International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Volume 3 Gc – Iz 9783110975659, 9783598229732

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International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Volume 3 Gc – Iz
 9783110975659, 9783598229732

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International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology Compiled by Michael Peschke

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik Bearbeitet von Michael Peschke Vol 3/ Band 3


K G - Saur München • New Providence • London • Paris 1997

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - C I P - E i n h e i t s a u f n a h m e International encyclopedia of abbreviations and acronyms in science and technology = Internationale Enzyklopädie der A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in Wissenschaft und Technik / Bearb. von Michael Peschke. - M ü n c h e n ; New Providence ; L o n d o n ; Paris : Saur. ISBN 3-598-22970-4 N E : Peschke, Michael [Bearb.]; Internationale Enzyklopädie der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in Wissenschaft u n d Technik Vol. 3. G c - Iz. - 1997 ISBN 3-598-22973-9 © G e d r u c k t auf säurefreiem Papier/ Printed on acid-free p a p e r Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved K. G. Saur Verlag G m b H & C o K G , M ü n c h e n 1997 A Reed Reference Publishing C o m p a n y Printed in the Federal Republic of G e r m a n y Datenerfassung und Satz / Computer-controlled keyboarding, d a t a p r e p a r a t i o n and a u t o m a t i c data processing by Michael Peschke, Berlin Druck/Printed by Strauss Offsetdruck, Mörlenbach Binden/Bound by Buchbinderei Schaumann, D a r m s t a d t N o part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any f o r m or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing f r o m the publisher ISBN 3-598-22970-4 (8 Volume-Set) ISBN 3-598-22973-9 (Vol 3)

Contents / Inhalt

Preface and Notes for the User

Vorwort und Hinweise für den Benutzer


Vol 3 / Band 3



Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initials in all their various forms confront us today more than ever. We encounter them in all areas of daily life, both at home and at work: they are often the basis of documentation and communication and frequently themselves contain the central information in a given context. Decoding them is, however, often difficult, sometimes even impossible because adequate reference sources are either not available or not readily accessible. As the use and the invention of abbreviations is increasing world-wide, no one reference work can hope to answer all queries concerning them correctly. The present International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations in Science and Technology with appr. 680,000 entries in 8 volumes attempts to encompass the most important acronyms from the most diverse general and scientific fields. It does, however, limit itself to languages which use the Roman alphabet. The International Encyclopedia also lists common vernacular abbreviations in general use. Thus it goes beyond official terminology. Historical abbreviations have also been included. Where the use of punctuation within the abbreviation is erratic, the most commonly-used form has been given preference. Further information of this nature can be found in the "Notes for the User".

2. Styles of type are used as follows: 2.1. boldface for the abbreviation 2.2. plain for the remaining text 3. Within each entry (beginning with the abbreviation protruding to the left), the meanings are likewise listed a) in alphabetical order of the label indicating the language in which the abbreviation is used, b) in alphabetical order. 3.1. Each abbreviation is followed by the label indicating the area or sphere in which the abbreviation is used and/or the pertinent language. 3.2. The sign of equality (=) normally separates explanatory remarks (usually abbreviated) from each other as well as from the remaining text. In connection with the grammalogue of a language the colon (:) refers to a different expression in another language of the respective meaning. 3.3. Any additional explanations are enclosed in parentheses (). 3.4. Brackets [] are components of abbreviations as well as of meanings. However, parentheses are also used for marking a word that can be substituted for the preceding word, and for marking that part of a word, which, if omitted, will result in a different meaning or spelling.

Language Codes

Notes for the User 1.

The abbreviations are presented in alphabetical order from a to z. A, ae, 5, o, o, , ii are arranged as ae, c, oe, ue. Symbols and (diacritic) signs such as . - ( ) [ ] " A0 & + are of no importance in regard to the alphabetical order. 1. 1. Alphanumeric sequences are listed in the alphabetical place of the respective letter(s). 1.2. Roman numerals are arranged in their value as literal character. Arabs numerals in alphanumeric sequences are arranged in their value as number. Abbreviations beginning with a number are arranged after the character z.

Berlin, September


A a c d e F f H h i j

Afrikaans Danish Czech German English Finnish French Hungarian Hebrew Italian Japanese

1 N n P P R r S s z

Latin Norwegian Dutch Polish Portuguese Russian Swedish Slovenian Spanish Turkish





Abkürzungen, Akronyme und Initialen in ihren mannigfachen Erscheinungsformen begegnen uns heute überall und mehr denn je. Sie treten in allen Bereichen des täglichen und beruflichen Lebens auf; sie sind oft Grundlage von Dokumentation und Kommunikation und vielfach die entscheidenden Informationsträger. Ihre Bedeutung zu entschlüsseln, ist gleichwohl oft schwierig, manchmal unmöglich, weil geeignete Hilfsmittel fehlen oder diese nur schwer greifbar sind. Weil der Gebrauch und die Erfindung von Abkürzungen und Abbreviaturen in der ganzen Welt ständig zunehmen, vermag niemand allein auf diesem Gebiet alle Fragen zutreffend zu beantworten. Die vorliegende Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik, die ca. 680.000 Einträge in 8 Bänden verzeichnet, versucht, möglichst umfassend die wichtigsten Akronyme aus den unterschiedlichsten Fach- und Lebensbereichen zusammenzustellen. Dabei beschränkt sie sich freilich auf die "lateinisch" schreibende Welt. Die Internationale Enzyklopädie berücksichtigt auch alltagssprachlich übliche und gebräuchliche Formen. Sie enthält also nicht nur die offiziellen Versionen. Auch Abkürzungen, die der Vergangenheit angehören, sind aufgeführt. Abkürzungen, die teils mit, teils ohne Punkt geschrieben werden, sind nach der jeweils überwiegenden Verwendung verzeichnet. Im übrigen geben die "Hinweise für den Benutzer" alle Erläuterungen über die Anlage der Einträge wie des gesamten Werkes.

Hinweise für den Benutzer 1.

Die Abkürzungen werden in der alphabetischen Reihenfolge a...z gebracht. Ä, ae, 5, ö, ö, , ü werden wie ae, c, oe, ue eingereiht. Zeichen wie . - ( ) [ ] ~ A ° & + sind für die alphabetische Reihe ohne Bedeutung. 1.1. Alphanumerische Folgen stehen an der von dem (den) Buchstaben bestimmten alphabetischen Stelle. 1.2. Römische Zahlzeichen werden nach ihrem Buchstabenwert eingereiht. Arabische Zahlzeichen innerhalb alphanumerischer Folgen werden nach ihrem Zahlenwert geordnet. Abkürzungen, die mit einer arabischen Ziffer beginnen, stehen nach dem Buchstaben Z.

Berlin, September 1996


2. 2.1. 2.2. 3.

3.1. 3.2.

3.3. 3.4.

Die Schriftarten werden wie folgt verwendet: halbfett für die Abkürzung Grundschrift für den übrigen Text Innerhalb einer (mit einer links herausgerückten Abkürzung beginnenden) Wortstelle sind die Bedeutungen a) nach ihrem Bedeutungsbereich (Sortierung Sprache), b) in ihrer alphabetischen Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Der Abkürzung folgt die Angabe der Sprache. Das Gleichheitszeichen (=) trennt im allgemeinen abgekürzte erläuternde Hinweise voneinander und vom übrigen Text. Der Doppelpunkt (:) in Verbindung mit einem Sprachkürzel verweist auf anderssprachige Bezeichnungen der entsprechenden Bedeutung. Sonstige Erläuterungen stehen in runden Klammem (). Eckige Klammern [] schließen Bestandteile von Abkürzungen und von Bedeutungen ein. Bei den Bedeutungen werden diese Klammern mitunter auch dazu benutzt, ein Wort zu kennzeichnen, das an die Stelle des vorangehenden gesetzt werden kann, bzw. Wortteile zu markieren, die, läßt man sie weg, eine andere Bedeutung oder eine andere Schreibung ergeben.

Sprachenkürzel A a c d e F f H h i j

afrikaans dänisch tschechisch deutsch englisch finnisch französich ungarisch hebräisch italienisch japanisch

1 N n P P R r S s z

lateinisch norwegisch holländisch polnisch portugiesich russisch schwedisch slowenisch spanisch türkisch

Michael Peschke



Gc-Gz G C d: Gas-Chromatograph[ie] - d: Glucocorticoid - d: Glycocholsaure - e: Gain Control - e: Galactic Center [US] - e: Galactic Centre [GB] - e: Galactocerebroside - e: Gallaudet College - e: Galvanized Corrugated - e: Game Conservancy - e: Ganglion Cell - e: Gannon College - e: Garbage Collection - e: Garden Council - e: Garrison Company - e: Gas Check - e: Gas Chromatographic] - e: Gas Chromatography - e: Gas Controller - e: Gas Council - e: Gaston College - e: Gastrocnemius - e: Gate Circuit - e: Gate Connector - e: Gate[d] Circuit - e: Gavel Clubs - e: Geiger Counter - e: Gel Chromatography - e : G e n Circular - e: General Cable - e: General Cargo - e: General Catalog[ue] - e: General Circular - e: General Code (joum.) - e: General Command - e: General Computer - e: General Condition - e: General Contractor] - e: General Control - e: General Counsel - e: General Cover - e: General Cueing - e: Generative Cell - e: Generic Code - e: Geneva College - e: Geneva Convention Relative to Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War - e: Gentleman Cadet - e: Geochemistry] - e: Geochronology - e: Geographical Coordinates - e: Geopolitical Code - e: Georgetown College - e: Geriatric Care - e: Germinal Center - e: Gettysburg College - e: Gigacycle[s]


-e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e - e - e - e - e -e -e -e - e -e - e - e -e -e - e

Gimbal Case Girls' College Girton College Glass Capillary Glass Ceramics Glassy Carbon Glendale College Glial Cells Gliding Club Global Control Globular Cluster Glucocorticoid Glutamate-Citrate Gold Coast Golden Companions Goldsmith's College Gonococcal Gonorrhea Case Good Condition Good Conduct Goodard College Gordon College Goshen College Goucher College Government Chemist Government Communications Government Contractor Government Contribution Government of Canada Governors' Conference Graceland College Gradational, Calcareous Grade Crossing Graduated Cylinder Graham Center Graham County Railroad Co. Grain Count Grain Cube Grain Cubic Grambling College Grand Canyon Grand Chancellor Grand Chaplain Grand Chapter Grand Commander Grand Conductor Grand Council Grand Cross Grantsmanship Center Granular Cast Granulocyte Cytotoxic Granulosa Cells Graph[ic] Code Graphic Communications Weekly (joum.) Graphic Console Graphics Conferencing Grazing Capacity

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

6 K - C - S a u r , Munich

- e: Great Central Railway - e: Great Churchmen (joum.) - e: Great Circle - e: Greek Church - e: Green Concrete - e: Green Currency - e: Greenland Cruiser - e: Greensboro College - e: Greenville College - e: Grey Code - e: Grid Course - e: Grid Current - e: Grinnell College - e: Ground Clearance - e: Ground Contamination - e: Ground Controlled] - e: Ground Crew - e: Grounded Collector - e: Group Captain - e: Group Code - e: Group Cohesiveness - e: Group Command - e: Group Connector - e: Group Control - e: Group-specific Component - e: Grouting Concrete - e: Guanine Cystine - e: Guanine-plus-Cytosine - e: Guanine, Cytosine [Type] - e: Guidance Computer - e: Guidance Control - e: Guilford College - e: Gun Camera - e: Gun Capital - e: Gun Captain - e: Gun Carriage - e: Gun Clear - e: Gun Control - e: Gun Cotton - e: Gyro Compass - e: Gyro Control - e: Gyroscopic Compass - e: Southwire Co., Carrollton - f: Gestion de la Configuration / France - f: Groupe de Chasse - s: Guardia Costa G & C e: Gonville and Caius [College] - e: Goodrich and Clincher - e: Guidance and Command - e: Guidance and Control G.C. e: Geiger Counter - e: George Cross G c e: Gas chromatography - e: Gigacycle - e: Great tropic range - e: Gyrocompass gc e: going concern


GCA GCA d: Gesellschaft fur Computeranwendungen - d: Ground Controlled Approach Radar-Landeverfahren - e: Gain Control Amplifier - e: Gain Control Driver - e: Gallocyanin-Chrome Alum - e: Garden Centers of America - e: Garden Club of America - e: Gauge Control Analyzer - e: GCA Corporation - e: Gearbox Controller Automatic - e: Genealogy Club of America - e: General Claim Agent - e: General Combining Ability - e: General Control Approach - e: Geophysics Corporation of America - e: Giant Cell Arteritis - e: Glass Crafts of America - e: Glazing Contractors Association - e: Glen Canyon - e: Global Citizens Association - e: Glycosphingolipid Sorbent Assay - e: Gold Clause Agreement - e: Government Contract Awards - e: Government Contract Committee - e: Grains Council of Australia - e: Gram-Calorie - e: Graphic Communications Association - e: Green Coffee Association [of New York City] - e: Greeting Card Association - e: Greyhound Club of America - e: Ground Communication Activities - e: Ground Control Approach - e: Ground Control Center - e: Ground-Controlled Aircraft - e: Ground-Controlled Apparatus - e: Ground-Controlled Approach [Radar] - e: Grounded Cathode Amplifier - e: Group Capacity Analysis - e: Group Capacity Assessment - e: Guacamayas [Airport] - e: Guatemala - e: Guidance and Control Assembly - e: Guidance Control and Adapter Section - e: Guidance Coupler Assembly - e: Gun Control Act - e: Gunite Contractors Association - e: Gyro Control Assembly - n: Groep Fabrieken van Apparaten voor de Chemicsche Industrie G.C.A. e: Geneva Convention Act GC&A e: Guidance, Control and Airframe GCAA e: Guidance, Control and Airframe GCA-CTS e: Ground-Controlled Approach-Controller Training System GCAD e: Granite City Army Depot GCAHS e: Guggenheim Center for Aviation Health and Safety GCai e: Roddenbery Memorial Library, Cairo GCAJS e: Gratz College. Annual of Jewish Studies (journ.) g-cal e: gram-calorie Gcal d: Gigakalorie[n] GCAL e: General Councillor at Large - e: General Councillorat Large - e: Gram Calorie gcal e: Gram[me] Calorie Gcal/h d: Gigakalorie[n] pro Stunde GCAM f: Groupement de la Caisse des Depots Automatisation pour le Management GCanS e: Sequoyah Regional Library, Canton

G C A of N O e: Green Coffee Association of New Orleans G C A P e: Generalized] Circuit Analysis Problem - e: Generalized Circuit Analysis Program[me] - e: Gold Co. of America - e: Graphic Curve Analysis Program[me] G.Capt. e: Group Captain G C A R A e: Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Association G C a r r W G e: West Georgia College, Carrollton G-car[s] e: German car[s] GCAS e: Ground Collision Avoidance System GCA T[eam] e: Guidance and Control Analysis Team G C a t O e: Group Catering Officer G C A W e: Gas Carbon Arc Welding G.C.B. e: Knight of the Grand Cross G C B d: Gas. Zeitschrift fur Rationelle Energieanwendung (journ.)


© K • G • Saur. München


e: General Circuit Breaker e: Generator Control Breaker e: German Convention Bureau e: Ghana Commercial Bank e: Ghanian Cocoa Butter e: Glen Canyon Bridge e: Gonococcall Base [Broth] e: Good Conduct Badge e: Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath e: Graphic Control Byte e: Graphitizes Carbon Black e: Gravity Cutback e: Great Circle Bearing e: Ground Control Byte e: Group Circuit Breaker e: Guthne, C. B., Tariff Bureau Inc. e: Knigbt Grand Cross of the [Order of the] Bath G C B A e: Gold Course Builders of America - e: Guernsey Cattle Breeders' Association G C B C e: Goucher College Babylonian Collection G C B K e: Great Country Bank Ansonia G C B M e: Gas Chromatography in Biology and Medicine G C B R e: Gas-Cooled Breeder Reactor G C B S e: General Council of British Shipping - e: Ground-Control Bombing System G & C C e: Gonville and Caius College-Cambridge - e: Guidance and Control Computer - e: Guidance and Control Coupler g/cc e: Gram[s] per Cubic Centimeter [US] - e: Gram[s] per Cubic Centimetre [GB]

G C C e: Arab Gulf Co-operation Council - e: Coca-Cola Co., Business Information, Atlanta - e: Gas Chromatograph Column - e: Gas Consumers Council - e: Gasification Combined Cycle - e: General Channel Coordinator - e: General Cinema Corporation - e: General Commission on Captains and Armed Forces Personnel - e: General Contracting Company - e: Georgian Court College - e: German Concentration Camp - e: German Control Center [US] - e: German Control Centre [GB] - e: Giannini Controls Corporation - e: Girton College, Cambridge - e: Global Community Center - e: Global Competitiveness Council - e: Goddard Communications Center - e: Goddard Computing Center - e: Goebel Collectors' Club - e: Gogebic Community College - e: Golden Concord Mining - e: Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge - e: Good Counsel College - e: Government Contract Committee - e: Graduated Combat Capability - e: Grand Canyon College - e: Granite Creek [California] - e: Graphic Control Center - e: Greenfield Community College - e: Greyhound Computer Corporation - e: Grid Control Center [US] - e: Ground Calcium Carbonate - e: Ground Communications Controller - e: Ground Communications Coordinator - e: Ground Computer Controller - e: Ground Control Center [US] - e: Ground Controll Centre [GB] - e: Group Change Control - e: Group Control Center [US] - e: Group Control Centre [GB] - e: Grove City College - e: Guidance and Control Computer - e: Guidance and Control Coupler - e: Guidance Checkout Computer - e: Gulf Coast College - e: Gulf Cooperation Council - e: Gun Control Console GCCA e: G-Cat Cass Association - e: Gambling Chip Collectors Association - e: General Communications Computer Association - e: Graduate Careers Council of Australia - e: Graphic Communication^] Computer Association - e: Greater Clothing Contractors Association G C C A Newsletter e: GCCA [Graduate Careers Council of Australia] Newsletter (journ.) GCCB e: Government Change Control Board GCCC e: Canarias [Canary Islands] - e: General Computer Corporation - e: Goshen County Community College - e: Ground-Control Computer Center G C C G e: German Colonies Collectors Group GCCNPIP e: General Conference Committee of the National Poultry Improvement Plan GCCO e: Ground-Control Checkout GCCS e: Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf - e: Government Code and Cypher School

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GCIC GCCU e: Grand Council of the Cree [of Quebec] Update (journ.) G C C V F e: Golden Concord Mining G C C W e: United Gas, Coke and Chemical Workers of America G C D e: DeKalb Community College, Clarkston - e: Gain Control Driver - e: Gate Controlled Diode - e: General and Complete Disarmament - e: General System Division - e: Gold Coupling Dendrite - e: Golden Cadillac Resources Limited - e: Good Conduct Discharge - e: Grand Coulee Dam - e: Graphic Codepoint Definition - e: Great Circle Distance - e: Greatest Common Denominator - e: Greatest Common Divisor - e: Gyro-Compass, Desired Cluster Orientation GCDA e: Gulf Canada Resources, Limited G C D C e: Gold Coast Divisional Court Reports (journ.) - e: Grace Cancer Drug Center - e: Ground Checkout Display and Control G C D C S e: Ground Checkout Display and Control System G C D G e: Gas Chromatography Discussion Group G C Div C[t] e: Selected Judgments of the Divisional Courts [Ghana] (journ.) GCDRA e: Green Crop Driers Research Association G C D R PR e: Gulf Canada Resources Limited Preferenced GCDS e: Gamma Dose Detector System GCDU s: Grupo de Convergencia Democratica en Uruguay G C E e: Commission for Geographical Education - e: Galveston Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade - e: Gas City Empire - e: General Certificate of Education - e: General College Entrance - e: General Consumers Electronics - e: General Control Equipment - e: Glassy Carbon Electrode - e: Global Change Encyclopedia - e: Great Canadian Cider - e: Greenwood Cotton Exchange - e: Ground Checkout Equipment - e: Ground Combat Element - e: Ground Communication[s] Equipment - e: Ground Control Equipment - e: Ground Cooperational Equipment - e: Group Control Entry - e: Group Control Exit - e: Gun Controlled] Equipment GCE[A] e: General Certificate of Education [Advanced Level] G C E B T e: Galveston Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade GC-EC e: Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture G C E C e: Greater Colombo Economic Community GC-ECD e: Gas Chromatography with an Electron Capture Detector GC/ECD e: Gas Chromatograph with Electron Capture Detector - e: Gas Chromatograph/Electron Capture Detector G C E C E E f: Groupement des Caisses d'Epargne de la CEE

G C E Examination e: General College Entrance Examination G C E G e: Grid-Controlled Electron Gun G C E I e: Gold C Enterprises, Incorporated G C ENV e: Government of Canada, Environment Canada G C E [ 0 ] e: General Certificate of Education [Ordinary Level] G C E O S e: Group Contribution Equation of State G & C E P e: Guidance and Control Equipment Performance G C E P e: Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant - e: Governing Council for Environmental Program[me] G C E R e: General Ceramics, Inc. GCES e: Generalized Constant Elasticity of Substitution - e: Geodetic Communications and Electronia Squadron - e: Glen Canyon Environmental Studies GCESq e: Geodetic Communications and Electrcgics Squadron G-CEU e: General Certified End User G C F e: General Control Function - e: Generation Control Function - e: Greatest Common Factor - e: Greenhouse Crisis Foundation - e: Gross Capacity Factor - e: Ground Command Facility - e: Ground Communication^] Facility GCFA e: Gridded Crossed Field Amplifier G C F A P e: Guidance & Control Flight Analysis Program[me] - e: Guidance and Control Flight Analysis Program GCFBE e: Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Experiment G C F B R e: Gas-Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor G C F C e: Gold Coast Full Court Selected Judgments (journ.) - e: Gulf Coast Fisheries Center GCF-CS e: Ground Communications Facility-Communications Switch[er] G C F I e: Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute GC-FID e: Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection G C F L H e: Grand Cross of the French Legion of Honour GC-FPD e: Gas Chromatographic-FIame Photometric Detector G C F R e: Gas-Cooled Fast [breeder] Reactor G C F R C e: Gulf Coastal Fisheries Research Center G C F R E e: Gas-Cooled Fast [breeder] . Reactor Experiment G C F T e: Gonorrhea Complement Fixation Test GC/FTIR e: Gas Chromatography plus Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry GCFU e: Germinal Center-Forming Unit G C Full Ct e: Gold Coast Full Court Selected Judgments (joum.) G C G e: Gas-Chamber Green - e: Gorham Collectors' Guild - e: Grand Captain General - e: Grand Captain of the Guard - e: Gravity-Controlled Gyro - e: Ground Command Guidance - e: Group Clock Generator - e: Guardian Capital Group Limited - e: Guatemala City [Guatemala] - e: Guidance Control Group - e: Gyro Control Gunsight

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

G C G B e: Gas-Cooled Graphite-Moderated Reactor G C G C e: Golden Cycle Gold Corporation G C G G A e: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies. Field Trip Guidebook (journ.) G C G I e: Geneve Capital Group, Incorporated G C G L D e: Grants, Contracts and General Law Division G C G R e: Gas-Cooled Graphite-Moderated Reactor - e: Giant's Castle Game Reserve G C G S e: Gravity-Controlled Gyro System G C H e: Gardenels' Chronicle (joum.) - e: Gas Collection Header - c: Generalized Continnum Hypothesis - e: Germinal Center Hyperplasia - e: Gigacharacter[s] [109 characters] - e: Global Community Health - e: Glucocorticoid Hormone - e: Golden Chance Resources, Inc. - e: Grand Captain of the Host - e: Grand Chapter of Harodim - e: Grand Cross of the Hanoverian Order - e: Guidance Capsule Handling - e: Guild Certificate of Hairdressing G C H C e: Gulf Coast Hydroscience Center G C H Q e: Government Communications Headquarters] G C H R e: Guard Committee for Human Rights G C H W R e: Gas-Cooled Heavy Water [Moderated] Reactor - e: Gas-Cooled Hot Water Reactor G C H X e: Ground Cooling Heat Exchanger GCI e: Garmett Company, Incorporated - e: Gas Chromatograph Intoximeter - e: General Capital Increase - e: General Circuit Interface - e: General Cognitive Index - e: General Communication, Incorporated - e: Generalized Communication^] Interface - e: Genetics Citation Index - e: Genie Climatique International - e: Getty Conservation Institute - e: Globetrotter Communications, Inc. - e: Gnostic Concepts, Incorporated - e: Grand Canary Island - e: Grand China Resources Limited - e: Granulosa Cell Islands - e: Graphic Communications, Incorporated - e: Graphics Command Interpreter - e: Gray Cast Iron - e: Ground Clearance Intercept - e: Ground-Controlled Intercept Radar - e: Ground Controlled] Interception] - e: Ground Controlled] Interceptor - e: Ground Controlled Interjection - e: Group Control Interruption - e: Guernsey [Airport] - e; Gulf Communications, Incorporated - f: Génie Climatique International - f: Groupe des Communications Informatiques GCIA e: Granite Cutters' International Association GCI/ADC e: Ground-Controlled Intercept/Air Defence Center [GB] - e: Ground-Controlled Intercept/Air Defense Center [US] G C I C e: German Chamber of Industry and Commerce - e: Gifted Children's Information Centre - f: Groupement Cinématographique International de Conciliation


G.C.I.E. G.C.I.E. e: Knight Grand Commander [of the Order] of the Indian Empire GCIIG e: Glass and Ceramics Industry Instrumentation Group GCIL e: Ground-Control Interface Logic GCILC e: Ground-Control Interface Logic Controller GCILU e: Ground-Control Interface Logic Unit GCIP e: Guidance Correction Input Panel GC-IR e: Gas Chrnmatography Infrared [Spectroscopy] GCIRC e: Glass Container Industry Research Corporation - f: Groupe Consultatif International de Recherche sur le Colza GC-IRMS e: Gas Chromatography-IsotopeRatio Mass Spectrometry GCIS e: Ground Control Interception] Squadron - e: Ground Control Interception Station GCISD e: Guidance, Control and Information Systems Division GC-ISS e: Gas Chromatography Isotope Separation System GCIT e: Ground Controlled Interception Team GCITNG e: Ground-Control Intercept Training GCIU e: Graphic Communication^] International Union GCIY e: Greenwich Civil Noon GCJB e: Ground Crew Jack Box - e: Guidance Checkout Junction Box - e: Guidance Computer Junction Box GCJC e: Gulf Coast Junior College GCK e: Garden City [Airport] - e: Glomerulocystic Kidney - e: Grid-Controlled Klystron - e: Grocka [Jugoslavien] GCKP e: Grand Commander of the Knights of Saint Patrick GCL e: Galactic Center Lobe - e: Ganglion Cell Layer - e: Gas Cooled Loop - e: Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers - e: Gate Circuit Logic - e: General Control Language - e: Generic Control Language - e: Grand Cross [of the Order] of Leopold - e: Graphics Card Language - e: Great Cameron Lake Resources, Inc. - e: Ground Controlled] Landing - e: Ground Coolant Loop - e: Guidance Control Laboratory - e: Guide to Catholic Literature - e: Guide to Computing Literature (journ.) - e: Guild of Catholic Lawyers - e: Guild of Cleaners and Launderers - e: Gulf Canada Limited - e: Gulf Caribbean Lines GCLA e: Group Carry Look-Ahead - e: La Palma G-class e: Soviet diesel-powered submarines GCLC e: Greater Cincinnati Library Consortium - e: Guidance Control Launch Console GC/LC/MS e: Gas Chromatography/Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy GCLCS e: Groundcrew Liquid Cooling System GCLH e: Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour GCLIM f: Groupement Canadien des Locataires des Logements Municipaux GCLISP e: Golden Common LISP [List Processor]

GCLJ e: Grand Cross of St Lazarus of Jerusalem GCLP e: Gran Canaria GC/LRMS e: Gas Chromatography/Low Resolution Mass Spectrometry GC1V e: General Circulation Model GCL WD e: Gulf Coast Low Water Datum g-cm e: gram-centimeter GCM e: Cayman Islands [airport] - e: Gas-Cut Mud - e: Gaussian Cosine Modulation - e: Gay Christian Movement - e: General Circulation Model [climatology] - e: General Classification of Merchandise - e: General Counsel's Memorandum - e: General Court Martial - e: Generator Coordinate Method - e: Genetic Control of Mosquitoes - e: Global Circulation Model [National Center for Atmospheric Research] - e: Global Climate Model - e: Good Company Man - e: Good Conduct Medal - e: Grand Cayman [Airport] - e: Greastest Common Measure - e: Great Central Mines - e: Greatest Common Measure - e: Greatest Common Multiple - e: Ground Check Monitor - e: Ground-Control Message - e: Gyro-Compass Module g/cm3 d: Gramm pro Kubikzentimeter - e: grams per cubic centimeter GCMA e: General Court Martial Authority - e: General Court-Martial Authority - e: Government Contract Management Association of America GCMAPA e: Gay Casus of Members of the American Psychiatric Association GCMB e: Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board GCMC e: Glass Ceramic Matrix Composite GCMCA e: General Court Martial Convening Authority GCMDL e: Good Conduct Medal GCMES Detector e: Gas Chromatography with Microwave Emission Spectrometric Detector GCMF e: George C. Marshall Foundation GCMG e: [Dante] Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George - e: [Knight] Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George GCMI e: Glass Container Manufacturers Institute GCMJ e: General Court Martial Jurisdiction GCMO e: General Court-Martial Order GCMP e: General Court-Martial Prisoner - e: Greater Cleveland Mathematics Program GCMPS e: Gyro[scope] Compass GCMR e: Ground-Control Message Request GCMRF e: George C. Marshall Research Foundation GCMRGlc e: Global Cerebral Metabolic Rate for Glucose GCMRJS e: Great Central Midland [or Metropolitan] Joint Stock [Railroad] GCMRU e: General Control of Mosquitoes Research Unit - e: Genetic Control of Mosquitoes Research Unit GCMS d: Gaschromatograf-Massenspektrometer - e: Gas Chromatograph [linked with a] Mass Spectrometer - e: Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry - e: Gas Chromatography [and] Mass Spectroscopy


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G/CMs e: Grams per Cubic Centimeter - e: Grams per Square Centimeter GC-MS e: Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer - e: Gas Chromatography linked with a Mass Spectrometer - e: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry GC/MS d: Gas Chromatograph mit Massenspektrometer - e: Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer - e: Gas Chromatograph[y]/Mass Spectrometry - e: Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy - e: Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrum GC 2 MS e: Ground Command and Control Mobile Seek Talk Radio Set GC2MS e: Ground Command and Control Mobile Seek Talk Radio Set GCMS[F]C e: George C. Marshall Space Flight Center GCMT e: Glass Container Manufacturers Institute GCMU e: Genetic Control of Mosquito Unit - e: Glazed Concrete Masonry Units GCMV e: Grapevine Chrome Mosaic Virus GCN e: .Government Computer News (journ.) - e: Gage Code Number - e: Gas-cooled Carbon-moderated Nuclear - e: Gauge Code Number - e: Gay Community News (journ.) - e: General Cinema Corporation - e: Generalized Connection Network - e: Giant Cerebral Neuron - e: Gold Canyon Mines, Inc. - e: Grand Canyon [Airport] - e: Greenwich Civil Noon - e: Ground Communications Network - e: Ground-Control Network GCNA e: Guild of Carillonneurs in North America. Bulletin (journ.) GCNED e: Government Computer News (journ.) GCNM e: GCN/Microfilm, Boston, MA - e: Grand Canyon National Monument GCNP e: Grand Canyon National Park GC-NPD e: Gas Chromatography-Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector GCNPP e: Greene County Nuclear Power Plant GCNR e: Gas Core Nuclear Rocket GCNRA e: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area GCN Reactor e: Gas-cooled Carbonmoderated Nuclear Reactor GC&O e: Guidance, Control and Ordnance GCO e: Columbus College, Library - e: Cun Control Officer - e: General Commanding Officer - e: General Counteroffensive - e: GENFSCO, Inc. - e: Georgetown College Observatory - e: Glenco International Corporation - e: Governor's Commissioned Officer - e: Greater Coin Operators - e: Ground Check-Out - e: Ground Cut Out - e: Guidance Control Officer - e: Guidance Cut-Off - e: Gun[fire] Control Officer - f: Grand Commandement de l'OTAN GCOC e: Gun Control Officer Console GCocM e: Middle Georgia College, Cochran GCOE e: Ground Check-Out Equipment - e: Ground Control Operational Equipment

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GCSP GCoIa e: W. C. Bradley Memorial Library, Columbus GColuC e: Columbus College, Columbus GColuGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Macon Branch, Columbus GCom e: Grand Commander[y] GCOM e: Gray Communications Systems, Inc. GCON e: Grand Cross of the Order of the Niger GConT e: Monastery of the Holy Ghost, Conyers GCoop[er] [Eng] e: [George] Cooper's English Chancery Reports (journ.) GCOR e: Gencor Industries, Inc. GCOS e: General Comprehensive Operating System - e: General Comprehensive Operating Supervisor - e: General Comprehensive Operation Supervisor - e: General Computer Operational System - e: Generalized Comprehensive Operating System - e: Great Canadian Oil Sands Limited - e: Great Canadian Sands News (journ.) - e: Ground Computer Operating System G Counter e: Geiger Counter GCP e: Gain Control Pulse - e: Gaining Command Program - e: General Circuit Parameter - e: General Control Processor - e: Generalized Computer Program[me] - e: Generator Control Panel - e: Geometrically Close-Packed - e: Gift Coupon Programme - e: Global Control Point - e: Good Clinical Practice - e: Government Contracts Program - e: Grancamp Resources - e: Graphic[s] Control Program[me] - e: Green Circle Program - e: Gross Community Product - e: Ground Contact Pressure - e: Ground Control Point - e: Guidance and Control Panel - e: Guidance Checkout Package - e: Guidance Computer - e: Guidance Control Package - e: Guild of Catholic Psychiatrist - e: Guild of Computer Practitioners GCPA e: Grammatik des ChristlichPalästinischen Aramäisch (journ.) GCPD e: Grade Crossing Protection Device GCPL e: Glasgow Corporation Public Libraries GCPPD e: Global Committee of Parliamentarians on Population and Development GCPPI e: Gifted Children's Pen Pals International GCPR e: General Ceiling Price Regulations] GCPS e: Gigacycle[s] per Second - e: Greig Cephalopolysyndadyry Syndrome - e: Ground Claims Processing System - e: Ground Control and Processing Station - e: Group Claims Processing System G Cpt e: Group Captain GCPW e: General Conditions for the Performance of Work GCQ e: Group Climate Questionnaire GCQBD e: Geo-Heat Center. Quarterly Bulletin (joum.)

GCR e: Gain Control Range - e: Galactic Cosmic Radiation - e: Galactic Cosmic Ray - e: Galvano-Cutaneous Reaction - e: Gamma Cosmic Ray - e: Gas-Cooled [Graphite-moderated] [Reactor] - e: Gas Cycle Reactor - e: Gaseous Core Reactor - e: Gaylord Container Corporation Class A - e: General Cargo Rate[s] - e: General Commodity Rate - e: General Competition Rules - e: General Component Reference - e: General Control Relay - e: General Control Room - e: Generator Control Relay - e: Geneva Consultants Registry [Database] - e: Geological Characterization Report - e: German Canadian Review (journ.) - e: Glencair Resources, Inc. - e: Glomenrular Complement Receptor - e: Glucose Consumption Rate - e: Glucuronidase - e: Glycinecresol Red - e: Gold Coast Regiment - e: Good Conduct Ribbon - e: Grand Central Rocket Co. - e: Gray-Component Replacement - e: Grayling Creek - e: Great Central Railway - e: Great Circle Route - e: Grignard's Chemical Reaction - e: Ground Controlled] Radar - e: Group Code[d] Recording] GCRA e: Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates - e: Giant Chinchilla Rabbit Association - e: Golden Corral Realty Corporation GCRC e: General Clinical Research Center GCRCPB e: General Clinical Research Center Program Branch GCRDA f: Groupe Consultatidf pour la Aecherche et le Development Aerospatiale GCRE e: Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment - e: Gas-Cooled Reactor, Experimental GCRES e: Ground Combat-Readiness Evaluation Squadron GCRF e: Greensboro Civil Rights Fund GCRG e: Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma gcrg e: gun carnage GCRG e: Gun Carriage GCRI e: Georgetown Clinical Research Institute - e: German Carpet Research Institute - e: Gillette Company Research Institute - e: Glass House Crops Research Institute - e: Grain Crack Resistance Index GCRL e: Gulf Coast Research Laboratory GCRO e: General Council and Register of Osteopaths Limited - e: General Council and Registrar of Osteopaths - e: Grand Council and Register of Osteopaths GCRP e: Galactic Cosmic Ray Particle GCRR e: Arrecife/Lanzarote GCRRAE e: Glasshouse Crops Research Institute. Annual Report (journ.) GCRs e: Gas-Cooled Reactors GCRV e: Ground Cruising Recreational Vehicle G&CS e: Guidance and Control System G/CS e: Guidance and Control System Gc/s e: Gigacycle[s] per second

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

GCS e: Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der Ersten Drei Jahrhunderte (journ.) - e: Game Conservation Society - e: Gas Cylinder System - e: Gate Controlled Switch - e: GCS Air Service - e: General Clearing Station - e: General Communication Subsystem - e: General Communications System - e: General Computer System[s] - e: General Computer Systems, Inc. - e: General Computing Services - e: Generalized Computer Systems, Inc. - e: Generator Control Switch - e: Georgia Consumer Services - e: Geostationary Communications Satellite - e: Gifted Child Society - e: Gigacycles per Second - e: Glasgow Coma Score - e: Global Communications System - e: Global Conceptional Scheme - e: Gold Collectors' Society - e: Golden Crown Resources Limited - e: Government Contractors Subcontractors - e: Gram-Centimeter-Second - e: Grant and Contract Service - e: Graphic[s] Compatibility System - e: Graphics Control System - e: Ground Checkout Station - e: Ground Command System - e: Ground Communications System - e: Ground Control System - e: Ground [radio] Control Station - e: Ground Water Council - e: Group Computer Service[s] - e: Guidance [and] Control Section - e: Guidance [and] Control System - e: Guidance Cutoff Signal - e: Gyroless Control System GCSA e: Galloway Cattle Society of America - e: Gross Cell-Surface Antigen GCSAA e: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America GCSC e: Graphic Control and Sequencing Computer - e: Guidance Control and Sequencing Computer GCSCO e: Gota Canal Steamship Company GCSCs e: Guidance Control and Sequencing Computers GCSE e: General Certificate of Secondary Education Gc/sec e: Gigacycle[s] per second G-CSF e: Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor GC[&]SF e: Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Co. GCSG e: Graphic Communication^] Societies Group - e: [Knight] Grand Cross of St. Gregory the Great GCSI e:[Knight] Grand Commander of the [Order of the] Star of India GC-SICM e: Gas Chromatography-Single Ion Current Monitoring gcsINMR e: Invese Magnetic Resonance GCSJ e: Grand Cross of Justice of the Orderof St John of Jerusalem GCSM e: Glandless Cottonseed Meal - e: Ground Composite Signal Mixer GCSMP e: Graphic Continuous System Modelling Program[me] GCSP e: Government Communications Staff Federation


GCSPC GCSPC e: Graphic Communications Specials Projects Section GCSPC Section e: Graphic Communications Special Projects Section GCSRW-UMC e: General Commission on the Status and Role of Women-United Methodist Church GCSS e: Global Communication^] Satellity System - e: Global Communications Satellite System - e: Ground-Control[led] Space System - e: Guidance Counseling Support System - e: Knight Grand Cross of St. Sylvester GCStJ e: Bailiff Grand Cross of [the Order of] Saint John of Jerusalem - e: Dame Grand Cross of [the Order of] Saint John of Jerusalem - e: Grand Cross of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem - e: Knight Grand Cross of [the Order of] St. John of Jerusalem GCSV e: Groundnut Chlorotic Spot Virus GCSW e: Graduate Certificate of Social Work GCT e: Coca-Cola Co., Technical Information Services, Atlanta - e: Gamma Correction Table - e: General Classification Test - e: Gesture Comprehension Test - e: Giant Cell Tumor - e: Giro [Money Order] Credit Transfer - e: Glamorgan College of Technology - e: Glass Cloth Tape - e: Government Competitive Testing - e: Grand Cadencede Tir - e: Graphics Communications Terminal - e: Great Circle Test - e: Great Circle Track - e: Greenwich Central Time - e: Greenwich Civil Time - e: Greenwich Conservatory Time - e: Ground Checkout and Test - e: Ground-Control unit - e: Guard Control System - e: Guidance Command Test - e: Guidance Computer Test - e: Gun Compatability Test - e: Gun Control Tower - e: Gyro-Compass Trial - f: Groupe Consultatif Technique GCTA e: Ground Command[ed] Television Assembly [Apollo] - e: Ground Controlled Television Assembly GCTBR e: Gas-Cooled fast Breeder Reactor GCTC e: .Giant Cell Tumor Cells - e: Green County Teachers College GCTE e: Guidance Computer Test Equipment GCTEV e: Garland Chrysanthemum Temperate Virus GCTF e: Gold Coast Territorial Force GC&TPA e: Garden Cities and Town Planning Association GCTS e: Gas Component Test Stand - e: Ground Communication^] Tracking System[s] - e: Tenerife Reina Sofia GCTW e: Gross Combination Test Weight GCu d: KupferguB

GCU e: General Communications Unit - e: General Control Unit - e: Generation Control Unit - e: Generator Control Unit - e: Generator/Converter Unit - e: Glasgow Choral Union - e: Global Control Unit - e: Gold Canyon Resources - e: Graphic Control Unit - e: Ground Checkout Unit - e: Ground-Control Unit - e: Ground Cooling Unit - e: Guidance and Control Unit - e: Guidance Coupler Unit - e: Gunner's Control Unit - e: Gyro Coupling Unit - e: Gyro[scope] Coupling Unit - e: Gyroscope Coupling Unit GCuA e: Andrew College, Cuthbert g/cuc[u]m e: Gram[s] per Cubic Centimeter [US] - e: Gramme[s] per Cubic Centimetre [GB] GCUGA e: Grounded Current Unity-Grain Amplifier g/cum e: Gram[s] per Cubic Meter [US] - e: Gram[me][s] per Cubic Metre [GB] GCV e: Chattahoochee Valley Regional Library, Columbus - e: Gaseous Oxygen Control Valve - e: Green Crinkle Virus - e: Gross Caloric Value - e: Gross Calorific Value - e: Leakesville GCVO e: Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order - e: Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order - e: Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order GCVS e: General Catalogue] of Variable Stars GCVW e: Gross Combination Vehicle Weight GCW d: Gesellschaft der Chirurgen in Wien - e: Coca-Cola Co., Law Library, Atlanta - e: Garden City Western Railway Co. - e: General Continuous Wave - e: Generative Cell Wall - e: Global Chart of the World - e: Glomenular Capillary Wall - e: Grand Coulee - e: Graphic Communications Weekly (journ.) - e: Gross Combination Weight GCWDA e: Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority GCWIU e: General Cigarette Workers' Industrial Union GCWM e: .General Conference on Weights and Measures - e: General Conference of Weights and Measures GCWOD e: Graphic Communications World (journ.) GCWR e: Global Congress of the World's Religions - e: Gross Combination Weight Rating GCXO e: Tenerife GCY e: General Cybernetics Corporation - e: Glen Cove - e: Greeneville


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GD d: Druckguß - d: Gadolinium - d: Gegendruck - d: Gegenstandsdatei - d: Generaldirektor - d: Germaniumdiode - d: Gesundheitsdienst - d: große Datentechnik - d: große Dehnung - d: Gruppendatenelement - e: Chemical Agent/ Soman - e: Defence Guide - e: DeKalb County Library System, Regional Service-Rockdale and Newton Counties, Decatur - e Deneral Duty - e Diganglioside - e Gadolinium - e Gaol Delivery [Legal] - e Gap Detector - e Gap Digit - e Gas Detector - e Gas Discharge - e Gas Dragster - e Gas Drainage - e Gas Dynamics - e Gate Driver - e Gaussian Distribution - e Gave Delivery - e Gear Down - e Gel Destainer - e Gel Dryer - e General Delivery - e General Depot - e General Design - e General Development - e General Diagram - e General Discharge - e General Dispensary - e General Duty - e General Dynamics [Corporation] - e Geographic Digest (journ.) - e Geographic Distribution - e Geologic[al] Depository - e Geostational Day - e Germanium Diode - e Given Data - e Glass Door - e Global Data Graphics Display - e Global Data Systems - e Global Digest (journ.) - e Glow Discharge - e Glutamate Dehydrogenase - e Glutaraldehyde-Dichromate - e Glyceryl Distearate - e Goal Delivery - e God Damn - e Gold - e Golden Dawn - e Gonadal Dysgenesis - e Good Delivery - e Good Grade - e Government Expenditure - e Graduate in Divinity - e Graduate of Divinity - e Grand Deacon - e Grand Division - e Grand Duchess - e Grand Duchy - e Grand Duke - e Graphic Data - e Graphic Demand Meter - e Graphic Display - e Grave's Disease - e Gravimetric Density - e Greenside Darter - e Greenwich Date

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GdD -

e: Grenada e: Grinding Direction e: Gross Debt e: Ground Defence [GB] e: Ground Defense [US] e: Ground Detector e: Ground Directional [relay] e: Group Delay e: Grouping Distance e: Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (journ.) - e: Grown Diffused - e: Guard Digit - e: Gudermannian Amplitude - e: Guide - e: Gum Disturbance - e: Gun Drill - e: Gundeck - e: Gunnery Division - e: Guntersville Dam - e: Gyrodynamics - e: Nerve Gas - e: Soman - f: Grandes Decisions de la Jurisprudence Administrative (journ.) G&D e: Gale and Davison's English Queen's Bench Reports (journ.) - e: Galvanized and Dipped - e: Garcia & Diaz - e: Grosset & Dunlap G-D e: General Dynamics Corporation - e: Gudermannian or hyperbolic amplitude [symbol] - e: Gunnery Division G.D. e: General Duties - e: Gilt Edges - e: Gravimetric Density g/d e: gallons per day gd a: gade - e: general duties - e: good - e: good delivery - e: grade - e: gradi ng - e: gravimetic density - e: ground - e: guard[ian] Gd. d: Gold - d: Grund -1: Gadolinium gd. e: good G" f: Grand G.d.A. d: General der Artillerie Gd.A. e: Ga[u]ged Arch GD/A e: General Dynamics / Astronautics - e: General Dynamics/Astronautics GDA e: Galvo-Drive Amplifier - e: Gas Distribut[at]ion Administration - e: General Development Agreement - e: General Dynamics Ardmore - e: General Dynamics Astronautics - e: Germin-3,16-Diacetat - e: Gimbailed Dish Antenna - e: Gimbal Drive Actuator - e: Gimbal Drive Assembly - e: Gimbailed Dish Antenna - e: Global Data Administrator - e: Global Data Area - e: Glycol Diacetate - e: Goldera Resources, Inc. - e: Good Data Area - e: Graphic Data Acquisition - e: Gun Damage Assessment - e: Gun Defended Area - e: Gunned Accelerator

GDAA e: Gift and Decorative Accessories Association of America GDA [Com] e: Government Diploma in Art [Commercial] GDAD d: Gebundener-DeskriptorenAdressensatz Gdag 111 e: Gardening Illustrated (journ.) GDahN e: North Georgia College, Dahlonega GDAIS e: Atlanta Information Services, Decatur GDAJA e: Journal. Georgia Dental Association (journ.) GDal e: Dalton Regional Library, Dalton GDAM e: General Data Access Method GDanH e: Heritage Papers, Danielsville Gdansk Tow Nauk Rozpr Wydz P: Gdanskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Rozparawy Wydzialu [Poland] (journ.) GDAP e: GEOS [Geodetic Earth-Orbiting Satellite] Data Adjustment Program[me] - e: Geodetical-Orbiting Satellite Data Adjustment Programm GDAS e: Geokinetic Data Acquisition System - e: Ground Data Acquisition System GDAU e: General Data Acquisition Unit GdAusr d: Grundausrüstung GdAusstg d: Grundausstattung g'day e: good day GdB d: Gesellschaft des Bauwesens - d: Gesellschaft des Bibliophilen GDB d: Gesellschaft für Dokumentation und Bibliographie - e: Genome Data Base - e: Geometrie Database - e: Global Data Base - e: Graphic Data Base - e: Graphic Data Byte - e: Guide Dogs for the Blind GDBA e: Guide Dogs for the Blind Association GDBC Program[me] e: Gain Database Creation Programfme] Gdbgr. d: Grundbegriff Gdbgre. d: Grundbegriffe GDBH d: Gesellschaft Deutscher Berg- und Hüttenleute GDBMS e: Generalized Data Base Management System[s] GDBS d: geografische Datenbanksoftware - e: Generalized Database System - e: Geo-facilities Data Base Support - e: Global Data Base System GDBTG e: Generalized Data Base Task Group GD/C e: General Dynamics / Convair

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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GDC d: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker - d: Gesellschaft für Datensysteme und Computer GmbH - e: Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatu - e: Gamma-Ray, Density and Caliper Survey - e: Garage Door Council - e: Gas Discharge Counter - e: Gas Displacement Chromatography - e: Gated Digital Correlator - e: Gated Diode Crosspoint - e: Gel Dryer witb Clamps - e: Gel Drying Cart - e: General Data Communications - e: General DataComm Industries, Incorporated - e: General Defense Corporation - e: General Dental Council - e: General Design Criteria - e: General Development Corporation - e: General Digital Computer - e: General Dynamics Convair - e: General Dynamics Corporation - e: General-Purpoinput - e: General-purpose Digital Computer - e: Generalized Dynamic Charge - e: Geocentric Dust Cloud - e: Geocentric Dust Converter - e: Geodetic Data Center - e: Geological Data Center - e: Geomagnetic Data Center - e: Geophysical Data Center - e: German Data Center [US] - e: German Data Centre [GB] - e: Gettysburg College, Genysburg - e: Glow Discharge Condition - e: Glycerol Dichlorohydrin] - e: Governmental Defence Council - e: Grand-Dad's Day Council - e: Grand Deacon of Ceremonies - e: Granduc Mines Limited - e: Graphic Data System - e: Graphic Designers of Canada - e: Graphic Display Console - e: Graphic Display Controller - e: Gravity Die-Cast - e: Gross Debt Service - e: Gross Dependable Capacity - e: Ground Digit Control - e: Guards - e: Guidance Data Converter - e: Guidance Display Computer - e: Gun Direction Computer - e: Gyro Display Coupler - e: Society of Graphic Designers of Canada GDCA e: Gypsum Drywall Contractors Association GD/CD e: General Dynamics/Convair Division Gd Ch f: Grand Chaeur GDCh d: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker GDCH e: Glycerol Dichlorohydrin GDCI e: Gypsum Drywall Contractors Association - e: Gypsum Drywall Contractors International GDCL e: General Dynamics Candair Limited GD/Convair e: General Dynamics/Convair GDCR e: Glacial Debris Conjugate Region GDCS e: Government Documents Catalog Service - e: Gun Fire Control System GDCX e: Growth Development Corporation GD/D e: General Dynamics/Daingerfield GdD d: Gegenwart der Dichtung (journ.)


GDD G D D d: Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherung e.V. - e: DeCalb Historical Society, Decatur - e: Gas Discharge[d] Display - e: Geddes Resources Limited - e: General Desgin Document - e: Gridded - e: Group Display Device - e: Growing Degree Day GDDA e: General Desert Development Authority G D D L e: Graphical Data Definition Language G D D M d: Graphische Daten-Darstellung und Management - e: Graphical Data Display Manager G D D Q e: Group Dimensions Descriptions Questionnaire GD/DS e: Generalized Dictionary/Directory System GDDS e: Gamma Dose Detector System G D D T D e: Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Teil I (journ.) G d " i: Grande - p: Grande - s: Grande GD/E e: General Dynamics/Electronics G d e d: Gemeinde - d: Gründe G D E d: Gesellschaft für dezentrale Energiewirtschaft - e: Beaumont, TX - e: Gage Deviation - e: General Dynamics Electronics - e: Generalized] Data Entry - e: Generalized Entry - e: Gibbs-Duhem Equation - e: Gilt Deckled Edge[s] - e: Gilt Deckled Edging - e: Gode [Äthiopien] [Airport] - e: Golden Dawn Explorations Limited - e: Gourde - e: Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies - e: Graduate Diploma in Extension - e: Gross Domestic Expenditure - e: Ground Data Equipment - e: Guide[d] - e: Gun Display Unit G D / E B e: General Dynamics/Electric Boat [Division] G D E D e: General Dynamics-Electro Dynamic G de F f: Gaz de France g del's e: golden-delicious apples G D e m P e: Piedmont College, Demorest G D E S e: Government[al] Department [for] Electrical Specification^] GDest e: General Destillation G D E U e: Guidance Digital Evaluation Unit G D E U T e: Guidance Digital Evaluation Test GDEX e: Gold Express Corporation G D F d: Grenzüberschreitender Datenfluß - e: Gas Dynamic[s] Facility - e: General Defence Plan - e: Geographie Data File - e: Gibraltar Defence Force - e: Goldfarb Corporation - e: Granular Diffusion Flame - e: Graphical Display File - e: Graphics Data Form - e: Ground Decommutation Facility - e: Ground Defense Forces - e: Ground Diverted Force - e: Group Distributing Frame[s] - e: Group Distribution Frame - e: Guyana Defence Force 10

G.D.F. e: Group Distributing Frame[s] G D F B e: Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind G D F F e: Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds Information System G d [ F O D ] , e: Tris[heptafluorodimethyloctandionato]gadolinium G D F o r t W o r t h e: General Dynamics Fort Worth G D F T e: Generalized Discrete Fourier Transform G D / F W e: General Dynamics/Fort Worth GDFY e: Godfrey Co. GD[G] e: General Duties [Ground]] G D G d: Gemeinschaft Deutscher Großmessen G d G d: Grundlagen der Germanistik (journ.) G D G e: Gas Discharge Gage [US] - e: Gas Discharge Gauge [GB] - e: General Data Gap - e: Generation Data Gap - e: Generation Data Group - e: Golden Glory - e: Graphic Display Generator - e: Group Display Generator GD/GA e: General Dynamics/General Atomic G D G A e: Garment Dyers Guild of America - e: General Dynamics General Atomic G D G I P e: Gas-Driven Gyro Inertial Platform G D G S e: Guidance Digital Ground Station G D H d: Glyzerin-3-phosphatdehydrogenase - e: DeKalb General Hospital, Decatur - e: Glutamate Dehydrogenase - e: Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase - e: Godhavn - e: Goldsearch, Inc. - e: Gonadotropic Hormone - e: Goods on Hand - e: Grand Ducal Highness - e: Ground Data Handling - e: Groupe Date Heure - e: Growth and Development Hormone - e: Growth and Differentiation Hormone - e: Guidance During Homing G d H e: Guard House G D H C e: Ground Data Handling Centre Gd House e: Good Housekeeping (journ.) G D H S e: Ground Data Handling System G D H S E e: Guardhouse G D H S W T e: General Dynamics HighSpeed Wind Tunnel G D H - T P I e: Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase-Triosephosphatelsomerase G.d.I. d: General der Infanterie G D I d: Sammlung der Griechischen Dialektinschriften (joum.) - e: Gas-Driven Intensifier Pump - e: General DataComm Industries, Incorporated - e: General Dissemination of Information - e: General Dynamics International - e: Generalized Data Base Interface - e: God Damned Independent - e: Graphic Data Input - e: Graphic Display Interface - e: Graphics Device Interface - e: Gross Domestic Investment - e: Ground Detector Indicator - e: New York, NY GDIAN e: Guardian G D I C e: General Devices, Incorporated G D I D e: General Defense International Division

© K • G • Saur, München

G D I F S e: Gray and Ductile Iron-Founders Society G d I G e: Gadolinium Iron Garnet G D I K A N j: Gifu Daigaku Igakubu Kiyo (journ.) G D I P e: Gale Directory of International Publications (journ.) - e: General Defence Intelligence Program [GB] - e: General Defense Intelligence Program [US] G D I P P e: General Defense Intelligence Proposed Program GDir. d: Generaldirektor GDIS e: General Dynamics International Service - e: Gier-Dunkle Integrating Sphere - e: Graphic Device Interface Standard G D J B e: Guidance Computer Junction Box G D K d: Gemeinschaft der Datenverarbeitungsanwender in Klein- und Mittelbetrieben - d: Gesamtdifferentialkosten G d k P: Gdansk G D K K D 2 e: Annual Report. Faculty of Education. Gunma University. Art, Technology, Health and Physical Education and Science of Human Living Series (journ.) G D K T A j: Genshi Doryoku Kenkyukai Teirei Kenkyukai Nenkai Hokokusho (journ.) G D K Y A 7 e: Annual Report. Faculty of Education. Gunma University. Art and Technology Series (joum.) G D L d: Gasdynamischer Kohlendioxid Laser - d: Gleichrichterdiode für Leistungselektronik - e: Gas Dynamic Laser - e: Gas Dynamics Laboratory - e: Gladstone-Date Law - e: Glas Development Laser system - e: Glass Delay Line - e: Glass Development Laser - e: Global Data Link - e: Glow[-]Discharge Lamp - e: Glucono-Delta-Lactone - e: Graphic Display Library - e: Graphic Drawing Library - e: Graphics Display List - e: Ground Dynamic Laser - e: Guadalajara [Airport] - e: Mexico [Airport] - e : Takeoff Guide Light - f: Grand-Duche de Luxembourg Gdl e: Guadalajara G D L C e: General Dynamics Liquid Carbonic GdIG e: Gadolinium Iron Garnet gdling e: good looking G D L K e: Grid Leak GDLs e: Gas Dynamic Lasers GDLS e: General Dynamics [Corporation] Land Systems Division - e: Glow-Discharge Lamp Source - e: Graduate Diploma in Library Science G D L S T e: General Dynamics Low-Speed Tunnel G D L Z d: Gesamtdurchlaufzeit

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GDS GDM a: Gads Danske Magasin (journ.) - d: geodynamisches Meter - d: Gesamtverband Deutscher Metallgießereien e.V. - e: Gardner - e: General Design Memorandum - e: General Development Map - e: General Development Model - e: General Dynamics Manufacturing - e: Geodetic Distance Measurement - e: Geodynamic Meter - e: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - e: Glass Disk Memory - e: Global Data Manager - e: Goldome FSB - e: Graphic Display Monitor - e: Grid Dip Meter - e: Grid Dip Modulator - e: Guidance Design Manager GdM i: Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno (joum.) Gdm. d: Grundmuster GDMA e: Glycol Dimethacrylate GDMB d: Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute GdmCl e: Guanidinium Chloride GDMCN e: Ground Data Management and Communications Network GDME e: Glycol Dimethyl Ether - e: Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering GD Meter e: Graphic Demand Meter GDMI e: Generic Definition of Management Information GDMK e: Good Mark Foods, Inc. GDML e: Gas Dynamic Missing Laser - e: Gas Dynamic Mixing Laser GDMM e: Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians GDMO e: General Duties Medical Officer GD-Ms d: Druckgußmessing GDMS e: General Dynamics Material Service - e: Generalized Data [Base] Management System[s] - e: Geographic Data Management System - e: Glow Discharge Mass Spectroscopy - e: Graphics Display Management System GDMT e: Gemini Detailed Maneuver Table GDN d: Gleichstrom-Datenübertragung mit niedrigem Sendepegel - d: Gleichstrom-Datenübertragung mit niedrigem Signalpegel - d: Gleichstrom-Datenübertragung mit Niedrigpegel - d: Gleichstrom-Datenübertragung mit niedriger Sendespannung - e: Garden - e: Gdansk [Airport] - e: Giant Descending Neuron - e: Glycol Dinitrate - e: Golden News Resources Corporation - e: Government Data Network Gdn e: Godown - e: Guanidine - e: Guardian GDn d: Germaniumdiode[n] gdn e: Graduation GDNÄ d: Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte GDNC e: Guidance Gdn J NY Bot Gdn e: Garden Journal. New York Botanical Garden (journ.) Gdnk e: Gdansk gdnr e: gardener Gdns e: Gardens Gdns Bull e: Gardens Bulletin (journ.)

Gdns Bull [Siagapore] e: Gardens Bulletin [Singapore] (journ.) gdnt e: Gradient G/DO e: Gas / Diesel Oil GDO d: Gemeinde-Dienst-Ordnung - d: Gemeinsame Dienstordnung - d: Gesellschaft für Datenverarbeitung und Organisation mbH - e: Garage Door Opener - e: Gate-Dip Oscillator - e: General Development Order - e: Graphic Data Output - e: Grid Dip Oscillator - e: Gross Domestic Output - e: Guasdualito [Airport] - e: Guidance Officer - e: Guild of Dispensing Opticians - e: Gun Diode Oscillator - e: Gun Direction Officer GDOA e: Graphic Data Output Area GDOC e: University of Guelph Document Holdings [Database] GDOES e: Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy GDOP e: Geometric Degradation of Position - e: Geometric Dilution of Precision GDOS e: Glow Discharge Optical Spectroscopy GDoS e: South Georgia College, Douglas G.d.P. d: Gegenstand des Patents GDP d: Guanosindiphosphat - e: Gaede Diffusion Pump - e: Gale Directory of Publications (journ.) - e: Gaseous Discharge Principle - e: General Defense Plan - e: General Defensive Position - e: General Development Plan - e: General Dynamics Pomona - e: General Dynamics Procedure - e: Generalized Data [Base] Processor - e: Generalized Distributor Program - e: Generalized Documentation Processor - e: Generalized Drawing Primitive - e: Geometrical] Data Processing - e: Giant Depolarizing [Synaptic] Potential - e: Glow Discharge Polymer - e: Goal Directed Programming - e: Golden Pond Resources - e: Government Data Publications - e: Graphic Data Processing - e: Graphic Disptay Processor - e: Grid Driving Power - e: Gross Domestic Product - e: Guadalupe Pass - e: Guanosine Diphosphate - e: Gun Defence Position - e: Gun Director Pointer GDPA e: General Dental Practitioners Association GDPBM e: Gale Directorys of Publications and Broadcast Media (journ.) GDP[CL] e: Gun Director Pointer [Cross Leveler] GD/PD e: General Dynamics/Pomona Division GDP[D] e: General Dynamics Pomona [Daingerfield] GDPG e: Guanosine Diphosphoglucose G.d.Pi. d: General der Pioniere GDP[L] e: Gun Director Pointer [Leveler] GDPMan e: Guanosine Biphosphomannose GDP[P] e: Gun Director Pointer [Pointer]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

GDPS e: Generalized Disc [or Disk] Programming System - e: Global Data Processing System - e: Government Document Publishing Service GDPs e: Gross Domestic Products GDP[SS] e: Gun Director Pointer [Sight Setter] GDP System e: Generalized Data Processor System GDP[T] e: Gun Director Pointer [Trainer] GDP-Zucker d: Guanosindiphosphatzucker GDQ e: Golden Dragon Resources - e: Gondar [Äthiopien] [Airport] - e: Ministry of Transport, Government of Quebec GDQF e: Graphical Display and Query Facility GDR e: Gaucher's Disease Registry - e: General Design Requirements] - e: Geodetic Data Reduction - e: Geodyne Resources, Inc. - e: Geophysical Data Record - e: German Democratic Republic - e: Giant Dipole Resonance - e: Goal Delivery Roll - e: Graphic Depth Recorder - e: Grid Dead Reckon - e: Ground Delay Response - e: Group Delay Response - e: Guard Rail GDRC e: Gyro Drift Rate Compensation GDRCT e: Gardner Denver Rework Command Tape GD Relay e: Ground Directional Relay GDROA e: Gidroaeromehanika (journ.) GDR Review e: German Democratic Republic Review (journ.) GDRS e: Geoscience Data Referral System GDS d: gaphisches Datensystem - d: Gemeinschaftsdaten[verarbeitungs]station - d: Grundriß der Sozialökonomie - e: Agnes Scott College, Decatur - e: Gas Deployed Skirt - e: Gas Dynamic System - e: Gated Diode Switch - e: Gel Drying System - e: Gendis, Inc. - e: General Data Stream - e: General Data Systems - e: General Declassification Schedule - e: General Disposal Schedule - e: General Drafting System - e: General Dynamics Specification - e: Generalized Database Subsystem - e: Geodetic Data Site - e: Geographically Disadvantaged States - e: Gesell Developmental Schedules - e: Glass Disk Store - e: Glenmore Distilleries Co. - e: Global Data-processing System - e: Global Deterioration Scale - e: Glow Discharge [Optical] Spectroscopy - e: GNC [Guidance and Navigation Computer] Dynamic Simulator - e: Gobal Data-processing System - e: Going Down Swinging (joum.) - e: Goldstone, CA - e: Gradual Dosage Schedule - e: Graphic Data System - e: Graphic Design System - e: Graphic Display Segment - e: Graphical] Display System - e: Great Dark Spot [on Neptune] - e: Greater Danube Society - e: Ground Data System - e: Ground Display System 11

GDs - e: Gun Defense Simulation - e: Gun Display System - n: Overheidsdocumentatie. Orgaan voor Documentatie en Administratieve Organisatie der Overheid (journ.) GDs e: Gel Destainers gds e: goods Gds e: Guards GDSA e: Goal-Directed Serial Alternation GDSC e: General Dynamics Services Company - e: Graduate Diploma in Social Communication G D S C C e: Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex GDSD e: Ground Data Systems Divsion G D S D F e: Generalized Data Structure Definition Facility G D S F e: Generalized Data Structure Definition Facility Gdsk P: Gdansk GDSL e: Graduate Diploma in School Librarianship G D S M e: Ground Data Systems Manager - e: Guardstman - e: Gun Defence Simulation Model Gdsm. e: Guardsman GDSN e: Global Digital Seismograph Network G D S O e: Ground Data Systems Officer GDSS e: General Dynamics Space Systems - e: Global Decision Support System GDSSR e: GDSD [Ground Data Systems Division] Staff Support Room Gdst. d: Grundstellung GDSU e: Global Digital Service Unit G D T d: Gemeinschaftsausschuß der Technik - d: Gesellschaft für Digital-Technik mbH - e: Gas Decay Tank - e: Gas Discharge Tube - e: Generator Development Tool - e: Geographie Data Technology, Incorporated - e: Geometrie Dimensioning and Tolerancing - e: Global Descriptor Table - e: Glow Discharge Tube - e: Grand Turk [Airport] - e: Graphic[s] Display Terminal - e: Ground Data Terminal - e: Ground Delay Time - e: Group Delay Time G D & T e: Geometrie Dimensioning and Tolerancing - e: Guidance Dimensioning and Tolerancing GD/T e: General Dynamics/Telecommunications G d t E d: Gegenstände der technischen Einrichtungen G D T I e: General Database Technology G d [ T I H D ] , e: Tris[tetramethylheptanedionato]gadolinium Gd Times e: Good Times (journ.) G D T L e: Graduate Diploma in Teacher Librarianship G D T P e: Geologic[al] Disposal Technology Program G D T R e: Global Descriptor Table Register G D T S e: Gliding Deceleration Technology System

GDU d: Gleichstrom-Drehstrom-Umformer - e: Garbage Disposal Unit - e: Gelatine Digestive Unit - e: Glendale Resources, Inc. - e: Graphic Display Processor - e: Graphic Display Unit - e: Guide Dog Users - e: Gun Display Unit GDühlg d: Grundüberholung G D u n G S e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Sandy Springs Georgia Branch, Dunwoody GDV d: Gasdynamische Versuchsanstalt - d: Geometrische Datenverarbeitung - d: Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungs Wirtschaft - d: Gesellschaft für Datenverarbeitung - d: Grafische Datenverarbeitungsanlage] - e: General Development Corporation - e: Geomagnetic Daily Variations - e: Glendive [Airport] - e: Graphic Deflection Vector - e: United States Veterans Administration Center, Dublin GDVA d: Grafische Datenverarbeitungsanlage G D V G d: Gemeinwirtschaftliche Datenverarbeitungsgesellschaft G D V M A R: Gidravliceskie Mashiny (journ.) G D W e: Gladwin - e: Golden West Financial Corporation - e: Goldwest Resources Limited G d w . d: Gradierwerk GDWD[C]A e: Glaciol Data World Data Center A (journ.) G D W N D e: Gradient Wind GDX e: Gated Diode Crosspoint - e: Genovese Drag Stores, Inc. - e: Goldstone, California - e: Grandex Resources Limited - e: Gun Direction Exercise - e: Upperville G D x C I e: German Dx-Club International G D X M e: Goldex Mines Limited GDY e: Grundy G d y P: Gdynia G D Y L . e: Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language GDYN e: Geodynamics Corporation GDYS e: Goody's Family Clothing GDZS d: Gesamtverzeichnis deutscher Zeitschriften und Serien


© K • G • Saur, München

G E d: Gastroenterostomie - d: Gauss-Elimination - d: Gebietseinheit[en] - d: Gebühreneinheit - d: Gebühreneinrichtung - d: Gegenstromelektrophorese - d: Gelsenkirchen - d: Gemeinschaftseinrichtung - d: Genf - d: Geräteanschlußeinheit - d: Geräteerde - d: Geräuschempfänger - d: Gesamteiweiß - d: Gesundheitserziehung - d: Getreideeinheit - d: Gewichtseinheit - d: Grundeinheit - d: Grandelement - d: Grundsatzentscheidung - e: Federal Republic of Germany - e: Garrison Engineer - e: Garrison Extracts - e: Gas Ejection [Opening] - e: Gas Engine - e: Gas Engineering] - e: Gas Examiner - e: Gasoline Engine - e: Gastroenterology - e: Gastroenterostomy - e: Gateway Exchange - e: Gauge - e: Gaussian Elimination - e: Gel Electrophoresis - e: General Election - e: General Electric [Company] - e: General Electric Corporation - e: General Electronic - e: General Engineering - e: General Examination - e: General Expenses - e: Generic Element - e: Genetic Engineering] - e: Genetic Engineering - e: Gentamicin - e: Geological Engineering] - e: Geoscience Electronics - e: Geothermal Engineering] - e: German Cargo Services - e: Germanium - e: Gilbert Islands - e: Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels (journ.) - e: Gilt Edge[d] - e: Gilt Edges - e: Gimbal Electronics - e: Glass Electrode - e: Gnome Engine - e: Good Evening - e: Graduate Engineer - e: Grand Earl - e: Grand Encampment - e: Grand Expert - e: Grand Ezra - e: Grand Fast - e: Great Educators (journ.) - e: Great Exuma - e: Greater than or Equal to - e: Gross Earnings - e: Gross Energy - e: Ground Environment - e: Ground Equipment - e: Grounded Emitter - e: Group Engineer - e: Group Equipment - e: Group of Experts - e: Guanidoethyl - e: Gyro[scope] Error

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GECAL - i: Gravissimam Educationis - p: Transportes Aereos da Portuguesa G&E e: Ground and Environmental G.E. e: Geological Engineer G/E e: Granulocyte-Erythmid - e: Graphite Epoxy Ge d: Generator - d: Germanium - d: Geröll - d: Gußeisen - e: Gegenwart (journ.) - e: Germanic - e: Germanfy] - i: Gli Ebnei nell'Alto Medioevo (journ.) -1: Germanium GEA d: Farbenfabriken Bayer - d: Gesellschaft für Electronik & Automation mbH KG - d: Geselschaft für elektrische Anlagen GmbH - e: Garage Equipment Association - e: General Electric-ARSD, Sunnyvale - e: Georgia Air Freight - e: German East Africa - e: Global Education Associates - e: Graph Extended ALGOL [Algorithmic Language] - e: Gravüre Engravers Association - e: Greater East Asia - e: Greek Electrotechnical Association - e: Noumea [New Caledonia] Magenta Airport [Airport] GEAAE f: Groupement Europeen des Artistes des Ardennes et de l'Eifel Gea Appl Entomol e: General and Applied Entomology (journ.) GEAB e: Geophysical Abstracts (journ.) GEACS e: Great East Asia Coprosperity Sphere GE8AD2 e: Geologica Balcania (journ.) GEADGE e: German Air Defence Ground Environment GEAE e: General Electric Aircraft Engines GEAEA R: Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya (journ.) GEAEGIS e: German Airborne Environment - e: Ground Integration System Geaet Princ Perspect e: Genetics, Principles and Perspectives (journ.) GEAG e: General Electric Airborne Guidance Geaie Biol Med f: Genie Biologique et Medical (journ.) Gea Index e: General Index (joum.) GEAK d: grafische Eingabe/AusgabeKontrolle GE-ANPD e: General Electric Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Development GEANPD e: General Electric Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Department - e: General Electric Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Development GEANS e: Gimballed Electrostatic Airborne - e: Gimballed Electrostatic [gyro] Aircraft Navigation System - e: Gimballed ESG [Electro-Static Gyro] Aircraft Navigation System - e: Inertial Navigation System G E A P e: General Electric Atomic Power - e: General Electric Atomic Products - f: Groupe Europeen dAdministration Publique GE-APO e: General Electric-Advanced Products Operation GEAPS e: Grain Elevator and Processing Society

gear e: gearing GEARA e: Georgia Agricultural Research (journ.) Gear Landl&T e: Gear on Landlord and Tenant (journ.) GEASCOP e: General Asymptotic Composition Program GE/ASD e: General Electric/Apollo Support Division GEASO e: General Electric Aviation Service Operation GEATP e: Group of Experts on Air Transport Policies GEAU f: Groupe d'Etudes et d'Actions Urbaines GEAV e: Guidance Error Analysis Vehicles GE-B e: General Electric-Burroughs GEB d: Chefmagazin für Kleinbetriebe und Mittelbetriebe (journ.) - d: Geboren - d: Gebrüder - d: Gebunden - d: Gesellschaft für elektrischen Bedarf - e: General Education Board - e: General Electric Burroughs - e: General Engine Bulletin - e: Gerber Products Co. - e: Grain Elevators Board - e: Guiding Eyes for the Blind - n: Gemeentelijk Electriciteits Bedrijf ge.B. d: geographische Breite Geb A: Gebergte - d: Gebirge - n: Gebergte Geb. d: Gebäude - d: Gebiet - d: Gebirge - d: Gebiß - d: Gebrüder - d: Gebühr - d: Geburt geb. d: gebaut - d: gebildet - d: gebirgig - d: gebogen - d: geboren - d: gebunden GEBA e: Government Excess Bagage Authorization GEBAAX 1: Geologica Bavarica (journ.) GebAmphPiKp d: Gebirgs-Amphibische Pionierkompanie GebAnz d: Gebührenanzeiger GebArtRgt d: Gebirgsartillerieregiment Geb.bez. d: Gebühr bezahlt GebBglBttr d: Gebirgsbegleitbatterie GebBTel d: Gebührenbuch für Telegramme GEBCO e: General Bathymétrie Chart of the Ocean[s] gebd. d: gebunden GebDiv d: Gebirgsdivision GEBECOMA f: Groupement Beige des Constructeurs de Marériel Aérospatial GEBEP e: Generalized Equipment Beliability Evaluation Procedure Geb.Gr. d: Gebirgsgranate Geb.H. d: Gebirgshaubitze Gebh. d: Geburtshilfe gebh. d: geburtshilflich Geb.I.G. d: Gebirgsinfanteriegeschütz Geb.-J. d: Geburtsjahr GebJäg. d: Gebirgsjäger Geb.-Jg. d: Geburtsjahrgang Gebjg d: Gebirgsjäger Geb.-Kontr. d: Gebietskontrolle

Geb.-L. d: Geburtsland Gebl. d: Gebläse - d: Geblüt gebl. d: geblasen - d: gebleicht - d: geblendet Geb.-O. d: Geburtsort GebO d: Gebührenordnung Geb.-Ort d: Geburtsort GebOStrVerk. d: Gebührenordnung für Maßnahmen im Straßenverkehr ge.Br. d: geographische Breite Gebr d: Gebrüder - n: Gebroeders gebr. d: gebrannt Gebr. d: Gebrauch - d: Gebräuche - d: Gebrüder gebr. d: gebraucht - d: gebrochen Gebr.-A. d: Gebrauchsanleitung - d: Gebrauchsanweisung Gebr.-Anl. d: Gebrauchsanleitung Gebr.-Anw. d: Gebrauchsanweisung Gebrauchs Norm e: Gebrauchsgraphik Norm (journ.) Gebrauchs d: Gebrauchsgraphik (journ.) Gebrauchsfotogr. d: Gebrauchsfotograf Geb.-Reg. d: Geburtenregelung Gebrm. d: Gebrauchsmuster Gebr.MG d: Gebrauchsmustergesetz GebrZT d: Gebrauchszolltarif GEBSAJ f: Geobios [Lyon] (joum.) Geb.Schr. d: Gebirgsschrapnell Geb.-St. d: Gebäudesteuer - d: Geburtsstadt - d: Geburtsstätte - d: Geburtsstunde Geb.-T. d: Geburtstag GEBT e: Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique Geb.-Tag d: Geburtstag Geb.-Tar. d: Gebührentarif GebTr d: Gebirgstruppe GebüH d: Gebührenverzeichnis für Heilpraktiker Geburtsb Fr d: Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde (journ.) Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd d: Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde (journ.) Geb.-Verz. d: Gebührenverzeichnis GebZ d: Gebührenzähler Gebz d: Gebührenzettel GEC e: Galactose Elimination Capacity - e: Gaseous Electronics Conference - e: Geauga County Public Library, Chardon - e: GEICO Corporation - e: General Electric Company Limited - e: General Electric Corporation - e: General Electrodynamics Corporation - e: General Electronic Company - e: General Equipment Command - e: Generalized Equivalent Cylinder - e: Government Employees Council - e: Graphic Export Center - e: Graphite Epoxy Composite - e: Ground Environment Complex - f: Groupe d'Etudes de Concepts gee n: gecartonneerd GECA e: Government Employees' Compensation Act GEC[-]AEL e: General Electric CompanyApplied Electronics Laboratories GECAL e: General Electric Credit Auto Lease, Incorporated

- d: Geburtenkontrolle

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich


GECAM G E C A M p: Geréncia de Operaçôes de Cambio G E C A P e: General Electric Computer Analysis Program G E C At E n e r g y Rev e: GEC [General Electric Company] Atomic Energy Review (journ.) G E C Bibliogr e: GEC [General Electric Company] Bibliography (journ.) G E C C e: Gasoline Engine, Close-Coupled - e: General Electric Credit Corporated - e: General Electric Credit Corporation - e: Government Employees Clinic Center G E C C M S E F e: Group to Establish Criteria for Certifying Munitions Systems to Electro-magnetic Fields G E C E C S e: General Electric Chemical Engineering Calculation System - e: General Electronic Chemical Engineering Calculation System GE-Cellulose e: Guanidino-Ethyl-Cellulose G E C E n g . e: GEC Engineering [GEC Research Laboratories, GB] (journ.) G E C E P e: General Civil Engineering Package G E C H B e: Geochemistry (journ.) G E C H D f: Geochronique (journ.) G E C I S e: General Electric Co. Information Systems G E C J e: GEC [General Electric Company] Journal (journ.) G E C J e: General Electric Company's Journal G E C J . Res. e: GEC Journal of Research [GEC Research Laboratories, GB] (journ.) G E C J . Res. Inc. M a r c o n i Rev. e: GEC Journal of Research Incorporating the Marconi Review [GEC Research Laboratories, GB] (journ.) G E C J Sci&Technol e: GEC [General Electric Company] Journal of Science and Technology (journ.) G E C M e: GENICOM Corporation G E C O e: General Aero Products Corporation - e: General Electric Company - e: Geophysical Company of Norway - e: Guidance Engine Cutoff G E C O M e: General Compiler - e: General Electric Compiler - e: Generalized Compiler - e: Generalized Computer - f: Générale Camerounaise de Constructions Métalliques G E C O M I N e: General Congolese Ore Company G E C O R e: General Communication Routine G E C O S e: General Comprehensive Operating Supervisor - e: General Comprehensive Operating System - e: General Electric Comprehensive Operating Supervisor - e: General Electric Comprehensive Operating [Supervisory] System G E C O S System e: General Electric Comprehensive Operating Supervisory System G E C O T e: Group of Experts on Costs and Tariffs G E C R D e: General Electric Corporate Research and Development G E C R E F e: Geographic Reference G E C Rev. e: GEC Review [GEC Research Laboratories, GB] (journ.) G E C R L e: General Electric Corporation Research Laboratories

G E C S e: Graphite-Epoxy Composite Structure - e: Graphite-Epoxy Composive Structure - e: Ground Environmental Control System G E C Telecommun e: GEC [General Electric Company] Telecommunications (journ.) G E C X e: Gulf Exploration Consultants, Inc. G E D e: Gasoline Engine Driven - e: Gedeh [Java] - e: General Education [and] Development - e: General Education Diploma - e: General Educational Development - e: General Energy Development Limited - e: General Equivalency Diploma - e: Geo-Data International - e: Geologic[al] Exploration Department - e: Georgetown - e: Global Engineering Documents - e: Government Electronics Division - e: Graduate Equivalency Degree - e: Great Energy Debate - e: Ground Environmental Development - e: Group on Electronic Devices - e: Guanidoethyl Disulfide - e: Gunn Effect Device G E & D e: General Engineering and Development ged d: gedampft Ged n: Gedaagde Ged. d: Gedeck ged. d: gedeckt - d: gediegen - d: gedopt G E D A e: Goodyear Electronic Differential Analyzer - e: Guam Economic Development Authority G E D A C e: General Electric Detection and Automatic Correction GEDAN d: Gerät zur dezentralen Anrufweiterschaltung - e: General Data Analyzer GEDAS d: GEMA-Datenbanksystem G E D C e: Ghanaian Enterprices Development Commission G E D D e: Gunn-Effect Digital Device G E D E A L d: Gesundheitswesen und Desinfektion (joum.) G E D E D e: General Dentistry (joum.) G E D I e: General Educational Development Institute - e: Guided Electromagnetic Defensive Interceptor - f: Groupe d'Etudes en Développement International G E D I D 2 e: Gerbil Digest (journ.) Ge-Dio[de] d: Germaniumdiode GEDIS f: Groupement Européen des Entreprices de Distributin Integrée G E D I T e: General Purpose Text Editor G E D L e: General Electric Data Link G E D M A B e: Geoderma (joum.) G e D O d: Geselschaft für elektronische Datentechnik und Organisation mbH G E d O e: Group Education Offficer G E D P e: General Educational Development Program G E D P D e: Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness (journ.) gedr n: gedrukt gedr. d: gedreht - d: gedroschen - d: gedruckt G e d r a g & G e z o d n: Gedrag und Gezondheid (journ.)


© K G - Saur, München

G e d r a g T P n: Gedrag-Tijdschrift voor Psychologie (journ.) G E D S e: Gaseous Emissions Data System GEDs e: Gunn Effect Devices G E D T[est] e: General Educational Development Test G E D U e: Gun Elevation Displacement Unit G E D Y e: Genetic Dynamics Corporation ged.Z. d: gedecktes Ziel G E E d: geoelektrischer Effekt - e: Geehi - e: General Education in Engineering - e: General Evaluation Equipment - e: Generic Environmental Evaluation - e: Geneseo - e: Geoelectric Effect - e: Ground Electronics Engineering - e: Ground Environment Equipment - e: Group for Environmental Education - e: Radar Navigation System G E E C e: General Egyptian Electricity Corporation Geech e: Geechee [dialect] G E E D A e: Groundnut Extractions Export Development Association G E E I e: General Electric Electronic Installation G E E I A e: General Electronics Engineering Installation [Agency] G E E K e: Geomagnetic Electrokinetograph G E E L e: General Election Expenditure Limit G E E N e: Genetic Engineering, Inc. GEE/NA i: Nova Americana. Giulio Einaudi Editore (journ.) Ge Eng[r] e: Geological Engineer G E E P e: General Electric Electronic Evaluator - e: General Electric Electronic Processor geep e: goat and sheep G E E R S f: Groupe d'Etudes Européen des Recherches Spatiales G E E S e: Gulf Energy and Environmental Systems G E E S E e: GE [General Electric] Electronics System Evaluator - e: General Electric Electronic System Evaluater - e: General Electric Electronic System Evaluation - e: General Electric[s] Electronic System[s] Evaluator G E F e: Gauss Error Function - e: Gel Electrofocussing - e: General Electric Co. and Fanuc Automation Corporation - e: Global Environment Facility [Program] - e: Gonadotropin Enhancing Factor - e: Gradient Elution Fractionation - e: Gravure Education Foundation - e: Greenville - e: Ground Equipment Failure - e: Nicholas-Applegate Group Gef d: Gefälle - d: Gefecht Gef. d: Gefahr - d: Gefährdung - d: Gefälle - d: Gefangene[r] - d: Gefecht gef. d: gefahren - d: gefallen - d: gefalzt - d: gefertigt - d: gefestigt - d: gefunden

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GE&JR Gefa d: Gesellschaft für forstliche Arbeitswissenschaft GEFA e: Gulf European Freight Association GEFACS f: Groupement des Fabricants d'Appareils Sanitaires en Ceramiques de la CEE Gefang.Lgr. d: Gefangenenlager GEFAP f: Groupement Europeen des Associations Nationales de Fabricants de Pesticides GE-FBRD e: General Electric-Fast Breeder Reactor Division GEFCO e: Griqualand Exploration and Finance Company GEFD d: Gesellschaft für Datenverarbeitung mbH - e: Geographical Engineering Field Division Gefdg. d: Gefährdung GEFDU f: .Groupe Europeen des Femmes Diplomees des Universites GEFECO d: Gebühreneinzug der Fernmeldedienste mit Computer GefF d: Gefechtsfeld Geffa d: Gesellschaft für forstliche Arbeitswissenschaft GefFÜbw d: Gefechtsfeldüberwachung GefFÜR d: Gefechtsfeld-Überwachungsradar GefFüSys d: Gefechtsführungssystem Gef.-Gr. d: Gefahrengruppe Gefgsch. d: Gefangenschaft GEFI d: Gesellschaft für Industriewärme mbH, D-4150 Krefeld GEFIV d: gesellschaftliche Folgen von staatlichen Informationsverbundsystemen Gef.-Kl. d: Gefahrenklasse GefKl d: Gefahrenklasse Gefl. d: Geflecht - d: Geflügel gefl. d: gefleckt Gef.Lag. d: Gefangenenlager Gef.Ldg. d: Gefechtsladung Geflügelkd. d: Geflügelkunde GEFO e: Geoforum (joum.) GEFOAMS e: General Electric Foams Optimized through Analysis and Materials Selection GE-FORTRAN e: General Electric FORTRAN [Formula Translation] Gef.P. d: Gefrierpunkt GEFP e: Guild of Ethical Funeral Practice GEFR e: George Eliot Fellowship Review (journ.) Gefr. d: Gefreiter gefr. d: gefroren G E F R C e: General File/Record Control Gefr.-FI. d: Gefrierfleisch Gefr.-P. d: Gefrierpunkt G E F S e: General Electric Flame Site Gef.Sa.St. e: Gefangenensammelstelle GEFSE e: General Electric Electronic System Evaluator Gef.-St. d: Gefahrenstelle Gef.-Std. d: Gefechtsstand GefStdT d: Gefechtsstandtechnik Gef.-Str. d: Gefechtsstreifen GEFT e: Group Embedded Figure Test GEFU d: Gesellschaft für Finanzwirtschaft in der Untemehmensführung Gef.Vorp. d: Gefechtsvorposten Gef.Wg. d: Gefechtswagen GefZ d: Gefahrenzulage Gef.-Zul. d: Gefahrenzulage GefZul d: Gefahrenzulage

G E G d: Gemischte Expertengruppe für technische Rundfunkfragen - e: Gamma Eta Gamma - e: Gegechkori - e: Generalized] Euclidian Geometry - e: Grace Energy Corporation - e: Grange Gold Corporation - e: Gun Evaluation Group - e: Spokane [Airport] - n: Geluid en Omgeving (journ.) geg. d: gegeben Geg. d: Gegensatz - d: Gegner Geg.Angr. d: Gegenangriff GEGAS e: General Electric Gas [Process] GEGB e: General Electricity Generating Board G E G E N d: Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Neuzeit Gegenbaurs Morphol. Jahrb. d: Gegenbaurs Morphologisches Jahrbuch (journ.) Gegenw. d: Gegenwart Geg G S En d: Gegenwartskunde Gesellschaft Staat Erziehung (journ.) GEGIA n: Geneeskundige Gids (joum.) GEGIS d: Gefahrengutinformationssystem Gegn. d: Gegner gegr d: gegründet GEGR e: General Grant National Memorial GEGS e: General Electric Guidance System Gegw. d: Gegenwart GEH d: Gesellschaft für Elektro-Heizungstechnik mbH - e: Graphite Epoxy Honeycomb geh. d: gehackt - d: gehalten - d: geheftet - d: geheim - d: gehoben - d: gehortet Geh. d: Gehalt - d: Gehäuse - d: Geheimsache Geh.A. d: Gehäuseaustritt G E H A D j: Gekkan Haikibutsu (journ.) GE-HAPO e: General Electric-Hanford Atomic Products Operation GEHB e: Genessee Brewing Company, Inc. geh.D. d: gehobener Dienst Geh.E. d: Gehäuseeintritt GEHEA7 1: Gentes Herbarum (joum.) Geheim, d: Geheimmittel Geh.-Ersch. d: Gehirnerschütterung GEHF e: Government Employees Health Fund GEHIA j: Gencho Hiroshima Igaku (journ.) geh.Kdos. d: geheime Kommandosache G E H L e: Gehl Co. GEHME e: General Electric Heavy Military Electronics GEHP e: George Eastman House of Photography Geh Rat d: Geheimrat GehStufe d: Geheimhaltungsstufe

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

GEI d: Gesellschaft für Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung mbH - e: Communications Electronics Instructions] - e: Computing Efficiency, Incorporated - e: Contract End Item - e: Correct End Item - e: Cost Effectiveness Index - e: Geisinger Medical Center, Medical Library, Danville - e: General Electric Information Serices Proprietary Limited - e: Graphics Engine Interface - e: Graymoor Ecumenical Institute - e: Grenlock Energy, Incorporated G&EI e: Gilbert and Ellice Islands GEIA e: Generic Environmental Impact Assessment - e: Ground Equipment Electronics Installations Agency GEIAC e: Georgia Division, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation GEIAO e: German Export-Import Asvisory Office GEI.AP e: General Electric Computer Analysis Program GEIBA f: Gestion et Etude des Informations Spectroscopiques Atmosphériques [Database] GEIC e: Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony GEICO e: Government Employees Insurance Company Geiger e: Geiger-Muller Counter GEH e: Great Fastern International, Incolporated GEIMS e: General Electric Inventory Management System GEINA d: Gesundheits-Ingenieur (journ.) GEIR e: GPETE End Item Replacement GEIRD d: Gendai Iryo (journ.) GEIS e: GE [General Electric Co.] Information Services - e: General Electric Information Services Co. - e: General Electric Information System[s] - e: General Electric Inventory System - e: Generalized Environmental Impact Statement - e: Generic Environmental Impact Statement - e: Generic Environmental Impact Study - e: Guild Economic Information Service GEISA f: Gestion d'Etudes des Informations Spectrographiques Atmosphériques - f: Gestion et Etude des Informations Spectroscopiques Atmosphériques [Dabase] GEISCO e: General Electric Information Service[s] Company GEISHA e: Geodetic Inertial Survey and Horizontal Alignment - e: Gun Electon-Induced Semiconductor Hybrid Amplifier - e: Gun Electron Injection for Semiconductor or Hybrid Amplification GEISI e: General Electric Information Systems Italy Geist Kon d: Geistliches Konzert geistl d: geistlich GeistLeb d: Geist und Leben [Würzburg] (journ.) GEJ e: Gaseous Ejection - e: Group of Experts on Jurisdiction GEJO e: Geographical Journal (journ.) GEJOBE e: Geocbemical Journal (journ.) GEJODG e: Geomicrobiology Journal (journ.) GE&JR e: Great Eastern & Joint Railway


GEK G E K e: Ganes Creek - e: Geoelectrokinetograph - e: Geomagnetic Electrokinetograph gek. d: gekachelt - d: gekennzeichnet - d: gekocht - d: gekoppelt - d: gekürzt Gekap e: Gelatin-Coated Capsule GE-KAPL e: General Electric-Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory GEKO d: Gebläsekonvektor - d: Gefechts- und Kommunikationsnetz - d: Gewerkekomplex Gekofusta d: Generalkommandofunkstation GEKT d: Glas-Email-Keramo-Technik (journ.) GEKTUSA e: Grand Encampment of the Knights Templar of the United States of America GEKYA j: Gensen-Kyo (joum.) GEL d: Geldern - e: Gelatin - e: Gelatine - e: Gelatinous - e: Gelco Corporation - e: Gelding - e: General Electric Laboratory - e: General Electric, Limited - e: General Emulation Language - e: Gilbert Islands - e: Golden Eagle Airlines - e: Goldenlode Resources Limited - e: Great Eastern Line - e: Guaranteed Employment Level - e: Santo Angelo [Bil] [Airport] - f: Groupement Européen de Lymphologie ge.L. d: geographische Lage gel. d: geladen - d: gelagert - d: gelandet - d: gelappt - d: gelassen - d: gelernt - d: gelesen - d: geliefert - d: gelocht - e: gelatin[ous] Gel. d: Gelände - d: Gelatine - d: Gelenkte] Gel and Glue Res Assoc e: Gelatin and Glue Research Association (journ.) GELAP e: General Electric Computer Analysis Program[me] gelat e: Gelatin[ous] Gelba d: Gesellschaft für elektrotechnische Bedarfsartikel Gelbf. d: Gelbfilter Gel.BI. d: gelochtes Blech GELC f: Groupe des Editeurs de Livres des Communautés Européenes - f: Groupe des Editeurs de Livres de la CEE Geld n: Gelderland Geldart e: Geldart and Maddock's English Chancery Reports (journ.) G e l d & M e: Geldart and Maddock's English Chancery Reports (journ.) Geld&0[x] e: Nova Scotia Decisions, by Geldert and Oxley (joum.) Geld&R e: Geldert and Russell's Nova Scotia Reports (journ.) Geleitw. d: Geleitwort GELFAC e: Gel Frontal Analysis Chromatography GeLi-Detektor d: Germanium-LitiumDetektor

Gelier, d: Gelierung G E L I S e: Ground Emitter Location and Identification System GELIS[-]H e: Ground Emitter Location and Identification System-High G E L M E e: General Electric Light Military Electronics G E L M S e: Gelman Sciences, Inc. G E L O e: Geographic Locator G E L O A D e: General Loader gel. quav. 1: gelatina quavis G E L T S P A P e: Group of Experts on Long-Term Scientific Policy and Planning Gel.Wink, d: Geländewinkel G E M d: Gemünden - d: Gesellschaft für elektronische Medien - d: Gesetz betreffend elektrische Maßeinheiten - d: Grundeinheit Empfanger - e: Gas Energy Management - e: Gas Equipment Manufacturers - e: Gas Exchange Module - e: Geminal - e: Genencally Engineered Microorganism - e: General Education Model - e: General Effectiveness Model - e: General Electric Music - e: General Electronics Module - e: General Epitaxial Monolith - e: General Evaluation Model - e: General Event Monitor - e: General Experimental Monitor - e: General Expression Manipulation - e: Generalized Effectiveness Method - e: Generic Experiment Module - e: Genetically Engineered Microorganism - e: Geostatistical Evaluation of Mines - e: GeV [Giga-electron Volt] Electron Micro tron - e: Giant Earth Mover - e: Giotto Extended Mission - e: Goddard Earth Model - e: Government Education [and] Medical - e: Government Electronics Market (joum.) - e: Governmental Energy and Minerals Committee - e: Graduated Equity Mortgage - e: Graff Electronic Machines Limited - e: Graphic Engine Monitor - e: Graphic Expression Machine - e: Graphics Environment Manager - e: Graphite Electrode Contouring Machine - e: Graphite Epoxy Motor - e: Ground Effect[s] Machine - e: Ground Electromagnetic [Survey] - e: Ground Electronics Maintenance - e: Ground Elevation Meter - e: Growing Equity Mortgage - e: Guidance Evaluation [of] Missile - e: Guild of Experienced Motorists - e: Gulf Energy and Minerals Company - e: Gun Effectiveness Model - e: Gunn Effect Material - e: Gyro Energy & Minerals Corporation - e: Miami - e: National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering - f: Groupes Evangile et Mission Gem e: Gemara - e: Gemini - e: Germanic -1: Geminatae -1: Gemini G e M e: Geographical Magazine (joum.)


© K • O • Saur, München

gem. d: gemacht - d: gemahlen - d: gemeldet - d: gemessen - d: gemischt - d: gemustert gem e: geminate Gem. d: Gemälde - d: Gemarkung - d: Gemeinde - d: Gemeinschaft - d: Gemisch - d: Gemuse GEMA d: Gesellschaft für elektroakustische und mechanische Apparate - d: Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte - e: General Electric Measurement and Control - e: Geographical Magazine (journ.) - e: Grain Equipment Manufacturers Association - e: Gymnastic Equipment Manufacturers Association - s: Generador de Fimas Magneticas GE[/]MAC e: General Electric Measurement and Control GEMAG e: General Electric Mobile Air Defense Gun GEMAGS e: General Electric Magnetically Anchored Gravity System GEMAN e: General Electric Miniature Aerospace Navigator GEMAP e: General Electric Macro Assembly Program GEMAS f: Groupement Européen des Maisons d'Alimentation et d'Approvisionnement a Succursales Gematoi Pereliv Krovi Resp Mezhved Sb R: Gematologiya i Perelivanie Krovi Respublikanskoi Mezhvedomstvennyi Sbornik (journ.) Gematoi Pereliv Krovi R: Gematologiya i Perelivanie Krovi (journ.) Gematoi Transfuziol R: Gematologiya i Transfuziologiya (journ.) G E M B e: Global Environment Monitoring System GEMBAN d: Getreide Mehl und Brot (journ.) G E M C e: Geriatrie & Medical Centers, Inc. - e: Grain Equipment Manufacturers Council GEMCO e: Gemco National, Inc. - e: Global Electronic Markets Company - e: Grazing Export Meat Company - e: Groot Eylandt Mining Company GEMCOS e: Generalized Message Control System G E M C S e: General Engineering and Management Computation System GEMD e: Ground Electronics Maintenance Division GEMEDA d: Gesellschaft für medizinische Datenerfassung und Auswertung mbH GEMEE2 e: Genitourinary Medicine (journ.) Gemeindebl. d: Gemeindeblatt Gemeinsames Amtsbl A d: Gemeinsames Amtsblatt. Ausgabe A [Germany] (joum.) Gemeinsames Amtsbl Landes BadenWürttemb A d: Gemeinsames Amtsblatt des Landes Baden-Württemberg. Ausgabe A (journ.) Gemeinsames Ministerialbl A d: Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt A (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Gen Abr Cas Eq GEMFET e: Gain-Enhanced MOSFET [Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor] Gem.Fo. d: Gemeinschaftsforschung GEMGA4 e: Geological Magazine (journ.) GEMH e: Gemcraft, Inc. Gemi e: Gemini GEMI e: Grating Efficiency Measurement Instrument GEMIA[A] n: Geologie en Mijnbouw (journ.) Gemini e: Two-man spacecraft gEMK d: gegenelektromotorische Kraft GEML s: Melilla GEMM e: Generalized EIectronic[s] Maintenance Model - e: Generic Missile Model - e: Gilt-Edged Market Maker - e: Granulocyte, Erythroid, Macrophage, Megakaryocyte - f: Groupement Européend du Mobilier Métallique GEMMA e: Gilt-Edged Market Makers' Association Gemmol Soc Jap J e: Gemmological Society of Japan. Journal (journ.) G E M M S e: Geophysical Exploration Manned Mobile Submersible GEMMSS e: Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System G E M M W U e: General Electrical, Mechanical and Municipal Workers' Union Gemntol Abstr e: Gerontological Abstracts (journ.) GemO d: Gemeindeordnung GEMO e: Ground Electronic Maintenance Officer Gemol [Sao Paulo] p: Gemologia. Associacao Brasileira de Gemologia e Mineralogia [Sao Paulo] (journ.) GEMOS e: Generalized Message Control System GE-MOV e: General Electric-Metal Oxide Varistor[s] GEMP e: Government Energy Management Program GemR d: Gemeinderat

GEMS e: Electronic Speciality Products, Inc. - e: Gamma Ray Environmental Mapping Spectrometer - e: General Education Management System - e: General Electric Manufacturing Simulator - e: General Electrical and Mechanical System[s] - e: General Energy and Materials Balance System - e: General Equipment Maintenance System - e: Generalized Evaluation Model Simulator - e: Geostationary European Meteorological Satellite - e: German Mass Spectrometer - e: Global Environmental Monitoring Service - e: Global Environmental] Monitoring System - e: Goodyear Electronic Mapping System - e: Graphical Exposure Modeling System - e: Graphics Engineering and Mapping System - e: Ground-Effect Machines - e: Ground Electromagnetic Survey - e: Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System - e: Group Export Marketing Scheme - e: Growth, Economy, Management and Customer Satisfaction GEMSA e: Guanidinoethylmercaptosuccinic Acid GeMSAEC e: General Medical Sciences and Atomic Energy Commission Gem.-Sch. d: Gemeindeschule G E M S C O P E e: General Multipurpose Simulation and Control Package GE-MSD e: General Electric-Missile and Space-vehicle Department G E M Service e: Global Electronic Mail Service GEMSERVICE e: Global Electronic Mail Service Gems Gemol e: Gems and Gemology. Gemological Institute of America (joum.) G E M S I e: Group of Experts on Methods, Standards and Intercalibration G E M S I P e: Gemini Stability Improvement Program Gems Miner e: Gems and Minerals (journ.) GEMS/PAC e: Global Environmental Monitoring Service/Programme Activity Centre GEMSS e: Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System Gem State News Lett e: Gem State News Letter (joum.) Gem Statte RN News Lett e: Gem State RN News Letter [Idaho] (journ.) Gem.-Str. d: Gemeindestraße GEMSVD e: General Electric Missile Space Vehicle Department G E M T e: Group of European Metallurgical Thermodynamicists GEMU e: German Economic and Monetary Union Gemiiseverwert. d: Gemüseverwertung GemV d: Gemeinnützigkeitsverordnung gemVbd d: Gemischter Verband gem.Verb. d: gemischter Verband G E M W U e: General Engineering and Metalworkers Union Gemy e: General Motors Corporation

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K

G - Saur. Munich

GEN d: Generation - d: Generator - e: Gender - e: General - e: General Electric Network - e: Generate - e: Generation - e: Generator - e: Generic - e: Genetics - e: Geneva - e: Genitive - e: GenRad, Inc. - e: Genuine - e: Genus - e: Gerin, Inc. - e: Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Netherworld - e: Global European transmission Network - e: Government Equipment News (journ.) - e: Greater Lenora Resources Corporation - e: Oslo Gardermoen Airport - N: Gardermoen, Oslo [Airport] ge.N. d: geographisches Nord GEn d: Getreideeinheiten Gen e: Genava (journ.) - e: Genesis - e: Genoese - i: Genoa gen e: genealogy - e: genera - e: generally] - e: generating - e: genetic[s] - e: genital - e: gentian gen. d: genannt - d: genau - d: genealogisch - d: genehmigt - d: generell - d: genetisch - d: genietet - d: genormt - d: genutet - e: Biology genus - e: gender - e: genenc[s] - e: generally] - e: generator - e: generic - e: genital - e: genitive Gen. d: Genealoge - d: Genealogie - d: Genehmigung - d: General - d: Generation - d: Generator - d: Genetik - d: Genitalien - d: Genuß - e: Genealogical - e: Genealogy - e: General - e: Generation - e: Genesis - e: Geneva - e: Genitiv[e] - e: Genuine - e: Genoa Gen.A. d: Generalarzt - e: General Assembly GENA d: gepufferte Nachrichtensteuerung - d: Gepufferte Nachrichtenverarbeitung - e: German Extended Network Access Gen Abr Cas Eq e: General Abridgnent of Cases in Equity (journ.) 17

Gen AF Gen AF e: General of the Air Force GENALERT e: Generate Alert Gen An e: Generation Animalium [of Aristotle] Gen.-Anz. d: General-Anzeiger (joum.) GenAp d: Generalapotheker Gen Arm e: Generals of the Army and the Air Force and Admirals of the Navy (joum.) GenArzt d: Generalarzt gen av e: general average GENAVIR f: Groupement d'Interet Économique pour la Gestion des Navires Océanologiques GENB e: Genesee Brewing Co., Inc. GENBANK e: Genetic Sequences Databank GENC e: General Electric Nose Cone GEN CAR e: General Cargo Gen C Endoc e: General and Comparative Endocrinology (joum.) GENCHEM e: General Chemical Indication [Database] - e: General Chemical Indicators [Database] Gen Chim f: Genie Chimique (journ.) Gen Cls e: Comm General Claims Commission Gen Comp Endocr[inol] e: General and Comparative Endocrinology (journ.) Gen Comp Endocrinol Suppl e: General and Comparative Endocrinology. Supplement (journ.) GenCon e: General Control GEN CONT e: General Contractor] Gen Contract e: General Contracting (joum.) GENCONV e: Geneva Conventions] Gen Corr e: Generation and Corruption [of Aristotle] Gen Cytochem Methods e: General Cytochemical Methods (journ.) GEND e: General Expenses - e: Generated Data File GENDA e: General Data Analysis [and Simulation] GENDARE e: Generalized Data Reduction Evalution GENDARME e: Generalized Data Reduction, Manipulation [and] Evaluation Gen.d.Art. d: General der Artillerie GENDAS e: General Data Analysis and Simulation GEN DEL e: General Delivery Gen Dent e: General Dentistry (joum.) GENDEP e: General Depot GENDET e: General Detail GENDEX e: General Index[er] Gen.d.Fl. d: General der Flieger Gen Dig e: General Digest (joum.) Gen Dig NS e: General Digest, New Series (joum.) Gen.d.Inf. d: General der Infanterie Gen.-Dir. d: Generaldirektor GENDIS e: General Distribution Gen.Disch e: General Discharge GENDISP e: General Dispensary Gen.d.Kav. d: General der Kavallerie Gen.d.Mot. d: General der Motorisierung Gen.d.Nachsch. d: General der Nachschubtruppen Gen.d.NblTr. d: General der Nebeltruppen Gen.d.Pi. d: General der Pioniere Gen.d.Pi.u.Fest. d: General der Pioniere und Festungen GENDRA e: Generalized Data Reduction and Analysis Gend.-Sch. d: Gendarmerieschule 18

Gen.d.Schn.Tr. d: General der schnellen Truppen GenDyn e: Dyn General Dynamics Corporation GENEA3 e: Genetica [The Hague] (joum.) GENEAL e: Genealogy GENEAL MAG e: Genealogical Magazine (joum.) Genealogical Period Annu Index e: Genealogical Periodical Annual Index (joum.) Genealog Mag e: Genealogists' Magazine (journ.) Geneal Per Ind e: Genealogical Periodical. Annual Index (joum.) Gene Anal T[ech] e: Gene Analysis Techniques (joum.) GenEBH d: General des Erziehungs- und Bildungswesen Heer Geneesk n: Geneeskunde(joum.) Geneesk Courant n: Geneeskundige Courant voor het Koninglijk der Nederlanden (joum.) Geneesk[d] n: Geneeskunde (joum.) Geneeskd Gids n: Geneeskundige Gids (joum.) Geneeskd Sport n: Geneeskunde en Sport (joum.) Geneesk Tijdschr Ned[erl]-Indie[e] n: Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indiee (joum.) Gene Expression Dev Proc Int Congr Isozymes e: Gene Expression and Development. Proceedings. International Congress on Isozymes (joum.) Gene Expression Its Regal Proc Int Lat Am Symp e: Gene Expression and Its Regulation. Proceedings. International Latin American Symposium (joum.) Gen Electr Co Ltd J e: General Electric Company Limited. Journal (joum.) GenEl e: General Electric Co. genel. e: genealogy GenELC e: General Electric Company Gen Elec R e: General Electrical Review (journ.) Gen Electr Co Ltd J Sci Tecbnol e: General Electric Company Limited. Journal of Science and Technology (joum.) Gen El[ectr] Rev e: General Electric Review (journ.) GENEMA f: Groupement d'Exportation des Navires et Engins de Mer et Acier Gen Eng e: General Engineer (joum.) - e: Genetic Engineering] GENENG e: Generalized Engine Gen EngTrans e: General Engineering Transactions (joum.) General Ed e: General Education (joum.) Generalm. d: Generalmajor General Topology and Appl e: General Topology and Its Applications (joum.) GENERIC e: Generation of Integrated Circuits GENESCO e: General Shoe Corporation Genes Dev e: Genes and Development (joum.) GENESES e: General Network Service System GENESIS e: General NORAD [North American Air Defense] Environment Simulation and Subsystem - e: Generation Simulation System - e: GenRad's Environment for Strategy-Independent Software

© K • G • Saur, München

Genes Tumor Genes Workshop Conf Hoechst e: Genes and Tumor Genes. Workshop Conference Hoechst (journ.) GENESYS e: General Engineering System [for Structures] - e: Generalized System - e: Graduate Engineering Education System genet e: genetic[ist] GENET e: Genetics Genet e: Genetics (joum.) Genet, d: Genetic[ist] - e: Genetics Genet Abstr e: Genetics Abstracts (journ.) Genet Agr[ar] 1: Genetica Agraria (journ.) Genet Biokhim Immunokhim Osobo Opasnykh Infekts[ii R: Genetika Biokhimiya i Immunokhimiya Osobo Opasnykh Infektsii (journ.) Genet Biol Drosophila e: Genetics and Biology of Drosophila (journ.) Genet Breed e: Genetics and Breeding (journ.) Genet Cell Technol e: Genetic and Cellular Technology (joum.) Genet Dev Evol Stadler Genet Symp e: Genetics, Development and Evolution. Stadler Genetics Symposium (joum.) Genet Eng Biotechnol Yearb e: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Yearbook (journ.) Genet Eng Lett e: Genetic Engineering Letter (joum.) Genet Eng News e: Genetic Engineering News (journ.) Genet Epidemiol e: Genetic Epidemiology (journ.) Genet Iber 1: Genetica Ibérica (journ.) Genetics Suppl e: Genetics. Supplement (journ.) Genet Ind Microorg Proc Int Symp e: Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms. Proceedings. International Symposium on Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (journ.) Genet Lect e: Genetics Lectures (joum.) Genet Maps e: Genetic Maps (journ.) GENETOX e: Genetic Toxicity [Database] Genet Physiol Note Inst Paper Chem e: Genetics and Physiology Notes. Institute of Paper Chemistry (journ.) Genet Physiol Notes e: Genetics and Physiology Notes (joum.) Genet Plant Breed e: Genetics and Plant Breeding (joum.) Genet Pol 1: Genetica Polonica (joum.) Genet Psych [Monogr] e: Genetic Psychology Monographs (joum.) Genet.Psychol.Monogr. d: Genetic Psychology Monographs, Child Behavior, Animal Behavior and Comparative Genet Res e: Genetical Research (journ.) Genet Sel Azerb R: Genetika i Selektsiya v Azerbaidzhán (journ.) Genet Sel[ektsiya] R: Genetika i Selektsiya (journ.) Genet Sel Evol e: Genetique, Selection, Evolution (journ.) Genet Sel Genet Plant Breed e: Genetika i Selektsiya. Genetics and Plant Breeding (journ.) Genet Sinica 1: Genetica Sinica [Pelting] (journ.) Genet Slecht[eni] c: Genetika a Slechteni (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GENTEC Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr e: Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs (journ.) gen. et sp. nov. 1: genus et species nova Genet Tecbnol News e: Genetic Technology News (journ.) Geneve-Afr f: Geneve-Afrique (journ.) GENEX e: General NORAD [North American Air Defense] Environment Simulation Subsystem Exec GENFAP e: General Nonlinear Frame Analysis Program Gen.-Feldm. d: Generalfeldmarschall Gen Fish Counc Mediten Sess Rep e: General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean. Session Report (journ.) Gen Fish Counc Mediterr Proc Tecb Pap e: General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean. Proceedings and Technical Papers (journ.) Gen.-Fm. d: Generalfeldmarschall GENFSIS e: Programming language GenG d: Genossenschaftsgesetz GENG e: Gasoline Engine - e: General Genetics Corporation GENGA R: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza (joum.) GenGes d: Genossenschaftsgesetz GengKenk j: Gengo Kenkyu Jou [Linguistic Society of Japan] (journ.) G.Engr. e: Garrison Engineer Gen Heterocyd Chem Ser e: General Heterocyclic Chemistry Series (journ.) Gen Hosp e: General Hospital Gen Hosp Psychiatry e: General Hospital Psychiatry (journ.) GENI e: Genetics Institute, Inc. - e: Global Energy Network International Gen Iber 1: Genetica Iberica (journ.) GEnie e: General Electric network for information exchange GENIE e: General Information Environment - e: General Information Extractor Genie Chim f: Genie Chimique [Chemical Engineering Science] (journ.) Genie Civ f: Genie Civil (journ.) Genie Logiciel Syst. Experts f: Genie Logiciel and Systemes Experts [France] (journ.) Gen Index Publ Reports e: General Index to Published Reports. Mineral Resources Group (journ.) Gen.Insp. d: Generalinspekteur Gen Int Dep e: General Intermediate Depot GENIP e: Geographic Education National Implementation Project GENIRAS e: General Information Retrieval [and Application] System Genisco e: Genisco Technology Corporation GENISYS e: General Inferencing System - e: Generalized Information System - e: Generalizes Information System GENIT e: Genitive -1: Genitalia genit. e: genitive Genitourin. e: Genitourinary Genitourin Med e: Genitourinary Medicine (journ.) GENIUS e: Genetic Interactive Unix System GenK d: Generalkasse Gen.-Kdo. d: Generalkommando Gen.-Kdtr. d: Generalkommandantur Gen.-Kons. d: Generalkonsul Gen' s: General GENL e: General - e: General Licence - e: Genetic Laboratories, Inc.

GENLED e: General Ledger Gen Ling[uis] e: General Linguistics (journ.) Genlnsp d: Generalinspekteur GENLOCK e: Generator Locking GenLt[n] d: Generalleutnant GenLwRiist d: General für Luftwaffenangelegenheiten der Rüstung GENLY e: Generally Gen.-Maj. d: Generalmajor Gen M As Que J e: General Mining Association of the Province of Quebec. Journal (journ.) Gen Mgr e: General Manager GENMO s: Generalissimo GENMOD e: General Model Gen Mot Corp Res Lab Res Publ e: General Motors Corporation. Research Laboratories. Research Publication (journ.) Gen Mot Eng J e: General Motors Engineering Journal [United States] (journ.) GE-NMPO e: General Electric-Nuclear Materials and Propulsion Operation GENN d: Generation genn i: gennaio Gen Newsl Natl Res Counc [Can] Dir Mech Eng e: General Newsletter. National Research Council [Canada]. Division of Mechanical Engineering (journ.) Gen. No. e: General Number gen. nov. 1: genus novum Gen.Obst. d: Generaloberst genoc e: genocide GENOP d: Generator für normierte Programme Gen Ord Ch e: General Orders of the English High Court of Chancery (journ.) GENOS e: Generate Operating System GenOStArzt d: Generaloberstabsarzt GENOT e: General Notice GENOTES e: General Notices GENOUT e: Generalized Output Program for Nuclear Science Reference Data GEN.P. e: General Publication GENP e: General Purpose Gen Pactnr [Lond] e: General Practitioner [London] (journ.) GENPDTS e: Generate Pack Definition Tables Gen Pharmacol] e: General Pharmacology (journ.) Gen Physiol Biophys e: General Physiology and Biophysics (journ.) Gen.-Pr. d: Generalprobe gen prac e: general practice Gen Pract Clin e: General Practice Clinics (journ.) GENPRL e: General Precision Laboratory gen proc e: General Procedure Gen Psych Mon e: Genetic Psychology Monographs (journ.) gen pub e: general public Gen Pub e: General Publication (journ.) GEN PUR e: general purpose Gen.-Qu. d: Generalquartiermeister Gen.-Qu. Bw. d: Generalquartiermeister der Bundeswehr genr e: generate - e: generator GENR e: Generation Genr. e: Generate - e: Generation - e: Generator GENRA8 e: Genetical Research (joum.) GenR[abb] e: Genesis Rabbah

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich

Gen Rad Exp e: General Radio Experimenter (journ.) GENRB e: Genie Rural (journ.) Gen.-Reg. d: Generalregister Gen Rel e: Gravit General Relativity and Gravi tarion Gen Relat [and] Gravitation e: General Relativity and Gravitation (journ.) Gen. Relat[iv]. G[ravit]. e: General Relativity and Gravitation [US] (journ.) Gen Relativity Gravitation e: General Relativity and Gravitation (journ.) Gen Rep e: General Repair GENREP e: General Report[s] Gen Rep Dep Archit Sci Syd Univ e: General Report. Department of Architectural Science. University of Sydney (journ.) Gen Rep Minist Mines Prov Que e: General Report. Minister of Mines. Province of Quebec (journ.) Gen Repos e: General Repository (journ.) Gen Res e: Genetical Research (journ.) genrl e: general Gen Rur e: Genio Rurale (journ.) GENS e: General Soviet - e: Genetic Systems Corporation - i: Gestioni Esercizio Navi Sicilia GENSA e: Journal. Georgia Entomological Society (journ.) GENSAL e: Generic Structure Language Gen Sci Index e: General Science Index (journ.) Gensek R: Generalnyi Sekretar GENSER e: General Services [Intelligence] Gen Ser Colo State Agr Exp Sta e: General Series. Colorado State University. Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Gen.Serv. e: General Service GENSESS e: General Sessions GENSH e: Generate Shell GENSIT e: General Situation GENSLA e: Generic Structure Language GENSM e: Generate Shell GENSPECS e: General Specifications Gen SriQ e: General Science Quarterly (journ.) Gen.St. d: Generalstab gen sta e: generating station GENSTAN e: Generalized Data Standardizer GenStArzt d: Generalstabsarzt GENSTAT e: General Statistical programme GENSTAT Program [me] e: General Statistical Program[me] GenstDst d: Generalstabsdienst Gen.St.Offz. d: Generalstabsoffizier GENSTOR e: General Storage GENSUP e: General Supplies - e: General Support GENSUPSP e: General Supply Specialist Gen Supt e: General Superintendent GENSURG e: General Surgery GENSV e: General Service Gen Syst e: General Systems [Bulletin] (journ.) GENT e: General Technologies Group, Lt. GenT e: General Term GENT e: Gentamicin Gent, e: Gentleman GENTAE e: Genetics (journ.) GENTEC e: Genetic Technology Databank


Gen Tech Rep FPL US Dep Agric For Serv For Prod La Gen Tech Rep FPL US Dep Agric For Serv For Prod La e: General Technical Report FPL. United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Forest Products Laboratory (journ.) Gen Tech Rep FPL US For Prod Lab [Madison Wis] e: General Technical Report FPL. United States. Forest Products Laboratory [Madison, Wisconsin] (journ.) Gen Tech Rep RM Rocky Mt For Range Exp Stn US For e: General Technical Report. RM. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. United States Forest Service (journ.) GENTEL e: General Telephone and Electronics Corporation Gen Tel&El e: General Telephone and Electric Gent[es] Herb e: Gentes Herbarum (journ.) GENTEX e: General Telegraph Exchange GENTHES d: Generieren eines Thesaurus - e: generierbarer Thesaurus GEN Timber e: Gendelipoma [dysoxylum hamiltonii] Timber GENTRAS e: General Training System GENTS e: Generic Test System Gents, e: Gentlemen GenTTr d: General der Technischen Truppen GENU e: General Nutrition, Inc - e: Generated Non-elementary Unit [record] GENUS d: Generatorunterstützte Softwareproduktion - e: Baustein- und Generatortechnik Genußm. d: Genußmittel Genußmittelind. d: Genußmittelindustrie GENVDR e: Genovese Drug Stores, Inc Gen VieA Cr L e: Stephen's General View of the Criminal Law (journ.) GENVST e: General Public Visiting genvst e: general visiting GEN-X e: Generic Expendable Active Decoy GENY e: General Energy Resources & Technology Corp - e: Generally GENZ e: Genzyme Corporation GENZL e: Geothermal Energy New Zealand Limited GEO d: Geografie - d: Geostationary Earth Orbit - d: Gerolzhofen - e: Gas and Electric Operations - e: Genetically Engineered Organism - e: Geo-synchronous Earth Orbit - e: Geographie [Division] - e: Geologist - e: Geophysical Report - e: Georgetown [Airport] - e: Georgia[n] - e: Geoscience Electronics - e: Geostationary Earth Orbit - e: Geostationary Orbit - e: Geosynchronous Earth Orbit - e: Geotech Capital - e: Geothermal Resources International, Inc. - e: Glösa Education Organisation - P: Geografia

geo d: geographisch - e: geocentric - e: geochemistry - e: geodesy - e: geodetic - e: geodynamics - e: geognosy - e: geographer - e: geography - e: geology - e: geometry - e: geophysics - e: geopolitics - e: geostatic - e: geothermal Geo e: Georgetown Law Journal (joum.) - e: Georgia Reports (journ.) GeO 1: Graecolatina et Orientalia (joum.) Geo Abs&Indexes e: Geo Abstracts and Indexes (journ.) Geo Ab[str] e: Geographical Abstracts (journ.) Geo Abstr B Climatol Hydrol e: Geo Abstracts. B. Climatology and Hydrology (journ.) Geo Abstr C Econ Geog e: Geo Abstracts. C. Economic Geography (joum.) Geo Abstr D Soc Hist Geog e: Geo Abstracts. D. Social and Historical Geography (journ.) Geo Abstr E Sedimentology e: Geo Abstracts. E. Sedimentology (joum.) Geo Abstr F Reg Com Plan e: Geo Abstracts. F. Regional and Community Planning (joum.) Geo Abstr G Remote Sensing Pho Cartogr e: Geo Abstracts. G. Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Cartography (journ.) Geo-Archeologia i: Geo-Archeologia Periodico dell'Associazione Geo-Archeologica Italiana (joum.) GEOARCHIVE e: Geology Archive [Database] Geoastrophys. e: Geoastrophysics GeoB e: Geography Database for the United States GEOBASE e: Geographic Cross-Reference Data GEOBD2 e: Geobotany (joum.) GEOC e: General Estate and Orphan Chamber Geocarto Int. e: Geocarto International [Hong Kong] (journ.) GEOCD e: Geochimica (joum.) GEOCEIVER e: Geodetic Receiver GEOCHEM e: Geochemical - e: Geochemistry] Geochem. d: Geochemie - e: Geochemistry Geochem Geochem Methods Data e: Geochemie. Geochemical Methods and Data (joum.) Geochem. Int. e: Geochemistry International (joum.) Geochem J e: Geochemical Journal (joum.) Geochem J [Geochem Soc Jap] e: Geochemical Journal [Geochemical Society of Japan] (joum.) Geochem J [Nagoya] e: Geochemical Journal [Nagoya] (joum.) Geochem J [Tokyo] e: Geochemical Journal [Tokyo] (joum.) Geochem. News e: Geochemical News [Geochemical Society, US] (joum.) Geochem Soc India Bull e: Geochemical Society of India. Bulletin (joum.)



G ' Saur. München

Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta e: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [GB] (journ.) - e: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Geochemical Society, US] (joum.) Geochim et Cosmochim Act i: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (journ.) GEOCOMP e: Geocoding and Compositing Geo Coop e: [George] Cooper's English Chancery Cases Tempore Eldon (journ.) Geocrypol. d: Geocryologie GEOD e: General Electric Ordnance Department geod e: Geodesic GEOD e: Geodesist - e: Geodesy - e: Geodetic - e: Geodynamic[s] Geod. d: Geodäsie - d: Geodät - e: Geodesy geod. e: geodetic Geod Aerophotogr [USSR] e: Geodesy and Aerophotography [USSR] GEODAS e: Geology Oriented Database System GEODAT e: Geological Survey Analytical Data Sorage and Retrieval System Geodät Geophys Veröffentlichungen Reihe III d: Geodätische und Geophysikalische Veröffentlichungen. Reihe III (joum.) Geo Dat Pt e: Geodetic Datum Point Geod E e: Geodetic Engineer Geo Dec e: Georgia Decisions (journ.) Geodes Mapp Photogramm e: Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry (journ.) GEODESS e: Ground-based Electooptical Deep Space Surveillance [system] GEODESS System e: Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance System GEODIAL e: Geoscience Data Index for Alberta Geo Dig e: George's Mississippi Digest (journ.) GeoDIS e: Geographic Districting Information System for Maryland Geod Kartogr H: Geodezia es Kartogräfia (journ.) Geod Kartogr Aerofotos R: Geodezia, Kartografia, i Aerofotos'emka [Ukrainian SSR] (joum.) Geod Kartogr [Budap] H: Geodezia 6s Kartografia [Budapest] (journ.) Geod Kartogr Obzor c: Geodeticky a Kartograficky Obzor (journ.) Geod Mapp Pbotogram e: Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry (journ.) Geod Mapp Photogramm Engl Transl e: Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry. English Translation (journ.) GEODRS e: Geodyne Resources, Inc. Geod Soc Jap J e: Geodetic Society of Japan. Journal (journ.) GEODSS d: Ground[-based] Electro-Optics Deep Space Surveillance [System] GEODSS S[ystem] e: Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance System Geodyn. Ser. e: Geodynamics Series [American Geophysical Union, US] (journ.) geoelectr. e: Geoelectric Geoelectr. e: Geoelectricity Geoexplor e: Geoexploration (joum.) Geoexplor Monogr e: Geoexploration Monographs (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

G e o k h i m Sb G E O F d: Geoforum (journ.) - e: Geological Editor of Field Notes [Computer Software ] GEOFILE e: Geographic File Geofis Int i: Geofísica International (journ.) Geofis Met[eorol] i: Geofísica e Meteorología (journ.) Geofis Pur[a] Appl i: Geofísica Pura e Applicata (journ.) GEOFIZ e: Geosciences Information Center Geofiz App[ar] R: Geofizicheskaya Apparatura [USSR] (journ.) Geofiz Geol Naft P: Geofizyka i Geología Naftowa [Poland] (journ.) Geofiz Issled R: Geofizicheskie Issledovaniya (journ.) Geofiz Issled Reshenii Geol Zadach Yost Sib R: Geofizicheskie Issledovaniya pri Reshenii Geologicheskikh Zadach v Vostochnoi Sibiri (journ.) Geofiz Közl[emenyek] H: Geofizikai Kozlemények (joum.) Geofiz Metody Razved Arkl R: Geofizicheskie Metody Razvedki v Arktike (journ.) Geofiz Priborostr R: Geofizicheskoe Priborostroenie (journ.) Geofiz Razved R: Geofizicheskaya Razvedka (journ.) Geofiz Sb R: Geofizicheskii Sbornik (journ.) Geofiz Sb [Kiev] R: Geofizicheskii Sbornik [Kiev] (journ.) Geofiz Sb [Sverdlovsk] R: Geofizicheskii Sbornik [Sverdlovsk] (journ.) Geofiz Zh R: Geofizicheskii Zhurnal (journ.) Geof Közl H: Geofizikai Kozlemények (journ.) Geoflys] Publ r: Geofysiske Publikasjoner (journ.) Geofys Sb R: Geofysikalni Sbornik (journ.) geog e: geographer - e: geographical] Geog e: Geographia [of Ptolemy] GEOG e: Geography -1: Geographia - s: Geografía (journ.) Geog. e: Geographer - e: Geography Geog Annaler a: Geografiska Annaler (journ.) Geog Bull e: Geographical Bulletin (joum.) Geog Ges München Jber d: Geographische Gesellschaft in München. Jahresbericht (journ.) Geog J[nl] e: Geographical Journal (journ.) Geog M[ag] e: Geographical Magazine (journ.) Geog Map Dir Bull e: Geography and Map Division Bulletin (journ.) GEOGNOS e: Geognosy Geog Phys et Quat f: Geographie Physique et Quaternaire (journ.) Geog. R. e: Geographical Review (journ.) geogr a: geograf[isk] - N: geograf[isk] GEOGR e: Geographer - e: Geographical] Geogr e: Geographia - e: Geography - e: Geography (joum.) - i: Geographica (journ.) -1: Geographia (journ.)

Geogr. d: Geographie - e: Geography - f: Geografie Geogr Abstr e: Geographical Abstracts (journ.) Geogr Anal e: Geographical Analysis (journ.) Geogr A[nnlr] e: Geografiska Annaler (joum.) Geogr Ann [Ser] B [Hum Geogr] a: Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography (journ.) geograph e: geographical GEOGRAPHY e: George Emerson's Old Grandmother Rode a Pig Home Geogr B e: Geographical Bulletin (joum.) geogr. Br. d: geographische Breite Geogr Can f: Geographe Canadien (joum.) Geogr Cas c: Geografiske Casopis (journ.) Geog Rdsch d: Geographische Rundschau (journ.) Geogr Ed[uc] e: Geographical Education (journ.) Geog Rev e: Geographical Review (journ.) Geogr Ezheg Geogr Ova Lit SSR R: Geografiya Ezhegodnogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva Litovskoi SSR (joum.) Geogr Glas[n] c: Geografski Glasnik (journ.) Geogr Helv 1: Geographica Helvetica (joum.) GEOGRID e: Geographical Information Display System Geog R Ind e: Geographical Review of India (journ.) Geogr Inf d: Geographische Informationen (joum.) Geogr Jber Österr d: Geographischer Jahresbericht aus Österreich (journ.) Geogr J [Lond] e: Geographical Journal [London] (journ.) Geogr J[ourn] e: Geographical Journal (journ.) Geogr Knowl [Peking] e: Geographical Knowledge [Peking] (joum.) Geogrl Abstr e: Geographical Abstracts (journ.) Geogrl J e: Geographical Journal (journ.) Geogrl Rev e: Geographical Review (journ.) Geogr Mag [Lond] e: Geographical Magazine [London] (joum.) Geogr Med e: Geographia Medica (joum.) Geogr Pol 1: Geographia Polonica (journ.) Geogr Pregl P: Geografski Pregled (journ.) GeogrR e: Geographical Review (joum.) Geogr Raka Türkin R: Geografya Raka v Turkmenii (journ.) Geogr Rdsch d: Geographische Rundschau (journ.) Geogr R[ev] e: Geographical Review (joum.) Geogr Rev Jap e: Geographical Review of Japan (journ.) Geogr Rev [New York] e: Geographical Review [New York] (joum.) Geogr RI e: Geographical Review of India (joum.) Geogr R[un]d[sch] d: Geographische Rundschau (joum.) Geogr Sb R: Geograficeskij Sbornik (joum.) Geogr Sb Penz Otd Geogr O-va SSSR R: Geograficheskii Sbomik Penzenskogo Otdeleniya Geografcheskogo Obshchestva SSSR (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Geogr Shk R: Geografiya v Shkole [USSR] (journ.) Geogr Stud e: Geographical Studies (joum.) Geogr TB d: Geographisches Taschenbuch (journ.) Geogr Teach e: Geography Teacher (joum.) Geogr Tjds n: Geografisch Tijdschrift (journ.) Geog Rund d: Geographische Rundschau (journ.) Geogr Vestn c: Geografski Vestnik (journ.) Geog[r] Z d: Geographische Zeitschrift (journ.) Geog Soc Chicago B e: Geographie Society of Chicago. Bulletin (journ.) Geog Soc Phila [B] e: Geographical Society of Philadelphia. Bulletin (journ.) GEOG T e: Geographical Teacher (journ.) Geog Tidsskr r: Geografisk Tidsskrift (journ.) Geog Z d: Geographische Zeitschrift GEOHAH F: Geologi [Helsinki] (joum.) Geo Heat Cent Q Bull e: Geo-Heat Center. Quarterly Bulletin [United States] (joum.) Geo-Heat Util Cent[er] Q Bull e: Geo-Heat Utilization Center. Quarterly Bulletin [United States] (journ.) geohy e: geohygiene GEOI e: Georesources, Incorporated Geol Assoc Can e: Geological Association of Canada (joum.) Geol Map Deputy Minist Miner Resour [Saudi Arabia] e: Geologie Map. Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources [Kingdom of Saudi Arabia] (journ.) Geol Rom[an] 1: Geologica Romana (journ.) GEO-IRS e: Geostationary Orbit-Infrared Sensor Geol Rud[n] Mestorozbd R: Geologiya Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii (journ.) Geol Rudonosn Yuga Ukr R: Geologiya i Rudonosnost Yuga Ukrainy (joum.) GEOIS e: Geographie Information System Geol Soc S Afr Trans e: Geological Society of South Africa. Transactions (journ.) Geol Surv W Aust Bull e: Geological Survey of Western Australia. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Surv West Malaysia Dist Mem e: Geological Survey of West Malaysia. District Memoir (journ.) Geo J e: Geo Journal (joum.) GEOJA e: Geophysical Journal. Royal Astronomical Society (journ.) GEOJDQ e: Geojoumal (joum.) GEOK d: geographischer Katalog - e: Geokinetics, Inc. Geokhim R: Geokhimiya (joum.) Geokhim Issled R: Geokhimicheskie Issledovaniya (journ.) Geokhim Metody Poiskakh Razred Rudn Mestorozhd R: Geokhimicheskie Metody pri Poiskakh i Razvedke Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii (journ.) Geokhim Metody Poiskov Nefti G[aza] R: Geokhimicheskie Metody Poiskov. Nefti i Gaza (joum.) Geokhim Mineral Petrol R: Geokhimiya, Mineralogiya i Petrologiya (journ.) Geokhim Rudoobraz R: Geokhimiya i Rudoobrazovanie (journ.) Geokhim Sb R: Geokhimicheskii Sbornik (journ.)


geol geol a: geologi[sk] - e: geologic - e: geologist - N: geologifsk] Geol d: Geologie - d: Geologie (joum.) - R: Geologija (journ.) GEOL e: Geologicfal] - e: Geology GeoL p: Geographica [Lisbon] (journ.) Geol. d: Geologe - d: Geologie - e: Geologist - e: Geology geol. d: geologisch - e: Geologic[al] GeolA d: Geologisches Archiv (journ.) Geol Abstr e: Geological Abstracts (journ.) Geol Alp f: Geologie Alpine (journ.) Geol Anagoriseis Ekthesis H: Geologikai Anagnoriseis Ekthesis (journ.) Geol Appl Idrogeol e: Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia (journ.) Geol Appl Prospect Miniere f: Geologie Appliquee et Prospection Miniere (journ.) Geol Assoc Can e: Geological Association of Canada Geol Assoc Canada Proc e: Geological Association of Canada. Proceedings (journ.) Geol Assoc Can Cordilleraa Sect Programme Abstr e: Geological Association of Canada. Cordilleran Section. Programme and Abstracts (journ.) Geol Assoc Can Spec Pap e: Geological Association of Canada. Special Paper (journ.) Geol Assoc [Lond] Proc e: Geologists' Association [London], Proceedings (journ.) Geol Astrophys Fluid Dyn e: Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Geol Atlas PA e: Geologic Atlas of Pennsylvania (journ.) GEOLB f: Geologues (joum.) Geol. B. A. d: Geologische Bundesanstalt Geol Bale e: Geologica Balcanica (journ.) Geol Bauwes d: Geologie und Bauwesen (journ.) Geol Bav[arica] 1: Geologica Bavarica (journ.) Geol Beih d: Geologie. Beihefte (joum.) Geol B1 [Nordost-Bayern Angrenzende Geb] d: Geologische Blätter für NordostBayern und Angrenzende Gebiete (journ.) Geol Bull Nat Geol Surv China e: Geological Bulletin. National Geological Survey of China [China] (journ.) Geol Bull Punjab Univ e: Geological Bulletin. Punjab University (journ.) Geol Bull Soc Beige Geol f: Geologie. Bulletin de la Societe Beige de Geologie (journ.) Geol Bull Univ Peshawar e: Geological Bulletin. University of Peshawar (journ.) Geol Center Res Ser e: Geological Center. Research Series (journ.) Geol Colomb s: Geologia Colombiana (journ.) Geol Correl e: Geological Correlation [Paris] (journ.) Geol E e: Geological Engineer Geol Explor Min BC e: Geology. Exploration and Mining in British Columbia (journ.)

Geol Foer[en] Stfockh] Foerh r: Geologiska Foereningens i Stockholm. Foerhandlingar (journ.) Geol Fr f: Geologie de la France (joum.) Geol Glas Posebna Izd P: Geoloski Glasnik. Posebna Izdanja (journ.) Geol. Geofiz. R: Geologiya i Geofizika [USSR] (journ.) Geol Geofiz Meletai H: Geologikai kai Geofizikai Meletai (journ.) Geol Geokhim R: Geologiya i Geokhimiya (journ.) Geol Geokhim Goryuch Iskop R: Geologiya i Geokhimiya Goryuchikh Iskopaemykh (journ.) Geol Geokhim Mestorozhd Tverd Goryucb Iskop R: Geologiya i Geokhimiya Mestorozbdenii Tverdykh Goryuchikh Iskopaemykh (joum.) Geol Geolthlm Neft Gazov Mestorozhd R: Geologiya i Geokhimiya Neftyanskh i Gazovykh Mestorozhdenii (joum.) Geol. Geophys. e: Geology and Geophysics (journ.) [US] Geol Hung 1: Geologica Hungarica (journ.) Geol Hung Ser Palaeontol 1: Geologica Hungarica. Series Palaeontologica (journ.) Geol [i] Geofiz R: Geologiya i Geofizika (joum.) Geol Invest Ser Geol Surv Pak Interim Geol Rep e: Geogical Investigation Series. Geological Survey of Pakistan. Interim Geological Report (joum.) GEOLIS d: geografisches Landesinformationssystem Geol Izuch SSR R: Geologicheskaya Izuchennost SSR (joum.) Geo L J e: Georgetown Law Journal (joum.) Geol. J. e: Geological Journal [GB] (joum.) Geol J [Liverpool] e: Geological Journal [Liverpool] (joum.) Geol J Queen Mary Coll e: Geological Journal of Queen Mary College (journ.) Geol. L.A. d: Geologische Landesanstalt Geol Lit SSSR Bibliogr Yezhegodnik R: Geologicheskaya Literature SSSR Bibliografioheskiy Yezhegodnik (joum.) Geol M[ag] e: Geological Magazine (joum.) Geol Map Deputy Minist Miner R e: Geologic Geol Map Deputy Minist Miner Resour [Saudi Arabia] e: Geologic Map. Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources [Kingdom of Saudi Arabia] (joum.) Geol Map Miner Resour Summ [State Tennessee] e: Geologic Map and Mineral Resources. Summary [State of Tennessee] (joum.) Geol Map Miner Resour Summ North Carolina Geol Sur e: Geology Map and Mineral Resources Summary. North Carolina Geological Survey (joum.) Geol Map Montana Bur Mina Geol e: Geologic Map. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (joum.) Geol Map Montana Bur Mines Geol e: Geologic Map. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (journ.) Geol Mediter f: Geologie Mediterraneenne (joum.) Geol Mem Geol Surv China Ser A e: Geological Memoirs. Geological Survey of China. Series A (joum.) Geol Mem Geol Surv China Ser B e: Geological Memoirs. Geological Survey of China.Series B (joum.)


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Geol Mestorozhd Redk Elem R: Geologiya Mestorozhdenii Redkikh Elementov (journ.) Geol Metal s: Geologia y Metalurgia [Bolivia] (journ.) Geol Metal [San Luis Potosi] s: Geologia y Metalurgia [San Luis Potosi] (journ.) Geol Metal [Sao Paulo] p: Geologia e Metalurgia [Sao Paulo] (journ.) Geol Metod Tekh Razved Lab Rab R: Geologiya. Metodika i Tekhnika Razvedki. Laboratorye Raboty (journ.) Geol Mijnb[ouw] n: Geologie en Mijnbouw (journ.) Geol Mineral R: Geologiya i Mineralogiya (journ.) Geol Min Metall Soc India Q J e: Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India. Quarterly Journal (journ.) Geol Min Met[all] Soc Liberia Bull e: Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of Liberia. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Morya R: Geologiya Morya (joum.) Geol Nefti R: Geologiya Nefti (joum.) Geol Nefti Gaza R: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza (joum.) Geol Nefti Gaza Ser Vostoka Evr Chasti SSSR R: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza Severo-Vostoka Evropeiskoi Chasti SSSR (joum.) Geol Nefti [i] Gaza R: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza (journ.) Geol Nefti i Gaza R: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza (journ.) Geol Notes Local De 1:10000 Sheets Inst Geol Sci e: Geological Notes and Local Details for 1:10,000 Sheets. Institute of Geological Sciences (journ.) GEOLOC e: Geographical Location Geol 5oc Malays Bull e: Geological Society of Malaysia Bulletin (journ.) geolog. d: geologisch Geologie Mijnb n: Geologie en Mijnbouw (journ.) Geologists' Assoc [London] Proc e: Geologists' Association [London], Proceedings (journ.) Geology Club Puerto Rico Bull e: Geology Club of Puerto Rico. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Palaeontol e: Geologica et Palaeontologica (journ.) Geol Palaeontol Southeast Asia e: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (joum.) Geol Pap Carleton Univ Dep Geol e: Geological Paper. Carleton University. Department of Geology (joum.) Geol Pap Geol Surv Malaysia e: Geological Papers. Geological Survey of Malaysia (journ.) Geol Pap Miner Resour Dir [Manitoba] e: Geological Paper. Mineral Resources Division [Manitoba] (joum.) Geol Poberezh'ya Dna Chern Azovskogo Morei Predela R: Geologiya Poberezh'ya i Dna Chernogo i Azovskogo Morei v Predelakh Ukrainskoi SSR (journ.) Geol Poiski Rasved Nerudn Polezn Iskop R: Geologiya, Poiski i Razvedka Nerudnykh Poleznykh Iskopaemykh (joum.) Geol Polezn Iskop Urala R: Geologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye Urala (joum.) Geol Polezn Iskop Zapadn Kaz R: Geologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye Zapadnogo Kazakhstana (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Geol Surv GA Bull Geol Pr c: Geologicke Prace (journ.) Geol Prace Zpr c: Geologicke Prace. Zpravy (journ.) Geol Pr [Bratisl] c: Geologicke Prace [Bratislava] (journ.) Geol Pruzkum P: Geologicky Pruzkum (journ.) GeolR d: Geologische Rundschau (journ.) Geol Razpr Porocila P: Geologija. Razprave in Porocila Geol Razred Gazov Gazokondens Mestorozhd R: Geologiya i Razvedka Gazovykh i Gazokondensatnykh Mestomzhdenii (journ.) Geol Rep Dep Nat Resour [Queb] e: Geological Reports. Department of Natural Resources [Quebec] (journ.) Geol Rep Hiroshima Univ e: Geological Report. Hiroshima University (journ.) Geol Rep Miner Resour Div [Manitoba] e: Geological Report. Mineral Resources Division [Manitoba] (journ.) Geol Rep Shimane Unir e: Geologial Repons. Shimane Univetsity Geol Rep Shimane Univ e: Geological Reports. Shimane University (journ.) Geol Rep State Alaska Dep Nat Resour e: Geologic Report. State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources (journ.) Geol Rev [Beijing] e: Geological Review [Beijing] (journ.) Geol Rom[an] 1: Geologica Romana (journ.) Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii Geol Rud[n] Mestorozhd R: Geologiya Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii (journ.) Geol Rudonosn Yuga Ukr R: Geologiya i Rudonosnost Yuga Ukrainy (journ.) Geol Rundsch[au] d: Geologische Rundschau (journ.) Geol S Am B e: Geological Society of America. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Sb [Lvov] R: Geologicheskii Sbornik [Lvov] (journ.) Geol Sbornik R: Geologicheskii Sbornik (journ.) Geol Sb [Tiflis] R: Geologicheskii Sbornik [Tiflis] (journ.) Geol Sect Bull Libya Minist Ind e: Geological Section. Bulletin. Libya Ministry of Industry (journ.) Geol Soc Am Abst Programs e: Geological Society of America. Abstracts with Programs (journ.) Geol Soc Am Annu Meet Field Trip Guideb e: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting. Field Trip Guidebook (journ.) Geol Soc Am Cordilleran Sect Annu Meet Guideb e: Geological Society of America. Cordilleran Section. Annual Meeting Guidebook (journ.) Geol Soc Am[er] Bull e: Geological Society of America. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Soc Amer Eng Geol Case Hist e: Geological Society of America. Engineering Geology Case Histories (journ.) Geol Soc America Abs with Prog e: Geological Society of America. Abstracts with Programs (journ.) Geol Soc America Spec Paper e: Geological Society of America. Special Papers (journ.) Geol Soc Am[er] Mem e: Geological Society of America. Memoir (journ.)

Geol Soc Am[er] Spec Pap e: Geological Society of America. Special Paper (journ.) Geol Soc Am Map Chart Ser e: Geological Society of America. Map and Chart Series (journ.) Geol Soc Am Microform Publ e: Geological Society of America. Microform Publication (journ.) Geol Soc Am Proc e: Geological Society of America. Proceedings (journ.) Geol Soc Am Southeast Sect Guideb e: Geological Society of America. Sootheastern Section Guidebook (journ.) Geol Soc Am Spec Pap [Reg Stud] e: Geological Society of America. Special Paper [Regional Studies] (journ.) Geol Soc Australia J e: Geological Society of Australia Journal (journ.) Geol Soc Bull e: Geological Society of America. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Soc China Proc e: Geological Society of China. Proceedings (journ.) Geol Soc Egypt Annu Meet Abstr e: Geological Society of Egypt. Annual Meeting. Abstracts (journ.) Geol Soc Fini Bull e: Geological Society of Finland. BuUetin (journ.) Geol Soc Greece Bull e: Geological Society of Greece. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Soc India Bull e: Geological Society of India. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Soc India J[our] e: Geological Society of India. Journal (journ.) Geol Soc India Mem e: Geological Society of India. Memoir (journ.) Geol Soc Iraq J e: Geological Society of Iraq. Journal (journ.) Geol Soc Jam J e: Geological Society of Jamaica. Journal (journ.) Geol Soc Jap J e: Geological Society of Japan. Journal (journ.) Geol Soc Korea J e: Geological Society of Korea. Journal (journ.) Geol Soc Lond J e: Geological Society of London. Journal (journ.) Geol Soc Lond Mise Pap e: Geological Society of London. Miscellaneous Paper (journ.) Geol Soc [Lond] Newsl e: Geological Society. Newsletter [London] (journ.) Geol Soc London Mem e: Geological Society of London. Memoirs (joum.) Geol Soc Lond Q J e: Geological Society of London. Quarterly Journal (journ.) Geol Soc Lond Spec Rep e: Geological Society of London. Special Report (journ.) Geol Soc Malays Bull e: Geologial Society of Malaysia. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Soc Malays Newsl e: Geological Society of Malaysia. Newsletter (journ.) Geol Soc NJ Rept e: Geological Society of New Jersey. Report (journ.) Geol Soc Norfolk Bull e: Geological Society of Norfolk. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Soc NZ Newsl e: Geological Society of New Zealand. Newsletter (journ.) Geol Soc Oregon Country News Letter e: Geological Society of the Oregon Country. News Letter (journ.) Geol Soc Philipp J e: Geological Society of the Philippines. Journal (journ.) Geol Soc Proc e: Geological Society of America. Proceedings (jouni.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations anil Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Geol Soc S Afr Congr Abstr e: Geological Society of South Africa. Congress Abstracts (joum.) Geol Soc S Afr Q News Bull e: Geological Society of South Africa. Quarterly News Bulletin (journ.) Geol Soc S Afr Spec Publ e: Geological Society of South Africa. Special Publication (journ.) Geol Soc So Africa Trans e: Geological Society of South Africa. Transactions and Proceedings (journ.) Geol Soc Zimbabwe Spec Publ e: Geological Society of Zimbabwe. Special Publication (journ.) Geol SSSR P: Geologiya SSSR (journ.) Geol. St.A. d: Geologische Staatsanstalt Geol Str Poleznye Iskop Kalmytskoi ASSR R: Geologicheskoe Stroenie i Poleznye Iskopaemye Kalmytskoi ASSR (journ.) Geol Sudetica 1: Geologia Sudetica (journ.) Geol Sudetica [Warsaww] 1: Geologia Sudetica [Warsaw] (journ.) Geol Surr Irel Bull e: Geological Survey of Ireland. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Surr Tanzania Bull e: Geological Survey of Tanzania. Builetin (journ.) Geol Surv e: Geological Survey Geol Surv Br Guiana Bull e: Geological Survey of British Guiana. Bulletin (journ.) Geol. Surv. Bull, e: Geological Survey Bulletin [US] (journ.) Geol Surv Bull Tasmania e: Tasmania. Geological Survey. Bulletin (joum.) Geol Surv Can Bull e: Geological Survey of Canada. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Surv Can Econ Geol Rep e: Geological Survey of Canada. Economic Geology Report (joum.) Geol Surv Can Mem e: Geological Survey of Canada. Memoir (journ.) Geol Surv Can Pap e: Geological Survey of Canada. Paper (journ.) Geol Surv Ceylon Mem e: Geological Survey of Ceylon. Memoir (joum.) Geol Surv Circ e: Geological Survey Circular (journ.) Geol Surv Den III Ser e: Geological Survey of Denmark. Ill Series (joum.) Geol Surv Den II Ser e: Geological Survey of Denmark. II Series (journ.) Geol Surv Den Rep e: Geological Survey of Denmark. Report (journ.) Geol Surv Den Ser A e: Geological Survey of Denmark. Serie A (journ.) Geol Surv Den Ser B e: Geological Survey of Denmark. Serie B (joum.) Geol Surv Den Yearb e: Geological Survey of Denmark. Yearbook (journ.) Geol Surv Dep [Jam] Bull e: Geological Survey Department [Jamaica], Bulletin (joum.) Geol Surv Dep [Jam West Indies] Occas Pap e: Geological Survey Department [Jamaica, West Indies], Occasional Paper (joum.) Geol Surv Rep Dep Mines [NSW] e: Geological Survey Report. Department of Mines [New South Wales] (journ.) Geol Surv Finl Bull e: Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin (joum.) Geol Surv GA Bull e: Geological Survey of Georgia. Bulletin (joum.)


Geol S u r v G B M e m Geol S u r v [Scoti] Geol Surv GB Mem Geol Surv [Scoti] e: Geological Survey of Great Britain. Memoirs of the Geological Survey [Scotland] (journ.) Geol Surv Greenland Rep e: Geologieal Survey of Greenland. Report (journ.) Geol Surv Guyana Bull e: Geological Survey of Guyana. Bulletin (joum.) Geol Surv India Mise Pubi e: Geological Survey of India. Miscellaneous Publication (journ.) Geol Surv India News e: Geological Survey of India News (journ.) Geol Surv Iran Rep e: Geological Survey of Iran. Report (journ.) Geol Surv Irei Bull e: Geological Survey of Ireland. Bulletin (joum.) Geol Surv Isr Bull e: Geological Survey of Israel. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Surv Jap Hydrogeol Maps Jap e: Geological Survey of Japan. Hydrogeological Maps of Japan (journ.) Geol Surv Jap Rep e: Geological Survey of Japan. Report (journ.) Geol Surv Jpa Rep e: Geological Survey of Japan. Report (journ.) Geol Surv Jpn Rep e: Geological Survey of Japan. Report (journ.) Geol Surv Kenya Bull e: Geological Survey of Kenya. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Surv Kenya Rep e: Geological Survey of Kenya. Report (journ.) Geol Surv Korea Tech Pap e: Geological Survey of Korea. Technical Paper (journ.) Geol Surv Malays Annu Rep e: Geological Survey of Malaysia. Annual Report (journ.) Geol Surv Malays Dist Mem e: Geological Survey of Malaysia. District Memoir (journ.) Geol Surv Malays Geol Pap e: Geological Survey of Malaysia. Geological Papers (journ.) Geol Surv Nigeria Bull e: Geological Survey of Nigeria. Bulletin (joum.) Geol Surv NSW Bull e: Geological Survey of New South Wales. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Surv NSW Geol Surv Rep e: Geological Survey of New South Wales. Geological Survey Report (joum.) Geol Surv NSW Miner Ind NSW e: New South Wales. Geological Survey. Mineral Industry of New South Wales (journ.) Geol Surv NSW Rep e: Geological Survey of New South Wales. Geological Survey Report (journ.) Geol Surv of NSW Miner Ind NSW e: Geological Survey of New South Wales. Department of Mines. The Mineral Industry of New South Wales (journ.) Geol Surv Pap Tas Dep Mines e: Geological Survey Paper. Department of Mines. Tasmania (journ.) Geol Surv Queensl Pub[l] e: Geological Survey of Queensland. Publication (journ.) Geol Surv Queensl Rep e: Geological Survey of Queensland. Report (journ.) Geol Surv Rep Dep Mines [NSW] e: Geological Survey Report. Department of Mines [New South Wales] (journ.) Geol Surv Sierra Leone Bull e: Geological Survey of Sierra Leone. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Surv Tanzania Bull e: Geological Survey of Tanzania. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Surv Uganda Mem e: Geological Survey of Uganda. Memoir (journ.)

Geol Surv Uganda Rep e: Geological Survey of Uganda. Report (joum.) Geol Surv Victoria Bull e: Geological Survey of Victoria. Bulletin (journ.) Geol Surv Victoria Mem e: Geological Survey of Victoria. Memoir (joum.) Geol Surv West Aust Bull e: Western Australia. Geological Survey. Bulletin (joum.) Geol Surv Wyo Bull e: Geological Survey of Wyoming. Bulletin (joum.) Geol Surv Wyo C Resour Ser e: Geological Survey of Wyoming County Resource Series (journ.) Geol Surv Wyo Mem e: Geological Survey of Wyoming. Memoir (joum.) Geol Surv Wyo Prelim Rep e: Geological Survey of Wyoming. Preliminary Report (journ.) Geol Surv Wyo Rep Invest e: Geological Survey of Wyoming. Report of Investigations (joum.) Geol Tec p: Geologia Tecnica (joum.) Geol Ultriectina i: Geologica Ultriectina (journ.) Geol. V. d: Geologische Vereinigung Geol Ver S-Afr Kwart Nuusbull A: Geologiese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. Kwartaallikse Nuusbulletin (joum.) Geol Zakaspiya R: Geologiya Zakaspiya (joum.) Geol Z b c: Geologicky Zbomik (joum.) Geol Z b Geol Carpathica c: Geologicky Zbornik-Geologica Carpathica (journ.) Geol Zb Slov Akad Vied c: Geologicky Zbornik-Geologica Carpathica. Slovenska Akademia Vied (joum.) Geol Zh R: Geologicheskii Zhumal [Kiev] (joum.) Geol Zh [Russ Ed] R: Geologicheskii Zhurnal [Russian Edition] (joum.) G E O M e: Geometric[al] - e: Geometrician - e: Geometry Geom. d: Geometer - d: Geometrie - e: Geometer - e: Geometry geom. d: geometrisch - e: geometrical] G E O M A e: Geophysical Magazine [Tokyo] (journ.) GEOM.ADJ. e: Geometry Adjustment Geom Aeron. e: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy [USSR], [published in the US] (journ.) - R: Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya [USSR] (journ.) GEOMAG e: Geomagnetism Geomag Aer R: Geomnagnetizm i Aeronomiya (joum.) Geomagn. d: Geomagnetismus - e: Geomagnetism Geomagn. Aeron. e: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (joum.) [US] Geomagn and Aeron e: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (joum.) - R: Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya (joum.) Geomagn and Aeron [USSR] R: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy [USSR] (joum.) Geomagn Bull Inst Geol Sci e: Geomagnetic Bulletin. Institute of Geological Sciences (journ.)


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Geomagn. Ser. Earth Phys. Branch. e: Geomagnetic Series, Earth Physics Branch [Energy, Mines and Resources, Canada] (journ.) GEOMAN e: Global Energy Operations & Management Co. Geo-Mar Let e: Geo-Marine Letters (joum.) Geo Mason UL Rev e: George Mason University. Law Review (journ.) GEOMATE e: Geographic Map Attribute Enhancement Geom Dedicata 1: Geometriae Dedicata (journ.) Geomech Comput e: Geomechanics Computing Programme (joum.) GEOMED e: Geometric Editor Geomicrobiology J e: Geomicrobiology Journal (journ.) GEOMOD e: Geometric Modeller geomorph e: geomorphologic[al] - e: geomorphologist - e: geomorphology Geomorph. d: Geomorphologie Geomorph Abstr e: Geomorphological Abstracts (joum.) GEON e: Gyro-Erected Optical Navigation GEONAMES e: Geologic Names of the United States GEONAV e: Geographic Navigation GEONDS e: Ground Electromagnetic Pulse & Optical Nuclear Detonation Detection System GEONIS d: Geografisches Netzinformationssystem GEON System e: Gyro-Erected Optical Navigation System GEOP e: General Emergency Operations Plan GEOPA[B] c: Geologicke Prace [Bratislava] (joum.) GEOPAUSE e: Geodetic Satellite in Polar Geosynchronous Orbit geoph e: geophysics Geoph. e: Geophysic[s] Geophs. d: Geophysik geophy e: geophysical - e: geophysics GEOPHYS e: Geophysical - e: Geophysicist - e: Geophysics Geophys e; Geophysics (joum.) Geophys. d: Geophysik[er] - e: Geophysic[s] geophys. d: geophysikalisch - e: geophysics Geophys Abstr e: Geophysical Abstracts (journ.) Geophys [and] Astrophys Fluid Dyn e: Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics (journ.) Geophys Astrophys Monogr e: Geophysics and Astrophysics Monographs (journ.) GeophysBDBw d: Geophysikalischer Beratungsdienst der Bundeswehr Geophys Case Histories e: Geophysical Case Histories (joum.) Geophys. Explor. j: Geophysical Exploration [Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan] (joum.) Geophys Fluid Dyn e: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (joum.) Geophys Geol d: Geophysik und Geologie (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Geotherm Rep Geophys Inst Fac Sci Tokyo Univ Geophys Notes Supp e: Geophysical Institute. Faculty of Science. Tokyo University. Geophysical Notes. Supplement (joum.) [Japan] Geophys. J. e: Geophysical Journal [published in GB] (journ.) Geophys. J. Int. e: Geophysical Journal International [GB] (journ.) Geophys J[our] e: Geophysical Journal (journ.) Geophys J R [Astronom Soc] e: Geophysical Journal. Royal Astronomical Society (journ.) Geophys. J. Roy. Astron. Soc. e: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society [GB] Geophys Mag e: Geophysical Magazine (journ.) Geophys. Mag. E: Geophysical Magazine [Japan Meteorological Agency] (journ.) Geophys Mag [Tokyo] e: Geophysical Magazine [Tokyo] (journ.) Geophys Mem [Lond] e: Geophysical Memoirs [London] (joum.) Geophys Monogr e: Geophysical Monograph (journ.) Geophys Monogr Am Geophys Union e: Geophysical Monograph. American Geophysical Union (journ.) Geophys. Monogr. Ser. e: Geophysical Monograph Series [American Geophysical Union] (journ.) Geophys. Nor[v]. N: Geophysica Norvegica [Norway] (journ.) Geophys Note [Tokyo] e: Geophysical Note [Tokyo] (journ.) Geophys. Prosp. e: Geophysical Prospecting [European Association of Exploration Geophysicists, Netherlands] (journ.) Geophys Prospecting] e: Geophysical Prospecting (journ.) Geophys Prospect [The Hague] e: Geophysical Prospecting [The Hague] (journ.) Geophys R[es] B[ull] e: Geophysical Research Bulletin (journ.) Geophys. Res. Lett, e: Geophysical Research Letters [American Geophysical Union] (journ.) Geophys Res Pap e: Geophysical Research Papers (journ.) Geophys R L e: Geophysical Research Letters (joum.) Geophys Soc Tulsa Proc e: Geophysical Society of Tulsa Proceedings (journ.) Geophys Space Data Bull e: Geophysics and Space Data Bulletin (journ.) Geophys Surv e: Geophysical Surveys (journ.) Geophys Tecton Abstr e: Geophysics and Tectonics Abstracts (journ.) Geophys. Trans, e: Geophysical Transactions [Hungary] (journ.) geopol e: geopolitical - e: geopolitics Geopol e: Geopolities Geopp e: Geopposserde [Defendant] [Netherlands] [Legal term] Geo-Process e: Geo-Processing (journ.) GEOPS e: Geodesy Program[me] System - e: Geodetic Estimates from Orbital Pertubations of Satellites GEOQ e: Geos. Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (journ.)

Geo R e: Geographical Review (journ.) - e: Georgia Review (joum.) Geor e: Georgian GEORAD e: Geographical Review (joum.) GEO-REF e: Geological Reference GEOREF d: Geographisches Referenzsystem - e: Geographical] Reference [System] - e: Geological Reference File [Database] - e: World Geographic Reference System GEOREF System e: Geographic Reference System Geo Rep e: Geological Reports (joum.) - e: Georgia Reports (joum.) GEOREQ e: Relocation Request [Code] Geo Rer e: Georgia Law Review (joum.) Georg e: Georgia[n] GEORG e: Georgics [Poetry] GEORGE e: A Family of Small Business Computers - e: General Organization and Environment - e: General Organizational Environment George e: George's Reports (joum.) Georgebwn LT e: Georgetown Law Journal (joum.) George Partn e: George on Partnership Georget Law e: Georgetown Law Journal (joum.) GEORGETN e: Georgetown Georgetown Dent J e: Georgetown Dental Journal (joum.) GeorgetownL[aw J] e: Georgetown Law Journal (joum.) Georgetown Med Bull e: Georgetown Medical Bulletin (joum.) Georgetown Univ Sch Dent Mirror e: Georgetown University. School of Dentistry. Mirror (joum.) George Washington J Internat Law and Econ e: George Washington Journal of International Law and Economia (joum.) George Washington] [Law R] e: George Washington Law Review (joum.) George Washington] Univ Bull e: George Washington University. Bulletin (joum.) Georgia e: Georgia Reports (joum.) Georgia BJ e: Georgia Bar Journal (journ.) Georgia J Int Comp L e: Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law (journ.) Georgia Law Rep e: Georgia Law Reporter (journ.) Georgia L Rev e: Georgia Law Review (joum.) Georgia R e: Georgia Review (joum.) Georgia Rep e: Georgia Reports (joum.) Georgia St BJ e: Georgia State Bar Journal (journ.) Georgr et Rech f: Geographie et Recherche (joum.) GEOS d: geostationärer Satellit - e: Generator Earth Orbital Scene - e: Geodetic [Earth-]Orbiting Satellite - e; Geodetic Observation Satellite - e: Geodetic [Orbiting] Satellite - e: Geodynamic Experimental Ocean Satellite - e: Geophysical Satellite - e: Geos Corporation - e: Geoscope - e: Geoscope (joum.) - e: Geostationary Environmental Operational Satellite - e: Geosynchronous Earth Observation System - e: Graphic Environment Operating System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

GEOSAR e: Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar GEOSAT e: Geodesy Satellite - e: Geodetic Satellite - e: Geodynamic Experimental Ocean Satellite Geosc. e: Geoscience GEOSCAN e: Geographic Scanning - e: Geological Survey of Canada - e: Ground-Based Communications Antenna - e: Ground-Based Electronic Omnidirectional Satellite Communications Antenna - e: Ground-Based Electronic Omnidiredional Satellite Geosci Abs[tr] e: Geoscience Abstrads (journ.) Geosci Can e: Geoscience Canada (journ.) Geosci Doc e: Geoscience Documentation (journ.) Geoscience Abs e: Geoscience Abstracts (journ.) Geoscience Ini Soc Proc e: Geoscience Information Society. Proceedings (journ.) Geosci Man e: Geoscience and Man (joum.) Geosci Stud e: Geoscience Studies [Japan] (journ.) GEOSECS e: Geochemical Ocean Section[s] Study GEOSEM e: Global Electro-Optical Systems Environment Matrix GEOSEPS e: Geosynchronous Solar Electric Propulsion Stage GEO/S1T e: Geographical Situation GEOSS e: [Integrated] Geophysical Survey System GeoSSR e: Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic Geostand[ards] Newsl e: Geostandards Newsletter (journ.) GEOTA[J] e: Geotimes (joum.) Geotberm Res Counc Spec Rep e: Geothermal Resources Council. Special Report (journ.) Geotech. d: Geotechnik Geotech Abstr e: Geotechnical Abstracts (journ.) Geotech Eng e: Geotechnical Engineering (journ.) Geotech. News e: Geotechnical News [Canadian Geotechnical Society] (joum.) GEOTECHNIQ f: Geotechnique Geotechniq e: Geotechnique (joum.) Geotech. Test. J. e: Geotechnical Testing Journal [American Society for Nondestructive Testing] (journ.) Geotecton e: Geotectonics (journ.) Geotek Julk F: Geoteknillisia Julkaisuja (journ.) Geotekton R: Geotektonika (journ.) Geotekton Forsch d: Geotektonische Forschungen (journ.) Geotektonika Tektonofiz Geodinamika R: Geotektonika Tektonofizika i Geodinamika (journ.) Geotektonische Forsch d: Geotektonische Forschungen Geotherm e: Geothermics (joum.) Geotherm Energy e: Geothermal Energy (journ.) Geotherm Energy Mag e: Geothermal Energy Magazine (journ.) Geotherm Energy Update e: Geothermal Energy Update (journ.) Geotherm Hot Line e: Geothermal Hot Line (joum.) Geotherm Rep e: Geothermal Report


Geotherm Rep Miner Resour Dep [Fiji] Geotherm Rep Miner Resour Dep [Fiji] e: Geothermal Report. Mineral Resources Department [Fiji] (journ.) Geotherm Res[ources] Counc Trans e: Geotbermal Resources Council. Transactions [China] (journ.) Geotherm Technol e: Geothermal Technology [Japan] (journ.) GEO Timber e: Geo [exoecaria agallocha] Timber GEOTp e: Geographic Township GEOU e: Graphics Entity and Operation Unification Geo Uns[erer] Zeit e: Geowissenschaften in Unserer Zeit (journ.) GEOW e: Geothermal Resources International, Inc. - e: GeoWaste, Inc. Geo Wash J Intl L[ and Econ] e: George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics (journ.) Geo Wash L Rev e: George Washington Law Review (journ.) GEOX e: Geonex Corporation geoz. d: geozentrisch - d: geozyklisch GEP d: Gebietsentwicklungsplan - d: Gebührenerfassungsplatz - d: Gegentaktendpentode - d: generalisiertes Extraktionsprogramm - d: Großhandels-Einkaufs-Preis - e: Gastroenteropancreath System - e: Gastroenteropancreatic System - e: General Enrollment Plan - e: General Equivalence Point - e: General Extraction Program[me] - e: Geological Echo Profiler - e: Goddard Experimental] Package - e: Good Engineering Practice - e: Graduate English Papers (journ.) - e: Great Pacific Resources - e: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc. - e: Gross Energy Product - e: Ground Effects Phenomenon - e: Ground Entry Point - e: Ground Environment Program - e: Group Employment Plan - e: Grund Effects Phenomenon - e: Grund Entry Point - e: Gulf Environmental Measurements Program - e: Minneapolis gep. d: gepaart - d: gepanzert - d: gepulvert Gep. d: Gepäck - d: Gepard Gepa d: Gepäckabfertigung GEPA e: General Education Provisions Act - e: Gulf-European Freight Association GEPAC e: General Electric Process Automation Computer - e: General Electric Programmable Automatic Comparator - e: General Electric Programmable Automatic Comparator Computer - e: General Electric Programmable Automatic Computer - e: General Purpose Automatic Checkout [system] GEPACDE e: Geographical Paper. Canada Department of Environment (journ.) GEPB e: Grievance and Employment Policy Board GEPC e: German External Property Control Commission

GEPCA e: GP. Journal of the American Academy of General Practice (journ.) GEPDS e: General Electric Process Design System GEPE e: GATE [GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment] Equatorial Profiling Experiment - f: Groupe d'Etudes Politiques Européennes - f: Groupe Européen de Productions Electromecanique et Electronique/ frankreich GEPEXS e: General Electric Parts Explosion System GEpFAR e: Federal Archives and Records Center, General Services Administration, Atlanta Region gepfl. d: gepflanzt - d: gepflegt GEPFR e: General Electric Prototype Fast Reactor GEPGA H: Gépgyârtâstechnologia [Hungary] (journ.) GEPHA d: Bundesverband des Genossenschaftlichen Pharmazeutischen Großhandels in Deutschland GEPI f: Groupement National Technique des Entrepreneurs de Peinture Industrielle - i: Gestioni e Partecipazioni Industriali Gepk d: Gepäckkasse GEPL e: General Equipment and Packaging Laboratory gepl. d: geplant GEPLACEA s: Grupo de Paises Latinoamericanos y del Caribe Exponadores de Azucar GEPM e: General Electric Physical Metallurgy GEPNA f: Groupe Européen de Planification de la Navigation Aérienne GEPOC d: Gesellschaft für Poplymerchemie GEPOD e: General Electric Pod GEPOL e: Generalized Processor for Command-Oriented Language GEPOS d: Gesellschaft für Programmierung, Organisation und Systemberatung mbH Gep.-Sch. d: Gepäckschalter - d: Gepäckschein Gep.-Tr. d: Gepäckträger GEPURS e: General Electric General Purpose [Computer] GEPVP f: Groupement Europeen des Producteurs de Verre Plate GEQ e: Moline GER d: Geimersheim - e: Gardiner Resources - e: Gastroesophageal Reflux - e: General Engineering Research - e: German Economic Review (joum.) - e: German Educational Reconstruction - e: Germanfy] - e: Germany Fund, Inc. - e: Gerontology - e: Gerund - e: Goodyear Engineering Report - e: Granular Endoplasmic Reticulum - e: Great Eastern Railway - e: Gross Energy Requirement - e: Group of European Radiotherapists - e: Guilde Européenne du Raid


© K G - Saur, München

Ger d: Geräusch - d: Germanistik - d: Germanistik (journ.) - e: Gerät - e: Geriatrics - e: Gerim - e: German[ic] -1: Germania (joum.) GEr d: Gestellreihenendrahmen ger e: gerundial - e: gerundival - e: gerundive GeR j: Gengogaku Ronso (journ.) GER s: Nueva Gerona [Airport] Ger. d: Gerade - d: Gerat[e] - d: Geräusch - d: Geruch - d: Gerundium - d: Gerüst - e: German[y] - e: Gerundive ger. d: gerichtet - d: gerieben - d: geronnen - d: gerundet - e: gerund[ive] gera e: geratic[al][ly] - e: geratologic[al][ly] - e: geratologist - e: geratology GERA e: Guard's Expense in Returning Absentee GerAE e: German Antarctic Expedition Ger.-Arzt d: Gerichtsarzt Gerb, e: Gerberei Ger.-Beschr. d: Gerätebeschreibung Gerbil e: Great Education Reform Bill GERBIL e: Great Education Reform Bill Gerbil Dig e: Gerbil Digest (journ.) Gerbst, d: Gerbstoff Gerbtech, d: Gerbtechnik Ger Bundesanst Bodenforscb Geo! Jahrb Beih d: Germany. Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschnng und Geologische Landesämter. Geologisches Jahrbuch. Beiheft (journ.) Ger Chem Eng[ng] e: German Chemical Engineering (journ.) Gercke Norden d: Gercke und Norden. Einleitung in die Altertumswissenschaft (journ.) GERD e: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - e: Gross [National] Expenditure on Research and Development GERDA e: Gyro Equipped Road Data Analyser Gerda e: Gyro Equipped Road Data Analyzer GERDAT f: Groupement d'Etudes et de Recherche pour le Developement de l'Agronomie Tropicale GEREA e: General Electric Review (journ.) Ger Ec Bui e: Economic Bulletin [Germany] (journ.) Ger Econ Re e: German Economic Review (journ.) GERED e: Geothermal Report (joum.) GerefTTS n: Gereformeerd Geologisch Tijdschrift (journ.) GEREP e: Generalized Equipment Reliability Evaluation Procedure Gereq n: Gerequireerde Gerfaut Rev Sei Beige Ornithol f: Gerfaut. Revue Scientifque Beige d'Onnithologie (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GESA GERG f: Groupe Europeen de Recherches Gazieres Ger.-Geb. d: Gerichtsgebühr[en] GERGOPLAS d: Ganzheitlicher Ergonomie-Planungs- und Systematisierungsservice ger grndng e: gerund grinding GERIA e: Geriatrics GERIAT e: Geriatrics -1: Geriatria Geriatr[ic] Nurs e: Geriatrie Nursing (journ.) Geriatr Nurs [Lond] e: Geriatrie Nursing [London] (journ.) GERIA[Z] e: Geriatrics (journ.) GerinstPl e: Geräteinstandsetzungsplan GERIS e: Graphic Expression Reading Improvement System - e: Group on Evaluation of Research in Information Science GERI System e: Graphic Expression Reading Improvement System GerK e: Gerätekennung GERL e: Golgi-Associated Endoplasmic Reticulum Lysosomes Gerlands Beitr. Geophys. d: Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik [Germany] (journ.) Ger L[ife&] L[ett] e: German Life and Letters (journ.) GERM e: German - e: Ground Effect Research Machine Germ e: German[y] - e: Germania [of Tacitus] - f: Germinal Germ, d: Garmond - d: Germanistik - e: German[y] GERMA f: Groupe d'Etude des Ressources Maritimes German 1: Germanicus German Chem Engng e: German Chemical Engineering (journ.) German Econ R e: German Economic Review (journ.) German Fct e: Facts and Figures [Germany] (journ.) German Int[ernat] e: German International (journ.) German Med Monthly e: German Medical Monthly (journ.) German Q e: German Quarterly (journ.) German Res. d: German Research [Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany] (journ.) German Tb Q e: German Tribune Quarterly Review (journ.) German TN e: German American Trade News (journ.) German Yb Int'l L e: German Yearbook of International Law (journ.) GERMD e: German Mining (joum.) GERMDF e: German Ministry of Defense GERM DIO e: Germanium Diode GERME f: Groupe d'Etude en Regulation Metabolique GerMech d: Gerätemechaniker Ger Med e: German Medicine (joum.) Ger.-Med. d: Gerichtsmedizin[er] ger.Med. d: gerichtliche Medizin Germed e: German Medicament Ger.Med.Mon. e: German Medical Monthly (journ.) [BRD] Germfask e: Grant germi e: germicide Germi. e: Germicide Germjud 1: Germania Judaica (journ.)

GermL d: Germanistische Linguistik (journ.) Germn Tb Q e: German Tribune Quarterly Review (journ.) Germ R e: Germanic Review (joum.) Germ-Rom Monat d: GermanischRomanische Monatsschrift (journ.) Germ Stud Newsl e: German Studies Newsletter (journ.) GERNDJ e: Gerontology (joum.) GERNORSEA e: German Naval Forces in the North Sea - e: German Naval Forces North Sea Sub-Area Ger Note e: Germanic Notes (joum.) GERO e: GE [General Electric Co.] Robot - e: George Rogers Clark National Historical Park - e: Global Environmental Research Organization GEROA e: Gerontologia (joum.) GEROAJ e: Gerontologia [Basel] (joum.) Gerodontolo e: Gerodontology (joum.) Gerontol e: Gerontologist (joum.) GERONTOL e: Gerontology Gerontol, d: Gerontologie - e: Gerontologist - e: Gerontology Gerontol Abstr e: Gerontological Abstracts (joum.) Gerontol Clin e: Gerontotogia Clinica (joum.) Gerontol Ext Lect e: Gerontology Extension Lectures (joum.) Gerontol Geriatr Educ e: Gerontology and Geriatrics Education (joum.) GEROS e: General Routing Optimization System Ger.Pat. e: German Patent GERPAT e: German Patent Ger Plast e: German Plastics [Germany] (journ.) Ger Qfuart] e: German Quarterly (joum.) GERR e: Government Employee Relations Report (journ.) Ger.Rev. e: Germanic Review (joum.) Ger Rom Mon d: Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift (joum.) GerS e: Gerätesatz GERS f: Groupe d'Études et de Recherches Sousmarines GERSAL e: General Electric Symbolic Assembly Language GERSIS e: General Electric Range Safety Instrumentation System Ger Slav I: Germano-Slavica (joum.) Ger S[t] R[ev] e: German Studies Review (joum.) GERT e: Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique[s] - f: Groupement d'Études et de Réalisations Techniques Ger Tekh R: Germanskaya Tekhnika (joum.) GERTIE e: George Remote Terminal Interrogative Environment Ger Tit e: Gerard's Titles to Real Estate (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

GERTS e: General Electric Radio Tracking System - e: General Electric Range Tracking System - e: General Electric Remote Terminal Supervisor - e: General Electric Remote Terminal System - e: General Electric Remote Transmission Supervisor - e: General Remote Terminal Supervisor - e: General Remote Terminal System - e: General Remote Transmission Supervisor Geru i: Gerusalemme GERUA d: Geologische Rundschau (joum.) geruchl. d: geruchlos GERV e: General Electric Reentry Vehicle Ger Yid e: German Yiddish GerZ d: Gerichtszeitung G.E.S. e: Goliath Edison Screw GE-S e: Gold Exchange-Singapore GES d: Gesellschaft für elektrischen Straßenverkehr mbH - d: Gesellschaft für elektronische Systemforschung - e: Gale Environmental Sourcebook (joum.) - e: Gamma European Systems - e: General Educational] Services Corporation - e: General Electric Semiconductor - e: General Engineering Service - e: General Santos [Philippinen] [Airport] - e: Generalized Edit System - e: Generalized Expectancies Scale - e: Generic Environmental Statement - e: Genesis Resource Corporation - e: Genisco Technology Corporation - e: Gilt-Edged Securities - e: Global External Scheme - e: Glucose Electrolyte Solution - e: Goddard Experiment Support System - e: Gold Exchange of Singapore - e: Gold Exchange Standard - e: Goliath Edison Screw - e: Gordon - e: Government Economic Service - e: Government Evacuation Scheme - e: Grand Exploitation System - e: Great Eastern Shipping - e: Ground Earth Station - e: Ground Electronic[s] System - e: Ground Engineering System - e: Ground Entry Station - e: Ground Environment Installation - e: Ground Equipment System - e: Group Encounter Survey - e: Group Environment Scale - e: WHO Global Epidemiological Surveillance and Health Situation Assessement SP - f: Groupe d'Etudes Sartriennes ges d: gesetzlich ges. d: gesammelt - d: gesamt - d: gesehen - d: gesichert Ges. d: Gesamtheit - d: Gesellschaft - d: Gesetz - d: Gesetzgebung - d: Gesicht - d: Gesundheit GESA d: Gemeinschaft Experimentelle Spannungsanalyse - s: Gas y Electricida SA


GesA GesA d: Gesellschaftsarzt - d: Gesundheitsamt GEsA s: Gas y Electricida SA GESAANP/NW e: GE [General Electric Co.] Stockholders' Alliance Against Nuclear Power/Nuclear Weapons Ges Abh d: Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur Römischen Religions- und Stadtgeschichte (journ.) ges.Abh. d: gesammelte Abhandlungen GESAC [System] e: General Electric Seif Adaptive Control System GESAL e: General Electric Symbolic Assembly Language - e: General Symbolic Assembly Language gesamm. d: gesammelt GESAMP e: Group of Experts on the Scientifc Aspects of Marine Pollution Gesamtgeb. d: Gesamtgebiet Gesamtt. d: Gesamttagung Gesamtverzeichnis Österreichischer Diss d: Gesamtverzeichnis Österreichischer Dissertationen (journ.) Ges.-Anz. d: Gesellschaftsanzug Ges.-Ausg. d: Gesamtausgabe GesB d: Hebräisches und Aramäisches Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament (journ.) GESB e: General Export Services Branch GESBA[J] c: Geologicky Zbornik (journ.) Ges Bekämpf Krebskr NordrheinWestfalen Mitteilung d: Gesellschaft zur Bekämpfung der Krebskrankheiten in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Mitteilungsdienst (journ.) Ges.-Betr. d: Gesamtbetrag - d: Gesamtbetrieb Ges.Bil. d: Gesamt-Bilirubin GesBI d: Gesetzblatt GESBT e: Generic Expert System Building Tool GESC e: Government EDP [Electronic Data Processing] Standards Committee - e: Government Electronic Data Processing Standards Committee Gesch d: Geschichte gesch d: geschützt Gesch. d: Geschäft - d: Geschichte - d: Geschoß - d: Geschütz gesch. d: geschossig Gesch.-Anw. d: Geschäftsanweisung Gesch. Best, d: Geschlechtsbestimmung Gesch.Bl.P. d: Geschützblättchenpulver Gesch.F. d: Geschützführer Gesch Ges d: Geschichte und Gesellschaft (journ.) Gesch.-Kde. d: Geschichtskunde Geschl. d: Geschlechter] Geschl.Best. d: Geschlechtsbestimmung Geschl.-Kr. d: Geschlechtskrankheiten] Geschl.-KrG d: Geschlechtskrankheitengesetz Geschl.-Krht. d: Geschlechtskrankheiten] Geschl.-Verk. d: Geschlechtsverkehr geschm. d: geschmeidig - d: geschmiedet - d: geschmolzen GeschmMG d: Geschmacksmustergesetz geschn. d: geschnitten - d: geschnitzt GeschO d: Geschäftsordnung geschr. d: geschraubt - d: geschrieben Gesch.T. d: Geschützturm

Geschw. d: Geschwindigkeit - d: Geschwister - d: Geschwulst - d: Geschwür Geschw.-Begr. d: Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung Gesch.-Wiss. d: Geschichtswissenschaft Gesch Wiss Unterr d: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (journ.) Geschw.-Kontr. d: Geschwindigkeitskontrolle gesch Wm d: Geschützte Warenmarke Geschwulstforsch, d: Geschwulstforschung GESCO e: General Electric Supply Corporation GESCOM e: General Electic Scientific Colo[u]r Matching Ges Dtsch Metallhütten- und Bergleute Sehr e: Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute. Schriften (journ.) Ges Dtsch Naturforsch Ärzte Wiss Konf d: Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte. Wissenschaftliche Konferenz (journ.) Ge Se e: Germanium Selenide GESEM f: Groupement Européen des Sources d'Eaux Minérales Naturelles Ges Erdk Berlin Verh Zs d: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. Verhandlungen. Zeitschrift (journ.) Gesetzblatt Dtsch Demokr Repub d: Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik [Germany] (journ.) Gesetzbl Baden-Württemb d: Gesetzblatt für Baden-Württemberg (journ.) Gesetzbl DDR Teil I d: Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Teil I (journ.) Gesetz- Verordnungsbl Land Hessen Teil 1 d: Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt für das Land Hessen.Teil 1 (journ.) GESG e: Communications Electronics Security Group Ges.-Gew. d: Gesamtgewicht GESH e: Grain Efect Screenless Halftone GESHA j: Genden Shiryo (journ.) GESHAC R: Genetika i Selektsiya (journ.) GESHUA e: General Electric Six Hundred Users' Association GeSi e: Germanium Silicide GESIFLOG e: Generalized Signal How Graph GESIM d: gesamtgesellschaftliches Simulationsmodell Ges-Ing d: Gesundheits-Ingenieur (journ.) Ges.-K. d: Gesellschaftskapital GESKAC R: Genetika i Selektsiya (journ.) GESLB[G] P: Genetika a Slechteni (journ.) geslt d: gesammelt GESMA d: Gesellschaft für Software und Marketing mbH - f: Groupe d'Etudes Sous-Marines de l'Atlantique GESMO e: General Environmental Statement for Mixed Oxide Fuel - e: Generic Environment Statement on Mixed Oxide fuel - e: Generic Environmental Statement on Mixed Oxides Gesn e: Gesnerus (joum.) Ges Naturf Freund Berlin Szb d: Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. Sitzungsberichte (journ.)


© K • G • Saur. München

Ges Naturkd Württemb Jahresh d: Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg. Jahreshefte (journ.) Ges Naturw Marburg Schrift d: Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Schriften (journ.) GESO e: Geodetic Earth-Orbiting Satellite - e: Group Equipment Staff Officer GESOC e: General Electric Satellite Orbit Control GESOL f: Groupe Intersyndical de l'Energie Solaire GESP e: General Extrasensory Perception gesp. d: gespart - d: gesperrt GESPL e: Generalized Edit System Programming Language Ges.Pr. d: Gesamtproduktion gespr. d: gesprochen Ges.-Prod. d: Gesamtproduktion Ges.-Progr. d: Gesamtprogramm GesR d: Gesandtschaftsrat Ges.S. d: Gesetzessammlung GESS e: GE Solid State - e: Generator Exhaust Signature Supression - e: Grinding Energy Saving System GESSAR e: General Electric Standard Safety Analysis Report Ges Sehr d: Gesammelte Schriften - d: Gesammelte Schriften (journ.) Ges-Sdz d: Gesellschafts-Sonderzug Ges.-Slg. d: Gesetzessammlung Ges.-St. d: Gesamtstärke GesSt d: Gesellschaftssteuer Ges Stud d: Gesammelte Studien - d: GesammelteStudien (journ.) Ges.-T. d: Gesamttext - d: Gesetzestext GeSt d: Gegenstelle GEST d: Gestorben - e: Gas Explosive Simulation Technique - e: Gemini SlowscanTelevision - e: General System[s] Theory - e: Gestational - e: Graphic Evaluation System[s] Technique - e: Guest Supply, Inc. Gest e: Gestion (joum.) Gest. d: Gestade - d: Gestalt - d: Gestaltung - d: Geständnis - d: Gestänge - d: Gestank - d: Gestein - d: Gestell - d: Gestüt gest. d: gestaffelt - d: gestalten - d: gestaltet - d: gestartet - d: gestorben GESTA d: Gesetzgebungsstand [Database] Gestapo d: Geheime Staatspolizei GESTAPU e: Gerkang Ges.-Text d: Gesamttext - d: Gesetzestext GESTI e: General System Theory Implementar - e: General System Theory Implementer GESTOK d: Gerkang Oktober GESTRU d: Gegenstandsstrukturdatei Gesund, d: Gesundheit Gesunde Pfl[anz] e: Gesunde Pflanzen (journ.) Gesundh. d: Gesundheit

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GewerblicbeRdsch Gesundhd e: Gesundheitsdienst (journ.) Gesundheitsfiihr. d: Gesundheitsfiihrung Gesundheitsfiihr Dtsch Volkes e: Gesundheitsfiihrung des Deutschen Volkes (journ.) Gesundh[eits]-Ing e: Gesundheits-Ingenieur (journ.) Gesundheitswes. d: Gesundheitswesen Gesundheitw und Desinfekt d: Gesundheitswesen und Desinfektion (journ.) Gesundh Fürs e: Gesundheitsfürsorge (journ.) Gesundh Wohlf[ahrt] e: Gesundheit und Wohlfahrt (journ.) Gesund-Ing d: Gesundheits-Ingenieur Gesund-Ing Haustech-BauphysUmwelttech e: Gesundheits-Ingenieur. Haustechnik-Bauphysik-Umwelttechnik (journ.) Ges.-Unt. d: Gesangsunterricht Ges.-Verz. d: Gesamtverzeichnis ges.W. d: gesammelte Werke Ges.-Z. d: Gesamtzahl GET d: Gegentaktendtriode - d: Geraldton - d: VDI-Gesellschaft Energietechnik - e: Gas Evaporation Technique - e: Gas, Electric, Telephones - e: Gastric Emptying Time - e: Gaylord Entertainment - e: General Equivalence-Point Titration - e: Generator Environmental Tester - e: Genetic Engineering Technologist - e: Genetic Engineering Technology - e: Geological Engineering Technologist - e: Geological Engineering Technology - e: Geraldton [Airport] - e: Germanium Transistor - e: Getty Oil - e: Graduate Employment and Training - e: Graphics Editing of Text - e: Great Eastern Television - e: Gross Error Test[ing] - e: Ground Elapsed Time - e: Ground Engaging Tool[s] - e: Ground Entry Terminal - n: Geografisch Tijdschrift. Nieuwe Reeks (journ.) Get d: Geteilt get 1/2 e: gastric emptying halftime GETA e: General Equipment Test Activity - e: Government Employees Training Act GETAB e: General Electric BWR [Boiling Water Reactor] Thermal Analysis Branch Branch GE/TAC e: General Electric Telemetering and Control GETAC e: General Electric Telemetering and Control GETB e: General Electric Test Reactor GETC e: Gemtec Corporation GETD e: General Equipment Testing Directorate - r: Geografisk Tidsskrift (journ.) Ge Te e: Germanium Telluride GETE e: Geotel, Inc. GeTe e: Germanium Telluride GETEL e: General Electric Test Engineering Language - e: General Test Engineering] Language Geterog Katal R: Geterogennyi Kataliz. Trudy Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma po Geterogennomu Katalizu (journ.) GETh e: Epic of Gilgamesh

GETI e: Ground Elapsed Time of Ignition - f: Groupe d'Etudes Techniques et d'Informatique GET[I]L e: Ground Elapsed Time of Landing GETIS e: Ground Environment Team of the International Staff - e: Ground Environment Technical Information System - e: Ground Environment Technical Installation System GETL e: Ground Elapsed Time of Landing getlo e: get locally GETMA d: Getreide und Mehl - d: Getreide und Mehl (journ.) - e: Get from local Manufacturer GETMA e: Obtain by local Manufacture GETO e: Ground Equipment Turn Off - e: Ground Equipment Turn Office GETOL e: General Electric Training Operational Language - e: General Electric Training Operational Logic - e: Ground Effect Take-Off and Landing getontol e: gerontology GETR e: General Electric Test Reactor - e: Group of European Manufacturers for the Advancement of Turbine Technology Getr. d: Getränk[e] - d: Getränke - d: Getreide - d: Getriebe Getreidechem, d: Getreidechemie Getreide Mehl Brot d: Getreide Mehl und Brot (journ.) GetrG d: Getreidegesetz Getriebe Mot. Antriebselem. d: Getriebe Motoren Antriebselemente (joum.) getr .Pag. d: getrennte Paginierung Getr.-Pr. d: Getreidepreis[e] GetrPrG d: Getreidepreisgesetz GetrSt d: Getränkesteuer GETS e: General Track Simulation - e: Generalized Electronic Trouble Shooting - e: Ground Equipment Test Set - e: Gunnery Electronic Training Simulator GETSCO e: General Electric Technical Services Company GETS Program[me] e: General Track Simulation Program[me] GE-TSS e: General Electric-Time-Sharing System - e: General Electronic-Time-Sharing System GETT d: Gruppe Europäischer Turbinentechnik - e: German Tactical Truck - e: Gettysburg National Military Park - e: Grants Equal To Tax[es] - e: Group of European Manufactures for the Advancement of Turbine Technology Getty Mus J e: J. Paul Getty Museum. Journal (joum.) Getuig e: Getuigenis GETWS e: Get Word from String GETY e: Gettysburg Railroad Co. Getz F e: Getz's Forms in Conveyancing (joum.) GEU e: Emory University, Atlanta - e: Genetic Evaluation and Utilization - e: Geothermal Energy Update (joum.) - e: Geriatric Evaluation Unit - e: Gestation Extra Uterine - e: Grossesse Extra-Uterine - e: Gun Electric Unit - e: Gyro Electronics Unit

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

GEU-B e: Emory University, School of Business Administration, Atlanta GEU-D e: Emory University, School of Dentistry, Atlanta GEUEP e: General Electric Utility Engineering Program[me] - e: General Electronic Utility Engineering Program[me] GEU-L e: Emory University, Lamar School of Law, Atlanta GEU-LS e: Emory University, Division of Librarianship, Atlanta GEU-M e: Emory University, A. W. Calhoun Medical Library, Atlanta GEU-T e: Emory University, Candler School of Theology GEU-Y e: Emory University, Yerkes Primate Research Center, Atlanta GEV e: Giga-Electron Volt [10' electron volts] - e: Ground Effect Vehicle - e: Groundout Eyespot Virus - r: Gallivare [Schweden] [Airport] GeV d: Giga-Elektonenvolt - e: Billion electron Volts - e: Giga electron-Volt[s] Gev e: Gigaelectron volt GEVEL d: Gesellschaft für Verkauf von Elektromaterial mbH GEVIC e: General Electric Variable Increment Computer GeVPS e: Giga Electron Volt[s] Proton Synchrotron GEVST e: Gordon Environmental Studies Laboratory GEW d: Gas-, Elektrizitäts- und Wasserwerke - d: Gas, Elektrizität, Wasser - d: Geländeentgiftungswagen - e: Gas, Electricity, Water - e: Gewoya [Papua Neu Guinea] [Airport] - e: Glazed Earthenware - e: Gram Equivalent Weight - e: Ground Effect Wing GeW 1: Germanica Wratislaviensia (joum.) gew n: gewoonlijk Gew. d: Gewächs - d: Gewährleistung - d: Gewalt - d: Gewässer - d: Gewebe - d: Gewehr - d: Geweih - d: Gewicht - d: Gewinde - d: Gewinn - d: Gewinnung - d: Gewölbe - d: Gewürz Gew % d: Gewichtsprozent Gew A d: Gewerbearchiv (journ.) Gewa d: Gemeinschaftswarenhaus GEWA e: George Washington Birthplace National Monument GEWADS n: Gewasbeschening (journ.) GEW AG d: Gas-, Elektrizitäts- und Wasserwerke AG Gew.-Ant. d: Gewinnanteil Gew.Bl.P. d: Gewehrblättchenpulver Gewebehyg. d: Gewebehygiene Gewebepathol. d: Gewebepathologie Gewebezücht. d: Gewebezüchtung GEWED d: Gewerbearchiv (journ.) GewerblicbeRdsch d: Gewerbliche Rundschau (journ.)


Gewerbl Rechtsschutz Urheberrecht Gewerbl Rechtsschutz Urheberrecht d: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (journ.) Gewerk MH d: Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte (journ.) Gewerk Prax d: Gewerkschaftliche Praxis (journ.) Gewerkschaftliche] M[onats]h[efte] d: Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte (journ.) Gewerk[sch] R[un]d[sch] d: Gewerkschaftliche Rundschau (journ.) Gew.Gran. d: Gewehrgranate Gew.-HL-Gr. d: Gewehr-Hohlladungsgranate Gewinn, d: Gewinnung Gew.-Kl. d: Gewichtsklasse Gew.-L. d: Gewerbelehre[r] Gew MH d: Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte GewO d: Gewerbeordnung Gewöhn, d: Gewöhnung GEWP e: George Washington Memorial Parkway Gew.-Proz. d: Gewichtsprozent Gew.-Pzgr. d: Gewehrpanzergranate GewR d: Gewerbliche Rundschau (journ.) GEWS e: Group on Engineering Writing and Speech Gew.Sch. d: Gewehrschütze GewSch d: Gewerbeschein GewSt d: Gewerbesteuer Gew St G d: Gewerbesteuergesetz (journ.) Gew.-T. d: Gewichtsteil[e] GewUVG d: Gewerbeunfallversicherungsgesetz Gew.-Verl. d: Gewichtsverlagerung - d: Gewichtsverlust Gew.-Vert. d: Gewichtsverteilung GEW-Werke d: Gas-, Elektrizitäts- und Wasserwerke Gew.Z.F. d: Gewehrzielfernrohr GEX e: Gas Exchange [Experiment] Gex e: Gepäck- und Expreßgutzug GEX e: Government Employees Exchange - e: Granges Exploration Limited GEXA e: GEXA Gold Corporation GEY e: Getty Resources Limited - e: Greybull Geyer DT e: Geyer's Dealer Topics (journ.) Geyer OD e: Geyer's Office Dealer (journ.) GEYPA c: Geologicky Pulzkum (journ.) - P: Geologicky Pruzkum (joum.) GEYSD e: Geyser (journ.) GEZ d: Gebühreneinzugszentrale der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - d: Gesellschaft für elektrische Zugausrüstung - e: Garretson-Elmendorf-Zinov, Architects and Engineers - e: General Electric Canada - e: General Electric Canada, Inc. - R: Gosudarstvennoe Knigoizdatelstvo Gez e: Gezira gez. d: gezeichnet Gez. d: Gezeiten GEZHD R: Geofzicheskii Zhurnal (journ.) Gezira Res Stn Substn Annu Rep e: Gezira Research Station and Substations. Annual Report (journ.) Gez.-Krw. d: Gezeitenkraftwerk Gez.-W. d: Gezeitenwechsel


GF d: Geschenkfunk - d: Geschützführer - d: gestaffelte Fehlerabschaltung - d: Getreidefläche - d: Gewinnfaktor - d: Gifhorn - d: Glomerulum-Filtrat - d: Gloss Factor - d: Goldflow - d: Greensche Funktion - d: Ground Fog - d: Grubenfahrleitungslokomotive - d: Grundfonds - d: Grundlagenforschung - d: Gruppenfilter - d: Gruppenführer - e: French Guiana - e: G and A Factor - e: Gage Factor [US] - e: Gain Factor - e: Galois Field - e: Galvanized Steel Fastenings - e: Gap Filier - e: Gap Filter - e: Garage Forecourts - e: Gas Filled - e: Gas Flow - e: Gas Focusing - e: Gas-Freeing System - e: Gaudeamus Foundation - e: Gauge Factor [GB] - e: Gelatinous Fiber - e: General Fireproofmg - e: General Foods Corporation - e: General Foods, Ltd - e: Generator Field - e: Generic Failure - e: Gentleman Friend - e: Georgia & Florida - e: Germfree - e: Glaciofluvial Soil - e: Glass Factor - e: Glass Fiber [US] - e: Glass Fibre [GB] - e: Globular-Fibrous - e: Globule-Fibril - e: Glomerular Filtrate - e: Gluten-Free - e: Goals For - e: Gold Field -e: Gold Filled - e: Gold Filling - e: Goldfinch - e: Goldflow - e: Gonococcus Filus - e: Gordon Fräser - e: Gorilla Foundation - e: Government Form - e: Governmental Finance (journ.) - e: Gradient Freezing - e: Gradient Furnance - e: Gram Force - e: Grand Fleet - e: Gravimetrie Factor - e: Grayson Foundation - e: Green Feed - e: Green's Function - e: Greensward Foundation - e: Grinding Fixture - e: Ground Face - e: Ground Fault - e: Ground Fog - e: Ground Foraging - e: Ground Forces - e: Group of Fourteen - e: Growth Fraction - e: Guggenheim Foundation

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- e: Guiltfree - e: Gulf Aviation Limited - e: Gunfire Control Subsystem - e: Gunfire[d] - e: Gunnery Flight - e: Guyana - e: New Germany Fund. - f: Guyane Française - N: Grafiskt Forum (journ.) G&F e: Georgia & Florida [railroad] - e: Georgia & Florida R. R g-f e: globular-fibrous - e: gram-force g.f. d: gegebenen Falles G.F. e: Government Form Gf d: Grundfarbe - d: Grundform gf. d: gasförmig - d: grobfaserig GF&A e: Gulf Florida & Alabama Railway GFA d: gegenstandsspezialisierter Fertigungsabschnitt - d: Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Abwassertechnik e.V. - d: Großkraftwerk Franken AG - d: Großförderanlage - d: Grundfondausstattung - e: Federal Aviation Administration, [Southern Region, East Point] - e: Gardens For All - e: Gas-Filled Ass - e: Gasket Fabricators Association - e: General Fitness Assessment - e: General Forestry Assistance - e: General Freight Agent - e: Giddens Family Associates - e: Gideon Family Association - e: Glass Formation Ability - e: Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein - e: Glider Flying Area - e: Gliding Federation of Australia - e: Gloucester Fisheries Association - e: Gold Filled Association - e: Good Fair Average - e: Good Freight Agent - e: Goodenow Family Association - e: Govemment-Fumished Accessories - e: Government-Furnished Ammunition - e: Government Furnished Article[s] - e: Grain Futures Administration - e: Graphite Furnace Atomizer - e: Great Falls - e: Gross Floor Area - e: Group Feedback Analysis - e: Gun Fire Area - f: Générale Française [de Construction] Automobile GFAA e: Game Fishing Association of Australia - e: Graphite-Furnace Atomic Absorption GFAAS e: Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy GFAC e: Ground Forward Air Controller g factor e: general factor G-Factor e: Growth Factor

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GFFSA G F A E e: Government Furnished Accessory Equipment - e: Government Furnished Aeronautical Equipment - e: Government Furnished Aerospace Equipment - e: Government Furnished Airborne Equipment - e: Government Furnished Aircraft Equipment - e: Government Furnished Avionics Equipment G F A E L e: Government Furnished Aeronautical Equipment List - e: Government Furnished Aircraft Equipment List G F A G d: Glasfaser-Aufteilungs-Gestell G F Ä G d: Güterfernverkehrsänderungsgesetz G F A G E e: Government Furnished Aerospace Ground Equipment G F A I d: Gesellschaft für Förderung der Angewandten Information G F A M e: Graphics Flutter Analysis Methods G F A P e: Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein G F A P A e: Glycerine and Fatty Acid Producers Association G F A V O d: Großfeuerungsanlagen Verordnung G 3 FAX e: Group 3 Facsimile G F B d: Gustav Freytag Blätter (journ.) - e: GF Corporation - e: Go for Broke - e: Government Facilities Brochure - e: Government Furnished Baseline GFBA[m] e: Graduate Fellowships for Black Americans G F B I e: Grand Fleet Battle Instructions G F b I S e: United States Army, Infantry School, Fort Benning G F B N e: Bonthe G F B O e: Grand Fleet Battle Orders G F B S e: Government Furnished Baselines G f B V d: Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker G F C d: Gas-Fest-Chromatographie - e: Gas-Filled Cable - e: Gas Filled Counter - e: Gas Filter Correlation - e: Gas Frontal Chromatography - e: Gel Filtration Chromatography - e: General Failure Criteria - e: Genstar Financial Corporation - e: George Fox College - e: Get Fresh Crew - e: Gibraltar Financial Corporation - e: Glass Filter Coverfs] - e: Global Forcing Contribution - e: Goldwing Flyers Club - e: Gorilla Foundation of California - e: Grand Falls Central Railway Co. Limited - e: Graphite Fiber Composite [US] - e: Graphite Fibre Composite [GB] - e: Gulf Coast Aviation, Inc. - e: Gun Feed Control G F C A e: Golf Products and Components Association G F C B e: Ground Fault Circuit Breaker G F C B S e: Glassy-Film-Coated Boundaries G F C C e: Guarantee Financial Corporation of California - e: Gun Fire Control Computer - e: Gunfire Control Center - e: Gunner's Fire Control Console G F C C A H e: FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization] General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean. Circular (journ.)

G F C E e: Government-Furnished Capital Equipment G F C E S e: Glider Flight Control Electronics Subsystem G F C F e: Gross Fixed Capital Formation G F C G e: Government Fluidic Coordinating Group G F C I e: Gas-Flow Indicator - e: Gay Fathers Coalition International - e: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter G F / C M 2 e: Gram Force per Square Centimeter [US] G F C M e: General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean gf/cm 2 e: Gram[me]-Force per Square Centimetre [GB] G F / C M s e: Gram Force per Square Centimeter G F C O e: Good Faith Charitable Organization G F C R e: Gas Filter Correlation Radiometer G F / C R P e: Gap Filler Control and Reporting Post G F C R P e: Gap Filler Control and Reporting Post G F C S e: Gaseous Flowmeter Calibration Stand - e: Gun Fire[d] Control System GFCS-B e: Gunfire Control System-Backup G F C S M T e: Generalized Fire-Control System Maintenance Trainer G F C S S e: Gunfire Control Sub-System G F C S SATSIM e: Gun Fire Control System Satellite Simulation G F C T e: Greenwich Finance Corp G f d d: Geschichtsfreund (journ.) G f D d: Gesellschaft fur Datenverarbeitung G F D d: Gesellschaft fiir Datenkommunikation - e: Gallons per Square-Foot per Day - e: Gap Filler Data - e: Gemini Food Corporation - e: General Freight Department - e: General Funclional Description - e: Geographical Fluid Dynamics - e: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics [Laboratory] - e: Glucose-Free Dialysate - e: Gluten-Free Diet - e: Gone for the Day - e: Government Furnished Data - e: Government Furnished Documentation - e: Greenfield, IN - e: Ground Fault Detector - e: Ground Forces Training Devices - e: Ground Futures Administration - e: Group Finance Department - e: Guilford Mills, Inc. G F D C e: Group Fire Distribution Center G F D D e: Gun Fire Detection Device G F D E e: Global Force-Displacement Equation G F D E P e: Ground Fog Estimated Feet Deep G F D L e: Geophysical Fluid Dynamic[s] Laboratory G F D M e: Government-Furnished Surplus Material GFDNA e: Grain and Feed Dealers National Association G F D P e: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program G f d S d: Gesellschaft fiir Deutsche Sprache G F D S e: Goldfields Flying Doctor Service

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

O K • G • Saur, Munich

G F E d: Gesellschaft für Elektrometallurgie mbH - d: Großforschungseinrichtung[en] - d: Geologische Forschung und Erkundung - e: Gays for Equality - e: Gibbs Free Energy - e: Government-Furnished Engines - e: Government-Furnished Equipment - e: Greater Fuel Economy - e: Gross Feasibility Estimator G f E d: Gesellschaft für Entstaubungsanlagen, München G f E a H d: Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie der Haustiere G F E A M e: Government Furnished Equipment and Material G F E C e: General Egyptian Electricity Corporation - e: Graphite Fibre Epoxy Composite - e: Gulf Energy Corporation G F E & D e: Government-Furnished Equipment and Data G F E L e: Government-Furnished Equipment List G F E & M e: Government-Furnished Equipment and Material G F E M e: Graphics Finite Element Module G F E M O e: Generalized Free-Electron Molecular Orbital G F E R e: Government-Furnished Equipment Records G F E R C e: Grand Forks Energy Research Center G F e r n V e r k G d: Güterfernverkehrsgesetz G F E R R e: Government-Furnished Equipment Requirements Request G F E T C e: Grand Forks Energy Technology Center G F F d: Gesamtfutterfläche - d: Gesellschaft der Freunde des Fernsehens - d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Förderung der Forschung - d: Grillparser Forum Forchtenstein (joum.) - d: Grünfutterfläche - e: Glass Fiber Filter - e: Government-Furnished Facilities - e: Granolithic Finish Floor - e: Graphic Firing Fan - e: Griffith [Airport] - r: Geologiska Foereningens i Stockholm. Foerhandlingar (journ.) G f F d: Gesellschaft für Flugtechnik mbH G F F A P A e: Grain, Feed and Fertilizer Accident Prevention Association G F F AR e: Guided Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket G F F C e: Gibb Family Friendship Club G F F D e: Gross Failed Fuel Detector G F F G d: Gesellschaft für Flüssigkeits- und Gastechnik mbH & Co., Hamburg G F F [Geol F o r e n Stockholm F o r h a n d l ] r: GFF [Geologiska Foreningen i Stockholm Forhandlingar] (journ.) G F F I L f: Groupement Francais des Fournisseurs d'Information en Ligne G F F L d: Gesamtfutterfläche G f F L O P S d: Glasfaserkabelendeinrichtung G F F N S S: Godisnjak Filozofskog Fakulteta u Novom Sadu G F F S A e: German Federal Flight Security Agency


GFG G F G d: Güterfernverkehrsgesetz - e: Geographical Field Group - e: Glare Free Gloss - e: Good Food Guide (journ.) - e: Governor's Foot Guard - e: Grafton Group Limited - e: Leesburg gfg. d: gasfoermig G f G d: Gesellschaft für Ganzheitforschung - d: Gesellschaft für Gerontologie G F G C e: Great Falls Gas Company G F g C e: United StatesArmy, Civil Affairs School, Fort Gordon G F G F d: Gesellschaft der Freunde der Geschichte des Funkwesens - e: Group Fore Golf Foundation G F G K e: Gbangbatok [Sierra Leone] GFgS e: United States Army, Special Services Library, Fort Gordon GFgSS e: United States Army, Southeastern Signal School, Fort Gordon G F H d: Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels - d: Gesellschaft für Flugtechnik mbH - e: Glucose-Free Hanks - e: Group Financial Holdings, Pty. Limited G F H A e: Hastings [Sierra Leone] G F H R e: Gas-Filled Hydrophobie Region G f l d: Geselschaft für Informatik G F I d: Gewerbeförderungsinstitut - e: . Guided Fault Isolation - e: Gap Filler Input - e: Gas Flow Indicator - e: General Felt Industries - e: General Format Identifier - e: Global Finance Information - e: Gmelin Formula Index - e: Government Final Inspection - e: Government Free Issue - e: Government Furnished Information - e: Government-Furnished Issue - e: Government-Owned Financial Institution - e: Graham-Field Health Products, Inc. - e: Graphics Function Interface - e: Greyvest Financial Services, Inc. - e: Ground Fault Interrupter - e: Ground Fuel Injection - e: Group Fault Interrupter - e: Group Fuel Injection - e: Guided Fault Isolation - e: Gun Filler Input - f: Groupement Française d'Informatique G F I C e: Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges G F I D e: German Foundation for International Development G F I M L e: Gap Filler Input Message Label Gfin. d: Gräfin G F I P e: Gross Fault Indicator Panel G. Fis. i: Giornale di Fisica [Società Italiana di Fisica, Italy] (journ.) GFIs e: Ground Fault Interrupters - e: Guided Fault Isolations G F I T e: Glass Fiber Insulation Tubing [US] - e: Glass Fibre Insulation Tubing [GB] GFIV e: Generation 5 Technology, Inc.

G f K d: Gesellschaff für Kernforschung mbH - d: Gesellschaft für Kommunikationsforschung - d: Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung - d: Gesellschaft für Marktforschung G F K d: Gesellschaft für Klassifikation - d: Glasfaserkabel - d: Glasfaserverstärkte^] Kunststoff[e] - d: Kurzgewindefräsmaschine - e: Grand Forks [Airport] - e: Grand Forks Mines G F K B e: Cabala [Sierra Leone] G F K E e: Kenema [Sierra Leone] G F K F d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der kernphysikalischen Forschung e.V. G F L d: Gemeinschaft zur Förderung der Luftfahrt in Bayern G f L d: Gesellschaft für Landeskultur G F L d: Glasfaserlaminat - d: Gleichfeldlöschung - d: Langgewindefräsmaschine - e: Geoffrion, Leclerc, Inc. - e: Glens Falls, NY - e: Glossary Function List - e: Government-Furnished List - e: Ground Fire Locator Gfl d: Geflecht - e: Genfle gfl. d: geflochten G F L A e: Growth Fund of Florida, Inc. G F L A A L d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Literatur aus Afrika, Asien, und Lateinamerika G F L D e: Generator Field G F L I e: General Federation of Labour in Israel G F L L e: Freetown/Lungi [Sierra Leone] G F L O P S e: Billion Floating Points Operations per Second - e: Giga Floating Operations per Second G F L S e: Gaffsail - e: Ground Fire Locating System G F L U e: General Federation of Labor Unions G F L V e: Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus G F M d: Generalfeldmarschall - d: Gesellschaft für Musikforschung - d: Gesellschaft für Marktforschung mbH - d: gesteuerter Fügemechanismus - d: Marktforschung (journ.) - e: Gas Flowmeter - e: Glass Fiber Material [US] - e: Glass Fibre Material [GB] - e: Goldfinch Mineral Limited - e: Government Furnished Materials] - e: Government-Furnished Missile - e: Graphics Function Monitor - e: Greyhound Food Management G F M A e: Gold-Filled Manufacturers Association G F m A e: United States Army, Fort McPherson Post Library G F M D e: Gold Film Mercury Detector G F M E e: Government-Furnished Missile Equipment G F M L e: United States Army, Medical Library, Fort Gordon G F M S d: Gemeinsame Flugvermessungsstelle - d: Glätterrühmeldesystem - e: Gaseous Flow Measuring System - e: Generalized File Maintenance System - e: Generalized File Management System - e: Graseus Flow Measuring System


© K • G • Saur, München

G F M V T e: General Foods Moisture Vapor Test - e: General Foods Moisture Vapor Transmisión GFN e: Glass-Filled Nylon - e: Global Futures Network - e: Grafton [Australien] [Airport] - e: Grafton [New York] - e: Growth to Full NADGE System G f n . d: Gräfin G F O d: Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V. - d: Geselschaft für Onkologie - e: Bartica [Airport] - e: Gap Filler Output - e: Gas-Fired Oven - e: General Freight Office - e: German Foreign Office G F O A e: Government Finance Officers Association of United States and Canada G Foeren Stockholm F o e r h r: Geologiska Foereningens i Stockholm. [Foerhandlingar (journ.) G F o F e: Fort Valley State College G F O F B e: Geared Futures and Options and Funds G F O G d: Gleichstrom-Fehlerortungsgerät - e: Government Fluidics Coordination Group G F O M e: General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean g-force[s] e: gravity force[s] G-Forces e: Acceleration Forces G F o r s T e: Tift College, Forsyth G F O V e: Gunn Flange Oscillator, Voltage-tunable G F & P e: Gases, Fluids and Propellants G F P d: Geheime Feldpolizei - d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Fortbildung von Photogrammetrie Operateuren - d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Photographie - d: glasfaserverstärkte Plaste - d: glasfaserverstärktes Polyesterharz] - e: Gas Flow Programmer - e: Geeneralized File Processor - e: General Forecasting Program - e: General Foreign Policy (journ.) - e: Generalized File Policy - e: Generalized File Processor - e: Generations for Peace - e: Glass-Fiber Pulling - e: Glass-Fibre Plastic - e: Glass Filler Pulling - e: Government Full Period - e: Government-Funded Procurement - e: Government-Funded Program - e: Govemment-Fundished Procurement - e: Government-Fundished Program - e: Government-Furnished Part[s] - e: Government-Furnished Property - e: Ground Fine Pitch - e: Gun Free Power G F P B B D f: Groupement Française des Producteurs de Bases et Banques de Donnees G f p E d: Gesellschaft für praktische Energiekunde G F P F d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung Pädagogischer Forschung G F P I A W e: Ghana. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Forest Products Research Institute. Annual Report (journ.) GFpI d: Güterzugfahrplan G F P L e: Government-Funished Property List

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GFZFF GFPM e: Gas Fission Products Monitor - e: Gated Frequency Position Modulation - e: Gun Fre Power Model GFPO e: Grand Forks Froject Office - e: Pon Loko [Sierra Leone] GFP&S e: Government-Furnished Property and Services GFPS e: Globally Finite-Pulse Stable GFq d: Grenzfrequenz GFQ d: Grundfondsquote - e: Austin - e: Gradient Furnace with Quenching [Device] GFQn d: Grundfondsquoten GFR d: Gesellschaft früherer Rundfunkangestellter e.V. GfR d: Gesellschaft für modernes Rechnungswesen GFr d: Goldfranken GFR e: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta - e: Gap[-]Filler Radar - e: Gas-Filled Rectifier - e: Gas-Filled Relay - e: General Flight Rules (journ.) - e: General Functional Requirements - e: Generator Field Regulator - e: Geotechnical Fabrics Report (journ.) - e: German Federal Railroad - e: German Federal Republic - e: Glass and Fiber Resin - e: Glass-Fiber Reinforced [US] - e: Glass-Fibre Reinforced [GB] - e: Glomerular Filtration Rate[s] - e: Government Facilities Request - e: Government Flight Representative - e: Government of France - e: Ground Fault Monitor - f: Groupe Francais de Rheologie - n: Groenten en Fruit (joum.) GFRC e: Gas Flow Radiation Counter - e: General File and Recording] Control - e: Glass-Fiber Reinforced Cement - e: Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete GFRHS e: Germans-from-Russia Heritage Society G1FRP e: Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic GF/RP e: Gap-Filler/Reporting Post GFRP e: Gap Filler Reporting Post - e: Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic [US] - e: Glass-Fibre-Reinforced Plastic [GB] - e: Graphite Fiber-Reinforced Plastic GFRRA e: Georgia. Forest Research Council. Report (journ.) GFRS e: Ground Forces Replacement Service GFRT e: Gas-Filled Rectifying Tube GFRTP e: Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic

GFS d: Gaufiihrerschule - d: Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle - d: Gesellschaft für Führungssyteme - d: Gesellschaft für Sicherheitswissenschaften - d: Gesellschaft für Standardisierung - d: Gesellschaft für Systementwicklung mbH - d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Segelflugforschung - d: Glasfaserschichtstoff - e: Fernbank Science Center, Atlanta - e: Forward Transconductance [symbol] - e: General Electric Semiconductor - e: General Financial System - e: Goddard Experiment Support System - e: Government Finance Statistics - e: Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (journ.) - e: Government-Furnished Services - e: Government-Furnished Software - e: Government-Furnished Support - e: Gower Federal Service - e: Grand Financial Scribe - e: Ground Electronic System - e: Ground Equipment System - e: Group Final Selector - e: Guernsey Freight Services - e: Gulfstream Airlines, Inc. - e: Gunfire Support GFSA e: Goldfish Society of America Gfsch. d: Gefangenschaft - d: Grafschaft GFSE e: Government-Furnished Support Equipment GFSFA[4] r: Geologiska Foereningens i Stockholm. Foerhandlingar (journ.) GFSL e: Gaffsail GFSLB[G] c: Genetika a Slechteni (journ.) GFSM e: Government-Furnished Surplus Material Gfsm. d: Großfürstentum GFSMO e: General Environmental Statement for Missed Oxide Fuel GFSP e: Government-Furnished Support Property gf/sqcm e: Gram[me]-Force per Square Centimetre GFSR e: General Function System Requirement GFSS e: Global Forecasting and Supply System - e: Gunfire Support Ship GFST e: Ground Fuel Start Tank Gfst. d: Großfürst Gfstin. d: Großfürstin GFSTU e: General Federation of Somali Trade Unions GFSY e: Government Finance Statistic^] G/FT 2 e: Grams per Square Foot GFT d: Germaniumflächentransistor - d: Geselschaft für Telefontechnik mbH - e: [Glucopyranosyl]fluorothymine - e: Gas-Filled Tube - e: Generalized Fast Transform - e: Glass Fabric Tape - e: Graphical] Firing Table - e: Green Forest Lumber Corporation - e: Guided Flight Test - e: Gun-Fired Target GfT d: Gesellschaft für Tribologie Gft. d: Grafschaft GFTA e: Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation GFTC e: Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

GFTC-ER e: General Freight Traffic Committee-Eastern Railroads GFTM e: General Familiarization Training Manual GFTNAX e: Ghana. Council for Scientifc and Industrial Research. Forest Products Research Institute. Technical Newsletter (journ.) GFTO e: Tongo [Sierra Leone] GFTU e: General Federation of Trade Unions GFU d: Gesellschaft für Unterhaltungselektronik - d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterhaltungselektronik GfU e: Gesellschaft für Unterhaltungs- und Kommunikationselektronik GFU e: Glazed Facing Unit[s] G Function e: Gibbs Function G.Funkstation d: Großfunkstation GfürO d: Gesellschaft für Organisation GFUT e: Ground Fuel Ullage Tank GfV d: Güterfernverkehr GFV e: Fort Valley State College - e: Goldfever Resources Limited - e: Guided Flight Vehicle GFVG d: Güterfernverkehrsgesetz G[-]F-W e: Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Test of Auditory Diseases GfW d: Gesellschaft für Wehrkunde - d: Gesellschaft für Weltraumforschung mbH GFW e: General Flight Work - e: Glass Filament Wound - e: Goodman Fielder Wattie Limited - e: Gram Formula Weight - e: Great French Writers (journ.) - e: Ground-Fault Warning - n: Druk en Werk (journ.) GFWC e: General Federation of Women's Clubs Gf.Wg. d: Gefechtswagen GFWJ d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums (journ.) GFX e: Grandfield - e: PLM Equipment Growth Fund LP gf x cm e: Gram[me]-Force times Centimetre gf x mm e: Gram[me]-Force times Millimetre GFY e: Government Fiscal Year - e: Grootfontein [Airport] - e: PLM Equipment Growlh Fund II LP GFYE e: Yengema [Siera Leone] GFZ d: Geschoßflächenzahl GfZ d: Gesellschaft für Zukunftsfragen, Hamburg GFZ d: Grenzflächenzustand - d: Großforschungszentrum - e: Greenfeld - e: PLM Equipment Growth Fund III Limited Partnership GFZFF d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Zukunfts- und Friedensforschung e.V.


