenbond n: A M P Algemene Rooms-Katholieke Officieren Vereniging n: ARKO Algemene Vereniging van Nederlandse Reserve Officieren n: A V N R O All African Award e: AAA All-African People's Revolutionary Army e: AAPRA All American Aviation e: AAA Ail-American Conference to Combat Communism e: A A C C C All Arms Air Defence e: AAAD All Arms Training Centre e: AATC All Army Activities e: A L A R A C T All Commands e: A L C O M All Commands, Atlantic [Fleet] e: ALCOMLANT All Commands, Pacific [Fleet] e: ALCOMPAC All Commands Process as Attached e: ACPATT

© Κ · G • Saur, München

All Composite Aircraft e: A C A All-digital equipment specifications for new-generation transport category aircraft e: ARNIC 700-series All-India Confederation of Bank Officers Organisations e: A I C O B O All India Defence Employees' Federation e: AIDEF All International Aeronautical Telecommunications Switching Center[s] e: A L I A T S C All International Flight Service Stations e: ALIFSS All Major Commands e: A L M A J C O M All Military Activities e: A L M I L A C T All-Mobile Tactical Air Force e: A M T A F All Naval Activities Employing Civilians e.· A N A E C All Naval Station e: ALNASTA All Naval Stations e: A L L N A V S T A S All Navy e: A L L N A V All Propulsive Orbited Transfer Vehicle e: APOTV All-purpose Battle Computer e: A B C All-Purpose Rocket for [the] Collecting Atmospheric Samples [or Soundings] e: ARCAS All-Radar or [Facility] Facilities e: ALRAFAC All Round Defence e: A R D All-Round Defense e: AR Def All Safety Commands e: A L S A F E C O M All-Terrain Amphibious Carrier e: ATAC All Terrain Tow Vehicle e: A T T V All-Terrain Vehicle e: A T V All-Terrian Vehicle e: ATV All the Worlds Aircraft e: AW All-Through Training School [air force] e: A.T.T.S. All-Union Voluntary Society for Cooperation with the Army, Air Force, and Navy e: D O S A F F All-Volunteer Force e: A V F All-Volunter Army e: A-V A All-Weather Airborne Reconnaissance System e: AW A R S All-Weather Aircraft e: A W X All-Weather Aircraft [Fighter] e: AWX[F] All-Weather Aircraft [Intruder] e: AWX[I] All-Weather Attack Squadron e: AWATKRON All-Weather Fighter e: AWF all-weather fighter and attack airplane e: F-18 All-Weather Fighter Squadron e: A W F S All-Weather Ground Surveillance Radar e: AGSR All-Weather Operations Division e: AWOD All-Weather Stand-off Aircraft Control System e: A W S A C S All-Weather Tactical Bombing System e: AWTBS All-Weather Tactical Strike System e: AWTSS Allegheny Ballistic Laboratory e: A B L Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory e: ABL Allens Creek Nuclear Generating Station e: A C N G S Allgemeine Abteilung des Ausrüstungsamtes des Reichswehrministeriums d: Ar.T Allgemeine Abteilung [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] d: MAlIg allgemeine Armee dt: A Allgemeine Heeresabteilung [Reichskriegsministerium] d: Allg. Allgemeine Offiziersgesellschaft von Zürich dt: AOG

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Allied Naval Forces Allgemeiner Deutscher Waffenbund d: ADW Allgemeiner Deutscher Waffenring d: ADW Allgemeines Heeresamt [OKH] d: AHA Allgemeines Kriegs-Department d: AD Allgemeines Luftwaffenamt d: ALA Allgemeines Marineamt d: A.M.A. Allgemeines Wehrmachtsamt d: AWA Alliance Atlantique des Anciens Combattants f: AAAC Alliance Defense Industry and Technology e ADIT Alliance mutuelle des sous-officiers de Belgique f: AMSOB Alliance to Fight Eating Disorders e: AFED Allied Air Defense Ground Environment e: AADGE Allied Air Force Europe, Chaplaincy Consultative Committee e: AAFECCC Allied Air Forces e: A.A.F. Allied Air Forces, Baltic Approaches e: AIRBALTAP Allied Air Forces, Central Europe e: AAFCE, e AIRCENT Allied Air Forces in Italy e: AAFI Allied Air Forces Northern Europe e: AAFNE, e: AIRNORTH Allied Air Forces, Northfern] Norway e: AIRNON Allied Air Forces, South West Pacific Area e: AAFSWPA Allied Air Forces Southern Europe e: AAFSE, e: AIRSOUTH Allied Air Forces, Southfern] Norway e: AIRSONOR Allied Air Forces Western Europe e: AAFWE Allied Air Headquarters e: AAHQ Allied Air Intelligence Center e: AAIC Allied Air Support Command e: AASC Allied Airborne Association e: AAA Allied Armies in Italy e: AAI Allied Army Procedures e: AAP Allied Army Publications e: AAP Allied Bankfing] Commission e: ABC Allied British-Canadian Army e: ABCA Allied Captured Intelligence Center e: ACIC Allied Central Mediterranean [Forces] e: ACMF Allied Chemical Nuclear Services e: ACNS Allied Chiefs of Staff e: ACS Allied Civil Defense e: ACD Allied Combat Operations Center e: ACOC Allied Command e: AC Allied Command and Control System e: ACCS Allied Command, Atlantic e: ACA Allied Command Atlantic e: ACLANT Allied Command Atlantic Frequency Allocation Panel e: LANTFAP Allied Command Baltic Approaches e: ACBA Allied Command Baltic Approaches Command Control and Information System e: ACBACCIS Allied Command Channel e: ACCHAN Allied Command Europe e: ACE, e: ACEUR, e: AE Allied command europe ACCIS Implementation Strategy e: AAIS Allied Command Europe Air Defence Ground Environment e: AADGE Allied Command Europe Automated Command Control and Information System e: ACE-ACCIS

Allied Command Europe Communication Management Organization e: ACMO Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps e: ARRC Allied Command Europe Report e: ACEREP Allied Command Europe Reporting System e: ACERS Allied Command Europe Strike Command e: ACESTRIKE Allied Command, North Norway e: ACNN Allied Command Operations Center e: ACOC Allied Command South-East Asia e: ACSEA Allied Commander-in-Chief Channel e: CINCHAN Allied Commission e: AC Allied Commission for Austria e: ACA Allied Commission on Reparations e: ACR Allied Control Commission e: ACC Allied Control Commission [British Element] e: ACC[BE] Allied Control Commission for Austria e: ACCA Allied Corp., Specialty Chemicals Division, Buffalo e: NBuA Allied Defense of the 'Seventies [study project] e: AD70 Allied Defense Publication e: ADP Allied Democratic Forces e: ADF Allied Expeditionary Air Forcefs] [Europe] e: AEAF Allied Expeditionary Force e: AEF Allied Forces e: AF Allied Forces Baltic Approaches e: BALTAP Allied Forces Central Europe e: AFCE Allied Forces, Central Mediterranean e: MEDCENT Allied Forces Europe e: AFE Allied Forces Far East e: AFFE Allied Forces Headquarters e: AFHQ Allied Forces Headquarters [Counter Intelligence Corps] e: AFHQ[CIC1 Allied Forces Headquarters Petroleum Section e: AFHQPS Allied Forces Italy e: AFI Allied Forces Local Resources Section e: AFLRS Allied Forces Mediterranean e: AFMED Allied Forces North Norway e: AFNON Allied Forces Northern Europe e: AFNE, e: AFNORTH Allied Forces, Northwest Europe e: AFNORTH WEST Allied Forces Soroptimist Clubs e: AFSC Allied Forces, South Norway e: AFSONOR Allied Forces Southern Europe e: AFSE, e: AFSOUTH Allied Forces, Southern Europe, Mediterranean East e: MEDEAST Allied Forces, Southern Europe, Mediterranean North East e: MEDNOREAST Allied Forces, Southern Europe, Mediterranean South East e: MEDSOUTHEAST Allied Forces, Southern Europe, Mediterranean West e: MEDOC Allied Forces Southern Norway e: SONOR Allied Friendship Travel Association e: Afta Allied General Nuclear Services e: AGNS Allied Gulf Nuclear Services e: AGNS Allied Headquarters e: AHQ

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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Allied Health Professions Admission[s] Test e: AHPAT Allied High Commission for Germany e: AHCG Allied High Control Commission for Germany e: HICOCOM Allied Intelligence Committee, London e: AIC Allied Interrogation Organization e: AIO Allied Invasion Forces e: A.I.F. Allied Kommandantura e: AK Allied Land Force North Norway e: LANDNON Allied Land Force Northern Europe e: LANDNORTH Allied Land Forces e: ALF Allied Land Forces Central Europe e: LANDCENT Allied Land Forces, Central Region e: LANDCENT Allied Land Forces Denmark e: LANDENMARK Allied Land Forces in South East Asia e: ALFSEA Allied Land Forces, North Norway e: LANDNOR Allied Land Forces Norway e: LANDNORWAY Allied Land Forces Schleswig-Holstein e: ALFSH Allied Land Forces Schleswig-Holstein and Jutland e: LANDJIIT Allied Land Forces South East Europe e: ALFSEE Allied Land Forces South Norway e: LANDSONOR Allied Land Forces Southeast e: ALFSE Allied Land Forces, Southeastern Europe e LANDSOUTHEAST Allied Land Forces Southern Europe e: ALFSE Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe e: LANDSOUTH Allied Land Forces, Zealand e: LANDZEALAND Allied Land Headquarters e: LHQ Allied Liaison Officer e: ALO Allied Maritime Air Commander-in-Chief Channel [and Southern North Sea] e: CINC MAIRC HAN Allied Middle East Command e: AMEC Allied Military Communications Electronics Committee e: AMCEC Allied Military Communications Panel e: AMCP Allied Military Government e: AMG Allied Military Government in Occupied Territories e: AMGOT Allied Military Government Venezia Giulia e: A.M.G.V.G. Allied Military Headquarters, Greece e: AMLG Allied Military Liaison e: AML Allied Military Security General e: AMSG Allied Military Security Publication e: AMSP Allied Military Staff Conference e: AMSC Allied Mobile Force e: AMF Allied Naval Commander, Expeditionary Force e: ANCXF Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief e: ANC-in-C Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief, Expeditionary Forces e: ANCXF Allied Naval Communications Agency e: ANCA Allied Naval Expeditionary Force e: ANXF Allied Naval Forces e: ANF


Allied Naval Forces Allied Naval Forces Central Army Group e NAVCAG Allied Naval Forces Central Europe e: ANFCE, e: NAVCENT Allied Naval Forces Northern Area, Central Europe e: NAVNORCENT Allied Naval Forces Northern Europe e: NAVNORTH Allied Naval Forces, South Norway e: NAVSONOR Allied Naval Forces Southern Europe e: NAVSOIITH Allied Naval Maneuvering Instructions e: ANMI Allied Nuclear Force e: ANF Allied [or Army] Air Photograph Interpretation Unit e: AAPIU Allied Political and Military Commission e: A.P.M.C. Allied Press Information Center e: APIC Allied Signal-Kansas City Division e: ASKCD Allied Submarine Detection & Investigation Committee e: ASDIC Allied Supreme Commander in Europe e: ASCE Allied Tactical Air Force e: ATAF Allied Tactical Air Force, Northern Norway e: TAFNORNOR Allied Tactical Command and Control System e: ATACCS Allied Tactical Data Systems Interoperability Agency e: ATDSIA Allied Tactical Publication e: ATP Allied Task Force Commander Northern Norway e: ATFCNN Allied Wartime Navigational Information System e: AWNIS Allierte Militärpost d: AM-Post Alliierte Bankkommission d: ABK Alliierte Hohe Kommission d: AHK, d: AllHKomm. Alliierte Kommandantur d: AllKdtr., d: AllKdtur. Alliierte Kommandantur[a] Berlin d: AKB Alliierte Kommandantura Berlin d: AllKdtBln Allted Air Forces e: AAF Alpenj d: A.Jg.B. Alpenjäger-Batailllon d: A.Jg.B. Alta Commissione Alleata i: ACA Altemate National Military Intelligence Center e: ANMIC Alternate Acquisition Radar e: AAR Alternate Air Force Command Post e: AAFCOP Alternate Aircraft Takeoff System e: AATS Alternate Antiair Warfare Commander e: AAAWC Alternate Battery Acquisition Radar e: ABAR Alternate Command and Control Center e: ACCC Alternate Command Center e: ACC, e: ALTCOMCEN Alternate Command Facility e: ACF Alternate Command Operations Center [or Centre] e: ACOC Alternate Command Post e: ACP, e: ALCOP, e: ALCP Alternate Commander] e: ALTCOM Alternate Commander, Atlantic e: ALTCOMLANT Alternate Commander, Indian e: ALTCOMIND Alternate Commander, Pacific e: ALTCOMPAC Alternate Document Control Officer e: ADCO


Alternate Fighter Engine e: AFE Alternate Flight Pian e: AFP Alternate Headquarters e: AH, e: ALTHQ Alternate Headquarters Battle Staff e: ALTHQ-BS Alternate Headquarters/Emergency Relocation Sites e: AH/ERS Alternate Headquarters United States Air Force e: AFALT Alternate Joint Communications Center e: AJCC Alternate Launch Officer e: ALO Alternate Launch Officer Console e: ALOC Alternate Military Occupational Speciality e: AMOS Alternate National Military Command Center e: ANMCC Alternate Space Defense Operations Center e: ASPADOC Alternate Squadron Commander e: ASC Alternate Support Headquarters e: ASH Alternate Tactical Air Control Center e: ATACC Alternate Target e: Alt Τ Alternate Weapon e: AW Alternating Current Transmission e: ACT Alternative Command Centre e: ACC Alternative Defense Posture e: ADP Alternative Force Generator e: AFG Alternative Fuel Vehicle e: AHV Alternative Inertial Navigation System e: AINS Alternative Marriage and Relationship Council of the United States e: AMRCIIS Alternative Remedial Contracting] Strategy e: ARCS Alternative Space Defence Centre e: ASDC Alternative Subordinate War Headquarters e ASWHQ Alternative to Dedicated Hospital Ship e: ADHOS Alternative War Headquarters e: AWHQ Altimeter/Radar Altimeter e: ALT/RA Altitude Identification Military System e: AIMS Altitude Layer Surveillance Terminal Area Radar e: ALSTAR Altitude Marking Range e: AMR Altitude Rate Command e: ARC Altitude Reporting Mode of Secondary Radar e: MODE C Alto Comando i: A.C. Alto Comando del Regio Esercito i: A.C.R.E. Alto Comando dell' Esercito i: A.C.E. Altus Air Force Base [Oklahoma] e: KLTS Aluminium Alloy Conductor SteelReinforced e: AACSR Alumin[i]um Cable, Alumin[i]um Reinforced e: ACAR Aluminium- und Metallwarenfabrik AG d: Alumetag Amalgamated Association of Card, Blowing and Ring Room Operatives e: A.A.C.B.R.R.O. Amalgamated Society of Ball Warpers e: A.S.B.W. Amateur Basketball Association of the United States of America e: ABAUSA Ambassador for Friendship e: AF Ambient Air/Forced-Air-Cooled e: AA/FA Ambtenaar Gemeentelijke Civiele Verdediging n: AGCV Ambulance Car Company e: ACC Ambulance Company e: A.C. Ambulance Corps e: AC, e: A.C.

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Ambulance de Corps f: Amb.C. Ambulance Divisionnaire f: Amb.div. ambulanza radiologica i: a.rd. Amdahl Internally Developed Software e: AIDS AMDF [Army Master Data File] Positive Improvement Program e: Apip Amelioration de l'Autodefense Anti-missile /•AAA Amended Shipping Instruction e: ASI America, Britain, Canada, Australia e: ABC A American Academy for Professional Law Enforcement e: AAPLE American Accreditation Healthcare Commission e: AAHC American Aeronautic Forum e: AAF American Air Corps e: AAC American Air Defense Command e: A A DC American Air Force e: AAF American Airship Association e: AA, e: AAA American All-Terrain Vehicle Association e: AATVA American Armament Corporation e: AAC American Army e: AA, e: AMA American Army General Test e: AAGT American Army's Quartermaster Corps e: A.A.Q.C. American Association for Professional Law Enforcement aapm e: AAPLE American Association for Small Dredging and Marine Construction Companies e: AASDMCC American Association for the Advancement of Science-Herbicide Assessment Commission e: AAAS-HAC American Association for the International Commission of Jurists e: AAICJ American Association of Aircraft Manufactures e: A.A.A.M. American Association of Aluminum Importers and Warehouse Distributors e: AAAIWD American Association of Anatomists e: AAA American Association of College and University Business Officers e: AACUBO American Association of College Business Officers e: AACBO American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers e: AACRAO American Association of Community Theatre e: AACT American Association of Correctional Facility Officers e: AACFO American Association of Fighter Aces e: AAFA American Association of Medical Review Officers e: AAMRO American Association of Theatre Organ Enthusiasts e: AATOE American Association of Veterinary Anatomists e: AAVA American & Australian Steamship Line e: A & ASL American Automatic Weapons Association e: AAWA American Aviation Historical Society e: AAHS American Aviation Publications e: AAP American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society e: A.B.F.M.S. American Baptist Home Mission Society e: A.B.H.M.S. American Baptist Missionary Union e: A.B.M.U.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

American Missionary Association American Battle Monuments Commission e ABMC American Battleship Association e: ABA American Blood Commission e: ABC American Board of Catholic Missions e: A.B.C.M. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions e: ABCFM American Board of Foreign Missions e: ABFM American Board of International Missions e: ABIM American Board of Missions to the Jews e: ABMJ American Board of National Missions e: ABNM American Board of Nuclear Medicine e: ABNM American Board Of Science In Nuclear Medicine e: ABSNM American Book Center for War Devastated Libraries e: ABC American Boys Club in Defense of Errol Flynn e: ABCDEF American British-Canadian Airforces Standard e: ABC -AIR -STD American-British-Canadian Army Standardization Program e: ABC-ASP American, British, Chinese & Dutch Allied Forces e: ABCD American, British, Dutch, Australian Air Operational Command e: ABDAIR American-British-Dutch-Australian Army Operational Command e: ABDARM American-British-Dutch-Australian Forces e: A BD A American-British-Dutch-Australian [Forces] Command e: ABDACOM American, British, Dutch, Australian Naval Operational Command e: ABDAFLOAT American-British-Dutch-Australian Supreme Command e: ABDACOM American-British Expeditionary Corps e: ABECO American-British Forces e: ABFOR American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatre, Inc. e: A.B.-P.T. American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres e: ABP American Broadcasting Station in Europe e: ABSIE American Bureau of Shipping e: ABS American Cargo War Risk Reinsurance Exchange e: ACWRRE, e: Ad3VRRE American Center for Social Awareness e: ACSA American Central NOTAM [Notices to Airmen] Facility e: ACNF American Chemical Society/Division of Chemical Information e: ACS/DCI American Church Building Fund Commission e: ACBFC American Civil War e: ACW American Civil War Association e: ACWA American Civil War Bulletin Board System Information e: ACWBBS.. American Civil War Round Table e: ACWRT American Coal Shipping, Inc. e: ACS American College Admissions Center[s] e: ACAC American College of Radiation Oncology e ACRO American Command e: AMCO American Commission for Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas e: ACPSAHMWA

American Commission on Stratographic Nomenclature e: ACSN American Committee for Struggle Against War e: A.C.S.A.W. American Committee on the History of the Second World War e: ACHSWW American Consular Reporting Officer e: AMCONREPO American Cotton Shippers Association e: ACSA American Council on North Atlantic Treaty Organization e: ACN American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor e: ADBC American Defense Institute e: ADI American Defense Preparedness Association e: ADPA American Defense Service Medal e: ADSM American Ex-Prisoners of War e: XPW American Expeditionary Force e: AMEX American Expeditionary Forcefs] e: A.E.F. American Fashion Home Sewing Council e: AFHSC American Federal Office of the Mercantile Marine e: A.F.O.M.M. American Federation of Musicians e: AFM American Field Scholarship e: AFS American Fighter Aces Association e: AFAA American Fighter Pilots Association e: AFPA American Film Theater e: AFT American Flight Echocardiograph e: AFE American Flight Electrocardiograph e: AFE American Flight Strips Association e: AFS A American Food for Peace Council e: AFPC American for Nuclear Energy e: AFNE American for Peace and Democracy in the Middle East e: APDME American Forces Caribbean Network e: AFCN American Forces Information Service e: AFIS American Forces Italy e: AFI American Forces Korea[n] Network e: AFKN American Forces Network e: AFN American Forces Network, Europe e: AFNE, e: AFNF American Forces Network Television e: AFNTV American Forces Press and Publications Service e: AFPPS American Forces Press Service e: AFPS American Forces Radio and Television e: AFRT American Forces Radio and TelevisionBentwaters e: AFRT-B American Forces Radio and Television Service e: AFRTS American Forces Radio and Television Service-Los Angeles e: AFRTS-LA American Forces Radio and Television Service-Worldwide e: AFRTS-W American Forces Radio Station e: AFRS American Forces Television e: AFTV American Forces Thailand Network e: AFTN American Forces Vietnam Network e: AFVN American Forces, Western Pacific e: AFWESPAC American Graves Registration Command e: A G R C [ 0 ]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

American Graves Registration Service e: AGRS American Gun Dealers Association e: AGDA American Helicopter Association e: AHS American Helicopter Company e: AHC American Helicopter Museum e: AHM American Helicopter Society e: AHS American Hemisphere Marine Agencies e: AHMA American Hospital Corps e: AHC American Immigration and Citizenship Conference e: AICC American Institute of Aeronautics e: AIA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics e: AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics-Technical Information Service e: AIAA-TIS American Institute of Marine Development e: AIMD American Institute of Marine Underwriters e: AIMU, e: All) American Israeli Shipping e: AIS American Land Army e: A.L.A. American Law Enforcement Officers Association e: ALEOA American Leage for Peace and Democracy e: ALPD American League Against War and Fascism e ALAWF American Legation, United States Naval Attaché e: ALIISNA American Legation, United States [Naval] Liaison Officer e: ALUSLO American Legation, United States Naval Observer e: ALUSNOB American Legion Convention e: ALC American Legion [veterans] e: AL American Liaison Officer e: ALO American Marine Insurance Clearing House e: AMICH American Marine Insurance Forum e: AMIF American Marine Insurance Syndicate e: AMIS American Marine Standards Committee e: AMSC American Marksmanship Unit e: AMU American Merchant Marine e: AMM American Merchant Marine Library Association e: AMMLA American Merchant Marine Victory Medal e: AMMVM American Military Assistance Staff e: AMAS American Military Assistance to Yugoslavia e: AMAY American Military Attaché e: AMILAT American Military Attaché e: AMA American Military Government e: AMG American Military Government-Free Territory of Trieste e: AMG-FTT American Military Institute e: AMI American Military Insurance Association e: AMIA American Military International Insurance Association e: AMILA American Military Mission e: AMM American Military Mission, Delhi e: AMMDEL American Military Mission to China e: AMMISCA American Military Police e: AMP American Military Precision Flying Teams Association e: AMPFTA American Military Standard e: AMS American Mission for Aid to Turkey e: AMAT American Missionary Association e: AMA


American Munitions Maintenance American Munitions Maintenance & Inspection Consortium e: AMMICON American Museum of Marine Archaeology e: AMMA American Naval Attaché e: Am Na Att American Navy e: AN American Nuclear Corp. e: ANUC American Nuclear Corporation e: ANC American Nuclear Science Corporation e: ANSC American Observer, British Navy e: Am Obs BN American Ordnance Association e: AOA American Pacific Corporation e: APFC American Peace Mobilization e: APM American Peace Society e: Am Peace American Peace Test e: APT American Prisoners of War Information Bureau e: APWIB American Red Cross Officer's Club e: A.R.C.O.C. American Revolutionary Army e: ARA American Rocket Company e: AMROC American Rocket Society e: ARS American ROTC [Reserve Officers Training Corps] Affairs e: ARROTCA American Serviceman's Union e: A.S.U. American Ship Building Company e: ABG American Shippers for Hamburg Alliance e: ASHA American Society of Aeronautical Engineers e: ASAE American Society of Military Comptrollers e: ASMC American Society of Military Insignia Collectors e: ASMIC, e: ASMIL American Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers e: A.S.N.A.&M.E. American Society of Naval Engineers e: ASNE American Society of Russian Naval History e ASRNH American Steamship Traffic Executives Committee e: ASTEC American Towing Tank Conference e: ATTC American Tramp Shipowners Association e: ATSA American Veterans' Committee e: A VC American Veterans of Israel e: AVI American Veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam e: AMVETS American Volunteer Group e: A.V.G. American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force e: AVG American War Dads e: AWD American War Dads Auxiliary e: AWDA American War Mothers e: AWM American War Standard[s] e: AWS American War Standards Committee e: AWSC American Women's Army Corps e: A.W.A.C. American Women's Voluntary Service e: AWVS Americans for Nuclear Energy e: AFNE Americans for Peace e: AfP America's Victory Force e: AVF Amerikanische Militärregierung d: AmMilReg, d: AmMR Ames Aeronautical Laboratory e: AAL Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer e: AATS Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility e: ADFRF AMETS [Artillery Meteorological System] Instrumentation Vehicle e: AIV AMGOT Mail Service e: AMS Amicale de Réseaux de la France Combattante f: A.R.F.C.


Amicale des Anciens Combattants f: A.A.C. Amicale des Anciens de l'Aviation f: A.A.A. Amicale des anciens volontaires français en Espagne républicaine f: AVER Amicale des anciens élèves-officiers de l'Air f: A.A.E.O.A. Amicale des Forces Française de l'Intérieur / A.F.F.I. Amicale des sous-officiers de réserve f: A.S.O.R. Ammended Route of Flight e: AMRF Amministrazione Marinara Fascista i: AMF Amministrazione Militare i: AM Amministrazione Militare Marittima i: AMM Ammunition e: Am ammunition e: amm Ammunition e: Am m η ammunition e: ammu, e: amn Ammunition Asset Reporting System e: AARS Ammunition Base Load e: ABL Ammunition Bearer e: AB ammunition bearer e: ammobr ammunition clerk e: am. elk. Ammunition Consolidated Stock Status Report e: ACSSR Ammunition Container Assembly e: ACA Ammunition Control Point e: ACP Ammunition Corporal e: AC Ammunition Danger Area e: ADA Ammunition Delivery System e: ADS Ammunition Depot e: AD Ammunition Distribution System e: ADS Ammunition Dump e: AD Ammunition Engineering Directorate [Army] e: AED Ammunition Exminer e: AE Ammunition, Explosives, and other Dangerous Articles e: AEDA Ammunition Factory Footscray e: AFF ammunition handler e: ammo hand Ammunition Hoist e: AMOHST Ammunition Hoist Drive e: AMOHSTDR Ammunition Identification Code e: AIC Ammunition Initiatives Task Force e: AITF Ammunition Lot Number e: ALN Ammunition Maintenance Squadron e: AMS Ammunition Performance Report e: APR Ammunition Post Processor e: APP Ammunition Rack e: AMMORK Ammunition Railhead e: ARH ammunition records clerk e: ammo red elk Ammunition Refilling Point e: ARP ammunition renovator e: ammo renov Ammunition Repair Workshop e: ARW Ammunition Reporting and Management System e: ARMS Ammunition Reserve e: Am R, e: AR Ammunition Section e: Am Sec ammunition section chief e: ammo sec eh Ammunition Sergeant e: am sgt Ammunition ship e: AE Ammunition Ship e: AS, e: TAE Ammunition Shipment Order e: AMSO ammunition specialist e: ammo sp Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program e ASRP Ammunition Storage e: AS Ammunition Storage Facility e: ASF Ammunition Storage Site e: AMSS Ammunition Storage Sites e: ASS Ammunition Store e: AS Ammunition Stores Issue Ship e: ASIS

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Ammunition Sub-Depot e: ASD Ammunition Subdepot e: ASD Ammunition Subpark e: Ammn Sub Pk Ammunition Supply Authority e: AMSA Ammunition Supply Dump e: ASD Ammunition Supply Officer e: ASO Ammunition Supply Point e: ASP Ammunition Supply Point Officer e: ASPO Ammunition Supply Points e: ASUPS Ammunition Supply Vehicle e: ASV Ammunition Technical Office e: A T O Ammunition Technical Officefr] e: A T O Ammunition Technician e: AT Ammunition Track e: AMTRAC ammunition train e: ammo tn Ammunition Train e: Amm Tn, e: Am Tn Ammunition Transfer Point e: ATP Ammunitionsfabriken, Karlsborg r: Amf Κ Ammunitionsfabriken, Zakrisdal r: Amf Ζ Amnesty International in the United States of America e: AIIISA Amphibian Boat Reconnaissance Aircraft e: A BR Amphibian Command e: AC Amphibian Imperial Forces e: AIF Amphibious e: A amphibious e: ampli, e: ¡lili ρ Ii i I) Amphibious Air Traffic Control e: AATC Amphibious, Armored Infantry Combat Vehicle e: AAICV Amphibious Assault Bulk Fuel System e: AABFS Amphibious Assault Carrier e: LHA Amphibious Assault Direction System e: AADS Amphibious Assault Fire System e: AAFS Amphibious Assault Fuel System e: AAFS Amphibious Assault Landing Craft e: AALC Amphibious Assault Ship e: LHA Amphibious assault ship, helicopter e: LPH Amphibious Assault Vehicle e: AAV Amphibious Assault Vehicle/Intelligent Munitions e: AAV/IM Amphibious attack Cargo Ship e: LKA Amphibious Auto Club of America e: AACA Amphibious Beach Unit e: ABU Amphibious Bridging System [Tracked] e: ABS[T] Amphibious Bridging System [Wheeled] e: ABS [W] Amphibious Car e: AC Amphibious Combat Group e: ACG Amphibious Command e: Ampli Comd Amphibious Command and Control System [or System] e: ACCS Amphibious Command Car e: ACC Amphibious Command Ship e: LCC Amphibious Construction Battalion e: ACB Amphibious Corps e: AC Amphibious Corps Atlantic Fleet e: ACAF Amphibious Corps, Pacific Fleet e: ACPF Amphibious Engineer Squadron e: Ampli Engr Sqn amphibious exercise e: amphibex Amphibious Flagship Data System e: AFDS Amphibious Follow-on-Echelon e: AFOE Amphibious Force e: AF Amphibious Force, Atlantic e: AMPHFORLANT Amphibious Force Flagship e: AGC Amphibious Force, Mediterranean e: AMPHFORMED

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Annual Financial Target Amphibious Force, Pacific e: AMPHFORPAC Amphibious Force Support Group e: AFSG Amphibious Forces, Atlantic e: AMPHIBFORLANT Amphibious Forces-Atlantic e: PHIBLANT Amphibious Forces, Central Pacific e: AMPHIBFORCENPAC Amphibious Forces Command e: Amph Comd, e: PhibComd Amphibious Forces, Mediterranean e: AMPHIBFORMED Amphibious Forces-North West African Waters e: PHIBNAW Amphibious Forces Notes & Orders e: AFNO Amphibious Forces, Pacific e: AMPHIBFORPAC Amphibious Forces-Pacific e: PHIBPAC Amphibious Forces Training Command, Atlantic Fleet e: PhibsTraLant Amphibious Forces Training Command, Pacific Fleet e: PhibsTraPae Amphibious Group e: AMPHGR, e: Amphib Gru Amphibious Group Command e: AGC Amphibious Infantry Support Vehicle e: AISV Amphibious Landing Exercise e: PhibLEx Amphibious Objective Area e: AOA Amphibious Observation Regiment e: AORegt Amphibious Operating Area e: AOA Amphibious Operational Training Element e: AOTE Amphibious Operations e: PhibOps Amphibious Operations Officer e: AOO Amphibious Ready Group e: ARG Amphibious Reconnaissance e: Amphib Recon Amphibious Refresher Training e: PhibRfT Amphibious Research Craft e: ARC Amphibious Supply Platform e: ASP Amphibious Tank e: amph tk, e: amtank, e: AMTK Amphibious Tank Crewman e: amph tk crm Amphibious Task Force e: ATF Amphibious Task Group e: ATG Amphibious Task Unit e: ATU Amphibious Track e: Amph Trk Amphibious Tractor e: AMTRAC Amphibious Training e: Phibtra Amphibious Training Base e: ATB Amphibious Training Command, Atlantic e: PhibTraLant Amphibious Training Command Liaison Officer e: ATCLO Amphibious Training Demonstrator e: ADT Amphibious Training Exercise e: AMTREX Amphibious Training Unit e: Amphib Tra U Amphibious Training Unit Royal Marines e: ATURM Amphibious transport e: APA Amphibious Transport Ship e: ATS Amphibious Transport Submarine e: LPSS Amphibious Transportation Group e: AMPHTGP Amphibious Trials & Testing Unit, Royal Marines e: ATTURM Amphibious Troops e: AT Amphibious Truck e: Am Trk Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch e: AVTB

Amphibious Warfare e: AMV, e: AMW, e: AW Amphibious Warfare Headquarters e: AWHQ, e: A.W.H.Q. Amphibious Warfare School e: AWS Amphibious Warfare ship e: AW Amphibious Warfare Squadron e: AWS Amphibious Warfare Technology e: AWT Amphibious Warfare Working Party e: AWWP AmphibiousWarfare e: AMW Amphibisches Pionierbataillon d: AmphPiBtl Amplification based on Stimulated Emission of Radiation e: ASER Amplified Spontaneous Emission e: ASE Amplified Stimulated Emission e: ASE AMSAA [Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency] Evade Sustained Operations Perform e: AESOPS Amsterdamsche Verwarmingsmaatschappij n: AVM Amt Ausland/Abwehr [im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht] d: Ausl./Abw. Amt Ausland Abwehr [im OKW] d: Amt. Aus./Abw. Amt für Atomsicherheit und Strahlenschutz d: AAS. Amt für Nationale Sicherheit d: AfNS Amt für Sicherheit der Bundeswehr d: ASBw Amt für zentrale Verwaltungsaufgaben der Luftwaffe d: A.Z.V. Amt Wehrwirtschaft [Generalluftzeugmeister] d: AW.Wi. Amtsblatt der Alliierten Hohen Kommission d: AHKAB1. Amtsblatt der Alliierten Hohen Kommission in Deutschland d: AB1AHK Amtsblatt der Alliierten Kommandatura Berlin d: ABIAIlKdtr. Amtsgruppe Auslandsnachrichten und Abwehr d: [A]Ausl./Abw Amtsgruppe Wehrwirtschaftsstab d: A.Wstb. Amtskasse des Oberkommandos des Heeres d: AK. O.K.H. Anais do Clube Militar Naval, Lisbon ρ : An. Clube Mil. Nav., Lisb. Analog Radar Absorber e: ARA Analog[ue] Simulation of Competitive Operational Tactics e: ASCOT Analog[ue] Transmission System e: ATS Analyse Radar pour Identification et Alerte / ARIAL Analysis and Application of Rare Earth Materials. NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institute e: Anal Appi Rare Earth Mater NATO Adv Study Inst Analysis and Support Division e: ASD Analysis for Forces Objectives and Resources Determination e: AFFORD analytical anatomy by the Braille method e: aaBm Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy e: Anal At Spectrosc Analytical Studies of Surface Effects of Submerged Submarines e: ASSESS Anatomical Transplant Association e: ATA. Anatomische Gesellschaft d: AG Anciens Combattants Coloniaux f: A.C.C. Anciens Combattants de la Résistance de l'Education Nationale f: A.C.R.E.N. Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre f: A.C.V.G. Anciens Combattants Francais f: A.C.F. Anciens Combattants Outre-Mer f: A.C.O.M.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Anciens de l'Aéronautique Militaire f: A.A.M. Anciens officiers dans les carrières civiles / AOC Anciens prisoniers de guerre f: A.P.G. Ancient American Rocket Pioneers e: AARP Ancillary Armament Equipment e: AAE Anderson Air Force Base Flightline e: AAFBF Andover Training Flight e: ATF Andrews Air Force Base e: AAFB Anfertigungsware d: AW Angehörige der Armee d: AdA Angestellten- und Beamtenausschuß des Preußischen Kriegsministeriums d: A.u.B.-Ausschuß Angina Awareness Program e: AAP Anglican Fellowship of Prayer e: AFP Anglo-American Air Force e: AAAF Anglo-American Air Forces e: A.A.A.F. Anglo-American Blockade Commission e: A.A.B.C. Anglo-American Caribbean Commission e: A.A.C.C. Anglo-American Joint Chiefs of Staff e: AAJCS Anglo-American Treaty Association e: A.A.T.A. Anglo-French Safety of Navigation Group e: AFSNG Anglo-French Variable Geometry Aircraft e: AFVG Aircraft Anglo-French Variable Geometry Fighter e: AFVG Fighter Anglo-German Fellowship e: A.G.F. Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement e: AIFTA Anglo-Israel Friendship League e: AIFL Anglo-Saxon America e: Ang-Sax Amer Anglo-Soviet Joint Commission e: ASJC Anglo-Soviet Youth Friendship Alliance e: A.S.Y.F.A. Angolan Armed Forces e: FAA Angriffsflugzeugtr d: AFT Angriffs[flugzeug]träger d: AFG, d: AFV Angriffstrupp d: AT Angriffstrupp-Mann d: ATM Angriffstruppführer d: Atf Angular Correlation of Positron Annihilation Radiation e: ACPAR Animal Defence Society e: ADS Animal Health Divisional Office e: AHDO Animal Legal Defense Fund e: ALDF Animal Procurement Office e: APO Animal Procurement Officer e: APO Animal Transport Company e: A.T.C. Animated Dissection of Anatomy for Medicine e: ADAM anit-tank battery e: A.Tk.Bty Anitarmor Helicopter Troop e: AAHT Ankaufsabteilung für beschlagnahmte Webwaren der Kriegs-Rohstoff-Abteilung d: A.b.W. Annapolis Regiment e: A, e: Ann.Rgt Annexe de l'Ecole d'Enseignement Technique de l'Armée de Terre f: A.E.E.T.A.T. Annexe de l'Entrepôt de Munitions f: A.E.Mu. Annexe de l'Etablissement régional du matériel, Lyon f: A.ERM Anniston Army Depot e: ANAD Announcement of Flight Opportunities e: AFO Announcement of Flight Opportunity e: AFO Annual Cost of Ownership e: ACO Annual Financial Target e: AFT


Annual Long Range Annual Long Range Airlift Requirements e ALRAR Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy e: A RAAS, e: ARASC7 Annular Blast Fragmentation warhead e: ABF Annular Fire Missile e: AFM Anomalous Dispersion Spherical Array Target e: ADSAT Anordnung der Alliierten Kommandatur Berlin d: BK/O Another Mother for Peace e: AMP Ansaldo i: A Ansaldo Meccanico Nucleare i: AMN Ansiedlungs-Kommission d: Ans.-Komm. Antarctic Airborne Ozone Experiment e: AAOE Antarctic Conservation Strategy e: ACS Antarctic Flight Information Manual e: AFIM Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Research at the Ice-edge Zone e: AMERIEZ Antarctic Marine Ecosystems e: AME Antarctic Marine Living Resources e: AMLR Antarctic Task Force e: ATF Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meetingfs] e: ATSCM Antarctic Zone of Peace e: AZOP Antenna Radiation Pattern e: ARP Antenna Radiation Resistance e: ARR Antenna Range Equipment e: ARE Antenne Radar a Balayage Electronique f: ARABEL Antennes de documentation de l'Air f: A.D.Air Anterior Bite Wing e: ABW Anti-Air Artillery Order of Battle e: AAAOB Anti-Air Warfare Center e: AAWC Anti-Air Warfare On-Board Radar Simulator e: AAWOBRS Anti-Air Warfare Readiness Assessment Training System e: AAWRATS Anti-Air Warfare Systems e: AAWS Anti-Air Warfare Training in Port e: AAWTIP Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Submarine e: AA and AS Anti-Aircraft and Guided Missile Branch e: AA & GM Branch Anti-Aircraft Artillery e: AAA, e: TripleA Anti-aircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Center e: AA & GM Ctr Anti-Aircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Equipment e: AAA & GM Anti-aircraft Artillery and Guided Missile School e: AAA & GM S Anti-Aircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons e: AAA AW Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battery e: AAA Bty Anti-aircraft Artillery Brigade e: A.A.Brig. Anti-aircraft Artillery Command e: AAAC Anti-aircraft Artillery Fire Direction Center e: AAAFDC Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gun Crewman e: AAA gun crm Anti-Aircraft Artillery Liaison Officer e: AAALO Anti-Aircraft Artillery Light Machine Gun e: AAALMG Anti-Aircraft Artillery Missile e: AAA Msl Anti-Aircraft Artillery Operations and Intelligence Specialist e: AAA opns & intel sp Anti-Aircraft Artillery Operations Room e: AAAOR, e: AAOR


Anti-Aircraft Artillery Position e: AA psn Anti-Aircraft Artillery Radar e: AAA rdr, e: AAARRD Anti-Aircraft Artillery Radar Crewman e: AAA rdr crm, e: AAARRDCRM Anti-Aircraft Artillery Repair Foreman e: AAA Rep Fman Anti-Aircraft Artillery Repairman e: AAA Repm Anti-Aircraft Artillery Searchlight e: AAA Sit Anti-Aircraft Artillery Service Test Station e: AAASTS Anti-Aircraft Balloon e: AA/B, e: AA bin Anti-Aircraft Battery e: A.A.Bty. Anti-Aircraft Close Range Fire e: AACRF Anti-Aircraft Co-Operation Flight e: AACF Anti-Aircraft Co-operative Unit e: A.A.C.II. Anti-aircraft Command e: AAC Anti-Aircraft Command Centre e: AACC Anti-Aircraft Command Post e: AACP Anti-Aircraft Control Station e: AACS Anti-Aircraft Corps e: AAC anti-aircraft defence headquarters e: A.A.Def.Hq. Anti-Aircraft Defences e: AAD Anti-Aircraft Defended Point e: AADP Anti-Aircraft Defense e: AA Def Anti-aircraft Defense Headquarters e: AA Def HQ Anti-Aircraft Defense System e: AADS Anti-Aircraft Director e: AAD Anti-aircraft Director Center e: AADC Anti-Aircraft Division e: A.A.D. Anti-Aircraft Experimental Section e: AAES Anti-Aircraft Fire e: AAF Anti-Aircraft Fire Control e: AAFC Anti-Aircraft Fire Control System e: AAFCS Anti-Aircraft Guided Missile System e: AAGMS Anti-Aircraft Gun e: AAG Anti-Aircraft Gun Fire e: AAGF Anti-Aircraft Gun-Laying e: AAGL Anti-Aircraft Gun Station e: AAG Stn Anti-Aircraft Gunnery Range e: AAGR Anti-Aircraft Information System e: AAIS Anti-Aircraft Instructor e: AAI Anti-Aircraft Instructor Gunnery e: AAIG Anti-Aircraft Liaison Officer e: AALO Anti-Aircraft Light e: AAL Anti-Aircraft Light Automatic e: AALA Anti-Aircraft Light Machine Gun e: AAL Mg Anti-Aircraft Long-Range Fire e: AALRF Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun e: AAMG Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Platoon e: AA Mg PI Anti-Aircraft Machine Gunner e: AA mach gnr anti-aircraft missile e: aam Anti-Aircraft Observation Post e: AAOP Anti-Aircraft Officer e: AAO anti-aircraft rocket gun e: Z-gun Anti-Aircraft Searchlight e: AAS, e: AASI Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Station e: AASLS Anti-Aircraft Sector e: AA Sec Anti-Aircraft Service e: AAS Anti-Aircraft Tank e: AAT, e: AA Tk Anti-Aircraft Throw-Off Firing e: AATOF Anti-Aircraft Training System e: AATS Anti-Aircraft Unit e: AAU Anti-Aitcraft Artillery Remote-Controlled Aerial Target e: AAARCAT Anti-Anti-Missile Missile e: AAMM Anti-Antimissile Missile e: AAM

Κ · G · Saur, München

Anti-armor Threat Warning System e: ATWS Anti-Armor Vehicle Evaluation e: ARMVAL Anti-Armor Weapons e: AAWs Anti-Armor Weapons System-Heavy e: AAWS-H Anti-Atom-Büro Hamburg d: AABH Anti-Ballistic Missile Early Warning System e: ABMEWS Anti-Ballistic Missile Range e: ABMR Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty e: ABMT Anti-Comet Tail Gun e: ACT gun Anti-Cruise Missile e: ACM Anti Diesel Submarine Warfare e: ADSW Anti-Gas School e: AGS Anti-Helicopter Device e: AHD Anti-Helicopter Mine e: AHM Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic Missile e: A-IBCM anti-intercontinental ballistic missile e: aibm Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic Missile e: AICBM anti-intermediate range ballistic missile e: airbm Anti-Intrusion Defence Barriers e: AIDB Anti-Invasion Mine e: AIM Anti-Materiel Incendiary Submunition e: AMIS Anti-Mine Sweeping Explosive Float e: AMSEF Anti-Missile Array Radar e: AMAR Anti-Missile Defence e: AMD Anti-Missile Discarding Sabot e: AMDS Anti-Missile Infra-Red e: AMIR Anti-Missile Research Advisory Council e: AMRAC anti-missile surface-to air-missile e: amsam Anti-Missile Surface to Air Missile e: ANSAM Anti-Missile Test Range e: AMMTR anti nuclear e: antinuke Anti-Nuclear Campaign e: ANC Anti-Nuclear Factor e: ANF Anti-Nuclear Group Representing York e: ANGRY Anti-Nuclear Submarine Warfare e: ANSW Anti-Parachutist Corps e: APC Anti Radar e: AR Anti-Radar Drone e: ARD Anti-Radar Futur e: ARF Anti-Radar Homing e: ARH Anti-Radar Longue Portee e: ARLP Anti-Radar Missile e: ARM Anti-Radar missile Matra e: ARMAT Anti-Radiation Homing e: ARH Anti-Radiation Missile e: ARM, e: SHRIKE Anti-Radiation Missile Countermeasures e ARMCM Anti-Radiation Missile Decoy e: ARM-D Anti-Radiation Missile Defense, Lightweight Objective e: ARMADILLO Anti-Radio Missile e: ARM Anti-Rape Task Force e: ARTF Anti-Satellite Weapon e: ASW Anti-Shelter Submunition e: ASS Anti-Ship Cruise Missile e: ASCM Anti-Ship Euro-Missile e: ASEM Anti-Ship Missile Defense e: ASMD Anti-Ship Torpedo e: ASTOR Anti-Ship Variant radar e: ASV Anti-Spoofing [on GPS Transmissions] e: AS Anti-Submarine e: AS Anti-Submarine Classification Analysis Center e: ASCAC

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

antinuklearer Faktor Anti-Submarine Contact Analysis Center e: ASCAC Anti-Submarine Course e: A/S Cse Anti-Submarine Depth Indicating Control e: Asdic Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee e: ASDIC Anti-Submarine Establishment e: ASE, e: A.S.E. Anti Submarine Rocket [Computer] e: ASROC Anti-Submarine Terrier Missile e: ASTER Missile Anti-Submarine Warfare e: ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare Advisory Committee e: ASWAC Anti-Submarine Warfare Analysis Centre e: ASWAC Anti-Submarine Warfare and Anti-Air Warfare e: ASW/AAW Anti-Submarine Warfare Area System e: ASWAS Anti-Submarine Warfare Center e: ASWC Anti-Submarine Warfare Commander e: ASWC Anti-Submarine Warfare Data System e: ASWDS Anti-Submarine War[fare] Division e: A/S W.D. Anti-Submarine Warfare Environmental Prediction Service e: ASWEPS Anti-Submarine Warfare Environmental Prediction System e: ASWEPS Anti-Submarine Warfare Module e: ASMOD Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Center e: ASWOC Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Patrol e: ASWPTL Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Research Group e: ASWORG Anti-Submarine Warfare Opposed Transit e: ASWOT Anti-Submarine Warfare Research Center e: ASWRC Anti-Submarine Warfare Special Projects Office e: ASWSPO Anti-Submarine Warfare Standoff Weapon e: ASWSOW Anti-Submarine Warfare Systems Analysis Group e: ASWSAG Anti-Submarine Warfare Technical Center e: ASW Tech Cen Anti-Submarine Warfare Trainer e: ASWT Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center e ASWTC, e: ASWTRACEN Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Unit e: ASWTU Anti-Submarine Warfare Unit e: ASWU Anti-Submarine Weapon/Nuclear Depth Bomb e: ASW/NDB Anti Submarine Weapon Stand-Off Weapon e: ASW/SOW Anti-Submarine Weapon Vertical Launch ASROC e: ASW/VLA Anti-Submarine Weaponfs] e: ASW Anti-Submarine Work e: ASW Anti-Surface Euromissile Consortium e: ASEM Anti-Surface Missile Defence e: ASMD Anti-Surface Ship Warfare e: ASSW Anti-Surface Vessel Warfare e: ASVW Anti-Surface Warfare e: ASuW Anti-Surface Warfare Commander e: ASUWC Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile e: ATBM Anti-Tactical Missile e: ATM Anti-Tactical Patriot e: ATP Anti-Tank Aircraft Rocket e: ATAR

Anti-Tank Ballistic Missile e: ATB Missile Anti-tank battery e: A.T.B. Anti-Tank Guided Missile e: ATGM Anti-Tank Guided Munitions e: ATGM Anti-Tank Guided Weapon[s] e: ATGW Anti-Tank Guided WeaponSystem e: ATGWS Anti-Tank Gun e: ATG Anti-tank regiment e: A.T.R. Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery e: A.Tk.Regt.R.A. Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher e: ATRL Anti-tank troup e: A.T.Tp. Anti-Torpedo Air-launched Acoustic Countermeasures e: ATAAC Anti-Vehicle e: A V anti-vehicle land mine e: avlm Anti-Vehicle Munition e: AV Munition Antiair Warfare e: AAW Antiair Warfare Commander[s] e: AAWC Antiair Warfare Coordinator e: AAWC Antiair Warfare Exercisefs] e: AAWEX Antiair Warfare Exercisefs] in Port e: AAWEXINPT Antiair Warfare Reporting e: AAWR Antiair Warfare Support e: AAWSUP Antiaircraft e: A, e: A.A. antiaircraft e: ack-ack Antiaircraft e: Ant A Antiaircraft [and] Guided Missilefs] School e: AA&GM Antiaircraft Armament e: AAA Antiaircraft Artillery e: AA, e: AAA Antiaircraft Artillery Airborne e: AA Abn Antiaircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Center e: AAA&GM C[tr], e: AAGMC Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion e: AAA AW Bn Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battery e: AAA AQ Btry Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battery [Self-Propelled] e: AAA AW Btry [SP] antiaircraft artillery battery e: AAA Bty Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade e: AAA Brig Antiaircraft Artillery Group e: AAA Gp Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion e: AAA Gn Bn Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battery e: AAA G η Bty Antiaircraft Artillery Information [or Intelligence] Service e: AAIS Antiaircraft Artillery Information Service e: AAAIS Antiaircraft Artillery Integrated Fire Control Platoon e: AAA IFC PL Antiaircraft Artillery Integrated Fire Control Radar Equipment e: AAA IPC rdr eqp Antiaircraft Artillery Intelligence Service e: AAAIS Antiaircraft Artillery Missiles Battalion e: AAAMB Antiaircraft Artillery Officer Candidate School e: AAAOCS, e: AAOCS Antiaircraft Artillery Operations Center e: AAAOC Antiaircraft Artillery Reception Center e: AAARC Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control e: AAARC Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control Repair Foreman e: AAARC Rep Fman Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control Repair Helper e: AAARC Rep Hlpr Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control Repair Inspector e: AAARC Rep Insp

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control Repairman e: AAARC Repm Antiaircraft Artillery Remote-Controlled Aerial Target Detachment e: AAARCAT Det, e AARCAT Det Antiaircraft Artillery Repair Helper e: AAA Rep Hlpr Antiaircraft Artillery Replacement Training Center e: AAARTC Antiaircraft Artillery Service Test Section e: AASTS Antiaircraft [Artillery] Training and Test Center e: AAT & TC Antiaircraft Artillery Training Center e: AAATC Antiaircraft [Artillery] Training Center e: AATC, e: AATRACEN Antiaircraft Assistant e: AAA Antiaircraft Battalion e: AA Bn Antiaircraft Battalion [or Battery] e: AAB Antiaircraft Brigade e: AA Bde Antiaircraft Common e: AAC Antiaircraft-Defended Area e: AADA Antiaircraft Defense Command e: AADC Antiaircraft Element e: AAE Antiaircraft Guided Missile School e: AAGMS Antiaircraft Guided Missile Site e: AAGMS Antiaircraft Guided Missile Station e: AAGMS antiaircraft guided missile system e: AAGMS antiaircraft gun e: pom-pom Antiaircraft Hostile Battery e: AAHB Antiaircraft Machine Gun e: AA mach gn Antiaircraft Operations Center e: AAOC Antiaircraft Regiment e: AA Regt Antiaircraft Regional Command e: AARC Antiaircraft Replacement Training Center e: AARTC Antiaircraft Searchlight e: aasl Antiaircraft Searchlight Battalion e: AA SI Bn Antiaircraft Searchlight Company e: AA SI Co, e: AA SI Cofy] Antiaircraft Self-Destroying e: AASD Antiaircraft Signal Company e: AASC Antiaircraft Station e: AASTA Antiaircraft Tehnician e: AAT Antiaircraft Troops e: AA Tps Antiaircraft Volunteer e: AAV Antiarmour Cluster Munition e: ACM Antiballistic-Missile Missile e: A B M M Antiballistic Missile System e: ABMS Anticarrier Warfare e: ACW antiepidemische Abteilung d: aeA Antigas Officer e: AGO Antigua Base Command e: ABC Antilles Command, United States Army Caribbean e: ANTCOMDUSARCARIB Antimassed Armor Strike Weapon System e: AASWS Antimaterial or [Antimateriel] Warhead e: AMW Antimaterial Warhead e: AMWH Antimilitarismus Information e: AMI Antimilitaristische Soldatengruppe d: ASG Antimilitaristischer Arbeitskreis d: AMAK Antimissile Missile and Space Defense Office e: AMMSDO Antimissile Missile Test Range e: AMMTR Antimissile Research Advisory Council e: AMRAC Antimissile Warfare e: AMW antinuklearer Faktor d: ANF


Antiradar Surveillance Antiradar Surveillance and Target Acquisition System e: A S T A S Antiradiation Weapon System e: A R W S antisatellite weapons e: ASATs Antiship Missile e: A S M Antiship Missile Defense e: A S M D antiship-missile defense/electronic warfare e: asmd/ew antistrategic submarine warfare e: assw Antisubmarine e: antisub, e: ANTISUBM, e: S Antisubmarine Air Control [er] e: ASAC Antisubmarine Attack Plotter e: A S A P Antisubmarine Commander e: A S C O Antisubmarine Composite Engineering Squadron e: ACES Antisubmarine Contact Analysis Team e: ASCAT Antisubmarine Defence [or Defense] Group e: ASDG Antisubmarine Defense e: AntiSubDef Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic Fleet e: AntiSubDefLant, e: ASDEFORLANT Antisubmarine Defense Force, Pacific Fleet e: AntiSubDefPac Antisubmarine Defense Forces, Pacific e: ASDEFORPAC Antisubmarine Development Detachment e: A S D D Antisubmarine Development Detachment, Atlantic Fleet e: A S D E V L A N T Antisubmarine Experimental Establishment e: A/SEE Antisubmarine Fighter Squadron e: VSF Antisubmarine Fixed Defenses Officer e: A/SFDO Antisubmarine Frigate e: A S F Antisubmarine Helicopter e: HPS Antisubmarine Launched Ballistic Missile e: ASLBM Antisubmarine Patrol e: A/SP, e: A/S Pat Antisubmarine Projector e: A/SP Antisubmarine Rocket e: ASR Antisubmarine rocket e: RUR-5A Antisubmarine School e: A/S Sch Antisubmarine Squadron e: AntiSubRon Antisubmarine Submarine e: SSK Antisubmarine Systems Project Office e: ASPO Antisubmarine Technical Evaluation Center e: A S T E C antisubmarine torpedo e: astor Antisubmarine Warfare Air Control Ship e: A S W A C S Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Submarine Patrol Area e: SlIBPA Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Submarine Patrol Zone e: SUBPZ Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Surface Patrol Area e: SURFPA Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Surface Patrol Ship e: SURF Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Surface Patrol Zone e: SURFPZ Antisubmarine Warfare Barriers e: A S W B Antisubmarine Warfare Command and Control System e: A S W C C S Antisubmarine Warfare Exercise e: ASWEX Antisubmarine Warfare Force, Sixth Fleet e: A S W F O R S I X T H F Antisubmarine Warfare Improved Localization System e: A S W I L S Antisubmarine Warfare In-Port Training e: ASWIPT Antisubmarine Warfare Installations e: ASWI Antisubmarine Warfare Laboratory e: ASWL


Antisubmarine Warfare Program e: A W P Antisubmarine Warfare Ship Command and Control System e: A S W S C C S Antisubmarine Warfare/Ship Commandand-Control System e: A S W / S I C S Antisubmarine Warfare Systems e: ASWS, e: A W S Antisubmarine Warfare Tactical Data System e: A S W T D S Antisubmarine Warfare Tactical Navigation System e: A S W T N S Antisubmarine Warfare/Underwater Warfare e: A S W / U W Antisubmarine Warning [long-range] e: ASW [LR] Antisubmarine Warning [short-range] e: ASW [SR] Antitank Assault Air Defense e: A T A A D Antitank Battalion e: ATBn Antitank Guided Aircraft Rocket e: ATGAR Antitank Gun e: A T G n Antitank Mine e: ATM Antitank Missile e: ATM antitank weapon e: atw Antiunderwater Warfare e: A U W Antivehicle Mine e: A V M Anwärter d: Anw., d: Aw Anwärterdienstalter d: AnwDA Anwärterdienstzeit d: A n w D Z Anwärter[in] d: Awn Anwartschaft d: Anw., d: Aw. Anwartschaftsversicherung d: AW Anzeigegerät für Funknavigation d: AFN Apache Helicopter e: AH, e: AH-64A Apollo Command Systems e: ACS Apollo Flight Control e: A FC Apollo Guidance and Navigation Information e: A G A N I Apollo Instrumentation Ship e: AIS Apollo Lunar Exploration Mission e: ALEM Apollo Mission Planning Task Force e: AMPTF Apollo Mission Programs e: A M P Apollo Navigation Working Group e: ANWG Apollo Preflight Operations Procedures e: APOP Apollo Spacecraft Hardware Utilization R e q u e s t s ] e: A S H U R Apollo Telemetry Aircraft Project e: ATAP Apollo Vehicle Systems Section e: AVSS Apostolat Militaire International f: AMI Appalachian Helicopter Pilots Association e: AH PA Appalachian Regional Commission e: ARC Apparatus Respiratoire Filtrant des Armees f : ARFA Appeal Examining Officer e: AEO Appellate Division e: AD Application of Limited Nuclear Forces e: ALNF Application of Radar to Ballistic Acceptance Testing e: A R B A T Application of the 1973 Middle East War to CAA [Concepts Analysis Agency] War Games, Models and Simulations e: AMWAR Applicazioni Digitali Nucleari i: ADN Applied Ballistics Department e: ABD Applied Mechanics Division [American Society of Mechanical Engineers] e: AMD Applied Psychology Panel e: APP Applied Radiation Corporation e: A R C O Applied Transmission Technologies e: ATT

Κ · G · Saur, München

Apply Force e: AF Apprenticeship Committee e: A C Apprenticeship Information Center e: AIC Approach Control Radar e: ACR Approach Radar Controller e: A R C Approach Surveillance Radar e: ASR Appropriate Military Systems Guide e: AMSG Appropriation Accounts and Data Processing Division e: A A & D P D Approved Basic Stock Level of Ammunition e: ABSLA Approved Basic Stock List of Ammunition e: A B S L O A Approved Flight Manual e: AFM Approved Force Cross Requirement e: AFGR Approved Force Inventory Objective e: AFIO Approved Force Investment Level Requirement e: A F I L R Approved Force Retention Stock e: AFRS Approved Force War Reserve[s] e: AFWR Approved Marine Devices Company e: AMD Approvisionnement pour la Marine et Industrie f : AMI Aproximación con Radar de vigilancia s: SRA aqua marina l: aq. mar. Aquisition and Security Division e: ASD Arab American Vehicles Co. e: AAV Arab British Helicopters Co. e: ABH Arab Deterrent Force e: A D F Arab Federation of Shipping e: A F O S Arab Institute of Navigation e: AIN Arab Military Industrialisation Organization e AMIO Arab Organization for Social Defence Against Crime e: AOSD Arab Organization for the Manufacture of Armaments e: A O M A Arab Revolutionary Army e: ARA Aramid Fibre Reinforced Plastic e: AFRP Arbeiter-Abteilung d: Arb.Abt. Arbeits- und Forschungsstelle "Militär, Ökologie und Planung" d: MÖP Arbeitsausschuß Sicherheitstechnische Grundsätze d: ASG Arbeitsbataillon d: A.B. Arbeitsdatei PIOS Innere Sicherheit d: APIS Arbeitsdatei PIOS Waffen e: APW Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Reservisten-, Soldaten- und Traditionsverb d: A R S T Arbeitsgemeinschaft ehemaliger Offiziere d: AeO Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konflikt-Forschung d: A F K Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Konflikt- und Friedensforschung am Institut für Politische Wissenschaft d: AKF Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raketentechnik d: Afra Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Rüstungskontrolle und ein Waffenausfuhrverbot d: ARW Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Friedensvereine d: A G Ö F Arbeitsgemeinschaft W a f f e n Stabilisierungs-Anlagen d: ASA Arbeitsgruppe für militärische Flugzeugbeschaffung d: AGF Arbeitsgruppe "Gute Dienste und internationale Friedenssicherung" d: AGDIF Arbeitsgruppe zur Herstellung und Aufrechterhaltung der Datenverarbeitungskompatibilität im militärischen Nachrichtenwesen d: AGDVMilNW

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Armament[s] Command Arbeitskreis Arbeitnehmer wehrtechnischer Unternehmen d: AAWU Arbeitskreis für politische Gegenwartsfragen d: APG Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung d: AfW Arbeitskreis Reservemannschaften d: AKRM Arbeitskreis Reserveoffiziere d: AKRO Arbeitskreis Reserveunteroffiziere d: AKRU Arbeitskreis Reserveunteroffiziere/Mannschaften d: AKRU/M Arbeitskreis Sicherheitstechnische Grundsätze d: AKSG Arbetslöshetskommissionen r: A.K. ARCH-Gesellschaft für sachliche Armeeinformation d: ARCH Archiv der Gegenwart d: ADG Archivverwaltung des Preußischen Kriegsministeriums d: Av. Arctic Aeromedicai Laboratory e: AAML Arctic/Atlantic/Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment e: ABLE-2B Arctic Atmospheric Radiation and Cloud Station e: A-ARCS Arctic Construction and Frost Effects Laboratory e: ACFEL Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expedition e: AMEGE Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expeditions e: AMIGE Arctic Marine Freighters e: AMF Arctic Marine Oil Gas Reconnaissance e: AMNGR Arctic Marine Oil Program e: AMOP Arctic Marine Science e: AMS Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation e: AMEC Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Task Force e: AMATF Arctic Ocean Command e: Arc O Arctic Radiation and Chemistry e: ARC Arctic Radiation and Turbulence Interaction Study e: ARTIST Arctic Research Commission e: ARC Arctic Research Laboratory Ice Station e: ARLIS ArcView Marine Spill Analysis System e: AWMSAS Area Air Defense Commander e: AADC Area Air Defense System e: AADS Area Clearance Officer e: ACO Area Combined Headquarters e: ACH, e: ACHQ Area Command Post e: ACP Area Commander e: AC Area Commanders' Meeting e: ARCOMET Area Damage Control Center e: ADCC area defense anti-missile missile e: ail;ι m m Area Defense Counsel e: ADC Area Defense Homing Interceptor e: ADHI Area Denial Anti-personnel Munition e: ADAM Area Denial Artillery Munition e: ADAM Area-Denial munition e: AD Area Denial Munition e: ADM Area Denial Weapon e: ADW Area Dental Officer e: ADO Area Distribution Officers e: ADOS Area Division Multiple Access e: ADMA Area-Dominant Military Aircraft e: ADMA Area Education Officer e: Α.Ε.O. Area Engineering Officer e: AEO, e: A.E.O.

Area Entertainments Officer e: A Ent O, e: A.Ent[s].0., e: A.E.O. Area Exploration Battalion e: AEB Area Flag Officer e: AFO Area Headquarters e: AHQ Area Health Education Officer e: AHEO Area Inertial Navigation System e: AINS area intelligence office e: AIO Area Interdiction Mine e: AIM Area Maritima del Atlantico Sur s: AMAS Area Medical Officer e: AMO Area Milk Officer e: AMO Area Moving Target Indicator e: AMTI Area Naval Commander e: ANC Area Navigation e: ANAV Area Navigation System e: ANS Area Officer e: AO Area Patrol Officer e: APO Area Petroleum Officer e: APO Area Public Works Officer e: AREAPWOFC Area Radiation Monitor e: ARM Area Radiation Monitor System e: ARMS Area Radiation Monitoring System e: ARMS Area Security Coordination Center e: ASCC Area Service Command e: ASCom Area Specialist Officer e: ASO Area Supply Officer e: ASO Area Support Command e: ASCOM Area Support Group e: ASGP Area Surveillance Radar e: ASR Area Traffic Officer e: A T O Area Transport & Movements Officer e: ΑΤΜΟ Area Wage and Classification Office e: AWCO Area Weapon Right e: AR Area Weapons Effect Simulator e: AWES Argentina-Brazil bilateral nuclear safeguards agency e: ABACE Argonne Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering e: AINSE Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders e: A.A.&S.H. Argyll Light Infantry e: A.L.I. Arhiv Vojnoistorijskog Institute se: AVI Ariane Transfer Vehicle e: ATV Ariverein Zürich d: AVZ Arizona Nuclear Power Project e: ANPP Arkansas Geological Commission e: AGC Arkansas National Guard e: ArkNG Arlington Military Cemetery e: ANC Arlington Naval Annex e: ANA Arm dni streleck skola c: arm dnisbor c: arm dnivelitelstvi c: arv. Arma Aerea de la Marina s: A A M Arma aerea ruolo servizi i: AARS Arma aerea ruolo specialisti i: AA rsp Arma Aeronautica i: A.A. Arma Atomica i: A.A. Arma Chimica i: A.C. Arma Del Genio i: AG Arma di artiglieria i: AAA Armada República de Colombia. Colombian Navy s: ARC Armament e: A, e: ARM, e: ARMT Armament and Ammunition e: AA & A, e: AA and A Armament and Combal Vehicle Center e: ACVC Armament and Electronics e: AAE, e: ARMEL Armament and Electronics Laboratoy e: AEL Armament and Electronics Test Laboratory e: AETL Armament and ElectronicsAEA e: A & E

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Armament and Fire Control e: A & FC Armament and Fuel Coordinator e: AFC Armament and Instrument Experiment Unit e: AIEU Armament and Supply Officer e: ASO Armament Artificer e: AA, e: A.A.F. Armament Artifier e: A.A. Armament Auxiliaries Test Set e: AATS Armament Boresight Line e: ABL Armament Command e: ARMCOM Armament Concepts Office e: ACO Armament Control e: AC Armament Control Computer e: ACC Armament Control & Delivery System e: ARCADS Armament Control Indicator Set e: ACIS Armament Control Panel e: ACP Armament Control Processor Set e: ACPS Armament Control Relay Panel e: ACRP Armament Control System e: ACS Armament Control System Checkout e: ACSC Armament Data Line e: ADL Armament Delivery Analysis Programming System e: ADAPS Armament Design Establishment e: ADE Armament Development, Enfield e: ADEN Armament Development Laboratory e: ADL Armament Development Technical Report e AD-TR Armament Division e: AD Armament Flight Control System e: AFCS Armament Handling Equipment e: AHE Armament Interface Unit e: A l l ! Armament Logistics Center e: ALC Armament Logistics Command e: ALC Armament Maintenance Management Information Center e: AMMIC Armament Maintenance Training System e: AMTS Armament Manufacturing Corporation e: ARMSCOR Armament, Material and Chemical Command e: AMCCOM Armament Material Bulletin e: AMB Armament Materiel Readiness Command e: ARRCOM Armament Modification Committee e: Arm.M.C. Armament/Munitions Requirements & Development Committee e: AM RAD Armament Nucleaire Tactique f: ANT Armament Research and Development and Engineering Center e: ARDEC Armament Research and Development Command e: ARRADCOM Armament Research and Development Establishment e: ARDE Armament Research and Development Establishment, Canada e: ARDEC Armament Research Department e: ARD Armament Research Development e: ARD Armament Retooling & Manufacturing Support initiative e: ARMS Armament School e: A Sell Armament Signal Data Converter e: ASDC Armament Station Control Unit e: ASCII Armament Supplies e: AS Armament Supply Department e: ASD Armament Test e: AT Armament Test Center e: ATC Armament Test Division e: ATD Armament Test Preparation Facility e: ATPF Armament Training Camp e: ATC Armamento de Aviación S.A. s: A.D.A.S.A. Armament[s] and Electronics e: A and E Armament[s] Command e: AC


Armaments Committee Armaments Committee e: AC Armamentfs] Control Agency e: ACA Armaments Cooperation Steering Committee e: ACSC Armament[s] Depot e: AD Armaments Depot e: A.D. Armaments Design Department e: ADD Armament[s] Design Establishment e: ADE Armaments Development and Production Corporation e: ARMSCOR Armaments, Munitions and Chemical Command e: AMCCOM Armaments Planning Questionnaire e: APQ Armata i: A Armata Area i: A.A. armata corazzata italo-tedesca i: A.C.I.T. Armata Italiana in Russia i: Armir Armata Navale i: AN Arme Blindée f: A.B. Arme blindée et cavalerie f: ABC Armed Aircraft Qualification e: AAQ Armed Forces e: AF Armed Forces Acquisition Document e: AFAD Armed Forces Act e: AFA Armed Forces Air Intelligence Training Center e: AFAITC Armed Forces Assistance to Korea e: AFAK Armed Forces Broadcasters Association e: AFBA Armed Forces Central Medical Registry e: AFCMR Armed Forces Chemical Association e: AFCA, e: A FC E Armed Forces Civilian Instructors Association e: AFCIA Armed Forces Combat Bulletin e: AFCB Armed Forces Committee e: AFC Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association e: AFCEA Armed Forces Communications Association e: AFCA Armed Forces Comptroller e: AFC Armed Forces Council e: AFC Armed Forces Courier Service e: AFCOS, e: ARFCOS Armed Forces Courier Station e: ARFCOSTA Armed Forces Day e: AFD Armed Forces Dental Benefit Association e: AFDBA Armed Forces Dental Officers Association e AFDOA Armed Forces Development Board e: AFDB Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board e AFDCB Armed Forces Division e: AFD Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory e: AFDIL Armed Forces Enlisted Personnel Benefit Association e: AFEPBA Armed Forces Epidemiological Board e: AFEB Armed Forces European Network e: AFEN Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station[s] e: AFEES Armed Forces Examining and Induction Stations e: AFEIS Armed Forces Examining Station e: AFES Armed Forces Exchange e: AFEX Armed Forces Exchange Service e: AFES Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal e: AFEM Armed Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facilities e: AFEODF


Armed Forces Financial Advisory Services e: AFFAS Armed Forces Food Science Establishment e: AFFSE Armed Forces Headquarters e: AFHQ, e: HQUNTAC Armed Forces Identification Review Board e: AFIRB Armed Forces in Germany and Austria e: AFGA Armed Forces [in the] Americas e: AA Armed Forces Induction Station e: AFIS Armed Forces Industrial College e: AFIC Armed Forces Information and Education e: AFIE Armed Forces Information and Education Division e: AFIED Armed Forces Information Film e: AFIF Armed Forces Information Program e: AFIP Armed Forces Information School e: AFIS Armed Forces Information Service e: AFIS Armed Forces Information System e: AFIS Armed Forces Institute e: AFI Armed Forces Institute, Madison, Wise, e: AFI Armed Forces Institute of Pathology e: AFINSPATH, e AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology/American Registry of Pathology e: AFIP/ARP Armed Forces Institute of Technology e: AFIT Armed Forces Intelligence Training Center e: AFITC Armed Forcefs] Journal e: AFJ Armed Forces Language Program e: AFLP Armed Forces Liaison Representative e: AFLR Armed Forces Librarians Section e: AFLS Armed Forces Mail Call e: AFMC Armed Forces Management Association e: AFMA Armed Forces Management [or Movement] e: AFM Armed Forces Master Records e: AFMR Armed Forces Medical Aid Association e: AFMAA Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center e: AFMIC Armed Forces Medical Library e: AFML Armed Forces Medical Procurement Agency e: AFMPA Armed Forces Medical Publication Agency e: AFMPA Armed Forces Medical Services e: AFMS Armed Forces Menu Service Committee e: AFMSC Armed Forces, Middle Pacific e: AFMIDPAC Armed Forces Military Report e: AFMR Armed Forces National Research Council e: AFNRC Armed Forces Network e: AFN Armed Forces Network, Europe e: AFNE Armed Forces Network, Iceland e: AFNI Armed Forces News Bureau e: AFNB Armed Forces of Haiti e: FA&H Armed Forces of Malaysia e: AFM Armed Forces of the Philippines e: AFP Armed Forces of the Unites States e: AFUS Armed Forces Optometrie Society e: AFOS Armed Forces Pacific e: AFPAC Armed Forces Pay Review Body e: AFPRB

Κ · G · Saur, München

Armed Forces Pest Control Board e: AFPCB Armed Forces Philippine Network e: AFPN Armed Forces Philippines Supply Center e AFPSC Armed Forces Police e: AFP Armed Forces Police Department e: AFPD Armed Forces Police Detachment e: AFPD Armed Forces Policy Council e: AFPC Armed Forces Press Service e: AFNOR, e: AFPS Armed Forces Procurement Regulations e: AFPR Armed Forces Product Evaluation Committee e: AFPEC Armed Forces Production Distribution Service e: AFPDS Armed Forces Production Resources Agency e: APRA Armed Forces Qualification Test, Verbal Arithmetic e: AFQTVA Armed Forces Radio e: AFR Armed Forces Radio and Telegraph Service e: AFRTS Armed Forces Radio and Television e: AFRT Armed Forces Radio and Television Service e: AFRTS Armed Forces Radio and Television Service-Broadcast Center e: AFRTS-BC Armed Forces Radio and Television Service-Washington e: AFRTS-W Armed Forces Radio Service e: AFRS Armed-Forces Radio und Television System [or Service] e: ARTS Armed Forces Radiobiological [or Radiobiology] Research Institute e: AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute e: AFRADBIORSCHINST Armed Forces Readiness Command e: AFREDCOM Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee e: AFRSC Armed Forces Recreation Center e: AFRC Armed Forces Recruiting Stations e: AFRS Armed Forces Relief and Benefit Association e: AFRBA Armed Forces Reporting Unit e: AFRU Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences e: AFRIMS Armed Forces Reserve Act e: AFRA Armed Forces Reserve Center e: AFRC Armed Forces Reserve Medal e: AFRESM, e: AFRM Armed Forces Screen Reports e: AFSR Armed Forces Security Agency e: AFSA, e AFSAG Armed Forces Services Medical Regulating Office e: ASMRO Armed Forces Special Weapons Agency e: AFSWA Armed Forces Special Weapons Project e: AFSWP Armed Forces Staff College e: AFSC, e: AFSTAFFCOL Armed Forces Supply Control Center e: AFSCC Armed Forces Supply Support Center e: AFSSC Armed Forces Surplus Property Bidders Registration and Sales Information Office e: AFSPBRSIO Armed Forces Technical Information Agency e: AFTIA Armed Forces Television e: AFTV Armed Forces Vietnam Network e: AFVN

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Armo[u]red Division Ammunition Armed Forces Vocational Testing Group e AFVTG Armed Forces Women's Selection Test e: AFWST Armed Forces Writers League e: AFWL Armed Guard Center Training School e: AG CTS Armed Guard Inspection Officer e: AGIO Armed Guard Inspection Service e: AGIS Armed Helicopter Improvement Program e: AHIP Armed Nuclear Bombardment Satellite e: ANBS Armed [or American] Forces Radio and Television e: AFRTV Armed [or American] Forces Radio and Television Network e: AFRTN Armed [or American] Forces Radio and Television Service[s] e: AFRTVS Armed Propaganda Team e: APT Armed Public Security Force e: APSF Armed Scout Mission e: ASM Armed Services Board of Contract Appeal e: ASBA Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals e: ASBCA Armed Services Committee e: ASC Armed Services Community Housing Office e: ASCHO Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center e: ASDIC Armed Services Education Conference e: ASEC Armed Services Electro Standards Agency e: ASESA Armed Services Electron Tube Committee e: AS ETC Armed Services Explosives Safety Board e: ASESB[D] Armed Services Graves Registration Office e ASGRO Armed Services Industrial Readiness Council e: ASIRC Armed Services Medical Material Coordination Committee e: ASMMCC Armed Services Medical Procurement Agency e: ASMPA Armed Services Mutual Benefit Association e: ASMBA Armed Services Patent Advisory Board e: ASPAB Armed Services Personnel Interrogation Center e: ASPIC Armed Services Petroleum Agency e: ASPA Armed Services Petroleum Board e: ASPB Armed Services Petroleum Purchasing Agency e: ASPPA Armed Services Police e: ASP Armed Services Procurement Planning Officer e: ASPPO Armed Services Product Planning Officer e: ASPPO Armed Services Renegotiation Board e: ASRB Armed Services Research Specialists Committee e: ASRSC Armed Services Technical Informtion Agency e: ASTIA Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratory e: ASWBPL Armee d: A, d: Arm. Armee-Abteilung d: A.Abt. Armee-Abteilung C d: A.A.C. Armee Ari Grp d: AAG Armee Ari Gruppe d: AAG Armee Artillerie d: Aart Armee-Bekleidungs- und Ausrüstungslager d: ABAL Armee de l'Air f: AdA

Armee des Südlibanon d: ASL Armee-Fernsprechabteilung d: A.Fe.A., d: Aferna Armee-Fernsprechkommando d: Akofern Armee-Fernsprechpark d: Afernpark Armee-Flakartilleriegruppe d: AFAG Armee-Flugabwehrraketengruppe d: AFRG Armee-Funkerabteilung d: Afunka Armee-Funkkommando d: Akofunk Armee-Fußartillerie-Kraftfahrzeugpark d: A.Fssa.Kr.P. Armee-Fußartillerie-Kraftzugpark d: A.Fußa.Kz.P., d: A.Fußa.Kz.P. Armee-Gefangenensammelstelle d: AGSST. Armee-Inspektion d: A.Insp. Armee-Konservenfabrik d: A.Kons.Fabr. Armee-Kraftwagenkolonne d: Akaka, d: A.K.K. Armee-Kraftwagenpark d: A.K.P. Armee-Kraftwagenstaffel d: A.K.St. Armee-Kriegslazarett d: A.L. Armee Lazarett-Basis d: ALB Armee-Minenwerferschule d: A.M.W.Schule Armee-Munitionslager d: AML. Armee-Museum d: Arm.Mus. Armee-Nachrichtenführer d: A.Nachr.Fhr Armee National Populaire f: ANP Armee Nationale Sikanoukiste in: ANS Armee-Pferdelazarett d: A.Pf.Laz., d: Arm.Pf.Laz. Armee-Pferdepark d: A.Pf.Park., d: Arm.Pf.P. Armee-Pionierführer d: A.Pi.Fii. Armee-Pionierpark d: Apip., d: A.Pi.Pk. Armee-Pionierwerkstatt d: APiW Armee Psychologique e: AnnPsych, e: Ann Psychol Armee-Spezialartilleriegruppe d: ASAG Armee-Telegrafenabteilung d: ATA, d: A.T.A., d: A.Tel.Abt. Armee Universal Gewehr d: AUG Armee-Verwaltungs-Departement d: BD Armeeabteilung d: A.A. Armeeabteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: A \ Armeeartilleriegruppe d: AAG Armeeartillerieuntergruppe d: AAIJG Armeebasis d: AB Armeebefehl d: A.B. Armeebekleidungsamt d: ABA Armeebekleidungslager d: ABL Armeebetriebsstofflager d: ABL Armeebriefstelle d: A.B.St. Armeebrieftaubenabteilung [Armeebrieftaubenstation] [Deckname für Bombengeschwader] d: Ambrief Armeefilmdienst d: AFD Armeeflugpark d: A.Fl.P., d: A.Flug-P. Armeeger d: A.Ger.Pk., d: AGL Armeegerätelager d: AGL Armeegerätepark d: A.Ger.Pk., d: AGP Armeegruppe d: AG, d: A.Gr. Armeehauptquartier d: AHQ, d: A.H.Qu. Armeekartenstelle d: A.Kart.St. Armeekommando d: AKO Armeekorps d: AK Armeekorpskommando d: A.K.Kdo., d: A.K.Kdo. Armeekrops d: A.Korps Armeelagernummer d: ALN Armeelazarettbasis d: ALB Armeeleitbild d: ALB Armeemotorfahrzeugpark d: AMP Armeemotorfahrzeugpark, Thun d: AMP Armeenachrichtendienst d: AND Armeenachrichtenpark d: ANP Armeenachrichtenregiment d: ANR

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Armeenachschublager d: ANL. Armeeoberkommando d: AOK Armeeorganisation d: AO Armeereserve d: Arm.Res. Armeesanit d: ASP Armeesanitätspark d: Arm.San.P., d: ASP Armeeseelsorge d: AS Armeesportgemeinschaft d: ASG Armeesportklub d: ASK Armeesportverein d: ASV Armeesportvereinigung d: ASV Armeestab d: A.St., d: A Stab Armeestabsteil d: Astt Armeetruppen d: A Trp Armeeverpflegungsamt d: AVA. Armeeverpflegungslager d: A.V., d: AVL Armeeverpflegungsmagazin d: AVM Armeeversorgungspunkt d: AVP Armeewetterwarte d: Awewa. Armenian National Army e: ANA Armenian Secret Army for/of the Liberation of Armenia e: ASALA Armierungsbataillon d: A.B. Armor Board e: A.B. Armor Human Research Unit e: AHRIJ Armor Support Battalion e: ASB Armored Anti-Aircraft System e: AAAS Armored Box Launcher System e: ABLS Armored Cavalry Cannon Vehicle e: ACCV Armored Cavalry Platoon e: ACP Armored Cavalry Regiment e: ACR armored cavalry towing vehicle e: actv Armored Cavalry Troop e: ACT Armored Combat Command e: ACC Armored Division Equivalent e: ADE Armored Engineer Battalion e: AEB Armored Field Artillery Battalion e: AFA Bn armored fighting vehicle e: afv armored force vehicle e: afv Armored Forward Area Rearm Vehicle e: AFARV Armored Forward Area Resupply Vehicle e: AFARV Armored Infantry Battalion e: AIB Armored Infantry Combat Vehicle e: AICV Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle e: AIFV Armored Maintenance Vehicle e: ANW Armored Reconnaissance Airborne Assault Vehicle e: ARAAV Armored Reconnaissance Battalion e: ARB Armored Rifle Battalion e: ARB Armored Security Vehicle e: ASV Armour Remote Target System e: ARETS Armo[u]red Artillery Resupply Vehicle e: AARV Armoured Automobile Detachment e: A.A.D. Armoured Brigade e: A.B., e: Armd Bde, e: Armd Brig Armoured Brigade Workshop e: ABW Armoured Car Company e: A.C.C., e: A.C.Coy Armoured Car Division e: ACD Armoured Cavalry e: A Cav Armo[u]red Cavalry Assault Vehicle e: ACAU Armo[u]red Combat Command e: Armd CC Armo[u]red Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle e: ACRV Armoured Delivery Squadron e: ADS Armoured Division e: AD, e: ADiv Armo[u]red Division Ammunition Park e: Armd Div Amu Pk


Armo[u]red Division Ordnance Armo[u]red Division Ordnance Field Park e ADOFP Armo[u]red Division Petrol Subpark e: Armd Div Pet Sub-Pk Armo[u]red Division Supply Park e: Armd Div Sup Pk Armo[u]red Engineer Squadron e: Armd Eng Sqn Armo[u]red Field Artillery e: AFA Armo[u]red Field Artillery Battalion e: Armd FA Bn Armo[u]red Fighting Vehicle e: AFV Armo[u]red Force e: AF Armo[u]red Force Field Manual e: AFFM Armo[u]red Force Vehicle e: AFV Armo[u]red Gun System e: AGS Armo[u]red Infantry Vehicle e: AIV Armoured Landmine Clearing Vehicle e: ALCV Armoured & Mechanised Unit, Air Defence e: ARMAD Armoured Recovery Vehicle e: ARV Armoured Regiment e: AR, e: A Rgt Armoured Reinforcement Unit e: ARU Armoured Repair & Recovery Vehicle e: ARRV Armoured Repair Vehicle e: ARV Armoured Replacement Group e: ARG Armo[u]red Tank Destroyer e: ATD armoured transport squadron e: A.T.S. Armoured Trials & Development Unit e: ATDU Armo[u]red Utility Vehicle e: AUV Armo[u]red Vehicle e: Am V, e: A V Armo[u]red Vehicle Bridge Launcher e: AVBL Armoured Vehicle Driving Simulators e: AVDS Armoured Vehicle, General Purpose e: AVGP Armoured Vehicle, Heavy e: AVH Armo[u]red-Vehicle Launched Bridge e: ADLB Armoured Vehicle-Launched Bridge e: AVLB Armoured Vehicle, Light e: AVL Armoured Vehicle, Medium e: AVM Armoured Vehicle Multiple Rocket Launcher e: AVMRL Armoured Vehicle, Reconnaissance e: AVR Armoured Vehicle, Royal Engineers e: AVRE armourer shop e: AS Arms Basic Trainig Unit e: ABTU Arms Control and Disarmament e: ACD Arms Control and Disarmament Agency e: ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Research Unit e: ACDRU arms control through defense e: acd Armstrong, Parkside, Coventry e: A Army e: A, e: AR Army Achievement Medal e: AAM Army Acquisition Corps Program e: AACP Army Acquisition Executive e: AAE Army Acquisition Executive Support Agency e: AAESA Army Acquisition Objective e: AAO Army Act e: AA, e: A.A. Army Adaptation Inventory e: AAI Army Administrative Unit e: AAU Army Advanced Marksmanship Unit e: AAMU Army Advanced Materiel Concepts Agency e: AAMCA Army Advisory Group, China e: AGC Army Advisory Group on Energy e: AAGE


Army Aerial Reconnaissance System e: AARS Army Aerobiology and Evaluation Laboratory e: ARMY AEL Army Aeromedicai Research Laboratory [or Center] e: AARL Army Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Center e: ARADMAC Army Aeronautical Research Center e: AARC Army Aeronautical Service Office e: AASO Army Agent e: AR AGT Army Aid Corps e: A.A.C. Army Air Base e: AAB Army Air Corps e: AAC, e: ALE Army Air Corps, Army Air Corps Centre, Middle Wallop, near Stockbridge e: A.A.C. Army Air Corps Centre e: AACC Army Air Corps Command Control Communications Computers e: AAC C4 Army Air Corps Enlisted Pilots Association e: AACEPA Army Air Corps Information Systems Plan e: AACISP Army Air Corps Intelligence Support System e: AACISS Army Air Defense e: AAD Army Air Defense Area e: AADA Army Air Defense Board e: AADB Army Air Defense Command e: ARADCOM Army Air Defense Command Post e: AADCP Army Air Defense Command[er] e: ARAD-COM Army Air Defense Commandfer] and Control e: AADC2 Army Air Defense Control and Coordination System e: AADCCS Army Air Defense Control Artillery Panel e AADCAP Army Air Defense Element e: AADE Army Air Defense Information Service e: AADIS Army Air Defense Information Service [or System] e: AADIS Army Air Defense Operations Office[r] e: AADOO Army Air Defense School e: AADS, e: ARADSCH Army Air Defense Site e: AADS Army Air Defense Staff e: AADS Army Air Defense System e: AADS Army Air Defense Unit e: AADU Army Air Field e: AAF, e: AAFld Army Air Force Base Unit e: AAFBU Army Air Force Basic Training Center e: AAFBTC Army Air Force Board e: AAFB Army Air Force Bombardier School e: AAFBS Army Air Force Bulletin e: AAFB Army Air Force Central Technical Training Command e: AAFCTTC Army Air Force Clemency and Parole Board e: AAFCPB Army Air Force Eastern Flying Training Command e: AAFEFTC Army Air Force Eastern Technical Training Command e: AAFETTC Army Air Force Flying Training Detachment e: AAFFTD Army Air Force Headquarters, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations e: AAFMTO Army Air Force in Britain e: AAFIB Army Air Force Intelligence Report e: AAFIR

© Κ · G • Saur, München

Army Air Force Manual e: AAFM Army Air Force, Mediterranean Theater of Operations e: AAFMTO Army Air Force Nontechnical Intelligence Report e: AAFNTIR Army Air Force Technical Intelligence Report e: AAFTIR Army Air Force Technical Order e: AAFTO Army Air Force Translation e: AAFT Army Air Force Weather Service Bulletin e: AAFWSB Army Air Force Weather Service Manual e: AAFWSM Army Air Force[s] e: AAF Army Air Forces Aid Society e: AAFAS [Army] Air Forces Anti-Submarine Command e: AFSUB Army Air Forces Center e: AAFC Army Air Force[s] Central Flying Training Command e: AAFCFTC Army Air Forces Classification Center e: AAFCC Army Air Forces Commanding General e: AFACG Army Air Forces Engineering] Command e AAFEC Army Air Forces Gunnery School e: AAFGS Army Air Forces Intelligence School e: AAFIS Army Air Forces Material Center e: AAFMC Army Air Forces Navigation School e: AAFNS Army Air Forces Officer in Charge e: AAFOIC Army Air Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas e: A AFP OA Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School e: AAFPFS Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School Pilot e: AAFPFSP Army Air Forces Requirements Division e: AFREQ Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics e AAFSAT Army Air Forces Service Command e: AAFSC Army Air Forces Southeast Training Command e: AAFSETC Army Air Forces Standard e: AAF STD Army Air Forces Tactical Center e: AAFTAC Army Air Forces Technical School e: AAFTS Army Air Forces Technical Training Command e: AAFTTC Army Air Forces Technical Training School e AAFTTS Army Air Forces Training Aids Division e: AAFT AD Army Air Forces Training Center e: AAFTC Army Air Forces Training Command e: AAFTC Army Air Forces Training Detachment e: AAFTD Army Air Forces Troop Information and Education e: AAFTI & E Army Air Forces Weather Service e: AAFWS Army Air Forces Western Flying Training Command e: AAFWFTC Army Air Forces Western Technical Training Command e: AAFWTTC Army Air Ground System e: AAGS Army Air Liaison Officer e: AALO Army Air Material Command e: AAMC

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Army Aviation Regiment Army Air Mobility Research and Development Laboratory e: AAMRDL Army Air Movement Support Unit e: AAMSU Army Air Personnel e: AAP Army Air Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment in the Continental e: AARDC Army Air Service e: AAS Army Air Support Control e: A AIR SC Army Air Traffic Control and Navigation System e: AATCAN System Army Air Traffic Coordinating Office e: AATCO Army Air Traffic Regulation^] and Identification System e: AATRIS Army Air Traffic Regulado [s] and Identification e: AATRI Army Air Training Center e: AATC Army Air Transport Command e: AATC Army Air Transport Organization e: AATO Army Air Transport Training and Development Centre e: AATC Army Air Transport [Training] and Development Centre e: AATDC Army Air Transport Training and Development Centre e: AATTDC Army Air Warning Net e: AAWN Army Airborne Command and Control e: AACC Army Airborne Electronics and Special Warfare Board e: AAESWB Army Aircraft e: AACFT, e: AACTF Army Aircraft Maintenance e: AAM Army Aircraft Maintenance Shop e: AAMS Army Aircraft Maintenance Training Assistance Program e: AAMTAP Army Aircraft Mobile Technical Assistance Program e: AAMTAP Army Aircraft Radio Laboratory e: AARL Army Aircraft Repair Ship e: AARS Army Aircraft Requirements Review Board e: AARRB Army Aircraft Requirements Review Committee e: AARRC Army Airfield e: AAF, e: AAFd Army Airspace Command & Control e: A2C2 Army Airways Communication System e: AACS Army Airways Communication^] Service e: AACS Army Airways Communicationfs] System e: AACS Army Alaska Communication System e: AACS Army Amateur Radio System e: AARS Army Ambulance Service e: A.Amb.Serv., e: AAS Army Ammunition Command e: AAC Army Ammunition Plant e: AAP Army Ammunition Plants e: AAPs Army Analysis of Intelligence e: AAI Army and Air Force Act e: A & AFA Army and Air Force Air Intelligence School e: A.A.F.A.I.S. Army and Air Force Base e: AAFB Army and Air Force Central Welfare Fund e: AAFCWF Army and Air Force Civilian Welfare Fund e: AAFCWF Army and Air Force Exchange and Motion Picture Service e: AAFEMPS Army and Air Force Exchange and Motion Picture Services Board of Directors e: AAFBD Army and Air Force Exchange Service e: A & AFES, e: AAFES

Army and Air Force Intelligence Staff e: A.A.F.I.S. Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service e: AAFMPS Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service-Europe e: AAFMPS-E Army and Air Force Mutual Aid Association e: AAFMAA Army and Air Force Pilot School e: A AFP S Army and Air Force Postal Service e: AAFPS Army and Air Force Wage Board e: AAFWB Army and Air Forces Technical Training Center e: AAFTTC Army and Ammunition Division e: AAD Army and Navy e: A.&N. Army and Navy Air Service Association e: ANASA Army and Navy Civil Committee on Aircraft e: ANC Army and Navy Club e: A&NC Army and Navy Medical Procurement Office e: ANMPO Army and Navy Munitions Board e: A & NB, e: ANMB Army and Navy Staff College e: ANSC, e: ANSCOL Army and Navy Stores e: A.N.S. Army and Navy Union e: ANU Army and Navy Union of the United States e: ANUUS Army Anti-aircraft Command e: AAACOM Army Antiaircraft Command e: AAAC, e: ARAACOM Army Antiaircraft Guided Missile Center e AAGMC Army Apprentices College e: AAC, e: AA Coll Army Apprentices' School e: AAS Army Apprenticeship Program e: AAP Army Appropriation Account e: AAA Army Area Calibration Facilities e: AACF Army Area Communications e: AACOM Army Area Communication[s] System e: AACOMS Army Area Representative e: AAR Army Area Signal Center e: AASC Army Area Signal System e: AASS Army Area Supply Center e: AASC Army Armament, Material and Chemical Command e: AMCCOM Army-Armament Research Development and Engineering Center e: ARDEC Army Armament R[esearch] & Development] Command e: AARADCOM Army Armor School e: AAMS Army artificial heart pump e: Aahp Army Artillery and Missile Center e: AAMC Army Artillery and Missile School e: AAMS Army Artillery Board e: AAB Army Artillery Group e: AAG Army Artillery Headquarters e: AAHQ Army Assault Team e: AAT Army Atomic Weapon[s] Systems Safety Committee e: AAWSSC Army Attaché System e: AAS Army Attaché e: ARMA Army Attrition Rates Committee e: AARC Army Audio Visual Agency e: AAVA Army Audiovisual Center e: AAC Army Audit Agency e: AAA Army Authority for Major Commands to Disseminate Information and Take Appropriate Action e: ACRCOM

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Army Auto Plan and Progress Evaluation System e: AAPPES Army Automated Data Processing Resource Estimating Procedures e: ADPREP Army Automated Library and Information Support System e: AALIS System Army Automated Logistic Data System e: TAALODS Army Automatic Data Field Systems Command, Fort Belvoir, Va. e: ADFSC Army Automation and Communication Steering Committee e: AACSC Army Automation Command Operating Budget Estimate e: AACOBE Army Automation Directorate e: AAD Army Automation Master Plan e: AAMAP, e: AAMP Army Automation Memorandum Budget e: AAMB Army Automation Planning, Programming, and Evaluation System e: AAPPES Army Automation Program e: AAP Army Automation Program Budget Guidance e: AAPBG Army Automation Security [or Standardization] Program e: AASP Army Automation Steering Committee e: AASC Army Aviation e: AAVN Army Aviation Association of America e: AAAA Army Aviation Board e: AAB Army Aviation Center e: AAC Army Aviation Centre e: AAVNC Army Aviation Centre, Middle Wallop, near Stockbridge e: AAvnC Army Aviation Combat Center e: AACC Army Aviation Control Center e: AACC Army Aviation Depot Maintenance Center e: AADMC Army Aviation Development Plan e: AADP Army Aviation Digest e: AAD Army Aviation Element e: AAE Army Aviation Employment Conference e: AVNEC Army Aviation Engineering Flight Activity e: AAEFA Army Aviation Engineers e: AAE Army Aviation Flight Activity e: AAFA Army Aviation Flight Information Detachment e: AAFID Army Aviation Maintenance Support Activity e: AAMSA Army Aviation Material Laboratories e: AVLABS Army Aviation Materials Laboratory e: AAML Army Aviation Materiel Command e: AAMC Army Aviation Medical Officer's Badge e: AR Αν MO Bad Army Aviation Mission Area Analysis e: AAMAA Army Aviation Mobile Technical Assistance Program e: AAMTAP Army Aviation Modernization Plan e: AAMP Army Aviation Operating Detachment e: AAOD Army Aviation Operating Facility e: AAOFA Army Aviation [or Aviator] Badge e: Av Bad Army Aviation Personnel Requirements of Sustained Operations Study e: AAPRSO Army Aviation Planning Manual e: AAPM Army Aviation Program Review e: AAPR Army Aviation Regiment e: AAR


Army Aviation Research Army Aviation Research and Development Activity e: AVRADA Army Aviation Research and Development Objectives Program e: AARDOP Army Aviation School e: AAS Army Aviation Support Element e: AASE Army Aviation Support Facility e: AASF Army Aviation & Surface Command e: AVSCOM Army Aviation System Support Center e: AASSC Army Aviation Systems Command e: AVSCOM Army Aviation Systems Test Activity e: AASTA Army Aviation Test Activity e: AATA Army Aviation Test Board e: AATB Army Aviation Test Command e: AATC Army Aviation Unit Training Command e: AAUTC Army Aviator e: ARAV Army Aviator Badge e: AR Αν Bad Army Avionics Program e: AAP Army Background Experiment e: ABE Army Bacteriological Warfare Laboratory e: ABWL Army Ballistic Missile Agency e: ABMA Army Ballistic Research e: ABR Army Ballistic Research Laboratories e: ABRL Army Base Information Transfer System e: ARBITS Army Basic Training Unit e: ABTU Army Battle Command System e: ABCS Army Battle Damage Repair e: ABDR Army Battlefield Interface Concept e: ABIC Army Bearer Corps e: A.B. Army Benevolent Fund e: ABF, e: A.B.F. Army Biological Laboratory e: ABL Army Biological Warfare Research Center e: ABWRC Army Blood Transfusion Service e: A.B.T.S. Army Board for Correction of Military Records e: ABCMR Army Board of Review for Eliminations e: ABRE Army Book e: AB Army Broadcasting Service e: ABS Army Budget Directive e: ABD Army Budget Office e: ABO Army Bureau of Current Affairs e: ABCA Army Cadet College e: A.C.C. Army Cadet Force Association e: ACFA Army Cadet Force [Territorial Army] e: ACF Army Calibration System e: ACS Army Camouflage School e: ACS Army Canteen Service e: ACS Army Capabilities Plan e: ACP Army Career Group e: ACGP Army Careers Information Office e: ACIO Army, Caribbean e: ARCARIB Army Cataloguing Authority e: ACA Army Catering Corps e: ACC Army Catering Corps, Aldershot, Hampshire e: A.C.C. Army Catering Corps Association e: ACC Association Army Catering Corps Training Centre e: ACCTC Army Cavalry Scout Experiment e: ARCAVEX Army Central Intelligence Service e: ACIS Army Central Logistics Data Bank e: ACLDB Army Central Service Point e: ACSP Army Central Welfare Fund e: ACWF


Army Certificate of Education e: ACE Army Chaplains' Department e: ACD, e: A.C.D. Army Chemical Center e: ACC, e: ACMIC Army Chemical Center Procurement Agency e: ACCPA Army Chemical Corps e: ACC Army Chemical Corps Medical Laboratories e: ACCML Army Chemical Research and Development Laboratory e: ACRDL Army Chemical Supply Point e: ACSP Army Chemical Typewriter e: ACT Army Chemical Warfare Laboratory e: ACWL Army Chief of Staff for Communications Electronics e: ACSCE Army Chief of Support Services e: ACSS Army Child Advocacy Program e: ACAP Army Circular e: AC Army Civilian Career Evaluation System e: ACCES Army Civilian Personnel System e: ACPERS Army Civilian Training, Education, and Development System e: ACTEDS Army Class Management Activity e: ACMA Army Class Manager Activity e: ACMA Army Classification Battery e: ACB Army Clerical Speed Test e: ACST Army Close Support e: ARCLOS Army Clothing and Equipment Board e: ACEB Army Clothing and Textile Material Center e: ACTMC Army Clothing Department Employers' Union e: A.C.D.E.U. Army Club Fund e: ACF Army Co-operation Squadron e: A.C.Sqn. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center e ACERC, e: ARMY CERC Army Coating and Chemical Laboratory e: ACCL Army Combat Development Committee e: ACDC Army Combat Development Experimentation Center [or Command] e: ACDEC Army Combat Developments Command e: ACDC Army Combat Engineers e: ACE Army Combat Identification System e: ACIS Army Combat Operations Vietnam e: ARCOV Army Combat Surveillance Agency e: ACSA Army Combat Surveillance Office e: AMCSOF Army Comforts Fund e: A.C.F. Army Command and Administration Communication Agency e: ACACA Army Command and Administrative Network e: ACAN Army Command and Control Information System e: ACCIS Army Command and Control Management Information System e: ACCMIS Army Command and Control Master Plan e: AC2MP Army Command and Control Network e: ACCNET, e ARCCNET Army Command and Control Study [or System] e: ACCS Army Command and Control System e: AACS, e: AC2S Army Command and General Staff School e: ACGSS

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Army Command Center e: ACC Army Command Control Master Plan e: ACCMP Army Command Management System e: ACMS Army Command & Staff Course e: ACSC Army Commanders' Conference e: ACC Army Commendation Model e: ARCOM Army Commercial Vehicle Code e: ACVC Army Commissary Automation System e: ACAS Army Commissary Computer Entry Store System e: ACCESS Army Communication Operations Center Agency e: ACOCA Army Communication Service Division e: ACSD Army Communications Administrative Network e: ACAN Army Communications and Electronic[s] Command e: ACEC Army Communications and Electronics Management Information System e: ACEMIS Army Communications and Equipment Coordination e: AC & EC Army Communications Board e: ACB Army Communications Command e: ACC Army Communications Command Advanced Concepts Office e: ACCACO Army Communications Division e: ACD Army Communications Electronics School e: ACES Army Communications Equipment Support e: ACES Army Communications Objectives Measurement Survey e: ACOMS Army Communications Service e: ACS Army Communications Systems e: ACIIS Army Communications Systems Agency e: ACSA Army Communicative Systems e: ACS Army Communicative Technology e: ACT Army Communicative Technology Office e: ACTO Army Community Service[s] e: ACS Army Community Services/Child Support Services e: ACS/CSS Army Component Command e: ACC Army Comptroller e: A Compt Army Computer Capabilities Online Repository and Disseminator e: ACCORD Army Computer Systems Command e: ACSC Army COMSEC [Communications Security] Central Office of Record e: ACCOR Army COMSEC [Communications Security] Commodity, Logistical and Accounting Management e: ACCLAIMS Army Concept Development Program e: ACDP Army Concept Team in Vietnam e: ACTIV Army Concepts Analysis Agency e: ACAA Army Consideration of Tactical Air Support e: ACRAS, e: ACTAS Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory] e: LC Army Container-Oriented Distribution System e: ACODS Army Continuing Education^] System e: ACES Army Contract e: AC Army Contract Adjustment Board e: ACAB

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Army Food Management Army Contract Appeals Panel e: ACAP Army Control Logistics Data Bank e: ACLDB Army Control Program Directive e: ACPD Army Controllership Program e: ACP Army Cooperation Command e: ACC, e: A.C.C. Army Corporate Database e: ACDB Army Corps e: AC Army Corps Commander e: ACC Army Corps Depot e: ACD Army Corps of Engineers e: ACDB, e: ACE, e: ACOE, e: CGUSACE, e: COE Army Corps of Engineers/Naval Facilities Engineering Command e: CE/NAVFAC Army Corps of Engineers Socioeconomic Information System e: ACESIS Army Correspondence Course Program e: ACCP Army Cost Analysis Paper e: ACAP Army Cost Reduction Program e: ACRP Army Council e: AC, e: A.C. Army Council Command e: A.C.C. Army Council Form e: ACF Army Council Instruction e: ACI Army Council of Review Boards e: ACRB Army Council Secretariat e: ACS Army Counter-Air Weapon System e: TAWACS Army Countermine Mobility Equipment System e: ACMES Army Crisis Action System e: ACAS Army Criteria Tracking System e: ACTS Army Customer Order Control System e: ACOCS Army Customer Order Program e: ACOP Army Cycling [Cyclist] Corps e: A.C.C. Army Cycling Union e: A.C.U. Army Damage Assessment System e: ARMDAS Army Data Base Generator e: ALM Army Data Distribution System e: ADDS Army Data Field Systems Command e: ADFSC Army Data Processing System e: ADPS Army Data Retrieval Engineering System e: ADRES Army Data Retrieval System e: ADRES Army Data Validation and Netting Capability Establishment e: ADVANCE Army Decision Support System e: ADSS Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement e: ADARS Army Defense Ammunition Center and School e: ADACS Army Density Report e: ADR Army Density Report, United States Army Reserve e: ADRIISAR Army Dental Care System e: ADCS Army Dental Corps e: ADC Army Dental Laboratory e: ADL Army Dental Service e: ADS Army Department e: AD Army Department Establishments e: ADE Army Dependants Assurance Trust e: ADAS, e: ADAT Army Deployment Reporting System e: ADEPREP System Army Depot e: AD Army Depot Activity e: ADA Army Depot Automatic Diagnostic System e: ADADS Army Depot of Supplies [or Supply] e: AD of S Army Depot of Supply e: ADOS, e: A.D.O.S. Army Depot Operations Management e: ADOM Army Depot Police e: ADP

Army Development and Acquisition of Threat Simulators e: ADATS Army Development and Employment Agency e: ADEA Army Development Reporting System e: ADEPREP System Army Digest e: AD Army Digital Avionics System e: ADAS Army Digitization Office e: ADO Army Disability Review Beard e: ADRB Army Disability Review Board e: ADRB Army Discharge Review Board e: ADRB Army Distaff Foundation e: ADF Army Distinguished Service Cross e: A DSC Army Distinguished Service Medal e: ADSM Army Distribution Objective e: ADO Army Dollar Resource Allocation e: ADRA Army Driver e: AD Army Education e: AE Army Education and Welfare Services e: AEWS Army Education Review Board e: AERB Army Education Scheme e: AES Army Educational] Center e: AEC Army Educational Corps e: AEC Army Educational Department e: A.E. Army Educational Requirements Board e: AERB Army Electronic Warfare and Intelligence Board e: AEWIB Army Electronic Warfare Board e: AEWB Army Electronic Warfare Information System e: AEWIS Army Electronic Warfare Intelligence Committees e: AEWIC Army Electronic Warfare Policy Committee e: AEWPC Army Electronics Command e: AEC Army Electronicfs] Command e: AECOM Army Electronics Command e: ARMY ECOM Army Electronics Laboratories e: AEL Army Electronics Logistics Research Office e: AELRO Army Electronics Material Support Agency e: AEMSA Army Electronics Proving Ground e: AEPG Army Electronics Research and Development Activity e: AERDA Army Electronics Research and Development Command e: AERDC Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory e: AERDL Army EMC Agency e: AEMCE Army Emergency Relief [fund] e: AER Army Emergency Reserve e: AER Army Energy Office e: AEO Army Engineer Geodesy, Intelligence and Mapping Research and Development Agency e: AEGIMRDA Army Engineer Reactors Group e: AERG Army Engineer Regiment e: AER Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratories e: AERDL Army Engineer School e: AES Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories e: AETL Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station e: AEWES Army Enlisted Education Review Board e: AEERB Army Entertainment Scholarships and Awards Program e: AESAP Army Entrance Examination e: AEE Army Environmental Center e: AEC

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Army Environmental Health Agency e: AEHA Army Environmental Health Laboratory e: AEHL Army Environmental Hygiene Agency e: AEHA Army Equipment Authorizations Review Center e: AEARC Army Equipment Board e: AEB Army Equipment Engineering Establishment e: AEEE Army Equipment Policy e: AEP Army Equipment Policy Committee e: AEPC Army Equipment Status Report e: AESR Army Equipment Status Reporting System e AESRS Army Establishment Committee e: AEC Army Exchange Central Purchasing Office e: A EC PO Army Exchange Service e: AES Army Exhibit Unit e: AEU Army Experimental Flight Activity e: AEFA Army Extension Course Program e: AECP Army Extension Courses e: AEC Army Extension Training e: AET Army Extension Training Information System e: AETIS Army Extension Training System e: AETS Army Facilities Components System e: AFCS Army Facilities Energy Program e: AFEP Army Family Housing e: AFH Army Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement e: AFARS Army Field Artillery Brigade e: AFA Bde Army Field Artillery Combat Effectiveness e.· AFACE Army Field Artillery Tactical Data System e: AFATDS Army Field Assistance and Technology e: AFAST Army Field Code e: AFC Army Field Command e: AFC Army Field Depot e: AFD Army Field Feeding System e: AFFS Army Field Forces e: AFF Army Field Forces Board e: AFFB Army Field Headquarters e: AFHQ Army Field Park Squadron e: AFPS Army Field Regiment, Royal Artillery e: A Fd Rgt RA Army Field Stock Control System e: AFSCS Army Field Workshop e: AFW, e: A.F.W. Army Film and Photographic Section e: AFPS Army Film and Photographic Unit e: AFPU Army Finance and Accounting Center e: AFAC Army Finance Association e: AFA Army Finance Center e: AFC Army Financial Stock Summary Analysis e: AFSSA Army Fire Service e: AFS, e: A.F.S. Army Fire Support Center e: AFSC Army Five-Year Force Structure and Financial Plan e: AFYSFP Army Fixed Wing Aptitude Battery e: AFWAB Army Flight Activity e: AFA Army Flight Operations Center e: AFOC Army Flight Operations Facility e: AFOF Army Flying Corps e: AFC Army Flying Time Report e: AFTR Army Food Management Information System e: AFMIS


Army Food Service Army Food Service Energy Management e AFSEM Army Food Supply e: A FS Army Force e: AF Army Force, Atlantic e: ARLANT Army Force Development Plan e: AFDP Army Force Guidance e: AFG Army Force Integration Study e: AFIS Army Force Modernization Coordination Office e: AFMCO Army Force Planning Cost Handbook e: AFPCH Army Force Planning Data and Assumptions e: AFPDA Army Force Program e: AFP Army Force Status Reporting system e: ARFORSTAT Army Forces e: ARFOR Army Forces-Alaska e: ARFOR-AK Army Forces, Central Command e: ARCENT Army Forces Command e: FORSCOM Army Forces Far East e: AFFE Army Forces Pacific e: AFPAC Army [Forces] Post Office e: APO Army Forces, Readiness Command e: ARRED Army Forces, Western Pacific e: AFWESPAC Army Foreign Science [and] Technology Center e: AFSTC Army Form e: A Fo Army Forwarding Officer e: AFO Army Fuels and Lubricantfs] Laboratory e: AFLL Army Fuels and Lubricants Research Laboratory e: AFLRL Army Functional Component System e: AFCS Army Functional Files System e: TAFFS Army Functional Files Test System e: TAFFTS Army Fuze Program e: AFP Army Garrison e: AG Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program e: AGCRSP Army Gas Dynamic Laser e: A-GDL Army Gateway Program e: AGP Army General & Administrative Instructions e: AGAI Army General Classification Test e: AGCT Army General Education Development Center e: AGES Army General Equipment Command e: AGEC Army General Orders e: AGO Army General Purpose Local Area Net e: AGPLAN Army General Staff e: AGS Army General Staff Civilian Personnel Office e: AGSCPO Army General Supplies Commodity Center e: AGSCC Army Good Conduct Medal e: AGCM, e: AGCMDL Army Graves Registration Service e: AGRS Army Ground Forces e: AGF Army Ground Pool e: AGP Army Ground Transportable Emitter Location Identification System e: AGTELIS Army Group e: AG, e: AGp Army Group Effects Department e: AGED Army Group Headquarters e: AGH Army Group Photo Interpretation Unit e: AGPIU Army Group Royal Artillery e: AGRA Army Group, Royal Engineers e: AGRE


Army Guard School e: AGS Army Guard Ship e: AGS Army Guidance e: AG Army Gunner Training e: AGT Army Headquarters e: AHQ Army Headquarters Transport Division e: A.H.T.D. Army Health Nurse e: AHN Army Helicopter e: AH Army Helicopter Improvement Program e: AHIP Army Heliport e: Α Η Ρ Army Help for Education and Development e: AHEAD Army High Frequency Electronic Warfare System e: AHFEWS Army High Performance Computing Research Center e: AHPCRC Army High School Completion Program e: AHSCP Army Historical Foundation e: AHF Army Hospital e: AH Army Hospital Corps e: A.H.C., e: A.H.Cps Army Housing Committee e: ARHOC Army Human Engineering Laboratory e: AHEL Army Human Factors Research Advisory Committee e: A Η FRAC Army Human Factors Research and Development Committee e: AHFRDC Army Imagery Intelligence Corps e: AIIC Army in Burma Reserve of Officers e: ABRO Army In-Flight Data Transmission System e: AIDATS Army in India Reserve of Officers e: A.I.R.O. Army in the Field e: AITF Army in the Field Containers System Study e: AFCSS Army Individual Test e: AIT Army Industrial Center e: ARMIC Army Industrial College e: AIC Army Industrial Fund e: AIF Army Industrial Preparedness Program e: AIPP Army Industrial School e: AIS Army/Industry Materiel Information Liaison Office e: AMILO Army/Industry Materiel Information Liaison Office [r] e: AIMILO Army Infantry Board e: ΑΙ Β Army Infantry School e: AIS Army Information and Data System Command e: AI & DSC Army Information and Data Systems e: AIDS Army Information and Data Systems Command e: AIDSCOM Army Information Architecture e: AIA Army Information Digest e: AID Army Information Engineering e: AIE, e: ATE Army Information Engineering Command e: AISEC Army Information Management System e: AIMS Army Information Processing Center e: AIPC Army Information Processing Standards e: AIPS Army Information Programfme] e: AIP Army Information Radio Service e: AIRS Army Information System e: AMIS Army Information System Integration e: AISI Army Information Systems e: AIS Army Information Systems Command e: AISC

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Army INFOSEC Resource Program e: ISSRP Army Insecticide Measuring System e: AIMS Army Inspector General e: AIG Army Installation e: AIN Army Installation File e: AIF Army Installation Management e: AIM Army Installation Management Course e: AIMC Army Installations Planning Committee e: AIPC Army Institute for Professional Development e: AIPD Army Institute for Research in Management Information, Communications, and Computer Science e: AIRMICS Army Institute of Administration e: AIA Army Institute of Advanced Studies e: AIAS Army Institute of Dental Research e: AIDR Army Institute of Research e: AIR Army Institute of Surgical Research e: AISR Army Integrated Meteorological Systems e: AIMS Army Integrated Microfilm System e: AIMS Army Integrated Publishing and Printing Service e: AIPPS Army Intelligence e: AI Army Intelligence Agency e: AIA Army Intelligence and Security e: AI and S, e: AI & S Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center e: AIAIT Army Intelligence Center e: AIC Army Intelligence Center and School e: AICS Army Intelligence Department e: AID Army Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Reorganization Overwatch Committee e: AIEWROC Army Intelligence Interpreter e: All Army Intelligence Master Plan e: AIMP Army Intelligence Officer e: AIO Army Intelligence Reserve e: AIR Army Intelligence School e: AIS Army Intelligence & Security e: AIS Army Intelligence & Security Command e: INSCOM U.S. Army Intelligence Survey e: AIS Army Intelligence Translator e: AIT Army Intercontinental Ballistic Missile e: A-ICBM Army Internal Control Program e: AICP Army Interoperability Network e: AIN Army Interpretation Platoon e: AIP Army Inventary Objective e: AIO Army Inventory Control Point e: AICP Army Inventory Data Systems e: AIDS Army Investigational Drug Review Board e AIDRB Army Job Activities Questionnaire e: AJAQ Army Job Questionnaire e: AJQ Army Joint Exercise Manual e: AJEM Army Kinema Corporation e: A.K.C. Army Knowledge Network e: AKN Army Knowledge On-line e: AKO Army Land Forces e: ALANF Army Language Aptitude Test e: ALAT Army Language Bureau e: ALB Army Laser Target Designator System e: ALTDS Army Launch Area e: ALA Army Legal Aid Department e: ALAD Army Legal Corps e: ALC Army Legal Services e: ALS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Army Mobilization Planning Army Lessons Learned Management Information System e: ALLMIS Army Liaison Element e: ALE Army Liaison Officer e: ALO, e: Ar LO, e: ARMLO Army Library e: ALIB Army Library Automated System [s] e: ALAS Army Life Cycle Cost Analysis Model e: ALCCAM Army Life Cycle Cost Model e: ALCCM Army Limited War Laboratory e: ALWL Army List e: AL Army List and Directory e: AL & D Army Location Code e: ARLOC Army Logistic Operations Center e: ALOC Army Logistical Control Center e: ALCC Army Logistician e: ALOG Army Logistics Center e: ALC Army Logistics Command e: ALC Army Logistics Command Japan e: ALCJ Army Logistics Data Base and Access System e: ALDBAS Army Logistics Data Center e: ALDC Army Logistics Management Center [or College] e: ALMC Army Logisticfs] Management Integrated Data System e: ALMIDS Army Logistics Management Integrated Data System e: ALMIDSY Army Logistics Manpower Office e: ALMO Army Logistics Objectives Program e: ALOP Army Logistics Policy Council e: ALPC Army Logistics Research & Development e: ALRD Army Logistics Specialty Committee e: ALSC Army Logistics Study Program e: ALSP Army Long-Range Capabilities Plan e: ALRCP Army-Longe-Range Technological Forecast e: ALRTF Army Low-Speed Air Research Tasks e: ALART Army Maintenance Area e: AMA Army Maintenance Board e: AMB Army Maintenance Command e: AMC Army Maintenance Management Center e: AMMC Army Maintenance Support Activity e: AMSA Army Management Engineering College e: AMEC Army Management Engineering Training Activity or [Agency] e: AM ETA Army Management Fund e: AMF Army Management Information Programfme] e: AMIP Army Management Information System e: AMIS Army Management School e: AMS Army Management Structure e: AMS Army Maneuver Support Command e: AMSCOM Army Manpower Cost System e: AMCOS Army Manpower Resources Research and Development Center e: AMRRDC Army Manual e: AM Army Map e: AM Army Map Service e: AMS Army Map Service-Geographical SectionGeneral Staff e: AMS-GSGS Army Mapping Service e: AMS Army Marine Products e: AMP Army Marksmanship Training Unit e: AMKTU Army Marksmanship Unit e: AMU