GG GG d: Gegengewicht - d: Gehörgang - d: Geist und Gestalt (journ.) - d: Geschäftsgang - d: Gesetze - d: Gestalt und Gedanke (journ.) - d: Gesundheitstechnische Gesellschaft - d: Getreidegesetz - d: Gewehrgranate - d: Gleichstromgenerator - d: Grauguß - d: Grobgestalt - d: Groß-Gerau - d: Grundgerät - d: Grundgeschütz - d: Grundgesetz - d: Gutenberg-Gesellschaft - e: Air London - e: Gamma Globulin - e: Gas Generator - e: Gatling Gun - e: Gdynia or Gdansk - e: Gender Gap - e: Generator Gas [System] - e: Georgia - e: Glasgow - e: Glass Glover - e: Glazing Glas - e: Glyceryl Guaiacolate - e: Glycylglycine - e: Goal Gradient - e: Golden Gloves Association of America - e: Golden Goose (joum.) - e: Government Girl - e: Government Grade - e: Governor General - e: Grain Growth - e: Grand Guardian - e: Gravity Gradient - e: Great Gatsby - e: Great Gross - e: Grenadier Guards - e: Groove Gauge - e: Ground Guidance - e: Ground Gunner - e: Ground-to-Ground - e: Grounded Grid - e: Guided Missile Cruiser - e: Gunfire Support - f: Generalgouvernement G&G e: Gems & Gemology (journ.) - e: Goldsmith and Guthrie's Appeals Reports [Missouri] (journ.) - e: Gordon and Gotch - e: Gyandoh and Griffiths. Sourcebook of the Constitutional Law of Ghana (journ.) G-G e: Goodrich-Gulf [Chemicals] - e: Green-Green - e: Ground-to-Ground [Communiations] - e: Grounded Grid g.g. d: ganz geheim G.G. d: Gasgewinde G/G e: Ground-to-Ground gg a: gange -N: gange Gg d: Gestagene - e: Georgian - e: Gigagram - e: Gigagram[me] - e: Glucagon Gg. d: Gartengebäude - d: Gegner - e: Garage gg. e: Gauge

GGA d: Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeiger (journ.) - d: Großgemeinschaftsantenne[nanlage] - e: Gale Global Access - e: Girl Guides Associaton - e: Golden Glacier - e: Good Gardeners' Association - e: Grounded Grid Amplifier - e: Group Gross Assets - e: Gulf General Atomic GGAA d: Großgemeinschaftsantennenanlage - e: Golden Gloves Association of America GGA-Anlage d: Großgemeinschaftsantennenanlage GGaB e: Brenau College, Gainsville GGAB e: Ghana Geographical Association. Bulletin (journ.) GGAC e: Gulf General Atomic Company GGAEA e: Gale Global Access, Encyclopedia of Association GGAn d: Großgemeinschaftsantennen[anlage[n]] GGA of A e: Golden Gloves Association of America GGAR e: Gas-Guided Aircraft Rocket GGASA R: Geologiya i Geofizika (joum.) GGB d: Grund- und Gerüstbau (journ.) - e: Golden Gate Bridge Ggb e: Gorilla gorilla beringei ggb. d: gegebenenfalls GGBB e: Bambadinca [Guinea-Bissau] GGBE e: Bedanda [Guinea-Bissau] GGBF e: Bafata [Guinea Bissau] ggbfs. d: gegebenenfalls GGBG e: Governor-General's Bodyguard GGB&HD e: Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District GGBI e: Bissora [Guinea-Bissau] GGBO e: Bolama [Guinea-Bissau] G&GBR e: Geologists and Geophysicists Board of Registration GGBU e: Bubaque [Guinea-Bissau] GGC e: General Grand Chapter - e: Generalized Genetic Code - e: Georgia College Milledgeville - e: Georgia Gulf Corporation - e: Glossary of Genetics and Cytogenetics - e: Golden Gate College - e: Grey Goose Corporation Limited - e: Ground Guidance Computer - e: Gun Group Commander GGCC e: Cacine [Guinea-Bissau] GGCF e: Cufar [Guinea-Bissau] GGCG e: Cantchungo [Guinea-Bissau] GGCST e: Gleb-Goldstein Color Sorting Test GGCT e: Catio [Guinea-Bissau] GGCV e: Caravela [Guinea-Bissau] GGD d: gategesteuerte Diode - d: Gesellschaft für Grafische Datenverarbeitung mbH - d: Gasgerätewerk Dessau - e: Generalized Gamma Distribution - e: Gold Bridge Development - e: Great Granddaughter - e: Gregory Downs [Airport] GGDBMS e: Generalized Data Base Management System GGDC e: G. G. Drayton Club GGDn d: gategesteuerte Dioden


© K • G • Saur, München

GGE d: Gradienten-Gel-Elektrophorese - e: Gauge - e: General Graphical Editing - e: Generalized Grandular Enlargement - e: Georgetown - e: Golden Group Explorations, Inc. - e: Gospelrama Gospel Expo - e: Gradient Gel Electrophoresis - e: Ground Guidance Equipment G-GE e: Group on Geoscience Electronics gge e: garage GGebO d: Gebührenordnung der Gesundheitsverwaltung GGEP e: Empada [Guinea-Bissau] GGE Package e: General Graphical Editing Package ggez. d: gegengezeichnet GGF e: Glass and Glazing Federation - e: Glial Growth Factor - e: Global Government Plus Fund Limited - e: Global Growth & Income Fund, Inc. - e: Granges-Gontardes - e: Grant - e: Ground Gained Forward - f: Granges-Gontardes ggf. d: gegebenenfalls GGFA r: Geografiska Annaler. Series A (journ.) GGFC e: Girl Groups Fan Club GGFO e: Formosa [Guinea-Bissau] GGFR e: Farim [Guinea-Bissau] G/G/FRIS e: Gal/Guy Fridays GGFRJ e: Gas Generator Fueled Ramjet G/G/FRIS e: Gal/Guy Fridays ggfs. d: gegebenenfalls GGFU e: Fulacunda [Guinea Bissauu] GGG d: Gadolinium-Gallium-Granat - d: Gesetz über die gesellschaftlichen Gerichte - e: Gadolinium Gallium Garnet - e: Gadolinium-Gallium-Granat - e: Goat Gamma-Globulin - e: Graco, Inc. - e: Gummi Guttae Gambiae - e: Gunnar Gold, Inc. - e: Longview [Airport] -1: Gummi Guttae Gambiae Ggg e: Gorilla gorilla gorilla GGGA e: Galinhas - e: Galinhas [Guinea-Bissau] GGGB e: Gabu [Guinea-Bissau] Gg.-Gew. d: Gegengewicht GGGG e: 4G Data Systems, Inc. GG Hb d: Grafschaft Glatzer Heimatblätter (journ.) GGHNP e: Golden Gate Highlands National Park GGHP e: General Grand High Priest - e: Governor-General's Honorary Physician GGHVA4 1: Geographica Helvetica (joum.) GGHY-A e: Geography (joum.) GGHYAD e: Geography (joum.) GGI e: Greenhouse Gas Index - e: Guided Group Interaction - P: Geografski Glasnik GGIA e: Granite Grit Institute of America GGIF e: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center GG-IR e: Gas Chromatography Infrared GGISS e: Gas Chromatography Isotope Separation System GGJOA e: Geographical Journal (journ.) GGK d: Gehaltsgruppenkatalog [DDR] - j: Gaigokugo Gaigoku Bungaku Kenkyu (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Ggzg. G G L d: Grauguß mit Lamellengraphit - d: Gußeisen mit Lamellengraphit [bisher: Grauguß] - e: Gain Guided Laser - e: Gerle Gold Limited - e: Gissing - e: Gravity-Gradient Libration - e: Ground Glass - e: Guild of Guide Lecturers - e: Titusville G g L d: Ganglion G G L F d: Gewerkschaft Gartenbau, Landund Forstwirtschaft GG1F e: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco G G M e: Geographici Graeci Minores - e: Glacial Geomorphology - e: Glitter Gold Mines - e: Glucose/Galactose Malabsorption - e: Gravity Gradiometer Mission - e: Ground-to-Ground Missile -1: Geographici Graeci Minores (journ.) G G M A e: Glassine and Greaseproof Manufacturers Association - e: Government Gold Mining Area[s] G G M A - A e: Geographical Magazine (journ.) G G M C e: Guyana Geology and Mines Commission G G M K e: Great, Grand Master Key G G M M A e: Gabriel Garcia Moreno Memorial Association G & G [ M O ] e: Goldsmith and Gulhrie's Appeals Reports [Missouri] (journ.) G G M S e: Mansoa [Guinea-Bissau] G G M W A e: Grace of God Movement for the Women of America G G M W W e: Grace of God Movement for the Women of the World G G N e: Gagnoa [Ivory Coast] [Airport] G G N I e: Governor-General of Northern Ireland G G N R A e: Golden Gate National Recreation Area Advisory G G N R A C A C e: Golden Gate National Recreation Area Advisory Commission G G N S e: Genus, Inc. - e: Grand Guff Nuclear Station G G N T A S e: Glasgow Naturalist (journ.) G G O d: Gemeinsame Geschäftsordnung der Bundesministerien - e: Governor-General's Order - e: Greater Greensboro Open - e: Guiglo [Ivory Coast] [Airport] - R: Glavnaya Geofzicheskaya Observatory G G O P e: Gun Group Observation Post G G O R e: Gross Gas-Oil Ratio G G o r S e: Glands, Goiter, or Stiffness G G O V e: Bissau/Oswaldo Vieira International [Guinea-Bissau G G P d: Gliederungsgesichtspunkt[e] - e: Gas Gathering Pipelines [North Sea] Limited - e: Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol - e: George Resources Co. - e: Golden Gate Productions - e: Good Gay Poets - e: Gross Global Product - e: Logansport G G P A e: Graduate Grade-Point Average G G P A S e: General Performance Appraisals System G G P C e: Pecixe [Guinea-Bissau] G G P D e: Gross Gas Produced G G P F e: Glial Growth Promoting Factor

G G P I e: Pedagogical Institute in Gorki. Transactions (journ.) G G P L e: Glycine, Glycine Phenylalanine, Leucine G G P N A e: Gamma-Glutamyl-P-Nitroanilide G G P R e: Pirada [Guinea-Bissau] G G R d: Gas-Graphit-Reaktor - d: gasgekühlter Reaktor - d: Geschichte der Griechischen Religion (journ.) - e: Gallagher Explorations Limited - e: Gambill Goose Refuge - e: Gas-cooled Graphite-moderated Reactor - e: Gas Graphite Reactor - e: Geology and Geophysia. Academy of Sciences [USSR] (journ.) - e: Great Gross - e: Greene's Iowa Reports - e: Ground Gunnery Range - n: Goed Geraakt (journ.) G G r e: Great Gross [Unit] G . G r , d: Gasgranate e: great gross ggr. d: gegrillt G G R A e: Gelatine and Glue Research Association G G r a c c h e: Gaius Gracchus [of Plutarch] G G r a G e: Gracewood State School and Hospital, Gracewood G G R e a k t o r d: Gas-Graphit-Reaktor G Greene [Iowa] e: Greene's Iowa Reports G . G r . G e r . d: Gewehrgranatgerät G G r i E x e: University of Georgia, Experiment Station, Griffin g G r u d: Grobgrus G G R Z d: Gemeinsames Gebietsrechenzentrum G g r Z d: Geographische Zeitschrift (journ.) Gg's e: Ganges gavials - e: Ganges gharials GgS d: Gegenschein G G S e: Gates-Gaudin-Schuhmann - e: Gdynia, Gdansk or Szczecin - e: Generalized Gradient Search - e: Girls' Grammar School - e: Global Geospace Study - e: Gobernador Gregores [Airport] - e: Graphic Generator System - e: Gravity Gradient Satellite - e: Gravity Gradient Sensor - e: Gravity Gradient Stabilization - e: Great Grandson - e: Ground Gained Sideways - e: Ground Guidance System - e: Gyro Gun Sight - e: Gyroscopic Gun Sight G G s . d: Gegensatz ggs. d: gegenseitig G G S A e: German Genealogical Society of America GgSch d: Gegenschein GGschw d: Geleitgeschwader G G S D e: Sao Domingos [Guinea Bissau] G G S E e: Gravity Gradient Stabilization Experiment G G S M e: Graduate of the Guildhall [of] School of Music and Drama G G S P e: Giant-to-Giant Interneuron Synaptic Potential G G S P F W F H e: Goose and Gander G G S t d: Grund- und Gebäudesteuer Ggst. d: Gaugeschäftsstelle

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

G G T e: Gamma-Glutamyltransferase - e: George Town [Airport] - e: Georgetown - e: Gravitational Gradient Torque - e: Gravity-Gradient Torque - e: Greater Temagami - e: Tite [Guinea-Bissau] G G T I - A N: Geografisk Tidsskrift G G T P d: Gamma-Glutamyl-Transpeptidase - e: Glutamyltranspeptidase G G T S e: Gravity Gradient Test Satellite G G T T - A N: Geografisk Tidsskrift (journ.) g.g.u. d: gelesen, genehmigt, unterschrieben G G U e: Giant Gastric Ulcer G G U A L E e: Golden Gate Uoiversity Advanced Legal Education Program G G U B a: Groenlands Geologiske Undersoegelse. Bulletin (journ.) G G U G A e: Grounded Grid Unity-Gain Amplifier G G U G K R: Glavnoje Upravlenije Geodesii i Kartografii [USSR] G G I J M P a: Groenlands Geologiske Undersoegelse. Miscellaneous Papers (journ.) G G U N e: Uno [Guinea-Bissau] G G U R a: Groenlands Geologiske Undersoegelse. Rapport (journ.) G G U Y e: Good Guys, Inc. G G V d: Generierungsgrundvariante - e: Gas Generator Valve - e: Kwigillingok [Guinea-Bissau] - p: Gabriel Gonsalez Videla [Antarctica] G G V R e: Varela [Guinea-Bissau] G G V S d: Gefahrgutverordnung Straße G G W d: Gegenwart - d: Geographische Gesellschaft Wien - d: Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften - e: Glasgow [Montana] [Airpnrt] Ggw. d: Gegenwart - d: Gegenwert - d: Gutgewicht G G X e: Golden Gate Explorations G G Y e: Clanton - e: Good Guys - e: Greentree Energy G G Z e: Akron ggz. d: gegengezeichnet - d: gegenzeichnen Ggzg. d: Gegenzeichnung - d: Gegenzug


GH GH d: Gelbe Hefte (journ.) - d: Gesamthärte - d: Gmelin's Handbuch der Anorganischen Chemie (journ.) - d: Großhandel - d: Hartguß - e: Gaseous Hydrogen - e: Gate House - e: Gemini Hatch - e: General Headquarters - e: General Hospital - e: General Host Corporation - e: George Horne - e: Ghana - e: Ghana Airways Limited - e: Gilt Head - e: Glasgow Herald - e: Good Housekeeping (journ.) - e: Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test - e: Government House - e: Gradient Heating Facility - e: Gray Herbarium - e: Green Howards - e: Greenwich Hospital - e: Greenwich Hour Angle - e: Grid Heading - e: Ground Handling - e: Growth Hormone - e: Guardhouse - e: Guest House - e: Gun/Howitzer - e: Gure Henia - e: Gyro Horizon G&H e: Gavin and Hord's Indiana Statutes (journ.) - e: Gibbs & Hill, Inc. G-H e: Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test G.H. d: Gebirgshaubitze Gh d: Gespannstunde[n] - e: Grosvenor House Gh. d: Gartenhaus - d: Gasthaus - d: Gasthof - d: Gehöft - d: Gehör - d: Gesamthöhe - d: Geschäftshaus GH 2 e: Gaseous Hydrogen GHA d: Gas, Wasser, Abwasser. Schweizerische Monatszeitschrift für Gasförderung und Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (journ.) - d: Glashütten - e: General Housekeeping Area - e: Georgia Hospital Association - e: Georgia Southwestern College, Americus - e: Gesneriad Hybridizers Association - e: Ghana - e: Ghardaia - e: Ghardaia [Algeria] [Airport] - e: Golden Hat Resources - e: Grassland Heritage Association - e: Grassland Husbandry Adviser - e: Green Hills Aviation Limited - e: Greenwich Hour Angle - e: Ground Hazard Area - e: Gyro Header Assembly - r: Goeteborgs Hogskolas Arsskrift (journ.) Gha e: Ghana GHAA e: Greenwich Hour Angle of Aries - e: Group Health Association of America GhAF e: Ghanaian Air Force GHAF e: Grosvenor House Antiques Fair GHAMS e: Greenwich Hour Angle of Mean Sun Ghan e: Afghan Express GHANA e: Ghana Airways

Ghana e: Ghana. Current Casea (journ.) - e: Republic of Ghana Ghana Anim Res Inst Annu Rep e: Ghana. Animal Research Institute. Annual Report (journ.) Ghana B Theol e: Ghana Bulletin of Theology (journ.) Ghana Bull Theol e: Ghana Bulletin of Theology (joum.) Ghana Counc Sci Ind Res For Prod Res Inst Tech New e: Ghana. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Forest Products Research Institute. Technical Newsletter (journ.) Ghana CSIR For Prod Res Inst Annu Rep e: Ghana. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Forest Products Research Institute. Annual Report (journ.) Ghana Fish Res Unit Inf Rep e: Ghana. Fishery Research Unit. Information Report (journ.) Ghana Fish Res Unit Mar Fisb Res Rep e: Ghana. Fishery Research Unit. Marine Fishery Research Reports (journ.) Ghana Fmr e: Ghana Farmer (joum.) Ghana For J e: Ghana Forestry Journal (journ.) Ghana J Agric Sci e: Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science (journ.) Ghana J Sci e: Ghana Journal of Science (journ.) Ghana J Sociol e: Ghana Journal of Sociology (joum.) Ghana LibrJ e: Ghana Library Journal (joum.) Ghana LRC e: Ghana Law Reform Commission Ghana Med J e: Ghana Medical Journal (journ.) Ghana Nurse e: Ghanaian Nurse (joum.) Ghana Soc S e: Ghana Social Science Journal (joum.) Ghaoa CSIR For Prod Res Inst Tech Newsl e: Ghana. Council for Scientifc and Industrial Research. Forest Products Research Institute. Technical Newsletter (joum.) GHAQ e: General High Altitude Questionnaire GHAT d: Gôttinger Handkommentar zum Alten Testament (joum.) - e: Ground Handling and Transportation GHATS e: Greenwich Hour Angle of The Sun - e: Greenwich Hour Angle of [the] True Sun GHB e: Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate - e: Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid - e: Glycohemoglobin - e: Glycosylated Hemoglobin - e: Good Housekeeping Bureau - e: Governor's Harbour [Airport] - e: Heileman [G.] Brewing Co., Inc. G-Hb e: Glyco-Hemoglobin G. H. B. e: General Hospital, Birmingham GHBA e: Galiceno Horse Breeders Association GHBG d: Gesamthafenbetriebs-Gesellschaft mbH, Hamburg GHBUD d: GI. Haustechnik, Bauphysik, Umwelttechnik (journ.)


© K G - Saur, München

GHC e: Gating Half Cycle - e: Gating Half-Cycle - e: Generalized Hyperbolic Class - e: Ghanian Cedi - e: Gold Hill - e: Grays Harbor College - e: Great Harbour Cay [Airport] - e: Greyhound Computer of Canada Limited - e: Ground Half Coupling - e: Group Health Cooperative - e: Guidance Heater Control GHCI e: Guanidine Hydrochloride GHCIMA e: Graduate of the Hotel Catering and Institutional Management Association GHCP e: Georgia Hospital Computer Group GHCR e: Gross Henle Chromoreaction GHCS e: Good Housekeeping Check Sheet GHD d: Gesamtherddosis - e: Generalized Hamming Distance - e: Growth Hormone Deficiency - e: Guest-Host Dichroic GH d A d: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels (journ.) GHDV e: Gasoline-Engine Heavy-Duty Vehicle GHDVHS e: Grace H Dodge Vocational High School GHE e: Gable House Estates Limited - e: Garachine [Airport] - e: Gaseous Helium - e: Gauss Hypergeometric Equation - e: Gibbs-Helmholtz Equation - e: Ginn - e: Golden Hemlock - e: Ground Handling Equipment G Heb e: Gospel of the Hebrews GHEF e: Givat Haviva Educational Foundation GHER e: Greater Heritage Corporation GHF e: Gauss Hypergeometric Function - e: Generalized Hartree-Fock - e: Gradient Heating Facility - e: Grassland Heritage Foundation - e: Growth Hormone Transcription Factor GHFC e: Gebhardt-Heriot Foundation for All Cats GHF-NO-CI e: Generalized Hartree-Fock/ Natural Orbital/ Configuration Interactions GHG d: GroBandelsgesellschaft - d: Gruppenhorchgerat - e: Galactic Hitchhiker's Guild - e: Good Hotel Guide - e: Governor's Holse Guard GH&H e: Galveston, Houston & Henderson GHH d: Gutehoffnungshütte - e: Galveston, Houston & Henderson Railroad Co. GHH-Konzern-Mitteilungen d: Gutehoffnungshütte-Konzem-Mitteilungen GHi e: Georgia Historical Society, Savannah GHI e: German Historical Institute - e: German Hydrographie Institute - e: GHI Mortgage Investors - e: Gilbert Hill - e: Good Housekeeping Institute - e: Group Health Insurance - e: Growth Hormone Insufficiency GHIA e: Genealogical and Heraldic Institute of America GHIUD e: Global Human Information Use per Decade GHJ e: Gastonia - e: George Herbert Journal GHJSA[C] e: Ghana Journal of Science (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Gl GHK d: Großhandelskontor - d: Handkommentar zum Alten Testament [Göttingen] (journ.) - e: Greyhawk Resources Limited GH1 d: Gemeinschaftshauptleitung GHL e: George Henry Lewes - e: Good Harvest Line - e: Grammar of the Hunian Language (journ.) - e: Greyhound Lines of Canada Limited - e: Growth-Hormone Loaded [Cement] - e: Guardhouse Lawyer Ghl. d: Gehilfe GH/LCD e: Guest-Host/Liquid Crystal Display GHLI e: Guilford-Holley L Inventory GHLID e: Geothermal Hot Line (journ.) GhLt d: Gehäuselautsprecher GHM e: Centerville - e: Generalized Hall model - e: Going-Home Money - e: Graham Corporation - e: Group-to-Highway Multiplexer - e: Guaranteed Hourly Minimum GHMC e: Good Harvest Marine Company GHMI e: Generalized Human-Machine Interface GHMJA[Y] e: Ghana Medical Journal (journ.) GHMS e: Graduate in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery GHN e: Generalized Hypertrophic Neuropathy - e; Get Hold Next GhN e: Ghana Navy GHN e: Goldhaven Resources Limited - e: Gun Howitzer NORICUM - f: Groupe Hygiene Naturelle GHNP e: Get Hold Next within Parent GHO e: General Health Questionnaire - e: General Homes Corporation - e: Greater Hartford Open G-Horizont d: Gleyhorizont GhoseMort e: Ghose on Mortgages in India (journ.) GHOST e: Global Horizontal Sounding Technique - e: Golf Head Optical Speed Trap GHP e: Gas High Pressure - e: Grand High Priest - e: Great Hungarian Plain [Geology] - e: Greater Hartford Process - e: Greenwich Hospital Pension - e: Group Health Program - e: Guild of Hospital Pharmacists GHPADP 1: Geologica Hungarica. Series Palaeontologica (journ.) GHPD e: Grated High Power Decoupling g/hphr e: gallons per horsepower hour GHPR e: Gliding Horse and Pony Registry GHQ e: General Headquarters - e: General Health Questionnaire - e: Georgia Historical Quarterly (journ.) GHQ AATps e: General Headquarters, Antiaircraft Troops GHQAF e: General Headquarters Air Force GHQC e: GH [General Hospital] Questionnaire Club GHQF e: General Headquarters File GHQ-FEC e: General Headquarters, Far East Command g/hr e: gallons per hour GHR d: galvanischer Hautreflex - e: Golden Hope Resources, Inc. - e: Gross Heat Rate GHREA e: Guy's Hospital Reports (journ.)

GH-RF e: Growth Hormone Releasing Factor[s] GHRF e: Growth Hormone Releasing Factor - e: Guardians of Hydrocephalus Research Foundation GH-RH e: Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone GHRI e: Guidance System, Hybrid Radio-Inertial GHRIH e: Growth Hormone-Releasing Inhibiting Hormone GHRKA j: Genshiryoku Heiwa Riyo Kenkyu Seika Hokokusho (journ.) GH-RIF e: Growth Hormone Release Inhibiting Factor GH-RIH e: Growth Hormone Release Inhibiting Hormone GHRP e: Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide GHRS e: Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph GHRSP e: Guatemalan Health Rights Support Project GHR/USA e: Guatemalan Human Rights Commission/USA Ghs d: Gehäuse GHS d: Großhandelsspanne - e: Galileo High School - e: Garden History Society - e: General Household Survey - e: Getchell Resourees, Inc. - e: Gill Hematoxylin Solution - e: Gilmy Hot Springs - e: Gilroy Hot Springs - e: Girls High School - e: Global Health Sciences Fund - e: Ground Handling System - e: Grunberg Hydrofoil System Ghs. d: Gartenhaus G.H. Scale e: Gardner-Holdt Scale GHSE e: Ground Handling and Servicing Equipment GHSG e: Guest Housing GHSI e: GHS, Inc GHSP e: Great High Schools Program GHSp. d: Großhandelsspanne GHSR e: Governor's Highway Safety Representative GHSV e: Gas Hour Space Velocity GHT d: Gesellschaft für HochtemperaturReaktor-Technik mbH - e: Gas World (journ.) - e: Ghat [Airport] Ght e: Ghent GHT e: Golden Hour Tango - e: Goldhurst Resources - r: Goeteborgs Handelstidning (journ.) GHU e: Get Hold Unique - s: Gualeguaychu [Airport] Ghub e: Ghubba GHV e: Golden Hind Ventures Limited - e: Gross Heating Value GHVI e: Genesis Health Ventures GHVL e: Groot Hertog von Luxemburg GHW d: Gesamthochschule Wuppertal - e: Garrison Hill - e: General Housewares Corporation - e: Generalized Hamming Weight - e: Guaranteed Hourly Wage GHWP e: Greenhouse Warming Potential GHWS d: Gewebehalbwertschicht - e: Gas Hot Water Service GHWT e: Gewebehalbwerttiefe

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

GHX e: Galveston-Houston Co. - e: Graham - e: Ground Heat Exchanger GHYD e: General Hydrocarbons of Minnesota GHz d: Giga Hertz - e: Gigahertz [gigacycle per second] GHZ e: Golden Horizon Gl d: Gegeninduktivität - d: General Index - d: General Indulgence - d: Generalinspekteur - d: Generalinspektor - d: Geotechnisches Institut, Wien - d: Gesellschaft für Informatik - d: Gesundheits-Ingenieur - d: Gießen - d: Gleichrichtung und Integration - d: Goethe Institut - d: Grabeninstandsetzung - d: Innengewinde - e: Air Guinée - e: Galleries Index - e: Galvanized Iron - e: Garden Island - e: Gas Instructor - e: Gastro-Intestinal - e: Gelbray International - e: Genealogical Institute - e: General Index - e: General Indulgence - e: General Information - e: General Input - e: General Inspection - e: General Instrument Corporation - e: General Instruments] - e: General Intelligence - e: General Issue - e: Generation Interval - e: Generic Identifier - e: Generic Issue - e: Generic Identifier - e: Genesis Information - e: Genesis Institute - e: Geodesic Isotensoid - e: Geodic Isotensoid - e: Geographically Impossible - e: Geophysical Institute - e: Gerson Institute - e: Giant Industries - e: Giant Intemeurons - e: Gibraltar - e: Gideons International - e: Gimbel Brothers - e: Gingival Index - e: Girls, Inc. - e: Glasgow Institute - e: Glaucoma - e: Glider Infantry - e: Global Intelligence - e: Globigerina - e: Globulin Insulin - e: Glomerular Index - e; Glomus Intraradices - e: Glossaria Interpretum (joum.) - e: Glucinium - e: Gold Institute - e: Government-Initiated - e: Government Issue - e: Government of India - e: Governmental] and Industrial - e: Graded Index - e: Grassroots International - e: Gray Iron - e: Gray's Inn - e: Great Indulgence - e: Great Little Car 37

g-i - e: Green Island - e: Greenpeace International - e: Grid Interval - e: Gross Income - e: Gross Inventory - e: Gross Investment - e: Ground Interception - e: Group Identification - e: Group Indicate - e: Group Insurance - e: Group Item - e: Growth and Income - e: Growth Index - e: Growth Inhibiting - e: Growth Inhibitor - e: Guidance Inventory - e: Guided Imagery - e: Gunner Instructor - e: Gunnery Instructor - e: Gyro International - e: Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts - i: Giotta - P: Glasnik - r: Grafisk Institut -1: Gloria g-i 1: granuloma inguinale G.I. d: Generalinspekteur - d: Generalinspektor - e: Gas Injection - e: General Indication - e: Grain Iron gi d: Gesundheitsingenieur (journ.) - e: gill [Unit] Gi d: Giro - d: Gitter - d: Gummiisolierung - e: Gilbert [Magnetomotive force] - e: Giles - e: Input conductance gi. e: gill GIO e: Gas Identifcation Officer GI.A e: General Ledger Account GIA d: Gesellschaft fur Industrieansiedlung mbH, Hamburg - e: Garden Industry of America - e: Garuda Indonesian Airways Limited - e: Gemological Institute of America - e: General Industrial Application - e: General Industry Applications [Committee] - e: General International Agreement - e: Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska - e: Goldale Investments - e: Goodwill Industries of America - e: GPC [General Purpose Computer] Interface Adapter - e: Grants-in-Aid - e: Graphic Information Acquisition - e: Gregorian Institute of America - e: Group Interaction Analysis - e: Gummed Industries Association GIABS e: Gastrointestinal Absorption Database G I A C e: General Industry Advisory Committee GI-AD e: Gladiator Fighter Aircraft G I A D e: Independent Group of Dance Artists G I A H A e: Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art G I A K F e: Goldale Investments

GIAM d: graphischer interaktiver Anwendungsmonitor - e: Conference on Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology - e: Global Impact of Application Microbiology - e: Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology GIA-Monitor d: graphischer interaktiver Anwendungsmonitor GIANT d: General Information ans Analysis Tool - e: Genealogical Information and Name Tabulating System - e: Genealogical Information and Name Tabulation - e: General Information and Analysis Tool - e: General Instrument Advanced Nitride Technology - e: General Integrated Analytical Triangulation Program - e: Geographic Intelligence and Topographic System - e: Geological Information and Name Tabulating System - e: Graphic Interactive Analytic Network Technique GIANTFD e: Giant Foods GIANTS e: General Instrument Advanced Nitride Technology Shift-register Giants e: Giants Stadium - e: Giardiasis diarrhea GIANTS e: Greater Independent Association of National Travel Services GIANT System e: Geological Information and Name Tabulating System G I A O e: Gauge-Invariant Atomic Orbital[s] G I A P d: grafisch interaktiver Arbeitsplatz G I . A P P A R e: General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable GIAR e: Grants-in-Aid of Research GIASTA f: Groupement International pour l'Avancement des Sciences et Techniques Alimentaires GIAT f: Groupement d'Industries Atomiques - f: Groupement Industriel des Armements Terrestres Giauq El e: Giauque's Election Laws (journ.) GIB d: Gesellschaft für informationsverarbeitende Berufe mbH - e: Gazette de Lausanne - e: General Information Book - e: General Instruction Book - e: Gibilmanna - e: Gibraltar [Airport] - e: Gibson [C R.] Co. - e: Glass in Barrels - e: Good in Bed - e: Goods in Bond - e: Greal Lakes Freight Bureau Inc. - e: Gulf International Bank - e: Guy in the Back Gib e: Gibbon's Reports - e: Gibraltarian Gib. e: Gibraltar Gib Aids e: Gibson's Aids to the Examinations (journ.) G I B A I R e: Gibraltar Airways Limited Gibbon e: Gibbon on Nuisances (joum.) Gibb[on] Rom Emp e: Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (journ.) Gibbons e: Gibbon's Reports Gibbons [NY] e: Gibbon's Reports gibb[s] e: gibbon[s] Gibbs e: Gibbs' Reports


© K G - Saur, München

Gibbs F e: Gibbs' Practical Forms (journ.) Gibbs' Jud Chr e: Gibbs' Judicial Chronicle (journ.) GIBBSSAR e: Gibbs & Hill Gibb Sur[v] e: Gibbon s Reports GIBCA e: General International Business Contracting Associates Gib Civ L e: Gibbons on the Civil Law (journ.) G I B C O e: Grand Island Biological Company Gib Cod e: Gibson's Code St Juris Ealesiastia Anglicani (journ.) -1: Gibson's Codex Juris Ecclesiastia Anglicani Gib Cont e: Gibbons on Contracts (journ.) GIBCR e: Gibson [C.R.] Co. Gib Dec e: Gibson's Scottish Decisions (journ.) Gib Dil e: Gibbon's Dilapidations and Nuisances (journ.) Gib Fix e: Gibbon's Law of Fixtures (journ.) Gibfo e: Gibraltar for Orders GIBG e: Gibson Greetings, Inc. GIBH e: Gibson-Homans Co. GIBIS e: Graphical IBIS [Issue-Based Information System] Gib Lim e: Gibbons' Lex Temporis, Limitations and Prescription (journ.) Gib LN e: Gibson's Law Notice (journ.) GIBLOCN e: Global Ocean Camers Ltd Gib Lynd e: Gibson's Memoir of Lord Lyndhurst GIBMED e: Gibraltar Mediterranean Area - e: Gibraltar Mediterranean Command Gib&Na Eq Jur e: Gibbons and Nathans' Equitable Jurisdiction of County Courts (journ.) Gib Nui e: Gibbons' Dilapidations and Nuisances (journ.) Gibr e: Gibraltar Gibridnye Vycisl Masiny i Kompleksy R: Gibridnye Vychislitel'nye Mashiny i Kompleksy (joum.) gib[s] e: gibbon[s] Gibs e: Gibraltarians GIBS e: Guy-in-the-Back-Seat GIBsAR e: Gibbs & Hill, Inc., Standard Safety Analysis Report Gibs C[a]md e: Gibson's Edition of Camden's Britannia (journ.) Gibs Code e: Gibson's Codex (journ.) Gibs L N e: Gibson's Law Notes (journ.) Gibson e: Gibson Desert of east-central Western Australia GIBSON-MIX d: Kennzahl zur Bewertung der Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit von Rechenanlagen - d: Kennzahl zur Bewertung der internen Leistung von Rechenanlagen Gib-tv e: Gibraltar television

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GIFA G I C e: Galit Resource Corporation - e: General Impedance Converter - e: General Improvement Contractors Association - e: General Industries Corporation - e: General Input[/Output] Channel - e: General Instrument Corporation - e: General Investment Corporation - e: Generalized Immittance [Converter] - e: Generalized Impedance Converter - e: Geomagnetically Induced Current - e: German Information Center - e: Gids (journ.) - e: Global Interdependence Center - e: Goods in Custody - e: Government Information Center - e: Graphite Intercalation Compound - e: Graphite Intercalculation Compound - e: Ground Intercept Control - e: Group Indicate Clause - e: Group Indicate Cycle - e: Guaranteed Income Contract - e: Guaranteed Investment Certificate - e: Guaranteed] Investment Contract - e: Gulf Intercoastal Conference - f: Guilde Internationale des Coopératrices G I C A e: Green Island Coral Atoll G I C C e: Government-Industry Coordinating Committee G I C E L f: Groupement des Industries de la Construction Electrique Parie G l Ceram. e: Glass and Ceramics [USSR, published in the US] (journ.) GICG e: Glaze Icing GICL e: Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument GICLDC e: GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee GICLDY p: Ginecologia Clinica (journ.) GICLE e: Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia GICOIRP e: Government-Industry Cooperative Oyster Research GICORP e: Government Industry Cooperative Oyster Research Program G I C Q e: General Investment Corporation of Quebec G I C Q A e: Gifted Child Quarterly (joum.) G I C R e: Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research G I C S e: General Information and Control Systemfs] - e: Geographic Identification Code Scheme - e: Global Instrumentation Control System - e: Grant Information and Control System - e: Graphic Identification Code Scheme - e: Graphic Input/Output Command System - e: Ground Instrumentation and Communication^] System GID d: Gesellschaft für Industrielle Datenverarbeitungg mbH - d: Gesellschaft für Information und Dokumentation mbH - d: Gesellschaft für Informationsverarbeitung und Dokumentation mbH - e: Gastrointestinal Dialysis - e: General Installation Dolly - e: General Intelligence Division - e: Gitega [Burundi] [Airport] - e: Group Identification - f: Guilde International du Disque GIDAD j: Gijutsu Daijesuto (journ.) GIDAP e: Guidance Inertial Data Analysis Program GIDAS e: Geoanomaly Interactive Data Analysis System

G I D C e: Georgia Information Dissemination Center GIDDAT d: Gegenstandsidentdatei GID-DZ d: GID [Gesellschaft für Information und Dokumentation]Informationszentrum für Informationswissenschaft und -Praxis GIDE e: Grupo Industrial des Defensa Europeo GIDEP e: Government Industry Data Exchange Program[me] GI.DFLD e: Goldfield Corporation gi distress e: gastro-intestinal distress GID-IZ d: Gesellschaft für Information und Dokumentation-Informationszentrum - e: GID [Gesellschaft für Information und Dokumentation]-Informationszentrum GIDL e: Giddings & Lewis, Inc. GIDP e: Gale International Directory of Publications (journ.) GIDP e: Grounded into Double Play[s] Gidravl Gidrotekh R: Gidravlika i Gidrotekhnika (journ.) Gidroaeromeh i Teor Uprogosti R: Gidroaeromehanika i Teorija Uprogosti (journ.) Gidrobiol Zh R: Gidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal (joum.) Gidrobiol Zh Hydrogioi J R: Gidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal/ Hydrobiological Journal (journ.) Gidrodin Bol'shikh Skorostei R: Gidrodinamika Bol'shikh Skornstei (journ.) Gidrodin Teploobmen R: Gidrodinamika i Teploobmen (journ.) Gidrogeol Gidrogeokhim R: Gidrogeoloya i Gidrogeokhimiya (joum.) Gidrogeol Karstoved R: Gidrogeologiya i Karstoverdenie (journ.) Gidrogeol Sb R: Gidrogeologicheskii Sbornik (journ.) Gidrol[iz] Lesokhim Prom[ysh] R: Gidroliznaya i Lesohimiceskaya Promyshlennost (journ.) Gidromet Azerb Kasp Mory R: Gidrometeorologiya Azerbaidzhana i Kaspiiskogo.Morya (journ.) Gidroprirod Gidropnevmoavtomatika R: Gidroprivod Gidropnevmoavtomatika (journ.) Gidrotekh Melior R: Gidrotekhnika i Melioratsiya (journ.) Gidrotekh Stroit R: Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo (journ.) GIDS e: Georgia Information Dissemination Center Gids n: De Gids (journ.) GID-SfK d: GID [Gesellschaft für Information und Dokumentation] Sektion für Kommunikation GID-SfS d: GID [Gesellschaft für Information und Dokumentation] Sektion für Systementwicklung GID-SfT d: GID [Gesellschaft für Information und Dokumentation] Sektion für Technik der Fachinformation und -kommunikation

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

GIE e: Galapagos Islands [Ecuador] - e: General Image Engineering - e: Glycerinisopropylidene Ether - e: Graduate of the Institute of Engineers and Technicians - e: Ground Instrumentation Equipment - e: Group Indication Elimination - n: Constructeur. Vaktijdschrift voor het Werktuigbouwkundig Construeren naar Functie, Vorm, en Kostprijs (journ.) GIEA e: General Industrial Electric Automation - e: German-American Information and Education Association GIEE e: Graduate of the Institute of Electrical Engineers - e: Graduate of the Institution of Electrical Engineers GIEK e: Guantee Institute for Export Credits GIEL f: Groupement des Industries Electritechniques - f: Groupement des Industries Electroniques GIER e: General Industrial Equipment Reserve GIERB d: Gießerei-Rundschau (journ.) GIESA d: Gießerei (journ.) Giess d: Gießerei Gieß d: Gießerei (journ.) Gießener Geol Sehr d: Gießener Geologische Schriften (journ.) Gießener Schriftenr Tierz Haustiergenet d: Gießener Schriftenreihe Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik (journ.) Gießerei-Erfah[r] d: GießereiErfahrungsaustausch (journ.) Gießerei Maschinenbau Ztg d: Gießerei und Maschinenbau Zeitung (journ.) Giesserei-Prax. d: Giesserei-Praxis [Germany] (joum.) Gießereiprax. d: Gießereipraxis Gießerei-Rundsch d: Gießerei-Rundschau (journ.) Gießereiwes. d: Gießereiwesen Gießh. d: Gießharz Giess. Tech, d: Gießerei-Technik (journ.) GIESSWA d: Gießwagen GIEUS e: Guide to International Education in the US (journ.) GIEWS e: Global Information and Early Warning System GI.F e: Gaussian Lens Formula GIF d: Gesellschaft für InformationsmarktForschung - e: Galeo, Rio de Janeiro [Airport] - e: General Information File - e: General Insurance Fund - e: Gifu [Japan] - e: Gonadotropin-Inhibitory Factor - e: Graphical Interchange Format - e: Graphics Interchange Format - e: Gravito-Inertial Force - e: Growth Hormone-Inhibiting Factor -e: Guardian International Income Fund Units - e: Gulf It to FORTRAN [Formula Translation] - e: Guy in the Front Seat - e: Winter Haven Gif e: Giffard's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports (journ.) G I F A d: Internationale Gießereifachmesse - e: General Iron Fitters Association - e: Governing International Fisheries Agreements


GIFAP GIFAP f: Groupement International des Associations Nationales de Fabricants de Pesticides - f: Groupement International des Associations Nationales de Fabricants de Produits Agrochimiques GIFAS f: Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronasutiques et Spatiales Giff[Eng] e: Giffard's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports (journ.) Giff&H e: Giffard and Hemming's English Chancery Reports (journ.) G I F F I e: Group Inventory for Finding Interests G I F I e: General Information File Interrogation GI for SS e: Goddard Institute for Space Studies GIFOV e: Ground Instantaneous Field-of View GIFRP e: Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic GIFS e: Generalized Interrelated Flow Simulation - e: Gray Iron Founders Society - e: Guggenheim Institute of Flight Structured] GIFT e: Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer - e: Gas-Insulated Flow Tube - e: General Information File Tester - e: General Internal FORTRAN [Formula Translation] Translator - e: Geometric Information for Targets - e: Glasgow International Freight Terminal - e: Group Inventory for Finding Creative Talent Gift[ed] Ch[ild Q] e: Gifted Child Quarterly (journ.) GiftG d: Giftgesetz Giftigk. d: Giftigkeit GIFTPOOL d: Datenbank über Gifte und Vergiftungen GIF Translator e: Gulf It to FORTRAN [Formula Translation] Translator GIFTS e: Gift Information and Fund-raising Tasks System GiftV[OJ d: Giftverordnung GIG d: Gebäudeinstandsetzungs-Gesetz - d: Gesellschaft für Internationale Geldgeschichte - e: Genetics Interest Group - e: Geological Information Group - e: Gigi Resources Limited - e: Gluten Intolerance Group - e: Rio De Janeiro [Airport] - e: Scottsbluff Gig n: De Gigantibus giga e: 10' GIGA e: Giga-Tronics, Inc. GigaMax e: Prallelrechnerarchitektur GIGI e: Gamma Inspection of Grain Integrity - e: General Imaging Generator and Interpreter Gig i Epidemiol R: Gigiena i Epidemiologiia (journ.) GIGL e: Gale Information Guide Library GIGNA e: Gluten Intolerance Group of North America Gig Naselennykh Mest R: Gigiena Naselennykh Mest [Ukrainian SSR] (journ.) Gig NaselMest Resp Mezhved Sb R: Gigiena Naselennykh Mest Respublikanskoi Mezhvedomstvennyi Sbornik (journ.) GIGO e: Garbage-In, Garbage-Out


Gig PrimenPolim Mater Isdelii Nikh R: Gigiena Frimeneniya Polimernykh Materialov i Izdelii iz Nikh (journ.) Gig PrimenToksikol Pestits Klin Otravlenii R: Gigiena Primeneniya. Toksikologiya, Pestitsidov, i Klinika Otravlenii (journ.) GIGS e: Gemini Inertial Guidance System - e: Gravity-Gradient Test Satellite Gig San[it] R: Gigiena i Sanitariya (journ.) GIGTA7 R: Gigiena Truda Respublikanskii Mezhvedomstvennyi Sbornik (joum.) Gig Toksikol Pesti[tsi] Klin Otr[avlenii] R: Gigiena i Toksikologiya Pestitsidov i Klinika Otravlenii (journ.) Gig Tr Prof Patol Est SSR R: Gigiena Truda i Professional'naya Patologiya v Estonskoi SSR (journ.) Gig Tr Prof Zabol R: Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (journ.) Gig Tr Resp Mezhved Sb R: Gigiena Truda Respublikanskii Mezhvedomstvennyi Sbornik (journ.) GIH e: Gastrointestinal Hormone - e: Glass Hill -e: Greenville - e: United States Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Helena - f: Groupe International Hachette Giho Res Dev Hdqrters Jpn Defease Agency e: Giho. Research and Development Headquarters Japan Defense Agency (journ.) G I H S e: Generalized] Information Handling System G i l d: Fachgruppe der Ingenieure der Industrie - e: Gastrointestinal Infection - e: Goods Inwards Inspection - e: Graphic Interface Indicator - e: Greiner Engineering, Inc. - e: Guillevin International, Inc. - e: Gulfstream II GIID e: GENSER Integration Information Display G U I e: G-III Apparel Group Limited G U N f: Groupe[ment] Intersyndical de l'Industrie Nucléaire GIIP f: Groupement International de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique des Pays de la CEE GIIR e: Government Idle Industrial Reserve GIIUK e: Greenland Iceland, United Kingdom GIIV e: Gated Image Intensifier Viewer GIJ e: Guild of Irish Journalists GIJUA j: Gijutsu (journ.) GIK d: General-Immittanz-Konverter - e: Great Lakes Chemical Corporation Giko d: Girokonto GIL d: Gesellschaft für Informationsverarbeitung [in der Landwirtschaft] - e: Gaseous Ion Laser - e: General Instruction Logic - e: General Leaseholds Limited - e: General Purpose Interactive Programming Language - e: Gilley Airways Corporation - e: Gilmore Creek [Alaska] - e: Grain Isolation Liner - e: Green Indicating Light - e: Gross Installing Load - e: Group Investment-Linked - e: GULL, Inc. - e: United States Geological Survey, Metairie

© K • G • Saur, München

Gil e: Gilbert [Magnetomotive force] - e: Gilbert's Cas in Law and Equity (journ.) - e: Gilbert's English Chancery Reports (journ.) - e: Gilfillan's Reports - e: Gilman's Reports - e: Gilmer's Virginia Reports GILB e: Gilbert Aiates, Inc. - e: Gilbert Associates Gilb e: Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity (journ.) - e: Gilbert's English Chancery Reports (journ.) Gilb Bank e: Gilbert on Banking (journ.) Gilb Cas [L&Eq] e: Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity (journ.) Gilb C h e: Gilbert's English Chancery Reports (journ.) Gilb Com PI e: Gilbert's Common Pleas (journ.) Gilb Cs [L&Eq] [Eng] e: Gilbert's Case in Law and Equity (journ.) Gilb Debt e: Gilbert on the Action of Debt (journ.) Gilb Dev e: Gilbert's Law of Devises (journ.) Gilb Dis e: Gilbert on Distress and Replevin (journ.) Gilb Ej e: Gilbert on Ejectments (joum.) Gilb Eq e: Gilbert's English Equity Reports (journ.) Gilb Eq [Eng] e: Gilbert's English Equity Reports] (journ.) Gilb Eq Rep e: Gilbert's English Equity Reports (journ.) Gilbert Ev e: Gilbert's Law of Evidence (journ.) Gilberts e: Gilbert and Ellice Islands Gilbert Uses by Sugd e: Gilbert's Uses and Trusts by Sugden (journ.) Gilb Ev e: Gilbert's Law of Evidence (journ.) Gilb Ex e: Gilbert's Executions (journ.) Gilb Exch e: Gilbert's English Exchequer Reports (journ.) Gilb Exch Pr e: Gilbert's History and Practice of the Exchequer (journ.) Gilb For[um] Rom e: Gilbert's Forum Romanum (joum.) Gilb Hist CP e: Gilbert's History of Common Pleas (joum.) Gilb KB e: Gillt's Cases in Law and Equity (journ.) Gilb L[e]x Pr e: Gilbert's Lex Praetoria (joum.) Gilb PC e: Gilbert's Common Pleas (joum.) Gilb Rem e: Gilbert's Remainders (journ.) Gilb Rents e: Gilbert's Treatise on Rents (journ.) Gilb Rep e: Gilbert's English Chancery Reports (journ.) Gilb Repl e: Gilbert's on Replevin (joum.) Gilb RR e: Gilbert's Railway Law of Illinois (journ.) Gilb Ten e: Gilbert on Tennures (joum.) Gilb Uses e: Gilbert on Uses and Trusts (journ.) Gilchr e: Gilchrist's Government Cases (journ.) Gild e: Gildersleeve's Reports GILD e: Gilead Sciences Gildersleeve [N Mex] e: Gildersleeve's Reports (journ.) Gil&Fal e: Gilmour and Falconer's Casea Gilfillan e: Gilgillan's Reports Gilg e: Gilgames

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Giorn It Fil gill e: gill Gill e: Gill's Maryland Court of Appeals Reports (journ.) GILL e: Gillingham Gill and J[ohns] [Maryland] e: Gill and Johnson's Maryland Reports (journ.) GI1LLL e: Gull Laboratories, Inc. GILM e: German Language and Literature Monographs - e: Gil-Med Industries, Inc. GILMER e: Guardian of Impressive Letters and Master of Excellent Gilmer[VA] e: Gilmer's Virginia Reports Gilm&F e: Gilmour and Falconer's Decisions Scotch Court of Gilm&Fal e: Gilmour and Falconer's Decisions Gilm&Falc e: Gilmour and Falconer's Reports Gilm [III] e: Gilman's Reports Gil [Minn] e: Gilfillan's Edition GILN e: Glosa International Language Network Gilp e: Gilpin's United States District Court Reports Gilp Opin e: Gilpin's Opinions of the Uniled States GILS e: General Records Schedules GILSP e: Good Industrial Large-Scale Practice G I L T e: General Inertial Logic Test - e: Get Interconnected Local Textsystems G I M e: Gaining Inventory Managers - e: Geldermann Investment Management - e: General Information Manual - e: General Instrument Microelectronics - e: Generalized] Information Management [Language] - e: Generalized Information Management System - e: Generic Interface Module - e: Glas Insulation Material - e: Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani - e: Glass Insulation Material - e: Grace's Insect [Growth] Medium - e: Graduate Diploma of the London College of Music - e: Graphic Integrated Manual - e: Ground Influence Mine - e: Guided Missile - e: Gulf International Minerals - e: Templeton Global Income G I M - 1 e: Generalized Information Management GIMA e: Geodesy Intelligence and Mapping Research and Development Agency Gima p: Grupo Independente de Macau GIMADS e: Generic Integrated Maintenance and Diagnostic [System] - e: Generic Integrated Maintenance Diagnostics Research and Development Agency G I M B e: Gimbal GIMBADA e: Geodesy Intelligence and Mapping Research and Development Agency GIMC e: Grinding of Industrial Minerals Conference GIMCI f: Groupement des Industries de la Métallurgie en Côte-d'Ivoire GI Mech E[ng] e: Graduate of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers GIMEE f: Groupement Syndical des Industries de Matériels d'Equipement Électrique

GIMELEC f: Groupement des Industries de Matériels d'Equipement Électrique et de l'Électronique Industrielle Associéete GIMI e: Graduate of the Institute of the Motor Industry G I M I C e: Guard-ring Implanted Monolithic Integrated Circuit - e: Guard-ring Isolated Monolithic Integrated Circuit - e: Guardring Isolated Molitic IC [Integrated Circuit] G I M L e: Generalized Information Management Language G I M L C S e: Generalized Information Management Language and Computer System GIMMIS e: G-I Manpower Management Information System GI.MMS f: Groupement Latin et Mediterraneen de Medecine du Sport GIMOS e: Gate Injection Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: Gate Injection MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor] GIMP e: Gimbal Positioning] GIMPEX e: Guyana Import-Export GIMPY e: Growing GIMRADA e: Geesy, Intelligence and Mapping Research and Development Agency - e: Geodesy, Intelligence and Mapping Research and Development Agency GIMS e: Generalized Information Management System - e: Geographic-based Information Management System - e: Graduates of Italian Medical Schools - e: Ground Identification of Missions in Space G I M Sar S: Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja u Sarajevu (journ.) GIM System e: Generalized Information Management System G I M T B 4 e: Italian Journal of Chest Diseases GIMIJ e: Gimballess Inertial Measuring Unit GIN e: Galilean Resources Corporation - e: General Information Notice - e: Gimbaled Integral Nozzle - e: Global Information Network - e: Gold Coin Mining, Inc. - e: Graphical Input - e: Guinea - e: Stromboli-Ginostra gin i: giugno GINA d: Fachnormenausschuß Gießerei wesen - e: Gas Industries Network Analyser - e: Graphical Input for Network Analysis - e: Graphical Interactive NMR [Nuclear Magnetic Resonance] Analysis - e: Graphical Interactive Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis System GInd e: Guide to Indian Periodical Literatune (journ.) GINDB e: Genie Industrial (journ.) G IndianPer Lit e: Guide to Indian Periodical Literature (journ.) Ginecol Bras p: Ginecología Brasileira (journ.) Ginecol Obstet [Lima] s: Ginecología y Obstetricia [Lima] (joum.) Ginecol Obstet Mex s: Ginecología y Obstetricia de Mexico (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Ginekol Pol P: Ginekologia Polska (journ.) Ginekol Pol Supl P: Ginekologia Polska. Suplement (joum.) Ginel Br p: Ginecología Brasileira (journ.) GINETEX f: Groupement International d'Etiquetage pour l'Entretien des Textiles GINFIS d: Gemeindlich[es] integriertes Finanzinformationssystem G Infy e; Glider Infantry ging e: gingival - e: gingivitis GING 1: Gingiva ging. 1: gingiva GINGA e: Gas Industry. Natural Gas Edition (journ.) GINHIE MAE e: Government National Mortgage Association GINI e: Gazette International Networking Institute GINIF e: Gain to Noise Figure (Ratio) - e: GINO FORTRAN IV gink e: ginkitis - e: ginkitological[ly] - e: ginkitology - e: ginkoid[al] G in N e: Graduate in Nursing GINNI e: Generic Interactive Neural Network Interpreter GINNIEMAE e: Government National Mortgage Association Gi.No. d: Gitternord GINO e: Garbage-In, Nothing-Out - e: Graphical Input [and] Output - e: Graphical Input/Output - e: Graphics Input/Output GINO-F e: GINO FORTRAN IV GINOF e: Graphical Input and Output in FORTRAN gins e: aborigine girls G Inst e: Institutes of Gaius (journ.) G Inst AEA e: Graduate of the Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors G Inst M e: Graduate of the Institute of Marketing G Inst T e: Graduate of the Institute of Transport GINucE[ng] e: Graduate of the Institution of Nuclear Engineers Ginza e: Center of downtown Tokyo GIO e: Gas Identification Officer - e: Get the Lead Out - e: Golden Trio Minerals - e: Government Information Office - e: Government Information Organization - e: Government Insurance Office - e: Group Intelligence Officer - e: Guaranteed] Insurability Option - e: Guild of Insurance Officials gio i: giovedi GIOA e: Gregorian Institute of America GIOBECOM e: Global Communications System GIOC e: General Input/Output Channel - e: General Input/Output Computer - e: Generalized] Input/Output Controller GIOCS e: Graphic Input/Output Command System g ion e: gram ion GIOP e: General-Purpose Input/Output Processor GIOR e: GPETE Initial Outfitting Requirement giorn i: giornaliero - i: giornalist Giorn It Fil i: Giornale Italiano di Filología (journ.) 41

GIOS G I O S e: Graphic Input/Output Command System G I O S S e: Glossary G I . O U C e: Gloucester G I O U C S e: Gloucestershire G I P d: GroBkunden-Intensivplanung - e: Galvanized Improved Plow - e: Garden Island Prison - e: Gas In Place - e: Gastric Gastrin Inhibitory Principle - e: Gastric Inhibitory Peptide - e: Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide - e: Gastric Inhibitory Principle - e: Gastrin Inhibitory Polypeptide - e: Gastrin Inhibitory Principle - e: Gaussian Image Point - e: General Implementation Plan - e: General Information Program[me] - e: General Insertion Protein - e: General Insurance Policy - e: General Internal Process - e: General Interpretative Program[me] - e: Get[ting] Into Publication^] - e: Get[ting] Into Publishing - e: Giant-Cell Interstitial Pneumonia - e: Gibraltar Pound [Currency] - e: Gileppe - e: Glazed Imitation Parchment - e: Graphic Input Program[me] - e: Graphic Interactive Processing - e: Great Indian Peninsular R. R. - e: Great Irish Painter - e: Gross Internal Product - e: Ground Instructor Pilot - e: Group Interface Processor - e: Gunnery Improvement Program G I P B e: General-Purpose Instrument Bus G I P D e: B. F. Goodrich Institute for Personnel Development G I P E I E f: Groupe International Postal d'Echanges d'Information et d'Experience Giperton Bolezn Ateroskler K o r o n Nedostatochn R: Gipertonicheskaya Bolezn Ateroskleroz i Koronarnaya Nedostatochnost (joum.) GI/PI e: General Inspection/Procurement Inspection Gi-PIatte d: Gitterplatte G I P L D e: Gippsland G I P M E e: Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment G I P N D e: General Information ProgrammeUNISIST [Universal System for Information in Science and Technology] Newsletter (journ.) GIPOA[3] P: Ginekologia Polska (journ.) Gipps e: Gippsland G I P P S [ D O C ] e: Gippsland Database G I P P S f L D ] e: Gippsland G I P R e: Great Indian Peninsula Railway G I P S d: Gleitkomma-Inteipretiersystem - e: Government Imprinted Penalty Stationery Society - e: Ground Information Processing System - e: Ground Information Programming System G I P S E e: Gravity Independent PhotoSynthetic [Gas] Exchanger GIPSSY e: Generalized Interactive Program[me] for the Simulation of System GIPSY e: Generalized] Information Processing System - e: Geographic Incremental Plotting System - e: GPS [Global Positioning System] Inferred Positioning System - e: Ground Information Processing System GIPXA d: GieBereipraxis (journ.) G I Q e: Giant Imperial Quart 42

G I R e: Generalized Information Retrieval - e: Girder - e: Glucose Infusion Rate - e: Golden Lion Resources Limited - e: Gulf Interior Region - e: Resource Appraisal Group Library, United States Geological Survey, Denver G i r . e: Girder G I R A e: Gallups Island Radio Association - e: Group Individual Retirement Aocount - f: Groupe Interdisciplina de Recherche pour l'Amélioration des Situations de Travail - f: Groupement de l'Industrie de la Radio et de l'Electricité - f: Groupement Indépendant de Reflexion et d'Action G I R A C O e: Gray Company G I R A F F E e: Graphie Interface for Finite Elements girafie. e: graphie interface for finite elements G I R A S e:Geographic Information, Research and Analysis System - Geographic Information Retrieval and Analysis System - e: Graphie Information Retrieval and Analysis System G I R C E e: Gecaga Institute of Tropical Comparative Endocrinology G I R C F F e: Government/Industry Research Committee on Flammable Fabrics G I R D e: General Incentive for Research and Development - e: Good Industrial Relations Directors - e: Grants for Industry Research and Development - e: Ground-Installed Recording Data - e: Ground Integration Requiments Document G I R D H S e; Ground Installation Reconnaissance Data Handling System G I R E P f: Groupe International pour la Recherche sur l'Enseignement de la Physique G I R G V f: Groupe International des Ressources Genetiques Vegetales G I R I e: Government Industrial Research Institute - e: Gray Iron Research Institute G I R I N e: Government Industrial Research Institute at Nagoya G I R I S e: Generalized Information Retrieval and Listing System G I R L e: Generalized] Information Report Language - e: Generalized] Information Retrieval Language - e: German Infrared Laboratory - e: Graph[ic] Information Report Language - e: Graphfic] Information Retrieval Language G I R L S d: General Indexing in Reciprocal Lattice Space - e: General Information Retrieval and Listing System - e: Generalized] Information Retrieval and Listing System - e: Global Interrogation, Recording and Location System - e: Graphical-data Interpretation and Reconstruction in Local Satellite G I R M e: Generalized Internal Reference Method - e: Generalized International Reference Method

© K • G • Saur. München

G I R M S e: Geographical Inter-University Resource Management Seminar G I R O e: General Instructions for Routing and Reporting Officers G I R O Q f: Groupe Interuniversitaire des Recherches Océanographiques du Quebec G I R S e: Gallaudet Information Retrieval Service - e: Generalized Information Retrieval System - e: Gimballess Inertial Reference System - e: Graph[ic] Information Retrieval System G I R S O f: Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique Scientifque en Stomatologie et Odontologie G I R S S e: General Information Retrieval System Simulation G I R S T E R M f: Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Scientifique et Appliquée en Terminologie G i r W C e: Girard's Will Case Report (journ.) gi's e: gastrointestinal troubles [diarrhea] GIS d: Gas-Isolierte Schaltanlage - d: Gemeinschaftsausschuß Industrielle Systemtechnik - d: Gesellschaft für industrielle Schweißtechnik GmbH - d: Gesellschaft für Informationsverarbeitung und Statistik mbH - d: Grundstückinformationssystem - e: Galvanized Iron Sheeting] - e: Gas Insulated Substation - e: Gas Insulated Switchgear - e: Gas Insulated System - e: Gastro-Intestinal Series - e: Gastro-Intestinal System - e: Gaylord Circulalion Control System - e: General Information System - e: General Initalization System - e: General Inquiry System - e: General Installation Subcontractor - e: General Lighting Service - e: General Mills, Inc. - e: Generalized Information System - e: Generalized Initialization Sequencer - e: Generalized Inquiry System - e: Geographic[al] Information^] System[s] - e: Geological Information System[s] - e: Geophysical Incentive System - e: Geoscience Information Society - e: Gisborne [New Zealand] [Airport] - e: Gismondine - e: Gissar - e: Global Information Services, Inc. - e: Global Information System - e: Global Ionospheric Studies - e: Global Issues - e: Golden Iskut Resources - e: Government Information Service[s] - e: Government Information System - e: Grain Inventory System - e: Grand Inside Sentinel - e: Grant Information System - e: Graphic Input System - e: Great Lakes Screw - e: Greatness Is Simplicity - e: Ground Instruction School - e: Ground Instrumentation System - e: Growth-Initiating Substance - e: Guaranteed] Income Stream - e: Guaranteed Income Supplement [Program] - e: Guidance Information System - e: Guidelines Implementation Staff - e: Guild for Infant Survival - e: Guild of the Infant Saviour

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

gj - e: Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter - e: United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Reston - f: Groupement de l'Industrie Sidérurgique - n: Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied.Tijdschrift voor Syndicale, Culturele, en Sociale Problemen (journ.) GIS. e: Global Issues [Program] - e: Golden Iskut Resources GISA e: General Ledger Subsidiary Account - e: Government in the Sunshine Act - e: Guidance Set Architecture GISAA[A] R: Gigiena i Sanitariya (journ.) GISAG d: GieBereiausriistungen und GuBerzeugnisse GISAT e: Ground Identification of Satellites GISBG e: Great Lakes Sugar Beet Growers GISC e: Global, Industrial and Systematic Cooperation - e: Government Information Services Committee - e: Grail International Student Center GISD e: General Intermediate Stores Depot - e: Geographic Information Systems Division GISE e: Generalized Integrated Square Error GI Sec e: General Inspectorate Section GISGE e: Good Intent Society of Galvanizers and Enamellers GISH e: Gish Biomedical, Inc. GISKOL d: grafisches interaktives [Programm-]System zur Konstruktion von Leiterplatten GISL e: Graphic Imaging Specification Language - f: Groupement des Industries Sidérurgiques Luxembourgeoi ses GISMO e: General Interpretative System for Matrix Operations GIS Newsl. e: GIS Newsletter [Geoscience Information Society, US] (journ.) GISP e: General Information System for Planning - e: Grain Income Stabilization Plan - e: Greenland Ice Sheet Program - e: Greenland Ice Sheet Project - e: Guided Independent Study Program GISPA e: Geoscience Information Society. Proceedings (journ.) - e: Guide to International Scientific Publications and Associations (journ.) gi spasm e: gastro intestinal spasm GISS e: Goddard Institute for Space Studies - e: Goddard Institute of Space Studies GISSA e: Great Lake Seaplane Association GISSI i: Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Streptochinasi nell'Infarto Gissing N e: Gissing Newsletter GIST e: GARP International Sea Trial - e: Girls into Science and Technology - e: Gochnour Idiom Screening Test - e: Government Information Systems Technology - e: Grazing Incidence Solar Telescope GIS/VS e: Generalized Information System/Virtual Storage GI1T e: Glucose Insulin Tolerance Test

GIT d: Gesellschaft für Informationsvermittlung und Technologieberatung - d: Glas- und Instrumenten Technik Fachzeitschrift für das Laboratorium (journ.) - e: Gain to Temperature (Ratio) - e: Gastro-Intestinal Tract - e: Gease Interceptor Trap - e: General Industrial Training - e: General Information Test - e: Georgia Institute of Technology - e: Geospace Interorbital Transportation - e: Gilgit [Pakistan] - e: Gitano Group, Inc. - e: Gordon Institute of Technology - e: Graduate Institute of Technology - e: Granton Institute of Technology - e: Graph Isomorphism Tester - e: Grease Interceptor Trap - e: Great Ideas Today (journ.) - e: Grit Resources, Inc. - e: Grooved for Iron Tongues - e: Group Inclusive Tour Git d: Gitarre - e: Gittin git e: guitar GITB e: Gas Industry Training Board GITC e: Glucopyranosyl Isothiocyanate - e: Government of Israel Trade Center GITE f: Groupement International pour la Technologie de l'Energie GITEA d: GIT [Glas- und InstrumentenTechnik] Fachzeitschrift für das Laboratorium (journ.) GIT Fachz Lab d: Glas- und Instrumenten Technik Fachzeitschrift für das Laboratorium (journ.) GIT Fachz Lab Suppl d: GIT [Glas- und Instrumenten-Technik] Fachzeitschrift für das Laboratorium. Supplement (journ.) GITG e: Ground Interface Technical Group G-I-T [Glas-Instrum.-Tech.] Fa d: G-I-T [Glas-Instrumenten-Technik] Fachzeitschrift für das Laboratorium (journ.) GITI e: Government Issue Technical Inspection GITIS e: Georgia Institute of Technology GITL e: Gas Insulated Transmission Line GIT Labor Med d: GIT [Glas- und Instrumenten-Technik] Labor-Medizin (journ.) Gitmo e: Guantánamo Naval Base GITN 1: Glomerulo-Tubulo-Nephritis GITP e: Ground Integration Test Program[me] GITRAM f: Groupement Industriel pour la Transformation des Métaux GIT/SCID e: Studies in Comparative International DevelopmentGeorgia Institute of Technology (journ.) GITSIS e: Georgia Institute of Technology School of Information Science GIT Suppl d: GIT [Glas-und Instrumenten-Technik] Supplement (joum.) GITT e: Glucose Insulin Tolerance Test - f: Groupement des Industries du Transport et du Tourisme GITU e: Gastrointestinal Transcription Unit GIU e: General Importers Union - e: General Intelligence Unit - e: Geoballistic Input Unit - e: Giudance Interface System - e: Greenland - e: Guidance Integration Unit - e: Guidance Interface Unit giu i: giugno

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

GIUAC e: Geophysical Institute. University of Alaska.Contribution Series (journ.) GIUAGR e: Geophysical Institute.University of Alaska.UAG Report Series (journ.) GiU&J e: Gill and Johnson's Maryland Reports GIUK e: Greenland, Iceland, United Kingdom GIUK Early Warning e: Greenland-Iceland United Kingdom Early Warning Giur Compi Cass Civ i: Giurisprudenza Completa della Corte Suprema di Cassazione. Civile (journ.) Giur Cost i: Giurisprudenza Costituzionale (journ.) Giur Imp Reg Negoz i: Giurisprudenza delle Imposte Dirette di Registro e di Negoziazione (journ.) Giust Civ i: Giustizia Civile (joum.) Giust Peni e: Giustizia Penale (journ.) GIV e: Given Givaudan Flavor e: Givaudan Flavorist (journ.) GIVE e: Government's Involvement in Volunteer Efforts Programs Givhans e: Ferry Givhans Feny State Park GIVS e: Goodwill Industries Volunteer Services GIW e: Glass-Insulated Wire - e: Greenwood - e: Gulf Intracoastal Waterway GIWG e: Ground Interface Working Group GI Wire e: Galvanized Iron Wire GIWW e: Gulf Intracoastal Waterway GIX e: Goldex Mines Limited GIXD e: Grazing-Incidence X-Ray Diffraction GIXS e: G[razing]-Indicence X-ray Scattering GIXU e: Grain Inspection X-ray Unit GIY e: Glamorgan Imperial Yeomanry G18 IYRA e: Geary 18 International Yacht Racing Association GIZ d: Genossenschaftliche Informationszentrale - e: Gizan [Saudi Arabien] [Airport] - e: Gizo - e: Gizo [Solomon Inseln] - e: Glaze - e: Marshfield GIZH R: Gosudarstvennyi Institut Zhurnalistiki GJ d: Geographisches Jahrbuch - e: British Guiana General Jurisdiction - e: Gap Junction - e: Gas Journal (journ.) - e: General Journal - e: Geographical Journal - e: German Jewish - e: Germania Judaica - e: Gigajoule[s] - e: Gill and Johnson's Maryland Reports (journ.) - e: Goldreich-Julian - e: Graduate Jeweller - e: Grand Jury - e: Grapefruit Juice - e: Graphic Job - e: Greenwich & Johnsonville Railway Co. - e: Group Junction - e: Grown Junction -1: Germania Judaica - s: Transportes Aeros gj e: gigajoule [1000-million joules]


G&J G & J e: Gill and Johnson's Maryland Court of Appeals Reports (journ.) - e: Glyn and Jameson's English Bankruptcy Reports (journ.) G + J d: Gruner + Jahr AG & Co. G j A s: Gjurmime Albanologijike GJASA[F] e: Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science (journ.) G J b d: Geographisches Jahrbuch G J b O d: Geographisches Jahrbuch aus Österreich (journ.) G J C e: Gainesville Junior College - e: Galdhöppigen Jotunheimen Climbers - e: Gang Job Card - e: Gas Jet Controlled - e: Gibbs Junior College - e: Grand Junction Canal - e: Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation G J C H D j: Gesuido Jigyo Chosahi Hokoku (journ.) G J D e: Germanium Junction Diode - e: Global Jewish Database - e: Grand Junior Deacon G J E e: Gauss-Jordan-Elimination G J F e: Greensboro Justice Fund G J G e: Augusta College, Augusta - e: Geographical Journal (journ.) G J I e: Ghetto Job Information G J L e: Geographical Journal - e: Geographical Journal [London] (journ.) - e: Jijel [Algeria] [Airport] G & J [MD] e: Gill and Johnson's Maryland Reports G J N T e: Gas Jet Nose Tip G & J o e: Gill and Johnson's Maryland Reports G J O e: Grand Junction Office - e: Greater Jacksonville Open G J O A [ G ] e: G. J. Orphan & Associates G & J o h n e: Gill and Johnson's Maryland Reports G J O U D e: Geophysical Journal (journ.) G J P e: Galactic Jupiter Probe - e: Grand Jury Project - e: Graphic Job Processor G J P A d: Grammatik des JüdischPalästinischen Aramäisch (journ.) G J R e: Gjogur [Island] [Airport] G J S e: Ghana Journal of Sociology (journ.) G J S C D e: Georgia Journal of Science (journ.) GJ/t e: Gigajoule[s] / Ton G J T e: Grand Junction [Airport] G J T A e: Goldsmiths' and Jewellers Trade Association G J V d: Geschichte des Jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi (journ.) G J W e: Grand Junior Warden - e: Great Jurists of the World (journ.)

G K d: Ganzkörper - d : Gemeinkosten - d : Genauigkeitsklasse - d : Generalkommando - d : Geo- und Kosmoswissenschaften - d : Geographenkalender - d : Gerätekasten - d : Gesamtkatalog - d : Getränkekombinat - d : Gewebekultur - d : Gewinnungsklasse - d : Gleitkomma - d : Glühkat[h]ode - d : Glyzerin-Kinase - d : Goethe-Kalender (joum.) - d : Goldkrone - d : Großkunde - d : Grundkonzeption - d : Gruppenkennzeichen - d : Gummikabel - d : Güteklasse - d : Güterkasse - e: Glauconite - e: Glycerokinase - e: Glyzerin Kinase - e: Grand King - e: Granular Kidney - e: Greek - e: Guy America Airways, Inc. - j: Gengo Kenkyu [Journal Linguistic Society of Japan] (journ.) - j: Ginze Kedem - P: Gazeta Krakowska - R: Geodezija i Kartografija (journ.) Gk. d: Gelenk - e: Greek G - K d: Gitter-Kat[h]ode g-k e: Grate-Kiln G.K. d: Gebirgskanone - d: Gregorianischer Kalender g.K. d: geschnittene Kanten GK-101 e: N-Monochloroglycine GKA d: Gebrauchswert-Kosten-Analyse - d: Grenzkontrollamt - e: Garter King of Arms - e: Goroka [Papua New Guinea] [Airport] - e: Grounded Cathode Amplifier GK[a] d: Hebräische Grammatik Völlig Umgearbeitet (journ.) GKAEA R: Geodeziia, Kartografia, i Aerofotos'emka (journ.) Gkal d: Gigakalorie[n] Gkal/h d: Gigakalorie[n] pro Stunde G K A R e: Gesetz über Kassenarztrecht G.Kart, d: Gewehrkartusche G - K a r t e d: Gesundheitskarte G K B d: Garantie- und Kreditbank - d: Getränkekombinat Berlin - d: Grundlastbetrieb mit zusätzlicher Kurzzeitbelastung G K B Z H P: Glowna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich (journ.) G K B Zt d: GKB [Graz-Koeflacher Eisenbahn- und Bergbaugesellschaft] Zeitung fUr Eisenbahn und Bergbau (journ.) G K C e: Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e: Gold King Construction - e: Gold King River - e: Hebrew Grammar Gesenius, Kautzsch, Gowley (journ.) G K C I e: Gold King Consolidated, Inc. G K C S e: G. K. Chesterton Society


© K G - Säur, München

G K D d: gemeinsame kommunale Datenverarbeitungszentrale - d: Gemeinsame Körperschaftsdatei - d: Gesellschaft für Korrespondenzsysteme und Datentechnik mbH Gkde. d: Geschichtskunde GKD-notation e: Gordon-Kendall-Davison notation for chemical formulas g.Kdos. d: geheime Kommandosache G K E P e: Guided Kinetic Energy Penetrator G K F d: Grope Kunstführer (journ.) - e: Florence - n: Beroepsvereniging van Interieurarchitecten GKFS d: Gemeinschaftliche KernForschungs-Stelle G K G d: Gerichtskostengesetz - d: Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft (journ.) - d: Grundriß der Kirchengeschichte (journ.) G K H d: Gelbkörperhormon - d: Gerichtskostengesetz - e: G. K Hall Co. Gki d: Grobkies G K I e: General Kinetics, Inc. - e: Glon Kristy Resources G k i e: Greek Isles G K I A E R; Gossurdarstveinny Komitet pu Ispolzovaniyu Atomnoi Energi G K J e: Kennesaw College, Marietta - e: Meadville G K K d: Gesundheitskarteikarte G K L d: Gesellschaft für Kunststoffe in der Landwirtschaft - d: Güteklasse - e: Great Keppel Island [Australia] [Airport] G K L L e: Galage Keeper's Legal Liability G K M d: Großkraftwerk Mannheim AG GK-Ms d: Kokillengußmessing G K & N e: Guest Keen & Nettleworth GKN d: Gemeinschafts-Kernkraftwerk Neckar - e: Guest Keen and Nettlefold - e: Gulkana [Alaska] [Airport] - n: Gemeenschappelijke Kernenergiecentrale Nederland G K N H S e: Golden Key National Honor Society G K O d: Gerichtskostenordnung - d: Geschäftskostenordnung - R: Gosudarstvennyi Komitet Oborony G k O d e: Greek Odeon G K ÖD d: Gesamtkommentar Öffentliches Dienstrecht (journ.) G-Kohle d: Gasmaskenkohle g.Kos. d: geheime Kommandosache GK-Platte d: Gipskartonplatte G K P S A T P: Ginekologia Polska. Suplement (journ.) G K Q e: Newark G K R d: Gemeinschaftskostenrahmen - d: Gleitkommaregister - e: Goddard Kay Rogers Limited - e: Golden Knight Resources G K r G d: Gesetz zur Bekämpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten GKR[V] e: Golden Knight Resources, Inc. [Vancouver]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

4GL GKS d: Gebrauchswert-Kosten-Synthese - d: Gemeinschaftskemkraftwerk Stein - d: Gerätekanalsteuerung - d: Gesamtverzeichnis der Kongreßschriften - d: Graphikfunktionssatz - d: graphisches Kernsystem - e: Grand Keeper of the Seals - e: Graphical Kernel System - e: Graphics Kernel System GKSBA R: Geokhimicheskii Sbornik (journ.) GKSHA j: Gijutsu Kenkyusho Shoho (journ.) GKSR e: G & K Services, Inc. GKSS d: Gesellschaft für Kernenergieverwertung in Schiffbau und Schiffahrt - d: GKSS-Forschungszentrum - e: Graphics Kernel System Standard GKT d: Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Tullnerfeld GmbH - d: Gesellschaft für Kernverfahrenstechnik - d: großer Konzentrator - d: Gültigkeit - d: Güterkraftverkehrstarif - e: Gasket - e: Goldteck Mines Limited GKTP d: Grundklassifikator für Technologische Prozesse GKTW e: Give Kids the World GKV d: Gemeinkostenvorschrift - d: Gesamtverband Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie e.V. - d: Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung - d: Güterkraftverkehr GKVD d: Gesamtverband der Kraftfahrzeugvermieter Deutschlands GKVVH r: Goeteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps-och Vitterhets-Samhaelles Handlingar (journ.) G.K.W, d: Geschützkraftwagen GKW d: Gasturbinen Kraftwerk - d: Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Weser - d: Gesamtkörperwasser - d: Gesellschaft für Kläranlagen und Wasserversorgung mbH - d: Grenz-Kurz-Welle - d: Güterkraftwagen - e: Gezeitenkraftwerk gkw e: god knows what GKWest d: Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk West GKWW d: Gesprächskreis Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft (journ.) GKY e: Golden Key Resources Limited GKZ d: Gemeindekennzeichen - d: Gemeinkostenkennziffer

GL d: Bergisch-Gladbach - d: Geist und Leben (journ.) - d: Generalleutnant - d: Germanischer Lloyd - d: Gestellampe - d: Glarus - d: Gleichrichter - d: Gleislager - d: Glimmlampe - d: Glühlampe - d: Grüne Lieferbedingungen - e: Gage Length - e: Galatians - e: Galeries Lafayette - e: Galvanized - e: Galvanoluminescence - e: Gas Lamp - e: Gas Laser - e: Gas Lifting - e: Gate Leads - e: Gauge Length - e: Gear Lubricant - e: General Laws (journ.) - e: General Ledger - e: General Letter - e: General Liability - e: General Licence to Officiate - e: General Linear - e: General Linguistics (joum.) - e: General List - e: Generator Lorry - e: Genius Loci - e: Geodesic Line - e: Geographie Location - e: Gill - e: Gilt Leaves - e: Gilt Lines - e: Gimbal Limit [Prearming Inhibiting] Signal - e: Ginsburg-Landau Theory - e: Glabella - e: Glacier - e: Gladstonian Liberal - e: Glandula - e: Glass - e: Glass-type Loctal tube - e: Glaucolacustrine Soil - e: Glazed - e: Glebe - e: Global Learning - e: Global Utility Fund - e: Globigerina - e: Gloria - e: Glossary - e: Gloucester - e: Glycolipid - e: Glycosphingolipid - e: Go Long - e: Gold Lease - e: Goldstar Lines - e: Gothic Letter - e: Government Laboratories - e: Grade Line - e: Graduate in Law - e: Grand Larceny - e: Grand Lodge - e: Grand Lot - e: Grand Luxe [of a car] - e: Graphic[s] Language - e: Great Lakes - e: Great Lakes Forest Products Limited - e: Greater London - e: Greatest Length - e: Greek Line - e: Green [-glow] Lamp - e: Green Library - e: Green Light

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Greenland - e: Grenade Launcher - e: Grid Leak - e: Gronlandsfly Limited - e: Gross Leak - e: Gross Line - e: Ground Level - e: Ground Line - e: Ground Location - e: Growth Ledge - e: Guild Library (joum.) - e: Guitar and Lute - e: Gun Lay[er] - e: Gun Lay[ing] [Radar] - e: Gun Licence - e: Gunnery Lieutenant - e: L-Glutamic and L-Lysine - e: Lanier Lake Regional and Gwinnett County Library, Lawrenceville - f: Gazette des Lettres - f: Glacier - i: Glossa -1: Genius Loci -1: Glucinium - r: Gamle Gl. d: Gelenklager - d: Glanz - d: Glas - d: Glasur - d: Gleichung - d: Gleis - d: Gletscher - d: Glied - d: Gliederung - d: Glocke - e : Gill [= 1/4 pint] -1: Gloria in excelsis Deo gl. d: glatt - d: gleich - d: gleitend - e: gill - e: gloss GL. e: Glass - e: Glaucolacustrine Soil G.L. e: Graduate in Law g/I d: Gramm pro Liter - e: grams per litre - e: guideline G/L e: General Ledger - e: Gram/Liter - e: Gram[me] per Liter - e: Grams per Liter gL d: Ganzbereichs-Kabel-und Leistungsschutz gl d: geländegängig - e: gallon - e: gland - e: glaze Gl d: Globus - d : Glucinium - d : Grundleitung - e: Galleon - e: Gastrointestinal - e: Giagolitic - e: Gleaver's Reports - e: Globe (joum.) - e: Gloss - e: Glucinum GLO e: GVN Liason Officer 4GL e: Fourth-Generation Language


GLA GLA d: Gladbeck - e: Gamma-Linole[n]ic Acid - e: General Laboratory Associates - e: General Learning Ability - e: General Ledger Account - e: General Library Assistant - e: General Lighthouse Authority - e: Generalized Lehmann Alternatives - e: Georgia Library Association - e: Gingivolinguoaxial - e: Glamis - e: Glasgow [Airport] - e: Glass - e: Gold Star Resources, Inc. - e: Great Lakes Aviation Limited - e: Gross Leasable Area - e: Group Life Assurance - e: Guadeloupe Liberation Army - e: Gulkana - e: Gun Low-Altitude Air Defense System - e: Gust Load Alleviation - f: Groupe de Liberation Armee GLa d: Gestellampe Gla e: Glanvill's Tractatus de Legibus GLA e: Glasgow GLAA e: Greater London Arts Association GLAAD e: Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation GLAADS e: Gun Low Altitude Air Defence System [GB] - e: Gun Low Altitude Air Defense System [US] glab e: glabrous GLAB e: Greater London Arts Board glab. e: glabrous GLAC General Ledger Account Code - e: Glacial - e: Glacier National Park - e: Greek Library Association of Cyprus glac. e: Glacial Glacier e: Glacier Bay National Monument - e: Glacier Highway - e: Glacier Island - e: Glacier Mountain - e: Glacier National Park - e: Glacier Peak Glacier Nat History Assoc Special Bull e: Glacier Natural History Association.Special Bulletin (journ.) glaciol e: glaciologist[ic][al][ly] - e: glaciolographic[al][ly] - e: glaciolography - e: glaciology GLACSEC e: Group of Latin American and Caribbean Sugar Exporting Countries GLACT e: General Ledger Account GLAD e: GALS LESA-A-A AGILE Dialogue - e: Gladiator Fighter Aircraft - e: Gladiolus - e: GLOTRAC [Global Tracking] Adjustment - e: Government and Legal Affairs Division - e: Greater London Association for the Disabled. Quarterly (journ.) - e: Grenade Launcher Attachment Development - e: Group Learning about Drugs -1: Gladiolus GLADB e: 1: Gladiolus (journ.) GLADIS e: General Library Automated Database Information System - e: Ground Laser Attack Designator Identification System glads e: gladiolus GLADS e: [Long-range] Gun Low-Altitude Air Defense System

GLAEX e: Glass Technology and Fabrication Exhibition GLAG e:Ginzburg-Landau-AbrikosovGorkov [Theory] GLagC e: LaGrange College, LaGrange GLagCM e: Callaway Mills Co., Technical Library, LaGrange Glag Univ Publ e: Glasgow University. Publications (journ.) GLAI e: Green Leaf Area Index GLAKES e: Great Lakes GLAL e: German Life and Letters GLAM e: Glamorganshire - e: Glamour[ous] - e: Greying, Leisured, Affluent and Married Glam. e: Glamorgan - e: Glamorganshire GLAMIS e: Grant/Loan Accounting and Management Information System GLAMO e: Great Lakes Association of Marine Operators Glamorgan e: Glamorganshire Glamorgan] Hist e: Glamorgan Historian (journ.) GLAM[S] e: Glamorganshire GLANCE e: Global Lightenergy weigt Airborne Navigation Computer Equipment - e: Global Lightweight Air Navigation Computing Equipment - e: Global Lightweight Airborne Navigation Computer Equipment - e: Government-Initiated - e: Governmental and Industrial gland 1: glandula gland, e: glandular Glanings Bee Cult e: Gleanings in Bee Culture Glan LLB 1: Glanville's De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae (journ.) GIan[v] EI Cas e: Glanville's English Election Cases (journ.) GIanv[il] 1: Glanville's De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae (journ.) GLAP e: Gay Legal Advice Project - e: Generalized Life Analysis Program[me] GLAPPAR e: General Ledger Accounts Payable GLARE e: Glass Reinforced - e: Ground-Level Attack, Reconnaissance and Electronic Countermeasures GLARE Countermeasures e: Ground Level Attack, Reconnaissance, Electronic Countermeasures GLARP s: Grupo Latinoamericano de Rehabilitación Profesional Glas d: Glashüttenwesen GLAS e: General Logic Analysis Simulator - e: General Logic Analysis System Glas e: Glascock's Reports in All the Courts of Ireland GLAS e: Glasgow Glas e: Glaswegian GLAS e: Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheric Sciences glas R: glasnost Glas, d: Glashüttenwesen glas, d: glasiert - d: glasig Glas, e: Glasgow Glas Appar d: Glas und Apparat (journ.) Glas Aust e: Glass in Australia Glase e: Glascock s Reports in All the Courts of Ireland GIas-Em[ail]-Ker[amo-Tech] d: GlasEmail-Keramo-Technik (journ.) Glasers Ann d: Glasers Annalen (journ.)


© K • G • Saur, München

Glasers Ann ZEV d: Glasers Annalen ZEV [Zeitschrift für Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrstechnik] (journ.) Glaserztg. d: Glaserzeitung Glasf. d: Glasfaser GLASG e: Glasgow Glasg Dent J e: Glasgow Dental Journal (journ.) Glasg Med J e: Glasgow Medical Journal (journ.) GlasgOrTrans e: Glasgow University. Oriental Society.Transactions (journ.) Glasgow A[rcheoI] J e: Glasgow Archaeological Journal (journ.) Glasgow Art R e: Glasgow Art Gallery and Museums Association.Review (journ.) Glasgow Med J e: Glasgow Medical Journal (journ.) Glasg[ow] Nat e: Glasgow Naturalist (journ.) Glas Hochv[ak] Techfn] d: Glas- und Hochvakuum Technik (journ.) Glas Hochvak Tech d: Glas- und Hochvakuum Technik Glas Hochv Techn d: Glas- und Hochvakuum Technik Glasind. d: Glasindustrie Glas-Instrum-Tech d: Glas-Instrument Technik (journ.) GLASLA e: Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Association Glas Mat S: Glasnik Matematicki (journ.) Glas Mat-Fiz Astron S: Glasnik Matematicko-Fizicki i Astronomski (journ.) Glas Math J e: Glasgow Mathematical Journal (journ.) Glas Mat Ser III S: Glasnik Matematicki. Serija III (journ.) Glasn S: Glasnik Glasn Biol Sekc Hrv Prir Dr S: Glasnik. Bioloske Sekcije.(journ.) Glasock e: Glascock's Reports in All the Courts of Ireland Glasphalt d: Glas + Asphalt - e: Glas[s] + Asphalt GLASS e: Geodetic Laser Survey System - e: Germanium-Lithium Argon Scanning System Glass e: Glassworks (journ.) GLASS e: Good Luck and Smooth Sailing - e: Greater London Audio Specialization Scheme glass e: silicon dioxide-SiO glass, e: glassware Glass [and] Ceram e: Glass and Ceramics (journ.) Glass Aust e: Glass in Australia (journ.) GLASSEX e: Glass Technology and Fabrication Exhibition Glassf Ev e: Glassford on Evidence Glasshouse Crops Res Inst Annu Rep e: Glasshouse Crops Research Institute.Annual Report (journ.) glassie e: glass playing marble Glass Ind e: Glass Industry Glass Int e: Glass International (joum.) Glasss Wkrs News e: Glass Workers News Glass Tech e: Glass Technology (journ.) Glass Technol. e: Glass Technology [Society of Glass Technology, GB] (joum.) glassteel e: glass and steel Glas Sumske Pokuse P: Glasnik za Sumske Pokuse GLAS&SW e: Glasgow & South-Westem Glass Wkrs News e: Glass Workers News (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GLEDIC Glastech, e: Glastechnik Glastech. Ber. d: Glastechnische Berichte (journ.) Glastek Tidskr[ift] r: Glasteknisk Tidskrift (journ.) Glasw. d: Glaswaren - d: Glaswerk Glaswegians] e: Glasgow person[s] GLAT e: Government Lot Acceptance Test GLATFLTR e: Glatfelter [Co. GLAU e: General Labourers' Amalgamated Union glau e: glaucous glauberite e: calcium sodium sulfate glauber's e: salt sodium sulfate glauc e: glaucoma GLAUD4 e: Glaucoma (journ.) Glaxo Vol e: Glaxo Volume (joum.) Glazialgeol. d: Glazialgeologie GLB e: Gas Lubricated Bearing -

e: Glass Block e: Glass in Barrels e: Grease Lubricated Bearing e: Great Lakes Freight Bureau Inc., Cleveland - e: Greater London Borough - e: Greatest Lower Bo[u]nd Gib. d: Glanzleder[ein]band GLBA e: Glacier Bay National Monument - e: Great Lakes Booksellers' Association GLBC e: Great Lakes Bancorp - e: Great Lakes Basin Commission - e: Gross Investment GLBCAK e: Gleanings in Bee Culture GLBIN e: Global Ocean Carriers Limited glbl. d: gleichbleibend GLBM e: Ground-Launched Ballistic Missile GLBO e: Glenbow Gl. Br. d: Glanzbroschur GLBS e: Globes G L B S A e: Greater London Building Surveyors Association GLBU e: Buchanan [Liberia] Glbz. d: Gleisbauzug

G L C e: G-force-induced Loss of Consciousness - e: Galactic Resources Limited - e: Gambia Labour Congress - e: Gas-Liquid Chromatogram - e: Gas-Liquid-Chromatographic - e: Gas-Liquid Chromatography - e: Gas-Liquid Chronomatography - e: Gate Leakage Current - e: General Learning Corporation - e: Generator Line Contractor - e: German Language Club - e: German Library Conference - e: Glaucoma - e: Global LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Chart[s] - e: Grat Lakes Commission - e: Great Lakes Carbon [Corporation] - e: Great Lakes Club - e: Great Lakes Colleges - e: Great Lakes Commission - e: Great Little Car - e: Greater London Council - e: Ground Level Concentration - e: Guild of Lenering Craftsmen - e: Philelphia - i: Glossari di Lingua Contemporanea (journ.) - i: Gruppo Logistico de Combati Glc e: Glucose G L C A e: Gallery of Living Catholic Authors - e: Glen Canyon National Receration Area GlcA e: Gluconic Acid G L C A e: Great Lakes College Association - e: Great Lakes Colleges Association G L C C e: Gas Light and Coke Company G L C F d: Gärungs-Lactobacillus-CaseinFaktor - d: Gärungs-Lactobazillus-Casein-Faktor glcl. e: Glacial G L C M e: Graduate Diploma of the London College of Music - e: Ground-Launched [surface-to-surface] Cruise Missile - e: Robertsport/Cape Mount [Liberia] G L C M / L C C e: Ground Launched Cruise Missile/Launch Control Center Glen e: Glucosamin glen e: glucosamine G L C N e: Gold Coin Mining, Inc. G L C N A e: German Lutheran Conference of North America GIcNac e: N-Acetylglucosamine G L C O M e: Global Communications System G L C P e: Harper/Cape Palmas GLC/SBS e: Great Little Computer/Small Business System GlcUA e: Glucumnic Acid GlcuA e: Glucuronic Acid

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

® K G - Saur, Munich

GLD d: Glutamat-Dehydrogenase - d: Gold - d: Grüne Liste Umweltschutz und Demokratie - e: Gas Leak Detector - e: General Learning Disability - e: General Logistics Department - e: Generalized Logic Diagram[me] - e: Glide Slope - e: Golden - e: Goodland - e: Gould, Inc. - e: Gross Logical Design - e: Ground-Laser Designators] - e: Guild gld e: gilded - e: glider - e: gold Gld e: Guilder - n: Gelderland Gld. d: Ganzleder - d: Glanzleder gld. e: guilder GLDC e: Glutamic Decarboxylase - e: Golden Enterprises, Inc. - e: Great Lakes Data Center Gld Cst e: Gold Coast GLDF e: Gold Fields of South Africa Limited GLDFLD e: Goldfield Corporation Gldg d: Gliederung G1DH d: Glutamatdehydrogenase GLDH e: Glutamic Dehydrogenase Gl-Dio d: Gleichrichterdiode GLDMS f: Groupe de Liaison de Docimologues en Milieu Scolaire gldn e: Golden GLDP e: Glutamic Dephosphatase - e: Greater London Development Plan G L D P L T D e: Gold Piated GLDR e: Glider - e: Gold Reserve Corporation - e: Groupe Liberal gldr e: guilder Gldr. d: Ganzleder - d: Glanzleder GLDS e: Gemini Launch Data System - e: Ground Laser Designator Station GLDS A M e: Goldwyn Co. GLDT e: Gas Laser Discharge Tube GLDV d: Gesellschaft für Linguistische Datenverarbeitung GLE d: gesteuerte Lineareinheit - d: Grünlandleistungseinheit - d: Gruppenleitebene - e: Gainesville - e: Gallium Light Emitting - e: Gemini Laser Experiment - e: GLE Resources Limited - e: Gleason Corporation - e: Glenmuick [Neuseeland] - e: Government-Loaned Equipment - e: Grade Level Equivalent - e: Ground-Level Event - e: Ground Liaison Element - f: Grand Larousse Enciclopaedie GLEAM e: Graphic Layout and Engineering Aid Method Glean Bee Cult e: Gleanings in Bee Culture Gleanings e: Gleanings in Bee Culture Gled. d: Ganzleder - d: Glanzleder GLEDIC e: Great Lakes Environmental Data and Information Center - e: Great Lakes Environmental Information Center


GLEEP G L E E P e: Graphite Low Energy Experimental] Pile G L E F e: Geothermal Loop Experimental Facility GleichberG d: Gleichberechtigungsgesetz Gleichgew. d: Gleichgewicht Gleichh. d: Gleichheit gleich!, d: gleichlaufend - d: gleichlautend gleichn. d: gleichnamig gleichz. d: gleichzeitig G L E I S e: Great Lakes Environmental Information Sharing Gleistech, d: Gleistechnik Gleit, d: Gleitung G-Leitung d: Goubau Leitung G L E N e: Global Environmental Corporation Gl Ency e: Globe Encyclopaedia (journ.) G L E N D A L e: Glendalough Glendale L[aw] R[ev] e: Glendale Law Review (journ.) Glen High e: Glen's Highway Laws (joum.) Glenn e: Glenn's Annual Reports (joum.) Glen P u b H e: Glen on the Public Health Laws (joum.) Glen Reg e: Glen on Registration of Births and Deaths (journ.) G L E P e: Group for Lunar Exploration and Planning G L E R e: General Electric Co. Limited G L E R L e: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory G L E R R e: Great Lakes Ecosystem Restoration and Rehabilitation G L E s e: Ground-Level Events Gless e: Gearless G L E T e: Government Logistics Evaluation and Testing Gletscherkd. d: Gletscherkunde G L E X e: General Ledger and Expense system G L E X System e: General Ledger and Expense System G L F d: Gewerkschaft Landwirtschaft und Forsten - d: Grundlastfälle - e: Gaussian Lens Formula - e: General Telephone Company of Florida - e: Generalized Lambda Family - e: Glass Fiber - e: Golfito [Costa Rica] [Airport] - e: Great Lakes Fisheries Laboratory, Ann Abor - e: Gulf - e: McGill University, Law Library - s: Golfito GIF d: Glasfaser Glf. e: Gulf G L F A L S K e: Gulf of Alaska G L F B e: Greater London Fund for the Blind G L F C e: Graphite Lunar-module Fuel Cask - e: Great Lakes Fisheries Commission - e: Guiding Light Fan Club G L F C A L e: Gulf of California G L F D C C e: Great Lakes Fish Disease Control Committee G L / F I C S e: General Ledger/Financial Information and Control System G L F L e: Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory Glfl. d: Gleitflug G L F M e: Gulf Mirror Glf Mex e: Gulf of Mexico GIFn d: Glasfasern G L F R B e: Great Lakes Fisheries Research Branch


G L F R C e: Great Lakes Forest Research Center G L F S e: Great Lakes Federal Savings & Loan Association - e: Grenade Launcher Fighting System G L F S T L A W R e: Gulf of St. Lawrence Glf S t r e: Gulf Stream GIFT e: Gas-Insulated Flow Tube G L F T e: Gulf Times G L G e: Glamis Gold Limited - e: Glengyle [Australien] [Airport] - e: La Grange College, La Grange G L G E e: Greenville/Sinoe [Liberia] Glgew. d: Gleichgewicht G L G S A e: Geologist [New York] (joum.) G L G S T e: Geologist G L G V e: Glamis Gold Limited G L G Y B e: Geology (joum.) G L G Y B A e: Geology [Boulder] (joum.) G L H d: Gehalts- und Lohnabrechnung für den Handel - d: Grüne Liste Hessen - e: Glass Hill (joum.) - e: Glue Line Heating - e: Go Like Hell - e: Greenville [Airport] - e: Gwent Local History (joum.) G L H A e: Great Lakes Harbor Association G L H - H e: Ground-Launched Hellfire-Heavy G L H K e: Granato-Luecke Theory for High Kelvin Temperatures GLH-S e: Goes Like Hell-Some More G L H S e: Great Lakes Historical Society - e: Ground-Launch Hellfire System GL-I e: Glyoaxalase I G L I d: Gasschutz- und Luftschutzinspektion - e: Gamma Linac [Linear Accelerator] Instrumentation - e: General Time - e: Glass Industry - e: Glen Innes [Australien] [Airport] - e: Glider - e: Global Income Plus Fund, Inc. - e: Glucagon-Like Immunoreactant - e: Glucagon-Like Immunoreactive - e: Glucagon-Like Immunoreactivity - e: Grandma Lee's - e: Great Lakes Institute Gil e: Glass Industry (joum.) G L I A C e: Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference G L I A S e: Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society G L I B e: Government Libraries in Belconnen [Australien] GliBad e: Glider Badge G L I C e: General Ledger Identification Code G L I C F e: Grandma Lee s G L I C R U M S e: Ground-Launched Cruise Missiles G11F d: Glimmerfeingewebeband G L U e: Greater London Intelligence Journal (joum.) G L I M e: General Light Inter-reflection Model - e: General Linear Modeling Program G L I M P C E e: Great Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal Evolution Glimp Kash Cult e: Glimpses of Kashmir Culture (joum.) G L I M P S E e: Global Limb Photometric Scanning Experiment


G - Saur, Milnchcn

G L I N e: Georgia Library Information Network - e: Great Lakes Information Network G-Line e: Goubau Line G L I N T e: Gated Laser Illuminator for Night Television - e: Global Intelligence - e: Gospel Literature International G L I P e: Glide and Skip G L I P A R e: Guide Line Identification Program for Antimissile Research - e: Guide Lines for Investigation, Planning and Research - e: Guideline Identification Program for Anti-missile Research - e: Guidelines for Investigation, Planning and Research G L I R e: Gunfire Locating Infra-Red [System] G L I S e: Gleaner Life Insurance Society - e: Glissando - e: Government Library and Information Service - e: Greater London Information Service GLISA e: Government Losses in Shipment Act G L I S C A C e: Government Library and Information Service Computer Applications Committee G L I S P e: Great Lakes International Surveillance Plan Gliss e: Glissando GLit i: Gazeta Literala G L I T e: Glitter[ing] G L I T C H e: Goblin Loose in the Computer Hut G l & J e: Glyn and Jameson's English Bankruptcy Reports G L J e: Gates Lear Jet Corporation GI.K. d: Gleitkomma G L K e: Golden Lake Resources Limited - e: Great Lakes Chemical Corporation - e: Low Greek - e: Northaire Glk. d: Glanzkohle G l k n d: Gelsenkirchen G L K P A R: Gidroliznaya i Lesokhimicheskaya Promyshlennost (journ.) G L [ & ] L e: German Life and Letters (joum.) G L L d: Glabello-Lambda-Linie - e: General Leaholds Limited - e: German Life and Letters (joum.) - e: Gilgames and the Land of the Living - e: Gill - e: Great Lakes Laboratory - e: McGill University Library gll e: Gallon[s] G L L B e: Buchanan [Liberia] Glib Exch P r e: Gilbert's History and Practice of the Exchequer (journ.) G L L D e: Ground Laser Locator Designator GLLD[-]E e: Ground-Laser Locator Designator-Evaluator G L L D - T N S e: Ground-Laser Locator Designator-Thermal Night Sight G L L D - V L L D e: Ground Laser Locator Designator-Vehicular Laser Locator Designator G L L D / V L L D e: Ground-Laser Locator Designator/Vehicular Laser Locator Designator G L L K A e: Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GLOXAC GLLM e: German Language and Literature Monographs (journ.) GLLNS e: German Life and Letters.New Series (journ.) GLLO e: Great Lakes Licensed Officers Organization gl.M. d: gleicher Meinung - d: gleiches Muster GLM d: Generalluftzeugmeister - e: Gay Liberation Movement - e: Generalized Lagrange Multipliers - e: Generalized Lagrangian Multiplier - e: Generalized Linear Model - e: Gilmore [Alaska] - e: Global Marine, Inc. - e: Gold Life-Saving Medal - e: Government-Loaned Material - e: Graduated Learning Method - e: Graduated Length Method - e: Graphics Lathe Module - e: Great Lakes Megalopolis - e: Growth-Limiting Medium - e: McGill University, Medical Library - f: Grand Livre du Mois GLMA e: Glassmaster Co. - e: Great Lakes Mink Association GLMC e: Gay and Lesbian Media Coalition - e: Monrovia City [Liberia] GLMDD d: GIT [Glas- und InstrumentenTechnik] Labor-Medizin (journ.) GLMI e: Great Lakes Maritime Institute GLMMM e: Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons G L M M S f: Groupement Latin et Mediterraneen de Medecine du Sport GLMR e: Monrovia/SpriggsPayne [Liberia] GlmRS e: Glutaminyl-RNA Synthetase GLMWC e: Great Lakes and Marine Waters Center gl.N. d: gleichen Namen GLN d: Glutamin - e: Gilmore [Alaska] - e: Glen - e: Glenayre Electronics Limited - e: Glenfed, Inc. - e: Great Lakes National Program Office - e: Group Level Number Gin e: Glutamine - e: Glutaminyl Gin. d: Ganzleinen - d: Gleichung[en] gin. e: glutamine GLNA e: Nimba [Liberia] Glnd e: Guide to Indian Periodical Literature GLNMR e: Glenmore Distilleries Co. GLNPO e: Great Lakes National Program Office GLNQ e: Good Merchantable Quality GlnRS e: Glutamine-Transfer Ribonucleic Acid Synthetase - e: Glutaminyl-tRNA [Transfer Ribonucleic Acid] Synthetase GlnS e: Glutamine Synthetase GLNTC e: Great Lakes Naval Training Center Glnv Red R: Glavnyi Redaktor

G.L.O. e: Gland Leak-Off GLO e: Clovis - e: General Land Office - e: Get the Lead Out - e: Global Ocean Carriers Limited - e: Globe Ocean Carriers Limited - e: Gloucester - e: Glyoxalase - e: Goddard Launch Operations - e: Grand Lodge - e: Great Lakes Only - e: Ground Liaison Office[r] - e: Ground Logistics Operations - e: Ground und Officer - e: Gualacol-Linoleic Acid Hydroperoxide Oxidoreductase - e: Gulanolactone Oxidase - e: Gun[nery] Liaison Officer -1: Graecolatina et Orientalia (journ.) Glo e: Global GLOAD e: General Loader Gloag&Henderson e: Gloag and Henderson's Introduction to the Law of Scotland (journ.) GLOAS e: German Liaison Office for the Armament Sector Glob d: Globulin glob e: globular - e: globule GLOB e: Globulin - e: Guidance and Launch Operation Building Global Anal Pure Appl Adv e: Global Analysis Pure and Applied. Advanced (journ.) Global Atmos Res Programme Publ Ser e: Global Atmospheric Research Programme. Publications Series (journ.) Global Commun e: Global Communications (journ.) Global One e: Global 2000. Report to the President. Volume 1 (journ.) Global Two e: Global 2000. Report to the President. Volume 2 (journ.) GLOBCOM d: Global Communications System Verarbeitung - e: Global Communication^] GLOBCOM System e: Global Communication^] System GLOBE e: Global Lending and Overseas Banking Evaluator G L O B E C O M e: Global Communications [system] G L O B E C O M S e: Global Communications System GLOBECOM System e: Global Communications System Globe Mail Rep Bus Globe Mail Ltd e: Globe and Mail Report on Business. Globe and Mail Limited (journ.) GLOBIXS e: Global Information Exchange System G-LOC e: Gravity-Induced Loss of Consciousness G. Loc. e: Geographical Location GLOC e: G[ravity]-Induced Loss of Consciousness - e: Ground Line of Communication^] Glock. d: GJockenspiel GLOCOM e: Global Communication^] [system] G L O C O M System e: Global Communication^] System GLODIS e: General Language-Operated Decision Implementation System GLODISL e: General Language Operated Decision Implementation System Language

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G ' Saur, Munich

G L O K e: Granato-Luecke Theory for 0 [= Zero] Kelvin GLOL e: Golay Logic [Operating] Language GLOM e: Gross Lift-Off Mass GLOMB e: Glide[r] Bomb GLOMEX e: Global Meteorological Experiment - e: Global Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment GLOMR e: Global Low-Orbit[ing] Message Relay - e: Global Low-Orbiting Relay satellite GLONASS e: Global Navigation Satellite System - e: Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System GLOP e: GEVIC [General Electric Variable Increment Computer] Logic Operation Program[me] - e: Guidance and Launch Operation GLOPAC e: Gyroscopic Low-Power Attitude Control[ler] GLOPC e: Gyroscopic Low Power Controller GLOPR e: Golay Logic Processor GLOPS e: Giga Logical Operations per Second G1 Ord i: Glossa Ordinaria (journ.) GLORIA e: Geological Long-Range Inclined ASDIC [Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee] - e: Geological Long-Range Indicating ASDIC [Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee] GLOS e: Glossary Glos e: Gloucestershire GLOS e: Gun Line of Site [Tank] Glos. e: Gloucestershire GLOSIS e: General Language Operated Decision Implementation System GLOSS e: Global Ocean Surveillance System [Glossary] gloss e: glossary - e: glossopharyngeal Gloss, e: Glossary Glossary Acarol Terminol e: Glossary of Acarological Terminology (joum.) Gloss Lat 1: Glossaria Latina (joum.) Gloster d: Gloucester Glostr a: Glostrup G L 0 2 t e: Ground Liquid-Oxygen tank GLOTRAC e: Global Tracking [Network] - e: Global Tracking [Radar] - e: Global Tracking [System] GLOTRACK e: Global Tracking GLOTRACK Network e: Global Tracking Network GLOTRACK System e: Global Tracking System GLOTRAC System e: Global Tracking System Glou e: Gloucestershire] Glouc e: Gloucestershire Glouc. e: Gloucester Gloucestr e: Gloucester GLOUC[S] e: Gloucestershire Glov Mun Cor e: Glover s Municipal Corporations GLOW e: Global Radar for Ocean Waves - e: Gross Lift-Off Weight - e: Ground Lift-Off Weight Glow e: Glow International (journ.) GLOWATS e: Global War Avoidance Telecommunications System GLOXAC e: Gloxinian (joum.) 49

GLP G L P e: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology (joum.) - e: Gelled Liquid Propellant - e: General Layout Plan[ning] - e: General Letter Packet - e: General Linguistic Processor - e: Generalized Lattice-Point - e: Glycerophosphate - e: Glycolipoprotein - e: GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospace Language] Language Processor - e: Golden Princess - e: Good Laboratory Practiced] - e: Gospel Light Publications - e: Gould Investors Limited - e: Government Lent Property - e: Government Loaned Property - e: Gradient Linear Prediction - e: Graphic Language Processor - e: Greater London Plan - e: Greek Literary Papyri (joum.) - e: Gross Lawyer Product - e: Guadeloupe - e: Guide Line Paper - z: Golpazari GLPA e: Gay and Lesbian Press Association - e: Great Lakes Pilotage Administration GLPAAG e: Glass Packer (joum.) GLPC e: Gas-Liquid Partition Chromatography GLPG e: Glow Plug GLPIAC e: Great Lakes Physical Information Analysis Center GLP Method e: Gradient Linear Prediction Method GLPP e: Glucose, Post Prandial GLPPS e: Graphical Lathe Part Programming System GLPR e: Goldstone Predict GLPU e: Gasline Planning Update. Northwest Alaska Pipeline Company. Manpower and Impact Planning Department (journ.) GLQ e: Golden Adit Resources - e: Greater than Lot Quantities G L R e: Garcia Lorca Review - e: Gas Liquid Ratio - e: Gaylord - e: Gazette Law Reports (joum.) - e: General Line Rate - e: Generalized Likelihood Ratio - e: Georgia Law Review (joum.) - e: Ghana Law Reports (journ.) - e: Gladiator Resources Limited - e: Glass Laser Rod - e: Graphic Level Recorder - e: Grolier, Inc. - e: Groom Lake Road - e: Gujarat Law Reporter (joum.) - e: McGill University Rare Books G l r d: Gleichrichter - e: Gloucester glr e: glare Glr. d: Glasröhrchen - d: Glasröhre - d: Gleichrichter GLRA e: Gun-Launched/Rocket-Assisted GL Radar e: Gun Laying Radar GLR-AV e: Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus GLRB e: Monrovia/Roberts International [Liberia] [Airport] GLRBAT e: Great Britain. Land Resources Division. Land Resource Bibliography (journ.)

G L R C e: Gas-Liquid Radiochromatography - e: Geneva Lake Radio Club GLRev e: Great Lakes Review (joum.) GLR[NZ] e: Gazette Law Reports [New Zealand] (joum.) GLRS e: Geodynamics Laser Ranging System GLRSAC e: Great Britain. Land Resources Development Centre. Land Resource Study (joum.) GLRSHLD e: Glare Shield GLS d: Glasseide - d: Gleichlaufschwankung[en] - e: Freemasonry Grand Lodge of Scotland - e: Galveston [Airport] - e: Gaylord Circulation Control System - e: General Ledger System - e: General Lighting Service - e: General Line School - e: Generalized Least Squares - e: Generalized Logic Simulator - e: Georgetown Law School - e: Giles [Australia] - e: Glass - e: Glide Slope - e: Global Logistics System - e: Golden Shield Resources Limited - e: Graduate Library School - e: Grand Lodge of Scotland - e: Great Lakes Screw - e: Green Laser System - e: Greene Line Steamers - e: Ground Launch Sequence[r] - e: Gypsy Lore Society - e: Gyro-stabilized Landing System Gls. d: Gleichstrom - e: Glasgow - e: Gloucester GLSA e: General Ledger Subsidiary Account - e: General Livestock Agent - e: Gray Line Sightseeing Association - e: Great Lakes Seaplane Association G L S B G e: Great Lakes Sugar Beet Growers GLSch d: Gleichlaufschwankung[en] GLSDA6 1: Geologia Sudetica (joum.) G L S E e: Generalized Least Squares Estimation - e: Generalized Weighted Least Squares Estimates GLSECT e: Ground Liaison Section GLSFC e: Great Lakes Sport Fishing Council G L S G W e: Glasgow G L S K e: Sanniquellie [Liberia] G L S L a m p e: General Lighting Service Lamp G L S M e: Gold Life Saving Medal G L S N G L S: Gledaliski List Slovenskega Narodnega Gledalisca v Ljubljane (joum.) G L S N G M S: Gledaliski List Slovenskega Narodnega Gledalisca v Mariboru (journ.) G L S O e: Group Legal Services Organization G L S O A e: Great Lakes Ship Owners Association GLSS e: Ground-Launch Support System GIss Ind e: Glass Industry (joum.) G L S T e: Sasstown [Liberia] G L S T M e: Graduate of the London School of Tropical Medicine Gl.-Str. d: Gleichstrom Glstr. d: Gleichstrom


© K G - Saur, München

GLT d: Gebäudeleittechnik - e: Gas Laser Tube - e: Gauss-Languerre Technique - e: General labor and Trades - e: Gilt - e: Gladstone [Australien] [Airport] - e: Glass Lined Tubing - e: Glatfelter Co. - e: Golden Lion Tamarin - e: Green Light - e: Greeting[s] Letter Telegram - e: Gridded Line of Thrust - e: Ground Laser Tracking - e: Guide Light gl.T. d: gleiche Teile GL[T] e: Gun-Laying [Turret] GIL d: Gleichtaktfeuer git. e: Gilt GltB d: Glastechnische Berichte (journ.) gltd, d: geltend - d: gleitend GLTMC e: Golden Lion Tamarin Management Committee Gl.Tn. d: Glockentonne G1TN e: Glomerulo-Tubulo-Nephritis GLTN e: Tchien [Liberia] - f: Guillotine GLTR e: Ground Launched Tacit Rainbow GItS e: Glutamate Synth[et]ase GL Tube e: Glass-type Loctal Tube GLTX e: Geldtex, Inc. - e: Goldtex, Inc. GLU d: Gleichstrom-Linien-Umpolung - d: Glutaminsäure - d: Grüne Liste Umweltschutz - d: Grüne Listen Umwelt - e: Gambia Labour Union - e: General Logic Unit - e: Global Land Use - e: Glutamic [Acid] - e: Great Lakes United - e: Green Lake Resources Limited - e: Ground Laser Unit Glu e: Glutamic Acid - e: Glutamin Acid - e: Glutamyl Glu A e: Glutamic Acid GLU Acid e: Glutamic Acid GLUC e: Glucose GLUCEPTATE e: Glucoheptonate Gliickauf-Forschungsh d: Glückauf Fochungshefte (journ.) gluco e: glucose - e: glycerol - e: glycogen - e: glycoprotein Glucur e: Glucuronide GLULAM[S] e: Glue-Laminated Wooden Beam[s] GLULAM [Wood] e: Glued Laminated Wood Glu[NH 2 ] e: Glutamine glu ox e: Glucose Oxidase GLUT e: Glucose Transporter GLU Timber e: Gluta [gluta travancorica] Timber GLV d: Gebietslastenverteiler - d: Graphische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt - d: Gross Leukemia Vims - e: Gemini Launch Vehicle - e: Globe Valve - e: Glove Valve - e: Gloves - e: Golden Vale Explorations Corporation - e: Golovin [Alaska] [Airport] - e: Gross Leukemia Virus

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GM3 GLVA e: Voinjama [Liberia] Gl.-Vers. d: Glasversicherung GLVOAK e: Glaxo Volume (journ.) GLVS e: Galveston Resources Limited GLW d: gleichwertiger Wasserstand Glw d: Gleiswart G L W d: GroBsammelleitungswahler - d: Gruppenleitungswahler - e: Coming Glass Works - e: Corning, Inc. - e: Glasgow - e: Gunnery Lieutenant's Writer Glw. e: Gelandewinkel GLWB e: Glazed Wallboard GLWDA e: Great Lakes Waterways Development Association GLWQA e: Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement GLWQB e: Great Lakes Water Quality Board GLWR e: Glassware GLX e: Galela [Indonesien] [Airport] GIx e: Giutamic Acid GLX e: Glaxo Holdings PLC Glx e: Glutamic Acid - e: Glutamine GLX e: Goldex Mines Limited - e: McGill University Recon GLXI e: Glenex Industries, Inc. GLY e: Clinton - e: Galaxy Minerals, Inc. - e: Glycerin[e] - e: Glycerol - e: Glycin[ate) - e: Glycogen - e: Glycol - e: Gully Gly d: Glykokoll - d: Glysin - d: Glyzin - e: Glycine - e: Glycyl - e: Gulley G L Y C e: Glycerin[e] - e: Glycomed, Inc. Glyc e: Glycerine glycerol e: glycerine-C 3 H 5 [OH] 3 GLYCEROPH e: Glycerophophas Glyc in W e: Glycerin in Water GLYCN e: Glycerine glyc-pos e: glycerine suppositories GLYCYRRH e: Glycyrrhiza Gly-IPC e: Glycinergic Interplexiform Cell GLYME e: Ethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether Glyn&J[am] [Eng] e: Glyn and Jameson's English Bankruptcy Reports (journ.) Glynn Wat Pow e: Glynn on Water Powers (journ.) GLYP e: Glyphography glyp e: glyptics - e: glyptography Glyph Jon H e: Glyph. Johns Hopkins Textual Studies (journ.) glyph[s] e: hieroglyphs] GLYPNIR e: Programming language GlyR e: Glycine Receptor GLYRRH e: Glycyrrhiza GLYT e: Genlyte Group, Inc. Glyz. d: Glyzerin GLZ d: Gleitzeit - d: Grubenlampenwerke Zwickau - e: General Bronze Corporation - e: Great Lakes Group, Inc. glz. d: gleichzeitig GLZD e: Glazed

G M d: Gebrauchsmuster - d: geheimer Mitarbeiter - d: Geiger Müller - d: Generalmajor - d: Genitalmykosen - d: Geräuschspannungsmesser - d: Geschwindigkeitsmesser - d: Gleichstrommaschine - d: Gleichstrommotor - d: Goldmark - d: Gramm - d: Großmeister - d: Grundmaterial - d: Grundmelioration - d: Grundmittel - d: Grünmasse - d: Gruppenmarke - d: Gummersbach - d: Gummimantel - e: Aerocenter [Sweden] - e: G-Module - e: Gabexate Mesilate - e: Gainesville Midland Railroad Co. - e: Galvanometer - e: Gambia - e: Gamma - e: Gandhi Marg - e: Gas Meter - e: Gaseous Mixture - e: Gastric Mucosa - e: Gated Memory - e: Gay Male - e: Gay Mate - e: Gazeta Musical - e: Geiger-Mueller - e: General Macroassembly - e: General Maintenance [Aptitude Area] - e: General Manager - e: General Medical - e: General Medicine - e: General Meetings - e: General Memory - e: General Merchandise - e: General Merit - e: General Message - e: General Mortgage - e: General Motors [Corporation] - e: Gentamicin - e: Gentil Membre - e: Geographical Magazine (journ.) - e: Geological Museum - e: Geomagnetic - e: Geometric Mean - e: Geometric Scan - e: Geomorphology - e: Giant Melanoma - e: Gigameter - e: Glass Metal - e: Global Marketplace - e: Gluteus Medius - e: Golf Course Operations and Management Program[me] - e: Good Mason - e: Good Middling - e: Good Morning - e: Gopher Music Notes (journ.) - e: Gradient Mixer [Chromatoaphy] - e: Grail Movement - e: Gram[me] - e: Gramophone Motor - e: Grand Mai - e: Grand Marshal - e: Grand Master [Education] - e: Grand Medal - e: Grand Minister - e: Grand Multiparity - e: Grant Maintained

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Grant Metre - e: Graphics Module - e: Gravimetry - e: Gravitational Mass - e: Gravity Meter - e: Great Musicians (journ.) - e: Greater Manchester - e: Greenwich Meridian - e: Grid Modulation - e: Grid-to-Magnetic Angle - e: Grog Money - e: Gross Margin - e: Gross Motor - e: Ground Malfunction - e: Ground Mapping - e: Ground Mode - e: Group Mark[ing] - e: Group Member - e: Group Mobile - e: Group Modem - e: Group Multiplication - e: Group[s] per Message - e: Groupmark - e: Grouting Mortar - e: Guam - e: Guard Mail - e: Guided Missile - e: Gun-Laying Mark I - e: Gun Metal - e: Gun Mount - e: Gunner's Mate - e: Gypsy Moths - e: Gyromagnet[ism] - e: Metacentric Height - e: Monosialoganglioside - e: Washington Memorial Library, Middle Georgia Regional Libra, Macon -1: Gluteus Medius - r: Swedair i Vaxjo AB Gm e: Mutual Conductance gm e: transconductance G&M e: General and Municipal - e: Girth and Mirth - e: Globe and Mail - e: Gulf & Mississippi Railroad G - M e: Geiger-Müller [detector] - e: Geiger-Müller [tube] - e: Grid-to-Magnetic Angle G . M . d: Geiger Müller G/M e: Gallons per Minute - e: Granulocyte/Macrophage - e: Group[s] per Message Gm. d: Gasmaske GM1 e: Gunner's Mate, First Class gm 2 e: grams per square meter [US] - e: grams per square metre [GB] g/m 2 e: grams per square meter G M 2 e: Gunner's Mate, Second Class G M 3 e: Gunner's Mate, Third Class


GMA G M A d: Gefahrenmeldeanlage - d: Gesellschaft für Meß- und Automatiesierungstechnik - d: Glykolmonomethacrylat - e: Gallery of Modern Art - e: Game Manufacturers Association - e: Gas Metal-Arc [Welding] - e: Gemena [Zaire] [Airport] - e: Gen State Airlines - e: General Maintenance Aptitude - e: General Mental Ability - e: Geomechanics Abstracts [Royal School of Mines, GB] (journ.) - e: Germin-3-Monoacetat - e: Giant Molecular Association - e: Gilt Market Analysis - e: Glass Manufacturers Association - e: Glycidyl Methacrylate - e: Glycol Methacrylate - e: Good Morning America - e: Gospel Music Association - e: Government Modification Authorization - e: Graduate Management Association - e: Grand Rapids Furniture Market Association - e: Granite Mountain [Alaska] - e: Gravimetric Analysis - e: Grocery Manufacturers of America - e: Grocery Manufacturers of Australia - e: Gross Motor Activities - e: Ground Meat Analyzer - e: Growth and Maturation Activity - e: Guided Missile Ammunition - e: Gunner's Mate, Armorer - e: Whitefeld GM-A e: Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Activity G M / A e: Ground Meat/Analyser G M A A e: Agadir/Inezgane [Morocco] - e: Gold Mining Association of America G M A B e: Guided Missile Assembly Building G M A C e: Gaining Major Air Command - e: Gaining Motor Air Command - e: Gas Metal Arc Cutting - e: General Motors Acceptance Corporation - e: Genetic Manipulation Advisory Committee - e: Graduate Management Admission Council G M A D e: General Motors Allison Division - e: General Motors Assembly Division G M a g e: Geological Magazine (journ.) G M A G e: Genetic Manipulation Advisory Group G M A I C e: Guided Missile and Aerospace Intelligence Committee G M A J C O M e: Gaining Major Command G M A K e: Ground Mounted Adaption Kit G M A L e: General Electric Macro Assembly Language - e: Graves Medical Audiovisual Library G M A M A d: Gemeinsames Amtsblatt. Ausgabe A (journ.) G - M a n e: Government Man G m a n d W a t e r H e a t P u m p J e: Ground Water Heat Pump Journal (journ.) G M A P d: Generelles Makro-Assemblierungsprogramm - e: General Macro Assembler Processor - e: General Macro-Assembly Program[me] - e: General Marco Assembly Processor - e: Generalized Macroprocessor - e: Geometric Modeling Application Program G M A R A e: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (journ.)

G M a r C e: Cobb County-Marietta Public Library G M a r K e: Kennesaw College, Marietta G M a r L G e: Lockheed-Georgia Co., Scientific and Technical Information Department, Marietta G M a r S e: Southern Technical Institute, Marietta G M A S e: Glovers' Mutual Aid Society - e: Ground Munitions Analysis Study G M A S I e: Graduate Member of the Ambulance Service Institute G M A T e: Graduate Management Admission[s] Test - e: Greenwich Mean Astronomical Time - e: Tan Tan/Plage Blanche [Morocco] G M A T S e: General Motors Air Transport Section - e: General Motors Air Transport System G M A W e: Gram Atomic Weight G M A W e: Gas Metal-Arc Welder - e: Gas Metal Arc Welding - e: Gram Atomic Weight G M A W - E G e: Gas Metal-Arc Welding, Electrogas G M A W - P e: Gas Metal Arc WeldingPulsed Arc - e: Pulsed Gas Metal-Arc Welding G M A W - S e: Gas Metal Arc Welding-Short Circuiting Arc - e: Short Circuiting Gas Metal-Arc Welding G M A X e: Graphics Multi-Axis Module - e: Maximum Gain G M A Z e: Zagora [Morocco] G M B d: Gesellschaft für Molekularbiologische Forschung - d: Görlitzer Maschinenbau - e: Gambela [Äthiopien] [Airport] - e: Gambia - e: General Mortgage Bond - e: General, Municipal, Boilennakers - e: Glass Microballoon - e: Global Management Bureau - e: Good Merchandise Brand - e: Good Merchantable Brand - e: Grand Master [of the Order] of the Bath - e: Grand Master Bowman - e: Graph Model of Behavio[u]r - e: Green Mountain Boy - e: Guided Missile Brigade G M B A T U e: General, Municipal, Boilermakers and Allied Trades Union G M B E e: Grand Master [of the Order of the] British Empire G M B F d: Gesellschaft für Molekularbiologische Forschung - e: Gastric Mucosal Blood Flow G m b H d: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung G m b H & C o K G d: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung und Kommanditgesellschaft G m b H G d: Gesetz Betreffend der Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung G M B I e: Ground-based Midcourse Balilistic Interceptor G M B L e: Gimbal GMBI. d: Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt G M B S e: Gamma-Maleimidobutyryloxysuccinimide


C K - O - Saur. München

G M C d: Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung - e: Ganglion Mother Cell - e: Geiger-Müller Counter - e: General Management Commitee - e: General Medical Council - e: General Microfilm Co., Cambridge - e: General Military Course - e: General Monte Carlo Code - e: General Motors Corporation - e: General Musketry Course - e: George Mason College - e: Georgia Military College - e: Geostar Mining Corporation - e: Germanic - e: Gerner-Mathisen Chartering AS - e: Giant Molecular Cloud - e: Global Marine Corporation - e: Gordon Military College - e: Grivet Monkey Cell Line - e: Gross Maximum Capacity - e: Ground Mobile Cenetheodolite - e: Ground Movement Controller - e: Groundwater Management Caucus - e: Gruen Marketing Corporation - e: Guarantee[d] Mortagee Certificate - e: Guard-Cell Mother Cell - e: Guggenheim Memonal Concerts - e: Guided Missile Chart - e: Guided Missile Committee - e: Guided Missile Control [Facility] - e: Guild of Memorial Craftsmen - e: Gulf Maritime Company - e: Gun Motor Carriage - e: Gunner's Mate, Chief - e: Middle Georgia College, Chocran G M 1 C e: Gunner's Mate, First Class G M 2 C e: Gunner's Mate Second Class gm-cal e: gram-calorie - e: gram-centimeter G M C B e: Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion G M C B A e: Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Armorer G M C B P e: Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Powderman G M C C e: General Magnaplate Corporation - e: General Motors Ceramic Committee - e: Geophysical Monitoring for Climatic Change[s] - e: Ground Mobile Command Center G M C Code e: General Monte Carlo Code G M C F e: Goddard Mission Control Facility - e: Guided Missile Control Facility G M C I e: Giftware Manufacturers' Clit Interchange G M C L e: Ground Measurements Command List G M C M e: Guided Missile CounterMeasure[s] [Master] - e: Gunner's Mate, Master Chief gm/cm 3 e: Gram[me] per Cubic Centimetre G M C O e: General Mathematics Computing Option - e: Guided Missile Control Officer G M C o u n t e r e: Geiger Müller Counter G M C R e: General Monitor Checking Routine - e: Globe Mackay Cable and Radio Corporation [Philippinen] G M C S e: Group Medicare Cooperative Society - e: Guided Missile Control System - e: Gunner's Mate, Senior Chief G M - C S A e: Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Activily

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GMHE GM-CSF e: Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor GMCT e: Giftware Manufacturers Credit Interchange GM/CUCM e: Gram[me] per Cubic Centimetre GMCY e: Grant-Makers for Children and Youth GMD d: Generalmusikdirektor - d: Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH - d: Gesellschaft für medizinische Dokumentation und Statistik - e: General Management Directive - e: General Marine Distress - e: General Motors Defense Operations group - e: Generalized Mutual Dependency - e: Geometrie Mean Distance - e: Geometrodynamics - e: Gould Medical Dictionary - e: Government Maintenance Depot - e: Green-Monkey Disease - e: Ground Meteorological Detector - e: Ground Meteorological Device - e: Ground Meteorological Site - e: Guided Missiles-Division GMDA e: Golf Manufacturers and Distributors Association - e: Groundwater Management Districts Association - e: Group Method of Determining Arguments GMDC e: General Merchandise Distributors Council GMDCB4 1: Goegraphia Medica (journ.) GMDD e: Guided Missile Development Division Gmde. d: Gemeinde GMDEP e: Guided Missile Data Exchange Program[me] GMDH e: Group Method of Data Handling GMDIL e: General Motors Distribution Ireland Limited GMD-IZ d: GMD-Informationszentrum für GMD-lnformationszentrum für Informationswissenschaft und -Praxis GMDP e: Guaranteed Minimum Delivery Price GMDRL e: General Motors Defense Research Laboratories GMDS d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Dokumentation. Informatik und Statisik e.V. - e: German Military Documents Section GMDSS e: Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GM Dud[l] e: Dudley s Georgia Reports (journ.)

GME d: Gesellschaft Mikroelectronik - e: Gelatine Manufacturers of Europe - e: General Micro-Electronics - e: General Motors Europe - e: Generalized Machine Equation - e: Generic Macro Expander - e: Geometric Mean Error - e: German Minimum Economy - e: Gilt Marbled Edges - e: Gimbal Module Electronics - e: Gimbal Mounted Electronics - e: GlimmerResources, Inc. - e: Globe Microphone Evaluation - e: Gmelinite - e: Gradient Maximum Entropy - e: Graduate Medical Education - e: Greater Middle East - e: Green, M.E., Jefferson City - e: Group Modulating Equipment - e: Group Modulation Equipment - e: Guided Missile Evaluator Gme d: Geschiebemergel GMECH e: General Mechanic GMED e: GMI Group, Inc. GMEI e: Gulf of Mexico Estuarine Inventory GMEL f: Groupement des Mathématiciens d'Expression Latine G Mem e: Gated Memory GMEM e: Glascow Modified Eagle's Medium - e: GPC [Genel Purpose Computer] Memory GME Method e: Gradient Maximum Entropy Method GMENAC e: Graduate Medical Education National Advisory Committee GME Paper e: Gilt Marbled Edges Paper GME-PC e: General Motors EuropePassenger Cars GMET e: General Metal & Abrasives Co. - e: Graphical Munitions Effect Tables - e: Gun Metal GMEt e: Graphical Munitions Effects Tables GMetO e: Group Meteorological Officer GMEVALU e: Guid Missile Evaluation Unit GMEX e: Garcia's of Scottsdale GM-F e: Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor GMF e: Galactic Magnetic Field - e: General Motors Corporation and Fanuc Limited - e: Generalized Mainline Framework - e: Generated Message Format - e: Glass Manufacturers Federation - e: Glass Microfilter - e: Glial Maturation Factor - e: Ground Mobile Forces - e: Ground Monitor Facility - e: Guided Missile Facilities - e: Milwaukee GMFA e: Ouezzane [Morocco] GMFB e: Gang Mill Fixture Base GMFC e: Gem and Mineral Federation of Canada - e: General Mining and Finance Corporation - e: Guided Missile Fire Control GMFCS e: Guided Missile Fire Control System GMFF e: Fes/Saiss [Morocco] GMFI e: Ifrane [Morocco] GMFJ e: Ghana Movement of Freedom and Justice GMFK e: Er-Rachidia [Morocco] GMFM e: Meknes/Bassatine [Morocco]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

GMFMC e: Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council GMFN e: Nador/Taouima [Morocco] GMFO e: Oujda/Angads [Morocco] GMFP e: Geometrical Mean Free Path - e: Guided Missile Firing Panel GMFRBP e: Ghana. Fishery Research Unit. Marine Fishery Research (journ.) GMFS e: Ground Mobile Forces/Tactical Satellite Communications [Program] GMFSC e: Ground Mobile Force[s] Satellite Communication GMFT e: Touahar [Morocco] GMF/TACSAT e: Ground Mobile Forces/Tactical Satellite Communications GMF/TACSAT Communications e: Ground Mobile Forces/Tactical Satellite Communications GMFU e: Fes/Sefrou [Morocco] GMFZ e: Taza [Morocco] GMG d: Gebrauchsmustergesetz - d: GroBmaschinengewehr - d: Grundmaschinengewehr - d: Gummi-Metallgelenk - e: Grenade[-Launching] Machine Gun - e: Gross Maximum Generation - e: Guided Missile Group - e: Gunner's Mate, Guns GMG1 e: Gunner's Mate G [Guns] First Class GMG2 e: Gunner's Mate G [Guns] Second Class GMG3 e: Gunner's Mate G [Guns] Third Class GMGB e: Guards Machine Gun Battalion GMGC e: Chief Gunner's Mate G [Guns] - e: Gunner's Mate, Guns, Chief GMGR e: Guards Machine Gun Regiment GMGRU e: Guided Missile Group GMGS e: Guided Missile General Support GMGSA e: Gunner's Mate G [Guns] Seaman Apprentice GMGSN e: Gunner's Mate G [Guns] Seaman GMGW e: Geraghty & Miller, Inc. GMGZA e: Gas Magazine (journ.) GM-H e: General Motors-Holden GMH e: Chief of Military History - e: Combined Military Hospital - e: General Military Hospital - e: General Motors-Holden's Limited - e: Georgia Mental Health Institute, Atlanta - e: Greenville gmh e: German Gmh e: Grangemouth GMHC e: Gay Men's Health Crisis - e: Grease Monkey Holding Corporation - e: Great Monkey Holding Corporation GMHE e: General Motors Hughes Electronics Corporation - e: GM [General Motors] Hughes Electronics Corporation


GMI G M I d: Gerichtsmedizinisches Institut - d: Gesellschaft für medizinische Information - e: Galtaco, Inc. - e: Garnes Mountain - e: Gasmata [Papua Neu-Guinea] [Airport] - e: Gelatin Manufacturers Institute of America - e: Gemini Fund, Inc. - e: General Medical Intelligence - e: General Memory Interface - e: General Mills, Incorporated, Minneapolis - e: General Motors [Engineering and Management] Institute - e: General Motors Institute - e: Global Marine, Inc. - e: Goddard Management Instruction - e: Guarantee Material Inspection - e: Guaranteed Minimum Income G / M I e: Gram per Mile G M I A e: Gelatin Manufacturers Institute of America - e: Guided Missile Intercept Aerial G M I C e: General Microelectronics Corporation - e: Graphic Memory Interface Controller G M I D G e: Garnish Moulding G M I E e: Grand Master of the Order of the Indian Empire G M I - E M I e: General Motors InstituteEngineering and Management G M I F d: Grundsätzliche Militärische Infrastrukturforschung - e: Gandhi Memorial International Foundation G M I I e: Ground Moving Target Indication - e: Guaranteed Market Index Investment G M i M e: Georgia Military College, Milledgeville G M I M e c h E e: Graduate Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers G M I Model e: General Memory Interface Model G M I P e: General Motors Improvement Project G M I S e: Generalized Management Information System - e: GMIS, Inc. - e: Government Management Information Sciences - e: Government Management Information System - e: Grants Management Information System - e: Guided Missile Launching System G M I S h o r t P a p O r e g Dep Geol M i n e r I n d e: GMI Short Paper. Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (joum.) G M I T P M e: Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine G M i W e: Georgia College, Milledgeville G M J e: Macon Junior College, Macon G M J C e: Green Mountain Junior College G M J S U e: Gems G M K d: Gemarkung - d: gyromagnetischer Kompaß - e: Gold Mark Minerals - e: Gold Mines of Kalgoorlie - e: Grand Master Key[ed] - e: Green Monkey Kidney [Cell] - e: Gyromagnetic Kompass - j: Gomei Kaisha G M k d: Goldmark G M K Cell e: Green Monkey Kidney Cell G M K P e: Grand Master of the Knights of St Patrick

G M L d: Gemeinschaft der Milchwirtschaftlichen Landesvereinigungen - e: Galvanometer-Mirror Lightbeam - e: General Measurement Loop - e: Generalized Markup Language - e: Generic Mark-Up Language - e: George Moody Limited - e: Glycerol Monolaurate - e: Gold Maple Leaf - e: Gold-Medal Resources Limited - e: Gold Mining Lease - e: Goldrich Maritime Line - e: Gorgas Memorial Laboratory - e: Government Metallurgical Laboratory - e: Grand Master's Lodge - e: Graphic Machine Language - e: Guided Missile Launcher g/ml d: Gramm pro Milliliter - e: Gram[me] per Millilitre [GB] - e: Grams per Milliliter [US] gm/1 e: grams per liter G M L D G e: Garnish Molding G M L O F e: Guided Missile Line of Flight G M L S e: Guided Missile Launching System G M - M d: Gramm-Meter gm-m e: gram-meter G M M d: galvanomagnetische Methode - d: Glas-Metall Modul - d: Gleichstrommikromotor - e: Galvanomagnetic Method - e: General Matrix Manipulator - e: General Methods of Moments - e: Glas[s]-Metal Module - e: Goldsmith Minerals - e: Graphics Mill Module - e: Gunner's Mate Missile - e: Gunner's Mate, Mounts G M M 1 e: Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] First Class G M M 2 e: Gunner.s Mate M [Missiles] Second Class G M M 3 e: Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] Third Class G M M A e: Gas Meter Makers' Association - e: Gloucester Master Mariners Association - e: Golda Meir Memorial Association G M M C e: Chief Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] - e: Godden Memorial Medical Centre G M M E A s: Gaceta Medica de Mexico G M M G e: Grand Master of the Order of St Michael and St George G M M I e: Essaouira G M M J e: El Jadida G M M R e: General Mobilization Material Readiness G M M R I e: Georgia Mining and Mineral Research Institute G M M RIT e: Glas-Metal Module Relase Interface Tape G M M S A e: Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] Seaman Apprentice G M M S I e: Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India G M M S N e: Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] Seaman G M M T T R e: Geometric Mean Time to Repair G M - M V O e: General Motors - Military Vehicles Operation G M & N e: Gulf Mobile & Northern Railroad G M N e: Gorman - e: Greenman Brothers - e: Greenwich Mean Noon - e: Ground Mapping Narrow G m n n: Groningen


© K • G • Säur, München

G M N A e: Glutamynaphthylamide - e: Guided Missile Nitric Acid G m N E e: Graphic Microfilm of New England G M N N R e: Glasson Moss National Nature Reserve G M N P e: Guadalupe Mountains National Park G m n p Psychother P s y c h o d r a m a Sociometry e: Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry (journ.) GmNY e: Graphic Microfilm Corporation G M N Z e: General Motors New Zealand G M & O e: Gulf Mobile & Ohio Railroad G M O d: Gesellschaft fUr modeme Organisationsverfahren - d: Glycerinmonooleat - e: Gadolinium Molybdate - e: General Medical Officer - e: Genetically-Manipulated Organism - e: Genetically Modified Organism - e: Gill-Morrell Oscillator - e: Glyceryl Monooleate - e: Glycol Monoacetate - e: Government Medical Office[r] - e: Guided Missile Office[r] - e: Gulf Mobile & Ohio Railroad G M o C e: Colquitt-Thimas Regional Library G M O C U e: Guided Missile Operation[s] [and] Control Unit G M O D C e: General Motors Overseas Distribution Corporation G M O Diode e: Germanium Microwave Oscillating Diode g mol e: g molecule g-Mol d: Grammolekiil g-mol e: gram-molecule g/mol e: Gram[me] per Mole G M O O e: Guided Missile Operations Office[r] G M o r t G E e: Genealogical Enterprises G M O S e: GPSS [General Purpose Simulation System] Modelled Operating System G M Oscillation e: Gill-Morell Oscillation G M O V e: Glycine Mottle Virus

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GMSY GMP d: Glukose-Monophosphat - d: Guanosinmonophosphat - d; Güterzug mit Personenbeförderung - e: Garrison Military Police - e: Gay Men's Press - e: Gemini Management Panel - e: General Machine Programfme] - e: General Management Plan - e: General Matrix Program - e: General Medical Practice - e: General Medical Problem - e: Geometrie Modelling Project - e: Glass, Molders, Poaery, Plastics and Allied Workers International Union - e: Global Mobile Phone - e: Glycomacropeptide - e: Good Management Practice - e: Good Manufacturing Practice[s] - e: Grand Master of the Order of St Patrick - e: Granule Membrane Protein - e: Grass-Model Polygraph - e: Greater Manchester Police - e: Green Mansion Properties - e: Green Mounlain Power Corporation - e: Gross Material Product - e: Ground Map Pencil - e: Ground Mapping Radar - e: Ground Movement Planner - e: Ground Movement Radar - e: Guanine Monophosphate - e: Guanosine Monophosphate - e: Guaranteed Minimum Pension - e: Guaranteed Minimum Price - e: Guide to Microforms in Print - e: Gun Mount Processor - e: Gurkha Military Police G.m.P. d: Granate mit Panzerkopf GMPA e: Gas-Metal-Plasma-Arc - e: General Material and Petroleum Activity GMPC e: Green Mountain Power Corporation GMPG e: General Motors Proving Grounds - e: Ground nautical Miles Per Gallon GMPI e: Guilford-Martin Personnel Inventory GMPMA e: General Material and Petroleum Management Agency GMPPI e: Ground Map Plan Position Indicator GMPR e: General Maximum Price Regulation GMPS e: Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture GMP Standard e: Global Mobile Phone Standard GMQ e: Good Marketable Quality - e: Good Merchantable Ouality - f: Geomaque Explorations Limited GMR d: Gesellschaft für Medizinische Radiologie - d: Gesellschaft für Meß- und Regelungstechnik - e: Gambier Island - e: General Mobilization Reserves - e: General Modular Redundancy - e: General Motors Research - e: Geometric Mean Radius - e: German Military Representative - e: Giant Monopole Resonance - e: Graphics Metafile Resources - e: Greatest Meridional Radius - e: Gromer Aviation - e: Ground-Mapping Radar - e: Ground Mobile Radar - e: Ground Movement Radar - e: Group Medical Report - i: Gruppo Marxista Revoluzionario

Gmr. d: Geschwindigkeitsmesser GMRAO e: General Mobilization Reserve Acquisition Objective GMRC e: General Motors Research Center - e: Green Mountain Railroad Corporation GMRD e: Guards Motorized Rifle Division - e: Guided Missile[s] Range Division GMRE e: General Motors Rotary Engine GMrhKG d: Gesellschaft für Mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte GMRK e: Gulfmark International GMRL e: General Motors Corporation Research Laboratories - e: General Motors Research Laboratories - e: Grain Marketing Research Laboratory - e: Group of Mathematicians of Romane Languages GMRM e: Growth-hormone-Releasing Hormone GMRMO e: General Mobilization Reserve Materiel Objective GMRMR e: General Mobilization Reserve Material Requirements GMROI e: Gross Margin Return on Investment GMRS e: General Mobile Radio Service - e: General Mobilization Reserve Stock - e: Guided-Missile Vertical Launch System GMRSO e: General Mobilization Reserve Stockage Objective GMRT e: Gates MacGinitie Reading Test GMRWG e: Guided Missile Relay Working Group GMS d: Glycerinmonostearat - d: Glyzerinmonostearat - e: Gabriel Macrel Society - e: Gas Mass Spectrometry - e: Gas Measurement System - e: Gelatin Matrix System - e: Gemini Mission Simulator - e: General Material Services - e: General Medical Services - e: General Military Science - e: Generalized] Maintenance System - e: Generalized Main Scheduling - e: Generation Management Station - e: Geometric Modeling System - e: Geophysical Monitoring Satellite - e: George MacDonald Society - e: Geostationary Meteorological Satellite - e: Geostationary Metereological Satellite - e: Geostationaty Meteorological Satellite - e: Giant Motor Syn - e: Gichner Mobile Shelters - e: Gilbert M. Smith Herbarium - e: Girls' High School - e: Glycerol Monostearate - e: Gomori's Methode - e: Grant-Maintained Status - e: Gravitational Mass Sensor - e: Gravity Measuring System - e: Ground Maintenance Support - e: Ground Map Spoiled - e: Ground Mapping System - e: Ground Marking System - e: Group Membership Scores - e: Guardian-Morton Shulman Precious Metals - e: Guidance Monitor Set - e: Guided Missile [School] - e: Guided Missile Simulator - e: Guided Missile System - n: Gemeentestem Weekblad aan de Belangen van de Gemeente GM&S e: General Medicine and Surgery - e: General, Medical and Surgical GMs d: GuBmessing

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Gms e: Gomori's methenamine silver [stain] GMs e: Guided Missiles GMSA e: General Motors South African - e: German Minesweeping Administration GMSB e: Guided Missile System Branch GMSC e: Gateway Mobile Switching Center - e: General Medical Services Committee - e: Guangdong Manpower Service Corporation GMSER e: Guided Missile Service Report GMSF e: Goddard Manned Space Flight GMSFC e: George Marshall Spaceflight Center [Consulting] GMSI e: Gateway Medical Systems - e: Grand Master of the Order of the Star of India GMSIA e: Guided Missile System GMSK e: Gaussian Filtered Minimum Shift Keying - e: Gaussian Filtered Minimum Shift Keying GOL [General Operating Language] - e: Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying - e: Global Method Shift Keying G/MSL e: Guided Missile GMSL e: Group Management Service Limited GMSLL e: Georgetown University. Monograph Series on Languages GMS Machine e: George Moulton's Successors Machine GMS O e: German Mine Supplies Organization GM Soc Am Univ Y Bk e: Geological and Mining Society GMSquad e: Guided Missile Squadron GMSR e: Guided Missile Service Record - e: Gulf & Mississippi Corporation - e: Gunner's Mate Ship Repair GMSRON e: Guided Missile Record GMSRP e: Gunner's Mate Ship Repair GMSS e: Geostationary Meteorological Satellite System - e: Graphical Modeling and Simulation System GMST e: General Military Subjects Instructor - e: General Military Subjects Test - e: Glossary of Merchant Ship - e: Greenwich Mean Sideral Time GMSTS e: Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time - e: Guided Missile System Test Set - e: Guided Missiles Service Test Station GMSW e: Gross Measures Weight GMSY e: Generalized Multigroup System


GMT G M T e: Gas Missile Tube - e: GATX Corporation - e: Geiger-Miiller Tube - e: Geimarine Technology - e: General American Transportation - e: General Machine Test - e: General Manufacturing Training - e: General Military [Training] - e: Generalized Machine Theory - e: Generalized Multitasking - e: Geo-Marine Technology - e: Geometric Mean Titre - e: Geriatric Medicine Today - e: Glass-Mat [Reinforced] Thermoplastic - e: Global Money Transfer - e: Government Maturity Test - e: Graphic On-Line Language - e: Graphics Mouse Technology - e: Greenwich Mean Time - e: Greenwich Meridian Time - e: Guided Missile Target - e: Guided Missile Trainer - e: Guided Missile Transporter - e: Gunner's Mate, Turrets GMT1 e: Gunner's Mate T [Technician] First Class GMT2 e: Gunner's Mate T [Technician] Second Class GMT3 e: Gunner's Mate T [Technician] Third Class GMTA e: A1 Hoceima/Cote Du Rif GMtbC e: Berry College GMTC e: Chief Gunner's Mate T [Technician] Chief - e: General Motors Technical Center - e: Glutamate Manufacturers Technical Committee GMTestU e: Guided Missile Test Unit GMTestUNOTS e: Guided Missile Test Unit, Naval Ordnance Test Station GMTF e: Gay Media Task Force - e: Geometric Modulation Transfer Function G M T I e: Gemini Technology, Inc. - e: Ground Moving Target Indicator G M T L e: Goudy Memorial Typographic Laboratory GMTO e: Gas Meter Testing Office - e: General Military Training Office GMTOA e: Green Mountain Textile Overseers Association GMTR e: Guided Missile Test Round GMTRY e: General Military Training Review Board GMTS e: Guided Missile Test Set GMTSA e: Gunner's Mate T [Technician] Seaman Apprentice GMTSN e: Gunner's Mate T [Technician] Seaman GMTT e: Gunner's Mate GMTU e: Guided Missile Test Unit - e: Guided Missile Training Unit G-M tube e: Geiger-Miiller tube G.M. Tube e: Glass Metal Tube GMtvB e: Brewton-Parker College GMTX e: Gate Matrix to XY-data GMU d: Gelsenberg-MannesmannUmweltschutz GmbH - e: George Mason University - e: Gospel Missionary Union - e: Granite Mountain - e: Greenville - e: Guided Missile Service Report - e: Guided Missile Unit GMU LR e: George Mason University. Law Review

GMU L Rev e: George Masou University Law Review GMUS e: Guildhall Museum GMUTU e: General Motors Uniform Test Standards GMV e: Galinsoga Mosaic Virus - e: Generalized Minimum Variance - e: Glycine Mosaic Virus - e: Golden Mosaic Vims - e: Government Motor Vehicle - e: Government Motor Vessel - e: Gram[me] Molecular Volume - e: Grand Master of the Vails - e: Guaranteed Maximum Value - e: Guaranteed Minimum Value GMVDC e: Gay Men's VD Clinic GMVIO e: Geomaque Explorations Limited GMVIXC e: GMX Communications, Inc. GMVLS e: Guided Missile Vertical Launching] System GMW e: General Metal Workers - e: General Microwave Corporation - e: Gram[me] Molecular Weight - e: Guevara-Molecular Weight GMWC e: Graphite Moderated Water Cooled GMAVM e: Group Mark/Word Mark GMWM e: Group Mark with Word Mark GMWS e: Guided Missile Weapon System GMWU e: General and Municipal Workers Union GMX e: Gasket Material Expert - e: Generalized Monitor Experimental GMXC e: GMX Communications GMZ d: Geiger-Müller-Zählrohr GMZF e: Gouverment GN d: Gelnhausen - d: Generator - d: Gerätenummer - d: Gesamtnährstoffe - d: Glomerulonephritis - d: Glutamin - e: Gain - e: Ganglion Nodosum - e: Gathering of Nations - e: Gaussian Noise - e: Gaylactic Network - e: General [Network] - e: General Notes - e: Generalized Network - e: Generator - e: Georgia Music - e: German - e: Germanic Notes - e: Get Next - e: Gilbert and Ellice Islands - e: Girls Nation - e: Glen - e: Gleyniedermoor - e: Glomerular Nephritis - e: Glucose-Nitrogen - e: Godfrey-Nash - e: Golden Nematode - e: Golden Number - e: Golden Titan Resources - e: Goldneck Summer Squash - e: Good Night - e: Graduate Nurse - e: Grain - e: Gram-Negative - e: Grand National - e: Grand Nehemiah - e: Grandnephew - e: Grandniece - e: Great Northern - e: Great Novel - e: Green


© K • G • Säur, München

- e: Grid Neutralization - e: Grid North - e: Ground - e: Ground Nester - e: Group Number - e: Guanine Nucleotide - e: Guidance and Navigation - e: Guide-Number - e: Guinea - e: Gun[s] -1: Glomerular Nephritis - s: Gas Natural Gn e: Gnomon (joum.) - e: Gonadotropin - e: Gradational, Non-Calcareous G&N e: Gippsland and Northern - e: Guidance and Navigation [System] g-n e: glucose-nitrogen [ratio] G.N. e: Graduate Nurse g.n. e: grandnephew - e: grandniece G/N e: Glucose/Nitrogen G:N e: Glucose Nitrogen Gn. d: Gnom - e: Genesis gn. e: guinea GN 2 e: Gaseous Nitrogen GN2 e: Gaseous Nitrogen GNA d: grafische Netzwerkarchitektur - e: Gainsco, Inc. - e: Gay Nurces' Alliance - e: Ghana News Agency - e: Gnangara [Australien] - e: Granada Exploration Corporation - e: Grants Pass OR - e: Graphics Network Architecture - e: Graysonia, Nashville & Ashdown Railroad Co. - e: Great Northern Airlines, Inc. - e: Great Northern Insured Annuity Corporation GNAA e: German Naval Air Arm GNAACBJA e: Greater North American Aviculturist and Color Bred Judges Association GNAB e: Guide to New Australian Books (joum.) GNAC e: Guidance, Navigation and Control GNACBJA e: Greater North American Color-Bred Judge Association GNADS e: Gimbaled Night and Day Sight GNAF e: Generalized Nonadjacent Form GNAGS e: Ground Adjutant General Section GNAL e: Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory GNAMAP R: Gigiena Naselennykh Mest Respublikanskoi Meshvedomstvennyi Sbornik (journ.) GNAS e: Grand National Archery Society GNAT e: General Numerical Analysis of Transport - e: Grade-Nine Achievement Test - e: Global Network of Automatic Telescopes GNAT Program[me] e: General Numerical Analysis of Transport Program[me] GNATS e: General Noise and Tonal System - e: General Nonlinear Analysis of Two dimensional Structures - e: General Numerical Analysis of Two-dimensional Structures - e: Generalized Numerical Analysis of Thermal System[s] - e: Guidance and Navigational Tracking Satellite GNAUTO e: General Automation, Inc. GNaV e: Graphic Area Navigation

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GNOZ G N a v O e: Group Navigation Officer G N B e: Gambia News Bulletin (joum.) - e: Good News Bible (journ.) - e: Good News Broadcaster - e: Gram-Negative Bacillus - e: Granby CO - e: Granby Resources Limited - e: Grenoble [Airport] - e: Guinea-Bissau G N B C e: Glendale Bancorporation G N B M e: Gram-Negative Bacillary Meningitis G N & C e: Guidance, Navigation and Control G N C e: General Nautical Chart - e: General Navigation Computer - e: General Nuclear war - e: General Nursing Care - e: General Nursing Council - e: General Nutrition Center - e: Geologic Names Committee - e: Global Navigation Chart - e: Goddard Network Control - e: Good Neighbor Councils] - e: Grain Neutral Spirits - e: Graphical] Numerical Control - e: Ground Nutation Control - e: Guaranty National Corporation - e: Guidance - e: Guidance and Navigation Computer - e: Guidance-Navigation Control - e: Guidance, Navigation and Control - e: Seminole G N C A M e: Glia-Neuron Cell Adhesion Molecule GNCBA[2] p: Ginecologia Brasileira (journ.) G N C C A e: Grand National Curling Club of America G N C E W e: General Nursing Council for England and Wales G N C F T S e: GN&C [Guidance, Navigation and Control] Flight Test Station G N C I S e: Guidance, Navigation and Control Integration Simulator G N C M e: General Communication, Inc. G & N Coop e: G & N Cooperator G n Cpl e: Gun Corporal G N C R e: Gencare Health System G N C S e: Guidance, Navigation and Control System G N C T S e: GN&C [Guidance, Navigation and Control] Test Station G N D e: Gallium-arsenide Negativeresistance Diode - e: Grandview Resources, Inc. - e: Grenada [Airport] - e: Gross National Demand - e: Grounding] - e: Grounded - e: North Georgia College, Stewart Library, Dahlonega gnd. e: Ground GNDA d: Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte Gnd A e: Ground Angle G N D C G e: Ground Forces Commanding General G N D C K e: Ground Check G N D C / O e: Ground Checkout G N D C O N e: Ground Control G N D F G e: Ground Fog G N D H T X G R e: Ground Heat Exchanger G N D I e: Gross National Disposable Income G n Disp e: Gun Displacement G N D R e: Gander Mountain, Inc. G N D W e: Grandview Resources, Inc.

G N E e: Gane Energy Corporation Limited - e: Genentech, Inc. - e: Government Nomenclature Equipment - e: Gross National Effluent - e: Gross National Expenditure - e: Guidance and Navigation Electronics - e: Guidance and Navigation Equipment G N E C e: General Nuclear Engineering Corporation G N E H A U e: Great Britain. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. National Agricultural Advisory Service. Experimental Husbandry Farms and Experimental Horticulture G N E M e: Global Network for Environmental Monitoring G N E M P e: General Employment Enterprises, Inc. G N E R D e: Gross National Expenditure on Research and Development G N E S I T e: Greater New England Society of Inhalation Therapists G N E T e: Games Network, Inc. G N E X e: Genex Corporation G N F e: Gannett Newspaper Foundation - e: German Nuclear Forum - e: Granada Foods - e: Guns now Firing G N F M S e: Gaseous Nitrogen Flow Measuring System G N G e: Gaussian Noise Generator - e: Generation Gather Group - e: Gooding - e: Granger Resources Corporation - e: Ground Forces Chief of Staff G N G C e: Guide Network Group Connector G N G C S e: Ground Forces Chief of Staff G N G D C e: Ground Forces Deputy Chief of Staff G N G P S e: Ground Forces Plans Section G N G S e: Genoa Nuclear Generating Station G N G S E e: Ground Forces Secretariat G N H e: Grand National Hunt G N I e: Genco Industry, Inc. - e: Generation of New Ideas - e: Grand Isle - e: Great Northern Iron Ore Properties - e: Grid Node Interface - e: Gross National Income G N I B e: Guatemala News and Information Bureau G N I C e: Gay News Information and Communication Network - e: Guaranty National Corporation G N I D e: Gram-Negative Intracellular Diplococci GNIS e: Geographic Names Information System G N J e: Lexington G N K e: General Kinetics, Inc. G N K A A 5 R: Genetika (journ.) G N K [ E A ] H j: Gifu Daigaku Nokubu Kenkyu Hokoku (journ.) G N K N A j: Genshi Nenryo Kosha Nempo (journ.) G N K N T e: General Kinetia

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

G N L d: General - e: Gemco National, Inc. - e: General - e: General Aviation, Inc. - e: Georgia Nuclear Laboratories - e: Grade of Non-Linearity - e: Granulated - e: Great National Land - i: Gas Naturale Liquido Gnl e: Gun Layer G N L B e: Genelabs Technologies Gnlt d: Generalleutnant G N L T D e: Granulated G N M d: Gleichstromnebenschlußmaschine - d: Gleichstromnebentechnik - e: Genetron Marine, Inc. - e: Ghana National Museum - e: Golden [New Mexiko] - e: Good News Mission - e: Guanambi [Airport] G N M A e: Government National Mortgage Association G n m a R e p M e d Sei e: Gunma Reports of Medical Sciences (journ.) G n M i c r e: General Microwave Corporation G N - M o t o r d: Gleichstrom-Nebenschlußmotor G N M P e: Government Network Management Profile G N M R e: Genmar Industries, Inc. G N M S e; Gaseous Nitrogen Measuring System - e: Ground Network Management System GNN e: Giant North Resources Limited - e: Great Northern Nekoosa Corporation - r: Gunnerudssatern [Sweden] G N N E e: Granite Co-Operative Bank G N N E D e: General Newsletter. National Research Council Division of Mechanical Engineering G N O e: Golden North Resource Corporation - e: Group Navigation Officer G N of I e: Great Northern of Ireland G N O M d: grafische und numerische Operationsmethode G n o m e: Gnomon G N O M e: Graphic and Numeric Operation Method G N O M A C e: Greater New Orleans Microform Cooperative G n o m o n d: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft (journ.) G [ - ] N O R M e: Grounded-Not Operationally Ready Maintenance G[-]NORS e: Grounded-Not Operationally Ready Supply G N O S e: Goddard Network Operations Support G N O S I S d: Gesellschaft für normierte Organisations-Software und Informationsstandards mbH GNOX e: Golden North Resource Corporation G N O Z e: Grease Nozzle


GNP G N P e: Gas, Nonpersistent - e: Geriatric Nurse Practitioner - e: Gerontological Nurse Practitioner - e: Get Next within Parent - e: Glacier National Park - e: Gombe National Park - e: Gorongoza National Park - e: Grain Neutral Spirits - e: Graphics Nesting Procesor - e: Graphics Nesting Program - e: Grenada National Party - e: Gross National Product - e: Tulsa G - N P e: Chemical agent, Nonpersistent G N P & B L e: Great Northern Pacific & Burlington Lines G N P & B R e: Great Northern Piccadilly & Brompton Railway G N P C e: Global Navigation and Planning Chart - e: Great Northern Paper Company GNpN e: Norman Junior College, Norman Park G N P P e: Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - e: Great Nigeria People's Party G N Q e: Equatorial Guinea G/N R e: Glucose to Nitrogen Ratio G N R e: Gaseous Nuclear Rocket - e: General - e: General Nuclear Reaction - e: General Nuclear Response - e: General Roca [Argentinien] [Airport] - e: Global Natural Resources, Inc. - e: Goods Not Received - e: Great Northern Railway - e: Guest Name Record - e: Gunner[y] G N R A e: Gateway National Recreation Area - e: Government National Railway Association - e: Grand National Racing Association G/N R a t i o e: Glucose/Nitrogen Ratio G : N R a t i o e: Glucose Nitrogen Ratio G N R B e: Grid Navigational Reference Beacon G n r - D r v e: Gunner-Driver G N R E e: Gross National Recreation Experience G n R F e: Gonadotropin-Releasing Factor G n R H e: Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone gnrl e: general G N R P e: General Neighborhood Renewal Plan - e: Guanine Nucleotide Release Protein G N R Y e: Great Northern Railway - e: Gunnery G N S d: Gasschutz- und Nebelschule - d: Gesellschaft fur Nuklear Service mbH - e: Gannett News Service - e: Gasette Numismatique Suiss - e: General Naval Staff - e: German North Sea - e: Global Navigation Station - e: Global Navigation System - e: Glutamine Synthetase - e: Goose NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] Sector - e: Grain Neutral Spirits - e: Gram-Negative Sensitivity - e: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station - e: Great North of Scotland Railway - e: Griffin's Nautical Series (journ.) - e: Guidance and Navigation System - e: Guineas G & N S e: Guidance and Navigation System 58

G/NS e: Glucose in Normal Saline GNs e: Global Negotiations Gns e: Guernsey gns e: Guns GN2s/a e: Gaseous Nitrogen storage area G N S H e: Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart G N S H D j : Gendai No Shinryo (journ.) G N S I e: Guild of Natural Science Illustrators G N S L d: Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens (journ.) G N S M e: Graduate of the Northern School of Music G N S O e: Goddard Network Support Operations G N S P e: German North Sea Port - e: Gross National Sports Product G N S R e: Great North of Scotland Railway G N S R A e: Great North of Scotland Railway Association GNsS d: Grammatik der Neusyrischen Sprache (journ.) G N S S e: Global Navigation Satellite System G N S T e: Glossary of Naval Ship Types - e: Glossary of Naval ShipTypes GNjStor e: Gaseous Nitrogen storage G N T d: Gesellschaft für Nukleartransporte mbH, Essen - d: Güternahverkehrstarif - e: Gasgenerator Neuer Technologie - e: General Naval Training - e: Grant Exploration - e: Grants - e: Great Northern Telegraph Co. - e: Green Tree Acceptance, Inc. - e: Ground Test Gnt e: Gunner G N T A e: Genta, Inc. G N T A A e: Ganita G N T C e: Girls' Nautical Training Corps - e: Girls' Naval Training Corps gnte s: gerente G N T G D j : Gensan Nenji Taikai Gijiroku (journ.) G N T K A C d: Genetik (journ.) G N T O e: Greek National Tourist Organization G N T P e: Georgia Narcotics Treatment Project - e: Graduate Nurse Transition Program G N T R d: Generator - e: Generator G N T S A e: Genetics. Supplement (joum.) G N T U D R: Geologiya i Neftegazonosnost Turkmenistana (joum.) G N T X e: Gentex Corporation G N T Y L e: Giant Yellowknife Mines Limited GNU e: Golden Rule Resources Limited - e: Goodnews Bay [Alaska] [Airport] G N U C e: GNI Group, Inc. G n V d: Gessellschaft für nukleare Verfahrenstechnik GNV d: Gesellschaft für Nukleare Verfahrenstechnik mbH - e: Gainesville [Airport] - e: Geneva Steel Class A - e: Genoveva Resources, Inc. - e: Glycinenaphthol Violet G N V A e: Genova, Inc. GNVN e: Government of North Vietnam G N W e: Greenwell Resources Corporation G N W F e: GNW Financial Corporation G N W P e: Gross National Waste Product Forum

© K • G • Saur, München

G N W R e: Genessee & Wyoming Railroad Co. G N X e: Genex Resources G N Y e: Fort Jay - e: German Navy G N Y C F S e: Greater New York Council for Foreign Students G N Y O e: Guild of New York Opera GNZ e: Gisborne [New Zealand] - e: Government of New Zealand G O d: Gasoffizier - d: Gebührenordnung - d: Generaloberst - d: Gewerbeordnung - d: Gipsofen - d: Goniometer - d: Gonorrhoe - d: Großsichtoszillograf - d: Grundbuchordnung - d: Grundordnung - e: Canada-Transport Canada - e: Collins Industries, Inc. - e: Gabon - e: gadolinium - e: Galactose Oxidase - e: Garrison Ordels - e: Gas Officer - e: Gas Operated - e: Gasofficer - e: Gatactose Oxidase - e: Gaussian Orbitals - e: Gear Oil - e: General Obligation [bond] - e: General Officefr] - e: General Order[s] - e: General Organization - e: General Output - e: Generale Occidentale - e: Generalized] Operations - e: Generated Output - e: Genius Operator Advertising Data Bank - e: Gentil Organisateur - e: Geometry-Optimized - e: Global Options - e: Global Outreach - e: Glucose Oxidase - e: Glycerin Oleate - e: Godecke AG - e: Goebel's Probate Court Cases - e: Goethite - e: Goniometer - e: Good Ordinary - e: Gothic - e: Goto - e: Government Obligation - e: Government Operations Committee - e: Government Owned - e: Graduate Opportunities - e: Grand Officer - e: Grand Orator - e: Grand Orient - e: Graphic Output - e: Graphitic Oxide - e: Great Organ - e: Ground Out - e: Group Officer - e: Group Owner - e: Growth Opportunities - e: Grumman Olson - e: Guest Option - e : Gulf Oil - e: Gummed Only - e: Gunn Oscillator - e: Gunnery Officer - e: Gurkha Officer - f: Generale Ocidentale - f: Gentil Organisateur

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und T e c h n i k

GODORT go e: output conductance G&O e: Gas and Oxygen G-O e: Gas-Oil G/O e: Gas/Oil [Ratio] g/o e: gear box oil G 0 2 e: gaseous oxygen G 0 2 e: Gaseous Oxygen - e: Gaseous Oxygen G Ö d: Göttingen G & O A e: Glycerine and Oleochemicals Association GOA d: Gebührenordnung für Architekten - d: Generaloberarzt - d: Sankt Goar - e: General Operating Agency - e: Generalized Osteoarthritis - e: Genoa [Airport] - e: Glacier-Ocean-Atmosphere - e: Goa [India] - e: Golden Seal Resources Limited - e: Gone On Arrival - e: Government of Australia - e: Government-Owned Aircraft - e: Group, Operations Analysis - e: Gun Owners of America - e: Gyro Optics Assy - e: Gyro Output Amplifier - e: Gyro[scope] Output Amplifier GOA d: Gebührenordnung für Ärzte GOAA e: American Adventure, Inc. GOAC e: Geographic OPAREA [Operating Area] Coordinates GOAD e: Group of Ancient Drama GOAG e: Government in Occupied Areas, Germany GOAIRNOREUR e: Commander, Allied Air Force, Northern Europe GOAIS e: Generalized Officer Assignment On-Line System G O A L e: General Organization Analysis Language - e: Generator for Optimized Application Language[s] - e: Goal Systems International, Inc. - e: Ground Operations Aerospace Language - e: Ground Operations Assembly Language - e: Gun Owners Action League GOALS e: General Operations and Logistic[s] Simulation - e: General Optronics Line of Sight Atmospheric Lightwave Communication System - e: Generalised Officer Assignment On-Line System - e: Geometrical Optical Analysis of Lens Systems - e: Goal-Oriented Approach to Life Cycle Software GOAM e: Govemment-Owned and Maintained GOAR e: Ground Observer Aircraft Recognition GOAS e: Guidance Optical Alignment Shelter GOASEX e: Gulf of Alaska SEASAT Experiment GOAT e: Gerber Oscillogram Amplitude Translator - e: Give Our Animals Time - e: Glass Oceanographic Buoy - e: Goes Over All Terrain - e: Goose Operators Advanced Training - e: Grouped Optimal Aggregation Technique GOATS e: Group Operational Access Tester System

GOB e: General Officers Branch - e: General Order of Battle - e: Glass Oceanographic Buoy - e: Gobble - e: Goldbrae Development Limited - e: Good Ordinary Brand - e: Government of Burma - e: Ground Order of Battle GoB d: Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Buchführung - e: Government of Belize gob. e: gobbledygook - e: good ordinary brand gob s: gobierno GÖB d: Gießener Ölfeuerungsbau OHG GOBAB e: Gamma-Hydroxy-betaaminobutyric Acid GObC e: Ground Observers Corps GOBEP e: Generalized One-Boson Exchange Potential GOBI e: Growth Monitoring, Oral Rehydration, Breastfeeding and Immunizadon [Program] GOBILS e: Government Bill of Lading System gob" s: gobierno GOBS e: Guardians of Better Speech GOBT d: Geschäftsordnung des Bundestages G O C e: Gas-Oil Contact - e: Gas-Oil Content - e: Gas-Operated Core - e: General Occupational Classification - e: General Officer Commanding[-in-Chief] - e: General Operating Committee - e: General Operator Console - e: General Optical Council - e: Glas Owners Club - e: Glycidoxycoumarin - e: Gora [Papua Neu-Guinea] [Airport] - e: Government-Operated Civil Engineering Supply Store - e: Government Operations Committee - e: Graphic Option Controller - e: Graphics Operations] Controller - e: Greatest Overal Coefficient - e: Greek Orthodox Church - e: Griffith Observatory - e: Ground Oberver Corps - e: Ground Operations Coordinator - e: Group Operations Center - e: Guaranteed One Coat - e: Gulf Canada Corporation - e: Gulf Oil Company - e: Gunnery Officer's Console - n: Grafisch Oan (journ.) G O C A e: Geoscience Canada (journ.) - e: Ground Operations Control Area GOCAP e: GARP Operational Control Center - e: Graphic Output Circuit Analysis Program[me] G O C C e: GARP Operational Control Center - e: GATE [GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment] Operational Control Centre - e: General Operator-Computer Interaction - e: General Order of the Commander -in-Chief - e: Geodetic Operations Control Center GOCESS e: Government-Operated Civil Engineering Supply Store G O C H E M e: Gulf Oil Chemicals Co. G O C I e: General Operator Computer Interaction - e: Government-owned Contractor-operated - e: Graham Owners Club International

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

GOC-in-C e: General Officer Commanding -in-Chief GOCINC e: General Officer Commanding in Chief GO/CO e: Govemment-Owned/ Commercial-Operated [Facility] - e: Government-Owned/Contractor-Operated GOCO e: Golden Oil Company - e: Government-Owned/CommercialOperated - e: Govemment-Owned/Contractor-Operated [production plant] GOCOM e: General Officer Command GOCR e: Gated-Off Controlled Rectifier GOCRA e: General Officer Commanding, Royal Artillery GOCRM e: General Officer Commanding, Royal Marines GOD d: Gesamtoberflächendosis - d: Glukose-Oxydase - e: Generation of Diversity - e: Glucose Oxidase - e: Golden Sceptre Resources - e: Government-Owned Depot - e: Guidance and Orbit Determination [for Solar Electric Propulsion] g.o.d. e: good old days GoD d: Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Datenverarbeitung God e: Godolphin's Repertorium Canonicum GODAS e: Graphically Oriented Design and Analysis System Godb [Eng] e: Godbolt's English King's Bench Reports (journ.) God Biol Inst Univ Sarajevu S: Godisnjak Bioloskog Instituía Univerziteta u Sarajevu (journ.) GODCO e: Gulf Oman Oilfelds Development Company GODD e: Goddard Industries, Inc. Godd[ard] [Easem] e: Goddard on Easements (journ.) GODE e: Gulf Organization for Development in Egypt - e: Gulf Organization for the Development of Egypt Godef[roi] [Trust] e: Godefroi's Law of Trusts and Trustees (journ.) Godef&Sh RC e: Godefroi and Shortt on Railway Companies Godey e: Godey's Lady's Book Godishnik Vissh Uchebn Zared Tekhn Fiz R: Godishnik na Visshite Uchebni Zavedeniya. Tekhnicheski Fizika (journ.) Godisnik Viss Tehn Ucebn Zaved Mat R: Godisnik na Vissite Tehniceski Ucebni Zavedenija. Matematika (journ.) Godisnik Viss Ucebn Zaved Pril R: Godisnik na Vissite Ucebni Zavedenija. Prilozna Matematika Godo e: Godolphin on Admiralty Jurisdiction - e: Godolphin's Abridgment of Ecclesiastical Law - e: Godolphin's Orphan's Legacy Godol e: Godolphin's Orphan's Legacy Godo[lph] [Adm Jur] e: Godolphin on Admiralty Jurisdiction (journ.) Godo[lph] [Ecc Law] e: Godolphin's Abridgment of Ecclesiastical Law (journ.) Godo[lph] [Orph Leg] e: Godolphin's Orphan's Legacy (journ.) Godo[lph] [Rep Can] 1: Godolphin's Repertorium Canonicum (journ.) GODORT e: Government Documents Round Table


G O D O R T DTTP GODORT DTTP e: GODORT [Government Documents Round Table] Documents to the People (journ.) GODORT ETF e: GODORT [Government Documents Round Table] Education Task Force GODORT FDTF e: GODORT [Government Documents Round Table] Federal Documents Task Force GODORT IDTF e: GODORT [Government Documents Round Table] International Documents Task Force GODORT MRGITF e: GODORT [Government Documents Round Table] Machine-Readable Government Information Task Force GODORT SLDTF e: GODORT [Government Documents Round Table] State and Local Documents Task Force GOD-POD e: Glucose Oxidase-Peroxidase GOD/POD d: Glukoseoxydase/Peroxydase GOD/POD Methode d: Glukose-Oxydase/ Peroxydase-Methode GODS e: Geniuses of Distinction Society godsd n: godsdienst GODSEP e: Guidance and Orbit Determination for Solar Electric Propulsion Godson e: Godson s Mining Commissioner's Cases [Ontario] (journ.) Gods P[a]t e: Godson on Patents (journ.) Godzone e: God's own country GOE e: Gas, Oxygen and Ether - e: Gas, Oxygen, Ether - e: General Operating Expenses - e: General Ordination Examination - e: General Overhauser Effect - e: Geodome Resources Limited - e: Goethite - e: Gonalia [Papua Neu-Guinea] [Airport] - e: Government-Owned Equipment - e: Ground Operating Equipment - e: Ground Operational] Equipment - e: Guinea Ekwele [ Currency of Equatorial Guinea] GO-E e: Go to Executive Goe d: Goethe. Vierteljahshrift der Goethe-Gesellschaft (journ.) GOe e: Gauss Oersted Goeb[el] e: Goebel's Probate Reports Goeb[el] [Ohio] e: Goebel's Probate Court Cases [Ohio] (journ.) Goeb[el's Rep] e: Goebel's Probate Reports [Ohio] (journ.) GOED e: Geodome Resources Limited GOE for OAO e: Ground Operational Equipment for the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory GOE Mixture e: Gas, Oxygen and Ether Mixture GOE/RPIE e: Ground Operational Equipment/Real Property Installed Equipment GOES e: Gemini Order Entry System - e: Geo-Stationary Operational [and] Environmental Satellite - e: Geostationary Orbital Earth Satellite - e: Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellite - e: Geosynchronous Orbiting Earth Satellite GOES-A e: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-A GOES/DCP e: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Data Collection Platform GOESs e: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites

Goeteborgs K Vetensk-o Vitterhets Samh Handl r: Goeteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps-och Vitterhets-Samhaelles Handlingar (journ.) Goethe-Al d: Goethe-Almanach (joum.) Goething J Naturw d: Göttingisches Journal der Naturwissenschaften Goett Arb Geol Palaeontol d: Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie Goettinger Wirtsch Sozialwisse d: Göttinger Arbeiten zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaft Goett Nachr d: Nachrichten. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen GoF e: Gang of Five GOF e: Golden Fleece (joum.) - e: Good Old Friday - e: Goodness of Fit - e: Government-Owned Facility - e: Governmental Finance (journ.) - e: Group Of Forces - e: Group Of Frames - e: San Angelo GOFAR e: Global Ocean Floor Analysis and Research GOFC e: Great Oaks Financial Corporation GOFS e: Geostationary Orbital Earth Satellite - e: Global Ocean Flux Study GOFS/DCP e: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Gof&Sh RC e: Godefroi and Shortt on Railway Companies (journ.) GOG e: GEOSECS Operations Group - e: Go Ga[u]ge - e: Golden Tag Resources GOGA d: Gebührenordnung für Garten- und Landschaftsarchitekten Gogefroi e: Godefroi's Law of Trust and Trustees GOGG e: Ziguinchor [Senegal] GOGK e: Kolda [Senegal] GO/GO e: Government-Owned/ Government-Operated [Facility] - e: Government-Owned, GovernmentOperated - e: Nutri-Products, Inc. Gog Or e: Goguet's Origin of Laws (journ.) GOGS e: Cap Skirring [Senegal] Gogs e: Goggles GOH d: Sankt Goarshausen - e: Garments on Hangers GOH e: German Order of Harugari - e: Godthaab [Airport] - e: Goliath Gold Mines Limited - e: Goods on Hand - e: Nuuk [Grönland] [Airport] GO-I e: Go to Instuction GOI d: Gebührenordnung für Ingenieure - e: Fort Knox - e: Gallup Organization Incorporated - e: Gate Oxide Integrity - e: Gearhart Industries, Inc. - e: General Oriental Investments Limited - e: Goa [Indien] [Airport] - e: Government of Indonesia - e: Government of Iran - e: Government of Israel - e: Government-Owned Installation - e: Gross Operating Income - e: Ground Objectives Identification - e: Group Operations Instruction - e: Gun Owners, Incorporated Goi e: Goideic GOIC e: Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting


© K G - Saur, München

GOIFE e: Government of Israel Furnished Equipment GOILD e: Graphic Online Language GOIN R: Gosudarswienny Okeanograficheskiy Institut Goir Fr Co e: Goirand's French Code of Commerce Skopje.Sumarstvo GOJ e: Blytheville - e: Government of Japan GOK e: God Only Knows - e: Government of Korea - e: Guthrie GOK Timber e: Gokul [ailanthus integrifolia] Timber GO-L e: Go to Logic GOL d: Glabello-Opisthionlinie - e: General Operating Language - e: Goal-Oriented Language - e: Gold Beach - e: Golden [Bergen Park] - e: Golden Gate University. Law Review (journ.) - e: Goldlund Mines Limited - e: Graphic On-Line Language - e: Guinness Overseas Limited GOLB R: Gosudarslvennava Ordena Lenina Biblioteka GOLD e: Gate-Drain Overlapped Device - e: Geometric On-Line Definition - e: Glasgow [University] On-Line Desk - e: Graphic On-Line Display - e: Graphic Online Language - e: Great Eastern Mines Limited Gold e: Goldesborough's English King's Bench Reports gold, e: geometric on-line defilnition GOLDBERG e: Generally Operational Linear Digit-Controlled Biphase Electrical Retardance Gate Gold Bull, e: Gold Bulletin [Switzerland] (journ.) Gold Coast e: Judgments of the Full Court, Privy Council and Divisional Courts, Gold Coast (journ.) Gold Coast Geol Surv Bull e: Gold Coast Geological Survey. Bulletin (journ.) Gol de Cal s: Golfo de California Golden Bk e: Golden Book Magazine (journ.) Golden Gate L Rev e: Golden Gate. Law Review (journ.) Golden Gate UL Rev e: Golden Gate University. Law Review (journ.) Goldes e: Goldesborough's English King's Bench Reports Gold Fleece e: Golden Fleece Gold&G e: Goldsmith and Guthrie's Appeals Reports Goldie e: Gold[en] Gold K e: Goldene Key Gold Placer Deposits Foot East Cordillera Bolivia e: Gold Placer Deposits at the Foot of the Eastern Cordillera of Bolivia (journ.) GOLD Project e: Glasgow On-Line Desk Project gold[s] e: gold bond[s] Goldschmidt Inf d: Goldschmidt Informiert (journ.) Golds Eq e: Goldsmith's Doctrine and Practice of Equity (journ.) Goldsmiths J Gemm e: Goldsmiths Journal and Gemmologist (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GORABE GOLDSTAR e: Generalized Organization of Large Data-bases, a Set-Theoretic Approach to Relations Golem d: groBpeicherorientierte listenorganisierte Ermittlungsmethode GOLEM d: GroBrechner-orientierte Listen-organisierte Ermittlungsmethode - d: GroBspeicher-orientierte listenorganisierte Ermittlungsmethode GOLF e: Global Oscillations at Low Frequency Golf e: Olfactory G Protein GOLF e: S2 Golf, Inc. Golf Course Rep e: Golf Course Reporter Golf Dig e: Golf Digest Golf Dig Mag e: Golf Digest Magazine Golf letter e: G radio code - e: Soviet G-class submarines with missile-launching Golf Mag e: Golf Magazine Gol Gate L Rev e: Golden Gate University. Law Review (journ.) Gol Gate LR e: Golden Gate University. Law Review (journ.) GOLIATH e: Giant On-Line Instrument for the Acquisition and Total Handling of Data GOLPH e: Giannetti On-Line Psychosocial History GOLPS e: Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society GOLS e: General On-line Stack System GOLS System e: General On-Line Stack System GOM e: Garments on Hangers - e: God's Own Medicine - e: Golden Eye Minerals - e: Government of Malaysia - e: Government-Owned Material - e: Grain and Oil Seeds Marketing Incentives Program - e: Group Occupancy Meter - e: Gulf of Mexico - e: Macon Junior College Macon - s: Goma Gom s: Gomez GOMA e: General Officer Money Allowance - e: Good Outdoor Mariners Association GOMAC e: Government Microcircuit Applications Conference - f: Groupement des Opticiens du Marche Commun GOMALCO e: Gobel O'Malley Company Gomal Univ J Res e: Gomal University. Journal of Research (journ.) Gome s: Gomez GQ e: Gigaohm GOMER e: Get Out of My Emergency Room GOMMAC e: Government Microcircuit Applications Conference GOMMS e: Ground Operations and Material Management System GOMR e: Global Ozone Monitoring Radiometer GOMR&R e: Government-Owned Material Repair and Reimbursement GOMS e: Geostationary Operational Meterological Satellite - e: Ground Operations Management System gon e: Gon - e: Gondi GON e: Gonococcal Ophthalmia Neonatorum - e: New London [Airport]

GONAAR e: Forest Science [Sofia] (journ.) GOND e: Gondola gond[s] e: car[s] - e: gondola[s] - e: railroad car[s] Gone e: Gone With The Wind GONE e: Plastigone Technologies, Inc. GONG e: Global Oscillations Network Group - f: Groupe d'Organisation Nationale Guadeloupeenne gon 2 d: Quadratgon GONIC f: Groupement des Opticiens du Marche Commun GONIO e: Goniometer Gon LR e: Gonzaga Law Review GONP e: Gal Oya National Park GONS e: Gun Orientation Navigation System - e: Gun Oriented and Navigation System GONT e: Government on Taiwan GON Timber e: Gondsoroi Timber Gonz[aga] L Rev e: Gonzaga Law Review (journ.) Gonz Pub Lab L Rep e: Gonzaga Special Report. Public Sector GOO e: Generalized] Overhauser Orbitals - e: Get Oil Out - e: Goldsil Resources Limited - e: Goondiwindi [Australien] [Airport] - e: Goosecreekite - e: Ground Observer Organization - e: Ground Operation Order - e: Group Operations Order goobs e: going out of busine salefs] GOOD e: Diourbel [Senegal ] - e: Goody Products Good Apple e: Good Apple Newspaper (journ.) GOOD-B'YE e: God Be with You GOOD EGGS e: Geriatric Order of Old Dolls Who Encourage the Generation Gap Singlemindedly Good Ev e: Goodeve's Law of Evidence [India] (journ.) Goodeve e: Goodeve on Real Property Good Farming Quart e: Good Farming Quarterly Goodfellow e: Goodfellow Review of Crafts Good Gard e: Good Gardening Good Govt e: Good Government Good. H. e: Good Housekeeping (journ.) Good House e: Good Housekeeping Good Housekeep e: Good Housekeeping (journ.) Good Pat e: Goodeve's Abstract of Patent Cases (journ.) Good Pkg e: Good Packaging Good Pr e: Goodwin's Probate Practice Goodrich e: BF Goodrich Co. Economic and Business Facts and Forecasts (journ.) Goodrich-Amram e: Goodrich-Amram Procedural Rules Service (journ.) Good Ry C e: Goodeve on Railway Companies and Passengers (journ.) Goodwins e: Goodwin Sands Good&Wood e: Full Bench Rulings (joum.) GOOF e: General On-line Orient[ed] Function goofler] e: stupid person GOOG e: Linguere [Senegal] googol e: 10 raised to the 100th power [10'°°] GOOK e: Kaolack [Senegal] GOOMBY e: Get Out of My Backyard GOONS e: Guild of One Name Studies

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

GOOO e: Dakar [Senegal] GOOS e: Gunnery Officer's Ordnance School GOOV e: Dakar [Senegal] GO&P e: Griffith Observatory and Planetarium GOP d: Gesellschaft für Organisations- und Programmiersysteme mbH - e: General Defence Plan - e: General Operational Plot - e: General Operations Plot - e: General Outpost - e: Girls' Own Paper - e: Gold Point Resources - e: Gorakhpur [Indien] - e: Government of the Philippines - e: Government-Owned Property - e: Graham-McCormick Oil & Gas Partnership - e: Grand Old Party - e: Grille Opening Panel - e: Ground Observation Post - e: Ground Observer Corp - e: Ground Observer Post - e: Ground Operations Panel Gopa e: Government Oil and Pipeline Agency GOPAL e: GOP Women's Political Action Legal GOPARS e: Government Operated Part Stock - e: Government-Operated Parts Store GOPB e: Go Pushbutton GOPE e: Government-Owned Plant Equipment GOPG e: Ground Operations Planning Group GOPIRB e: General Officer Product Improvement Review Board GOPITS e: Grand Offertory Procession in the Sky GOPL e: General Outpost Line GOPO e: Government-Owned/ Privately-Operated GOPOA e: Gas and Oil Power (journ.) GOPP e: Government-Owned Personal Property GOPR e: General Officers Protocol Roster GOQ e: Genuine Occupational Qualification - e: Glucose Oxydation Quotient - n: Golmud GOQS e: General On-Line Query System GOR d: Gesellschaft für Operations Research - e: Gained Output Ratio - e: Gas Oil Ratio - e: General Ocean Research - e: General Officer Review - e: General Operating Room - e: General Operational Requirements] - e: General Operations Requirement - e: General Overruling Regulation - e: Golden Range Resources, Inc. - e: Goldstack Resources - e: Gordon Jewelry Corporation - e: Gore [Äthiopien] [Airport] - e: Gross Overriding Royalty - e: Ground Operations Review - e: Group Operations Room - e: Gun Operations Room - e: Gurkha Other Rank - R: Gori GORA e: Government Oil Refineries Administration GORABE i: GO. Revista de Atualizacao em Ginecologia e Obstetricia (journ.)


Gord Dec Gord Dec e: Gordon on the Law of Decendents in Pennsylvania (journ.) Gord Dig e: Gordon's Digest of United States Laws (journ.) GORD HIGHRC e: Gordon Highlanders Gordon e: Gordons Reports GordTr e: Gordon's Treason Trials Gore-B Comp e: Gore-Brown on Companies GOREDDCO e: Gulf Oil Real Estate Development Company Goremmental Fin e: Governmental Finance (journ.) GO Rev Atualizacao Ginecol Obs i: GO. Revista de Atualizacao em Ginecologia e Obstetricia GORF e: Goddard's Optical Research Facility G or G e: Gdynia or Gdansk GORG e: General Officer's Review Group Gorg e: Gorgias - e: Grand-Orgue GORG e: Great Organ GORI e: Gross Overriding Royalty Interest goric e: paregoric GORID e: Ground Optical Recorder for Intercept Determination gorill[s] e: gorilla[s] GORJE e: Generic Ordnance Ramjet Engine GORK e: God Only Really Knows Gor'kov Gos Univ Ucen Zap R: Gor'kovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. Ucenye Zapiski (journ.) Gor Let P: Goriski Letnik Zbornik Goriskega Muzeja (journ.) Gorn Elektromekh Avtom R: Gomaya Elektromekhanika i Avtomatika (journ.) Gorn Mash Avtom R: Gomye Mashiny i Avtomatika (journ.) Gorn Odkrywkowe P: Gornictwo Odkrywkowe (journ.) Gorno-Obogat Delo R: GomoObogatitel'noe Delo Gorno-Obogat Zh R: Gorno-Obogatitel'nyi Zhumal Gorn Zh R: Gornyi Zhumal (joum.) Gorn Zh [Mos] R: Gornyi Zhumal [Moscow] Gor-Obogat Delo R: Gomo-Obogatitel'noe Delo (journ.) Gor-Obogat Zh R: Gorno-Obogalitel'nyi Zhurnal (journ.) GORP e: Ground Operational Requirements Plan - e: Ground Operations Requirements Plan - e: Ground Operations Review Panel Gor Publ Rev e: Government Publications Review Gor R e: Gordon Review GORRUP e: Gorman-Rupp Co. GORS e: General Online Retrieval System - e: Ground Observation Reporting System - e: Ground Observer RF [Radio Frequency] System Gorsko Stop P: Gorsko Stopanstvo Gorskostop Nauka P: Gorskostopanska Nauka Gorskostop Nauka For Sci P: Gorskostopanska Nauka. Forest Science GORT e: Gray Oral Reading Tests Gort Cont Rep CH e: Government Contracts Reports.Commerce Clearing House (journ.) Gort Fin R e: Government Finance Review (journ.)

Gort Pibns R [Pt A] e: Government Publications Review [Part A] GORT-R e: Gray Oral Reading TestsRevised Gort Rep Announce Index e: Government Reports Announcements and Index GORX e: Graphite Oxydation from Reactor Excursion Goryuch Slantsy [Moscow] R: Goryuchie Slantsy [Moscow](journ.) Goryuch Slantsy [Tallinn] R: Goryuchie Slantsy [Tallinn] (journ.) Goryvchie Slantsy Khim Tekhnol R: Goryuchie Slantsy. Khimiya i Tekhnologiya (joum.) GOS d: Gesellschaft für Organisation und Software - d: Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Speicherbuchführung - e: Gaekwad's Oriental Series (joum.) - e: Gate Operating System - e: General Operating Specification^] - e: General Overhaul Specification - e: General-purpose Operator Station - e: Geochemical Ocean Studies - e: Geodetic Optical System - e: George Orwell Society - e: Global Observation System - e: Global [weather] Observing System[s] - e: Global Operating System - e: Golden State Resources - e: Gosford [Australien] [Airport] - e: Government of Sweden - e: Grade of Service - e: Grand Outside Sentinel - e: Graphicfs] Operating System - e: Graphical Output Scheme - e: Graphics Operating System - e: Ground Operations System - e: Group and Organization Studies - e: Group and Ornization Studies (journ.) - e: Group Operating Services - e: Guidance Offset Bits - e: Lakeview - R: Gossip Gos. R: Gosudarstvo Gos Alb e: Gossamer Albatross GOSC e: General Officer Steering Committee GOSD e: Goinsiday Gosd Vestn R: Gozdarski Vestnik Gosf e: Gosford's Manuscript Reports GOSH e: Graphical Operating System Hack - e: Guild Software Houses GOSIP e: Government Open Systems Implementation Protocol - e: Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile - e: Government Open Systems Interface Protocol - e: Government OSI [Open Systems Interconnection] Profile GOSIPS e: Government Open Systems Interconnection] Procurement [Specification] - e: Government OSI [Open Systems Interconnection] Procurement Specification GOSIP-UK e: Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile-United Kingdom GOSIP-US e: Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile-United States GOSM e: Matam/Ouro Sogui [Senegal] GOSP e: Gas-Oil Separation Plant - e: Golden Spike National Historic Site - e: Gospel - e: Podor [Senegal] Gosp Delo R: Gospital'noe Delo (joum.)


© K • G • Saur, München

Gosplan R: Gos[udarstvennaya] Plan[ovaya Comissiya] GOSPLAN R: Gosudarstvennaja Planovaja Komissija Gospod Miesna P: Gospodarka Miesna (joum.) Gospod Panwami Energ P: Gospodarka Panwami i Energia (journ.) Gospod Planowa P: Gospodarka Planowa (journ.) Gospod Wodna P: Gospodarka Wodna (journ.) Gosp Planowa P: Gospodarka Planowa GOSR e: Richard-Toll [Senegal] GOSS e: General Overhaul Specifications, Submarines - e: Gossamer Hat - e: Ground Operational Support System - e: Ground Operations Support System - e: Saint Louis [Senegal] GOSS + D e: GEORGE Operating System Support and Development GOSS-IMCC e: Ground Operational Support System-Intergrated Mission Control Center GOSSIP e: Generalized Organizational System Summarizer and Information Processor - e: Government Open Systems InterConnection Procurement Policy GOSSTCOMP e: Global Sea Surface Temperature Computation GOSSTRAKH R: Gosudarstvennoe Strakhovanie GOST e: Goddard Satellite Tracking - e: Government-Owned Special Tooling - e: Guidance Optics and Sighting - R: Gossudarstvenny Obstschessojusny Standart GOStA d: Generaloberstabsarzt GOSTA P: Gorsko Stopanstvo GOSUB e: Go to Subroutine Gosud. R: Gosudarstvo GOSY e: Graphic Output System GOIT e: Tambacounda [Senegal] GOT d: Glutamat-OxaloacetatTransaminase - e: Glutamatic Oxaloacetatic Transaminase - e: Glutamic-Oxalacetic Transaminase - e: Glutamic-OxaloaceticTransaminase - e: Goldbelt Mines - e: Goteborg [Sweden] - e: Gothenburg [Sweden] [Airport] - r: Gothenburgu got e: Gothic GOT e: Govemment-Owned Terminal - e: Gross National Product GOTA e: Green Olive Trade Association GOTB e: Bakel [Senegal] G/OTBSR e: Gas/Oil Tax Block Summary Record GOTCO e: Gulf Oil Trading Company Goteb Ethnogr Mus e: Goteborgs Ethnographical Museum (journ.) Goteb K Vetensk Vitter Hets-Samh Handl Sjatte Foljden Ser B r: Goteborgs Kungliga Velenskaps och fitter Hets-Samhalles Handlingar Sjatte Foljden.Series B (journ.) Goteb Naturhist Mus Arstryck r: Goteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum Arstryck (journ.) Goteborg r: Gothenburg Goteborg Univ Naturgeogr Inst Rapp r: Goteborg Universitet. Naturgeografiska Institutionen. Rapport (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Govt E m p l Rel R e p BNA Got Fin e: Governmental Finance (journ.) Got Fin R e: Government Finance Review (journ.) GOTG e: Government of the Gambia Got[h] e: Gothenburg GOTH e: Gothic Goth, e: Gothic goth. e: gothic type GotHA r: Goteborgs Hagskolas Arsskrift [Gothenburg] (journ.) Gothenburg Stud Phys e: Gothenburg Studies in Physics (journ.) gothic e: gothic script - e: gothic type Goth SE e: Gothenburg Studies in English (journ.) G O T K e: Geotek Industries, Inc. - e: Kedougou [Senegal] GOTL e: Gotaas-Larsen Shipping Corporation Gotlaendskt Arkiv r: Gotlaendskt Arkiv (journ.) GOTN e: Niokolo Koba [Senegal] Go to E e: Go to Executive GOTOH e: Go to Heaven Go to I e: Go to Instruction Go to L e: Go to Logic G/OTPSR e: Gas/Oil Tax Program Summary Record GOTR e: Greek Orthodox Theological Review (journ.) GO Train e: Government of Ontario [Commuter] Train GOTRAN e: Go FORTRAN [Formula Translation] - e: Load and Go FORTRAN [Formula Translation] GO Transit e: Government of Ontario Transit System GOTS e: Graphically Oriented Time-sharing System - e: Gravity-Oriented Test Satellite - e: Simenti [Senegal] GOTT e: Gott Corporation Gott e: Gottingen Gött. d: Göttingen Gott Anz d: Göttingischer Gelehrte Anzeigen (journ.) Gött Arb Geol Paläontol d: Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie (journ.) GOTTEX e: Gottlieb Textiles Gött Florist Rundbriefe d: Göttinger Floristische Rundbriefe (journ.) GOTTH e: Gothic Göttinger Wirtsch Sozialwissensch Stud d: Göttinger Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien (journ.) Gotting J Naturw e: Göttingisches Journal der Naturwissenschaften (journ.) Gött Nachr d: Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (journ.) Gött Nachr e: Nachrichten. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (journ.) Gottschall e: Gottschall's Dayton Superior Court Reports GOTU e: Glider Operational Training Unit GOU e: Garoua [Kamerun] [Airport] - e: Gourde [Currency of Haiti] - e: Ground or Open Unbalanced - e: Gulf Canada Resources Limited - e: Oglethorpe University, Atlanta - s: Grupo de Oficiales Unidos gou. e: gourde

Gouc Col Se e: Goucher College Series (journ.) Goud Pand e: Goudsmit's Pandects GOULB e: Goulburn [Australien] Goulcae J Educ e: Goulcae Journal of Education (journ.) Gould e: Gouldsborough's Reports Gould's Dig e: Gould's Arkansas Digest of Laws Gould League NSW Notes e: Gould League of Bird Lovers of NewSouth Wales. Notes Gould PI e: Gould on the Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions Gouldsb e: Gouldsborough's English King's Bench Reports Gouldsb [Eng] e: Gouldsborough's English King's Bench Reports Gould's Dig e: Gould's Arkansas Digest of Laws (joum.) Gould Sten Rep e: Gould's Stenographic Reporter Gould&T e: Gould and Tucker's Notes on Revised Statutes of United States Gould Wat e: Gould in Waters - e: Gould on Waters (joum.) Gour e: Gourick's Patent Digest (journ.) Gourl Gen Av e: Gourlie on General Average G O V e: Generator Output Voltage - e: Global Government Plus Fund, Inc. - e: Golden Dividend Resources - e: Govalkot [Indien] - e: Gove [Australien] [Airport] - e: Govern - e: Government - e: Government Executive - e: Governor - e: Gunn Oscillator, Voltage-tunable Gov. e: Government[al] G Ö V d: Gas-Öl-Verhältnis Gov't Empl Rel Rep e: Government Employee Relations Report G O V A e: Guide to Opportunities in Volunteer Archaeology GOVAD e: Golden Fleece Gov Agric Res Cent Ghent Act Rep e: Government Agricultural Research Centre. Ghent. Activity Report (joum.) GOVAIR e: Government Aircraft GOVAIRAUTHOUT e: Travel via Government Aircraft Authorized Outside CONUS GOVAIRAUTHVATL e: Travel via Government Aircraft Authorized Outside CONUS Where Available GOVAIRDIR e: Travel via Government Aircraft Is Directed Where Necessary GOVAIRDIROUT e: Travel via Government Airaft Is Directed Outside CONUS GOVAIRDIRVAIL e: Travel via Government Aircraft Is Directed Outside CONUS Where Available GOVAIRPRI e: Travel via Government Aircraft Outside CONUS Class-Priority Certified GOVCOMLAIRAUTH e: Travel via Government and/or Commercial Aircraft Authorized Where Necessary to Expedite Completion of Duty

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

GOVCOMLTRANSAUTH e: Government and/or Commercial US Registry Transportation Authorized Outside CONUS - e: Travel via Government and/or Commercial US Registry Transportation Authorized Outside CONUS GOVD e: Governed Gov. Data Syst. e: Government Data Systems [US] (journ.) Govea e: Goveanus goveclop e: government closest to the people Governmental Fin e: Governmental Finance (journ.) Governmental Rersearch Bull [Fla] e: Governmental Research Bulletin [Florida] (journ.) Gov Finance e: Governmental Finance GOVG e: Governing Gov.-Gen. e: Governor-General GO VIDE e: Go-Video, Inc. Gov. Inf. Q. e: Government Information Quarterly [US] (joum.) Gov Is e: Governor's Island GOVMAR e: Governor GOVMERAIR e: Government or Commercial Aircraft GOVMERAIRAUTH e: Government and/ or Commercial Aircraft Is Authorized Where Necessary - e: Travel via Government and/or Commercial Aicraft Is Authorized Where Nessary Gov Metall Lab Repub S Afr Rep e: Government Metallurgical Laboratory. Republic of South Africa. Report (journ.) GOVN e: Govern GOVO e: Go-Video, Inc. Gov Pest Infest Lab Annu Rep e: Government Pest Infestation Laboratory. Annual Report (journ.) Gov. Publ. e: Government Publications [GB] (journ.) Gov Publ Rev e: Government Publications Review (journ.) Gov. Publ. Rev. e: Government Publication Review [US] (journ.) Gov Relat Note e: Government Relations Note (journ.) Gov Rep Announce e: Government Reports Announcements (journ.) Gov Rep Announce Index e: Government Reports Announcements and Index Gov Reports Announce&Index e: Government Reports Announcements and Index GOVS e: Governments Division GOVSt d: gesteuerte Ortsvermittlungsstelle GOV STD e: Government Standards GOV[T] e: Government govtalk e: Government Talk Govt and Opposition e: Government and Opposition Govt Col Econ J e: Government College Economic Journal (journ.) Gov't Cont Rep e: Government Contracts Reporter Govt Cont Rep CCH e: Government Contracts Reports. Commerce Govt Data Sys e: Government Data Systems (journ.) GOVTEL e: Government Telegram Govt Empl Rel Rep e: Government Employ Relations Report (journ.) Govt Empl Rel Rep BNA e: Government Employee Relations Report. Bureau of National Affairs (joum.)