Army Master Data File e: AMDF Army Master Data File Reader Microfilm System e: AMDFRMS Army Master Study Program e: AMSP Army Material Command-Subordinate Weapons e: AMSWE Army Material Command-Subordinate Weapons-Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment e: AMSWETMDE Army Material Information Memorandum e: AMIM Army Material [or Materiel] Command e: AMC Army Material or [Materiel] Command Automated Logistics Management Systems Agency e: AMCALMSA Army Material or [Materiel] Supply Command e: AMSC Army Material or [Materiel] Systems Analysis Agency e: AMSAA Army Material Status Committee [s] e: ARMATSC Army Material Test Laboratory e: AMTL Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center e: AMMRC Army Materials Research Agency e: A M RA Army Materials] Research Reactor e: AMRR Army Materiel Acquisition Review Committee e: AMARC Army Materiel Command, Alexandria e: AMCA Army Materiel Command Board e: AMCB Army Materiel Command Catalog Data Office e: AMCCDO Army Materiel Command Facilities and Services Center e: AMCFASC Army Materiel Command Field Safety Agency e: AMCFSA Army Materiel Command Installation Division e: AMCID Army Materiel Command Installations and Service Agency e: AMCI&SA Army Materiel Command Logistic Data Center e: AMCLDC Army Materiel Command-Logistics Support Agency e: AMC-LOGSA Army Materiel Command Logistics Systems Support Agency e: AMCLSSA Army Materiel Command Packaging, Storage and Containerization Center e: AMCPSCC Army Materiel Command Pamphlet e: AMCP Army Materiel Command Procurement Instruction^] e: AMCPI Army Materiel Command Regulation^] e: AMCR Army Materiel Command Support Activity e: AMCSA Army Materiel Command Technical Committee e: AMCTC Army Materiel Plan e: AMP Army Mathematics Research Center e: AMRC Army Mathematics Steering Committee e: AMSC Army Mechanical Transport School e: AMTS Army Medical Advisory Board e: AMAB, e: A.M.A.B. Army Medical Biochemical or [Biomechanical] Research Laboratory e: AMBRL Army Medical Bioengineering Research and Development Laboratory e: AMBRDL Army Medical Center [or Centre] e: AMC Army Medical Corps e: AMC, e: A.M.C.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Army Medical Department e: AMD, e: AMED, e: AMEDD Army Medical Department Property Accounting System e: AMEDDPAS Army Medical Equipment Depot e: AMED Army Medical Laboratory e: A Med Lab Army Medical Library e: AML Army Medical Material Maintenance Center, Europe e: AMMCE Army Medical Materiel Agency e: AMMA Army Medical Nutrition Laboratory e: AMNL Army Medical Officer e: AMO Army Medical Publication^] e: AMedP Army Medical Regulating Office e: AMRO Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory e: AMRNL Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases e: AMRIID Army Medical Research Laboratory e: AMRL Army Medical Service e: AMEDS, e: AMS Army Medical Service Graduate School e: AMSGS, e ANISGS Army Medical Service Research and Development Command e: AMSRDC Army Medical Service School e: AMSS Army Medical Service [s] e: AMS Army Medical Specialist Corps e: AMCS Army Medical Specialises] Corps e: AMSC Army Medical Staff e: AMS Army Medical Supply Control Officer e: AMSCO Army Medical Supply Support Activity e: AMSSA Army Medical Unit e: AMU Army Medical Working Party e: AMWP Army Member, Inter-American Defense Board e: AMIADB Army Military Assistance Program e: AMAP Army Military Intelligence Battalion e: AMIB Army Mine Planter e: AMP Army Mine Planter Service e: AMPS Army Missile and Rockets Directorate e: AMRD Army Missile and Rockets DirectorateNATO Supply Centre e: AMRD-NASC Army Missile Command e: AMC, e: AMICOM, e: ARMSLC Army Missile Defense Command e: AMDC Army Missile Development Center e: AMDC Army Missile Test and Evaluation [agency] e: ARMTE Army Missile Test and Evaluation Directorate e: AMTED Army Missile Test Center e: AMTC Army Missile Transport System e: AMTRANS Army Mobile Missile Operation e: AMMO Army Mobility Command e: AMC, e: AMOCOM Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center e: AMERADC Army Mobility Research Center e: AMRC Army Mobility Support Center e: AMSC Army Mobilization and Operations Planning System e: AMOPS Army Mobilization Capabilities Study e: AMCS Army Mobilization Planning and Programming Directive e: AMPPD


Army Mobilization Planning Army Mobilization Planning and Programming Guidance Document e: AMPPGD Army Mobilization Program Directive e: AMPD Army Modernization Manual e: A M M Army Modernization Plan e: AMP Army Modernization Training e: AMT Army Morale Support Fund e: AMSF Army Mortar Program e: ARMOP Army Motion Picture Service e: AMPS Army Multi-Message Exchange e: A M M E Army Munitions Command e: AMC Army Munitionfs] Command e: AMIICOM Army Munitions Command e: AMUNC. Army Mutual Aid Association e: AMAA Army National Guard e: ANG, e: ARNG Army National Guard [of the United States] e: ARNG[US] Army Native Hospital Corps e: ANHC Army Nautic Laboratories [or Laboratory] e: ANL Army-Navy e: ArNa Army-Navy Aeronautical e: ANA Army-Navy-Air Force e: ANA, e: ANAF Army-Navy/Airborne Pulse Search equipment e: AN/APS Army Navy/Airborne Radio Communications e: AN/ARC Army, Navy and Air Force Comforts Association e: A.N.A.C.A. Army-Navy Anticorrosion Compound e: ANC Army-Navy British e: ANB Army-Navy British Standard e: AN BS Army & Navy Canteen Board e: A.N.C.B. Army-Navy-Civil e: ANC Army-Navy Civil Aeronautics Committee e: ANC Army-Navy-Commerce e: ANC Army-Navy-Commercial e: ANC Army-Navy Communications Production Expediting Agency e: ANCPEA Army-Navy Design e: AND Army-Navy Electronic and Electrical Standards Agency e: ANEESA Army, Navy Electronics Evaluation Group e: ANEEG Army-Navy Electronics Production Agency e: ANEPA Army-Navy Fuel e: ANF Army-Navy Ground Radio Communications e: AN/GRC Army-Navy-Industry e: ANI Army-Navy Instrumentation Program e: ANIP Army-Navy Joint Specifications Board e: ANJSB Army-Navy-NASA, Air-Force e: ANNA Army Navy Performance Number e: ANPN Army-Navy Petroleum Board e: ANPB Army-Navy Petroleum Pool, Pacific Coast e: ANPPC, e: ANPPPC Army-Navy Radio Frequency Cable Coordination Committee e: ANRFCCC Army-Navy Safety Board e: ANSB Army-Navy Shipping Information Agency e: ANSIA Army & Navy Utility Tactical Transport Rotorcraft e: H-60 Army-Navy Vehicular Radio Communications e: ANFVRC Army Net Assessment, Central Europe e: AN AC F Army Network Architecture e: ANA Army News Features e: ANF Army News [paper] Service e: ANS Army Newspaper Unit e: ANU


Army Non-Destructive Readout e: ANDRO Army Nozzle Technology Program e: ANTP Army Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Information System e: ANBACIS Army Nuclear Data System e: ANUDS Army Nuclear Defense Laboratory e: ANDL, e: ARMY NDL Army Nuclear Power Program e: ANPP Army Nuclear Weapon Coordination Group e: ANWCG Army Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Reliability Program e: ANWSRP Army Number e: AN Army Nurse Corps e: ANC Army Nursing Service e: A.N.S. Army Observation Plane e: AOP Army Observation Post e: AOP Army of Excellence e. AOE Army of Northern Virginia e: ANV Army of Occupation Medal e: AOM, e: OCCMDL Army of Occupation of Germany Medal e: AOGM, e: OCCGERMDL Army of Tennessee e: AoT Army of the Cumberland e: AoC Army of the Ohio e: AoO Army of the Potomac e: AoP Army of the Republic of Serbian Krajina e: ARSK Army of the Republic of Vietnam e: ARV[I]N, e: ARVN Army of the Serbian Republic e: ASR Army of the Tennessee e: AotT Army of the United States e: AUS Army of the United States Medical Corps e: A.U.S.M.C. Army of Virginia e: AoV Army of Yugoslavia e: YA Army Officers Art Society e: AOAS Army Officers' Candidate School e: AOCS Army Officers Emergency Reserve e: AOER Army Oil Analysis Program Standard Data System e: AOAP Army Operational Research e: AOR Army Operational Research Establishment e: AORE Army Operational Research Group e: AORG Army Operations Center e: AOC Army Operations Research Symposium e: AORS Army Order e: AO Army Ordnance e: AO Army Ordnance Ammunition Command e: AOAC Army Ordnance Arsenal District e: AOAD Army Ordnance Association e: AOA Army Ordnance Ballistic Missile Office e: AOBMO Army Ordnance-Birmingham District e: AO-BIRMDis Army Ordnance-Boston District e: AOBOSTDis Army Ordnance-Chicago District e: AOCHIDis Army Ordnance-Cleveland District e: AOCLEVDis Army Ordnance Combat Equipment Office e: AOCEO Army Ordnance Corps e: A.O.C., e: ORDC Army Ordnance Department e: AOD Army Ordnance Depot e: AOD Army Ordnance District e: AOD Army Ordnance Guided [Missile School] e AOGMS

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Army Ordnance-Los Angeles District e: AO-LADis Army Ordnance Missile Center e: AOMC Army Ordnance Missile Command e: AOMC Army Ordnance Missile Support Agency e: AOMSA Army Ordnance Missile Support Center e: AOMSC Army Ordnance-New York District e: AONYDis Army Ordnance-Philadelphia District e: AO-PHILDis Army Ordnance Regulation[s] e: AOR Army Ordnance Service[s] e: AOS Army Ordnance Society e: AOS Army Ordnance-St Louis District e: AOSTLDis Army Ordnance Stores e: A.O.S. Army Ordnance Submarine Mine Laboratory e: AOSML Army Ordnance Weapons Command e: AOWC Army Ordnance Workshop e: AOW Army Ordnance Workshop Services e: AOWS Army Outward Bound School e: AOBS Army Package Power Reactor e: APPR Army Packaging System e: APS Army Panel e: AP Army Parachute Team e: APT Army Part Number e: APN Army Pay Corps e: APC, e: A.P.C. Army Pay Department e: APD Army Pay Ledger Unit e: APLU Army Pay Office[r] e: APO Army Pay Tables e: APT Army Pearl Harbor Board e: APHB Army Pensions Office e: APO Army Performance-Oriented Review and Standards Program e: APORS Army Personnel Letter e: APL Army Personnel Newsletter e: APNL Army Personnel Research Committee e: A PRC Army Personnel Research Establishment e: APRE Army Personnel Research Office e: APRO Army Personnel Research Service e: APRS Army Personnel System Committee e: APSC Army Petroleum Center e: APC Army Photo Center e: APC Army Photo Interpretation Center e: APIC Army Photo Interpretation Detachment e: APID Army Photo Interpretation Unit e: APIU Army Photographic Intelligence Service e: APIS Army Photographic Interpretation Section e APIS Army Photographic Interpretation Unit e: APIU Army Physical Disability Activity e: APDA Army Physical Disability Appeal Board e: APDAB Army Physical Fitness Program e: APFP Army Physical Fitness Test e: APFT Army Physical Readiness Test e: APRT Army Physical Review Council e: APRC Army Physical Training Corps, Aldershot, Hampshire e: APTC Army Physical Training Staff e: APTS Army Pictorial Center e: APC Army Pictorial Division e: APD Army Pictorial Service e: APS Army Pigeon Service e: APS Army Pilot School e: APS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Army Signal Intelligence Army Planning and Programming Guidance Memorandum e: APPGM Army Planning Group e: APG Army Plant Representative's Offices e: APRO Army Point of Contact e: APOC Army Polar Research and Development Center e: APRDC Army Police Coordinating Committee e: APCC Army Policy Council e: APC Army Pollution Abatement Program e: APAP Army Port and Service Command e: AP&SC Army Post Office e: APO Army Post Office Corps e: APOC Army Postal Clerk e: APC Army Postal Group, Europe e: APG E Army Postal Service e: APS Army Postal Service Agency e: ARPSA Army Postal Unit e: APU Army Potential Contractor Program e: APCP Army Power Package Reactor e: APPR Army Power Procurement Officer Representative e: APPOR Army Precommission Extension Course e: APCEC Army Premilinary Evaluation e: APE Army Printing and Stationery Service e: A.P.S.S. Army Printing and Stationery Service[s] e: APSS Army Procost Marshal e: APM Army Procurement Appropriation e: APA Army Procurement Procedure e: APP Army Procurement Regulation e: APR Army Procurement Research Office e: APRO Army Procurement-Sharpe General Depot e: APSGD Army Program Memorandum e: APM Army Promotion List e: APL Army Propulsion Laboratory and Center e: APLC Army Prosthetics Research Laboratory e: APRL Army Proving Ground e: APG Army Proving Ground[s] e: APG Army Psychological Warfare Department e: APWD Army Psychological Warfare Division e: APWD Army Pulse Radiation Facility e: APRF, e: ARPF Army Pulse Radiation Facility Reactor e: APRFR Army Pulsed Experimental Research Assembly e: APRA Army Pulsed Reactor Assembly e: APRA Army Pulsed Reactor Facility e: APRF Army Qualification Battery of Tests e: AQB of Tests Army Quartermaster Corps e: AQMC Army Quartermaster Research and Engineering Command e: AQREC Army Radio Code Aptitude Test e: ARCAT, e: ARCT Army Radio Code Test e: ARCT Army Radio Engineered Network e: AREN Army Radio School e: A.R.S. Army Radio Station e: ARS Army Reactor Area e: AREA Army Reactor Experimental Area e: AREA Army Reactor Systems Health and Safety Review Committee e: ARCHS Army Reader Microfilm System e: ARMS

Army Readiness Training and Evaluation Plan e: ARTEP Army Ready Material e: ARM Army Rearming Base e: APB, e: ARB Army Receiving-Valve e: ar Army Reception Group, Europe e: ARGE Army Recorder Experimental Area e: AREA Army Recreational Service e: ARS Army Recruiting and Accession Data System e: ARADS Army Reentry Vehicle Facility Site e: AR VF S Army Registry of Physical Therapists e: ARPT Army Registry of Special Educational Materials e: ARSEM Army Regulation^] e: AR Army Regulations e: A R's Army Relief Society e: ARS Army Remedial Action Project e: ARAP Army Remount Department e: A.R.D. Army Remount Service e: A.R.S. Army Renegotiation Division e: ARD Army Requirements Development Plan e: ARDP Army Requirements for Tactical Communications e: ARTACOM Army Research and Development e: ARD Army Research and Development Center e ARDC Army Research and Development Group e: ARDG Army Research and Development Group [Europe] e: ARDG[E] Army Research and Development Group [Far East] e: ARDG[FE] Army Research and Development Information System e: ARDIS Army Research and Development Information System[s] Office e: ARDISO Army Research Command e: ARCom Army Research Institute [for the Behavioral and Social Sciences] e: ARI Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences e: ARIBBS Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine e: ARIEM Army Research Laboratory e: ARL Army Research Office e: ARO Army Research Office Durham e: AROD Army Research Office-Washington e: ARO-W Army Research Plan e: ARP Army Research Task e: ART Army Research Task Summary e: ARTS Army Reserve e: A.R. Army Reserve Civilian Acquired Skills Program e: ARCASP Army Reserve Command e: ARCOM Army Reserve Components e: ARC Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal e: ARCAM Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee e: ARFPC Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps e: Army ROTC Army Reserve Personnel Center e: ARPERCEN Army Resettlement Employment Liaison Cell [Ministry of Defence] e: ARELC Army Resources Management Institute e: ARMI Army Restricted Operations Zones e: AROZ Army Retail Requirements e: ARR Army Retiring Board e: ARB Army Review Boards Agency e: ARBA Army Rifle Association e: A.R.A.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ • G · Saur, Munich

Army River Mine System e: ARMS Army Rocket and Guided Missile Agency e: ARGMA Army Rocket Transportation System e: ARTP Army Rocket Transporting Systems e: ARTPS Army Rotary Wing Aptitude Battery e: ARWAB Army Routine Order e: ARO Army Saddle Club Association e: A.S.C.A. Army Satellite Communication Project e: ASCOM Project Army Satellite Communication^] Project e: ASCOM Army Satellite Tracking [Center] e: AST Army Satellite Tracking Center e: ASTC, e: AST Center Army Scaling & Codification Authority e: ASCA Army School of Ammunition e: ASA Army School of Cookery e: A.S.C. Army School of Education e: A.Sell.of Eduet., e: A.S.E. Army School of Education and Depot e: ASED Army School of Education, Shorncliffe e: A.S.E. Army School of Hygiene e: ASH Army School of Mechanical Transport e: ASMT Army School of Physical Training e: ASPT, e: A.S.P.T. Army School of the Air e: ASOA Army School on Instructional Technolgy e: ASIT Army Science Board e: ASB Army Science & Technology Master Plan e: ASTMP Army Scientific Advisory Panel e: ASAP Army Scientifiic and Technical Information Program e: ASTIP Army Scripture Readers, Soldiers' and Airmen's Christian Association e: A.S.R.S.A.C.A. Army Seal of Approval e: ASA Army Secure Operating System[s] e: ASOS Army Security e: AS Army Security Agency e: ASA Army Security Agency, Europe e: ASAE Army Security Agency, Pacific e: ASAPAC Army Security Agency School e: ASAS Army Security Assistance Coordinating Group e: ASACG Army Security Review Board e: ASRB Army Security Service e: ASA Army Security Vetting Unit e: ASVU Army Serial Number e: ASN Army Service Area e: ASA Army Service Command e: ASC, e: ASCOM Army Service Corps e: ASC, e: A.S.C. Army Service Forces e: ASF Army Service Forces Training Center e: ASFTC Army Service Forces Training Center Unit e ASFTCU Army Service Number e: ASN Army Service Squadron e: ASSERON Army Shipping Document e: ASD Army Signal Association e: ASA Army Signal Corps e: ASC Army Signal Corps, Communications Security Service e: ASCCSS Army Signal Corps' Signal Supply Agency e.· ASSA Army Signal Intelligence Agency e: ASIA


Army Signal Material Army Signal Material Support Agency e: ASMA, e: A S M S A Army Signal Officer e: ASO Army Signal Radio Propagation Agency e: ASRPA Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory e: A S R D L Army Signal School e: ASIGSCH, e: ASS Army Signal Squadron e: A S S Army Signals e: A Sigs Army Simulation Strategic Planning Office e: DAMO-ZS Army Ski Association e: A S A Army Small Arms Experimental Station e: ASAES Army Small Arms Program e: ARSAP Army Snow and Mountain Warfare School e: A S M W S Army Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Research Establishment e: ASIPR, e: ASIPRE Army Software Development e: A S D Army Space Command e: A R S P A C E Army Space Council e: ASC Army Space Office e: ASO Army Space Program Office e: ASPO Army Space Study Group e: ASSG Army Space Working Group e: A S W G Army Special Operations Command Network e: ASOCNet Army Special Operations Component e: ARSOC Army Special Operations Forces e: ARSOF Army Special Operations Pictorial Detachment e: A S O P - D Army Special Staff e: ASS Army Special Warfare Center e: A S W C Army Special Weapons Depot e: A S W D Army Specialist Corps e: ASC Army Specialized Training Program e: ASTP Army Specialized Training Reserve Program e: A.S.T.R.P., e: A S T R P Army Specialized Training Unit e: ASTI) Army SpecializedTraining e: AST Army Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program e: A S O A P Army Spectrum Management Steering Committee e: A S M S C Army Sports Control Board e: ASC Β Army Staff e: AS Army Staff [Agency] e: A R S TAF Army Staff Washington [British Defence Staff] e: BDS [ArmyJWashington, e: BDS [Army|Washington Army Staging Area Command e: A R S A C Army Standard Family e: ASF Army Standard Information Management System e: A S I M S Army Standards Electronic Mail Host e: ASEMH Army Standards Laboratory e: ASL Army Standing Operating Procedure e: ASOP Army Stationing and Installation Plan e: ASIP Army Stock Fund e: ASF Army Strategic and Tactical Reorganization Objective e: A S T R O Army Strategic Capabilities Plan e: A S C P Army Strategic Communications Command e: ASCC Army Strategic Defense Command e: ASDC Army Strategic Mobility Plan e: ASMP Army Strategic Objectives Plan e: ASOP Army Strategic Plan e: ASP Army Strategy and Tactics Analysis e: ASTA Army Strike Command e: A R S T R A C


Army Student Nurse Program e: ASNP Army Student Nurse Program Identification Badge e: ASNPIdentBad Army Study Advisory Committee e: ASAC Army Study Documentation and Information Retrieval System e: ASDIRS Army Subject Schedule e: A S U B J S C D Army Subsistence Center e: ASC Army Subsistence Supply Center e: ASSC Army Suggestions Awards Committee e: ASAC Army Supply and Maintenance Command e: ASMC, e: A S M C O M Army Supply Base e: ASB Army Supply Point e: ASP Army Supply Program e: ASP Army Support Center e: ASPTC Army Support Jamming programme e: AS J Army Surgeon General e: ASG Army Surgeon General's Office e: A S G O Army Survey Establishment e: ASE Army Survival Measures Plan e: ASMP Army Switched Data and Secure Voice Network e: A S D S V N Army System for Intelligence Support Terminals e: ASSIST Army Systems Acquisition Review Council e ASARC Army Systems Command e: ASCOM Army Tactical Air Control Center e: ATACC Army Tactical Air Control System/Tactical Air Defense Systems Advisory Group e: ATTAG Army Tactical Area Communication System e ATACS Army Tactical C2 Information System e: ATACMS Army Tactical Command and Control System e: ATCCS, e: A T C O S Army Tactical Communications Management System e: A T A C M S Army Tactical Communications System e: ATACS Army Tactical Data Link e: ATDL Army Tactical Data System e: ARTAD System Army Tactical Data Systemfs] e: ARTADS Army Tactical Data Test e: A R T D T Army Tactical Digital Image Generator e: ATACDIG Army Tactical Frequency Engineering System e: ATFES Army Tactical Group Headquarters e: Army/Tac. Gp. H.Q. Army Tactical Intelligence Committee e: ATIC Army Tactical Missile System e: ATACMS Army Tactical Mobility Requirements Board e: A T M R B Army Tactical Operational Control e: ARTOC Army Tactical Operations Center e: ARTOC Army Tactical Operations Central e: ARTOC Army Tank and Automotive Command e: ATAC Army Tank Automotive Center e: A T A C Army Tank Battalion e: ATB Army Tank Brigade e: ATB, e: A.T.Bde., e: A.Tk.Bde Army Tank Office e: A T O Army Tank Program e: ATP Army Technical Group e: ATG

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Army Technical Libraries and Information Systems e: A T L I S Army Technical Library Improvement Studies e: ATLIS Army Technical Service Corps e: A T S C Army Technology-Base Master Plan e: ATBMP Army Telecommunications Automation Program e: A T C A P Army Telephone Book e: A T B Army Temperance Association e: A.T.A. Army Terrain Information System e: ARTINS Army Territorial Service e: A.T.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command e: ATEC, e: ATECOM Army Theater Missile Defense Project Office e: A T M D P O Army Threat and Intelligence Production System e: ATIPS Army Times e: A T Army Topographic Command e: A T C Army Topographic Service e: JATOP Army Topographic Support Establishment e: ATSE Army Traffic Management System e: ATMS Army Training e: AT Army Training and Evaluation Program e: ARTEP Army Training Battle Simulation System e: ARTBASS Army Training Center e: ATC Army Training Circular e: A T C Army Training Command e: A T C Army Training Corps e: A.T.C. Army Training Device Agency e: ATDA Army Training Diagnostic Program e: ATD Ρ Army Training Film e: ATF Army Training Instruction e: ATI Army Training Memorandum e: A T M Army Training Plan e: ATP Army Training Programfme] e: ATP Army Training Station e: A.T.S. Army Training Test e: A T T Army Transition to War Measure e: ATWM Army Transport Boat e: ATB Army Transport Service Quartermaster Corps e: A.T.S.Q.M.C. Army Transport Service REgulation e: ATSR Army Transportation Association e: A T A . Army Transportation Board e: A T B Army Transportation Corps e: A T C Army Transportation Engineering Agency e: ATEA Army Transportation Materiel Command e ATMC Army Transportation Research Command e: ARMY TRCO, e: ATRC Army Transportation Supply and Maintenance Command e: A T S M C Army Transportation Unit e: ATU Army Troops e: AT, e: A.T. Army troops e: A.tps. Army Tropic Test Center e: A T T C Army Uniform Data Inquiry Technique e: AUDIT Army Unit e: AU Army Unit for United States Air Force e: AUFUSAF Army Unit Standard Manpower Information System e: A U S M I S Army Universal Gun e: AUG Army Validation Program e: AVP Army Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance e AVIM Army Veterinary Corps e: A.V.C.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Artillerie-Regiment Army Veterinary Department e: AVD, e: A.V.D. Army Veterinary Service e: AVS Army Victualling Department e: A.V.D. Army Vocational Training Centre e: A.V.T.C. Army Volunteer Reserve e: Α.V.R. Army Volunteer Reserve[s] e: AVR Army War College e: ArWC, e: AWC Army War Room e: AWR Army War Room Information System e: AWRIS Army Waterways Experimental] Station e AWES Army Weapons and Mobility Command e: AWMC Army Weapons Command e: AWC, e: AWECOM Army Weather Service e: AWS Army Welfare Committee e: A.W.C. Army Welfare Office e: A.W.O. Army Welfare Office [r] e: AWO Army Welfare Services e: AWS Army Wholesale Logistic System e: AWLOGS Army Wide e: AW Army-wide Training Literature Program e: ATLP Army Wireless Officer e: AWO Army Work Study Group e: AWSG Army Work Study Organisation e: AWSO Army WWMCCS Information System e: AWIS Army Youth Team e: AYT Army's Airborne Fire-Support System e: AAFSS Army's Electronic Environmental Test Facility e: AEETF Army's Five-Year Defense Program e: AFYDP Army's Incentive Awards Program e: AIAP Army's Program for Individual Training e: APRINT Army's Robotic Resupply Vehicle e: ROBARV Army's Role in Security Assistance Program e: ARSAP Armys Special Operations Unit e: D-2 Armée Active f: A.A. Armée Atlantique f: A.A. Armée Belge f: A.B. Armée Belge d'Occupation f: Α.Β.O. Armée Coloniale f: A.C. Armée d'Afrique f: A.A. Armée d'armistice f: A.A. Armée de la Libération f: A.L. Armée de lAir f: A.A. Armée de Levant f: A.L. Armée de Libération Nationale f: A.L.N. Armée de Libération Nationale Algérienne f: A.L.N.A. Armée de Libération Nationale de l'Angola /• ALNA Armée de Libération Nationale Kamerounaise f: ALNK Armée de Mer f: A.M. Armée de Terre f: A.T. Armée de Terre Métropolitaine f: A.T.M. Armée des Alpes f: A.A. Armée d'Occupation f: A.O. Armée du Rhin f: AR Armée du Salut f: A.S. Armée Européenne f: A.E. Armée Française f: AF Armée française du Rhin f: a.f.r. Armée Juife f: AJ Armée Métropolitaine f: A.M. Armée national du Peuple Algéren f: A.N.P.A.

Armée Nationale Congolaise f: A.N.C. Armée Nationale Sihanoukiste f: ANS Armée Nord-Atlantique f: A.N.A. Armée Populaire de Libération f: A.P.L. Armée Secrète f: A.S. Armée Territoriale f: A.T. Arméhundskolan, Sollefteâ r: HS Arméinspektionen r: Ainsp armékâr r: ak Arméns brevskola r: ABS Arméns centrala bekl r: ACB Arméns centrala intendenturf r: AIA, r: AIB, r: AIK, r: AIS, r: AIT, r: AI[tm] Arméns centralmagasin, H r: aCH Arméns centralmagasin, Kil r: ACK Arméns fortifikationsf r: AFF Arméns Helikopterskola r: HkpS Arméns Hundskola r: AHS Arméns Personal Delegation r: APD Arméns Radarskola r: RadarS Arméns Signalskola r: SignS Arméns Tygavdelning r: ATA Arméns Underhâllskola r: US Arméns underofficersskola, Uppsala r: AUS Arméstaben r: Ast Arméstabens pressoch adjutanturavdelning, Stockholm r: Ast/PrA Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Force Station e: TAF Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tullahoma, Tenn. e: AEDC ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency] Lincoln C-band Observables Radar e: ALCOR ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency] Longe-Range Tracking and Instrumentation e: ALTAIR ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency] Measurement Radar e: AMR, e: AMRAD ARPA Maui [Hawaii] Optical Site e: AMOS Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino ρ: AHI) Arrange e: ARNG Arrangement e: arng Arrangement concernant le commerce international des textiles f: Accord multifibre Array Processor Software e: APS Array Radar e: Arr Rad Arresting Gear Officer e: AGO Arrival Aircraft Interval e: AAI Arrived within Continental Limits of United States e: ARRUS Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro p: AMRJ Arsenal Operations Division e: AOD arsenale navale i: a.η. Art Commission of New York City e: ACNYC Art for World Friendship e: AWF ARTADS [Army Tactical Data System] Interface Configuration Control Board e: AICCB ARTADS [Army Tactical Data System] Requirements Coodination Committee e: ARCC Articles for the Government of the Navy e: AGN Articles of War e: AOW, e: AW Articulated Mirror System e: AMS Articulated Vehicle Dynamic Simulation Model e: AVDS Model Articulated Vehicle Dynamic Simulator e: AVDS Artificial Earth Satellite Observation Program e: AESOP Artificial Transmission Line e: ATL artigliera di corpo d'armata i: a.c.a.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

artiglieria a cavallo i: art.cav. artiglieria alpina i: a.alp. artiglieria contraerea i: a.c., i: a.c.a. artiglieria da campagna i: artiglieria da costa i: art.c.o. artiglieria da montagna i: art.mont. Artiglieria d'armata i: A.A. artiglieria di Divisione di Fanteria i: a DF artiglieria divisionale i: a.div. artiglieria leggiera i: art.legg. artiglieria pesante i: art.pes. artiglieria pesante su ferrovia i: art.p.f. Artilleri flaggadjutant för sjöartilleriet r: FA Artilleri- och Ingenjörofficersskolan r: AIOS Artilleri- och krigsh r: AKHS Artilleri- och Krigshögskolan r: AKHS Artillería Divisionaria s: A.D. Artilleridepartment r: AD Artillerie d: A, d: Ari, d: Art. Artillerie à Cheval f: A.C. Artillerie-Abteilung d: A.Abt. Artillerie Anti-Tank f: A.T. Artillerie Antiaérienne f: A.A. Artillerie Antiaérienne Coloniale f: A.A.C. Artillerie-Beobachter-Kompanie d: Art.Beob.Kp. Artillerie-Beobachtungsstelle d: A.B.St. Artillerie Coloniale f: A.C. Artillerie Coloniale Divisionnaire f: A.C.D. Artillerie d'Armée f: A.A. Artillerie-Daten-Lage und EinsatzRechnerverbund d: ADLER Artillerie d'Aussaut f: A.A. Artillerie de Campagne f: A.C. Artillerie de Campagne de Corps d'Armée / · ACCA Artillerie de Campagne Divisionnaire f: A.C.D. Artillerie de Corps f: A.C. Artillerie de Corps d'Armée f: A.C.A. Artillerie de Corps d'armée f: Art.C. Artillerie de Division Blindée f: A.D.B. Artillerie de Forteresse f: A.F. Artillerie de la Division d'Infanterie f: A.D.I. artillerie de la division légère f: a.d.i. artillerie de la division marocaine f: a.d.m. Artillerie de Tranchée f: A.T. Artillerie-Depot d: Art.Dep. Artillerie-Depotinspektion d: Art.Dep.Insp. Artillerie Divisionnaire f: A.D. Artillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung d: A.E.A. Artillerie-Fliegerabteilung d: Art.FI.Abt. Artillerie Gefechtsabschnitt d: GA II Artillerie-Inspektion d: Art.Insp. Artillerie-Instrumentalaufklärung d: AIAkl Artillerie-Instrumental aufklärungsbatterie ti: ΑΙΑΒ Artillerie-Konstruktionsbüro d: Art.Konstr.B. Artillerie-Lehrregiment d: ALR Artillerie Lourde Courte Divisionnaire f: A.L.C.D. Artillerie Lourde de Corps d'Armée f: A.L.C.A. Artillerie-Nachrichtenabteilung d: A.N.A. Artillerie-Nachrichtendienst d: Art.ND artillerie navale f: a.n. Artillerie- och Ingenj r: AIHS Artillerie- och Ingenjörhögskolan r: AIHS Artillerie- og Ingeniorhojskolen a: AIHS Artillerie-Prüfungskommission d: A.P.K. Artillerie-Raketeneinsatzsystem d: ARES Artillerie-Regiment d: A.R., d: ArtI.Rgt., d: ArtR, d: ArtRegt


Artillerie-Reserve Artillerie-Reserve d: Arti.Res. Artillerie- und Kraftfahrzeugdepotkompanie d: A r t K f z D p K p Artillerie- und Minendepot [Marine] d: Art.u.Min.Dep. Artillerie- und Topographiefeldersatzbatterie d: Art/TopFErsBttr Artillerie-Unterstützungs-Abteilung d: AUA Artillerie-Verwaltung [Marine] d: A.Verw. Artillerie-Zeugsfilialdepot d: A Z F D Artillerieabteilung d: Art.Abt. Artilleriearsenal d: Art.Ars. Artillerieausbildungsbatterie [für Kurzausbildung] d: ArtAusbBttr[KA| Artilleriebatallion d: ArtBtl Artilleriebatterie d: ArtBttr Artilleriebekämpfungsgruppe d: Aka Artilleriebeobachter d: A.B. Artilleriebeobachtung d: AB Artilleriebeobachtungsabteilung d: Art.Beob.Abt. Artilleriebeobachtungsstelle d: A.B.St. Artilleriebewegungsraum d: A B R Artilleriebrigade d: ABr., d: A.Brig. Artilleriedepot d: AD Artilleriedivision d: AD Artillerieeinheit d: Art.-Einh. Artillerieersatzregiment d: A.E.R. Artilleriefährplan d: AFP Artilleriefahrzeug d: Af. Artilleriefeldersatzbatterie d: ArtFErsBttr Artillerieflieger d: Afl. Artilleriefliegerabteilung d: Afla Artilleriefliegerstaffel d: Art.FI.St. Artilleriefunkmeßstation d: A F M S Artilleriegeschoß d: A.G. Artilleriegruppe d: A.Gr., d: Art.Gr. Artillerieklubben r: A.K. Artilleriekolonne d: A.K. Artilleriekommandeur d: Arko, d: Arko Artilleriekommandeur Ost d: A.K.O. Artilleriekommandeur Süd d: A.K.S. Artilleriekommandeur West d: A.K.W. Artilleriekommando d: Art.Kdo. Artillerielehrbatallion d: ArtLelirBtl Artillerielehrbatterie d: ArtLelirBttr Artillerielehrregiment d: ArtLehrRgt Artilleriemarschbatterie d: ArtMarschBttr Artilleriemeetbatterij n: Ambt Artilleriemunitionskolonne d: Art.Mun.Kol. Artillerieofficersskolan r: A r t O S Artillerieofficersskolan, Stockholm r: ArtOS Artillerieoffizier d: AO, d: Art.-Off. Artillerieregiment d: AR, d: Art Rgt Artillerieschnellboot d: AS-Boot Artillerieschule d: A, d: ArtS, d: Art.Sch., d: A.S. Artillerieschule Själlands Odde d: A S O Artilleriespezialzug d: ArtSpezZg Artilleriestab d: Artstb., d: A.St. Artilleriestab zur besonderen Verwendung d: A.St.z.b.V. Artilleriets kadettskola, J r: A r t K S Artilleriets Skjutskola r: ArtSS Artillerieversuchskommando für Schiffe [Marine] d: A.V.K.S. Artillerieversuchskommando Land [Marine] d: A.V.K.L. Artillerieversuchskommando Torpedoboote [Marine] d: A.V.K.T. Artilleriewaffenamt d: A.Wa. Artilleriewaffenkommando d: Art.Wako Artilleriewerkstatt d: Aw. Artilleriezeugsabteilung d: AZA


Artilleriezeugsdepot d: AZD Artilleriezeugsfabrik d: AZF Artilleriezug d: Art.Zg. Artilleriyskaya Instrumental'naya Razvedka R: AIR Artilleriyskaya Radiolokatsionnaya Stantsiya Obnaruzheniya R: ARSOM Artillery e: A, e: art., e: Artil., e: ARTLY, e: A R T Y Artillery Air Observer e: A A O Artillery Ammunition [and] Rocket Development Laboratory e: A A R D L Artillery Ammunition Development Laboratory e: A A D L Artillery Ammunition Distributing Point e: Arty Am DP Artillery and Guided Missile School e: A[&]GM, e A G M S Artillery and Missile School e: AMS Artillery Ballistic Meteorological System e: A B M S Artillery Battery Computer Support system e: A B A C U S artillery brigade e: arty Bde Artillery Brigade e: Arty Brig Artillery Clerk e: A.C. Artillery College e: A.C. Artillery Combat Observer Vehicle Simulator e: A C O V S Artillery Command Reconnaissance Vehicle e: A C R V Artillery Communication Aural Protection System e: A C A P S Artillery Computer System e: A C S Artillery Computer Unit e: A C U Artillery Concepts Test System e: ACTS Artillery Control Console e: ACC Artillery Controller e: A.C. Artillery Corps e: A.C. Artillery-Delivered Anti-Tank Mine e: ADATM Artillery-Delivered Antipersonnel Mine [or Munition] e: A D A M Artillery-Delivered Expendable Jammer e: AD/EXJAM Artillery Delivered Expendable Jammer e: AD/XJAM Artillery Destruction Programs e: ADPs Artillery Direct Fire Trainer e: ADFT Artillery Division e: AD Artillery Engagement e: Arty engmt Artillery Equipment School e: AES, e: A.E.S. Artillery Exercise e: ARTEX Artillery Fire Control e: Arty FC Artillery Fire Control System e: A F C S Artillery Fire Control Training Simulator e: AFCTS Artillery Fire Support Center e: A F S C Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile[s] e: AFAP Artillery Flash Ranging e: AFR Artillery Forces Simulation Model e: AFSM Artillery Forward Observer e: AFO Artillery Ground Burst Simulator e: AGBS Artillery Hunting Radar e: A R T H U R Artillery Intelligence Officer e: AIO Artillery Intelligence School e: AIS Artillery Liaison Officer e: Arty Ln O Artillery Line Communications Equipment e: ALICE Artillery Locating Radar e: A L R Artillery Location Acoustic System e: ALAS Artillery Meteorological e: A R T Y M E Y Artillery Meteorological System e: AMETS, e: A M S Artillery & Mortar Fire Control Training Simulator e: A M F C T S

Κ · G · Saur, München

Artillery Observation e: A O Artillery Observation Post e: A O P Artillery Observation Vehicle e: AOV, e: VOA Artillery Officer e: A O Artillery Park e: Arty Pk Artillery Preparation e: Arty prepn Artillery Preparation Fire e: APF Artillery Procedures Working Party e: APWP Artillery Re-arm Module e: ARM Artillery Reconnaissance e: arty r Artillery Registration/Adjustment System e ARADS, e A R A S Artillery Saturation Rocket System e: ASTROS Artillery School e: ArtS, e: Arty Sch Artillery School Antiaircraft and Guided Missile Branch e: A S A A G M B Artillery shell warhead e: W - 7 9 Artillery Spotting Division e: ASD Artillery Survey vehicle e: AT-ST Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities e: ASCA Artillery Systems Research Programme e: ASRP Artillery Tactical Automated Fire System e: ATAFS Artillery Tactical Terminals e: A T T Artillery Target Intelligence e: A T I Artillery Target Location Vehicle e: ATLV Artillery Test Board e: ATB Artillery Training e: AT Artillery Vehicle Park e: A V P Artillery Volunteer Corps e: A.V.C. Artillery Volunteers e: A.V. Artillery Weapon[s] Data System e: AWDATS Artillery Weapon[s] Data Transmission System e: AWDATS, e: A W D A T System Artillería a Caballo s: Art.Cab. artillería de costa s: a.c. artillería naval s: a.η. Artillería Sobre Automóviles s: A.S.A. Artillieria di Divisione i: AD artisan works company e: art wks coy artylerja ciçzka Ρ: art.c. artylerja górska Ρ: art.gór. artylerja konna Ρ: art.kon. artylerja najciçzsza Ρ: artylerja polna P: art.pol. artylerja przeciwlotnicza Ρ: Arzttrupp d: ArztTrp Arzttruppkraftwagen d: A T r K W As Built Hardware Reporting System e: ABHRS Asbestos Awareness Training e: A A T ASC Pacific Company e: A S C P Ascent Flight Systems Integration Group e: AFSIG A S D [Force Management & Personnel] e: ASD[FM&P] Asea Atom r: A.A. ASEAN Free Trade Agreement e: AFTA ASEAN Senior Environment Officers e: ASOEM Asia and Pacific Maritime Cooperation Centre e: A P M C Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union e: ABU Asia Pacific Center e: APC Asia Pacific Forum e: APF Asia Pacific Group e: APG Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development e: AIBO Asian American Caucus for Disarmament e AACD Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund e: A A L D E F

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Assistant Chief Signal Asian and Pacific Americans for Nuclear Awareness e: APANA Asian Association of Insurance Commissioners e: AAIC Asian Benevolent Corps e: ABC Asian Christian Peace Conference e: ACPC Asian Conference of/on Religion and Peace e ACRP Asian Council of Peace Research e: ACPR Asian International Hardware Exposition e: AIHEX Asian Marine Biology e: Asian Mar. Biol. Asian Pacific Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations e: APFUCA Asian-Pacific [News] Network e: ANN Asian-Pacific Political Science Association e APPSA Asian Peace Research Association e: APRA Asiatic Fleet e: A.F. Asienkorps d: As.K. Asociación de Investigación de la Construcción Naval s: AIGN Asociación Argentina de Tecnológica Núclear AATN Asociación Centroamericana de Anatomía s: ACA Asociación de Constructores Navales Españoles CONSTRUNAVES Asociación de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos s: AIA Asociación de Ingenieros Navales de España s: AINE Asociación de Instituciones del Pacífico Sur sobre el Medio Ambiente s: ASPEI Asociación de Instituciones Financieras de Desarrollo del Asia y el Pacific s: ADFIAP Asociación de Veteranos Militares de Guatemala f: AVEMILGUA, s: AVMG Asociación del Tratado del Atlántico s: A.T.A. Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Armamento y Material de Defensa s: AFARMADE Asociación Europea de Ciencias y Técnicas Marinas i.· AESTM Asociación Regional Latinoamericana de Puertos de Pacífico s: ARELAP Asociata voluntará pentru sprijinirea apärärii patrei ru: AVSAP Aspect Angle Radiation Code e: AARAD Aspirantskol an r: AS Assault Airlift Control Office[r] e: AACO Assault Amphibian Vehicle e: AAV Assault Amphibian Vehicle, Personnel e: AAVP Assault Amphibian Vehicle, Recovery e: AAVR Assault Ballistic Rocket System e: ABRS Assault Battalion Task Force e: ABTF Assault Combat Battalion e: ACB Assault Combat Group e: ACG Assault Engineer Regiment e: A.E.R. Assault Fire Platoon e: AFP Assault Fire Platoon Plus e: AFP+ Assault Fire Unit e: AFI) Assault Gun e: AG, e: Aslt Gn Assault Gun Battalion e: AGB Assault Gun System vehicle e: AGS Assault Gun Vehicle e: AGV Assault Helicopter Battalion e: AHB Assault Helicopter Company e: AHC, e: AHCo Assault Helicopter Support Company e: AHSCo Assault Helicopter Transport e: CVHA Assault Supply Officer e: ASO Assault Support Helicopter e: ASH

Assault Unit e: All assault weapons e: assit wpn assault weapons platoon e: assit wpn pi assault [with] deadly weapon e: adw Assembled Air-Launched Weapon e: AALW Assembly Anchorage Headquarters e: AAHQ Assembly Area Command e: AAC Assembly Drawing e: AD Assembly Line Test and Selective Enforcement Audit Data e: ALT-SEA Assessment of Aircraft Attrition e: AAA Assessment of Combat Effectiveness e: ACE Assessment of Stationery Target Acquisition Techniques programme e: ASTAT Assessment System for Aircraft Noise e: ASAN Asset Depreciation Range e: ADR Assignment Instructions will include MOS [Military Occupational Specialty] e: AIMOSACGP Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General e: AA & QMG Assistant and Deputy Director of Naval Recruiting e: ADDNR, e: A.D.D.N.R. Assistant Area Commander e: AAC Assistant Army Military Attaché e: AARMA Assistant Battalion Officer-of-the-Watch e: ABOOW Assistant Beach Commander e: ABC Assistant Chaplain General e: A.C.G. Assistant Chief, Chemical Warfare Service e: ACCWS Assistant Chief Fire Officer e: ACFO Assistant Chief of Air Staff e: ACofAS Assistant Chief of Defenc[s]e Staff e: ACDS Assistant Chief of Intelligence e: ACOF INTEL Assistant Chief of Logistics e: ACofLOG Assistant Chief of Mission Operations e: ACMO Assistant Chief of Naval Operations e: ACNO, e: Asst. Chf. Nav. Op. Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Administration] e: ACNO [Admin] Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Communications]/Director, Naval Communication e: ACNO[COMM]/DNC Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Fleet Operations and Readiness] e: ACNO [Alt Op] Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Communications and Cryptology e: ACNOCOMM Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [General Planning and Programming] e: ACNO [GENPLANPROG] Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Intelligence] e: ACNO [Int] Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Logistics] e: ACNO [Log] Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, Logistics e: Asst. Chf. Nav. Op. [Log.] Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Marine] e: ACNO [MA] Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Naval Reserve] e: ACNO [NR] Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, Naval Reserves e: Asst. Chf. Nav. Op. [Nav. Res.] Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Operations and Readiness] e: ACNO [OP1

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Personnel] e: ACNO [P] Assistant Chief of Naval OperationsTransportation e: ACNO[T] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel e: ACNP Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Administration] e: ACNP [A] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Education and Training] e: ACNP[E&T] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Finance-Comptroller] e: ACNP[F-C] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Morale Services] e: ACNP[MS] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Naval Reserve and Naval District Affairs] e: ACNP [NR&NDA] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Performance] e: ACNP[PERF] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Personal Program Management] e: ACNP[PPM] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Personnel Control] e: ACNP[PC] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Plans] e ACNP [PI Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Property Management] e: ACNP[PM] Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Records] e: ACNP[R] Assistant Chief of Naval Staff [Air] e: ACNS[A] Assistant Chief of Naval Staff [Air and Warfare] e: ACNS[A & W] Assistant Chief of Naval Staff [Plans] e: ACNS[P] Assistant Chief of Naval Staff [Warfare] e\ ACNS[W] Assistant Chief of Naval Technical Services e: ACNTS Assistant Chief of Naval Technical Services [Air] e: ACNTS [Air] Assistant Chief of Naval Technical Services [Ships] e: ACNTS[S] Assistant Chief of Ordnance e: ACofORD Assistant Chief of Organisation and Training e: ACofO&T Assistant Chief of Personnel and Administration e: ACofP&A Assistant Chief of Staff e: ACofS, e: ACOS, e: ACS Assistant Chief of Staff, Air Force e: AC/SAF Assistant Chief of Staff for Command and Control Information Management e: ACSCCIM Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development e: ACSFOR Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management-Command, Control, Communi e: ACSIM-C4 Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence e: ACSI, e ACSINT Assistant Chief of Staff for Reserve Components e: ACSRC Assistant Chief of Staff, Installations e: ACSI Assistant Chief of Staff War Plans Division e: ACOFS WPD Assistant Chief of [the] Air Staff e: A CAS Assistant Chief of [the] Naval Staff e: ACNS Assistant Chief of United States Airstaff e: ACUSA Assistant Chief Patrol Inspector e: ACPI Assistant Chief Quartermaster e: ACQM Assistant Chief Scientific Adviser [Projects] e: ACSA[P] Assistant Chief Signal Officer e: ACSig O


Assistant Combat Information Assistant Combat Information Center Officer e: ACICO Assistant Command Director e: ACD Assistant Commandant e: AC, e: Asst Comdt Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps e: ACMC Assistant Commander, Royal Engineers e: Asst C RE Assistant Commissary General e: A.C.G. Assistant Commissary-General e: Ass.Com.-Gen., e: Asst.Comm.Gen. Assistant Commissioner e: AC Assistant Controller of Stores Department e: A.C.S.D. Assistant Controller of the Navy e: AC of Ν Assistant Counterbattery Officer e: ACBO Assistant Countermortar Officer e: ACMO Assistant County Advisory Officer e: ACAO Assistant Defence Advisor e: ADA Assistant Defense Counsel e: ADC Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Material e: ADCNM Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations e ADCNO Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans, Command, Control, Communications and Computers e: ADCSOPS-C4 Assistant Director Army Dental Service e: ADADS Assistant Director, Army Postal Services e: ADPS Assistant Director Army Veterinary and Remount Services e: ADAV&RS Assistant Director Electrical and Mechnical Engineers e: ADEME Assistant Director, Flight Operations e: ADFO Assistant Director-General, Army Veterinary Services e: ADGAVS Assistant Director-General of Medical Services e: ADGMS Assistant Director, Lightweight AntiSubmarine Weapons e: AD/LASW Assistant Director of Accident Prevention e: A.D.P.A. Assistant Director of Administrative Planning e: A.D.A.P. Assistant Director of Army Contracts e: ADAC Assistant Director of Army Health e: ADAH Assistant Director of Army Postal Services e: ADAPS Assistant Director of Army Psychiatry e: A.D.A.P. Assistant Director of Army Telegraph e: ADAT Assistant Director of Army Welfare Services e: A.D.A.W.S. Assistant Director of Artillery e: ADA, e: AD of A, e: AD of Arty Assistant Director of Auxiliary Territorial Service e: ADATAS Assistant Director of Dockyards e: AD of D Assistant Director of Fortification and Works e: A.D.F.W. Assistant Director of Guided Missiles e: ADGM Assistant Director of Hygiene and Pathology e: A.D.H.P. Assistant Director of Manning Department e: ADMD Assistant Director of Medical Services e: A.D.M.S.


Assistant Director of Meteorological Office [Civil Aviation] e: A.D.M.O. [C.A.I Assistant Director of Military Transport e: ADMT Assistant Director of Mobilization Department e: ADMD Assistant Director of Naval Accounts e: A.D.N.A. Assistant Director of Naval Construction e: ADNC, e A.D.N.C. Assistant Director of Naval Equipment e: A.D.N.E. Assistant Director of Naval Intelligence e: ADNI Assistant Director of Naval Ordnance e: A.D.N.O. Assistant Director of Naval Ordnance [Plans, Supply, Administration] e: ADGNO[PSA] Assistant Director of Operations Division e: AD OD Assistant Director of Ordnance Factories e: A.D.O.F. Assistant Director of Ordnance Services e: A.D.O.S. Assistant Director of Personnel [Men] e: A/DP[M] Assistant Director of Personnel [Officers] e: A/DP[0] Assistant Director of Personnel Services e: ADPS Assistant Director of Physical Training and Sports e: A.D.P.T.S. Assistant Director of Plans Division e: AD of Ρ Assistant Director of Postal Services e: ADPS Assistant Director of Printing and Stationary Services e: ADPSS Assistant Director of Public Relation e: A.D.P.R. Assistant Director of Railways e: AD of R, e: AD Ry Assistant Director of Remounts e: A.D.R. Assistant Director of Salvage e: AD Salv Assistant Director of Sea Transport e: AD of ST, e: ADST Assistant Director of Signals e: A.D.Sigs. Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport e: AD of S&T, e: ADSAT, e: ADST Assistant Director of the Army Budget e: ADA, e: A DA Β Assistant Director of Training e: A.D.Tng. Assistant Director of Transport e: AD of T, e ADT, e: A.D.Tn. Assistant Director of Veterinary Services e: A.D.V.S. Assistant Director of Warlike Stores e: A.D.W.S. Assistant Director of Works e: AD of W Assistant Director of Works [Equipment and Maintenance] e: ADW [E&M] Assistant Director of Works [Territorial Army] e: ADW Assistant Director Research and Development Navy e: A.D./R.D.N. Assistant Director Research and Development Navy [Ministry of Supply] e A.D./R.D.N. Assistant District Officer e: ADO Assistant Division Chief e: ADC Assistant Division Commander e: ADC Assistant Division Communications Electronics Officer e: ADCEO Assistant Division Engineer e: ADE Assistant Division Supply Officer e: AD SO Assistant Education Officer e: A.E.O.

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Assistant Embarkation, Supply and Stores Officer e: AESSO Assistant Equipment Officer e: A.E.O. Assistant Experimental Officer e: A.E.O., e: ΑΧΟ Assistant Fleet Liaison Officer e: Asst Fit Liaison Off Assistant Flight Dynamics Officer e: AFDO Assistant Flight [Fighter] Director Office e: AFDO Assistant for Atomic Energy e: AFOAT Assistant for Women Personnel e: AWP Assistant General Manager for Military Applications e: AGMMA Assistant Information Officer e: AIO Assistant Inspector of Naval Materiel e: AINM Assistant Inspector of Naval Ordnance e: ΑΙΝΟ Assistant Instructor in Gunnery e: AIG Assistant Manager Contracting Officer Representative [Lead] e: AM-COR Assistant Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps e AMDC Assistant Master-General of Ordnance e: A.M.G.O. Assistant Medical Officer e: AMO Assistant Military Landing Officer e: AMLO Assistant Military Secretary e: AMS Assistant Naval Attache e: ANA Assistant Naval Liaison Officer e: ANLO Assistant Naval Stores Officer e: ANSO Assistant Navy Mail Clerk e: ANMC Assistant Professor of Military Science e: APMS Assistant Project Officer e: A P O Assistant Public Works Officer e: APW Assistant Quartermaster General e: AQMG Assistant Quartermaster General for Administration e: ASST QMG ADM Assistant Quartermaster General for Operations e: ASST QMG OPS Assistant Research Officer e: ARO Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs e: ASDP, e: DP-1 Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy e: ASNE Assistant Secretary of Air Navigation e: ASGAN Assistant Secretary of Defense e: ASD Assistant Secretary of Defense [Administration] e: ASD [A] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Civil Defense] e: ASD[CD] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence] e: ASD[C3I1 Assistant Secretary of Defense [Comptroller] e: ASD[C] Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs e: ASD [HAI Assistant Secretary of Defense [Health and Environment] e: ASD[H&E] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Health and Medical] e: ASD[H&M] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Installations and Logistics] e: ASD[I&L] Assistant Secretary of Defense [International Security Affairs] e: ASD [ISA] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower] e: ASD[M] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower and Reserve Affairs] e: ASD[M&RA] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower, Personnel and Reserve] e: ASD[MP&R]

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Association des Professionnels Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics] e: ASD[MRA&L] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Properties and Installations] e: ASD[P&I1 Assistant Secretary of Defense [Public Affairs] e: ASD[PA] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Research and Development] e: ASD[R&D] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Research and Engineering] e: ASD[R&E] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Supply and Logistics] e: ASD[S&L] Assistant Secretary of Defense [Systems Analysis] e: ASD[SA] Assistant Secretary of the Air Force e: ASAF, e: AS of AF, e. AstSecAF, e: SAF/AL Assistant Secretary of the Air Force [Management] e: ASAF[M] Assistant Secretary of the Air Force [Materiel] e: ASAFfMA] Assistant Secretary of the Army e: ASA, e: ASOFA Assistant Secretary of the Army [CivilMilitary Affairs] e: ASAfCMA] Assistant Secretary of the Army [Financial Management] e: ASA[FM] Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition e: SARDA Assistant Secretary of the Army [Installations and Logistics] e: ASA[I&L] Assistant Secretary of the Army [Logistics] e: ASA [LOG] Assistant Secretary of the Army [Manpower and Reserve Affairs] e: ASA[M&RA] Assistant Secretary of the Army [Manpower and Reserve Forces] e: ASA[M&RF] Assistant Secretary of the Army [Manpower, Personnel, and Reserve Forces] e: ASA[MP&RF1 Assistant Secretary of the Army [Research and Development] e: ASA[R&D] Assistant Secretary of the General Staff e: ASGS Assistant Secretary of the Navy e: ASN, e: AS of N, e: ASTSECNAV Assistant Secretary of the Navy [AIR] e: AstSecNav [Air] Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Financial Management] e: ASN [FM] Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Financial Management e: ASTSECNAVFIN, e: AstSecNav [FinMgt] Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air e: AstSevNav[Air] Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Material [or Materiel] e: ASTSECNAVMAT Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Personnel e: ASTSECNAVPERS Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Installations and Logistics e: ASN I/L Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Research and Development e: ASN R/D Assistant Secretary of War e: Asst. Sec. War, e: ASW Assistant Secretary of War for Air e: AFSWA, e: ASWA Assistant Section Officer e: ASO Assistant Senior Naval Officer, Landing e: ASNOL Assistant Superintendant Range Operations e: ASRO Assistant Supply Officer-in-Chief e: ASOC Assistant Supply Officer-in-Chief [Technical] e: ASOC[T]

Assistant [to the] Deputy Military Governor e: ADMG Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy e: ASTD [AE] Assistant to the Secretary of Defense [Atomic Energy] e: ATSD Assistant to the Secretary of Defense [Intelligence Oversight] e: ATSD [IO] Assistant to the Secretary of the Army e: ASA Assistant United States Attorney e: AUSA Assistant Vice Chief of Staff e: AVCS Assistant Vice Chief of Staff, Army e: AVC of SA Assistant Vice Chief of Staff Army e: AVCSA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight e: AA/MSF Associate Administrator for Space Flight e: AASF Associate Committee on Aviation Medical Research e: ACAMR Associate Contractor Agreement e: ACA Associate Director for Nuclear Weapons Technology e: ADNWT Associate Enforcement Councel[s] e: AEC Associate Fellow of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences e: AFIAeS, e: AFIAS Associate Fellow of the Institute of Civil Defence e: AFICD Associate Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society e: AFR Ae S, e: AFRAS Associate in Aeronautical Engineering e: A Ae E Associate in Arts in Law Enforcement e: AALE Associate in Aviation Technology e: A Av Tech Associate Infantry Officer Career Course e: AIOCC Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear Wapons e: ALDNW Associate Member of the Institute of Marine Engineers e: AMI Mar E Associate Member of the Institute of Naval Engineers e: AMINE Associate Member of the Institution of Naval Architects e: AMINA Associate Member of the Institution of Nuclear Engineers e: AMINucE Associate Member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects e: AMRINA Associate Member of the Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers and Technologists e: AMSLAET Associate of British Theatre Technicians e: ABTT Associate of the Australian Naval Institute e: AANI Associate of the Institute of Marine Engineers e: AI Mar E, e: AIME Associate of the Institute of Market Officers e: A Inst MO Associate of the Institution of Naval Architects e: AINA, e: A Inst NA, e: Assoc INA] Associate of the Royal Aeronautical Society e: ARAS Associate of the Royal Aeronautical Society and Institution e: ARAeSI Associate of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects e: ARINA Associated Brewing Company e: ABW Associated Corpuscular Emission e: ACE Associated Disbursing Officer e: ADO Associated Marine Officers Association of the Philippines e: AMOAP Associated Missile Products Corporation e: AMPCO

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Associated Nuclear Services e: ANS Associated Radio Navigation e: ARN Associated Sheep, Police and Army Dog Society e: ASPADS Associated Steamships Proprietary Limited e: ASPL Association belge pour le Développement pacifique de l'Énergie Atomique f: ADEA Association Canadienne des Technologues en Radiation Médicale f: ACTRM Association Centrale des Officiers de Réserve de l'Armée de Mer f: A.C.O.R.A.M. Association de Combattants f: A.C. Association de Défense des Économiquement Faibles f: A.D.E.F. Association de Défense et Expansion de l'Économie et Emploi de la Région Parisienne f: ADEEERP Association de la région parisienne des anciens coloniaux f: A.R.P.A.C. Association de saint-cyriens dans la vie civile f: ASCVIC Association d'Entraide des anciens Marins et Marins Anciens Combattants f: AEMMAC Association d'entraide pour le Logement des personnels de la Défense Nationale / A.L.D.N. Association des Anciens Combattants f: A.A.C. Association des anciens combattants et Anciens Militaires Arabo-Musulmans de l'Armée Française f: AMAMAF Association des anciens combattants et poilus de France f: AACPF Association des Anciens Combattants et Prisonniers de Guerre f: A.C.P.G. Association des anciens eléves de L'Ecole de l'air f: A.E.A. Association des anciens élèves de l'Ecole Militaire de l'Air f: AEMA Association des anciens élèves de l'Ecole Navale f: A.E.N. Association des Camarades de Combat f: A.C.C. Association des Centres Universitaires et Scolaires de Préparation Militaire f: ACUSPM Association des Combattants de l'Union Française f: ACIJF Association des Combattants et Mutilés de Guerre f: ACMG Association des Commissionnaires de Transport Aérien f: ACTA Association des Corps et Cadres Infirmiers Hospitaliers f: ACCIH Association des Correspondants Étrangers en Espagne f: A.C.E.E. Association des Déserteurs, Evadéset Incorporés de Force f: A.D.E.I.F. Association des Ingénieurs en Génie Atomique f: AIGA Association des invalides de la Grande guerre f: AIGG Association des Mutilés Anciens Combattants f: A.M.A.C. Association des Mutuelles d'Assurances de l'armement Français f: AMAF Association des officiers de réserve de Paris f: A.O.R.P. Association des officiers en service actif f: AOSA Association des prisonniers de guerre f: APG Association des Professionnels Navigants de l'Aviation f: APNA


Association des Soldats Association des Soldats du Service Militaire Obligatoire L u x e m b o u r g e o i s f : ASSMOL Association des Volontaires Italiens dans l'Armée Française f : A V I A F Association des Eclaireurs de l'Armée Nationale Congolaise f : A E A N C Association du Corps A c a d é m i q u e et du Personnel Scientifique de l'Université de Louvain f : ACAPSUL Association du Corps Intermédiaire de l'EPFL f : A C I D E Association européenne des sous-Officiers de réserve f : A E S O R Association Familiale Économique de Défence des Acheteurs f : A.F.E.D.A. Association for/of Radiation Research e: ARR Association for/of Unmanned Vehicle[s] Systems e: A U V S Association for Research in G r o w t h Relationship [s] e: A R G R Association for the A d v a n c e m e n t of Aeronautical Research e: A A A R Association for the Reduction of Aircraft N o i s e e: A R A N Association Française de D é f e n s e Antiraciste f : A F D A R Association Française des Ingénieurs de l'Aviation Civile f : A F I N A C Association Française pour la D é f e n s e de l'Environnement contre les pollutions et nuisances f : A F D E Association France Libre et France Combattante f : A.F.L.F.C. Association Fribourgeoise du Corps enseignant des Écoles Primaires et Enfantines f : AFCEPE Association Fédérale de Troupes de Transmission f : A F T T Association Générale de Prévoyance Militaire f : A G P M Association générale des amputés et grands blessés de guerre f : A . G . A . G . B . G . Association générale des mutilés de guerre / A.G.M.G. Association Générale des Étudiants pour la Défense de leur Pouvoir d'Achat f : AGEDPA Association Interarmées f : A.I.A. Association Internationale de Droit Nucléare f : AIDN Association Internationale de Défense des Artistes f : A I D A Association Internationale des Instituts de Navigation f : AIIN Association Internationale des O f f i c i e r s de la Marine m a r c h a n d e f : A I O M Association Internationale P e r m a n e n t e des Congrès de N a v i g a t i o n f : A I C P N Association Internationale Permanente des Congrès de Navigation f : A I P C N Association Interprofessionelle de l'aviation Agricole f : A S I A G Association Luxembourgeoise pour l'Utilisation Pacifique de l'energie Atomique f : ALUPA Association Mondiale pour le Réarmement Moral f : A M R M Association mutuelle des mutilés anciens combattants f : A . M . M . A . C . Association Méditerranéenne d'Industries N a v a l e s Francolitalienne f : A M I N F I Association Nationale de la N a v i g a t i o n Fluviale f : A N N A F , / · A N N F Association Nationale des Amis et Défenseurs des sites et Édifices Religieux consacrés au culte f : A N A D E R


Association Nationale des Anciens C o m b a t t a n t s de la Résistance f : A.N.A.C.R. Association nationale des cheminots anciens combattants f : A N C A C Association Nationale des Combattants Volontaires de la Résistance f : A.N.C.V.R. Association Nationale des Croix de Guerre / · A.N.C.G. Association Nationale des Femmes d'Officiers de Carrière armées d'auf f : A.N.F.O.C. Association Nationale des Invalides de l'Armée f : Α Ν Ι Α Association Nationale des Médaillés Militaires f : A . N . M . M . Association nationale des officiers de réserve f : A . N . O . R . Association nationale des officiers en retraite f : A N O R Association Nationale des O f f i c i e r s en Retraite de l'Armée de l'Air f : A N O R A A Association nationale des officiers, souso f f i c i e r s et cadres de la Résistance f : A.N.O.S.O.C.R. Association Nationale des Propriétaires Ruraux et Défenseurs de la Propriété Privée f : A N P R D P P Association Nationale des S o u s - O f f i c i e r s de Réserve de l'Armée de l'Air f : ANSORAA Association Nationale du Souvenir de la Bataille de V e r d u n f : A . N . S . B . V . Association Nationale et Fédérale des Anciens S o u s - O f f i c i e r s de Carrière de l'Armée Français f : A N F A S O C A F Association Nationale pour la D é f e n s e d'Intérêts Particuliers f : A N D I P Association of Administrative Assistants and Secretaries to United States Senators e: A A A S U S S Association of A i r c r a f t Brokers e: A A B Association of American Pesticides Control O f f i c e r s e: A A P C O Association of A m e r i c a n Railroad Dining Car O f f i c e r s e: A A R D C O Association of American Railroads Operating Transportation Division e: AAROTD Association of A m e r i c a n Ship Owners e: AASO Association of Architectural Hardware M a n u f a c t u r e r s e: A A H M Association of Atlantic Universities e: AAU Association of Australian [Marine] Port and Marine Authorities [Inc.] e: A A P M A Association of A v e r a g e A d j u s t e r s of the United States e: A A A U S Association of Aviation and Space Museums e: A A S M Association of Aviation Psychologists e: AAP Association of Balloon and Airship Constructors e: A B A C Association of British Aviation Consultants e ABAC Association of British [or Builders'] H a r d w a r e M a n u f a c t u r e r s e: A B H M Association of Business O f f i c e r s of Preparatory Schools e: A B O P S Association of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire C o m m i s s i o n e r s e: A C F M F C Association of Chief Education O f f i c e r s e: ACEO Association of Chief O f f i c e r s of Police [or Probation] e: A C O P

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Association of Chief Police O f f i c e r s of England, Wales and Northern Ireland e: ACPOEWNI Association of Chief State School AudioVisual O f f i c e r s e: A C S S A V O Association of Chief Technical O f f i c e r s e: ACTO Association of Children's O f f i c e r s e: A C O Association of Civil Aviation Technical Staffs e: A C A T S Association of Civil Defence O f f i c e r s e: ACDO Association of College Admission[s] Counselors e: A C A C Association of C o m m i s s i o n e d O f f i c e r s e: ACO Association of Conservation O f f i c e r s e: ACO Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific e: ADFIAF Association of Education O f f i c e r s e: A E O Association of Electronic Reserve O f f i c e r s e AERO Association of Engineers and Scientists of the Bureau of [Naval] W e a p o n s e: AESBOW Association of First Division Civil Servants e A.F.D.C.S. Association of Fleet Maintenance Supervisors e: A F M S Association of Flight Attendants e: AFA Association of Food and Drug O f f i c i a l s of the United States e: A F D O U S Association of Food M a r k e t i n g Agencies in Asia and the Pacific e: A F M A Association of Former Intelligence O f f i c e r s e: A F I O Association of Freestanding Radiation Oncology Centers e: A F R O C Association of G o v e r n m e n t Supervisors and Radio O f f i c e r s e: A G S R O Association of Graduates of the United States Air Force A c a d e m y e: A O G Association of Highway O f f i c i a l s of the N o r t h Atlantic States e: A H O N A S Association of I n d e p e n d e n t S o f t w a r e C o m p a n i e s e: A I S C Association of Industrial Scientists-Marine Engineers B e n e f i c i a l Association e: AIS-MEBA Association of Insurance Committee O f f i c e r s e: A.I.C.O. Association of Intelligence O f f i c e r s in the D e p a r t m e n t of Overseas Trade e: A.I.O.D.O.T. Association of International W o r k c a m p s for Peace e: A I W C P Association of Island Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean e: A I M L C Association of Jewish Chaplains of the Armed Forces e: A J C A F Association of Jewish Ex-Service M e n and W o m e n e: A J E X Association of Licensed Aircraft Engineers e: A LA E Association of London Theatre Press Representatives e: A L T P R Association of Marine Engine M a n u f a c t u r e r s e: A M E M Association of Marine Engineering Schools e: A . M . E . S . Association of Marine Traders e: A M T Association of Marine Underwriters e: AMU Association of Marine Underwriters of British C o l u m b i a e: A M U B C Association of Marine U n d e w a t e r s of the United States e: A M U U S

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Atlantic Association Association of Medical Record Officers e: AMRO Association of Military Chefs Europe e: AMCE Association of Military Colleges and Schools [of the United States] e: AMCS Association of Military Dental Surgeons e: AMDS Association of Military Surgeons e: AMS Association of Military Surgeons of the United States e: AMSUS Association of Missile and Rocket Industries e: AMRI Association of National Health Service Officers e: ANHSO Association of National Health Service Supplies Officers e: ANHSSO Association of National Park Officers e: ANPO Association of Naval Aviation e: ANA Association of Naval Weapons, Engineers and Scientists e: ANWES Association of Navigation Schools e: ANS Association of Nordic War and UN Military Veterans e: ANWUNMV Association of Nuclear Instrument Manufacturers e: ANIM Association of Officers of the Supreme Court e: A.O.S.C. Association of Pacific Fisheries e: APF Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities e: APIMTIMA Association of Regular Army Sergeants e: ARAS Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology e: ARRO Association of Resort Publicity Officers e: ARPO Association of Retired Intelligence Officers e: ARIO Association of Retired Members of the Armed Forces e: ARMAF Association of Retired Naval Officers e: A.R.N.O. Association of Russian Imperial Naval Officers in America e: ARINOA Association of Russian War Invalids of First World War e: ARWI Association of School Business Officials of the United States and Canada e: ASBO Association of Scientists and Engineers of the Naval Sea Systems Command e: ASE Association of Soil Conservation Officer Trainees e: ASCOT Association of South-East Asian Marine Scientists e: ASEAMS Association of State and Territorial Health Officers [or Officials] e: ASTHO Association of State Telecommunication Undertakings of the Andean Subregional Agreement e: ASETA Association of the Free French in the United States e: AFFUS Association of Transportation Security Officers e: ATSO Association of Underwater Contractors e: AUC Association of United States Army e: AUSA Association of University Radiation Protection Officers e: AURPO Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators e: AVRÒ Association of Water Officers e: AWO Association of Water Transportation Accounting Officers e: AWTAO

Association parisienne des anciens combattants et victimes de la guerre f: A.P.A.C.V.G. Association pour la Défense des Amateurs de Courses hippiques f: ADAC Association pour la reconversion civile des officiers f: ARCO Association pour l'Accueil des Étudiants Étrangers f: AAEE Association pour l'Accueil et le Soutien des Étrangers en France f: AASEF Association pour le Développement des Œuvres d'entraide dans l'Armée f: A.D.O. Association pour le Développement des Œuvres Sociales de la Marine f: A.D.O.S.M. Association pour le Développement et la Diffusion de l'Information Militaire f: ADDIM Association pour le Service, l'information et la Défense des Assurés f: ASDA Association pour l'Information et la Défense Économique des débiteurs de tabac f: AIDE Association pour l'organisation des Stages d'ingénieurs Étrangers en France f: ASTEF Association Républicaine des Anciens Combattants et victimes de guerre f: A.R.A.C. Association Sociale et Éducationnelle des Marines f: ASEM Association Suisse des Constructeurs Navals f: ASCN Association suisse des ergothérapeutes e: ASE Association suisse des experts-comptables e: ASE Association Suisse pour la navigation du Rhône au Rhin f: ASRR Association Suisse pour l'Énergie Atomique / ASPEA Association Syndicale pour le Développement des Navigations Maritimes et Fluviales f: A.S.D.N.M.F. Association vaudoise des maîtres de division terminale f: AVMDT Associazione Arma Aeronautica i: Α.Α.Α. Associazione Arma Artiglieria i: A.A.A. Associazione Arma del Genio i: A.A.G. Associazione dei Cavalieri Italiani Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta i: A.C.I.S.M.O.M. Associazione Italiana de Medicina Aeronautica e Spaziale i: AIMAS Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica i: AIDAA Associazione Italiana di Radiologia e Medicina Nucleare i: A.I.R.M.N. Associazione Italiana per la Communità Atlantica i: AICA Associazione Italiane di Tecnica Navale i: ATENA Associazione Mutilati e Invalidi di Gererra i: A.M.I.G. Associazione Nazionale Alpini i: A.N.A. Associazione Nazionale Combattenti i: ANC Associazione Nazionale dei Granatieri i: A.N.G. Associazione Nazionale Sottufficiali Marina fuori servizio i: ANSUM Associazione Nazionale Ufficiali Aeronautica i: ANUA Associazione Nazionale Volontari di Guerra i A.N.V.G. Associazione per la Cooperazione Missionaria s: ASCOM

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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Assurance Engineering Field Facility e: AEFF Assured Crew Return Vehicle e: ACRV Assured Destruction Force e: ADF Astilleros y Fabricas Navales del Estado s: AFNE Astronautics and Aeronautics e: A/A, e: Astronaut. Aeronaut. Astronomical Guidance System for Air Navigation e: AGSAN Astronomischer Meßtrupp d: AstroTrp Astronomy Missions Board e: AMB ASW Aircraft Carrier e: CVS ASW [Anti-Submarine Warfare] Torpedo Rocket e: ASTOR ASW [Antisubmarine Warfare] Formatted Message Reporting System e: AFMRS ASWEPS [Anti-Submarine Warfare Environmental Prediction Service] Submarine Ocean e: ASODDS Asynchronous Time Division e: ATD Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexer [or Multiplexing] e: ATDM AT&T Netware Connect Services [network] e: ANCS AT Tactical Interface Modem e: ATTIM Atelier de chargement de Salbris [GIAT] f: ASS Atelier de construction de Limoges f: A.L.S. Atelier de Construction de Munitions d'Artillerie f: A.C.M.A. Atelier de Construction de Puteaux f: A.P.X. Atelier de construction de Rennes f: ARS Atelier de construction de Tarbes f: A.T.S. Atelier de construction de Toulouse f: ATE Atelier de Constructions Navales et Applications Mécaniques f: ACNAM Atelier de Fabrication de Munitions f: A.F.M. Atelier de réparation de matériel f: A.R.M. Atelier Industriel de l'Air f: AIA Atelier-magasin de base f: A.M.B. Atelier Régional de l'Armée de l'Air f: ARAA Ateliers et Chantiers Navals de La Rochelle-Pallice f: ACRP Ateliers Militaires de la Flotte f: AMF Ateliers Navals de Côte-d'Ivoire f: ANCI Ateliers Provençaux de Réparations Navales et Industrielles f: APRNI Ateliers Rochelais de Polyester Industriel et Naval f: A.R.P.I.N. Atlanbc Command Military Blood Program Office e: LANTCOMMBPO Atlanta Army Depot e: ATAD Atlanta Region Metropolitan Planning Commission e: ARMPC Atlantic Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Center e: AARC, e: AARRC Atlantic Air Rescue Center e: AARC Atlantic Airborne Early Warning e: AAEW Atlantic Alliance for Maritime Heritage Conservation e: AAMHC Atlantic Amphibious Force e: AAF Atlantic and Gulf American Flag Berth Operators e: AGAFBO Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company e: APR Atlantic and Western Railroad Company e: A&WfN.C.] Atlantic Area e: AA, e: LANT, e: Lant Area Atlantic Art Institute e: AAI Atlantic Association of Teacher Educators e: AATE


Atlantic Association Atlantic Association of Young Political Leaders e: AAYPL Atlantic Aviation Services e: AAS Atlantic Ballistic Missile Range e: ABMR Atlantic Base Section e: ABS Atlantic Beach e: AB Atlantic Canada Airborne Sensing e: ACAS Atlantic Canada's Breast Cancer Archive e ACBCA Atlantic, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries Association of Canadian Publishers e: ACPCACP Atlantic Charter e: AC Atlantic City Radio Regulations e: ACRR Atlantic City Table of Frequency Allocations e: ACTFA Atlantic Coast Air Service e: ACAS Atlantic Coast Conference e: ACC Atlantic Coast Football League e: ACFL Atlantic Coast Line Railroad e: ACL, e: A.C.L.R.R. Atlantic Command e: ACOM, e: LANTCOM Atlantic Command Defense Analysis Center e LANTDAC Atlantic Command Deployable Intelligence System e: LANTDIS Atlantic Command Insptor General e: LANTCOMINSGEN Atlantic Command Intelligence Operating Procedures e: ACIOP Atlantic Command Operational Control Center e LANTCOMOPCONCEN, e LCOCC Atlantic Command Operations Support Facility e: LANTCOMOPSUPPFAC Atlantic Communication and Technical Workers Union e: AC&TWU Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin America e: ADELA Atlantic Congress e: AC Atlantic Container Line e: ACL Atlantic Council e: AC Atlantic Database for Exchange Processes at the Deep Sea Floor e: ADEPD Atlantic Daylight Time e: ADT Atlantic Defense Identification Zone e: ADIZ Atlantic Development Board e: ADB Atlantic Development Council Canada e: ADCC Atlantic Division, Military Air Transport Service e: ATLDMATS Atlantic Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command e: LANTNAVFACENGCOM Atlantic Division Transport Control Center e ATCC Atlantic Estuarine Fisheries Center e: A E FC Atlantic Ferry Service e: A.F.S. Atlantic Fleet e: LANTFLT Atlantic Fleet Amphibious Force e: AFAF Atlantic Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Tactical School e: LANTFLEASWTACSCOL, e: LANTFLEASWTASCOL Atlantic Fleet Audio-Visual Center e: AFAVC Atlantic [Fleet] Commander Operational Control Center e: ACOCC Atlantic Fleet Headquarters Support Activity e LANTFLTHEDSUPPACT Atlantic Fleet Material Control Office e: LANFLTMATCONOFF Atlantic Fleet Mobile Photographic Group e AFMPG Atlantic Fleet Naval Forces Intelligence Collection Manual e: AFNFICM


Atlantic Fleet Organization e: AFO Atlantic Fleet Polaris Material Office e: AFPMO Atlantic Fleet Propulsion Examining Board e LANTFLTPEB Atlantic Fleet Range Support Facility e: AFRSF Atlantic Fleet Signals Security Operations Center e: LANTSOC Atlantic Fleet Training Support Facilities e: LANTFLTRANSUPPFAC Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range e: AFWR, e LANTFLTWPNRAN Atlantic Fleet Weapons Test [or Training] Facility e: AFWTF Atlantic Fleet Weapons Training Facility e LANTFLTWPNTRAFAC Atlantic Fleet Worldwide Military Command Control System e: LANTWWMCCS Atlantic Forward Area Support Team e: LANTFAST Atlantic Free Trade Area [Association] e: AFTA Atlantic Geology e: Atl. Geol. Atlantic-Gulf Coastwise Steamship Freight Bureau e: AGCSB Atlantic Institute for Defence Study e: AIDS Atlantic Institute for International Affairs e ΑΠΑ Atlantic Intelligence Center e: AIC, e: LANTINCEN, e: LANTINTCEN Atlantic Marine Center e: AMC Atlantic Marine Oceanographic Laboratory e AMOL Atlantic Missile Range e: AMR Atlantic Missile Range Operations e: AMRO Atlantic Missile Range Operations Office e AMROO Atlantic Missile Range Telemetry Submodule e: AMRTS Atlantic Missile Test Range e: AMTR Atlantic Nuclear Force e: ANF Atlantic Nutritional Association e: ANA Atlantic Ocean Area e: AOA Atlantic Oceanographic Group e: AOG Atlantic Oceanographic Laboratories [or Laboratory] e: AOL Atlantic Operations Supply Facilities e: LANTOPS, e LANTOPSSUPFAC Atlantic Range Instrumentation Ship e: ARIS Atlantic Readiness Exercise e: LANTREADEX Atlantic Records e: AR Atlantic Refining Company e: AFI Atlantic Reporter e: A.A.2d Atlantic Research Automatic Position Telemetering e: ARAPT Atlantic Research Marketing Systems Inc. e ARMS Atlantic Reserve Fleet e: LantResFlt Atlantic Southeast Airlines e: ASEX Atlantic Squadron e: ATRON Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission [or Committee] e: ASMFC Atlantic Time e: AT Atlantic To The Urals e: ATTU Atlantic Transport Company e: A.T.Co. Atlantic Transportation Terminal Command e ATTC Atlantic Treaty Association e: ATA Atlantic Undersea Test [and] Evaluation Center e: AUTEC Atlantic Undersea Test & Evaluation Center West Palm Beach e: AUTEC WPD Atlantic Union College e: AUC Atlantic Waterfowl Council e: AWC

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Atlantic & Western e: A&W Atlantique maritime-patrol aircraft e: Breguet1150 ATLAS [Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems] Basic Language e: ABL Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Misile e: Atlas icbm Atlas Short Range Air Defence e: ASRAD Atlas Weapon System e: AWS Atmosphere Radiation Monitor e: ARM Atmospheric Ananlysis and Prediction Division e: AAP Atmospheric Chemistry Division e: ACD Atmospheric Defense Initiative e: ADI Atmospheric Flight Test e: AFT Atmospheric Forcings for the Mid-Atlantic Bight e.· AFMAB Atmospheric Layer and Density Distribution of Ions and Neutrons Rocket e ALADDIN Rocket Atmospheric Radiation Analysis e: ARA Atmospheric Radiation and Cloud Station e: ARCS Atmospheric Radiation MeasurementClouds and Radiation Testband e: ARMCART Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program e: ARM Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Satellite e: ARMSAT Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring e: ARM Atmospheric Radiation Working Group e: ARWG Atmospheric Tactical Missile e: ATM Atmospheric Tactical Warning Connectivity e ATWC Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division e: ATDD Atmospheric Vehicle Detection e: AVD Atoll Commander e: ATCOM Atom-chemischer Schutzdienst d: ACST Atom Inelastic Scattering e: AIS Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy e: APFIM Atomabsorptionsspektralphotometer d: AAS Atomabsorptionsspektrokopie d: AAS Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie d: AAS Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie d: AAS Atomar, bakteriologisch, chemisch d: ABC Atomare, Bakteriologische und Chemische Abwehr-Schule d: ABC Abw-S Atomare, Bakteriologische und Chemische Abwehrkompanie d: ABC Abw Kp atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen d: ABC-Waffen atomarer-bakteriologischer chemischer Krieg d: ABC-Krieg Atomares, Bakteriologisches und Chemisches Abwehrbataillon d: ABC Abw Btl Atomares, Bakteriologisches und Chemisches Abwehrlehrbataillon d: ABC Abw Lehr Btl Atomarity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability e: ACID Atombombe d: ABb Atomedic Research Center e: ARC Atomemissions-Spektroskopie d: AES Atomenergia Kutatási Központ H: AEKK Atomenergiekommission d: AEK Atomenergikommissionen a: AEK Atomfluoreszenzspektroskopfie] d: AFS atomgesteuerte Navigationsanlage d: ANA Atomgewicht d: At.-Gew. atomic absorption e: AA Atomic Absorption Coefficient e: AAC

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

auf Wartegeld Atomic Absorption Flame Spectrometer e: AAFS Atomic Absorption Newletter e: At. Absorption Newslett. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry e: AA Spectrometry atomic absorption spectrometry [or spectrometer, spectroscopy] e: AAS atomic absorption spectrophotometry e: AA Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry e: AAS Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy/Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy e: AAS/GFAAS Atomic Age e: AA Atomic Air Raid Precautions e: AARP Atomic and Molecular Data e: AMD Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center e: AMPIC Atomic and Space Development Authority e ASDA Atomic, Bacteriological & Chemical e: ABC Atomic-Beam Magnetic Resonance e: ABMR Atomic Beam Method e: ABM Atomic, Biological and Chemical Defense e: ABCD Atomic, Biological, and Chemical Washdown e: ABC Washdown Atomic, Biological, Chemical and Damage e: ABCD Atomic, Biological, Chemical and Damage Control e: ABCD Control Atomic, Biological, Chemical, and Radiological e: ABCR Atomic, Biological, Chemical Warfare e: ABCW Atomic Bomb e: A-bomb Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission e: ABCC Atomic Central Heating and Power Plant e: ACHPP Atomic Cesium Beam Maser e: ACBM Atomic Collision Cross Sections Information Center e: ACCSIC Atomic Commitment Protocol e: ACP Atomic Coordinating Office e: ACO, e: ACO/U Κ Atomic Coordinating Office Washington e: ACO[W| Atomic Coordination Office e: ACO Atomic Damage Template e: ADT Atomic Defense e: AD atomic defense e: atomdef Atomic Defense and Space Group e: ADSG Atomic Defense Engineering e: ADE Atomic Defense Support Agency e: ADSA Atomic Delivery Unit e: ADD Atomic Demolition Charge e: ADC Atomic Demolition Munition e: ADM, e: ATM Atom[ic] Development Administration e: AD, e: ADA Atomic Development Authority e: AD, e: ADA atomic device e: atomdev Atomic Drive e: AD, e: A-DRV Atomic Emission e: AE Atomic Energy e: AE Atomic Energy Commission e: CEA Atomic Energy Commission /Commission for Conventional Armaments e: A.E.C./C.C.A. Atomic Energy Commission-Defense Atomic Support Agency Technical Publication e: AEC-DASA-TP

Atomic Energy Commission-Defense Nuclear Agency Technical Publication e: AEC-DNA-TP Atomic Energy Commission-Department of Defense e: AEC-DD, e: AEC-DoD Atomic Energy Commission-Fernal Office Area e: AEC-FOA Atomic Energy Commission-Oak Ridge, Tennessee e: AEC-OT Atomic Energy Defence Activities e: AEDA Atomic Energy Level e: AEL atomic explosion e: at. xpl Atomic Force Microscopy e: AFM Atomic Hydrogen Welding e: AHW Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. e: AFI Atomic Mass Number e: AMN Atomic Nuclear Forum e: ANF Atomic Number e: AN Atomic Ordnance Cataloging Office e: AOCO Atomic Ordnance Platoon e: AOP Atomic Reactor and Fuel Development Corporation e: ARFDC Atomic Reactor in Space e: ARIS Atomic Research and Development Authority e: ARDA Atomic Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopie |y] e: ARAEM Atomic Resonance Spectroscopy e: ARS Atomic Safeguards [or Safety] and Licensing Appeal Board e: ASLAB Atomic Safeguards [or Safety] [and] Licensing Board e: ASLB Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel e: ASLBP Atomic Safety Line e: ASL Atomic Scattering Factor e: ASF Atomic Strike Evaluation Center e: ASTREC Atomic Submarine e: A-Sub. Atomic Supporting Request e: ATREQ Atomic Time e: AT atomic time unit e: atu Atomic Torpedo e: ATORP Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation e: AVLIS Atomic Warfare e: AW Atomic-Weapon-Carrying Tactical Aircraft e: AWCTA Atomic Weapon Retrofilt Order e: AWRO Atomic Weapons e: ATOM WONS, e: ATOM WPNS Atomic Weapons Decommissioning e: AWD Atomic Weapon[s] Detection, Recognition, and Yield e: AWDREY Atomic Weapons Establishment e: AWE, e: UKAWE Atomic Weapons Mechanical Assembler e: ATOM WPNS MECH ASSR Atomic Weapons Nuclear Assembler e: atom wpns nuc assr Atomic Weapons Research Establishment e: AWRE, e: AWRE Atomic Weapons Support Command e: AWSCOM Atomic Weapons Tests Safety Committee e: AWTSC Atomic Weapons Training Group e: AWTG Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability e: ACID Atomicity Controller e: AC Atomics International Critical Experiment e: AI-CX Atomic[s] International [Division] e: AI atomische Einheit d: at. E. Atomiteknillinen Seura-Atomtekniska Sällskapet F: ATS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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Atomkommittén r: AK Atomkraft Mühleberg d: Α Κ Μ Atomkraftkonsortiet Krangede r: AKK Atomnaya Energiya R: A E Atomnaya Podlodka Raketnaya Ballisticheskaya R: PLARB Atomnaya podlodka raketnaya krilataya R: PLARK Atomnaya Protivolodochnaya Podlodka R: PLAP Atomobilforhandlernes Landsforbund Ν: AL Atomrakete d: Arak Atomschutzunterstand d: ASU Atomsicherheitslinie d: ASL Atomspheric Cloud Physics Laboratory e: ACPL Atomsprengkörper d: ASprK Atomwaffe d: AWaf Atomwaffen d: A-Waffen Atomwirkungsberater d: AWB Attack Aircraft Carrier e: AAC Attack aircraft carrier, nuclear powered, e: CVAN Attack Carrier Striking Force e: ACSF Attack Fighter experimental e: AFX Attack Helicopier Operations and Analysis Group e: AHOAG Attack Helicopter e: AH, e: ATK HEL Attack Helicopter Battalion e: AHB Attack Helicopter Company e: AHC, e: ATKHC Attack Helicopter Instrument Test e: AHIT Attack Helicopter Operations e: AHO Attack Helicopter Self Test e: AHST Attack Helicopter Support e: AHS Attack Helicopter Team e: AHT Attack Radar Set e: ARS Attack Response Mission-Oriented Reasoner e: ARMOR attack squadron e: ATKRON Attack Squadron [Mining] e: VA [HM] Attack Submarine e: SS Attack Submarine Team Trainer e: ASTT Attack Warning Processing & Display System e: AWPDS Attack Warning System e: AWS Attention Command e: AC Attitude Command System e: ACS Attorney-General of the Queen's Troop e: A.G.Q.T. Attributes for Representing Relationships e: ARR Auckland Mounted Rifles e: Auck.Mtd.Rif. Auckland Nuclear Accessory Co. e: ANAC Audible Warning e: A-W Audio-Frequency Range e: AFR Audio Frequency Range e: AF Range Audio-Visual and Cartographic Archives division e: AVCA Audio-Visual Division e: AVD Audio Visual Instructional Division e: AVID Audio-Visual Systems for the Army in the Field e: VISAUTRONICS Audio-Visual Tracking of Aircraft e: Avista Audio Warning Amplifier e: AW Audit Commission e: AC Audit Issues Task Force e: AITF Auditing Standards Division Statements of Position e: AUD-SOP Auditor General of the Navy e: AUDGENAV auf Kommissionsbasis d: a. Κ. auf Wartegeld d: a. W.


aufeinanderfolgendes zusammengefaßtes Feuer aufeinanderfolgendes zusammengefaßtes Feuer d: AZF Auffangkommando d: Auff.Kdo. Aufgabe laut Gefechtsausbildungslehrgang d: GAL - Aufgabe Aufgabenstellung für Bauinvestitionen d: AST aufklärende Artillerie d: AufklArt Aufklärung d: A, d: A.A., d: ALS, d: AT Aufklärungs- und Festnahme-Kommando d: AuF-Kdo Aufklärungsbataillon d: ABtl. Aufklärungstrupp d: AT Aufnahmetrupp d: AufnTrp Aufnahmetruppen d: Aufn.Tr. Aufstellungsstab d: Aufst.St. Augmentation Reserve Force e: ARF Augmented Target Docking Adapter e: ATDA Augmented Target Screener Subsystem e: ATSS Augmented Target Screening Subsystem e: ATSS Augmenter Wing Jet STOL [Short Takeoff and Landing] Research Aircraft e: AWJSRA Augmentor Wing e: AW Augustaner [Regiment] d: Aug. Aurora\Canadian Forces Base, Greenwood, Nova Scotia e: NSGCFA Ausbildung in Schulen und Kursen der Armee d: ASKA Ausbildungs-Abteilung d: Ausb.Abt. Ausbildungs- und Sammelregiment d: A.u.S.Rgt. Ausbildungsabteilung d: A.A. Ausbildungsabteilung für Kriegsschiffneubauten d: A.f.K. Ausbildungsbataillon d: A.Btl., d: AusbBtl, d: Ausbl-Batl. Ausbildungsbatterie Artillerieregiment 6 d: A./A.R.6 Ausbildungsgerät Unterwasserwaffen d: AGIJW Ausbildungskommando d: AusbKdo Ausbildungskommission d: AB[K] Ausbildungskompanie d: A.Kp. Ausbildungsschwadron, Reiterregiment 17 d: A./R.R.17 Ausbildungsstab der Infanterie d: A.St.I. Ausdruck aus dem nichtmilit d: ziv Ausgabestelle d: A Ausgabetrupp d: AusgTrp Ausgabewarteschlange d: AWS Ausgleichsstelle der Bundesstaaaten für Heereslieferungen d: A.d.B. Ausladekommando d: A.K., d: Ausl.Kdo. Auslandsnachrichtendienst d: AND Ausrüstungsamt des Reichswehrministeriums d: Ar.A. Ausschuß für biologische Sicherheit d: ABS Ausschuß Sicherheitskennzeichnung d: ASIK Außendienststelle d: ADSt. Außenkommando d: A.K. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States e: AUCANNZUKUS Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States e: AUCANUKUS Australia, New Zealand, and United Kingdom e: ANZUK Australian Advisory War Council e: AAWC Australian Aeronautical Research Committee e: AARC Australian Air Corps e: AAC Australian Air Expeditionary Force e: AAEF


Australian Air Force e: AAF Australian Air Freight Forwarding Association e: AAFFA Australian Air Mission e: AAM Australian Aircraft and Engineering Co. e: AAECo Australian Airline Flight Engineers Association e: AAFEA Australian and New Zealand Army Corps e: ANZAC Australian Antarctic Division e: AAD Australian Antarctic Marine Biological Ecosystem Research e: AAMBER Australian Armed Forces, Vietnam e: AAFV Australian Army e: A A Australian Army Aviation Corps e: AAAC Australian Army Education Service e: AAES Australian Army Educational Corps e: A.A.E.C. Australian Army Legal Department e: AALD Australian Army Medical Corps e: AAMC Australian Army Medical Women's Service e: AAMWS, e: A.A.M.W.S. Australian Army Nursing Service e: AANS Australian Army Order e: AAO Australian Army Ordnance Corps e: AAOC Australian Army Ordnance Depot e: AAOD Australian Army Pay Corps e: AAPC Australian Army Psychology Corps e: AAPC Australian Army Service Corps e: AASC Australian Army Training Team e: AATT Australian Army Training Team, Vietnam e: AATTV Australian Army Veterinary Corps e: AAVC Australian Association for Theatre Technology e: AATT Australian Association of Port and Marine Authorities e: AAPMA Australian Atomic Energy Commission e: AAEC Australian Board of Missions e: ABM Australian Botanical Liaison Officer e: ABLO Australian Brigade e: Aust Bde Australian Broadcasting Commission e: ABC Australian Broadcasting Commissionfrequency modulation[system] e: ABCI. Ml Australian Broadcasting Commissiontelevision e: ABC-tv Australian Chamber of Shipping e: ACS Australian Citizen Air Force e: ACAF Australian Commission on Advanced Education e: ACAE Australian Commonwealth Military Forces e: A.C.M.F. Australian Commonwealth Naval Board e: ACNB Australian Competition and Consumer Commission e: ACCC Australian Computer Society-Software Industries Association e: ACS-SIA Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission e: ACAC Australian Corporate Affairs Commission e: ACAC Australian Corps e: AC Australian Corps of Signals Association e: AC SA Australian Corps Troops Ammunition Column e: Aust CT Amn Col

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Australian Council for Aeronautics e: ACA Australian Defence Board e: A.D.B. Australian Defence Force Academy e: ADFA, e: AFDA Australian Defence Forcefs] e: ADF Australian Defence Industries Ltd. e: ADI Australian Defence Representative e: ADR Australian Defence Scientific Service e: ADSS Australian Defenc[s]e Science and Technology Information Service e: ADSATIS Australian Defenc[s]e Scientific Service e: ADSS Australian Department of Civil Aviation e: ADCA Australian Development Cooperation Scholarships e: ADCOS Australian Expeditionary Force[s] e: Α.E.F. Australian Field Artillery e: AFA Australian Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific e: AFSP Australian Garrison Artillery e: A.G.A. Australian Garrison Royal Artillery e: A.G.R.A. Australian Guided Weapons [and] Analog Computer e: AGWAC Australian High Commission e: AUSHC Australian Imperial Forces e: AIF Australian Industry Marine Science Council e: AIMSC Australian Infantry Battalion e: AIB Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers e: AIMPE Australian Institute of Marine Science [or Studies] e: AIMS Australian Institute of Navigation e: AIN Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering e: AINSE Australian Intelligence Corps e: AIC Australian Joint Staff Service e: AJSS Australian Law Reform Commission e: ALRC Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association e: ALAEA Australian Light Horse e: A.L.H. Australian Marine Data Information Service e AMDIS Australian Marine Engineering Consolidated Ltd. e: AMECON Australian Marine Environment Protection Association e: AUSMEPA Australian Marine Force e: AMF Australian Marine Industries and Sciences Council e: AMISC Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre e: AMOSC Australian Marine Research in Progress e: AMRIP Australian Marine Science and Technologies Advisory Council [or Committee] e: AMSTAC Australian Marine Science and Technology Limited e: AMSAT Australian Marine Sciences Association e: AMSA Australian Maritime Officers Union e: AMOU Australian Military Forces e: AMF Australian Military Hospital e: AMH Australian Military Medical Association e: AMMA Australian Militia e: A.M. Australian Militia Force e: AMF Australian Multiexperimental Assessment of SIR-B radar e: AMAS Australian National Airlines Conimission e: ANAC

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Automatic Flight Management Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force e: A N & M E F Australian Naval Institute e: ANI Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Council e: A N S T C Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation e: A N S T R O Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation [or Organization] e: ANSTO Australian Officer e: AO Australian Pacific Friendly Society e: APFS Australian Peace Education and Research Association e: APERA Australian Peace Studies and Research Association e: A P S A R A Australian Permanent Force e: A P F Australian Purchasing Officers Association e: A PO A Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency e: A R P A N S A Australian Regular Army e: A R A Australian Rocket Test Vehicle Simulator e: A R T V S Australian Royal Air Force e: A.R.A.F. Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation e: A S M O F Australian Staff Corps e: A.S.C. Australian Submarine Corporation e: ASC Australian [Tactical] Automated Command and Control System e: AlISTACCS Australian Task Force e: ATF Australian Transport Officers Association e: A T O A Australian Women's Army Service e: A.W.A.S. Australian Women's Army Service Association e: A W A S A Australian Women's Home Army e: A.W.H.A. Australian Workplace Agreement e: AW Austrian Institute for Peace Research and Peace Education e: APRI Austrian Radar Site Analysis e: ARSA auswärtig d: ausw. Auswärtiges Amt d: Ausw.A. auswärts d: ausw. Ausweichnachrichtenzentrale d: ANZ Auswerte-, Rechen- und Informationsgruppe d: ARIG Auswerte-, Rechen- und Informationsstelle d: ARIS Auswertestelle [Schießen] d: A.St. Auswertetrupp d: AuswtTrp Auswertezentrale [Kampfschiff] d: AZ Auswertezentrale Marinefernmeldestab 70 d: A Z M F m S t a b 70 Authority Committee on Coordination of Nuclear Waste e: A C C N W Authorization Accounting Activity e: AAA Authorized Commanders Atomic Air Defense e: A C A A D Authorized [nuclear] Inspector e: AI Auto Alert Force Exercise Schedule e: AAFES Autoantibodies to Nuclear Antigens e: ANA Autographa Californica Multiply-embedded Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus e: ACMNPV Autogruppo i: Ag. autogruppo i: agr. Autogruppo autobus i: Agb. Autogruppo autocarri i: Agg. autogruppo di autocarrettes i: Agca. Autogruppo leggero i: Agi. Autogruppo pesante i: Agp. Autoland Flight Tests e: AFL

Automated Adaptive Flight Training System e: AAFTS Automated Aircraft Load Planning System e: AALPS Automated Aircraft Reporting System e: AARS Automated Airframe Assembly Program e: AAAP Automated Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station System e: A A F E E S S Automated Attack Warning System e: AAWS Automated Battlefield Interface Concept e: ABIC Automated Command and Control Evaluation System e: ACCES, e: A C E S Automated Command and Control Information System e: A C C I S Automated Command and Control System e: A C C S Automated Command Response Verification e: A C R V Automated Defense Information Network e: AUTODIN Automated Digitized Document Storage, Retrieval and Transmission System e: ADDSRTS Automated Fire Support Artillery e: AFSA Automated Flexible Air Defense System e: AFADS Automated Flight Path e: A U T O P A T H Automated Flight Service Station e: AFSS Automated Flight Test Data System e: AFTDS Automated Flight Training System e: AFTS Automated Force e: AFOR Automated Forward Area Alerting Radar e AFAAR Automated Geomagnetic Airborne Survey System e: A G A S S Automated Ground Tactical Emitter Location System e: A G T E L S Automated Guided Vehicle e: AGV Automated Information Systems Security Officer e: AISSO automated integrated radar control for air traffic e: aircat Automated International Flight Service Station e: AIFSS Automated Message Processing System Security Officer e: A M P S S O Automated Military Justice Analysis & Management System e: A M J A M S Automated Military Medical Outpatient System e: A M O S Automated Mission Planning Society e: AMPS Automated Mission Planning System e: AMPS Automated Naval Architecture e: ANA Automated Notice[s] to Mariners System e: A N M S Automated Optical Navigation e: AON Automated Radar Controlled Terminal System e: ARCTS Automated Radar Monitor e: A R M Automated Radar Prediction Capability e: ARPC Automated Radar Terminal System e: Arts Automated Radar Tracking System e: ARTS Automated System for Army Commissaries e: A S A C Automated Tactical Aircraft Launch and Recovery System e: A T A L A R S Automated Tactical Target Graphics e: ATTG Automated Terminal Radar System e: ATRS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Automated TMA for Tactical Commanders e ATTAC Automated Transfer Vehicle e: ATV Automated Transponder Navigation System e AUTRANAVS Automated Vehicle Diagnostic System e: AVDS Automated Vehicle Identification e: AVI Automated Want and Warrant System e: AWWS Automated Weaponeering Optimization Program e: A W O P Automated Weapons Test Analysis System e: A W T A S Automatic Air Defense Information System e: AADIS Automatic Aircraft Diagnostic System e: A AD S Automatic Aircraft Intercept Control System e: AAICS Automatic Aircraft Vectoring Control System e: A A V C S Automatic Aircraft Vectoring System e: AAVS Automatic Anti-Aircraft e: AAA Automatic Armor Cluster Munition e: AACM Automatic Aviation Weather Service e: AAWS Automatic Bootstrap Loader e: A B L Automatic Cancellation of Extended Targets e: AC ET automatic celestial navigation e: acn Automatic Chemical Biological Warning System e: A C B W S Automatic Command Processing e: ACP Automatic Command to Line of Sight e: ACLOS Automatic Communications Airborne Transfer e: A l I T O C A T Automatic Conference Arranger e: ACA Automatic Control of Air Transmissions e: AlITOCAT Automatic Data Field System[s] Command e: ADFSC Automatic Data Processing Liaison Officer e: A D P L O Automatic Data Processing Service Center e: ADPSC Automatic Data Processing System Security Officer e: A D P S S O Automatic Data Range Changer e: A D R C Automatic Data System for [within] the Army in the Field e: ADSAF Automatic Data Transmission e: A D T Automatic Defense Operation Center e: ADOC Automatic Defense System e: ADS Automatic Demolition Munition e: A D M Automatic Depot Inertial Navigation Test System e: ADINTS Automatic Drawing Device e: ADD Automatic Drawing Equipment e: ADE Automatic Flight Control e: AFC Automatic Flight Control Augmentation System e: A F C A S Automatic Flight Control Equipment e: A FC E Automatic Flight Control Panel e: A F C P Automatic Flight Control System e: AFCS Automatic Flight Control System Control Panel e: AFCSCP Automatic Flight Director System e: AFDS Automatic Flight Guidance System e: AFGS Automatic Flight Management e: AFM Automatic Flight Management System e: AFMS


Automatic Flight Operation Automatic Flight Operation Center e: AFOC Automatic Flight Path Control System e: AFPCS Automatic Flight Planning and Monitoring e AFPAM Automatic Flight Reference System e: AFRS Automatic Flight System e: AFS Automatic Flight Termination e: AFT Automatic Flight Weather Advisory e: AFWA Automatic Force Adjustment Data System e AFADS Automatic Frequency Following e: AFF Automatic Grenade Launcher e: AGL Automatic Guided Vehicle e: AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle System[s] e: AGVS Automatic Gun Layer e: AGL Automatic Gun-Laying e: AGL Automatic Gun Laying System e: AGLS Automatic Gun-Laying Turrets e: AGLT Automatic Gun Positioning System e: AGPS Automatic Helicopter Approach System e: AHAS Automatic Identification [of] Outward Dialing e: AIOD Automatic In-Flight Data System e: AIDS Automatic Inflight Insertion e: AIFI Automatic Missile Detection Radar e: AMDR Automatic Mission Control e: AMC Automatic Navigation and Data Acquisition System e: ANDAS Automatic Navigation Computer for Land and Amphibious Vehicles e: ANCLAV Automatic Nuclear Analysis Database Update e: ANADBU Automatic Number Forwarding e: ANF Automatic Radar Beacon e: ARB Automatic Radar Chain Acquisition System e ARCAS Automatic Radar Control and Data Equipment e: ARCADE Automatic Radar Plotting Aid[s] e: ARPA Automatic Radar-Reconnaissance Exploitation System e: ARRES Automatic Radar Traffic Control System e ARTS Automatic Radiation Monitoring System e: ARMS Automatic Range Only e: ARO Automatic Range Testing, Reporting and Control e: ARTRAC Automatic Recovery of Remotely piloted Aircraft e: AURORA Automatic Reentry Flight Dynamics Simulator e: ARFDS Automatic Retransmission Exchange e: ARX Automatic Retransmission Request e: ARR Automatic Rocket Impact Predictor e: ARIP Automatic Ship Identification and Surveillance System e: AIS Automatic Spray Gun e: ASG Automatic Tactical Radar System e: ATRS Automatic Target Assignment and Battery Evaluation e: ATABE Automatic Target Detection & Recognition e ATD/R Automatic Target Evaluator and Weapon Assignor e: ATEWA Automatic Target Finder e: ATF Automatic Target Follower e: ATF


Automatic Target Hand-off System e: ATHS Automatic Target Handover e: ΑΤΗ Automatic Target Handover System e: ATHS Automatic Target Identification e: ATI Automatic Target Recognition Analysis e: AlITRAN Automatic Target Recognition Device e: ATRD Automatic Target Recognition Identification and Detection e: ATRID Automatic Target Recognition module e: ATRI Automatic Target Tracking e: ATT Automatic Techniques for the Selection and Identification of Targets e: ATSIT Automatic Terrain Following/Automatic Terrain Avoidance e: ATF/ATA Automatic Terrain-Following Radar e: ATFR Automatic Terrain Recognition and Navigation e: ATRAN automatic transmission e: at Automatic Transmission Test and Control e ATTC Automatic Transmission Testing Equipment e: ATTE Automatic Vehicle Identification e: AVI Automatic Vehicle Locating e: AVL Automatic Vehicle Location e: AVL Automatic Vehicle Location System e: AVLS Automatic Vehicle Monitoring e: AVM Automatic Warning Aid e: AW Automatic Warning and Control System e: AWCS, e: AWC System Automatic Weapon Data Transmission System e: AWDATS Automatic Weaponfs] e: AW, e: A. Wpn. Automatic Weapons Control System e: AWCS Automatic Weapons Effects Signature Simulator e; AWESS Automatisation du Tir de l'Artillerie f: ATILA automatische Sternnavigation d: ASN automatischer Kampfstoffanzeiger GSP 11 d: GSP automatisches Wartungsinformationssystem d: AWIS automatisiertes Feldführungssystem d: AFFS automatisiertes Führungssystem d: AFS automatisiertes Gefechts- und Informationssystem [auf] Schnellbooten d: AGIS automatisiertes System der Truppenführung d: ASTF Automobil-Abteilung d: Autom.Abt. Automobil-Haubitz-Batterie d: Auto Hb Bt automobilni oddëleni deëlostrelectva c: a Automotive Committee for Air Defense e: ACAD Automotive Emissions and Fuel Economy Office e: AEFEO Autonetics ICBM Systems Division e: AISD Autonetics Modular Airborne Radar System e: AMARS Autonomes Marine System d: AMS Autonomes Radar Gefechtsfeld Überwachungs System d: Argus Autonomous Aerial Vehicle e: AAV Autonomous Air Vehicle Avionics Suite/Intelligence Munition e: AAVAS/IM Autonomous Free-flight Dispenser System e: AFDS

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Autonomous Guidance for Conventional Weapons e: AGCW Autonomous Guided Weapon e: AGW Autonomous Homing Munitions e: AHM Autonomous Missile Site Radar e: AMSR Autonomous Navigation System Concept e: ANCS Autonomous Navigation Technology e: ANT Autonomous Precision-Guided Munition e: APGM Autonomous Synthetic Aperture Radar Guidance e: ASARG Autonomous Undersea Vehicle e: AUV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle e: AUV Autonomous Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft e: AURA Autopilot Flight Director e: APFD Autopilot/Flight Director System e: AFDS autoraggruppamento di armata i: A.Rg.A. Autoreparto di autocarrettes i: Arca. Autoreparto mistro i: Arm. Autoreparto pesante i: Arp. Autorità Militari i: AA.MIL. Autosezione di autocarrettes i: Asea. Autotrack Vulcan Air Defense System e: AVADS Auxiliaires Féminines de l'Armée de Terre f: A.F.A.T. Auxiliary Air Force e: AAF, e: AFA Auxiliary Air Force Base e: AAFB Auxiliary Air Force Base Unit e: AAFBU Auxiliary Air Force General List e: AAFGL Auxiliary Air Force Reserve e: A.A.F.R. Auxiliary Air Force Reserve of Officers e: A.A.F.R.O. Auxiliary Airborne Command Post e: AUXCP Auxiliary Airborne Power Plant e: AAPP Auxiliary Airborne Power Unit e: AAPU Auxiliary Aircraft Carrier [or tender] e: ACV Auxiliary Aircraft Landing Training Ship e: AVT Auxiliary Aircraft Transport e: AVT Auxiliary Aircraft Warning Service e: AAWS Auxiliary Ambulance Service e: A.A.S. Auxiliary Artillery Corps e: AAC Auxiliary Aviation Weather Facility e: AAWF Auxiliary Battery Acquisition Radar e: ABAR Auxiliary Combat Information Center e: ACIC Auxiliary Command e: AC Auxiliary Crane Ship e: ACS, e: T-ACS Auxiliary Dry Cargo Ship e: ADC auxiliary ferry service unit e: AFSU Auxiliary Fighter Director Ship e: AFDS Auxiliary Flight Control System e: AFCS Auxiliary Flight Reference System e: AFRS Auxiliary Force, India e: Aux.F. Auxiliary General Electronics Research Ship[s] e: AGERS Auxiliary General Missile e: AGM Auxiliary Mexican Border Veterans e: AMBV Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps e: A.M.P.C. Auxiliary Mine Layer e: ACM Auxiliary Nuclear Powered Submarine e: SSAN Auxiliary Patrol e: Aux. Pat. Auxiliary Patrol Officer e: APO Auxiliary Repair Battle Damage e: ARB Auxiliary Research Submarine e: AGSS Auxiliary Rocket Engine e: ARE

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Aviation Officer Auxiliary Submarine e: SSAG Auxiliary Submarine Rescue e: ASR Auxiliary Technical Reconnaissance Ship e: AGTR Auxiliary Territorial Service e: AT, e: A.T.S. Auxiliary Territorial Service Expeditionary Force Institutes e: A.T.S.E.F.I. Auxiliary Transport Service e: A.T.S. Auxiliary Transport Submarine e: ASSP avant-garde f: a.g. Average Power Range Monitor e: APRM Aviación Ligera des Ejército de Tierra s: ALET Aviation e: A V, e: avi, e: AVIA, e: Aviat. aviat, e: avn Aviation and Air Defense Division e: A ADD aviation and astronautics electronics e: avionics Aviation and Surface-materiel Command e AVSCOM Aviation Annex e: AA Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Basic Operational Trainer e: AAWBOT Aviation Applied Technology Directorate e: AATD Aviation Armament Bulletin e: AAB Aviation Armament Change e: AAC Aviation Armament Laboratory e: AAL Aviation Automated Weather-Observation System e: AV-AWOS Aviation Battalion e: AB, e: AV BN Aviation Battery Standardization e: AVBATTS Aviation Billet Indicator e: ABI Aviation Bird Unit e: ABU Aviation Boatswain's Mate e: AB, e: ABM Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Catapult e: ABMCP Aviation Boatswain's Mate, First Class e: ABl Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Handler e: ABMH Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Plane Handler e: ABMPH Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Second Class e: AB2 Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Third Class e: AB3 Aviation Cadet e: A/C, e: AVC, e: AVCAD Aviation Cadet Qualifying Test e: ACQOT, e: ACQT Aviation Career Incentive Pay e: ACIP Aviation Carrier Air Turbine fuel e: AVCAT Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate e: ACBM Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate, Arresting Gear and Barriers e: ACBMAG Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate, Catapult e ACBMCP Aviation Chief Fire Controlman e: ACFC Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate e: ACM M Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Carburetor Mechanic e: ACMMC Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Flight Engineer e: ACMMF Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Gas Turbine Mechanic e: ACMMT Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Hydraulic Mechanic e: ACMMH Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Instrument Mechanic e: ACMMI Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Propeller Mechanic e: ACMMP Aviation Chief Metalsmith e: ACM Aviation Chief Ordnanceman e: ACOM

Aviation Chief Ordnanceman, Turret Mechanic e: ACOMT Aviation Chief Radioman e: ACRM Aviation Classification Repair Activity Depot e: AVC RAD Aviation Clothing and Survival Equipment Bulletin e: ACSEB Aviation Combat Development Agency e: ACDA Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer e: AVCAT, e: AVCATT Aviation Combined Arms Team Trainer e: ACATT, e: AVCATT Aviation Command e: AVCOM Aviation Commission Date e: ACD Aviation Consolidated Allowance List e: AVCAL Aviation Consumer Action Process e: ACAP Aviation Consumer Action Project e: ACAP Aviation Coordinated Allowance List e: AVCAL Aviation Corporation e: Avco Aviation Crime Prevention Institute e: ACPI Aviation Crush Injury Research e: AVCIR Aviation Daily e: AD Aviation Data and Analysis System e: ADA Aviation Delay e: AD Aviation Depot Group e: ADG Aviation Development Advisory Committee e ADAC Aviation Development Board e: ADB Aviation Development Council e: ADC Aviation Development Test Facility e: ADTF Aviation Digital Data Service e: ADDS Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association e: ADMA Aviation Division e: AD Aviation Electronics e: AVIONICS Aviation Engineer e: Avn Eng Aviation Engineer Battalion e: AVNENGRBN Aviation Engineer Force e: AEF Aviation Facilities Energy Association e: AFEA Aviation Fleet Maintenance e: AFM Aviation Force Structure for/of the Army e: AFSA Aviation Forecast Verification Program e: AFVP aviation fuel e: avfuel aviation fuel and ammunition park e: AFAP aviation fuel depot e: AFD Aviation Fuels Logistical Area Summary e: AFLAS aviation gas turbine fuel e: avtur Aviation Gasoline e: AGAS Aviation Gridded Forecast Systemfs] e: AGFS Aviation Ground Power Unit e: AGPU Aviation Ground Support Equipment e: AGSE Aviation Gunnery Officers School e: AGOS Aviation Hanseatische Luftreederei GmbH & Co. KG d: Aviaction aviation high-flash turbine fuel e: avcat Aviation High School e: AHS aviation horsepower e: ahp Aviation Human Research Unit e: AHRU Aviation Impact Variable e: AIV Aviation Indoctrination Program e: AIP Aviation Industry Association e: AIA Aviation Information Officefr] e: AIO

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Aviation Information Services Limited e: AISL Aviation Instrument Laboratory e: AIL Aviation Insurance Officers Association e: AIOA Aviation Intensive Management Items e: AIMI Aviation Laboratories e: Αν Labs Aviation Leadership Program e: ALP Aviation Leger de l'Armee de Terre f: ALAT Aviation Legere de l'Armee de l'Air f: ALAA Aviation Life Support Equipment e: ALSE Aviation Logistic Platform e: ALP Aviation Logistic Support Ship e: AVB Aviation Lubricant e: AVLUB Aviation Légère de la Force Terrestre f: ALFT Aviation Machinisi's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, Senior Chief e: ADRCS Aviation Machinist's Mate, Carburetor Mechanic e: AMMC Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class e: AMMlc Aviation Machinist's Mate, Flight Engineer e: AMMF Aviation Machinist's Mate, Hydraulic Mechanic e: Α Μ Μ Η Aviation Machinist's Mate, Instrument Mechanic e: AMMI Aviation Machinist's Mate, Propeller Mechanic e: A M M P Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocaling Engine Mechanic, Third Class e: ADR3 Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic e: ADR Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, Chief e: ADRC Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, First Class e: ADR1 Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, MasterChief e: ADRCM Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, Second Class e: ADR2 Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class e: AMM2c Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class e: AMM3c Aviation Maintenance Officer e: AMO Aviation Marine Outillage f: AMO Aviation Material Management Improvement Program e: A M M I P Aviation Material Management Program e: AMMP Aviation Materiel Command e: AVCOM Aviation Materiel Management Center e: AMMC Aviation Mechanic e: Av Mech Aviation Medical e: AVM Aviation Medical Officer e: AMO Aviation Medical Report[s] e: AMR Aviation Medicine e: AVNMED Aviation Medicine Technician e: AVT Aviation Metalsmith First Class e: AMIc Aviation Metalsmith Second Class e: AM2c Aviation Metalsmith Third Class e: AM3c Aviation Militaire f: A.M. Aviation Mission Commander e: AMC Aviation Mission Planning System e: AMPS Aviation [model at NCEP] e: AVN Aviation Network e: Avnet Aviation News e: AVN aviation observation e: aviob Aviation Officer e: AO


Aviation Officer Advanced Aviation Officer Advanced Course e: AVOAC Aviation Officer Candidate e: AOC Aviation Officers Quarters e: AOQ Aviation Oil e: avoil Aviation Ordnance Man First Class e: AOMlc Aviation Ordnance Man Second Class e: AOM2c Aviation Ordnance Man Third Class e: AOM3c Aviation Ordnance Officer e: A O O Aviation Ordnanceman e: A O . M Aviation Ordnanceman, Bombsight Mechanic e: AOMB Aviation Pilot First Class e: A P l c Aviation Pilot Second Class e: AP2c Aviation Pilot Third Class e: AP3c Aviation Pilots Airship e: APLA Aviation Procurement, Navy e: APN Aviation Radio and Radar Countermeasures Technician e: RCM Aviation Radioman First Class e: ARM 1 c Aviation Radioman Second Class e: ARM 2c Aviation Radioman Third Class e: ARM 3 c Aviation Repair and Overhaul Unit e: AROU Aviation Repair Supply Depot e: ARSD Aviation Repair Vessel e: ARV Aviation Requirements for the Combat Structure of the Army e: ARCSA Aviation Research and Development Command e: AVRADCOM Aviation Research and Development Institute e: ARDI Aviation Research and Development Service e: ARDS Aviation Research, Development & Engineering Center e: AVRDEC Aviation Resource Management Survey [team] e: ARMS Aviation Safety District Office e: ASDO Aviation Safety Engineering and Research e: AVSER Aviation Safety Office e: ASO Aviation Sans Frontieres f: ASF Aviation School e: AVNS, e: Avn Sch Aviation Section Signal Corps e: A.S.S.C. Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps e: ASSRC Aviation Security System e: ASS Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine e: Aviat Space Environ Med Aviation/Space Writers Association e: A/S WA, e: AW Aviation Spares Ltd e: ASL Aviation Standards e: AVS Aviation Supply Annex e: ASA Aviation Supply Office Philadelphia e: ASOP Aviation Supply Office [r] e: ASO aviation supply ship e: AVS Aviation Support, Hydraulic e: ASH Aviation Support Ship e: ASS Aviation Surface Material Command e: ASMC Aviation System Capacity Plan e: ASCP Aviation Systems Command e: A V, e: AVSCOM, e: AVSYCOM Aviation Technical Training Center e: ATTC Aviation Technician, Navigation e: ATN Aviation Technician, Radar e: ATR Aviation Test Bed e: AVTB Aviation Test Office e: A T O Aviation Training Record e: ATR Aviation Turbine e: AVTUR


aviation turbine fuel e: avtur Aviation Turbine Kerosene e: Avtur Aviation Unit e: AVNII Aviation Unit Maintenance e: AVUM Aviation Weapons Movement Control System e: AWMCS Aviation Weather and Notice to Airmen System e: AWANAS Aviation Weather Development Laboratory e AWDL Aviation Weather Development Program e: AWDP Aviation Weather Facility e: AWF Aviation Weather Forecasting Task Force e: AWFTF Aviation Weather Network e: AWN Aviation Weather Processor e: AWP Aviation Weather Products Generator e: AWPG Aviation Weather Program e: AWP Aviation Weather Reporting Station e: AWRS Aviation Week e: AvWk, e: AW Aviation Week and Space Technology e: Aviat. Week Space Technol., e: AW&ST Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine e: AWST Aviazione Leggera dell 'Esercito i: ALE Aviazione Militare i: AM Avion de Combat Européen f: ACE Avionic Engineering Division e: AVED Avionic Flight Control System e: AFCS Avionics e: A V Avionics Automatic Transmission Line e: AATE, e: AATL Avionics Bay e: AB, e: AV BAY Avionics Bay Cooling System e: ABCS Avionics Bulletin e: AVB Avionics Bus Interface e: ABI Avionics Change e: AVC Avionics Components and Subsystems e: AVC S Avionics Computer Control e: ACC Avionics Cooling System e: ACS Avionics Cooling Unit e: ACU Avionics Data Utilization System e: ADUS Avionics Decision Notice e: ADN Avionics Depot Test Station e: ADTS Avionics Equipment Design Review e: AEDR Avionics Improvement Program e: AIP Avionics Integrated Support e: AIS Avionics Integration e: AI Avionics Integration Bench e: AIB Avionics Integration Laboratory e: AIL Avionics Integration Plan e: AIP Avionics Integrity Program e: AVIP Avionics Intermediate Shop e: AIS Avionics Intermediate Supporter Station e: AIS Avionics Laboratory Technical Information Handling Profile e: ALTIHP Avionics Module Repair Improvement Program e: AMRIP Avionics Multiplex e: A MUX Avionics Multiplex System e: AMUX System Avionics Research Aircraft e: ARA Avionics Shop Maintenance e: ASM Avionics Subsystem for Strategic Bombers e ASSB Avionics System Project Officer e: ASPO Avionics Test Article e: ATA Avionics Upgrade e: All Avionics Verification Laboratory e: AVL Avionics Verification Status Room e: AVSR

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Avions Marcel Dassault-Breguet Aviation / AMD-BA Avtomaticeski Granatomojot Stankovy R: AGS AWACS/Radar Sensitivity Improvement Program e: AWACS/RSIP Awaiting Aircraft Availability e: AAA Awaiting Combat Assignment e: ACA Awaiting Forward Release e: AFR Award Fee Determination Official e: AFDO Award Fee Determination Plan e: AFDP Award Fee Evaluation Board e: AFEB Award Fee Evaluation Committee e: AFEC Award Fee Review Board e: AFRB Award for Call Center Excellence e: ACCE Award Information System e: AIS Award[ed] e: awd Awards Committee e: ACOM Awards for Cablecasting Excellence e: ACE AWARE International e: AWARE Ayrshire Yeomanry e: AY, e: AYR Azimuth Target Intelligence & Acquisition System e: ATLAS Azionaria Vercellese Industrie Aeronautiche i: A.V.I.A.