Govt Fin Govt Fin e: Governmental Finance Govt Fin R e: Government Finance Review Govt G a z W Aust e: Government Gazette G O V T H O e: Government House G O V T L e. Governmental G O V T L A I R N O R E U R e: Commander Allied Air Forces Govt[&]Oppos e: Government and Opposition Govt Publns e: Government Publications Govt P u b n s R[ev] e: Government Publications Review Govt P u b R e: Government Publications Review G O V T R A N S D I R O U T e: Travel via Government Transportation Directed Outside CONUS G O V T R A N S D I R V A I L e: Travel via Government Transportation Directed Outside CONUS Where Available Govt Stand e: Government Standard (journ.) Govt Union R[ev] e: Government Union Review Gow e: Gow's English Nisi Prius Cases G O W e: Gowganda Resources, Inc. - e: Gunnery Officer's Writer G O W A e: Guild of Watchmen of Australia G o w e r B e: Gower Birds (journ.) G O W E X e: Geometry of the Wake Experiment G O W G e: Ground Operations Working Group G O W G F e: Gowganda Resources, Inc. G O W M A e: Gulf Oil Wholesale Marketers Association GowNP[Eng] e: Gow's English Nisi Prius Cases G O X e: Galaxy Oil Co. - e: Gas[eous] Oxygen G O x e: Glucose Oxidase G O X e: Greenville G O Y e: GWE [Global Weather Experiment] Operational Year - R: Gomy G O Y A e: Get Off Your After-End - e: Greek Orthodox Youth of America G O Y A L e: Greek Orthodox Young Adult League G O Z d: Gebührenordnung für Zahnärzte - R: Görna Orjachovica Goza i: Gozzadini Gozad i: Gozzadini Goz Klin Bui R: Goz Klinigi Bulteni G Ö Z N d: Göttinger Zeitschriften-Nachweis

G P d: Geflügelpest - d Gefrierpunkt - d Gegenparallelschaltung - d Generalpause - d Genfer Protokoll - d geografischer Punkt - d gesamte Pufferzeit - d gesamter Puffer - d Gesamtpreis - d Gesamtpufferzeit - d Glycerophosphat - d Godesberger Programm [der SPD] - d Göppingen - d Graphischer Punkt - d Großplattenspeicher - d Grundplatte - d Gruppenprozessor - d Gruppenverbindungsplan - e a-Glycerol Phosphate - e Albania - e Ciba-Geigy AG - e Du Pont [EI] De Nemours & Co., Inc - e Gage Pressure - e Galactic Plane - e Galactic Probe - e Gallbladder Patient - e Galley P r o o f s ] - e Gallup Poll - e Gallup Proof - e Galvanized Pipe - e Galvanized Plain - e Games Played - e Gang Punch - e GangPunch - e Gas-Permeable - e Gas-Persistent [Chemical Agent Gas] - e Gas-Plasma - e Gas Pressure - e Gas Projectile - e Gaseous Propellant - e Gaspesian Park - e Gastric Pressure - e Gastroplasty - e Gauge Pressure - e Gemini Airlines Limited - e General Paralysis - e General Parsis - e General Pause - e General Plant Telephone - e General Poll - e General Practice (journ.) - e General Practitioner - e General Preferential Tariff - e General Preferred Tariff - e General Principles - e General Processing - e General Processor - e General Produces] - e General Program[me] - e General Protection - e General Provision - e General Publication] - e General Publications - e General Purpose - e Generalized Programming - e Generating Program[me] - e Generator Potential - e Generator Program[me] - e Genesis Project - e Geographic Point - e Geographic[al] Position - e Geographical Pole - e Geographical Position - e Geological Prospecting - e Geometric Progression - e Geophysics - e Georgia-Pacific Corporation


© K • G • Säur, München


e: Geraminable Propagule e: German Patent e: Germinable Propagule e: Giant Pulse e: Gimbal Package e: Gimbal Platform e: Gimbal Point e: Girard-Point [Virus] e: Girls' Prout [Progressive Utilization Theory] - e Glia Precursor - e Glide Path [n indicator] - e Glider Pilot - e Gliomatosis Peritonei - e Global Planning - e Globus Pallidus - e Gloria Patri - e Glucose Phosphate - e Glutamyl-Phenylalanine - e Glycerophosphate - e Glycogen Phosphorylase - e Glycolyl Phlhalate - e Glycoprotein - e Goal Post - e Goal Programming - e Going Public - e Gold Point[s] - e Gopher-Protection - e Government Property - e Gozo Party - e Grace Period - e Graded Program - e Graduate in Pharmacy - e Graduated Pension - e Gralitude Patient - e Gram-Positive - e Grand Patron - e Grand Prelate - e Grand Prix - e Grand Pursuivant - e Grand[e] Passion - e Graph Plotter - e Graphic Point - e Graphic[s] Processor - e Grass Pollen - e Grateful Patient - e Gratitude Patient - e Gravitational Redshift Space Probe - e Great Peoples (journ.) - e Great Portland Street - e Great Primer - e Green Petal - e Greenhouse Perennial - e Gregorios ho Palamas - e Grid Pulse - e Gross Premium - e Gross Profit - e Ground Pneumatic - e Ground Post - e Ground-Projective - e Ground Protection - e Ground Rods - e Group [Printing] - e Group Processor - e Growing Point - e Guadalcanal Province - e Guadeloupe - e Guanosine Phosphate - e Guaranteed Performance - e Guidance Package - e Guided Projectile - e Guinea Pig - e Guinier-Preston [Zone] - e Guitar Player - e Gulden Passer - e Gulf Province - e Gun Pointer

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GpC -

e: Gun Position e: Gun Powder e: Gun Program e: Gutter Pair e: GWEN [Ground Wave Emergency Network] Project - e: Gypsum Plaster - e: Gyro Package - e: Parental Guidance Suggested - f: Groupe de Paris -1: Gloria Patri - n: Geuzenpenning Munt- en Penningkundig Nieuws (journ.) gp d: gemischtpaarig - e: plate conductance G p d: Geräteschaltplan - d: Gipfelpunkt - d: Gruppenschaltplan - d: Güteprüfung - e: Genetic Prediabetes G - P e: Chemical agent, Persistent - e: General Purpose - e: Georgia-Pacific [forest products] g-p e: graduated payment G - P e: Gunier-Preston zone g-p e: mortgage graduated-payment mortgage G.P. d: geografischer Punkt - d: Geschützpark g.p. e: galley proofs - e: geometrical progression - e: great primer G/P e: Green Phone - p: Ganhos e Perdas g/p s: giro postal gp. d: gepaart - d: gepanzert G P . e: Government Property G - l - P d: Glucose-1-Phosphat - e: Glucose-1-Phosphate G-3-P e: Glycerol-3-Phosphate G 5 ' - P e: Guanosine 5'-Monophosphate Generic G-6-P d: Glucose-6-Phosphat - e: Glucose-6-Phosphate G P A d: Generalpostamt - d: Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden (journ.) - d: Gesellschaft für Produkt- und Anwendungstechnik mbH - e: Ciba-Geigy Corporation - e: Covemment and Public Affairs Committee - e: Gas Path Analysis - e: Gas Pressure Activator - e: Gas Processors] Association - e: Gate Pulse Amplifier - e: Gay Press Association - e: Genealogical Publications of Australia - e: General Passenger Agent - e: General Practitioners Association - e: General Public Accounting - e: General Public Assistance - e: General Purchasing Agency - e: General-Purpose Amphibian - e: General-Purpose Amplifier - e: General-Purpose Analysis - e: General-Purpose Array - e: Genral Procurement Agreements - e: Geology of Pennsylvania (journ.) - e: Global Program on AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome] - e: Glycerine Producers Association - e: Glycophorin A - e: Golpari [Türkei] - e: Government and Public Affairs Committee


e: Government Property Administration e: Governmental and Public Affairs e: Grade-Point Average e: Graduation Pledge Alliance e: Grandparents Anonymous [Control Block] - e: Graphical PERT [Performance Evaluation Review Technique] Analog[ue] - e: Graphical PERT [Program Evaluation and Review Technique] Analog[ue] - e: Graphics Preparatory Association - e: Green Party of Australia - e: Green Peach Aphid - e: Ground Plane Aerial - e: Ground Plane Antenna - e: Grounded Plate Amplifier - e: Group Practice Association - e: Group Provisional Acceptance - e: Guidance Platform Assembly - e: Guidance Positioning Assembly - e: Guide to the Performing Arts (journ.) - e: Guinea Pig Albumin - e: Guiness Peat Aviation - e: Gulfcoast Pulpwood Association - e: United States Government Printing Office-Serials, Alexandria - e: WHO Global Programme on AIDS SP - z: Golpazari G & P A e: Girls and Physical Activity National Newsletter (journ.) G P a d: Gigapascal - e: Gig[a]pascal GpA e: Guanylyladenosine G P A A e: Gold Prospectors Association of America G P A A L S e: Global Protection Against Accidental Launch System G P A b h d: Geologische und Palâontologische Abhandlungen (journ.) G P A B P e: Guinea Pig Anti-Bovine Protection G P A C e: General-Purpose Analog Computer - e: Government and Public Affairs Committee - e: Grade Point Average Category - e: Graphics Package - e: Great Plains Agricultural Council - e: Great Plains Athletic Conference G P A C K e: General Utility Package gpa/d e: gallons per acre per day G P A D e: Gallons per Acre per Day - e: Graphics Program for Aircraft Design G P A E e: General-Purpose Aerospace Equipment G P A E V D e: Greater Philadelphia Alliance for the Eradication of Venereal Disease G P A I S e: Global Protection against Limited Strike - e: Guinea-Pig Anti-Insulin Serum G P A K e: Graphic Packaging Corporation G P A L e: Gold Producers Association Limited G P A L S e: Global Protection against Accidental Launch System - e: Global Protection Against Limited Strikes G P A M e: Graduated-Payment Adjustable Mortgage G P A P e: General Purpose Associative Processor - e: General Purpose Avionic Processor G P A R e: General Parametrics Corporation G P A S e: General Performance Appraisals System - e: General Product Acceptance Standard - e: General-Purpose Airborne Simulator G P A s e: Grade-Point Averages

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

G P A T e: General-Purpose Automatic Test G P A T E e: General-Purpose Automatic Test Equipment G P A T S e: General-Purpose Automatic Test Set - e: General-Purpose Automatic Test Station - e: General-Purpose Automatic Test System GPAX e: General-Purpose Automation Executive - e: Grow Ventures Corporation G P - B e: Gravity Probe-B G P B e: General Purchasing Board - e: General-Purpose Bomb - e: General-Purpose Buffer - e: Geon Process Butadiene - e: Glossopharyngeal Breathing - e: Glucose Phosphorylase B - e: Glycoprotein B - e: Government Patents Board - e: Greater Pacific Basin - e: Ground Power Breaker - e: Ground Power Breeder - e: Pittsburgh - R: Gosudarstvennava Publicnaya Biblioteka G P B I M e: General-Purpose Buffer Interface Module G P B P e: Guinea Pig Myelin Basic Protein G P B S e: Gas Pressure Bending System G P B T O e: General-Puipose Barbed Tape Obstacle G P C d: Gel-Permeations-Chromatographie - d: Glyzerophosphorylcholin - e: Gallons per Capita - e: Game Play Counselors - e: Gandhi Peace Center - e: Gas-Pressure Cable - e: Gastric Parietal Cell - e: Gastrointestinal Pathology Club - e: Gauge Pressure Control - e: Gay People at Columbia - e: Gel-Permeation Chromatography - e: General People's Congress - e: General Physical Condition - e: General Precision Connector - e: General Procurement Conditions - e: General-Purpose Carrier - e: General-Purpose Computer - e: General-Purpose Controller - e: General-Purposes Committee - e: Generalized] Peripheral Controller - e: Genuine Parts Company - e: Geocentric Pendulum Control - e: Georgia Peanut Commission - e: Georgia Power Company - e: Germanium Point-Contact - e: Ghana Publishing Company - e: Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis - e: Giant Piston Core - e: Global Plotting Chart - e: Glycerylphosphorylcholine - e: Golay Pneumatic Cell - e: Government Paint Committee - e: Grande Prairie Regional College Library - e: Graphics Performance Characterization - e: Grass Pollen Count - e: Gross Profit Contribution - e: Ground Power Contactor - e: Guinea Pig Complement - e: Gulf Park College - e: Gulf Publishing Company - e: Gypsum-Plaster Ceiling G p C e: Group Captain - e: Guanylylcytidine


GPCA G P C A e: General-Purpose Communications Adapter - e: Golf Products and Components Association - e: Great Pyrenees Club of America G P Cable e: Gopher-Protected Cable G p C a p t e: Group Captain G P C B e: General-Purpose Communications Base - e: GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospace Language] Program Control Block G P C C e; General-Purpose Communication Channel gpc/d e: gallons per capita per day G P C D e: Gallons per Capita per Day G P C - E R R e: General Passanger Committee-Eastern Railroads G P C F e: General Purpose Computing Facility G P C H e: Gang Punch G P C I e: Geographic Pactice Cost Index G P C K e: Guardian Packaging Corporation G P C L e: General-Purpose Closed Loop G P C O e: Global Perspective Country Outlooks G P C O C e: General-Purpose Central Office Concentrator G p C o m d r e: Group Commander G P C / P e: General Purpose Controller/Processor G P C P e: General Purpose Contouring Program[me] - e: General Purpose Controller Processor - e: Generalized Process Control Programming - e: Global Precipitation Chemistry Project - e: Great Plains Conservation Program G p C p C e: Guanylylcytidylylcytidin[e] G P C R e: Gas-to-Particle Conversion Rate - e: Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution [China] G P C S e: General Purpose Control System - e: Guinea Pig Control Serum G P C S A e: General Practice Computer Suppliers Association G P C T e: George Peabody College for Teachers G P C U e: Ground Power Control Unit G P C Z e: Governor of Panama Canal Zone G P D d: Gesundheit-Presse-Dienst (journ.) - d: Güteprüfdienst - e: Gallium-Phosphor-Diode - e: Gallon[s] per Day - e: General Passenger Department - e: General Police Duties - e: General Protocol Driver - e: General-Purpose Data - e: General-Purpose Discipline - e: Generalized Pair Decomposition - e: Generals for Peace and Disarmament - e: Gimbal Position Display - e: Gimbal Position Indicator - e: Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase - e: Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase - e: Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase - e: Gram[s] per Day - e: Gram[s] per Denier - e: Greenpond g.p.d. e: Gallon[s] per Day G 3 P D e: Glyceraldehyde 3-P Dehydrogenase G 6 P D d: Glucose-6-Phosphatdehydrogenase - e: Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase G P D A e: Grand Prix Drivers' Association - e: Gypsum Plasterboard Development Association


G P D C e: General-Purpose Device Controller - e: General-Purpose Digital Gomputer - e: Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation gpd/cap e: Gallon[s] per Day per Capita G-6-PDH e: Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase G P D H e: GIucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase - e: Glucose-Phosphate Dehydrogenase - e: Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase - e: Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase G P D L e: Graphical Picture Drawing Language G P D M e: Geopotential Decameter G P D S e: General-Purpose Discrete Simulator - e: General-Purpose Display System G P D S C e: Girl's Public Day School Company G P D [SS] e: Gun Director Pointer [Sight Setter] G P D S T e: Girls' Public Day School Trust G P D U e: Groupe de Planification des Derives Urbaines G P D W e: Gypsum[-Plaster] Dry Wall[ing] G p E e: Geophysical Engineer G P E d: Gewindepaßeinheit - d: Glyzerophosphorylaethanolamin - e: Gas Power Exchange - e: General Precision Equipment - e: General-Purpose English - e: General-Purpose Equipment - e: General-Purpose Evaporator - e: Geometric Position Error - e: Geophysical Engineer - e: Georgia Power Co. - e: Global Perspectives in Education - e: Golden Pheasant - e: Good Phonetic Equivalents - e: Government Preliminary Evaluation - e: Guided Projectile Establishment - e: Los Angeles - f: Grammaire du Palmyrenien Epigraphique (journ.) G P E D e: Gas Phase Electron Diffraction G P e d A r t s e: Guide to the Perfoming Arts G p En[gr] e: Geophysical Engineer G P E O D e: General Purpose Electro-Optical Director G P E O S e: General Purpose Electro-Optical Sight G P E P e: General Professional Education of the Physician G P E R e: Gas Projectile, Extended Range - e: General Plant Equipment Requirements G P E R F e: Ground Passive Electronic Reconnaissance Facility G P e r f A r t s e: Guide to the Performing Arts (journ.) G P E S e: Ground Proximitry Extraction System G P E T E e: General Purpose Electronicfs] Test Equipment G P E X S e: General Parts Explosion System

© K • G • Saur, München

G P F e: Gallons per Flush - e: Gandhi Peace Foundation - e: Gas Proof - e: General Planning Forecast - e: General Protection Fault - e: General-Purpose Forces - e: General-Purpose Frigate - e: General-Purpose Furnace [Black] - e: General-Purpose Rocket - e: Generalized Production Function - e: Generic Packaging Facility - e: Grain[s] per Foot - e: Grande Puissance Filloux - e: Granulocytosis-Promoting Factor - e: Groove between Parallel Folds - e: Group Patching Frame - e: Guardian Pacific Rim Corporation - e: GUI [Graphical User Interface] Programming Facility - e: Guinea Pig Fibrinogen - f: Grande Puissance Filloux G p F d: Güteprüfung im Fernmeldewesen G P F Black e: General Purpose Furnace Black G P F C e: General-Purpose Function Code G P F C S e: General Purpose Fire Control System G P / F - H V P e: Guided Penetration/ Fragmentation Hypervelocity Projectile GpFl e: Group Flashing [light] G P F L L e: Group Flashing Light G P F S e: General-Purpose Financial Statement - e: Ground Proximity Extraction System G P F U e: Gas Particulate Filter Unit G P G d: Gärtnerische Produktionsgenossenschaft - d: Grund-Primärgruppe - e: Gas Plasma Gun - e: Gate-Pulse Generator - e: General Physics Corporation - e: General Planning Group - e: Generalized Projective Geometries - e: Grains per Gallon - e: Guinea Pig - e: Guinness Peat Group - f: Grande Portage G p G e: Guanylylguanosine G P G A P e: Great Plains Gasification Associates Project G P G E e: General Purpose Ground Equipment G P G E A e: General Purpose Ground Equipment Avionics G P G G e: Guinea Pig Gamma Globulin G P G L e: General-Purpose Graphic Language G P G M e: General Purpose Ground Mines G P G S e: General Purpose Graphics Software - e: General Purpose Graphics System G P G S - F e: General Purpose Graphics Software FORTRAN [Formula Translation] G P H e: Gallon[s] per Hour - e: General Physics Corporation - e: Geophysics - e: Gram[s] per Hour - e: Graphite - e: Great Plains Historical Association G P h e: Graduate in Pharmacy G P H A e: Great Plains Historical Association Gp.Hd. e: Group Head G P H F e: General Pulaski Heritage Foundation G P H I e: Guild of Public Health Inspectors

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GPMU GPHMG e: General[-]Purpose Heavy Machine Gun Gp HQ e: Group Headquarters GPHS e: General-Purpose Heat Source GPHSC e: Group Project for Holocaust Survivors and Their Children GPHTAR e: Geophytology (journ.) GPHW e: Gay Public Health Workers Caucus G P I d: Gesellschaft fur programmierte Instruktion - e: General Frinting Ink - e: General Paralysis of the Insane - e: General Patents Index (journ.) - e: General Periodicals Index - e: General Precision, Incorporated - e: General Price Index - e: General Printing Ink - e: General Process Interface - e: General-Purpose Interface - e: General-Purpose Inverter - e: Generalized Package[d] Interface - e: Generalized Packaging Interface - e: Gimbal Position Indicator - e: Gingival-Periodontal Index - e: Glass Packaging Institute - e: Glide Path Indicator - e: Glucophosphate Isomerase - e: Glucose Phosphate Isomerase - e: Glycosyl-Phosphatidylinositol - e: Gordon Personal Inventory - e: Government Preliminary Inspection - e: Government Property Inventory - e: Grain Products Irradiator - e: Graphics Programming Interface - e: Great Pacific Industries, Inc. - e: Grocery Prices Index - e: Ground Point of Impact - e: Ground Point of Intercept - e: Ground Position Indicator - e: Guapi [Kolumbien] [Airport] - e: Guardsman Products - e: Guardsman Products, Incorporated - e: Guinea Pig Ilium GPIA e: General-Purpose Interface Adapter - e: General-Purpose Interface Bus - e: Generic Pharmaceutical Industry Association GPIB e: General-Purpose Analysis - e: General-Purpose Array - e: General-Purpose Instrumentation] Bus - e: General-Purpose Interface Bus - e: Glycerophosphoric Acid - e: Grade Point Average - e: Graphical PERT [Production Evaluation and Review Technique] Analog - f: Groupement de Productivité Agricole GPIBA e: General Purpose Interface Bus Adapter - e: General Purpose Interface Bus Array GPIB/IEEE e: General-Purpose Interface Bus/Insitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers GPIC e: General Purpose Intelligent Cable - e: General-Purpose Intercomputer G P I D e: Guidance Package Installation Dolly GPII e: Geist Picture Interest Inventory GPIN f: Groupement Professionnel de l'Industrie Nucléaire GP INT QK FL e: Group Interrupted Quick Flashing Gp. Int. Qk. Fl. Lt. e: Group Interrupted Quick Flashing Light GPI/O e: General-Purpose Input/Output GPIO e: General-Purpose Input-Output

GPIOP e: General Purpose Input Output Processor G P I P e: Glide Path Intercept Point G P I S e: Gemini Problem Investigation Status - e: General Purose Interface System GPIs e: General Purpose Interfaces GPIS e: Giant Pulse Laser System GPIT d: Gießener Persönlichkeits-InventarTest G P I X e: Globus Growth Group, Inc. G P I Y e: Gross Profit this Year G P J e: Great Peace Journey - e: Great Plains Journal GP J A m Acad Gen Pract e: GP. Journal of the American Academy of General Practice (journ.) GPK d: Generalpostkasse - d: Gestell[rahmen]priiiklinke - e: Goldpac Investments Limited - e: Grand Priory of the Knights of the Temple - e: Guinea Pig Kidney Absorption G P K A e: Guinea Pig Kidney Absorption G p K C D e: General-Purpose Keyboard and Display Control GPKD e: General-Purpose Keyboard and Display [Control] G P K T e: Grand Priory of the Knights of the Temple Gpl d: Geschäftsplan GPL e: Gallahad Petroleum - e: Gemini Programming Language - e: General Precision Laboratory - e: General-Price Level - e: General Products Laboratory - e: General-Purpose Laboratory - e: General-Purpose Language - e: General-Purpose Loop - e: General-Purpose Programming Language - e: Generalized Parameter List - e: Generalized Programming Language - e: Geographic Position Locator - e: Giant Pulse Laser - e: Gimbal Pickoff Loop - e: Glide Path Landing - e: GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospace Language] Processing Language - e: Gram[s] per Liter [US] - e: Gram[s] per Litre [GB] - e: Graphical] Programming Language - e: Graphics Programming Language - e: Gravatom Projects Limited - e: Group Processing Logic - e: Guapiles [Costa Rica] [Airport] - e: Guymon Public Library - e: Gypsum Lathe gpl e: grams per liter GPL/1 e: Graphical] Programming Language One G P L A e: General Price Level Accounting G P L A D e: German Plastics (journ.) G P L A N e: Generalized Database Planning System - e: Generalized Plan[ning] G P L C e: Guild of Professional Launderers and Cleaners G P L D e: Government Property Lost or Damaged - e: Government Property Lost or Destroyed G p . L d r . e: Group Leader G P L E e: Global Program Line Editor G P L I e: Group-Page-Line-Inserts G P L P e: General-Purpose Linear Programming G P L R e: Government Purpose Licence Right

international Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • C • Saur. Munich

G P L R G e: Gay Parents Legal and Research Group G P L S e: General Purpose Logic Simulator - e: Giant Pulse Laser System - e: Glide Path Landing System G P L S Scheme e: Globally, Parallel, Locally Sequential Scheme G P L Y e: Gingivoplasty g.p.m. e: gallons per minute G P M d: Geganzerte Pioniermaschine - d: geopotentielles Meter - d: Gesellschaft für Physikalische Meßgeräte mbH - e: Gallon[s] per Mile - e: Gallon[s] per Minute - e: Gas Plasma Monitor - e: Geeneral Purpose Module - e: General Preventive Medicine - e: General-Purpose Macrogenerator - e: General-Purpose Maneuver - e: General-Purpose Missile - e: General Purpose Module - e: Generalized Perturbation Method - e: Genetic Psychology Monographs (journ.) - e: Geopotential Meter - e: Georgia Southern College, Statesboro - e: Gradient Pump Module - e: Graduated Payment Mortgage - e: Gram[s] per Minute - e: Gram[s] per Mile - e: Grand Past Master - e: Grand Prairie [TX] - e: Graphics Postprocessor Module -e: Gross Profit Margin - e: Ground Potential Model - e: Group[s] [of code transmit] per Message - e: Group[s] [of code transmit] per Minute - e: Gunnery Prize Money G P M A e: Gasoline Pump Manufacturers Association - e: German Productivity and Management Association G P M A L e: Gravida, Para, Multiple Births, Abortions, Live Births G P M C e: Grocery Products Manufacturers of Canada - e: Group and Pension Marketing Conference G P M E e: Gas-Porous Membrane Electrode - e: General-Purpose Mission Equipment G P M F e: Gram Parsons Memorial Foundation G P M F G N D e: Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament G P M G e: General-Purpose Machine Gun G P M G A D e: Geophysical Monograph (journ.) G P M M e: Guild of Professional Model Makers G P M M A e: Grain Processing Machinery Manufacturers Association G P M O A 3 e: Genetic Psychology Monographs (journ.) G P M P e: General Purpose Multiprocessing - e: Group on Parts G P M P r o g r a m [ m e ] e: General Post Mortem Program[me] G P M Routine e: General Past Mortem Routine G P M S e: General-Purpose Microprogram Simulator - e: General Purpose Multiplex System - e: Gross Performance Measuring System G p m t C P e: Groupment Command Post G p m t O P e: Groupment Observation Post G P M U e: Graphical, Paper and Media Union


GPN G P N e: Garden Point [Australien] [Airport] - e: General Performance Number - e: Glass Plate Negative - e: Gold Pan Resources, Inc. - e: Government Packet Network - e: Graduate Practical Nurce - e: Great Pacific Navigation Co. Limited - f: Groupe des Plans Nucleaires G P N A e: Glutamyl-P-Nitroanilide G P N C O e: Great Pacifc Navigation Co. Limited GPNI e: Great Plains National Instructional Television Library G P N I T L e: Great Plains National Instructional Television Library G P N N C e: General Purpose Numeric Computer G P N O A 1: Geophysica Norvegica (journ.) G P N U T L e: Great Plains National Instructional Televiosion Library G P N V G e: General Purpose Night Vision Goggles G P O d: Glycerin-l-Phosphat-Oxydase - e: Gemini Program Office - e: Gemini Project Office - e: General Periodicals Ondisc - e: General Pico [Argentinien] [Airport] - e: General Post Office - e: General Practitioner Obstetrican - e: General-Purpose Oscilloscope - e: General-Purpose Outlet - e: General-Purpose Output - e: Genprobe Tech - e: Giant Group Limited - e: Glycerin-1-Phosphate-Oxydase - e: Government Pharmaceutical Organization - e: Government Printing Office - e: Granulopoietin - e: Great Plains Organization - e: Gross Product Originating - e: Guaranteed Purchase Option - e: Guidance-Pilotage Orbital - e: Gun Position Officer - e: Gunner's Primary Optics - e: Library of Congress, Government Printing Office - e: Portland - e: United States Government Printing Office, Alexandria G P O A e: Guild of Prescription Opticians of America - e: Gun Position Officers Assistant G P O B e: Government Printing Office Bookstore G P O C C e: Group Occulting [Lights] Gp. Occ. L t . e: Group Occulting Lights G p Occu e: Group Occulting G p O f f r e: Group Officer G - 6 - P O H d: Glukose-6-Phosphatdehydrogenase G P O N D e: GPO [Government Printing Office] Newsletter (journ.) G P O Newsl e: GPO [Government Printing Office] Newsletter (journ.) G P O - P I A e: Government Printing Office and Printing Industry of America G P O S e: General-Purpose Operating System


G P P d: Gesellschaft für Prozeßrechnerprogrammierung mbH - d: Gleichspannungs-PIasmapaneel - e: Galley Page Proofs - e: General Plant Projects] - e: General Print and Punch - e: General Purchasing Power - e: General-Purpose Processor - e: General-Purpose Programming - e: Geophysical Prospecting - e: Giant Pacific Petroleums, Inc. - e: Gimbal Position Potentiometer - e: Glycosylated Plasma Protein - e: Goal Programming Problem - e: Gordon Personal Profile - e: Graduated Property Payments] - e: Graphic Part Programmer - e: Gross Primary Productivity - e: Gross Provincial Product - e: Ground Power Panel - e: Gyro Pitch Position G P P A e: Government Patent Policy Act G P P A W e: Glass, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers International Union G P P B e: Gemini Program Planning Board - e: Government Procurement Practices Board G P P C e: General Purpose Power Controller G P P E D P e: Genetics, Principles and Perpectives (joum.) G P P - I e: Gordon Personal Profile and Inventory G P P L e: Gypsum Plaster gppm e: Graphics Pages per Minute G p p n g d: Göppingen G P P Q e: General-Purpose Psychiatric Questionnaire G P P R A e: Geophysical Prospecting (journ.) G P P S e: General Provisions Policy Statement G P P T e: Gel Precipitate - e: Group Personality Projective Test G P P X e: Giant Pacific Petroleum, Inc. G P Q e: Cairollton - e: Galion [Airport] - e: Great Plains Quarterly (journ.) G.PR. 1: Genio Populi Romani G P R d: Gewinnplanrechnung - e: Gas Production Rate - e: General Purpose Processor - e: General Purpose Radar - e: General-Purpose Radiometer - e: General-Purpose Receiver - e: General-Purpose Register - e: General-Purpose Relay - e: General-Purpose Representative - e: General-Purpose Rubber - e: Glider Pilot Regiment - e: Golden Pyramid Resources, Inc. - e: Government Plant Representative - e: Grain-Burning Pattern Regulation - e: Gran Premio Romeo - e: Graphic Problem Representation - e: Ground-Penetrating Radar - e: Ground-Probing Radar - f : Grand-Positif Récit - i: Gran Premio Romeo -1: Genio Populi Romani G p r . d: Güteprüfung G P R A e: General Practice Reform Association - e: Government Public Relations Association - f: Gouvernement Provisoire de la Republique Algérienne G P r a g I: Germanistica Pragensia (journ.) G P R C e: Geophysical and Polar Research Center G p r D d: Güteprüfdienst © K • G • Saur, München

G P Relay e: Ground-Protective Relay G P R F e: General-Purpose Rocket Furnace G P R F - G e: General-Purpose Rocket Furnace-Gradient G P R F - I e: General-Purpose Rocket Furnace-Isothermal G P r G d: Getreidepreisgesetz G P R G e: Gadsden Purchase Refund Group G P R I D R: Geologiya, Poiski i Razvedka Nerudnykh Poleznykh Iskopaemykh (journ.) GPrK[Ii] d: Gestell[rahmen]priifklinke G P r l d: Gleichstromprüfleitung G P R L e: Giant Pulse Ruby Laser G P R M C f: Groupe des Plastiques Renforces et Matériaux Composites - f: Groupement des Plastiques Renforces et Matériaux Composites G P R N e: GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospaae Language] Test Procedure Release Notice G P R O e: Gen-Probe Industries, Inc. G P R R e: General-Purpose Radio Receiver G & P R R L a w s e: Gregg and Pond's Railroad Laws of the New England States (journ.) G P R S e: General Parent Ring System - e: General Plumbing & Roofing Services G P R s e: General-Purpose Registers G P R S e: Guanine Phosphoribosyltransferase G P R S S e: General Purpose Remote Sensor System G p r S t B w d: Güteprüfstelle der Bundeswehr G P R T e: General-Pupose Radio Transmitter - e: Guanine Phosphoribasyltransferase G P r U e d: Gleichstromprüfübertragung

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GPWU G P S d: Gestellpufferspeicher - d: GOtepriifstelle - e: Gage Pressure Switch - e: Galapagos Islands [Ecuador] [Airport] - e: Ga!lon[s] per Second - e: Gap, Inc. - e: Gas-Pressure Sintering [System] - e: Gastrointestinal Pathology Society - e: Gauge Pressure Switch - e: General-Parents motion pictures - e: General Practitioners Society - e: General Precision Systems, Incorporated - e: General Problem Solver - e: General Problem Solving - e: General Process Simulator - e: General Processing Subsystem - e: General Processing System - e: General Programming Subsystem - e: General-Purpose Shelter - e: General-Purpose Simulation - e: General Purpose Simulator - e: General-Purpose Solver - e: General Purpose System - e: Generality and Problem Solving - e: Generalized Preference Scheme - e: Generic Processing System - e: Gibbs-Poole-Stockmeyer - e: GigaBIT [Binary Digits] per Second - e: Global Planning System - e: Global Positioning Satellite - e: Global Positioning] System - e: Global Precision System - e: Government Paper Specification Standards - e: Graduated Pension Scheme - e: Gram[s] per Second - e: Grand Past Sojourner - e: Grand Principal Sojourner - e: Graphic[s] Programming Services - e: Great Persons Society - e: Greatfer] Public Schools - e: Ground Plane Simulator - e: Ground Power Supply - e: Ground Processing Simulation - e: Ground Processing System - e: Ground Proximity Sensor - e: Ground Water Protection Strategy - e: Groups of Pulses per Second - e: Guidance Power Supply - e: Guinea Pig Serum - e: Guinea Pig Spleen - e: Gunner's Primary Sight - e: Gyroscope Parameter Shift g-p's e: general practitioners gp's e: galley proofs - e: guinea pigs G P s e: General Practitioners - e: Great Performances GPSA e: Gas Processors Suppliers Association - e: General Practitioners Society of Australia G P S C e: Gas Proportional Scintillation Counters] - e: Guinea Pig Spinal Cord G P S C S e: General-Purpose Satellite Communication^] System G P S D I C e: General-Purpose Scientific Document Image Code G P S D W e: General-Purpose Scientific Document Writer G P S E e: General-Purpose Simulation Environment - e: Gunner's Primary Sight Extension gp. SFL d: gepanzerte Selbstfahrlafette G P S G e: Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar

G P S I e: General Purpose Simulation - e: General Purpose Systems, Incorporated G P S L e: General Purpose Simulation Language GPSN e: General-purpose Packet Satellite Network G P S N C C e: Global Positioning System Network Control Center G P S P e: General-Purpose Signal Processor - e: General-Purpose Simulation Program[me] - e: General Purpose Software Program[me] - e: General Purpose String Processor G P S P C e: Global Positioning System Program Contractor G P S R f: Glossaire des Patois de la Suisse Romande GPSS e: General Problem Statement Simulator - e: General Process Simulation Studies - e: General Process Simulation System - e: General-Purpose Simulation Program - e: General-Purpose Simulation Studies - e: General-Purpose Simulation System - e: General-Purpose System[s] Simulation - e: General-Purpose System[s] Simulator - e: General-Purpose Systems Simulation - e: Generic Problem Statement Simulator - e: Global Positioning Satellite System G P S Simulator e: General Purpose System[s] Simulator G P S S M e: General-Purpose Surface-to-Surface Missile GPSSN e: Gas Pressure Sintered Silicon Nitride GPSU e: Ground Power Supply Unit GPSVA e: Geophysical Surveys (journ.) GPSX e: General Parcel Service, Inc. G P T d: Glutamat-Pyruvat-Transaminase - e: Gallon[s] per Ton - e: Gas-Phase Titration - e: Gas Power Transfer - e: GEC Plessey Telecommunications - e: Gemini Pad Test - e: General Perturbation Theory - e: General Plant Telephone - e: General Preferential Tariff - e: General Preferred Tariff - e: General-Purpose Terminal - e: General-Purpose Thermoplastic - e: General Purpose Timer - e: General-Puipose Tool - e: General-Purpose Transport - e: Geometric and Positional Tolerance - e: Glass Precision Tubing - e: Glass Probe Thermistor - e: Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase - e: Goldpost Resours, Inc. - e: Goteborgs-Posten - e: Graded Pattern Televiscope - e: Grayson Perceptualization Test - e: Grid Pool Tank - e: Guidance Position Tracking - e: Guild of Professional Toastmasters - e: Guild of Professional Translators - e: Guinea-Pig Trachea - e: Gulfport/Biloxi [Airport] - e: Gypsum Tile G P t d: Gruppenpilot - e: General Peripheral Controller G P T - C e: Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase-C G P T E e: General-Purpose Test[ing] Equipment G P T E A e: General Purpose Test Equipment Avionics

international Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

G p T h d: Gruppentherapie - e: Group Therapy G P T I e: General-Purpose Terminal Interchanges - e: General-Purpose Terminal Interface G P T I R F e: General Purpose Thermal Imager Repair Facility G P T K S R: Glasnik Pravoslavne Tzrkve u Kraljevini Srbiji G P T M e: General Purpose Tracker Module - e: Gross Profit this Month G p . T r . d: GepacktroB G P T R e: General-Purpose Tape Routine - e: Guidance Power Temperature Regulator G P T S e: Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale G P T T S e: Gunner's Primary Tank Thermal Sight G P T U e: General Purpose Transport Unit - e: Glass Painters' Trade Union G P T V e: General-Purpose Test Vehicle G P T Y e: Gross Profit this Year Ground G P U e: Gas Power Unit - e: Gas Pumping Unit - e: General Postal Union - e: General Processing Unit - e: General Public Umiries Corporation - e: General Public Utilities Corporation - e: Generating Power Unit - e: Geopotential Unit - e: Graphics Processor Unit - e: Ground Power Unit - e: Guinea Pig Unit - e: Gun Pod Unit - R: Gosudarswennoye Politicheskoye Upravlenie GpU e: Guanylyluridine G P U C P e: General Purpose User Control Program[me] G P U N e: General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation G p U p G e: Guanylyluridylylguanosine G P U R e: GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospace Language] Test Procedure Update Request GPUSA e: Greenpeace USA G P V d: GroBpumpversuch - e: General-Purpose Vehicle - e: General-Purpose Vessel - e: Gun Powder Van - e: Gyroscope Pickoff Voltage - r: Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond G P V B e: General-Purpose Video Buffer G P V E H e: General-Purpose Vehicle G P W e: Geneva Convention Relative to Treatment of Prisoners - e: Global Point Warning - e: Gold Power Resources Corporation - e: Great Plains Wheat, Inc. - e: Green Pulse Width G P W e: Gross Plated Weight - e: Gypsum-Plaster Wall G P W 1929 e: Geneva Convention Relative to Treatment of Prisoners of War G P W D e: General Political Warfare Department G P W M e: Guild for the Promotion of Welsh Music G P W S e: Ground-Proximity Warning System G P W U e: Granite Polishers' and Workers' Union


GPX G P X e: Generalized] Programming Extend[ed] - e: Greyhound Package Express G P x e: Glutathione Pemxidase - e: Glutathione Peroxidase G P Y e: Government Property Yard - e: Gypsy Resources Limited - e: Gyroscope Pi ckoff Voltage G P Y S e: General Purpose Yard Simulator GPYSA e: Geophysics (joum.) G P Z e: Gebbies Pass [Neuseeland] - e: Grand Rapids [Airport] - e: Guinier-Preston Zone G P / Z D e: Group Propagate/Zero Detect G.Pz.Gr. d: Gewehrpanzergranate G P Z O A e: GPZ Owners of America G Q d: Grundfondsquote - e: Double Geared - e: Druk Air [Bhutan] - e: Equatorial Guinea - e: General Quarters - e: German Quarterly (journ.) - e: Grumman Corporation G Q & A e: General's Branch G Q A e: Get Quick Answer - e: Give Quick Answer - e: Government Ouality Assurance - e: Grain Quality Analyzer G Q A A e: Government Quality Assurance Authority G Q A S e: Government Quality Assurance Service G Q E e: Generalized Queue Entry - e: Gilmore G Q G d: Grundquartärgruppe - e: Gallaudet College, Washington - f: Grand Quartier Général G Q K e: Gallaudet College, Kendall Demonstration School - e: Grand Quartier-General G Q L e: Graphical Qery Language G Q M e: Gallaudet College, Montessori School - e: Golden Queen Mining G Q M S e: Garrison Quartermaster-Sergeant G Q N A e: Aioun El Atrouss [Mauritanien] G Q N B e: Boutilimit [Mauritanien] G Q N C e: Tichitt [Mauritanien] G Q N D e: Tidjikja [Mauritanien] G Q N E e: Bogue [Mauritanien] G Q N F e: Kiffa [Mauritanien] G Q N H e: Timbedra [Mauritanien] G Q N I e: Nema [Mauritanien] G Q N J e: Akjoujt [Mauritanien] G Q N K e: Kaedi [Mauritanien] G Q N L e: Moudjeria/Letfotar [Mauritanien] G Q N M e: Gran Quivira Nation[al] Monument - e: Timbedra/Dahara [Mauritanien] G Q N N e: Nouakchott [Mauritanien] G Q N R e: Rosso [Mauritanien] G Q N S e: Selibabi [Mauritanien] G Q N T e: Tamchakett [Mauritanien] G Q N U e: M'Bout [Mauritanien] G Q N V e: Nouakchott [Mauritanien] G Q P e: Gas Quenching Process G Q P A e: Atar [Mauritanien] G Q P F e: FDerick [Mauritanien] G Q P P e: Nouadhibou [Mauritanien] G Q P T e: Bir Moghrein [Mauritanien] G Q P Z e: Zouerate [Mauritanien] G Q Q e: Galion GQQ.Golm


e: Gone Queiy Bystem

G Q R e: Gauss Quadrature Rule - e: Giant Quadrupole Resonance - e: Golden Quail Resources Limited G Q R V e: Golden Quail Resources Limited G Q S e: General Quarter Session Gquil e: Guayaquil G Q W e: Denver G Q X e: Goldquest Exploration - e: Goldquest Exploration, Inc. G R d: garantiert rein - d: Gasentladungsröhre - d: Geheimer Rat - d: Geheimrat - d: General Radio GmbH - d: General Register - d: Generalreparatur - d: Gesamtregister - d: Gestellrahmen - d: Gleichrichter - d: Gleichrichtung - d: Glimmrelais - d: Glutathionreduktase - d: Grab[en] - d: Grad - d: Graubünden - d: Großraum - d: Großrechenanlage - d: Großrechner - d: Grundrichtung - d: Grundzustands-Rotationsbande - d: Gruppe rücksetzen - d: Güterrechtsregister - e: Aurigny Air Services Limited - e: B.F. Goodrich - e: Carnegie Librray, Rome - e: G and Rome (joum.) - e: Gambia Regiment - e: Gamma Radiation - e: Gamma Ray - e: Gamma Roentgen - e: Gas Ratio - e: Gastric Resection - e: Gear [Ratio] - e: Geared Radial - e: General-purpose Register - e: General Radio - e: General Reader - e: General Reconnaissance - e: General Reconnaissant - e: General Records - e: General Referee - e: General Register - e: General Relativity - e: General Research - e: General Reserve - e: General Routine - e: Generating Routine - e: Generator Running - e: Genesis Rabbah - e: Genetic Resources - e: Gentleman Rider - e: Geographical Review (journ.) - e: Georgia Review - e: Georgist Registry - e: Georgius Rex - e: Germ Ring - e: German Reports (journ.) - e: German Review (joum.) - e: German Roach - e: Germanic Review - e: Germanium Rectifier - e: Girl's Realm - e: Gisement Reperage - e: Glass-Reinforced - e: Glaxo Laboratories Limited - e: Gloucester - e: Gloucestershire Regiment

© K • G • Saur, München

e: Glucocorticoid Receptor e: Glutathione Reductase e: Gnome-Rhone e: Gold Reserve e: Goldbarg-Rutenberg e: Golden Rule e: Goodrich [B. F.] Co. e: Gospel Recordings e: Government Regulations] e: Government Report[s] e: Government Reserve e: Government Responsibility e: Government Revenue e: Government Rubber e: Grab Rod e: Grade e: Gradual-Release e: Graduate e: Graduation Requirement e: Grain e: Gram e: Grammar e: Gramophone e: Gramophone (joum.) e: Gran Rabinato e: Grand e: Grand [Tile] e: Grand Rapids, Michigan e: Grand Recorder e: Grand Registrar e: Grange e: Grant e: Grant Recipient e: Granular Snow e: Granum e: Graph Reader e: Grass e: Grass Extract e: Grasse River e: Grasse River R. R. Corporation e: Grave Record e: Graves Registration e: Gravitational Radiation e: Gravity e: Gray e: Great e: Great Roll e: Greater e: Grecian e: Greek e: Green e: Grid Resistor e: Grid Return e: Grind e: Grooved Roofing e: Gross e: Gross Rate e: Gross Receipts e: Gross Requirement e: Gross Revenue e: Ground Range e: Ground Rent e: Ground Rule e: Group e: Group Replacement e: Group Reponse e: Group Report e: Grove e: Grown Rate e: Growth Rate e: Guanidine Rhodanate e: Guard Ring e: Guardrail e: Gun Control Radar e: Gun Ready e: Gunner e: Gunnery Range

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GradDipAsianStudies - e: Gurkha Rifles - e: Gypsum Requirement - e: Hail - f: Grande Revue -1: Granum - n: Gemeenteraad - s: Gran Rabinato gr d: Gramm - d: granuliert - d: graphisch - d: gratis - d : grau - d: gravieren - d: grell - d: grob - d: groß - e: garnet - e: gram [me] - e: granite [color] - e: grass runway - e: great[er] - e: grey - e: grindfer] -1: gravida G r d: Grammatik - d: Granat - d: Granulom - d: Graphik - d: Graphit - d: Gras - d: Grauguß - d: Gravur - d: Grenadier - d: Grenze - d: Grieß - d: Griffel - d: Grill - d: Grippe - d: Größe - d: Grotte - d: Grube - d: Gruft - d: Grün - d: Grund - d: Gruppe - e: Grain-force - e: Grant's Jamaica Reports - e: Grant's Pennsylvania Cases - e: Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports - e: Graphite - e: Grashof Number - e: Grasp - e: Greece - e: Green's Reports - e: Greenleaf s Reports - e: Greenwich - e: Gros[s] - e: Ground - e: Grove - p: Grosa gR d: Grammröntgen - e: Gram[-]Roentgen gr. d: granuliert - d: Grind - e: grade - e: grain - e: gram - e: grand - e: great[er] - e: grey - e: gross - e: ground - e: group

G r . d: Granate - e: Grammar - e: Grecian - e: Greece - e: Greek - e: Gunner G&R e: Geldert and Russell's Nova Scotia Reports - e: Greece and Rome (journ.) g-r e: gamma ray g.R. d: Geheimer Rat - d: Geheimrat G/R e: General Register G r A: Groot gr 2 e: Square Grade Gr.-2° d: Großfolio Gr.-4° d: Großquart Gr.-8° d: Großoktav GRA d: Gesellschaft für Rechnergesteuerte Anlagen mbH - d: Grafenau - d: Großrechenanlage - e: Fayetteville - e: Game Research Association - e: Gamma-Ray Absorption - e: Gamma Ray Amplification - e: Gombarts Reducing Agent - e: Government Report[s] Announcements [Database] - e: Government Research Announcements - e: Government Responsibility Action - e: Government Responsibility Authorized - e: Governmental Research Association - e: Governments Reports Announcements - e: Grace [W. R.] & Co. - e: Graduate Research Assistant - e: Grant Aid - e: Graphic Recording Ammeter - e: Grass Roots Association - e: Gray - e: Graz - e: Great American Airways - e: Greyhound Racing Association - e: Growth Rate Adjustment - e: Guild for Religious Architecture - e: Gyro Reference Assembly - e: WR Grace & Company GrA d: Griinland-Acker - n: Groene Amsterdammer GR-A e: Government Rubber-Acrylonitrile Gra e: Glyceraldehyde - e: Graham's Reports - e: Grain - e: Grant -1: Gratianus - s: Gravida GraadlnstR e: Graduate of the Institute of Refrigeration GRAAL e: Graph Algorithm - e: Graph Algorithmic] Language GRAAR Rate e: Goddard Range and Range Rate GRAB e: Galactic Radiation and Background grab e: grade ability GRABS e: Giant Reusable Air Blast Simulator GRAC e: Grand Royal Arch Captain - e: Grand Royal Arch Chapter - f: Groupe de Recherche sur les Attitudes Envers la Criminalité

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K - G • Saur, Munich

GRACE e: Grace Agencies - e: Grace Chemicals - e: Grace Line - e: Graphie Arts Composing Equipment - e: Group Routine and Charging Equipment - e: Group Routing and Charging Equipment - e: Group Routing and Exchange Equipment - e: WR Grace and Company Grace Hosp Bull e: Grace Hospital. Bulletin (journ.) Grace Th J e: Grace Theological Journal (journ.) GRACO e: Gray Company, Inc. g-rad d: Gramm-Rad GRAD e: Gamma Ray Advanced Detector - e: General Recursive Algebra and Differentiation [Gradient] - e: Generalised Remote Access Database - e: Gradient - e: Gradual - e: Graduate Resume Accumulation and Distribution [Graduation] - e: Graduate[d] grad e: grading - e: graduation -1: grad itim Grad e: Graduate Grad. d: Gradation - d: Gradient - d: Graduale - d: Graduation - d: Graduierung grad. d: gradieren - d: gradual - d: graduell - d: graduieren - d: graduiert - e: grading - e: gradual - e: Gradually] - e: Graduate - e: graduate[d] - e: Graduated GradAIP e: Graduate of the Australien Institute of Physics GRADB e: Generalized] Remote Access Data Base Gradbeni Vestn P: Gradbeni Vestnik GradBHI e: Graduate of the British Horological Institute GRADD e: Graduate (journ.) GradDigClinBiochem e: Graduate Diploma in Chinical Biochemistry GradDigLandArch e: Graduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture GradDip e: Graduation Diploma GradDipAcct e: Graduate Diploma in Accounting GradDipActng e: Graduate Diploma in Accounting GradDipAdmin e: Graduate Diploma in Administration GradDipAdvAc[c]tg e: Graduate Diploma in Advanced Accounting GradDipAnalytChem e: Gladuate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry GradDipAppCommunications e: Graduate Diploma in Applied Communications GradDipAppHist e: Graduate Diploma in Applied History GradDipAppLing e: Graduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics GradDipAppStats e: Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics GradDipAsianStudies e: Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies


GradDipAud GradDipAud e: Graduate Diploma in Internal Auditing GradDipBldgProjMgt e: Graduate Diploma in Building Project Management GradDipBusAdmin e: Graduate Diploma in Business Administration GradDipBusComp e: Graduate Diploma in Business Computing GradDipChildLit e: Graduate Diploma in Children's Literature GradDipClinBiochem e: Graduate Diploma in Clinical Biochemistry GradDipCmlComptg e: Graduate Diploma in Commercial Computing GradDipCommDataProc e: Graduate Diploma in Commercial Data Processing GradDipCommn e: Graduate Diploma in Communication GradDipCommunicationMgt e: Graduate Diploma in Communication Management GradDipCompCompSys e: Graduate Diploma in Computer Controlled Systems GradDipCompContSys e: Graduate Diploma in Computer Controlled GradDipCompEng e: Graduate Diploma in Digital Computer Engineering GradDipCompStu[d] e: Graduate Diploma in Computer Studies GradDipComptgSc e: Graduate Diploma in Computing Science GradDipCouns e: Graduate Diploma in Counselling GradDipCPPhty e: Graduate Diploma in Cardio Pulmonary Physiotherapy GradDipDatAnal e: Graduate Diploma in Data Analysis GradDipDemog e: Graduate Diploma in Demography GradDipDesStud e: Graduate Diploma in Design Studies GradDipDP e: Graduate Diploma in Data Processing GradDipEc e: Graduate Diploma in Economics GradDipEcDev e: Graduate Diploma in Economics of Development GradDipEcetrics e: Graduate Diploma in Econometrics GradDipEcHist e: Graduate Diploma in Economic History GradDipEcmetetrics e: Graduate Diploma in Econometrics GradDipEd e: Graduate Diploma in Education GradDipEdCouns e: Graduate Diploma in Educational Counselling GradDipEdStud[ies] e: Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies GradDipEmpRels e: Graduate Diploma in Employment Relations GradDipEng-PlantMgnt Graduate Diploma in Engineering-Plant Management GradDipEnv&MunEng e: Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Municipal Engineering GradDipExerSportSc e: Graduate Diploma in Exercise and Sport Sciences GradDipFilm&Tele in Ed e: Graduate Diploma in Film and Television in Education GradDipFin e: Graduate Diploma in Finance GradDipFineArt e: Graduate Diploma in Fine Art GradDipGeol e: Graduate Diploma for Science Teachers [Geology]

GradDipGeront e: Graduate Diploma in Gerontology GradDipHealthServMgmt e: Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management GradDipHIM e: Graduate Diploma in Health Information Management GradDipIndDes e: Graduate Diploma in Industrial Design GradDipInfServ e: Gradúale Diploma in Information Services GradDipInfStudies e: Graduate Diploma in Information Studies GradDipIntLaw e: Graduate Diploma in International Law GradDipIntStudies e: Graduate Diploma in Information Studies GradDipKnowlBasSys e: Graduate Diploma in Knowledge Based Systems GradDipLandArch e: Graduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture GradDipLandDatMan e: Graduate Diploma in Land Data Management GradDipLD e: Graduate Diploma in Landscape Design GradDipLegalPrac e: Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice GradDipLeisureStud e: Graduate Diploma in Leisure Studies GradDipLiblnfStud e: Graduate Diploma in Librianship and Informatian Studies GradDipLibSc e: Graduate Diploma in Library Science GradDipLocalGovtEng e: Graduate Diploma in Local Government Engineering GradDipLoc&AppHist e: Graduate Diploma in Local and Applied History GradDipManipTh e: Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy GradDipMathMethods e: Graduate Diploma in Mathematical Methods GradDipMgmt e: Graduate Diploma in Management GradDipMinRes e: Graduate Diploma in Mineral Resources GradOipMktg e: Graduate Diploma in Marketing GradDipNurs e: Graduate Diploma in Nursing GradDipNursStudies e: Graduate Diploma in Nursing Studies GradDipNutr&Diet e: Graduate Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics GradDipOH&S e: Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety GradDipOR e: Graduate Diploma in Operations Research GradDipOrgDev e: Graduate Diploma in Organisation Development GradDipPaedPhty e: Graduate Diploma in Paediatric Physiotherapy GradDipProp e: Graduate Diploma in Property GradDipPSM e: Graduate Diploma in Public Sector Management GradDipPubEcPol e: Graduate Diploma in Public Economic Policy GradDipPub[l]Law e: Graduate Diploma in Public Law GradDipPubPol e: Graduate Diploma in Public Policy GradDipQlty e: Graduate Diploma in Quality GradDipQualTech e: Graduate Diploma in Quality Technology GradDipRc e: Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling


© K G - Saur, München

GradDipSc e: Graduate Diploma in Science GradDipSEAsianStud e: Graduate Diploma in Southeast Asian Studies GradDipSecStud e: Graduate Diploma in Secretarial Studies GradDipStats e: Graduate Diploma in Statistics GradDipSurFin e: Graduate Diploma in Metal Finishing and Surface Protection GradDipSurvPrac e: Graduate Diploma in Surveying Practice GradDipT e: Graduate Diploma in Teaching GradDipTax e: Graduate Diploma in Taxation GradDipTeachLib e: Graduate Diploma in Teacher Librarianship GradDipT[ea]ch[r]Lib e: Graduate Diploma in Teacher Librarianship GradDipTrans&Dist e: Graduate Diploma in Transport and Distribution GradDipUEM e: Graduate Diploma in Urban Estate Management GradDipUltr e: Graduate Diploma in Ultrasonogphy GradDipU[rb&]R[eg]P[lan] e: Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning GradDipUrb&RegPlan e: Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional GradDipURP e: Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning GradDip[VisArts] e: Graduate Diploma in Visual Arts GradDipWeldTech e: Graduate Diploma in Welding Technology GRADE e: Gestalt Recognition by Asymptotic Differential Equations - e: Ground Radar Detector Evaluation GRADET e: Graphic Data Presentation and Edit GradeTeach e: Grade Teacher GradeTech e: Grade Teacher (journ.) Gradevin[ski] Fak Rad [Sarajevo] S: Gradevinski Fakultet. Radovi [Sarajevo] (journ.) Gradevinski Fak [Sarajevo] Rad S: Gradevinski Fakultet [Sarajevo]. Radovi (journ.) GRADEX e: Graded Exercise Grad Fac Phil J e: Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (journ.) Grad Fix e: Grady on Fixtures (joum.) Grad Hind Inh e: Grady's Hindoo Law of Inheritance (journ.) Grad Hind L e: Grady's Manual of Hindoo Law (journ.) GradlAE e: Graduate of the Institution of Automobile Engineers GradlElecIE e: Graduate of the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Incorporated Engineers Grad 1ERE e: Graduate of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers GradllSec e: Graduate of the Institute of Industrial Security GradIM e: Graduate of the Institute of Metals - e: Graduate of the Institution of Metallurgists GradlMA e: Graduate Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications GradlManf e: Graduate Member of the Institute of Manufacturing Grad I Mech E e: Graduate of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GRAN GradIMF e: Graduate of the Institute of Metal Finishing GradlMMA e: Graduate Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications GradlMS e: Graduate of the Institute of Management Specialists Gradinar Lozar Nauk S: Gradinarska i Lorarska Nauka Grad Ind Co e: Grady's Indian Codes GradlnsNDT e: Graduate of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing GradlnstBE e: Graduate Member of the Institute of British Engineers - e: Graduate of the Institution of British Engineers GradlnstBTM e: Graduate of the Institute of Business and Technical Management GradlnstNDT e: Graduate of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing Grad Inst P e: Graduate Member of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society GradInstP[hys] e: Graduate of the Institute of Physics GradlnstPS e: Graduate of the Institute of Purchasing and Supply GradInstR[frg] e: Graduate of the Institute of Refrigeration GradlOP e: Graduate of the Institute of Printing GraDipAppHist e: Graduate Diploma in Applied History GradlPM e: Graduate of the Institute of Personnel Management GraDipTchrLib e: Graduate Diploma in Teacher Librarianship GraDipUltr e: Gradúale Diploma in Ultrasonography GradlRI e: Graduate of the Institution of che Rubber Industry GradlS e: Graduate Member of the Institute of Statisticians GradISM e: Graduate of the Institute of Supervisory Management Gradjerin Fak [Sarajevo] Rad S: Gradjevinski Fakultet [Sarajevo] Radovi Gradjevin Fak [Sarajevo] Rad S: Gradjevinski Fakultet [Sarajevo] Radovi (journ.) Grad MNDTS e: Graduate Member of the Non-Destructive Testing Society of Great Britain GradNDTS e: Graduate [member] of the Non-Destructive Testing Society GradNIH e: Graduate of the National Institute of Hardware GRADP e: Guard Ring Avalanche Photodiode GradPRI e: Graduate of the Plastics and Rubber Institute Grad Res Ed e: Graduate Research in Education and Related Disciplines - e: Graduate Research in Education and Related Disciplines (journ.) Grad RIC e: Graduate Member of the Royal Institute of Chemistry GradRIC e: Graduate [member] of the Royal Institute of Chemistry grad[s] e: gradients] - e: graduate[s]

GRADS e: Generalized Remote Access Data-base System - e: Great Falls Air Defense Sector - e: Ground Radar Aerial Delivery System - e: Ground Radar Air Delivery System GradSCP e: Graduate of the Society of Certified Professionals GradSE e: Graduate of the Society of Engineers GradSemJ e: Graduate Seminar Journal (joum.) GradSLAET e: Graduate of the Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers and Technologists GradSocEng e: Graduate of the Society of Engineers Grad Texts Math e: Graduate Texts in Mathematics GRADU e: Gradual gradu e: gradually] - e: graduatefd] - e: graduating Graduate IElecIE e: Graduate of the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Inrporated Engineers Grad[uate]TextsMath e: Graduate Texts in Mathematics (journ.) Grad.-W. d: Gradierwerk GradWeldl e: Graduate of the Welding Institute GradWoman e: Graduate Woman (journ.) GRAE e: Generally Recognized as Effective - e: Generally Regarded as Effective - f: Gouvernement de la Republique de l'Angola en Exile - p: Govemo Revolucionario de Angola no Exilio Graeffe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol e: Graeffe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (joum.) GR Aero S e: Graduate of the Royal Aeronautical Society GRAF e: Graphic Addition to FORTRAN [Formula Translation] - e: Graphics GRAFEM e: Graphic Finite Element Modeling Grafische Tech d: Grafische Technik Dokumentationsdienst (journ.) Grafiska Forskningslab Medd r: Grafiska Forskningslaboratoriets.Meddelande (journ.) Grafiska Forskningslab Projektrapp r: Grafiska Forskningslaboratoriet. Projektrapport (joum.) Grafiske Hojskoles Smaskr a: Grafiske Hojskoles Smaskrifter (joum.) GRAFLAN e: Graphic Language GRAFMA e: Grand Rapids Area Furniture Manufacturers Association graf[s] e: graphic addition[s] - e: paragraphs] GRAFTABL e: Load Graphics Table Graf Tech. d: Grafische Technik [Institut für Grafische Technik, Germany] (journ.) GRAHAM e: Graham Corporation Grahams e: Grahamstad - e: Grahamstown Grahamstown Hist Soc Ann e: Grahamstown Historical Society. Annais (joum.) Grah&YV New Trials e: Graham and Waterman on New Trials GRA&I e: Government Reports Announcement & [and] Index [Journal]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

GRAI e: Government Reports Announcements and Index GRAID e: Graphical Aid GRAIL e: Genoa Resources and Investment Limited - e: Graphical] Input Language Grail e: Soviet shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile Grain e: Grain de Sel GRAIN e: Graphics-Oriented Relational Algebraic Interpreter Grain Feed J Consol e: Grain and Feed Journals Consolidated (journ.) Grain Feed Rev e: Grain and Feed Review (journ.) Grainger J e: Grainger Journal Grain Prod News e: Grain Producer News (journ.) Grains J e: Grains Journal Grain Trade Bnyers Guide Manag e: Grain Trade Buyers Guide Management GRAL e: General Gral s: General 'gram e: cablegram - e: radiogram - e: telegram Gram d: Grammatik - e: Gramaphone - e: Gramophone GRAM e: Grammar - e: Granulocyte Activating Mediator Gram, e: Grammar - e: Grammatical gram, e: grammar[ian] - e: gramophone Gramm d: Grammatik -1: Grammaticus gramm e: grammatical Gramm Lat 1: Grammatici Latini (joum.) Gramm Rom Frag 1: Grammaticae Romana Fragmenta (journ.) Gramo p: Gramola GRAMPA e: General Analytical Model for Process Analysis - e: Ground Resonance Automatic Multipoint Apparatus Grampians e: Grampian Hills GRAMPS e: Graphics for the Multipicture System GRAMS e: Generalised Reliability and Maintainability Simulator - e: Ground Recording And Monitoring System Gran d: Granat - d: Granulat - e: Granada - e: Granjon - e: Granulator gran d: Granit - d: granulieren - d: granuliert - e: granular - e: granulated - e: granulated sugar GRAn d: Großrechenanlagen GRAN e: Global Rescue Alarm[s] Net[work] - e: Gombarts Reducing Agent-Negative - e: Granite - e: Granodize -1: Granulatus


Gran. Gran, d: Granat - d: Granate - d: Granit - d: Granulat[or] - d: Granulit - d: Granulom gran, d: granulieren - d: granuliert - e: granulated -1: granulatus GRANADA e: Grammatical Nonalgorithmic Data Description Grana Palynol s: Grana Palynologica (journ.) GRANAS e: Global Radio Navigation System GRANAT e: Great Annihilator GRAND AM e: Grand Marnier and Amaretto Grand Canyon e: Grand Canyon in California - e: Grand Canyon in Colorado - e: Grand Canyon in Idaho - e: Grand Canyon in Texas - e: Grand Canyon in Wyoming - e: Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona Grand Canyon Nat History Assoc Bull e: Grand Canyon Naturai History Association. Bulletin (journ.) Grand Cou f: Grand Coutumier de Normandie Grand Coulee e: Grand Coulee Dam - e: Grand Coulee Valley in eastern Washington Grand Cout f: Grand Coutumier de Nonnandie GRANDE e: Gamma Ray and Neutrino Detector Experiment GRANDO i: Grandioso Grand Teton e: Grand Teton National Monument in Wyoming GRANEDA e: Graphische NetzplanDarstellung GRANFD e: Granada Foods GRANG e: Granges, Inc. Granger e: Granger's State Reports GRANIS e: Graphical Natural Interference System GRANITE e: Gamma Ray Astrophysia New Imaging Telescope Gran[ite] Mo e: Granite Monthly (joum.) GRAnl d: Gemeinderufanlage GRANL e: Granulated GRAnlZs d: Gemeinderufanlagen-Zusatz Gran Mo e: Granite Monthly GRANO e: Granolithic Granos Semilla Selec s: Granos Semilla Selecta Gran Quivira e: Gran Quivira National Monument in New Mexico Gran St M e: Granite State Magazine Grant e: Grant of Elchies' Scotch Session Cases - e: Grant's Chancery Chamber Reports - e: Grant's Jamaica Reports - e: Grant's Pennsylvania Cases - e: Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports Grant Ch [Can] e: Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports Grant Corp e: Grant on Corporations Grant E&A e: Grant's Error and Appeal Reports Grant Err&App e: Grant's Error and Appeal Reports Grant Gas e: Grant's Pennsylvania Cases


Grant Gas [PA] e: Grant's Pennsylvania Cases Grant Jamaica e: Grant's Jamaica Reports Gra N Tr e: Graham on New Trials Grants Mag e: Grants Magazine Grantsmanship Cent News e: Grantsmanship Center. News Grants Newsl. e: Grants Newsletter [GB] (Journ.) Grant's R e: Grant's Jamaica Reports Grant UC e: Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports GRAO e: Gamma Ray Astronomy Observatory GRAP e: Greatest Response Amplitude Probability Graphic Arts Abstr e: Graphic Arts Abstracts Graphic Sci e: Graphic Science (journ.) GRAPD e: Greatest Response Amplitude Probability Data - e: Guard Ring Avalanche Photodiode GRAPDEN e: Graphical] Data Entry [Unit] GRAPE e: Gamma Ray Attenuation Porosity Evaluator - e: Graphical Analysis of Program[me] Execution - e: Ground Receiving and Ranging Equipment Grapes e: Grapes of Wrath GRAPH e: Graphics] - e: Graphical Repair Discard Analysis Procedure Handbook Graph, d: Graphik[er] - d: Graphologe - d: Graphologie graph, d: graphisch - d: graphitiert - d: graphologisch - e: graphology GRAPHAGE e: Graphic output package Graph Arts Mon Print Ind e: Graphic Arts Monthly and the Printing Industry GRAPHDEN e: Graphic[al] Data Entry [rate] grapheme e: written language symbol representing an oral language code Graph[ic] Arts Abstr e: Graphic Arts Abstracts (journ.) Graphic Arts Bull e: Graphic Arts Bulletin (journ.) Graphic Arts Lit Abstr e: Graphic Arts Literature Abstracts (journ.) Graph[ic] Arts Mon [Print Ind] e: Graphic Arts Monthly and the Printing Industry (journ.) Graphic Arts Prog e: Graphic Arts Progress (journ.) Graphic As M e: Graphic Arts Monthly (journ.) Graphic Commun World e: Graphic Communications World (journ.) Graphic Comm Wk e: Graphic Communications Weekly (journ.) Graphic Sci e: Graphic Science Graphics 'O' Level e: commercial art with some drawing or fine art GRAPHIDI e: Graphical Interpretive Display [System] graphite e: carbon Graphitier. d: Graphitiemng graph rec e: graphic recording] Graphs Comb, d: Graphs and Combinatorics [Germany] (journ.) GRAPHSSY e: Graphics Software System

© K G - Saur, München

GRAPHSYS e: Graphic[s] Software System Grap Just e: Grapel's Translation of the Institutes of Justinian (journ.) GRAPL e: Graphic Application Programming Language - e: Graphics Programming Language GRAPO s: Grupos de Resistencia Anti-Fascista Primero de Octubre GRAPPA d: graphisches ProjektplanungsAnalysesystem Gra Pr e: Graham's Practice of the New York Supreme Court GraPRI e: Graduate of the Plastics and Rubber Institute Grap Rom Law e: Grapel's Sources of the Roman Civil Law (journ.) GRAR e: Governmental] Report Authorization and Record - e: Great American Recreation, Inc. - e: Grinding Arbor GRARD e: Goddard Range and Range Data GRARE e: Ground Receiving & Ranging Equipment - e: Ground-Receiving and [Analog] Ranging Equipment GRARR e: Goddard Range and Range Rate GRARR System e: Goddard Range and Range Rate System GRARR Tracking System e: Goddard Range and Range Rate Tracking System GRAS e: Generally Recognized as Safe - e: Generally Regarded as Safe - e: Ground Return Area Suppression Grasas Aceit[es] s: Grasas y Aceites GrasDip[VisArts] e: Graduate Diploma in Visual Arts GRASER e: Gamma Ray Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation - e: Gamma Ray Laser GRASP e: Gamma Ray Astronomy with Spectroscopy and Positioning - e: GAO [General Accounting Office] Review and Approval of Accounting Systems Project - e: General Read And Simulate Program - e: General Reduction and Analysis Support Package - e: General Resource Allocation and Scheduling Program[me] - e: General Resource Allocation and Selection Program - e: General Risk Analysis Simulation Program[me] - e: Generalized Read and Simulate Program[me] - e: Generalized Reentry Application Simulation Program[me] - e: Generalized Remote Acquisition and Sensor Processing - e: Generalized Retrieval and Storage Program [me] - e: Generally Recognized as Safe Petition - e: Generation of Random Access Site Plans - e: Generic Radar Analysis and Synthesis Program - e: Geographical Resource Analysis Software Package - e: Graphia-Augmented Structural PostProcessing GRasp e: Graphic Animation System for Professionals GRASP e: Graphic Service Program[me] - e: Graphical Robot Applications Stimulation Package - e: Graphics-Augmented Structural Post-Processing - e: Graphics Subroutine Package

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GRBX grasp, e: graphics-augmented structural-post processing GRASP Lab e: General Robotics and Active Sensory Processing Laboratory GRASPs e: Generalized Read and Simulation Program[me]s GRASR e: General Railroad and Airline Stabilization Regulations (journ.) GRASS e: Gamma-Ray Ablation Sensing System - e: Gas Release and Swelling Subroutine - e: General Random Audit Sample Selection Technique - e: General Retrieval and Storage System - e: Generalized Reactor Analysis Sub-System - e: Generalized Research Analysis Statistical System - e: Germinating Ray Acoustics Simulation System - e: Grassland Research and Serengeti Systems - e: Great Revolutionary American Standard System - e: Ground-to-Air Scanner Surveillance Grass Forage Sci e: Grass and Forage Science (journ.) Grassl. e: Grassland Grassl Res Inst [Hurley] Annu Rep e: Grassland Research Institute [Hurley], Annual Report (journ.) Grassl Res Inst [Hurley] Exp Prog e: Grassland Research Institute [Hurley]. Experiments in Progress (journ.) Grassl Res Inst [Hurley] Tech Rep e: Grassland Research Institute [Hurley]. Technical Report (journ.) Grassl Soc South Afr Pr e: Grassland Society of Southern Africa. Proceedings (journ.) Grass R e: Grass Roots Grasuate IEIecIE e: Graduate of the Institution of Electricaland Electronics Incorporated Engineers GRAT e: Gratis - e: Gratuity -1: Gratis grat e: Graticule Grat e: Grattan's Virginia Reports -1: Gratus Grat. d: Gratification grat. d: gratis Grat Act e: Gratiarum Actio GRATE e: Growth Rate G Ratio e: Gryomagnetic Ratio GRATIS e: Generation, Reduction and Training Input System Gratt e: Grattan's Virginia Supreme Court Reports Gratt [VA] e: Grattan's Virgina Reports GratzCAJS e: Gratz College. Annual of Jewish Studies (journ.) GRAUL e: Grand Rapids Area Union List of Serials GRAV e: Gravid - e: Gravitational - e: Gravity grav e: acceleration of gravity - e: gravimetric - e: gravitation Grav e: Gravel - e: Graviation

Grav. d: Gravidität - d: Gravimeter - d: Gravimetrie - d: Gravisphäre - d: Gravitation - d: Gravur - e: Gravel - e: Gravimeter - e: Gravity grav. d: gravieren - d: graviert - e: Gravimetric Grav De Jur Nat Gent e: Gravina's De Jure Naturale Gentium, Etc. (journ.) Graver Water Cond Co Tech Repr e: Graver Water Conditioning Company. Technical Reprint (journ.) Gravin 1: Gravina's Originum Juris Civilis Gravitatsiya Teor Otnositel'nosti R: Gravitatsiya i Teoriya Otnositel'nosti (joum.) GRAVR e: Gravitational Redshift Space Probe Grav Russ e: Greaves' Edition of Russell on Crimes Gra&Wat NT e: Graham and Waterman on New Trials Gray e: Gray's Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Reports - e: Gray's Reports GRAY e: Grayhound Electronics, Inc. GrayAttPr e: Gray's Country Attorney's Practice Gray Forms e: Graydon's Forms of Conveyance Graylands Ed News e: Graylands Education News Gray [Mass] e: Gray's Massachusetts Reports Gray Pant e: Gray Panther Network Gray Perpetuities e: Gray's Rule Against Perpetuities Gr.Az. d: Granate mit Aufschlagzünder GRAZ i: Grazioso Graz Beitr d: Grazer Beiträge (journ.) Grazer Phil Stud d: Grazer Philosophische Studien (journ.) Grazhdanshaya Arists R: Crazhdanskaya Aviatsiya Graz Landesmus Joanneum Abt Mi d: Graz. Landesmuseum Joanneum. Abteilung für Mineralogie. Mitteilungen (journ.) Graz Landesmus Joanneum Jahres d: Graz. LandesmuseumJoanneum. Jahresbericht (journ.) Graz Landesmus Johanneum Mus B d: Graz. Landesmuseum Joanneum. Museum für Bergbau GRAZO i: Grazioso

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

GRB d: Granatbiichse - e: Gamma Ray Burst - e: Garbo Industries - e: Gas Research Board - e: Geophysical Research Board - e: Geophysics Research Board - e: Gerber Scientific, Inc. - e: Government Reservation Bureau - e: Granolithic Base - e: Grees Bay - e: Group Psychotherapy (journ.) - e: Guide to Reference Books GrB d: Gruppenvermittlungsbereich GRBC e: Goose Red Blood Cell - e: Great Banc GRBDS e: Gyroscopes-Rate BombDirection System GRBF e: Generalized Radial Basis Function GRBI e: Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Institution GRBL e: Garble GRbl. d: Goldrubel grbld e: Garbled grbm e: Global Range Ballistic Missile GRBM e: Global-Range Ballistic Missile - e: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Monographs (journ.) GRBNKS e: Grand Banks GrBO d: Grundbuchordnung Gr Br e: Great Britain - f: Grande Bretagne GRBR e: Gerber Energy International, Inc. Gr Brice e: Green's Edition of Brice's Ultra Vires Gr.Br[it]. e: Great Britain GR&BS e: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (journ.) GRBS e: Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Society - e: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (journ.) GRBSA e: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Scholarrity Aids (journ.) GRBSC e: Greenland Bioscience GRBUD e: Geophysical Research Bulletin (journ.) GRBX e: Gearbox


GRC G R C e: Gale Research Company - e: Garchy - e: Gearcase - e: Gendarmerie Royale du Canada - e: General Railway Classification - e: General Research Corporation - e: Generation Review Committee - e: Geographic Resources Center - e: Geotechnical Research Center [US] - e: Geotechnical Research Centre [GB] - e: Geothermal Resource[s] Council - e: Gerontology Research Center - e: Glass-fiber Reinforced Cement [US] - e: Glass-fibre Reinforced Cement [GB] - e: Glass Reinforced Composite - e: Glenmary Research Center - e: Global Reference Code - e: Gorman-Rupp Company - e: Government Research Center Directory (journ.) - e: Government of the Republic of China - e: Government Research Centers Directory - e: Government Research Corporation - e: Graduate Research Center - e: Grand Cess [Liberia] [Airport] - e: Graphite-Reinforced Composite - e: Greece - e: Greek - e: Greene County District Library - e: Gross Replacement Cost - e: Ground Radio Communication[s] - e: Group Repeat Count - e: Growth and Change (journ.) - e: Guard Ring Capacitor - e: Gulf Research Corporation GRCA e: Glassfiber Reinforced Cement Association [US] - e: Glassfibre Reinforced Cement Association [GB] - e: Golden Retriever Club of America - e: Grand Canyon National Park Gr Cal e: Group Calculate Gr Capt e: Group Captain GRCB e: Greyhound Racing Control Board Grc Bk Eco e: Economic Bulletin. Commercial Bank of Greece GRCD e: German Rhine Coordination Directorate GRCDA e: Governmental] Refuse Collection and Disposal Association GRC Genet Resour Commun e: GRC. Genetic Resources Communication (joum.) GRCH d: Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der Ersten Drei Jahrhunderten GrCh d: GroBchinchilla GR CHAP e: Grand Chapter GRCI e: German Radio Club International GR/CIDS e: Genetic Resources/ Communication, Information and Documentation System Gr CI e: Ground Cloth GR/CL e: Group and Class G R C M e: Graduate of the Royal College of Music GRCO e: Gradco Systems, Inc. grcol e: ground color gr coup e: Grosses Coupures GR/CP e: Group Registration for Contributions to Periodicals GRCQ e: Grenfell Clinical Quarterly (journ.) Grcr e: Grande Croix GR/CS e: Guardrail/Common Sensor [System] GRCS e: Gun Rocket Control System GRCSCC e: Golden Ring Council of Senior Citizens Clubs 76

G R C S C T T e: Guardrail Common Sensor Commander's Tactical Terminal G R C S W e: Graduate Research Center of the Southwest Gr Ctrl e: Group Control Gr Ctrl Ent e: Group Control Entry Gr Ctrl Ex e: Group Control Exit G R C U e: Gun Rocket Control Unit G R C V e: Ground Cover - e: Guard Receiver G R D d: grafisches Rasterdisplay - e: Gamma-Ray Detector - e: Gateringdiode - e: General Radio Discriminator - e: Geophysics Research Directorate - e: Goldrich Resources, Inc. - e: Government Research Directory (journ.) - e: Grading - e: Grand Duchess - e: Greatest Response Data - e: Greek Drachma [Currency of Greece] - e: Greenwood - e: Grenada - e: Grind - e: Ground - e: Ground Detector - e: Ground-Resolved Distance - e: Guaranteed - e: Guard -1: Gramicidin g-rd e: Gram-Rad grd d: Grad Grd e: Greek drachmae - e: Ground Shells Grd. d: Grad - d: Grund - e: Ground Grdb. d: Grundbesitzer] - d: Grundbuch GrdbO d: Grundbuchordnung GRDC e: Gulf Research and Development Company GRDCUS e: Gulf Range Drone Control Upgrade System Grd. Einh. d: Grundeinheit GRDF e: Gulf Rapid Deployment Force - e: Gypsum Roof Deck Foundation Grdf. d: Grundfach - d: Grundfächer - d: Grundfarbe - d: Grundform Grdfl. d: Grundfläche Grdg. d: Gründung G R D L e: Geodetic Research and Development Laboratory - e: Gradually - e: Griddle grdl e: gradually] Grdl. d: Grundlage[n] - d: Grundlinie GrdlS e: Graduate Member of the Institute of Statisticians Grdlstg. d: Grundleistung GRDN e: Garden GRDNB e: Guardian Bancorp GRDND6 e: Gerodontology (journ.) GR/D/O e: Granddaughter Of Grd. Op[s]. e: Ground Operation^] GRDP e: Graphic Data Processing Grdr. d: Grundrichtung - d: Grundriß GRDRND e: Ground Round Restaurants GRDRS e: Geographically Referenced Data Storage and Retrieval System Grds. d: Grundsatz

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GRDSR e: Geographically] Referenced Data Storage and Retrieval [System] Grd.-St. d: Grundsteuer Grdst. d: Grundstock - d: Grundstoff[e] - d: Grundstiick[e] - d: Grundstufe GrdStG d: Grundsteuergesetz GrdstVG d: Grundstiicksverkehrsgesetz GRDTN e: Graduation grdtot e: grand total Grdw. d: Grundwasser - d: Grundwert Grdw.-Sp. d: Grundwasserspiegel Grdwsp. d: Grundwasserspiegel Grdz. d: Grundzahl[en] - d: Grundzug Grdzg. d: Grundzug GRE e: Gamma Ray Experiment - e: Gamma Ray Explorer - e: Gaussian Resolution Enhancemant - e: Generated Repeatable Exams - e: Glucocorticoid Respons[iv]e Element - e: Going Rate Estimates - e: Gradient-Recalled Echo - e: Graduate Record Examination [Board] - e: Graduate Reliability Engineering - e: Grant-Related Expenditure - e: Graphite-Reinforced Epoxy - e: Greek - e: Greenstone Resources Limited - e: Greenville - e: Grenada - e: Ground Radar Equipment - e: Ground Reconnaissance Equipment - e: Ground Reconstruction Electronics - e: Ground Reconstruction Equipment - e: Ground Relay Equipment - e: Ground Run-Up Enclosure - e: Guardian Royal Exchange [Assurance Group] - e: Gulf Resources & Chemical Corporation Gre f: Greece - s: Grecia GREA e: Grant-Related Expenditure Assessments GREAT e: Geriatric Education and Training Act - e: Graduate Research in Engineering and Technology - e: Graphics Research with Ellerbe Architects Technology Great Basin Nat e: Great Basin Naturalist Great Basin Nat Mem e: Great Basin Naturalist. Memoirs Greater Milw Dent Bull e: Greater Milwaukee Dental Bulletin (journ.) Greater St Louis Dent Soc Bull e: Greater St. Louis Dental Society. Bulletin (journ.) Great Lakes e: Great Lakes Review (joum.) Great Lakes Entomol e: Great Lakes Entomologist (journ.) Great Lakes Fish Comm Annu Rep e: Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Annual Report (journ.) Great Lakes Fish Comm Tech Rep e: Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Technical Report (journ.) Great Lakes Res Dir Univ Mich Publ e: Great Lakes Research Division. University of Michigan. Publication (journ.) Great Lon e: Greater London

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GREYLN Great Plains Agric Counc Pubi e: Great Plains Agricultural Council. Publication (journ.) Great Sandy e: Great Sandy Desert of Australia Great Smokies e: Great Smoky Mountains Great Synag Cong J e: Great Synagogue Congregational Journal Great Vic e: Great Victoria Desert of Australia Greav Cr L e: Greaves. Criminal Consolidation GREB e: Galactic Radiation Experiment Background [Satellite] - e: General Reciprocating Engine Bulletin (journ.) - e: Graduate Records Examination Boards GREB Satellite e: Galactic Radiation Experiment Background Satellite GREC e: Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center Grec i: Grecia - p: Grecia - s: Grècia GRECC e: Geriatrie Research Education and Clinical Center GRECE f: Groupement de Recherche et d'Etudes pour la Civilisation Européenne GRED e: Generalized Random Extract Device GREDI f: Groupe d'Etudes en Développement International GREE e: General Request for GroundBased Electronics Equipment - f: Groupement de Recherche et d'Etudes pour la Civilisation Européenne Greece e: Hellenic Republic Greece&Rome New Surv Class e: Greece and Rome. New Surveys in the Classics (journ.) GRE&E Div e: Graves Registration and Effects Division Greeen Cr e: Green's Criminal Law Greek Rom[an] [&]B[yz] [Stud] e: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (journ.) Greeks e: Greek Islands - e: Greek people GREEMAIN e: Agreement to Remain on Active Duty Until Date green e: go ahead signal - e: light all-clear signal - e: safety signal - e: starboard side of aircraft Green e: Green College - e: Green's Reports - e: Greenland GREEN e: Guild to Revive Exhausted Nurses green Bag e: all-clear signal - e: express go-ahead Green Bag e: Green Bag, A Legal Journal Green BL e: Green's Bankrupt Law Green Bri e: Green's Edition of Brice' s Ultra Vires Green Bull e: Green Bulletin Green Conv e: Greenwood s Manual of Conveyancing Green Cr Cas e: Green's Criminal Cases Green Crim Reports e: Criminal Law Reports Green Cr Law R e: Green's Criminal Law Reports Green Cr L Rep e: Green's Criminal Law Reports Green Cr Rep e: Criminal Law Reports

Green Cruise e: Greenleaf s Edition of Cruise's Digest of Real Green Cts e: Greenwood on Courts Greene e: Greene's Reports Greene [G.] e: Greene's Iowa Reports Greene G [Iowa] [G.] e: Greene's Iowa Reports Green Ev e: Greenleaf on Evidence Green Forms e: Greening's Forms of Declarations Green&H Conv e: Greenwood and Horwood's Conveyancing Greenhouse e: Greenhouse Effect Greenland Arctic Greenh Pub Pol e: Greenhood's Doctrine of Public Policy in theLaw of Contracts Greenh Sh e: Greenhow's Shipping Law Manual (journ.) Greenkeepers Rep e: Greenkeepers Reporter Green L e: Green's Law Reports Greenl e: Greenleaf s Reports Greenland e: North of the Arctic Circle Greenland Geol Unders Bull a: Greenland Geologiske Undersoegelse. Bulletin (journ.) Greenland Geol Unders Rapp a: Greenland. Geologiske Undersoegelse. Rapport (journ.) Greenl Cr e: Greenleaf s Edition of Cruise's Digest of Real Property Greenl Cruise e: Greenleafs Edition of Cruise's Digest of Real Property Greenl Cruise Real Prop e: Greenleafs Edition of Cruise's Digest of Real Property Greenl Ev e: Greenleaf on Evidence Greenl Geosci e: Greenland Geoscience (journ.) Greenl Ov Cas e: Greenleafs Over-Ruled Cases Greenl Test Ev e: Greenleaf on the Testimony of the Evangelists Green Mt e: Green Mountain Green Mts e: Green Mountains Green [NJ] e: Green's New Jersey Law or Equity Green Or Csa e: Greenleafs Over-Ruled Cases Green R e: Greenfield Review Green Rev[ol] e: Green Revolution (joum.) Green Revol e: Green Revolution - e: Green Revolution (joum.) Green [RI] e: Green's Reports Green Rom Law e: Green's Outlines of Roman Law (journ.) Green Se Cr Cas e: Green's Criminal Cases Green Sc Tr e: Green's Scottish Trials for Treason Green Ship e: Greenhow's Law of Shipowners Greenw Cts e: Greenwood on Courts Greenwich Time Rep e: Greenwich Time Report (journ.) Greenw&M Mag Pol e: Greenwood and Martin's Magistrates Police greeny e: conservationist - e: environmentalist Greer e: Greer's Irish Land Acts GREF e: General Reserve Engineer Force Grefco e: General Refractories GREFICOR f: Groupe de Recherche sur l'Efficacité Organisationnelle G R E G e: Grand Registrar G/REG e: Generator Regulator GREG e: Gregorian Greg e: Gregorianum - e: Gregory I

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Greg.K[al]. d: Gregorianischer Kalender GRegO e: Group Regiment Officer Gregor e: Gregoriusblad Gregorowski e: High Court Report Orange Free State GREI f: Groupe de Recherche en Enseignement Individualise G Reichs-Mus Leiden Samm n: Geologische Reichs-Museum in Leiden. Sammlungen (joum.) Greifsw. d: Greifswald GREINER e: Griner Engineering, Inc. gr el e: greatest elongation G Rel Per e: Guide to Religious Periodicals (journ.) GREM e: Geopotential Research Explorer Mission GREMAS d: genealogische Recherche durch Magnetbandspeicher[ung] - e: Genealogical Retrieval by Magnetic-tape Storage - e: General Retrieval by Magnetic Tape Storage - e: Generic Retrieval by Magnetic-tape Storage GREMEX e: Goddard Research and Engineering Management Exercise GREMF f: Groupe de Recherche et d'Echange Multidisciplinaires Feministes GREMLIN e: Greater Manchester Local government Information Network Gren d: Grenada - d: Grenadier GREN e: Great Eastern Energy & Development Corporation - e: Grenade Grenada e: State of Grenada Grenada Agric Dep Rep e: Grenada Agricultural Department. Report (journ.) GrenKp d: Grenadierkompanie GRENM e: Greenman Brothers, Inc. Grenoble Fac Sei Lab Geol Mem f: Grenoble. Faculte des Sciences. Laboratoire de Geologie. Memoires (joum.) Grenzgeb Med d: Grenzgebiete der Medizin (journ.) grep e: gets repeating patterns GREP e: Global Regular-Expression Purser - e: Graphite/Epoxy Composite GREPAT e: Greenland Patrol GREPCO e: Greenland Petroleum Consortium G Rep Sask Res Counc Geol Div e: G Report. Saskatchewan Research Council. Geology Division (joum.) Gre Rom Law e: Greene's Outlines of Roman Law (journ.) GRES e: Gippsland Regional Environmental Study - e: Greatest Amount of Resources GRESLET f: Groupe de Recherche en Semantique, Lexicologie, et Terminologie GrEStG d: Grunderwerbssteuergesetz GRETA e: Ground Radar Emissions Training Aviator - e: Ground Radar Emitter for Training Aviators GRETEL d: grenzüberschreitende Telekommunikation GrEv e: Greenleaf on Evidence (journ.) GRex d: Gelbe Rex GREXIT e: Greatest Extreme in an Interval of Time GREY e: Grey Advertising, Inc. Greyf e: Greyfriars College Oxford GREYLN e: Greyhound Lines Inc. 77

GRF GRF d: großer roter Fleck - e: Garbell Research Foundation - e: Gelatin, Resorcinol and Formaldehyde - e: Geographic Reference File - e: Gesneriad Research Foundation - e: Golden Rule Foundation - e: Gonadotropin[-]Releasing Factor - e: Grain-Force - e: Graphic Reproduction Federation - e: Grass Firm - e: Grassland Research Foundation - e: Gravity Research Foundation - e: Ground Repetition Frequency - e: Group Repetition Frequency - e: Growth-hormone Releasing Factor - e: Guaranty Reserve Fund - e: Tacoma/Fort Lewis - n: Graficus, Onafhankelijk Weekblad voor de Grafische Industrie (journ.) g.r.f. e: Group Repetition Frequency Gr. F. e: Grazing Fire gr.f. e: grey filly G r F d: Grundsatzforderung Grf. d: Granatfüllung G r f . 88 d: Granatfüllung 88 GR-FeSV e: Gardner-Rasheed Feline Sacroma Virus GRFF e: General Radio-Frequency Fittings GRFIA e: Grinding and Finishing (journ.) gr Fl d: große Flöte GRFL e: Gerald R.Ford Library GRFM e: General Radio Frequency Meter - e: General Radio-Frequency Meter GRFMA e: Grand Rapids Furniture Market Association GRFO e: Gun Range Finder Operator - e: Gun Range-Finder Operator Gr.Fo.Einr. d: Großforschungseinrichtung[en] GR F O O D e: GR Foods, Inc. GRFP e: Graphite Reinforced Fiber Plastic GrFRP e: Graphite-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic GRFS e: Greencastle Federal Savings Bank Grfsch. d: Grafschaft GRFX e: Grinding Fixture GRG d: Großrundgestrick -

e: Gastroentemlogy Research Group e: Gearing e: Generalized Reduced Gradient e: Glass-Fiber Reinforced Gypsum e: Gordetsky [G. R.] Telemmunications and General Management Consulting - e: Grading - e: Graphical Rewriting Grammar - e: Gravimetric Rain Ga[u]ge - e: Greenery Rehabilitation Group, Inc. - e: Gross Reserve Generation Grg e: Gorgias [Plato] GRGE e: Garage - e: Gorge GrGer d: Großgerät Gr.-Ges. d: Grundgesetz GrGesch d: Griechische Geschichte (journ.) GRGL e: Groundwater Residue Guidance Level GRGS e: Ground Roll Guidance System - f: Groupe de Recherche de Geodesie Spatiale GRGSC a: Greenland Geoscience. Meddelelser om Grönland (journ.)


G R H e: Garuahi [Papua New Guinea] [Airport] - e: Gas Recycle Hydrogenation - e: Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone - e: Grahamstown [Süd-Afrika] - e: Gramm-Rudmann Hollings - e: GRC International - e: Green Hills Aviation Limited GRh d: Gestellreihe Gr.-Ha. d: Großhafen GRHA e: Ground Handling G R H A S / C e: Ground Handling Subcommittee Grhdlg d: Großhandlung GRHMFL e: Graham-Field Health Products, Inc. GRHQU d: Gruppen-Hauptquartier Grllz. d: Großherzog GRI d: Griesbach - e: Gale Research, Inc. - e: Gallaudet Research Institute - e: Gamma Ray Imaging Telescope System - e: Gas Research Institute - e: General Religions International - e: Geographical Review of India (journ.) - e: Geoscience Research Institute - e: Geothermal Resources International - e: Gidley Research Institute - e: Ginseng Research Institute - e: Glider Developments, Inc. - e: Government of the Ryukyu Islands - e: Government Reports Index - e: Government Research Index - e: Grand Island [Airport] - e: Graphical Interactive Display - e: Grassland Research Institute - e: Grassroots International - e: Gravüre Research Institute - e: Grazing Incidence Solar Telescope - e: Ground Reconnance Information Processing System - e: Group Repetition Interval - e: Guaranteed Retirement Income - f: Groupe de Recherche et d'Intervention en Ideologie - f: Groupe des Recherches Ionosphäriques - f: Groupement Romand de l'lnformatique GR-I e: Government Rubber-Isobutylene Gri e: Glyceric Acid GRIB e: Gippsland Region Information Bank GRIBAT e: Graphics Interface Basic Acceptance Test GRIBS d: grafisches interaktives Basissystem G R I C e: Graduate Member of the Royal Institute of Chemistry G R I D e: Gas Research Institute Digest [US] (journ.) - e: Gay-Related Immune Deficiency - e: Global Resource Information Database - e: Graphic Interactive Display - e: Graphic Remote Integrated Display - e: Graphic Reproduction by Integrated Design - e: Graphic Retrieval and Information Display - e: Graphical Intermediate Data Format G R I E d: Grenzwerte der IndustrieElektronik [Arbeitsausschuß] G R I E R e: Graphical Interactive Network Designer

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GRIF e: Government Research Institute of Formosa - e: Griffin Technology, Inc. - e: Growth Hormone Inhibiting Factor - e: Growth Hormone Release Inhibiting Factor GRIFF f: Groupe de Recherches Interdisciplinaires des Fertilisation des Forets Griffin Pat Cs e: Griffin's Patent Cases (journ.) Griffin PC e: Griffin's Abstract of Patent Cases (journ.) Griffn's Statist Monograph Ser e: Griffin's Statistical Monograph Series (journ.) GRIL e: Gale Research International Limited GRIN e: Germplasm Resoues Information Network - e: Glasgow Reference and Information Network - e: Graded Index - e: Graded Refractive Index - e: Gradient [of] Refractive Index - e: Graphical] Input - e: Graphical Interaction - e: Great Plains GRIN-2 e: Graphical Interaction GRIN-A e: Geographical Review of Gr Ind e: Group Indicate Gr.-Ind. d: Großindustrie GRIND e: Graphical Interpretive Display - e: Group Index - e: Group Indicate Gr Ind Elim e: Group Indication Elimination GRINDER e: Graphical] Interactive Network Designer GRI Newsl e: GRI [Gravüre Research Institute] Newsletter (journ.) gr/in 2 e: Grain per Square Inch GRIN Language e: Graphical Input Language - e: Graphical Interaction Language G R I N S e: General Retrieval Inquiry Negotiation Structure - e: Graphical Input of SMILES [Simplified Molecular Line Editor System] Input GR Insights e: Gas Research Insights (journ.) GRIP e: Gemini Reentry Integration Program - e: General Retrieval of Information Program[me] - e: Gerontological Information Program - e: Grandmet Information Processing - e: Graphics Interaction with Proteins - e: Graphics Interactive Program - e: Graphics Interactive Programming [Language] - e: Grass Roots Improvement Program - e: Guaranteed Recovery of Investment Principal - f: Groupe de Recherche sur les Insectes Piqueurs GRIPHOS e: General Retrieval and Information Processing for HumanitiesOriented Studies - e: General Retrieval and Information Processor for Humanities Oriented Studies - e: General Retrieval and Infornmation Processing for Generating Station Humanities-Oriented Studies Gripp Respir Virusn Infektsii R: Gripp i Respiratornye Virusnye Infektsii (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Grondboor Hamer GRIPS e: Gaming, Random Interfacing and Problem Structuring - e: General Relation based Information Processing System - e: Gift Reporting and Information Processing System - e: Graphic Image Pagination System - e: Ground Reconnaissance Information Processing System GRIR f: Groupe de Recherche et d'Intervention Regionales GRIS e: Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer - e: Global Resources Information System - e: Grisons - f: Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Sante GRISA f: Groupe de Recherche de l'lnformation Scientifique et Automatique GRISAH f: Groupe de Recherche et d'Intervention sur les Systemes d'Activities Humaines GRISS e: Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction GRIST e: Grazing Incidence Solar Telescope - e: Grazing-Incidence Solar Telescope GRIT e: Gradual Reduction in Tensions - e: Graduated Reduction in Tension - e: Grantor-Retained Income Trust grit, e: gradual reduction in temperature - e: gradual reduction tensions GRITS e: Geothermal Resource Interactive Temporal Simulation - e: Goddard Range Instrumentation Tracking System grits e: boiled grits - e: hominy grits grivation e: Grid-variation griz e: grizzly grizz e: grizzly bear GRJ e: George [South Africa] [Airport] GRJC e: Grand Rapids Junior College GRK e: Golden Rock Resources Limited - e: Goroka [Papua New Guinea] - e: Greek GRKF d: gehendes Richtungskoppelfeld Grkf.Sch. d: Großkampfschiff GRL d: Grundrichtungslinie - e: Gamma Ray Laboratory - e: General - e: General Instrument Corporation - e: Geophysical Research Letters (journ.) - e: Gerontology Research Center, Baltimore - e: Goldenrod Resources & Technology, Inc. - e: Government Rubber Laboratory - e: Grain Research Laboratory - e: Greenland - e: Gross Reference List - e: Gross Regional Loss Gr L e: Gunner Lieutenant Gr-L e: Graeco-Latin Grl d: Grille - d: Gruppenvermittlungsleitung grl e: grille GRLH e: Garland Reference Library of the Humanities (journ.) GrLJ e: Georgetown Law Journal (journ.) grip e: ground lamp GrLR e: Great Lakes Review. A Journal of Midwest Culture (journ.) GRLS e: Great River Library System GrLt e: Gunner Lieutenant Grlz d: Görlitz

GRM d: Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift (journ.) - d: Gleichstromreihenschlußmaschine - e: Gaseous Radiation Monitor - e: Generalized Reed-Muller [Code] - e: Generalized Report Module Program - e: Geopotential Research Mission - e: Germination - e: Global Range Missile - e: Grahamstown [Stid-Afnca] - e: Grenade carrier for Mortars - e: Guarded Relay Multiplexer - e: Guidance Rate Measurement - e: Guidance Rate Measuring - f: Gramme grm e: gram[me] - e: gross rent - e: multipler GR-M e: Government RubberMonovinylacetylene Grm. d: Grenzmark GR/M3 e: Grammes per Cubic Metre GRMAA R: Geologiya Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii (journ.) GRM Code e: Generalized Reed-Muller Code GRMDA e: German Medicine (journ.) GRMG d: Geschäftsraummietengesetz GRMI e: GRM Industries, Inc. GRMMA e: German Medical Monthly (journ.) G[-]R M[on.][S] d: GermanischRomanische Monatsschrift (journ.) Gr.m.P. d: Granate mit Panzerkopf GRMP e: Generalized Report Module Program GRMS d: Germanisch-Römische Monatsschrift (journ.) GRMT e: Government Request Military Tarif - e: Grommet Gr.m.V. d: Granate mit Verzögerung GRMV e: Green Ring Mottle Virus GRN e: Generalized Regulation Net - e: Goods Received Note - e: Gordon - e: Gram-Negative - e: Granite - e: Granule - e: Green - e: Greenville & Northern Railway Co. - e: Greenwich Library - e: Grenoble Energy - f: Grenoble Grn e: Glycerone g/r/n e: goods received note Gr N e: Graduate Nurse gRNA e: Guide Ribonucleic Acid GRNBIO s: Granada Bio-Sciens GRNC e: Gran Care, Inc. - e: Group Number no Count - e: Group[s] Not Counted GRNCA[K] s: Gerontologica Clinica (journ.) GRNCM e: Graduate of the Royal Northern College of Music Grnd e: Grand GRND e: Ground grndr e: grinder[s] GRNL e: Greenland Newsletter. Greenland Home Rule Information Service (joum.) grnl i: giornalista Grnld. e: Greenland

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Sciencc and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Grnndlehren Math Wiss d: Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften (journ.) G-R Noise e: Generation-Recombination Noise GRNR e: Grand River Railway Co. grnsh e: greenish GRNT e: Grant Tensor Geophysical grnt e: guarantee GRNTA e: Gerontologist (joum.) GRNZ d: Grenzwertüberwachung GRÒ e: Gamma-Ray Observatory - e: General Register Office - e: General Routine Order[s] - e: Graves Registration Officer - e: Greenwich Royal Observatory - e: Gross - e: Ground Risks Only - e: Group - e: Group Reference Point - e: Grove - e: Grow Group, Inc. - e: Growth Investment Corporation - e: Rota Island - R: Grozny - s: Gerona [Airport] gro. d: groß - e: gross GrO d: Grundsatzordnung Gro e: Glycerol - e: Grocer[y] - n: Groningen GROAT e: Graphical Output Package for Atlas Computer Laboratories GROATS e: Graphical Output Package for Atlas GROBAT e: Ground Order of Battle GROBDM e: General Register Office for Births, Deaths and Marriages (journ.) groc e: grocer[y] GROCAP e: Gross Capability Estimator GRODE d: Große Digitaleingabe Groen i: Groenlandia - p: Groenlandia - s: Groenlandia Groenlands Geol Unders Mise Pap a: Groenlands Geologiske Undersoegelse. Miscellaneous Papers (journ.) Groenl Geol Unders Rap a: Groenlands Geologiske Undersoegelse. Rapport (journ.) Groenlnds Geol Unders Bull a: Groenlands Geologiske Undersoegelse. Bulletin (joum.) GROF e:Groff Industries, Inc. GRÒ FCTR W/T e: Ground Course Flight Crew Working Team GROFIS e: Ground Forces Intelligence Study Gro Ges&Verord d: Grotofend's Gesetze und Verordnungen (journ.) Grohag d: Großglockner-Hochalpenstraßen AG GROIN e: Garbage Removal Or Income Now GROKA P: Gornictwo Odkrywkowe (journ.) Grolier e: Grolier Society GROM e: Graphic ROM [Read-Only Memory] - e: Groman Corporation - e: Grommet GROMAL 1: Geologica Romana (joum.) Grondboor Hamer n: Grondboor en Hamer [Nederlandse Geologische Verening Tijdschrift] (journ.)


Gronnd Eng[ng] Gronnd Eng[ng] e: Ground Engineering (journ.) Gronnd Water Monit Rer e: Ground Water Monitoring Review (journ.) Groond Wat e: Ground Water Age (journ.) GROOVE e: Generated Real-Time Output Operations on Voltage-controlled Equipment GROPAC e: Group Pacific Gro PC 1: Grotius. De Jure Praedae Commentarius (journ.) Gr Orth T[h] R e: Greek Orthodox Theological Review (journ.) GROS e: Goods Receiving On[-]line System - e: Grossman's, Inc. gros. 1: grossus Großes Zool Prakt d: Großes Zoologisches Praktikum (journ.) Grosset e: Grosset & Dunlap gro.t. e: gross tonnage - e: gross tons Grotius e: Grotius. Latin Law (journ.) Ground Engng e: Ground Engineering (journ.) Group Adv Psychiatry Rep e: Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. Report (journ.) Group A van Mec Ind f: Groupement pour l'Avancement de la Mecanique Industrielle (journ.) Group Fam Ther e: Group and Family Therapy (journ.) Group Fr Dev Rech Aeronautat Bull GRA f: Groupement Francais pour le Développement des Recherches Aeronautiques. Bulletin du GRA (journ.) Group Health J e: Group Health Journal (journ.) Group Organ Stud e: Group and Organization Studies (journ.) Group Psych e: Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (journ.) Group W e: Westinghouse Broadcasting GROUT e: Graphical Output GROV e: Grove Bank for Savings Grove e: Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians (journ.) Grove Chron Mus Hist e: Grove Chronology of Music History (journ.) Grove's e: Dictionary of Music and Musicians GROW e: Group Recovery Organizations of the World - e: Group Relations Ongoing Workshops Grow e: Growth (joum.) Grow, e: Grower - e: Growing GROWBY e: Green, Red, Orange, White, Blue, Yellow GROWIAN d: große Windenergie-Anlage - d: Großwindanlage Growlers e: Growler Mountains growsy e: grumpy and drowsy Gro.-Wt. e: Gross Weight

GRP d: Grundrichtungspunkt - e: Gamma Ray Projector - e: Gastrin-Releasing Peptide - e: Gaussian Random Process - e: Gelatin Rigidized Panel - e: Giant Reef Petroleums - e: Glass-fiber Reinforced Plastic [US] - e: Glass-fibre Reinforced Plastic [GB] - e: Glass Reinforced Plastic - e: Glass[fibre] Reinforced Polyester - e: Glucocorticoid Receptor Protein - e: Glucose Regulated Protein - e: Gram-Positive - e: Granite Point - e: Grant-Related Poundage - e: Graphical Rational Patterns - e: Graphite-Reinforced Plastic - e: Greatest Response Probability - e: Gross Rating Point[s] - e: Gross Regional Product - e: Gross Regional Profit - e: Ground Relay Package - e: Ground Relay Panel - e: Group - e: Group Reference Pilot - e: Group Reference Point - e: Group Repetition Panel - e: Group Repetition Period GR&P e: Grand Rapids & Petoskey Railway GR-P e: Government Rubber-Polysulfide Grp d: Gruppe Gr.Patr. d: Granatpatrone GrpATV d: Gruppe Auswertung, Truppenversuche Vorschriften GRPC e: Gulf Regional Planning Commission GRPD e: Graphic Communicator (journ.) GrpDV d: Gruppe Datenverarbeitung GRPENT e: Grouped Enterprises Data Base GRPH e: Graphic Industries, Inc. GRPHA e: Graphis (journ.) GRPI e: Greenwich Pharmaceuticals,


© K • G • Saur, München

Incorporated GRPJ e: Glass-Reinforced Plastic Joint GRPL e: Grand Rapids Public Library GRPl-Nr. d: Gestellrahmenplatz-Nummer GRPP e: Glass Reinforced Polypropylene grp's e: gross rating points grp[s] e: group[s] GRPS e: Glucose Ringer-Phosphate Solution GRQ e: Goldrite Mining - n: Groningen [Airport] GRQ Message e: General Request Message GRQU s: Gran Quivira National Monument GR&R e: Ga[u]ge Repeatability and Reproducibility - e: Ga[u]ge Reproducibility and Reliability GRR d: gekreuztes Rechts / Rechts - e: Gear Reduction Ratio - e: Geneva Radio Regulations - e: Georgetown Railroad Co. - e: Golden Rim Resources, Inc. - e: Government Research and Development Reports - e: Grand Rapids [Airport] - e: Graphic Reproduction Request - e: Greek Research Reactor - e: Growler - e: Guidance Reference Release - f: Gorron GRRA e: Guidance Reference Release Alert G-R-Rauschen d: Generations-Rekombinations-Rauschen GRRC e: Government Regulations Review Committee

Gr.Reg. e: Graves Registration Gr.RG d: Grundraumgerat GRRI e: Greenstone Rabasca Roberts, Inc. GRRL e: Greenwood Holdings, Inc. Gr Rom Byz St e: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (journ.) GRRP e: Glass-fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics Gr.R.P. d: Grundrichtungspunkt GRRR e: Goddard Range and Range Rate GRRRS e: Goddard Range and Range Rate System GRRS d: Gabelrufrelaissatz GRS d: Geheime Reichssache - d: Gesellschaft fur Reaktorsicherheit - e: Gamma Radiation Source - e: Gamma Radiation Spectrometer - e: Gamma-Ray Spectrometer - e: Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - e: Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy - e: Gamma-Ray Spectrum - e: Gaseous Radwaste System - e: Gears - e: General and Recursive Structuring - e: General Begister Stack - e: General Radio Service - e: General Railway Signal - e: General Reconnaissance School - e: General Records Schedule - e: General Register Set - e: General Register Stack - e: General Reporting System - e: General Retrieval System - e: General Revenue Sharing - e: Generalized Retrieval System - e: German Dermatological Society - e: German Research Satellite - e: German Research Society - e: Ghost Research Society - e: Grains - e: Grass - e: Grass Soft - e: Gratiam Resources - e: Graves Registration Service - e: Gravity Reference Signal - e: Gravity Reference System - e: Grease - e: Great Red Spot - e: Greens - e: Grid Reference Ship - e: Gross - e: Ground Radar Set - e: Ground Surveillance System - e: Group Reset Message - e: Gyro Reference System - e: Shorter College, Rome - R: Goris G&RS e: Guidance and Reporting System GR-S e: General-Purpose Synthetic Rubber - e: Government Rubber-Styrene gr-s e: government rubber plus styrene GRs e: Government Regulations - e: Granitic Regions GRSA e: Germersheim Reserve Storage Activity - e: Great Sand Dunes National Monument GRSC e: Graduate of the Royal Society of Chemistry Gr.Sch. d: Grenzschutz GRSCSW e: Graduate Research Center of the Southwest GRSE e: Gamma Ray Spectrometric Equipment - e: Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited grse e: grease GRSE e: Guild of Radio Service Engineers

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GRUVAL GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe A d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe A (journ.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe B d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe B (journ.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe C d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe C (journ.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe D d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe D (journ.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe E d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe E (journ.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe F d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe F (journ.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe G d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe G (joura.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe H d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe H (journ.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe J d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe J (journ.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Kurz-Inf Reihe K d: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit]. Kurz-Information. Reihe K (journ.) GRS [Ges Reaktorsicherheit] Transl Saf Codes Guides e: GRS [Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit] Translations. Safety Codes and Guides (journ.) Gr S-L e: Gunner Sub-Lieutenant GRSL e: Guam Reference Standards Laboratory GRSLND e: Grassland Gr S-Lt e: Gunner Sub-Lieutenant GRSM e: Graduate of the Royal School[s] of Music - e: Great Smoky Mountains National Park GR/S/O e: Grandson Of GRSP e: General Range Safety Plan - e: General Revenue Sharing Program - e: Glass-Reinforced Structural Plastic Gr-Spannung d: Gleichrichterspannung gr/sq in e: Grain per Square Inch GRSs e: General Railway Signals GRSS e: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society - e: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Grßgdb d: Großgrundbesitzer Grßhdlr d: Großhändler Grßind d: Großindustrieller Gr.-St. d: Grundstein - d: Grundsteuer GRST d: Großspeichersteuerung grst e: gross ton[s] Grst. d: Grundstock - d: Grundstück[e] GrStG d: Grundsteuergesetz Gr.-Str. d: Grenzstraße GRSU e: Geography Remote Sensing Unit GRSUP e: Group Suppression

GRS Waveband e: General Radio Service Waveband grsy e: greasy g.r.t. e: Gross Registered Ton[s] gr.t. e: gross ton Gr[T] e: Gunner [Torpedo] GRT e: Gamma Ray Telescope - e: Gamma Ray Tube - e: General Reactor Technology - e: General Recomplement Trigger - e: General Recorded Tape - e: General Relativity Theory - e: Geodesy Research Group - e: Government Rate Tender - e: Graduate Respiratoiy Therapist - e: Graphic Technician - e: Graphic Technology, Inc. - e: Gratio - e: Great - e: Greater Than - e: Gross Register Tons - e: Gross Registered] Ton[nage] - e: Gross Registered Ton[s] - e: Ground-Readiness Test - e: Ground-Received Times - e: Ground Resistance Tester - e: Group Rapid Transit - e: Grout - e: GTC Transcontinental Group Limited - e: Gun Reference Time - e: Tri-County Regional Library, Rome GRTA e: Government Report[s] Topical Announcements] Grt Barrier Reef Comm Pap e: Great Barrier Reef Committee. Heron Island Research Station. Papers (journ.) GRTC e: Green River Test Complex - f: Groupe de Recherches pour les Transports au Canada GrTch e: Graphic Technology Inc. GRTE e: Grand Teton National Park grtee e: guarantee GRTG e: Granting - e: Grating GRTH e: Growth gr t/in e: Troy Grain per Inch GRTIS e: Glide Return to Landing Site - e: Glide Return to Launch Site GRTLKS e: Great Lakes gr.t.m. e: Gross Ton-Mile GRTM e: Geared Roller Test Machine - e: Gross Ton-Mile grtm e: gross-ton mile GRTN e: Grid Return gr tons e: gross tons GRTP e: Gamma-Ray Transition Probability - e: Glass-fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics GRTPEP e: Australia. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Groundwater Research. Technical Paper (journ.) grTr d: große Trommel GrTr e: Graphite Treatment grtr e: greater GRTR e: Greater New York Savings Bank GRTS e: General Electric Remote Terminal Supervisor - e: General Electric Remote Terminal System - e: General Remote Terminal Supervisor - e: General Remote Terminal System - e: Geomagnetic Reversal Time Scale - e: Goddard Real-Time System - e: Ground Tracking System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

GRU e: General Register Unit - e: Gold Ridge Resources - e: Grid Reference Unit - e: Group - e: Guidance Regulator Unit - e: Gyro Reference Unit - e: Gyro[scope] Reference Unit - R: Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye G r u d: Grus - e: General Recruiting Unit - e: Grus GRUB e: Grocery Update and Billing grub, e: grubby - e: grubstreet GRUCOM e: Group Commander Grudman e: Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Bill Gruga d: Große Ruhrländische Gartenbauausstellung GRULA s: Grupo Latino Americano GRUMI d: Grundmittel GRUN e: Gruene, Inc. GRUNA d: Gruppennachweis GRUNCH e: Gross Universal Cash Heist GRUND d: Grundeigentum (journ.) Grundig Tech Inf d: Grundig Technische Informationen (journ.) Grundkurs Math d: Grundkurs Mathematik (journ.) Grundkurs Phys d: Grundkurs Physik (journ.) Grund Kyber Geist d: Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft (journ.) Grundlagenforsch, d: Grundlagenforschung Grundlagen Landtech d: Grundlagen der Landtechnik (journ.) Grundigen Math Inform d: Grundlagen der Mathematik und Informatik (journ.) Gründl. Landtech, d: Grundlagen der Landtechnik [Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Germany] (joum.) Grunds, d: Grundsatz GRundschau d: Geologische Rundschau (journ.) GrundSchG d: Grundschulgesetz Grundst. d: Grundsteuer - d: Grundstoff - d: Grundstücke] - d: Grundstufe Grundst.-Gr. d: Grundstücksgröße Grundw. d: Grundwasser - d: Grundwert Grundwisen Math d: Grundwissen Mathematik (journ.) Grundw. Sp. d: Grundwasserspiegel Grüne Reihe Bundesminist Gesund Umweltschutz d: Grüne Reihe des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit und Umweltschutz (journ.) Grüne Stadt Natur Großstadt d: Grüne Stadt. Naturschutz in der Großsstadt (journ.) Gruppenpsyc d: Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik (journ.) gr'ups e: grownups GRUR d: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (journ.) GRUR Int e: Gewerblicher Rechtschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil (journ.) GRUR INT TEIL d: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil (joum.) GRUSL e: Group Sail GRUSPE d: Gruppendatenspeicher GRUVAL e: Group Values


Gr.-V. Gr.-V. d: Großverkauf GRV e: General Rapier Vehicles - e: Grantsville - e: Graphic Recording Voltmeter - e: Graphite Rod Vaporimtion - e: Groove GRVA e: Graphic Varmeter GRVCIC e: Graphic Reproductions Visual Communications Industries' Council GRVD e: Grooved Gr.Verg. d: Grundvergütung GRVG e: Grooving GRVI d: Gesellschaft für Rechts- und Verwaltungsinformatik grvl e: gravelfly] GRVR e: German Road Vehicle Regulation GRVS e: Advanced Gravis Computer Technology Limited GrVSt d: Gruppenvermittlungsstelle GRVXF e: Grove Explorations Limited GRW d: Geräte- und Regler-Werk - d: Grenzwelle - d: Griechischer Wirtschaftsdienst (journ.) - d: Grundsätze und Richtlinien für Wettbewerbe - e: Galactic Radio Wave - e: General Railway Warrants - e: Graciosa Island [Azoren] [Airport] - e: Graphic Recording Wattmeter - e: Greenwich - e: Greenwich Resources PLC - e: Greenwood - e: Grower g.r.w. e: Graphic Recording Wattmeter gr. w. e: Ground Wet Gr.-W. d: Granatwerfer - d: Grundwasser GrW d: Graue Wiener - d: Grundwasser Grw. d: Granatwerfer Gr[.]Wb[.] d: Grimms Wörterbuch Grwd d: Berlin-Grunewald - e: Grunewald Gr. Wght. e: Gross Weight Gr.-W. Mun. d: Granatwerfermunition GR-WR-Logik d: Gleichrichter-Wechselrichter-Logik GRWS e: Gimbal[ed] Reaction Wheel Scanner gr.wt. e: gross weight GRWT e: Gradient Index Gross Weight - e: Grain Weight - e: Gross Weight GRX e: General Refractories Co. - e: Granada [Airport] GRY e: Gray - e: Greymouth [New Zealand] - e: Greystoke Exploration - e: Grimsey [Airport] gr.y. e: gross redemption yield gry e: grocery - e: gross redemption yield Gr.Z. d: Granatenzünder G R Z d: Gemeinschaftsrechenzentrum - d: Genossenschaftsrechenzentrale - d: Graz [airport] - d: Großrechenzentrum - d: Großrechenzentrum für die Wissenschaft in Berlin - e: Galapagos Rift Zone Grz. d: Grenze Grzsch. d: Grenzschutz Grz.-St. d: Grenzstein Grz.-Str. d: Grenzstreifen

GS d: Gas Sensing - d: Gasschutz - d: Gebersignal - d: Gefechtsstand - d: Gefechtsstation - d: gehender Satz - d: Geleitschiff - d: Geraeteschnur - d: Germanische Studien (journ.) - d: Germanistische Studien (joum.) - d: Gesammelte Schriften - d: Gesamtschwefel - d: Geschäftsstelle - d: Gesetzsammlung - d: gestreute Speicherungsform - d: Getriebesteuerung - d: Gitterspektrometer - d: Glasseide - d: Gleichspannung - d: Gleichstrom - d: Gieichstromsteller - d: Gleisbildstellwerk - d: Goslar - d: Granulocytensubstanz - d: Grenzschicht - d: Grenzschutz - d: Grobsand - d: Groß[raum]speicher - d: Grundschule - d: Grundschwingung - d: Grundsektor - d: Gruppe[n] setzen - d: Gruppenschritt - d: Gruppensignal - d: gruppenspezifisch - d: Gruppensucher - d: Gußstahl - d: Stahlguß - e: Gallard Schiessinger - e: Galvanized Steel - e: Gap Separation - e: Gap Shortened - e: Gardner Syndrome - e: Gas Sensing - e: Gas Servicer - e: Gas Signal - e: Gas Sulfide - e: Gasoline Supply - e: Gastric Shield - e: Gauss - e: General Storage - e: General and Aviation Service Ltd - e: General Schedule - e: General Search - e: General Secretary - e: General Semantics - e: General Service - e: General Sessions - e: General Solution - e: General Specials - e: General Speed - e: General Staff - e: General Statement - e: General Statistics - e: General Storage - e: General Store - e: General Studies - e: General Subjects - e: General Support [level of Maintenance] - e: General Surgery - e: Generalized Sign - e: Generate Statement - e: Geochemical Society - e: Geodetic Satellite - e: Geographical Society - e: Geographical Survey - e: Geological Society


© K • G • Saur. München

- e: Geological Survey [Department of the Interior] - e: Geophysical Signal - e: Geosynthesis - e: Geosynthetics - e: German Ship - e: German Silver - e: Gerontological Society - e: Giemsa Stain - e: Gilbert's Syndrome - e: Gillette - e: Gillette Co. - e: Glaciological Society - e: Glamour Stock - e: Gland Seal - e: Glandular Segment - e: Glazounov Society - e: Glide Slope - e: Gliding School - e: Glomerular Sclerosis - e: Glow Start [tractor] - e: Glucose and Saline - e: Glutamine Synthetase - e: Glycolytic Substrate - e: Gold Smoke - e: Gold Standard[s] - e: Gold Standards - e: Golden Shamrock Resources Corporation - e: Good Safety - e: Goudy Society - e: Government Sale - e: Government Security - e: Government Servant - e: Government Service - e: Government Staffs - e: Grab Sample - e: Grade System - e: Graduate School - e: Grain Size - e: Grammar School - e: Gran Sport - e: Grand Secretary - e: Grand Sentinel - e: Grand Slalom - e: Grandson - e: Graphics and Sound - e: Graphics System - e: Grate Surface - e: Great Gross - e: Great Seal - e: Greenhouse Shrub - e: Grip Strength - e: Grocery Store - e: Gross Sales - e: Gross Spread - e: Ground Speed - e: Ground Stabilized - e: Ground Staff - e: Ground State - e: Ground Station - e: Ground Stopper - e: Ground Support - e: Ground Surface - e: Ground Switch - e: Ground System - e: Group Selector - e: Group Separation - e: Group Specific - e: Group Structured - e: Group Switch - e: Growth Stage - e: Growth Stock - e: Guardship - e: Guidance Section - e: Guidance Simulator - e: Guidance Station - e: Guidance System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GSCBA - e: Guide Slope - e: Guild of Surveyors - e: Guineas - e: Gulf States - e: Gulf Stream - e: Gun Sight - e: Gunnery School - e: Gunnery Sergeant - e: Gunnery Support - e: Gyroscope - e: Gyrostabiliser - e: Gyrostabilizer - e: Pioneer Airlines Limited [Ghana] - e: Savannah Public and ChathamEffingham-Liberty Regional Library - j: Geago Seikatsu (journ.) - R: Glavnye Sily Gs d: GauB - d: Gehorschutz - d: Geschiitz - d: Gesicht - d: Gleissperre - e: Force of Gravity - e: Gallons - e: General motion pictures G & S e: Gilbert and Sullivan - e: Graduate & Student G-S e: Gallard-Schlesinger G.S. e: Geological Survey [Department of the Interior] - e: Gland Steam g/s e: gallons per second G/S e: General Support - e: Gravity per Second - e: Ground Station - e: Ground to Slant - e: Grub-Screw gs. e: guineas GS1 e: Gustav Siegfried Eins G2S e: Good Two Sides G & S A e: Gulf and South American GSA d: AuBengewindeschleifmaschine - d: Gegenspannungsanalysator - d: Generalstabsarzt - d: Gerateschnittstellenanpassung - d: Gerauschspannungsabstand - d: Gleichstromantrieb - d: Grenzschutzabteilung - d: Gdttinger Satzautomation - e: Armstrong State College, Savannah - e: Garden Seed Association - e: Garden State Airlines, Inc. - e: Gardenia Society of America - e: Gas Service Agents - e: General Syntax Analyser - e: General [Travel] Sales Agency - e: General [Travel] Sales Agent - e: General Services Administration - e: General Services Agencies - e: General Somatic Afferent - e: General Storage Assignment - e: General Studies Association - e: General Support Announcement - e: General Syntax Analyzer - e: Genetics Society of America - e: Geographic Systems Analysis - e: Geographical Society of America - e: Geological Society of America - e: Geometrical] Stochastic Automaton - e: Geophysical Signal Analysis - e: German Studies in America (journ.) - e: Germanistic Society of America - e: Gerontological Society of America - e: Glasgow School of Art - e: Glide Slope Aerial - e: Glide Slope Antenna - e: Glutamatesemialdehyde

- e: Gourd Society of America - e: Greenhouse Suppliers] Association - e: Greenwich Sidereal Angle - e: Gross Soluble Antigen - e: Ground-Baseds Surface-to-Air - e: Ground Safety Approval - e: Groundstar Resources Limited - e: Group-Specific Antigen - e: Guaranteed Savings Account - e: Guidance System Analyst - e: Gunsight Surface Air GSA/ADTS e: General Services Administration/Automated Data and Telecommuniations Services G S A B e: General Surveys and Analysis Branch GSA-BCA e: General Services Administration-Board of Contract Appeals GSA Bull, e: GSA Bulletin [Geological Society of America] (journ.) G S A - C P O e: General Services Administration-Civilian Personnel Office GSA/FPRS e: General Services Administration/Federal Property Resources Services GSA/FSS e: General Services Administration/Federal Supply Services G S A G R e: General Short Arc Geodetic Reduction GSAI e: El Aaiun [West-Sahara] - e: General Services Administration Institute G S A M e: Generalized] Sequential Access Method - e: Generalized Standard Addition Method G S A M A Q e: Geological Society of America. Memoir (journ.) GSA/NARS e: General Services Administration/National Archives and Records Services GSA/OFR e: General Services Administration/Office of the Federal Register G S A - O P e: General Services Administration-Office of Prepairedness G S A - P e: General Services AdministrationPublic Building Service G S A P e: Gun Sight Aiming Point G S A P A Z e: Geological Society of America. Special Paper [Regional Studies] (journ.) GSAPBS e: General Services Administration Public Building[s] Service[s] G S A R e: General Services Acquisition Regulation G S A R R T S e: Generator, Starter, Alternator, Regulator and Rectifier Test Stand GSAs d: GroBsammelanschluB GSA Spec P a p [Reg Stud] e: GSA [Geologial Society of America] Special Paper [Regional Studies] (joum.) G S A T d: Gesammelte Studien zum Alten Testament (joum.) - e: General Satellite - e: Globesat Holding Corporation GS/ATE e: General Support/Automatic Test Equipment GS/ATSS e: General Support/Automatic Test Support System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

GSB d: Gesellschaft zur Beseitigung von Sondermüll in Bayern mbH, München - d: Gesundheitsschutz in den Betrieben - e: Gastric Stress Bleeding - e: General Semantics Bulletin (joum.) - e: General Services Building - e: General Stud Book - e: Go Subroutine - e: Gold Surface Barrier - e: Goldsboro - e: Government Savings Bank - e: Graduate School of Banking - e: Graphic Standards Board - e: Gypsum Sheathing Board GSBA e: Georgia School Boards Association G S B C A e: General Service Administration Board of Contract Appeals - e: General Services Board of Contract Appeals G S B G e: Gonadal Steroid-Binding Globulin G S B K e: Germantown Savings Bank GSBot e: Glass-Stoppered Bottle GSBR e: Gravel Surface Built-up Roof GSB-Schalter d: Geräte-Schutz- und Betätigungs-Schalter G S C e: Galapagos Spreading Center - e: Gas Solid Chromatogram - e: Gas-Solid Chromatography - e: Gelman Science, Inc. - e: General Service Corps - e: General Staff College - e: General Staff Corps - e: Genetically Significant Concentration - e: Genetics Society of Canada - e: Geodetic Spacecraft - e: Geological Society of Chicago - e: Geological Survey of Canada - e: German Shippers Council - e: Giant Serotonin-Containing - e: Gland Seal Condenser - e: Gland Steam Condenser - e: Glenville State College - e: Gold Star Cable - e: Golden Star Resources Limited - e: Golden State Airlines, Inc. - e: Goldstone - e: Grand Commander [of the Order] of Spain - e: Grant Selection Committee - e: Graphics Compatibility Standard - e: Gravity Settling Culture - e: Green Star, Cluster - e: Grid Spot Converter - e: Ground Services Cart - e: Ground-Speed Continue - e: Ground-Speed Continuing - e: Ground Support Configuration - e: Group Study Course - e: Group Switching Center [US] - e: Group Switching Centre [GB] - e: GSA [General Services Administration] Stock Catalog - e: Guaranteed Savings Certificate - e: Guiana Space Center - e: Guidance Shipping Container - e: Guidance System Console - e: Gulf State Conference - e: Gunnery Staff Course G S C . e: General Staff Council GSCA e: General and Speciality Contractors Association G Scan e: G Scanner G Sc B e: Geological and Scientific Bulletin (journ.) G S C B A e: Georgia State College of Business Administration 83

GSCB[ul] GSCB[ul] e: Geological Survey of Canada. Bulletin (journ.) G S C C e: General Staff Consultative Committee - e: General Steel Casting Corporation - e: Graphic Scanning Corporation G S C C M F e: Gujarat State Co-operative Cotton Marketing Federation G S C F e: Geriatric Sentence Completion Form G S C G e: Ground Systems Coordination Group Gsch. d: Geschäft - d: Geschütz - d: Grafschaft GschD d: Grenzschalldruck Gschf. d: Geschäftsführer[in] gschn. d: geschnitten Gschw d: Geschwader GschwGefStd d: Geschwadergefechtsstand G S C I e: Ground Sound Control, Incorporated G S C M e: Gas Turbine Systems Techniaan, Master Chief - e: Geological Survey of Canada. Memoir (journ.) - e: Master Chief Gas Turbine Systems Technician GSCN e: Grantsmanship Center. News (journ.) G S C O e: Guidance Sustainer Cut Off G S C P e: Generic Site Characterization Plan - e: Geological Survey of Canada. Paper (journ.) GSCS e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician, Senior Chief G S C s e: Group Switching Centres GSCS e: Senior Chief Gas Turbine Systems Technician G S C T e: Goldstein-Scheerer Cube Test - e: Guild of Sorting Clerks and Telegraphists GSCU e: Ground Service Cooling Unit - e: Ground Support Cooling Unit G S C W e: General Society of Colonial Wars - e: Georgia State College for Women GSD d: Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Dissertationen (journ.) - d: Gemeinde-Elektrizitätsverband Schwarzwald-Donau - d: genetisch signifikante Dosis - d: Glutaminsäure-Decarboxylase - e: Gate Stealer Display - e: General Services Department - e: General Situation Display - e: General Staff Department - e: General Supervisor's Directive - e: General Supply Depot - e: General Support Division - e: General System Description - e: General Systems Development Corporation - e: General System[s] Division - e: Generating Significant Dose - e: Generator Starter Drive - e: Generic Structure Diagram - e: Genetic Sex Determination - e: Genetically Significant Dosage - e: Genetically Significant Dose - e: Geometrie Standard Deviation - e: German Society for Documentation - e: Gesco Industries, Inc. - e: Glycogen Storage Disease - e: Government Support Date - e: Grid Sphere Drag - e: Ground Station Data GSDA e: Ground Speed Drift Angle - e: Grounded Surface Distribution Apparatus

GSDB e: Geophysics and Space Data Bulletin [US] (journ.) GSDBA e: Geophysics and Space Data Bulletin (joum.) GS-DBR e: Groung-Segment Development Baselinne Review GSDC e: Geodetic Satellites Data Center - e: Get Set Day Care GSDCB e: Geoscience Documentation (journ.) G S D C P r o g r a m e: Get Set Day Care Program GSDF e: Ground Self Defence Force [GB] - e: Ground Self-Defense Force [US] G S D F J e: Ground Self-Defense Force Japan G S D H d: Glutaminsäuredehydrogenase GSDL e: Ground Software Development Laboratory G S D M A R: Gornye, Stroitel'nye i Dorozhnye Mashiny (joum.) G S D N M e: Great Sand Dunes National Monument G S D O e: General Safety District Office GSDS e: General Status Display System - e: Geodetic Satellites Data service - e: Goldstone Duplicate Standard GS-DS-Motor d: Gleichstrom-Doppel[an]schIußmoter GSDSP e: Generalized Statistical Document Search Pattern Gs-Ds-Umformer d: Gleichstrom-Drehstrom-Umformer GSDT e: Generalized Syntax Directed Translation GSG d: gemeinsam benutzte Speichereinheit - d: Gerätesteuereinheit - d: Gesellschaft für ComputersystemEntwicklung - d: Große Sowjet-Enzyklopaedie - d: Grundeinheit Sender - d: Grundsatzentscheidung - e: General Service Electronics - e: General Somatic Efferent - e: General Support Equipment - e: Geocentric Solar Ecliptic [System] - e: Geological Society of Edinburgh - e: Geometric Standard Error - e: Glutagen Sensitive Enteropathy - e: Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy - e: Government-Supplied Equipment - e: Government-Specified Equipment - e: Graduate School of Education - e: Graduate Student of English (journ.) - e: Graphical Service Extention - e: Graphic[s] Screen Editor - e: Ground Service Equipment - e: Ground Servicing Equipment - e: Ground Support Equipment - e: Group Support Equipment gSE e: Spike Energy Unit G S E 1 e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician E [Electrical] First Class GSE2 e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician E [Electrical] Second Class G S E 3 e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician E [Electrical] Third Class G S E C e: Chief Gas Turbine Systems Technician E [Electrical] Chief G S E C P e: Ground Support Engineering Change Proposal G S E D e: Ground Support Equipment Division G S E E I e: Ground Support Equipment End Item G S E F e: Ground Subsystem Evaluation Facility


© K • G • Saur, München

G S E F A e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician E [Electrical] Fireman Apprentice G S E F N e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician E [Electrical] Fireman G S E I e: Ground Support Equipment Illustration G S E I D e: Ground Support Equipment Illustration Data G S E K e: Graphics Support Processor/Tektronix G S E L e: Government Specified Equipment List - e: Great South East Lines Proprietary Limited - e: Ground Support Equipment Laboratory - e: Ground Support Equipment List - e: Guidance System Evaluation Laboratory G S E n d: Gerätesteuereinheiten G S E R D e: Ground Support Equipment Recommendation Data G S E R E W O R K F A C e: Ground Support Equipment Rework Facility GSES e: Geocentric Solar Ecliptic System - e: Government-Sponsored Enterprises - e: Ground Support Equipment Section GSESD e: Ground Support Equipment Statistical Display GSESS e: Ground Support Equipment Systems Specifications G S E / T D e: General Systems Engineering/ Technical Direction G S E T D e: General Systems Enneering and Technical Direction G S E V D B e: Genetique, Selection, Evolution (journ.) GS[&]F e: Georgia Southern & Florida Railway Co. G S F d: Genossenschaft für Schlachtvieh und Fleischversorgung - d: Gesellschaft für Strahlenforschung mbH - d: Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH - d: Glasseidenspinnfaden - d: Grundschwingungsfrequenzgang - e: Galactosemic Fibroblasts - e: Galaxy Science Fiction (joum.) - e: General Scientific Framework - e: General Semantics Foundation - e: General Source File - e: General Supply Fund - e: General Support Force - e: Global Strategy Fund - e: Government Superannuation Fund - e: Grenade Safety Fuze - e: Ground Support Facilities - e: Ground Support Fighter - e: Gulf Sea Frontier - e: Gun and Shell Factory GSFA e: Geologica Society of Flemish Americans GSFB e: Geological Survey of Inland. Bulletin (joum.) G S F C e: Ghana State Farm Corporation - e: Goddard Space Flight Center GSF[G] e: Group of Soviet Force in Germany G S F G B d: Gießereiforschung (journ.) G S F L T e: Graduate School Foreign Language Test G S - F M A d: Grenzschutz-Fernmeldeabteilung GSFN e: Galaxy Science Fiction Novels (journ.) G S F N A K e: Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin (joum.) GSFS e: General Specifications for Ships - e: Great Science Fiction Stories (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

g.s.m. G S F S R e: Ground Safety and Flight Safety Requirements GSFU e: Glazed Structural] Facing Units G S G d: Grenzschutzgruppe - d: Grundsekundargruppe - e: Galvanized Sheet Ga[u]ge - e: General Support Group - e: Genetically Significant Dose - e: Geological Society of Glasgow - e: Glasgow - e: Glass-Silicone-Glass - e: Grammar School for Girls - e: Ground Systems Group - e: Guided Shape Granate G S G A e: Geode Speciality Growers Association G S G B e: Geological Society of Great Britain - e: Geological Survey of Great Britain G S G G e: Gadolinium, Scandium, Gallium, Garnet G S G M E Q e: Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs (journ.) GSGs e: General Support Groups G S G S e: Geographical Section General Staff G S G S m a p s e: General Staff Geographical Section maps covering Africa, Asia, the East Indies and Europe G S G T e: Gunnery Sergeant G S H d: Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung - e: Gas Space Heater - e: Gas Surge Header - e: Generalized Spin Hamiltonian - e: Glutathione [Reduced Form] - e: Glutathione SH - e: Glutathione, Reduced - e: Good Study Habits - e: Goshen - e: Great Space Handshake G S H L e: General Shale Products Corporation G Shot e: Gunshot G S H P e: Ground-Source Heat Pump G S H P x e: G l u t a t h i o n e Peroxidase G S H R e: Gandhi Society for Human Rights G & S h R R e: Godefroi and Shortt's Law of Railway Companies (journ.) G S H V e: Globe Stop Hose Valve - e: Ground Squirrel Hepatitis Virus

G & S I e: Gulf & Ship Island Railroad Co. GSI d: Gesellschaft fiir Schwerionenforschung mbH, Darmstadt - d: Innengewindeschleifmaschine - e: Gas Installed - e: Gencom Systems - e: General Safety Inspection - e: General Safety Inspector - e: General Semiconductor, Incorporated - e: General Service Infantry - e: General Staff Intelligence - e: General Steel Industries - e: Generic Safety Issue - e: Genetic Stock Identification - e: Geographic Systems, Incorpotated - e: Geological Survey of India - e: Geological Survey of Israel - e: Geophysical Service[s] International - e: Geophysical Service[s], Incorporated - e: Giant Scale Integration - e: Gigantic Scale Integration - e: Glide Scope Indicator - e: Glide Slope Indicator - e: Glide Speed Indicator - e: Gold and Silver Institute - e: Gonosomatic Indices - e: Gordon Diagnostic System - e: Government Source Inspection - e: Grand Scale Integration - e: Grand-Scale Intgrated - e: Graphic Structure Input - e: Gross Scheduled Income - e: Ground-Speed Indicator - e: Guinea Syli [Currency of Guinea] - e: Gunite/Shotcrete Association - f: Générale de Service Informatique - f: Groupement de Services Informatiques Gsi 1: Germano-Slavica (joum.) G S I ' e: Gaoyne Junction [Australien] [Airport] GSIA e: Graduate School of Industrial Administration GSIBAX e: Geological Society of India.Bulletin (journ.) G S I C e: Great Southwest Industries Corporation G-Sicherung d: Gerate[schutz]sicherung G S I C O e: Glaucoma Society of the International Congress of Ophthalmology G S I D e: Ground-emplaced Seismic Intrusion Detector G S I D C e: Arab Gulf States Information Documentation Center GSIdentBad e: General Staff Identification Badge GSigsO e: Group Signals Officer G S I H S e: Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement G S I L e: German Silver - e: Goldsil Mining & Milling, Inc. GSIN e: Goods and Services Identification Number G S I O e: General Staff Interpreter Officer GSIS e: Geographic Snow Information System - e: Government Service Insurance System - e: Graduate School of International Studies - e: Group for Standardization of Information - e: Group for the Standardization of Information Services - e: Group Scientific Information Service GSISEA e: Government Service Insurance System Employees' Association G S I T e: Group Shorr Imagery Test GSIU e: Ground Standard Interface Unit G & S J e: Gilbert and Sullivan Journal (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

S K • G • Saur, Munich

G S J e: Gold Spring Resources G S K d: Gesamtstreitkràfte - e: General Store[s]keeper - e: Glycogen Synthase Kinase - e: Gold Seeker Resources Limited Gsk. d: Glanzstreifenkohle G S K T e: Gasket GSL e: General Service Launch - e: Generalized Simalation Language - e: Generation Strategy Language - e: Geographic Air Surveys Limited - e: Geographic Sciences Laboratory - e: Geographic Systems Laboratory - e: Geological Society of London - e: Geological Survey of London - e: Geophysical Sciences Laboratory - e: Georgia Department of Education, Atlanta - e: Geotechnical Science Laboratories - e: German Society for Logistics - e: German Studies Library Group - e: Glycosphingolipid - e: Gold Cup Resources - e: Gorilla Sign Language - e: Graduate Student Loan - e: Graphics Subroutine Library - e: Great Salt Lake - e: Great Slave Lake Railway - e: Ground Systems Laboratory - e: Guaranteed Student League - e: Guaranteed Student Loan - e: Gyro-Stabilized Laser G S & L A e: Guam Savings and Loan Association G S L B e: Gold Star Lapel Button G S L C V e: Globe Stop Lift Check Valve GS-LD e: Group Selector-Long Distance GSLIS e: Graduate School of Library and Information Science G S L L e: General Stores Load List Gslng d: Geislingen / Steige G S L O e: Gland Seal Leak Off G S L P e: Global Sequential Local Par - e: Guaranteed Student Loan Program G S L V e: Geo-Stationary Launch Vehicle - e: Geo-Synchronous Launch Vehicle G S L W d: GroBsammelleitungswahler g.s.m. e: Gram[s] per Square Meter [US] - e: Gramme[s] per Square Metre [GB]


GSM G S M d: Geräuschspannungsmesser - e: Garrison Sergeant-Major - e: General Sales Manager - e: General Situation Map - e: General Stores Material - e: General Support Maintenance - e: General Synod Measures - e: General Syntactic Processor - e: Generalized Sequential Machine - e: Generalized Sort/Merge - e: Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric - e: Geological Society of Malaysia - e: Gibson Spiral Maze - e: Global System for Mobile communications - e: Goldstream Resources Limited - e: Good Sound Marketable - e: Good Sound Merchantable - e: Gradient Solidification Method - e: Gram[s] per Square Meter - e: Gram per Square Metre - e: Graphic Size Modification - e: Graphics Schematics Module - e: Graphics System Module - e: Grass Mountain - e: Greenough Stereomicroscope - e: Gross Sales Monthly - e: Ground Signal Mixer - e: Ground Station Modules - e: Ground Station Moduls - e: Ground-Supplied Material - e: Ground Support Maintenance - e: Group Scout Master - e: Group Special Mobile - e: Guildhall School of Music [London] - f: Groupe Speciale Mobile G S M 1 e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician M [Mechanical] First Class G S M 2 e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician M [Mechanical] Second Class G S M 3 e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician M [Mechanical] Third Class G S M A e: Goldstone SFOF [Space Flight Operations Facility] Microwave Assembly G S M B e: Graphics] Standards Management Board G S M B B K e: Geological Society of Malaysia. Bulletin (journ.) G S M B E e: Gas-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy G S M B Y P e: Great Smoky Mountains National Park G S M C e: Chief Gas Turbine Systems Technician M [Mechanical] Chief GSM[D] e: Guildhall School of Music and Drama G S M D e: General Society of Mayflower Descendants - e: Guildhall School of Music and Drama G S M E e: Ground-Support Maintenance Equipment G S M F A e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician M [Mechanical] Fireman Apprentice G S M F C e: Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission G S M F N e: Gas Turbine Systems Technician M [Mechanical] Fireman G S M L e: General Stores Material List - e: Generalised Standard Markup Language G S M M B J e: Geological Survey of Malaysia. District Memoir (journ.) G S M N B M e: Geological Society of Malaysia Newsletter (journ.) G S M N P e: Great Smoky Mountains National Park G S M O L e: Golden State Mobilehome Owners League

Gs.-Motor d: Gasmotor G S M P A R e: Geological Survey of Malaysia.Geological Papers (journ.) G S M S e: Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric System - e: Government Securities Manegement - e: Government Services Marketing Services - e: Graduate Student of the Management Society - e: Growth of Strategic Materials in Space G S M / S M e: prefix to dated-numbered series of reports issued by Air Force Institute of Technology G S M T e: General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen GSN e: Greenwich Sideral Noon - e: Group Selection Network - e: Group Switching Network - e: Mount Gunson [Australien] [Airport] - f: Groupement des Soufflantes Nucléaires GSNA e: Goethe Society of North America GSNB e: Grant Street National Park GSNC e: General Steam Navigation Company G S N C [ 0 ] e: General Steam Navigation Company GS News Tech R e p e: GS News Technical Report (journ.) GSNS e: Guidance Control and Navigation Subsystem GS-NS-Motor d: Gleichstrom-Neben[an]schluBmotor G S N W R e: Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge G S O d: Gesellschaft für Systementwicklung und Organisation - e: General Supply Office - e: General Salary Order - e: General Services Officer - e: General Spin Orbitals - e: General Staff Officer - e: General Support Office - e: Genus Equity Corporation - e: Geo. S. Olive & Co. - e: Geostationary Orbit - e: Geostationary Satellite Orbit - e: Geosynchronous Orbit[s] - e: Graduate School of Oceanography - e: Graduate Service Overseas - e: Greensboro [airport] - e: Greensboro/High Point/Winston Salem - e: Ground Safety Office[r] - e: Ground Speed Oscillator - e: Ground Speed Outbound - e: Ground Support Office[r] - e: Ground Support Operation^] - e: Ground Systems Operations - e: GSR Goldsearch Resources - e: Gyro Storage Oven GSO-1 e: General Staff Officer, grade 1 GSO-2 e: General Staff Officer, grade 2 G S O - 3 e: General Staff Officer, grade 3 GSoA e: Gerontological Society of America G S O C e: German Space Operation[s] Center [US] - e: German Space Operations Centre [GB] G Soc A m B e: Geological Society of America. Bulletin (journ.) G Soc Dublin J e: Geological Society of Dublin. Journal (journ.) G Soc Glas T r e: Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions (journ.) G Soc London T r P r Q J e: Geological Society of London. Transactions. Proceedings. Quarterly Journal (journ.) G Soc P A T r e: Geological Society of Pennsylvania. Transactions (journ.)


© K G - Saur, München

G Soc Tokyo J e: Geological Society of Tokyo. Journal (journ.) G S O F e: Group 1 Software, Inc. GSO-I e: General Staff Officer-Intelligence G S O M I A e: General Security of Military Information Agreement G-SoMs d: GruBsondermessing G S O - O p s e: General Staff OfficerOperations G S O P e: General Stock Ownership Plan - e: Guidance Systemfs] Operation^] Plan G S O R e: General Staff Operational Requirements G S O R D e: Geological Survey Open-File Report (journ.) GS O r d Dep e: General Stores Ordnance Depot G S O S T e: Goldstein-Scheerer Object Sorting Test G S O W M e: Global Spectral Ocean Wave Model G S P d: Gerauschspannungspegel - d: Gesamtstrahlungspyrometer - d: GroB[raum]speicher - e: Galvanic Skin Potential - e: Gang Summary Punch - e: Gas Paid For - e: Gas Planned - e: Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania - e: General Safety Plan - e: General Sea Harvest - e: General Semantic Problem - e: General Simulation Program[me] - e: General Space Planner - e: General Strike Plan - e: General Syntactic Processor - e: Generalized Sequential Machine - e: Generalized System [of] Preferences - e: Generalized System of Tariff Preferences - e: Geodetic Satellite Program - e: Geographical Society of Philadelphia - e: Glassfibre-Strengthlened Polyester - e: Glycosylated Serum Protein - e: Good Service Pension - e: Government Selected Price - e: Government Sponsored Promotion - e: Government Standard Part[s] - e: Graphic Service Program[me] - e: Graphic System Processor - e: Graphic[s] Subroutine Package - e: Graphics System Processor - e: Green Star, Parachute - e: Greenville/Spartanburg - e: Greer - e: Gross Social Product - e: Gross State Product - e: Ground Safety Plan - e: Group Step Pulse - e: Guidance Signal Processor - e: Royal Geographical Society. Proceedings (journ.) G.-Sp. d: Grundwasserspiegel Gsp d: Gleissperrsignal G S p d: GroB[raum]speicher GSpA d: Gerâuschspannungsabstand GSPA e: Grain Sorghum Producers Association - e: Gulfport State Port Authority G S P A N e: Graphic S Plane Analysis G S P B e: Geodetic Satellite Policy Board G S P C e: Gas Scintillation Proportional Chamber - e: Gas Scintillation Proportional Counter - e: Graphic[s] Standards Planning Committee G S P G e: Graphics System Program Group

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GS[&]TA G S P G A F R: Geograficheskii Sbomik Penzenskogo Otdeleniya Geograficheskogo Obshchestva SSSR (journ.) G S P H C T e: Group Simplified Pertubed Hard Chain Theory G S P O e: Gemini Spacecraft Project Office - e: Ground Systems Project Officer G-spot e: Grafenberg spot G S P O T e: Geometric Spot Analysis System G S p P d: Geräuschspannungspegel G S P R e: Guidance Signal Processor Repeater gspr. d: gesprochen G S P R T e: Generalized Sequential Probability Ratio Test G S P S e: Generating Station Protection System - e: Guidance Space Power Supply G S P S T d: Großspeichersteuerung G S Q e: Generalized Sinusoidal Quantity - e: Genus Equity Corporation G S Q C e: Ground Surveillance Qualification Course G S Q N A e: Geological Society of South Africa. Quarterly News Bulletin (journ.) G S Q T e: Gun Ship Quafication Trials G S R d: Glasseidenroving - d: Gruppensignalrahmen - e: Galvanic Skin Reflex - e: Galvanic Skin Resistance - e: Galvanic Skin Response [Gate Valve] - e: Galvanic Stimulation Rate - e: Gap Spacing Routine - e: Gardo [Somalia] [Airport] - e: Gene Service Reinforcement - e: General Service Recruit - e: General Staff Requirement - e: General Support Reinforcing - e: General Systems Research Limited - e: Generalized Shwartzman Reaction - e: Geological Survey, Reston - e: Germanium Stack Rectifier - e: Gland Steam Regulator - e: Glide Slope Receiver - e: Global Sharded Resources - e: Global-Support Software - e: Government Spares Release - e: Graphic Service Routines - e: Gray Scale Recording - e: Great Swamp Research - e: Grid Space Relay - e: Ground Sensor Relay - e: Ground Service Relay - e: Ground-Speed Returning] - e: Ground Surveillance Radar - e: Group Selection Register - e: Group Selective Register - e: Group Surveillance Radar - e: Gun Sound Ranging G S R a d a r e: General Search Radar G S R B e: Glide Slope Reference Bar G S R E D e: Gas Supply Review (journ.) G S R I e: Global Solar Radiation Index - e: Great Swamp Research Institute - e: Gulf South Research Institute G S R - O F d: Gruppensignalrahmen für die Orts- und Fernvermittlungstechnik GSRS e: General Support Rocket System - e: Ground Surveillance Radar System G S - R S - M o t o r d: Gleichstrom-Reihenschlußmotor G S R T A d: Gießereitechnik (journ.) G S R T S T e: German Society for Rocket Technology and Space Travel G S R V e: Globe Stop Radiator Valve

GSS d: Genossenschaft Schweizerischer Schweinehändler - d: Gesellschaft für Softwareengineering und Schulung mbH - d: Gesteuertes Stapelfernübertragungsystem - d: Groß[raum]speichersteuergerät - e: Galvanized Steel Sheet - e: Galvanized Steel Strand - e: Gamete Shedding Substance - e: Gamma Scientillatìon System - e: Gamma Sigma Sigma - e: General Security Service - e: General Service School - e: General Social Services - e: General Social Survey - e: General Specifications for Ships - e: General Staff Support - e: General Supply Schedule - e: General Support System - e: General Switching System - e: Geo-Stationary Satellite - e: Geodetic Stationary Satellite - e: Geospace Swing Station - e: Gerontology Special Interest Section - e: Gerstmann-Staussler Syndrome - e: Gilbert and Sullivan Society - e: Global Satellite System - e: Global Surveillance Station - e: Global Surveillance System - e: Gonad-Stimulating Substance - e: Gossan Resources - e: Government Statistical Service - e: Graduate Student Society - e: Graphic Service System - e: Graphic Software Systems, Incorporated - e: Graphic Support Software - e: Gravity Gradient Stabilization - e: Gravity Sensors System - e: Gray-Scale Sonography - e: Grid Sheet Survey - e: Ground Support Software - e: Ground Support System - e: Growth Space Station - e: Grumman Standard Specification - e: Guidance System Simulator - e: Gunnery Sighting] System - e: Gust Suppression System - e: Rome GSSA e: General Support Service Area - e: General Support Supply Activity - e: Grassland Society of Southern Africa - e: Ground Support Systems Activation G S S C e: Grenada Sunburst System Corporation - e: Ground Support Simulation Computer - e: Ground Support Systems Contractor - e: Savannah State College, Savannah GSSDAF e: Gatineau Satellite Station Data Acquisition Facility G S S F e: General Supply Stock Fund - e: Ground Special Security Forces G S S G e: Glutathione, Oxidized Form G S S H e: Grand Street Settlement House GSSI e: Ground Support System Interaction GSS/L e: General Staff Support / Large GSSL e: Genoa, Savona, Spezia and Leghorn [ports] G S S L B P e: Genoa, Savona, [la] Spezia, Leghorn, Brindisi or Palermo GS/SLD e: Group Selector of Secondary Long-Distance GSSLD e: Group Selector of Secondary Long Distance GSSLNCV e: Genoa, Savona, Spezia, Leghorn, Naples or Civita Vecchia GSS/M e: General Staff Support / Medium Gssn d: Gießen

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

G S S O e: General Stores Supply Office GSSP e: Global Stratotype Section and Point GSSPS e: Gravitationally Stabilized Solar Power System GSSq e: Geodetic Survey Squadron GSSR e: General Salary Stabilization Regulations - e: Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic - e: Ground Support System Review G S S R P L e: Guide to Social Science and Religion in Periodical Literature (journ.) GSSs e: Government Supply Sources GSSS e: Ground Support System Specification^] GSSSP e: Graduate Science Student Support Postdoctorals Survey GSST e: Goldstein-Scheerer Stick Test G S S T F R e: Gas-Solid-Solid Trickle Flow Reactor G S S W d: Gas-Shielded Stud Welding G S T d: Gesammelte Studien zum Alten Testament (journ.) - d: Gesellschaft für System-Technik mbH - d: Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Tierärzte - d: gleisbogenabhängige Wagenkastensteuerung - d: Grundeinheit Steuerung - e: Flying Boat - e: Garter Stitch - e: Gas Surge Tank - e: Gaseous Storage Toroidal - e: Gate Sensitive Thyristor - e: Gemini System Trainer - e: General Sales Tax - e: General Screening Test - e: General Service Test - e: General Service Truck - e: General Staff Target - e: General Systems Theory - e: Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax - e: Geographical Specialist Team - e: Georgia School of Technology - e: Glass Science and Technology (joum.) - e: Glazed Structural Tile - e: Global Space Transport - e: Global Storage Table - e: Glutathione-S-Transferase - e: Goods [and] Services Tax - e: Government Securities Trading - e: Government Steam Train - e: Graphic Stress Telethermometry - e: Greenwich Sidereal Time - e: Greenwich Standard Time - e: Ground Sensor Terminal - e: Ground Special Tools - e: Ground System Test - e: Guamanian Standard Time - e: Gunner Skills Test - e: Gust - e: Gustavus [Alaska] [Airport] g-st e: garter-stitch G.-St. d: Gefechtsstand G.St. d: Grundstellung GSt d: Gebührenstelle - d: Gemeinschaftssprechstelle - d: Geschäftsstelle - d: Gesprächsstelle - d: Gewindestrehlmaschine - d: Gleichstromsteller - e: Gerätesteuerung Gst d: Germanische Studien (journ.) - d: Gleichstrom GSTA e: Ground Surveillance and Target Acquisition G.St.A. d: Generalstabsarzt GS[&]TA e: Ground Surveillance and Target Acquisition 87

GStA GStA d: Generalstaatsanwalt G.-Stärke d: Gefechtsstärke G S T C e: Gorham State Teachers College G S T C o m p u t e r e: Government Securities Trading Computer G S T D d: Gruppe sowjetischer Streitkräfte in Deutschland - e: Gold Standard, Inc. GSTDN e: Ground Spacecraft Tracking and Data [acquisition] Network G S T E e: Guidance System Test Equipment Gs-Teil d: Gleichstrom-Teil G S T F e: Ground Systems Test Flow G S t G d: Gaststättengesetz - d: Gemeindesteuergesetz G S T G d: gemeinsame Steuergruppe G S t G d: Gewerbesteuergesetz - e: Georgia Southern College, Statesboro G S T H A 4 d: Gießener Schriftenreihe Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik (journ.) G S T I e: Gerber Systems Technology, Incorporated GS/TK e: Ground Speed / True Course GSTN e: General Switched Telephone Network - e: General Switching Telephone Network G S T O S e: General Specifications for Training Operations and Manuals G S T P e: Generalized] System of Tariff Preferences - e: Ground System Test Procedure G S T R e: Geological Survey Triga Reactor Gstr. d: Gastronomie gstr. d: gastronomisch Gstr. d: Gleichstrom G-string e: capital-G-shaped string - e: violins lowest string GSTS e: German Student Travel Service - e: Ground-based Surveillance and Tracking System - e: Guidance System Test Set - e: Gusts G S T T e: Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax GSTU e: Guidance System Test Unit G S T W d: Gefangenensammeltransportwagen GSt.X e: General Sciences Corporation GSTY e: Gusty GSU e: Gas Servicer Unit - e: General Service Unit - e: General Support Unit - e: Generator Step-Up Transformer - e: Geographically Separated Units - e: Georgia State University, Atlanta - e: Glazed Structural Unit[s] - e: Golden Seven Industry - e: Governors State University - e: Graduate Student Union - e: Grain Services Union - e: Ground-support Unit - e: Group Switch Unit - e: Guaranteed Supply Unit - e: Guidance Switching Unit - e: Gulf States Utilities Co. - e: Gunner's Sight Unit G S U B e: Glazed Structural Unit Base GSUC e: Ground Stub-up Connection G S U E G e: Governors State University Energy Group G S U G e: Gross Seasonal Unavailable Generation g-suit e: antigravity suit G S U M d: Gleichstromumsetzung - d: Grundsprachedaten Umsetzprogramm - d: Umsetzprogramm für Grundsprachedaten GSUs e: Glazed Structural Units


GSUSA e: General Staff, United States Army GSUSDA e: Graduate School United States Department of Agriculture Gs.V. d: Gasvergiftung GSv d: Gesetz über die Selbstverwaltung der Sozialversicherung GSV e: Gas Sampling Valve - e: Globe Stop [radiator] Valve - e: Golden Seville Resources Limited - e: Governor Steam Valve - e: Ground-to-Surface Vessel [Radar] - e: Grumman Submersible Vehicle - e: Guided Space Vehicle GSVBw d: Grundnetzschalt- und Vermittlungsstelle der Bundeswehr G S V C e: Generalized Supervisor Call[s] GSVC T r a c e e: Generalized Supervisor Call Trace G S - V e r f a h r e n d: Gleichstrom-Schwefelsäure-Verfahren G S V G R: Grappa Sovetskikh Voysk v Germanii / SU G S V H d: Genossenschaft Schweizerischer Groß- und Kleinviehhändler G S V O e: Villa Cisneros [Westsahara] GSVP e: Ground Support Verification Plan G S V R e: Ground-to-Surface Vessel Radar GSVT e: Ground System Validation Test G & S W e: Glasgow & South-Western G S W d: Grundsoftware - e: Fort Worth, Texas [airport] - e: Galvanized Steel Wire - e: General Service Wagon - e: Glazed Stone Ware - e: Gold Star Wives of America - e: Grand Senior Warden - e: Gross Shipping Weight - e: Ground Saucer Watch - e: GSW, Inc. - e: Gun-Shot Wound - e: Gunshot Wound G S W 1812 e: General Society of the War of 1812 G S W A e: Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen - e: International PEN-Centre of GermanSpeaking Writers Abroad GswE e: Emanuel County Junior College, Swainsboro G S W L D x C e: German SWL [Short Wave Listener] Dx-Club G & S W R e: Glasgow & South-Western Railway G S W R e: Galvanized Steel Wire Rope G S - W R D e: Geological Survey-Water Resources Division G S W Rope e: Galvanized Steel Wire Rope GSX e: Gaphics Systems Extension - e: General Signal Corporation - e: Graphics Systems Extension GSY e: Global Strategy Corporation - e: Gulf Science Year GSZ e: Geological Society of Zimbabwe - e: Golden Sitka Resources - e: Guernsey

© K • G • Saur, München

G T a: Gamle Testamente - a: Geografisk Tidsskrift (journ.) - d: Gasturbine - d: Gasturbogruppe - d: Gebührentarif - d: Geburtstermin - d: Gehaltstarif - d: Gelenktriebwagen - d: Generatorteil - d: Gerätetechnik - d: Gerätetisch - d: Geräteträger - d: gereinigtes Tuberkulin - d: Gesamttest - d: Geschäftsträger - d: Gewichtsteil - d: Glasthermometer - d: Gleichspannungstastung - d: Gleichstromtastung - d: Gleichstromtelegrafie - d: Glutamyl-Transpeptidase - d: Grundtext - d: Grundtyp - d: Gütertarif - e: Gabbart - e: Gage Template - e: Galactosyltransferase - e: Galilean Telescope - e: Game Theory - e: Gamma-Glutamyltransferase - e: Gamow-Teller [Transition] - e: Gap Time - e: Garbage Truck - e: Gas Technologist - e: Gas Technology - e: Gas Thread - e: Gas Tight - e: Gas Tube - e: Gas Turbine [Engine] - e: Gate Tube - e: Gauge Template - e: Gauge Theory - e: GB Airways Limited - e: Geared Turbine - e: Gel Tube - e: Gelling Temperature - e: Gemini Titan - e: General Tariff - e: General Technical Aptitude Area - e: General Test - e: General Tool - e: General Transport - e: General/Technical Score - e: Generation Time - e: Genetic Therapy - e: Genomic Tested - e: Geotectonics - e: German Growth Trust - e: German Translation - e: Gibraltar Airways Limited - e: Gift Tax - e: Gifted and Talented - e: Gilt [Top] - e: Give Tokens - e: Glacial Till Soil - e: Glass Transition - e: Glass Tube - e: Global Telecommunications - e: Globe Thermometer - e: Glover Tower - e: Glow Tube - e: Glucose Tolerance - e: Glucose Transporter - e: Glucose Turnover - e: Glucuronosyltransferase - e: Glumitocin - e: Glutamyl Transpeptidase

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GTCUs - e: Glutamyltransferase - e: Glycotyrosine - e: Gnomonic Tracking Chart - e: Goat - e: Good Templar - e: Goodyear Tire & Rubber - e: Gopher Tape [Armor] - e: Grand Theft - e: Grand Tiler - e: Grand Total - e: Grand Touring - e: Grand Trunk - e: Graph Theory - e: Graphics Terminal - e: Gravitational Theory - e: Grease Trap - e: Great [Ton[s]] - e: Greater Than - e: Greater Trochanter - e: Green Thumb[s] - e: Greetings Telegram - e: Grid Track - e: Gross Terms - e: Gross Ton[nage] - e: Gross Tons - e: Ground Team - e: Ground Test - e: Ground Track - e: Ground Transmitter] - e: Ground-Tree Foraging - e: Ground Track - e: Group Technology - e: Group Therapy - e: Group Theory - e: Group Transformation - e: Grout - e: Guatemala - e: Guidance Transmitter - e: Gun Target - e: Gun Tractor - e: Gun Turret - e: Gut Tripe - e: Gutta - e: Gyro Torque - e: Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (journ.) - e: Triganglioside - f: Groupe de Travail - f: Groupes Transport - i: Gran Turismo - N: Gamle Testamente - N: Gate - s: Grupo de Transportes Gt A: Groot - d: Giitertriebwagen - e: Gigaton[s] - e: Greenwich time gT d: gesamter Titer g.t. e: gas tight - e: gilt top[s] - e: gross tonnage G/T e: Gain over noise-Temperature - e: Gain-to-Noise Temperature [Ratio] - e: Gain/Temperature - e: Gas Turbine - e: Grams of Plutonium per [Irradiated] Ton of Uranium - e: Granulation Time g/t e: gooseneck tunnel - e: grams per ton - e: granulation tissue gt. d: ganztaegig - d: ganztags

Gt. d: Garten - d: Gerät - d: Gerätetafel - d: Gut gt. e: Gilt -1: gutta GT1 e: Glycogenosis Type 1 GTA d: Gasturbinenanlage[n] - d: Germin-3,7,15,16-Tetraacetat - d: Glyzerintriazetat - e: Gallotannic Acid - e: Gas Toxicity Analysis - e: Gas Tungsten Arc - e: Gatt Textiles Arrangement - e: Gear Train Analyzer - e: Gemini-Titan-Agena - e: Gene Transfer Agent - e: General Terms Agreement - e: General Threat Assessment - e: General Training Assistance - e: Genetic Toxicology Association - e: Geography Teachers Association - e: German Teachers' Association - e: Germin-3,7,15,16-Tetraacetat - e: Gimbal Telescope Assembly - e: Give Tokens Acknowledgement - e: Glass Tempering Association - e: Glycerol Triacetate - e: Government Telecommunications Agency - e: Grading Terminal Assembly - e: Graduate Teachers' Association - e: Graduate Teaching Assistant - e: Grain Trasportation Agency - e: Graph Theoretic Algorithm - e: Graphic Training Aid[s] - e: Gravure Technical Association - e: Ground Test Accelerator - e: Ground Test Access - e: Ground Test Article - e: Ground Torquing Assembly - e: Ground Training Aid[s] - e: Group Training Association - e: Guam Telephone Authority - e: Guards Tank Army - e: Guide Tube Assembly - e: Gun Trade Association - e: Gutta - f: Groupement Technique de Assureurs du Canada - i: Gran Turisimo Americano - i: Gran Turismo Automatico GtA d: Gesetz Uber technische Arbeitsmittel GTAC e: Gas Tungsten Arc Cutting - e: General Technical Advisory Committee - e: Ground-to-Air Cycle GTACS e: Ground Target Attack Control System GTA Dig e: GTA [Grain Terminal Association] Digest (journ.) GTAE e: General Telephone and Electronics G.-Tag d: Gefechtstag GTAM e: Graphic Terminal Access Method - e: Great Amerian Corporation GTandE e: General Telephone and Electronics corporation GTAO e: Graphic Training Aids Officer GTAP e: General Technical Assistance Program GTAR e: GEG-Thomson Airborne Radar Gtar. d: Gebührentarif - d: Gehaltstarif - d: Gütertarif GT Armour e: Gopher Tape Armour GT-Asl d: GleichstromtelegrafiekanalAnschlußleitung GTA Statement e: Go to Assignment Statement

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

GTAV e: General Transport Administrative Vehicle GTAW d: Gas Tungsten Arc Welder - e: Gas Tungsten Arc Weldfing] - e: Gas Turbine Arc Welding - e: inert-gas Tungsten Arc Welding GTAW-P e: Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingPulsed Arc - e: Pulsed Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding Gt.B. e: Great Britain GTB d: Grafiken und Tabellen - e: Glycinethymol Blue - e: Grand Traverse Bay - i: Gran Turismo Berlinetta Gtb. d: Gartenbau GTBA e: Gasoline-Grade Tertiary-Butyl Alcohol - e: Gasoline Grade Tertiary Butylacetate - e: Grade Tertiary Butyl Alcohol GTBC e: Guild of Teachers of Backward Children Gt Br[it]. e: Great Britain GTBWA d: Gartenbauwissenschaft (journ.) GT&C e: General Terms and Conditions GTC e: Gain Time Constant - e: Gain Time Control - e: Gas Turbine Compressor - e: General Teaching Council - e: General Tool Contract - e: General Trading Companies - e: General Transistor Corporation - e: Genetic Thermal Cycler - e: Geological Testing Consultant - e: German Territorial Command - e: Give Tokens Confirm - e: Global Tomorrow Coalition - e: Glycol Trim Console - e: Golder, Thoma & Cressey - e: Good Till Cancelled - e: Good Till Countermanded - e: Government Telegraph Code - e: Government Training Center [US] - e: Government Training Centre [GB] - e: Government Travel Center - e: Grand Touring Coupe - e: Great Circle - e: Greater Toy Center - e: Ground Test Conductor - e: Group for Technical Coordination - e: Group Training Command - e: Guam Territorial College - e: Guanidinium Thiocyanate - e: Guidance Transfer Container - e: Guild of Television Cameramen - e: Gulf Transport - e: Gulf Transport Company GT Car e: Gran Turismo Car GTCC e: Gas Turbine Combined Cycle - e: Greater-than-Class-C - e: Group Technology Characterization Code GtCE e: Gigaton[s] Coal Equivalent GTCL e: Graduate of the Trinity College of Music, London - e: Great Circle GTCP e: Gas Turbine Compressor and Power Plant - e: Gas Turbine Compressor and Power-unit - e: General Telephone Call Processing - e: Global Tropospheric Chemistry Program GTCR e: Gate Turn-off Controlled Rectifier GTCS e: General Teaching Council for School GTCs e: Government Training Centres GTCS e: Gun Test & Control System GTCIJ e: Ground Thermal Conditioning Unit GTCUs e: Gas Turbine Change Units 89

GTD GTD e: Gas Turbine Division - e: Gear Test Data - e: General Systems Division - e: General Technology Division - e: Geometric and Technical Draughting - e: Geometric Theory of Diffraction - e: Geometrical Theory of Diffraction - e: Georgetown - e: Graphic Tablet Display - e: Ground Target Detection - e: Group Delay Time - e: Guaranteed - e: Guard[s] Tank Division - e: Gun Turret Driver GTDA f: Groupement pour le development de la Teledection Aerospatiale GTDB e: Generic Transformed Data Base GTDI e: Guideline Transportation Data Interchange - e: Guidelines for [International] Trade Data Interchange GTDPL e: Generalized Top Down Parsing Language GTDR e: General Technical Data Restricted GTDS e: Goddard Trajectory Determination System GT&E e: General Telephone and Electronics Corporation - e: General Telephone & Electronics GTE d: Gesellschaft für neue Technologien in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft - d: Glukose-Toleranzfaktor - e: Gas Turbine Engine - e: Gas Turbo-Electric - e: General-Purpose Thermoplastic Elastomer - e: General Telephone and Electronics Corporation - e: General Telephone Equipment - e: General Television and Electronics - e: General Total Energy - e: Generalized Trace Facilities - e: Geotechnical Engineering] - e: Geothermal Energy - e: Gilt Top Edge[s] - e: Global Tropospheric Experiment - e: Gothenburg - e: Government Technology Event - e: Government Trading Enterprises - e: Groote Island [Australien] [Airport] - e: Ground Test[ing] Equipment - e: Ground Training Engine - e: Ground Transport Equipment - e: Group Translating Equipment - e: Group Translation Equipment - e: Guidance Test[ing] Equipment - e: Gunner Tracking Evaluator - i: Gran Turismo Eumpa gte s: gerente GT&EA e: Georgia Teachers and Education Association GTEA e: Group Test Equipment Assembly GTE Auto e: GTE [General Telephone and Electronics Corporation] Automatic Electric Technical Journal (journ.) GTE Autom Electr [Tech] J e: GTE [General Telephone and Electronics Corporation] Automatic Electric Technical Journal (journ.) GTE Autom Electr World-Wide Commun J e: GTE [General Telephone and Electronics Corporation] Automatic Electric World-Wide Communications Journal (journ.) GTEC e: Georgia Institute of Technology GTED e: Gas Turbine Engine-Driven GTEDS e: General Telephone and Electronics Data Services 90

gtee e: guarantee gtee od e: guaranteed overdraft GT&EI e: General Telephone & Electronics International GTEI e: General Telephone & Electronics International - e: Group Terminal Endpoint Identifier GTEIS e: General Telephone and Electronic[s] Information Systems GTE J. Sci. Technol. e: GTE Journal of Science and Technology [US] (joum.) GT&EL e: General Telephone and Electronics Laboratories GTEL e: General Telephone and Electronics Laboratories - e: GTE California, Inc. GTEM e: Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic Mode GTEM Cell e: Gigahertz Transversal Electro-Magnetic Cell GT-ENDOR e: General Triple-Electron Nuclear Double Resonance GTEP e: General Telephone and Electronics Practice - e: Guaranteed Training Equipment Program GTEPS e: General Telephone and Electronics Data Services GTESM e: Gas Turbine Exhaust System Model GTETDS e: Gas Turgine and Engine Type Designation System GTEV e: Gas-Turbine Electric Vessel GTF d: GauB-Typ-Funktion - d: Glukose-Toleranzfaktor - e: Gaussian-Type Function - e: General Trust Fund - e: Generalized Test Function - e: Generalized] Trace Facility - e: Generalized Transformation Function - e: Global Telecommunications Fund - e: Glucose Tolerance Factor - e: Go-General Trace Facility - e: Government Test[ing] Facilities - e: Granite Test Facility - e: Gravity Tube Feeder - e: Great Falls, Montana [Airport] - e: Greater Than Flag - e: Ground Test Facility - e: Guidance Test Fixture GTFM e: Generalized Table File Maintenance GTG d: Grund-Tertiargruppe - e: Gas To Gasoline - e: Gas Turbine Generator - e: Gating - e: Gold Thioglucose - e: Golden Trend Energy - e: Grand Technologies Group - e: Grantsburg - e: Ground Timing Generator - e: Ground-to-Ground GTGEEEPS f: Groupe de Travail sur la Gestion de l'Energie dans les Etablissements d'Enseignement Post-Secondaire GtGR d: Gerategestellrahmen GTGS e: Gas Turbine Generator Set GTGT e: Gun Target GTH e: Gas Tight High Pressure [Method] - e: Genetic Therapy - e: Genomic Thymus - e: Gonadotrophs Hormone - e: Gonadotrophin[e] - e: Graton Minerals Limited - e: Guthrie Gth. d: Gartenhaus

© K G - Saur, München

GThT n: Gereformeerd Theologisch Tijdschrift (journ.) GT-HTGR e: Gas Turbine-High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor GTHTGR e: Gas Turbine High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor GTH-Typ d: Golothioglucose-Typ GTI d: Gesellschaft für technische Informationssysteme e.V. - d: Gesellschaft für technisch-wirtschaftliche Information - d: Gesellschaft für technische Informationssysteme e.V. - e: General Transportation Importance - e: Georgia Institute of Technology - e: German Tank Improvement - e: Glass Technical Institute - e: Glass Transition Temperature - e: Graduate Institute of Technology - e: Gran Turismo Injection - e: Grand Turk Island - e: Ground Test Instrumentation - e: Ground Transportable Interrogator GTi e: Coastal Plains Regional Library, Tifton GTICES e: Georgia Institute of Technology Integrated Civil Engineering System GTiE e: Coastal Plains Experiment Station, Tifton GTIG e: Gamma Thermometer Interest Group GTIL e: Government Technical Institute Library Gt I-O e: Gate Input-Output Gt I-O&Sec Adr e: Gate Input-Output and Secondary Address GTIP e: Ground Test Integration Panel - e: Ground Tilt Isolation Platform GTIS e: Gloucestershire Technical Information Service - e: Great Ground-Based Traffic Information System GTJ e: Gold Torch Resources - e: Grace Theological Journal (journ.) - i: Gran Turismo Junior G.Tk. e: Gasoline Tank Gtk nGustafsvik GTKTA s: Geotektonika (journ.) GTKW d: Gasturbinenkraftwerk GTL d: Gefangenentransport-Leitstelle - d: Goldtransistorlogik - e: Gas Transport Laser - e: Gas Turbine Laboratory - e: Gaseous Tritium Light - e: Geomagnetic Tail Laboratory - e: Geometric and Technical Language - e: Geometrical [and] Technological Language - e: Georgia Tech Language - e: Glass Technology Laboratories - e: Gold Transistor Logic - e: Government Test Labortory - e: Great Lakes Nickel Limited - e: Gun/Target Line Gt Lakes e: Great Lakes Gt Lakes Ent e: Great Lakes Entomologist (journ.) GTLD e: Gaseous Tritium Light Device Gt Ldn e: Greater London GTLs e: Gas Transport Lasers - e: Gold Transistor Logics GTLS e: Gaseous Tritium Light Source GtLz d: Gegentakt-Längsaufzeichnung

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GTRY GTM e: Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Tifton - e: Gas to Methanol - e: Gas Turbine Model - e: General Traffic Manager - e: Geometry Technology Module - e: Getting the Message - e: Global Traffic Meeting - e: Good this Month - e: Grand Total Memory - e: Gross Ton[nage] Mile[s] - e: Ground Team Manager - e: Ground Test Missile - e: Ground Test Motor - e: Group Talk Microphone - e: Guatemala - e: Guidance Test Missile - e: Gyratory Testing Machine GTMA e: Gauge and Tool Makers Association Gt Man e: Greater Manchester GTMBAQ e: Georgetown Medical Bulletin (journ.) GTMCA e: Geothermics (joum.). GTMMM N: Det Gamie Testament [Oslo] (journ.) GTMO e: Guantanamo Bay GTMOSI e: General Telecommunications Manager for Open Systems Interconnection GTMS d: Gasturbinenmotorschiff - e: Graphic Text Management System - e: Ground Target Marking System GTMTC e: Galvothermomagnetic Transport Coefficient GTMV e: Gasoline-Tolerant Methanol Vehicle GTN d: Glomerulo-Tubulonephritis - d: Glyceryltrinitate - e: Genetic Technology News (journ.) - e: Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia - e: Glomerulo-Tubulo-Nephritis - e: Glyceryl Trinitrate - e: Government Telecommunications Network - e: Government Training News - e: Great Eastern Line - e: Washington, DC - j: Gotenba GTNC e: German Territorial Northern Command GTNEEA e: Genetic Technology News (journ.) GTNP e: Grand Teton National Park [Wyoming] GTNQA e: Geotechnique [Engtand] (journ.) GTNW e: General Telephone Co. of the Northwest

G T O d: Gauß-Typ-Orbital - d: Gesellschaft für Textverarbeitung und Organisation - e: Gate Tum-Off [Switch] - e: Gate Turn Off [Thyristor] - e: Gaussian-Type Orbital[s] - e: General Telecommunications Organization - e: Geostationary Transfer Orbit - e: Gigaton - e: Go To - e: Go-To-Instruction - e: Golgi Tendon Om - e: Gorontalo [Indonesien] [Airport] - e: Government Team of Officials - e: Government Telecommunications Organization - e: Grand Touring Over 3.0 Liters - e: Graphics Text Organizer - e: Guaranteed Time Observer - e: Guide To Operations - i: Gran Turismo Omologata Gto e: Gunajuato g to e: go to G-to-AGM e: Ground-to-Air Guided Missile G T O C e: Gore Tactical Operation Center G-to-G e: Grid-to-Grid GTOL e: Graphic Take-off Language - e: Ground Take-off and Landing GTORMH e: Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children GTorp d: Gefechtstorpedo GTOS e: Gantos, Inc. GTOSCR e: Gate Turn-off Silicon Controlled Rectifier GTO Switch e: Gate Turn-off Switch GTO Thyristor e: Gate Turn-off Thyristor G t o VG e: Good to Very Good GTOW e: Gross Take-off Weight GTP d: Gaußtiefpaß - d: Gerätetestprogramm - d: Guanosin-5-Triphosphat - d: Guanosintriphosphat - e: Gap Time Pulse - e: Gas Turbine Power [Unit] - e: General Test Plan - e: General Tracking Program[me] - e: Generate Target Position - e: Geotechnical Project - e: Glutamyl Traspeptidase - e: Grand Touring Prototype - e: Grand Trunk Pacific Railway - e: Graphic[s] Transform Package - e: Great Northern Petroleums - e: Great Trunk Pacific Railway - e: Green Tea Polyphenol - e: Ground Test Plan - e: Ground Test Procedure - e: Ground Test Programme - e: Ground Test[ing] Plotter - e: Ground Track Plotter - e: Group Tansfer Polymerization - e: Guanosine Triphosphate GTPase e: Guanosine Triphosphatase GTPD e: Geotechnical Project Design - e: Guild of Television Producers and Directors GTPPA R: Gigiena Truda i Professional'naya Patologiya v Estonskoi SSR (journ.) G T P R e: Grand Trunk Pacific Railway GTPS e: Gas Turbine Power System GTPSS e: Ground Test Plan Summary Sheet[s] GTPT e: Geometrical and True Positioning Tolerance

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

GTP U[nit] e: Gas Turbine Power Unit GTPZA[B] R: Giena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (journ.) GTQ e: Guatamala Quetzal [Currency of Guatemala] GTR e: Columbus - e: Gantry Test Rack - e: Garter - e: Gas Transmission Rate - e: General Theory of Relativity - e: Generic Threat Radar - e: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. - e: Government Technical Report - e: Government Tehnical Representative - e: Government Transportation Request - e: Government Travel Request - e: Grand Touring-Racing - e: Grand Trunk Railway - e: Granulocyte Turnover Rate - e: Greater - e: Greek Orthodox Theological Review (journ.) - e: Ground Test[ing] Reactor - e: Ground Test Report - e: Guitar GT/R e: Guard Transmit/Receive Gtr Ant e: Greater Antilles Gtr. Ant. e: Greater Antilles GTRB e: Gas Turbine Gtr.-Bhf. d: Güterbahnhof GTRD e: Global Tape Recording Exchange - e: Greatest Total Resource Demand GTRE e: Gas Turbine Research Establishment - e: Global Tape Recording Exchange - e: Gran Tree Corporation GTREAS e: Grand Treasurer G. Trg. e: General Training GTRI e: Georgia Tech Research Institute GTRO e: Glyceryl Triricinoleate - e: Golden Triangle Royalty & Oil, Inc. GTRP e: General Transpose GTRR e: Georgia Institute of Technology Research Reactor - e: Grand Trunk Railroad Gtr.-Verk. d: Güterverkehr GTRWA P: Gdanskie Towarsystwo Naukowe Rozparawy Wydzialu (journ.) GTRWDF e: US Forest Service. General Technical Report. W O (journ.) GTRY e: Grand Trunk Railway


GTS GTS d: Gemeinschaftsteilnehmerschaltung - d: Germanistische Texte und Studien (journ.) - d: Gesellschaft fiir Computer-Terminal Systeme - d: Glucose-Transport-System - d: Gruppenteilnehmerschaltung - e: Gas Turbine Ship - e: Gas Turbine Starter - e: Gas Turbine Vessel - e: General Tabulation System - e: General Technical Services, Inc. - e: General Telephone System - e: General Test Support - e: General Theological Seminary - e: General Trouble Shooting - e: Generalized Transition State - e: Geostationary Technology Satellite - e: German Telecommand Station - e: Gettysburg Theological Studies (journ.) - e: Gimbal Trim System - e: Girls' Technical School - e: Global Telecommunication^] System - e: Global Tracking Systems - e: Global Treasury Service - e: Glucose-Transport-System - e: GN&C [Guidance, Navigation and Control] Test Station - e: Go to Statement - e: Golden Tech Resources Limited - e: Golden Treasury Series (journ.) - e: Goldstone Tracking Station - e: Government Transport Service - e: Grand Touring Supreme - e: Graphics Terminal Scheduler - e: Graphics Terminal Services - e: Graphics Terminal System - e: Greenwich Time Signal - e: Ground Telemetry Subsystem - e: Ground Terminal System - e: Ground Test Accelerator - e: Ground Test Station - e: Ground Test Subsystem - e: Ground Tracking System - e: Ground Training System - e: Ground Transport System - e: Group Technology System - e: Group Teleconferencing System - e: Group Training Scheme - e: Guadalcanal Travel Service - e: Guam Tracking Station - e: Guidance Testjing] Set - e: Guinean Trawling Survey - e: Gunner Training System - e: Gunner's Thermal Sight - e: Gunnery Training School - e: Gyro Tilt Signal - i: Gran Turismo Spider Gts e: Gateshead g/t/s e: gas-turbine ship gt's e: grand touring cars GTs e: Ground Test Plan Summary Sheets - s: Grupos Tacticos GTSA e: German Telecommunications Statistics Agency GTSC e: German Territorial Southern Command - e: Ground Testing and Simulation Committee GTSF e: Gifted and Talented Screening Form - e: Guidance Test and Simulation Facility GTSI e: Government Technology Services, Inc. GTSL e: Geotechnical Science Laboratories

GTSS e: Gas Turbine Self-contained Starter - e: Gas Turbine Starting System - e: General Time Sharing System GTSTA R: Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo (journ.) G T State e: Gamow-Teller State GTSTD e: Grid Test of Schizophrenic Thought Disorder GTSTP d: Gefangenentransport-Stützpunkt GTSW e: Greentree Software, Inc. G T T d: Gesellschaft für Telefontechnik - d: Glukose Toleranz Test - d: Göttingen - d: Größte Tauchtiefe - e: Gate Terminal - e: Gelatin-Tellurite-Taurocholate - e: Generated Target Tracking - e: Geographical and Topoaphical Texts of the Old Testament (journ.) - e: Georgetown [Airport] - e: Glass Transition Temperature - e: Global Title Translation - e: Glucose Tolerance Test - e: Government Technical Testing - e: Grand Teton Industries, Inc. - e: Group Time Technique - e: Group Timing Technique - e: Guttae - n: Gereformeerd Theologisch Tijdschrift (journ.) Gtt. d: Gitter gtt. 1: guttae -1: Med guttatim G T T C e: Goodfellow Technical Training Center - e: Ground Tactical Training Centre - e: Gulf Transportation Terminal Command G/T Temp, e: Gain-to-Noise Temperature GTTF e: Gas Turbine Test Facility Gttg. d: Gattung Gttng d: Göttingen GTT QUIBUSD 1: Guttis Quibusdam GTTS e: Gyro Transfer Table System GTu d: Gasturbine - d: Gegendruckturbine GTU e: Gamma Theta Upsilon - e: Gas Turbine Unit - e: Gatelink Transceiver Unit - e: General Terminal Unit - e: Georgetown Univelsity, Medical Center Library - e: Glycol Trim Unit - e: Graduate Theological Union, University of Saskatchewan - e: Grand Touring Under 3.0 Liters - e: Ground Test Unit - e: Group Terminal Unit - e: Guidance Test Unit GTUC e: Ghana Trades Union Congress GTUSIdentBad e: Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Identification Badge GTV d: Gefangenentraiispoitvorschrift - d: Gemeinschafts-Teilnehmerverbinder - e: Galaxy Cablevision Limited - e: Gas Toggle Valve - e: Gas Tool Valve - e: Gas Turbine Vessel - e: Gate Trigger Valve - e: Gate Valve - e: Gravity Vacuum Transit - e: Ground Test Vehicle - e: Ground Transport Vehicle - e: Growth Test Vehicle - e: Guidance Test Vehicle - e: Guided Test Vehicle - e: Gumma Television [Japan] - i: Gran Turismo Veloce



O - Säur, München

GTV-Gestell d: Gemeinschafts-Teilnehmerverbindergestell GTW c: Gottwaldov [Airport] - d: Gegentaktwandler - d: Gesellschaft für Technik und Wirtschaft e.V. - e: Good this Week - e: Grand Trunk Western - e: Grand Trunk Western Railroad - e: Gross Takeoff Weight - e: Gross Ton[nage] Weight - e: Gross Total Weight - e: Gross Train Weight GTWF d: Gesellschaft für technischwissenschaftliche Fortbildung GTWG e: Ground Training Working Group GTWOD e: Gas Turbine World (journ.) GTWT e: Gridded Traveling-Wave Tube GTW Trains e: Grand Trunk Western Trains G T W Y e: Gateway GTX e: Alma - e: General Test, Experimental - e: General Tool Experimental - e: Gold Texas Resources Limited - e: Grant Industries - e: Ground Transport Express - i: Gran Turismo Experimental GTX Computer e: Ground Transport Express Computer GTXT e: Generate Character Text - e: Generate Text GTY e: Getty Petroleum Corporation - e: Gritty Gty e: Guaranty G Type e: General Type GTZ d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH - i: Gran Turismo Zato Gtz e: Galatz GU d: Gabelumschalter - d: Grundumsatz - d: Gruppenumsetzer - d: Gruppenumsetzung - e: Gastric Ulcer - e: Gear Up - e: Generations Unit - e: Generic Unit - e: Genito-Urinary - e: Genitourinary - e: Geographically Unsuitable - e: Georgetown University - e: Get Unique - e: Gifu University - e: Glasgow University - e: Glycogenic Unit - e: Gonzaga University - e: Grafton & Upton Railroad Co. - e: Gramophone Unit - e: Gravitational Ulcer - e: Griffith University - e: Group Unit - e: Guam - e: Guanase - e: Guarantee - e: Guatemala - e: Guidance Unit - e: Guildford - e: Gules - e: Gunner - e: University of Georgia -1: Gonococcal Urethritis - s: Empresa Guatemalta de Aviacion "Aviateca"

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

G u i l f o r d L a w B e h a v Ser Gu d: Guanakowolle - d: Gummi - e: Guinea - e: Gujar - e: Gujarati - r: Göteborgs Universitetsbiblioteket GÜ d: Gabelübertrager - d: Gebührenüberwachung[sstelle] GÜ d: Gebührenüberwachung - d: Generalüberholung - d: Geräteübersicht - d: Grenzübergang - d: Grundüberholung GUA d: Gesellschaft zur Herstellung umweltfreundlicher Abfallbeseitigungsanlagen mbH - e: Guam - e: Guatemala [airport] - e: Guatemala City - e: Guatemala City [airport] - e: Guidance Unit Assembly - e: Guinea - e: University of Georgia, Athens - r: Göteborgs Universitets Arsskrift (journ.) - s: Guaraní [Currency of Paraguay] GuA d: Gesundheits- und Arbeitsschutz Gua e: Guanine GuaAF e: Nieves M.Flores Memorial Library Guad e: Guadalcanal Guad. e: Guadeloupe Guadal s: Guadalajara Guadalupe Mountains e: Texas National Park Guadalupes e: Guadalupe Mountains Guadarramas e: Guadarrama Mountains Guajira Pen e: Guajira Peninsula Guam Ag Exp e: Guam Agricultural Experiment Station. Publications (journ.) Guam ST e: Guam Standard Time - e: Guamanian Standard Time 'Guana e: Iguana Island, British Virgin Islands Guana e: Guanacaste - e: Guanajuato Guanacastes e: Guanacaste Mountains GUANOMEX s: Guanos y Fertilizantes de México Guar s: Guaraní GUAR e: Guarantee^] GUARD e: Guaranteed Assignment Retention Detailing guard, e: guaranteed GUARD II e: Expanded Guaranteed Assignment Retention Detailing GUARDS e: Generalized Unified Ammunition Reporting Data System GUARDSMAN e: Guidelines and Rules for Data Systems Management GUAREE e: Guarantee guarg e: guaranteeing GUARS e: Generalized Unified Ammunition Reporting data System GUASCOR s: Gutierrez Asunce Corporation S. AVSpain Guat. d: Guatemala[n] GUATEL s: Empresa Guatemalteca de Telecomunicaciones Guatem. d: Guatemala Guatemala e: Republic of Guatemala - s: República de Guatemala GuaU e: University of Guam, Agana Guayfa] s: Guayaquil

GUB d: Getreideeinlagerungs- und -bearbeitungskomplex - d: Glashütter Uhrenbetriebe - e: Generalized Upper Boundary - e: Generalzed Upper Bounding - e: Greatest Upper Bound - e: Law School Library, University of Georgia, Athens - s: Guerrero Negro [Mexiko] [Airport] G Ü B d: Grenzübergang[sschein] G U B C e: Guyana United Broadcasting Company gubernalection e: gubernatorial election G U B G F e: General Union of Bellhangers and Gas Fitters GUBI d: Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Beratender Ingenieurbüros GUBL e: Beyla [Guinea] GUBSMW e: General Union of Braziers and Sheet Metal Workers G U C e: Good-until-Canceled Order - e: Gunnison [Airport] - e: Union Catalog of the Atlanta-Athens Area G U C C I A A C e: General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for Arab Countries G U C C O e: Guidance Computer Control Subsystem G U C L e: General Use Consumablefs] List G U C O e: Guilford Courthouse National Military Park G U C P e: Ground Umbilical Carrier Plate GUCY e: Conakry [Guinea] G U D d: Gesellschaft für Unternehmensberatung und Datenverarbeitung mbH - e: Goundam [Mali] [Airport] - e: Guardian Resources Corporation GUDD e: Didi [Guinea] GU-De e: University of Georgia, DeRenne Georgia Library, Athens GUDF e: Guildford GUe d: Gemeinschaftsübertragung - d: Gleichstromübertragung G U E e: Generating Unit Electrical - e: Graphical User Environment - e: University of Guelph GUe-g d: Gleichstromübertragung, gehend GUe-k d: Gleichstromübertragung, kommend GUERAP e: General Unwanted Energy Rejection Analysis Program[me] Guern Mech L e: Guerny's Mechanics' Lien Laws of New York (journ.) Guertler Bijout Metallwaren Ind d: Guertler. Bijouterie und Meallwaren Industrie (journ.) GUESS d: Geo-Urban-Eco-SystemSimulation - e: General Uncertainty Eco[nomic] Simulation System - e: Geo-Urban-Eco-System Simulation GUeZ d: Gleichstromübertragung für Zählung GUF e: French Guyana GüFernVkÄG d: Güterfemverkehrsänderungsgesetz GUFEX e: Gulf UnderwaterFlare Experiment GUFH e: Faranah/Badala [Guinea] GuG d: Gestalt und Gedanke (journ.) GUG e: Guari [Papua Neu-Guinea] [Airport] G U G A e: Grounded Unity Gain Amplifier G u G I N s: Instituto Centroamericano de Investigación y Tecnología Industrial, Guatemala City

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations und Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

G U G K R: Glavnoje Upravlenije Geodesii i Kartografii GUGL e: Gaoual [Guiñes] GuGIC s: Instituto de Nutrición de Centro America y Panama, Guatemala City GUGMS R: Glavnoje Upravlenije Gidrometeorologicheskoi Sluzhby Gug Mus e: Guggenheim Museum GUGO e: Banankoro/Gbenko [Guinea] GuGS s: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Ciudad Universitaria, Guatemala City GUH e: Gunnedah [Australien] [Airport] GUHA e: General Unary Hypotheses Automation - e: General Unary Hypotheses Automaton - e: General Unary Hypothesis Automation GUI e: Gay Union International - e: Graphical] User Interface - e: Guiana - e: Guitar Gui e: Guinea - s: Guri [Venezuela] [Airport] GUIAC e: Guaiacum Gui-Bis e: Guinea-Bissau Gui Cur e: Guinea Current GUID e: Guidance - e: Guidon Oil & Gas Co.[NASDAQ symbol [NQ] GUIDAR e: Guided Intrusion Detection And Ranging GUIDE e: General Usage Inventory Director - e: General User Interface-system with Dialogue Entrance Guide e: Graphics User Interface Development Environment GUIDE e: Guidance for Users of Integrated Data[-processing] Equipment Guideb. e: Guidebook Guideb Anna Field Conf Mont Geo! Soc e: Guidebook. Annual Field Conference. Montana Geological Society (joum.) Guideb Geol Utah e: Guidebook to the Geology of Utah (joum.) Guideb Ser Geol Inst [Bucharest] e: Guidebook Series. Geological Institute [Bucharest] (journ.) Guidel Med e: Guidelines in Medicine (joum.) Guide Relig Per e: Guide to Religious Periodicals (journ.) Guide Relig Semi Rel Period e: Guide to Religious and Semi-Religious Periodicals (journ.) Guide Soc Sci Relig Period Lit e: Guide to Social Science and Religion in Periodical Literature (journ.) Guide to Computer L. e: Guide to Computer Law Guidhall Stud London Hist e: Guildhall Studies in London History (journ.) guidn e: guidance GUIDN e: Guidance [AA] GUIDO e: Guidance [and Navigation] Officer Guid Spec Educ Bull e: Guidance and Special Education Bulletin (journ.) Gui E s: Guinea Ecuatorial guil e: guilders] Guild C Psych e: National Guild of Catholic Psychiatrists. Bulletin (journ.) Guildhall Lib e: Guildhall Library Guild Prof Trans e: Guild of Professional Translators Guilford Law Behav Ser e: Guilford Law and Behavior Series (journ.)


guillo guillo f: guillotine guin e: guinea[s] Guin. e: Guinea Guinea e: Republic of Guinea - f: République de Guinée Guinea-Bissau e: Republic Guinea-Bissau GUISE e: Guidance System Evaluation guit e: guitar - s: guitarra G LI.F p: Guaratingueta [Brasilien] [Airport] Gujarat Agric Univ Res J e: Gujarat Agricultural University. Research Journal (journ.) Gujarat Statist Rev e: Gujarat Statistical Review (journ.) Guj Ind e: Gujarat, India Guj L Rep e: Guarat Law Reporter (journ.) Guj L T e: Gujarat Law Times (journ.) GUJRD e: Gomal University. Journal of Research (journ.) GuK e: Guanylate Kinase GÜKG d: Güterkraftverkehrsgesetz GUKR e: Kamsar/Kawass [Guinea] GUKU e: Kissidougou [Guinea] GUL e: Georgetown University, Law Library - e: Glasgow University Language Centre - e: GSE [Ground Support Equipment] Utilization List Gulag R: Glavnoye Upravleniye Lagerei GULC e: Georgetown University Law Center G U L D e: Goulds Pumps, Inc.


Gulf e: Aden - e: Alaska - e: Alexandretta - e: Aqaba - e: Boothia - e: Cadiz - e: California - e: Cambay - e: Campeche - e: Canada - e: Carpentaria - e: Cattaro - e: Chihli - e: Chiriqui - e: Cutch - e: Darien - e: Eilat - e: Finland - e: Fonseca - e: Gabes - e: Genoa - e: Guayaquil - e: Guinea - e: Gulf of Adalia - e : Gulf Oil - e: Honduras - e: Izmir - e: Kotor - e: Kutch - e: Lepanto - e: Lions - e: Maine - e: Manaar - e: Maracaibo - e: Martaban - e: Mexico - e: Nicoya - e: Oman - e: Panama - e: Paria - e: Quamero - e: Santa Catalina - e: Siam - e: Sidra - e: Smyrna - e: Spencer Gulf - e: St Lawrence - e: Suez - e: Taranto - e: Tehuantepec - e: Tonkin - e: Venice Gulf Caribb Fish Inst Univ Miami Proc e: Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. University of Miami. Proceedings (journ.) Gulf Coast e: Alabama - e: Coastline of Texas - e: Florida - e: Louisiana - e: Mississippi Gulf Coast Assoc Geol Socs Trans e: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies. Transactions (journ.) GULFCOBASFSERVUNIT e: Gulf Coast Base Service Unit G U L F C O N e: Gulf Control G U L F G R U e: Gulf Group Gulf Islands e: Florida and Mississippi G U L F N A V F A C E N G C O M e: Gulf Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command Gulf Res Rep e: Gulf Research Reports (journ.) Gulfs e: Gulf Islands off Pascagoula - e: Mississippi G U L F S E A F R O N e: Gulf Sea Frontier

© K • G • Saur, München

Gulf States e: Alabama - e: Bahrain - e: Florida - e: Iran - e: Iraq - e: Kuwait - e: Louisiana - e: Mississippi - e: Oman - e: Qatar - e: Saudi Arabia - e: Texas - e: United Arab Emirates gulp e: data-processing slang GULP e: General Utility Language Processor - e: General Utility Language Program[me] - e: General Utility Library Programfme] - e: Group Universal Life Programfme] Gült, d: Gültigkeit Gült.-D. d: Gültigkeitsdauer GUL Timber e: Guile [mastixia arborea] Timber GUM d: Gemeinschaftsumschalter - d: Gesellschaft Umwelt-Management Frankfurt - e: General Utility Mechanic - e: Genito-Urinary Malignancy - e: Genito-Urinary Medicine - e: Grand Unified Monopoles - e: Guam [airport] - e: Gulder and Mining - R: Gosurdarswennoe Universalny Magasin - s: Guadalajara [Mexiko] Gum e: Guam GUMA e: Manta [Guinea] GUMBI e: Graphic User Microprogrammable Bit-slice Interpreter Gummi Asbest Kunstst d: Gummi, Asbest, Kunststoffe (journ.) Gummi Fasern Kunstst d: Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe (journ.) Gummi Fas. Kunstst. d: Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe [Germany] (journ.) GUMO e: Guam GUMP e: Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture and Prop gums e: gum trees GUMSL e: Georgetown Univerity. Monaph Series on Languages and Linguistics (journ.) GUN e: Generic Unit Name - e: Gunboat - e: Gundle Environmental Systems, Inc. - e: Gunner[y] - e: Gunsteel Resources, Inc. - e: Montgomery gun. e: guncotton - e: guncrete - e: gunnery - e: gunpowder gun dip e: gunboat diplomacy GUNDLE e: Gundle Environmental Systems, Inc. GUNEG e: Gun Engagement Cycle Analysis GUNEX e: Gunnery Exercise GUNFO e: Gulf United Nuclear Fuels Corporation GUN KING e: Computer-Controlled Sighting System gun'l e: gunwale Gunma J Libr Arts Sei e: Gunma Journal of Liberal Arts and Science (joum.) Gunma J Med Sei e: Gunma Journal of Medical Sciences (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GuZ Gunma J Med Sei Suppl e: Gunma Journal of Medical Sciences. Supplementum (journ.) Gunma Symp Endocrinol e: Gunma Symposia on Endocrinology (journ.) G U N R e: Gunnar Gold Mining, Inc. Gun Sgt e: Gunnery Sergeant GUNSS e: Gunnery Schoolship GUN Timber e: Gondsoroi Timber GUO e: Georgetown - e: Government Use Only - e: Greater Union Organization - e: Guanosin Guo e: Guanosine G U O O F e: Grand United Order of Old Fellows G U - P e: Grifora Umbellata Polysaccharide - e: University of Georgia, School of Pharmacy, Athens G U P e: Gallup [Airport] - e: Gas Under Pressure - e: Georgetown University. Papers on Languages and Linguistics (journ.) - e: Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester gup e: guppy G U P C O e: Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company - e: Gulf Petroleum Corporation G U P H e: Group for the Use of Psychology in History guppie[s] e: gay urban professionalis] G U P P Y e: Greater Underwater Propulsion Power guppy. e: greater underwater propulsive-powered submarine gup[s] e: gay urban professionals] gups e: guppies GUQ e: Guanal [Venezuela] [Airport] G U R e: Alotau [Papua Neu-Guinea] [Airport] - e: Glucose Utilization Rate - e: Ground under Repair - e: Gulfstream Resources Canada Limited G U R C e: Gulf Universities Research Consortium - e: Gulf Universities Research Corporation G U R S e: General Update and Retrieval System G U R T e: Georgetown University. Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (journ.) G U R Timber e: Gurjan [dipterocarpus] Timber G U S d: Gesellschaft unabhängiger Staaten - e: General User System - e: Generic Update System - e: Generic User System - e: Genitourinary System - e: Globe Universal Services - e: Glucuronidase - e: Graduate Institute of International Studies - e: Great Univenal Stores - e: Great Universal Stores - e: Grocers United Stores - e: Group Unit Simulator - e: Guidance Unit Support - e: Gunflint Resources Ltd GUs d: Gemeinschaftsumsetzer - d: Gleichstrom-Umsetzer - e: Guns Unlimited GuS d: Großraum- und Schwerfahrzeug GUSB e: Guided Unified S-Band G U S E R e: GCOS Security Module GUsg d: Gleichstrom-Umsetzer, gehend

GUSIT e: General Usage Shorts and Impedance Tests GUsk d: Gleichstrom-Umsetzer, kommend G U S S I E S e: Great Univeal Stores G U S T e: Global User Service Task gust e: gustation - e: gustatorily - e: gustatory - e: gustily - e: gustiness - e: gusto - e: gusty G Ü S t d: Gebührenüberwachungsstelle - d: Grenzübergangsstelle G U S T O e: Guidace Using Stable Tuning Oscillations G U S Y A e: Gunma Symposia on Endocrinology (journ.) G u T d: Geist und Tat (journ.) G U T d: Geschwindigkeitsumsetzer für Telegrafie - e: Grand Unified Theory - e: Gulf Titanium Limited - e: Gutter - e: Pittsburgh gut. e: gutter Güt.-Bhf. d: Güterbahnhof GüteZVO d: Gutezeichenverordnung Guth. d: Guthaben Guth P r e: Guthrie's Principles of the Laws of England (journ.) gutrat. 1: guttarim G U T S e: Game on Urban Transport System - e: G E R T S [General Electric Remote Terminal System] User's Terminal System - e: Gothenburg University Terminal System - e: Ground Up-to-Space - e: Guaranteed Ultimate Tensile Strength GUTs e: Grand Unified Theories gutt e: Goutte G U T T e: Gutturi gutt. 1: gutta G U T T A T e: Guttatim guttat. 1: guttatim

G U Y e: French Guyana Space Center - e: Guyana Space Center - e: Guymon Guy e: Guyon - s: Guayaquil - s: Guyana Guyana e: Corperative Republic of Guyana Guyana Geol Surv Dep Rep e: Guyana. Geological Survey Department. Report (journ.) Guyana J Sci e: Guyana Journal of Science (journ.) Guyana Minist Agric Nat Resour Agric L a n d Dev Ann Rep e: Guyana. Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Agriculture and Land Development Departments. Annual Report (journ.) Guyana Minist Agric Nat Resour Geol Surv Dep Rep e: Guyana. Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Geological Survey Department. Report (journ.) Guyana Sugar E x p Stat Bull e: Guyana Sugar Experiment Station's Bulletin, (journ.) Guyane f: Guyane frangois Guybau e: Guyana Bauxite Guy Esse s: Guyana Essequibo Guy F o r Med e: Guy's Forensic Medicine (journ.) Guy Med J u r e: Guy's Medical Jurisprudence (journ.) Guy Rep f: Guy's Repertoire de la Jurisprudence (journ.) Guy's e: Guy's Hospital Guy's Hosp Gaz e: Guy's Hospital Gazette (journ.) Guy's Hosp Rep e: Guy's Hospital Reports (journ.) GuZ d: Geist und Zeit (journ.)

G U T Timber e: Gutel [trevia nudiflora] Timber gutt quibus. 1: guttis quibusdam Güt.-Tr. d: Gütertransport Güt.-Verk. d: Güterverkehr Gütz d: Gutschriftzettel GUU N: Grundarfjordur [Airport] G U U G e: Gross Unit Unavailable Generation g.u.v. d: gerecht und vollkommen G U V d: Gemeindeunfallversicherung - d: Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung - s: Guri [Venezuela] G u V d: Gerecht und Volkommen - d: Gewinn und Verlust GuVbl. d: Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt GuV-Rechnung d: Gewinn und Verlust-Rechnung GUVU d: Gesellschaft für Ursachenforschung bei Verkehrsunfällen G Ü W d: Geräte für Überwachung und Wartung G U W E d: Gummiwerk Weißenfels G u W f d: Gas- und Wasserfach (journ.) GU/WQ e: Washington Quarterly. Georgetown University Center for Strategie and International Studies (journ.)

International E n c y c l o p e d i a o f Abbreviations and Acronyms in S c i e n c e and T e c h n o l o g y

© K • G • Saur, Munich


GV GV d: Generalvikar - d: Gentianaviolett - d: Gesamtverzeichnis - d: Geschlechterverhältnis - d: Geschlechtsverkehr - d: Giftverordnung - d: Gigavolt - d: Goerz-Visier - d: Grevenbroich - d: Großverbraucherbereich - d: Großvieheinheit - d: Grundverknüpfung - d: Gruppenverbinder - d: Gruppenverstärker - d: Güterverkehr - e: Galvanized - e: Gas Valve - e: Gate Valve - e: Genital Vein - e: Gentian Violet - e: Gigavolt - e: Goldfeld Corporation - e: Gomphrena Virus - e: Göta Verken - e: Government Valuation - e: Granulosis Virus - e: Graphic-recording Voltmeter - e: Graphic Violence - e: Graphic Voltmeter - e: Gravel - e: Gravimetric Volume - e: Gravity-Velocity - e: Great Value - e: Green Valley - e: Grid Variation - e: Griseoviridin - e: Gross Virus - e: Ground Visibility - e: Group Velocity - e: Growth Vessel - e: Guard Vessel - e: Guidance Verification - e: Gulp Valve - e: [Single] Glass Varnish - e: Talair Proprietary Limited - f: Grande Vitesse - s: Gran Velotidad G & V d: Gewinn und Verlust g.v. d: garnisonverwendungsfähig - e: gravimetric volume - e: gross valuation G.V. e: Governor Valve G/V e: Conductance versus Voltage gv d: garnisonverwendungsfähig gV d: große Vesikeln GVA d: Geschichte Vorderasien bis zum Hellenismus (journ.) - d: Großverbundanlage - e: General Visceral Afferent - e: Geneva [Airport] - e: Giga-Voltampere - e: Golden Nevada Resoues, Inc. - e: Goulburn Valley Airlines - e: GOX [Gaseous Oxygen] Vent Arm - e: Grapevine Virus A - e: Graphic Kilovolt-Ampere [Meter] - e: Graphic Volt-Amperemeter - e: Gyroscope Vibration Absorber - e: Gyroscopic Vibration Absorber GVAC e: Graphic Video Attributes Controller GVaS e: Valdosta State College GVAY e: Galway

GVB d: Generalversammlungsbeschluß - e: Gelatine Veronal Buffer - e: Generalized Valence Bond - e: Grapevine Virus B - e: Guaranteed Voltage Breakdown GVBD e: Germinal Vesicle Breakdown GVB1. d: Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt GVBIBn d: Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt für Berlin G V C d: Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen - d: VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen - e: General Videotex Corporation - e: Glazed Vitrified Clay - e: Grand View College - e: Graphics Vendor Control - e: Guild Vector Colorimeter GVD e: Generalverkehrsdirektion - e: Group View Display - e: Guns and Vehicles Division GVDSB e: Government Data Systems (journ.) G V E d: Gefechtsvorschrift Schiffselektronik - d: Großvieheinheit - d: Grundverknüpfungsebene - e: Gefechtsvorschrift Schiffselektronik - e: General Visceral Efferent - e: Group Value Engineering - e: Grove GVEN e: Growth Ventures, Inc. G 1 V E P e: Guided Missile Data Exchange Program G.-Verg. d: Grundvergütung GVerkK d: Grenzverkehrskommandantur GV-ES d: Gruppenverbinder-Einstellsatz GVF d: garnisonsverwendungsfähig Feld - e: Golden Valley Microwave Foods, Inc. - R: Grazhodanskii Vozdushnyi Flot GVFF e: General Valence Force Field GVFG d: Gemeindeverkehrsfinanzierungsgesetz GVG d: Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz - d: Gesetz Uber die Vereinheitlichung des Gesundheitswesen - e: Gamma-Vinyl-GABA gvg e: Giving G V G C e: Grand Valley Gas Co. GV-Gestell d: Gruppenverbindergestell GVG[S] e: Grundriß der Vergleichenden Grammatik der Semitischen Sprachen (journ.) GVH d: garnisonsverwendungsfähig Heimat - e: Government Vehicle - e: Graft Versus Host GVHD e: Graft Versus Host Disease[s] GVHR d: Graft-versus-Host-Reaktion[en] - e: Graft-Versus-Host Reaction[s] G V H R R e: Geosynchronous Very High Resolution Radiometer GVI e: Gas Vent Institute - e: Global Vegetation Index GVK d: Gesamtverkehrskonzeption - d: Gesetz über den Verkehr mit Kraftfahrzeugen GVK-CH d: GesamtverkehrskonzeptionSchweiz GVL d: Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten - e: Global Van Lines - e: Gold Vapor Laser - e: Gold Ventures Limited - e: Gravel G / V L L D e: Ground/Vehicular Laser Locator Designator G V - M d: Gruppenverbinder-Markierer


© K • G • Saur, München

GVM e: Generating Volt Meter - e: Gross Vehicle Mass GVMD e: Graft-Versus-Host Disease GVMDS e: Ground Vehicle Mine Dispensing System GVMF e: Golden Valley Microwave Foods, Inc. G V M K D R: Gibridnye Vychislitel'nye Mashiny i Kompleksy (joum.) GVMR e: Gross Vehicle Mass Rating GVMT e: Government GVN e: Goodyear Video Network GVO d: Gerichtsvollzieherordnung - e: Gross Value of Output GVOB1. d: Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt G V P d: Gaststättenverkaufspreis - d: Generalverkehrsplan - d: Gesamtverstärkungspegel - d: Großhandelsverkaufspreis - d: Großverbundplatte[n] - e: General Vice President - e: Gravis Computer Peripherals, Inc. - e: Greater Victoria Public Library - e: Group Visionary Productions, Inc. GvP d: Gruppenverbindungsplan GVPF e: Guinea Pig Vascular Permeability Factor GVPI d: Geschäftsverteilungsplan GVPN e: Global Unified Theory GV[PT]R e: Goods Vehicles [Plating and Testing] Regulations GVR e: Geocentric Vertical Reference - e: Glyn Valley Railway - e: Granville Resources, Inc. - e: Green Valley Road - p: Governador Valadares [Brasilien] [Airport] GVRD e: Greater Vancouver Regional District GVRT e: General Vehicular Research Tool GV/RV d: Gruppen- und Richtungsverbinder GVS d: Gasversorgung Süddeutschland GmbH, Stuttgart - d: geheime Verschlußsache - d: generalisierte Varianten-Steuerung - d: Generalverkehrsschema - e: Generalized Value System - e: Government Vehicle Service - e: Graniteville - e: Ground Vibration Survey GVSC e: Generic VHSIC Spacebome Computer - e: Sal Oceanic Area Control Center GVSF e: Sao Felipe, Fogo Island [Kap Verden] GVSN e: Sao Nicolau, Sao Nicolau Island [Kap Verden] GV-SOLAS d: Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde - Society of Laboratory Animal Science G vs T e: Deceleration Units of Gravity versus Time GVSIJ e: Grand Valley State University G vs V e: Deleration Units of Gravity Versus Velocity GVSV e: Sao Vicente, Sao Vicente Island [Kap Verden]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GWEF GVT d: Forschungsgesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik - d: Gasversorgungstechnik - d: Gehalts- und Vergütungstabelle[n] - d: VDI-Forschungsgesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik - e: Gain Variable dans le Temps - e: Gated Video Tracker - e: Glenvet Resources Limited - e: Gravity Vacuum Transit - e: Gravity Vacuum Tube [System] - e: Greenville - e: Ground Vibration Test[ing] Gvt e: Government GVTA e: Ground Vibration Test Article GVTKA d: Galvanotechnik (journ.) GVT System e: Gravity Vacuum Tube System GVTW e: Gross VehicleTest Weight GVTY e: Gingivectomy GVU d: Gasversorgungsunternehmen GVUGA e: Grounded Voltage Unity-Gain Amplifier gVV d: gemeinschaftliches Versandverfahren G W d: Gesellschaft für Verkehrsberatung und Verfahrenstechniken mbH, Hamburg - e: Gooseberry Vein-binding Virus - e: Grangeville GVVG d: Gebietsvereinigung Volkseigener Güter GVW d: Gemeinschaftsvorwähler - d: Geräteverwaltung - d: Gesamtverbundwerkzeuge - d: Gesellschaft für Verantwortung in der Wissenschaft - e: Grandview - e: Gross Vehicle Weight GVWR[s] e: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating[s] GVX e: Extra-Great Value - e: Gavle [Airport] - e: Grove Explorations Limited - e: Gruver GVY e: Glen Valley Mine - e: Guyana

G W d: Ganzwort - d: Gas und Wasser - d: Gaswäsche - d: Gaswerk - d: Gebrauchswert - d: gegen Weitergabe - d: Generationswechsel - d: Gerätewagen - d: Gerstenwert - d: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke - d: Gesamtwert - d: Getreidewirtschaft - d: Gewicht - d: Gigawatt - d: Gleichspannung/Wechselspannung - d: Gleichstrom/Wechselstrom - d: Gleichstromwandler - d: Gleichwelle - d: Goldwährung - d: Grenzwache - d: Grenzwelle - d: Grenzwert[geber] - d: Grundwasser - d: Gruppenwahl - d: Gruppenwähler - d: Gütegrad der Wartung - d: Gymnasium und Wissenschaft (journ.) - e: Gambia Airways - e: Gas Welding - e: Gather Write - e: General Warning - e: General Will - e: George Washington Law Review (journ.) - e: George Washington University - e: Gigawatt[s] - e: Gigawatts - e: Glasgow - e: Glass Wool - e: Global Water [EA] - e: Glycerine in Water - e: Graphie Wattmeter - e: Gravity Wave - e: Green Weight - e: Gross Weight - e: Ground Water - e: Ground Wave[s] - e: Growth - e: Guard Wire - e: Guerrilla Warfare - e: Guided Weapon[s] - e: Guinea-Bissau -1: Germanica Wratislaviensia (journ.) G & W e: Glycerine and Water - e: Gulf & Western Industries, Inc. G-W e: Globe-Wernicke g. W. d: gegen Weitergabe G.W. d: Gesammelte Werke - d: Granatwerfer - d: Grundwerfer G/W e: Glucose in Water g/w e: gross weight[s] Gw. d: Geldwert - d: Geschlechtswort - d: Gewicht - d: Gewinn - d: Goldwert - d: Grundwert G2W d: Glaube in der 2. Welt

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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GWA d: gebietswirtschaftlicher Aufwand - d: Gewerbearchiv. Zeitschrift für Gewerbeverwaltungsrecht und Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrecht (journ.) - e: General Work Area - e: Golden West Airlines - e: Goode 's World Atlas - e: Gram[s] of Water in Air - e: Greater Washington Investors, Inc. - e: International PEN-Guatemalan Writers Abroad GWAD e: Great Warbirds Air Display GWA Gewässerrschutz Wasser Abwasser d: GWA: Gewässerschutz, Wasser und Abwasser [Germany] (journ.) GWAI e: German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (journ.) GWASA d: Gas, Wasser, Abwaser (journ.) GWasB e: Baltram Trail Regional Library, Washington GWAY e: Gateway Communications, Inc. GWayC e: Waycross Junior College GWB d: Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen - e: George Washington Bridge - e: Glycosylated Whole Blood - e: Gypsum Wallboard Gwb d: Gewölbe GWBS e: Global Ward Behaviour Scale - e: Gun Work Breakdown Schedule GWC e: Gardner Webb College - e: Gas-Water Contact - e: George Washington Carver - e: George Williams College - e: Global Weather Center - e: Global Weather Central - e: Golden West Conventions - e: Great Whale River - e: Gross Weight Category - e: Ground Water Council - e: Guard Well Capacitor - e: Omaha - e: West Georgia College, Carrollton GWCA e: George Washington Carver National Monument GWCC e: Georgia World Congress Center GWCHS e: George Washington Carver High School GWCM e: George Washington Carver Museum GWCMI e: George Washington Carver Memorial Institute GWCSWBD e: Gunnery Weapon-Control Switchboard GWD e: Gaous Waste Disposal - e: Grinding Wheel Dresser - e: Gwadar [Pakistan] [Airport] - e: South African Law Reports, Griqualand West Local Division (journ.) GWDB e: Ground Water Development Bureau GWDRS e: Ground Winds Data Reduction System G W E d: Gas, Wasser, Elektrizität [Arbeitgeberverband] - d: Gerätewerk Erlangen - e: German Water Engineering GmbH - e: Gigawatts Electrical - e: Global Weather Experiment - e: Glycerin and Water Enema - e: Guinea-Bissau Peso [Currency of Guinea-Bissau] - e: Gwelo [Simbabwe] [Airport] GWe d: Gigawatt - e: Gigawatt, electrical G W E F e: Guided Weapon Evaluation Facility 97

GWEN G W E N e: Ground Wave Emergency Network - e: Ground Wave Energy Network G W e P e: West Point-Pepperell, Inc. G W E S F e: Guided Weapons and Electronics Support Facility G W E T A e: Greater Washington Educational Television Association G W E - W e r k e d: Gas-, Wasser- und Elektrizitätswerke gwf d: Gas- und Wasserfach (journ.) G W F d: Gesellschaft für Werkzeugmaschinenbau und Fertigungstechnik - d: Graphik Visuelles Marketing (journ.) - e: Galveston Wharves - e: Gating Waveform - e: Gay White Female - e: Global-Warming Factor - e: Groundwater Flow G W F F d: Gesellschaft zur Wahrnehmung von Film- und Fernsehrechten G W F N e: Global Weather Facsimile Network G W F S F e: Guided Weapons and Electronics Support Facility G W F W a s s e r - A b w a s s e r d: GWF [Gasund Wasserfach] Wasser-Abwasser (journ.) [BRD] G W G d: Gemeindewahlgesetz - e: Gaussian Wave Group G W H e: Gigawatt Hour[s] - e: Great Water Holt G W h d: Gigawattstunde[n] - e: Gigawatt-Hourfs] gwh/day e: gigawatt hours per day G W H F e: George Williams Hooper Foundation G W H J D e: Ground Water Heat Pump Journal (journ.) G W H N W R e: Great White Heron, National Wildlife Refuge [Florida] G W H S e: George Washington High School - e: George Westinghouse High School G & W I e: Gulf & Western Industries, Inc. G W I d: Gas Wärme International (journ.) - d: Gaswärme-Institut - e: Galvanized Wrought Iron - e: General Wage Increase - e: Global-Warming Index - e: Government-Wide Index - e: Grinding Wheel Institute - e: Ground Water Institute G W I A d: gebietswirtschaftliche Investitionsaufwendungen G W I C e: Geothermal World Info Center G'wich Village e: Greenwich Village G W I G W O e: Good Will In, Good Will Out G W I N e: Goodwin Railroad, Inc. G W I R D e: Government-Wide Index to Research and Development GWiss d: Geschichtswissenschaft G W J e: Glue Weld Joint G W J C e: Gardner-Webb Junior College G W K d: Gebrauchswertklasse - d: Gesellschaft zur Wiederaufarbeitung bestrahlter Kernbrennstoffe - d: Gesellschaft zur Wiederaufarbeitung von Kernbrennstoffen mbH - d: Gesellschaft zur Wiederaufbereitung von Kernbrennstoffen - d: Gesellschaft zur Wiederaufbewahrung von Kernbrennstoffen - d: Grenzwertkomparator G W K B e: Generalized Wentzel-KramerBrillouin

G W K w d: Gruppenwerkstatt [Post] Kraftwagen G W L d: Geowissenschaftliche Literaturinformation - d: Gesamtwinterleistung - d: Gesellschaftswissenschaftlicher Lesesaal [Deutsche Staatsbibliothek] GWI d: Gleis- und Weichenleger G W L d: Großwetterlage - e: George Washington University, Law Library - e: Great-West Life Assurance Co. - e: Ground Water Level - e: Gwalior [Indien] [Airport] Gwl. d: Gewerbelehrer[in] G W LR[A] e: George Washington Law Review (journ.) G W M e: George Washington University, Medical Library - e: Graphics Window Manager - e: Ground Water Monitor (joum.) - e: Guam Tracking Station - e: Guaranteed Weekly Minimum G W M C e: Galvanized Ware Manufacturers Council G W M D e: Ground Water Management District G W M N P e: George Washington Memorial National Parkway G W & M R J S e: Oreat Western & Midland Railway Joint Stock G W M R T B e: General Waste Materials Reclamation Trade Board G W M S e: Gas-Water Module Storage G W N d: Großwahl-Nebenstellenanlage GWN-Anlage d: Großwählnebenstellenanlage G W N n d: Großwahl-Nebenstellenanlagen G W N R F e: Goldwinn Resources Limited G w O d: Gewerbeordnung G W O e: General Wage Order - e: General Watch Oflficer - e: Great-West Lifeco, Inc. - e: Greenwood G W O A e: Guerrilla Warfare Operational Area G W O B e: Guerrilla Warfare Operating Base G W O & H P e: Gas Wall Oven and Hot Plate G W O T H e: Ground Wave Over-theHorizon [Radar] G W O X e: Goodheart-Wilcox Company, Inc. G W P d: Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftspublizistik GmbH - e: Gateway Processor - e: Gift with Purchase: - e: Global-Warming Potential - e: Government White Paper - e: Great Westem Petroleum Corporation - e: Gross World Product - e: Guelph-Waterloo Program - e: Guinea-Bissau Peso [Currency of Guinea-Bissau] G W P A n: Grote Winkler Prins Atlas G W P M e: Gross Words per Minute G W P M S e: Ground Water Policy and Management Staff G W P r N d: Gleichstromwählprüfnetz G W P S e: Gaseous Waste Processing System - e: Ground Water Protection Standard G W p S O e: Group Weapons Staff Officer G W Q A P e: Government-Wide Quality Assurance Program G W Q E e: General Water-Quality Engineering G w R d: Gewerberat


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G W R d: Gleich- und Wechselrichter - e: General War Reserves - e: Generalized Wear Rating - e: Gill Withdrawal Reflex - e: Great Western Railway Co. - e: Great World Resources - e: Ground Wave Radar - e: Gwinner G w r . d: Gewinderohr gwrbi e: game-winning run[s] batted in G W R I e: Ground Water Research Institute - e: Ground Water Resources Institute G W S d: Güterwagenstromermittlung - e: Gaseous Waste System - e: GEEIS [Ground Electronics Engineering Installation Agency] Workload Schedule - e: General War Subsystem - e: George Washington School - e: Gir Wildlife Sanctuary - e: Glashow-Weinberg-Salam [Theories] - e: Glenwood Springs - e: Great West Steel Industries Limited - e: Great Westem Airlines, Inc. - e: Great White Spot - e: Grid Wire Sensor - e: Guided Weapon Station - e: Guided Weapon System - e: Gun Weapon[s] System - e: Gwil Industries, Inc. GwSchR d: Gewerbeschulrat G W Ship e: Guided Weapons Ship G W S I P e: Gun Weapon System Improvement Program Gwsp. d: Grundwasserspiegel GW-Spiegel d: Grundwasserspiegel G W S R e: General Wage Stabilization Regulations G W S R P e: Gun Weapon System Replacement Program Gw.-St. d: Gewerbesteuer G W s t d: Gigawattstunde G w S t G d: Gewerbesteuergesetz G W Stn e: Ground Wireless Station G W S T V e: Golden West Subcription Television g.wt. e: Gram[me] Weight G W T d: Großviehweidetag - d: Westerland [Airport] - e: Chicopee Falls - e: Glazed Wall Tile - e: Gross Weight [Ton] - e: Ground Water Table - e: Ground Winds Tower G W t e: Gigawatt Thermal G W T A e: Gift Wrappings and Tyings Association G W T B e: Glazed Wall Tile Base G W T D e: Ground Water Technology Division G W t h e: Gigawatt, thermal G W T I e: GroundwaterTechnology, Incorporated G W T W e: Gone With The Wind G W U e: Gambia Workers Union - e: General Workers Union - e: George Washington University - e: Granite Workers' Union G W U P d: Gesellschaft für die Wissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Parawissenschaften G W V d: Güterwagenvorschriften - e: Glendale Gw.v.H. d: Gewichtsteile vom Hundert G W V S S e: Ground Wind Vortex Sensing System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GYP G W W e: Goldsboro - e: Guaranteed Weekly Wage G W W A A d: GWF. Gas- und Wasserfach: Wasser/Abwasser (journ.) G W W B D e: Gunnery Weapon Control Switchboard G W W D e: Greater Winnipeg Water District G W Y e: Galway [Irland] [Airport] - e: Gateway Aviation Limited - e: Goldways Resources - e: Gwynedd-Mercy College G W Y N e: Gwynedd [Wales] GX e: Global International Airways - e: Glycinexylidide Gx e: Graded Exercise GXA e: Gunn-diode X-band Amplifier G X D e: General X-Ray Diagnosis G X G e: Negage [Angola] [Airport] GxHVSt d: Gentex-Hauptvermittlungsstelle GXI e: Glenex Induslries, Inc. G X L e: General-Purpose Crosslinked Polyethylene - e: Granges, Inc. - e: Grinnell G X M e: Gordex Minerals Limited - e: Medical College of Georgia, Augusta G X M N e: Gordex Minerals Limited G / X M T R e: Guidance Transmitter g x m t r e: guidance transmitter Gx-Netz d: Gentex-Netz G X O e: Butler G X Q s: Coyhaique [Chile] [Airport] G x R s E d: Gentex-Rundschreibeinrichtung GXS e: Goldex Resources GXSP e: Guiersia Xylem Sap Potential G X T e: Grad Exercise Test[ing] GxTeilVSt d: Gentex-Teilvermittlungsstelle GXU e: Wrightstown GXV e: Golden Exodus GxVl d: Gentex-Verbindungsleitung GxVSt d: Gentex-Vermittlungsstelle GXY e: Galaxy Carpet Mills, Inc. - e: Galaxy Industry Limited - e: Greeley GxZVSt d: Gentex-Zentralvermittlungsstelle GY e: Galley - e: Germany - e: Greasy - e: Greenish Yellow - e: Grey - e: Grimsby - e: Guaranty Trust Co.of Canada - e: Guidance Year - e: Gunnery - e: Guy - e: Guyana - e: Guyana Airways Corporation - e: Gyro[scope] Gy e: Gray - e: Grey [Unit] - e: Gyrus gy e: gyrocar - e: gyrocompass - e: gyrodyne GYA e: Guayaramerin [Bolivien] [Airport] G y A R d: Rhein-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen GyAsH d: Hofbibliothek, Aschaffenburg GyBFU d: Freie Universität Berlin G y B F U - P d: Freie Univerität Berlin, Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft, Bibliothek GyBiU d: Universität Bielefeld GyBochU d: Ruhr-Universität Bochum

GyBoDB d: Deutscher Bundestag, Abteilung Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation, Bonn G y B o F E d: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Archiv der Sozialen Demokratie, Bonn GyBoFN d: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, Bonn GyBoGI d: Gesamtdeutsches Institut, Bonn G y B r a T U d: Technische Universität Braunschweig GyBrSU d: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen GyBrU d: Universität Bremen G y B T U d: Technische Universität Berlin G Y C e: Global Energy Limited G y C e: Gyro Compass G Y C e: Young Harris College G Y C P e: General-Purpose Contouring Program G Y D e: Guyana Dollar [Currency] G y D a D d: Deutsches Kunststoff Institut, Darmstadt G y D a H d: Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek, Darmstadt G Y D K A 9 j: Gifu Yakka Daigaku Itiyo [Annual Proceedings.Gifu Pharmaceutical University] (journ.) GyDMA d: Mikrofilmarchiv der Deutschsparchigen Presse e.V., Dortmund G y D u i H d: Gesamthochschulbibliothek Duisburg GyDuU d: Universität Düsseldorf G Y E e: Glory Explorations - e: Guinnes Yeast Extract - s: Guayaquil [Ecuador] [Airport] G y E U d: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität zu Erlangen-Nürnberg G Y F M e: General Yielding Fracture Mechanics G y F m B d: Beilstein-Institut, Frankfurt/Main G y F m D B d: Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt am Main GyFmSU d: Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek, Senckenbergische Bibliothek Femleihe, Frankfurt/Main G Y G e: Grayling - e: Valdosta State College GyGiU d: Justus Liebig Universitätsbibliothek Gießen GyGoN d: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen G Y H e: Greenville G y H a n M d: Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover-Krefeld G y H e M d: Max-Planck-Institut für Medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg G y H G U d: Universität Göttingen GyHoU e: Universität Hohenheim [Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule], Stuttgart-Hohenheim G y H S d: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg G y H T I B d: Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Hannover und Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hannover G Y I L e: German Yearbok of International Law (journ.) G y J u K d: Kernforhunsanlage Jülich G Y K e: Giant Yellowknife Mines Limited G y K G d: Gesellschaft für Kernforschung mbH, Karlsruhe GyKiU d: Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel GyKU d: Universität Trier-Kaiserslautern Gym d: Gymnasium

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

G Y M e: General Yardmaster - e: General Yard Master - s: Guaymas [Mexiko] [Airport] gym e: gymnasium G y m . d: Gymnasium - e: Gymnastics G y M I Z d: Institut für Zeitgeschichte, München G y M L M e: Ludwig Maxmilian Universitätsbibliothek München G y m n . d: Gymnasium - d: Gymnastik G Y M P I e: Gyromagnetic Polarizing Interferometer G Y M S e: Concept 90 Marketing, Inc. G y M u W d: Westfälische WilhelmsUniversität Münster G.Y.N. e: gynecologist GYN e: Gyn[a]ecology - e: Gynaecological - e: Gynaecology - p: Goiania [Brasilien] [Airport] gyn e: gynecologist - e: gynecology - e: misogyny - e: polygyny Gyn. d: Gynäkologie - e: G y n a e c o l o g i s t - e: Gyn[a]ecology G Y N A E e: Gynaecology G Y N A E C e: Gynaecologist G Y N A E C O L e: Gynaecology Gynaecol E n d o c r e: Journal of Gynaecological Endocrinology (journ.) G y n ä k . d: Gynäkologie Gynäkol. d: Gynäkologe - d: Gynäkologie Gynäkol R u n d s c h d: Gynäkologische Rundschau (journ.) G Y N C I Y e: Gynecology Gyn Dyn e: General Dynamics GyNeA e: Augustana Hochschule Bibliothek, Neuendettelsau gynea[col] e: gynaecological - e: gynaecologist - e: gynaecology Gyneacol E n d o e r e: Journal of Gynaecolagical Endacrinology (journ.) gyneeol e: gynecologic[al][ly] - e: gynecologist Gyneeol e: Gynecology Gyneeol. e: Gynecologist - e: Gynecology Gyneeol Inv[est] e: Gynecologic Investigation (journ.) Gyneeol Obstet f: Gynecologie et Obstetrique (journ.) Gyneeol Obstet Invest e: Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation (journ.) Gyneeol Oncol e: Gynecologic Oncology (journ.) Gyneeol P r a t f: Gynecologie Pratique (journ.) G Y N O A e: Gynecologic Oncology (journ.) GyNU d: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität zu Erlangen-Nürnberg, Abteilung fur Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Nürnberg GYNX e:Gynex, Inc. G Y O B A f: Gynecologie et Obstetrique de Langue Française (journ.) G Y P e: CGC, Inc. - e: Guild of Young Printers - e: Gympie [Australien] [Airport] - e: Gypsum - e: Gyro Yaw Position


gyp bd gyp bd e: gypsum board gypsiol e: gypsiologic[aI][ly] - e: gypsio!ogist[s] - e: gypsiology gypsum e: calcium sulfate [CaS0 4 2H 2 0] G y p s u m Lime e: Gypsum and Lime (joum.) GYPSY e: General Image Processing System 'gyptianfs] e: Egyptians] G Y R e: Gigayear [A biliion years] - e: Goodyear - e: Gyration - e: Gyratory G Y R O e: Gyrocompass - e: Gyrodyne Co. of America, Inc. - e: Gyroplane - e: Gyroscope G Y R O C O M P e: Gyroscope Compassing Gyrocop. e: Gyrocopter gyrodyn e: gyrodynamic[al][ly] - e: gyrodynamicist - e: gyrodynamics gyroeopter e: autogyro helicopter G Y R O L I T E e: Gyro Satellite G y R U d: Universität Regensburg Gy/s d: Gray pro Stunde - d: Gray je Sekunde GySalS d: Stadtbücherei Salzgitter GySaU d: Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken GYS C o e: Great Yarmouth Shipping Company Gy.Sgt. e: Gunnery Sergeant GySIA d: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart GySU d: Universität Stuttgart G y S W d: WUrttembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart G y T r U d: Universität Trier G Y W e: Gross Vehicle Weight G y W o S d: Niedersächsisches Staatsarchiv, Wolfenbüttel G Z d: Gebührenzähler - d: Gegenzelle - d: Geographische Zeitschrift (journ.) - d: Gerichtszeitung (journ.) - d: Gerinnungszeit - d: Gesamtzahl - d: Gesamtzeit - d: Gesprächszähler - d: Gesprächszeit - d: Gesundheitszeugnis - d: Gigahertz - d: Granatzünder - d: Graphische Zeitung (journ.) - d: Grenzzeichen - d: Grundzahl - d: Grünlandzahl - d: Günzburg - d: Gütezeichen - e: Ground Zero - e: Guilford-Zimmerman Aptitude Survey - P: Gazeta Zydowska (journ.)

G-Z e: Giacobini-Zinner [Comet] - e: Guilford-Zimmerman tes[ing] G.Z. d: Granatzünder Gz d: Gebrauchszucht - d: Güterzug - e: Graetz Number gz. d: ganz GZA d: Gerätezeilenausbruch - d: Grenzzollamt - d: Großziffemanzeige - e: Alvemo College, Milwaukee GZAS e: Guilford-Zimmerman Aptitude Survey G Z A S : G R e: Guilford-Zimmerman Aptitude Survey: General Reasoning G Z A S : N O e: Guilford-Zimmerman Aptitude Survey: Numerical Operations GZAS:PS e: Guilford-Zimmerman Aptitude Survey: Perceptual Speed GZAS:SO e: Guilford-Zimmerman Aptitude Survey: Spatial Orientation GZAS:SV e: Guilford-Zimmerman Aptitude Survey: Spatial Visualization GZAS:VC e: Guilford-Zimmerman Aptitude Survey: Verbal Comprehension G Z B d: Gehaltszahlungsbestimmungen - d: Genossenschaftliche Zentralbank - e: Carroll College, Waukesha G Z B g r d: Gesprächszeitbegrenzer G Z C e: Carthage College, Kenosha - e: Gas-size Exclusion Chromatography G Z D e: Milwaukee Public Library G Z E e: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire GZEA e: GZA Geo-Environmental Technologies, Inc. G Z F e: Eau Claire Public Library G Z G d: Gewerbezulassungsgesetz - d: Gütegemeinschaft Zinnerat - e: Blackford - e: Brown County Library, Green Bay - e: Gonzales Gold Mines Limited G Z G W d: Gassenzentralgruppenwähler G Z H e: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Health Sciences - P: Gdanskie Zeszyty Humanistyezne (journ.) G Z I e: Greenwich Zone Time - e: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Instructional Materials Center G Z I I e: Guilford-Zimmerman Interest Inventory G Z J e: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Library Science gzj. d: ganzjaehrig G Z K e: Oshkosh Public Library, Oshkosh GZI d: Gemeinschaftszweigleitung G Z L e: Gazelle Resources Limited - e: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Law Library Gzl. d: Ganzleinen[einband] Gzld. d: Ganzleder[einband] Gzln. d: Ganzleinen[einband]


© K • G • Saur, München

G Z M d: Gesprächszeitmesser - e: GazMetropolitain, Inc. - e: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison - S: Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja [Subseries] Etnologija (journ.) G Z M O e: German Zonal Meteorological Organization G Z M S S: Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja u Sarajevu (journ.) GZN e: Grid Azimuth - e: Ground Zero [Nevada] - e: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Gzn. d: Gezeiten gzng e: Grazing G Z O e: Gizo [Solomon Inseln] [Airport] - e: University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh G Z O B P: Glowna Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa (journ.) G Z P e: University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha GZP-Baustoff d: Gips-Zement-PuzzolanBaustoff Gzpgt. d: Ganzpergament[einband] G Z P P e: Ground Zero Pairing Project G Z P S d: Gestellzeilenpufferspeicher G Z Q e: Marquette University, Milwaukee G Z R d: Gerätezustandsregister - e: Golden Zone Resource G Z R C e: Ground Zero Rescue Center GZS d: Gesamtverzeichnis aller Zeitschriften und Serien - e: Pulaski - e: University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie - j: Gozaisho [Japan] GZSRAA e: Gezira Research Station and Substations. Annual Report (journ.) GZSt d: Grenzzollstelle G Z T d: Gebrauchszolltarif - d: gemeinsamer Zolltarif - e: Greenwich Zone Time - e: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater - z: Gaziantep [Türkei] [Airport] G Z T P R D e: Ground Zero Tape Read G Z T S e: Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey GZU d: Gesetz über die Zwecksparuntemehmen - e: University of Wisconsin-La Crosse G Z u W d: Gruppenzugangswähler G Z V d: Gesamt-Zeitschriften-Verzeichnis - d: Gesundheitszeugnisverordnung - d: Güterzugbildungsvorschriften - d: Gütezeichenverordnung - e: University of Wisconsin-Platteville G Z V O d: Gesundheitszeugnisverordnung - d: Gütezeichenverordnung G Z W e: University of Wisconsin-Green Bay GZX e: La Crosse Public Library GZY e: Wisconsin Interlibrary Loan Service, Madison

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik


H H d: Haben - d: Hafen - d: Haft[sitz] - d: Halb[addierer] - d: Halbwert - d: Halbwort - d: Halle - d: Halt - d: Haltestelle - d: Hand[antrieb] - d: Handbetrieb - d: Handsteuerung - d: Hangar - d: Hannover - d: Hart - d: Härte[grad] - d: Härteprüfung - d: Haubitze - d: Hauch - d: Haupt[blatt] - d: Hauptfeldwebel - d: Hauptmann - d: Hauptnutzungsjahr - d: Hauptpunkt - d: Hauptschluß - d: Hauptstammbuch - d: Haus[halt] - d: Haut - d: Hecht - d: Heck - d: Heer - d: Hefner - d: Heft - d: Heim - d: Heizung[srohr] - d: Heizwert - d: Helikopter - d: Helium - d: Helligkeit - d: Hemikryptophyt - d: Hengst - d: Heroin - d: Herr[en] - d: Hersteller - d: Hilfsenergie - d: Hilfsstoffe] - d: Hinaus - d: Hinfahrt - d: Histamin - d: Histidin - d: Hitze - d: Hoch[druck] - d: Hochdruckgebiet - d: Hochdruckverfahren - d: Hochfrequenzschutz - d: Hochschule - d: Höhe[nregler]

- d: Holz - d: Holzknecht-Einheit - d: Holzknecht-Raum - d: Homogenität - d: Horn - d: Hornblende - d: Hose - d: Hotel - d: Hub - d: Hubschrauber - d: Humositätsgrad - d: Humustaugleye - d: Hund - d: Hundert - d: Hydrant - d: Hydrogenium - d: Hypodermie - d: Hypozykloide - d: Henry - e: Altitude Rate - e: Amateur broadcasting [symbol] - e: Angular impulse - e: Blister Chemical Agent - e: Ceiling [symbol] - e: Declared or paid after stock dividend or split-up [in newspaper stock listings] - e: Dose equivalent - e: Electronic Countermeasures Evaluator - e: Enthalpy - e: Fraunhofer line produced by calcium [symbol] - e: Habitants] - e: Haft - e: Hail - e: Half[-Adder] - e: Half-Word Designator - e: Halfpage - e: Hall - e: Halt - e: Ham - e: Hamiltonian - e: Hamiltonian function [symbol] - e: Hand-actuated - e: Handbook - e: Hangarage - e: Harbo[u]r - e: Hard [On Pencils] - e: Hardened - e: Hard[ness] - e: Hardware - e: Harmonic [symbol] - e: Hatch - e: Hawaii[an] - e: Haze - e: Head[ing] - e: Headlines - e: Heart disease potential

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Heart[s] - e: Heat[er] - e- Heater or filament terminal of a heater-type thermionic vacuum tube - e Heating - e Heavy [immunoglobulin molecule] - e Hecto - e Height - e Helicopter - e Helium - e Hemin - e Henry[s] - e Heptode - e Herbaceous - e Heroin - e Hettangian - e Hexadecimal - e Hexapole - e Hexode - e Highland] - e Highway - e Hill - e Hindu - e Hinduism - e Hip[s] - e Hispanic - e Histamine receptor - e Histidine - e Histidyl - e Hit - e Holtzknecht unit [symbol] - e Holy - e Home - e Homing - e Honeywell - e Honorary - e Horizon - e Horizontal - e Horizontal component of the earth's magnetism [symbol] - e: Horn - e: Horse - e: Hoskins' Reports (journ.) - e: Hospital - e: Host[ile] - e: Hot - e: Hotel - e: House - e: Howitzer - e: Hoy - e: Hull - e: Human - e: Humidity - e: Hundred[weight] - e: Hungaria - e: Hungary - e: Husband


h - e: Hybridoma - e: Hydrant - e: Hydraulic[s] - e: Hydrodynamics - e: Hydrogen[ium] - e: Hydrolysis - e: Hyoscine - e: Hypermetropia - e: Hypothesis - e: Intensity of magnetic field - e: Latent hypermetropia - e: Light exposure - e: Magnetic field strength - e: Magnetizing force unit function [symbol] - e: Maximum altitude [symbol] - e: McDonnel Aviation - e: Minneapolis-Honeywell [trademark] - e: Very Hazy [symbol] - f: Haut - n: Heet - N: Herrer - N: Het - r: Herren - s: Hacienda - s: Hombres h d: Hekto [10 2 ] - d: heller - e: altitude [symbol] - e: atmospheric head [symbol] - e: harbo[u]r - e: hardening - e: hazy - e: heat [transfer coefficient] - e: heath - e: heavy - e: hectare - e: hecto- e: heigt - e: hell - e: heritability - e: high[er] - e: hind - e: hip - e: hit[s] - e: horizontal] - e: hour[s] - e: house hundred - e: hundred[s] - e: hurdles - e: hydraulic[s] - e: hydrodynamic head - e: indicating a small increment - e: indicating the eighth vertical row of squares from the left on a chessboard - e: Music horn - e: Planck's constant [symbol] - e: Planck's element of action [symbol] - e: specific enthalpy H- d: Hauptstimme H* e: Single Proton [h] e: per hypodermic HO/3 e: Head 0 or 3

H j e: Procaine hydrochloride [symbol] H-13 e: Bell three-place helicopter H-19 e: Transport helicopter

H-23 e: Hiller utility helicopter H24 e: Hard rolled and partially annealed [half hard] - e: Twenty-Four Hour H-34 e: Troop-transport helicopter H-37 e: Heavy helicopter H-43 e: Utility helicopter H-53 e: Assault helicopter HA d: Hemagglutination - d Hämagglutinin - d Hagen - d Halbaddierer - d Handapparat - d Handausgabe - d Handelsabgabe - d Handelsabkommen - d Handelsattache - d Hardware - d Hartasphalt - d Hauptabschnitt - d Hauptabteilung - d Hauptadresse - d Hauptamt - d Hauptanlage - d Hauptanschluß - d Hauptaufgabe - d Hausan Schluß - d Hausapparat - d Hausarzt - d Heeres-Atmer - d Heeresamt - d Heidelberger Abhandlungen (journ.) - d Heimarbeiter] [in] - d Herzarbeit - d Hilfsantenne - d Hydroxylamin - e Haemagglutination - e Haemagglutinin - e Haiti - e Half Add[er] - e Half Adding - e Half Adjust - e Hamburg-Antwerp - e Hamilton Aerospace - e Hand-Actuated - e Hard Aggregate - e Hard Axis - e Hardware - e Hardware Age - e Hardy Annual - e Harmonic Analysis - e Harmonic Approximation - e Harmonic Average - e Harrow - e Hatch Act - e Hawaiian Air[lines] - e Hazard Analysis - e Head Address - e Head Amplifier - e Headache - e Headquarters Administration - e Health Advisory - e Health Alliances - e Health Authority - e Heavy Artillery - e Hectocotylized Arm - e Helicopter Attack - e Helix Angle - e Hemadsorption [Vims] - e Hemagglutination - e Hemagglutinin - e Heptoic Aldehyde - e High Altitude - e High Amplitude - e High Angle - e High Availability - e Highway[s] Act


© K • O • Saur, München

H - l e: Symbol for radar air navigation system H1* e: Proton 1 H e: protium H l / 2 e: Half-Hardened H-2 e: Australian macadamia H 2 d: Deuterium H2 e: Hawaii H 2 d: Hydrogen H 2 * e: Molecular Hydrogen H 2/5 e: Head 2 or 5 H® d: Tritium

- e: Histamine - e: Historical Association - e: HO [Harvard Observatory] Annals - e: Hoe Automation - e: Holic Angle - e: Horse Artillery - e: Horticultural Abstracts - e: Hospital Apprentice - e: Hostile Aircraft - e: Hot Air - e: Hour Angle - e: House of Assembly - e: Housing Allowance - e: Housing Assistance - e: Housing Authonty - e: Human Adaptability - e: Humic Acid - e: Hungaria - e: Hungary - e: Hunmic Acid - e: Hyaluronic Acid - e: Hydraulic Actuator - e: Hydraulic Association - e: Hydraulic Association of Great Britain - e: Hydraulics Association - e: Hydroxyapatite - e: Industrialized Housing - e: p-Hydroxyanisole - f: Hautes-Alpes Ha d: absolute Hypermetropia - d: Hafen - d: Hafer - d: Hahnium - d: Hals - d: Hanf - d: Hasen - d: Haupt - d: Hauptsignalankiinder - e: Hahnium - e: Haiti [an] - e: Hardened in Air - e: Hawaii [an] -1: Hahnium ha d: Hektar - e: hectare - e: heir apparent - e: home address - e: hour aspect -1: hoc anno H&A e: Health and Accident H-A f: Hautes-Alpes H/A e: Hand/Automatic - e: Hazardous Area HA-200 e: Jet trainer HA-220 e: Jet fighter

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HADEC HAA d: Hauptarbeitsausschuß - e: Hearing Aid Amplifier - e: Heater Amplifier Assembly - e: Heavy Anti-Aircraff [Artillery] - e: Height Above Airport - e: Helicopter Administrative Area - e: Helicopter Association of America - e: Helix Aspersa Agglutinin - e: Hepatitis-Associated Antigen - e: Heptaminol Adenosinemonophosphate Amidate - e: High-Altitude Abort - e: High-Altitude Application - e: Historic Aircraft Association - e: Home Automation Association - e: Hospital Activity Analysis - e: Hotel Accountants Association - e: Housing Action Area - e: Human Action Analysis - e: Human Asset Accounting - e: Humanist Association of America haaat e: height of [transmission] antenna above average terrain HAAbfG d: Hamburgisches Ausführungsgesetz zum Abfallbeseitigungsgesetz HAAC e: Harper Adams Agricultural College - e: Heavy Attack Air Commander - e: Hydraulic Actuator Assembly Container HAACT e: Heavy Attack Air Commander Training HAAD e: High-Altitude Aircraft Detection HAAF e: Hunter Army Airfield HAAFE e: Hawaiian Army and Air Force Exchange HAAFSE e: Headquarters Allied Air Forces Southern Europe HAAMS e: High Altitude Airdrop Mission Support haandb a: haandbog - N: haandbog HA and D e: Havre, Antwerp and Dunkirk HAAO e: High-Altitude Airborne Observation HAAP e: Heavy Anti-Armor Projectile Haar n: Haarlem Ha-Art d: Handelsartikel HAAS e: Honeywell Automotive Accounting System HAAs e: Housing Action Areas HAAT e: Head Above Average Terrain - e: Height [of tv transmission antenna] Above Average Terrain - e: High Above Average Terrain HAATC e: Heavy Antiaircraft Artillery Tactical Control - e: High-Altitude Air Traffic Control HAAW[s] e: Heavy Antitank Assault Weapon[s] HAB d: Handbetrieb - d: Hauptbuch - d: Hennenanfangsbestand - d: Homöopathisches Arzneibuch - e: Hazards Analysis Board - e: Hear a Book - e: Hearing Aid Battery - e: Heavy Assault Bridge - e: High Altitude Bombing - e: Home Address Block - e: Horizontal Axis Bearing - e: Hot Air Balloon - e: Humanities Association Bulletin (journ.) - r: Handels Aktie Bolag

Hab d: Habilitand - d: Habilitation - e: Habakkuk - e: The Book of Habakkuk - s: Habana h a b e: habitat - e: habitation - s: habitantes HABA e: 2-[4-Hydroxyphenylazo] Benzoic Acid - e: Hardwood Agents and Brokers Association - e: Health And Beauty Aids - e: Hydroxyazobenzenebenzoic Acid - e: Hydroxyphenylazobenzoic Acid H A B C e: High Altitude Economic Carrier hab corp 1: habeas corpus HAbfG d: Hessisches Abfallgesetz Ha-Bil d: Handelsbilanz Habil d: Habilitand - d: Habilitation Habil-Schr d: Habilitationsschrift habit 1: habitat HABITAT e: Homeless Americans and Individuals Taking Action Together - e: United Nations World Conference on Human Settlements Habitat Int J e: Habitat International Journal [World Environment and Resources Council, Belgium] (journ.) HAbk d: Handelsabkommen HAB1 d: Handelsamtsblatt (journ.) HABP e: Hypersonic Arbitrary Body Program HABPS e: Hardened Array Solar Power System HABS e: High Altitude Bombing System - e: High-Altitude Bomb-Sight - e: Historic American Buildings Survey - e: Human relations area files Automated Bibliographic System Hab-Schr d: Habilitationsschrift HaB-Stelle d: Hauptbeobachterstelle habt 1: habeat HAc e: Acetic acid H A C e: Hague Arbitration Convention - e: Hawkesbury Agricultural College - e: HCO [Harvard College Observatory] Announcement Cards - e: Heading Alignment Circle - e: Heading Alignment Cone - e: Headquarters Area Command - e: Healt of America Conference - e: Hearing Aid with Compression - e: Heavy Antitank Convoy - e: Helicopter Aircraft Commander] - e: Herbicide Assessment Commission - e: Herbicide Assessment Committee - e: Hexamethylmelamine, Adriamycin, Cyclophosphamide - e: Hierarchical Abstract Computer - e: High Acceleration Cockpit - e: High-Alumina Cement - e: High-Aluminous Concrete - e: Hines Administrative Center - e: Home Air Command - e: Honourable Armery Company - e: Honourable Artillery Company - e: Horticultural Advisory Council - e: House Application Committee - e: House Appropriations Committee - e: Hughes Aircraft Company - e: Hydraulic Analog[ue] Computer - e: Hydrogen-Assisted Cracking - e: Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon - e: Hydroxyapatite Crystal - f: Hélicoptère Anti-Chars

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HACC e: Harrisburg Area Community College hacc e: high alumina cement concrete HACE e: High-Altitude Cerebral Edema HA Cell e: High Amperage Cell HACES e: Helicopter Air Combat Engagement Simulation H A C J e: Helicopter-Applique Communications Jammer Hack d: Hackbrett hack e: hacking [illegales Eindringen in Computersysteme] Hackworth e: Hackworths Digest of International Law HACL e: Harvard Air Cleaning Laboratory HACLS e: Harpoon Aircraft and Launch System - e: Harpoon Aircraft Command and Launch Subsystem - e: Harpoon-type Aircraft Command and Launch Subsystem Missile HACOM e: Headquarters Area Command HACP e: Heavy Artillery Command Post HACR e: Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration HACS e: Hazard[s] Assessment Computer System - e: Helicopter Armoured Crashworthy Seat - e: High-Angle Control Section - e: Hyperactive Child Syndrome HACSIM e: Hughes Aircraft Company Simulation HACSS e: Hibernian Australian Catholic Benefit Society HACT e: High-Affinity Choline Transport HACTL e: Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminal Limited HACU e: Handling And Conditioning Unit - e: Hansa [Line] Container Unit HACV e: Heavy Armament Combat Vehicle - e: Heavy Armored Combat Vehicle H-A-D n: Havre-Antwerp-Dunkirk HAD d: Hauptanschluß für Direktruf - e: Haemadsorption - e: Half-Amplitude Duration - e: Hawaiian Air Depot - e: Head Acceleration Device - e: Heat-Actuated Device [thermostat] - e: Herein After Described - e: Hexamethylmelamine, Adriamycin, Diamminedichloroplatinum - e: High-Accuracy Data - e: High-Altitude Density - e: High-Altitude Diagnostic - e: High-Aluminum Defect - e: Hole Accumulation Diode - e: Home Address Data - e: Home Air Depot - e: Horizontal Array of Dipoles - e: Hospital Administration - e: Hospital Administrator - e: Hypophysectomized Alloxandiabetic H"d" s: Hacienda HADA e: Hawaiian [Air] Defense Area HADAS e: Helmet Airborne Display And Sight hadbn e: had been HADC e: Holloman Air Development Center HADE e: Hadson Europe, Inc. HA-DEC e: Hour Angle-Declination HADEC e: Hour Angle Declination


HADES HADES d: Halbautomatisches Datenerfassungssystem - e: Hunting Area-Denial System - e: Hypersonic Air Data Entry System HADIC d: Hochauflösender Display Controller HADIL e: Halifax-Dartmouth Industries Limited HADIOS e: Honeywell Analog Digital I/O Subsystem - e: Honeywell Analogous-Digital Input-Output Subsystem - e: Honeywell Analog[ue]-Digital Input/Output Subsystem HADIS e: Hadamard Imaging Spectrometer - e: Huddersfield and District Information Service HADIZ e: Hawaiian Air Defense Identification Zone HADLAPS e: Hydrographie Automated Logging And Processing Systems H A D M e: Heard All DM [amateur radio] - e: Heavy Atomic Demolition Munition HAD-N e: Haemadsorption-Neutralization hadn't e: had not HADOPAD e: High-Altitude Delayed Opening Parachute Actuation Device HADR d: Hilfsadreßregister - e: Hughes Air Defence Radar [GB] - e: Hughes Air Defense Radar [US] HAD Rocket e: High Altitude Density Rocket Hadronic J e: Hadronic Journal [US] (journ.) Hadronic J Suppl e: Hadronic Journal Supplement [US] (journ.) HADS e: Hadson Corporation - e: Hawaii Air Defense System [US] - e: High Altitude Defense System - e: High-Altitude Dive Bomb - e: Hypersonic Air Data Sensor - e: Hypersonic Air Data System HADs e: Horizontal Array of Dipoles HAD System e: High-Accuracy Data System HADTS e: High-Accuracy Data Transmission System HAD Unit e: High-Altitude Diagnostic Unit Hae e: Haemophilus Aegyptius hae e: hereditary angioedema HAE e: Hot-Air Engine HAEB e: Header Analysis Error Byte HAEC e: High Altitude Economic Carrier - e: High Altuide Economic Center Haeck e: Haeckelian - e: Haeckelism HAECO e: Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company HAEE e: Harwell Atomic Energy Establishment HAEH e: Horizontal Axis Electrical Hairspring haem e: haemoglobin - e: haemolysis - e: haemorrhage haematol e: haematology haemorrh d: haemorrhage HAEMP e: High-Altitude Electro-Magnetic Pulse HAEO e: High Altitude Economic Carrier HAER e: Historic American Engineering Record Härterei-Tech Mitt d: Härterei-Technische Mitteilungen (journ.)


HAES e: Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station - e: High-Altitude Effects Simulation Haf d: Hafen - d: Hafer HAF d: Hubschrauber-Abwehr-Flugkórper - e: Head Administration and Finance - e: Heavy Aircraft Fuel - e: Hebrew Arts Foundation - e: Helicopter Assault Force[s] - e: Hellenic Air Force[s] - e: Hellenic Armed Forces - e: Helvetia-America Federation - e: High Abrasion Furnace [Black] - e: High Altitude Fluorescence - e: High Altitude Fuze - e: High Angle Firing - e: Hypersonic Aerothermaldynamic Facility HAFB e: Heavy Assault Floating Bridge - e: Hill Air Force Base - e: Holloman Air Force Base - e: Hollo wan Air Force Base - e: Homestead Air Force Base HafBA d: Hafenbauamt HAF Black e: High Abrasion Furnace Black haf black e: high-abrasive furnace HAFC e: High-Altitude Forecast Center HAFCE e: Headquarters Allied Forces Central Europe HAFCS e: Howitzer Advanced Fire Control System HafK d: Hafenkommandantur HAFLC e: Headquarters HAFM e: Helium Accumulation Fluence Monitor HAFMED e: Headquarters Allied Forces, Mediterranean H A F N E e: Headquarters Allied Forces, Northern Europe HAFO d: Institut fiir Halbleiterforschung - e: Home Accounting and Finance Office HAFOE e: High Air Flow with Oxygen Enrichment H A F R A e: Hat and Allied Feltmalkers Research Association HAFRABA d: Hansestádte-Frankfurt-Basel [Autobahn] HAFSE e: Headquarters Allied Forces, Southern Europe HAFTB e: Holloman Air Force Test Base HaftEntschaG d: Haftentschadigungsgesetz Haf-Verw d: Hafenverwaltung HAG d: Hamburgisches Abfallbeseitigungsgesetz - d: Hauptamtsgehilfe - d: Hauptauftraggeber - d: Heimarbeitergesetz - d: Hinweisansagegerát - e: Hardware Analysis Group - e: High Explosive Anti-Armor Grenade - e: Hold for Arrival of Goods - e: Home Address Gap - e: Hydroxyaminoguanidine Hag e: Haggai - e: Hagigah [Book of] - e: The Hague HAGB e: Helicopter Association of Great Britain HAGeh d: Hauptamtsgehilfe HAGG e: Hyperimmune Antivariola Gamma Globulin Hagh d: Hauptamtsgehilfe

© K • G • Saur. München

hagio e: hagiogracies - e: hagiogracy - e: hagiographer - e: hagiographist - e: hagiography - e: hagiol - e: hagiolater - e: hagiolatrous - e: hagiologic[al][ly] - e: hagiologies - e: hagiologist[ic][al][ly] - e: hagiology - e: hagiolotry - e: hagioscope - e: hagioscopic - e: hagriographic[al][ly] Hagiogr d: Hagiographie] Hagiol e: Hagiology HAGL e: Handheld Grenade-Launcher Hague e: The Hague HAH d: Haemagglutinations-Hemmtest HaH d: Handelshochschule HAHA e: Hartmann-Hahn Condition or Match H A H O e: High Altitude HAHP e: Heat Activated Heat Pump HA[HS] e: High School Hospitalman Apprentice HAHST e: High Altitude High Speed Target HAHT d: Haemagglutinations-Hemmtest - e: Hypersonic Arc-Heated Tunnel HAI e: Haemagglutination Inhibition - e: Handbook of Artillery Instruments - e: Helicopter Altitude Indicator - e: Helicopter Association International - e: Hellenic Aerospace Industries Limited - e: Hemagglutination Inhibition Assay - e: High Altitude Interceptor - e: Holocaust Awareness Institute - e: Hospital-Acquired Infection - e: Hospital Audiences Incorporated - e: Hydroscience Associates, Inc., Emerson Hai d: Haiti - e: Haiti HAIA e: Hearing Aid Industry Association HAIC e: Hearing Aid Industry Conference - e: Hermetic Aircraft International Corporation - e: Hetero-Atom-in-Context HAIC Indexing e: Hetero-Atom-in-Context Indexing haid e: hand-emplaced acoustic intrusion detector HAIDE e: Hostile Aircraft Identification Equipment HAI,DIS e: Halifax and District Information Service HAIIS e: Headquarters Administrative Issuance Index System HAIL e: Hague Academy of International Law H&A Ins e: Health and Accidence Insurance H+A INS e: Health and Accident Insurance HAINS e: High-Accuracy INS HAIR e: High Accuracy Instrumentation Radar HAIRS e: High-Altitude [Test and Evaluation of] Infrared Sources HAIS e: Hydroacustic Information System HAISAM e: Hashed Index Sequential Access Method HAISS e: High-Altitude Infrared Sensor System HAIST e: Human Abilities In Software Technology

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Hamps hait d: haitisch Hait e: Haitian HAIT e: Hash Algorithm Information Table Haiti e: Republic of Haiti - f: République d'Haiti HAIZY d: Hamburger Isochron-Zyklotron HAJ d: Hannover [Airport] Hak d: Haken HAK d: Hamburger Arbeitskreis für Dokumentation - d: Hauptanschlußkennzeichen Haka d: Hafenkapitän Hakaphos d: Harnstoff-Kali-Phosphat - d: Harnstoff-Kali-Phosphorsäure Haken d: Hakenkreuz Hakim Beyisr h: Hakimekai Beyisrael [Israel Chemical Society] (journ.) Hako d: Hafenkommandant[ur] H A K O e: Hako Minuteman, Inc. HAkSt d: Hauptauskunftsstelle HAL d: Hamburg-Amerika Linie - d: Hauptabteilungsleiter - d: Holland-Amerika-Linie - e: Hamburg-America Line - e: Hamburg-Atlantic Line - e: Hard Array Logic - e: Hardboards Australia Limited - e: Harwell Automated Library - e: Hash Algorithm Library - e: Hawaiian Airlines - e: Heads-Up Audio-Vission Logistics - e: Health Affairs Library - e: Height Above Landing - e: Hemispheric Activation Level - e: Hetra Assembler Language - e: Heuristically-programmed Algorithmic - e: High Accuracy Linear [System] - e: High Activity Locations - e: High-Order Assembly Language - e: Highly-Automated Logic - e: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - e: Holland America Line - e: Honeywell Author Language - e: Hot Air Levelling - e: Houston Aerospace Language Hal d: Halensee - d: Halle / Saale - d: Halogen - d: Hauptanschlußleitung - e: Halawa - e: Halbert - e: Halcott - e: Halden - e: Halensee - e: Halex - e: Halford - e: Haliburton - e: Halifax - e: Hallam - e: Halleck - e: Hallett - e: Halogen - e: Halsey - e: Halsom - e: Halstead - e: Halvar - e: Halworth hal e: halogen[ic] - e: handicapped assistance loan - e: helmet audio link[age] HALA e: Height Above Landing Area Halbf d: Halbfabrikat - d: Halbfertigung - d: Halbfertigware Halbj d: Halbjahr Halbleitertech d: Halbleitertechnik Halbmonatsh d: Halbmonatsheft

Halbs d: Halbsatz - d: Halbseite HAL Code e: Hypothetical Assembly Code HAL Computer e: Heuristicallyprogrammed Algorithmic Computer HALCON Mapping System e: HighAltitude Long-focus Convergent Mapping System HALDIS e: Halifax and District Information Service HALE e: High Altitude Long Endurance Haleakala e: Haleakala National Park and Haleakala Volcano Half Adj e: Half Adjust HALFCE e: Headquarters Allied Land Forces, Central Europe half-g e: half-gallon[s] HALFSE e: Headquarters Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe HALFSEE e: Headquarters Allied Land Forces, Southeastern Europe Hali e: Halifax halite e: rock salt H A L L C e: Harpoon Aircraft Command and Launch Control Halle a/S d: Halle an der Saale HALL ED e: Hall Effect Device - e: High-Altitude, Low-Opening Parachute - e: High-Attitude Large Optics - e: Hindered Amines Liquid Stabilizer HALLED e: Hall Effect Device hallu e: hallucinant - e: hallucinate - e: hallucination - e: hallucinogen - e: hallucinogenic halluc e: hallucination hallus e: hallucinations - e: hallucinogens haLN d: Hektar landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche HALO e: High Altitude Large Optics - e: High-Altitude Learjet Observatory - e: High Altitude, Low Opening - e: Hongkong Automated Library Operations - e: Hughes Automated Lunar Observer HALO Parachute e: High Altitude Low Opening Parachute HALPAS d: Halberg Programm-Ablaufsteuerung H A L - P C e: Houston Area League of PC Users HALPRO e: Halverson Project HALS e: Harwell Automated Loans System - e: Hydrographie Airborne Laser Sounder H A L S I M d: Hardwarelogik-Simulator - e: Hardware Logic Simulator Halt d: Halterung] - d: Haltung H A L T e: Help Abolish Legal Tyranny - e: High-Altitude Laser Targeting - e: Houston Anti-Litter Team - e: Hydrate Addition at Low Temperatures H A L T A T A e: High and Low Temperature Accuracy Testing Apparatus Haltbark d: Haltbarkeit Halterm e: Halifax Container Terminal HAL Timber e: Haldu [adina cordifolia] Timber Halv a: Halv0y - N: Halv0y halv e: hamster leukemia virus

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

H A M d: Hamburg [Airport] - d: Hamm - e: A slang expression used to describe an amateur radio operator - e: Hand Adding Machine - e: Hand Addressing Machine - e: Hardware Associatied Memory - e: Hardware Associative Memory - e: Hearing Aid Microphone - e: Heavy Atom Method - e: Heavy Automotive Maintenance - e: Hexamethylmelamine, Adriamycin, Melphalan - e: Hexamethylmelamine, Adriamycin, Methotrexate - e: Hierarchical Access Method - e: High Activity Mode - e: High Altitude Missile - e: High-Availability Manager - e: Highspeed Automatic Monitor - e: Hold-and-Modify [Image] - e: Home Amateur - e: HTLV-1 Associated Myelopathy - e: Human Associative Memory - e: Hydrogenic Atoms in Molecules Ham d: Hammer - e: Hamal - e: Haman - e: Hamblin - e: Hamburg - e: Hamed - e: Hamilton - e: Hamitic - e: Hamlet - e: Hamlin - e: Hamlyn - e: Hamnet - e: Hamon - N: Hammerfest ham e: hammer throw H A & M e: Hymns Ancient and Modern HAMA e: Hawaiian Air Materiel Area Hämatol d: Hamatolog[i]e Hamb d: Hamburg - e: Hamburg HAMB e: High Altitude Mapping System - e: Hour Angle of the Mean Sun - e: Human-Aided Machine Translation Hamb Beitr A d: Hamburger Beiträge zur Archäologie (journ.) HambGVBl d: Hamburgisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt H A M C e: Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Company H A M C H A M e: Haitian-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry - e: Honduran-American Chamber of Commerce H A M C O e: H A W K [Homing all the Way Killer] Assembly and Missile Check-Out HAMD e: Helicopter Ambulance Medical Detachment Hamfld e: Hamiltonfield Haml e: Hamlet Hamm N: Hammerfest Hammersleys e: Hammersley Mountains of Australia HAMOR e: Hardware Area V S Machine Operations Reference HAMOTS e: High Accuracy Hamp e: Hampshire - e: Hampton Roads HAMP e: High-Altitude Measurement Probe - e: Horizontal Amplifier Hamps e: Hampshire


Hamptons Hamptons e: Bridgehampton - e: Easthampton - e: Hampton - e: Hampton Bays - e: Hampton Bishop - e: Hampton Court Palace - e: Hampton Heath - e: Northampton - e: Southhampton - e: Westhampton Ham Rights J e: Human Rights Journal (journ.) HAMS e: Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron - e: High Altitude Mapping System - e: Hour Angle of the Mean Sun HAMSDET e: Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron Detachment HAMSS e: Human Resources Management Support System H A M T e: Heavy Artillery Mechanical Transport - e: Human-Aided Machine Translation - e: Human-Aided Machine Translator H A M T C e: Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council Hamwich e: Ham Sandwich HAMZ d: Haupt A B C Meldezentrale HAN d: Hauptauftragnehmer - e: Hydroxyl Ammonium Nitrate Han d: Hannover - e: Hanoverfian] Hän e: Handel Society hand e: handling HAND e: Hawaii Association for National Defence H and B e: Hard and Black Handb d: Handbedienung - d: Handbuch - e: Handbook Handbed d: Handbedienung Handb Phys d: Handbuch der Physik (journ.) H and C e: Hot and Cold H and D Curve e: Hurter and Driffield Curve HANDE e: Hydrofoil Analysis and Design Handelsbit d: Handelsblatt (journ.) Handelskd d: Handelskunde Handelsmus d: Handelsmuseum H and F e: Horizontal and Fiat H and G e: Hardened and Ground handgest d: handgesteuert HandH d: Handelshochschule Handhab d: Handhabung H and I e: Harassment and Interdiction Handicap e: Handicapped Handl d: Handlung - e: Handling - r: Handling0r H and M e: Hull and Machinery - e: Hull and Materials H and O Damage e: Hooks and Oil Damage H and R e: Holding and Reconsignment HANDS e: High Altitude Nuclear Detection Studies - e: High-Altitude Nuclear Effects Handsch d: Handschreiben H and S E e: Health and Safety Executive H and T e: Hardened and Tempered - e: Holding and Training H and V e: Heating and Ventilating - e: Heating and Ventilation Handw d: Handwerker] Handwb d: Handwörterbuch


Handw F d: Handwerker im Femmeldedienst Hand-Wiss d: Handelswissenschaft HandwO d: Handwerksordnung HANE e: Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema - e: High Altitude Nuclear Effects - e: High-Altitude Nuclear Explosion H A N E S e: Health and Nutrition Examination Survey HANFO e: Heavy Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil H - A - N - G e: Hamburg-American NorthGerman HANG e: Hawaii Air National Guard HANK e: Hanks Seafood Company, Inc. HAN/LCD e: Hybrid Assigned Nematic/Liquid Crystal Display HANR d: Halternummer HANS e: High-Altitude Navigation System H[-]Anst d: Heilanstalt

HA-PLA e: Hydroxylapatite-Polylactic Acid HAPO e: Hanford Atomic Products Operations ha'p'orth e: half-pennyworth HAPP e: High Air Pollution Potential - e: High-Altitude Powered Platform - e: House Assessment Prescription Program Happ e: Happening HAPPE e: High-Altitude Particle Experiment - e: High-Altitude Particle Program Experiment - e: Honeywell Associative Parallel Processing Ensemble HAPPI e: Height and Plan Position Indicator HAPRO d: Hauptprogramm hap's e: housing assistance payments haps e: happenings HAPS e; Health Aspects of Pesticides

- d: Hilfsanstalt Hants e: Hampshire Hanuk h: Hanukkah

- e: Helicopter Acoustic Processing System - e: Houston Automatic Priority System - e: Hydrazine Auxiliary Propulsion System H A P S E e: Harris Ada Programming Support Environment HAPT e: Hitachi Automatically Programmed Tools HAPUB e: High-speed Arithmetic Processing Unit Board HAPUG e: Harbich, Pungs, Gerth HAPUG Modulation e: Harbich, Pungs, Gerth Modulation HaPV e: Hamsterpolyomavirus HAQO e: Hydroxyaminoquinoline Oxide HAR d: Hamagglutinationsreaktion - d: Hamburger Akademische Rundschau (journ.) - d: Host-Anpassungsrechner - e: Harbor Advisory Radar - e: Harbo[u]r - e: Harmonic[s] - e: Harrisburg [Airport] - e: High-Altitude Radar Altimeter - e: High Altitude Recombination - e: High-Altitude Resonance Absorption - e: Home Address Record - e: Home Address Register - e: Hospital Accounts Receivable - e: Hydrogen Absorption Reaction Har e: Harbin - e: Harwich - h: Hakarmel har e: harbor - e: Harbour HARA e: Harassment - e: High-Altitude Radar Altimeter - e: High-Altitude Resonance Absorption HARA Antenna e: High Altitude Radar Altimeter Antenna H A R A C e: High-Altitude Resonance Absorption Calculation HA Range e: Hamburg-Antwerp Range H A R A O e: Hartford Aircraft Reactor Area Office HARAS e: Hughes Active Radar Augmentation System H[-]Arb d: Heimarbeit[er] - d: Hilfsarbeitfer] Harb e: Harbo[u]r HARB e: Historic Architectural Review Board HArbG d: Heimarbeitsgesetz Har Bus R e: Harvard Business Review (journ.)

HAO e: Hardware Action Officer - e: High Activity Oxide - e: High-Altitude Observation - e: High-Altitude Observatory - e: Home Address Operation - e: Horticultural Advisory Office[r] - e: Hydrogenated Anthracene Oil HAOA e: High[t] Angle Of Attack H/A or D e: Havre-Antwerp or Dieppe [grain trade] H A or D e: [Le] Havre, Antwerp, or Dunkirk H A O S S e: High-Altitude Orbital Space Station HAP d: Handelsabgabepreis - e: Harvest Assembly Program[me] - e: Hazardous Air Pollutant - e: Heading Axis Perturbation - e: Health Access Project - e: Heredopathia Atactica Polyneuritiformis - e: High-Altitude Platform (Space) - e: High-Altitude Probe - e: High Average Power - e: Home Attendant Program - e: Honeywell Array Processor - e: Hook-Associated Protein - e: Horizontal Axis Pivot - e: Hydroxyapatite - e: Hydroxylammonium Perchlorate - e: Hyperboloid Approximation Procedure - f: Hélicoptère Appui-Protection HAp d: Handapparat hap e: happening HAPAB e: Health Aspects of Pesticides Abstract Bulletin HAPAG d: Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfuhr Aktien Gesellschaft - e: Hamburg-American Line hapd e: happened HAPDAR e: Hard Point Demonstration Array Radar HAPDEC e: Hard Point Decay - e: Hard Point Decoy[s] HAP Dosemeter e: Haloid Azo-dye Paraffin Dosemeter HA-PE e: Hydroxylapatite-Polyethylene HAPE e: High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema ha'penny e: halfpenny HAPI e: Harrier Approach Path Indicator - e: Helicopter Approach Plate Indicator System - e: Holding as Previously Instructed - e: Host Application Programming Interface

© K • G * Saur, München

Internationale E n z y k l o p ä d i e der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

HASAWA HARC e: Harcor Energy Co. - e: High-Altitude Radar Controller - e: High Altitude Reconnaissance - e: Houston Area Research Center - e: Hudson Amateur Radio Council - e: Human Affairs Research Center HARCFT e: Harbo[u]r Craft H A R C O e: Hyberbolic Area Coverage - e: Hyberbolic Area Covering navigation system - e: Hyperbolic Area Control - e: Hyperbolic Area Coverage HARCVS e: Honorary Associate of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons HARD e: Handling and Reloading Device - e: Helicopter and Airplane Radio Detection - e: High-Altitude Relay Point - e: High Performance Artillery Rocket Hard e: Harden - N: Hardangerfelen hard e: hardware - e: hardwater HARDEX e: Harbor Defense Exercise [US] - e: Harbour Defence Exercise [GB] H A R D M O N e: Hardware Monitor HARDS e: High Altitude Radiation Detection System Hard Soft e: Hard and Soft [Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Germany] (joum.) HARDTS e: High-Accuracy Radar Data Transmission System HARDWR e: Hardware HARE e: Harrier, Inc. - e: High Altitude Ramjet Engine - e: High Altitude Recombination Energy - e: High Altitude Reconnaissance ELINT - e: Hydrazine Auxiliary Rocket Engine Hare e: Soviet Mi-1 utility helicopter HAREP e: Harbour Repairs HARE Propulsion e: High-Altitude Recombination Energy Propulsion HARES e: High-Altitude Radiation Environment Study HARI e: High Altitude Regime Interceptor HARIS e: High-Altitude Radiation Instrument System - e: High-Altitude Radiological Instrumentation System HARK e: Hardened Reentry Kill HARL e: Harleysville Savings Association - e: Human Attention Research Laboratory HARLID e: High Angular Resolution Laser-Irradiation Detector HARLS e: Horse Antiserum to Rabbit Lymphocytes Harm d: Harmonie - d: Harmonium H A R M e: Harmonic[s] - e: Harmony - e: High-speed Anti-Radar Missile - e: High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile - e: High-speed Advanced Radiation Missile - e: Humans Against Rape and Molestation - e: Hypervelocity Anti-Radiation Missile harma e: harmattan Har Mag e: Harvard Magazine (journ.) Harm-L d: Harmonielehre harn e: harness HARN LTHR e: Harness Leather

H A R P e: Halpern's Anti-Radar Point - e: Heater Above Reheat Point - e: Helmlich-Armstrong-Rieveschi- Patrick [aerospace heart pump] - e: High-Altitude Reconnaissance Platform - e: High-Altitude Relay Point - e: High-Altitude Research Probe - e: High-Altitude Research Project[ile] - e: High-Altitude Rocket Probe - e: High Angle Attack Research Program - e: Hitachi Arithmetic Processor - e: Honeywell Acoustic Research Program - e: Honeywell Acoustic Research Project - e: Hughes Advanced Rotor Program Harp d: Harpune harp e: harpoon - e: harpsichord[ist] - e: heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, plumbing Harp Baz e: Harpers Bazaar Harper e: Harper & Row Harps e: Harpsichord HARPS e: Heathrow Airport Radar Processing System harpsi e: harpsichord HARPY e: High-Altitude Research Project HARR e: Harrisburg, Pa. HARRS e: High-Altitude Radio Relay System Harr St e: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (journ.) H A R S e: Heading [and] Attitude Reference System H A R S A P e: Harbor Survey Assistance Program H A R T e: Cardiopulmonary Technologies - e: Halt All Racist Tours - e: Hardened Amplifier for Radiation Transients - e: Hayden Analysis and Reporting Tool - e: Helicopter and Airplane Radio Detection - e: High Acceleration Rocket - e: Highway Advisory Radio Tactical - e: Highway Advisory Ratio Tactical - e: Highway Aid by Radio Truck - e: Honolulu Area Rapid Transit - e: Hyper-velocity Anti-aircraft Rocket Tactical - e: Hypervelocity Aircraft Rocket, Tactical Hart e: Hartford Hart d: Härte - d: Härtung Hartfd Cou e: Hartford Courant (journ.) HartfSemRec e: Hartford Seminary Record (joum.) Hartran e: Haltwell Atlas Fortran HARTRAN e: Hardwell FORTRAN - e: Harwell Atlas FORTRAN [Formula Translation] - e: Heading Altitude System - e: Helicopter Avionics System - e: High-Angle Scattering - e: Hungarian Academy of Sciences - e: Hydroxylamine Acid Sulfate HARTS e: Hardening Technology Studies Program Härt-Tech Mitt d: Härterei-Technische Mitteilung [Germany] (journ.) HARU d: Handbuch für Rundfunk und Fernsehen - e: Harrison Line [container] Unit Harv e: Harvard - e: Harvard [University] - e: Harvard University

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HARV e: Harvest - e: High-Alpha Research Vehicle - e: High-Altitude Research Vehicle Harvard B[u]s[n] R[ev] e: Harvard Business Review [US] (journ.) Harvard Stud in Class Philol e: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (journ.) HARVEST e: Highly Active Residues Vitrification Engineering Study HarvGradM e: Harvard Graduates' Magazine (journ.) HarvJAsiatic Stud e: Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies (journ.) HarvLaw R e: Harvard Law Review (journ.) HarvLibBull e: Harvard Library Bulletin (journ.) HarvMo e: Harvard Monthly (journ.) HarvTheoIR e: Harvard Theological Review (journ.) Harw e: Harwarden [Harden] HARWAS e: Horizontal Axis Rotating Wing Aeronautical System H-Arzt d: Hausarzt - d: Hilfsarzt HAS d: Häufigkeit-Ausfalldauer-Spektren - d: Haßfurt - d: Hauptabfuhrstrecke - d: Holographische Assoziative Speicher - e: Hardened Aircraft Shelter - e: Head Address Set - e: Heading and Attitude Sensor - e: Heading [and] Attitude System - e: Headmasters' Association of Scotland - e: Health Advisory Service - e: Helical Aerial System - e: Helical Antenna System - e: Helicopter Air Service - e: Helicopter Approach System - e: Helicopter Avionics System - e: Hellenic Affilliation Scale - e: Hellenic Astronautical Society - e: High Altitude Sample[r] - e: High Altitude Sensor - e: High-Angle Strafe - e: High Speed Anlog[ue] - e: Holddown Alignment Support - e: Holograph Assessment System - e: Horizontal Air Shower - e: Hospital Accounting System - e: Hospital Adjustment Scale - e: Hospital Administrative Services - e: Hospital Advisory Service [for England and Wales] - e: Hover Augmentation System - e: Hydraulic Actuation System - e: Hydraulic Adjustable Speed - e: Hydrogen-Active Species - e: Hydrogen Actuation System - e: Hydrographie Automated System - e: Hydroxylamine Acid Sulfate - e: Hypertensive Arteriosclerotic - e: Hypoxanthine and Azaserine [Medium] Has d: Hauptanschluß - e: Haselhorst - e: Hospitality (journ.) HAs e: Hispanic Americans - e: Housing Assistants HASA e: Hypersonic Aerospace Sizing Analysis HASAB e: Hard and Soft Acids and Bases HASAM e: Hardened Aircraft Shelter Attack Munition HASAWA e: Health and Safety at Work Act


HASC HASC e: Headquarters Air Service Command - e: House Armed Services Committee - e: House [of Representatives] Armed Services Committee HASCC e: Hydrogen-Assisted Stress-Corrosion Cracking HASCI e: Human Applications Standard Computer Interface HASCO e: Haitian-American Sugar Company HASD e: Humanist Association of San Diego HAS Dose e: Highest Asymptomatic Dose HASELL e: Height/Airframe/Safety/ Engine/Location/Lookout HASG e: Helicopter Airworthiness Study Group hash e: hashish Hashbury e: Haight-Ashbury Hasid h: Hasidim HASINS e: High Accuracy Submersible Inertial Navigation System - e: High Accuranty Submersible Inertial Navigation System HASJPL e: H. Allen Smith Jet Propulsion Laboratory HAsl d: HauptanschluBIeitung HASL e: Health and Safety Laboratories - e: Hertfordshire Association of Special Libraries Hasler Rev e: Hasler Review [Switzerland] (journ.) HASM e: Hardened Aircraft Shelter Munition hasn't e: has not HAsp d: Hochbauaspirant HASP e: Hawaiian Armed Services Police - e: Health and Safety Program - e: High-Altitude Sampling Plane - e: High-Altitude Sampling Program[me] - e: High Altitude Sounding Program[me] - e: High-Altitude Sounding Project[ile] - e: High-Altitude Space Platform - e: High-Altitude Space Probe - e: High-level Automatic Scheduling Program[me] - e: Houston Atomic Spooling Priority - e: Houston Attached Support Processor - e: Houston Automatic Simulator of Peripherals - e: Houston Automatic Spool Process - e: Houston Automatic Spooling and Printing [System] - e: Houston Automatic Spooling Priority [System] - e: Houston Automatic Spooling Procedure - e: Houston Automatic Spooling Processor - e: Houston Automatic Spooling Program[me] HASPA e: High-Altitude Superpressure Powered Aerostat HASPE e: Harris ADA Programming Support Environment HASP/RJE e: Houston Automatic Spooling Priority with Remote Job Entry HASPS e: Hardened Solar Panel System HASP System e: Houston Automatic Spooling and Printing System - e: Houston Automatic Spooling Priority System HASQ e: Hardware-Assisted Software Queue HASR e: High-Altitude Sounding Rocket

HASs e: High-Altitude Samplers HASS e: High Altitude Seeker System - e: High Availability Subsystem - e: Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland HASSS e: High-Accuracy Spacecraft Separation System HAST e: Harrier GR5 Avionics Trainer - e: High-Altitude Supersonic Target - e: Highly-Accelerated Stress Test HASt d: Hauptabrechnungsstelle - d: Hauptannahmestelle - d: HausanschluBstation HASTE e: Have Auger Sensor Test and Evaluation - e: Hazard Assessment System for Toxic Emissions - e: Helicopter Ambulance Service to Emergencies HASTI e: High-Altitude Strike Indicator Hastings e: Hastings House - e: Hastings-on-Hudson HASTP d: Hauptsteuerprogramm HASTRA d: Hannover-Braunschweigische Stromversorgungs-AG Ha strain e: Hanis [viral] strain HASTs e: High-Altitude Supersonic Targets HASVR e: High-Altitude Space Velocity Radar Hasy d: Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor HASY e: Handling Systems HASYLAB d: Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor HAT e: Handover Transmitter - e: Harbour Acceptance Trials - e: Hardness Assurance Test - e: Hardware Acceptance Team - e: Head Address Transfer - e: Height Above Touchdown - e: Height Above Torrain - e: High-Altitude Target - e: High-Altitude Temperature - e: High-Altitude Test[ing] - e: High-Altitude Transmitter - e: Highest Astronomical Tide - e: Home Area Toll - e: Horizontal Alidade Tie - e: Housing Action Trust - e: Housing Association Trust - e: Hypervelocity Ammunition Technology - e: Hypoxanthine, Aminopterin [and] Thymidine [Medium] HATA e: Hellenic Atlantic Treaty Association - e: Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents HATAPH e: Hexaalkyltriamidophosphazohydride HATCP f: Helicoptre Air de Tres Courte Portee HATF e: Hydraulic Actuator Test Fixture HATIS e: Helmet Acquisition and Target Indication System HAT/LANT e: Habitability Assistance Team/Atlantic HATO e: Handling Tool hatoff e: highest astronomical tide of the foreseeable future HATOL e: Horizontal Attitude Take-Off and Landing HATOM e: Highest Astronomical Tide of the Month - e: Highest Astronomical Tide Ofthe Month HATOY e: Highest Astronomical Tide Of the Year HAT/PAC e: Habitability Assistance Team/Pacific


© K G - Saur, München

HATR e: High-temperature Attenuated Total Reflectance HATRA e: Hosiery and Allied Trades Research Association HATRAC e: Handover Transfer and Receiver Accept Change HATRACK e: Hurricane and Typhoon Tracking HATREMS e: Hazardous [and] Trace Emissions] System HATRIC e: Harbor Traffic Ranging Identification and Communication [US] HATRICS e: Hampshire Technical Research Industrial [and] Commercial Service HAT Rocket e: High-Altitude Testing Rocket HATRON e: Heavy Attack Squadron HATRS e: High Altitude Transmit/Receive Satellite HATS e: Hardened Tactical Shelter - e: Harmonization of Advanced Telecommunications Systems - e: Helicopter Advanced Tactical System - e: Helicopter Anti-Tank Target System - e: Helicopter Attack System - e: Helicopter Automatic Targeting System - e: Helicopter Avionics System - e: Helmet Attitude Tracking System - e: High-Accuracy Targeting Subsystem - e: High Altitude Target-Sky Lite - e: High-Altitude Terrain Sensor - e: High-Altitude Test Stand - e: Hour Angle of the [True] Sun - e: Huntsville Association of Technical Societies - e: Hybrid Automatic Test System HAtt d: Heeresattaché HATT e: High-Speed Aeronautical Technologies Testbed HAT Timber e: Hathipaila [pterospermum acerifolium] Timber HATT-X e: High-Speed Aeronautical Technologies Testbed-Experimental HATU e: Heavy Air Training Unit - e: Heavy Attack Training Unit HATV e: High-Altitude Test Vehicle - e: Hydrofoil Amphibious Tracked Vehicle HATWG e: Heavy Attack Training Wing HATWING e: Heavy Attack Wing HAU e: Horizontal Arithmetic Unit - e: Hybrid Arithmetic Unit Haub d: Haubitze HaubG d: Haubitzengranate Häufigk d: Häufigkeit Hauptber d: Hauptbericht Hauptm d: Hauptmann Haupts d: Hauptsache Hauptste d: Hauptstelle Hauptw d: Hauptwerk Haupt-WA e: Hauptwärmeaustauscher Hauptwrk d: Hauptwirkung Hausbes d: Hausbesitzer] - d: Hausbesuch HAusg d: Handausgabe - d: Haushaltsausgabe HausG d: Hausgehilfengesetz Haush d: Haushalt Haush-W d: Haushaltwaren Hausm d: Hausmarke - d: Hausmeister Hausmitt d: Hausmitteilung Hausr d: Hausrat HausStG d: Haussteuergesetz haust 1: haustus Haustech d: Haustechnik

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HB Hausw-L d: Hauswirtschaftslehre Hausz d: Hauszeitschrift haut e: hautboy Häutewirtsch d: Häutewirtschaft Hauwewa d: Hauptwetterwarte HAV d: Hepatitis A-Virus - d: Hinweise für die Anbringung von Verkehrszeichen - e: Havana [Airport] - e: Heating and Ventilation - e: Heavily Armed Vehicle - e: Heavily Armed Vessel - e: Hepatitis A Virus - e: High Accuracy Voltmeter - e: High Asset Value - e: Hot Air Vulcanization Hav d: Havarie - d: Havarist - e: Havana - e: Havre hav e: haversine H A V C A P e: High Asset Value Combat Air Patrol HAVEN e: Help Addicts Voluntarily End Narcotics HA Virus e: H[a]emadsorption Virus Hav-K d: Havariekommissar H A V O d: Handelsabgabeverordnung H A V O C e: Heritage and Videotex over the Country - e: Histogram Average Ogive Calculator H A W d: Hochspannungs-Armaturenwerke - e: Hawaii - e: Hawaii-Continental United States Submarine Cable - e: Heavy Anti-armo[u]r Weapon - e: Heavy Antitank Weapon - e: Heavy Assault Weapon - e: Helicopter Assault Wave - e: Highly Active Waste - e: Hour Angle West Haw e: Hawaiian HAWA e: Hammond Ambassador World Atlas HA WADS e: High Altitude Weather Aircraft Data System H A W A M A e: Hawaiian Air Materiel Area hawb e: house air waybill H A W C e: Help for Abused Women and Children Hawe e: Hardware HA W E e: Honorary Association for Women in Education HA WEIT d: Hamburg-Wechsler Intelligenz Test - e: Hamburg-Wechsler Intelligence Test HawEl e: Hawaiian Electric Insustries Inc. HAWFCAR e: Helicopter Adverse Weather Fire Control/Acquisition Radar Hawid d: Halbleiter-Widerstand HA WIE d: Hamburg-Wechsler-Intelligenztest für Erwachsene HA WIK d: Hamburg-Wechsler-Intelligenztest für Kinder Haw Isis e: Hawaiian Islands HAWK e: Homing All-the-Way Kill[er] [missile] HAWKITS e: Hazards Awareness Kits Hawks Nest e: Hawks Nest State Park Haw'n e: Hawaiian Hawna e: Hawaiiana Hawn Isl e: Hawaiian Islands HAWS e: Heavy Anti-Armor Weapon System - e: Homing and Warning Computer HAWSEAFRON e: Hawaiian Sea Frontier

H A W T e: Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine H A W T A D S e: Helicopter Adverse Weather Target Acquisition and Destruction System - e: Helicopter All Weather Target Acquisition & Designation System Haw Tel e: Hawaii Telephone [Company] Hawthorn e: Hawthorn Books HAX e: Hafnium Column Extractant - e: Helicopter Armored Experiment hax hrir/apt e: interface [high-resolution infrared radiometer/automatic picture transmission] Hay e: Hayle Haynes Alloy Dig e: Haynes Alloys Digest [US] (journ.) Haynes Dig e: Haynes Digest [US] (journ.) HAYP e: Hire-A-Youth Program HAYSTAQ e: Have You Stored Answers to Questions? HAYUR e: Heard All YU-Republics [amateur radio] haz e: hazard HAZ e: Hazardous] - e: Heat-Affected Zone Hazard Mater Control Mag e: Hazardous Materials Control Magazine [Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, US] (journ.) HAZCHEM e: Hazardous Material Identification System haz con e: hazard control HAZE e: Homogeneous Assembly Zero Energy HAZEL e: Homogeneous Assembly Zero Energy Laboratory HAZFILE e: Hazards File HAZ/MZ e: Heat-Affected Zone/Melted Zone H A Z s e: Heat-Affected Zones HAZz d: Halbautomatische Zielzuweisung

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HB d: Härte nach Brinell - d: Hafenbecken - d: Handbibliothek - d: Handelsbereich - d: Handelsbetrieb - d: Handelsbibliothek - d: Handelsbilanz - d: Handelsblatt (journ.) - d: Hansestadt Bremen - d: Haubitzbatterie - d: Hauptbuch - d: Hauptbüro - d: Hepatitis B - d: Herdbuch Braunschweig - d: Hexachlorbutadien - d: Hochbau - d: Höhere Bürgerschule - d: Hörbereich - d: Hofbibliothek - d: Hofbräuhaus [München] - e: Brinell Hardness - e: Half Bound - e: Half Breadth - e: Half Brick - e: Hand Book - e: Hard Black [On Pencils] - e: Hard-Boiled - e: Hardy Biennial - e: Harvard Bulletin (journ.) - e: Hatchback - e: Hawke's Bay - e: Hawthorn Books - e: Headband - e: Heart Block - e: Heat to Boiling Point - e: Heavy Barrel - e: Heavy Battery - e: Heavy Bombardment - e: Heavy Bomber - e: Height of Burst - e: Hexadecimal-to-Binary - e: High Band[width] - e: High Bay - e: High Boiler[s] - e: High Bridge - e: Historical Bulletin (journ.) - e: Hollow Base - e: Home Bus - e: Homing Beacon - e: Honeywell Bull - e: Horizontal Baffle - e: Horizontal Band[s] - e: Horizontal Beacon - e: Horizontal Bomber - e: Horizontal Bridgman - e: Horizontal Bridgman Growth - e: Horizontal Buoy - e: Horse Battery - e: Hose Bib - e: Hostile Battery - e: House Bill - e: House of Bishops - e: Household Bank - e: Howitzer Battery - e: Human Being - e: Hydrogen Bomb - e: Hydroxybenzene - e: symbol used to denote Brinell Hardness


Hb Hb d: Hämoglobin - d: Handball - d: Handbedienung - d: Handbetrieb - d: Handbuch - d: Haubitze - d: Hausbriefkasten - d: Herbarium - d: Herberge - d: Hoboe - e: Habakkuk - e: H[a]emoglobin - e: Herbarium hb e: half bow - e: halfback - e: halfbound - e: handbook - e: hardback [of books] - e: heavy bombing - e: herringbone - e: holtow bar - e: horizontal bands - e: horizontal bombing - e: human being H&B e: Humboldt and Bonpland H-B e: Hexadecimal-to-Binary - e: Huebner-Bleistein [process] H/B d: Handbook - d: Handbuch - e: Handbook - e: Hexadecimal-to-Binary H h e: Deuterium HB10 e: Home Base HBA d: Hochbauamt - e: Handbook Art - e: Helium Breeder Associates - e: Hispanic Bankers Association - e: Hoist Builders Association - e: Home Baking Association - e: Home Builders Account - e: Home Builders Association - e: Honest Ballot Association - e: Honours Bachelor of Arts - e: Hospital Benefit Association - e: Host Bus Adapter - e: Housing Builders Association - e: Hydroxybenzoic Acid - e: Hydroxybutyrate HbA e: Adult Haemoglobin Hba s: Habana HBAb e: Hepatitis B Antibody HBABA e: 2-[4-Hydroxybenzeneazo]benzoic Acid - e: Hydroxybenzeneazo Benzoic Acid HBAbt d: Hochbauabteilung h'back e: hatchback h/back e: hardback h B ag e: hepatitis B antigen HBAg e: Hepatitis B Antigen H-Bahn d: Hängebahn - d: Hochbahn HbAlc e: Glycosolated hemoglobin HBAR e: Head Bar Address Register - e: Heavy-Barrel Automatie Rifle H Bar e: Horizontal Bar H-bar e: Capital-H-shaped bar hbar d: Hektobar HBAVS e: Human Betterment Association forVoluntary Sterilization HBB d: Hydropak-Belebtschlamm-Biologie - e: Harbour - e: Hook-Basal Body hbb e: hollow-bored bar HBBI d: Haushalts- und Besoldungsblatt

H B C e: Health Benefits Counselor - e: Heavy Bar Chair - e: High Breaking Capacity - e: Higher Binding-Energy Component - e: Historic Buildings Council - e: Historically] Black Collegefs] - e: Hit By Car - e: Hokkaido Broadcasting Company - e: Homogeneous Boundary Condition - e: Honeywell Business Compiler - e: Honeywell Business Computer - e: House Budget Committee - e: Hudson's Bay Company - e: Human Biology Council - e: Hydrogen Bubble Chamber HBcAb e: Hepatitis B core antigen AntiBody HBcAg e: Hepatitis B core Antigen HBC-Fuse e: High-Breaking Capacity Fuse HbCO e: Carbon monoxide hemoglobin - e: Haemoglobin & CO [Carboxyhaemoglobin] HBComm e: Honours Bachelor of Commerce HBCU e: Historically Black Colleges and Universiries HBD d: Hauptbahndirektion - e: Half Byte Decimal - e: Harbo[u]r Board - e: Hardboard - e: Has Been Drinking - e: Horizontal to Base Down - e: Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase - e: Hydroxybutyric Dehydrogenase Hbd d: Halbband - d: Hochbedarf hbd e: headboard - e: herein-before described HBDC e: Home Base Development Committee HBDH d: Hydroxybutyrat-Dehydrogenase - e: Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase HB Diode e: High-Barrier Diode HBDL e: Hot-Bus, Dead-Line HBDR e: Helicopter Battle Damage Repair HBDT e: High Bit Density Tape HbE d: Hämoglobingehalt des Einzelerythrozyten HBE d: His-Bündel-Elektrogramm - e: Hard-Boiled Egg[s] - e: Heard British Empire [amateur radio] - e: His Bundle Electrogram HBeAb e: Hepatitis Be antigen Anti-Body H-beam e: Capital H-shaped beam HBED e: N,N'-Di[2-Hydroxybenzyl]ethylene HB Egg e: Hard-Boiled Egg HBEN e: High Byte Enable H-Bereich d: Bereich der HVSt [Hauptvermittlungsstelle] H-Bez d: Handelsbezirk HBF d: Hauptbahnhof - d: Hochbordfertiger - e: Hepatic Blood Flow - e: Hospital Benefit Fund H b F e: Fetal Hemoglobin - e: Haemoglobin, F[o]etal Hbf d: Heimatbahnhof - e: Fetal hemoglobin HBFP e: Hematoxylin Basic Fuchsin Pecric HBFR d: Hilfsbefehlsregister


© K • G • Saur, München

HBG d: Hauptbaugruppe - d: Heißdampfreaktor-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH - d: Heizstrombegrenzer - e: Hongkong Bank Group - e: Horizontal Ribbon Growth - e: Huntington Botanical Gardens Hbg d: Hamburg - e: H[a]emoglobin - e: Hamburg - e: Harrisburg - e: Heisingborg [Hälsingborg] H B G M e: Hypersonic Boost-Glide Missile HbgrZ d: Haubengranatzünder HBH d: Hauptbuchhalter Hbhf d: Hauptbahnhof HBI e: Hindustan Bible Institute H-Bibl d: Heeresbibliothek HBIG e: Hepatitis B Immuno-Globulin HBII e: Houston Biomedical, Inc. Hbj d: Halbjahr HBJ e: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [Publications] HBJ Publications e: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publications (journ.) HBK e: Habekacin - e: Hollow Back HB&K e: Humboldt, Bonpland and Kunth HbK d: Hochschule für Bildende Künste hbk e: halfback - e: hardback [book] - e: hatchback - e: hollow back [lumber] Hbk e: Hoboken HBL d: Harnstoff-Bisulfit-Löslichkeit - d: Heeresbetriebsstofflager - d: Hochbrisanzleuchtspurgranate H-BI d: Harnblase Hbl d: Halbblut - d: Halbleinen[einband] - d: Halbleiter - d: Hebelblock - d: Hinterbliebene - e: H[a]emogIobin HBI d: Handelsblatt - d: Hauptblatt - d: Historische Blätter (journ.) Hblnb d: Halblein[en]einband HbIRt d: Hinterbliebenenrente HBLV e: Human B-cell Lymphotropic Virus - e: Human B-Lymphotropic Virus HB1YNR e: Hickling Broad National Nature Reserve Hbm d: Hochbaubahnmeisterei hbm e: hard bowel movement H B M e: Heavy Ballistic Missile - e: Held by Manufacturer - e: Her [or His] Britannic Majesty [or Majesty's] - e: Horizontal Boring Mill - e: Human Body Modell Hbmr d: Halbmesser HBMS e: Her Britannic Majesty's Ship - e: His Britannic Majesty's Ship HBN e: Hazard Beacon - e: Heterobuccal Nerve - e: Hexagonal Boron Nitride HBNNR e: Hickling Broad National Nature Reserve HBNWR e: Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge - e: Holla Bend National Wildlife Refuge

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HC HBO d: Halbrahmenbauweise in Ortbeton - e: Heavy Batch Oven - e: Home Box Office Hbo e: Hoboken H b 0 2 e: Oxyhemoglobin HJBOJ e: Boric acid h/board e: hardboard - e: headboard H Body e: Hookean Body HBOG e: Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas HBOI e: Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Fort Pierce, Florida H-Bomb d: Hydrogenium-Bombe - e: Hydrogen Bomb H-Bombe d: Hydrogenium-Bombe H/Bone e: Herring-Bone HBO S e: Oxyhemoglobin HBOs e: Health Benefit Organizations H B P d: Holzbearbeitungspunkt HbP e: H[a]emoglobin, Primitive HBP e: Handbook Production - e: Health Benefits Program - e: High Blood Pressure - e: Hydraulic Bench Press HB Pencil e: Hard Black Pencil HBPIC e: High Blood Pressure Information Center HBPIO e: Health Benefits Program Information Officer HBPR e: High Bypass Ratio HBPS e: Home Building Plan Service HBR d: Heizölbehälter-Richtlinien - e: Ham-Band Receiver - e: Harbo[u]r - e: Harvard Business Review (journ.) - e: Has Been Reviewed - e: High Bit Rate - e: Highway Bunched-signalling Receiver - e: Hudson Bay Railway hbr e: harbour HBr e: Hardness, Brinell hbr acw e: has been reviewed and concurred with H B R A C W e: Has Been Reviewed and Concurred With HBrMstr d: Hauptbrandmeister HBRX e: High Beta Toroidal Experiment HBS d: Halbleiterblockschaltung - d: Hauptbefehlsstand - e: Harbor Boat Service - e: Harvard Business School - e: Hawaii [an] Botanical Society - e: Heavy Bomber Support - e: Helicopter Blade Slap - e: Herring Bone Strutting - e: High Byte Strobe - e: Highway Bunched-signalling Sender - e: Hope Botanic Gardens - e: Hot Blade Stripper - e: Hulking Building Syndrome HbS e: H[a]emoglobin, Sickle-cell Hbs e: Sickle-cell hemoglobin hb's e: halfbacks HBsAb e: Hepatitis B surface antigen antibody H Bs Ag e: Hepatitis B Surface Antigen HBScF e: Honours Bachelor of Science in Forestry Hbschr d: Hubschrauber HBSMAA e: Hack and Band Saw Manufacturers Association of America HBSS e: Hank's Balanced Salt Solution - e: Hank's Buffered Salt Solution Hbstz d: Herdbuchstammzucht

HBT d: Halbleiterblocktechnik - e: Harbor Bay Telecommunications - e: Heflex Bioengineering Test - e: Herring Bone Twill - e: Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor - e: Human Breast Tumor - e: N-[P-Hexyloxybenzylidene]-P-Toluidene Hbt e: Hobart H B & T e: Houston Belt and Terminal [railroad] HBTEM e: High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy hbt's e: human-breast tumors HBTs e: Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors HBTX e: High Beta Toroidal Experiment HBTXs e: High Beta Toroidal Experiments H B t y e: Hostile Battery Hbu d: Hainbuche HBUF e: Homestyle Buffet, Inc. Hb Unit e: H[a]emoglobin Unit H&BV e: Houston and Brazos Valley [railroad] HBV d: Hepatitis B-Virus - d: Hessische Blätter für Volkskunde (journ.) - d: Hub-Bohrungs-Verhältnis - e: Hepatitis B Virus H-B-Verhältnis d: Hub-BohrungsVerhältnis HBVIS e: Heavy Interdiction Missile System HBVk d: Hessische Blätter für Volkskunde (joum.) H B V O e: Hochschullehrerberufungsverordnung hbw e: highspeed black-and-white H B W e: Hot Bridge Wire H B Wall e: Half Brick Wall H B W B e: Halden Boiling Water Reactor H B W R e: Halden Boiling [heavy] Water Reactor - e: Halden heavy Boiling Water Reactor - e: Heavy Boiling Water Reactor - e: Heavy-water moderated Boiling Water Reactor HBX e: Explosive/RDX/TNT/AL hby e: hereby H B Z d: Heeresbetriebszentrale - d: Hochschulbibliothekszentrum - d: Hiiller-Bearbeitungszentrum

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HC d: Heimcomputer - d: Hexachlorathan - d: Hydrocortison - e: Chemical Agent - e: Cross of Honour - e: Crystal Holder - e: Habitual Criminal - e: Hagerstown College - e: Hague Convention - e : Half Calf - e : Half Cell - e: Half Chest - e : Half Cycle - e: Halochromism - e: Halochromy - e: Halt Command - e: Hamilton Circuit - e: Hamilton College - e: Hamline College - e: Hammingcode - e: Hand Carry - e: Hand Compute - e: Hand Control[led] - e: Hand Controller - e: Hand Crank - e: Handling Capacity - e: Hanging Ceiling - e: Hanover College - e: Hard Copy - e: Hard Core - e: Hard Cradle Balancer - e: Hard[ened] Concrete - e: Harding College - e: Hardware Capability - e: Hardware Check - e: Harmless Cloud - e: Harpur College - e: Hartford College - e: Hartford Courant - e: Hartnell College - e: Hartwick College - e: Harvard Circular (journ.) - e: Hastings College - e: Haverford College - e: Head Card - e: Head Control - e: Head Count - e: Header Card - e: Header Check - e: Heading Card - e: Headmaster Commander - e: Headmasters' Conference - e: Headquarters Command - e: Headteachers' Conference - e: Health Category - e: Health Certificate - e: Heat Capacity - e: Heat Coil - e: Heat Conduction - e: Heat Controlled - e: Heat Count - e: Heat of Combustion - e: Heated Coil - e: Heater Coil - e: Heater Cord - e: Heating Cabinet - e: Heating Coil - e: Heavy Chain - e: Heavy Clouds - e: Heavy Concrete - e: Heavy Current - e: Heidelberg College - e: Held Code - e: Held Covered - e: Helicopter Combat - e: Helicopter Combat Support Squadron - e: Helicopter Controler


He - e: Helicopter Coordinator - e: Helicopter Council - e: Helium Circulation - e: Hendrix College - e: Heralds' College - e: Hershey College - e: Hertford College - e: Hesston College - e: Heterogeneous Catalysis - e: Heuristic Concepts - e: Hexachlorethane-Zinc - e: Hexachlor[o]ethane - e: Hexadecimal Code - e: High Capacitance - e: High Capacity - e: High Carbon - e: High Chair - e: High Church - e: High Command - e: High Commissioner] - e: High Compression - e: High Conditioners - e: High Conductivity - e: High Conversion - e: High Court - e: High Current - e: Higher Certificate - e: Highest Commendation - e: Highway Code - e: Higland Cyclists - e: Hillsdale College - e: Hiram College - e: Histoplasma Capsulatum - e: Historical Cost - e: Hold Cargo - e: Hold Covered - e: Holder Crystal - e: Hold[ing] Coil - e: Hollerith Card - e: Hollerith Code - e: Hollow Cathode - e: Hollow Charge - e: Hollow Core - e: Holy Communion - e: Home Care - e: Home Command - e: Home Computer - e: Home Consumption - e: Home Counties - e: Homogeneous Catalysis - e: Hood College - e: Hope College - e: Horizontal Cell - e: Horizontal Check - e: Hose Clamp - e: Hose Connector - e: Hospital Consultation] - e: Hospital Corps - e: Host Computer - e: Hot and Cold - e: Hot Cathode - e: Hour Circle - e: House Cable - e: House of Clergy - e: House of Commons - e: House of Corrections] - e: Housing Centre - e: Housing Commission - e: Housing Corporation - e: Howard College - e: Humidity Control - e: Humphreys College - e: Hunter College - e: Huntington College - e: Huron College - e: Hussan College - e: Hutchinson College

- e: Hybrid Circuit - e: Hybrid Coil - e: Hybrid Computer - e: Hyderabad Contingent - e: Hydraulic Circuit - e: Hydraulic Clean - e: Hydraulic Controller - e: Hydraulic Coupling - e: Hydraulic Cylinder - e: Hydrocarbonfs] - e: Hydrocortisone - e: Hydrogen Chemisorption - e: Hysteresis Comparator - f: Haute Contre - f: Hors Concours He e: Computed altitude - e: Hermitian conjugate - e: Huntington's chorea he e: high-capacity - e: highly commended - e: honorary - e: honoris c - e: hot and cold [water] - e: hydrocarbons - f: Honoris Causa - f: hors commerce -1: hac nocte -1: honoris causa H & C e: Heroin + Cocaine - e: Hot and Cold - e: Hot and Cold [Water] H - C e: Harbison-Carborundum - e: High Conductivity H/C e: Hand Carly - e: Hand Carry - e: Hard Coverfed] - e: Held Covered H C 3 e: Hemicholinium No. 3 HC-54 e: Douglas C-54 modified H C A d: Hydrocortisonacetat - e: Absent by Reason of Being Held by Civil Authorities - e: Habitat Conservation Area - e: Hand Copy Adapter - e: Harness and Cable Assembly - e: Head of Contracting Activity - e: Headquarters Commitment Authorization - e: Held by Civil Authorities - e: Heptine Carbonic Acid - e: Hermes Carrier Aircraft - e: Hexachloroacetone - e: High Conductivity Association - e: Hospital Caterers' Association - e: Hospital Corporation of America - e: Human Component Analysis - e: Hunting-Clan Air Transport - e: Hyderabad Contingent Artillery - e: Hydrochloric Acid - e: Hydrocortisonacetat - e: Hydroxylcarbonate Apatite HC[A] e: Helicopter Coordinator [Airborne] H C A A e: Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority H C A A S e: Homeless Children's Aid and Adoption Society H C A B e: Higher Committee for Agrarian Reform H - C A P e: Hexamethylmelamine, Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Platinol h e a p e: handicap H - C a p s e: Heroin Capsules


© K • G • Saur, München

H C B d: Hexachlorbenzol - e: Heaviside-Campbell Bridge - e: Hemisphere Cylinder Body - e: Hexachlorobenzene - e: Hexachlorobiphenyl - e: High Capability Buoy - e: High Capacity Bomb - e: Highland Cyclist Battalion - e: Hollow-Cone Beam - e: Hoopes Conductivity Bridge - e: House of Commons Bill - e: Hydrocarbon h e b e: hard-core base - e: hard-covered book - e: heating and cooling of buildings - e: hollow concrete block[s] H C B - C B E D e: Hollow-Cone Beam/Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction H C B o m b e: High Capacity Bomb H C B s e: Hexachlorobiphenyls H C B S e: Home and Community Based Services - e: Host Computer Basic Software H C C d: Hexachlorcyclohexan - e: 25-hydroxycholecalciferol [vitamin D 3 metabolite] - e: Hand Control Clutch - e: Hardware Capability Code Horizontal Continuous Casting - e: Hebrew Culture Council - e: Hepatitis Contagiosa Canis - e: Hermetic Chip Carrier - e: Hexachlorocyclohexane - e: High Carbon Coke - e: High Commissioner for Canada - e: Hole Count Check - e: Hollow Copper Conductor - e: Holyoke Community College - e: Honeycomb Corrugated Construction - e: Hospital Conveyance Corps - e: Hyderabad Contingent Cavalry - e: Hydraulic Cement Concrete - e: Hydroxycholecalciferol H C C A e: Health Care Consumers Association H C C C e: Health Care Compare Corporation H C C G e: Discharge under Honorable Conditions - e: Honorable Condition Convenience of the Government H C C H e: Hexachlorocyclohexan[e] H C C J e: Harvard Center for Criminal Justice H C C M e: Discharge under Honorable Conditions - e: High-Performance Common Channel Module - e: Honorable Condition Convenience of the Man H C C P e: Honorary Certified Claims Professional H C C Virus e: Hepatitis Contagiosa Canis Virus

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HCONN HCD e: Hackh's Chemical Dictionary - e: Handcarried - e: Hard-Copy Device - e: Heavy Chain Disease - e: High-Capacity Disk - e: High-Current Density - e: High Current Diode - e: Hoffman Core Driver - e: Hollow-Cathode Discharge - e: Homologous Canine Distemper - e: Horizontal Correlation Distance - e: Hot-Carrier Diode - e: Housing and Community Development - e: Hughes Communications Division - e: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin HCDA e: Hiypothetical Core-Disruptive Accident - e: Hydrodynamic Core Disruptive Accident - e: Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident HCD Antiserum e: Homologous Canine Distemper Antiserum HCDC e: high voltage direct current / transmission HCDCS e; Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System HC Deb e: House of Commons Debates HCDP e: Discharge under Honorable Conditions - e: Health Care Demand Plan - e: Honorable Conditior Dependency Existing Prior to Enlistment HCDS e: Health Care Delivery System HCDT e: Hollow-Cathode Discharge Tube HCE e: Heater Control Electronics - e: Hexachloroethane - e: Hollow-Cathode Effect - e: Human-Caused Error HCEA e: Health-care Convention and Exhibitors Association HCED e: Hand Controller Engage Driver HCEE e: Discharge under Honorable Conditions - e: Honorable Condition Expiration of Enlistment H C E E P e: Handicapped Children's Early Education Project hcef e: henceforth HCER e: High Capacity Extended Range HC&ES e: Hull Chemical and Engineering Society HCEX e: High-speed Color Exterior - e: Hypercharge Exchange HCF e: Haemolytic Complement Fixation - e: Hardened Compact Fiber[s] [US] - e; Hardened Compacted Fibre[s] [GB] - e: Health Care Financing - e: Heat Control Filter - e: Height Correction Factor - e: High-Calorific Fuel - e: High Capacity File - e: High Carbohydrate and Fibre - e: High Carbohydrate Fiber [diet] - e: High-Carbon Ferrochrome - e: High-Cycle Fatigue - e: Highest Common Factor - e: HIM Configuration File - e: Honorary Chaplain to the Forces - e: Hospital Contribution Fund[ing] - e: Host Command Facility - e: Hundred Cubic Feet - e: Hungarian Cultural Foundation HCFA e: Health Care Financing Administration HCFC e: Halogenated Chloro Fluorocarbon - e: Hydrochlorofluorocarbon HCFD e: Hydro-Chemical Form Die HCFF e: High-Capacity Fog Foam

HCFF/AFFF e: High Capacity Fog Foam/Aqueous Film-Forming Foam HCFI e: Health Concepts IV, Inc. HCG e: Hardware Character Generator - e: Hexagonal Coupling - e: Home Capital Group, Inc. - e: Horizontal Location of Center of Gravity - e: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - e: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin [pregnancy test] hCG e: Human Ghorionic Gonadotropin HC&H e: Hovering Craft & Hydrofoil HCH d: Hechingen - e: HexachIor[o]cyclohexan[e] [insecticide] HCHC e: High Carbon, High Chrome HChD e: Higher Chiropody Diploma HCHE e: High Capacity High Explosive HCHI e: Hand Chain Hoist Institute Hehl d: Hochland HCHP e: Harvard Community Health Plan HCH Timber e: Horse Chestnut [aesculus indica] Timber HCl e: Handgun Control Inc - e: Hierarchically Classified Index - e: High Current Inductor - e: Home Center Institute - e: Horizon Crossing Indicator - e: Host Computer Interface - e: Hotel and Catering Institute - e: Hughes Communications Incorporated - e: Hughes Communications International - e: Human-Computer Interaction - e: Human Computer Interface - e: Hybrid Computer Interface HCIB e: Health Computer Information Bureau HCIL e: Hague Conference on International Law Hclmp e: Hydrocolloid Impression HCIS e: Hospital Communication and Information System - e: House Committee on Internal Security HCITB e: Hotel and Catering Industry Training Board HC J e: High Court of Justice - e: Holy Child Jesus - e: Honeywell Computer Journal HCJC e: Howard County Junior College HCL e: Hanging Closet - e: Harvard College Library - e: Helicoptere Combat Leger - e: Helium Cadmium Laser - e: High, Common, Low [Relay] - e: High Cost of Living - e: Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers - e: Hollow Cathode Lamp - e: Homing Control Logic - e: Hopper Card Lever - e: Horizontal Center Line [US] - e: Horizontal Centre Line [GB] - e: Hyderabad Contingent Lancers HCl e: Hydrochloric acid - e: Hydrogen Chloride H-class e: Soviet missile-launching nuclear-powered submarines HCLF e: Horizontal Cask Lifting Fixture HCLIP e: Home Care Live-In Plan HCLL e: Homecall, Inc. HC-LN e: High Control / Low Nurturance

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HCM e: Half-Cycle Magnetizer - e: Hard Copy Module - e: Hard-Core Monitor - e: Hardman Comparability Methodology - e: Hawaiian Campaign Medal - e: Health Care Management - e: High Court Master - e: His [or Her] Catholic Majesty - e: Ho Chi Minh [City] - e: Hydraulic Core Mockup - e: Hypercalcemia of Malignancy - e: Hyundai Color Monitor HCMC e: Ho Chi Minh City HCMM e: Heat Capacity Map[ping] Mission - e: Heat Capricity Mapping Mission - e: Heavy Capability Mapping Mission - e: Highly Conductive Mold Media HCMOC e: High-performance Complemantary Metal Oxide Semiconductor HCMOS e: High-density Complementary Metal Oxide on Silicone - e: High speed Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor - e: Highspeed Complementary MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] HCMPA e: Home Counties Master Printers' Alliance HCMR e: Heat Capacity Mapping Radiometer HCMS e: Discharge under Honorable Conditions - e: Hardware Configuration Management System - e: Honorable Conditions HCMT e: Ho Chi Minh Trail HCMTS e: High-Capacity Mobile Telecommunications System - e: High Capacity Mobile Telephone System HCMU e: Honorable Conditions HCMW e: Discharge under Honorable Conditions - e: Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers [union] HCN e: Health Communications Network - e: Hilten Communications Network [US] - e: House [of Representatives] Committee on Narcotics - e: Hydrocyanic-acid, Normal - e: Hydrogen Cyanide HCNZ e: Housing Corporation of New Zealand HCO e: Hangar Control Officer - e: Hard Copy Output - e: Harvard College Observatory - e: Headquarters Catalog Office - e: Helicopter Control Officer - e: Higher Clerical Officer - e: Horizontal Control Operator - e: Hydrogenated Coconut Oil HCO, e: Bicarbonate ion HCOC e: Honorary Colonel of the Corps HCOF e: High Command of Forces HCOHSA e: Health Care Occupational Health and Safety Association H-Com e: High Commissioner H/comb e: Honeycomb HCONN e: Hose Connector


HCP H C P e: Habitat Conservation Plan - e: Handicap - e: Hangar Control Position - e: Hard Copy Printer - e: Hemispherical Candle Power - e: Hepatocatalase Peroxidase - e: Hexachlorophene - e: Hexagonal Close Packed - e: High Card Point - e: High Chair with Plate - e: High-speed Channel Processor - e: Honors Cooperative Program - e: Horizontal Candle Power - e: Host Command Processor - e: Host Communication^] Processor - e: House of Commons Paper - e: House of Commons Proceedings - e: Humidity Controller's] Panel - e: Hybrid Combustion Process - e: Hydrazine Catalytic Plenum - e: Hypervelocity Countermeasures Program[me] H & C P e: Hospital and Community Psychiatry (joum.) H C P A e: HIMAD Command Post Automation H C P Crystal e: Hexagonal Close-Packed Crystal H C P N e: Hierarchical Colered Petri Nets H C P N I e: Hardware Cloth and Poultry Netting Institute H C P P e: Handbook of Consumer Protection Program[me] H C P R U e: Hot Climate Physiological Research Unit H C P S e:Hemispherical Candle-Power Second[s] - e: Horizontal Candle-Power Second[s] H C P T e: High Calorie Parenteral Therapy - e: Historic Churches Preservation Trust - e: Hydroxycamptothecin H C P T R e: Helicopter H C P U e: High Capacity Pick-Up H / C Q e: Habitability / Crew Quarters H C Q e: Hot Carrier Quad - e: Hydroxychloroquine H C R e: Gas-Cooled Reactor - e: Hardware Check Routine - e: Heat-Curable Rubber - e: High Capability Buoy - e: High Chief Ranger - e: High Consistency Refining - e: High Cross Range - e: Highway Contract Route - e: Host Cell Reactivation - e: Household Cavalry Regiment - e: Human Computing Resources H & C R e: Handling and Checkout Requirements H C R A O e: Hot Creek Radio Astronomy Observatory H C R C e: Holland College Royalty Center - e: Honeywell Corporation Research Center hcrit e: hematocrit H C R O e: High Cross Range Orbiter H C R O N e: Helicopter Combat Support Squadron H C R R e: High Current Reference Resistor H C R S e: Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service H C R S T e: Hardware Clipping, Rotation, Scaling and Translation H C R W e: Hot and Cold Running Water

H C S e: Combat Search and Rescue Special Warfare Support Helicopter - e: Hallé Concerts Society - e: Hard Copy System - e: Harvey Cushing Society - e: Health Care System - e: Helicopter Combat Search [and rescue] - e: Helicopter Combat Support - e: Helicopter Computer System - e: Helicopter Control Ship - e: Helium Circulator Seal - e: High Capacity Storage - e: High Capacity Store - e: High Carbon Steel - e: High Cetene Standard - e: Home Civil Service - e: Homogeneous Computer System - e: Host Composition System - e: Human Chorionic Somato[mammo]tropin - e: Humidity Control System - e: Hundred Call Seconds - e: Hungarian Castle Series [amateur radio] - e: Hungarian Chemical Society - e: Hydrological Communications Satellite - e: Hydromechanical Control System H C s e: Hebrews converted to Roman Catholicism H C s e: Hydrocarbons H C & S e: Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar [company] he's e: hard cover books HCS4 e: Helicopter Combat Support Special Squadron HCSA e: Hospita[s]l Consultants and Specialists Association - e: House [of Representatives] Committee on Space and Astronautics H C S A T e: Japan Communications Satellite H C S C e: Higher Command and Staff Course H C S D e: High Value Site Defense HCSDS e: High Capacity Satellite Digital Service H C S F e: Hard Clad Silicia Fibre H C S H T e: High Carbon Steel, Heat-Treated H C S I e: Health Correspondence Schools International - e: Hughes Communications Services HCSS e: Head Compartment Support Structure - e: Hospital Computer Sharing System - e: Hospital Computing Sharing System H C S T e: Hydrothermal Cyclis Shear Test H C Steel e: High Carbon Steel H C S T R e: Homogeneous Continued Stirred Tank Reactor H C System e: Helium Circulation System H C T e: H[a]ematocrit - e: Health Care Technology - e: Heater Center Tap [US] - e: Heater Centre Tap [GB] - e: Hematocrit - e: High Commission Territories [Corps] - e: Hollow Cathode Tube - e: Hot Cathode Tube - e: Hot Compact Turret - e: Huddersfield College of Technology - e: Hull Collector Tank - e: Hybrid Computer Technique - e: Hydraulic Components Test - e: Hydrochlorothiazide] H C t e: High Court H C T D S e: High Capacity Terrestrial Digital Service H C T L e: Hunting Communication Technology


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H C T L D C e: Hungarian Central Technical Library and Documentation Centre H C T L S e: High-Speed Complimentary Transistor Low-Power Schottky H C T Z e: Hydrochlorothiazid[e] H C U e: Harbor Clearance Unit - e: Hard Copy Unit - e: Heavy Conversion Unit - e: Helium Charging Unit - e: Homing Comparator Unit - e: Hydraulic Charging Unit - e: Hydraulic Control Unit - e: Hydraulic Cycling Unit - e: Hypertape Control Unit H C U A e: Hierarchical Direct Access Method - e: Honeywell Computer Users Association H C U D E T e: Harbor Clearance Unit Detachment H C U S e: Discharge under Honorable Conditions - e: Honorable Conditions H C V e: Hepatitis C Virus - e: Housing Commission of Victoria - e: Hull Check Valve - e: Human Coronary Virus[es] - e: Hydraulic Control Valve H C V A e: Historic Commercial Vehicle Association H C Valve e: Hand Control Valve H C V C e: Historic Commercial Vehicle Club H C V D e: Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease H C W d: Huffman-Codewandler - e: Home Computing Weekly [GB] (journ.) H & C W a t e r e: Hot and Cold Water H C y e: Haemocyanin H C Z e: Hydrochlorothiazide] - e: Hydrogen Convection Zone

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HDCS HD d: Hafendienst - d: Hamming-Distanz - d: Hämodialyse - d: Hauptdeck - d: Hauptdeskriptor - d: Haut-Dosis - d: Heidelberg - d: Heißdampf - d: Hengstdepot - d: Herddosis - d: Hertzscher Dipol - d: Hinweisdaten - d: Hinweisdienst - d: Hochdecker - d: Hochdruck - d: Hochleistungsdrucker - d: Hochschuldienst - d: Höchstdosis - d: Hydrologischer Dienst - e: Half Day - e: Half-Duplex [Transmission] - e: Hamming-Distance - e: Hand [Drawn] - e: Handover - e: Hansen's Disease - e: Harassment Drone - e: Harbor Defense [US] - e: Harbor Drive - e: Harbour Defence [GB] - e: Hard [Disk] - e: Hard-Drawn - e: Hardware Demonstration Test - e: Harmonic Definition - e: Harmonic Distortion [Head] - e: Hawaiian Department - e: Head Diameter - e: Head Driver - e: Headed - e: Head[ing] - e: Heading Distance - e: Heading to Detail - e: Hearing Distance - e: Heart Disease - e: Heavy Decoys - e: Heavy Distillate - e: Heavy Draft - e: Heavy Duty - e: Height Displacement - e: Height to Distance - e: Helicopter Director - e: Hepatosis Dietetica - e: Herniated Disc - e: Hexadecimal - e: Hexadecimal-to-Decimal - e: Hexanedione - e: Hierarchical Dependency - e: Hierarchical Direct - e: High Density - e: High Dose [of radiation] - e: High Drag - e: High Duty - e: High Dynamic - e: Highland Division - e: Highly Desirable - e: Historic District - e: Historical Development - e: Historical Division - e: Hodgkin's Disease - e: Hold - e: Home Defence [GB] - e: Home Defense [US] - e: Hono[u]rable Discharge - e: Hoover Dam - e: Horizontal Distance - e: Horizontal Drive - e: Horse-Drawn - e: Host-Dependent

- e: Hot Drawing - e: Hourly Difference - e: House Document - e: Hub Diameter - e: Huddersfield - e: Humanitarian Deferment - e: Hurricane Deck - e: Hydrodynamics - e: Hydrogendeuterium - e: Mustard Hd d: Hand - d : Hemd - d : Hochdrehung - d : Hund - e: Headland - e: Hogshead - e: Huntington's disease hd e: head - e: homeodomain - e: hundred - e: hurricane deck -1: hora decubitus H&D e: Hardened and Dispersed - e: Hurter & Driffteld [photo emulsion speed] H-D e: Heat-Damaged - e: Heavy-Duty - e: Height to Distance - e: Hexadecimal-to-Decimal - e: High-Density - e: Hunter-Driffield [Curve] H/D e: Half Duplex - e: Havre-Dunkirk [ports] - e: Head/Disk - e: Heavy Duty - e: Hexadecimal-to-Decimal - e: Hold Down HDA d: Hydrodealkylation - e: Hard Disk Assembly - e: Hardwood Distributors Association - e: Hawkesbury Diploma in Agriculture - e: Head Disk Assembly - e: Heavy-Duty Amplifier - e: Hexadecenylacetate - e: Hexanediamine - e: High Density Acid - e: High Duty Alloy[s] - e: Highway-to-group Demultiplexer Address-generator - e: Holddown Arm - e: Horizontal Danger Angle - e: Housekeeping Data Aquisition - e: Hybrid Detection Assembly - e: Hydrodealkylation - e: Hydrographie Department, Admiralty - e: Hydroxycitronellal Diethyl Acetal HdA d: Handakte[n] - d: Handbuch der Ausfuhr - d: Humanisierung der Arbeitswelt hda e: hydroxydopamine HDAC e: Heavy Duty Air Cylinder - e: Hybrid Digital-Analog[ue] Circuit HD-Additive e: Heavy Duty Additive HDAL e: Hexadecenal HDAM e: Hierarchical Direct Access Method HDAOS e: 2-Hydroxy-3-Sulfopropyl3,6-Dimethooxyaniline - e: Hydroxysulfopropyldimethooxyaniline HdAp d: Handbuch der Astrophysik HDAP e: Heavy Duty Automatic Press HDAS e: Hybrid Data Acquisition System - e: Hydrographicfs] Data Acquisition System HDATZ e: High-Density Air Traffic Zone Hd-Ausg d: Handausgabe

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

HDB d; höheres Datenbyte - e: Herpes-Dissociated Buffer - e: High Density Binary - e: High Density Bipolar [Code] - e: High Density Buffer - e: Higher Data Byte - e: Home Defence Brigade - e: Horizontal Dynamic Balancing - e: Housing Development Board Hdb d: Handbuch - d: Herdbuch HdB d: Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft - d: Handwörterbuch des Bankwesens HDB3 e: High Density Binary 3 [level signal] HDBA e: Horizontal Dynamic Balancing Adjustment HdBAA e: Handbook of the British Astronomical Association HDBC e: High Density Bipolar Code HDB Code e: High Density Bipolar Code HDB3 Code e: High Density Bipolar 3 Code HDBF e: Heavy-Duty Business Forum HDBH e: High Day Busy Hour Hd-Bibl d: Handbibliothek HDBK e: Handbook hdbn e: had been Hdbr d: Handbremse HdbUV d: Handbuch der Unfallversicherung Hdbv d: Herdbuchvieh HDC e: Half Double Crochet - e: Half Duplex Circuit - e: Hangar Deck Control - e: Harbor Defense Command - e: Hard Disc [or Disk] Controller - e: Harry Diamond Center - e: Hawaiian Defense Command - e: Heavy Double Cotton - e: Heavy Duty Clamp - e: Heavy Duty Contractor - e: Helicopter Direction Center - e: Helium Direct-Current - e: Henry Draper Catalogue - e: Hexadecimal Code - e: High Density Center - e: High Density CMOS - e: High-Density Cotton - e: High-Dose Chemotherapy - e: High-Duty Cycle - e: High-speed Data Channel - e: Histidine Decarboxylase - e: Historical Data Center - e: Holder in Due Course - e: Home Data Channel - e: Housing Development Corporation - e: Hungarian Data Center - e: Hybrid Device Controller - e: Hydrodynamic Chromatography Hd Cd e: Head Card HDCES e: Hot/Dry Clothing and Equipment System H D C G e: Honorable Discharge, Convenience of Government HD[-]Clinic e: Hansen's Disease Clinic HDCM e: Honorable Discharge, Convenience of Man HD Code e: Hexadecimal Code HDCP e: Harbo[u]r Defense [or Defence] Command Post H D C R e: Hard Chromium - e: Higher Diploma of the College of Radiographers HDCS e: Human Diploid Cell Strains


H D Curve HD Curve e: Hurter and Driffield Curve HDD e: Hard Disc [or Disk] Drive - e: Hawkesbury [Agricultural College] Diploma of Dairying - e: Head-Down Display - e: Heavy-Duty Detergent - e: Heavy-Duty Diesel - e: High Definition Display - e; High Density Data - e: High-Density Disk - e: Higher Dental Diploma - e: Homopolar Disk Dynamo - e: Housing Development Directorate - e: Human Disorientation Device HDDA e: Hiexadecadienylacetate HD-DARS e: High Speed Data Acquisition and Reduction System HDDB e: High Dummy Discriptor Block HDDD e: High-Density Disk Drive HDDI e: High Density Digital Tape HDDP e: Honorable Discharge HDDR e: Hard Disc [or Disk] Digital Recording - e: Head Down Display Recorder - e: High-Density Digital Recorder - e: High-Density Digital [magnetic] Recording - e: High-Digital Density Recording H D D R N e: Hard-Drawn HDDS e: High-Density Data System - e: Honorable Discharge HDDT e: High-Density Digital Tape HDDU e: Head Down Display Unit HdE d: Handbuch der Einfuhr - d: Haus der Elektrotechnik HDE d: Head-Drop-Einheit - e: Hauptgemeinschaft Deutscher Einzelhandel - e: Higher Diploma in Education - e: Homogeneous Differential Equation h de c s: hidratos de carbrono HDED e: Hard Decision Error Detector - e: Heavy Duty Enzyme Detergent HDEE e: Honorable Discharge, Expiration of Enlistment HDEP e: High Definition Electronic Production - e: High-Density Electronic Packaging HDERU e: Heavy Duty Ejector Release Unit HDES e: Head of Defence Services HDF d: Hohldielenfertiger - e: Handle Door Fastener - e: Hartmann Dispersion Formula - e: HF [High-Frequency] Direction Finder - e: HF [High-Frequency] Direction Finding - e: High[-]Density Flexible - e: High-Desirable Facility - e: High-frequency Direction Finder - e: High-frequency Direction Finding - e: Highly Dispersive Filter - e: Horizontal Data Flow - e: Horizontal Distributing Frame - e: Horizontal Distribution Frame - e: Host Data Facility - e: Human Factor Dicision of Air Research and Development Cd. Hdf e: Howardfield H/DF e: Human/Dolphin Foundation HdF d: Handbuch der Filmwirtschaft HdFl d: Handelsflotte HDFLINT e: Heading Flash Intensity HD FRZ e: Hard Freeze HDFS System e: High-Definition Film and Sound System Hdfw d: Handfeuerwaffe[n]


HDG d: Hilfsdienstgesetz - e: Heading - e: High-Density Graphite - e: Holding - e: Holographic Diffraction Grating - e: Hot Dip Galvanization HDGA e: Hot Dip Galvanizers Association HDG-DTL e: Heading to Detail hdgest d: handgesteuert Hdg-Hdg e: Heading to Heading HDG-HDG e: Heading-to-Heading HDGP e: High-Drag General-Purpose Hdgr d: Handgriff[e] HDG/S e: Heading Selected HDH d: Hauptverband der Deutschen Holzindustrie - d: Heidenheim / Brenz - e: Hawker de Havilland - e: Hawker De Havilland Australia PTY. Limited - e: High level Data link control distant Host HdH d: Haus des Handwerks Hdhbg d: Handhabung HDHC e: High-Density Hydrocarbon[s] HDHD e: Hawaiian District Harbors Divisinn HDHL e: High-Density Helicopter Landing HDHNH e: Hydrodenitrogenation HDHQ e: Hostility and Direction of Hostility Questionnaire HDHS e: Haul Down and Handling System HDHVPS e: High Density High Voltage Power Supply HDI e: Hawaiian Development Irradiator - e: Head Disk Interface - e: Head-Disk Interference - e: Heavy Defence Industries, Pakistan - e: Helicopter Direction Inbound - e: Hexamethylene Diisocyanate - e: High-Density Interconnect - e: High Dose Implantation - e: Highly Dense Isotropic - e: Horizon Direction Indicator - e: Horizontal Display Indicator - e: House Dress Institute - e: Human Development Index - e: Humane Development Institute HDIA d: Haftpflichtverband Dialoganwendung H D I C e: High-Density Interconnect Circuit - e: High Digital Integrated Circuit HDIF e: Heavy-Duty Industrial Filter HDIL e: Halifax-Dartmouth Industries Limited HD Instruction e: Halt Device Instruction HDIP e: Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay - e: High Dose Immune Paralysis H Dip E[d] e: Higher Diploma in Education HDIR e: Heavy-Duty Industrial Relay H disease e: Hart's disease HDIV e: Hughes Dynamic Imagery Viewer HdJ d: Haus der Jugend HDK d: Hochdrehzahlklopfen - d: Hochdruckkompressor - d: hohe Dielektrizitätskonstante - e: Hurricane Deck HdK d: Handkasse - d: Handwörterbuch der Kommunalwissenschaften - d: Handwörterbuch der Kriminologie HDKF e: Handkerchief

© K • G • Saur, München

HDL d: Hochdrucklampe - e: Hardware Description Language - e: Hardware Design Language - e: Harry Diamond Laboratories - e: Hierarchical Data Link Control - e: High-Density Cholesterol - e: High Density Lipoprotein^] - e: High-Level Data Link - e: Hydrologie Data Laboratory hdl e: handle Hdl d: Handel - d: Handelslehrer - d: Händler - d: Handlung HdL d: Hauptdispatcherleitung HDLA e: High level Data Link control Adapter HdlAbk d: Handelsabkommen Hdlbg d: Heidelberg HDLC e: Hierarchical Data Link Control - e: High-level Data Labotatory - e: High-level Data Link Control Procedure[s] - e: High-level Data Link Controller] HDL Control e: High-level Data Link Control HDLCP e: High-level Data Link Control Procedure[s] HDLC Procedure e: High-Level Data Link Control Procedure HDLCs e: High-level Data Link Controls hdle e: horse racing hurdle HDLESS e: Headless Hdlex d: Handlexikon Hdlg d: Handlung HDLG e: Handling Hdlgh d: Handlungsgehilfe HDLM e: High-level Data Linkage Module hdlr e: handler HDLR e: Hexadecimal Symbolic Loader Hdl-Reg d: Handelsregister HDLS e: Hardware Description Language System - e: Headless HDLs e: High Density Lipoproteins HdlV d: Handlungsvollmacht HdlVertr d: Handelsvertrag HDLW e: Hearing Distance Left of the Watch hdlw e: hearing distance, watch at left ear H D M d: Hängedrehmäkler - d: Hydrodensimeter - e: Hierarchical Desgin Method - e: Hierarchical Development Methodology - e: High Data Mode - e: High Density Magnum - e: High Dry Matter - e: High Duty Metal - e: Hot Dark Matter - e: Humic Degradation Matter - e: Hydrodemetalation - e: Hydrodensimeter - e: Hydrodynamic Machining - e: Hydrodynamic Modulation HDMA e: Hardwood Dimension Manufacturers Association H D - M A C e: High-Definition MAC [Multiplexed] AnaIog[ue] Components] HDMAC e: High Definition Multiplexed Analogue Components HDME e: Hanging Drop Mercury Electrode HDMF e: Hybrid D-Median Filter HDMI e: High Density Multichip Interconnect H D M L e: Harbor Defense Motor Launch

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

h/duty HDMP e: Horizon Definition Measurement Program HDMR e: High-Density Moderated Reactor - e: High-Density Multitrack Recording HDMS e: High Density Memory System - e: Honeywell Distributed Manufacturing System - e: Honorable Discharge, Medical Survey HDMSO e: Hexamethyldisiloxane HDMSW e: High-Density Mach Shock Wave HD-MTD e: High Density Magnetic Tape Drive HDMTX-CF e: High-Dose MethotrexateCitrovorum Factor HDMTX-LV e: High-Dose Methotrexate, Leucovorin HDMU e: Honorable Discharge, under Age of Authorized Consent HDMW e: Honorable Discharge, Minors Enlisted without Consent, under Eighteen Discharge hdn e: harden HDN e: Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn - e: Heyden Chemical Corporation - e: Hydrodenitrogenation HDNP e: High-Density Nickel Powder HDNSW e: High-Density Nuclear Shock Wave HDO e: Head-Down Display - e: Helicopter Direction Outbound - e: High Density Overlay - e: Home Disk Only H Doc e: House Document HDOC e: Handy Dandy Orbital Computer - e: House Document HDODA e: 1,6-Hexanediol Diacrylate - e: Hexanediol Diacrylate HdO-Gerät d: Hinter-dem-Ohr-Gerät HD Oil e: Heavy Duty Oil HDOL e: Hexadecanol HDOP e: Harbo[u]r Defense [or Defence] Observation Post - e: Horizontal Dilution of Precision HDOS e: Hard Disk Operating System - e: Health Disc [or Disk] Operating System HDOTRS e: Headquarters HDOV e: Hardover HDp d: Heeresdepot HDP d: Hexose-Diphosphat - e: Hauptdruckprüfung - e: Heavy-Duty Petrol - e: Hell Data Processing - e: Hexose Diphosphate - e: High-Desirable Performance - e: High Detonation Pressure - e: High Discharge Pressure - e: Holddown Post - e: Horizontal Data Processing - e: Hydrazine Diperchlorate HDPA e: Hydroxydiphenylamine HDPC e: Harbo[u]r Defense [or Defence] Patrol Craft HDPCM e: Hybrid Differential Pulse Code Modulation HD-PE d: Hochdruck-Polyäthylen HDP[E][s] e: High-Density Polyethylene!s] HDPG e: Half Deck Plate Girder HdPh d: Handbuch der Physik HDPI e: Hyundai Precision Industry HD-Presse d: Hochdruckpresse HDPS e: High-Density Power Supply HDQAMC e: Headquarters Air Materiel Command HDQRS e: Headquarters HDQTRS e: Headquarters

HDR d: Heißdampfreaktor - d: Herdraumdruckregelung - e: Hand Rail - e: Hardware Design Review - e: Head of Data Record - e: Head Record - e: Header - e: Health Data Recorder - e: High Data Rate - e: High Data Register - e: High Definition Radar - e: High-Density Recorder - e: High-Density Recording - e: High Dose Rate - e: Hold-Down and Release - e: Home Dockyard Regulation^] - e: Hot Dry Rock [Method] - e: Humanitarian Daily Ration hdr e: handrail HDr e: Horse-Drawn HdR d: Handwörterbuch der Rechtswissenschaft H-Dr e: Horse-Drawn HD&R e: Human Development and Relationships HDRA e: Heavy-Duty Representatives Association - e: Henry Doubleday Research Association H-D RBC e: Heat-Damaged Red Blood Cell HDRBG d: Heißdampfreaktor-Betriebsgesellschaft HDR/ELF e: High Data Rate Extremely Low Frequency HDRI e: Hannah Dairy Research Institute HDRR e: Holloman Development Research Report HDRS e: High Density Recording System HDRSS e: High-Data-Rate Storage System[s] HDRT e: High Density Recording Tape HDRV e: Heavy Duty Recovery Vehicle - e: Human Diploid-cell Rabies Vaccine HDRW e: Hearing Distance Right of the Watch - e: Hearing Distance, watch at right ear HDS d: Hydroxy-Decensäure - e: Half Duplex System - e: Hardware Development System - e: Head Set - e: Headset - e: Heat Detectors - e: Hermes Data System - e: High Density Satellite - e: High Density Sludge - e: Historical Data System - e: Homogeneous Distinguishing Sequence - e: Hospital Discharge Survey - e: Huang Diffuse Scattering - e: Human Development Services - e: Hundreds - e: Hybrid Development System - e: Hydrodesulfurization - e: Hydrodesulfurizer - e: Hydrogen Detection System Hds d: Handelssaatgut - d: Handschrift H/DS e: Head-to-Disk Separation - e: Head-to-Drum Separation HDSC e: Harris Data Services Corp Hd Schm e: Head Schoolmaster Hdschr d: Handschreiben - d: Handschrift HD/SCSI e: Hard Disk/Small Computer System Interface Hd Sd e: Hard Sand

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

HDSE e: Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Engineering HDSG d: hessisches Datenschutzgesetz HDSHK e: Handshake HDSL e: High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line hdsp e: hardship HDS Process e: Hydrodesulphurization Process HDSR d: Handbuch des deutschen Staatsrechts HDSS e: Hospital Decision Support System Hd-St d: Hundesteuer HDst d: Hauptdienststelle HDST e: Hawaiian Daylight Saving Time - e: Headset - e: High-Density Shock Tube HdStWS e: Handwörterbuch des Städtebaues, Wohnungs- und Siedlungswesens HDSW d: Handwörterbuch der Sozial wissenschaften HDT d: Handbuch der deutschen Tagespresse - d: Haus der Technik e.V. - d: Hochdruckturbine - e: Half Duplex Teletype - e: Hardware Demonstration Test - e: Heat-Deflection Temperature - e: Heat Deflection Test - e: Heat Distortion Temperature - e: Heavy Duty Truck - e: High Density Tape - e: Horizontal Deflection Terminal[s] - e: Horse-Drawn Transport - e: Hydrodynamic Technology HdT d: Haus der Technik Hdt d; Hundert H/D/T e: Hydrogen/Deuterium/Tritium [Ratio] HDTA e: High Density Traffic Airport HDTI e: Human Development Training Institute HDTM e: Half-Duplex Transmission Module - e: Heavy-Duty [Tank] Target Mechanism HDTMA e: Heavy-Duty Truck Manufacturers Association HDTP d: Hauptdirektion für Post und Telecommunication hdtp e: hardtop HDTS e: Harbor Drive Test Site HDTUL e: Heat-Deflection Temperature under Load HDTV e: High-Definition Television - e: High Definition TV - e: High-Density Television - e: High Dissolving Television HD Type e: High Dielectric Type HDU d: Hochdruckumleitstation - e: H[a]emodialysis Unit - e: Hard Disk Unit - e: Head-Drop Unit - e: Helmet Display Unit - e: Home Defence Unit - e: Horse-Drawn Vehicle - e: Hose Drum Unit - e: Hosedrogue Unit HDÜ d: Hochspannungsdrehstromübertragung HDUE e: High Dynamic User Equipment HDUP e: Half Duplex h/duty e: heavy duty


HDV HDV d: Heeresdienstvorschrift - d: Heeresdruckvorschrift[en] - e: Halt Device - e: Heavy-Duty Vehicle - e: Hepatitis Delta Virus - e: High-Density-Version - e: High Dollar Value - e: Horse-Drawn Vehicle - e: Human Delta Virus H Dv d: Heeresdienstvorschrift HD V d: Heeresdruckvorschrift[en] HdV d: Handwörterbuch des Versicherungswesens HDVD e: High-Definition Video-Disk HDVS e: High-Definition Video System HDW d: Hebdrehwähler - e: Hard-Drawn Wire - e: Hardware - e: High-Pressure Demineralized Water - e: Hydro-Dynamic[s] Welding hdw e: handwheel Hdw d: Handwagen - d: Handwerker] HdW d: Handwörterbuch des Wohnungswesens HDWA e: Hardware Hdwb[ch] d: Handwörterbuch HdwbR d: Handwörterbuch der Rechtswissenschaft H D W C e: Hardware Cloth [wire screen] H D W C e: Hawaii Deep Water Cable HD W D e: Hardwood - e: Headword H D WDM e: High Density Wavelength Division Multiplex HD WE e: Hardware H D W H L e: Hand Wheel H D W N D e: Head Wind H D W R E e: Hardware HdwStG d: Handwerksteuergesetz HDX d: Halbduplexbetrieb - e: Half-Duplex [Transmission] - e: Hitachi Data and Telex Exchange - e: Home Defence Exercise HDX Circuit e: Half Duplex Circuit HDY e: Heavy Duty HDZ d: Hessisches Datenzentrum - d: Hochdruck[dampf]zylinder Hdz d: Handzeichen - d: Handzettel


H E d: Hafereinheit - d: Hahnenkammeinheit - d: Halleneinrichtung - d: Handeinstellung - d: Harteeindriicke - d: Hauptentschâdigung - d: Havarieerneuerung - d: Heim-Electrik - d: Hektolitereinnahme - d: Helmstedt - d: Hilfseinrichtung - d: Hoheneinheit - d: Humuseinheit - d: Hydraulikeinheit - d: Hypophysektomie - e: Hall Effect - e: Hammerless Ejector - e: Handling Duplex - e: Handling Engineer - e: Handling Equipment - e: Hardware Evaluator - e: Hardware Executive - e: Harmful Environment - e: Hawaiian Electric Industries [Company] - e: Hawaiin Electric Industries Inc. - e: Head - e: Heading Error - e: Hearing Examiner - e: Heat Engine - e: Heat Exchanged] - e: Heating Element - e: Heating Engineer - e: Heating Engineering - e: Heavy Enamel[led] [Wire] - e: Heavy Equipment - e: Height of [the] Eye - e: Helium Embrittlement - e: Hemotoxylin and Eosin - e: Hepatic Encephalopathy - e: Heptachlorine Epoxide - e: Her Eminence - e: Her Excellency - e: Hermes Electronics - e: High Efficiency - e: High-Elongation - e: High-Energy [Astrophysics] - e: High Explosive [Anti-Armour] - e: Higher Education - e: Highway Engineer - e: Highway Engineering - e: Higly Explosive - e: His Eminence - e: His Excellency - e: Hollis & Eastern [railroad] - e: Home Establishment - e: Horizontal Equivalent - e: Housekeeping Element - e: Hub End - e: Human Engineering - e: Human Enteric - e: Human Events - e: Human Exposure Dose - e: Hydraulic[s] Engineering] - e: Hydroelectric[ity] - e: Hydrogen Electrode - e: Hydrogen Embrittlement - e: Hydrogen Evolution - e: Hydromagnetic Emission[s] - e: Hydrophone Effect - e: Hygienic Effect - e: Hyperelastic[ity] - s: Hidroeléctrica Española

© K • G • Säur, München

He d: Helium - d: Hermelin - e: Book of Helaman - e: Hebraic - e: Hebrew - e: Hectare[s] - e: Helium - e: Hertz he 1: hie est -1: hoc est H&E d: Hausrat, Eisenwaren, Elektrogeräte (journ.) - e: Haemorrhage and Exudate - e: H[a]emotoxylin and Eosin - e: Haemotoxylin and Exudate - e: Heredity and Environment H/E e; Heat Exchange^] HE05 e: HAWK Electro Optical Sensor HEA d: Hauptberatungsstelle für Elektrizitätsanwendung e.V. - e: Health Education Authority - e: Heating Engineering Association - e: High-Efficiency Antireflection [Coating] - e: Higher Education Act - e: Home Economics Association - e: Horticultural Education Association - e: Hot Electron Amplifier - e: Human Erythrocyte Antigen - e: Hydroxyethyl Acrylate - e: Hydroxyethylamine HEAA e: High Explosive, Anti-Aircraft - e: Home Economics Association of Australia HEAA Shell e: High Explosive Antiaircraft Shell H E A C e: Higher Education Accommodation Consortium - e: Higher Education Administration Charge HEA Coating e: High-Efficiency Antireflection Coating HEAD e: Helium-Atom Diffraction - e: High Efficiency Amplifier embodying Dohertz principles HEADCOM e: Headquarters Command head[s] e: headache[s] Head Sigs e: Headquarters Signals HEADS-UP e: Health Care Delivery Simulator for Urban Population [s] HEAF e: Heavy End Aviation Fuel - e: Higher Education Assistance Foundation - e: High-Energy Air Filter - e: High-Energy Aircraft Fuel - e: Human Error Analysis Record HEAFS e: High-Explosive Anti-tank Fin-Stabilized HEAG d: Hessische Elektrizitäts-AG HEAL e: Health Education Assistance Loans - e: Home Environment Aid for Living - e: Human Ecology Action League H E A L S e: Honeywell Error Analysis and Logging System HEALT e: Helicopter Employment and Assault Landing Table Health Aff e: Health Affairs (journ.) Healthcare e: Healthcare Marketing Report (journ.) Healthc Comput Commun e: Healthcare Computing and Communications (journ.) Health Lab Sei e: Health Laboratory Science (journ.) Health Manage Q e: Health Management Quarterly (journ.) HEALTH PHYS e: Health Physics Health Phys e: Health Physics (journ.) Health Safety Work e: Health and Safety at Work (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

hectom Health Saf Ind Commer e: Health and Safety in Industry and Commerce (journ.) Health [US] e: Health Crisis 2000 [United States] (journ.) H E Ammunition e; High Explosive Ammunition HEAO e: High-Energy Astronomical Observatory - e: High-Energy Astronomy Observatory - e: High-Energy Astrophysical Observatory HEAP e: Helicopter Extended Area Platform - e: High Explosive Anti-Personnel - e: High Explosive Armo[u]r-Piercing HEAP Projectile e: High Explosive Armo[u]r-Piercing Projectile HEAP Rocket e: High Explosive Anti-Personal Rocket H-eaps e: Heroin capsules HEAPS e: Health Education and Promotion Information System - e: High Energy Alpha-Proton Spectrometer HEAP Shell e: High Explosive Armo[u]r-Piercing Shell Hear e: Hearing HEAR e: Hearing Education through Auditory Research - e: High Explosive Anti-Armor - e: Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio - e: Hospital Emergency Area Radio - e: Human Error Action Report Hear Res e: Hearing Research [Netherlands] (journ.) HEARS e: Higher Education Administration Referral Services HEART e: Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology - e: Hawaii Environmental Area Rapid Transport system - e: Human Engineering Analysis and Requirements Tool Heart Lung e: Heart and Lung. Journal of Critical Care (journ.) HEART System e: Hawaii Environmental Area Rapid Transport System HEARU e: Higher Education Advisory and Research Unit HEAT e: Heat escape lessening posture - e: Heating - e: High Enthalpy Arc Tunnel [NASA] - e: High-Explosive Anti-Tank [projectile] - e: Highly Expendable Aerial Target - e: Human Erythrocyte Agglutination Test - e: Hydroxyphenyl Ethyl Aminoethyl Tetralone Heat e: Heater Heat Air Cond J e: Heating and Air Conditioning Journal [GB] (journ.) Heat/Combust Equip News e: Heating/ Combustion Equipment News [US] (journ.) HEAT-FS e: High Explosive Anti-Tank-Fin Stabilised HEATFS-T e: High Explosive Anti-Tank Fire-Stabilized-Tracer HEATH e: Heathrow [Airport] - e: Heavy Water Deuterium Oxide - e: Higher Education and the Handicapped Heat Process Dig e: Heat Processing Digest [ASM International, US] (journ.) HEAT Projectile e: High Explosive Antitank Projectile Heat Recovery Syst CHP e: Heat Recovery Systems and CHP [GB] (journ.) HEAT Shell e: High Explosive Antitank Shell

Heat Technol e: Heat and Technology [Italy] (journ.) - e: Heat Technology [US] (journ.) Heat Transf Eng e: Heat Transfer Engineering [US] (journ.) Heat Transf Jpn Res e: Heat TransferJapanese Research [Published in the US] (journ.) Heat Transf Sov Res e: Heat TransferSoviet Research [Published in the US] (journ.) Heat Treat e: Heat Treating [US] (journ.) Heat Treat Met e: Heat Treatment of Metals [Wolfson Heat Treatment Center, GB] (journ.) Heat Treat Met [China] e: Heat Treatment of Metals [China] (journ.) HEAVYPHOTORON e: Heavy Photographic Squadron HEB d: Halleffect-Bauelement - d: Hersbruck - e: Hematoencephalitic Barrier - e: Hepar Embryonis Bovis - e: High-Efficiency Binding - e: High Energy Beam - e: Hollow Electron Beam - e: Human Error Rate - e: Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Heb e: Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews - e: Hebraic - e: Hebrew[s] - e: Hebrides HeBA d: Heizungsbetriebsanweisung HEBA e: Home Extension Building Association HEBAH e: Heat Engine/Battery Hybrid HebammG d: Hebammengesetz HebAPO d: Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsordnung für Hebammen - d: Hebammen-Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsordnung HEBC e: Heavy Enamel Bonded [Single] Cotton [Wire] hebd e: hebdomadal [weekly] HEBDC e: Heavy Enamel Bonded Double Cotton [Wire] HebDO d: Dienstordnung für Hebammen hebdo e: hebdomad[al][ly] - e: hebdomadaries - e: hebdomadary hebdom I: hebdomas hebdomag e: hebdomadal magazine HEBDP e: Heavy Enamel Bonded Double Paper hebdp e: Heavy Enamel Bonded Double-Paper HEBDP e: Heavy Enamel Bonded Double Paper [Wire] HEBDS e: Heavy Enamel Bonded Double Silk [Wire] Heb Ety e: Hebrerasebawit Etyopia HebG d: Hebammengesetz HEBIS d: Hessisches Bibliothekssystem HEBO e: Heavy Enamel single paper Bonded HEBP e: Heavy Enamel Bonded [Single] Paper [Wire] Heb[r] e: Hebrew[s] hebr d: hebräisch HeBR d: heliumgekühlter Brutreaktor Hebr e: Hebraic - e: Hebrew - e: Hebrides Hebrides e: Hebrides Islands oft Scotland

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

HeBRn d: heliumgekiihlte Brutreaktioren HebrUCA e: Hebrew Union College Annual (journ.) HEBS e: Heavy Enamel Bonded [Single] Silk [Wire] - e: High Energy Battery System HEC e: Hardened Electronic Component - e: Hartford Engineers Club - e: Hasselblad Electric Camera - e: Hawaii Electric Company - e: Hazeltime Electronics Corporation - e: Health Education Council - e: Health Educator Council - e: Heard European Countries [radio amateurs] - e: Heavy Enamel single-Cotton [insulation] - e: Heavy Enamel [Single] Cotton [Wire] - e: Heavy Engineering Corporation - e: High Emission Cathode - e: High-Endurance Cutter - e: High-Energy Chemistry - e: Higher Education Corporation - e: Highly-Extendable Language Processor - e: Hoffman Electronics Corporation - e: Hollerith Electronic Computer - e: Hooker Electrochemical Company - e: Horowitz-Eastman-Crane Method - e: Hydro-Electric Commission - e: Hydrogen Embrittlement Cracking - e: Hydroxyethylcellulose - e: Hydroxymethyl Cellulose - f: Hautes Etudes Commerciales - f: Heure de l'Europe Centre Hec e: Hecuba HECA e: High Efficiency Charcoal Adsorber H E C A D e: Human Engineering Computer Aided Design HECATE e: Heat Exchanger Computerized Aid for Technical Engineering HECB e: Highways Engineering Computing Branch HECC e: Higher Education Coordinating Council HeCd e: Helium-Cadmium [Laser] HECI e: Human-interface Equipment Catalog Item HeckMG d: Heckmaschinengewehr HECLINET e: Health Care Literature Information Network he els b e: heating coils in bunker he els ct e: heating coils in cargo tanks H E C M A R e: Human Engineering Criteria for Maintenance and Repair HECO e: Hawaiian Electric Company - e: Hydro-Electric Commission of Ontario HE COMP e: Helium Compressor HECP e: Harbor Entrance Control Post HECPOST e: Harbor Entrance Control Post HECRE e: High-Energy Cosmic Ray Experiment HECSAGON e: Horowitz-Eastman-Crane Symbol Array Governed by Orthodox Notation HECT e: Hydro-Electricity Commission of Tasmania hect e: hectare - e: hectoliter hecticity e: hectic activity hecto e:unit[10 2 ] hectog e: hectogram[s] hectol e: hectoliter [US] - e: hectolitrefs] [GB] hectom e: hectometer [US] - e: hectometrefs] [GB]


HECTOR H E C T O R e: Heated Experimental] Carbon Thermal Oscillator Reactor - e: Hot Enriched Carbon-moderated Thermal Oscillator Reactor HECV e: Heavy Enamel [Single] Cotton Varnish [Wire] HECVES e: Harbor Entrance Control Vessel H E D d: Haupt-Einheits Dosis - d: Haut-Erythem-Dosis - d: Hauteinheitsdosis - e: Hall Effect Device - e: Hazeltime Electronics Division - e: Headquarters - e: High-Energy Detector - e: Historical English Dictionary - e: Horizontal Electric[al] Dipole - e: Hot Electron Diode - e: Human Engineering Data - e: Human Engineering Discrepancy - e: Hydraulically Extendable Dipperstick - e: Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia HEDA e: High-Explosive Delayed-Action HEDC e: Hasselblad Electric Data Camera - e: Heavy Enamel Double Cotton [Wire] - e: High Explosive Depth Charge - e: Houston Economic Development Council HEDCC e: Human Error Data Control Center HEDCO e: Hawaii Economic Development Corporation H E D C O M e: Headquarters Command H E D C V e: Heavy Enamel Double Cotton Varnish [Wire] HE Dept e: Hydroelectric Department HEDGE e: Human Factor Evaluation Data for General Equipment HEDI e: High Endoathmospharic Deference Intercepter - e: High Endoathmospheric Defense Interceptor H E D L e: Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory HEDM e: High-Explosive Dual Mode HEDP e: l-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1Diphosphonic Acid - e: High Explosive Double Purpose - e: High Explosive Dual Purpose hed['s] e: hearing-ear dog[s] H E D S e: Hall-Effect Distribution System - e: Heavy Enamel Double Silk [Wire] - e: High Elliptical Orbiting Scientific - e: High Endoatmospheric Defense System - e: High Energy Dislocation Structure - e: High Explosive, Discarding Sabot hed sked e: headline schedule HEDS Program e: High Elliptical Orbiting Scientific Program H E D S U P P A C T e: Headquarters Support Activity H E D S V e: Heavy Enamel Double Silk Varnish [insulation] H E D T A e: Hydroxyethylene Diaminetriacetate - e: Hydroxy[ethyl]ethylene Diaminetetraacetic Acid - e: Hydroxyethylethylene Diaminotriacetate - e: N-[2-Hydroxyethyl]ethylenediaminetriacetic Acid HEDUSAFE e: Headquarters United States Air Force Europe HEE e: High Express Emotion - e: Hydrogen Environment Embrittlement HEEA e: Home Economics Education Association HEEB e: High-Energy Electrolyte Battery


HEED e: Health and Education [department or ministry] - e: High-Energy Electron Diffraction H E E D A e: Health and Environmental Effects Data Analysis HEEDTA e: Hydroxy[ethyl]ethylene Diaminetetraacetic Acid - e: N-Hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic Acid HEEEL e: High-Energy Electronically Excited Laser HEEI e: High-Energy Electronic Ignition HEENT e: Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat HEEP e: Health Effect[s] of Environmental Pollutants - e: Health Effects of Environmental Pollution - e: Highway Engineering Exchange Program[me] - e: Highway Engineers Exchange Program[me] H E / E R e: High Effect Extended Range H E E R e: High Explosive Extended Range H E E R A e: Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act Heeresfl d: Heeresflieger Heerw d: Heereswesen HEF d: Bad Hersfeld - d: Hauptempfangsfrequenz - e: Hearth Electric Furnace - e: Heat-curing Epoxy Film - e: Heated Effluents [Database] - e: Heterngeneous Element Processor - e: High-Elongation Furnace Black - e: High-Energy Forging - e: High-Energy Forming - e: High-Energy Fuel[s] - e: High-Expansion Foam - e: High Explosive Fragmentation - e: Hispanic Energy Forum - e: Hospital Employees Federation hef e: heifer HEFA e: Higher Education Facilities Act HE-Färbung d: Hämatoxilin-Eosinfärbung HEFAS d: Hubschrauber-Erdziel HEFC e: Higher Education Facilities Commission Hefegär d: Hefegärung HEFET e: High-Electron-mobility FET [Field-Effect Transistor] HEFG e: Hall Effect Function Generator Hefl d: Heeresflieger HEFOE e: Hydraulic HEFRAG e: High Explosive Fragmentation HEFs e: High Energy Fuels HEFS-FRAG e: High Explosive Fin Stabilized-Fragmentation HEFU e: High-Energy Firing Unit HEG d: Haftentschädigungsgesetz - d: Hessische Elektronik-Gesellschaft - e: Hall Effect Generator - e: Heavy Enamel [Single] Glass [Insulation] - e: Heavy Enamel [Single] Glass [Wire] HEG-FIO e: Human Engineering Laboratory Field Office HEGIS e: Higher Education General Information System - e: Higher Educational] General Information Survey HEGL e: High Energy Gas Laser HEGR e: High Energy Gamma Ray[s] HEH e: Her Exalted Highness - e: High-Explosive, Heavy - e: His Exalted Highness - e: Hyperkinetic Heart HEHC e: High Explosive

© K • G • Saur, München

HEHF e: Hanford Environmental Health Foundation HEHL e: Henry E. Huntington Library HEI d: Heide - e: Hangar Engineering Item - e: Health Effects Institute - e: Heat Exchange Institute - e: Held for Engineering Investigation - e: HIF Eimiskipafelag Islands - e: High-Energy [Electronic] Ignition - e: High Explosive, Incendiary - e: Holographic Exposure Index - e: Hotel Enterprises Incorporated - e: Human Exploration Initiative - e: Humidity-Electronic Indicator HE-I e: High-Explosive Incendiary HEIA e: High-Explosive Immediate Action HEIAC e: Hydraulic Engineering IAC [Information Analysis Center] - e: Hydraulic Engineering Information Analysis Center HEIAS e: Human Engineering Information [and] Analysis Service HEIB e: Home Economists In Business HEIC e: Honourable East India Company HEICN e: Honourable East India Company[s] Navy HEICS e: Honourable East India Company[s] Service HEIDA e: Hydroxyethyliminodiacetic Heidel d: Heidelberg - d: Heidelberg Ruprecht-Karl-Universität Heil d: Heilung Heilk[d] d: Heilkunde Heilpr d: Heilpraktiker] HeilprG d: Heilpraktikergesetz Heilst d: Heilstätte Heilw d: Heilwesen HeilwWG d: Gesetz über die Werbung auf dem Gebiet des Heilwesens Heimatkd d: Heimatkunde Heimw d: Heimwerker Hein d: Heinersdorf HEinn d: Haushaltseinnahme HEIP e: High-Explosive Incendiary Plug HE/IR e: High Explosive Infra-Red heir app e: heir apparent heir près e: heir presumptive Heir-Reg d: Heiratsregister HEIRS e: Health Education Information Retrieval System HEIs e: High Energy Ignitions HEIS e: High-Energy Ion Scattering [Spectroscopy] HEISAP e: High Explosive Incendiary Semi-Armour Piercing HEISD e: High-Explosive Incendiary Self-Destroying HEIT e: High-Explosive Incendiary Traced - e: High-Explosive Incendiary Tracing - e: High-Explosive Incendiary with Tracer HEI-T e: High-Explosive Incendiary [with] Tracer HEITDISD e: High-Explosive Incendiary Tracer Dark Ignition Self-Destroying HEITSD e: High-Explosive Incendiary Tracer Self-Destroying HEIX e: Home Economics Information Exchange Heiz d: Heizung Heiz-Ing d: Heizungsingenieur HEK d: Haupteichkreis - e: Heavy Enamel single Cellophane [Insulation] - e: Heptachlor Epoxide Ketone - e: Human Embryo[nic] Kidney

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HELSRON Hekt d: Hektoliter HeKt e: Hederich-Kainit HEL d: Hessen, Landesregierung und Landtag - e: Hartford Electric Light Company - e: Helsinki [Airport] - e: Hen's Egg-white Lysozyme - e: High-Energy Laser [beams] - e: High-Explosive, Light - e: Home-Equity Line - e: Hugoniot Elastic Limit - e: Human Embryonic Lung - e: Human Engineering Laboratories - e: Hunting Engineering Limited - e: Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory Hel e: Helicopter - e: Helsinki [Helsingfors] - e: Helvetia - N: Hellas HeLa e: Helen Lake [Cancer Cells] HELAB e: High Energy Laser Assessment Board HELAC e: Helix Linear Accelerator HELAIRDET e: Helicopter Air Detachment HELANTISUBRON e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron HELANTISUBRONDET e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Detachment HELAPS e: High Effciency Linear Amplification by Parametric Synthesis HELASRON e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron HELAST e: Human Engineering Laboratory Armor System[s] Test HELATKRON e: Helicopter Attack Squadron HELA Tumor Cell e: Helen Lake Tumor Cell HELB e: High Energy Laser Beam - e: High-Energy Line Break HELBAT e: Human Engineering Laboratories Battalion Artillery Test[s] HELCAP e: Human Engineering Laboratoly Counterair Program HELCAR e: Helicopter Collision Avoidance Radar Hel CIS e: Helicopter Command Instrumentation System HELCO e: Hartford Electric Light Company - e: Hilo Electric Company HELCOM e: Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission-Helsinki Commission HELCOMBSUPPRON e: Helicopter Compat Support Squadron HELD e: Helicopter Laser Designator H Electrode e: Head Electrode HELEX e: Hydrogenous Exponential Liquid Experiment HELFAST e: Human Engineering Laboratory Forward Area Supply and Transfer HEL-FI e: Human Engineering Laboratory Field Office Helg d: Helgoland HELHAT e: Human Engineering Laboratory Helicopter Armament [Tests] hel[i] e: helicopter HELI e: Heliport Heli Intnl e: Helicopter International (journ.) HELIK e: Helicopter Killer HELILEX e: Helicopter Landing Exercise

helio e: heliochrome - e: heliodon - e: heliodor - e: helioelectric - e: helioengraving - e: heliogram - e: heliograph - e: heliogravure - e: heliology - e: heliostat - e: heliotherapy - e: heliotrope - e: heliotype Heliogr d: Heliographie] - d: Heliogravüre HELIOPS e: Helicopter Operations Panel HELIOS e: Heteropowered Earth-Launched Interorbital Spacecraft HELIP e: HAWK Electronic Limited Improvement Program [me] - e: HAWK European Limited Improvement Program[me] HELIPAD e: Helicopter Landing Pad HELIPATH e: Helicopter Position and Terrain Height HELIPOT e: Helical Potentiometer HELIST e: Human Engineering Laboratory Infantry System Test[s] HELITOW e: Helicopter TOW HELK e: High Energy Laser Kill Hell a: Hellerup HELL e: Higher Education Learning Laboratory Hellen e: Hellenic - e: Hellenism - e: Hellenistic Hellenika J b d: Hellenika. Jahrbuch für die Freunde Griechenlands (journ.) HELLFIRE e: Helibome Laser Fire and Forget [missile system] - e: Helicopter-borne - e: Helicopter-Launched Fire-and-Forget Missile HELLFIRE/GLD e: Hellfire/Ground Laser Designstor HELMET e: High Energy Laser Metereological System HELMINERON e: Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron HELMINERONDET e: Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron Detachment helminthol e: helminthology HELMIS e: Helicopter Mission Model HELMOT e: Helicopter Military Operations Technology HELMS e: Helicopter Multifunction System HELNAVS e: Helicopter Navigation System HELO e: Helicopter - e: Heliport - e: High Energy Liquid Oxidizer HELOLEX e: Helicopter Landing Exercise HELOPSUPPFAC e: Hellicopter Operational Support Facility HELOQUALS e: Helicopter Qualifications HELOS e: Highly Eccentric Lunar Occultation Satellite helosid e: helicopter-delivered seismic intrusion detector HELOTING e: Helicopter Training

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HELP e: Harrison/Endicott Liaison Program[me] - e: Haulage Emergency Link Protection - e: Hawaii Early Learning Profile - e: Hawk Equipment Logistics Program - e: Hazardous Emergency Leaks Procedure - e: Header List Printing - e: Header Listing Program[me] - e: Health Evaluation through Logical Processing - e: Heckman's Electronic Library Program[me] - e: Helicopter Electronic Landing Path - e: Helicopter Emergency Life-Saving Program - e: Helium Liquid Program - e: Help Elderly Locate Positions - e: Help Establish Lasting Peace - e: Heroin Emergency Life Project - e: Heuristic Etching-pattern Layout Program [me] - e: High Energy Landing Problem - e: High Energy Leadless Package - e: High-Energy-Level Pneumatic automobile bumpers - e: High Energy Lightweight Propellant - e: High School Education Law Project - e: Highly-Extendable Language Processor - e: Highway Emergency Locating Plan - e: Hitachi Effective Library for Programming - e: Home Education Livelihood Program[me] - e: Home Environment and Living Program [me] - e: Home Equity Living Plan - e: Homophile Effort for Legal Protection - e: Honeywell Equipment Lease Plan - e: Honeywell Equipment Leasing Plan - e: Howitzer Extended Life Program - e: Hughes Emergency Locator Pack - e: Hybrid Electronic Layout Program - e: Hybrid Electronic Layout Program[me] - e: Hybrid Electronic Layout Programme - e: The HELP mode HELPIS e: Higher Education Learning Program[me]s Information Service HELPR e: Handbook of Electronic Parts Reliability HELPS e: Helicopter Protection and Support - e: Helmet-Position Sensing System - e: Higher Education Learning Programmes Information Service - e: Highway Emergency Locating Paging Service HELRAS e: Helicopter Long-Range Acoustic Sensor - e: Helicopter Long Range Active Sensor - e: Helicopter Long Range Active Sonar HELRATS e: High Energy Laser Radar Acquisition and Tracking System HELREC e: Health Record[s] HELRECs e: Health Records HELS e: Helicopters Hels e: Helsingborg - e: Helsing0r - e: Helsinki HELS e: High Energy Laser System HELSFT e: High-Energy Laser System Test Facility Helsinki Univ Technol Lab Phys e: Helsinki University of Technology. Laboratory Helsinki Univ Technol Res Pap e: Helsinki University of Technology. Research Papers HELSRON e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron 121

HELST H E L S T e: High-Energy Laser Systems Test Facility H E L S U P P R O N e: Helicopter Combat Support Squadron H E L S U P P R O N D E T e: Helicopter Combat Support Squadron Detachment H E L T A e: High-Energy Laser Technology Assessment H E L T A D e: Helicopter Tank Destroyer H E L T I S d: Hessisches Landtagsinformationssystem H E L T R A R O N e: Helicopter Training Squadron Helv e: Helvetia -1: Helvetica Helv C h i m [Acta] 1: Helvetica Chimica Acta [Switzerland] (journ.) Helv Phys [Acta] 1: Helvetica Physica Acta [Schweizerische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Switzerland] (journ.) H E L W S e; High Energy Laser Weapon System H E M d: Höchstspannungs-Elektronenmikroskop[ie] - e: Hall Effect Multiplier - e: Hatchlike Experiment Module - e: Hazardous Environment Machine - e: Heat Exchanger Method - e: Helicopter-Borne Electromagnetics - e: Helicopter Electromagnetic Survey - e: Hematite - e: Hemisphere - e: Hemlo Gold Mines, Inc. - e: Hemoglobin - e: Hemorrhage - e: Horizontal Eye Movement - e: Hostile Environment Machine - e: Hybrid Electro-magnetic Mode - e: Hybrid Electro-Magnetic [Wave] - e: hybrid electromagnetic wave - e: Hydrogen Embrittlement H e m e: H[a]emoglobin - e: Hemorrhoid H E M A e: 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate - e: Heavy Engineering Manufacturers Association - e: Hematology - e: Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate H E M A C e: Hybrid Electro-Magnetic Antenna Coupler H E M A T e: Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer H e m a t A b e: Hematologic Abnormality hematol e: hematolith[ic][al][ly] - e: hematologist - e: hematology - e: hematolymphangioma - e: hematolysis - e: hematolytic H E M C e: High Explosive Medium Capacity H E M D I S e: Helicopter H E M E L e: Hexamethylmelamine H E M F e: Handling Equipment Maintenance Facility H E M F E T e: High Electron Mobility FET [Field-Effect Transistor] H E M F I R e: Hemlock Fir H E M I e: Hemisphere H E M I E N G I N E e: Hemispherical combustion chamber Engine H E M I S e: Health Education Materials Information Service - e: Hemisphere H E Missile e: High-Energy Missile H E M I T e: Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck - e: High Electron Mobile Transistor

H E M L A W [ s ] e: Helicopter Mounted Laser Weapon[s] H E M L O C e: Heliborne Emitter Location-Countermeasures H e m m d: Hemmung H E M M e: Heavy Earth-Moving Machinery H E M M S e: Hand Emplaced Minefield Marking Set h e m o e: hemoglobin - e: hemophilia - e: hemorrhage - e: hemostat hemolysis e: hemocytolysis H E M P e: Hardware Engineering Management Planning - e: High-altitude Electro-Magnetic Pulse - e: High Explosive Multi-Purpose H E M P A e: Hexamethylphosphoramide H E M P A S e: Hereditaly Erythroblastic Multinuclearity [with] Positive Acidifited Serum H E M R e: Hybrid Electromechanical Relay H E M S e: Helicopter Electromagnetic Survey - e: Helicopter Emergency Medical Services - e: Helicopter Multifunction System H e m Soc e: Hemlock Society H E M T e: High-Electron Mobility Transfer - e: High-Electron-Mobility Transistor[s] - e: High Electron Movement Transistor H E M T i m b e r e: Hemlock [tsuga dumosa] Timber H E M T T e: Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck H E M W a v e e: Hybrid Electromagnetic Wave H E N e: Health Education Network Hen e: Soviet Ka-15 light-utility helicopter H E N A e: Home Economics and Needlework Association - s: Hemeroteca Nacional [Database] HeNe d: Helium-Neon - e: Helium-Neon [Laser] H E N I L A S e: Helicopter Night Landing System H E N R e: Higher Energy Nuclear Reaction - e: Human Equivalent Noise Ratio H E N R E e: High-Energy Neutron Reactionfs] Experiment H e n r y e: Henry Ford Commercial College - e: Patrick Henry Commercial College - e: Patrick Henry High School - e: Patrick Henry State Junior College H E O e: High Earth Orbit [Satellite] - e: High Elliptical Orbit - e: High-Energy Orbit - e: Higher Executive Officer - e: Higher Executive Order - e: Highly Electric Orbit - e: Highly Elliptic-inclined Orbit H E O B e: High Energy Organic Battery H E O C e: Honeywell Electro-Optics Center H E O D e: 1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-6,7epoxy-1,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8,o¡-Octahydro-1,4endo,e - e: Hexachloro Epoxy Octahydroendohexa Dimethanonaphthalene H E O E B S e: High Energy Organic Electrolyte Battery System H E O P e: Higher Education Opportunity Program H E O r f: Heure de l'Europe Oriental


© K • G • Saur, München

H E O S e: High Eccentric Orbiting Satellite - e: High-Elliptic-inclined Orbit Satellite - e: Highly Elliptical Orbit Satellite - e: Highly-Excentric Orbit[ing] Satellite H E P d: Hauptentstrahlungsplatz - e: Hall Effect Probe - e: Have Error-free Produces] - e: Heterogene-Element-Processor - e: Heterogeneous Element Processor - e: High Egg Passage - e: High Energy Particle - e: High Energy Phosphate - e: High-Energy Physics - e: High-Explosive Penetrating - e: High-Explosive Plastic [Projectile] - e: High Explosive Plugged - e: High School Equivalency Program[me]s - e: Higher Education Panel - e: Hole-Electron Pair - e: Homogeneous Element Processor - e: Host- End Processor - e: Human Engineering Plan - e: Human Error Probability - e: Humboldt Egg Parasite - e: Hydrazine Electrolysis Plenum - e: Hydroelectric Plant - e: Hydroelectric Power - e: Hydrogen Embrittlement Proof hep e: hepatic H e p e: Hepworth H E p e: Human Epithelial H E P A e: High-Efficiency Particle Accumulator - e: High-Efficiency Particulate Absolute - e: High-Efficiency Particulate Air [Filter] - e: High Efficiency Particulate Arresting H E P A C e: High-Energy Physics Advisory Council H E P A F[ilter] e: High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter H E P A L I S e: Higher Education Policy and Administration Library and Information Service H E P A P e: High Energy Physics Advisory Panel H E P A S d: Hessisches Planungsinformations- und Analyse-System H E P A T e: Hepatitis - e: High Explosive Plastic-Anti-Tank [Charge] Hepatol d: Hepatologe - d: Hepatologie Hepatol [Amst] e: Journal of Hepatology [Amsterdam] (journ.) H E P C e: Hydro-Electric Physics Laboratory - e: Hydro-Electric Power Commission H E P C A e: Heavy Engineering Projects Corporation of Australia H E P C A p p e: Hydro-Electric Power Commission Approved H E P C A P P e: Hydro Electric Power Commission Approved H E P C A T e: Helicopter Pilot Control and Training H E P C C e: Heavy Electric[al] Plant Consultative Council H E p Cell e: Human Epithelial Cell H E P C O e: Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario H E P D e: Heat Engine Propulsion Division - e: High Explosive Point Detonating H E P D E X e: High-Energy Proton Detection Experiment H E P D I e: High-Explosive Plugged Dark Ignition H E P D N P e: High-Explosive PointDetonating Nose Plug

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HERTIS H E P E B e: N-[2-Hydroxylethyl]piperazine-N'-[2-Ethanesulfonic Acid] HEPES e: N-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2Ethanesulfonate HEPES Acid e: Hydroxyethylpiperazineethanesulfonic Acid - e: N-2-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2ethanesulfonic Acid - e: N-Hydroxyethylpiperazineethanesulfonic Acid HEPG e: High-Energy Physics Group HEPI e: High-Energy Physics Index - e: High Explosive - e: High Explosive Perforating Incendiary HEPL e: High-Energy Physics Laboratory HEPL e: High-Energy-Pulse Laser HEPO e: Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario HEPOLIS d: Hessisches Polizei-Informationssystem HEPP e: Hardware Engineering Production Plan - e: Hoffman Evaluation Program[me] and Procedure - e: Human Engineering Programme Plan - e: Hydroelectric Power Plant H E P P S e: N-[2-Hydrnxyethyl]piperazineN'-[3-Propanesulfonic Acid] HEPPSO e: N-[2-Hydroxyethyl]piperazineN'-[2-Hydroxypropanesulfonic Acid] HEPR e: Hard grade Ethylene Propylene Rubber HEPS e: Helicopter Personnel Escape Protection and Survival - e: High-Energy Proton Spectrometer - e: Hydroelectric Power Station HEP-T e: High Explosive Plastic [Tracer] HEPT e: High Electron Mobility Transistor HEPTA e: N-Hydmxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic Acid heptr e: helicopter HEP-UP e: High School Education Program -University of Pennsylvania HEP Virus e: High Egg Passage Virus HEP X e: Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario HER d: Heme - e: Harsh Environmental Recorder - e: Harvard Educational Review (journ.) - e: Hellenic Electric Railway - e: Heraldy - e: Hercules [constellation] [Astronomy] - e: Herefordfshire] - e: High Energy Ray - e: High-Energy Rotor - e: High Evaporation Rate - e: HIM Equipment Rate - e: Horizontal Earth Rate - e: Human Error Rate - e: Hydrogen Evolution Reaction - e: Hyper-Environmental Radar her e: heraldic - e: heraldry -1: heres HER-2 e: Human EGF-receptor-related Receptor HERA d: Hadron-Elektron-Ring-Anlage Hera e: Hadron-Elektronen-Speicherringanlage HERA d: Hadron-EIektronen-Ring-Anlage - e: Hadron Electron Ring Accelerator - e: Heavy Engineering Research Association - e: Helicopter Radar - e: Hermes Robotic Arm - e: High-Explosive Rocket Assisted

HERALD e: Harbor Echo Ranging and Listening Device - e: Helicopter Equipment for Radar And Laser Detection - e: Heterogenous Experimental Reactor, Aldermaston - e: Highly-Enriched Reactor, Aldermaston HERALDS e: Harbor Echo-Ranging and Listening Devices HERAP e: Human Error Research and Analysis Program[me] HERAS e: Hellenic Kadar System HERB e: Herbalife International, Inc. Herb d: Herbarium herb e: herbaceous - e: herbalist - e: herbarium Herbic d: Herbicid HERBIC e: Herbicid[e] Herbiz d: Herbizide Here e: Hercules [constellation] HERC e: Humber Estuarial Research Committee HERDAS d: Herren- und Damenbekleidung Saalfeld HERDESNAVAV e: Hereby designated as a student naval aviator HERDET e: Hereby Detached [from Duty Assigned] herd° p: herdeiro herdr n: herdruk[ken] HERDUFLY e: Hereby Detailed to duty involving flying HERE e: Human Endurance Range Extender hered e: heredity HEREDET e: Hereby Detached [from Duty Assigned] hereds s: herederos Heref[s] e: Herefordshire Here&Worcs e: Hereford and Worcester HERF e: Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Fuel - e: High Energy Radiated Electromagnetic Felds - e: High-Energy Rate Forging - e: High-Energy Rate Forming HERFS e: High-Energy-Rate Forging Systems - e: High-Energy-Rate Forming System[s] Herg d: Hergang HERI e: Higher Education Research Institute HERJ e: High-Explosive Ramjet Herk d: Herkommen - d: Herkunft Herk-L d: Herkunftsland Herkon-Relais d: hermetisch gekapselter Kontakt-Relais HERL e: Hyderabad Engineering Research Laboratories Her Libr Sei e: Herald of Library Science [Indien] (journ.) Herrn d: Hermelin herm e: Hermetic - e: Hermetically] HERMAN e: Hierarchical Environmental Retrieval for Management Access and Networking

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HERMES d: Heereslogistik durch elektronische Rechner mit Einsatzsicherheit - e: Hand Emplaced Remote Monitoring Electronic Surveillance System - e: Handling through European Railways Message Electronic System - e: Heavy Element and Radioactive Material Electromagnetic Separator - e: Helicopter Energy and Rotor Management System - e: Heuristic Mechanized Documentation Information Service Hermsdorfer Tech Mitt d: Hermsdorfer Technische Mitteilungen [Germany] (journ.) HERO e: Hazardous Emanations of Radiation to Ordnance - e: Hazard of Electromagnetic Radiation of Ordnance - e: Hazard[s] of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance - e: Health [Educational] Robot - e: Heroin - e: Historical Evaluation and Research Organization - e: Home Economics Research Organization - e: Hot Experimental Reactor of 0 [Zero] [Power] hero s: heroinu Herod e: Herodotus Herois p: Herois do mar HERO Power e: Hot Experimental Reaction of Zero [0] Power HEROS d: Heeres-Fiihrungsinformationssystem für die rechnergestiitze Operationsführung in Stäben HERP e: Bulletin of the New York Herpetological Society - e: Hazard[s] of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel - e: Human Exposure Rodent Potency herp e: herpetologist - e: herpetology HERPES e: High Energy Recovery Pressure and Enthalpy Sensor Herpet e: Herpetology herp[etol] e: herpetologist - e: herpetology herpetol e: herpetologic[al][ly] - e: herpetologist - e: herpetology HERPOCO e: Hercules Powder Company HERPS e: Herpetological Books, Papers, Specimens - e: Herpetologists HERR e: Home Economics Research Report HERS e: Hardware Error Recovery System - e: Heart and Estrogen Study - e: Higher Education Resource Services - e: Home Economics Reading Service - e: Home Educational and Recreational System Hersch e: Herschel Herst d: Hersteller - d: Herstellung Herst-Gen d: Herstellungsgenehmigung Herst-K d: Herstellungskosten Herst-Verf d: Herstellungsverfahren Hert[f] e: Hertford College!, Oxford] HERTF e: High Energy Radiation Test Facility HERTIE d: Herrmann Tietz HERTIS e: Hertfordshire County Council Technical Information Service


Herts Herts e: Hertfordshire HERU e: Higher Education Research Unit Herv e: Hervest - e: Hervey Her X-l e: Hercules X-1 [Astronomy] HES d: Handeingabestelle - d: Handendstelle - e: Hamlet Evaluation Survey - e: Hamlet Evaluation System - e: Hanford Engineering Service - e: Hawaiian Entomological Society - e: Head End Steering - e: Health Economic Service - e: Health Examination Survey - e: Heavy Enamel Single-silk [Insulation] - e: Heavy Enamel [Single] Silk [Wire] - e: High Early Strength [Cement] - e: High-Energy Scattering - e: High-Explosive Shell - e: High-Explosive Spotting - e: High-Explosive Substitute - e: History of Economics Society - e: Home Entertainment Service - e: House Exchange System - e: Hughes Earth Station - e: Hydro Electric Securities Corporation - e: Hydroxyethyl Starch - e: Hypertext Editing System Hes e: Hesba - e: Hesione - e: Hesketh - e: Hespendes - e: Hesper[ian][s] - e: Hesperus - e: Hessels - e: Hessian[s] HEs e: High Explosives HESAP e: High Explosive HESB d: Hessische Bibliographie [Database] - e: Hahnemann Elementary School Behavior Rating Scale HESC e: Human Environment Scientists Committee - e: International Congress of Scientists on the Human Environment HESCA e: Health Sciences Communication[s] Association HES Corporation e: Hydro-Electric Securities Corporation HESD e: High-Explosive Self-Destroying HESDEP e: Helicopter Sensor Development Program[me] HESH e: High Explosive Squash Head HESH Shell e: High Explosive Squash Head Shell HESH-T e: High Explosive Squashed HESIS e: Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service HESO e: High Energy Solid Oxidizer - e: Hospital Educational Services Officer H E S P e: High-Efficiency Solar Panel - e: High Energy Solar Physics HESPA e: High Efficiency Submicron Particulate Air Hess d: Hessen HESS e: High-Energy Squib Simulator - e: History of Earth Sciences Society - e: Houston Engineering and Scientific Society - e: Human Engineering Systems Simulator HESSES e: High-Energy Squib Simulators Hess-Nass d: Hessen-Nassau HessStA d: Hessischer Staatsanzeiger h'est e: highest

HEST e: HEAF [Heavy End Aviation Fuel] Emergency Service Tank[s] - e: Heat Emergency Service Tank[s] - e: Heavy-End aviation fuel emergency Service Tanks - e: High-Energy Shock Tunnel - e: High Explosion Simulation Technique - e: High Explosivefs] Simulation Technique[s] - e: High Explosive[s] Simulation Test H E S T O R e: Helium Storage HESV e: Heavy Enamel Single-silk Varnish [insulation] HE-T e: High Explosive with Tracer HET d: Hauptreihe elektrischer Transformatoren - e: Health-Education Technologies - e: Health-Education Telecommunications - e: Heavy-Equipment Transporter] - e: Heterodyne - e: Heterogeneous - e: High Education Test - e: High Energy Telescope - e: High-Explosive Traced - e: High-Explosive with Tracer - e: Higlther Educational Test - e: Hot Electron Transistor - e: Hydroxyethyl Terephthalate H E T A C e: Heavy Transport Aircraft Hetch e: Hetchy Dam - e: Hetchy Lake HETDI e: High-Explosive Tracer Dark Ignition HETE e: Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid hetero e: heterosexual heterocl e: heteroclite heterog e: heterogeneous hetetosex e: heterosexual[ity] - e: heterosexuals HETF e: Hill Engineering Test Facility HETM e: High Explosive Time Mechanical - e: Hybrid Engineering Test Model H E T P d: Hexaathyltetraphosphat - e: Head End Treatment Plant - e: Height Equivalent of Theoretical Plate - e: Height Equivalent per Theoretical Plate - e: Height Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate - e: Hexaethyl Tetraphosphate[s] - e: High Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate HETS e: Heavy Equipment Transport System - e: Height Equivalent to a Theoretical Stage - e: High-Energy Telescope System - e: High Energy Transfer Stage - e: High Environmental] Test System - e: Hyper-Environment[al] Test Station - e: Hyper-Environment[al] Test System HETs e: High Energy Telescopes HEU e: Highly-Enriched Uranium - e: Hydro-Electric Unit[s] Heur d: Heuristik heur e: heuristic Heure f: L'Heure Espagnole HEUS e: High-Energy Upper Stage HEU/Th e: Highly Enriched Uranium/ Thorium Fuel HEV e: Health and Environment - e: Heavy - e: Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus HEVAC e: Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning [Manufacturers Association] HE Virus e: Human Enteric Virus hevr e: heavier


© K • G • Saur, München

HEW d: Hamburgische Elektrizitätswerke - e: Department of Health, Education and Welfare - e: Hanford Engineering Works - e: Health, Education and Welfare - e: Hexadecimal [notation] - e: Housing, Education and Welfare HEWC e: Highly Enriched Waste Concentrate^] HEWH e: High Explosive Warhead Hewlett-Packard J e: Hewlett-Packard Journal [US] (journ.) HEWPR e: Health, Education and Welfare Procurement Regulations HEX e: Hexadecimal - e: Hexagon [al] - e: Hexamethylenetetramine - e: High Explosive Hex d: Hexadezimal - d: Hexameter - d: Hexamethylentetramin hex d: hexagonal - e: hexachord - e: hexadezimal - e: Uranium Hexafluoride HEX-A e: Hexosaminidase-A Hexa e: Hexamethylene Tetramine Hexag d: Hexagonal hexag e: hexagon[al] Hexam d: Hexameter HEX-B e: Hexosominidase-B HEXCALC e: Hexadecimal Calculator HEXFET d: Hexagonal FET [Field-Effect Transistor] - e: Hexagonal Field-Effect Transistor - e: Hexagonal Metal-Oxide Field-Effect Transistor - e: Hexagonal mosfet HEXHD e: Hexagonal Head [Screw] HEXJAM e: Hand Emplaced Expandable Jammer HEXOAB d: 4,4'-Di-n-Hexyloxyazoxybenzol HEX SOC e: Hexagonal Socket HEX SOCH e: Hexagonal Socket Head hey e: Heavy HEZ d: Haupteinflugzeichen - d: Hehner-Zahl HeZ d: Hehner-Zahl Hez e: Hezekiah

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HFEB H F d: Hackfrüchte - d: Hagemanfaktor - d: harmonische Frequenz[en] - d: Harnstoff-Formaldehydharz - d: Hauptfeuerstellung - d: Hauptförderer - d: Hauptfutterfläche - d: Heeresfahrzeug - d: Herford - d: Herzfrequenz - d: Hochfrequenz - d: hohe Frequenzen - d: Höhere Fachschule - d: Hüllfläche - d: Huna Forschunggesellschaft - d: Hyperfragment - e: Frequency - e: Haemorrhagic Factor - e: Hageman Factor - e: Handwriting Foundation - e: Harassing Fire - e: Hard Faced - e: Hard Facing - e: Hard Filled - e: Hard Firm - e: Hardenability Factor - e: Harmonic Function - e: Hartree-Fock [Field] - e: Hazard Free - e: Hazard Function - e: Haze Filter - e: Heat Flow - e: Heavy Fuel - e: Height Finder - e: Height Finding - e: Heptaline Formate - e: High Field - e: High Flux - e: High[-]Frequency - e: High Frontier - e: History File - e: Hold Fire - e: Holding Fixture - e: Holy Father - e: Home Fleet - e: Home Forces - e: Home Freight - e: Homogeneous Flow - e: Horizontal Flight - e: Hull Filter - e: Human Factors - e: Hydraulic Fluid - e: Hydrofluoric - e: Hydrofluoric acid - e: Hydrogen Fluoride - e: Hyperfine Hf d: Formhauptsignal - d: Hafen - d: Halbfranz[einband] - d: Handelsform - d: Hauptform - d: Hinterfuß - e: Hafnium hf e: half - e: hard finish[ed] - e: high frequency [3000 to 30,000 kc] - e: hind foot - e: home freezer - e: hook fast - e: horse and foot - e: hot finished - e: hyper filtration - e: hyperfocal H-F e: Holstein-Friesian H/F e: Height Finder Radar - e: Held For

HFA d: Halogenfotoaufnahmelampe - d: Heeresforstamt - e: Hard Factory Automation - e: Hard Fiber Association - e: Hardened Flexible Anray - e: Headquarters Field Army - e: Heat and Flame-resistant, Armo[u]red - e: Heavy Field Artillery - e: Hellenic Air Force - e: Hexafluoroacetone - e: High Flow Alarm - e: High-Frequency Accelerometer - e: High Frequency Aerial - e: High Frequency Amplifier - e: High Frequency Antenna - e: Holiday Fun Association - e: Hollywood Film Archive - e: Homofolic Acid - e: Hourly Faculty Association - e: Hydrofluoric Acid - e: Hydrofluoroalkane H f a e: Haifa HFAA e: High Frequency Airborne Aerial - e: High Frequency Airborne Antenna - e: Holstein-Friesian-Association of America HFAC e: Hardened Flush Aircraft - e: Helicopter Flight Advisory Computer - e: Hexafluoroacetylacetonato - e: Hexafluoroacetylacetone - e: House Foreign Affairs Committee - e: Human Factors Association of Canada H F Acid e: Hydrofluoric Acid H F A J e: High Frequency Anti-Jam H F A J / L E I P e: High Frequency Anti-Jam/ Link Eleven Improvement Program H f a K d: Hochschule für angewandte Kunst H F A K e: Hollow Fibre Artificial Kidney H F A R e: Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research HFARA e: Honorary Foreign Associate of the Royal Academy HFAS d: Haftpflicht- und Feuerschadenverband-Auskunftssystem [Siemens] - e: High Frequency Aerial System - e: High Frequency Antenna System - e: Honeywell File Access System H F B e: Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov - e: Hopper-Feeder-Bolter HFBA e: Heptafluorobutyric Acid H F B C e: High-Frequency Broadcasting H F B D e: Half-Bound - e: Halfbinding - e: High-Frequency Band hf-bd e: half-bound - e: high-frequency band H F B D C F e: Half Bound in Calfskin [calf leather back and corners] HFBDCL e: Half Bound in Cloth [cloth back and corners or cloth sides] H F B D M O R e: Half Bound in Morocco [morocco leather back and corners] H f b f d: Hafenbahnhof H f b K d: Hochschule für bildende Künste H F B L B e: Hokkaido Farmland Bride Liaison Bureau H F B Method e: Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Method H F B R e: High Flux Beam [Research] Reactor HFBRs e: High Flux Beam Reactors HFBS e: High-Frequency Broadcasting Schedule H F B U P e: High-Frequency Backup Program H F B W e: High-Frequency Resistance Welding

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HfC e: Hafnium Carbide HFC e: Hard Faced Composite - e: Hard Filled Capsule[s] - e: Heat Flow and Convection - e: High-Frequency Choke - e: High-Frequency Correction - e: High-Frequency Current - e: Higher Fire Control - e: Household Finance Corporation - e: Household Food Consumption - e: Human Factors Checklists - e: Human Freedom Center - e: Hydraulic Flight Control - e: Hydrofluomcarbon HF Capsule e: Hard Filled Capsule HFCC e: Henry Ford Community College - e: Howitzer Fire-Control Computer HFCE e: HFIR Critical Experiment Hf[-]Cf e: Half-Calf HFC/ISR e: High Frequency Communications/Intelligence System-Rear Hf[-]CI e: Half-Cloth [binding] HFCS e: High-Fructose Corn Sweetener - e: High-Fructose Corn Syrup HFCs e: Hydrofluorocarbons HFCT e: Hawaii Federation of College Teachers - e: Hydraulic Flight Control Test HFCU e: Hydromechanical Fuel Control Unit HFCUR e: High Frequency Current HFCV e: Helium Flow Control Valve HFD d: Hauptanschluß für Daten - e: Held for Detail - e: Helicopter Flight Director - e: High Field Domain - e: Horizon Flight Director - e: Horizontal Right Datum - e: Hospital Field Director - e: Human Factor Division HfD d: Hauptanschluß für Direktruf - e: Hauptanschluß für Datendirektverbindungen HFd e: Heavy Field Hfd e: Hereford - e: Herefordshire HFDA e: High Fidelity Dealers Association HF/DF e: High-Frequency Direction-Finder - e: High Frequency/Direction Finding HFDF e: High-Frequency Detecting and Finding - e: High-Frequency Direction Finder - e: High-Frequency Direction Finding - e: High-Frequency Distributing Frame - e: High-Frequency Distribution Frame HFDF Station e: High Frequency Direction Finding Station HFDS e: High Functionally Distributed System HFDÜ d: Höhere Fachschule für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer HFD Unit e: Helium Fill to Distribution Unit HFE d: Holz-Einfachfenster - e: Heat-Flow Experiment - e: Helmholtz Free Energy - e: High Frequency Executive - e: Human Factors Engineering - e: Human Factors [in] Electronics - e: Human Factors in Electronics (journ.) - e: Human Factors in Engineering HFEA e: Human Factors Engineering Analysis HFEB e: High Frequency Wire Broadcasting


HFEF HFEF e: High Flux Experimental Facility - e: Hot Fuel Examination Facility HFET e: Hellmann-Feynmann Electrostatic Theorem - e: Heterojunction Field-Effect Transistor HFF d: Hannoversches Forschungsinstitut fur Fertigungsfragen - d: Hochschule fur Film und Fernsehen - e: Hartree-Fock Field - e: High Frequency Filter - e: High Frequency Furnace - e: Horizontal Falling Film - e: Hydraulic Fluid Filter - e: Hypervelocity Flow Field - e: Hypervelocity Free Flight Facility HFFF e: Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation HFG d: Handsprechfunkgerat - d: Hinterbliebenenfursorgegesetz - d: Hochfrequenzgenerator - d: Hochfrequenzgerat - d: Hochfrequenzgesetz - d: Hohlstabfernraumgerat - e: Harmonic Frequency Generator - e: Heavy Free Gas HfG d: Hochschule fur Gestaltung HFGA e: Hall of Fame for Great Americans HFGerG d: Hochfrequenzgerategesetz HFGO e: Home Fleet General Order HF-Gt d: Hochfrequenzgerat HfH e: Habitats for Humanity HFH e: Half-Hard HFH Steel e: Half-Hard Steel hfht e: half-hard [steel] HFHTB e: Human Factors Howitzer Test Bed HFI d: Heeresforstinspektion - e: Height Finding Instrument - e: Helicopter Foundation International - e: High Fidelity Institute - e: High-Frequency Inductance - e: High Frequency Input - e: High-Frequency Instruments and Measurements - e: Hydraulic Fluid Index - e: Hydrogen Flame Ionization HFIA e: Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers Union - e: Home Furnishings International Association HFIAW e: Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers HFIB e: Hexafluoroisobutylene HF-ID e: High Frequency Identification HFID e: Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detection - e: Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detector HFIM e: High-Frequency Instruments and Measurements HFIP e: Hexafluoroisopropanol - e: High Frequency Improvement Program HFIR e: High-Flux Isotope Reactor HFITR e: High Field Ignition Test Reactor HFIW e: High-Frequency Induction Welding HFJ e: High Frequency Jammer HFK e: Norwegian Army Material Command Hf-Kdtr d: Hafenkommandantur HFL d: Hamburger Fernlehrinstitut - d: Hauptfernleitung - e: Heliport Right Lab. - e: Helium Fill Line - e: High Free Lift - e: Human Factors Laboratory


Hfl d: Hinterflügel HFlaAFii d: Heeres-Flugabwehr-, Aufklärungs- und Gefechts-Fiihrungssystem HFlaLehrBttr d: Heeresflugabwehrlehrbatterie HFIaS d: Heeresflugabwehrschule HFlaTr d: Heeresflugabwehrtruppe HFlg d: Heeresflieger HFIgBeob/VStff d: HeeresfliegerBeobachtungs- und Verbindungsstaffel HFIgBtl d: Heeresfliegerbataillon HFIglnstAusbZg d: Heeresflieger-Instandsetzungsausbildungszug HFlglnstStff d: Heeresfliegerinstandsetzungsstaffel HFlgKdo d: Heeresfliegerkommando HFlgPzAbwRgt d: Heeresfliegerpanzerabwehrregiment HFlgRgt d: Heeresfliegeriegiment HFlgTr d: Heeresflieger-Truppe HFlgTrspRgt d: Heeresfliegertransportregiment HFlgVersStff d: Heeresfliegerversorgungsstaffel HFlgVStff d: Heeresfliegerverbindungsstaffel HFlgVsuStff d: Heeresfliegerversuchsstaffel HFlgWaS d: Heeresfliegerwaffenschule HF-Löschung d: Hochfrequenzlöschung HFM e: Hazardous Fluids Module - e: Health and Fault Management - e: Heat-Flow Meter - e: Heavy Force[s] Modernization - e: Held for Manufacturing - e: Held for Material - e: Henry Ford Museum - e: High Fidelity Magic - e: High Field Magnetism - e: High-Frequency Microphone - e: High Frequency Mode - e: Hollow Fiber Membrane - e: Hot Forming H f M d: Hochschule für Musik hfm e: hold for money HFMA e: Hardwood Plywood Manufacturers Association HFMD e: Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease HF Method e: Hartree-Fock Method HFMF e: Home-Finish Monolithic Floor - e: Home-Furnish Monolithic Floor HFMO e: Highest Filled Molecular Orbital HF-MOR e: Half-Morocco HFMP e: Heavy Force Modernization Plan HFM Press e: Hot Forming Press HFMR e: High-Fat Milk Replacer HFMS e: Hospital Finance Management System - e: Human Factors Measurement System HFMU e: Hight-Fidelity Mock-Up Hfn d: Hafen HFN d: Heeres-Fertigungsnorm - e: High Flash Naphta Hfn-F d: Hafenfeuer HFO d: Halbleiterwerk Frankfurt Oder - d: Hochfrequenzoszillator -e: Half Fare Order - e: Hartree-Fock-Overhauser - e: Heavy Fuel Oil[s] - e: Height-Finder Operator - e: Heterodyne-Frequency Oscillator - e: High-Frequency Oscillation - e: High-Frequency Oscillator -e: Hole Full of Oil - e: Hydrogenated Fish Oil HfÖ d: Hochschule für Ökonomie

© K • G • Saur, München

HFOBL e: Human Factors Operations Research Laboratory HFOD e: Heptafluorodimethyloctanedione HFO-HOM e: High Frequency Oscillator-High-Order Multiplier HF&OR e: Human Factors and Operations Research Hford e: Hereford HFORL e: Human Factors Operation[s] Research Laboratory Hfors e: Helsingfors HFOSL e: Human Factors and Organizational Systems Laboratory HFOX e: Home Federal Savings Bank HFP e: Hand Feed Punch - e: Helical Flight Path - e: Helium Fuel-tank Pressurization - e: Hexafluoropropylene - e: Hostile Fire Pay - e: Hot Fult Power HFPA e: Hollywood Foreign Press Association HFPAC e: High Frequency Powder Air Conveyor HFPE e: 1-Hydro-Penta-Fluoropropylene HFPER e: Human Factors Program Final Report HFPO e: Hexafluoropropylene Epoxide - e: Hexafluoropropylene Oxide H&F Pool e: Heated and Filtered [swimming] Pool HFPR e: Human Factors and Personnel Resources HFPRI e: Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute HFPS e: High-Frequency Phase Shifter - e: Home Fallout Protection Survey HF-PS-HF d: Hartfaser-PolystyrolHartfaser HFPSI e: Human Factors Personnel Selection Inventory HFR d: HochfluBreaktor - d: homogener Flussigkeitsreaktor - e: H Frame - e: Hallstsom Faunal Reserve - e: Heart Frequency - e: Held For Release - e: High Flux Reactor - e: High Frequency of Recombination - e: High-Frequency Range - e: High-Frequency Recombinants - e: High-Frequency Recombination - e: High Frequency Resistor - e: Hold For Release - e: Human Factors Research Hfr d: Halbfranz[einband] HfR d: Hofrat hfr e: heifer HFRA d: Heeresforstrevieramt - e: High Frequency Recovery Antenna [US] - e: Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy - e: Honorary Foreign Member of the Royal Academy H-F Radar e: Height-Finder Radar HFRB e: Hawaii Fire Rating Bureau HFRDF e: High Frequency Radio Direction Finder - e: High Frequency Radio Direction Finding - e: High Frequency Repeater Distribution Frame HFRE e: Hydraulic Fluid Replenishment Equipment HFrG d: Gesetz iiber den Betrieb von Hochfrequenzgeraten HFRG e: High-Frequency Radio Group

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

H8 HFRO e: Hill Farming Research Organization HFR Press e: H Frame Press HFRs e: High Flux Reactors HFRSc e: Forged Roll Scleroscope Hardness Number, Model c HFRSd e: Forged Roll Scleroscope Hardness Number, Model d HFRT e: High Frequency Radio Transmitter - e: High-Frequency Resonance Technique HFRW e: High-Frequency Resistance Welding Hfrz d: Halbfranzband - d: Halbfranz[einband] Hfrzbd d: Halbfranz[einband] HFS d: Hamburger Fremdsprachenschule - d: Hyperfeinstruktur - e: Hardware Failure Summary - e: Hartree-Fock-SIater - e: Heat Flux Sensor - e: Heavy Flushing Spray - e: Height Finder Supervisor - e: Hierarchical File System - e: High-Field Superconductor - e: High Frequency Switching - e: High-Fructose Syrup[s] - e: Hostile Fire Simulator - e: Hot Finished Seamless - e: Human Factor System - e: Human Factors Society - e: Hyperfine Structure - e: Hypothetical Future Sample[s] Hfs e: Helsinki [Helsingfors] HFSA e: Home Federal Savings Bank - e: Human Factors Society ofAmerica - e: Hydrofluosilicic Acid HF/SB e: High Frequency Sideband HFSB e: Home Federal Savings Bank HF-SCF e: Hartree-Fock-Self Consistent Field HFSch d: Heeresfachschule HF[-] Schaum d: Harnstoff-Formaldehydharz-Schaum HFSE e: Human Factors and Safety Engineering HFSF e: High-Flux Solar Furnace HFSH e: Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone Hfsl d: Hinterfessel HFSL e: Home Owners Federal Savings and Loan Association HFSN e: Hot Pressed Silicon Nitride HF Solvent e: High-Flash Solvent HFSS e: High-Frequency Search System - e: High-Frequency Sounder System - e: Hyperfine Structure Spectrum HFSSA e: Historical Firearms Society of South Africa HF/SSB e: High Frequency/Single SideBand HFSSB e: High-Frequency Single Side Band HFSSC e: High-Frequency Swept Spectrum Communication^] HFSt d: Hauptfiirsorgestelle Hfst d: Hilfsstelle HFST e: High-Flux Scram Trip HFSU e: Heat Flux Sensing Unit HFSV e: High Flow Shutoff Valve

HFT d: Hamburger Funk-Technik (journ.) - d: Hochfrequenztechnik (journ.) - d: Hochschule für Technik - d: Holz-Frischwasser-Tropenfreibord - d: Holz-Thermofenster - e: Hartree-Fock Theory - e: Hawaii Federation of Teachers - e: Heat Flux Transducer - e: Heavy Fire Team - e: Height Finder Technican - e: Held for Tooling - e: High Frequency Transceiver - e: High Frequency Transducing - e: Higher Formation Trainer - e: Horizontal Flight Testing - e: Hot Functional Testing - e: Hot Low Test[ing] - e: Human Factors in Telecommunications [International Symposium] - e: Human Factors Team hft a: hefte - N: hefte Hft d: Haftung - d: Heft - d: Huftier[e] HFTE e: Human Factors Test and Evaluation HFTF e: Horizontal Fligt Test Facility Hftg d: Haftung HFTR d: Hochfrequenz-Telefonrundspruch HFT/S e: How to Flight/How to Support HFTS e: Horizontal Flight Test Simulator - e: Human Factors Trade Studies HFTX e: High Frequency Transmitter Hfu d: Hauptfruchtfutterfläche HFU d: Heeresfunkstelle - e: Heat-Flow Unit HFu e: Horchfunker H Function e: Hamiltonian Function H-Funktion d: Hamilton-Funktion HFUPR e: Hourly Fetal Urine Production Rate HFV d: Hochfrequenzverstärker - d: Holzverbundfenster - e: Horizontal Flight Vector - e: Human Foamy Virus HfV d: Hochschule für Verkehrswesen HF-VEL e: Half-Vellum HF-Verschw d: Hochfrequenzverschweißung HF-Verst d: Hochfrequenzverstärker HF-Vormagnetisierung d: Hochfrequenz-Vormagnetisierung Hfw d: Hauptfeldwebel HFW d: Hochfrequenzwandler - e: High-Frequency Wave - e : Hole Full of Water - e: Horizontal Full Width HFWA e: High Frequency Wave Analyzer HFWB e: High Frequency Wire Broadcasting HFWD e: Halfword HFWF e: Hired Farm Working Force Hfx e: Halifax HFX e: High Frequency Transceiver - e: High Frequency Transmitter Hfz d: Halbfranz[einband]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur. Munich

HG d: Bad Homburg - d: Halbgeschwisterleistung - d: Halogenglühlampe - d: Halteglied - d: Handelsgüte - d: Handgranate - d: Haubitzengranate - d: Hauptgenerator - d: Hauptgetriebe - d: Haushaltsgesetz - d: Heißgas[lüfter] - d: Herstellungsgenauigkeit - d: Hintergebäude - d: Hochlaufgeber - d: Horchgerät - d: Hörgerät - d: Humanistisches Gymnasium (joum.) - e: H[a]emoglobin - e: Half Gross - e: Hand Generator - e: Hand Ginned - e: Hard Gypsum - e: Harmonic Generator - e: Harrogate - e: Haute-Garonne - e: Head Gear - e: Head Group - e: Heavy Grain - e: Height Gauge - e: Helical Gear - e: Heliogram - e: High German - e: High Grade - e: High Grain - e: His [or Her] Grace - e: Holy Ghost - e: Home Guard - e: Homing Guidance - e: Homopolar Generator - e: Horizon Grow - e: Horse Guards - e: Hotchkiss Gunner - e: House & Garden - e: Hull Ga[u]ge - e: Human Gastrin - e: Human Genetics - e: Hydraulic Gate - e: Hydrogen Gas - e: Hydrogen Generator - e: Hydrogeology - e: Hydrophilic Group - e: Hydrostatic Ga[u]ge - e: Hypobranchial Gland - e: Mercury - f: Haute-Garonne Hg d: Hämoglobin - d: Hang - d: Heeresgerät - d: Hektogramm [100 g] - d: Herausgeber - d: Hergang - d: Höchstgeschwindigkeit - d: Hügel - d: Quecksilber - e: Haggai - e: Hydragyrum -1: Hydragyrum hg e: hectogram[me][s] - e: hypobranchial gland H&G e: Harden & Grind - e: Hardened and Ground - e: Headed and Gutted - e: Home and Garden (journ.) H-G f: Haute-Garonne H" H: Hegység


HGA H G A d: Hochgewinnantenne - d: Hypothekengewinnabgabe - e: Heptagonal Games Association, Hobby Guild of America - e: Hercules Graphics Adapter - e: High Gain Aerial - e: High Gain Antenna - e: Holological Guild of Australia - e: Homogentisic Acid - e: Hop Growers Association - e: Hop Growers of America - e: Hungarian Gypsy Association H G A A e: Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption H G A A S e: Homeless Children's Aid and Adoption Society H G A C e: High Gain Aerial Controller - e: High Gain Antenna Controller h-galv e: hot-galvanize H G A L V e: Hot-Galvanize H G A S e: High Gain Aerial System - e: High Gain Antenna System H G B d: Handelsgesetzbuch - d: Hansische Geschichtsblätter (journ.) - e: Hot Gas Bonder H g b d: Hämoglobin - d: Herausgeber - e: H[a]emoglobin hgb e: hemoglobin Hgbf d: Hauptgüterbahnhof H g b M e: Methemoglobin, methemoglobinemia H G B Message e: Hardware failure-oriented Group Blocking Message H G C e: Hartford Graduate Center - e: Hercules Graphics Card - e: High resolution Graphies Control H G C A e: Home Grown Cereals Authority - e: Home[-]Grown Cereals Authority H g C d T e e: Mercury Cadmium Telluride HgCI 2 e: Bichloride of mercury - e: Mercuric chloride H G C U e: Heavy Glider Conversion Unit H G D d: Harvard-Groningen Durchmusterung - e: Highway-to-Group Demultiplexer - e: Hob Generating Diameter - e: Hourglass Device Hgd e: Hogshead H G D F S e: High Gain Direction Finding System H G D H e: Her [His] Grand Ducal Highness H G D S e: Hazardous Gas Detection System[s] H g - d U T P e: 5-Mercuri-2'-Deoxyuridine 5'-Triphosphate H G E d: Herdbuchgesellschaft Emsland - e: Handling Ground Equipment - e: Hydraulic Grade Elevations hge e: heavy gold electroplate H G E A e: Hawaii Government Employees Association H G E C e: Hindustan General Electrical Corporation H G E E A e: Huntsville General Electric Engineers Association H G e f r d: Hauptgefreiter H G e r P k d: Heeres-Gerätepark H G F d: Hauptgeschäftsführer - e: Human Growth Foundation - e: Hyperglyc[a]emic-Glycogenolytic Factor Hg-F e: Hemoglobin-Fetal H G F A e: Hang Gliding Federation of Australia

H G G e: Hot Gas Generator - e: Human Gamma Globulin - e: Human Gas Generator - e: Hypogammaglobulinaemia H G G A e: Height Ga[u]ge H G H e: Human Growth Hormone H G I e: Hardgrove Grindability Index - e: Henry George Institute Hgi d: Hartgummi H G K V d: Hefte für Geschichte, Kunst und Volkskunde (journ.) H G L d: Heeresgerätelager - e: Hierarchical Graph Language - e: High Gain Link - e: Hyperbolic-type Gas Lens Hgl d: Hagel - d: Hämoglobin - d: Hügel H G L a n g u a g e e: High German Language Hglb d: Hämoglobin Hglds e: Highlands H G L Test e: High Go Low Test H G M e: Harmonie Gradient Method - e: Heavy Guided Missile - e: Hectogram[s] - e: Hits per Gun per Minute - e: Horizontal Galvanometer Mirror - e: Hot Gas Manifold - e: Human Gene Mapping [workshop] H G M M e: Hereditary Grand Master Mason H G M N e: Hair Growing Marketing Network H G M S e: Helicopter Gravity Measuring System - e: High-Gradient Magnetic Separation H G M U S e: Horizontal Generator Mock-Up System H G N d: Heeresgerätnachweisungen - d: Herresgerätenorm - e: Hypogastric Nerve H g n d: Hagen H G O d: Hauptgeschäftsordnung - e: Hepatic Glucose Output H G O A e: Houston Grand Opera Association H G O A A e: Hobby Greenhouse Owners Association of America H G O R e: High-Gas-Oil Ratio H G P d: Hotel-Gasthof-Pension (journ.) - e: Hanford Generating Plant - e: Hard Gas-Permeable - e: Hard Gypsum Plaster - e: Humbug Gulch Press H G P R T e: Hypoxanthine-GuaninePhosphoribosyl-Transferase H G P R T a s e d: Hypoxanthin-GuaninPhosphoribosyl-Transferase - e: Hypoxanthine-Guanine-PhosphoribosylTransferase H G P R T s e: Hypoxanthine-GuaninePhosphoribosyl-Transferases H G P S e: High Grade Plow Steel H G P T e: Hard Gloss Paint H G P T e: Hypoxanthine Guanine Phosphoribosyl-Transferase H G R d: Handgranate - d: Hangar - d: Haubitzgranate - d: Hauptgleichrichter - d: hautgalvanische Reaktion - e: Hangar - e: Head Gear Receiver - e: Helium Graphite Reactor - e: High Group Receiving H - G r d: Handgranate H G r d: Heeresgruppe


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H G Receiver e: Head Gear Receiver H G R F e: Hot Gas Radiating Facility - e: Hot Gas Radiation Facility H G r G d: Haushaltsgrundsätzegesetz H G R & S P T F A C e: Hangar and Support Facility H G R T e: Hypoxanthine Guanine Phosphoribosy Transferase H G R Unit e: High Group Receiving Unit H G S d: Hauptgefechtsstand - d: Hauptgeschäftsstelle - e: Hall Geological Society - e: Hangars - e: Harvard Germanic Studies (journ.) - e: Head-up Guidance System - e: Heeresgasschutzschule - e: Hot Gas System - e: Hydrologic[al] Growing Season - e: Hyperbolic Grid System H G S E e: Hot Gas Soldering Equipment HgSeTe e: Mercury Selenium Telluride H G S H S e: Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility H G S I T V C [ 0 ] e: Hot Gas Secondary Injection Thrust Vector Control HGSSS e: Henry George School of Social Science H G S t e: Hauptgeschäftsstelle H G S W e: Horn Gap Switch H G S W s e: Horn Gap Switches H G T e: Height - e: High Group Transmitting] - e: Hogget - e: Hydrostatic-Gauging Technology - e: Hypergeometric Group Testing H G T A C e: Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee [Forestry Commission] hgts e: heights - e: hoggets H G T Unit e: High Group Transmit[ting] Unit H G T V C e: Hot Gas Thrust Vector Control H G Ü d: Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragung H g - U T P e: 5-Mercuriuridine 5'-Triphosphate H G V e: Heavy Goods Vehicle - e: Hypersonic Glide Vehicle H G V T e: Horizontal Ground Vibration Test H G W d: Hamburger Gaswerke - d: Haupt[amts]gruppenwähler - e: Heat-Generaring Waste - e: Heat-Generative Radioactive Wastes Hgw d: Hartgewebe - e: Hanford [basalt] ground water Hgwy e: Highway Hgy e: Highway H G Z d: Hanseatische Gerichtszeitung (journ.) Hgz e: Hoogezand

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HHT HH d: Doppelhaltestelle - d: Handelshochschule - d: Hansestadt Hamburg - d: Haushalt - d: Herren - e: Double Hard - e: Haiti - e: Half Hard - e: Hand-Held Computer - e: Handhole - e: Hands - e: Hanging Handset - e: Hanging Headset - e: Hard of Hearing - e: Hargraves-Haserick - e: Havre/Hamburg - e: Heading-to-Heading - e: Heard of Hearing - e: Heavily Hinged - e: Heavy Hail - e: Heavy Helicopter - e: Heavy Hydrogen - e: Hedge Hogs - e: Herbig-Haro - e: Hesketh Hubbard Art Society - e: Higgs and Hill - e: High [horse's height] - e: His [or Her] Highness - e: His [or Her] Holiness - e: His [or Her] Honour - e: Historical Handbook - e: Hitchhiker - e: Hodgson's Horse - e: Horizontal-transmit Horizontal-receive H h d: Heizhaus hh s: hojas H&H e: Handy & Harman - e: Holland & Holland H-H e: Hypoxia-Hypercapnia H/H e: Half Height - e: Hard of Hearing - e: Hatch / Hold - e: Havre-Hamburg [ports] - e: Hold/Hatch - e: Host-to-Host - e: House-to-House HH- e: Hitchhiker HH-52 e: 12-passenger helicopter HH-53 e: Sea helicopter HHA d: Hamburger Hochbahn AG Hha e: Haemophilus Haemolyticus HHA e: Half Hardy Annual hha e: half-hardy annual H H A e: Health Hazard Assessment - e: Hexahydric Alcohol - e: Historic Houses Association HHALSA e: Heritage Hills Area Library Services Authority HHB e: Half Hardy Biennial - e: Headquarters and Headquarters Battery - e: Hexahydroxybenzene - e: HQ Battery HHBS e: Hereford Herd Book Society HHBX e: HHB Systems, Inc. HHC e: Hammer Head Crane - e: Hand-Held Computer - e: Higher Harmonic Control - e: Hovercraft-Helicopter Carrier - e: HQ Company US - e: Hughes Harmonic Control H H C C e: Higher Harmonic Circulation Control [rotor] H H C F e: Human Humoral Hypercalcemic Factor HHCL e: H-Hour Coordinating Line HHC's e: Human Health Costs

H H D e: Doctor of Humanities - e: Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment - e: Hogshead [= 238,47 1] - e: Honorary Humanities Doctor - e: Hypertensive Heart Disease HH D 1: Humanitatis Doctor HHDN e: 1,2,3,4,10 10-Hexachloro1,4a,5,8,8a-Hexahydro-exo 1,4-endo-5,8 Dimethanonaphtha - e: Hexachlorohexahydro Dimethanonaphthalene HHDW e: Handy, Heavy Deadweight HHDWS e: Heavy Handy Dead-Weight Scrap HHE d: Handhabeeinrichtung - e: Health Hazard Evaluation - e: Helium to Heat Exchanger - e: Herringer-Hulster Effect - e: Household Effects H H E F G e: Hughes Hall Effect Function Generator HHEG e: Hughes Hall Effect Generator HHES e: Hex Head Electrical Squib HHF d: Handhabefunktion - d: Hochstfrequenz - e: Household Furniture - e: Hyper-High Frequency H H F A e: Housing and Home Finance Agency HHFT e: Heavy Helo Fire Team HHFTH e: Happy Horsemanship for the Handicapped [foundation] HH-G e: Hitchhiker, Goddard [Space Flight Center] HHG d: Haftlingshilfegesetz - e: Household Goods HHGI e: Hospital Newspapers Group, Inc. HHGS e: Household Goods HHH e: Harder than Half Hard - e: High-High-High - e: Trebly Hard - e; Triple Hard HHHH e: Head, Heart, Hands and Health HHHIPA e: Hubert H Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs HHHMXJ e: Hydrazine Hand-Held Maneuvering Unit H H H O e: Hypotonia-HypomentiaHypoganadism-Obesity Hhhs e: Hincherton hayfever helmets HHI d: Heinrich-Hertz-Institut - e: Hand-Held Imager - e: Hellenic Hydrobiological Institute - e: Highland Home Industries - e: Hughes Helicopter Inc. - e: Hyundai Heavy Industries H-hinge e: Capital-H-shaped hinge HHj d: Haushaltsjahr HHK e: Honor Hong-Kong HHL d: Hinterhauptslage - d: Hypophysenhinterlappen - e: High Hazard Laboratory H H L A d: Hamburger Hafen- und Lagerhaus-AG HHLD e: Household HHLH e: Heaviest Heavy Lift Helicopter HHLR e: Hand-Held Laser Range Finder - e: Horace Hardy Lestor Reactor HHLRF e: Hand-Held Laser Range-Finder HHLT e: Hand-Held Logic Tool

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

H H M d: Haushaltsmittel - e: Haemohydrometry - e: Hand-Held Map HH-M e: Hitchhiker, MSFC [Marshall Spaceflight Center] HHMS e: His Helenic Majesty's Ship H H M U e: Hand-Held Maneuvering Unit HHN e: Hot Hydrogen Nozzle HHNK e: Hyperglycaemic Hyper-osmolar Nonketoacidotic coma [in diabetes] HHNSR e: Hudson Highlands National Scenic Riverway H H O d: Handhabeobjekt H-Horizont d: Humusstoffhorizont H-hour e: Hostile operations commencement hour H-Hour e: Hour Hour H-HOUR e: Time of landing first waterborne assault wave HHP e: Half-Hardy Perennial - e: Hydraulic Hand Pump - e: Hydraulic Horsepower HHPA e: Hexahydrophthalic Anhydride HHPL e: Herbert Hoover Presidential Library HHptVStab d: Heereshauptverbindungsstab HHR d: Hämagglutinationshemmungsreaktion - e: Hand Held Radar - e: Health and Human Resources HHRA e: Heartland Human Relations Association HHRB e: Hand-Held Rationing Radiometer HHRC e: Health and Human Resource Center HHRF e: Hand Heid Rangefinder H&HRR e: Harlem and Hudson River Railroad HHRSD e: Helicopter Hauldown and Rapid Securing Device HHS d: Handelshochschule - d: Handhabungssystem - d: Hiittenhartstein - e: Department of Health and Human Services - e: Haaren High School - e: Harris Hematoxylin Solution - e: Hawaiian Humane Society - e: Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron - e: Health and Human Services - e: Helicopter Handling System - e: Hex Head Squib - e: Human Head Simulator - e: Hunter High School H&HS e: Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron HHSD e: Holographic Horizontal Situation Display HHSI e: High-Head Safety Injection HH-Sicherung d: Hochspannungs-Hochleistungssicherung HHSP e: Highland Hammock State Park H H T d: Hamagglutinationshemmungstest - d: Handhabetechnik - d: Hochtemperatur-Helium Turbine - d: Hochtemperaturreaktor mit HeliumTurbine - e: Hand-Held Terminal - e: Headquarters and Headquarters Troop - e: Heredity Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia - e: High-temperature Helium Turbine - e: Higher High Tensile - e: Horn-Hellersberg Test - e: HQ Troop - e: Hydroxyheptadecatrienoic Acid - e: Hypothalamic Hypophysical Thyroid


HHTG HHTG e: Household] Heating HHTI e: Hand-Held Thermal Imager HHTK e: Hand-Held Test Kit HHTR e: Hand-Held Tactical Radar HHTU e: Hand-Held Teaching Unit HHTV e: Hand-Held Thermal Viewer HHUMC e: Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center HHV d: Hochtemperatur-Helium-Versuchsanlage - d: Hopfenherkunftsverordnung - e: Hand-Held Viewer - e: High[er] Heat[ing] Value - e: Human Herpes Virus HHVC e: Higher Harmony Vibration Control HHW e: Higher High Water - e: Household Hazardous Waste HHWI e: Higher High Water Interval HH[X] e: Helicopter Hhz d: Hochdruck[dampf]heizung HH-Zellen d: Hargraves-Haserick-Zellen HI d: Halbinsel - d: Handelsinstitut - d: Hawaii-Inseln - d: Herzindex - d: Hildesheim - d: Histidin - d: Hygiene-Institut - e: Habitability Improvement - e: H[a]emagglutination Inhibition - e: H[a]emagglutinin Inhibition - e: Halt Instruction - e: Hammersley Iron - e: Hampton Institute - e: Handwriting Institute - e: Hardware Indicator - e: Harris Intertype - e: Hat Institute - e: Hawaii - e: Hawaiian Islands - e: Health Inspector - e: Hearing Impaired - e: Heat Index - e: Heat Insulation - e: Heavy Environment - e: Heavy Ion - e: Heavy Iron - e: Height Indicator - e: Height of Instrument - e: Hiburnium - e: High - e: High Impact - e: High Intensity - e: High Signal - e: Histone - e: Holding Instruction - e: Honeywell, Incorporated - e: Hoover Institution - e: Horizontal Interval - e: Hospital Insurance - e: Host Interface - e: Household International - e: Housekeeping Instruction - e: Houston Instrument, Inc. - e: Hudson Institute - e: Human Interest - e: Humidity Index - e: Humoral Immunity - e: Hydraulic Intensifier - e: Hydraulic[s] Institute - e: Hydriodic Acid - e: Hydrogen Iodide - e: Hydronics Institute - e: Hyperglycemic Index -1: Hic lacet

hi e: contracted form of "hail" Hi e: Hering illusion - e: Hindi H&I e: Harassing and Interdictory - e: Harassment and Interdiction - e: Harrassing and Interdiction HIA e: Handkerchief Industry Association - e: Hawaiian Irrigation Authority - e: Hazard Integration Analysis - e: Headwear Institute of America - e: Heart Infusion Agar - e: Held in Abeyance - e: Herzberg Institute ofAstrophysics - e: Hobby Industry Association - e: Hold In Abeyance - e: Home Improvement Association - e: Homeopathic Institute of Australia - e: Homopolar Inductor Alternator - e: Horological Institute of America - e: Hospital Industries Association - e: Housing Improvement Association - e: Housing Industry Associaton - e: Human Interface Architecture - e: Hungarian Imperial Association - e: Hydroxyndole Acetic Acid HIAA e: Health Insurance Associaton of America - e: Health Insurance Associaton of Australia - e: Hydroxy-Indol[e]-Acetic Acid HIAB r: Hydrauliska Industri AB HI[-]AC e: High-Accuracy [Radar] HI Acid e: Hydriodic Acid HIAD e: Handbook of Instructions for Aircraft Designers - e: Handbook of Instructions for Airplane Designers HIADS e: Hawaiian Integrated Air Defense System HIAFSD e: Handbook of Instructions for Air Force Subsystem Designers HIAG d: Hilfsorganisation auf Gegenseitigkeit HIA GSED e: Handbook of Instruction for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Designers HIA Journal e: Horological Institute of America Journal HIALS e: High-Intensity Approach Lighting] System HIALT e: High Altitude HIAP e: Health Insurance Advocacy Program HIAPSD e: Handbook of Instructions for Aerospace Personnel Subsystem Designers HIAS d: Hintergrundaufbereitungssystem - e: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society - e: Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society - e: Human Intellect Augmentation System HIASD e: Handbook of Instructions for Aerospace Systems Design HIA VA System e: High Availability System HIAVED e: Handbook of Instructions for Aerospace Vehicle Equipment Design HIB d: Hessisches Institut für Betriebswirtschaft - d: Hygiene-Institut des Bezirks - e: Haemophilus Influenzae type B - e: Heavy-Ion Beam - e: Hellenic Information Bureau - e: Herring Industry Board - e: High Impedance Bridge - e: High Iron Briquetting Hib e: Hibernia[n] HIBA e: Hydroxyisobutyrate - e: Hydroxyisobutyric Acid HIBAL e: High Altitude Balloon


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HIBC e: Hydrogen-Induced Blister Cracking HIBCC e: Health Industry Bar Code Council HIBD e: High-Intensity Radiation Device HIBDS e: High-Intensity Radiation Development Laboratory Hibernât e: Hibernation HIBES e: Hypersonic In-Flight Refueling System HIBEX e: High-Acceleration Boost[er] Experiment HIBEX e: High Acceleration Experimental - e: High-Impulse Booster Exeriment[s] - e: High-Impulse Booster Experiment[al] HIBR e: Huxley Institute for Biosocial Research HIBREL e: High-Brightness Relay HIBRI e: High Brightness HIBS e: Health Information Base System HIBT e: Howard Ink-Blot Test HI-C e: High Conversion-Critical Experiment HIC e: Hardware Indenture Code - e: Head Injury Criterion - e: Hearing-Impaired Children - e: Heart Information Center - e: Heavy Ion Counter - e: Herring Industries Council - e: Hickam Air Force Base - e: Hierarchical Information Control - e: High Integrated Circuit - e: High-Intensity Conflict - e: Homing Indicator and Control - e: Hot Isostatic Compaction - e: Humidity Indicator Controller - e: Hybrid Integrated Circuit [System] - e: Hydrogen-Induced Cracking - e: Hydrologist In Charge HICACOM e: High-Capacity Communications HICADIP e: Hitachi Computer-Aided Drafting of Isometric Piping HICAP e: Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program - e: High Capacity HICAPCOM e: High Capacity Communication [System] HICAPCOM System e: High Capacity Communication System HICAR e: High Altitude Clear Air Turbulence HICAT e: High-Altitude Clear Air Turbulence HI-CC e: High-Conversion Critical Experiment Hi-C Cell e: High Capacity Cell HICHS e: Helicopter Internal Cargo Handling System hicjac 1: hicjacet HICLASS[s] e: Hierarchical Classification^] Hi-CMOS e: Hitachi CMOS [Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor] - e: Hitachi Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor HICO e: Hastings Instrument Company HICOG e: High Commissioner for Germany Hi Com e: High Command HICOM e: High Command Communications System - e: High Commission HiCom e: High Commission[er] HICS e: Hardened Intersite Cable System - e: Hierarchical Information Control System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HIJD HICs e: Hybrid Integrated Circuits HICSS e: Hawaii International Conference on System Science[s] Hi-C-Zelle d: High-Capacity-Zelle HID e: Hallucinations, Illusions and Delusions - e: Headache-Insomnia-Depression [Syndrome] - e: Helium Ionization Detector - e: High Density - e: High-Intensity Discharge [Lamp] - e: High Intensity Discharged] - e: High-Interstitial Defect - e: Housing Industry Dynamics [Database] Hid s: Hidalgo HIDA e: Health Industry Distributors Association HIDACZ e: High Density Air Space Control Zone HIDAD e: Helicopter Insecticide Dispersal Apparatus, Dry HIDAF e: Helicopter Insecticide Dispersal Apparatus, Fog HIDAL e: Helicopter Insecticide Dispersal Apparatus, Liquid hidalgo s: hijo de algo HIDAM e: Hierarchical [Indexed] Direct Access Method HIDAN e: High-Density Air Navigation HIDB e: Highlands and Islands Development Board HIDC e: Hexamethylindodicarbocyanine - e: Hydrogen-Induced Delayed Cracking HIDE e: Helicopter Integrated Direction Equipment - e: Hydrogen-Induced Deformation Experiment HIDEC e: Highly-Integrated Digital Electronic Control - e: Highly Integrated Digital Engine Control HIDECS e: Hierarchical Decomposition of Systems HIDEN e: High Density Recording HIDES e: High-Absorption Integrated Defense Electromagnetic System - e; Highway Design System HIDE Warfare System e: High-absorption Integrated Defense Electromagnetic Warfare System HIDF e: Horizontal[-side of an] Intermediate Distribution Frame HIDIS e: Highland District HID Lamp e: High-Intensity Discharge Lamp HiD/LoD e: High Density/Low Density [Tariff] H I D M e: High-Information Delta Modulation HIDOC e: Hierarchical Documentation HIDOC Writer e: Hierarchical Documentation Writer HIDRESS e: High Data Rate Storage Subsystem HID Syndrome e: Headache-InsomniaDepression Syndrome HIDTA e: High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Hi-D [Tariff] e: High Density [Tariff] HIDTC e: Hangar and Industrial Door Technical Council H I D V L e: High-Intensity-Discharge Vapor Lamp HIE e: Heat Input Equivalent - e: Height Integration Equipment - e: Hibernation Information Exchange - e: Histrionic Instruction Education

Hi-E e: High Efficiency H I E M E e: Higher Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Hier d: Hieroglyphics -1: Hierosolma HIES e: Hadassah Israel Education Services HIF e: Health Information Foundation - e: High Impedance Follower - e: Higher Intellectual Function - e: Hokkaido International Foundation - e: Hot Isostatic Forging - e: Hot Isothermal Forging - e: Human Initiated Failure H I F A M e: High-Fidelity Amplitude Modulation HIFAR e: High-Flux Australian Reactor - e: High Flux Australien Reactor - e: High-frequency Fixed Array Radar HIFAX-NET e: Hitachi Facsimile-Network H I F C e: Hog Intrinsic Factor Concentrate H I F E T e: Heterointerface Field-Effect Transistor Hi Fi e: High Fidelity (journ.) - e: High Fidelity and Musical America (journ.) HI-FI e: High Fidelity HIFI e: HIFI Irradiation Facility Improvement - e: High Intensity Food Irradiator Hi-FI News e: High-Fidelity News (journ.) HIFIT e: High Frequency Input Transistor[s] HI-FIX e: High-accuracy-position Fixing H I F L E X e: High Flexibility HIFNY e: Hospitality Industry Foundation of New York HIFO e: Highest-In-First-Out HIFOR e: High-level [Flight weather] Forecast HIFR e: Helicopter In-Flight Refuel[IJing - e: Hover-In-Flight Air Data System HIFRENSA s: Hispano-Francesa de Energia Nuclear SA H I F T e: Hardware Implemented Fault Tolerance HIFV e: Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle H I G e: Hartford Insurance Group - e: Hawaii Institute of Geophysics - e: Hermetically sealed Integrating Gyro[scope] - e: High Integrating Gyroscope - e: Honeywell Integrating Gyro - e: Hypervelocity Intercept Guidance HIg e: Human Immunoglobulin HIGB e: J. Higby's, Inc. H I G E e: Hovering In Ground Effect H I G E D e: Handbook of Instruction^] for Ground Equipment Designers HIGFET[S] e: Heterostructure-Insulated Gate FET[s] [Field-Effect Transistors]] - e: Heterostructure Isolated Gate Field-Effect Transistor[s] HIGH e: High Core Threshold HIGH[-]COM e: High-Fidelity Compander [System] High Educ R&D e: Higher Education Research and Development (journ.) High Energy Phys Nucl Phys e: High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics [GB] (journ.) higher e: 3-Rs remedial reading, remedial writing, remedial arithmetic H I G H GASSER e: High Geographic Aerospace Search Radar Highl e: Highland

Internationa] Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Highlands e: Highlands of Scotland - e: Highlands of the Hudson HIGH LI e: Highland Light Infantry High-Perform Ceram e: High-Performance Ceramics [Spain] (journ.) High Perform Plast e: High Performance Plastics [GB] (journ.) High Perform Polym e: High Performance Polymers [GB] (journ.) High Perform Syst e: High Performance Systems [GB] (joum.) High Perform T[ext] e: High Performance Textiles [GB] (journ.) highpro e: high protein High Purity Subst e: High Purity Substances [US] (journ.) High Q e: High Quality high-Q e: high-Quality High Sierras e: Higher Sierra Nevada Mountains High-Speed Surf Craft e: High-Speed Surface Craft [GB] (journ.) High Tatras e: High Tatra Mountains High Tecbnol e: High Technology [US ] (journ.) HIGH TECH e: High Technology High Technol e: High Technology High Technol Bus e: High Technology Business [US ] (journ.) High Temp e: High Temperature [USSR, published in the US] (journ.) High Temp-High Press e: High Temperatures-High Pressures [GB] (journ.) High Temp Mater Process e: High Temperature Materials and Processes [GB] (journ.) High Temp Sci e: High Temperature Science [US] (journ.) High Temp Technol e: High Temperature Technology [GB] (joum.) HIGHVISION e: High-Definition Television System Highw e: Highway Highway Engr e: Highway Engineer (journ.) Highw Res Board Proc Annu Meet e: Highway Research Board. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (journ.) Highw Res Rec e: Highway Research Record (journ.) high-Z e: high-impedance HIGSS e: Hypervelocity Intercept Guidance Simulator Study HIH e: His [or Her] Imperial Highness HIHAT e: High-resolution Hemisphericalreflector Antenna Technique HI-HICAT e: High High Altitude Clear Air Turbulence HI-HOE e: Helium HI HUM e: High Humidity HII e: H[a]emagglutination Inhibition Immunoassay - e: Health Industries Institute - e: Health Insurance Institute - e: High Input Impedance - e: High Input Indépendance HIIMP e: High Impedance HIIR e: Halogenated Isobutene-Isoprene Rubber HIIS e: Honeywell Institute for Information Sciences - e: Honeywell Institute of Information Sciences HIJ e: Horological Institute of Japan HIJD e: Head-Up Display - e: Housing and Urban Development 131

HUMS H U M S e: His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Ship HIJ Timber e: Hijal [barringtonia acutangula] Timber Hik d: Hilfskarte - e: Hiker - e: Hiking HIK e: Hunter Killer HiKG d: Hilfskassengesetz Hikgbr d: Hildebrand-Knorr-Bremse für Güterzug Hikpbr d: Hildebrand-Knorr-Bremse für Personenzug HiKrTr d: Hilfskrankenträger Hiksbr d: Hildebrand-Knorr-Bremse für Schnellzug Hikssbr d: Hildebrand-Knorr-Bremse für besonders schnell fahrenden Zug Hil d: Hildesheim HiL d: Hilfsleitung HIL e: Hardware-In-the-Loop - e: Hazardous Immiscible Liquid - e: Hazardous Industrial Liquid - e: Helium Imputities Loop - e: High Intensity Lighting] - e: High Lift - e: High/Low (used with converter) HILA e: Health [and accident] Insurance Logistics Automated HILAB e: Heavy Ion Laboratory HILAC[s] e: Heavy-Ion Linear Accelerators] HILAN e: High-Level Language HILAST e: High-Altitude Large Area Surveillance Tactic HILAT e: High-Latitude [Research Satellite] H I L C e: Hampshire Inter-Library Center - e: High-Intermediate Level Cell HILCADS e: High-Level Container Airdrop System HILDCAA e: High-Intensity, LongDuration, Continuous Aurora Event, Activity HILDE e: High Level, Double Ended HILEX e: High Level Exercise Hilfsarb d: Hilfsarbeiter] HilfsKoSt d: Hilfskontrollstelle HilfsTÜSt d: Hilfs-Telegrafenübertragungsstelle HilfsVrSt d: Hilfsverstärkerstelle Hilfswiss d: Hilfswissenschaft Hilgardia Calif Agric Exp Stn e: Hilgardia. California Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) HILIS e: High Light Intensity System Hill e: The Hill [Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.] HILLA e: High-Input Low Labor Agriculture HILNNEP e: Health Information Library Network of Northeastern Pennsylvania hi-Io e: high-low HI/LO e: High/Low HILO e: High Low HILP e: Health Information Library Program[me] HILS e: High Loff Selector HILT e: Hardware In The Loop

H I M d: Hessische Industriemüll GmbH - e: Hardware Interface Module - e: Hazardous Industrial Material - e: Health Insurance Manual - e: Hexosephoasphatitomerase - e: Hierarchy of Interpretive Modules - e: High Impact - e: High-Intensity Microphone - e: Hill Interaction Matrix - e: His [or Her] Imperial Majesty - e: Horizontal Impulse HIM-A e: Hill Interaction Matrix-A HIMA e: Health Industry Manufacturers Association HIMAC e: Highly Integrated Multiplexer Channel H I M A D e: High [and] Medium Air Defense - e: High-to-Medium-Altitude Air Defense HIMADS e: High-to-Medium Altitude Air Defense System HIMAIL e: Hitachi Integrated Message and Information Library Himal e: Himalaya Himalayas e: Himalaya Mountains HIMAT e: High-Maneuverable Advancedfighter Technology - e: Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology H I M D e: Handbook of Instructions for Missile Designers HIMES e: Highly Maneuverable Experimental Space Vehicle - e: Highly-Maneuverable Experimental Spacecraft H I M E Z e: High-Missile Engagement Zone HiMi e: High Mileage H I M M e: Hallberg Index of Male Menopause HIMMC e: HQ and Maintenance Management Company H I M O C S e: High Mobility Cannon System H I M O W C e: High-Mobility Weapons Carrier H I M P O S e: Hierarchical Multiprocessor Operating System H-Impuls d: Horizontalimpuls HIMR e: Handbook of Inspection Maintenance Requirements H I M S e: Harrier Information Management System - e: Heavy Interdiction Missile System - e: Helicopter In-Flight Monitoring System - e: Helicopter Independent Manoeuvring Systems - e: HMMWV Interchange Mount System HIMSD e: Handbook of Instructions for Missiles and Spacs Vehicles HIMSEUR e: Hawk Intensified Management System Europe Program HIMU e: High Mu-factor HIN e: Health Insurance Network Hinck Hinckley - e: High-Intensity Noise - e: Honeywell Information Network - e: Hybrid Integrated Network Hin e: Hindi HINAS e: Historic Naval Ships Association of North America Hinc e: Haemophilus Influenzae Rc Hind d: Hindernisse] - d: Hindustani - e: Haemophilus Influenzae Rd - e: Hindi - e: Hindu - e: Hindustan] - e: Hindustani


O K • G • Saur, München

hind d: hindustanisch HINDALCO e: Hindustan Aluminium Corporation Hindustan Antibiot Bull e: Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin (journ.) Hinf e: Haemophilus Influenzae Serotype f - e: Hypodermoclysis Infusion HING e: High-Intensity Noise Generator hinga e: anihinga Hinglish e: Hindi and English HIN[I]L e: High Noise Immunity Logic HINOP e: Health Information Network of the Pacific HINP e: Hundred Islands National Park HINPADS e: Helicopter Integrated Processing And Display System Hins d: Hinsicht HINS e: Health Information Network Services - e: Helicopter Integrated Navigation System HINT e: Hierarchial Information Net[s] - e: High Intensity - e: Hinton Test Hinterg d: Hintergaumen - d: Hintergebäude Hintergr d: Hintergrund Hinterh d: Hinterhaupt - d: Hinterhaus Hinterl d: Hinterlage - d: Hinterland HintH d: Hinterhang HintO d: Hinterlegungsordnung Hinw d: Hinweis[e] HINWR e: Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge Hinw-Us d: Hinweisumsetzer HIO e: Halt Input/Output - e: High Input/Output - e: Hours of Operation - e: Hypoiodite HIOMT e: Hydroxyindol[e]-0-Methyltransferase H Ion d: Hydrogen Ion H-ion e: hydrogen ion HIOOS e: Headquaters Integrated Office System HiOS e: Heath/Zenith Instrument Operating Software - e: High Island Offshore System HI-OVIS e: Highly Interactive Optical Video Information System Hi-OVIS e: Highly Interactive Optical Visual Information System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HIRZB HIP d: Hilpoltstein - e: Habitability Improvement Plan - e: Hanford Isotopefs] Plant - e: Hardware Interface Program - e: Hawk Improvement Program - e: Hazard Input Program [US] - e: Health-Insurance Plan - e: Help for Incontinent People - e: Hex Inline Package - e: Hierarchical Information Processor - e: High-Impact Polystyrene - e: High-Impact Pressure - e: High-Potential Iron Protein - e: Highly Ionized Plasma - e: Hippocampus - e: Historically-Informed Performance - e: Hitachi Parametron Automatic Computer - e: Hoover Institution Press - e: Horizontal Injection Press - e: Hospital Improvement - e: Host Information Processor - e: Host Interface Processor - e: Hot Isostatic Pressing - e: Hot Isostatic Pressure - e: Hot Isostatic Processing - e: Houston's Informed Parents - e: Howitzer Improvement Program - e: Humanizing, Individualizing and Personalizing - e: Hydrostatic Indifference Point - e: Hyperbolic Integer Programming HiP d: Hilfsprogramm Hip e: Soviet Mi-8 transport helicopter HIPAAS e: High Performance Advanced Attack System HIPAB e: High-Power Acquisition Radar HIPAC e: Heavy-Ion Plasma Accelerator - e: Hitachi Parametron Automatic Computer HIPAD e: High-Performance Air Defense HIPA-NET e: Hitachi Packet-switchingNetwork HIPAR e: High Intensity Pulse Acquisition Radar - e: High-performance Precision Approach control Radar - e: High-Power Acquisition Radar HIP AS e: High Performance Active Sonar HI[-]PASS e: High-Pass HIPBBSN e: Hot-Isostatic Pressed Reaction-Bonded Silicon Nitride HIPBX e: Harmonic Identification Pitch Extraction HIPCO e: Hunt International Petroleum Company HIPCORE e: High Power Coherent Radar HIPD e: High-Intensity Powder Diffractometer HIPDA e: Hydroxyisophthalyl Dihydroxarnic Acid HIPE e: Hospital In-Patient Enquiry HIPEBNAS e: High-Performance Navigation System HIPEG e: High-Performance Experimental Gun - e: High Performance External Gun HIPERFLIR e: High-Performance Forward-Looking Infra-Red HIPERNAS e: High-Performance Navigation System HIPERTHINO e: High Performance Throttleable Injector HIPEX e: Harmonic Identification Pitch Extraction HIPFERRITE e: Hot Isolation Pressed Ferrite HIPH e: High Institute of Public Health

HI-PI e: High-Performance Interception] HIPIR e: High Power Illumination Radar - e: High Power Illuminator Radar - e: High-Powered Illuminating Radar HIPL e: High Pulse Repetition Laser Hipo d: Hilfspolizist H I P O e: Hierarchical Input Processing] Output - e: Hierarchy Input Processing] Output - e: Hierarchy of Input-Process-Output - e: Hierarchy plus Input Processing] Output - e: Hospital Indicator for Physicians' Orders HIPOE e: High Pressure Oceanographic Equipment HIPOT e: High Potential [Test] HIPO Technique e: Hierarchical Input Processing] Output Technique HIPOTT e: High-Potential Test Hipp e: Hippocrates HiPPAG e: High-Pressure Pure-Air Generator HIPPARCOS e: High Precision Parallax Collection Satellite HIPPI e: High Performance Parallel Interface Hippo[s] e: Hippopotamuses] HIPR e: High Internal Phase Ratio - e: High Pressure H I P R E S e: High Pressure HIPRI e: High Priority HIPS e: High-Impact Polystyrene - e: High Integrity Protective System[s] HIPS e: Hyperintense Proximal Scanning HIPSA e: Hallicrafters Incremental Power Spectrum Analyzer HIPSF e: High Performance Space Feed HIPSN e: Hot Isostatically Pressed Silicon Nitride HIPS-PE e: High-Impact PolystyrenePolyethylene HIPS-PVDC e: High-Impact PolystyrenePolyvinylidene Chloride HIPS-PVDGPE e: High-Impact Polystyrene-Polyvinylidene ChloridePolyethylene HIPS-PVDOPP e: High-Impact Polystyrene-Polyvinylidene ChloridePolypropylene HIPTOC e: High-Power Testing of Optical Components hi-q e: high iq [intelligence quotient] HIQ e: High Quality - e: Housing Intelligence Quotient HIQSA e: Horizontal Impulse Reaction - e: Hydroxyiodoquinolinesulfonic Acid H I R e: Hamersley Iron Railway - e: Handbook of Inspection Regulations - e: Handbook of Inspection Requirements - e: Harbour Improvement Rate - e: Harmful Interference to Radio - e: Helicopter Instrument Rule[s] - e: Heron Island Resort - e: Hierarchy - e: Honiara [Solomon Islands airport] - e: Horizontal Impulse Reaction - e: Hydrostatic Impact Rocket HI-R e: High-Intensity Survey Meter HIRA e: Handheld Infrared Alarm - e: Health Industry Representatives Association HIRAB e: High Resolution Atomic Beam HI[-]RAC e: High Random Access HIRAD e: Hitachi Re-Adhesion Device

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HIRAM e: Highest-position RAM [Random- Access Memory] - e: Highest position Random-Acess Memory - e: HYCOR Infra-Red Anti-Missile HIRAN e: High Intensity Radar Aids to Navigator - e: High-Precision SHORAN [Short-Range Navigation] HIRAN System e: High-precision SHORAN [Short-Range Navigation] System HIRAS e: High Resolution Array Scanner HIRB e: Health Insurance Registration Board H I R C e: Housing Industry Research Committee HIR CLDS VBS e: Higher Clouds Visible HIRD e: High Information Rate Display [for aircraft cockpits] - e: High-Intensity Radiation Device H I R D L e: High-Intensity Radiation Development Laboratory HIRE e: Help Through Industry Retraining and Employment - e: Hooking Is Real Employment - e: Hughes Infrared Equipment HI[-]REL e: High Reliability HI-REL Program[me] e: High Reliability Program [me] HI-RES e: High-Resolution [graphics] HIRES e: Hypersonic In-Flight Refueling System HIRF e: Handbook of Infantry Range Finder - e: High-Intensity Radiated Fields - e: High-Intensity Reciprocity Failure HIRI e: Hawaiian Independent Refinery Incorporated - e: High-Intensity in way hights - e: Home Improvement Research Institute HIRIS e: High-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer - e: High-Resolution Interferometer/ Spectrometer HIRL e: High-Intensity Runway Lighting] - e: High-Intensity Runway Lights Hirnforsch d: Hirnforschung HIRNS e: Helicopter Infrared Navigation System HIRR e: High Infra-Red Reflectance HIRS e: High-Impulse Retrorocket System - e: High-resolution Infrared [Radiation] Sounder - e: High Resolution Sciences, Inc. - e: Holographic Information Retrieval System HIRSI e: High Resolution Spectral Infrared HIRSS e: Hover Infrared Suppressor Subsystem HIRS/smrd e: High-Impulse Retrorocket System/spin-motor rotation detector HIRT e: High Reynolds-number Tunnel HIRTA e: High Intensity Radio Transmission Area HIRUP e: High Intensity Radiation Utilization Project HIRZB e: Horizon Bank


HIS HIS d: Hauptinformationsstelle - d: Haushaltsinformationssystem - d: Histidin - d: Hochschul-lnformations-System - e: Hardware Interrupt System - e: Headquarters Information System - e: Health Information Series - e: Health Interview Survey [National Institute of Health] - e: Heavily Instrumented - e: Heavy Ion Source - e: Helicopter Integrated System - e: Helicopter Interservice - e: High Integrity Systems - e: Histidine - e: Historical - e: History - e: Hit Indicator System - e: Holographic Illumination System - e: Holt Information System - e: Home Interactive System - e: Homogeneous Information Set[s] - e: Honeywell Information^] System[s], Inc. - e: Hood Inflation System - e: Horticultural Improvement Scheme - e: Horticulture Improvement Scheme - e: Hospital Information System - e: House Information Systems - e: Human Intrusion Studies - e: Hybrid Infrared Source -1: Hic lacet Sepulta -1: Hic lacet Sepultus HI S e: Historical Division Hi-S e: Hi-Standard [firearms] His e: Histidyl HISA e: Hawaii International Services Agency - e: Headquarters and Installation Support Activities HISAC e: High-Speed Airdrop Container HISAM e: Hardware Initiated Standalone Memory - e: Hierarchical Index[ed] Sequential Access Method - e: Surface-to-Air Missile High His-Am[s] e: Hispanic American[s] HISARS e: Hydrologic[al] Information Storage and Retrieval System - e: Hydrological Storage and Retrieval Information System HISAV e: Human Spumaretrovirus HISC e: House Internal Security Committee HISCC e: Hydrogen-Induced StressCorrosion Cracking HiSch d: Hilfsschule HI-Scheinwerfer d: Hochintensitätsscheinwerfer HISCI e: High School Characteristics Index HISDAM e: Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Direct Access Method HISE e: High Interference Signalling Environment - e: High-level Single-Ended HiSEA e: Hawaii Society of Enrolled Agents HISEACOTS e: High Sea State Container Transfer System HISI e: Honeywell Information System Italia - e: Honeywell Information Systems, Incorporated HISIL e: Hitachi Symmetric[al] Injection Logic HisJ e: Hispanic Journal (journ.) HISOS e: Helicopter Integrated Sonar System

HISP d: Hilfsspeicher - e: Health Information Sharing Project - e: Heat-Inactivated Serum Pool Hisp e: Hispaniola HisP f: Historia [Paris] (journ.) HISPA e: History of Sport and Physical Education [Association] Hispan e: Hispanic Hispano s: Hispano-Suiza [automobile] - s: Hispanoamericano HISPEED e: High Speed Encryption Equipment Digital HISQ e: Home Screening Questionnaire HISRAN e: High-Precision Short-Range Navigation HISS e: High Intensity Sound Simulator - e: High Intensity Sound System - e: Holographic Ice Surveying System - e: Hover Infrared Suppressor System HISS G e: Healthcare Information Systems Sharing Group - e: Hospital Information Systems Sharing Group HISSP Processor e: Hierarchically Structured Specifications and/or Program[me]s Processor HIST e: High Input Shock Test - e: Histological] - e: Histologist - e: Histology - e: Historian - e: History - e: Hospital In-Service Training hist a: historie - a: historisk - e: historical - N: historie - N: historisk Hist d: Histologie - d: Historie - e: Historical] - e: Historically HI-STAB e: High Stability Hist Abs e: Historical Abstracts (journ.) Hi Stan 22 plus e: High Standard 22-caliber automatic plus silencer HistBull e: Historical Bulletin (joum.) Hist Dist e: Historic District HI-STEP e: High-speed Integrated Space Transportation Evaluation Program[me] Histl e: Historical Journal Hist Jahrb Stadt Linz d: Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz (journ.) Histjb d: Historisches Jahrbuch Hist Learn Sei Finland e: History of Learning and Science in Finland (journ.) HistM e: Historical Magazine (joum.) Hist Mag PE Ch e: Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church (journ.) Hist Metall e: Historical Metallurgy [Institute of Metals, GB] (journ.) histn e: historian HISTO e: Histogram histo e: histoplasmosis histocrit e: historical criticism] Histol d: Histologie histol e: histologic[al][ly] - e: Histologically] - e: histologist - e: histology HISTORIC e: Hursley Information Svstem Terminal-Oriented Retrieval Information Center - e: Hursley Information System TerminalOriginated Reference and Information Control


© K • G • Saur. München

Historis Z Alt Gesch d: Historia. Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte (journ.) HistOntl e: Historical Outlook (journ.) HISTOX e: Historical Toxicology Information Data System HISTRF e: High Sensitivity Track FLIR His-tRNA e: Histine-Transfer RNA [Ribonucleic Acid] HistVjschr d: Historische Vierteljahresschrift HistZ[tsch] d: Historische Zeitschrift (journ.) HISU e: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace HIT d: Hamburger-Institut fur Technologie - d: Hauptinvesttrager - e: H[a]emagglutination Inhibition Test - e: Harbin Institute of Technology - e: Head per Track - e: Health Inca Tea - e: Health Indication Test - e: Heavy Tactical Transport - e: Heterojunction Interface Trap - e: High Incidence Target - e: High Information Transformer - e: High-Intensity Tutoring - e: High Isolation Transformer - e: Himeji Institute of Technology - e: Hiroshima Institute of Technology - e: Histamine Ion Transfer - e: Hitachi Innovative Technology - e: Hokkaido Institute of Technology - e: Holtzman Inkblot Technique - e: Holtzman Inkblot Test - e: Homing Interception] Technology - e: Homing Interceptor Technology - e: Hong Kong International Terminals - e: Houston International Teleport - e: Huazhong Institute of Technology - e: Hughes, Induced Turbulence - e: Hypersonic Interference Technique - e: Hypersonic Interference Technology - e: Hypervelocity Impulse Tuned - e: Hypervelocity Impulse Tunnel HiT e: High Temperature Hi-T e: High Temperature - e: High-Torque HITAC e: Hitachi Computer [Services] Hitachi Rev e: Hitachi Review [Japan] (journ.) Hitachi Zosen Tech Rev e: Hitachi Zosen Technical Review [Japan] (journ.) HITADS e: Helmet Integrated Tracking And Display System HITAS e: Heuristic Intelligent Threat Assessment System HITC e: Hexamethylindotricarbocyanine Hitch e: Hitchborn[e] HIT Computer e: High Incidence Target Computer HIT-D e: Hand-held Inertial TargetDesignator HITEC e: High-Temperature Emission Control System HI-TEC[H] e: High Technology HITEE e: Hungarian Institute for Testing Electrical Equipment Hi[-]Temp e: High Temperature HITEMP e: High-Temperature Engine Materials Program HI Test e: Hemagglutination-Inhibition Test HITEX e: High Temperature Experiment - e: High Temperature Isotope Exchange HITFSM e: Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility HITI e: High Integrity Trip Initiators

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HKGr H I T K e: HITK Corporation H I T L e: Hardware-In-The-Loop HITMP e: Highest Temperature HITP e: High Ignition Temperature Propellant Hit Pom e: Hither Pomerania HITP-SEAP e: High Ignition Temperature Propellants-Self Extinguishing at Atmospheric Pressure HITRAC e: High Technology Training Access HITRESS e: High Test Recorder and Simulator System HITS e: Handbook of Information Technology Standards - e: Hargrave Information Technology Service[s] - e: Hierarchical Integrated Test Simulator - e: Hierarchical Intended Thesaurus System - e: High-Rate Multiplexer Input/Output Test System - e: High-Speed Integrated Test System - e: Holloman Infrared Target Simulator - e: Homicide Investigation Tracking System - e: Honeywell Independent Thermal Sight - e: Hydroacoustic Impact Timing System Hitzeeinw d: Hitzeeinwirkung HIU e: Hydrostatic Interface Unit - e: Hypnosis Investigation Unit Hi-Us d: Hinweisumsetzer HIUS d: Historisches Institut der Universität Salzburg - e: Hispanic Institute of the United States HIUV d: Historisches Institut der Universität Vienna HIV e: Helium Isolation Valve - e: Hiver - e: Human Immunodeficiency Virus - f: Hiver HIVAC e: High-Value Asset Control HIVAL e: High Velocity Automatic Launch HIVE e: High Integrity Voting Equipment HIVIP e: Hitachi Visual Image Processing [Robot] HIVIP Robot e: Hitachi Visual Image Processing Robot HI-VISION e: High-definition Television Hi-Vo[It] e: High Voltage HIVORS e: Hitachi Voice Response System HIVOS e: High-Vacuum Orbital Simulation - e: High-Vacuum Orbital Simulator - n: Humanistisch Institut voor Ontwikkelings Samenwerking HIVT e: Health Insurance of Vermont, Inc. H I W e: Hazardous Industrial Waste Hiwa e: Highway hi wat e: high water Hiwi d: Hilfs[frei]willige[r] H I W R P e: The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace H I W Timber e: Hiwar [acacia leucophloea] Timber HIXE e: Heavy Ion Induced X-ray Emission Hi-Z e: High Impedance Hiza d: Informationsdienst-Austausch [Database]

H J d: Hitler-Jugend - e: Half and Jump - e: Hetero Junction - e: High Jump - e: Honest John [guided missile] - e: Hose Jacket - e: Hot Junction - e: Hybrid Junction -1: Hie Jacet Hj d: Halbjahr - d: Hilfsjahr H&J e: Hyphenation and Justification HJA e: Havre-Antwerp H J A S e: Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies (journ.) HJB d: Halbjahresbeitrag - e: Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing Hjber d: Halbjahresbericht HJBS e: Hashemite Jordan Broadcasting Service H J B T e: Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor HJC e: Hershey Junior College HJCB e: Heralding Jesus Christ Broadcasting [Ecuador] HjD d: Halbjahresdurchschnitt HJD e: Heliocentric Julian Date - e: Heterojunction Device - e: Hospital for Joint Diseases HJD/T e: Hydrogen/Deuterium/Tritium HJE e: Hot Jet Exhaust HJED e: Heliocentric Julian Ephemeris Date H-J Equations e: Harkins-Jura Equations HJFET e: Hetero-Junction[-gate] FET [Field Effect Transistor] - e: Hetero-Junction[-gate] Field-Effect Transistor HJL e: Honest John Launcher HJM e: Hot Jet Model HJP e: Hand Jewel Pusher - e: Heat Jacketed Pump - e: Hydraulic Jet Propulsion HJPA e: Holmes Junge Protected Area HJPP e: Heat Jacketed Proportioning Pump HJR e: Honest John Rocket - e: House Joint Resolution HJ Res e: House Joint Resolution Hjs d: Halbjahresschrift HJS 1: Hie Jacet Sepulta -1: Hie Jacet Sepultus Hjschr d: Halbjahresschrift HJT e: Head Joint HJZ d: Hydrierjodzahl

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

HK d: Hämatokrit - d: Halbedelkorund - d: Handelskammer - d: Hauptkasse - d: Hefner-Kerze - d: Hefnerkerze - d: Heilkosten - d: Heißkammer - d: Hexokinase - d: Hilfskessel - d: Hilfskreuzer - d: Hilfskühler - d: Hinterkante - d: Hochgeschwindigkeitskanal - d: Hochkommissar - d: Hochspannungskabel - d: Höheres Kommando - d: Holz- und Kunststoffverarbeitung (journ.) - d: Hörkapsel - e: Hand Knob - e: Hank - e: Heater Kit - e: Heckler and Kock - e: Hexakinase - e: High Key - e: Hong Kong - e: Hook - e: House of Keys - e: Human Kidney - e: Knoop Hardness Number - e: Taxation housekeeper allowance Hk d: Hakenkreuz - d: Hauptkabel hk d: Hektokilogramm H-K e: Hand[s] to Knee - e: Hunter-Killer H/K e: Hunter/Killer HK$ e: Hong Kong dollar HKA d: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe - e: Ho-Kashyap Algorithm - e: Hong Kong Airways HKB e: Hard-Kernel-Bunch HKCEC e: Hong Kong Catholic Education Council HK Cells e: Human Kidney Cells HKCL e: Hong Kong Container Line HKCS e: Hong Kong Computer Society Hkd e: Hakodate HKDF d: Hermetik-KabeldurchfUhrung HKDR e: Hong Kong Depository Receipt HKE d: Hahnenkammeinheit - d: Hörkopfersatzschaltung HKECIC e: Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation HKEL e: Hong Kong Export Lines HKF d: Halbkettenfahrzeug - d: Hauptkampffeld - d: Hauptkassenführer Hkf e: Handkerchief HKFE e: Hong Kong Futures Exchange HKFRD d: Hoher Kommissar der Französischen Republik in Deutschland HKG d: Heimkehrergesetz - d: Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe - d: Hochtemperatur-Kemkraftwerk GmbH - e: Hong Kong, British Crown Colony [Airport] H Kg e: Hong Kong hkg d: Hektokilogramm H K G C C e: Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce HKGMA e: Hosiery and Knit Goods Manufacturers Association HKGr d: Hörkapselgruppe


HKH HKH a: Hans [Hendes] Kongelige H0jhed - d: Haftkrankenhaus - N: Hans [Hendes] Kongelige H0jhed HKH[-]Syndrome e: Hyperkinetic Heart Syndrome HKI d: Heiz- und Kochgeräte Industrie (journ.) - e: Helen Keller International HKIE e: Hong Kong Institution of Engineers HKIL e: Hong Kong Islands Line HKJ e: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Hkl d: Handelsklasse HKL d: Hauptkampflinie - d: Hauptkühlmittelleitung - d: Hohlkat[h]odenlampe HKLA e: Hong Kong Library Association Hkld d: Halbkunstleder HK1G d: Handelsklassengesetz HKIUe d: Hilfsklinkeniibertragung H-K M e: Hunter-Killer Missile HKM d: Hektokilometer - e: High-velocity Kill Mechanism - e: Hyper-velocity Kill Mechanism HKMA e: Hong Kong Management Association HKME e: Keith Group of Companies, Inc. HKMSC e: Hong Kong Military Service Corps HKn d: Hinterkanten HkNzp d: Hauptkabelnetzplan H'Kong e: Hong Kong H-Konstante d: Hubble-Konstante HKP d: Hauptkiihlmittelpumpe - e: Hong Kong Polytechnic - e: Hookup HKp d: Horchkompanie HKR d: Haushalts-, Kassen- und Rechnungswesen - d: Holzknechtscher Raum Hkrz d: Hilfskreuzer HK&S e: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank HKS d: Heereskraftfahrschule - d: Hilfskriegsschiff HKSE e: Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKSM e: Henry Krumb School of Mines HKSRGA e: Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Carrison Artillery HKSt d: Hilfskostenstelle HKT d: Herz-Kreislauf-Test HKTC e: Hong Kong Training Council - e: Hongkong Telephone Company HKTDC e: Hong Kong Trade Development Council HKTTL e: High-Level Transistor-Transistor Logic HKTV e: Hong Kong Television HKU e: Hong Kong University HkÜp d: Hauptkabel-Übersichtsplan hkups e: hookups HKiistArt d: Heeresküstenartillerie HK virus e: Hong-Kong type of influenza virus HKVO e: Hong Kong Volunteer Corps HKVSt d: Hauptknotenvermittlungsstelle HKW d: Handbuch der kommunalen Wissenschaft - d: Heizkraftwerk HKWe d: Heizkraftwerke HKx d: Hauptkoordinate x HKX e: Hong Kong Express HKy d: Hauptkoordinate y HKY e: Hand Knitting Yarn[s] HKZ d: Hauptanschlußkennzeichen - d: Hochspannungskondensatorzündung HKZW d: Harzer Kalk- und Zementwerke 136

HL d: Halbleiter[laser] - d: Halogenlampe - d: Haltlichtanlage - d: Handleser - d: Handleuchte - d: Hängeleuchte - d: Hansestadt Lübeck - d: Harnleiter - d: Hartlegierung - d: Hauptleistung - d: Hauptleitung - d: Herzleitung - d: Hoch[spannungs]leitung - d: Höchstleistung - d: Hohlladung - e: Half-Leather - e : Half Life - e: Half Line - e: Haltlepool - e: Hand Latem - e: Hard Labo[u]r - e: Hariana Lancers - e: Harwell Laboratory - e: Hawser Laid - e: Hazardous Liquid - e: Header Label - e: Headlight - e: Headmaster-Lieutenant - e: Heap Leaching - e: Hearing Level - e: Heav[il]y Loaded - e: Heav[il]y Loading - e: Heavy Lift - e: Hectoliter - e: Height-Length - e: Height Loss - e: Helium Level - e: Herpetologists League - e: Herpetolregists League - e: High Level - e: High Lift - e: High Low - e: Hinge Line - e: Hirth Lock - e: Histocompatibility Locus - e: Home Lines - e: Homestead Lease - e: Honours List - e: Horizontal Line - e: Host Language - e: Hot Line - e: House of Laity - e: House of Lords [Cases] - e: Hydrated Lime - e: Hydraulic Lime - e: Hygienic Laboratories - e: Hypertrichosis Lanuginosa - e: Latent Hypermetropia - f: Haute-Loire HI d: Halbleder[einband] - d: Hauptamtsleitung - d: Hauptlager - d: Hauptvermittlungsleitung - d: Heilige[r] - d: Heißleiter - e: Hole - e: latent Hyperopia hl d: heilig - d : Hektoliter [1001] - e: Hectolitre[s] [GB] -1: hoc loco hL e: Human Lymphocyte Antigen H & L e: Hargour and Light Department

6 K • G • Saur. München

H-L e: Haute-Loire - e: High-Low -e: Highest and Lowest H/L e: Heading Line - e: Heavy Lift - e: High/Low - e: High or Low - e: Highlights HLA d: Humanlymphozyten-A-Antigen[e] - e: Halifax Library Association - e: Hawaii Library Association - e: Helicopter Loggers Association - e: High-speed Line Adapter - e: Histo-compatibility Antigens - e: Historical Labor Applications - e: Homologous Leucocytic Antibodies - e: Horizontal Line Array - e: Human Leucocyte Antigen - e: Human Leucocytic Antigen - e: Human Life Amendment - e: Human Lymphocyte Antigen[s] HL-A e: Human Leucocyte-Antigen HLA Antigen e: Human Leucocyte Alio Antigen HLA-Antigene d: Human-Leukozyte-AlloAntigene HLAD e: Hearing-Lookout Assist Device - e: High-Level Air Defence HLA/DZ e: Helicopter Landing Area/Drop Zone HLA/DZA e: Helicopter Landing Area/ Drop Zone Study HLAF e: High[er]-Level Arithmetic Function H L & A G e: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery HLAH e: Hank's Lactalbuminhydrolysate HLAHWG e: High-Level Ad Hoc Working Group HLAIS e: High-Level Analog[ue] Input Subsystem - e: High-Level Analog[ue] Input System H-land e: Headland HLAPCO e: Houston Lighting and Power Company HLAS e: Handbook of Latin American Studies - e: Hot Line Alert System H Laz d: Heereslazarett Hlb d: Hellbrauner HLB d: Historisches Literaturblatt (journ.) - e: Harvard Library Bulletin (journ.) - e: Hotel Licensing Board - e: Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance - e: Hydrophilic Lipophilic Balance HLBAs e: High Level Bus Analyzers HLBB e: Home Loan Bank Board Hlbbd d: Halbband Hlbbl d: Halbblut HLBC e: Heavy Liquid Bubble Chamber HLBI e: Human Lymphoblastoid Interferon Hlbr d: Heilbronn / Neckar HIbst d: Halbstamm HLBT d: Halbleiterblocktechnik HLC e: Hapag-Lloyd Container - e: Head[er] Label Check - e: Headmaster Lieutenant-Commander - e: Health Locus of Control - e: High-Level Cell - e: High Level Center - e: High Level Committee - e: High Level Compiler - e: Hospital Library Council HLCAS e: House of Lords Cases HLC-ATC e: Heavy-Lift Helicopter Advanced Technology Component

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HLSI HLCL e: Helical H1COM e: High Command Communications System HLCPS e: Helical Compression HLCPTR e: Helicopter HLCS e: Harm Low Cost Seeker - e: Heat Limiter Control Switch - e: High-Level Compaction Station HLC Tyre e: High Load Capacity Tyre HLCU e: Hapag-Lloyd Container Unit - e: High Lift Control Unit HLCV e: Hot Leg Check Valve HLD e: Doctor of Humane Letters - e: Harold Handley Page [aircraft] - e: Head Level Display - e: Helium Leak Detector Hid d; Halbleder[einband] - e: Holder hid e: held - e: hold HLDA e: Hold Acknowledge HLDB e: Hot-Line, Dead-Bus Hldbd e: Halbleder[ein]band HLDE e: High-Level, Double-Ended HLDG e: High Level Defense Group - e: Holding HLDI e: Highway Loss Data Institute - e: Hole Die HLDLC e: High Level Data Link Control Hldr d: Halbleder[einband] HLDR e: Holder HLDS e: Holdings HLDS e: Hydrogen Leak Detection System HLDTL e: High-Level Data Transistor Logic - e: High Level Diode Transistor Logic HLDW e: High-Level Defense Waste[s] HLE e: High-Level Exposure - e: Human Liver Esterase - e: Hydrogen Line Emission HLEM e: Horizontal-Loop Electromagnetic Method HLEPG e: High Level Exercise Planning Group HLES e: Haute Limite Elastique Sondable HLEXT e: Helical Extension HLF e: Half - e: Heat Loss Factor - e: Hidden Lake Formation - e: High Layer Function[s] - e: High Loss Ferrite - e: Horizontal Line Frequency - e: Human Life Foundation - e: Hyper Low Frequency - e: Hyperbolic Lofar Fix Hlf d: Heifer - d: Hellfuchs HLFM e: High Level Flux Monitor HLFT e: Holographic Lensless Fourier Transform HLG d: Hochlaufgeber - e: Hauling - e: High-Level Group - e: Homing Level Ga[u]ge - e: Hot Leg - e: Hybrid Lens Guide Hlg d: Halogen - d: Hauptvermittlungsleitung [Gehend] - e: Halogen HLGE e: Handling Equipment HL-Geschoß d: Hohlladungsgeschoß HLGP e: Heavy-Lift General Purpose HLGS e: Hot Line Gunsight System

HLH d: Heizung-Lüftung-KlimatechnikHaustechnik [Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Germany] (journ.) - e: Haroldson Lafayette Hunt - e: Heavy-Lift Helicopter - e: Hertfordshire Light Horse - e: High-Level Heating - e: High-Low-High - e: Human Luteinizing Hormone HLH/ATC e: Heavy-Lift Helicopter/ Advanced Technology Component HLHS e: Heavy-Lift Helicopter System HLHs e: Heavy-Lift Helicopters HLI e: Hard Limited Integrator - e: Highland Light Infantry - e: Holmium Laser Illuminator - e: Host Language Interface HLIC e: Highland Light Infantry of Canada - e: Housing Loans Insurance Corporation H/Lift e: Heavy Lift HLIV e: High-Level Input Voltage - e: Hot Leg Isolation Valve HLK d: Handlochkarte - d: Hefte für Literatur und Kritik (joum.) Hlk d: Hauptvermittlungsleitung, kommend - d: Heilkunde HLKO d: Haager Landkriegsordnung vom 18.10.1907 HLL e: Half-Loop Loss - e: Hard Lunar Landing - e: Hellenic Lines Limited - e: High-Level Logic - e: High[er] Level Language - e: Highspeed Low-Power Low-Voltage HLLAPI e: High Level Lanugage Application Programming Interface H L L C e: High Level Language Computer H L L C S e: High Level Language Computer System HLLM e: High Level Language Machine HLLs e: High Level Languages - e: High Level Logics HLLV e: Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle HLLW e: High-Level Liquid Waste[s] HLLWT e: High-Level Liquid Waste Tank HLLX e: High-Level Language X HLM d: Hefner-Lumen - d: Herz-Lungen-Maschine - e: Hamshire Local Militia - e: High Latitude Mode - e: High-Level Microprogramming - e: High-Level Mixer - e: Hypothesized Local Maximum - f: Habitations à Loyer Modéré HLMI e: High Load Melt Index HLML e: High-Level Microprogramming Language HLMP e: High-Level Microprogramming HLMPL e: High-Level Microprogramming Language HLMR e: Hunter-Leggitt Military Reservation HLMT e: Helmet Hin d: Halbleinen[einband] HLN e: Halton Reinsurance Co. Limited - e: Hexagonal Long Nipple - e: Hyperplastic Liver Nodule[s] HInbd d: Halbleinen[ein]band HLNCC e: High-Level Neutron Coincidence Counter HLNG e: Headlining HLNP e: Hattatt Lake[s] National Park HlnstWerk d: Heeresinstandsetzungswerk HLnTnL d: höhere luftnachrichtentechnische Lehranstalt h/I number e: hydrophile/lipophile number

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HL Number e: Hydrophile-Lipophile Number HLNW e: High-Level Nuclear Waste[s] HLNWR e: Havasu Lake National Wildlife Refuge - e: Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge HLO e: High Latitude Operation - e: High-Level Override - e: Horizontal Lookout Hlokf d: Hauptlokomotivführer H Lords e: House of Lords HLOS e: Horizontal Line-Of-Sight HLOV e: High Level Output Voltage - e: High-Level Output Voltage HLP d: Halogen-Projektorlampe - d: Herz-Lungen-Präparat - d: Hühnerleistungsprüfung - d: Humane Leberantigen-Präparation - e: Heavy Lift Pontoon - e: Helicopter Landing Platform - e: Helper - e: High-Level Programming - e: Houston Lighting and Power - e: Hyperlipidemia - e: Hypersonic Local Pressure HL-Pak-Geschoß d: Hohlladungs-Panzerabwehr-Geschoß H L & P C O e: Houston Lighting and Power Company HLPI e: High-Level Programming Interface HLPIU e: High Level Process Interface Unit HLPR e: Helper - e: Howard League for Penal Reform HLPS e: Heavy Lift Prepositioning Ship HLQ e: Huntington Library Quarterly (joum.) HLQL e: High-Level Query Language HLR e: Handheld Laser Rangefinder - e: Heart-Lung-Resuscitation - e: Helicopter Laser Rangefinder - e: High Level Representation - e: Holder - e: Home Location Register - e: Horizontal Long Range hlrA d: Hektoliter reiner Alkohol HLRC e: High Latitude Rocket Campaign HLRM e: High-Level Radio Modulator HL Rope e: Hawser Laid Rope HLRS e: Homosexual Law Reform Society HLRV e: Heavy Lift Research Vehicle HLRW e: High-Level Radioactive Waste HLRZ d: Hochleistungsrechenzentrum HLS d: Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und Sanitärtechnik - e: Harvard Law School - e: Heavy Lift System - e: Heavy Liquid Separation - e: Heavy Logistic[s] Support - e: Heavy Logistics System - e: Helicopter Landing Site - e: High-Level Scheduler - e: High-Level Service - e: Hinge Moment Load Simulator - e: Holograph Letter Signed - e: Hue, Lightness, Saturation - e: Hurst Lodge School h l S d: heilige Schrift his e: hills His e: Holes HLSA e: Hole Saw HLSBS e: High Level Sisal Research Station HLSC e: High-Level Service Circuit HLSE e: High-Level, Single-Ended HLSI e: Hybrid Large Scale Integrated - e: Hybrid Large Scale Integration


H L Signal HL Signal e: High Low Signal HLSL e: Harward Law School Library HLSM e: Homopolar Linear Synchronous Motor HLSP e: Hospital Library Service Program HLSP-Methode d: Heitler-London-SlaterPauling Methode HLSRS e: High Level Sisal Research Station HLSS e: Harry Lundeberg School of Seamanship Hist d: Halberstadt - d: Heilstätte HLS Technik d: Heizung, Lüftung, Sanitär Technik HLS-Technik d: Heizung, Lüftung, Sanitärtechnik HLSTO e: Hailstone[s] HLSUA e: Honeywell [and Bull] Large Systems Users Association [in Europe] HLSUA-E e: Honeywell [and Bull] Large Systems Users' Association-Europe HLSV e: Helium Latching Solenoid Valve HLSW e: High-Level Solidified Waste[s] HLT d: Halt - e: Heterodyne Look-Through - e: High Level Test - e: Highly Leveraged Transaction - e: Holbom Law Tutors Hit d: Hohlleiter hit e: halt - e: halter HLTA e: Halt Acknowledge HLTF e: High-Level Task Force HLTH PROF e: Health Professions HL'PL e: High Level Transistor Transistor Logic HLTL e: High-Level Test Language - e: High-Level Transistor Logic Hl-Tn d: Heultonne HLTs e: Highly Leveraged Transactions HLTTL e: High-Level Transistor-Transistor Logic HLTXJ e: Hierarchized Threshold Logic Unit HLTW e: High-Level Transuranic Waste[s] Hlu e: Honolulu HLU e: House Logic Unit H L U P d: Hauptluftumschlagpunkt HLV d: Hauptlastverteiler - d: Hauptlastverteilung - e: Heavy Launch Vehicie - e: Heavy-Lift Vehicles - e: Herpes Like Virus HLVA e: Hospital Lady Visitors Association HLVW e: Heavy Logistic Vehicle Wheeled HIw d: Halbleinwand HLW d: Halbleiterwandler - d: Halogenlichtwurflampe - d: Höhenleitwerk - e: High-Level [radioactive] Waste - e: Higher Low Water HLWC e: High-Level Waste Calcination - e: High-Level Waste Concentrate Hlwd d: Halbleinwand HL WD e: High-Level Waste Concentrator Distallate Hlwdbd d: Halbleinwand[einband] HLWF e: High-Level Waste Concentrator Feed HLWI e: Higher Low Water Interval HLW-ICB e: High-level Waste-Interface Control Board H L WIO C e: Hard Labor Without Confinement

HLWIP e: High-Level Waste Immobilization Program HLWN e: Highest Low Water [of] Neap [Tides] HLWOG e: High-Level Liquid Waste Off-Gas HLWRP e: Hoover Library on War, Revolution and Peace HLWS e: High-Level Waste Surge HLW-Vol d: Höhenleitwerkvolumen HIx d: Hefner-Lux HLXA e: Helix Angle Hly e: Heavily HLYR e: Haze Layer Aloft HLZ d: Handleuchtzeichen


© K • G • Saur, München

- d: Hilfslazarettzug - e: Helicopter Landing Zone Hlz d: Holzschnitt HLZL e: Helicopter Landing Zone Locator Hlzschn d: Holzschnitt HM d: Hallmark - d : Hämatite - d : Hamburger Morgenpost (journ.) - d : Hameln - d : Handelsmarine - d : Hartmetall - d : Haupt-Maschinengruppe - d : Heparinmonosulfat - d : Herbstmesse - d : Hochleistungsmotor - d : Hochmodul - d : Höhenmarke - d : Höhenmeßgerät - d : Hohlmaß - d : Hovermarine - d : Hysteresemotor - e: Haematite - e: Hallmark - e: Hand-Made - e: Hand Movements - e: Harbo[u]r Master - e: Hard Magnetic - e: Hard[ened] Mortar - e: Hardware Malfunction - e: Hardware Monitoring - e: Harmonie Mean - e: Harmonic Motion - e: Hazardous Materials] - e: Head Master - e: Head Mistress - e: Head Motion - e: Head Movement - e: Heater Mid-tap - e: Heater Middle[tap] - e: Heavy Maintenance - e: Heavy Metal - e: Heavy Mobile - e: Hectometer [US] - e: Hectometric - e: Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron - e: Hidden Memory - e: High Magnification - e: High-Meaningfulness - e: High-Melting - e: High-Modulus - e: His [or Her] Majesty - e: Hold Mode - e: Hollerith Machine - e: Hollow Metal - e: Hologram Memory - e: Home - e: Home Mission[s] - e: Homogenization Medium - e: Honourable Mention - e: Horizontal Meridian - e: Horizontal [position] Multiplier

- e: Hot Mix - e: Hull and Machinery - e: Huntigdon Militia - e: Hybrid Modulation - e: Hydraulic Modelling - e: Hydrogen Maser - e: Hydromagnetic - e: Hydromechanical - e: Hydrometallurgist - e: Hydrometallurgy - e: Hypermedia - e: Hypothetical Machine - e: Hysteresis Motor - f: Haute-Marne - f: Heure de Moscou Hm d: Halbmesser - d: Hausmeister - d: Heim - e: Haymarket - e: manifest Hypermetropia - e: manifest Hyperopia hm d: Hektometer [100 m] - e: hectometre[s] [GB] -1: hoc mense H & M e: Hit and Miss - e: Hull and Machinery H-M e: Heavy-Media - f: Haute-Marne H/m d: Henry je meter - e: Henry per Meter H M l e: Hospital Corpsman First Class HM2 e: Hospital Corpsman Second Class hm 2 d: Quadrathektometer - e: square hectometer[s] H M 3 e: Hospital Corpsman Third Class hm 3 d: Kubikhektometer - e: cubic hectometer[s] HMA d: Heeres-Munitionsanstalt - d: Hochleistungsmattenschweißanlage - e: Handbook for Military Artificers - e: Hard Magnetic Alloy - e: Hardwood Manufacturers Association - e: Head Masters Association - e: Head Mirror Assembly - e: High-Memory Area - e: Highway Memory Address - e: His [or Her] Majesty's Airship - e: Hoist Manufacturers Association - e: Home Manufacturers Association - e: Host-Mediated Assay - e: Hot Melt Applicator - e: Marine Attack Helicopter [Squadron] Hma e: Hiroshima H M A C e: Hazardous Materials Advisory Council - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Aircraft Carrier HMAI e: Handbook of Middle-American Indians HMAn d: Hochleistungsmattenschweißanlagen HMANA e: Hawk Migration Association of North America HMARC e: Houston Metropolitan Archives and Research Center HMAS e: Her [or His] Majesty's Australian Ship HMAT e: Hot Mix Asphalt Technology [National Asphalt Pavement Association, US] (journ.) HMA Timber e: Hill Mahua [diploknema butyracea] Timber HMAV e: Her [or His] Majesty's Armed Vessel - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Army Vessel Hmax d: Höhenmaximum

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HMIN HMB d: Hochohm-Meßbrücke - e: 2-Hydroxy-5-Methoxybenzaldehyde - e: Hazara Mountain Battery - e: Homatropine Methyl Bromide - e: Home Mission Board - e: Hops Marketing Board Hmb d: Hamburg HMBA e: Hydroxymercurbenzoate HMBDV e: His [or Her] Majesty's Boom Defence Vessel HMBI e: Her [or His] Majesty's Borstal Institution HM-Boot d: Hilfsminensuchboot HMBP e: Heavy Machine Building Plant HMBS e: Her [or His] Majesty's British Ship HMBT e: Hardware Master Bit Table HMC d: Hamburg Messe und Congress - e: Chief Hospital Corpsman - e: Halley Multicolor Camera - e: Harvey Mudd College - e: Heading Marker Correction - e: Headmasters' Conference - e: Heavy Mechnical Complex - e: Heavy Media Cyclone - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Customs [and Excise] - e: Heroin, Morphine and Cocaine [Mixture] - e: High-speed Measure Centre - e: High-strength Molding Compound - e: Historical Manuscripts Commission - e: Horizontal Microcode - e: Horizontal Motion Carriage - e: Horticultural Marketing Council - e: Hospital Management Committee - e: Household Mortgage Corporation - e: Howitzer Motor Carriage - e: Hydroxy Methyl Cystosine HMCA e: Hospital and Medical Care Association HMCC e: Housewife/Mother Career Concept - e: Houston Mission Control Center - e: Hypergolic Maintenance and Checkout Cell HMCF e: Hypergolic Maintenance and Checkout Facility HMCG e: Her [or His] Majesty's Coastguard HMC&H e: Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital HMCIC e: Her [or His] Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulaly HMCIF e: Her [or His] Majesty's Chief Inspector of Factories HMCIS e: His [or Her] Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools HMCM e: Master Chief Hospital Corpsman HMCMP d: Hydromethylcytidinmonophosphat HMCMS e: Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron HMCN e: Her [or His] Majesty's Canadian Navy HMCO e: Henley Manufacturing Corporation HM Comm e: Historical Manuscripts Commission HMCRI e: Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute HMCS e: Her [or His] Majesty's Canadian Ship - e: Senior Chief Hospital Corpsman HMCSC e: Her [or His] Majesty's Civil Service Commissioners

HMCyS e: His [or Her] Majesty's Ceylonese Ship H M D d: Handbuch der maschinellen Datenverarbeitung - d: Handbuch der modernen Datenverarbeitung - e: Helicopter Mine Dispenser - e: Helmet-Mounted Display - e: Hemmed - e: Heterodyne Matrix Detector - e: Hexamethylenediamine - e: His [or Her] Majesty's Destroyer - e: His [or Her] Majesty's Dockyard - e: His [or Her] Majesty's Drifter - e: Hollow Metal Door - e: Hot Metal Detector - e: Hot-Mix Design - e: Humidfity] - e: Hyaline Membrane Disease - e: Hydraulic Mean Depth - e: Hydrostatic Motor Driven HMDA e: Hexamethylenediamin[e] HMDAA e: Hydroxymethyl Diacetone Acrylamide IIMDBA e: Hollow Metal Door and Buck Association H M D E e: Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode - e: Hollow Metal Door and Frame - e: Horizontal Main Distributing Frame HMDE/ASV e: Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode/Anodic Stripping Voltage HMDE/DPCSV e: Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode/Differential-Pulse Continuous Stripping Voltage HMDEs e: Hanging Mercury Drop Electrodes H M D F e: Hollow Metal Door and Frame - e: Horizontal Main Distributing Frame - e: Horizontal Main Distribution Frame - e: Horizontal Side of Main Distribution Frame H M D I e: Hexamethylene Diisocyanate - e: Hydrogenated 4,4'-Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate H M D S d: Hexamethyldisilazan[e] - d: Hexamethyldisiloxan[e] - e: Hazardous Material Data System - e: Hexamethyldisilacane - e: Hexamethyldisiloxane H M D S O e: Hexamethyldisiloxane H M D T A e: Hexamethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid H M E e: High Mobility Entrencher - e: High Vinyl Modified Epoxy - e: Hull, Mechanical, Electrical H M & E e: Hull Machinery and Electrical - e: Hull, Mechanical, Electrical h M e d: Halbmetall H M E A e: Hazard Mode and Effects Analysis H M E D e: Heavy Military Electronicfs] Department H M E E D e: Heavy Military Electronic Equipment Division H M E G e: Homogeneous Multipolar Equivalent Generator H M E S e: Heavy Military Electronics System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HMF d: Handmikrofon - d: Hauptmischfeld - d: Hydroxymethylfurfurol - e: Heavy-Metal Fluoride - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Forces - e: High Mach Flow - e: High Magnetic Field - e: High-Modulus Furnace [Black] - e: Hollow Metal Frame - e: Horizontal Mating Facility - e: Hydroxymethylfuraldehyde HMF Black e: High Modulus Furnace Black HMFD e: Home Federal Corporation HMFET e: High-Mobility FET [Field-Effect Transistor] - e: High Mobility Field-Effect Transistor HMFI e: Her [or His] Majesty's Factory Inspectorate HMG d: Hydroxymethylglutaryl - e: Hardware Message Generator - e: Heavy Machine Gun - e: High Mobility Group - e: High Modulous Graphite - e: Higher Middle German - e: His [or Her] Majesty's Government - e: Historical Metallurgy Group - e: Human Menopausal Gonad[o]trophin - e: Human Menopausal Gonadotropin^] H-Mg d: Huttenmagnesium HMG Acid e: [Beta-]Hydroxy-[Beta-] Methylglutaric Acid HMGB e: His [or Her] Majesty's Gun Boat HMG-CoA e: HydroxymethylglutarylCoenzym A HM-Gerât d: Heeres-MeBgerat HMGF e: High Modulus Glass Fiber HMH e: Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron[s] HMHDPE e: High Molecular High Density Polyethyene HMH Method e: Hund-Mulliken-Hiickel Method HMHS e: His [or Her] Majesty's Hospital Ship - e: Horace Mann High School HMHUD e: Helmet-Mounted Head-Up Display HMI d: Hahn-Meitner Institut [fur Kernforschung] - e: Hahn-Meitner-Institute - e: Hall Moody Institute - e: Halogen Metallide Iodide - e: Handbook of Maintenance Instructions - e: Hardware Monitor Interface - e: Hardwood Manufacturers Institute - e: Hazardous Material Incident - e: Heavy Maintenance Interval - e: Held Multiplant produced Items - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Inspector - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Lieutenant - e: Hexamethyleneimine - e: Highland Home Industries - e: Hoist Manufacturers Institute - e: Hoisting Machinery Institute - e: Horizontal Motion Index - e: House Magazine Institute - e: Hughes Medical Institute - e: Human-Machine Interface HMIA e: Haitian Migrant Interdiction Operation HMIC e: Her [or His] Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary HMIED e: Honorary Member of the Institute of Engineering Designers HMIN e: Her [or His] Majesty's Indian Navy 139

HMINET HMINET e: HMI-Network H M I N F e: His [or Her] Majesty's Indian Military Forces H M I P e: His [or Her] Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution H M I S e: Hazardous Materials] Information System - e: Headquarters Manufacturing Information System - e: Health Management Information System - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Indian Ship - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Inspector of Schools HMIT e: His [or Her] Majesty's Inspector of Taxes H M I W e: Handbook of Modem Irregular Warfare H M K e: His Majesty the King H M L d: Heeresmunitionslager - d: Hypophysenmittellappen - e: Hard Mobile Launcher - e: Hardware Modelling Library - e: Harper Memorial Library - e: Harvest Maintenance Language - e: His [or Her] Majesty's Lieutenant - e: Horace Mann-Lincoln Institute - e: Marine Light Helicopter Squadron HMLC e: High-Mobility Load Carrier - e: High-speed Multiline Controller HMLI e: High Memory Load Indicator Hm Lock e: Hammer Lock HMLR e: His [or Her] Majesty's Land Registry H m m d: Hamm, Westfalen HMM e: Hard Magnetic Material - e: Hardware Multiply Module - e: Heavy Meromyosin - e: Hexamethyl[ol] Melamine - e: Hidden Markov Model - e: His [or Her] Majesty's Minister - e: Hyundai Mercharnt Marine - e: Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron HMMA e: 4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxy-Mandelic Acid HMME e: Hydroquinone Monomethyl Ether HMMH e: High Mobility Material Handler HMMHE e: High Mobility Material Handling Equipment HMML e: His [or Her] Majesty's Motor Launch HMMMHE e: High-Mobility Materiel Handling H M M M S e: His [or Her] Majesty's Motor Mine Sweeper H M M S e: Her [or His] Majesty's Mine Sweeper - e: Highway Maintenance Management System HMMWV e: High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle - e: Highly Mobile Mechanized Wheeled Vehicle HMN d: Hamburger Methode der Netzplantechnik - d: Heptamethylnonan[e] HMNAO e: Her [His] Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office HMNAR e: Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge HMNC e: Harmonic HMN Fuel e: Heptamethylnonane Fuel HMNTS e: Humanities [the arts, language, literature, music, philosophy] HMNZS e: Her [or His] Majesty's New Zealand Ship

H M O e: Hardware Microcode Optimizer - e: Health Maintenance Organization - e: Heart Minute Output - e: Honolulu Magnetic Observatory - e: Hospital Medical Office[r] - e: Hueckel [Approximation for] Molecular Orbital[s] - e: Hypothetical Mean Organism - e: NATO Hawk Management Office Hmo d: Hochmoor HMOA e: Health Maintenance Organization Act HMOCS e: Her [or His] Majesty's Overseas Civil Service HMO Method e: Hiickel Molecular Orbital Method HMOR e: High Modulus of Rupture HMOS e: Health Maintenance Organization Service - e: High-density Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: High-density MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] - e: High performance Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: High-performance MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] - e: High-resolution Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: High-resolution MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] - e: High-speed Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: High-speed MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] H M O s e: Health Maintenance Organizations HMOS-E e: High-density Metal-Oxide Semiconductor-Erasable - e: High-density MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor]-Erasable - e: High-speed Metal-Oxide Semiconductor-Erasable - e: High-speed MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor-Erasable] HMO-Theorie d: Hückel-Molekül-Orbital Theorie HMOW e: Her [or His] Majesty's Office of Works HMP d: Hexanatriummetaphosphat - d: Hexosemonophosphat - e: Habitat Management Plan - e: Handmade Paper - e: Harper's Magazine Press - e: Heavy MAG Pod - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Penitentiary - e: Hexametaphosphate - e: Hexamethylphosphoramid[e] - e: Hexasodium Metaphosphate - e: Hexose Monophosphate - e: High-Level Microprogramme] - e: High Melting Point - e: Humidity Monitoring Panel - e: Hybrid Memory Products Limited - e: Hydraulic Maintenance Panel -1: Hoc Monumentum Posuit H M 2 P e: Hierarchical Multimicroprocessor HMPA e: Hexamethylphosphor[tri]amid[e] H M P E C e: Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church (journ.) HMPG e: 4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxyphenylglycol - e: Hydroxymethoxyphenylglycol HMPI e: Her [or His] Majesty's Pollution Inspectorate HMPL e: High-level Microprogram[me] Language HMPMA e: Historical Motion Picture Milestones Association


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HMPP e: Hexose Monophosphate Pathway HMPR e: Hurricane Microseismic Research Problem HMPS e: Hexose Monophosphate Shunt - e: Hitachi Mathematical Programming System HMPT d: Hexamethylphosphor[saure]triamid - e: Hexamethylphosphoric Triamide - e: Hexamethylphosphorous Triamide - e: Hydro-Mechanical Power Transmission HMPY e: Hardware Multiplier HMQ e: Her Majesty the Queen HMQC e: Heteronuclear Multiple-Quantum Coherence HMR d: Homer - e: Headquarters[/House] Modification Request - e: Homer - e: Hotel, Motel, Resort Database - e: Humidity-Mixing Ratio - e: Hybrid Modular Redundancy HMRB e: Hazardous Materials Regulation Board H M R C e: Heineman Medical Research Center H M R C S e: His [or Her] Majesty's Royal Canadian Ship Hm [RES] f: Humanités. Revue d'Enseignement Secondaire et d'Education (journ.) HMRL e: Harvard Materials Research Laboratory HMRP e: Hurricane Microseismic Research Problem H&M RR e: Hudson & Manhattan Railroad HMRR e: His [or Her] Majesty's Reserve Refiment HMRT e: Heavy Mobile Repair Team - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Rescue Tug HMS d: Hilfsminensuchboot - e: Hanford Meteorology Survey - e: Hardened Memory System - e: Harmonic Multiplier Source - e: Harvard Medical School - e: Hazardous Materials System - e: Hazard[s] Monitoring System - e: Health Mobilization Series - e: Heavy Materiel Supply Units - e: Heavy Media Separation - e: Helmet Mounted Sight - e: Helmet Mounted Sonar - e: Her [or His] Majesty's School - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Service - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Ship - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Steamer - e: Hexose-Monophosphat[e]-Shunt - e: Hierarchical Memory Storage - e: High NATO Military Structure - e: High Performance Management System - e: Historical Metallurgy Society - e: Home Marketing Services - e: Home Mission Society - e: Honeywell Manufacturing System - e: Hospital Management System - e: Hour[s], Minute[s] and Second[s] - e: Hypothetical Mean Strain H & M S e: Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron HMSA e: Hardware Manufacturers Statistical Association - e: Hawaii Medical Service Association - e: Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association - e: Head-Mounted Sonic Aid HMSAS e: Her [or His] Majesty's South African Ship - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Special Air Service

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HN[JC] HMS[BOE] e: Hazardous Materials System [Bureau of Explosives] HMSC e: Huntsman Marine Science Center HMS/D e: Helmet Mounted Sight/Display H M S D e: Homestead Savings Association H M S D C e: Hybrid Multiplexed Synchro Digital Converter H M S Display e: Helmet Mounted Symbolic Display H M S E e: Hawk Mobility Survivability and Enhancement HMSF e: Hexanmethylenetetraselenafulvalene H M S G e: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden - e: Hughes Missile Systems Group HMSLD e: Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector H M S M e: Her [or His] Majesty's Submarine H M S O e: His [or Her] Majesty's Stationary Office - e: Honolulu Magnetic and Seismological Observatory HMSS e: Helmet Mounted Sight System - e: HMSS, Inc. - e: Hospital Management Systems Society HMSTD e: Homestead H M T e: Hand Microtelephone - e: Hardware Measurement Tool - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Transport - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Trawler - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Treasury - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Troopship - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Tug - e: Hexamethylenetetra[a]min[e] - e: Hydrazine Monopropellant Thruster - e: Hypoxanthine/Methotrexate/Thymidine Medium - e: Marine Helicopter Training Squadron HMTA e: Hazardous Materials Transportation Act - e: Hexamethylenetetramin[e] H M T C e: Hexamethylenetetramine Camphorate HMTI e: Hand Held Thermal Imager HMTM e: Handbook of Mechanical Transport Maintenance HMTS e: Her [or His] Majesty's Telegraph Ship - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Telephone Ship - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Turbine Ship HMTSeF e: Hexamethylenetetraselenafulvalene HMTSF e: Hexamethylentetraselenofulvalin HMTSF-TCNQ e: Hexamethylentetraselenofulvalintetracyanochinodimethan HMTT d: Hexamethyltrithian - e: Hexamethyl Trithiane HMTTeF e: Hexamethylenetetratellurafulvalene H M T T F e: Hexamethylenetetrathiofulvalene H M U e: Hardware Mockup - e: Helmet Mounted Unit - e: Hot Mock-Up - e: Hydraulic Mock-Up - e: Hydroxymethyl Uracil - e: Hydroxymethyluracil H M Ü d: Hannoversch-Miinden H M V d: Herzminutenvolumen - e: High Magnification Viewer - e: High Velocity Missile - e: His Master's Voice - e: Hydraulic HMV Index d: Herzminutenvolumen-Index

HMVS e: Hyper Velocity Medium Support Weapon System HMW d: Halb-Minutenwert hmW d: Hectometerwellen HMW d: Heilmittelwerke Wien - d: Herdbuch Mittelweser - e: Hectometric Wave - e: Height of Maxwind - e: High-Molecular Weight - e: Hypervelocity Missile Weapon HMWC e: High-Mobility Weapons Carrier/Combat Suppport Vehile - e: High Molecular Weight Component HMW HDPE e: High Molecular Weight High-Density Polyethylene HMW-Jahrbuch d: Heilmittelwerke-Jahrbuch HMWK e: High Molecular Weight Kininogen HMWP e: High Molecular Weight Polyethylene - e: High-Molecular-Weight Polypeptide - e: High-Molecular-Weight Protein H M W P E e: High Modular Weight Polyethylene - e: High Molecular Weight Polyethylene HMWS e: Hypervelocity Missile Weapon System HMX e: Advanced Marine Helicopter Squadron HMY e: Her [or His] Majesty's Yacht - e: High Modulus Yam hmy e: too little HN d: Handelsniederlassung - d: Hangneigung - d: Hauptnenner - d: Heilbronn - d: HochfuBnadel - d: Hochschulnachrichten (joum.) - d: Hof- und Nationaltheater - d: Horn - e: Chemical Agent - e: Head Nurse - e: Hemagglutinin Neuraminidase - e: Hexagon Nut - e: Hexagonal Nipple - e: Hexagonal Nut - e: Home Nursing - e: Honduras - e: Hospitalman - e: Host Nation - e: Host-to-Network hn e: hone - e: horn -1: hac nocte HNA e: Harrison Narcotic Act - e: Hierarchical Network Architecture - e: High Nickel Alloy - e: Hitachi Network Architecture - e: Hydraulic Network Analysis - e: Hydroxynaphthoic Acid Hna s: Habana HNAB e: Hexanitroazobenzene HNAL e: Hitachi Numerical Analysis HNAL Program[me] e: Hitachi Numerical Analysis Program[me] HNB d: Hexanitrobiphenyl - e: Hexanitrobiphenyl HNBB e: 2-Hydroxy-5-Nitrobenzyl Bromide HNBI e: Hellenic National Broadcasting Institute H-NBR e: Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Hnbr d: Henry-Bremse

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HNC e: Hand Numeric [al] Control - e: Harbors and Navigation Code - e: High National Council - e: Higher National Certificate - e: Human Nature Cooperative - e: Human Nature Council - e: Human Nutrition Center - e: Human Nutrition Council - e: Hypothalamic-Neurohygophysical Complex HNCIAWPRC e: Hungarian National Committee of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control HNCIMU e: Hungarian National Committee for the International Mathematical Union HNCIP e: Housewife's Non-Contributory Invalidity Pension HNCs e: Higher National Certificates HND e: Hand - e: Haneda-Tokyo [Airport] - e: Higher National Degree - e: Higher National Diploma - e: Honed - e: Horizontal Null External Distance - e: Hundred Hnd e: Hindu HNDBK e: Handbook H N D C O N T e: Hand Control HNDCPD e: Handicapped HNDDIPRT e: Hand-Discharge Printed HND FM e: Hand Form HND GEN e: Hand Generator HNDI e: Hinderliter Industries, Inc. HNDLER e: Handler HNDLG e: Handling HNDLG/SHPNG e: Handling & Shipping charges Hndlr d: Handler hndlr e: handler HNDOVPRT e: Hand Overprinted] HNDPTT e: Hand Print[ed] HNDR e: Heteronuclear Double Resonance H N D R S T e: Hand Reset HNDS[T] e: Handset HNDT e: Holographic Nondestructive Testing - e: Holography and Nondestructive Testing HNDWL e: Hand Wheel HNE e: Hexanitroethane HNED e: Horizontal Null External Distance HNEI e: Hawaii Natural Energy Institute HNET e: Houston Network [Controller] HNET Controller e: Houston Network Controller HNF e: Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor - e: Home Nursing Foundation - e: Hydrazine Nitroform hn fbr e: horn fiber HNFM e: Hand Form HNG e: Hawaii National Guard - e: Hinge - e: Houston Natural Gas HNGL e: Helium Neon Gas Laser HNGR e: Hangar HNGS e: Hellenic Naval General Staff HNH d: Harnstoff / Stickstoff im Harn HN[HS] e: High School Hospitalman HNI e: Health News Institute HNIL e: High-Noise-Immunity Logic HNIS e: Human Nutrition Information Service HN[JC] e: Junior College Hospitalman


HNL HNL e: Helium Neon Laser - e: Helium-Neon Laser - e: Honduran Lempira - e: Honolulu [Airport] - e: Hourly Noise Level Hnl d: Honolulu HNLM e: Hexanitromannit[e] - e: High Noise-Level Margin HNM e: Helicopter Noise Model - e: Hexanitromannit[e] hnml e: hindumeal Hnm[NRH] f: Humanitas la Nouvelle Revue des Humanites (journ.) HNMS e: Her [or His] Netherlands Majesty's Ship - e: Her [or His] Norwegian Majesty's Ship - e: High NATO Military Structure HNNNR e: Herma Ness National Nature Reserve HNO d: Hals-Nasen-Ohren - d: Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde (journ.) Hno d: Hannover - e: Hanover HNO 2 e: Nitrous acid HNO 3 e: Nitric acid HNO[-]Arzt d: Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt HNOE e: Heteronuclear Overhauser Effect Hnos s: Hermanos HNP d: Heeres-Nachrichtenpark - d: Heeresnachrichtenpark - e: Haddam Neck Plant - e: Haleakala National Park - e: Herniated Nucleus Pulposus - e: High Needle Position - e: Home Numbering Plan Area HNPF e: Hallam Nuclear Power Facility HNPL e: High-level Network Processing Language HNPO e: Host Nation Procurement Office H-NR d: Hausnummer HNR d: Heeres-Nachrichtenregiment - e: Handwritten Numer[ic]al Recognition - e: Hiss Noise Reduction - e: Hungarian People's Republic HNRC e: Human Nutrition Research Center Hn RNA e: Heterogeneous nuclear Ribonucleic Acid hnRNA e: heterogeneous nuclear RNA HNRNA e: Heterogenous Nuclear Ribonucleic Acid - e: Heterogenous Nuclear RNA [Ribonucleic Acid] - e: Heteronuclear RNA [Ribonucleic Acid] hnRNP e: heterogeneous nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Hnrs e: Hono[u]rs hn[s] e: horn[s] HNS d: Harnstoff/Stickstoff im Serum - d: Hauptnachschubstelle - d: Heeres-Nachrichtenschule - d: Heeres-Nachrichtenstelle - e: Hexanitrostilben[e] - e: High Nitrogen Solubility - e: Host Nation Support - e: Hyperbolic Navigation System HNSR e: Hand Shears HNT d: Hof- und Narionaltheater HNTD e: Highest Non-Toxic Dose HNTLA e: Hiskey-Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude Hnvr d: Hannover-Stadt HNVS e: Helicopter Night Vision System - e: Hughes Night Vision System

HNW d: Heeres-Nachrichtenwesen - d: Höheres Niedrigwasser - e: Head, Nut and Washer HNWR e: Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge - e: Horicon National Wildlife Refuge HNYCMB e: Honeycomb H O d: Hafenoffizier - d: Handwerksordnung - d: Haushaltsordnung - d: Hilfsoszillator - d: Hochland (journ.) - d: Hochofen - d: Hof - e: Habitual Offender - e: Hand-Operated - e: Handover - e: Hard Overhung Balancer - e: Hardened in Oil - e: Hardware Operation - e: Harmonic Oscillator - e: Head Office - e: Headquarters - e: Health Office[r] - e: Heel Off [Ground] - e: Held Over - e: Hertzian Oscillator - e: High Oblique - e: High Order - e: High Output - e: Hold Over - e: Home Office - e: Home Only - e: Homing Optical System Study - e: Hook Opening - e: Horizontal Output - e: Hostilities Only - e: Housekeeping Operation - e: Human Operator - e: Hunting Oscillator - e: Hybrid Orbital - e: Hydrogen-Oxygen - e: Hydrographie Office - e: Observation Helicopter Ho d: Heizwert, oberer - d: Hotel - e: Heterothallic - e: Holmium - e: Honduran - e: Honduras - e: Hooke[number] - e: House [of Representatives] - s: Hondureno ho e: hoist - e: holds - e: homothallism - e: horse - e: house H&O e: Hook and Oil H/O e: Hard Over HjO d: Wasser - e: Water H 2 0 2 e: Hydrogen peroxide Hö d: Höhe HOA e: Hands-Off Automatic - e: Heavy Observation Aircraft HOAB e: Heptyloxyazoxybenzene Ho A Cs e: Howard's New York Appeal Cases (journ.) HoaFIMechE e: Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers HOALM e: Holographic Optically Addressed Light Modulation HOAM e: Hand Operated Adding Machine HOAP e: Housing Opportunity Assistance Program[me]


© K • G • Säur, München

HOAP-BLEO e: Hydroxydaunomycin, Oncovin, ara-C, Prednisone, Bleomycin HOARS e: Hands-On Annotated Recorded Search HOAs e: Heavy Observation Aircrafts HOB d: Herrenoberbekleidung - e: Half-Octave Bandwidth - e: Height of Burst - e: Heliocentric Orbit Rendezvous Horizon - e : High Of Burst - e: High Order Bit - e: High[est] Order Bit - e: H 2 0 Reactor - e: Homing on Offset Beacon - e: Horizontal Oscillating Barrel - e: Hot Ore Briquetting - e: House Office Building - e: Human Observational] Blunder Hob e: Hobart - e: Hoboken [Seaport] HOBC e: Holographic Bubble Chamber HOBE e: Honeycomb Before Expansion hobgob[s] e: hobgoblinfs] HOBIS e: Hotel Billing Information System HOBITS e: Haifa Online Bibliographic Text System Hobo e: Hoboken [Seaport] HOBO e: Homing Official Bomb - e: Homing [Optical] Bomb HOBOL e: Horological - e: Horology HOBOS e: Homing Bomb[ing] System[s] HOBOT e: House-cleaning Robot HOBS e: High Orbital Bombardment System - e: Homing Bomb System HOBT e: 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole Hydrate Hobt e: Hobart HOBT e: Hydroxybenzotriazole HOC e: Halogenated Organic Compound - e: Heat of Combustion - e: Heavy Oil Cracking - e: Heavy Organic Chemical[s] - e: Height Overlap Coverage - e: Held on Charge - e: Heterodyne Optical Correlation - e: High Output Current - e: Hokushin Computer - e: Hydrofoil Ocean Combatant - e: Hydrology Overview Committee HoC e: House of Commons HOCAS e: Hands On Collective And Stick HOCEM e: Hierarchically Organized Cybernetic Electric Machine Hochf d: Hochform[at] Hochfrequenztech d: Hochfrequenztechnik Hochgeb d: Hochgebirge Hochpolym d: Hochpolymere Hochsch d: Hochschule Hochschuldidaktik Naturwiss d: Hochschuldidaktik der Naturwissenschaften (journ.) HochschuISammlung Naturwiss Informat d: Hochschul-Sammlung Naturwissenschaft Informatik (journ.) Hochsp d: Hochspannung Höchstbel d: Höchstbelastung Höchstgeschw d: Höchstgeschwindigkeit Höchstgew d: Höchstgewicht Höchstpr d: Höchstpreis Höchstst d: Höchststand - d: Höchststufe Hochtemp d: Hochtemperatur Hochvak d: Hochvakuum Hochw d: Hochwasser Hochw-St d: Hochwasserstand

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HomBib HOCM e: Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy HOCO e: Ad Hoc Conference HOC Process e: Heavy Oil Cracking Process HOCPRU e: Hot Climate Physiological Research Unit HOCS 1: Hostem Occidit Civem Servavit HOCUS e: Hand Or Computer Universal Simulation - e: Hand Or Computer Universal Simulator hoc vesp 1: hoc vespere HOD e: Hausordnungsdienst - e: Head Out Display - e: Heat of Detonation - e: Higher-Order Differentiation - e: Higher Order Digit - e: Hoffer-Osmond Diagnostic Test - e: Home on Military - e: Hyperbanc Oxygen Drenching - e: Hoffer, Osmond and Desmond [Test] HoD e: Head of Department H&O Damage e: Hook and Oil Damage HODIDS e: Home/Office Data/Information Delivery Sytem HODOS e: Hole Drilling Operating System HODRAL e: Hokushin Data Reduction Algorithm Language HODS e: Hydrographie Océanographie Data Sheets HOD Test e: Hoffer, Osmond and Desmond Test HOE e: Hansard Questions Ecrites [Database] - e: Height-of Eye - e: Holographic Optical Elements] - e: Holographic Optical Equipment - e: Homing Overlay Experiment - e: Hydraulically Operated Equipment Hoechst High Chem Mag e: Hoechst High Chem Magazine [GB] (journ.) HOF e: Head of Form - e: Heat of Formation - e: High-Octane Fuel - e: Hours of Fuel HofC e: House of Commons - e: House of Correction HOFCO e: Horizontal Functional] Checkout HOFD e: Heterogeneous Opposed Flow Diffusion H of F e: Hour[s] of Fuel HofF e: Hall of Fame Hoffmann e: Hofman reflex Hoff-Reflex d: Hoffmann-Reflex HOFIN e: Hostile Fire Indicator HofK e: House of Keys H of L e: Height of Lift - e: House of Lords Hof LR e: Hofstra Law Review (journ.) H o f N e: Hydrographer of the Navy HO[FOD] 3

e: Tris[heptafluorodimethyl-

octanedionato]holmium Ho&ForR e: Home and Foreign Review (journ.) HofR d: Hofrat HOFR e: Heat-resistant, Oil-resistant, Flame-Retard ant - e: Heat resisting, Oil resisting and Flame Retardant HOFS e: Hybrid Optical Fire Sets - e: Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel System HOFSL e: Home Office Forensic Science Laboratory HOFSP e: Hybrid Of Species

HO&FWD e: Hook, Oil and Fresh Water Damage HOG d: Hermann-Oberth-Gesellschaft - d: HO [Handelsorganisation]-Gaststatte - d: Hofgeismar - e: Head End Off-Gas - e: Heavy-Ordnance Gunship - e: Homing Optical Guidance HO-gage e: 18-inch track gauge HOGE e: Hover[ing] Out of Ground Effect HO&GEM e: Heavy Oil and Gascut Mud HOGHPOWS e: HighPower Outgoing Wavefront for Sampling HOGS e: Homing Optical Guidance System HOH d: Hofheim - e: Hard Of Hearing Hoh d: Hoheit Ho/Ha e: Hold/Hatch HOHAHA e: Homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn Spectroscopy Hohenz d: Hohenzollern HOHI e: Handbook of Overhaul Instruction^] - e: HOH Water Technology Corporation - e: Home Ownership and Home Improvement [loan program] HôhRadarGer d: Hôhenradargerat HOI d: HO [Handelsorganisation]Industriewaren - e: Handbook of Operating Instructions - e: Handbook of Overhaul Instruction^] - e: Headquarters Office Instruction^] - e: Headquarters Operating Instruction^] - e: Hypoiodous Acid - e: HYTRAN [Hybrid Translator] Operator Interpreter HOIL e: Hand Operated Impact Loader HOIS e: Hostile Intelligence Servicefs] - e: House Office Information System HOIT e: Hostile Intelligence Threat HOJ e: Home-On-Jam[ming] HOJ/TOJ e: Home on Jam/Track on Jam HOK d: Heimatortskartei - e: Hauptordnungskriterium HoK e: House of Keys hoke e: hokum HOKO d: Hochofen-Konverter Hokoku Bull Akita Fruit Tree Exp Stn/Akita Kaju Sh j: Hokoku. Bulletin. Akita Fruit-Tree Experiment Station/Akita Kaju Shikenjo (journ.) HOK X e: Hooker Electrochemical Company HOL d: HO [Handelsorganisation]Lebensmittel - d: Holzminden - e: High[er] Order Language - e: Holiday - e: Holiday and Leave Hoi e: Holland - e: Holocene - e: Via Halborn Viaduct - p: Holanda - s: Holanda hoi e: hollow - e: holly HoL e: House of Lords HOLC e: High-Order Language Computer - e: Home Owners Loan Corporation HOLD e: Holding HOLDA e: Hold Acknowledge HOLDCP e: Hold, Computed HOLDET e: Higher Order Language Development and Evaluation Tool HOLDG e: Holding HOLDPB e: Hold Pushbutton

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

HOLEBC e: Holographic Lexan Bubble Chamber HOLF e: Helicopter Outlying Field Holl d: Holland - d: Hollander - e: Holland holl a: hollandsk - f: hollandais - N: hollandsk Holland's e: Holland & Holland Hollow Sect e: Hollow Section [GB] (journ.) Holl P d: Holländisches Patent Hollyw'd e: Hollywood HOLM e: High[er]-Order Language Machine HOLO e: Holocaust - e: Holography] - e: Holopak Technologies HOLOCAMERA e: Holographic Camera holog e: hologram - e: holograph[ic]al][ly] - e: holography Hologr d: Holographie Holst d: Holstein Holt e: Holt, Rinehart & Winston HOL Timber e: Hollock [terminalia myriocarpa] Timber HOLUA e: Home Office Life Underwriters Associaton HOLUG e: Houston On-Line Users Group HOLUPK e: Holiday Holw e: Hollow HOLWG e: High Order Language Working Group HOLZ e: Higher Order Laue Zone Holzbr d: Holzbrücke Holzforsch d: Holzforschung Holzforsch Holzverwert d: Holzforschung und Holzvelwertung [Austria] (journ.) Holz Roh[-]Werkst[ofi] d: Holz als Rohund Werkstoff [Germany and US] (journ.) Holzschn d: Holzschnitt Holzst d: Holzstoff Holztechnol d: Holztechnologie [Institut für Holztechnologie und Faserbaustoffe, Germany] (joum.) Holzwirtsch d: Holzwirtschaft Holz Zbl d: Holz-Zentralblatt (journ.) HOM d: Homburg, Saar - e: Hectometric Emissions - e: High-Order Multiplier - e: Higher-Order Mismatch - e: Higher-Order Mode - e: Home - e: Homer [Alaska] [Airport] - e: Homily Horn d: Homer - d: Homöopathie] - e: Homer - e: Homerton College - e: Homiletics (journ.) - e: Homoptera -1: Homilia hom e: homing - e: hominy - e: homogeneous - e: homonym HoM e: Howell Microfilms Co. Homa d: Holzmeßanweisung HOMA e: Home Federal Savings & Loan of Atlanta - e: Houston Oil and Minerals HomBib 1: Homiletica en Biblica [The Hague] (journ.)