Β B-l Division e: B-l DIV Bachelor Noncommissioned Officers' Quartiers e: BNCOQ Bachelor of Aeronautical Administration e: Β of AA Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering e: Β Ae, e: Β of A E Bachelor of Aeronautics e: Β Ae Bachelor of Marine Science e: B.M.S. Bachelor of Naval Architecture e: BN Arch Bachelor of Naval Engineering e: BNE, e: BN Eng Bachelor of Naval Science e: B.N.S. Bachelor of Navigation e: Β Na, e: Β Nav Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Administration e: BS in Aero Adm Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering e: BS in AE, e: BS in Ae E, e: BS in Aero E Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering-Electronics Major e: BSAE-E Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering e: BSE [Nav Arch & Mar E] Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering e: B.S.Mar.Eng. Bachelor of Science in Military Science e: BS in MS, e: BS MS Bachelor of Science, United States Military Academy e: BSUSMA Bachelor of Science, United States Naval Academy e: BSUSNA Bachelor Officers' Quarters e: BOQ Back Electromotive Force e: BEMF Back-up Aircraft Inventory e: BAI Back-up NORAD [North American Air Defence] Control Centre e: BNCC Backup Aerospace-vehicle Inventory e: BAI Backup Flight Computer e: BFC Backup Flight Control System e: BCFS, e: BFCS Backup Flight Controller] e: BFC Backup Flight System e: BFS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Balloon Squadron Backward e: bkwd Backward Control Field e: BCF Backward Error Correction e: BEC Backward Indicator e: BI Backward Limit Photocell e: BLPC Backward Optimistic-oriented Concurrency Control e: BOCC Backward Sequence Number of next to be Transmitted e: BSNT Backward Sequence Number Received e: BSNR Backward Signalling e: BS Backward Wave e: BW Backward Wave Converter e: BWC Backward Wave Magnetron e: BWM Backward Wave Oscillator e: BWO Backward Wave Oscillator Synchronizer e: BWOS Backward Wave Oscillator Tube e: BWOT Backward Wave Parametric Amplifier e: BWPA Backward Wave Power Amplifier e: BWPA Backward Wave Sweep Oscillator e: BWSO Backward-Wave Tube e: BWT Backward [s] e: BCK Backwards Differentiation Formulas e: BD F Bacteriological [or Biological] & Chemical weapons e: B&C Bacteriological [or Biological] & Toxic Weapons Convention e: BWC Bacteriological Warfare e: BW Bacteriological Warhead e: BW Bacteriological Weapons e: BW Badan Musjawarah PengusahaNasional in: Bamunas Badan Permusjawaratan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia in: Baperki Baden Community Services e: BCS Badio Technical Commission for Marines e: RTCM Baerman Aircraft Corporation e: BAC Bagagetrain d: Bagtr. Bahnbauverwaltung d: B.B.V. Bahnkommandantur d: B.Kdtr. Bahrain Amiri Air Force e: BAAF baileybrugcompagnie n: bbrcie Bainbridge Naval Training Center e: BNTC Baird Atomic e: BA Bajuwarische Befreiungsarmee d: BBA Balanced Nuclear Economy Code e: BANEC Balasore [India] Rocket Launching Station e: BRSL Ballistic e: B, e: BALL Ballistic Advanced Missile e: BAM Ballistic Aerial Target e: BAT Ballistic Aerial Target System e: BATS Ballistic Analysis Research System e: BARS Ballistic Anti-ballistic Missile Boost Intercept e: BAMBI Ballistic Attack Game e: BAG Ballistic Camera e: BC Ballistic Coefficient e: BC Ballistic Compressor Computer Code e: BCCC Ballistic Computation Technology e: BCT Ballistic Computer System e: BCS Ballistic Computer/Weapon Controller e: BC/WC Ballistic corn is an indicator of public hygiene facilities e: ballistic corn Ballistic Correction of the Moment e: BCM Ballistic Density e: BALDNY

Ballistic Environmental Characteristics and Measurement Program e: BE CAMP Ballistic Guided Missile e: BGM Ballistic Height Correction e: BHC Ballistic Identification e: BALID Ballistic Impact Chamber e: BIC Ballistic Intercept Missile e: BIM Ballistic Laser Holographic System e: BLHS Ballistic & Laser Protection Spectacles e: BLPS Ballistic Loran Assist Device e: BALLAD Ballistic Missile e: BALMI, e: BM Ballistic Missile Acquisition Radar e: BMAR Ballistic Missile Analyst Technician e: BMAT Ballistic Missile Analyst TechnicianSpecialist e: BMAT/S Ballistic Missile Bombardment Interceptor e BAMBI Ballistic Missile Boost Intercept e: bambi Ballistic Missile Branch e: BMB Ballistic Missile Burning Intercept e: BAMBI Ballistic Missile Center e: BMC Ballistic Missile Center, Air Materiel Command e: BMC/AMC Ballistic Missile Checker e: BMC Ballistic Missile Command, Control, Communication e: BMC3 Ballistic Missile Construction Office e: BMCO Ballistic Missile Cost Study e: BMCS Ballistic Missile Defence [or Defense] e: BMD Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center e: BMDATC Ballistic Missile Defense Center e: BMDC Ballistic Missile Defense Command Post e: BMDCP Ballistic Missile Defense Communications Agency e: BMDCA Ballistic Missile Defense Emergency Action Report e: BMDEAR Ballistic Missile Defense Integrated Training Plan e: BMDITP Ballistic Missile Defense Master Plan e: BMDMP Ballistic Missile-Defense Missile Battalion e: BMDMB Ballistic Missile Defense-Nuclear Effects and Threat Committee e: BMD-NEAT Ballistic Missile Defense Office e: BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Operations e: BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Operations Activity e: BMDOA Ballistic Missile Defense Organization e: BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Program Manager e: BMDPM Ballistic Missile Defense Program Office [r] e: BMDPO Ballistic Missile Defense Surveillance Battalion e: BMDSB Ballistic Missile Defense System e: BMDS, e: BMD System Ballistic Missile Defense System[s] Command e: BMDSCOM Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Technology Program e: BMDSTP Ballistic Missile Division e: BMD Ballistic Missile Division Field Office e: BMDFO Ballistic Missile Early Warning Station e: BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning System e: BMEWS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Ballistic Missile European Task Organization e: BMETO Ballistic Missile Inertial Guidance Technician e: BMIGT Ballistic Missile Inertial Guidance Technician-Mechanic e: BMIGT/M Ballistic Missile Interceptor e: BMI Ballistic Missile Launch Equipment Technician-Repairman e: BMLET/R Ballistic Missile Logistics Office e: BMLO Ballistic Missile Manager e: BMM Ballistic Missile Office[r] e: BMO Ballistic Missile Operational Training Readiness e: BMOTR Ballistic Missile Organization e: BMO Ballistic Missile Orientation Course e: BMOC Ballistic Missile Radiation Analysis Center e: BAMIRAC Ballistic Missile Recovery System e: BMRS, e: BMRSYS Ballistic Missile Reentry System e: BMRS, e: BMRSYS Ballistic Missile Ship e: BMS Ballistic Missile Specification e: BMS Ballistic Missile Surface Force e: BMSF Ballistic Missile System Branch e: BMSB Ballistic Missile Target System e: BMTS Ballistic Missile Technology e: BMT Ballistic Missile Terminal Defense e: BMTD Ballistic Missile Test Vessel e: BMTV Ballistic Missile Weapon System e: BMWS Ballistic Missile with Self Contained Guidance e: LANCE Ballistic Missiles Committee e: BMC Ballistic Missiles Management Group e: BMMG Ballistic Number e: BN Ballistic Offensive Suppression System e: BOSS Ballistic Recording System e: BRS Ballistic Recoverable Booster e: BRB Ballistic Recovery of Orbiting Man e: BROOM Ballistic Reentry Body e: BRB Ballistic Reentry Vehicle e: BRV Ballistic Research Laboratories e: BLR Ballistic Research Laboratory e: BRL Ballistic Systems Division e: BSD Ballistic Systems Zeus e: BSZ Ballistic Test and Evaluation Systems e: BATES Ballistic Test Evaluation and Sealing e: BATES Ballistic Test Facility e: BTF Ballistic Track Assignor e: BTA Ballistic Wind e: ballwin, e: BALWND Ballistic Wind Plotter e: BWP Ballistically Launched Aerodynamic Missile e: BLAM Ballistichekaya Raketa Podvodnykh Lodok R: BRPL Ballistic[s] e: bal Ballitic Rocket Air Suppression e: BRAS Ballon-Nachrichtenabteilung d: Bona Ballonbatterie d: Ball.Battr. Ballonzug d: BZ. Balloon and Nike Scaled High Explosive Experiment e: BANSHEE Balloon Barrage Group e: B.B.G. Balloon Command e: BC, e: B.C. Balloon Corps [Civil War] e: B.C. Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics e: BOOMERANG Balloon Platoon of America e: BP Balloon Squadron e: BS


balloon-supported rocket[s] balloon-supported rocketfs] e: bsr Balloon Training Unit e: B.T.U. Baltic Marine Biologists e: BMB Baltic Marine Cooperation e: BMC Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange e B.M.S.E. Baltic Sea Hydrographie Commission e: BSHC Baltische Landeswehr d: Balt.Ldw. Baltische Rotbannerflotte d: BRF Banco Nacional Ultramarino ρ: BNU Band of the Royal Military College e: B.R.M.C. banda regolare a piedi i: ba.r/p bandpansarv r: bpvkomp banery integration and radar display equipment e: birdie bangalore torpedo banir bombing and navigation inertial e: bang torp Bangladesh Navy e: BN Bangor Air Defense Sector e: BAADS, e: BADS Bank Officers Union e: BOU Bank Towarzystwa Ubezpieczen i Reasekuracji P: BTUiR Baptistmissionens Bokförlags AB r: BMB Bar-Ilan Centre for Strategie Studies e: BCSS Barding Sands Underwater Test Range e: BARSTUR Barge, Amphibious, Resupply, Cargo e: BARC Barisan Nasional Indonesia in: BNI Barnwell Nuclear Fuel Plant e: BNFP Barrack Officers' Quarters e: BOQ Barrack Warden's Association e: B.W.Α. Barracks and quarters department e: B&Q Barracks Officer e: BO Barrage Balloon Battalion e: Bar Bin Bn, e: Bar Bin Bn Barrier Combat Air Patrol e: BARCAP Barrier Forces, Atlantic e: BARLANT Barrier Forces, Pacific e: BARPAC Bartlett Nuclear Inc. e: BNI Base Account Officer e: BAO Base Accountable Supply Officer e: BASO Base Aerea i: Β.Α. base aerea i: ba.a.e. Base Air Defense Ground Environment e: BADGE Base Air Defense Ground Environment System e: BADGES Base Air Depot e: BAD Base Air Post Depot e: Β APD Base Ammunition and Petroleum Depot e: BAPD Base Ammunition Depot e: BAD, e: B.Am.D. Base Area Commandant e: BAC Base Aérea Militar s: BAM Base Aérienne f: B.A. Base aérienne de Dijon f: B.A.D. Base aérienne de Lyon f: B.A.L. Base aérienne d'opération f: Β.Α.O. Base Aérienne Tactique f: B.A.T. Base Aéronautique Navale f: B.A.N. Base Aéronavale f: B.A.N. Base Command e: Ba Com, e: BC Base Command Payment Office e: BCPO Base Communications Center Strategy Working Group e: BCCSWG Base Consolidation Control Officer e: BCCO Base d'Aviation Maritime f: B.A.M. Base de transit f: Β.T. Base de transit de l'Air f: BTA Base de Transit Interarmées Atlantique f: B.T.I.A. Base de Transit Militaire f: B.T.M.


Base Defence Zone e: BDZ Base Defense Force e: BDF Base Defense Operations Center e: BDOC Base Defense Zone e: BDZ Base Depot e: BD base depot e: Β dep Base Depot and General Hospital e: B.D.G.H. Base Depot of Medicai Stores e: BDMS Base Depot Veterinary Stores e: BDVS Base Development Doctrine e: BDD Base divisionnaire f: B.d. Base d'opérations aéroportées f: B . O . A . , / B.O.A.P. Base d'opérations aéroportées et de ravitaillement par air f: BOAPRA Base Engineer Depot e: BED Base Engineer Store Depot e: BESD Base Equipment Unit e: B.E.U. Base Force e: BASEFOR Base Fuel Supply Officer e: BFSO Base Fuels Management Officer e: BFMO Base Hospital e: BH Base Installation Officer e: BIO Base Intelligence Officer e: B. Intel. O. Base Level Military Personnel System e: BLMPS Base Level Personnel System-Military e: BLPS-M Base Liaison Officer e: BLO Base Logistical Command e: BALOC, e: BALOG Base Maintenance Division e: BMD Base Mechanical Transport Depot e: BMTD base medical equipment depot e: BMED Base Militaire de Transit f: B.M.T. Base Navale f: B.N. base navale i: ba.nv. Base Navale Française f: B.N.F. Base of Air Operations e: BAO Base Officers' Quarters e: BOQ base operations office e: BASOPS Base Operations Officer e: BOO Base Opérationnelle de la Force Océanique Stratégique f: BOFOST Base opérationnelle mobile aéroportée f: B.O.M.A. Base Opérationnelle Mobile Aéroportée f: BOMAP Base Ordnance Depot e: BOD Base Ordnance Officer e: BOO Base Ordnance Workshop e: BOW Base Patrol Center e: BPC Base Pay and Cashier Officer e: BPCO Base Pay Office[r] e: BPO Base Personnel Staff Officer e: BPSO Base Principale d'Aéronautique Navale f: B.P.A.N. Base Quartermaster e: BQM Base Remount Depot e: BRD Base Service Battalion e: BSERBN Base Signal Officer e: BSO Base Sous-Marine f: B.S.M. Base Supply and Transport Depot e: BSTD Base Supply Depot e: BSD Base Supply Officer e; BSO Base Support Agreement e: BSA Base Training Unit e: BTU Base Transit Depot e: BTD Base Transit Interarmées AtlantiqueManche f: B.T.I.A.Ma Base Vehicle Depot e: BVD Base Vehicle Reporting Officer e: BVRO Base-école de parachutistes d'outre-mer f: BEPOM Base-école de télécommunications f: B.E.T. Base-école des Troupes Aéroportées f: B.E.T.A.

Κ · G · Saur, München

Baseline Flight Vehicle Mission Time Line e BFVMTL Baseline Radar Bag Initiator e: BARBI Baseline Reference Flight Plan e: BRFP Baseline Surface Radiation Network e: BSRN Basic Acoustic Warfare System e: BAWS Basic Advanced Integrated Navigation System e: BAINS Basic Air Navigation School e: BANS Basic Aircraft Checkout Equipment e: BACE Basic Armed Forces Communication e: BAFCOM Basic Armed Forces Communication Plan e: BAFCom, e BAFCOM Plan Basic Army Regulations e: BAR Basic Army Strategic Estimate e: BASE Basic Artillery Observer Subsystem e: BAOS Basic Attack Helicopter Team e: BAHT Basic Aviation Trainer e: BAT Basic Border Agreement e: BBA Basic Combat Manoeuvring e: BCM Basic Combat Training e: BCT Basic Damage Control Exercise e: BDCE Basic Direct Shipping Instructions e: BDSI Basic Engineering Casualty Control Exercise e: BECCE Basic Experimental Automatic Syntactic Translator e: BEAST Basic Fighter Manoeuvres e: BFM Basic Fighter Transition e: BFT Basic Flight Data Acquisition System e: BFDAS Basic Flight Manoeuvring e: BFM Basic Guided Missile e: BGM Basic Human Needs Agreement e: BNHA Basic Marksmanship Training Range e: BMTR Basic Military Compensation e: BMC Basic Military Requirementfs] e: BMR Basic Military Training e: BMT Basic Military Training Group e: BMTG Basic Military Training School e: BMTS Basic Military Training Squadron e: BMTS Basic Mission Design Number and Series e: BMDNS Basic Multi-Role Avionics e: BMRA Basic Naval Aviation Officers School e: BANAVAVNOFFSCOL, e: BNAO Basic Naval Establishment Plan e: BNEP Basic Navigation Battery e: BNB Basic Officer Military Orientation Program e: BOMOP Basic Operating Agreement e: BOA Basic Operating System Software e: BOSS Basic Operational Training Unit [Fixed Wing] e: BOTA[FW], e: BOTU[FW] Basic Operational Training Unit [Rotary Wing] e: BOTU[RW] Basic Order Agreement e: BOA Basic Ordering Agreement e: BOA Basic Point-Defense Missile System e: BPDMS Basic Point Defense Shortrange Missile System e: BPDSMS Basic Point Defense Surface Missile e: BPDSMS Basic Processed Radar Training e: BPRT Basic Research Vehicle e: BRV Basic Surface Radiation Network e: BSRN Basic Training Center e: BTC Basic Training Group e: BTG Basic Training School e: BTS Basic Training Target e: BTT Basic Transmission Unit e: BTU basic transportation vehicle e: btr

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Battalion Beachhead Basic Transportation Vehicle e: B T V Basic U n d e r w a t e r D e m o l i t o n / S E A L [Sea, Air and Land Capability] Training Department e: BUD[/]S Basic Vehicle e: BV Basic V u l c a n Air D e f e n s e System e: BVADS Basic War Plan e: BWP Basic W e a p o n s e: B W Bataillion / Β Bataillion A u t o n o m e / B.A. Bataillon d: B, d: Baon, d: Bat, d: Bat, d: Bat., d: Batl., d: Btl., d: B t l n , / B n . , / Bon Bataillon Allégé du Génie de l A i r / B.A.g.A. Bataillon A u t o n o m e de Transit Maritime f : B.A.T.M. Bataillon A u t o n o m e des Matériels et Bâtiments Coloniaux / B.A.M.B.C. Bataillon A u t o n o m e d'Infanterie Coloniale / B.A.I.C. Bataillon A u t o n o m e du Génie / B.A.G. Bataillon A u t o n o m e du Niger Ouest / BANO Bataillon Colonial f : B.C. Bataillon Colonial A f r i c a i n f : B.C.A. Bataillon Coloniale de Chasseurs Parachutistes / B.C.C.P. Bataillon C o m m a n d o s / B.C. Bataillon Cycliste / B.C. Bataillon d ' A f r i q u e / B . A . , / · Bat d ' A f . , / Btn Af. Bataillon d'Aérostation / Bn A é . Bataillon de Chars f : B.C. Bataillon de Chars Légers / B.C.L. Bataillon de chasseurs / Bataillon de Chasseurs / Btn Ch. Bataillon de Chasseurs à Pied f : B.C.P. Bataillon de chasseurs à pied / B.C.P. Bataillon de Chasseurs Algériens / B.C.A. Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins f : B.C.A. bataillon de chasseurs mitrailleurs f : b.c.m. Bataillon de Chasseurs Parachutistes / B.C.P. Bataillon de Chasseurs Portés / B.C.P. Bataillon de chemin de fer de c a m p a g n e / Bn C F C Bataillon de C o m m a n d e m e n t / B.C. Bataillon de C o m m a n d e m e n t et des Services / B.C.S. Bataillon de Construction / B.C. Bataillon de Dragons Partés / Btn Dr.P. Bataillon de Détection Électromagnétique / B.D.E.M. Bataillon de Garde / B.G. Bataillon de Génie / Bn Gn. Bataillon de Génie A é r o p o r t é f : B.G.A.P. Bataillon de Génie de l'Air / B.G.A. Bataillon [de la] Légion Étrangère / B.L.E. Bataillon de l'Air / B . A . , / · B.Air. Bataillon de Légionaires / B.L. Bataillon de Marche / BM Bataillon de Marche Indochinois / B.M.I. bataillon de mitrailleurs f : bat.mitr. Bataillon de Mitrailleurs / B.M. Bataillon de Mitrailleuses Divisionnaire / B.M.D. Bataillon de Montagne / B.Mg. Bataillon de parachutistes / Bon.para. Bataillon de Parachutistes C o l o n i a u x / B.P.C. Bataillon de Passage / B.P. Bataillon de Projecteurs / B.P. Bataillon de ravitaillement de division blindée / B.R.D.B. Bataillon de R e c o n n a i s s a n c e des Chasseurs Sahariens / B.R.C.S.

Bataillon de Reparation matériel / B.R. Bataillon de Répaation de la Division Blindée / B.R.D.B. Bataillon de Réparation Matériel / BRM Bataillon de Tanks / Bon.Tks. Bataillon de Tirailleurs / B.T. Bataillon de Tirailleurs Algériens / B.T.A. Bataillon de Transmissions / B.T. Bataillon de Troupes de Transmissions / B.T.Tr. Bataillon der flugplatztechnischen Sicherstellung d: B F T S Bataillon des Chars de C o m b a t f : B.C.C. Bataillon des Chasseurs / B.C. Bataillon des Chasseurs Alpins / BCA Bataillon des M a r i n s - P o m p i e r s de Marseille / BMPM Bataillon des Ponts Lourds / B.P.L. Bataillon des Services / B.S. Bataillon des Tirailleurs Sénégalais / B.T.S. bataillon d'infanterie / bat.d'inf. Bataillon d'Infanterie / B.I. Bataillon d'Infanterie Alpine / B.I.A. Bataillon d'Infanterie Coloniale / B . I . C . Bataillon d'Infanterie de M a r c h e du Pacifique / B.I.M.P. Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine / B.I.M., / B.I.M.A. Bataillon d'Infanterie Légère / B . I . L . , / Btn I.L. Bataillon d'Infanterie Légère d'Afrique / B.I.L.A. Bataillon d'Infanterie Portée / B.I.P. Bataillon d'Infanterie Type Spécial / BITS Bataillon d'Instruction f : B.I. Bataillon d'Instruction d'Artillerie Antiaérienne / B n l n s t A A Bataillon d'Ouvrages / B.O. Bataillon Dragons Portés f : B.D.P. Bataillon du Génie / B.G. Bataillon du Matériel de Réserve Général / B.M.R.G. Bataillon du Service Militaire A d a p t é / B.S.M.A. Bataillon du Train / B.T. Bataillon d'Électro-Mecaniciens / B.E.M. Bataillon d'Équipage de Ponts / BEP Bataillon f o r m a t Corps f : Btn f.C. Bataillon Française N I K E / B.F.N. Bataillon für Kernstrahlungs- und chemische A u f k l ä r u n g d: KCAufklärungsbataillon Bataillon infanterie / Bn.inf Bataillon infanterie blindée / Bataillon "Libération" / B.L. Bataillon Mixte d'Entretien-Entrepôt / B.M.E.E. Bataillon Mixte Génie-Légion / B.M.G.L. Bataillon Motorisé / B.M. Bataillon Motorisé d'Infanterie f : B.M.I. Bataillon Médical / B.M. Bataillon Métropolitain / B.M. Bataillon Parachutiste de C o m m a n d e m e n t et Soutien / B P C S Bataillon Parachutiste des Chasseurs à Pied / B.P.C.P. Bataillon Parachutistes / B.P. Bataillon Régional / B.R. Bataillon Étranger de Parachutistes / BEP Bataillonsgefechtsstand d: BtlGefStd B a t a i l l o n s k a m m e r d: B t l . K a m . Bataillonsmedizinalpunkt d: B M P Bataillonspanzerabwehrknoten d: BPAK Bataillonsstab d: BST Bataillonsstabsquartier d: Btl.St.Q. Bataillonsverpflegungsstelle d: B V e r S t Bataillonsversorgungspunkt d: BVP

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

b a t a l j o n P: b., n: bat b a t a l j o n chemiczny P: b.chem. bataljon mostowy P: b.most. bataljon ochrony p o g r a n z i z a P: baon o.p. b a t a l j o n r a d j o t e l e g r a f i c z n y P: baon rtlgr. b a t a l j o n sanitarny P: b.san bataljon saperów P: baon Sap. bataljon strazy granicznej P: b.str.gran. B a t a l j o n Szkolny Piechoty Okregu K o r p u s u P: B.S.P.O.K. bataljonreserve n: batres bataljonstaf n: batst Batallón s: Bllon, s: Bon. Batarya z: Bt Batch Operating S o f t w a r e System e: BOSS Batch 2 Trafalgar-Class submarine e: B2TC baterie c: bat. baterie klamm c: bkl baterie proti letadlüm c: bpl baterie proti t a n k ü m c: bpt baterie ν cinnosti c: bvc baterja P: bat. bateryjny P: bat. Batería s: Bat. batería s: bia Batería contra Carro de C o m b a t e s: B.C.C. Bathymétrie Navigation Equipment e: BNE B a t h y m é t r i e N a v i g a t i o n System e: B N S Bâtiment d'Instruction a la Navigation, version Remorquer de Système / BINRS battaglion i: btl. battaglione i: batt., i: bgl., i: btg. battaglione addestramento reclute i: BAR battaglione alpini i: btg.alp. battaglione alpini da posizione i: btg.alp.da.pos. battaglione anticenti i: btg.a/i battaglione ausilieri i: btg.aus. battaglione bersaglieri autoportato i: btg.b.a. battaglione carri armati i: battaglione carri d'assalto i: battaglione carri leggieri i: battaglione carri medii i: battaglione carri pesanti i: battaglione di fanteria i: btg.f. battaglione di fanteria motorizzata i: Battaglione di m a r c i a i: B.M. Battaglione Esplorante Divisionale i: B.E.D. battaglione esplorante Divisionale i: btg. espi. D. battaglione fucilieri i: btg.fue. battaglione genio i: batt.g., i: btg.g. battaglione genio pionieri divisionale i: btg.g.p.div. battaglione lavoratori ausiliari i: btg.laus. battaglione martaio i: btg.m. battaglione minatori i: battaglione misto genio i: btg.m.g. battaglione mitraglieri i:, i: battaglione movieri i: battaglione pontieri i: battaglione sicurezza i: btg.sic. battaglione Trasmissione Mista i: batt.T.M. battaglione trasmissioni i: btg.t. battaglione truppe chimiche i: btg.K. Battalion e: Bat. battalion e: bat. Battalion e: Batt., e: BN, e: BTN Battalion Aid Station e: B A S Battalion A n t i - T a n k rifle e: B A T rifle Battalion Beachhead e: BBH


Battalion Casualty Station Battalion Casualty Station e: BCS Battalion Combat Team e: BCT Battalion Combat Train e: BCT Battalion Command Centre e: BCC Battalion Command Post e: Bn CP, e: Bn DP Battalion Commander e: BC, e: Bn Comdr Battalion Control Group e: BCG Battalion Equipment Evaluation Program e: BEEP Battalion Executive e: Bn Ex Battalion Expeditionary Force e: BEF Battalion Field Exercise e: BNFEX Battalion Fire Distribution Center e: BFDC Battalion Ground Surveillance Section e: BGSS Battalion Group e: Bn Gp Battalion Headquarters e: BHQ, e: Bn.H.Q., e: BNHQS, e: Bn Hqu Battalion Information Group e: BIG Battalion Information Unit e: B i l l Battalion Landing Force e: BLT Battalion Landing Team e: BLT Battalion Level Device e: BLD Battalion Loading Officer e: BLO Battalion Medical Officer e: Bn MO Battalion Mortar and Davy Crockett Platoon e: BMDCP Battalion Mortar System e: BMS Battalion Operated Surveillance System e: BOSS Battalion Operation^] Center e: BOC Battalion Orderly Corporal e: BOC Battalion Orderly Room e: BOR Battalion Orderly Sergeant e: BOS Battalion Reserve Line e: BRL Battalion Routine Orders e: Bn RO Battalion Sergeant-Major e: BSM Battalion Shore Fire Control Party e: BnSFCP Battalion Standing Order e: BSO Battalion Supply Point e: Bn Sup Ρ Battalion Task Force e: BTF Battalion Terminal e: BT Batteile Marine Sciences Laboratory e: BMSL Battelle [Memorial Institute Pacific] Northwest Laboratories [or Laboratory] e BNWL Battelle Project Management Division e: BPMD batteri r: batt batteria i: Β., i: batt., i: btr., i: Btt. batteria bombarde i: batteria cannoni per fanteria o compagni i: btr.f.o.cp. batteria cannonicontraerei i: btr.c.a. batteria comando i: btr.c. batteria controcarro i: btr.c.c. batteria d'accompagnamento per fanteria i: btr.f. Batteria Marcia i: B.M. batteria missili contraerei i: batteria motorizzata i: btr.m. batteria pesante cannoni contraerei i: batteria semovente controcarro i: btr.smv.c.c. Batteria Specialisti Artiglieria Divisionale i: BSAD Batterie d: B., d: Bat., d: Batt., d: Battr., d: Bt., d: Bttr, d: Bttr. batterie f: Batie,/ batt.,/· bie. Batterie anti-chars f: B.A.C. Batterie-Baupark d: B.B.P. batterie contre avions f: b.c.a. batterie contre aéronefs f: b.c.a. Batterie d'Artillerie f: Β.Α.


Batterie de Commandement f: B.C. Batterie de Commandement de l'Artillerie f: B.C.A. Batterie de Commandement de l'Artillerie Divisionnaire f: B.C.A.D. Batterie de Commandement et des Services f: B.C.S. Batterie de l'Artillerie Divisionnaire f: B.A.D. Batterie de sécurité et de transport f: B.S.T.N. batterie des mortiers lourds f: B.M.L. Batterie Hors Rang f: B.H.R. Batteriebefehlsstelle d: B.B., d: BBS Batterien d: Battrn. Batterietrupp d: Battr.Tr. batteri] η: bt batteri] vuurpijl artillerie η: btva Battery e: Batt., e: BTRY battery e: Btty. Battery Acquisition Radar e: BAR Battery Command Centre e: BCC Battery Command Post e: BCP Battery Commander e: BC battery commander e: by Battery Commander e: BY C Battery Commander Assistant e: BCA Battery Commander's Station e: BCS Battery Control Officer e: BCO Battery Control Radar e: BCR Battery Fire Support Vehicle e: BFSV Battery Headquarters e: BHQ Battery Integration and Radar Display Equipment e: BIRDIE Battery Operations Centre Vehicle e: BOCV Battery Quartermaster Sergeant e: BQMS Battery Repair and Test Facility e: BRTF Battery Sergeant Major e: BSM Battery Target e: BT Battery Training Corps e: B.T.C. Battery Training Exercise e: BTE Battery Vehicle Society e: BVS Battle e: B, e: BAT Battle Area Clearance e: BAC Battle Area Control Unit e: BACU Battle Area Interdiction e: BAI Battle Area Surveillance and Integrated Communications e: BASIC Battle Area Surveillance and Integrated Communications Processor and Computer e BASICPAC Battle Area Tactical Scenario e: BATS Battle Area Tactical Simulation e: BATS Battle Casualities e: BC Battle Casualty Replacement e: BCR Battle Code e: BATCO Battle Command Training Program e: BCTP Battle Command Vehicle e: BCV Battle Commander e: BC Battle Commanders Training Facility e: BCTF Battle Coordination Team e: BCT Battle Cruiser e: BC Battle Cruiser Fleet e: BCF Battle Cruiser Flotilla e: BCF Battle Cruiser Force e: BCF Battle Cruiser Squadron e: B.C.S. Battle Cry of Freedom [Book] e: BCoF Battle Damage Assessment e: BDA Battle Damage Assessment and Reporting Team e: BDART Battle Damage Assessment System e: BDAS Battle Damage Information e: BDI Battle Damage Repair e: BDR Battle Damage Repair Ship e: ARB Battle Damage Repair Training e: BDRT Battle Damaged Aircraft e: BDA

© Κ · G · Saur, München

Battle Director e: BD Battle Doctrine e: BD Battle Dress Uniform e: BDU Battle Dressing] e: BD Battle Dressing Station e: BDS Battle Fleet e: B.F. Battle Force e: BATFOR, e: BF Battle Force Combatants e: BFC Battle Force In-port Training e: BFIT Battle Force Information Management e: BFIM Battle Force Tactical Trainer e: BFTT Battle Force Tactical Training e: BFTT Battle Forces Command and Control e: BFC2 Battle Group e: BG Battle Group Anti-Air Warfare Coordination e: BGAAWC Battle Group Information Exchange System e: BGIXS Battle Group Landing Team e: BGLT Battle Group Passive Horizon Extension System e: BGPHES Battle Group Tactical Training e: BGTT Battle Honours Committee e: BHC Battle Information Management Laboratory e: BIML Battle Management e: BM Battle Management C3I e: BMC3I Battle Management/Command, Control and Communications e: BMC3 Battle Management Defense e: BMD Battle Management Information System e: BMIS Battle Management Laboratory e: BML Battle Management Organization e: BMO Battle Management Processing and Display e BMPAD Battle Management Processing Simulation e: BMPS Battle Management Training Facility e: BMTF Battle Mangement C4I Surveillance and Reconnaissance e: BMC4ISR Battle of Britain e: B.O.B. Battle of Britain Memorial Flight e: BBMF Battle Practice e: BP Battle Reconnaissance e: BATRECON, e: Β Ren Battle Ship e: BS Battle Short Relay e: BSR Battle Simulation Team e: BST Battle Staff e: BS Battle Staff Coordinator e: BSC Battle Staff Directive e: BSD Battle Staff Director e: BSD Battle Staff Element e: BSE Battle Staff Information Management System e: BIMS Battle Staff Management System e: BSMS Battle Staff Support Center e: BSSC Battle Star e: BS Battle Technology Team e: BTT Battlecars e: BC battlefeld guided weapon e: bgw Battlefiedl Environment e: BE Battlefield Account Number e: BAN Battlefield Air Interdiction e: BAI Battlefield Area Reconnaissance System e: BARCS Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System e: BATES Battlefield Automated Systemfs] e: BAS Battlefield Automation Management Plan e: BAMP Battlefield Automation Management Program e: BAMP Battlefield Combat Identification System e: BCIS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Bekleidungstrupp Battlefield Command Support System e: BCSS Battlefield Command Terminal e: BCT Battlefield Command Trainer e: BCT Battlefield Control Element e: BCE Battlefield [control element] Automated Support System e: BASS Battlefield Coordination Element e: BCE Battlefield Data System e: BD S Battlefield Development Plan e: BDP Battlefield Distributed [or Distribution] Simulation-Development e: BDS-D Battlefield Distribution Simulation e: BDS Battlefield Electromagnetic Environments Office e: BEEO Battlefield Electronic Communications System e: BECS Battlefield Environment Directorate e: BED Battlefield Exercise e: BFE Battlefield Functional Area e: BFA Battlefield Functional Area Control System e: BFACS Battlefield Functional Mission Area e: BFMA Battlefield Identification, Friend e: BIF Battlefield Identification Friend or Foe e: BIFF Battlefield Identification Management System e: BIMS Battlefield Illumination e: BI Battlefield Illumination Airborne System e: BIAS Battlefield Illumination System e: BIS Battlefield Information and Control Center e: BICC Battlefield Information Center e: BIC Battlefield Information Collection & Exploitation System e: BICES Battlefield Information Control System e: BICS Battlefield Information Correlation Enemy System e: BICES Battlefield Information Distribution e: BID Battlefield Information Distribution System e: BIDS Battlefield Information & Exploitation System e: BICES Battlefield Information Transmission System e: BITS Battlefield Integration e: BI Battlefield Integration Management System e: BIMS Battlefield Interdiction e: BFI, e: BI Battlefield Laser Acquisition Sensor Test e: BLAST Battlefield Management Systems e: BMS Battlefield Meteorological System e: BMETS Battlefield Mission Management System e: BMMS Battlefield Nuclear Warfare e: BNW Battlefield Operations Laser Designator e: BOLD Battlefield Operations Systems e: BOS Battlefield Optical Munition e: BOM Battlefield Optimized Artillery Rocket e: BOAR Battlefield Period e: BFP Battlefield Planning and Visualization e: BPV Battlefield Recovery & Evacuation e: BRE Battlefield Sensor Simulator e: BSS Battlefield Surveillance e: BFS Battlefield Surveillance Radar e: BSR Battlefield System International e: BSI Battlefield Systems Integration Directorate d: BS ID

Battlefield Systems Project Management e: BSPM Battlefield Video Teleconferencing e: BVT Battlefield Visualization Graphics e: BVG Battlefield weapons System e: BWS Battlefield Weapons Systems Laboratory e: BWSL Battlefield Weather Observation & Forecast System e: BWOFS Battles & Leaders e: B&L Battles Nomenclature Committee e: B.N.C. Battleship e: Β. battleship e: bat Battleship e: BATSHIP, e: BB Battleship Aircraft Carrier e: BAC Battleship Battle Group e: BBBG, e: BBG Battleship Division e: BATDIV Battleship Observation Squadron e: VO Battleship Propulsion Test Vehicle e: BPTV Battleship Squadron e: BATRON Battle[ship] Squadron e: BS Battleship Surface Action Group e: BBSAG Battleship Test Vehicle e: BTV Battleships and Cruisers, Atlantic Fleet e: BATCRIILANT Battleships and Cruisers, Pacific Fleet e: BATCRUPAC Battleships, Atlantic Fleet e: BATLANT, e: BATSHIPSLANT Battleships, Battle Force, Pacific Fleet e: BATSHIPSBATFORPAC Battleships, Pacific Fleet e: BATPAC, e: BATSHIPSPAC Bauabteilung d: B.Abt. Baubataillon d: B.B., d: B.Btl. Baubelehrungskommando d: B.B.Kdo. Baudienststelle [Marine] d: B.Dst. Baudivision [Marine] d: B.D. Bauger d: BGZ. Baukolonne d: B.Kol. Bauleitung der Luftwaffe d: Baul.d.Lw. Bauleitung Uboote d: BauLtgUboote Baupionierbataillon d: BauPiBtl Bautruppführer d: BTrf Bay Area Army Terminal Center e: BAATC Bayerische Krieger- und SoldatenVereinigung d: BKV Bayerisches Telegrafen-Bataillon d: Bay.Tel.Batl. Bayonet Fighting e: BF Bayonet Navy Connector e: BNC Beach Amphibious Resupply Cargo e: BARC beach armored recovery vehicle e: baw Beach Armo[u]red Recovery Vehicle e: BARV Beach Group e: BG Beach Ordnance Company e: B.O.C. Beach Party e: BP Beachmaster Company e: BMCO Beacon Airborne S-band e: bas Beacon Airborne X-band e: ΒΑΧ Beacon Aircraft Position e: BAP Beam Experiment Aboard Rocket e: BEAR Beaufort Marine Corps Air Station [South Carolina] e: KNBC Beauftragter des Generalquartiermeisters für den Osten d: B.d.G.Ost Beauftragter des Generalquartiermeisters für den westlichen Kriegsschauplatz d: B.d.G.West Beauftragter des Kriegsamtes d: B.d.K. Beauftragter für Havarieuntersuchungen der Marine d: BHavM

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Beaver Army Terminal e: BEART Bedside Network of the Veterans Hospital Radio and Television Guild e: BNVHRTVG Beech Aircraft Company e: Β Beech Aircraft Corp. e: BCX BEEF [Base Engineer Emergency Forces] Reporting, Analysis, and Status System e BRASS Beeville/Chase Field Naval Air Station [Texas] e: KNIR Befehlshaber der Aufklärung d: B.d.Α., d: B.d.A.d.O. Befehlshaber der Baltischen Gew d: Β.Β.G. Befehlshaber der deutschen Marineabteilungen und -anlagen an Land in allen von Deutschland besetzten Häfen der russischen, ukrainischen und kaukasischen Gebiete des Schwarzen Meeres d: B.M.K. Befehlshaber der Kampfgruppe d: B.d.K. Befehlshaber der Kreuzer d: B.d.K. Befehlshaber der Linienschiffe d: B.d.L. Befehlshaber der Luftstreitkräfte d: B.d.L. Befehlshaber der Panzerschiffe d: B.d.P. Befehlshaber der Schlachtschiffe d: B.d.S. Befehlshaber der Seestreitkräfte d: BSN, d: BSO Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei d: B.d.S., d: B.d.SP. Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD [Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers SS] d: BdS Befehlshaber der Sicherung der Ostsee d: Bef.Sich.Ost Befehlshaber der Sicherung West d: BSW Befehlshaber der Sicherungsstreitkräfte des Osten d: B.d.S.d.O. Befehlshaber der Torpedoboote d: B.d.T. Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote d: B.d.U. Befehlshaber der Zerstörer d: B.d.Z., d: BdZ Befehlshaber des Eisenbahnwesens d: Bedeis. Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres d: B.d.E. Befehlshaber des Rückwärtigen Heeresgebietes d: Befh.R.H.Geb. Befehlshaber des Sicherungsverbandes der mittleren Ostsee d: B.S.m.O. Befehlshaber des Sicherungsverbandes der Nordsee d: B.d.S.d.N. Befehlshaber des Sicherungsverbandes der westlichen Ostsee d: B.S.w.O. Befehlshaber Territorialkommando d: Befh TerrKdo Befehlsstand [Schiff] d: BS Befehlsübermittlungsanlage d: BÜ-Anlage Befestigungsgruppe d: Bef.Gr. Begin Standard Radar Refuel Orbit e: BSRRO Beginn der Operatin d: Τ Begleitbatterie d: BB Begleitzug d: B.Z., d: B-Zug Begleitzug [der Maschinengewehrkompanie und der Minenwerferkompanie] d: Begl.Zg. Behelfstanklager d: BT Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben d: BOS Bekleidung und Ausrüstung d: B/A Bekleidungs- und Ausrüstungsdienst d: B/A-Dienst Bekleidungsamt d: BA, d: Bekl.A. Bekleidungsamt Kiel d: BÄK Bekleidungsamt Wilhelmshaven d: BAW Bekleidungsdepot d: Bekl.Dep. Bekleidungsinstandsetzungsamt d: Bekl.Inst.Amt Bekleidungstrupp d: BekITrp


Belagerungs-Park Belagerungs-Park d: Bel.-Pk. Belagerungs-Telegrafen-Abteilung d: Bel.Tel.Abt. Belagerungs-Train d: Bel.Tr. Belagerungsarmee d: Belag.A. Belagerungsartillerie d: Belag.Art. Belgian Air Force e: BAF Belgian Army e: BAR Belgian Army Allied Club e: BELAAC Belgian Defence Industries e: BDI Belgian Defence Industry Group e: BDIG Belgian Military Communications e: BEMILCOM Belgian Naval Ship e: BN S Belgian Naval Staff e: BELNAV Belgian Nuclear Research Centre e: BNRC Belgische Strijdkrachten in Duitsland n: BSD Belize Defence Force e: BDF Bell Aircraft e: Bell Bell Atlantic Network Integration e: BANI Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing e: BARTS Bell 204B Iroquois military helicopter e: UH-1 Bell Helicopter Co. e: bh Bell Helicopter Company e: BHC Bell Helicopter Textron e: BHT Bell Helicopter Textron-Europe e: BHT-E Bell System Purchased Products Division e: BSPPD Bellerville/Scott Air Force Base e: KBLV Bendix Aviation A e: BDXAV Bendix Aviation Corporation e: BDXAV Bene Militavit I: B.M Bengal Native Infantry e: Beng.N.I., e: Ben.N.I., e B.N.I. Bengal Staff Corps e: Ben.S.C., e: B.S.C. Beobachtermission der Vereinten Nationen in Georgien d: UNOMIG Beobachterschule [Luftwaffe] d: Beob.Sch. Beobachtung d: Β Beobachtungs-Abteilung [auf Schulterklappe] d: Β Beobachtungs-Flieger-Staffel d: Beob.FI.St. Beobachtungs-Lehrabteilung d: Beob.Lehr.Abt. Beobachtungsabteilung d: B.A., d: B.Abt., d: Bb.Abt., d: Beob.Abt. Beobachtungsabteilung [Stab] d: Bb. Beobachtungsbataillon d: BeobBtl Beobachtungsdienst [Beobachtung des Fernmeldeverkehrs des Gegners] d: BDienst Beobachtungsgefechtsabschnitt d: GA IV Beobachtungslehrabteilung d: BL Beobachtungsposten d: BP Beobachtungsstelle d: BSt, d: B.Stelle, d: B-Stelle Bereich Luftwaffenamt d: BerLwA Bereich Luftwaffenführungsdienstkommando d: BerLwFiiDstKdo Bereich Luftwaffenunterstützungskommando d: BerLwUKdo Bereitschaftskompanie d: Ber.Kp. Bereitschaftsstufe d: Β Bereitschaftstruppen d: Ber Trp Bereitschaftszug d: BZ. bergings- en classificatiecompagnie n: bergelcie Bergslagens militäromräde r: milo Β Bergungs- und Rettungs Kommando d: BRKdo Bergungszug d: BZ. Bering Sea Patrol e: BSP


Berittene Infanteriekompanie d: Ber.Inf.Kp. Berlin Brigade e: BB, e: BBDE Berlin Command e: BC Berlin Commission British e: BERCOMB Berlin Military Post e: BMP Berliner Kommandantur d: BK Berliner militärärztliche Gesellschaft d: Bermuda Militia e: B.M. Bermuda Militia Artillery e: B.M.Α. Bermuda Range Safety Officer e: BRSO Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps e: B.V.R.C. Bermuda[s] Base Command e: B.B.C, bersaglieri i: bers. Bersaglieri-Regiment [Italien] d: Bers.Rgt. Berufsoffizier d: BO Berufsunteroffiziersschule der Armee d: BUSA Berufsverband der Wehrbediensteten d: bdw Besatzungsgruppe d: Bes.Gr. Besatzungskompanie d: Bes.K. Beschaffungsamt für Heer und Marine d: BA Beskidenkorps d: Besk. Besondere Untersuchungskommission d: BUK Bespannungs-Abteilung d: BA Bespannungsabteilung d: Besp.Abt. Best Atom Zeta e: BAZ Bethesda Military Librarians Group e: NMCLA Betreuungskompanie d: Betreu Kp Betriebsabteilung d: Betr.Abt. Betriebsbataillon d: BeB Betriebsstoffkompanie d: Betrst Kp Betriebsstofftransportbataillon d: BstfTrspBtl Betriebsstoffüberwachungstrupp d: BstfÜbwTrp Betriebsstoffuntersuchungstrupp d: BUT. Betriebsstoffzug d: Betr.St.Zug Bettenmagazin d: BMag Better Occupational Awareness Training e: BOAT Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory e: BAPL Bettits Atomic Power Laboratory e: BAPL Between Commands Testing e: BCT beveiligendetachment n: bevdet bevelhebber der zeestrijdkrachten n: BDZ Bevelhebber Nederlandse Strijdkrachten n: BNS bevollmächtigte Transportkommandantur d: bv.T.K. Bevollmächtigter des OKW [Oberkommando der Wehrmacht] in Siedlungsfragen d: BW.Sied. Bevollmächtigter für die Lufttorpedowaffen d: BFLT. Bevollmächtigter Transportoffizier d: Bv.T.O. bevorradingscompagnie n: bevocie Bewachungsverband Ostseezug d: Bewa.Ost. Bewakingskorps Koninklijke Landmacht η: Β KL bewegliche Armeebasis d: BAB bewegliche fliegerabwehrraketentechnische Basis d: BFRTB bewegliche raketentechnische Basis d: BRTB bewegliche Sperrabteilung [Landminen] d: BSA Beyond Sensor Range e: BSR Beyond Visual Range e: BVR Bezirkskommando d: BezKdo, d: Bez.Kom.

Κ · G · Saur, München

Bezirkskommando, Windhuk d: B.K. Bi-modal Transit Vehicle e: BTV Biafran Air Force e: BAF Biafran Organization of Freedom Fighters e: BOFF Bids Accepted for the Following Vacancies e: BAFVC Big Hole Battlefield National Monument e: BHBNM Bijzondere Vrijwillige Landstorm n: BVL Bilateral Agreement e: BLA Bilateral Aid to Asia and Pacific [program] e: Β AAP Bildstelle d: Bi. St. Binary Chemical Warhead e: BCW Binary Chemical Weapon e: BCW Binary Coded Range Time Signal e: BCRTS Binnelandse Vertedigingsstrijdkrachten n: BVS Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten n: BndS, n: BS Biological and Chemical Warfare Division e: BCWD Biological and Chemical Weapons e: BCW Biological & Chemical Weapon Disposal e: BCWD Biological Defense e: BIODEF, e: BIOLDEF Biological Defense System e: BDS Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation e: BEAR Biological Warfare e: BIOWAR biological warfare e: bw Biological Warfare Defense e: BWD Biological Warfare Laboratory e: BWL Biological Warfare Rapid Warning System e BWRS, e BWRWS Biological Warfare Research Center e: BWRC Biological Warfare Research Establishment e BWRE Biological Warfare Weapons e: B.W.W's Biological Weapon e: BW Biological Weapons e: BIOLWPN Biological Weapons Convention e: BWC Biological Weapon[s] System e: BIOLWPNSYS, e: BWS Biomedical Science Corps e: BSC Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard e: BASH Bird Combat Air Patrol e: BIRDCAP Bistatic Auroral Radar System e: BARS Bistatic doppler radar receiver Network e: BINET Bistatic Spaceborne Radar e: BSR Biuro Konstrukcji Broni Pancerny P: B.Konstr.Br.Panc. Biuro Koordynacji Rozbudowy Warszawy Ρ BKRW Biuro Scislej Rady Wojennej P: B.Sc.R.Woj. biuro szefa administracji armji P: b. szefa a.a. Bivsa jugoslovenska vojska se: BJV Black Activist Militant Society e: BAMS Black Afro Militant Movement e: B A M M Black Hills Army Depot e: BHAD Black Liberation Army e: BLA Black Mesa Defense Fund e: BMDF Black Watch e: Bl.W. Blackman's Volunteer Army of Liberation e: BVAL Blanket Order Agreement e: BOA Blanket Purchase Agreement e: BP Blanket Purchase Award e: BP Blast Effect Weapon e: BEW Blast Test Missile e: B T M Blattschreiber für Wartung d: BSW Blekinge Kustartilleriförsvar r: BK

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Border Patrol Station Blesses Religious Institute of Mercenary Missionaries e: BRIMM Blimp Squadron e: BLIMPRON Blind Persons Resettlement Officer e: BPRO Blinded Veterans Association e: BVA Blindflugschule d: BFS Blip-Scan Radar e: BSR Blood Supply Unit e: BSU Blue East [air bases in Greenland] e: BE Blue Forces e: BLIIFOR Blue Mountains Division of General Practice e: BMDGP Bluegrass Army Depot e: BGAD Blunt Conical Reentry Vehicle e: BCRV Blunted Delkta Wing e: BDW Blutaufbereitungstrupp d: BlAufbTrp Blutsammeltrupp d: BISammTrp Blutstation d: BSt BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System] Performance Test Outline e: BPTO BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System] Specification e: BSP BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System] System Program Office e: BSPO BMEWS [Ballistic Missile early Warning System] Test Procedure e: BTP BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System] Test Report e: BTR BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System]Rearward Communications System e: BRCS Board for Aviation Accident Research e: BAAR Board for Correction of Military Records e: BCMR Board of County Commissioners e: BoCC Board of Economic Warfare e: BEW Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific e: BFUP Board of Inspection and Survey e: INSURV Board of Navy Commissioners e: BNC Board of Ordnance e: BO Board of State Harbor Commissioners e: BS HC Board of Supply, Executive Guan [to remove surplus U.S. war material from Guam to China] e: BOSEG Board of the Air Council e: B.A.C. Board of the Army Council e: B.A.C. Board of Trade Survey Outdoor Officers' Association e: B.T.S.O.O.A. Board of Veterans Appeals e: BVA Board of War Communications e: BWC Boarding Officer in Charge e: BOIC Boardman Atmospheric Radiation Flux Experiment e: BARFEX Boat Owners Association of the United States e: BOAT/US Boat Unit e: BOATU Boatswain, Antisubmarine Service e: BA/S Boatswain's Mate, Construction Battalion, Boatswain e: BMCBB Boatswain's Mate, Construction Battalion, Stevedore e: BMCBS Bodega Marine Laboratory e: BML Boden-Unterseeboot d: B-II Boden-Wetter-Radaranlage d: BWR Body Wing e: BW Boeing Airborne Instrumentation e: BAI Boeing Atlantic Test Center e: BATC Boeing Flight Test Center e: BFTC Boeing Michigan Aeronautical Research Center e: BOMARC Boeing Military Airplane Company e: BMAC

Boeing Military Airplane Development Organization e: BMADO Boeing Robotic Air Vehicle e: BRAVE Bogus peace organisation e: FAIT Boing long-range surface-to-air missile bearing nuclear warhead e: Bomarc Boise-Griffin Steamship Company e: BGSC Boiling Air Force Base e: BAFB BOMARC [Boeing-Michigan Aeronautical research Center] Prelaunch Output e: BPO BOMARC [Boeing-Michigan Aeronautical Research Center] Squadron Simulator e: BSS Bomb and Mine Disposal e: B.&M.D. Bomb Director High Speed Aircraft e: BDHSA Bomb Disponal e: BD Bomb Disposal Company e: BDC Bomb Disposal Unit e: BDU, e: B.D.U. Bomb Navigation Guidance System e: BNGS Bomb Orbital Strategic System e: BOSS Bomb Orbital Strategic System-Weapon Development Glide Entry e: BOSSWedge Bomb Rack/Rocket Launcher e: BR/RL Bomb Savety Officer e: BSO Bomb Store e: B.S. Bomb Store Officer e: BSO Bomb to Warhead Conversion Components e: B/WCA Bomb [weapon designator] e: BBomb Wing e: BW Bombardment Division e: BD, e: Bomb. Div. bombardment group e: Bm Gr bombardment group [heavy] e: BGP[H] Bombardment-induced X-ray Emission e: BXE Bombardment Liaison Officer e: BLO Bombardment Rocket e: BOMROC Bombardment Squadron e: Bombron, e: Bomb. Sq., e: Bomron, e: BS Bombardment Wing e: Bmb Wg, e: BMW, e Bomb Wg, e BW Bombardment Wing [Heavy] e: BmbWg[H] Bombardment Wing [Light] e: BmbWg[L] Bombardment Wing [Medium] e: Bmb Wg [Ml Bombay Native Infantry e: Bom.N.I. Bombay Staff Corps e: Bomb.S.C., e: Bom.S.C., e: Bo.S.C. Bombe d: Bb Bombeiros Voluntarios ρ: B.V. Bombenexplosion d: Β Exp Bombenfliegergeschwader d: BG Bombenfliegerkräfte d: BFK Bombenflugzeug d: Β Bombengeschwader d: BG, d: B.Geschw. Bombengeschwader der Obersten Heeresleitung d: Bogohl Bombenstaffel d: B.St. Bombenzielapparat d: BZA Bombenzielgerät d: BZG Bomber d: bom, d: BR Bomb [er] e: Β Bomber e: BMBR, e: BMR, e. Bomb Bomber Airborne Instrumentation System e: BAIS Bomber Aviation e: BA Bomber Command e: BC, e: B.C., e: BOMCOM, e: Bom Com Bomber Command Operations Center e: BCOC Bomber Defense Missile e: BDM Bomber Development Establishment e: BDE, e: B.D.E.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Bomber Exercise e: bomex Bomber-Fighter e: BF Bomber-Fighter Squadron e: BFS, e: VBF Bomber/Fighter Training System e: BFTS Bomber Force e: B/F Bomb[er] Group e: BG Bomber Penetration Evaluation e: ΒΡΕ Bomber Reconnaissance e: BR Bomber-Recorder System e: BRS Bomber Squadron e: B.Sq. Bomber Transport e: BT Bomber-Trooper e: B-T Bombes Anti-Personnel e: BAP Bombes d'Appui Tactique f: BAT Bombing and Gunnery Range e: BGR Bombing and Gunnery School e: BGS Bombing and Reconnaissance Navigation System e: BARNS Bombing-Fighting Aircraft e: VBF Bombing & Gunnery School e: B&GS Bombing/Navigation e: B/N Bombing & Navigation Inertial Reference e: BANIR Bombing-Navigation System e: BNS bombing radar navigation equipment e: brane Bombing & Reconnaissance Navigation e: BARN Bombing Squadron e: Bomron Bonaval-Werk Balkenhol Söhne GmbH, Lack- und Chemiefabrik d: Bonaval Bond van Burgerpersoneel bij de Militaire Diensten η: BBMD Bond van Burgerpersoneel in Militaire inrichtingen η: BBM Bond van Militairen iut Indonesie η: BMuI Bond van Nederlandse Militaire Oorlogs- en Dienstoffers η: B N M O Bond van Nederlandse Warmtechnische Adviseurs n: BNWA Bond van Oud-Militairen n: BOM Bond van Vlaamse Reserve-Officieren n: BOVRO Bonner Stadtsoldaten-Corps e.V. d: B.St.C. Bonus Expeditionary Force e: BEF Boom Defence e: B.D. Boom Defence Department e: B.D.D. Boom Defence [Depot] e: B.D. Boom Defence Depot e: BDD, e: BDP Boom Defence Officer e: BDO Boom Defence Service e: BDS Boom Defense and Marine Salvage Depot e B.M.S.D. Boordvliegtuigplieg n: BVP Boost Glide Vehicle e: BGV Boost Rocket e: BST RKT Boost Vehicle e: BV Boosted Anti-Radar Bomb e: BARB booster rocket e: boost rkt, e: bstr rkt Booster Solid Rocket Motor e: BSRM Boot Information Negotiation Layer e: BINL Bootskanonenbatterie d: B.K.B. Bootsmann d: Btsm Bootsmann der Wache d: BdW Bootstrap Commissioning Program e: BCP Bootstrap Memory e: BM Bordel Militaire de Compagne f: BMC Border Command e: BC Border Environment Cooperation Commission e: BECC Border Operations Detachment e: BOD Border Patrol e: BOPAT, e: BP Border Patrol Academy e: BP Border Patrol Section Headquarters e: BPSH Border Patrol Station e: BPS


Border Regiment Border Regiment e: BR Bordfliegerkommando d: Bd.F.Kdo. Borg-Warner Chemicals Inc. e: BWC Bornholm Marinedistrikt a: BHM BOS [Benzine, Olie, Smeerstoffen] Command n: BOSCO Bosnian Serb Air Force e: BSAF Bosnian Serb Army e: BSA Boston Air Defense Sector e: BOADS Boston Naval Shipyard e: BNSY, e: BSNAVSHIPYD Boston Navy Yard e: BNYD Boston Ordnance District e: BOD Boston Quartermaster Depot e: BQD Botenmeisterei der Marineleitung [Reichskriegsministerium] d: BtmM Botenmeisterei [Reichskriegsministerium] d: Btm Bottom of Range e: BOR Bottom Reflecting Active Sonar System e: BRASS Bottom Sonar Marker e: BSM Bouganville Revolutionary Army e: BRA Boulangerie d'Armée f: Bo.A. Boundary Layer Radar e: BLR Bradley Fighting Vehicle e: BFV Bradley Fighting Vehicle System e: BFVS Bradley Stinger Fighting Vehicle e: BSFV Brancardiers Divisionnaires f: Branc.D. Branch Aviation Supply Office e: BRASO Branch Field Post Office e: B.F.P.O., e: BFPO Branch Navy Commissary Store e: BRNAVCOMMSTO Branch Office, Military Intelligence Division d: BOM ID Branch Public Affairs Office[r] e: BPAO Branch Target Buffer e: BTB Branch Transportation Movement Office e: BTM O Brandwarnkleinzentrale d: BKZ Brandwarnkleinzentralen d: BKZn Brani Naval Base e: BNB Brann Vychowa c: BV Bränslekommissionen r: BK Brazilian Air Force e: BAF Brazilian Expeditionary Force e: BEF Brazilian Infantry Division e: BID Brazilian Navy e: BN Breach Lane Navigation System e: BLNS Break Control Command Transducers e: BCCT Break-Up Missile e: BUM Brecknockshire Battalion e: BRECKNOCKS Breech Loading Gun e: BLG Breguet maritime-patrol aircraft e: BR1150 Breguet, Société anonyme des ateliers d'aviation f: Β Bremer Bürgerinitiative gegen Atomanlagen d: BBA Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation e: ΒΡΟΕ Bridge Company e: Br.Coy Bridge Platoon e: Br.Plat. Bridge Train [heavy] e: Br Τη [hv] Bridge Train [light] e: Br Τη [1] Bridge Wing e: BRWg Bridging Vehicle e: BV Briefing and Liaison Team e: BLT Brieftauben-Abteilung Metz [Bombensondergeschwader der Obersten Heeresleitung] d: Brtb.Abt.M. Brieftauben-Abteilung Ostende [Bombensondergeschwader der Obersten Heeresleitung] d: Brtb.Abt.O. Brieftaubenzug d: Brft. Zug brigad r: brig. Brigada i: Brg.


brigada, i: brig. Brigada alpina i: Brg.alp. Brigada corazzata i: Brg.cor. Brigada de Estudos da Defesa Fitossanitária dos Produtos Ultramarinos p: BEDF Brigada de Estudos de Defesa Fitossanitária dos Produtos Ultramarinos, Junta de I n v e s t i g a t e s do do Ultramar ρ : BEDFPU Brigada di fanteria i: Brg.f. Brigada Guardia di Finanza i: Brg. G. Di F. Brigada motorizzata i: Brg.mot. Brigada paracadutisti i: Brg.par. Brigade d: B, d: Bg., d: Br, d: Br., d: Brig brigade e: bde Brigade e: Bgde brigade f: Β , / bde Brigade f: Brg. Brigade Air Liaison Officer e: BALO Brigade Air Support Officer e: BASO Brigade Air Support Operations Centre e: BASOC Brigade Airborne Alert Force e: BAAF Brigade Ammunition Column e: BAC Brigade-Artillerieabteilung d: BAA Brigade Aérienne f: B.A. brigade aéroportée f: Β.A.P. Brigade & Battle Group Trainer e: BBGT Brigade Battle Simulation e: BBS Brigade Blindée f: BB,/· B.B. Brigade Commander e: Bde Comdr, e: Bg C Brigade de cavalerie f: Br.C. Brigade de chars f: B.C. Brigade de Défense des Animaux f: BDA Brigade de recherche et de contre-sabotage / B.R.C.S. Brigade der chemischen Abwehr d: BrChA Brigade d'infanterie f: Br.I. Brigade Electrical and Mechanical E n g i n e e r s ] e: BEME Brigade Gas Officer e: BGO Brigade group e: B.Gr. Brigade Headquarters e: BH, e: BHQ, e: BRIGHED, e Brig Hq Brigade Intelligence Officer e: BIO Brigade Logistique f: B.L. brigade légère blindée f: B.L.B. Brigade Légère Motorisée f: BLM Brigade Major e: BM Brigade Major, Medium Artillery e: BMMA Brigade Major, Royal Artillery e: BMRA Brigade maritime d'Extrême-Orient f: B.M.E.O. Brigade Medical Officer e: BMO Brigade Mécanisée f: B.M. Brigade Officer e: Bde O, e: Bd O Brigade Ordnance Officer e: BOO Brigade Ordnance Warrant Officer e: BOWO Brigade Quartermaster e: BRQM Brigade Reporting Centre e: BRC Brigade Royal Army Service Corps Officer e: BRASCO Brigade Supply Officer e: BSO brigade transport company e: Bde Tpt Coy Brigade Transport Officer e: BTO Brigade-Verbandsplatz d: BrVP Brigade-Verpflegungs-Anstalt d: Brig Vpfl Anst Brigadeartilleriebataillon d: BrigArtBtl Brigadechef d: BCH Brigadekommando d: BrigKdo Brigadeschützenbataillon d: BrigSchtzBtl Brigadestab d: Bg.St., d: Br.St. Brigadetruppen d: BrigTr

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Brigadier Royal Artillery e: BRA Brigadier, Royal Artillery [Antiaircraft] e: BRA [AA] brigata i: Β Bright Display Radar Indicator e: BDRI Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment e: BRITE Bright Radar Tube Display e: BRTD brigáda c: brig. Bring Your Own Rocket Launcher e: BYORL Brisbane North Division of General Practice e: BNDGP Britannia Royal Naval College e: Brit.Coll., e: BRNC Britische Militärregierung d: Br. Mil. Reg. Britische Rheinarmee d: BRA British Admiralty e: B.A. British Admiralty Delegation to Washington e: B.A.D. British Admiralty Establishment e: BAE British Admiralty Maintenance and Supply Representative e: BAMBSR, e: BAMSR British Admiralty Repair Mission e: B.A.R.M. British Admiralty Signal Radar Establishment e: BASRE British Admiralty Technical Mission e: BATM, e: B.A.T.M. British Advisory Committee for Aeronautics e: BACA British Aeronautical Research Committee e BARC British Aerospace Aircraft Group e: BAAG British Aerospace Commercial Aircraft e: BACA British Air Commission e: BAC British Air Force e: BAF British Air Force in France e: BAFF British Air Force in South East Asia e: BAFSEA British Air Force of Occupation in Germany e: BAFO British Air Force[s] of Occupation Command e: BAFOC British Air Intelligence Service e: BAIS British Aircraft Constructors e: BAC British Aircraft Corporation e: BAC British Aircraft Corporation Commercial Habitat Under the Sea e: BACCHUS British Aircraft Corporation Ltd. e: BAC British Aircraft Corporation Staff Association e: BACSA British Aircraft Corporation USA e: BACUSA British Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Limited e: B.A.M.C.L. British Aircraft Preservation Council e: BAPC British Aircraft Users Association e: BAUA British Airways European Division e: BAED British Airways Helicopters e: BAH British Airways Overseas Division e: BAOD British Anatomical Society e: BAS British and Burmese Steam Navigation Company e: Β & Β SNC British Armed Forces Special Vouchers e: BAFSVS British Army e: BA, e: B.A. British Army Equipment Exhibition e: BAEE British Army Forces Overseas e: B.A.F.O. British Army Motoring Association e: B.A.M.A. British Army News Unit e: BANU

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

British Officer British Army of the Rhine e: BAOR British Army Post Office e: BAPO British Army/Royal Navy Equipment Exhibition e: BARNEE British Army Staff e: BAS British Army Staff Washington e: BASW British Army Training & Liaison Staff e: BATLS British Army Training Support Unit Belize e BATSUB British Army Training Unit e: BATU British Army Training Unit, Suffield e: BATUS British Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise e: BACAN British Association of Helicopter Operators e BAHO British Association of Resort Tourist Officers e: BARTO British Association of Tourist Officers e: BATO British Association Sovereign and Military Order of Malta e: BASMOM British Atlantic Committee e: BAC British Atlantic Committee of NATO e: BACNATO British-Australian Cotton Growing Association e: BACGA British Aviation Insurance Company e: BAIC British Balloon and Airship Club e: BBAC British Board of Agreement e: BBA British Boot and Shoe Institute e: BBSI British Boot and Shoe Institution e: BBSI British Chemical Defence Department e: BCDD British Chiefs of Staff e: BCOS British-China Friendship Association e: BCFA British Civil Aircraft Requirements e: BCAR British College of Aeronautics e: B.C. of A. British Columbia Regiment e: Br.Col.Rgt. British Commanders-in-Chief Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany e: BRIXMIS British Commonwealth Air Force e: BCAir British Commonwealth Ex-Services League e: BCEL British Commonwealth Forces e: B.C.F. British Commonwealth Forces in Korea e: B.C.F.K. British Commonwealth Occupation Force e: B.C.O.F British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines, Ltd. e: BCPA British Commonwealth War Veterans Association e: BCWVA British Contingent United Nations Forces in Cyprus e: BRITCON UNFICYP British Control Commission e: CONCOMB British Czechoslovak Friendship League e: BCFL British Defence Co-ordinating Committee e: B.D.C.C. British Defence Co-ordinating Committee, Middle East e: BDCC/ME British Defence Forces e: B.D.F. British Defence Liaison Staff e: BDLS British Defence Manufacturers Association e: BD MA British Defence Software e: BDS British Defence Staff e: BDS British Defence Staff[s], Washington e: BDSW British Destroyer Escort e: BDE

British East African Army Corps e: BEAAC British Egyptian Expeditionary Force e: B.E.E.F. British Element, Trieste Forces e: BETFOR British Embassy Military Attaché e: BEMA British Empire Forces e: B.E.F. British Executive and General Aircraft Ltd. e: BEAGLE British Expeditonary Force[s] e: B.E.F. British Experimental Rocket e: BER British Families Education Service e: BFES British First Airborne Division e: B.F.A.D. British First Army e: B.F.A. British Flight Battalion e: B.F.B. British Forces e: B.F. British Forces Arabian Peninsula e: B.F.A.P. British Forces Broadcasting Service e: BFBC, e: BFBS British Forces Broadcasting ServiceTelevision e: BFBS-TV British Forces Broadcasting Station e: BFBS British Forces Broadcasting Unit e: BFBU British Forces, Falkland Islands e: BFFI British Forces, Germany e: BFG British Forces, Hong Kong e: BFHK British Forces in Germany e: BFIG British Forces in Greece e: BFG British Forces in Italy e: B.Fo.I. British Forces in Palestine e: BFIP British Forces Maintenance Area e: BFMA British Forces Near East e: BFNE British Forces Network e: BFN British Forces Post Office e: B.F.P.O. British Forces West Palestine e: BFWP British Free Corps e: B.F.C. British Frontier Service e: BFS British General Hospital e: BGH British Grenadiers e: B.G. British Guiana Base Command e: BGBC British Helicopter Advisory Board e: BHAB British High Commissioner e: BHC British Home Defense Measures e: BHDM British Honduras Defence Force e: B.Hond.D.Fce. British Honduras Police Force e: B.Hond.P.F. British Honduras Volunteer Guard e: B.H.V.G. British India Steam Navigation e: BISN British India Steam Navigation Company e B.I.S.N.C. British Institution of Training Officers e: BITO British Intelligence Bureau e: BIB British Intelligence Department e: BID British International Helicopters Ltd. e: BIHL British Invasion Force e: B.I.F. British Joint Communications Office e: BJC O British Joint Services Mission e: BJSM WASHDC British Laboratory Ware Association e: BLWA British Landing Army e: BLA British Legion Headquarters e: BLH British Liaison Officer e: BLO, e: Brit. L. Off. British Liaison Team e: BLT British Liberation Army e: BLA

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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British Library Reference Division e: BLRD British Light Gun e: BLG British Limbless Ex-Service Men's Association, Chadwell Heath, Essex e: BLESMA British Marine Aircraft e: BMA British Marine Aquarist Association e: BMAA British Marine Equipment Council e: BMEC British Marine Mutual e: BMM British Marine Radar e: BMR British Medical Battalion e: BRITMEDBATT British Merchant Navy e: BMN British Military Administration e: BMA British Military Attaché e: BMA, e: Brit. Mil. At. British Military Authority e: BMA British Military Hospital e: BMH, e: BRIMILHOSP, e BRMILHOSP British Military Intelligence e: BMI British Military Mission e: BMM British Military Mission in Ethiopia e: BMME British Military Police Office e: BMPO British Military Port and Shipping Branch e: BMP S British Military Supply Mission e: BMSM British Military Volunteer Service e: BMVS British Ministry of War Transport e: BMWT British Mission e: B.M. British National Cadet Association e: B.N.C.A. British Naval Air Service e: BNAS British Naval Air Staff e: BNAS British Naval Attaché e: BNA British Naval Connectons] e: BNC British Naval Equipment Association e: BNEA British Naval Gunnery Mission e: BNGM, e: B.N.G.M. British Naval Liaison Office U.S. Navy e: BNLUS British Naval Liaison Officer e: BNLO British Naval Mission e: BNM British Naval Officer e: BNO British Naval Representative e: BNR British Naval Staff e: BNS British Naval Staff, Washington e: BNS[W| British Navy e: B.N. British Noncommissioned Officers e: BNCOS British North Africa Force e: B.N.A.F. British Nuclear Associates e: BNA British Nuclear Cardiology Group e: BNCG British Nuclear Design and Construction Limited e: BNDC British Nuclear Energy Committee [or Conference] e: BNEC British Nuclear Energy Society e: BNES British Nuclear Engineering Society e: BNES British Nuclear Export Executive e: BNX British Nuclear Forum e: BNF British Nuclear Fuels e: BNF British Nuclear Fuel[s] Limited e: BNFL British Nuclear Laboratories e: BNL British Nuclear Medicine Society e: BNMS British Nuclear Society e: BNS British Occupation Army of [on] the Rhine e BOAR British Officer e: BO


British Overseas African British Overseas African Command e: BOAC British Pacific Fleet e: ΒΡΕ British Pacific Fleet Intelligence Liaison Officer e: BPFILO British Pacific Fleet Liaison Officer e: BPFLO British Peace Committee e: B.P.C. British Prisoners of War Books and Game Fund e: B.P.O.W.B.G.F. British Quartermaster Unit e: BQU British Recovery Unit e: BRII British Regular Army e: B.R.A. British Rhine Army e: B.R.A. British-Romanian Friendship Association e: BRFA British Routing Liaison Officer e: BRLO British Routing Office e: BRO British Royal Marine Corps e: BRMC British Royal Navy Fleet Air Army e: FAA British Salónica Force e: BSF British Security Service Organization e: BSSO British Service Intelligence and Security Administrative Unit e: BSI&SAU British Ship Research Association e: B.S.R.A. British Shipbreakers' Association e: B.S.A. British Shipbuilding Integrated Production System e: BRITSHIPS British Signal Communications Board e: B.S.C.Β. British Soldiers' and Sailors' Hostel e: B.S.S.H. British South Africa Brigade e: BSA Bde British South Africa Corps e: BSAC British Soviet Friendship Society e: B.S.F.S. British Standard e: BS MA British Support Command e: BRSC British Tactical Air Force e: B.T.A.F. British Trades Mission e: B.T.M. British Trans-Atlantic Air Mail Service e: B.T.A.M.S. British Transport Officers Guild e: BTOG British Troops in Austria e: BTA British Troops in Berlin e: B.T.B. British Troops in Egypt e: B.T.E. British Troops in Greece e: BTG British Troops in Iraq e: BTI British Troops in Low Countries e: BTLC British Troops in Northern Ireland e: BTNI British Troops in Palestine e: BTIP British Troops in Sudan e: BTS British Underwater Test and Evaluation Centre e: BUTEC British-United States Amateur Rocket Bureau e: BUSARB British-United States Convoy Instructions e: BUSCI British-United States Routing Agreement e: BlISRA British Vehicle Registration e: BVR British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association e: BVRLA British Volunteer Programme e: B.V.P. British War Cabinet e: B.W.C. British War Comforts Fund e: B.W.C.F. British War Medal e: B.W.M. British War Relief e: B.W.R. British War Relief Association e: B.W.R.A. British War Relief Society e: B.W.R.S. British War Veterans of America e: BWVA British War Victims Fund e: B.W.V.F. British West India Regiment e: B.W.I.R.


British Wireless Marine Service e: B.W.M.S. British Women's Auxiliary Air Force e: B.W.A.A.F. Broad Gauge Railway Operation Division e: BGROD Broad Ocean Area-Missile Impact Locating SYstem e: BOA-MILS Broadband Radiation Station e: BRS Broadcast Fighter Control e: BROFICON Broadcast Terminal Very-High Frequency Omni-Range e: BTVOR Broadcast Very-High Frequency OmniRange e: BVOR Broadcast Warning Message e: BWM Broadcast Warning TWX e: BWT Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training e: BOOST Brooke Army Burn Institute e: BABI Brooke Army Hospital e: BAH Brooke Army Medical Center e: BAMC Brooklyn Army Terminal e: BART, e: BAT Brooklyn Homicide Task Force e: Bklyn HTF Brotherhood Association of Military Airmen e: BAMA Brotherhood of Marine Engineers e: BME Browing Machine Gun e: BMG Browning Aircraft Machine Gun e: BAMG Brücken-Abteilung [Pioniere] d: Br.Abt. Brücken-Bataillon d: Bk Baon Brückenbau-Kolonne d: Br.K. Brückenbaubataillon d: BrB Brückenkolonne d: Briiko Brückenschutz-Kompanie d: BkschKomp Brückentrain d: Br.Tr., d: Brtr. Brückenzug d: Bk Zg Brunswick/Glynco Naval Air Station [Georgia] e: KNEA Brunswick Naval Air Station [Maryland] e KNHZ Brunswick Regiment e: Brunsw brygada ochrony pogranicza P: bryg.o.p. Bücherei im Wehrmachtamt, Berlin d: Bii Buckinghamshire Regiment e: Bucks Budget and Accounting Officer e: BAO Buffered Data Transmission Simulator e: BDTS Bugsierboot d: BBo, d: BMK Build-Up Control Organization e: BUCO Building Division Council e: BDC Building Omission Area e: BOA Buildings Control Officer e: BUCO Buildup Control Office e: BUCO Bulgarian Atomic Energy Commission e: BCAE Bulgarische Volksarmee d: BVA Bulk loaded Liquid Propellant Gun e: BLPG Bulk Petrol Supply Depot e: BPSD Bulk Quantity Supply Issues e: QTY BULK Bulk Supply Depot e: BSD Bulletin of Marine Science e: Bull. Mar. Sci. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists e: BAS Bullets At Target Range e: BATR Bund der Beamten der Bundeswehr e.V. d: BBB Bund der Deutschen für Einheit, Frieden und Freiheit d: BdD Bund der Frontsoldaten d: B.d.F. Bund Deutscher Feuerwerker und Wehrtechniker d: BDFWt Bund Deutscher Marinevereine d: BDMV Bund deutscher Offiziere [in der Sowjetunion] d: BdO Bund Republikanischer Offiziere d: BRO

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Bund versorgungsberechtigter ehemaliger Wehrmachtangehöriger d: BVW Bundesakademie für Wehrverwaltung und Wehrtechnik, Mannheim d: BAkWVT Bundesamt für Adjutantur d: BADJ Bundesamt für Armeematerial und Bauten d: BA Β Bundesamt für Artillerie d: BAART Bundesamt für Genie und Festungen d: BAGF Bundesamt für Infanterie d: BAINF Bundesamt für Kampftruppen d: BAKT Bundesamt für Logistiktruppen d: BALOG Bundesamt für Luftschutztruppen d: BALST Bundesamt für Luftwaffen- und Führungssysteme d: BLF Bundesamt für Mechanisierte und Leichte Truppen d: BAMLT Bundesamt für Militärflugplätze d: BAMF Bundesamt für Militärflugwesen und Fliegerabwehr d: BAFF Bundesamt für Militärversicherung d: BAMV Bundesamt für Militärveterinärdienst d: BAMVET Bundesamt für Transporttruppen d: BATT Bundesamt für Übermittlungstruppen d: BAUEM Bundesamt für Unterstützungstruppen d: BAUT Bundesamt für Waffensysteme und Munition d: BWM Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Soldatenbetreuung d: BAS Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv d: BA-MA Bundesbehörde für Alkohol, Tabak und Feuerwaffen d: BATF Bundesheer d: BH Bundeskonferenz autonomer Friedensinitiativen d: BAF Bundesmarine d: BM Bundesmarine-Norm d: BMN Bundesministerium für Heereswesen d: BMH Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung d: BMfLV Bundessicherheitsrat d: BSR Bundesverband der Luftfahrtzubehör- und Raketenindustrie d: BLR Bundesverteidigungsrat d: BVR Bundeswehr d: Bdw. Bundeswehrverwaltungsstelle beim Deutschen milit d: VwDMV Bundeswehrverwaltungsstelle beim Deutschen militärischen Vertreter d: VwDMV Bunker Defeat Munition e: BDM Buoy Underwater Sound Signal e: BUSS Buoyancy Transport Vehicle e: BTV Buoyant Ballistic Inertial Missile e: BBIM Bureau Administratif Central des éléments des forces Armées Fédérales en France f: B.A.C.A.F. Bureau Africain des Travaux d'Intérêt Militaire f: B.A.T.I.M. Bureau Central d'Armée f: B.C.A. Bureau central de tir f: B.C.Τ Bureau Central des Archives Administratives Militaires f: B.C.A.A.M. Bureau Central des Colis Postaux Militaires / B.C.C.P.M. Bureau central des déplacements et stages à l'étranger f: B.C.D.S.E. Bureau central des maisons de repos [blessés de guerre] f: B.C.M.R. Bureau central des statistiques de l'intendance f: B.C.S.I.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Cabinet Militaire Bureau central des télécommunications f: B.C.T. Bureau Central d'Incorporation et d'Archives de l'Armée de l'Air f: B.C.I.A.A. Bureau Central Militaire f: B.C.M. Bureau Central Militaire de Circulation f: B.C.M.C. Bureau de diffusion d'alerte f: BDA Bureau [de direction] des Feux f: BDF Bureau de Documentation des Carrières de la Marine f: B.D.C.M. Bureau de Justice Militaire f: B.J.M. Bureau de la guerre psychologique f: B.C.P. Bureau de [la] Production pour la Défense / BPD Bureau de liaisons f: B.L. Bureau de Normalisation de la Construction Navale f: B.N.C.N. Bureau de plans d'organisation f: B.P.O. Bureau de Poste Militaire f: B.P.M. Bureau de Reclassement des Militaires de Carrière f: BRMC Bureau de recrutement f: B.R. Bureau de Recrutement du Personnel Féminine de l'Armée de Terre f: B.R.P.F.A.T. Bureau de reinseignement[s] f: B.R. Bureau de transports maritimes, aériens et de surface f: B.T.M.A.S. Bureau de transports maritimes et aériens f: B.T.M.A. Bureau des effectifs divisonnaires f: B.E.D. Bureau des méthodes et techniques d'action f: M.T.A. Bureau des Personnels de la Légion Étrangère f: B.P.L.E. Bureau des programmes de matériels f: B.P.M. Bureau des Trains Militaires f: B.T.M. Bureau d'ordonnancement central f: B.O.C. Bureau départemental d'alerte parachutage / B.D.A.P. Bureau d'Études des Risques et de Défense des Assurés f: BEREDA Bureau d'études générales [de l'Etat Major] / BEG Bureau Général d'Alerte] f: B.G.A. Bureau général d'alerte au parachutage f: B.G.A.P. Bureau Interarmées de Codification des Matériels f: BICM Bureau Interarmées de Logement de la Région Parisienne f: BILRP Bureau interforce de codification, Bruxelles / BIC Bureau Interforces de Codification e: BLC Bureau International Antimilitariste contre la guerre et la réaction f: BIA bureau local de transport f: BLT Bureau Matricule Militaire f: BMM Bureau Militaire f: B.M. Bureau Militaire de Standardisation f: BMS Bureau Militaire d'Information f: BMI Bureau Militaire National des Fréquences / · BMNF Bureau Mobilisatie Opleg n: BMO Bureau Mobilisatie Voorbereiding n: BMV Bureau of Aeronautics e: B/A, e: BuAer Bureau of Aeronautics, Department of the Navy e: A Bureau of Aeronautics General Representative e: BAGR Bureau of Aeronautics Industrial Reserve e: BAIR

Bureau of Aeronautics Maintenance Repair Officer e: BAMRO Bureau of Aeronautics Maintenance Representative e: BAMR Bureau of Aeronautics Maintenance Resident Representative Office e: BAMRRO Bureau of Aeronautics Material Officer e: BAMO Bureau of Aeronautics Representative e: BAMR, e BAR Bureau of Aeronautics Reserve Training Unit e: BARTU Bureau of Aeronautics Resident Representative e: BARR Bureau of Aeronautics Shipping Order e: BASO Bureau of Aircraft Production e: BAP Bureau of Aviation Safety e: BAS Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs e BEAPA Bureau of Enforcement e: BOE Bureau of Flight Standards e: BFS Bureau of Forensic Ballistics e: BFB Bureau of International Language Coordination, Institute of Army Coordination e: BILC Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Department of the Navy e: MS Bureau of Military Application of Scientific Research e: BMASR Bureau of Naval Personnel e: BNP, e: BlIPERS, e: Ρ Bureau of Naval Ships e: BNS Bureau of Naval Weapons e : BNW Bureau of [Naval] Weapons e: BOW Bureau of Naval Weapons e: BlIWEP, e: NAVWEPS Bureau of Naval Weapon[s] Branch Representative e: BWBR Bureau of Naval Weapons, Fleet Readiness e BUWEPS FR Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Repesentative, Atlantic e: BlIWEPSFLEREADREPLANT Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative e: BlIWEPSFLEREADREP, e: BWFRR Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative, Atlantic e: BWFRRLANT Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative, Central e: BlIWEPSFLEREADREPCEN, e BWFRRCEN Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative, Pacific e: BlIWEPSFLEREADREPPAC, e BWFRRPAC Bureau of Naval Weapons Instruction e : BlIWEPSINST Bureau of Naval Weapons Representative e BUWEPSREP, e BWR Bureau of Naval Weapons Resident Representative e: BUWEPSRESREP, e: BWRR Bureau of Naval Weapons Support Representative, Naval Air Training Command e: BWSRT Bureau of Naval Weapons Technical Liaison Office e: BUWEPSTLO Bureau of Naval Weapons Technical Representative e. BUWEPSTECHREP Bureau of Navigation e: BUNAV Bureau of Navy Personnel e: BUPERS Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks e: BNYD Bureau of Ordnance e: OR Bureau of Ordnance Technical Liaison Officer e: BOT LO

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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Bureau of Politico-Military AffairsDepartment of State e: BPMA/DoS Bureau of Ships e: BS, e: BUSH I PS Bureau of Ships, Washington e: SHIPS Bureau of Supplies and Accounts e: SandA Bureau of the Mint, Treasury Division e: B.M.T.D. Bureau of Veterans' Reemployment Rights [Department of Labor] e. BVRR Bureau of War Information e: BWI Bureau of War Risk Litigation e: BWRL Bureau Postal Militaire f: B.P.M. Bureau prospective et orientation f: B.P.O. Bureau Scientifique de l'Armée f: BSA Bureau Verzorging Oorlogsslachtoffers n: BVO Bureau Werktuigbouw van de Koninklijke Marine n: Wertubo Bürgerinitiative gewaltfrei gegen Atomkraftwerke d: BIGA Burgher Commando A: B.C. Burial Officer e: BO Buried Mine Detection System e: BMDS Buried Mine Detector e: BMD Burma Air Force e: BAF Burma Auxiliary Force e: B.A.F. Burma [Burmese] Air Force e: B.A.F. Burma Defence Council e: B.D.C. Burma Forces e: B.F. Burma Frontier Force e: B.F.F. Burma National Army e: B.N.A. Burma [or Burmese] Air Force e: B.A.F. Burma Regular Forces e: B.R.F. Burma Territorial Force e: B.T.F. Burmese Army e: BA Burmese Navy e: BN Büro für Atomenergieprobleme d: BA Burundi Air Force e: BAF Bus, Standard Marine e: BSM Business Advisory Committee on Procurement [Department of Defense] e: BACP Business and Defense Services Administration e: BDSA Business Defense Services Administration e BDS Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace e: BEM Business Office Force Administration Data System e: BOFADS Business Oriented Software System[s] e: BOSS Business Strategy Panel e: BSP Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Railway Co. e: BAP Butts Army Airfield e: BAAF BUWEPS [Bureau of Naval Weapons] Aviation Clothing and Survival Equipment Bullet e: BACSEB BUWEPS [Bureau of Naval Weapons] Industry Material Reliability Advisory Board e. BIMRAB Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe P: BTN Byelorussian-American Veterans Association e: BAVA Byggnads- och reparationsberedskappen r: BRB

c C-Band Radar Transponder e: CRT C company e: C Coy CAA [Civil Aeronautics Administration] High-Altitude Remote Monitoring e: CHARM Cabinet Militaire / C a b . M . , / C&M


Cabinet strategy subcommittee Cabinet strategy subcommittee on Intelligence and Security e: CIS Cable Ship e: CS Cadet Corps e: C.C. Cadet Forces Medal e: CFM Cadet Midshipman e: Cdt. Mid. Cadet Practice Squadron e: CADETRON Cadet Training Team e: CTT Cadet Troop Leadership Program e: CTLP Cadets de l'Air de Belgique f: C.A.B. Cadets for the Aid of Families of Prisoners of War e: CAFPOW Cadre de réserve f: C.R. Cadre du régiment f: C.R. CAINS Readiness & Overhaul Warranty for the Navy e: C R O W N Caisse Autonome de la Défense Nationale / C.A.D.N. Caisse Autonome Nationale de Retraite des Anciens Combattants f: C.A.N.R.A.C. Caisse Nationale d'Allocations Familiales de la Marine de Commerce f: C N A F M C Caisse Nationale Militaire f: C.N.M. Caisse Nationale Militaire de Sécurité Sociale f: C . N . M . S . S . , / · C N M S S Caisse nationale militaire de sécurité sociale f: C.N.M.S.S. Calamiteiten Commandokamer n: CCK Calf Certifying Officer e: CCO Calibrated Airborne Multispectral Scanner e: CAMS California Flyers School of Aeronautics e: CFSA California Marine Associates e: CALMA California Mine and Safety Code e: CMSC California National Guard e: CNG Californium Targetfs] e: CFT Call Aircraft Company e: CAL Call Command e: CC Call Forward Busy Line/Don't Answer e: CFBL Call Forwarding e: CF Call Forwarding All Calls e: CFAC Caltech Political Military Exercise e: PME Camberley Land Air Wargame System e: CLAWS Cambridge Analog[ue] Simulator for Predicting Atomic Reactions e: CASPAR Cambridge Military Hospital e: CMH Cambridge Military Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia e: NSHC Cambridge Teritorial Regiment e: C.T.R. Cambridge University Air Squadron e: CUAS Cambridge University Officers' Training Corps e: C.U.O.T.C. Cambridge University Training Corps, Territorial Army e: CUTC Cambridgeshire Regiment e: Ca, e: Camb., e: Camb.R. Camden Marine Terminals e: CMT Camel Corps e: C.C. Camera di punizione di rigore i: CPR Camera Gun e: CG Cameroons Expeditionary Force e: C.E.F. Camouflage Company e: Cam Co Camouflage Officer e: CO Camouflage Squadron e: CAMSQN Camouflage unit e: C.II. Camp e: C P , / · Cp. Camp Borden Station Hospital e: CBSH Camp Coles Signal Laboratory e: CCSL Camp Commandant e: CC Camp Commander e: CC Camp des prisonniers f: C.P. Camp Hospital e: CH Camp reception station [Army] e: CRS


Camp Springs/Andrews Air Force Base e: KADW Camp Strike Force e: CSF Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament e: CND Campbell Army Airfield e: CAAF campo ausiliario per progionieri di guerra i: ca.aus.PG campo contumiciale i: ca.cnt. Campo contumiciale i: C.c. campo di transito e smistamento [prigionieri di guerra] i: ca.trs.smi. campo minato di arresto i: c.m.a. campo prigioneri i: ca.prig. Canada Air Defence Command e: CADC Canada Disarmament Information Service e CANDIS Canada Emergency Measures Organization [Civil defense] e: C E M O Canada - U.S. Regional Planning Group e: CUSRPG Canadair long-range reconnaissance plane designated CL-38 e: Argus Canadian Active Service Force e: C.A.S.F. Canadian Aeronautical Institute e: C Ae I Canadian Air Defence Command e: CADC Canadian Air Defence Identification Zone e: CADIZ Canadian Air Defense Command Headquarters e: CanAirDef Canadian Air Defense Group Headquarters e: CanAirVan Canadian Air Division e: C A N A I R D I V Canadian Air Division Headquarters e: CanAirDiv Canadian Air Force Defence Command e: C A N A I R D E F Command Canadian Air Force Defense Command e: CANAIRDEF Canadian Air Force Division e: CANAIRDIV Canadian Air Force Headquarters e: CANAIRHED Canadian Air Force Joint Staff-London e: CANAIRLON Canadian Air Force Joint Staff-Washington e: C A N A I R W A S H Canadian Air Force Material Command e: C A N A I R M A T , e: C A N A I R M A T Command Canadian Air Force-Newfoundland e: CANAIRNEW Canadian Air Force-Northwest e: CANAIRNORWEST Canadian Air Force Tactical Command e: CANAIRTAC, e: C A N A I R T A C Command Canadian Air Force Training Command e: CANAIRTRAIN, e CAN A I R T R A I N Command Canadian Air Force-Winnipeg e: CANAIRPEG Canadian Air-Ground Environment e: CAGE Canadian Air Group e: CAG Canadian Air/Sea Transportable [combat group] e: CAST Canadian Air Staff Secretariat e: CAS/Sec Canadian Air Transport Command e: C A F A T C , e CATC Canadian Aircraft Insurance Group e: CA IG Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Association e: C A M E A Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment e: CADRE, e: C A R D E Canadian Armed Forces e: CAF Canadian Armed Forces Headquarters e: CAFHO

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Canadian Armed Forces Identification Bureau e: CAFIB Canadian Armed Forces Institute of Environmental Medicine e: CFIEM Canadian Armoured Brigade e: C.A.B. Canadian Armoured Corps e: CAC Canadian Armoured Division e: CAD Canadian Army e: C.A., e: CANA, e: CDN A r m y Canadian Army Active Service Force e: C.A.A.S.F. Canadian Army Dental Corps e: CADC Canadian Army Europe e: CAE Canadian Army Identification Bureau e: CAI Β Canadian Army Language Bureau e: CALB Canadian Army Liaison Executive e: CALE Canadian Army Medical Corps e: C A M C Canadian Army [Militia] e: CA[M] Canadian Army Occupation Force e: C.A.O.F. Canadian Army Operational Research Establishment e: C A O R E Canadian Army Operational Research Group e: C.A.O.R.G. Canadian Army Post Office e: C.A.P.O. Canadian Army Provost Corps e: CAPC Canadian Army [Regular] e: CA[R] Canadian Army Routine Order e: CARO Canadian Army Service Corps e: CASC Canadian Army Signals Engineering Establishment e: CASEE Canadian Army Staff College e: CASC Canadian Army Tank Brigade e: CATB Canadian Army Tank Regiment e: CATR Canadian Army Veterinary Corps e: CAVC Canadian Artillery Reserve Unit e: CARD Canadian Atlantic Subarea [Canadian Navy] e.· C A N L A N T Canadian-Australian Steamship Company e: CASCO Canadian Aviation Electronics e: CAE Canadian Base Reinforcement Depot e: CBRD Canadian Brigade e: CBD Canadian Carrier Air Group e: CANCARAIRGRP Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility e: CCNR Canadian Coast Guard e: CCG Canadian Coastal Radar e: CCR Canadian Coastal Zone Atlantic e: CCZA Canadian Coastal Zone Pacific e: CCZP Canadian Commander, Army, Pacific e: CANCOMARPAC Canadian Commander, Escort Squadron e: CANCOMCORTRON Canadian Commander, Mine Sweeping Squadron e: C A N C O M I N R O N Canadian Defence [Defense] Liaison Staff [Washington] e: CDLS[W] Canadian Defence Education Establishment e: CDEE Canadian Defence Forces e: CDF Canadian Defence [or Defense] Research Board's Telecommunications Establishment e: CDRBTE Canadian Defense Research Board e: CDRB Canadian Defense Sector e: CDS Canadian Defense Staff e: CDS Canadian Department of Defence Production e: CDDP Canadian Destroyers Atlantic e: CANDESLANT Canadian Destroyers Far East e: CANDESFE

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Cape Kennedy Missile Canadian Destroyers Pacific e: CANDESPAC Canadian Division Infantry Reinforcement Unit e: C.D.I.R.II. Canadian Engineer Reserve Unit e: CERU Canadian Engineers e: C.E. Canadian Escort Squadron e: CANCORTRON Canadian Expeditionary Forcefs] e: C.E.F. Canadian Field Artillery e: CFA Canadian Fighter e: CF Canadian Flag Officer Atlantic Coast e: CANFLAGLANG Canadian Flag Officer Pacific Coast e: CanFlagPac Canadian Forces e: CF Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System e: CFARS Canadian Forces Air Defence Command e: CFADC Canadian Forces Air Navigation School e: CFANS Canadian Forces Airborne Sensing Unit e: CFASU Canadian Forces Base e: CFB Canadian Forces Base Barrington, Stone Horse, Nova Scotia e: NSSHCF Canadian Forces Base, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia e: NSCCF Canadian Forces Base, Gagetown, New Brunswick e: NBGACF Canadian Forces Base, Ottawa, Ontario e: OOCFB Canadian Forces Base St. Jean, Quebec e: QSTJCF Canadian Forces Communication Command e:


Canadian Forces Europe e: CFE Canadian Forces Exchange e: CFXE Canadian Forces Exchange [Store[s]] e: CAN EX Canadian Forces Headquarters e: CANFORCEHED, e: CFHQ Canadian Forces in the Netherlands e: CFN Canadian Forces Institute of Aviation Medicine e: CFIAM Canadian Forces Medical Council e: CFMC Canadian Forces Medical Service e: CFMS Canadian Forces Network e: CFN Canadian Forces Personnel Applied Research Unit e: CFPARU Canadian Forces Post Office e: CFPO Canadian Forces Project Management Office e: CFPMO Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre f: CFRC Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics, Kingston, Ontario e: OKC Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering e: CFSME Canadian Forces Special Projects Laboratory [DREV] e: CFSPL Canadian Forces Supply System e: CFSS Canadian Forces Support Establishment e: CFSE Canadian Forces Technical Services Detachment e: CFTSD Canadian Forces Utility Tactical Transport Helicopter programme e: CFUTTH Canadian Grenadier Guards e: C.G.G. Canadian Guards e: Cdn Gds Canadian High Altitude Research Missile e: CHARM Canadian Human Rights Commission e: CHRC Canadian Hussars e: Cdn H

Canadian Infantry Brigade e: CIB Canadian Infantry Brigade Group e: CIBG Canadian Infantry Corps e: CIC Canadian Infantry Division e: CID Canadian Infantry Holding Unit e: C.I.H.U. Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security e: CIIPS Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security Ottawa, Ontario e: OOCIIPS Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering, Canada e: CIMarE Canadian Intelligence Corps e: C Int C Canadian Joint Staff e: CJS, e: CJSW Canadian Land Forces Europe Exchange System e: CLFEX Canadian Legion e: CL Canadian Legion Educational Services e: CLES Canadian Legion War Service e: C.L.W.S. Canadian Liaison Officer e: CFLO Canadian Low-Level Air Defence System e: CLLADS Canadian Maritime Commander Atlantic e: CANCOMARLANT Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group e: CMBG Canadian Merchant Fleet e: CMF Canadian Merchant Navy e: CMN Canadian Military Electronics Standards Agency e: CAMESA, e: CMESA Canadian Military Forces e: CMF Canadian Military Headquarters e: CMHq Canadian Militia e: C.M. Canadian Mine Sweeping Squadron e: CANMINRON Canadian Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Airspace e: CMNPS Canadian Mounted Rifles e: CMR Canadian National Defence Research Department e: CNDRD Canadian Naval Air Station e: CANAS Canadian Naval Attaché e: CANA VAT Canadian Naval Board e: CNB Canadian Naval Commander Newfoundland e: CANCOMNEW Canadian Naval Gunboat e: CNG Canadian Naval Headquarters e: CANAVHED Canadian Naval Joint Staff in United States e: CANAVUS Canadian Naval Mission Overseas e: CNMO Canadian Naval Officer in Charge e: CANAVCHARGE Canadian Naval Post Office e: CNPO Canadian Naval Service e: CNS Canadian Naval Stores e: CANAVSTORES Canadian Navy Auxiliary Vessel e: CNAV Canadian Navy Depot e: CANDEP Canadian Navy Joint Staff in Great Britain e: CANABRIT Canadian Nuclear Association e: CNA Canadian Officers' Training Corps e: COTC Canadian Patrol Frigate e: CPF Canadian Peace Research and Education Association e: CPREA Canadian Peace Research Institute e: CPRI Canadian Peace Research Institute, London, Ontario e: OLCPR Canadian Permanent Force e: C.P.F. Canadian Radiation Protection Association e: CRP A Canadian Railway Troops e: CRT Canadian Reinforcement Group e: CRG

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Canadian Retraining Centre e: CRC Canadian School of Artillery e: CS of A Canadian Scottish Regiment e: Can.Scot.R., e: Cdn Scots Canadian Services Armament Committee e CSAC Canadian Services College e: CanServColl Canadian Signals Training Centre e: CSTC Canadian Small Arms School e: CSAS Canadian-Soviet Friendship Society e: CSFS Canadian Submarine Acquisition Programme e: CASAP Canadian Tactical Air Command Headquarters e: CanAirTac Canadian Tank Regiment e: CTR Canadian Towed Array Sonar System e: CANTASS Canadian Troops Training Centre e: CTTC Canadian War Museum Ottawa, Ontario e: OONMC Canadian War Records Office e: CRO Canadian War Services e: C.W.S. Canadian Women's Army Corps e: CWAC Canadian Women's Auxiliary Air Force e: CWAAF Canal Commission e: C.C. Canal Defense Light e: CDL Canal Zone Forces e: C.Z.F. Canal Zone Forces, Egypt e: C.Z.F. Canberra two-place twinengine turbojet allweather tactical bomber e: B-57 Cancel IFR [Instrument Flight Rules] Flight Plan e: CIFP Canned Antiair Warfare Exercise e: CAAWEX Cannon Artillery Weapon Systems e: CAWS Cannon-Caliber Electro-Magnetic Launcher e: CCEML Cannon Platoon e: Cn Plat cannonieri Africa i: ca/Arf. cannonieri coloniali i: ca/col. Canon Buffer Transmission e: CBT Cantieri Navale Apuania S.A. i·. C.N.A.S.Α. Cantieri Navale dell'Elba i: C.N.E. Cantieri Navale Luigi Orlando i: CNLO Cantieri Navali del Levante i: C.Na.L. Cantieri Navali del Tirreno e Riuniti i: CNTR Cantieri Navali e Officine Meccaniche di Venezia i: CNOMV Cantieri Navali e Officine Meccaniche di Venezia S.p.a. i: C.N.O.M.V. Cantieri Navali Italiani i: CNI Cantieri Navali Riuniti i: CNR Cantieri Navaltechnica i: CN cantine dienst η: cadi cantine dienst depot η: cadidep Cantine Militaire Centrale f: CMC Capabilities Assessment Model for Munitions Production e: CAMMP Capable of underwater missile launchings e: C-class Cape Canaveral Air Force Station e: CCAFS Cape Canaveral Auxiliary Air Force Base e: CCAAFB Cape Canaveral Missile Test Annex e: CCMTA Cape Canaveral Missile Test Center e: CCMTC Cape Kennedy Air Force Station e: CCAFS, e CKAFS Cape Kennedy Missile Test Annex e: CKMTA


Cape Kennedy Missile Cape Kennedy Missile Test Area e: CKMTA Cape Kennedy Missile Test Center e: CKMTC Cape Kennedy Range Safety Officer e: CKRSO Cape Mounted Rifles e: C.M.R. Cape Mounted Rifles, Left Wing e: CMRLW Cape Mounted Rifles, Right Wing e: CMRRW Capital Area Personnel Services OfficeNavy e: CAPSO-N Capital Military Assistance Command e: CMAC Capital Military District e: CMD Capitol Corps [Korea] e: C-CORPS Captain, Coastal Forces e: CCF Captain, Coastal Forces, Eastern Theatre e: CCFET Captain [Destroyers], Dartmouth Training Squadron e: CAPT[D1DTS Captain Fleet Maintenance e: CFM Captain, Naval Drafting e: CND Captain of Royal Marines e: RMC Captain of the dockyard e: CD Captain of the Gun e: CG Captain, Submarines e: Capt SM Captain Weapons Trials Assessment e: CWTA Captain's Combat Aid e: CCA Captive Airborne Training Missile e: CATM Captive Flight Trainer e: CFP Captured Enemy Equipment Depot e: CEED Captured Steam Bubble Nuclear e: CSBN Car Department Officers Association e: CDOA Car Wars e: CW Care and Maintenance Unit, Royal Artillery e CAM RA Career Medical Officers Association e: CMOA Career Oriented Nuclear Education e: CONE Careers Service e: CS Cargo Aircraft Minelayer e: CAML Cargo and Rescue Aircraft e: CARA Cargo Handling Battalionfs] e: CHB Cargo ship e: AK Cargo Ship and Aircraft Ferry e: TAKV Cargo War Rating Committee e: CWRC Caribbean Air Command e: CAC, e: CAIRC Caribbean Area Treaty Organization e: CATO Caribbean Aviation Training Institute e: CATI Caribbean Basin Radar Network, Extended programme e: CBRN-E Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity Programme e: CARICOMB Caribbean Command e: CARIBCOM Caribbean Command Air e: CARIC Caribbean Commission e: CC Caribbean Defense Command e: CDC Caribbean Division e: CARIBDIV Caribbean Project for Justice and Peace e: CPJP Caribbean Sea Frontier e: CSF Caribbeans to United States North of Hatteras e: CAR/USNH Carl Alexander [Infanterie-Regiment] d: CA Carnegie Endowment for International Peace e: CEIP Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, New York e: NNCE


Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Builder e: CMCBB Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Draftsman e: CMCBD Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Excavation-Foreman e: CMCBE Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair e: CMSR Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, BoatbuilderWood e: CMSRB Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Carpenter e: CMSRC Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Joiner e: CMSRJ Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Shipwright e: CMSRS carriage forward e: eg e fwd Carried Forward e: Cd. Fwd. Carrier Air Group e: CARAIRGROUP Carrier Air Patrol e: CAP Carrier Air Wing e: CAW, e: CVW Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron e CarAEWRon, e: VAW Carrier Airborne Early Warning Wing e: CAEWW Carrier Airborne Inertial Navigation System e: CAINS Carrier Aircraft e: CA Carrier Aircraft Data Operations Control System e: CADOCS Carrier Aircraft Inertial Navigation System e: Cains Carrier Aircraft Modification e: CAM Carrier Aircraft Service Detachment e: CASD Carrier Aircraft Service Division e: CASD, e: CASDIV Carrier Aircraft Service Unit e: CASH Carrier Aircraft Support Study e: CASS Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Air Group e: CARANTISUBAIRGRII, e: CVSG Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Group e: CARANTISUBGRU, e: CARASWAIRGRU Carrier Battle Force e: CVBF Carrier Battle Group e: CBG, e: CVBG, e: VCBG Carrier-Borne Air Liaison Officer e: CBALO Carrier-Borne Ground Liaison Officer e: CBGLO Carrier/Commando Ship/Airfield e: CARAF Carrier Division e: Cardiv Carrier Onboard Delivery Aircraft e: COD Aircraft Carrier Platoon e: CARR PLAT Carrier Replacement Air Wing e: CRAW Carrier squadron e: Caron Carrier Striking Force e: CARSTRIKFOR Carrier System for Controlled Approach of Naval Aircraft e: C-SCAN Carrier Task Force e: CARTASKFOR Carrier Trials Unit e: C.T.U. Carriers, Pacific Fleet e: CARPAC carristi [unità] i: er. Carry Flag, Call Forwarding e: CF Carry Forward e: CF Carrying a Dangerous Weapon e: CDW Carrying Concealed Deadly Weapon e: CCDW Carrying Concealed Weapon e: CCW Cartographic and Audio-Visual Archives Division e: CAVA Cartographic Applications for Tactical & Strategic Systems e: CATSS Case-Telescoped Ammunition Gun Technology e: CTA-GT Caseless Ammunition Rifle System e: CARS Cash or Deferred Arrangement e: CODA

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Cassa Militare i: Ca.M., i: C&M Cassa Militare di Delegazione Intendenza i: Cas.Mil.Del.I. Cassa Militare d'Intendenza i: Cas.Mil.I. cassa militare mobile i: e.m.m. Cassa Militare sussidiaria i: Ca.M.s., i: Cas.Mil.sus. Cassa Nazionale per la Provvidenza Marinara i: CNPM Casualty Clearing Officer e: C.C.O. Casualty Evacuation Officer e: CEO Casualty receiving hospital e: C.R.H. Catalina Marine Science Center e: CMSC Catapult[ed] Aircraft Merchantship e: CAM Catastrophe Defense Organization e: CDO Catholic Association for International Peace e: CAIP Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America e: CWV Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America Ladies Auxiliary e: CWVA Caution and Warning e: C & W Caution and Warning Annunciator e: CWA Caution and Warning Electronics e: CWE Caution and Warning Electronics Assembly e: CWE A Caution and Warning Electronics Unit e: CWEU Caution and Warning Equipment e: CWE Caution and Warning Status e: CWS caution and warning status unit e: cwsu caution and warning system e: cws Caution and Warning Unit e: CWU cavalaria ρ: cav. Cavalerie f: C cavalerie f: cav., n: cav Cavalerie légère blindée f: C.L.B. Cavalerie Motorisée f: C&M cavallegieri i: cgg Cavalleria i: C cavalleria i: cav. cavalleria blindata i: c.b. cavalry e: cav Cavalry e: Cavy Cavalry Benefit Association e: C.B.A. Cavalry Brigade e: C.B. Cavalry Corps Headquarters e: C.C.H.Q. Cavalry Depot e: C.D. Cavalry Mechanized Group e: Cav Mecz Gp cavalry of infantry fighting vehicle e: XM723 Cavalry Replacement Training Center e: CRTC CCC Countermeasures e: CCCCM celere i: cl. Celestial Atomic Trajectile e: CAT Celestial Moving-Target Indicator e: CMTI celestial navigation e: celnav Celestial Navigation Trainer e: CNT Celostátní Mírovy Vybor c: CMV Center for Arms Control and International Security Studies e: CACISS Center for Battlefield Technologies e: CBT Center for Command & Control Communication Systems e: C4S Center for Communications Research/Institute for Defense Analyses e: CCR/IDA Center for Defense Information e: CDI Center for Defense Trade e: CDT Center for Information and Documentation/European Nuclear Documentation System e: CID/ENDS Center for Marine Affairs e: CMA

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Centrales Nucleares Center for Marine and Environmental Studies e: CMES Center for Marine Conservation e: CMB Center for Naval Analyses e: CNA Center for Naval Analysis e: CNA Center for/of Documentation and Research on Peace and Conflict e: CDRPC Center for Peace through Culture e: CPC Center for Peaceful Change e: CPC Center for Radiation Research e: CRR Center for Strategic [or Strategies] and International Studies e: CSIS Center for the Study of Power and Peace e: CSPP Center for War, Peace and the News Media e: CWPNM Center [Hospital and Domiciliary] e: C[H&D] Center Launch and Flight Instrumentation Center e: CLFIC Center Mission Services Manger e: CMSM Center of Military History e: C M H Center of Naval Warfare Studies e: C N W S Center on War and the Child e: C W C Center [or Centre] for War Peace e: CW/PS Center [or Centre] Forward e: CF Center Range Control Station e: CRCS Center [Regional Office and Hospital] [Veterans Administration] e: C[RO&H] Center [Regional Office and Insurance] [Veterans Administration] e: C[RO&INS] C E N T O [Central Treaty Organization] Institute of Nuclear Science e: CINS Centraal Bureau voor de Verzorging van Oorlogsslachtoffers n: CBVO Centraal Mobilisatiebeheer n: CMB Central Accounting Officer e: CAO Central Accounts Division e: CAD Central Accounts Records Officer e: CARO Central Advisory Council for Forces' Education e: CACFE Central Air Defense Force e: CADF Central Air Force, Command e: C E N T A F Central Air Traffic Control School e: CATCS Central Aircraft Dispatch e: CAD Central Allied Tactical Air Command e: CATAC Central America Peace Campaign e: CAPC Central American Association of Shipowners e: A C A M A R Central American Commission for Environment and Development e: CCAD Central American Defence Council. Latin America e: C O N D E C A Central American Defense Council e: CADC Central American Mission e: CAM Central American Refugee Defense Fund e: CARDF Central Ammunition Depot e: CAD Central Ammunition Management Office e: CAMO Central Ammunition Management OfficePacific e: C A M O - P Central Ammunition Supply Status Point e CASSP Central and Eastern Pacific Panel e: CEPAC Central Archive for Reusable Defense Software e: CARDS Central Area, Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service e: C A M T M T S Central Army Group e: CAG, e:

CENTAG Central Army Group, Central Europe e: CENTAG Central Association for Mental Warfare e: C.A.M.W. Central Atlantic e: C E N T L A N T Central Aural Warning System e: C A W S Central Bayside Division of General Practice e: CBDGP Central Board for Conscientious Objectors e: CBCO Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements e CBNM Central Bureau of Nuclear Measurements e: CBLCBNM Central Command e: CENTCOM Central Command Air Force e: CENTAF Central Command Decoder e: CCD Central Command for Land, Sea and Air Forces e: CCLSAF Central Command J5-Special Planning Group e: CCJ5-SPG Central Commission for Germany e: CCG Central Commissioning Detail e: CCD Central control and distribution point e: CCDP Central Control Commission e: CCC Central Control Evaluation and Warning Team e: C C E W T Central Electromagnetic Radiation Laboratory e: CERL Central Engineer Park e: CEP Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment e: CEPEX Central Europe Joint Emergency Defence Plan e: CEJEDP Central European Tactical Zone e: CETZ Central Experimental and Proving Establishment e: C.E.P.E. Central Fighter Establishment e: CFE, e: C.F.E. Central Fighter Weapons Instructors School e: CFWIS Central Flight Instructor e: CFI Central Flight Status Selection Board e: CFSSB Central Flying School [Royal Air Force] e: CFS Central Flying Training Command e: C FTC Central Forcecasting Station e: CFS Central Germany Area Exchange, Kaiserslautern e: C E N G A X Central Group of Forces e: CGF Central Gunnery School e: C.G.S. Central Highlands Division of General Practice e: C H D G P Central India Horse e: CIH Central Labor Relations Commission e: CLRC Central Machine Gun e: CMG Central Marine Depot e: CMD Central Marine Research and Design Institute e: CNIIMF central medical equipment depot e: CMED Central Medical Establishment e: C M E Central Medical Establishment, Aviation [air force] e: CMEA Central Medical War Committee e: C.M.W.C. Central Mediterranean Force[s] e: CM F Central Military Commission e: CMC Central Military Establishment e: CME Central Mine Action Training School e: CMATS Central Munitions System e: CMS Central Navigation and Control School e: CNCS central navigation computer e: cnc Central Navigation School e: CNS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Central Night Visison Training School e: CNVTS Central Nuclear Measurements Bureau e: CNMB Central Office for General Defense e: OCD Central Officers' Training School e: C.O.T.S. Central Operations/Command Center e:


Central Ordnance Depot e: COD Central Ordnance Depot [Branston] e: COD [Branston] Central Ordnance Depot [Chilwell] e: COD [Chilwell] Central Ordnance Supply Depot e: COSD Central Pacific Area e: CENPAC, e: CPA Central Pacific Base Command e: C E N T P A C B A C O M , e: CPBC Central Pacific Combat Area Transport Service e: C E N C A T S Central Pacific Forces e: C E N P A C F O R Central Port Call Office e: CPCO Central Purchasing Authority e: CPA Central Reconnaissance Estrablishment e: CRE Central Record Facility, United States Army Intelligence Center e: C R F U S A I N T C Central Records Facility, United States Army Intelligence Center e: CRFUSAIC Central Recruiting Depot, Whitehall e: C.R.D. Central Region Airlift Division e: CRALD Central Region SEATO Field Force e: CRSFF Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects e: C R O W C A S S Central Rural Construction Command e: CRCC Central Scotland Aviation Group e: CSAG Central Security Force e: CSF Central Signals Estabishment e: CSE Central Supply Office e: CSO Central Supply Support Activity e: CSSA Central Tactical Processing program e: CTTP Central Tactical System e: CTS Central Tactics and Trials Organization e: CTTO Central Task Force e: C.T.F. Central Torpedo Office e: CTO Central Training Depot e: C.T.D. Central Training Program e: CTP Central Treaty Organization e: CTO Central Unit for Scientific Photography [Royal Aircraft Estabishment] e: CUSP Central Vehicle Depot e: CVD Central Vehicles Depot e: CVD Central Volunteer Headquarters e: CVHQ Central War Time e: C W T Central Warning Center e: C W C Central Warning Site e: CWS Central Western Queensland Division Medical Division e: C W Q D G P Centrala ν r: CVB Centrale Commandokamer n: CCK Centrale d'Achats des Miroitiers français f : CAMIR Centrale di movimento i: C.mvto Centrale du matériel de genie f: C.M.G. Centrale Militaire Cantine n: CMC Centrale Mécanographique de l'Air f : C.M.A. Centrale Mécanographique de l'Armée de l'Air f: C.M.A.A. centrale telegrafica i: c.t. centrale telfonica i: c.t. Centrale voorraadaministratie n: CVA Centrales Nucleares SA s: CENUSA


Centralised Air Warning Centralised Air Warning System e: C.A.W.S. Centralised Aircraft Servicing System e: CASS Centralised Warning Panel e: CWP Centralized Automated Military Pay System e: CAMPS centralna sjukvârdsledningen r: CSL Centralna Szkoechanilów Lotnictwa P : C.S.M.L. Centralna Szkola Balonowa P: C.S.Balon. Centralna Szkola Czolgow Ρ: C.S.Czolg. Centralna Szkola Kawalerj i P: C.S.Kaw. Centralna vojna bolnica se: CVB Centralni dom Jugoslovanske armade se: CDJA Centralni dom Jugoslovenske armije se: CDJA Centralni dom Jugoslovenske narodne armije se: CDJNA Centralny Dom Towarowy P: CDT Centralny Sklad Broni P: C.Skl.Br. Centralny Sklad Samochodowy P : C.Skl.Sam. Centralny Sklad Uzbrojenia P: C.SkJ.U. Centralny Wojskowy Klub Sportowy P : CWKS Centre Administratif de la Marine Militaire f: CAMM Centre administratif des troupes coloniales en métropole f: C.A.T.C.M. Centre Administratif d'Extrême-Orient f: C.A.E.O. Centre Administratif Régional f: CAR Centre Administratif Territorial f: C.A.T.A. Centre Aéronautique Naval f: CAN Centre Belge de Recherches Navales f: C B R N , / C E B E R E N A , / CEBRECNA Centre combiné d'opérations f: CCO Centre d'application comandos f: CAC2 Centre d'application de plongée industrielle et de travaux immergés f: CETRA VIM Centre d'approvisionnement f: C.A. Centre d'approvisionnement de matériel automobile f: C.A.M.A. Centre d'approvisionnement de matériel d'aviation f: C.A.M.A. Centre d'Artillerie Antiaérienne f: C.A.A. Centre d'Artillerie de Campagne f: CAC2 Centre d'Aviation f: C.A. Centre de Calcul Scientifique de l'Armement f: CCSA Centre de Commandement du Réseau f: CECORE Centre de Contrôle d'artillerie Antiaérienne Légère f: C.C.A.L. Centre de Contrôle des Opérations et de Transmissions f: C.C.O.T. Centre de contrôle et de mission f: CCM Centre de Contrôle et d'Opérations, Base de Défense Aérienne f: C.C.O.B.D.A. Centre de coordination e: C.C.S. Centre de Coordination Interarmées f: C.C.I. Centre de direction des interceptions f:


Centre de direction d'opérations f: C.D.O. Centre de direction et de coordination des feux f: CDCF Centre de Direction Tactique Air f: C.D.T.A. Centre de distribution f: C . D . , / C.Dis. Centre de Distribution des Éléments Organiques de Corps d'Armée f: C.D.E.O.C.A. Centre de Distribution Divisionnaire f: C.D.D. Centre de documentation coloniale [Armée] f: C.D.C.