H o m b r e y Cult Hombre y Cult s: Hombre y Cultura (journ.) HOMC e: Hamac, Inc. HOMCOR e: Homonuclear Correlation HOME e: Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment - e: Home Office - e: Home Oncology Medical Extension - e: Home Opportunities Made Equal - e: Home Oriented Maternity Experience - e: Home Ownership Made Easy [Association] - e: Homedco Group] - e: Homemakers Organized for More Employment - e: Homestead National Monument - e: Homeworkers Organized for Moré Employment - e: International American Homes, Inc. Home e: Home's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session (journ.) Home Auto e: Home and Auto Buyer Guide (journ.) Home [Clk] e: Clerk Home's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session (journ.) Home Com N e: Home Computer News (journ.) Home Ct of Sess e: Home's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session (journ.) HOME EC e: Home Economics Home Ec Bui e: Home Economics Bulletin (journ.) Home Econ News e: Home Economics News (journ.) Home Econ Newsl e: Home Economics Newsletter (journ.) Home Econ Res J e: Home Economics Research Journal (journ.) Home Energy Dig Wood Burn Q e: Home Energy Digest and Wood Burning Quarterly (journ.) Home Finan e: Savings and Home Financing Source Book (journ.) Home Gard e: Home Garden (joum.) HomeGdn Bull e: Home and Garden Bulletins (journ.) Home Geog Mo e: Home Geographic Monthly (journ.) Home H Dec e: Home's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session (journ.) Home Health Care Serr Q e: Home Health Care Services Quarterly (journ.) Home Health J e: Home Health Journal (journ.) Home Health Nurse e: Home Health Nurse (journ.) Home Health Rev e: Home Health Review (journ.) Home Improrements Jnl e: Home Improvements Journal (journ.) hom[e]o e: homeopath[ic] - e: homeopathy Homeo e: Homeopath[y] Home Off Lib Bull e: Home Office Library Bulletin (joum.) Home Off Res Bull e: Home Office Research Bulletin (journ.) HOMEO[P] e: Homeopathy Homeopath d: Homeopathie Home Prog e: Home Progress (journ.) Homer e: Homeric HOMES e: Homeowner-Mortgage Eurosecurities - e: Housing Operations Management System - e: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior Home Sci e: Home Science (joum.)

HOMES Lakes e: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior Lakes Home Tech e: Home Techniques (journ.) Home Video e: Home Video Publisher (journ.) HOMF e: Home Federal Saving[s] Bank HOMG e: Homeowners Group, Inc. HOMI e: Homicide Hominoid e: Hominoidea Homme [et] S f: Homme et Société (journ.) Homme Oisean f: Homme et l'Oiseau (journ.) Hommes et Migr f: Hommes et Migrations (journ.) Hommes et Migr Doc f: Hommes et Migrations. Documents (journ.) Hommes Fonderie f: Hommes et Fonderie [France] (journ.) Homm[es] [et] Tech[n] f: Hommes et Techniques (journ.) Homm O-Mer f: Hommes d'Outre-Mer (journ.) HOMO e: Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital[s] - e: Homogenous homo e: homeopathic] - e: homeopathy - e: homogeneous - e: homosexual - e: homosexuality Homo e: Homeopath[y] - e: Homosexuality] HOMOCVD e: Homogeneous Chemical Vapour Deposition] HomoD P: Homo Die. Przeglad Ascetyczno-Duszpasterski [Warsaw/ Wroclaw] (journ.) homoeo e: homoeopathic] HOMOEO e: Homoeopathy Homoeop Q e: Homoeopathic Quarterly (journ.) Homoepath e: Homoeopathic Digest (journ.) Homogeneou Catal Org Inorg Chem e: Homogeneous Catalysis in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry (journ.) Homolat 1: Homo ludens HOMOLAT e: Homolateral homomilk e: homogenized milk homop e: homophobia HOMOs e: Highest Occupied Molecular Orbitals homosex e: homosexuality] HOMOtO e: Homemakers & Mothers Cooperatives, Inc. HOMP e: Halifax Ocean Meeting Point Horn Pst Rev e: Homiletic and Pastoral Review (joum.) Horn R e: Homiletic Review (joum.) homrep e: homicide report Horn Rights Rev e: Human Rights Review (joum.) HOMS e: Hellfire Optimized Missile System - e: Homing Optical Missile System - e: Hydrological Operational Multipurpose Subprogram[me] - f: Homme et Société (journ.) HOMSTD e: Homestead HOMT e: Hydroxyindole O-Methyltransferase HOMV e: Hop Mosaic Virus Horn Wld e: Human World (joum.)


© K • O • Saur, München

HON e: Handbook of the Nations (journ.) - e: Handover Number - e: Hold off Normal - e: Honey - e: Honeywell Electro-Optics Center Library, Lexington - e: Honeywell, Inc. - e: Honiton - e: Huron [South Dakota] [Airport] - e: Hydroxyoxo-lnorvaline - f: Revue Commerciale (joum.) Hon d: Honorar - e: Honduran - e: Honduras - e: Honolulu - e: Honors - e: Honourable] - e: Honourably - e: Honourary - s: Hondureno hon e: honorfable] - e: honorarium - e: honorary - e: honored HON AF e: Honorary Admiral of the Fleet HonARAM e: Honorary Associate of the Royal Aademy of Music HonARCM e: Honory Associate of the Royal College of Music HonASTA e: Honorary Associate of the Swimming Teachers' Association HONB e: N-Hydroxy-5-Norbornene-2,3Dicarboximide HONBLE e: Honorable HONCAUS 1: Honoris Causa Hond d: Honduras - e: Honduran HOND e: Honduras - e: Honoured Honda Meml Ser Mater Sci e: Honda Memorial Series on Materials Science (journ.) HonDis e: Hono[u]rable Discharge HONDO e: Hondo Oil & Gas Co. HonDrRCA e: Honora Doctorate of the Royal College of Art HONE e: Hands On Network Environment HONEST e: Helicopter Operations in a Night Environment against a Simulated Target Honeywell Comput J e: Honeywell Computer Journal (journ.) HonFBID e: Honorary Fellow of the British Institute of Interior HonFHQMA e: Honorry Fellow of the Hotel, Catering and Institutional Management Association HonFIIM e: Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Industrial Managers HonFIMarE e: Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineers HonFIMM e: Honorry Fellow of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy HonFInstE e: Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Energy HonFInstMC e: Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Measurement HonFInstNDT e: Honorary Fellow of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing HonFInstP e: Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Physics HonFIOP e: Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Printing HonFIQA e: Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Quality Assurance

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Hopk A d m HonFIRSE e: Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers HonFITD e: Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Training and Development HonFIWHTE e: Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Works and Highways Technician Engineers HonFlGsE e: Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Gas Engineers Hon FNDTS e: Honorary Fellow of the Non-Destructive Testing Society of Great Britain HonFPRI e: Honorary Life Member of the Plastics and Rubber Institute Hon FRAM e: Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music HonFRPS e: Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society Hon FS e: Honorary Fellow of the Educational Institute of Scotland HonFSCP e: Honorary Fellow of the Society of Certified Professionals HonFSE e: Honorary Fellow of the Society of Engineers, Inc. HonFSGT e: Honorary Fellow of the Society of Glass Technology HonFSLAET e: Honorary Fellow of the Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers and Technologists HonFWeldl e: Honorary Fellow of the Welding Institute Hong e: Hong Kong Hongik Univ J e: Hongik University. Journal (journ.) Hong Kong Eng[r] e: Hong Kong Engineer [Hong Kong] (journ.) Hong Kong LJ e: Hong Kong Law Journal (journ.) Hong Kong LR e: Hong Kong Law Reports (journ.) Hong Kong Nurs J e: Hong Kong Nursing Journal (journ.) Hong Kong UL Jo e: Hong Kong University. Law Journal (journ.) Hong Kong Univ Fish J e: Hong Kong University. Fisheries Journal (journ.) HonGSM e: Honorary Member of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama HONI e: Hon Industries, Inc. HONKAY e: Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station. Soil Survey Report (journ.) HON L e: Honorary Lieutenant HON M e: Honory Member HonMInst NDT e: Honorary Member of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing Hon MNDTS e: Honorary Member of the Non-Destructive Testing Society of Great Britain HonMRIN e: Honorary Member of the Royal Institute of Navigation Hon Mst e: Honorary Magistrate HonMWES e: Honorary Member of the Women's Engineering Society HONO e: Honolulu Honolulu Ad e: Honolulu Advertiser (journ.) Hon-Prof d: Honorarprofessor HonRAM e: Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Music HonRCM e: Honorary Member of the Royal College of Music - e: Honourable [title] HonRM e: Honorary Member of the Royal School of Church Music

HonRNCM e: Honorary Member of the Royal Northern College of Music hons e: hono[u]rs HON SCH MOD LANG e: Honour School of Modem Languages HON SEC e: Honorary Secretary Honse Mag e: House Mazine (journ.) HONSTIC e: Hong Kong Scientific and Technical Information Centre HON SURG LIEUT COL e: Honorary Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel HON Timber e: Hollong [dipterocarpus macrocarpus] Timber Ho Number e: Hodgson's Number HON VA e: Honorary Vice-Admiral HONY e: Hono[u]rary HOO e: Avila College, Kansas City - e: Hanford Operations Office - e: Hiroo [Japan] - e: House Officer Observer HOOD e: Hereditary Osteo-Onycbodysplasia - e: Hierarchical Object-Oriented Design hood e: hoodlum - e: neighborhood HOOD e: Object-Oriented Design HoodEx e: Hood on Executors (journ.) Hoogovens Groep Bull e: Hoogovens Groep Bulletin [Netherlands] (journ.) HOOK e: Handbook of Occupational Keywords - e: Hook Drags, Inc. Hook e: Hook Point Hooker e: Hooker's Reports (journ.) Hoon[ahan] e: Hoonahan's Sind Reports [India] (journ.) HOOP e: Handbook of Operating Procedures - e: Helicopter Of Opportunity HOOPS e: Hierarchical Object-Oriented Picture System HOOPW e: Hooper Holmes, Inc. Hoosier Dome e: Hoosier Dome Stadium Hoosier Sch Lib e: Hoosier School Libraries (journ.) HOOT e: Heating-Oil-Operability Test HOO Timber e: Hoom [miliusa tomentosa] Timber HOOV e: Hoover Co. Hoover e: Hoover Dam - e: Hoover Institution HOP e:Handoff Point - e: HEDL [Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory] Overpower - e: Helicopter Operations] - e: Helium Oxidizer-Tank Pressure - e: Help Other People - e: High Order Position - e: High Oxygen Pressure - e: Holding Procedure[s] - e: Hong Kong Outline Plan - e: Hope [Jamaica] - e: Hopkinsville - e: Hostile Observation Post - e: House Operating [Tape] - e: Hybrid Operating Program[me] - e: Hydrogen Overpotential - e: Hydrographic Office Publication^] - e: Hydroxydaunomycin, Oncovin, Prednisone Hop e: Hopital (journ.) - e: Hopper - e: Hopwood HOPA e: Hopantenate Calcium Hop Aide Soc Par f: Hopital et l'Aide Sociale a Paris (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

Hop Ajourd f: Hopital d'Aujourd'hui (journ.) HOPAt d: Homparabol-Antenne Hop Beige f: Hopital Beige (journ.) Hop&C e: Hopwood and Coltman's English Registration Appeal Cases (journ.) HOPC e: Hydro Optics, Inc. Hop&Cott e: Hopwood and Coltman's English Registration Appeal Cases (journ.) HOPE e: H-2 Orbiting Space Plane - e: Halley Optical Probe Experiment - e: Harbingers of Productive English - e: Health Opportunity for People Everywhere [hospital ship] - e: Health Organization to Preserve the Environment - e: Health-Oriented Physician Education - e: Help Obese People Everywhere - e: Help Organize Peace Everywhere - e: Highlights of Personal Experience in Agriculture Department - e: Highly-instrumented Orbiting Primate Experiment - e: Hispanic Organization of Professionals] and Executives - e: History of Political Economy (journ.) - e: Homeownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere - e: Homes of Private Enterprise Hope e: Hope [of Kerse], Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session (journ.) HOPE e: Hospital-Oriented Programmed Environment - e: Housing Our People Economically - e: Humanistic Organization for Personal Expansion - e: Hydrogen-Oxygen Primary Extraterrestrial HOPEC e: Hand-Operated Positive Energy Control - e: Hydrogen Organization for Progress, Education and Cooperation Hope Com Law e: Hope's Compendium of the Commercial Law of the Pacific (journ.) Hope Dec e: Hope [of Kerse], Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session (journ.) HOPE Fuel Cell e: Hydrogen-Oxygen Primary Extraterrestrial Fuel Cell HOPE Fuel Cell Program e: HydrogenOxygen Primary Extraterrestrial Fuel Cell Program HOPEG e: Hotel and Public Building Equipment Group Hope Maj Pr e: Hope's Major Practicks [Scotland] (journ.) Hope Min Pr e: Hope's Minor Practicks [Scotland] (journ.) H Operator e: Hamilton[ian] Operator Hope Rep Q e: Hope Reports Quarterly (journ.) HOPES e: High Oxygen Pulping Enclosed System - e: High-Oxygen-Pulping Enclosed System Hopfenztg d: Hopfenzeitung Hopf Rdsch d: Hopfen Rundschau (journ.) HOPG e: Highly-Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite - e: Honeywell Proving Ground HOPI e: Handbook of Operating Instructions HOPING e: Helping Other Parents in Normal Grieving Hopk e: Hopkins' New York Chancery Reports (journ.) Hopk Adm e: Hopkinson's Pennsylvania Admiralty Judgments (journ.)


Hopk A d m Dec Hopk Adm Dec e: Admiralty Decisions of Hopkinson in Gilpin's Reports (journ.) Hopk Av e: Hopkins' Average (journ.) Hopk C C e: Hopkins' New York Chancery Reports (journ.) Hopk Ch[anc Rep] e: Hopkins' New York Chancery Reports (journ.) Hopkins e: Mt. Hopkins Observatory Hopkins Q e: Hopkins Quarterly (journ.) Hopk J u d g e: Hopkinson's Pennsylvania Admiralty Judgments (journ.) Hopk Mtr Ins e: Hopkins on Marine Insurance (journ.) Hopk Rep e: Hopkins' New York Chancery Reports (journ.) Hopk W[orks] e: Hopkinson's Works [Pennsylvania] (journ.) HOPL e: History of Programming Languages HOPM e: Hydraulic Oil Power Module Hop Maj Pr e: Hope. Major Practicks [Scotland] (journ.) Hop Min e: Hope's Minor Practicks [Scotland] (journ.) hoppers e: grasshoppers Hoppe-Seylers Z Physiol Chem d: HoppeSeylers Zeitschrift für Physiologie, Chemie (journ.) Hoppe-Seyler's Z[tschr Physiol Chem] d: Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie (journ.) Hop&Ph[il] e: Hopwood and Philbrick's English Registration Appeal Cases (journ.) HopQ e: Hopkins Quarterly (journ.) Hop R e: Hopkins Review (journ.) HOPS e: Harvest Operating System - e: Helmet-Mounted Optical Projection System - e: Heterodyne Optical Optimization Communication System with Stops - e: Highway Optimization Program[me] System HOPSTOP e: Hopper Stop HOPT e: Handbook of Powder Technology (journ.) - e: Hypoparathyroidism HOP Timber e: Hopea [hopea] Timber HO Publ e: Hydrographie Office. Publication (journ.) HO Purdue Univ Coop Ext Serv e: HOPurdue University. Cooperative Extension Service (journ.) Hop U St[u]d e: Johns Hopkins University. Studies in Historical and Political Science (journ.) Hopw&C[olt] e: Hopwood and Coltman's English Registration Appeal Cases (journ.) Hopw&P[hil] e: Hopwood and Philbrick's English Registration Appeal Cases (journ.) HOQ d: Hof [Airport] - e: Hansard Oral Questions [Database] - e: High Order Quotient - e: Home Office Quote - e: Hysteroid-Obsessoid Questionnaire HOQNO e: 2-n-Heptyl-4-Hydroxyquinoline-N-Oxide - e: Heptyl[hydroxy]quinoline N-Oxide

HÖR d: Horb - d: Horizont - d: Horizontal - e: Heliocentric Orbit Rendezvous - e: Heliocentric Orbit Rendezvous Horizontal - e: Holder of Recond - e: Home of Record - e: Home on Record - e: Hoover-Owens-Rentschler - e: Horizontal] - e: Horn & Hardart Co. - e: Horology - e: Horta [Azoren] [Airport] - e: Hot Resources Limited - e: University of Minnesota, the Hormel Institute, Austin - f: Horaire ou a Heure Fixe - n: Hoger Onderwijs Reactor H ö r d: Horizontale - e: Horace - e: Horatio - e: Horayoth - e: Horizon (journ.) - e: Horizontal Lights - e: Horologium [constellation] - e: Horse - P: Horyzonty (journ.) HoR e: House of Representatives H-O-R e: Hoover-Owens-Rentschler [engines] Hora Bk e: Horn Book Mazine (journ.) HjORACE e: HjO Reactor Aldermaston Critical Experiment HORACE e:HjO Reactor Aldermaston Critical Experiment - e: HO Reactor Aldermaston Critical Experiment Horace e: Quintus Horatius Flaccus HORAD e: Horizontal Radar Display hora decub 1: hora decubitus hora interm 1: hora intermedius hora som 1: hora somni HORATIO e: Human Operator Response Analyser and Timer for Infrequent Occurrences HO&RC e: Humble Oil and Refining Company H O R C e: Horizon Health Corporation H O R C L e: Horizontal Clearance H O R D e: Hordeum - e: Hydrogen-Oxygen Recombination Device H O R DECU[B] 1: Hora Dubitus [At Bedgme] [Pharmacy] hor decub 1: hora decubitus HOREN e: Horizontal Enlarger HÖREST d: Handelsorientierte Einkaufsdisposition mit Saison- und Trendberücksichtigung Hor Fr e: Hovenden on Frauds (joum.) HORI e: Horizons (journ.) HOR INTERM e: Horis Intermediis HORIZ d: Horizont


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Horizon - e: Horizontal - e: Horizontal Polarization Horb, e: Horizons (journ.) Horiz Biochem Biophys e: Horizons in Biochemistry and Biophysics (journ.) Horizons Bib Th e: Horizons in Biblical Theology (joum.) HORIZ SENS BAL e: Horizontal Sensitivity Balance HORL e: Home Office Reference Laboratory, Inc. horl e: Horizontal HOR LIN SPATIO 1: Horae Unius Spatio

Horm d: Hormone HORM e: Hybrid Orbital Rehybridization Method Horm Behav e: Hormones and Behavior (journ.) Horm Cancer Sei Pap Discuss Clin Cancer Semin e: Hormones and Cancer. Select Papers and Discussion from the Clinical Cancer Seminar (journ.) Horm Cell Regul e: Hormones and Cell Regulation (journ.) Hormel Inst Univ Minn Annu Rep e: Hormel Institute. University of Minnesota. Annual Report (journ.) Horm Metab Res e: Hormone and Metabolic Research (joum.) Horm Metab Res [Suppl] e: Hormone and Metabolic Research [Supplement] (journ.) Horm Metab Res Suppl Ser e: Hormone and Metabolic Research. Supplement Series (journ.) Hormone Beh e: Hormones and Behavior (journ.) Hormone Met e: Hormone and Metabolic Research (journ.) Horm[one] Res e: Hormone Research (journ.) Hormonforsch d: Hormonforschung Hormonol d: Hormonologie Horm Res [Basel] e: Hormone Research [Basell] (journ.) Horm Steroids Proc Int Con e: Hormonal Steroids. Proceedings of the International Conference on Hormonal Steroids (journ.) HORMV e: Hordeum Mosaic Virus Horn e: The Horn [Cape Horn] Horn Afr e: Horn of Africa (journ.) Horne Dip e: Home on Diplomacy (joum.) H o m e M[ir J] e: Home's Mirror of Justice (journ.) Horner e: Homer's Reports (journ.) Horner's [Ann] St e: Horner's Annotated Revised Statutes (journ.) HORN GN e: Hornblende Gneisses Horn&H e: Horn and Hurlstone's English Exchequer Reports (journ.) Horo e: Horologium [constellation] horo e: horoscope Horol d: Horologie horol e: horological - e: horology Horol Inst Am J e: Horological Institute of America. Journal (journ.) Horol J e: Horological Journal [British Horological Institute and the British Clock and Watch Association] (journ.) Hor Ose e: Horizontal Oscillator Hor Q e: Horatius Quintus Flaccus Horrn Immun Proc Int Conf e: Hormones and Immunity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Hormones and Immunity (journ.) HORS e: Kentucky Hors Center, Inc. HORSA e: Hut Operation Raising School-leaving Age HorsAb e: Horseman's Abstracts (journ.) HORSE e: Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer - e: Hydrofoil-Operated Rocket Submarine HOR SOM 1: Hora Somni HORT e: Horticulture - e: Horticulturist Hort e: Horticulture (journ.) - e: Horticulture News (journ.) hort e: Horticultural

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

H o s p i t M g e Rev Hort Abstr e: Horticultural Abstracts (journ.) Hor&Th Cas e: Horrigan and Thompson's Cases on Self Defense (journ.) horti e: horticultural[ist] - e: horticulture hortic e: horticultural - e: horticulture - e: horticulturist Hortic Abstr e: Horticultural Abstracts (journ.) Hortic Adv [Sahranpur] e: Horticultural Advance [Sahranpur] (journ.) Hortic Bull e: Horticultural Bulletin (joum.) Hortic Cent Loughgall Annu Rep e: Horticultural Centre Loughgall. Annual Report (journ.) Hortic Dig Univ Hawaii Coop Ext Serv e: Horticulture Digest. University of Hawaii. Cooperative Extension Service (journ.) Hortic Div Tokai Kinki Agric Exp Stn Rep e: Horticultural Division of Tokai Kinki Agricultural Experiment Station. Reports (joum.) Hortic Educ Assoc Yearb e: Horticultural Education Association. Yearbook (journ.) Hortic Fr f: Horticulture Française (journ.) Hortic Ind e: Horticulture Industry (journ.) Hortic News NJ State Hortic Soc e: Horticultural News. New Jersey State Horticultural Society (journ.) Hortic NZ e: Horticulture in New Zealand (journ.) Hortic Res e: Horticultural Research (journ.) Hortic Res Inst Ont Rep e: Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario. Report (journ.) Hortic Rev e: Horticultural Reviews (journ.) Hortic Sei [Calcutta] e: Horticultural Science [Calcutta] (journ.) Hortic Sei [Stuttg] e: Horticultural Science [Stuttgart] (journ.) Horticulture Ind e: Horticulture Industry (journ.) Hortic Vitic Sei [Sofi] e: Horticultural and publication Sciences [Sofia] (journ.) Hortik d: Hortikultur HOR Timber e: Hornbeam [carpinus] Timber Hort Mach Leafl e: Horticultural Machinery Leaflet (journ.) Hort N e: Horticultural News (journ.) HörtonAW d: Hörtonauswerter Hort PI Breed e: Horticultul Plan Breeding (journ.) Hort Res e: Horticultural Research (journ.) Hort Res [Edinb] e: Horticultural Research [Edinburgh] (journ.) H o r t Res Ree e: Holticultural Research Record. New South Wales Department of Agriculture. Division of Horticulture (journ.) HortSci e: Hort Science (journ.) HORU e: Home Office Research Unit HOR UN SPAT[IO] 1: Horae Unius Spatio HORUS e: Hypersonic Orbital Research and Utilization System - e: Hypersonic Orbital Upper Stage HORV e: Hydraulic and Optical Repair Vehicle Horw YB e: Horwood's Year Books of Edward I (journ.)

HOS d: Hauptortungsschirm (Marine) - d: Heeresoffizierschule - e: Hardwired Operating System - e: Hawaiian Orchid Society - e: Health Opinion Survey - e: Heat of Solution - e: Heated Oxygen Sensor - e: Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson - e: Helicopter Operations from Ships other than aircraft carriers - e: HELIOS Observation System - e: High[er]-Order Software[, Inc.] - e: Holland Shipbuilding (journ.) - e: Home Orchard Society - e: Hooker Air Services Limited - e: Horizontal Obstacle Sonar - e: Human Operator Simulator - e: Human Osteosarcoma - e: Hungarian Office for Standardization - e: Hydrographic Office Scale HoS e: Horse Serum Hos e: Hosea [Book of] - e: The Book of Hosea H-o-S e: Holland-on-Sea HOS d: Hochstadt HOSA e: Health Occupations Students of America - e: Home Owner Services Administration - e: Hydroxylamine-O-Sulfonic Acid H O S C e: Hardened Operational Site Concept - e: History of Science Cases - e: Huntsville Operations Support Center H O S C O R P e: New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation Hos&Der Rep e: Housing and Development Reporter (journ.) hose e: hosiery Ho Sey Zs d: Hopppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie (journ.) HOSG e: Helicopter Operations Study Group Hoshasen Kagaku Append j: Hoshasen Kagaku. Appendix [Japan] (joum.) HOSI e: Handbook of Service Instructions HOSIA e: Hospitals (journ.) Hosiery St e: Hosiery Statistics (journ.) HOSP e: High Order Storage Position - e: Hospital - e: Hosposable Products, Inc. Hosp c: Hospodarsky - d: Hospital - d: Hospitant - d: Hospitantin - d: Hospitation - e: Hospital (journ.) - e: Hospitalia (journ.) - e: Hospitalis (joum.) - e: Hospitality (journ.) - e: Hospitals (journ.) HospAb e: Hospital Abstracts (journ.) Hosp Abstr Serv e: Hospital Abstract Service (joum.) HOSPACT e: Hospital Patient Accounting Hosp Adm Can e: Hospital Administration in Canada (joum.) Hosp Adm [Chicago] e: Hospital Administration [Chicago] (joum.) Hosp Admin e: Hospital Administration (joum.) HOSPADMIN e: Hospital Administration Hosp Admin Cur e: Hospital Administration Currents (joum.) Hosp Admitting Mon e: Hospital Admitting Monthly (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Hosp Adm [New Delhi] e: Hospital Administration [New Delhi] (journ.) Hosp and Health e: Hospital and Health Services Administration (journ.) Hosp Assoc J e: Hospitals' Association. Journal (journ.) Hosp Bond Rev e: Hospital Bond Review (journ.) Hosp Build Bull e: Hospital Building Bulletin (joum.) Hosp Buyer e: Hospital Buyer (journ.) Hosp Byers Guide e: Hospital Buyer's Guide (journ.) Hosp Cap Finance [Chicago] e: Hospital Capital Finance [Chicago] (journ.) Hosp Care e: Hospital Care (joum.) Hosp Cent Mil [Lomas De Sotelo Mex] Publ Trimest s: Hospital Central Militar [Lomas De Sotelo, Mexico], Publicación Trimestral (journ.) HOSPCO e: Hospital Company Hosp Comm[unity Psych[iatry] e: Hospital and Community Psychiatry (joum.) Hosp Dev[elop] e: Hospital Development (journ.) Hosp Employ Health e: Hospital Employee Health (journ.) Hosp Eng e: Hospital Engineering (joum.) Hosp Equip Supplies e: Hospital Equipment and Supplies (journ.) Hosp Fin[anc] Manage e: Hospital Financial Management (journ.) Hosp Fin Mgt e: Hospital Financial Management (journ.) Hosp Food Nutr Focus e: Hospital Food and Nutrition Focus (joum.) Hosp Formul e: Hospital Formulary (joum.) Hosp Formul Manage e: Hospital Formulary Management (joum.) Hosp Forum e: Hospital Forum (joum.) Hosp Gen [Madr] e: Hospital General [Madrid] (journ.) Hosp Gift Shop Manage e: Hospital Gift Shop Management (journ.) Hosp Health Care Newsl e: Hospital Health Care Newsletter (joum.) Hosp Health Serv Adm[in] e: Hospital and Health Services Administration (journ.) Hosp Health Serv Rev e: Hospital and Health Services Review (journ.) Hosp Hit Care e: Hospital and Health Care (journ.) Hosp Hit Man e: Hospital and Health Management (journ.) Hosp Hoje s: Hospital de Hoje (journ.) Hosp-Hyg d: Hospital-Hygiene (journ.) Hospice J e: Hospice Journal (journ.) Hosp Infect Control e: Hospital Infection Control (journ.) Hosplns e: Hospital Insurance Hosp Int e: Hospital International (journ.) Hospit Abstr e: Hospital Abstracts (journ.) Hospital Admin e: Hospital Administration (journ.) Hospitality Educ e: Hospitality Educator (journ.) Hospital Mag e: Hospital Mazine (journ.) Hospital Mus News e: Hospital Music Newsletter (journ.) Hospital [Rio De J] p: Hospital [Rio De Janeiro] (journ.) Hospit Lit Index e: Hospital Literature Index (journ.) Hospit Mge Rev e: Hospital Management Review (journ.)


Hosp J Hosp J e: Hospice Journal (journ.) - e: Hospital Journal (journ.) Hosp JA e: Hospital Journal of Australia (journ.) Hosp Jt Dis Bull e: Hospital for Joint Diseas. Bulletin (journ.) Hosp Law Newsletter e: Hospital Law Newsletter (journ.) Hosp Libr e: Hospital Libraries (journ.) Hosp Lit Ind e: Hospital Literature Index (journ.) Hosp Manag e: Hospital Management (journ.) Hosp Manage Commun e: Hospital Management Communications (journ.) Hosp Manage Q e: Hospital Management Quarterly (journ.) Hosp Manager e: Hospital Manager (journ.) Hosp Mater Manage e: Hospital Materials Management (journ.) Hosp Mater Manage Q e: Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly (journ.) Hosp Med e: Hospital Medicine (journ.) Hosp Med Staff Advocate e: Hospital Medical Staff Advocate (journ.) Hosp Med Statf e: Hospital Medical Staff (journ.) Hospos Zpr c: Hospodarsky Zpravodaj (journ.) Hosp Peer Rev e: Hospital Peer Review (journ.) Hosp Pharm e: Hospital Pharmacist (journ.) - e: Hospital Pharmacy (journ.) Hosp Pharm [Saskatoon Sask] e: Hospital Pharmacist [Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) (journ.) Hosp Physician e: Hospital Physician (journ.) Hosp Port p: Hospitais Portugueses (journ.) Hosp Practice] e: Hospital Practice (journ.) Hosp Prog[r] e: Hospital Progress (journ.) Hosp Purch Manage e: Hospital Purchasing Management (journ.) HOSPRAT[S] e: Hospital Rations Hosp Risk Manage e: Hospital Risk Management (journ.) Hosp Secur Saf Manage e: Hospital Security and Safety Management (journ.) Hosp Servidores Estado Rev Med s: Hospital dos Servidores do Estado. Revista Medica (journ.) Hosp Sgt e: Hospital Sergeant Hosp Superv e: Hospital Supervision (journ.) Hosp Superv Bull e: Hospital Supervisors Bulletin (journ.) Hosp Technol Ser e: Hospital Technology Series (journ.) Hosp Tn e: Hospital Train Hosp Top e: Hospital Topics (journ.) Hosp Trib e: Hospital Tribune (journ.) Hosp Trustee e: Hospital Trustee (journ.) Hosp Week e: Hospital Week (journ.) HOSS e: Halo-Orbit Space Station - e: Homing Optical System Study - e: Homing System Survey - e: Hombeck Offshore Servi, Inc. - e: Hydrogen/Oxygen Second Stage HOS-STPL e: Hospital Operating System-Structured Programming Language

HOST e: America Pop, Inc. - e: Amerihost Properties, Inc. - e: Hardened Optical Sensor Testbed - e: Harmonically Optimized Stabilization Technique - e: Hawaii Ocean Science and Technology Park - e: Hostile - e: Hot Section Technology - e: Hot Spot Tracking - e: Houston Opertion[s] Simulation^] Technique - e: Hypo-Osmotic Shock Treatment - e: Sovereign Hospitaller Order of Saint John HOS/TAR d: Host- und TerminalAnpassungsrechner Host Def e: Host Defense (journ.) HOSTEX e: Home Study Exchange HOSTF e: Host Ventures Limited HOSTS e: Hostess HOSTWOY e: Home of Selection and Completion of Travel within One Year Is Authorized HOT d: hamatogene Oxydationstherapie - e: Hamilton-Oshawa-Toronto [industrial complex ] - e: Hand Over Transmitter - e: Harpoon On-board Trainer - e: HAT [Hypoxanthine-AminopterinThymidine] with Ouabain - e: Helicopter Operational Trainer - e: High-subsonic Optically-guided Tube-launched - e: High-subsonic Optically Teleguided - e: Higher Order Term - e: Holographic One-Two - e: Holographic One-Tube - e: Home on Target - e: Horizontal Output Transformer - e: Horizontal Output Tube - e: Hot Springs [Airport] - e: Human Old Tuberculin - e: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - f: Haut Subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé ho/ta e: hold tank[s] HOTAC e: Helicopter Optical Tracking and Control - e: Hotel Ammodation [Service] HOTAS e: Hands On Throttle And Stick HOTASTA e: Hands On Throttle And Sticking Training Aid HOTBUN e: Have Not Yet Begun to Fight HOTCE e: Hot Critical Experiment[s] HOTCOG e: Heart of Texas Council of Governments HOT-DAM e: Higher Order Tree-Dual Approximation Method HOTDAM e: High Order Tree Dual Approximation Method HOTEF e: Helicopter Operational Test and Evaluation Right HOT-ELLY d: Hochtemperaturelektrolyse HO[THD]3 e: Tris[tetramethylheptanedionato]holmium Hot Lab Equip Conf Proc e: Hot Laboratories and Equipment Conference. Proceedings (journ.) HOTOA e: Hospital Topics (journ.) HOTOL e: Horizontal Take-Off and Landing [aircraft] Hotom De Verb Feud 1: Hotomannus. De Verbis Feudalibus (journ.) HOTPHOTOREP e: Hot Photographic Report HOTRAN e: Hover and Transition [Simulator]


© K • G • Saur, München

HOTS e: Hands-On Training Simulator [Vehicle] - e: Higher-Order Thinking Skills HOT-SHOT e: Hydrogen-Oxygen Turbine Super-High Operating Temperatures HOTSIT e: Hot Situation Hot Work Technol e: Hot Working Technology [China] (journ.) HOU e: Houston Industries, Inc. - e: Houston [Airport] - e: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington Hou e: Houston - e: Houston's Delaware Reports (journ.) Hou[ard] Ang Sax Law e: Houard's Angloxon Laws, Etc. (journ.) Houches Ec Ete Phys Theor f: Houches. Ecole d'Ete de Physique Theoretique (journ.) Houck Mech Lien e: Houck on Mechanics' Lien Law (journ.) Houck Riv e: Houck on the Law of Navigable Rivers (journ.) Hou Diet e: Houard's Dictionary of the Customs of Normandy (journ.) Hough Am Cons e: Hough's American Constitutions (journ.) Hough C M e: Hough's Military Law and Courts-Martial (journ.) Hough C-M Cas e: Hough's Court-Martial Case Book [London] (journ.) Houghton e: Houghton's Reports (journ.) HoughV-Adm e: Reports of Cases in Vice-Admiralty of Province of New York (journ.) Hou J Intl L e: Houston Journal of International Law (journ.) Hou LR e: Houston Law Review (joum.) HO Univ KY Coll Agr Coop Ext Serv e: HO-University of Kentucky. College of Agriculture. Cooperative Extension Service (journ.) HOUS e: Housing [Division] Hous e: Houston Hous Build PI e: Housing, Building and Planning (journ.) Hous&Dev Rep BNA e: Housing and Development Reporter. Bureau of National Affairs (journ.) House e: House of Commons in England - e: House of Representatives in the United States - e: London's Stock Exchange - e: Oxford Universitys Christ College House B e: House Beautiful (journ.) House Bldr e: House Builder (journ.) Household e: Household and Personal Products Industry (journ.) House Garden Bnild Guide e: House and Garden Building Guide (journ.) House&Gd e: House and Garden (journ.) HOUSE-INFO e: Homeowners Using Savings and Energy Information to Negotiate Fair Officers House of L e: House of Lords Cases (journ.) House Words e: Household Words (journ.) HOUSG e: Housing HOUSHD e: Household Housig Fin R e: Housing Finance Review (journ.) Housing 80 e: Housing Industry, 1980-2000 (journ.) Housing Abs e: Housing Abstracts (journ.) Housing [and] Planning] Refs e: Housing and Planning References (journ.) Housing Aust e: Housing Australia (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HOX Housing&Constr Tech Bull e: Housing and Construction Technical Bulletin (journ.) Housing&Devel Rep e: Housing and Development Reporter (journ.) Housing Eur e: Housing Europe (journ.) Housing Mag e: Housing Magazine (journ.) Housing M o e: Housing Monthly (joum.) Housing Plann Rev e: Housing and Planning Review (journ.) Housing Rer e: Housing Review (journ.) Housing Vic e: Housing Victoria (journ.) Housing W Aust e: Housing Western Australia (journ.) Hous J Intl L e: Houston Journal of International Law (journ.) Hous Law e: Hauston Lawyer (journ.) Hous Life Ass e: Houseman's Life Assurance (journ.) Hous L Rev e: Houston Law Review (journ.) HousP e: Housing and Planning References (journ.) Hous Pr e: Housman's Precedents in Conveyancing (journ.) Hous Res Pap e: Housing Research Papers (journ.) Houst e: Houston's Delaware Reports (journ.) Houst Cr[Cs] e: Houston's Delaware Criminal Cases (journ.) Houst Crim Cas[es] e: Houston's Delaware Criminal Cases (journ.) Houst Crim [Del] e: Houston's Delaware Criminal Cases (journ.) Houst Cr[im] Rep e: Delaware Criminal Report (journ.) Houst J Math e: Houston Journal of Mathematics [US] (journ.) Houst L Rev e: Houston Law Review (journ.) Houstn Chr e: Houston Chronicle (journ.) Houstn Mag e: Houston Magazine (journ.) Houston e: Houston's Delaware Supreme Court Reports (journ.) Houston BJ e: Houston Business Journal (journ.) Houston Geol Soc Bull e: Houston Geological Society. Bulletin (journ.) Houston J Int'l L e: Houston Journal of International Law (journ.) Houston J M[ath] e: Houston Journal of Mathematics (journ.) Houston Law e: Houston Law Review (journ.) - e: Houston Lawyer (joum.) Houston L Rev e: Houston Law Review (journ.) Houston Sym e: Houston Symphony. Program Notes (journ.) Houst St Tr e: Houston's Law of Stoppage in Transit (journ.) houv F: houvere HOV e: Heat of Vaporization - e: High-Occupancy Vehicle [Lanes] - e: Homogeneity of Variance - e: Hovercraft - e: Hovering - e: Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. - e: Orsta/Volda [Norwegen] [Airport] - e: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Region I, Boston - e: Wichita Hov Ann e: Hoveden's Annals (journ.) Hov Craft Hydrof e: Hovering Craft and Hydrofoil (journ.)

HOVE e: Hovenweep National Monument Hoved e: Hoveden's Chronica (journ.) Hovensweep e: Hovensweep National Monument Hovercr Wld e: Hovercraft World (journ.) HOVEROC d: Rakete im Projekt WINNIN Hover ftir Schwebeflug Roc fur Rocket - e: Hover Rocket HoVG d: Hohenversicherungsgesetz HOVI e: Handbook of Overhaul Instructions - e: Hopewell Village National Historic Site HOVNEIV e: Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. HO Voice e: Hartford's Other Voice (journ.) Hov Sup[p] e: Hovenden's Supplement to Vesey, Jr.'s, English Chancery Reports (journ.) HOVVAC e: Hovering Vehicle Versatile Automatic Control HO-W e: Hydrographic Office-Washington - e: Hydrographic Office-Washington HOW e: Hand over Word - e: Handicapped Organized Women - e: Healing Our World - e: Hercules On Water - e: Hercules-Over-Water - e: Home Owners Warranty - e: Howell Industries, Inc. - e: Howitzer - e: Howrah [Indien] How e: Howard - e: Howard's New York Practice Reports (journ.) - e: Howard's Reports - e: Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports (journ.) - e: Howell's Reports (journ.) How Ann St e: Howell's Annotated Statutes [Michigan] (journ.) How App e: Howard's New York Appeal Cases (journ.) How App Cas[es] e: Howard's New York Court of Appeals Cases (journ.) HOWAQ e: Hot Water Quenching Howard e: Howard's Mississippi Supreme Court Reports (journ.) Howard Journal e: Howard Journal of Penology and Crime Prevention (journ.) Howard J Penology Crime Prev e: Howard Journal of Penology and Crime Prevention (journ.) Howard L[aw] J e: Howard Law Journal (journ.) Howard Pr [Rep] e: Howard's New York Practice Reports (journ.) Howard Rep e: Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports (journ.) Howard SC e: United States Reports (journ.) Howard's Prac[tice Reports] e: Howard's New York Practice Reports (journ.) Howard's Spec Term Rep e: Howard's New York Practice Reports (journ.) Howard Univ Rev Sci e: Howard University Reviews of Science (journ.) Howard U Pr e: Howard University Press (journ.) How&Beat e: Howell and Beatty's Reports (joum.) HOWBTRY e: Howitzer Battery How Cas e: Howard's New York Court of Appeals Cases (joum.) - e: Howard's Property Cases (journ.) How C[h Pr] e: Howard's Irish Chancery Practice (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

How Cr Tr e: Howison's Virginia Criminal Trials (journ.) How Ct App Cs e: Howard's New York Court of Appeals Cases (journ.) Howell NP e: Howell's Nisi Prius Reports [Michigan] (journ.) Howell St T r e: Howell's English StateTrials (journ.) Howe Pr e: Howe's Practice (journ.) How E[q] E[xch] e: Howard's Irish Equity Exchequer Reports (journ.)[Dl A] How Eval Health Programs e: How to Evaluate Health Programs (journ.) How&H St e: Howard and Hutchinson's Mississippi Statutes (journ.) Howitt e: Howitt's Journal (journ.) How J e: Howard Journal (journ.) How J Pea e: Howard Journal of Penology and Crime Prevention (journ.) H O W L e: Hands Off Wildlife - e: Help Our Wolves Live How Law J e: Howard Law Journal (journ.) HOWLIN e: Howell Industries, Inc. How LJ e: Howard Law Journal (journ.) How L Rev e: Howard Law Review (joum.) HOWLS e: Hostile Weapon Locating System - e: Hostile Weapons Locator Study How&N[or] e: Howell and Norcross' Reports (journ.) How NP [Mich] e: Howell's Nisi Prius Reports [Michigan] (journ.) How NS e: Howard's New York Practice Reports, New Series (journ.) How [NY] e: Howard's New York Practice Reports (journ.) How Pat e: Howson on Patents (journ.) How Po Ca e: Howard's Property Cases (journ.) How Po Css e: Howard's Irish Property Cases (journ.) How Pr[ac] NS e: Howard's New York Practice Reports, New Series (journ.) How Prac [NY] e: Howard's New York Practice Reports (journ.) How Pr[ac Rep] e: Howard's New York Practice Reports (journ.) How Prob Pr e: Howell's Probate Practice [Ontario, Canada] (journ.) How Pr Rep e: Howard's New York Practice Reports (journ.) How Pr Sup C e: Howard's New York Practice Reports. Supplement C (journ.) HOWR e: However - e: Howitzer HOWs e: Howitzers How SC e: Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports (journ.) Hows Pat e: Howson on Patents (journ.) Hows Reis Pat e: Howson on Reissued Patents (journ.) How St e: Howell's Annotated Statutes (journ.) How St[ate] Tr e: Howell's English State Trials (journ.) H O W T e: Howard Terminal Howtar e: Howitzer-Mortar HOWTEK e: Howtek, Inc. HOW-TO e: Housing Operation with Training Opportunity How US e: Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports (journ.) Hox e: Hoxford[shire] - e: Hoxie HOX e: New Orleans


HOY HOY e: Holland Schweiz (journ.) - e: Hoy Island [Scotland] [Airport] Hoyt Comp L e: Hoyt's Compiled Laws of Arizona (journ.) HOY Timber e: Holygent Timber HOYU e: Hospitality Yukon. Yukon Visitors Association (journ.) HOZ d: Hochofenzement - d: Hydroxylzahl - e: Horizontal HP d: Halbpension - d: Hämatoporphyrin - d: Haptoglobin - d: Hartpapier - d: Hauptpatent - d: Hauptprellen - d: Hauptprogramm - d: Hauptprüfung - d: Hauptpunkte] - d: Heilpraktiker] - d: Heilpraktiker - d: Heparin - d: Heppenheim - d: Hermann-Preßschweißen - d: Hilfsproduktion - d: Hilfsprogramm - d: Hilfspunkt - d: Hintergrundprogramm - d: Hochpaß - d: Hochpolymer[-] - d: Hochpunkt - d: Hüllprofil - e: Alas [Uruguay] - e: All India Reporter, Himachal Pradesh (journ.) - e: Half Pay -e: Half Plate - e: Half Price - e: Hand Pump - e: Hand Punching] - e: Handicapped Person - e: Handley-Page - e: Handling and Propulsion - e: Handling Proceure - e: Handmade Paper - e: Handpainted - e: Hard Pipe - e: Hard Plastic - e: Hard Point - e: Hardy Perennial - e: Harmonic Progression - e: Harvard Photometry - e: Harvard Pulsar - e: Haustus Purgans - e: Hawker Siddeley Aviation Limited - e: Hay-Pasturage - e: Hazard Prevention (journ.) - e: Head Postmaster - e: Headquarters Pamphlet - e: Health Physics - e: Healthcare Product - e: Heat Pipe - e: Heat Pump - e: Heatable Plastic - e: Heating Plant - e: Heenan Petroleum Limited - e: Height of Perigee - e: Heir Presumptive - e: Helicopter - e: Hellas Planitia - e: Helmerich & Payne, Inc. - e: Hematoporphyrin - e: Heptode - e: Hesperian Foundation - e: Heterophase Polynmerization - e: Hewlett-Packard Co. - e: Hiding Power

- e: High-Pass [Filter] - e: High Performance - e: High Polymer - e: High Positive - e: High Potency - e: High Potential - e: High Positive - e: High Power - e: High Pressure [Cylinder] - e: High Priest - e: High Priority - e: High Protein - e: High Purity - e: Highest Possible - e: Highly Purified - e: Highway Patrol - e: Hippocampal Pymidal Cell - e: Hire Purchase - e: Historic Park - e: Holding Pattern - e: Holding Pipette - e: Holding Potential - e: Holiday Pay - e: Holiday Project - e: Hollow Point [Bullet] - e: Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia - e: Horizontal Parallax - e: Horizontal Plane - e: Horizontal Polarization - e: Horizontally Pivoted - e: Horizontally Polarized - e: Horse Power - e: Hospital [Participation] - e: Host Processor - e: Hot Pack - e: Hot Pad - e: Hot Pilot - e: Hot Plate - e: Hot Press[ed] - e: Hot Pressing - e: Hot Springs National Park - e: House Painter - e: House Physician - e: Houses of Parliament - e: Human Plasma - e: Humeral Plate - e: Hundred Pounds - e: Hunger Project - e: Hybrid Perpetual - e: Hydranth Pulse - e: Hydraulic Power - e: Hydraulic Press[ure] - e: Hydrazine Perchlorate - e: Hydrogen Purge - e: Hydrogen Purifier - e: Hydrostatic Pressure - e: Hydroxyproline - e: Hyertension + Proteinuria - e: Hyperbolic [Paraboloid] - e: Hyper[para]thyroidism - e: Hyperphoria - e: Hyperpolarization - e: Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis - e: Hypertansfused Polycythemic - e: Hypertension and Proteinuria - e: Hypertransfused Polycythemic - e: Hysterical Personality - e: Panama - e: Perigee Altitude - e: Smith & Nephew Pharmaceuticals Limited - f: Haut Parleur - f: Haute[s]-Pyr6n6es


© K G ' Saur, München

Hp d: Haltepunkt - d: Hochpaßfilter - e: Haptoglobin - e: Harp - e: Hectopig - e: Heptyl -1: Hemiplegia hp e: hypoid[al] H&P e: History and Physical [Examination] - e: Hopwood and Philbrick's English Election Cases (journ.) - e: Hydraulic and Pneumatic H-P e: Handley-Page Limited - e: Hewlett-Packard - e: High-Pressure - e: High Purity - f: Haute-Pyrénées H/P e: Hemipelvectomy - e: High Position - e: Horizontal Polarization - e: House to Pier HPA d: Hauptpostamt Hpa d: Hauptprüfungsamt - e: Haemophilus Parainfluenzae HPA e: Head of [a] Procuring Activity - e: Head Post Assembly - e: Head Postmen's Association - e: Helix Pomatia Agglutinin - e: Heteropoly Acid - e: Heuristic Path Algorithm - e: Hewlett-Packard Associates - e: Hexahydrophthallic Anhydride - e: High-Performance Alloy - e: High Power Amplifier - e: High Power Array - e: High Pressure Air - e: High-vision Promotion Association - e: Historical Preservation of Ameria - e: History, Physical, Admit - e: Holding and Positioning Aid - e: Horizontal Parallax - e: Horizontal Planar Array - e: Horn Parabola Aerial - e: Horn Parabola Antenna - e: Hospital Physicians Association - e: Hospital Physicists Association - e: Hospital Physics Association - e: Host Processor Adapter - e: Human-Powered Aircraft - e: Hybridization Protection Assay - e: Hydraulic Pneumatic Area - e: Hydroxypropyl Acrylate - e: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical - e: Lifuka [Tonga Inseln] [Airport] - f: Heure Probable d'Arrivee -1: Helvetica Paediatrica Acta (journ.) Hpa e: Hectopascal HP&A e: Hull Propulsion and Auxiliaries HPAA e: High Performance Aerial Assembly - e: High Performance Antenna Assembly - e: High Pressure Air Accumulator - e: Hispanic Public Affairs Association - e: Housing Pressure Altitude Advance HPAAS e: High Performance Aerial Attack System HPA Bull e: HPA [Hospital Physicists Associaton] Bulletin (journ.) HPAC e: Hawaii Performing Arts Company - e: Health Policy Advisory Center - e: Heating / Piping / Air Conditioning (journ.) - e: High-Pressure Air Compressor - e: High-Performance Affinity Chromatography - e: Hydro-Press Accessory] H-PAC e: Human-Piloted Alien

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HPDS HP/A/C e: Home Port/Area/City HPA-D e: Host Packet AssemblyDisassembly HP AD e: High-Performance Air Defense - e: Host Packet Assembly/Disassembly HPAF e: Hydraulic Performance Analysis Facility HPAG e: High-Performance Air-to-Ground HPAG Rocket e: High Performance Air-to-Ground Rocket HPAH e: Hydroxy Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon HPAL e: High Plains Agriculture Laboratory - e: Holland Pan-American Line HPA Line e: High Pressure Air Line HPANAJ d: Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie (journ.) HPANH e: Hydroxy Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycle HPAOA e: Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning (journ.) - e: High Performance Army Observation Aircraft HPAP e: Human Plancental Alkaline Phosphatase HPAR e: Air-Resistance Horsepower HPAS e: High-Performance Adhesive System - e: High-Power Airborne System[s] - e: High-Performance Adhesive System HPASH e: Hydroxy Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycle HP-ATLAS e: Hewlett-PackardAbbreviated Test Language for Avionic Systems HP 08 B e: Hundreds Position ... 8 Bit HPB d: Historisch-Politisches Buch (journ.) - e: Hand-Printed Book[s] - e: Harbor Patrol Boat - e: Health Protection Branch - e: High Police Band - e: High-Probability Behavior - e: Hinged Plotting Board - e: Hooper Bay [Alaska] [Airport] HPBA e: Housing Patrolmen's Benevolent Associaton HPBC e: Home Port Bancorp, Inc. - e: Homopolar Pulse Billet Heating - e: Hyperpolarizing Bipolar Cell Hpbf d: Hauptpersonenbahnhof HPB [KD] d: Historisch-Politische Blatter für das Katholische Deutschland (journ.) HPBL e: Historisch-Politische Blätter für das Katholische Deutschland (journ.) - e: Hoechst Pharmaceutical Research Laboratories - e: Human Peripheral Blood Leukocyte HPBN e: Hot-Pressed Boron Nitride HPBS e: High Performance Bus System HPBs e: Hinged Plotting Boards HPBT e: Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyl Transferase HPBW e: Half-Power Bandwidth - e: Half Power Beamwidth

HPC e: Hale's Pleas of the Crown (journ.) - e: Hand Punched Card - e: Hard-Processing Channel [Black] - e: Hardware Program[me] Counter - e: Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown (journ.) - e: Health Physics Center - e: Health Policy Council - e: Helicopter Performance Computer - e: Helicopter Plane Commander - e: Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell - e: Hemipalmitoylcarnitinium - e: Hemisphere Publishing Company - e: Hercules, Inc. - e: Hercules Powder Company - e: High-level of Plasma Corticosterone - e: High Performance Communication^] - e: High Pin Count - e: High Point College - e: High-Pressure Compressor - e: High-Pressure Constant - e: Highland Park College - e: Hippocampal Pyramidal Cell - e: Hippocampus - e: History of [the] Present Complaint - e: History of Present Condition - e: Hollerith Punched Card - e: Home Policy Committee of War Cabinet - e: Hope - e: Horizonted Parity Check - e: Hot Pipe Chase - e: Howard Payne College - e: Hunt, Peck and Cuss - e: Hydraulic Package Container - e: Hydraulic Piston Corer - e: Hydrothermal Power Company - e: Hydroxyphenylcinchoninic Acid - e: Hydroxypropylcellulose HPCA e: High-Performance Communication^] Adapter - e: Hiroshima Peace Center Associates - e: Housing Pressure Cold Advance HPC Acid e: Hydroxyphenyl-Cinchoninic Acid HPCB e: Hundreds Position C Bit HPC Black e: Hard-Processing Channel Black HPCBR e: High-Pressure Chamber HPCC e: High-Performance Computing and Commmunication[s] [Program] - e: High Performance Control Center [US] - e: High-Performance Control Centre [GB] HPCCEY e: Handbook of Plant Cell Culture (journ.) HPCE e: High-Performance Capillary Electrophoresis HPCF e: High-Performance Carbon Fiber HPCGS e: Household Purchasing Characteristics Generating System hpch[d] e: harpsichord hpchdst e: harpsichordist HPCI e: High Power Coolant Injection - e: High-Pressure Coolant Injection HPCI Pump e: High Pressure Coolant Injection Pump HPCIS e: High-Pressure Coolant Injection System HPCI Turbine e: High Power Coolant Injection Turbine HPCL e: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited - e: Leeward Community College, Pearl City HP CM e: High-speed Pulse Code Modulation - e: Human Placenta Conditioned Medium - e: Hybrid Pulse Code Modulation HPCO e: High-Pressure Cut-Off

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

HPCPC e: High-Performance Centrifugal Partition Chromatography HPCQA e: Human Pathology (joum.) HPCRB e: Hydraulic Power Control Relay Box HPCRC e: High-Performance Computer and Research Center HPCs e: Hard Processing Channels HPCS e: High Performance Control Storage - e: High-Pressure Combustion Sintering - e: High-Pressure Core Spray - e: High-Pressure Core Spraying System HPCS System e: High Pressure Core Spray System HPCU e: Hard-Programmable Control Unit HPCUS e: Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States HP Cylinder] e: High Pressure Cylinder HPD e: Haloperidol - e: Hammerson Properties Investment & Development Corporation - e: Harbor Police Department - e: Hard Point Defence [GB] - e: Hard Point Defense [US] - e: Harpsichord (journ.) - e: Hearing Protective Device - e: Heating Protection Device - e: Hematoporphyrin Derivative - e: Hertford Production Design - e: High Performance Diesel - e: High Performance Drone - e: High Power Density - e: High Power Destruction - e: High Power Drive - e: High-Protein Diet - e: Highest Posterior Density - e: Highly Probable Drunk - e; Horizontal Polar Diagram - e: Hough-Powell Device [developed at CERN] - e: Hourly Precipitation Data (journ.) - e: Housing Preservation and Development - e: Hybrid Power Divider - e: Hydraulic Pump Discharge - e: Hydraulic Pump Drive - f: Haut Pouvoir de Destruction - f: Heure Probable de Depart H-P d e: Hough-Powell digitizer H-PD e: Hough-Powell Device - e: Hough-Powell Digitizer H6PD e: Hexose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase HP-D e: High-Pressure Drain HPDC e: High Pressure Data Center [US] - e: High-Pressure Data Centre [GB] HPDF e: High-Performance Demonstration Facility HPDGF e: Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor HP-DHA e: High Purity Dual Hardness Armor HPDI e: Hard Point Defense Interceptor HPDIM e: Hard Point Defense Intercept HPDLRL e: High-Power Diffraction Limited Raman Laser HPDM e: High Power Destruction Mine - e: High-Performance Demonstration Motor HPDO e: High Performance Diesel Oil HPDP e: Hispanic Policy Development Project HPDPI e: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Initiative HpD-PT e: Hepatopophyrin DerivativePhototherapy HPDR e: High Performance Doppler Radar HPDS e: Hard Point Defense System



HP[-]DSN e: Hewlett Packard Distributed Systems Network HPDT e: Handicapped Persons Discrimination Board HPE d: Hochspannungs-Papierelektrophorese HPE e: High Pressure Electrolyser - e: High-Pressure Equipment - e: High-Performance Estate Wagon - e: High-Power Effect[s] - e: History and Physical Examination - e: History of Political Economy (joum.) - e: Human Proenkephalin - e: Hydrogenous Polyethylene HPEC e: High-Productivity Energy Crop H[-]Pegel e: High-Pegel HPEK e: Paul B. Elder Co. HPEN f: PEN Hongrois (joum.) HPEO e: Protonous Poly[ethylene oxide] HPEP e: High-Performance Electrophoresis HPER e: Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment - e: Health, Physical Education and Recreation HPERB e: Hawaii Public Employment Relations Board Hperg d: Halbpergamentfeinband] Hpergbd d: Halbpergament[einband) HPersR d: Hauptpersonalrat HP-ESSQ e: High-Pass Error Spectrum Shaping Quantizer HPETE e: Hydroxypemxyeicosatetraenoic Acid HPEW e: High Power[ed] Early Warning HP Ex e: High Priority Exit H&P Examination e: History and Physical Examination HPf d: Heerespfarrer HPF e: Hammond - e: Harbor Patrol Fleet - e: Heat Pipe Furnace - e: High-Pass Filter - e: High Performance File - e: High-Power[ed] Field - e: High-Protein Fraction - e: Highest Possible Frequency - e: Highest Priority First - e: Highest Probable Frequency - e: Highly Possible Frequency - e: Historic Preservation Fund - e: Historic Pullman Foundation - e: Horace Plunkett Foundation - e: Horizontal Position Finder - e: Horizontal Processing Facility - e: Host Preparation Facility - e: Hot-Pressed Ferrite - e: Hydro-Press Form HPF Ballast e: High Power Factor Ballast HPFC e: High-Performance Fuel Cell HPFD e: Hybrid Personal Floating Device HPFF e: High Pressure Fluid-Filled HPFH e: Hereditary Persistance of F[o]etal H[a]emoglobin - e: Hereditary Persistence of F[o]etal H[a]emoglobin HP-Filter d: Hochpassfilter Hpfl d: Haftpflicht HPFL e: High-Performance Fuels Laboratory - e: Highpass Filter - e: Holly Park Field Laboratory HpflG d: Haftpflichtgesetz HpflV[ers] d: Haftpflichtversicherung

HPFM e: Hydro-Press Form - e: High Performance Fragmentation Projectile - e: High-Pressure Fire Protection - e: High-Pressure Fuel Pump HPFS d: Hilfsschalter-Parallelfunkenstrecke - e: High-Performance File System HPFT[P] e: High-Pressure Fuel Turbopump HPG d: Handwerkerproduktionsgenossenschaft - d: Heilpraktikergesetz - e: Hard Page - e: Harvard Presentation Graphics - e: Hewlett-Packard Graphic[s] - e: High Performance Graphics - e: High Power Generator - e: High-Power Ground - e: High-Power Group - e: High-Pressure Gas - e: Homopolar Generator - e: Homopolargenerator - e: Human Pituitary Gonadotropin - e: Hydroxypropyl Guar - e: Hyper-Pure Germanium - e: Hypothalamic, Pituitary, Gonadal HPGA e: Hawaii Personnel and Guidance Association - e: High-Pressure Gas Atomization HPGC e: Heading per Gyro Compass - e: Hypopressure Gas Chromatography] - e: Hypopure Gas Chromatography H m , e: Heading per gyro compass HPGe e: High-Purity Germanium HpGe e: Hyperpure Germanium HPGF e: Hybridoma/Plasmacytome Growth Factor HPGL e: Gross Load Horsepower - e: Hewlett-Packard Graphicfs] Language HPGPM e: Hits per Gun per Minute HPG Radar e: High-Power Ground Radar HPGRF e: Human Pancreas Growth Hormone-Releasing Factor HPGS e: High Performance Graphics System - e: High-Pressure Gas System HPH d: Hilfsposthalter - e: Harnischfeger Industries, Inc. - e: High-Performance Hoist - e: High-Pressure Hose - e: Horpower Hour - e: Horsepower-Hour[s] Hph d: Hefnerphot Hpgt d: Halbpergament[einband] HP/h e: Horse Power/hour HPHBA e: Havard Public Health Alumni Bulletin (journ.) HPHD e: High-Pressure High-Density HPHF e: Hereditary Persistence of Foetal Haemoglobin HP/HIP e: Hot Pressing followed by Hot Isostatic Pressing HP[-]HR e: Horsepower-Hour[s] HPHT e: High-Pressure, High-Temperature Process HPHW e: High Pressure Hot Water


© K • G • Saur, München

HPI d: Heinz-Piest-Institut, Hannover - d: Hochschulpolitische Informationen (journ.) - d: Holzäpfel Projekt-Institut - e: Cleveland - e: Handicap Problems Inventory - e: Hardwood Plywood Institute - e: Health Professional Inc. - e: Heavy Positive Ion - e: Heifer Project International - e: Height-Position Indicator - e: Hewlett-Packard Interface - e: High-Performance Imagery - e: High-Performance Insulation - e: High-Performance Interceptor - e: High Position Indicator - e: High Power Illuminator - e: High-Pressure Injection - e: High Probability of Intercept - e: History of Present Illness - e: Holland in South East Asia (journ.) - e: Homing Position Indicator - e: Host Processor Interface - e: Howe Peak [Idaho] - e: Hull Product Improvement - e: Human Productivity Institute - e: Hydraulic Pressure Indicator - e: Hydrocarbon Processing Industries 2 HPI e: Hull Product Improvement HPIA e: Hydroxyphenylisopropyladenosine HP[-]IB e: Hewlett-Packard Inteface Bus HPIC e: Hearing Performance Inventory for Children - e: High-Performance Immunoainity Chromatoaphy - e: High Power IC HPIEC e: High-Performance Ion Exchange Chromatography - e: High-Pressure Ion Exchange Chromatography HPIL e: Hewlett-Packard Interface Loop HPI Lamp e: High Pressure Iodide Lamp HPIM e: High-Performance Image Analysis HPIP e: Hewlett-Packard Inteface Bus - e: High Potential Iron Protein - e: High-Pressure Intensifier Pump HPIR e: High Power Illuminating Radar - e: High Power Illuminator Radar - e: High Probability of Intercept Receiver HPIS e: High Performance Insulation System - e: High Pressure Injection System - e: Hospital Plan Insurance Services HPISS e: High-Power Illuminator Signal Source HPIT e: High-Performance Infiltrating Technology - e: High-Performance InfiltratingTechnique HPJ d: HP [Heilpraktiker] Journal (journ.) - e: High-Power Jammer - e: High-Pressure Jet - e: HP [Hewlett-Packard] Journal (journ.) HPJC e: Highland Park Junior College HP Journal e: Hewlet-Packard Journal (journ.) HPK d: Handelspreiskatalog - e: High-Power Klystron - e: Histidine Protein Kinase - e: Honorary Physician to the King HPKA e: High-Power Klystron Amplifier HPKMB d: Hieratische Papyrus aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin (journ.) HPKO e: Hardened Palm Kernel Oil HP Kurier d: HP [Heilpraktiker] Kurier (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HPPS HPL d: Hauptplanträger - e: Halifax Public Library - e: Hamilton Public Library - e: Hartford Public Library - e: High-Level Programming Language - e: High Polar Latitude - e: High-Power Laser - e: High[est] Point Level - e: Horn Point Environmental Laboratories - e: Houston Pipe Line - e: Houston Public Library - e: Human Pancreatic Ligase - e: Human Parotid Lysozyme - e: Human Performance Laboratory - e: Human Peripheral Lymphocyte - e: Human Placental Lactogen - e: Hutton Procedural Language - e: Hybrid Programming Language - e: Nucia - f: Haut Pouvoir Lethal HP1 d: Haushaltsplan - e: Hartlepool - e: Hospital H-Pl d: Haushaltsplan HPLAC e: High-Performance Liquid Affinity Chromatoaphy HPLAP e: Human Placental Alkaline Phosphatase HPLC e: High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph[y] - e: High-Pressure Liquid Chromatograph[y] HP-LEC e: High-Pressure Liquid Encapsulated Czochralski HP[-]LF e: High-Pressure Low-Flow - e: Hydrolyzed Polar Lipid Fraction HPLJ e: High-Pressure Liquid Jet HPLL e: High Pressure Life Laboratory - e: Hybrid Phase-Locked Loop HPLMN e: Home Public Land Mobile Network HP/LP e: High-Power/Low-Power HPLPC e: High-Performance Low-Pressure Chromatoaphy HPLPLC e: High-Performance Low-Pressure Liquid Chromatography HP-LR e: Hinge Pillar HPLR e: Health Profession Loan Repayment - e: Hinge Pillar HPLS e: Hopeless HPLSDO e: History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Section II (journ.) HPLX e: Healthplex, Inc. HPM d: Heeres-Postmeister - d: Hohe Punkte des Militärischen Bereichs - e: Haing-Pay Melanoma - e: Hard-Part Machining - e: Head Posidon Monitor - e: Head Positioning Mechanism - e: Head Postmaster's Manual - e: Headquarters of Provost Marshal - e: Health Physics and Medical Division - e: High-Performance Motor - e: High Polymer Molecular - e: High-Power Microwave[s] - e: High-Power Multiplier - e: High-Priority Mail - e: Honeycomb Propellant Matrix - e: Horizontal Panel Mount - e: Human Performance Model - e: Human Peritoneal Macrophage - e: Human Potential Movement - e: Hybrid Phase Modulation - e: Hydraulic Punching Machine H-P m e: Harding-Passey melanoma

HPMA d: Hydroxypropylmethakrylat - e: Hardwood [and] Plywood Manufracturers Association - e: Heat Pump Manufacturers Association - e: High-Power Microwave Assembly - e: Hydroxypropyl Methacrylate HPMC e: Housing Production and Management Credit - e: Hydroxypropyl[methyl]cellulose HP Metric e: Horse Power, Metric Hp Mi e: Hippias Minor [of Plato] HPMIDC e: Himachul Pradesh Mineral and Industrial Development Corporation HPMIS e: Health Programs Management Information System HPML e: High-Pressure Mercury Lamp HPMM e: Horizontal Planar Motion Mechanism HPMNJ e: High-Power Microelectronic Noise Jammer HPMS e: High-Performance Main Storage - e: Highway Performance-Monitoring System HPMS Acid e: Hydroxy-2-PyridineMethane-Sulphonic Acid H P M S K e: High-Priority Mission Support Kit HPMV e: High-Pressure Mercury Vapo[u]r HPMV Lamp e: High-Pressure Mercury Vapo[u]r Lamp HPMWA e: High-Power Microwave Amplifier HPN e: Harrison, Purchase and North Castle [Airport] - e: Haustus Pulgans Noster - e: Health Physics Network - e: Heavy Primary Nuclei - e: High-Pass Network - e: High-Pass Notch - e: Home Numbering Plan - e; Home Parenteral Nutrition - e: Horsepower Nominal - e: Hosp Parch News - e: Hydrogénation of Pyrolysis Naphtha - e: Hydroxypropyl Nitrate - e: Hypertension - e: White Plains [New York] [Airport] H Pn e: Hydropneumatic H/PN e: High-Pass Network HPND e: Human Pronatriodilatin HPNJ e: High-Power Noise Jammer HP Nom e: Horsepower Nominal HPNS e: High-Pressure Nervous Syndrome - e: Hunters Point Naval Shipyard HPNSs e: High Pressure Nervous Syndromes HPN Syndrome e: High-Pressure Nervous Syndrome HPO e: Head Post Office - e: High-Performance Òption - e: High-Power Oscillator - e: High Preferred Orientation - e: High Pressure Oxygenation] - e: Highway Post Office - e: Home Port - e: Hourly Postflight Overhaul - e: Hydrogenated Palm Oil - e: Hydroxylamine Phosphate Oxide HPOC e: High Plains Oil Corporation HPOD e: Hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic Acid HP O [1;2 etc] B e: Hundred Position O [1,2 etc.] Bit HPOF e: High-Pressure Oil-Filled [Cable] HPOF Cable e: High Pressure Oil Filled Cable H Points e: High Points (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

HPOL e: Health Manpower Shortage Area Placement Opportunity List - e: High-Power Optical Laboratory H-pole e: H-shaped [telegraph] pole - e: H-shaped telephone pole HPOP e: High-Pressure Oxidizer Pump HPOQ e: Health Policy Quarterly (journ.) HPOs e: Hydroxylamine-Phosphate-Oximes HPOT d: Heli[o]potentiometer - e: Heli[cal] Potentiometer - e: High Potential - e: High-Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump - e: Hydroperoxyoctadecatrienoic Acid H - P O T e: High Potential HPOX e: High-Pressure Oxygen HPP e: 4-Hydroxypyrazolopyrimidine - e: Half Page Printer - e: Half Power Point - e: Harvard Project Physics - e: Hawker Pacific Proprietary - e: Health Physics Program - e: Hepp [Alaska] - e: Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis - e: Hewlett-Packard Printer - e: High-Performance Polymer - e: High Performance Processor - e: High Power Pistol - e: High-Pressure Physics - e: High-Pressure Polyeth[yl]ene - e: High-Pressure Pump - e: Holding Under Promise of Payment - e: Hot Processing Plant - e: Human Pancreatic Polypeptide - e: Hydraulic Pneumatic Panel - e: Hydrolyzed Plant Protein - e: Hydroxyphenyl Pyruvate - e: Hydroxypyrazolopyrimidine HPPA e: Horses and Ponies Protection Association - e: Hydroxyphenylpyruvic Acid HP Paper e: Hot Pressed Paper HPPB e: Historic Pensacola Preservation Board HPPCL e: Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language HP/PCS e: Hewlett-Packard/Process Computer Systems HPPF e: Horizontal Payloads Processing Facility - e: Host Program[me] Preparation Facility HPPH e: 5-Hydroxylphenyl-5-Phenylhydantoin - e: [Hydroxyphenyl]pbenylhydantoin HPPI e: High-Performance Parallel Interface HPPIDE e: Health and Population Perspectives and Issues (journ.) HPPL e: Host Program[me] Preparation Facility H-P Plan e:Hire-Purchase Plan HPPLC e: High-Performance Preparative Liquid Chromatography HPPM e: High-Performance Propulsion Module HPPO e: High Pressure Partial Oxidation HPPP e: High-Priority Production Program HPPR e: Hydroxypyzolopidine Ribonucleoside HPPRA e: Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner (journ.) HPPS e: Hewlett-Packard Printer Submodule - e: High-Performance Paper Society - e: High Pressure Pump Station - e: Hughes Post Processor, Surveyor


HPPTS HPPTS e: Hydraulic Package Pressure Test Set HPR d: Hauptpersonalrat - d: Hermes Prescia Ruf Computer GmbH - e: Halt and Proceed - e: Hardware Problem Report - e: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. - e: Heart Profile Recorder - e: Heat Pipe Reactor - e: Heure Probable de Retour - e: High Penetration Resistant - e: High-Polymer Rheology - e: High-Power[ed] Radar - e: Highly Protected Risk - e: Holding Period Return - e: Homiletic and Pastoral Review (journ.) - e: Hopper - e: Horsepower - e: Host-Plant Resistance - e: Hot Particle Rolling - e: House of Pacific Relations - e: Housing and Planning References (journ.) - e: Howard's New York Practice Reports (journ.) - e: Howard's New York Practice Reports, New Series (journ.) - e: Hughes Photoelectric Reader - e: Human Performance Reliability - e: Human Progesterone Receptor - e: Human Prolactin - e: Hungarian People's Republic - e: Hydrogen Pressure Regulator - e: Hydroxyphenylretinamide - e: Hyperion Resources -1: Hie Pace Requiescat HPrA d: Hauptpriifungsamt HPRA e: Health Physics Research Abstracts HPRC e: Houston Petroleum Research Center HPRCC e: High Plains Regional Climate Center HPRE e: Homogeneous Power Reactor Experiment H[-]Press e: High Pressure HPRF e: High Pulse Recurrence Frequency - e: High Pulse Repitition Frequency - e: Hypersonic Propulsion Research Facility HPRL e: Human Performance Research Laboratory - e: Human Prolactin HPRLG e: High-Precision Ring Laser Gyro HPRM e: Health Promotion Monographs (journ.) HPROM e: Harris Programmable Readonly Memory HPRP e: High-Performance Reporting Post - e: High-Power[ed] Radar Post HPRPC e: High-Performance Reversed Phase Chromatography H P R R e: Health Physics Research Reactor - e: High Performance Research Reactor HPRS e: High-Pressure Recirculation System - e: Hopkins Psychiatric Rating Scale - e: Houghton Poultry Research Station HPR Screen e: High Penetration Resistant Screen HPRT e: HCI Preview Response Time - e: High Power Recovery Turbine - e: Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase HPRTase e: Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase HPRV e: High-Pressure Relief-Valve HP's e: Hydranth Pulses

HPS d: Haltepunktsteuerung - d: Hamburger Philologische Studien (journ.) - d: Hauptpegelsteller - d: Hauptspeicher - d: hdhere Programmiersprache - e: Antisubmarine Helicopter - e: Crown Aviation, Inc. - e: Handbook of Paper Science (journ.) - e: Handford Plant Standard - e: Hanford Plant Standard[s] - e: Hanna Pacific - e: Hardened Power System - e: Hardy Plant Society - e: Harlem Preparatory School - e: Harpsicord - e: Hazardous Polluting Substance[s] - e: Head Position Sensing - e: Health Physics Society - e: Health Physics Station - e: Heat Protection System - e: Helium Pressuree Switch - e: Helmet Pointing Sight - e: Helmet Pointing System - e: Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome - e: Hermetic Pivoting Seal - e: Hidden Predictive Saccades - e: High-Performance Paper Society - e: High Power Switching - e: High-Pressure Separator - e: High-Pressure Sintering - e: High-Pressure Sodium [Lamp] - e: High-Pressure Steam - e: High Primary Sequence - e: High-Protein Supplement - e: High Protestant Society - e: Highest Points Scored - e: Highest Possible Score - e: His-Purkinje System - e: Horizontal Pull Slipmeter - e: Hospitalization Proneness Scale - e: Hot Pressed Sheet - e: Hull Pressure Switch - e: Hybrid Propulsion System - e: Hydraulic Power Section - e: Hydraulic Power Supply - e: Hydraulic Power System - e: Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis HPSA e: Honors Program Student Association of the American Sociological Assiation - e: Hydraulic Package Servovalve Actuator HPSC e: HC, Inc. - e: Heading per Standard Compass - e: Health Programs Systems Center - e: High-Pressure Self-Combustion Sintering - e: Hot-Pressed Silicon Carbide - e: Hydraulic Package Storage Container HP-Schalen d: Hyperboloidschalen HPSCHD e: Harpsichord HPSCI e: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence HPSCU e: High Performance Signal Conditioning Unit HPSD[s] e: High Power Switching Device[s] HPSEB e: Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board H P S E C e: High-Performance Size Exclusion Chromatography - e: High-Pressure Size Exclusion Chromatography H P S F e: High-Pressure Stopped Flow H P S G e: Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammar


© K G - Säur, München

HPSI e: Halpsichord [Music] - e: Health Professions Stress Inventory - e: High Pressure Safety Ignition - e: High-Pressune Safety Injection HPSIP e: High-Pressure Safety Injection Pump HPSIS e: High-Pressure Safety Injection System HPSK e: Hydraulic Power Supply Kit HPSL e: Health Professions Student Loans - e: High-Pressure Sodium Lamp HPSIS e: High-Pressure Safety Injection System H P S M e: High-Performance Stand-OffMotor HPSN e: Hot-Pressed Silicon Nitride H P S O e: Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. Bulletin (journ.) HPSP e: Health Professions Scholarship Program H P S P L E e: High Performance Signal Processing for Laboratory Environments HPSS e: High-Pressure Single Spool HPSSNJ e: High-Power Self-Screening Noise Jammer H P S T e: High Portable Satellite Terminal HPSI d: Hauptpegelsteller - d: Hilfspoststelle hpst e: harpist H P S T C e: Highest Point of Single Tooth Contact H P S T G C e: Heading per Steering Compass HPSW e: High-Pressure Service Water - e: Horizontally Polarized Shear Wave HPSWS e: High-Pressure Service Water System HPSY e: Health Psychology (journ.) H P System e: Hydranth Pulse System H P T d: Hexamethylphosphor[saure]triamid - d: Hyperparathyreoidismus - e: 8-Hydroxy-l,3,6-Pyrenetrisulfonic Acid - e: Hampton - e: Head per Track - e: Hexamethylphosphoric Triamide - e: High-Performance Train - e: High Point - e: High Pot Tester - e: High-Potential Test[er] - e: High-Precision Thermostat - e: High-Pressure Tap - e: High-Pressure Test - e: High-Pressure Top - e: High-Pressure Turbine - e: High Profile Terminal - e: Histamine Provocation Test - e: Home Port - e: Homonuclear Polarization Transfer - e: Horizontal Plot Table - e: Hormone Pregnancy Test - e: Hot Plate Test - e: Human Placenta Thyrotrophin - e: Hydrocyclic Pressure Testing - e: Hydropneumatic Trailer - e: Hydroxypyrenetrisulfonate - e: Hygromycin Phosphotransferase - e: Hyperparathyroidism Hpt d: HauptHptA d: Hauptamt HPTA e: High-Power Test Area - e: High Pressure Technology Association - e: Hinckley Pilot 35 Association - e: Hire Purchase Trade Association H p t b d: Hauptbuch H P T B e: High-Pressure Turbine Hptbd d: Hauptband HptBtsm d: Hauptbootsmann

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akr onyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HQMTMTS HPTD e: High Point, Thomasville & Denton Railroad Co. HptDp d: Hauptdepot HPTE e: Bis[hydroxyphenyl]trichloroethane - e: Heptachlor Epoxide - e: High-Performance Turbine Engine[s] - e: High Precision Tracking Experiment HPTET e: High-Performance Turbine Engine Technology HPTF e: Hydraulic [and] Power Transmission Fluid HptFw d: Hauptfeldwebel HPTGA e: Herpetologica (journ.) HptGefr d: Hauptgefreiter HPTh d: Handbuch der Pastoraltheologie (journ.) Hptlnst d: Hauptinstandsetzung HP Tire e: High-Pressure Tire Hptl d: Hauptlehrer HPT-LAK Disks e: Head per Track-LookAlike Disks HPTLC e: High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography - e: High-Power Thin Layer Chromatography Hptm d: Hauptmann HptMat d: Hauptmaterial HPTN e: Hypertension HPTP e: High-Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump - e: Hydraulic Power Transfer Panel HPTR d: Hilfsprogramm auf Trommel - e: High Power Tank Reactor HPTS e: High-Performance Third Stage - e: High Power Transmit Sets - e: Hydroxypyrenetrisulfonic Acid Hptsch d: Hauptschule - d: Hauptschüler Hptst d: Hauptstadt - d: Hauptstation HP Turbine e: High Pressure Turbine Hpt-Vertr d: Hauptvertrag Hpt-Verw d: Hauptverwaltung Hptverw d: Hauptverwaltung Hptw d: Hauptwerk - d: Hauptwort Hptwm d: Hauptwachtmeister HPU e: Hale Pohaku [Hawaii.] - e: Hansard's Publishing Union - e: High-Pressure Unit - e: Hot-Plate Unit HPU e: Hydraulic Power Unit - e: Hydraulic Pumping Unit HP[UK] e: Hunter Personnel [United Kingdom] Limited HPUS e: Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States HP-UX e: Hewlett Packard Unix Operating System HPV d: Hauptverband der Papier, Pappe, und Kunststoffe Verarbeitenden Industrie e.V. - e: Helium Pressure Vessel - e: High-Passage Virus - e: High-Power Veractor - e: High-Powered Vehicle - e: High Pressure Valve - e: High Production Volume - e: Human Papilloma Virus - e: Human-Power[ed] Vehicle - e: Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction - e: Parvovirus - e: Princeville [Hawaii] [Airport] HPVA e: Hardwood Plywoott and Veneer Association - e: Human-Powered Vehicle Association

HPVD e: Hypertensive Pulmonary Vascular Disease HPV-DE e: High-Passage Virus [grown in] Duck Embryo HPV-DE Cells e: High-Passage Virus [grown in] Duck Embryo Cells HPV-DK e: High-Page Virus [grown in] Dog Kidney [Cells] HPV-DK Cells e: High-Passage Virus [grown in] Dog Kidney Cells HPVG d: Hessisches Personalvertretungsgesetz HPV Newsl e: HPV Newsletter [International Human Powered Vehicle Association, US] (journ.) HPVR e: Hypoxie Pulmonary Vascular Response HPV Reg e: High-Power Voltage Regulator HPVS e: Hydropneumatic Vehicle Suspension HPVUE e: Hewlett-Packard Visual User Environment HPW e: Half-Peak Width - e: High-Power Window - e: High-Purity Water - e: Homopolar Pulse Welding - e: Hopewell - e: Hot Pressure Welding HPWBA d: Heilpädagogische Werkblätter (journ.) HPWG e: Handling and Performance Working Group HPWSol e: High-Protein Wash Solution HPX e: Homeplex Mortgage Investments HPY e: Baytown - e: HPY Industry Limited H4pyran e: Tetrahydropyranyl HPZ d: Hohe Punkte des Zivilen Bereichs - e: Helicopter Protected Zone - e: High-Pressure Zone - e: Hydridopolysilylazane HPZE e: High-Performance Zone Electrophoresis HQ d: Hauptquartier - d: Hochqualitäts- d: Hochwasserquantität - e: British Aerospace PLC - e: Harmful Quantity - e: Hawker Siddeley Aviation Limited - e: Headquarters] - e: Headquarters Companies - e: High Quality - e: Highly Qualified - e: Historical Quotes [Information retrieval] - e: HQ Minerals Limited - e: Hydro-Quebec - e: Hydroquinone - e: Hydroxyquinoline -1: Hoc Quaere Hq e: Headquarters] H&Q e: Hambercht & Quist [Investment nbngrn H-Q d: Hochqualitäts... - e: Hamstring-Quadriceps - e: High Quality - e: Hydro-Quebec HQ[A] e: Headquarters Administration Office HQA e: Handbook of Quality Assurance - e: Middletown HQAAFCE e: Headquarters Allied Air Forces Central Europe HQAAFV e: Headquarters, Australian Army Forces, Vietnam

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HQASC e: Headquarters, Air-Support Command HQB e: Los Angeles HQBA e: Headquarters Base Area HQBC e: Headquarters, Bomber Command HQBN e: Headquarters Battalion HQBP e: High Quality Bonus Point HQBTRY e: Headquarters Battery HQC e: Handling Quality Criteria - e: Headquarters Command - e: High 'Q' Circuit [Q = Quality Factor] - e: High 'Q' Coil [Q = Quality Factor] - e: Hydraulic Quick Coupler - e: Hydroxyquinoline Citrate - e: Hyperquasicenter HQ-CAP e: Headquarters, Civil Air Patrol HQCC e: Headquarters, Coastal Command HQCDO e: Headquarters Case Development Officer HQ CDT e: Headquarters Commandant HQCG e: Headquarters, Coast Guard HQCMD e: Headquarters Command HQCO e: Headquarters Company HQCOM[D] e: Headquarters Command HQCOMDT e: Headquarters Commandant HQ COMD USAF e: Headquarters Command, United States Air Force - e: Headquarters Command, USAF [United States Air Force] HQ COM Z e: Headquarters, Communications Zone HQCS e: Heraldic Quality Control System HQDA e: Headquarters - e: Headquarters, Department of the Army HQDM e: Headquarters Data Manager HQDP e: Headquarters, Department of the Pacific HQDSA e: Headquarters, Defense Supply Agency HQDT e: Handling Qualities During Tracking HQDTMS e: Headquarters, Defense Traffic Management Service HQE e: Hardware Quality Engineer - e: High Quality Environment - e: Hydroquinone Electrode - f: Hansard Questions Ecrites HQEARC e: Headquarters - e: Headquarters, Equipment Authorization Review Center HQEE e: Hydroquinone Di[B-Hydroxyethyl] Ether HQES e: High-Quality Epitaxial Silicon HQFC e: Headquarters, Fighter Command HQFT e: Humanist Quest For Truth HQG e: Hugoton HQH e: H & Q Healthcare Investors HQI e: Hydro-Quebec International HQIR e: Hydro-Quebec Institute of Research HQJTF e: Headquarters, Joint Task Force HQK e: Gulf of Mexico HQL e: Cullowhee - e: High-Quality Life HQM e: High-Quality Matrix - e: Highland Queen Mines Limited - e: Hoquiam - e: Hydro-Quebec, Bibliotheque HQMC e: Headquarters, Marine Corps HQMD e: Headquarters Management Directive HQMME e: Hydroquinone Monomethyl Ether HQMSS e: Headquarters Mission Support System HQMTMTS e: Headquarters 155

HQMTS H Q M T S e: Headquarters, Military Trafic Management Terminal Service H Q N e: Haplequin Lake [Alaska] H Q N A V M A R C O P M A T A e: Headquarters, Navy-Marine Corps Military Affiliate Radio System Station H Q N A V M A R C O R M A R S T A e: Headquarters H Q N [ A V ] M [ A T ] C [ O M ] e: Headquarters, Naval Material Command H Q N A V M A T C O M e: Headquarters H Q N O e: 2-n-Heptyl-4-Hydroxyquinoline-N-Oxide - e: Heptyl[hydroxy]quinoline N-Oxide H Q O e: Hansard Questions Orale [Database] - e: Hydroxyquinoline Oxide - f: Hansard Questions Orale H Q O I e: HQ Office International, Inc. H Q O S e: HQ Office Supplies Walhouse, Inc. H Q R e: Handling Qualities Rating H Q R S e: Handling Qualities Rating Scale H q ' s e: Headquarters H Q S e: Handbook of Quality Assurance - e: Headquarters [Staff] - e: High Quality Sound - e: High-Quality Silicon H Q S A e: Hydroxyquinolinesulfonic Acid H Q S C e: Headquarters, Signal[s] Command - e: Headquarters, Support Command H Q & S E R V e: Headquarters and Service H Q S O D N e: Headquarters, Support Squadron H Q S Q e: Headquarters Squadron H Q S Q D N e: Headquarters, Support Squadron H Q S Q N e: Headquarters Squadron H Q S R N e: Headquarters Staff of the Royal Navy - e: Headquarters Staff on Royal Navy H Q S T C e: Headquarters, Strike Command H Q S V C B N e: Headquarters, Service Battalion H Q S V C C O e: Headquarters, Service Company H Q T e: Coats - e: Halogen Quenched Tube - e: Humanist Quest for Truth H Q T C e: Headquarters, Transport Command - e: High "Q" Tuned Circuit H Q T R [ S ] e: Headquarters H Q T V e: High Quality Television H[-]Qu d: Hauptquartier H Q u d: Hauptquerschlag H Q U S A F e: Headquarters, Unit States Air Force - e: Headquarters, USAF [United States Air Force] H Q V M e: High Quality Video Mode

H R c: Hrvatska Revija (journ.) - d Handelsrat - d Handelsrechnung - d Handelsrecht - d Handelsregister - d Handregelung - d Hauptrastschritt - d Hauptrechner - d Hauptreferat - d Hauptreferent - d Hauptreserve - d Hauptrhythmus - d Hauptrichtung - d Hausrat[sentschädigung] - d Haustechnische Rundschau (journ.) - d Heißriß - d Heizstromregler - d Helligkeitsregler - d Hessischer Rundfunk - d Hilfsrechner - d Hilfsregister - d Hintergrundrechner - d Hofrat - d Hohlraumresonator - d Hohlrohr - d Homer - d Hybridrechner - e Hague Resolutions - e Hail and Rain - e Hair Space [between Letters] - e Half-Reversal - e Half Round - e Half Yearly Review - e Hall Wardrobes - e Halorhodopsin - e Halton Riffles - e Hand Radar - e Hand Reach - e Hand Receipt - e Hand Reset - e Handling Room - e Handling Routine - e Handrail - e Harbo[u]r - e Hard-Pock Mining - e Hard Rolled - e Hard to Research - e Hardware Reliability - e Hardware Representation - e Hazard Report - e Heading Record - e Hear - e Heart Rate - e Heart Resistant - e Heart Rhythm - e Heat Reflector - e Heat Regenerator - e Heat Resistance - e Heat Resistant - e Heat Resisting - e Heater - e Heating Resistor - e Heavy-Duty Relay - e Height Range - e Heir - e Helicopter Request - e Helicopter, Rescue - e Helium, Rebottled - e Helium, Refrigerated - e Hellenic Register - e Hemophilia Research - e Hemorrhagic Retinopathy - e Hereford - e Hermetic Rite - e Heroes of the Reformation (joum.) - e Heterogeneous Reactor - e Heterosexual Relations [Scale]


© K • O • Säur, München

-e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e - e - e - e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e - e - e - e -e - e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e

Heure Hexazopararosaniline High-Range [Radar] High-Rate [Reverse] High Reduction High Reflector High Resilience High Resilient High Resistance High Resistor High Resolution High Resolving High Resonance-Damping High Ripple High Risk High Run High-S Radial Higher [Rate] Highhams Railway Highland Railway Highland Regiment Highly Reinforcing Highly Resistive Hillside Review [overlay zone] Hinge Remnant Hispanic Review (journ.) Histamine Release Historical Record History of Religions (journ.) History Report Histrical Record Hit Rate Hit Ratio Hoechst-Roussel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Hoist Ring Holding Register Holmes Ribgrass Home Rule[r] Home Rules Homeostatic Regulators Homing Relay Homogeneous Reactor Homoreactant Honduras Hook Rail Horizon Sensor Horizontal Resistance Horizontal Retort Horizontally-pivoted Reversible Hormone Receptor Complex Horology Program Hose Rack Hospital Record Hospital Recruit Hospitalman Recruit Hot Rolled Hot Rolling Hour Hourly Report House of Representatives [Bill] House [of Representatives] Resolution House of Ruth House Recedes House Record House Report House Resolution House Roll Hudson Review (journ.) Human Relations Human Relations (journ.) Human Reliability Human Resources Human Rights Convention Humanitarian Reassignment Humber Register Humidite Relative Humidity, Relative

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HR2D -

e: Hydraulics Research Limited e: Hydrogen Recombiner e: Hydrogen Relief e: Hypersensitive Response e: International Harvester e: Relative Humidity [symbol] e: Rockwell Hardness f: Hermes. Messager Scientifique et Populaire de l'Antiquité Classique en Russie (journ.) - f: Robin Avions - n: Höge Raad - n: Hojesteret - s: Transportes Aereos Rioplatenses [Argentinien] Hr a: Herr - d: Herr - d: Horn - e: Harbo[u]r - e: Height, Room - e: Hussar hr r: herr H&R e: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. - e: Harrington & Richardson - e: Harrison and Rutherford's English Common Pleas Reports (journ.) - e: Herweg & Romine - e: Holding and Reconsignment - e: Hysterectomy and Radiation H-R e: Hertzsprung-Russell [Diagram] - e: High Ripple - f: Haut-Rhin H/R e: Heart Rate - e: Home-road Ratio H[&]R f: Humanisme et Renaissance (journ.) h[r] e: hail and rain H&RA e: Homeowners and Renters Assistance HRA d: Handelsregister Abteilung A - d: Hybridrechenanlage - e: Hard Replacement Assembly - e: Hardness Rockwell A [scale] - e: Hardware Retailers Association - e: Harness Release Actuator - e: Harvey Group, Inc. - e: Health Resources Administration - e: Health Risk Appraisal - e: Health Risk Assessment - e: Heart Rate Acceleration - e: Heart Rate Audiometry - e: Heat Rate Acceleration - e: Heavy Replaceable Assembly - e: Heavy Replacement Assembly - e: Hemispherical Reflective Aerial - e: Hemispherical Reflective Antenna - e: HF [High-Frequency] Recovery Antenna - e: High-Radiation Area - e: High Right Atrial - e: High Right Atrium - e: High-speed Research Aircraft - e: Highest Rank Aboard - e: Historical Records of Australia (journ.) - e: Honorary Royal Academician - e: Hot-Rolled and Annealed - e: Hour of Revival Association - e: Housing Revenue Account - e: Housing Review Account - e: Human Reliability Analysis - e: Human Resources Abstracts (journ.) - e: Human Resources Administration (joum.) - e: Human Rights Advocates - e: Huna Research Association - e: Hunters' Rights Association - e: Hydraulic Rotary Actuator - e: Hypersonic Research Airplane - e: Hypnotic Research Association

- e: Rockwell 'A' Hardness Hra F: Herra HRAA e: High-Rate Acquisition Assembly - e: Hypnotic Research Association of Australia HRAC e: Hypersonic Research Aircraft HRAES e: High-Resolution Auger Electron [High Stability] Spectroscopy HRAESS e: High-Resolution Auger Electron Spectroscopy HRAF e: Human Relations Area File[s] HRAF/BSR e: Behavior Science Research. Journal of Comparative Studies. Human Relations Area Files (journ.) HRAG e: Helena Rubinstein Art Gallery HRAI e: Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Institute - e: Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada - e: Human Rights Advocates International HRAM e: Hazard Ranking and Allocation Methodology - e: Hierarchial Random Access Memory - e: Hierarchical RAM [Random Access Memory] HRAn d: Hybridrechneranlage HRA[R]T e: Hampton Roads Army Terminal HRAS e: High-Rate Activated Sludge HRAT e: Hampton Roads Army Terminal HRAV e: Human Resources Availability [Period] HRB c: Hurbanovo - d: Handelsregister Abteilung B - d: Haushaltstechnische Richlinien des Bundes - d: Heimatreparaturbetrieb - d: Hochtemperatur-Reaktorbau GmbH - d: High-Reliability Baustein - e: Block [H.&R.], Inc. - e: Harbin [Mandschurei] [Airport] - e: Hardness Rockwell B [scale] - e: Hazard Review Bord - e: High-Resolution Bathymetry - e: Highway Research Bureau - e: Highway[s] Research Board - e: Hinged Rotor Blade - e: Hopkins Research Bulletin (journ.) - e: House of Repriesentatives Bill - e: Housing and Redevelopment Board - e: Rockwell 'B' Hardness Hrb d: Hamburg-Harburg HRBA e: Hoist Rotation Beam Assembly HRBC e: Historical Review of Berks County (journ.) - e: Horse Red Blood Cell[s] HRBG d: Handelsrechtliches Bereinigungsgesetz HRBR e: Harbor HRBRVU e: Harbor View HRBTS e: High-Resolution Remote Tracking Sonar

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

HRC d: Härte nach Rockwell - e: Haitian Refugee Center - e: Hardness Rockwell C [scale] - e: Hardwood Research Council - e: Harmonic Response Characteristic - e: Harmonically Related Carrier Frequency - e: Harris Ranch - e: Hasselblad Reflex Camera - e: Healthsouth Rehabilitation Corporation - e: Heath [Higher Education and the Handicapped] Resource Center - e: Helium Research Center - e: Herpes Resource Center - e: High Redundant Code - e: High-Resolution Chromatography - e: High-Rupturing Capacity - e: Highland Regional Council - e: Hollycroft Resource Corporation - e: Holocaust Resource Center - e: Holy Roman Church - e: Honda Racing Corporation - e: Honeywell Radiation Center - e: Hop Research Centre - e: Horizontal Redundancy Check - e: Horse Racing Commission - e: Horse Red Blood Cells - e: Horticultural Research Center - e: Howard Research Corporation - e: Humacao Regional College - e: Human Relations Commission - e: Human Resources Center - e: Human Rights Commission - e: Humanities Research Council - e: Hunting Retriever Club - e: Huntingdon Research Centre Limited - e: Hybrid Receiver Circuit - e: Hydraulics-Resonance Changer - e: Hypertension Research Center - e: Hypothetical Reference Circuit - e: Hypothetical Reference Connection - e: Hyppthecial Reference Circuit - e: Rockwell 'C' Hardness HRCA e: Honorary Royal Cambrian Academician HRCC e: High-Ratio Compact Chamber - e: Humanities Research Council of Canada HRC CC J gh Resolut Chromatogr Chromatogr Common e: Journal of High Resolution Chromatraphy and Chromatography Communications (journ.) HRC/CCPR e: Human Rights Committee HRCF e: Human Rights Campaign Funding] HRC-Fuse e: High-Rupturing Capacity Fuse HRCG e: Hexagonal Reducing Coupling HRCI e: Human Resource Certification Institute HRCJ High Resolut Chromatogr e: HRG Journal of High Resolution Chromatography (journ.) HR Con Res e: House of Representatives Concurrent Resolution HRCT e: High-Resolution Comput[eriz]ed Tomography HR2D e: High-Resolution, TwoDimensional


HRD HRD d: Hamburger Romanistische Dissertationen (journ.) - d: Hertzsprung-Russell-Diagramm - e: Conference on Current Theory and Practice in Human Resource Development - e: Half Round - e: Hannaford Bothers, Inc. - e: Hard - e: Harding Carpets Limited - e: Heard - e: Heroin-Related Death - e: Hertzsprung-Russel-Diagram[me] - e: High-Rate Discharge - e: High-Rate Dosimeter - e: High Resolution Display - e: High Roughage Diet - e: Holocaust Remembrance Day - e: Hum Related Deaths - e: Human Resources Data - e: Human Resources Department - e: Human Resources Development - e: Huricane Research Division - e: Hydraulic Rate Damper - e: Hydrometeorology Research Division - e: Kountze/Silsbee Hrd d: HalbrundHRDA e: High-Rate Data Assembly - e: Human Resources Development Agency HRDC e: Human Resources Development Command HRDF e: Human Resource Development Foundation HRDG e: Harding Associates, Inc. - e: High Resolution Digital Generator - e: Human Resources Development Group HRDI e: High-Resolution Doppler Imager - e: High-Resolution Dynamic Imaging - e: Hospital Reserve Disaster Inventory - e: Human Resources Development Institute HRDL e: Hudson River Day Line - e: Hypothetical Reference Digital Link hrdly e: hardly HRDM e: High-Rate Demultiplexer HR Doc e: House of Representatives Document HRDP e: Hypothetical Reference Digital Path HRDPO e: Human Resources Development Project Office HRDR e: High-Rate Digital Recorder HRDS e: High-Rate Data Section - e: High-Rate Data System - e: Hypothetical Reference Digital Section HRDT e: High Resolution Daylight Telescope HRDTY e: Heredity HRD WD e: Hardwood HRDWR[E] e: Hardware

HRE d: Hausratsentschadigung - e: Harare [Simbabwe] [Airport] - e: High-Resolution [Electrocardiography] - e: High-Resolution Electrophoresis - e: Highbridge Exploration Limited - e: Holy Roman Emperor - e: Holy Roman Empire - e: Homogeneous Reactor [Equipment] - e: Homogeneous Reactor Experiments] - e: Hormone Regulatory Element - e: Hormone-Responsive Element - e: Hovering Rocket Engine - e: HRE [Hubbard Real Estate Investments] Properties - e: Human Relations Education - e: Human Response Element of DNA - e: Hydrazine Rocket Engine - e: Hydro Reconnaissance Experimental - e: Hypersonic Ramjet Engine - e: Hypersonic Research Engine - e: Rockwell 'E' Hardness HREC e: Health Record H Rect A Sc e: Historical Records of Australian Science (journ.) HREELS e: High-Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy - e: High-Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectrum HREF e: Horticulture Research Experimental Farm H reflex e: Hoffman reflex HReg d: Handelsregister - d: Hauptregister HRegVfg d: Handelsregisterverfiigung H Rel e: History of Religions (journ.) HRELES e: High-Resolution Energy-Loss Electron Spectroscopy HRELS e: High Resolution Energy Loss Spectroscopy HREM e: High-Resolution Electron Microscope - e: High-Resolution Electron Microscopy HRen f: Humanisme et Renaissance (journ.) HREOC e: Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission H Rept e: House Report HRept e: House of Representatives Reports (journ.) H Res e: House Resolution, United States House of Representatives HRES e: High-Resolution Electron Spectroscopy - e: High-Resolution Electronic System - e: High-Resolution Energy-Loss Spectroscopy - e: Horizons Research, Inc. HRes e: House Resolution HRET e: Hospital Research and Educational Trust


© K • G • Saur, München

HRF d: Hessischer Rundfunk - e: Hat Research Foundation - e: Heavy Rebuild Factories - e: Height-Range Finder - e: Hemochromatosis Research Foundation - e: Herb Research Foundation - e: High Rate of Fire - e: High-Resolution Facsimile - e: Histamine Releasing Factor - e: History Record Folder - e: Home-Run Factor - e: Horizontal Radiation Pattern - e: Hypersonic Rarefield Flow - e: Rockwell 'F Hardness Hrf d: Harfe HRf d: Heimrundfunk - d: Hörrundfunk HRFA e: High-Resolution Frequency Analysis HRF ADM e: Annual Research Reviews. Hypothalamic Releasing Factors (journ.) HRF AX e: High-Resolution Facsimile HRF Bull e: HRF [National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering] Bulletin (joum.) HRFC e: Hierarchical Routing and Flow Control HR-FESEM e: High-Resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy HRfk d: Heimrundfunk - d: Hörrundfunk HRF's e: Health-Related Facilities HRFS e: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service HRfSt d: Hörrundfunkstudio HRG d: Handwörterbuch der Rechtsgeschichte (journ.) - d: Handwörterbuch zur Deutschen Rechtsgeschichte (journ.) HRg d: Hauptregister Hrg d: Herausgeber HRG d: Hochschulrahmengesetz - d: Hochtemperaturreaktor-Gesellschaft - e: Haiford, Robins and Godfrey - e: Harrington Public Library - e: He-Ro Group - e: Head Gear Receiver - e: Health Research Group - e: Hearing - e: Heritage Roses Group - e: High River Gold Mines Limited - e: Human Rights Group - e: Hurghada [Ägypten] [Airport] - e: Hydrocarbon Research Group HRGC e: High-Resolution Gas Chromatography HRGI e: Honorary Member of the Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts HRGM e: High-Resolution Ground Map - e: Hogg Robinson & Gardner Mountain HRgP d: Haubitzenringpulver HRGP e: Hydroxypmline-Rich Glycoprotein HRGs e: Health Research Groups HRGS e: High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry HRH e: Hand Receipt Holder - e: High Rate Heat - e: High Resistance Hold [Relay] - e: High-Rate Heat - e: His [or Her] Royal Highness - e: Hypoplastic Right Heart - e: Rockwell 'H' Hardness HRHA e: Honorary Member of the Royal Hibernian Academy - e: Hydronic Radiant Heating Association HRHC e: Hilb, Rogal & Hamilton Co. HRHR e: High-Risk Hearing Register

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HRP HRH Relay e: High Resistance Hold Relay HR[HS] e: High School Hospital Recruit - e: Hospital Recruit [High School] HRHT e: High-Resolution Tracker HRI e: Hannah Research Institute - e: Hayes Resources, Inc. - e: Health Research, Inc. - e: Height-Range Indicator - e: High-Resolution Image[r] - e: High-Resolution Images - e: Holcomb Research Institute - e: Holt Radium Institute - e: Honorary Member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours - e: Horizon Reference Indicator - e: Horticultural Research Institute - e: Horticultural Research International - e: Howe Research Institute - e: Howe Richardson - e: Human Relations Inventory - e: Human Resources Institute - e: Human Rights International - e: Human Rights Internet HRIAF e: HRS Industries HRIC e: Hacienda Resorts, Incorporated HRIF e: Histamine-Release Inhibitory Factor HRiG d: Hessisches Richtergesetz HRIG e: Human Rabies Immune Globulin HR&IH e: His [or Her] Royal and Imperial Highness HRIM e: High Resolution Infrared Measurements] HRIN e: Human Resource Information Network HRIO e: Height-Range Indicator Operator - e: Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario HRIP e: Here Rest[s] in Peace - e: Highway Research in Progress -1: Hie Requiescit in Pace HRIPA e: Publications. Hungarian Mining Research Institute (journ.) HRIR e: High-Resolution Infrared [Radiation] - e: High-Resolution Infrared Radiometer - e: High-Resolution Infrared Receiver - e: High-Resolution Infrared Reception HRIR Data e: High Resolution Infra-Red Data HRIRS e: High-Repetition Illuminator System - e: High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder - e: Highway Research Information Service [System] - e: House of Representatives Information System - e: Human Resource Information System HRIS Abstr e: Highway Research Information Service Abstracts [Transportation Research Board, US] (journ.) HRISAK e: Food and Nutrition (journ.) HRIZ e: Horizon Gold Corporation HRJ e: High-Range Juno - e: Human Rights Journal (journ.) HRJ Res e: House of Representatives Joint Resolution HRK e: Hard Rock International ADS - e: Hardrock Extension, Inc. - e: Racine - R: Kharkov [Airport] HR-KMAG e: Historical Report-Korea Military Advisory Group

HR-KMG e: Historical Report-Korea Military Advisory Group HRL e: Harlin Resources - e: Harlingen [Airport] - e: Head Rotated Left - e: Heat Rejection Loop - e: High Refraction Layer - e: High Repetition Laser - e: High-Resolution Lofar - e: Horizontal Reference Line - e: Hormel [Geo.A.] & Co. - e: Hughes Research Laboratories - e: Human Resources Laboratory - e: Hydraulics Research Laboratory - e: Hydrological Rearch Laboratory HRLC e: High-Resolution Liquid Chromatography HRLD e: Harold's Stores, Inc. HR-LED e: High Radiance Light Emitting Device [or Diode] - e: High Radiation Light Emitting Device [or Diode] HR-LEDs e: High Radiance Light Emitting Devices [or Diodes] HRLEELS e: High-Resolution Low-Energy Electron Loss Spectroscopy HRLEL e: High-Radiation Level Examination Laboratory HRLF e: Holographic Reciprocity Law Failure HRLI e: High-Repetition Laser Illuminator HRLIS e: High-Repetition Laser Illuminating System HRLM e: High-Resolution Light Microscopy HRLR e: High-Repitition Laser Rangefinder HRLS e: High-Repetition Laser System HRLSD e: Health and Rehabilitative Library Services Division HRLSDJ e: HRLSD [Health and Rehabilitative Library Services Division] Journal (journ.) HRLV e: Hungarian Raps Leaf Virus HRLY e: Herley Industries HRM e: Hard-Rock Mining - e: Hardware Read-in Mode - e: Hermes Ventures - e: High-Rate Multiplexer - e: High-Ratio Multiplier - e: High Reliability Module - e: High-Resolution Map - e: High-Resolution Monitor - e: His [or Her] Royal Majesty - e: Holistic Resource Management - e: Hot Rod Magazine (journ.) - e: Human Reproductive Medicine (journ.) - e: Human Resource Management (journ.) - e: Human Resources Management - e: Human Resources Manager - e: Univerity of Hartford HRMA e: Hampton Roads Maritime Association HRMC e: Harts Range Meta-igneous Complex - e: Human Resources Management Center HRMC/D e: Human Resources Management Center/Detachment HRMI e: Human Resources Management Instructor HRMIS e: Human Resources Management Information System HRMM e: Horizontal Planar Motion Mechanism HRMN e: Harmon Industries, Inc.

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

S K • G • Saur, Munich

HRMOB e: Association of Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior HRMP e: Harvard Radio Meteor Project HR/MR e: Human Readable/Machine Readable System HRMR e: Human Read/Machine Read - e: Human Readable/Machine Readable - e: Hunter-Melnor, Inc. Hr Ms n; Haar Majesteits Schip HRMS e: Height Root Mean Square - e: High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry - e: Human Resource Management Services, Inc. - e: Human Resources Management School - e: Human Resources Management Specialist[s]s - e: Human Resources Management System HRMSS e: Human Resources Management Support System HRMST e: Human Resources Management Support Team HR/MTI e: High Resolution/Moving Target Indicator HRN d: Horner - e: Harlyn Products, Inc. - e: Harness - e: Harwin Exploration & Development, Inc. - e: Hexagonal Reducing Nipple - e: Highest Response-Ratio Next - e: Human Research Need - e: Human Resources Need - e: Human Resources Network Hrn d: Herren HRNA e: Heterogeneous Ribonucleic Acid HRNA e: Ribonucleic Acid, Heterogeneous HRNB e: History. Reviews of New Books (journ.) HRNES e: Host Remote Node Entry System HRNG e: Hearing HRNHAR e: Horn & Hardart Co. HRNSW e: Historical Records of New South Wales (journ.) HRNTWT e: High-Reynolds-Number Transonic Wind Tunnel HRO e: Harrison [Airport] - e: Hermiston - e: HERO Industries Limited - e: Homes Registration Office - e: Housing Referral Office[r] - R: Gastvrij (journ.) HROB e: Hi-Tech Robotics Limited HROK e: Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of the Rockies HRP d: Handbuch der Rechtspraxis (journ.) - d: Hauptrichtungspunkt - d: hauptspeicherresidentes Programm - e: Haitian Refugee Project - e: Hampton Roads Ports - e: Hand Retractable Plunger - e: Harvard Revised Photometry - e: Health & Rehabilitation Properties Trust - e: Heat-Resistant Phenolic [compound] - e: Heat-Resisting Plastic - e: Helicopter Reference Point - e: Highway Regulating Point - e: Histidine-Rich Protein - e: Historical Review Press - e: Holding and Reconsignment Point - e: Homogeneous Poisson Process - e: Horizontal Radiation Pattern - e: Horse-Radish Peroxidase - e: Human Reliability Program - e: Human Remains Pouch - e: Human Resource Planning (journ.) - e: Huntsville Research Park - e: Hypergroup Reference Pilot 159

H[&]RP H [ & ] R P e: Holding and Reconsignment Point HRPA e: Higher Random-Phase Approximation - e: Hudson River Pilots Association HRP and L e: Hot Rolled, Picled and Limed HRPC e: High-Range Pressure Control HRP Compound e: Heat-Resistant Phenolic Compound HRPD e: High Resolution Pulse Doppler - e: High-Resolution Powder Diffractometer HRPI e: High-Resolution Pointable Imager HRPL e: Hot-Rolled, Pickled and Limed HRPM e: High Resolution Permanent Magnet H&RPO e: Holding and Reconsignment Point HRPO e: Horse Radish Peroxidase - e: Hot Rolled, Pickled and Oiled HRPS e: Hazard Reduction Precedence Sequence - e: Human Resource Planning Society - e: Hydrogen Recombination and Purge System HRPT e: High-Resolution Picture Transmission HRPVD e: High-Rate Physical Vapor Deposition HRQ e: Hold Request HRR d: Heiliges Römisches Reich - e: Handipped Rights and Regulations (journ.) - e: Hardy-Rand Rittler - e: Head Rotated Right - e: Healy - e: Heart Rate Range - e: Heart Rate Reserve - e: Heat Rejection Radiator - e: Heron Resources Limited - e: High Reliability Relay - e: High Resolution Radar - e: High RPM [Revolutions per Minute] Range - e: High-Reliability Relay - e: High-Resolution Radar - e: Higher Reduced Rate [taxation] HRRA e: Human Resources Research Organization HRRC e: Hearing Rehabilitation Research Center - e: Home Recording Rights Coalition - e: Human Resources Research Center - e: Human Rights Resources Center HRRD e: Human Resources Research Development Program HR Rel 1: Historicorum Romanorum Reliquiae (journ.) HR Rep[t] e: House of Representatives Reports (joum.) HRRI e: Human Resources Research Institute HRRL e: High-Repetition-Rate Laser - e: Human Resources Research Laboratory H R R M e: High Range-Resolution Monopulse HRRNA e: Ribonucleic Acid, Heavy Ri bosomal HRRO e: Human Resources Research Office HRRS e: Houghton Poultry Research Station HRRTC e: High Resolution Real Time Clock HRRTS e: High-Resolution Remote Tracking Sonar

H R S d: Horrundfunksatellit - d: Hybridenrechensystem - d: hybrides Rechensystem - d: Hybridrechensystem - d: Hybridrechnersystem - e: Hair Replacement System - e: Hamilton Rating Scale - e: Hard Red Spring - e: Harp Renaissance Society - e: Harris Corporation - e: Hawaii Revised Statutes (journ.) - e: Hazard Ranking System - e: Heading Reference System - e: Health and Rehabilitation Services - e: Health Resources Statistics - e: Heat Rejection System - e: Heavy Repair Shop - e: Hellenic Register of Shipping - e: Hepatorenal Syndrome - e: High-Rate Station - e: High-Resolution Sensing - e: High-Resolution Spectrograph^] - e: High-Resolution Spectrometer - e: High-Resolution Spectrometry - e: High-Resolution Spectrum - e: High-Resolution System - e: High-Speed Rail - e: Historic Record Society - e: Historical Records and Studies (journ.) - e: Historical Records Survey (joum.) - e: Holographic Reflex Sight - e: Home Reunion Society - e: Honorary Reserve Section - e: Hop Research Station - e: Horizon Reference Set - e: Horizontal Recovery System - e: Hormone Receptor Site - e: Hospital Reading Society - e: Host Residence System - e: Host Resident Software - e: Hot Rolled Steel - e: Hours - e: Housing Referral Service - e: Hovering Rocket System - e: Human Resource System - e: Hunza Research Society - e: Hurricane Research Service - e: Hydrant Refuelling System - e: Hydraulics Research Station - e: Hydro Research System - e: Hydrostatic Research System H R S A e: Health Resources and Services Administration - e: Honorary Member of the Royal Scottish Academy H R S B M e: Heated Raw Soybean Meal H R S C e: High-Resolution Stereo Camera - e: Hudson River Sloop Clearwater H R S C M R e: High-Resolution SurfaceComposition Mapping Radiometer H R S C O e: Housing Referral Service Coordination Office HRS-D e: Hamilton Rating Scale for Deafness H R S D e: Hard Rock Silo Development - e: Hazardous Response Support Division H R S E M e: High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy h r s g d: herausgeben - d: herausgegeben H r s g d: Herausgeber H R S G e: Heat Recovery Steam Generator H R S I e: High-temperature Re-usable Surface Insulation - e: High-temperature Re-usable Surface Insulator


6 K - G ' Saur, München

HRSIM e: High-Resolution Selected Ion Monitoring HRSNA e: Histamine Research Society of North America HRSP e: Association of Human Resource Systems Professionals - e: Human Resource Systems Professionals HRSR e: Heat Recovery/Seed Recovery HRSRASC e: Heavy Repair Shop, Royal Army Service Corps HRSRS e: Hartbeestehoek Radio Space Research Station HRSS e: Host Residence Software System - e: Host Resident Software System H R S S C C e: High-Resolution Spin Scan Cloud Camera Hrst d: Hersteller - d: Herstellung HRST e: High-Resolution Sensing Technology HRStr d: Hauptrichtstrecke HRSV e: Hydrangea Ringspot Virus HRT e: Hard Return - e: Hartwell Railway Co. - e: Heavy Rail Transit - e: Helmholtz Reciprocal Theorem Hrt e: Heart - e: Hertfordshire H R T e: High Rate Telemetry - e: High-Rate Telemetry - e: High Resolution Timer - e: High Resolution Track[er] - e: Hillcrest Resources Limited - e: Hiring, Retention and Tenure - e: Home Record Tape - e: Homogeneous Reactor Test - e: Honolulu Rapid Transit - e: Hormone Replacement Therapy - e: Hostage Rescue Team - e: Hydraulic Retention Time H R 1 5 T e: Rockwell '15T' Superficial Hardness HRTB e: Heritage Bancorp of California HRTC e: Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit HRTEM e: High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope - e: High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy HRTF e: High-Resolution Tangential Flow Filtration HRTG e: Heritage. Alberta Department of Culture, Youth and Recreation (journ.) - e: Heritage Bancorporatian HRTI e: Hart Industries, Inc. HRTLND e: Heartland Partners Limited HRTM e: Hardware Real-Time Monitor HRTS e: High-Rate Telemetry System - e: High-Resolution Target Sonar - e: High Resolution Telescope [and] Spectograph - e: High Risk Test Site - e: Hollywood Radio and Television Society Hrtw[d] e: Heartwood HR Type e: Heat Resistant Type HRU e: Harrisburg-Dayton - e: Heading Reference Unit - e: Herrington - e: Hostage Rescue Unit - e: Hydrologic[al] Research Unit HRUP e: High-Risk Urban Problem HRiist d: Heeres-Riistung

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HS HRV d: Handelsregisterverfligung - e: Harvard-Oak Ridge - e: Heat Rate Variability - e: Heat Recovery Ventilator - e: High Resolution Visible - e: Historical Records of Victoria (journ.) - e: Human Rhinovirus - e: Human Rotaviruses - e: Hydraulic Relief Valve - e: Hyperbaric Rescue Vehicle - e: Hyperbaric Rescue Vessel - e: Hypersonic Research Vehicle - e: New Orleans - f: Haute Resolution de Visible HRVC e: Hudson River Valley Commission HRVL e: Human Resources, Veterans and Labor HRW d; Hauptrichtungswahler - d: Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff (journ.) - e: Hard Red Winter [Wheat] - e: Hauptrichtungswahler - e: Heated Rear Window - e: Human Rights Watch H R & W e: Holt, Rinehart & Winston HRWNIC e: House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee HRWS e: Helicopter Remote Wind Sensor H R W Wheat e: Hard Red Winter Wheat HRX e: Helicopter - e: Hereford - e: Hypothetical Reference Connection HRXRD e: High-Resolution X-Ray Diffractometry HRXRS e: High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy HRY e: Hallwood Realty Partners Limited - e: Head Rice Yield H R Y G e: Gisenyi [Ruanda] HRYI e: Butare [Ruanda] H R Y O e: Gabiro [Ruanda] HRYR e: Kigali [Ruanda] HRYU e: Ruhengeri [Ruanda] HRZ d: Hanseatische Rechts-Zeitschrift (journ.) - d: Hochschulrechenzentrum - e: Hazard Ranking System - e: Hertz Corporation - e: High Rainfall Zone - e: Horizontal] HRZA e: Kamembe (Ruanda] Hrzgt d: Herzogtum HRZN e: Horizon - e: Horizon Industries, Inc. HRZ Press e: Horizontal Press

HS a: Heraldisk Selskab - d: Haftspeicher - d: Haltestelle - d: Handelsschule - d: Haitmetallsorte - d: Hauptsatz - d: Hauptschalter - d: Hauptspeicher - d: Havarieschutz[system] - d: Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments (journ.) - d: Heißwasserspeicher - d: Herbstsemester - d: Hilfsschornstein - d: Hilfsschule - d: Hilfsspeicher - d: Hochschule - d: Hochspannung - d: Höhenschritt - d: Hubschrauber - d: Huminsäure - d: Hungerstreik - d: Hüttenstein - d: Hydroxylaminsulfat - d: Hyperschall - e: Air-Cushion Vehicle - e: Guide Slope - e: Habitability System - e: Habituation Stimulus - e: Hail and Snow - e: Hakluyt Society - e: Half Strength - e: Half-Subtract[er] - e: Half Subtracter - e: Hand-Set - e: Hand Surgery - e: Hand-Switch - e: Hand-Starter - e: Handbook of Statistics (journ.) - e: Hansard Society - e: Harbo[u]r Service - e: Hard Sized - e: Hard/Soft Ratio - e: Hard Solder - e: Hard Sphere Model - e: Hard Standing] - e: Hard Stripping - e: Hardened Site - e: Hardness Surveillance - e: Hardstand - e: Harmonised System - e: Harness or Saddlery - e: Hartford & Slocomb Railroad Co. - e: Hartman's Solution - e: Harvey Society - e: Hawker Siddeley [aircraft] - e: Hawker Siddeley Aviation Limited - e: Head Set - e: Head Sling - e: Head Stalt - e: Head Suppression - e: Header Statement - e: Heading Statement - e: Heads Sampler - e: Headset - e: Headspace - e: Health and Safety - e: Heard Sounds - e: Heart Sounds - e: Heat Shield - e: Heat-Shrinkable - e: Heat Sink - e: Heat Stable - e: Heat Switch - e: Heater Shield - e: Heather Society - e: Heating Surface

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Heating System - e: Heaviside - e: Heavy-duty Synthetic - e: Hebrew Studies (journ.) - e: Heel Strike - e: Height above Spherical Earth - e: Height of Site - e: Helicopter [Antisubmarine] Squadron - e: Helicopter System - e: Helmet Shield - e: Heme Synthetase - e: Hemisuccinyl - e: Hemorrhagic Shock - e: Hemstitched - e: Henoch-Schoenlein Syndrome - e: Hepar[it]in Sulfate - e: Hepatic Scintigraphy - e: Hepatosplenic Schistosomiasis - e: Heraldry Society - e: Hereditary Spherocytosis - e: Hermetically Sealed - e: Herpes Simplex - e: Heuristic Search - e: Hide Substance - e: Hidradenitis Suppurative - e: Hierarchical Sequential - e: Hierarchically Structural - e: Hierarchically Structured - e: High School - e: High Sensitivity - e: High Shear - e: High Similarity - e: High Speed [Shaft] - e: High Speed Steel - e: High Spontaneous Activity - e: High Stability - e: High Stage - e: High Strength [Steel] - e: High Structure - e: High Survivability - e: Highest Score - e: Highly Sensitive System - e: Hindustan Strike 73 - e: Hinge Side - e: Hinged Seat - e: Histamine Sennsitive - e: Historic Site - e: Historical Studies (journ.) - e: Historical Survey - e: History Section - e: Hohenzollern Society - e: Hollerith System - e: Hollow Spindle - e: Holographic Stereogram - e: Holy Sea - e: Home Secretary - e: Home Service - e: Home Station - e: Home Surgeon - e: Homestead - e: Homing Sequence - e: Homologous Serum - e: Honory Secretary - e: Hopper Soliday Corporation - e: Horizon Scanner - e: Horizon Sensor - e: Horizontal Shear - e: Horizontal Stripe[s] - e: Horizontal Synchronization - e: Horizontal Synchronizing - e: Horizontal Synchronous - e: Horizontal System - e: Horizontally Sliding - e: Horizontat Shear - e: Horse Serum - e: Horticultural Society - e: Hospital Ship


Hs - e: Hospital Surgeon - e: Hospitals Staff - e: Host Software [Testing Section] - e: Host to Satellite - e: Hot Shop - e: Hot Soak - e: Hot Spraying - e: Hot Stage - e: Hot Stuff - e: Hours of Scheduled Operations - e: Hours of Sleep - e: House Supervisor - e: House Surgeon - e; Housing Scheme - e: Housing Statistics - e: Humane Society - e: Humanite Society - e: Humanities in the South (journ.) - e: Hume Society - e: Humic Substances - e: Hun-Stoffe - e: Hundred Square Feet - e: Hunterian Society - e: Hurler's Syndrome - e: Hybrid Switching - e: Hydraulic Supply - e: Hydraulic System - e: Hydrazine Sulfate - e: Hydrofoil Ship - e: Hydrogen Swelling - e: Hydrographic Society - e: Hydrostatic[s] - e: Hydroxylamine Sulfate - e: Hypersensitization - e: Hypersonic[s] - e: Hypothetical Syllogism - e: International Journal of Health Services (journ.) - e: Sandoz Pharmaceuticals - e: Sesterce - e: Thailand [Aircraft] - f: Haute-Saone - f: Haute-Savoie - i: Aeronoleggi e Lavoro Aereo -1: Helminthosporium sacchari -1: Hie Sepulta -1: Hie Sepultus -1: Hie Situs -1: Hora Somni -1: Horae Soederblomianae Hs d: Handschrift - d: Hasenhaar - d: Haus - e: Deuterium - e: Handschrift - e: Height, Storey - e: Hemisphere (journ.) - e: Hypochondriasis - e: Tritium hs d: hektoster [100 Ster] -1: hoc sensu HS- e: High Speed H & S e: Head and Shoulders - e: Headquarters and Service - e: Heallh and Strength (journ.) - e: Health and Safety (journ.) - e: Home & School - e: Hysterotomy and Sterilization H-S f: Haute-Saone - f: Haute-Savoie H/S e: Hand Stamping] - e: Hard/Soft - e: Heat Shield - e: Helper/Suppressor H 2 S e: Hydrogen sulfide

HS-30 e: Armored-personnel carrier HS-X25 e: Hawker-Siddeley Dominie jet transport HS-748 e: Hawker Siddeley support aircraft - e: Hawker-Siddeley troop transport HS[A] e: Helicopter Squadron, Antisubmarine HSA d: HochschuIabsolvent[in] - d: Hôren-Sprechen-Aufnehmen - e: Handicapped SCUBA Association - e: Harvard Student Agencies - e: Hawker Siddeley Aviation Limited - e: Hawley-Smoot Act - e: Headquarters Support Activity - e: Health Schools Australia - e: Health Service Action - e: Health Service Area - e: Health Services Administration - e: Health Services Administration. Publications (journ.) - e: Health Systems Agency - e: Heat Shield Abort - e: Hegel Society of America - e: Hemispherical Analyzer - e: Hepatic Stimulating Activity - e: Herb Society of America - e: Hidden Surface Algorithm - e: Hierarchical Sequential Access - e: High Specific Activity - e: High Speed Adapter - e: High Speed Adder - e: High Speed Arithmetic - e: High Strength Adhesive - e: Highway Safety Act - e: Highway Switch Address - e: Hispanic Society of America - e: Hispanic Surname American - e: Holly Society of America - e: Holocaust Survivors of Auschwitz - e: Home Servicemens Association - e: Homo Sapiens - e: Horizon Sensor Assembly - e: Horse Serum Albumin - e: Horsemanship Safety Association - e: Hospital Savings Association - e: Housing Subsidies Act - e: Human Serum Albumin - e: Hunt Saboteurs Association - e: Hydroponic Society of America - e: Hymn Society of Ameria - e: Hypersonic Aircraft - e: New Hampshire State Library, Processing Center, Concord -1: Homo Sapiens - n: Hollandse Signaalapparaten HSAA e: Health Sciences Advancement Award H S A A P e: Holston Army Ammunition Plant H S A B e: Hard [and] Soft Acids and Bases - e: Heavy Stores Adapter Beam - e: Hydroxy[succinimidyl]azidobenzoate H S A C e: Health Safety and Analysis Center - e: Health Security Action Council - e: Helicopter Safety Advisory Conference - e: High-Speed Analog Computer - e: High Speed Analog[ue] Input - e: House [of Representatives] Science and Astronautics Committee - e: House Science and Astronautics Committee H S A & D e: High School of Art and Design HSAD d: Hauptsatz-Adressensatz - d: Hauptspeicheradapter - e: High Speed Analog[ue]-to-Digital H S A D C e: High Speed Analog[ue]-to-Digital Converter


© K • G • Saur, München

H S A F O K F e: Help Save America for Our Kids' Future H S A G e: Hepes-Saline-Albumin-Gelatin HSAI e: High-Speed Analog Input H S A K e: Akobo [Sudan] H S A L e: High Speed Arithmetic Logic - e: Hispanic Society of America Library H S A - L a b o r d: Hor-Sprech-AufnahmeLabor HSALU e: High Speed Arithmetic Logic Unit H S A M e: Helicopter Survivability Assessment Model - e: Hierarchical Sequential Access Method - e: High-Speed Accounting Machine H S a n F: Helsingin Sanomat (journ.) H S A P e: Heat-Stable Alkaline Phosphatase - e: Hitachi Statistical Analysis Program[me] - e: Honeycomb Sandwich Alumin[i]um Panel H S A R e: High School Airman Apprentice H S A R G e: High-Speed Scintillation Autoradiography HSAS e; Hard Stability Augmentation System - e: Headquarters Support Activity-Saigon - e: Houldsworth School of Applied Science - e: Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis H-SAT e: Heavy [Communications] Satellite H S A T e: Atbara [Sudan] HSAT[es] d: Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments [Bonner Bibel] (journ.) H S A - U W C e: Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity H S A W e: Aweil [Sudan] H S B d: Hauptsteuerblock - d: Hochleistungs-schnellbahn Studiengesellschaft - d: Hochleistungsschsnellbahn[system] - e: Harrisburg - e: Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. - e: Heat-Shield Boost - e: Helmet Stowage Bag - e: Hermetically Sealed Bushing - e: High School and Beyond Survey - e: High Speed Buffer - e: High Speed Bus - e: Home Defense Brigades - e: Horizontal Sounding Balloon - e: Hue, Saturation, Brightness - e: Human Sexual Behavior - e: Hunter-Schreger Bands H s b d: Hefner-Stilb - e: Hefner-Stilb HSBA e: High-Speed Bus Adapter - e: High Speed Rail Association - e: Horizontal Static Balancing Adjustment H-SB-BL e: Hydrogenated Styrene Butadiene Block Copolymer H S B C e: Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Hs-Bew d: Hausbewohner HSBI e: Hyde Stud Bloodstock Investments PLC H S B I P e: Hsinchu Science Based Industrial Park H S B K e: Hibernia Savings Bank H S B P e: High-Speed Bench Press H S B R e: Bor [Sudan] - e: High-Speed Bombing Radar H S B T e: Bentu [Sudan] - e: High Speed Bipolar Technologie HSBw d: Hochschule der Bundeswehr

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HSDF HSC d: Hand-Schuller-Christian - e: Haemopoieric Stem Cell - e: Half Select Current - e: Hampden-Sydney College - e: Hand-Schueller Christian [Disease] - e: Hardware/Software Coordination - e: Hardware-Software Configuration - e: Harsco Corporation - e: Hawker Siddeley Canada, Inc. - e: Head Selection] Circuit - e: Headquarters Support Command - e: Health and Safety Code - e: Health and Safety Commission - e: Health and Service Command - e: Health Sciences Center - e: Health Sciences Consortium - e: Health Services Centre - e: Health Service[s] Command - e: Heat Sterilization Compound - e: Heat-Shock Cognate - e: Heavy & Specialized Carriers Tariff Bureau - e: Helicopter Service Center - e: Hematopoietic Stem Cell - e: Henderson State College - e: Hermetically] Sealed Container - e: High School Completion - e: High School of Commerce - e: High Speed Card - e: High Speed Carry - e: High Speed Channel - e: High Speed Computer - e: High Speed Computing - e: High Speed Concentrator - e: High Speed Counter - e: High Sulphur Content - e: High-Swirl Combustion - e: Higher School Certificate - e: Home Products Safety Council - e: Horizon Scanner - e: Horizontal Sweep Circuit - e: Hospital for Sick Children - e: House Space Committee - e: Human SERVE [Service Employees Registration and Voter Education] Campaign - e: Human Skin Collagen - e: Humboldt State College - e: Hunting Surveys & Consultants - e: Huntington Society of Canada - e: Hydrocarbon Subcommittee - e: Hydrogen Stress Cracking - f: Histoire de la Spiritualité Chrétienne (journ.) HSc e: Scleroscope Hardness Number, Model c H-S-C e: Hand-Schuller-Christian [disease] HS+C e: Half Sample plus Complement HS-C e: Hamilton Standard Carbon Dioxide Absorbent Material HS/C e: House Spacecraft HSCA e: Health Sciences Communication Association - e: Horizontal Sweep Circuit Analyzer H Scan e: H Scanner HSCB e: High Sensitivity Circuit Breaker HSCC e: Heavy Specialized Carrier[s] Conference - e: High Speed Combat Craft - e: Historical Society of Southern California - e: Hollywood Studio Collectors Club - e: Hydrogen-assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking - e: Hydrogen-induced Stress Corrosion Cracking HSCD e: Hazardous Site Control Division

HSCE e: Higher School Certificate Examination HSC Engine e: High-Swirl Combustion Engine HSCF e: Health Sciences Computing Facility - e: High Speed Card Feed HS CG e: Erkowit/Carthago [Sudan] HSch e: High School - e: High School (journ.) H-Sch d: Handelsschiff[ahrt] - d: Handelsschule - d: Hauptschule - d: Hochschule HSchG d: Handelsschutzgesetz - d: Hilfsschulgesetz - d: Hochschulgesetz H Sch J e: High School Journal (journ.) HSchKdo d: Heimatschutzkommando HSchL d: Hilfsschullehrer - d: Hochschullehrer HSchLG e: Hochschullehrergesetz Hschönhsn d: Hohenschönhausen H Sch Q e: High School Quarterly (journ.) Hschr d: Handschreiben - d: Handschrift HSchr d: Haubitzschrapnell H Sch Tech e: High School Teacher (journ.) H Schule d: Heeresschule HSchulG d: Hilfsschulgesetz HSCI e: High School Characteristics Index HSC-Krankheit d: Hand-SchüllerChristian-Krankheit HSCL e: Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature (journ.) - e: High-Speed Command Link - e: Hindustan Steel Construction Limited HSCLCS e: Harpoon Shipboard Command and Launch Control Set HSCLS e: Harpoon Shipboard Command and Launch Subsystem HSCM e: High Speed Computing Machine HSCMOS e: High Speed CMOS [Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor] - e: High Speed Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor HSCO e: Hungarian Shipping Co. Limited HS-Co A e: Reduced Coenzyme A HSCOCS e: House Select Committee on the Outer Continental Shelf HSCOR e: House Staff Check on Rounds HSCP e: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (journ.) - e: Health Science Cluster Program - e: Heat-Shock Cognate Protein - e: High Speed Card Perforator - e: High Speed Card Punch[er] HSCPA e: Hospital and Community Psychiatry (journ.) HSCPs e: High-Speed Card Punches HS CR e: High Speed Card Reader - e: High-Strength Cold-Rolled - e: High Sub-Chief Ranger HSCRA e: Hastings Center. Report (journ.) HS CS e: Helicopter Subcontrol Ship - e: High Speed Contact Sense HSCSBW e: History of Science Series (journ.) HSC Syndrome e: Hand-Schüller-Christian Syndrome

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

HSCT e: High Speed Civil Transport [Aircraft] - e: High-Speed Civil Transport [Program] - e: High-Speed Commercial Transport - e: High Speed Compound Terminal - e: High-Speed Computer Terminal - e: Hughes Satellite Communications Terminal - e: Hypersonic Civil Transport - e: Hypersonic Commercial Transport H[&]SCTB e: Heavy & [and] Specialized Carriers Tariff Bureau HSCTT e: High-Speed Card Teletypewriter Terminal HSCU e: Helicopter Subcontrol Unit - e: Hydraulic Supply and Checkout Unit HSCW e: Helicopter Sea Control Wing HSD d: Handbuch der Sozialrechtsdokumentation - d: hierarchisch strukturierter Datensatz - e: Doctor of Health and Safety - e: Hamilton Standard Devision - e: Hamilton Standard Division - e: Hardsite Defence [GB] - e: Hardsite Defense [US] - e: Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Limited - e: Health Services Department - e: Heat-Sensing Device - e: Heat-Storage Device - e: Height Sensing Device - e: Hemisphere Development Corporation - e: Hierarchically Structured Data - e: High-Speed Data - e: High Speed Diesel [oil] - e: High-Speed Displacement - e: High-Speed Draft - e: Higher Anti-Submarine Detector - e: Highest Significant Difference - e: Hit Scoring Device - e: Hollow Spherical Dipole - e: Home Satellite Dishes - e: Honestly Significant Difference - e: Horizontal Situation Display - e: Hot Sensor Download - e: Hot Shut Down - e: Hot Side - e: Human Services Division - e: Human Systems Division - e: Hydraulic Steering and Diving - e: Hydropneumatic Suspension Device - e: Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase - e: Hypertonic Saline Dextran HSd e: Scleroscope Hardness Number Model d HSDA e: High-Speed Data Acquisition - e: High-Speed Data Assembly - e: Homomorphic Statistical Deconvolution Algorithm HS-DARS e: High-Speed Data Acquisition and Reduction System HSDAS e: High-Speed Data Acquisition System HS-DB d: Hardware/Software-Datenbank HSDB e: Debba [Sudan] - e: Hastings' Shorter Dictionary of the Bible (journ.) - e: Hazardous Substances Data Bank - e: High Speed Data Buffer - e: High Speed Data Bus HSDC e: Hawaii State Data Center - e: High Speed Data Channel - e: Hybrid Synchro-to-Digital Converter HSDCA e: High Speed Data Channel Adapter HSDD e: Half Second Delay Detonator HSDE e: High-School Driver Education HSDF e: High-Speed Digital Filter 163

HSDG H S D G e: Hamburg-Südamerika[nische] Dampfschiffahrts Gesellschaft - e: High School Diploma Graduate H S D H e: Homoserine Dehydrogenase HSDI e: High-Speed Data Interface - e: High-Speed Digital Interface HSDir e: Director of Health and Safety H S D L e: Dilling [Sudan] - e: High-Speed Data Line - e: High-Speed Data Link - e: High-Speed Digital Line HSDLs e: High-Speed Data Links H S D M e: Dueim [Sudan] - e: Harvard School of Dental Medicine - e: Hemisphere Development Corporation - e: High-Speed Die Mounter H S D M S e: Highly Secure Database] Management System HSDN e: Dongola [Sudan] HSD Oil e: High Speed Diesel Oil H S D P e: Hardsite Data Processor - e: High Speed Data Processor - e: High Speed Digital Processor H S D R e: High Speed Data Regeneration - e: High Speed Digital Recording H S D R A e: High Speed Data Regeneration Assembly H S D R S e: High Speed Digital Recording System HSDS e: High Speed Drum System - e: Horizontal Situation Display System - e: Hot Spot Detection System HSD Set e: Hierarchically Structured Data Set H S D T e: High Speed Data Transmission - e: High Speed Diesel Train - e: High-Speed Distributor Transmitter - e: Hopper Side Tanks - e: Hypersonic Small Disturbance Theory HSDU e: Hospital Sterilization and Disinfection Unit H S D Z e: Damazin [Sudan] H & S E e: Health and Safety Executive H s E e: Hawker-Siddeley Electronics Limited, Microform Division Fairfield, V, Australia H S E e: Health and Safety Executive - e: Heat Shield Entry - e: Heat-Shock Element - e: Helsinki Stock Exchange - e: Herpes Simplex Encephalitis - e: High School Equivalency - e: High-Speed Encoder - e: High Speed Exchange - e: High Speed Signal control Eqipment - e: Historically Socialist Economy - e: Hitachi Software Engineering - e: Hole Storage Effect - e: Honolulu Stock Exchange - e: House - e: Hungarian Studies in English (journ.) - e: Hydrostatic Equilibrium - e: Hydrostatic Extrusion -1: Hie Sepulta Est -1: Hie Sepultus Est -1: Hie Situs Est H S E A D e: Historical Society of Early American Decoration H S E B e: Haryana State Electricity Board Hse Builder e: House Builder (journ.) H S E C e: Historical Society of the Episcopal Church

H S E F e: High School Evangelism Fellowship - e: High School Evangelium Fellowship H S E H O L D e: Household HSeL d: Hausselbstschutzleiter H S E L e: High-speed Selector [Channel] H S E L I N E e: Health and Safety Executive Online H S E L L e: Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature (journ.) H S E [ M ] e: Health and Safety Executive Mining Approvals

H S F O e: High Sulphur Fuel Oil H S F P J e: Holocaust Survivors and Friends in Pursuit of Justice


© K G - Saur, München

Hse of Lords Select Commit Eur Commun Rep e: House of Lords. Select Committee on the Eumpean Communities. Report (journ.) H S E P e: High-Speed Electrostatic Printer H S E R C e: Historical Society of the Evangelical and Reformed Church H/serf e: High-Scope Educational Research Foundation H S E R F e: High-Score Educational Research Foundation HSES e: Hughes Satellite Earth Station H S E Syndrome e: Hemorrhagic Shock and Encephalopathy Syndrome H S E T C e: Health Sciences Education and Training Command - e: Naval Health Sciences Education and Training Command H S E U B C e: Historical Society of the Evangelical United Brethren Church H & S F e: Heart and Stroke Foundation H S F d: Hafensicherungsfahrzeug - e: Hartford Seminary Foundation - e: Hawaiian Sea Frontier - e: Heat-Shock Transcription Factor - e: Heat-Stable Fraction - e: Heat-Stimulated Flow - e: Hepatyte Stimulating Factor - e: High Sea[s] Fleet - e: High Speed Feed - e: High Speed Flight - e: High-Speed Flow - e: High-Starch Fraction - e: Histamine-lnduced Suppressor Factor - e: Home Service Force - e: Hotel Sundry Fund - e: Household Sample File - e: Human Services Forum - e: Hyderabad State Force - e: Hypathalamic Secretory Factor - e: Hypergol Servicing Facility - e: Hypersonic Flow - e: Hypothalamic Secretory Factor H S F - A C T H e: Hypothalmic Secretory Factor for Adrenocorticotropic Hormone H S F / A C T H e: Hypothalamic Secretory Factor / Adrenocorticotropic Hormone H S F A E e: High-Speed Fuel Air Explosive H S F F e: High-Speed Force Feed H S F G e: High Strength Friction Grip H S F h r d: Hauptschiffsfiihrer HS/FHS d: Hochschule/Fachhochschule HSFI e: High School of Fashion Industries HSFI d: Hafenschutzflottille H S F M C e: Huguenot Society of the Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia

H S F S d: Hochstromfunkenstrecke - e: El Fasber [Sudan] - e: High-Speed Flight Station - e: Hughes Satellite Earth Station - e: Hydrostatic Equilibrium System HSFV e: High Speed Freight Vehicle H S G d: Hochschulgesetz - d: Hochspannungsgenerator - e: Harris Steel Group, Inc. - e: Hawker Siddeley Group Limited - e: Headquarter, Support Group - e: Herpes Simplex Genitalis - e: High School for Girls - e: High School Graduate - e: High Sierna Group - e: High-Speed Grinding - e: High Sustained G2 Acceleration - e: Holy Shroud Guild - e: Horizontal Sweep Generator - e: Housing - e: Human Standard Globulin - e: Hydro-Shift Gun - e: Hysterosalpingorgam Hsg r: Helsingör H S - G C e: Heads Sampling-Gas Chromatography - e: Headspace Sampling-Gas Chromatography H S G F e: Gedaref/Azaza [Sudan] - e: Human Skeletal Growth Factor H S G G e: Dinder/Galegu [Sudan] H S G M O R e: Honorary Sergeant Major on the Regiment H S G N e: Geneina [Sudan] H S G O e: Gogerial [Sudan] H S G P e: High School Geography Project H S G P C e: High-Speed Gel Permeation Chromatography H S G r d: Hafenschutzgruppe H S G R e: High Speed General Register - e: High Speed Ground Transported Reactor H S G R E F S V C S Y S e: Housing Referral Service[s] Record System H S G T e: High-Speed Ground Transportation] - e: High-Speed Ground Transporter H S G T A e: High Speed Ground Transportation Journal (journ.) H S G T C e: High-Speed Ground Test Center H S G T J e: High Speed Ground Transportation Journal (journ.) H S G T P e: High-Speed Ground Transportation] Programfme] H S G T s e: High-Speed Ground Transportations H S G T System e: High-Speed Ground Transportation System H S G Z A 4 e: Hokkaido Journal of Orthopedic and Traumatic Surgery (journ.) H S h d: Härte nach Shore Hsh d: Haushalt[ung] H S H e: Hebrew School Headache - e: Heinemann's Scientific Handbooks (journ.) - e: Helicopter Support Ship - e: Helix-Span-Helix - e: His [or Her] Serene Highness H S H K A e: Bulletin. Korean Fisheries Society (journ.) H / S H L D e: Heat Shield H S H L D e: Household Hshld e: Household Bank H S / H M e: High-Strength/High-Modulus H & S H O L E e: Hellhole and Smellhole

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HSMHA HSHP e: High School for Health Professions HSHRA e: HSMHA [Health Services and Mental Health Administration] Health Report (journ.) HSHRSSS e: High-Speed/High-Resolution Side Scan Sonar System HSHTDS e: Handbook of Shock Trauma (journ.) Hsh-Vorst d: Haushaltsvorstand HSI e: Handbook of Service Instructions - e: Hang Seng Index - e: Hardware-Software Interface - e: Harpoon Standard Initiator - e: Hastings [Airport] - e: Headquarters Staff Instruction - e: Health Development Services, Incorporated - e: Health Services - e: Heat Stress Index - e: Heraldry Society of Ireland - e: Hi-Shear Industries, Inc. - e: High School Equivalency Index - e: High Solar Intensity - e: High Speed Interface - e: High Speed Interferometer - e: High Strand Intensity - e: High Temperature Isotropic - e: Historical Society of Israel - e: Home and School Institute - e: Horizontal Situation Indicator - e: Hot Section Inspection - e: Hoya Society International - e: Hsinkong [China] - e: Hue-Saturation-Intensity - e: Human Suffering Index - e: Human-System Interaction - e: Human-System Interface - e: Humane Society International - e: Humanist Science Incorporated - e: Hungarian Scientific Instruments (journ.) HSi d: Hauptsicherung HSIA e: Halogenated Solvents Industry Alliance HSIC e: High Speed Integrated Circuit - e: High Speed Interface Controller HSI-CDI e: Horizontal Situation Indicator-Course Deviation Indicator HSI/CDI e: Horizontal Situation Indicator/Course Deviation Indicator HSICNI e: Honourable Society of the Inns of Court of Northern Ireland HSI Hung Sci Instrum e: HSI. Hungarian Scientific Instruments (journ.) HSII e: Hearsey II HSIIL e: High Speed Integrated Injection Logic HSI 2 L e: High Speed I2L [Integrated Injection Logic] HSIM e: High Speed Interface Message - e: Hill Samuel Investment Management HSIMP e: High Speed Interface Message Processor HSIN e: Health Sciences Information Network H-S-Ing d: Hochschulingenieur HS Interface e: Hardware Software Interface HSIO e: High School Interest Questionnaire HSIP e: Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park HSIQ e: High School Interest Questionnaire H/SIR e: Hardware/Softwane Integration Review HSIR e: High Speed Information Retrieval

HSIRMC e: Hazardous Substance Incident Response Management Course HSIS e: Highway Safety Information Service - e: Highway Safety Information System - e: Human Services Information System - e: Human Settlements Infornmation System HSIT e: Hypersonic Strong Interaction Theeory HSJ e: Heat Shield Jettison - e: High School Journal (journ.) - e: Honey-combed Sandwich Joint - e: Hoshina [Japan] HS/JR e: High SchoollJunior College HSJUMC e: Historical Society of the United Methodist Church HSK d: Heimatschutzkommando - e: Hackensack - e: Heat Sink Kit - e: Homoserine Kinase - e: Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station - e: Honorary Surgeon of [or to] the King - e: Horizontal Sling Kit - e: Hsinking [China] - e: HSK Minerals Limited hsk e: housekeeper - e: housekeeping - e: housekept HSKA e: Kassala [Sudan] HS-Kanal d: Herzschallkanal HSKAS d: Hauptsatz-Kategoriensatz HSKEA j: Hoshasen Seibutsu Kenkyu (journ.) HSKG e: Khashm El Girba [Sudan] HSKI e: Kosti/Rabak [Sudan] HSKJ e: Kago Kaju [Sudan] HSKP e: Kapoeta [Sudan] HSKPG e: Housekeeping hskpr e: housekeeper HSL d: Handelsschliissel[nummer] - d: Hauptsanitatslager - d: Schliisselnummer des Binnenhandels - e: Hardware Simulation Laboratory - e: Hartford Studies in Literature (journ.) - e: Hawaii State Library - e: Hazardous Substances List - e: Health and Safety Laboratories - e: Health Service Laboratory - e: Heenan Senlac Resources Limited - e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Light - e: Herpes Simplex Labialis - e: High-Speed Launch - e: High-Speed Line - e: High-Speed Logic - e: Highway Safety Literature - e: Highway Safety Literature Service - e: History of Science Library - e: Homoserine Lactone - e: Hormone-Sensitive Lipase - e: Hue, Saturation, Lightness - e: Hue Saturation Luminance Monitor - e: Huguenot Society of London - e: Huslia [Alaska] [Airport] - e: Hytran Simulation Language HSLA e: High-Speed Line Adapter - e: High-Strength, Low-Alloy [Steel] - e: High-Strength, Light-Alloy - e: Home and School Library Association - e: HSL [Health and Safety Executive Library] Abstract (journ.) HS Lab e: Health Service Laboratory HS-Labor d: Hor-Sprech-Labor HSLAN e: High Speed Local Area Network HSLAs e: High-Strength, Low-Alloys HSLA Steel e: High-Strength, Low-Alloy Steel

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HSLC e: Hierarchical Storage Manager - e: High Speed Line Card - e: High-Speed Liquid Chromatography - e: High-speed Single Line Controller HSLCG e: Health Science Libraries of Central Georgia HSLDA e: Home School Legal Defense Asssociation HSL-FX e: Hierarchical Specification Language Functional Extension HSLI e: Kadugli [Sudan] HSLIC e: Health Science Libraries Information Cooperative HSLKFIN e: High Silky Finish HSLLADS e: High-Speed Liquid Chromatography - e: High-Speed Low-Level Aerial Delivery System - e: High-Speed, Low-Level Airdrop System HSLLC e: High-Speed Liquid-Liquid Chromatography HSLM e: High Speed Line Manager HSLMIP e: Health Sciences Library Management Intem[al] Program HSLP e: High Speed Line Printer HSLR e: Lirangu [Sudan] HSLS e: Harvard Slavic Studies (journ.) HSLW e: Helical Spring Lock Washer HSLWI e: Helical Spring Look Washer Institute HSM d: Herzschrittmacher - e: Hand and Shoe Monitor - e: Handbook of Soil Mechanics (journ.) - e: Handing and Shipping Management (journ.) - e: Hard Structure Module - e: Hard-Structure[s] Munition - e: Hardened Silo Missile - e: Harmonic Subcarrier Method - e: Havard Semitic Museum - e: Health Services and Mental Health Administration - e: Health Services and Mental Health Administration. Publications (journ.) - e: Hierarchical Storage Manager - e: High-Speed Machining - e: High-Speed Measurement - e: High-Speed Mechanics - e: High-Speed Memory - e: High-Speed Modular - e: High-Speed Motor - e: High-Speed Multiplication - e: High-Speed Memory - e: His [or Her] Serene Majesty - e: Historical Society of Montana - e: Hollow-Spindle hydraulic Motor - e: Holosystolic Murmur - e: Horsham Corporation - e: Hospital-Surgical-Medical - e: Host Security Module - e: Human Systems Management (joum.) - e: Hydraulic System Module - e: Hydro-Shock Munition HSMAI e: Hospital Sales and Marketing Association International HSMB e: High Speed Memory Block - e: Hydronautics Ship Model Basin HSMGC e: Heavy Section Machine Gun Corps H&S Mgmt e: Handling and Shipping Management (journ.) HSMHA e: Health Services and Mental Health Administration - e: Health Services and Mental Health Association


HSMHA Health Rep H S M H A Health R e p e: HSMHA [Health Services and Mental Health Administration] Health Report[s] (journ.) H S M I M P e: High-Speed Modular Interface Message Processor H S M L e: High Speed Modular Logic H S M O e: High-Speed Membrane Osmometry - e: Hydraulic System Mineral Oil H S M P E e: Harmonic Structure Matching Pitch Estimation H S M P E 8 e: Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants (journ.) H S M R e: Merowe [Sudan] H S / M S d: Hochspannung/Mittelspannung H S M S e: High-Speed Mine Sweeping] - e: High-Speed Microwave Switch H S M S R e: Hardsite Missile Site Radar H S M Station e: High Speed Measurement Station H S M - W A e: Hard Structure Munition Weaponization Analysis HSN e: Haglund Industry International - e: Hawthorne Society. Newsletter (journ.) - e: Hereditary Sensory Neuropathies - e: Hermaphrodite Specific Neuron - e: Highly Saturated Nitrile Rubber - e: Home Shopping Network, Inc. - e: Hospital Satellite Network - e: Hsinchu [China] - e: Hughes Sport Network HSNA e: Hasir [Sudan] HSND e: Shendi [Sudan] HS-Netz d: Hochspannungsnetz H S N G e: Housing H S N H d: Heeresschule fur Nachrichtenhelferinnen - e: Nahud [Sudan] H/SNK e: Heat Sink H S N P e: Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power Co. Limited - e: High-Speed Nonimpact Printer - e: Hot Springs National Park H S N P C e: Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power Company H S N P L e: Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature (joum.) H s - N r d: Hausnummer H S N R e: Huleh Swamp Nature Reserve - e: Sennar [Sudan] HSNS e: High School News Service H S N T A e: New Testament Apocrypha (journ.) H S N W e: New Haifa [Sudan] HSNY e: Handel Society of New York - e: Horticultural Society of New York H S O e: Head Selection Operation - e: Headquarters Signal Officer - e: Hershey Oil Corporation - e: High Specific Outlet - e: High Specific Output - e: High Speed Operation - e: High Sulphur Content - e: Higher Scientific Officer - e: Hydrogen Seal Oil H S & O e: Heats of Services and Offices H 2 S O e: Sulfuric acid H S O B e: El Obeid [Sudan] H S O D e: Human Superoxide Dismutase H S O D T N e: High Speed Optical Data Transfer Network H S O M 1: Hora Somni H S O R S e: High-Seas Oil-Recovery System


H S P d: Hauptsanitatspark - d: Hauptspeicher - d: Hilfsspeicher[platz] - d: Hintergrundspeicher - e: Half-Shade Plate - e: Hardwire Safing Panel - e: Head Start Program - e: Health Stabilization Program - e: Health Systems Plan - e: Heat-Shock Protein - e: Heavy, Stressed Platform - e: Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura - e: Heparin Sulfate Proteoglycan - e: Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia - e: High Softening Point - e: High-Speed [Photography] - e: High-Speed Photometer - e: High-Speed Plating - e: High-Speed Printer - e: High-Speed Printing - e: High-Speed Processor - e: High-Speed Pulse - e: High-Speed Punch - e: Historic State Park - e: Historical Society of Pennsylvania - e: Hospital Service Plan - e: Hospital Surgical Plan - e: Hospitals (journ.) - e: Hot Springs - e: Hot Stamping Press - e: Human Science Project - e: Human Sciences Program[me] - e: Human Serum Prealbumin - e: Hydrocarbon Solids Process - e: Hydrostatic Pressure - f: Haute Société Protestant H S p d: Heeresspital H s p d: Hochspantenbauart - d: Hôrspiel - d: Hospital - d: Hospitant - e: Hospital H-S p e: Henoch-Schônlein purpura HSPA e: Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association - e: High School of the Performing Arts - e: High-Speed Parallel Adder - e: Home Savings Association of Pennsylvania - e: Human Service Personnel Association - e: Pachella [Sudan] H-SPAN e: Hydrolized Starchpolyacrylonitrilecopolymergraft[ing] H S P C e: Heat Sterilizable Potting Compound - e: High Speed Printer Control - e: High-Speed Gel Permeation Chromatography H S P D e: High Speed H S P D E X C H e: High Speed Exchange H S P E e: High Strength Polyethylene H S P F e: Heating Seasonal Performance Factor H S p g d: Hochspannung H S P G e: Hansard Society of Parliamentary Government H S p g T r d: Hochspannungstransformator H S P H e: Harvard School of Public Health H S P h e: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (journ.) H S P h S e: Historical Studies inl the Physical Sciences (journ.) H S P I e: High-Speed Printer Interface H S P L e: Havard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature (journ.) H S P L S e: Hawaii State Public Library System © K • G • Saur, München

H S P M e: High Speed Print Mechanism HSPN e: High-Speed Packet Network H S P P e: High Speed Pattern Processing H S P Pitch e: High Softening Point Pitch H S P Press e: High Speed Press H S P Q e: High-School Personality Questionnaire H S P R e: High School Percentile Rank H S P S e: Heat Shock Protein Synthesis - e: Highway Safety Program Services - e: Highway Safety Program Standard - e: Hydrographie Survey Platform System H S P T e: High School Placement Test - e: High Speed Paper Tape H S P T A L e: High-Speed Paper Tape Absolute Loader H S P T P e: High-Speed Paper Tape Punch H S P T R e: High-Speed Paper Tape Reader H S Q e: Heat-Shield Qualification - e: Heatshield Qualification - e: Historical Society of Queensland - e: Home Screening Questionnaire - e: Honorary Surgeon of [or to] the Queen - e: Houston H S Q B e: Health Standards and Quality Bureau H S Q R e: High Strength Quick Release H S R e: Hampshire Swine Registry - e: Handbook of Structural Repair - e: Harbo[u]r Surveillance Radar - e: Hardware Status Register - e: Harvard Standard Regions - e: Health Service Region - e: Heat Shield Recovery - e: High School Percentile Rank - e: High-Speed Radar - e: High-Speed Rail[road] - e: High-Speed Railway - e: High-Speed Reader - e: High-Speed Relay - e: High Stocking Rate - e: High-Strength Resin - e: High-substance Speed Rewind - e: Holographic Spectrum Reconstruction - e: Homestead Resources, Inc. - e: Homogeneously Staining Region - e: Hot Springs - e: Hungarian Studies Review (journ.) - e: Hybrid Statistical Receiver HSRA e: Half Saddlebred Registry of America - e: Harvard-Smithsonian Reference Atmosphere - e: High-Speed Data Regeneration Assembly - e: High-Speed Rail Association - e: Hollow Shaft Rotary Actuator H S R C e: Health Sciences Resource Center [US] - e: Health Sciences Resource Centre [GB] - e: Health Services Research Center - e: High School Red Cross - e: High-Speed Rail Concept H S R C e: Hypothetical Signalling Reference Connection H S R & D e: Health Services Research and Development Service H S R D e: Health Services Research and Development (journ.) - e: Hypertension Secondary to Renal Disease H S R F O e: High-Sulfur Residual Fuel Oil H S R I e: Health Systems Research Institute - e: Highly Sensitive Refractive Index - e: Highway Safety Research Center - e: Highway Safety Research Institute

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HST H S R I [High Saf Res Inst] Res Rev e: HSRI [Highway Safety Research Institute] Research Review (journ.) H S R I O P e: High-Speed RAD Input/Output Processor H S R I R e p e: HSRI [Highway Safety Research Institute] Report (journ.) H S R I Res Rev e: HSRI [University of Michigan Highway Safety Research Institute] Research Review (journ.) H S R J e: Raga [Sudan] H S R J E e: High Speed Remote Job Entry H S R L e: Harvard Studies in Romance Languages (journ.) H S R N e: Renk [Sudan] H S R O e: High-Speed Repetitive Operation H S R P e: Headquarters System[s] Replacement Program - e: High-Speed Rotary Prism H S R P A e: Health Services Report (journ.) H S R R B e: Human Subjects Research Review Board HSR[S] e: Homogeneously Stainting Region[s] H S R S e: High Speed Resetting Switches - e: Hurricane Supersonic Research Site H S R T e: Heat Shield Recovery Time H S R T C e: Health and Safety Research and Test Center H S R T M e: High-Speed Resin Transfer Molding - e: Holding High-Strength Resin Transfer Molding H S R T P e: Health Services Research and Training Program H S R U e: Health Services Research Unit H S R V e: Human Spumaretrovirus

HSS d: Heeres-Sauerstoffschutzgerat - d: Hochleistungs-Schnellarbeitsstahl - d: Hochleistungs-Schrumpfsâule - e: British Library Catalog. Humanities and Social Sciences - e: Fellow of the Historical Society - e: Habitability Support System - e: Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome - e: Hardware Specification Sheet - e: Hars Systems, Inc. - e: Harvard Semitic Series (journ.) - e: Harvard Slavic Studies (journ.) - e: Head Selection] Signal - e: Health Surveillance System - e: Helicopter Support Ship - e: Helmet Sight Subsystem - e: Hepatic Stimulator Substance - e: Heraldry Society of Scotland - e: Hierarchical Service System - e: Hierarchy Service System - e: High-Speed Simultaneous - e: High School Size - e: High-Speed Steel - e: High-Speed Stop - e: High-Speed Storage - e: High-Speed Store - e: High-Speed System - e: High Spread Shears - e: High-Strength [Stainless] Steel - e: High-Stress Strain - e: Hispano-Suiza Society - e: History of Science Society - e: Hokkaido University - e: Hollow Structural Section - e: Homogeneity Spoil Spectroscopy - e: Honeycomb-Supported Screen - e: Hospital and Specialist Services - e: Hot Springs - e: Hull Seal Section - e: Hybrid Simulation System - e: Hydraulic Subsystem Simulator - e: Hydraulic System Simulator - e: Hydrologic[al] Sensing Satellite - e: Hydropneumatic Suspension System[s] - e: Hypertonic Saline Solution - e: Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis -1: Historicae Societatis Socius H-Ss e: Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome Hss d: Handschriften HSs e: Homing Sequences H & S S e: Headquarters and Service Squadron HSSA e: Handbag Supply Salesmen's Association - e: Health and Safety Science Abstracts - e: High-Speed Steel Association - e: History of Science Society of America - e: Hydrographie Society of South Africa HSSALB e: Health Service Support Air Land Battle H S S C e: Heavy Seal [Sea-Air-Land] Support Craft - e: High-Speed Surface Craft, Incorporating Hovering Craft and Hydrofoil (joum.) H S S C C e: Hot-Salt-Induced Stress-Corrosion Cracking HSSC[Q] e: Historical Society of Southern California. Quarterly (journ.) H S S C Q e: Historical Society of Southern California Quarterly (journ.) H S S C T e: High Speed Shorts and Continuity Tester HSSD e: High Speed Switched Digital HSSDB e: High-Speed Serial Data Buffer HSSDS e: High-Speed Switched Digital Service

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

H S S G d: Heeres-Sauerstoffschutzgerat - e: High-Speed Symbol Generator - e: Holograph Stress Strain Gauge HSSI e: Highway Safety Statistical Indicator - e: Hospital Staffing Services, Incorporated - e: Hughes Simulation System H S S J e: Juba [Sudan] H S S J B e: Health and Social Services Journal (journ.) HSSL e: Helicopter Self Screening Launcher H S S M e: Malakal [Sudan] H S S P e: Port Sudan [Sudan] H S S P F d: Höhere SS und Polizeiführer H S S R e: High School Seaman Recruit - e: Hybrid Solid State Relay HSSS e: High-Speed Stainless Steel - e: High-Strength Stainless Steel - e: Khartoum [Sudan] HS&SS e: Headquarters and Service Squadron H S S S M e: Highly-Sensitive Ship Synthesis Model HSSSR e: High School Students for Social Responsibility HSST d: Heidelberger sprachfreier Schulreifetest - e: Heavy Section Steel Technology [Program] - e: High-Speed Service Tool - e: High-Speed Surface Transport - e: High-Temperature Short-Time HSSTD e: Historical Sea Surface Temperature Data Project HSSTS e: High-Speed Surface Transport System HSSU e: Sterile Supply Unit HSSV e: High-Speed Surface Vessel H S S W e: Wadi Haifa/Nuba Lake [Sudan] H S T d: Handelskammer SchweizTschechoslovakei - d: High-Speed Train - e: Hamazaki, Sato, Takahashi and Tani, principal investigators - e: Harmonic and Spurious Totalizer - e: Harvard Step Test - e: Hawaii [an] Standard Time - e: Hawaiian Sugar Technologists - e: Head Steward - e: Heat Shrinkable Tubing - e: Heist [C. H.] Corporation - e: Helicopter Support Team - e: Hexobarbital Sleeping Time - e: High Speed Tape - e: High-Speed Taxi-Way Turn-Off - e: High-Speed Technology - e: High-Speed Telemetry - e: High-Speed Teleprinting - e: High-Speed Terminal - e: High-Speed Test - e: High-Speed Text - e: High Speed Tractor - e: High-Speed Train - e: High-Speed Tunnel - e: High-Speed Typewriter - e: Highest Spring Tide - e: Hoist - e: Holland's Export Magarine. Holland Shipping and Trading (journ.) - e: Homestead [Airport] - e: Homogenate Survival Time - e: Horizontal Seismic Trigger - e: Hot Shot Tunnel - e: Housing Study Tours - e: Hubble Space Telescope - e: Hydrostatic Transmission - e: Hyper-Sonic Transports] - e: Hypervelocity Shock Tunnel 167

Hst Hst d: Haltestelle - d: Handsteuerung - d: Hauptstadt - d: Haushaltsstelle - d: Heilstätte - d: Hilfsstelle - d: Hintersteven - d: Hochstamm HSt d: Hauptstelle - d: Hundesteuer - e: Hebrew Studies (journ.) - e: Hugo Stinnes [steamship line] H s T d: Haustier[e] HSTA e: Hawaii State Teachers Association - e: High School Teachers' Association - e: Honda Sport Touring Association HStA d: Hauptstaatsarchiv H S T A R e: Helicopter Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar H State e: High State HStB d: Hundestammbuch H S T C e: Henderson State Teachers College H S T C O e: High-Stability TemperatureCompensated - e: High-Stability Temperature-compensated Crystal Oscillator H S T C X O e: High-Stability Temperaturecompensated Crystal Oscillator h/stead e: homestead[er][s] H S T E C e: Health Sciences Education and Training Command HST-Einheit d: High-Speed-Train-Einheit H-Stelle d: Horchstelle H S T F e: Heat-Shock Transcription Factor H S t G d: Heimstättengesetz - d: Hundesteuergesetz H S T H e: Hose Thread H S T I e: Hartford State Technical Institute HST 2 L e: High Speed Transistor-Transistor Logic H S T L e: Harry S. Truman Library - e: High-Spd Telemetry Link H S T L w d: Höhere Technische Schule der Luftwaffe H S T O e: Hard Stop - e: Tong [Sudan] H S T P d: Hauptsteuerprogramm - e: Heat Sterilization Test Program - e: High Speed Tape Punch[er] H S T P R d: Hauptsteuerprogramm - d: Hilfssteuerprogramm H & S T R e: Headquarters and Service Troop H S T R e: Torit [Sudan] H S T R A e: High-Strength Thermal-Resistant Alloy H S T R U e: Hydraulic System Test and Repair Unit H S T S e:High-Speed-Text System - e: High-Pressure Side Temperature Sensor - e: Horizontal Stabilizer Trim Setting[s] - e: House Subcommittee on Traffic Safety - e: Hydraulic Subsystems Test Station HSTs e: High Speed Trains H S T S F e: Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation H S T T e: High-Speed Tape Transmitter - e: High-Speed Test Track H S T T L e: High-Speed Transistor-Transistor Logic H S T U e: Human Science and Technology University - e: Tumbura [Sudan] H Studien d: Hispanistische Studien (journ.) H-Studio d: Hörspielstudio H S T V e: High Speed Test Vehicle - e: High-Survivability Test Vehicle

HSTV-L e: High Speed Test Vehicle-Light - e: High-Survivability Test VehicleLightweight H S T V L e: High Survivability Test Vehicle, Lightweight H S T W e: Humane Siety of Tinplate Workers H S Type e: High Shock-resistant Type HSU e: Hardin-Simmons University - e: Hartridge Smoke Unit[s] - e: Helium Service Unit - e: Helium Speech Unscrambler - e: Henderson State University - e: High Speed Unit - e: High Speed Utility - e: Humboldt State University - e: Hydraulic Supply Unit H S t i d: Hochstrom-Supraleitungsiibertragung H[-]substance e: Histamine-like capillary vasodilator - e: Histamine-like substance H S U G e: Housing Statistics Users Group H S U L e: Haile Selassie University Libraries HSUNA e: Humanist Student Union of North America HSUS e: Humane Society of the United States HSUSA e: Heraldry Society of the United States of America HSV d: Hauptspeichervermittlungseinheit - d: Herpesvirus - e: Head Small Veins - e: Head Suppression Valve - e: Heat Suppression Valve - e: Herpes Simplex Virus - e: High Speed Video - e: High-Stage Valve - e: Highly Selective Vagotomy - e: Hue, Saturation and Value - e: Hull Solenoid Valve - e: Huntsville [Airport] - e: Hydraulic Selector Valve - e: Hydrogen Saturated Vacancy - e: Hydroxyinterlayered Smectite or Vermiculite HSV-1 d: Herpesvirus Type 1 HSV-2 d: Herpesvirus Type 2 HSVA e: Health Systems Vendors Association H S V B e: High-Speed Video Bus HSVD e: Hankel's Singular Value Decomposition - e: Horizontal Situation Video Display H S V E e: Herpes Simplex Virus Encephalitis HSVgD e: Herpes Simplex Virus Glycoprotein D H S V L e: Highveld Steel & Vanadium Corporation Limited H S V M A e: High Speed Video Motion Analyzer H S V O d: Hafensicherheitsverordnung H S V P e: High-Speed Vector Processor H S V P S e: High Speed Vector Processor System H S W d: Hauptschlagwort - d: Hauptsteuerwarte - d: Hilfssystem Werkzeugmaschine - e: Heat-Sensitive Wire - e: Heat Sink Welding - e: Helena Southwestern Railroad Co. - e: Hot Spot H S W A e: Hazardous and Solid Waste Act - e: Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments] H S W D C e: Historical Society of Washington


© K • G • Saur, München

Hswf e: Housewife H S W G e: High-Speed Wire Guidance H S W H e: High-Solid Waste Header HsWS-Sicherung d: HochspannungsWechselstromsicherung H S W T e: High-Speed Wind Tunnel H S W W e: Wau [Sudan] H S X P e: High Speed Xerographic Printer HSY e: Hard-Sphere-Yukawa Model - e: Health and Society (journ.) - e: Hershey Foods Corporation HSYA e: Yambio [Sudan] H S Y E e:Yei [Sudan] H S Y L e: Yirol [Sudan] HSYN e: Horizontal Synchronization] H S Y N C e: Horizontal Synchronization - e: Horizontal Synchronous H-Synch e: Horizontal Synchronization H S Y P e: High-Speed Vector Processor HSYS e: Hale Systems, Inc. HSZA e: Zalingei [Sudan] H S Z D e: Hermetically-Sealed Z [Zener] Diode - e: Hermetically-Sealed Zener Diode H-S Z Physl d: Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie (journ.) H T a: Historisk Tidskrift (journ.) - d: Haar Transform - d: Handlung, taktile - d: Handtaste - d: Hauptteil[e] - d: Haupttransformator - d: Herztöne - d: Hochspannungstelefonie - d: Hochtemperatur - d: Hochton[system] - d: Horizontaltabulation - d: Horizontaltabulator - d: Horizontalteil - d: Humboldt-Taschenbücher (journ.) - e: Haavara-Transfer - e: Hadamard-Transform - e: Haiti - e: Half Tilt Containers - e: Half Timbered - e: Half-Time - e: Half Title - e: Half Tone - e: Half-Track[ed] - e: Halt and Transfer - e: Hand-held Terminal - e: Hand Test - e: Hand Translation - e: Handling Time - e: Hard Top - e: Hardness Testing - e: Hawaii Time - e: Hawaiian Telephone - e: Hawaiian Territory - e: Hawaiian Theater - e: Hawaiian Time - e: Head per Track - e: Head, Tail - e: Head Thickness - e: Head Turn - e: Head-to-Tail - e: Headed Type - e: Headset / Telephone receiver - e: Heart [Tones] - e: Heart Transplantation - e: Heat [Transfer] - e: Heat Treat[ed] - e: Heat Treatment - e: Heater Tap - e: Heavy Tank - e: Heavy Terminal - e: Heavy Thermoplastic

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik


e: Heavy Traffic e: Heavy Truck e: Hebrew Text e: Height e: Height of Target e: Height Technician e: Height Telling [Radar] e: Helicopter Training Squadron e: Heliotropin e: Hematoxylin e: Herald Tribune (journ.) e: Herd Test e: High-held Terminal e: High-Technology e: High Temperature e: High Tenacity e: High Tensile e: High Tension e: High Threshold e: High Tide e: High Times (journ.) e: High Torque e: High Transform e: High Treason e: Hilbert Transform e: Hired Transport e: Histologic Transformation e: Historic Towns (journ.) e: History Today (journ.) e: Hittite Texts in the Cuneiform Character from Tablets in the British Museum - e: HoistingTool - e: Holding Time - e: Hollow Tile - e: Holy Trinity - e: Home Trade - e: Home Treatment - e: Homing Terrier - e: Homing Transponder[s] - e: Homing Type - e: Horizontal Tabulation Character] - e: Horizontal Tabulator - e: Horological Times (journ.) - e: Horsed Transport - e: Horserace Totalisator - e: Horse[s] Transport - e: Hospital Train - e: Hot Report - e: Hot Tin - e: Hot Transient Exhaust Emissions - e: House Trailer - e: Howard Terminal - e: Hubbard Tank - e: Hughes Tool Co. - e: Huhner Test - e: Human Teratocarcinoma - e: Human Thrombin - e: Human Toxicology (joum.) - e: Human Tumor - e: Hunter Transport - e: Hunting Time - e: Hybrid Tea [rose] - e: Hybrid Transformer - e: Hydraulic Turbine - e: Hydrolyzable Tannin Level - e: Hydrophobic Tail - e: Hydrotherapy - e: Hydroxyl Terminated - e: Hydroxytryptamine - e: Hydroxytyplamine - e: Hypermetropia - e: Hypertriglyceridemia - e: Hypertropia - e: Hypodermic Tablet - e: Hypotension - e: Hypothalamus - e: Hypoxanthine/Thymidine Medium

- e: Mustard Gas - e: Tritiated Hydrogen - f: Haute Tension - f: Societe de Transports Aeriens -1: Haustus -1: Hoc Titulo Ht e: Hypermetropia, Total - e: total Hypermetropia - e: total Hyperopia ht 1: hoc tempore H & T e: Hall and Twell's English Chancery Reports (journ.) - e: Handling and Transportation - e: Harden[ed] and Tempered] - e: History and Theory (journ.) - e: Holding and Training - e: Hospitalization and Treatment - e: Hospitalize and Treat H+T e: Hospitalization and Treatment H-T e: Half-Truck - e: Hesperis-Tamuda (journ.) H/T e: Half Tone - e: Head per Track H ' f: Haut HT-2 e: Trichothecense toxin 5-HT e: 5-Hydroxytryptamine HT1 e: Hull Maintenance Technician, First Class H T 2 e: Hull Maintenance Technician, Second Class H T 3 e: Hull Maintenance Technician, Third Class HT-A e: Heterophile Transplantation Antigen HTA d: Haupttelegrafenamt - d: Heimtelefonanlage - e: Handbooks of Theology (journ.) - e: Harness Tracks of America - e: Heavier-Than-Air - e: Help the Aged - e: Herb Trade Association - e: Hermes Training Aircraft - e: Heterogeneity Arrangement - e: High-Temperature Accelerant - e: High-Temperature Adhesive - e: High-Temperature Alloy - e: High-Temperature Amorphous [Resin] - e: High-Temperature Ashing - e: Higher Tar Acidfs] - e: Highway Traffic Act - e: Holticultural Traders Association - e: Horticultural Trades Association - e: Humanist Teachers Association - e: Hypophysiotropic Area - e: Hypothetical Task Assignment Hta s: Hasta HTAC e: Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Chloride - e: High-Tension Alternating Current HTACCs e: Hardened Tactical Air Control Centers HTACS e: Human Thyroid Adenyl Cyclase Stimulator H T A F e: Hellenic Tactical Air Force HTAH e: High-Temperature Air Heat[er] Htal s: Hospital HtAng d: Hochbautechnischer Angestellter HTAR e: Arusha [Tansania] HTAS e: Hug-a-Tree and Survive

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HTB d: Haupttagebuch - d: Hoch- und Tiefbau (journ.) - e: Hair Tuning Bar - e: Half-Timbered Building - e: Hautboy - e: Heat Treat Block - e: Hexadecimal-To-Binazy - e: Hexagonal Tungsten Bronze - e: High-Tech Ceramics - e: High-Temperature Corrosion - e: High-Temperature Crystallizable - e: High-Temperature Crystallization - e: High-Tension Battery - e: High-Tension Braided Sheath - e: Highway Tariff Bureau - e: Horizontal Toggle Clamp - e: Horserace Totalisator Board - e: Hot Tub Bath - e: Howitzer Test Bed - e: Hybrid Technology Computer - e: Hypergolic Test Building - e: New York Herald Tribune Books (journ.) H-TB e: High-Tension Battery HTBDR e: High-Temperature Burner-Duct Recuperator [System] HTBK e: Heritage Bank HTBU e: Bukoba [Tansania] HT Building e: Half-Timbered Building HTBW e: Helicopter Targets in Bad Weather H T C e: Chief Hull Maintenance Technician - e: Hand Tool Carrier - e: Harris Teachers College - e: Harris Transducer Corporation - e: Hartco Enterprises, Inc. - e: Hawk Technical Center - e: Head[ing] To Come - e: Headline To Come - e: Health Care Telecommunications Corporation - e: Heat-Transfer Coefficient - e: Heavy Teflon Coating - e: Heavy Terminal Complex - e: Heavy Triple Coil - e: Hebrew Teachers College - e: Hebrew Theological College - e: Height Tracking Console - e: Height-to-Time Converter - e: Helicopter Transit Controller - e: Hepatoma Tissue Culture - e: High-Tar Content - e: High-Temperature Carbonization - e: High-Temperature Catalyst - e: High-Temperature Coil - e: High-Temperature Conditioning - e: High-Temperature Contact - e: High-Temperature Crystallizable - e: Higher Technician Certificate - e: Hight to Time Converter - e: Highway Traffic Control - e: Homozygous Typing Cells - e: Hughes Tool Company - e: Hull Maintenance Technician, Chief - e: Humidity Test Control - e: Huston-Tillotson College - e: Hybrid Tape Circuit - e: Hybrid Technology Computer - e: Hydraulic Temperature Control - e: Hydraulic Test Chamber - e: Hydrofoil Test Craft HT&C e: Heat Transfer and Cryogenics HTCA e: Human Tumor Clonogenic Assay HTCH e: Chunya [Tansania] - e: Hutchinson Technology, Inc. HTCI e: High-Tensile Cast Iron HTCID e: High-Tolerance CurrentInjection-Logic Device 169

HTCM H T C M e: Master Chief Hull Maintenance Technician H T C S e: Senior Chief Hull Maintenance Technician H T C T e: High Temperature Chemical Technology H T C V e: Hop Trefoil Cryptic Virus H T - C V D e: High Temperature - Chemical Vapor Deposition - e: High Temperature-Chemical Vapor Deposition H T C W e: Helicopter Targets in Clear Weather H T D a: Dansk Historisk Tidskrift (journ.) - e: Hand Target Designator - e: Hand-Tool Dexterity - e: Heated - e: Heterojunction Tunneling Diode - e: High-Temperature Deformation - e: High-Temperature Distiliation - e: High-Torque Drive - e: Higher Technician Diploma - e: Higher Telegraphist Detector - e: Highway Traffic Director - e: Horizontal Tactical Display - e: Hospital for Tropical Diseases - e: Human Therapeutic Dose - e: Huntingdon International Holdings PLC H T D A e: Dar Es-Salaam [Tansania] - e: High-Temperature Dilute Acid H T D C e: High-Tension Direct Current H T D E e: Half Time Digit Emitter - e: High-Technology Demonstrator Engine H T D L e: High-Temperature Detection Lens H T D M e: Helicopter Team Defense Missile H T D P L e: Heated Pool H T D Q e: Dodoma [Tansania] H T D R M e: Heated Room H T D S e: High-Temperature Drawing Salt - e: Hydrofoil Tactical Data System H T D U e: High Temperature Demonstrator Unit - e: Horizontal Tactical Display Unit H T D v d: Heer, technische Dienstvorschrift H " f: Haute H T E e: England - e: Half Time Emitter - e: Heat Treating Exposition - e: Heavy-Duty Thermoplastic Elastomer Insulation - e: High-Temperature Electrolysis - e: Hornet Test Equipment - e: Hydraulic Test Equipment - e: Hypergroup Translating Equipment H T E C e: High Technology - e: Hydrogen Technology Evaluation Center H T E F e: Heat Transfer Efficiency Factor H t e - G a r f: Haute-Garonne H T E K e: Hytek Microsystems, Inc. Hte-L f: Haute-Loire H t e - M f: Haute-Mame H T E M e: Human Thymic Epithelial Medium H T E N Y e: Hartogen Energy Canada H ' " d: Hinter Hte[s] f: Haute H T E S e: High-Technology Ejection Seat - e: High-Technology Escape System Hte-Sao f: Haute-Saône Hte-Sav f: Haute-Savoie H T E S P e: High-Temperature Electrostatic Precipitator Htes-Pyr f: Hautes-Pyrénées H / T E U e: Hull / Turret Electronics Unit H T E X C H e: Heat Exchanger

H T F e: Heat Transfer Fluid - e: Heat Treat Fixture - e: Height Finding - e: Heritage Trails Fund - e: High-Temperature Fatigue - e: Highway Trust Fund - e: Horizontal Tube Feeder - e: How-to-Fight [Manuals] - e: Hypersonic Tunnel Facility - r: Historisk Tidskrift for Finland (journ.) H T F A e: Hull Maintenance Technician, Fireman Apprentice H T F C e: High Temperature Fuel Cell H T F F A e: Heat and Fluid Flow (journ.) H T F F R e: High-Temperature Fast-Flow Reactor H T F F S e: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service H T F F T e: Heat Transfer Fluid Flow Thermodynamics H T F I e: Fort Ikoma [Tansania] H T F M e: How to Fight Manual H T F M I e: Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute H T F N e: Hull MaintenanceTechnician, Fireman H T F O R E e: Heretofore H T F / S e: How to Fight/How to Support H T F S e: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service H T F W e: High-Temperature Fluid-Wall H T F X e: Heat Treat Fixture H T G d: Handbuch Theologischer Grundbegriffe (journ.) - d: Hubschraubertransportgeschwader - d: Hubschraubertransportgeschwader Heeres-Transportgeschwader - e: Haitian Gourde - e: Heating - e: Heritage Media Corporation - e: High-Temperature Gas - e: Hydrostatic Tank Gauging - e: Hypertriglyceridemia H t g d: Holztechnologie (journ.) H T G C R e: High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor H T G F e: Human Transforming Growth Factor H T G L e: Hepatic Triglyceride Lipase - e: High-Temperature Gasdynamics Laboratory H T G M D e: Heritage Media Corporation H T G P F e: High-Temperature General-Purpose Furnace H T G R e: High Temperature [Gas-cooled] Graphite-moderated Reactor - e: High Temperature Gas[-cooled] Reactor HTGR[-]CX e: High-Temperature Gas[-cooled] Reactor-Critical Experiment H T G R E e: High-Temperature Gas-cooledReactor Experiment H T G R SC/C e: HTGR Steam Cycle Cogeneration H T G V d: Hessische Trennungsgeldverordnung H t g & V e n t e: Heating and Ventilating - e: Heating & Ventilating H T H d: Hochtemperaturhydrierung - e: Hawthornne [Airport] - e: Helix-Turn-Helix - e: Hexagon Tungsten Honeycomb - e: High-Temperature Heater - e: High-Test Hypochlorite - e: Homeostatic Thymus Hormone H T H A e: Hearing and Tinnitus Help Association


© K • G • Saur, München

H T h G d: Handbuch Theologischer Grundbegriffe (journ.) H T h K d: Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament (journ.) HtHI d: Hafthohlladung H T H M e: High Toxic Hazard Material H T H P e: High-Temperature/High-Pressure - e: High Test Hydrogen-Peroxide H T H P A e: High Temperatures-High Pressures (journ.) H T h R e: Harvard Theological Review (journ.) H T H R e: Hawthorne Financial Corporation - e: High-Tension/High-Resistance H T - H S e: High-Temperature, High-Shear Viscometer H T H S R e: High-Temperature, High-Shear Rate H T h S t e: Harvard Theological Studies (journ.) H T I d: Hondwerkstechnisches Institut - e: Haiti - e: Hamilton Island [Australien] [Airport] - e: Hand Tools Institute - e: Headquarters Top Inputs - e: Healthtrust-Hospital Co. - e: Hemorrhagic Toxin Inhibitor - e: High-Techhnology Intensive - e: High-Technology Intensive - e: High-Temperature Impact - e: High Temperature Incineration - e: High-Temperature Incinerator - e: High-Temperature Insulation - e: High-Temperature Isotope - e: High Temperature Isotopic - e: High Temperature Isotropic - e: High Twelve International - e: Hindu Test Information (journ.) - e: Horizontal Tactics Indicator H T I G e: Hungry Tiger, Inc. H T Insulation e: Heavy Thermoplastic Insulation H T I P e: Housing Technology Incentives Program H T - I R e: Hadamard Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy H T I R e: Iringa [Tansania] H T I S e: Heat Transfer Instrument System H T / I T e: Homing Terrier/Improved Tartar H T J e: H-plane Tee Junction - e: Hardware Trade Journal (journ.) H T J P A e: Heat Transfer. Japanese Research (journ.) H T K a: Historisk Tidskrift (journ.) - d: Hochlast-Tropfkörper - e: Hard-Target Kill H T K e: Howtek, Inc. H T K A e: Kigoma [Tansania] H T K I e: Kilwa Masoko [Tansania] H T K J e: Kilimanjaro [Tansania] H T K N T e: Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament (journ.) H T K O e: Kongwa [Tanzania] [ICAOloation identifier] [1CL1] H T K P e: Hard-Target Kill Potential - e: Hard Target Kill Probability H T K T e: Kilimatinde [Tansania]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HTQ HTL d: Haupttransportleitung - d: Höhere Technische Lehranstalt - e: Hearing Threshold Level - e: Heartland Partners Limited Class A - e: Heat Transfer Laboratory - e: Heat Transfer Loop - e: Heavy-Traffic Licence - e: Helicopter Transportable Launcher - e: Helper T-Lymphocyte - e: High-noise Threshold Logic - e: High-Temperature Lacquer - e: High-Threshold Logic - e: High Tide Level - e: High Turbulence Level - e: High voltage Transistor Logic - e: Hotel Call, Time and Charges Mandatory - e: Houghton Lake - e: Human Thymic Leukemia - e: Hydroxy! Terminated Liquid HT2L e: High-speed Transistor-Transistor Logic HTLA e: High-Temperature Low-Activity - e: High-Titer, Low Avidity - e: Human T Lymphocyte Antigen HTLB e: High-Technology Light Brigade HTLD e: Heartland Express, Inc. - e: High-Technology Light Division - e: Houston Test for Language Development HTLDC e: Hsinchu Tidal Land Development Planning Commission HTLI e: Lindi [Tansania] HTLL e: High Test Level Language HTLM e: Lake Manyara [Tansania] HTLO e: Lobo Wildlife Lodge [Tansania] HTLR e: High-Tension/Low-Resistance HTLS e: High-Torque, Low Speed HTLStu R: Historia i Teoria Literatury-Studia (journ.) HTLT e: HTL Telemanagement Limited - e: Hughes Transportable Link Terminal HTLTR e: High-Temperature Lattice Test Reactor HTLU e: Hierarchized Threshold Logic Unit HTLV e: Human T-cell Leukemia Virus - e: Hunman T-cell Lymphotropic Virus HTLV-1 e: Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus, Type 1 HTLV-I e: Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus-Type One HTLV-III e: Human T-Cell Lympbotrophic Virus-Type Three HTLV-III/LAV e: Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type Three/ Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus HTM d: Härterei-Technische Mitteilungen (journ.) - d: Hochtemperaturmeßgerät - d: Hochtemperaturmessung - e: Hard Target Munition - e: Hard Tube Modulator - e: Hard Tube Monitor - e: Harpoon Trainer Module - e: Heat Transfer Medium - e: Heat Transfer Meter - e: Heat Transfer Model - e: Heat Transfer Module - e: High Temperature - e: High Temperature Materials] - e: High Temperature Measuring - e: High Temperature Metallography - e: High-Trajectory Missiles - e: History Teacher's Magazine (journ.) - e: Hydrologie Transport Model - e: Hypothesis Testing Model - e: Whitman

HTMA e: Hawaii Territorial Medical Association - e: Hydraulic Tool Manufacturers Association - e: Mafia [Tansania] HTMB d: hochtemperaturthermomechanische Behandlung - e: Heat Titment of Metals (journ.) - e: Mbeya [Tansania] HTMC e: High Temperature Materials Corporation HTMD e: High-Technology Motorized Division - e: Hold Time Management Display - e: Mwadui [Tansania] HTM-DB e: High Temperature Materials Data Bank HTMG e: Morgororo [Tansania] HTMI e: Masasi [Tansania] HTMIAC e: High Temperature Materials Mechanical Thermophysical and Electronic Properties - e: High Temperature Materials Information Analysis Center HTMK e: Mikumi [Tansania] HTML e: High Temperature Materials Laboratory HTMO e: Mombo [Tansania] HT-MOS e: High-Threshold MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor] HTMP e: High Temperature Thermomechanical Processing - e: High-Temperatune Thermomechanical Pulp - e: Hydrooxytetramethylpiperidine - e: Hydroxy[tetramethyl]piperidineoxyl - e: Mpanda [Tansania] HTMR e: High Threshold Mechanoreceptor - e: Msembe-Ruaha National Park [Tansania] H-TMS e: Honeywell Test Management System HTMS e: High-Temperature Mass Spectrometry - e: Moshi [Tansania] HTMT e: High-temperature Thermomechanical Treatment - e: Mtwara [Tansania] HTMU e: Musoma [Tansania] HTMW e: Mwanza [Tansania] HTMX e: Mpwapwa [Tansania] Htn e: Hamilton HTN e: Hantaan [Virus] - e: HazTech News (journ.) - e: Heat Treatable Nodular - e: Heterodyne - e: Hocking Technical College - e: Home Theatre Network - e: Hotan [China] [Airport] - e: Houghton Mifflin Co. - e: HUD [Department of Housing and Urban Development] Teleprocessing Network - e: Hughes Television Network - e: Hypertension - e: Miles City HTNA e: Nachingwea [Tansania] HTNG e: Ngerengere [Tansania] HTNJ e: Njombe [Tansania] HTNSL e: Hierarchical Type Neural Simulation Language - e: High Tensile

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

HTO e: East Hampton [Airport] - e: Hereto - e: High-Temperature Oxidation - e: Highway Transportation Officer - e: Horizontal Take-Off - e: Hospital Transfer Order - e: Hydrous Titanium Oxide - e: Tritiated Hydrogen Oxide - N: Historisk Tidskrift [Oslo] (journ.) Hto d: Hochmoortorf htofore e: heretofore H to H e: Heel-to-Heel HTOHL e: Horizontal Take-Off, Horizontal Landing HTOL e: Horizontal-Take-Off-and-Landing h-top e: hardtop HTOT e: High-Temperature Operating-Test HTO Timber e: Hill Toon [toona serrata] Timber HTOVL e: Horizontal Take-Off Vertical Landing H-town e: Hagerstown H-Town e: Hartford HTP d: Hochtemperaturpolymerisation - d: Hochtemperaturpyrolyse - d: Hydroxytryptophan - e: Hardness Test Army - e: Hardness Test Plan - e: Harris-Teeter Property - e: Heat Transfer Printing - e: High-Temperature Performance - e: High-Temperature Phase - e: High-Temperature Photochemistry - e: High-Temperature Photolysis - e: High-Temperature Physics - e: High-Temperature Plastic - e: High-Temperature Pretreatment - e: High-Temperature Pyrolysis - e: High-Test Peroxide - e: High Thermal Performance - e: High-Test Hydrogen-Peroxide - e: House-Tree-Person [test] - e: Humidity Test Procedure - e: Humidity Test Procure - e: Humor Test of Personality - e: Hydraulically Tuned Pulsed - e: Hydrogen Peroxide - e: Hydrothermal Processing - e: Hydroxytryptophan [e] Htp d: Haltepunkt H - T P e: Half Title Page H-T-P e: [A] House, a Tree, a Person h-t-p e: house-tree-person HTPB d: Hydroxy[l]-Terminated Polybutylene - e: Hydroxy[l]-Terminated Polybutadiene HTPE e: Pemba [Tansania] HTPF e: Hard Target Programmable Fuze HTPFP e: High Technology Professionals for Peace HTPHA e: Huguenot-Thomas Paine Historical Association HTPIB e: Hydroxy Terminated Polyisobutylene HTPLT e: High Temperature Power Life Tester HTPM e: Harvard Total Project Manager HTPN e: Home Total Parenteral Nutrition HTPO e: Human Thyroid Peroxidase HTPS e: High Tension Power Supply HTP Test e: House-Tree-Person Test HTPV e: High Temperature Power and Voltage HTQ f: Revue Française de Gestion. Hommes et Techniques (journ.)