Centre de Documentation de l'Armement f: CEDOCAR Centre de documentation et d'accueil [Armée de Terre] f: C.D.A. Centre de Documentation Tiers-Monde[Mission] f: CDTM Centre de détection et de contrôle f: CDC Centre de détection satellite f: CDS Centre de Feux Atomiques de l'Armée f: C.F.A.A. Centre de Feux d'Armée f: C.F.A. Centre de Formation de Militants Syndicalistes de la CGT-Force Ouvrière / CFMS-FO Centre de formation des officiers d'étatmajor f: C.F.O.E.M. Centre de Formation des Équipages d'Hélicoptères f: C.F.E.H. Centre de formation d'instructeurs de tir f: CFIT Centre de Formation du Personnel de la Marine f: C.F.P.F.M. Centre de Formation Maritime f: CFM Centre de Formation Navale f: CENFORNAV Centre de formation technique du train f: C.F.T.T. Centre de gestion des matériels techniques de l'Armée de l'Air f: CCMTA Centre de Gestion du Matériel Technique del'Armée f: CGMTA Centre de Langues et [d']Études Étrangères Militaires f: C.L.E.E.M. Centre de livraison avancé f: C.L.A. Centre de l'Énergie Atomique f: C.E.A. Centre de mobilisation f: C&M Centre de perfectionnement des cadres et d'instruction des tireurs, Canjuers [Armée de terre] f: C.P.C.I.T. Centre de perfectionnement des officiers f: CPO Centre de perfectionnement des officiers de réserve interprètes f: C.P.O.R.I. Centre de Programmation de la Marine f: CPM Centre de prospective et d'évaluation, Paris / C.P.E. Centre de préparation au concours f: C.P.C. Centre de rassemblement f: C.R. Centre de rassemblement de renfort colonial / C.R.R.C. Centre de rassemblement des troupes coloniales en métropole f: C.R.T.C.M. Centre de ravitaillement f: C.R. Centre de Ravitaillement d'Armée f: C.R.A. Centre de Ravitaillement Divisionnaire f: C.R.D. Centre de ravitaillement en essence f: C.R.E. Centre de ravitaillement par air f: C.R.A. Centre de Recherches du Service de Santé des Armées f: C.R.S.S.A. Centre de Recherches et Explorations SousMarines f: CRESM Centre de Recrutement de l'Armée Belge f: CRAB Centre de Recrutement des Forces Canadiennes f: CRFC Centre de recrutement des Forces canadiennes f: CRFC Centre de recrutement et de sélection f: C.R.S. Centre de regroupement de la Légion étrangère f: C.R.L.E. Centre de regroupement des troupes aéroprtées f: C.R.T.A.P. Centre de regroupement des troupes coloniales f: C.R.T.C.

Κ · G · Saur, München

Centre de regroupement et de passage f: C.R.P. Centre de regroupement et de transit de la Légion étrangère f: C.R.T.L.E. Centre de renseignement départemental f: C.R.D. Centre de renseignement et de coordination f: C.R.C. Centre de renseignement et d'interprétation / C.R.I.N.B.C. Centre de renseignements f: C.R. Centre de renseignements avancé f: C.R.A. Centre de Renseignements d'Artillerie f: C.R.A. Centre de renseignements et d'opérations f: C.R.O. Centre de Récupération d'Armée f: C.R.A. Centre de réforme [pensions] f: C.R. Centre de réparation f: C.R. Centre de réparation d'armes Nord f: C.R.A.N. Centre de réparation d'armes Sud, Friedrichshafen [Bodensee] f: C.R.A.S. Centre de Réparations et d'Approvisionnement de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre f: CRAALAT Centre de Sélection de l'Armée de l'Air f: CSAA Centre de tir des engins blindés f: C.T.E.B. Centre de tir et de bombardement f: CTB Centre de traitement de l'information logistique, Versailles f: CTIL Centre de Traitement Informatique de l'Armée de l'Air f: CTIAA Centre de Transfusion-Réanimation de l'Armée f: C.T.R.A. Centre de transit des personnels et matériels f: CTPM Centre de transit des troupes d'occupation / C.T.T.O. Centre de transmissions [avancé] f: C.T.A. Centre de triangulation radio f: C.T.R. Centre de triangulation radiogoniométrique / C.T.R.G. Centre d'Electronique de l'Armement f: CELAR Centre d'enseignement supérieur de l'Amrée de l'Air f: CESA Centre d'entraînement f: C.E.,/· C.E.N.T. Centre d'entraînement apérationelle f: C.E.O. Centre d'Entraînement Commando f: C.E.C. Centre d'Entraînement d'Artillerie f: C.E.A. Centre d'Entraînement de la Défense Aérienne à la Mer f: CEDAM Centre d'entraînement de la Flotte f: C.E.F. Centre d'entraînement des reserves f: C.E.R. Centre d'entraînement des réserves ordinaires f: C.E.R.O. Centre d'Entraînement des Tireurs de Missiles f: C.E.T.M. Centre d'entraînement des troupes aéroportées f: C.E.T.A.P. Centre d'entraînement physique militaire f: C.E.P.M. Centre d'entretien spécialisé [armée de l'air] f: C.E.S. Centre des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale f: C.H.E.D.N. Centre des Hautes Études de l'Armement f: CHEA Centre des Hautes Études Militaires f: C.H.E.M.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Centre d'Études Techniques Centre des Hautes Études N a v a l e s f : C.H.E.N. Centre des Opérations C o m b i n é e s f : C.O.C. Centre des Opérations de C o m b a t f : C.O.C. Centre des relations humaines f : C.R.H. Centre des transmissions f : C . T . , / • C.Tr. Centre des Émissions vers l'Extérieur f : CEE Centre d'essai biochimique [biologique] f : C.E.B. Centre d'essai des landes, Biscarosse f : C.E.L. Centre d'essais aéronautiques de Toulouse f : CEAT Centre d'essais de la Méditerranée, La Renardière f : C.E.M. Centre d'essais du matériel aéronautique f : C.E.M.A. Centre d'Essais en Vol. Flight test centre f : CEV Centre d'essais s e m i p e r m a n e n t f : C.E.S.P. Centre d'Experimentation des Systèmes de Defense Aerienne f : C E S D A Centre d'Experimentations Aériennes Militaires f : C E A M Centre d'Exploitation du Renseignement Militaire f : C E R M Centre d'exploitation photographique f : C.E.P. Centre d'Expériementation de la Navigation Aérienne f : C E N A Centre d'Expériences Aériennes militaires / • C.E.A. Centre d'Expérimentation de [du] Tir et de [du] Combat de Nuit f : C . E . T . C . N . Centre d'expérimentation des packages f : CXP Centre d'Histoire Militaire et d'Études de Défense Nationale f : C H M M Centre d'Identification des Matériels de la Defense f : CIMD Centre d'Incorporation de l'Armée de l'Air f : C.I.A.A. Centre d ' i n f o r m a t i o n d'attaques nucléaires /• CIANU Centre d'Information et de Défense des Assurés f : CIDA Centre d'information sur le c o m m a n d e m e n t territorial f : C.I.C.T. Centre d'information t o p o g r a p h i q u e f : CInfoTopo Centre d'instruction f : C.I. Centre d'Instruction d'Armée f : C.I.A. Centre d'Instruction d'Artillerie f : C.I.A. Centre d'Instruction d'Artillerie de C a m p a g n e f : C.I.A.C. Centre d'Instruction d'Artillerie de Tranchée / C.I.A.T. Centre d'Instruction de Chasse [Armée de l'Air] f : C.I.C. Centre d'Instruction de la D é f e n s e des Bases / C.I.D.B. Centre d'instruction de l'arme blindée et cavalerie f : C.I.D.B.C. Centre d'instruction de l'arme blindée et de la cavalerie, Carpiagne f : C.I.A.B.C. Centre d'instruction de mitrailleuses f : C.I.M. Centre d'instruction de parachutistes f : C.I.P. Centre d'Instruction de Préparation Militaire / C.I.P.M. Centre d'instruction del' aviation légère f : C.I.A.L. Centre d'instruction des blindées f : C.I.B. Centre d'instruction des bombardiers f : C.I.B.

Centre d'Instruction des Divisions Blindées / C.I.D.B. Centre d'instruction des equipages des avions légères f : C.I.E.A.L. Centre d'Instruction des Forces Aériennes Stratégiques f : C.I.F.A.S. Centre d'Instruction des Formations Radar f : C.I.F.R. Centre d'Instruction des Fusiliers C o m m a n d o s f : C.I.F.C. Centre d'instruction des opérations amphibies f : C.I.O.A. Centre d'instruction des pilotes et des navigatuers f : C.I.P.N. Centre d'Instruction des Réserves de l'Armée de Mer f : C I R A M Centre d'Instruction des Réservistes de l'Armée de Terre f : C I R A T Centre d'instruction des spécialistes f : C.I.S. Centre d'Instruction des Spécialistes de l'Armée de l'Air f : C.I.S.A.A. Centre d'Instruction des Spécialistes de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre f : CISALAT Centre d'instruction des spécialistes du génie / C.I.S.G. Centre d'instruction des spécialistes du génie de l'air, Toul f : O S G A Centre d'instruction des techniciens de la sécurité f : C.I.T.S. Centre d'instruction des techniques de sauvetage, Cazaux f : C.I.T.S. Centre d'Instruction des Transmissions f : C.I.T. Centre d'instruction des troupes coloniales en métropole f : C.I.T.C.M. Centre d'Instruction des Troupes de Transmissions f : C.I.TTR. Centre d'instruction des troupes lindées f : C.I.T.B.L. Centre d'Instruction des Unités de D é f e n s e des A é r o d r o m e s f : C.I.U.D.A. Centre d'Instruction des Équipages de Transport [Armée de l'Air] f : C . I . E . T . Centre d'Instruction des Équipages d'Hélicopeteres f : C I E H Centre d'instruction d'infanterie f : C.I.I. Centre d'Instruction Divisionnaire f : C.I.D. Centre d'instruction d'ordonnance f : C.I.Ord. Centre d'instruction du génie f : C.I.G. Centre d'instruction du service biologique et vétérinaire des armées f : C I S B V A Centre d'instruction du service de santé f : C.I.S.S. Centre d'instruction du service du matériel, M o n t l u ç o n f : C.I.S.M. Centre d'Instruction du Service Vetérinaire de l'Armée f : C.I.S.V.A. Centre d'instruction du train f : C.I.T. Centre d'instruction et d'études logistiques / C.I.E.L. Centre d'Instruction Interarmée f : C.I.I.A. Centre d'Instruction Naval f : C . I . N . Centre d'instruction rapide f : C.I.R. Centre d'instruction spécialisé pour le tir et le combat de nuit f : C.I.S.T.C.N. Centre d'instruction technique de détection électromagnétique f : C . I . T . D . E . M . Centre d'instruction technique des pompiers de l'Air f : C.I.T.P.A. Centre d'instruction tout-temps f : C.I.T.T. Centre d'interprétation photographique f : C.I.P. Centre d'Interprétation Photographique de l'Armée de l'Air f : C.I.P.A.A. Centre d'Interprétation Photographique de l'Armée de Terre f : C . I . P . A . T .

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Centre Divisionnaire de Ravitaillement f : CDR Centre d'opérations maritimes f : Com Centre d'Opération du Transport Aérien Militaire f : C O T A M Centre d'opérations f : C O , / · C.O. Centre d'Opérations de C o m m a n d e m e n t Aérienne Tactique f : C . O . C . A . T . Centre d'Opérations de la Force A é r i e n n e Tactique f : C O F A T A C Centre d'opérations de parachutage et d'atterrissage f : C.O.P.A. Centre d'opérations de secteur f : C O S Centre d'Opérations de Secteur de D é f e n s e Aérienne f : C . O . S . D . A . Centre d'opérations de zone f : C.O.Z. Centre d'Opérations des Forces Aériennes Stratégiques f : C.O.F.A.S. Centre d'Opérations du C o m m a n d e m e n t du Transport Aérien Militaire f : COCOTAM Centre d'opérations maritimes f : C O M Centre d'organisation f : C.O. Centre d'organisation et d'instruction f : C.O.I. Centre d'organisation et d'instruction du service du matériel f : C.O.I.S.M. Centre d'Éducation des Forces armées f : C.Edu Centre d'élaboration et de d i f f u s i o n de l'alerte à la radioactivité f : C E D A R Centre d'Étude de Défense Sociale f : C.E.D.S. Centre d'étude des méthodes et techniques d'action f : C E M T A Centre d'Étude et de Recherche Atomique Militaire f : C . E . R . A . M . Centre d'études aérodynamiques et thermiques f : C E A T Centre d'Études de Defense et de Sécurité Internationale f : CEDSI Centre d'études de Gramat f : C.E.G. Centre d'Études de la D é f e n s e Nationale f : CEDN Centre d'Études de Sociologie Militaire f : CESM Centre d'études des projectiles autopropulsés f : C.E.P.A. Centre d'études et de recherches de biophysiologie, Toulon [marine] f : C.E.R.B. Centre d'Études et de Recherches Psychologiques l'Armée de l'Air f : C.E.R.P.A.I.R. Centre d'Études et de Recherches Techniques Sous-Marine f : C.E.R.T.S.M. Centre d'Études et d'Entraînement à la Navigation f : CEEN Centre d'Études et d'Expériences de l'Armée f : C.E.E.A. Centre d'Études et d'Instruction P s y c h o l o g i q u e s des l'Armée de l'Air f : CE IP A A Centre d'Études et Réalisations Marines f : CERMA Centre [d'Études] Européen pour les Problèmes de l'Environnement Marin f : CEPEM Centre d'Études Marines A v a n c é e s f : C.E.M.A. Centre d'Études Pratiques de Matériel Naval / · CEPMAN Centre d'Études Sous-Marines f : C . E . S . M . Centre d'études supérieures de la distribution internationale des services f : C.E.S.D.I.S. Centre d'Études Techniques des A r m e s et Munitions f : C E T A M


Centre d'études techniques Centre d'études techniques et tactiques de montagne f: C.E.T.T.M. Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives e: CAPI Centre for Defence Analysis e: CDA Centre for International and Strategic Affairs e: CISA Centre for/on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific e: CIRDAP Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies e: CPACS Centre for Public Information on Nuclear Energy e: CNIIAtomlnform Centre for the Automation of Weapon & Command Systems e: CAWCS Centre hospitalier de l'intérieur f: C.H.I. Centre Interallié de Gestion du Matériel Atlantic f: CIGMA Centre Interarmes de Documentation Militaire f: C . I . D . M . Centre Interarmées de Recherche Opérationnelle f: C.I.R.O. Centre Interarmées d'essais d'Engins Spatiaux f: C.I.E.S. Centre interarmées d'essais d'engins spéciaux f: CI EES Centre Interarmées du Préparation aux actions de Promotion Sociale f: C.I.P.P.S. Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur la Paix et d'Études Stratégiques f: CIRPES Centre Lyonnais d'Études de Sécurité Internationale et de Defense f: CLESID Centre Militaire de Formation Professonnelle f: CMFP Centre Militaire de Réanimation et de Transfusion Sanguine f: C.M.R.T.S. Centre Militaire d'Information et de Documentation sur l'Outre-Mer f: C.M.I.D.O.M. Centre Militaire d'Études Étrangères f: C.M.E.E. Centre mobilisateur f: C&M Centre Mobilisateur de l'Air f: C.M.A. Centre mécanographique de la solde f: C.M.S. Centre Mécanographique de l'Armée de Terre f: C.M.A.T. Centre mécanographique du commissariat de la Marine f: CMC Centre Mécanographique Militaire f: C.M.M. Centre Médical de la Défense Nationale f: CMDN Centre Météorologique Principal f: CMP Centre National d'Entraînement Commando f: CNEC Centre National des Blés de Force f: CNBF Centre opérationnel combiné d'appui aérien / COCAA Centre Opérationnel de l'armée de Terre f: COT Centre opérationnel de zone f: C.O.Z. Centre opérationnel des Armées f: C.O.A. Centre opérationnel des armées, SaintGermain f: COA Centre opérationnel du soutien de l'Armée de terre f: Cosat Centre Opérationnel Régional f: COR Centre Opérationnelle [d'opérations] de la Défense Aérienne f: CODA Centre photo combiné f: C.P.O. Centre principal d'accueil frontalier f: C.P.A.F. Centre régimentaire d'entraînement physique et des sports f: C.R.E.P.S. Centre régional d'entraînement de commandos f: C.R.E.C.


Centre Régional d'Entraînement Physique Militaire f: C.R.E.P.M. Centre régulateur des négociations de dommages de guerre f: C.R.N.D.G. Centre Sanitaire Militaire f: C.S.M. Centre sportif d'équitation militaire f: C.S.E.M. Centre Technique de Défense Aérienne du SHAPE / CTDAS Centre technique des formations du train f: C.T.F.T. Centre territorial d'administration et de comptabilité f: CTAC Centre transmission air f: C.T.A. Centre Universitaire et Scolaire de Préparation Militare f: C.U.S.P.M. Centre Électronique de Gestion de la direction du Personnel Militaire f: C.E.G.P.M. Centrifugal Force[s] e: CF Centro Addestramento Aviazione Leggiera dell'Esercito i: CAALE Centro Addestramento di artiglieria i: C.A.A. Centro Addestramento Reclute i: CAR Centro Addestramento Reclute Truppe i: C.A.R.T.C. Centro Addestramento Reclute Truppe Meccanizzate e Corrazzate i: CARIVI EC Centro Addestramento Unità Corazzate i: CAUC Centro Aeronautico e Atomico Italiano i: CAAI Centro Alti Studi Militari i: CASM Centro Atomico Bariloche s: CAB centro automobilistico i: c.aut. Centro avviamento feriti per via aerea [Servizio di Sanità] i: CAVA Centro avviamento munizioni i:, i: Centro chirurgico avanzato i: Centro Comune di Ricerche Nucleari i: CCRN Centro Coordinamento Soccorso [aeroterrestre] i: CCS Centro de Adiestramiento de Infanteria de Marina s: CAIMAN Centro de Conservación Marina s: CMC Centro de Estudios del Pacifico s: CEPAC Centro de Estudios Militares s: CEM Centro de Estudios Técnicos de Materiales Especiales s: Cetme Centro de Investigación Universidad del Pacifico 5/ CIUP Centro di Applicazioni Militare dell'Energia Nucleare i: C.A.M.E.N. Centro di Compartimento [Servizio Trasporti] i: C.Cmpt. Centro di completamento i: C.cmpl. Centro di coordinamento del fuoco i: CCF Centro di costituzione i: C.cost. Centro di mobilitazione i: C.Mbl. Centro [di] raccolta i: C.R., i: C.Ra. Centro di raccolta di intendenza i: C.Ra.I. Centro di sezione mobile [Servizio Trasporti] i: centro di smistamento [feriti] i: C.smt. Centro di smistamento feriti [e malati] i: Centro di Tecnica Navale i: CETENA Centro Direzione Circolazione [Sercicio Trasporti] i: CDC Centro instruzione operazioni anfibie i: C.I.O.A. Centro interrogatorio particolareggiato prigionieri di guerra i: CIPPG Centro logistico i: C.L. Centro Logistico Divisionale i: C.L.D. Centro materiali da ponte i:, i: C.P., i:

Κ · G · Saur, München

Centro messaggi i: C.msg. Centro Meteorologico i: C&M Centro Militare de Paracadutismo i: C.M.P. Centro Nacional de Energia Nuclear da Agricultura ρ: CNENA Centro Nacional de Estudios Nucleares s: CNEN Centro Nazionale per l'Informazione Aeronautica i: CNIA Centro operativo artiglieria controaerei i: C.opv. c/a Centro Operativo di Comando Interforze COCI

Centro Operativo di Regione i: COR Centro Operativo Missili i: COM Centro Operativo Misto i: COM Centro ospedaliero i: CH Centro per gli Studi di Tecnica Navale i: CE.TE.NA. Centro Portugués dos Actividades Submarinas ρ: CEPAS Centro Preolimpionico Ippico Militare i: CEPIM Centro raccolta feriti i: C.ra.fe. Centro raccolta veicoli inceidentati i: Centro raccolta vestiario-equipaggiamento i: Centro radio i: C.r. Centro radio riceventi i: C.r.rcv. Centro radio trasmittenti i'. C.r.trsm. Centro recuperi i: C.rec. Centro recuperi di intendenza i: C.rec.I. Centro sanitario i: Centro Sportivo Marina Militare i: C.S.M.M. Centro Studi ed Esperienze della Motorizzazione i: CSEM Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defense Nacional s: CESEDEN Centro Superior de Estudios Nucleares s: CSEN Centro tecnico addestramento i: C.T.A. Centro tecnico del genio i: C.tec.g. centro tiro i: c.t. Centro trasmissioni i: C.T. Centro trasmissioni arretrato i: C.T.Ar. Centro trasmissioni avanzato i: C.T.Av. Centro trasmissioni principale i: C.t.prin. Centro trasmissioni sussidiario i: C.t.sus. Centro Técnico Aerospacial p: CTA Centro Técnico de Aeronautica, Sào José dos Campos ρ: C.T.A. Centrum Automatisering van Wapen en Commando Systemen η: CAWCS Centrum Studiów Strategicznych Ρ: CSS Centrum voor opleiding Koninklijke Landmacht η: COKL centuria milizia della strade i: ct.M.d.s. Cepane z: Cp CERC Imaging Radar System-Ground Based Radar e: CIRS Cercle des Officiers de Marine f: COM Cercle militaire f: C. Cercle Militaire f: C&M Cercle Militaire des Sports Méchaniques f: CMSM Cercle Naval f: CN Cercle royal des anciens officiers des campagnes d'Afrique f: CRAOCA Cercle[s] d'Études sur la Bataille des Ardennes f: CEBA Certain Submarine e: CERTSUB Certifcication of Flight Worthiness e: COFW Certificate of Flight Readiness e: COFR Certificate of General Aviation Medicine e: Cert.Gen.Av.Med

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Chemical and Biological Certificate of Underwater Medicine of the Royal Navy e: Cert.Un.Med[RN] Certificate of War Necessity e: CWN Certificated Flight Instructor e: CFI Certificated Officers' Association e: C.O.A. Certified Emission Reduction e: CER Certified Flight Instructor e: CFI Certified Flight Instructor IFR e: CFII Certified Flight Registered Nurses e: CFRN Certified Hardware List e: CHL Certified NetWare Administrator e: CNA Certified Netware Engineer[s] e: CNE Certified Netware Engineers Professional Association e: CNEPA Certified NetWare Expert e: CNE Cetnicka vrhovna komanda se: CVK Ceylon Air Force e: CAF, e: C.A.F. Ceylon Defence Force e: C.Def.F. Ceylon Military Force e: C.M.F. Chad Basin Commission e: CBC Chaff-dispensing Rocket e: Chaffroc Chain Command Flag e: CCF Chain Gun e: CG Chain Home Extra Low e: CHEL Chain Home High e: CHH Chain of Command e: chacom Chain Overseas e: CO Chain Radar e: CR Chain Radar System e: CRS, e: CR System Chain[ed] Command e: CC Chairman, Naval Job Analysis e: CNJA Chairman of Military Committee e: COMIL Chairman's Military Net Assessment for Strategic Planning e: CNASP Chairman's Net Assessment for Strategic Planning e: CNASP Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories e: CRNL Challenger Armoured Repair & Recovery Vehicle e: CR ARRV Challenger Chieftain Armament e: CHARM Chambre Syndicale des constructeurs de Navires et machines Marines f: CS Ν M Chance-Vought single-engine fighter popular during World War II and called the Corsair e: F-4U Chancery Division e: C.D., e: Ch.D. Change Flight Plan e: CFP Change of Locations of Command e: COLOC Change Order [Aircraft] e: CO[A] Change review panel e: CRP Change to Navy Regulations e: CNR Channel Command e: CC, e: CHANCOM Channel Command Block e: CCB Channel Command Call e: CCC Channel Command Control e: CCC Channel Command Entry e: CCE Channel Command Words e: CCWs Channel Control Block e: CCB Channel Islands Militia e: C.I.M. Channel Navigation Information Service e: CNIS Chantier de Construction Navale f: CHACONA Chantier Naval f: C.N. Chantiers Navale de La Ciotat f: CNC Chantiers Navals et Industriels de la Méditerranée f: CNIM Chantiers Navals Franco-Belges f: CNFB Chanute Air Force Base e: CHAFB Chaplain Corps e: ChC, e: Ch.C. Chaplain-General e: CG Chaplain-General [of the Forces] e: Chap.-Gen.

Chaplain of the Fleet e: CH of F, e: C of F Chaplain of/to the Forces e: CF Chaplain Territorial Army e: C.T.A. Chaplain to the Forces [Territorial Army] e. C.F.[T.A.] Chaplain to the Territorial Forces e: CTF, e: C.T.F. Chaplaincy Services Advisory Committee e: C.S.A.C. Chaplains' Reserve e: Ch Res Chapter Liaison Officer e: CLO Charged Particle Weapon e: CPW Charleston Air Force Base e: CAFB, e: Chast AFB Charleston Army Depot e: CHAD Charleston/Municipal and Air Force Base [South Carolina] e: KCHS Charleston Naval Shipyard e: CHANSY, e: CHASNAVSHIPY, e: CHNSY, e: CNSY, e: CNSYD Charleston Naval Weapons Annex e: CNWA Charleston Shipyard e: CHASN Charleston Submarine Training Center e: CSTC Charleston Training Center e: CTC Charlotte Ordnance Missile Plant e: COMP Chartered Institute of Marine Engineers e: CIME Chasseurs à cheval f: Chasseurs à pied f: C.P. Chasseurs ardennais f: C h A , / Ch.ard. Chasseurs d'Afrique f: C.A.,/• Ch.Af. Chasseurs de chars f: C.C. Chasseurs Parachutistes f: C.P. Chatham Division Royal Marines e: C.D.R.M. Chatham Division, Royal Marines e: Chat Check Following Numbers e: CFN Chef Artillerie d: CA Chef Aufklärung d: CAkl Chef der Heeresleitung d: Chef HL, d: Ch.HL. Chef der Heeresrüstung d: Ch.H.Rii. Chef der Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des d: Chef H.Rüst.u.BdE. Chef der Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres d: Ch HRiist u.BdE Chef der Kriegsmarinerüstung d: Mar.Rilst., d: Mar.Riist. Chef der Luftflotte d: Chef Lfl. Chef der Luftwehr d: Chef d.LW. Chef der Marineleitung d: Chef ML, d: Ch.ML. Chef der Nachrichtentruppen d: CN Chef der Richtungsverbindung d: CRV Chef der Rückwärtigen Dienste d: CRD Chef der Schnellen Truppen d: Chd.ST. Chef der Sicherheitspolizei d: C.d.S. Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD [Sicherheitsdienst] d: CSSD Chef der Technischen Luftrüstung d: Chef TLR Chef des Ausbildungswesens d: Ch.A.W. Chef des Feldkraftfahrwesens d: Chefkraft Chef des Generalstabes d: CGS Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres d: Ch.d.St.d.F.H. Chef des Generalstabs des Heeres d: C.G.S. Chef des Hauptstabes d: CHS Chef des Heeresnachrichtenwesens/ Leitstelle der Nachrichtenaufklärung d: Chef HNW/LNA. Chef des Heeresverbindungswesens d: Chef HVW. Chef des Kraftfahrwesens der Luftwaffe d: Chef Kw.d.Lw.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Chef des Marinenachrichtendienstes d: Chef MND. Chef des Nachrichtenverbindungswesens d: Chef NVW. Chef des Nachrichtenwesens d: C h e f d . N . Chef des Nachschubwesens der Luftwaffe d: Ch.d.Ns.W.d.Lw. Chef des Personellen der Armee d: CPA Chef des Stabes d: Ch.d.St., d: CS Chef des Stabes der Marineleitung, Zentralgruppe [Reichswehrministerium] d: M.Z. Chef des transmissions f: C.Trs. Chef des Transportwesens d: Chef Trpw. Chef des Verwaltungsstabes d: Chef V.St. Chef des Wehrmachtsanit d: Chef W San Chef des Zivil-Luftschutzwesens d: Chef ZL. Chef d'Etat-Major Général des Armées f: CEMG Chef d'état-major / ChefEM Chef d'État-Major de la Marine f: C.E.M.M. Chef d'État Major de l'Armée f: CEMA Chef d'État-Major de l'Armée de l'Air f: CE MA A Chef d'état-major de l'armée de terre f: Cemat Chef d'état-major des forces terrestres de Pays-Bas / CAS The Hague Chef d'état-major général f: Ch.E.M.G. Chef d'État-Major Général des Armées f: CEMGA Chef för Marinstabadministration r: MS/Adm Chef för Marinstabinformation r: MS/Info Chef for Soevaernskommandoen α: CH SVK Chef for Soevaernsstaben a: CH SST Chef Führung und Einsatz d: CFE Chef Geneeskundige Dienst Zeemacht n: CGDZ Chef Pionierwesen d: CPiW Chef Raketentruppen und Artillerie d: CRA Chef [schwimmende Einheit] d: CH Chef Technische Zaken en Materieel n: CTZM Chef Truppenluftabwehr d: CTLA Chef van de Divisie Infrastructuur n: JSI Chef van de Generale Staf n: C.G.S., n: Ch.G.S. Chef van de Marinestaf n: CMS Chefen för Marinens Underoficersskola r: CMUOS Chefen för Norrlandskustens Marindistrikt r: CMDN Chefen för Öresunds Marindistrikt r: CMDÖ Chefen för Ostkustens Marindistrikt r: CMDO Chefen för Sydkustens Marindistrikt r: CMDS Chefen för Västkustens Marindistrikt r: CMDV Chemi-Nuclear Systems Inc., Bellevue e: CNSI Chemical Agent Munition e: CAM Chemical Agent Munitions Dispersal System e: CAMDS Chemical Ammunition e: Cml Am, e: Cml Ammo Chemical Ammunition Storage Specialist e: Cml Ammo Stor Sp Chemical Ammunition Train e: Cml Am Τη Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment e: CBDE Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center e: CBIAC


Chemical and Biological Chemical and Biological Munitionfs] e: CBM Chemical and Biological Warfare e: CBW Chemical and Biological Weapons e: CBW Chemical, Bacteriological, and Radiation e: CBR Chemical, Bacteriological, Nuclear e: CBN Chemical, Biological and Radiological Center e: CBRC Chemical, Biological, And Radiological Section e: CBRS Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Warfare e: CBRW Chemical, Biological and Radiological [Warfare] e: CEBAR Chemical & Biological Defense Agency e: CBDA Chemical/Biological/Radioactive weapons e CBR Chemical, Biological, Radiological Control Center e: CBRCC Chemical, Biological, Radiological Officer e: CBRO Chemical, Biological, Radiological Operations Center e: CBROC Chemical, Biological, Radiological warfare e: CBR Chemical Biological Weaponry e: CBW Chemical & Biological Weapons e: CB Chemical/Biological [weapons] Defense e: C/BD chemical company e: Cml Co Chemical Control Division e: CCD Chemical Corps e: C, e: CM, e: Cml, e: Cml C, e: CMLC Chemical Corps Association e: CCA Chemical Corps Biological Laboratories e: CMLCBL Chemical Corps Decontamination Company e: Cml Decon Co Chemical Corps Engineering Agency e: CCEA Chemical Corps Engineering Command e: CmlCEnCom, e: CMLCENGRCOM, e Cml C Engr Comd Chemical Corps Enlisted Reserve e: CCER Chemical Corps Historical Office e: CMLHO Chemical Corps Materiel Command e: CMLCMATCOM, e: Cml C Mat Comd Chemical Corps Proving Ground e: CCPG Chemical Corps Research and Development Command e: CCRC, e: CCRDC, e: CMLCRDCOM, e: Cml C Res & Dev Comd Chemical Corps Research and Engineering Command e: CMLCRECOM, e: CMLRECOM Chemical Corps School e: Cml C Sch, e: CMLCSCH Chemical Corps Technical Command e: CCTC Chemical Corps Training Command e: CMLCTNGCOM, e: Cml C Tng Comd Chemical Defence Committee e: CDC Chemical Defence Establishment e: CDE Chemical Defence [or Defense] Experimental Establishment e: CDEE Chemical Defence [or Defense] Research Establishment e: CDRE Chemical Defence Research Department e: CDRD Chemical Defence System e: CDS Chemical Defense e: CMLDEF Chemical Defense Equipment e: CDE Chemical Defense Planning Document e: CDPD


chemical depot e: Cml Dep chemical depot company e: Cml Dep Co Chemical Division Council e: CDC chemical field laboratory e: Cml F Lab chemical group e: Cml Gp Chemical hygiene officer e: CHO Chemical Inspectorate e: C.I. chemical laboratory e: Cml Lab Chemical Laboratory Company e: Cml Lab Co Chemical Low Altitude Missile e: CLAM Chemical Low Altitude Missile Puny e: CLAMP Chemical Mortar Battalion e: Cml Mtr Bn Chemical Noncommissioned Officer e: Ch NCO Chemical Officer e: Chem O, e: Cml O chemical, radiological, biological [warfare] e: crb Chemical Replacement Training Center e: CmlRTC Chemical Smoke Generator Battalion e: Cml Smoke Genr Bn chemical supply point e: Cml Sup Pt Chemical Supply Point e: CSP Chemical Systems Division e: CSD Chemical Underwater Explosive e: CUE Chemical Warfare e: Chem War, e: Chem Warf, e: Cml Wfare, e: CW Chemical warfare agent e: CWA Chemical Warfare-Bacteriological Warfare e: CWBW Chemical Warfare Committee e: CWC Chemical Warfare Defence e: CWD Chemical Warfare Directional Detector e: CWDD Chemical Warfare Laboratory e: CWL, e: CW Laby Chemical Warfare Officer e: CWO Chemical Warfare Protective Equipment e: CWPE Chemical Warfare Research Department e: CWRD Chemical Warfare Reserve e: CWRes Chemical Warfare School e: CWS, e: CW Sch Chemical Warfare Section e: CWS Chemical Warfare Service e: CWS, e: C.W.S. Chemical Warfare Service, Army e: CWSA Chemical Warfare Service Officer e: CWSO Chemical Warfare Service Reserve e: CWS Res Chemical warfare tear agent e: CNB, e: CNC, e: CNS Chemical Warfare Technical Committee e: CWTC Chemical Warfare Training Regiment e: CWTR Chemical Warfare Treaty e: CWT chemical warfarebiological warfare e: cwbw Chemical Warhead e: CW Chemical Weapon e: CW Chemical Weapon Convention e: CWC Chemical Weapons & Civil Defence e: CWCD Chemical Weapons Convention e: CWC Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization e: CIDNP Chemisch-Physikalische Versuchsanstalt d: C.P.V.A. Chemische Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: A TO Chemischer Aufklärungstrupp d: CliAT Chemischer Zug d: ChZ Chemisches Bataillon d: ChB chemisches Laboratorium d: ChLa

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Chemistry Division e: CHM Chemistry/Nuclear Chemistry Division e: CNC Chemists' Defence Association e: CDA chemonuclear e: chemonuc Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station [North Carolina] e: KNKT Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites e: CLAMS Cheshire Field Squadron, Royal Engineers e: Ch Sq RE Cheshire Regiment e: Che, e: Che R, e: CHESHIRE, e: Ches R, e: Ch R Cheshire Yeomanry e: Ches Y, e: Ch Y Chevaulegers d: Chev.leg. Chicago Air Defense Sector e: CHADS Chicago Quartermaster Depot e: CQD Chicopee Falls/Westover Air Force Base [Massachusetts] e: KCEF Chief Accountant Officer e: CAO Chief Accounting Officer e: CAO Chief Administrative Officer e: CAO Chief Aircraft Communicator e: CACOM Chief, Aircraft Maintenance e: CAM Chief Airship Rigger e: CAR Chief Area Nursing Officer e: CANO Chief, Army Air Forces e: CAAF Chief, Army Reserve e: CAR Chief Army Staff Netherlands e: CAS The Hague Chief Boatswain's Mate, Construction Battalion, Boatswain e: CBMCBB Chief Boatswain's Mate, Construction Battalion, Stevedore e: CBMCBS Chief Boatswain's Mate, Ship Repair, Crane-Operator e: CBMSRC Chief Boatswain's Mate, Ship Repair, Rigger e. CBMSRR Chief Boilermaker, Ship Repair e: CBSR Chief Bombardment Liaison Officer e: CBLO Chief Business Development Officer e: CBDO Chief Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Builder e: CCMCBB Chief Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Draftsman e: CCMCBD Chief Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Excavation Foreman e: CCMCBEF Chief Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Surveyor e: CCMCBS Chief Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Boatbuilder e: CCMSRB Chief Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Joiner e: CCMSRJ Chief, Chemical Corps e: CCMLC Chief Chemical Officer e: CCMLO, e:


Chief Cipher Officer e. CCO Chief Civil Affairs Officer e: CCAO Chief Clerk of the Admiralty e: CCA Chief Command[er] e: C Comd Chief Commissary Steward e: CCS, e: CCSTD Chief Conservation Officer e: CCO Chief, Construction and Properties, Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario e: OONDCP Chief, Corps of Engineers e: CCE Chief Decontamination Officer e: CDO Chief Duty Signal Officer e: CDSO Chief Education Officer e: CEO Chief Electrian's Mate, Construction Battalion e: CEMCB Chief Electrian's Mate, Ship Repair, General-Electrician e: CEMSRG Chief Electrian's Mate, Ship Repair, ShopElectrician e: CEMSRS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Chief of Naval Staff Chief Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Communications e: CEMCBC Chief Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Draftsman e: CEMCBD Chief Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, General e: CEMCBG Chief Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Line-and-Station e: CEMCBL Chief Engineer Officer e: CEO Chief Executive Officer e: CEO Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director e CEO Chief Financial Officer e: CFO Chief Financial Officers Act e: CFO, e: CFO Act Chief Fire Controlman, Submarines e: CFCS Chief Fire Officer e: CFO Chief Gas Officer e: CGO Chief Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Armorer e: CGMCBA Chief Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Powderman e: CGMCBP Chief Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] e: GMMC Chief Gunnery Instructor e: CGI Chief Information Officer e: CIO, e: C.I.O. Chief Inspecting Ordnance Officer e: CIOO Chief Inspector, Engineer and Signal Stores e: CIESS Chief Inspector, Mechanical Transport e: CIMT Chief Inspector of Armaments e: CIA Chief Inspector of Fighting Vehicles e: CIFV Chief Inspector of Land Service Ammunition e: CILSA Chief Inspector of Naval Ordnance e : CINO Chief Inspector of Royal Engineer Stores e: CIRES Chief Inspector of Small Arms e: CISA Chief Inspector Officer e: C.I.O. Chief Inspectorate of Electronics [Ministry of Defence] e: CIL Chief Insurance Officers' Branch e: C.I.O.B. Chief, Intelligence Corps e: CINTC Chief, Joint United States Military Advisory Group e: CHJUSMAG Chief Judicial Officer e: CJO Chief Knowledge Officer e: CKO Chief Learning Officer e: CLO Chief Leisure Officers Association e: CLOA Chief Liaison Officer e: CLO Chief Machinist's Mate, Construction Battalion, Equipment-Operator e: CMMCBE Chief Maintenance Officer e: CMO Chief Marine Gunner e: CMC Chief Marine Surveyor e: CMS Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force e: CMSAF Chief Mechanical and Electrical Engineer e: C.M.E.E. Chief Medical Officer e: Ch Med O, e: CMO Chief Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Blacksmith e CMSRB Chief Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Coppersmith e: CMSRC Chief Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Sheet Metal Worker e: CMSRS Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group e: CHMAAG

Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group, Korea [Provisional] e: CHPROVMAAGΚ Chief, Military Equipment Delivery Team e: CHMEDT Chief Military Physician e: CMP Chief, Military Planning Office e: CHMPO Chief, Military Technical Advisory Group e: CHMILTAG Chief Naval Adviser e: CNA, e: C.N.A. Chief, Naval Advisory Group e: CHNAVADGRU, e: CNAG Chief, Naval Air Advanced Training e: Ch Nav Air Adv Tra Chief, Naval Air Basic Training e: Ch NAB Tra, e: Ch Nav Air Basic Tra Chief, Naval Air Reserve Training e: CHNAVAIRRESTRA Chief Naval Architect e: CNA Chief Naval Censor e: CNC Chief Naval Engineering Officer e : CNEngO Chief Naval Representative e: CNR, e: C.N.R. Chief Naval Reserve Training e: CNRT Chief Naval Secretary e: Ch Nav Sec Chief, Naval Section e: CHNAVSEC Chief Naval Signal Officer e: CNSO Chief Naval Supply and Secretariat Officer e: CNSSO Chief, Naval Training Support e: CHNAVTRASUPP Chief Navy Disbursing Officer e: CNDO Chief, Navy Section, Military Assistance Advisory Group e: CHNAVSECMAAG Chief Navy Staff, Netherlands e: CNS The Hague Chief Nursing Officer e: CNO Chief of Aeronautical Engineering e: CAE Chief of Air Corps e: CAC, e: C of AC Chief of Air Defense e: CAD Chief of Air Force Chaplains e: CofAFCH Chief of Air Force Reserve's Office e: AF RE Chief of Air Service e: C. of A.S. Chief of Air Staff e: C of AS Chief of Amphibious Warfare e: CAW Chief of Army Audit Agency e: CAAA Chief of Army Aviation e: CAA Chief of Artillery e: C of A Chief of Cavalry e. C o f C A V Chief of Chaplains e: COFCH Chief of Chemical Warfare Service e: CCWS, e C of CWS Chief of Coast Artillery e: C of CA Chief of Combat Operations e: CCO Chief of Combined Operations e: CCO, e: COCOS Chief of Construction Engineering e: CCE Chief of Defence Equipment Collaboration e: CDE Chief of Defence Intelligence e: CDI Chief of Defence [or Defense] e: CHOD Chief of Defence Procurement e: CDP Chief of Defence Staff e: CDS Chief of Defence Staff Norway e: CODS NORWAY Chief of Defense e. COD Chief of Division e: CD Chief of Doctrine e: C/Doc Chief of Engineers e: C of E, e: COFENGRS Chief of Field Artillery e: CFA, e: C of FA Chief of Finance e: COFF Chief of Fleet Support e: CFS Chief of Information e: COFI Chief of Information and Education e: CINFOE

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Chief of Marine Air e: C of MAir Chief of Military History e: CMH, e: GMH Chief of Mission e: CM Chief of Mission Operations e: CMO Chief of Naval Air Advanced Training e : CNAADTRA, e: CNAAdvTra, e: CNAAT, e: CNAATRA, e: CNAVADTRA, e: CNAVANTRA Chief of Naval Air Basic Training e: CNA Basic Tra, e: CNABaTra, e: CNABTra Chief of Naval Air Intermediate Training e: CNAINTERMTRA, e: CNAIT Chief of Naval Air Operational Training e: CNAOPTRA, e: CNAOT Chief of Naval Air [or Aviation] e: CNA Chief of Naval Air Primary Training e : CNAPIMTRA, e CNAPT, e CNARFSTRA Chief of Naval Air Reserve Training e: CNARESTRA, e: CNART, e: CNAVAIRRE STRA, e CNRT Chief of Naval Air Services e: C.N.A.S. Chief of Naval Air Technical Training e: CNATechTr, e: CNATECHTRA, e: CNATT Chief of Naval Air Training e: CNAT, e : CNATRA Chief of Naval Airship Training e: Ch Nav Airship Tra Chief of Naval Airship [s] Training and Experimentation e: CNATE Chief of Naval Aviation Logistics e: CNAL Chief of Naval Aviation Training e: CNATRA Chief of Naval Communications e: CHACOM, e CNC Chief of Naval Development e: CHNAVDEV, e: CND Chief of Naval Education and Training e: CNET Chief of Naval Education and Training Support e: CNETS Chief of Naval Group e. CNG Chief of Naval Information e: CNI Chief of Naval Information [Admiralty] e: C.N.I. Chief of Naval Intelligence e: CNI Chief of Naval Material e: CHNAVMAT, e: CNM Chief of Naval Material, Department of the Navy e: NM Chief of Naval Mission e: Ch Nav Mis Chief of Naval Operations e: CNO Chief of Naval Operations [Air] e : Chief Nav Op [Air] Chief of Naval Operations Budget Office e: CNOBO Chief of Naval Operations Command e : CNOCOM Chief of Naval Operations Command/Management Information System e: CNOCOM/MIS Chief of Naval Operations Memorandum e: CNOM Chief ofNaval Operations Memorandum and Commandant of the Marine Corps Memorand e: CNOM/CMCM Chief o f N a v a l Operations Reserve Affairs Advisory Board e: CNO/RAAB Chief of Naval Personnel e: CHNAVPERS, e: CNP Chief o f N a v a l Personnel [Second Sea Lord - Admiralty] e: C.N.P. Chief of Naval Research e: CHNAVRSCH, e: CNR Chief o f N a v a l Staff e: CNS Chief o f N a v a l Staff, Turkey e: CNS Turkey


Chief of Naval Technical Chief of Naval Technical Services e: CNTS Chief of Naval Technical Training e: CNTT Chief of Naval Training e: C N T Chief of Naval Transportation Service e: CNTS Chief of Ordnance e: C of O, e: C O O Chief of Personnel e: C Pers Chief of Special Services e: C O F S P S Chief of Staff e: C.O.S., e: C/S Chief of Staff Commander's Flash Message e CSCFM Chief of S t a f f Supreme Headquarters e: CSSH Chief of Staff Supreme Headquarters e: C.S.S.H. Chief of Staff to [the] Supreme Allied Commander [Europe] e: C O S S A C Chief of Staff, United States Air Force e: COFSAF, e ( SAI e CSUSAF Chief of S t a f f United States Army e: C O F S A , e: C S A , e C S U S A Chief of Supplies and Transport e: C . S . T . Chief of Telecommunications e: C Tel Chief of the Air Staff e: C A S Chief of the Army Air Forces e: C of A A F Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics e: C b B u A e r , e: C h B u A e r Chief of the Bureau of [Naval] Personnel e: C h B u P e r s Chief of the Bureau of Ships e: ChBuShips Chief of the Bureau of Weapons e: ChBuWeps Chief of the Canadian Naval Staff e: CCNS Chief of the Corps e: C of C Chief of the Defence Force e: C D F Chief of [the] Defence Staff e: C D S Chief of the General Staff [in the Field] e: C.G.S. Chief of the Imperial General Staff e: CIGS Chief of the Royal Naval Scientific Service e: C . R . N . S . S . Chief of the United States Army Air Force e: C U S A A F Chief of the United States Army Air Force[s] e: C . U . S . A . A . F . Chief of Training e: C T r a i n Chief of Transportation e. C O T Chief Officer e: Ch O f f , e: C O Chief Officer, Shore Signal Service e: C O S S S , e: C.O.S.S.S. Chief Officer, Shore Wireless Service e: COSWS Chief Officers of State Library Agencies e: COSLA Chief Operating Officer e: C O O Chief Operation Officer e: C O O Chief Ordnance Officer e: COO, e: CORDO Chief, Overseas Supply Division e: C O S D Chief, Personnel Division e: Ch Pers Div Chief Petty Officer e: ChPO, e: C P O Chief Pharmaceutical Officer e: C P O Chief Polaris Executive [missiles] e: C P E Chief Privacy Officer e C P O Chief Quartermaster e: C Q M , e: Q M C Chief Quartermaster Clerk e: C H Q M C L K , e: C Q M C Chief Radarman e: C R D M Chief Recruiting Officer e: C . R . O . Chief Regulating Officer e: C R E G O Chief, Reserve Division e: Ch Res Div Chief Royal Engineers Stores Officer e: CRESO Chief Scientific Officer e: CScO, e: C S O


Chief Scientist [Royal Air Force] e: CS [RAF] Chief, SEATO Military Planning Office e: CMPO Chief Ship's Clerk e: C H S C L K Chief, Signal Corps e: C S I G C Chief Signal Officer e: CSigO, e: C.S.O. Chief Signals Officer e: C S I G O Chief Signal [s] Officer e: C S O Chief Sonar [Sound Navigation and Ranging] Man e: C S O M Chief Sonar [Sound Navigation and Ranging] Man, Harbor Defense e: CSOMH Chief Sonar Technician e: S T C Chief Sonarman e: S O C Chief Staff Officer e: C S O , e: C S O Chief Staff Officer [Administration] e: CSO[A] Chief Staff Officer [Engineering] e: CSO[E] Chief Staff Officer, Reserves e: C S O Chief Staff Officer [Technical] e: C S O [ T ] Chief Stores Officer e: C S O Chief Strategic Systems Executive e: CSSE Chief Superintendent Naval Meteorology e: C.S.N.M. Chief Superintendent of Armament Supply e: C S A S Chief Superintendent of Ordnance Factories e: C S O F Chief Superintendent Range Operation^] e: C S R O Chief Supply and Transport Officer e: CSTO Chief Supply Officer e: C S O , e: C Sup O Chief Tank Officer e: C T O Chief Technical Examiner of Works e: C.T.E.W. Chief Technical Officer[s] e: C T O Chief Technical Services Officer [Royal Canadian Air Force] e: C T S O Chief Technology Officer e: C T O Chief Torpedoman's Mate, Aviation e: CTMV Chief Transport Officer e. C T O Chief Transportation Officer e: C T O Chief Treasury Officer e: C T O Chief, United States Army Overseas Supply Agency, San Francisco e: CHIISAOSASF Chief, United States Army Reserve and Reserve Officers Training Corps Affairs e: C U S A R R O T C Chief, United States Military Supply Mission, India e: C H U S M S I Chief, United States Naval Mission e: ChUSNavMis Chief, U.S. Naval Mission e: C H N A V M I S Chief US Naval Section e: C H I N A V S E C Chief Warrant Officer e: C W O Chief Web Officer e: C W O Chiefs of Defence Staff e: CHODs Chiefs of Staff Committee e: Ch. of St.C., e: C O S C , e: C S C Chiefs of Staff, Mediterranean e: COSMED Chiefs of Staff Secretariat e: C O S S E C Chief[s], Technical Services e: C T S Chiffrierbüro [Auswärtiges Amt] d: ChiffrB Chiffrierstelle d: Ch.St. Chiffrierstelle des Oberbefehlshabers der Luftwaffe d: Chi.Ob.d.L. Chiffrierstelle [Reichskriegsministerium] d: Chi Children's Army School e: C . A . S . Children's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament e: C C N D

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Children's Defense Fund e: C D F Children's Peace Union e: C P U Children's Plea for Peace e: C P P Chimico i: Chim. China Air Transport Command e: C A T C China-Burma-India Veterans Association e: C B I V A China Commission for GCOS e: CCGCOS China Defence Supplies Incorporated e: C.D.S.I. China Expeditionary Force e: C . E . F . China Inland Mission e: C . I . M . China Merchant Steamship Navigation Company e: C M S N C China National Aviation Corporation e: CNAC China National Software Corporation e: CNSC China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation e CNEIC China Theater e: C T China Theater of Operations e: C T O Chinese Agricultural Technical Mission to Vietnam e: C A T M Chinese Air Force [Taiwan] e: C A F Chinese Air Task Force e: C A T F Chinese-American Composite Wing e: CACW Chinese Army e: C A , e: Ch A Chinese Army in India e: C A I Chinese Communist Air Force e: C C A F Chinese Communist Army e: C C A Chinese Communist Forces e: C C F Chinese Communist Navy e: C C N Chinese Foreign Missionary Union e: CFMU Chinese Labour Corps e: C . L . C . Chinese Navy e: CN Chinese-Oriented Antiballistic Missile System e: C - A B M Chinese-oriented Antiballistic Missile System e: C A B M S Chinese Overseas Mission e: C O M Chinese Surface-to-Surface missile e: C S S Chinese Surface-to-Surface [Navy] missile e.· C S S - N Chirurgisches Lazarett d: C h i - L Christian Education Fellowship of the Graduates' Fellowship e: C E F Christian International Peace Service e: CHIPS Christian Missions in Many Lands e: C.M.M.L. Christian Movement for Peace e: C M P Christian Peace Conference e: C P C Christian Peace Conference in Latin America and the Caribbean e: CPC/LAC Christians Associated for Relationships with Eastern Europe e: C A R E E Christliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden d: C A F Christliche Friedenskonferenz d: C F K Christliche Offizier-Vereinigung e.V. d: COV Christlicher Friedensdienst e.V. d: C F D Chrysler Military Sales Corp. e: C M S C Chrysler Military Sales Corporation e: CMSC Church Army e: C . A . Church Committee of War Damage e: C.C.W.D. Church of England Sailors', Soldiers', and Airmen's Institute^] e: C . E . S . S . A . I . Church of England Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Club e: C E S S A C Church of England Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Institutes Association e: C.E.S.S.A.I.A.

A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Climate Impact Church of Good Peace Fellowship e: CGPF Church Peace Union e: CPU Churchmen's Defence Union e: C.D.II. C4I Countermeasures e: C4ICM C4I for the Warrior e: C4IFTW CIFF-Self Defense e: CIFF-SD CINC Command Center e: CCC CINC Mobile Alternate Headquarters e: CMAH CINCarib e: CINCCarib CINCLANT Command Center Automation System e: CCACS CINCPAC [Commander-in-Chief, Pacific] Operation Center e: COC Cipher Feedback, Call Forwarding Busy e: CFB Circuit Breaker and Primary Guidance Navigation Control System e: CB & PGNCS Ciskei Defence Force e: CDF Citizen Military Forces e: CMF Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit e: CAFGU Citizens' Committee for Military Training of Young Men e: C.C.M.T.Y.M. Citizens concerned About Radiation Pollution e: CARP Citizens Defense Corps e: CDC Citizens Guild for Civil Defence e: C.G.C.D. Citizens Military Training Camp e: CMTC Citizens' Military Training Camp e: C.M.T.C. Citizens Military Training Corps e: CMTC City Imperial Volunteers e: C.I.V. City of London Rifles e: C.L.R. City of London Yeomanry e: C. of L.Y. Civic Action Group e: CIVACTGP Civic Affairs Mobile Training Team [Vietnam] e: C A M T T Civil Administration e: CA Civil Affairs/Military Government e: CA/MG Civil Affairs Mission e: C.A.M. Civil Affairs Unit e: CA Unit Civil Air Patrol e: CAP Civil Air Patrol Cadet e: CAPC Civil Air Patrol Coastal Patrol e: C A P C P Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Data Recording Program[me] e: C A A D R P Civil aircraft marking [Vietnam] e: VN Civil Aviation e: CA, e: Civ Avn Civil Aviation Flying Unit e: CAFU Civil Aviation Licensing Act e: CALA Civil Aviation Navigational Services Group e: C.A.N.S.G. Civil Aviation Planning Committee e: CAPC Civil Defence e: C.D. Civil Defence Act e: CDA Civil Defence Ambulance Service e: C.D.A.S. Civil Defence Committee e: CDC Civil Defence [or Defense] e: CD Civil Defence Regional Commission[er] e: CDRC Civil Defence Rescue Service e: CDRS Civil Defence Services e: C.D.S. Civil Defence Volunteers e: CDV, e: C.D.V. Civil Defence Wardens' Service e: C.D.W.S. Civil Defense Administration e: CDA Civil Defense Adult Education Program e: CDAEP Civil Defense Advisory Council e: CDAC Civil Defense Agency e: CDA

Civil Defense and Emergency Response e: CD&ER Civil Defense Bulletin e: Civ. Def. Bull. Civil Defense Career Development Program e: CDCDP Civil Defense Coordinator e: CDC Civil Defense Countermeasures System e: CDCS Civil Defense Director/Coordinator e: CD D/C Civil Defense Education Program e: CDEP Civil Defense Emergency Operations System e: CDEOS Civil Defense Exercise e: CDEX Civil Defense Management e: CDM Civil Defense National Telephone System e CDNTS Civil Defense Office[r] e: CDO Civil Defense Organization e: CDO Civil Defense Quality Check Program e: CDQCP Civil Defense Receiver e: CDR Civil Defense Report e: CIDERE Civil Defense Research Associates e: CDRA Civil Defense Support Detachment e: CDSD Civil Defense, United States of America e: CD-USA Civil Defense University Extension Program e: C D U E P Civil Defense Warning e: CDW Civil Defense Warning System e: C D W S Civil Effects Experiments e: CEX Civil Effects Test Group e: CETG Civil Effects Test Operations e: CETO Civil Engineer, Officer-In-Change e: CEOINC Civil E n g i n e e r i n g ] Squadron e: CES Civil Information and Education Section of Allied Headquarters e: CI A N D E Civil Liaison Division e: CLD Civil Liaison Officer e: CLO Civil Lord of the Admiralty e: CLA Civil-Military Affairs e: CMA Civil Military Cooperation e: CIMIC Civil Military Coordination e: CIMIC Civil-Military Exercise e: CIMEX Civil Military Interface standing Committee e: C M I C Civil Military Operations e: C M O Civil Military Operations Center e: CMOC Civil Military Operations Team e: C M O T Civil Military Relations Exercise e: CIMIREX Civil Navigation Aids System e: CNAS Civil, Police, Military activities e: C P M Civil Rail Lines Important To National Defense e: CRLIND Civil Reserve Air Fleet Summary Report e: C R A F R E P Civil Reserve Air[craft] Fleet e: CRAF Civil Rights Commission e: CRC Civil Service Aviation Association e: CISAVIA Civil Service Rifle Volunteers e: C.S.R.V. Civil War Centennial Association e: CWCA Civil War Centennial Commission e: CWCC Civil War Press Corps e: CWPC Civil War Round Table Associates e: CWRTA Civil War Round Table of New York e: CWRTNY Civil Works Policy Review and Analysis Division e: C W P R A D Civilanställningskommissionen r: C.A.K.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Civilbeskyttelsens Kommandocentrai a : C.K. Civile Immobilière pour l'Aménagement des Industries de la Défense f : CIPAID civilf r: Cfd Civilian Application of the Results of Military Research and Development e: CARMRAND Civilian Conservation Corps e: CCC Civilian Control Commission e: C.C.C. Civilian Defence Fire Service e: C.D.F.S. Civilian Defence Forces e: C.D.F. Civilian Defence General Services e: C.D.G.S. Civilian Defense Volunteer Office e: CDVO Civilian Establishment and Pay Officer e: CEPO Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services e: C H A M P U S Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Administration e: C H A M P V A Civilian Irregular Defence [or Defense] Group e: CIDG Civilian Labor Force e: CLF Civilian Marine Personnel Instructions e: CMPI Civilian Marksmanship Program e: CMP Civilian Military Action Committee e: CMAC Civilian Military Contingency Hospital System e: C M C H S Civilian Military Institute e: CMI Civilian/Military Liaison Committee e: CMLC Civilian Mixed Labour Organization e: CM LO Civilian Personnel Division e: CPD Civilian Personnel Officer e: CPO Civilian Personnel Reduction Plan e: CPRP Civilian Personnel Section e: CPS Civilian Pilot Training Program e: CPT Civilian Service Unit e: CSU Civilian Supply Branch [Army Service Forces] e: CSB Civilian War Dead e: CWD Civilné obrana c: CO Clandestine Army Aviation Team[s] e: CAAT Clark Air Force Base e: CAFB Class Life Asset Depreciation Range e: CLADR Classification Officer e: CO Classified Control Officer e: CCO Classified Defense Information e: CDI Classified List of Army Forms and Books e: C.L.A.F.B. Classified Material Control Officer e: CMCO classified matter control center e: C M C C Clean Air and Environmental Reporting Division e: CAERD Clean Fleet Vehicle e: CFV Cleansing Officers' Guild e: COG Clear Forward e: CLF Clear Forward Line e: CLF Line Clear-Forward Signal e: CLF Signal Clearance Diving Team e: CDT Clearinghouse Enforceability Services e: CES Clemency Review Board [for draft dodgers and defectors of Vietnam War] e: CRB Clergy Against Nuclear Arms e: CANA Clerical Officer e: CO CLG Eastern Pacific e: C L G E A S T P A C Climate and Global Dynamics Division e: CGD Climate Impact and Response Strategies Network e: CIRSNet


Climatic Laboratory Climatic Laboratory e: CL Clinical Investigation Control Center e: CICC Clinical Medical Officer e: CMO Close-Air Defence Weapon System e: CADWS Close Air Interdiction of Fielded Forces e: CAIFF Close Air Support Aircraft e: CAS Aircraft Close Air Support Aircraft Design Alternatives study e: CASADA Close Air Support Communication Exercise e CASCOMEX Close Air Support Missile e: CASM Close Air Support Mission Area Review Group e: CASMARG Close Air Support Weapon e: CASW Close Air Support Weapon[s] System e: CASWS Close Assault Weapon System e: CAWS Close Combat e: CC Close Combat Anti-Armor Task Force e: CCAATF Close Combat Force e: CCF Close Combat Helicopter e: CCH Close Combat Laser Weapon e: C-CLAW Close combat Light Armor Weapon System e: CLAWS Close Combat Tactical Trainer e: CCTT Close Combat Test Bed e: CCTB Close Combat Vehicle e: CCV Close Defence Relations e: CDR Close-in Air Defence e: CAD Close-In Weapon e: CIW Close-in weapon system [Plessey search radar, the 25 mm Oerlikon gun and the Siemens-Albis target tracking radar] e: SEAGUARD Close-in Weapon[s] System e: CIWS Close Light Assault Weapon e: CLAW Close Observation Platoon e: COP Close Range Missile System e: CRMS Close Support Artillery Rocket System e: CSARS Close Support Mission e: CSM Closed Loop Aeronautical Management Program e: CLAMP Closed-Loop Artillery Simulation System e: CLASS Closed-Loop Flight Test Language e: CLFT Language Clothing and Equipment Physiological Research Establishment e: CEPRE Clothing and small stores e: CSS Clothing and Textile [Defense Personnel Support Center] e: CT Clothing Depot e: C.D. Clothing Monetary Allowance Initial Women's Army Corps e: CMAIWAC Clothing sales store e: CSS Cloud Lidar and Radar Exploratory Test e: CLARET, e CLARET II Club Militaire f: C&M Clustered Airfield Defeat Munition e: CADM Clustered Airfield Dispersed Munition e: CADM Clustered Atomic Warhead e: CLAW Clutter-Locked Airborne Moving Target Indicator e: CLAMTI Clutter Rejection Radar e: CRR Clyde Operational Headquarters e: COH Clyde River Patrol e: CRP CNO [Chief of Naval Operations] Policy and Planning Guidance e: CPPG CNO [Chief of Naval Operations] Program Analysis Memorandum e: CPAM CNO [Chief to Naval Operations] Executive Board e: CEB


CNSG Middle Pacific e: CNSG MIDPAC Co-operative War Industry e: C.W.I. Co-ordinated Roland Air Defence e: CORAD Co-ordination & Warning System e: CWS Coal Mine Maps e: CMM Coalition for International Cooperation and Peace e: CICP Coalition for the Peaceful Uses of Space e: CPUS Coalition Task Force e: CTF Coast and Antiaircraft Experimental Establishment e: CAEE Coast Artillery e: CA, e: C.A., e: C Arty Coast Artillery Antiaircraft e: CA [AA] Coast Artillery Cooperation Unit e: CACI! Coast Artillery Corps e: CAC Coast Artillery Corps Reserve e: CA-Res Coast Artillery District e: CA Dist Coast Artillery Drill Regulations e: CADR Coast Artillery Field Manual e: CAFM Coast Artillery Memorandum e: CAM Coast Artillery Replacement Training Center e: CARTC Coast Artillery Reserve Corps e: CARC Coast Artillery School e: CAS, e: C.A.S., e. CA Sch Coast Artillery Training e: CAT Coast Artillery Training Battalion e: CATB, e CATBn Coast Defence Artillery e: C.D.A. Coast Defence Command e: CDC Coast Defence Exercise e: CDX Coast Defence [or Defense] Battery e: CD Bty Coast Defense and Antiaircraft e: CD & AA Coast Defense Artillery e: CDA Coast Garrison Force e: C.G.F. Coast Guard e: C Coast Guard Air Service e: C.A.S. Coast Guard Aviation e: CGA Coast Guard Aviation Depot e: CGAD Coast Guard Command e: CGC Coast Guard Liaison Officer e: CGLNO Coast Guard LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Assistance Device e: COGLAD Coast Guard LORAN [Long-Range Navigation] Station e: CGLS Coast Guard LORAN [Long-Range Navigation] transmitting Station e: CGLORSTA Coast Guard Officer e: CGO Coast Guard Patrol Cutter e: CGPC Coast Guard Ship e: W Coast Radar Station e: RA Coast Regiment, Royal Artillery e: C.R.R.A. Coast Survey Marine Observation System e: COSMOS Coastal Air Defense Identification Zone e: CADIZ Coastal Air Force e: C.A.F. Coastal and Antiaircraft Training Centre e: C&AATC Coastal and Marine Environment Management Information System e: COMEMIS Coastal and Marine Research e: COMAR Coastal and Marine Resources Information System e: CANRIS Coastal Anti-Missile System e: CAMS Coastal Artillery Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery e: CA AA Reg RA Coastal Artillery Co-operation Unit e: C.A.C.II. Coastal Artillery Computer e: CAC Coastal Artillery Mine Planter e: CAMP Coastal Base Section e: CBS

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Coastal Battlefield Reconnaissance & Analysis e: COBRA Coastal Command e: CC, e: COSCOM Coastal Command Defence Unit e: C.C.D.U. Coastal Current Radar e: CCR Coastal Defence Force e: C.D.F. Coastfal] Defence [or Defense] e: CD Coast[al] Defence [or Defense] Signal Unit e CDSU Coastfal] Defense e: C Def Coastal Defense Base e: CDB Coastal Defense radar e: CD Coastal Defense [Radar] Unit e: CDU Coastal Division e: COSDIV Coastal Forces Material [or Materiel] Department e: CFMD Coastal Marine Area e: CMA Coastal Marine Automated Network e: ΟΜΑΝ Coastal Marine Information System e: COMARIS Coastal Marine Research and Training in Africa e: COMARAF Coastal Minesweeper [Underwater Locator] e AMCU Coastal Navigation Warning issued by Australian RCC e: AUSCOAST Coastal Navigation Warning issued by MRCC e: AUSCOAST Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar e: CODAR Coastal Patrol e: CP Coastal Patrol and Interdiction Craft e: CPIC Coastal Patrol Service e: Cosps Coastal Radar Integration System e: CRIS Coastal Shipping Commission e: ACSC Coastal Squadron e: COCRON COB [Command Operating Budget] Information System e: COBIS Cockpit Voice & Flight Data Recorder e: CVFDR Cocoa/Patrick Air Force Base [Florida] e: KCOF Code Division Testbed e: CODIT code for chemical and biological warfare e: N.K. Naomi Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk e: BCH Code Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships e: SPS Code Pénal Militaire f: CPM Coded Armaments System e: CAS Coded Command e: CC Coded Command Line e: CCL Coded Doppler Radar Command e: CODORAC Coded Doppler Radar Command System e: CODORACS Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing e: COFDM Codewarrior Analysis Tools e: CATS Codex Alimentarius Commission e: CODEX Codice Penale Militare i: CPM Código de Justicia Militar s: CJM Código Penal Militar s: CPM Coding Board Officer e: CBO Coding Room Watch Officer e: CRWO Coffin launched Intercept Missile e: CIM Coffin Strategic Missile e: CSM Coherent Cloud Physics Radar e: CCPR Coherent Imaging Radar e: CIR Coherent Laser radar Airborne Shear Sensor e: CLASS Coherent Radar and Advanced Signal Processing [System] e: KRAS Coherent Radar Array e: CORA

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Combat Correspondent Cold Field Emission e: CFE Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption e: CVAA Cold War Activities Group e: CWAG Cold War Council e: CWC Cold Weather Training Center e: CWTC Coldstream Guards e: CG, e: C.G'ds. Colegio Interamericano de Defensa s: CID Collaborative Radar Acquisition Field Test e CRAFT Collapsible Airborne Military Equipment Lifter e: CAMEL Collateral Action Officer e: CAO Collecting Battalion e: Coll Bn Collecting Company e: Coll Co Collecting Point for Prisoners of War e: Coll Pt PW Collecting Station e: Coll Sta Collection and Forwarding System e: CFS Collection, Control & Dissemination Section e: CC&DS Collection, Management, and Dissemination Section e: CDMS Collection Management Officer e: CMO College d'enseignement technique maritime, Marseille f: C.E.T.M. Collège des Techniques d'Armement f: COTA College Fraternity Scholarship Officers Association e: CFSOA College Levai Examination Program e: CLEP College Militaire Royal de Saint-Jean, Quebec f: QSTJ Collège Militaire Royal de St. Jean f: CMR College of Aeronautics e: C.O.A. College of Air Warfare e: CAW College of Arms e: C.O.A. College of Marine Studies e: CMS Collision Avoidance Radar Simulator e: CARS Collision Avoidance System/Pilot Warning Instrument e: CAS/PWI Collision Avoidance System Proximity Warning indicator e: CAS/PWI Collision Force Method e: CFM Collision, Obstacle, Terrain, and Warning System e: COTAWS Colombier Militaire f: C&M Colombus Air Force Base [Mississippi] e: KCBM Colonel-Commandant e: Col.-Comdt. Colonial Aircraft Company e: CAC Colonial Ammunition Company e: CAC Colonial and Local Troops e: CLT Colonial Forces e: C.F. Colonial Military Forces e: C.M.F. Colonial Officer e: CO colonna i: col. colonna salmeria per divisione alpina i: colonne f: coin, η: col Colonne Automobile f: C.A. Colonne de Munitions f: C&M Colonne de ravitaillement f: C.R. Colonne Légère de Munitions f: C.L.M. Colonne Mobile f: C&M Colorado Front Range e: CFR Colorado Institute for Conflict Resolution and Creative Leadership e: CICRCL Colorado National Guard e: ColoNG Columbia University Division of War Research e: CUDWR Columbus Air Force Base e: CAFB Columbus Army Depot e: COAD Columbus General Depot e: CGD column e: coin Columna de subsistencia s: C.S. Comandamentul Militar Teritorial ru: C.M.T.

Comandancia s: Comda. Comandancia de Etapas s: C.M.d.D. Comandancia General de Aeronáutica s: CGA Comandante artiglieria di Divisione di fanteria i: Cte art Df Comandante de Operaciones Navales s: C.O.N. Comandante dell'artiglieria Divisionale Cte a.D. Comandante di Regione Militare i: C.R.M. Comandante di sezione i: C.S. Comandante Divisione fanteria i: Cte Df Comandante fanteria Divisionale i: Cte fant. Df Comandante Unità Servizi i: Cte US Comandi Militari Territoriali di Regione i: C. di MM.TT.Reg. Comando i: C, i: comando i: coni. Comando Artiglieria d'armata i: CAA Comando artiglieria di brigata i: CAB Comando Artiglieria di Corpo d'Armata i: Cdo a.C.A. Comando Artiglieria Divisionale i: CAD comando autoreparto leggero i: c.Arl. comando autoreparto misto i: c.Arm. Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina s: CANA Comando del Sahara libico i: comando della flottiglia somemrgibili i: com.flott.soni. Comando der Luchtverdediging n: CLV Comando di base i: C.B. Comando di settore i: C.s. Comando di sottozona i: C.s/z Comando di tappa i: C.T. Comando di tappa principale i: Tap.pri Comando di tappa secondario i: Tap.s. comando di zona i: c.z. Comando Geral do Ar ρ: COMGAR comando militare i: Comando Militare di Stazione i: M.Staz., i: CMS Comando Militare di Zona i: CMZ Comando Militare Marittimo Autonomo i: C.M.M.A. Comando Militare Provinciale i: CMP Comando Militare Territoriale i: CMT comando militare territoriale i: comilitar Comando Militare Territoriale di Regione i: M.T.Reg., ì: CMTR Comando regio corpo i: C.R.C. Comando Soccorso Aereo i: CSA Comando superiore i: C.S. Comando superiore alpini i: C.S.A. Comando Superiore Forze Armate i: C.S.FFAA. Comando supreme i: C.S. Comando Supremo i: Com.Sup. Comando tappa i: Cdo tp. Comando tattico i: Cdo tat. Comando Tattico Avanzato i: TAC Comando Trasporti e Soccorso Aereo i: CTSA Comando Unità Servizi i: CUS Comando Zona Aerea Territoriale i: CZAT Combat e: C, e: Cbt, e: cmbt, e: Comb., e: combt Combat Advice System e: CAS Combat Air Command e: CAC Combat Air Command & Control Centre e: CACCC Combat Air Crew e: CAC Combat Air Division e: CAD Combat Air Forces Weather Software Package e: CAFWSP

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Combat Air Forces Workstation e: CAFWS Combat Air Operations Center e: CAOC Combat Air Patrol e: CAP Combat Air Patrol Support e: CAPS Combat Air Rescue Aircraft e: CARA Combat Air Surveillance Correlation and Display Equipment e: CASCADE Combat Aircraft Recording and Data System e: CARDS Combat Aircraft Recovery Aircraft e: CARA Combat Aircraft Repair Team e: CART Combat Aircraft Service Unit [Fleet] e: CASU[F] Combat Aircraft Technology e: CAT Combat Aircrew Refresher Training Unit e CARTU Combat Aircrew Training System e: CATS Combat Aircrew Training Unit e: CATU Combat Aircrewfman] e: CA Combat Airlift Mission e: CAM Combat Airlift Support Unit e: CALSII Combat Alert Aircrew e: CAAC Combat Alert Center e: CAC Combat Ammunition Production e: CAP Combat Ammunition System e: CAS Combat Analysis Capability e: CAC Combat Area Surveillance System e: CASS Combat Arms Group e: CAG Combat Arms Maneuver Battalions Command e: CAMBCOM Combat Arms Regimental System e: CARS Combat Assault Dory e: CAD Combat Assessment e: CA Combat Assessment Capability e: CAC Combat Aviation e: CBT AVN Combat Aviation Squadron e: CAS Combat Battalion e: Bn[C] Combat Breacher Vehicle e: CBV Combat Car e: C Car Combat Cargo Command e: CARCOM, e: CCC Combat Cargo Group e: CCG Combat Cargo Mission e: CCM Combat Cargo Squadron e: CCS Combat Cargo Task Force e: CCTF Combat Center e: CC Combat Center Director e: CCD Combat Command e: CC Combat Command A e: CCA Combat Command Β e: CCB Combat Command C e: CCC Combat Command D e: CCD Combat Command Group e: CMBTCG Combat Command Post e: CCP Combat Command Reserve e: CCR Combat Command V e: CCV Combat Communications Equipment e: CCE Combat Communications Flight/Squadron/Group e: CMBTC/F/S/G Combat Communications Group e: CCG Combat Contingency Element e: CCE Combat Control e: CC, e: COMCON Combat Control Centre e: CCC Combat Control Concept Evaluation System e: CCC ES Combat Control Elements e: CCE Combat, Control, Support e: COMCONSUP Combat Control System e: CCS, e: CCS MK-2 MK-2 Combat Control Team e: CCT Combat Control Unit e: CCU Combat Correspondent e: CC


Combat Crew Combat Crew e: CCR Combat Crew Replacement Center e: CCRC Combat Crew Standardization School e: ccss Combat Crew Training e: CCT Combat Crew Training Group e: CCrTG, e CCTG Combat Crew Training School e: CCTS Combat Crew Training Squadron e: CCTS Combat Crew Training Unit e: CCTII Combat Crew Training Wing e: CCrTngWg, e: CCTW Combat Cryptologie Support Console e: ccsc Combat Cryptologie Support System e: CCSS Combat Damage Repair Assessment Team e: CDRAT Combat Data Director e: CDD Combat Defense Force e: CDF Combat Déployable Radio e: CDR Combat Developer e: CBTDEV Combat Development and Experimentation Center e: CD ETC Combat Development and Test CenterVietnam e: CDTC-V Combat Development Branch e: CDB Combat Development Command Division e: C2D2 Combat Development Experimentation Center e: CODEC Combat Development Phase [or Plan, or Process, or Project] e: CDP Combat Development Technical Evaluation Center e: CDTEC Combat Development Test Center e: CDTC Combat Developments] e: CD Combat Developments] Command e: CDC Combat Developments Command Experimental Center e: CDCEC Combat Developments Command Experimentation Command e: CDCEC Combat Developments Command Infantry Agency e: CDCIA Combat Developments Command Intelligence Agency e: CDCINTA Combat Developments Experimentation Center e: CDE Combat Developments Experimentation Command e: CDE Combat Developments Objective Guide e: CDOG Combat Developments Office e: CDO Combat Developments Planning Group e: CDPG Combat Direction Center e: CDC Combat Direction Finding e: CDF Combat Direction System e: CDS Combat Directional Finder e: COMBATDF Combat Distribution Team Status Report e: CODSTAT Combat Effective Training Management e: CETRM Combat Effects Simulator e: CES Combat Efficiency Improvement e: CEI Combat Electromagnetic Environment Simulator e: CEESIM Combat Electronic Warfare [and] Intelligence e: CEWI Combat Elevation Launch e: CEL Combat Emplacement Excavator e: CEE Combat Engineer e: Cmbt Engr Combat Engineer Battalion e: CEB Combat Engineer Conference e: CEC Combat Engineer Tractor e: CET Combat Engineer Vehicle e: CEV


Combat Enhancing Capability Aviation Team e: CECAT Combat Enhancing Team e: CECAT Combat Equipment Battalion East e: CEBE Combat Equipment Company e: CEC Combat Equipment Fighting Order e: CEFO Combat Equipment Group, Europe e: CEG, e: CEGE Combat Equipment Marching Order e: CEMO Combat Evaluation Group e: CEG, e: CEVG Combat Exhaustion e: CE Combat File Maintenance e: CFM Combat Flight Inspection & Navigation e: C-FIN Combat Follow-on Spares Support e: CFDSS Combat Follow-On Supply System e: CFOSS Combat Force, Eastern Continental Region e: CFECR Combat Fuels Management System e: CFMS Combat Group e: CBT GP, e: CG, e: C Gp Combat Gunnery Officers School e: CGOS Combat History Analysis Study Effort e: CHASE Combat Identification e: CID Combat Identification System e: CIS Combat Identification System-Indirect Subsystem e: CIS-ISS Combat Ineffective e: CI Combat Infantryman's Badge e: CIB, e: CIBAD Combat Information e: CI Combat Information Bureau e: CIB Combat Information Center Office e: CICO Combat Information Center [or Centre] e: CIC Combat Information Center Watch Officer e CICWO Combat Information Centre Procedure Trainer e: CIC-PT Combat Information Message e: CI M Combat Information Systems Group e: CISG Combat Information Systems Squadron e: CISS Combat Information Transport System e: CITS Combat Intelligence e: CBTI Combat Intelligence Center e: CIC Combat Intelligence Division e: CID Combat Intelligence Officer e: C.I.O. Combat Intelligence Processor e: CIP Combat Intercept Control e: CIC Combat Interviews e: CI Combat Jamming/Communication Support System e: COJACS Combat Launch and Recovery Kit e: CLARK Combat Logistic Force e: CLF Combat Logistics Assessment System. Examples e: CLAS Combat Logistics Network e: COMLOGNET Combat Logistics Support Squadron e: CLSS Combat Logistic[s] Support System e: CLSS Combat Loss and Expenditure Data e: COLED Combat Loss and Expenditure DataVietnam e: COLED-V

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Combat Maintenance System e: CMS Combat Maneuver Battalion e: CMB Combat Maneuver Battalion[s] e: COMANBAT Combat Maneuver Training Center e: CMTC Combat Maneuver Training CenterInstrumentation System e: CMTC-IS Combat Mapping Squadron e: CMS Combat Medical Badge e: CMB Combat Mission Folder e: CMF Combat Mission Simulator e: CMS Combat Mobility Branch e: CMB Combat Mobility Vehicle e: CMV Combat Monitoring System e: CMS Combat, Naval e: C.N. Combat Net Radio e: CNR Combat Net Radio Environment e: CNRE Combat Net Radio Interface e: CNRI Combat Operational Support Aircraft e: COSA Combat Operational Support Group e: COSG Combat Operations Center e: COC Combat Operations Center Marine Air Ground Task Force e: COCMAGTF Combat Operations Division e: CBTOPS, e: COD Combat Operations Information Centre e: COIC Combat Operations Intelligence Center e: COIC Combat Operations Intelligence Division e COID Combat Operations Report e: COR Combat Operations Research Group e: CORG Combat Operations Section e: COS Combat Operations Section, Air Force e: COS/AF Combat Operations Specialist Course e: cosc Combat Optimization and Analysis Program e: COA Ρ Combat Orders, Training and Evaluation System e: COTES Combat-Oriented General Support Center e: COGSC Combat-Oriented Maintenance Organization e COMO Combat-Oriented Supply Organization e: COSO Combat Personnel Control System e: CPCS Combat Pilots Association e: CPA Combat Plans Division e: CBTPLANS, e: CPD Combat Readiness Air Group e: CRAG Combat Readiness Air Wing e: CRAW Combat Readiness Categories e: CRCAT Combat Ready e: CR Combat Reconnaissance Platoon e: CRP Combat Reporting Post e: CRP Combat Rescue e: CR Combat Rescue Mission Analysis e: CRMA Combat Rescue Training Exercise e: CRT E Combat Reserve e: CR Combat Search and Rescue Special Warfare Support Helicopter e: HCS Combat Service Support Area e: CSSA Combat-Service to the Army e: COSTAR Combat Simulation Test System e: CSTS Combat Stores Ship e: TAFS Combat Studies Institute e: CSI Combat Support Aircraft e: CSA Combat Support Aviation Corps e: SCAC Combat Support Chemical Platoon e: CSCP

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Comditional Command Combat Support Force e: CSF Combat Support Group e: CSGp Combat Support Helicopter e: CSH Combat Support Module e: CSM Combat Support Unit e: C O M S U P Combat Support Wing e: CSW Combat Surveillance Agency e: CSA Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition e: CSTA Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition Laboratory e: C S & T A L Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition Training Command e: CSTATC Combat Surveillance Laboratory e: CSL Combat Surveillance Radar e: CSR Combat System e: C O S Y S Combat System Integrated Training Equipment e: CSITE Combat System Material Assessment Training & Tests e: C M A T T Combat Systems Advisory Group e: CSAG Combat Systems Analysis Tool e: COSAT Combat Systems Data Processing Project e: CSDPP Combat Systems Division e: CSD Combat Systems Multi-format Information Centre e: C O S M I C Combat Systems Training Team e: CSTT Combat Targeting Center e: CTC Combat Team e: CT Combat Train e: C Tn Combat train e: CTn Combat Training Center e: CTC Combat Training Launch e: CTL Combat Training Program e: CTP Combat Training Unit e: CTU Combat Underwater Exploitation System e: CUES Combat Unit Training Center e: CUTC Combat Vehicle e: CV, e: CVEH Combat Vehicle Appended Trainer e: CVAT Combat Vehicle Armament System Technology e: CVAST Combat Vehicle Command & Control e: CVC2 Combat Vehicle Crewman e: CVC Combat Vehicle Kill e: CVK Combat Vehicle Recognition e: CVR Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance e: CVR Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance [Tracked] e: CVR[T] Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance [Wheeled] e CVR[W] Combat Vehicle Research Development Establishment e: CVRDE Combat Vehicle Thermal Targeting System e CVTTS Combat Vehicle Weapons System e: CVWS Combat Vehicles Armament Technology e COMVAT Combat Weather System e: CWS Combat Wing e: CW Combat Zone e: CBTZ, e: Comb Z, e: CZ Combat Zone Mobile Communication System e: C Z M C S combat zone radius e: czr Combatant Command e: C O C O M Combattants Afrique, Tunisie, Maroc f : CATM Combattants Volontaires de la Résistance / C.V.R. Combatting Committee [Helsinki Commission] e: CC Combination of Forward Combustion and Waterflooding e: C O F C A W Combined Action Forces e: CA F

Combined Action Platoon e: CAP Combined Action Program e: CAP Combined Air Defense Systems e: CADS Combined Air Force Operating Base e: CAFOB Combined Air-Warfare Course e: C A W C Combined Aircraft Transfer & Release Assembly e: CATRA Combined Allied Air Forces e: CAAF Combined Allied Defence Experiment e: CADE Combined Allied Defense Effort e: CADE Combined Allied Forces Information Center e CAFIC Combined Allied Land Forces e: CALF Combined Allied Naval Forces e: CANF Combined Allied Naval Forces, Southwest Pacific Area e: C A N F S W P A Combined Allied Naval Forces Southwest Pacific Ocean Area Operating Plan e: CANFSWPAOPPLAN Combined Altitude Radar Altimeter e: CARA Combined Amphibious Task Force e: CATF Combined Anti-Submarine Exercise e: CASEX Combined Antiaircraft Operations Room e: C.A.A.O.R. Combined Arms and Support Research Office e: CASRO Combined Arms and Support, 1970—75 [study] e: CAAS-75 Combined Arms Army e: CAA Combined Arms Battalion e: CAB Combined Arms Combat Development Activity e: CACDA Combined Arms Command and Control [programme] e: CAC2 Combined Arms & Command Post Trainer e: CACPT Combined Arms Multi-Mission System e: CAMMS Combined Arms Research Office e: CARO Combined Arms School e: CAS Combined Arms Services Staff School e: CAS Combined Arms Support Command e: CASCOM Combined Arms Tactical Trainer e: CATT Combined Arms Tactical Training Simulator e: CATTS Combined Arms Team/Lightweight Combat Vehicle e: C A T / L C V Combined Arms Training Strategy e: CATS Combined Army Combat Development Activity e: CACDA Combined Army Group e: CAG Combined Army Training Board e: CATB Combined Bomber Offensive e: CBO Combined Cadet Force e: C.C.F. Combined Cadet Force Association e: CCFA Combined Center Radar Approach Control e: CERAP Combined Chiefs of Staff e: CCS Combined Civil Affairs Task Force e: CCATF Combined Command Post e: CCP Combined Communications Material Center e COCOMAC Combined Defense Improvements Project e: CDIP Combined Deputy Military Governors e: CDMG Combined Economic Warfare Agencies e: CEWA Combined Effects Munition[s] e: CEM

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Combined Effects Warhead e: CEW Combined Electronic Warfare Control Center e: C E W C C Combined Exercise e: COMBEX Combined Field Army e: CFA Combined File Search Strategy e: CFSS Combined Forces Air Component e: CFAC Combined Forces Command e: CFC Combined Forces, Europe e: CFE Combined Ground Command Post e: CGCP Combined Headquarters e: CHQ Combined Intelligence Committee e: CIC Combined Intelligence Course e: CIC Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee e: CIOS Combined Joint Task Force[s] e: CJTF Combined Loyalist Military Command e: CLMC Combined Marine Surcharge e: C.M.S. Combined Military Coordination Planning Staff e: C M C P S Combined Military Hospital e: C.M.H. Combined Military Planning Staff e: CMPS Combined Military Transportation Committee e: CMTC Combined Movement Center e: CMC Combined Munitions Board e: CMB Combined Nuclear and Steam e: C O N A S Combined Operational Service Command e COSC Combined Operations Bombardment Battery e: COBB Combined Operations Command e: COC Combined Operations Headquarters e: C.O.H.Q. Combined Operations Material Department e: C.O.M.D. Combined Operations Pilotagae Party e: COPP Combined Operations Scout Unit e: COSU Combined Operations Signal Maintenance Depot e: C O S M D Combined Operations Signal Maintenance Officer e: C O S M O Combined Operations Signal Officer e: COSO Combined Operations Supply Depot e: COSD Combined Photographic Interpretation Center e: CPIC Combined Photographic Reconnaisance Wing e: C.P.R.W. Combined Planning Staff e: CPS Combined Quarantine Force e: COMBQUARFOR Combined Rocket Warhead e: CROW Combined service forces [China] e: CSF Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center, Latimer e: CSDIC Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center - Nonoperational Intelligence e: CSDICNOI Combined Services Entertainment e: C.S.E. Combined Special Forces Operational Detachment e: CSFOD Combined Target Area e: CTA Combined Task Force e: CTF Combined Test Force e: CTF Combined Traffic Center e: CTC Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force e: C U W T F Combustion Engineering/General Atomics e: CEGA Combustion Engineering Nuclear Division e CEND Comditional Command e: CC


Comision Nacional Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias s: CNSNS Comisión Boliviana de Energía Nuclear s: COBOEN Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear s: CCEN, s: CChEN Comisión de Concordia y Pacificación s: COCOPA Comisión de Estrategia y Planificación Ambientales s: CEPA Comisión Interamericana de Energía Nuclear s: CIEN Comisión Interministerial entre Defensa y Transporte s: CIDETRA Comisión Internacional de Pesquerías del Hipogloso del Pacífico s: CIPHP Comisión Internacional para la Conservación del Atún del Atlántico s: CI CAA Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica s: CNEA Comisión Nacional de Energía Nuclear s: CNEN Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur s: CPPS, s: CPSP Comissäo Interamericana de Energia Nuclear ρ: CIEN Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear i: CNEN Comitato Centrale Interministeriale di Protezione Antiaerea i: CCIPAA Comitato di artiglieria contraerea i: COARCA Comitato di Difesa Nazionale i: CDN Comitato Militare Alta Italia i: C.M.A.I. Comitato Militare Regionale Piemontese i: C.M.R.P. Comitato Nazionale per le Ricerche Nucleari i: CNRN Comitato Nazionale per l'Energia Nucleare i: CNEN Comitato per la Difesa Atomica, Biologica e Chimica i: COMABC Comitato Provinciale Protezione Antiaerea i: CPPAA Comitato Razzi e Missili i: CORAMI Comitato Tecnico Inteministeriale Rifornimenti i: COTIR Comitato Tecnico Interministeriale Trasporti i: COTIT Comitato Tecnico Scientifico Militare i: C.T.S.M. Comitato Telecomunicazioni Militari i: C.T.M. Comité de Compradores de Material Aeronautico de America Latina s: CCMA Comité Militaire National f: C.M.N. Comité militaire national [Résistance] f: C.M.N. Comité bestuurlijke informatiesystemen van de Koninklijke Landmacht n: COBIS/KL comité chefs van stafen/bevelhebbers n: COCSB Comité Confédéral National de Force Ouvrière f: CCNFO Comité d'Action de Défense Démocratique / CADD Comité d'Action Militaire f: COMAC Comité d'Action pour le Défense de la Légalité f: CADEL Comité d'association d'armes f: CAA Comité de Coordination des Communications Militaires en Europe f: CCCME Comité de Coordination des Transmissions Militaires Européennes f: CCTME Comité de Défense Atlantique f: CDA


Comité de Défense de la République f: CDR Comité de Défense de l'Humanité f: CDH Comité de Défense des Cadres f: C.D.C. Comité de Défense des Petites Entreprises Foraines f: CODEPEF Comité de Défense des Sites et Rochers d'escalade f: COSIROC Comité de défense des territoires français dans le Pacifique f: C.O.F.PAC Comité de Défense des Travailleurs Frontaliers f: CDTF Comité de Guerre f: CdG Comité de la Défense Nationale f: CDN Comité de liaison des entreprises de Démolition Navale de la CEE f: CODENA Comité de Liaison des organismes Militaires Sociaux f: CLIMS Comité des chefs d'état-major f: C . C . E . M . , / COCEM Comité des Questions de Défense Nucléaire f: CQDN Comité des Représentants Militaires f: C.R.M. Comité des représentants militaires f: C.R.M. Comité d'Information et de Défense f: C.I.D. Comité d'Information et Défense de l'Union Nationale des Travailleurs Indépendants f: CID-UNATI Comité directeur de la recherche opérationnelle f: C.D.R.O. Comité du Budget Militaire f: CBM Comité d'étude des produits pétroliers f: C.E.P.P. Comité d'Études de Défense des Intérêts de la Corse f: CEDIC Comité d'Études de la Modernisation des moyens et des méthodes de gestion du personnel et du matériel dans la marine / COEMOD Comité d'Études Pétrolières Marines f: C.E.P.M. comité economie en financien n: COEF Comité Français de Bienvenue aux Armées alliées f: C.O.F.B.A. Comité Français pour la Défense de Droits de l'Homme f: CFDDH Comité Fédéral des Combattants Prisonniers de Guerre f: C.F.C.P.G. Comité Inter-armée du Domaine Militaire f: CIDOM Comité interalliée des Officiers de Réserve / CIOR Comité Internacional de Coordinación para el Combate de la Langosta Centro América s: CICLA Comité Internacional de Medicina y Farmacia Militares s: CIMFM Comité International de défense de la civilisation chrétienne f: CI Comité International de liaison pour la Navigation de Plaisance f: CINP Comité International de Médecine et de Pharmacie Militaires f: CIMPM Comité Interprofessionnel pour l'Étude et la Défense de l'Élevage f: CIEDE Comité Intersyndical pour l'expansion et la Défense du Transport Aérien Français f: CIDETAF Comité intérimaire de la Conférence pour l'organisation de la Communauté européenne de défense f: CICOCED Comité Maghrébin pour la Navigation Maritime f: CMNM Comité Materieel n: COM Comité Militaire f: CM

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Comité Militaire de la Libération Nationale f: CMLN Comité Militaire de Redressement National f: CMRN Comité Militaire de Redressement pour le Progrès National f: CMRPN Comité Militaire du Salut National f: CMSN Comité Militaire en Session Permanente f: MC/PS Comité Ministériel de Défense f: CMD Comité Mixte de défense Civile f: COMIXCIV Comité mixte des transports aériens f: COMIXAIR Comité mixte des transports maritimes f: COMIXMAR Comité mixte des transports terrestres f: COMIXTER Comité mixte des travaux f: COMIXTRAV Comité National d'Action et de Défense des Aviculteurs f: C.N.A.D.A. Comité National d'Action et de Défense des Volaillers f: CNADEV Comité National de/pour la Défense de la Révolution f: CNDR Comité Operationele Automatisering Defensie n: COAD Comité organisation - méthodes informatique f: C.O.M.I.N. Comité Permanent de la Défense Nationale f: CPDN Comité régional de gestion f: C.R.G. Comité Technique de Programmes d'Armement f: CTPA Comité Technique des Programmes des Forces Armées f: C.T.P.F.A. Comité tot Behartiging van de Algemene Belangen van het Marinepersoneel beneden de Rang van Officier n: CAMBO Comité tot Behartiging van de Algemene Belangen van Marinepersoneel beneden de rang van Officier n: CABMO Command e: C, e: Cd., e: CMD command e: cmd Command e: Cmmnd, e: CMND command e: comd Command Accountant e: CA Command Accounting and Finance Office e: CAFO Command Acknowledge e: CAK Command Acquisition Unit e: CAU Command Action Team e: CAT Command Activation Unit e: CAI) Command Address e: CAD Command Address Change e: CAC Command Adjusted Trajectory/Fire Control System e.-'CAT/FCS Command Advisory Function e: CAF Command Air Force Vehicle Integrated Management System e: CAFVIMS Command Aircraft Maintenance [and] Manpower Information System e: CAMMIS Command Analysis e: CANAL command and administration e: c&a Command and Administrative Data System e COADS Command and Arithmetic Unit e: CAU Command [and] Communication System[s] e: CCS Command and Control e: C2, e: CAC, e: C and C, e C & C, e COC Command and Control Agency e: CCA Command and Control Battalion e: Comd & Con Bn Command and Control Battle Management e C2BM

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Command Excess Equipment Command and Control Board e: CCB Command [and] Control Center e: CCC Command and Control, Communications, and Computers e: C4 Command and Control Defense Systems Office e: CCDSO Command and Control Development Division e: CCDD, e: C2 D2 [ARDC] Command and Control Director e: CCD Command and Control Engineering Center e: CCEC Command and Control Evaluation e: CCE Command and Control Group e: CCG Command and Control Information Exchange e: C 2 I E Command and Control Information Processing e: CCIP Command and Control Information Processing System e: C2IPS Command [and] Control Information System e: CCIS Command and Control Information System[s] e: C2IS Command and Control Information Systems Management Office e: C 2 I S M O Command and Control Information Systems Manager e: C2ISM Command and Control Initiatives Program e: C2IP Command and Control Modernization Methodology e: C2MS Command and Control Reports e: C&CR, e: C O M C O N S Command and Control Research e: CCR Command and Control Subordinate System e: CCS2, e: C2S2 Command and Control Subsystem e: CCS Command and Control Support Agency e: CCSA Command and Control System e: C2S Command and Control System[s] e: CCS Command and Control Systems Center e: CCSC Command and Control Systems Office e:


Command and Control Systems Organization e: CCSO Command and Control Technical Center e: CCTC Command and Control Test Facility e: CCTF Command and Control Warfare e: CCW, e: C2W Command and Data Acquisition Center e: CDAC Command [and] Data Acquisition Station e: CDAS Command and Data Acquisition Station e: CDA Station Command and Data Handling e: C & D H Command and Data Management [ S u b s y s t e m e: C D M S Command and Data Simulator e: CADS Command and Data System e: CDDS Command and General Staff College e: CGSC Command and General Staff School e: C&GSS Command and Intelligence Support Indications Center e: CISIC Command and Navigation Equipment e: CANE Command and Observation Post e: COP Command and Reporting Center e: CRC Command and Service Module e: CASM Command and Service Modules e: C M SM Command and Staff College e: C&SC Command and Triangulation e: CAT

Command Application Environment e: CAE Command/Arithmetic[s] Unit e: CATV Command, Arming, Recording, and Timing e: CARS System Command Assistance Team e: CAT Command Augmentation System e: CAS Command Authorization List e: CAL Command Automated [or Automation] System e: CAS Command Budget Automated System e: CBAS Command Budget Estimates e: CBE Command Budget Formulation System e: CBFS Command Cab e: CC Command Card e: CC Command Center Automation e: CCA Command Center Automation System e: CCAS Command Center Complex e: CCC Command Center Duty Officer e: CDO Command Center Evaluation Facility e: CCEF Command Center Evaluation System e: CCES Command Center Improvement Program e: CCIP Command Center Information System e: CCIS Command Center [or Centre] e: CC Command Center Processing and Display System e: CCPDS Command Center Upgrade e: CCU Command Center Watch Station e: C C W S Command Centre Processing & Data System e: CCPDS Command Chain Unit e: CCU Command Chaining e: CC Command Channel Interface Unit e: CCIII Command Chief Engineer e: CCE Command Code e: CC Command, Communication, and Telemetry System e: C C A T S Command, Communications and Control/Information Resource Management e: C3/IRM Command Communications Boat e: CCB Command Communication[s] Service Designator e: CCSD Command Computer e: CC Command Console e: CC Command Console Processor e: CCP Command Control e: CC Command, Control & Alerting e: C2A Command, Control and Communications e: C3 Command, Control, and Communications e: CCC Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures e: C4 Command, Control and Communications Order of Battle e C 3 0 B Command Control and Communications Program [me] e: CC & CP Command, Control and Communications System e: CCCS Command, Control and Communications Systems [Directorate] e: C3S Command, Control and Communications Systems Directorate e: J - 6 Command, Control and Intelligence e: C2I Command, Control and Intelligence Processor e: C2IP Command, Control and Intelligence Support Squadron e: CCISS Command Control Block e: CCB Command & Control Centre e: CDC Command, Control, Communication, Computers and Intelligence e: C4Í

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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Command, Control, Communication, Information e: C 3 I Command, Control, Communication, Intelligence e: C3Í Command Control, Communications and Intelligence e: CCCI Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence e: C3I Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Information Systems e: C3IIS Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Information e: C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence e: C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence & Information e: C4I2 Command, Control, Communications Countermeasure[s] e: C3CM Command, Control, Communications Intelligence and Interoperability e: C3I2 Command, Control, Communications Program Plan e: C3P2 Command Control Console e: CCC Command Control/Destruct e: CC/D Command & Control Display e: CCD Command & Control Element e: C2E Command Control Equipment e: CCE Command & Control Facility e: CCF Command Control Information Requirements e: CCIR Command Control Interface e: CCI Command Control Number e: CCN Command Control Operations Center e: CCOC Command Control Panel e: CCP Command Control Post e: CCP Command Control Receiver e: CCR Command & Control Station e: CCS Command, Control & Status e: C2S Command, Control, Support e: CCS Command Control System e: CCS Command & Control Vehicle e: C2V Command Counter e: CC Command Data Base e: CDB Command Data Buffer Program e: CDBP Command Decoder e: CMD DCDR Command Decoder Filter e: CDF Command Descriptor Table e: CDT Command Destruct Control e: CDC Command Destruct Decoder e: CDD Command Destruct Receiver e: CDR Command Destruct Transmitter e: CDT Command Disaster Control Force e: CDCF Command Disaster Control Group e: CDCG Command, Display & Control e: COMDAC Command Distribution Rack e: CDR Command Document Resynchronization e: CDR Command Document Resynchronize e: CDR Command Document User Information e: CDIJI Command Duty Officer e: CDO Command Education Officer e: CEO Command Electronic Operating Instruction e: CEO I Command Element e: CE Command Entertainments Officer e: CEO Command Equipment Management Office e: C E M O Command Equipment Management Team e: CEMT Command Evaluation Team e: C O M E T Command Excess Equipment Redistribution System e: CEERS


Command Execution Planning Command Execution Planning Group e: CEPG Command Field e: CF Command Field Exercise e: CFX Command File e: CME Command & Fire Control System e: CFCS Command Flight Medical Officer e: CFMO Command Flight Safety Officer e: CFSO Command Forces e: CFOR Command Fund Control System e: CFCS Command & General Staff Officer Course e CGSOC Command & General Staff School e: CGSS Command, Ground Component Command e CGCC Command Group e: CG Command Guidance e: CG Command Guidance Computer e: CGC Command Guided Tactical Missile e: CGTM Command Headquarters e: CHQ Command/Indicate e: C/I Command Information e: CI, e: COIN Command Information Bureau e: CIB Command Information Bureau/Allied Press and Information Centers e: CIB/APIC Command Information Center e: CIC Command Information Division e: CID Command Information Network e: CIN Command Information Network Supplement e: CINS Command Information Program[me] e: CIP Command Information System e: CIS Command Input Buffer e: CIB Command Inspection System Inspection e: CISI Command Integrated Financial Accounting and Reporting System e: CINFARS Command Integrated Logistics Management Office e: CILSMO Command Intelligence System e: CIS Command Interface Test e: CIT Command Interface Unit e: CIU Command Interpretation Table e: CIT Command Issuing Officer e: C.I.O. Command Job Language Interpreter e: CJLI Command Language e: CL Command Launch Unit e: CLU Command Line Input Filter e: CLIF Command Line User Interface e: CLUI Command Line Utility e: CLU Command Link Transmission Unit e: CLTU Command List e: CL Command-Listefn] d: CLIST Command Listfs] e: CLIST Command Logistics Information Improvement Program e: CLIIP Command Logistics Review Team e: CLRT Command Logistics Review Teams Expanded e: CLRTX Command Maintenance Inspection e: CMI Command Maintenance Management Inspection [program] e: CMMI Command Maintenance Readiness Inspection e: C1V1RI Command Management Information System e CMIS Command Management Inventory Accounting e: CMIA Command Management System e: CMS Command Manpower Data System e: CMDS Command Message Formulator e: CME


Command Model for Analysis and Design e COMMAND Command Modular Operation Room Equipment e: COMMODORE Command Module e: A/M Command Module Computer e: CMC Command Module Comupter e: CMC Command Module Multiple Docking Assembly e: CMMDA Command Module Pilot e: CMP Command Module Procedures Simulator e: CMPS Command Module Reaction Control System e CMRCS Command Module Simulator e: CMS Command Module Technician e: CMT Command Munitions Management System e CMMS Command Objective Plan e: COP Command of Naval Operations e: CNO Command On-line Accounting and Reporting System e: COARS Command Operating Budget e: COB Command Operating Budget System e: COBS Command Operating Program/Budget e: COP/B Command Operation Procedure e: COP Command Operation^] e: CO Command Operations Center e: COC Command Operations Priority Requirements List e: COPRL Command Operations Simulation Model with Interrogation Control e: COSMIC Command Operator e: CO Command Orders e: CO Command Ordnance Depot e: Comm OD Command Paper e: CMD Command Patrol Plane Replacements Squadrons Pacific e: COMPATPLANEREPRONSPAC Command Pay Office [r] e: CPO command personnel management team e: CPMT Command Pilot e: CP Command Pilot Overhaul e: CPO Command Post e: CP Command Post Alerting Network e: COPAN Command Post Exercise e: CPEx, e: CPX Command Post Exercise-Field Training Exercise e: CPX-FTX Command Post Officer e: CPO Command Post Officer Assistant e: CPOA Command Post Record Capability e: COPS Command Post Record Capability Network e COPREC Command Postal and Courier Communications Depot e: CPCCD Command Procurement System e: PROCURE Command Radio Link e: CORAL Command Reconnaissance e: COMRCN Command Reject e: CMDR Command Review Board e: CRB Command Routine e: CR Command Secretary e: Comd Sec Command Secretary/Headquarters, United Kingdom Land Forces e: Sec/HQUKLF Command Sergeant Major e: CSM Command Signal Limiter e: CSL Command Specifier e: COMSPEC Command Stability Augmentation System e: CSAS Command & Staff Course e: CSC Command Statement e: CS Command Structure e: CS Command Supply Depot e: CSD Command Support Aircraft e: CSA

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Command System e: CS Command Systems Support Activity e: COSSACT Command Tactical Info System e: CTIS Command Tactical Trainer e: CTT Command Tank e: comd tk Command Team Training e: CTT Command Technical Inspection e: CTI Command Technical Library e: CTL Command Technology Initiatives e: CTI Command Test Vehicle e: CTV Command to Line of Sight e: CLOS Command Vehicle e: CV Command Weapon Carrier e: COMD WC Command Weaponfs] Carrier e: COMWC Command Workshop e: Comd Wksp Commandancia General de la Infanteria de Marina s: COMGEIM Commandant e: C, e: Cdt., e: CMDT commandant e: comd Commandant e: Comdt commandant e: comdt Commandant e: Commdt.,/· Comd. commandant f: Comd. Commandant f: Comdt, n: Comad Commandant Assistant e: CA Commandant de Forces de Gendarmerie d'Occupation f: C.F.G.O. Commandant de la Défense Aérienne du Territoire f: C.D.A.T. Commandant de la flotille Britannique de l'Elbe f: COM BRITELBE Commandant de la flotille Britannique du Rhin / COMBRITRHINE Commandant de la flotte canadienne de l'Atlantique f: CANCOMARLANT Commandant de la Région Militaire f: C.R.M. Commandant de la sous-zone Canadienne de l'Atlantique f: COMCANLANT Commandant de la sous-zone Centre de l'Atlantique f: COMCENTLANT Commandant, Defense Intelligence School e: CDIS Commandant der Zeemacht in de Nederlandse Antillen η: CZMNA Commandant der Zeemacht in Nederland η: CZMNED Commandant des forces aéro-navales[maritimes] de la sous-zone Centre de l'Atlantique f: COMMAIRCENTRLANT Commandant des Forces de barrière de l'Atlantique f: COMBARFORCLANT Commandant des forces Maritimes du Rhin / C OMARRHIN Commandant des forces Navales alliées, Centre Europe f: COMNAVCENT Commandant des forces Navales alliées de la Norvège du Nord f: COMNAVNON Commandant des forces navales, Gibraltar f: COMGIB Commandant des forces Sous-Marines [française] f: COSOUMAT Commandant des services des étapes f: Ct.S.Et. Commandant des Troupes Aéroportées f: Comdt. T.A.P. Commandant des Troupes des Transmissions f: C.T.Tr. Commandant des troupes du quartier-maître f: CQM Commandant des Troupes et des Services des Territoires du Sud f: C.T.S.T.S. Commandant des Étapes f: C.E. Commandant du f: Comd MCG/Intérieur Commandant du Secteur à Berlin f: C.S.B. Commandant du secteur à Berlin [Air] f: C.S.B.A. Commandant du Sud d'Algérie f: C.S.A.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Commander. Airlift Forces-Europe Commandant du Terrain f : C.Ter. Commandant du Théâtre d'Opérations f: CTO Commandant, Eighth Naval District e: COMEIGHT Commandant Fifth Naval District e: COMFIVE Commandant, First Naval District e: COMONE Commandant Fourteenth Naval District e: COM FOURTEEN Commandant Fourth Naval District e: COMFOUR Commandant General, Royal Marines e: CGRM Commandant, Marine Corps e: CMC Commandant, Naval Operating Base e: COMDTNOB Commandant, Navy Yard e: C M D T N Y Commandant, Ninth Naval District e: COMNINE Commandant, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defense College e: COMNATODEFCOL Commandant of the Coast Guard e: CCG Commandant of the Marine Corps e: CMB, e CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps Memorandum e: CMCM Commandant Opleidingen en Aanvullingen Landmacht η: COAL Commandant, Second Naval District e: COMTWO Commandant, Seventh Naval District e: COMSEVEN Commandant, Sixth Naval District e: COMSIX Commandant Supérieur des Forces Françaises du Sud de l'Océan Indien f : C.S.F.F.S.O.I. Commandant Supérieur des Troupes Aéroportées f : C.S.T.A.P. Commandant Supérieur des Troupes d'Occupation f: C.S.T.O. Commandant Supérieur des Troupes en Algérie f : C.S.T.A. Commandant Tactische Luchtmacht n: CTL Commandant, Third Naval District e: COMTHREE Commandant, Thirteenth Naval District e: COMTHIRTEEN Commandant, Twelfth Naval District e: COMTWELVE Commandant, United States Coast Guard e COMDTUSCG Commandant, United States Marine Corps e: C O M D T U S M C Commandant, US Marine Corps e: COMDTMARCORPS Commandant [van Dienst] n: CD Commandant van het Corps Mariners n: CKMARNS Commandant Veldleger n: CV Commandant Vliegbasis n: CVB Commandants Committee e: Comd C Commande Numérique par Calculateur f: CNC Commanded Active Sonobuoy System e: CASS Commandement f: C m d t , / C m t , / Comdt Commandement Air des Forces de Defense Aerienne/Commandement f: CAFDA/DA Commandement Air des Forces de Défense Aérienne e: CAFDA Commandement Air en Extreme Orient-Far East Air Command e: CAEO

Commandement allié de la Manche f: ACCHAN Commandement Allié des Approches de la Baltique f: CAAB Commandement Allié en Europe f : CAE Commandement Aérien Tactique f : CATAC Commandement Aérien Tactique Français / CATAF Commandement Aérienne Tactique f : CATac Commandement Combiné Air-Terre f : C.C.A.T. Commandement de la base aérienne f : Cbas. Commandement de la Défense Aérienne f : CODAIR Commandement de la Force Aérienne Stratégique f : CFAS Commandement de la Force Mobile f : COFMOB Commandement de la Lutte Armée Palestinienne f: CLAP Commandement de l'Air en Algérie f : C.Air.Al. Commandement de l'Artillerie du Corps d'Armée f: C.A.C.A. Commandement de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de l'Air f: C.A.L.A.A. Commandement de l'Aérodrome f : C.Aéro Commandement de l'Instruction f: CODINT Commandement de Logistique opérationnelle f: C O M L O G Commandement des Communications f: CODCOM Commandement des Communications des Forces Canadiennes f : C O D C O M FC Commandement des Force Aérienne Tactiques f : FATAC Commandement des Forces Aeriennes aux Antilles-Guyane f: FAAG Commandement des Forces de Défense de l'Intérieurs f: CFDI Commandement des Forces Militaires de la Défense Opérationnelle du Territoire f: CFMDOT Commandement des Transmissions de l'Armée de l'Air f : CTAA Commandement des Troupes et Services à Berlin f : C.T.S.B. Commandement des Écoles de l'Armee de l'Air f: CEAA Commandement du Groupe des Moyens Généraux f : C.G.M.G. Commandement du Génie de l'Air f : C.G.A. Commandement du Matériel de l'Air f : CMA Commandement du Train f: C O M T R A I N Commandement du Transport Aerien Militaire e: COTAM Commandement du Transport Aérien f : COTAIR Commandement en Chef f : C.C. Commandement en Chef des Forces Belge en Allemagne f: CCFBA Commandement-en-Chef des Forces Françaises en Allemagne f : CCFFA Commandement-en-Chef Français en Allemagne f: CCFA Commandement en chef pour la Méditerranée f : C E C M E D Commandement et Direction de l'Exploitation des Transmissions de l'Armée de Terre f: C.D.E.T.A.T. Commandement et Direction du Matériel f: CDM Commandement Logistique f : Comd Log Commandement Maritime f: COMAR

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Commandement Militaire de Port f : CMP Commandement suprème des camps de prisonniers f: C.S.C.P. Commandement Supérieur f: C.S. Commandement supérieur des transmissions [Armée] f : C.S.T. Commandement Supérieur des Troupes d'Occupation en Allemagne f : C.S.T.O.A. Commandement supérieur des écoles et centres d'instruction f : C.S.E.C.I. Commandement supérieur di train f: C.S.T. Commandement Territorial Allemand Nord f: CTAN Commandement Territorial Allemand Sud / • CTAS Commander e: C, e: CC, e: CDR, e: Cmdr, e: Co C o m m a n d e r ] e: COM Commander e: comd Commander e: Comdr, e: Commdr., e: Cr., e. 0 5 Commander ACE [Allied Command Europe] Mobile Forces, Land e: COMAMF[L] Commander Aegean Defence Sector e: COMAEGEANBASE Commander Air Center e: CAC Commander, Air Component Command e: CACC Commander Air Defense Command e: COMADC Commander, Air Early Warning Squadron e COAEWRon Commander, Air Force e: Com AF Commander, Air Force, Atlantic Fleet e: ComAirLant Commander, Air Force Center for Studies and Analysis e: AFCSA/CC Commander, Air Force Forces e: COMAFFOR Commander Air Force Forces e: COMAFOR Commander, Air Force Forces-Alaska e: COMAFFOR-AK Commander, Air Force, Pacific Fleet e: ComAirPac Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command e: C O M A F S O C Commander Air Force Unconventional Warfare Forces, Europe e: C O M A F U W FORCE Commander, Air Forces-Korea e: COMAFK Commander, Air Forces, Pacific Fleet e: COMAIRPAC Commander, Air Forces, Solomons e: COMAIRSOLS Commander Air Forces South Pacific Force e: ComAirSoPac Commander Air Materiel Command e: COMAMC Commander Air, Northern Norway e: COMAIRNON Commander Air Support Command e: Com AS Com Commander, Air Task Group e: CATG Commander, Air Transport e: COMAIRTRANS Commander Airborne Early Warning Wing e: C O M A E W W Commander, Aircraft Ferry Squadron e: ComAirFeRon Commander Aircraft Support Control Unit e: CASCU Commander Airlift Forces e: CAF Commander, Airlift Forces e: C O M A L F Commander, Airlift Forces-Europe e: COMALF-E


Commander. Airship Group Commander, Airship Group e: COMAIRSHIPGR Commander Alameda Group e: COMALAMGRU Commander, Alaskan Air Command e: COMAAC Commander Alaskan Air Command e: COMALAIRC Commander, Alaskan Norad Region e: COMANR Commander Alaskan Sea Frontier e: COMALSEAFRON Commander, Alaskan Sector e: COMALSEC Commander All Forces, Aruba-Curacao e: CAFAC Commander, Allied Air Force, Northern Europe e GOAIRNOREUR Commander, Allied Air Forces e: COMAIR Commander Allied Air Forces e: GOVTLAIRNOREUR Commander Allied Air Forces Atlantic e: COMAIRLANT Commander Allied Air Forces Baltic Approaches e: COMAIRBALTAP Commander, Allied Air Forces Canadian Atlantic Subarea e: COMAIRCANLANT Commander, Allied Air Forces, Central Europe e: COMAAFCE Commander, Allied Air Forces Central Europe e: COMAIRCENT Commander, Allied Air Forces Eastern Atlantic e: COMAIREASTLANT Commander, Allied Air Forces Northern Atlantic e: COMAIRNORLANT Commander, Allied Air Forces Northern Europe e COMAIRNORTH Commander Allied Air Forces Northern Europe e: ComAlAirNorEur Commander, Allied Air Forces Plymouth Channel e COMAIRPLYMCHAN Commander, Allied Air Forces, South Norway e: COMAIRSONOR Commander Allied Air Forces Southern Europe e COMAIRSOUTH Commander, Allied Forces, Baltic Approaches e: COMBALTAP Commander Allied Forces Southern Norway e: COMSONOR Commander Allied Land Forces e: COMLAND, e: COMLANDENMARK Commander, [Allied] Land Forces e: COMLANDFOR Commander, Allied Land Forces, Central Europe e: COMLANDCENT Commander, [Allied] Land Forces, Denmark e: COMLANDDENMARK Commander Allied Land Forces North Norway e: COMLANDNON Commander, Allied Land Forces, Northern Europe e: COMLANDNORTH Commander Allied Land Forces Norway e: COMLANDNORWAY Commander Allied Land Forces SchleswigHolstein e: COMLANDSCHLESWIG Commander Allied Land Forces [Schleswig-Holstein and] Jutland e: COMLAND JUT Commander, Allied Land Forces, South Norway e: COMLANDSONOR Commander Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe e: COM LAN DSOIITH EAST Commander, Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe e: COMLANDSOUTH Commander, Allied land Forces, Zealand e: COMLAND-ZEALAND


Commander Allied Maritime Air Channel e COMMAIRCHAN Commander Allied Naval Forces Baltic Approaches e: COMNAVBALTAP Commander Allied Naval Forces Central Army Group Area and Bremerhaven e: COMNAVCAG Commander Allied Naval Forces Central Europe e: COMNAVCENT Commander Allied Naval Forces North Norway e: COMNAVNON Commander Allied Naval Forces Northern Area, Central Europe e: COMNAVNORCENT Commander Allied Naval Forces Northern Europe e: ComAlNavNorEur Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Northern Europe e: COMNAVNORTH Commander Allied Naval Forces Scandinavian Approaches e: COMNAVSCAP Commander, Allied naval Forces, South Norway e: COMNAVSONOR Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, Northfern] Norway e: COMTAFNORNOR Commander Allied Tactical Air Forces e: COMATAF Commander Allied Tactical Air Forces Denmark e: COMTAFDEN Commander Allied Tactical Air Forces Southern Norway e: COMTAFSONOR Commander, Allied Task Force, Northfern] Norway e: COMTASKFORNON Commander Amphibious Force e: COMPHIB, e: COMPHIBFOR Commander Amphibious Force, Atlantic e: COMPHIBFORLANT Commander Amphibious Force, Europe e: COMPHIBEU Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific e: COMPHIBFORPAC, e: CPP Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet e: COMPHIBPAC Commander, Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet e: ComPhibPacFlt Commander, Amphibious Forces, Atlantic e: ComPhibLant Commander Amphibious Forces, Atlantic Fleet e: CAFAF Commander Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet e: CAFPF Commander Amphibious Group e: COMAMPHGR, e: ComAmphibGru Commander, Amphibious Group e: ComPhibGru, e ComPhiGru Commander Amphibious Group e: CPG Commander, Amphibious Squadron e: COMPHIBRON, e CPR Commander, Amphibious Task Force e: CATF Commander Amphibious Task Force e: COMATF, e: CTF Commander Amphibious Task Group e: CATG Commander, Amphibious Training e: ComAmphibTra Commander, Amphibious Training Command, Atlantic e: ComPhibTraLant Commander, Amphibious Training Command United States Atlantic Fleet e: CATCUSAF Commander, Amphibious Training Forces, Pacific [Fleet] e: ComPhibTraPac Commander, Amphibious Troops e: CAT Commander Amphibous Transportation Group e COMAMPHTGP Commander Antarctic Support Activities e: CASA

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Commander, Antilles Defense Command e: COMANTDEFCOM Commander, Antisubmarine Defense, Atlantic Fleet e: ComAntiSubDefLant Commander, Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic [Fleet] e: COMASDEFORLANT, e: ComASDFLant Commander Antisubmarine Defense Force Pacific [Fleet] e: COMASDEFORPAC Commander, Antisubmarine Defense Force, Pacific [Fleet] e: ComASDFPac Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Force e: COMASWFOR Commander, Antisubmarine Warfare Force Third Fleet e: COMASWFORTHIRDFLT Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Forces, Atlantic Fleet e: COMASWFORLANT Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet e: CAMASWFORPAC Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Group e: COMASWGRU Commander, Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf e: COMAS Commander, Army Forces e: COMARFOR Commander, Army Forces-Alaska e: COMARFOR-AK Commander, Army Group, Royal Artillery e: CAGRA Commander, Army Group, Royal Engineers e: CAGRE Commander, Army Group, Signals e: CAG Sigs, e: CAGSigs Commander, Army Signals e: CA Sigs Commander, ASW Strike Force e: COMASWSTRIKFOR Commander Atlantic Approaches Gibraltar e: COMGIBLANT Commander Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range e COMLANTFLTWPNRAN Commander Atlantic Reserve Fleet e: COMLANDRESFLT Commander, Atlantic Reserve Fleet e: COMLANTRESFLT Commander Attack Carrier Air Wing e: COMATKCARAIRWING Commander Attack Carrier Strike Force e: COMATKCARSTRIKEFOR Commander, Australian Patrol Boat Force e: COMAUSPABFOR Commander, Auxiliaries Flotilla e: COMAUXFLOT Commander Barrier Forces Atlantic e: COMBARFORCLANT, e: COMBARLANT Commander Barrier Pacific e: COMBARPAC Commander, Base Force e: Com Base For Commander, Battleship, Atlantic Fleet e: COMBATLANT Commander Battleship-Cruiser Atlantic Fleet e: COMBATCRULANT Commander, Battleship Division e: ComBatDiv Commander Battleship Force e: CBF Commander, Battleship Force e: ComBatFor Commander, Battleships, Pacific Fleet e: COMBATPAC Commander, Battleships, United States Fleet e. COMBATSUS Commander, Bay of Biscay, Atlantic e: COMBISCLANT Commander Belgian Naval Rhine Squadron e COMBELRHINE Commander, Benelux Subarea Channel e: COMBENECHAN

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Commander Fleet Commander Black Sea Defence Sector e: COMBLACKBASE Commander, Bombardment Squadron e: COMBOMSQ Commander, Bombing Squadron e: COMBOMRON Commander Bosphorus Fortifications e: COMBOSFORT Commander Boston Group e: COMBSNGRU Commander Bremerhaven Naval Group e: COMNAVBREM Commander Bremerton Group e: COMBREMGRU Commander Brest Subarea Channel e: COMBRESTCHAN Commander British Forces e: CBF Commander British Forces Caribbean Area e: CBFCA Commander, British Naval Elbe Squadron e COMBRITELBE Commander British Naval Rhine Squadron e COMBRITRHINE Commander British Naval Staff e: CBNS Commander, Canadian Atlantic Subarea e: COMCANLANT Commander Canadian Destroyers Atlantic e CANCOMDESLANT Commander Canadian Destroyers Far East e CANCOMDESFE Commander Canadian Destroyers Pacific e CANCOMDESPAC Commander, Caribbean Sea Frontier e: CCSF, e: ComCaribSeaFron Commander Carrier Air Group e: ComCarAirGru Commander, Carrier Air Wing e: COMCAW, e COMCVW Commander Carrier Aircraft Service Unit e: COMCASU Commander Carrier Antisubmarine Air Group e: COMCARANTISUBAIRGRU Commander Carrier Division e: COMCARDIV Commander, Carrier Group e: CCG, e: COMCARGRU Commander, Carrier Strike Force e: COMCARSTRIKEFOR Commander, Carrier Striking Force e: COMCARSTRIKFOR Commander Carrier Striking Group One e: COMCARSTRIKGRU ONE Commander, Carrier Striking Group Two e COMCARSTRIKGRUTWO Commander Carrier Training Squadron, Pacific Fleet e: COMTRAINCARRONPAC Commander, Central Army Group e: COMCENAG, e COMCENTAG Commander, Central Atlantic e: COMCENTLANT Commander Central Mediterranean Area e COMEDCENT Commander, Central North Sea Subarea [Centre Europe] e: COMNORSEACENT Commander, Central Pacific e: COMCENPAC Commander, Central Region SEATO [Southeast Asia Treaty Organization] Field Forces e: CCRSFF Commander Central Section/Western Sea Frontier e: COMCENSECT/WESTSEAFRON Commander Charleston Group e: COMCHASNGRU Commander Cherbourg Subarea, Channel e COMCHERCHAN Commander, Clyde Area e: COMCLYDE

Commander, Coast Artillery e: CCA Commander, Coast Guard District e: CCGD Commander Coastal Division e: COMCOSDIV Commander, Coastal Forces e: CCF Commander Coastal Squadron e: COMCOSRON Commander Coastal Surveillance Force e: COMCOSURVFOR Commander Columbia River Group e: COMCOLUMGRU Commander, Combat Force, Eastern Continental Region e: ComCFECR Commander, Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force e: COMCUWTF Commander, Composite Squadron e: COMCOMRON Commander Concept of Operation e: CCO Commander, Corps, Canadian Artillery e: CCCA Commander, Corps, Coast Artillery e: CCCA Commander, Corps Medium Artillery e: CCM Commander, Corps, Medium Artillery e: CCMA Commander, Corps Royal Artillery e: CCRA Commander, Corps, Royal Engineers e: CCRE Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla e: COMCRUDESFLOT Commander Cruiser-Destroyer [force] e: CCD Commander Cruiser Destroyer Force, Atlantic [Fleet] e: COMCRUDESLANT Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Atlantic Support Group e: COAMCRUDESLANTSl! PPG RUCHA R, e COMCRUDESLANTSUPPGRU, e:

COMCRUDESLANTSUPPGRUMPT, e: COMCRUDESLANTSUPPGRUNORV A Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet e: CDDP Commander, Cruiser Destroyer Group e: CCDG Commander, Cruiser-Destroyer Group e: COMCRUDESGRU Commander, Cruiser Division e: ComCruDiv Commander Cruiser Force e: COMCRUFOR Commander, Cruiser Forces, Atlantic [Fleet] e: ComCruLant Commander, Cruiser Forces, Pacific Fleet e COMCRUPAC Commander, Cruiser Scouting Squadron e: COMCRUSCORON Commander Cruisers and Destroyers, Pacific [Fleet] e: COMCRUDESPAC Commander, Cruisers United States Fleet e COMCRUSUS Commander Dardanelles Fortifications e: COMDARFORT Commander Destroyer Battle Force e: COMDESBATFOR Commander, Destroyer Development Group e: ComDesDevGru Commander, Destroyer Development Group, Pacific e: CDDGP Commander Destroyer Division e: COMDESDIV Commander Destroyer Flotilla e: COMDESFLOT Commander, Destroyer Force e: ComDesFor

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Commander, Destroyer-Force e: Comdestr Commander Destroyer Group e: COMDESGRU Commander, Destroyer Squadron e: CDS Commander Destroyer Squadron e: COMDESRON Commander Destroyers e: COMDES Commander, Destroyers, Atlantic Fleet e: CDL Commander Destroyers, Atlantic Fleet e: COMDESLANT Commander Destroyers, Pacific Fleet e: COMDESPAC Commander, Destroyers, United States [Fleet] e: COMDESUS Commander Display Unit e: CDU Commander, Drill Squadron e: ComDrillRon Commander, East African Forces e: CrEAF Commander East African Forces e: Cr EAF Commander, Eastern Area, United States Coast Guard e: ComEastArea USCG Commander Eastern Atlantic Force e: COMEASTLANT Commander Eastern Continental Air Defense Region e: COMEASTCONRADREG Commander, Eastern Mediterranean Area e COMEDEAST Commander, Eastern Sea Frontier e: CESF, e COMEASTFRON Commander Eastern Sea Frontier e: COMEASTSEAFRON Commander, Eleventh Naval District e: COMELEVEN Commander Emergency Recovery Force e: CERF Commander Emergency Recovery Group e CERG Commander Emergency Recovery Section e CERS Commander Escort Division e: COMCORTDIV Commander Escort Squadron e: COMCORTRON Commander, Escort Squadron e: ComEscortRon Commander Experimental Division e: COMEXDIV Commander Extended Link for Thermal Imaging Combat Sight e: CELTICS Commander Far East Fleet e: COMFEF Commander, Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency e: COMFLDCOMDASA Commander, Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force e ComFiveATAF Commander Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force Southern Europe e: COMFIVEATAF Commander, Fifth Naval District e: ComFive Commander, Fighting Squadron e: COMFIGHTRON Commander First Canadian Destroyer Flotilla e: CANCOMDESFLOT 1 Commander, First Fleet e: ComFirstFlt Commander, Fleet Activity e: ComFltActy Commander Fleet Air Defence e: CFAD Commander Fleet Air Detachment e: CFAD Commander Fleet Air Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean e: COMFAIRELM Commander, Fleet Air Force e: ComFAir Commander Fleet Air Force, Atlantic Fleet e: ComFAirLant


Commander. Fleet Commander, Fleet Air Force, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean e: ComFAirELM Commander, Fleet Air Force, Pacific [Fleet] e: ComFAirPac Commander, Fleet Air, Hawaii e: COM FAIRHAWAII Commander, Fleet Air Mediterranean e: COMFAIRMED Commander, Fleet Air, Southwest Pacific e: COMFAIRSOWESTPAC Commander, Fleet Air, Western Pacific e: COMFAIRWESTPAC Commander Fleet Air Wing e: CFAW, e: COMFAIRWING Commander, Fleet Air Wing e: ComFAirWng Commander Fleet Air Wing Atlantic e: COMFAIRWINGLANT Commander, Fleet Air Wing, Atlantic [Fleet] e: ComFAirWngLant Commander, Fleet Air Wing Northern Atlantic Area e: COMFAIRWINGNORLANT Commander, Fleet Air Wing, Pacific [Fleet] e: ComFAirWngPac Commander Fleet Air Wings, Atlantic e: CFAWL, e: COMFAIRWING SLANT Commander Fleet Air Wings, Pacific e: CFAWP, e: COMFAIRWINGSPAC Commander Fleet Aircraft Service Squadron e: COFASRON Commander Fleet Logistic Air Wing e: COMFLOGWING Commander Fleet Operational Training Command e: COTC Commander, Fleet Operational Training Command, Atlantic [Fleet] e: COTCLANT Commander, Fleet Operational Training Command, Pacific [Fleet] e: COTCPAC Commander Fleet Operational Training Command, Pacific Subordinate Command e: COTCPACSUBCOM Commander Fleet Tactical Support Wing e: COMFLETACSUPPWING, e COMTACSUPPWING Commander, Fleet Train e: COFT Commander Fleet Training Group e: COMFLETRAGRU Commander, Fleet Training Group and Underway Training Element e: COMFLETRAGRUWATE Commander Fleet Training Group, Atlantic e: COMFLETRAGRULANT Commander Fleet Training Group, Pacific e: COMFLETRAGRU PAC Commander Fleet Training Group, Western Pacific e: COMFLETRAGRUWESPAC Commander, Florida Group e: COMFLAGRU Commander, Forward Area e: ComFwdArea Commander, Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force e: ComFourATAF Commander Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Central Europe e: COMFOURATAF Commander, FPB [Fast Patrol Boat] Flotilla e: COMFPBFLOT Commander French Maritime Forces Morocco e: COMAR CASA Commander French Rhine River Squadron e: COMSUFRHIN Commander, German Naval Forces, Baltic e: COMNAVGERBALT Commander, German Naval Forces North Sea Subarea e: COMGERNORSEA


Commander, German North Sea e: COMGRNORSEA Commander Gibraltar Mediterranean e: COMGIBMED Commander Greenland Patrol e: COMGREPAT Commander & Gunner Crew Station Simulator e: CGCSS Commander, Hawaiian Sea Frontier e: ComHawSeaFron Commander, Headquarters Squadron e: COMHEDRON Commander Headquarters Support Acitivities e: COMHEDSUPPACT Commander Headquarters Support Activities e: CHSA Commander Iberian Atlantic Area e: COMIBERLANT Commander Iceland Antisubmarine Warfare Group e: COMICEASWGRU Commander Iceland Defence Force e: COMICEDEFOR Commander Iceland Defense Force e: COMIDF Commander Iceland Defense Force/Commander Iceland Antisubmarine Warfare Group e: COMICEDEFOR/COMICEASWGRII Commander-in-Charge e: Com-in-Ch Commander-in-Chief e: CC, e: CiC, e: Com-in-Ch commander-in-chief e: cominch Commander-in-Chief e: Com-in-Chf Commander-in-Chief, Aerospace Defense Command e: CINCAD Commander-in-Chief, Air Base e: CINCAIR Commander-in-Chief, Air Forces Europe e: CINCAFE Commander-in-Chief, Alaskan Command e: CINCAL Commander-in-Chief, Allied Air Forces, Central Europe e: CINCAIRCENT Commander-in-Chief, Allied Air Forces Central Europe e: CINCALAirCenEur Commander-in-Chief, Allied Air Forces, Central Europe e: CINCALAirCentEur Commander-in-Chief, Allied Air Forces, Channel e: CINCAirChan Commander-in-Chief, Allied Air Forces, Eastern Atlantic Area e: CINCAIREASTLANT Commander-in-Chief, Allied Air Forces Western Atlantic Area e: CINCAirWestLant Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces e: CINCAF Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe e: CINCENT Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces, Channel Command e: CINCCHAN Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Mediterranean e: CINCAFMED Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces, Northern Europe e: CINCNOREUR, e: CINCNORTH, e: CONCNorth Commander-in-Chief, [Allied Forces] Southern Europe e: CINCSouth Commander-in-Chief, Allied Land Forces, Central Europe e: CINCLandCent Commander-in-Chief, American[n] West Indies Station e: CINCAWI Commander-in-Chief, Army Forces, Pacific e CINCAFPAC Commander-in-Chief, Asiatic Fleet e: CINCAF, e: C.-in-C. Asiatic Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic e: CINCLant Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic and West Indies e: CINCA&WI

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Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Command e: CINCLANT Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet e: CCA F Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet e: Ci/CAF Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet e: CINCATLFLT, e: CINCLANTFLT Commander-in-Chief, Bomber Command e: CINC BOMBER COMMAND Commander in Chief, British Naval Forces in [the] Mediterranean e: CINCMED Commander-in-Chief, British Pacific Fleet e CINCBPF Commander-in-Chief, Caribbean e: CINCCarib Commander-in-Chief, Caribbea[n Command] e: CINCARIB Commander-in-Chief, Central Command e: CINCCENT Commander-in-Chief, Channel [and South North Sea] e: CINChan Commander-in-Chief, Channel & Eastern Atlantic Areas e: CINCHEL Commander-in-Chief, Coastal Command e CINC COASTAL COMMAND Commander-in-Chief, Combined Forces Command e: CINCCFC Commander-in-Chief, Continental Air Command e: CINCAC Commander-in-Chief, Continental Air Defense Command e: CINCCONAD Commander-in-Chief, Continental Air Defense [Command] e: CINCONAD Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Station e: CINCEI Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Atlantic [Area] e: CINCEASTLANT Commander-in-Chief Eastern Atlantic Area [Afloat] e: CINCEASTLANT[Afloat] Commander-in-Chief Eastern Atlantic Area, Air Commander-in-Chief Eastern Atlantic Area e JOINTCINCEASTLANT Commander-in-Chief, European Command e: CINCEUR Commander-in-Chief, European Theater of Operations e: C.-in-C. ETOUSA Commander-in-Chief, Far East e: CINCFE, e: CINDFE Commander-in-Chief, Far East Station e: CINCFES, e CINCFESta Commander-in-Chief, Fleet e: CINCFLEET Commander-in-Chief, Forces Command e: CINCFOR Commander-in-Chief, German Fleet e: CINCGERFLT Commander-in-Chief, German Naval Fleet e: CINCGERFLEET Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet e: C-inC HF Commander-in-Chief, Iberian Atlantic Area e: CINCIberLant Commander-in-Chief, Iraq e: CiCI Commander-in-Chief, Japan Area e: CINCJAPA Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Air Forces e: CINCMEAF Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Land Forces e: CINCMELF Commander-in-Chief, Middle-East Southern Asia and Africa South of the Sahara e: CINCMEAFSA Commander-in-Chief, Naval Base e: CINCNAVBASE Commander-in-Chief, Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean e: CINCNAVEASTLANTMED

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Commander. Marine Forces Commander-in-Chief Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean e: CINCNELM Commander-in-Chief, Naval Forces Europe e CINCNAVEUR Commander-in-Chief, Naval Forces, Europe e: CINCNAVFOREIIR Commander-in-Chief, Naval Home Command e: CINCNAV HOME Commander-in-Chief, Naval Surface Fleet, Atlantic e: CINCNAVSURFLANT Commander-in-Chief, Netherlands Forces in the East e: CINCNEDE Commander-in-Chief Netherlands Home Station e: CINCNETH HOME STATION Commander-in-Chief Network e: CINCNET Commander-in-Chief North American Aerospace Defense Command e: CINCNORAD Commander-in-Chief, North American Air Defense e: CINCNARAD Commander-in-Chief, Northeast Command e: CINCNE Commander-in-Chief, Northern Naval Forces in Europe e: CINCNORNAVEIIR Commander-in-Chief, Norwegian Army e: CINC NA Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet e: C.-in-C.A.F. Commander-in-Chief, Pacific e: C-in-C Pac Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Air Force e: CINCPACAF Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command e: CINCPAC Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet e: CCPF, e: CiCPF, e: C.-in-C.Pac., e: CINCPACFLT Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas e: CINCPACCINCPOA Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet Headquarters, Pearl Harbor e: CINCPACHEDPEARL Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas e: CINCPOA Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas Headquarters, Pearl Harbor e: CINCPOAHEDPEARL Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Representative e: CINCPACREP Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Representative, Philippines e: CINCPACREPPHIL Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth e: CINCPLYMOUTH Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth e: CINC PORTSMOUTH Commander-in-Chief Readiness Command e: CINCRED Commander-in-Chief Report e: CINC REPORT Commander-in-Chief, Royal Danish Air Force e: CINCRDAF Commander-in-Chief, Royal Danish Army e: CINCRDA Commander-in-Chief, Royal Danish Navy e: CINCRDN Commander-in-Chief Royal Norway Force e: CINCRNOAF Commander-in-Chief Royal Norway Navy e: CINCRNON Commander-in-Chief, Royal Norwegian Air Force e: CINC RNAF Commander-in-Chief, Royal Norwegian Army e: CINCRNOA

Commander-in-Chief, Royal Norwegian Navy e CINC RNORN Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic [Station] e: CINCSA Commander-in-Chief, Southern Europe Command e: CINCSEURCOM Commander-in-Chief, Southwest Pacific e: CINCSowesPac Commander-in-Chief, Southwest Pacific Area e: CINCSWPA Commander-in-Chief, Space Command e: CINCSPACE Commander-in-Chief, Special Operations Command e: CINCSOC Commander-in-Chief, Specified Command, Middle East e: CINCSPECOMME Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command e: CINCSAC Commander-in-Chief, Tactical Air Command e: CINCTAC Commander-in-Chief, Transportation Command e: CINCTRANS Commander-in-Chief, Turkish Navy e: CINCTURNAV Commander-in-Chief United Kingdom Air Force e CINCUKAIR Commander-in-Chief, United Kingdom Home Fleet e: CINCHEF Commander-in-Chief United Nations Command e: CINCUNC Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Command e: CINCUNG Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Command Korea e: CINCUNCKOREA Commander-in-Chief, United States Air Force, Atlantic e: CINCUSAFLANT Commander-in-Chief, United States Air Force Strike [Command] e: CINCUSAFSTRIKE Commander in Chief, United States Air Force[s] Atlantic e: CINCAFLANT Commander-in-Chief, United States Air Force[s] [in] Europe e: CINCUSAFE Commander-in-Chief, United States Air Force[s] Strike Command e: CINCAFSTRIKE Commander-in-Chief, United States Army, Europe e: CINCUSAREUR Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces, Atlantic e: CINCARLANT Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces-Europe Command e: CINCAREUR Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces, Pacific e: CINCARPAC Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces-Readiness e: CINCARRED Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces, Strike Command e: CINCARSTRIKE Commander-in-Chief, United States Army, Pacific e: CINCUSARPAC Commander-in-Chief, United States Command e: CINCUS Commander-in-Chief, United States European Command e: CINCUSEUCOM Commander-in-Chief, United States Naval Forces, Europe e: CINCUSNAVEUR Commander-in-Chief, United States Navy e: CINCUS Commander-in-Chief, United States Southern Command e: CINCSO Commander-in-Chief, [United States] Southern Command e: CINCSOC Commander-in-Chief, United States Southern Command e: CINCSOUTH Commander-in-Chief, [United States] Strategic Command e: CINCSTRAT

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Commander-in-Chief, United States Strike Command e: CINCSTRIKE Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet e: COMINCH Commander-in-Chief, [US Fleet], Convoy and Routing Section e: COMROUTE Commander-in-Chief, US Transportation Command e: CINCTRANSCOM Commander-in-Chief, Western Approaches [to United Kingdom] e: CINCWA, e: CINCWA [to UK] Commander-in-Chief, Western Atlantic [Area] e: CINCWESTLANT Commander-in-Chief, Western Pacific e: CINCWESPAC Commander, Initial Training Group e: CITG Commander Inshore Fire Support Division e: COMIFSDIV Commander Instructor e: CI Commander International Ice Patrol e: COMINTICEPAT Commander, Joint Expeditionary Force e: ComJEF Commander, Joint Special Operations Task Force e: COMJSOTF Commander, Joint Task Force e: COMJTF Commander, Joint Task Force-Alaska e: COMJTF-AK Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force e: COMJUWATF, e: COMJUWTF Commander Key West Force e: COMKWESTFOR Commander Key West Test and Evaluation Detachment e: COMKWESTEVDET Commander, Land-Forces Jutland e: CLJ Commander Landing Craft Utility Squadron e: ComLCURon Commander Landing Force e: CLF Commander Landing Ship Tank Division e COMLSTDIV Commander Landing Ship Tank Squadron e: ComLSTRon Commander Landing Ships Flotilla e: COMLANSHIPFLOT Commander Landing Ships Squadron e: COMLANSHIPRON Commander, Local Air Defence e: ComLoDef Commander, Logistics Group e: CLG Commander, Logistics Group, Western Pacific e COMLOG WESTPAC Commander Logistics Rear Combat Zone e: COMLOG RCZ Commander Long Beach Group e: COMLBEACHGRU Commander Mare Island Group e: COMAREGRU Commander Mare Island-Vallejo Area, Naval Base e: COMARVALLEJOAREA Commander, Marianas e: COM M ARI AN AS Commander, Marine Air Reserve Training e: ComMART Commander Marine Basic Air Training e: COMBAT Commander, Marine Corps Air Reserve Training e: COMART Commander, Marine Corps System Command e: COMMARCORSYSCOM Commander, Marine Forces e: COMMARFOR Commander, Marine Forces Atlantic e: COMMARFORLANT Commander, Marine Forces Pacific e: COMMARFORPAC


Commander, Maritime Commander, Maritime Air Channel e: COMAIRCHAN Commander Maritime Air, [Channel, East Atlantic] e: COMMAIR [CHEL] Commander Maritime Air Eastern Atlantic Area e COMMAIREASTLANT Commander Maritime Air Forces Mediterranean e: COMARAIRMED Commander Maritime Air Gibraltar Subarea e COMMAIRGIBLANT Commander Maritime Air Mediterranean e: COM M ARAI RM ED Commander Maritime Air Nore Subarea Channel e: COMMAIRNORECHAN Commander Maritime Air, Northern Atlantic Subarea e: COMMAIRNORLANT Commander Maritime Air Plymouth Subarea e: COMMAIRPLYMCHAN Commander, Maritime Art, Central Atlantic e: COMMAIRCENTLANT Commander, Maritime Defense Zone e: COMMARDEZ Commander Maritime Forces Morocco e: COMOROCLANT Commander Maritime Rhine e: COMARRHIN Commander, Marshalls-Carolines Area e: COMARCARAREA Commander Mediterranean Defence Sector e COMEDBASE Commander, Mediterranean Occidental Area e: COMEDOC Commander, Mediterranean Support Activities e: ComMedSuppAct Commander, Merchant Marine Atlantic e: COMMERMARLANT Commander, Mid-East Forces e: COMMIDEASTFOR Commander, Middle East e: Cr ME Commander, Middle East Force e: CMEF, e: ComMidEastFor Commander Middle East Force[s] e: COMIDEASTFOR Commander Military Air Transport Service e: COMATS Commander, Military Air Transport Service e: COMDRMATS Commander Military Airlift Command e: COMAC Commander Military Sea Transport Service, Far East e: COMSTSFE Commander Military Sea Transport Service, Pacific e: COMSTSPAC Commander, Military Sea Transport[ation] Service e: COMSTS Commander Military Sea Transportation] Service, Atlantic [Area] e: COMSTSLANT Commander, Military Sea Transportation Service, Atlantic Area e: COMSTSLANTAREA Commander Military Sea Transportation Service, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Area e: COMSTSELMAREA Commander Military Sea Transportation Service Gulf Subarea e: COMSTSGULFSUBAREA Commander Military Sea Transportation Service Mid-Pacific Subarea e: COMSTSMIDPACSUBAREA Commander Military Sea Transportation Service Northern Pacific Subarea e: COMSTSNORPACSIIBAREA Commander Military Sea Transportation Service Pacific Area e: COMSTSPACAREA


Commander Military Sea Transportation Service, Southeast Asia e: COMSTSSEA Commander Military Sea Transportation Service West Pacific Area e: COMSTSWESTPACAREA Commander, Military Sealift Command e: COMMSC, e: COMSC Commander Military Sealift Command, Atlantic e: COMSCLANT Commander Military Sealift Command, Eastern Atlantic Mediterranean e: COMSCELM Commander Military Sealift Command, Far East e: COMSCFE Commander Military Sealift Command, Gulf Port e: COMSCGULF Commander Military Sealift Command, Mediterranean e: COMSCMED Commander Military Sealift Command, Pacific e: COMSCPAC Commander, Mine Division e: COMINDIV, e: ComMineDiv Commander Mine Flotilla e: COMINFLOT Commander, Mine Force, Atlantic [Fleet] e: COMINLANT Commander, Mine Forces, Atlantic [Fleet] e: ComMineLant Commander Mine Group e: COMINGRP Commander Mine Group, Okinawa e: COMINGRPOK Commander Mine Squadron e: COMINRON Commander, Mine Warfare Command e: COMINEWARCOM Commander, Mine Warfare Flotilla e: COMMINEWARFLOT Commander, Mine Warfare/War vessels e: COMMW Commander Minecraft e: COM IN Commander Minecraft, Atlantic e: COMINLANT Commander Minecraft Division e: COMINDIV Commander Minecraft, Pacific Fleet e: COMINPAC Commander, Minecraft, United States Fleet e: COMINUS Commander Mobile Support Unit Detachment e. COMMOBSUPPUDET Commander, Moroccan Sea Frontier Force e: COMORSEAFRON Commander, Motor Torpedo Boat Flotilla e: COMTBFLOT Commander, Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron e: COMTBRON Commander, Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Training Center e: COMTBRONTRACENT Commander, NATO Airborne Early Warning Force e: COMNAEWF Commander, NATO Naval Baltic Forces e: COMNATONAVFORLANT Commander Naval Activities, Italy e: CNAly] Commander, Naval Activities, Japan e: COMNAVJAP Commander, Naval Air Bases e: CNAB, e: ComNAB Commander, Naval Air Division e: COMNAVAIRDIV Commander, Naval Air Force e: COMNAVAIR Commander Naval Air Force, Atlantic e: CNAL Commander, Naval Air Forces, Atlantic e: CNAL Commander Naval Air Forces, Atlantic [Fleet] e: COMNAVAIRLANT

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Commander, Naval Air Forces, Pacific e: CNAP Commander, Naval Air Forces, Pacific [Fleet] e: COMNAVAIRPAC Commander Naval Air Reserve e: COMNAVAIRRES Commander Naval Air Reserve Force e: CNARF, e: COMNAVAIRRESFOR Commander, Naval Air Station e: COMNAVAIRSTA Commander Naval Air Systems Command e: COMNAVAIRSYSCOM Commander Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters e: COMNAVAIRSYSCOM HQ Commander, Naval Air Technical Training e: ComNavAirTechTra Commander, Naval Air Technical Training [Lighter Than Air] e: CNATEC [LTA] Commander, Naval Air Technical Training Unit e: ComNavAirTechTraU Commander, Naval Air Test Center e: ComNavAirTestCen Commander Naval Air Transport Wing e: COMNAVAIRTRAN SWING Commander Naval Air Transport Wing, Pacific e: COMNAVAIRTRANSWINGPAC Commander, Naval Aviation Safety Center e: ComNavAvSafetyCen Commander, Naval Base e: CNB, e: ComNavB, e: ComNavBase Commander, Naval Base, Los Angeles and Long Beach e: ComNavBLosALBeach Commander, Naval Beach Group e: ComNavBeachGru Commander Naval Communications Command e: COMNAVCOMM Commander, Naval Computer Telecommunications Command e: COMNAVCOMTELCOM Commander, Naval Construction Battalion, Atlantic Fleet e: COMCBLANT, e: ComNavConstBnLant Commander, Naval Construction Battalion, Pacific Fleet e: COMCBPAC, e: ComNavConstBnPac Commander, Naval Defense Forces, Eastern Pacific e: COMNAVDEFOREEASTPAC Commander, Naval District e: ComNavDis Commander, Naval Division Baltic e: COMNAVDIV BALT Commander, Naval Division North Sea e: COMNAVDIV NORSEA Commander Naval Education and Training Command e: CNET Commander Naval Electronic Systems Command e: COMNAVELEXSYSCOM Commander Naval Electronic Systems Command Headquarters e: COMNAVELEXSYSCOMHQ Commander Naval Facilities Engineering Command e: COMNAVFACENGCOM Commander Naval Facilities Engineering Command Headquarters e: COMNAVFACENGCOMHQ Commander, Naval Forces e: CNF Commander, Naval [Forces] e: ComNav Commander, Naval Forces e: COMNAVFOR Commander, Naval Forces Europe e: COMNAVEU Commander Naval Forces Gulf e: CNFG Commander Naval Forces Iceland e: COMNAVICE Commander, Naval Forces in Germany e: COMNAVGER

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Commander, Plymouth Subarea Commander, Naval Forces in Japan e: COMNAVFORJAP Commander Naval Forces, Marianas e: CNM Commander, Naval Forces Marianas e: COMNAVFORCES MARIANAS Commander Naval Forces Marianas e: COMNAVMAR Commander, Naval Forces, Philippines e: COMNAVPHIL Commander Naval Forces Southern Europe e: COMNAVSOUTH Commander, Naval Inshore Warfare Command, Atlantic e: COMNAVINSWARLANT Commander, Naval Intelligence Command e CNIC Commander Naval Intelligence Command e: C O M N A V I N T C O M Commander, Naval, Los Angeles and Long Beach e: ComNavB LosA LBeach Commander, Naval Missile Center e: COMNMC Commander Naval Operating Base e: CNOB Commander, Naval Operations Control systems e: CNOCS Commander Naval Operations Support Group e: COMNAVOPSUPPGRU Commander Naval Operations Support Group, Atlantic e: COMNAVOPSUPPGRULANT Commander Naval Operations Support Group, Pacific e: COMNAVOPSUPPGRUPAC Commander Naval Ordnance Systems Command e: COMNAVORDSYSCOM Commander Naval Ordnance Systems Command Headquarters e: COMNAVORDSYSCOM HQ Commander, Naval Reserve e: CNAVRES Commander Naval Reserve Personnel Center e: COMNRPC Commander Naval Reserve Security Group e: COMNAVRESSECGRU Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command e: COMNAVSEASYSCOM Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters e: COMNAVSEASYSCOM HQ Commander Naval Security Group e: CNSG, e COMNAVSECGRU Commander Naval Ship Systems Command e: COMNAVSHIPSYSCOM Commander Naval Ship Systems Command Headquarters e: COMNAVSHIPSYSCOM HQ Commander, Naval Space Command e: COMNAVSPACECOM Commander Naval Striking and Support Forces Southern Europe e: COMSTRIKFORSOUTH Commander Naval Supply Systems Command e: COMNAVSUPSYSCOM Commander Naval Supply Systems Command Headquarters e: COMNAVSUPSYSCOMHQ Commander, Naval Support Acitivity e: COMNAVSUPPACT Commander Naval Support Force e: COMNAVSUPPFOR Commander Naval Surface Force, Pacific e: COMNAVSURFPAC Commander, Naval Surface Forces Pacific e: CNSP Commander, Naval Surface Group e: CNSG Commander Naval Surface Reserve Force e: COMNAVSURFRES

Commander, Naval Technical Training e: ComNavTechTra Commander, Naval Telecommunications Command e: CNTC Commander, Naval Test Center e: ComNavTestCen Commander Navy Recruiting Area e: CNRA, e: COMNAVCRUITAREA Commander Navy Recruiting Command e: CNRC, e: COMNAVCRUITCOM Commander New London Group e: COMNEWLONGRU Commander New London Test and Evaluation Detachment e: COMNLONTEVDET Commander New York Group e: COMNYKGRU Commander Norfolk Group e: COMNORVAGRII Commander Norfolk, Va. Test and Evaluation Detachment e: COMNORVATEVDET Commander, North American Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic e: COMNORASDEFLANT Commander, North American Defense Force, Atlantic e: COMNADEFLANT Commander, North Atlantic Subarea e: COMNORLANT Commander, North Pacific Force e: COMNORPAC Commander, North Subarea, Channel e: COMNORECHAN Commander, Northeast Mediterranean Area e COMEDNOREAST Commander, Northern Army Central Europe e: COMNORTHAG Commander, Northern Group e: CNG Commander, Northern Norway e: COMNON Commander Northern Section/Western Sea Frontier e: COMNORSECTAVESTSEAFRON Commander, Nuclear Power Training Group, Pacific e: COMNUPWRTRAGRUPAC Commander, Ocean Atlantic Subarea e: COMOCEATLANT Commander Ocean Subarea Atlantic e: COMOCEANLANT Commander Oceanographic Systems, Atlantic e: COMOCEANSYSTLANT Commander Oceanographic Systems, Atlantic/Pacific e: COSL/P Commander Oceanographic Systems, Pacific e: COMOCEANSYSPAC Commander, Oceanographic Systems, Pacific e: COSP Commander of Air Base e: COMAIRBASE Commander of Base e: Co B, e: C of Β Commander [of] Central European Air Forces e: CCEAF Commander [of] Central European Ground Forces e: CCEGF Commander [of] Central European Sea Forces e: CCESF Commander of Coast Defenses e: CCD Commander of Coast[al] Defence e: C.C.D. Commander of Destroyer force e: COMDESTR Commander of Hunter-Killer Fleet, Atlantic e: COMHUKLANT Commander [of] Joint Task Force e: CJTF Commander of Northern European Air Forces e: CNEAF Commander of Northern European Ground Forces e: CNEGF

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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Commander of Northern European Sea Forces e: CNESF Commander of Pacific Missile Range e: COMPMR Commander of Southern European Air Forces e: CSEAF Commander of Southern European Ground Forces e: CSEGF Commander of the Air Group e: CAG Commander of the American Forces in the Pacific e: CAFPAC Commander of the Dockyard e: COMYARD Commander of the Fleet e: ComFleet, e: Com Fit Commander of the Guard e: COG Commander of the Naval Surface Force, Atlantic fleet e: COMNAVSURFLANT Commander of the North-West Territories e: C.N.W.T. Commander [of the Order] of the British Empire e: C.B.E. Commander of the Royal Artillery e: CRA Commander of the Royal Engineers e: CRE Commander of the Royal Victorian Order e: C.V.O. Commander of the Second Fleet e: COMSECONDFLT Commander Operational Control Center e: COMOPCONCEN Commander Operational Development Force e: COMOPDEVFOR Commander, Operational Development Force, Atlantic [Fleet] e: ComOpDevForLant Commander, Operational Forces, Denmark e: COFDEN Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force e: COMOPTEVFOR Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force, Atlantic e: COMOPTEVFORLANT Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force, Pacific e: COMOPTEVFORPAC Commander Orange, Texas Group, Inactive Reserve Fleet, Atlantic e: COMORTEXGRU Commander, Pacific Air Fleet e: ComPAF Commander, Pacific Air Force e: COMPAF Commander, Pacific Missile Range e: COMPACMISRAN, e: COMPMR Commander, Pacific Reserve Fleet e: COMPACRESFLT Commander, Panama Sea Frontier e: COMPASEAFRON Commander Panama Section/Caribbean Sea Frontier e: COMPASECTCARIBSEAFRON Commander Panama Section/Western Sea Frontier e: COMPASECTAVESTSEAFRON Commander, Panama Sector e: ComPaSect Commander, Panama Sector, Caribbean Sea Frontier e: ComPaSectCaribSeaFron Commander, Patrol Aircraft Service Unit e COMPASU Commander Patrol Force e: COMPATFOR Commander, Patrol Squadron e: COMPATRON, e CoPatRon Commander, Patrol Wings Atlantic e: COMPATWINGSLANT Commander Philadelphia Group e: COMPHILAGRU Commander, Plymouth Subarea, Channel e: COMPLYMCHAN


Commander Puerto Rico Commander Puerto Rico Section/Caribbean Sea Frontier e: COM PI! ERTORI COSECT/C ARI BSEA FRON Commander Readiness Attack Carrier Air Wing e: COM RED ATKC ARAI RWING Commander, Rear Area Security e: COMRASC Commander Reconnaissance Attack Wing e: COMRECONATKWING Commander Reserve Destroyer Squadron e COMRESDESRON Commander, Reserve Escort Squadron e: ComResEscortRon Commander, Reserve Flotilla e: COMRESFLOT Commander, Reserve Squadron e: ComResRon Commander Rhine River Naval Group, French II Corps Sector e: COMNOFRHIN Commander River Support Squadron e: COMRIVSIIPPRON Commander, Royal Armoured Corps e: CRAC Commander, Royal Army Ordnance Corps e: CRAOC Commander, Royal Army Service Corps e: C.R.A.S.C. Commander Royal Canadian Army Service Corps e: CRCASC Commander Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers e: CREME Commander San Diego Group e: COMDIEGOGRU Commander San Francisco Group e: COMSANFRANGRU Commander, Scouting Squadron e: COMSCORON Commander Sea Area South e: COMSARSOUTH Commander, Sea Frontier e: COMSEAFRON Commander, Sea Training e: CST Commander, SEATO [Southeast Asia Treaty Organization] Field Forces e: CSFF Commander, Second Allied Tactical Air Force e: ComTwoATAF Commander Second Allied Tactical Air Force Central Europe e: COMTWOATAF Commander, Security Command e: COMSECOM Commander Service Force, Atlantic e: COMSERFORLANT, e: COMSERVLANT, e: CSL Commander Service Force, Atlantic Fleet e SERVLANT Commander Service Force, Pacific e: COMSERFORPAC, e: COMSERVPAC, e: CSP Commander Service Force, Pacific Petroleum School e: COMSERVPACETSCOL Commander, Service Force, Pacific Subordinate Command e: COMSERFORPACSUBCOM Commander, Service Force, Southwest Pacific e: COMSERVSOWESPAC Commander, Service Group e: COMSERVGRU Commander, Service Squadron e: COMSERVRON Commander, Seventh Fleet e: COMSEVENTHFLT Commander, Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force e: ComSixATAF


Commander Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force Southeastern Europe e: COMSIXATAF Commander, Sixth Fleet e: COMSIXFLT, e: ComSixthFlt Commander South Atlantic Force e: COMSOLANT Commander, South Pacific e: COMSOPAC Commander, Southeast Mediterranean Area e COMEDSOUEAST Commander, Southeast Pacific Force e: COMSOEASTPAC Commander, Southern European Sea Forces e: CSESF Commander Southern Section e: COMSOSECT Commander Southern Section/Western Sea Frontier e: COMSOSECT/WESTSEAFRON Commander, Southwest Pacific Force e: COMSOWESPAC Commander, Special Operations Command e: COMSOC Commander, Standing Naval Force Channel e COMSTANAVFORCHAN Commander, State Area Command e: COMSTARC Commander Stockton Group e: COMSTOCKGRU Commander Straits and Marmara Defence Sector e COMSAMAR Commander, Strategic Reserve, Allied Land Forces, Central Europe e: COMSTRATRESCENT Commander Strike Fleet, Atlantic e: COMSTRIKEFLTLANT Commander, Strike Force Atlantic e: COMSTRKFORLANT Commander Striking Fleet Atlantic [Afloat] e: COMSTRIKFLTLANT Commander Striking Fleet Atlantic [Ashore] e: COMSTRIKFLTLAND Commander Striking Fleet Atlantic Representative in Europe e: COMSTRIKFLTLANTREPEUR Commander Sub-Frontier Defense e: COMSUBFRONDESF Commander Sub-Frontier Defense/Delaware Group e: COMSUBFRONDEF/DELGRU Commander Submarine Base e: COMSIIGBASE Commander Submarine Development Group e: COMSUBDEVGRU Commander, Submarine Division e: COMSUBDIV, e CSD Commander, Submarine Flotilla e: ComSubFlot Commander Submarine Force e: COMSUBFOR Commander Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet e: COMSUBSLANT Commander Submarine Force, Eastern Atlantic e: COMSUBEASTLANT Commander Submarine Force, Western Atlantic Area e: COMSUBWESTLANT Commander Submarine Forces, Atlantic Fleet e: COMSUBLANT Commander, Submarine Forces, Mediterranean e: COMSUBMED Commander, Submarine Forces, Pacific [Fleet] e: COMSUBPAC Commander, Submarine Forces, Pacific Fleet, Representative e: ComSubPacRep Commander, Submarine Forces, United States [Fleet] e: COMSUBUS Commander, Submarine Group e: COMSUBGRP, e: ComSubGru

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Commander, Submarine Sea Training e: CSST Commander, Submarine Squadron e: COMSUBRON Commander Submarine Training Facilities e COMSUBTRAFAC Commander, Submarines e: COMSIIBS Commander, Submarines Allied Command, Atlantic e: COMSUBACLANT Commander, Submarines [Channel, East Atlantic] e: COMSUB [CHELL] Commander Submarines Force, Pacific Fleet e: COMSUBSPAC Commander Submarines Northeast Mediterranean e: COMSIIBMEDNOREAST Commander Submarines, Southwest Pacific Force e: COMSUBSSOWESPAC Commander, Subordinate Command, Service Force Pacific Fleet e: CSFPSC Commander, Subordinate Command, United States Atlantic Fleet e: COMSIICOMLANTFLT Commander Subordinate Command, United States Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean e: COMSIIBCOMNELM Commander Subordinate Command, United States Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean e: CSCN Commander Subordinate Command, United States Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean/Commander Headquarters Cupport Acitivities e: COMSUBCOMNELM/COMHEDSUPP ACT Commander Subordinate Command, United States Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean/Commander Headquarters Support Activities e: CSCN/CHSA Commander Support Operations Task Force Europe e: COMSOTFE Commander, Surface Forces, Pacific Fleet e: COMSURFPAC Commander, Tactical Air Command e: COMTAC Commander Tactical Air Control Group e: COMTACGRU Commander Tactical Air Control Squadron e COMTACRON Commander, Taiwan Defense Command e: COMTAIWANDEFCOMD Commander Taiwan Patrol Force e: COMTAIWANPATFOR Commander, Task Element e: CTE Commander, Task Fleet e: CTF Commander, Task Force e: CTF Commander, Task Group e: CTG Commander, Task Unit e: CTU Commander Texas Group e: COMTEXGRU Commander, Third Fleet e: COMTHIRDFLT Commander Third Fleet Computer Assisted Search e: COMPASS Commander Tongue Point Group, Inactive Fleet, Pacific Fleet e: COMTONGRU Commander, Torpedo Squadron e: COMTORPRON Commander, Training Force, Atlantic [Fleet] e: ComTraLant Commander, Training Force, Pacific [Fleet] e: ComTraPac Commander Training Squadron e: COMTRAINRON Commander, Transport Amphibious Squadron e: ComTransPhibRon Commander, Transport Division e: COMTRANSDIV

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Commanding General Commander, Transport Group, South Pacific Force e: COMTRANSGRSOPAC Commander, Transportation Division e: CTD Commander, Transports, Amphibious Force e: COMTRANSPHIB Commander Transports, Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet e: COMTRANSPHIBLANT Commander Transports, Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet e: COMTRANSPHIBPAC Commander UK Task Group e: COMUK TG Commander United Kingdom Air Defence Region e: COMUKADR Commander, United States Air Force Forces e COMUSAFFOR Commander, United States Air Force Southern Command e: COMUSAFSO Commander, United States Air Force Task Force e. COMUSAFTF Commander United States Army Europe e: USARUER Commander, United States Army Forces e: COMUSAFROR, e COMUSARFOR Commander, United States Army Forces Southern Command e: COMUSARSO Commander, United States Army, Japan e: COMUSARJAPAN Commander, United States Army Task Force e: COMUSARTF Commander United States Atlantic Fleet Bases Antilles e: COMFLTBASTILLES Commander, United States Atlantic Subarea e: COMIISLANT Commander, United States Forces e: COMUS Commander United States Forces, Azores e: COMUSFORAZ Commander United States Forces, Iceland e: COMUSFORICE Commander United States Forces, Japan e: COM IISFOR JAPAN Commander, United States Forces, Japan e: COMUSJAP Commander United States Forces, Japan e: COMUSJAPAN Commander United States Forces, Korea e: COMUSFORKOREA Commander, United States Forces, Korea e: COMUSKOREA Commander United States Forces, Marianas e: COMUSFORMARIANAS Commander United States Forces, Southeast Asia e: COMUSSEASIA Commander, United States Joint Task Force e: COMUSJTF Commander, United States Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force e: COMUSJUWTF Commander, United States Land Forces e: COMUSLANDFOR Commander, United States Marine Forces e: COMUSMARFOR Commander, United States Marine Task Forces e: CO Ml) S M A RTF Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Atlantic e: COMUSMACLant Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Europe e: COMUSMACEur Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Pacific e: COM DSM AC Pac Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Thailand e: COMUSMACThai

Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam e: COMUSMACV Commander United States Military Group e: COMUSMILGP Commander United States Naval Advanced Base e: COUSNAB Commander, United States Naval Forces e: COMUSNAVFOR Commander United States Naval Forces, Continental Air Defense Command e: COMUSNAVFORCONAD Commander, United States Naval Forces in Germany e: COMNAVFORGER Commander, [United States] Naval Forces, Marianas e: COM Ν A VM ARI AN AS Commander United States Naval Forces, Southern Command e: COMUSNAVSO Commander, United States Naval Supply Force e: COUSNAVSUPPFOR Commander United States Naval Support Force e: ComUSNavSuppFor Commander, United States Naval Task Force e: COMUSNAVTF Commander, United States Ports and Bases, France e COMUSBASFRANCE Commander, United States Special Advisory Group e: COMUSSAG Commander, United States Taiwan Defense Command e: ComUSTaiwanDefCom, e: COMUSTDC Commander, US Amphibious Force, Northwest African Waters e: COMPHIBNAW Commander US Fleet Air Wing Mediterranean e: COMUSFAIRWINGMED Commander, U.S. Forces, Japan e: COMUSJ Commander, U.S. Forces, Korea e: COMUSK Commander U.S. Naval Activities [Spain] e: COMNAVACT Commander, US Naval Activities, United Kingdom e: COMNAVACTUK Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Azores e: COMNAVFORAZORES Commander, US Naval Forces, Azores e: COMNAVZOR Commander, US Naval Forces, Continental Air Defense Command e: COMNAVFORCONAD Commander, US Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean e: COMNAVEASTLANTMED Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Far East e: COMNAVFE Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Iceland e: COMNAVFORICE Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Japan e: COMNAVFORJAPAN Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Korea e: COMNAVFORKOREA Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Marianas e: COMNAVFORMARIANAS Commander, US Naval Forces, Northwest African Waters e: COMNAVNAW Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Philippines e: COMNAVFORPHIL Commander, U.S. Ports and Bases, France e: COMBASFRANCE Commander US Rhine River Patrol e: COMUSRHIN Commander, USMC Forces, Korea e: COMUSMARFORK Commander, Utility Squadron e: COMUTRON Commander, Utility Wing e: ComUtWing Commander, Utility Wing, Service Force, Atlantic e: COMUTWINGSERVLANT

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Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Commander, Utility Wing, Service Force, Pacific e COMUTWINGSERVPAC Commander, Western Area, United States Coast Guard e: ComWestArea IISCG Commander, Western Sea Frontier e: ComWestSeaFron Commander Western Sea Frontier e: CWSF Commander, Western Transport Air Force e: COMWESTAF Commander's Annual Facilities Inspection e: CAFI Commander's Assessment of Readiness & Training e: CART Commander's Critical Information Requirements] e: CCIR Commander's Critical Item List e: CCIL Commander's Data Summary e: CDS Commanders' Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Council e: COEEOCA Commander's Evaluation Board e: CEB Commander's Evaluation Report e: CER Commander[s]-in-Chief e: CINC Commanders-in-Chief e: CinCs, e: CS-inC Commanders-in-Chief Committee e: CICC Commander's Independent Thermal Viewer e CITV Commander's Information Analysis e: CIA Commander's Information Network System e: CINS Commanders Integrated Display e: CID Commanders' Internal Management Conference e: CIMC Commander's Internal Management Review e CIMR Commanders Operational Intelligence Requirements e: COIR Commanders Radar Bombing Familiarization e: CRBF Commander's Tactical Terminal e: CTT Commander's Tactical Terminal/TEREC e: CTT/T Commander's Tactical Training Course e: CTTC Commanders Task Force e: CTF Commanding e: C Command[ing] e: CMD Commanding e: CMDG, e: Co, e: com, e: Comd., e Comdg., e: COMMDG Commanding Air Force e: Comg AF Commanding Air Officer e: CAO Commanding Artillery Officer e: CA Commanding General e: CG, e: COMDGEN, e: Com Gen, e: COMGEN Commanding General Air Defence Command e: CGADC Commanding General, Aircraft, Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic e: CGAIRFMFLANT Commanding General, Aircraft, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific e: CGAIRFMFPAC Commanding General, Army Air Forces e: CG/AAF Commanding General, Army Forces, MidPacific e: COMGENAFMIDPAC Commanding General, Army Ground Forces e: CG/AGF Commanding General Continental Army Command e: CGCARC Commanding General European Command e: COMGENEUCOM Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic e: CGFMFLANT Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific e: CGFMFPAC


Commanding General Commanding General, Frankfurt Military Post e: CGFMP Commanding General, Lines of Communication e: CGL of C Commanding General, Marianna and Bonin Islands e: CGMARBO Commanding General, Marine Base e: CCMB Commanding General, Mediterranean Theater of Operations e: COMGENMED Commanding General, Pacific Ocean Areas e COMGENPOA Commanding General, South Pacific Area e: COMGENSOPAC Commanding General, Tenth Army e: COMGENTEN Commanding General Third Air Division e: COMGENTHIRDAIR Commanding General, Third Marine Air Wing e: CGTHIRDMAW Commanding General United States Armed Forces in Korea e: COMGENUSAFIK Commanding General, United States Army e: CGIISAR Commanding General United States Army Europe e: COMGENUSAREUR Commanding General, United States Army in Alaska e: COMGENUSARAL Commanding General United States Army in the Caribbean Sea Area e: COMGENUSARCARIB Commanding General, United States Army in the Pacific e: CGUSAR Pac Commanding General, United States Continental Army Command e: CGUSCONARC Commanding General US Air Forces in Europe e: COMGENUSAFE Commanding General US Army Communications Zone Europe e: CGUSACOMZEUR Commanding Officer e: CO, e: COMDG OF Commanding Officer, Air Base e: COAB Commanding Officer, Air Evacuation Squadron e: COAIREVACRON Commanding Officer, Area e: COA, e: C.O.A. Commanding Officer, Atlantic Coast e: COAC Commanding Officer, Base Command e: CO Ba Com Commanding Officer, Landing Force Air Support Control Unit e: COLANFORASCU Commanding Officer, Military Department e: COMILDEP Commanding Officer, Military Departments e: COMILDEPT Commanding Officer, Military Police e: COMP Commanding Officer, Naval Advanced Base, Commanding Officer, Naval Air Base e: CONAB Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station e: CONAS Commanding Officer, Naval Air Wing e: CONAIR Commanding Officer, Naval Divisions e: COND Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot e: CONSD Commanding Officer of Commodore Messenger Organisation e: CO CM O Commanding Officer of Ship e: COS Commanding Officer of Troops e: COT Commanding Officer, Panama Air Defense e: COPAD


Commanding Officer, Port of Embarkation e: COPOE Commanding Officer, Research Operations Detachment e: CORSCHOPSDET Commanding Officer, Reserve Fleet e: CORF Commanding Officer, Section Base e: COSECTBASE Commanding Officer, Submarine Chaser Training Center e: COSCTRACEN Commanding Officer, United States Army Radio Station e: COUSARS Commanding Officer, United States Navy Advanced Base Bremerhaven e: COUNABB Commanding Officer, United States Ship e: COUSS Commanding Officer, United States Special Forces [Provisional] e: COUSS[P], e: COUSS[P] Commanding Officer, US Navy Advanced Base e: COUNAB Commanding Officer's Cabin e: C.O.C. Commanding Officer's Position Finder e: COPF Commanding Officers Qualifying Course e: COQC Commanding Officer's Tatical Plan e: COTP Commanding Postmaster e: Comd Ps Commanding Scouting Force e: CSF Commanding Signal Officer e: CSO Commanditaire Vennootschap n: Comm Ven Commando e: Cdo, e: Cmdo, e: CMNDO commando e: comdo commando [cdo] e: Cdo Commando Colonial Parachutiste f : C.C.P. Commando de Fusileros Navales s: COMFIISNA Commando di Regione Militare i: CRM commando difesa contro aerei territoriale i: c.dicat. Commando, Marine e: CDO MR Commando Parachutiste de l'Air f : C.P.A. Commando School, Royal Marines e: Cdo.Sch.R.M. Commando Tactische Luchtmacht η: C T L Commando Training Centre e: CTC Commando Training Centre Royal Marines e: CTC RM commandogroep η: cgp, η: cogp Commandopost η: CO-post commando[s] e: cdo[s] Commandos Autonomes Anticapitalistes s: CAA commandos parachutistes coloniaux f : C.P.C. Commands and Indications e: C&I Commercial Aircraft Requirements Committee e: CARC Commercial Aviation e: CA Commercial Import Division e: CID Commercial Light-Water [nuclear] Reactor e: C L W R Commercial Microwave Landing System Avionics e: CMLSA Commercial Nuclear Waste e: CNW commis et ouvriers d'administration [armée] f : c.o.a. Commis et ouvriers d'administration coloniaux f : C.O.A.C. Commis et Ouvriers Militaires de l'Administration f : COMA Commissaire de la Marine Marchande f : C.M.M. Commissaire Militaire aux Transports f : QCMT

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Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique f : CEA Commissariat de la Marine f : C&M Commissariat des bases de l'Air f : C.B.A. commissariato i: com., i: commto. Commissariato di Movimento i: Commissariato di movimiento i: mvto Commissariato di sezione i: sz., i: Commissariato Generale Onoranze Caduti in Guerra i: CGOCG Commissariato Generale per la Fabbricazioni di Guerra i: Cogefag Commissariato Onoranze Salme Caduti in Guerra i: COSCG Commissariato stradale mobile i: str. mob., i: c.str.mb. commissary e: comsy commissary general e: com.gen. Commissary General of Subsistence e: C.G.S. Commissary of Subsistence e: C.O.S. commissary store e: COMSYSTR Commissie Coordinatie Normalisatiezaken Krijgsmacht n: CCNK Commissie Internationale Militaire Sportwedstrijden n: CIMS Commissie van Onderzoek naar het Militaire Aankoopbeleid n: COMA Commission e: Cmsn Commission Administrative f : C.A. Commission Administrative du Service Départementale d'Incendie et de Secours / CASDIS Commission Administrative Paritaire f : CAP Commission Administrative Permanente f : CAP Commission and Exchange e: C & E Commission Arbitrale f : C.A. Commission Aériene f : C.A. Commission Aérologique f : CAé Commission Baleinière Internationale f : CBI Commission Canadienne du Lait f : C C L Commission Cantonale f : C.C. Commission Centrale d'Assistance f : CCA Commission Centrale de l'Enfance f : C.C.E. Commission Centrale des Machines à Vapeur f : C.C.M.V. Commission Centrale des Transmissions f : C.C.T. Commission chagée de l'étude de la situation des combattants de guerre f : COSICOG Commission Consultative f : C.C. Commission Consultative de Planification des Constructions f : CCPC Commission Consultative des Barreaux de la Communauté Européenne / C C B E Commission Consultative Permanente des Véhicles Militaires f : CCPVM Commission Consultative Technique f : CCT Commission de Climatologie f : C.C. Commission de Conciliation f : C . C . , / · C.Conciliation Commission de Conciliation des Nations Unies pour la Palestine f : CCNUP Commission de Contrôle f : C.C. Commission de Contrôle de l'Energie Atomique f : CCEA Commission de Coordination f : CCO Commission de Coordination pour la nomenclature des produits sidérurgiques / COCOR Commission de Gouvernement Haute Silésie f : C.G.H.S.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Commission on Critical Commission de la Carte Internationale de la Mer du Nord f: CCIMN Commission de la Fonction Publique International f: CFPI Commission de la Navigation Aérienne f: C.N.A. Commission de l'Assemblée f: AComm Commission de l'Information et de la Documentation en matière d'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle f: CIDOSP Commission de Modernisation des Transports Intérieurs f: C.M.T.I. Commission de Météorologie Hydrologique / CMH Commission de Recherche historique pour le bicenteneaire de la révolution française /• CNRS Commission de Sécurité f: CS Commission del'Énergie Nucléaire Général f: CENG Commission d'enquête f: C.E. Commission des Armements de type Classique f: CAC Commission des Caraïbes f: CC Commission des Comités de Libération f: C.C.L. Commission des Comptes de la Nation f: C.C.N. Commission des Constructions f: COCO Commission des Forêts pour le ProcheOrient / CFPO Commission des Inspecteurs et Directeurs de l'Enseignement Primaire f: CIDEP Commission des Instruments et des Méthodes d'Observation f: CIMO Commission des Nations Unies pour le Droit Commercial International f: CNUDCI Commission des Nations Unies pour l'Inde et le Pakistan /• CNUIP Commission des Opérations de la Bourse / COB Commission des Ordinaires de Garnison f: C.D.O.G. Commission des Réparations f: CDR Commission des Stupéfiants f: CDS Commission des Échanges de Wagons f: CEW Commission des Églises pour les Affaires Internationales f: CEAI Commission d'Experts f: CE Commission du Commerce International des Produits de base f: CCIP Commission du Commerce International des Produits de Base f: CIPB Commission du Droit International f: CDI Commission du développement durable f: CDD Commission du Fleuve Niger f: CFN Commission du Pacifique Sud f: CPS Commission Départementale f: C.D. Commission Départementale de Conciliation [éducation] f: C.D.C. Commission Départementale de l'Équipement f: CDE Commission d'Études Pratiques d'Adaptation des Personnels f: C.E.P.A.P. Commission d'Études Pratiques d'Artillerie Navale f: C.E.P.A.N. Commission d'Études Pratiques de Tirs d'Artillerie f: C.E.P.T.A. Commission d'Études Pratiques des Engins Navals f: CEPENa Commission d'Études Pratiques des SousMarins f: C.E.P.S.M. Commission Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire f: CERN Commission Exécutive et de liaison f: CE

Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in North-West Africa e: CCDLNWA Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Near East e: CCDLNE Commission for Conventional Armaments e: CCA Commission for Development Studies in Latin America e: CDSLA Commission for European Airspace Coordination e: CEAC Commission for International Development e CID Commission for Marine [or Maritime] Meteorology e: CMM Commission for/on Instrumentation [or Instruments] and Methods of Observation^] e: CIMO Commission for the European Defence Community e: CEDC Commission Forestière pour l'Amérique du Nord /• CFAN Commission Française des Régions de l'Ouest Européen f: CFROE Commission Fédérale de Maturité f: CFM Commission Gastronomique, Vinicole et Touristique f: CGVT Commission Générale d'Unifications des Méthodes d'Analyses f: CGDUMA Commission hydrographique de la mer Baltique f: CHMB Commission Interaméricaine d'Arbitrage Commercial f: C.I.A.A.C. Commission Interaméricaine du Thon Tropical f: CITT Commission Intercantonale Romande pour la Coordination de l'Enseignement f: CIRCE Commission interministérielle de défense aérienne f: CIDA Commission Interministérielle des Installations Nucléaires de Base f: CIINB Commission Internationale Contre le Régime Concentrationnaire f: CICRC Commission Internationale d'Analyse du comité international de la détergence f: CIA Commission Internationale d'Arbitrage Commercial f: CIAC Commission Internationale d'Astronautique f: CIASTR Commission Internationale d'Aviation Générale f: CIAG Commission Internationale d'Aéromodelisme f: CIAM Commission Internationale d'Aérostation / ' CIA Commission Internationale de Contrôle [des accords de Genève] [Vietnam] f: C.I.C. Commission Internationale de Coopération Intellectuelle f: CICI Commission Internationale de la Navigation Aerienne f: CINA Commission Internationale de la Nomenclature Anatomique Vétérinaire f: CINAV Commission Internationale de l'Aviation Légère et du Tourisme Aérien f: C.I.A.L.T.A. Commission Internationale de l'État Civile f: CIEC Commission Internationale de Météorologie Aéronautique f: C I M A , / · CIMAé Commission Internationale de Protection contre les Radiations f: CIPR Commission Internationale de Vol à Voile /• CIVV Commission Internationale des Grands Barrages f: CIGB

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Commission Internationale d'Histoire Maritime f: CIHM Commission Internationale du Châtaignier / CIC Commission Internationale du Verre f: CIV Commission Internationale Permanente pour l'épreuve des armes à feu portatives / CIP Commission Intersyndicale de l'instrumentation et de la mesure Nucléaire Française f: CINF Commission Langues Vivantes f: CLV Commission Latino-Américaine des Forêts f: CLAF Commission Latinoaméricaine de l'Aviation Civile / CLAC Commission Logistique Organisation Terre - Air - Mer f: LOT Commission Logistique Organisation Terre - Air - Mer - Armement f: LOTA Commission Militaire f: C&M Commission Mixte Centrale f: C.M.C. Commission Mixte des Aciers f: CMA Commission Mixte Militaire Centrale f: C.M.M.C. Commission Mixte Paritaire f: C.M.P. Commission Médico-Pédagogique Départementale f: CMPD Commission National de Reforme Administrative f: CNRA Commission Nationale f: C.N. Commission Nationale d'Amélioration Génétique f: CNAG Commission Nationale de Conciliation f: CNC Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertes f: CNIL Commission Nationale de Linguistique f: CNL Commission Nationale de Restructuration des Urgences f: CNRU Commission Nationale des Déportés et Internés Résistants f: C.N.D.I.R. Commission Nationale des Nomenclatures d'Activités et de Produits f: CNNAP Commission Nationale des Plans d'Urbanisme f: CNPU Commission Nationale des Salaires f: CNS Commission Nationale pour l'Aménagement du Territoire f: C.N.A.T. Commission Nationale pour l'Étude de l'Utilisation Pacifique del'Énergie Nucléaire f: CNEUPEN Commission Nationale Professionnelle Consultative f: CNPC Commission Nationale Technique des Services d'Incendie et de Secours f: CNTSIS Commission of Eritrean Refugee Affairs e: CERA Commission of Overseas Chinese Affairs e COCA Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense e: COSTIND Commission of Support for Verification e: CIAV Commission Officielle de Contrôle des semences et plants f: COC Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature e: CBN Commission on Biological Nomenclature e CBN Commission on Chemical and Biological Warfare e: CCBW Commission on Civil Rights e: CCR Commission on College Physics e: CCP Commission on Critical Choices for Americans e: CCCA


C o m m i s s i o n on D e v e l o p m e n t Commission on Development and Exchange e CDE Commission on Documentation e: CoD Commission on Ecosystem Management e: CEM Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy e: CEESP Commission on Epidemiological Survey e: CES Commission on Fine Arts e: CFA Commission on Government Security e: C.G.S. Commission on Human Ecology e: CHE Commission on Intergovernmental Relations e: CIR Commission on International Commodity Trade e: CICT Commission on International Peace and Reconciliation e: CIPAR Commission on Map Use and Spatial Data Use e: CMSDU Commission on Marine Science, Engeneering and Resources e: CMSER Commission on Narcotic Drugs e: CND Commission on National and Regional Atlases e: CNRA Commission on Ore-Forming Fluid in Inclusions e: COFFI Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government e: COEBG Commission on Science, Technology & Industry for National Defence e: CSTIND Commission on Standards and Accreditation of Services for the Blind e: COMSTAC Commission on the Study of Peace e: CSP Commission on United States-Soviet Relations e: CIJSSR Commission Organisation Méthodes Automatisation et Statistiques de l'Armée de Terre f: C.O.M.A.S.A.T. Commission Permanente Consultative pour les affaires militaires, navales et aériennes f: CPC Commission Permanente du Pacifique Sud f: C C P S , / CPPS Commission Politique Européenne f: CPE Commission pour le Repatriement des Prisonniers de Guerre f: C.R.P.G. Commission pour les Installations Intérieures f: Cil Commission pour les Problèmes Nationaux de Défense f: CPND Commission pour une Fédération Européenne et Mondiale f: CFEM Commission Préparatoire de l'Organisation Intergouvernementale Consultative de la navigation Maritime f: CPIMCO Commission Préparatoire pour la conférence du Désarmement f: CPD Commission régulatrice f: C.R. Commission régulatrice des évacuations f: CRE Commission Spéciale pour la Palestine f: CSP Commission Supérieure d'Allocations Militaires f: C.S.A.M. Commission Supérieure des Dommages de Guerre f: C.S.D.G. Commission Temporaire mixte pour la réduction des Armements f: CTA Commission to Study the Organization of Peace e: CSOP Commission Économique de Nations Unies pour l'Europe f: C.E.E.U.N. Commission Économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe f: CEE


Commission économique pour l'Europe f: CEE Commissione Alleata di Controllo i: CAC Commissione Arbitrale Centrale i: CAC Commissione Centrale delle Imposte i: CCII Commissione Centrale di Avanzamento i: CCA Commissione Centrale di Controllo i: CCC Commissione Centrale Prezzi i: CCP Commissione Coordinamento Reti i: CCR Commissione di Coordinamento i: CDC Commissione Distretturale delle Imposte Dirette i: CD-IIDD Commissione interministeriale per lo studio dei rifornimenti e dei traffici nazionali in guerra i: CRTN Commissione Internazionale i: CI Commissione Italiana di Armistizi con la Francia i: CIAF Commissione Italiana per l'Europa Nucleare i: CIEN Commissione Italiane d'Armistizio i: CIA Commissione Legislativa Speciale i: CLS Commissione Medica Ospedaliera i: CMH Commissione Mista i: CM Commissione per il Perfezionamento e l'Aggiornamento i: CFPC Commissione Permanente Interministeriale per lo Studio dei Trasporti Nazionali in Guerra ì: CPITN Commissione Provinciale Requisizione Veicoli i: CPRV Commissione Provinciale Requisizioni Natanti ì: CPRN Commissione Suprema di Difesa i: CSD Commissioned Air Engineer e: Cd A Eng Commissioned Airman e: CD Aim, e: Cd. Armn. Commissioned Armament Officer e: CAO Commissioned Bandmaster e: Cd. Bndr. Commissioned Boatswain e: Cd. Β. Commissioned Communication Officer e: Cd. CO Commissioned Electrical [Electronic] Officer e: Cd ElO Commissioned Electrical Officer e: Cd. El. O Commissioned Engineer e: Cd Eng Commissioned Engineer Officer e: CEO Commissioned Gunner e: Cd. Gr., e: Cd Gunn Commissioned Instructor Officer e: Cd. In. O. Commissioned Master-at-Arms e: Cd. MAA Commissioned Observer e: Cd. Obs. Commissioned Officer e: Cd. O., e: comoff Commissioned Officer Corps e: COC Commissioned Officer Residency Deferment e: CORD Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program e: COSTEP Commissioned Officers Association e: COA Commissioned Officers Mess e: COM Commissioned Ordnance Engineer e: Cd Ο E Commissioned Ordnance Officer e: Cd. OO Commissioned Radio Officer e: Cd. RadO Commissioned Royal Marine Gunner e: Cd RMG Commissioned Stores Officer e: Cd. SO Commissioned Supply Officer e: Cd. SO Commissioned Warrant Officer Hospital Corps e: CWOHC

Κ · G · Saur, München

Commissioner e: Cmnr, e: Com., e: Commr., e: Comnr., e: Comr. Commissioner for Northern Ireland e: CNI Commissioner for Refugees e: COR Commissioner-General e: C.-G. Commissioner of Internal Revenue e: CIR Commissioners of Customs and Excise e: CCE Commissioners of Medical Services e: C.M.S. Commissionerfs] of the District of Columbia e: CDC Commissioner's Office e: C.O. Committee Against Repression in the Pacific and Asia e: CARPA Committee for a Just World Peace e: CJWP Committee for Air Navigation and Ground Organization e: CANGO Committee for Ammunition Logistics Support e: CALS Committee for Conventional Armaments e: CCA Committee for Economic Defence e: C.E.D. Committee for Evaluating the Feasibility of Space Rocketry e: CEFSR Committee for International Marine Telecommunications and Aviation Coordination e: CIMTAC Committee for Liquidation of German War Potential e: CLWP Committee for Nuclear Information e: CNI Committee for Nuclear Responsibility e: CNR Committee for/of Imperial Defence e: CID Committee for Peace Research e: CPR Committee for the Defense of National Interest e: CDNI Committee for the Defense of National Interests e: CDIN Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Prosecuted e: CDUP Committee for the Study of Scientific Problems of Peace and Disarmament e: CPD Committee for World Development and World Disarmament e: CWDWD Committee of Good Officers e: C.G.O. Committee of Imperial Defence e: C.I.D. Committee of Nuclear Regulatory Activities e: CNRA Committee of Religious Concern of Peace e: CRCP Committee on Aircraft Noise e: CAN Committee on Army and Navy Religious Activities e: CANRA Committee on Captured Enemy Electronic Equipment e: COCEE Committee on Chemical Warfare e: CCW Committee on Defence Equipment Reliability & Maintainability e: CODERM Committee on Defence Expenditure e: CDE Committee on Disarmament e: CD Committee on Guided Missiles e: CGM Committee on International Nuclear Standards e: COINS Committee on Interpretation of the Nationw i d e Marine Definition e: CINWMD Committee on Man's Underwater Activities e: CMU/WA Committee on Marine Research, Education, and Facilities e: CMREF Committee on Marine Research Engineering and Facilities e: CMREP Committee on Marine Surveying and Mapping e: CMSM

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Communications System Planning Committee on Marine Technology e: CMT Committee on Meteorological Effect of Stratospherical Aircraft e: COM ESA Committee on Military Affairs e: Com Mil Aff Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions e: COMVE Committee on Operational WWW Systems Evaluation for the North Atlantic e: CONA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health e: CRPPH Committee on South African War Resistance e: COSAWR Committee on the Economic Impact of Defense and Disarmement e: CEIDD Committee on the Reprocessing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels e: CORECOM Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations e: CNSI, e: C S M Committee on Undersea Warfare e: CUW Committee on Veterans Medical Problems e: CVMP Committee to Aid Cold War Veterans e: CACW Committee to Save the Peace Symbol e: CSPS Commodities Division e: COMMOD Commodity Coordination Group e: CCG Commodore Amphibious Forces e: COMAF Commodore Amphibious Warfare e: COMAW Commodore Command e: CC Commodore Commanding New Zealand Force e: CCNZ Commodore, [Destroyers] Western Approaches e: COM[DlWA Commodore, Naval Air Stations, East Africa e: COMNAS[EA] Commodore Naval Ship Acceptance e: CNSA Commodore Royal Canadian Navy Barracks e: COMBRAX Commodore Superintendent, Atlantic Coast e: COMSUPTLANT Commodore Superintendent Contract Built Ships e: CSCBS Common Affordable Lightweight Fighter e: CALF Common Aperture Multifunction Array Radar e: CAMAR Common Aviation Weather Subsystem e: CAWS Common Avionics Baseline e: CAB Common Avionics Group e: CAG Common Command Set e: CCS Common Defense Exhibition & Seminar e: COMDEF Common Defense Market e: CDM Common IFR [Instrument Flight Rules] Room e: CIR Common Instrument Flight Rules Room e: CIFRR Common Market Commission e: CMC Common Missile Approach Warning System e; CMAWS Common Missile Warning System e: CMWS Common Operational Modeling Planning And Simulation Strategy e: COMPASS Common Shipboard Data Terminal Set e: CSDTS Common Strategic Rotary Launcher e: CSRL Common Tactical Grid e: CTG Common Weapon Sight e: CWS Common Weapons Control System e: CWCS

Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council e: CAARC Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Defence Science e: CACDS Commonwealth Air Forces Telecommunications Network e: CAFTN Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation e: CAC Commonwealth Communication of Army Networks e: COMCAN Commonwealth Defence Science Organisation [or Organization] e: CDSO Commonwealth Division e: C.D. Commonwealth Families and Friendship Association e: CFFA Commonwealth Headquarters e: C.H.Q. Commonwealth Joint Services Committee e: CJSC Commonwealth Law Enforcement Assistance Network e: CLEAN Commonwealth Military Forces e: CMF, e: C.M.F. Commonwealth Pacific Cable e: COMPAC, e COMPAC Cable Commonwealth-Pacific System e: COMPAC System Commonwealth War Graves Commission e CWGC Communauté de Défense et d'Expansion de la Batellerie f: CODEBA Communauté de Défense Européenne f: CDE Communauté de Navigation FrancoRhénane / CNFR Communauté Européenne de [la] Défense / CED Communauté Européenne de l'Energie Atomique f: CEAA Communauté Européenne de l'Énergie Atomique f: CEEA Communauté Européenne pour l'Énergie Atomique f: EURATOM Communicate Between Forces e: COMMS Communication and Command Control Requirements e: CCCR Communication and Data Transmission Control Program[me] e: CDTCP Communication and Guidance Squadron e: C&CSq Communication and Navigation Laboratory e: C&N LAB Communication Center e: CC Communication Command e: CC Communication Facilities Mediterranean and Middle East e: COMMFACMEDME Communication Identification Navigation e.· CIN Communication Infrastructure for Inland Navigation in Europe II e: COMSINE II-CP96-82 Communication Maintenance Squadron e: COMMMAINTRON Communication, Navigation, and Identification e: CNI Communication, Navigation and Identification system e: CNI Communication/Navigation/Meteorological e: COM/NAV/MET Communication, Navigation & Position Integration e: CNPI Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/ Air Traffic Management e: CNS/ATM Communication Range Azimuth e: COMRAZ Communications and Electronics Engineering Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario e: OONDC

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Communications and Electronics Management Squadron e: CEMSq Communications and Electronics Squadron e: CAESQ, e: C&E Sq Communications and Navigation e: C and N, e: C & Ν Communications and Navigation Airborne Radio Instrumentation e: CANARI Communications and Navigation Research Laboratory e: CNRL Communication^] center e: CommCen Communications Centre e: COMMCEN Communications Centre Officer e: CCO Communications Construction Squadron e: CCS, e: COMMCONSTRON Communications Control Teams e: CCT Communications Countermeasures e: COMC, e: COMCM, e COMMCM, e: comm cmeas Communications Countermeasures Operator e: comm cmeas op Communications Duty Officer e: CDO Communications Electronic Warfare Intelligence e: CEWI Communications Electronic Warfare System e: CEWS Communications-Electronics Implementation Plan e: CEIP Communications-Electronics Implementation Plan Amendment e: CEIPA Communications Electronics Officer e: CEO Communications Electronics War Readiness Materiel e: CEWRM Communications Equipment Subcommittee e: CESC Communications Flight e: CF Communications High Accuracy Airborne Location System e: CHAALS Communications Liaison Officer e: CLO Communications Lieutenant Commander e: CLCr Communications Maintenance Squadron e: CMSQ Communications Naval Electronic Warfare System e: CO-NEWS Communication[s] Navigation [and] Identification e: CNI Communication[s], Navigation and Surveillance e: CNS Communications Navigation Instrument e: CNI Communications/Navigation Interface Unit e CNIU Communications Network Control Station e: CNCS Communication[s] Officer e: CO Communications Officer e: Comm O, e: ComO Communications Operations Squadron e: COSQ Communications Research and Development Command e: CORADCOM Communications Research Division e: CRD Communications Research Establishment e: CRE Communications Security Establishment, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario e: OONDCS Communications Security Logistics Agency e.· CSLA Communications Squadron e: COMMRON, e: Comm Sq, e: COMSQN Communications Squadron, Theater Air Forces e: CSTAF Communications System Planning Element e: CSPE


Communications. Telemetry Communications, Telemetry, and Command e CTC Communications unit e: ClI Communications Watch Officer e: CWO Communications Zone e: COMZ Communications Zone [Theater] e: COMMZ Community Action for Post-War Jobs and Profits e.· C.A.P.W.J.P. Community Banking Facilities e: CBF Community College of the Air Force e: CCA F Community Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures Office e: CCISCMO Community HIV and AIDS Prevention Strategy e: CHAPS Community Integrated Training and Education Program e: CITEP Community Relations Advisory Council e: CRAC Community War Services e: CWRU Compact Airborne Automatic Tracking System e: CAATS Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager e CASI Compact Laser Radar e: CLARA Compact Nuclear Power Source e: CNPS Compact Tank Gun e: CTG compagnia i: comp[.|, i: cp. compagnia armi d'accompagnamento i: cp.a.a. compagnia armi de accompagnamento i: cp.acc. compagnia artificieri i: cp.afc. compagnia aviorifornimenti i: cp.avr. compagnia cannoni anticarro i: compagnia cannonieri Africa i: compagnia cannonieri coloniali i: compagnia carabinieri i: compagnia carri armati i: compagnia carri d'assalto i: compagnia carri medii i: compagnia carri pesanti i: Compagnia comando i: Cp.c. compagnia comando de reggimento i: cp.c.rgt. compagnia Comando di battagione i: btg. compagnia comando di battaglione i: cp.c.btg. compagnia Comando di reggimento i: rgt. compagnia comando e servizi i: cp.Cdo S. compagnia de comando i: comp.c. compagnia di mitragliatrici pesanti i: comp.M.P. compagnia discarica e smistamento spiaggia per sbarco materiali i: compagnia esercizio linee i: cp.e.l. compagnia fotoelettricisti artiglieri i: cp.fe.a. compagnia fucilieri i: cp.fuc. compagnia genio i: cp.g. compagnia genio ferrovieri di armamento i: compagnia idrografica i: compagnia lanciafiamme i: cp.lf. compagnia lavoratori ausiliari i: cp.l.aus. compagnia meccanizzata i: cp.mecc. compagnia mista nebbiogeni e lanciafiamome i: cp.nlfm. compagnia mista servizi i: cp.mi.S. compagnia mista Servizi i: cp.Serv. compagnia mitraglieri i: compagnia mortai i: cp.m. compagnia movieri i: compagnia movieri e smistamento carichi [genio ferrovieri] i:


compagnia parco i: compagnia parco campale i: compagnia ponti metallici scomponibili i: cp.ptms. compagnia pontieri ausiliari i: compagnia presidiaría i: compagnia smistamento per sbarco materiali i: compagnia truppe chimiche i: cp.k. compagnie f: c.,/· Cie,/· comp[.], n: Cie Compagnie Administrative f: C.A. Compagnie administrative de la base f: C.A.B. Compagnie administrative de la Légion étrangère f: C.A.L.E. Compagnie administrative du matériel f: C.A.M. Compagnie Administrative Régional f: C.A.R. Compagnie Africaine d'Armement f: CAA Compagnie Africaine de Commerce et de commission f: CAFCO Compagnie Antichars f: CAC2 Compagnie automobile de protection antiaérienne f: C.A.P.A.A. Compagnie Autonome de chars f: C.A.Ch. Compagnie autonome du génie f: C.A.G. Compagnie Auxiliarie de Navigation f: C.A.N. Compagnie Béninoise de Navigation Maritime f: COBENAM Compagnie coloniale de[s] transmissions f: C.C.T. Compagnie d'accompagnement f: C.A. Compagnie d'Accompagnement du Bataillon f: C.A.B. Compagnie d'approvisionnement f: C.A. Compagnie d'approvisionnement du service de matériel [Forces françaises en Allemagne] f: CASM Compagnie d'appui f: C.A. Compagnie d'armes lourdes f: CieAL Compagnie d'autos saharienne de transport f: C.A.S.T. Compagnie d'aérostation f: C.Aé. Compagnie de ballons de protection f: C.B.P. Compagnie de camp f: C.C. Compagnie de canons d'infanterie f: C.C.I. Compagnie de centre d'instruction f: C.C.I. Compagnie de Chars de Combat f: C.C.C. Compagnie de combustibles liquides [Armée de l'Air] f: C.C.L. Compagnie de Commandement f: C.C. Compagnie de Commandement, d'Appui et des Services f: C.C.A.S. Compagnie de Commandement de Bataillon / C.C.B. Compagnie de Commandement, d'Organisation et des Services f: C.C.O.S. Compagnie de Commandement du Régiment f: C.C.R. Compagnie de Commandement et des Services f: C.C.S. Compagnie de construction de lignes f: C.C.L. Compagnie de diffusion et de production f: C.D.P. Compagnie de discipline f: C.D. Compagnie de distribution de carburant f: C.D.C. Compagnie de distribution d'essence f: C.D.E. Compagnie de douches désinfection et désinsectisation f: C.D.D.D. Compagnie de Défense et de Protection f: C.D.P.

© Κ · G · Saur, München

Compagnie de dépannage [Armée de l'Air] / C.Dép. Compagnie de désinfection et de désinsectisation f: C.D.D. Compagnie de fusiliers f: Cie Fus. Compagnie de fusiliers-voltigeurs f: C . F . V . , / Cie F.V. Compagnie de garde f: C.d.G. Compagnie de garnison f: C.G. compagnie de gaz f: c.z. Compagnie de Guet [armée de l'air] f: C.G. Compagnie de haute-parleurs et de tracts f: C.H.P.T. compagnie de l'Air f: C.A. Compagnie de liaison et d'appui aérien f: C.L.A.A. Compagnie de livraison par air f: CLA compagnie de magasin f: C&M compagnie de mitrailleuses f: C&M compagnie de mitrailleuses de brigade f: c.m.b. compagnie de mitrailleuses d'infanterie f: c.m.i. Compagnie de mitrailleuses régimentaires / C.M.R. compagnie de mortiers f: Cie Mor,/· C&M compagnie de mortiers lourds f: C.M.L. Compagnie de Munitions f: C&M Compagnie de navigation f: C.N. Compagnie de Navigation Mixte f: CNM Compagnie de Navigation Paquet f: CNP Compagnie de parachutistes f: C.Pa. compagnie de parachutistes du génie f: C.P.G. Compagnie de parc f: C.Pc. Compagnie de parc de [s] transmissions f: C.P.T. Compagnie de passage de la Légion étrangère f: C.P.L.E. Compagnie de Phares [Armée de l'Air] f: C.Ph. Compagnie de pionniers de la Légion étrangère f: C.P.L.E. Compagnie de pont Bailey f: C.P.B. Compagnie de protection en Algérie f: CPA Compagnie de quartier général f: C. de Q . G . , / Cie Q.G. compagnie de quartier général f: C.Q.D. Compagnie de quartier-maître f: Cie Q.M. Compagnie de ravitaillement f: C.R. Compagnie de ravitaillement de l'intendance f: C.R.I. Compagnie de ravitaillement divisionnaire f: C.R.D. Compagnie de ravitaillement du service de santé /• C.R.S.S. Compagnie de ravitaillement en essence f: C . R . E . , / C.R.E.E. Compagnie de ravitaillement en essence, moteurs, pneus f: CREMP Compagnie de ravitaillement en essence moyens porteurs f: C.R.M.P. Compagnie de ravitaillement en essence par gros-porteurs f: C.R.G.P. Compagnie de ravitaillement en viande f: C.R.V. Compagnie de ravitaillement et de transport de viande f: C.R.T.V. Compagnie de ravitaillement et d'entretien d'habillement f: C.R.E.H. Compagnie de ravitaillement par air f: C.R.A. Compagnie de récupération f: Cie Réc. Compagnie de réparation f: C.R. Compagnie de Réparation d'Avions légers d'Observation d'Artillerie f: C.R.A.L.O.A.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Compliance Officer C o m p a g n i e de Réparation de Division Blindée f : C.R.D.B. C o m p a g n i e de Réparation de Division d'Infanterie f : C.R.D.I. C o m p a g n i e de Réparation de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre f : C.R.A.L.A.T. C o m p a g n i e de réparation de matériel antiaérien f : C . R . M . A . A . C o m p a g n i e de réparation divisionnaire f : C.R.D. C o m p a g n i e de réparation du matériel des transmissions f : C . R . M . T . C o m p a g n i e de réparations d'engins blindés f : C.R.E.B. C o m p a g n i e de réparations et de ravitaillement technique f : C.R.R.T. C o m p a g n i e de tanks f : Cie T K S C o m p a g n i e de terrain [Armée de l'Air] f : C.Ter. C o m p a g n i e de terrains du génie de l'Air f : C.T.G.A. C o m p a g n i e de transit [Légion étrangère] f : C.Tr. C o m p a g n i e de transport automobile f : C.T.A. C o m p a g n i e de Transport de la Légion Étrangère f : C.T.L.E. C o m p a g n i e de transport de viande f : C.T.V. C o m p a g n i e de transport et de quartier général f : C.t.Q.G. C o m p a g n i e de transports f : C.Tp. C o m p a g n i e de triage et traitement f : C.T.T. C o m p a g n i e de Troupes des transmissions f : Cie Ttr C o m p a g n i e d'engins d ' a c c o m p a g n e m e n t f : C.E.A. compagnie d'engins d ' a c c o m p a g n e m e n t et de transmission f : c.e.t. C o m p a g n i e d'engins fluviaux f : C.E.F. C o m p a g n i e d'entretien du génie f : C.E.G. C o m p a g n i e deréparation et d'entretien auto f : CREA C o m p a g n i e des services f : C.S. C o m p a g n i e des services généraux f : Cie Sv.G. C o m p a g n i e des transmissions f : C.T. C o m p a g n i e des Transmissions Air f : C.T.A. C o m p a g n i e des télégraphistes coloniaux f : C.T.C. C o m p a g n i e d'essence routière f : C.E.R. compagnie d'exploitation et de transport spécialisés de l'intendance f : C.E.T.S.I. compagnie d'exploitations des pipelines f : C.E.P.L. compagnie di fucilieri i: comp.f. C o m p a g n i e d'infanterie f : C.I. C o m p a g n i e d'infanterie coloniale f : C.I.C. C o m p a g n i e d'infanterie de l'air f : C.I.A. C o m p a g n i e d'infanterie Motorisée de la Légion Étrangère f : C . M . L . E . C o m p a g n i e d'Informatique Militaire Spatiale et Aéronautique f : C I M S A C o m p a g n i e d'Investissement FranceÉtranger f : C.I.F.E C o m p a g n i e Divisionnaire Antichars f : C.D.A.C. C o m p a g n i e Divisionnaire du Train f : C.D.T. C o m p a g n i e d'ordonnance f : Cie Ord compagnie d'ouvriers de service de matériel / C.O.S.M. compagnie du génie aéroportée f : C.G.A.P. C o m p a g n i e du Matériel des Transmissions / C.M.T. C o m p a g n i e du service des eaux f : C.S.E.

C o m p a g n i e d'éclairage de brigade f : C.E.B. C o m p a g n i e d'éclairage et d'appui f : C.E.A. C o m p a g n i e d'état-major f : Cie E.M. C o m p a g n i e E u r o p é e n n e de T é l é c o m m u n i c a t i o n et Télétransmission f : CETT C o m p a g n i e Française de Navigation f : CFN C o m p a g n i e Générale d'Automobiles et d'Aviation au C o n g o f : C E G E A C C o m p a g n i e hors rang f : C.H.R. C o m p a g n i e Industrielle des Reflecteurs Radar e: C I R R A C o m p a g n i e Internationale de Navigation Aérienne f : C I D N A C o m p a g n i e Ivoirienne d ' A r m e m e n t à la Pêche / • C I A P C o m p a g n i e lourde de réparation auto[mobile] f : C.L.R.A. C o m p a g n i e lourde de réparation du matériel / C.L.R.M. C o m p a g n i e lourde d'intendance f : C.L.I. C o m p a g n i e légère de réparation d'autos f : C.L.R.A. C o m p a g n i e légère de réparation du matériel / C.L.R.M. C o m p a g n i e légère de supplétifs f : C.L.S. C o m p a g n i e Légère des Transmissions f : C.L.T. C o m p a g n i e légère d'équipement f : C.L.E. C o m p a g n i e magasin de l'habillement f : C.M.H. C o m p a g n i e Malienne de N a v i g a t i o n f : CMN,/· COMANAV C o m p a g n i e Marocaine de Navigation f : COMANAV C o m p a g n i e Mauritanienne de N a v i g a t i o n et de Transport f : C O M A N A T R A C o m p a g n i e Mauritanienne de Navigation Maritime f : C O M A U N A M C o m p a g n i e Mauritanienne des A r m e m e n t s / COMAR C o m p a g n i e Mauritano-algérienne de Navigation maritime f : C O M A U N A V C o m p a g n i e mixte de génie f : C . M . G . C o m p a g n i e mixte de mortiers f : C . M . M . C o m p a g n i e Mixte de Mortiers de la Légion Étrangère f : C . M . M . L . E . C o m p a g n i e mixte des essences f : C.M.E. C o m p a g n i e Mixte des Essences de Corps d'Armée f : C . M . E . / C . A . C o m p a g n i e M o y e n n e de Matériel des Transmissions f : C . M . M . T . C o m p a g n i e m o y e n n e de réparation auto [mobile] f : C . M . R . A . C o m p a g n i e m o y e n n e de réparation d'armes f : C.M.R.A. compagnie m o y e n n e de réparation du matériel f : C . M . R . M . C o m p a g n i e Médicale de Corps d'Armée f : C.M.C.A. C o m p a g n i e Nationale Algérienne de Navigation f : C.N.A.N. C o m p a g n i e Nationale de Navigation f : CNN C o m p a g n i e Nationale Tunisienne de Navigation f : C.N.T.N. Compagnie Navale Worms f : CNW C o m p a g n i e parachutiste de [s] transmissions / C.P.T. compagnie parachutistes de martiers f : C.P.M. C o m p a g n i e pont bateaux f : C.P.B. C o m p a g n i e protée de la Lédagion étrangère f : C.P.L.E. C o m p a g n i e routière f : C.R. C o m p a g n i e routière divisionnaire f : C.R.D.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

C o m p a g n i e régimentaire d'engins f : C.R.E. C o m p a g n i e régimentaire des services f : C.R.S. C o m p a g n i e régionale du matériel f : C.R.M. C o m p a g n i e régionale du train f : C.R.T. C o m p a g n i e saharienne f : C . S . , / · C.Sah. compagnie saharienne du génie f : C.S.G. compagnie saharienne du matériel f : C.S.M. C o m p a g n i e saharienne du train f : C.S.T. compagnie saharienne motorisée f : C.S.M. C o m p a g n i e saharienne portée f : C.S.P. C o m p a g n i e Saharienne Portée de la Légion Étrangère f : C.S.P.L.E. C o m p a g n i e saharienne portée légère f : C.S.P.L. C o m p a g n i e sanitaire automobile f : C.S.A. C o m p a g n i e sanitaire de transport f : C.S.T. C o m p a g n i e spécialisée de transport f : C.S.T. C o m p a g n i e technique de dustribution d'essence f : C.T.D.E. C o m p a g n i e technique des essences f : C.T.E. C o m p a g n i e territoriale de r e n f o r c e m e n t d'infrastructure f : C.T.R.I. C o m p a g n i e Étrangère f : C.E. compagnie étrangère parachutiste de mortiers lourds f : C.E.P.M.L. C o m p a n y e: Co. company e: coy C o m p a n y A m m u n i t i o n Supply Point e: COASP C o m p a n y C o m m a n d e r e: CC, e: Co Com, e: Co C o m d r C o m p a n y Headquarters e: C H Q C o m p a n y [military] e: Coy. C o m p a n y Nuclear Review Board e: C N R B C o m p a n y of engineers e: C. of E. C o m p a n y of Master Mariners e: C O M M C o m p a n y of Master Mariners of Australia e: C O M M A C o m p a n y of Military Collectors and Historians e: C M C H C o m p a n y of Military Historians e: C M H C o m p a n y of Royal Engineers e: Co RE C o m p a n y Quartermaster e: C Q M C o m p a n y Quartermaster Sergeant e: CQMS C o m p a n y , Royal Engineers e: C o y R E C o m p a n y Security O f f i c e r e: C S O C o m p a n y Tactics Course e: C T C C o m p a ñ í a A e r o n á u t i c a U r u g u a y a S.A. s: CAUSA Compaq Netelligent M a n a g e m e n t S o f t w a r e e: C N M S C o m p a r t i m e n t o della viabilità i: C.vb. C o m p a s s Call Mission Support Facility e: CCMSF C o m p a s s Department of the Admiralty e: C.D.A. Compilation, Mission support, Integration & training facility e: CMI complessi tattici i: cpls.tat. Complete Aircraft Parachute e: C A P Complete Aircraft Parachute System e: CAPS Complete Round A m m u n i t i o n Shipment e: CRAMSHIP Completely Integrated Range Instrumentation System e: C I R I S C o m p l e x Safety O f f i c e r e: C S O C o m p l e x e d'exploitation semi-automatique des r e n s e i g n e m e n t s f : C E S A A C o m p l e x e d'exploitation semi-automatique des r e n s e i g n e m e n t s radar f : C E S A R Compliance O f f i c e r e: C O


Component Change Control Component Change Control Board e: CCCB Component Commander e: CC Component Division Engineering Information System e: CDEIS Component Repair Squadron e: CRS Components Division Inventory Control e: CDIC Components Division Technical Information System e: CDTIS Composante Air des Forces d'Intervention f: CAFI Composite Air Defense Battalion e: CADB Composite Air Strike Force e: CASF Composite Armored Vehicle e: CAV Composite Army-Marine e: CAM Composite Command e: CC, e: Comp. Cmd. Composite Force Requirements and Deployment System e: CFRDS Composite Force Requirements and Development System e: CFDS Composite Force Training e: CFT Composite Lunar Excursion Vehicle e: CLEM Composite Maintenance Group e: CMG Composite Regiment e: C.R. Composite Research Aircraft e: CRA Composite Squadron e: COMPORON Composite Training Squadron e: CTS Composite Training Unit e: COMPTU Composite Warfare Commander e: CWC Composite Warfare Concept e: CWC Composite Wing e: Comp- Wg., e: CW Comprehensive Aircraft Support Effectiveness Evaluation e: CASEE Comprehensive Airship Sizing and Performance Computer Program e: CASCOMP Comprehensive Beacon Radar e: CBR Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy e: CHAS Comprehensive Long-Term Environmental Action, Navy e: CLEAN Comprehensive [nuclear-bomb] Test Ban treaty e: CTB Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty e: CTBT Comprehensive Program for Disarmament e: CPD Comprehensive Program of Disarmament e: CPD Comprehensive RNSTS [Royal Naval Supply and Transport Service] Inventory System Project e: CRISP Compressed Air Accumulator Rocket e: CAAR Compression Scanning Array Radar e: COSAR Compte rendu sur les guérillas ennemies f: GlIERREP Comptoir de l'Economat de l'Armée des Forces Françaises en Allemagne f: C.E.A./F.F.A. Comptroller Division e: CR comptroller-general e: Comp.Geni. Comptroller of the Air Force e: AF Copmt Comptroller of the Army e: CA, e: COA Comptroller of the Navy e: NAVCOMPT Computation and Analysis Section [Defence Research Board] e: COMANSEC Computation of Rendezvous Targeting e: COMP Computer Aided Electronic Warfare Information System e: CAEWIS Computer-Aided Flight Operations Center e CAFOC Computer-Aided Force Management System e: CAFMS


Computer-Aided Munition Identification System e: CAMIS Computer-Aided Navigation Equipment e: CANE Computer Aided Radar Design e: CARD Computer-Aided Structural Detailing of Ships e: CASDOS Computer-Aided Tactical Information System e: CATIS Computer-Aided Weapon Storage Planning System e: CAWSPS Computer Applications for/of Military Problems e: CAMP Computer-Assisted Artillery Meteorology e: CAAM Computer Assisted Bay-Area Law Enforcement e: CABLE Computer-Assisted Radar Display System e: CARDS Computer Center/Communications Network Control Stations e: CC/CNCS Computer Center Division e: CCD computer-command control e: ccc Computer Command Engineer e: CCE, e: COMMAND Computer Control Division e: CCD Computer Controlled Navigation System e: CCNS4 Computer Facility for Mine Warfare e: COFAM Computer Flight Plan/Flight Simulation Model e: CFP/FSM Computer Generated Force[s] e: CGF Computer Hardware Consultants and Services e: CHCS Computer in Education Division e: CoED Computer Language for Aeronautics and Space Programming e: CLASP Computer Linked Information for Container Shipping e: CLICS Computer People for Peace e: CPP, e: TRYVY Computer Predicting and Automatic Course Tracking [Radar] e: Compact Computer Predicting and Automatic Course Tracking Radar e: COMPACT Radar Computer Professionals for Peace e: CPP Computer Research, Systems and Software e: COMPRESS Computer Resource Management Plan e: CRMP Computer Software Exchange Center e: COMSEC Computer Support in Military Psychiatry [program] e: COMPSY Computer-Support in Military Psychiatry Program [me] e: COMPSY Program[me] Computer Support Squadron e: CPUSS Computer System Command Support Group Europe e: CSCSGE Computer Systems Command Support Group, Fort Lee e: CSCSGL Computerization of Law Division e: COLD Computerized Battle Simulation e: COMBAT-SIM Computerized Drawing Electrical Information e: CODEIN Computerized Flight Plan e: CFP Computerized Flight Test System e: CFTS Computerized Hierarchy and Relationship Table e: CHART Computerized Maintenance Management Software e: CM MS Computerized Message Transmission e: COMET Computing [and Communications] Division e: C

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Computing, Information & Communications Division e: CIC Comrades of the Royal Air Force e: CRAF Comrades of the Royal Air Force Association e: C.R.A.F.A. COMSEC [communications security] Logistics Support Unit e: CSLU COMSEC [communications security] Material Management Center e: CMMC COMSEC [communications security] Repair Center e: CRC Comunidad Defensiva Europea s: C.D.E. CONAF [Conceptual Design for the Army in the Field] Evaluation Advisory Group e: CEAG CONARC [Continental Army Command] Class 1 [One] Automatic System e: COCOAS CONARC [Continental Army Command] Emergency Relocation Plan e: CONREP CONARC [Continental Army Command] Intelligence Center e: CONTIC CONARD [Continental Army Command] Education Data System e: CONEDS Concealed Weapons e: CW Concentric Flight Plan e: CFP Conception de Systèmes de Defense f: CoSyDe Conceptual Flight Profile e: CFP Conceptual Military Framework e: CMF Conceptual Models of the Mission Space e: CMMS Concern Against Nuclear Technology Organization e: CANTO Concerned Citizen for the Nuclear Breeder e: CCNB Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety e: CCNS Conciliation Commission for Palestine e: CCP concurrent range zone e: CRC Condition Command e: CC Condition on Admission e: COA Conditional Command Processor e: CCP Conditional Forced Value e: CFV Condor Missile System e: CMS Conducted Emission e: CE Conduit Nuit, second generation, Helicopters e: CN2H Confederate Air Force e: CAF Confederate Army e: C.A. Confederate High Command e: CHC Confederate Navy e: C.N. Confederate States Army e: CSA, e: C.S.A. Confederate States Navy e: CSN, e: C.S.N. Confederate States Ship e: CSS Confederation Amicale des Ingenieurs de l'Armement f: CAIA Conference for Air Force Family Matters e: AFFAM Conference of Major Superiors of Men of the United States of America e: CMSM Conference of National Armament[s] Directors e: CNAD Conference of NATO Armaments Directors e: CNAD Conference of Officers of Affiliated States and Territorial Associations e: COASTA Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors e: CRCPD Conference of the Committee on Disarmament e: CCD Conference on Disarmament e: CD Conference on Disarmament in Europe e: CDE

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Container Weapon System Conference on Economics of Route Air Navigation Facilities and Airports e: ERFA Conference on Peace Research in History e: CPRH Conference on Research on International Peace and Security e: COROIPAS Conference on the Atlantic Community e: CONTAC Confidential Admiralty Fleet Order e: CAFO Confidential Books Office e: C.B. Office Configuration Control Group e: CCG Configuration Management Division e: CMD Configuration Management Plan [Program] e CMP Conflict Alert/Minimum Safe Altitude Warning e: CA/MSAW conflict-alert warning e: c-a w Conflict Alert Warning System e: CAWS Conform Tactical Array e: CONTACT Array Conformai-Array Radar e: CAR Conformai Array Radar Technology e: CART Confédération Nationale des Associations pour la Défense des Personnes Agées f: CNADPA Confédération Européenne des Anciens Combattants f: CEAC Confédération Force Ouvrière f: C.F.O. Confédération Générale de Anciens Combattants f: C.G.A.C. Confédération Internationale [de défense du] Cheval f: CIC Confédération internationale des anciens prisonniers de guerre f: CIAPG Confédération internationale des officiersmédecins f: CIOM Confédération Internationale pour le Désarmament et la Paix f: CIDP Confédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants f: CNAC Confédération Nationale des Associations de Cheminots Anciens Combattants f: CNACAC Confédération Nationale des Associations de Défense de l'Art Lyrique f: CNADAL Confédération Nationale des Combattants Volontaires de la Résistance f: C.N.C.V.R. Confédération Nationale des Retraités Militaires f: CNRM Conférence des Directeurs Nationaux des Armements f: C.D.N.A. Conférence du Comité sur le Désarmement / CCD Conférence Internationale des Associations de Mutilés de guerre et Anciens Combattants f: C.I.A.M.A.C. Conférence pour le contrôle du Commerce International des Armes et munitions et des matériels de guerre f: CCIA Conférence sur les mesures de confiance et de sécurité et le Désarmement en Europe / C.D.E. Congenital Joint Laxity and Dwarfism e: CJLD Congo Balolo Mission e: C.B.M. Congo Inland Mission e: C.I.M. Congolese National Army e: CNA Congregational Council for World Mission e: CCWM Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy e: CCAE Congressional Liaison Officer e: CLO Connaught Rangers e: Conn.R., e: C.R. Connecticut Advanced Nuclear Engineering Laboratory e: CANEL

Connecticut Aircraft Nuclear Engine Laboratory e: CANCEL Connecticut On-Line Law-Enforcement Communications and Teleprocessing e: COLLECT Connection Naval Reserve Program e: CONAVRESPROG Conscientious Objectors' Appelate Tribunal e: C.O.A.T. Conseil de Commandement des Forces Armées du Nord f: CCFAN Conseil de Guerre f: C.d.G. Conseil de révision f: C.R. Conseil des Recherches et Études de Défense f: CRED Conseil international de Continuation et de Liaison du Congrès mondial des forces de paix /• CCL Conseil International des Missions f: CI M Conseil International des Sports Militaires / · CISM Conseil International du Sport Militaire f: CISMIL Conseil National pour la Défense de la Démocratie f: CNDD Conseil permanent de la sécurité aérienne [Armée de terre] f: C.P.S.A. Conseil Révolutionnaire des Forces Armées f: CRFA Conseil Supérieur de la Défense Nationale / C.S.D.N. Conseil Supérieur de la Fonction Militaire f: CSFM Conseil supérieur de la fonction militaire / · CSFMd Conseil supérieur de la guerre f: C.S.G. Conseil Supérieur de l'Armée de l'Air f: CSAA Conseil Supérieur de l'Armée de Terre f: CSAT Conseil supérieur des forces armées f: C.S.F.A. Consejo Centroamericano de Defensa, San Salvador s; CCD Consejo de Defensa Centroamericana, Guatemala CONDECA Consent Order and Compliance Agreement e: COCA Conservation, coal, nuclear energy e: Coconuc Conservation Management Strategy e: CMS Conservation Officer e: CO Consiglio Centrale di Rappresentanza i: COCER Consiglio di Base di Rappresentanza i: COBAR Consiglio Intermedio di Rappresentanza i: COIR Consiglio Internazionale Sport Militari i: CISM Consiglio Superiore delle Forze Armate i: C.S.F.A., i: C.S.FFAA. Consiglio Supremo di Defesa i: CSD Consola Gestion Tactica s: CONTAC Consolidated Advance Field Team e: CAFT Consolidated Air Target Material Notices e: CATMN Consolidated Aircraft Corporation e: CONAIR Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron e: CAMRON Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squad[ron] e: CAMS Consolidated Atomic Time e: CAT Consolidated Command Control and Communications Program e: CCCCP Consolidated Defense Intelligence Program e: CDIP

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Consolidated Defense Supply Material e: CDSM Consolidated Intelligence Program e: CIP Consolidated Maintenance Center e: CMC Consolidated Mission Support Center e: CMSC Consolidated Navy Electronic Warfare School e: CNEWS Consolidated Nuclear Steam Generator e: CNSG Consolidated Reporting & Evaluating Subsystem, Tactical e: CREST Consolidated Surplus Sales Office e:


Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corp. Daingerfield e: C-D Consortium de Constructions Navales f: CCN Consorzio Armamenti Spendibili Multi Uso ì: CASMII Consorzio Italiano di Assicurazioni Aeronautiche i: CIAA Consorzio Italiano Sistemi DEG, Roma i: CISDEG Constabulary Regiment e: CR Constant Command e: CC Constant Dose Range e: CDR Constrained Force Model e: CONFORM Construcciones Aeronáuticas S.A. s: CASA Construction and Maintenance division e: C&M Construction and Maintenance Unit e: CMU Construction Battalion e: CB, e: CBN, e: ConBn, e: VCB Construction Battalion Base Unit e: CBBU Construction Battalion Center e: CBC Construction Battalion Center MIS e: CBC/MIS Construction Battalion Detachment e: CBD, e CBNDET Construction Battalion, Maintenance Unit e: CBMU Construction Battalion Replacement Depot e CBRD Construction Battalion Unit e: CBU Construction Battalions, Atlantic e: CBLANT Construction Battalions, Pacific e: CBPAC Construction Company e: Con Coy Construction Corps e: CC, e: CC Construction Corps of the Philippines e: CONCOR Construction Forces e: CF Constructions et Armes Navales, Direction Centrale f: C.A.N. Constructions Générales de Matériel Technique de l'Armée de l'Air f: CGMTAA Constructions Navales et Industrielles de la Méditerranée f: CNIM Constructor Commander e: Con. Cr. Constructor Lieutenant Commander e: Con. L. Cr. Consultation and Cooperation agreement e: C & C Consultative Committee for Nuclear Research e: CCNR Consumable Case Rocket e: CCR Consumer Education Advisory Task Force e: Task Force Contact Analogfue] Flight Display e: CAFD Contact Area Commander e: CAC Contact Flight Rules e: CFR, e: CFRs Contact Growing Index e: CGI Container Ship e: CONT Container Weapon System e: CWS


Container Working Conference Container Working Conference e: CWC Containerized Ammunition Distribution System e: CADS Contemporary Historical Vehicle Association e: CHVA Context-Free Syntactical franslator e: CFST Continental Advance Section e: GONAD Continental Air Command e: CAC, e: CONAC Continental Air Defense e: Con AD Continental Air Defense Command e: CADC, e: CONAD Continental Air Defense Command Manual e: CONADM Continental Air Defense Integration North e: CADIN Continental Air Defense Objectives Plan e: CADOP Continental Air Defense System e: CADS Continental Air Forces e: CAF Continental Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment e: CARDA Continental Aircraft Control and Warning e: CAC & W Continental Army e: CONAR Continental Army and Major Overseas Commands Systems e: CARMOCS Continental Army Command e: CARC, e: CONARC Continental Army Command Operating Program e: CONOPPR Continental Army MIS e: CAMIS Continental Ballistic Missile e: CBM Continental Base Section e: CBS Continental Communications Division e: CCD Continental Division, Military Air Transport Service e: CNTLDMATS Continental Division, Transport Control Center e: CTCC Continental Early Warning e: CEW Continental Limits of the United States e: CLUS Continental Limits, United States of America e: CLUSA Continental United States e: CONUS Continental United States Army e: CONUSA Continental [United States] Operations e: CONOPS Continental United States over-the-Horizon e: CONUS OTH Contingency Landing Support Officer e: CLSO Contingency & Limited Objective Warfare e: CA LOW Contingency Relief Force e: CRF Contingency TACS [Tactical Air Control System] Automated Planning System e: CTAPS Contingents Commandant e: ContCo Contingents Commando e: ContCo Continuing Evaluation Program e: CEP Continuity Army Council e: CAC Continuity Irish Republican Army e: CIRA Continuity of Operations Plan, Department of the Air Force e: COPDAF continuous airborne missile alert e: camal Continuous Airborne Missile-launcher and Low-level System e: CAMAL System continuous aircraft reliability evaluation e: care. Continuous Duty Target e: CDT Continuous Emission[s] Monitoring e: CEM Continuous Patrol Aircraft e: CPA Continuous Random Analog[ue] to Frequency Transmission e: CRAFT


Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar e: CWAR Continuous Wave Illuminating Radar e: CWILL Continuous Wave Illuminator Radar e: CWIR Continuous-wave radar e: CWR continuous-wave target detector e: cwtd Contour Mapping Radar System e: COMAR Contour Radar Data e: CONRAD contra-inlichtingen dienst η: c.i. Contract Administration Officer e: CAO Contract and Purchase Department [Admiralty] e: C.P.D. Contract and Purchase Department [Navy] e C.P. Contract Appeals Board [Veterans Administration] e: CAB Contract Finance Committee e: CFC Contract Maintenance Team e: CMT Contract Management Assistance Officer e: CMAO Contract Management Officer e: CMO Contract Requirements Review Board e: CRRB Contract technical service personnel e: CTSP Contracted Flight Training & Support e: CFTS Contracting Netherlands Military Agency, Den Haag e: CNMA Contracting] Officer e: CO Contracting Officer e: CONTRO, e: KO Contracting Officer Representative e: COR Contracting Officer Representative-Fire Department e: COR-FD Contracting Officers' Technical Representative e: COTR Contractor Counterintelligence Officer e: CCIO contractor engineering and technical services e: CETS Contractor Flight Test e: CFT Contract[or]-Furnished Aircraft Equipment e: CFAE Contractor Held Air Force Property e: CHAP contractor-operated civil engineering supply store e: COCESS Contractor Plant Services e: CPS Contractor's Early Warning System e: CEWS Contracts division e: CT Contract[s] Management Division e: CMD Control Air Force Specialty Code e: CAFSC Control and Navigation e: C and Ν Control and processing center e: CPC Control and Surveillance of Friendly Forces e: CASOFF Control and Warning e: CAW, e C & W Control and Warning Squadron e: C&W Sq Control Center e: CC Control, Civil & Military e: CCM Control Command e: CC Control Commission Court e: C.C.C. Control Commission for Germany e: CCG Control Commission for Germany [British Element] e: CCG [BE] Control Commission Military Section e: CCMS Control Communications Software e: COCOS Control de Transito Areo de Helicópteros s: ZHZ Control Display Navigation Unit e: CDNU Control Engineer, ship e: CE

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Control Escort Ship e: DEC Control Flight Test Bed e: CFTB Control for Submarine Discharge Torpedo e: CSDT Control of Aircraft Maintenance and Servicing e: CAMS Control of Electromagnetic Radiation e: CONELRAD Control Test Vehicle e: CTV Contrôle de la Circulation Aérienne Militaire f: C.C.A.M. Controllable Radar Target Simulator e: CRTS Controlled Dynamic Range e: CDR Controlled Flight Into Terrain e: CFIT Controlled Force Circulation e: CFC Controlled Materials Officer e: CMO Controlled Solid Rocket Motor[s] e: CSRM Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion e: CTNF Controlled Thermonuclear Reaction e: CTR Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor e: CTR Controlled Thermonuclear Reactors e: CTRs Controlled Thermonuclear Research [Division] e: CTR Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program e: CTRP Controlled Unmanned Recovery Vehicle e: CURV Controlled Visual Flight e: CVF Controlled Visual Flight Rules e: CVFR Controller Aircraft e: CA Controller General, Inspection Services e: CG IS Controller of Guided Weapons and Electronics e: CGWL Controller of Merchant Shipbuilding and Repair[s] e: CMSR Controller of Military Accounts e: CMA Controller of military accounts e: C.M.A. Controller of ordnance accounting e: C.O.A. Controller of Ordnance Services e: C.O.S. Controller of Royal Ordnance Factories e: CROF Controller of the Navy e: CofN Controllerate of Defence Communications Network e: CDCN controlling directing staff e: DISCONSTAFF CONUS [Continental United States] Air Defense Modernization e: CADM Conus Defense Integrated Network e: CDIN CONUS Tactical Communications Team Conference e: CONTACCT Convair strategicbomber version of the ΕΙ 1 lwith variable-geometry wings e: FB111 Convalescent Camp e: Con Cp Convalescent Depot e: Conv Dep Convalescent Training Depot e: CTD convalescenziario per quadrupedi i: conv./q. Convalescenziario temporaneo quadrupedi i: Cv.t.q. Convenience Officer e: CO Convention Internationale portant réglementation de la Navigation Aérienne /• C.I.N.A. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution e: Air Pollution Convention to Combat Desertification e: CCD Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile e CALCM

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Corps of Engineers Conventional Air Warfare Exercise e: CAWEX Conventional Ammunition Integrated Management System e: CAIMS Conventional Armaments Plan e: CAP Conventional Armaments Planning System e: CAPS Conventional Armed Forces in Europe e: CAFE Conventional [Armed] Forces in Europe e: CFE Conventional Arms Reduction Treaty e: CART Conventional Attack Missile e: CAM Conventional Cruise Missile e: CCM Conventional Defence Improvements e: CDI Conventional Defense Initiative[s] e: CDI Conventional Defense Technology e: CDT Conventional Forces Data Base e: CFDB Conventional Forces in Europe e: CFE Conventional Mine Laying System e: CMLS Conventional Mission Planning Concept of Operations e: CM PCO Conventional Munition Disposal e: CMD Conventional Munitions Management System e: COMS Conventional Munitions Master Plan e: CMMP Conventional Munitions System e: CMS Conventional Nonnuclear Weapons e: CNNR Conventional Nuclear Weapons e: CNR Conventional-Powered ballistic Missile Submarine e: SSB Conventional/Special Force Planning and Execution e: CFPE Conventional Stand-off Weapon e: CSW Conventional Submarine e: SSK Conventional Vehicle e: CV Conventional War Capability e: CWC Conventional Weapon Index e: CWI Conventionally Armed Stand-Off Missile e: CASOM Conversion Control Board e: CCB Convert Range Telemetry System e: CORTS Converted Aerial Targets e: CAT Converted Battalion Anti-Tank e: CONBAT Converted Destroyer e: CONVDD convoi à tracteurs automobiles f: c.t.a. Convoi administratif f: CVAD. Convoi Automobile f: C.A. convoi automobile f: co. auto,/· c.v.a. convoi auxiliaire f: cv.a,/• Convoi de Munitions f: C&M convoi de munitions f: cnv.mun. Convoi de Munitions et de Ravitaillement f: C.M.R. Convoi Militaire f: C&M Convoy Control Center e: CCC Convoy Control Officer e: CCO Coodinatiestaf Maas Overgangen η: COOMO Cooke Air Force Base e: CAFB Cooperated Atomic Operations e: CAO Cooperative [Coordinated] Logistics Support Program e: CLSP Cooperative Enforcement Agreement e: CEA Cooperative Engagement e: CE Cooperative for Information e: COI Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies e: CIMAS Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies e: CIMRS Cooperative Meteorological Rocket Network e: CMRN