HTR H T R d: Hochtemperatur-Reaktor - e: Halt and Transfer - e: Hanford Test Reactor - e: Hard Tissue Replacement - e: Hard-to-Reach - e: Harvard Theological Review (journ.) - e: Hateruma [Japan] [Airport] - e: Heat Treatment - e: Heated-Tube Reactor - e: Heater - e: Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction - e: High-Temperature [gas-cooled] Reactor - e: High-Temperatune Resistor - e: Highway Traffic Regulations] - e: Hitachi Training Reactor - e: Homing Terrier Retrofit - e: Homogeneous Thorium Reactor - e: Hours to Run - e: HTR Industries, Inc. - e: Human Transferrin Receptor - e: Hydrothermal Reaction - e: Hyperion Total Return Fund h t r e: Heat Treatment H t R d: Haustechnische Rundschau (journ.) H T R A e: Height Reply Analysis H T R A C e: Half-Track[ed] H T R A P e: Height Reply Analysis Processor H T R B e: High-Temperature Reverse-Bias H T R B Test e: High Temperature Reverse Bias Test H T R D e: Heat Transfer Rotating Disc H T R D A e: High Temperature Reactor Development Association - e: High-Temperature Reactor Development Associates H T R E e: Heat Transfer Reactor Experiments] - e: High Temperature Reactor Experiment H T R E S e: Heat-Resisting H T R E S e: Heat Resistant H T R E s e: Heat Transfer Reactor Experiments H T R F e: Hollywood Park Enterprises, Inc. H T R I e: Heat Transfer Research Institute - e: High Technology Recruitment Index (journ.) H T r i n e: Holy Trinity H T R I N e: Holy Trinity H T R K e: Half-Track[ed] H T R n d: Hochtemperaturreaktoren H T r p d: Horchtrupp H T R R e: Harpoon Transfer Relay Rack H T R S e: Heaters H T R s e: High Temperature Reactors H T R S e: High Temperature Reflectance Spectroscopy - e: High Temperature Reflectances


H T S A: Hervormde Teologiese Studies (journ.) - d: Hilfstragseil - d: höhere technische Schule - d: Höhe einer theoretischen Trennstufe - d: Holztrockenschutz - e: Hadamard Transform Spectrometer - e: Half-Time Survey - e: Hamden Testing Services, Inc. - e: Hard Target Sensor - e: Harness Tracks Security - e: Harris Typesetting System - e: Harvard Theological Studies (journ.) - e: Hawaiian] Tracking Station - e: Head, Track and Sector - e: Head, Track and Selector - e : Heat Transfer Salt - e: Heat Transfer Section - e: Heat Transfer System - e: Heat Transport Section - e: Heat Transport System - e: Heat-Treated Steel - e: Heavy-Duty Thermoset Elastomer Insulation - e: Height-Telling Surveillance - e: Heights - e: High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor System - e: High-Temperature Shift - e: High Temperature Steam - e: High-Temperature Storage - e: High Temperature Superconducting - e: High-Temperature Superconductivity - e: High Tensile Steel - e: High Tensile Strength - e: High-Tension Supply - e: High-Tension Synthetic Insulation - e: High Thrust Solenoid - e: Home Team Sports - e: Host-to-Satellite - e: How to Support [Manuals] - e: Human Thyroid Stimulator - e: Hunting Technical Services - e: Huntington [Airport] - e: Hybrid Test Set - e: Hydraulic Test Set - e: Hydraulic Test Station - e: Hydrodynamic Test System - e: Hyper-Thin Septum - r: Historisk Tidskrift [Stockholm] (journ.) H T S A e: Highway Traffic Safety Administration - e: Host-Tenant Support Agreement H T S C e: Harris Technical Services Corporation - e: High-Temperature Semiconductor - e: High-Temperature Superconductivity - e: High-Temperature Superconductor - e: Highway Traffic Safety Center H T S C A e: Human Tumor Stem Cell Assay H T S C o m p a n y e: Humble Time-Sharing Company H T S D e: Singida [Tansania] H T S E e: Same [Tansania] H T S E C e: High-Temperature SizeExclusion Chromatography H & T Self Def e: Harrigan and Thomon's Cases on the Law of Self-Defense (journ.) H T S F e: High-Temperature Sodium Facility - e: Hydrated Textured Soy Flour HTsFi r: Historisk Tidskrift for Finland (journ.) H T S H e: Human Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - e: Mafinga [Tansania] H T S H L D e: Heat Shield H T S I M e: Height Simulator

© K • G • Saur, München

H T S J e: High Temperature-Society of Japan H T S K e: Heat Sink H T S L d: Hochtemperatursupraleitung - e: Heat Transfer Simulation Loop - e: High Temperature Sodium Loop H T S L w d: Höhere Technische Schule der Luftwaffe H T S M e: High-Temperature Skim Milk H T S N e: Seronera [Tansania] H T S O e: Songea [Tansania] H T / S P C e: Heat Treating/Statistical Process Control H T S R e: High Temperature Steam Reformer - e: High-Temperature Strain Gauge HTSS e: Hamilton Test Simulation System - e: Honeywell Time-Sharing System H T S S E e: High-TemperatureSuperconductivity Space Experiment H T S t A: Hervormde Teologiese Studies (journ.) - d: Haupttelegrafenstelle H T S T e: High-Temperature-Short Time [pasteurization] H T S T Pasteurization e: High Temperature-Short Time Pasteurization HTSU e: Sumbawanga [Tansania] H T S U P e: Height Supervisor [Radar] H T S U S e: Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States H T S Y e: Shinyanga [Tansania] H T / S Z e: Height/Size H T T e: Hallett [Australien] - e: Heat-Treatment Temperature - e: Heavy Tactical Transport - e: High-Temperature Tetragonal - e: High-Temperature Thermomechanical Treatment - e: High-Temperature Tunnel - e: High-Tension Thermoplastic Insulation - e: High-Tension Tunnel - e: Hook Tongue Terminal - e: Hydraulics, Turbine Throttle - f: Helicoptere de Troupes H T T A e: Highway [and] Traffic Technicians Association H T T B e: High-Technology Test Bed - e: Tabora [Tansania] H T T F e: High-Temperature Test Facility H T T G e: Tanga [Tansania] H T T L d: High-power Transistor Transistor Logik - d: High-speed Transistor-Transistor Logikbaustein - e: High-power Transistor-Transistor Logic - e: High-speed Transistor-Transistor Logic H T T M T e: High-Temperature Thermomechanical Treatment H T T R e: Heat Treatment] - e: High-Temperature Test Reactor - e: High Temperature Thorium Reactor H T T R Heat Treatment] H t T r e: Heat Treatment H T - T R e: Heat Treat H T T S e: Hydroquench Thrust Termination System H T T T e: High-Temperature Turbine Technology H T T U e: Heat Transfer Unit - e: Tunduru [Tansania] H T T V M T e: High-Temperature Thermovibrational Mechanical Treatment

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HUD-EU HTU e: Handheld Terminal Unit - e: Harbin Technical University - e: Heat Transfer Unit - e: Height of [a] Transfer Unit - e: Height to a [or one] Transfer Unit - e: Helicopter Training Unit - e: Horizontal Trail Unit - e: Hoyt Peak HTUR e: Urambo [Tansania] HTUs e: Heat Transfer Units HTV d: Handlung, taktil-visuelle - e: Half Thickness Value - e: Harlech Television - e: Herpes-Type Virus - e: Hi Tech Ventures, Inc. - e: High-Altitude Test Vehicle - e: High Temperature and Velocity - e: Hiroshima Television - e: Home Video Tutorial - e: Homing Test Vehicle - e: Hull Test Vehicle - e: Huntsville - e: Hybrid Test Vehicle - e: Hydrothermal Vent - e: Hypersonic Test Vehicle HTVB e: High-Temperature Vacuum Brazing HTVD e: Hypertensive Vascular Disease HT/VT e: Heating and Ventilating H&Tw e: Hall and Twell's English Chancery Reports (journ.) HTW d: Hubtriebwerk - e: Chesapeake - e: Haystack - e: Hazardous and Toxic Waste - e: High-Temperature Water - e: High-Temperature Wire - e: Hoosac Tunnel & Wilmington R. R. - n: H20. Tijdschrift voor Watervoorsiening en Afvalwaterbehandeling (journ.) HT&W e: Hoosac Tunnel & Wilmington [railroad] HTWH e: Wazo Hill [Tansania] HTWK e: Ngare Nairobi [Tansania] ht wkt e: hit wicket Htwl d: Hohentwiel HTWN e: Hometown Bancorporation, Inc. HTWS e: High Tension Wireless Station HTX e: High-Temperature Crystalline HTXA e: Hitox Corporation of America HTXGR e: Heat Exchanger HTXRD e: High-Temperature X-Ray Diffraction HTY j: Hatizyo [Japan] HTZ d: heiztechnische Zentrale - d: hochinduktive TransformatorzUndung - s: Hato Corozal [Kolumbien] [Airport] HTZA e: Zanzibar [Tansania]

HU d: Hanau - d: Hauptuhr - d: Hauptuntersuchung - d: Hebelumschalter - d: Hilfsumschaltung - e: Central Airlines Limited [Nigeria] - e: Haifa University - e: Hamburger University - e: Hampton Utilities Trust - e: Hang-Up - e: Hanyang University - e: Harvard University - e: Hebrew University - e: Height Unit - e: Hemagglutinating Unit - e: Hemoglobin Unit - e: Hemolytic Unit - e: High Usage [Circuit] - e: High-Usage - e: Hiroshima University - e: Hokkaido University - e: Hongshan University - e: Horizontal Arithmetic Unit - e: Hosei University - e: Housing Unit - e: Howard University - e: Hubbert Unit - e: Hughes Tool Co. - e: Hull - e: Hunter [color] - e: Hydroxyurea - e: Hyper[a]emia Unit - e: Trinidad & Tobago Air Services Limited - e: University of Hawaii, Honolulu H u d: Heizwert, unterer - e: Hughes' United States Circuit Court Reports (journ.) - e: Hungarian - e: Hungary hU e: Dihydrouridine H/U e: Heatup HÜ d: Hauptiiberpriifungfstermin] Hü d: Hülse HUA e: Highway Users Association - e: Housing and Urban Affairs - e: Human Urinary Albumin - e: Huntsville - s: Huancayo [Peru] Hiia d: Höhe über alles HUAC e: House Un-American Activities Committee Hu-Ar H: Magyar Orszägos Leviltär, Budapest HUAR e: Arua [Uganda] HUB d: Humboldt Universität zu Berlin - e: Handicapped United in Brotherhood - e: Houston - e: Hub Airlines, Inc. - e: Hubbell, Inc. HUBA e: Hudson Bay HUBBA e: Hubbas [crack-type cocaine] Hubble e: Hubble Space Telescope Hubbr d: Hubbrücke HUBCO e: HUBCO, Inc. H über NN d: Höhe über Normalnull HUBF e: Human Upstream Binding Factor HuBG H: Ällami Gorkij Könyvtär, Budapest HUBIA e: Human Biology (joum.) HuBKPV e: Human BK Polyomavirus Hub Leg Direc e: Hubbell's Legal Directory (journ.) HuBM H: Orszägos Müszaki Könyvtär 6s Dokumentäcids Központ H üb M d: Höhe über Meeresniveau H üb NN d: Höhe über Normalnull

International encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Hub Prael J C I: Huber's Praelectiones Juris Civilis (journ.) Hubr d: Hubraum Hub Roz c: Hudebni Rozhledy (journ.) Hub Sac e: Hubback's Eviden of Succession (journ.) Hubschr d: Hubschrauber HubschrRetStff d: Hubschrauberrettungsstaffel HubschrSanStff d: Hubschraubersanitatsstaffel HUC e: Heat Unity Coating - e: Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati - e: High Usage Circuit - e: Hook Up and Commissioning Conference - e: Hypouricemia - s: Humacao [Puerto Rico] [Airport] HUCA e: Hebrew Union College. Annual (journ.) HUCI e: Haitian Unity Council, Inc. HUCIA e: Harvard University Center for International Affairs HUCJIR e: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion hucks e: huckleberries HUCO e: Hughes NADGE [NATO Air Defense Ground Environment] Consortium HUCR e: Harvard University Character Recognition - e: Harvard University Character Recognizer - e: Highest Useful Compression Ratio HUCRs e: Highest Useful Compression Ratios HUD e: Department of Housing and Urban Development - e: Handicapped Users' Database - e: Head[s]-Up Display - e: Hong Kong United Dockyard - e: Housing and Urban Development - e: Hudson Resources Limited - e: Hull Technical Interloan Scheme - e: Hungarian Digest (journ.) Hud e: Huddleston - e: Hudson HUDA e: Housing and Urban Development Act HUDAC e: Housing and Urban Development Association of Canada HUDAR e: Housing and Urban Development Acquisition Regulations Hud&B[ro] e: Hudson and Brooke's Irish King's Bench Reports (journ.) HUDC e: Housing and Urban Development Corporation HUD Chal e: HUD [Department of Housing and Urban Development] Challenge (journ.) HUDD e: Housing and Urban Development Department HUDDLE e: Hull Urban Design Development Laboratory Enterprises, Inc. HUDE e: Head Up Display Electronics HUDEA e: Human Development (joum.) HuDeAgE H: Debreceni Agrdrtudomdnyi Egyetem HU/DEAP e: Harvard University Division of Engineering and Applied Physics Hudeiba Res Stn Annu Rep e: Hudeiba Research Station. Annual Report (journ.) HuDeK H: Debreceni Reformatus Kollegium Nagykonyvtara HuDeOE H: Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem HUD-EU e: Head-Up Display, Electronic Unit


Hud Exec Hud Exec e: Hudson's Executor's Guide (journ.) HUD-FDA e: Housing and Urban Development-Federal Housing Administration HUDG e: History at the Universities Defence Group HUDGN e: Hudson General Corporation Hud Inst e: Hudson Institute HUD Intl Bull e: HUD [Department of Housing and Urban Development] International Bulletin (joum.) HUD Intl Information Series e: HUD [Department of Housing and Urban Development] International Information Series (journ.) HUDMAP e: HUD [Department of Housing and Urban Development] Mortgage Accounting Project Hud Nastroje c: Hudebni Nastroje (journ.) HUD News e: HUD [Department of Housing and Urban Development] Newsletter (journ.) HUDPR e: Housing and Urban Development Procurement Regulations Hud R[ozlh] c: Hudebni Rozhledy (journ.) Hudson e: Hudson on Building Contracts (journ.) hudson e: hudson seal Hudson Internat Legis e: Hudsons International Legislation Hud[son Revie] e: Hudson Review (journ.) Hudson World Court e: Hudsons World Court Reports (journ.) HUD System e: Head-Up Display System HUDU e: Heads-Up Display Unit Hud Veda c: Hudebni Veda (journ.) HUDWAC e: Head-Up Display [and] Weapon[s] Aiming Computer HUDWAS e: Head[s]-Up Display Weapons Aiming System Hud Zivot c: Hudobny Zivot (journ.) HUE d: Hauptunterstützungsempfänger - e: Humera [Äthiopien] [Airport] - e: New Hungarian Exporter (journ.) HUe d: Hausübertragung HuE d: Himmel und Erde (journ.) HUEC e: Entebbe Area Control Center [Uganda] Huel e: Huelva Huelva A s: Huelva Arqueológica (journ.) HUEN e: Entebbe/International [Uganda] Huenefeld Rep e: Huenefeld Report [United States] (journ.) HUeP d: Handelsüblicher Preis huEPO e: Human Erythropoietin HUET e: Helicopter Underwater Escape Trainer HUF e: Highway User[s] Federation for Safety and Mobility - e: Huffy Corporation - e: Hungarian Foreign Trade (journ.) - e: Hungarian Forint - f: Terre Haute [Airport] HUFAA e: Human Factors (journ.) HUFB e: Hungarofilm Bulletin (joum.) HUFF[-]DUFF e: High Frequency Direction Finder HUFK e: Huffman Koos, Inc. HUFP e: Fort Portal [Uganda] HUFS[A]M e: Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility


HUG e: Hastech Users Group - e: Head of Units Group - e: Help Us Grow - e: Honeywell Users Group - e: Hug-Laf Luv - e: Hughes Supply, Inc. - e: Hungarian Economy (journ.) - e: Lonely HuG d: Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten HUGA e: Human Genome Analyzer HUGE e: Humagen, Inc. HUGHES e: Hughes Aircraft Company HUGHES-NEL e: Hughes Aircraft Company-Nuclear Electronics Laboratory HUGO e: Highly Unusual Geophysical Operations] - e: Highly Usable Geophysical Observation - e: Human Genome Organization Hugo Hist [du] Dr[oit] Rom f: Hugo's Histoire du Droit Romain (journ.) HUG's e: Home User Groups HUGSMS e: Honeywell Users Group-Small and Medium Systems HUG-SS e: Honeywell Users Group, Small and Medium Systems HUGU e: Gulu [Uganda] Huguenot Soc S Afr Bull e: Huguenot Society of South Africa. Bulletin (journ.) HUH e: Hualalai [Hawaii] - e: University of Hawaii, Hamilton Library, Honolulu - f: Huahine [Französisch-Polynesien] [Airport] HuH e: Hughes Hall HUHEA e: Human Heredity (journ.) HUHO e: Hughes Homes, Inc. HuIFN e: Human Interferon HUIS e: High-Dose Urea in Invert Sugar Huisarts Wet n: Huisarts en Wetenschap (journ.) HUJ e: Hebrew University of Jerusalem HuJCPV e: Human JC Polyomavirus HUJI e: Jinje [Uganda] HUK d: Haftpflicht-, Unfall- und Kraftverkehrsversicherung - e: Hunter-Killer HUKASWEX e: Hunter-Killer Antisubmarine Warfare Exercise HUKB e: Kabale [Uganda] HuKeAgE e: Agrärtudomänyi Egyetem, Keszthely HUKF e: Kabalega Falls [Uganda] HUKFOR e: Hunter-Killer Forces HUKFORLANT e: Hunter-Killer Forces, Atlantic HUKFORPAC e: Hunter Killer Forces, Pacific HUKG d: Hessisches Umzugskostengesetz HUK Missile e: Hunter-Killer Missile HUKP e: Hostile, Unknown, Faker and Pending HUKS e: Hunter-Killer Submarine[s] - e: Kasese [Uganda] - e: Navy Hunter-Killer Submarine HUL e: Hardware Utilization List - e: Harvard University Library - e: Helsinki University Library - e: High Usage Line - e: Hokkaido University Library - e: Home University Library (journ.) - e: Houlton [Airport] - e: Houston Law Review (journ.) - e: Hull in England HÜL d: Haushaltsüberwachungsliste

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HULA e: High-density Unit Logic Array[s] - e: Highly-integrated Unit Logic Assembly - e: Lake George [Uganda] HULDA e: Hull Design and Analysis Hule Mex Plast s: Hule Mexicano y Plásticos (journ.) HULI e: High-Usage Load List - e: Lira [Uganda] HULL e: High Usage Load List Hull Cost e: Hullock on Costs (journ.) Hull Univ Occas Pap Geogr e: Hull University. Occasional Papers in Geography (journ.) Hult Conv e: Hulton's Convictions (journ.) HULTEC e: Hull-to-Emitter Correlation HULTIS e: Hull Technical Interloan Scheme - e: Humberside Libraries Technical Interloan Scheme HUM e: Health and Usage Monitoring - e: Hematurimetry - e: Houma [Airport] - e: Human Systems Management (journ.) - e: Humana, Inc. HU-M e: University of Hawaii, Leahi Hospital, Hastings H.Walker Medical Library, Honolulu - e: Humanities - e: Humatarian - e: Humble - e: Humidity Hum d: Humanismus - d: Humanist - d: Humanität - e: Human[e] - e: Humanism - e: Humanities [classics] - e: Humanity - e: Humphrey's Tenness Supreme Court Reports (journ.) - e: Humus (joum.) - s: Humanidades (joum.) - s: Humanist (journ.) hum 1: humaniora HUM d: Höhe über Meeresspiegel HUMA e: Mbarara/Obote [Uganda] Human Biol e: Human Biology (joum.) Human Chr e: Humanites Chretiennes (journ.) Human Comm Res e: Human Communications Research (journ.) Human Cont e: Human Context (joum.) Human Dev e: Human Development (journ.) Human Ecol e: Human Ecology (joum.) Human Eng e: Human Engineering Humane R e: Humane Review (joum.) HuMaNet e: Human-Machine Network Human et Entr f: Humanisme et Entreprise (journ.) Human Fact e: Human Factors (journ.) Humangenet d: Humangenetik (journ.) Human Hered e: Human Heredity (joum.) Humanit Index e: Humanities Index (journ.) Human Life R e: Human Life Review (journ.) Human Org[an] e: Human Organization (journ.) Human Path e: Human Pathology (joum.) Human Pracy c: Humanizacja Pracy (journ.) Human Rel[at] e: Human Relations (journ.) Human Reprod Med e: Human Reproductive Medicine (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Hungarian J Indust C h e m Vesprem Human Reproduction&L Rep e: Reporter on Human Reproduction and the Law (journ.) Human Resour Abstr e: Human Resources Abstracts (journ.) Human Resource Dev e: Human Resource Development (joum.) Human Resource Mgt e: Human Resource Management (journ.) Human R[igh]ts J e: Human Rights Journal (journ.) Human Rights Q e: Human Rights Quarterly (journ.) Human R[igh]ts Rev e: Human Rights Review (journ.) Human S e: Human Studies (journ.) Human Ser 4 Logica Mat s: Humanidades. Serie 4. Logica Matematica (journ.) Human Soc e: Humanities in Society (journ.) HUMARIS e: Human Materials Resources Information System Hum Ass Bull e: Humanities Association of Canada. Bulletin (journ.) Hum Assoc R e: Humanities Association. Review/Revue. Association des Humanites (journ.) Humb e: Humberside Hum[BA] s: Humanidades [Buenos Aires] (journ.) Hum Behav e: Human Behavior (journ.) Humber e: Humberside Hum Biol e: Human Biology (journ.) Hum Biol Oceania e: Human Biology in Oceania (journ.) HUMBLE e: Humble Oil [Company] Hum [Br] s: Humanitas [Brescia] (journ.) Hum Cancer Immunol e: Human Cancer Immunology (journ.) HUMCAT e: Humanoid Catalog Hum Chrom Newsl e: Human Chronmosome Newsletter (journ.) Hum Commun e: Human Communications (journ.) Hum-Comput Interact e: HumanComputer Interactions [US] (journ.) Hum Con e: Humanist Conference Hum Contemp f: Humanisme Contemporain (journ.) Hum Context e: Human Context (journ.) Hum Dev e: Human Development (journ.) HuMe e: Human Melanoma Hume e: Hume's Court of Session Decisions (journ.) Hum Ecol e: Human Ecology (joum.) Hum Ecol Forum e: Human Ecology Forum (joum.) Hume Com e: Hume's Commentaries on Crimes (joum.) Hume Hist Eng e: Hume's History of England (journ.) Hum Environ Swed e: Human Environment in Sweden (joum.) humer e: humerus Hume Stud e: Hume Studies (journ.) Hum Ev e: Human Events (journ.) HUMEVAC e: Humanitarian Emergency Evacuation Hum Fact[ors] e: Human Factors [Human Factors Society, US] (journ.) Hum Fertl e: Human Fertility (joum.) Hum Genet e: Human Genetics (joum.) Hum Genet Suppl e: Human Genetics. Supplement (joum.) Hum Hair Symp Pap e: Human Hair Symposium. Papers (journ.)

Hum Hered e: Human Heredity (joum.) humi e: humidity HUMI e: Masindi [Uganda] HUMID e: Hughes Unit Malfunction Isolation Detector humid e: humidity Hum Immunol e: Human Immunology (journ.) Hum Ind e: Humanities Index (joum.) HUMINS e: Hospital Unified Management Information System HUMINT e: Human Intelligence Hum Lov 1: Humanística Lovaniensia (joum.) HUMMER e: High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle hummer[s] e: humming bird[s] Hum Mind Discuss Nobel Conf e: Human Mind, a Discussion at the Nobel Conference (joum.) Hum Mov Sci e: Human Movement Science (journ.) Hum Nes e: Human Needs (joum.) Hum Neurob[iol] e: Human Neurobiology (joum.) Humnidades Ser 4 Logica Mat s: Humanidades. Serie 4. Logica Matematica (joum.) HumNL s: Humanitas [Nuevo Leon] (joum.) Hum Nutr Appi Nutr e: Human Nutrition. Applied Nutrition (joum.) Hum Nutr Cl[in Nutr] e: Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition (joum.) Hum Nutr Compr Treatise e: Human Nutrition. A Comprehensive Treatise (joum.) Hum Nutr Food Sci Nutr e: Human Nutrition. Food Sciences and Nutrition (journ.) HUMO e: Hughes Homes, Inc. - e: Momto [Uganda] Hum Org[an] e: Human Organization (journ.) Hu Move Sci e: Human Movement Science (joum.) Hum Path[ol] e: Human Pathology (joum.) Hum Pharmacol Drug Res e: Human Pharmacology and Drug Research (joum.) Hum Physiol e: Human Physiology (joum.) Hum Physiol [Engl Transi Fiziol Chel] e: Human Physiology [English Translation of Fizioloya Cheloveka] (joum.) Hum Potential e: Human Potential (joum.) Hum Relations] e: Human Relations (journ.) Hum Reprod e: Human Reproduction (journ.) Hum Reprod [Oxford] e: Human Reproduction [Oxford] (joum.) Hum Reprod Proc World Con e: Human Reproduction. Proceedings of World Congress (joum.) HUMRESMANCEN e: Human Resources Management Center HUMRESMANDET e: Human Resources Management Detachment HUMRESMANOLDET e. Human Resources Management School Detachment HUMRESMANSCOL e: Human Resources Management School HUMRESMANSCOLDET e: Human Resources Management School Detachment Hum Resour Abstr e: Human Resources Abstracts (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

S K • G • Saur. Munich

Hum Resource Mgt e: Human Resource Management (journ.) Hum Resour Forum e: Human Resouls Forum [United States] (journ.) Hum Resour Manage e: Human Resource Management (journ.) Hum Resour Manage [Aust] e: Human Resource Management [Australia] (journ.) Hum Resour Plann e: Human Resource Planning (journ.) Hum Rev e: Humanities Review (journ.) Hum Righ e: Human Rights (joum.) HUMRRO e: Human Resources Research Office HumRRO e: Human Resources Research Organization Hum Rts LJ e: Human Rights Law Journal (journ.) Hum Rts Q e: Human Rights Quarterly (journ.) Hum Rts USSR e: Human Rights in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (journ.) HUMS e: Health and Usage Monitoring System - e: Humanitarian Reasons Hum Sei e: Human Science [Konea] (joum.) Hum Settlements e: tiuman Settlements (journ.) Hum Soc e: Humane Society - e: Humanities in Society (journ.) Hum Stud 1: Humana Studia (journ.) Hum Syst Manage e: Human Systems Management [Netherlands] (joum.) HumT s: Humanitas [Tucuman, Argentinien] (journ.) Hum Toxicol e: Human Toxicology (joum.) HUMV e: Human light Vehicle Hum Vetensk Samf i Lund Arsberatt r: Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfunde i Lund Arsberattelse (journ.) HUN d: Hundersingen - e: Hualien [Taiwan] [Airport] - e: Hunt Manufacturing Co. - e: Huntington Resour, Inc. hun e: hundred Hun e: Hungarian - e: Hungary - e: Hungarian - e: Huns NYSupreme Court Reports (journ.) - e: New York Supreme Court Reports (joum.) - p: Hungría - s: Hungría HÜN d: Hünfeld HUNA e: Namulonge Agrometeorology Station [Uganda] Hund d: Hundert HUND e: Highly Unusual Neutron Detector - e: Hundred HUNDRED e: Hiroshima University New Document Retrieval and Dissemination HUNDREDSB e: Hundredsbarrow HundStG d: Hundesteuergesetz HUNEDR e: Human Neurnbiology (joum.) Hung e: Hungaria[n] - e: Hungarica - e: Hungary - e: Hungary Hungarian People's Republic Hung Agr[ic] Rev e: Hungarian Agricultural Review (joum.) Hung Annu Meet Biochem Proc e: Hungarian Annual Meeting for Biochemistry. Proceedings (joum.) Hungarian J Indust Chem Vesprem e: Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry Vesprem (joum.)


Hung Build Bull Hung Build Bull e: Hungarian Building Bulletin (joum.) Hung Econ e: Hungarian Economy (journ.) HUNGF e: Hungerford Hung Foldt Intez Evk H: Hungary. Fóldtani Intézet, Evkonyve (journ.) Hung For Sci Rev e: Hungarian Forest Scientifical Review (journ.) Hung Heavy Ind e: Hungarian Heavy Industries (journ.) Hung J Chem e: Hungarian Journal of Chemistry (journ.) Hung J Ind[us] Chem e: Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry (journ.) Hung J Min Metall e: Hungarian Journal of Mining and Metallurgy (journ.) Hung L Rev e: Hungarian Law Review (journ.) Hung Mach e: Hungarian Machinery (journ.) Hung Med Arch e: Hungarian Medical Archives (journ.) Hung Med Biblio e: Hungarian Medical Bibliography (journ.) Hung Med J e: Hungarian Medical Journal (journ.) Hung Min J e: Hungarian Mining Journal (journ.) Hungn e: Hungarian - e: Hungary Hung Notes World Hung Educ Serv e: Hunger Notes. World Hunger Education Service (journ.) Hung Pat Doc Szabad Leiras H: Hungary. Patent Document. Szabadalmi Leírás (journ.) Hung Pharmacol Soc Congr e: Hungarian Pharmacological Society. Congress (journ.) Hung R e: Hungarian Review (journ.) Hung S e: Hungarian Survey (journ.) Hung Sci Instrum e: Hungarian Scientific Instruments (journ.) Hung St Engl e: Hungarian Studies in English (journ.) Hung Tanner e: Hungarian Tanner (journ.) Hung Tech Abstr e: Hungarian Technical Abstracts (journ.) Hung Vet J e: Hungarian Veterinary Journal (journ.) H Unit e: Holzknecht Unit HunQ e: Hungarian Quarterly [New York] (journ.) HUN/RU s: Revista de la Universidad. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras [Tegucigalpa] (journ.) HUNT e: Hunterdon Pharmaceuticals Hunt e: Hunter's Torrens Cases [Canada] (journ.) - e: Hunt's Annuity Cases [England] (journ.) - e: Hunt's Merchants' Magazine (journ.) Hunt Ann Cas e: Hunt's Annuity Cases [England] (journ.) Hunt Bound e: Hunt's Law of Boundaries and Fences (journ.) Hunt Cas e: Hunt's Annuity Cases [England] (journ.) Hunt Eq e: Hunt's Suit in Equity (journ.) Hunter Nat Ht e: Hunter Natural History (journ.) Hunter Res Found J e: Hunter Valley Research Foundation. Journal (journ.) Hunter Rom Law e: Hunter on Roman Law (journ.) Hunter Suit Eq e: Hunter's Proceeding in a Suit in Equity (journ.)

Hunter Valley Res Fdn Monograph e: Hunter Valley Research Foundation. Monograph (joum.) Hunter Valley Res Found Spec Rep e: Hunter Valley Research Foundation. Special Report (joum.) HUNTEST e: Hunting and Testing Hunth e: Hundred Thousand Huntington e: Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botanical Gardens Hunt[ington] Lib[r] Q e: Huntington Library. Quarterly (joum.) Hunt Lib Bull e: Huntington Library. Bulletin (joum.) Hunt Mer Mag e: Hunt's Merchants' Magazine (journ.) Hunt Rom L e: Hunter on Roman Law (joum.) Hunts e: Huntingdonshire - e: Huntsville Hunt's AC e: Hunt's Annuity Cases [England] (joum.) Huntsn e: Huntingdonshire Hunt Suit e: Hunter's Proceeding in a Suit in Equity (joum.) Hunt Torrens e: Hunter's Torrens Cases [Canada] (joum.) HUO e: Huguenot HUORAY e: Human Organization (joum.) HUOS d: Heeresunteroffiziersschule HuOSzK H: Orszigos Szichenyi KbnyvtSr HUP e: Hangup - e: Harvard University Press - e: Helicopter Utility - e: Homogenous Uniparental Embryo - e: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania - e: Hospital Utilization Project - e: Hudspeth - e: Hupa - e: Hydrogen Uranyl Phosphate HuPaB H: Pannonhalmi Szent Benedek Rend Kozponti Konyvtira, Pannonhalma HUPAS e: Hofstra Universitv Pro Arte Symphony HUPATS e: Heuristic Paper Trimming System HU-PCM e: Hybrid Unidigit Pulse Code Modulation HuPE H: P6csi Tudominyegyetem HUPH e: Humphrey, Inc. HUPHD e: Human Physiology (joum.) HUPL e: Helicopter Utilities Proprietary Limited HUPPAE e: Harvard University. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (joum.) HUPr e: Harvard University Press - e: Hydrogemuranylphosphate tetrahlydrate HUQ e: Houn [Libyen] [Airport] HUR e: Hardware Usage Report - e: Heat Up Rate - e: Homes Using Radio - e: Human Relations (joum.) - e: Hurricane [Alaska] HuR e: Hudson Review (joum.) - e: Hurricane HuR f: Humanisme et Renaissance (joum.) HURA e: Health Underserved Rural Areas Hurb h: Hurban HURC e: Hurco Companies, Inc. HURCN e: Hurricane H2Urd e: Dihydrouridine HurD e: Hurricane Deck Hurd F&B e: Hurd on the Laws of Freedom and Bondage in the United States (journ.)


© K O - Saur. München

Hurd Hab Cor e: Hurd on the Writ of Habeas Corpus (journ.) Hurd Pers Lib e: Hurd on Personal Liberty (journ.) Hurd's RevSt e: Hurd's Illinois Revised Statutes (joum.) Hurd St e: Hurd's Illinois Statutes (joum.) HUREEE e: Human Reproduction [Oxfond] (joum.) HUREP e: Hurricane Report HUREVAC e: Hurricane Evacuation HURI e: Havard Ukrainian Research Institute HURIDOCS e: Human Rights Information and Documentation System, International - e: Human Rights Information Documentation System - e: Human Rights International Documentation System HURIS e: Human Resources Information System HURL e: Hawaii Underset Research Laboratory Huron Hist N e: Huron Historical Notes (journ.) hur[r] e: hurricane HURR e: Housing and Urban-Rural Recovery Act HURRAH e: Help Us Reach and Rehabilitate America's Handicapped HURRAN e: Hurricane Analog[ue] HURRAO e: Human Use Review and Regulatory Affairs Office HURR-EVAC e: Hurricane Evacuation HUS d: Häufigkeit-UnterbrechungsdauerSpektnim - d: Heeresunteroffizierschule - d: Husum - e: Harvard Ukrainian Studies (joum.) - e: Helicopter Utility Squadron - e: Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome - e: Heussler Air Service Corporation - e: Hughes [Alaska] [Airport] Hus e: Johannes Hus von Husinetz HUSAFICPA e: Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Central Pacific HUSAFMIDPAC e: Headquarters, United States Army Foces, Middle Pacific HUSAT e: Human Sciences and Advanced Technology Research Centre - e: Human Science and Advanced Technology Research Institute HUSB e: Home Unity Savings & Loan Association husb e: husbandry Husb For Med e: Husband's Forensic Medicine (journ.) HuSBw d: Hundeschule der Bundeswehr Hushall Salsk Tidskr a: Hushallnings Sallskapens Tidskrift (journ.) HUSIA e: Hungarian Scientific Instruments (joum.) HUSICON e: Humanides, Science and Conservation HUSITA e: Human Service Information Technology Appplications HUSL e: Harvard Underwater Sound Laboratory - e: Hebrew University. Studies in Literature (joum.) HUSO e: Soroti [Uganda] HuSpK H: Särospataki Reformätus Kollégium Nagykonyvtâra HUSRA e: Science Reports. Hirosaki University (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HVBO H U S T e: Huazhong University of Science and Technology HUSTLE e: Helium Underwater Speech Translating Equipment Hust L Tit e: Huston on Land Titles in Pennsylvania (journ.) HuSzOE H: Szegedi Orvostudomänyi Egyetem HuT d: Hoch- und Tiefbau (joum.) HUT e: Hard Upper Torso - e: HEDL [Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory] Up Transient - e: Held Up Transient - e: Helsinki University of Technology - e: High Usage Intertoll Trunk - e: Hold Up Tank - e: Home[s] Using Television - e: Homes Using TV [Television] - e: Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope - e: Households Using Television - e: Humboldt Energy - e: Hutchinson [Airport] Hut e: Hutton's English Common Pleas Reports (journ.) HUTCH e: Humidity-Temperature Charts Hutch Car[r] e: Hutchinson on Carriers (journ.) Hutch Code e: Hutchinson's Code [Mississippi] (journ.) Hutch JP e: Hutcheson's Justice of the Peace (journ.) HUTIS e: Hull Technical Interloan Scheme Hutn Aktl c: Hutnicke Aktuality (journ.) Hutn [Katowice] P: Hutnik [Katowice] (journ.) Hutn Listy c: Hutnicke Listy [Czechoslovakia] (journ.) HUTO e: Tororo [Uganda] HUTR e: Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site HUTRON e: Helicopter Utility Squadron Hütt Ct Req e: Hutton's Courts of Requests (journ.) Hiittenind d: Hüttenindustrie Hüttenwes d: Hüttenwesen Hutt[on] e: Hutton's English Common Pleas Reports (journ.) HÜTTS e: Hayes Universal Tow Target System HUTV e: Home[s] Using Television HUU e: Detroit - s: Huanuco [Peru] [Airport] HuV d: Handel und Versorgung HUV r: Hudiksvall [Airport] HUVE e: Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial HUVEC e: Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell H U W e: Harwell User's Workshop - e: Hours Under Way HuW d: Heimat und Welt (journ.) HUX e: Harvard University [Cambridge, MA] - e: Sacramento Hux e: Huxley Hux Judg e: Huxley's Second Book ofJudgments (journ.) HUY e: Humberside [England] [Airport] Huyck Felt Bull e: Huyck Felt Bulletin (journ.) HUZ e: Mesquite - s: Huaraz [Peru] HUzT d: Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie [Tübingen] (journ.)

H V c: Hudebni Veda (journ.) - d: Handelsverbindung - d: Handelsverkehr - d: Handelsvertrag - d: Handelsvertretung - d: Handlung, visuelle - d: Handvermittlung - d: Handwerkerversorgung - d: Harnvolumen - d: Härte nach Vickers - d: Hauptvermittlung - d: Hauptversammlung - d: Hauptverstärker - d: Hauptversuch[e] - d: Hauptverteiler - d: Hauptverteilungsanlage - d: Hauptvertrag - d: Hauptverwaltung - d: Hauptvorstand - d: Haushaltsvorschrift[en] - d: Haushal[tung]svorstand - d: Hausverwalter - d: Hausverwaltung - d: Heilverfahren - d: Herstellungsvorschrift - d: Historische Vierteljahresschrift (journ.) - d: Hochvakuum - d: Höherversicherung - e: Air-Cushion Vehicle built by Hover Vehicles [Neuseeland] - e: Boeing-Vertol Division - e : Half Value - e: Hand-Operated Valve - e: Hand Valve - e: Hard Valve - e: Hardness [according to] Vickers - e: Hardware Virtualizer - e: Haricots Verts - e: Harvard University - e: Health Visitor - e: Heart Volume - e: Heat of Vaporization - e: Heater Voltage - e: Heating and Ventilation - e: Heating Value - e: Heating-Ventilating - e: Heavy [C] - e: Height-Velocity - e: Helminthosporium Victoriae - e: Hepatic Vein - e: Herpesvirus - e: Hidden Variable - e: High in Volatiles - e: High Tension/Voltage - e: High Vacuum - e: High Velocity - e: High Viscosity - e: High Visibility - e: High Voltage - e: High Volume - e: Highly Varieted Maize - e: Horizontal-transmit Vertical-receive - e: Horizontal-Vertical Intersection - e: Hospital Visit - e: Hyaline-Vascular - e: Hydration Value - e: Hydraulic Valve - e: Hydrogen Vent - e: Hydroxyl Value - e: Hyper Velocity - e: Hypervariable - e: Hypervelocity - e: Hyperventilation - e: Transavia Holland BV - e: Vatican [aircraft] - e: Vickers Hardness [Number] -1: Hie Verbis

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

-1: Hoc Verbum H & V e: Heating and Ventilating - e: Heating & [and] Ventilation - e: Hemigastectomy and Vagotomy H-V e: Height-Velocity - e: High-Voltage - f: Haute-Volta H/V e: Horizontal/Vertical H V 6 e: Heracleum Virus 6 HVA d: Hauptversorgungsamt - d: Heersverwaltungsamt - e: Analaiava [Madagaskar] [Airport] - e: Health Visitors' Association - e: Herpesvirus Ateles - e: High Voltage Apparatus - e: Homo-Vanillic Acid - e: New Haven Airways, Inc. HVAB e: High-Volatile A Bituminous HVAC e: Heating H V A C e: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning - e: Heating Ventilation and AirCondi tionfing] - e: High Vacuum - e: High-Voltage Actuator - e: High-Voltage Alternating Current - e: House Veterans Affairs Committee HVACC e: High-Voltage Apparatus Coordinating Committee HVAC System e: Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning System HV ADJ e: High Voltage Adjustment HVAF e: High-Velocity Air Filter HVAP e: High Velocity, Armo[u]r Piercing - e: Hyper-Velocity, Armo[u]r Piercing HVAPDS e: High-Velocity, Armo[u]r Piercing, Discarding Sabot HVAPDSFS e: High-Velocity, Armo[u]rPiercing, Diarding Sabot, Fin Stabilized HVAPFSDS e: High-Velocity, Armo[u]rPiercing, Fin Stabilized, Discarding Sabot HVAP-T e: High-Velocity Armo[u]rPiercing-Tracer - e: Hyper-Velocity, Armo[u]r-PiercingTracer HVAR e: High-Velocity Airborne Rocket - e: High-Velocity Aircraft Rocket - e: High-Velocity Anti-Tank HVAR[HE] e: High-Velocity Aircraft Rocket [High Explosive] HVAST e: Hull Vibration and Strength Analysis HVAT e: High-Velocity Anti-Tank HVATKRON e: Heavy Attack Squadron HVB d: Hauptverbandplatz - e: Hawaii Visitors Bureau - e: Heptyl Viologen Bromide - e: Hervey Bay [Australien] [Airport] - e: High-Voltage Bias HVBB e: High-Volatile B Bituminous HVBI d: Heeresverordnungsblatt - e: Hamburgisches Verordnungsblatt (journ.) H V B O e: Heterojunction Valence-Band Offset


HVC H V C e: Hardened Voice Channel - e: Hardened Voice Circuit - e: Hav-Info Computers, Inc. - e: Haverford College - e: Hayden's Viburnum Compound - e: Health Visitor's Certificate - e: Hernandez Valley - e: High-Velocity Clouds - e: High Vocal Center - e: High-Voltage Circuit - e: High-Voltage Connector - e: High-Voltage Control - e: High-Velocity Cloud - e: Hopkinsville - e: Horizontal-Vertical Control HV&C e: Heating, Ventilating and Cooling HVc e: Ventral Hyperstriatum Caudal Nucleus -1: Hyperstriatum Ventralis Pars Caudalis HVCA e: Heating and Ventilating Contractors Association HVCB e: High-Volatile C Bituminous HVCBrt e: Health Visitor's Certificate HVCC e: Hairy Vetch as a Cover Crop - e: Hudson Valley Community College HVCE e: High-Voltage Capillary Electrophoresis HVCH e: Hardened Voice Channel HV-CMOS e: High Voltage Complementary Metal Oxide on Silicon HVCMOS e: High-Voltage CMOS [Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] - e: High-Voltage Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor HVCS e: High-Vacuum Calibration System HVCs e: High Velocity Clouds HVD d: Haushaltsvollzugsdatei - e: Half-Value Depth - e: Heaters, Vents and Drains [System] - e: Height-Velocity Diagram[me] - e: Hendrik Verwoerd Dam [Siidafrika] - e: High-Velocity Detonation - e: High-Voltage Discharge - e: Hydroviscous Drive - e: Hypertension Vascular Disease - e: Hypertensive Vascular Disease HVDB e: Heptyl Viologen Dibromide HVDC e: High-Voltage Direct Converter - e: High-Voltage Direct-Current HVDCT e: High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission HVD-EAZ d: Haushaltsvollzugsdateieinmalige Auszahlungen HVDF e: HF [High Frequency] and VHF [Very High Frequency] Direction Finder - e: HF [High Frequency] and VHF [Very High Frequency] Direction Finding - e: High and Very-High Frequency Direction Finding - e: High-frequency and VHF [Very High-Frequency] Direction Finder - e: High-frequency and VHF [Very High-Frequency] Direction Finding - e: High- and Very-High-Frequency Direction Finding HVD-K d: Haushaltsvollzugsdatei-auf Kassenebene HVDK e: Havard Knitwear, Inc. HVDP e: Heavy Drop HVDRR e: Hypocalcemic Vitamin D-Resistant Rickets HVDS e: Hypergolic Vapor Detection System HVD-WZ d: Haushaltsvollzugsdatei wiederkehrende Zahlungen

HVD-Z d: Haushaltsvollzugsdatei-auf zentraler Ebene HVE d: Hochvolt-Elektonenmikroskopie - e: High-Vacuum Environment - e: High-Vacuum Evaporator - e: High-Voltage Electron [Microscopy] - e: High-Voltage Electrophoresis - e: High Voltage Engineering [Corporation] - e: Home Video Entertainment - e: Horizontal Vertex Error HVEC e: High Voltage Engineering Corporation - e: Human Vascular Endothelial Cells HVECA e: Heating and Ventating Engineer and Journal of Air Conditioning (joum.) HVEL e: Hypervelocity HVEM e: High-Vacuum Electron Microscope - e: High-Voltage Electron Microscope - e: High-Voltage [transmission] Electron Microscopy HVE Microscopy e: High Voltage Electron Microscopy H&V Eng e: H&V Engineer [GB] H[-]Vers d: Hauptversammlung - d: Höherversicherung H-Vertr d: Handelsvertrag Hvertr d: Handelsvertrag - d: Hauptvertrag H[-]Verw d: Hausverwaltung HVES e: High-Vacuum Evaporation System - e: High-Voltage Electrical Stimulation HVF e: Harmonically Varying Field - e: Haverford College - e: High Velocity Forming - e: High Viscosity Fuel [Oil] HVFB e: High-Velocity Fluidized Bed HVFD e: Haverfield Corporation HVFe d: Hauptverwaltung für Fernmeldewesen HVFS e: High-Vacuum Flame Sterilization HVFu d: Hauptverwaltung für Funkwesen HVG d: Handelsvertretergesetz - d: Handwerkerversorgungsgesetz - d: Hybridvorschaltgerät - e: High Velocity Gun - e: High-Voltage Generator - e: High-Voltage Gradient - e: Host Versus Graft - e: Hypervelocity Gun - N: Honningsvag [Airport] HVg d: H and Veredlung HVGL e: High Velocity Grenade Launcher HVGLS e: High-Velocity Grenade Launcher System H V G O e: Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil HVGS e: High Velocity Gun System H V H d: Herpesvirus Hominis - e: Herpesvirus Hominis - e: Hydrogen Vent Header Hvh 1: Herpesvirus hominus HVHA e: High-Velocity Hot-Air HVHAI e: High-Velocity Hot-Air Impingement HVHD e: High-Voltage-Hold-Down HVHF e: High Very High Frequency HVHMD e: Holographic Visor HelmetMounted Display HVHW e: Health Values. Achieving High Level Wellness (journ.)


© K • G • Saur. München

HVI e: Hartman Value Inventory - e: Hellenic Vehicle Industry - e: Hepatic Volumetric Index - e: High Viscosity Index - e: High-Value Item - e: High-Volume Instrument - e: Home Ventilating Institute - e: Horizon Village - e: Human Visual Inspection HVIC e: High Voltage IC [Integrated Circuit] - e: High-Voltage Integrated Circuit HVIDAMCA e: Home Ventilating Institute Division of the Air Movement Control Association HV-IIL e: High-Voltage Integrated Injection Logic HVI 2 L e: High Voltage I 2 L [Integrated Injection Logic] H'ville e: Huntsville HVIO e: High-Volume Industrial Organics HVIRS e: Hull Vibration Information Retrieval System HVIS e: Hypervelocity Impact Symposium - e: Hypervelocity Impact System HVIT e: High-Volume Information Transfer HVJ d: Historische Vierteljahresschrift (journ.) - e: H[a]emagglutinating Virus of Japan - e: Hemagglutinating Virus of Japan HVJS d: Historische Vierteljahresschrift (journ.) HVK e: Holmavik [Airport] - e: Hovik Medical HVL d: Heeresverpflegungslager - d: Hypophysenvorderlappen - e: Half-Value Layer - e: Half-Wave Layer - e: Hanseatic V Line - e: High Voltage Laboratory - e: Hypervelocity Launcher HVLF d: Hauptverwaltung Lebensmittelindustrie und Fleischwirtschaft HV-Lot d: Horizontal-Vertikal-Lot HVLP e: High-Velocity, Low Penetration Paint - e: High-Volume Low-Pressure HVLS e: Huron Valley Library System HVLTDS e: Hypervelocity Launcher Terminal Defense HV/LVPS e: High Voltage/Low Voltage Power Supply H V M d: Hochfrequenz-Verteilungsmatrix - e: Heterodyne Vegetation Meter - e: High Velocity Metalworking - e: High-Voltage Mode - e: High-Voltage Module - e: Hydraulic Valve Motor - e: Hyper Velocity Missile - e: Hyper-Velocity Munition Hvm 1: Humanitas (journ.) HVMC e: Harbor View Medical Center HVME e: Hull Vibration Monitoring Equipment HVMF e: High Valency Metal Fluoride HVML e: High Volume Minelayer Hv MORS e: Heavy Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop HVMOS e: High-Voltage Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: High-Voltage MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] HVMS e: High Voltage Mass Separator - e: Hyper Velocity Medium Support HVMSchw d: Hauptvertrauensmann der Schwerbeschädigten

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Hvy Wpn HVMVI e: High Voltage Mercury Vapo[u]r Isolator H V N e: Havana - e: Haven - e: Home View Network - e: New Haven [Airport] HV-Netz d: Handvermittlungsnetz HVNP e: Hawaii Volcanoes National Park HVO d: Hackfleischverordnung - d: Havarieverfahrensordnung - d: Heeresverbindungsoffizier - d: Hochschullehrervergiitungsordnung - e: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory HVOF e: High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel [Process] - e: High-Velocity Oxygen/Fuel [System] HVOSM e: Highway Vehicle-Object Simulation Model HVOT e: Hooper Visual Organization Test HVP d: Hauptverwaltung fur das Postwesen - d: Hilfsvierpol - e: Half Value Period - e: Hardware Verification Program - e: Hartman Value Profile - e: Hayes Verification Protocol - e: Heart Valve Prostheses - e: High Vacuum Pump - e: High-Value Package - e: High Velocity Penetrator - e: High Video Pass - e: High-Voltage Potential - e: High-Voltage Power [Supply] - e: High-Voltage Pump - e: High Volume Program[me] - e: High-Value Product - e: Horizontal and Vertical Position - e: Host Vehicle Pallet - e: Hudson Vitamin Products - e: Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein HVPC e: High Voltage Power Corporation HVPE e: High-Voltage Paper Electrophoresis - e: Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy HVPF d: Hauptverwaltung fiir das Post- und Fernmeldewesen - e: Human Vascular Permeability Factor HVPG e: Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient HVPHOTORON e: Heavy Photographic Squadron HVPI e: Holland Vocational Preference Inventory HVPIC e: Hierarchical Visual Pattern Image Coding HVPI d: Hauptverbandsplatz HVPR e: High-Voltage Phase Retard HVPS e: High-Voltage Power Supply - e: High-Volume Printing System HVPVE e: High-Voltage Photovoltaic Effect HVR d: Hypophysenvorderlappenreaktion - e: Hard Vertical Rotating Balancer - e: Hardware Vector to Raster - e: Havre [Airport] - e: Helicopter Visual Rules - e: High-Vacuum Rectifier - e: High-Voltage Rectifier - e: High-Voltage Regulator - e: High-Voltage Relay - e: High-Voltage Resistor - e: High-Resolution Visible Range - e: Highland Valley Resource Limited - e: Highly Variable Regions - e: Home Video Recorder - e: Hover - e: Hyderabad Volunteer Riffles - e: Hypervariable Region - e: Hypoxic Ventilatory Response HVr d: Hauptverstiirker

HVRA e: Hawaiian Volcano Research Association - e: Heating and Ventilating Research Association HVRAP e: Hyper-Velocity Rocket-Assisted Projectile HVREA e: Heating and Ventilating Review (journ.) HV RECT e: High-Voltage Rectifier HV REG e: High-Voltage Regulator HVRL e: High Voltage Research Laboratory HVRNG e: Hovering HVS d: Hilfsverbindungssatz - d: Homovanillinsäure - d: Hyperventilationssyndrom - e: Hard Vertical Static Balancer - e: Hardware Verification System - e: Hartsville - e: Herpesvirus of Saimiri - e: High Vacuum Seal - e: High-Voltage Switch - e: Human Vaginal Swab - e: Human Visual System - e: Hypersonic Vehicle Shield HVSA e: High-Voltage Slow Activity - e: High-Voltage Solar Array HVSC e: High Voltage Selenium Cartridge HVSCR e: High-Voltage Selenium Cartridge Rectifier HVSD e: High Value Site Defense HVSD/ADAM e: High Vale Site Defense/ Air Defense Anti-Missile HVSE e: High-Voltage Solar Experiment HVSEM e: High-Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy H V S F e: High Velocity Sheet Forming - e: Honeywell Verification Simulation Facility H V S L e: Holidays, Vacation and Sick Leave H V S P e: High-Voltage Solar Panel HVSS e: Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension HVST d: Hauptvermittlungsstelle - e: High-Voltage Switching Transistor HVSt d: Hauptverkehrsstunde - d: Hauptverteilungsstelle - d: Hauptverwaltung der Straßen - d: Hybrid-Vermittlungsstelle HVStab d: Heeresverbindungsstab HVSt-Bereich d: Hauptvermittlungsstellenbereich HVSTD d: Hauptverkehrsstunde[n] HVStHand d: Hauptvermittlungsstelle mit Handbedienung HVStn d: Hauptvermittlungsstellen HVStW d: Hauptvermittlungsstelle mit Wählbetrieb HVSU e: Heating Ventilating Supply Unit HV Switch e: High-Voltage Switch HVT d: Hauptversorgungsträger - d: Hauptverteiler - e: Half-Value Thickness - e: Health Vest SBI - e: Health Visitor Teacher - e: Herpesvirus of Turkeys - e: Hidden Variable Theory - e: High-Vacuum Tube - e: High Value Target - e: High-Voltage Termination - e: High-Voltage Test[er] - e: High-Voltage Threshold - e: High-Voltage Transformer - e: Hydraulic Variable Timing HVTB e: High-Voltage Thermal Battery

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

HVTEM e: High-Voltage Transmission Electron Microscope - e: High Voltage Transmission Electron Microscopy HvTk e: Heavy Tank HVtL d: Hauptverteiler/Linienseite HVTL e: High-Voltage Transmission Line HVTP e: High-Velocity, Target Practice - e: Hyper-Velocity, Target Practice [Projectile] HVTPDS e: High-Velocity, Target Practice Discarding Sabot HVTP-T e: High-Velocity Target PracticeTracer - e: Hyper-Velocity Target Practice-Tracer HVtr d: Handelsvertrag HVTR e: Home Video Tape Recorder - e: Home Video Tape Recording H V T S e: High-Volume Time-Sharing - e: Hypervelocity Techniques Symposium HVtV d: Hauptverteiler/Vermittlungsseite HVU e: Alius - e: Hansel Valley - e: Heating Ventilation Unit - e: High-Value Unit HVV d: Hamburger Verkehrsverbund - e: Helium Vent Valve HVW e: High-Voltage Waveform - e: High-Voltage Wire HvW e: Heavy Weapon[s] HVWP e: Hospitalized Veterans Writing Project Hv Wpn[s] e: Heavy Weapon[s] HVY e: Happy Valley - e: Heavy Hvy Mort e: Heavy Mortar Hvy Veh e: Heavy Vehicle Hvy Wkr e: Heavy Wrecker Hvy Wpn e: Heavy Weapon[s]


HW H W d: Halbwelle - d: Halbwort - d: Halswirbel - d: Handelsware - d: Handelswert - d: Handelswissenschaft - d: Handwerker] - d: Handwörterbuch - d: Hauptwandler - d: Hauptwerkstatt - d: Hauptwert - d: Hauptwort - d: Heizwendel - d: Hethitisches Wörterbuch (journ.) - d: Heu wert - d: Hochwasser - d: Horizontalwinkel - d: Hot Water - e: Guernsey Airlines Limited - e: Hairy Woodpeker - e : Half Wave - e : Half Width - e : Half Word - e: Hammer Welding - e: Handset, Wall - e: Handset-Wall [Model] - e: Handwritten - e: Hard Water - e: Hard Wired - e: Hardware - e: Hardwood [Floors] - e: Hazardous Waste - e: Head Waiter - e: Head Wardmaster - e: Head Wave - e: Head Width - e: Head Wind - e: Heart-Worm - e: Heavy Wall - e: Heavy Water - e: Heavy Weapon[s] - e: Heavy Weight - e: Hecto-Watt[s] - e: Helsinki Watch - e: Herewith - e: Hertzian Wave - e: High Water - e: High Wing - e: Highway - e: Hindwing - e: Hispanic Writers (journ.) - e: Historical Wyoming (journ.) - e: Hit Wicket - e: Hollow - e: Homing Weapon[s] - e: Hot Water - e: Hot Wire - e: Hotwell - e: Howard Aeron Manufacturing - e: Howler - e: Hunter-Wheel - n: Hollandsch Weekblad (journ.) H w d: Hammerwerk - d: Handwerker] - d: Hauptwagen - d: Hauptwerk - d: Hauswirtschaft - d: Heizwerk - d: Heizwert - d: Hochschulwissen in Einzeldarstellungen (journ.) - d: Holzwolle - d: Hüttenwerk h W d: Hektowatt - e: hectowatt

H & W e: Harland and Wolff - e: Harrison and Wollaston's English King's Bench Reports (journ.) - e: Hazzard and Warburton's Prince Edward Island Reports (journ.) - e: Hereford and Worcester - e: Hurlstone and Walmsley's English Exchequer Reports (journ.) H+W d: Haus und Wohnung (journ.) H - W e: Harbison-Walker [refractories] H / W e: Hardware - e: Herewith - e: Highway HWA e: Hallman, W. A., St.Paul MN - e: Handwritten by Amanuensis - e: Hill-Williford Aviation, Inc. - e: Holloway White Allom - e: Hot-Wire Ammeter - e: Hot Wire Anemometer - e: Hwalien [Kanko] [China] H w A d: Handwörterbuch der Arbeitswissenschaft (journ.) HWAA d: Heereswaffenamt HWAAP e: Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant HWADM e: Hypersonic Wide-Area Defense Missile H-Wagen d: Holzwagen Hware e: Hardware Today (journ.) Hway e: Highway H W A Y e: Humble Way (journ.) HWB d: Halbwertsbreite - d: Handwörterbuch - d: Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft - e: Half Word Boundary - e: Hot Water Boiler - e: Hot Water Bottle Hwb d B d: Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft (journ.) Hwb d Sw d: Handwörterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften (journ.) Hwb Dt RG d: Handwörterbuch zur Deutschen Rechtsgeschichte (journ.) HWBDU e: Hot Weather Battle Dress Uniform - e: Hot Weather Battle Fluid HW-Bett d: Hochwasserbett HWBF e: High-Water-Based Fluid HWBI d: Handwörterbuch des Islam (journ.) HWBR e: Half Wave Bridge Rectifier HWC e: Half Wave Circuit - e: Half Wave Current - e : Half Word Constant - e: Hazardous Waste Containment - e: Health and Welfare Canada - e: Heriot-Watt College - e: Hot Waste Concentrate^] - e: Hot Water Circulating - e: Hot Water Circulation HWCA e: Housing of Working Classes Act HWCC e: Harpoon Weapon Cantrol Console H W C D e: HWC Distribution Corporation H W C F e: High-Water-Content Fluid H W C I e: Hardware Configuration Item H W C S e: Helicopter Wire Cutter System H W C T R e: Heavy-Water Components] Test Reactor HWCU e: Heated Window Control Unit


8 K 0 - S a u r , München

H W D d: Halbwertdicke - d: Halbwertdosis - e: Half-Wave Dipole - e: Hardwood - e: Hayward - e: Hazardous Waste Disposal - e: Height, Width, Depth - e: Highwood Resources Limited - e: Hill/Wendover/Dungway - e: Horizontal Weather Depiction - e: Hot Wire Detector HWDMS e: Hadous Waste Data Management System - e: Hadous Waste Disposal Management System HWDYKY e: How Well Do You Know Yourself? H W E d: Heißwassererzeuger - e: East West Center, Honolulu - e: Hardy-Weinberg Expectation - e: Home War Establishment - e: Hot Wall Epitaxy HWEBL e: Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory HWEC e: Hallwood Energy Corporation Hw-Empf d: Höhenweiser-Empfänger HWEP e: Hot Wire Emissive Probe HWERL e: Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory H W F d: Halbwertflächengewicht - e: Aberdeen/Amory - e: Hazardous Waste Federation HwF d: Handwörterbuch des elektrischen Fernmeldewesens (journ.) HWF&C e: High-Water Full and Change HWFET e: Highway Fuel Economy Test HWFPB e: Half Word Fixed Point Binary H-Wg d: Handwagen H W G d: Gesetz über die Werbung auf dem Gebiet des Heilwesens - e: Halifax Wire Gauge [GB] - e: Hallwood Group, Inc. - e: House Wednesday Group H W G C B e: Heavy-Water-Moderated GasCooled Reactor HWGCR e: Heavy Water[-moderated] Gas-Cooled Reactor H W G T F e: Hazardous Waste Groundwater Task Force H W G W e: Hiram Walker-Gooderham & Worts H W H d: Hochwasserhöhe - e: Hecot-Watt Hour[s] - e: Hot Water Heater H W I d: Hochwasserintervall - e: Hardware Interpreter - e: Hardware Wholesalers, Inc. - e: Hawk Inlet - e: Head Width Index - e: Helical Washer Institute - e: High-Water Interval - e: Howard Winters, Inc. HWIL e: Hardware-In-the-Loop HWIM e: Hear what I Mean H WIN e: Hot Water-Insoluble Nitrogen HWIQ e: High Water Inequality HWIS e: Heritage Wisconsin hwK d: halbwarmer Kasten H W K d: Halswirbelkörper - e: Harvey Woods Limited - e: Hawk Resources, Inc. - e: Hawker [Australien] [Airport] - e: Hawkins Chemical, Inc. - e: Kaufman [H. W.] Financial Group, Inc. Hw Kolo c: Hrvatsko Kolo (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HXL[D] H W K w d: Hauptwerkstatt für Postkraftwagen H W L d: Hauptwiderstandslinie - d: Hauptwirtschaftslager - d: höhere wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Lehranstalt - e: Hardy-Weinberg Law - e: Hauptwiderstandslinie - e: High-Water Level - e: High-Water Line - e: Hot Water Line - e: Hotwell - e: Howell Corporation - e: Hutchison Whampoa Limited H W L B e: High Water London Bridge H W L C e: Harold Washington Library Center - e: Hotwell Level Control [System] H W Level e: High Water Level H W L I e: High-Water Lunitidal Interval H W L M e: High Water Line Mark HWL[-]Platte d: Holzwolle-Leichtbauplatte H W L S e: Hostile Weapon Location-System - e: Hostile Weapons Locating System H W L W B e: Heavy Water Moderated Light-Water Cooled Reactor H W L W R e: Heavy-Water-moderated [boiling] Light-Water-cooled Reactor H W M d: Hauptwachtmeister - d: Hauptwerkmeister - d: Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen (journ.) - e: Half-Width Method - e: Hazardous Waste Management - e: Hersham & Walton Motors - e: High Water Mark - e: High Wet Modulus - e: Highway Memory - e: Hiram Walker Museum - e: Hot-Water-cure Mortar - e: Hot-Water-cure Motor - e: Maui County Free Library, Waluku H W M C e: House Ways and Means Committee H W M D e: Hazardous Waste Management Division HW[-]Menge d: Hochwassermenge H W M F e: Hazardous Waste Management Facility H W M J A e: Hawaii Medical Journal (journ.) H W M N T e: High-Water Mark Neap Tide H W M O N T e: High-Water Mark Ordinary Neap Tide H W M O S T e: High-Water Mark Ordinary Spring Tide H W M P e: Hazardous Waste Management Plan H W M S T e: High-Water Mark Spring Tide H W M s t r d: Hauptwerkmeister H W N e: Hazard Warning Network - e: High-Water Neaps - e: Honolulu H W N A e: Hosiery Wholesalers National Association H W N C e: Haywood Savings and Loan Association H W N T e: High-Water Neap Tide H W O d: Handwerksordnung - e: Hollywood - e: Homosexual World Organization - e: Hot Water Oxidizer - e: Hurricane Warning Office H W O C R e: Heavy Water[-moderated] Organic-Cooled Reactor

H W O N T e: High-Water of Ordinary Neap Tide[s] H W O R e: Heavy Water[-moderated] Organic-cooled Reactor H W O S e: High-Water Ordinary Springs H W O S T e: High-Water of Ordinary Spring Tide[s] H W P e: Half-Wave Plate - e : Half Write Pulse - e: Hardware Work Package - e: Harmonic Wire Projector - e: Heavy-Water Plant - e: Heavy-Water Project - e: Height and Weight Proportional - e: Hermes Writing Process - e: Hewlett-Packard Co. - e: Hours Waiting Parts H w P d: Handwörterbuch des Postwesens (journ.) H W P B e: Heavy Weather Patrol Boats H W Q e: Hansard Written Questions [Database] - e: Harlowton - e: High-Water Quadrature - e: Tropic High-Water Inequality H W R d: Heißwasserrakete - e: Half-Wave Rectifier - e: Heavy-Water[-moderated] Reactor - e: Hot Water Return - e: Walker [Hiram] Resources Limited H W R C e: Hazardous Waste Research Center H W R C B e: Highways and Road Construction (journ.) H W R F S e: Heavy Height Reheat Fuel System H W R O C R e: Heavy-Water Moderated Organic-Cooled Reactor H W R U e: Hardware Roll-Up H W S d: Halbwertschicht - d: Halswirbelsäule - d: Heißwasserfraktion der Stärke - d: Höchster Wasserstand - e: Hanford Works Specification - e: Hanford Works Standard - e: Harpoon Weapons System - e: Harrassment Weapon[s] System - e: Hazardous Waste Service - e: Helicopter Weapons System - e: High-Water of Spring Tide - e: Highway Switch - e: Hot-Water Soluble - e: Hot-Water Supply - e: Hot-Water System H W S e: Hurricane Warning Service - e: Hurricane Warning System H W S A e: Hazardous Waste Services Association H & W S C e: Hobart and William Smith Colleges H W S I e: Health Ways Systems, Inc. H W S N A M e: Hawaiian Shell News (journ.) H W S P C e: Hawk Weapon System Partnership Committee H W S S e: Hazardous Waste and Superfund Staff - e: Hot Water Service System H W S S G e: Heavy Weapons Special Study Group H W S T e: High Water, Spring Tide H W S T D e: High Water Speed Technology Demonstrator H W / S W e: Hardware/Software

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

H W T e: Handbook of Weapon Training - e: Heavy-Weight Torpedofes] - e: Hot Water Temperature - e: Hundredweight - e: Hypersonic Wind Tunnel H W T A e: Houston World Trade Association H W T C e: Hazardous Waste Treatment Council - e: Highway Traffic Control H W T C R e: Heavy Water Components Test Reactor H W T R e: Heavy Weapons Testing Range H W T S e: Humm-Wadsworth Temperament Scale - e: Hypersonic Wing Test Structure H - W U e: Heriot-Watt University H W V E e: Hot-Wall Vacuum Evaporation H w V G d: Handwerkerversicherungsgesetz H W V R e: However H W W d: Hochschule für Welthandel - e: Hot-and-Warm Worked - e: Hot and Warm Working H W W A d: Hamburger WeltwirtschaftsArchiv - d: Hamburgisches Weltwirtschaftsarchiv - d: Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung H W W B e: Hardwood Weather Board H W W C e: Hand Wash With Care H W W S e: Hyperfiltration Wash Water Recovery System H W Y e: Highway - e: Hundred Woman Years - e: Huntway Partners LP H W Y of E x p o s u r e e: Hundred Woman Years of Exposure HwyResAb e: Highway Research Abstracts (journ.) H W Z d: Halbwert[s]zeit - d: Heereswetterzentrale - d: Hochwasserzeit HX d: Halbduplex - d: Halbduplex[betrieb] - d: Halbduplexübertragung - d: Höxter - d: Hypoxanthin - e: Half Duplex - e: Halifax [Corporation] - e: Headroom Extension - e: Heat Exchanger - e: Hereodox - e: Hexagonal - e: High Index - e: H i s t i o c y t o s i s X - e: South Pacific Island Airways, Inc. - e: Station Having No Specific Working Hours - e: Trans- 1,4-Hexadiene H x e: Hexode - e: Hexyl - e: History [medical case] - e: Hypophysectomized - e: Hypoxanthine H/X e: Heat Exchanger H X B e: Helix Biotech H X B P e: Human X Box Binding Protein H X B T e: Helicopter Expandable Bathythermograph H x C D D e: Hexachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin H X C L e: Hexcel H X D P e: Honeywell Experimental Distributed Processor H X F e: Hartford HXIS e: Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer H X K e: Berlin HXL[D] e: Hexcel Corporation


HXM H X M e: Hazleton - e: Helicopter Experimental, Medium - e: Hexamethylmelamine H X O e: Oxford H - X P S e: High-Power Crosspoint Switch H X Q e: Hard X-Ray Quanta H X R d: Hypoxanthinribosid - e: Hard X-Ray H X R B S e: Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer HXSA e: Hexenylsuccinic Anhydride H X W e: Hopkinsville H X W X L e: Height by Width by Length - e: Height times Width times Length HXX e: Hay [Australien] [Airport] H Y d: Hypophyse - d: Hysterie - e: Heavy - e: Hebrew Year - e: Height of Eye - e: Hertfordshire Yeomanry - e: High Yield - e: Hundred Yards - e: Hybrid - e: Hydrocollator Pack - e: Hydrography - e: Hypobranchial - e: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (journ.) - e: Liberian World Airlines, Inc. - F: Heisingin Yliopisto Hy d: History - d: Hydraulik - d: Hydraulisch - d: Hyperniere - e: Henry [inductances] - e: Highway - e: Hiram - e: History - e: Hydrant - e: Hydraulic - e: Hyman - e: Hypermetropia - e: Hypersthene - e: Hypothenar H-Y e: Histocompatibility Y H r e: Highway Hy A e: Hydro- og Aerodynamisk Laboratorium HYA e: High-Voltage-Activated - e: Hyack Air Limited - e: Hyannis [Airport] H y a e: Hydra - e: Hydra [constellation] - e: Hydras Hyacinth Control J e: Hyacinth Control Journal (journ.) H Y A C S e: Hybrid Analog-Switching Attitude Control System [for Space Vehicles] HYAS e: Hydrogasification Hyatt's P C e: Hyatt's PC News Report (journ.) H y a z d: Hyazinthe H Y B e: Herzl Year Book (journ.) - e: Hybrid [System] - e: Hyderabad [Indien] - e: New American High Income Fund H Y B A L L e: Hybrid Analogue] Logic[al] Language - e: Hydraulic Ball H Y B D e: Hycor Biomedical, Inc. H Y B E N Z A T E e: o-[4-Hydroxybenzoyl]benzoate Hy Bl e: Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Reports (journ.) H Y B L O C e: Hybrid-Computer Block-Oriented Compiler

H Y B L O C K e: Hybrid-computer Block-oriented Compiler H Y B M E D e: Hybrid Microelectronic Device h y b r d: hybrid[isch] H y b r e: Hybrid[e] H Y B R e: Hybritech, Inc. Hybrid e: Hybridization Hybrid Circuit Technol e: Hybrid Circuit

Communications System Hycon e: Hydraulic Control H Y C O T R A N e: Hybrid Computer Translator H Y D e: High-Viscosity Dispenser - e: Hyderabad [Indien] [Airport] - e: Hydragyrum - e: Hydrant - e: Hydrate[d] - e: Hydraulic[s] - e: Hydroelectric Power - e: Hydrogénation - e: Hydrograph[er] - e: Hydrographic[al] - e: Hydrography - e: Hydrolize[d] - e: Hydrology - e: Hydrostatic[al] - e: Hydrostatics - e: Hydrous - e: Hydroviscous Drive - e: Hydroxyurea - e: International Hydron Corporation - f: Cœur D'Alene Hyd e: All India Reporter, Hyderabad (journ.) - e: Hyderabad HYDA e: Hybrid Digital-Analog[ue] H Y D A C e: Hybrid Digital-Analog[ue] Computer - e: Hybrid Digital-Analog[ue] Computing [Satellite] - e: Hybrid Digital-Analog[ue] Computing [System] H Y D A C System e: Hybrid DigitalAnalog[ue] Computing System HYDA[P]T e: Hybrid Digital-Analog Pulse Time H Y D A P T e: Hybrid Digital-Analog[ue] Pulse Time[r] HYDAS e: Hydroacoustic Data Acquisition System - e: Hydrographie Data Acquisition System h-y dash e: hundred-yard dash H Y D A T e: Hydrodynamic Analysis Tool H Y D C A e: Hydrocarbure (journ.) H Y D E e: Hyde Athletic Industries, Inc. Hyde e: Hyde's Bengal Reports [Indien] (journ.) hydel e: hydroelectric[al] H y d e r a b a d e: Indian Law Reports, Hyderabad Series (journ.) H Y D I e: Hydromer, Incorporated Hydi e: Hydras H Y D I D H e: Scientific Works. Poultry Science. Poultry Research Institute (journ.)


© K G - Saur, München

Technology [US] (journ.) Hy Bty e: Heavy Battery H Y C e: Haney [Britisch-Kolumbien] - e: Hydraulic Coupling H Y C A T S e: Hydrofoil Collision Avoidance and Tracking System H y - C h a r d: Hypemiere-Characteristik H Y C O e: Hybrid Computer H Y C O L e: Hybrid Computer Link H Y [ - ] C O M e: Highway Communications H Y [ - ] C O M System e: Highway

H Y D K A K e: Pings. Hoshi College of Pharmacy (journ.) H Y D L A P S e: Hydrographie Data Logging and Processing Systems H Y D M e: Hydrometer HYD/PNU e: Hydraulic/Pneumatic H Y D P R O UN e: Hydraulic Propulsion Units H Y D R e: Hydragogue - e: Hydraulic - e: Hydraulics - e: Hydrostatic[s] H y d r d: Hydrant - d: Hydrat - d: Hydraulik - d: Hydrologe - d: Hydrologie - d: Hydrolyse - e: Hydraulic[s] - e: Hydrographer - e: Hydrography h y d r d: hydraulisch - d: hydriert - d: hydrologisch H Y D R A e: Hybrid Defense Radio - e: Hydramatic - e: Hydraulic Analysis - e: Hydrographie Digital Positioning and Depth Recording [System] - e: Hydrologie Analysis H Y D R A P A D e: Hydraulic Positioning and Drilling H y d r a P n e u m e: Hydraulics and Pneumatics (journ.) H Y D R A R G e: Hydrargyrum h y d r a r g 1: hydrargvrum H Y D R A S e: Hydrographie Digital Positioning and Depth Recording System h y d r a t d: hydratisiert H y d r a u l d: Hydraulik - e: Hydraulicfs] H y d r a u l & A i r E n g n g e: Hydraulic and Air Engineering (journ.) H y d r a u l E n g e: Hydraulic Enineering (journ.) H y d r a u l E n g [Budapest] e: Hydraulic Engineering [Budapest] (journ.) H y d r a u I [ & ] P n e u m e: Hydraulics and Pneumatics [US] (journ.) H y d r a u l P n e u m Mech P o w e r e: Hydraulic Pneumatic Mechanical Power (journ.) H y d r a u l P n e u m P o w e r e: Hydraulic Pneumatic Power (journ.) H y d r a u l P n e u m P w r e: Hydraulic Pneumatic Power (journ.) H Y D R A W E L D e: Hydraulic-Drawn Welded H y d r a z i n e W a t e r T r e a t P r o c I n t Conf e: Hydrazine and Water Treatment. Proceedings of the International Conference (journ.) H Y D R E A e: Hydroxyurea H Y D R E L C e: Hydroelectric H Y D R E S S e: High Data Rate Storage Subsystem Hydride S y m p e: Hydride Symposium (journ.) H y d r i e r d: Hydrierung H Y D R O e: Hydrodynamics] - e: Hydrograph[er] - e: Hydrographie Office - e: Hydrography - e: Hydropathic - e: Hydrostatic[s] - e: Hydrotherapy

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

HYKMA hydro e: hydrodynamic group of hydrodynamics - e: hydroelectric[al] - e: hydrographie - e: hydrology Hydrobiol d: Hydrobiologie - e: Hydrobiologia (journ.) - e: Hydrobiology Hydrobiol Bull e: Hydrobiological Bulletin (journ.) Hydrobiol J e: Hydrobiological Journal (journ.) Hydrobiol J [Engl Transi Gidrobiol Zh] e: Hydrobiological Journal [English Translation of Gidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal] (journ.) Hydrobiol Stud e: Hydrobiological Studies (journ.) Hydrocarb[o]n [Process] e: Hydrocarbon Processing (journ.) Hydrocarbon Process Pet Refiner e: Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner (journ.) Hydrochem d: Hydrochemie Hydroc Proc e: Hydrocarbon Processing (journ.) Hydrocyclones Pap Int Conf e: Hydrocyclones. Papers Presented at the International Conference (journ.) Hydrodyn d: Hydrodynamik HYDRODYN e: Hydrodynamic[al] - e: Hydrodynamics HYDROELEC e: Hydroelectric Hydroelec Engr e: Hydroelectric Engineer Hydro Electr Power e: Hydro Electric Power [Japan] (journ.) HYDROG e: Hydrogapher - e: Hydrographie - e: Hydrography Hydrog e: Hydrographer of the Navy - e: Hydrographie - e: Hydrograph[y] Hydrog Bull e: Hydrographie Bulletin (journ.) Hydrogen Energy Prog e: Hydrogen Energy Progress [International Association for Hydrogen Energy, US] (journ.) Hydrogen Met e: Hydrogen in Metals (journ.) Hydrogen Prog e: Hydrogen Progress [United States] (journ.) Hydrogeol d: Hydrogeologie Hydrogeol Inf [Czech] c: Hydrogeologicke Informace [Csechoslovakia. Ustav Geologickeho Inzenyrstvi] (joum.) Hydrogr d: Hydrograf - d: Hydrograph - d: Hydrographie hydrogr d: hydrographisch Hydrog Rev e: Hydrographie Review (journ.) Hydrogr J e: Hydrographie Journal [Hydrographie Society, GB] (journ.) HYDROIND e: Hydrography of the Indian Ocean HYDROL e: Hydrologie Hydrol d: Hydrologe - d: Hydrologie - d: Hydrolyse hydrol d: hydrologisch - e: hydrology Hydro Lab J e: Hydro-Lab Journal (journ.)

HYDROLANT e: Hydrographie Information for the Atlantic - e: Hydrographie Warning-Atlantic Ocean - e: Hydrography of the Atlantic Ocean Hydrol Bibl d: Hydrologische Bibliographie (journ.) Hydrol J e: Hydrological Journal (journ.) Hydrol Process e: Hydrological Processes [GB] (joum.) Hydrol Rep St Bur Mines Miner Resour [New Mexico] e: Hydrologie Reports. State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources [New Mexico] (journ.) Hydrol Sei Bull e: Hydrological Sciences Bulletin [England] (journ.) Hydrol Sei Bull Int Assoc Hydrol Sei e: Hydrological Sciences Bulletin. International Association of Hydrological Sciences (journ.) Hydrol Sei Bull Sei Hydrol e: Hydrological Sciences. Bulletin des Sciences Hydrologiques (journ.) Hydrol Sei J e: Hydrological Sciences Journal [International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Netherlands] (joum.) Hydrol Sei Technol e: Hydrological Sciences and Technology [American Institute of Technology] (journ.) Hydrol Ser Aust Wat[er] Resour Counc e: Hydrological Series. Australian Water Resources Council (joum.) Hydrol Symp e: Hydrology Symposium (joum.) Hydrol Symp Proc [Ottawa] e: Hydrology Symposium. Proceedings [Ottawa] (journ.) Hydrol Water Resor Ariz Southwest e: Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest (joum.) hydrolyt d: hydrolytisch hydrom d: hydrometrisch - e: hydromechanics hydromag e: hydromagnetic[s] hydromagnetics e: magnetohydrodynamics HYDROMAN e: Hydraulic Manipulator hydromech d: hydromechanisch Hydromech&HydrauI Engng Abstr e: Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Engineering Abstracts (joum.) HYDROPAC e: Hydrographie Information for the Pacific - e: Hydrographie Warning-Pacific Ocean - e: Hydrography of the Pacific Ocean HYDROPNEU e: Hydropneumatic hydros e: hydrostatics Hydro Sei J e: Hydrological Sciences Journal (joum.) Hydrosp e: Hydrospace hydrot e: hydrotherapy Hydrotech d: Hydrotechnik Hydrotech Constr e: Hydrotechnical Construction Hydrotech Constr [USSR] e: Hydrotechnical Construction [USSR, Published in the US] (joum.) Hydrotech Constr [Engl Transi] e: Hydrotechnical Construction [English Translation][English Translation] (joum.) Hydroth Constr e: Hydrotechnical Construction (joum.) HYDROX e: Hydrogen-Oxygen hydrox e: Hydroxyline Hydr Pneum e: Hydraulics and Pneumatics (joum.) Hydr Pow Transm e: Hydraulic Power Transmission (joum.)

international Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Hydr Res e: Hydraulics Research (journ.) HYDRSS e: High Data Rate Storage System HYDRST e: Hydrostatic HydrStA d: Hydrologische Staatanstalt hyds e: Hydraulics HYDT e: Hydrant HYDTD e: Hydrated HYDX e: Hydroxide[s] HYEM e: High-Voltage Electron Microscope HYF e: Hayfields [Papua Neu-Guinea] [Airport] - e: Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry - e: Hydrofoil - f: Humbligny HyF e: Hytone Film Lab, Inc., Des Moines HYFAC e: Hydrogenated Fatty Acid - e: Hypersonic Research Facilities HYFES e: Hypersonic Flight Environmental Simulator HYFIX e: Hyperbolic Fix HYFLO e: Hydroformylated Linseed Oil HYFT e: High-Yield Fallout Trajectory HYG e: Hydaburg [Alaska] [Airport] - e: Hygiene - e: Hygienic[al] - e: Hygroscopic Hyg d: Hygiene - d: Hygiene (journ.) - e: Hygroscopic[al] hyg d: hygienisch - e: hygienic HYGA e: Hygeia Sciences, Inc. HYGAS e: Hydrogen Gasification hygien d: hygienisch HYGL e: Hypelgolic - e: Hypergolic HY Gland e: Hypobranchial Gland Hyg Med d: Hygiene und Medizin (joum.) Hyg Ment f: Hygiene Mentale (joum.) Hyg Ment Suppl Encephale f: Hygiene Mentale. Supplement de l'Encephale (journ.) HYGNA j: Hyogo-Ken Gan Senta Nenpo (journ.) HYGNST e: Hygenist HygR d: Hygienische Rundschau (journ.) HYGR e: Hygroscopic[al] Hygr d: Hygrometer - d: Hygrometrie hygr d: hygroskopisch Hygrom d: Hygrometer - d: Hygrometrie hygrom e: hygrometer - e: hygrometist - e: hygrometry hygrosk d: hygroskopisch Hyg Rundschau d: Hygienische Rundschau (journ.) Hyg Sanit e: Hygiene and Sanitation (journ.) Hyg Sanit [USSR] e: Hygiene and Sanitation [USSR] (journ.) HYGST e: Hygrenist Hyg-Unt d: Hygiene-Unterricht Hyg Viande Lait f: Hygiene de la Viande et du Lait (journ.) HY/HS e: High Yield/High Stereospecificity Technology HYI e: High Yield Income Fund Hyi e: Hydrus HYJMUA e: Mysore University. Half Yearly Journal. Series A. Arts (joum.) Hyk F: Heisingin Yliopiston kirjasto HYKMA j: Hyogo-Kenritsu Nogyo Shikenjo Kenkyu Hokoku (journ.) 183

HYKOE3 HYKOE3 e: Han Guk Journal of Genetic Engineering (journ.) HYL e: Hojalata Y Lamina Process - e: Hollis - e: Hoyle Resources Limited - e: Hybrid Language Assembler - e: Hydroxylysin Hyl e: Hydroxylysine HYLA e: Hybrid Language Assembler Hy Leap e: Hypersonic Lifting Entry Aerospace Program [US] HYLIFE e: High-Yield Lithium Injection Fusion Energy HYLO e: Hybrid LORAN [Long-Range Navigation] Hyl Process e: Hojalata y Lamina Process HYL Rep f: HYL Report [France] (journ.) Hylys e: Hydroxylysine HYM e: Hyman Hym e: Hymenoptera HYMATIC e: Hydraulic Multiplate Active Traction Intelligent Control HYMEA f: Hygiene Mentale (journ.) HYMNB e: Hyomen (joum.) Hymn Horn Ap 1: Hymnus Homericus ad Apollinem [Classical studies] Hymn Horn Bacch 1: Hymnus Homericus ad Bacchum [Classical studies] Hymn Horn Cer 1: Hymnus Homericus ad Cererem [Classical studies] Hymn Horn Mart 1: Hymnus Homericus ad Martem [Classical studies] Hymn Horn Merc 1: Hymnus Homericus ad Mercurium [Classical studies] Hymn Horn Pan 1: Hymnus Homericus ad Panem [Classical studies] Hymn Horn Ven 1: Hymnus Homericus ad Venerem [Classical studies] Hymn M a: Hymnologiske Meddelelser. Vaerkstedsblad om Salmer (journ.) Hymnol e: Hymnology hymnot e: hymnologist - e: hymnology HYMNS e: Hydrogen Maser for Navigation Satellite HYMOSS e: Hybrid Mosaic on Stacked Silicon HYMV e: Hypochoeris Mosaic Virus HYN e: Halcyon Resources Limited HYO e: Husky Oil Limited Hyogo Univ Tech Educ J Ser 3 e: Hyogo University of Teacher Education. Journal.Series 3. Natural Sciences, Practical Life Studies (journ.) HYOSCYAM e: Hyoscyamus HYP d: Hypothalamus - e: Harvard, Yale and Princeton Universities - e: High-Vacuum Pump - e: Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein - e: Hydroxybenzylpindolol - e: Hydroxyprolin[e] - e: Hyperbolic - e: Hyperresonance - e: Hypertrophy - e: Hyphen [Character] - e: Hypnosis - e: Hypodermic - e: Hypotenuse - e: Hypothalamus - f: Hypothéqué

Hyp d: Hyperbel - d: Hyperbola - d: Hypophyse - d: Hypothek - d: Hypothese - e: 4-Hydroxyproline - e: Hydroxyproline - e: Hypochondria - e: Hypoxanthine hyp d: hypothetisch - e: hyperbola - e: hyperbolic - e: hyphenate] - e: hyphenation - e: hypochondria[c] - e: hypothesis - e: hypothetical - e: loghyperbolic logarithm HYp e: High Yield Plus Fund HYPACE e: Hybrid Programmable Attitude Control Electronics HYPAR e: Hysterectomy Produced and Artificially Reared HYPARS e: Hyperbolic Paraboloid Surface HYPBG d: Hypothekenbankgesetz Hyp-Br d: Hypothekenbrief Hyp[-]D[arl] d: Hypothekendarlehen hype e: high performance [bullet] - e: hyperbole - e: hypertension - e: hypodermic HYPER e: Hydrographie Peonnel - e: Hydrographie Personnel - e: Hypercritical - e: Hyperhydrat, Hyperventilating with Hyperpyrexia, Hyperexcitabillty and Hypenigidity - e: Hypertapes HYPERB e: Hyperbola hyperb d: hyperbolisch - e: hyperbole - e: hyperbolic hyperbol e: hyperbolic hyperdip e: hyperdiploid[al] - e: hyperdiploidy hyperdop e: hyperbolic doppler Hyperfine Interact e: Hyperfine Interactions [Netherlands] (journ.) - e: Hyperfine Interactions [Switzerland] (journ.) HYPERIGN e: Hyperbolic Ignition - e: Hypergolic Ignition HYPERNET e: Hyper-Network hypersex e: hypersexuality] hypert e: hypertape - e: hypertension Hypertens Suppl e: Hypertension Supplement (joum.) HYPES e: Hypersonic Flight Environmental Simulator HYPH e: Hydrophone Hypn d: Hypnose - d: Hypnotiseur hypn d: hypnotisch - d: hypnotisieren - d: hypnotisiert - e: hypertension HYPNO e: Hypnosis Hypno e: Hypnotism hypnot e: hypnotic - e: hypnotism - e: hypnotist


© K • G • Saur, München

HYPO e: High Power - e: High-Power Water-Boiler Reactor - e: Hypochromasia - e: Hypodermic - e: Hyposulfite of Sodium hypo e: hypochondria - e: hypochondriac - e: hypochondriacal - e: hypordermic - e: hyposultite of soda [NaS 2 0 3 5H 2 0] HYPOCON e: Hypochondria hypodip e: hypodiploid[al] - e: hypodiploidy HYPOT e: Hypotenuse HYPOTH e: Hypothesis - f: Hypothéqué Hypoth d: Hypothese hypoth d: hypothetisch - e: Hypothetical HYPO Water Boiler e: High Power Water Boiler HYPOX e: Hypophysectomy HYPP e: Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis HYPREM e: Hyper-Response Electric Motor Hypro d: Hydroxyprolin hypro e: hydroxyproline Hyps e: Hypsipyle [Classical studies] HYPSES e: Hydrographie Precision Scanning Echo Sounder HypSG d: Hypothekensicherungsgesetz hypt d: hypertonisch HYPTP e: Hypertape HYPTV[s] e: Hypersonic Test Vehicle[s] HYPUB e: Hypanthium Pubescene HYPX e: Hyponex Corporation - e: Hypoxanthine HY[-]Q e: High Quality HYR e: Hayward [Airport] - e: Hycroft Resources & Development Corporation HYS e: Hays - e: Hysterectomy Hys d: Hysterie hys e: hysteria - e: hysteric - e: hysterical - e: hysterics HYSAA e: Hygiene and Sanitation (journ.) HYSAM e: Hypersonic Surface-to-Air Missile HYSAP e: Hydrographie Survey Assistance Program HYSAS e: Hydrofluidic Stability Augmentation System HYSCAN e: Hybrid Scanning HYSCAN Radar System e: Hybrid Scanning Radar System Hy-Schale d: Hyperbelschale HYST e: Hyster Co. - e: Hysterectomy hyst e: hysteresis - e: hysteria HYSTAD e: Hydrofoil Stabilization Device hyster e: hysterectomy hysterec e: hysterectomic - e: hysterectomy HYSTERO e: Hysterosalpingogram HYSTO e: Hydrofoil Special Trials Unit HYSTOR e: Hydrogen Storage HYSTRAU e: Hydraulic System Test and Repair HYSTRU e: Hydraulic System Test and Repair Unit HYSTU e: Hydrofoil Special Trials Unit

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Hzy H Y S U C A T e: Hydrofoil Supported Catamaran H Y S U R C H e: Hydrographie Surveying] and Charting [System] H Y S U R C H System e: Hydrographie Surveying] and Charting System H Y S W A S e: Hydrofoil Small Waterplane Area Ship H Y T e: High Year of Tenure H Y T A C e: Hydraulic Tachometer H Y T A M e: Hypersonic Tactical Missile H Y T E C e: Hydrogen Thermal Electrochemical Converter H Y T E M C O e: High-Temperature Coefficient nickel-iron alloy H Y T K e: Hytek International Corporation H Y T K S e: Heavy Tanks H Y T O R e: High Touring H Y T R e: Heat Treat H Y T R A N e: Hybrid Translator H Y T R E C e: Hydrogen Thermal Electrochemical Converter - e: Hydrospace Target Recognition, Evaluation and Control H Y T R E S S e: High-Test Recorder and Simulator System H Y T R E S System e: High Test Recorder and Simulator System H Y T R O S S e: High-Test Recorder and Simulator System H Y U e: Chesterfield - e: Lilly Contingent Payment Units HYV e: High Yielding] Varieties H Y V A C e: High Vacuum H Y V E e: Hydrogen Ventilated Enclosure HYVIA e: Hyper-Velocity Interceptor Armament H Y V s e: High Yielding Varieties H Y W e: Conway H Y W A Y S e: Hybrid with Advanced Yield for Surveillance H Y W N e: Hypersonic Wedge Nozzle HYX e: Hydra Explorations Limited H Y Z e: Thief River Falls

H Z c: Hospodarska Zmluva - d: Handelszentrale - d: Haubitzzünder - d: Hauptzentrale - d: Heißzelle - d: Hertz - d: Hinweiszeichen - d: Historische Zeitschrift (journ.) - d: Hochzucht - d: Höhe des Zieles - d: Höheres Zentrum - d: Humifizierungszahl - d: Hydrolisierzahl - e: Dust Haze - e: Haze - e: Heritability Zone - e: Herpes Zoster - e: Hertz - e: Hydralazine - e: Saudi Arabia [aircraft] - e: Thurston Aviation Limited - P: Hurtownia Zbytu H z d: Handzeichen - d: Handzeichnung - d: Handzettel - d: Hauptzähler - d: Hochzeit - d: Holz - d: Hertz - e: Hertz [one cycle per second] - e: Hertzian H Z A d: Handels- und Zahlungsabkommen - d: Hauptzollamt H Z B B A e: Horizons in Biochemistry and Biochemistry (journ.) - e: Horizons in Biochemistry and Biophysics (journ.) H Z B L d: Holzbläser H z B W e: Hertz Bandwidth H Z D d: Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung - e: Hydrated Zirconium Dioxide H Z E d: Hilfszielfunktion - e: High Z and E Hzea e: Heliothis Zea H z g d: Heizung H Z G d: Horizontal-Zählrohr-Goniometer - e: Hanzhong [China] [Airport] H Z I e: Hy & Zel's, Inc.

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

H Z I M P e: Horizontal Impulse H Z I R e: Horizon Air Industries, Inc. H Z K e: Atlanta H z k e: Hezekiah H Z K e: Husavik [Island] [Airport] H Z K L A d: Herz Kreislauf (journ.) H Z K P d: Hermes. Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie (journ.) Hzl d: Heizleistung - d: Heizleitung H Z L d: Hypophysenzwischenlappen - e: Hazleton [Airport] H Z M P e: Horizontal Impulse H Z M [ T L G ] n: Handelingen. Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal-En Letterkunde en Geschiedenis (journ.) H Z N erHazen - e: Horizon Corporation H z n M T L n: Handelingen. Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal-En Letterkunde en Geschiedenis (journ.) H Z N T d: Handbuch zum Neuen Testament (journ.) H Z O e: Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus - e: Hydrated Zirconium Oxide H Z O N P e: Horizons Bancorp Pfd H Z O O e: Hunick Zoo. Monthly Publication of Tanana Chiefs Conference (journ.) H Z P d: Hegewald-Zuchtprüfung - e: Hot Zero Power - e: Zionsville H Z Q C e: Homonuclear Proton ZeroQuantum Coherence H Z R e: New Roads H Z R N e: Horizontal Reaction Hzschn d: Holzschnitt H Z T S e: Hybrid Thermal Treatment System H - Z u s t a n d d: High-Zustand H Z V d: Herzzeitvolumen - e: Herpes Zoster Virus H - Z w d: Handelszweig - d: Hauptzweig H z w d: Handelszweig - d: Hauptzweig H Z W e: Wichita Hzy e: Hazy


I I a: Inde - d: Eins [römisch] - d: Identifizierer - d: Impuls - d: Impulslampe - d: Indexregister - d: Indikation - d: Indikator - d: Individualselektion - d: Industrie - d: Information[sentropie] - d: Informationsgehalt - d: Inklination - d: Inosin - d: Insel - d: Installationskabel - d: Installationsleitung - d: Institut - d:Integer - d: Integral - d: Intermediärprodukt[e] - d: Internist - d: Ion[isation] - d: Ionisationsenergie - d: Isoleucin - d: Isopinquantenzahl - d:Isotop - d: Istwert - d: Italien - d: Stegleitung - d: Stromstärke - e: Acoustic Intensity [symbol] - e: Airborne Intercept - e: Candlepower or Intensity of luminosity [symbol] - e: Conduction current [symbol] - e: Convection current [symbol] - e: Current [Symbol] Igneous - e: Electric current - e:Ice - e: Icing - e: Iconoscope - e: Ido - e: Illumination - e: Illuminous Intensity - e: Imaginary [Number] - e: Immediate - e: Immediate Access - e: Imperial - e: Impulse - e: Inactive - e: Incendiary - e: Incumbent - e: Independence - e: Independent - e: Index - e: India-code for letter I

- e: India[n] - e: Indian - e: Indicating [a particular affirmative categorial statement] - e: Indicating or switchboard lamp - e: Indication - e: Indicator - e: Indigo - e: Inductive effect - e: Inductomeric effect - e: Industrial [broadcasting] - e: Industry - e: Inertia[l] - e: Infant[ry] - e: Information - e: Infra - e: Initial - e: Initiation - e: Inosine - e: Inphase - e: Input - e: Inside - e: Insolubility - e: Insoluble - e: Inspection - e: Inspector - e: Inspired gas [symbol] - e: Instantaneous - e: Institute - e: Institution - e: Instruction^] - e: Instructor - e: Instrumental] - e: Instrumentation - e: Integration - e: Integrator - e: Integre - e: Intelligence - e: Intensity - e: Interception] - e: Interceptor - e: Interchangeability - e: Interest - e: Interference - e: Interlocked [Metallic Armor] - e: Intermediate - e: International] - e: Interphone - e: Interpole - e: Interpreter - e: Interpreter - e: Interruption] - e: Interstate - e: Intestine - e: Intransitive - e: Intrinsic [semiconductor [symbol]] - e: Intruder

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Inverter - e: Investment - e: Iodine - e: Ion[ic] - e: Ionic strength [symbol] - e: Ionisation - e: Ionization potential - e: Ireland - e: Irish - e: Iron - e: Irradiat - e: Island - e: Isle - e: Iso- e:Isoleucin[e] - e: Isoleucyl - e: Isometric - e: Isospin quantum number - e: Isotope - e: Isotropic Phase - e: Issue - e: Isthmian Line - e: Italian [Line] - e: Italy - e: Izzard - e: Luminous Intensity [symbol] - e: Moment of Inertia - e: Radiant Intensity - e: Unit Matrix - f: Ille - f: Isle - F: Ita - i: In -1: Iesus -1: Imperator -1: Imperatrix -1: Imperium -1: In fidelis - s: Inti - s: Izquierda i d: in - d: inaktiv - e: angle of incidence [symbol] - e: icy -e:igneous - e: Illinois Central symbol - e: imaginary number v-1 - e: imperial savings - e: in - e: inch - e: incident ray [symbol] - e: incisor - e: inclination - e: incomplete - e:increase - e: indicate - e: induced


I'2" - e: infanticide] - e: inner - e: instantaneous current [symbol] - e: instantaneous value [symbol] - e: instrumental - e: intermediate frequency - e: internal - e: intrinsic [-type] [semiconductor material] - e: invoice - e: ionic - e: irregular - e: isotopic [fine structure [symbol]] - e: moment of photographic plate [symbol] - e: optically inactive [symbol] - e: rate of interest [symbol] - e: unit coordinate vector - e: Van't Hoff factor [symbol] - e: vapor pressure constant [symbol] -1: id I'2* e: radioactive Iodine I'3° e: radioactive Iodine I ' 3 ' e: radioactive Iodine I 2 e: Ion Implantation 12 e: International Interchangeability 1 3 e: Illinois Innovators and Inventors 31 e: Investors in Industry I£ e: Israeli pound IA d: Importauftrag - d: Impulsanzahl - d: Impulsausgabe - d: Informationsausgabe - d: Informationsausgang - d: Inkrementalausgabe - d: Inkrementausgabe - d: Insel-Almanach (journ.) - d: Instandsetzungsauftrag - d: Intelligenzalter - d: Interatomarer Abstand - d: Interfaceansteuerung - d: Internationale[s] Angstrom[einheit] [10" cm] - d: Internrufabfrage - d: Intra-Arteriell - e: Identical Additional - e: Image Amplifier - e: Image Analysis - e: Image Array - e: Immediate Access - e: Immediate Action - e: Immediate Addressing] - e: Immediately Available - e: Immunoassay - e: Impedance Angle - e: Implementation Arrangement - e: Implied Addressing] - e: Implied Association - e: Import Administration - e: Inactive Aerospace Vehicle - e: Incoming Access - e: Incorporated Accountant - e: Incremental Analysis - e: Index Accumulator - e: Index Analyzer - e: Index Array - e: Indexation Automatique - e: Indexed Addressing] - e: Indian Airlines - e: Indian Army - e: Indian Artillery - e: Indicated Altitude - e: Indirect Addressing] - e: IndoIe[-3-]acetic Acid - e: Industrial Accounting - e: Industrial Application - e: Industrial Artists - e: Industrial Arts - e: Industry Application [Society]

- e: Infected Area - e: Information Addressee - e: Information and Action - e: Information Anexiety - e: Information Approximation - e: Informations Acquisition - e: Ingenious Addressing - e: Inherent Address - e: Initial Address - e: Initial Allowance - e: Initial Appereance - e: Initial Authorization - e: Input Axis - e: Inspection Administration - e: Installment Agreement - e: Institute of Actuaries - e: Instruction Address - e: Instruction Alignment - e: Instruction Area - e: Instruction Array - e: Instructional Aide - e: Instructional Allowance - e: Instrument Abstracts - e: Instrument Air - e: Instrumental Analysis - e: Instrumentation Amplifier - e: Insulin Antibody - e: Integrated Adapter [or Adaptor] - e: Intelligence Annex - e: Inter Alia - e: Inter-America[n] - e: Interceptor Aviation - e: Interchange Address - e: Intercoiffure America - e: Interface Accepted - e: Interface Adapter [or Adaptor] - e: Interface Amplifier - e: Intermediate Amplifier - e: Internal Affairs - e: International Alphabet - e: International Angstroem - e: International Atlas - e: Interval Arithmetic - e: Interval Availability - e: Intra-Arterial - e: Intra-Articular - e: Invalid Address - e: Invent America [Foundation] - e: Inventory Adjustment - e: Inverter Assembly - e: Ion Accelerator - e: Iowa - e: Iraqi Airways - e: Irrigation Area - e: Irrigation Association - e: Isolation Amplifier - e: Israel Atomic - e: Itaconic Acid - e: Italian Army - e: Iteration Algorithm - s: Instituto de Astromnomia - s: Interciencia Association ia d: im allgemeinen - d : interarteriell - e: infra-audible -1: in absentia iA d: im Auftrag[e] - d : in Ausbildung I a e: anotie current [symbol] - e: Ingegerda


© K • G • Saur, München

I&A e: Indexing and Abstracting - e: Information and Action - e: Integration and Assembly - e: Iron and Alumina I/A e: Institute of Accountants - e: Institute of Acoustics - e: Instructor of Artillery - e: Insurance Auditor - e: Interface Adapter - e: Isle of Anglesey IA5 d: Internationales [Telegrafen-] Alphabet Nr.5 - e: International Alphabet, Number 5 IAA d: Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv (journ.) - d: Informationsaustauschader[n] - e: Immediate Action Authority - e: Inactive Aerospace Aircraft Authorization - e: Inactive Aerospace vehicle Authorization - e: Independent Airlines Association - e: Indian Army Act - e: Indian Association of America - e: IndoI[-3-yl]Acetic Acid - e: Inspector Army Aircraft - e: Institute for Alternative Agriculture - e: Institute of Administrative Accounting - e: Institute of Automobile Assessors - e: Institute of Industrial Administration - e: Instrumental Activation Analysis - e: Insulin Autoantibody - e: Insurance Accountants Association - e: Intelligence Analysts Associates - e: Inter-American Accountant Association - e: Interamerican Accounting Association - e: Interim Access Authorization - e: Intermediate Assembly Area - e: Interment Association of America - e: Internal Aids Approach - e: International Academy of Architecture - e: International Academy of Astronautics - e: International Acetylene Association - e: International Actuarial Association - e: International Advertising Association - e: International Aerosol Association - e: International Aerospace Abstracts [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, US] (journ.) - e: International Apple Association - e: International Asphalt Association - e: International Association for Aerobiology - e: International Association of Agriculturalists - e: International Association of Allergology - e: International Association of Astacology - e: International Aviation Affairs - e: Intimate Apparel Associates - e: Inventors Association of America - e: Inventors Association of Australia - e: Iodoacetamide - e: Iodoacetic Acid - e: Isoamyl Acetate - e: Isoamyl Amine - f: Institut Agricole d'Algérie - p: Institute do Acuar e do Alcool - s: Institute Antartico Argentino IAAA e: Institute of Air Age Activities - e: Integrated Advance[d] Avionics for Aircraft - e: Inter-American Association of Broadcasters - e: Intermarket Association of Advertising Agencies - e: International Airforwarders and Agents Association - e: Irish Association of Advertising Agencies

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IABV IAAABBP e: International Association of African and American Black Business People IAAB e: Inter-American Association of Broadcasters - e: Inter-American Association of Broadcasting - e: Interim Aviation Airframe Bulletin - e: International Association of Broascasters IAABA e: International Association of Aircraft Brokers and Agents IAAC e: Inter-American Accounting Conference - e: International Agricultural Aviation Center - e: International Agriculture Aviation Center - e: International Air Cargo Consolidators - e: International Antarctic Analysis Center [US] - e: International Antarctic Analysis Centre [GB] - e: International Association for Analog[ue] [and] hybrid Computation - e: International Association for Analog[ue] Computing - e: Israel Association for Automatic Control IAACC e: Ibero-American Association of Chambers of Commerce - e: Institution of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineers - e: Inter-Allied Aeronautical Commission of Control - e: Inter-Allied Aeronautical Control Commission - e: International Association of Agricultural Economists IAACR s: Instituto Agrario Argentino de Cultura Rural IAADFS e: International Association of Airport Duty-Free Stores IAADS e: Integrated Anti-Airbome Defense System - e: Interim Automated Air Defense System IAAE e: Institution of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineers - e: International Association of Agricultural Economists IAAEES e: International Association for the Advancement of Earth and Environmental Sciences IAAE Journal e: Institution of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineers Journal (joum.) IAAER e: International Association for the Advancement of Educational Research IAAF e: International Agricultural Aviation Foundation IAAFA e: Inter-American Air Force Academy IAAGB e: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Geochronological Research IAAHU e: International Association of Accident and Health Underwriters IAAI e: International Airports Authority of India - e: International Association of Arson Investigators IAAIP e: In ter-American Association of Industrial Property IAAJ e: International Association of Agricultural Journalists IAAL e: International Association of Applied Linguistics IAALD e: International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists

IAAM e: International Association of Aircraft Manufacturers - e: International Association of Auditorium Managers - e: International Association of Automotive Modelers IAANZ e: Institute of Actuaries of Australia and New Zealand IAAO e: Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra - e: International Association of Assessing Officers IAAOPA e: International Association of Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associations IAAP e: International Association of Applied Psychology IAAPA e: International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions IAAPEA e: International Associations] Against Painful Experiments on Animals IAAPG e: Interagency Advanced Power Group IAARC e: International Administrative Aeronautical Radio Conference - e: International Association of Agricultural Students IAAS e: Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors - e: Institute of Advanced Arab Studies - e: International Association of Agricultural Students IAASE e: Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering IAASEE e: Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering IAASEES e: Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences IAASM e: International Academy of Aviation & Space Medicine - e: International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine IAASP e: International Association of Airport and Seaport Police IAASS e: International Association of Applied Social Science IAAW e: Interim Airfield Attack Weapon IAAWS e: Infantry Antiarmor Weapon Systems IAB d: Informationsaufbereitung - d: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung - e: Imperial Agricultural Bureau - e: Increasing Assurance Benefits - e: Industrial Advisers to the Blind - e: Industrial Advisory Board - e: Industrial Arbitration Board - e: Industry Advisory Board - e: Instrumentation Analysis Branch - e: Inter-American Association of Broadcasters - e: Inter-American Bank - e: International Air Bahama - e: International Aquatic Board - e: International Association of Broadcasting - e: International Association of Bureaucrats - e: Internet Activities Board - e: Internet Architecture Board - e: Interrupt Address to Bus - e: Intraabdominal[Iy] - e: Invalid Answerback - e: Isoamyl Benzoate - e: Isoamyl Butyrate - f: Institut Agricole de Beauvis

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

IABA e: Inter-American Bar Association - e: International Aircraft Brockers Association - e: International Association of Aircraft Brokers and Agents IABBE e: International Association for Better Basic Education IABC e: Insulation Applicators Association of British Columbia - e: International Association of Business Communicators IABF e: International Association of Business Forecasting IABG d: Industrie-Anlagen-BetriebsGesellschaft - e: International Association of Botanic Gardens IAB-ICSU e: International Abstracting Board-International Council of Scientific Unions IABLA e: Inter-American Bank for Latin America - e: Inter-American Bibliographical [and] Library Association IABM e: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile - e: International Association of Broadcast Monitors - e: International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers IABO e: International Association for Biological Oceanography - e: International Association of Biological Oceanography IABP e: Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping IABPAI e: International Association of Blue Print & Allied Industries IABPC e: International Association of Book Publishing Consultants IABRM e: International Association for Bear Research and Management IABS e: Installation Automated Budget System - e: Integration of Algebraic Boolean Simulation - e: International Abstracts of Biological Sciences - e: International Association for Biological Standardization IABSE e: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering IABSIW e: International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers IABSOIW e: International Association of Bridge IABTI e: International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators IABV d: Internationaler Arbeitskreis für betriebswirtschaftliche Vergleiche in der Elektroindustrie


IAC IAC d: Intelligenter Asynchroner Controller - e: Ibrahim Ali Commission [Malaysia] - e: Idle Air Control [Valve] - e: Immediate Access - e: Improved Anode Catalyst - e: Increment Accumulator - e: Indian Airlines Corporation - e: Indian Army Circular - e: Indo-Asian Culture (journ.) - e: Industrial Acustics Company - e: Industrial Application^] Center[s] - e: Industrial Arbitration Court - e: Industries Assistance Commission - e: Industry Advisory Commission - e: Industry Advisory Committee - e: Industry Advisory Council - e: Industry Assistance Commission - e: Indusuial Advisory Council - e: Information Access Corporation - e: Information Analysis Center - e: Information Analysis Centre - e: Information and Communication - e: Initial Alignment Control - e: Initial Approach Course - e: Innovative Academic Courses - e: Installation-Alteration-Cancellation - e: Installation and Checkout - e: Institute of Amateur Cinematographers - e: Institute of Company Accountants - e: Instruction Address Change - e: Instructor Aircraft Operator - e: Instrument Approach Chart - e: Instrument Array Cable - e: Instrument-on-a-Card - e: Instrumentation and Control - e: Integrated Avionics Computer - e: Integrating Assembly Contractor - e: Integrating Associate Contractor - e: Integration, Assembly [and] Checkout - e: Intelligence Advisory Committee - e: Intelligence Analysis Center - e: Intelligent Asynchronous Controller - e: Inter-American Conference - e: Inter Application Communication - e: Inter-Array Communications - e: Interactive Array Computer - e: Interference Absorption Circuit - e: Interim Acceptance Criteria - e: Intermediate Air Command - e: Internal Auditory Canal - e: International Academy of Ceramics - e: International Accounting Center - e: International Advisory Committee - e: International Aerological Commission - e: International Agricultural Center [US] - e: International Agricultural Centre [GB] - e: International Agricultural Club - e: International Air Convention - e: International Algebraic Compiler - e: International Analysis Code - e: International Anticounterfeiting Coalition - e: International Apple Core - e: International Association for Cybernetics] - e: International Association of Cybernetics - e: Internmediate Air Command - e: Interprete as Command - e: Interview after Combat - e: Inventory of Anger Communication - e: Ion-Assisted Coating - e: Irish Air Corps - e: Isoamyl Caprate - e: Italian Aircraft Corporation - e: Iterative Analog[ue] Computer - f: Institut dAgronomie Coloniale - s: Instituto Agronomico de Campinas

IACA e: Independent Air Carriers Association - e: Indian Arts and Crafts Association - e: Inter-American College Association - e: International Air Carrier[s] Association - e: International Association for Classical Archeology - e: International Association of Consulting Actuaries I[-]ACAC e: Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission IAC/ADP e: Inter-Agency Committee on Automatic Data Processing I A C A H P e: Inter-African Advisory Committee for Animal Health and Production I A C A O e: International Civil Aviation Organization I A C B e: Indian Arts and Crafts Board - e: Inter-Agency Consultative Board - e: Inter-Agency Coordination Board - e: Inter-American Coffee Board - e: Inter-American College for Radiology - e: International Advisory Committee on Bibliography - e: International Association for Cryptologie Research - e: International Association of Convention Bureaus I A C B C e: International Advisory Committee for Biological Control - e: International Advisory Committee on Biological Control I A C B D T e: International Advisory Committee on Bibliography IAC Bulletin e: Institute of Amateur Cinematographers Bulletin (journ.) I A C C e: IIM [Indian Institute of Metals]ASM [American Society for Metals] Cooperation Committee - e: Improved Air crew Chemical warfare defense Coverall - e: Industrial Analysis and Control Council - e: International Agricultural Coordination Commission - e: International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition - e: International Association for Cell Cultures - e: International Association of Cereal Chemistry - e: International Association of Conference Centers - e: Italy-America Chamber of Commerce - s: Institute Argentino de Control de la Calidad I A C C D e: Infrared Charge-Coupled Device - e: Inter-American Confederation of Continental Defense I A C C h E e: Inter-American Confederation for Chemical Engineering I A C C I e: International Association of Computer Crime Investigators - e: International Association of Credit Card Investigators I A C C P e: Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production I A C D e: International Association of Clothing Designers IACDLA e: International Advisory Committee on Documentation, Libraries and Archives I A C D T e: International Advisory Committee for Documentation and Technology


© K • G • Saur, München

I A C E e: International Air Cadet Exchange - e: International Association for Computing [in] Education - e: International Commission on Atmospheric Electricity I A C E S e: International Air Cushion Engineering Society I A C G e: Interagency Consultative Group I A C H E e: International Association of Cylindrical Hydraulic Engineers I A C H E I e: International Association of Consultants in Higher Education Institutions I A C H R e: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACI e: Inter-American Childrens Institute - e: Irish-American Cultural Institute IACIA e: Incorporated Association of Cost and Industrial Accountants I A C I D e: Inter-American Center for Integral Development I A C I T e: International Association of Conference Interpreters and Translators I A C I T C e: International Advisory Committee of the International Teletraffic Congress I A C K e: Interrupt Acknowledge I A C L e: International Aeradio Carribean Limited I A C M e: International Association for Computational Mechanics - e: International Association of Circulation Managers - e: International Association of Concert Managers I A C M E e: Inter-American Committee for Mathematical Education - e: International Association of Crafts and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises I A C O e: Inter-African Coffee Organization I A C O D L A e: International Advisory Committee on Documentation I A C O M [ S ] e: International Advisory Committee on Marine Sciences I A C P e: International Assiciation of Computer Programmers - e: International Association for Child Psychiatry and Allied Professions - e: International Association of Chiefs of Police - e: International Association of Computer Programmers I A C P [ & ] A P e: International Association for Child Psychiatry and Allied Professions I A C P R e: International Association of Corporate and Professional Recruiters I A C P S e: Inter-American Committee on Peaceful Settlement I A C R e: Inter-American College for Radiology I A C R D V T e: Inter-Anmerican Center for Research and Documentation on Vocational Training I A C R L e: Italian-American Civil Rights League I A C R S e: Inter-Agency Committee on Remote Sensing - e: International Association of Concrete Repair Specialists I A C ' s e: Information/data Analysis Centers IACs e: Increment Accumulators I A C S e: Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science - e: Inertial Attitude Control System IACs e: Information Analysis Centers

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

I-AEDANS IACS e: Integrated Acoustic Communication[s] System - e: Integrated Armament Control System - e: Integrated Avionics Control System - e: Intermediate Altitude Communication Satellite - e: International Annealed Copper Standard - e: International Association of Classification Societies - e: International Association of Counseling Services - e: International Association of Cooking Schools - e: Irish-Australian Cultural Society IACSE e: Interagency Advisory Committee on Security Equipment IACSS e: International Association for Computer Systems Security IACST e: International Association for Commodity Science and Technology IACT e: Illinois Association of Classroom Teachers - e: Indiana Association of Cities and Towns - e: Inter-Association Commission on Tsunami IACTE e: Iowa Association of Colleges for Teacher Education IACUSD e: International Association of College and University Security Directors IACVB e: International Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus IACW e: Inter-American Commission for Women IACWC e: International Advisory Committee on Wireless Communication IAD d: Initiale Anstaltsdyspepsie - d: Institut für Arbeitswissenschaften, Darmstadt - d: Integriertes Automatisiertes Dokumentationssystem - d: Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Donauforschung - e: Dulles International Airport [Washington] - e: Herative Array Divider - e: Immediate Action Directive - e: Inactivating Dose - e: Information Acquisition and Dissemination - e: Information And Documentation - e: Inhibiting Antibiotic Dose - e: Initial Address - e: Initial Address Designator - e: Initiation Aiea Discriminator - e: Installation, Assembly or Detail - e: Institute for American Democracy - e: Integrated Airbase Defense - e: Integrated Area Development - e: Integrated Automated Documentation - e: Integrated Automatic Documentation - e: Interface Analysis Document - e: Internal Absorbed Dose - e: Internal Aerodynamics - e: Internal Affairs Department - e: Internal Affairs Division - e: International Agricultural Distribution - e: International Astrophysical Decade - e: Interrupt Analyzer/Distributor - e: Inventory Available Date - e: Ion-Assisted [Thin-Film] Deposition - e: Irish Association for Documentation I-AD e: Inter-American Dialogue IADA e: Independent Automotive Damage Appraisers Association IADB e: Inter-American Defense Board - e: Inter-American Development Bank

IADC e: Image Assisted Data Capture - e: Inter-American Defense College - e: Inter-American Drug Commission - e: International Association of Dredging Companies - e: International Association of Drilling Contractors iAdC d: im Auftrag[e] des Convents I/ADCSP e: Interim/Advanced Defense Communications Satellite Program IADD e: Index to American Doctoral Dissertations (journ.) IAdd e: Instruction Address IADD e: International Association of Diecutting and Diemaking IADE e: Integral Absolute Delay Error IADES e: Integrated Attitude Detection and Estimation System IADF e: Icelandic Air Defence Force - e: Inter-American Association for Democracy and Freedom IADIC e: Integrating Analog[ue]-to-Digital Converter IADIS e: Irish Association for Documentation and Information Science - e: Irish Association for Documentation and Information Service[s] - e: Irish Association of Documentation and Information Services IADIWU e: International Association for the Development of International [and] World Universities IADL e: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living - e: International Association of Democratic Lawyers - e: Italian-American Defense League IADLA e: International Association for the Development of Documentation IADM e: Inverse Augmented Data Manipulator IADN e: Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network IADO e: Iran[ian] Agriculture Development Organization IADP e: INTELSAT [International Telecommunications Satellite Organization] Assistance and Development Program - e: Intensive Agricultural District Program IADPC e: Inter-Agency Data Processing Center - e: Inter-Agency Data Processing Committee IADPG e: Intelligence Automatic Data Processing Group IADPPNW e: International Architects IADR e: Instruction Address - e: International Association for Dental Research IADS e: Iceland Air Defence System - e: Integrated Air Defense System - e: Intensive Area Development Scheme - e: International Agricultural Development Service - e: International Air Defense System - e: International Association of Dental Students - e: International Association of Department Stores IAD-System e: Integrated-AutomatedDocumentation System - e: Integrated Automatic Documentation System IADT e: Initial Active Duty [for] Training - e: Integrated Automatic Detection & [and] Tracking - e: Integrated Automatic Direction System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

IADWS e: Inter-Agency Data Processing Center - e: Interim Air Defense Weapon[s] System IADZ e: Inner Air Defense Zone IAE d: integrierende Analogeingabe - d: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie (journ.) - e: Information Analysis and Evaluation - e: Information and Education - e: Infrared Auroral Emission - e: Institute for the Advancement of Engineering - e: Institute of Aeronautical Engineers - e: Institute of Agricultural Engineering - e: Institute of Army Education - e: Institute of Atomic Energy - e: Institute of Automobile Engineers - e: Institute of Automotive Engineers - e: Institution of Aeronautical Engineers - e: Institution of Automobile Engineers - e: Institution of Automotive Engineers - e: Integral [of] Absolute Error - e: Integrated Absolute Error - e: International Academy of Education - e: International Aero Engines - e: International Animal Exchange - e: International Atomic Exposition - R: Institut Atomnoi Energii iae e: in any event IAEA e: Institute of Automotive Engineers of America IAeA e: Institution of Aeronautical Engineers IAEA e: Inter-American Education Association - e: International Agricultural Exchange Association - e: International Association for Educational Assessment - e: International Atomic Energy Agency/ Organization - e: International Atomic Energy Authority IAEA Bull e: IAEA Bulletin [International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria] (journ.) IAEAC e: International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry IAEA-IRS e: IAEA Incident Reporting System IAEA Tech Rep Ser e: International Atomic Energy Agency. Technical Report Series (journ.) IAEC e: International Association of Electrical Contractors - e: International Association of Environmental - e: International Atomic Energy Committee - e: Israel Atomic Energy Commission - e: Israel Atomic Research Energy IA[-]ECOSOC e: Inter-American Economic and Social Council I-AEDANS e: Iodoacetamidoethyl Aminonaphthalenesulfonic Acid N-Iodoacetyl-N'-[SuIfo-1 -Naphthyl]-ethyle nediamine


IAEE I A E E e: International Association for Earthquake Engineering - e: International Association for Energy Economics - e: International Association of Earthquake Engineering - e: International Association of Earthquake Engineers - e: International Association of Energy Economists - e: International Automotive Engineering Exposition - e: Israel Association of Environmental Engineers IAeE e: Institution of Aeronautical Engineers I A E G e: International Association for Engineering Geology - e: International Association of Engineering Geology IAEI e: International Association of Electrical Inspectors I A E K M e: International Association of Electronic Keyboard [Aeronomy] Manufacturers I A E L e: Inital Allowance Equipage List - e: International Aero Engineers Limited - e: International Association of Electrical Leagues I A E M S e: International Association of Environmental Mutagen Societies I A E O d: Internationale Atomenergieagentur - d: Internationale Atomenergieorganisation - e: International Atomic Energy Organization I A E P e: International Academy of Eclectic Psychotherapists - e: International Atomic Energy Pool I A E P C e: Incorporated Association of Electric Power Companies I A E R U e: Institute for Atomic Energy Rikkyo University IAES e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers] Aerospace and Electronic - e: Institute of [the] Aeronautical Science[s] - e: Intelligent Array Expansion System - e: Interim Aquanaut Equipment System - e: International Academy for Environmental Safety - e: International Association of Electrotypers and Stereotypere - e: Ion-Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy I A E S P e: Indiana Association of Elementary School Principals - e: Iowa Association of Elementary School Principals - s: Instituto Agronömico de Estado de Sao Paulo I A E S R e: Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research I A E S t a n d a r d s e: Institution of Automobile Engineers Standards I A E S T E e: International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience I A E T e: In-Flight Aeromedical Evacuation Team I A E T L e: International Association of Environmental Testing Laboratories I A E V G e: International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance IAEVI e: International Association for Educational and Vocational Information I A E W P e: International Association of Educators for World Peace

I A F d: Internationale Astronautische Föderation - e: Audio-frequency current [symbol] - e: Image Analysis Facility [digital computer] - e: Immobilizing Accelerating Factor - e: Independent Air Force - e: Indian Air Force - e: Indian Army Form - e: Indian Auxiliary Force - e: Indirect-Arc Furnace - e: Indium Arsenide Filter - e: Industrial Areas Foundation - e: Information and Forwarding - e: Information of the Armed Forces Initial Approach Fix - e: Initial Approach Fix - e: Institute for Alternative Futures - e: Instrument Air Filter - e: Inter-American Foundation - e: Interactive Facility - e: Interallied Force - e: International Abolitionist Federation - e: International Aeronautical Federation - e: International Aquaculture Foundation - e: International Association of Firefighters - e: International Astronautical Federation - e: International Athletic Footwear and Apparel Manufacturers Association - e: Interview After Right - e: Israeli Air Force - e: Italian Air Force I-AF e: Inter-American Foundation IAFA e: International Atomic Energy Agency I A F A E e: Inter-American Federation for Adult Education IAFB e: Institute of Applied Forth Research - e: Interim Airframe Bulletin I A F C e: Instantaneous Automatic Frequency Control - e: Inter-American Freight Conference - e: Interim Airframe Change - e: International Association of Fire Chiefs I A F C I e: Inter-American Federation of the Construction Industry IAFD e: Intentionally Administered Fatal Dose[s] - e: International Association of Food Distribution - e: International Association on Food Distribution I A F E e: International Association of Fairs and Exhibitions - e: International Association of Fairs and Expositions IAFES e: International Association for the Economics of Self Management I A F F e: Institute of Australian Flora and Fauna - e: International Air Freight Forwarder - e: International Association of Fire Fighters I A F F T e: International Airforce Field Team I A F G e: Ion-Beam-Assisted Film Growth IAFI e: Infantile Amaurotic Family Idiocy I A F M M e: International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers I A F P e: International Association for Financial Planning I A F r a M C o S e: International Association of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures IAFS e: Industry Analysis & Forecast Service - e: International Association for Fire Safety - e: International Association of Forensic Sciences IAFSP p: Instituto Agronomico de Estado de Sao Paulo


© K G ' Saur, München

IAFSS e: International Association for Fire Safety Science IAFV e: Infantry Armed Fighting Vehicle - e: Infantry Armoured Fighting Vehicle I A F W A e: International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies I A F W N O e: Inter-American Federation of Working Newspapernmen's Organizations IAG d: Interaktiver Grafikarbeitsplatz - d: Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für den Unterrichtsfilm - d: Investitionsauftraggeber - e: IFIP [International Federation for Information Processing] Administrative Group - e: Inertial Artillery Goniometer - e: Institute of American Genealogy - e: Institute of Animal Genetics - e: Institute of Australian Geographers - e: Intelligence Analysis Group - e: Interagency Advisory Group - e: International Administrative data processing Group - e: International Air Guide - e: International Applications Group - e: International Association of Geodesy - e: International Association of Geology - e: International Association of Geophysical Contractors - e: International Association of Gerontology IAGA d: Internationale Assoziation für Geomagnetismus und Aeronomie - e: International Association of Geomagnetism [and] Aeronomy - e: International Association of Golf Administrators I A G A E e: International Association for Eutonie Gerda Alexander I A G B & I e: Ileostomy Association of Great Britain and Ireland IAGBN e: International Absolute Gravity Base Network I A G C e: Instantaneous Automatic Gain Circuit - e: Instantaneous Automatic Gain Control - e: International Association for Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry - e: International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry - e: International Association of Geomagnetism and Cosmochemistry - e: International Association of Geophysical Contractors I A G F C C e: International Association of Game, Fish and Conservation Commissioners I A G L P e: International Association of Great Lakes Ports I A G L R e: International Association for Great Lakes Research I A G M e: International Association of Garment Manufacturers I A G M A e: International Assembly of Grocery Manufacturers Associations I A G O D e: International Association for the Genesis of Ore Deposits - e: International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits I A G P e: International Antarctic Glaciological Project IAgr f: Institut Agronomique I Agr E e: Institution of Agricultural Engineers IAGS e: Inter-American Geodetic Survey I A G U S P p: Instituto de Astronomia e Geofisica da Universidade de Sao Paulo

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IALS IAH e: Houston International Airport [Texas] - e: Implantable Artificial Heart - e: Inter-American Highway - e: Interdivisional Administration Specification - e: International Asian Highway[s] - e: International Association for Hydrology - e: International Association of Hydrogeologists - e: International Association of Hydrology IAHA e: International Animal Husbandry Association - e: International Arabian Horse Association - e: International Association of Hospitality Accountants IAHB e: International Association of Human Biologists IAHE e: International Association for Hydrogen Energy IAHES e: Implantable Artificial Heart Energy System IAHF e: International Aerospace Hall of Fame IAHI e: International Archives of the Hystory of Ideas (journ.) IAHIC e: International Association of Home Improvement Councils IAHM e: Incorporated Association of Head Masters - e: International Association of Head Masters IAHP e: Institute^] for the Achievement of Human Potential - e: International Association of Horticultural Producers IAHR e: International Association for Hydraulic Research - e: International Association for the History of Religions IAHS e: International Academy of the History of Science - e: International Association of Housing Science - e: International Association of Hydrological Sciences IAI d: Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut - d: Institut für Angewandte Informatik - d: Interatominstrument - d: Internationales Afrika-Institut - e: Icelandic Airlines Incorporated - e: Inactive Aerospace Aircraft Inventory - e: Inactive Aerospace Vehicle Inventory - e: Independent Accountants International - e: Informational Acquisition and Interpretation - e: Initial Address Information - e: Institute for Atomic Information - e: Integrated Aircraft Instrumentation - e: International Acquisition and Interpretation - e: International African Institute - e: International Anthropological Institute - e: International Apple Institute - e: International Association for Identification - e: International Automotive Institute - e: Ion Acoustic Instability - e: Ion Atom Interaction IAI-201 e: Israeli light transport plane IAIA e: Institute of American Indian Arts - e: International Association for Impact Assessment IAIABC e: International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions IAIALAR e: Ibero-American Institute of Agrarian Law and Agrarian Reform

IAIALE e: Instrumented Architectural Level Emulation IAIAS e: Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences IAIBS e: Ion-Assisted Ion-Beam Sputtering I A I C M e: International Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers I A I C U e: International Association of Independent Colleges and Universities IAID d: Integriertes, Automatisierbares Informations- und Dokumentationssystem - e: Indium Arsenide Infrared Detector - e: Integrating Analog[ue] Input Device IAIDPA e: International Association of Information and Documentation in Public Administration IAIE e: Integral Absolute Ideal Error - e: Inter-American Institute of Ecology - e: International Association for Intercultural Education I A I G e: Industrial Analytical Instrumentation Group IAII e: Inter-American Indian Institute IAHB e: International Association of Independent Information Brokers IAIN e: Inter-Anglican Information Network - e: International Association of Institute of Navigation - e: International Association of Institutes of Navigation - i: Istituto di Applicazioni e Implante Nucleari IAIP e: Inorganic Ablative Insulative Plastic - e: International Association of Independent Producers IAIPS e: Integrated Automated Intelligence Processing System IAIR e: International Association of Industrial Radiation IAIRS d: Internationales Automatisiertes Informationsrecherchesystem - e: Installation Aircraft Inventory Reporting System IAIS d: Integrales Automatisches Informationssystem - d: Internationales Automatisiertes Informationssystem - e: Industrial Aerodynamics Information Service [Coordinators] - e: International Association of Independent Scholars - e: International Association of Legal Science IAIs e: Israeli Aircraft Industries IAJAM e: Industrial Association of Juvenile Apparel Manufacturers I A K d: Informationsaustauschkanal - d: Institut für angewandte Kernphysik

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

® K • G • Saur, Munich

IAL e: Icelandic Airlines-Loftfeider - e: Immediate Action Letter - e: Imperial Airways Limited - e: Imperial Arts League - e: Infrared Aiming Light - e: Installation and Logistics - e: Instrumental] Approach and Landing [Chart] - e: Interdivisional Administration List - e: Interlamnar Adhesive Layer - e: International Aeradio, Limited - e: International Algebraic Language - e: International Algorithmic Language - e: International Aluminum-Lithium Conference - e: International Arbitration League - e: International Association of [Theoretical and Applied] Limnology - e: International Association of Laryngetomees - e: International Association of Lighthouse Authorities - e: International Association of Lighting Designers - e: Investment Analysis Language - e: Irish Academy of Letters ial e: initial - e: initial appearance - e: initialism IALA e: International African Law Associanon - e: International Association of Lighthouse Authorities I A L C e: Instrumental] Approach and Landing Chart - e: International Association of Lions Clubs - e: International Association of Lyceum Clubs IALCE e: International Air Lift Control Element IAL Chartfs] e: Instrumental] Approach and Landing Chart[s] IALD e: International Association of Lighting Designers IALE e: Instrumented Architectural Level Emulation - e: Integral Absolute Linear Error IALL e: International Association for Labour Legislation - e: International Association of Law Libraries i allg d: im allgemeinen IALM e: International Association of Lighting Maintenance I A L P e: International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics IALR e: International Anthropological and Linguistic Review (journ.) IALS e: International Agency Liaison Service - e: International Association of Legal Science


IAM I A M d: Impuls-Amplituden-Modulation - d: Institut für Angewandte Microelektronik - d: Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Müllforschung - e: ILA [Instruction Look Ahead] Associative Memory - e: Image Analyzing Microscope - e: Immunization Action Month - e: Impulse Amplitude Modulation - e: Incidental Amplitude Modulation - e: Indefinite Admittance Matrix - e: Independent Aiming Mark - e: Independent Atom Model - e: Indexed Access Method - e: Indian-Artifact Magazine - e: Inertially Aided Munitions - e: Initial Address Message - e: Innovation Access Method - e: Institute of Administrative Management - e: Institute of Advanced Motorists - e: Institute of Appliance Manufacturers - e: Institute of Aviation Medicine - e: Interactive Algebraic Manipulation - e: Intermediate Access Memory - e: Internal Auditory Meatus - e: International Academy of Management - e: International Academy of Medicine - e: International Academy of Myodontics - e: International Associanon of Microbiologists - e: International Association of Machinists [and Aerospace Workers] - e: International Association of Meteorology IAm e: Intraamniotic IAMA e: Incorporated Advertising Managers' Association - e: International Abstaining Motorists Association - e: International Academy of Myodontics, Asian Chapter - e: International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers - e: Intimate Apparel Manufacturers Association I A M A C S e: International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation I A M A L e: Insects Affecting Man and Animals Laboratory I A M A M e: International Association of Museums of Arms and Military History I A M A P e: International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics - e: International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics - e: International Association of Metereology and Atmosphere Physics I A M A T e: International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers I A M A W e: International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers I A M B e: International Association of Microbiologists I A M B E e: International Association of Medicine and Biology of Environment - e: International Association for Medicine and Biology of the Environment I A M C e: Indian Army Medical Corps - e: Institute for [the] Advancement of Medical Communication - e: Institute of Association Management Companies - e: Inter-American Music Council I A M C A e: International Association of Milk Control Agencies I A M C B e: International Association for Mass Communication Research

I A M C L e: International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries I A M C R e: International Association for Mass Communication Research I A M C S e: International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation I A M D A e: International Alpha Micro Dealers Association I A M E e: International Association for Modular Exhibitry I A M F E e: International Association on Mechanization of Field Experiments I A M F E S e: International Association of Milk I A M F S e: International Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians I A M G e: International Association for Mathematical Geology I A M G Newsl e: IAMG Newsletter [International Association for Mathematical Geology, US] (joum.) I A M H I S T e: International Association for Audio-visual Media in Historical Research and Education I A M I e: Iron Age Metalworking International (journ.) I A M Informationsblatt d: Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Müllforschung. Informationsblatt (journ.) I A M L e: International Association of Music Librarians - e: International Association of Music Libraries I A M L A N Z e: International Association of Music Librarians I A M L O e: International African Migratory Locust Organization I A M L T e: International Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists I A M M e: International Association of Master Mariners - e: International Association of Medical Museums I A M M & D e: Institute for Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Design I A M O e: Inter-American Municipal Organization I A M P e: Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics - e: Inter-Agency Motor Pool - e: International Association of Mathematical Physics I A M P News Bull e: IAMP News Bulletin [International Association of Mathematical Physics, US] (journ.) I A M P O e: International Association of Mechanical and Plumbing Officials I A M P T H e: International Association of Master Penmen and Teachers of Handwriting I A M Q S e: International Academy of Molecular and Quantum Sciences I A M R e: Institute of Applied Manpower Research - e: Institute of Arctic Mineral Resources I A M R C e: International Antarctic Meteorological Research Centre I A M R I e: International Association of Marine Radio Interests


© K G - Saar, München

IAMS e: Individual Aerial Mobility System - e: Instantaneous Audience Measurement System - e: Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies - e: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Sciences - e: Integrated Academic Information Management System - e: Integrated Armament Management System I A M s e: Interactive Algebraic Manipulations I A M S e: International Advanced Microlithography Society - e: International Association of Microbiological Societies - e: International Association of Microbiological Studies - e: International Association of Municipal Statisticians I A M S L I C e: International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers I A M S O e: Inter-African and Malagasy States Organization I A M T [ A ] C T e: Institute of Advanced Machine Tool and Control Technology I A M T E C e: Institute of Advanced Machine Tool and Control Technology I A M T F e: Inter-Agency Maritime Task Force I A M / T M D e: Institute of Administrative Management/Telecommunications Managers Division I A M W e: Improved Antimateriel Warhead I A M W F e: Inter-American Mine Workers Federation I A M W H e: Improved Antimateriel Warhead IAN d: Internationale Anatomische Nomenklatur - d: Investitionsaufwandsnormativ - e: Illustrated Australian News (journ.) - e: Integrated Acoustic Network - e: Integrated Analog[ue] Network - e: International Area Network - e: Isoamyl Nitrate - s: Instituto Agrario Nacional - s: Instituto Agronómico do Norte IANA e: Institute of Alaska Native Arts - e: Inter-African News Agency I A N A P e: Interagency Noise Abatement Program IANC d: Internationale Anatomische Nomenklatur - e: International Airline Navigation Council - e: International Airline Navigators Council - e: International Anatomical Nomenclature Committee IA&ND e: Indian Affairs and Northern Development l a n d A e: Iron and Alumina IandA e: Indexing and Abstracting I a n d C e: Inspected and Condemned - e: Installation and Checkout - e: Installation and Construction I a n d D e: Incision and Drainage - e: Information and Documentation - e: Integrate and Dump I a n d E e: Identification and Exposition - e: Information and Education - e: Investment and Equipment I a n d E D e: Information and Education I a n d E O f f e: Information and Education Officer I a n d l e: Inventory and Inspection I a n d L e: Installations and Logistics

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IAPRI IandM e: Installation and Maintenance IandO e: Input and Output IandP e: Indexed and Paged IandR e: Information and Retrieval - e: Intelligence and Reconnaissance - e: Interchangeability and Replaceability IandS e: Inspection and Security - e: Inspection and Survey IANDS e: International Association for Near-Death Studies I A N E e: Institute of Advanced Nursing Education I A N E C e: Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission I A N E T e: Integrated Access Network I A N F e: Interallied Nuclear Force IANI e: Israel Agency for Nuclear Information IANRP e: International Association of Natural Resource Pilots IANSA s: Industria Azuecarera Nacional SA IANSW e: Institute of Architects of New South Wales IANTN e: Inter-American Naval Telecommunications Network Secretariat IANVB e: International Association for Non-Violent Sport I A N Z e: Institute of Actuaries of New Zealand IAO e: In And Out [of Cloud] - e: Incorporated Association of Organists - e: Independent Air Operations - e: Insurers Advisory Organization - e: Inter-Agency Committee on Oceanography - e: Intermittent Aortic Occulusion - e: Internal Automation Operation - e: International Academy of Orthodontics - e: International Automation Operation IAOC e: Indian Army Ordnance Corps iaoD d: im außerordentlichen Dienst IAOD e: In Addition to Other Duties - e: International Academy of Optimum Dentistry IAOG e: International Administrative management domain Operators Group IAOL e: International Association of Orientalist Libraries IAOPA e: International Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association - e: International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations IAOR e: International Abstracts in Operations Research IAOS e: International Association for Official Statistics - e: International Association of Oral Surgeons - e: Irish Agricultural Organization Society IAOT e: International Association of Organ Teachers

I A P d: Importabgabepreis - d: Industrieabgabepreis - e: Image Array Processor - e: Imaging Atom Probe - e: Immediate Access Processing - e: Incentive Awards Program - e: Industry Application Program[me] - e: Initial Aiming Point - e: Initial Approach [Procedure] - e: Inlet Absolute Pressure - e: Inorganic Ablative Plastic - e: Institute of Agricultural Parasitology - e: Institute of Animal Physiology - e: Institute of Australian Photographers - e: Institute of Australian Photography - e: Institution of Analysts & Programmers - e: Institutional Assistance Program - e: Instrument Approach Procedure - e: Integrated Actuation Package - e: Integrated Aeronautic Program - e: Interceptor Aim Point[s] - e: Interdivisional Administration Practice - e: Interference Avoidance Processor - e: Intermittent Acute Porphyria - e: Internal Air Portability - e: Internal Array Processor - e: International Academy of Pathology - e: International Academy of Proctology - e: International Activities Program - e: International Airport - e: International Association for Planetology - e: International Association of Photoplatemakers - e: International Atomic[-energy] Pool - e: Intra-Abdominal Pressure - e: Intracisternal A-Particle - e: Inventors Assistance Program - e: Iranian Aircraft Program IAPA e: Industrial Accident Prevention Association - e: Inter-American Parliamentary Association - e: Inter-American Parliamentary Organization - e: Inter-American Police Academy - e: Inter-American Press Association - e: International Airline Passengers Association - e: International Association of Parametric Analysts - e: International Association of Police Artists IAPAS e: Integrated Avionics Processing System IAPB e: International Association for the Prevention of Blindness IAPBPPV e: International Association of Plant Breeders for the Protection of Plant Varieties IAPC e: Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children - e: International Association for Pollution Control - e: International Association for Public Cleansing - e: International Association of Pet Cemeteries - e: International Association of Political Consultants - e: International Auditing Practices Committee IAPCO e: International Association of Professional Congress Organizers IAPCU e: Iowa Association of Private Colleges and Universities IAPD e: International Association of Plastics Distributors

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

IAPDOI e: Italian Association for the Production and Distribution of On-Line Information IAPES e: International Association of Personnel in Employment Security IAPESGW e: International Association of Physical Education and Sports for Girls and Women I A P G e: Iberian Atlantic Planning Guidance - e: Inter-Agency Advanced Power Group - e: International Association of Physical Geography IAPH e: International Association of Paper Historians - e: International Association of Ports and Harbo[u]rs IAPHA e: International Association of Port and Harbo[u]r Authorities IAPHC e: International Association of Printing House Craftsmen IAPhgr d: Internationales Archiv für Photogrammetrie (journ.) IAPhys e: Institute of Animal Physiology IAPI e: Institute of American Poultry Industries - s: Instituto Argentino de Producción Industrial IAPIP e: International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property IAPL e: Initial Allowance Parts List - e: International Association of Penal Law IAPIHC e: International Association of Printing House Craftsmen IAPLIT e: Interamerican Program for Linguistics and Language Teaching IAPM e: International Academy of Preventive Medicine - e: International Association of Progressive Montessorians IAPMO e: International Association of Plumbing & [and] Mechanical Officials IAPN e: International Association of Professional Numismatists IAPO e: Industrial Accountable Property Officer - e: Interchangeable at Attachment Point Only - e: International Association of Physical Oceanography IAPP e: Indian Association for Plant Physiology - e: International Association for [the] Plant Physiology - e: International Association of Plant Physiology - e: International Association of Police Professors - e: Ion Acoustic Plasma Pulse IAPPW e: International Association of Pupil Personnel Workers IAPr d: Informationsaufbereitungsprozeß IAPR e: Indian Air Patrol Reserve - e: Inflatable Air Portable Roadway - e: International Association for Pattern Recognition - e: International Association on Pattern Recognition IAPRI e: International Association for the Properties of Steam - e: International Association of Packaging Research Institutes


IAPS IAPS e: Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools - e: Inductosyn Angle Position Simulator - e: Interactive Programming System - e: Interim Antenna Pointing Substystem - e: International Affiliation of Planning Societies - e: International ASCII [American Standard Code for Information Interchange] Publication Standard - e: International Association for the Production of Steam - e: International Association for the Properties of Steam IAPs e: Industry Application Programs IAPSC e: Inter-African Phytosanitary Commission I A P S O e: International Association for Plant Taxonomy - e: International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean[s] - e: International Association of [the] Physical Sciences of the Ocean[s] I A P S P e: Inter-American Program for Social Progress IAPt e: Initial Aiming Point I A P T e: International Association for Plant Taxonomy IAPTA e: International Allied Printing Trades Association IAP-VO e: Istrebitel'naya Aviatsiya P-VO Strany [USSR] I A P W e: International Association of Personnel Women I A Q e: Independent Activities Questionnaire - e: International Academy for Quality - e: International Association for Quality I A Q C e: International Association for Quality Circles - e: International Association of Quality Circles I A Q D E e: Independent Association of Questioned Document Examiners I A Q R e: Indian Association for Quality and Reliability - e: International Association on Quaternary Research IAR d: Institut für Angewandte Reaktorphysik - e: Improved Rearming Rate - e: Inactive Air Reserve - e: Individual Action Report - e: Inspection Acceptance Record - e: Institute for Agricultural Research - e: Institute for Air Research - e: Institute for [or of] Atomic Research - e: Instruction Address Register - e: Instrument Air Receiver - e: Integrated Avionics Racks - e: Integrity and Reliability - e: Intelligence and Reconnaissance' - e: Interagency Rate - e: Interchangeability and Replaceability - e: Interment is Authorized for the Remains of... - e: International Association of Radiopharmacology - e: International Audio Report - e: Interrupt Address Register - e: Intersection of Air Routes - e: Inventory Adjustment Report - e: Isobaric Analog[ue] Resonance IARA e: Inter-Allied Reparations Agency - e: Interadministrative Revenue Accounting - e: International Aerosol Research Assembly

I A r b e: Institute of Arbitrators I A R C d: Internationaler Amateur Radio Club - e: Indian Agricultural Research Council - e: International Action for the Rights of the Child - e: International Agency for Research on Cancer - e: International Agricultural Research Center - e: International Amateur Radio Club I A R D e: Information Analysis and Retrieval Division [American Institute of Physics] - e: International Association for Rural Development I A R E e: Institute of Animal Resource Ecology I A R F e: International Association for Liberal Christianity and Religious Freedom - e: International Association for Religious Freedom I A R F P e: International Association of Registered Financial Planners IARI e: Indian Agricultural Research Institute - e: Industrial Advertising Research Institute I A R I G A I e: International Association of Research Institutes for the Graphic Arts Industry I A R I W e: International Association for Research into Income and Wealth I A R M e: International Association of Ropeway Manufacturers I A R M C L R S e: International Agreement Regarding the Maintenance of Certain Lights in the Red Sea I A & R N e: Inspection Advise & Release Nute I A R O e: Indian Army Reserve of Officers I A R O O e: International Association of Railway Operating Officers I A R P e: Indian Association for Radiation Protection - e: Inflation Accounting Research Project I A R Q e: Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Questionnaire I A R R e: International Association for Radiation Research IARS e: Independent Air Revitalization System - e: International Anesthesia Research Society IARs e: Instruction Address Registers IARSS e: Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools IARU d: Internationale Amateur Radio Union - e: International Amateur Radio Union IARUS e: International Association for Regional and Urban Statistics I A R W e: International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses


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IAS d: Institut für Architektur- und Stadtforschung Hannover e.V. - d: Internationaler Antwortschein - e: Image Analysis System - e: Immediate Access Storage - e: Immediate Access Store - e: Immediate Air Support - e: Impact Assessment Sheet - e: Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors - e: Indian Academy of Sciences - e: Indian Administrative Service - e: Indian Agricultural Service - e: Indian Astronautical Society - e: Indiana Academy of Science - e: Indicated Air Speed - e: Industrial Applications Society - e: Industrial Arbitration Service - e: Industry Applications Society - e: Information Acquisition System - e: Infrared Absorbed Spectroscopy - e: Infrared Astronomy Satellite - e: Inspector of Army Schools - e: Institute of Aerospace - e: Institute for Advanced Studies - e: Institute for Advanced Study - e: Institute for Aerospace Studies - e: Institute for Airspace Science - e: Institute for Atmospheric Sciences - e: Institute of Accounting Staff - e: Institute of Advanced Studies - e: Institute of Aeronautical Sciences - e: Institute of Aerospace Sciences - e: Institute of American Strategy - e: Institute of Andean Studies - e: Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences - e: Institute of the Aerospace Sciences - e: Instrument Air System - e: Instrument Approach System - e: Integrated Aerial System - e: Integrated Analytical System - e: Integrated Antenna System - e: Integrated Autodyne System - e: Integrated AUTOVON System - e: Integrated Avionics Sub-System - e: Integrated Avionics System - e: Intelligence Analyst Station - e: Intelligent Authoring Systems - e: Interactive Application^] Supervisor - e: Interactive Application^] System - e: Interest Assessment Scales - e: Intermediate Access Store - e: International Accountants Society - e: International Accounting Standards - e: International Aircraft Standard[s] - e: International Association of Sedimentologists - e: International Association of Sedimentology - e: International Association of Seismology - e: International Association of Siderographers - e: International Association of Siderographists - e: International Audiovisual Society - e: International Auditing Standards - e: International Aviation Service - e: Interpretive Analytical Service - e: Intrument Approach System - e: Intrusion Alarm System - e: Invariant-Azimuth States - e: Investors Arbitration Service - e: Iowa Academy of Sciences - e: Irish Archeological Society - e: Islamic Academy of Sciences - e: Isobaric Analog State - e: Isolated Aerial System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IATD - e: Isolated Antenna System - R: Inzhnerno-Aviatsionnaia Sluzhba ia's e: infant addicts IAs e: Intermediate Areas IASA e: Idaho Association of School Administrators - e: Illinois Association of School Administrators - e: INSCOM Automated Systems Support Activity - e: Institute of Accountants, South Australia - e: Insurance Accounting and Statistical Association - e: Insurance Accounting and Statisticalibid - e: Insurance Accounting and Systems Association - e: International Air Safety Association - e: International Alliance of Sustainable Agriculture - e: International Association for Statistical Computing - e: International Association of Sound Archives - e: Iowa Association of School Administrators IASB e: International Academy at Santa Barbara - e: International Aircraft Standards Bureau - e: Iowa Association of School Boards I A S B O e: Indiana Association of School Business Officials - e: Iowa Association of School Business Officials IASC e: Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada - e: Indian Army Service Corps - e: Inter-American Safety Council - e: International Accounting Standards Committee - e: International Association for Statistical Computing - e: International Association of Science Clubs - e: International Association of Seed Crushers IASCA e: International Auto Sound Challenge Association IASCB e: Ibero-American Society for Cell Biology I A S C H e: Institute for [the] Advanced Studies in Contemporary History IASchHy d: Internationales Archiv für Schulhygiene (journ.) IASD e: Industrial Automation Senvices Division - e: Instant Ammunition Selection Device - e: Inter Atrial Septal Defect IASDI e: Inter-American Social Development Institute IASE e: Installation and Service Engineering - e: Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering IaSEA e: Iowa Society of Enrolled Agents IASF e: Instrumentation for Aerospace Simulation Facilities - e: Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities - e: International Atlantic Salmon Foundation I A S F C e: Instrumentation for Aerospace Simulation Facilities Committee IASG e: Inflation Accounting Steering Group IASH e: International Association of Scientific Hydrology IASI e: Inter-American Statistical Institute - e: International Association for Sports Information

IASL e: Illinois Association of School Librarians - e: Integrated Aircraft Systems Laboratory - e: International Association for the Study of the Liver - e: International Association of School Librarians - e: Irish Association of School Librarians I A S L I C e: Indian Association for Special Libraries and Information Centers - e: Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers [US] - e: Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres [GB] I A S L I C Bull e: Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres Bulletin (journ.) I A S M e: International Association of Structural Movers I A S M A B T e: International Association of Structural Mechanics and Reactor Technology IASOR e: Ice and Snow on Runway IASOS e: Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies I A S P e: Integrated Attack Sensor Package - e: International Association for Social Progress - e: International Association for Suicide Prevention - e: International Association of Scholarly Publishers IAS[-]PEI e: International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior I A S P O e: International Association of Senior Police Officers IASPS e: International Association for Statistics in Physical Sciences IA/SR e: Intelligence Analysis/Storage and Retrieval IASR d: Institut für angewandte Systemtechnik und Reactorphysik - e: Intermediate Altitude Sounding Rocket - e: Interruption Address Storage Register IASS e: Insurance Accounting and Statistical Society - e: International Association for Scandinavian Studies - e: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures - e: International Association for Shell Structures - e: International Association of Security Service - e: International Association of Soil Science - e: International Association of Survey Statisticians IASSIST e: International Association for Social Science Information [Service] and Technology IASSMD e: International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency IASSS e: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures IASSW e: International Association of Schools of Social Work I A S T e: Integrated Avionic System Trainer IASTA e: Institute for Advanced Studies in the Theatre Arts I A S T E e: International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments IASTED e: International Association of Science and Technology for Development IASU e: International Association of Satellite Users

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

IASUS e: International Association of Satellite Users and Suppliers IASY e: International Active Sun Years I A T d: Internationale Arbeitsteilung - d: Ionenaustauscher - e: Image Auto Tracker - e: Indexable Address Tag - e: Indexible Address Tag - e: Indicated Air Temperature - e: Individual Acceptance Test[ing] - e: Information Assessment Team - e: Innovative Advanced Technology - e: Inside Air Temperature - e: Institute for Advanced Technology - e: Institute for Applied Technology - e: Institute of Admiral Technology - e: Institute of Advanced Technology - e: Institute of Animal Technicians - e: Institute of Armament Technology - e: Institute of Atomic Physics - e: Institute of Automatics and Telemechanics - e: Integrated Assembly Test - e: Integration Accetance Test - e: Internal Average Temperature - e: International Academy of Tourism - e: International Aerospace Technologies Processing System - e: International Association for Timekeeping - e: International Atomic Time - e: International Automatic Time - e: Interrupt Address Table - e: Iodine Azide Test IATA e: International Air Transport Association - e: International Air Transport Organisation - e: International Airline Telecommunications Association - e: International Amateur Theatre Association - e: International Appropriate Technology Association - e: International Association of Trade Associations - e: International Audiovisual Technical Center - e: Internatonal Air Transport Association - e: Is Amended to Add - s: Instituto de Agroquimica y Tecnologia de Alimentos I A T A E e: International Accounting and Traffic Analysis Equipment I A T A L e: International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology IATAS e: Interim Airborne Target Acquisition System I A T C e: Inlet Air Temperature Control - e: International Advisory Telephone Committee - e: International Air Traffic Communications - e: International Association of Tool Craftsmen I A T C B e: Interdepartmental Air Traffic Control Board I A T C R Station e: International Air Traffic Communications Receiving Station I A T C S e: International Air Traffic Communications Station - e: International Air Traffic Communications System I A T C T Station e: International Air Traffic Communications Transmitting Station I A T D e: Is Amended to Delete


IATE I A T E e: Illinois Association of Teachers of English - e: International Association for Television Editors - e: International Association for Temperance Education - e: International Association of Television Editors - e: International Association of Travel Exhibitors IATFD e: Inter-Agency Task Force on Data IATFIS e: Inter-Agency Task-Force on Information Exchange and the Transfer of Technology - e: Inter-Agency Task Force on Information Systems I A T J e: International Association of Travel Journalists I A T L e: International Association of Theological Libraries IATM e: International Association for Testing Materials - e: International Association of Transport Museums I A T M A f: Information action tiers-monde Aquitaine IATME e: International Association of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity IATN e: Inter-American Naval Telecommunications Network - e: International Association of Telecomputer Networks IATOD e: In Addition to Other Duties IATP e: Individual Aircraft Tracking Program - e: International Agricultural Training Program - e: International Airlines Technical Pool i a t r e: is amended to read IATS e: Inspector of Auxiliary Territorial Service IATSC e: International Aeronautical Telecommunications Switching Center IATSE e: International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees IATSS e: International Association of Traffic Safety Sciences IATTC e: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission IATU e: Inter-American Telecommunications Union IATUL e: International Association of Technical University Libraries - e: International Association of Technological University Libraries IATUL Newsletter e: IATUL [International Association of Techn[olog]ical University Library] Newsletter (journ.) IATUL Proc e: IATUL [International Association of Techn[olog]ical University Libraries Proceedings] (journ.) IATUL Q e: IATUL [International Association of Techn[olog]ical University Libraries] Quarterly (journ.) IATV e: Interactive Alphanumeric Television

IAU d: Internationale Astronomische Union - e: Index Arithmetic Unit - e: Infrastructure Accounting Unit[s] - e: Institute for American Universities - e: Interface Adapter Unit - e: Interface Adaptor Unit - e: Internal Auditor (journ.) - e: International Academic Union - e: International Accounting Unit - e: International Association of Universities - e: International Astronomic[al] Union - e: Intrusion Alarm Unit IAUF d: Institut für Automation und Unternehmensforschung iAufR d: im Auftrag[e] und für Rechnung iAuftr d: im Auftrag[e] iAuiV d: im Auftrag[e] und in Vertretung IAUP e: International Association of University Presidents IAUPD e: International Association for Urban Planning and Design IAUPE e: International Association of University Professors of English IAUPL e: International Association of University Professors and Lecturers IAUPPR e: Inter-American University Press of Puerto Rico IAUPR e: Inter-American University of Puerto Rico IAUR e: Institute of Art and Urban Resources - i: Istituto di Automatica dell'Universita di Roma IAU's e: Infrastructure Accounting Units iAusb d: im Ausbau - d: in Ausbildung IAUSD e: Inter-American Union for Scientific Development I-Ausweis d: Identitätsausweis IAV d: Internationales Archiv für Verkehrswesen (joum.) - d: Internationales Ausschreibungsverfahren - e: Indium Antimode Varactor - e: Innotech Aviation Enterprises Limited - e: International Association for Video-vidion - e: International Association of Video - e: International Association of Voltanology - e: International Association of Vulcanology - e: Inventory Adjustment Voucher IAVA e: Industrial Audio-Visual Association IAVB e: International Association of Visceral Biomechanics IAVC e: Instantaneous Automatic Video Control - e: Instantaneous Automatic Volume Control - e: International Audio-Visual Center [US] - e: International Audio-Visual Centre [GB] IAVCB e: International Association of Visitors and Convention Bureaus IAVCEI e: International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior IAVD d: Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbände für Dienstleistungen aus Datenverarbeitung I A V E e: Interaction Analysis for Vocational Educators IAveECl e: Institute of Automotive Engineers Council IAVFH e: International Association of Veterinary Food Hygiene - e: International Association of Veterinary Food Hygienists IAVG e: International Association for Vocational Guidance


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I A V G O e: Industrial Accident Victims Group of Ontario IAVP d: Industrieabgabe-Verrechnungspreis - e: Intravenous Atypical Vascular Pathogenesis IAVRS e: International Audio-Visual Resource Service IAVS e: International Association for Vegetation Science IAVSD e: International Association for Vehicle System[s] Dynamics IAVTC e: International Audio-Visual Technical Center [US] - e: International Audio-Visual Technical Centre [GB] IAVTZ d: Internationales audiovisuelles technisches Zentrum I A W d: Informationssystem Außenwirtschaft - e: Improved Antimateriel Warhead - e: International Alliance of Women - e: Ion Acoustic Wave - e: Isotopic Atomic Weight iaW d: in anderen Worten iaw e: in accordance with I A W A e: International Association of Wood Anatomists IAWA Bull n: IAWA Bulletin [International Association of Wood Anatomists, Netherlands] (journ.) IAWCM e: International Association of Wiping Cloth Manufacturers I A W E e: International Association for Wind Engineering I A W G e: Industrial Avionics Working Group IAWH e: Improved Antimateriel Warhead IAWL e: International Association for Water Law - e: International Association of Water Law IAWMC e: International Association of Workers for Maladjusted Children IAWP e: International Association of Women Police IAWPC e: International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control IAWPR e: International Association of Water Pollution Research - e: International Association on Water Pollution Research IAWPRC e: Indian Association on Water Pollution Research and Control - e: International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control IAWR d: Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wasserwerke im Rheineinzugsgebiet - e: Institute for [or of] Air Weapons Research IAWRBA e: International Association of Waterworks in the Rhine Basin Area IAWRT e: International Association of Women in Radio and Television I A W S e: Intercollegiate Association for Women Students - e: International Academy of Wood Science - e: Irish Agricultural Wholesale Society IAWTC e: Integrated Air Warfare Training Complex IAWWW e: International Authors and Writers Who's Who IAYB e: Interim Accessory Builetin IAZ d: Informationsauswertezentrale - e: Inner Artillery Zone

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IBAU IB d: Inbetriebnahme - d Indogermanische Bibliothek (journ.) - d Industriebau[ten] - d Industriebericht - d Informationsbank - d Informationsbeauftragter - d Informationsblatt - d Informationsblock - d Informationsbulletin - d Informationsbus - d Ingenieurbau - d Ingenieurbereich - d Ingenieurbüro - d Innere Bremsstrahlung - d Instandsetzung von Baugruppen - d Institut für Bauforschung - d integrierte Buchhaltung - d Interne Bereitschaft - d Interne Bremsstrahlung - e Iberia International Airlines of Spain - e Ice Box - e Identification Beacon - e Identification Block - e Identifier Block - e Illegal Behavior - e Immune Body - e Imperial Bank - e Imperial Beach - e In Bond [Customs] - e Inboard - e Incendiary Bomb - e Incentive Base - e Inclusion Body - e Index Bit - e Index Block - e Index of Body Build - e Indicator Board - e Induction Brazing - e Industrial Benefit - e Industrial Business - e Industrialised Building - e Inert Building - e Infantry Battalion - e Infantry Brigade - e Infectious Bronchitis - e Infinite Baffle - e Information Bank - e Information Bit - e Information Bulletin - e Information Bureau - e Information Bus - e Inner Bottom - e Inner Bound - e Input Block - e Input Buffer - e Input Bus - e Inspection Bulletin - e Institute of Biology - e Instruction Block - e Instruction Book - e Instruction Brochure - e Instruction Buffer - e Instruction Bus - e Instructional Brochure - e Instructor Bombardier - e Insulation Board - e Intelligence Branch - e Intelligence Bratch - e Interface Board - e Interface Bus - e Internal Bremsstrahlung - e Internal Bus - e International Baccalaureate - e International Bank [for Reconstruction and Development] - e: International Banking - e: International Bibliography (journ.)

- e: International Broadcasting] - e: International Bureau - e: Interposer Bail - e: Invoice Book[let] - e: Inward Bound - e: Ion Beam - e: Ion Bombardment - e: Iron Body - e: Isobutylene - e: Plate power-supply current [symbol] - f: Institut de Biologie - s: Iberia Líneas Aéreas de España - z: Istanbul Bankasi Ib d: Insektenbestäubung - e: Ibadan - e: plate current [symbol] ib d: Das Internationale Buch - d: im besonderen - e: inbound -1: ibidem ¡B d: im Bau - d: im Betrieb - d: in Bayern - d: in Buchstaben I&B e: Improvements and Betterments I/B e: In Board - e: Invoice Book i/B e: in Bulk IB2 e: Interconnecting Box 2 radio ibA d: in besonderem Auftrag[e] IBA d: Ingenieurschule für Baustofftechnologie - d: Internationaler Briefmarken-Anzeiger (journ.) - d: Internationales Biographisches Archiv - e: Igniter Booster Assembly - e: Independent Bakers Association - e: Independent Banker (journ.) - e: Independent Bankers Association - e: Independent Broadcasting Association - e: Independent Broadcasting Authority - e: Indole[-3-]butyric Acid - e: Industrial Bankers Association - e: Industrial Biotechnology Association - e: Industrial Buildings Allowances - e: Information Block Address - e: Inspection by Attribute - e: Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis - e: Institute for Briquetting and Agglomeration - e: Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis - e: Institute of British Architects - e: Institute of Business Appraisers - e: Interacting Boson Approximation - e: International Banana Association - e: International Bankers Association - e: International Bar Association - e: International Bauxite Association - e: International Bibliography of [Social and Cultural] Anthropology - e: International Biographical Archive - e: International Biographical Association - e: International Biometrie Association - e: International Briqueting Association - e: International Broadcasting Authority - e: International Bryozoology Association - e: Investing Builders Association - e: Investment Bankers Association - e: Ion Backscattering Analysis - e: Ion-Beam Analysis - e: Isobornyl Acetate - e: Isobutyl Acetate - e: Isobutyl Alcohol - e: Israel Broadcasting Authority

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G

Saur, Munich

IBAA e: Independent Bankers Association of America - e: International Bankers Association of America - e: International Business Aircraft Association - e: Investment Bankers Association of America - e: Italian Baptist Association of America IBAC e: Identity Based Access Control - e: Information Bulletin of Australian Criminology (journ.) - e: Instantaneous Broadcast Audience Counting - e: International Bullet and Ammunition Company - e: International Business Aviation Council IBAD e: Ion-Beam-Assisted Deposition IBADIZ e: International Boundary Air Defense Identification Zone IBAE e: Institute of British Agricultural Engineers - e: Institution of British Agricultural Engineers - e: Ion-Beam-Assisted Etching IBAFG e: Ion-Beam-Assisted Film Growth IBAH e: Inter-African Bureau for Animal Health IBAHP e: Inter-African Bureau for Animal Health and Production - e: Inter-African Bureau for Animal Health and Protection IB AHRS e: Inflatable Body and Head Restraint System IBALS e: Interactive Balancing through Simulation IBAM e: Institute of Business Administration and Management - p: Instituto Brasileiro de Administraçao Municipal IBAN f: Institut Belge pour l'Alimentation et la Nutrition IBAP e: Intewention Board of Agricultural Produce IBA Q Rev e: IBA Quarterly Review [International Bauxite Association, Jamaica] (journ.) I-bar e: capital-I-shaped metal bar IBAR d: Internationaler Beratender Ausschuß für Radiokommunikation - e: Inter-African Bureau of Animal Resources IBA Rep e: IBA Reports [Industrial Biotechnology Association, US] (journ.) IBA Rev e: IBA Review [International Bauxite Association, Jamaica] (journ.) IBAS d: Informationssystem Beliebiger Anwendungsstrukturen - d: Integriertes Bedien- und Anzeige System - d: Integriertes Bibliotheksautomatisierungssystem - e: Indonesian Business Association of Singapore - e: Informationssystem Beliebiger Anwendungsstructuren IBASA e: International Radio Air Safety Association IBA Tech Rev e: IBA Technical Review [Independent Broadcasting Authority, GB] (journ.) IBAU e: Institute of British-American Understanding


IBB IBB e: Illinois Inspection Bureau - e: Initial Body Burden - e: Institute of British Bakers - e: International Brotherhood of Bookbinders - e: Invest in Britain Bureau - e: Isobutyl Benzoate IBBA e: Inland Bird Banding Association IBBBB e: Incomplete Bilateral Bundle Branch Block IBBD p: Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografía e Documentado IBBG d: Informationsbanken-BetriebsGmbH IBBH d: Internationaler Bund der Bau- und Holzarbeiter IBBISB[/]BF[&]H e: International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers IBBM e: Iron Body Brass Mounted - e: Iron Body Bronze Mounted IBBR e: Inter-Bank Bid Rate IBBRIX e: International Biodeterioration Bulletin Reference Index (journ.) IBBS e: Integrated Broadband Service IBBY e: International Board on Books for Young People IBC d: Isobutyl[-3-]Cyanokrylat - e: Iceland Base Command - e: Imperial Bushmen Contingent - e: Impurity Band Conduction - e: Information Bit Content - e: Input Bias Current - e: Input Block Count - e: Institute of Building Control - e: Insurance Bureau of Canada - e: Integrated Block Channel - e: Integrated Block Controller - e: Integrated Broadband Communication[s] - e: Inter-Island Broadcasting Corporation - e: Intercollegiate Broadcasting System - e: Interface Buffer Controller - e: Intermediate Bulk Carrier - e: Intermediate Bulk Container - e: International Banking Center - e: International Biographical Center [US] - e: International Biographical Centre [GB] - e: International Biometrie Conference - e: International Biotoxicological Center - e: International Board of Cytopatholog - e: International Boundary Commission - e: International Broadcasting Convention - e: International Broadcasting Corporation - e: International Business Centre - e: International Business Contacts - e: Inverted Bowl Centrifuge - e: Ion Binding Capacity - e: Iron Binding Capacity - e: Isobutyl Carbinol - e: Isobutyl[-3-]Cyanoacrylate - e: Iwate Broadcasting Company - p: Instituto Brasileiro do Café - s: Instituto Bacteriólogico de Chile IBCA e: Industry Bar Code Alliance - e: Institute of Burial and Cremation Administration IBCC e: International Building Classification Committee - e: International Business Communications Center[s] - e: International Business Council of Canada IBCCA e: Inter-Establishment Committee for Computer Applications IBCFA e: Injected Beam Cross[ed] Field Amplifier , IBCG d: Internationaler Bund Christlicher Gewerkschaften

IBCHMB e: International Research Center on Hydraulic Machinery Beijing IBCN e: Integrated Broadband Communication^] Network IB2CR e: Interconnecting box 2 crew and Remote IBCs e: Institutional Biosafety Committees IBCS e: Integrated Battlefield Control System - e: International Bureau of Chambers of Commerce - e: International Bureau of Commercial Statistics IBCUSCAN e: International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada IBD d: Impulsbreitendiskriminator - e: Incorporated Institute of British Decorators and Interior Designers - e: Infantry Base Depot - e: Infectious Bursal Disease - e: Inflammatory Bowel Disease - e: Inhabited Building Distance - e: Institute of British Decorators - e: Institute of Business Designers - e: Interest-Bearing Debentures - e: Interest-Bearing Deposit - e: Interior Ballistic Division - e: Intermediate Block Diagram - e: International Baccalaureate Diploma - e: International Bank of Detroit - e: International Broadcasting Division - e: Intrinsic Boundary Dislocation - e: Ion-Beam Deposition IBDA e: Indirect Bomb Damage Assessment IBDH e: Inboard Chromatography Data Handler IBDI e: International Bureau of Documentation and Information IBDM e: Interim Bomber Defense Missile IBDS e: Improvend Biological Detection System IBDT e: Insulation Breakdown Tester IBDU e: Isobutylidene Diurea IBDVS e: Indian Base Depot Veterinary Stores IBE d: Internationale Benzoat-Einheit - e: Institute of British Engineers - e: Integrity Basis Earthquake - e: International Broadcast Engineer (journ.) - e: International Bureau of Education - e: Inventory by Exception - e: Ion Beam Epiplantation - e: Ion Beam Etching I-beam e: capital-I-shaped metal beam IBEC e: International Bank for Economic Cooperation - e: International Basic Economy Corporation IBECC p: Institute Brasileiro de Educaçâo Ciencia e Cultura IBECO e: Inboard Booster Engine Cutoff IBED e: Inter-African Bureau for Epizootic Diseases - e: Ion Beam Enhanced Deposition IBEDIC System e: International Bureau of Education, Documentation and Information System IBEDOC e: International Bureau of Education Documentation and Information Systems IBEE e: International Builders Exchange Executives - e: Ion-Bombardment Enhanced Etching IBEF e: International Bio-Environmental Foundation IBEG e: International Book Export Group IBEL e: Interest-Bearing Eligible Liability


© K G - Saur, München

IBELCO f: Institut Belge de Cooperation Technique IBEN e: Incendiary Bomb with Explosive Nose Iber e: Iberia Airlines of Spain - e: Iberia[n] - e: Iberic[a][n] - e: Iberville IBEREED e: International Bureau of Education Research in Education IBERIA s: Líneas Aéreas de España IBERLANT e: Iberian Atlantic - e: Iberian Atlantic Area command IBES e: Illinois Bureau of Employment Security - e: Institutional Broker's Estimate System - e: Integrated Building and Equipment Scheduling ibes d: im besonderen IBEW e: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IBEWA e: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers of America IBEX e: International Biotechnology Exposition IBF d: Institut für Begabten-Förderung - d: Institut für Betriebsführung - d: Institut für Bildsame Formgebung - e: Incident Bright-Field - e: Incomplete Beta Function - e: Input Bridging Fault - e: Input Buffer Full - e: Institute of Banking and Finance - e: Institute of British Foundrymen - e: Internally Blown Flap - e: Internally Blown Flop - e: International Banking Facility - e: International Bond Fund - e: International Booksellers Federation IBFA e: Interacting Boson-Fermion Approximation IBF Cells e: Immature Brown Fat Cells IBFD e: International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation IBFF e: Impulse Base Flow Facility IBFI e: International Business Forms Industries IBFK d: Interkontinentaler ballistischer Flugkörper IBFM e: Interacting Boson-Fermion Model IBFMP e: International Bureau of the Federation[s] of Master Printers IBFN d: Integriertes Breitband Femmeldenetz - d: Integriertes Breitbandiges digitales Fernmeldenetz IBFO e: International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers [Helpers] IBF's e: Input Bridging Faults IBFs e: International Banking Facilities IBG d: Inbetriebnahmegerät - d: Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften - d: Internationale Bruckner Gesellschaft - d: Internationales Büro für Gebirgsmechanik - e: Incorporated Brewers Guild - e: Insoluble Bone Gelatin - e: Institute of British Geographers - e: Inter-Block Gap[s] IBGE p: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografía e Estatistica IBH e: Initial Beachhead IBHA e: Insulation, Building and Hardwood Association - e: Interconnecting Box Harness adaptor

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IBM PC ATX IBHC e: Inclusion Body Hepatitis of Chickens IBHD e: Initial Beachhead IBHE e: Illinois Board of Higher Education IBHS e: International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (journ.) IBI d: Internationales Bibliographisches Institut - d: Internationales Burgenforschungsinstitut - e: Illinois Bureau of Investigation - e: Indiana Bureau of Investigation - e: Insulation Board Institute - e: Intelligent Buildings Institute - e: Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics - e: Intergovernmental Bureau for Information - e: Interim Ballistic Instrumentation - e: Intermittent Bladder Irrigation - e: International Broadcasting] Institute - e: International Bureau for Informatics - e: International Business Information - e: International Business Intelligence (journ.) - e: Interpersonal Behavior Inventory - e: Invoice Book Inbound - e: Invoice Book Inwards - i: Instituto Bancurio Italiano - i: Istituto Biochimico Italiano IBIA e: Institute of British Industrial Art IBIB d: Isobutylisobutyrat - e: Isobutyl Isobutyrate IBIC e: Interface Bus Interactive Control IBICT p: Instituto Brasileiro de Informaçao em Ciencia e Tecnología - p: Instituto Brasileiro de Informaçao Científica e Technologica IBID e: International Bibliographical Description - e: International Bibliography, Information and Documentation ibid e: in the same place -1: ibidem IBI-IC[C] e: IBI [Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics]-International Computation Centre - e: Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics-International Computation Center IBIL e: Intermediate Bilirubin IBIM s: Instituto de Información y Documentación en Biomedicina IBiol e: Institute of Biology IBION e: Issue Based Indian Ocean Network IBIP e: International Bulletin of Industrial Property

IBIS d: Integriertes Bibliothekssystem - d: Integriertes Bord-Informationssystem - d: Integriertes Büro-Informationssystem - e: ICAO [International Civil Aviation Organization] Bird-Strike Information System - e: Image Based Information System - e: Imaging, Background-limited Infrared System - e: Infrared Background-limiting Imaging Seeker - e: Integrated Bibliographic Information System - e: Integrated Building Industry System - e: Intelligent Business Information System - e: Intense Beam Ion Source - e: Intense B[o]unched Ion Source - e: International Bank Information System - e: International Book Information Service[s, Inc.] - e: Intranet Business Information System - e: Issue Based Documentation System - e: Issue Based Information System IBIS-TV e: Integrated Booking and Information System IBIT e: ICBM [Intercontinental Ballistic Missile] Blast Interference Test - e: Initisted Built-in Test - e: Intergovernmental Bureau for Information Technology - e: Interruptive BIT IBJ e: Industrial Bank of Japan - e: Instrument Bearing Jewel IBK d: Industriebaukombinat - d: Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft (journ.) - d: Institut für Bau- und Grobkeramik, Weimar - d: Institut für Bauen mit Kunststoffen - d: Institut für Bekleidungskultur - d: Internationales Beleuchtungskomitee - e: Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis - e: Institute of Book-Keepers Ibk d: Innsbruck - e: Icebreaker IBKC e: Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis IBK-Farbtafel d: Internationale Beleuchtungskommission-Farbtafel ibkr e: icebreaker IBKS d: Informations-BetriebsdatenKontroll-System IBL d: Informations- und Befehlsleitungen - e: Input Buffer Limit - e: Institute of British Launderers - e: Interior Ballistics Laboratory - e: Intermediate Behavio[u]ral Language - e: Irish Biscuits Limited IBLA e: Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association IBLT e: Interacting Boundary-Layer Theory IBM d: Internationale Büromaschinen GmbH - e: Indian Bureau of Mines - e: Induced Bowel Movement - e: Institute for Bum Medicine - e: Interacting Boson Model - e: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile - e: International Business Machine [Corporation] - e: International Business Machines[, Incorporated] - e: Ion-Beam Modification - s: Industrias Biológicas Mexicana

Internationa] Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

O K G ' Saur, Munich

IBMA e: Independent Battery Manufacturers Association - e: Independent Battery Manufacturers of America IBM-BCD Code e: IBM [International Business Machines] Binary Coded Decimals Code - e: International Business Machines Binary Coded Decimals Code IBMBR e: Inter-Bank Market Bid Rate IBM CAD e: IBM [International Business Machines Computer-Aided Design IBMCE e: IBM [International Business Machines] Customer Engineer - e: International Business Machines] Customer Engineer IBMC Format e: IBM [International Business Machines] Card Format - e: International Business Machines Card Format IBMCUA e: IBM [International Business Machines] Computer Users Association - e: International Business Machines Computer Users Association IBME e: Institute of Biomedical Engineering - s: Institute de Biologia y Medicina Experimental IBM FSS e: IBM [International Business Machines] Federal Supply Schedule - e: International Business Machines Federai Supply Schedule IBM J [R&D] e: IBM [International Business Machines] Journal of Research and Development (journ.) IBM J Res Dev[elop] e: IBM [International Business Machines] Journal of Research and Development (journ.) IBMM e: Ion Beam Modification of Materials IBM-Methode d: Immer Besser Manuell-Methode IBM Nachr d: IBM [International Business Machines] Nachrichten [Germany] (journ.) IBMOC e: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Operational Capability IB[-]MOS e: Ion Beam Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: Ion-Beam MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] IBM PC e: IBM [International Business Machines] Personal Computer - e: International Business Machines Personal Computer IBMPC d: IBM [International Business Machines] Personal Computer - e: International Business Machines Personal Computer IBM PC AT e: IBM [International Business Machines] Personal Computer Advanced Technology - e: International Business Machines Personal Computer Advanced Technology IBM PC ATE e: IBM [International Business Machines] Personal Computer Advanced Technology Enhanced - e: International Business Machine Personal Computer Advanced Technology Enhanced IBM PC ATX e: IBM [International Business Machines] Personal Computer Advanced Technology Expanded - e: International Business Machine Personal Computer Advanced Technology Expanded


IBM PC X T IBM PC XT e: IBM [International Business Machines] Personal Computer Expanded Technology - e: International Business Machine Personal Computer Expanded Technology IBMR e: International Bureau for Mechanical Reproduction IBMS e: IBM [International Business Machines] Systems Journal (journ.) - e: Intelligent Battery Management System IBMs e: Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles IBMS e: Ion Beam Mass Spectrometer - e: Ion Beam-Modified Surface IBM S[yst]J e: IBM [International Business Machines] Systems Journal (journ.) IBMT e: Intensive Basic Military Training - e: International Bureau of Mining and Thermophysics IBM TechnDisclosure Bull e: IBM [International Business Machines] Technical Disclosure Bulletin (journ.) IBM TSS e: IBM [International Business Machines] Timesharing System - e: International Business Machines Timesharing System IB MX e: 3-Isobutyl-l-Methylxanthine IBN e: Identification Beacon - e: Indexed by Name - e: International Biosciences Network - f: Institute Beige de Normalisation IBNR e:Iincurred But Not Reported IBO d: International Broadcasting Organization - e: International Baccalaureate Office - e: International Baccalaureate Organization - e: Invoice Book Outbound - e: Invoice Book Outward[s] IBOB e: International Brotherhood of Old Bastards IBOC e: Internal Binary Operation Code IBOL e: Integrated Business-Oriented Language - e: Interactive Business-Oriented Language IBOLS e: Integrated Business-Oriented Language Support IBOP e: International Balance Of Payments IBOP e: International Brotherhood of Operative Potters - e: International Brotherhood of Operative Pottery and Allied Workers - e: International Business Opportunity Program IBOP Reporting System e: International Balance of Payments Reporting System IBP d: Internationales Biologisches Programm - e: Incremental Bar Printer - e: Initial Boiling Point [Facilities] - e: Inner [Edge of] Basal Piece - e: Institute for Better Packaging - e: Institute for Business Planning - e: Institute of British Photographers - e: Insulated Binding Post - e: International Balance of Payments - e: International Biological Program[me] - e: Ion-Beam Processing - e: Ion-Beam-Projector - e: Iowa Beef Processors - e: Iron-Binding Protein IBPA e: International Business Press Associates - e: Israel Book Publishers Association IBPAT e: International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades IBPBAC e: Isobutyl-4-[4'-Phenylbenzylideneamino]cinnamate

IBPC f: Institut Biologique Physico-Chimique IBPCS e: International Bureau for Physico-Chemical Standards IBPDSMS e: Improved Basic Point Defense Surface Missile System IBPGR e: International Board for Plant Genetic Resources - e: International Board for Plant Genetive Resources IBPH e: 2,2-Isobutylidene-Bis[4-Methyl-6-tert-Butylphenol] IBP-HA e: International Biological Program[me]-Human Adaptability IBPI e: International Bureau for Protection and Investigation IBPMS e: Indirect Blood Pressure Measuring System IBPOEW e: Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World IBP-PF e: International Biological Program[me]-Productivity in Freshwater IBP Record e: Institute of British Photographers Record IBPS e: International Baltic Pollution Studies IBQ e: Institutional Bond Quote Service [Database] IBR d: Index-Bariikadenregister - d: Interruptbehandlngsroutine - e: Incorporate-by-Reference - e: Infectious Bovine Rhinitis - e: Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis - e: Information-Bearing Radiation - e: Infra-Black Region - e: Institute for Basic Research - e: Institute for Bioregional Research - e: Institute of Behavioral Research - e: Institute of Biosocial Research - e: Integral Boiling Reactor - e: Integrated Bridge Rectifier - e: International Bio-Research Inc. iBr d: im Breisgau IBRA e: Interconnecting Box Radio Adaptor - e: International Bee Research Association - e: International Bible Reading Association - e: International Broadcasting Association - e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] Bit Rate IBRD e: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRG e: International Biodeterioration Research Group IBRI e: International Building Research Institute IBRL e: Initial Bomb Release Line IBRM e: Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers IBRMR e: Institute for Basic Research on Mental Retardation IBRO e: International Bank Research Organization - e: International Brain Research Organization - e: International Brewers Research Organization IBRRC e: International Bird Rescue Research Center IBRV e: Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus


© K G - Saur. München

IBS d: Inbetriebsetzung - d: Informationsbankensystem - d: Informationsbereitstellungssystem - d: Innere Bremsstrahlung - d: Integriertes Biiroverwaltungssystem - d: N-Isopropyl-2-benzothiazol-sulfenamid - d: N-Isopropyl-2-Benzothiazol-Sulfonamid - e: Ibaraki Broadcasting System - e: Impulse Balance System - e: Indian Boy Scouts - e: Inflatable Boat, Small - e: Input Buffer Storage - e: Input Buffer Store - e: Institute for Basic Standards - e: Institute of Bankers in Scotland - e: Institute of Basic Standards - e: Institute of Biblical Studies - e: Institute of Buddhist Studies - e: Integrated Broadband Service - e: INTELSAT [International Telecommunications Satellite Organization] Business Service[s] - e: Interbomb Spacing - e: Intercollegiate Broadcasting System - e: Internal Bremsstrahlung - e: International Bach Society - e: International Bank of Singapore - e: International Belt Skimmer - e: International Bentham Society - e: International Broadcasters Society - e: International Broadcasting Service - e: International Business Services - e: International Business Show - e: Ion-Beam Scanning - e: Ion-Beam Splitter - e: Ion-Beam Spunering - e: Ion-Beam Synthesis - e: Ionospheric Beacon Satellite - e: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - e: Island Base Section - e: Isobaric Solution - e: Israel Broadcasting Service IBSA e: Inanimate Bird-Shooting Association - e: International Barber Schools Association - e: International Bible Student Association - e: International Biotechnology Suppliers Association IBSAC e: Industrialized Building Systems and Components IBS Asian Electron News e: IBS Asian Electronics News [Taiwan] (journ.) IBSAT e: Indexing By Statistical Analysis Techniques IBSC e: International Bankcard Services Corporation - e: Iranian-British Shipping Company IBSCA e: International Bibliography of Social and Cultural Anthropology (journ.) IB Scot e: Institute of Bankers in Scotland IBSE e: Ion Beam Sputter Etching IBSEDEX e: International Building Services Abstracts Index - e: International Building Services Index [Database] - e: International Builing Services Abstracts Index IBSF[C] e: International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission IBSGR e: Isiolo Buffalo Spring Game Reserve IBSH e: Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart IBSHR e: Integral Boiling and Superheat Reactor

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IC IBSR e: Individual Base Stock Requirements - e: Individual Battle Shooting Range - e: Interactive Bibliographic Search and Retrieval i bsr A d: im besonderen Auftrag[e] IBS Rev p: IBS Revista [Brazil] (journ.) IBSS e: Imperial Bureau of Soil Science - e: Infrared Background Signature Survey - e: Infrared Background Space Surveillance Experiment - e: Infrared Background Survey Satellite - e: Infrared Backscatter Signature Survey IBST d: Intensiv-Behandlungsstation - e: Institute of British Surgical Technicians - e: International Bureau of Software Test IBSTP e: International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons IBSYS e: IBM [International Business Machines] Batch-processing System - e: International Business Machines Batchprocessing System - e: Initial Basic System IBT e: Inclined Bottom Tank - e: Incompatible Blood Transfusion - e: India-Burma Theater - e: Industrial Bio-Test [laboratories] - e: Initial Boiling-point Temperature - e: Instrumentfed] Bend Test - e: Insulation Breakdown Tester - e: Integrated Bipolar Transistor - e: Integrated Business Terminal - e: International Broadcasting Trust - e: International Brotherhood of Teamsters[, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America] - e: Inverse BIFORE [Binary Fourier Representation] Transform - e: Ion-Beam Technology - e: Ion-compatiple Base Transistor Technology - e: Ion-implantation Base Transistor Technology - e: Ion-implanted Base Transistor - e: Irrational Beliefs Test - e: Isatin-Beta-Thiosemicarbasone I-BT e: India-Burma Theater ibt e: in-battel time IBTA e: Individualized Behavior Therapy for Alcoholics - e: International Baton Twirlers Association IBTCWH e: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers IBTCWHA e: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America IBTE e: Imperial Board of Telecommunications - e: Institution of British Telecommunication^] Engineers - e: Interactive Bureau of Technical Education - e: International Bureau of Technical Education IBTEN s: Instituto Bolivano de Cirncia y Technologia Nuclear IB Test e: Inkblot Test IBTO e: International Broadcasting and Television Organization IBTP e: Interceptor Blast Traversal Program IBTR e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers] Broadcast and Television

IBTS e: International Bicycle Touring Society - e: Italian Broadcasting and Telecommunication Show IBTs e: Ion-implanted Base Transistors IBTT e: Implantation Base Transistor Technology - e: International Bureau for Technical Training IBTTA e: International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association IBT Technology e: Ion-implanted Base Transistor Technology IBTU e: Instructors Basic Training Unit - e: International Bureau of Transport Users IBU d: International Broadcasting Union - e: Imperial Bushel[s] - e: Inland Boatmen's Union - e: Instruction Buffer Unit - e: International Broadcasting Union IBu e: Isobutyryl IBUPU e: International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union IBUS e: Input Bus - e: Instruction Bus IBUSDC e: Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission IBV d: integrierte Benutzerverwaltung - d: Internationale Buchhändler-Vereinigung - e: Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine - e: Infectious Bronchitis Virus - e: Inspection by Variables - e: Intercontinental Ballistic Vehicle IBVÄ d: Isobutylvinyläther IB VE e: Isobutyl Vinyl Ether IBVL n: Instituut voor Bewaring van Landbowprodukten IBVP e: Initial Boundary Value Problem IBW d: Informationsdienst der Bayerischen Wirtschaft - d: Informationszentrale der Bayerischen Wirtschaft - d: Innenbogenweiche - e: Impulse Bandwidth - e: Information Bandwidth - e: Intelligence Bandwidth - e: International Boiler Works - e: Ion-Beam Weapon - e: Israel Book World IBWA e: International Bottled Water Association IBWC e: International Boundary and Water Commission IBWC-PRB e: International Bourdary and Water Commission IBWCUSMEX e: International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico IBWG e: International Boundary and Water Commission IBWI d: Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft und Wissenschaftliche Information IBWM e: Impulse Bandwidth - e: International Bureau of Weights and Measures IB WS e: International Bureau of Whaling Statistics IBX e: Intermediate Branch Exchange IBY e: Intelligence Bay - e: International Baltic Year - e: International Biological Year - e: International Book Year - e: International Book Yesu

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

IBZ d: Illustrierte Berliner Zeitschrift (journ.) - d: Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur IbZ d: Informationseinrichtung mit besonderer Zweckbestimmung Ibz e: Ibiza IC d: Innocent Civilian - e: Ice Crystals - e: Idaho College - e: Identification Card - e: Identification Character - e: Identification Code - e: Identifying Code - e: Identity Card - e: Identity Code - e: Idle Character - e: Idling Cycle - e: If Clause - e: Ignatius College - e: Ignore Character - e: Illegal Character - e: ILLIAC [Illinois Integrator and Automatic Computer] Chamber - e: Illinois Central [railroad] - e: Illinois College - e: Image Chamber - e: Image Check - e: Image Coding - e: Image Converter - e: Imagination, Cognition and Personality (journ.) - e: Immaculata College - e: Immediate Constituent - e: Immune Complex - e: Immunochemistry - e: Imparity Check - e: Imperial College - e: Import Certificate - e: Impregnated Cable - e: Impregnated Carbon - e: Impulse Conductor - e: In Command - e: In Commission - e: In Conference - e: Incoming [Call] - e: Increase - e: Incremental Computer - e: Incremental Cost - e: Indefinite Chill - e: Index Catalogue] - e: Index Correction - e: Index of Coincidence - e: Indian Culture (journ.) - e: Indication Cycle - e: Indicator and Control - e: Indicator Card - e: Indirect Correlation - e: Inductance-Capacitance - e: Induction Coil - e: Inductive-Capacitive - e: Inductive Coupling - e: Industrial Chemistty - e: Industrial Collaboration - e: Industrial Court - e: Inertial Component - e: Inferior Colliculus - e: Informal Communication - e: Information Carrier - e: Information Center [US] - e: Information Centre [GB] - e: Information Circular - e: Information Code - e: Information Collection - e: Information Configuration - e: Information Content - e: Infrared Cell 203

ic -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e


Infrastructure Committee Inhibiting Circuit Initial Card Initial Command Initial Condition[s] Initial Course Inlet Contact Inner City Inorganic Carbon Inorganic Chemistry Input Card Input Channel Input Circuit Input Code Input Current Inquiry Control Inscribed Circle Insert Cursor Insertion] Character Inspected and Condemned Inspecting Commander Inspection Card Inspiratory Capacity Inspiratory Center [US] Inspiratory Centre [GB] Installation and Calibration Installation and Checkout Installed Capacity Institute of Ceramics Institute of Charity Institute of Chemistry Instruction Card Instruction Cell Instruction Code Instruction Coding Instruction Complement Instruction Counter Instruction Cycle Instructor in Cookery Instrument and Controls Instrument Correction Instrumentation Controller Insulated Conductor Insulating Compound Intake Closes Integrated Circuit [graphics system] Integrated Conuter Integrating Contractor Integration and Checkout Integrator Card Intelligence Center Intelligence Collection Intelligence Committee Intelligence Corps Intelligent Copier Intensive Care Intercepting Chamber Interceptor Command Interceptor Computer Interchange Center Interchemical Corporation Intercity [Train] Intercommunication[s] Intercomputer Channel Interconnection Intercostal Intercrystalline Corrosion Interexchange Carrier Interface Control Interference Contrast Interference Control Intergranular Corrosion Interim Change Interior Communication Interior Communications Electician Interlock Code Intermediate Circuit

- e: Intermediate Command - e: Intermediate Conversion - e: Intermediate language - e: Intermetallic Compound - e: Internal Classification - e: Internal Clock - e: Internal Code - e: Internal Combustion - e: Internal Communication - e: Internal Computer - e: Internal Connection - e: Internal Control - e: Internal Conversion - e: International Center - e: International Classification - e: International Code - e: International Colloquium - e: International Conference - e: International Control - e: Internment Camp - e: Interpreter Code - e: Interrogation Coding - e: Interrupted Current - e: Interrupting Capacity - e: Interruption Code - e: Interspecies Communication - e: Interstitial Cells - e: Interstitial Cystitis - e: Intracellular - e: Intracerebral - e:Intracranial - e: Intracutaneous] - e: Intrapleural Catheter - e: Invalid Character - e: Invalid Code - e: Inventory Control - e: Inventory Count - e: Inverse Conduction - e: Investment Casting - e: Investment Commission - e: Investment Committee - e: Iola College - e: Ion Chamber - e: Ion Chromatography] - e: Ion Counter - e: Iona College - e: Ionization Chamber - e: Iron Cokes - e: Iron Curtain - e: Irregular Cavalry - e: Irrigation Consultant - e: Islamic Culture (joum.) - e: Itaska College - e: Itawamba College - e: Item Code - e: Ithaca College - e: Video Control -1: Iesus Christus -1: Imum Coeli ic d: intracardial - e: icon - e: in calf - e: in charge of -1: inter cibos Ic e: Icelander] - e: Icelandic - e: Transistor collector current [symbol] I&C e: Ictinus and Callicrates [designers of the Parthenon] - e: Inspected and Condemned - e: Installation and Calibration - e: Installation and Check[out] - e: Installation and Construction - e: Instrumentation and Communications - e: Instrumentation] and Control[s] - e: Integration and Checkout

© K • G • Saur, München

I-C e: Indo-China - e: Indo-Chine[se] - e: Inductive Coupling - e: Integrated Circuit - e: Iran-Contra scandal - e: Iron-Constantan I/C e: In Charge [of] - e: In Command - e: Incoming - e: Instrumentation/Control - e: Interchange - e: Intercom [intercommunication via interphone] - e: Intercom[munication] ICI e: Interior Communications Electrician First Class I 2 C e: Inter-Integrated Circuits I2C e: Inter IC Bus IC2 e: Interior Communications Electrician Second Class IC 3 e: Intelligent Command Control and Cormmunications IC3 e: Improved Closed-Cycle Cooler - e: Intelligent Command and Control and Communications - e: Interior Communications Electrician Third Class

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ICALU I C A e: Ignition Control Additive - e: Illinois Correctional Association - e: Immediate Constituent Analyzer - e: Imperial College of Agriculture - e: Imperial Corporation of America - e: Imperial Savings Association - e: In-Circuit Analyzer - e: Inclinator Company of America - e: Index of Competitive Ability - e: Indiana Correctional Association - e: Individual Combat Actions - e: Industrial Caterers' Association - e: Industrial Communications Agency - e: Industrial Communication^] Association - e: Industrial Conciliation Act - e: Industrial Coordination Act - e: Information Company of America - e: Information Content Architecture - e: Initial Cruise Altitude - e: Input Communication^] Adapter - e: Institute of Canadian Advertising - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants [in England and Wales] - e: Institute of Company Accountants - e: Institute of Contemporary Arts - e: Institute of Criminal Anthropology - e: Instrument Compressed Air - e: Insurance Council of Australia - e: Integrated Circuit Amplifier - e: Integrated Circuit Array - e: Integrated Communication^] Adapter - e: Integrated Communication^] Attachment - e: Integrated Communications Attachment - e: Integrated Conformai Array - e: Intelligence Collection Area - e: Inter-Governmental Council for Automatic Data Processing - e: Intercompany Agreement - e: Intercomputer Adapter - e: Intergovernment Council for ADP [Automatic Data Processing] - e: Intermuseum Conservation Association - e: Internal Carotid Artery - e: International Cartographic Association - e: International Carwash Association - e: International Ceramic Association - e: International Chefs Association - e: International Chiropractors Association - e: International Christian Aid - e: International Claims Association - e: International Coffee Agreement - e: International Colo[u]r Authority - e: International Commercial Arbitration - e: International Commission on Acoustics - e: International Commodity Agreement - e: International Common Access - e: International Communication^] Agency - e: International Communication^] Association - e: International Confederation of Agriculture - e: International Congress on Acoustics - e: International Control Agency - e: International Cooperation Administration - e: International Cooperative Administration - e: International Cooperative Alliance - e: International Cooperative Association - e: International Copper Association - e: International Council for ADP [Automatic Data Processing] - e: International Council on Archives - e: International Court of Arbitration - e: International Credit Association - e: International Cyclist Association - e: Invalid Care Allowance - e: Inventors Club of America - e: Investigat[iv]e and Corrective Action - e: Iowa Corrections Association

- e: Islamic Cement Association - e: Islet Cell Autoantibodies - e: Isocyanic Acid - e: Isolated Channel Architecture - e: Isolated Code Announcement - e: Item Change Analysis - e: Item Control Area - s: Ingenieros Civiles Asociados ICAA e: Iceland Civial Aviation Agency - e: Information Centre for Aeronautics - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia - e: Insulation Contractors Association of America - e: Integrated Cost-Accounting Application[s] - e: International Call Areas Award - e: International Civil Airports Association - e: International Civil Aviation Authority - e: International Committee of Aerospace Activities - e: International Committee on Aerospace Activities - e: International Council on Alcohol and Addictions - e: Invalid Children's Aid Association - e: Investment Counsel Association of America ICAAS e: Integrated Controls and Avionics for Air Superiority I C A B e: International Council against Bullfighting I C A C e: Improved Constant Altitude Control - e: Independent Commission Against Corruption - e: Information Centre Advisory Committee - e: Institute of Clean Air Companies - e: Instrumentation Calibration and Checkout - e: International Civil Aviation Committee - e: International Confederation for Agricultural Credit - e: International Conference on Analytical Chemistry - e: International Conference on Automated Composites - e: International Cotton Advisory Committee - e: Islamic Civil Aviation Cnuncil I C A C A C e: International Collegiate Automotive Clean Air Competition I C A C E e: Intelligence Center, Allied Command Europe I C A C G P e: International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution I C A C M e: International Conference on Advances in Composite Materials I C A D e: Integrated Computer-Aided Design - e: Integrated Controls] and Displays - e: Integrated Cover And Deception - e: Interamerican Committee for Agricultural Development - e: International Committee on Automobile Documentation I C A D E e: Interactive Computer-Aided Design Evaluation I C A D E M e: Integrated Computer-Aided Design, Engineering and Manufacturing I C A D G e: Interactive Computer-Aided Design and Graphics

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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I C A D I e: Interamerican Center for Agricultural Documentation and Information ICADS e: Integrated Control and Display System - e: Integrated Cover and Deception Systems - e: Interdata Computer-Aided Drafting System I C A E e: Integrated Communications Adapter Extension - e: International Commission of [or on] Agricultural Engineering - e: International Commission on Atmospheric Electricity - e: International Conference of Agricultural Economists - e: International Control of Atomic Energy - e: International Council for Adult Education I C A E C e: International Confederation of Associations of Experts and Consultants I C A E R e: Individual Clothing and Equipment Record I C A E S e: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences I C A E S D e: International Center for African Economic and Social Documentation I C A E W e: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales I C A F e: Industrial College of the Armed Forces - e: International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue I C A F I e: International Commission of Agriculture and Food Industries - e: International Commission on Agriculture and Food Industries ICAI e: Institute for Computer-Assisted Information - e: Institute for Computer-Assisted Instruction - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland - e: Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction[al] [System] - e: International Commission for Agricultural Industries - e: International Commission of Agricultural Industries - e: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence I C A I L E O e: International Congress on Applications of Lasers in Electrooptics ICA Inf s: ICA Information [International Council for Automatic Data Processing in Government Administration, Spain] (journ.) I C A I T e: International Conference on Advanced Information Technology I C A I T I s: Instituto Centronmericano de Investigación y Tecnología Industrial I C A L E O e: International Congress on Application^] of Lasers and Electro-Optics - e: International Congress on Applications of Lasers in Electro-Optics I C A L P e: International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming I C A L U e: International Confederation of Arab Labour Unions


ICAM I C A M e: Institute of Com and Agricultural Merchants - e: Integrated Communications Access Method - e: Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing - e: Internation Civil Aircraft Marking[s] - e: International Center for the Advancement of Management Education - e: International Confederation of Architectural Museums - e: International Conference on Advanced Materials I-CAM e: Improved Chemical Agent Monitor ICAMBS e: International Civil Aviation Message Routing System ICAMC e: International Conference on Automation of Mines and Collieries ICAMCI e: International Conference on the Application of Mini-and Micro-Computers in Information ICAME e: International Committee on Application of Mossbauer Effect ICAMPS e: International Conference and Exhibition on Advances in Materials and Processes ICAMQ e: International Committee of Automation of Mines and Quarries - e: International Committee on Automation of Mines and Quarries I C A M R e: Interdepartmental Committee for Applied Meteorological Research ICAMRS e: International Civil Aviation Message Routing System I C A M S e: Industrial Central Atmosphere Monitoring System ICAN e: Individual Circuit Analysis - e: Insurance Consumer Action Network - e: Integrated Circuit Analysis - e: Interactive Computer Aided of Norway - e: Interactive Computer Aids to Norway - e: International Commission for Air Navigation - e: International Committee of Air Navigation - e: International Committee on Air Navigation I Can e: Information Canada ICAND e: Multiplicand IC and C e: Invoice, Cost and Charges ICAO d: Internationale Ziviliuftfahrtsorganisation - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario - e: International Civil Airlines Operation - e: International Civil-Aviation Organization

ICAP e: Improved COBRA Armament Program - e: Increased Capability - e: Inductively-Coupled Argon Plasma - e: Industrial Committee of Ammunition Producers - e: Industrial Conversion Assistance Program - e: Institute of Certified Ambulance Personnel - e: Integrated Correction Action Plan - e: Integrated Criminal Apprehension Program [computerized system] - e: Interamerican Committee of the Alliance for Progress - e: Interactive Circuit Analysis Program - e: Intermediate Course Applications Programming - e: International Civil Aviation Policy - e: International Conference on Antennas and Propagation - e: International Conference on Atomic Physics - e: International Congress of Applied Psychology - e: International Flight Planning Procedures - s: Institute Cubano de Amisrad con los Pueblos ICap e: Improved Capability ICAPE e: International Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Exhibition ICAP Quarterly Review e: Institute of Certified Ambulance Personnel Quarterly Review (journ.) ICAPR e: Interdepartmental Committee on Air Pollution Research I C A P S e: Integrated [Aircraft] Carrier Acoustic Prediction System - e: Integrated Command ASW [Antisubmarine Warfare] Prediction System ICAQUO e: Inventory of Contaminants in Aquatic Organisms [Database] I - C A R e: Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair I C A R e: Indian Council of Agricultural Research - e: Integrated Command Accounting and Reporting - e: Intercargo Corporation - e: Interface Control Action Request - e: International Committee Against Racism - e: International Conference on Advanced Robotics - e: International Consultative Agency for Radiocommunications - e: Inventory of Canadian Agricultural Research - e: Investigation and Corrective Action Report ICARA e: International Conference on Assistance for Refugees in Africa ICARDA e: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas ICARE e: International Center for the Advancement of Research Education ICARMO e: International Council of the Architects of Historical Monuments I-car[s] e: Italian car[s] I C A R U S e: Index of Conservation and Analytical Recordss Unified System - e: Industrial Computer Applications, Retrieval and Utility Systems [Corporation] - e: Intercontinental Aerospacecraft Range Unlimited System Icarus e: International Journal of the Solar System (joum.)