Cooperative Research Program e: CRP Cooperative Weapons Data Indexing Committee e: CWDIC Coordinate Data Transmission e: CDT Coordinated Aircraft/Stores Program[me] e COASP Coordinated Antisubmarine Exercise e: CASEX Coordinated Auroral Experiment Using Scatter And Rockets e: CAESAR Coordinating Group for the Composite Observing System for the North Atlantic e: CGC Coordinating Group for the Tactical Weather Net e: CGTWN Coordinating Organization for Personal Enrichment, Hahn Air Base e: COPE Coordinator Defense Production Board e: CODP Coordinator for Army Studies e: CAS Coordinator for Production and Logistics e CPL Coordinator Operational Technical Investigations [Army] e: COTI Coplanar Joined Wing e: CJW Core Tactical Operation Center e: GTOC Cornelius-Vereinigung d: CoV Cornell Aeronautical] Laboratory e: CAL Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory e: CBQ corpo i: c. Corpo d'armata i: C.A. corpo di cavalleria i: c.c. Corpo di Commissariato Militare Marittimo i C.C.M.M. corpo di guardia i: e.g. Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia i: CSIR Corpo Equipaggio Marittimo i: C.E.M. Corpo Equipaggio Militari Marittimi i: C.E.M.M. Corpo Genio Aeronautico i: C.G.A. Corpo Italiano delle Liberazione [1944] i: C.I.L Corpo Italiano di Spedizione in Russia i: C.I.S.R. Corpo reale equipaggi marittimi i: C.R.E.M. Corpo Reale Equipaggi Militare i: C.R.E.M. Corpo Sanitario Aeronautica i: C.S.A. Corpo Truppe Volontarie i: C.T.V. Corporal Marine e: Cpl/Mne Corporate Contract Officer e: CCO Corporate Executive Officer e: CEO Corporate Information Office[r] e: C.I.O. Corporate Land Information Strategie Pian e: CLISP Corporation for National Academic Awards e: CNAA Corps e: C., e: Co, e: COR Corps Africain de Reflexion et dAction contre la Faim e: CARAF Corps Air Space Management Element e: CAME Corps Ammunition Park e: CAP Corps Amphibie de la Marine f: C.A.M. Corps Area Air Defense e: CAAD Corps Area Signal Center e: CASC Corps Artillery e: CORPS ARTY Corps Auxiliaire Volontaire Féminin f: C.A.V.F. Corps Aérien Tactique f: CATAC Corps Battle Simulation e: CBS Corps Blindée f: C.B. Corps Brandenburgia l: CB Corps Camouflage Officer e: CCO Corps Commander e: CC Corps Contingency Force e: CCF Corps Counterattack Force e: CCF

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Corps Counterbombardment Officer e: CCBO Corps dAction et de Renseignement de l'Armée f: CARA Corps d'Afrique f: C.d'A. Corps d'Armée f: C.A. Corps d'Armée Colonial f: CAC2 corps d'armée colonial f: c.a.col. Corps d'Armée d'Alger f: C.A.A. Corps d'Armée de Constantine f: CAC2 Corps d'Armée d'Oran f: C.A.O. Corps d'Armée Motorisé f: C.A.M. Corps d'Aviation Royal Canadien f: C.A.R.C. Corps de Cavalerie f: C.C. Corps de Garde f: C.G. Corps de Protection Civile f: C.P.C. Corps de réserve f: C.R. Corps de Santé Militaire f: C.S.M. Corps de santé militaire f: C.S.M. Corps de Troupe f: C.T. Corps des Agents Techniques [Armée] f: C.A.T. Corps des chemins de fer, télégraphes et téléphones f: CFT Corps des Officiers de Réserve f: COR Corps des Officiers des Équipages de la Flotte f: C.O.E.F. Corps des Sous-Officiers de Réserve f: CSOR Corps des sous-officiers de réserve f: CSOR Corps des Transports f: C.T. Corps des Volontaires de la République f: CVR Corps des Équipages de la Flotte f: C.E.F. Corps Districts and Divisions e: CDD Corps du Génie f: C.G. Corps du Matériel et de Bâtiments Coloniaux f: C.M.B.C. Corps Duty e: C.D. Corps Départemental f: CD Corps Education Officer e: CEO Corps expéditionnaire f: C.E. Corps Expéditionnaire d'Orient f: C.E.O. Corps Expéditionnaire en Italie f: CEFI Corps Expéditionnaire Français f: C.E.F. Corps expéditionnaire français en extrêmeorient f: C.E.F.E.O. Corps Field Dressing Station e: CFDS Corps France f: C.F. Corps Féminin des Transmissions f: C.F.T. Corps Headquarters e: CHQ Corps Interim Upgrade System e: CIUS Corps Material Management Center e: CMMC Corps Material [or Materiel] Management Center e: CMMC Corps Materiel Direct Support Activity e: CMDSA Corps Materiel Management Center e: CMMC Corps Medical Centre e: CMC Corps Military Intelligence Support Element e: CMISE Corps Mondial de Secours f: CMS Corps National de Secours f: CNS Corps Naval f: C.N. Corps Observation e: CO Corps of Army Schoolmasters e: C.A.S. Corps of Commissioners e: C.O.C. Corps of Engineers e: CE Corps of Engineerfs] e: COE Corps of Engineers e: C of E, e: CORPS Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Agency e: CEBMCA Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office e: CEBMCO Corps of Engineers [command] e: CE


Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Enlisted Reserve e: CEER Corps of Engineers Guide Specials e: CEGS Corps of Engineers Management Information System e: COEMIS Corps of Engineers National Energy Network e: CENEN Corps of Engineers Technical Committee e CETC Corps of Engineers Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center e: CEWCSC Corps of Interpreters e: CI Corps of Military Foot Police e: C.M.F.P. Corps of Military Mounted Police e: C.M.M.P. Corps of Military Police e: C.M.P. Corps of Military Police Enlisted Reserve e: CMPER Corps of Military Staff Clerks e: CMSC Corps of Royal Engineers e: CRE Corps of Royal Military Police e: CRMP Corps of Signals e: C.S. Corps of Volunteers Artillery Regiment e: VAR Corps Ordnance Maintenance Park e: COMP Corps Paymaster e: C Pm Corps Reinforcement Group e: CRG Corps Rest Station e: CRS Corps Storage Areas e: CSA Corps Supply Area e: CSA Corps Supply Depot e: CSD Corps Supply Point e: CSP Corps Support Brigade e: CSB Corps Support Command e: COSCOM Corps Support Group e: CSG Corps Support Missile System e: CSMS Corps Support Squadron e: Corps Sp Sqn Corps Support Weapon System e: CSWS Corps Surface-to-Air Missile e: CorpsSAM Corps Tactical Operations Center [or Centre] e: CTOC Corps Tactical Operations Center Support Element e: CTOCSE Corps Tactical Zone e: CTZ Corps technique et administratif f: C.T.A. Corps Transportation Officer e: CTO Corps Troops e: C.T. Corps troops e: Ctps Corps Troops Ammunition Company e: CTA Coy, e: CT Amn Coy Corps Troops Ammunition Park e: CT Amn Pk Corps Troops Ammunition Subpark e: CTAmnSubPk Corps troops supply column e: CTSC Corps Vehicle Company e: CVC Corps volontaire auxiliaire féminin f: C.V.A.F. Corpus Christi Naval Air Station [Texas] e KNGP Correct Corps Time e: CCT Corregidor-Bataan Memorial Commission e: CBMC Correlated Radar Data Printout e: CORDP, e: CORDPO Correlated Radar Data Printout Separation of Radar Data e. CORDPO-SORD Correlates of War Project e: COW Correlation Air Navigation e: CAN Correlation Radar e: CORAD Correlation spectroscopy for Long-range Couplings e: COLOC Corte Militare i: C&M Cosine Trajectory Angle and Range e: COTAR Cosmic Background Radiation Anisotropy Satellite e: COBRAS


Cossor Marine Radar e: C.M.R. Cossor Precission Secondary Radar e: CPSR Cost Benefit of Tactical Air Operations e: CBTAO Cost Estimating Relationship e: CER Cost, Freight, Insurance, and Commission e: CFI & C Cost, Insurance, Freight, War e: CIFW Costruzioni Meccaniche Aeronautiche S.p.A. i: C.M.A. Costruzioni Nazionali Aeronautiche i: C.N.A. Cotton Fire and Marine Underwriters' Association e: CFMUA Council for a Department of Peace e: CODEP Council for a Volunteer Military e: CVM Council for Energy Awareness e: CEA Council for Military Aircraft Propulsion Standards e: CMAPS Council for Military Aircraft Standards e: C1V1AS Council for National Academic Awards e: CNAA Council for Nuclear Safety e: CNS Council for Optical Radiation Measurements e: CORM Council for the Defense of Freedom e: CDF Council for United States Aid e: CUSA Council for Women War Workers e: C.W.W.W. Council of Chief State School Officers e: CCSSO Council of Defense and Space Industry Associations e: CODIA Council of Defense Space Industries Associations e: CODSIA Council of Fleet Specialists e: CFS Council of International Civil Aviation e: CICA Council of Labour and Defence e: C.L.D. Council on Abandoned Military Posts e: CAMP Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development e: CMRED Council on Peace, Disarmament and Security e: CPDS Council on Peace Research in History e: CPRH Council on Security and Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific e: CSCAP Count Forward e: CF Counter-Air Fighter e: CAF Counter-Battery Officer e: CBO Counter Battery Radar e: CBR, e: COBRA Counter Countermeasures e: CCM Counter Force e: CF Counter-Force Autonomous Surveillance & Targeting programme e: C-FAST Counter-intelligence e: CI Counter-intelligence Corps e: CIC Counter-Military Potential e: CMP Counter Revolutionary Warfare e: CRW Counter-Targeting e: CTTG Counter-Terrorist Joint Task Force e: CTJTF Counterbattery Intelligence Officer e: CB Int O, e: CBIO Counterfire Center [centre] e: CFC Counterintelligence Analysis Detachment [Division] e: CIAD Counterintelligence Branch e: CIB Counterintelligence Center e: CIC Counterintelligence Corps e: CIC Counterintelligence Detachment e: CID Counterintelligence Group e: CIG

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Counterintelligence Interrogation Center e: CIIC Counterintelligence Operational Liaison e: COL Countermeasure[s] e: CM, e: comeas Countermeasures e: comes, e: CTMS, e: L Countermeasures against Active Radar Missile Engagement e: CARMEN Countermeasures Airborne Infra-Red e: CAIR Countermeasures and Weapon Systems Engagement Model programme e: CAWSEM Countermeasures Dispenser e: CMD Countermeasures Dispenser Pod e: CDP Countermeasures Dispenser System e: CMDS Countermeasures Duties e: CMD Countermeasures Evaluation Infra-Red & Optical e: CERFIRO Countermeasures Receiver System e: CMRS Countermeasures Receiving Set e: CRS Countermeasures Receiving System e: CMRS Countermeasures Response Optimisation e: CRO Countermortar Intelligence Officer e: CMIO Countermortar Officer e: CMO Countermortar Radar e: CMR Country Analysis and Strategy Paper e: CASP Country Development Strategy Statement e. CDSS Country Liaison Officer e: CLO Country Team e: CT Country War Agricultural Executive Committee e: C.W.A.E.C. County Court Officers' Association e: C.C.O.A. County Emergency Planning Officers Society e: CEPO County Law Enforcement Applied Regionally e: CLEAR County Military Commander e: CMC County Military Headquarters e: CMHQ County Milk Regulations Officer e: CMRO County of London Yeomanry e: C.L.Y County Warning Area e: CWA Cour Martiale f: C&M Courier Transfer Station e: CTS Cours des officiers de réserve d'état-major / C.O.R.E.M. Cours des officiers de réserve d'état-major et spécialistes f: C.O.R.E.M.S. Cours Préparatoire à l'Embarquement à bord des Sous-marines Nucléaires f: C.P.E.S.N. Court of Military Appeals e: CMA, e: COMA Court of Military Review e: CMR, e: COMR Court Order and Compliance Agreement e: COCA Courtesy Flight e: CFLT Cover Forward e: CF Covering-Fire Mine e: CFM Covering Force e: CF Covert Penetration Radar e: CPR Covert Strike Radar e: CSR Crash-Fire-Rescue Vehicle e: CFRV Crash Survivable Flight Data Recorder e: CSFDR Cratering Munition Dispenser e: CMD Credit Officers Group e: COG Crew Gunnery Simulator e: C.G.S. Crew Safety Vehicle e: CSV Crew Training Air Force e: CTAF

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Dee Weather Radar Crew Training and Procedures Division e: CTPD Crew Weapons Sight e: CWS Criminal Investigation Command e: CIC, e CID, e CIDC Criminal Investigation Division e: CID Crisis Action System Force Deployment Data e: CASFDD Critical Evaluation Task Force e: CETF Critical Military Target e: CMT Critical Mobile Targets e: CMT Critical Nuclear Defense Weapon Information e: CNDWI Critical Nuclear Weapon[s] Design Information e: CNWDI Critical Officer Personnel Requirement e: COPR Croatian Army e: H V Croatian Defence Council e: HVO Crooks Micheli Peacock Stewart Pty Ltd. e: CMP S Crop Forecasting and Early Warning Unit e: C F E W U Crop Husbandry Officer e: CHO Cross-Band Radar e: XBR Cross Servicing Working Group e: CSWG Crossroads Joint Task Force e: CJTF Crowd, Lift, Actuate, Swing e: CLAS Cruciform Wing Weapon e: CWW Cruise Missile e: CM Cruise Missile Advanced Guidance e: CMAG Cruise Missile Association e: C M A Cruise Missile Carrier e: CMC Cruise Missile Carrier Aircraft e: C M C A Cruise Missile Combat Support System e: CMCSS Cruise Missile Engagement System Technology e: C M E S T Cruise Missile Guidance System e: C M G S Cruise Missile Integration e: CM I Cruise Missile Integration Kit e: C M I K Cruise Missile Interface e: CMI Cruise Missile Mission Control Aircraft e: CMMCA Cruise Missile Project e: CMP Cruise Missile Radar Altimeter e: CMRA Cruise Missile Support Activity e: CMSA Cruise Missile Surveillance Technology e: CMST Cruise Missile Tactical Qualification Team e CMTQT Cruise Vehicle e: CV Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla e: CRUDESFLOT Cruiser-Destroyer Force e: CruDesFor Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Atlantic e: CRIIDESLANT Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Pacific e: CRUDESPAC Cruiser Division e: CRUDIV Cruiser Force e: CruFor Cruiser Force, Atlantic e: CruForLant Cruiser Forces, Atlantic [Fleet] e: CRIILANT Cruiser-Scouting Aircraft Squadron e: VC S Cruiser Scouting Force e: C R U S C O F O R Cruiser Scouting Squadron e: CRUSCORON Cruiser Squadron e: CS Cruiser Submarine e: SC, e: SSC Cruiser, United States Fleet e: CRUSUS Cruisers, Battle Force e: C R U B A T F O R Cruisers, Pacific Fleet e: CRUPAC Crusade to Abolish War and Armaments by World Law e: C A W A W L Crusader single-engine allweather supersonic jet fighter e: F-8

Crusible Materials Research Center e: CMRC C r v e n a A r m i j a se: CA Crypto Centre e: CRYPCEN Crypto-Room Watch Officer e: C R W O Cryptocenter Watch Officer e: C C W O Cryptographic Bureau e: CB Cryptologie Combat Support Console e: CCSC Cryptologie Electronic Warfare Support Measures e: CESM Cryptologie Training Committee e: CTC Crédit Naval f: C.N. Cuartel General s: CG Cuban Committee for Peace Research e: CCPR Cuban Navy e: CN Cuerpo de ejército s: C.E. Cuisine roulante f: C.R. Cupola Weapon Station e: CWS Current-awareness Information e: CI Current Force e: CF Current Operations Division e: COD Curtiss-Wright World War II Commando 36-passenger transport e: C-46 Custer Battlefield National Monument e: CBNM Customer Supply Assistance Office e: CSAO Customs Enforcement Officer e: CEO CV Anti-Submarine Warfare Module e: CVASWM Cyber Warriors e: CW Cylindrical Mirror Analyser [or Analyzer] e CMA Cymomotive Force e: c.m.f. Cypriot Liberation Army e: CLA Cyrenaican Defence Force e: C.D.F. Czechoslovak Atomic Energy Commission e: CSKAE Czechoslovak Independent Chemical Defence Battalion e: CSICDB Czechoslovak intelligence services e: CIS Czechoslovakian Air Force e: CSAF

D D company e: D coy Daily Ammunition Expenditure Rate e: DAER Daily issue store e: DIS Daily JUMPS [Joint Uniform Military Pay System] Update Output Listing e: DJIIOL Daire z: D Dallas/Hensley Field Naval AirStation [Texas] e: KNBE Dam Neck, Virginia [guided missile school] e: DNK Damage Assessment Reporting Team e: DART Damage control instruction group e: DAMCONINSTGP Damaged Weapons Facility e: D W F Dames de la marine f: D A M A R S Danger Area[s] in the Pacific e: D A P A C Dangerous Weapon e: DW Danish Air Force e: DAF Danish Army e: DA Danish Army Command e: D A C Danish Atomic Energy Commission e: DAEC Danish computerized decision support system for nuclear emergencies e: ARGOS Danish Defence Research Board e: DDRB Danish Defense Research Establishment e: DDRE

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ • G · Saur, Munich

Danmark Atomenergikommissionen a: DAEK Danmark, Norge og Sverige a: D A N O S V E Danmarks Lottekorps a: DKL Dansk Luftv'rnsforening a: D.L.F. Dansk Militœrt Idrœtsforbund a: DMI Dansk Milit'rt Idr'tsforbund a: DMI Danzers Armeezeitung d: DanzAZ Darmstadt Career Center e: DCC Darmstadt Enterprise for Career and Individual Development e: DECIDE Darne Commander Order of the British Empire e: DCOBE Darnell Army Hospital, Medical Library, Fort Hood, TX e: TxFhH Dartmouth Training Squadron e: DTS Data and Maintenance Control Center e: DMCC Data Management and Automated Storage Strategy e: D M A S S Data Processing Service Center Pacific Fleet e: DPSCPAC Data Requirements Review Board e: DRRB Data Security Officer e: DSO Data Systems Automation Office, Columbus, Ohio e: D S A O Data Systems Support Office/Fleet Material Support Office e: DASSO/FMSO Data Transmission Subcommittee e: DTSC Date of Flight e: D O F Datenerfassungs- und Aufbereitungsstelle d: DEAS DATICO [Digital Automatic Tape Intelligence Checkout] Missile Interface Simulato e: DMIS Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War e: D.U.V.C.W. Davidson United States Army Airfield e: DUSAA Davis Monthanfield Air Force Base e: DMAFB Davy Crockett [tactical atomic Weapon] e: DC Dawn and Dusk Combat Air Patrol e: DADCAP Day Bomber e: DB Day bomber squadron e: DB Sqn Day Fighter e: DF Day Fighter/Ground Attack e: DF/GA Day Fighter Leaders' School e: DFILS, e: D.F.L.S. Day/Night Range Sight e: DNRS Day Visual Flight Rules e: DVFR Days of Ammunition e: D O A Dayton Air Force Depot e: DAFD Dayton/Whright-Patterson Air Force Base [Ohio] e: KFFO De-Militarized Zone e: DMZ Deacon and Nike Rocket e: D A N Rocket Deadly Weapons Act e: D W A Deafened Ex-Servicemen's Fund e: D.ExS.M.F. Decca-[Funk-]Navigationssystem d: Decca Decca Integrated Airborne Navigation e: DIAN Dechiffrierbüro d: Dechiff.B. Deckoffizier d: DO Deckoffizierschule [Marine] d: DOS Deckungsabteilung d: DA Declaration of War/National Emergency e: DECL Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force e: DAPTF Decontamination and Decommissioning e: DD decoy ship e: Q-ship Dedicated All-Weather aircraft e: D A W Dee Weather Radar Project e: D W R P


Deep Air Defence Deep Air Defence e: D A D D Deep Attack Smart Munition e: D A S M Deep Penetration Strike Aircraft e: DPSA Deep Sea Vehicle e: DSV Deep Space Surveillance Radar e: DSSR Deep Submarine Vehicle e: DSV Deep submergence support ship e: AGDS Deep Submergence Vehicle e: DSV Deep Underground Command Center e: DUCC Deep Underground Missile Basing e: DUMB Deep Underwater Missile e: D U M Deep Underwater Nuclear Counter e: DUNC Deep Underwater Nuclear Counting Device e DUNC Device Defect and Analysis Section e: D.A.S. Defective Equipment Sorting Section e: D.E.S.S. Defence e: D, e: DEF Defence Act e: DA Defence Administrative Planning Staff e: DAPS Defence Adviser e: DA Defence Against Ballistic Missile e: DABM Defence Against Gas e: DAG Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine e: DCIEM, e: DECIEM Defence and Control System e: DCS Defence and Security Committee e: DSC Defence Area Communications Control Centre Europe e: D A C C C E U R Defence Arms Control Unit e: DACU Defence Attache e: DA Defence Chemical, Biological and Radiation Establishment e: D C B R E Defence Chemical, Biological, and Radiation Laboratories e: DCBRL Defence Commander, Base Defence Mediterranean e: D.C.B.D.M. Defence Committee e: DC Defence Communications Centre e: DCC Defence Communications Network e: DCN Defence Communications Office e: DCO Defence Communications System e: DCS Defence Construction [1951] Ltd. e: DCL Defence Council e: DC Defence [Defense] Research Establishment e: DRE Defence [Defense] Telecommunications Research Establishment e: DTRE Defence & Early Warning Network, Southeastern Turkey e: DAWN SET Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad e: D E R L Defence Emergency Committee e: D.E.C. Defence Engineering Terminology Committee e: DETC Defence Explosive Ordnance Disposal School, Lodge Hill Camp e: D E O D S Defence Force Development Committee [Dept of Defence] e: DFDC Defence Force Structure Committee [Dept of Defence] e: DFSC Defence Guide e: GD Defence Industries Quality Assurance Panel [Ministry of Defence and industry] e: DIQAP Defence Industry and Materiel Policy Division e: DIMP Defence Institute of South Africa e: DISA Defence Intelligence Staff e: DIS Defence Land Agent e: DLA Defence Maintenance and Repair Committee e: D M R C


Defence Manufacturers Association e: DMA Defence Mapping Agency Hydrographie [Topographic Center e: D M A H T C Defence Material Standardization Committee e: D M S C Defence Materiel Standardization Policy Committee e: DMSPC Defence Medal for Leningrad e: D M L Defence Medal for Moscow e: D M M Defence Medal for Odessa e: DMO Defence Medal for Sevastopol e: DMSV Defence Medical and Dental Services Advisory Board e: D M D S A B Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory e: DMRL Defence Military Assistance Fund e: DMAF Defence Minister e: DM, e: D.M. Defence Movements Co-ordinating Committee e: D M C C Defence Nuclear Agency-Atomic Energy Commission e: DNA-AEC Defence Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Centre e: D N B C C Defence Nuclear, Biological and Chemical School e: D N B C Defence of Ports & Anchorages e: DEFPA Defence Operational Analysis Establishment, West Byfleet, Surrey e: DOAE Defence Operational Analysis Organisation [Far East] e: DOAO[FE] Defence Operational Requirements Committee [Dept of Defence] e: D O R C Defence Operational Requirements Staff e: DORS Defence Operations Centre e: D O C Defence [or Defense] Evaluation and Research Agency e: DERA Defence [or Defense] Planning Committee e: DPC Defence [or Defense] Planning Working Group e: DPWG Defence [or Defense] Production Board e: DPB Defence [or Defense] Production Committee e: DPC Defence [or Defense] Research Board e: DRB Defence [or Defense] Research Group e: DRG Defence [or Defense] Shipping Authority e: DSA Defence [or Defense] Shipping Council e: DSC Defence [or Defense] Shipping Executive Board e: DSEB Defence [or Defense] Systems Acquisitions Review Council e: D S A R C Defence Order e: DO Defence Planning and Policy e: DPP Defence Policy and Requirements Committee e: D.P.R.C. Defence Press Office e: DPO Defence Priorities System e: DPS Defence Program[me] Operation e: DPO Defence Purchasing Board e: D.P.B. Defence Quality Assurance Board e: DQAB Defence Quality Assurance Board Executive e: DQABE Defence Radio Warfare e: D R W Defence Readiness Condition e: D E F C O N Defence R e g u l a t i o n ^ ] e: DR Defence Research Agency e: DRA Defence Research Analysis Establishment e DRAE Defence Research and Development Council e: DRDC

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Defence Research and Development Staff, Washington [British Defence Staff] e: BDS R and D Washingt Defence Research Board e: DRB Defence Research Board Chemical Laboratories e: D R B C L Defence Research Board Headquarters e: DRBH Defence Research Chemical Laboratories, Ottawa e: D R C L Defence Research Committee e: DRC Defence Research Directors e: DRD Defence Research Establishment Atlantic e DRE A Defence Research Establishment Atlantic, Canada Department of National Defence Dartmouth, Nova Scotia e: N S H N Defence Research Establishment, Ottawa e: DREO Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, Department of National Defence Ontario e OODRC Defence Research Establishment Pacific e: DREP Defence Research Establishment, Suffield e DRE S Defence Research Establishment, Toronto e: DRET Defence Research Establishment Valcartier e DREV Defence Research Information Center e: DRIC Defence Research Kingston Laboratory e: DRKL Defence Research Medical Laboratory e: DRML Defence Research Northern Laboratory e: DRNL Defence Research Policy Committee e: DRPC Defence Research T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Establishment e: DRTE Defence Research Telecommunications Establishment, Report e: DRTE Report Defence Science Laboratory e: DSL Defence Sciences and Technology Organization [Dept of Defence] e: DSTO Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre e: D E S I D O C Defence Security Command e: DSC Defence Services Academy e: DSA Defence Services Asia e: DSA Defence Shipping Executive Board e: DESEB Defence Signals Directorate e: DSD Defence Signals Staff e: DSS Defence Situation Centre e: DSC Defence Source Definition Committee e: DSDC Defence Standards Laboratories e: DSL Defence Subsistence Supply Agency e: DSSA Defence Supply Agency e: DSA Defence Supply Aircraft Panel e: DSAirP Defence Supply Ammunition Panel e: DSAmnP Defence Supply Armament Panel e: DSArmP Defence Supply Clothing and Textile Panel e: DSCTP Defence Supply Construction Panel e: DSCP Defence Supply General Stores Panel e: DSGSP Defence Supply Mechanical Transport Panel e: D S M T P Defence Support Agency e: DSA Defence Support Division e: DSD Defence Support Program e: DSP

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Defense Freight Railway Defence Support Program Satellite Warning System e: DSPSWS Defence Systems Analysis Group e: DSAG Defence Technology Group e: DTG Defence Wall e: DEWA Defensa antisubmarina s: DAS Defensa Aérea s: D.A. Defense e: D, e: DEF Defense Acquisition Board e: DAB Defense Acquisition Radar e: DAR Defense Acquisition Regulation e: DAR Defense Acquisition Regulatory System e: DARS Defense Activity [Activities] for NonTraditional Education Support e: DANTES Defense Activity North Carolina e: DAN Defense Administration Office e: DAO Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency e: DARPA Defense Advisory Committee of Women in the Services e: DACOWITS Defense Aerial Gunner e: DAG Defense Against Ballistic Missiles e: DEFENDER Defense Against Missiles System[s] e: DAMS Defense Agency [Japan] e: DA Defense Aid e: DA Defense Aid Administration Expenses e: DAAE Defense Aid Facilities and Equipment e: DAF & E Defense Aid Ordnance and Ordnance Stores e: DAO&OS Defense Aid Vessels and Other Watercraft e: DAV & OW Defense Air Transportation Administration e: DATA Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office e: DARÒ Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Program e: DARP Defense Analysis Modeling Information System e: DAMIS Defense and Government Contracts Management Association e: DGC1V1A Defense and Space e: D&S Defense and Space Center e: D & SC Defense and Tactical Armament Control e: DATAC Defense Antimissile System e: DAMS Defense Area Communications Control Center e: DACCC Defense Area Communications Control Center, Alaska e: DACCC-AL Defense Area Communications Control Center, CONUS [Continental United States] e: DACCC-CON Defense Area Communications Control Center, Pacific e: DACCC-PAC Defense Atomic Research Facility e: DARF Defense Atomic Support Agency e: DAS, e: DASA, e: DFSA Defense Atomic Support Agency Data Center e: DASA-DC Defense Atomic Support Agency Information and Analysis Center e: DASIAC Defense Atomic Support Agency Technical Letters e: DASTL Defense Atomic Support Agency-Technical Publication^] e: DASA-TP Defense Attache e: DATT Defense Attache Office e: DAO Defense Attache System e: DAS Defense Audiovisual Agency e: DAVA

Defense Audiovisual Steering Committee e: DAVSC Defense Audit Service e: DAS Defense Automated Addressing System e: DAAS Defense Automated Addressing System Center e: DAASC Defense Automated Addressing System Office e: DAASO Defense Automated Warning System e: DAWS Defense Automation Resources Management Program e: DARMP Defense Automotive Supply Center, Detroit, Michigan e: DASC Defense Cataloging Agency e: DCA Defense Ceramic Information Center, Columbus e: DCIC Defense Civil Preparedness Agency e: DCPA Defense Civilian Personnel Management Service e: CPMS Defense Clothing and Textile Supply Center e: DCTSC Defense Command e: DC, e: DEFCOM Defense Command, North Norway e: DEFCOMNON Defense Command, Norway e: DEFCOMNOR Defense Command, South Norway e: DEFCOMSONOR Defense Commercial Communications Center e: DECC Defense Commercial Communications Office, Scott AFB e: DECCO Defense Committee e: DC Defense Committee on Research e: DCOR Defense Commumications Engineering Office e: DECEO Defense Communications Agency e: DCA Defense Communications Agency Operations Center e: DCAOC Defense Communications Agency Operations Center Complex e: DOCC Defense Communications Agency Pacific e: DCAPAC Defense Communications Agency System Engineering Facility e: DCASEF Defense Communications Board e: DCB Defense Communications Control Center e DCCC Defense Communications Control System e DCCS Defense Communications Department e: DCD Defense Communications Engineering Agency e: DECEA Defense Communications Planning Group e DCPG Defense Communications Satellite Program e: DCSP Defense Communications Satellite System e: DCSS Defense Communications System e: DCS Defense Communications System Office e: DCSO Defense Communications Systems Air Operational Network e: DCSAIROPNET Defense Communications Tactical Network e: DCTN Defense Computer Institute e: DCI Defense Concept Plan e: DCP Defense Concessions Committee e: DCC Defense Condition- 1 e: DC-1 Defense Construction Supply Center e: CS Defense Construction Supply Center, Columbus e: DCSC Defense Contract Administration Service[s] e: DCAS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Defense Contract Administration Services District e: DCASD Defense Contract Administration Services Office e: DCASO Defense Contract Administration Services Plant Office e: DCASPO Defense Contract Administration Services Plant Representative Office[r] e: DCASPRO Defense Contract Administration Services Quarters e: DCASQ Defense Contract Administration Services Region e: DCASR Defense Contract Audit Agency e: DCAA Defense Contract Management Agency e: DCMA Defense Contracting Military Assistance Office e: DCMAO Defense Control Administration e: DCA Defense Control Center e: DCC Defense Coordinating Officer e: DCO Defense Coordination Network e: DEFCORD Defense Counseil e: DC Defense Credit Union Council e: DCUC Defense data Network e: MFENET Defense Departments Advanced Research Projects Agency network e: Arpanet Defense Depot, Mechanicsburg, Pa. e: DDMP Defense Depot, Memphis, Tennessee e: DDMT Defense Depot, Ogden, Utah e: DDOU Defense Depot, Tracy, California e: DDTC Defense, Description and Designation e: DDD Defense Development and Engineering Laboratories e: DDEL Defense Development Data Exchange Program e: DDDEP Defense Development Exchange Program e: DDEP Defense Development Research and Engineering e: DDR & E Defense Development Sharing Program e: DDSP Defense Dissemination Plan e: DDP Defense Documentation Center e: DDC Defense Documentation Center Field Services Office e: DDCFSO Defense Documentation Centre [Éire] e: DISC Defense Economic Analysis Council e: DEAC Defense Electric Power Administration e: DEPA Defense Electronic Countermeasures System e: DECM Defense Electronic Support Center e: DESC Defense Electronics Division e: DED Defense Electronics Supply CenterElectronics e: DESC-E Defense Energy Task Group e: DETG Defense Engine Division e: DED Defense Engineering Data Office e: DEDO Defense et Sécurité du Territoire f: DST Defense European and Pacifiic Redistibution Activity e: DEPRA Defense European Redistribution Agency e DERA Defense Excess Property Redistribution Agency e: DEPRA Defense Force Section Base e: DFSB Defense Forces e: Def.For. Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet e: DFRIF


Defense Fuel Region Defense Fuel Region/Middle East e: DFR/ME Defense Fuel Supply Center e: DFSC Defense Fuel Supply Point e: DFSP Defense General Supply Center e: DEFGENSUPCEN, e DGSC, e: GS Defense General Support Center e: DGSC Defense Group e . D e f G r p Defense Grouping e: DG Defense Homes Corporation e: DHC Defense Identification Zone e: DIZ Defense Inactive Item Program e: DIIP Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center e: IP Defense Industrial Plant Euqipment Center e: DIPEC Defense Industrial Resources Support Office e: DIRSO Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office e: DISCO Defense Industrial Security Education and Training Office e: DISTO Defense Industrial Security Institute e: DISI Defense Industrial Supply Center e: DISC, e: IS Defense Industry Advisory Council e: DIAC Defense Industry Advisory Group Europe e: DIAGE Defense Industry Studies Program e: DISP Defense Information e: DI Defense Information School, Ft. Benjamin, Harrison, Indiana e: DINFOS Defense Information System e: DIS Defense Information Systems Network e: DISN Defense Information Systems Network-Near Term e: DISNNT Defense Information Warfare e: DIW Defense Institute of Security Assistance e: DISA Defense Integrated Secure Network e: DISNET Defense Intelligence e: DI Defense Intelligence Agency e: DIA Defense Intelligence Agency Dissemination Center e: DIADC Defense Intelligence Project for Threat Analysis e: DIPTA Defense Intelligence Relay Center e: DIRC Defense Intelligence School e: DIS Defense Intelligence Service e: DIS Defense Intercontinental Ballistic Missile e DICBM Defense International Logistics Management Course e: DILMC Defense Investigative Review Council e: DIRC Defense Investigative Service e: DIS Defense Item Entry Control Office e: DIECO Defense Item Entry Control Program e: DIECP Defense Language Institute e: DLI Defense Language Institute, East Coast Branch e: DLIEC Defense Language Institute, English Language Branch e: DLIEL Defense Language Institute, English Language Center, San Antonio/Lackland e DLIELC Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center e: DLIFLC Defense Language Institute, Southwest Branch e: DLISW Defense Language Institute Support Command - El Paso e: DLISC-EP


Defense Language Institute Systems Development Agency e: DLISDA Defense Language Institute, West Coast Branch e: DLIWC Defense Language Program e: DLP Defense Liaison Group e: DLG Defense Liaison Officer to the White House e: DEFLOWH Defense Logistics Agency e: DLA Defense Logistics Agency Administrative Support Center e: DASC Defense Logistics Agency, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA e: ViAlDL Defense Logistics Analysis Office e: DLAO Defense Logistics Management Training Board e: DLMTB Defense Logistics Services Center e: DSLC Defense Logistics Studies Information Exchange e: DLSIE Defense Management Educating and Training e: DMET Defense Manpower Administration e: DMA Defense Manpower Data Center e: DMDC Defense Mapping Agency e: DMA Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center e: DMAAC Defense Mapping Agency Office of Distribution Services e: DMAODS Defense Mapping Agency Special Program Office for Exploitation Modernization e: DMASPOEM Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center e: DMATC Defense Mapping School e: DMS Defense Marketing Group e: DMG Defense Marketing Service e: DMS Defense Material Procurement Agency [Administration] e: DMPA Defense Materiel Council e: DMC Defense Materiel Interservicing Program e: DM IΡ Defense Materiel Specifications and Standards Office e: DMSSO Defense Materiel Utilization Program e: DMUP Defense Mediation Board e: DMB., e: D.M.B. Defense Medical Materiel Board e: DMMB Defense Medical Supply Center e: DMSC Defense Message System-Air Force e: DMA-AF Defense Metals Equipment Center e: DMEC Defense Metals Information Center, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus e: DMIC Defense Meteorological Satellite Program e: DMSP Defense Metropolitan Area Telephone Service e: DMATS Defense Metropolitan Area Telephone System e: DMATS Defense Military Satellite Programme e: DMSP Defense Mineral Administration e: DMA Defense Minerals Exploration Administration e: DMEA Defense Missile Systems e: DMS Defense Mobilization and Support Planning Agency e: DMSP A Defense Mobilization Board e: DMB Defense Mobilization Order e: DMO Defense Movement Coordinator e: DMC Defense National Communications Control Center e: DNCCC Defense National Communications Control Center System e: DNCCCS

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Defense National Stockpile Center e: DNSC Defense Navigation Satellite System e: DNSS Defense Nuclear Agency e: DNA Defense Nuclear Agency Technical Publications e: DNA-TP Defense Nuclear Facilities e: DNF Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board e: DNFSB Defense of the Territory e: D ο Τ Defense Operational Research Establishment e: DORE Defense Order e: DO Defense Orientation Conference Organization, Washington, DC e: DOCA Defense Paper e: DP Defense Performance Review e: DPR Defense Personnel Supply Center e: DPSC Defense Personnel Support Center e: DPSC Defense Petroleum Supply Center e: DSPC Defense Plan e: DEFPLAN Defense Planning Guidance e: DPG Defense Planning Questionnaire e: DPQ Defense Planning & Resources Board e: DPRB Defense Planning Staff e: DPS Defense Policy Board e: DPB Defense Printing Service e: DPS Defense Priorities System e: DPS Defense Prioritization System e: DPS Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office e: DPMO Defense Procurement Circular e: DPC Defense Procurement Program e: DPP Defense Production Act e: DPA Defense Production Administration e: DPA Defense Production Chief e: DPC Defense Production Supply Board e: DPSB Defense Program Field Council e: DPFC Defense program planning e: DPP Defense Program Projection e: DPP Defense Program Review Committee e: DPRC Defense Program Strategy Board e: DPSB Defense Programs e: DP Defense Programs Management Board e: DPMB Defense Projects Support Office e: DPSO Defense Property Disposal Office [r] e: DPDO Defense Property Disposal Program e: DPDP Defense Property Disposal Region-Europe e: DPDR-E Defense Property Disposal Service [Defense Supply Agency] e: DPDS Defense Property Disposal Service in Europe e: DPDSE Defense Property Disposal Ship Sales Office [Defense Logistics Agency] e: DPDSSO Defense Race Relations Institute e: DRRI Defense Reconstruction Assistance Office e DRAO Defense Regional Communications Control Center e: DRCCC Defense Regional Communications Control Center, Far East e: DRCCC-FE Defense Regional Communications Control Center, Southeast Asia e: DRCCC-SEA Defense Reorganization Act e: DRA Defense Representative North Atlantic and Mediterranean e: DEFREPNAMA Defense Research e: DR

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

delta-wing orbiter D e f e n s e Research A d v i s o r y Committee e: DRAC Defense Research and Engineering O f f i c e e: D R E O D e f e n s e Research & Applications e: D R A D e f e n s e Research Board e: D R B Defense Research Committee e: DRC Defense Research Corporation e: D R C D e f e n s e Research Institute e: D R I D e f e n s e Research Internet e: D R I Defense Research Laboratories [Laboratory] e: DRL D e f e n s e Research Laboratory e: D R L D e f e n s e Research Laboratory [Materials] e: D R L [M] Defense Research Laboratory/University of Texas e: D R L / U T D e f e n s e Research Policy C o m m i t t e e e: DRPC Defense Research Review e: DRR D e f e n s e Resources Board e: D R B D e f e n s e Resources Planning Operation e: DRPO Defense Retail Interservice Support e: DRIS D e f e n s e R e v i e w C o m m i t t e e e: D R C D e f e n s e Satelitte C o m m u n i c a t i o n System e: D E F S A T C O M Defense Satellite e: D S A T D e f e n s e Satellite C o m m u n i c a t i o n s P r o g r a m e: D S C P Defense Satellite C o m m u n i c a t i o n [ s ] System e: D S C S D e f e n s e Satellite C o m m u n i c a t i o n s System, Phase 2 e: D S C S 2 Defense Science and Engineering Program e: DSEP D e f e n s e Science Board e: D S B D e f e n s e Science Board S u b c o m m i t t e e e: DSBSC Defense Scientific Information Service e: DSIS D e f e n s e Secretary e: DS Defense Security Assistance Agency e: DSAA, e: DSEA D e f e n s e Security Assistance Council e: DSAC Defense Security Assistance Program e: DSAP Defense Security Cooperation Agency e: DSCA D e f e n s e Security Service e: D S S Defense Sensor Interpretation and Applications Training Program e: DSIATP D e f e n s e Services P r o g r a m e: D S P Defense Shipping Authority e: DSA Defense Signal Staff e: DSS D e f e n s e Signals Board e: D S B D e f e n s e Solid Fuels A d m i n i s t r a t i o n e: DSFA Defense Space Council e: DSC D e f e n s e Space Operations C o m m i t t e e e: DSOC Defense Special Project Group e: DSPG Defense Special Projects Group e: DSPG D e f e n s e Special Secure C o m m u n i c a t i o n s System e: D S S C S D e f e n s e Special W e a p o n s A g e n c y e: DSWA Defense Standard A m m u n i t i o n Computer System e: D S A C S D e f e n s e Standardization Manual e: D S M D e f e n s e Standardization P r o g r a m e: D S P Defense Subsistence and Supply Center e: DSSC Defense Subsistence Region, Europe e: DSRE D e f e n s e Subsistence Storage Facility, Kaiserslautern e: DSSFK

D e f e n s e Supplies Corporation e: D.S.C. D e f e n s e Supply A g e n c y e: D S A Defense Supply Agency Administrative Support Center e: D S A S C D e f e n s e Supply A g e n c y Contract A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Services e: D S A C A S Defense Supply Agency Handbook e: DSAHBK D e f e n s e Supply A g e n c y H e a d q u a r t e r s e: DSAH Defense Supply Agency Manual e: DSAM Defense Supply Agency Regulation e: DSAR D e f e n s e Supply Association e: D S A Defense Supply Center e: DSC Defense Supply Corporation e: DSC D e f e n s e Supply Fuels and Lubricants Panel e DSFLP Defense Supply M a n a g e m e n t Agency e: DSMA D e f e n s e Supply Sales O f f i c e e: D S S O D e f e n s e Supply Service e: D S S D e f e n s e Supply Service - W a s h i n g t o n e: DSS-W Defense Support Division e: DSD D e f e n s e Support Organization e: D S O D e f e n s e Support P r o g r a m e: D S P Defense Support Project O f f i c e e: D S P O Defense Suppression Analysis Evaluation Steering Group e: D S S G D e f e n s e Suppression Group e: D S G Defense Suppression Missile e: DSM Defense Suppression Threat e: DST D e f e n s e Suppression Vehicle e: D S V D e f e n s e Surplus Bidders Control O f f i c e e: DSBCO Defense System e: DS D e f e n s e Systems Analysis e: D S A D e f e n s e Systems Application P r o g r a m e: DSAP Defense Systems Division e: DSD D e f e n s e Systems Division, General Motors Corp. e: D S D Defense Systems M a n a g e m e n t College e: DSMC D e f e n s e Systems M a n a g e m e n t School e: DSMS Defense Systems Planning Group e: DSPG Defense Technical Center e: D T C Defense Technical Information Center e: STIC D e f e n s e Technical I n f o r m a t i o n Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA e: ViAlD D e f e n s e Telephone Service e: D T S D e f e n s e Telephone Service W a s h i n g t o n e: DTSW Defense Telephone System e: DTS D e f e n s e Telephone S y s t e m - W a s h i n g t o n e: DTS-W Defense Trade Controls [office] e: D T C Defense T r a f f i c M a n a g e m e n t Service e: DTMS D e f e n s e Transport A d m i n i s t r a t i o n e: D T A Defense Transportation Administration e: DTA D e f e n s e Transportation System e: D T S Defense Underground Support Center e: DUSC D e f e n s e Union of South A f r i c a e: D.U.S.A. Defense Visual Flight Rules e: DVFR D e f e n s e W e a p o n s System e: D W S D e f e n s e W e a p o n s Systems M a n a g e m e n t Center e: D E F W E A P S Y S M G M T C E N , e: D W S M C Defense Wing e: D e f W g D é f e n s e [Anti-]aérienne du Territoire f : D.A.T. Défense Aérienne f : D.A.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

D é f e n s e Aérienne de la Mer f : D . A . M . D é f e n s e Civile f : D C Défense Contre Avions f : DCA Défense contre avions f : DCA D é f e n s e Contre A é r o n e f s f : D C A D é f e n s e de la France f : D.F. Défense du Franc f : D.D.F. Défense du Territoire f : D.T. D é f e n s e Française f : D.F. D é f e n s e intérieure du territoire f : D.I.T. Défense Opérationnelle du Territoire f : D.O.T. D é f e n s e Territoriale f : D.T. D é f e n s e Territoriale Contre-Aérienne f : D.T.C.A. Defensie C o m p u t e r Centrum η: D C C D e f e n s i v e Avionics System e: D A S D e f e n s i v e Basic Flight M a n o e u v r e s e: DBFM Defensive Electronic C o u n t e r m e a s u r e s e: DECON defensive radioflogical] w a r f a r e e: drw D e f e n s i v e l y A r m e d M e r c h a n t Ship e: DAMS Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships Organization e: D E M S Org D e f e r r e d P a y m e n t Plan [Program] e: D P P D e f e s a Civil do Territòrio ρ: D.C.T. D e f e s a contra ataques aéreos ρ: D.C.Α. D e f i c i e n c y Corrective A c t i o n P r o g r a m e: DCAP Degradation of Radar Defense System e: DRADS De[l] estado m a y o r naval s: D E M N Delaware National Guard e: D e l N G Delay[ed] Action Mine e: DAM Delayed-Action Radar Calibrator e: DARC Delayed A c t i o n Space Missile e: D A S M Delayed Echo Radar Marker e: DERM Delayed Impact Space Missile e: DISM Délégation Générale pour l ' A r m e m e n t f : DGA Délégation Ministérielle à l'Armement f : D E M A , / DMA Délégation Ministérielle pour l'Armée de l'Air / D M A A Délégation Ministérielle pour l'Armée de Mer f : D M A M Délégation Ministérielle pour l'Armée de Terre f : D M A T Délégation N a v a l e du Groupe Français du Conseil de Contrôle f : D N / G F C C Département de physique nucléaire et de corps / • D P N C Delegationen för A t o m e n e r g i f r â g o r r: DFA Delegazione di Intendenza i: Del.I., i: D.I. Delegazione di I n t e n d e n z a arretrata i: del.I.arr. Delegazione di Intendenza avanzata i: Del.I.av. Delegazione di I n t e n d e n z a di riserva i: Del.I.ris. Delegazione di Intendenza Territoriale i: D.I.T. Delegazione Postale e T e l e g r a f i c a i: D P T Delegazione servizi tecnico armi e munizioni i D . S . T . A . M . Delegazione Trasporti Militare i: D T M Delegazione Trasporti Militari i: D.Tra.M. D e l f t A t m o s p h e r i c Research Radar e: DARR Deliberate R e i n f o r c e m e n t Force e: DRF Delivery Point e: DP dèlostreleck brigáda c: dbg délostrelecky pluk c: delta-wing orbiter e: dwo


Demand Mode Integral Demand Mode Integral Rocket Ramjet e: DMIRR demi-brigade f: 1/2 B. Demi-brigade aérienne f: D.B.A. Demi-Brigade de Chasseurs f: D.B.C. Demi-brigade de chasseurs à pied f: D.B.C.P. Demi-brigade de chasseurs alpins f : D.B.C.A. Demi-brigade de fusiliers marins f: D.B.F.M. Demi-brigade de parachutistes f: D.B.P. Demi-brigade de parachutistes coloniaux f: D.B.P.C. Demi-brigade de parachutistes de choc f: D.B.P.C. Demi-brigade Légion étragère f: D.B.L.E. Demilitarize e: demil Demilitarized Zone e: D.M.Z. Demobilization Centre e: DC Demobilmachungs-Departement [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: A.D.Demob. Demobilmachungskommission d: Dem.Korn. Democratische Unie van Strijders, Invaliden, Verminkten en Oorlogsslachtoffers η: DUSIVO Democritus Greek Nuclear Center e: DEM Demolition Rocket e: DR Demolition squad e: Dml Sqd Demon single-engine supersonic allweather jet fighter e: F-3 Demonstration Air Force e: DAF Demontage- u Montagest d: KPWT Den Svenska Lottan r: DSL Dental Corps e: DC, e: Dent C Dental Corps, Naval Reserve e: DCNR Dental Corps Reserve e: Dent Res Dental Equipment Depot e: Den ED Dental Examining Board e: D.E.B. Dental Officers Reserve Corps e: DORC Dental Training Establishment e: DTE Denver War on Poverty e: DWOP Departamento de la Industria Militar s: DIM Departement der Marine in NederlandschIndië η: DM Departement van Defensie η: DvD Departement van Marine η: D.v.M. Departement van Oorlog n: D.v.O. Département de physique nucléaire et de corps solides f: DPNS Département des études de piles du Commissariat à lénergie atomique f: DEPCEA Département Militaire Fédéral f: DMF Department [Deputy] of the Air Member for Supply and Organization e: D.A.M.S.O. Department for Atomic Energy e: Dept. AE Department of Aeronautical and Engineering Research e: DAER Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics e: DAA Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Southampton e: AASU Department of Army e: DA Department of Army Military Operations e DAMO Department of Army Scientific & Engineering Cooperative e: DASE Department of Army Special Photographic Office e: DASPO Department of Armys Movements Management System e: DAMMS Department of Assistant Director of Army Psychiatry e: D.A.D.A.P. Department of Atomic Energy e: DAE


Department of Command e: DC, e: DCOM Department of Defence e: DDEF, e: D of D, e: DofD Department of Defence [or Defense] e: DD, e DoD Department of Defense Ammunition Code e DoDAC Department of Defense Claimant Program e DDCP Department of Defense Computer Institute e DODCI Department of Defense Computer Security Center e. DODCSC Department of Defense-Council of Defense and Space Industry Associations e: DOD-CODSIA Department of Defense Damage Assessment Center e: DoDDAC Department of Defense Dependants [or Dependents] Schools e: DODDS Department of Defense Dependents Schools, European Region e: DODDSEUR Department of Defense Directive e: DoDD Department of Defense Education Activity e DODEA Department of Defense Emergency Plans e DODEP Department of Defense Environmental Contamination e: DODEC Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board e: DDESB Department of Defense Foreign Disclosure Coordinating Office e: DODFDCO Department of Defense Gravity Experiment e DODGE Department of Defense Gravity Experiment, Multipurpose e: DODGE-M Department of Defense Handbook e: DoDHDBK Department of Defense High School Newspaper Service e: DODHSNS Department of Defense Honorable Discharge e: DD-2Í4 Department of Defense Household Goods Commercial Storage Office e: DODHGCSO Department of Defense Household Goods Field Office e: DODHGFO Department of Defense Identification Code e DODIC Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards e: DODISS Department of Defense Index of Specifications & Standards e: DODIIS, e: DoDIS Department of Defense Industrial Equipment Reserve e: DODIER Department of Defense Information & Analysis Center e: DASIAC Department of Defense Information Program e: DODIP Department of Defense Inspector General e: DoDIG Department of Defense Instruction e: DODI, e DODINST Department of Defense Intelligence Information System e: DODIIS Department of Defense Land Fallout Interpretive Code e: DELFIC Department of Defense Manned Spaceflight e DDMS Department of Defense-Manual e: DoD-M Department of Defense, Medical Examination Review Board e: DODMERB Department of Defense Military Pay and Allowance Committee e: DODMPAC

© Κ · G • Saur, München

Department of Defense Military Personnel Records Center e: DODMPRC Department of Defense Military Standard Logistics Systems Office e: DOD MILSO Department of Defense Military Traffic Management Agency e: DDMTMA Department of Defense National Agency Check Center e: DODNACC Department of Defense-Owned Rail Cars e: DODX Department of Defense, Pacific Research Office e DODPRO Department of Defense Policy Planning Guidance e: DPPG Department of Defense Production e: DDP Department of Defense Programs e: DoDP Department of Defense Project Specification e: DPPS Department of Defense-Regulation e: DoD-R Department of Defense Representative e: DepDefRep Department of Defense Research and Development e: DD R & D Department of Defense Research and Education Network e: DREN Department of Defense Research and Engineering e: DODRE Department of Defense Single Stock Point e DODSSP Department of Defense Single Stock Point for Specifications and Standards e: DoDSSP Department of Defense Small Arms Serialization Program e: DODSASP Department of Defense Standard e: DODSTD Department of Defense Standard Patient Administration System e: TRIPAD Department of Defense-Standard Satellite e DOD-STP Department of Defense Support e: DDS Department of Legal Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology e: DLM Department of Marine and Harbours e: DMH Department of Medicine and Surgery e: DMS Department of Military Aeronautics e: DMA Department of Military Affairs e: DMA Department of National Defence e: DND Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario e: OOND Department of Peace-keeping Operations e DPKO Department of Quartermaster e: Q Dept Department of Tactics e: DT, e: DTAC Department of Tank Design e: DTD Department of the Air Force e: AF, e: DAF Department of the Air Force Command & Control System e: DAFCCS Department of the Air Member for Personnel e: DAMP Department of the Air Member for Training e: D.A.M.T. Department of the Army e: DEPTAR, e: DoA, e D of A Department of the Army Accountability Task Force e: DAPATF Department of the Army Adjutant General Office e: DA AGO Department of the Army Air Traffic Coordinating Officer e: DAATCO Department of the Army Allocation Committee, Ammunition e: DAACA

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Dépôt de Remonte Mobile Department of the Army Alternate Command and Control Element e: DAACCE, e: DACE Department of the Army Audiovisual Production Program e: DAAPP Department of the Army Avionics Master Plan e: DAAMP Department of the Army Classification Review Committee e: DACRS Department of the Army Command and Control System e: DACCS Department of the Army Communication Resources Plan e: DACRP Department of the Army Communications Center e: DACC Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics e: DADCSLOG Department of the Army Distribution/Allocation Comee e: DADAC Department of the Army Equipment Data Review Committee e: DAEDARC Department of the Army Forward Depot e: DAFD Department of the Army Forward Floating Depot e: DAFFD Department of the Army Historical Advisory Committee e: DAHAC Department of the Army Information Network/Army Corporate Data Base e: DAIN/ACDB Department of the Army Intelligence Plan e: DAIP Department of the Army International Rationalization Office e: DAIRO Department of the Army Liaison Team e: DALT Department of the Army Management Information System e: DAMIS Department of the Army Management Review and Improvement Program e: DAMRIP Department of the Army Master Priority List e: DAMPL Department of the Army Materiel Program e: DAMP Department of the Army Military Personnel Management Team e: DAMPMT Department of the Army Modification Work Order e: DAMWO Department of the Army Motion Picture/TV Production Board e: DAMP/TVPB Department of [the] Army Movements Management System-Redesigned e: DAMMS-R Department of the Army Panel on Environmental Psychology e: DAPEP Department of the Army Physical Security Review Board e: DAPSRB Department of the Army Plan for Assistance to Department of Health, Education and Welfare e: DA-AHEW Department of the Army Regional Representative e: DARR Department of the Army Shipping Document e: DASD Department of the Army Staff e: DA Staff Department of the Army Standard Port System-Enhanced, System Development Group e: DASPS-E SDG Department of the Army Standard Port Systemfs]-Enhanced e: DASPS-E Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board e: DASEB Department of the Army System Coordinator d: DASC Department of the Army Systems Coordinator e: DASC Department of the Army Systems Staff Officer e: DASSO

Department of the Army Technical Manual e: DATM Department of the Army, The Adjutant General e: DATAG Department of the Army Training and Support Committee e: DATSC Department of the Chief of Naval Information e: D.C.N.I. Department of the Controller-General e: D.C.G. Department of the Controller of Ordnance Services e: D.C.O.S. Department of the Financial Secretary of the War Office e: D.F.S.W.O. Department of the Medical DirectorGeneral e: D.M.D.G. Department of the Military Secretary [War Office] e: DMS Department of the Navy e: DEPNAV, e: DN, e: DON, e: N, e: NAVY Department of the Navy Automation and Communication System e: DONACS Department of the Navy, Declassification Team e: DNDT Department of the Navy Five Year Plan e: DNFYP Department of the Navy Future Years Program e: DNFYP Department of the Navy Office Automation and Communication System e: DONOACS Department of the Navy Program Information Center e: DONPIC Department of the Navy. RAN [Royal Australian Navy] Reports e: Navy Dep RAN Rep Department of the Navy Systems Acquisition Review Council e: DNSARC Department of the Permanent UnderSecretary of State for War e: D.P.U.S.S.W. Department of the Superintendent of Demagnetization e: D.S.D.G. Department of Veteran Affairs e: DVA Department of Veterans Affairs e: VAF Department of Veterans Benefits e: DVB Department Special Missile and Astronautic Center e: DEFSMAC Departmental Industrial Plant Reserve e: DIPR Departmental Records Branch e: DRB Departmental Standardization Office e: DepSO Departure from Nuclear Boiling e: DNB Dependents' Allowance Board e: DAB Dependents Educational Committee e: DEC Dependents School e: DS Deployable Air Task Force e: DATF Deployable Crew-Served Weapons Trainer e: DCSWT Deployable Tactical Air Control Center e: DTACC Deployable War Planning System e: DWPS Deployable WWMCCS Command, Control and Communications Capability e: DWC4 Deployment Exercise TNG package [for Active Army Divisions in the continental United States] e: DEPEX Deployment Staff Exercise e: DESEX Depo ζ: Dp Deposito carburanti e lubrificanti di grande capacità i: dp.cel.g.c. Deposito carburanti e lubrificanti di media capacità i: dp.cel.m.c. Deposito carburanti e lubrificanti di piccola capacità i: dp.cel.p.c.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Deposito centrale i: d.c. deposito centrale automezzi i: dp.aut.C. Deposito centrale automobilistico i: Dea. Deposito centrale di artiglieria di armata i: Dc.Ar.A. Deposito centrale di sanità i: Dc.S. Deposito centrale di sanità e di veterinaria i: Dc.s.v. Deposito centrale materiale chimico i: Dc.m.k. deposito centrale ricambi auto i: dp.ric.A. Deposito di Brigata i: Dp.B. deposito di munizioni grande calibro i: d.m.g.c. deposito di munizioni medio calibro i: il.111.111.e. Deposito Divisionale i: Dp.D. Deposito misto i: Dp.mi deposito munizioni i: dep.mun. deposito munizioni [aterra] i: deposito viveri i: dep.viv. Depot d: D., e: D., e: Dep Depot Allgemeen-Technisch en IntendanceMaterieel n: DATI M Depot Battalion e: Dep Bn Depot Bewapningsmaterieel en Munitie [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] η: DBM Depot company e: D.C. Depot Elektronisch Materieel [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] η: DELM Depot-Eskadron d: Dep.Esk. Depot-Inspektion, Wilhelmshaven [Marine] d: D.I. Depot Kleding en Uitrusting [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] n: DKU Depot Level Maintenance Facility e: DLMF Depot Level Maintenance Plant e: DLMP Depot maintenance activity e: DMA Depot Maintenance Control Center e: DMCC Depot Maintenance Industrial Fund e: DMIF Depot Motortransport Materieel [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] η: DMTM Depot Paymaster e: D.P.M. Depot Quartermaster, Norfolk e: DQN Depot Quartermaster, Pearl Harbor e: DQPH Depot Quartermaster, Philadelphia e: DQP Depot Quartermaster, Quantico e: DQQ Depot Quartermaster, Richmond e: DQR Depot Quartermaster, San Francisco e: DQSF Depot Straalmotoren, Woensdrecht n: DSM Depot Supply Battalion e: Dep Sup Bn Depot Vliegtuigen en Vliegtuigmaterieel [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] n: DVVM Depot Vliegtuigmaterieel van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht n: DVM Dépôt Commun de la Légion Étrangère f: D.C.L.E. Dépôt d'Armée f: D.A. Dépôt d'Artillerie f: D.A. dépôt d'artillerie divisionnaire f: d.a.d. Dépôt de Corps d'Armée f: D.C.A. Dépôt de la Légion Étrangère f: D.L.E. Dépôt de la Légion Étrangère à Marseille / D.L.E.M. Dépôt de Munitions f: D.Mu. Dépôt de Munitions de la Zone Nord f: D.M.Z.N. Dépôt de Munitions de la Zone Sud f: D.M.Z.S. Dépôt de Ravitaillement Sanitaire d'Armée f: DRSA Dépôt de Remonte d'Armée f: DRA Dépôt de Remonte Mobile d'Armée f: DRMA


Dépôt de Réserve Dépôt de Réserve Générale de l'Artillerie / D.R.G.A. Dépôt Divisionnaire f: D.D. Dépôt du Matériel de la Télégraphie Militaire f: D.M.T.M. Dépôt du Matériel de l'Armée de l'Air f: DMAA Dépôt multi-Produits de Corps d'Armée f: Deca Dépôt Opérationnel de Munitions f: D.O.Mu. Dépôt Principal de Munitions f: D.P.M. Dépôt Principal de Munitions de l'Armée de l'Air /• D.P.M.A.A. Dépôt Régional de Munitions f: DRMl! Depotbataillon d: DpBtl Depotinstandsetzungsbataillon d: DpInstBtl Depots e: DEPS Depotumschlagbataillon d: DplIBtl Depotverbindungskommando d: DpVKdo Depressed Trajectory Ballistic Missile e: DTBM Deputy Adjutant-General e: DAG Deputy Air Member for Technical Services e: D/AMS Deputy and Scientific Director of Army Research e: DSDAR Deputy Armament Supply Officer e: DASO Deputy Assistant Adjutant and QuarterMaster-General e: DAA and QMG Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General e: DAA&QMG Deputy Assistant Adjutant General e: DAAG Deputy Assistant and Chaplain General e: D.A.C.G. Deputy Assistant Director e: D.A.D. Deputy Assistant Director Army Veterinary Services e: DADAVS Deputy Assistant Director for Plans and Evaluation [Vietnam] e: DAD/PE Deputy Assistant Director for the Psychological Operations Division e: DAD/POD Deputy Assistant Director-General e: D.A.D.G. Deputy Assistant Director-General of Medical Services e: D.A.D.G.M.S. Deputy Assistant Director of Army Dental Service e D.A.D.A.D.S. Deputy Assistant Director of Army Health e: DADAH Deputy Assistant Director of Artillery e: D.A.D.A. Deputy Assistant Director of Contracts e: D.A.D.C. Deputy Assistant Director of Dental Services e: D.A.D.D.S. Deputy Assistant Director of Engineer Stores e: D.A.D.E.S. Deputy Assistant Director of Inland Water Transport Service e: D.A.D.I.W.T. Deputy Assistant Director of Management Support Division [Vietnam] e: DAD/MSD Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services e: D.A.D.M.S. Deputy Assistant Director of Military Engineering e: DADME Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services e: D.A.D.O.S. Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services [Engineering] e: D.A.D.O.S.[E.J Deputy Assistant Master-General of Ordnance e: D.A.M.G.O. Deputy Assistant Military Secretary e: DAMS


Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General e DAQMG Deputy Assistant Secretary Air Force [Information Systems Management] e: SAF/FMD Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Application e: DASMA Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Materials e: DASNM Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense e: DASD Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy e: DASN Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Mine & Undersea Warfare e: DASN[NUW] Deputy Base Commander e: D/B Comd Deputy Brigade Commander e: DBC Deputy Chairman, Military Committee e: DMC Deputy Chaplain-General e: D.C.G. Deputy Chief, Chemical Warfare Service e: DCCWS Deputy Chief Civil Affairs Officer e: DCCAO Deputy Chief for Intelligence e: DCI Deputy Chief Inspector of Naval Ordnance e: DCINO Deputy Chief Naval Adviser e: D.C.N.A. Deputy Chief Nursing Officer e: D.C.N.O. Deputy Chief of Air Staff e DCAS Deputy Chief of Defence Staff [Intelligence] e: D.C.D.S.[I.] Deputy Chief of Logistics Division e: D/CLD Deputy Chief of Naval Adviser e: DCNA Deputy Chief of Naval Management e: DCNM Deputy Chief of Naval Management [Development] e: DCNM[D] Deputy Chief of Naval Management [Management and Organization] e: DCNM[M&0] Deputy Chief of Naval Management [Material and Facilities] e: DCNM[M&F] Deputy Chief of Naval Management [Program and Financial Management] e: DCNM[P&FM] Deputy Chief of Naval Material e: DCNM, e DEPCHNAVMAT Deputy Chief of Naval Material, Development e: DCNM[D] Deputy Chief of Naval Material [Material and Facilities] e: DEPCHNAVMAT[MAT&FAC] Deputy Chief of Naval Operations e: DCNO Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Administration] e: DCNOA Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Air] e: DCNO[AIR] Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Development] e: DCNO[Dl Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Fleet Operations and Readiness] e: DCNO[FltOp] Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Operations and Readiness e: DCNOFOR Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Resources, Warfare Requirements, and Assessment e: N8 Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Logistics] e: DCNO[L] Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Manpower and Naval Reserve] e: DCNO[M&NR]

Κ · G · Saur, München

Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Personnel and Naval Reserve] e: DCNO[P&NR] Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Plans and Policies] e: DCNO[P&P] Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Research and Development] e: DCNO[R&D] Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Submarine Warfare] e: DCNO[SW] Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel e: DCNP Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel [Training and Manning] e D.C.N.P.[TM1, e D.C.N.P.[TM] Deputy Chief of Naval Staff e: D.C.N.S. Deputy Chief of Personnel Operations e: DCOPO Deputy Chief of Staff e: DCOFS, e: DCS, e: DepCofS Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller e: DCS/C Deputy Chief of Staff, Development e: DCS/D Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration e: DCA, e: DCOFSADMIN Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments e: DCSCD Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics e: DEP LOG Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations e: DCSOP Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Combat Operations e: DCOFSPCO Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Operations e: DCS/P&O Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Research e: DCPR Deputy Chief of Staff [for] Plans and Research e: DCSPR Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs and Resources e: DCS/P&R Deputy Chief of Staff for Reserve Officers' Training Corps e: DCSROTC Deputy Chief of Staff, Force Development e: DCSFOR Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence e: DCSI Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics e: DCSLOG Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics - Material Readiness e: DCSLOG-MR Deputy Chief of Staff, Materiel e: DCSM Deputy Chief of Staff, Military Operations e: DC/SMO Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations and Administration DCS/OA] e: DCSOA Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations DCSO] e DCS/O Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel e: DCS/P Deputy Chief of Staff Plans and Operations e: DCPO Deputy Chief of Staff, Security, Plans and Operations e: DCSSPO Deputy Chief of Staff, Services e: DCSSVC Deputy Chief of Supplies and Transport e: D.C.S.T. Deputy Chief of the Defense Staff e: DCDS Deputy Chief of the [Imperial] General Staff e: DCGS Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff e DCIGS Deputy Chief Ordnance Officer e: DCOO Deputy Chief Quartermaster e: DepCQm, e: Dep C Qm Deputy Chief, Royal Ordnance e: DCRO Deputy Chief Scientific Officer e: D.C.S.O.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Deputy Under Secretary Deputy Chief Signal Officer e: DCSigO, e DCSO Deputy Chief Superintendent of Armament Supply e: DCSAS Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer e: DCVO Deputy Commandant Royal Engineers e: D.C.R.E. Deputy Commander e: DEPCOM Deputy Commander, Allied Forces Central Europe e: D/CINCENT Deputy Commander Atlantic Naval Facilities Engineering Command e: DEPCOMLANTNAVFACENGCOM Deputy Commander for Maintenance and Modification e: SM Deputy Commander for Operation[s] e: DCO Deputy Commander for Resources e: RM Deputy Commander for Space Operations e DCSO Deputy Commander-in-Chief e: DC-in-C Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet e: DepCinCLantFlt Deputy Commander Naval Striking and Support Forces Southern Europe e: DEPCOMSTRIKFORSOUTH Deputy Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force, Atlantic e: DEPCOMOPTEVFORLANT Deputy Commander Pacific Naval Facilities Engineering Command e: DEPCOMPACNAVFACENGCOM Deputy Commanding General e: DCG Deputy Commanding Officer e: DCO deputy commissary general e: Deputy Commissioner for Civil Defence e: DCCD Deputy Commissioner for Operations e: DCO Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services e: D.C.M.S. Deputy Defense Secretary e: DDS Deputy Director e: DD Deputy Director for Collection [Defense Intelligence Agency] e: DD[C] Deputy Director for Personnel, Career Development and Training [Defense Intelligence Agency] e: DD[PCD&T] Deputy Director for Scientific and Technical Intelligence [Defense Intelligence Agency] e: DD[S&TI] Deputy Director for Support [Defense Intelligence Agency] e: DD[S] Deputy Director-General of Royal Air Force Medical Service e: D.D.G.M.S. Deputy Director-General of Signals Equipment e: D.D.G.S.E. Deputy Director-General of the Tentorial Army e: D.D.G.T.A. Deputy Director General of the Territorial Army e: DDGTA Deputy Director of Armament Supply [Eastern Theater] e: DDAS[ET] Deputy Director of Armaments e: DDA Deputy Director of Army Education e: DDAE Deputy Director of Army Health e: DDAH Deputy Director of Army Postal Service e: DDAPS Deputy Director of Artillery e: DDA Deputy Director of Attachés and Human Resources [Defense Intelligence Agency] e: DD[A&HR] Deputy Director of Auxiliary Territorial Service e: D.D.A.T.S. Deputy Director of Civil Affairs e: D.D.C.A. Deputy Director of Combined Operations [India] e: DDCO[I]

Deputy Director of Dental Services e: D.D.D.S. Deputy Director of Dockyards e: D.D. of D. Deputy Director of Estimates [Defense Intelligence Agency] e: DD[E] Deputy Director of Fighter Operations e: DDFO Deputy Director of Flying Training [Navigation] e: D.D.T.Nav. Deputy Director of Hygiene and Pathology e: D.D.H.P. Deputy Director of Information Systems [Defense Intelligence Agency] e: DD[IS] Deputy Director of Intelligence [Defense Intelligence Agency] e: DD [I] Deputy Director of Manpower Planning e: D.D.M.P. Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering e: DDME Deputy Director of Medical Organization for War e: D.D.M.O.W. Deputy Director of Medical Services e: DDMS Deputy Director of Military Intelligence e: D.D.M.I. Deputy Director of Military Operations e: DDMO Deputy Director of Military Operations and Intelligence e: DDMOI Deputy Director of Military Survey e: DDM Deputy Director of Military Training e: D.D.M.T. Deputy Director of Naval Construction e: DDNC, e: D.D.N.C. Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence e: D.D.N.I. Deputy Director of Naval Ordnance e: DDNO, e: D.D.N.O. Deputy Director of Naval Store Department e. D.D. of S. Deputy Director of Operations Division e: D.D.O.D. Deputy Director [of] Ordnance Services e: D.D.O.S. Deputy Director of Personnel Services [Navy] e: D.D.P.S. Deputy Director of Personnel Administration e: DDPA Deputy Director of Personnel [Men] e: D/DP[M] Deputy Director of Personnel [Officers] e: D/DP[0] Deputy Director of Plans e: D.D. of P. Deputy Director of Post-Hostilities Plans e: D.D.P.H.P. Deputy Director of Prisoners of War e: DDPOW, e: D.D.P.O.W. Deputy Director of Quartering e: D.D.Q. Deputy Director of Recruiting and Demobilization e: D.D.R.D. Deputy Director of Royal Armoured Corps e: DDRAC, e: D.D.R.A.C. Deputy Director of Royal Artillery e: DDRA Deputy Director of Science e: D.D.S. Deputy Director of Sea Transport e: DD of ST Deputy Director of Selection of Personnel e: D.D.S.P. Deputy Director of Service Intelligence [Army] e: DDSI[A] Deputy Director of Staff Duties e: D.D.S.D. Deputy Director of Supplies e: D.D. of S. Deputy Director of Supplies and Transport e: DDST

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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Deputy Director of Surface Transport e: DDST Deputy Director of Tactical Investigation e: D.D.T.I. Deputy Director of Veterinary Services e: D.D.V.S. Deputy Director of War Organization e: DDWO Deputy Director of Welfare and Fleet Supply Department e: D.D.W.F.S.D. Deputy Director of Women's Royal Army Corps e: DDWRAC, e: D.D.W.R.A.C. Deputy Director, Personnel e: DepDirPers Deputy Director, Royal Artillery e: D.D.R.A. Deputy Director, Territorial Army e: DDTA, e: D.D.T.A. Deputy Directorate of Repair and Maintenance e: D.D.R.M. Deputy [District] Assistant Provost Marshal e DAPM Deputy [District] Ordnance Mechanical Engineer e: DOME Deputy for Nuclear Affairs e: DNA Deputy Inspector-General e: DIG Deputy Inspector of Mechanized Troops e: DIMT Deputy Judge Advocate-General e: D.J.A.G. Deputy-Master-General e: D.M.G. Deputy Master-General of Ordnance e: DMGO Deputy Medical Director-General of the Navy e DMDGN Deputy Military Governor e: DMG Deputy Military Secretary e: DepMilSec, e: Dep Mil Sec, e: DMS, e: D.M.S. Deputy Naval Secretary e: Dep Ν Sec Deputy Naval Secretary [Technical Services] e: Dep Ν Sec [TS] Deputy of the Army Undersecretary e: DUSA Deputy Port Commander e: DPC Deputy Provost Marshal e: D.P.M. Deputy Quartermaster General e: DQMG Deputy Quartermaster-General of Ordnance e: DQMGO Deputy Quartermaster Sergeant e: DQMS Deputy Regional Military Commander e: DRMC Deputy Scientific Adviser e: D.S.A. Deputy sea transport officer e: DSTO Deputy Secretary of Defense e: DEPSECDEF, e: DSEC/DEF, e: DS of D Deputy Secretary to the Admiralty e: D.S.A. Deputy Senior Air Staff Officer e: DSASO Deputy Senior Officer, Assault Unit e: DSOAU Deputy Signal Officer-in-Chief e: D.S.O.C., e: DSO in C Deputy Supply Officer-in-Chief e: D/SOC Deputy Supreme Air Commander, Europe e DEPSAC Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic e: DEPSACLANT Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe e: DSACEUR Deputy Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force e: DSCAEF, e: D.S.C.A.E.F. Deputy Surgeon-General e: DSG Deputy Theatre Commander e: D.T.C. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense e: DUSD Deputy Under Secretary of Defense [Acquisition Reform] e: DUSD [AR] Deputy Under Secretary of Defense [Advanced Technology] e: DUSD[AT]


Deputy Under Secretary Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering e: DUSDRE Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Communications, Command, Control and Intelligence e: DUSD C3I Deputy Vice Chief of the Air Staff e: D/VCAS Deputy War Shipping Administrator e: DWSA Depòsito artillero de campaña s: DACE Depósito Avanzado s: D.A. depósito central s: d.c. depósito de amuniciones s: dam. Depósito de armamento de artillería s: Dep Art Depósito de armamentos y equipos antisubmarinos s: Dep Arm As Depósito de efectos navales s: Dep Ef Nav Depósito de municiones de artillería s: Dep Mun Art Depósito de radar s: Dep Radar Der Chef des Generalstabes d: D.Ch.d.G. der Marine d: d.M. Der Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe d: D.Ob.d.L. der Reserve d: d.R. Der Wehrtechnische Studienbeauftragte d: WS Ii Derbyshire Yeomanry, Royal Artillery Corps, Territorial Army e: DERBY YE O des Generalstabes d: d.G. Desembarco naval s: Des Nav Desert Air Force e: DAF, e: D.A.F. Desert Air Task Force e: DATF Design Change Review Board e: DCRB Design of Aircraft Wing Structures e: DAWNS Design Review and Acceptance Group e: DRAAG Design-to-Price Electronic Warfare System e: DPEWS Desinfektionsabteilung d: Desinf.Abt. Despatch Rider Letter Service e: D.R.L.S. Destroy Battle Force e: DESBATFOR destroyer e: d Destroyer e: DD, e: Des Destroy[er] e: Dest Destroyer e: DR Destroyer Advisory Board e: DAB Destroyer and Submarine Forces Air Defense Exercise e: DESAIRDEX Destroyer Anti-Submarine Transportable Array Detector e: DASTARD Destroyer Antisubmarine Helicopterfs] e: DASH Destroyer Base e: Des Base Destroyer Development Division e: DESDEVDIV Destroyer Development Group e: DDG, e: DESDEVGRU Destroyer Development Squadron e: DESDEVRON Destroyer Division e: DD, e: DESDIV Destroyer Escort e: DE Destroyer Escort Hydrofoil e: DEH Destroyer Escort Radar e: DER Destroyer Experimental e: DX Destroyer Flotilla e: DESFLOT, e: DF, e: D.F. Destroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet e: DESLANT Destroyer Force Exercise e: DESFEX Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet e: DESPAC Destroyer Forces Atlantic e: DESLANT Destroyer Forces Pacifc e: DESPAC Destroyer/Frigate Air Defence System e: DFADS Destroyer, Guided missile e: DG Destroyer Helicopter System e: DHS


Destroyer Life Extension Programme e: DELEX Destroyer Minelayer e: DM Destroyer Minesweeper e: DMS Destroyer [Next Generation] e: DDV Destroyer Representative e: DESREP Destroyer schoolship e: DESS Destroyer Scouting Division e: Descodiv Destroyer Scouting Flotilla e: Descoflot Destroyer Scouting Force e: DESCOFOR Destroyer Scouting Squadron e: Descoron Destroyer Squadron e: DESRON, e: DESSQDN, e DS destroyer/submarine antisubmarine warfare exercise e: desubex Destroyer-Submarine Exercise e: DDSUBEX Destroyer & Submarine Tender e: AD/AS Destroyer Tactical Bulletin e: DTB Destroyer Tender e. AD Destroyer twin-engine turbn jet tactical allweather light-bombardment aircraft e: B-66 Destroyer Variant e: DDV Destroyer with missiles e: DDG Destroyers/Cruisers, Pacific Fleet e: DESCRUPAC Destroyers, Disbursing Office e: DDO Destroyers, Southwest Pacific Fleet e: DESSOWESPAC Destroyers, United States Fleet e: DESUS Destruct Command System e: DCS Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles e: DAMV Detached issue park e: DIP detachement n: det Detachement d'Helicopteres Armes f: DHA détachement f: dét. Détachement f: Détt Détachement air d'adaptation f: DAA Détachement atomique [service médical] f: Dét At Détachement avancé de reconnaissance f: D.A.R. Détachement d'approvisionnement du matériel f: Dam Détachement d'Armée f: D.A. Détachement d'Armée Française f: D.A.F. Détachement de circulation routière f: D.C.R. Détachement de Coordination de la Défense Aérienne f: DCDA détachement de garde f: D.G. Détachement de justice f: Det Just Détachement de l'Aviation Légere de l'Armée de Terre f: DETALAT Détachement de liaison f: DL Détachement de Liaison et d'Observation [d'artillerie] f: DLO Détachement de réanimation f: Det Réan Détachement de régulation routière f: D.R.R. Détachement de régulation-transport f: DERET Détachement de Soutien d'Aviation Légère de l'armée de terre f: DSAlat Détachement de terrain d'opérations f: D.T.O. Détachement de [s] transmissions de l'Air / D.T.A. Détachement de[s] transmissions opérationnel f: D.T.O. Détachement d'exploitation de [s] transmissions f: D.E.T. Détachement d'Infirmiers Militaires f: D.I.M. Détachement d'inspection technique f: D.I.T. Détachement d'intervention air f: DIA

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Détachement d'Intervention Hélicoptères f: D.I.H. Détachement d'oberservation et de liaison / D.O.L. Détachement d'observation f: D.O. Détachement du matériel des transmissions f: D.M.T. Détachement du service de matériel f: D.S.M. Détachement Militaire de Coordination f: DMC Détachement Militaire Régional f: D.M.R. Détachement mixte de liaison f: D.M.L. Détachement motorisé autonome f: D.M.A. détachement médical f: dét.méd. Détachement opérationnel f: D.O. Détachement opérationnel de protection f: D.O.P. Détachement Permanent d'Hélicoptères f: D.P.H. Détachement régionaux du SLF f: DR/SLF Détachement Technique de Munitions f: DTM Détachement temporaire des travaux d'installations des transmissions f: D.T.T. Détachement terre d'adaptation f: DTA détachement télégraphique f: d.t. Détachements de Base des Forces Aériennes / D.B.F.A. Détchement régulateur de voie ferrée f: D.R.V.F. detachment e: det Detailed Air Defense Model e: DADM Detailed Emergency Defense Plan e: DEDP Detailed Experiment Plan e: DEP Detailed Interrogation Center Allied Command Europe e: DICACE Detailed issue depot e: DID Detection and Ranging e: DERAX Detection and Tactical Alert of Radar e: DATAR Detection and Warning e: D&W Detection of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles e: DICBM Detection Radar e: DR Detection Radar Data Take-Off System e: DRDTO Detection Radar Electronic Component e: DREC Detection Radar Environmental Display e: DRED Detonation Gun e: DG Detroit Air Defense Sector e: DEADS Detroit Arsenal e: DAR Deutche Bundes Marine d: DBM Deutsch-Italienischer PanzerarmeePionierführer d: D.I.Pz.APF. Deutsch-Italiensiche Panzerarmee d: DIPA. Deutsch-Persische Mission d: Dtsch.Pers.Miss. Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raketentechnik d: DAFRA Deutsche Armee-, Marine- und Kolonialausstellung, Berlin d: Damuka Deutsche Atomkommission d: DAK, d: DAtK Deutsche Büro für Friedensfragen d: DBF Deutsche Feldpost [Post] d: D.F.P. Deutsche Friedens-Union d: DFU Deutsche FriedensgesellschaftInternationale der Kriegsdienstgegner d: DFG-IDK Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner e.V. d: DFG-VK Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsgegner e.V. d: DFG

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Digital Flight Control Deutsche Friedenspartei d: DFP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. d: DGAP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung e.V. d: D G F K Deutsche Gesellschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt d: DG RR [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wehrmedizin und Wehrpharmazie e.V.]-Vereinigung ehemaliger Sanitätsoffiziere d: V d S O Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wehrtechnik e.V. d: DWT Deutsche Heeresbücherei, Berlin d: D.H.B. Deutsche Heeresmission d: D.H.M., d: D.H.M. Deutsche Kommission d: Z M o Deutsche Kontroll-Delegation [Mittelmeer] d: DKD[M] Deutsche Kraftfahr-Offizier-Vereinigung e.V. d: Dekrov Deutsche Luftwaffenberatergruppe d: DtLwBerGrp Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumänien d: DLM.i.R. Deutsche Marine-Jugend d: D M J Deutsche Marinebücherei d: DMB, d: DMB. Deutsche militärärztliche Zeitschrift d: DmäZ Deutsche Militärische Verbindungsgruppe d: DtMiIVGrp Deutsche Militärkraftfahrervereinigung d: Demkrav Deutsche Militärmission d: Dtsch. Mil. Miss. Deutsche Militärmusiker-Zeitung d: DMMZ Deutsche Minenr d: D M / R L Deutsche Oberste Heeresleitung d: DOHL Deutsche Verbindungsdelegation bei der Italienischen Waffenstillstandskommission d: D.V.D.b.d.I.W.St.K. Deutsche Verbindungskommission d: D.V.K. Deutsche Vertretung bei Military Agency for Standardization d: DtVertrMAS Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken d: Dewamun., d: DWM Deutsche Waffenstillstandskommission d: DWStK. Deutsche Wehrmacht d: Dt.Wehrm. Deutscher Anteil bei Allied Naval Communications Agency d: DT A N C A Deutscher Anteil beim Hauptquartier Allied Forces Central Europe d: DtA HQ AFCENT Deutscher Anteil beim [integrierten] Internationalen Militärstab d: DtA IMS Deutscher Anteil NATO Air Defence Committee d: DtA NADC Deutscher Delegierter bei der internationalen Feldeisenbahnkommission d: Deleis Deutscher Eisenbahn-Militärtarif d: DEMT Deutscher Friedensanteil bei HQ N O R T H A G d: DtF-A HQ N O R T H A G Deutscher Luftflottenverein d: DLFV Deutscher Luftwaffenverbindungsstab USA d: DtVStLwlISA Deutscher Luftwaffenverbindungsstab zu US-Forces d: DtLwVStab US-Forces Deutscher MarineVerbindungskommandeur d: D.M.V.K. Deutscher Marinebund e.V. d: DMB Deutscher Militärgeographischer Dienst d: DMG

Deutscher Militärischer Bevollmächtigter d: D M B v Deutscher Militärischer Bevollmächtigter USA und Kanada d: DMBv USA/CA Deutscher Militärischer Vertreter bei SHAPE d: D M V SHAPE Deutscher Militärischer Vertreter im MC/NATO d: DMV MC/NATO Deutscher Militärverein d: D M V Deutscher Militärverlag d: D M V Deutscher Offizier-Bund d: DOB Deutscher Reichskriegertag 1934 d: DRKT Deutscher Soldaten- und Kriegerbund in Bayern d: DSKiB Deutscher Soldaten- und Kriegerbund in Bayern e.V. d: DSKBiB Deutscher Soldatenbund d: DSB Deutscher Soldatenbund Kyffhäuser d: DSBK Deutscher Sonderstab d: D.S.S. Deutscher Verbindungs- und Lehroffizier an der US Naval Academy d: DtV/LO IJSNA Deutscher Verbindungsoffizier bei Ecole Supérieure de Guerre d: DtVO ESG Deutscher Verbindungsstab d: D.Vbst. Deutscher Verbindungsstab Truppenübungsplatzkommandantur Shilo/CA d: DtVStab TrÜbPIK Shilo/CA Deutscher Wehrmacht[s]standortoffizier d: D.W.St.O. Deutscher Wirtschaftsstab d: D.W.St. Deutsches Afrika-Korps d: D A K Deutsches Armeemuseum d: DAM Deutsches Atomforum e.V. d: DAtF Deutsches Friedenskartell d: D F K Deutsches Führungsbataillon d: D.F.Btl. Deutsches Komitee der Kämpfer für den Frieden d: KKF Deutsches Luftwaffenausbildungskommando USA d: DtLwAusb-KdolISA Deutsches Luftwaffenübungsplatzkommando d: DtLwÜbPIKdo Deutsches Marine-Institut d: DMI Deutsches Minenräumkommando Schleswig-Holstein d: D M / R K Deutsches Stabsbataillon bei HQ AFCENT d: DtStBtl HQ A F C E N T Deutsches Übungsplatzkommando d: DtÜbPIKdo Deuxième Bureau f : D.B. Deuxième Réserve f: D.R. Developed Armament Probable Error e: DAPE Development and Production Costs for Aircraft e: D A P C A Development center e: DEVCTR Development Investigations in Military Orbiting Systems e: D E I M O S Development Operations Division, Army Ballistic Missile Agency e: DODABMA Development Sharing Program [defence] e: DSP Development, Support and Integration Program e: DSIP D e v e l o p m e n t a l ] Flight Instrumentation e: DFI Devonshire Hussar Imperial Yeomanry e: D.H.I.Y. Devonshire Regiment e: DE, e: DVN dewádztwo Ρ: d. Dezentralisierter Schiffsinstandsetzungspunkt d: DSIP Dezentralisierter Schiffsreparaturpunkt d: DSIR

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Dezernat Militärhydrographie d: DezMilHydro Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories e: DOFL Diätendienstalter Deutscher Offiziere d: DDO Didactiek Militair Leiderschap en Opleidingen n: DMLO Dido and Pluto Handmaiden for Nuclear Experiments e: D.A.P.H.N.E. Dienst für Rüstungskontrolle und Friedenssicherheit d: DRKF Dienst Huisvesting Families der Belgische Strijdkrachten in Duitsland n: D H F / B S D Dienst Militair Aankoopbeleid n: D.M.A.B. Dienst militair Aankoopbeleid n: D.M.A.B. Dienst voor Opruiming en Vernietiging van Ontploffingstuigen n: DOVO Dienstältester Deutscher Offizier d: D D O Dienstältester Deutscher Offizier bei Headquarters Allied Tactical Air Force d: DDO/HQ ATA F Dienstältester Deutscher Offizier bei N A T O Communications School d: D D O N C S Diensthabender Nachrichten d: DN Diensthabender Offizier d: D.O. Diensthabendes System [zur Luftraumaufklärung d: DHS Dienststelle der Marineleitung d: DdM. Dienststelle für Eignungsprüfungen beim Marineoberkommando Nordsee d: Priif.Nord. Dienststelle für Eignungsprüfungen beim Marineoberkommando Ostsee d: Prüf.Ost. Dienststelle für Eignungsuntersuchungen d: Dien.Eig. Dienstübungsplatz d: D.Ü.P1. Dieselelektrisches Fuehrungs-U-Boot d: SSAC Dieselelektrisches MFK-U-Boot d: SSG Dieselelektrisches Zieldarstellungs U-Boot d: SST Difesa Aerea i: DA Difesa aerea costiera i: D A C O S Difesa aerea territoriale ¿. DAT Difesa aerea territoriale, artiglieria esercito i: D A T A R E S Difesa Aerea Territoriale, Artiglieria Marina ì: DATARMA Difesa antiaerea del territorio i: DAT Difesa controaerea i: D.C.A. difesa controaerea a bassa quota i: d.c.a.a.b.q. Difesa controaerea territoriale i: D.I.C.A.T. Difesa costiera i: D.C. Difesa territoriale i: DT Differenced-Range Doppler e: DRD Digital AIDS [Aircraft Integrated Data System] Recorder e: DAR Digital Airborne Imagery System e: DAIS-I Digital Airborne Radar Threat Simulator e: D A R T S Digital Aircraft Systems Trainer e: DAST Digital Automated Radar Tracking System e: D A R T S Digital Automatic Flight Control System e: DAFCS Digital Avionics Integration Systems e: DAIS Digital data, Auxiliary storage, Track display, Outputs and Radar display e: DATOR Digital Experimental Airborne Navigator e: DEXAN Digital Flight Control e: DFC


Digital Flight Control Digital Flight Control and Landing System e DFCLS Digital Flight Control System e: DFCS Digital Flight Controller e: DFC Digital Flight Data Recorder e: DFDR Digital Flight Display e: DFD Digital Integrated Attack and Navigation Equipment e: DIANE Digital Integrated Attack Navigation System e: DIANS Digital Marine Acquisition and Processing System e: DMAPS Digital Modem Command Language e: DMCL Digital Multi-beam Steering System Sonar e: DIMUS Digital Navigation And Bombing Computer e DINABOC Digital Radar Code e: DRC Digital Radar Extractor e: DRE Digital Radar Land Mass e: DRLM Digital Radar Relay Link e: DRRL Digital Radar Simulator e: DRS Digital Range Measuring Instrument e: DRAMI Digital Systems Operations Panel e: DSOP Digital Tactical Airborne Computer e: DIGITAC Digital Tactical Aircraft Control e: DIGITAC Digital Transmission Evaluation Project e: DTEP Digital Wideband Transmission System e: DWTS Digitally Integrated Fleet Air Defense e: DIFAD Dildo Detonation Division e: DDD Dinuclear e: din Dipartimento Marina Militare i: DMM Dipartimento Militare Federale i: DM F dipartimento stato maggiore i: d.s.m. Diplomado de Altos Estudios Militares s: DAEM Diplomado de Intendencia Militar s: DIM Direccâo General dos Servicos de Fomento Marítimo Marinho DGSFMM Dirección de tiro Optronica y Radarica Naval s: DORNA Dirección del Servicio Geografico Militar s: DSGM Dirección de Armas y Municiones Especiales s: DAME Dirección General de Energia Nuclear s: DGEN Direct Access Radar Channel e: DARC Direct Action Mission e: DAM Direct air support center e: DASC Direct Air Support Flight e: DASF Direct Air Support Squadron e: DASq Direct Air Support Team e: DAST Direct Airfield Attack Combined Munition e: DAACM Direct Ascent Powered Flight Simulation e: DAPFS Direct Fire Antitank Weapon e: DFAW Direct Fire Artillery System e: DFAS Direct Fire Rocket e: DFR Direct Fire Weapon Engagement System e: DFWES Direct Fire Weapons Effect Simulator e: DFWES, e: DI FW ES Direct Radar Scope Recorder e: DRSR Direct Ranging LORAN [Long Range Navigation] e: DRL Direct Solar Radiation e: DSR Direct Support Supply Depot e: DSSD Direct support supply point e: DSSP Direct support unit e: DSU


Direct support units - general support units e: DSU-GSU Directed Energy Weapon Power Integration e: DEWPOINT Directed Infrared Countermeasures e: DIRCM Directeur de l'Arrière f: D.A. Directeur Gebouwen, Werk en Terreinen η: DGW en Τ Directeur P r o v i n c i a l i ] des Constructions Militaires f: DPCM Directeur - traduction et terminologe [coordination] e f: DTTC Directeurs nationaux de la Recherche pour la Défense f: DRD Directing Ordnance Officer e: DOO Directing staff e: DISTAFF Directing Staff e: DS Direction center [centre] e: DC Direction Center - Ground Control Intercept e DC/GCI Direction centrale de génie f: Dircegénie Direction centrale de l'intendance f: DCI Direction centrale de l'intendance maritime / D.C.I.M. Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales f: DCCAN Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau de l'Artillerie et de la Défense des Côtes f: CAN/ADC Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau de l'Aéronautique Navale f: CAN/Aéro Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau de l'Entretien Transmission-Écoute-Radar f: CAN/ETER Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau des Munitions f: CAN/Mu Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau des Réparations /• CAN/R Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Section des Implantations industrielles f: CAN/IMP Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Section Organisation f: CAN/ORG Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Service centrale des Marchés f: CAN/Ma Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Sous-Direction Administrative f: CAN/SDA Direction Centrale des Constructions et Arms Navales, Section de la Flotte en Construction f: CAN/FC Direction centrale des essences f: D.C.E. Direction Centrale des Essences des Armées f: DC E A Direction centrale des transmissions f: DCT Direction centrale des travaux maritimes f: D.C.T.M. Direction centrale des travaux maritimes et immobiliers f: D.C.T.M.I. Direction Centrale du Commissariat de la Marine f: DCCM Direction Centrale du Commissariat de l'Armee de Terre f: DCCAT Direction Centrale du Commissariat de l'Armée de l'Air f: DCCA Direction Centrale du Commissariat Militaire f: DCCM Direction Centrale du Materiel de l'Armee de l'Air f: DCMAA Direction Centrale du Materiel de l'Armee de Terre f: DCMAT Direction centrale du matériel f: DCM

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Direction Centrale du Service de Santé des Armées f: D.C.S.S.A. Direction de la cavalerie et de l'arme blindée f: D.C.A.B. Direction de la Circulation Aérienne Militaire f: DIRCAM Direction de la Géndarmerie et de la Justice Militaire f: D.G.J.M. Direction de la Protection et de la Sécurité de la Défense f: D.P.S.D. Direction de la'Artillerie f: D.A. Direction de l'infanterie [ministère] f: D.I. Direction de l'infrastructure air f: D.I.A. Direction de santé f: Dirsanté Direction de service de Sécurité Militaire f: D.S.M. Direction des achats de matériel f: D.A.M. Direction des affaires internationaux f: DAI Direction des Applications Militaires f: DAM Direction des applications militaires f: Diram,/• l)imm Direction des Armements Terrestres f: DAT Direction des armes spéciales f: D.A.S. Direction des bases aériennes f: D.B.A. Direction des Bâtiments Militaires f: D.B.M. Direction des centres d'expérimentations nucléaires f: Dircen Direction des chemins de fer de campagne f: D.C.F.C. Direction des constructions aériennes f: C.Aé.,/· D.C.A. Direction des Constructions et Armes Navales f: D.C.A.N. Direction des mouvements et transports sur la route f: D.M.T.R. Direction des Pensions Militaires f: DPM Direction des personnels et affaires générales, f: DPAG Direction des Personnels Militaires de la Marine f: DPMM Direction des Personnels Militaires de l'Armée de Terre f: D.P.M.A.T. Direction des poudres f: D.P. Direction des prisonniers de guerre f: D.P.G. Direction des programmes et affaires industrielles f: DPAI Direction des recherches et des moyens d'essais f: DRME Direction des recherches et des études techniques f: D.R.E.T. Direction des recherches études et techniques f: DRET Direction des relations extérieures f: Direlatex. Direction des Services de Renseignements et de Sécurité Militaire f: D.S.R.S.M. Direction des services généraux f: D.S.Gx. Direction des transmissions f: D.d.T.,/· Dirtrans. Direction des transports f: Dirtra. Direction des Transports Militaires aus Armées f: D.T.M.A. Direction des Transports Militaires Voie Ferrée f: D.T.M.V.F. Direction des Transports sur Route d'Armée f: D.T.R.A. Direction des travaux f: Dir Trav Direction des travaux du génie f: D.T.G. Direction des travaux et services f: D.T.S. Direction des travaux maritimes f: D.T.M. Direction des travaux maritimes et immobilières f: D.T.M.I. Direction des troupes coloniales f: Dir.T.Colo.,/ D.T.C. Direction des étapes f: D.E.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Director General Direction des étapes et des services f : DES Direction des Études et Fabrications d'Armement f: D.E.F.A. Direction d'infrastructure f : D.I. Direction d'instruction f : D.I. Direction d'intendance f: D . I . , / · Dirint. Direction du Commissariat de la Marine f : D.C.M. Direction du Commissariat de l'Armée de l'Air / • D.C.A.A. Direction du matériel f: Dirmat. Direction du matériel du génie f : D.M.G. Direction du personnel civil, du contentieux et du matériel de l'administration centrale f: D P C C M A C Direction du personnel de l'armée de terre / Dirpersat. Direction du renseignement militaire f : DRM Direction du service de santé f: D.d.S.S. Direction du service des contr f: D.S.C.T. Direction du service des travaux du génie / D.S.T.G. Direction du service du matériel f: D.S.M. Direction du Service du Matériel de l'Armée de l'Air f: D.S.M.A.A. Direction du service du matériel du génie f : D.S.M.G. Direction du Service Militaire Postal f : D.SMP Direction d'établissement régional du matériel f: D.E.R.M. Direction for Army Logistics e: DIALOG Direction Générale de la Contre-Ingérence et de la Sécurité Militaire f: D G C I S M direction générale de l'artillerie f : d.g.a. Direction générale de l'infanterie f : D.G.I. Direction générale de recrutement et de mobilisation f : D.G.R.M. Direction générale des mouvements et transports f: D.G.M.T. Direction générale des prisonniers du guerre / D.G.P.G. Direction générale des quartiers, travaux et fortifications f : D.G.Q.T.F. Direction générale des ravitaillemtns et évacuations f : D.G.R.E. Direction générale des services spéciaux f : D.G.S.Sp. Direction générale des transports f: D . G . T . , / Dirgéntra. Direction générale des troupes blindées / D.G.T.Bl. Direction générale d'intendance / Dirgénint. Direction générale du contrôle du désarmement et des effectifs / DGCDE Direction générale du personnel / D.G.P. Direction générale du service de santé / D.G.S.S. Direction Interdépartementale des Anciens Combattants et vicitimes de la guerre / DIAC Direction of Flight e: DOF Direction pour (Administration des Forces Armées / DA FA Direction Provincial [e] des Constructions Militaires / DPCM Direction régionale de recrutement / DRR Direction régionale de recrutement et statistique / D.R.R.S. Direction régionale des services techniques / D.R.S.T. Direction régionale de[s] transmissions / D.R.T. Direction régionale des transports / D.R.T. Direction régionale du commissariat de l'Air / D.R.C.A.

Direction régionale du matériel et engins / DRME Direction régionale du Service de santé / D.R.S.S. Direction Technique des Armements Terrestres / DIAT Direction technique des armements terrestres / DTAT Direction technique des armes et de l'instruction / D.T.A.I. Direction technique de[s] constructions aéronautiques / D.T.C.A. Direction technique des constructions navales / D T C N Direction technique des engins / DTE Direction technique et industrielle de l'aeroautique [Délégation ministérielle de l'armement] / D.T.I. Direction technique et industrielle de l'aéronautique / DTIA Direction vétérinaire / Dirvétér. Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System e: DICASS Directional Command Activated Sonobuoyfsystem] e: DICAS Directional Control Test Missile e: D C T M Directional Controlled Rocket Assisted Projectile e: DICORAP Directional Warhead Fuze e: DWF Director, Advanced Base Office, Atlantic e DABOA Director, Advanced Base Office, Pacific e: DABOP Director Anti-Submarine Material e: DASM, e D.A./S.M. Director, Armed Forces Information and Education Division e: DIRAFIED Director Army Operational Science and Research e: D A O S R Director, Atlantic Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks e: D I R L A N T D O C K S Director Bomber e: DB Director Combat Operations e: D C O Director Combined Operations Material Department e: D.C.O.M.D. Director Combined Operations Personnel e D.C.O.P. Director Control Officer e: DCO Director, Defense Communications Agency e: D D C A Director [District] Information Services Control Command e: DISCC Director du Matériel Aérien Militaire / D.M.A.M. Director, Expeditionary Warfare Division e: N 8 5 Director, Fleet Training e: DFT Director For Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems, Joint Staff e: J6 Director for Military Assistance e: DFMA Director for Mutual Security e: DMS Director-General, Army Medical Services e D.G.A.M.S. Director-General, Army Personnel e: DGAP Director General, Army Training e: D G A T Director General, Defence Quality Assurance e: D G D Q A Director-General, Dentai Services e: DGDS Director-General, Dockyards and Maintenance e: D.G.D.&M. Director-General, Joint Medical Services e DGJMS Director-General, Medicai Services [Air] e DGMS[Air] Director-General, Military Railways e: DGMR

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Director-General, Military Training e: DGMT Director General of Aircraft Production e: DGAP Director General of Armoured Vehicles e: DGAV Director-General of Armoured Vehicles e: D.G.A.V. Director-General of Army Education e: D.G.A.E. Director General of Army Requirements e: DGAR Director General of Army Veterinary Services e: D G A V S Director General of Defence Accounts e: DGDA Director-General of Docks, Admiralty e: DG Docks Admy Director-General of Equipment and Stores e: D.G.E.S. Director-General of Graves Registration and Enquiries e: D.G.G.R.E. Director General of Ground Defence e: DGGD Director-General of Ground Defence e: D.G.G.D. Director-General of Housing e: D.G.H. Director General of Military Education e: DGME Director-General of Military Education e: d.g.m.e. Director General of Military Works e: DGMW Director-General of Munition Production e DGMP Director-General of Naval Ordnance e: DGNO Director-General of Ordnance Survey e: D.G.O.S. Director-General of Organization e: D.G.O. Director-General of Personnel e: D.G.P. Director-General of Repair and Maintenance e: D.R.G.M. Director-General of Technical Services e: D.G.T.S. Director-General of the Intelligence Service Department e: DGISD Director-General of the Territorial Army Branch, War Office e: D G T A Director-General of Training e: D.G.T. Director-General of Veterinary Services e: DGVS Director General of Weapons e: D G W Director-General of Weapons e: D.G.W. Director-General of Weapons and Instruments Production e: D.G.W.I.P. Director General of Weapons [Surface Division] e: DGW[S] Director General of Weapons [Underwater Division] e: DGW[U] Director-General or Military Works e: D.G.M.W. Director-General, Ordnance Systems e: DGOS Director-General, Plans and Operations e: DGPO Director-General, Quality Assurance Library, Department of National Defence, Ottawa, Ontario e: OOQA Director-General, [Royal Air Force] Medical Services e: D.G.M.S. Director General, Submarines e: D G S M Director-General, Supply and Secretariat Department e: D.G.S.D. Director General Surface Ships e: DGSS Director General Surface Weapons e: D G S W [N] Director General Underwater Weapons e: DGUW


Director. Guided Missiles Director, Guided Missiles Division e: DGMD Director Gunnery Division e: DGD Director, In-Service Submarines e: DISM Director International Military Staff e: DIMS Director Joint Staff e: DJS Director, Land Service Ammunition e: DLSA Director, Logistics Planning Division e: Dir Log Plans Div Director, Marine Corps Reserve e: DMCR Director, Naval Air Warfare and Flying Training e: DNAWFT Director, Naval Program Planning e: DNPP Director, Naval School e: DIRNAVSCOL Director, Naval Security Group, Atlantic e: DIRNAVSECGRULANT Director, Naval Security Group, Pacific e: DIRNAVSECGRUPAC Director, Naval Warfare Analysis e: DNWA Director, Navy Petroleum Reserves e: DNPR Director, Navy Publications and Printing Service e DIRNAVPUBPRINTSERV, e: DNPPS Director of Action Information and Navigation e: DAIN Director of Administrative Planning e: D.A.P. Director of Aeronautical Quality Assurance Directorate e: D/AQD Director of Air Defence Systems Integration e: DADSI Director of Air Equipment and Naval Photography e: D.A.E. Director of Air Force Security e: DAFS Director of Air Intelligence e: DAI Director of Air Organisation and Training [Navy] e: D.A.O.T. Director of Air Staff Services e: DASS Director of Air Training Corps e: D.A.T.C. Director of Aircraft e: DA Director of Aircraft Engineering e: DAEng Director of Aircraft Maintenance and Repair e: DAMR Director of Aircraft Maintenance and Repair [Navy] e: D.A.M.R. Director of Aircraft Maintenance and Repair [Washington] e: DAMR|W] Director of Aircraft Production e: DAP Director of Airfield and Carrier Requirements e: D.A.C.R. Director of Allied Air Co-operation e: D.A.A.C. Director of Anti-Submarine Warfare e: D.A./S.W. Director of Anti-U-Boat Division e: D.A.U.D. Director of Armament Development e: D Arm D Director of Armament Engineering e: D Arm Eng, e: D.Arm.Eng. Director of Armament Supply e: D.A.S. Director of Army e: DA Director of [Army] Artillery e: DA Director of Army Automation e: DAA Director of Army Cadets e: D Cadets Director of Army Contracts e: DAC Director of Army Dental Services e: D.A.D.A., e: DADS Director of Army Education e: DAE Director of Army Equipment Policy e: DAEP Director of Army Fire Services e: D.A.F.S.


Director of Army Hygiene e: DAH Director of Army Kinematography e: DAK Director of Army Legal Services e: DALS Director of Army Postal Services e: DAPS Director of Army Printing and Stationery Services e: DAP&SS Director of Army Programs e: DAP Director of Army Psychiatry e: DAP, e: D.A.P. Director of Army Recruiting e: DAR Director of Army Requirements e: DAR Director of Army Research e: DAR Director of Army Research and Technology e DART Director of [Army] Signals e: D.Sigs. Director of Army Staff Duties e: DASD, e: D.A.S.D. Director of Army Supply and Transport e: DAST Director of Army Technical Information e: DATI Director of Army Telegraphs e: DAT Director of Army Telegraphy e: DAT Director of Army Veterinary and Remount Services e: DAV and RS, e: D.A.V.R.S. Director of Army Welfare Services e: DAWS, e: D.A.W.S. Director of Artillery e: DA, e: D Arty, e: D of A, e: D. of Arty Director of Atomic Research e: DAR Director of Auxiliaries, Reserves, and Air Cadets e: D.A.R.A.C. Director of Auxiliary Territorial Service e: D.A.T.S. Director of Aviation Medicine e: DAMed Director of Avionics and Aramament SubSystem Engineering e: DAASE Director of Biological Research e: D.B.R. Director of Bomb Disposal e: D.B.D. Director of Bomber and Reconnaissance Operations e: D. of Ops[B.&R.] Director of Boom Defence e: D.B.D. Director of Boom Defence and Marine Salvage e: D.B.M.S. Director of Boys' Training, War Office e: DBT Director of Canteen Service e: D.Can. Director of Chemical Warfare and Smoke e: DCW&S Director of Civil Affairs e: DCA, e: D.C.A. Director of Civil Defense e: DCD Director of Civilian Personnel e: DCP Director of Civilian Personnel Office e: DCPO Director of Clothing, Equipment and Manufacturing Establishments e: DCE&ME Director of Coastal Forces Material Department e: D.C.F.M.D. Director of Combat Operations e: DCO Director of Combined Operations Division e: DCOD, e: D.C.O.D. Director of Combined Operations [India] e: DCO[I] Director of Combined Operations [Middle East] e: DCO[ME] Director of Communications e: D Comm Director of Control Environment Operations e: DCEO Director of Costing and Accounting Services e: DCAS Director of Defence Studies e: DDefS Director of Defense Research and Engineering, Department of Defense e: DDRE Director of Defense, Test & Evaluation e: DDT&E Director of Dental Services e: D.D.S. Director of Docks e: D.Docks.

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Director of Dockyards e: D. of D. Director of Drafting and Records, Royal Marines e: DODAR Director of Economic Warfare Division e: DEWD, e: D.E.W.D. Director of Education e: DEdn, e: D. of E. Director of Education Department [Admiralty] e: D.E.D. Director of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers e: DME Director of Electrical Engineering e: D.E.E. Director of Electronic Warfare e: DEW Director of Engineer Services e: DES Director of Engineering Development e: DED Director of Engineering [Navy] e: DE[N] Director of Engineering Royal Army e: D.E.R.A. Director of Engineering [Royal Australian Navy] e: D.E.[N.l Director of Engineering Royal Navy e: DERN, e: D.E.R.N. Director of Engineering Stores e: DES Director of Engineering Stores Service e: D. of E.S.S. Director of Equipment e: D. o f E . Director of Equipment and Ordnance Servies [Stores] e: DEOS Director of Equipment for Merchant Ships e D.E.M.S. Director of Flight Operations e: DFO Director of Flight Safety e: DFS Director of Flying Training e: D.F.T. Director of Graves Registration e: DGR Director of Ground Defence e: D.G.D. Director of Gunnery [and Anti-Aircraft Warfare] Division e: D.G.D. Director of Gunnery Division e: D. of G.D. Director of Hirings e: D Hgs Director of Historical Section e: DHist Director of Hygiene and Research e: D. of H.&R. Director of Infantry e: D.I. Director of Information Services Control e DISC Director of Information Systems for Command, Control, Communications and Computers e: DISC4 Director of Inspection of Armaments e: DI Arm Director of Inspection of Stores and Clothing e: DISC Director of Instrument and Electrical Engineering e: DIEFng Director of Intelligence e: D. of I. Director of Intelligence [Air] e: D. of I.[A.] Director of Intelligence Division of the Admiralty e: DIDA, e: D.I.D.A. Director of Intelligence [Research] e: D.I.[R.] Director of Labour e: D.L. Director of Labour Service e: D.Lab. Director of Land/Air Warfare e: DL/AW Director of Liaison and Munitions e: DLM, e: D.L.M. Director of Local Defence e: D. of L.D. Director of Logistics e: DOL Director of Maintenance Engineering e: DMEng Director of Manning e: D. of M. Director of Manning Department e: DMD Director of Manning [Policy and Plans] e: D.M.[P.P.], e: D. of M.[P.P.] Director of Manpower Planning e: D.M.P. Director of Maritime Operations e: DMO Director of Maritime Operations and Navigation e: D. of Ops[M.&N.J

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Director of Works Director of Mechanical Transport and Marine Craft e: D.M.T. Director of Mechanization e: D. of M., e: D. of Mecz Director of Medical Acitivities e: DMEDA Director of Military Assistance e: DMA Director of Military Operations e: DMO Director of Military Operations and Intelligence e: DMO & I, e: DMOI Director of Military Support e: DOMS Director of Military Transport e: DMT Director of Mine-Sweeping Division e: D.M.S. Director of Miscellaneous Weapons Department e: D.M.W.D. Director of Missile Intelligence e: DMI Director of Missile Safety Research e: DMSR Director of Mobile Support Equipment e: DMSE Director of Mobility Forces e: DIRMOBFOR Director of Mobilization Department e: DMD Director of Movements and Quartering e: DMQ Director of Naval Accounts e: DNA, e: D.N.A. Director of Naval Air Division e: D.N.A.D. Director of Naval Air Organization e: DNAO Director of Naval Air Radio e: DNAR Director of Naval Air Warfare and Flying Training e: D.A.W.T. Director of Naval Air Warfare, Naval Staff e: D.A.W. Director of Naval Communications e: DIRNAVCOM, e DNC Director of Naval Communications Instructions e: DNCINST Director of Naval Construction e: DNC Director of Naval Education Service e : D.N.E.S. Director of Naval Electrical Department e: DNLD Director of Naval Equipment e: DNE Director of Naval Laboratories e: DNL Director of Naval Medical Services e: D.N.M.S. Director of Naval Ordnance [Air Armament Section] e: D.N.O.[A.A.S.l Director of [Naval] Ordnance, Torpedoes and Mines e: DOTM Director of Naval Ordnance, Torpedoes and Mines e: D.O.T.M. Director of Naval Records and History e: DNRH Director of Naval Recruiting e: D. of N.R. Director of Naval Sea Transport e: D.N.S.T. Director of Naval Security e: DNSy Director of [Naval] Stores e: D. of S. Director of Naval Training e: DNT, e: D.N.T. Director of Naval Weather Service, Admiralty e: DNWS Director of Navigation e. D. o f N . Director of Navigation and Direction e: D.N.D. Director of North Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs e: D.N.A.T.O. Director of Office and War Information e: D.W.I. Director of Office of War Informations e: D. of W.I. Director of Operation Requirements [Air] e D.O.R.[A.] Director of Operational Research Section [Air] e: DORS

Director of Operational Training e: D.O.T. Director of Operations e: D of Ops Director of Operations [Air Defence] e: D.Ops.[A.D.], e: D.Ops.[A.D.J Director of Operations [Air Transport] e: D. of Ops[A.T.] Director of Operations Division [Foreign] e: D.O.D.[F.] Director of Operations Division [Home] e: D.O.D.[H.] Director of Operations Division [Naval] e: DOD[N], e: DOD[N] Director of Operations Division [Navy] e: D.O.D. Director of Operations [Navigation] e: D. of Ops [N.J Director of Operations, Operational Plans Officer e: DOOPO Director of Ordnance Factories e: DOF, e: D. o f O . F . Director of Organization e: D.O. Director of Organization, AdjutantGeneral's Branch e: D.O.À.G.B. Director of Organization [Establishment] e: D.O.[Est.] Director of Organization [Forecasting and Planning] e: D. of O. [F.P.I Director of Organization [Organisation] e: D. of O. Director of Pathology e: D.P. Director of Personnel, Marine Corps e: DPMC Director of Personnel Planning e: DPersP Director of Personnel Service [Provost Marshal] e: D.P.S.[P.M.l Director of Personnel Services e: DPers Director of Physical Training and Sports [Navy] e: D.P.T.S. Director of Pioneers and Labour e: DPL Director of Planes [Admiralty] e: D. of P. Director of Plans e: D. of P. Director of Plans and Training e: DPT Director of Plans Division [Navy] e: D. of P.D., e: D.P.D. Director of Plans Division [Quartering] e: D. of P.D.[Q.] Director of Postal Services e: DIRPOSTALS, e: D.Post. Director of Postings e: D. of P., e: D.P. Director of Postings and Careers e: DPC Director of Press e: D. of P. Director of Printing and Stationery Services e: D.P.S.S. Director of Prisoners of War e: DPW, e: D.P.W. Director of Programme Implementation Monitoring e: DPIM Director of Public Relations e: DPR Director of Quatering e: DQ Director of Radar Data Processing e: DRDP Director of Radio Engineering e: D.Rad.Eng. Director of Railway Transport e: D.R.T. Director of Railways e: DRy Director of Railways [rrd] e: D. of R. Director of Recruiting and Demobilization e: D.R.D. Director of Recruiting and Organization e: DRO Director of Remounts e: D. of R. Director of Royal Canadian Artillery e: D Arty Director of Royal Engineer Equipment e: DREE Director of Sea Transport e: DST Director of Security e: DSEC Director of Selection of Personnel e: D.S.P. Director of Signal Department e: D.S.D.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Director of Signal Division e: D.S.D. Director of Small Vessels Pool [Admiralty] e: D.S.V.P. Director of Special Visits e: DSV Director of Special Weapons e: DSW Director of Special Weapons Division, United States Continental Army Command e: DirSWDUSCONARC Director of Stores [Navy] e: D.O.S. Director of Strategic Systems Project e: DIRSSP Director of Strategic Target Planning e: DSTP Director of Supplies e: D.S. Director of Survey e: D.S. Director of Systems Evaluation e: DSE Director of Tactical and Air Transport Operations e: D. of Ops[Tac.& A.T.] Director of Tactical and Weapons Policy e: DTWP Director of Tactical and Weapons Policy Division e: D.T.W.P. Director of Tactical Division e: D of T.D. Director of Tactical Division [Navy] e: D of T.D. Director of Tactical Investigation e: D.T.I. Director of Tank Supplies e: D.T.S. Director of Technical Training e: D.T.T. Director of [the] Compass Department [Admiralty] e: DCD Director of the Royal Armoured Corps e: DRAG Director of Torpedos and Mining Department e: D.T.M. Director of Trade Divisional [Navy] e: D.T.D. Director of Training e: D. of T., e: D.T. Director of Training and Staff Duties Division [Navy] e: D.T.S.D. Director of Training Department e: D.T.D. Director of transport e: D Tpt Director of Transport and Reconnaissance Operations e: DTRO Director of Transport and Remounts e: D.T.R. Director of Transportation] e: D.T. Director of Transportation e: D Tn Director of Treatment and Hospital Services e: DTHS Director of Undersea Warfare e: DIISW Director of Underwater Weapon Material Department e: D.U.W.M. Director of Unexploded Bombs Department e: D.U.B.D. Director of Unexploded Bombs Disposal Department e: D.U.B.D.D. Director of Vehicle and Marine Engineering e: DVME Director of Veterinary and Remounts Services e: DV&RS Director of Veterinary Services e: D.V.S. Director of War Archives e. DWA Director of Weapon Systems Analysis e: DWSA Director of Weapons and Equipment e: DWE Director of Welfare and Fleet Supply Department e: D.W.F.S.D. Director of Welfare and Service Conditions e D.W.S.C. Director of Women Marines e: DIRW Director of Women's Army Corps e: DWAC Director of Women's Auxiliary Air Force e: D.W.A.A.F. Director of Women's Royal Air Force e: D.W.R.A.F. Director of Women's Royal Army Corps e: DWRAC Director of Works e: D Wks


Director of Works Director of Works and Buildings e: D.O.W.B. Director of Works [Civil Aviation] e: D. of W.[C.A.J Director of Works [Home] e: D. of W.[H.] Director of Works [Overseas] e: D. of W.[0.] Director of Works [Planning] e: D. of w.[P.i Director of Wreck Dispersal Department [Navy] e: D.W.D. Director, Office of Civil Defense e: DIROCD Director, Royal Armoured Corps e: D.R.A.C. Director, Special Projects/Project Manager Fleet Ballistic Missile e: DIRSP/PROJMGRFBM Director, Surface Warfare Division e: N86 Director, Surface Weapons Projects e: DSWP[N] Director, Vehicle and Field Engineering e: DVFE Director, Weapons Systems Evaluation Group e: DIRWSEG Director, Women's Royal Naval Service e: DWRNS Directoraat Materieel Landmacht η: DML Directoraat Materieel Landmacht, Afdeling Intendance, Bureau Techniek, Textiel en Leder η: DML/BTTL Directoraat Materieel Luchtmacht η: DMLu Directorate Co-ordinated Valve Development e: DCVD Directorate for Armed Forces Information and Education e: DAFIE Directorate for Defense Research and Engineering e: DDRAE Directorate for Inspection Services [Assistant Secretary of Defense for Administration] e: DINS Directorate for the Freedom of Information e: DFI Directorate-General of Armament e: DG Arm Director[ate]-General of Equipment e: D.G.E. Director[ate]-General of Royal Air Force Medical Service e: D.G.R.A.F.M.S. Directorate-General of Servicing and Maintenance e: D.G.S.M. Directorate-General of Signals e: D.G. of S., e: D.G.S. Director[ate]-General of Works e: D.G.W. Directorate Land/Air Operation Research e: DLAOR Director[ate] of Accounting e: D Acctg Directorate of Administrative and Computer Training [Dept of Defence] e: DACT Directorate] of Aeronautical Inspection e: D.A.I. Directorate] of Aeronautical Inspection Services e: D.A.I.S. Directorate of Aerospace Combat Systems e: DACS Director[ate] of Air Defence Operations e: DADO Directorate of Air Defence Plans e: DADP Directorate] of Air Defence Requirements e: DADR Directorate of Air Force Welfare e: D.A.F.W. Directorate of Air Intelligence [Foreign Liaison Officer] e: DAI/FLO Directorate of Air Land Forces Application e: DALFA Directorate] of Air Plans and Programmes e DAPP


Director[ate] of Air Plans, Strategic e: DAPS Director[ate] of Air Services e: DAirS Director[ate] of Air Training e: DAT Directorate] of Airborne Telecommunications e: DATel Directorate of Aircraft Engineering e: DAE Directorate of Aircraft Equipment Production e: DAEP Directorate of Aircraft Production and Development e: DAPD Directorate of Aircraft Research and Development e: DARD Directorate] of Airmen's Postings and Careers e: DAPC Directorate of Ammunition e: DAMMO Director[ate] of Ancillary and Telecommunications Requirements e: DATR Directorate of Architectural Construction e: D Arch C Directorate of Armament Development e: DAD Director[ate] of Armament Engineering e: DARME Directorate of Armament Projects e: D.A.P. Directorate of Armament Requirements e: DAR Directorate of Armament Supply e: DAS Directorate of Armed Forces Postal Services e: DPost Directorate of Army Psychiatry e: D.A.P. Directorate of Atomic Research e: DAR Directorate of Atomic Warfare e: DAW Directorate of Aviation Stores e: DOAS Directorate of Ballistic Missiles e: D/BM Directorate of Biosciences Research e: DBR Directorate of Cataloguing e: D Cat Directorate of Cataloguing and Equipment Requirements e: DCER Directorate of Chaplain Services [Protestant] e: D Chap [P] Directorate of Chaplain Services [Roman Catholic] e: D Chap [RC] Directorate] of Civilian Personnel e: DCP Directorate] of Command and Staff Training e: D.S.T. Directorate of Communications e: D Com Director[ate] of Communications-Eletronics e: DCE Directorate of Construction Engineering Control e: DCEC Director[ate] of Educational Services e: DES Directorate of Electrical and Communications Development e: DE&CD Directorate] of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering e: DEME Directorate of Electrical Engineering e: DEE Directorate of Electrical Stores e: DOLS Directorate of Engineer Development e: DED Directorate of Engineering and Housing e: DEH Directorate of Engineering Construction e: DEngC Directorate of Engineering Standards and Naval Specifications e: DESNS Directorate of Equipment and Spare Parts e: DESP Directorate of Fire Control e: DFC Directorate of Fire Fighting e: DFF Directorate of Flying Control and Reserve e: D.F.C.R.