© K • G • Saur, München

ICARVS e: Interplanetary Craft for Advanced Research in the Vicinity of the Sun ICAS e: Improved Cobra Armament System - e: Independent Collision Avoidance System - e: Instant Computer Arbitration Search [Database] - e: Institute for Chartered Accountants in Scotland - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Saskatchewan - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland - e: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Secondand International Council of Aeronautical Sciences - e: Institute of Combined Arms and Support - e: Integrated Component Assembly System - e: Integrated Control and Avionics Air Superiority - e: Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences - e: Interdepartmental Committee on Atmospheric Sciences - e: Interface Control Action Sheet - e: Intermitted Commercial and Amateur Service - e: Intermittent Commercial and Amateur Service - e: International Computer Access Service - e: International Computer Access System - e: International Council of Aerospace Sciences - e: International Council of [the] Aeronautical Sciences I-CAS e: Independent Collision-Avoidance System ICASALS e: International Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies ICASB e: Iowa Council of Area School Bnards ICASE e: Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering - e: International Council of Associations for Science Education ICA Service e: International Computer Access Service ICASIS e: International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies ICASSP e: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICAST e: International Center for Aerospace Science and Technology - e: International Conference on Amorphous Semiconductor Technology ICAT e: Institute for Combat Arms and Tactics - e: International Convention of Amateurs in Television ICATO e: Iran Civil Aviation Training Organization ICATS e: Intermediate Capacity Automated Telecommunications System ICATU e: International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions ICAV e: Instantaneous Crankshaft Angular Velocity - e: Intracavity I C A W e: International Conference on Automation in Warehousing

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ICCATA I C B e: Image Capture Board - e: Incoming Call[s] Barred - e: Indian Coffee Board - e: Individual Case Basis - e: Industrial and Commercial Bank[ing] - e: Inertia Compensated Balance - e: Information Collection Budget - e: Institute of Canadian Bankers - e: Institute of Collective Bargaining - e: Institute of Comparative Biology - e: Integrated Circuits Breadboard - e: Integration Change Board - e: Interface Control Board - e: Interim Change Bulletin - e: Interior Control Board - e: Interlocking Concrete Block - e: Intermediate Control Break - e: Internal Common Bus - e: International Christian Broadcasters - e: International Competitive Bid[ding] - e: International Computer Bibliography - e: International Congress of Biochemistry - e: International Container Bureau - e: Interrrupt Control Binary digit - e: Interruption] Control Block - e: Ionized Cluster Beam - e: Isochromatid Breaks - e: Ivory Coast Basin ICBA e: International Community of Booksellers Associations - e: Israel Cattle Breeders Association I C B A M e: Interpersonal Communication Behaviour Analysis Method I C B C e: Inclined Cleated Belt Conveyor - e: Institute of Certified Business Counselors - e: Insurance Corporation of British Columbia - e: Interagency Committee an Black Contamination - e: International Commercial Bank of China - e: International Committee for Biological Control I C B D e: International Center for Brewing and Distilling I C B H I e: Industrial Craft [Member] of the British Horological Institute I C B I F e: Inner-City Business Improvement Forum I C B L e: International Conference on the Biology of Lipids I C B M e: Inter-Continenental Ballistic Missile I C B M S e: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile System ICBN e: International Code of Botanical Nomenclature I C B O e: International Conference of Building Offficals - e: International Conference of Building Officials - e: Interracial Council for Business Opportunities I C B O S S e: Interactive Computer-Based Office Support System I C B P e: Intercellular Binding Protein[s] - e: Intercompany Billing Price - e: International Committee for Bird Protection - e: International Council for Bird Preservation - e: Intracellular Binding Proteins I C B R e: Input Channel Buffer Register - e: Institute for Child Behavior Research I C B R S D e: International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation ICBS e: Interconnected Business System

I C B T e: Intercontinental Ballistic Transport I C B W R e: Improved Cycle Boiling Water Reactor I C C d: Internationale Computer und Consulting GmbH - d: Internationales Congress-Centrum - e: Chief Interior Communications Electrician - e: IBM [International Business Machines] Credit Corporation - e: Ice Crystal Cloud - e: Ignition Control Compound - e: Illegal Code Combination - e: Image Converter Camera - e: Immu-Cell Corporation - e: Imperial Camel Corps - e: Imperial Communication Committee - e: Improved Contemporary Comparison - e: Inadequate Core Cooling - e: Income Capital Certificate - e: Incoming Trunk Circuit - e: Independent Channel Controller - e: Indian Claims Commission - e: Indian Cryogenics Council - e: Indiana Collegiate Conference - e: Individual Camouflage Cover - e: Indivudual Concealment Covers - e: Industrial Communication^] Council - e: Infantry Combat Command - e: Information and Coordination Central - e: Information Center Complex - e: Information Coding Classification - e: Information Commissioner of Canada - e: Information Control Center [US] - e: Information Control Centre [GB] - e: Information Coordination Center - e: Information Coordination Central - e: Information Coordination Post - e: Input Code Converter - e: Installation Calibration and Checkout - e: Installation Checkout and Calibration - e: Institute Cargo Clauses - e: Institute of Chinese Culture - e: Instrument Center Correction - e: Instrumentation Classification Code - e: Instrumentation Control Center - e: Integrated Circuit Computer - e: Integrated Communications Center - e: Inter-Computer Channel - e: Inter-Computer Coupler - e: Inter-Crystalline Corrosion - e: Interface Control Chart - e: Interface Control Check - e: Intermediate Control Change - e: Internal Conversion Coefficient - e: International Association Cereal Science and Technology - e: International Association for Cereal Chemistry - e: International Catalogue] Card - e: International Chamber of Commerce - e: International Channel Controller - e: International Children's Centre - e: International Climatological Commission - e: International Committee for Conservation - e: International Communications] Conference - e: International Communications Corporation - e: International Computation Center [US] - e: International Computation Centre [GB] - e: International Computer Center [US] - e: International Computer Centre [GB] - e: International Computer Conference - e: International Computerprint Corporation - e: International Computing Center [US] - e: International Compution Centre [GB]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G ' Saur, Munich

- e: International Conference on Communications - e: International Conference on Continuous Casting - e: International Conference on Creep - e: International Congregational Council - e: International Congress on Catalysis - e: International Control Center - e: International Control Commission - e: International Convention Centre - e: International Coordinating Committee - e: International Correspondence Colleges - e: International Correspondence Course[s] - e: International Corrosion Council - e: Interrupt Controller Circuit - e: Interstate Commerce Commission - e: Intra-Company Correspondence - e: Invalid Character Check - e: Inventory Control Center - e: Inverted Common Collector - e: Invitational Computer Conference - e: Invoice, Cost and Charges - e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] Communication Controller Circuit - e: Islanders Coordinating Council - e: Isthmian Canal Commission I C & C e: Installation Calibration and Checkout - e: Installation Checkout and Calibration - e: Invoice, Cost and Charges I C C A e: Independent Computer Consultants Association - e: Infants' and Children's Coat Association - e: Initial Cash Clothing Allowance - e: International Committee on Coordination for Agriculture - e: International Computer Chess Association - e: International Computer Conference on Computer Applications in Developing Countries - e: International Conference on Computer Applications - e: International Congress and Convention Association - e: International Consumer Credit Association - e: International Corrugated Case Association - e: International Council for Commercial Arbitration - s: Instituto Centroamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas I C C A D e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Conference on Computer-Aided Design - e: International Center for Computer Aided Design - e: International Conference on ComputerAided Design I C C A I A e: International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Association^] I C C A P e: International Coordination Committee for the Accountancy Profession - e: International Coordinating Committee for the Accountancy Profession I C C A S e: International Center for Communication of Arts and Sciences - e: International Conference on Computer Applications in the Automation of Shipyard I C C A T e: International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas I C C A T A e: International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Assiciations


ICCATCI ICCATCI e: International Committee to Coordinate Activities of Technical Groups in the Coatings Industry ICCB e: Illinois Community College Board - e: Intergovernmental Consultation and Coordination Board - e: Intergrated Change Control Board - e: Internal Configuration Control Board ICCBC e: International Committee for Colorado Beetle Control ICC Bulletin e: International Computation Center Bulletin (joum.) ICCC e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Conference on Computer Communications - e: Indian Central Coconut Committee - e: Information and Computing Centers Corporation - e: Inter-Council Coordination Committee - e: International Center for Comparative Criminology - e: International Color Computer Club - e: International Conference on Circuits and Computers - e: International Conference on Computers] Communication - e: International Conference on Computers in Cardiology - e: International Conference on Coordination in Chemistry - e: International Conference on Coordination of Chemistry - e: International Council for Computer Communication ICCCA e: Initial Civilian Cash Clothing Allowance ICC-CAPA e: International Chamber of Commerce Commission on Asian and Pacific Affairs ICCCM e: International Conference on Computer Capacity Management ICCCS e: International Committee of Contamination Control Societies - e: International Contamination Control Conference and Symposium ICCD e: Information Center on Crime and Delinquency - e: Intensified Charge-Coupled Device [Camera] - e: Internal Coordination Control Drawing - e: International Conference on Computer Design ICC Digest e: International Chamber of Commerce Digest ICCDP e: Integrated Circuit Communications Data Processors] - e: Integrated Circuit Communicators Data Processor ICCE e: International Commission on Continental Erosion - e: International Council for Computers in Education - e: International Council of Commerce Employers ICCEC e: India Chemists and Chemical Engineers Club ICCEE e: International Classification Commission for Electrical Engineering - e: International Classification Commission for Electrical Engineers

ICCF e: Interactive Computer Controlling Facility - e: Interactive Computing and Control Facility - e: International Computing and Control Facility - e: International Conference on Cold Fusion - e: International Correspondence Chess Federation ICCG e: IntercommunicationCommunication Control Group - e: International Conference on Crystal Growth ICCGC e: International Computer Color Graphics Conference ICCGR e: International Cyclic Crack Growth Rate ICCH e: International Commodities Clearinghouse - e: International Conference on Computers and [the] Humanities - e: International Conference on Computers in the Humanities ICC Handler e: Inter-Computer Coupler Handler ICCI e: Inter-Continental Computing, Inc. - e: International Conference on Composite Interfaces ICC-IBI e: International Computation Center-Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics ICC-IBIT e: International Computation Center-Intergovernmental Bureau for Information Technology ICCICA e: Interim Coordinating Coomittee on International Commodity Agreements ICCICE e: Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Commodity Exchange ICCJ e: International Committee on Computational Linguistics ICCL e: Inhomogeneous Channel Current Limiter - e: International Commission on Climate - e: International Committee on Computational Linguistics ICCM e: Intercontinental Cruise Missile - e: International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics - e: International Commodities Clearing House - e: International Conference [and Exposition] on Composite Materials - e: Isoconcentration Contour Migration ICCMB e: International Committee for the Conservation of Mud Brick ICC/MC Functions e: Integration of Communications Center and Message Center Functions ICCMS e: International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures ICCO e: International Carpet Classification Organization ICCOR e: Intercommand Coordination


© K • G • Saur, München

ICCP e: Impressed Current Cathodic Protection - e: Improved Computer Control Panel - e: Information, Computers and Communications Policy - e: Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals - e: Intelligence Civilian Career Program - e: International Commission for Coal Petrology - e: International Commission on Cloud Physics - e: International Conference on Cataloguing Principles - e: International Council for Children's Play ICCPC e: International Computation Centers Preparatory Committee - e: International Computing Centers Preparatory Committee ICCPN e: International Technical Conference on the Protection of Nature ICCP Plant e: Internal Combustion Catapult Power Plant ICCPPS e: International Conference on Ceramic Powder Processing Science ICCPR e: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ICCR e: Indian Council for Cultural Relations - e: Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility - e: International Charge Card Registry - e: International Committee for Coal Research - e: International Consultative Committee for Radiocommunication ICCRI e: International Committee for Classification of Rubber Information ICCROM e: International Centre for Conservation at Rome ICCS e: Ice Center Communications System - e: Improved UK Air Defence Ground Environment Command and Control System - e: Industrial Combustion Control System - e: Integrated Communications Collection System - e: Integrated Carrier Catapult System - e: Inter-Computer Communication[s] System - e: International Center for Chemical Studies - e: International Center of Criminological Studies - e: International Commission of Control and Supervision - e: International Conference in Computer Science - e: International Conference on Composite Structures - e: International Council on Civil Status - e: Intersite Control and Communications System ICCSL e: International Commission of the Cape Spartel Light ICCSSSAR e: International Coordinating Committee on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators Research ICCSTI e: Inderdepartmental Coordinating Committee on Scientific and Technical Information - e: Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee for Scientific and Technical Information ICCSTR e: International Coordinating Committee on Solid-state Transducers Research ICCT e: Initial Contact Control Time ICCTA e: Illinois Community College Trustees Association

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ICE I C C - T M e: Interstate Commerce Commission-Transport Mobilization I C C T r a n s i s t o r e: Inverted Common Collector Transistor I C C U e: Inter-Channel Comparison Unit - e: Inter-Computer Communications System - e: Inter-Computer C o m m u n i c a t i o n s ] Unit - e: Inter-Computer Control Unit - e: Intermediate Coronary Care Unit I C C V e: International Credit Card Validation I C C W e: In-Containment Chilled Water I C & C Y e: Ions of Court and City Yeomanry I C C Y e: International Cultural Center for Youth I C D d: Isocitratdehydrogenase - e: Imitative Communications Deception - e: Immune Complex Disease - e: Index to Class Directory - e: Industrial Cooperation Division - e: Industry Cooperation Division - e: Initative Christo Duce - e: Initative C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Deception - e: Inland Clearance Depot - e: Inland Container Depot - e: Input Control Device - e: Insert Character in Display - e: Installation, Checkout & Demonstration - e: Institute for the Crippled and Disabled - e: Institute of Chemical Defense - e: Institute of Civil Defense - e: Instrumentation Control Document - e: Integrated Circuit Design - e: Intelligent Call Distribution - e: Interface Control Dimension - e: Interface Control Document - e: Interface Control Drawing - e: International Center for Development - e: International Classification of Disease[s] - e: International Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death [ W H O publication] - e: International College of Dentists - e: International Congress for Dataprocessing - e: International Cooperation Department - e: International Cooperative Distributors - e: Investment Certificate of Deposit - e: Ion Controlled Diode - e: Isocitrate Dehydrogenase - e: Isocitric Dehydrogenase I C & D e: Installation, Checkout and Demonstration I C D A e: International Classification of Diseases, Adapted [for Use in the United States] - e: International Compressor Distributors Association - e: International Cooperative Development Association I C D B e: Inorganic Crystal Data Base - e: Integrated Corporate[d] Data Base - e: Inter-Cultural Data Bank I C D C e: Improved Control Display Console - e: International Cable Development Corporation - e: International Conference on Distributed Computing I C D C P e: Interface Control Drawing Change Proposal I C D D e: International Center for Diffraction Data I C D D B e: Internal Control Description Data Base I C D E S e: Item Class Description

I C D F e: Inorganic Crystallographic Data File - e: Intermediate Coupling Dirac-Fock I C D H e: Isocitrate Dehydrogenase - e: Isocitric Dehydrogenase I C D L e: Integrated Circuit Description Language - e: Interface Control Documentation Log - e: Internal Control Description Language - e: International Conference on Conduction and breakdown in Dielectric Liquids I C D L A e: Internal Control Description Language Analyzer I C D M e: Industrial Civil Defense Management - e: International Commission on Dynamic Meteorology I C D N e: International Diplomatic Computer Network I C D O e: International Civil Defence [or Defense] Organization I C D P e: Intelligence Career Development Program - e: International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace - e: International Congress for Data Processing I C D R e: Incremental Critical Design Review - e: Inward Call Detail Recording - e: Ion Cyclotron Double Resonance I C D R G e: International Contact Dermatitis Research Group I C D R U M e: Intercommunication Drum I C D S e: Index C a t a l o g u e ] of Double Stars - e: Information Collection Dissemination System - e: Input Command Data Set - e: Institutional Cooperation and Development Services - e: Integrated Circuit Design System - e: Integrated Cockpit Display System - e: Intelligence Communications Distribution System I C D ' s e: Investment Certificates of Deposits I C D S C e: International Conference on Digital Satellite Communications I C D S S S e: Intelligence Communication & Defense Special Security System I C D T e: Incident - e: Islamic Center for Development of Trade I C D U e: Inertial Coupling Data Unit - e: Inertial Coupling Display Unit I C D V e: Import Certificate Delivery Verification I C D x C e: International Club for Dxing and Communication

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

I C E d: Inter-City Express - e: Ice, Compress and Elevation - e: Illness-Correctional Environments - e: Immediate Cable Equalizer - e: Improved Combat Efficiency - e: Improved Combat Engineering - e: In-Car Entertainment - e: In-Circuit Emulation - e: In-Circuit Emulator - e: Increased Combat Effectiveness - e: Independent Cost Estimate - e: Indicative Cost Estimate - e: Indigenous Council for the Environment - e: Individual Career Exploration - e: Individual Compass Error - e: Industrial Computer Enclosure - e: Information Collecting Equipment - e: Infrared Countermeasures Equipment - e: Initial Combat Employment - e: Input-Checking Equipment - e: Input Control Electronics - e: Insertion Communications Equipment - e: Institute for Chemical Education - e: Institute for Consumer Ergonomics - e: Institute of Ceramic Engineers - e: Institute of Chartered Engineers - e: Institute of Chemical Engineers - e: Institute of Civil Engineers - e: Institute of Consumer Ergonomics - e: Institute of Control Engineering - e: Institution of Chemical Engineers - e: Institution of Civil Engineers - e: Instruction Course Evaluation - e: Instruction-Curriculum Environment - e: Instructor Course Evaluation - e: Instrument Checkout Equipment - e: Instrumentation Communication Equipment - e: Insulated Cable Engineer - e: Integrated Circuit Engineering - e: Integrated Communications Architecture - e: Integrated Communications Environment - e: Integrated Component Evaluator - e: Integrated Cooling [for] Electronics - e: Integration with Controlled EiTor - e: Intelligence and Counterspionage - e: Inter-City Express [train] - e: Inter-Computer Electronics, Inc. - e: Interactive Cost Estimating - e: Intercity Experimental - e: Interconnection Equipment - e: Interface Cancellation Equipment - e: Interference Cancellation Equipment - e: Intermediate Cable Equalizer - e: Internal Combustion Engine - e: International Center for the Environment - e: International Cometary Explorer - e: International Commercial Exchange - e: International Congress of Entomology - e: International Council on Electrocardiology - e: International Cultural Exchange - e: Inventory Control Effectiveness - e: IOMTR Committee for Europe - e: Ion Chromatography Exclusion - s: Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad ice e: addictive synthetie stimulant, crystal methamphetami ne - e: crystallized smokable derivative of methamphine I c e e: Iceland - e: Icelandic] - e: Icelander - e: Icelandic


ICEA ICEA e: Instrument Contracting and Engineering Association - e: Insulated Cable Engineers Association - e: International Commission on Environmental Assessment - e: International Consumer Electronics Association Ice Abs e: Ice Abstracts (journ.) ICEAM e: International Committee on Economic and Applied Microbiology ICE Approach e: Implicit Continuous Eulerian Approach ICEB d: Internationaler Congress Elektrische Bahnen ICEBAC e: International Council of Employers of Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen ICEC e: Ice Center Environment Canada - e: Illinois Citizens Education Council - e: Institute of Chartered Engineers of Canada - e: International Computer Engineering Conference [and Show] - e: International Cost Engineering Council - e: International Cryogenic Engineering Committee - e: International Cryogenic Engineering Conference - e: Interuniversity Consortium for Educational Computing ICECAN e: Iceland-Canada Submarine Cable ICECAN Telephone Cable e: Iceland Canada Telephone Cable ICECAP e: Infrared Chemistry Experiments-Coordinated Auroral Program ICEC/ICMC e: International Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International Cryogenic Materials Conference ICE Corporation e: Integrated Circuit Engineering Corporation ICECS e: Integrated Closed Loop Environmental Control System ICED e: Interface Control Envelope Drawing[s] - e: Interface Control Environment Drawing[s] - e: International Coalition for Energy Development - e: International Conference on Engineering Design - e: International Council for Educational Development - e: International Council on Environmental Design - e: Interprofessional Council of Environmental Designers - e: Ionenspheric Conductivity and Electron Density ICEDEFOR e: Iceland Defense Force ice[d]-T e: iced tea ICEE e: Interafrican College of Eletrical Engineering - e: International Commission on Rules for Approval of Electrical Equipment - e: International Control Engineering Expnsition - e: Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEC e: International Congress of Electrical and Electronic Communications ICEED e: International Center for Energy and Economic Development ICE[-]Equipment e: In-Car Entertainment Equipment

ICEF e: International Childrens Emergency Fund - e: International Conferences on Environmental Future - e: International Congress on Engineering and Food - e: International Council for Educational Films - e: International Federation of Chemical, Energy and General Workers Unions ICEG e: Insulated Conductors' Export Group ICEI e: Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland - e: Internal Combustion Engine Institute - e: International Combustion Engine Institute ICEL e: Industry Committee for Emergency Lighting - e: Institute of Civil Engineers in London - e: International Committee on English in the Liturgy - e: International Council of Environmental Law - s: Instituto Colombiano de Energía Eléctrica Icel e: Icelandic] ICELA e: International Computer Exposition for Latín America Iceland e: Republic of Iceland ICEM e: Incremental Cost Effectiveness Model - e: Integrated Computer-aided Engineering and Manufacturing [packet] - e: International Commission for European Migration - e: International Confederation for Electroacoustic Music - e: International Conference on Electron Microscopy - e: International Conference on Electronic Materials - e: International Congress on Electron Microscopy - e: International Congress on Experimental Mechanics - e: International Council for Education Media - e: Inverted Coaxial Magnetron ICEMOS e: Ion-implanted Complementary Enhanced MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] - e: Ion-implanted Complementary Enhanced Metal-Oxide Semiconductor ICEMS e: Intra-Company Electronic Mail System IC Engine e: Internal Combustion Engine ICEOP e: Inner-City Engineering Orientation Program ICEP e: Intra-Corporate Entrepreneurial Program[me] ICEPACK e: Individual Career Exploration Pack[age] ICEPAK e: Intelligent Classifier Engineering Package ICEPAT e: Iceland Patrol ICEPF e: International Commission for the Eriksson Prize Fund ICEPS e: International Center for Economic Policy Studies ICER e: Information Centre of the European Railways - e: Infrared Cell, Electronically Refrigerated - e: Institute for Central European Research - e: Interdepartmental Committee on External Relations - e: International Conference on Electromagnetic Relays I Ceram e: Institute of Ceramics


O K • G • Saur, München

ICEROCC e: Iceland Regional Operations Control Center ICES e: Information Center for Energy Safety - e: Instructor and Course Evaluation System - e: Integrated Civil Engineering System[s] - e: Integrated Closed-Loop Environment Control System - e: Internal-Conversion Electron Spectroscopy - e: International Carnival of Experimental Sound - e: International Civil Engineering System - e: International Committee for Earth Sciences - e: International Conference of Engineering Societies - e: International Conference of Engineering Studies - e: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICEs e: Independent Cost Estimates - e: Internal Combustion Engines - e: International Customs Examinations ICESA e: International Conference on Environmental Sensing and Assessment ICESC e: Industry Crew Escape Systems Committee - e: International Committee for European Security and Cooperation ICES J e: ICES Journal [Integrated Civil Engineering System Users Group, US] (journ.) ICET e: Institute for [the] Certification of Engineering Technician[s] - e: Institute for the Certification of Engineering Technicians - e: International Center for Earth Tides - e: International Center of Economy and Technology - e: International Council on Education for Teaching ICETEX s: Instituto Colombiano de Espectalización Técnica en el Exterior ICETK e: International Committee of Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics - e: International Council of Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics ICETRAN e: Integrated Civil Engineering System FORTRAN [Formula Translation] ICETT e: Industrial Council for Educational and Training Technology ICEU e: Improved Combat Efficiency Upgrade ICEV e: Initial Condition Evaluation ICEWATER e: Inter-Agency Committee on Water Resources ICEWG e: Interim C and E Working Group - e: Interim Communications-Electronics Working Group ICEX e: Integrated Civil Engineering Executive

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Ichth[yol] I C F e: Incommunication Flip-Flop - e: Incremental Cost per Foot - e: Independent Cat Federation - e: Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation - e: Inertial Confinement Fusion - e: Inertial Confulement Fusion - e: Insert Character in Field - e: Inspection Checking] Fixture - e: Installation Confinement Facility - e: Integrated Control Facility - e: Integrated Crystal Filter - e: Inter-bureau Citation of Funds - e: Interactive Communication Feature - e: Interactive Communications Feature - e: Intercommunication Flip-flop - e: Intermediate Care Facility - e: Intermediate Control Field - e: International Casting Federation - e: International Congress on Fracture - e: International Consultants Foundation - e: International Cotton Federation - e: International Crane Foundation - e: International Cultural Foundation - e: International Cynological Federation - e: Intracellular Fluid - e: Intrinsic Coercive Force - e: Iota-Cam Fiberscope - e: Iowa College Foundation - e: Item Control File - f: Ingénieur Civil de France I C F A e: Independent College Funds of America - e: Induced Complement Fixing Antigen - e: Inland Commercial Fisheries Association - e: Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts - e: Interior Communications Electrician Fireman Apprentice - e: International Chicken Flying Association - e: International Committee on Future Accelerators - e: International Cystic Fibrosis Association I C F A T C M e: Individual Cleared for Access to Classified Material I C F C e: Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation - e: International Center for Fairs and Congresses - e: International Centre of Films for Children I C & F C D e: Interior Communication and Fire Control Distribution I C F E e: Intra-Collisional Field Effect I C F E T e: Inhomogeneous Channel Field-Effect Transistor I C F F e: Intercommunication Flip-Flop I C F I e: Iota-Cam Fiberscope Instrument I C F Int Consult Newsl r: ICF International Consultants Newsletter [International Consultants Foundation, Sweden] (journ.) I C F J o u r n a l e: Industrial Christian Fellowship Journal (journ.) I C F M e: I Confirm - e: Inlet Cubic Feet per Minute I C F M H e: International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene I C F N e: Interior Communications Electrician Fireman I C F N C e: Independent College Fund of North Carolina I C F N J e: Independent College Fund of New Jersey I C F P e: Institute of Certified Financial Planners I C F P W e: International Confederation of Former Prisoners of War

I C F R e: Intercollegiate Conference of Faculty Representatives - e: Interdepartmental Committee of Futures Research I C F R M e: International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials I C F S e: Installation Conus Forstat - e: Iota-Cam Fiberscope I C F T A e: International Committee of Foundry Technical Associations I C F T U e: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions I C F U e: International Council on the Future of the University I C G d: Indocyaningriin - d: interaktive Computergrafik - e: Indicator Control Group - e: Indocyanine Green - e: Industrial Chemistry Group - e: Industries Consultative Group - e: Inflight Coverall Garment - e: Institute for Child Guidance - e: Institute of Certified Grocers - e: Integrated Combat Group - e: Inter-Union Commission on Geodynamics - e: Interactive Computer Graphics - e: Interface Coordination Group - e: International Commission on Glass - e: International Congress of Genetics - e: International Congress on Glass - e: Interviewers Classification Guide - e: Iowa Corn Growers - e: Isochromatid Gaps I C G B e: International Cargo Gear Bureau I C G B I e: Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland I C G E e: International Center of Genetic Epistemology I C G E B e: International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology I C G E B N e t e: The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Network I C G I e: International Conference on Geoscience Information I C G I C e: Icing in Clouds I C G I C I P e: Icing in Clouds [and] in Precipitation I C G I P e: Icing in Precipitation I C G M e: Intercontinental Guide[d] Missile - e: International Colloquium about Gas Marketing I C G N e: International Cogeneration Corporation I C G R e: Ivory Coast-Ghana Ridge I C G S e: Icelandic Coast Guard Service - e: Interactive Computer-Graphics System I C G S C A e: Infants', Children's and Girls' Sportswear and Coat Association I C G System e: Interactive Computer Graphics System I C G T M e: Interstate Commerce Commission-Transport Mobilization I C G W e: International Commission on Groundwater

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

I C H e: Induction-Conduction Heating - e: Infectious Canine Hepatitis - e: Information Clearinghouse - e: Inhalation Cycle Histogram - e: Interchanger - e: Intermediate Chain Home - e: Internal Communication Highway - e: Ion Channeling - e: Ion Cyclotron Heating Ich e: Ichabod - e: Ichthyologic(al) - e: Ichthyologist ich e: ichthyology - e: in-calf heifer I C h e: Information Chain - e: Information Channel I C H A M e: Institute of Cooking and Heating Appliance Manufacturers I C H A P e: Improved Chaparral I C H C e: International Committee for Horticultural Congresses I C H C A e: International Cargo Handling [and] Coordination Association I C H C A J o u r n a l e: International Cargo Handling Coordination Association Journal (journ.) I C h e m E e: Institute of Chemical Engineers - e: Institution of Chemical Engineers I C H E N P e: International Conference on High Energy Nuclear Physics I C H E O e: Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas I C H I e: International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions I C H I B e: Information Center of the Hungarian Industry in Budapest I C H M e; International Committee on Historical Metrology I C H M A E e: International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Aquatic Environment I C H M T e: International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer ichnol e: ichnolite - e: ichnologist - e: ichnology I C H N R e: International Committee of Horticultural Nomenclature and Registration I C H O H Y P e: International Committee of Hard of Hearing Young People I C H P e: ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. I C H P E R e: International Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation I C H R e: Illinois Catholic Historical Review (journ.) I C H S e: Information Center for Hearing, Speech and Human Communication - e: Inter-African Committee for Hydraulic Studies - e: International Committee of Historical Sciences I/C Hs e: Iran-Contra Hearings Ichs e: Ichthyologists I C H S P e: International Congress on High-Speed Photography I C H S P P e: International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics I C H T e: Ichthyologic[al] - e: Ichthyologist - e: Ichthyology - e: Intenational Committee on Haemostasis and Thrombosis Ichth[yol] e: Ichthyologicfal] - e: Ichthyologist - e: Ichthyology


ICHTM ICHTM e: International Congress on the Heat Treatment of Materials ICHW e: Ion-Cyclotron Harmonic Wave ICI e: Ice Condenser Instrumentation - e: Imperial Chemical Industries - e: Information Concepts, Incorporated - e: Initial Capabilities Inspection - e: Institute of Chemistry-Ireland - e: Institution of Chemistry in Ireland - e: Instruction Check Indicator - e: Intelligent Communications Interface - e: Interamerican Copyright Institute - e: Interchannel Interference - e: International Commission of [or on] Illumination - e: Interpersonal Communication Inventory - e: Intracisternal - e: Investment Casting Institute - e: Investment Company Institute - e: Investment Costing Institute ICIA e: Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Accountant - e: Interagency Committee on International Athletics - e: International Center of Information on Antibiotics - e: International Communications Industries Association - e: International Credit Insurance Association - e: International Crop Improvement Association ICIANZ e: Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia and New Zealand ICIAP e: Interagency Committee on International Aviation Policy ICIAQC e: International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ICIASF e: International Conference on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities - e: International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities ICIB e: Indian Commercial Information Bureau - e: International Cargo Inspection Bureau - e: International Copper Information Bulletin ICIBEPAT e: International Cooperation in Information Retrieval among Examining Patent Offices I C I C e: Interdepartmental Commission on Interplanetary Communications - e: International Commission on Irrigation and Canals - e: International Copyrights] Information Center ICICLE e: Integrated Cryogenic Isotope Cooling Equipment ICID e: International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage ICID Bull e: ICID [International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage] Bulletin (journ.) [In ICID Bull Int Comm Irrig Drain e: ICID Bulletin. International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (journ.) ICIDH e: International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps [WHO publication] ICIDSS e: International Committee for Information and Documentation in Social Sciences I C I E e: International Center for [the] Industry and the Environment - e: International Council of Industrial Editors ICIECA e: Interagency Council on International Educational and Cultural Affairs 212

ICI Eng Plast e: ICI Engineering Plastics (joum.) I C I F e: International Commodities Investment Fund I C I I e: International Controlled Investments, Inc. I C I M e: International Computers Indian Manufacture I C I M a g e: ICI Magazine (journ.) I C I M P e: Interagency Committee for International Meteorological Programs ICIP e: Intelligent Copier/Printer - e: International Conference on Information Processing I C I P E e: International Center for Insect Physiology and Ecology - e: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology [Nairobi] ICI Polyurethane Newsl e: ICI Polyurethanes Newsletter [Belgium] (journ.) I C I R e: In Commission, In Reserve I C I R E P A T e: International Committee in Information Retrieval among Examining Patent offices - e: International Cooperation in Information Retrieval among Examining Patent Offices ICIS e: Current-Controlled Current Source [I = Current] - e: Independent Chemical Information Services - e: Integrated Circuit Inspection System - e: Inter-Campus Information System - e: Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security - e: International Cargo Information System - e: International Conference on Ion Sources ICISA e: International Conference on Information Systems Auditing I C I S E e: International Conference on Interface Science and Engineering ICISS e: Impact-Collision Ion-Scattering Spectroscopy I C I S T f: Institut Canadien de l'Information Scientifique et Technique I C I T s: Instituto Cubano de Investigaciones Tecnológicas ICITA e: International Chain of Industrial and Technical Advertising Agencies - e: International Cooperative Investigation[s] of the Tropical Atlantic ICITAP e: International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program I C I T O e: Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization - e: International Committee of the International Trade Organization I C I T P e: International Conference on Impact Treatment Processes I C J e: Incoming Junction - e: Institute of Creative Judaism - e: Institute of Criminal Justice - e: International Commission of Jurists - e: International Court of Justice I C J C e: Institute of Criminal Justice and Criminology ICJL e: Institute for Computer in Jewish Life ICJP e: Irish Commission for Justice and Peace IC JUB e: Intercontinental Jet Unmanned Bomber I C J W e: International Council of Jewish Women

6 K - G - Saur, München

I C L e: Incoming Correspondence Log[ging] - e: Incoming Line - e: Input Capacitorless - e: Inrush Current Limiter - e: Insert Character in Line - e: Insert Character on Line - e: Inserted Connection Loss - e: Institute for Continued Learning - e: Instructional Center Library - e: Instrument Calibration Laboratory - e: Instrument Controlled Landing - e: Instrumentation Configuration Log - e: Integrated Circuit Logic - e: Integrated Configuration List - e: Intercommunication Logic - e: Intercomputer Communication Link - e: Intercomputer Communications Logic - e: Interface Control Layer - e: International Cnllectors Library - e: International Computers,] Limited - e: International Confederation of Labo[u]r - e: International Containers Limited - e: International Cooperative Investigations of the Tropical Atlantic - e: Interpretative Coding Language - e: Interrupt Class List - e: Irish Central Library - e: Isentropic Condensation Level - e: Israel Chemicals Limited - f: Instituí de Chimie de Lyon IcI e: Icelandic] I C L A e: Indian College Library Association - e: International Commission on Laboratory Animals - e: International Committee on Laboratory Animals ICLA Bulletin e: International Committee on Laboratory Animals Bulletin I C L A E e: International Council of Library Association Executives I C L A R M e: International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management I C L A S e: Intracavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy I C L C E S e: International Computers Limited Computer Education for Schools I C L C F e: International Conference on Low-Cycle Fatigue I C L C P e: International Conference on Large Chemical Plants I C L C U A e: ICL [International Computers Limited] Computer Users Association - e: International Computers Limited Computers Users Association I C L D e: International Center for Law in Development - e: International Commission on Large Dams I C L D S e: ICL [International Computers Limited] Data Services - e: International Computers Limited Data Services I C L E S e: International Conference on Large Electric Systems ICLM e: Induced Course Load Matrix - e: Inter-California Line in Mexico Iclnd e: Iceland I C L P e: Institute of Criminal Law and Procedure - e: International Conference on Lightning Control I & C L Q e: International and Comparative Law Quarterly I C L R e: International Committee for Lift Regulations ICLR Company e: International Computerized Land Research Company

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ICNB I C L s e: Income Contingent Loan I C L S e: Integrated Carrier Landing System - e: Irish Central Library for Students I C L Tech J e: ICL [International Computers Limited] Technical Journal (journ.) I C M e: Improved Capability Minuteman - e: Improved Capability Missile - e: Improved Cluster Munition - e: Improved Conventional Munition[s] - e: In-Call Modification - e: Incoming Message - e: Increased Capability Missile - e: Indian Campaign Medal - e: Industrial and Construction Machines - e: Initial Condition Mode - e: Initiator Command Module - e: Inner Cell Mass - e: Inproved Conventional Munitions - e: Institute for Complementary Medicine - e: Institute for Composite Materials - e: Institute of Computer Management - e: Institute of Credit Management - e: Institution for Computermation Management - e: Instruction Control Memory - e: Instrumentation and Communication^] Monitor - e: Instrumentation Comparison Monitor - e: Integral Charge-control Model - e: Integrated Circuit Mask - e: Interbus Cache - e: Intercontinental Missile - e: Intercostal Margin - e: Interface Civil/Military - e: Interference Control Monitor - e: Intergovernmental Committee for Migration[s] - e: Interim Catalog Module - e: Internal Communication [s] Matrix - e: International Confederation of Midwives - e: International Conference on Microlithography - e: International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Metals - e: International Congress of Mathematicians - e: International Congress on Mechanical Behavior of Materials - e: International Control Mechanism - e: Infracostal Margin - e: Inverted Coaxial Magnetron - e: Ion Chromatography Module - e: Iterative Cell Majority - e: Iterative Construction Method I C M A e: Independent Cable Makers Association - e: Initial Clothing Monetary Allowance - e: Institute of Certified Management Accountants - e: Institute of Cost and Management Accountants - e: International Circulation Managers Association - e: International City Management Association - e: International City Managers Association - e: International Congress on Metalworking and Automation - e: International Congresses for Modern Architecture I C M A D e: Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors I C M A S e: International Conference on Modem Aspects of Superconductivity I C M A S A e: Intersociety Committee on Methods for Air Sampling and Analysis

I C M C e: Indian-Ocean Cable Management Committee - e: Institute of Chemical Machine Construction - e: Integrated Circuit Memory Card - e: International Coke-Making Congress - e: International Computer Music Conference - e: International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings - e: International Congress on Metallic Corrosion - e: International Cryogenic Materials Conference I C M C S T e: International Conference on Microelectronics, Circuit and System Theory I C M C T F e: International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films I C M E e: International Committee on Microbial Ecology - e: International Conference on Medical Electronics I C M E D C e: International Council of Masonry Engineers for Developing Countries I C M E E e: Institution of Certificated Mechanical and Electrical Engineers - e: Institution of Certified Mechanical and Electrical Engineers I C M E O e: Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas I C M F e: Indian Cotton Mills Federation - e: International Colloquium on Magnetic Films - e: International Conference on [Advances in] Metal Forming Techniques I C M G e: International Commission on Microbial Genetics I C M I e: International Commission for Mathematical Instruction - e: International Commission on Mathematical Instruction I C M I S e: Integrated Computerized Management Information System - e: Interface CMIS [Complementary Metal Insulator Semiconductor] I C M L T e: International Congress of Medical Laboratory Technicians I C M M e: Incomplete Correlation Matrix Memory I C M M B e: International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology I C M M M e: International Conference on Microcomputers Minicomputers Microprocessors I C M M P e: International Committee on Military Medicine and Pharmacy I C M M s e: Incomplete Correlation Matrix Memories I C M O e: Integrated Configuration Mangement Office I C M O D e: International Conference on Management of Data I C - M O S e: Integrated Circuit-Metal Oxide Semiconductor - e: Integrated Circuit-MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor] I C M P e: Inter-Channel Master Pulse - e: International Conference on Medical Physics - e: Internet Control Message Protocol I C M P C e: International Conference on Materials and Process Characterizatinn I C M P H e: International Center of Medical and Psychological Hypnosis I C M P S e: Induction Compass

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

0 K • G • Saur, Munich

I C M R e: Indian Council of Medical Research - e: Instrument Calibration & [and] Maintenance Record - e: International Center for Medical Research I C M R E F e: Interagency Committee on Marine Science, Research, Engineering and Facilities I C M R T e: International Center for Medical Research and Training I C M S e: Indirect Cost Management System - e: Integrated Circuit and Message Switch - e: Integrated Countermeasures System - e: Integrated Crop Management Services - e: Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services - e: International Centre for Mathematical Sciences - e: International Commission on Mushroom Science I C M s e: Inner Cell Masses - e: Instructional Curriculum Maps I C M S F e: International Commission on Mathematical Instruction - e: International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Food[s] I C M S T e: International Conference on Machine Searching and Translation I C M T e: Intercontract Material Transfer I C M U A e: International Commission on Meteorology in Upper Atmosphere - e: International Commission on the Meteorology of the Upper Atmosphere I C M U P e: Instruction Control Memory Update Processor I C M V e: Integrated Circuit Multivibrator I C M W e: Inherent Corrective Maintenance Workload I C N d: Interne Codenummer - e: Idle Channel Noise - e: Index of Community Noise - e: Indicator Coupling Network - e: Infection Control Nurse - e: Information Communication System - e: Information Control Net - e: Instrument Communication Network - e: Instrumentation and Calibration Network - e: Integrated Computer Network - e: Intensive Care Nursery - e: Interim Change Notice - e: Internal Control Number - e: International Chemical and Nuclear [Corporation] - e: International Computer Negotiations, Inc. - e: International Council of Nurses - e: International CUG [Closed User Group] Number -1: In Christi Nomine ICNA e: Infection Control Nurses Association I C N A F e: International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries IC/NATAS e: International CouncilNational Academy of Television Arts and Sciences ICNAT[V]AS e: International Council of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences I C N B e: International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria - e: International Committee on Nomenclature of Bacteria


ICNCP I C N C P e: International Code of Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants - e: International Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants - e: International Committee for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants I C N D e: International Commission on Narcotic Drugs I C N D T e: International Committee on Nondestructive Testing - e: International Conference on Nondestructive Testing I C N F e: Irredundant Conjunctive Normal Formula I - C N I e: Integrated CommunicationsNavigation-Identification I/CNI e: Integrated Communications/ Navigation/Identification ICNI e: Integrated Communications, Navigation and Identification [Study] ICNIA e: Integrated Communications Navigation Identification Avionics I C N N D e: Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense I C N P e: International Commission on National Parks I C N P P A e: International Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas ICNS e: Information Centre on Nuclear Standards - e: Integrated Command & Navigation System I C N T e: Informal Composite Negotiated Text ICNV e: International Code of Nomenclature of Viruses - e: International Committee for the Nomenclature of Viruses - e: International Committee on Nomenclature of Viruses I C O e: Immediate Commanding Officer - e: Immediate Controlling Office[r] - e: In Case Of - e: Indian Commissioned Officer - e: Input Current Offset - e: Inspecting Chief Officer - e: Installation and Checkout - e: Instrumentation Control Office[r] - e: Integrated Check-Out - e: Integrator Cut-Off - e: Interagency Committee on Oceanography - e: Intergovernmental Commission on Oceanography - e: Intergovernmental Committee on Oceanography - e: International Carbohydrate Organization - e: International Chemistry Office - e: International Coffee Organization - e: International Commission for Optics - e: International Commission on Oceanography - e: International Commission on Optics - e: International Communications Operations - e: International Computer Orphanage - e: International Congress of Ophthalmology - e: Islamic Conference Association - e: Islamic Conference Organization - e: Israel Chamber Orchestra - e: Istallation and Check-Out I & C [ / ] 0 e: Installation & Check-Out Ico e: Collector cutoff Current [symbol] - e: Iconology I C O A e: International Castor Oil Association I C O C e: Indian Central Oilseeds Committee I C O C S e: Interim Circuit Order Control System

I C O D e: International Center for Ocean Development - e: International Conference on Database[s] I-Code e: Intermediate Code I C O G R A D A e: International Conference of Graphic Design Association - e: International Council of Graphic Design Associations I C O H e: International Commission on Occupational Health - e: International Congress on Occupational Health I C O H T E C e: International Committee for the History of Technology I C o I a D e: International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage I C O J o u r n a l e: Institute of ChemistOpticians Journal (joum.) I C O L D e: International Commission on Large Dams - e: International Congress on Large Dams I C O L P e: Industry Cooperative for Ozone Layer Protection I C O M e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers] Communication Technology - e: Input-Channel-Output-Mechanism - e: Integrated Communications Security - e: International Council of Museums I C O M A T e: International Conference on Martensitic Transformation I C O M C e: International Conferences on Organometallic Chemistry I C O M E e: International Committee on Microbial Ecology I C O M I A e: International Council of Marine Industries Associations I C O M News e: International Council of Museums News I C O M O S e: International Council for Monuments and Sites - e: International Council of Monuments and Sites - e: International Council on Monuments and Sites I C O M P e: Iceland Ocean Meeting Point - e: International Council on Management of Population Programmes I C O M S e: Improved Conventional Mine System icon e: iconic - e: iconoclasm - e: iconoclast - e: Iconographical Icon d: Symbolgraphik in graphischen Benutzeroberflächen - e: Iconography I C O N e: Image Converter - e: Information Consortium - e: Integrated Control - e: Interactive Creation of NASTRAN [NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Structural Analysis] I C O N A e: Institute for the Conservation of Nature I C O N C L A S S e: Iconography Classification I C O N D A e: International Construction Database iconoc e: iconoclast I C O N S e: Information Center on Nuclear Standards - e: Information Center on Nuclear Systems - e: Isotopes of Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur I C O N System e: Integrated Control System I C O N T E C s: Institute Colombiano de Normas Technicas


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I C O O e: Iraqi Company for Oil Operations I C O P e: Imported Crude Oil Processing I C O P A e: International Conference of Police Associations IC O P A M P e: Integrated Circuit Operational Amplifier I C O R e: In Charge of Room - e: Incremental Capital Output Ratio - e: Intergovernmental Conference on Oceanic Research - e: Meicor, Inc. I C o r r S T e: Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology I C o r r T[ech] e: Institution of Corrosion Technology I C O S e: Inertial-Conunand Offset System - e: Integrated Check-Out System - e: Integrated Control System - e: Integrated Cost Operation System - e: Interactive COBOL [Common BusinessOriented Language] Operating System - e: International Committee of Onomastic Sciences - e: International Committee on Onomastic Sciences I C O S I e: International Committee on Smoking Issues I C O S O e: International Committee on Outer Space Onomastics I C O S S e: Inertial-Command Off-Set System I C O T e: Institute for [New Generation] Computer Technology - e: Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides - e: Institute of New Generation Computer Technology I C O T i m b e r e: Indian Cornel [comus] Timber I C O T O M e: International Conference on Textures of Materials I C O T T e: Industry Coalition on Technology Transfer

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ICQSA I C P e: Ignition Control Programmer - e: Incentory Control Point - e: Incoming (Message] Process - e: Independent Card Punching] - e: Indian Communications Project - e: Indicator Control Panel - e: Inductively-Coupled Plasma - e: Industrial Cooperation Program - e: Industrial Coupling Program - e: Industry Cooperative Program - e: Infection-Control Procedure - e: Infectious Cell Protein - e: Information Controlled Printer - e: Initial Connection Protocol - e: Input Control Program[me] - e: Institute of Cellular and Molecular Pathology - e: Instructor Control Panel - e: Instrumentation] Calibration Procedure[s] - e: Insurance Conference Planners - e: Intake Control Panel - e: Integral Circuit Package - e: Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric - e: Integrated Circuit Piezoelectronic - e: Integrated Circuit Program[me] - e: Integrated Communications Platform - e: Intelligent Communications Processor - e: Interconnected Processing - e: Intercontinental Candle Power - e: Interdisciplinary Communications Program[me] - e: Interface Control Procedure - e: Interim Compliance Panel - e: International Candle Power - e: International Center of Photography - e: International Classification of Patents - e: International Commerce Promoters - e: International Commission for Palynology - e: International Communication Planning - e: International Comparison Project - e: International Computer Program[me] - e: International Computer Programs, Inc. - e: International Control Plan - e: International Council of Psychologists - e: International Institute of Cellular and Molecular Pathology - e: Interpreting Card Punch - e: Interuniversity Case Program - e: Intra-Cranial Pressure - e: Intrinsically Conductive Plastics - e: Inventory Control Point - e: Inventory Control Program[me] - e: Investment Corporation of Pakistan - e: Ion-Carburizing Calculation Program - e: Irish Company Profiles - e: Item Control Point - f: Institut de Chimie de Paris IC/P e: Intelligent Copier/Printer I C P A e: International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism - e: International Conference of Police Associations - e: International Cooperative Petroleum Association - e: International Cotton Producers Association I C P A C e: Instantaneous Compressor Performance Analysis Computer ICP-AES e: Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy I C P A M e: International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics I C P B e: Inert Components Processing Building

I C P B A P e: International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution I C P B R e: International Commission for Plant-Bee Relationships I C P C e: Integrated Data Processing Center - e: International Cable Protection Committee - e: International Coal Preparation Congress - e: Interrange Communications] Planning Committee I C P C C P e: Illinois Council of Public Community College Presidents I C P C I e: International Conference on the Performance of Computer Installations I C P C S H e: International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Heterostructures I C P D A T A e: International Commodity Production Data I C P / D C P e: Inductively-Coupled Plasma/Directly-Coupled Plasma I C P D P e: International Committee for Pollution Damage to Plants I C P E e: International Cable Protection Committee - e: International Commission on Physics Education - e: Inventory Control Point Europe I C P E A C e: International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions I C P E M C e: International Commission for Protection against Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens I C P E R S e: Instant Computer Public Employment Relations Search [Database] ICP-ES e: Inductively-Coupled PlasmaEmission Spectroscopy I C P F F e: Incentive Cost Plus Fixed Fee I C P H S e: International Council for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies - e: International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies I C P I e: Insurance Crime Prevention Institute - e: Interagency Committee on Product Information - e: International Conference on Polyimides I C P I C e: International Criminal Police Commission I C P I G e: International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases I C P I N e: International Crime Prevention Information Network I C P I S e: International Christian Press and Information Service I C P L e: Initial Control Program[me] Load I C P L C e: International Commission for the Protection of Lake Constance IcPIG e: International Conference on Phenomena in Ionised Gases I C P L S e: International College of Podiatric Laser Surgery I C P M e: Institute of Certified Professional Managers - e: International Commission for Plant Raw Material - e: International Commission on Polar Meteorology - e: International Conference on Polymers in Medicine - e: International Congress of Physical Medicine I/C/PM/M e: Incisors, Canines, Premolars, Molars I C P M P e: International Commission for the Protection of the Moselle against Pollution

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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ICP[-]MS e: Inductively-Coupled Plasma[-]Mass Spectroscopy I C P N e: International Council of Plant Nutrition I C P N S e: International Conference on the Physics of Noncrystalline Solids I C P O e: Intercompany Payment Orders - e: International Criminal Police Organization I C P P e: Idaho Chemical Processing Plant - e: Interactive Computer Presentation Panel - e: International Commission on Plasma Physics - e: International Conference on the Internal and External Protection of Pipes I C P P S e: Interim Critical Parts Planning System I C P R e: Incoming Capital Property Record - e: Industrial Cost and Performance Report - e: International Conference on Production Research I C P R B e: Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin I C P R P e: International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution - e: Inventory Control Points Resolicitation Project I C P S e: Industrial and Commercial Power Systemfs] - e: Interconnected Power System - e: International Conference on the Properties of Steam - e: International Congress of Photographic Science[s] - e: International Credit Protection Services I C P s e: Integrated Circuit Packages - e: Inventory Control Points I & C P S e: Industrial & Commercial Power Systems - e: International Computer Program[me]s I C P S I e: International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions I C P Sott Bus Rev e: ICP [International Computer Programs, Inc.] Software Business Review (journ.) I C P S R e: Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research I C P T U R e: International Conference for Promoting Technical Uniformity on Railways I C P U e: International Catholic Press Union I C P V T e: International Council for Pressure Vessel Technology I C Q e: International Career Quotient - e: Invested Capital Questionnaire I C Q S A e: International Conference on Quanititative Surface Analysis


ICR ICR d: Intercostalraum - d: Internationale Consulting und Rechenzentrum GmbH - d: Intracutanreaktion - e: Computing Intelligent Character Recognition - e: Impulse Checking] Routine - e: In-Commission Rate - e: Increase - e: Increment - e: Independent Component Release - e: Independent Congo Republic - e: Independent Contact Release - e: Indirect Control Register - e: Individually Carried Record - e: Inductance-Capacitance-Resistance - e: Industrial Clear Room - e: Initial Concentrated Rubber - e: Input and Compare Register - e: Input Card Reader - e: Input Control Register - e: Instantaneous Centre of Rotation - e: Institute for Chemical Research - e: Institute for Computer Research - e: Institute for Cooperative Research - e: Institute for Creative Research - e: Institute of Cancer Research - e: Instruction Counting Register - e: Instrumentation Control Rack - e: Insulated Core Reactor - e: Integral Cesium Reservoir - e: Integrated Control Register - e: Integration Cancellation Ratio - e: Intelligent Character Recognition - e: Interception Report - e: Intercooled [Recuperated] - e: Intercultural Relations - e: Interface Control Register - e: International Collision Regulations - e: International Commission on Rheology - e: International Communications Recorders - e: International Computer Resources, Inc. - e: International Congress of Radiology - e: International Council for Reprography - e: International Congress of Radiology - e: Interrupt Code Register - e: Interrupt Control Register - e: Intracranial Reinforcement - e: Intuitive Character Recognition - e: Inventory Change Report - e: Ion Cyclotron Radiation - e: Ion Cyclotron Resonance - e: Iron-Core Reactor - e: Item Control Record ICRA e: Industrial Chemical Research Association - e: Interagency Committee on Radiological Assistance - e: Interagency Committee on Radiological Protection - e: International Centre for Research in Accounting - e: International Conference on Robotics and Automation - e: International Copper Research Association ICRAF e: International Council for Research in Agroforestry ICRB e: Inscribe - e: International Centre of Rural Broadcasting ICRC e: Indian Cancer Research Centre - e: Indian Cancer Research Institute - e: International Committee of the Red Cross - e: International Conference on Robotics in Construction ICRD e: Index of Codes for Research Drugs

ICRDA e: Independent Cash Register Dealers Association ICRDB e: International Cancer Research Data Bank [Program] ICRDB Program[me] e: International Cancer Research Data Bank Program[me] ICRE e: International Commission on Radiological Education ICRETT e: International Cancer Research Technology Transfer ICRF e: Imperial Cancer Research Fund - e: Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies ICRH e: Institute for Computer Research in the Humanities - e: Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating ICRI e: Illinois Committee for Responsible Investment - e: International Communications Research Institute - e: International Crop[s] Research Institute - e: Iron Casting Research Institute ICRICE e: International Center of Research and Information on Collective Economy ICRISAT e: International Centre for Research in the Semi-Arid Tropics - e: International Crop[s] Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRIUM e: International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements ICRL e: Individual Component Repair List - e: Injury Control Research Laboratory ICRM e: Institute of Certified Records Managers - e: Intercontinental Reconnaissance Missile - e: International Committee on Radionuclide Metrology ICRM Newsl e: ICRM Newsletter [Institute of Certified Records Managers, US] (journ.) ICRMS e: Integrated Computer-Reactor Monitoring System ICRO e: International Cell Research Organization I&C Room e: Instrumentation & Control Room ICRP e: International Commission on Radiation Protection - e: International Commission on Radiological Protection - e: International Committee for Radiation Protection ICRPG e: Interagency Chemical Rocket Propulsion Group ICRPMA e: International Committee for Recording the Productivity of Milk Animals IC&RR e: Inventory Control and Requirements Review ICRS e: Index Chemicals Registry System - e: Index Chemicus Registry System - e: International Commission on Radium Standards - e: International Conference on Residual Stresses - e: International Research Communications System ICRSC e: International Council for Research in the Sociology of Cooperation ICRSDT e: International Commission on Remote Sensing and Data Transmission - e: International Committee on Remote Sensing and Data Transmission ICRS Medical Reports e: Institute of Contemporary Russian Studies Medical Reports ICRSs e: Industrial X-Ray Systems


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ICRT e: Incorrect - e: Individualized Criterion Referenced Test[ing] ICRU e: International Commission on Radiation Units [and Measurements] - e: International Commission on Radiological Units [and Measurements] ICRUM e: International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements ICRU Rep e: ICRU Reports [International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, US] (journ.) ICS e: Identification of Character Set - e: Identify Control Section - e: Immunochemistry System - e: Imperial College of Science and Technology - e: Improved Composite Sandwich - e: Impulse Conducting System - e: Include Segment - e: Indian Ceramic Society - e: Indian Chemical Society - e: Indian Civil Service - e: Induction Communications System - e: Industrial Control System - e: Industry and Custom Systems - e: Infinity Color-Corrected System - e: Informatic Communication System - e: Information Carrier System - e: Information Centers Service - e: Information Channel Selection - e: Information Collection System - e: Information Computer System[s], Limited - e: Information Control Service - e: Information Control System - e: Infrared Calibration System - e: Infrared Camera System - e: Infrared Communications System - e: Infrared Countermeasures System - e: Inland Computer Senrice - e: Inland Computer Service - e: Inner Continental Shelf - e: Innovation, Communication Structures - e: Input Contactor Switch - e: Input Control System - e: Insert Card Section - e: Inspection Clean-Up Sheet - e: Installment Credit Selling - e: Institite of Chartered Surveyors - e: Institute for Contemporary Studies - e: Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers - e: Institute of Chartered Shipbuilders - e: Institute of Chartered Surveyors - e: Institute of Computer Science - e: Institution of Computer Sciences - e: Instrumentation and Communication Subsystem - e: Instrumentation and Control Subsystem - e: Instrumentation Checkout Station - e: Integrated Checkout System - e: Integrated Combat Ship - e: Integrated Combat System - e: Integrated Command System - e: Integrated Communication System, Inc. - e: Integrated Communication^] System - e: Integrated Composite Spinning - e: Integrated Computer System - e: Integrated Configuration Summary - e: Integrated Conning System - e: Integrated Container Service - e: Integrated Control Storage - e: Integrated Control System - e: Integrated Controller Software - e: Integrated Countermeasures Set - e: Integration Control System - e: Intelligence Community Staff - e: Intensive Care Society

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ICSQD - e: Interactive Communications Software - e: Interactive Communications System - e: Interactive Control Station - e: Interactive Control System - e: Interactive Counting System - e: Interagency Communications System - e: Intercarrier Sound [System] - e: Intercommunication Control Set - e: Intercommunication Control Station - e: Intercommunication^] System - e: Intercomputer Synchronizer - e: Intercostal Space - e: Interim Contractor Support - e: Interior Communications System - e: Interlinked Computerized System - e: Intermittent Control System - e: Internal Communication System - e: Internal Correction System - e: Internal Countermeasures Set - e: International Cardiovascular Society - e: International Chamber of Shipping - e: International Chemical Society - e: International Chemometrics Society - e: International Clarinet Society - e: International Code of Signals - e: International Cogeneration Society - e: International College of Scientists - e: International College of Surgeons - e: International Commission on Stratigraphy - e: International Computer Symposium - e: International Computer System - e: International Computing Symposium - e: International Connecting Set - e: International Consultancy Service - e: International Container Service - e: International Contract Specialists - e: International Coronelli Society - e: International Correspondence Schools - e: International Telephone and Telegraph Communications System - e: Interphone Control Station - e: Interpretative Computer Simulation - e: Interpreter Computer Simulator - e: Interpretive Computer Simulation - e: Interway Container Service - e: Intra-Cranial [Self]-Stimulation - e: Infracostal Space - e: Inventory Change Sheet - e: Inventory Control System - e: Inverse Conical Scanning - e: Investors Compensation Scheme - e: Ionization Current Source - e: Iron Casting Society - e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] Communication[s] System - e: Isolation Containment Spray - e: Israel Chemical Society ICs e: Immediate Constituents - e: Instruction Counters - e: Integrated Circuits I-CS e: International Connecting Set i/cs e: in cases I C ' s e: Immediate Constituents - e: Integrated Circuits ICSA e: In-Core Shim Assembly - e: Indian Council of South America - e: Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators - e: International Chain Salon Association - e: International Council for Scientific Agriculture - e: International Council of Scientific Associations - e: International Council of Shopping Centers ICSAB e: International Civil Service Advisory Board

ICSAC e: International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers I C S A L e: Integrated Communications System, Alaska I C S A R e: Interdepartment Committee on Search and Rescue ICSB e: Interim Command Switchboard - e: International Center of School Building - e: International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology - e: International Council for Small Business ICSBA e: International Committee on the Study of Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminum I C S C e: Independent Colleges of Southern California - e: Indian Central Sugarcane Committee - e: Inter-ocean[ic] Canal Study Commission - e: Interim Communications Satellite Commission - e: Interim Communications Satellite Committee - e: Interior Communication Switching Center - e: International Center for Safety Communication - e: International Civil Service Commission - e: International Communications Satellite Consortium - e: International Communications Systems Consultants, Limited - e: International Conferences on Solution Chemistry - e: International Council of Shopping Centers - e: Irvine Computer Sciences Corporation I C S C C e: Intercrystalline Stress Corrosion Cracking I C S C H M e: International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind I C S C I e: International Center for Soil Conservation Information ICSD e: Initial Care, Stabilization and Diagnosis - e: Inorganic Crystal Data Base I C S D W e: International Council of Social Democratic Women I C S E e: Intermediate Current Stability Experiment - e: International Committee for Sexual Equality - e: International Conference on Software Engineering I C S E A F e: International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries I C S E B e: International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology I C S E C T e: Identify Control Section I C S E M e: International Center of Studies on Early Music - e: International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean [Sea] I C S E M S e: International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean [Sea] I C S E P e: International Center for the Solution of Environmental Problems ICSFS e: International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces I C S H e: International Committee for Standarization in Haematology - e: Interstitial Cell-Stimulating Hormone I C S H B e: International Committee for Standardization in Human Biology I C S H M e: International Conference on the Science of Hard Materials I C S H s e: Interstitial Cell-Stimulating Hormones

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

I C S H T e: International Center for Science and High Technology ICSI e: International Commission of Snow and Ice - e: International Commission on Snow and Ice - e: International Computer Science Institute - e: International Conference on Scientific Information I C S I C e: International Conference on Shallow Impurity Centers I C S I D e: International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes - e: International Council of Societies of Industrial Design [ers] I C S I S M e: Institute for Cooperative Study of International Seafood Markets I C S K e: International Cultural Society of Korea I C S L e: Interactive Continuous Simulation Language - e: International Computer Services, Limited - e: International Computing Service[s], Limited ICSLS e: International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea I C S M e: Instant Corn-Soya Milk - e: International Committee of Scientific Management - e: International Conference on Structural Mechanics - e: International Conference on Synthetic Metals I C S M A e: International Conference on the Strength of Metals and Alloys I C S M M e: International Conference on Superlattices, Microstructures and Microdevices I C S M P e: Integrated Command System Management Plan - e: Interactive Continuous Systems Modelling Program I C S M R T e: International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology I C S M S e: Integrated Conventional Stores Management System I C S O M e: International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians I C S O S e: Internal Conference on Structure of Surfaces - e: International Conference on Structure of Surfaces I C S P e: Interagency Council on Standards Policy - e: International Committee on Science Photography - e: International Conference on Shot Peening - e: International Council of Societies of Pathology I C S P E e: International Council of Sport and Physical Education - e: International Council of Sport and Physical Recreation I C S P R O e: Inter-Secretariat Committee for Scientific Programs Relating to Oceanography - e: International Calcium Silicate Products Research Organization - e: Intersecretarial Committee on Scientific Problems Relating to Oceanography ICSPS e: International Council for Science Policy Studies I C S P T F e: International Conference on Structure and Properties of Thin Films I C S Q D e: International Conference on Superconducting Quantum Devices 217

ICSRD I C S R D e: Interdepartmental Committee on Scientific Research and Development I C S R I e: Intelligent Computer Systems Research Institute ICSS e: Improved computerized Sighting System - e: Individuelles C-Schutz System - e: Instrumentation and Control Society of Singapore - e: International Committee for Shell Structures - e: International Conference on Solid Surfaces - e: International Council for the Social Studies - e: Intracranial Self-Stimulation ICSs e: Intercomputer Synchronizers - e: Intermittent Control Systems ICSSD e: International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation ICSSID e: International Committee for Social Science Information and Documentation I C S S T e: Institute of Child Study Security Test - e: International Conference on Solid-State Transducers I C S S V M e: International Commission for Small Scale Vegetation Maps ICS System e: Intercarrier Sound System I C S T e: Imperial College of Science[s] and Technology - e: Institute for Chemical Science and Technology - e: Institute [for] Computer Science[s] and Technology - e: Institute of Corrosion Science and Technology - e: Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology - e: Integrated Combined System Test - e: Intenational Computer Sciences and Technology I C S & T e: Imperial College of Science and Technology ICSTA e: International Cooperative Study of the Tropical Atlantic I C S T D C S e: International Conference on the Science and Technology of Defect Control [in] Semiconductors I C S T I e: International Center for Scientific and Technical Information - e: International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information [Moscow] - e: International Council for Scientific and Technical Information I C S T M e: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine - e: International Conference on ScanningTunneling Microscopy ICSTS e: Intermediate Combined System Test Stand ICSU e: Independent Canadian Steelworkers Union - e: Integrated Container Services Unit - e: International Council of Scientific Unions - e: Interway Container Service [container] Unit ICSUAB e: International Council of Scientific Unions Abstracting Board I C S U - C O D A T A e: International Council of Scientific Unions-Committee on Data for Science and

ICSU-CTS e: Committee on the Teaching of Science of the International Council of Scientific Unions I C S W e: Interdepartmental Committee on the Status of Women - e: International Commission on Surface Water I C S W B D e: Interior Communications Switchboard I C S W O A e: International Center for Scientific Work Organization in Agriculture I C T d: Institut fiir Chemie der Treib- und Explosivstoffe - e: Identity Conversion Training - e: Igniter Circuit Test[er] - e: Image Converter Tube - e: Image Creation Terminal - e: In-Circuit Test[er] - e: In-Coming Trunk - e: Incremental Change Type - e: Independent Crew Training - e: Individual Combat Training - e: Industrial Ceramics Technology - e: Industrial Computed Tomography - e: Inflammation of Connective Tissue - e: Infralateral Cartilage Tensor - e: Initiation Control and Termination - e: Insect Carrier Toxicant - e: Inspection Check Template - e: Inspection Control Test - e: Institute for Computer Typesetting - e: Institute of Circuit Technology - e: Institute of Clay Technology - e: Institute of Computer Technology - e: Institution of Corrosion Technology - e: Instruction Control Unit - e: Instution of Corrision Technology - e: Insulated Core Transformer - e: Insulating Core Transformer - e: Insulator Core Transformer - e: Insulin Coma Therapy - e: Integrated-Circuit Technology - e: Integrated Circuit Tester - e: Integrated Combat Training - e: Integrated Computer Telemetry - e: Inter-City Train - e: Interaction Control Table - e: Interactive Command Test - e: Interface Control Tool - e: Interference Compliance Test - e: Internal COMPOOL [Communications Pool] Table - e: International Cablecasting Technologies, Inc. - e: International Call for Tender[s] - e: International Circuit Technology - e: International Coal Trade - e: International Commercial Terms - e: International Commission on Trichinellosis - e: International Computer and Tabulator - e: International Computers] and Tabulators] [, Limited] - e: International Council of Tanners - e: International Critical Tables - e: Intra-Cranial Tumour - e: Wichita, Kansas [Airport] - f: Ingenieur Civil des Télécommunications ict e: icterus IC/T e: Integrated Computer/Telemetry


© K • G • Saur, München

I C T A e: Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture - e: International Center for [the] Typographical] Arts - e: International College of Tropical Agriculture - e: International Confederation for Thermal Analysis - e: International Confederation of Technical Agricultur[al]ists - e: International Council of Travel Agents I C T A A e: Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture Association [s] I C T A F e: Interdisciplinary Centre for Technological Analysis and Forecasting I C T A M e: International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - e: International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics I C T A S D e: International Conversion on Transistors and Associated Semiconductor Devices I C T B e: International Center for Technical Research - e: International Conference on Tall Buildings - e: International Customs Tariffs Bureau I C T C e: Inertial Components Temperature Controller - e: Interdepartmental Committee on Toxic Chemicals - e: International Cooperative Training Center I C / T C e: Intelligent Color/Trash Coordinator I C T D e: Interchannel Time Displacement I C T E e: Inertial Component Test Equipment - e: Integration and Calibration Test[ing] Equipment I C T E C e: Identification of Critical Tasks and Equipment Items I C T E D e: International Cooperation in the field of Transport Economics Documentation - e: International Cooperation in Transport Economics Documentation [Information Network] ICTél f: Ingénieur Civil des Télécommunications I C T F e: International Cocoa Trade Federation - e: International Conference on Thin Films I C T H U S 1: Iesous Christos, Theou Huios, Soter I C T I e: Interstate Cellular Telecommunications, Inc. I C T J e: Industry Compatible Test Jig I C T L e: Industrial Control - e: Input Control I C T M M e: International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria - e: International Congresses of Tropical Medicine and Malaria I C T N e: Industry Center for Trade Negotiations I C T P e: Individual and Collective Training Plan - e: Intensified Combat Training Program - e: International Center for Theoretical Physics - e: International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity I C T P A e: International Conference on Titanium Products and Applications I C T P - I [ L ] U P A P e: International Center for Theoretical Physics-International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IC-Zug I C T R e: International Center for Technical Research - e: International Centre of Theatre Research I C T R M e: Interagency Committee on the Transportation of Radioactive Materials I C T S e: Integrated Circuit Test Set - e: Integrated Computerized Test Set - e: Intermediate Capacity Transit System - e: Intermediate Capacity Transport System - e: International Center for Transportation Studies - e: International Congress on Transplantation - e: International Consultants on Targeted Security - e: Isothermal Capacitance Transient Spectroscopy ICTs e: International Critical Tables I C T T s: Internacional de Correos Telégrafos y Teléfonos I C T T C e: International Consultative Telegraph and Telephone Committee I C T - T S T e: Incoming Trunk Tester I C T T T e: International Congress on Technology and Technology Transfer I C T U e: Independent Canadian Transit Union - e: Irish Congress of Trade Unions ictus 1: Iurisconsultus I C T V e: Integrated Circuit Television - e: International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses I C T V T R e: Islamic Center for Technical and Vocational Training and Research I C U d: Internationale Christliche Universität - e: Indicator Console Unit - e: Indicator Control Unit - e: Industrial Consulting Unit - e: Industrial Control Unit - e: Infrared Command Unit - e: Instruction Control Unit - e: Instructors Computer Utility - e: Integrated Control Unit - e: Intensive-Care Unit fmedical] - e: Interactive Chart Utility - e: Interface Connecting Unit - e: Interface Connection Unit - e: Interface Control Unit - e: Interface Conversion Unit - e: Intermediate Care Unit - e: Internal Communication Unit - e: International Chemistry Union - e: International Christian University - e: International Code Use [of signals] - e: International Communication Unit - e: International Communication^] Union - e: International Cultural Understanding - e: International Cultural University - e: Interrupt Controlling] Unit ICUA e: Institute for College and University Administrators I C U A E e: International Congress on University Adult Education I C U F e: Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida I C U F O N Research N e t w o r k e: Intercontinental UFO [Unidentified Flying Objects] Research Network I C U G A e: International Computer Users Groups' Association I C U I e: Independent Colleges and Universities of Indiana I C U I S Bibliog e: Institute on the Church in Urban-Industrial Society. Bibliography Series (journ.) I C U M e: Independent Colleges and Universities of Missouri

I C U M S A e: International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis I C U P e: Individual Circuit Usage and Peg-count I C U / P L A N I T e: Instructors Computer Utility/Programming Language for Interactive Teaching I C U S e: Inside Continental United States ICUs e: Instruction Control Units - e: Intensive Care Units I C U S e: International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences I C U T e: Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas I C V d: Impulscodeverfahren - d: Intercity-Verkehr - e: Improved Capital Value - e: Individual Cell Voltmeter - e: Infantry Combat Vehicle - e: Initial Capability Test - e: Initial Chaining Value - e: Integrity Check Value - e: Internal Correction Voltage - e: International Commission of Viticulture - e: Interphase Chromosome Volume - e: Intracellular Virus I C V A e: International Council of Voluntary Agencies - e: International Council of Volunteer Agencies ICVAN e: International Committee on Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature I C - V e r k e h r d: Intercity-Verkehr I C V G E e: International Conference on Vapor Growth Epitaxy I C V M e: International Conference on Vacuum Metallurgy ICVS e: Current-Controlled Voltage Source I C W e: In Compliance with - e: In Connection With - e: India-China Wing - e: Initial Condition Word - e: Institute of Child Welfare - e: Institute of Clayworkers - e: Institute of Clerks of Works - e: Intake Cooling Water - e: Interamerican Commission of Women - e: Interblock Communication Word - e: Interface Control Word - e: Intermittent Continuous Wave - e: International Chemical Workers - e: International Commission on Whaling - e: International Council of Women - e: Interrupted Carrier Wave - e: Interrupted] Continuous Wave[s] - e: Intracellular Water - e: Ion-Cyclotron Waves I C WA e: Indian Council of World Affairs - e: Institute of Cost and Works Account[ant]s - e: Institute of Current World Affairs - e: International Coil Winding Association I C W A R e: Improved Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar I C W D e: Interface Control/Weapon Delivery I C W E S e: International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists I C W G e: Interface Control Working Group - e: International Clubroot Working Group - e: International Cooperative Women's Guild I C W G A e: Interface Control Working Group Action I C W L e: International Creative Writers League

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

I C W M e: International Committee of Weights and Measures - e: International Committee on Weights and Measures I C W P e: International Council of Women Psychologists - e: Interstate Conference on Water Policy I C W Q e: International Commission on Water Quality I C W R S e: International Commission on Water Resources Systems I C W S e: Improved Commander's Weapon Station - e: International Cooperative Wholesale Society I C W T e: Interrupted Continuous Wave Telegraphy I C W U e: International Chemical Workers Union ICX e: International Computer Exchange - e: International Cultural Exchange - e: International Customer Executive I C X M e: Intercontinental Experimental Missile I C X O M e: International Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis I C X P e: International Customer Executive Program[me] I C X P r o g r a m [ m e ] e: International Customer Executive Program[me] I C Y e: Instruction Cycle - e: International Cooperation Year ICycle e: Instruction Cycle I C Y E e: International Christian Youth Exchange I C Y F e: International Catholic Youth Federation I C Y Y L M e: International Commission on Yeast and Yeast-Like Microorganisms I C Z e: International Climate Zone - e: International Congress of Zoology - e: Intertropical Convergence Zone - e: Isthmian Canal Zone I C Z N e: International Code of Zoological Nomenclature - e: International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature I C - Z u g d: Intercity-Zug


ID ID d: Identifizierer - d: Immunodiffusion - d: Indikator - d: Infektionsdosis - d: Informationsdarstellung - d: Informationsdienst - d: Innendienst - d: Innendurchmesser - e: Idaho - e: Idea - e: Identification [Data] - e: Identifier - e: Identify - e: Identity - e: Image Digitization - e: Image Dissector - e: Image Distector - e: Immediate Delivery - e: Immunological Distance - e: Implicit Declaration - e: Import Declaration - e: Import Duty - e: Improvement District - e: Impulse Device - e: Income Duty - e: Incorporation Data - e: Independent Development - e: Independent Distributor - e: Index of Discrimination - e: Index of Dissimilarity - e: Indicating Device - e: Indicator [Driver] - e: Indirect Detection - e: Indonesia - e: Induced Draft - e: Induced Draught - e: Inductance - e: Industrial Design[er] - e: Industrial Development - e: Industrial Diamond - e: Industrial Digital - e: Industrial Drive - e: Industrial Drying - e: Industrial Dynamics - e: Inertial Delay - e: Infantry Division - e: Infectious Disease[s] - e: Infective Dose - e: Informal Document - e: Information Density - e: Information Department - e: Information Design, Inc. - e: Information Distribution - e: Information Distributor - e: Ingenieur Digest - e: Initial Data - e: Initial Deflection - e: Initial Dose - e: Inner Diameter - e: Inner Dimension^] - e: Input Data - e: Input Diode - e: Input Display - e: Input Division - e: Inside Diameter - e: Inside Dimension^] - e: Institute of Directors - e: Institute of Distribution - e: Instruction Data - e: Instruction Decoder - e: Instruction Decoding - e: Instructional Development - e: Instructional Duties - e: Insulation Displacement - e: Insurance Department - e: Integral Derivative - e: Integral Dose

- e: Integrated Display - e: Integrating Device - e: Integrator-Decoupled - e: Intellectual Digest - e: Intelligence Department - e: Intelligence Division - e: Intelligence Duties - e: Intelligent Digitizer - e: Interactive Debugging - e: Interactive Discrimination - e: Intercept Director - e: Interconnection Diagram[me] - e: Interdendritic - e: Interdiction - e: Interdigital - e: Interdisciplinary - e: Interest Deductible - e: Interferometer and Doppler - e: Interior Department - e: Interior Design [er] - e: Intermediate Description - e: Intermittent Duty - e: Intermodulation Distortion - e: Internal Diameter - e: International Department - e: Interrectal Spike Discharge - e: Interrupt Decoder - e: Interrupt Decoding - e: Intradermal - e: Intransit Depot - e: Inventory Data - e: Inverted - e: Irak-Dinar - e: Isodynamic - e: Isothermal Desorption - e: Isotope Dating - e: Isotope Dilution - e: Isotopic Dilution - e: Item Description^] - e: Item Descriptor - e: Item Documentation Id d: Identifikation - d: Identifizierung - d: Identität - e: Iraqi dinar id d: identisch - e: island[er] -1: idem iD d: im Dampf - d: im Dienst - d: im Durchmesser - d: im Durchschnitt - d: in Dampf - d: inklusive Dividende - d: innerer Durchmesser I&D d: Information und Dokumentation - e: Incision and Drainage - e: Information and Documentation - e: Integrate and Dump - e: Integrate and Dump [Detection] I+D d: Information + Dokumentation I-d e: Island I/D e: Instruction/Data ID 50 e: Infective Dose 50 id so e: median infective dose


© K • G • Saur, München

IDA d: Indirekte Datenadressierung - d: Industriedruckaufnehmer - d: Informations-Daten-Anlage - d: Informations- und Dokumentationsaktivitäten [DIN Arbeitskreis] - e: Iminodiacetic Acid - e: Immediate Damage Assessment - e: Import Duty Act - e: Independent Distributors Association - e: Indirect Data Addressing - e: Individual Development Account - e: Industrial Design Award - e: Industrial Developers Association - e: Industrial Development Abstracts [Database] - e: Industrial Development Agency - e: Industrial Development Authority - e: Industrial Diamond Association - e: Industrial Distribution Association - e: Infrared Detection Array - e: Inpatient Data Administration - e: Input Data Acknowledge - e: Input Data Assembler - e: Institute for Defense Analysis - e: Institute for Design Analysis - e: Institute of Defense Analysis - e: Institute of Design Analysis - e: Institute of Directors in Australia - e: Integrated Data Analysis - e: Integrated Debugging Aid - e: Integrated Digital Access - e: Integrated Digital Avionics - e: Integrated Disc [or Disk] Adapter - e: Integro-Differential Analyzer - e: Intelligent Data Access - e: Interactive Data Analysis - e: Interactive Debugging Aid - e: Intercollegiate Dramatic Association - e: Interconnect Device Arrangement - e: Intermediate Dialect of ATLAS [Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems] - e: International Data and Analysis - e: International Database Association - e: International Desalination Association - e: International Development Assistance - e: International Development Association - e: International Diamond Association [of America] - e: International Distribution Association - e: International Documentary Association - e: International Downtown Association - e: International Drapery Association - e: International Dredging Association - e: Intrusion Detection Alarm - e: Ionospheric Dispersion Analysis - e: Irish Dental Association - e: Irish Development Authority - e: Islamic Democratic Association - e: Isotope Dilution Analysis - e: Isotopic Dilution Analysis - e: Isotopic Dilution Analyzer - e: Iterative Differential Analyzer IdA d: Inspekteur der Artillerie Ida e: Idaho - e: Idaiah - e: Idalia IDAA e: Industrial Diamond Association of America - e: International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous IDAB e: Industrial Advisory Board

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IDCAS I D A C e: Import Duties Advisory Committee - e: Industrial Developers Association of Canada - e: Instant Data Access [and] Control - e: Integrated Data Acquisition and Control - e: Intelligent Data Acquisition and Control - e: Interconnecting Digital-Analog[ue] Converter - e: Interim Data Acquisition - e: Interim Digital-Analog[ue] Converter id ac 1: idem ac IDACA e: International District Heating and Cooling Association I D A C O N e: Iterative Differential Analyzer Control IDA-CRD e: Institute for Defense Analysis—Communications Research Division I D A C S e: Integrated Detection and Classification Station - e: Integrated Digital Audio Control System IDAD e: Internal Defense and Development I D A D C e: Interim Standard Airborne Digital Computer IDADS e: Information Displays Automatic Drafting System I D A F M S e: Integrated Disbursing and Accounting Financial Management System IDAFSA e: International Defense and Aid Fund for Southern Africa I d a h o , Univ Agrie E x p Stn e: Idaho, University of Agricultural Experiment Station, Current Information Series (journ.) IDA I[reland] e: Industrial Development Authority of Ireland I D A K d: Integriertes Datenverarbeitungsund Auskunftssystem I D A L d: indirekte Datenadreßliste - e: Indirect Data Access List - e: Indirect Data Address List Ida L R e: Idaho Law Review (journ.) I D A M e: Image Data Access Method - e: Indexed Direct Access Method I D A M I S e: Integrated Data Analysis and Management Information System - e: Integrated Drug Abuse Management Information System I D A M S e: Image Display And Manipulation System - e: Integrated Data Analysis and Management System I D A P e: Industrial Design Assistance Program - e: Integrated Defensive Avionics Program - e: Integrated Defensive Aids Program - e; Intelligence Data Acquisition and Processing - e: Interactive Data Access System - e: Internal Development and Assistance Program - e: Isomorphously Doped Ammonium Perchlorate - e: Iterative Differential Analyzer Pinboard IDAPS e: Image Data-Processing System I D A R T e: Individual Drill Attendance and Retirement Transaction

IDAS d: Informations- und Datensysteme GmbH - d: Interaktives Datenbank-Abfrage-System - e: Individual Data Acquisition System - e: Industrial Data Acquisition System - e: Information Displays Automatic [Drafting] System - e: Instrument Data Acquisition System - e: Integrated Data Acquisition and Simulation System - e: Integrated Data-processed Assembly System - e: Integrated Dual Accounting System - e: Intelligent Data Acquisition System - e: International Database Access Service - e: Intrusion Detection Alarm System - e: Iterative Differential Analyzer Slave IDAs e: Interactive Debugging Aids IDASAT e: Integrated Distance and Speed and Tilt IDASF e: Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa IDAST e: Interpolated Data and Speech Transmission - e: Interpolated Data and Speed Transmission I D A T e: Initial Development Acceptance Tests I D A T E f: Institut pour le Developpment et l'Amenagement des Telecommunications et de l'Economie I D A W e: Indirect Data Address Word IDB d: Informationsdienst Bibliothekswesen - e: Identification Supervisor - e: Illicit Diamond Buyer - e: Illicit Diamond Buying - e: Inductance Decade Box - e: Industrial Development Bank - e: Industrial Development Board - e: Industrial Development Bond - e: Industrial Development Bureau - e: Inertial Data Box - e: Information Database - e: Initial Dummy Block - e: INPADOC [International Patent Documentation Center] Data Base - e: Input Data Buffer - e: Inspection Data Bulletin - e: Integrated Data Base - e: Interamerican Development Bank - e: Inter-Dynamic Balance - e: Intercept During Boost - e: Intercept During burning - e: Internal Drainage Board - e: Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible - e: Islamic Development Bank[ing] - e: Israel Diamond Building I D B M e: Intelligent Data Base Machine I D B M A e: International Data Base Management Association I D B M S e: Integrated Data Base Management System - e: International Data Base Management Association IDBP e: Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan - e: Intel Data Base Processor I D B P F e: Interdigital Band-Pass Filter I D B R e: Input Data Buffer Register IDB's e: Industrial Development Bonds IDBS e: Intelligent Data Base System I D B T e: Industrial Development Bank of Turkey I D B U G e: Interagency Data Base Users Group

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

I D C d: Internationale Dokumentationsgesellschaft für Chemie - e: Identification Card - e: Image Dissector Camera - e: Imperial Defence College - e: Impulse-Driven Clock - e: In Due Course - e: Incentive Development Contract - e: Indirect Costs - e: Individual Defense Counsel - e: Industrial Development Certificate - e: Industrial Development Commission - e: Industrial Development Corporation - e: Industry Development Commisson - e: Information and Direction Center - e: Information and Documentation Center [US] - e: Information and Documentation Centre [GB] - e: Information Design Change - e: Information Dissemination Committee - e: Information Dynamics Corporation - e: Infrared Detector Cryostat - e: Input Data Carrier - e: Input Display Console - e: Installation Data Confirmation - e: Installation Date Confirmation - e: Instantaneous Derivation Control - e: Instantaneous Deviation Control - e: Instruction Distribution Channel - e: Instrument Development Company - e: Insulating Displacement Connector - e: Insulation Displacement Connector - e: Intangible Drilling [and Development] Costs - e: Integrated Disk Control - e: Intelligence Documentation Center - e: Inter-Departmental Committee [on Publicity for Engineering and Technology] - e: Inter-Departmental Communication - e: Inter-Department[al] Correspondence - e: Interactive Data Corporation - e: Interceptor Distance Computer - e: Intercontinental Dynamics Corporation - e: Interest During Construction - e: Interior Design Society - e: Internal Data Channel - e: Internal Document Control - e: International Dairy Committee - e: International Dairy Congress - e: International Danube Commission - e: International Data Corporation - e: International Design Conference in Aspen - e: International Diamond Council - e: International Digital Communications - e: International Diode Corporation - e: International Documentation Center - e: International Documentation in Chemistry - e: International Drycleaners Congress - e: Intransit Data Card - e: Iodine Dextrin Colo[u]r - e: Iowa Development Commission - e: Item Detail Card - e: Iterated Deferred Correction^] IDCA e: Industrial Design Council of Australia - e: International Development Cooperation Agency - e: International Development Corporation Agency ID[-]Card e: Identification Card IDCAS e: Industrial Development Center for Arab States


IDCC I D C C e: Integrated Data Communications Controller - e: Interim Data Communications Collection Center - e: International Data Communications Center [or Centre] - e: International Data Coordinating Center[s] I D C C C e: Interim Data Communication Collection Center - e: International Dredging Conference Coordinating Committee IDCDA e: Independent Dealer Committee Dedicated to Action I D C F e: Indirect Command File - e: Industrial Development Completion Fond - e: Industrial Development Completion Form I D C H E e: Intergovernmental Documentation Center on Housing and Environment I D C J e: International Development Center, Japan I D C M A e: Independent Data Communications Manufacturers Association IDCN e: Interchangeability Document Change Notice - e: International Diplomatic Computer Network I D C N A e: Insulation Distributor Contractors National Association I D C N S e: Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols ID C o r p e: International Data Corporation IDC[orp] e: International Disposal Corporation I D C P e: International Data Collecting Platform I D C R e: International Decade of Cetacean Research IDCS e: Image Dissector Camera System - e: Initial Defense Communication^] Satellite - e: Instrumentation/Data Collection System - e: Integrated Data Coding System - e: International Digital Channel Service I D C S P e: Initial Defense Communication[s] Satellite Program - e: Initial Defense Communication^] Satellite Project - e: Interim Defense Communication Satellite Program - e: Interim Defense Communication^] Satellite Project IDCSP-A e: Initial Defense Communication^] Satellite ProjectAugmented IDCSP/A e: IDCSP [Interim Defense Communication Satellite Program]/ Augmentation IDCSS e: Initial Defense Communication[s] Satellite System - e: Intermediate Defense Communication[s] Satellite System I D C T R e: Inductor IDCU e: Improved Digital Computer Unit I-D C u r v e e: Intensity-Duration Curve

IDD a: Industrielle Designere Danmark - d: Identifizierungsdatei - d: Institut für Druckmaschinen und Druckverfahren - e: Image Definition Device - e: Imaging and Display Device - e: Industrial Diamond Drill - e: Input and Designation Device - e: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes - e: Integrated Data Dictionary - e: Inter-Director Designation - e: Interface Design Document - e: Interface Designation Drawing - e: Interface Diagnostic Diagrams - e: Interim Drydocking - e: International Data and Development, Inc. - e: International Defense Directory - e: International Direct Dial[l]ing . - e: Island Development Department idd e: identified I/D/D e: Illicit Diamond Dealer IDDA e: Inspectors under Dangerous Drugs Act IDDBA e: International Dairy Deli-Bakery Association IDDC e: International Demographic Data Center - e: International Development Data Center IDDD e: Intercontinental Direct Distance Dialling - e: International Demographic Data Directory - e: International Direct Distance Dial[[l]ing] IDDF e: Intermediate Digital Distribution Frame IDDL e: Interactive Data Base Design Laboratory - e: Interactive Database Design Language - e: Intermediate Data Description Language I D D M e: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus IDDN e: Integrated Digital Defense Network I D D P e: International Dairy Development Program - e: Isodecyl Diphenyl Phosphate I D D R G e: International Deep Drawing Research Group IDDS e: Improved Data Display System - e: Instrumentation Data Distribution System - e: Integrated Data Display System - e: Interactional Digital Data Service - e: International Dairy Development Scheme - e: International Digital Data Service IDE d: Identifizieren Ende - d: Informations- und Dokumentationseinrichtung - d: Internationale Digitaliseinheit - e: Idea. The Journal of Law and Technology (journ.) - e: Industrial Development Equipment - e: Industrial Development Executive - e: Industrial Dynamics Electronics - e: Industry-Developed Equipment - e: Information, Documentation, Evaluation - e: Infrared Decoy Evaluator - e: Institute for Developing Economics - e: Institute of Diesel Engineers - e: Intelligent Drive Electronics - e: Interactive Data Entry - e: Interim Data Element - e: International Development Enterprises - e: Intrusion Detection Equipment - e: Israel Desalination Engineering [Limited] I D E , e: ICAM [Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing] Definition, Version Zero


© K • O • Saur. München

IDEA d: Interaktive[s] Daten-Eingabe und -Abfrage[system] - e: Ideas Deserving Exploratory Analysis - e: Identify, Develop, Expose and Action - e: Illinois Drug Education Alliance - e: Improved Data Effectiveness and Availability - e: Index for Design Engineering Application - e: Inductive Data Exploration and Analysis - e: Industrial Design Exploiting Automation - e: Industrial Designers Excellence Award - e: Information Display Evolution and Advances - e: Innovation Development for Employment Advancement - e: Institute for the Development of Educational Activities - e: Institute of Diesel Engineers of Australia - e: Instructional Development and Effectiveness Assessment - e: Integrated Digital Electric Aircraft - e: Integrated Digital Electronic Automatic - e: Interactive Data Entry [and] Access - e: Interactive Differential Equation Algorithm - e: Interface and Display Electronics Assembly - e: International Data Exchange Association - e: International Defence Equipment & Avionics Exhibition - e: International Downtown Executives Association - e: International Drug Enforcement Association - e: Isolation of Dimensions and Elimination of Alternatives I D E A L S e: Ideal Design of Effective and Logical System[s] I-DEAS e: Integrated Design Engineering Analysis Software IDEAS e: Inquiry Data Entry Access System - e: Integrated Design [and] Analysis System - e: Integrated Design and Engineering Automated System - e: Integrated Design/Engineering/ Architectural System - e: Interactive Database Easy Access System - e: Interactive Document Easy Accessing System - e: Interest Determination and Assessment System - e: International Data Exchange for Aviation Safety - e: International Development-Economics Awareness System - e: Integrated Design and Analysis System IDEAS System e: Information Dissemination, Editing and Switching System IDEB d: Interessenvereinigung der EDV-Benutzer I D E C e: Industrial and Domestic Equipment Corporation - e: Integrated Dynamic Echo Chancellation - e: Interior Design Educators Council - e: International Defense Equipment Catalogue - e: International Drug Enforcement Conference IdeC s: Islas del Cisne I D E C C e: Interstate Distributive Education Curriculum Consortium I D E C O e: International Development Education Committee of Ontario

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IDIR I D E C S e: Image Discrimination, Enhancement and Combination System - e: Image Discrimination, Enhancement, Combination and Sampling I D E E e: International Defence Electronics Exhibition - e: International Defence Electronic[s] Exposition I D E E A e: Information and Data Exchange Experimental [Activities] I D E E A e: International Design for Extreme Environments Association I D E E C e: Improved Digital Electronic Engine Control I D E F e: ICAM [Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing] Definition Method - e: Indefinite - e: Integrated computer-aided manufactoring Definition - e: Integrated system Definition language - e: Intercept During Exo-atmospheric Fall I d e F f: Institut de France I D E M e: Interactive Data Exchange Module - e: Interdepartmental Electronic Mail I D E M A e: International Disk Drive Equipment and Materials Association I D E M I S e: International Demographic Information System I D E M S e: Integrated Diagnostic Engine Monitoring System iden e: identification - e: identify - e: identity IDEN e: Interactive Data Entry Network - p: Instituto de Engerharia Nuclear I D E N T d: Identifikation - d: Identifizierer - e: Identification ident d: identifizieren - d: identifiziert - d: identisch - e: identical - e: identify - e: identity Ident d: Identifizierung - d: Identität - e: Identifizierung I D E N T G E N e: Identification Generator Identifizier d: Identifizerung - d: Identifizierung I d e n t M k m d: Identifizierungsmerkmal - e: Identifizierungsmerkmal I d e n t r a System e: Identification Train System I D E P e: Industry Data Exchange Program[me] - e: Inter-Department Data Exchange Program[me] - e: Interagency Data Exchange Program[me] - e: International Data Exchange Program[me] - e: Interservice Data Exchange Program[me] - e: Ion Density Electronics Package I D E P T e: Image Document Entry Processing Terminal I D E R A e: International Development Education Resources Association IDES e: Information and Data Exchange System - e: Integrated Defense System - e: Integrated Design and Engineering System - e: Interactive Data Entry System IDESTA e: Identification and Statistic Evaluation of Process Data

I D E T d: Informations- und Dokumentationsstelle für experimentale Therapie - e: Institute for Development, Employment and Training IDEX e: Image Data Exchange - e: Initial Defense Experiment I D F e: Iceland Defense Force - e: Identifier - e: Identify - e: Image Description File - e: Incident Dark-Field - e: Incremental-input Describing Function - e: Indicating Direction Finder - e: Indigeneous Defence Fighter - e: Industrial Development Fund - e: Input Data Flow - e: Instanteneous Direction Finder - e: Instructional Dialog[ue] Facility - e: Instrument Day-Fighter - e: Instrumentation Data File - e: Integrated Data File - e: Interceptor Day Fighter - e: Interior Design Institute - e: Intermediate Distributing Frame - e: Intermediate Distribution Frame - e: Internal Delay Factor - e: Internal Distribution Frame - e: International Dairy Federation - e: International Democratic Fellowship - e: International Dental Federation - e: International Development Foundation - e: International Diabetes Federation - e: International Distress Frequency - e: International Drilling Federation - e: Inverse Document Frequency - e: Isotropic Distribution Function - e: Israeli Defense Force - f: Institut pour le Développement Forestier idF d: in der Fassung - d: in der Form IDFA e: International Dairy Foods Association idFa d: in der Fassung - d: in der Firma I D F C e: Identification Field Checking - e: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council i d F d G v d: in der Fassung des Gesetzes vom I D F F d: Internationale Demokratische Frauenförderation I D F L e: Integral Diode FET [Field-Effect Transistor] Logic I D F M e: Induced Directional FM [Frequency Modulation] I D F R e: Identified Friendly IDFSS e: Infantry Direct-Fire Simulator System I D F T e: Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform IDFTA e: International Dwarf Fruit Trees Association idFv d: in der Fassung vom I D G e: Individual Drop Glider - e: Inspector of Degaussing - e: Integrated Drive Generator - e: Internal Drive Generator Idg F d: Indogermanische Forschungen (journ.) idgF d: in der geltenden Fassung Idg Forsch d: Indogermanische Forschungen (journ.) I D G I e: International Design Group, Inc. I D G I T e: Integrated Data Generation Implementation Technique Idg J d: Indogermanisches Jahrbuch idgprt e: indigo print

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

ID G r i n d i n g e: Inner Diameter Grinding - e: Internal Diameter Grinding IDGS e: Isotope-Dilution Gamma Spectrometry I D H d: Isozitratdehydrogenase - e: Infectious Diseases Hospital - e: International Data Highway[s] [Limited] - e: Isocitrate Dehydrogenase I D H A e: International District Heating Association I D H C A e: International District Heating and Cooling Association id he e: index head I D H E e: Institute of Domestic Heating Engineers I d H E C f: Institut des Hautes Etudes Cinématographiques, Paris IDHS e: Integrated Data Handling System - e: Intelligence Data Handling System IDH System e: Intelligence Data Handling System I D H T e: Instrument Data-Handling and Transmission IDI e: Immunologically Detectable Insulin - e: Improved Data Interchange - e: Indian Development Institute - e: Industrial Designers' Institute - e: Information Displays, Incorporated - e: Inspection Departmental Instruction - e: Intelligent Dual Interface - e: Inter-Division Invoice - e: International Defense Intelligence (journ.) - e: International Development Institute - e: Ion Dipole Interaction - f: Institut de Droit International - s: Instituto Venezolano de Derecho Imobiliario IDIA e: Industrial Design Institute of Australia - e: Internal Defense Identification Area I D I A L d: Interaktives Dialogsystem IDIAS e: Ice Data Integration Analysis System IDIB e: Industrial Diamond Information Bureau I D I C e: Industrial Development and Investment Center - e: Internal Dose Information Center - e: Islamic Documentation Information Center I D I C T s: Instituto de Documentación y Información Científica y Tecnia I D I I O M e: IDI Input Output Machine - e: Information Display[s], Incorporated's Input/Output Machine I D I K d: Integrierte Datenverarbeitung im Krankenhaus I D I L e: Institute for the Development of Indiana Law I D I M S e: Interactive Digital Image Manipulation System IDIN e: International Development Information Network idio e: idiograph - e: idiomatic - e: idiot I D I O T e: Instrumentation Digital Online Transcriber I D I P e: Intensified Drug Inspection Program I D I R e: Indirect


IDIS IDIS d: Information und Dokumentation im Industriezweig Schiffbau - d: Institut für Dokumentation und Information über Sozialmedizin - d: Institut für Dokumentation, Information und Statistik - e: Interdisciplinary Doctoral program[me] in Information Science - e: International Dairy Industries Society - e: International Directory Inquiry System - e: Intrusion Detection and Identification System - e: Iowa Drug Information Service I D I S - M I C R O - L E X d: Institut für Dokumentation und Information über Sozialmedizin und öffentliches Gesundheitswesen I D I T E M e: Identifier Item IDIU e: Interdivisional Information Unit - e: Interdivisional Intelligence Unit I D K d: Informations-, Datenverwaltungsund Kommunikationssystem - d: Informationsdienstkartei - d: integrierte Datenverarbeitung für Kommunalverwaltungen IDK-S d: Informationsdienstkartei-selektiert I D K T d: Informationsdienst Kriminaltechnik IDL e: ICAD [Integrated Computer-Aided Design] Design Language - e: Ideal Basic Industries, Inc. - e: Ideal Group of Companies, Inc. - e: Idle[r] - e: Idlewild, New York [Kennedy International Airport] - e: Indentured Drawing List - e: Index to Dental Literature - e: Information Description Language - e: Instruction Definition Language - e: Instrumentation] Development Laboratories - e: Intelligent Database Language - e: Interactive Data Language - e: Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory - e: Interdiscrepancy Laboratory - e: Intermediate-Density Lipoproteins - e: International Data Line - e: International Date Line ID[L] e: Infantry Division [Light] I D L C e: Integrated Digital Logic Circuit I D L E e: Idaho Department of Law Enforcement I D L H e: Immediately] Danger[ous] to Life and Health - e: Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health I D L I B e: Item Description Library I D L I S e: International Desert Locus Information Service I D L O C e: Idle-waiting to Location I D L O D e: Idle-waiting to Load I D L R e: Instrumentation Development Laboratory Report IDL[&]RS e: International Data Library and Reference Service I D L T e: Identification Light

I D M d: Impuls-Dauer-Modulation - d: Induktiver Durchflußmesser - d: Intelligente Datenbankmaschine - e: Idiopathic Disease of Myocardium - e: Illicit Diamond Mining - e: Improved Data Modem - e: Induced Dipole Moment - e: Inductive Debris Monitor - e: Industrial Data Management - e: Instant Dimmer Memory - e: Institute of Defence [or Defense] Management - e: Instructional Diagram Manual - e: Integral and Differential Monitoring - e: Integrated Delta Modulation - e: Integrated Direct Metering - e: Integrating Delta Modulation - e: Intelligent Data Mapper - e: Intelligent Document Management - e: Interactive Data Machine[s] - e: Interactive Decision Making - e: Interdiction Mission - e: International Data Management - e: Interpolating Delta Modulator i d M d: in der Minute IDMA e: Indian Drug Manufacturers Association - e: International Dianmond Manufacturers Association - e: Isaac Delgado Museum of Art IDMAS e: Interactive Database Manipulator and Summarizer I D M Conference e: International Datacenter Management Conference I D M H e: Input Destination Message Handler I D M I e: Interface Document Master Index idMin d: in der Minute I D M L e: Interactive Data Manipulation Language - e: Internal Data Manipulation Language I D M P e: International Conference on Medical Physics ID-MS e: Isotope Dilution-Mass Spectrometry I D M S e: Integrated Data [Base] Management System - e: Integrated Data-Management network - e: Integrated Missile Defence System - e: Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry IDMS/R e: Integrated Data Management System/Relation I D M T e: Inverse Definite Minimum Time I D M T Relay e: Inverse Definite Minimum Time Relay IDN d: Integrierte Digitale Netze - d: Integriertes Daten-Netz - d: Integriertes Digitales Nachrichtensystem - d: Integriertes Fernschreib- und Datennetz - d: Integriertes Text- und Daten-Netz - e: Industrial Development Organization - e: Integrated Data Network[s] - e: Integrated Digital Network - e: Intelligent Data Network - f: Indicateur De Navigation -1: In Dei Nomine idn e: identification - e: identify IDNAC e: International Databank for the Non-Aligned Countries IDNA-NABPC e: Integrated Digital multibeam modification Narrow band processing and Active search IDNE e: Inertial Doppler Navigation Equipment I D N F e: Irredundant Disjunctive Normal Formula


( K O - Saur, Manchen

IDNL e: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore ID N O e: Identification Number ID N U M B e: Identification Number IDNX e: Inegrated Digital Network Exchange I D O d: Institut fiir Datentechnik und Organisation GmbH - e: Idaho Operations Office - e: Identification Officer - e: Immediate Data Output - e: Industrial Diesel Oil - e: Infrared Drying Oven - e: Intelligence Division Office - e: Interim Development Order - e: Interim Development Ordnance - e: Internal Distribution Only - e: International Development Office - e: International Disarmament Organization - e: Isolated Digital Output - e: Iterative Discrete On-Axis IDOA e: Individual Documented Ouality Assurance I D O C e: Illinois Department of Corrections - e: Inner Diameter of Outer Conductor - e: Internal Dynamic Overload Control - e: International Documentation and Communication Center - e: International Documentation on the Contemporary Church (journ.) - e: Intrusion Detection Optical Communication I D O C O f: Internationale des Organisations Culturelles Ouvrières I D O C S e: Intrusion Detection Optical Communications System ID/OD e: Inside Diameter/Outside Diameter [Ratio] I D O E e: International Decade of Ocean Exploration I D O L e: Improved Disk-time Overlap idon vehic 1: idoneo vehiculo I D O R System e: Inhouse Document Online Retrieval System IDOS e: Integrated Disk-Operating System - e: Interactive Disk Operating System - e: Interrupt Disk Operating System I D O T e: Illinois Department of Transportation - e: Instrumentation Online Transcriber

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IDs IDP d: Inosindiphosphat - e: Immediate Decision Plan - e: Indenture Part List - e: Independent Development Program - e: Independent Development Project - e: Individual Development Plan - e: Industrial Data Processing - e: Industrial Development Bank - e: Information Data Processing - e: Information Display Planner - e: Initial Delay Position - e: Inosine Diphosphate - e: Input Data Processing - e: Input Data Processor - e: Institute of Data Processing - e: Instructor Display Panel - e: Integrated Data Presentation - e: Integrated Data Processing - e: Integrated Data Processor - e: Intelligence Data Processing Module - e: Inter-network Datagram Protocol - e: Interactive Database Processor - e: Interdigit Pause - e: Interface Design Plan - e: Intermodulation Distortion Percentage - e: Internal Data Processing - e: Internal Distribution Publication - e: International Data Processing - e: International Driving Permit - e: Interplanetary Dust Particle[s] - e: Isotope Development Program IDPC e: Integrated Data Processing Center [or Centre] IDPE e: Incorporated Data Processing Executives IDPG e: Impact Data Pulse Generator IDPI e: International Data Processing Institute ID PL e: Identification Plate IDPM e: Initial Draft Presidential Memorandum - e: Institute of Data Processing Management IDPMA e: International Data Processing Management Association IDPM Inf Manage e: IDPM [Institute of Data Processing Management] Information Management (journ.) IDPMN e: Initial Draft Proposed Materiel Need IDPN e: 3,3'-Iminodipropionitril[e] - e: B-Iminodiproprionitrile IDPS e: Incremental Differential Pressure System - e: Integrated Data Processing System - e: Interactive Direct Processing System IDPS/LF e: IDPS [Interactive Direct Processing System] Large File - e: Interactive Direct Processing System/Large File IDP System e: Industrial Data Processing System - e: Integrated Data Processing System - e: Interactive Direct Processing System IDPT e: Image Dissector Photomultiplier Tube IDPU e: Information, Documentation and Publication Unit IDQ e: Industrial Development Quotient IDQA e: Individual Documented Quality Assurance

IDR d: Institut für Datenverarbeitung im Rechtswesen - d: Interessenverband der Radiohörer - e: Identification Record - e: Incremental Design Review - e: Incremental Digital Recorder - e: Independent Design Review - e: Indicateur De Route - e: Indonesian Rupiah - e: Induction Dependent Resistor - e: Industrial Data Reduction - e: Industrial Development Revenue - e: Infantry Drill Regulations - e: Infinite Duration Impulse - e: Information Descriptor Record - e: Information Dissemination and Retrieval - e: Initial Design Review - e: Initial Dummy Record - e: Input Data Request - e: Input Date Request - e: Inspection Discrepancy Report - e: Institute for Desert Research - e: Institute for Dream Research - e: Institute of Delphinid Research - e: Instrumentation Development Request - e: Intercept During Reentry - e: Interim Depot Repair - e: Interim Development Report - e: Intermediate Data Rate - e: Intermediate Design Review - e: Intermittent-Duty Rating - e: Internal Development Report - e: International Defence Review - e: International Depositary Receipt - e: Invoice Discrepancy Report idr i: idraulica idR d: in der Regel - d: in der Reserve IDRC e: Industrial Development Research Council - e: International Development Research Center [or Centre] - e: International Drycleaning Research Committee IDR&DS e: International Directory of Research & Development Scientists IDRDS e: International Directory of Research and Development Scientists IDREA e: Idle IDRES e: Institute for the Development of Riverine and Estuarine Systems IDRL e: Intradivision Requirements Lst IDRN e: Intradivisional Review Notice IDRs e: Identification Records IDRS e: Integrated Data Retrieval System - e: International Double Reed Society IDRV e: Ionic Drive

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G

Saur, Munich

IDS d: Informations- und Dokumentationssystem - d: Informations-, Datenübertragungs- und Steuerungssysteme AG - d: Integrierte Datenspeicherung - d: Integrierter Datenspeicher - d: Integriertes Daten[verarbeitungs]system - d: Internationale Dokumentations-Straße - e: I-Distinguishing Sequence - e: Identification Section - e: Idle Signal Unit - e: Illicit Diamond Smuggling - e: Image Display System - e: Image Dissector Scanner - e: Image Distribution System - e: Impulse Duplexer Study - e: Inadvertent Destruct - e: Inclined Driveshaft - e: Income Data Senvices - e: Indicator Drive Screw - e: Individual Detail Specifications - e: Industrial Design Section - e: Industrial Development (joum.) - e: Industry Department for Scotland - e: Inertial Data System - e: Inertial Doppler System - e: Information and Documentation Service - e: Information and Documentation System - e: Information Data Search, Inc. - e: Information Display System - e: Information Dissemination Service - e: Infrared Detection Set - e: Infrared Detection System - e: Input Data Strobe - e: Institute of Dental Surgery - e: Institute of Development Studies - e: Instructional Dimensions Study - e: Instrument Data System - e: Instrument Development Section - e: Integrated Data Storage - e: Integrated Data Store - e: Integrated Data System - e: Integrated Defensive System - e: Integrated Display Set - e: Integrated Display Situation - e: Integrated Display System - e: Integriertes Dynamisches System - e: Intelligent Display System - e: Interactive Data System - e: Interactive Debugging System - e: Interactive Design Software - e: Interactive Design System - e: Interactive Display System - e: Intercept Data Storage - e: Interdiction and Strike - e: Interim Decay Storage - e: Interior Designers] Society - e: Intermediate Drum Storage - e: International Data Sciences!, Inc.] - e: International Data Systems - e: International Dealer Systems - e: International Defence Systems - e: International Development Services - e: International Development Strategy - e: International Documents Service - e: Intrusion Detection System - e: Investigative Dermatological Society - e: Investors Diversified Services - e: Ion Drift Semiconductor IdS d: Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim idS d: in dem Sinne - d: in der Sache - d: in der Sekunde ID/S e: Interdiction/Strike IDs e: Instructural Designs


IDS A IDSA e: Indian Daily Sciences Association - e: Indian Dairy Science Association - e: Industrial Designers Society of America - e: Industrial Development Subsidiary Agreement - e: Information and Data Systemfs] Agency - e: International Development Service of America - e: International Diving Schools Association IDSB e: Independent Double Side Band IDSC e: Information Dissemination Service Center - e: Initial Defense Satellite Communication - e: International Die Sinkers Conference - e: International Distributed Systems Center [or Centre] I D S C M e: Initial Defense Satellite Communication I D S C P e: Initial Defense Satellite Communications Project - e: Interim Defense Communication Program IDSCS e: Initial Defense Satellite Communication[s] System IDSE e: International Data Switching Exchange IdSEA e: Idaho Society of Enrolled Agents idSek d: in der Sekunde IDSF e: Inter-agency Data Systems Facility IdS Forschungsberichte d: Institut für Deutsche Sprache. Forschungsberichte (journ.) IDSI e: Interactive Data Service, Inc. I D S M d: Informations- und Dokumentationssystem der Massenmedien - e: Indian Distinguished Service Medal - e: Inertial Damped Servomotor IDSO e: Instructor Defensive Systems Operator - e: International Diamond Security Organization I D S O T e: Interim Daily System Operational Test IDSP e: Intercept Data Storage Position Idss e: drain current at zero gate voltage [symbol] IDSS e: ICAM [Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing] Decision Support System - e: Integral Direct Station Selection - e: Integrated Disgnostic Support System - e: Integrated Documentation Support System IDSSMS e: Isotope Dilution Spark Source Mass Spectroscope - e: Isotope Dilution Spark Source Mass Spectroscopy I D S T d: Intelligente Datenstation - e: Information and Documentation in Science and Technology - e: Information and Documentation on Science and Technology idSt[d] d: in der Stunde I D S T O e: Idle Used for Storage

I D T d: Institut für Datenverarbeitung in der Technik - d: Integriertes Dialogorientiertes Testsystem - d: Intradermaltest - e: Identification Disposition Tag[ging] - e: Identification Table - e: Image Dissector Tube - e: Implantation Doping Technique - e: Inactive Duty Training - e: Industrial Design Technology - e: Industrial Detergents Trade - e: Input Data Translator - e: Inspection Discrepancy Tag - e: Instrument Definition Team - e: Instrumented Drop Tube - e: Integrated Dynamic Tester - e: Intelligent Data Terminal - e: Inter-DigitaI[-electrode] Transducer - e: Inter-Division Transfer - e: Interactive Data Terminal - e: Interactive Display Terminal - e: Interrupt Description Table - e: Ion Doping Technique - e: Isodensi[o]tracer idt n: in de text IDTA e: International Dance Teachers Association I D T C e: International Driving Tests Committee ID.TI e: Integrated Device Technology I D T P e: Integrated Data Transmittal Package IDTS e: Improved Doppler Tracking System - e: Instrumentation Data Test Station - e: Instrumentation Data Transmission System - e: Integrated Data Test Station - e: Integrated Digital Telecommunications System IDTSC e: Instrumentation Data Transmission System Controller IDTV e: Improved Definition Television IDU e: 6-Iodo-2'-Deoxyuridine - e: Idle signal Unit - e: Idoxuridine - e: Indicator Drive Unit - e: Industrial Development Unit - e: Industrial Documentation Unit - e: Infrared Detection Unit - e: Interactive Database Utilities - e: Interface Data Unit[s] - e: Intermittent Drive Unit - e: International Democratic Union - e: International Dendrology Union - e: International Development Unit - e: Iododeoxyuridine IDUB e: Iododeoxyuridine IDUR e: Intercept During Unpowered Rise i D u r c h m d: im Durchmesser i Durchs[c]hn d: im Durchschnitt IDV d: Individuelle Datenverarbeitung - d: Institut für Datenverarbeitung - d: Institut für Datenverwaltung - d: Institut für elektronische Datenverarbeitung, Zürich - d: Integrierte Datenverarbeitung - e: Integrating Digital Voltmeter - e: International Distillers and Vinters I D V F d: integrierte Datenverarbeitung im Femmeldebereich IDVID e: Immersed Deflection Vidicon Device I D V M d: Integrierendes Digital-Voltmeter - e: Integrated Digital Voltmeter - e: Integrating Digital Voltmeter IDVMs e: Integrating Digital Voltmeters


© K • G - Saur, München

IDVS d: Informations- und Datenverarbeitungssystem - d: Integriertes Datenverarbeitungssystem I D W d: indirektes Datenadreßwort - d: Informationen der Wirtschaft - d: Informations- und Dokumentationswissenschaft - d: Institut für Dokumentationswesen - d: Interdigitaler Wandler - d: Isotopendienst West GmbH - e: Individual Defence Weapon - e: Input Dat World - e: Input Data Word I d W d: Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer I D W A e: Interdivisional Work Authorization - e: Intra-Divisional Work Authorization I D - W a n d l e r d: Interdigitalwandler I D W R d: Integrierter Druckwasserreaktor I D W T e: Inverse Discrete Walsh Transform IDX e: Index - e: Index to Dental Literature - e: Integrated Digital Exchange - e: Intelligent Digital Exchange I D X O e: International DX Organization I D Z d: Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum - d: Internationales Design-Zentrum - e: Inner Defense Zone I d Z d: Identifizierzähler I D Z G W d: Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für die gewerbliche Wirtschaft

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IEC I E d: Fachaustellung für industrielle Elektronik in Österreich - d: Immunisierungseinheit - d: Immunitätseinheit - d: Immunoelektrophorese - d: Industrielle Eletronik [Veranstaltung] [Wien] - d: Informationseingabe - d: Informationseingang - d: Informationseinheit - d: Informationseinrichtung - d: Innere Elektronik - d: Insulineinheit - d: Internationale Einheit - d: Internationale Fachmesse für Industrielle Elektronik und Elektrotechnik - e: Ice Engineering] - e: Illuminating Engineer - e: Illuminating Engineering - e: Image Enhancement - e: Immediate Early [genes] - e: Immuno-Electrophoresis - e: In Excess - e: Index Error - e: Index of Enrichment - e: Indian Empire - e: Indicator Equipment - e: Indo-European [languages] - e: Industrial Electronics - e: Industrial Engineering] - e: Industrial Ergonomics - e: Industrial Espionage - e: Industrial Exhauster - e: Information and Education - e: Information Electronics Limited - e: Information Engineering] - e: Information Exchange - e: Information Express - e: Informationseinheit - e: Infrared Emission - e: Initial Equipment - e: Injun Explorer - e: Inside Edge - e: Inside English - e: Inspection and Enforcement - e: Inspection Error - e: Installation Equipment - e: Installations Engineer - e: Institute of Education - e: Institute of Electronics - e: Institute of Energy - e: Institute of Engineers - e: Institute of Entomology - e: Institute of Export - e: Institution of Electronics - e: Institution of Engineers - e: Instruction Element - e: Instruction Execution - e: Instrument Engineering] - e: Integral Electronics - e: Intelligence Estimate - e: Intensive Electrification - e: Interconnection Equipment - e: Interface Equipment - e: Intermediate Electrode - e: Internal Environment - e: Interrogation Entry-register - e: Interrupt Enable - e: Ion Ejection - e: Ion Exchange - e: Ionizanon Energy - e: Ireland - e: Irradiation Effect[s] - e: Isoelectric - e: Isothermal Expansion - f: Idees pour l'Europe - f: Instituts Electrotechniques

ie d: im einzelnen -1: id est iE d: im Entstehen - d: im Entwurf - d: in Entwicklung Ie e: emitter Current [symbol] i E d: in Entwicklung I & E e: Identification and Exposition [lines] - e: Industrial and Entertainment Funds - e: Information and Education - e: Inspection and Enforcement - e: Instruments and Electronics - e: Internal and External I-E e: Indo-European - e: Insert-Extract I-E e: Intern[al]-Extern[al] [Scale] - e: Ingress-Egress I/E e: Ingress/Egress - e: Instruction/Execution - e: Intern/Extern IE 3 e: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEA d: Institut für elektrische Energieanwendung und Automatisierung - d: Institut für Elektro-Anlagen - d: Internationale Elektrotechnische Ausstellung - d: Internationale Energie-Agentur - e: Idaho Education Association - e: Illinois Education Association - e: Immuno-Electro Adsorption - e: Immuno-Electrophoretic Analysis - e: Import Entitlement Agreement - e: Index of Economic Activity - e: Indian Education Act - e: Industrial Environmental Association - e: Information Engineering Association - e: Institute for Energy Analysis - e: Institute of Economic Affairs - e: Institute of Engineers of Australia - e: Institute of Environmental Action - e: Institution of Engineers [of Australia] - e: Instruments, Electronics and Automation - e: Integrated Electronic Assembly - e: Inter Echanges Assistance - e: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement - e: International Economic Association - e: International Education Act - e: International Electrical Association - e: International Energy Agency - e: International Entomological Association - e: International Entrepreneurs Association - e: International Epidemiological Association - e: International Ergonomics Association - e: International Evaluation of Education - e: International Exchange Association - e: International Exhibitors Association - e: International Instruments, Electronics and Automation Exhibition - e: International Study of Educational Achievement - e: Intravascular Erythrocyte Aggregation - e: Ion Energy Analyzer - n: Instituut voor Electronische Administrate - p: Instituto de Energia Atomica I E A C e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Automatic Control (journ.) I E A C C e: International Instruments, Electronics, Automation, Control Equipment and Communication I E A d W d: Institut für Europa I E A F e: Imperial Ethiopian Air Force I E A L e: International Energy Associates Limited

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

IEA News e: Instruments, Electronics, Automation News (journ.) I/EAR e: International Electronic & Aerospace Report (journ.) I E A R e: International Electronic and Aerospace Report - p: IEA [Instituto de Energia Atomica] Reactor I E A R N e: International Educational Resource Network IEAS e: Institute of East Asian Studies IE[-AUST] e: Institution of Engineers of Australia I E B d: Industrie-Elektro-Bau GmbH - d: Integrierte Elektronische Baugruppe - d: Internationales Einheitsbaukastensystem - e: Improved Electronics Box - e: Institute of Economic Botany - e: Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh - e: Interdiction Executive Board - e: Interdivisional Engineering Bulletin - e: International Education Board - e: International Energy Bank - e: International Environmental Bureau [of the Non-Ferrous Metals Industry] - e: International Executive Board IE-B e: Institute of Engineers-Bangladesh I E B C e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Broadcasting (journ.) I E B M e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Biomedical Engineering I E C - d: Internationales Electronic Comittee - e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Electromagnetic Compatible - e: Incremental Engineering Change - e: Independent Electrical Contractors - e: Indicative Estimate of Cost - e: Industrial Electrification Council - e: Industrial Energy Conservation - e: Industry-Education Council - e: Information Exchange Center [or Centre] - e: Infused Emitter Coupling - e: Inherent Explosion Clause - e: Injecüon Electrode Catheter - e: Integrated Electronic Central - e: Integrated Electronic Circuit - e: Integrated Electronic Control - e: Integrated Electronicfs] Components] - e: Integrated Environmental Control - e: Integrated Equipment Components] - e: Inter-Exchange Carrier - e: Intergraph Education Center - e: Intermittent Electrical Contact - e: International Economic Review (journ.) - e: International Education Center [or Centre] - e: International Egg Commission - e: International Electric Company - e: International Electrochemical Commission - e: International Electronical Commission - e: International Electronical Conference - e: International Electronics Corporation - e: International Electrotechnical Commission [Qualification Assessment] - e: International Electrotechnical Committee - e: International Equipment Company - e: Interstate Economic Committee - e: Interstate Electronics Corporation - e: Intra-Epithelial Carcinoma - e: Intrinsinc Electron Conduction - e: Inverse Electrode Current - e: Ion Exchange Chromatography] - e: Ion-Exchange Conference - e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] Echo Canceller 227

I&EC - e: Iso-Echo Contour - e: Isotropic Elastic Constant - e: Israel Electric Corporation - e: Item Entry Control - f: Institut d'Etudes Centrafricaines - n: Internationaal Elektronisch Comité I&EC e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (journ.) I/EC e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (journ.) IECA e: International Erosion Control Association IECAMA e: Imperial Ethiopian College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts IEC Bull e: IEC Bulletin [International Electrotechnical Commission, Switzerland] (journ.) IEC Bus e: International Electrotechnical Commission Bus IECC e: Inspection Equipment Coordination Committee - e: International Electronic Components Committee - e: International Express Carriers Conference IECCA e: Inter-Establishment Committee for Computer Applications IECD e: Institute of Early Childhood Development IECDF e: International Economic Cooperation Development Fund IECE e: IEC Electronics Corporation - e: Institute of Electronicfs] and Communication^] Engineers IECEC e: Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference IECEE e: International Electrotechnical Commission System for Conformity Testing to Standards for Safety of Electrical Equipment IECEJ e: Institute of Electrical Communication Engineers of Japan - e: Institute of Electronic[s] and Communication[s] Engineers of Japan IECF e: International European Construction Federation IECI e: Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation (journ.) - e: Institute for Esperanto in Commerce and Industry IECM e: Induced Environment Contamination Monitor - e: Internal Electronic Counter-Measures IECMS e: Inflight Engine Condition Monitoring System IECN s: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales IECO e: Inboard Engine Cutoff - e: International Engineering Company IECOK e: International Economic Consultative Organization for Korea IECP e: Injected Electric Current Perturbation - e: Interface Engineering Change Procedure - e: Intermediate Engineering Change Proposal IEC Process Des Dev e: IEC [International Electrotechnical Commission], Process Design and Development [American Chemical Society] (journ.) - e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Process Design and Development (journ.) IEC Prod Res Dev e: IEC [International Electrotechnical Commission], Product Research and Development [Anmerican Chemical Society] (journ.) IECPS e: International Electronic [Circuit] Packaging Symposium

IECQ d: IEC [International Electrotechnical Commission]-Qualitätsbestätigungssystem IECQA e: International Electrotechnical Commission Qualification Assessment - e: International Electrotechnical Commission Quality Assessment IECR e: Institute of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics IEC Ree e: IEC [International Electrotechnical Commission] Recommendation[s] IECREC e: IEC [International Electrotechnical Commission] Recommendation I&EC Res e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research [American Chemical Society] (journ.) IECRM e: Intrinsic Excitation Coupled to Rotator Model IEC's e: Integrated Electronic Components IECs e: Integrated Electronic Circuits - e: Integrated Electronic Components IECT e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Circuit Theory (journ.) IEC-TC e: International Electrotechnical Commission-Technical Committee IEC/TC e: International Electrotechnical Commission/Technical Committee I&ED e: Information and Education IED e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Electronic Devices (journ.) - e: Illuminating Engineering Design - e: Impact Energy Density - e: Improvised Explosive Device - e: Independent Exploratory Development - e: Individual Effective Dose - e: Information Engineering Directorate - e: Initial Effective Data - e: Initial Engine Development - e: Institute for Educational Development - e: Institution of Engineering Designers - e: Integrated Electronics Division - e: Integrated Environmental Design - e: Integratsd Electric Drive - e: Interactive Electronic Display - e: International Electronic Devices - e: Intrinsic Event Discrimination - e: Ion Exchange Desalination - e: Ionospheric Electron Density IEDC e: International Energy Development Corporation IEDD e: Improvised Explosive Device Disposal - e: Institution of Engineering Draftsmen and Designers IEDM e: International Electron Device[s] Meeting IEDR e: Integrated Electric-Drive Propulsion IEDs e: Income Equalization Deposits - e: Improvised Explosive Devices - e: Intermediate Educational Districts IEDU e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Education (journ.)


© K G - Saur, München

IEE e: Induced Electrical Effect - e: Induced Electron Emission - e: Industrial Electronics Engineers - e: Initial Environment Evaluation - e: Inner Enamel Ep[h]itelium - e: Institue of Electric Engineering - e: Institute for Earth Education - e: Institute for Environmental Education - e: Institute of Economic Engineering - e: Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers - e: Institute of Electrical Engineering - e: Institute of Electrical Engineers - e: Institute of Electrology Educators - e: Institute of Electronic Engineering - e: Institute of Energy Economics - e: Institute of Environmental Engineers - e: Institution of Electrical Engineers - e: Institution of Electronical Engineers - e: International Electrology Education iee d: industrie electrik + electronik IEEC e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Electronic Computers (journ.) - e: Industrial Electrical Equipment Council - e: Interafrican Electrical Engineering College - e: International Electrical Engineering College IEE Conf Publ [Lond] e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Conference Publication [London] (joum.) IEED e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Electronic Devices (joum.) IEEE e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Information (journ.) - e: Institute [of] Electrical and Electronic Engineering - e: Institute of Electrical and Electronic[al] Engineers - e: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - e: Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - e: International Electrical and Electronics Exhibition - e: International Electronical and Electronics Exhibition - e: Transition Information Theory Ieee e: I expect everything eventually IEEE Acoust e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (journ.) IEEE Aer el e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (journ.) IEEE Aerosp Electron Syst Mag e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine [IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Antenn e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (journ.) IEEE ASSP Mag e: IEEE ASSP Magazine [IEEE Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Auto C e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Automatic Control (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

I E E E Reliab Soc Newsl IEEE Biomed e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions On Bio Medical Engineering (journ.) IEEE Broadc e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Broadcasting (journ.) IEEE Circ S e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Circuits and Systems (journ.) I E E E Circuits Devices Mag e: IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Commun e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Communications (journ.) IEEE Commun Mag e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Communications Magazine [IEEE Communications Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Comput e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Computers (journ.) I E E E Comput Appl Power e: IEEE Computer-Applications in Power [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Comput Graph Appl e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Computer Graphics and Applications [IEEE Computer Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Comput Group News e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Computer Group News (journ.) I E E E Cons E e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Consumer Electronics (journ.) IEEE Control Syst Mag e: IEEE Control Systems Magazine [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE-CS e: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers-Computer Society IEEE Des Test Comput e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Design and Test of Computers [IEEE Computer Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Device e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Electron Devices (journ.) IEEE Electr Insul Mag e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Electrical Insulation Magazine [IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Electron Dev Lett e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Electron Devices Letters [IEEE Electron Devices Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Electro Technol Rev e: IEEE Electro Technology Review [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE El Ins e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Electrical Insulation (journ.) IEEE Elmagn e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility (journ.) IEEE Eng Manage Rev e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Engineering Management Review (joum.)

IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag e: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) I E E E G-AES e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Group Aerospace and Electronic Systems - e: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Group-Aerospace and Electronic Systems IEEE Geosci e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Geoscience Electronics (journ.) IEEE IAS Conf Rec e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] IAS Conference Record [IEEE Industry Applications Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Ind Ap e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Industry Applications (journ.) I E E E Ind El e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Electronics and Control Instrumentation (journ.) IEEE Info T e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Information Theory (journ.) IEEE Instr e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (joum.) I E E E Int Conv Dig e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] International Convention Diggest (journ.) IEEE Int Conv Rec e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] International Convention Record (journ.) IEEE Intercon Tech Pap e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Intercon Technical Papers (journ.) IEEE J Ocean Eng e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Journal of Oceanic Engineering [IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, US] (joum.) I E E E J Q El e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Journal of Quantum Electronics (joum.) IEEE J Q u a n t u m ] Electron e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Journal of Quantum Electronics (journ.) I E E E J Robot Autom e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Journal of Robotics and Automation [IEEE Robotics and Automation Council, US] (joum.) I E E E J Sel Areas Commun e: IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (joum.) IEEE J So!i[d-State Circuits] e. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (joum.) IEEEM e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Management - e: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Management I E E E Magnet e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Magnetics (joum.) IEEE Manage e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Engineering Management (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

IEEE Manage Rev e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Management Review [IEEE Engineering Management Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Micr T e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (journ.) IEEE Nat Conv Rec e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] National Convention Record (journ.) IEEE Netw e: IEEE Network [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (joum.) IEEE Nucí S e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Nuclear Science (journ.) IEEE Parts e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Parts Hybirds and Packaging (journ.) I E E E - P E S e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Power Engineering Society - e: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-Power Engineering Society IEEE Photon Technol Lett e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Photonics Technology Letters [IEEE Lasers and Electrooptics Society, US] (journ.) I E E E Plas S e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Plasma Science (journ.) IEEE Power e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems (journ.) IEEE Power Eng Rev e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Power Engineering Review [IEEE Power Engineering Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Proc e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Proceedings (journ.) IEEE Proc Annu Symp Rel e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Proceedings Annual Symposium on Reliability (journ.) IEEE Proc Conf Eng Med Biol e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Proceedings of Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (journ.) IEEE Proceedings e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers] Proceedings (journ.) IEEE Proc Electron Components e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Proceedings, Electronic Components Conference (journ.) IEEE Proc Intermag Conf e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] International Conference on Magnetics: Proceedings of the Intermag Conference (journ.) IEEE Prof C e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Translations on Proffessional Communication (journ.) IEEE REFLECS e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Retrival from the Literature on Electronics and Computer Sciences (journ.) IEEE Reliab e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Reliability (journ.) IEEE Reliab Soc Newsl e: IEEE Reliability Society Newsletter [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.)


IEEE SEMI Int Semicond Manuf Symp Proc IEEE SEMI Int Semicond Manuf Symp Proc e: IEEE SEMI International Semiconductor Manufacturing Symposium Proceedings [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute, US] (journ.) IEEE Softw e: IEEE Software [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Son U1 e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics (journ.) IEEE Spectr e: IEEE Spectrum [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Stand Pubi e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Standards Publications (journ.) IEEE Syst M e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (journ.) IEEE Tans Microw Theory Tech e: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEETC e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Computer (journ.) IEEETEC e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Electronic Computer (journ.) IEEE Technol Soc Mag e: IEEE Technology and Society Magazine [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions (journ.) IEEE Trans Acoust Speech Signal e: IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Aerosp Electron Sys[t] e: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Antennas Propagation] e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Antennas and Propagation [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEEE Trans Audio Electroacous[t] e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics (journ.) IEEE Trans Automat Contr[ol] e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Automatic Control (journ.) IEEE Trans Bio[-]Med Eng e: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Broadcast e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Broadcasting (journ.) IEEE Trans Circuits Syst e: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Circuit Theory e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Circuit Theory (journ.)

IEEE Trans Com[mun] e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Communications [IEEE Communications Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Commun Technol e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Communications Technology (journ.) IEEE Trans Compon Hybrids Manuf Technol e: IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Comput e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Computers (journ.) IEEE TransComput e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Computer (journ.) IEEE Trans Comput-Aided Des Instr Circuits Sys e: IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Com Tech e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Communications Technology (journ.) IEEE Trans Consum Electron e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Consumer Electronics [IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Educ e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Education (journ.) IEEE Trans Electr Insul e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Electrical Insulation [IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Electro[-]Magn Comp[at] e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility [IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Electron Devices e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Electron Devices [IEEE Electron Devices Society, US] (journ.) - e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Electronic Devices (joum.) IEEE Trans Energy Convers e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Energy Conversion [IEEE Power Engineering Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Eng Manage e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Engineering Management [IEEE Engineering Management Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Eng Writing Speec e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech (journ.) IEEE Trans Geosci Electron e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Geoscience Electronics (journ.)


® K • G • Saur, München

IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing [IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Ind Appl e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Industry Applications [IEEE Industry Applications Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Ind Electron e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Industrial Electronics [IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Ind Electron Con e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation (journ.) IEEE Trans Ind Gen Appl e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions On Industry And General Applications (journ.) IEEE Trans Inf Theory e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Information Theory [IEEE Information Theory Group, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Instrum Meas e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement [IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans J Magn Jpn e: IEEE Translation Journal on Magnetics in Japan [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng e: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Magn e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Magnetics [IEEE Magnetics Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Manuf Technol e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Manufacturing Technology (joum.) IEEE Trans Med Imaging e: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging [Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (journ.) IEEE Trans Nucl Sci e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Nuclear Science [IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Parts, Mater, Pack e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Parts, Materials and Packaging (journ.) IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell e: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (joum.) IEEE Trans Plasma Sci e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Plasma Science [IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, US] (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IEIC IEEE Trans Power Appar Syst e: IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Power Deliv e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Power Delivery [IEEE Power Engineering Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Power Electron e: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Power Syst e: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Prof Commun e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Professional Communications [IEEE Professional Communication Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Quantum Electron e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Quantum Electronics (journ.) IEEE Trans Reliab e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Reliability [IEEE Reliability Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Robot Autom e: IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Semicond Manuf e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing [IEEE Electron Devices Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Softw Eng e: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Sonics Ultrasonics] e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics (journ.) IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics [IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control e: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US] (journ.) IEEE Trans Veh T[echnol] e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Vehicular Technology [IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, US] (journ.) IEEF e: Ion Exchange Evaporation Filter - e: Ion-integrated Evaporation Filter IEEI e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Electrical Insulation (journ.) - e: Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan - e: International Electronics Engineering, Inc. IEEIE e: Institution of Electrical & [and] Electronic[s] Incorporated Engineers IEEJ e: Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan - e: International Electrical Engineers of Japan IEEM e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Engineering Management (journ.)

IEEMA e: Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers Association IEEMA J e: IEEMA Journal [Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers Association, India] (journ.) IEE News e: Institution of Electrical Engineers News (journ.) IEEP e: Institute of European Environmental Policy - e: International Environmental Education Program IEE Proc A, Phys Sci Meas Instrum Manage Edu e: IEE Proceedings A, Physical Science, Measurement and Instrumentation, Management and Education [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) - e: IEE Proceedings A, Physical Science, Measurement and Instrumentation, Management and Education. Reviews [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc B, Electr Power Appl e: IEE Proceedings B, Electric Power Applications [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc C, Gener Transm Distrib e: IEE Proceedings C, Generation, Transmission and Distribution [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc D, Control Theory Appl e: IEE Proceedings, D, Control Theory and Applications [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc E, Comput Digit Tech e: IEE Proceedings E, Computers and Digital Techniques [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc F, Commun Radar Signal Process e: IEE Proceedings F, Communications, Radar and Signal Processing [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc F, Radar Signal Process e: IEE Proceedings F, Radar and Signal Processing [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc G, Circuits Devices Syst e: IEE Proceedings G, Circuits, Devices and Systems [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc G, Electron Circuits Syst e: IEE Proceedings G, Electronic Circuits and Systems [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc H, Microw Antennas Propag e: IEE Proceedings H, Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc I, Commun Speech Vis e: IEE Proceedings I, Communications, Speech and Vision [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc I, Solid-State Electron Devices e: IEE Proceedings I, Solid-State and Electron Devices [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Proc J, Optoelectron e: IEE Proceedings J, Optoelectronics [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEE Rev e: IEE Review [Institution of Electrical Engineers, GB] (journ.) IEES d: Industrielles Elektroenergiesystem - e: Imaging Electron Energy Spectrometer - e: International Educational Exchange System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

IEETE e: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers - e: Institution of Electric and Electronics Technician Engineering - e: Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician[s] [and] Engineers IEF d: Impulsfolgefrequenz - e: Indian Expeditionary Force - e: Instruction Execution Function - e: Integral Equation Formulation - e: Integrated Electronic Flashing] - e: International Ecumenical Fellowship - e: International Environmental Facility - e: International Exhibitions Foundation - e: International Eye Foundation - e: Interrupt Flip-Flop - e: Iso-Electric Focusing - e: Isoelectric Focussing ieF d: in erleichterter Form - d: in erweiterter Fassung IEFC e: International Emergency Food Committee IEFCC e: Israel's Enhanced Fire Control Computer I-Effekt d: Induktionseffekt - d: Induktiver Effekt IEFR e: International Emergency Food Reserve IEFUA e: International Electronic Facsimile Users Association IEG d: Intererdgas GmbH - e: Independent Evaluation Group - e: Industrial Electronics Group - e: Information Exchange Group - e: Interdivisional Engineering Giude - e: Interdivisional Engineering Guide - e: Internai Engine Generator - f: Institut d'Électrotechnique de Grenoble IEGE e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Geoscience Electronics (journ.) IEGP e: Information Exchange Group Program - e: Interagency Economic Growth Project IEH e: Industrial Electric Heating IEHA e: International Economic History Association IEHC e: Industrial Electronic[s] Hardware Corporation IEHO e: Institution of Environmental Health Officers IEI e: Implantation-Enhanced Interdiffusion - e: Indetermediate Engineering Items - e: Indeterminate Engineering Items - e: Indiana Energy, Inc. - e: Industrial Education Institute - e: Industrial Engineering Institute - e: Institute of Electrical Inspectors - e: Institute of Engineering Inspection - e: Institution of Engineering Inspection - e: Institution of Engineers of India - e: Institution of Engineers of Ireland - e: International Educators Institute - e: International Electronics Industries - e: International Enamellers Institute - e: International Epitek, Inc. - e: International Esperanto Institute - e: Interrupt Enable In - e: Iran Electronics Industries IEIA e: Integrated Educational Information Agency IEIB e: International Electronics - e: International Electronics, Inc. IEIC e: Institution of Engineers-in-Charge - e: International Education Information Center - e: Iowa Educational Information Center 231

IEICE I E I C E e: Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers I E I C E J e: Institute of Electronics - e: Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan I E I D A T A e: International Economic Indicators Database I E U e: Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan I E I M e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Instrumentation and Measurements IEIS e: Integrated Educational Information System - e: Integrated Engine Instrument System I E I T e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Information Theory (journ.) I E J e: Israel Exploration Journal I E J E f: Institut Economique et Juridique de l'Energie I E K d: Internationaler Elektrikerkongreß I E K O d: Institut für experimentelle und klinische Onkologie I E K P d: Institut für experimentelle Kernphysik I E K V d: Internationale Eisenbahn-KongreßVereinigung I E L e: Indian Explosives Limited - e: Industrial Engineering Limited - e: Industrial Equity Limited - e: Information Exchange List - e: Institute for Educational Leadership - e: Interdivisional Engineering List - e: International Electrotechnical Commission - e: Iowa Electric Light & Power I E L A e: International Exhibition Logistics Associates I E L P e: Iowa Electric Light & Power I E L S e: Isotope Exciter Light Source I E M e: Immune Electron Microscopy - e: Inactive Equipment Maintenance - e: Informations Engineering Methode - e: Interim Examination and Maintenance - e: Ion-Exchange Membrane[s] - e: Isocyanatoethylmethacrylate - f: Impulsion Electro Magnetique iem n: iemand I E M R: Institut Elektromekhaniki I E M A e: Independent Electrical Manufacturers Association - e: Indian Electrical Manufacturers Association - e: International Eight Meter Association - e: International Explosive Metalworkers Association - e: Iowa Educational Media Association I E M A T S[ystem] e: Improved Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System I E M C e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Electromagnetic Compatible - e: Independent Electronic Music Center - e: International Electronics Manufacturing Company I E M C A P e: Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compability Analysis Program I E M C E L L e: Interim Examination and Maintenance Cell I E M E e: Inspectorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering - e: Inspectorate of Electrical and Mechanical Equipment I E M E M C e: Instrument, Electrical and Miscellaneous Modification Committee I E M G e: Integrated EMG [Electromyogram]

I E M L f: Institut d'Électromécanique de Lille I E M P e: Internal Electro-Magnetic Pulse I E M S e: Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgey - e: Integrated Emergency Management System - e: International Electronic Mail System I E M T e: International Electronic Manufacturing Technology I E M T F e: Interim Examination and Maintenance Training Facility IEN e: Imperial Ethiopian Navy - e: Industrial Equipment News (journ.) - e: Information Exchange Network - f: Institut d'Électrotechnique de Nancy - i: Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale - i: Istituto per l'Energia Nucleare IEn d: Informationseinheiten I E n g e: Incorporated Engineer I E N G F i: Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris iengS d: im engeren Sinne IENS e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Nuclear Science (journ.) i[ ]Entw d: im Entwurf - d: in Entwicklung I E n v S e: Institute of Environmental Sciences I E O e: Incoherent Electronic Oscillator - e: Integrated Electronic Office - e: Interim Engineering Order - e: Interrupt Enable Out - s: Instituto Español de Oceanográfía I E O C S e: Interim Equipment Order Control System I & E Off e: Information and Education Officer I E O M e: Institute of Environment and Offshore Medicine ieop e: immunoelectroosmophoresis I E O S e: Integrated Electronical Office System I E P d: Immunoelektrophorese - d: Internationales Energieprogramm - d: Isoelektrischer Punkt - e: Image Edge Profile - e: Immunoelectrophoresis - e: Independent Evaluation Plan - e: Individual Education Plan - e: Individual Educational Program - e: Information Economics and Policy (journ.) - e: Information Exchange Program[me] - e: Information Exchange Project - e: Institute for Ecological Policies - e: Institute of Earth Physics - e: Institute of Experimental Psychology - e: Instrument for Evaluation of Photographs - e: Instrumentation for the Evaluation of Pictures - e: Integrated Engineering Program - e: Interdivisional Engineering Practices - e: Intermediate Rotating Plug - e: International Education Project - e: International Energy Program - e: International Exchange Program - e: Inverted Energy Population - e: Irish Pound - e: Iso-Electric Point - f: Institut d'Etudes Politiques IEPA e: Independent Electron Pair Approximation - e: International Economic Policy Association I E P G e: Independent European Program[me] Group


© K G - Saur, München

I E P R e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Proceedings (journ.) I E P R C e: International Electronic Publishing Research Center [or Centre] IEPS e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Power Apparatus and Systems IEPs e: Individualized Education Programs IEPS e: International Electronic Packaging Symposium - e: International Electronics Packaging Society I E P S J e: IEPS Journal [International Electronics Packaging Society, US] (joum.) I E Q e: Index of Environmental Quality I E Q E e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Quantum Electroncis (joum.) 1ER e: Independent Evaluation Report - e: Individual Education Record - e: Individual Equipment Reliability - e: Industrial Equipment Reserve - e: Information Exchange Requirements - e: Inherent Equipment Reliability - e: Installation Enhancement Release - e: Institute for Econometric Research - e: Institute for Environmental Research - e: Institute for Exploratory Research - e: Institute of Educational Research - e: Institute of Engineering Research - e: Institute of Environmental Research - e: Instruction Execution Rate - e: Interface Evaluation Report - e: Interim Engineering Report - e: Inventory Equipment Requirement - e: Ion Exchange Resin - e: Irish Ecclesiastical Record (journ.) - e: Test Institute of Educational Research Test [intelligence] ieR d: im einstweiligen Ruhestand I E R C e: Indian Education Resources Center - e: International Electronic Research Corporation I E R D e: Industry Energy Research and Development [Program] 1ERE e: Institute of Electrical and Radio Engineers - e: Institute of Electronic[s] and Radio Engineers - e: Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers - e: International Electrical Research Exchange 1ERE Conf P r o c [Lond] e: 1ERE [Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers] Conference Proceedings [London] I E R E G E M f: Institut Equatorial de Recherches et d'Etudes Géologiques et Minières I E R F e: International Education and Research Foundation I E R F C e: Integral Error Function Complement - e: Integrated Error Function Complement I E R G M f: Institut Equatorial de Recherches Géologiques et Minières I E R I e: Illuminating Engineering Research Institute I E R I S e: Information Exchange Requirements I E R L e: Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Ierl n: Ierland

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

EEZ i E r m d: im Ermessen - d: in Ermangelung I E R N f: Institut Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire I E R Q e: Institute of Electrical Research of Quebec I E R S e: International Earth Rotation Service - e: Inventory Equipment Requirement Specification I E R T e: Institute for Education by Radio-Television 1ER Test e: Institute of Educational Research [Intelligence] Test I E R W ITS e: Initial Entry Rotary Wing Integrated Training System IES d: [3-]Indolylessigsäure - d: Indolyl-3-Essigsäure - d: Industrie-Elektronik-Stuttgart - e: Id, Ego, Superego - e: Identify External Symbol - e: Illuminating Engineering Society - e: Illuminating Engineers Society - e: Image Enhancement System - e: Image Exploitation System - e: Incoming Echo Suppressor - e: Independent Educational Services - e: Indian Educational Service - e: Inductive Energy Storage - e: Industrial Electronic Systems - e: Industrial Electronics Society - e: Information Exchange Service - e: Information Exchange System - e: Institute for Earth Sciences - e: Institute of Environmental Sciences - e: Institute of Environmental Studies - e: Institute of European Studies - e: Institution of Electrical Engineers Singapur - e: Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders [in Scotland] - e: Institution of Engineers of Singapore - e: Institution of Environmental Sciences - e: Integral Error Squared - e: Integrated Electronic System - e: Integrated Energy System - e: Intelligence Expert System - e: Intensive Employment Services - e: Interface Editor System - e: Internal Environmental] Simulator - e: International Ecology Society - e: International Exchange Service - e: Intrinsic Electric Strength - e: Invariant-Ellipticity State[s] - e: Inventory Equipment Sheet - e: Inverted Echo Sounder - e: Ion Energy Selector - e: Ion Engine Simulator - e: Ion Engine System - e: Iowa Engineering Society ieS d: im eigentlichen Sinne - d: im engeren Sinne I E & S e: Institutional, Environmental and Safety I E ' s e: Industrial Engineers IE-S e: Institution of Engineers-Singapore IESA e: Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia - e: Indiana Electronic Service Association IESB e: Ireland Electricity Supply Board I E S C e: International Executive Service Corps IESD e: Instrumentation and Electronic Systems Division I E S G e: Internet Engineering Steering Group IES J e: IES Journal [Institution of Engineers, Singapore] (journ.)

I E S J e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Student Journal (journ.) I E S L e: Institution of Engineers of Sri Lanka I E S M e: Inductive Energy Storage Modulator IES M o n o g r S e r e: IES Monograph Series [Institution of Environmental Engineers, GB] (journ.) I E S M P e: Information Exchange System for Minority Personnel IESNA e: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America I E S N E C e: Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders of the Northeast Coast I E S P e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Spectrum (journ.) - e: Integrated Electronic Signal Processor IES P r o c e: IES Proceedings [Institution of Environmental Engineers, GB] (journ.) IESq e: Intelligence Exploitation Squadron - e: Intelligence Exploration Squadron IESS e: Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland - e: Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders of Scotland - e: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences - e: Ion Engine System Section IES Test e: Id, Ego, Superego Test IESU e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Sonics and Ultrasonics IESUA f: Institut de l'Energie Solaire de l'Université d'Alger I E T d: Zeitschrift fiir elektrische Informations- und Energietechnik (journ.) - e: Image Enhancement Technology - e: Impact Excited Transmitter - e: Implanted Electrode Technique - e: Indo-European Telegraph - e: Inelastic Electron Tunneling - e: Initial Engine Test - e: Initial Entry Training - e: Institute of Educational Technology - e: Institute of Engineers and Technicians - e: Instrument and Electrical Technician - e: Instrumentation Engineering Technician - e: Instrumentation Engineering Technologist - e: Instrumentation Engineering Technology - e: Interest Equalization Tax [Archives] - e: Interval Embossed Tube - f: Institut d'Électrotechnique de Toulouse I E T A e: International Electrical Testing Association - f: Ingénieurs des Etudes Techniques d'Armement I E T C e: Interagency Emergency Transportation Committee I E T E e: Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers I E T E J e: Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers of Japan I E T E Tech Rev e: IETE Tech. Rev. [Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India] (journ.) I E T F e: Initial Engine Test Facility - e: Initial Engine Test Firing - e: Integrated Equipment Test Facility - e: Internet Engineering Task Force I E T G e: International Energy Technology Group I-et-L e: Indre-et-Loire

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

I E T R A e: Interhuman Embryonic Transfer and Restablilization Agency I E T S e: Industrial Energy Thrift Scheme - e: Inelastic Electron Tunnel[l]ing Spectroscopy - e: Inelastic Electron Tunnei[l]ing Spectrum I - E T S e: Interim European Telecommunications Standard I-et-V f: Ille-et-Vilaine IEU e: Improved Electronics Unit - e: Input Expansion Unit - e: Instruction Execution Unit - e: Interface Electronics Unit - e: International Ecosystems UniversityForum International - e: Ion Exchange Unit IEV d: Institut für Energieversorgung - e: Integrated Experimental Version - e: International Electrotechnical Vocabulary I E V C e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Vehicular Communication (joum.) I E V D e: Integrated Electronic Vertical Display IEVS d: industrielles Energieversorgungssystem I & E W e: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare I E W e: Intelligence/Electronic Warfare I E W S e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Engineering Writing and Speech (journ.) - e: Integrated Electronic Warfare System - e: International Electronic Warfare System I E W T D e: Improved Electronic Warfare Training Device IEX e: Instruction Execution - e: Ion Exchange Chromatography - e: Ion Exchanger I/EX e: Instruction Execution I E X E C e: Instruction Execution I E x p E e: Institute of Explosives Engineers I E x T d: Internationaler EisenbahnExpreßguttarif I E X T R U e: International Conference on Extrusion IEY e: International Education Year I E Z d: Internationales Elektronik-Zentrum


IF IF d: Impulsformer - d: Information - d: Infrastrukturforderung - d: Instruktionsfluß - d: Integrierte Fertigung - d: Internationaler Frachtbrief - d: Inversionsfaktor - d: Investitionsfinanzierung - e: Grid Current [symbol] - e: Ice Fog - e: Ideational Fluency - e: Identification Field - e: Identifier Field - e: Ifosfamid - e: Image Frequency - e: Immunofluorescence - e: Immunofluorescent - e: Importance Factor - e: In-Flight - e: In Full - e: Incentive Fee - e: Incompressible Flow - e: Indexing Feature - e: Indirect Fire - e: Industrial Fund - e: Industrial Furnace - e: Inertial Fusion - e: Information - e: Information Feedback - e: Information Flow - e: Information Format - e: Information Function - e: Informnation Feedback - e: Infrared - e: Infrared Filter - e: Infrastructure - e: Inhibitory Factor - e: Initiation Factor - e: Inner Flame - e: Inside Frosted - e: Institute for Fermentation - e: Institute of Fuel - e: Instruction Fetch - e: Instruction Field - e: Instruction Folder - e: Instruction Format - e: Instrument Flight - e: Insufficient Funds - e: Intensification Factor - e: Interactive F O R T R A N [Formula Translation] - e: Interface - e: Interferon - e: Intermediate Factor - e: Intermediate Frequency - e: Intermittent Frequency - e: Internal F l u s h i n g ] - e: Internal Focusing - e: Internal Friction - e: Intemmediate Frequency - e: Internmnediate-approach Fix - e: Interrupt Flag - e: Interstitial Fluid - e: Interstitial Free [Steel] - e: Intrinsic Factor - e: Inventory File - e: Inventrepreneur Forum - e: Inverted File - e: Inverter and cathode Follower - e: Inviscid Flow - e: Ion Focusing - e: Ionization Front - e: Isothermal Flow if a: iflge - d: Die Industriefeuerung (journ.) -1: ipse fecit

iF d: im Felde - d: in [der] Fassung - d: in Firma - d: in Form If e: filament Current [symbol] - e: Ifni - s: Sidi Ifni I&F e: Inverter and cathode Follower I-F e: In-Flight - e: Intermediate Frequency - e: Interstitial-Free [Steel] I/F e: Image-to-Frame Ratio - e: Interface i/f I: ipsejecit I2F e: Intelligent Influence Fuze IFA d: Institut für Ausbautechnik [im Hochbau] - d: Institut für Automation - d: Internationale Funkausstellung - e: Immuno-Fluorescence Assay - e: Immuno-Fluorescence Analysis - e: Immuno-Fluorescent Antibody - e: Incomplete Freund's Adjuvant - e: Incorporated Faculty of Arts - e: Independent Financial Adviser - e: Indirect Fluorescent Antibody - e: Industrial Forestry Association - e: Industry Film Association - e: Information Flow Analysis - e: Institute for Atomic Energy - e: Institute of Foresters of Australia - e: Instrumental Fuel Assembly - e: Instrumented Fuel Assembly - e: Insulation Fabricators Association - e: Integrated Feed Aerial - e: Integrated Feed Antenna - e: Integrated File Adapter - e: Intercollegiate Fencing Association - e: Interface Adapter [or Adaptor] - e: Intermediate Frequency Amplifier - e: Intermediate Frequency Attenuator - e: International Federation of Accountants - e: International Federation of Actors - e: International Federation of Airworthiness - e: International Federation on Aging - e: International Fertility Association - e: International Fertilizer industry Association - e: International Festivals Association - e: International Fighter Aircraft - e: International Financial Accountants - e: International Fiscal Association - e: International Food Association - e: International Footprints Association - e: International Formalwear Association - e: International Franchise Association - e: International Fructase Association - e: Inverse-Function Amplifier - e: Ionization Front Accelerator - N: Institutt For Atomenergi - R: Institut Fiziki Atmosfery IfA N: Institut for Atomenergi i[/]Fa d: in Firma IfaA d: Institut für angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft IFAA e: International Federation of Adveitising Agencies - e: International Flight Attendants Association - e: International Flow Aids Association - e: International Furniture Accessory Association IfaB d: Institut für angewandte Botanik IF A B C e: International Federation of Audit Bureaus of Circulation[s]


© K • G • Saur, München

I F A B O d: Internationale Fachmesse fur Büroorganisation und Kommunikationstechnik I F A C e: Integrated Flexible Automation Center - e: Inter-Firm Accounting Project - e: International Family Association of Canada - e: International Federation for Automatic Control - e: International Federation of Accountants - e: International Federation of Automatic Control - e: International Food Additives Council I F A C E e: Interface Element IFAC/IFIP S O C O C O e: IFAC/IFIP Symposium on Software for Computer Control I F A D e: International Fund for Agricultural Development I F - A D D I C M A e: Insular Force-Additional Initial Clothing Monetary Allowance I f A G d: Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt I F A G d: Internationale Fernseh-Agentur IFAI e: Industrial Fabrics Association International - e: International Fire Administration Institute I F A L P A e: International Federation of Air-Line Pilots Association^] I F A M d: Institute für Angewandte Materialforschung - e: Information Systems for Associative Memories - e: Initial-Final Address Message - e: Inverted File Access Method I F A M P e: If Approach Missed Proceed I F A N d: Internationale Föderation der Ausschüsse Normenpraxis - e: International Federation for the Application of Standards - f: Institut Français d'Afrique Noire IFA Nachrichten d: Institut für Arbeitsund Baubetriebswissenschaft Nachrichten (journ.) I F AP e: Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention - e: International Federation of Agricultural Producers - e: International Federation of Airline Pilots - e: International Federation of the Agricultural Press - e: International Foundation for Airline Passengers IFAPA e: International Federation of Airline Pilots Association - e: International Foundation of Airline Passenger Associations I F A P W E e: Institute of Ferro-Alloy Producers in Western Europe IFAR d: Institut für Arzneimittelwesen - e: International Foundation for Art Research I F A R D e: International Federation of Agricultural Research Systems for Development I F A R S e: Individual Flight Activity Reporting System IFAS d: Institut für Angewandte Sozi al Wissenschaft - e: Institute for American Strategy - e: Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences I F A s e: Integrated File Adapters IFAS e: International Federation of Aquarium Societies IFASS e: Integrated Fire and Air Support System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IFDC I F AST e: Integrated Facility for Avionic Systems Test - e: Integration Facility for Avionics System Testing I F A T d: Internationale Fachmesse für Abwasser- und Abfalltechnik - e: Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Technique - e: Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test I F A T C A e: International Federation of Air Traffic Controller[s] Associations I F A T C C e: International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colo[u]rists I F A T E e: International Federation of Aerospace Technology and Engineering - e: International Federation of Airworthiness Technology and Engineering I F A T S E A e: International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronic Associations I F A T U e: International Federation of Arab Trade Unions I F A V W U e: International Federation of Audio-Visual Workers Unions I F A W e: International Fund for Animal Welfare I F A W P C A e: International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors Associations IFAX e: International Facsimile Service IFAXA e: International Facsimile Association I F B d: Informationsdienst für Bauherren I f B d: Institut für Bedarfsforschung - d: Institut für Betriebsgestaltung I F B d: Integrierte Finanzbuchhaltung - d: Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin - d: Internationales Frequenz-Büro - e: Incendiary Fragmentation Bomb - e: Information for Business - e: Interdivisional Facilities Bulletin - e: International Federation of the Blind - e: International Film Bureau - e: Interrupted Feedback - e: Invitation for Bid[s] IFBA e: International Fire Buff Associates - e: International Fire Buff Association I F B F ' s e: Inverting Feedback Bridging Faults I F B H e: Intermediate Force Beachhead I F B Line e: Interrupted Feedback Line I F B M e: Improved Fleet Ballistic Missile I F B P W e: International Federation of Business and Professional Women IFBS e: Interrupted Feedback System I F B S O e: International Federation of Boat Show Organizers I F B T d: Institut für Bautechnik, Berlin I F B W W e: International Federation of Building and Wood Workers

I F C e: Image Flow Computer - e: Imasco Financial Corporation - e: Improved Flotation Chamber - e: In-Flight Calibration - e: In-Flight Calibrator - e: In-Flight Collision - e: Incremental Frequency Control - e: Independent Fire Control - e: Industrial Finance Corporation - e: Industrial Frequency Changer - e: Information Collector - e: Infrared Fire Control - e: Initial Fleet Capability - e: Initial Flight Clearance - e: Inland Fisheries Commission - e: Inner Front Cover - e: Instantaneous Frequency Correlation - e: Institute Freight Clause[s] - e: Institute of Forest Conservation - e: Instruction How Chart - e: Instrument Flight Center - e: Integrated Fire Control - e: Intellectual Freedom Committee - e: Interface Circuit - e: Interface Clear - e: International Facilitating Committee - e: International Finance Corporation - e: International Fisheries Commission - e: International Fisheries Convention - e: International Food Conference - e: International Forging Congress - e: International Formulation Committee - e: International Freighting Corporation - f: Institut Français du Caoutchouc I/FC e: Current to Frequency Converter I F C A e: Integrated Fire Control Area I F C A A e: International Fire Chiefs Association of Asia IFC-ALA e: Intellectual Freedom Committee-American Library Association I F Canceler e: Intermediate Frequency Canceler I F C A T I e: International Federation of Cotton and Allied Textile Industries I F C B e: International Federation of Cell Biology I F C C e: International Federation of Camping and Caravanning - e: International Federation of Clinical Chemistry - e: International Fibreboard Case Code I F C C Newsl F: IFCC Newsletter [International Federation of Clinical Chemistry, Finland] (joum.) I F C C P T E e: International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees I F C C T E e: International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees I F C E e: Integral Fire Control Equipment - e: International Federation of Consulting Engineers - f: Institut Française des Combustibles et de l'Energie I F C E B e: International Foundation for Computerbased Education in Banking I F C F e: Integrated Fuel Cycle Facility - e: Intermediate Frequency Crystal Filter I F C I e: Industrial Finance Corporation of India I F C J e: International Federation of Catholic Journalists I F C L e: International Fixed Calendar League I F C M e: International Federation of Christian Metalworkers

international Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

0 K • G • Saur, Munich

I F C M U e: International Federation of Christian Miner's Unions I F C N e: Interfacility Communication Network I F C O e: International Fisheries Cooperative Organization - e: Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization I F C O L e: Integrated Fiber Optics Communication Link I F C O M e: Internationale Fachausstellung furr Telekommunikation I F C O M / T E L E C O M d: Internationale Fachausstellung für Telekommunikation I F C P e: Institute for Financial Crime Prevention I F C R e: Interface Control Register - e: International Foundation for Cancer Research I F C S e: Improved Fire Control System - e: In-Flight Checkout System - e: Infrared Fire Control System - e: Integrated Fire Control System - e: Integrated Flight Control System - e: International Federation for Computer Sciences - e: International Federation of Computer Sciences I F C T e: Industrial Finance Corporation of Thailand - e: Institute of Fine Chemical Technology I F C T U e: International Federation of Christian Trade Unions I F C U e: Interface Control Unit - e: International Federation of Catholic Universities I F D d: Institut für Datenverarbeitung - d: Internationale Förderation des Dachdeckerhandwerks - e: Idealization to Frustation to Demoralization - e: In-Flight Deployment - e: In-Flight Display - e: Incipient Fire Detection - e: Incipient Fire Detector - e: Indentation Force Deflection - e: Infrared Detector - e: Initial Fill Date - e: Instantaneous Frequency Discriminator - e: Inter-Fighter Director - e: Interfiber Distance - e: International Federation for Documentation - e: International Federation of Documentation I f D d: Institut für Demoskopie - d: Institut für Dokumentationfswesen] ifd 1: in flagrante delicto IFDA e: Institutional Food Distributors of America - e: International Federation for Data Processing Associations - e: International Foodservice Distributors Association - e: International Furnishings and Design Association I F D A I d: Istanbuler Forschungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (journ.) I F D A P S e: Integrated Right Data Processing System I F & D B D e: Inspector of Fortification and Director of Bomb Disposal I F D C e: Integrated Facilities Design Criteria - e: International Fertilizer Development Center


IFDE I F D E e: Intermittent Fault Detection Experiment I F D M e: Integrated Finite-Difference Method I F D O e: International Federation of Data Organizations [for the Social Sciences] I F D P e: Institute for Food and Development Programs I F D R e: Interface Data Register IFDS e: Inertial Flight Data System - e: Integrated Flagship Data System IF-DSU-DIV e: Intermediate Forward Direct Support at Division IFDU d: Institut für den Unterrichtsfilm I F E d: Institut für Energiewirtschaft - d: Institut für Fernmeldetechnik und Elektronik - d: Institut für technische Forschung und Entwicklung - e: Image Feature Extraction - e: In-Flight Entertainment - e: Industrial Foundation on Education - e: Institute for Energy Technology - e: Institute for Fluitronics Education - e: Institute of Financial Education - e: Institution of Fire Engineers - e: Intelligent Front End - e: Intelligent Functional Unit - e: Internal Field Emission I f E d: Institut für Energetik I F E A T e: International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades I F E B e: International Federation of Engine Reconditioners - e: International Federation of Railway Advertising Companies I F E B P e: International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans I F E B S e: Integrated Foreign Exchange and Banking System I F E C e: International Food Emergency Committee - e: International Foodservice Editorial Council I F E D e: Inter Federal Savings Bank I F E E e: Institute for Free Enterprise Education I F E E S e: International Federation of Electro-Encephalographical Societies I F E G e: Information for Energy Group i f E K G d: indirekte fetale Elektrokardiografie I F E L e: Induction Free-Electron Laser I F E M A s: Institución Ferial de Madrid I F E M S e: International Federation of Electron Microscopes Societies I F E P a: Instituttet for Elektronik materiels Palideliged - e: In-Flight Experiments Panel - e: Integrated Front-End Processor I F E R S e: International Flat Earth Research Society I F E S d: Institut für empirische Sozialforschung - e: Image Feature Extraction System - e: International Field Emission Symposium I [ - ] F E T C H e: Instruction Fetch I F E W e: Interamerican Federation of Entertainment Workers I f E / Z R E d: Institut für Energetik/ Zentralstelle für rationelle Energieanwendung

I F F d: Freund -Feind-Kennung - d: Impulsfolgefrequenz - d: Institut für Festkörperforschung - d: Institut für Flugfunk - d: Institut für Fördertechnik Leipzig - e: Identification, Friend or Foe - e: Induced Fluid Flow - e: Inert Fluid Fill - e: Institute for Fermentation - e: Institute for the Future - e: Institute of Freight Forwarders - e: Intensity Fluctuation Factor - e: Interchange File Format - e: Intermediate Financing Facility - e: International Flavors and Fragrances [corporation] - e: International Flavors und Fragrances GmbH - e: International Flying Farmers - e: International Freedom Foundation - e: Interrogation Friend or Foe - e: Interrogator Friend or Foe - e: Invert Fluid Fill[ing] - e: Ionized Flow Field - e: Isoelectric Focusing Facility I f F d: Institut für Fachschulwesen iff e: if and only if I F & F e: Intermediate Hush and Fill IF/F e: Identification Friend/Foe IFFA d: Institut für forstliche Arbeitswissenschaft - d: Internationale Fleischwirtschaftliche Fachmesse - e: Independent Federation of Flight Attendants - e: International Federation of Film Archives - e: International Frozen Food Association I F F / A T C R B S e: Identification Friend or Foe/Air-Traffic Control Radar Beacon System I F F C e: Integrated Fire and Flight Control - e: Integrated Flight Fire Control I F F C O e: Indian Farmers Fertiliser Co-operative Ltd I F F F d: Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit I F F IU e: IFF Interface Unit I F F J e: Independent Federation of Free Journalists I F F J P e: International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers I F F N e: Identification Friend or Foe/Neutral I F F N M d: Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik I F F P A e: International Federation of Film Producers Associations IFFS e: International Federation of Film Scienes - e: International Federation of Film Societies I F F S H e: Instrument Formation Flight System for Helicopter[s] IFF/SIF e: Identification Friend or Foe/Selective Identification Feature I F F S t r u c t u r e e: Internal Fan-out Free Structure I F F T e: Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation] H'FI'U e: International Federation of Free Teachers Unions I F G e: Indian Feld Gun - e: Information File Generator - e: Instream Flow Service Group - e: Instrument Flight Guide - e: Interference-Free Gate - e: International Fashion Group I f G d: Institut für Geflügelzucht - d: Institut für Gewerbeforschung


© K • G • Saur, München

I F G A e: International Federation[s] of Grocers Associations I F G I e: International Federation of Graphical Industries I F G L e: Initial File Generation Language I F G O e: International Federation of Gyn[a]ecology and Obstetrics I F G V P e: International Federation of Gastronomical and Vinicultural Press I F H d: Internationales Flughandbuch - e: In-Flight Helium - e: Interferon - e: Interferon, Human I F H E e: International Federation of Home Economics - e: International Federation of Hospital Engineering I F H P e: International Federation for Housing and [Town] Planning - e: International Federation for Housing and Planning - e: International Federation of Housing and Planning I F H P M e: International Federation of Hydraulic Platform Manufacturers I F H T e: International Federation for [the] Heat Treatment [and Surface Engineering] I F H T M e: International Federation for the Heat Treatment of Materials I F H T P e: International Federation for Housing and Town Planning I F I d: Institut für Feuerfestindustrie - d: Institut für Immissionsschutz - d: Institut für Industriebau - d: Internationales Fernlehr-Institut - d: Internationales Friedensinstitut - e: Imperial Forestry Institute - e: In-Flight Insertion - e: Industrial Fasteners Institute - e: Information for Industry - e: Institutional Functioning Inventory - e: Instruments for Industry - e: Inter-Fault Interval - e: International Fabricare Institute - e: International Fastener Institute - e: International Federation of Interior Architects and Interior Designers - e: ISPRA Fiberoptic Industries - e: Iterated Fission Expectation - s: Instituto de Fomento Industrial I f l d: Institut für Informatik IFIA e: Intermountain Forest Industry Association - e: International Federation of Inventors Associations - e: International Federation of Ironmongers and Iron Merchants Association^] - e: International Fence Industry Association - e: International Fertilizer Industry Association IFIAS e: International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Studies - e: International Federation of Institutes of Advanced Studies I F I C e: International Ferrocement Information Center - e: International Food Information Council - e: Investment Funds Institute of Canada I F I D e: International Federation for Information and Documentation - e: International Forum on Information and Documentation I F I E C e: International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers I F I E S R e: International Foundation for Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Research

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IFORS I F I F e: International Federation of Interior Designers - e: International Foundation for Internal Freedom I F I F R e: International Federation of International Furniture Removers I F I G d: Internationales Forschungs- und Informationszentrum für Gemeinwirtschaft I F I L E e: Interface File I F I M e: International Flight Information Manual I F I M P e: If Impossible IFINDU e: I find you I F I P e: Iguazu Falls International Park - e: Integrated Flight Instrument Panel - e: International Federation for Information Processing - e: International Federation of Information Processing [Societies] I F I P C e: International Federation of Information Processing Congress[es] I F I P / I C C e: International Federation of Information Processing/International Computation Centers I F I P S e: International Federation of Information Processing Societies I F i r e E e: Institution of Fire Engineers I F I S d: Integriertes Führungs- und Informationssystem - e: Infrared Flight[s] Inspection System - e: Instrument Flight Instructors School - e: Integrated Flight Instrumentation] System - e: International Financial Intelligence Service - e: International Food Information Service I F I T U e: Indian Federation of Independent Trade Unions I F J e: International Federation of Journalists I F K d: Institut für Fördertechnik - d: Institut für Kommunikationsforschung - d: Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge - e: Integral equation of the First Kind - e: Internal Flow Kinematics IfK d: Institut für Kommunalwirtschaft - d: Institut für Körpererziehung - d: Institut für Kraftwerke - d: Institut für Kriminologie - N: Institut for Kriminologi I F K M d: Institut für Festkörpermechanik - d: Internationale Föderation für Kurzschrift und Maschinenschreiben I F K T e: International Federation of Knitting Technologists I F L d: Information für Forschung und Lehre - d: Instandhaltungsfremde Leistungen - d: Internationale Fachmesse für Ledertechnik - d: Internationale Femsehtonleitung - e: Imperial Fascist League - e: Induction Field Locator - e: Inflatable - e: Institute of Fluorescent Lighting - e: Integer Function Language - e: Integrated Fuse Logic - e: Interdivisional Facilities List - e: Interfacility Link - e: Interfacility List - e: International Federation of Labor - e: International Frequency List - e: International Friendship League Ifl d: Infanterieflieger I f L d: Institut für Landeskunde - d: Institut für Lehrerbildung - d: Institut für Leibesübungen - d: Institut für Leichtbau

IFLA e: International Federation of Landscape Architects - e: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions I F L A S C e: International Federation of Latin American Study Centers I F L Bulletin e: Indian Federation of Labour Bulletin (journ.) I F L C e: International Frequency List Committee I F L C C e: Inital Force Level Control Capability I F L E T e: Interim Focal-Length optical Tracker I F L F F d: Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit I F L I P S e: Integrated Flight Prediction System IfL-Mitt d: IfL-Mitteilungen [Germany] (journ.) I F / L O A L e: Indirect Fire/Lock-On-AfterLaunch I F L O T e: Intermediate Focal Length Optical Tracer - e: Intermediate Focal Length Optical Tracker I F L S d: Interface-linienförmig seriell I F L T T e: Intermediate Focal Length Tracking Telescope I F L W U e: International Fur and Leather Workers Union I F M d: Impulsfrequenzmodulation - d: Institut für Milchforschung - e: In-Flight Maintenance - e: In-Right Monitor - e: Induction Flowmeter - e: Industrial Facility Manager - e: Infantry Field Manual - e: Instantaneous Frequency Measurements] - e: Instantaneous Frequency Meter - e: Instanteneous Frequency Monitoring - e: Institute for Forensic Medicine - e: Instrument Flag Motor - e: Integrating Fluctuation Meter - e: Integrating Frequency Meter - e: Interactive File Manager - e: Interface Machine - e: Intermediate Frame Memory - e: International Finance Managers Study [Database] I f M d: Institut für Marktforschung - d: Institut für Mechanisierung I F M A e: Immunofluorometric Assay - e: Industrial Furnace Manufacturers Association - e: International Facility Management Association - e: International Farm Management Association - e: International Federation of Margarine Associations - e: International Foodservice Manufacturers Association I F M B E e: International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering I F M C e: International Folk Music Council I F M C S e: Integrated Fire and Manoeuvre Control System I F M D e: Informal Maintainability Demonstration I F M E e: International Federation for Medical Electronics - e: International Federation of Medical Electronics - e: International Federation of Municipal Engineers

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G

Saur, Munich

I F M E O e: International Fish Meal Exporters Organization I F / M F e: Intermediate Frequency/Medium Frequency I F M I e: Irish Federation of Marine Industries I F M I S e: Integrated Facilities Management Information System - e: Intelligent Fire Management Information System I F M M S e: International Federation of Mining and Metallurgical Students I F M P e: International Federation of Medical Psychotherapy I F M R e: Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Receiver I F M S e: Impact Force Measuring System - e: In-Flight Management System - e: Integrated Financial Management System I F M S A e: International Federation of Medical Students Associations IFN d: Information - e: Information - e: Interferon - f: Institut Français de Navigation I f N d: Institut für Nichtnumerik IFNA e: International FidoNet [Electronic Mail System] Association I F N A E S e: International Federation of the National Associations of Engineering Students IFNAFSS e: International Feminist Network Against Female Sexual Slavery I F N B e: Idaho First National Bank I F N E e: International Federation for Narcotic Education if nec e: if necessary IFNSA e: International Federation of the National Standardization Associations - e: International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations I F O d: Information - d: Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V. - e: Identifiable Flying Object - e: Identified Flying Object - e: Improved Fiber [or Fibre] Optics - e: International FORTRAN Organization - e: Interplanetary Flying Object ifo e: in favor of - e: in front of - e: intermediate fuel oil I F O A M e: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements I F O B e: Improved Fiber [or Fibre] Optics Bundle I F O E E e: Institution of Post Office Electrical Engineers I F O F S A G e: International Fellowship of Former Scouts and Guides I F O G e: Interferometer Fiber Optic Gyro - e: International Federation of Olive Growers I F O L e: Information Oriented Language ifolg d: im folgenden I F O P f: Institut Français d'Opinion Publique I F O R e: Interactive FORTRAN [Formula Translation] - e: International Fellowship of Reconciliation I F O R S e: International Federation of Operational Research Science - e: International Federation of Operational Research Societies - e: International Federation of Operations Research Science - e: International Federation of Operations Research Societies


IFOS IFOS d: Integriertes FinanzbuchhaltungsOnline-System - e: Integrated Fibre Optical System - e: Ion Formation from Organic Solids IFOSA e: International Federation of Stationers Association IFO-System d: Integriertes Finanzbuchhaltungs-Online-System IFOTES e: International Federation of Telephony Emergency Services IFOV e: Instantaneous Field-Of-View - e: Instrument Field Of View IFP d: Institut für angewandte Festkörperphysik - d: Institut für Futtermittelproduktion [Paulinenaue] - d: Institut für Plasmaphysik - e: Imperial and Foreign Post - e: In-Flight Performance - e: In-Flight Printer - e: Independent Feature Project - e: Indexes of Firepower Potential - e: Institute of Fluid Power - e: Instruction Fetch Phase - e: Integrated File Processor - e: Interface Programmable - e: Interfacial Polymerization - e: International Federation of Purchasing - e: International Fixed Public [broadcast band] - e: Interplant Finished Parts - f: Institut Français du Pétrole IfP d: Institut für Pflanzenforschung IFPA e: IFPS [Integrated Flight Plan Processing System] Area - e: Independent Free Papers of America - e: Industrial Film Producers Association - e: Infrared Focal Plane Array - e: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis - e: Inter-American Federation of Personnel Administration - e: International Federation of Agricultural Producers - e: International Fire Photographers Association - e: Isoelectric Focusing on Polyacrylamide IFPAAW e: International Federation of Plantation, Agricultural and Allied Workers IFPAG e: Isoelectric Focusing on Polyacrylamide Gel IFPB e: Ultra Fast Patrol Boat IFP Broadcast Band e: International Fixed Public Broadcast Band IFPC e: Integrated Right/Propulsion Control IFPCS e: International Federation of Unions of Employees in Public and Civil Services IFPCW e: International Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers IFPE e: Institute for Fluid Power Education IFPEC e: Improved Floating Point Engineering Change IFPG e: Intermediate Frequency Pulse Generator - e: International Frequency Planning Group IFPI e: Identified Friendly Prior to Interception - e: International Federation of the Phonographic Industry - e: International Federation of the Photographic Industry IFPITB e: Inorganic Feed Phosphates International Technical Bureau IFPL e: ICAO [International Civil Aviation Organization] Flight Plan

IFPM e: In-Fight Performance Monitor - e: In-Flight Performance Monitor[ing] - e: International Federation of Physical Medicine IFPMA e: International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations IFPMM e: International Federation of Purchasing and Materials Management IFPO e: International Freelance Photographers Organization - e: Interplant Finished Parts Order IFPP e: Imperial and Foreign Parcel Post - e: International Federation of the Periodicals Press IFPR e: IFPS [Integrated Flight Plan Processing System] Region IFPRA e: International Federation of Park and Recreation Administration - e: International Federation of Park and Recreation Administrators - e: International Federation of Public Relations Association IFPS e: In-Flight Performance Signal - e: Initial Flight Plan Processing - e: Institute for Foreign Policy Studies - e: Integrated Flight Plan Processing System - e: Interactive Financial Planning System - e: International Federation of Palynological Societies IFPTA e: International Forest Products Transport Association IFPTE e: International Federation of Professional Technical Engineers IFPTO e: International Federation of Popular Travel Organizations IFPTS e: Intertype Fototronic Photographic Typesetting System IFPVP e: International Federation of Phonogram and Videogram Producers IFPVS e: International Federation of Phonogram and Videogram Societies IFPW e: International Federation of Petroleum [and Chemical] Workers IFPWA e: International Federation of Public Warehousing Associations IFPZ e: IFPS [Integrated Flight Plan Processing System] Zone IFQ e: Individual Fishing Quota IFR d: Impulsformregenerator - d: Instrumentenflugregeln - e: I Follow Railroad - e: Image-to-Frame Ratio - e: Immediate Free Recall - e: In-Flight Refuel[l]ing - e: Increasing Failure Rate - e: Information Row Rate - e: Infrared - e: Infrared Filter Radiometer - e: Instantaneous Frequency Receiver - e: Institute for Food Research - e: Institute of Fisheries Research - e: Instrument Fighter Rules - e: Instrument Flight Recovery - e: Instrument Flight Rule[s] - e: Instrument Flying Regulations - e: Integral Fast Reactor - e: Interface Register - e: Intermediate Frequency Range - e: Internal Function Register - e: International Federation of Radio-Officers - e: International Federation of Radio-Telegraphists - e: International Federation of Robotics - e: International Fighter Radar - e: Interrupt Flag Register - e: Intrinsic Failure Rate


© K • G • Saur, München

IfR d: Institut für Regelungstechnik - d: Institut für Rundfunktechnik IFr d: Internationaler Frauenrat i-f[-]r e: image-to-frame [ratio] IFRA d: Institut für rationelle Arbeitstechnik - e: Inca-Fiej Research Association - e: Increasing Failure Rate Average - e: International Foundation for Research in the Field of Advertising - e: International Fragrance Association - e: International Fund -Raising Association IFRAS e: IBM [International Business Machines] Feature Ratio Analysis System IFRA Spec Rep d: IFRA Special Report [Germany] (journ.) IFRB d: Internationaler Ausschuß für Frquency Board - e: International Frequency Registration Board IFRB List e: International Frequency Registration Bureau List IFRC e: Instantaneous Frequency Correlation - e: International Fusion Research Council IFREMER f: Institut Français de Recherches pour l'Exploitation des Mers IFREO e: Industrial Forecast Requirements IFREP e: Inflight Report IFRF e: International Flame Research Foundation IFRIS e: Intelligence Finished Reports Information Subsystem IFRn d: Impulsformregeneratoren IFRO e: Internai Feed Rate Override IFROLS e: Integrated Fresnel Rainbow Optical Landing System IFRs e: Instrument Flight Rules IFR-Spektrometer d: Infrarot Fouriertransform-Spektrometer IFRT e: Institute for Fitness Research and Training - e: Intellectual Freedom Round Table IFRU e: Interference Frequency Rejection Unit - f: Institut Français du Royaume-Uni IFR Weather e: Instrument Right Rules Weather

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IFTU IFS d: Impulsfernwirksystem - d: Informationszentrum für Fremdsprachenforschung - d: Integriertes Fernmeldesystem - d: integriertes Fertigungssystem - d: Interaktives Finanzsystem - e: Identification Friend or Foe Switching-circuit - e: In-Flight Safety - e: Increased Forward Stocking - e: Independent Front Suspension - e: Indian Forest Service - e: Information Flow Standards - e: Information Flow System - e: Infrared Frequency Synthesis - e: Input Factor Storage - e: Installable File System - e: Institute of Fusion Studies - e: Instrument Fact Sheet[s] - e: Instrument Flight Simulator - e: Instrument Right System - e: Instrument Flying School - e: Instrumentation Field Station - e: Integrated Facilities System - e: Integrated Flight System - e: Interactive File Sharing - e: Interactive Flow Simulator - e: Interchange File Separator - e: Interdivisional Facilities Standard - e: Interface Specification - e: Intermediate Frequencies - e: Intermediate Frequency Stage - e: Intermediate Frequency Strip - e: Internal Focus Sensor - e: International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centers - e: International Federation of Surveyors - e: International Fertilizer Supply Scheme - e: International Financial Statistics - e: International Fluidics Services - e: International Foundation for Science - e: International Freight Services - e: Interrelated Flow Simulation - e: International Financial Statistics - e: Investment Feasibility Studies - e: Ionospheric Forward Scatter - e: Irish Free State - e: Iterated Function System IfS d: Institut für Schienenfahrzeuge - d: Institut für Schiffbau - d: Institut für Segelflugforschung - d: Institut für Sozialforschung IFSA e: Inflight Food Service Association - e: International Federation of Sound Archives - e: International Fuzzy Systems Association IFSAL e: Integral Frequency Scan Approach and Landing IFSC f: Institut des Freres du Sacre-Coeur I F S C C e: International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists I F S D e: Inflight Shutdown IFSDA e: International Federation of Stamp Dealers Associations I F S D P e: International Federation of the Socialist and Democratic Press IFSEA e: International Federation of Scientific Editors Associations - e: International Food Service Executives Association I F S E C N e: International Federation of Societies for Electroencephalography and Clinical Ne I F S E M e: International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy I F S F e: Independent Fuel Storage Facility - e: Irradiated-Fuels Storage Facility

I F S H d: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg - e: International Federation of Sound Hunters IFSI e: Interface, Inc. IFSIS e: Iterated Function System-Image Synthesizer I F S I T e: In-Flight Safety Inhibit Test IFSL e: Indiana Federal Savings and Loan Association IF-S1CMA e: Insular Force-Special Initial Clothing Monetary Allowance I F S M e: Inter-Fuel Substitution Model I F S M A e: International Federation of Ship Master Associations IFSN e: Iterative Full-Switch Network I F S O e: In-Flight Safety Officer I F S P e: International Federation of Societies of Philosophy I F S P O e: International Federation of Senior Police Officers IFSPS e: International Federation of Students in Political Sciences IFSR e: International Federation for Systems Research - e: International Flight Service Receiver IFSS d: Interface-sternförmig, seriell - e: Index of Federal Specifications and Standards - e: Infinite Solution Set - e: Instrumentation Flight Safety System - e: International Fertilizer Supply Scheme - e: International Flight Service[s] Station[s] IFSSEC e: International Fire IFS Ship e: Inshore Fire Support Ship I F S S O e: Irish Free State Stationery Office I F S T e: Institute of Food Science and Technology - e: International Federation of Shorthand and Typewriting - e: International Federation of Shorthand and Typing - e: International Flight Service Transmitter IfSt d: Informationsstelle - d: Institut für Schwachstromtechnik IFSTA e: International Fire Service Training Association I F S T A D e: Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology And Development I F S T D e: Islamic Foundation for Science IFSTS e: International Flight Service Transmitter Site I F S W e: International Federation of Social Workers

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

I F T d: Immunfluoreszenztechnik - d: Industrie, Forschung und TechnologieInformationsdienst (journ.) - d: Institut für Festkörpertechnologie - d: Institut für Textverarbeitung - d: Institut für Tieflagerung - e: Immediate Forecasting Technique - e: In-Flight Test - e: Indiana Federation of Teachers - e: In-Flight Text - e: Input Frequency Tolerance - e: Institute for [or of] Food Technologists - e: Institute of Food Technology - e: Interfacial Tension - e: Intermediate Frequency Transformation - e: Intermediate Frequency Transformer - e: Internal Function Test - e: International Federation of Translators - e: International Foundation for Telemetering - e: International Foundation for Timesharing - e: International Frequency Tablets] - e: Ion Focusing Technique - e: Isolation Function Testing I f T d: Institut für Tierzuchtforschung IFTA d: Institut für technische Ausbildung [in Elektrotechnik und Elektronik] - d: Internationale Fachmesse für Film-, Teleund Audiovision - e: In-Flight Thrust Augmentation - e: In-Flight Training Aid - e: International Fair for Film, Television and Audiovision - e: International Federation of Teachers Associations - e: International Federation of Television Archives - e: International Federation of Travel Agencies - e: International Fine Technics Association - e: International Free Trade Area - f: Institut Francais des Transports Aeriens I F T A C e: Inter-American Federation of Touring and Automobile Clubs I F T A C C A e: Intermediate Frequency Time Averaged Clutter Coherent Airborne I F T A C C A R e: Intermediate Frequency Time Averaged Clutter Coherent Airborne Radar I F T C e: International Federation of Thermalism and Climatism - e: International Film and Television Council I F T C D e: In-Flight Thrust-Calculation Deck I F T D O e: International Federation of Training and Development Organizations I F T E e: Intermediate Forward Test Equipment I F T F e: Institute for the Future - e: Inter-Faith Task Force I F T G d: Immobilien- und FinanzierungsTreuhändergesetz I F - T H E N - E L S E e: A program statement often used in high-level computer language I F T M e: In-Flight Test and Maintenance I F T o M M e: International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms I F T P P e: International Federation of the Technical and Periodical Press I F T R e: In-Flight Thrust Reverser - e: International Federation for Theatre Research I F T S e: In-Flight Test System IFTs e: Intermediate Frequency Transformers IFTSSS e: In-Right Test System Scan Select I F T U e: Intensive Rying Trials Unit - e: International Federation of Trade Unions


IFTUTW I F T U T W e: International Federation of Trade Unions of Transport Workers I F T W A e: International Federation of Textile Workers Associations IFU d: Internationale Femmelde-Union - d: Internationale Fruchtsaft-Union - e: Instruction Fetch Unit - e: Intelligence Field Unit - e: Interface Unit I F U C e: Interprovincial Farm Union Council I f U M d: Institut für Umformtechnik und Umformmaschinen i f u n e: If Unable I F U N O e: Indian Federation of United Nations Association I F U W e: International Federation of University Women IFV d: Institut für Datenfernverarbeitung - d: Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften - d: Internationale Fernmeldeverein - d: Internationaler Fernmeldevertrag - e: Infantry Fighting Vehicle - e: Instantaneous Field of View IfV d: Institut für Verkehrsforschung iFv d: in Form von I F V C e: Instantaneous Force-Velocity Curve I F V M E e: Inspectorate of Fighting Vehicles and Mechanical Equipment I F V R e: If Visibility I F V T C C d: Internationale Föderation der Vereine der Textilchemiker und Coloristen I F W d: Institut für Fertigungstechnik und spanende Werkzeugmaschinen - d: Institut für Warenprüfung - d: Institut für Weltwirtschaft [Kiel] - e: Interrupt Flag Word I f W d: Institut für Wasserwirtschaft - d: Institut für Werkzeugforschung - d: Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung I F W E A e: International Federation of Workers Educational Associations I F W L e: International Federation of Women Lawyers I F W R I e: Institute of the Furniture Warehousing and Remöving Industry I F W T W A e: International Food, Wine and Travel Writers Association I f W W d: Institut für Weltwirtschaft IFY e: Independent Fission Yield I F Y G L e: International Field Year for the Great Lakes I F Z d: Industrie-Forschungszentrum - d: Institut für Zukunftsforschung - e: Industrial Free Zone - P: Institut Fiziki Zemli I f Z d: Institut für Zement I f Z F d: Institut für Zeitforschung

I G d: Idealgas - d: Impulsgeber - d: Impulsgenerator - d: Infanteriegeschütz - d: Informationsgewinnung - d: Interessengemeinschaft - e: Gate Current [symbol] - e: IGI, Inc. - e: Illustrators Guild - e: Imperial Gallon - e: Impulse Generator - e: Indicating - e: Indo-Germanic [languages] - e: Induction Generator - e: Inductor Generator - e: Industrial Group - e: Inertial Guidance - e: Information Group - e: Ingot - e: Inner Gimbal - e: Inspector-General - e: Instantaneous Grid - e: Institution of Geologists - e: Instructor Guide - e: Instructor in Gunnery - e: Instructor of Gunnery - e: Instructors Guide - e: Insulated Gate - e: Intendant-General - e: Interblock Gap - e: International Gateway - e: Intestinal Groove - e: Inverse Gain - e: Inverse Gate - e: Investigative Operations - e: Involute Gear - e: Ion Gun - e: Ionization Gauge - e: Iris Guide - e: Isotope Geology iG d: im Gange - d: im Generalstab - d: in Gold ig d: im ganzen - e: igneous - e: ignition Ig e: grid current [symbol] - e: Immunoglobulin I-G e: Inspector General i/g e: in ground IGA d: Industriegasanstalt - d: Internationale Gartenbau-Ausstellung - d: Internationales Getreideabkommen - e: Increased Groove Area - e: Independent Grocers Alliance - e: Industry and General Application - e: Infantile Genetic Agranulocytosis - e: Inhaled Gas Analyzer - e: Inner Gimbal Angle - e: Inner Gimbal Axis - e: Integrated Grant Administration - e: Integrating Gyn>[scope] Accelerometer - e: Intergovernmental Agreement - e: Intergranular Attack - e: International General Aviation - e: International Geneva Association - e: International Geographical Association - e: International Geothermal Association - e: International Glaucoma Association - e: International Golf Association - e: International Graduate Achievement - e: International Grains Arrangement - e: International Journal of Government Auditing (journ.) - e: Ion Gun Assembly - e: Ipoh Garden Australia Limited - e: Irish Gas Association


© K • O • Saur. München

IgA e: Immunoglobulin A igl" s: iglesia IGAAS e: Integrated Ground-Airborne Avionics System I G A B e: Interagency Group on Agricultural Biometeorology I G A C S e: Integrated Guidance and Control System I G A E A e: International Graphic Arts Education Association IGAL[L] e: Imperial Gallon[s] I G A M d: Internationale Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin - e: International Game Technology IGAS e: Interactive General Accounting System - e: International General Aviation Society - e: International Graphie Arts Society - e: International Graphoanalysis Society IGasE[ng] e: Institution of Gas Engineers IGASS e: Integrated Ground-Air Avionics System I G A T e: Iranian Gas Truck Pipeline - e: Iranian Gas Trunkline I G A U P e: Interceptor Generation and Umpiring Program I G A W A d: Informationszentrum Gas/Wasser I G B d: Infanteriegeschützbatterie - d: Interessengemeinschaft der privaten Bündelfunknetzbetreiber - d: Internationales Güterkursbuch - d: St. Ingbert - e: Inter-German Border - e: Intercontinental Glide Bomber - e: Interference Guard Band[s] - e: Intermediate Gearbox - e: International Geophysics Bulletin (journ.) - e: International Gravimetrie Bureau I G B D e: Impotent Grain Boundary Dislocation - e: Intrinsic Grain Boundary Dislocation I G B P e: International Geosphere-Biosphere Program I G B S e: International Gas Bearings Symposium I G B T e: Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor I G C e: Inspector General of Communications - e: Inspectorate General of Customs - e: Institute for [or of] Graphic Communication - e: Intellectually Gifted Childfren] - e: Intergovernmental Conference - e: Intergovernmental Copyright Committee - e: Intergranular Corrosion - e: Interim Gunnery Computer - e: Intermagnetics General Corporation - e: Internal Gain Control - e: International Garden Club - e: International Geochemical Congress - e: International Geological Congress - e: International Geophysical Committee - e: International Geophysical Cooperation - e: International Geotechnical Classification - e: International Grassland Congress - e: Inverse Gas Chromatography - e: Ion Gun Collector - e: Isothermal Gas Chromatography I G C A e: Industrial Gas Cleaning Association - e: International Garden Centre Association - e: Israel Government Corporation Authority I G C A R e: Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

I G O Ratio I G C C e: Institute of Global Conflict and Cooperation - e: Insulating Glass Certification Council - e: Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle - e: Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle - e: Inter-Governmental Copyright Committee I G C E e: Independent Government Cost Estimate I G C G e: Inertial Guidance & [and] Calibration Group I G C I e: Industrial Gas Cleaning Institute I G C M e: Incorporated Guild of Church Musicians I G C P e: International Geological Correlation Program[me] I G C S e: Integrated Guidance and Control System I G D d: Informationsgesellschaft für Datenverarbeitung - d: Interessengemeinschaft Dokumentation - e: Illicit Gold Dealer - e: Inspector Generals Department - e: Institute of Grocery Distribution - e: Interaction Graphics Display - e: Interior Guard Duty - e: Inverse Gated Decoupling I/G/D e: Illicit Gold Dealer I G D E T e: Ignition Detector IGDS e: Interactive Graphics Design Software - e: Iodine Generating and Dispensing System I G E d: Informationsgemeinschaft Elektro - d: Investgrundsatzentscheidung - e: Immunoglobulin E - e: In-Ground Effect - e: Individually Guided Education - e: Institution of Gas Engineers - e: Instrumentation Ground Equipment - e: International General Electric [Company] - e: International Geophysical Extension - e: International Guiding Eyes - e: Isopropyl Glycidyl Ether IgE e: Immunoglobin E I G E C e: International General Electric Company I G E H e:IGI, Inc. I G E I d: Interessengemeinschaft Electronik e.V. I G E J e: The Institution of Gas Engineers Journal Igel d: Interessengemeinschaft Elektronik I G E M A d: Ingenieurgemeinschaft für Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH I G E O S A e: International General Electric Operations I G E R f: Institut National de Gestion et d'Economie Rurale I G E S e: Initial Graphics Exchange Specification - e: International Geochemical Congress - e: International Graphics Exchange Standard I G E S / D X F e: Initial Graphics Exchange Specification/Data Exchange Format I G E S / P D E S e: Initial Graphics Exchange Specification/Product Design Exchange Specification I G E Spec e: Initial Graphics Exchange Specification I G E S U C O e: Infrastructure Ground Environment Sub-Committee - e: International Ground Environment SubCommittee I G E / I C W e: International Ground Environment Interrupted Continuous Wave

I G F e: Inert Gas Fusion - e: Inner German Frontier - e: Inspector General of Fortifications - e: Insulin-like Growth Factor - e: Intergranular Fracture - e: International Genetics Federation - e: International Graphical Federation - e: International Grieg Festival I G F 1 e: Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 I G F A d: integrierter gegenstandsspezialisierter Fertigungsabschnitt - e: Inspector General, Foreign Assistance - e: International Game Fish Association I G Farben d: Interessengemeinschaft der Farbenindustrie ig fat e: marsh gas -1: ignis fatuus I G F E T e: Insulated Gate FET [Field-Effect Transistor] - e: Isolated Gate FET [Field-Effect Transistor] I G F M e: Internal Gamma Flux Monitor I G F O V e: Instantaneous Geometric Field of View I G F V P e: Interservice Group for Flight Vehicle Power I G G d: Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie - e: Ill-Gotten Gains - e: Inhibit Gate Generator I g G e: Immunoglobulin G IG[&]GA e: International Grooving and Grinding Association I G G C I e: International Geological/ Geophysical Cruise Inventory IgG Frac e: Immunoglobulin G Fraction of Antiserum I G G S e: Interactive Geo-facilities Graphic Support I G G T e: Institute for Guided Ground Transport I G G Theory e: Improved Greuling Goertzel Theory I G H e: Incorporated Guild of Hairdressers - e: Inspector General of Hospitals I G H I A e: International Garden Horticultural Industry Association I G H P e: Innovative Guided Hypervelocity Projectile - e: Isentropic Gas Horsepower I G I d: Interessengemeinschaft Ionosphäre - e: Industrial Guest Investigator - e: Information General, Inc. - e: Inner Grid Injection - e: Institutional Goals Inventory - e: International Genealogical Index IGIA e: Interagency Group for International Aviation - e: Interagency Group on International Aviation I G I C e: Isoconductive Gradient Ion Chromatography IGI I i: Grandi Interpreti Ig Immunol e: Immunoglobulin IGIP d: Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik I G I S e: International Group of Users of Information Systems - e: International Guild for Infant Survival I G I W e: Indices of General Industrial Worth I G J d: Internationales Geophysikalisches Jahr I G J A S e: Industrie Group JAS

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K


Saur. Munich

I G K d: Industriegemeinschaft Kern[forschungs]technik - d: Ingenieurgemeinschaft Kernverfahrenstechnik - d: Internationaler Genetiker-Kongreß - d: Kokillenguß I G K B d: Internationale Gewässerschutzkommission für den Bodensee I G L e: Ideal Gas Law - e: Index Guided Laser - e: Information Grouping Logic - e: Infrared Gunfire Locator - e: Installation Group List - e: Interactive Graphics Language - e: Interactive Graphics Library - e: Ionized Gas Laser igl e: inlet igl[a] s: iglesia I G L D e: International Great Lakes Datum I-Glied d: Integrierglied I G L O S S e: Integrated Global Ocean Station System I G L R d: Interessengemeinschaft Luft- und Raumfahrt I G M d: Institut für Geschichte der Medizin - d: Internationale Gesellschaft für Moorforschung I g M e: Immunoglobulin M[acro] I G M e: Instruction Generale Ministerielle - e: Interactive Guidance Mode - e: Intergalactic Medium - e: International Geophysical Month - e: Iterative Guidance Mode I G M A A e: International Gas Model Airplane Association I G M D P e: Integrated Guided Missile Development Program I G M F c: Inertial Guidance Maintenance Facility I G M O S e: Insulated Gate Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: Insulated Gate MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] I G M O S F E T e: Insulated Gate Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor - e: Insulated Gate MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] FET [Field-Effect Transistor] IGN d: Ingenieurgemeinschaft für Nuklearschutz - e: Ignited - e: Ignition - e: Ignitron - e: International Geographic Institute - e: International Great Northern [railroad] - f: Institut Géographique National ign e: ignitefs] -1: ignorus I G N D E T e: Ignition Detector I G N I T O R e: Ignition Torus Ign" s: Ignueiro I G N S E L e: Ignition Selector I G N T R e: Ignitor I G O d: Interessengemeinschaft Odenwald - e: Impulse Governed [Oscillator] - e: Independent Garage Owners - e: Inspecting General Officer - e: Inter-Governmental Organization I G O R e: Injection Gas Oil Ratio igor e: injection gas-oil ratio I G O R e: Instrument Ground[-based] Optical Recording - e: Intercept Ground[-based] Optical Recorder I G O Ratio e: Injection Gas Oil Ratio


IGORTT I G O R T T e: Intercept Ground[-based] Optical Recorder Tracking Telescope I G O S e: Inward Grade of Service IGOSS e: Integrated Global Ocean Station System - e: International Global Ocean Station System I G O S System e: Integrated Global Ocean Station System I G P e: Industrial Government Party - e: Inertial Guidance Package - e: Inertial Guidance Platform - e: Information Generation and Publishing - e: Inside Gravel Pack - e: Inspector General of Police - e: Interim Ground Processor - e: International Geodynamics Project - e: Investment Guaranty Program I G P C e: Impregnated Gas-Pressure Cable I G P C E e: International Great Plains Conference of Entomologists I G P E e: International Guild of Professional Electrologists I G P F d: Industriegewerkschaft Post und Femmeldewesen I G P M d: Institut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik - e: Imperial Gallons Per Mile - e: Imperial Gallons Per Minute I G P P e: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics - e: Interactive Graphics Packaging Program[me] I G R d: Infanteriegranate - d: Inkrementaler Geber rotatorisch - d: Interessengemeinschaft für Rundfunkschutzrechte e.V. - d: Interessenverein gemeinnütziger Rundfunk - d: Internationale Gesellschaft für Radiobiologie - e: Insect Growth Regulator - e: Institute for Groundwater Research I G r d: Informationsgruppe igr 1: igitur I G R A D P r o g r a m e: IBM [International Business Machines] Government Research and Development Program I G R A F e: Inspector General of the Royal Air Force I G R C e: International Gas Research Conference I G R C P r o c e: International Gas Research Conference Proceedings [Gas Research Institute, US] (journ.) I G R F e: International Geomagnetic Reference Field I G R O F d: Internationale Rorschach Gesellschaft I G R O U P e: Inspection Group I G R & P e: Inert Gas Receiving and Processing I G R P e: International Genetic Resources Program [me] I G R s e: Insect Growth Regulators I G R S e: Irish Geneological Research Society I g r Z d: Infanteriegranatzünder

IGS d: Institut für Grafische Datenverarbeitung und Strukturerkennung - d: Integrierte Gesamtschule - d: Integriertes Graphiksystem - d: Interaktives Grafisches System - d: Internationale Gesellschaft für Stereologie - e: Identify Graphic Subrepertoire - e: Immunogold Staining - e: Imperial General Staff - e: Improved Gray Scale - e: Independent Grammar School - e: Indicator Group Speed - e: Inert Gas-Shielded welding - e: Inert Gas System - e: Inertial Guidance System - e: Infogram Service - e: Information Generator System - e: Information Group Separator - e: Information Group System - e: Institute of General Semantics - e: Institute of Geological Sciences - e: Instrument Guidane System - e: Instrumentation Ground System - e: Integrated Gas Spacer - e: Integrated Geophysical System - e: Integrated Graphic[s] Software - e: Integrated Graphics System - e: Interactive Graphics System - e: Intercapillary Glomerulosclerosis - e: Interchange Group Separator - e: Internal German Service - e: International Geranium Society - e: International Glaciological Society - e: International Graduate School - e: International Graphoanalysis Society - e: Irish Graphical Society I G S C e: International Gold and Silver Conference I G S C C e: Inter-Granular-Stress Corrosion Cracking I G S E e: Interim Ground-Support Equipment I G S E A P e: Inertial Guidance System Error Analysis Program IGSESS e: International Graduate School for English-Speaking Students I G S H P A e: International Ground Source Heat Pump Association I G SI W g e: Inspector General Special Investigation Wing I G S L e: Interactive Gaming Simulation Language I G S M A e: Inertial Guidance System Maintenance IGSN[71] e: International Gravity Standardization Net [1971] IGSPS e: International Gold and Silver Plate Society IGSS e: Gate reverse Cunent [symbol] - e: Immunogold Silver Staining - e: Inertial Guidance System Simulator - s: Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad IGS System e: Integrated Graphic[s] Software System I G S T e: Intergovernmental Committee on Science and Technology


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I G T d: Institut für Graphische Technik - d: Intelligentes Grafik-Terminal - d: Internationaler Eisenbahngütertarif - e: Inspector General of Transportation - e: Institute of Gas Technology - e: Insulated-Gate Tetrode - e: Insulated Gate Transistor - e: Intelligent Graphics Terminal - e: Interactive Graphic[s] Terminal - e: Internally Generated Transaction - e: International Game Technology - e: Ionization Gauge Tube I G T C e: Inertial Guidance Test Center - e: International Gas Turbine Center I G T D e: Inertial Guidance Technology Demonstration I G T D S e: Interactive Graphic Transit Design System IG Tech E e: Institution of General Technician Engineers I G T Highlights e: International Gas Technology Highlights [Institute of Gas Technology, US] (joum.) I G T I e: International Gas Turbine Institute I G T M e: Inertial Guided Tactical Missile I G T News L e t t e r e: Institute of Gas Technology News Letter (journ.) I G T O e: India Government Tourist Office - e: Israel Government Tourist Office - e: Italian Government Tourist Office I G T P[ackage] e: Interactive Graphic Terminal Package I G T S e: Interactive Graphic Transit Simulator IGU d: Internationale Gas-Union - e: International Gas Union - e: International Geographical Union IGU Newsletter e: International Geographical Union Newsletter (journ.) IGV d: Institut für Getreideverarbeitung - d: Internationale Gesundheitsvorschriften - d: Intrathorakales Gasvolumen - e: Inlet Guide Vane[s] I G W e: Inspector-General of Waterguard - e: Internal Gravity Wave I G W E S e: Inert Gas Wire Enamel Stripper I G W F e: International Garment Workers Federation I G W M C e: International Ground Water Modeling Center I G W / o Z Z Z d: I. Gruppenwähler ohne Zeitzonenzähler I G W R e: Institute for Groundwater Research I G W ' s e: Internal Gravity Waves I G W T e: In God We Trust I G W U e: International Garment Workers Union I G W U A e: International Grove Workers Union of America I G W / Z Z Z d: I. Gruppenwähler mit Zeitzonenzähler IGY e: International Geophysical Year I G Y - W D C e: International Geophysical Year-World Data Centre

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IHOU I H d: Ingenieurhochschule - d: Instandhaltung - d: Interhotel - d: Internationaler Holzmarkt (joum.) - d: Investitionshilfe - e: Ice Haulage - e: Immediate-type Hypersensitivity - e: Immersion Heater - e: In-House Application - e: Indirect Heating - e: Indirectly Heated - e: Induction Heating - e: Industrial Hygiene - e: Industrial Hygienist - e: Industrialized Housing - e: Infectious Hepatitis - e: Inguinal Hernia - e: Inhibitory Hormone - e: Initial Heading - e: Inside Height - e: Int'l Hydro-Electric System - e: Interaction Handler - e: Interior Height - e: International Harvester - e: International Humanism - e: Interrupt Handler - e: Intracerebral Haematoma - e: Inverted Hour -1: lacet Hic iH d: im Hause - d: im Hochschuldienst - d: in Hauptamt Ih e: heater current [symbol] - e: holding current [symbol] ih e: in home I & H e: Information and Historical I H A d: Industrie- und Handelskammer - e: Idiopathic Hyperaldosteronism - e: Indirect H[a]emagglutination [test] - e: Institute of Hospital Administrators - e: Intercept Hydrophone Array - e: Interim Housing Allowance - e: International Hahnemannian Association - e: International Hotel Association - e: International House Association I H A B e: International Horticultural Advisory Bureau I H A C E e: International Heating and Air-Conditioning Exposition IHADSS e: Integrated Helmet And Display Sighting] System I H A R e: Institute for Human-Animal Relationships I H A S e: Integrated Helicopter Avionics System - e: International High Altitude Station I H A T[est] e: Indirect H[a]emagglutination Test I H A T I S e: International Hide and Allied Trades Improvement Society I H A W K e: Improved Hawk I H B d: Industrie- und Handelsbank - d: Ingenieurhochbau [Berlin] - e: Indiana History Bulletin (joum.) - e: International Hydrographie Bureau I H B R e: Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad I H B T D e: Incompatible Haemolytic Blood Transfusion Disease I H C e: Indirectly Heated Cathode - e: Industrial Hygiene Conference - e: Intellectually Handicapped Child - e: Intercontinental Hotels Corporation - e: Intergranular Hot Cracking - e: International Help for Children - e: Interstate Highway Capability - e: Ionic Heated Cathode - f: Institut d'Hydrologie et de Climatologie

I H C A e: In Handfs] of Civilian] Authorities - e: International Hebrew Christian Alliance I H C C e: International Harvester Credit Company I H C D e: International Holocaust Commemoration Day I H C M C B e: International Hazard Control Manager Certification Board I H C O S e: Isotope-Heated Catalytic Oxidizer System I H C P e: Induction Hardened Chrome Plating - e: International Handbook on Coal Petrology I H C S e: Interactive Health Care System I H D d: Impulshdhendiskriminator - d: Internationales Hydrologisches Dezenium - e: Institute of High Fidelity - e: Institute of Human Development - e: Integration a Haut Degre - e: International Health Division - e: International Hydrological Decade - e: International Hydrological Decennium - e: Isch[a]emic Heart Disease IHDS e: Interstate Highway and Defense System I H E e: Induction Heating Equipment - e: Insensitive High Explosive - e: Institute for the Human Environment - e: Institute of Highway Engineers - e: Institute of Home Economics - e: Institution of Highway Engineers - e: Institutions of Higher Education - e: Intermediate Heat Exchanger - e: Internal Hydrogen Embrittlement I H E A e: Industrial Heating Equipment Association - e: International Health Evaluation Association I-head e: capital-I-shaped head I H E B e: International Heat Economy Bureau I H E D N f: Institut de Hautes Etudes de la Defense Nationale IHEI[F] e: Interhome Energy, Inc. I H E P d: Institut fur Hochenergiephysik - e: Institute of High Energy Physics I H E S e: Illinois Horticultural Experiment Station[s] I H E T e: Industrial Heat Exchanger Technology I H E T A e: Institute of Health Economics and Technology Assessment I H E T S e: Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication I H E U e: International Humanist and Ethical Union I H F e: Independent Health Food - e: Independent High Frequency [stereo] - e: Industrial Health Foundation - e: Industrial Hygiene Foundation - e: Inhibit Halt Flip-Hop - e: Institute of High Fidelity[, Inc.] - e: Integrated Hazard Function - e: Interesting Historic Figure - e: Intermediate High Frequency - e: International Hospitals] Federation - e: Inverse Hyperbolic Function I H F A e: Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America I H F A S e: Integrated High-Frequency Aerial System - e: Integrated High-Frequency Antenna System I H F B C e: International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

I H F C e: International Heat Flow Commission IHF1 e: Inhibit Halt Flip-flop I H F M e: Institute of High-Fidelity Manufacturers I H F R e: Improved HF [High Frequence] Radio - e: Improved High Frequence Radio I H F R A e: International Home Furnishings Representatives Association I H F T e: Industrial Heat Exchanger Technology I H G d: Investitionshilfegesetz - e: Independent Honeywell Group I H G A e: International Hop Growers Association I H G F e: Immobilized pH Gradient isoelectric Focusing I H H A e: International Halfway House Association I H H S e: Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis I H I d: Internationales Handelsinstitut - e: Integrated Hit Indicator - e: Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries I H I Bull j: IHI Bulletin [Japan] (joum.) I H I E n g Rev e: IHI Engineering Review (joum.) I H I S e: Integrated Hit Indicator System - e: Integrated Hospital Information System - e: Interactive Healthcare Information System IHISS e: Improved Helicopter Icing Spray System I H K d: Industrie- und Handels-Kammer - d: Internationale Handels-Kammer - d: Isolierhülsen aus Kunststoff i H L d: in Haubitzlafette I H L d: Ingenieurhochschule Leipzig - e: Imprisonment with Hard Labor - e: International Homeopathic League - e: Internet Header Length i HLaf d: in Haubitzlafette I H M e: Immaculate Heart of Mary - e: Institute of Hotel Marketing - e: Institute of Housing Managers -1: Iesus Mundi Salvator I H M A e: Industrialized] Housing Manufacturers Association I H O d: Internationale Hydrographische Organisation - e: Impeded Harmonic Operation - e: In-House Operation - e: Inorganic Halogen Oxidizer - e: Inspection Hold Order - e: Institute of Human Origins - e: International Health Organization - e: International Hydrographie Organization I H O C e: Incoherent light Hybrid Optical Correlator I H O P e: International House of Pancakes I H o s p E e: Institute of Hospital Engineering I H O U e: Institute of Home Office Underwriters


IHP I H P d: Inositolhexaphosphat - e: Idiopathic Hypopituitarism - e: Indicated Horse-Power[-Hour] - e: Information Handling Project - e: Inositol Hexaphosphate - e: Instrumentation Habitability Power - e: Integral Horse-Power - e: Integrated Humanities Program[me] - e: International Hydrographie Program[me] - e: International Hydrological Program[me] - e: Interrupt Handling Process - e: Ischemic Heart Disease - e: Isostatic Hot Pressing - f: Institut Henri Poincaré I H P A e: International Hardwood Products Association I H P F e: Ideal High-Pass Filter I H P H [ r ] e: Indicated Horse-Power [per] Hour[s] I H P - H r e: Indicated Horse-Power-Hour I H P / H R e: Indicated Horse-Power [per] Hour I H P M o t o r e: Integral Horsepower Motor I H P r e: International Hydro-Elec. System I H P T E P e: Integrated High-Performance Turbine Engine Program I H P T E T e: Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology [Program] - e: Intermediate High Performance Turbine Engine Technology I H P V A e: International Human Powered Vehicle Association I H Q e: Indian History Quarterly (journ.) - e: International Headquarters I H R e: Increased Hazard Rate - e: Increasing Hazard Rate - e: Infrared Heterodyne Radiometer - e: Institute for Historical Review - e: Institute of Historical Research - e: Institute of Human Relations - e: Intrinsic Heart Rate I H R A e: Independent Human Rights Association I H R B e: Institute of Historical Research, Bulletin (joum.) I H R D e: International Rubber Hardness Degree[s] I H R L A e: International Human Rights Law Group

IHS d: Ingenieurhochschule fiir Seefahrt - e: Christian symbol and monogram for Jesus - e: Immigration Historical Society - e: Improved Hawk Simulator - e: Independent H[a]emopathic Syndrome - e: Indian Health Service[s] - e: Indiana Horticultural Society - e: Information Handling Service[s] - e: Information Handling System - e: Infrared Homing System - e: Infrared Horizon Sensor - e: Institute for Humane Studies - e: Institute for Hydrogen Studies - e: Institute of Hypertension Studies - e: Integrated Heat Sink - e: Integrated Hospital System - e: Intellectually Handicapped Society - e: Intensity, Hue, Saturation - e: International Hibernation Society - e: International Horn Society - e: International Hydrofoil Society - e: Interrupt Handling System - e: Interstate Highway System - e: Irish Historical Studies (journ.) - e: Irish Hospitals Sweepstakes - e: Isotope Heat Source - e: Ivory Hunters Society -1: Iesus Hominum Salvator -1: Iesus Hominum Sulenmor -1: In Hoc Signo iHs d: im Hause IHSA e: Institute of Health Service Administrators - e: Iodinated Human Serum Albumin - e: Italian Historical Society of America I H S B e: Industrial Health and Safety Branch I H S B R e: Improved High-Speed Bombing Radar I H S C e: International HO & Support Command I H S D e: Inertial Height Sensing Device iHse d: im Hause IH Service e: Information Handling Service IHSI e: Induction Heating Stress Improvement I H S M e: Institute for High-Speed Mechanics - e: Institute of Health Services Management I H S R e: Improved High-Speed Rail IHSS d: Idiopathische Hypertrophe Subaortenstenose - e: Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis - e: In-Home Supportive Services - e: Integrated Hydrographie Survey System I H S T L e: Install I H T d: Institut fiir Halbleitertechnik - d: Institut fiir Harte[ei]technik - d: Institut fiir Hochtemperaturforschung - e: Indirect H[a]emagglutination Test - e: Indirect H[a]emoglutination Test - e: Institute of Handicraft Teachers - e: Institution of Highways and Transportation - e: International Herald Tribune (joum.) - e: Iterative HUckel Theory I H T E R M O R G E O e: International Organization for Marine Geology [Council for Mutual Economic Assistance] I H T G e: Integrating I H T S e: Integrated Hybrid Transistor Switch - e: Intermediate Heat Transport System IHTU e: Interservice Hovercraft Trials Unit IHU e: Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph - e: Integrated Helmet Unit - e: Interferon Reference Unit - e: Interservice Hovercraft Unit


© K • G • Saur, München

iHv d: in Höhe von IHV e: Intravenous Hyperalimentation I H V E e: Institute of Heating and Ventilating Engineers - e: Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers I H V E Guide e: Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers Guide I H V E J o u r n a l e: Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers Journal IHVS e: Intelligent Highway Vehicle System I H W e: In House Warranty - e: Industrial and Hazardous Waste - e: International Halley Watch IHX e: Intermediate Heat Exchanger I H X G V e: Intermediate Heat Exchanger Guard Vessel IHXs e: Intermediate Heat Exchangers IHY e: International Historical Year IHY M A T e: Isarco Hydro-Electric Company I H Z d: Ingenieurhochschule Zittau

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

I-ICB II e: Committee on Information and Industry - e: Identifying Information - e: Idle - e: Ignore Instruction - e: Ikebana International - e: Illegal Immigrant - e: Illegal Instruction - e: Image Intensification - e: Image Intensifier - e: Image[ry] Interpretation - e: Imaging Intensifier - e: Imperative Instruction - e: Imperial Institute - e: Incoming Inspection - e: Indexing Instruction - e: Indicator Instruction - e: Individualized Instruction - e: Industrial Imaging - e: Information Input - e: Information Interchange - e: Infrared Industries - e: Ingot Iron - e: Initial Instruction - e: Initial Issue - e: Injectivity Index - e: Innovators International - e: Input Impedance - e: Input Information - e: Input Instruction - e: Institute of Industrial Engineers - e: Instruction and Inspection - e: Insulated Inverter - e: Interamerican Institute - e: Interest Included - e: Interrupt Inhibit - e: Intransit Inventory - e: Inventory and Inspection - e: Inverse Integrator - e: Ion Implantation - e: Irish Institute - e: Irradiated Iodine - e: Islamic Institute - e: Item Identification -1: Illinium [Promethium] - s: Instituto Interamericano ii e: input current [symbol] i [I] e: inversion I & I e: Instruction and Inspection - e: Intercourse and Intoxication - e: Introduce and Interview I/I e: Indorsement Irregular - e: Inventory and Inspection [Report] - e: Irregular Indorsement

IIA d: International Information Administration - e: Aerlinte Eireann - e: If Incorrect Advise - e: ILA [Instruction Look-Ahead] Interrupt Address - e: Image Intensifier Assembly - e: Incinerator Institute of America - e: Independent Innkeepers Association - e: Inertial Instrument Assembly - e: Information Industries Association - e: Information Interchange Architecture - e: Inner-Inch Adjustment - e: Institute of Industrial Administration - e: Institute of Industrial Arts - e: Institute of Internal Auditors - e: Insurance Institute of America - e: Integrated Irradiance Analyzer - e: Intelligence Industries Association - e: International Information Administration - e: International Information Agency - e: International Institute of Agriculture - e: International Inventors Association - e: Invention Industry Association - e: Invert Indicators from Accumulator - f: Institut International d'Agriculture I&IA e: Interior and Insular Affairs IIAA e: Independent Insurance Agents Association - e: Institute of Interamerican Affairs I I A C e: Industrial Injuries Advisory Council - e: Infrared Information and Analysis Center H A E S e: Ion-Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy I I A F e: Imperial Iranian Air Force - e: Iranian Imperial Air Force IIAFA s: Institute Latinamericano del Fierm y del Acero I I A G e: Interbureau Insurance Advisory Group IIAILS e: Interim Integrated Aircraft Instrumentation & [and] Letdown System I I A L e: International Institute of Arts and Letters I I A P C O e: Independent IndonesianAmerican Petroleum Company I I A R e: International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration HAS e: Interactive Instructional Answering System - e: Interamerican Institute of Agricultural Sciences - e: International Institute for [or of] Administrative Sciences - e: International Institute of Administrative Services IIASA d: Internationales Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse - e: International Institute for Advanced Systems Applications - e: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - e: International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis HASES e: International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences IIASR e: Israel Institute of Applied Social Research IIAZ e: International Institute of the Arid Zone

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G

Saur, Munich

IIB d: Internationales Informationsbüro - e: International Institute of Bankers [Buildings Association] - e: International Investment Bank - e: Internordic Investment Bank - f: Institut International de Bibliographie - f: Institut International des Brevets IIBA e: International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis - e: International Intelligent Buildings Association - e: International Intelligent Educational Planning I I B B R e: International Institute for Biological and Botanical Research IIBCA s: Instituto de Investigaciones en Biomedicina y Ciencias Aplicadas I I B E M e: Indian Institute of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine I I B Q e: Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality I I B T T e: Ion Implanted Base Transistor Technology I I C d: Institut für industrielle Cinematographic - d: Internationaler Inter-City [Zug] - e: Igniter Initiater Container - e: Igniter Initiator Cartridge - e: Image Interpretation Cell - e: Impact Insulation Class - e: Independent Insurance Conference - e: India International Center - e: Industrial Information Centre - e: Information Institute of Canada - e: Information Interchange - e: Innovation Information Center - e: Institute for Instrumentation and Control - e: Insurance Institute of Canada - e: Integrated Information Center - e: Integrated Interface Circuit - e: Inter-Integrated Circuits] - e: Interceptor Identification Capability - e: International Import Certificate - e: International Information Committee - e: International Institute for Cotton - e: International Institute for [the] Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works - e: International Institute of Communications - e: International Institute of Conservation - e: International Inter-City [train] - e: International Investment Corporation - e: Ion-Ion Collision - e: Iron Information Center - e: Islamic Investment Company - e: Isotopes Information Center - e: Isotopes Information^] Center - f: Institut International des Communications - s: Instituto de Ingenieiros de Chile i/ic e: in charge of IICA e: Indians Into Communications Association - e: Institute of Instrumentation and Control Australia - e: Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture - e: International Ice Cream Association - s: Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas I I C A b s t r e: IIC [International Institute for the Conservation of Museum Objects] Abstracts (journ.) I I C A F e: Institute for International Collaboration in Agriculture and Forestry I I C B e: International Import Custom Brokers I - I C B e: Isolation-Interface Control Board 245

IICBM I I C B M e: Intermediate Intercontinental Ballistic Missile I I C C e: International Institute for Commercial Competition I I C C B e: Informal International Conference on Christian Broadcasting I I C C G e: International Institute of Conservation-Canadian Group I I C C S E e: International Information Centre for Computers in Secondary Education I I C H e: International Information Clearing House I I C I A T S e: Integrated Instrumentation I I C L e: Institute of International Container Lessors I I C L R R e: International Institute for Children's Literature and Reading Research I I C M e: International Institute of Convention Management I I C M F A e: Integrated Information Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs I I C O M N E T e: Intra-Theater Intelligence Communications Network IICS e: International Interactive Communications Society I I C T s: Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas IICY e: International Investment Corporation for Yugoslavia IID d: Internationales Institut fiir Dokumentation - e: Image Intensifier Device - e: Impact Ionization Diode - e: Independent and Identically Distributed - e: Independent Identically Distributed - e: Infrared Instrusion Detector - e: Infrared Instrusion Detection - e: Institute of Information Technology - e: Insulin-Independent Diabetes - e: Insurgent Incident Data - e: Integrated Information Display - e: Integrated Instrument Development - e: Interior Intrusion Device - e: Internal Investigation Division - e: International Information Department - e: International Institute of Documentation - e: Internmittent-Integrated Doppler - e: Intrinsic Infrared Detector - e: Ion Implantation Doping - e: Ionospheric Ion Density - f: Institut International de Documentation iiD d: im inneren Dienst IIDA e: Individualized Instruction for Data Access - e: Irish Industrial Development Authority - p: Instituto Interamericano de Direito de Autor I I D A - F A C T e: Individualized Instruction for Data Access to Factual Data BAnk IIDC e: Institute for International Development and Cooperation IIDD e: Interface Identification Data Document I I D D T i: Instituto de Información y Documentación en Ciencia y Tecnologia spain IIDP e: Integrated Instrument Development Program I I D Q e: 2-Isobutoxy-l-Isobutoxycarbonyl1,2-Dihydroquinoline - e: Isobut,yl l,2-Dihydro-2-Isobutoxyl-lQuinoline Carboxylate IIDS e: Interior Intruder Detection System - s: Instituto Interamericano de Desarrolo Social

H E d: Internationales Institut für Embryologie - e: Imperiai Institute of Entomology - e: Initial Ion Event - e: Institute for International Economics - e: Institute for International Education - e: Institute of Industrial Engineers - e: Institute of International Education - e: Integrated Instrumentation Environment - e: International Institute of Embryology - s: Institute Interamericano de Estadistica IIEA e: Immediate Identifiable Emergency Action - e: International Institute for Environmental Affairs I I E C e: Inter-Industry Emission Control [program] I I E C P r o g r a m e: Inter-Industry Emission Control Program I I E D e: International Institute for Environment[al] and Development I I E E e: Ion-Induced Electron Emission I I E G e: Interest Inventory for Elementary Grades I I E I C e: International Institute Examinations Inquiry Committee I I E L f: Institut Internationale d'Études Ligures I I E P e: International Institute for Educational Planning - e: International Institute of Educational Planning H E R d: Institut für Informationswesen, Erfindungswesen und Recht IIES e: Industrial Innovation Extension Service - e: International Institute of the Environment Society I I E T e: Inspection Instructions for Electron Tubes I I E T r a n s e: IIE Transactionsa [Institute of Industrial Engineers, US] (journ.) I I F e: Indirect Immunofluorescence - e: Indirect Immunofluorescent - e: Infinite Impulse Response - e: Information Item File - e: Institute of International Finance - e: Intelligent Influence Fuze - e: Intense Irregular Field - e: Interface - e: International Institute of Forecasters - e: International Institute of Refrigeration - f: Institut International du Fruid IIFA e: International Institute of Films on Art I I F E T e: International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade I l f I A e: International Institute for Inhalant Abuse I I F O d: Institut für interplanetarischen Funkverkehr und Ortung I I F S O e: International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations U F T e: Indian Institute of Foreign Trade I I G d: Institut für Informationssysteme und Grafische Datenverarbeitung - d: Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz - e: Illuminated Internal Graticule - e: Industrial Interface Group - e: Ion Implant Gettering IIGA e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Industry and General Applications (joum.) I I G E e: Iowa Illinois Gas & Electric I I G F e: Imperial Iranian Ground Forces I I G H s: Instituto Interamericano de Geografia e Historio


© K G • Saur, München

I I H C E H V e: International Institute of Health Care, Ethics and Human Values I I H R e: Institute for International Human Resources - e: Iowa [University] Institute of Hydraulic Research I I H S e: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety III e: Illumination Industries, Incorporated - e: Information Intelligence, Incorporated - e: Information International, Incorporated - e: Institute for Information Industry - e: Insurance Information Institute - e: Interamerican Indian Institute - e: International Institute of Interpreters - e: International Intertrade Index - e: International Isostatic Institute - s: Instituto Indigenista Interamericano H I C e: Immediate Imagery Interpretation Center - e: International Institute for Intellectual Cooperation - e: International Irrigation Information Center [or Centre] I I I C R e: International Institute of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research I I I D e: Integrated Information Display H I E e: Indian Institute of Industrial Engineers III E n g e: Illuminating Engineering [Later I I I F e: Impurity-Induced Intergranular Fracture IIIL e: Isoplanar Integrated Injection Logic I I I P e; Institute for International Information Programs I I I R I e: Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute I I J e: Indo-Iranian Journal (joum.) I I J R e: Illinois Institute of Juvenile Research IIL d: Integrierte Injektionslogik - e: Induction Ion Laser - e: Institute of Industrial Launderers - e: Institute of International Law - e: Integrated [and] Injection Logic - e: Intelligence International Limited - e: Invert Indicators of the Left-half III e: Illinois[an] I I L C n: International Instituut voor Landaanwinning en Cultuurtechniek I I L E e: Ion-Induced Light Emission I I L I A C e: Illinois Automatic Computer I I L P e: International Institute for Lath and Plaster I I L R I e: International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement IILS e: International Institute for Labour Studies III St Hist Lib e: Illinois State Historical Library I I M d: Institut für instrumentelle Mathematik - e: Indian Institute of Management - e: Indian Institute of Metals - e: Institute for Information Management - e: Institution of Industrial Managers I I M A e: Industrial Instruments Manufacturing Association I I M A I e: Information, Intention, Method, Administration, Intercommunication I I M C e: International Information Management Congress - e: International Maintenance Center - e: International Maritime Committee - e: International Materials Conference - e: International Micrographie Congress I I M E e: Institute of International Medical Education

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IIS I I M E B E e: International Institute for Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering I I M I P X e: International Microelectronic Products, Inc. I I - M O S e: Ion-Implantated MOS [MetalOxide Semiconductor] I I M O S e: lona Implanted Metal-Oxide Semiconductor I - I M P e: I-Labeled Iodoamphetamine I I M S e: Intensive Item Management System - e: Ion Implantation Manufacturing System I I M S D e: International Institute for Music Studies and Documentation I I M T e: International Institute for the Management of Technology - e: International Institute of Milling Technology UN e: Item Identification Number - i: Istituto Italiano di Navigazione - s: Instituto Interamericano del Niño I-in-C e: Inspector-in-Chief I I N C E e: International Institute for Noise Control Engineering I I N C O M N E T e: Intra-Theater Intelligence Communications Network I I N D R e: International Information Network on Development Research I Inf SC[I] e: Institute of Information Scientists IINS e: Image Intensifier Night Sight - e: Insulate - e: Integrated Inertial Navigation System - e: Interuniversity Institute of Nuclear Sciences IINSE e: International Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering U N T E P: Instytut Informacji Naukowej I I N Z e: Insurance Institute of New Zealand I I O d: Industrial In/Out Glasfaserschnittstellensystem - e: Image Intensifier Orthicon - e: Industrial In/Out - e: Information Item Only - e: International Industrial Organization H O C e: Intelligent I/O Controller - e: Intelligent Input/Output Channel I I O E d: Internationale Indische Ozean Expedition - e: International Indian Ocean Expedition H O O F e: International Independent Order of Odd Fellows IIOP[s] e: Integrated Input/Output Processor[s] I I O S e: International Indian Ocean Survey

I I P e: Immigrant Investor Program - e: Implementation and Installation Plan - e: Index of Industrial Production - e: Indian Imperial Police - e: Indian Institute of Petroleum - e: Individualized Instructional Planning - e: Industrial Incentive Plan - e: Inorganic Insulative Plastic - e: Instantaneous Impact Predictor - e: Instantaneous Impact Plots - e: Instantaneous Impact Point - e: Instantaneous Impact Prediction - e: Institute of Incorporated Photographers - e: Interceptor Improvement Program - e: Interim Impact Predictor - e: Intermediate Interceptor Program - e: International Ice Patrol - e: International Institute of Peace - e: International Institute of Philosophy - e: International Institute of the Press - e: Israel Institute of Petroleum - e: Israel Institute of Productivity - f: Institut International de la Presse - i: Istituto Italiano del Plastici I I P A C S e: Integrated Information Presentation and Control System I I P B M e: Index of Individually Planned Bills of Material I I P C e: Image Intensifier Plumbicon Camera I I P E e: Institution of Incorporated Plant Engineers I I P E C e: Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits I I P E R e: International Institution of Production Engineering Research I I P I P e: International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property I I P L e: Independent Investor Protective League I I P M e: Input Image Processing Method I I P O e: Illinois Inventory of Parent Opinion I I P P e: International Institute for Promotion and Prestige I I P R e: Installation Inspection Procedure Report H P S e: Instantaneous Impact Prediction System - e: Interactive Instructional Presentation System I I Q F d: Indo-Iranische Quellen und Forschungen (joum.) I I R e: Image Interpreter Response - e: Imaging Infra-Red - e: Infinite-[duration] Impulse Response - e: Institute for Industrial Relations - e: Institute for International Research - e: Institute of Interdisciplinary Research - e: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations - e: Institute of Intermodal Repairers - e: Institute of International Research - e: Integrated Instrumentation Radar - e: Intercom Information Resources, Inc. - e: Intermediate Infra-Red - e: International Institute for Robotics - e: International Institute of Refrigeration - e: International Institute of Reprography - e: International Inventors Registry - e: Inventory and Inspection Report - e: Invert Indicators of the Right-half - e: Isobutene-Isoprene Rubber - e: Isobutylene-Isoprene Rubber - e: Isotactic Isoprene Rubber - e: Resistance Heating IIRA e: International Industrial Relations Association I I R B f: Institut International de Recherches Betteravieres

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

I I R C e: Interrogation and Information Reception Circuit I I R E e: International Institute for Resource Economics I & I Report e: Inventory and Inspection Report I I R F D e: Infinite-Impulse Response Filter Design I I R Filter e: Infinitef-duration] Impulse Response Filter I I R F I L T E R e: Infinite Impulse Response Filter I I R I e: International Industrial Relations Institute I I R M e: Improved Infrared Missile - e: Irish Immigration Reform Movement I I R M S e: Industrial Informations Record Management System U R S d: Integriertes Informationsrecherchesystem - e: Institute for Industrial Research and Standards - e: Institute of Industrial Research and Standards - e: Instrumentation Inertial Reference Set - e: International Information Retrieval Service I I R W d: II. Richtungwähler IIS d: Institut für Informationssysteme - d: Instituts-Informationssystem (Sanitätsund Gesundheitswesen) - d: Integrales Informationssystem - d: Internationales Institut der Sparkassen - d: Internationales Institut für Schweißtechnik - d: Internationales Institut für Statistik - e: Image Intensified System - e: Imaging Infrared System - e: Immediate Image System - e: Improved Infrared Source - e: Increasing Index Sequence - e: Increasing Index Sequency - e: Indian Information Service - e: Indian Institute of Science - e: Individual Information System - e: Industrial Information Service - e: Industrial Inquiry Service - e: Inflationary Impact Statement - e: Information Industries Strategy - e: Information Input Signal - e: Informational Intelligence Summary - e: Infrared Imaging System - e: Infrared Information System - e: Infrared Instrumentation System - e: Inspection Instruction Sheet - e: Inspection Item Sheet - e: Installation Information System - e: Institute of Industrial Science - e: Institute of Industrial Supervisors - e: Institute of Information Science - e: Institute of Information Scientists - e: Insurance Institute of Singapore - e: Integral Information System - e: Integrated Information System - e: Integrated Instrument System - e: Integrated Insulation System - e: Intelligence Information System - e: Interactive Instructional System - e: Interface Instruction Sheet - e: International Institute of Sociology - e: International Isotope Society - e: Intrinsic Instruction Set - e: Invert Indicators from Storage - e: Ion Implantation Study - f: Institut International de la Soudre - f: Institut International de la Statistique


Ils l i s e: Iberial Inquisitions in Spain and Portugal - e: Illegal Immigrants - e: Immigration Inspectors ii's e: illegal immigrants USA e: Integrated Inertial Sensor Assembly IISBP e: International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers IISBR e: International Institute of Sugar Beet Researchfers] I I S C C e: Intersociety Color Council USD e: If Incorrect Service Direct IISE d: Internationales Institut fiir Software Engineering - e: Insure Integrated Survivability Experiments IISEA e: Illinois Society of Enrolled Agents IIS[&]EE e: International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering IISF e: Intermediate Level Sample Flow IISG n: Intemationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis IISI e: International Iron and Steel Institute - e: International Life Sciences Institute IISL e: International Institute of Space Law - i: Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri IISLS e: Improved Interrogator Sidelobe Suppression I I S M T e: Integrated Logistic Support Management Team IISN f: Institut Interuniversitaire des Sciences Nucléaires IISO e: If Incorrect Service Originator - e: Institution of Industrial Safety Officers IISP e: International Institute of Site Planning IISR e: Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research - e: International Institute for Submarine Research I I S R P e: Instrument Landing System Reference Point - e: International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers IISS e: Integrated Information Support System - e: International Institute for Strategic Studies - e: International Institute for the Science of Sintering - e: International Institute of Strategic Studies IISSC e: International Industrial Symposium [and Exhibition] on the Supercollider IISS C o m m e n t e: IISS Commentary (journ.) I I S S M i: Istituto Internazionale Suore di Santa Marcellina IIST e: Institute for Information Storage and Technology - e: Institute of Information Science and Technology - e: Institution of Instrumentation Scientists and Technologists - e: International Institute for Safety in Transportation I I S W M e: International Institute of Iron and Steel Wire Manufacturers

I I T e: Iligan Institute of Technology - e: Illinois Institute [of] Technology - e: Image Intensifier Tube - e: Inclinable Indexing Table - e: Independent Inclusive Tour - e: Indian Institute of Technology - e: Individual Inclusive Tour - e: Industrial Information Transfer - e: Information Input Terminal - e: Inside Trim Template - e: Institute of Industrial Technicians - e: Institute of Information Technology - e: Integrated Isometric Tension - e: Israel Institute of Technology - f: Institut International du Théâtre - s: Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas U T A e: Inland International Trade Association - e: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture I I T B d: Institut für Informationsverarbeitung in Technik und Biologie - e: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay I I T C e: Inspector of Infantry Training Centers I I T D e: Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi I I T E e: Inspector of Infantry Training Establishments I I T F e: In-core Instrument Test Facility - e: Information Industries Training Foundation IITI e: International Information Technology Institute U T K e: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur - e: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur I I T M e: Indian Institute of Technology, Madras I I T R e: Illinois Institute of Technology Research IITRAN e: Illinois Institute of Technology Translators] - e: Illinois Institute Training Council I I T R I e: Illinois Institute of Technology, Research Institute I I T R I - C S C e: Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute-Computer Search Center [US U T S e: Igniter Initiator Test Set - e: International Institute of Theoretical Sciences - e: Intra-Theater Imagery Transmission System I/ITSC e: Interservice/Industry Training System Conference I I T T R A N e: Illinois Institute of Technology Translator IITV e: Image Intensified Television IIU e: Input Interface Unit - e: Instruction Input Unit IIUBS e: International Union of Biological Sciences I I U G d: Internationales Institut fiir Umwelt und Gesellschaft I I U P e: International Installed User Program [me] IIV e: Image Intensifier Viewer IIVD e: Image Intensifier Viewing Device IIVI e: II-VI, Inc. IIVIUS s: Inventario Musical [Database] I I V T E L e: Intelligence I I W e: International Institute of Welding I I W G e: International Industry Working Group


© K • G • Saur, München

I I W P A e: International Information and Word Processing Association IIX e: Ion-Induced X-Rays I J d: Internationale Jugendbibliothek - e: Incoming Junctor - e: Institute of Journalists - e: Instructors Journal - e: Internal Junctor - e: Irish Jurist i j d: im Jahr[e] - d: im Jahre I J A e: Institute of Jewish Affairs - e: Institute of Judicial Administration - e: International Journal of the Addictions - e: International Judiciary Association I J A B C e: Iwo Jima Air Base Command I J a h r b d: Indogermanische Jahrbuch (journ.) I J A J e: Intentional Jitter Anti-Jam[ming] I J A L e: International Journal of American Folklore I J B d: Internationale Jugendbibliothek - d: Internationale Jugendbücherei U B S e: Integrated Joint Broadband System I J C e: Individual Job Card - e: Inter-Job Communications - e: International Joint Commission - e: International Joint Conference - e: Itawamba Junior College I J C A I e: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - e: International Joint Council on Artificial Intelligence I J C I S e: International Journal of Computers] and Information Sciences I J C R A B e: International Joint Commission Research Advisory Board I J C S e: Integrated Joint Communication System I J C S - P A C e: Integrated Joint Communications System-Pacific I J D L e: International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics (journ.) I J D S e: Indian Journal of Dairy Science U d W d: im Jahre der Welt I J E e: Indian Journal of Economics - e: Institute for Journalism Education - e: Inverse Joule Effect I J E S e: Indian Journal of English Studies I J F e: Image Journal File I - J F C e: Iselin-Jefferson Financial Company I J G U d: Internationales Jahrbuch für Geschichtsunterricht (journ.) I J H e: Iowa Journal of History (journ.) I J H P e: Iowa Journal of History and Politics (journ.) I J I A P e: International Juridical Institute for Animal Protection LJISID e: Imperial Japanese Institute for the Study of Infectious Diseases I J J U e: Intentional-Jitter Jamfming] Unit U K d: Internationale Juristen-Kommission I J L e: Indian Journal of Linguistics/PraciBhasha-Vijnan (journ.) I J L P e: Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine I J M A e: Indian Jute Millers Association - e: Infant and Juvenile Manufacturers Association U M A R I e: Indian Jute Millers Association Research Institute I J M S e: Interim JTDS Message Standard - e: Interim JTIDS Message Specification - e: Israel Journal of Medical Sciences

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IKVT IJNME d: Internationales Journal für Numerical Methoden der Technik - e: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineers IJO e: Independent Jewelers Organization - e: International Juridical Organization - e: International Jute Organization IJOA e: International Juvenile Officers Association IJOAR e: International Journal of Opinion and Attitude Research (journ.) IJOPM e: International Journal of Operations and Production Management (journ.) U P e: Inhibitory Junction Potential - e: Ink Jet Printer - e: Internal Job Processing] - e: Internal Job Processor - e: International Journal of Parapsychology (journ.) - e: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management (journ.) IJPA e: International Jelly and Preserve Association IJPPR e: Institute for Jewish Policy Planning and Research IJPR e: International Journal of Production Research (journ.) - e: Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences (journ.) IJPsa e: International Journal of Psychoanalysis (journ.) IJPT e: Integrated Job Performance Training IJR e: Institute for Juvenile Research - e: International Journal of Research in Marketing (journ.) IJ Rel Soz d: Internationales Jahrbuch für Religionssoziologie (journ.) IJRS d: Internationales Jahr der ruhigen Sonne U S e: Inferior Joint Space - e: Input Job Stream - e: Institute of Jazz Studies - e: Institute of Jesuit Sources - e: Institute of Jewish Studies - e: Interactive Job Submission - e: International Journal of Sexology (journ.) - e: International Journal of Social Economics (journ.) - e: Interrupt Jet Sensor USB e: International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (journ.) USLP e: International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics (journ.) IJSoz d: Internationales Jahrbuch für Soziologie (journ.) IJTC e: Incoming Junctor Test Circuit UVA e: International Journal of Verbal Aggression IJVC e: International Joint Venture Company

IK d: Immune Körper -d: Immunokörper - d : Individualkennzeichen - d : Infektionskrankheit[en] - d : Informationskennzeichen - d : Informationskreis Kernenergie -d: Innungskasse - d : Internationale Kerze - d : Ionisationskammer - d : Isolationskoordination - e: Cathode current [symbol] - e : Indicator Kit - e: Inner Keel - e: Interstitial Keratitis - e: Inverse Kinematics ¡K d: in Kommission - d : in Konkurs ik a: ikke Ik e: Ichabod I/K e: Inspector/Killer IKA d: Immunokörper-Agglutination - d: Installation, Kabel und Apparate IKAR d: Internationale Kommission für Alpines Rettungswesen iKasL d: in Kasemattenlafette IKAT e: Interactive Keyboard and Terminal 1KB d: Institut für Kulturbauten - d: Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe Kabelkommunikation Berlin - e: Intelligent Keyboard - e: Isambard Kingdom Brunei IKBS e: Intelligent Knowledge-Based System[s] IKC e: Inquiry Keyboard Control IKCs e: International Keratorefractive Centers IKD d: integrierter Kommunikationsdienst - d: Internationaler Kongreß für Datenverarbeitung [und Informationsstechnik] IKE d: Institut für Kernenergetik [und Energiesysteme] - e: Ion Kinetic Energy ike e: iconoscope - e: ikebana - e: ikebanism - e: ikebanist[ic] Ike e: USS Eisenhower [nuclearpowered supercarrier] IKEC e: Indiana Kentucky Electric Corporation IKET e: Individual Knowledge Evaluation Test IKF d: Institut für Kernphysik der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität [Frankfurt] (joum.) IKG d: Impedanzkardiograf[ie] - d: Internationale Kommission fUr Glas I-K-Geräte d: Informations- und Kommunikationsgeräte IKGS e: Indiana-Kentucky Geological Society IKH d: Infanteriekanonenhaubitze - d: Interkantonale Kontrollstelle für Heilmittel IKhF R: Institut Khimicheskoi Fiziki IKI d: Internationales Kali-Institut IKK d: Information[en] zur Kernforschung und Kerntechnik - d: Innungskrankenkasse - d: Interkristalline Korrosion - d: Internationale Fachausstellung Kälte- und Klimatechnik - d: Internationale Klassifikation der Krankheiten - n: Internationale Kamer van Koophandel (journ.)