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Director[ate] of Fortifications and Works e: D.F.W. Directorate of General Stores e: DOGS Directorate of Geophysics Research [Air Research and Development Command] e DGR Directorate] of Ground Defence Operations e: DGDO Directorate] of Ground Training e: DGT Directorate of Guided Missiles e: DGM Directorate of Guided Projectiles, Ministry of Supply e: D.G.P.M. of S. Directorate of Guided Weapons Research and Development e: DGWRD Directorate of History, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario e: OONDH Directorate] of Industrial Operations e: DIO Directorate of Infantry e: D Inf Directorate of Information Services, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario e: OONDIS Directorate of Instrument and Electrical Engineering, Training Aid Devices e: DIEEng/TAD Directorate of Intelligence [Operations] e: D.I.[O.J Directorate of Intelligence [Security] e: D.I.JS.] Directorate of Interservice Development e: DID Directorate of Logistic Support Management e: D/LSM Directorate] of Marine Engineering Training e: DMET Directorate] of Maritime Tactical and Training Requirements e: DMTR Directorate] of Materiel Procurement e: DMP Directorate] of Materiel Supply e: DMS Directorate of Microgram Services e: D.M.S. Directorate] of Military Intelligence e: DMI Directorate of Military Operations e: DMO Directorate] of Military Operations and Planning e: DMO&P Directorate] of Military Personnel e: DMP Directorate of Military Satellite Systems e: DMSS Directorate of Military Support e: DOMS Directorate] of Military Survey e: D.M.S. Directorate of [military] Survey e: DSvy Directorate of Military Technology e: DMT Directorate] of Military Training e: D.M.T. Directorate of Missile Captive Test e: DM CT Directorate] of Movements e: DMov Directorate of Naval Aviation e : DNA Directorate of Naval Communication e: DNCOM Directorate of Naval Education e: DNE Directorate of Naval Finance e: DNF Directorate of Naval Flight Safety e: DNFS Directorate of Naval Information e: DNINF Director[ate] of Naval Intelligence e: DNI Directorate of Naval Movements e: DNMOV Directorate] of Naval Ordnance e: DNO Directorate of Naval Ordnance [Establishment and Administration Division] e: DNOJEAJ

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

distaccamento di sostegno tecnico Directorate of Naval Ordnance [Quality Control Design Service Division] e: DNO[QCD] Directorate of Naval Ordnance [Trails Division] e: DNO[Trailsl Directorate of Naval Organization e: DNOR Directorate of Naval Pay Accounting e: DNPA Directorate of Naval Plans and Operations e: DNPO Directorate of Naval Programme Control e: DNPC Director[ate] of Naval Recruiting e: DNR Directorate of Naval Standardization e: DNSTAN Directorate of Naval Training e: DNT Directorate of Navigation and Direction e: DND Directorate of Nuclear Safety Research USAF e: DNSR Directorate of Officer Appointments e: D.O.A. Directorate of Operational Requirements [Research] e: DOR Directorate of Operational Services and Intelligence e: DOSI Directorate of Operations e: D.O. Director[ate] of Organisation [Organization] e: DOrg Directorate of Organization and Establishment e: DOE Directorate of Pay e: DPay Directorate of Personnel Administration e: DPA Director[ate] of Personnel Manning e: DPM Directorate] of Personnel Planning e: DPP Director[ate] of Personnel Procurement and Training e: DPPT Directorate] of Personnel Services e: DPS Directorate of Personnel Stores e: DOPS Directorate of Photographic Interpretation Center e: DPIC Directorate of Photography e: DPhoto Directorate of Policy [Air Staff] e: D. of Pol.[AS] Directorate of Prisoners of War and Displaced Persons e: DPOW Directorate of Programme Control e: DProgC Directorate of Publications and Printing e: DPP Directorate of Quartering e: DQrtg Directorate of Quartering Operations and Planning e: DQOP Director[ate] of Radio Equipment e: DRE Directorate of Radio Navigation e: DRN Directorate of Radio Warfare e. DRW Directorate of Ranges, Guided Weapons e: D.R./G.W. Directorate of Records e: DRec Director[ate] of Religious Administration [Protestant] e: DRA[P] Director[ate] of Religious Administration [Roman Catholic] e: DRA[RC] Directorate of Requirements and Programmes e: DRP Director[ate] of Research and Development e: DRD Directorate of Research and Engineering e DRE Directorate] of Royal Artillery e: D.R.A. Directorate of Royal Canadian Armoured Corps e: D Armd Directorate of Royal Engineers e: D.R.E. Directorate of Scientific Services e: DSS Directorate of Seamanship e: DSEA

Directorate of Seaward Defence Equipment e: DSDE Directorate of Service Conditions and Welfare e: DSCW Directorate] of Signals e: D. of S., e: D.S. Directorate of Signals Research and Development e: D.S.R.D. Directorate of Special Projects e: DSP Director[ate] of Special Weapons and Vehicles e: D.S.W.V. Director[ate] of Staff Duties e: D. of S.D., e: DSD Directorate of Statistics and Costing e: DStatC Directorate of Stores and Clothing Development e: DSCD Directorate of Strategic Military Geographic Information e: DSMGI Directorate of Supplementary Radio Activities e: DSRA Director[ate] of Supplies and Transport e: D. of S.&T., e: D.S.T. Directorate of Surface and Air Warfare e: DSAW Directorate of Tactics and Staff Duties e: DTSD Directorate of Technical Research [Navy] e: DTR Directorate of Torpedo, Antisubmarine and Mine Warfare e: DTASW Director[ate] of Training Aids e: DTA Director[ate] of Transport e: D. of T. Directorate of Transport and Reconnaissance Operations e: DRTO Directorate] of Underwater Weapons e: DUW Directorate of Vehicle Development e: DVD Directorate of War Organization e: D.W.O. Directorate of Weapons e: D. of W. Directorate of Weapons and Engineering Research e: DWER Directorate of Weapons Development e: DWD Directorate of Works e: DWks Directorates General of the European Commission e: DGs Directoría de Pesquisas e Ensino Tecnico p: DPET Directory, Defense Research and Engineering e: DDR & E Directory of Military Application e: DMA Direktion der Armeemotorfahrzeugparks d: DAMP Direktion der Eidgen d: DMV Direktion der Eidgenössischen Militärverwaltung d: DMV Direktion der Militärflugplätze d: DMP Diretoria de Hidrografía e Navegaçâo ρ : DHN direzione i: dr. direzione di arresto automatico i: dirz.atm. Direzione Esercitazione i: DE Direzione General delle Costruzioni delle Armi e degli Armamenti Aeironautica e spaziali ì: COSTARMAEREO Direzione generale i: Dir.Gen. Direzione Generale i: Dirz.Gen. Direzione Generale Armi e Munizioni i: D.G.A.M. Direzione Generale Costruzioni Aeronautiche i: D.G.C.A. Direzione Generale de Sanità i: Dir.Gen.Sa. Direzione Generale Dogane i: D.G.D. Direzione Lavori Genio Militare i: DLGM Direzione Superiore Trasporti i: Dir.Sup.Tra., i: DST

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Direzione Trasporti d'Intendenza i: Dir.Tra.I. Direzione Trasporti Etappe i: D.T.E. Dirigente del Servizio Sanitario i: DSS Disabled American Veterans e: DAV Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary e: DAVA Disabled American Veterans Service Foundation e: DAVSF Disabled Officers Association e: DOA Disabled Veterans Outreach Program e: DVOP Disarmament e: disarm, e: dsmt Disarmament Commission e: DC Disarmament Conference e: D.C. Disarmed Enemy Forces e: DEF Disaster Area Liaison Officer e: DALO Disaster [relief] exercise [Royal Navy] e: DISTEX Disaster Response Division e: DRD Disaster Response Force e: DRF Disaster Warning Satellite e: DWS Disaster Warning System e: DWS Disbursing and transportation office e: DATO Disbursing and Transportation Officer e: DTO Disbursing Officer e: DO discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, convenience of government e: HCCG discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, convenience of man e: HCCM discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, dependency existing prior to enlistment e: HCDP discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, expiration of enlistment e: HCEE discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, medical survey e: HCMS discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, minor enlisted without consent, under 18 at time of discharge e: HCMW discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, under age of authorized enlistment e: HCMU Disciples Peace Fellowship e: DPF Disciplinary barracks e: DB Disclosure of Classified Military Information e: DCMI Discrete Address Beacon SSR [Secondary Surveillance Radar] e: DABS Discrimination Radar e: DR Discrimination Radar Control Group e: DRCG Disease Vector Control Center e: DVCC Dismounted Warfighting Battlespace Laboratory e: DWBL Dispenser Weapon System e: DWS Display and Sight Helmet e: DASH Display of Extracted Radar Data e: DERD Displaying a deadly weapon e: ddw Disposable Barrel Cartridge Area Target Ammunition e: DBCATA Disposición combativa s: Disp Comb Dispositif opérationnel de protection f: D.O.P. Dispositif restreint de sécurité f: D.R.S. Dissimilar Aerial Combat Tactics e: DACT Dissimilar Air Combat Maneuvering e: DACM Dissimilar Air Combat Training e: DACT distaccamento i: distacc. distaccamento di sostegno tecnico i: dist.sos.tec.


Distaccamento officina D i s t a c c a m e n t o o f f i c i n a riparazioni mezzi corazzati i: D . O . R . M e . C . distaccamento tattico-tecnico i: dist.tatec. Distance Early Warning Identification Z o n e e DEWIZ Distance Early W a r n i n g Military Identification Zone e: D E M I Z Distance Indicating Automatic Navigation E q u i p m e n t e: D I A N E Distance M e a s u r i n g E q u i p m e n t and T A C A N [Tactical Air Navigation] e: DMET Distance-Measuring Equipment Command and N a v i g a t i o n e: D E C A N Distance radio reception or transmission e: DX Distant Early W a r n i n g Line e: D E W Line Distant Early Warning Project O f f i c e e: DEWPO Distant Early Warning Radar e: DEW Radar Distant Range e: D R Distant Transmission e: D X Distinguished Military Graduate e: DMG Distretto Militare i: DM Distributed Explosive Mine Neutralization System e: D E M N S Distributing Authority e: DA Distribution center e: DC Distribution depot e: D D Distribution Point e: D P District A r m a m e n t Supply O f f i c e r e: D.A.S.O. District Aviation Gas O f f i c e e: D A G O District Aviation O f f i c e r e: D A O District barracks o f f i c e r e: D B O District Base C o m m a n d a n t e: D B C District C a m o u f l a g e O f f i c e [ r ] e: D C O District Coast Guard O f f i c e r e: D C G O District C o m m a n d e r ] e D I S C O M District Court-Martial e: DCM District D o m e s t i c Transportation O f f i c e f r ] e DDTO District Engineer e: DE, e: Dist.Engr District Engineer O f f i c e r e: D E O District Establishment e: DE District Field O f f i c e [ r ] e: D F O District Finance O f f i c e r e: D F O District Headquarters e: D H Q District Inspector of Musketry e: D.I.M. District intelligence o f f i c e r e: D I O District Marine O f f i c e r e: D M O District Material O f f i c e r e: D M O District Medical O f f i c e r e: D M O District N a v a l Material O f f i c e e: D N M O District N a v a l O f f i c e r [ r ] e: D N O District Naval Transport O f f i c e r e: D N T O District of C o l u m b i a Military District e: DCMD District of C o l u m b i a N a t i o n a l Guard e: DCNG District O f f i c e r for Reserve Communication Supplementary Activities e: D O R C S A District O f f i c e r in C o m m a n d e: D O C District Publications and Printing O f f i c e e: DPPO District Records M a n a g e m e n t O f f i c e [ r ] e: DRMO District Recruiting C o m m a n d f e r ] e: D R C District Reserve Electronics P r o g r a m O f f i c e r e: D R E P O District Sea Transport O f f i c e r e: DSTO District Security O f f i c e [ r ] e: D S O District Signal O f f i c e r e: D S O District Staff O f f i c e [ r ] e DSO District T r a f f i c M a n a g e m e n t O f f i c e e: DTMO District Transportation M a n a g e m e n t O f f i c e e DTMO District Transportation O f f i c e [ r ] e: D T O


District W a r Bond O f f i c e [r] e: D W B O District W a r Executive C o m m i t t e e e: D.W.E.C. District War Headquarters e: D W H Q District W a r Plans O f f i c e r e: D W P O d i s t r i k t k o m m a n d o N: distrko Distriktskommandantur d: Distr.Kdtr. D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o Ν: DK D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o lager Ν: D K - l a g e r D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o N o r d - N o r g e Ν: D K N D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o Oppland N: DKO D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o Ostlandet N: D K 0 D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o Sorlandet N: D K S D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o T r o n d e l a g N: D K T D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o Vestlandet N: DKV D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o Viken N: DK Viken D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o l e g e N: D K - l e g e D i s t r i k t s k o m m a n d o s j e f N: D K - s j e f Distrito militar s: DM Distrito naval s: DN Dive B o m b e r e: D B Dive B o m b e r Squadron e: V B Divesa Civile i: DC Divisie η: Div divisie artillerie η: da Divisie I n f r a s t r u c t u u r η: JSI divisie reserve n: divres divisie verdeelplaats n: divvpl Division d: D, d: Dion, d: Div, d: DIVN, d: D V N , e: D I O N division e: div, e: divn Division e: DV, e: d v n , / · D , / • Div division r: div. Division Air D e f e n c e e: D I V A D Division Air D e f e n c e G u n e: D I V A D Division Air Defense System e: D A D S Division Air O f f i c e r e: D A O Division Air Space M a n a g e m e n t E l e m e n t e: D A M E Division Airspace M a n a g e m e n t Element e: DAME Division A l a r m Recording Center e: DARC Division A m m u n i t i o n Column e: DAC Division A m m u n i t i o n O f f i c e M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n System e: D A O M I S Division A m m u n i t i o n O f f i c e r e: D A O Division Artillery e: DA, e: D I V A R T , e: DIVARTY Division Artillery Group e: DAG Division Artillery Tactical Operations Center e: D A T O C D i v i s i o n - A u f k l ä r u n g s a b t e i l u n g d: D.A.A. Division Aérienne f : D.A. division aérienne f : d.aé. Division aérienne f : Divar. Division A é r o m o b i l e f : DAM Division Aéroportée f : D.A.P. Division Base e: D B Division Blindée f : D B , / · D . B 1 . , / · Di.B. Division blindée f : Div.Bl. Division Blindée f : Div.Bl. Division B r a n d e n b u r g d: D i v . B r d b g . Division Central C o m p u t e r Center e: DCCC Division Chief e: DC Division classification o f f i c e r e: D C O Division Combat Support e: DCS Division Concepts and Force Desgin Study e DIVCON Division Counterattack Force e: DCF Division cuirasssée f : D.C. Division cuirassée f : D.C. Division Cuirassée f : D . C . R . Division d'Artillerie f : D.A. division d'artillerie d'armée f : d.a.a. Division d'Avions de Bobardement f : D A B division d'avions de combat f : d.a.c. Division de cavalerie d: D . C . , / · D.C. Division de chasseurs alpins / DCA

© Κ · G · Saur, München

Division de croiseurs d: D.C. Division de Forteresse / D.F. Division de Fusiliers / Div.Fus. Division de Fusiliers Motorisés / DFM Division de l'instruction scientifique et technique / D.I.S.T. Division de m a r c h e marocaine / D.M.M. Division de m o n t a g n e / D.M. Division de Reserve / D.R. Division de Torpilleurs / D.T. Division des Chasseurs de Mines / DICHAM Division des dragueurs / D I . D R A . Division des Parachutistes / D.P. Division des Troupes Aéroportçes et de Choc / D I T R A C Division d'escorteurs d'escadre / D.E.E. Division d'escorteurs rapides / D . E . R . Division d'Infanterie / D . I . , / Div.Inf. Division d'Infanterie Algérienne / D.I.A. Division d'Infanterie Alpine / D . I . A . , / D.I.Alp. Division d'Infanterie Américaine / D.I.U.S. Division d'Infanterie Aéroportée / D.I.A.P. Division d'Infanterie Coloniale / D . I . C . Division d'Infanterie de Forteresse / D.I.F. Division d'Infanterie de Marine / D . I . M a Division d'Infanterie d'Extrême-Orient f : D.I.E.O. Division d'Infanterie Marocaine / D.I.Ma Division d'Infanterie M a r o c c a i n e / D.I.M. Division d'Infanterie Motorisée / D.I.M. Division d'Infanterie Mécanisée / DIM Division d'Infanterie N o r d - A f r i c a i n e / D.I.N.A. Division d'Infanterie Partiellement Mécanisée / DIPM Division d'infanterie territoriale / D.I.T. Division d'Infanterie Territoriale / D.I.T. Division d'instruction au sol / D I S Division d'instruction de personnel navigant / D.I.P.N. Division d'instruction des bases / D.I.B. Division d'Instruction Hélicoptère f : D.I.H. Division d'Instruction Militaire / D.I.M. Division d'instruction technique / D.I.T. Division d'instructive études et recherches / DIER Division d'Occupation / D.O. Division for C o n f e r e n c e A f f a i r s and External Relations e: C A E R Division Française Libre / D.F.L. division gazière / DG Division Headquarters e: DHQ, e: DHQ, e DIVHED Division Headquarters [Rear] e: Div H q [Rr] Division headquarters [rear] e: Div Hq [Rr] Division Instruction e: DI Division Intelligence Operations Center e: DIOC Division j u d g e advocate e: Div JA Division Leader e: DL Division Liaison O f f i c e r e: D L O Division Légère / D.L. Division Légère de Cavalerie / D.L.C. Division Légère d'Infanterie / DLI Division Légère d'Intervention / DLI Division Légère Motorisée / D . L . M . Division Légère Mécanisée / D.L.M. 17 Division/Malaya District e: 17 Div Division marocaine / D.M. Division marocaine de m o n t a g n e f : D.M.M.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Divisionsverpflegungsamt Division Medical Operations Center e: DMOC Division militaire f: D.M. Division Militaire f: D.M. Division mobile rapide f: D.M.R. Division Mobile Rapide f: D.M.R. Division motorisée d'infanterie f: DMI Division Motorisée d'Infanterie f: DMI Division Movement Control Center e: DMCC Division mécanique rapide [Armée] f: D.M.R. Division Mécanisée f: Div.Méc. Division mécanisée f: Div.Méc. Division Mécanisée Rapide f: D.M.R. Division Navale f: D.N. Division Navale du Levant f: D.N.L. Division Nord-Africaine f: D.N.A. Division of Advanced Systems Technology e: DAST Division of Atmospheric Sciences e: ATM Division of Atomic Energy Production e: DAEP Division of Defense Air Reports e: DDAR Division of Defense Housing Coordination e DDHC Division of Manpower Intelligence e: DMI Division of Mechanical Engineering e: DME Division Of Military Aeronautics e: DMA Division of Military Application e: DMA, e: MA Division of Natural Resource[s] Review and Coordination e: DNRRC Division of Naval Reactors e: DNR Division of Nuclear Education and Training e DNET Division of Nuclear Materials Management e: DNMM Division of Nuclear Materials Safeguards e DNMS Division of Nuclear Physics e: DNP Division of Occupational Safety & Health e: DOSH Division of Operational Safety e: DOS Division of Peaceful Nuclear Explosives e: DPNE Division Rapid Reaction Force e: DRRF Division Ready Brigade e: DRB Division Ready Force e: DRF Division Register e: DR Division Security Officer e: DSO Division Signal Officer e: DivSigO Division Supply Control Point e: DSCP Division Supply Point e: DIVSP Division Support Center e: DISCOM Division Support Command e: DISCOM Division Support Control Center e: DSCC Division Support Operations Center e: DSOC Division Support Weapon System e: DSWS Division Tactical Area e: DTA Division Tactical Operations Center e: DTOC Division Tactical Operations Center Support Element e: DTOCSE Division Tactical Zone e: DTZ Division Territoriale f: D.T. Division Through Army Group e: DIVTAG Division Training Coordinator e: DTC division Voisin f: d.V. Division War Game Model e: DIVWAG Division-Wing Team e: DWT Divisional Administration Bulletin e: DAB Divisional Air Defense e: DIVAD Divisional Air Liaison Officer e: DALO

Divisional Ammunition Company e: DA Coy, e: Div Ammn Coy Divisional Ammunition Dump e: DAD Divisional Ammunition Sub-Park e: Div Ammn Sub Pk Divisional armo[u]rers shop e: DAS Divisional Artillery e: D.A. Divisional Artillery Commander e: DAC Divisional Artillery Intelligence Officer e: DAIO Divisional Aviation e: D.Avn Divisional burials officer e: DBO Divisional cavalry e: D.C. Divisional commander e: Divi Comdr Divisional company e: Div Coy Divisional Depot e: Div Dp Divisional Education Officer e: D.E.O. Divisional engineer depot e: Div Engr Dp Divisional Entertainment Office[r]-British Army e: DEO Divisional Entertainments Officer e: D.E.O. Divisional Field Code e: DFG Divisional Field Park e: DFP Divisional Food Office e: D.F.O. Divisional foot-police e: D.F.P. Divisional General Survey e: D.G.S. Divisional headquarters e: D.H.Q Divisional Headquarters e: Div Hq Divisional Information System e: DIS Divisional Inspector e: DI Divisional Intelligence Detachment e: DID Divisional intelligence officer e: DIO Divisional legal officer e: D.L.O. Divisional Locating Battery e: Div Loc Bty Divisional] Machine-Gun Offiicer e: DMGO Divisional Ordnance Depot e: DOD Divisional] ordnance officer e: DIVOO Divisional ordnance officer e: Div Ord Off Divisional] Ordnance Officer e: DOO Divisional petrol company e: Div.Pet.Coy Divisional petrol park e: Div.Pet.Pk Divisional Provost Company e: Div Pro Coy Divisional Quartermaster e: DQM Divisional rear echelon e: Div Rr Ech Divisional reconnaissance battalion e: DRBn Divisional Recruiting Officer e: D.R.O. Divisional Reserve e: Div Res Divisional Road Engineer e: D.R.E. Divisional Road Haulage Officer e: D.R.H.O. Divisional sea transport officer e: DSTO Divisional Signal Company e: D Sig Co Divisional] Signalling] Officer e: DSO Divisional Signals e: Divnl Sigs divisional signals e: div sigs Divisional supply column e: Div Sup Col, e D.S.C. Divisional Support Group e: DSG Divisional Train e: Div Tr, e: D.T. Divisional vehicle recovery point e: DVRP Divisional works officer e: Div Wks O Divisionally Artillery Organization e: DIVARTY Divisionartilleriebataillon d: DivArtBtl Divisione i: D, i: Div. Divisione aerotrasportata i: D.aert., i: D.aetra. Divisione alpina i: D.alp. divisione atomica i: Divisione autoportata i: D.aupor., i: D.aupor. Divisione celere i: d.c. Divisione corazzata i: D.cor.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Divisione d'aviosbarco i: D.av. Divisione di cavalleria i: De Divisione di fanteria i: D[.]f. Divisione di fanteria da montagna i: D.f.mon. Divisione di fanteria di pianura i: D.f. pia[n]. Divisione di fanteria meccanizzata i: D.f.mec. Divisione di fanteria motorizzata i: D.f.mot. Divisione meccanizzata i: D.mecc. Divisione motorizzata i: D.m., i: D.mot. divisione motorizzata fanteria i: dfm. Divisione Navale i: D.N. Divisione paracadutisti i: D.par. Divisionen d: Divn Divisiones-Generalstab d: D.G.St. Divisions e: Divns Divisions-Artilleriewerkstatt d: DAW Divisions-Brückentrain d: D.Br.Tr., d: Div.Brtr., d: Div.Br.Tr. Divisions-Fernsprechabteilung d: Divferna Divisions-Feuerleitstelle d: Div.Flst. Divisions-Flakartilleriegruppe d: DFAG Divisions-Funknachrichten-Abteilung d: Difna Divisions-Kartenstelle d: Div.K.St. Divisions-Kavallerie d: Dions Kav Divisions-Kraftwagenkolonne d: Divkaka Divisions-Medizinalpunkt d: DMP Divisions-Meßstelle d: Div.M.S. Divisions-Nachrichtenabteilung d: Dina Divisions-Nachrichtenkommandeur d: Divkonach Divisions-Nachrichtenschwadron d: Div.Nachr.Schwd. Divisions' Strategy Group e: DSG Divisions-Telegrafenabteilung d: D.Tel.A. Divisionsartilleriegruppe d: DAG Divisionsarzt d: D, d: DA., d: D.A. Divisionsbefälhavare r: Di.B. Divisionsbetriebsstofflager d: DBL. Divisionschef r: DC divisionschef r: diveh Divisionsfernmeldeführer d: DivFmFhr Divisionsflugabwehrführer d: DivFlaFhr divisionsförbandplats r: divförbpl Divisionsgefechtsstand d: Div.Gef.St. Divisionshauptquartier d: Div.HQ. Divisionsingenieur d: Diving Divisionskartenstelle d: DKS Divisionskavallerie d: D.K. Divisionskommandeur d: Div.Kdr., d: Div.-Komm. Divisionskommando d: DivKdo Divisionskommando [Marine] d: Divkmdo Divisionskontrollpunkt d: DKP Divisionsmedizinpunkt d: DVP Divisionsnachrichtenführer d: Dinaf., d: Dinafii Divisionsnachschubführer d: Dinafii, d: DNF. Divisionsnachschubkompanie d: DivNschKp Divisionsnachschubtruppen d: Dinatru Divisionspersonaloffizier d: DivPO Divisionsquartiermeister d: DivQm Divisionsregister d: DR Divisionsreserve d: Div.Res. Divisionsrundstrahldienst d: DivRdstrDst Divisionsstab d: Div.St. Divisionsstabsquartier d: Div.St.Q., d: D.St.Q. Divisionstagesbefehl d: DTB Divisionstopograph d: DivTop Divisionstruppen d: DivTr Divisionsverbandsplatz d: DVP Divisionsverpflegungsamt d: DVA.


Di visions Verpflegungslager Divisionsverpflegungslager d: D V L Divisionsversorgungspunkt d: D V P Divisionsversorgungspunkt Sanitätsmaterial d: DVPSanMat Divisionsversorgungstruppen d: DivVersTr Divisionsveterin d: Div.Vet. Divisionsveterinär d: Div.Vet. División s: Div Division Acorazada s: DA Division acorazada s: DAC Division aerotransportada s: DAT Division blindada s: DB Division de caballería s: DC Division de caballería mecanizada s: DCM Division de Infantería s: D.I. Division de infantería motomecanizada s: DIMM Division de infantería motorizada s: DIMT Division de infantería regular s: DIR Division de infantería [tiempo de guerra] s: DI[TG] Division de montaña s: DM Division mecanizada s: DIMZ Division motomecanizada s: D M M divisjonskommando N: divko Divison mécanisée de reconnaissance f : D.M.R. Djiboutian National Army e: D A N N Dobrovoljacka vojska Jugoslavije se: DVJ Docks Company, Royal Engineers e: Dks Coy RE Dockyard e: DY Dockyard Armament Depot e: D A D Dockyard Department e: D.D. Dockyards and Maintenance Department e: D.D.&M. Doctor in Military Sciences e: DScMil Doctor of Military Science e: D Mil S, e: DMS, e: D Se Mil Doctor of Naval Architecture e: DN Arch Doctor of Naval Engineering e: DNE, e: DN Eng Doctor of Naval Science e: D Na S, e: D Na Sc Document Improvement Program e: DIP Documentary Research Division e: DRD Documentation Géographique Militaire f : DGM Documentazione Geografica Militare i: DGM DOD [Department of Defense] Industrial Security Program e: DI SP D O D [Department of Defense] Officer Record Examination e: D O R E DOD [Department of Defense] Value Engineering Services e: DVES D O D [Department of Defense] Value Engineering Services Office e: D V E S O DOD [Department of Defense] Worldwide Energy Information System e: DEIS DOE Office of the Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs e: DP Dom Jugoslavenske armije se: DJA Dom Jugoslovenske Narodne Armije se: DJNA Domestic Air Defense Identification Zone e: D O M A D I Z Domestic Council Committee on Veterans Services [Veterans Administration] e: DCCVS Domestic Military Sales e: D M S Dominion Naval Forces e: D.N.F. domobrana c: domb. Donaudivision d: DonD Donkosaken d: D.Kos. Doppler and Range Evaluation e: D A R E Doppler Inertial L O R A N [Long-Range Navigation] System e: DILS


Doppler Laser Radar e: D L R Doppler Martin Radar e: D O M A R Doppler Missile e: DM Doppler Navigation System e: DNS Doppler Radar e: D R A Doppler Radar Equipment e: DRE Doppler Range and Navigation e: doran Doppler sonar e: DS Doppler Sonar Navigation System e: DSNS Doppler Unbeamed Search Radar e: DOUSER Doppler VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnidirectional Range e: D V O R Doppler VOR [Vertical Omnirange] and TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] e: DVORTAC Dornier Radar Scoring Indication System e: DORSI Dorsetshire Regiment e: Do, e: DORSET Douane Militaire f : D.M. Double-conductor, Shipboard General-use, Armo[ur]ed e: DSGA Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. e: DC Douglas Aircraft Company [or Corporation] Overseas e: D A C O Douglas Aircraft Corporation e: D A C Dounreay Nuclear Establishment e: DNE Dover Air Force Base [Delaware] e: ΚI) OY Down-range Anti-Missile Program e: DAM Program down-range antimissile e: dam. Downrange Antimissile Measurement Program[me] e: D A M P dowództwo Ρ: d-two Dowództwo Glówne Gwardii Ludowej Ρ: DGGL dowództwo lotnictwa Ρ: d.i. dowództwo obozu warownego Ρ: d.o.w. dowództwo okrçgu generalnego Ρ: d.O.g. Dowództwo Okrçgu Korpusu Ρ: D.O.K, dowództwo piechoty Ρ: dow.piech. Dowództwo Wybrzeza Morskiego P: D.W.M. draagbaar compagnie n: drbrcie draagbaar groep n: drbrgp Draft Assembly Point e: D.A.P. Draft Conventional Armaments Plan e: DCAP Draft & Records Officer, Royal Marines e: DRORM Drafting Committee e: DC Dragon Field Tactical Trainer e: DFTT Dragon Gunnery Trainer e: D G T Dragoner-Regiment d: DR, d: Drag.R. Dragoner-Schwadron d: Drag Schwd Dragoon Guards e: DG Dressing Station e: DR Dressing station e: DS Drift and Ground-speed Measuring Airborne Radar e: DAGMAR Drilling Squadron e: D R I L R O N Drina-Division d: DrinD. Drivmedelscentralen r: DC Drohne Anti-Radar d: DAR Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter[s] e: DASH Drop zone e: DZ Drop Zone Control Officer e: D Z C O Drop Zone Safety Officer e: DZSO Druckerei Wehrmacht[s]amt [Reichskriegsministerium] d: Dr Druckereitrupp d: Druck Tr. Drug-enforcement officer e: D-man Drug Information and Education Team e: DIET Drumhead Court-Martial e: D C M druzyna P: dru\.z.

Κ · G · Saur, München

Dry-type self cooled/ forced-air-cooled e: AAJFA Dryden Flight Research Center e: DFRC Drzavni sekretarijat za narodnu odbranu se: D S N O Drzavni sekretarijat za poslove narodne odbrane se: DSPNO DSIF [Deep Space Instrumentation Facility] Telemetry and Command Subsystem e: D T C Subsystem DTIC [Defense Technical Information Center] Technical Awareness Circular e: TRAC Dual Air Defence e: DUAD Dual Frequency Microwave Radar e: DFMR Dual Mode Air Vehicle e: D M A V Dual Precipitation Radar e: DPR Dubai Air Wing e: DAW Dubbelkommando r: Dk Ducted Air Medium Underground Transmission e: D A M U T Duke of Cambridge's Own [regiment] e: DCO Duke of Connaught's Own e: D C O Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry e: CLI, e: D. of C.L.I. Duke of Edinburgh's Own Volunteer Rifles e: D.E.O.V.R. Duke of York's Royal Military School e: DYRMS Duluth Air Defense Sector e: DUADS Dummy Guided Missile e: DGM dummy surface-to-air missile e: dusam Dunkirk Veterans' Association e: D.V.A. Duration of War e DOW Durchgangskompanie [Marine] d: Durchg.K. Durchgangslager [für Kriegsgefangene] d: Dulag Durchgangslager für Luftwaffenpersonal [Kriegsgefangene] d: Dulagluft Durchgangsvermittlungs-Betriebskompanie d: DV.-Betr.Kp. Durham Light Infantry e: DLI Duster [antiaircraft weapon] e: M - 4 2 Dutch-Norwegian Joint Establishment for Nuclear Energy Research e: DNJENER Dutch Weapons Instructors Course e: DWIC Duty Air Force Specialty e: DAFS Duty Air Force Specialty Code e: DAFSC Duty Military Occupational Specialty e: DMOS Duty signal officer e: DSO Dyess Air Force Base e: D A F B Dykofficer r: DykO Dynamic Air War Game e: DAWG Dynamic Avionics Real-Time Scheduling e: D A R T S Dynamic Flight Simulator e: DFS Dynamic Manned Orbital Weapon System e DYNA-MOWS Dynamic Range e: DR Dynamic Range Adjustment e: DRA dywizja Ρ: d., Ρ: dyw. dywizja górska Ρ: d.górska dywizja kawalerii P: d.k. D y w i z j a kawalerii P: D.kaw. dywizja kawalerii P: dyw.kaw. dywizja piechoty Ρ: d.p., Ρ: dyw.piech. Dywizja cwiczen P: DCw. dywizjon P: d., P: dyon[.] Dywizjon artylerij zenitowej P: d.a.z. dywizjon lotniczo-wywiadowczy Ρ: dyon.lot.wywiad. dywizjon lotniczy P: dyon.Iot dywizjon lotniczy mysliwski P : dyon.lot.mysl.

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

École Spéciale Militaire dywizjon lotniczy niszczycielski P: dyon.lot.niszcz. dywizjon samochodowy P: d.sam. dywizjon taborów P: dywizjon torpedowców P: d.torp.

E Eagle supersonic-jet fighter aircraft e: F15 Early Missile Test e: EMT Early Threat Warner e: ETW Early Warning e: E, e: EW Early Warning Air Defense e: EWAD Early Warning Aircraft e: EWAC Early Warning and Control Aircraft System e: EWCAS Early Warning & Control e: EW&C Early Warning Fighter e: EWF Early Warning Identification Transmission System e: EWITS Early Warning Line e: EWL Early Warning Radar e: EWR Early Warning Signal e: EWS Early Warning Status e: EWS Early Warning System e: EWS Earnings and Leave Statements e: ELS Earth Orbital Military Satellite e: EOMS Earth-Penetrating Warhead e: EPW Earth Penetrating Weapon e: EPW Earth Satellite Weapon System[s] e: ESWS East Africa Military Labour Service e: E.A.M.L.S. East African Army Service Corps e: EAASC East African Artillery e: EAA East African Command e: EAC, e: EA Com East African Command Headquarters e: EACH East African Forcefs] e: EAF East African High Commission e: EAHC East African Royal Pioneer Corps e: E.A.R.P.C. East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office e: EAPRO East Asia and Western Pacific e: EAWEP East Central Nuclear Group e: ECNG East Coast Division e: ECD East Coast Radar System e: ECRS East Equatorial Pacific e: EEP East German Air Force e: EGAF East German Army e: EGA East German Military Intelligence Services e: EGMIS East India Military College e: E.I.M.C. East Indian Defense Commission e: EIDC East Midlands Division of the Association of Assistant Librarians e: EMDAAL East Surrey Regiment e: E.S.R. Eastern Air Command e: EAC Eastern Air Defense Force e: EADF Eastern Area Military Traffic Management Command e: EAMTMC Eastern ARNG [Army National Guard] Aviation Training Site e: EAATS Eastern Atlantic e: EastLant Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean e: EAM, e: ELM Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Command e: EAMC, e: EASTLANTMEDCOM Eastern Atlantic Area e: EASTLANT Eastern Atlantic, Channel and North Sea Orders for Ships e: ECNOS Eastern Atlantic Planning Guidance e: EAPG Eastern Atlantic War Plan e: EAWP

Eastern Command e: EC Eastern Defense Command e: EDC Eastern Defense Community e: EDC Eastern District [ATSC] e: ED Eastern North Pacific/Atlantic e: ENP/A Eastern Pacific e: EASTPAC Eastern Pacific Ocean e: EPAC Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference e: EPOC Eastern Recruiting Division e: ERD Eastern Region Headquarters, Bohemia e: ERH Eastern Region SEATO [Southeast Asia Treaty Organization] Field Forces e: ERSFF Eastern Signal Corps Replacement Training Center e: ESCRTC Eastern Signal Corps Training Center e: ESCTC Eastern Space and Missile Center e: E SMC Eastern Test Range e: ETR Eastern Test Range Operations Directive e: ETROD Eastern Theater of War e: ETOW Eastern Tropical Atlantic e: EASTROLANT Eastern Tropical Pacific e: EASTROPAC, e: E TP Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean e: ETPO Eastern United States e: EDS Eastern War Time e: EWT Eastern Zone Army Air Corps Mail Operations e: EZAACMO Echo Range Equipment e: ERE Ecoforum for Peace e: EFP École d'Administration de la Marine f: E .A.M. École d'Administration Militaire f: E.A.M. École d'Application de l'Armée Blindée et Cavalerie f: E.A.A.B.C. École d'Application de l'Armée de l'Air f: E.A.A.A. École d'Application de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre f: E.A.A.L.A.T. École d'Application des Transmissions f: E.A.T. École d'Application du Service de Santé Militaire f: EASSM École d'Application Militaire de l'Énergie Atomique f: E.A.M.E.A. École d'Artillerie f: E.A. École d'Artillerie Autiaérienne f: E.A.A. École de Combat et d'Appui Tactique f: ECAT École de formation initiale des sousofficiers f: EFISO École de formation initiale du personnel navigant f: E.F.I.P.N. École de haute montagne, Chamonix f: E.H.M. École de l'Air et École Militaire de l'Air f: _ EA-EMA École de Pilotage Avancée, Sint Truiden f: EPA École de Pilotage Elémentaire f: EPE École de Pilotage Transitaire, Sint Truiden f: EPT École de service de santé f: E.S.S. École de Service de Santé de la Marine f: ESSM École de Spécialisation de l'Artillerie Antiaérienne f: E.S.A.A. École de spécialisation de l'artillerie antiaérienne, Nîmes f: E.S.A.A. École d'Enseignement Général de l'Armée de l'Air f: E.E.S.G.A.A. École d'Enseignement Technique de l'Armée de Terre f: E.E.T.A.T.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

École d'Entraînement Physique Militaire f: E.E.P.M. École des Apprentis Marins f: E.A.M. École des Apprentis Mécaniciens de l'Armée de l'Air f: E.A.M.A.A. Ecole des Forces Armées f: EFA École des Hautes Études Militaires f: HEM École des Hautes Études Navales f: HEN École des Hélicoptères de l'Armée de Terre f: E.H.A.T. École des sous-officiers f: E.S.O. École des sous-officiers de réserve f: E.S.O.R. École des Troupes Aéroportées, Pau f: E.T.A.P. École des troupes blindées f: E.T.B. École des Élèves-Officiers de Marine f: E.E.O.M. École des élèves-officiers de réserve f: E.E.O.R. École d'Infanterie de Saint-Maixent f: S.M. École d'Ingénieurs mécaniciens de la Marine Militaire f: E.I.M.M. École du Commissariat de la Marine f: E.C.M. École du Personnel Féminin de l'Armée de _ Mer /• E.P.F.A.M. École du Service de Santé Militaire f: E.S.S.M. École du Service du Matériel f: E.S.M. École d'état-major f: E.E.M. École d'état-major de l'Air f: E.E.M.A. École Interarmée de Perfectionnement d'Officiers f: E.I.P.O. École Interarmée des Sports, Fontainebleau , / ' E.I.S. École Interarmées des Personnels Militaire Féminins f: E.I.P.M.F. École Militaire f: E.M. École Militaire d'Administration de Vincennes f: Vine. École Militaire de Haute Montagne f: E.M.H.M. École Militaire de l'Administration f: E.M.A. École Militaire de Spécialisation Atomique f: EMSA École Militaire de Strasbourg f: E.M.S. École Militaire des Armes Spéciales f: E.M.A.S. École Militaire du Corps Technique et Administratif f: E.M.C.T.A. Ecole Militaire Inter-Armes Camerounaise f: EMIAC École militaire préparatoire de la Réunion / EMPR École Militaire Royale f: E.M.R. École Militaire Spéciale f: EMS École Militaire Supérieure Technique des Transmissions f: EMSTT École Nationale de l'Éducation Physique Militaire f: E.N.E.P.M. École Nationale d'Entraînement Physique Militaire f: ENEPM École nationale supérieure des officiers de réserve du service d'état-major f: ENSORSEM École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs des études et techniques de l'armement f: E.N.S.I.E.T.A. École Nationale technique des Sousofficiers d'Activé Armées f: E.N.S.O.A. École Nationale Technique des SousOfficiers d'Activé armées f: E.N.T.S.O.A. École Royale Militaire f: ERM École Spéciale Militaire f: E.S.M.


É c o l e [spéciale m i l i t a i r e ] École [spéciale militaire] de Saint-Cyr f: C. École Spéciale Militaire Interarmes f: E.S.M.I.A. École Supérieure de Guerre Interarmée f: E.S.G.I. École Supérieure de Guerre Navale f: ESGN Ecole Supérieure de la Marine f: E.S.M. École Supérieure de l'Intendance Militaire f: ESI M École supérieure de l'intendance militaire /• E.S.I.M. École Supérieure de l'Électronique de l'Armée de Terre f: ESEAT École Supérieure des Officiers de Réserve du Service d'Etat-Major f: E.S.O.R.E.M. École supérieure d'intendance f: ESI École Supérieure du Génie Militaire f: ESGM École technique normale f: E.T.N. École Technique Supérieure de la Marine _ /• E.T.S.M. École Technique Supérieure de l'Armement _ f: E.T.S.A. École Technique Supérieure des Constructions et Armes Navales f: ETSCAN Economic and Contingency Reserve Stock e: ECRS Economic Intelligence Division of the Enemy Branch of the Office of Economic Warfare Analysis of the Board of Economic W e: EIDEBOEWABEW Economic Price Adjustment e: EPA Economic Warfare e: EW Economic Warfare Analysis Section e: EWAS Economic Warfare Division e: EWD Ecumenical Peace Program in Asia e: EPPIA edge weapons e: ew's Edgewood Arsenal Nuclear Defense Center e: ΕΑΝ DC Editor, Army Journal e: EAJ EDS Logistics Command, Control, and Communications e: EDS-LOG-C3 Education Officer e: EO Education, Training, and Military Operations e: ETMO Educational Development of Military Personnel e: EDOMP Edwards Air Force Base e: EAFB, e: EDW, e: KEDW Edwards Air Force Base, California e: EAFB Edwards FlightResearch Center e: EFRC Edwards Rocket Engine Test Station e: ERETS Edwards Rocket Site e: ERS EEC-African, Caribbean and Pacific countries e: EEC-ACP Eerste Nederlandse Bond van OudOnderofficieren η: ENBOO Effective Fighting Strength e: EFS Effectiveness of Navy Electronic Warfare Systems e: ENEWS Effect[s] of Nuclear Weapon[s] e: ENW Eglin Gulf Missile Test Range e: EGMTR Eglin Gulf Test Range e: EGTR Egyptian Air Force e: EAF Egyptian Army e: EA, e: E.A. Egyptian Atomic Energy Commission e: EAEC Egyptian Expeditionary Force e: EEF Eidgen d: ETS Eidgenössische Kommission für AC-Schutz d: KAC Eidgenössische Militärpferdeanstalt d: EMPFA


Eidgenössische Militärversicherung d: EMV Eidgenössische Munitionsfabrik d: M+F Eidgenössische Munitionsfabrik Altdorf d: MFA Eidgenössische Munitionsfabrik Thun d: M FT Eidgenössische Waffenfabrik d: W+F Eidgenössisches Militärdepartement d: EMD Eidgenössisches Munitionsdepot d: M+D eigene Waffen d: e.w. Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament e: ENDC Eighth United States Army e: EIJSA, e: IISAEIGHT einfache Wetterbedingungen am Tag d: TE einfache Wetterbedingungen bei Nacht d: NE einheitliches astronomisch - geod d: EAGN Einsatzkommando d: EK Eire Air Corps e: E.A.C. Eire Army Corps e: EAC Eisenbahn-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: AE Ejection Launch Test Vehicle e: ELTV Ejector-Launcher Guided-Missile Transporter e: ELGMT Ejército del Aire s: EdA El Centro Naval Air Station [California] e: KNJK El Paso/Biggs Air Force Base e: KBIF El Torro Marine Corps Air Station [California] e: KNZJ Elbit Electronic Warfare Trainer e: EEWT Eldledarartilleri r: Elarte Eldledningsofficer r: EO Eldledningsradar r: Eradar Electra Doppler Radar e: ELDORA Electric Glue Gun e: EGG Electric motor[s]-submarine e: E-motor[s] Electric Target [Intermediate Marksmanship] Range e: ET[IM]R Electrical Lieutenant Commander e: El. L. Cr. Electrical Standards Coordinating Committee e: ESCC Electrical Tactical Map e: ETM Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion e EMCB Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Communications e: EMCBC Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Draftsman e: EMCBD Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, General e: EMCBG Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Line and Station e: EMCBL Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair e: EMSR Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair, General Electrician e: EMSRG Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair, Shop Electrician e: EMSRS Electro-Magnetic Aircraft Launch System e: EMALS Electro-Magnetic Gun e: EMG Electro-magnetic Launcher System e: ELS Electro-magnetic rail gun e: ERG Electro-Optional Warfare e: EOW Electroluminescent Runway Marking System e: ERMS Electromagnetic Countermeasures Launcher e: EMCML Electromagnetic Effects Laboratory e: EEL Electromagnetic-emission Control e: EMCON Electromagnetic Gun e: EMGUN

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Electromagnetic Warfare e: EMW Electromagnetic Warfare and Communications Laboratory e: EWCL Electron Beam Gun e: EBG Electron Gun e: EG Electron Gun Problem e: EGP Electron Gun Test Facility e: EGTF Electronic Airborne Reaction System e: EARS Electronic Airborne Systems Evaluator e: EASE, e: ERSE Electronic Array Radar e: EAR Electronic Attack Squadron e: VAQ Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor e: ECAM Electronic Combat Action Plan e: ECAP Electronic Combat Airborne Training System e: ECATS Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance e: ECR Electronic Combat/Countermeasures & Reconnaissance e: ECR Electronic Combat Duty Officer e: ECDO Electronic Combat Maintenance Training e: ECMT Electronic Combat Mission Folder e: EC MF Electronic Combat Officer e: ECO Electronic Combat Pilot e: ECP Electronic Combat & Reconnaissance e: ECR Electronic Combat Squadron e: ECS Electronic Combat Threat Environment Description e: ECTED Electronic Combat Training Seminar e: ECTS Electronic Combat Wing e: ECW Electronic Command Division e: ECD Electronic Communications Division e: ECD Electronic Components Division e: ECD Electronic Controlled Military Unit e: ECM Unit Electronic Counter-CounterCountermeasure[s] e: ECCCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasure[s] e: ECCM electronic counter-countermeasures operation^] e: eccmo Electronic Countermeasures e: ECME Electronic Countermeasure[s] e: E/M electronic countermeasures display e: ecmd Electronic Countermeasures/Electro-Optical Countermeasures e: ECM/EOCM Electronic Countermeasures Electronic Intelligence e: ECM/ELINT Electronic Countermeasures Environment e: ECMC, e: ECME Electronic Countermeasures Evaluator e: H electronic countermeasures exercise e: ecmex Electronic Countermeasures Mission e: ECMSN Electronic Countermeasures Observer e: ECMOB Electronic Countermeasures Officer e: ECMO Electronic Countermeasures Program[me] e: ECMP Electronic Countermeasures Resistant Information Transmission System e: ECMRITS Electronic Countermeasures Squadron e: ECMRON Electronic Countermeasures Subcommittee e ECSC Electronic Countermeasures System e: ECS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Emergency Commission Electronic Countermeasures Tactical Action Report e: ECTAR electronic countermeasures training e: ecmtng Electronic Countermeasures Upgrade e: ECMU Electronic Defense Evaluator e: EDE Electronic Defense Systems Division e: EDSD Electronic Emission Control e: EMCON Electronic Environmental Test Facility e: EETF Electronic Fighting Vehicle System e: EFVS Electronic Flight Control System e: EFCS Electronic Flight Information System e: EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument e: EFI Electronic Flight Instrument Display e: EFID Electronic Flight Instrumentation] Systemfs] e: EFIS Electronic Material Shipment Request e: EMSR Electronic Missile Acquisition e: EMA Electronic Preparation of the Battlefield e: EPB Electronic Radar e: ELRA electronic radar e: etra Electronic Range/Bearing Marker e: ERBM Electronic Reconnaissance Procurement Division e: ERPD Electronic Security Command e: ESC Electronic Security Command [Texas] e: ESC Electronic Security Squadron e: ESS Electronic Stacked Beam Radar e: ESBR Electronic Support Measures/Electronic Countermeasures e: ESM/ECM Electronic Systems Countermeasure[s] e: ESC Electronic Systems Division, Technical Documentary Reports [AFSC] e: ESD TDR Electronic Tactical Action Report e: ECTAR Electronic Tactical Display e: ETD Electronic Technician's Mate, Ship Repair e: ETMSR Electronic Warfare e: ELECTRWARFARE, e ELWAR Electronic War[fare] e: EW Electronic Warfare e: EWF Electronic Warfare Analysis Centre e: EWACS Electronic Warfare Analysis System e: EWAS Electronic Warfare and Intelligence Operations Center e: EWIOC Electronic Warfare Area Reprogramming Capability e: EW ARC Electronic Warfare Avionics Integrated Support Facility e: EWAISF Electronic Warfare Avionics Unit e: EWAU Electronic Warfare Center e: EWC Electronic Warfare Combat System e: EWCS Electronic Warfare Command and Control Communications Countermeasures e: EW/C3CM Electronic Warfare Commander e: EWC Electronic Warfare Committee e: EWC Electronic Warfare Concept Study e: EWCS Electronic Warfare Control Centre e: EWCC Electronic Warfare Control Ship e: EWCS

Electronic Warfare Coordination Center e: EWCC Electronic Warfare Coordination Module e: EWCM Electronic Warfare Coordinator e: EWC Electronic Warfare Cover and Deception e: EWCD Electronic Warfare Department e: EWD Electronic Warfare/Directed Energy e: EW/DE Electronic Warfare Director e: EWD Electronic Warfare Division e: EWD electronic warfare element e: ewe. Electronic Warfare Evaluation Display System e: EWEDS Electronic Warfare Evaluation Program e: EWEP Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator e: EWES Electronic Warfare Evaluation System e: EWES electronic warfare exercise e: ewex electronic warfare exercise in port e: ewexipt Electronic Warfare Exercises e: GREEN FLAG Electronic Warfare Ground Environment Threat Simulator e: EWGETS Electronic Warfare Information system e: EWIS Electronic Warfare Integrated Programming e: EWIP Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming e: EWIR Electronic Warfare Intelligence e: EWI electronic-warfare interface-connection box e: ewicb Electronic Warfare Laboratory e: EWL Electronic Warfare Management System e: EWMS Electronic Warfare Monitoring e: EWM Electronic Warfare Office e: EWO Electronic Warfare Officer e: EWO Electronic Warfare Officer Training e: EWOT Electronic Warfare Operational Support Establishment e: EWOSE Electronic Warfare Operational System e: EWOS electronic warfare operations e: ewops Electronic Warfare Operator's Console e: EWOC Electronic Warfare Plan e: EWP Electronic Warfare/Reconnaissance and Target Acquisition Center e: EW/RSTA Electronic Warfare Reprogrammable Library e: EWRL Electronic Warfare Software Support Acitivity e: EWSSA Electronic Warfare Staff Officer e: EWSO Electronic Warfare Study Group e: EWSG Electronic Warfare Support e: EWS Electronic Warfare Support Measure e: E SM Electronic Warfare Support Measure[s] e: EWSM Electronic Warfare System e: EWS Electronic Warfare Tactical Environment Simulation e: EWTES Electronic Warfare Tactics Trainer e: EWTT Electronic Warfare Technology e: EWT Electronic Warfare Test Range e: EWTR Electronic Warfare Threat Environment Simulation Facility e: EWTES Electronic Warfare Trainer e: EWT Electronic Warfare Training Device e: EWTD Electronic Warfare Training System e: EWTS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Electronic Warfare Training System-Radar e: EWTS-R Electronic Warfare Warning System e: EWWS Electronic Weapon System e: EWS Electronically Agile Radar e: EAR Electronically Agile Radar Set e: EAR Set Electronically Agile Radar System e: EARS Electronically Scanned Airborne Intercept Radar e: ESARA Electronically Scanned Array Radar e: E SAR Electronically Scanned Stocked Beam Radar e: ESSBR Electronically Scanned TACAN [Tactical Navigation] Antenna e: ESTA Electronically Scanning Airborne Intercept Radar Antenna [or Aerial] e: ESA I RA Electronically Steerable Array Radar e: E SAR Electronics and Computing for Peace e: ECP Electronics and Radar Development Establishment e: ERDE Electronics Command & Information Display Concept e: ELCID Electronics Defense Laboratory e: EDL Electronics Installation and Maintenance Book e: E 1MB Electronics Installation Squadron e: EIS Electronics Research and Development Command e: ERADCOM Electronics Technician, Radar e: ETR Electronics Warfare Assets Reporting Systems e: EWARS Elektromagnetische uitzendingscontrole n: EMCON Elektronikoffizier d: EO Elektronisch-steuerbares Radar d: ELRA Elektronische Kampfführung aller Truppen d: EloKaaTr Elektronisches Radar d: ELRA Elémentaire Militaire Vlieger Opleiding n: EMVO Elevated Acquisition Radar e: ELEVAR Elevation Radiation Seeker Rocket e: ERASER Élèves Pilotes à Vocation d'Officier armées d'aij / E.P.V.O. Elgin Air Force Base e: EAFB Elison Air Force Base e: EAFB Ellington Air Force Base e: EAFB Elliot Automation Space and Advanced Military System e: EASAMS Elliott Automation Radar System[s] e: EARS Elliott-Automation's Space and Advanced Military System e: ESAMS Ellsworth Air Force Base e: EAFB, e: ELAFB Emanation Security e: EMSEC Embarkation Staff Office[r] e: ESO Embarked Mine Counternmeasures Force e: EMCMF Emergency Action Noncommissioned Officer e: EANCO Emergency Action Officer System e: EAOSY Emergency Actions Officer e: EAO Emergency Airborne Reaction System e: EARS Emergency Alternate Command Center e: EACC Emergency Combat Readiness e: ECR Emergency Command Control Communications System e: ECCCS Emergency Command Precedence e: ECP Emergency Commission e: EC


Emergency Defence Communications Emergency Defence Communications Centre e: EDCC Emergency Defence Plan e: EDP Emergency Defense Plan e: EDP Emergency Medical Command and Communications System e: E M C C S Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System-Air Force e: EMATS-AF Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System-Joint Chiefs of Staff e: EMATS-JCS Emergency Military Manpower Procurement System e: E M M P S Emergency Operations Headquarters e: EOH Emergency Operations Officer e: EOO Emergency Priorities and Allocations Manual e: EPAM Emergency Production Weapons Schedule e: E P W S Emergency Radiation Monitor e: ERM Emergency Radiation [or Radiological] Detection System e: ERDS Emergency Reaction Air Force Special Security Office e: E R A F S S O Emergency Rocket Command System e: ERCS Emergency Rocket Communications System e ERCS Emergency Supply Operations Center e: ESOC Emergency War Operations e: EWO Emergency War Order e: E W O Emergency War Plan e: E W P Emirat e: Em. Emiratos Arabes Unidos s: EAU Emirats Arabes Unis f: EAU Emission d: E Emission Control Technology Division e: ECTD Empf d: LEGD Employment of Very Low Yield Nuclear Weapons e: EVELYN Empresa Astilleros y Fabricas Navales des Estado i.· A F N E Empresa de Technologia e Equipamento Militar Lda e: ETEM Empresa Nacional Bazán de Construcciones Navales Militares, S.A. s: Bazan En Route Stand-Alone Radar Training System e: E S A R T S Encapsulated Torpedo ASW Mine with MK 46 Torpedo e: CAPTOR Μ Κ 60 Encrypted for Transmissions Only e: EFTO Encryptic Secure Tracking Radar Identification Friend or Foe e: ESTRIFF end of transmission e: SK Endgame Countermeasures e: EGC1V1 Enemy aircraft e: E/A Enemy Equipment Identification Service e: EEIS Enemy Equipment Intelligence Service Team e: EEIST Enemy Prisoner of War e: EPW Enemy Prisoner of War Information Bureau e: E P W I B Enemy Prisoners of War e: E P O W Energia Nucleare e delle Energie Alternative i: ENEA Energy and Air Division e: EAD Energy Conservation Investment Program e: ECIP Enforcement Agreement e: EA Enforcement Response Policy e: ERP Enforcement Strategy e: ES Engin de reconnaissance antichar f : ERAC Engine Assembly Vehicle e: EAV


Engine over the Wing e: EOW Engine Repair and Overhaul Squadron e: EROS Engine Teleguide Anti-Char Automatic Data System for the Army in the Field e: ENTIS Engineer Admiral e: E.A. Engineer Amphibian Command e: EAC Engineer Aviation Battalion e: EAB, e: EABn, e: Eng Avn Bn, e. Engr Α ν η Bn Engineer Aviation Camouflage Battalion e: Engr Avn Cam Bn Engineer Aviation Regiment e: Engr Avn Rgt Engineer Battalion e: ENG BAT, e: Engr Bn Engineer Cellular Teams e: E N C E L Engineer Combat Battalion e: Eng C Bn, e: Engr [C] Bn Engineer Command e: ENGCOM Engineer Commander e: E Cr Engineer Commissioner, District of Columbia e: E N G C O M D C Engineer Construction Battalion e: Eng C Bn Engineer Constructional Battalion [Divisional] e: Eng C Bn [Div] Engineer Corps Training Center e: ECTC Engineer-in-Chief and Director of Royal Engineers e: E.C.D.R.E. Engineer Lieutenant-Commander e: ELCr Engineer Lieutenant Commander e: En. L. Cr. Engineer LieutenantCommander e: E LtCdr Engineer Officer e: EO Engineer Officers Reserve Corps e: ENGORC Engineer Rear-Admiral e: EA Engineer Regiment e: Engr Regt Engineer Regiment [Airfields] e: Engr Regt [Airfds] Engineer Reserve Corps e: Engr-Res, e: ERC Engineer Supply Control Office e: ESCO Engineer Topographic Laboratory e: ETL Engineer Training Centre e: ETC Engineer Training Establishment e: ETE Engineer Vice Admiral e: EVA Engineer Volunteer Corps e: EVC Engineering Combined Arms Tactical Trainer e: E N C A T T Engineering Command e: ENC Engineering Concepts Review e: ECR Engineering Division e: Eng Div Engineering Field Division e: EFD Engineering Field Divisions e: EFD Engineering Flight Test e: EFI Engineering Installation Squadron e: EIS Engineering Military Circuit e: EMC Engineering Officer of the Watch e: EOOW Engineering Requirements Plan [for Military Assistance Programs] e: ERP Engineering, Science and Management War Training e: ESMWT Engineering Services Laboratory e: ESL Engineers for Nuclear Disarmament e: EngND Engineers Joint Council Nuclear Congress e: EJCNC engines, armament, and pyrotechnics e: eap engine[s] under wing[s] e: euw English Language Program e: ELP Enhanced Artillery Observer Subsystem e: EAOS Enhanced Distant Early Warning e: EDEW Enhanced Envelope Gun Sight e: E2GS

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Enhanced Fighter Manoeuvrability e: EFM Enhanced Flight Screening e: EFS Enhanced General War System e: EGWS Enhanced Military Operation System e: EMOS Enhanced Naval Warfare Gaming [or Wargame] System e: ENWGS Enhanced Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System e: EPARCS Enhanced Remote Target System e: ERETS Enhanced Sea Sparrow Missile e: ESSM Enhanced Self-Propelled Artillery Weapon System e: ESPAWS Enhanced Surface-to-Air Missile e: ESAM Enhanced Surface-to-Air Missile Simulation code e: ESAMS Enhanced Tactical Fighter e: ETF Enhanced Weapon Electromagnetic Mutual Interference Trial e: E W E M I T Enid/Vance Air Force Base [Oklahoma] e: KEND Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States e: E A N G U S Enlisted Personnel Distribution Office, Atlantic Fleet e: EPDOLANT Enlisted Personnel Distribution Office, Continental United States e: EPDOCONUS Enlisted Personnel Distribution Office, Pacific Fleet e: EPDOPAC Enlisted Personnel Distribution Office Pacifiic Fleet e: E D O P A C Enlisted Reserve Corps e: ERC Enlisted Signal Corps School e: ESCS E N M O D Convention e: E N M O D Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies e: EFINS Enseignement Militaire Supérieur f : EMS Enseignement Militaire Supérieur de l'Armée de Terre f: E.M.S.A.T. Enseignement Militaire Supérieur Scientifique et Technique f : E.M.S.S.T., / E.M.S.T. Ensemble de reconnaissance radiologique aérienne f: ERRA Ensign, Canadian Forces Base, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia e: N S C C F E Ensign [O-l in PHS, Navy, Coast Guard] e: ENS Ente Nazionale dell'Energia Nucleare, Roma i: ENEN Ente per la Sicurrezza delle Comunicazjoni Europee i: ECSE Ente Promozione Industriaper la Difesa Navale i: EPIN Enterprise Agreement e: EA Entertainment National Service Association [for British military forces] e: ENSA Entertainments Office[r] e: EO Entmilitarisierte Zone d: E M Z Entrep f: EPAN Entrep\ A ot des effets d'habillement f : Ε.Ε.H. Entry Military Occupational Specialty e: EMOS Environmental Effects of Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter Ecology Group e: ENUWAR Environmental Group, Pacific Command e: E G P A C O M Environmental officer e: EO Environmental research ship e: AG ER Environmental Services Agency [USDOD] e: ESA Environmental Task Force e: ETF epidemiologisches Feldlabor d: EFL Episcopal Peace Fellowship e: EPF

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

European Research Group Epoxy Resins Formulators Division e: ERF Equatorial Atlantic e: EQIIALANT Equatorial Pacific e: EQPAC, e: Equa Pac Equipes de Présentation de l'Armée de l'Air f: E.P.A.A. Equipment Category Number e: ECN Equipment Collecting Point e: ECP Equipment density data e: EQDD Equipment Indentification Code - Lowest Designated Assembly e: EIC-LDA Equipment Maintenance Squadron e: EMS Equipment Performance Report e: EPR Equipment Review and Authorization Activity e: ERAA Equipment Survey Control Office e: ESCO ER-2 Doppler Radar e: EDOP Erfassungsradargerät d: ErfRadarGer Ergänzungskommando d: ErgKdo erhöhte Sicherheit d: e, d: e. S. Ericsson Radar Electronics e: ERE Eritrean Liberation Front/Peoples Liberation Forces e: ELF/PLF Eritrean Liberation Front-Popular Liberation Forces e: ELF-PLF Escadre d'Helicopteres f: EH Escadrille de Chasse de Nuit f: E.C.N. Escadrille de Commandement Centrale de Forces Francais Allemande f: ECCFFA Escadrille de Reception et Convoyage f: E.R.C. Escadrille de Réserve d'Aviation Légère d'Armée f: E.R.A.L.A. Escadrille d'Helicopteres Anti-Chars f: EHAC Escadrille d'Helicopteres Legers f: EHL Escadrille régionale d'aviation légère d'appui f: E R A L A escadron aérien de recherche et de sauvetage f: A E R S Escadron de quartier général f: E.Q.G. Escadron de ravitaillement technique f: E.R.T. Escadron de révision retouches f: E.R.R. Escadron de révision-retouches f: ERR Escalón de seguridad divisionaria s: ESD Escort Air Defence mission e: EAD Escort Destroyer e: DDE, e: DE Escort Division e: C O R T D I V Escort division e: E S C O R T D I V Escort Fighter Sqadron e: VGF Escort Force Commander e: EFC Escort Helicopter Aircraft Carrier e: CV HE Escort-Scouting Squadron e: VGS Escort Ship e: Esc. Sh. Escort Squadron e: C O R T R O N Escuadra de combate s: EC Escuadra de infantería de marina s: Esc IM Escuadrilla de submarinos s: Esu Escuela de tiro naval s: ETN Escuela Militar de Aplicación Aerotáctica de la Fuerza Aérea s: EMAAFA Escuela Militar de Aviación e: EMA Escuela [militar] de montaña s: EMM Escuela Naval de Cadetes s: ENC Escuela naval militar s: E N M Esercitazione/i con i Posti Comando i: EPC Esperantist Movement for World Peace e: EMWP Essential Airborne Radio Equipment Characteristic e: EAREC Essex Scottish Regiment of Canada e: E.S.R. Establecimiento militar de reclusión s: EMR

Estado mayor de división s: E M D Estimated Cost of Damages e: E C O D Estimated Date of Departure for East Command e: EDDFEC Estimated Time Over Target e: ETOT Estrategia s: Estg Établissement central du commissariat de l'Air f: E.C.C.Α. établissement central du matériel du genie / c.m.g. Établissement Cinématographiques et Photographiques des Armées f: E.C.P.A. Établissement de Réparation de Corps f: ERC Etablissement des Constructions et Armes Navales f: ECAN Établissement des constructions et armes navales, Saint-Tropez f: E.C.A.N. Établissement d'expériences de Versailles f: E.E.T.V. Établissement Public d'Aménagement de la Défence f: E.P.A.D. Etablissement Sanitaire Militaire f: E.S.M. Etablissement Spécial du Matériel du Génie f: E.S.M.G. État-major de la Force navale f: B E L N A V État-Major des Armées f: E A A Etat Major du Commandement des Formations s: C O N F O R M I S C Ethiopian Democratic Officers Revolutionary Movement e: E D O R M Ethiopian Peace and Solidarity Committee e EPSC Ethiopian Peace, Solidarity and Friendship Committee e: EPSFC Euro Missile Dynamics Group e: EMDG E U R O / N A T O e: E/N Euroäische Atomgemeinschaft d: EAG Eurogroup Committee of National Armaments Directors e: EURONAD Europäische Atomenergie-Gesellschaft d: EAEG Europäische Friedens Aktion d: EFA Europäische Gemeinschaft für Atomenergie d: Euratom Europäische Menschenrechtskommission d: E M R K Europäische Nuklearenergieagentur d: ENEA Europäische Sicherheitskonferenz d: ESK European Agreement Concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways e: AND European Agreement concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road e ADR European Air Materiel Command e: EAMC European Air Navigation Plan e: EURANP European American Nuclear Data Center e EANDC European American Nuclear Data Committee e: E A N D C European Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Branch e: EAFPEB European Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Division e: EAFPED European Army e: EA European Atomic Commission e: EAC European Atomic Energy Commission e: E A EC, e: EURATOM European Atomic Energy Committee e: EAEC European Atomic Energy Community e: EAEC European Atomic Energy Society e: EAES European Atomic Society e: EAS European Central N O T A M [Notice to Airmen] Facility e: ECNF

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

European Civil Affairs Division e: ECAD European Combat Aircraft e: ECA European Command e: EC, e: Eu Com European Command and Control Communications System e: ECCCS European Command and Control Console System e: ECCCS European Command Coordinating Committee e: E C C C European Command Defense Analysis Center e: EUDAC European Commissary Region e: EUCOR, e EURCOR European C o m m i s s i o n ^ ] e: EC European Communications Division e: ECD European Communications Security and Evaluation Agency of the Military e: EUSEC European Community of Atomic Energy e: ECAE European Coordinating Committee of Friendship Societies with the Arab World e: ElIRABIA European Council for Nuclear Research e: ECNR European Defence Community Forces e: E.D.C.F. European Defence Force[s] e: EDF European Defence Plan e: EDP European Defence Products e: EDP European Defense Community e: EDC European Defense Initiative e: EDI European-deployed medium-range nuclear missiles e: Euromissiles European Distribution and Accounting Agency of the Military Committee e: EUDAC European Exchange Service [System] e: EES European Fighter Aircraft e: EFA European Force Design e: EFD European Imaging Spectroscopy Aircraft Campaign e: EISAC European Institute for Peace and Security e E IPS European Logistics Task Group e: ELTG European Military Communication e: EMC European Military Communications Coordinating Committee e: E M C C C European Military Press Association e: EMPA European [NATO] Military Medicine e: Euro Med European Nuclear Disarmament e: END European Nuclear Energy Agency e: ENEA European Nuclear Energy Agreement e: ENEA European Nuclear Energy Association e: ENEA European Nuclear Force e: ENF European Office of the U.S. Air Research and Development Command e: EOARDC European Organization for Nuclear Research e: EONR European Organization of Military Associations e: E U R O M I L European Participating Air Force e: EPAF European Peace Research Association e: EUPRA European Radar Cross Section e: EURACS European Requirements and Army Capabilities e: EURAC European Research Group on Military and Society e.· E R G O M A S


European Society European Society for Atomic Energy e: ESAE European Society for Radiation Protection e: ESRP European Society of Corporate and Strategic Planners e: ESCSP European South Pacific and Magellan Conference e: EAPM European Surface-to-air Tactics Analysis Team e: ESTAT European Theater Air Command and Control System e: EUCOM AIDES European Theater of Operations, United States Army e: ETOUSA European Theater of War e: ElITOW European Theater [or Theatre] of Operations e: ETO European University Centre for/of Peace Studies e: EUCPS European University Centre for Peace Studies e: EPU European Wars Survey e: EWS European Wideband Communication System e: EWCS European Wideband Transmission Media Improvement e: EWTMI European Wideband Transmission Media Improvement Program e: EWTMI Ρ Europese Defensie Organisatie η: EDO Europese Gemeenschap voor Atomenergie η: EGA Œuvre Nationale des Anciens Combattants / ONAC Œuvre nationale des anciens combattants et victimes de la guerre f: O.N.A.G. Œuvre Nationale des Anciens combattants et victimes de la Guerre f: O.N.A.G. Evaluating Prolonged Intensive Combat e: EPIC Evaluation of Women in the Army e: EWITA Evaluation Staff, Air War College e: ESAWC Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Soldatenbetreuung d: EAS Evans Signal Laboratory e: ESL Evolutionary Surface-to-Air Missile e: ESAM, e: SAM Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile e: ESSM Ex-Communist Forces e: ECF Examining Officefr] e: EO Excess Leave Program e: ELP Exclusion Zone Patrol e: EZP Excused from Military Duties e: XMD Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff for National Military e: EACOS NMR Executive Committee of the Army Board e: ECAB Executive Committee on Peace and Security e ECPS Executive Control Subordinate System e: ECS2 Executive for National Military Representatives e: ENMR Executive National Military Representative e: EXNMR Executive Office of the President of the United States e: EOP Executive Officer e: EO executive officer e: exec Executive Officer e: EXECO, e: Exec Off, e: EX O, e: XO Executive Officer, AFDSDC e: CCE Exercise Control Center e: EXCC Exercise Control Group e: EXCG Exerziermunition d: Ex. Mun. Exhibition for National Security e: ENS Exoatmospheric Defense System e: XDS Expandable Flight Data Acquisition and Recording System e: EFDARS


Expandable Launch Vehicle e: ELV Expanded Communications-Electronics System e: EXCELS Expanded Missile Warning Display System e EMWDS Expedited Combat Developments Plan e: EXCDP Expeditionary Fighter Squadron e: EFS Expeditionary Force e: EF Expeditionary Forces e: EXFOR Expeditionary Logistics Support Force e: ELSF expeditionsofficer r: expoff expeditionsunderofficer r: expuoff Expendable Cluster Aircraft Rocket Launcher e: ECARL Expendable Mobile ASW Training Target e EMATT Expendable Sonar Sensor e: XSS Expendable Submarine Tactical Transceiver e XSTAT Expendable Unmanned Vehicle e: XUV Expendable Vehicles e: EV Expense Accounts Officer e: EAO Expense Appropriation Management/Army Industrial Fund e: EAM/AIF Experimental Air Intercept Missile e: XAIM Experimental Air Specification Weapon e: XAS Weapon experimental air-to-air missile e: xaam Experimental Air-To-Ground Missile e: XAGM experimental air-to-surface missile e: xasm Experimental [Airborne] Synthetic Aperture Radar e: E-SAR experimental aircraft e: e/a Experimental Aircraft Project e: EAP Experimental Army Satellite e: EAS Experimental Army Satellite, Tactical e: EAST Experimental Army Satellite Tactical Terminalfs] e: EASTT Experimental Array Radar e: EAR Experimental Autonomous Vehicle e: EAVE Experimental Autonomous Vehicle-East e: EAVE-EAST Experimental Aviation Association e: EAA Experimental Bomber e: XB Experimental Combat Aircraft e: ECA Experimental Destroyer e: EDD Experimental Division e: Ex Div experimental fighter e: XF experimental flight e: ef experimental guided air missile e: xgam Experimental Guided Aircraft Missile e: XGAM Experimental Helicopter e: XH Experimental High-Frequency Radar e: XHFR Experimental Launch Vehicle e: ELV Experimental Liquid Rocket e: XLR Experimental Message Automatic Transmission System e: EMATS Experimental Mine Hunter, Coastal e: EMHC Experimental Mine Sweeper, Coastal e: EMSC Experimental Missile e: XM Experimental Mobile-launched surface attack Guided Missile e: XMGM Experimental Officer e: EO Experimental Prototype Automatic Meteorological System e: EPAMS Experimental Prototype Missile e: XPM Experimental Radar System e: ERS

Κ · G · Saur, München

Experimental Rocket Engiune Test Station e: ERETS experimental solid-propellant vehicle e: xspv Experimental Squadron e: VX Experimental, Stealth, Tactical e: XST experimental strategic missile e: xsm Experimental Surface Missile e: XSM Experimental Surface-to-Air Missile e: XSAM Experimental Surface-to-Surface Missile e: XSSM Experimental Target Drone e: XQ experimental warhead e: xw Experimental Weapon System e: XWS Experimental Weaponfs] Specification e: XWS Experimentation Command e: EC Expert Missile Maintenance Aid e: EMMA Expiration of Active Obligated Service e: EAOS Exploratory Committee on Society, Development, and Peace of the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches e: SODEPAX Explosieven Opruimingscommando n: EOC Explosion Resistant Multi Influence Sweep System e: ERMISS Expédition Sousmarine Française f: ESMF Extende-Range Antiarmor Munition e: ERAM Extended Air Defence e: EAD, e: EEAD Extended Air Defence Ground Environment e: EADGE Extended Air Defence [or Defense] Test Bed e: EADTB Extended Air Defence Simulation e: EADSIM Extended Air Defence Task Force e: EADTF Extended Air Defense Test Bed e: EADTB Extended Air-Defense Testbed e: EAD Extended Area Instrumentation Radar e: EAIR Extended Dynamic Range e: XDR Extended National Military Command Center e: ENMCC Extended Range e: ER Extended Range Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile e: ERAMRAAM Extended-Range Advanced Tactical Missile System e: ER-ATACMS Extended Range Ammunition e: ERA Extended-Range Army Tactical Missile System e: ER-ATACMS Extended Range ASROC [Antisubmarine Rocket] e: ERA Extended Range Automatic Targeting of Otomat missile e: ERATO Extended Range Ballistic Missile e: ERBM Extended Range Doppler Velocity and Position e: EXTRADOVAP Extended Range Full Bore e: ERFB Extended Range Full Bore, Base Bleed e: ERFB-BB Extended Range, Full Bore, Base Bleed, High Explosive e: ERFB BB HE Extended Range, Full Bore, Hollow Base, High Explosive e: ERFB HB HE Extended Range Guided Projectile e: ERGP Extended Range Gunnery Fire Control Demonstration System e: ERGFCDS Extended-Range Instrumentation Radar e: ERIR extended-range lance e: xrl Extended Range Lance Missile e: XRLM

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Federal Warning Center Extended Range Modification Integration System e: ERMIS Extended Range Operations e: EROPS Extended-Range Poseidon e: EXPO Extended Range Projectile e: ERP Extended Range Proximity e: ERP Extended Range Radar e: XRR Extended Range Rocket e: ERR Extended Range Strike Aircraft e: ERSA Extended Range Sub-Calibre e: ERSC Extended Range Twin Operations e: ETOPS Extended Range U-2 e: ER-2 Extension Course Institute, United States Air Force e: ECIUSAF External Countermeasures e: EXC1V1 External Weapon Station e: E W S Externally Mounted Gun e: EMG Extra Long Range e: ELR Extra Military Expense e: X-MIL Extraction Zone Control Officer e: EZCO Extraction Zone Officer e: EZO Eyes of the Army e: TE OTA

F F d: FP F brica Militar de Aviones s: FMA FAA/Air Force Radar Replacement e: FARR Fabrica de Artillería de Bazan s: FABA Fabrica Militar de Aviones s: FMA Fabrica Militar Polvoras y Explosivos Azul s: Fanazul Fabricaciones Militares s: FM Fabrication Instructions e: FI Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre S.A. / ' FN Fachoffizier d: Fachof Facilities Control Center e: FACCONCEN Facilities Engineering Support Agency e: FESA Facilities Planning System e: FPS Facilities Procuring Contracting Officer e: FPCO Facility Checking Flight-Service Evaluation e FCFSE Facility for Independent Acquisition & Tracking e: FIAT Facility Group Control e: FGC Factory Installed e: FI F A D A C [Field Artillery Data Computer] Automatic Logic Tester e: FADAC ALT, e: FALT Failed Item Analysis Report e: FIAR Failure Modes, Effects & Criteria Analysis e: F M E C A Failure Review Board e: FRB Fairbanks Air Service e: FASX Fairchild Air Force Base e: FAFB Fairchild Aircraft Division e: FAD Fairchild Guided Missile Division e: FGMD Fairchild-Hiller armed gunship complete with Vulcan cannons and 7.2mm miniguns e: AC-119 Fairchild-Hiller observation helicopter e: FH-I100 Fairchild Space and Defense System, Syosset, N Y e: NSyoF F Cellesorganisationen af Officerer i Hieren a: FOH Fallschirmj d: FJà Fallschirmtruppe[n] d: FSTR Fallskärmtrupp r: Fsktrp Falmouth/Otis Air Force Base [Massachusetts] e: KFMH False Target Lock-On e: FTLO

False Target Rejection e: FTR Fältartilleri r: Fältart Fältradar r: Fältrr FAMECE [Family of Military Engineer Construction Equipment] Integrated Logistics e: FILES Family Area of Subterranean Troop Carrying Vehicle e: F A S T C A V Family Income Supplement e: FIS Family of Air-Launched Weapons e: FALW Family of Air-to-Air Missiles e: F A A M Family of Anti-air Missile Systems e: FAMS Family of Army Aircraft System e: FAAS Family of Army Surveillance & Target Acquisition Requirements e: FASTAR Family of Army Vehicles Study e: FAVS Family of Improved Lightweight, Secure Storage Containers for the Army in the Field e: FILSCAF Family of Launch Vehicles e: FLV Family of Light Armoured Vehicles e: FLAV Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles e: FMTV Family of Military Engineer Construction Equipment e: F A M E C E Family of Mobile Electric Power Sources e: FM EPS Family of Scatterable Mines e: FASCAM Family of special weapons atomic contractor e: F O S W A C Family of Systems Studies e: FOSS Family of Weapons e. FOW Family Separation Allowance e: FSA Family Services Center e: FSC Family Services Program e: FSP Fanfarencorps d: FC Far East Air Force e: FEAF Far East Air Force Operations Centre e: FEAFOC Far East Air Force R e g u l a t i o n ^ ] e: FEAFR Far East Air Force Supplementary e: FEAFSUP Far East Air Logistical Force e: FEALOGFOR Far East Air Material Command e: FEAMCom Far East Air Materiel Command e: FEAMCOM Far East and South Pacific e: FESPAC Far East Army and Air Force Exchange Service e: FEAAES Far East Combined Bureau e: FECB Far East Command e: F/E, e: FEC, e: FECOM Far East Fleet e: FEF Far East Land Forces e: FARELF, e: FELF Far East prisoner of war e: FEpow Far Eastern Network, Camp Drake, Tokyo e: FEN Far Eastern Network Okinawa e: FENO Far Infrared Target Detector e: FITD Far Infrared Target Indicator e: FIR TI, e: FITI Fartygsingenjeur r: FI Fast Air Mine e: FAM Fast Atom Bombardment e: FAB Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectroscopy e: F A B M S Fast Attack Class Submarine e: FACS Fast Attack Craft [Gun] e: FAC [G] Fast Attack Craft [Missile] e: FAC [M] Fast Attack Craft [Patrol] e: FAC [P] Fast Attack Vehicle e: FAV Fast Forward e: FF fast forward e: ffwd

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Fast Landing Force e: FLF fast missile boat e: fmb Fast Patrol Boat e: FPB fast patrol boat e: PBF Fast patrol boat, guidedmissile e: FPBG Fast patrol craft e: FPC Fast Patrol Vessel e: FPV Fast Pulse Electron Gun e: E GUN Fast Reaction Fighting System e: FRFS Fast Reaction Integrated Submarine Control e: FRISCO Fast Reaction Vehicle e: FRV Fast Sealift Ship e: TAKRX Fault Detection Major Program e: FDM Ρ Fault Isolation Major Program e: FIMP Fault Location Aerial Warning System e: FLAWS Fayetteville/Pope Air Force Base [North Caolina] e: KPOB February Eighteenth Resistance Army e: FERA Federación Aeronáutica Argentina s: F.A.A. Federal Armed Forces e: FAF Federal Army of Yugoslavia e: FRY Federal Aviation Administration-Flight Standards Service e: FAA-FS Federal Aviation Administration-Flight Standards Service-National Flight Inspection Division e: FAA-FS-NFID Federal Aviation Administration Office of Aviation Medicine e: A A M Federal Aviation Administration-Office of Aviation Policy and Plans e: F A A - A V Federal Aviation Administration-Office of Environment and Energy e: FAA-EE Federal Aviation Administration-Office of Environmental Quality e: FAA-EQ Federal Aviation Administration-Office of Systems Engineering Management e: FAA-EM Federal Civil Defense Administration e: FCDA Federal Civil Defense Guide e: FCDG Federal Commission[er] of Taxation e: FCT Federal Defense Communications Authority e: FDCA Federal Division of Military Veterinary Service e: A M VE Τ Federal German Navy e: FGN Federal Law Enforcement Training Center e: FLETC Federal Legal Information Through Electronics e: FLITE Federal Manufacturers Code e: FMC Federal Military Government e: FMG Federal Ministry of Defence e: F M O D Federal Nigerian Air Force e: FNAF Federal Office of Armament Production e: OFPA Federal Office of Armoured & Light Troops e OFTML Federal Office of Artillery e: O F A R T Federal Office of Military Health Service e: OFSAN Federal Office of Transport Troops e: OFTT Federal On-Scene Commander e: FOSC Federal Procurement Institute e: FPI Federal Regular Army e: FRA Federal Republic of Germany Documentation Working Group e: FRGDWG Federal Service Overseas Fund Campaign e: FSOFC Federal Stock Group e: FSG Federal Supply Classification e: FSC Federal Supply System e: FSS Federal Warning Center e: F W C


Federal Women's Program Federal Women's Program e: FWP Federated Admiralty Contractors e: FAC, e: FAC, e: F.A.C. Federatie van Nederlandse Oudstrijders Organisaties η: FENOSO Federatie van Verenigingen van Nederlands Officieren n: FVNO Federation of All Okinawan Military Employees' Labor Unions e: FAOMELU Federation of Former Jewish Fighters e: FFJF Federation of French War Veterans e: FFWV Federation of Military and United Services Institutes of Canada e: FMUSIC Fédération des Amicales Régimentaires d'Anciens Combattants f: F.A.R.A.C. Fédération des Associations de Fonctionnaires Anciens Combattants f: F.A.F.A.C. Fédération des Associations des Familles de Militaires f: F.A.F.M. Fédération des Mariniers et Marins Anciens Combattants f: F.A.M.M.A.C. Fédération des mutuelles des ayants droit de l'Armée f: FEMADA Fédération des Officiers de Réserve Républicains f: FORR Fédération Force Ouvrière f: FFO Fédération Internationale des Organisations d'Anciens Combattants f: F.I.O.A.C. Fédération Mutualiste Nationale des SousOfficiers [active et réserve] f: F.M.N.S.O. Fédération Nationale des Amicales des Sous-Officiers de Réserve f: FNASOR Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants f: FNAC Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants d'Algérie f: F.N.A.C.A. Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre f: F.N.A.C.V.G. Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants Français f: F.N.A.C.F. Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants Prisonniers de Guerre f: F.N.A.C.P.G. Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants Républicains f: FNACR Fédération Nationale des Anciens Militaires de Carrière f: F.N.A.M.C. Fédération Nationale des Associations de Sous-Officiers de Réserve f: FNASOR Fédération Nationale des Associations des Mutilés, Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre f: F.N.M.A.C.V.G. Fédération Nationale des Combattants f: F.N.C. Fédération Nationale des Combattants Interalliés f: F.N.C.I. Fédération Nationale des Combattants Prisonniers de Guerre f: F.N.C.P.G. Fédération Nationale des Combattants Volontaires f: F.N.C.V. Fédération Nationale des Fabricants de Fournitures Administratives et Militaires / · FNFFAM Fédération Nationale des Invalides de Guerre f: FNI Fédération Nationale des Militaires, Mutilés et Invalides de Guerre f: F.N.M.M.I. Fédération Syndicale des Sous Officiers de Réserve Républicains f: FSORR Federazione fra le Associazioni Nazionali Ufficiali e Sottufficiali in congedo provenienti dal Servizio effettivo i: FANUS Feindliche Truppenansammlung d: FTA.


Feldarmeekorps d: FAK Feldartillerie d: FA, d: Fda, d: Felda, d: Fldart. Feldartillerie-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: A 4 Feldartillerie-Regiment d: F.A.R. Feldartillerie-Schieß-Schule d: Fe.A.Sch., d: Fe.A.Sch. Feldartilleriebataillon d: FArBtl Feldartillerieregiment d: FAR Feldbauamt d: F.B.A. Feldbekleidungsamt d: F.Bekl.A. Feldeisenbahnabteilung d: F.B.A. Feldersatzbataillon d: FErsBtl Feldfernkabel d: FFK Feldflakartillerieschule d: F.F.A.S. Feldhaubitzenmunitionswagen d: F.H.M.W. Feldjägerdienstkommando d: FJgDstKdo Feldjägertruppe d: FJgTr Feldkommandantur d: FK Feldluftgaukommando d: FLGK Feldpostprüfstelle d: F.P.P. Feldraketenwerfer d: FRWF Feldwetterwarte d: FWW Feldzeugmeisterei des Preußischen Kriegsministeriums d: Fz. Feldzeugoffizier d: Fz. Offz. Fellow of the Institute of Civil Defence e: FICD Fellow of the Royal Navy School of Architects e: FRNS, e: FRNSA Fellowship for Racial and Economic Equality e: FREE Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers e: FCPO feltartilleri N: feltart Feltartilleribataljon N: Fabn Feltartilleribatteri N: Fabatt Feltartilleriet N: FA Feltartilleriets ovingsavdeling N: F A 0 Feltartilleriets Skole- og Ovingsavdeling N: FASO Fernaufklärung d: FAG, d: FAK Fernfeuerüberfall d: FFÜ Fernfliegerkräfte d: FFK Fernfunkfeuer d: FFF Fernkampfartillerie d: Feka Fernlenkboot d: F-Boot Fernmarkierungspunkt d: FM Ρ Fernmelde- und Radarstelle der Bundeswehr d: Fm/RadarStBw Fernmeldebautrupp d: FBTr Fernmeldedienststelle der Bundeswehr d: FmDStBw Fernmeldehauptkommandantur d: FmHptK Fernmeldekompanie für Elektronische Kampfführung der Division d: FmKpEloKaD Fernmeldeschule d: FmS Fernmeldetechnischer Offizier d: FmTOffz Fernmeldetruppe d: FmTr Fernrakete d: FR Fernsprech/Fernschreib- d: Fe/FsFernsprechdienststelle [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: Fd. Fernsprechtrupp d: FeSpTrp Ferranti Integrated Mine Countermeasures System e; FIMS Ferranti Integrated Submarine Combat Suite e FISCS Ferranti Integrated Submarine Sonar Suite e. FIS3 Ferry Command e: F.C. Ferrying Control Officer e: FCO Feststoff-Rakete d: Ferak Festungsartillerie d: Fs.A.

© Κ · G · Saur, München

Festungsbauschule d: Festb.Sch., d: Fest.Sch. Festungsgef d: Fest.Gef. Festungsverwaltungsoffizier d: FVO Festungswachtkorps d: FWK Feuerbombe d: FBb Feuerleitoffizier d: Fit Offz. Feuerstellungsentfernung d: FE Feuerunterstüntzungsoffizier d: FUOf Feuerunterstützungs-Gruppe d: FUG Feuerwaffe[n] d: Feuerw. Feuerwalze d: FW Feuerwerkslaboratorium d: Frw.Lab. Feuille Officielle Militaire f: FOM Fiber Optic Guided Missile e: FOG-M Fiber Optic Radar Remoting Kit e: FORRK Field Activity War and Emergency Support Plan e: FAWESP Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps e: FARAMC Field Ammunition Depot e: FAD Field Anti-missile Ballistic Missile Defense System e: FABMIDS Field Army e: FA Field Army Air Defense Systems e: FAADS Field Army Airspace Utilization Study e: FAAUS Field Army Ballistic Missile Defense System e FABMDS, e FABMIDS Field Army Calibration Team Support e: FACTS Field Army Communication System e: FACS Field Army Digital Artillery Computer e: FADAC Field Army Digital Automatic Computer e FADAC Field Army Guided Missile e: FAGM Field Army Guided Missile SystemSergeant e: FAGMS-S Field Army Issuing Officefr] e: FAIO Field Army Mapping and Terrain Information System e: FAMTIS Field Army Messenger Service e: FAMS Field Army Modernization War Game e: FARMWAG Field Army Multichannel Communications System e: FAMCS Field Army Petroleum Office e: FAPO Field Army Replacement System e: FARS Field Army Service Area e: FASA Field Army Strategic Command System e: FASCOM Field Army Support Center e: FASC Field Army Support Command e: FASCOM Field Army Support Evaluation e: FASE Field Army Switched Digital Communications Center e: FASDCC Field Army Tactical Operation Center e: FATOC Field Army Tactical Random Access Communications System e: FATRACS Field Artillery e: FA Field Artillery Acoustic Locating System e: FAALS Field Artillery Aerial Observer e: FAAO field artillery airborne e: faa Field Artillery Ammunition Processing System e: FAAPS Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle e: FAASV Field Artillery Battalion e: FA BN Field Artillery Board e: FABD Field Artillery Brigade e: FAB, e: FA BDE Field Artillery Command and Control e: FAC2

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Fighter Jet Field Artillery Command Post e: FACP Field Artillery Computer Equipment e: FACE Field Artillery Computing Equipment e: FACE Field Artillery Crewman e: FA Crm Field Artillery Data Computer e: FADAC Field Artillery Digital Atomic Computer e: FADAC Field Artillery Digital Computer e: FADIC Field Artillery Field Manual e: FAFM Field Artillery Fire Direction Operations e FAFDOPS Field artillery fire Support Team e: FIST Field Artillery Group e: FLDARTYGRII Field Artillery Guided Missile e: F A G M Field Artillery Intelligence Officer e: FAIO Field Artillery Journal e: FAJ Field Artillery Logic Tester e: FALT Field Artillery Mid-Range Concepts and Force Design Study e: FAMID Field Artillery Missile e: FAM, e: FA Msl Field Artillery Missile Group e: FAMG Field Artillery Missile Systems Evaluation Group e: FAMSEG Field Artillery Mission Support e: FAMS Field Artillery Projectile Pallet e: FAPP Field Artillery Radar Crewman e: FARDRCRM Field Artillery Replacement Center e: FARC Field Artillery Reserve and Training Center e: F A R T C Field Artillery Reserve Corporation e: FARC Field Artillery Reserve Corps e: FARC Field Artillery Rocket e: FARt Field Artillery Rocket System e: FARS Field Artillery Scatterable Mines e: FASCAM Field Artillery School e: FAS, e: FA Sch Field Artillery Section e: FAS Field Artillery Survey Team e: FAST Field Artillery Tactical Data System e: FATDS Field Artillery Tactical Operations e: FATACOP Field Artillery Target Acquisition Battalion e: F A T A B Field Artillery Target Acquisition Group e: FATAG Field Artillery Target Aquisition Radar e: RASIT Field Artillery Training e: FAT Field Artillery Training Camp e: FATC Field Artillery Training Center e: FATC Field Assistance Support Team e: FAST Field Atomic Digital Automatic Computer e: FADAC Field Aviation Supply Office e: FASO Field Battery, Royal Army e: F Bty RA, e: FBYRA Field Command e: FC, e: Fid. Com. Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency e: FC DASA, e: FC/DASA, e: FLDCOMDASA Field-Command Defense Nuclear Agency e FCDNA Field Command, Defense Nuclear Agency e: Fid Com DNA Field Command, Johnston Atoll e: FCJ Field Command, Plans & Operations Directorate, Stockpile Maintenance e: FC-PSM Field Command Post e: FCP Field Commander e: FC Field Communication Unit e: FCU

Field Company [Royal Engineers] e: F Coy[RE| Field Company, Royal Engineers e: FldCoRE Field Court-Martial e: F.C.M. Field Depot Aviation Squadron e: FDAS Field [Division] e: FLD Field Dressing Station e: FDS Field Emission Gun e: FEG Field Engineering and Mine Warfare e: FEMW Field Equipment Malfunction Report e: FEMR Field Evaluation Test e: FET Field Exercise Test e: FET Field Force Maintenance Area e: FFMA Field Force, Vietnam e: FEV, e: FFV Field Forces e: FF Field Force[s] Vietnam e: FFORCEV Field general court-martial e: FGGM field guided missile e: fgm Field Gun e: FG Field Headquarters e: FH Field Information Agency, Technical e: FIAT Field-Installed Maintenance Automatic Test Equipment e: FIMATE Field Intelligence Division e: FID Field Intelligence Officer e: FIO Field Intelligence Signal Terminal e: FIST Field Intelligence Unit e: F i l l Field Low Altitude Intermediate-range Radar e: FLAIR Field Maintenance Shop e: F L D M S Field Maintenance Squadron e: FMS, e: FMSq Field Maintenance Test Station e: FMTS Field Marshal e: FM Field Movement Officer e: F M O Field Officer e: Fid O, e: Fid Off, e: F.O., e: F.Offr. Field Officer Commanding e: FOC Field Officer of the Day e: FOD Field Officer, Ordnance Service e: FOOS Field Operating Agency e: FOA Field Operations and Support Division e: FOSD, e FOSP Field Operations Division e: FOD Field Ordnance Officer e: FOO Field Post Office e: FDPO, e: FPO Field Remount Depot e: FRD Field Research Division e: FRD Field Security e: FS Field Security Office[r] e: FSO Field Security Service e: FSS Field Selection Board e: FSB Field Service Engineer e: FSE Field Service Engineering e: FSE Field Service Manual for Army Medical Services e: F.S.M.A.M.S. Field Service Section e: FSS Field Signal Battalion e: FSIGBN Field System Design Evaluation Test e: FSDET Field Tactical Trainer e: FTT Field Target e: FT Field Test[ing Division] e: J Field Torpedo Unit e: FTU Field Training Command e: FTC Field Training Detachment e: FTD Field Training Officer e: FTO Field Training Only Aircraft e: FTOA Field Training Team e: FTT Field Training Wing e: F L D T W Field Transfusion Unit e: FTU Field Vehicle e: FV Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force Southern Europe e: F I V E A T A F Fifth Amphibious Corps e: VAC Fight Level e: FL

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Fighter e: F, e: FB, e: Fi, e: FIT fighter e: ftr Fighter Air Direction Center e: FADC Fighter Air Director e: FAD Fighter Airborne Supply Tank e: FAST Fighter Aircraft e: FA, e: FBA Fighter Aircraft being developed by/for Japanese Air Force e: FSX fighter-aircraft-delivered seismic intrusion detector e: fadsid Fighter Aircraft Engagement Zone e: FEZ Fighter Aircraft Establishment e: FAE Fighter Aircraft Fitted with Engine Rated for Low-Altitude Performance e: LF Fighter-All Weather e: FAW fighter analysis tactical air combat e: fantac Fighter-attack e: F-A Fighter Attack e: FB/A Fighter Attack Manoeuvring e: FAM Fighter-Attack-Reconnaissance e: FAR Fighter Attack Reconnaissance Modular Adaptive Radar e: FARMAR Fighter-attack training squadron of the United States Marine Corps e: V M F A T Fighter Automatic Navigator e: FAN Fighter Aviation e: FiA Fighter Avionics/Cockpit Integration Predesign studies e: FACIP Fighter/Bomber e: FB fighter-bomber aircraft e: fba fighter-bomber attack e: fba Fighter Bomber Aviation e: FBA Fighter-Bomber Clear-weather e: FBC Fighter Bomber Program e: FBP Fighter Bomber Squadron e: FBS Fighter-Bomber Wing e: FBW Fighter Bombing Plane e: VFB Fighter Command e: FC, e: F.C., e: F Com Fighter Command School e: FCS, e: F.C.S. Fighter Control Area e: FCA Fighter Control Center e: FCC Fighter Control Unit e: FCU Fighter Control [1er] e: FC Fighter Conveyor e: FICON Fighter Data Storage e: FDS Fighter Development Program e: FDP Fighter Direction e: FD Fighter Direction Control School e: FDCS Fighter Direction Net e: FDNET Fighter Director Officer e: FDO Fighter Director Ship e: FDS Fighter Director Tender e: FDT Fighter Dive-Bomber e: FDB Fighter Division e: FD Fighter Duty Officer e: FDO Fighter Escort e: F/E Fighter Escort Wing e: FEW Fighter Flight e: FTRFLT Fighter Ground Attack e: FGA Fighter Ground Attack Reconnaissance e: FGR Fighter Group e: FG Fighter Identification System e: FIS Fighter Inertial Navigation System e: FINE Fighter Intercepter Group e: FIG Fighter Interception Unit e: F.I.U. Fighter Interceptor e: FI Fighter-Interceptor e: Ftr-Intcp Fighter Interceptor Duty Officer e: FIDO Fighter Interceptor Experimental e: FIX Fighter Interceptor Group e: FIG Fighter Interceptor Squadron e: fis, e: FISq Fighter Interceptor Wing e: FIW Fighter Jet e: F J


Fighter Launched Advanced Fighter Launched Advanced Materials Experiment e: FLAME Fighter Lead-in Training e: FLIT Fighter Liaison Officer e: FLO Fighter Management Computer System e: FMCS Fighter Missile System e: FMS Fighter Mission Coordinator e: FMC Fighter Officer for Missiles e: FOM Fighter Officer Interceptor e: FOI fighter operations e: ftro Fighter plane e: MIG Fighter Plane e: VF, e: VF[M1 fighter plans e: ftrp Fighter Plot Table e: F.P.T. Fighter reconnaissance e: FR Fighter, Reconnaissance, Strike e: FRS Fighter Seaplane e: FSP Fighter, Single e: FS Fighter Squadron e: FITRON, e: FS Fighter Squadron-All Weather e: VF AW Fighter Squadron, Photo e: VFP Fighter Strategic Reconnaissance e: FSR Fighter Strike e: FB/S Fighter Support Experiment e: FSX Fighter Tactical Wing e: FTW Fighter Technology Demonstration Program e: FTDP Fighter Training Squadron e: FTS Fighter Weapons Instructor Training e: FWIT Fighter Weapons School e: FWS, e: FWS, e: F.W.S. Fighter Weapons Training Command e: FWTC Fighter Weapons Wing e: FWW Fighter Wing e: FITWING, e: FW fighterbomber strike e: fbs Fighting e: FV Fighting French Forces e: FFF Fighting In Built-Up Areas e: FIBIIA Fighting Intruders at Low Altitude e: FILA Fighting Method e: FM Fighting Squadron e: FIGHTRON Fighting System Vehicle e: FSV Fighting Vehicle e: FV Fighting Vehicle Armament system e: FVA Fighting Vehicle/Gun Control Equipment e FV/GCE Fighting Vehicle System e: FVS Fighting Vehicle Systems Carrier e: FVSC Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment e: FVRDE Fiji Infantry Regiment e: FIR File & Program Catalog System e: FPCS Film Liaison Officer e: FLO Filterventilationsanlage d: FVA Final Development Acceptance Test e: FDAT Final Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information e: FQQPRI Final Stage Vehicle e: FSV Final Storage Vehicle e: FSV final target e: f Finance and Accounts Office e: FAAO Finance and Accounts Office[r] e: FAO Finance and Economic Sections of the military commands e: Finek Finance Center, United States Army e: FCUSA Finance Corps e: FC Finance Member of the Army Council e: F.M.A.C. Finance Officer e: FINO, e: FO Finance Office[r], United States Army e: FOUSA


Finance School, United States Army e: F SU SA Finance Service-Army e: FSA Financial Accounting and Control Techniques for Supply e: FACTS Financial Secretary to the War Office e: FSWO Finned air rocket e: FAR Finnish Air Force e: FAF, e: FinAF Finnish Peace Research Association e: FPRA Finnish War Veterans in America e: FWVA FIR [Flight Information Region]/Lower Information Region e: FIR/LIR Fire and Air Support Center e: FASC Fire and Forget Missile e: FFM Fire Control and Small Caliber Weapon Systems Laboratory e: FC&SCWSL Fire Control Engagement Controller e: FCEC Fire Control Navigation Panel e: FCNP Fire Control Officer e: FCO Fire Control Platoon e: FCP Fire Control Radar e: FCR Fire Control School e: FCS, e: F.C.S. Fire Control Technician, Gun e: FTG Fire Controlman, Submarine e: FCS Fire Direction Center e: FDC Fire Direction Centre Vehicle e: FDCV Fire Direction Officer e: FDO Fire Fighting e: FF Fire Fighting Systems e: FIFIS Fire Finder Radar at Battalion e: TPQ-36 Fire Finder Radar at Division e: TPQ-37 Fire Location Radar e: FLORA Fire Mission Control e: FMC Fire Mission Information and Control e: FM/IC Fire Observation Officer e: FOO Fire Support Center e: FSC Fire Support Combat Vehicle e: FSCV Fire Support Combined Arms Tactical Trainer e: FSCATT Fire Support Command and Control e: FSC2 Fire Support Command & Control System e: FSC2S Fire Support Coordination Center e: FSCC Fire Support Coordinator e: FSC Fire Support Officer e: FSO Fire Support Station e: FSS Fire Support Surveillance Base e: FSSB Fire Support Team e: FIST, e: FST Fire Support Team Vehicle e: FISTV Fire Support Vehicle e: FSV Firefinder radar e: FF Firing Battery Status Display e: FBSD Firing Platoon e: FP Firing Port Weapon e: FPW Firing Research Investigation, Navy e: FRIN First Aid Technical Stores Outfit e: FATSO First Allied Airborne Army e: FAAA First Army in the Field e: FAIF First Available Flight e: FIRAVF First City Regiment e: FCR First Class Marine Engineer e: FCME First Defense e: FD First Fleet e: FIRFLT First Horizontal Flight e: FHF First Line Battleship e: FLB First Lord of the Admiralty e: FLA First Marine Aircraft Wing e: FMAW First Officer e: FO First-order Administrative Division e: AD M l First Republic of Korea Army e: FROKA First Special Service Force e: FSSF

Κ · G · Saur, München

First Surrey Rifles e: FSR First Target Detection e: FTD First Unit Equipped Date e: FUED First United States Army e: FUSA First United States Army Group e: FUSAG First USAR [United States Army Reserve] Company Chaplain Office e: FUCCO Fiscal Director of the Marine Corps e: FDMC Fitted for Radar e: FFR Fitter e: F Fitzsimons Army Medical Center e: F AMC five-seat turbo-powered helicopter e: Bell 206 Five-Year Defense Plan e: FYDP Five Year Defense Program e: FYDP Five Year Force Structure and Financial Program e: FYFSFP Five-Year Plan e: F.Y.P. Fixed Acoustic Range e: FAR Fixed Army Strategic Telephone Network e: FASTNET Fixed Array Radar e: FAR Fixed Radar Tracking e: FRT Fixed Simultaneous Multibeam Radar e: FSMR Fixed Submarine Broadcast System e: FSBS Fixed Wing Aircraft e: FWA Fixed-Wing Aircraft e: V Fixed Wing Tactical Transport e: FWTT Fixed-wing transport airplane e: VR Fla - Raketenkomplex d: FRK Flachgehendes Minensuchboot d: FMBoot FlaFliegerabwehr-Raketen-Ingenieurdienst d: FRID Flag and General Officers Seminar e: FGOS Flag Command Bureaux e: FCB Flag Communications Officer e: FCO Flag Engineering Officer e: FEO Flag/General Officer e: F/G Flag Gunnery Officer e: FGO Flag-Lieutenant-Commander e: FLC Flag Lieutenant to the Admiralty Board e: FLAB Flag Officer e: FO Flag Officer, Admiralty Interview Board e: FOAIB Flag Officer, Aircraft Carriers e: F.O.A.C. Flag Officer, Atlantic Coast e: FOAC Flag Officer British Assault Area e: FOBAA Flag Officer Carrier Training e: FOCT Flag Officer, Carriers, and Amphibious Ships e: FOCAS Flag Officer Central Europe e: FLAGCENT Flag Officer, Central Europe e: FOCE Flag Officer, Commander, Her Majesty's Australian Fleet e: FOCAF Flag Officer Commanding West Africa e: FOCWA Flag Officer Danish Operational Forces e: FODOF Flag Officer Denmark e: FOD Flag Officer Denmark Command, Control and Information System e: FODCCIS Flag Officer Flying Training e: F.O.F.T. Flag Officer, Germany e: FOG Flag Officer, Gibraltar Mediterranean Area e: FOGMA Flag Officer-in-Charge e: FOIC Flag Officer, Malta e: F.O.M. Flag Officer Naval Air Command e: FONAC Flag Officer, Naval Air, Pacific e: FONAP

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Fleet Evaluation Trial Flag Officer, Naval Aviation e: FONA Flag Officer Naval Flying Training e: FONFT Flag Officer Newfoundland e: FONF Flag Officer, Northern Norway e: F O N N Flag Officer, Norway e: FON Flag Officer, Pacific Command e: FOPC Flag Officer 3rd Flotilla e: FOF3 Flag Officer Reserve Aircraft e: F.O.R.A. Flag Officer Royal Yachts e: F O R Y Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland e: FOSNI Flag Officer Sea Training e: FOST Flag Officer Soviet Middle East Forces e: FOSMEF Flag Officer, Submarines e: F.O.S.M. Flag Officer, Surface Flotillas e: FOSF Flag Officer Taranto and Adriatic and for Liaison e: FOTALI Flag Officer Western Area, British Pacific Fleet e: F O W A B P F Flag Officer's Command System e: FOCS Flag Ship Organization e: FSO Flaggunderofficer r: Fluoff Flagship e: F, e: FLG Flak — Raketentechnische Basis d: FRTB Flak-Raketentechnische Basis d: FRTB Flak-Raketentruppen d: FRT Flakartillerie d: FA, d: F.A. Flakartillerieschule d: FAS Flakbatterie d: FBTTR Flakgruppenkommandeur d: Flagruko Flakmunitionsausgabestelle d: Flakmust. Flame Launched Assault Shoulder or Hipfired Weapon e: FLASH Flammenbombe d: Flambo Flammenwerfer-Bataillon d: FlaWB Flammenwerfer-Kompanie d: FlaWK Flash Radar Order of Battie e: FROB Fleet e: F, e: Fl, e: Ft Fleet Activities e: FLTACT Fleet Activities Command e: FAC Fleet Activity e: FA, e: FleActy, e: FltActy Fleet Administration Office[r] e: FAO Fleet Admiral e: F Adm, e: FADM, e: Fit Adm Fleet Air e: FAir Fleet Air Arm Information Technology Management e: FAAITM Fleet Air Army Service Trials Unit e: FAASTU Fleet Air Base e: FAB Fleet Air Base Unit e: FABU Fleet Air Broadcast e: FAB Fleet Air Control e: FAC Fleet Air Defense e: FAD Fleet Air Defense Exercise e: FAIRDEX Fleet Air Detachment e: FAD Fleet Air Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean e: FAIRELM Fleet Air Gunnery Unit e: FAGII Fleet Air Gunnery Unit, Atlantic e: FAGULANT Fleet Air Gunnery Unit, Pacific e: FAGIIPAC Fleet Air Intelligence Augmenting Unit e: FAIAU Fleet Air Photo Squadron e: F A P R O N Fleet Air Photographic Squadron e: VD Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron e: VQ Fleet Air Service Squadron e: FASRON Fleet Air Support Unit e: FASU Fleet Air Tactical Unit e: FATU Fleet Air Wing e: FAIRWG, e: FAIRWING, e: FAW Fleet Air Wing, Western Pacific Area e: FAIRWESTPAC Fleet Air Wings Atlantic Fleet e: F A W A F

Fleet Airborne Electronic Training Unit Detachment e: F A E T U D E T Fleet Airborne Electronic Training Unit, Pacific e: FAETUP, e: FAETUPac Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit e FAETU Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit, Atlantic e: FAETUA, e: FAETIILANT Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit, Pacific e: F A E T U P A C Fleet Aircraft Maintenance Unit e: FAMI) Fleet Aircraft Service Squadron e: FASTRON Fleet Airship Wing e: FAIRSHIPWING, e: FASW Fleet Airships e: FAIRSHIPS Fleet Airships, Atlantic e: FASA Fleet Airships, Pacific e: FASP Fleet All Weather e: FAW Fleet All-Weather Training Unit e: FAWTU, e: FltAllWeaTraU Fleet All-Weather Training Unit, Atlantic e: FAWTULANT, e: FltAllWeaTraULant Fleet All-Weather Training Unit, Pacific e: F A W T U P A C , e FltAllWeaTraUPac Fleet Ammunition Ship Training Unit e: FASTI) Fleet Ammunition Ship Training Unit, Atlantic e: F A S T U L A N T Fleet Ammunition Ship Training Unit, Pacific e: FASTUPAC Fleet Analysis Center e: FLTAC Fleet Antiair Warfare Coordinator e: FAAWC Fleet Antiair Warfare Training Center e: FAAWTC, e: F A A W T R A C E N Fleet Antiair Weapon Training Center e: FAAWTC Fleet Antisubmarine Data Analysis Program e: FADAP Fleet Antisubmarine Duties e: FA/SD Fleet Antisubmarine Officer e: FASO Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Command e: FASWC Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare School e: FASWSCHOOL, e FLEASWSCOL Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Tactical School e: F L E A S W T A C S C O L Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team e: FAST Fleet Antiwarfare Training Center e: FAWTC Fleet Area Telecommunications Center e: FATC Fleet Assistance Group, Atlantic e: FAGLANT Fleet Assistance Group, Pacific e: FAGPAC Fleet Assistance Support Team e: FAST Fleet Auxiliary e: FA Fleet Aviation Officer e: F.A.O., e: FAVO Fleet Aviation Order e: F Α ν O Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Atlantic e: FASOTRAGRULANT Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Pacific e: FASOTRAGRUPAC Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Pacific Fleet e: FASOTRAGRUPACFLT Fleet Ballistic Missile e: FBM Fleet Ballistic Missile/Improved Accuracy Program e: FBM/IAP Fleet Ballistic Missile Program e: FBMP Fleet Ballistic Missile Project e: FBMP Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine e: BOOMER, e: FBMS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine Tender Load List e: FBMSTLL Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine Training Center e: FLEBALMISIIBTRACEN Fleet Ballistic Missile System e: FBMS Fleet Ballistic Missile Tender Load List e: FBMTLL Fleet Ballistic Missile Training Center e: FBMTC Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapons Support System e: FBMWSS Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapons System e: FBMWS, e P O L A R I S Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapons System Supplement e: FBM-Supplement Fleet Ballistic Submarine e: SSB Fleet Broadcast Satellite e: FB Satellite Fleet carrier Battle Group e: CVBG Fleet Chief Petty Officer e: FCPO Fleet Civil Engineer e: FCE Fleet Clearance Diving Team e: FCDT Fleet Combat Direction System Support Activity e: FLCDSSACT Fleet Combat Direction System Training Center e: F C D S T C Fleet Combat Direction System Training Center, Atlantic e: FCDSTCL Fleet Combat Systems Training Unit, Pacific e: F C S T U P Fleet Combat Training Center e: FCTC Fleet Combat Training Center Atlantic e: FCTCLANT Fleet Command Battle Management Project e FCBMP Fleet Command Center e: FCC Fleet Command Center Battle Management Program e: FCCBMP Fleet Command Support Center e: FCSC Fleet Command Support Center Development Group e: FCSCDG Fleet Command Support Center Watch Officer e: F C S C W O Fleet Commander e: FC Fleet Commander-in-Chief e: FLTCINC Fleet Communications Officer e: FCO Fleet Composite Group e: FCG Fleet Composite Squadron e: FLECOMPRON Fleet Computer Programming Center e: FCPC, e F L E C O M P U T P R O G C E N Fleet Computer Programming Center, Atlantic e: FCPCL, e: FCPCLANT, e: FLECOMPUTPROGCENLANT Fleet Computer Programming Center Pacific e: FCPCP Fleet Computer Programming Center, Pacific e: FCPCPAC, e: F E C O M P U T P R O G C E N P A C , e: FLECOMPUTPROGCENPAC Fleet Consolidated Data Set e: FCDS Fleet Construction Officer e: FCO Fleet Control Center e: FCC Fleet Coordinating Group e: FLTCORGRU Fleet Data Base e: FDB Fleet Deception Group e: FLTDECGRU Fleet Deception Group Atlantic e: FLTDECGRULANT Fleet Demonstration e: F L T D E M O Fleet Dental Officer e: FDO Fleet Dental Surgeon e: FDS Fleet Diving Unit [Atlantic] e: FDU[AJ Fleet Diving Unit [Pacific] e: FDU[P1 Fleet Electronic Effectiveness Branch e: FEEB Fleet Electronics Warfare Support Group e: FEWSG Fleet Engineer e: F/E Fleet E n g i n e e r i n g ] Office[r] e: FEO Fleet Evaluation Trial e: FET


Fleet Excercise Section Fleet Excercise Section e: FES Fleet Executive Appointments e: FEA Fleet Exercise e: FEX, e: FLEETEX, e: FLTEX Fleet Exercise Area e: FXA Fleet Exercise Minelaying System e: FEMS Fleet Exercise Publication[s] e: FXP Fleet Exercisefs] e: FLEX Fleet Fighter e: FF Fleet Fighter Reconnaissance e: FFR Fleet Flag[ship] e: FF Fleet Flash Net e: FFN Fleet Frequency Plan[s] e: FFP Fleet Frigate e: FF Fleet Gunnery Officer e: FGO Fleet Gunnery School e: FLTGUNSCH, e: FLTGUNSCOL Fleet Hurricane Forecast Facility e: FHFF Fleet Imagery Support Terminal e: FIST Fleet Information Office e: FIO Fleet Information Service e: FIS Fleet Information Storage and Retrieval e: FISAR Fleet Information Storage and Retrieval System e: FISARS Fleet Installation Budget e: FIB Fleet Instruction Officer e: FIO Fleet Integrated Logistics Support [reports] e: FILS Fleet Intelligence Center e: FIC Fleet Intelligence Center, Europe e: FICEIIR Fleet Intelligence Center-Europe and Atlantic e: FICEURLANT Fleet Intelligence Center Pacific e: FICPAC Fleet Intelligence Center, Pacific Facility e: FICPACFAC Fleet Intelligence Officer e: FIO Fleet Intelligence Support Center e: FISC Fleet Intelligence Training Center e: FITC Fleet Intelligence Training Center, Atlantic e: FITCLANT Fleet Intelligence Training Center, Pacific e: FITCPAC Fleet Introduction of Replacement Models e: FIRM Fleet Introduction Program e: FIP Fleet Introduction Site e: FIS Fleet Introduction Team e: FIT Fleet Issue Control e: FIC Fleet Issue Load List e: FILL Fleet Issue Requirements List e: FIRL fleet-launched ballistic missile e: flbm Fleet Liaison Officer, Supreme Commander Allied Powers e: FLTLOSCAP Fleet Loading Center e: FLC Fleet Locating and Graphics e: FLAG Fleet Locating and Information Reporting System e: FLAIRS Fleet Location And Information Reporting e: FLAIR Fleet Logistic Support Wing e: FLSW Fleet Logistics e: FLOG Fleet Logistics Air Wing e: FLAW, e: FLOGAIR, e: FLOGWING Fleet Logistics Air Wing, Atlantic e: FLOGWINGLANT Fleet Logistics Air Wing, Pacific e: FLOGWINGPAC Fleet Logistics Support Department e: FLSD Fleet Logistics Support Improvement Program e: FLSIP Fleet Logistics Wing e: FLW Fleet Maintenance e: FLT MTNCE Fleet Maintenance Assistance Group e: FMAG


Fleet Maintenance Assistance Group, Pacific e: FMAGPAC Fleet Maintenance Council e: F MC Fleet Maintenance Group e: FMG Fleet Maintenance Group [Atlantic] e: FMG [A] Fleet Maintenance Group [Pacific] e: FMG[P] Fleet Maintenance Office e: FMO Fleet Maintenance Office [r] e: FMO Fleet Maintenance Program Management Information System e: FMPMIS Fleet Maintenance & Repair Organisation e FMRO Fleet Maintenance Unit e: FMI) Fleet Management Center e: FMC Fleet Management System e: FMS Fleet Marine Air Wing e: FMAW Fleet Marine Corps Reserve e: FMCR Fleet Marine Engineering Officer e: FMEO Fleet Marine Force e: FMF Fleet Marine Force-Atlantic e: FMF-A Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic e: FMFLANT Fleet Marine Force-End User Computing Equipment e: FMF-E UCE Fleet Marine Force, Europe e: FMFEUR Fleet Marine Force-Pacific e: FMF-P Fleet Marine Force, Pacific e: FMFPAC Fleet Marine Force Pacific e: FMPAC Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Fleet e: FMFPAC Fleet Marine Force Reference Publication e: FMFRP Fleet Marine Force, Western Pacific e: FMFWESTPAC Fleet Marine ForceAtlantic e: FMF-A Fleet Marine Forces Manual e: FMFM Fleet Material Supply Office e: FMSO Fleet Material Support Office e: FLEMATSUPPO, e FMSO Fleet Material Support Office, Fleet Assistance Group, Atlantic e: FLEMATSUPPOFAGLANT Fleet Material Support Office, Fleet Assistance Group, Pacific e: FLEMATSUPPOFAGPAC Fleet Medical Officer e: FMO, e: F.M.O. Fleet Meteorological Officer e: FMETO Fleet Mine Sweeper e: FMS Fleet Minesweeper e: AM Fleet Missile Systems Analysis and Evaluation Group e: FMSAEG Fleet Missile Systems Analysis and Evaluation Group Annex e: FMSAEGA Fleet Missile Systems Analysis and Evaluation Laboratory e: FMSAEL Fleet Mobile Operational Command Center e: FMOCC Fleet Modernization Plan e: FMP Fleet Modernization Program e: FMP Fleet Modernization Program Management Information System e: FMPMIS Fleet Narrowband Secure Voice e: FLTNBSV Fleet Naval Ordnance Inspecting Officer e: FNOIO Fleet Navigation Officer e: FNO Fleet Numerical Oceanographic [or Oceanography] Center e: FNOC Fleet Numerical Operations Center e: FNOC Fleet Numerical Weather Center e: FNWC Fleet Numerical Weather Facilities e: FNWF Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center e: FOSIC Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Facility e: FOSIF

Κ · G · Saur, München

Fleet Operation Needs Statement e: FONS Fleet Operational Analysis Staff e: FOAS Fleet Operational Command System Life Extension e: FOCSLE Fleet Operational Control Center, Pacific e: FLOCCPAC Fleet Operational Data Acquisition and Analysis Program e: FODAAP Fleet Operational Intelligence Training Center e: FLEOPINTRACEN, e. FOINTRACEN, e: FOITC Fleet Operational Investigation e: FOI Fleet Operational [or Operations] Control Center e: FOCC Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check e: FORAC Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check Site[s] e: FORACS Fleet Operational Readiness and Calibration Systems e: FORACS Fleet Operational Support Intelligence Facility e: FOSIF Fleet Operational Training Command, Atlantic e: FOTCLANT Fleet Operational Training Command, Pacific e: FOTCPAC Fleet Operations Center e: FOC Fleet Operations Commitment e: FOC Fleet Operations Control Center, Europe e: FOCCEUR Fleet Operations Control Center, Pacific Fleet e: FOCCPAC Fleet Operations Officer e: FOO Fleet Operations Programme e: FOP Fleet Operations Programming System e: FLOPSY Fleet Optical Scanning Ammo. Marking System e: FOSAMS Fleet Order e: FO Fleet Oriented Consolidated Stock List e: FOCSL Fleet Outfitting Supply Assistance Team e FOSAT Fleet Paymaster e: FP Fleet Planning & Programming e: FPP Fleet Programming Center, Atlantic e: FPCLANT Fleet Project Team e: FPT Fleet Publication Supply Office e: FPSO Fleet Radio Unit e: FRU Fleet Radio Unit, Melbourne e: FRUMEL Fleet Radio Unit, Pacific e: FRUPAC Fleet Readiness Analysis e: FRAN Fleet Readiness Assistance Program e: FRAP Fleet Readiness Enlisted Maintenance [trainees] e: FREM Fleet Readiness Improvement Plan e: FRIP Fleet Readiness Improvement Program e: FRIP Fleet Readiness Representative e: FLEREADREP Fleet Readiness Squadron e: FRS Fleet Records Office e: FRO Fleet Recreation Officer e: FRO Fleet Recreational Officer e: FRO Fleet Recruiting Officer e: FRO Fleet Rehabilitation and Maintenance e: FRAM Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization e: FRAM Fleet Repair Service e: FRS Fleet Replacement and Modernization e: FRAM Fleet Replacement Pilot e: FRP Fleet Replacement Pilot Training e: FRPTNG Fleet Replacement Squadron e: FRS Fleet Replenishment Squadron e: FRS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Flight Coordination Control Fleet Requirements and Aircraft Direction Unit e: FRADU Fleet Requirements Unit e: FRI) Fleet Requirements Working Group e: FRWG Fleet Reserve e: FR Fleet Reserve Association e: FRA Fleet Reserve Association Auxiliary e: FRAA Fleet Reservist e: FR Fleet Resources Office e: FRC, e: FRO Fleet Return Evaluation Program e: FREP Fleet Royal Marine Officer e: ERMO Fleet Satellite e: FLTSAT Fleet Satellite Broadcast e: FSB Fleet Satellite Broadcast System e: FSBS Fleet Satellite Communication System e: FLTSATCOM Fleet Satellite Communications e: FSC Fleet Satellite Communications System e: FLEETSATCOM, e FSCS Fleet Scheduling Program e: FSP Fleet Secure Voice e: FLTSEVO Fleet Service Mine Test e: FSMT Fleet Service School e: FLTSERVSCOL Fleet Servicing Facility e: FSF Fleet Ships Assistance Program e: FSAP Fleet Signal Officer e: FSO Fleet-sizing Analysis and Sensitivity Technique e: FAST Fleet Sonar School e: FLESONARSCOL Fleet Sound School e: FLTSOUNDSCOL Fleet Submarine Training Facility e: FLESUBTRAFAC, e: FltSubTraFa Fleet Supply Office[r] e: FSO Fleet Supply Ship e: FSS Fleet Support Improvement Program e: FLTSIP Fleet Support Operations e: FSO Fleet Support Unit e: FSH Fleet Surgeon e: FS Fleet Sweeping Flotilla e: FSF Fleet Tactical Operations Center e: FTOC Fleet Tactical Readiness Group e: FLTTACREDGRII, e: FTRG Fleet Tactical Support e: VR Fleet Tactical Support Squadron e: FLETACSUPPRON Fleet Tactical Support Squadron Carrier e: VRC Fleet Telecommunications Operations Center e: FTOC Fleet torpedo bomber e: FIB Fleet Torpedo Bomber e: FTB Fleet Torpedo Officer e: FTO Fleet Tracking Center e: FLTTRACKCEN Fleet Training Base e: FLETRABASE Fleet Training Center e: FLETRACEN, e: FLTTRACEN, e FTC Fleet Training Command, Atlantic e: TRALANT Fleet Training Command, Pacific e: TRAPAC, e: TRAPC Fleet Training Group e: FLETRAGRU, e: FLTTRAGRII, e: FTG Fleet Training Group and Underway Training Element e: FLETRAGRUWATE Fleet Training Group Services e: FTGSVC Fleet Training Group, Western Pacific e: FTGWP Fleet Training Officer e: FTO Fleet Training Readiness Group e: FTRG Fleet Training Unit e: FTU Fleet Utility e: FUT Fleet Weapon Acceptance e: FWA Fleet Weapons Center e: FLTWEPCEN, e: FWC

Fleet Weapons Engineering Officer e: FWEO Fleet Weather Center e: FLEWEACEN, e: FLTWEACEN, e: FWC Fleet Weather Facility e: FLEWEAFAC, e: FWF Fleet Weather & Oceanographic Centre e: FWOC Fleet Weather & Oceanographic Centre Computer Equipment Replacement e: FWOCCER Fleet Weather & Oceanographic Computer e FWOC Fleet Work Study Group e: FWSG Fleet Work Study Group, Atlantic e: FLEWORKSTUDYGRULANT, e: FWSGLANT Fleet Work Study Group, Pacific e: FWSG PAC Flexible Adaptive Radar e: FLEXAR Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment [missile] e: FLAGE Flexible Theatre Missile e: FTM Fliegender Gefechtsstand d: FGS Flieger- und Fliegerabwehrtruppen d: FF Trp Fliegerabwehr d: fia Fliegerabwehr aller Truppen d: FlgAbwaTr Fliegerabwehr-Raketen Trupp d: FRT Fliegerabwehr-Raketenkomplex d: FRK Fliegerabwehr-Raketentechnik d: fiar Fliegerabwehr-Raketentruppen d: fiar Fliegerabwehrkanone d: Flak Fliegerabwehrrakete d: Fla-R, d: Flarak Fliegerabwehrselbstfahrlafette d: Fla-SFL Fliegerabwehrselbstfahrlafette-Batterie d: Fla-SFL-Bttr Fliegerbeobachtungs- und Meldedienst d: F1BMD Fliegerbombe d: Fl Bb, d: Flibo Fliegerführer Atlantik d: FFA Fliegerfunktrupp d: FlgFuTrp Fliegerhorstkommando d: FIHKdo Fliegeringenieurdienst d: FID Fliegerkräfte d: SFK Fliegerleittrupp d: FlgLtTrp Fliegerschützenschule d: Fl.S.S. Fliegerverbindungsoffizier d: Flivo, d: Fl.V.Off. Fliegerwaffentechnische Schule d: Fl. W. S., d: Fl.W.S. Fliegerwarte d: F.W. Flight e: F, e: FI, e: FLGT, e: FLT, e: Ft Flight Acceleration Monitor Only System e: F AMOS Flight Activities Officer e: FAO Flight Activity Performance e: FAP Flight Advisory Service Test e: FAST Flight Analyses System e: FAST Flight and Weapons Planning System e: FAWPS Flight Application Software e: FLAP Flight Assignments] Working Group e: FAWG Flight Attendant Volunteer Corps e: FA VC Flight Calibration Procedures e: FLTCAL Flight Certification Board e: FCB Flight Change Control Order e: FCCO flight check e: fltck Flight Clearance Office e: FCO Flight Combustion Facility Monitor e: FCFM Flight Combustion Monitor e: FCM Flight Combustion-Stability Monitor e: FCSM Flight Command Indicator e: FCI Flight Command School e: FCS Flight Command Subsystem e: FCS

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Flight Command Unit e: FCU Flight Commander e: FC, e: Fit Cmdr, e: FltComdr Flight Communications Center e: FCC Flight Communications Operator e: FCO Flight Composite Acceptance Test e: FCAT Flight Computer e: FC Flight Configuration Mode Test e.· FCMT Flight Configuration Release e: FCR Flight Configuration Review e: FCR Flight Confirmation Message e: FCM Flight Control e: FC, e: FLCON Flight Control Applications Program e: FCAP Flight Control Area e: FCA Flight Control Assemblies e: FCA Flight Control Center e: FCC Flight Control Centre e: Fli Con C flight-control computer e: flcc flight-control console e: fcc Flight Control Data Bus e: FCDB Flight Control Data Recorder e.· FCDC Flight Control Division e: FCD flight-control electrical package container e: fcept Flight Control Electronic Package e: FCEP Flight Control Electronics e: FCE Flight Control Electronics System e: FCES Flight Control Electronics Unit e: FCEU Flight Control Equipment e: FCE Flight Control Group e: FCG Flight Control Gyro Container e: FCGC flight-control gyro-package container e: fcgpc Flight Control Hydraulics Laboratory e: FCHL Flight Control Indicator e: FCI Flight Control Integration e: FCI Flight Control Interface Module e: FCIM Flight Control Laboratory e: FCL Flight Control Officer e: FCO Flight Control Operating System e: FCOS Flight Control Operations Branch e: FCOB Flight Control [or Course] Computer e: FCC Flight Control Programmer e: FCP Flight Control Ready Light e: FCRL Flight Control Ready Light System e: FCRLS Flight Control Room e: FCR, e: FRC Flight Control Sensor Group e: FCSG Flight Control Sight System e.· FCSS Flight Control Software e: FCS Flight Control Stabilisation System e: FCSS Flight Control System e: FCR, e: Flcs Flight Control System [Subsystem] e: FCS Flight Control System[s] e: FCS Flight Control Systems Section e: FCSS Flight Control Team e: FCT flight-control test stand e: fcts Flight Control Unit e: FCU Flight Controller e: F/C Flight Controller] e: Fli Con Flight Controller Confidence Test e: FCCT Flight Controller Training System e: FCTS Flight Controller's Handbook e: FCH Flight Controllers Operational Handbook e: FCOH Flight Control [s] e: FLTCONT, e: FLT CTL Flight Coordination Center e: FCC Flight Coordination Control Central e: FCCC


Flight Correction Proposal Flight Correction Proposal e: FCP Flight Crew e: FC, e: FLC, e: FTC Flight Crew Accommodations Facility e: FCAF Flight Crew and Crew Equipment e: FC & CE Flight Crew Compartment e: FCC Flight Crew Equipment e: FCE Flight Crew Equipment Facility e: FCEF Flight Crew Information File e: FCIF Flight Crew Operations Directorate e: FCOD Flight Crew Support Division e: FCSD Flight Crew System e: FCS Flight Crew Trainer e: FCT Flight Crew Trainer Simulator e: FCTS Flight Crew Training Building e: FCTB Flight Critical e: FC Flight Critical Forward e: FCF Flight Critical Items e: FCI Flight Data Acquisition and Management System e: EDAMS Flight Data Acquisition System e: FDAS Flight Data Acquisition Unit e: FDAU Flight Data and Flow Management Group e: FDFM Flight Data Center e: FDC Flight Data Distribution System e: FDDS Flight Data Document e: FDD Flight Data Entry e: FDE, e: F1DEN, e: FLIDEN Flight Data Entry [and] Printout e: FDEP Flight Data Entry Device e: FLIDEN Device Flight Data Entry Panel e: FDEP Flight Data Entry system e: FDE system Flight Data File e: FDF Flight Data Input Output e: FDIO Flight Data Interface Unit e: FDIU Flight Data Management System e: F.DMS Flight Data Management Unit e: FDMU Flight Data Manager e: FDM Flight Data Position e: FLIDAP Flight Data Processing System e: FDPS Flight Data Recoder e: FDR Flight Data Recording System e: FDRS Flight Data Storage Unit e: FDSU Flight Data Subsystem e: FDS Flight Data Unit e: FDD Flight Day e: FD Flight Deck e: FD, e: FLDK Flight Deck Assembly e: FDA Flight Deck Officer e: FDO Flight Deck System Integration Simulator e FDSIS Flight Definition and Requirements Document e: FDRD Flight Definition Document e: FDD Flight Demonstration Team e: FDT Flight Design Operations Review e: FDOR Flight Detector Indicator e: FDI Flight Determination Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base e: FDLH Flight Direction Attitude e: FDA Flight Direction Indicator e: FDI Flight Director e: FD Flight Director Attitude Indicator e: FDAI Flight Director Computer e: FDC Flight Director Group e: FDG Flight Director Loop e: FDL Flight Director Rate Indicator e: FDRI Flight Director System e: FDS Flight Display Keyboard e: FKB Flight Display Research System e: FDRS Flight Duty Officer e: FDO Flight Dynamics Branch e: FDB Flight Dynamics Division e: FDD Flight Dynamics Facility e: FDF


Flight Dynamics Group e: FDG Flight Dynamics Officer e: FDO, e: FIDO, e: FIDO Flight Dynamics Simulation Complex e: FDSC Flight Dynamics Simulator e: FDS Flight Dynamics Situation Complex e: FDSC Flight Dynamics Software e: FDS Flight Dynamics System e: FDS Flight Elapsed Time e: FET Flight Engagement Tactical Cargo Hook e: FETCH Flight Engine Test Facility e: FETF Flight Engineer e: FENG, e: FLE Flight Engineer in Training e: FET Flight Engineer[ing] e: F/E Flight Equipment Interface Device e: FEID Flight Evaluation Board e: FEB Flight Evaluation Plan e: FEP Flight Evaluation Working Group e: FEWG Flight Examiner e: F/E Flight Facilities Survey e: FFS Flight Following Service e: FFS Flight forecast e: FIFOR Flight Forward e: FF Flight Guidance and Control e: FGC Flight Guidance and Control System e: FGCS Flight Guidance Control Panel e: FGCP Flight Guidance System e: FGS Flight Half Coupling e: FHC Flight Hardware Availability e: FHA Flight Identification System e: FIS Flight Identity e: FI Flight in a Radiation Environment e: FIRE Flight Incident Recorder and Aircraft Monitoring System e: FI RAMS Flight Incident Recorder Memory Unit e: FIRMU Flight Information e: FLIFO Flight Information Advisory Committee e: FIAC Flight information and Control of Operation e: FLCO Flight Information and Control of Operation^] e: FICO Flight Information and Display System e: FIDS Flight Information Area e: FIA Flight Information Bulletin e: FIB Flight Information Center e: FIC Flight Information Display e: FIND Flight Information Display Electronics e: FINDE Flight Information Handbook e: FIH Flight Information Manual e: FIM, e: FLIMAN Flight Information Office[r] e: FIO Flight Information Plan e: FLIP Flight Information Processing System e: FLIPS Flight Information Publication e: FLIP Flight Information Region e: FIR Flight information region boundary e: FIRB Flight Information Report e: FIR Flight Information Section e: FIS Flight Information Service e: FIS Flight Information Service-Broadcast e: FIS-B Flight Information Test Element e: FLITE Flight Input Workstation e: FIW Flight Inspection District Office e: FIDO Flight Inspection Field Office, High Altitude e: FIFO-H Flight Inspection Field Office[r] e: FIFO

Κ · G · Saur, München

Flight Inspection Group e: FIG Flight Inspection National Field Office e: FINFO Flight Inspection/Permanent e: FI/P Flight Inspection Positioning System e: FIPS Flight Inspection Report e: FIR Flight Inspection, Temporary e: FI/T Flight Inspector in Charge e: FIIC Flight Instruction Program e: FIP Flight Instructions Indoctrination Group e: FIIG Flight Instructor e: FI Flight Instructor Examiner e: FIE Flight Instrument Trainer e: FIT Flight Instrumentation e: FI Flight Instrumentation Engineer e: FIE Flight Instrumentation Signal Converter e: FISC Flight Instruments] e: FI Flight Investigation Reentry Environment e: FIRE Flight Leader e: FL Flight Leader Identification e: FLI Flight Leader Identity e: FLI Flight Lieutenant e: FL, e: F/Lt, e: Fit Lt Flight Line e: FLTL flight-line bunker e: flb Flight Line Detection and Isolation Techniques e: FLIDIT Flight Line Maintenance e: FLM Flight Line Maintenance Test Set e: FLMTS Flight Management and Guidance System e FMGS Flight management computer e: FMC Flight Management Computer System e: FMCS Flight Management Control and Display Unit e: FMCDU Flight Management Geographic Information System e: FMGIS Flight Management Guidance e: FMG Flight Management Guidance Envelope Computer e: FMG EC Flight Management Office e: FMO Flight Management System[s] e: FMS Flight Manifest e: FMANTS Flight Manifest and Hardware Tracking System e: FMAHTS Flight Manual e: FM Flight Mechanic e: FM Flight Mechanics, Dynamics, and Control e: FMD & C Flight Mechanics Internal Memorandum e: FLIM Flight Mechanics Laboratory e: FML Flight Mechanics Panel e: FMP Flight Mission Assignments Document e: FMAD Flight Model e: FM Flight Not Operating e: NO-OP Flight Number e: Fit No. Flight Observation Team e: FOT Flight Officer e: FI O, e: FLTO, e: Fit Off, e: FO Flight operations e: FO Flight Operations Advisory Committee e: FLOPAC Flight Operations Center e: FOC Flight Operations Center/Flight Coordination Center e: FOC/FCC Flight Operations Department e: FOD Flight Operations Directorate e: FOD Flight Operations Facility e: FOF Flight Operations Group e: FOG Flight Operations Management Room e: FOMR Flight Operations Officer e: FOO Flight Operations Panel e: FOP

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Flugsicherungsdienst Flight Operations Plan e: FOP Flight Operations Planner e: FLIOP Flight Operations Planning Group e: FOPG Flight Operations Planning Schedule e: FOPS Flight Operations Review e: FOR Flight Operations Scheduling Officer e: FOSO Flight Operations Segment e: FOS Flight Operations Support e: FOS Flight Operations Support Personnel e: FOSP Flight Operations Support Team e: FOST Flight Operations Team e: FOT Flight Path Analysis e: FPA Flight Path Analysis and Command e: FPAC Flight Path Analysis Area e: FPAA Flight Path Control e: FPC Flight Plan e: Fit Pin, e: FP, e: FPL, e: fpln Flight Plan Aided Tracking e: FLAT Flight Plan and Coordination e: FLIPCO Flight Plan Approval e: FPA Flight plan Filed in the Air e: AFIL Flight Plan Processing Center e: FPPC Flight Plan Processing System e: FPPS Flight Position e: FP Flight Power Subsystem e: FPS Flight Preparation Sheet e: FPS Flight Programmer e: Flt/PG, e: FP Flight Progress Board e: FPB Flight Proof Test Plan e: FPTP Flight Proof Test[ing] e: FPT Flight Qualification e: FQ Flight Quality Simulator e: FQS Flight Radio Officer e: FRO Flight Rating Test e: FRT Flight Readiness e: FR Flight Readiness Demonstration e: FRD Flight Readiness Firing e: FRF Flight Readiness Firing Test e: FRFT Flight Readiness Review e: FRR Flight Readiness Review Item Description e FRRID Flight Readiness Review Item Disposition e: FRRID Flight Readiness Test e: FRT Flight Readiness Training e: FRT flight-readiness vehicle e: frv Flight Reference Stabilization System e: FRSS Flight Release Point e: FRP Flight Requirements Document e: FRD Flight Research and Development Instrumentation e: FRDI Flight Research Center e: FRC Flight Research Laboratory e: FRL Flight Rule e: FR Flight Rules Computer e: FRC Flight Safety e: FS Flight Safety Committee e: FSC Flight Safety District Office e: FSDO Flight Safety Region e: FSR Flight Screening Program e: FSP Flight Screening Squadron e: FSS Flight Security e: FS Flight Segment e: FS Flight Sergeant e: Fit Sgt, e: FS, e: F Sgt Flight Sergeant Navigator e: Fit Sgt Nav Flight Service e: FS Flight Service Automation System e: FSAS Flight Service Center e: FSC, e: FS Cen Flight Service Communications System[s] e: FSCS Flight Service Station e: FSS Flight Simulation Division e: FSD Flight Simulation Laboratory e: FSL

Flight Simulation Monitor e: FSM Flight Simulation Report e: FSR Flight Simulation Test Data e: FSTD Flight Simulator e: FS Flight Simulator for Advanced Aircraft e: FSAA Flight Simulator Instructor e: FSI Flight Simulator Model e: FSM Flight Simulator Update Program e: FSUP Flight Space e: FLSP Flight Standards District Office e: FISDO, e: FSDO Flight Standards Service e: FS Flight Structural Monitoring System e: FSMS Flight Study Group e: FSG Flight Support Detachment e: FSD Flight Support Division e: FSD Flight Support Equipment e: FSE Flight Support Maintenance Data Base e: FSMDB Flight Support Maintenance Management System e: FSMMS Flight Support Operations Handbook e: FSOH Flight Support Station e: FSS Flight Support Structure e: FSS Flight Support System e: FEE, e: FSS Flight Surgeon e: FS Flight System e: FS Flight System Interface Working Group e: FSISWG, e: FSIWG Flight Systems Laboratory e: FSL Flight Systems Simulator e: FSS Flight Team e: FT Flight Team Operations Handbook e: FTOH Flight Technical Error e: FTE Flight Technical Tolerance e: FTT Flight Telemetry System e: FTS Flight Termination Ordnance System e: FTOS Flight Termination System e: FTS Flight Test e: FT Flight Test Center e: FTC Flight Test Diagnostics e: FTD Flight Test Direction e: FTD Flight Test Division, Internal Project e: FTDIP Flight Test Engineer e: FTE Flight Test Engineering Order e: FTEO Flight Test Equipment e: FTE Flight Test Evaluation e: FTE Flight Test Ground Support Equipment e: FTGSE Flight Test Instrumentation System e: FTIS Flight Test Memo e: FTM Flight Test Missile e: FTM Flight Test Operations e: FTO Flight Test Operations Handbook e: FTOH Flight Test Planning and Evaluation e: FTP & E Flight Test Procedure e: FTP Flight Test Program e: FTP Flight Test Qualification Unit e: FTQIJ Flight Test Release Order e: FTO, e: FTRO Flight Test Report e: FTR Flight Test Report Guide e: FTRG Flight Test Request Memorandum e: FTRM Flight Test Review Board e: FTRB Flight Test Rocket Facilities Mechanical Engineering e: FTRFME Flight Test Station e: FAT, e: FTS Flight Test Support e: FTS Flight Test System e: FTS Flight Test Unit e: FTU

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Flight Test Unsatisfactory Report e: FTUR Flight Test Vehicle e: FTV Flight Test Working Group e: FTWG Flight Test[ing] Manual e: FTM Flight Test[ing] Model e: FTM Flight Time e: FT Flight Time Capability e: FTC Flight Time Limitations e: FTL Flight Training Command e: FTC Flight Training Device e: FTD Flight Training Organisation e: FTO Flight Training School e: FTS Flight Training Squadron e: FTS Flight Unit e: FU Flight Vehicle e: FY Flight Vehicle Structure e: FVS Flight Vehicle System Committee e: FVSC Flight Verification Vehicle e: FVV Flight Warning and Analysis System e: FWAS Flight Watch Control Station e: FWCS Flight Watch Point e: FWP Flight Watch Specialist e: FWS Flight Watch Unit e: FWU Flightcrew Record System e: FCRS Flinders Naval Depot e: FND Floating Aircraft Maintenance Facility e: FAMF Florida Lightning and Radar Experiment e: FLARE Florida location of weapon component/neutron device plant e: Pinellas Florida Marine Patrol e: FMP Florida Missile Test Range e: FMTR Florida West Coast Nuclear Group e: FWCNG florward-looking airborne radar e: fiar Flota de combate s: FC Flotilla Commander e: FC Flotilla de submarinos s: FIS Flotilla Staff Officer e: FSO Flotillengefechtsstand d: FGS Flottans maskinist r: FMS Flottans sj r: FLSS Flottans skolor i G r: Gskol Flottans skolor i Karlskrona r: FSK Flottans ν r: FIVplS Flottenabteilung [Oberkommando der Marine] d: AI Flottenbasis d: Floba Flottenbasishauptstraße d: FlobaHS Flottenbasisreservestraße d: FlobaRS Flottenkommando d: Flottenkdo Flottillenadmiral d: FI. Adm. Flugabwehr-Artillerie d: Flak.-Art. Flugabwehr-Rakete d: Fla-Rak Flugabwehr-Raketenwaffe d: Fla-R-Waffe Flugabwehr-Waffenanlage d: FlaWa Flugabwehrartillerie d: Fl-Art. Flugabwehroffizier d: Flabo Flugabwehrraketen-Waffe d: Flak-RWaffe Flugabwehrraketengeschwader d: FlaRakG Flugabwehrraketenpanzer d: FlaRakPz Fluganwärter d: FlAnw Flugbetriebsvorschrift d: FBV Flugboot d: Flb, d: Flugb. Flugkommandoanzeige d: FDI Flugkommandosystem d: FDS Flugkörperkommandogerät d: FKKG Flugkörperrakete d: FKR Flugoperationsoffizier d: Flopo Flugplatzknoten d: FlpK Flugschnellboot d: FS Flugsicherheit d: Flusi. Flugsicherungsdienst d: FSD


Flugsicherungsschule Flugsicherungsschule d: Fls.Sch. Flugtaktische Übung d: FTÜ Flugzeug Versorgungstechnik d: FVT Flugzeugabwehr Kanone d: FLAK Flugzeugabwehrrakete d: Flabrakete, d: Fla-R, d: Flarak Flugzeugoperationsoffizier d: FOO Flugzeugwasserbombe d: FIWB Flüssigkeitsrakete d: Fliirak, d: Fliirak Flüssigkeitsraketenstrahltriebwerk d: FR Flußkanonenboot d: Flßkbt Flußschnellboot d: FS Flyg- och Navalmedicinska N ä m n d e n r: FMN Flygbasomrâde r: Flybo Flygkrigsh r: FKHS Flygkrigsskolan r: FKS Flygreservskolan r: FRS Flygstabens pressektion, Stockholm r: FS/P Flygtransportdivision r: FlygTpDiv Flygvapnets centrala intendenturf r: FIV Flygvapnets Radarskola r: FRAS Flygvapnets radarskola, H r: FRAS Flygvapnets Räddningsdivision r: FRÄD Flygvapnets signalskola, V r: FSS Flygvapnets tekniska skola, Halmstad r : FTS Flygvapnets Trupputbildningsskola r: FTUS Flygvapnets Underofficersskola r: FUS Flying Control Liaison Officer e: F.C.L.O. Flying Control Officer e: FCO Flying Division, Air Training Command e: FDATC Flying Evaluation Board e: FEB Flying Officer e: Fg Off, e: Fig. Off., e: Fl. O., e Fl Offr, e FO, e F.Offr. Flying Officer, Royal Air Force e: FO RAF Flying Selection Squadron e: FSR Flying Squadron e: F Sq Flying Target Simulator e: FTS Flying Training Air Force e: FlyTAF, e: FTAF Flying Training School [Squadron] e: FTS Flying Training Squadron e: FTS Flykommando N: FK Flykommando Nord-Norge hi: FK NordNorge Flykommando Ostlandet Ν: FK Ostlandet Flykommando Trondelag N: FK Trondelag Flykommando Vestlandet N: FK Vestlandet Flykommandoren N: FK Flykommandosjefen N: FK-sjefen Flyvâpnets Forsyningskommando N: F VF Κ Flyvâpnets Overkommando N: FOK Flyvâpnets Overkommando i Nord-Norge N: F O N N Flyvematerielkommandoen a: F M K FMS [Flight Management System] Flight Data e: FFD Föderation für Weltfrieden und Vereinigung e.V. d: FWV Fog Gun e: FG Foglio Ufficiale Militare i: F U M Fokker Troopship built in the Netherlands e: F-27M Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket e: FFAR Folding Light Acoustic System for Helicopters e.· FLASH folgende Aufgabe d: FA Foliage Penetration System e: FOLPES Follow-On Ballistic Missile e: F O B M Follow-on destroyer e: FOD Follow-On Forces Attack e: FOFA


Follow-On Nuclear Submarine e: FOSSN Follow-on Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance System e: FOTARS Follow-On Tactical Reconnaissance e: FOTR Follow-on to Lance Missile e: F O T L Follow-on to SSN-21 Class Submarine e: CENTURION F o l l o w i n g ] e: FOL Following Named Officers e: FNO Following Named Officers and Airmen e: FNOA Fondation pour les Etudes de Défense Nationale f : FEDN Fonds non Publics f: FNP Food and Disarmament International e: FD I Food, Family, Friendship, Freedom e: FFFF Food for Peace e: FFP Food Industry War Committee e: F.I.W.C. For course of instruction and further assignment by Commander Naval Military Personnel Command e: INSTFUAASPERS Förberedande Officerskurs r: F O K Förberedande reservofficerskurs r: F R O K Forbes Air Force Base e: FOAFB Förbindelseofficer r: Förb O Förbund det Frâlsningsarméofficerarnas r: F.D.F.O. Forca Aerea Brasileira ρ : FAB Força Aerea Brasileira ρ : F.A.B. Forca Aérea Portuguesa ρ: F.A.P. Forca Expedicionaria Brasileira ρ: FEB Force e: F, e: fee Force Accounting System Track e: FASTRACK Force Accounting Terminal System e: FACTS Force Activity Designation e: FAD Force/Activity Designator e: F/AD Force Air Intelligence Study e: FAIS Force Analyses Simulation of Theater Administration and Logistic Support e: FASTALS Force Analysis Simulation of Theater Administrative and Logistics Support e: FASTALS Force and Supply Tracking System e: FAST Force and Weapon Analysis System e: FOREWAS Force Anti-Air Co-ordination Area e: FAACA Force Anti-Air Warfare Co-ordinator e: FAAWC Force Anti-Air Warfare Coordination Technology e: F A C T Force Area Populaire de Angola f: FAPA Force Armée Nationale Khmer f: FANK Force Artillery e: FA Force Associated Control Communications e FACC Force Aérienne f : FAE Force Aérienne Belge f : F Aé Β Force Aérienne congolaise / • F Aé C Force Aérienne de Haute Volta f : FAHV Force Aérienne Libanaise f: FAéL Force aérienne tactique f : F . A . T a c . , / · F . A . T A C , / FATAC force coatre-électromotrice f: f.c.é.m. Force Command W W M C C S Development Plan e: F W D P Force d'Action Navale f : FAN Force d'Action Rapide f : FAR Force d'Assistance Humanitaire Militaire d'Intervention Rapide f: F A H M I R Force de Libération Nationale Kamerounaise f : FLNK

Κ · G · Saur, München

Force de l'Union Nationale Cambodge f: FUNC Force de protection des Nations Unies f: FORPRONU Force Development and Analysis Division [Ministry of Defence] e: FDA Force Development Experimentation Testing e: FDET Force d'Interposition des Nations Unies au Liban f : F.I.N.U.L. Force d'Urgence de Nations Unies f: F U N D , / · F.U.N.U. Force Démocratique f : FD Force Fighter Director Officer e: FFDO Force Flagship e: FF Force Headquarters e: FH Force Headquarters, Adjutant General e: FHAG Force Headquarters, Adjutant General, Miscellaneous e: FHAGM Force Headquarters, Adjutant General, Personnel e: F H A G P Force Headquarters [Allied Forces] e: FH Force Headquarters, Chemical Warfare e: FHCW Force Headquarters, Chief Administrative Officer e: F H C A O Force Headquarters, Chief of Staff e: FHCOS Force Headquarters, Civil Affairs Section e FHCIV Force Headquarters, Claims and Hirings e: FHCCH Force Headquarters, Commander in Chief e FHCIC Force Headquarters, Deputy Allied Commander-in-Chief e: FHDCC Force Headquarters, Deputy Chief of Staff e FHDCS Force Headquarters, Director of Harbor Craft e: FHDHC Force Headquarters, Engineer e: FHENG Force Headquarters, Expeditionary Forces Institute e: FHEFI Force Headquarters, Headquarters Commandant e: F H H D C Force Headquarters, Information and Censorship e: FHINC Force Headquarters, Liaison Section e: FHLIA Force Headquarters, Military Government Section e: F H M G S Force Headquarters, Military Secretary Section e: FHDMSS Force Headquarters, Office of Intelligence and Censorship e: FHINC Force Headquarters, Ordnance e: FHORD Force Headquarters, Petroleum e: FHPET Force Headquarters, Psychological Warfare Office e: F H P W O Force Headquarters, Secretary General Staff e FHSGS Force Headquarters, Signal Officer e: FHSIG Force Headquarters, United States Naval Staff e: FHUSN Force Headquarters, Works e: F H E N W Force Helicopter Unit e: FHU Force High Lever Terminal e: FHLT Force Information System e: FIS Force Integration Staff Officer e: FISO Force Interarmée d'Intervention f : FU Force intérimaire des Nations Unies au Liban f : FINUL Force Level and Maneuver Control System e: SIGMA Force Level Commander e: FLC Force Level Control System e: FLCS Force Level Simulation e: FLS Force Logistics Command e: FLC

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten Force majeure f: FM Force Management Information System e: FMIS Force Missile Coordinator e: FMC Force Mobilization Review and Evaluation Committee e: FMREC Force Mobilization Troop Bases e: FMTB Force Modernization e: FM Force Modernization Command and Control System e: FMCCS Force Modernization Division e: FMD Force Modernization Program e: FMP Force Nationale de Sécurité f: FNS Force Navale f: F.N. Force Nucléaire Stratégique f: FNS Force Oceanique Stratégique f: FOST Force Over-the-Horizon Tactical Coordination e: FOTC Force Over the Horizon Track Commander e: FOTC Force Over-the-Horizon Track Coordinator e: FOTC Force Readiness Expert System e: FRESH Force Requirement Expert System e: FRESH Force Routine Order e: FRO Force Service Support Group e: FSSG Force Status and Identity Report System e: FORSTAT Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate e: J-8 Force Supply Office[r] e: FSO Force Tactique Nationale f: NTF Force Weapons Coordinator e: FWC Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-andBelow e: FBCB2 Force XXI Integration Office e: FIO Forced Air e: FA Forced-Air-cooled e: FA forced-air-cooled electronics e: face, forced air unit e: fau forced landing without power e: flwop Forced Release Signal e: FRL Signal Forces Administrative Area e: FAA Forces Alliées Centre Europe f: F.A.C.E. Forces Armées f: F.A. Forces Armées de la Zone Sud de l'Océan Indien f: F.A.Z.S.O.I. Forces Armées du Burundi f: FAB Forces Armées du Nord f: FAN Forces Armées du Royaume f: FAR Forces Armées Fédérales f: FAF Forces Armées Nationales f: FAN Forces Armées Nationales de la Côte d'Ivoire f: FANCI Forces Armées Nationales du Tchad f: FANT Forces Armées Neutralistes f: FAN Forces Armées Nigériennes f: FAN Forces Armées Occidentales f: FAO Forces Armées Populaires f: FAP Forces Armées pour une République Fédérale f: FARF Forces Armées Royales f: FAR Forces Armées Royales Khmeres f: FARK Forces Armées Tchadiennes f: FAT Forces Armées Togolaises f: FAT Forces Armées Zaïroises f: FAZ Forces Atlantiques f: F.A. Forces Aérienne Zaïroise f: FAZA Forces Aériennes f: F.A. Forces Aériennes Alliées Centre Europe f: F.A.A.C.E. Forces aériennes Alliées Sud Europe f: FAASE Forces aériennes Alliés Nord Europe f: FAANE Forces Aériennes Belges f: F.A.B. Forces Aériennes du Théâtre d'Opération f: FATO

Forces Aériennes du Théâtre d'Opérations Métropole-Méditerranée f: F.A.T.O.M.M. Forces Aériennes Françaises en Allemagne / · F.A.F.A. Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres f: F.A.F.L. Forces Aériennes Gabonaises f: FAGA Forcefs] Aériennefs] Stratégique [s] f: FAS Forces Aériennes Stratégiques f: F.A.S.,/· F.A.S.T. Forces Aériennes Tactiques Alliées f: FATA Forces Belges en Allemagne f: F B A , / FOBA Forces Broadcasting Service e: F.B.S. Forces Canadiennes en Europe f: FOCEUR Forces Courier Office e: FCO Forces dAssistance Rapide f: F.A.R. Forces de Défense de l'Intérieur f: FDI Forces de l'Intérieur f: FI Forces de Terre et de Mer / F.T.M. Forces des Nations Unies f: FNU Forces d'Intervention Immédiate f: F.I.I. Forces d'Outre Mer f: FOM Forces Européennes de Défense f: FED Forces Françaises f: F.F. Forces Françaises Combattants f: F.F.C. Forces Françaises Combattants de la Métropole f: F.F.C.M. Forces Françaises Combattants de l'Intérieur f: F.F.C.I. Forces Françaises de Berlin f: FFB Forces Françaises de l'Intérieur f: FFI Forces Françaises de l'Ouest f: FFO Forces Françaises d'Extrême-Orient f: F.F.E.O. Forces Françaises du Sud de l'Océan Indien f: F.F.S.O.I. Forces Françaises en Allemagne f: F F A , / F.F.A. Forces Françaises Libres f: FFL Forces Féminines de l'Air f: F.F.A. Forces Féminines de l'Armée de l'Air f: F.F.A.A. Forces Information Service e: FIS Forces Intelligence Center e: FORSIC Forces Libanaises f: FL Forces Locales de Defence Civile f: FLDC Forces Maritimes d'Extrême-Orient f: F.M.E.O. Forces Maritimes du Pacifique f: FOMPAC Forces Maritimes du Rhin f: F.M.R. Forces Mobile Command e: FMC Forces Mobiles de Défence Civile f: F.M.D.C. Forces Motoring Club e: F.M.C. Forces Nationales Stratégiques f: F.N.S. Forces Navales f: F.N. Forces Navales Alliées Centre Europe f: F.N.A.C.E. Forces Navales d'Extrême-Orient f: F.N.E.O. Forces Navales Françaises Libres f: F.N.F.L. Forces Nucléaires à Portée Intermédiaire f: FNI Forces Occupantes f: F.O. Forces Organized Ready for War and Able to Rapidly Deploy e: FORWARD Forces Populaires de Libération f: FPL Forces Post Office e: FPO Forces Postal Service e: FPS Forces Républicaines de Sécurité f: FRS Forces Services International e: FSI Forces sous Marines f: FSM Forces' Study Centre e: F.S.C. Forces Terrestres d'Intervention f: FTI

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Forces Travel Booking Service e: FTBS Forces Unies de la Jeunesse Patriotique Française f: F.U.J.P.F. Forecast of Conflict Environment e: FORCE Forecasting Ammunition Consumption Expenditure/Critical Assets Reporting Data Combined Subsystem e: FACE/CARD Foreign Area Officer e: FAO Foreign Area Specialist e: FAS Foreign Defence Assistance and Defence Export e. FODADE Foreign Disclosure Policy Office e: FDPO Foreign Intelligence Special Security Office e FISSO Foreign International Defense Policy e: FIDP Foreign Liaison Office[r] e: FLO Foreign Materiel Branch e: FMB Foreign Military Assistance e: FMA, e: FOMA Foreign Military Assistance Coordinating Committee e: FMACC Foreign Military Assistance Steering Committee e: FMASC Foreign Military Financing e: FMF Foreign Military Financing Program e: FMFP Foreign Military Funding e: FMF Foreign Military Sales e: FMS Foreign Military Sales Credit e: FMSC Foreign Military Sales Credit Financing e: FMSCR Foreign Military Sales Financing e: FMSF Foreign Military Sales Order e: FMSO Foreign Military Service e: FMS Foreign Military Training Affairs Group e: FMTAG Foreign Officer Supply Course e: FOSCO Foreign Relations of the United States e: For.Rel., e FRUS Foreign Safety Officer e: FSO Foreign Service Commission e: FSC Foreign Service Information Officer e: FSIO Foreign Service Officer e: FSO Foreign Service Officers Training School e: FSOTS Foreign Service Staff Officer e: F.S.S.O. Foreign Training Officer e: FTO Foreign War e: FW Foreign Weapon Development Program e: FWDP Foreign Weapons Equipment Technology Evaluation e: FWETE Foreign Weapons Evaluation e: FWE Foreman of Signals e. F o f S Foreningen af Oversergenter og Underofficerer a: FOU Föreningen Armé-, Marin- och Flyfilm r: A.M.F. Forest and rangeland renewable Resources Planning Act e: RPA Formal Qualification Review e: FQR Formation civique et morale f: FCM Formation Flight Operation e: FFO Formation Flight Trainer e: FFI Formation Paramilitaire f: F.P. Formation Rationnelle et Accélérée des Conducteurs f: F . R . A . C . , / FRAC Formations Aéro-Navales f: F.A.N. Former Uganda National Army e: FUÑA Formosa Patrol Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet e: FORMPATPAC Forney Army Airfield e: FAAF Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Versuchsprogramm d: FEVP Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten d: F/E


Forschungsinstitut für Sicherheit Forschungsinstitut für Sicherheit und internationale Fragen d: FSF Förstärkningsdivision r: Fdiv Forsvarets Forskningsanstalt, Stockholm r: FOA Forsvarets Forskningsrad a: FFR Forsvarets idrettsrâd N: FIR Forsvarets Kommandoexpedition r: FKE Forsvarets Materielintendantur a: FMI Forsvarets Overkommando N: FO Forsvarets Overkommandos Tekniske Utvalg N: FOTIJ Forsvarets Undervisnings- og V e l f r d s Korps N: F U V K Forsvarets velferdstjeneste N: FVT Forsvarschefen a: FCH Forsvarskommando Nord-Norge N: FKN Forsvarskommando Sor-Norge N: FKS Försvarsstabens Marinavdelning r: FST Avd M Försvarsväsendets Civilmilitära Ingenjörers Förbund r: FCIF Fort Bragg Range Control Project e: FTB Fort Garry Horse e: FGH Fort Polk Army Airfield e: FPAA Fort Sam Houston Purchasing and Contracting Office e: FSHPC Fort Wingate Army Depot e: FTWIAD, e: FWAD Fort Worth Army Depot e: F T W O A D Fort Worth/Carswell Air Force Base [Texas] e: KFWH Fortbildungsdienst der Truppe d: FDT fortifikationsofficer r: fortoff Fortifikationsofficer r: Fortofficer Forum Informatiker für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung d: F!FF, d: FIFF Forum Informatikerinnen für den Frieden e.V. d: FIFF Forum International de Liaison des Forces de la Paix f : F I L F P , / ILFP Forum Italiano dell'Energia Nucleare i: FIEN Forum Jugend und Armee d: FJA förutvarande officer vid artilleristabskâren r: fdASO Forward e: FD Forward Acquisition Sensor e: FASS Forward Air Base e: FAB Forward Air Control Party e: FACP Forward Air Control [1er] e: FAC Forward Air Controller/Airborne e: FAC/A Forward Air-Defense Area System e: FAADS Forward Air Navigator e: FAN Forward Air Sonar Research e: FASOR Forward Air Strike e: FAST Forward Air Support Center e: FASC Forward Air Support Operations Center e: FASOC Forward Air Transport Operations Centre e: FATOC Forward Air Transport Support [net] e: FATS Forward Airborne Surveillance and Tracking e: FAST Forward Airfield Maintenance Organization e: F A M O Forward Airfield Supply Office e: FASO Forward Air[field] Supply Organization e: FASO Forward Ammunition Depot e: FAD Forward Ammunition Dump e: FAD Forward Ammunition Point e: FAP Forward Area Air Defence Gun System e: FAADS Forward Area Air Defense e: FAAD


Forward Area Air Defense Automated Test System e: F A A D A T S Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control and Intelligence e: FAADC2I Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control and Intelligence System e: FAADC3I Forward Area Air Defense-Line-of-Sight e: FAAD-LOS Forward Area Air Defense-Line-of-Sight Heavy e: FAAD-LOS[H] Forward Area Air Defense/Pedestal Mounted Stinger e: FAAD/PMS Forward Area Air Defense System e: FAADS Forward Area Air Defense Weapon e: FAADW Forward Area Alertfing] Radar e: FAAR Forward Area Alerting System e: FAAS Forward Area Anti-Ballistic Missile System e: F A A B M S Forward Area Antiaircraft Defense System e: FAADS Forward Area Armored Logistic System e: FAALS Forward Area Ballistic Missile Intercept System e: F A B M I S Forward Area Combat Service Support Group e: FACSSG Forward Area Combined Degaussing & Acoustic Range e: F A C D A R Forward Area Multi-purpose Vehicle e: FAMV Forward Area Shelterized Terminal e: FAST Forward Area Sight e: FAS Forward Area Signal Center e: FASC Forward Area Sonar Research e: FASOR Forward Area Support Center e: F A S C Forward Area Support Company e: FASCO Forward Area Support Coordination O f f i c e f r ] e: F A S C O Forward Area Support Coordinator e: FASCO Forward Area Support Team e: FAST Forward Area Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar e: FASTAR Forward Area Surveillance Command and Control Antiarmor and Reconnaissance Vehicle e: FASCAR Forward Area Surveillance & Target Acquisition System e: FASTAR Forward Area Tactical Teletypewriter e: FATT Forward Area Target Surveillance System e: FATSS Forward Area Warning e: FAW Forward Area Weapons e: F A W Forward Army Anti-Ballistic Missile System e: FAABMS Forward Attack Coordinator-Airborne e: FAC - A Forward-Based System [nuclear-capable] e: FBS Forward Bomb Line e: Fwd BL forward combat air patrol e: forcap Forward Combat Zone e: FCZ Forward Control and Analysis Center e: FCAC Forward Control Field e: FCF Forward Control Post e: FCP Forward Controller Assembly e: FCA Forward Defensive Position e: FDP Forward Dressing Station e: FDS Forward Echelon e: Fwd Ech Forward Error Control Electronics System e: FECES forward-fighting aircraft rocket e: ffar Forward Fighting Operating Base e: FFOB

Κ · G · Saur, München

Forward Firing Aerial Rocket e: FFAR Forward-Firing Aircraft Rocket e: FFAR Forward Firing Ordnance e: FFO Forward Flying Observation System e: FFOS Forward Half-Line e: F H L Forward Headquarters e: FHQ Forward Headquarters Element e: FH E Forward Inspection Team e: FIT Forward Landing Ground e: FLG Forward Launched Aerodynamic Missile[s] e: FLAM Forward Line of Enemy Troops e: FLET Forward Line Own Troops e: F L O T Forward Look Sonar e: FLS Forward-Looking Advanced Multimode Radar e: F L A M R Forward-Looking Airborne Moving Target Indication e: FLAMTI Forward Looking Airborne Radar e: FLAR Forward Looking Infrared e: FLI Forward Looking Infrared Attack Set e: FLIRAS Forward Looking Infrared Laser Radar e: FLASER Forward Looking Infrared Radar e: FLIR Radar Forward-Looking Infrared [sensor] e: FLIR Forward Looking Light Attack Radar e: FLLAR Forward Looking Radar e: FLR Forward Maintenance Area e: FMA Forward Medical Equipment Depot e: FMED Forward Missile Deployment Zone e: FMDZ Forward Observation e: FO, e: FOB Forward Observation Battery e: FO Bty Forward Observation Officer e: FOO Forward Observation Post e: FOP Forward Observation Unit e: F.O.U. Forward Observation Unit, Royal Artillery e: F.O.U.R.A. Forward Observer e: FO, e: F. Obs., e: F. Obsr, e: Fwd Ob, e: Fwd Obsvr Forward Observer Bombardment e: FOB Forward Observer/Forward Air Controller e FO/FAC Forward Observer Remote Target Acquisition System e: FORTAS Forward Observer Target Survey Unit e: FOBTSU Forward Observer Vehicle e: FOV Forward Operating Base e: FOB Forward Operating Location Training Area e: FOLTA Forward Operating Locations e: FOL Forward Operating [or Operations] Base e: FOB Forward Operations Center e: FOC Forward Ordnance Team e: FOT Forward Reaction Control System e: FRCS Forward Reaction Jet Driver e: FRJD Forward Ready Signal e: FRS Forward REME [Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers] Group e: FRG Forward Repair Team e: FRT Forward Scatter e: FSC Forward-Scatter- Endstelle d: FwdScEndSt Forward Scatter Meter e: FSM Forward Scatter System e: FSS Forward Scattering Spectometer Probe e: FSSP Forward Service Support Element e: FSSE Forward Supply System e: FSS Forward Support Group e: FSG

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Fuerzas de Acción Armada Forward Support Patrol Base e: FSPB Forward Support Team e: FST Forward Support Unit e: FSU Forward Swept Wings e: FSW Forward Track Kill e: FTK Forward Vehicle Depot e: FVD Forward Warning and Deployment Base e: FW/DB Forward Wing Operations Centre, e: FWOC Forwarding Order e: FO Forza Aerea Tactica i: F.A.T. Forza Combinata Mobile i: F C M Forza navale i: F.N. Forze Alleate del Sud Europa i: F.A.S.E. Forze Europee di Difesa i: FED, i: F.E.D. Fotografie d: foto Fotogrammetrie d: foto Foundation for Middle East Peace e: FMEP Foundation for Peace e: FFP Foundation for the Arts of Peace e: FAP Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific e: FSP Four-Frequency Radar e: FFR Four-Party Joint Military Team e: FPJMT Four-Power Joint Military Commission e: FPJMC Four-Way Radar Surveillance e: QUADRADAR Fourteen Training Group Headquarters, Royal Candían Air Force e: CanAirPeg Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force [Central Europe] e: F O U R A T A F Fourth Armored Division Association e: FA DA Fractions Armées Révolutionnaires Libanaises f: F.A.R.L. Fragata antisubmarina s: F A/S Framskutt artilleriobservator N: FAO France Combattante f: F.C. France's Atomic Energy Commission e: CEA Franchise militaire f: FM Frankford Arsenal e: FA Frankfurt Area Drug Advisory Council e: FADAC Französische Militärregierung d: FrMR Französisches Oberkommando in Deutschland d: FOD, d: FOKD Fraternal and Military Club Managers Association e: F M C M A Fraternelle Belge des Anciens Légionaires Français en Belgique f: FRABALFREB Fraternité Chrétienne Militaire du Canada / · FCM Fraternité chrétienne militaire du Canada, Ottawa, Ontario f : FCM Frauen für den Frieden d: FFF Frauenhilfsdienst d: FHD Free Flight e: FF, e: FFIt Free Flight Analysis Section e: FFAS Free Flight Data e: FFD Free Flight Melt Spinning e: FFMS Free Flight Model e: FF Model Free Flight Plan e: FFP Free flight Range Over Ground e: Frog Free Flight Rocket e: FFR Free Flight Test Vehicle e: FFTV Free-Flying Imaging Radar Experiment e: FIREX Free French Forces e: FFF Free French Headquarters e: F.Fr.H.Q. Free-Rocket Anti-Submarine e: FRAS Free Rocket over Ground e: FROG Free Wales Army e: F.W.A. Free World Armed Forces e: FWAF Free World Military Assistance e: F W M A Free World Military Assistance Council e: FWMAC

Free World Military Assistance Forces e: FWMAF Free World Military Assistance Organization e: F W M A O Freedom Fighter e: F-5A/B Fregattdivision r: Fre Div Freiburgische Offiziersgesellschaft d: FOG Freier Militärischer Vorunterricht d: FMV Freikorps d: FK Freiwillige Grenztruppenhelfer d: FGH Freiwillige Internationale Dienste für Frieden und Versöhnung d: F.I.D. Freiwilligenannahmezentrale der Marine d: FrwAnZM Freiwilliges Automobilkorps d: F.A.K. Freiwilliges Motorboot-Korps d: F.M.K. Fremdenlegion d: Fr.Leg. French Air Force e: FAF French Army e: FA French Army Tube e: F.A. Tube French-built four-place rocket-launching counterin-surgency aircraft e: FR-172 French Expeditionary Corps e: FEC French Expeditionary Forces e: FEF French intermediaterange ballistic missile launched from an underground silo e: SSBS S-2 French light tank carrying SS- 11 antitank guided missiles and a 75mm gun e: AMX-13 French medium tank carrying a 105 mm gun plus machineguns e: AMX-30 French Military Liaison Mission f : F M L M French Military Mission e: F M M French Naval Liaison Office[r] e: FNLO French Navy e: FN, e: FNY French participation in the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq e: Daguet French self-propelled 105mm howitzer e: AMX-105 French Ship e: FS Frequency-agile, High-resolution Radar e: FHR Frequency Agility Radar Modifications to Existing Radar Systems e: F A R M E R S Frequency Allocation Panel e: FAP Frequency Allocation Panel, United States Joint Communications Electronics Committee e: FAP USJCEC Frequency Allocation Subcommittee e: FAS Frequency Array Radar System e: FARS Frequency Coded Armaments System e: FCAS Frequency Control Officer e: FCO Frequency-Hopping-Code Division Multiple Access e: FH/CDMA Frequency modulated carrier wave radar e: FMCWR Frequency Modulated Infrared C 0 2 Doppler Radar e: FINDER Frequency Scan Radar e: FSR Frequency Scanning Radar e: FRESCANNAR Frequency Shift Modulation [radio] e: FSM Fresh Target e: FT Friedenserhaltende Operationen d: FO Friedensförderungsdienst d: FFD Friedensgericht d: FG Friedensstärke d: Fr. St. Friedensstärkenachweis d: F.St.N. Friedensstärkenachweis [Heer] d: F.St.N.[H] Friedensvertrag d: Fr.Vert., d: FV Friedensvertrag-Abrechnungsstelle d: FAST friendly aircraft e: f/a Friendly Aircraft Movements e: FAM

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Friendly Aircraft Movements [Net] e: FAM Friendly Force Identification e: FFID Friendly Forces Data Base e: FFDB Friendly Laotian Forces e: FLF Friendly Prisoner of War e: FPOW Friendly Unit Information Functional Area e: FUI Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns e: F C W T C Friends Coordinating Committee on Peace e: FCCP Friends of Peace N o w e: FPN Friends of the Peaceful Alternatives e: FPA Friends Peace Committee e: FPC Friends Peace Exchange e: FPE Friendship Ambassadors e: FA Friendship Among Children and Youth around the World e: FACAY Friendship Force e: FF Friendship House e: FH Frigate, Helicopter e: FFH frigate-patrol escort vessel e: PF Frigate Squadron e: FS Frigate with missiles e: FRG Front d: F Front de Libération Erythréenne/Forces Populaires de Libération f: FLE/FPL Front Militant Départmentaliste f: FMD Front National des Combattants f: F.N.C. Front Range Lidar, Aircraft, and Balloon e: FRLAB Frontbasis d: FB Fronte Clandestino Militare i: F C M Fronte Unico del Soldato Italiano i: FUSI Fronthauptstraße d: FHS Frontier Force e: FF Frontier Force[s] e: FF Frontiera Orientale i: FO Frontreservestraße d: FRS Frontwetterwarte d: Fr.W.W. Frühwarnflugzeug d: FW Frühwarnsystem d: FrWSys Frühwarnung d: Frw Frustrated Multiple Internal Reflections e: FMIR FRY Armed Forces e: JA Fuel Air Explosive System, Helicopter Delivered e: FAESHED Fuel-Air-Explosive-Waffen d: FAEWaffen Fuel Air Munition e: FAM Fuel and Sensor Tactical Package e: FAST Pack Fuel Fill to Missile e: FFM fuel-oil barge, nonself-propelled e: YON Fuel ship e: FS Fuel Supply Office e: FSO Fuel Supply Officer e: FSO Fuel Tank Helicopter e: FTH Fuerza Aerea Colombiana s: FAC Fuerza Aerea Naval s: FAN Fuerza Aeromóvil del Ejército de Tierra s: FAMET Fuerza Aérea Boliviano s: FAeB Fuerza Aérea de Guatemala s: FAG Fuerza Aérea del Peru s: FAP Fuerza Aérea Guatemalteca s: F Ae G Fuerza Aérea Mexicana s: FAM, s: F.A.M. Fuerza Aérea Salvadoreña s: FAS Fuerza aérea t ctica s: FAT Fuerza Aérea Táctica s: FAT Fuerza Naval Hondurena s: FNH Fuerzas Aéreas Argentinas s: F.A.A. Fuerzas Aéreas Nacionales s: F.A.N. Fuerzas Aéreas Venezolanas s: FAV Fuerzas de Acción Armada s: FADA


Fuerzas de Defensa Operativa Fuerzas de Defensa Operativa del Territorio s: F.D.O.T. Fuerzas de Intervención Immediata s: F.I.I. Fuerzas Navales s: FN Führer der Luft d: FDL Führungs- und Waffeneinsatzsystem d: FUEWES Ftihrungs-und Waffeneinsatzsystem e: FUWES Führungs-/Waffeneinsatzsystem d: FiiWes Führungsstab der Bundeswehr d: Fii Β Führungsstab der L u f t w a f f e d: Fil L Führungsstab der Marine d: Fii M Führungsstab der Streitkräfte d: Fii S Führungsstab des Heeres d: Fii H Führungsstelle d: FiiST Führungssystem Marinehauptquartier d: FiiSysMHQ Führungstruppen d: FiiTr Führungszentrum Marine d: FiiZM Fukuoka Occupation Force e: FOF Full Career Seaman Officer e: FCSO Full-Duplex Transmission e: FDX Full Frequency Range Record[s] e: FFRR Full Mission Trainer e: F M T Full Scale Aerial Target e: F S A T Full-Size Maneuverable Target e: FSMT Full-Size Moving Tank Target Carrier e: FSMTC full-speed forward e: ffwd Full-Time Recruiting Force e: FTRF Full-Tracked Vehicle e: FTRAC Vehicle full-utility cruise missile e: fucm Full Width Attack Mine e: FW A M Fulton Recovery System e: FRS Functional and Organizational Experimentation e: FOE Functional Force Planning System e: FFPS Functional & Organizational Evaluation e: FOE Functional System Design Requirement e: FSDR Fund for Peace e: FFP Fund for Peaceful Atomic Development e: FPAD Funded Legal Education Program e: FLEP Funk- und funktechnische Aufklärung d: FuFuTAK Funkaufklärungs-Bataillon d: FuAB Funkelektronischer Kampf d: FEK Funkelektronisches Mittel d: FEM Funkfernschreibtrupp d: FuFschrTrp Funkkommandosender d: FKS Funkkommandowagen d: Fukow Funkmeß - Vorposten d: FM-VP Funkmeßaufklärungszug d: FuMAZ Funkmeßfeuerleitger d: FMFLG Funkmeßgerät der Flakartillerie d: Fu.M.G.Flak Funkmeßingenieurdienst d: FMID Funkmeßstation d: FuMST Funkmeßtarnung d: FuMT Funkmeßtechnik d: radar Funknavigation d: FN Funknavigationsgerät d: FuNG Funknavigationspunkt d: FNP Funknavigationsstation d: FuNS, d: FuNS Funknetz d: FuN Funkrichtung d: FuR Funkschreibtrupp d: FuSchrTr Funktechnik d: funk Funktechnische Aufklärung d: FuTA Funktechnische Truppen d: FuTT Funktechnischer Aufklärung d: FuTAZ Funktechnischer Offizier d: FTO Funktechnischer Posten d: FuTP Funktechnisches Aufklärung d: FuTAR


Funktechnisches Aufklärungs-Bataillon d: FuTAB Funktrupp d: FuTrp Funkunteroffizier d: F.llffz. Funkzentrale d: FuZ für das Generalkommando d: f.d.G.K. für den befehlenden Divisionskommandeur d: f.d.b.D.K. Fürsorgeabteilung [Reichswehrministerium] d: F.A. Fury single-engine jet fighter-bomber flown from aircraft carriers e: F-l Füsilierregiment d: F.R., d: Fiis.R[eg]., d: Fiis.Rgt. Fußartillerie-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] d: A 5 Future Air Attack Vehicle e: FAAV Future Aircraft Carrier e: CVF Future Ammunition Resupply Vehicle e: FARV Future Anti-Air Warfare Frigate e: FAAWF Future Armored Resupply Vehicle, Artillery e: FARV-A Future Artillery Systems Technology e: FAST Future Attack & Combat Aircraft e: FACA Future Attack Helicopter e: FAH Future Carrier Borne Aircraft e: FCBA Future Close Combat Vehicle e: FCCV Future Close-Combat Vehicle System e: FCCVS Future European Fighter Aircraft project e: FEFA Future Family Light Armoured Vehicle programme e: FFLAV Future Infantr Combat Vehicle e: FICV Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle e: FIFV Future International Military Aircraft e: FIMA Future Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile e: F M R A A M Future Military Systems Authority e: FMSA Future of Nuclear Weapons e: FNW Future Rifle System e: FRS Future Scout Vehicle e: FSV Future Strategic Strategy Study e: FS3 Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft e: FSTA Future Strategic Target List e: FSTL Future Support Vehicle e: FSV Future Surface to Air Missile Family e: FSAF Future Tactical Combat Aircraft e: FTCA Future Tank Main Armament e: FTMA Future Transport Aircraft e: FTA Future Weapons Agency e: FWA Future Years Defense Plan e: FYDP Future Years Defense Program e: FYDP Futuro Avión de Combate y Ataque s: FACA Fuze Committee e: FC

G Gabriel Weapon System Trainer e: GWST Gaided Missile Development Division e: GMDD Gaining Major Air Command e: G M A C Gaining Major Command e: G M A J C O M Galaxy. U.S. Air Force's largest cargo aircraft e: C-5 Games and Sports in the Army e: G.S.A. Gandhi Peace Center e: GPC Gandhi Peace Foundation e: GPF Gap Filler Radar e: GFR Garde-Füsilier-Regiment d: GFR. Garde-Fußartillerie-Regiment d: GFuAR., d: GFuAR.

Κ · G · Saur, München

Garde-Kürassier-Regiment d: GKR. Garde Républicaine Mobile f : G.R.M. Garde-Ulanen-Regiment d: GlIR. Gardegrenadierregiment d: GGrR. Gardekorps d: G.K. Garderegiment zu Fuß d: GRzF. Garmisch Recreation Area e: GRA Garnison-Verwaltungs-Kommission d: G.V.K. Garnisonen i Sor-Varanger N: GSV Garnisongeb d: GGV Garnisonlazarett d: G.L. Garnisonssjukhuset i Boden r: GSB Garnisonssjukhuset i Eksj r: GSE Garnisonssjukhuset i Karlsborg r: G S K Garnisonssjukhuset i Link r: GSL Garnisonsspital d: G Sp Garnisonverwaltung d: Garn.Verw. Garrison Adjutant e: GA Garrison Artillery e: GA Garrison Military Police e: GMP Garrison Quartermaster-Sergeant e: GQMS Garrison Sergeant-Major e: GSM Garrison Transport Unit e: GTU Gas Core Nuclear Rocket e . G C N R Gas Officer e: GO Gas Particulate Filter Unit e: GPFU Gas Plasma Gun e: GPG Gaseous Nuclwar Rocket e: GNR Gasoffizier d: GO gasoline barge, nonself-propelled e: YOGN gasoline barge self propelled e: YOG Gasschutz- und Nebelschule d: G.N.S. Gasschutzoffizier d: G.S.O. Gasschutzunteroffizier d: GII Gasturbinenanlage d: GTA GATE Aircraft Data Management Program e GADMAP Gateway Army Ammunition Plant e: GAAP Gatling Weapon System e: GWS GE [Gene Electric Co.] Stockholders' Alliance Against Nuclear Power/Nuclear Weapons e: GESAANP/NW Gebiet der Salvenposition d: GSP Gebirgsarmeekorps d: Geb A K Gebirgsartillerieregiment d: GebArtRgt Gebirgsdivision d: GebDiv Gebirgsjäger d: GJä Gebirgstruppe d: GebTr Gebrevetteerd varend personeel n: GVP Gebührnisstelle der Zentralgruppe der Marineleitung [Reichswehrministerium] d: MZGebSt Geese Command, Control and Communication Operations, Navigation and Security e: G C C C O O N S Geestelijke verzorgering n: gvzg Geestelijke Verzorgingsgroep η: gvgp Gefechtsabschnitt d: GA Gefechtsaufklärungstrupp d: GAT Gefechtsausbildungslehrgang d: GAL Gefechtsbereitschaft d: GB Gefechtsfeld-Überwachungsradar d: GefFÜR Gefechtsführungszentrum d: G FZ Gefechtsinformationsstand d: GIS Gefechtsstand d: GS GEG-Thomson Airborne Radar e: GTAR Geheime Feldpolizei d: G.F.P. geheime Heeresdruckvorschrift d: HDV.g. geheime Kommandosache d: geh.Kdos., d: g.Kdos., d: g.Kos. Geheime Kriegs-Kanzlei d: GKK. Geheime Verschlußsache d: GVS Gehilfe des Unteroffiziers vom Dienst d: GUvD

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Generalinspektòren for Kystartilleriet Geleitzug Halifax [Neuschottland England] d: HX Gemeenschappelijke Basis Opleiding n: GBO Gemeentelijke Dienst voor Burgerlijke Stand, Bevolkingsregister, Verkiezingen en Militaire Zaken η: BBV/MZ Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik d: GASP Gemeinsame Militärpolizei der N A T O d: G M PN Gemeinschaft katholischer Soldaten d: GKS general and complete disarmament e: gcd General Area Defense Integrated Antimissile laser weapon e: GARDIAN General Atomic Standard Safety Analysis Report for the Nuclear Steam Supply System e: GASSAR[NSSS] General Command e: GC Général Commandant en Chef Français en Allemagne f : GCCFA General Commanding Officer e: GCO General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel e: GCC General Court-Martial e: G C M General Court-Martial Prisoner e: G C M P Général de Brigade f : G.B. General de division s: GD, s: Gral Div, s: Grl Div General de la division de infanteria motorizada s: Gral DIMT Général de l'Armée Aérienne f: G.A.A. General Defence Plan e: GDF, e: GOP General Defense Intelligence Program e: GDIP General Defense Intelligence Proposed Program e: GDIPP General Defense International Division e: GDID General Defense Plan e: GDP General der Artillerie d: GdA, d: G.d.A., d: Gen.d.Art. General der Nachschubtruppen d: Gen.d.Nachsch. General der Nebeltruppen d: Gen.d.NblTr. General der Pioniere d: G.d.Pi. General der schnellen Truppen d: Gen.d.Sehn.Tr. General der Technischen Truppen d: GenTTr General des Erziehungs- und Bildungswesens im Heer d: GenEBH General Dispensary e: GD, e: Gen Disp, e: GENDISP General Distribution [Pentagon security classification code] e: GENDIS General Education Development e: GED General Electric Heavy Military Electronics [Division] e: G E H M E General Electric Light Military Electronics e: G E L M E General Electric-Missile and Space-vehicle Department e: GE-MSD General Electric Missile Space Vehicle Department e: G E M S V D General Electric Mobile Air Defense Gun e: G E M A G General Equipment Testing Directorate e: GETD General für Luftwaffenangelegenheiten der Rüstung d: GenLwRiist General Headquarters e: GH, e: GHQ, e: GHQ-FEC General Headquarters Air Force e: GHQAF General Headquarters, Antiaircraft Troops e GHQ A A T p s

General Headquarters, Far East Command e: G H Q - F E C General Headquarters File e: GHQF General Hospital e: G.H. Général Major Général f : GMG General [military] e: Gen. General Military e: G M T General Military Course e: C M C General Military Court e: G.M.C. General Military Hospital e: GMH General Military Intelligence e: GMI General Military Science e: GMS General Military Subjects Instructor e: GMST General Military Subjects Test e: GMST General Military Training e: G M T General Military Training Office e: GMTO General Military Training Review Board e: G M T R B General Mobilization Reserve Materiel Requirement e: G M R M R General Mobilization Reserve Stockage Objective e: G M R S O General Mobilization Reserves e: GMR General Motors Defense Research Laboratories, Santa Barbara, California e: G M / D R L General Motors-Military Vehicles Operation e: G M - M V O General Naval Staff e: GNS General Naval Training e: GNT General N O R A D [North American Air Defense] Environment Simulation and Subsystem e: GENESIS General N O R A D [North American Air Defense] Environment Simulation Subsystem Executive Program e: GENEX General Nuclear Response e: GNR general nuclear war e: gnc General Nuclear War e: G N W General of the Air Force e: GA, e: Gen AF General of the Army e: GA General O f f i c e f r ] e: GO General Officer Command e: G O C O M General Officer Command [US Army Reserve] e: GOCOM General Officer Commanding e: GOC, e: G.O.C. General Officer Commanding-in-Chief e: GOC, e: GOCinC General Officer Commanding, Royal Artillery e: GOCRA General Officer Commanding Royal Marines e: GOCRM, e: G.O.C.R.M. General Operations Plot e: GOP General Order of the Commander-in-Chief e: G O C C General Political Warfare Department e: GPWD General-Purpose Carrier e: GPC General-Purpose Forces e: GPF General Purpose Heavy Machine Gun e: GPHMG General Purpose Infantry Support Weapon e: GPISW General Purpose Machine Gun e: G Ρ M G General Purpose Machine Gun [Sustained Fire] e: GPMG[SF] General-Purpose Machine Gun [Turret] e: GPMGfTl General Purpose Military Utility Vehicle e: JEEP General-Purpose Missile e: GPM General Purpose Radar e: GPR General Purpose Rocket e: GPF General-Purpose Rocket Furnace e: GPRF

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

General Purpose Rocket Furnace-Gradient e: GPRF-G General Purpose Rocket Furnace Isothermal e: GPRF-I General-Purpose Surface-to-Surface Missile e: G P S S M General-Purpose Test Equipment e: GPTE General-Purpose Vehicle Coordinating Committee e: GPVCC General Research Agency e: GRA General Routine Order[s] e: GRO General Search radar e: GS radar General Security of Military Information Agreement e: G S O M I A General Service e: GS General Service Commission e: GSC General Service Infantry e: GSI General Society of Colonial Wars e: GSCW General Society of the War of 1812 e: GSW 1812 General Staff Branch e: G General Staff, Civil/Military Co-operation e: G5 General Staff Committees on Army National Guard and Army Reserve Policy e: G S C A R N G A R P General Staff Council e: GSC General Staff Intelligence [Security] e: GSI[S] General Staff Interpreter Officer e: GSIO, e: G.S.I.O. General Staff Officer e: GS, e: GSO General staff officer e: G.S.O. General Staff Officer, grade 1 [Intelligence] e: GSO 1 [I] General Staff Officer, grade 3 [Intelligence] e: GSO 3[I] General Staff Officer, grade 1 [Operations] e: GSO 1 [Ops] General Staff Officer, grade 3 [Operations] e. GSO 3[Ops] General Staff Officer-Intelligence e: GSOI General Staff Officer 2nd grade e: G S 0 2 General Staff Officer-Operations e: GSOOps General Staff Officer 3rd grade e: G S 0 3 General Staff Officer 1st grade e: G S O l General Staff Target e: GST General Staff, Training e: G Trg General Staff, United States Army e: GSUSA General Staff with Troops e: GST, e: GSWT General Strike for Peace e: GSP General Strike Program e: GSP General supply schedule e: GSS General Support Rocket System e: GSRS General System Design Document e: GSDD General Test Plan e: GTP General Transport e: GT General transport company e: GT coy General Transport Platoon e: GTP General Use Consumables List e: G U C L General War Reserves e: GWR General War System e: G W S General Watch Officer e: G W O Generale Staf n: G.S. Generalinspektion d: G.I. Generalinspektion des MilitärVerkehrswesens d: G.I.d.MV. Generalinspektoren for Feltartilleriet Ν: GIFA Generalinspektoren for Hasrens artilleri Ν: GIHA Generalinspektoren for Kystartilleriet Ν: G I KA


Generalinspektoren for Luftvernartilleriet Generalinspekt0ren for Luftvernartilleriet Ν: GILA Generalinspekt0ren og Sjefen for Kystartilleriet N: GISKA Generalinspektorens Stab for Luftvernartilleriet Ν: GISLA Generalintendant[ur] des Feldheeres d: Gen.Int.d.F.H. Generalized Data Management System e: GDMS Generalized Electronics Maintenance Model e: GEMM Generalkommandantur d: GenKdtr, d: Gen.-Kdtr. Generalkommando d: GenKdo, d: GK, d: G.K., d: G.Kdo. Generalkommandofunkstation d: Gekofusta Generalluftzeugmeister d: G.L.M. Generaloberst d: GO Generalordenskommission d: Gen.Ord.Komm., d: GOK. Generalquartiermeister d: G.Qu.M. Generalquartiermeister der Bundeswehr d: GenQuBw Generals for Peace and Disarmament e: GPD Generals of the Army and the Air Force and Admirals of the Navy e: Gen Arm Generalstab d: Gen.St., d: Genstb., d: Gst, d: Gstb Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt, Stockholm r: G LA Generalstabschef d: GSC Generalstabskâren r: Gst Generalstabskârens idrottsklubb r: GIK Generalstabsoffizier d: Gen.St.Offz. Generate Target Position e: GTP Generated Target Tracking e: GTT Generations for Peace e: GFP Generatormikrorechner d: GMR Generic Airborne Radar e: GAR Generic Airborne Radar Simulator e: GARS Generic Missile Model e: GEMM Generic Missile Simulation e: G E M S Generic Phased Array Radar Simulation e: G PA RS Generic Radar Display System e: GRDS Generic Threat Radar e: GTR Geneva Convention e: G E N C O N V Geneva Convention Relative to Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War e: GC Geneva International Peace Research Institute e: GIPRI Genfer Kriegsgefangenenabkommen d: G KA Génie de l'Air f : GA Genie Opleidingscentrum n: GOC Genietroepen n: G.T. Genio teleferisti i: g.tfr. Genio trasmissioni i: g.t. Genio trasmissioni marconisti i: genio trasmissioni stenditori guardiafili i: g.t.stg. Genomgâtt intendentenkurs r: IK Genomgatt kurs för Gevärsbesiktningsofficerare r: GBK Gentile Air Force Station e: GAFS Geografski institut Jugoslovenske narodne armije se: G U N A Geographical Reference System e: GEOREF Geographically Separated Unit e: GSII Geographie d: geo Geological Long-Range Inclined ASDIC [Antisubmarine Detection Investigation Committee] e: GLORIA


Geophysikalische Beratungsstelle d: GeophysBSt George Air Force Base e: GAFB George C. Marshall Space Flight Center e: GCMS[F|C Georgia Military College e: G M C Georgia Military College, Milledgeville e: GMiM Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory e: GNAL Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite [NOAA] e: GOES German Air Defense Ground Environment e: G E A D G E German Air Defense Ground Environment System e: G A D G E S German Air Force e: GAF, e: GAR German Air Force Air Defense School e: GAFADS German Air Force Liaison Team e: GAFLT German Air Force Planning e: GAFP German Air Force Southern Command e: GAFSC German Air Force Southern Support Command e: GAFSSC German Air Force Tactical Air Command e: G A F T A C German Armed Forces Intelligence Agency e: GAFIA German Army e: GA, e: GAR German Army Assistance Plan e: GAAP German Army Materiel Office e: G A M O German Army Office e: GAO German Command and Control System e: HEROS German High Command e: G.H.C. German Industry Liaison Office e: GILO German Logistic Representative A F N O R T H Area e: GLRAFN German Military Documents Section e: GMD S German Military Documents Section, Washington, D.C. e: G M D S German Military Geographical Office e: GMGO German Military Intelligence e: G.M.I. German Military Logistic Representative e: G M LR German Military Police e: GMP German Military Representative e: GMR German Mine Supplies Organization e: GMSO German Minesweeper Flotilla e: G M S F German Minesweeping Central Supply Office e: G.M/C.S.O. German Ministry of Defense e: GERMDF, e: G M O D German Minsweeping Division e: GMSD German Naval Air Army e: GNAA German Naval Forces North Sea Sub-Area e: G E R N O R S E A German Navy e: G.N., e: GNY German Tactical Truck e: GETT German Territorial Command e: GTC German Territorial Command Northern Area e: GTCNA German Territorial Command Southern Area e: GTCSA German Territorial Forces e: GTF German Territorial Northern Command[er] e: GTNC German Territorial Southern Command[er] e GTSC German Training Assistance Group e: GTAG Germersheim Army Depot e: GAD Gesamtstreitkräfte d: G S K Gesamtverteidigungsübung 1980 d: G VII 80

Κ · G · Saur, München

Geschützrichtstation d: GRS Geschwader d: G Gesellschaft für Biologische Sicherheit d: G.b.S. Gesellschaft für Europäische Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik d: GEAS Gesellschaft für Heereskunde, Berlin d: G.F.H.K. Gesellschaft für Raketen-Systeme d: GRS Gesellschaft für Wehrkunde, München d: GfW Gesellschaft für Wehrtechnik und Logistik mbH, München d: GWL Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Zukunftsund Friedensforschung e.V. d: GFZFF Gesetz der Alliierten Hohen Kommission für Deutschland d: A H K G Gesetz der amerikanischen Militärregierung d: Am MRG Gesnenvelde n: gvd Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association e: GBPA Gettysburg National Military Park e: GETT, e: G N M P Gewehrprüfungskommission d: G.P.K., d: G.P.K. Gewondentransport n: gwt Gezamenlijke Militaire Fondsen n: GMF Ghana Air Force e: GAF Ghana All Forces Inner Council e: GAFIC Ghana Atomic Energy Commission e: GAEC Ghana Navy e: GhN Ghana Peace and Solidarity Council e: GPSC Ghanaian Air Force e: GhAF Ghanian Air Force e: GhAF Gl [General Issue] Civil Liberties Defense Committee e: GICLDC Gibraltar Defence Force e: GDF Gießen Army Depot e: GAD, e: GAD Girls' Naval Training Corps e: GNTC Gladiator Fighter Aircraft e: GI.AD, e: GLAD Glasgow Highlanders, Territorial Army e: GLAS H Glasgow Royal Infantry e: G.R.I. Glavni stab Hrvatske [II svetski rat] se: GSH Glavni stab Slovenije se: GSS, se: GSS1 Glavni stab Srbije se: GSS Glavnoe Razvedivatelnoe Upravlenie R: GRU GLCM warhead e: W-84 Glider Pilot Regiment e: GPR Global Ballistic Missile Defence e: GBMD Global Combat Support System e: GCSS Global Command and Control System e: GCCS, e GOAL Global LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Chart e: GLC Global Missile Defense e: GMD Global Navigation and Planning Chart e: GNPC Global Navigation Satellite System[s] e: GNSS Global Orbiting and Navigation Satellite System e: G L O N A S S Global Orbiting Defence System e: G O D S Global Position System e: GPS Global Precision System e: GPS Global Range Ballistic Missile e: grbm Global Range Missile e: G R M Global Satellite Navigation System e: GSNS Global Strategy Fund e: GSF Global Tracking [Radar] e: G L O T R A C Global War Avoidance Telecommunications System e: G LOW ATS

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Ground Liaison Office Global Weapons Information System e: GWIS Gloucestershire Regiment e: GR Gold Coast Naval Volunteer Force e: G.C.N.V.F. Gold Coast Territorial Force e: GCTF Goldsboro/Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base [North Carolina] e: KGSB Good Conduct Medal e: G C M E D Good Harvest Marine Company e: G H M C Goodfellow Air Force Base e: GAFB Goose N O R A D [North American Air Defense Command] Sector e: GNS Gordon Military College e: GMC Göteborgs Kustartilleriförsvar r: GbK Gotlands Kustartilleriförsvar r: GK Gotlands Militärkommando r: M K G Göttinger Arbeitskreis gegen Atomenergie d: GAGA Gouvernement Militaire de la Zone Française d'Occupation f: G.M.Z.F.O. Gouvernement Militaire de Paris f : G.M.P. Gouvernement Militaire Français de Berlin f : G.M.F.B. Gouverneur Militaire de Paris f : GMP Government Agency Configuration Control Board e: G A C C B Government Aircraft Factories e: GAF Government Code and Cipher School e: G.C.&C.S. Government Code and Cypher School e: GCCS Government Communications Headquarter e: G C H Q Government-Furnished Missile e: GFM Government-Furnished Missile Equipment e: G FM E Government in Occupied Areas, Germany e: GOAG Government-Industry Data Exchange Program e: GIDEP Government Request Military e: GRM Government Request Military Tarif e: GRMT Government Transportation Request e: GTR Government War Book Measures e: GWBM Governmental Defense Council e: GDC, e: GDC, e: G.D.C. Governments Division e: G O V S Governo Militare Alleato i: G.M.A. Governo Militare Alleato del Territorio Libero di Trieste ì: G M A - T L T Governors' Conference of the United States e GCUS GPS-Aided Munitions e: GAM G PS-Aided Targeting System e: GATS Graduate of Military [or Naval] Staff College e: p.s.c. Graduate of Royal Air Force Staff College e: p.s.a. Graduate of the Royal Naval Staff College, Greenwich e: NS Granatkastartrupp r: Grkto Granatwerfermunition d: Gr.-W. Mun. Grand Admiral e: GA Grand Army of the Republic e: GAR, e: GAR., e G.A.R. Grand Commandement de 1 OTAN f : GCO Grand Commander e: GC, e: GCom Grand Fleet Battle Instructions e: GFBI Grand Fleet Battle Orders e: GFBO Grand Invalide de Guerre f: GIG Grand Officer e: GO Grand Parc d'Artillerie d'Armée f : G.P.A.A. Grand prév f: G.P.M. Grand Prévôt Militaire f: G.P.M.

Grand Quartier-Général f : G Q G , / G.Q.G. Grand Quartier-Général des Armées f: G.Q.G.A. Grande Cadence de Tir. Self-propelled gun e GCT Grande Unità elementare i: G.II.el. Grande Unità in riserva i: G.U.Ris. Grande unité aérienne spécialisée f : GUAS Grandmothers for Peace e: GP Grandmothers of America in War Service e: G A W S Grandview/Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base [Missouri] e: K G V W Granite City Army Depot e: GCAD Grant Administration Division Congressional [92-500] Notification e: CNS Grant Aid e: GA Grant Air Program e: GAP Graphic Display Device e: GDD Graphics Capability System e: GCS Graphics Control System e: GCS Graves Registration e: GrReg Graves Registration and Effects Division e GRE&E Div Graves registration officer e: GRO Graves Registration Service e: GRS Grazdanskaja Oborona R: GO Great Falls Air Defense Sector e: G R A D S Great Falls/Malmstrom Air Force Base [Montana] e: KG FA Great Peace Journey e: GPJ Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament e: G P M F G N D Great War Prize Cases e: Pr. Ca. Great War Veterans' Association of Canada e G.W.V.A. Greater Atlantic Treaty Organization e: GATO Greater Stuttgart Military Community e: GSMC greater underwater propulsive-powered submarine e: guppy. Greek Armed Forces e: GAF Greek Army Geographic Service e: GAGS Greek Atomic Energy Commission e: GAEC Greek War Cross e: G.W.C. Greenland Base Command e: GBC Grenade Launcher e: GL Grenade Launcher Attachment Development e: GLAD Grenade Launcher Fighting System e: GLFS Grenade-Launching Machine Gun e: G M G Grenade Machine Gun e: GMG Grenadier Guards e: GG, e: G.G., e: G Gs Grenadier-Regiment d: G.R. Grenadier-Regiment zu Pferde d: GrRzPf., d: GrR.z.Pf. Grenzaufklärung d: GAK Grenzboot-Abteilung d: GBA Grenzregulierungs-Kommission d: Gr.Reg.Kom. Grenzschiff-Abteilung d: GSA Grenzschutz-Fliegergruppe d: GSFIGr Grenzschutzfliegerstaffel [Bundesgrenzschutz] d: GS-FlSt Grenzschutzkommando d: G S K Grenzschutzkommando West d: GSK West Grenztruppen d: grenz Grenzübergangsstelle d: GÜST Grenzverkehrskommandantur d: GVerkK Grid-Controlled Electron Gun e: GCEG Griffiss Air Force Base e: GAFB Groep Helikopters η: GPH Grondstrijdkracht[en] n: gsk

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Große Standortkommandantur d: Gr.St.Kdtr., d: Gr.St.Kdtr. Großer Generalstab d: Gr.G.St. Großherzogliche Leibkompagnie d: G.L. Ground Acquisition and Command Station e: G A & C S Ground Adjutant General Section e: GNAGS Ground Air Support Command e: GASC, e: G A S C O Ground Alternate Command Facility e: GNDACF Ground and Amphibious Military Operations e: G A M O Ground Aviation Radio Exchange System e: GAREX Ground Avionics Cooling Unit e: G A C U Ground-Based Air Defence e: GBAD Ground-Based Hypervelocity Rail Gun e: GBHRG Ground Based Interceptor Missile e: GBIM Ground-Based Radar e: GBR Ground-Based Radar Terminal e: GBRT Ground Combat Element e: GCE Ground Combat-Readiness Evaluation Squadron e: GCRES Ground Command Guidance e: GCG Ground Command System e: GCS Ground Control Interception Squadron e: GCIS Ground-Controlled Aircraft e: GCA Ground Controlled Approach e: GCA Ground-Controlled Approach [Radar] e: GCA Ground-Controlled Intercept/Air Defense Center e: GCI/ADC Ground Controlled Interception e: GCI Ground Control [led] Radar e: GCR Ground Cruising Recreational Vehicle e: GCRV Ground Defence Area e: GDA Ground Defense e: GD Ground Defense Forces e: GDF Ground Diverted Force e: GDF Ground Effect Wing e . G E W Ground Electromagnetic Pulse & Optical Nuclear Detonation Detection System e: GEONDS Ground Emitter Location Identification System e: GELIS Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System e: GEMMSS, e: GEMS, e: GEMSS Ground Forces Chief of Staff e: GNGCS Ground Forces Commanding General e: GNDCG Ground Forces Deputy Chief of Staff e: GNGDC Ground Forces Plans Section e: GNGPS Ground Forces Replacement Service e: GFRS Ground Forces Secretariat e: G N G S E Ground Forces Training Devices e: GFD Ground Forees Commanding General e: GNDCG Ground Forward Air Controller e: GFAC Ground Gunner e: GG Ground Gunnery Range e: GGR Ground Influence Mine e: GIM Ground-Launched Ballistic Missile e: GLBM Ground Launched Cruise Missile/Launch Control Center e: G L C M / L C C ground-launched cruise missiles e: glickums Ground Launched Optical Observation Platform e: GLOOP Ground-Launched surface-to-surface Cruise Missile e: G L C M Ground Liaison Office e: G LO


Ground Liaison Officer Ground Liaison Officer e: GLO Ground Liaison Section e: GLSECT Ground Line of Communications e: GLOC Ground Mapping Radar e: GMP, e: GMR Ground-Mapping Radar Training e: G MRT Ground Mobile Command Center e: GMCC Ground Mobile Forces e: GMF Ground Mobile Forces Satellite Communications e: G M F S C Ground Mobile Forces/Tactical Satellite Communications e: G M F / T A C S A T Ground Mobile Radar e: GMR Ground Movement Radar e: GMP, e: GMR Ground Moving Target Indication e: GMII Ground Moving Target Indicator e: GMTI Ground Munitions Analysis Study e: GMAS Ground Observer Aircraft Recognition e: GOAR Ground Observers Corps e: G O B C Ground Operational Support SystemIntergrated Mission Control Center e: GOSS-IMCC Ground-Penetrating Radar e: G PR Ground-penetrating radar surveys e: GP Ground-Probing Radar e: GPR Ground Proximity Warning System e: GPWS Ground Radar Air Delivery System e: GRADS Ground Radar Detector Evaluation e: GRADE Ground Radar Emissions Training Aviator e: G R E T A Ground Radar Emitter for Training Aviators e: GRETA Ground Radar Environment e: GRE Ground Radar Equipment e: GRE Ground Radar Set e: GRS Ground radiation measurement system e: GRAMS Ground Radio Communication e: GRC Ground radio receiver e: GRR Ground Relay Package e: GRP Ground Safety Office[r] e: GSO Ground Safety Officers Course e: GSO Ground Seismic Intrusion Detector e: GSID Ground Seismic Intrusion Device e: GSID Ground Self-Defense Force e: GSDF Ground Self Defense Force Japan e: G SD F J Ground Special Security Forces e: GSSF Ground Support Fighter e: GSF Ground Support Officefr] e: GSO Ground Surveillance and Target Acquisition e: GS[&]TA Ground Surveillance Radar e: G S R Ground Surveillance Radar System e: GSRS Ground Systems Project Officer e: GSPO Ground Tactical Air Controller e: GTAC Ground Tactical Training Centre e: GTTC Ground Target Attack Control System e: GTACS Ground Target Detection e: GTD Ground Target Marking System e: GTMS Ground Test Missile e: GTM Ground Threat Radar Simulator e: GTRS Ground-to-Air Guided Missile e: G-toAGM Ground-to-Air Missile e: GAM Ground-to-Air Pilotless Aircraft e: GAPA Ground-to-Ground Missile e: GGM Ground-to-ground Missile e: SM Ground-to-Surface Vessel [Radar] e: GSV


ground-to-surface vessel radar e: gsvr Ground Training Squadron e: GTS Ground Vehicle Dispensed Mine System e: GVDMS Ground Vehicle Mine Dispensing System e: G V M D S Ground War Simulations e: G R W S I M S Ground Wave Over-the-Horizon Radar e: GWOTH Ground Wave Radar e: GWR Groundward Looking Radiometer Stand e: GNDRAD Group Aérien de Transport et de Liaison f: GATL Group Captain e: Gr Cpt Group Command e: GC Group Commander e: Gp Comdr, e: GRUCOM Group Communication Officer e: Grp Comm O Group Control Centre e: GCC Group Display Device e: GDD Group Equipment Staff Officer e: G ESO Group Headquarters e: Gp HQ Group Intelligence Officer [or Section] e: G-2 Group Navigation Officer e: GNO Group of 21 nonaligned nations in the Conference on Disarmament e: G-21 Group of Seven [leading industrialized nations consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States] e: G[]7 Group of Soviet Forces in Germany e: GSFG Group Officer d: GO, e: Gp Offr Group Operational Units, Marines e: GOUMS Group Operations Officer [or Section] e: G-3 Group Personnel Officer [or Section] e: ΟΙ Group Regiment Officer e: GRegO Group Signals Officer e: GSigsO Group Soviet Troops Germany e: GSTG Group Supply Officer [or Section] e: G-4 Group to Establish Criteria for Certifying Munitions Systems to Electromagnetic Fields e: G E C C M S E F Group Training Command e: GTC, e: G.T.C. Group Weapons Staff Officer e: G W p S O Groupe Aérien d'Observation f : G A O , / · G.A.O. Groupe Aérien d'Observation d'Artillerie f: GAOA Groupe Aérien du Canada f: GAC Groupe Belge de Recherche Sous-Marine / GBRS Groupe Brigade Mécanisé du Canada f : GBMC Groupe combiné des conseillers militaires américains f: J A M A G Groupe d'Action Sous-Marine f : GASM Groupe d'Armes Spéciales f : GASP Groupe d'Armée de Réserve f : G.A.R. Groupe d'Armées f : G.A. Groupe d'Armées Centre f: G.A.C. Groupe d'Armées Nord f: GAN Groupe d'Artillerie f: G.A. Groupe d'Automatisation Administrative des Unités f : G.A.A.U. Groupe d'Aviation f: G.A. Groupe d'Aviation Legere de Corps d'Armee f: GALCA Groupe d'Aviation Legere de Division f : GALDiv Groupe d'Aviation Légère f: G A L , / · G A L , / G.A.L.

Κ · G · Saur, München

Groupe d'Aviation Légère des Troupes de Marine / G A L T O M Groupe de Batteries Divisionnaire / G.B.D. Groupe de Bombardement f: G.B. Groupe de Brancardiers Divisionnaire / G.B.D. Groupe de Chasse et de Défense Aérien / G.C.D.A. Groupe de Chasseurs f: G.C. Groupe de Chasseurs Mécanisé / G.C.Méca. Groupe de Commandos Frontaliers / GCF Groupe de Divisions de Réserve / G.D.R. Groupe de Divisions Territoriales / G.D.T. Groupe de Forces Interarmées Multinationales / GFIM Groupe de Liaison par Air / G LA Groupe de Libération Armée de la Guadeloupe / GLA Groupe de Livraison par Air f: G.L.A. Groupe de planification et d'études stratégiques / GROUPES Groupe de Planification Opérationnelle [de l'Armée de l'Air] / G.P.O. Groupe de recherche opérationnelle f: GRO Groupe de Recherche Opérationnelle de l'Arméé de l'Air / G.R.O.A.A. Groupe de recherche opérationnelle Paris / G.R.O.P. Groupe de recherche opérationnelle Toulon / G.R.O.T. Groupe de Reconnaissance Divisionnaire / GRD Groupe de spécialités / G.S.E.M. Groupe de transmission tactique / G.T.T. Groupe de transport [armée] / G.T. Groupe de travail de pyrotechnie spatiale / G.T.P.S. Groupe d'Entretien et de Réparation de Matériels Aériens Communs f: GERMAC Groupe d'Entretien et de Réparation de Matériels Spécialisés / G E R M A S Groupe d'Entretien et de Réparation des Matériels Communs [base aérienne] / Germac Groupe des Forces Soviétiques en Allemagne / GFSA Groupe des Liaisons Aériennes Ministérielles / GLAM Groupe des Officiers des Forces Armées Tchadiennes / G O F A T Groupe des services du mandat / GSM Groupe des Écoles d'Armes / GEDAR Groupe des Écoles de Mécaniciens / G.E.M. Groupe des Écoles des Missiliers Artillerie / G.E.M.A. Groupe d'Helicopteres Legers / GHL Groupe d'Instruction de l'Armée de Terre / G.I.A.T. Groupe d'Intervention sous la Mer / GISMER Groupe d'ouvriers d'aviation f: GOA Groupe d'Études de Co-t et d'Org-Méthodes / G.E.C.O.M. Groupe d'Études et de Recherches de Détection Sous-Marine / G.E.R.D.S.M. Groupe d'Études et de Simplification du Travail / G.E.S.T. Groupe d'Études Mathématiques de Problèmes Politiques et Stratégiques / GEMPPS Groupe d'Études Sous-Marines de l'Atlantique / G E S M A Groupe Interforces Antiterroriste f: GIA

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Guided Missile Command Groupe Militaire de Haute Montagne f : G.M.H.M. Groupe Météorologique du Comité Militaire f: MCMG Groupe Renforcé d'Intervention f : G.R.I. Groupe Spécialisé de Haute Montagne [armée] f : GSHM Groupe sur la Recherche pour la Défense f: GRD Groupe Vétérinaire f: G.V. Groupement ALAT de Section Technique de l'Armee de Terre f: GALSTA Groupement armes nucléaires et chimique [STAT] / • A N C Groupement Aérien du Territoire f: GAT Groupement Aérien Mixte f: G.A.M. Groupement Aérien Tactique f : G A T A C Groupement d'Approvisionnement du Matériel f: GAM Groupement d'Aviation Légère de l'École de l'Air / • GALEA Groupement d'Aviation Légère Divisionnaire f : G A L D I V Groupement d'Aviation Légère du 1er Corps d'Armée f: GALCA Groupement d'Aviation Légère Régionale / GALREG Groupement de Défense de l'Épargne Française f: GDEF Groupement de Défense des Intérêts des Coloniaux f: G.D.I.C. Groupement de Formation Hélicoptères f: GFH Groupement de Fusiliers-Commandos de l'Air / • G.F.C.A. Groupement de Fusiliers-Commandos de l'Air, Nîmes f: G.F.C.A. Groupement de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre f: G.A.L.A.T. Groupement de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre, Section Technique des Armées f: G.A.L.A.T. S.T.A. Groupement de main d'œuvre f: G.M.O. Groupement de Missiles Stratégiques f : G M S , / · C M S , / · G.M.S. Groupement de Moyens Militaires de Transport Aérien f : G.M.M.T.A. Groupement de Quartier Général et de Transit f: G.Q.G.T. Groupement de Ravitaillement Arrière f: G.R.AR. Groupement de Ravitaillement des Éléments Organiques de Corps d'Armée f : G.R.E.O.C.A. Groupement de Reconnaissance de Corps d'Armée f : G.R.C.A. Groupement de Réparation Divisionnaire / GRD Groupement de réparation du matériel de C.A. / G R M C A Groupement de Réparation du Matériel de Corps d'armée f : G R M C Groupement de Réparation du Matériel de Corps d'Armée f : G R M C A Groupement de réparation du matériel de corps d'armée f: G.R.M.C.A. Groupement de Soutien d'Aviation légère de l'armée de terre f : GSAlat Groupement de Soutien de l'Artillerie Nucléaire f: G.S.A.N. Groupement des Forces Soviétiques en Allemagne f: G.F.S.A. Groupement des fusuliers marins commandos f : Groufumaco Groupement des Moyens Régionaux f: GMR Groupement des Officiers de Réserve f : G.O.R. Groupement des Officiers Mutilés f: G.O.M.

Groupement d'Expérimentation de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre f: G.E.A.L.A.T. Groupement d'Instruction de la Légion Étrangère f : G.I.L.E. Groupement d'Instruction Prémilitaire f : G.I.P. Groupement d'Instruction Réciproque f: G.I.R. Groupement d'Équipement et d'Installation des Télécommunications f : G.E.I.T. Groupement Industriel des Armements Terrestres f : GIAT Groupement Militaire de Transports Aériens f : G.M.T.A. Groupement Missiles f: Grp MSL Groupement Opérationnel du Territoire f : GOT Groupement Porté de la Légion Étrangère f : G.P.L.E. Groupement tactique régimentaire f : GTR Groupes Géographiques de l'Armée Française f : GGF Groupes régionaux d'exploitation des transmissions f : G.R.E.T. Groupes régionaux d'exploitation des Transmissions f : GRET Grumman amphibian transport aircraft e: Albatross Grumman earner-based transonic fighter aircraft called Cougar e: F9F-6 Grumman Panther single-engine single-seat naval fighting aircraft e: F9F-2 Grumman single-seat piston-powered fighter aircraft named Hellcat e: F6F Grumman Tracker antisubmarine searchand-attack aircraft e: S-2 Grundgeschütz d: GG Grundsätzliche Militärische Infrastrukturforderung d: G M I F Grupo de artillería s: GA, s: Gpo Art, s: Gr Art Grupo de artillería antiaérea s: GAAA, s: Gr Art AA Grupo de artillería antiaérea ligera s: GAAL Grupo de artillería antitanque s: G A A T Grupo de artillería de campaña s: GACA Grupo de artillería de lanzacohetes s: GALC Grupo [de artillería] de obuses s: GAO Grupo de artillería reactiva s: GAR Grupo de aviación antisubmarina en portaaviones s: G Αν AS Pav Grupo de aviación de combate en portaaviones s: G Α ν C Pav Grupo de combate s: Gr de C Grupo Independente de Aviacao de Bombardeamento p: GIAB Grupo independiente de artillería s: G Ind A Grupo independiente de artillería antiaérea s G Ind AA Grupo independiente de artillería antitanque s: G Ind AAT Grupo Logistico de Combatí s: GLC Grupos Tácticos e: GTs Gruppe Auswertung, Truppenversuche Vorschriften d: GrpATV Gruppe der sowjetischen Besetzungstruppen in Deutschland d: GSBD Gruppe der sowjetischen Streitkräfte d: GSSD Gruppe für Kernstrahlungs- und chemische Aufklärung d: G K C A Gruppe für Rüstungsdienste d: GRD Gruppe für Seekonferenzen [OKM] d: SK Gruppe Schweiz ohne Armee d: GSoA Gruppe sowjetischer Truppen in Deutschland d: GSTD

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Gruppengefechtsstation d: GGS Gruppenkommando d: Gk. Gruppo Acquiusizione Obiettivi i: GRACO Gruppo di Attivazione Inferiore i: GAI Gruppo di Attivazione Superiore i: GAS Gruppo Explorante Divisionale i: GED gruppo tattico i: gr.tat., i: gr. tatt. gruppo tattico alpini i: gr.tat.alp. gruppo tattico corazzato i: gr.tat.cor. gruppo tattico di fanteria i: gr.tat.f. gruppo tattico meccanizzato i: gr.tat.mec. Guadeloupe Liberation Army e: GLA Guantánamo Naval Base e: Gitmo Guard Tank Division e: GTD G u a r d i a m a r i n a s: GM Guards Armoured Division e: GAD Guards Machine Gun Battalion e: G M G B Guards Machine Gun Regiment e: GMGR Guards Motorized Rifle Division e: GMRD Guards Tank Army e: GTA Guardship e: GS Guerra Atomica i: G.A. Guerra chimica i: gu.chm. Guerra convenzionale i: gu.conv. Guerra elettronica i: gu.elt. guerra nucleare i: gu.nuc. guerra nucleare potenziale i: gu.nucp. Guerra psicologica i: gu.psi. Guerra sovversiva i: gu.svs. Guerra territoriale /: gu.T, Guerrilla Warfare e: GW Guerrilla Warfare Model e: C U E V E R A Guerrilla Warfare Operating Base e: GWOB Guerrilla Warfare Operational Area e: GWOA Guggenheim Aviation Supply Control e: GASC Guidance and Command e: G&C Guidance and Control Flight Analysis Program e: GCFAP Guidance and Navigation Officer e: GUIDO Guidance and Navigation System e: G&NS Guidance and Navigational Tracking Satellite e: GNATS Guidance Command Test e: GCT Guidance Control Group e: GCG Guidance Evaluation Missile e: GEM Guidance, Navigation and Control e: GNAC Guidance Navigation and Control System e: GNCS Guidance & Navigation Avionics Control Unit e: GNACU Guidance Officer e: GUIDO Guidance Platform Assembly e: GPA Guidance Test Missile e: GTM Guidance Test Vehicle e: GTV Guided Aircraft Missile e: GAM Guided Aircraft Rocket. Examples e: GAR Guided Artillery Munition e: GAM Guided Flight Vehicle e: GFV Guided Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket e: GFFAR Guided Missile e: GIM, e: CM, e: GMS, e G/MSL, e GMSR Guided Missile Ammunition e: GMA Guided Missile and Aerospace Intelligence Committee e: G M A I C Guided Missile Assembly Building e: GMAB Guided Missile Brigade e: G M B Guided Missile Chart e: G M C Guided-missile coastal-escort vessel e: PCG Guided Missile Command e: G M C


Guided Missile Committee Guided Missile Committee e: GMC Guided Missile Control e: GMC Guided Missile Control Facility e: GMCF Guided Missile Control Officer e: GMCO Guided Missile Control System e: GMCS Guided Missile Council e: GMC Guided Missile Counter-Measure[s] e: GMCM Guided Missile Countermeasures Master e: GMCM Guided Missile Cruiser e: CG, e: GG Guided Missile Cruiser [Nuclear] e: CGfN] Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear powered e: CGN Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear Powered e: CSGN Guided Missile Data Exchange Program e: GMDEP, e: G1VEP Guided Missile Destroyers e: GMD Guided Missile Development Division e: GMDD Guided Missile Escort Ship e: DEG Guided Missile Evaluation Unit e: GMEVALU Guided Missile Evaluator e: GME Guided Missile Facilities e: GMF guided missile fast patrol boat e: PBFG Guided Missile Fire Control e: GMFC Guided Missile Fire Control System e: GMFCS Guided Missile Firing Panel e: GMFP guided missile frigate, e: FFG Guided Missile Frigate, Helicopter e: DLGH Guided missile Frigate, Helicopter e: FFGH Guided Missile Frigate, Nuclear-powered e: DLGN Guided Missile General Support e: GMGS Guided Missile Group e: GMG, e: GMGRU Guided Missile Group Netherlands e: GMGN Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser e: CAG Guided missile/helicopter Cruiser e: CGH Guided Missile Intercept Aerial e: GMIA Guided Missile Laboratory e: GML Guided Missile Launcher e: GML Guided Missile Launching System e: GMIS, e G M L S Guided Missile Liaison Officer e: GMLNO Guided Missile Light Cruiser e: CLG Guided Missile Light Cruiser, nuclearpowered e: CLGN Guided missile light frigate or corvette e: FFLG Guided Missile Line of Flight e: GMLOF Guided Missile Nitric Acid e: GMNA Guided Missile Office e: GMO Guided Missile Office[r] e: GMO Guided Missile Operation and Control Unit e GMOCU Guided Missile Operations Office e: GMOO Guided Missile Operations Office[r ] e: GMOO guided missile patrol escort vessel e: PFGM Guided Missile Range Division e: GMRD Guided Missile Record e: GMSRON Guided Missile Relay Working Group e: GMRWG Guided Missile Research and Development e: GMRD Guided Missile Research Division e: GMRD Guided Missile School e: GMS Guided Missile Screen e: GMS


Guided Missile Service Record e: GMSR Guided Missile Service Report e: GMSER, e: GMSR, e: GMD Guided Missile Service Squadron e: GMSRON Guided Missile Service Test Station e: GMSTS Guided Missile Service Unit e: GMSU Guided missile ship e: AVM Guided Missile Simulator e: GMS Guided Missile Squadron e: GMSQUAD Guided missile submarine e: SSG Guided Missile System e: GMS, e: GMSIA Guided Missile System Branch e: GMSB Guided Missile System Test Set e: GMSTS Guided Missile Target e: GMT Guided Missile Test Round e: GMTR Guided Missile Test Set e: GMTS Guided Missile Test Site e: GMTS Guided Missile Test Unit e: GMTestU, e: G MTU Guided Missile Test Unit, Naval Ordnance Test Station e: GMTestUNOTS Guided Missile Trainer e: GMT Guided Missile Training Unit e: GMTU Guided Missile Transporter e: GMT Guided Missile Unit e: GMU Guided-Missile Vertical Launch System e: GMRS Guided Missile Vertical Launching System e: GMVLS Guided Missile Weapon System e: GMWS Guided Missiles Division e: GMD Guided Missiles Range Division e: GMRD Guided Missiles Service Test Station e: GMSTS Guided Projectile Establishment e: GPE Guided Space Vehicle e: GSV Guided Weapon e: GW Guided Weapon Evaluation Facility e: GWEF Guided Weapon Station e: GWS Guided Weapons and Electronics Support Facility e: GWESF, e: GWFSF Guided Weapons Ship e: GW Ship Guided Weapons System e: GWS Guilford Courthouse National Military Park e: GUCO Gulf War Veteran's Illnesses e: GWVI Gun Alignment and Control System e: GACS Gun and Shell Factory e: G.S.F. Gun Captain e: GC Gun Commander's Display e: GCD Gun Control Officer Console e: GCOC Gun Control Radar e: GR Gun Defence Position e: GDP Gun Defence Simulation Model e: GDSM Gun Defense Simulation e: GDS Gun Direction Officer e: GDO Gun Engagement Cycle Analysis e: GUNEG Gun Evaluation Group e: GEG Gun Fire Control Computer e: GFCC Gun-Fired Target e: GFT Gun Group Commander e: GGC Gun Groupment Command Post, Coast Artillery Corps e: GCPCAC Gun-Launched/Rocket-Assisted e: GLRA Gun Lay[ing] Radar e: GL Gun Laying Radar e: GL Radar Gun Line of Site e: GI\OS, e: GLOS Gun Low Altitude Air Defence System e: GLAADS Gun Low-Altitude Air Defense System e: GLA, e: GLADS

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Gun/Missele Fire Control System e: G/MFCS Gun/Missile selector e: G/M Gun Orientation Navigation System e: GÖNS Gun Position Officer e: GPO Gun Position Officer's Assistant e: GPOA Gun Range Finder e: GRF Gun Range Finder Operator e: GRFO Gun Rocket Control System e: GRCS Gun Rocket Control Unit e: GRCU Gun Target e: GT Gun/Target Line e: GTL Gun Time Per Engagement e: GTPE Gun Weapon System Improvement Program e: GWSIP Gun Weapon System Replacement Program e GWSRP Gun Weapons System e: GWS G un [fire] Control Officer e: GCO Gunfire Support Ship e: GFSS Gunner Instructor e: GI Gunner Lieutenant e: Gr Lt Gunner Sub-Lieutenant e: Gr S-Lt Gunner's Helmet Sight e: GHS Gunner's Mate e: GM Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion e: GMCB Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Armorer e: GMCBA Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Powderman e: GMCBP Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] First Class e: GMM1 Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] Seaman e: GMMSN Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] Seaman Apprentice e: GMMSA Gunner.s Mate M [Missiles] Second Class e: GMM2 Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] Third Class e: GMM3 Gunner's Mate Missile e: GMM Gunner's Mate, Ship Repair e: GMSR Gunner's Mate, Ship Repair, Powderman e: GMSRP Gunnery e: GNR, e: GNRY Gunner[y] e: GUN gunnery e: gy Gunnery and Anti-Aircraft Warfare Division e: G.A.A.W.D. Gunnery Division e: G-D Gunnery Exercise e: GUNEX Gunnery Flight e: GF Gunnery Improvement Program e: GIP Gun[nery] Liaison Officer e: GLO Gunnery Lieutenant e: GL Gunnery Lieutenant's Writer e: GLW Gunnery Officer e: GO Gunnery Officer's Console e: GOC Gunnery Officers Ordnance School e: GOOS Gunnery Officer's Writer e: GOW Gunnery Range e: GR Gunnery School e: GS, e: G.S. Gunnery Schoolship e: GUNSS Gunnery Sergeant e: Gny Sgt, e: GS, e: GSGT, e: Gun Sgt, e: GUNSGT, e: Gy.Sgt. Gunnery Sighting System e: GSS Gunnery Staff Course e: GSC Gunnery Staff Course-Field e: GSC/Fd Gunnery Staff Course-Locating e: GSC/Loc Gunnery Standard Training Exercise e: GSTE Gunnery support e: GS Gunnery Training School e: GTS gunnery weapon-control switchboard e: gwcswbd

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

HAWK Gunnery Weapon Control Switchboard e: GWWBD Gunnery Weapon Control System e: GWCS Guns and Vehicles Division e: GVD gunship helicopter e: Bell 204 Gurkha Military Police e: GMP Gurkha Officer e: GO Gurkha Rifles e: G.R. Gurkha Royal Military Police e: G.R.M.P. Gurkha Transport Regiment e: GTR Gusenichnyy Tyagach-Sredniy Modernizirovannyy R: GT-SM Gutachter d: G Ä K Guyanese Defense Force e: GDF Gwardia Ludowa P: GL Gwinn/K I Sawyer Air Force Base [Michigan] e: KSAW Gyroscopes-rate bomb-direction system e: GRBDS Gyroscopic Gun Sight e: GGS

H Haager Friedenskonferenz d: Ha.Fr.Konf. Hafenkommandant d: HafKdt, d: Hako Hafenkommandantur d: HafK, d: Hako, d: Hako., d: Hf-Kdtr. Hafenoffizier d: H O Haitian Air Corps e: HAC Hamburger Friedenskoordination d: Friko Hampshire Regiment e: Ham, e: Hamp, e: Hamps, e: H A M P S R, e: H M Hampton/Langley Air Force Base [Virginia] e: KLFI Hampton Roads Army Terminal e: HRA[R]T, e: H R A T Hand Acoustic Intrusion Detector e: HAID Hand-Emplaced Electromagnetic Intrusion Detector e: H E M I D Hand Emplaced Seismic Intrusion Detection e: HANDSID Hand-Emplaced Seismic Intrusion Device e: HESID Hand-Held Grenade Launcher e. HAGL Hand-Held Laser Range Finder e: HHLR Hand-Held Laser Range-Finder e: H H L R F Hand Held Radar e: H H R Hand-Held Tactical Radar e: HHTR Hand Radar e: HR Handboek Projectrealisatie en systeembeheer n: HPS Handbook for Military Artificers e: H.M.A. Handbook of Artillery Instruments e: HAI Handbook of Infantry Range Finder e: HIRF Handbook of Instructions for Air Force Subsystem Designers e: HIAFSD Handbook of Instructions for Missile Designers e: H I M D Handbook of Modern Irregular Warfare e: H.M.I.W. Handbook of Weapon Training e: H W T Handbook on Military Bicycles e: H.M.B. Handbuch für die Personalbearbeitung in der Truppe d: H P T Handfeuerwaffe[n] d: Hdfw Handheld Grenade-Launcher e: HAGL Handheld Laser Rangefinder e: HLR Handwaffen-Verwaltungsvorschrift d: Hw.V. Handwerker d: Hdwk Hanford/Lemorre Naval Air Station [California] e: KNLC Hangar Control Officer e: HCO Harassment Weapons System e: HWS Harbor Advisory Radar e: HAR

Harbor Defense Command e: HDC Harbor Defense Exercise e: HARDEX Harbor Defense Motor Launch e: H D M L Harbo[u]r Defence [or Defense] e: HD Harbo[u]r Defense [Defence] e: HD Harbo[u]r Defense [or Defence] Command Post e: HDCP Harbo[u]r Defense [or Defence] Observation Post e: H D O P Harbo[u]r Defense [or Defence] Patrol Craft e: HD PC Harbour Patrol craft e: YP Harbo[u]r Surveillance Radar e: HSR Hard Core. Ammunition e: HC Hard Point Defense e: HPD Hard Point Defense Interceptor e: HPDI Hard Point Defense System e: H P D S Hard Point Demonstration Array Radar e: HAPDAR Hard Standing e: HS Hard Structure Munition Weaponization Analysis e: HSM-WA Hard-Target Kill e: HTK Hard-Target Kill Potential e: H T K P Hard Target Sensor e: H T S Hardended Mobile Launcher e: HML Hardened Aircraft Shelter Attack Munition e: H A S A M Hardened Aircraft Shelter Half-Round Steel/Concrete e: TAB-VEE Hardened Aircraft Shelter Munition e: HASM Hardened Silo Missile e: H S M Hardened Tactical Air Control Center e: HTACC Hardened Target Munitions e: HTM Hardness Test Army e: H T P Hardsite Defense e: HSD Hardsite Missile Site Radar e: HSMSR Hardware Command e: HC Hardware Demonstration Test e: HDT Haarens artilleri N: HA Hœrens Forsyningskommando N: HFK Hœrens Intendantur Ν: HI Hcerens Materielkommando a : H M A K Hcerens Overkommando Ν: H O K Hœrens sanitetsskole- og ovingsavdeling N: H S S 0 Hcerens transportkorps N: H T K H A R P O O N Aircraft Command and Launch Control e: HALLC Harpoon Aircraft Command Launch Control System e: H A C L C S Harpoon Fire Control System [missiles] e: HFCS Harpoon Interactive Tactical Training System e: HITTS Harpoon Missile Select Relay Rack e: HMSRR Harpoon Shipboard Command and Launch Control Set e: HSCLCS Harpoon Shipboard Command and Launch Subsystem e: H S C L S Harpoon-type Aircraft Command and Launch Subsystem Missile e: HACLS Harpoon Weapon Cantrol Console e: HWCC Harpoon Weapons System e: H W S Harrier Avionics System Trainer e: H A S T Harriman and Vance [code name for 1968 Paris peace talks on Vietnam] e: HARVAN Harry Diamond Center e: HDC Haupt-Verbindungsoffizier d: HVO. Hauptamt Kriegsschiffbau d: K-Amt Hauptauswertezentrale d: HAZ Hauptbefehlsstand d: HBS Hauptbootsmann d: HptBtsm Hauptbüro des OKW [Oberkommando der Wehrmacht] d: HbW.

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Hauptbüro Marine [Reichskriegsministerium] d: Hb.Mar. Hauptbüro Wehrmachtsamt [Reichskriegsministerium] d: Hb Hauptgefechtsstand d: HGS Hauptinstandsetzung d: HI Hauptkadettenanstalt, Berlin d: HKA Hauptkanzlei [Reichskriegsministerium] d: H.Kzl. Hauptkwartier n: H.K. Hauptmann d: Hptm, d: Hptm. Hauptmannkurs für Reserveoffiziere d: HptmKurs/RO Hauptmannprüfung d: HptmPrfg Hauptmeldeamt d: H.M.A. Hauptnachschubstelle d: H.N.S. Hauptortungsschirm [Marine] d: HOS Hauptquartier d: HQ, d: H.Qu., d: HQu Hauptquartier Oberkommando des Heeres d: H . Q u . O K H Hauptstelle für B e s c h a f f u n g von Bekleidung und Ausrüstung der Luftwaffe d: L.H.B.Bekl. Haupttransportkommandantur d: H.T.K., d: H.T.K. Hauptverwaltung Aufl