Internationa] Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G

Saur, Munich

IKL d: Im-Kopf-Lokalisiertheit - e: Intersecting Kikuchi Lines IKM d: Impulskennwertmesser - d: Interkanalmodulation - d: Internationaler Kongreß Meerestechnik - d: Internationaler Kongreß Mikroelektronik IKMK H: Istvän Kiräly Müzeum Közlemänyei (journ.) IKN d: Internationale Kommission für Numismatik IKO d: Internationale Klassifikation der Operationen - n: Institute van Kemph Ouder - n: Institut voor Kernphysisch Ondersoek IKO Inn Kolonisation Land Gemeinde e: IKO Innere Kolonisation Land und Gemeinde (joum.) iKomm d: in Kommission IKOR e: Immediate Knowledge of Results - e: Instant Knowledge of Results IKP d: Institut für Kernphysik - d: Institut für Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik - d: Institut für Kunststoffprüfung und Kunststoffkunde - d: Interaktiver Konstruktionsplatz I&KP e: Instructor and Key Personnel I-K-P e: In-Ko-Pah [Park or Mountains in California] I&KPC e: Instructor & Key Personnel Course IKPK d: Internationale Kriminal-Polizei-Kommission IKR d: Industrie- und KraftwerksRohrleitungen - d: Industrie-Konten-Rahmen - d: Interkostalraum - d: Internationales Katholisches Rundfunkbüro IKr e: Icelandic Krona IKRA e: International Kirlian Research Association I/KRC e: Information/Knowledge Research Centre IKRD e: Inverse Kinetics Rod Drop IKrK d: Innungskrankenkasse IKRK d: Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz IKS d: Informations- und Kommunikationssystem - d: Informations-Kreis[-Schaltung[en]] - d: Institut für Kommunikationstechnologie und Systemforschung - d: Internes Kontrollsystem - d: Internationale Kontrollstelle für Arzneimittel [Schweiz] - e: Integrated Key Set - e: Inverse Kinetics Simulator IKSR d: Internationale Kommission zum Schutze des Rheins gegen Verunreinigung IKSt d: Interkantonale Kommission für den Straßenverkehr IKT d: Informations- und KommunikationsTechnik - d: Institut für Kunststofftechnologie - d: Internationale Kautschuk-Tagung - d: Inverse Koordinatentransformation IKU e: Interface Keying Unit ik unit e: infusoria killing unit Ikushugaku Zasshi/Jap J Breed j: Ikushugaku Zasshi/Japanese Journal of Breeding (journ.) IKV d: Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung - d: Internationaler Krankenhausverband IKV 91 r: Tank destroyer made in Sweden IKVT d: Institut für Kernverfahrenstechnik


I KW IKW d: Industriekraftwerk - d: Industrieverband Körperpflege und Waschmittel e.V. - d: Internationale Konferenz für Wärmeübertragung I K Z d: Impulskennzeichen[vergabeverfahren] - d: Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift (journ.) - e: Impulskennzeichen I L d: Illuminationslampe - d: Infektionslazarett - d: Institut für Lackprüfung - d: Intermittierendes Luftstrahltriebwerk - d: Internationale Leitung - e: Current in an inductor [symbol] - e: Identification Letter - e: Identification List[ing] - e: Identifying Label - e: Idle - e: Ilinium - e: Illinois - e: Illogical Logic - e: Illustration - e: Ilmenite - e: Ilyushin [aircraft] - e: Imaging Language - e: Imaging Library - e: Import Licence [or License] - e: Impulse Laser - e: Incandescent Light - e: Inclined Ladder - e: Including Loading - e: Incoming Letter - e: Incorrect Length - e: Incres Line - e: Independent Laboratory - e: Index List[s] - e: Indicating Lamp - e: Indicating Light - e: Indication Lamp - e: Indicator Location - e: Individual Line - e: Inertial Laboratory - e: Information Language - e: Information Loss - e: Informative Language - e: Inhibit Line - e: Initial Line - e: Injection Luminescence - e: Input Language - e: Insert Line - e: Insertion Loss - e: Inside Layer - e: Inside Left - e: Inside Leg - e: Inside Length - e: Installation and Logistics - e: Institute of Linguists - e: Instruction Label - e: Instruction Leader - e: Instruction Leaflet - e: Instruction List - e: Instrumental] Landing - e: Instrumentation Laboratory - e: Insulation Level - e: Insulator - e: Intensity Level - e: Inter-Leukin - e: Intercommunication Link - e: Interface Loop - e: Interior Length - e: Interline - e: Intermediate Land - e: Intermediate Language - e: Intermediate Loop - e: Internal Logic


- e: International Logistics - e: Interocean Line - e: Interpolated Learning - e: Interpre[ta]tive Language - e: Interrupt Level - e: Interrupt List - e: Intralumbal - e: Ionization [energy] Loss [spectroscopy] - e: Ionoluminescence - e: Iron Loss - e: Israel - f: Institut Littéraire iL d: im Lichten - d: in Liquidation II e: Illiad - e: Illinium - e: IUustrate[d] - e: Illustrator - e: Italian Line il e: interleukin - e: interlinear[ly] I&L e: Installation^] and Logistics I-1 e: luminous Intensity [symbol] I/L e: Import Licence [or License] - e: Intermediate Layover IL 1 e: Implementation Language 1 I 2 L d: Integrierte Injektionslogik - e: Integrated [+] Injection Logic - e: Ion Implantation Logic I2L e: Integrated Injection Logic PL d: Isoplanare Integrierte Injektionslogik - e: Isoplanar Integrated Injection Logic [Technology] I3L e: Isoplanar Integrated Injection Logic IL-12 e: Soviet Ilyushin transport aircraft II-14 e: Soviet Ilyushin transport aircraft IL-18 e: Soviet Ilyushin transport aircraft IL-28 e: Soviet Ilyushin jet bomber IL-38 e: Soviet Ilyushin transport aircraft IL-62 e: Soviet Ilyushin transport aircraft ILA d: Internationale Luftfahrt-Ausstellung - e: Illinois Library Association - e: Independent Literary Agent - e: Indian[a] Library Association - e: Indonesian Library Association - e: Induction Linear Accelerator - e: Initial Load Address - e: Institute of Landscape Architects - e: Instruction Look-Ahead - e: Instrument Landing Aid - e: Instrument Landing Approach - e: Instrument Low Approach - e: Insulin-Like Activity - e: Insurance Logistics Automated - e: Intelligent Line Adapter - e: Intermediate Level Amplifier - e: International Language for Aviation - e: International Laundry Association - e: International Law Association - e: International Leprosy Association - e: International Linguistic Association - e: International Longshoremans Association - e: Iowa Library Association - e: Iranian Library Association - e: Iraq Library Association - e: Israel Library Association - e: Iterative Linear Algebra - e: Iterative Logic Array ILAA e: Independent Literary Agents Association - e: International Legal Aid Association ILAADS e: Interim Low Altitude Air Defense System

© K • G • Saur. München

ILAAS e: Integrated Light Aircraft Attack System - e: Integrated Light Aircraft Avionics System - e: Integrated Light Attack Avionics System - e: Integrated Light Avionics Attack System - e: International League Against AntiSemitism ILAAT e: Interlaboratory Air-to-Air Missile Technology I-LAB e: Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB e: Bureau of International Labour Affairs - e: International League of Antiquarian Booksellers ILAC e: International Laboratory Accreditation Conference ILACIF e: Latin America Institute of Auditing Sciences ILACS e: Integrated Library Administration and Cataloguing System ILAF e: Identical Location of Accelerometer and Force - e: Identically Located Acceleration and Force ILAFA s: Instituto Latinoamericano del Fierra y el Acero Ilag d: Interniertenlager ILAG e: INLOGOV [Institute of Local Government] Local Authority Game ILAI e: Italo-Latin American Institute ILAMA e: International Lifesaving Appliance Manufacturers Association ILAMS e: Infrared Laser Atmospheric Monitoring System ILAN e: Industrial Local Area Network - e: Input Language ILAP e: Individualized Language Arts Program - e: Industry and Labour Adjustment Program ILAR e: Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources - e: Interrupt List Address Register ILARCO e: Illinois Arms Company ILA Record e: Illinois Library Association Record (journ.) I 2 L 2 AS e: Infantry Issues and Lessons Learned Analysis System ILAS e: Institute of Latin American Studies - e: Instrument Landing Approach System - e: Instrument Low Approach System - e: Interrelated Logic Accumulating Scanner - e: Isotrace Laboratory for Analytical Services ILAs e: Iterative Logic Arrays ILA Unit e: Instruction Look-Ahead Unit ILAW e: Improved Light Assault Weapon ILB e: Illinois Business Review (joum.) - e: In-shore Life Boat - e: Independent Lateral Band - e: Initial Load Block - e: Initial Lung Burden - e: Inner Lead Bond - e: Inner Lead Bonding - e: Insurance Law Bulletin (joum.) - e: International Labour Board - e: International Liaison Bureau ILBB e: Improved Life Blower Bearing ILBM e: Interleave Bit Map ILBT e: Indonesian Low Speed Windtunnel - e: Interrupt Level Branch Table

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ILLC I L C e: Improved Life Core - e: In-Line Code - e: Independent Learning Center - e: Independent Living Centres - e: Individualized Learning Center - e: Information Language[s] Compatibility - e: Initial Launch Capability - e: Initial Launch Complex - e: Initiate Logical Connection - e: Input Language Conversion - e: Input Language Converter - e: Inrevocable Letter of Credit - e: Institute of Land Combat - e: Instruction Length Code [Center] - e: Instruction Length Coding - e: Instruction Length Converter - e: Instruction Length Counter - e: Instruction Location Counter - e: Integrated Laminating Center - e: Integrated Logic Circuit - e: Intermediate Language Code - e: International Labelling Centre - e: International Law Commission - e: International Lifeboat Conference - e: Iron/Liquid Chromatography - e: Irrevocable Letter of Credit - e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] Link Controller I / L C e: Irrevocable Letter of Credit I L C A e: Insurance Loss Control Association - e: International Labor Communications Association - e: International Launching Class Association - e: International Lightning Class Association - e: International Livestock Centre for Africa - e: Inverter Light Control Assembly I L C C e: Initial Launch Capability Complex - e: Integrated Launch Control and Checkout I L C C D e: Interest/Late Charge Code I L C C S e: Integrated Launch Control and Checkout System I L C E P e: Interlaboratory Committee on Editing and Publishing I L C K e: Inductosyn Linearity Checkout Kit I L C M P e: International Liaison Committee on Medical Physics I L C N Y e: I Love a Clean New York I L C O e: Instantaneous Launch Control Officer I L C O P e: International Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace I L C P e: Internal Light Control Panel I L C S e: Improved Low-Cost Sonobuoy - e: Induction Loop Communications System - e: Institute of Land Combat Studies I L C T e: ILC Technology, Inc. I L C W e: Inter-Lutheran Commission on Worship I L D e: Mentation Load Deflection - e: In-Lock Detector - e: Indentation Load Deflection - e: Information Lead Distance - e: Initial Load - e: Injection Laser Diode - e: Injection Luminescence Device - e: Instruction Logic Diagram[me] - e: Integrating Light Detector - e: Intermediate Level Diagramming] - e: Intermediate Logic Diagram - e: International Labor Defense - e: International Labour Documentation - e: Intersection Loop Detection - e: Interstitial Lung Disease ILDA e: Industrial Lighting Distributors of America - e: Inter-Laboratory Data Acceptance - e: International Laser Display Association

I1DCT s: Instituto de Información y Documentación en Ciencia y Tecnología I L D F e: Integrated Logistic Data File I L D P e: In-Line Data Processing I L D R e: Index[es] of Limited Distribution Reports ILDS e: Integrated Logistics Data System I L D T e: Item Logistics Data Transmittal I L D T F e: Item Logistics Data Transmittal Form ILDX e: Incandescent Lamp Division of General Electric Company I L E e: Ileum - e: Individual Learning Expectations - e: Institute of Locomotive Engineers - e: Institution of Locomotive Engineers - e: Integral Linear Error - e: Interface Latch[ing] Element - e: Interfacing Latching Element lie d: Isoleuzin - e:Isoleucine - e: Isoleucyl II' s: Illustre I L E A e: Inner London Education Authority - e: International League of Electrical Association^] I L E C e: Inner London Education Committee I L E E D e: Inelastic Low Energy Electron Diffraction I L E I e: Index of Leading Economic Indicators - e: International League of Esperanto Instructors I L E M e: Inter-Library Electronic Mail[s] I L E N P e: Institute of Low-Energy Nuclear Physics I L E P e: International Federation of AntiLeprosy Associations I L E R A e: International League of Esperantist Radio Amateurs ILESA e: International Law Enforcement Stress Association lieu e: Isoleucine I L E X e: International Leisure Enterprises, Inc. I L F e: Inductive Loss Factor - e: Infra Low Frequencies - e: Input Loading Factor - e: Integral Lift Fan - e: Integrated Lift Fan - e: Integrity Loss Factor - e: Interlaminar Failure - e: International Landworkers Federation - e: Intralow Frequency I L / F e: Imaging Library/FORTRAN [Formula Translation] I L F C e: International Lease Finance Corporation I L F I e: International Labo[u]r Film Institute I L & F M e: Installations I L F O e: International Logistics Field Office I L G d: Infektionslazarett für gemeingefährliche Erkrankungen - e: Instrument Landing Guidance Ilg d: Internationale Leitung, gehend I L G A e: Institute of Local Government Administration I L G B e: International Laboratory of Genetics and Biophysics I L G P N W U e: International Leather Goods, Plastics and Novelty Workers Union I L G W U e: International Ladies' Garment Workers Union I L H e: Imperial Light Horse - e: International League of Honolulu - e: Interscholastic League of Honolulu

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

I L H M F L T e: International Laboratory for High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures I L H P e: Illinois Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (journ.) I L H R e: International League of Human Rights I L I e: Indiana Lime[stone] Institute [of America] - e: Injection Laser Illuminator - e: Instant Lunar Ionosphere - e: Institute of Life Insurance - e: Interafrican Labo[u]r Institute - e: International Language Institute IUI e: Implementation Language/I ILIA e: Indiana Limestone Institute of America ILIAS e: Inforonics Library Automation Services I L I C e: In-Line Integrated Circuit - e: In-Loop Integration Control - e: International Library Information Center I L I D d: Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Information und Dokumentation P L - I I e: Isoplanar Integrated Injection Logic II 3-Micron (Second Generation) High Performance Bipolar Technology I L I L e: Input Longitudinal Interference Loss I L I M A e: International Licensing Industry and Merchandisers Association I L I N E T e: Interlibrary Loan and Information Network I L I N E T Model e: Interlibrary Loan and Information Network Model I L I P e: In-Line Instrument Package I L I R e: In-House Laboratories Independent Research - e: Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations ILIS d: Integriertes Leistungs- [und] Informationssystem - e: International Labour Information System - e: Intelligent Landscape Integrated System I[-]LITE e: Iowa Library Information Teletype Exchange I L K d: Information für leitende Kader - d: Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik - d: Internationale Lichtmeßkommission - e: Interlock Ilk d: Internationale Leitung, kommend I L L d: Illertissen - d: Institut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin - e: Illinois - e: Illumination - e: Illuminator - e: Illuminite - e: Illusion[ary] - e: Illusionist - e: Illustrate[d] - e: Illustration - e: Incipient Lethal Level - e: Input Logic Level - e: Institute of Languages and Linguistics - e: Institute of Lifetime Learning - e: Integrated Injection Logic - e: Inter-Library Loan - e: International Larder Minerals, Inc. - e: International Lunar Laboratory - e: Interstate Loan Library - f: Institute Laue-Langevin ill d: illuminieren - d: illuminiert -1: illustrissimus 111 d: Illusion - d: Illustrierte[n] - e: Illuminating - e: Illustrator I L L C e: Inner London Library Committee 251

ILLCCS ILLCCS e: Integrated Launch Control and Checkout System ILLCS e: Intra-Launch Facility and Launch Control Facility Cabling Subsystem ILLEED e: Inelastic Low-Energy Electron Diffraction ILLEGALS e: Illegal Aliens illegit e: illegitimate ILLIAC e: Illinois Automatic Computer - e: Illinois Institute of Advanced Computation - e: Illinois Integrator and Automatic Computer ILLIAD e: Illinois Algorithmic Decoder ILLINET e: Illinois Library [and] [Information] Network - e: Interlibrary Loan and Information Network Illinois Miner Notes e: Illinois Mineral Notes (joum.) ILLIP e: Illinois [University] Integer Programming [code] ILLIP Code e: Illinois [University] Integer Programming Code Illit e: Illiteracy illit e: illiterate III J Math e: Illinois Journal of Mathematics (journ.) Ill Libr e: Illinois Libraries (journ.) ILLLTV e: Integrated Low Light Level Television III Med J e: Illinois Medical Journal ILLODIE-AIF e: Illinois [University] Logical Design by Implicit Enumeration using the All-interconnection Inequality Formulation 111 Res e: Illinois Research (journ.) Ill Res Agric Exp Stn e: Illinois Research ILLRI e: Industrial Lift and Loading Ramp Institute Ills e: Illinois ILLS e: Interlibrary Loan System III St Hist Soc e: Illinois State Historical Society illu e: illustrate illud e: illustrated ILLUM e: Illuminate[d] - e: Illuminating IUum d: Illumination ilium d: illuminieren - d: illuminiert - e: illuminant - e: illuminate - e: illumination ILLUMD e: Illuminated IUum Engr e: Illumination Engineer IllumES e: Illuminating Engineering Society illun e: illustration illus e: illustrate[d] - e: illustration - e: illustrator Illus Archaeol e: Illustrated Archaeologist (journ.) IllusLondN e: Illustrated London News (journ.) illust e: illustrate[d] ILLUST e: Illustration Illustr d: Ulustrierte[n] ILLW e: Intermediate-Level Liquid Waste


ILM d: Impulslängenmodulation - d: Informationsübertragung LochkarteMagnetband - e: Independent Landing Monitor - e: Information Logic Machine - e: Insertion Loss Measurement - e: Instant Laser Meeting - e: Insulin-Like Material - e: Integrated Logistic Management - e: Intermediate Language Machine - e: International Literary Management - e: International Maintenance Center - e: International Maritime Committee Ilm d: Internationales Lumen I L M A e: Incandescent Lamp Manufacturers Association - e: Independent Lubricant Manufacturers Association I L M A C d: Internationale Fachmesse für Laboratoriums- und Verfahrenstechnik, Meßtechnik und Automatik in der Chemie - e: International Congress and Fair for Laboratory, Measuring and Automation Techniques in Chemistry I L M C e: Indiana Labor Management Council - e: International Light Metal Congress IP° s: Illustrisimo Ilmo i: Illustrissimo ILMP e: Integrated Logistic Management Program - e: International Literary Marker Place - e: International Literary Market Place I L M T e: Integrated Logistic Management Team - e: Intermediate-Level Maintenance Training - e: International Institute of Milling Technology ILN d: Institut für Landschaftsforschung und Naturschutz - d: Interne Leitungsnummer - e: Idle Line Network - e: Illustrated London News (journ.) - e: Instruction List Name - e: Intermediolateral Nucleus - e: Internal Line Number - e: International Logistics Negotiations I 2 L-NPN-Transistor e: Integrated Injection Logic Negative-Positive-Negative Transistor ILO e: Individual Load Operating - e: Individual [Load] Operation - e: Industrial Liaison Officer - e: Injection-Locked Oscillator[s] - e: Integrated Logistics Overhead - e: Intelligence Liaison Officer - e: Inter-Lockend Operation - e: International Labo[u]r Office - e: International Labo[u]r Organization - e: Iodine Lotion Ho e: Iloilo I L O A e: Industrial Life Officers Association I L O C e: Internal Location I Loco E[ng] e: Institution of Locomotive Engineers II of T e: Illinois Institute of Technology Ilopango e: San Salvador [Airport] ILORSRS e: Independent Line-Of-Sight Reference System ILO's e: Industrial Liaison Officers ILOs e: Injection-Locked Oscillators ILOSS e: Integrated Laser Optical Sight Set - e: Integrated Laser/Optical Sight Set I L O U E e: in Lieu of Until Exhausted - e: in lieu thereof until exhausted

© K • G • Saur, München

ILP e: In-Line Printer - e: In-Line Processing - e: Index to Legal Periodicals (journ.) - e: Industrial Liaison Program - e: Initial Load[ing] Program[me] - e: Instant Linear Programming - e: Integer Linear Programming model - e: Intermediate Language Processor - e: Intermediate Language Program[me] - e: International Lithosphère Program - e: International Logistics Program ILPA e: Independent Labor Press Association - e: International Labor Press Association ILPC e: International Linen Promotion Commission ILPD e: Intergranular Liquid Phase Distribution ILPES s: Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social ILPF e: Ideal Low-Pass Filter ILP1H e: International League for the Protection of Horses ILPNR e: International League for the Protection of Native Races IlPs e: Individualized Instructional] Program[s] ILPS e: Interactive Linear Programming System ILQ e: International Law Quarterly ILR d: Interlokales Recht - e: In-Line Reciprocator - e: Independent Law Reports - e: Independent Local Radio - e: Indicating Light Relay - e: Industrial and Labor Relations - e; Industrial Rayan Corporation - e: Institute of Library Research - e: Instruction Location Register - e: International Law Regorts - e: International Luggage Registry - n: Instituut voor Landbowtechniek en Rationalisatie ILRA e: International Laboratory for Marine Radioactivity - e: International Lactic Acid Research Association - e: International Log Rolling Association ILRAD e: International Laboratory for Research into Animal Diseases - e: International Laboratory for Research of Animal Diseases - e: International Laboratory for Research on Animal Disease[s] ILRC e: Indian Law Resources Center ILREC e: International League for the Rational Education of Children ILRI e: [International] Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement - e: Indian Law Research Institute - e: International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement ILRIS e: Intermediate Long-Range Interceptor System ILRM e: International League for the Rights of Man ILRRP e: International Long Range Reconnainssance ILRS e: Infra-red Line Sensor ILRSS e: International Labour Review. Statistical Supplement (journ.) ILRT e: Integrated Leak[age] Rate Test - e: Intermediate Level Reactor Test ILRV e: In-Line Relief Valve - e: Integrated Launch and Reentry Vehicle

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ILZSG ILRVS e: Integral Launch and Recovery Vehicle System - e: Integrated Launch and Reentry Vehicle System ILS d: Informationsleitstelle[n] - d: Informationslogisches System - d: Instruktionslängenschlüssel - d: Instrumenten-Landesystem - e: Ideal Liquid[us] Structure^] - e: In-Line Subroutine - e: Incoherent-Light System - e: Incorporated Law Society - e: Independent Line-of-Sight - e: Industrial Liaison Scheme - e: Industrial Locomotive Society - e: Inertial Latching Switch - e: Information and Library Services - e: Infrared Live Scanner - e: Inspection Lot Size - e: Institute for Learning Systems - e: Instrument Landing System - e: Instrument Line Shape - e: Integrated Laboratory Sequence - e: Integrated Library System - e: Integrated Logistic[s] Support - e: Integrated Logistics System - e: Interactive Laboratory System - e: Interferometric Laser Source - e: Inter-Laminar Shear - e: International Latitude Service - e: International Learning Systems - e: International Line Selector - e: International Lunar Society - e: Interrupt Level Subroutine - e: Interstate Land Sales - e: Inventory Locator Service [Database] - e: Inverse Least-Squares - e: Ionization-Loss Spectroscopy - e: Israeli Shekel ILs e: Insertion Losses ILSA e: Insured Locksmichs and Safemen of America ILSAM e: International Language for Servicing And Maintenance ILSAP e: Instrument Landing System Approach ILSC e: International Learning Systems Corporation ILSDB e: Indiana Libraries Serials Data Bank ILSE d: Integriertes Laborsystem für Sicherheitsprüfungen an Elektrogeräten - e: Interagency of Life Sciences Support Research and Technology Exchange ILSI e: International Life Sciences Institute ILSM e: Integrated Logistics Support Management ILSMP e: Integrated Logistic Support Management Plan ILSMT e: Integrated Logistic Support Management Logistic[s] Support Management Team ILSO e: Incremental Lee Support Operation - e: Incremental Life Support Operation[s] ILSP e: Integrated Logistic Support Program - e: Integrated Logistic[s] Support Plan[ning] ILSPIP e: International Logistics Supply Performance Improvement Program ILSR e: Institute for Law and Social Research - e: Institute for Local Self-Reliance ILSREM e: Instrument Landing System Radio Environmental Monitor ILSRO e: Interstare Land Sales Registration Office

ILS-S e: Instrument Landing System-Solidstate ILSS e: Integrated Life Support System - e: Inter-Laminar Shear Strength ILST e: Integrated Logistic Support and Training - e: Iterative Least Squares Technique ILS/TAC e: Instrument Landing System and TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] ILSTAC e: Indian Library Services Technical Assistance Center - e: Instrument Landing System and TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] ILSTAN e: Instrument Landing System and Tactical Air Navigation ILSTM e: Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine ILSUS e: Integrated Library System Users' Society ILSW e: Intenupt Level Status Word ILT e: Illinois Terminal [railroad] - e: Imaging Laser Technology - e: Infectious Laryngotracheitis - e: Inter-Line Transfer - e: Interferometric Landmark Tracker - e: Interline Transfer ILTA e: Independent Liquid Terminals Association ILTMS e: International Leased Telegraph Line Switching Service - e: International Leased Telegraph Message Switching [Service] ILTMS Service e: International Leased Telegraph Message Switching Service IL-Triebwerk d: Intermittierendes Luftstrahltriebwerk ILTS e: Institute of Low Temperature Science - e: Integration Level Test Series ILT Sensor e: Inter-line Transfer Sensor ILT-Sensor e: Interline Transfer Sensing Element ILTUB d: Institut für Luftfahrzeugbau der Technischen Universität Berlin ILTW e: Intermediate-Level Transuranic Waste I1U e: Illinois University ILU e: Institute of Life Insurance - e: Institute of London Underwriters ILV d: Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung - d: Internationaler Leihverkehr - e: Induced Leukemia Virus[es] - e: Industrial Launch Vehicle ILVD e: Inductive Loop Vehicle Detector ILW e: Industrial Liquid Waste - e: Institute of Land Warfare - e: Intermediate-Level Waste - e: Intermediate Level Waste[s] - e: International Low Water Ilw d: Internationale Leitung, wechselseitig IL WC e: International League of Women Composers IL WM e: In-Line Wear Monitor ILWU e: International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union Ilx d: Internationales Lux ILZ d: Institut für Leihverkehr und Zentralkataloge - e: Illinois Zinc [company] - e: International Lead and Zinc ILZRO e: International Lead and Zinc Research Organization - e: International Lead Zinc Research Organization

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

ILZSG e: International Lead and Zinc Study Group


IM IM d: Impulsmodulation - d: Impulsweitenmodulator - d: Induktionsmotor - d: Industriemanipulator - d: Ingenieurmodell - d: Innungsmeister - d: Institut für Marktforschung Leipzig - d; Intelligentes Messen - d: Intensitätsmodulation - d: Interaktiver Modus - d: Intermodulation - d: Kurzzeichen für Bauformen und Art der Aufstellung von laufenden elektrischen Maschinen - e: Ideal Modulation - e: Image Memory - e: Imaginary - e: Imaginary Part [of] - e: Imperial Measure - e: Impulse Modulation - e: In Maintenance - e: Independent Maintenance - e: Index Marker - e: Index Medicus - e: Indicator Module - e: Induction Meter - e: Induction Motor - e: Industrial Management - e: Industrial Mathematics - e: Industry Motion Picture - e: Inerceptor Missile - e: Infectious Mononucleosis - e: Informal Memo - e: Information Management - e: Information Manager - e: Information Memory - e: Ingot Metallurgy - e: Initial Makeup - e: Initialization Mode - e: Injection Mo[u]lding - e: Inland Marine - e: Inner Marker - e: Input Machine - e: Input Memory - e: Input Message - e: Insensitive Munition - e: Insertion Mark - e: Inspection/Maintenance - e: Inspection Manual - e: Inspection Memorandum - e: Inspector of Machinery - e: Installation [and] Maintenance - e: Installation Manual - e: Installment Mortgage - e: Institute for Metals - e: Institute of Metallurgists - e: Institute of Metallurgy - e: Institute of Metals - e: Institute of Meteorology - e: Institute of Metrology - e: Institution of Metallurgists - e: Instruction Memory - e: Instruction Motor - e: Instructors Manual - e: Instrument Man - e: Instrument Measurement - e: Instrument Module - e: Instrument Myopia - e: Instrumentation [and Measurements]] - e: Instrumentation Manager - e: Instrumentation of Measurement - e: Insulation Material - e: Integrated Manufacturing - e: Integrated Modem - e: Integrating Meter - e: Intelligence Memorandum - e: Intelligent Measurement

- e: Intensity Measuring - e: Intensity Modulation - e: Interactive Mode - e: Interactive Multimedia - e: Interceptor] Missile - e: Interface Module - e: Interference Microscopy - e: Interim Memorandum - e: Interior Mesenteric - e: Intermediate Maintenance - e: Intermediate Missile - e: Intermediate Modulation - e: Intermediate Modulus - e: Intermodulation - e: Internal Memorandum - e: Internal Memory - e: International Management (journ.) - e: International Microfilm - e: International Musician (joum.) - e: Interrupt Mask - e: Interrupt Mode - e: Intramuscular - e: Inventory Manager - e: Inverse Matrix - e: Ion Microscope - e: Isle of Man - e: Isomagnetic - e: Isometric - e: Isotropic Mixing - e: Item Mark - r: Institutet for Metalforskning iM d: im Mittel - d: im Monat Im d: Imitation - d: Isoliermaterial - d: Isoliermittel - e: Imperial - e: maximum Current [symbol] - e: meter Current [symbol] im d: imitiert - d: in dem - e: immature - e: immediately] -1: imeni - R: imeni I&M e: Improvement and Modernization - e: Industrial and Military - e: Inspection and Maintenance - e: Installation and Maintenance - e: Instrumentation and Measurement I/M e: Ingot Metallurgy - e: Inspection and Maintenance IM1 e: Instrumentman First Class IM2 e: Instrumentman Second Class IM3 e: Instrumentman Third Class IM] e: Third Order Intermodulation


© K • G • Saur, München

IMA d: Institut für Management-Ausbildung - d: Institut für Marktpsychologie und Absatzforschung - d: Intermodulationsabstand - d: Interrministerieller Ausschuß - e: Ideal Mechanical Advantage - e: Ignition Manufacturers Institute - e: Impedance Matching Attenuator - e: Independent Management Activity - e: Independent Music Association - e: Indian Military Academy - e: Individual Mobilization Augmentation - e: Individual Medical Account - e: Indonesian Mining Association - e: Industrial Marketing Association - e: Industrial Medical Association - e: Information Management Associates - e: Input Message Acknowledgement - e: Input Message Area - e: Institute for Manufacturing Automation - e: Institute for Mediterranean Affairs - e: Institute of Management Accountants - e: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications - e: Institute of Mediterranean Affairs - e: Institute of Municipal Administration - e: Integer Multiplication Algorithm - e: Integrated Mission Avionics - e: Integrated Modular Avionics - e: Interactive Multimedia Association - e: Interbank Merchants Association - e: Interdisciplinary Master ofArts - e: Interior Mesenteric Artery - e: Intermediate Maintenance Activity - e: Intermodulation Analyzer - e: International Magnesium Association - e: International Management Association - e: International MIDI [Musical Instrument Digital Interface] Association - e: International Military Archives - e: International Milling Association - e: International Mineralogical Association - e: International Minilab Association - e: International Mohair Association - e: International Music Association - e: International Mycological Association - e: Invalid Memory Address - e: Inventory of Marine Activities [Database] - e: Ion Mass Analyzer - e: Ion Microprobe Analyzer - e: Ion Microspectroscope Analysis - e: Irish Medical Association - e: Islamic Medical Association - e: Islamic Mission of America - e: Issues Management Association - i: Istituto Mobiliare Italiano - s: Instituto Magdelena Aulina I&MA e: Inventory and Management Analysis Im" s: prima IMAA e: Indochinese Mutual Assistance Association - e: Intelligence Mission Area Analysis IMAA WS e: Infantry Man-portable Anti-Armo[u]r [Assault] Weapon System IMAC e: Illinois Microfilm Automated Catalog[u]ing - e: Integrated Microware Amplifier Converter - e: Integrated Microwave Amplifier Converter - e: International Metals and Commodities - e: ISL [Illinois State Library] Microfilm Automated Catalog IMACA e: International Mobile Air Conditioning Association IMACON e: Image Converting Camera

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IMCA IMACS e: International Asociation for Mathematics and Computer [in] Simulation IMACT e: Immediate Action[s] IMAD e: Integrated Multisensor Airborne Display IMADS e: Integrated Machinery Analysis and Diagnostic System IMA[F] d: Interministerieller Ausschuß für Femmeldewesen IMAG e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Magnetics (joum.) - e: Image - e: Image Retailing Group, Inc. - e: Imaginary - e: Imagination - e: Imagine IMAGE e: Information Management - e: Information Management by Application Generation - e: Information Management by Application Generator - e: Institute for Molecular and Agricultural Genetic Engineering - e: Instruction in Motivation Achievement and General Education - e: Interactive Menu-Assisted Graphics Environment - e: Intruder Monitoring and Guidance Equipment Image Dyn Sei Med e: Image Dynamics in Science and Medicine (joum.) Image J Nurs Sch e: Image. Journal of Nursing Scholarship (joum.) Image Process e: Image Processing (joum.) IMAGES e: Improving Morale And Giving Excellent Service IMAGE Software e: Interactive MultiActivity Graphics Environment Software Image Technol e: Image Technology [British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society] (joum.) Image Vis Comput e: Image and Vision Computing (journ.) IMAGI e: Index Measuring Accurate Growth of Inflation IMAID e: Image Analysis and Image Database IMAJ e: International Management Association of Japan IMA J Appl Math e: IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (journ.) IMA J Math Control Inf e: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information (journ.) IMA J Numer Anal e: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (journ.) IMAK e: Interministerieller Ausschuß für Einheitliche Materialkatalogisierung IMAKA d: Institut für Management- und Kaderausbildung im allg d: im allgemeinen IMAM e: International Meeting on Advanced Materials - i: Industrie Meccaniche Aeronautiche Meridionali IMANCO e: Image Analyzing Computer IMANF e: Institute of Manufacturing IMAP e: Immediately after Passing - e: Institute for Materials and Advanced Processing - e: Integrate[d] Mechanical Analysis Project - e: Interactive Manpower Alternatives Processor IMAPCT e: Inventory Management Program[me] and Control Techniques

IMAR e: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region IMarE e: Institute of Marine Engineers IMARE e: Institution of Marine Engineers IMARO d: Interministerieller Ausschuß für Raumordnung IMARPE s: Institute de Mar del Peru IMARS e: Information Management and Retrieval System - e: Institutional Management for Accountability and Renewal System IMARSAT e: International Maritime Satellite Organization IMAR System e: Information Management and Retrievel System IMART e: International Medical Association for Radio and Television IMAS e: Industrial Management Assistance Survey - e: Integrated Management Accounting System - e: Integrated Mulitsensor Airborne Survey - e: International Marine and Shipping Conference IMASD e: Index of Mission Area Source Documentation IMASKA d: Interministerieller Ausschuß für Standortfragen bei kemtechnischen Anlagen IMAT e: Integrated, Modification and Trial - e: Intermodal Automated Transfer - e: International Masonry Apprenticeship Trust IMAU e: International Movement for Atlantic Union - s: Instituto Municipal de Aseo Urbane IMAÜS d: Integriertes Marketing-Analyse und Überwachungssystem IMAW e: International Molders and Allied Workers [Union] IMAWU e: International Molders and Allied Workers Union 1MB d: Internationale Messe für Bauelementeabfertigung - d: Internationale Messe für Bekleidungsmaschinen - d: Internationaler Metallarbeiterbund - e: Independent Mortar Battery - e: Input Memory Buffer - e: Institute of Marine Biochemistry - e: Institute of Marine Biology - e: Institute of Microbiology - e: Institute of Molecular Biology - e: Instrument Material Bulletin - e: Inter Module Bus - e: Interaction of Man and the Biosphere - e: Intermode Bus - e: Intermodule Bus - e: International Maritime Bureau IMBA e: International Master of Business Administration IMBAU d: Integrierte Modulare Bausoftware IMBC e: Independent and Multi-cultural Broadcasting Corporation IMBE e: Institute for Minority Business Education - e: Institute of Minority Business Education IM Beacon e: Inner Marker Beacon IMBEL e: Industria de Material Belico do Brasil im bes d: im besonderen IMBLM e: Integrated Medical and Behavioral Laboratory Management

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G - Saur. Munich

IMBLMS e: Integrated Medical [and] Behavioral Laboratory Measurement System IMBO N: Institutt for Marin Biologi IMBod d: Internationale Mitteilungen für Bodenkunde (journ.) IMBT e: Inverse Modified BIFORE [Binary Fourier Representation] Transform IMC e: Chief Instrumentman - e: Image Motion Compensation - e: Industrial Management Center - e: Infant Mortality Commission - e: Information Management Concepts - e: Information Memory Cell - e: Informational Media Center - e: Initial Marks [held] Constant - e: Initial Moisture Content - e: Institute of Management ConsuIt[ant]s - e: Institute of Measurement [and] Control - e: Institute of Medicine of Chicago - e: Instructional Materials Center - e: Instructional Media Center - e: Instrumental] Metereological Condi tion[s] - e: Integrated Maintenance Chart - e: Integrated Maintenance Concept - e: Integrated Microcircuit - e: Integrated Microelectronic Circuit[ry] - e: Integrated Microwave Circuit - e: Integrated Monolithic Circuit - e: Integrated Multiplexer Channel - e: Intelligent Matrix Control - e: Intensity Millicurie - e: Interactive Medical Communications - e: Interactive Module Controller - e: Interface Military/Civil - e: Interface Module Cabinet - e: Interim Message Change - e: Intermediate Metallic] Conduit - e: Intermediate Moisture Content - e: Intermetallic Compound - e: Intermetallic Matrix Composite - e: Internal Management Control - e: Internal Model Control - e: International Magazine Collection - e: International Maintenance Center [or Centre] - e: International Management Council - e: International Maritime Committee - e: International Marketing Commission - e: International Medical Corps - e: International Meteorological Committee - e: International Micrographic Conference - e: International Micrographic[s] Congress - e: International Microwave Corporation - e: International Minerals & Chemical [Corporation] - e: International Mining Corporation - e: International Missionary Council - e: International Monetary Conference - e: International Music Council - e: Iran Meat Corporation - e: Israel Materials Conference - e: Item Management Coding - e: Item Master Card - s: Instituto Mexicano del Café ImC d: Intensitätsmillicurie IMCA d: Institut für Moderne ComputerApplikation - e: Institute of Management Consultants in Australia - e: Insurance Marketing Communications Association - e: Internal Model Control Approach - e: Investment Management Consultants Association


IMCAS IMCAS e: Interactive Man/Computer Augmentation Systemfs] IMCC e: Image Motion Compensation and Calibration - e: Institute of Management Consultants of Canada - e: Integrated Missile Control Center - e: Integrated Mission Control Center - e: Interstate Mining Compact Commission - e: Item Management Control Code IMCD e: Input Marginal Checking and Distribution - e: Internal Message Distribution Center [or Centre] IMCE e: Institution of Municipal and County Engineers - s: Instituto Mexicano de Comercio Exterior IMCEA e: International Military Club Executives Association - e: International Military Community Executives Association ImCh d: Intensitatsmillicuriestunde ImCi d: Intensitatsmillicurie IMCI e: Intensity Millicurie - e: Interracial Music Council, Inc. IMC-IFR e: Instrument Meteorological Conditions-Instrument Flight Rules ImCih d: Intensitatsmillicuriestunde IMC J e: IMC Journal [International Information Management Congress, US] (journ.) IMC Newsl e: IMC Newsletter [International Information Management Congress, US] (journ.) IMCO e: Improved Combustion - e: Institute of Management Consultants of Ontario - e: Intergovernmental Marine Consultative Organization - e: Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization - e: International Maritime Consultative Organization - e: International Maritime Countries Organization - e: International Metered Communications IMCOS e: International Meteorological Consultant Service IMCOV e: Iron Mines Company of Venezuela IMCP e: Intake Manual Control Panel - e: Item Management Coding Program[me] - s: Instituto de Madera, Celulosay Papel IMCR e: Internal Management Control Review IMCS e: Integrated Machining Control System - e: Integrated Monitoring and Control System - e: Interactive Manufacturing Control System - e: International Metal Container Section - e: Senior Chief Instrumentman IMCSMHI e: International Metal Container Section of the Material Handling Institute IMCU e: Intensity Millicurie IMCV e: Input Media Conversion IMCWR e: International Movement of Conscientious War Resisters

IMD d: Institut für Maschinelle Dokumentation - d: Institut für Medizinische Datenverarbeitung - d: Institut für Mineraldüngung - e: Immediate - e: Independent Module Development - e: Indian Medical Department - e: Indian Meteorological Department - e: Inertia-Measuring Device - e: Information Marketing Development - e: Information Marketing Division - e: Insert Mounted Device[s] - e: Institute for Marine Dynamics - e: Institute for Muscle Disease - e: Institute of Metals Division - e: Integrated Missile Defence Patrol - e: Interactive Map Definition - e: Intercept Monitoring] Display - e: Intermittent Motion Driver - e: Intermodulation Distortion - e: International MTM [Methods-Time Measurement] Directorate - e: Inventory Management Division - e: Isove's Modified Dulbrecco's Medium IMDA e: Iminodiacetic Acid - e: Independent Medical Distributors Association - e: Indirect Missile Damage Assessment - e: International Magic Dealers Association - e: International Map Dealers Association IMDC e: Integrated Mission/Display Computer - e: Interceptor Missile Direction Center - e: Internal Message Distribution Center IM-DD d: Intensitätsmodulation mit Direktdetektion - e: Intensity Modulation with Direct Detection IMDEG e: Insurance Management Decision Game IMDES e: Item Management Data Element Standardization IM Device e: Intensity Measuring Device IMDG e: International Maritime Dangerous Goods [Code] IMDG C[ode] e: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code IMDM e: Iscove's Modified Dulbecco Medium IMDO e: Installation and Materiel District Office IMDR e: Intelligent Mark Document Reader IMDS e: International Meat Development Scheme - e: International Microform Distribution Service IMDSO e: Intelligence Material Development and Support Office IMD Spec Rep Ser e: IMD [Institute of Metal Division] Special Report Series (journ.) IMDT e: Immediately] IMDTC e: International Multiple Destination Television Connection IMDTE e: Immediate


© K • G • Saur, München

IME d: Inhibitor-Milli-Einheit - e: Incendiary Munitions Evaluation - e: Independent Medical Examination - e: Indiana and Michigan Electric - e: Indo-Malaysian Engineering - e: Industrial Measuring Equipment - e: Institute of International Material Evaluation - e: Institute of Makers of Explosives - e: Institute of Marine Engineers - e: Institute of Mechanical Engineers - e: Institute of Mining Engineers - e: Institute of Municipal Engineering - e: Institution of Marine Engineers - e: Institution of Mechanical Engineers - e: Institution of Mining Engineers - e: Institution of Municipal Engineers - e: Integrated Modelling Environment - e: International Magnetosphere Explorer - e: International Magnetospheric Explorer - e: International Medical Exchange - e: International Microcomputer Exhibition - e: International Microcomputer Exposition - e: Interplanetary Meteoroid Experiment - f: Institut Mondial de l'Environnement - i: Industria Macchine Elettroniche - p: Instituto Militar de Engenharia I&ME e: Indiana and Michigan Electric Company IMEA e: Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association^] IMEC e: Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Center [or Centre] IMECA e: Indepenent Metallurgical Engineering Consultants of California IMECC e: Independent Metallurgical Engineering Consultants of California I Mech E e: Institution of Mechanical Engineers IMECO e: International Measurement Confederation - e: International Measurement Congress IME-D e: Interplanetary Monitoring Explorer-Daughter IMEG e: International Management [and] Engineering Group - e: International Management Engineering Group IMEI e: Institute of Marine Engineers, Incorporated - e: International Mobile Equipment Identity IMEKO d: Internationale Meßtechnische Konföderation IMEKO Bull H: IMEKO Bulletin [Internationale Meßtechnische Konföderation, Hungary] (journ.) IMEL d: Institut Marx-Engels-Lenin IMEM e: International Mass Education Movement IMEMME e: Institution of Mining Electrical and Mining Mechanical Engineers IMEO e: Initial Mass in Earth Orbit - e: Interim Maintenance Engineering Order IMEP e: Indicated Mean Effective Pressure IMER e: Institute for Marine Environmental Research - P: Instytut Mechanizacji i Elektrypikacji Rolnictwa IMET e: International Military Education and Training [Program] - P: Institut Metallurgii I Met e: Institute of Metals - P: Institut Mekhaniki I Meth e: Independent Methodist IMEWS e: Integrated Missile Early Warning Satellite

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IMKT IMEX d: Import und Export - e: Image Modelling Expert - e: International Mail Exchange IMEY s: Instituto de Misiones Extranjeras de Yarumal IMF d: Institut für Material- und Festkórperforschung - e: Indian Multipurpose Food - e: Industrial Metal Finishes - e: Instanteneous Frequency Measuring - e: Institute of Materials Handling - e: Institute of Metal Finishing - e: Integrated Maintenance Facility - e: Intense Magnetic Field - e: Interactive Mainframe Facility - e: Interface Modal Fitering - e: Intermediate Fuel - e: Intermediate Maintenance Facility - e: Intermediate Moisture Food - e: Internal Magnetic Focus - e: International Marketing Federation - e: International Metalworkers Federation - e: International Monetary Fund[s] - e: International Motorcycle Federation - e: Interplanetary Magnetic Field - e: Interstate Motor Freight - e: Israel Music Foundation - f: Institut de Mecanique des Fluides IMF/APWA e: Institute of Municipal Engineering/American Public Works Association IMFC e: Investment and Merchant Finance Corporation IMFI e: Industrial Mineral Fiber Institute - e: International Mineral Fiber Institute IMFJC e: International Metalworkers Federation Japan Council IM/FM e: Intensity Modulated/Frequency Modulated IMFP e: Inelastic Mean Free Path - e: Interaction Mean Free Path IMFRAD e: Integrated Multi[ple]Frequency Radar IMFRAD e: Integrated Multiple Frequency Radar IMF/SDR e: International Monetary FundSpecial Drawing Rights IMFSS e: Integrated Missile Flight Safety System IMF Tube e: Internal Magnetic Focus Tube IMFU e: Immense Military Fuck-Up IMG d: Impulsmustergenerator - d: Internationale Moselgesellschaft - e: Imigration - e: Improved Measurement Group - e: Inertial Measurement Group - e: Inferior Mesenteric Ganglia - e: Informational Media Guarantee - e: Integrated Matching Gate - e: Interference-free Monolithic Gate - e: International Mailgram - e: International Marxist Group - e: International Modular Group IMGC i: Instituto di Metrologie 'G. Coloneti' IMGCN e: Integrated Missile Ground Control Network - e: Interceptor Missile Ground Control Network IMGCNs e: Interceptor Missile Ground Control Networks IMGP e: Internal Medicine Group Practice IMGTechE e: Institution of Mechanical and General Technician Engineers

IMH e: Indiana Magazine of History (journ.) - e: Individual Machine History - e: Inlet Manhole - e: Institute of Materials Handling IMHE e: Industrial Materials Handling Equipment - e: Institutional Management in Higher Education - e: International Management in Higher Education IMHEP e: Ideal Man-Helicopter Engineering Project IMHO e: In My Humble Opinion IMHT e: Institute for Material Handling Teachers - e: Institute of Materials Handling Teachers IMHU e: Incoming Message Holding Unit IMI d: Immunologisch Meßbares Insulin - e: Ignition Manufacturers Institute - e: Impenal Metal Industries - e: Imperative Macro-Instruction - e: Imperial Metal Industries - e: Imperial Mycological Institute - e: Implantable Micro-Identification device - e: Improved Manned Interceptor - e: Incentives Management Index - e: Individualized Mathematics Instruction - e: Inferior Myocardial Infarction - e: Information Management, Incorporated - e: Infrared Measurement Instrument - e: Innovative Management, Incorporated - e: Institute for Marine Information - e: Institute of the Motor Industry - e: Instructor-Managed Instruction - e: Integrally Mo[u]lded Insulation - e: Interim Manned Interceptor - e: Intermediate Machine Instruction - e: Intermediate Manned Interceptor - e: International Maintenance Institute - e: International Maritimes Industries Forum - e: International Market Intelligence - e: International Masonry Institute - e: International Medical Informatics Association - e: International Memories, Incorporated - e: International Metaphysical Institute - e: Invention Marketing Institute - e: Ion Microwelding Instrument - e: Irish Management Institute - e: Israel Military Industries - e: Israeli Military Intelligence - i: Industria Macchine Idrauliche - i: Instituto Mobiliare Italiano ¡Mi d: im Mittel IMIA e: International Machinery Insurers Association - e: International Marketing Institute of Australia - e: International Medical Informatics Association - e: International Metal Industries, Limited IMIAT e: International Masonry Institute Apprenticeship and Training IMIB e: Inland Marine Insurance Bureau IMIC e: Industrial Minerals International Congress - e: Internal Modulation Information Coding - e: International Medical Information Center - e: Interval Modulation Information Coding IMID e: Inadvertent Missile Ignition Detection - e: Infrared Miniaturized Intrusion Detector IMIEO e: Initial Mass In Earth Orbit IMIF e: International Maritime Industries Forum

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

IMIMI e: Industrial Mineral Insulation Manufacturers Institute IMINCO e: Iran Marine International Oil Company IMinE e: Institute of Mining Engineers - e: Institution of Mining Engineers IMINOCO e: Iranian Marine International Oil Company IMINT e: Image[ry] Intelligence IMIP e: Industrial Management Improvement Program - e: Industrial Modernization Improvement Program - e: Industrial Modernization Incentive Program - e: International Microforms in Print IMIR e: Interceptor Missile Interrogation Radar IMIS d: Integriertes ManagementInformationssystem - d: Internationale Marketing Information Service - e: Integrated Management Information System - e: Integrated Motorist[s] Information System - e: Integrated Municipal Information System - e: Interim Maneuver Identification System IMISSS e: Interceptor Missile Squadron Supervisory Station IMI System e: Integrated Management Information System imit d: imitieren - d: imitiert - e: imitanon - e: imitarive - e: imitate - e: imitation - e: imitative Imit e: Imitator IMIT e: Institute of Musical Instrument Technicians - s: Instituto Mexicano de Investigationes Tecnológicas IMITAC e: Image Input to Automatic Computer - e: Image Input to Automatic Computers Imit Lea e: Imitation Leather IMJ e: Infrared Miniaturized Jammer IMK d: Internationale Militärkorrespondenz - e: Identification Mark - e: Increased Man[o]euverability Kit - e: Injection Molding Kit - e: Instrument Marking Kit IMKA d: Interministerieller Ausschuß zur Koodinierung der Datenverarbeitung in der Bundesverwaltung Imkerztg d: Imkerzeitung IMKR e: Inner Marker IMKT e: Ingles Markets, Inc.


IML IML d: Institut für Marxismus-Leninismus - d: Internationale Mietleitung - e: Impedance-Modified Lamp - e: Incoming Matching Loss - e: Information Manipulation Language - e: Initial Machine Load - e: Initial Measurement List - e: Initial Memory Load - e: Initial Microcode Load - e: Initial Microprogramme] Load - e: Inner Mo[u]ld Line - e: Inside Mo[u]ld Layer - e: Inside Mo[u]ld Line - e: Interactive Maintenance Language - e: Interdivisional Manufacturing List - e: Intermediary Music[al] Language - e: Intermediate [Machine] Language - e: International Machine Language - e: International Microgravity Laboratory - e: International Munitions List - e: International Music League - e: Irradiated Materials Laboratory - e: Island Merchants Limited IML-1 e: First International Microgravity Laboratory IMIANF e: Institute of Manufacturing IMLB d: Internationale Musikleihbibliothek IMLI e: Import Licence I-MLS e: Interim Microwave Landing System IMLS e: Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences IMLSS e: Integrated Maneuvering and Life Support System IMLT e: Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology IML Timber e: Imli [tamarindus indica] Timber IMM e: Immediate - e: Immerse[d] - e: Immersion - e: Independent Manned Manipulator - e: Inner Mitochondrial Membrane - e: Insitution of Mining and Metallurgy - e: Institute of Mathematics] Machines - e: Institute of Mining and Metallurgy - e: Institute of Municipal Management [Australia] - e: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy - e: Integrated Magnetic Memory - e: Integrated Maintenance Management - e: Integrated Maintenance Manual - e: Integrated Material Management - e: Intelligent Memory Manager - e: Intergovernmental Meeting on Monitoring - e: Intermediate Mode - e: International Mercantile Marine - e: International Monetary Market Imm e: Immingham - e: Immission imm d: immanent - d: immatrikulieren - d: immatrikuliert - e: immovable - e: Immune - e: immunization - e: immunologist - e: immunology - e: impairing a minor's morals - e: impairing the morals of a minor IMMA e: International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association - e: Ion Microprobe Mass Analysis - e: Ion Microprobe Mass Analyzer IMM Abstracts e: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Abstracts (journ.)

IMMAC e: Inventory Management and Material Control IMMAC System e: Inventory Management and Material Control System IMMAGE e: Information on Mining, Metallurgy and Geological Exploration IMMAPI e: International Meeting of Medical Advisers in the Pharmaceutical Industry IMMARSAT e: International Maritime Satellite IMMAs e: Ion Microprobe Mass Analyzers IMMAT e: Immaterial - e: Immature - e: Immaturity IMMBC e: International Mass Media Research Center I M M Bull e: IMM Bulletin [Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, GB] (journ.) IMMDELREO e: Immediate Delivery Required IMME e: Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers - e: Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation immed e: immediate immedly e: immediately immens e: immensurabel immie e: immitation marble - e: low-grade playing marble Immig[r] e: Immigrant - e: Immigration IMMIRS e: Integrated Maintenance Management Information Retrieval System Immittance e: Impedance and Admittance IMMLC e: Improved Medium Mobility Load Carrier IMMM e: Institute of Nuclear Materials Management - e: International Microcomputer Minicomputers Microprocessors IMMO e: Intermediate Main Meteorological Office IMMOA e: International Mercantile Marine Officers Associations Immob d: Immobilien immob e: immobilization - e: immobilize immobil e: immobilize IMMP e: Integrated Maintenance and Modernization Planning - e: Integrated Maintenance Management Plan IMMPS e: Institute for the Mechanics of Metal-Polymer System[s] Imm Pu e: Immediate Pickup IMMR e: Installation, Modification, Maintenance and Repair IMMRAN e: International Meeting of Marine Radio Aids to Navigation IMMS e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Man-Machine Systems (joum.) - e: Intermediate Maintenance Management System - e: International Material Management Society - e: Ion Microprobe Mass Spectrometer IMMs e: Integrated Magnetic Memories ImmschG d: Immissionsschutzgesetz IMMT e: Integrated Maintenance Management Team IMMTS e: Indian Mercantile Marine Training Ship IMMU e: Independent Munitions Maintenance Unit


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Saur, München

IMMUN e: Immunological - e: Immunologist - e: Immunology immun e: immunity Immun e: Immunization - e: Immunology (journ.) Immun Bull e: Immunity Bulletin (journ.) Immunitätsforsch d: Immunitätsforschung Immunitätsl d: Immunitätslehre Immunobiol d: Immunobiologie Immunol d: Immunologe - d: Immunologie immunol e: immunologist - e: immunology - e: imunologic[al][ly] Immunomicrobiol e: Immunomicrobiology Immunomikrobiol d: Immunomikrobiologie Immunopathol d: Immunopathologie - e: Immunopathology immy e: Immediately IMN e: Indicated Mach Number - e: Intermediate Node - e: Internal Mix Nozzle IMNAC e: International MARC [Machine Readable Cataloguing] Network Advisory Committee IMNO e: ImmunoTherapeutics, Inc. IMNS e: Imperial Military Nursing Service - e: International MARC [Machine Readable Cataloguing] Network Study IMNX e: Immunex Corporation IMO d: Industriemontage[n] - d: Internationale Meteorologische Organisation - e: I Move Oil - e: Improper Order - e: Industrial Medical Officer - e: Integrated Marketing Organization - e: Interamerican Municipal Organization - e: Interim Management Organization - e: International Insurance Monitor (journ.) - e: International MARC [Machine Readable Cataloguing] Office - e: International Maritime Organization - e: International Meteorological Organization - e: International Miners Organization iMo d: im Monat imo e: imitation - e: immobilized Imo e: Imogen[e] IMOG e: Inter-Agency Mechanical Operations Group IMOL e: Interactive Monitor[ing] Language IMOM e: Improved Many On Many IMORL e: Infrared Mobile Optical Radiation Laboratory IMOS e: Federal Interagency Task Force on Inadvertent Modification of the Statosphere - e: Inadvertent Modification of the Stratosphere - e: Interactive Multiprogramming Operating System - e: Ion-implant[ed] Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: Ion-implanted MOS [Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] I/MOS e: Ion-implant[ed] Metal Oxide Semiconductor - e: Ion-implant[ed] MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IMP-DB P - M O S e: Ion Implant[ed] Metal Oxide Semiconductor - e: Ion Implant[ed] MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor] - e: Ion Implantation Metal Oxide Semiconductor - e: Ion Implantation MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor] IMOX e: Implanted Micro-Oxide IMP d: Impuls - d: Informationsübertragung Magnetband-Printer - d: Inosinmonophosphat - d: Institut für Marktpflege - d: Intermetallische Phase - d: Internationale Messe Posen - e: Ice-Motion Package - e: ICL Micromation Pack - e: Image Processing Program - e: Image Projection - e: Impact - e: Impedance - e: Imperfection] - e: Imperial - e: Implantation - e: Implementation] - e: Implementation Milestone Plan - e: Important - e: Imported] - e: Importer - e: Impression - e: Imprint - e: Imprisonment - e: Improved - e: Improved Maintenance Program - e: Improved Manoeuvrability Package - e: Improved Manufacturing Procedure[s] [computer programme] - e: Improved Military Rifle - e: Improved Mobility Package - e: Improved Multiprocessor - e: Improvement - e: Improver - e: Impulse - e: Indeterminate Mass Particle - e: Index to Maritime Publications - e: Indication of Microwave Propagation - e: Indicator Maintenance Panel - e: Individual Modular Program - e: Industrial Management Plan - e: Industrial Management Program - e: Industrial Membrane Processing - e: Industrial Mobilization Plan[ning] - e: Inertial Measuring Platform - e: Infantry Mine Project - e: Inflatable Micro[s]meteoroid Paraglid[er] - e: Information Management Package - e: Information Management Plan - e: Information Management Program - e: Initial Material Management - e: Injection into Microwave Plasma - e: Injection into Microwave Products - e: Inosine[-3',5'-]Monophospate - e: Inosinic Acid - e: Input Message Processor - e: Insoluble Metaphosphate - e: Installation Management Planning - e: Instant Management Power - e: Institute of Medical Psychology - e: Institute of Mental Physics - e: Instrument Monkey Pod - e: Instrumental Match Prediction - e: Instrumented] Mobile Platform - e: Integral Membrane Protein - e: Integrated Macro Package - e: Integrated Maintenance Package - e: Integrated Maintenance Plan


e: Integrated Manufacturing Planning e: Integrated Memory Processor e: Integrated Message Processor e: Integrated Microprocessors] e: Integrated Microwave Package e: Integrated Microwave Products e: Integrated Multi-Protocol Processor e: Integrating Monitoring Panel e: Integrating Motor Pneumotachograph e: Intelligent Machine Prognosticator e: Intelligent Message Processor e: Interactive Machine-Language Programming - e: Interactive Minicomputer Programming - e: Interconnection Manual Procedure - e: Interdivisional Manufacturing Practice - e: Interface Management Plan - e: Interface Management Processor - e: Interface Message Processing - e: Interface Message Processor - e: Interim Monitoring Program - e: Interindustry Management Program[me] - e: Inter-Message Processor - e: Intermodulation Products] - e: International Match Point - e: International Monitoring Probe - e: Interplanetary Magnetometer Probe - e: Interplanetary Measurement Probe - e: Interplanetary Monitoring Platform - e: Interplanetary Monitoring Probe - e: Interpretive Master Program[me] - e: Intraindustry Management Program - e: Intrinsic Multiprocessing - e: Inventory Management Package - s: Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo Imp d: Imperativfei - d: Import - d: Impulsfe] - e: Impact (journ.) -1: Imperator -1: Imperatrix -1: Imperutrix imp d: imperativisch - d: importieren - d: importiert - d: impulsiv - e: imperal - e: imperative - e: impersonai - e: implement - e: import[ed] - e: improper - e: improve[d] - f: imprimé - f: imprimeur -1: impotentia -1: imprimatur -1: imprimis - s: imprenta imp 8 e: imperial octavo IMPA e: Information Management and Processing Association - e: Initialized Moore Probabilistic Automation - e: International Maritime Pilots Association - e: International Master Painters Association - e: International Master Printers Association - e: International Motor Press Association - e: International Museum Photographers Association - e: International Mynpia Prevention Association

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

IMPAC e: Industrial Multilevel Process Analysis and Control - e: Information for Management Planning Analysis and Coordination - e: Instrument Meters Packaged as Components - e: Inventory Management Program[me] and Control IMPACT e: Immunization Monitoring Program, Active [Program] - e: Implanted Advanced Composed Technology - e: Implementation of Micropublishing, Army Concept and Technology - e: Implementation, Planning and Control Technique - e: Improved Management of Procurement and Contracting Techniques - e: Improved Manpower Production and Controller Technique - e: Improved Manufacturing Planning and Assembly Control Technique - e: Improved Multi-mission Payload Aerial Combat - e: Improving Public Awareness of Concepts of Telecommunications - e: Instructional Model Prototypes Attainable in Computerized Training - e: Integrated Management Planning and Control Technique[s] - e: Integrated Management, Project Analysis and Control Technique - e: Integrated Managerial Programming Analysis Control Technique - e: Integrated Manufacturing Planning and Control Technique - e: Integrated Material Programming Analysis Control Technique - e: Integrated Module Packaging Technology - e: Intensive Matched Probation and AfterCare Treatment - e: Interdisciplinary Model Program[s] in the Arts for Children and Teachers - e: Inventory Management Product and Control Technique - e: Inventory Management Program[me] and Control Technique IMPACTS e: Instant Media Planning and Analysis by Computer Time Sharing IMPATT e: Impact [ionization] Avalanche [-triggered] [and] Transit Time [Diode] IMPATT[-]Diode e: Impact [ionization] Avalanche[-triggered] and Transit Time Diode IMPAV e: Inter-urban Microwave-Powered Air-cushion Vehicle Imp B e: Imperial Beach IMP-BL e: International MARC [Machine Readable C a t a l o g u i n g ] Project-British Library IMPBU e: Imperial Bushel IMPC e: Institutional and Municipal Parking Congress - e: International Mineral Processing Congress IMPCE e: Importance - e: Impotance IMPCM e: Improved Capability Missile - s: Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Catalisis y Materiales IMPCON e: Inventory Management and Production Control IMPD e: Impedance - e: Interactive Multipurpose Display IMP-DB d: International MARC [Machine Readable Cataloguing] Project-Deutsche Bibliothek


IMPDH IMPDH e: Inosine Monophosphate Dehydrogenase IM-PDU e: InterMediate Protocol Data Unit IMPE e: Impregnate - e: International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering imped e: Impedance Impedaverter e: Impedance Converter IMPEL e: Insurance Management Performance Evaluation, Life IMPEND Bomb e: Improved Effectiveness Nuclear Depth Bomb Imper[at] d: Imperativ[e] Imperi d: Imperfekt IMPERF e: Imperfection] - e: Imperforate [of stamps] Imperial e: Imperial Savings Association impers e: impersonal imp-exp e: import-export Impf d: Imperfekt - d: Impfung[en] ImpfG d: Impfgesetz impf[t] e: imperfect ImpfV d: Impfverordnung IMPG e: Importing - e: Impregnate - e: Impregnation IMP GAL e: Imperial Gallon [4.5461] IMPGEN e: Impulse Generator IMPHOS f: Institut Mondial du Phosphate IMPI e: Internal Microprogramming Instruction - e: Internal Microprogramming Interface - e: International Microwave Power Institute IMPICS e: Integrated Manufacturing Programfme] Information and Control System impig e: impignorate[ed] - e: impignorating - e: impignoration IMPIKS d: integriertes ManagementPlanungs-, Informations- und Kontrollsystem IMPIS e: Integrated Management Planning Information Systems Imp-Kont d: Importkontingent IMPL e: Illustrated Maintenance Parts List - e: Imperial - e: Implement - e: Implementation Language - e: Initial Micro Program Load - e: Initial Microcode Load - e: Initial Microprogram[me] Load[ing] - e: Initial Microprogramming] Load - e: Initital Microprogram Load IMPLIC e: Import License IMPLMS e: Integrated Medical and Behavioral Laboratory Measurement System IMPLS e: Impulse IMPN e: Importation - e: Integrated Microprocessors Network import e: important - s: imgortaciones IMPOS e: Interactive Multi-Programming Operating System imposs e: impossible IMP PINT/HPHR e: Imperial Pint per Horse-Power-Hour IMPPIS d: Integriertes Management Projekt-, Planungs- und Informationssystem IMP PS e: Improved Plow Steel IMP PT e: Imperial Pint IMP QT e: Imperial Quart [1.1361]

IMPR e: Impractical - e: Improved - e: Improvement] - e: Improving Impr d: Imprägnation - d: Imprägnierung - d: Impressum - d: Improvisation - e: Improvisator -1: Imprimatur impr d: improvisieren - d: improvisiert - e: impregnate^] - e: impression - e: improve - e: improvised - s: imprenta impracl e: impracticable Imprägnier d: Imprägnierung Imprägnierbark d: Imprägnierbarkeit impreg e: impregnate[d] - e: impregnation Impress e: Impression IMPRESS e: Interdisciplinary Machine Processing for Research and Education in the Social Sciences imprg e: impregnated] imprim 1: imprimatur IMPRINT e: Inbricated Program for Information Transfer Impr Nat f: Imprimerie Nationale (journ.) Impr Nouv f: Imprimerie Nouvelle (joum.) improp e: improperly] Improv d: Improvisation improv d: improvisatorisch - d: improvisieren - d: improvisiert - e: improve[d] - e: improvement IMPROVE e: Immediate Production Verification - e: Inventory Management, Product Replenishment and Order Validity Evaluation Impr Pubbl i: Impresa Pubblica (journ.) IMPRV e: Improvement I-MPS e: International Meter Pulse Sender Imps e: Imperial Tobacco Company IMPS e: Imports - e: Individual Multi-Purpose Shelter - e: Industry Media Publishing System - e: Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale - e: Institute of Management Public Speaking - e: Integrated Mail Preparation System - e: Integrated Master Programming and Scheduling [System] - e: Integrated Modular Panel System - e: Integrated Modular Pushbutton Switch - e: Intelligent Management Programming System - e: Intelligent Mission Planning System - e: International Meter Pulse Sender - e: International Micro Programmers Society IMPs e: Interface Message Processors - e: Intermodulation Products - e: Interplanetary Measurement Probes - e: Interplanetary Monitoring Probes IMPSA e: Incremental Microwave Power Spectrum Analyzer Imp Sav e: Imperial Savings Imp/Sec e: Impulse je Sekunde - e: Impulse per Second IMPS System e: Integrated Master Programming and Scheduling System Imp-St d: Importsteuer


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IMPT e: Implement Important - e: Inspector of Mines and Petroleum Technologist impt e: important Impt e: Imprisonment imptd e: imported imptr e: importer Imp&Trac RB e: Implement and Tractor Red Book (journ.) IMPTS e: Improved Programmer Test Station Imptypco e: Imperial Typewriter Company IMPU e: Information Management Projects Unit Imp Univ of Japan Coll of S e: Imperial University of Japan. College of Science, Journal (journ.) Imp Univ of Japan Fac of S e: Imperial University of Japan. Faculty of Science, Journal (journ.) impv e: imperative - e: impervious impvd e: improved impvt e: improvement impx e: impaction IMPX e: International Microelectronics Products, Inc. IMQ e: Italienische elektrotechnische Sicherheitsnorm - i: Istituto Italiano del Marchio de Quality IMQC e: Imported Merchandise Quantity Control IMR d: Inhaltlich Methodische Regelungen - d: Institut für Messe- und Raumplanung - d: Internationale Maschinenrundschau (journ.) - e: Improved Military Rifle - e: Individual Medical Record - e: Individual Medical Report - e: Infant Mortality Rate - e: Informai Memorandum Report - e: Insensitive Munition Requirements - e: Institute for Marine Resources - e: Institute for Masonry Research - e: Institute for Materials Research - e: Institute for Medical Research - e: Institute for Mortuary Research - e: Institute for Motivational Research - e: Institute for Muscle Research - e: Institute of Marine Resources - e: Institute of Masonry Research - e: Institute of Medical Research - e: Institute of Metal Repair - e: Institute of Mineral Research - e: Integrated Microscopy Resource - e: Integrated Multiport Repeater - e: Intelligent Machine Research - e: Intelligent Mark Reader - e: Inter-Modulation Ratio - e: Internal Mold Release - e: International Marine Radio - e: International Medical Research - e: Interrupt Mask Register - e: Interruption] Mask Register - e: Inventory Management Record - e: Inventory Measurement Report - e: Irreducible Matrix Representation - e: Isolation Mode Rejection

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IMSOC I M R A e: Incentive Manufacturers Representatives Association - e: Independent Motocycle Retailers of America - e: Industrial Marketing Research Association - e: Infrared Monochromatic Radiation - e: International Manufacturers Representatives Association - e: International Marine Radio Association - e: International Market Research Association - e: International Mass Retail Association - e: International Mission Radio Association I M R A D Sfystem] e: Information Management, Retrieval and Dissemination System I M R A M N e: International Meeting on Radio Aids to Marine Navigation I M R A N e: International Marine Radio Aids to Navigation I M R C e: International Marine Radio Committee - e: International Marine Radio Company I M R C T e: Interim Medium-Range Communications Terminals I M R e p e: IM Report [Association for Integrated Manufacturing Technology, US] (journ.) I M R E P e: Immediately] Report I M R E T E S e: Immunization Readiness Training Exercises I M R F e: Independent Manufacturers Representatives Forum I M R I e: Industrial Materials Research Institute I M R L e: Individual Material Readiness List[ing] I M R O e: Inspection Minor Rework Order - e: Interior Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - e: Interplan Material Requisition Order - e: Investment Management Regulatory Organization I M R P e: International Meeting on Radiation Processing I M R R e: Isolation Mode Rejection Rate I M R S e: Inpatient Multidimensional Rating Scale - e: International Mutual Response System I M - R S I e: International Military Rationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability I M R U e: Industrial Materials Research Unit

I M S d: Informations-Management-System - d: Informationsmeßsystem - d: Ingenieurgemeinschaft Meerestechnik und Seebau GmbH - d: Institut für Medizinische Statistik - d: Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme - d: Intelligenter Matrix-Schalter - d: Internationale Monatsschrift (journ.) - d: Internationaler Militärstab - d: Ionenmassen-Spektrometer - e: Division of Inorganic and Metallic Structure - e: Idle Matrix Search - e: Image Motion Simulator - e: Immersed Midship Section - e: Impulse Manoeuvering System - e: Index Management System - e: Indian Mathematical Society - e: Indian Medical Service - e: Indirect Measuring System - e: Individualized Mathematics System - e: Industrial Management Service Group - e: Industrial Management Society - e: Industrial Management System - e: Industrial Manpower Section - e: Industrial Mathematics Society - e: Industrial Medicine and Surgery (journ.) - e: Industrial Methylated Spirit[s] - e: Industrial Modular System - e: Industry Marketing Segment - e: Inertial Measurement Set - e: Inertial Measuring Set - e: In-flight Management System - e: Information Maintenance System - e: Information Management System - e: Information Marketing Segment - e: Infrared Measuring System - e: Initial Measurement System - e: Inspector of Medical Services - e: Installation Measurement System - e: Institute for Marine Science - e: Institute for Mathematical Statistics - e: Institute of Management Sciences - e: Institute of Management Services - e: Institute of Management Specialists - e: Institute of Manpower Studies - e: Institute of Marine Science - e: Institute of Materials Science - e: Institute of Mathematical Sciences - e: Institute of Mathematical Statistics - e: Institute of Mine Surveyors - e: Institute of Museum Services - e: Institute on Man and Science - e: Instruction[al] Management System - e: Instrumentation and Measurement Society - e: Instrumented Measuring System - e: Integrated Maintenance System - e: Integrated Manufacturing System - e: Integrated Mapping System - e: Integrated Mechanical System - e: Integrated Meteorological System - e: Integrated Microcomputer Systems, Inc. - e: Integrated Multiplexing System - e: Interactive Market System - e: Interceptor Missile - e: Intercontinental Medical Statistics - e: Interdivisional Manufacturing Standard - e: Interim Meteorological Satellite - e: Intermagnetic Shield - e: Intermediate Multiprocessing System - e: International Magnetic System - e: International Magnetosphere Study - e: International Magnetospheric Studies - e: International Management System Corporation - e: International Metallographic Society

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: International Military Sales Limited - e: International Military Staff - e: International Module System - e: International Mountain Society - e: International Musicological Society - e: International Mythological Society - e: Interpersonal Messaging Service - e: Interplanetary Measurement Satellite - e: Interplanetary Mission Support - e: Interplanetary Monitor Satellite - e: Inventory Management and Simulator - e: Inventory Management System - e: Ion Mobility Spectrometer - e: Ion Mobility Spectroscopy - e: Ionization and Momentum Sensor - e: Ionization Loss Spectroscopy - e: Irradiance Measuring System - e: Issues Monitoring System im's e: intranmuscular injections I M S A e: Instrumentman Seaman Apprentice - e: International Management Systems Association - e: International Medical Sciences Academy - e: International Motor Sports Association - e: International Municipal Signal Association I M S Bull e: Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin (journ.) I M S C e: International Maritime Satellite Corporation - e: International Military Sports Council - e: International Mobile Satellite Conference I M S C & D e: Inventory Manager Stock Control and Distribution I m s c h G d: Immissionsschutzgesetz I M S C O e: Initial Maritime Satellite Consortium I M S C O M e: International Military Staff Communication I M S E e: Institute for Materials Science and Engineering - e: Integrated Mean Square Error I M S E P e: Improved Modular Scientific Experiments Package I M S F d: Institut für Marxistische Studien und Forschungen - e: Indian Marine Special Force - e: International Microcomputer Software[, Inc.] I M S / H E W e: Institute of Museum Services-HEW [Health, Education and Welfare] I M S I e: Information Management System Interface - e: International Maple Syrup Institute - e: International Microcomputer Software, Inc. - e: International Mobile Station Identity I M S I M e: Image [forming systems] Simulator - e: Information Management Simulation I M S INC e: International Management Services, Incorporated I M S J o u r n a l e: International Musicological Society Journal I M S L e: Independent Measurement Standards Laboratory - e: International Mathematical and Statistical Libraries I M S M e: Institute of Marketing and Sales Management - e: International Military Staff Memorandum IMSN e: Instrumentman Seaman - e: Internal-Mix Spray Nozzle I M S O e: Institute of Municipal Safety Officers I M S O C e: Interceptor Missile Squadron 261

IMSP IMSP e: Integrated Mass Storage Processor - e: International Magnetosphere Study Programme IMSR e: Improved Missile Site Radar - e: Interplanetary Mission Support Requirement[s] - e: Isle of Man Steam Railway IMSS e: In-Flight Medical Support System - e: Inflight Medical Support System - e: Integrated Manned Systems Simulator - e: International Museum of Surgical Science - s: Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social IMSSCE e: Interceptor Missile Squadron and Supervisory Control Equipment IMSSOC e: Institute of Manpower Studies System of Occupational Classification IMSSS e: Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences - e: Interceptor Missile Squadron Supervisors Station - e: Interceptor Missile Squadron Supervisory Station IMS/SSC e: International Magnetospheric Study/Satellite Situation Committee IMSt d: Industriemanipulator-Steuerung IMST e: Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology - e: Insulated-Metal-Substrate-Technology - e: International Mushroom Society for the Tropics IMSU e: Integrated Mass-Storage Unit - e: Intermediate Maintenance Support Unit IMSUM e: International Military Staff Summary IMS/VS e: Information Management System/Virtual Storage IMSWM e: IMS [International Military Staff] Working Memorandum - e: International Military Staff Working Memorandum IM System e: Information Management System IMT e: Immediate[ly] - e: Immersion Tank [Test] System - e: Immersion Testing - e: Impulse Modulated Telemetering - e: Impulse Modulated Telemetry - e: Independent Model Triangulation - e: Industrial Management [Canada] (journ.) - e: Industrial Materials Technologist - e: Industrial Materials Technology - e: Inflight Maintenance Technician - e: Insert Mounting Technology - e: Inspector of Mechanized Troops - e: Institute of Metal and Technology - e: Institute of the Motor Trade - e: Integrated Microimage Terminal - e: Intelligent Microfilm Terminal - e: Intelligent Microimage Retrieval Terminal - e: Inter-Machine Trunk - e: Intermediate Tape - e: International Military Tribunal - e: Ion Microtomography - p: Instituto Maua de Tecnología IMTA e: Imported Meat Trade Association - e: Indiana Motor Truck Association - e: Institute of Municipal Treasures and Accountants - e: Intensive Military Training Area - e: International Marine Transit Association - e: International Mass Transit Association - e: International Marine Transport Association IMTC e: Instrumentation/Measurement Technology Conference - s: Instituto Municipal de Transporte Colectiva

IMTD e: Inspectors] of the Military Training Directorate IMTEC e: International Manpower Training for Educational Change IM Tech e: Institute of Metallurgists Technician IMTEG e: ILS [Instrument Landing System]/MLS [Microwave Landing System] Transition Group IMTFE e: International Military Tribunal for the Far East IMTI e: International Mirtone, Inc. IMTK e: Information Management Technologies Corporation IMTNE e: International Meteorological Teleprinter Network [in] Europe IMTP e: Industrial Mobilization Training Program IMTRAN e: Implicit Transport IMTS e: Improved Mobile Telephone Service - e: Improved Mobile Telephone System - e: Interactice Modular Training System - e: International Machine Tool Show IMT System e: Impulse-Modulated Telemetering System IMU e: Increment Memory Unit - e: Inertial Measurement Unit - e: Inertial Measuring Unit - e: Information Message Unit - e: Instruction Memory Unit - e: Interference Mock-Up - e: International Mailers Union - e: International Maritime Union - e: International Mathematical Union - e: International Metal Union IMUA e: Inland Marine Underwriters Association IMU Bull F: IMU Bulletin [International Mathematical Union, Finland] (journ.) IMUKS d: Industrielles Material- und Kapazitätsdispositions-System IMun&CyE e: Institution of Municipal and County Engineers I Mun E e: Institution of Municipal Engineers IMUs e: Information Message Units imusc e: intramuscular IMV d: Internationaler MilchwirtschaftsVerband - e: Inferior Mesenteric Vein - e: Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation imv e: imperative - e: improve IMVCi d: Indol, Methylrot, VogesProskauer und Citrat IMVEC e: International Military Vehicle Engineering Consultants IMVIC e: Indole, Methyl Red, VogesProskauer and Citrate Test IMVS e: Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science IMW e: Institute of Masters of Wine - e: Instrument Man, Watch - e: Intermediate Molecular Weight - e: International Map of the World IMWA e: International Mine Water Association IMWI d: Institut für Markt- und Werbeinformation IMWKT d: Internationale Monatsschrift für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Technik (journ.) IM Wood T e: Institute of Machine Woodworking Technology IMWXPRT e: Imitation Wax Prints


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IMX e: In-Line Multiplexer - e: Inline Multiplexer - e: Inquiry Message Exchange - e: Instruction Memory Exchange Im Yem e: Imamate of Yemen IMZ d: Internationales Musikzentrum IMZ Bulletin] d: IMZ [Internationales Musikzentrum] Bulletin (joum.) IN d: Indonesien - d: Induktor - d: Informationsnachverarbeitung - d: Informationsnutzung - d: Ingolstadt - e: Identification Number - e: Increase - e: Index Number - e: India - e: Indian Navy - e: Indiana - e: Indigo - e: Indium - e: Inductor - e: Industrial Nucleonics - e: Inertial Navigation - e: Inertial Navigator - e: Inflammatory Response - e: Information Network - e: Inlet - e: Input - e: Insoluble Nitrogen - e: Institute of Navigation - e: Institute of Neurobiology - e: Instructor Navigator - e: Instrument Note - e: Instrumentation Notice - e: Insulate[d] - e: Insulating - e: Insulation - e: Insulator - e:Insurance - e: Integer - e: Integrating Network - e: Intelligent Network - e: Interaction Notes - e: Interactive Network - e: Interchangeability Number - e: Interconnecting Network - e: Interest - e: Interested Negroes - e: Interference-to-Noise [Ratio] - e: Interior - e: Intermittent Noise - e: Internal [Node] - e: Internal Note - e: Interstitium - e: Intranasal - e: Inulin - e: Inverter - e: Item Number iN d: im Namen - d: im Normalzustand In d: Inspektion - d: Insulin - e: India[n] - e: Indus - e: Inspection - e: Instructor -N: Indre in e: inch[es] - e: indemnity - e: inside I&N e: Immigration and Naturalization I/N e: Interchangeability Code Number - e: Interference-to-Noise Ratio - e: Item Number in2 e: square inch[es] in3 e: cubic inch

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

INCATEL In A e: Insel-Almanach (journ.) INA d: IBM [International Business Machines] Nachrichten (journ.) - d: Informationssystem fiir den Niedergelassenen Arzt - d: Integrierte Navigationsanlage - d: Internationale Normalatmosphare - e: Immunonephelometric Assay - e: Inactivator - e: Indian National Army - e: Indian Naval Aviation - e: Individual Nonrecurrence Action - e: Infectious Nucleic Acid - e: Initial Approach - e: Inspector [of| Naval Aircraft - e: Institute of National Affairs - e: Institute of Nautical Arch[a]eology - e: Institution of Naval Architects - e: Insurance Company of North America - e: Integrated Navigation System - e: Integrated Network Architecture - e: International Newsreel Association - e: International Noaval Atmosphere - e: International Normal Atmosphere - e: Iraqi News Agency - e: Iron Nickel Alloy - e: Isonicotinic Acid - e: Israeli News Agency - f: Institut National Agronomique INAA d: Instrumentelle NeutronenAktivierungsanalyse - e: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis inabi e: inability INAC e: Inaccuracy - e: Inaccurate - e: Inacomp Computer Centers, Inc. - i: Istituto Nazionale per le Applicazioni del Calco INACDUTRA e: Inactive Duty Training INACESA s: Industria Nacional de Cemento SA INACH s: Instituto Antârtico Chileno INACS e: Interstate Airways Communications Station INACT e: Inactive INACTFLTLANT e: Inactive Fleet, Atlantic Fleet INACTFLTPAC e: Inactive Fleet, Pacific Fleet INACTNOTERM e: Inactive Duty Are Not Terminated INACTSERVCRAFAC e: Inactive Service Craft Facility INACTSHIPDET e: Inactive Ship Maintenance Detachment INACTSHIPFAC e: Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility INACTSHIPSTORFAC e: Inactive Ship Storage Facility INACTV e: Inactivate - e: Inactivation - e: Inactive INAO e: Inadequate^] - e: Inadventent INADEQUATE e: Incredible Natural Abundance Double Quantum Tranfer Experiment INAEA e: International Newspaper Advertising Executives Association InAF e: Indian Air Force INAF e: International Name Authority File INAg e: Ionospheric Network Advisory Group

INAH e: Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide - e: Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazine - s: Instituto Nacional de Anthropología e Historia INAI e: Iowa Natural Areas Inventory INA/IC e: Inactive/In Commission INA/IS e: Inactive/In Service inakt d: inaktiv INALPRE s: Instituto Nacional de Preinversión INAM i: Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione Malattie INAME e: International Newspaper Advertising and Marketing Executives INAMI e: Info-Bank Advertising and Marketing Intelligence INANIM e: Inanimate - e: Inanimative INANTIC s: Instituto Nacional de Normas Técnicas Industriales y Certificatión INAO f: Institut Nationale des Appellations d'Origine INA/OC e: Inactive/Out of Commission INAOE s: Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Optica y Electrónica INA/OS e: Inactive/Out of Service INAP e: Infogram Network Access Protocol - e: Integrated Neutron Activation Prediction - e: Inverse Nyquist Analysis Program[me] inappbl e: inapplicable INAR e: Institute of Northen Agricultural Research in'ards e:innards INAS e: Indexing and Abstracting Service[s] - e: Industrial Naval Air Station[s] - e: Inertial Navigation and Attack System[s] - e: Interbank National Authorization System INAT f: Institut National d'Assistance Technique INATAPROBU e: International Association of Professional Bureaucrats inaud e: inaudible INAUG e: Inaguration - e: Inaugural - e: Inaugurate^] inaug diss e: inaugural dissertation Inaug-Diss d: Inaugural-Dissertation INAV d: Informationsverarbeitung für die Angebotsverfolgung INB d: Internationale NatriumBrutreaktorbau GmbH - f: Institut National du Bois in bal e: in ballast INBAMA d: Interaktiver Bildaufbau und Manipulation INBD e: Inboard - e: Inbound inbegr d: inbegriffen IN-Beziehung d: Incledes-Beziehung INBIFO d: Institut für Industrielle und Biologische Forschung INBK e: Indiana Bancshares, Inc. INBOWASP e: In Rotating Water Spinning Process INBS e: Iowa National Bankshares Corporation INBU e: Internal Navigation Battery Unit INBUCON e: International Business Consultants INBV f: Institut National des Recherche Veterinaire

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

INC e: Idaho Nuclear Corporation - e: Ideal Non-Linear Capacitance - e: Igniter Nozzle Closure - e: Improved Navigation Computer - e: In Cloud - e: Incendiary - e: Inclinable - e: Inclination - e: Inclosure - e: Include[d] - e: Including - e: Inclusion - e: Inclusive - e: Income - e: Incoming Call - e: Incomplete - e: Inconclusive - e: Incorporate^] - e: Incorporation - e: Increase[d] - e: Increment - e: Incrementally Funded Contract - e: Incumbent - e: Indian National Congress - e: Industrial National Corporation - e: Inertial Navigation Computer - e: Input Control [System] - e: Insectivorous Cyprinids - e: Installation Notice Card - e: International Narcotics Control - e: International Nickel Company - e: International Numismatic Commission - e: Island Navigation Company - e: Item Name Code - f: Instituí National de la Consommation -1: In Nomine Christi - s: Instituto Nacional de Cultura Inc e: Inchon - e: Incoming - e: Incorporated - e: Increasing InC e: Instructor Captain INCA e: Idaho Nuclear Code Automation - e: In-Core Analysis - e: Information Council of the Americas - e: Innovation through Creative Analysis - e: Institute for Numerical Computation and Analysis - e: Integrated Catalog Algorithm - e: Integrated Communications Agency - e: Integrated Navigation and Communication[s], Automatic - e: Integrated Nuclear and Chemical Analysis - e: Integrated Nuclear Communications Assessment - e: International Newspaper [and] Colo[u]r Association - e: Inventory Control and Analysis Inca e: Incahuasi INCAIR e: Including Air incalz i: incalzando INCAN[D] e: Incandescent INCAP e: Incapacitating Chemical Agent - e: Institute of Nutrition for Central-America and Panama - s: Instituto de Nutrición de Centro-America y Panamá incap e: incapacitant - e: incapacitating INCAPS e: Incapacitating Agents InCAR e: International Committee Against Racism INCAS e: Integrated Navigation and Collision Avoidance System INCATEL s: Instituto Centroamericano de Telecommunicaciones


INCB I N C B e: Inclusion Body - e: International Narcotics Control Board I N C B O M B e: Incendiary Bomb I N C C e: International Network Controlling Center - e: International Nuclear Credit Company I N C C A e: International Network of Centres for Computer Applications incct e: incorrect inccty e: incorrectly I N C D e: Incandescent - e: Incendiary - e: Incident - e: Included - e: Incorporated incdg e: including incdt e: incident INCDU e: Inertial Navigator Control and Display Unit incdy e: incendiary I N C E e: Institute of Noise Control Engineering - e: International Network in Chemical Education Ince e: Insurance INCEND[I] e: Incendiary I N C E P e: Interceptor I N C E R F A e: Uncertainty Phase incfmy e: inconformity I N C H e: Independent Channel [Handler] - e: Indirectly-Bonded Carbon-Hydrogen - e: Integrated Chopper - e: Interim Charging InCh d: Indochina In-Ch e: Indo-China inch e: inchoative INCH Handler e: Independent Channel Handler incho e: inchoate inchoat e: inchoative INCIA e: Integrated Communications Navigation and Identification I N C I A W P B C e: Indian National Committee of the International Association on Water Pollution and Control INCIBS e: International Communication Information Retrieval System incid e: incidence - e: Incidental] incid mus e: incidental music I N C - I E C e: Indian National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission Incin e: Incinerator I N C I N C e: International Copyright Information Center I N C I R S e: International Communcation Information Retrieval System I N C I T E e: Instructional Notation for Computer-controlled Inspection and Test Equipment I N C L e: Inclination - e: Incline - e: Inclose[d] - e:Inclosure - e: Include[d] - e: Include[s] - e: Including - e: Inclusion - e: Inclusive - e: Incoming Line - e: Inconclusive - e: Intellicall, Inc. - f: Inclusivement I N C L D e: Included I N C L N e: Inclusion

Management District I N C N T L e: Intercontinental I n c n W M k t e: Incentive Marketing (journ.) I N C O e: Information and Control - e: Information and Control (journ.) - e: Instrumentation and Communications Officer - e: Integrated Communications Officer - e: Intelligence Noncommissioned Officer - e: International Chamber of Commerce - e: International Nickel Company Inco Alloys Int e: Inco Alloys International (journ.) I N C O D A e: International Congress of Dealers Associations I N C O F I L T e: International Consortium of Filtration Research Group incog e: incognito incoh e: incoherent I N C O L S A e: Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority I N C O M e: Incomplete - e: Indicator Compiler - e: Input Compiler - e: International Symposium on Manufacturing Technology I N C O M A G e: International Communication Agency I N C O M E X e: International Computer Exhibition - s: Instituto Colombiano de Comercio Exterior incomp e: incomplete incompat e: incompatibility - e: incompatible incompl e: incomplete I N C O N e: Installation Console I N C O N C B Y O e: International Congress on Cryogenics I N C O P A C e: International Consumer Policy Advisory Committee I N C O R e: Incorporated - e: Incorrect - e: Indian National Committee on Oceanic Research - e: Intergovernmental Conference on Océanographie Research - e: Intergovernmental Conference on Oceanography - e: Israel[i] National Committee for Océanographie Research I N C O R A s: Instituto Colombiano de Reforma Agraria I N C O R A C O e: International Commercial Radio Corporation incor[p] e: incorporated - e: incorporation incorr e: incorrect inco[s] e: incorrigible[s] I N C O S e: Institute of Computer Science - e: Integrated Control System I N C O S P A R e: Indian National Committee for Space Research I N C O T e: In-Core Test Facility I N C O T E R M S e: International Commercial Terms I N C P e: Inertial Navigation Control Panel I N C P E N e: Industry Committee for Packaging and the Environment I N C P L T e: Incomplete


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I N C L N T R e: Inclinator I N C L R e: Intercooler INCLSV e: Inclusive INCLUfS] e: Inclusive I N C M e: Incoming I N C M D e: Indianapolis Contract

I N C P T e: Intercepting] - e: Interceptor I N C R e: Increase[d] - e: Increasingly] - e: Increment [Register] - e: Incremental - e: Incressed - e: Interrupt Control Register In C r e: Instructor Commander Inc[R] e: Increase [Relative] I N C R A e: International Copper Research Association I N C R A P L A N e: Integrated Crew and Aircraft Planning I N C R B e: Inscribe I N C R E e: Increment I N C R E F e: International Children's Rescue Fund Incremental Motion Control Syst Devices Newsl e: Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices. Newsletter (journ.) I n c r e m Motion Control Syst Devices Newsl e: Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices Newsletter (journ.) incrim e: incriminate - e: incrimination - e: incriminatory INCSEA e: Incident at Sea - e: Incidents on and Over the High Seas I N C S R e: International Narcotics Control Strategy Report I N C S T e: Invoice Cost INC System e: Input Control System I N C U M e: Indiana Computer Users Meeting incumb e: incumbent incun e: incunabula i n c u r e: incurable IND d: Indien - d: Institut für Nachrichtengeräte und Datenverarbeitung - e: Improvised Nuclear Device - e: Indianapolis [Airport] - e: Induced Nuclear Disintegration - e: Industrial Distribution (journ.) - e: Intercept[or] Director - e: International Number Dial[l]ing - e: Investigational New Drug - e: Investigative New Drug -1: In Nomine Dei ind d: indifferent - d: indirekt - d: individuell - d: indizieren - d: indiziert - d: induktiv - d: industrialisieren - d: industriell - d: induzieren - d: induziert - e: independent - e: index - e: indicative - e: indicate[d] - e: indirectfly] - e: indorse[ment] - e: inductance - e: induction - e: indurated - e: industrially] in d 1: in diem -1: in dies iNd d: im Namen der - d: im Namen des

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Indian Econ R Ind d: Indemnität - d : Inder - d : Indianer - d : Indifferenz - d : Indigo - d : Indikation - d : Indikativ - d : Indikator - d : Indizien] - d : Induktion - d : Industrie - e: Independence - e: Indent - e: Indent Number - e: Index Number - e: India[n] [Ocean] - e: Indianapolis] - e: Indianian - e: Indication - e: Indicative - e: Indicator - e: Indies - e: Indigo - e: Indo- e: Indonesian - e: Inductive - e: Indus - e: Indus [constellation] - e: Industries - e: Industry - f : Indien - i: Indiano - p: Indico - s: Indico INDA e: Indexible Address - e: International Nonwoven and Disposables Association - e: IVSN Data Base INDAC e: Industrial Data Acquisition and Control - e: Integral Nuclear Data Center INDAC Language e: Industrial Data Acquisition and Control Language INDACS e: Indexing by the Atlas Computer System INDAC System e: Industrial Data Acquisition and Control System Ind Aeriew Jap e: Industrial Review of Japan (journ.) Ind Aeron e: Index Aeronauticus (journ.) INDAIR e: Identification of Aircraft INDALUM s: Industria del Aluminio Ind-Anz d: Industrie-Anzeiger (journ.) Ind Arch e: Industrial Architecture (journ.) IndArts and VocEduc e: Industrial Arts and Vocational Education (journ.) Ind Arts Index e: Industrial Arts Index (journ.) IndArts M e: Industrial Arts Magazine (journ.) Ind Arts&Voc Ed e: Industrial Arts and Vocational Education/Technical Education INDAS d: integriertes Navigations- und Datenerfassungssystem INDASAT e: Indian Scientific Satellite INDAT d: Inverse Datei - e: Industrial Data Technologies - e: Intermediate Data Technologies INDATA [Service] e: Industrial Data Service INDATOM f: Industrie Atomique Ind Aub J e: India Rubber Journal (journ.) INDAX e: Interactive Data Exchange Ind-B d: Industriebahn ind Bel d: indirekte Beleuchtung Ind-Betr d: Industriebetrieb[e]

INDC e: Indicated] - e: International Nuclear Data Committee Ind Carta i: Industriadella Carta (journ.) INDCD e: Industry Code Ind Ceram e: Industrial Ceramics [Italy] (journ.) - f: Industrie Ceramique [France] (journ.) Ind Ceram [Paris] f: Industrie Ceramique [Paris] (joum.) indcn e: Induction Ind Comm Dev e: Industry, Commerce, Development (joum.) Ind Commer Train e: Industrial and Commercial Training (journ.) Ind Comput e: Industrial Computing (journ.) INDCONS e: Industrial Conditions Ind Corros e: Industrial Corrosion (journ.) indct e: inducted Indctr e: Indicator Ind Daf Chron e: Industrial Safety Chronicle Ind Datatek r: Industriell Datateknik (journ.) Ind Day e: Independence Day Ind Dem e: Independent Democrat Ind Diamond Rev e: Industrial Diamond Review (joum.) Ind E e: Industrial Engineer INDE e: ITER [International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor] NET [Next European Torus] Design and Engineering INDEBT e: Indebtedness INDEC e: Independent Nuclear Disarmament Election Committee - e: Interdepartmental Committee indecl e: indeclinable INDECLASS e: Indexing + Classification INDECO e: Industrial Development Corporation - e: International Development and Construction Corporation INDECS e: Immigration and Nationality Department Electronic Computer System Ind Ed News e: Industrial Education Council. Newsletter (journ.) IndEducM e: Industrial Education Magazine (journ.) indef e: indefinite indef art e: indefnite article indefops e: indefinite operations indekl d: indeklinabel Ind Electr Inf f: Industrie Electricite Informations (journ.) Ind-Elektrik Elektron d: Industrie-Elektrik und Elektronik (journ.) INDELSEC e: Industrial Electronic Security indem e: indemnify - e: indemnity inden e: indention - e: indentured] - e: indenturing Ind Eng e: Industrial Engineering] - e: Industrial Engineering [American Institute of Industrial Engineers] (journ.) Ind [&] Eng Chem e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (joum.) Ind Eng Chem, Process Des e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Process Design and Development (journ.) Ind Eng Chem, Prod Res Dev e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Product Research and Development (journ.) Ind Eng Chem, Fundam e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Fundanmentals (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

Ind Eng Chem Process Des[ign] Dev[elop] e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Process Design and Development (journ.) Ind Eng Chem, Prod Res Dev e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Product Research and Development (journ.) Ind Eng Chem Res e: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research [American Chemical Society] (journ.) Ind Engng e: Industrial Engineering (journ.) Ind Environ e: Industry and Environment [United Nations Environment Programme] (journ.) Indep d:Independenz INDEP e: Independence - e: Independent - s: Industria Nacional del Plomo - s: Industrias Nacionalis de Defensa Indep J Philos e: Independent Journal of Philosophy (journ.) Indep Power e: Independent Power (journ.) INDET d: Indeterminabel - d: Indeterminismus - e: Indeterminate - e: Indetermination Ind-et-L e: Indre-et-Loire INDEX e: Index NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Data Exchange - e: Index on Censorship - e: Intelligence System for Decision-making Executives - e: Inter-NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Data Exchange -1: Index Librorum Prohibirorum Index JBMPE e: Index of Transactions and Journal. Society of Motion Picture Engineers (journ.) Index Ouad i: Index Quaderni Camerti di Studi Romanistici (journ.) Ind Exp Tech e: Industrial and Experimental Techniques (journ.) Ind Finish e: Industrial Finishing (journ.) IND FN REG e: Indirect Function Register INDFT e: Indefinite Ind [d] Gomma i: Industria della Gomma (journ.) INDH e: Indirect Hire Ind Health e: Industrial Health (journ.) Ind Heat e: Industrial Heating (journ.) INDI e: Indepth Data, Inc. - e: International Neutron Dosimetry Intercomparison indi e: indicate - e: indication India e: Bharat - e: letter I radio code - e: Republic of India INDIAN e: Interplanar Distances and Angles Indiana Bus A e: Indiana Business Review (journ.) Indiana Mag Hist e: Indiana Magazine of History (journ.) Indianap e: Indianapolis Indian Ceram e: Indian Ceramics (journ.) Indian Chem Eng e: Indian Chemical Engineer (journ.) Indian Chem J e: Indian Chemical Journal [India] Indian Chem Mfr e: Indian Chemical Manufacturer (journ.) [India] Indian East Eng e: Indian and Eastern Engineer (journ.) Indian Econ R e: Indian Economic Review (joum.) 265

Indian Eng Indian Eng e: Indian Engineer (journ.) [India] Indian Foundry J e: Indian Foundry Journal (journ.) Indian Geotech J e: Indian Geotechnical Journal (journ.) Indian J Agric Chem e: Indian Journal of Agricultural Chemistry (journ.) Indian J Agric Sci e: Indian Journal of Agricultural Science (journ.) Indian J Appl Chem e: Indian Journal of Applied Chemistry (journ.) Indian J Biochem e: Indian Journal of Biochemistry (journ.) Indian J Cancer e: Indian Journal of Cancer (journ.) Indian J Chem e: Indian Journal of Chemistry (joum.) Indian J Chem A e: Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A (journ.) Indian J Chem B e: Indian Journal of Chemistry. Section B. Organic Chemistry, Including Medicinal (journ.) Indian J Cryog e: Indian Journal of Cryogenics [Indian Cryogenics Council] (journ.) Indian J Exp Biol e: Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (joum.) Indian J Genet Plant Breed e: Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (journ.) Indian J Hort e: Indian Journal of Horticulture (journ.) Indian J Mar Sci e: Indian Journal of Marine Sciences [Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India] (journ.) Indian J Med Res e: Indian Journal of Medical Research (journ.) Indian J Med Sci e: Indian Journal of Medical Sciences (journ.) Indian J Meteorol Geophys e: Indian Journal of Meteorology and Geophysics (journ.) Indian J Pathol Bacteriol e: Indian Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology (journ.) Indian J Pharm Educ e: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (journ.) Indian J Phys e: Indian Journal of Physics [Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science] (journ.) Indian J Phys A e: Indian Journal of Physics A [Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science] (journ.) Indian J Phys B e: Indian Journal of Physics B [Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science] (journ.) Indian J Power River Valley D e: Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development (journ.) Indian J Pure Appl Math e: Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics [Indian National Science Academy] (journ.) Indian J Pure Appl Phys e: Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (journ.) Indian J Radiol e: Indian Journal of Radiology (journ.) Indian J Radio Space Phys e: Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics (journ.) Indian J Techn[ol] e: Indian Journal of Technology (joum.) Indian J Textile Res e: Indian Journal of Textile Research [Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India] (journ.)

Indian J Theor Phys e: Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics (journ.) Indian Libm e: Indian Librarian (journ.) Indian Min Eng J e: Indian Mining and Engineering Journal (joum.) Indian Potato J e: Indian Potato Journal (journ.) Indian Sci Abstr e: Indian Science Abstracts [Indian National Scientific Documentation Center, India] (journ.) Indian Weld J e: Indian Welding Journal (journ.) INDIC e: Indicate^] - e: Indicating - e: Indication - e: Indicative - e: Indicator - f: Indicateur INDICAT e: Indices Directory Catalogue] indicolite e: blue tourmaline Indies e: East Indies - e: Independents - e: West Indies indiff d: indifferent Indiff d: Indifferentismus - d: Indifferenz INDIGO e: Intelligence Division Gaming Operation - e: Intelligence Division Gaming Operation[s] Indik d: Indikation - d: Indikator - e: Indikativ - e: Indikator Ind Imp 1: Indiae Imperator Ind Information Bui e: Industrial Information Bulletin (joum.) Ind Int s: Industria Internacional (journ.) indir e: Indirect INDIRS e: Indiana Information Retrieval System INDIS e: Industrial Information and Advisory Services - e: Industrial Information Service - e: Industrial Information System indisp d: indisponibel - d: indisponiert INDITE e: Integral Sensor Interpretation Techniques INDITECNOR s: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Tecnológicas y Normalización Indiv d: Individualismus - d: Individuum indiv d: individualistisch - d: individuell - e: individual individ e: individual indivl e: individual INDIV PSYCHOL e: Individual Psychology INDI-VSt d: Informations- und Dialogdienste-Vermittlungsstelle Ind L e: Independent Liberal ind'l e: industrial Ind Lab e: Independent Labor [party] - e: Industrial Laboratory (journ.) - R: Industrial Laboratory [Translation of Zavodskaya Laboratoriya [USSR], published in the US] (journ.) Ind Lackier-Betr d: Industrie LackierBetrieb (joum.) Indi Desgnr e: Industrial Designer - e: Industrial Engineer Indi Engr e: Industrial Engineer IND LP e: Indicating Lamp


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Indi Planner e: Industrial Planner Ind Lubr Tribol e: Industrial Lubricatior and Tribology (journ.) indm e: indemnity Indmag d: Industriemagazin (journ.) INDMAN e: Industrial Manager Ind Manage e: Industrial Management [Institute of Industrial Engineers, US] (journ.) Ind Manage + Data Syst e: Industrial Management + Data Systems (journ.) Ind Management e: Industrial Management (journ.) Ind Market Dig e: Industrial Marketing Digest (journ.) Ind Math e: Industrial Mathematics [Industrial Mathematics Society, US] (journ.) Ind Med e: Index Medicus Ind Med Gaz e: Indian Medical Gazette (journ.) Ind Med Ree e: Indian Medical Record (journ.) Ind Med Surg e: Industrial Medicine and Surgery (journ.) Ind Meth e: Independent Methodist Ind Mgr e: Industrial Manager Ind Min e: Industrial Minerals Ind Min [Brussels] f: Industrie Minerale [Brussels] [Belgium] (journ.) Ind Miner e: Industrial Minerals - f: Industrie Minerale Ind Miner [London] e: Industrial Minerals [London] (joum.) Ind Miner Ser Tech f: Industrie Minerale. Serie Techniques (journ.) Ind Min, Mines Carr f: Industrie Minerale, Mines et Carrières (journ.) Ind Min, Mines Carr, Tech f: Industrie Minerale, Mines et Carrières, Les Techniques (journ.) Ind Min [Paris] f: Industrie Minerale [Paris] (journ.) Ind Min Quebec f: Industrie Miniere du Quebec (journ.) Ind Min [St Etienne] f: Industrie Minerale [St. Etienne] (joum.) Ind Min Suppl, Tech [St Etienne] f: Industrie Minerale Supplement, Les Techniques [St. Etienne] (journ.) Ind Mktng e: Industrial Marketing (journ.) IndMR e: Independent Moderate Realist Indn e: Indication INDN e: Induction - e: Integrated Genetics INDN CY e: Indication Cycle INDNs e: Indications INDO e: Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap - s: Institute Nacional de Denominaciónes de Origen Ind O e: Indian Ocean Indo e: Indonesiani INDOAFR e: Indo-African Indo-Amer e: Indo-American Indo-Austral e: Indo-Australasian Ind Obst-Gemiiseverwert d: Industrielle Obst- und Gemüseverwertung (joum.) INDOC e: Indian National [Scientific] Documentation Centre - e: Indonesian Documentation and Information Centre - e: Information Documentation and Communication - e: International Documentation in Chemistry

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

INEX Indoc e: Indochina - e: Indochinese indoc e: Indoctrinate - e: indoctrination INDOCHEM e: Indian Ocean GEOSECS Program Indo-Chi e: Indo-China - e: Indo-Chinese indocin e: indomethacine INDOCNREGREPCEN e: Indoctrination Naval Regional Reporting Center INDOCT e: indoctrinate indocum s: indocumentado Ind Odunt e: Index Odontologicus (journ.) Indo-Eur e: Indo-European INDOGEN[-System] d: integriertes Dokumentation- und Generatorsystem Indo-Ger e: Indo-German[ic] Ind-Ök d: Industrieökonomie Indo-Mal e: Indo-Malayan Indon d: Indonesien - d: Indonesier - e: Indonesia[n] Indonesia e: Republic of Indonesia Indonesias e: Indonesian Islands Indo-Pak e: India-Pakistan - e: Indo-Pakistan[i] INDOR e: Internuclear Double Resonance - e: Internuclear Double Resonanee Ind Org Hlth e: Industrial Organisation and Health (journ.) INDOSUEZ f: Banque de l'Indochine et de Suez indP d: indisches Patent Ind Petr f: Industrie du Petrole (journ.) Ind Pharm e: Indian Pharmacist (journ.) Ind Plast f: Industrie des Plastiques (journ.) Ind Plast Mod Elastomeres f: Industrie des Plastiques Modernes et Elastomeres (journ.) Indpls e: Indianapolis INDPOL e: Industrial Pollutant - e: Industrial Pollution Ind Port p: Industria Portuguesa (journ.) Ind Power Mass Prod e: Industrial Power and Mass Production Ind Prod e: Industrial Production [Statistical Office of the European Communities, Luxembourg] (journ.) Ind Prod Mag e: Industrial Products Magazine (journ.) INDPRO-Programm d: IndikatorPrognose-Programm IndProt e: Independent Protectionist INDPRP-Programm d: IndikatorPrognose-Programm Ind Quest e: Indirect Question INDR e: Indicator Ind Radiogr e: Industrial Radiography and Non-Destructive Testing (journ.) INDRA Project e: Internet Display and Remote Access Project INDR Device e: Indicator Device Indre e: Indenture Ind Recovery e: Industrial Recovery (journ.) Ind Reg e: Induction Regulator INDREG e: Inductance Regulator - e: Induction Regulator IndRelat e: Industrial Relations (journ.) Ind Relations [Ouebec] e: Industrial Relations [Quebec] (journ.) Ind Rep e: Independent Republican IndRes e: Indian Reservation - e: Industrial Research (journ.) Ind Res Dev e: Industrial Research and Development (joum.)

Ind Robot e: Industrial Robot (journ.) INDS e: Incore Nuclear Detection System Ind Saf e: Industrial Dafety Ind Saf Data File e: Industrial Safety Data File Ind Sei Eng e: Industrial Science and Engineering Ind Sei Instram e: Industrial and Scientific Instruments (journ.) Ind Sei Rev e: Index to Scientific Reviews Ind Sei Technol e: Industrial Science and Technology [Japan] (journ.) Inds et Trar Outremer f: Industries et Travaux d'Outre-Mer (journ.) Ind Soc e: Industrial Society [Industrial Society, GB] (joum.) Ind Soc B e: Indian Sociological Bulletin (journ.) Ind Sym e: Indianapolis Symphony INDT e: Indent - e: Induction - e: Institute for Non-Destructive Testing Ind T e: Indian Territory Ind Tech f: Industries et Techniques (journ.) Ind Tek r: Industriell Teknik Ind Ter e: Indian Territory Ind Text e: Industrie Textile (joum.) Ind Text Eur f: IndustrieTextile en Europe (joum.) INDTNG e: Individual Training INDTR e: Indentor - e: Indicator Transmitter Ind Trends e: Industrial Trends [Statistical Office of the European Communities, Luxembourg] (joum.) INDUC e: Inductance - e: Induction Induced EMF e: Induced Electromotive Force INDUGAS s: Industria de Gas Ind Un Art B e: Indiana University. Art Museum. Bulletin (joum.) Ind U Pr e: Indiana University Press Indus e: Industrial - e: Industry Indusi d: Induktive [Zug-]Sicherung INDUSSIM e: Industry Simulation Indust e: Industrialization] - e: Industrialize^] - e: Industrious - e: Industry INDUSTL e: Industrial INDUSTR e: Industrial Industrial Phot e: Industrial Photography (joum.) INDUYO s: Industrias y Confecciones S.A./Spain INDV[L] e: Individual Ind Veg Turf Pest Manage e: Industrial Vegetation Turf and Pest Management (joum.) indvl e: individual Ind Week e: Industry Week (journ.) INDX e: Index Technology Corporation Indy e: Indianapolis [Speedway] - e: Industry Indy-style e: Indianapolis-style INE e: Incorrect Negative Expectancy - e: Inertial Navigation Element - e: Institution of Nuclear Engineers - s: Instituto Nacional de Estadística INEA d: Internationaler ElektronikArbeitskreis - e: International Electronics Association - e: International Nuclear and Energy Association

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

IN&EA e: International Nuclear and Energy Association INEC e: European Institute of Ecology and Cancer - e: IndTech Corporation - e: Inverted Emulsifiable Concentrate INECEL e: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Electrificación span INED e: Institute for New Enterprise Development - f: Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques ined 1: ineditus INEFFY e: Inefficiency INEFIP d: Integriertes Erfolgs- und Finanzplanungsmodell inefvy e: ineffectively INEI e: International Network for Educational Information INEL d: Internationale Elektrotechnische und Elektronische Ausstellung - d: Internationale Fachmesse für industrielle Elektronik - e: Idaho National Engineering Laboratories - e: Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory - e: Inelasticity] - e: Intelligent Electronics[, Inc.] - e: International Exhibition of Industrial Electronics INELTEC d: Fachmesse für industrielle Elektronik und Elektrotechnik - e: Exhibition of Industrial Electronics, Electrical Engineering, and Technical Installation INEOA e: International Narcotic Enforcement Officers] Association INEPT e: Insensitive Nuclear [or Nuclei] Enhanced by Polarization Transfer INEPT CR e: Insensitive Nuclear [or Nuclei] Enhanced by Polarization under Composite Refocusing ineq e: inequality INER d:[Institut für ]Informationswissenschaft, Erfindungswesen und Recht - e: Inertial - e: Institute of Nuclear Energy Research INES e: Information Editing System - e: Information Exchange System INESKA e: Information Exchange Scheme Kingston Area Iness e: Invemess-shire I-Net e: Institutional Network INET e: Inertial Navigation Equipment Tester - e: Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology - e: Intelligent Network [Simulator] - e: Interbank Network Electronic, Inc. - e: Interbank Network for Electronic Transfer INETI i: Istituto Nacional de Engeharia e Tecnología Industrial inetiv e: ineffective INETr e: Interbank Network for Electronic Transfer INETS e: Integrated Effects Tests for Survivability INEWF e: Indian National Electricity Workers Federation INEWS e: Integrated Electronic Warfare System in ex 1: in extenso INEX d: Industrieanlagen-Export


INF INF e: Infantry - e: Inferior - e: Infinity - e: Information and Management (journ.) - e: Informative - e: Infra - e: Institute of HIFI - e: Interface - e: Interface. Data Processing Management (journ.) - e: Interceptor Night Fighter - e: Interference - e: Intermediate[-range] Nuclear Force[s] [Treaty] - e: International Naturist Federation - e: Intervertebral Foramina - e: Irredundant Normal Form[ula] - p: Instituto Nacional de Farmacologia Inf d: Infamie - d: Infanterie - d: Infektion - d: Infinitiv - d: Infizierung - d: Informatik - d: Information - e: lnfant[ible] - e: Infected - e: Infectious - e: Infirmary - f: Inférieur inf d: infam - d: infizieren - d: infiziert - d: informativ - d: informatorisch - d: informieren - d: informiert - e: infant[ile] - e: infantry - e: infectious] - e: infinite - e: infinitive - e: infinum - e: influence - e: information] - e: infra- e: interferon -1: infimum -1: infra -1: infunde -1: infusum INFA d: Informationsausgabe - f: Institut paur l'Etude du Fascisme INFAA e: Information Research Analysts INFAC e: Instrumented Factory InFACT e: Integrated Flexible Assembly Cell Technology INFAD d: Institut Für Automatiesierte Datenverarbeitung Inf Age e: Information Age (journ.) Infalum Bull e: Infalum Bulletin [Switzerland] (journ.) INFAMA e: International Fair Promotion and Marketing INFANT e: Iroquois Night Fighter and Night Tracker Infantry e: Infantry Magazine (journ.) Infantry J e: Infantry Journal (journ.) INFANTS e: Iroquois Night Fighter And Night Tracker System Infar d: Informations-Funk-AutomatikRadio INFAR d: Informationsausgaberegister - e: Informations-Funk-Autorradio infarc e: infarction INFARVGL d: Informationsausgaberegistervergleicher

INF AS d: Institut für angewandte Sozial Wissenschaft INFAVGL d: Informationsausgabevergleicher Inf Bat e: Infantry Battalion InfBeob d: Infanteriebeobachter InfBildWiss d: Informationen, Bildung, Wissenschaft (journ.) Inf-Bl d: Informationsblatt Inf Bull Variable Stars e: Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (jouni.) Inf Bull Var Stars e: Information Bulletin on Variable Stars [Hungary] (journ.) I N F C E e: International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation I N F C E P e: International Fuel-Cycle Evaluation Program Inf Chim f: Informations Chimie [Société d'Expansion Technique et Economique, France] (journ.) Inf Cire Bur Mines Geosci [Philipp] e: Information Circular. Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences [Philippines] (journ.) Inf Cire South Pac Comm e: Information Circular. South Pacific Commission (journ.)


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I N F C O e: Information Committee [of the International Standards Organization] - e: Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information on Standardization Inf Comput e: Information and Computation (journ.) InfContr e: Information and Control (journ.) Inf Decis Technol n: Information and Decision Technologies [Netherlands] (journ.) Inf Dev e: Information Development (journ.) I n f D i s p e: Information Display (journ.) Inf Div e: Infantry Division Inf/Dok d: Information/Dokumentation INFDS e: Information Data Structure INFE d: Informationseingabe - d: Informationselektroniker - e: Inferior - e: International Newspaper Financial Executives Inf Econ Policy e: Information Economics and Policy [Netherlands] (journ.) Infect e: Infection - e: Infectious Infect Immun e: Infection and Immunity (journ.) Infekt d: Infektion Infektionskr d: Infektionskrankheiten] Infekts Kult Rast Mold R: Infektsionnye Zabolevaniya Kul'turnykh Rastenii Moldavii (journ.) Infel d: Informationsstelle für Elektrizitätsanwendung Inf Elektron H: Informacio Elektronika (journ.) InfElettron i: Informazione Elettronica (journ.) I N F E R d: Informationseingaberegister I N F E R A L e: Information Retrieval Automatic Language I N F E R E X Language e: Interference Execution Language I N F E R T d: industrielle Fertigung I N F E R V G L d: Informationseingaberegistervergleicher Inf Exec e: Information Executive [Data Processing Management Association, US] (journ.)

Inf Geol Sci Terre f: Informatique Géologique. Sciences de la Terre (journ.) Inf Grasas Aceites s: Informaciones sobre Grasas y Aceites (journ.) infib e: infibulate - e: infibulation INFIC e: International Network of Feed Information Centers infimry e: infirmary infin e: infinitive INFINA d: Informatik für die Industrielle Automation INFINET e: International Financial Networks Inf INT p: Informativo do INT [Brazil] (journ.) Inf Intel! Online Newsl e: Information Intelligence Online Newsletter (journ.) Inf IREQ f: Information IREQ [Institut de Recherche en Electricite du Quebec, Canada] (journ.) infirm e: infirmary INFIRM e: Integrated File of Information for Resources Management INFIR S[ystem] e: Inverted File Information Retrieval System INFIS e: International Federation of Information Services Inf-Kr d: Infektionskrankheit[en] INFL e: Inflammability Infi d: Inflation - d: Influenz infl d: inflationistisch - e: inflammable - e: inflated - e: inflect - e: inflorescence - e: influence[d] in-fl e: in-flight inflam e: Inflammable Inflamm e: Inflammable - e: Inflammatory infln e: infulitive INFLO e: Integrated Flight Optimization [system] inflor e: inflorescence INFLO System e: Integrated Flight Optimization System influ e: influence - e: influential INFM d: Information - e: Information Inf Manage e: Information and Management [Netherlands] (journ.) Inf Marmista i: Informatore del Marmista (journ.) Inf Media Technol e: Information Media and Technology (journ.) Infme Mens Estac Exp Agric La Molina s: Informe Mensual. Estacion Experimental Agricola de "La Molina" (journ.) INF Message e: Information Message Infme Tec Estac Exp Agropec s: Informe Tecnico. Estacion Experimental Regional Agropecuario [Pergamino], Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (journ.) Inf Mkt e: Information Market [Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg] (journ.) INFN e: Infinite - e: Information - e: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - i: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Inft Inf Nitrate Corp Chile Chil Nitrate Agric Serv s: Information. Nitrate Corporation of Chile. Chilean Nitrate Agricultural Service (journ.) INFNT e: Iroquois Night Fighter and Night Tracker INFO e: Information - e: Information Network and File Organization - e: Information Network for Operations - e: International Forestry Consultants, Inc., Seattle, Washington - e: International Fortean Organization Info d: Informationssystem] info e: inform Info and Record Managern e: Information and Records Management (journ.) INFOB e: Information-Oriented Language INFOBANK e: Information Bank Info Can e: Information Canada INFOCEN e: Information Center INFOCLIMA e: World Climate Data Information Referral Service INFOCOM d: Gesellschaft für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik - e: Information Communications Info Corner Esp s: Informacion Comercial Espanola (journ.) INFOCOMM e: Information and Communications Technology INFODOC e: Information Documentation INFOES e: In-Flight Operational Evaluation of a Space [System] INFOESS e: In-Flight Operational Evaluation of Space Systems INFOES System e: In-Flight Operational Evaluation of a Space System INFOFILM e: International Information Film Service INFOHOST e: Information on Hosts [Database] INFOKOM d: Gesellschaft für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik InfoKonzLogUstg d: Informationskonzept Logistische Unterstützung INFOL e: Information-Oriented Language INFOLAC e: Information for Latin American Countries [Project] INFOLINE e: Information Line [telephone] INFOLs e: Information Oriented Languages Info Manager e: Information Manager (joum.) INFOMAT e: Information on Materials and Coatings INFONAC s: Instituto de Fomento Nacional INFONET e: Information Networks] InfoNetzLw d: Informationsnetz der Luftwaffe Info O e: Information Officer INFOODS e: International Network of Food Data Systems INFOPAC e: Pacific Bell Information System INFOPLEX e: An Electronic Message Switching Service INFOR e: Information [Network and File Organization] - e: Information-processing and Operational Research - e: Interactive FORTRAN [Formula Translation] INFORCHIN d: Internationales Zweiginformationssystem für Chemie und Chemische Industrie INFORE d: Informationssystem Rechnungswesen

INFOREM e: Inventory Forecasting and Replenishment Module[s] Info Rep M-X Mar For Res Cent e: Information Report M-X. Maritimes Forest Research Centre. Canadian Forestry Service (joum.) INFOREQ e: Information Requested - e: Information Required as to INFORFILM e: International Information Film Service INFORM d: Institut for Operations Research and Management - e: Information [for Minnesota] - e: Information Network for Online Retrieval Maintenance - e: Institute for Operations Research and Management Inform d: Information [en] - f: Informatique [Association Française pour le Cybemetique, Economique et Technique, France] (journ.) inform d: informativ - d: informatorisch - d: informieren - d: informiert INFORMAC e: Information for Merchant and Customer INFORMAL e: Information for Avionics Laboratory INFORMALUX e: Information Luxembourg INFORMAP e: Information Necessary for Optimum Resources Management Planning Informationsbl d: Informationsblatt Informbureau e: Information Bureau Informburo e: [Soviet] Information Bureau Inform Contr e: Information Control Inform Diritto i: Informática e Diritto (journ.) Informes PMV Am Lat s: Informes de Pro Mundi Vita America Latina (journ.) Informex e: Mexican Information Service - s: Informaciones Mexicanas Inform Forsch Entwickl d: Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung [Germany] (journ.) Inform Raumentwicklung d: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung INFORMS e: Information Organization Reporting and Management System - e: Iowa Network for Obtaining Resource Materials for Schools Inform Sei and Syst e: Information Science and Systems Inform Spectrum d: Informatik Spektrum (journ.) Inform Tech Ser e: Information Technology Series Inform Theor Appl f: Informatique Theorique et Applications (journ.) INFORS e: International Federation of Engineers INFORSA s: Industrias Forestal SA INFOS d: Informatik-Organisationssystem - d: Informationssystem - d: Informationszentrum für Schnittwerte - e: Information Network for Official Statistics INFOSAT d: Informationssatellit INFOSEC e: Information Security INFOSOR e: Information Sources Infospecs e: Information Specialists Limited INFOSTOR e: Information Storage - e: Information Store INFOTERM e: International Information Center [or Centre] for Terminology

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

INFO-TERM d: Informationszentrum für Terminologie INFOTERRA e: International Environmental Information System - e: International Referral System for Sources of Environmental Information INFOTEX e: Information via Telex Info Theory e: Information Theory InfoVarb d: Informationsverarbeitung InfoVarbSys d: Informationsverarbeitungssystem Info Wash e: Information Washington (journ.) InfP e: Information Processing Journal Inf Pap Aust AEC e: Information Paper. Australian Atomic Energy Commission Inf Power e: Information Power (journ.) Inf Process e: Information Processing [Information Processing Society of Japan] (journ.) Inf Process Lett e: Information Processing Letters [Netherlands] (journ.) Inf Process Manage e: Information Processing and Management (journ.) Inf Process Soc Jpn e: Information Processing Society of Japan [Japan] (journ.) INFQ e: International Information Management Exposition and Conference INFR e: Interference infr e: inferior INFRA e: Infrastructure infra dig 1: infra dignitatem INFRA L[anguage] e: Information Retrieval Automatic Language INFRA PHYS e: Infrared Physics infraptum 1: infrascriptum Infrared Phys e: Infrared Physics - e: Infrared Physics (journ.) Infrastr d: Infrastruktur Inf Recht d: Informatik und Recht (journ.) Inf Referral, J Alliance Inf Referral Syst e: Information and Referral Journal of the Alliance of Information Referral Systems (journ.) INFREQS e: Information Requests Inf Resour Manage J e: Information Resources Management International Journal (journ.) infrie 1: infricetur INFROSS e: Information Requirements of the Social Sciences - e: Investigation into Information Requirements Of the Social Sciences InfS d: Infanterieschule InfSch d: Infantrieschule - e: Infantry School Inf Sci e: Information Sciences (journ.) Inf Serv Use e: Information Service and Use [Netherlands] (journ.) InfSoc e: Information Society (journ.) Inf Softw Technol e: Information and Software Technology (journ.) Inf Stand Q e: Information Standards Quarterly [National Information Standards Organization, US] (journ.) Inf Strategy, Exec J e: Information Strategy The Executive's Journal (journ.) InfStrRetr e: Information Storage & Retrieval (journ.) Inf Syst c: Informacne Systemy (journ.) - e: Information Systems (journ.) Inf Syst Res e: Information Systems Research [The Institute of Management Sciences, US] (journ.) Inft e: Infant 269

INFT INFT e: Informal Training Inf TAI e: Information TAI [Canada] (journ.) Inf Tech-IT d: Informationstechnik-IT (journ.) Inf Technol and Libr e: Information Technology and Libraries Inf Technol Dev e: Information Technology for Development (journ.) Inf Technol Learn e: Information Technology and Learning (journ.) Inf Technol Libr e: Information Technology and Libraries [Library and Information Technology Association, US] (journ.) Inf Technol Public Policy e: Information Technology and Public Policy (journ.) Inf Technol Res and Dev e: Information Technology. Research and Development (journ.) Inf Tech People e: Information Technology and People (joum.) Inf Times e: Information Times [Information Industry Association, US] (journ.) Inf Today e: Information Today (journ.) INFU d: Institut für Umweltschutz und Umweltgüteplanung, Dortmund InFü d: Innere Führung INFUCHS d: Informationssystem für Umweltchemikalien, Chemieanlagen und Störfälle infus e: Infusible INFUT e: Information Utility INFX e: Inspection Fixture Infy e: Infantry Inf Zukunfts-Friedensforsch d: Information Zukunfts- und Friedensforschung ING d: Isotopen-Nephrogramm - e: Inertial Navigation and Guidance - e: Inertial Navigation Gyro - e: Inertial Neutron Generator - e: Integrated Ground - e: Intense Graphie Generator - e: Intense Neutron Generator - e: International Newspaper Group ing a: ingenipr - e: inguinal - i: ingégnere - i: ingegneria - N: ingeni0r Ing d: Ingenieur - f: Ingénieur INGA d: Interaktive Grafische Analyse - d: Internationale Nahrungs- und Genußmittel AG - e: Inspection Ga[u]ge - e: Interactive Graphic[s] Analysis - e: Interstate Natural Gas Association INGAA e: Independent Natural Gas Association of America - e: Interstate Natural Gas Association of America InGaAs e: Indium-Gallium-Arsenid Ing-Arch d: Ingenieur-Archiv (journ.) INGAS d: integriertes Großhandelsabrechnungssystem Ing Automob f: Ingenieurs de l'Automobile (journ.) INGC e: International Nutrition and Genetics Corporation Ing-Dig d: Ingenieur-Digest (journ.) Ing Electr Mec s: Ingenieria Electrica y Mecanica [Asociacion Venezolana de Ingenieros Electricos y Mecanicos, Venezuela] (journ.)


Ingenieurgeol d: Ingenieurgeologe Ingenieurwes d: Ingenieurwesen INGEOMINAS s : Instituto de Investigaciones Geologico Mineras Ing Estructural s: Ingeniería Estructural (jouni.) IngG d: Ingenieurgesetz Ingg e: Inggeris Ing Ind s: Ingeniería Industrial (journ.) IngJ d: Ingenieur Journal Ingl i: Inghilterra - p: Inglaterra - s: Inglaterra ING LINAC e: Intense Neutron Generator Linear Accelerator Ing Mee Electr s: Inginieria Mecanica y Electrica [Asociacion Mexicana de Ingenieros Mecanicos y Electricistas, Mexico] (journ.) INGN e: Integrated Genetics, Inc. Ing Nucí i: Ingegneria Nucleare INGO e: International Non-Governmental Organization InGP e: Indol[e] Glycerophosphate InGPS e: Indol[e] Glycerophosphate Synthetase Ing Quirn s: Ingenieria Quimica (journ.) Ingr d: Ingredienzien] - e: Ingrediens - e: Ingredienti] INGR e: Intergraph Corporation INGRD[s] e: Ingredienti] INGRES e: Interactive Graphic[s] and Retrieval System Ingria e: Ingermanland INGROS d: integriertes Großhandelsinformationssystem Ing[-]S d: Ingenieurschule INGS e: Inland Gold and Silver Corporation Ing Sanit s: Ingeniería Sanitaria [InterAmerican Association of Sanitary Engineering, US] (journ.) Ing-Sch d: Ingenieurschule - d: Ingenieurschüler Ing Werkst d: Ingenieur Werkstoffe (journ.) IngZ d: Ingenieur Zeitschrift (journ.) INH d: Isonicotinsäurehydrazid - e: Improved Nike Hercules - e: Inhalation - e: Inhibit - e: Inverted Hour - e: Isonicotine Acid Hydrazide - e: Isonicotinic [Acid] Hydrazide - s: Instituto Nacional de Hipódromos Inh d: Inhaber - d: Inhalation - d: Inhalt inh d: inhalieren - d: inhaltlich INHA d: Inhaltsverzeichnis] - d: Isonicotinsäurehydrazid INHAB e: Inhabitants] Inhal e: Inhalation Inh-Ang d: Inhaltsangabe InhAuswtg d: Inhaltsauswertung INHB e: Inhibit INHBD e: Inhibited in Hg e: inch[es] of Mercury INHIB e: Inhibition - e: Inhibitory INHIGEO e: International Commission on the History of the Geological Science - e: International Committee on History of the Geological Sciences

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INH Missile e: Improved Nike Hercules Missile inH 2 0 e: conventional inch of water - e: inch[es] Water[-column] INHOUR e: Inverted Hour INHP e: Independence National Historical Park INHS e: Illinois Natural History Survey - e: Indian Naval Hospital Ship Inh Sw A e: Inhibit Switch A Inh Sw 1 B e: Inhibit Switch 1 Bit Inh Sw 2 B e: Inhibit Switch 2 Bit Inh Sw 4 B e: Inhibit Switch 4 Bit Inh Sw 8 B e: Inhibit Switch 8 Bit Inh Sw Wd Mk e: Inhibit Switch Word Mark Inh Sw Y B e: Inhibit Switch Y Bit Inh-Verz d: Inhaltsverzeichnis Inh Y B e: Inhibit Y Bit INI e: Incipient Nonequilibrium Index - e: Indianapolis Newspapers Incorporated - e: Industrial Nurses Institute - e: Initiator - e: Inject - e: Interface Noise Inverter - e: International Nursing Index - e: Intervideo Network, Inc. - e: Intranuclear Inclusion - f: Institut National de ('Industrie -1: In Nomine Iesu INIA s: Instituto Nacional de Investigacioner Agricolus INI Agent e: Intranuclear Inclusion Agent INIB d: Internationale Normeninformationsbank INIBP s: Instituto Nacional de Investiguciones Biológico-Pesqueras INIC e: Current Negative Immittance Converter [I = Current] - e: Current Negative Impedance Converter [I - Current] - e: Inverse Negative Impedance Converter - s: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Científica INICAE e: International Information, Communication and Education INICHAB f: Institut National de l'Industrie Charbonniere INIDN e: Indonesian National Information and Documentation Network INID/NOD e: Immediate Network-In-Dial/ Net work-Ou t-Di al INIF s: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Inig Fmr e: Irrigation Farmer (journ.) in/in e: inch per inch in init 1: in initio INIP e: Institute of Non-Numerical Information Processing - s: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Pecutarias INIS d: Internationales NuklearInformationssystem - e: Industrial Information System - e: International Nuclear Information Service[s] - e: International Nuclear Information[s] System INISEB s: Instituto de Investigaciones Sobre Resurcos Bioticos INISEL s: Empresa Nacional de Electrónica y Sistemas INISTE e: International Network for Information in Science and Technology Education

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Innov H i g h E d u c INI System e: International Nuclear Information System I N I T d: Initialisierungsprogramm - e: Initial [ization] - e: Initiateftilize] - e: Initiation Init d: Initiale[n] - d: Initiative init e: initially] -1: initio INITCCA e: Initial Cash Clothing Allowance INITCCCA e: Initial Civilian Cash Clothing Allowance Initiier d: Initiierung INIT UNIF ALW e: Initial Uniform Allowance iniv e: initiative INJ d: Internationales Verkehrswesen, Fachzeitschrift für Information und Kommunikation in Verkehr (journ.) - e: Inject[tor] - e: Ion Beam Injector -1: In Nomine Jesu Inj d: Injektion - d: Injizieren - e: Injectable inj d: injiziert - e: injectionfs] - e: injunction - e: injure[d] - e: injurious - e: injury -1: injectio Inject e: Injection inj enema 1: injiciaturenemts INJFACS e: Injection Facilities inj hyp 1: injectio hyperdermica INJI e: Institute for Nuclear Study INJMLDG e: Injection Mo[u]lding INKA d: Informationssystem Karlsruhe - d: Informationszentrum Karlsruhe - e: Information System Karlsruhe Ink d: Inkasso ink d: inkompetent - d: inkorrekt - d: inkurabel INKA-CONF e: Informations System Karlsruhe-Conference [Announcements] - e: INKA [Informations System Karlsruhe] Conference Announcement INKA-CORP e: Informationssystem Karlsruhe-Corporates in Energy - e: Information System KarlsruheCorporations - e: INKA [Information System Karlsruhe] Corporations INKA-DATAC e: Information System Karlsruhe Data Compilations - e: INKA [Information System Karlsruhe] Data Compilations INKA-DATACOMP e: Informationssystem Karlsruhe-Data Compilations in Energy and Physics - e: INKA [Information System Karlsruhe] Data Complications in Energy and Physics INKA-MATH e: Information System Karlsruhe-Database on Mathematics - e: INKA [Information System Karlsruhe] Mathematics INKA-MATHDI e: Informationssystem Karlsruhe-Mathematical Education - e: INKA [Information System Karlsruhe] Mathematical Education

INKA-NUCLEAR e: Information System Karlsruhe-Database on Nuclear Science and Technology - e: INKA [Information System Karlsruhe] Database on Nuclear Science and Technology INKA-NUCLEAR PART INIS e: INKA [Informationssystem Karlsruhe] Nuclear Database Part: International Nuclear Information System INKA-NUCLEAR PART KKK e: INKA [Informationssystem Karlsruhe] Nuclear Database Part: Conference Papers: Nuclear Research, Nuclear Technology INKA-NUCLEAR PART NSA e: INKA [Informationssystem Karlsruhe] Nuclear Database Part: Nuclear Science Abstracts INKA-PHYS d: INKA [Informationssystem Karlsruhe] Data Base-Physik - e: INKA [Informationssystem Karlsruhe] Database on Physics INKAS d: Integriertes Konstniktions- und Arbeitsplanungssystem - e: Infanterie-Nachtkampf-System - e: Infrarot Nachtkampfsystem inkl d: inklusiv[e] INKO d: Interferenzkomparator inkomm d: inkommensurabel inkomp d: inkomparabel - d: inkompatibel - d: inkompetent Inkorp d: Inkorporation inkorp d: inkorporal - d: inkorporieren - d: inkorporiert inkov d: inkonvertibel Ink Print e: Ink and Print (joum.) Inkrafttr d: Inkrafttreten I N L e: Independent Newspapers Limited - e: Internal Noise Level inl d: inlautend - e: initial - n: inlichtingen I n L e: Indian Literature (journ.) - e: Instructor Lieutenant Inl d: Inland - d: Inlaut - d: Inlet INLA e: International Nuclear Law Association - e: Irish National Liberation Army Inl Agrie s: Información Agrícola (journ.) INLAN e: Instant Language INLAND e: Informal Natural Language Access to Navy Data Inland P e: Inland Printer/American Lithographer (journ.) I N L A W e: Infantry Laser Weapon[s] in-lb e: inch-pound in 3 /lb e: cubic inch per pound in-Ibf e: inch-pound-force I N L C e: Initial Launch Capability In L - C d r e: Instructor Lieutenant Commander InLCr e: Instructor Lieutenant-Commander INLETS e: In-Line Execution Tests in lim 1: in limine in litt I: in litteris Inlk e: Interlock I N L O e: in Lieu of in loe 1: in loco -1: in locum in loe cit 1: in loco citato INLP e: Integer Non-Linear Programming INLR e: Item No Longer Required INLS e: Individualized Learning System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

In-L-Skt e: In-Line Socket Init e: Initialize - e : Inlet inly e: initially I N M e: Inspector of Naval Machinery - e: Inspector of Naval Material [or Materiel] - e: Institute of Naval Medicine - e: Interception Mission - e: International Narcotics Matter[s] - e: International Nautical Mile - e: Irish National Museum - e: Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide INMA d: Institut für Marktforschung - e: International Newspaper Marketing Association INMAC e: International Minicomputer Accessories Corporation INMAP e: Independent Microlelectronics Applications IN-MARSAT e: International Maritime Satellite Communications Organisation INMARSAT e: International Marine Satellite - e: International Maritime Satellite [Organisation] - e: International Maritime Satellite System INMARSATORG e: International Maritime Satellite Organization INMARSAT Organization e: International Maritime Satellite Organization INMARSAT System e: International Maritime Satellite System I N M A S e: Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences - e: Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences INMC e: International Network Management Center [or Centre] INMED e: Indians into Medicine in mem 1: in memoriam INMETCO e: International Metals Reclamation Company, Ellwood City, Pa. INMI e: International Nautical Mile[s] in/min e: inches per minute INMM e: Institute of Nuclear Materials Management INMR e: Insider Network Market Report - e: Inverse Magnetic Resonance INMS e: Helmet Mounted Sight IN/MSX e: Intellimac Multi-System Executive INN d: Innsbruck [Flughafen] - e: Independent Network News - e: Initial Nodal Network - e: Inning - e: Intermediate Network Node - e: International Nonproprietary Name - s: Instituto Nacional de [la] Nutrición - s: Instituto Nacional de Normalización inn d: innerlich Inn e: Innoshima innerl d: innerlich innerv e: innervate[d] - e: innervation Innis e: Inniskilling INNOLOG e: Innovative Logistics Techniques INNOTECH e: Institute for Educational Innovation and Technology - e: Regional Centre for Educational Innovation and Technology - e: SEAEMO Regional Centre for Educational Innovation and Technology Innov High Educ e: Innovative Higher Education (journ.)


Innov Manage Innov Manage e: Innovation and Management [Institute of Management Consultants, GB] (journ.) inns f: innings dio INNSE i: Innocenti Santeustaccio INNSE Not/News i: INNSE Notizie/News (journ.) INO e: Indian Ocean Region - e: Inosin - e: Inspectorate Of Naval Ordnance - e: Institute for Naval Oceanography - e: Intelligence Officer - e: Issue Necessary Orders - e: Iterative Natural Orbital INOAVNOT e: If Not Available Notify [this office at once] INOBA e: Intelligent Node for Basic Access inoc e: inoculate - e: inoculation INOC e: Iraq National Oil Company INOCA e: International Network of Centres for Computer Applications INOCO e: Indonesian Nippon Oil Corporation INODC e: Indian National Oceanographic Data Centre INOEX e: Indian Ocean Experiment INOHYC e: Integrated Optical Hybrid Circuit INOMACOS e: Institut fuer Operational Research Marketing und Computersysteme inop e: inoperative INOPBL e: Inoperable INOPV e: Inoperative INORAC e: Inquiry, Ordering and Accounting Inorg e: Inorganic Inorg Chem e: Inorganic Chemistry - e: Inorganic Chemistry [American Chemical Society] (journ.) Inorg Chim Acta e: Inorganica Chimica Acta (journ.) Inorg Mater e: Inorganic Materials (journ.) - R: Inorganic Materials [Translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganzcheskie Materialy [USSR], published in the US] (journ.) Inorg Nucl Chem Lett e: Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters (journ.) INOS s: Instituto Nacional de Obras Sanitarias INOSHAC e: Indian Ocean and Southern Hemisphere Analysis Center [or Centre] InoStT e: Saint Thomas High School, Rockford INOUIRE e: Issues Needing Qualification Using Intensive Real-Time Experimentation In-Out e: Input-Output INOV f: Association Internationale du Nouvel Objet Visuel in oz e: inch ounce In P e: Indium Phosphide IN2P3 e: Institute National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules

INP e: If Not Possible - e: In Process - e: Indenol[l,2,3-cd]pyrene - e: Indium Phosphid[e] - e: Inert Nitrogen Protection - e: Input - e: Institute of National Planning - e: Institute of Nuclear Physics - e: Integrated Network Planning - e: Integrated Network Processor - e: Intelligent Network Processor - e: Inyanga National Park INPA e: International Newspaper Promotion Association - p: Instituto Nacional por Pesquisar au Amazonac INPACON e: Input Activity Control - e: Input Audit and Control INPACS Service e: International PacketSwitching Service Inpadoc e: International Patentdocumentation INPADOC e: INKA [Information System Karlsruhe]-Patent Documentation - e: International Patent Documentation Center [or Centre] INPADOK d: internationale Patentdokumentation in partibus 1: in partibus infidelium INPBM e: Information not Provided by Manufacturer INPC e: Impulse Noise Performance Curve - e: Isopropyl-N-Phenylcarbamate - e: O-Isopropyl N-Phenylcarbamate INPE p: Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais INPEA e: N-Isopropyl-P-NitroPhenylethanolamine INPFC e: International North Pacific Fisheries Commission INPh d: Idealistische Neuphilologie (journ.) - e: Interphone - e: Iproniazid Phosphate INPI f: Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle in p inf 1: in partibus infidelium INPL f: Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine INPLAY e: Random Access Microfilm Information Retrieval Display System INPO e: Institute of Nuclear Power Operations INPOL d: Informations^ und Auskunfts-] system der Polizei INPOLSE e: International Police Services INPOWER e: Independent Power Generation Conference and Exhibition in p r 1: in principio INPR d: Initialisierungsprogramm - e: In Progress Inprecorr e: International Press Correspondence in prep e: in preparation INPRINT e: Integrated Program[me] for Information Transfer INPRIS e: Investment Promotion Information System in pro e: in proportion INPRO[C]NS e: Information Processing in the Central Nervous System inps e: if not previously sold INPS i: Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza Sociale INPT e: in Port - e: Input - f: Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse


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in pulm 1: in pulmento INPUT e: Induced Pulse Transient Inq d: Inquisition - d: Inquisitor - e: Inquire - s: Inquisidor inq d: inquisitorisch - e: inquiry - e: inquisition INQUA e: International Association on Quaternary Research - e: International Union for Quaternary Research inquis d: inquisitorisch INR d: Institut für Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik - e: Impact Noise Rating - e: Impact Noise Ratio - e: Impact Noise Reduction - e: Increment Register - e: Independent National Radio - e: Index of Nursing Research - e: Indian Rupee - e: Information Request - e: Initial Nuclear Radiation - e: Institute of Natural Resources - e: Institute of Nuclear Research - e: Intelligence and Research - e: Interference-to-Noise Ratio - f: Institut National de la Radio Institute - f: Institut National de Radiodiffusion - n: Informatie (journ.) inr e: inner i-n r e: interference-to-noise ratio in'r e: inner INRA e: Institute for Natural Resources in Africa - f: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - s: Instituto Nacional de la Reforma Agraria INRAD e: Interactive Radiation - e: Interactive Real-time Advanced Displays INRAT f: Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie in ref e: in reference [to] INREO e: Information Request INREP e: Installation Damage Report - e: Replenishment conducted between two ships while in port INREPL e: Incoming Replacement I&N Reporter e: Immigration and Naturalization Reporter INREQ e: Information on Request - e: Information Requested In Reqs e: Information Requests In Res e: Indian Reservation INRES-TCDC e: Information Referral System for Technical Cooporation among Developing Countries Inrest Geotherm Potential UK Br Geol Surv e: Investigation of the Geothermal Potential of the UK. British Geological Survey (journ.) in/rev e: inches per revolution INRI 1: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum INRIA f: Institut National de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique - f: Institute National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique INRIC e: International Network of Resource Information Centres INRNE e: Institute Of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy INRO e: International Natural Rubber Organization - e: International Naval Research Organization

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

INSMAB INROADS e: Information on Roads [Database] INROWASP e: In Rotating Water Spinning Process INRT e: Inertia INRTG e: Inert Gas INRTL e: Inertial INS d: Insulin - d: Ionenneutralisationsspektrometer - d: Ionenneutralisationsspektrometrie - e: Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome - e: Immigration and Naturalization Service - e: Improved Navigational Satelitte - e: Improved Night Sight - d: Institut fur nukleare Sicherheitsforschung - e: Indian Naval Ship - e: Indian Navy[s] Ship - e: Indirect NICS Subscriber - e: Inelastic Neutron Scattering - e: Inertial Navigation Sensor - e: Inertial Navigation System - e: Information Network System - e: Information System[s] - e: Initial Navigation System - e: Inrealistic Neutron Scattering - e: Insert - e: Insertion] [Burn] - e: Insolubilization - e: Insoluble - e: Inspection - e: Inspector - e: Installation Noise Standard - e: Institute for Naval Studies - e: Institute for Nuclear Studies - e: Institute of Naval Studies - e: Institute of Nuclear Sciences - e: Institute of Nuclear Studies - e: Institute of Nutritional Sciences - e: Instruction^] - e: Insufficient Sample - e: Insulate[d] - e: Insulating - e: Insulation - e: Insulator - e: Insulin - e:Insurance - e: Integrated Navigation System - e: Integrated Networking] System - e: International] Navigation System - e: International News Service - e: Interstation Noise Suppression - e: Investors News Service - e: Ion Neutralization Spectrometer - e: Ion Neutralization Spectrometry - e: Ion Neutralization Spectroscope - e: Ion Neutralization Spectroscopy - e: Iron Nickel System - e: Iron Soldering ins d: in das - d: inseitig -e:inches - e: inscribe[d] - e: inscription - e: insular - e: insulate - e: insure[d] Ins d: Insekt[en] - d: Insel - d: Insemination - d: Insulaner - e: Insect - e: Insemination - e: Inverness I&NS e: Immigration and Naturalization Service in s 1: in situ in/s e: inch[es] per second

INSA e: Indian National Science Academy - e: International Shipowners Association - s: Industria Nacional de Neumaticos SA INSAC e: International Systems And Computers - e: Interstate Airways Communications InsACS e: Interstate Airway Communication Station INSACS e: Interstate Airways Communications Station[s] - e: Interstate Airways Communications System INSAF e: Interim Name Source Authority File INSAG e: International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group Ins Agt e: Insurance Agent INSAIR e: Inspector of [Naval] Aircraft InSan d: Inspektion des Sanitats[- und Gesundheits]wesens INSAR e: Instruction Address Register INSAS e: Indian Small Arms System INSAT e: India[n] [National] Satellite INSATBAC e: Interception with Satellite Tracking INSATRAC e: Interception by Satellite Tracking - e: Interception with Satellite Tracking INSAV e: Interim Shipboard Availability - e: Interim Shipyward Availability insb[es] d: insbesondere INSC e: Inscription - e: Insulating Concrete INSCAIRS e: Instrumentation Calibration Incident Repair Service insce e: insurance INS CHAR[s] e: Insert Characters] inschr d: Einschreibung Inschr d: Inschrift INSCI e: Information Science, Inc. INSCIR f: Institut National Supérieur de Chimie Industrielle en Higher de Rouen INSCO e: Intercontinental Shipping Corporation INSCOM e: Intelligence and Security Command - e: International Satellite Communication Limited INSCOPE e: Information System for Coffee and Other Product Economics INSCR e: Inscribe[d] - e: Inscription INSCRB e: Inscribe INSD[0]C e: Indian National Scientific Documentation Center [or Centre] - e: Indonesian National Scientific Documentation Centre INSDOC List e: Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre List INSDVAL e: Insured Value INS&E e: Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering InSEA e: Indiana Society of Enrolled Agents INSEA e: International Society for Education through Art INSEAD f: Institut Européen d'Administration des affaires INSEBM f: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Medicale in/sec e: inch[es] per second INSEC e: Internal Security insecti e: insecticide[s] Insectic e: Insecticide Insectories e: Insect nurseries

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

INSEE f: Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques INSEL e: International Nickel Southern Exploration Limited INSEM e: Insemination INSENG e: Inspector of [Naval] Engineering [Material] INSEP e: Inseparable INSERM f: Institut National de la Sante et la Recherche Medicale INSET e: In Service Training INSF e: Insulating Fill INS Factor e: Iodine Number and Saponification Factor INSFf e: Insufficient insg d: insgesamt INSG f: Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble INSGCY e: Insurgency Ins Gen e: Inspector General INSGENLANTFLT e: Inspector General, Atlantic Fleet INSGENPAC e: Inspector General, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas insges d: insgesamt INSH e: Inspection Shell INSHOREPAT e: Inshore Patrol INSHOREUNSEAWARDIV e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Division INSHOREUNSEAWARGRU e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Group INSHOREUNSEAWARSURV[U] e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Surveillance [Unit] INSHORUNSEAWARGRU e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Group ins/hr e: inches per hour INSI e: Information Science, Inc. insig e: insigniticant INSIGHT e: Instructional Systems Investigation Graphic Tool - e: Interactive System for Investigation by Graphics of Hydrological Trends INSIM e: Interactive Simulation INSINSTR e: Inspector-Instructor[, Naval Reserve] insinuendo e: insinuate + innuendo INSIPID e: Inadequate Sensitivity Improvement by Proton Indirect INSIS e: Interinstitutional-integrated Services Information System INSIT e: Initial Situation INSITE e: Information on Nuclear Site Data System - e: Institutional Space Inventory Technique [System] - e: Integral Sensor Interpretation Techniques - e: Integrated Sensor Interpretation Techniques - e: Intel Software Index and Technology Exchange INSITE System e: Institutional Space Inventory Technique System INSJ e: Institute for Nuclear Studies, Japan - e: Institute of Nuclear Study, Japan INS J PL e: Insulated Jack Plug InSL e: Instructor Sub-Lieutenant insl e: insulate - e: insulation INSLAW e: Institute for Law and Social Research ins/lb e: inches per pound Ins L J e: Insurance Law Journal INSM e: Insituform Mid-America, Inc. INSMAB e: Inspector of Material Board


INSMACH INSMACH e: Inspector of [Naval] Machinery INSMAT e: Inspector of [Naval] Material INSMATPET e: Inspector of Naval Material INSMATPETMIDEASTAREA e: Inspector of Naval Material Middle-East Area INSMETLS e: International Shielding Metals INSMOREPAT e: Inshore Patrol InSn e: Indium Antimonide Insn e: Instruction INSNAVMAT e: Inspector of Navigational Material Insn Ctr e: Instruction Counter Insn Rg e: Instruction Ring Insn T e: Instruction Time INSO e: Innovative Software, Incorporated INSOL e: Insolubility - e: Insoluble INSOLAR d: Institut für Solartechnik insolv e: Insolvent insoly e: insolubility INSORA s: Instituto de Organización y Administración de Empresas INSORD e: Inspector of [Naval] Ordnance INSORDINC e: Inspector of Ordnance in Charge INSOY Program [me] e: International Soybean Program[me] Insp d:Inspekteur - d: Inspektion - d: Inspektor - d: Inspizient - d: Inspizierung insp e: inspected] - e: inspection - e: inspector - e: inspiration - e: inspire[d] Insp Adr e: Inspection and Advice (journ.) INSPAT e: Inshore Patrol in-spec e: within specifications INSPEC e: Information Service for Physics, Electrotechnology, [Computers] and Control - e: Information Service for the Physics and Engineering Communities - e: Information Service[s] in Physics, EIectrotechnology[, Computers] and Control - e: Information Services Physics, Electrical and Electronics and Computers and Control - e: Inspection - e: Institution of Electrical Engineers Information Service - e: International Information Services for the Physics and Engineering Communities INSPECC e: Information Service[s] for Physics, Electrotechnology, Computers and Control INSPEC-EMI S[ervice] e: INSPEC Electronic Materials Information Service INSPECT e: Infrared System for PrintedCircuit Testing - e: Inquiry into Pollution and Environmental Conservation - e: Integrated Nationwide System for Processing Entries from Customs Terminals INSPEL e: International Journal of Special Libraries (journ.) - e: International Newsletter of Special Libraries (journ.)

INSPEL, Int J Spec Libr e: INSPEL, International Journal of Special Libraries [Germany] (joum.) INSPETRES e: Inspector of Petroleum Reserves - e: Inspector of Petroleum Resources INSPEX e: Engineering Inspection and Quality Control Conference and Exhibition - e: International Measurement and Inspection Technology Exposition Insp Gen e: Inspector General InspGen of Hosp e: Inspector General of Hospitals InspH d: Inspekteur des Heeres INSPI e: Innovative Nuclear Space Power Institute INSPINSTF e: Inspector Instructor Staff INSP-INSTR e: Inspector-Instruction inspir 1: inspiretur INSPIRE e: Institute for Public Interest Representation Inspiz d: Inspizient Inspiz Eloka/Techn Aufld d: Inspizient für Elektronische Kampfführung/Technische Aufklärung InspL d: Inspekteur der Luftwaffe InspM d: Inspekteur der Marine inspn e: Inspection InspNavMat e: Inspector of Naval Materiel InspNavMedActy e: Inspector, Naval Medical Activity InspOff e: Inspecting Officer Insp of R Eng e: Inspector of Royal Engineers Insp of RF Arty e: Inspector of Royal Field Artillery Insp-Pr d: Inspektorprüfung INSPR e: Inspector InspSan d: Inspekteur des Sanitats- und Gesundheitswesens InspST e: Inspector of Supply and Transport Insp, Test, Anal, InSpeC e: Inspection, Testing, Analysis, InSpeC [Japan] (journ.) INSRADMAT e: Inspector of Radio Material INSRADMET e: Inspector of Radio Materials INSRE f: Institut National de la Statistique et de la Recherche Ecnomique InsRes e: Insulation Resistance insrnc e:insurance INSRP e: Inter-Agency Network Safety Review Panel - e: Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel INSSCC e: Interim National Space Surveillance Control Center ins/sec e: inches per second INST e: Indian National Satellite System - e: Insert Screw Thread - e: Instrumentation] -1: In Nomine Sanctae Trinitatis Inst d: Installateur - d: Installation[en] - d: Installierung - d: Instandsetzung - d: Instanz - d: Instinkt - d: Institut - d: Institution - e: Installation - e: Installed - e: Institute - e: Instrumentation


© K • G • Saur, München

inst e: installation] - e: installment - e: instant [this month] - e: instantaneous] - e: institution - e: instruction] - e: instructor - e: instrumental] - e: instrumented Insta e: Instantaneous INSTA e: Instruments Authorized - e: Inter-Nordic Standardization] INSTAAR e: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research INSTAB e: Information Service on Toxicity and Biodegradability - e: Information Service on Toxicology and Biodegradability Instab e: Instability INSTA-CAM e: Instant Camera InstAct e: Institute of Actuaries INSTAL e: Instalment Install e: Installation Install Engr e: Installation Engineer INSTAR e: Inertialess Scanning, Tracking and Ranging INSTARS e: Information Storage and Retrieval System InstAuftr d: Instandsetzungsauftrag InstBE e: Institution of British Engineers InstBtl d: Instandsetzungsbataillon INSTBY e: Instability Inst CE e: Institute of Civil Engineers - e: Institution of Civil Engineers InstCE e: Institute of Civil Engineers - e: Institution of Civil Engineers Inst Ceram e: Institution of Ceramics Inst Chem Eng Symp Ser e: Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series (journ.) Inst Civil Eng Proc e: Institute of Civil Engineers Proceedings (journ.) Inst Comput Res e: Institute of Computer Research INSTCTL e: Instrumentation Control instd e: instead Inst D[irs] e: Institute of Directors InstDIZt d: Instandsetzungsdurchlaufzeit InstDokAB d: Institutionendokumentation zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung [Database] Inst Draftsmen, Aust e: Institute of Draftsmen, Australia InstE e: Institute of Electronics - e: Institute of Energy Inst EE e: Institute of Electrical Engineers - e: Institution of Electrical Engineers Inst E E Proc e: Institution of Electronical Engineers. Proceedings (journ.) Inst Elec Eng Conf Publ e: Institution of Electrical Engineers. Conference Publication (journ.) Inst Elec Eng J e: Institution of Electrical Engineers. Journal (journ.) Inst Eng, Aust, Civ Eng T e: Institution of Engineers, Australia, Civil Engineering Transactions (journ.) Inst Eng; Aust, Electr Eng e: Institution of Engineers, Australia, Electrical Engineering Transactions (journ.) Inst Eng; Aust, Mech Chem e: Institution of Engineers, Australia, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Transactions (journ.) Inst Eng Aust Civ Eng Trans e: Institution of Engineers, Australia, Civil Engineering Transactions [Australia] (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

INT Inst Eng Aust Mech and Chem Eng Trans e: Institution of Engineers of Australia. Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Transactions (joum.) Inst Environ Sei Tech Meet Proc e: Institute of Environmental Sciences. Technical Meeting. Proceedings (journ.) Inst F e: Institute of Fuel INSTFLTNG e: Instrument Flight Training Inst Forum e: Institute Forum (joum.) INSTFUAASPERS e: For course of instruction and further assignment by Commander Naval Military Personnel Command InstGasE e: Institution of Gas Engineers Inst Gas Eng e: Institute of Gas Engineers - e: Institution of Gas Engineers Inst Gen Sem e: Institute of General Semantics Inst Geol Sei Rep e: Institute of Geological Science Report (journ.) Insth d: Instandhaltung Inst HE e: Institute of Highway Engineers - e: Institution of Highway Engineers INSTIN f: Institut National des Sciences et Techniques INSTINET e: Institutional Networks Corporation Inst Int Educ e: Institute of International Education InstlntRelProc e: Institute of International Relations, Proceedings (journ.) Instit e: Institute - e: Institution INSTIV f: Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires INSTL e: Installation] - e: Installment - e: Institutional INSTLLD e: Installed INSTLN e: Installation InstM e: Institute of Metals INSTM e: Instrumentation] - e: Instrumented] Inst&Maint Engr e: Installation and Maintenance Engineer INSTMC e: Institute of Measurement and Control Inst ME e: Institute of Mechanical Engineers - e: Institution of Marine Engineers InstME e: Institute of Marine Engineers - e: Institute of Mechanical Engineers - e: Institute of Mining Engineers Inst Mech E e: Institution of Mechanical Engineers Inst Mediaeval Mus e: Institute of Mediaeval Music Inst Met e: Institute of Metals Inst Min Metall; Trans; Se e: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Transactions, Section B, Applied Earth Sciences InstMIdg d: Instandsetzungsmeldung InstMM e: Institute of Mining and Metallurgy - e: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Inst Mod Lang e: Institute of Modern Languages INSTMT e: Instrument INSTN e: Institutionfal] - e: Institutional - e: Instruction^] - f: Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires InstNA e: Institute of Naval Architects INSTNS e: Instructions

INSTOC e: Institute for the Study of the Continents INSTOP f: Institut National Scientifique et Technique d'Oceanographie et de Peche Inst P e: Institute of Physics Inst Pat e: Institute of Patentees Inst Pckg e: Institute of Packing Inst Pet e: Institute of Petroleum [Engineers] Inst Phys e: Institute of Physics InstPI e: Institute of Patentees and Inventors Inst Plan&Res e: Institute for Planning and Research INSTPN e: Instrument Panel Inst PS e: Institute of Public Supplies - e: Institute of Purchasing and Supply INSTR d: Instruieren - d: Instrukteur - d: Instruktionjen] - d: Instruktiv - d: Instrumentalmusik] - d: Instrumental - d: Instrumentarium - d: Instrumentieren - d: Instrumentiert - d: Instrumentierung - e: Instruct[ion][s] - e: Instructor - e: Instrumental] - e: Instruments InstR e: Institute of Refrigeration Inst Radio Electron Eng Aus e: Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers, Australia, Proceedings (journ.) INSTRATE e: Instrument Rating InstRE e: Institute of Radio Engineers INSTREF e: Instrument Reference INSTRENGR e: Instrumenttation] Engineer INSTRLY e: Instantaneous Relay Inst R Meteorol Belg Bull Trimest Obs Ozone f: Institut Royal Meteorologique de Belgique Bulletin Trimestriel Observations d'Ozone [Belgium] (journ.) INSTRMT d: Instrument - e: Instrument INSTRPI e: Instrument Pilot Instructor INSTRPIT e: Instructor Pilot INSTRU e: Instruction^] - e: Instrumentation] INSTRUCT e: Instruction - e: Instructor Instrum d: Instrumental] - d: Instrumentation - d: Instrumentierung - e: Instrumentation] - e: Instruments Instrum Control Eng e: Instrumentation and Control Engineering [Japan] (journ.) Instrum Contr Syst e: Instruments and Control Systems (journ.) Instrumentenkd d: Instrumentenkunde Instrum Exp Tech[n] e: Instruments and Experimental Techniques [Translation of Pribory z Tekhnizka Eksperimenta [USSR], published in the US] (journ.) Instrum India e: Instruments India (journ.) Instrum Pract e: Instrument Practice, Control Systems, Electronics, Automation (joum.) Instrum Technol e: Instrumentation Technology (joyrn.) Instru Soc Am e: Instrument Society of America Inst S C E e: Institute of Sound and Communications Engineers

Internationa] Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

InstSMM e: Institute of Sales and Marketing Management Inst Socioeconomic Studies J e: Institute for Socioeconomic Studies. Journal (joum.) InstStufe d: Instandsetzungsstufe InstT e: Institute of Transport Inst Tech e: Instrumentation Technology (journ.) InstW d: Instandsetzungswerk - e: Institute of Welding Inst WE e: Institute of Water Engineers InstWPC e: Institute of Water Pollution Control InstZt d: Instandsetzungszeit insuf[f] e: Insufficient INSUL e: Insulate - e: Insulation - e: Insulator Insulation J e: Insulation Journal (joum.) INSULN e: Insulation INSULR e: Insulator Insul Res e: Insulation Resistance insur e: insurance Insurance F e: Insurance Facts (journ.) Insurance Math Econom e: Insurance Mathematics and Economics (journ.) insurd e: insured INSURV e: [Board of ]Inspection and Survey INSW e: In Status Word Ins Wkr e: Insurance Worker (journ.) INSY e: Interim Systems Corporation INSYD e: Instantaneous System[s] Display in sync e: in synchronization - e: perfectly synchronized INSYS d: integriertes System insz d: inszenieren Insz e: Inszenierung INT d: Institut für Nachrichtentechnik - d: Institut für naturwissenschaftliche Trendanalysen - d: Integral - d: Integration - d: Integrierung - d: Intendant - d: Intensität - d: Interesse - d: Internist - d: Interpret - d: Iodo-Nitro-Tetrazolinium - e: 2-[4-Iodophenyl]-3-[4-Nitrophenyl]-5Phenyltetrazolium Chloride - e: Air Inter - e: Individual Needs Test - e: Infrared Nondestructive Testing - e: Initial - e: Institute for Nuclear Theory - e:Intake - e:Integer - e: Integral - e: Integrate - e: Integrating - e: Integration - e: Integrator - e: Intelligence - e: Intelligence Point - e: Intensifier - e: Interaction] - e: Interception] - e: Intercepting - e: Interchangeable - e: Intercommunication - e: Interest - e: Interference - e: Interim - e: Interior


INTA - e: Inteijection - e: Intermediate - e: Intermittent - e: Intern[al] - e: International - e: Interphone - e: Interpool - e: Interpretation - e: Interpreter] - e: Interrogation - e: Interrogative - e: Interrupt[er] - e: Interruption - e: Intersection] - e: Interval - e: Intransirive - e: Introit - e: Iodonitrotetrazolium Violet - e: Isaac Newton Telescope - e: Iterative Numerical Technique - f: Intérêt - s: Instituto Nacional de Technologia INTA e: Interaction (journ.) - e: International New Thought Alliance - e: Interrupt Acknowledge - s: Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial - s: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Aerospacial - s: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria INTAAS e: Integrated Aircraft Armament System INTAAW e: Integrated Air-to-Air Weapons INTABS e: International Terminal Accounting and Banking Service INTAC e: Intercept Tracking and Control Group Inta/Cienc Tec Aerosp s: Inta/Ciencia y Técnica Aerospacial (journ.) INTACK e: Interrupt Acknowledge INTA/CONIE Inf Aeroesp s: INTA/ CONIE [Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial/Comision Nacional de Investigación del Espacio] Información Aeroespacial (journ.) INTACS e: Integrated Tactical Communications System[s) INTACT e: Infants Need to Avoid Circumcision Trauma - e: Inter-modal Air Cargo Test - e: Interactive Netherlands Tactical Trainer - e: Intermodal Air Cargo Test INTAF e: Internal Affairs Ministry INTAG e: International Advisory Group on Technology Management - e: International Technology Management Advisory Group int al I: inter alia INTAL e: Institute for Latin American Integration - s: Industria Nacional de Tejidos de Alambre INTAMEL e: International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries INTAMEL Study e: International Association of Metropolitan-City Libraries Study INTAMIC e: International Association for Microcircuit Cards - e: International Microcircuit Card Association intamp e: Intermediate Amplifier Int Arch Arbeitsmed d: Internationales Archiv fiir Arbeitsmedizin (journ.) Int Archiv f Ethnog e: Internationales Archiv fiir Ethnographie (journ.)

Int Arch Occup Environ Health e: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health (joum.) Intarnat Trade Forum e: International Trade Forum (journ.) INTASAFCON e: International Tanker Safety Conference INTASGRO e: Interallied Tactical Study Group Int Assoc Engng Geol Bull e: International Association of Engineering Geology. Bulletin (joum.) Int Astron Union Circ e: International Astronomical Union Circular [International Astronomical Union, US] (journ.) Int At Energy Agency Bull e: International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin INTAV e: Interim Availability INT BAL e: Intensity Balance INTBEX e: InformationTransfer Experiment Int Biodeterior e: International Biodeterioration (journ.) Int Broadcast e: International Broadcasting (journ.) Int Broadcast Eng e: International Broadcast Engineer (journ.) INTBSCA s: Internacional de Ingenieria y Estudios Técnicos SA Int Bull Int Refrig e: International Bulletin on Information on Refrigeration (journ.) Int Bus Equip e: International Business Equipment [Belgium] (joum.) INTC e: Industrial Nuclear Technology Conference - e: Intel Corporation INTCAP e: Internal Capacitance Int Cast Met J e: International Cast Metals Journal (joum.) INTCAV e: Internal Cavity Int Cell Biol e: International Cell Biology [International Federation of Cell Biology, Canada] (journ.) INTCH e: Interchange Int Chem Eng e: International Chemical Engineering [American Institute of Chemical Engineers] (journ.) INTCHG e: Interchangeability - e: Interchangeable int cib 1: inter cibos INTCL e: Intercoastal Int Classif d: International Classification [Germany] (journ.) INTCNTL e: Intercontinental INTCO e: International Code [of Signals] Int Coal Rev e: International Coal Review [National Coal Association, US] (journ.) INTCOL e: Intelligence Collecting - e: Intelligence Collection INTCOM e: International Liaison Committee INTCOMB e: Internal Combustion INTCOMBATSYSTESTFAC e: Integrated Combat Systems Test Facility Int Comet Q e: International Comet Quarterly [Appalachian State University, US] (journ.) Int Com Ilium e: International Commission on Illumination Int Commun Heat Mass Transf e: International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer [GB and US] (journ.) Int Comput Law Advis e: International Computer Law Adviser (journ.) Int Con e: Internal Connection INTCON e: Interconnection


© K • G • Saur, München

Int Constr e: International Construction (journ.) Int Copper Inf Bull e: International Copper Information Bulletin (journ.) INTCP e: Interception] - e: Interceptor Intcp Station e: Intercept Station INTCR e: Input Tape Cartridge Reader Int Cryog Mater Conf Ser e: International Cryogenic Materials Conference Series [International Cryogenic Materials Conference, US] (journ.) INTD f: Institut National des Techniques de la Documentation INTDEC e: Interior Decorator Int Def Rev e: International Defense Review [Switzerland] (journ.) Int Dep e: Intermediate Depot Int Doc Serv e: International Documents Service INTE e: Interrupt Enable INTEBRID e: Integrated and Hybrid Circuitry INTEC e: Information^] Network Technologies[, Inc.] - e: Intercontinental Electronics Corporation - e: Interface Technology - e: International Naval Technology Expo and Conference INTECOL e: International Association for Ecology INTECOL Bull e: INTECOL Bulletin [International Association for Ecology, US] (journ.) INTECOL Newsl e: INTECOL Newsletter [International Association for Ecology, US] (journ.) INTECOM e: International Council for Technical Communication - e: International Society of Technical Communication INTEG e: Integrating - e: Integration INTEGED e: International Tele-Education Integ Ed Assoc e: Integrated Education Associates INTEGR d: Integration - d: Integrieren - d: Integriert - e: Integrate Integr, Manuf Rep e: Integrated Manufacturing Report [Association for Integrated ManufacturingTechnology, US] (journ.) Integr VLSI J e: Integration, The VLSI Journal [Netherlands] (journ.) INTEL d: Internationale Ausstellung für Elektrotechnik und Elektronik - d: Internationale Messe für Elektrotechnik - e: Integrated Electronics [Intelligence] - e: Intelligence INTELANAL e: Intelligence Analyst INTELCEN e: Intelligence Center INTELCENPAC e: Intelligence Center Pacific INTELCOM e: Intelligence Command - e: International Telecommunications Exposition INTELCOM Exposition e: International Telecommunications Exposition INTELEC e: International Telecommunications Energy Conference INTEL-ED e: International Tele-Education Int Elektron Rundsch d: Internationale Elektronische Rundschau (journ.) INTELEST e: Intelligence Estimate

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Internal E M F INTELEVENT e: International Televent intell d: inelligent - d: intellektuell - d: intelligent Intell d: Intellektuelle^] - d: Intelligenz INTELLEC e: A Microcomputer System Intellect e: Intellectual Intell Instrum Comput e: Intelligent Instruments and Computers (journ.) Intell-Quot d: Intelligenzquotient INTELO e: Intelligence Officer INTELPOST e: An International Electronic Message Service - e: International [Electronic] Post - e: International Telecommunications Post IntELRU d: Internationale Elektronische Rundschau (joum.) INTELSAT e: Intelligence Satellite - e: International Telecommunications Satellite [Consortium] - e: International Telecommunications Satellite Organization INTELTNG e: Intelligence Training INTEM s: Instituto Interamericano de Educación Musical Inten e: Intensity Intend s: Intendente Intens e: Intensifier - e: Intensify - e: Intensity - e: Intensive Intensif e: Intensification INTER d: Interessant - d: Interesse[n] - d: Interessenten] - d: Interessieren - d: Interessiert - e: Interborough - e: Intercalation - e: Interest - e: Interference - e: Intermediate - e: Intermittent - e: Internai - e: International - e: Interrogation [mark] - e: Interruption] INTERACT e: Interactive Television Network - e: International Education and Research for Applications in Computer Technology Interact Learn Int e: Interactive Learning International (journ.) INTERALIS e: International Advanced Life Information System Interam e: Interamerican INTERAN e: International Conference on the Analysis of Geological Materials Interarmco e: International Armament Corporation INTERASMA e: International Association for the Study of Asthma - f: Association Internationale d'Asthmologie INTERATOM d: Internationale Atomreaktorbau GmbH - d: Internationaler Atomreaktorbau Interavia e: World Review of Aviation and Astronautics Interavia Aerosp Rev e: Interavia Aerospace Review (journ.) Interavia [Engl Ed] e: Interavia [English Edition] [Switzerland] (journ.) interb e: Interbedded

INTERBRANT f: Union Intercommunale des Centrales Electriques du Brabant [Belgium] INTERBRIGHT e: International Literary and Information Centre in Science Extension INTERCAP e: Internal Capacitance Interch e: Interchangeable Interchem e: Interchemical - e: Interchemical Corporation INTERCODE e: International CODEN Service INTERCOLOR e: International Commission for Fashion and Textile Colors INTERCOM e: Intercommunicating - e: Intercommunicating System - e: Intercommunication [System] - e: Intercommunication^] [Monitor] - e: Interlanguage Communications - e: Internal Communications - e: Interslave Communication - f: Société Intercommunale Belge de Gaz et Electricite INTERCOMM e: Intercommunication INTERCOM? e: Intercompany INTERCOM System e: Intercommunication System INTERCON e: Interconnection - e: International Convention Inter Connex f: Inter Connexion [Groupement Syndicat des Industries de Materials d'Equipement Electrique, France] (journ.) INTERCOOP e: International Association of Consumer Cooperatives INTERCO Signais e: International Code of Signals INTERCOSMOS e: Council on International Cooperation in the Study and Utilization of Outer Space INTERCRY e: Intercrystalline interd e: interested INTERDACO e: Intercontinental Data Control Corporation Limited INTERDATA e: Interdata Computers INTERDEPT e: Interdepartmental INTERDICT e: Interference Detection and Interdiction Countermeasures Team Interdiscip Sci Rev e: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (journ.) interdist e: interdisciplinary Interecon e: Intereconomics (joum.) INTEREG e: Internationales Institut fuer Nationalitatenrecht und Regionalismus INTEREGEN e: Internal Regenerative INTERESTP e: Integrated Retrieval and Statistic Program[me] INTEREST Program[me] e: Integrated Retrieval and Statistic Program[me] INTER-EXPERT e: International Association of Experts INTEREXPO e: International Expositions Interf e: Interference INTERFACE e: Internationally Recognized Format for Automatic Commercial Exchange Interface Computer Educ Q e: Interface, The Computer Education Quarterly (journ.) Interfaces Comput e: Interfaces in Computing (journ.) INTERFAIS e: International Food Aid Information System INTERFAST e: International Industrial Fastener Engineering Exhibition and Conference

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

INTERFC e: Integral of Error Function Complement INTERFER e: Interference INTERFILM e: International Church Film Center INTERFLORA e: International Florists [telegraphic service] INTERFRIGO e: International Railway-Owned Companies for Refrigerated Transport Interfunk d: Einkaufsgenossenschaft Europäischer Radio-, Femseh- und Elektrofachhändler interg e: interesting INTERGALVA e: International Galvanizing Conference INTERGU d: Internationale Gesellschaft für Urheberrechte INTERILAINE f: Comite des Industries Lainieres Interior e: US Department of the Interior Interj d: Interjektion interj e: interjection interk d: interkontinental INTERKAMA d: Internationaler Kongreß mit Ausstellung für Meßtechnik und Automatik - d: Internationaler Kongreß mit Ausstellung für Meßtechnik und Automation - d: Internationaler Kongreß mit Austeilung für Meß- und Automatisierungstechnik interl d: interlinear INTERLIB e: Interdepartmental Committee for Computer Processing in Departmental Libraries INTERLISP e: programming language Interl-Vers d: Interlinearversion interm d: intermittieren[d] INTERM d: Interaatioanale Fachausstellung für Sanitäts- und Heiztechnik - e: Intermediate INTERMAC e: International Association of Merger and Acquisition Consultants INTERMAG e: International Magnetics [Conference] INTERMAMA e: International Congress for Measurement and Automation INTERMARC e: International Machine-Readable Catalogue] - e: International MARC [Machine Readable Cataloguing] INTERMARGEO e: International Organization for Marine Geology INTERMEC e: Interface Mechanism INTERMED e: Intermediate INTERMEDSEC e: Intermediate Section INTERMEDSH e: Intermediate Shield Intermex e: International Mexican Bank INTER/MICRO e: International Conference on Microscopy InterMilPol e: International Military Police INTERMIN e: International Terminological Information Network INTERMOL d: Intermolekular - e: Intermolecular INTERMSTA e: Intermediate Station INTERMTRA e: Intermediate Training intern d: international -d: internieren - d: interniert - e: internal Internal EMF e: Internal Electromotive Force - e: Internal EMF [Electromotive Force]


internat internat e: international - e: internationalism - e: internationalist Internat A Admin Sciences e: International Review of Administrative Sciences (journ.) International Date Line e: 180° longitude Internat J Mental Health e: International Journal of Mental Health (joum.) Internat J Non-Linear Mech e: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics (joum.) Internat J Physical Distribution and Materials Mgt e: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management (journ.) Internat J Sociol e: International Journal of Sociology (joum.) Internat J Theoret Phys e: International Journal of Theoretical Physics (journ.) INTERNATL e: International Internat! Goat Sheep Res e: International Goat and Sheep Research (journ.) Internat Org e: International Organization (journ.) Internat Problems e: International Problems (journ.) Internat Relations e: Relations Internationales/International Relations (joum.) Internat Security e: International Security (journ.) Internat Ser AppI Systems Anal e: International Series on Applied Systems Analysis (journ.) Internat Social Science J e: International Social Science Journal (joum.) Intern Audit e: Internal Auditor [Institute of Internal Auditors, US] (journ.) Internavex e: International Audio-Visual Aids Exhibition INTERNEG e: Intermediate Negative INTERNEPCON e: International Electronc[s] Production Conference - e: International Electronics Production Conference INTERNET e: Interactive Network - e: International Project Management Association - e: Internetwork INTERNET Analysis e: Interactive Network Analysis INTERNLIS e: International Advanced Life Information System INTER[-]NOISE e: International Conference on Noise Control Engineering INTEROBS e: International Observations INTEROCEAN e: Intenational Conference and Exhibition for Marine Technology INTERP d: Interpolieren - d: Interpoliert - e: Interpolate^] - e: Interpolation - e: Interpretation - e: Interpreter Interpace e: International Pipe and Ceramics INTERPACK e: International Fair for Packaging Machinery, Packaging Materials and Confectionery Machinery Interpen/IAB e: Intercontinental Penetration Force/International Anti-communist Brigade INTERPHOTO e: International Federation of Photograph and Cinema Merchants - f: Fédération Internationale des Négociants en Photo et Cinéma

INTERPIPE e: International Pipeline Technology Convention INTERPLAN e: International Group for Studies in National Planning Interplanet e: Interplanetary INTERPLAS e: International Plastics Exhibition and Conference INTERPOL e: International Criminal Police Commission - e: International [Criminal] Police Organization INTERPOS e: Intermediate Positive Interpost e: International [Electronic] Post Interpr d: Interpret - d: Interpretation interpr d: interpretieren - d: interpretiert INTERPRON e: Interpretation Squadron interr d: interrogativ - e: interrogative INTERRADIO d: Internationale Ausstellung für Amateurfunk, Computertechnik und Hobbyelektronik INTERREGEN e: Internal Regenerative Interrelat e: Interrelation Interrog e: Interrogate interrog d: interrogativ - e: interrogation - e: interrogative INTERSEC e: Intermediate Section INTERSIM d: interaktive Simulation INTERSPACE e: Interactive System for Pattern Analysis, Classification and Enhancement INTERSPUTNIK e: International Organization of Space Communication Interstate e: Forecast. First interstate Bank. Annual Report (joum.) INTERSTENO e: International Federation of Short Hand and Typewriting Stenographers Interface, Compot Educ Q e: Interface The Computer Education Quarterly (joum.) INTERTANKO e: International Association of Independent Tanker[s] Owners INTERTEL e: International Television [Federation] INTERTELL e: International Intelligence Legion INTERTEST e: Interactive Test [Controller] intertwangled e: intertwined + wangled Interv d: Intervalle] - d: Intervention interv d: intervenieren Intervirol e: Intervirology [International Union of Microbiological Societies, GB] (joum.) INTERVISION e: International [+] Television inter/w e: intersection with intest e: intestinal - e: intestine INTET d: Informationstechnik und Theoretische Electrotechnik INTEX e: Integer Extraction INTEXT d: integrierte Textverarbeitung - e: International Textbook Company INTEXT/M d: Integrierte Textverarbeitung im Mikrocomputerbereich Int F e: Internal Frosted Intf e: Interface INTF e: Internal[ly] Frosted INTFC e: Interface - e: Interference


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INTFER e: Interference IntFeSpähS d: Internationale Femspähschule Int Forum Inf Doc e: International Forum on Information and Documentation [USSR] (joum.) INTFR e: Interference INTFU e: Interface Unit INTG e: Integral - e: Integrated - e: Interpreting - e: Interrogate - e: Interrogator INTGEN e: Interpreter Generator - e: Interpreter-Generator Int Geol Rev e: International Geology Review (journ.) INTGL e: Integral INTGR e: Integrate - e: Integrating - e: Integrator INTGT e: Integrate IntgTec e: Ingredient Technology Corporation INTGTR e: Integrator INTH e: Intrathecal Int Harv e: International Harvester Int Hydrogr Bull e: International Hydrographie Bulletin [Bureau Hydrographique International, Monaco] (journ.) Int Hydrogr Rev e: International Hydrographie Review [Bureau Hydrographique International, Monaco] (journ.) INTI e: Industrial and Technological Information - e: Monetary unit of Peru - s: Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial INTIB e: Industrieal and Technological Information Bank INTIM e: Interrupt and Timing INTIME e: Interactive Textual Information Management Experiment Intlnd e: International Index Int Inf Commun Educ e: International Information, Communication and Education [India] (journ.) INT-Information d: Institut für Nachrichtentechnik-Information Int Int Online Newsletter e: Information Intelligence Online Newsletter (joum.) INTIP e: Integrated Information Processing INTIPS e: Integrated Information Processing System - e: Intelligence Information Processing System INTIP System e: Intelligence Information Processing System Int Iron Steel Inst Bull e: International Iron and Steel Institute Bulletin [Belgium] (journ.) INTIST e: International Institute for Science and Technology intj e: interjection Int J Adapt Control Signal Process e: International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Process (joum.) Int J Adhes Adhes e: International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives (joum.) Int J Adv Couns e: International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling (joum.) Int J Adv Manuf Technol e: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Int J Optoelectron Int J Ambient Energy e: International Journal of Ambient Energy (journ.) Int J Appl Electromag Mater e: International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics in Materials [Netherlands] (journ.) Int J Appl Eng Educ e: International Journal of Applied Engineering Education (journ.) Int J Appl Radiat Isot e: International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes (journ.) Int J Approx Reason e: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning [North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, US] (journ.) Int J Biochem e: International Journal of Biochemistry (journ.) Int J Biol Macromols e: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (journ.) Int J Bio-Med Comput e: International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing [Netherlands] (journ.) Int J Biomet e: International Journal of Biometeorology [International Society of Biometeorology, Switzerland] (journ.) Int J Bulk Solids e: International Journal of Bulk Solids (journ.) Int J Bulk Solids Storage Silos e: International Journal of Bulk Solids, Storage in Silos (journ.) Int J Cem Compos Lightweight Concr e: International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete (journ.) Int J Circuit Theory Appl e: International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (journ.) Int J Climatol e: International Journal of Climatology (journ.) Int J Clin Monit Comput e: International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing [Netherlands] (journ.) Int J Clin Pharm Res e: International lournal of Clinical Pharmacology Research (journ.) Int J Comput Adult Educ Train e: International Journal of Computers in Adult Education and Training (journ.) Int J Comput Appl Technol e: International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology [Switzerland] (journ.) Int J Comput Integr Manuf e: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (journ.) Int J Comput Math e: International Journal of Computer Mathematics (journ.) Int J Comput Vis e: International Journal of Computer Vision [Netherlands] (journ.) Int J Contr[ol] e: International Journal of Control (journ.) Int J Digit Analog Cabled Syst e: International Journal of Digital and Analog Cabled Systems (journ.) Int J Earthquake Eng Struct Dyn e: International Journal of Earthquake and Structural Dynamics [Japan] (journ.) Int J Electr Eng Educ e: International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education (journ.) Int J Electron e: International Journal of Electronics (journ.) Int J Energy Res e: International Journal of Energy Research (journ.)

Int J Energy Syst e: International Journal of Energy Systems (joum.) Int J Eng Fluid Mech e: International Journal of Engineering Fluid Mechanics (journ.) Int J Eng Sei e: International Journal of Engineering Science (journ.) Int J Environ Anal Chem e: International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry [International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Switzerland] (journ.) Int J Environ Stud e: International Journal of Environmental Studies (journ.) Int J Expert Syst Res Appl e: International Journal of Expert Systems Research and Applications (journ.) Int J Fatigue e: International Journal of Fatigue (journ.) Int J Fert e: International Journal of Fertility (joum.) Int J Food Microbiol e: International Journal of Food Microbiology [International Union of Microbiological Societies, GB] (journ.) Int J Forecast e: International Journal of Forecasting [Netherlands] (journ.) Int J Fract e: International Journal of Fracture [Netherlands] (journ.) Int J Fusion Energy e: International Journal of Fusion Energy [Fusion Energy Foundation, US] (journ.) Int J Game Theory e: International Journal of Game Theory [Austria] (journ.) Int J Gen Syst e: International Journal of General Systems (joum.) Int J Geogr Int Syst e: International Journal of Geographical Information Systems (joum.) Int J Glob Energy Issues e: International Journal of Global Energy Issues [Switzerland] (joum.) Int J Heat Fluid Flow e: International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow (joum.) Int J Heat Mass Transfier] e: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer [GB and US] (joum.) Int J High Technol Ceram e: International Journal of High Technology Ceramics (joum.) Int J High Temp Ceram e: International Journal of High Temperature Ceramics (joum.) Int J Hybrid Microelectron e: International Journal of Hybrid Electronics [International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics, US] (joum.) Int J Hydrog Energy e: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (joum.) Int J Impact Eng e: International Journal of Impact Engineering (joum.) Int J Inf Manage e: International Journal of Information Management (joum.) Int J Infrared Millim Waves e: International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves (joum.) Int J Inst Mangt in Higher Educ e: International Journal of Institutional Management in Higher Education (joum.) Int J Intell Syst e: International Journal of Intelligent Systems (joum.) Int J Joining Mater a: International Journal for the Joining of Materials [Denmark] (joum.) Int J Lepr e: International Journal of Leprosy (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

Int J Life Educ e: International Journal of Lifelong Education (journ.) Int J Mach Tools Manuf e: International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture (journ.) Int J Mag[n] e: International Journal of Magnetism (journ.) Int J Man-Mach Stud e: International Journal of Man-Machine Studies (journ.) Int J Manuf Technol e: International Journal of Manufacturing Technology (journ.) Int J Mass Spectrom Ion Process e: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes [Netherlands] (journ.) Int J Mater Eng Appl e: International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications (journ.) Int J Mater Prod Technol e: International Journal of Materials and Product Technology [Switzerland] (journ.) Int J Math Educ Sei Technol e: International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (journ.) Int J Mech Sei e: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (joum.) Int J Microcomput Appl e: International Journal of Microcomputer Applications [International Society for Mini-and Microcomputers] (journ.) Int J Microgr Video Technol e: International Journal of Micrographics and Video Technology (journ.) Int J Min Eng e: International Journal of Mining Engineering (joum.) Int J Miner Process e: International Journal of Mineral Processing [Netherlands] (journ.) Int J Mine Water e: International Journal of Mine Water [International Mine Water Association, Spain] (journ.) Int J Mini Microcomput e: International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers (joum.) Int J Model Simul e: International Journal of Modelling and Simulation (journ.) Int J Mod Phys A e: International Journal of Modern Physics A [Singapore] (journ.) Int J Mod Phys B e: International Journal of Modern Physics B [Singapore] (joum.) Int J Multiph Flow e: International Journal of Multiphase Flow (journ.) Int J Nondestr Test e: International Journal of Nondestructive Testing (journ.) Int J Non-Linear Mech e: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics (journ.) Int J Numer Anal Methods Geomech e: International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (joum.) Int J Numer Methods Eng e: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (journ.) Int J Numer Methods Fluids e: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (journ.) Int J Numer Model, Electron Netw Devices Fie e: International Journal of Numerical Modelling Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields (journ.) Int J Oper Prod Manage e: International Journal of Operations and Production Management (journ.) Int J Optoelectron e: International Journal of Optoelectronics (journ.)


Int J Parallel Program Int J Parallel Program e: International Journal of Parallel Programming (journ.) Int J Pattern Recognit Artif Intell e: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence [Singapore] (journ.) Int J Pharm e: International Journal of Pharmaceutics (journ.) Int J Phys Distrib Mater Manage e: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management (journ.) Int J Plast e: International Journal of Plasticity (journ.) Int J Policy Inf e: International Journal on Policy and Information [Taiwan] (journ.) Int J Polym Mater e: International Journal of Polymerie Materials (journ.) Int J Powder Metall e: International Journal of Powder Metallurgy [American Powder Metallurgy Institute and Metal Powder Industries Federation] (journ.) Int J Powder Metall Powder Technol e: International Journal of Powder Metallurgy and Powder Technology [Metal Powder Industries Federation, US] (journ.) Int J Pressure Vessels Piping e: International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping (journ.) Int J Prod Res e: International Journal of Production Research (journ.) Int J Proj Manage e: International Journal of Project Management (journ.) Int J Quant Chem e: International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (journ.) Int J Quant Chem, Symp e: International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Symposium (journ.) Int J Quantum Chem e: International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (journ.) Int J Quantum Chem, Quantum Biol Symp e: International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Biology Symposium (journ.) Int J Quantum Chem, Quantum Chem Symp e: International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry Symposium (journ.) Int J Radiat Biol e: International Journal of Radiation Biology (journ.) - e: International Journal of Radiation Biology and Related Studies in Physics, Chemistry and Medicine (journ.) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys e: International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (journ.) Int J Radiat Phys Chem e: International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry (journ.) Int J Rapid Solidif e: International Journal of Rapid Solidification (journ.) Int J Refract Hard Mater e: International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials (journ.) Int J Refrig e: International Journal of Refrigeration [International Institute of Refrigeration, France] (journ.) Int J Remote Sens e: International Journal of Remote Sensing (journ.) Int J Robot Autom e: International Journal of Robotics and Automation (journ.) Int J Robot Res e: International Journal of Robotics Research (journ.) Int J Rock Mech Min Sei e: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (journ.)


Int J Rock Mech Min Sei Geomech Abstr e: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts (joum.) Int J Satell Commun e: International Journal of Satellite Communications (journ.) Int J Sei Educ e: International Journal of Science Education (journ.) Int J Solar Energy e: International Journal of Solar Energy (journ.) Int J Sol Energy e: International Journal of Solar Energy [Switzerland] (journ.) Int J Solids [and] Struct e: International Journal of Solids and Structures (journ.) Int J Sports Med e: International Journal of Sports Medicine (journ.) Int J Supercomput AppI e: International Journal of Supercomputer Applications (journ.) Int J Syst Bacteriol e: International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology [International Union of Microbiological Societies, GB] (journ.) Int J Syst Sei e: International Journal of Systems Science (journ.) Int J Technol Manage e: International Journal of Technology Management [Switzerland] (journ.) Int J Theor Phys e: International Journal of Theoretical Physics (journ.) Int J Thermophys e: International Journal of Thermophysics (journ.) Int J Turbo Jet-Engines e: International Journal of Turbo and Jet-Engines (journ.) Int J Veh Des e: International Journal of Vehicle Design [Switzerland] (joum.) intk e: intake INTL e: Internal - e: International Int Lab e: International Laboratory (journ.) Int Labour R e: International Labour Review (journ.) Intl Bus Law e: International Business Lawyer (journ.) INTLCOMB e: Internal Combustion Intl Comm Jurists Rev e: International Commission of Jurists. Review (journ.) Intl Ctr Envir e: International Center for Environmental Research Int 1 Electr Power Energy Syst e: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (journ.) Intl Film Bur e: International Film Bureau IntLibrRev e: International Library Review (journ.) Intl JL Lib e: International Journal of Law Libraries (journ.) INTLK e: Interlocking] Intl Law e: International Lawyer (joum.) Intl Law Reps e: International Law Reports (journ.) Intl Legal Mats e: International Legal Materials INTLOC e: Interdiction of Lines of Communication Int LQ e: International Law Quarterly (journ.) Intl Review e: International Review Service Intl Tax J e: International Tax Journal (journ.) Intl Univs Pr e: International Universities Press INTM e: Intermediate Int Manage e: International Management [Switzerland] (journ.)

© K • G • Saur, München

Int Mater Rev e: International Materials Reviews [ASM International, US and Institute of Metals, GB] (journ.) INTMD e: Intermediate INTMED e: Internal Medicine - e: Intermediate - e: Intermittent IntMed e: Internal Medicine Int Met Rev e: International Metals Reviews [ASM International, US and Institute of Metals, GB] (journ.) Int Mgmt e: International Management (journ.) Int Microwave Symp Dig e: International Microwave Symposium Digest (journ.) Int Min e: International Mining [Singapore] (journ.) Int Miner Scene e: International Minerals Scene (journ.) Int Mod Foundry e: International Modern Foundry (joum.) INTMODFREQ e: Internal Modulation Frequency intmt e: intermittent IN/TN e: Insoluble Nitrogen to Total Nitrogen intn e: Intention INTNET e: Integration Network Intnl Demo e: International Demographics (journ.) int noct 1: inter noctem INTNS e: In Transit INTO e: Inhibited Nitrogen Tetroxide - e: Intelligence Officer - e: Interrupt on Overflow - e: Irish National [Primary] Teachers Organization - e: Irish National Teachers' Organization INTOP e: International Operations [Simulation] INTOPS e: Interdiction Operations INTOP Simulation e: International Operations Simulation INTOR e: International Tokamak Reactor - e: International Torus INTOX e: Intoxicant - e: Intoxicate[d] - e: Intoxication INTP e: Interpreter] - e: Interrupt - f: Institut National des Télécommunications et des Postes Int Pap e: International Paper Int Pbd Ind e: International Paperboard Industry [GB and US] (journ.) Int Peat J F: International Peat Journal [International Peat Society, Finland] (journ.) INTPER e: Interpreter INTPH e: Interphone INTPHTR e: Interphase Transformer Int Pkg Abstr e: International Packaging Abstracts [US and GB] (journ.) INTPN e: Interpretation INTPOL e: Interpolation Int Polym Process e: International Polymer Processing (joum.) Int Polym Sei Technol e: International Polynmer Science and Technology [Rubber and Plastics Research Association, GB] (journ.) Int Power Gener e: International Power Generation (journ.) INTPR e: Interpretation] - e: Interpretation - e: Interpreter

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Inv INTPS e: Integrated Navigation & Tactical Plotting System Int Q C Forum e: International QC Forum (journ.) Int Qk Fl [Lt] e: Interrupted Quick Flashing [Light] Int-Quot d: Intelligenzquotient INTR e: Interior - e: Intermittent - e: Internal - e: interpret - e: Interrrupt [Register] - e: Interrupt Request - e: Intrusion Intr d: Introduktion - d: Introitus - e: Interrupt - e: Introduce[d] - e: Introduction intr d: intransigent - d: intransitiv - e: intransitive - e: intruder Int [R] e: Interpretation [Richmond] (journ.) INTRA e: Interrupt Program for Transmitter intra e: intracranial - e: intrastate I N T R A C O e: International Trading Company INTRACONS e: In-Transit Control System Int Rad Conf Ree e: International Radar Conference Record INTRAF AX e: Closed Circuit Facsimile System I N T R A L A B e: Information Transfer Laboratory intramol d: intramolekular - e: intramolecular INTRAN e: Information Transfer - e: Infrared-Transmitting - e: Input Transformer - e: Input Translator in trans e: in transit -1: in transitu intrans[it] e: intransitive Intravasc e: Intravascular INTRD d: Introduktion - e: Interned INTRDR e: Internal Reader INTRE e: Interrupt Program for Receiver INTREDIS e: International Tree Disease Register Int Reinf Plast Ind e: International Reinforced Plastics Industry (journ.) Int Rep Bibliogr e: Information Reports and Bibliographies (journ.) Int Rep[t] e: Intelligence Report INTREQ e: Interrupt Request Int Rev e: Internal Revenue - e: International Review Int Rev Chiro e: International Review of Chiropractic (journ.) Int Rev Connect Tissue Res e: International Review of Connective Tissue Research (journ.) Int Rev Cytol e: International Review of Cytology (journ.) - e: International Reviews in Cytology (journ.) Int Rev Educ e: International Review of Education (journ.) Int Rev Phys Chem e: International Reviews in Physical Chemistry (journ.) Int Rev Sport Soc e: International Review of Sport Sociology (journ.)

INTREX e: Information Transfer Complex - e: Information Transfer Exchange - e: Information Transfer Experiment INTREXs e: Information Transfer Experiments INTRF e: Interference INTRFAIS e: International Food Aid Information System INTRFT e: Interim Refresher Training INTRG e: Interrogate - e: Interrogation - e: Interrogator inVtrgr e: square inch per troy grain INTRLCD e: Interlaced INTRLKD e: Interlocked INTRLVR e: Interleaver intrmt e: interment INTRN e: Intravenous INTRO d: Introduktion - e: Introduce[d] - e: Introducing - e: Introduction - e: Introductory - e: Introversion - e: Introvert Int Road Safety Traffic Rev e: International Road Safety Traffic Revue (journ.) INTROD e: Introduce[d] - e: Introducing - e: Introduction - e: Introductory - i: Introduzione INTROG e: Interrogate intropta 1: introscripta INTROfs] e: Introduction^] INTRP e: Interpretation - e: Interpreter - e: Interruption] INTRPL e: Interpolation INTRPT e: Interpretation] - e: Interruption] INTRQ e: Interrupt Request INTRSTG e: Interstage Int Rubb Dig e: International Rubber Digest [International Rubber Study Group, GB] (journ.) INTRVL e: Interval INTRVLMTR e: Intervalometer INTS e: Integrated National Telecommunications System - e:Intense - e: International Telephone System - e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] Network Test System IntSeeFuDst d: Internationaler Seefunkdienst INTSF e: Intensification INTSF[Y] e: Intensify INTSIG e: Interval Signal INTSORMIL e: International Sorghum and Millet Program INTSOY Program[me] e: International Soybean Program[me] Int Spectr e: International Spectrum (journ.) INTSPKR e: Internal Speaker INTST e: Intensity Int Stat Rev n: International Statistical Review [International Statistical Institute, Netherlands] (journ.) INTSTDD e: International Standard Depth INTSTG e: Interstage Int Sugar J e: International Sugar Journal (journ.) Int Sum e: Intelligence Summary INTSV e: Intensive INTSY e: Intensify

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

INTTE d: Informationstechnik und Theoretische Elektrotechnik Int Technol e: International Technology [International Technology Institute, US] (journ.) Int Tech Transf Bus e: International Tech Transfer Business (journ.) INT TRIG e: Internal Triggering INTU e: Interpool [container unit] INTUC e: Indian National Trade[s] Union Congress INTUG e: International Telecommunications Users Group INTV e: Independent Television - e: Instrumentation Television - e: Interval Int-Vers d: Interlinearversion INTVL e: Interval INTVLMTR e: Intervalometer INTVW e: Interview Int Water Power Dam Constr e: International Water Power and Dam Construction (joum.) Int Wildlife e: International Wildlife INTWT e: Intaken Weight INTXN e: Intersection Int Z Angew Physiol d: Internationale Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physiologie einschließlich Arbeitsphysiologie (journ.) IntZHandVO d: Interzonenhandelsverordnung INU e: Inertial Navigation Unit - e: Internal Navigation Unit - e: Nauru Island [Airport] INucE e: Institute of Nuclear Engineering - e: Institution of Nuclear Engineers INUCE e: Institute of Nuclear Engineers INUIDS s: Instituto de las Naciones Unidas para la Investigación del Desarrol Social INURN e: Inurnment INUS e: Inside [Continental Limits of the] United States in ut 1: in utero INV e: In-line Needle Valve - e: Inductive Null Voltage - e: International Air Bahama - e: Invention - e: Inventories - e: Invertfed] - s: Instituto Nacional de la Virvienda inv d: invertieren - d: invertiert - d: investieren - d: investiert - e: informative - e: invalid - e: invennon - e: invent[ed] - e: inventive - e: inventory] - e: inverse - e: inversion - e: invert[er] - e: investigation - e: investment -1: invenit Inv d: Invalide - d: Invalidität - d: Invasion - d: Inventar - d: Inventur - d: Inversion - d: Investition[en] - e: Invalid[e] - e: Inverness - e: Invoice


INVADJ I N V A D J e: Inventory Adjustment I N V A L e: Invalidate] I N V A M e: Invoice Amount invar e: invariant INV A U T O C H A N G E e: Inverter Automatic Changeover INVBN e: Inversion INVC e: Invoice I N V C D e: Invoiced Inv C u r e: Inverse Current Inv Dd e: Investment Dealers' Digest (journ.) INVDT e: Invoice Date I N V E A T E B e: Invertebrate I N V E N T d: Inventar[isation] - d: Invention - d: Inventor - d: Inventur - e: Institute for Ventures in New Technology I N - V e r f a h r e n d: Indanthrennormalfärbeverfahren Invers e: Inverse Inverse P r o b l e: Inverse Problems [Institute of Physics, GB] (journ.) I N V E R T e: Invertebrate[s] IN VES d: Integriertes Verkaufsabrechnungs-System - e: Investigate - e: Investigation - e: Investigator INVES [R] d: Integriertes Verkaufsabrechnungs-System I N V E S T d: Investition[en] - d: Investment - e: Integrated Vehicle System Technology - e: Investigation - e: Investment I N V E S T I G e: Investigate - e: Investigation - e: Investigator Invest O p h t h a l m o l e: Investigative Ophthalmology (joum.) Invest Radiol e: Investigative Radiology (journ.) I N V E S T S e: Investigations Invest-Sp d: Investmentsparen - d: Investmentsparer Invest Tec Papel s: Investigación y Técnica del Papel [Asociación de Investigación Technica de la Industria Papelera Española, Spain] (journ.) Invest Urol e: Investigative Urology (joum.) inv et del 1: invenit et delineavit INV Facility e: Invalid Facility INVH e: Integrated Night Vision Helmet I n v H G d: Investitionshilfegesetz InvHV d: Invaliden- und Hinterbliebenenversicherung INVIS e: Integrated Night Vision System invis e: Invisible I N V I T e: Invitation in vit 1: in vitro invit 1: invictus in viv 1: in vivo

I N V O L e: Involuntary - e: Involute I N V O L E X e: Involuntary Extension INVOS e: In Vivo Optical Spectroscopy Inv-R d: Invalidenrente INVS e: Inverse Inv-Sp d: Investmentsparen - d: Investmentsparer INVSTAR e: Investigate and Report INVSTGN e: Investigation INVT e: Incorp, Inc. - e: Inventory - e: Inverse Time - e: Invert - e: Investment INVTN e: Invitation I N V T R e: Inverter I N V T R X e: Inventrix INVTY e: Inventory InvV d: Invalidenversicherung INVV e: Inverse Voltage InvVG d: Invalidenversicherungsgesetz I N W e: Inch[es] of Water - e: Iron-Wustite inw d: inwendig I N W A R D S e:Inward Wide Area Telecommunication Service I N W A S e: Inertial Navigation and Weapons Attack System I N W A T E e: Integrating Waveguide Technology I N W A T S e: Inward Wide Area Telecommunication^] Service - e: Inward Wide Area Telephone Service I N W G e: Inchfes] of Water Gauge - e: International Network Work[ing] Group I N W N e: International Systems & Technology I N W R e: Imperial National Wildlife Refuge - e: Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge I N W S e: Inertial Navigation and Weapon System inwz d: inzwischen inx e: index INX e: Index Character - e: Inexco Oil I N X L T R e: Input Translator Inz Apar Chem P: Inzyniera i Aparatura Chemiczna (journ.) Inz Chem Procesowa P: Inzyniera Chemiczna i Procesowa (journ.) INZEA d: Integrierte Zeit-Erfassung und Auswertung Inzh-Fiz Zh R: Inzhenemo-Fizicheskii Zhurnal (journ.) I N Z I D E N Z d: Informationssystem zur integrierten Dialogverarbeitung Energieabrechnung, -beratung und Zählerverwaltung Inz Materiaiowa P: Inzyniera Materiaiowa (journ.) I N Z O L L d: Informationssystem Zoll I N Z P e: Index to New Zealand Periodicals

INVLV e: Inventory Level [Evaluation] INV M A N C H A N G E e: Inverter Manual Changeover INV M G T e: Inventory Management INVN e: Inventory - e: Invitron Corporation I N V N R e: Invoice Number INVNÜ d: Institut für Nachrichtenverarbeitung und Nachrichtenübertragung I N V O B J e: Investment Objective I N V O F e: In the Vicinity Of


© K • O • Saur, München

IO d: Integrierte Optik - d: Interpretierende Operation - d: Istoberflache - e: Chagos Islands - e: Ice Plow - e: Icendiary Oil - e: Illegal Operation - e: Illuminator Operator - e: Image Orthicon - e: Immediate Order - e: In Order - e: Incendiary Oil - e: Incoming Order[s] - e: Index Operator - e: Indexing Operation - e: India Office - e: Indian Ocean - e: Industrial Operations - e: Information Officer - e: Information Organization - e: Initial Only - e: Initial Order - e: Injector Orifice - e: Input or Output - e: Input/Output - e: Inspecting Office[r] - e: Inspection Office[r] - e: Inspection Order - e: Inspection Outline - e: Institute for Oceanography - e: Intake Opens - e: Integrated Optics - e: Intelligence Office[r] - e: Intercept Office[r] - e: Interest Only - e: International Octal - e: Interpreter Officer - e: Interpretive Operation - e: Intraocular - e: Inventory Objective - e: Inverted Original - e: Ion engine - e: Ionium - e: Issuing Office[r] - e: Irish Office - e: Iterative Operation iO d: in Ordnung io d: intraokular - e: output current [symbol] Io e: Iowa -1: Iolonium [Thorium 230] I&O e: Individual and Organization performance - e: Inlet and Outlet - e: Input and Output - e: Intake and Output I-O e: Input-Output i/o e: image/orthicon - e: in and/or over - e: in/or - e: inboard/out-board - e: instead of I/O e: Inboard/Outboard - e: Input/Output - e: Inspecting Order - e: Inspection Order - e: Investigating Officer

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IOD I O A e: Impact Office Automation - e: Initial Outfitting Allowance - e: Input-Output Adapter - e: Input-Output Address - e: Input-Output Analysis - e: Input-Output Area - e: Input-Output Assembly - e: Input-Output Attachment - e: Institute of Outdoor Advertising - e: Institute On Aging - e: Institutional Overlay zone - e: Instrument-Operating Assembly - e: Instrumentation Operating Area[s] - e: Intelligence Oversight Act - e: International OMEGA [Radio Navigation System] Association - e: International Ozone Association I O A C e: Infantry Officer Advanced Cource I O A C / R C e: Infantry Officer Advanced Correspondence Cource/Reserve Component I O A E e: Institution of Automobile Engineers IOA Line e: Input/Output Address Line I O A M e: Institute of Appliance Manufacturers Ioanians e: Ionian Islands I O A P e: Internally-Oxidized Alloy Powder I O A S e: Input/Output Attachment Services I O A T e: International Organization Against Trachoma IOAU e: Input/Output Access Unit - e: Input/Output Arithmetic Unit I O B d: Informations- und Organisationsbüro - e: Industrial Order of Battle - e: Information Officer, Basic - e: Input/Output Block - e: Input/Output Board - e: Input/Output Box - e: Input/Output Buffer - e: Installation Operating Budget - e: Institute of Bankers - e: Institute of Biology - e: Institute of Brewing - e: Institute of Builders - e: Institute of Building - e: Intelligence Oversight Board - e: Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems - e: Internal Operating Budget - e: Interorganization Board iOb d: in Ordnung befunden I o B e: Institute of Bakers - e: Institute of Bankers - e: Institute of Bookkeepers - e: Institute of Brewers I/OB e: Input/Output Bus I O B B e: Independent Order of B'nai B'rittl - e: International Organization for Biotechnology and Bioengineering I O B C e: Indian Ocean Biological Center [or Centre] - e: Infantry Officer Basic Course - e: International Organization for Biological Control [of Noxious Animals and Plants] I O B C - R C e: Infrantry Officer Basic Cource-Reserve Component I O B F R e: Input/Output Buffer I O B I e: Institute of Bankers in Ireland I O B P S e: Input-Output Box and Peripheral Simulator IOBs e: Input/Output Blocks I O B S e: Input/Output Buffer Store - e: Input/Output Buffering] System - e: Institute of Bankers in Scotland I O B U S e: Input/Output Bus I O B Y T E e: Input/Output Byte

I O C e: Identity of Carrier - e: Illegal Operation Code - e: Image Orthicon Camera - e: Image Orthicon Control - e: Immediate Or Cancel - e: In Our Culture - e: In-Out Converter - e: Inclusion of the Overlap Charges - e: Inclusive OR Circuit - e: Index Of Components - e: Index of Cooperation - e: Indian Ocean Commission - e: Indirect Operating Costs - e: Initial Operating Capability - e: Initial Operational Capability - e: Initial Operational Capacity - e: Initial Operational Clearancess - e: Initial Orbitial Configuration - e: Initial Orbiting Capability - e: Initial Order Condition - e: Input Offset Current - e: Input-Output Cell - e: Input-Output Channel - e: Input-Output Code - e: Input-Output Comparator - e: Input-Output Computer - e: Input-Output Connector - e: Input-Output Console - e: Input-Output Control Module - e: Input-Output Controller] - e: Input-Output Controlling - e: Input-Output Converter - e: Installation and Operational Checkout - e: Institute of Chemistry - e: Institutes for Oceanography - e: Integated Optimization Control - e: Integrated Operating Capability - e: Integrated Optic[al] Circuit - e: INTELSAT [International Telecommunications Satellite Organization] Operations Center - e: Inter-Office Channel - e: Inter-Office Communication - e: Interactive Operator Control - e: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission - e: Interim Operational Capability - e: International Oceanographic Committee - e: International Olympic Committee - e: International Operation Center - e: International Opium Commission - e: International Organization Committee - e: International Ornithological Congress - e: Interoffice Correspondence - e: Interstate Oil Compact - e: Item on Change - e: Iterative Orbit Calculator IoC e: Index on Censorship i O C n: Grafisch Orgaan I - O C e: Input-Output Channells I / O C e: Input/Output Console - e: Input/Output Controller I O C A e: Independent Oil Compounders Association - e: Interstate Oil Compounders Association I / O C C e: Input/Output Control Console I O C C e: Infantry Officer Career Course - e: Input/Output Code Converter - e: Input/Output Command Control - e: Input/Output Control Center [or Centre] - e: Input/Output Control Command - e: International Optical Computer Conference - e: Interstate Oil Compact Commission I O C Clause e: Identity of Carrier Clause

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

I O C D e: Initial Operation Capability Date - e: Input/Output under Count-control and Disconnect - e: International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development I O C D S e: Input/Output Configuration Data Set I[/]OCE e: Input/Output Control Element I O C / E C e: Intercovernmental Oceanographic Commission/Executive Council I O C G e: Industrial Oil Consumers Group - e: International Organization on Crystal Growth I-O C h e: Input-Output Channel I O C I e: Interstate Organized Crime Index I O C M e: Input/Output Control Module - e: Interim Operational Contamination Monitor I O C O e: Industry-Owned Contractor Operator I O C O M e: India-Malaysia Submarine Cable I O C - Q e: Inclusion of the Ovcerlap Charges in the Omega I O C O N e: Input/Output Converter I O C P e: Indian Overseas Communication Project - e: Input/Output Configuration Program - e: Input/Output Connection Panel - e: Input/Output Control Procedure - e: Input/Output Control Processor - e: Input/Output Control Program[me] - e: Input/Output under Count-control and Proceed I O C R e: Input/Output Control Routine - e: Intelligent Optical Character Recognition I O C Routine e: Input/Output Control Routine I-O CS e: Input-Output Control System I O C s e: Illustrated Parts Catalogues I O C S e: Input/Output Computer Services - e: Input/Output Control Service - e: Input/Output Control Subroutine - e: Input/Output Control System - e: Input/Output Controllers - e: Instant Ocean Culture System - e: Interoffice Comment Sheet I O C s e: Integrated Optical Circuits I O C System e: Input/Output Control System I O C T A H e: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. Technical Series I O C T F e: IOC [Input/Output Control] TDMA [Time-Division Multiple Access] Facility I O C T L e: Indian Ocean Conventional Target List I O C T R e: Input/Output Controller I O C U e: Input/Output Control Unit - e: International Office of Consumers Unions - e: International Organization of Consumers] Unions I O C V e: International Organization of Citrus Virologists I O C W M C e: International Organizing Committee of the World Mining Congress I O D e: Identified Outward Dial[l]ing - e: Immediate Oxygen Demand - e: Imperial Order of the Dragon - e: Industrial Operations Division - e: Information on Demand[, Inc.] - e: Input/Output Device - e: Input/Output Dump - e: Insertion of Data - e: Integrated Observation Device - e: International Operations Division


IoD IoD e: Institute of Directors IODAS e: Industrial Online Data Acquisition System IODB e: Input/Output Data Buffer IODC e: In/Out Delay Counter - e: Input/Output Data Channel - e: Input/Output Data Control - e: Input/Output Define Card - e: Input/Output Delay Counter - e: Integrated Optical Disk Controller IOD Channel e: Input/Output Data Channel IOD&D e: Institution of Designers and Draughtsmen IODD e: Ideal One Dimensional Device - e: Input/Output Data Document IODE e: Imperial Order to Daughters of the Empire - e: International Oceanographic Data Exchange [Working Group] - e: IOC [UNESCO] Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange I/O Device e: Input/Output Device IOD Program[me] e: Input/Output Dump Program[me] IODS e: International Ocean Disposal Symposium IODSTR e: Input and Output Driven Self-Timing Repeater IODT e: Input/Output Data Transfer IOE e: Indian Ocean Expedition - e: Industrial and Operations Engineer - e: Initial Operating Experience - e: Initial Operational Evaluation - e: Inlet Over Exhaust - e: Input/Output Error [Log Table] - e: Institute of Ecology - e: Institute of Education - e: Institute of Energy - e: Institute of Offshore Engineering - e: Institution of Electronics - e: Instrumentation Operations Engineer - e: Intake Opposite Exhaust - e: Intensity of Operational Employment - e: International Office of Epizootics - e: International Operations Europe - e: International Organization of Employers - e: Irregular Outer Edge IoE e: International Office of Education - e: Isle of Elv IOEC e: Integrated Opto-Electronic Circuit - e: International Order tor Ethics and Culture I O E H e: Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health IOEM e: Invert Oil Emulsion Mud IO Engine e: Ion Engine IOF e: Independent Order of Foresters - e: Indian Ordnance Factories - e: Infrared Optical Film - e: Input/Output Front-end - e: Input/Output Function - e: Institute of Fuel - e: Interactive Operations Facility - e: International Oceanographic Foundation - e: International Olympic Federation - e: International Olympic Foundation - e: International Orienteering Federation Iof A e: Inspector of Anatomy - e: Inspector of Artillery IofB e: Institute of Bankers - e: Institute of Biology IOFB e: Intra-Ocular Foreign Body IOFB I e: Intraocular Foreign Body - e: Only Fire Blanks IOFC e: Indian Ocean Fishery Commission IofCA e: Institute of Chartered Accountants IofCW e: Inspector of Chemical Warfare 284

IofE e: Information of Enemy - e: Institute of Electrolysis - e: Institute of Export IofH e: Institute of Hydrology I O F I e: International Organization of the Flavo[u]r Industry IofJ e: Institute of Jamaica IofL e: Institute of Linguists I of M e: Isle of Man IofM e: Institute of Medicine - e: Isle of Man IofME e: Institution of Mining Engineers IofN e: Institute of Navigation IofQ e: Institute of Quarrying IofR e: Inspector of Recruiting IofS e: Institute of Sound - e: Isle of Skye IofSA e: Inspector of Small Arms IOFSI e: Independent Order of the Free Sons of Israel IofU e: Inevitability of the Unpredictable IOFU e: Instruction and Operand Fetch Unit I of W e: Isle of Wight IofW e: Inspector of Works IOFWA e: Internationale Orientierungslauf Föderation, Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgruppe IOG e: Input/Output Gate - e: Inside Out Gimble I O G A e: Industry-Organized, GovernmentApproved - e: Input/Output Generation I O G E e: Integrated Operational Ground Equipment I[/]OGEN e: Input/Output Generation I Ö G F e: Institut für österreichische Geschichtsforschung I O G P e: Independent Oil and Gas Producers I O G S e: Input/Output Group Switch I O G T e: International Order of Good Templars I O H e: Hem[s] on Hand - e: Indication of Hostilities - e: Input/Output Handler - e: Institute of Heraldy - e: Inventory on Hand - e: Item[s] on Hand I&OH e: Inlet and Outlet Head IOHEP e: Institute of High Energy Physics IOHS e: Integrated Operational Hydrological System I O I e: Industrial Oxygen Incorporated - e: Input/Output Interruption] - e: Interim Operating Instructions - e: Internal Operating Instruction - e: International Ocean Institute - e: International Ozone Institute - e: Israel Office of Information - e: Item Of Importance I O I C e: Integrated Operational Intelligence Center I O I C C e: Illinois Occupational Information Coordinating Committee I O I C S e: Integrated Operational Intelligence Center System I O I E e: International Organization of Industrial Employers I O I H e: Input/Output Interrupt Handler IOIM e: Input/Output Interrrupt Message IOIRS e: International Online Information Retrieval Service I O I S e: Input/Output Interface Subsystem - e: Integrated Operational Intelligence System I O I T B A G e: International Oil IndustryTBA [Tires, Batteries, Accessories] Group

© K • G • Saur, München

IOIUBC e: Institute of Oceanography, University of British Columbia IoJ e: Institute of Journalists IOJ e: International Organization of Journalists IOJD e: International Order of Jobs Daughters IOL e: India Office Library - e: Initial Outfitting List - e: Input/Output Label - e: Input/Output Line - e: Input/Output List - e: Input/Output Logic - e: Instantaneous Overload - e: Institute of Librarians - e: Intermediate Objective Lens - e: Interoffice Letter - e: Intra-Ocular Lens IOLA e: Input/Output Line Adapter - e: Input/Output Link Adapter I O L C e: Input/Output Link Controller] - e: Integrated Optical Logic Circuit I O L I M e: International On-Line Information Meeting I/O Line e: Input/Output Line IOLM e: International Organization for Legal Metrology IOL's e: Interocular Lens[es] IOLS e: Input/Output Label System - e: Vision Technologies International, Inc. I O L T A e: Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts IO Ltd e: Imperial Oil Limited I / O M e: Input/Output Multiplexer - e: Input/Output Multiplexor I O M e: Illegal Operation Mode - e: Including Other Minerals - e: Indian Order of Merit - e: Inert Operational Missile - e: Innovator of the Month - e: Input/Output Manager - e: Input/Output Microprocessor - e: Input/Output-Modulation - e: Input/Output Module[s] - e: Input/Output Multiplexer - e: Inspector of Ordnance Machinery - e: Institute for Organization Management - e: Institute of Medicine - e: Institute of Metallurgists - e: Institute of Metals - e: Institute of Occupational Medicine - e: Institute of Office Management - e: Institute of Organization Management - e: Inter-Office Memorandum - e: International Organization for Mycoplasmology - e: International Organization of Movement - e: Inter-Office Memorandum -1: Iovi Optimo Maximo I o M e: Isle of Man I O M A e: International Oxygen Manufacturers Association I O M B P: Instytut Organizacji i Mechanizacji Budownictwa IOMC e: International Organization for Medical Cooperation IOME e: Institute of Marine Engineers I/O Media e: Input/Output Media IOMF e: Inactive-Officer Master File I/OMI e: Integration/Operations and Maintenance Instruction IOM Interface e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network]-Oriented Modular Interface IOMM&P e: International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IOS IOMP e: Input/Output Message Processor - e: Input/Output Microprocessor - e: Institute of Management in Printing - e: International Organization [for] Medical Physics IOMQ e: Input/Output Manager Queue IOMR e: International Offshore Multihull Rule IOMS e: Input/Output Management System - e: Interim Operation Meteorological System IOMSG e: Input/Output Message IOM SPC e: Isle of Man Steam Packet Company IOMTR e: International Office for Motor Trades and Repairs - e: International Organization for Motor Trades and Repairs IOMUX e: Input/Output Multiplexer IOMVM e: International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers ION e: Institute of Navigation - e: Institute of Neuroscience - e: Institute of Neurotoxicology - e: Ionosphere and Aural Phenomena Advisory Committee - e: Isthmo-Optic Nucleus ion d: ionisieren - d: ionisiert Ion e: Ionic IonC e: Index on Censorship (journ.) IONCAP e: Ionospheric Communications Analysis and Predictions Program IONDS e: Initial Operational Nuclear Detection System - e: Integrated Onboard Nuclear Detection System - e: Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System - e: Integrated Operational Nudets Detecting System Ion Exch and Membranes e: Ion Exchange and Membranes (journ.) Ionis d: Ionisation - d: Ionisierung Ioniz d: Ionization - e: Ionization IONO[S] e: Ionosphere IONS e: Intraoperative Neurosonography Ion-SeI[ective] Electrode Rev e: IonSelective Electrode Reviews iont e: in order not to IOO e: Idaho Operations Office - e: Input/Output Operation - e: Inspecting Ordnance Officer IOOC e: International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication - e: International Olive Oil Council - e: Iranian Oil Operating Companies - e: Irish Organization of Celts IOOF e: Independent Order of Odd Fellows IOOP e: Input/Output Operation IOOSF e: Integrated Orbital Operations Simulation Facility IOOTS e: International Organization of Old Testament Scholars

IOP d: Institut für Organisation und Programmierung - e: Ibero-American Organization of Pilots - e: In/Out Process - e: Industrial Opportunities Program - e: Infraventral Odentophore Protractor - e: Input/Output Package - e: Input/Output Pool - e: Input/Output Processing - e: Input/Output Processor] - e: Input/Output Program[me] - e: Input/Output Pulse - e: Inspection Operations Pictorials - e: Installation Operating Program - e: Institut of Physics - e: Institute of Packaging - e: Institute of Patentees - e: Institute of Physics - e: Integrated Obstacle Plan - e: Integrated Optics Processor - e: Interim Operating Procedure - e: International Organization of Pal[a]eobotany - e: International Potter Distilling Corporation - e: Intraocular Power - e: Intraocular Pressure - e: Iranian Oil Participants - e: Irish Organization of Papists - e: Irrespective of Percentage IoP e: Institute of Petroleum - e: Institute of Plumbing - e: Institute of Poverty - e: Institute of Printing - e: Isle of Palms - e: Isle of Pines I&OP e: In-and-Out Processing IOPAB e: International Organization for Pure [and] Applied Biophysics IOPB e: Input/Output Parameter Block - e: International Organization of Plant Biosystematics - e: International Organization of Plant Biosystematists IOPC e: Interagency Oil Policy Committee - e: International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund IOPE e: Input/Output Parity Error IOPEC e: International Oil Pollution Exhibition and Conferenc - e: International Oil Pollution Exhibition and Congress IOPG e: Input Output Processor Group IOPH e: International Office of Public Health IOPK e: Independent Order of Panamanian Kangaroos IOPKG[s] e: Input/Output Package[s] IOPL e: Input/Output Privilege Level - e: Intermittent Operating Life - e: Internal Optical Path Length IOP&LOA e: Independent Oil Producers and Land Owners Association IOPM P: Instytut Organizacjo Przemysiu Maszcynowego IOP-MP e: Input/Output Processor for Message Buffer IMOPN e: In Operation IOPO e: Internal Optical Parametric Oscillator I/O Port e: Input/Output Port IO Processor e: Input/Output Processor IOPS e: Input/Output Processing System - e: Input/Output Programming System IOPX e: IOP Extension Card IOPZ e: Indian Ocean Zone of Peace IOQ e: Input/Output Queue - e: Institute of Quarrying

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

IOQE e: Input-Output Queue Element IOR e: Independent Order of Rechabites - e: Index of Refraction - e: Indian Ocean Rank - e: Indian Ocean Region - e: Industrially Oriented Research - e: Input/Output Read - e: Input/Output Register - e: Input/Output Routine - e: Institute for [or of] Operational Research - e: International Ocean Rule - e: International Offshore Rules - e: Issue on Request - e: Item on Request - i: Istituto per le Opere de Religione IoR e: Institute of Roofing IORA e: Intelligence Officer, Royal Artillery IORB e: Input/Output Record Block - e: Input/Output Request Block IORC e: Input/Output Read Control IORD e: International Organization for Rural Development IOREG e: Input/Output Register IOREQ e: Input/Output Request [Queue] IORL e: Input/Output Requirements Language IORM e: Improved Order of Red Men IORP e: Input/Output of a Record and Proceed IORQ e: Input/Output Request [Queue] IORS e: Inflatable Occupant Restraint System[s] IORs e: Input/Output Registers IORS e: Input/Output Request Subroutine - e: International Orders Research Society IORT e: Incremental Oil Revenue Tax - e: Input/Output of a Record and Transfer - e: Input/Output Remote Terminal IORV e: Inadvertent Opening of a Safety Relief Valve IOS d: Internationale Organisation fur Sukkulentenforschung - e: I/O Subsystem - e: Image Optical Scanner - e: Image Orthicon System - e: Inbound Operation Signal - e: Indian Ocean Ship - e: Indian Ocean Site - e: Input/Output Selector - e: Input/Output Sense - e: Input/Output Skip - e: Input/Output Statement - e: Input/Output Subsystem - e: Input/Output Superversion - e: Input/Output Supervisor - e: Input/Output Switch - e: Input/Output Synchronizer - e: Input/Output System - e: Inspection Operation Sheet - e: Inspection Operation System - e: Instant On Switch - e: Institute of Ocean Sciences - e: Institute of Oceanographic Science[s] - e: Institute of Oceanographic Services - e: Instructor Operating Station - e: Instructor Operation Station - e: Instrumentation Operations Station - e: Integrated Observation System - e: Integrated Office System - e: Integrated Operation System - e: Intelligence Operations Specialist - e: Intelligent Optical Sensor - e: Interactive Operating System - e: Interceptor Operator Simulator - e: International Officer School - e: International Offshore Services Limited 285

IoS - e: International Organization for Standardization - e: International Organization for Succulent Plant Study - e: Interplant Order Status - e: Investors Overseas Service[s] - e: The Independent on Sunday IoS e: Isles of Scilly - e: Isles of Shoals - e: Isles of the Sea IOSA e: Incorporated Oil Seed Association - e: Input/Output Systems Association - e: Integrated Opticfal] Spectrum Analyzer - e: International Oil Scouts Association - e: Irish Offshore Services Association IOSAP e: Input/Output Subordinate Application Program[me[ IOSC e: Integrated Operations Support Center - e: International Oxygen Steelmaking Congress IOSCD e: International Organization for Scientific Cooperation and Development IOSCO e: International Organization of Securities Commissions IOSD e: Information and Office Systems Division - e: Initial Operational Support Date IOS Data Report e: Institute of Oceanographic Sciences. Data Report (journ.) IOSEWR e: International Organization for the Study of the Endurance of Wire Ropes IOSHD e: International Organization for the Study of Human Development IOSIM e: Input/Output Simulator IOSM e: Independent Order of the Sons of Malta IOSN e: Indian Ocean Standard Net IOSOT e: International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament IOSP e: Input/Output under Signal and Proceed IOSR e: Input/Output Service Routine - e: Input/Output Support Routine IOSS e: Indian Ocean Station Support - e: Input/Output Subsystem - e: Integrated Ocean Surveillance System - e: Intelligence Organisation Stationing Study - e: Interoperative Spinal Sonography IOST e: Input/Output under Signal and Transfer IOSTE e: International Organization of Science, Technology and Education IOSV e: Interorbital Space Vehicle IOSYS e: Input/Output System

IOT e: In-Orbit Test [Antenna] - e: In-Orbit Testing - e: Individual Operation Test - e: Induction Output Tube - e: Initial Operational Training - e: Initial Orbit Time - e: Input/Output and Transfer - e: Input/Output Termination - e : Input/Output Test - e: Input/Output Transfer - e: Input/Output Trap - e: Input/Output Trunk - e: Input/Output Typewriter - e: Inspection Operation Tag - e: Institute of Technology - e: Institute of Transport - e: Inter-Office Trunk - e: International Optical Telecommunications, Inc. - e: Interoffice Trunk - e: Interoperability Test - e: Ipsilateral Optic Tectum IoT e: IsleofThanet I/OT e: Input/Output Test IOTA e: Inbound/Outbound Traffic Analysis - e: Incremental Operational Tape Adapter - e: Index of Technical Articles - e: Information Overload Testing Aid - e: Information Overload Testing Apparatus - e: Infrared Observer Television Analysis - e: Institute of the Americas - e: Institute of Theoretical Astronomy - e: Institute of Traffic Administration IoTA e: Institute of Transport Administration IOTA e: Integrated Online Text Arrangement - e: International Occultation Timing Association IOTAE e: Initial Operation Test and Evaluation IOTA/ES e: International Occultation Timing Association/European Section IOTC e: International Originating Toll Center IOTCG e: International Organization for Technical Cooperation in Geology IOTE e: Initital Out-fitting Technical Evaluation - e: Instant Oxide Thickness Evaluation - e: Interim Operational Test and Evaluation IOT&E e: Initial Operational] Test and Evaluation - e: Initital Operating Test and Evaluation - e: Interim Operational Test and Evaluation IOT/E e: Initial Operational Test & Evaluation IOTEP e: Initial Operating Tests and Evualation Period IOTG e: Input/Output Task Group IOTLV e: Inter Orbit Transfer and Logistics Vehicle IOTR e: Intra-Ocular Tension Recorder - e: Item Operation Trouble Report IOTT e: Institute of Operating Theatre Technicians IOTT&E e: Improved Operational Test, Training, and Evaluation IOTTSG e: International Oil Tanker and Terminal Safety Guide IOU e: Immediate Operational] Use - e: Industrial Operations Unit - e: Inevitability Of the Unpredictable - e: Input/Output Unit - e: Input/Output Utility


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Saur. München

IOUBC e: Institute of Oceanography, University of British Columbia IOU Routine e: Input/Output Utilizer Routine IOUS e: Input/Output Utility Subsystem IOUSP p: Instituto Oceanogràfico da Universidade de Säo Paulo IOV e: Input Offset Voltage - s: Instituto Oceanogràfico de Valparaiso IOVC e: In the Overcast IOVPT d: Internationale Organisation für Vakuum-Physik und Technik IOVST e: International Organization for Vacuum Science and Technology IOV/VAP e: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission/Voluntary Assistance Program IOW e: In Other Words - e: Input/Output Wire - e: Input/Output Write - e: Institute of Welding - e: Isle of Wight IOWA e: Interorganizational Work Authorization Iowa Agric Home Econ Exp Stn Soil Surv Rep e: Iowa. Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station. Soil Survey Reports (journ.) Iowa Law R e: Iowa Law Review (journ.) Iowa State Univ Vet e: Iowa State University Veterinarian (journ.) IOWIT e: International Organization of Women in Telecommunications IOWQ e: Input/Output Wait Queue IOWT e: International Organization of Women in Telecommunications IOX e: Input/Output Executive - e: Instructional Objectives Exchange IOY e: I Owe You - e: Iron Ore Year IOZ e: Internal Oxidation Zone IOZV d: Internationale Organisation für Zivilverteidigung

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IP67 I P d: Industrieproduktion - d: Informationsparameter - d: Inhaberpapier - d: Interpolationsrechner - d: Ionenplattieren - d: Isoelektrischer Punkt - e: Cathode-Ray Tube Indicators - e: Ice Pellets - e: Ice Plow - e: Ice Point - e: Identification of Position - e: Identification Peculiarity - e: Identification Point - e: Identifying Perforation - e: Identifying Punching] - e: Identity Preserved - e: Idle Period - e: Igloo Pallet - e: Igneous Petrology - e: Ignition Point - e: Image Processing - e: Image Processor - e: Imaginary Part - e: Imipramine - e: Immunoperoxidase - e: Impact Point - e: Impact Prediction - e: Impact Predictor - e: Impact Printer - e: Impact Prognosticator - e: Imperial Preference - e: Impingement Point - e: Implementation of Plan - e: Implementation Period - e: Imposter Phenomenon - e: Improved Product - e: Improvement Program - e: Improvement Purchase - e: Impulse Programfme] - e: In-Parient - e: In Process - e: Inactive Program[me] - e: Incentive Pay - e: Incisoproximal - e: Incorrect Programfme] - e: Independent Program[me] - e: Index of Performance - e: Index of Preprogramming - e: Index of Programming - e: Index Point - e: India[n] Paper - e: Indicate [your] Position - e: Indicator Panel - e: Indirect Proof - e: Induced Polarization - e: Industrial Park - e: Industrial Photographer - e: Industrial Photography - e: Industrial Planning - e: Industrial Police - e: Industrial Production - e: Industry Protection - e: Inertial Platform - e: Information Parameter - e: Information Pool - e: Information Processing - e: Information Processor - e: Information Professional - e: Information Provider - e: Information Pulse - e: Informations Processing - e: Inhibit Pulse - e: Inhouse Publishing - e: Initial Parameter - e: Initial Permutation - e: Initial Phase - e: Initial Phrase

- e Initial Point Initial Post Initial Production . - e Initial Provisioning Initialization Phase Initializing Program[me] Injured Person - e Inland Postage - e Innings Pitched - e Innovation Potential Inosine Phosphate - e Inositol Phosphate - e Input - e Input/Output Processor - e Input Parameter - e Input Power Input Primary Input Procedure Input Processor Input Program[me] Inspection Procedure Installment Plan[ning] - e Institute of Packaging Institute of Petroleum Institute of Physics Institute of Plumbing Instruction Pointer Instruction Processor Instruction Pulse[s] Instructional Programfme] Instructor Pilot Instrument Panel Instrumentation Paper Instrumentation Plan Instrumentation Power Insular Police Insurance Payment Integer Part Integer Programming Intellectual Property Intelligent Peripherals Interactive Processing Intercept Point - e Interchangeable Solid and Screen Panels Interdigital Pause - e Interelement Protection - e Interface Processor] - e Interface Programmable - e Interference Pattern - e Intermediate Pallet - e Intermediate Pressure - e Intermodulation Products - e Internal Pressure - e International Pharmacopoeia - e International Pictures - e International Program [ming Limited] - e Internet Protocol - e Interpersonal - e Interphalangeal - e Interplanetary - e Interpool - e Interpretive Program[me] - e Interrogation Program[me] - e Interrupt Processor] - e Intial Production - e Intraperitoneal - e Ion-Pair - e Ion Plating - e Ion Pump - e Ionic Polymer - e Ionization Potential - e Ionized Particle[s] - e Irldexed and Paged - e Iron Pipe [plate current [symbol]] - e Isabel Province [Solomon Islands] - e Isidis Planitia - e Isoelectric Point

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Isolation Pulse - e: Isoprenyl Pyrophosphate^] - e: Issue Paper - e: Italian Patent - e: Item Processing - e: Office of International Programs - e: Plate current [symbol] - e: Powder Injection - f: Institut Pasteur - s: Isla de Pinos Ip e: Ipanema iP d: in Papier - d: in Pension - d: in Preußen - e: in Primary I & P e: Indexed and Paged - e: Inerting and Preheating - e: Island and Peninsular - R: Izvestia and Pravda I - P e: Indian-Pacific - e: Intermediate-Pressure I/P e: Current/Pneumatic - e: Current-to-Pressure - e: Identification of Position - e: Impact Predictor - e: Input - e: Intercept Point - e: Irregular Input Process IP 3 e: Inositol Triphosphate I P 3 e: Intercept Point of third order IPS e: Integrated Product Support I-5'-P e: Inosine 5'-Monophosphate IP54 d: Schutzart: spritzwassergeschtitzt IP67 d: Schutzart: Dauerbetrieb, wartungsfrei, staub- und wasserdicht

IPA IPA d: Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung - d: Institut für Produktionstechnik [und Automatisierung] - d: Internationaler Programmaustausch - d: Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet - d: Isopropylalkohol - d: Isopropylnoradrianol - e: Illinois Pharmaceutical Association - e: Illinois Principals Association - e: Image Power Amplifier - e: Image Processing Associations - e: Including Particular Average - e: Independent Petroleum Association - e: Independent Physicians Association - e: Independent Practice Association - e: Independent Publishers Association - e: Independent Publishers of Australia - e: India Pale Ale - e: Indiana Pharmaceutical Association - e: Indicated Pressure Altitude - e: Individual Practice Association - e: Industrial Perforators Association - e: Information for Public Affairs, Inc. - e: Information Planning Associates, Inc. - e: Information Please Almanac - e: Information Process Analysis - e: Information Processing Architecture - e: Information Processing Association - e: Information-technology Promotion Agency - e: Initial Perceptual Alphabet - e: Insolvency Practitioners Association - e: Institute for Physics of the Atmosphere - e: Institute for Polyacrylate Absorbents - e: Institute of Park Administration - e: Institute of Patent Attorneys - e: Institute of Practitioners in Advertising - e: Institute of Propaganda Analysis - e: Institute of Public Administration - e: Institute of Public Affairs - e: Integrated Peripheral Adapter - e: Integrated Photodetection Assemblies - e: Integrated Printer Adapter - e: Intelligence Production Activity - e: Intergovernmental Personnel Act - e: Intermediate Power Amplifier - e: Internal Power Amplifier - e: Internation Police Association - e: International Journal of Public Administration (joum.) - e: International Paleontological Association - e: International Patent Agreement - e: International Peace Academy - e: International Pediatric Association - e: International Permafrost Association - e: International Petroleum Annual - e: International Pharmaceutical Abstracts [Anmerican Society of Hospital Pharmacists] (journ.) - e: International Phonetic Alphabet - e: International Phonetic Association - e: International Photographers Association - e: International Pipe Association - e: International Platform Association - e: International Poetry Archives - e: International Police Academy - e: International Police Archives - e: International Police Association - e: International Prepress Association - e: International Press Association - e: International Psychoanalytical Association - e: International Publishers Association - e: Investment Partnership Association - e: Iowa Pharmaceutical Association - e: Isepentenyl Adenosine

- e: Isophthalic Acid - e: Isopropane - e: Isopropanol [alcohol] - e: Isopropyl [alcohol] - e: Isopropyl Acetate - e: Isopropyl Alcohol - e: Isopropyl Amine - e: Issue-Position-Argument - e: N'-[AJ-isopentenyl]-adenosine IPAA e: Independent Petroleum Association of America - e: Institute of Patent Attorneys of Austratia - e: Instrumental Photon Activation Analysis - e: International Pesticide Applicators Association - e: International Petroleum Association of America - e: International Plan of Action on Aging - e: International Prisoners Aid Association - e: Interstate Professional Applicators Association - s: Inventario del Patrimonio Arquitectónico [Database] IPAC e: Independent Petroleum Association of Canada - e: Information Processing and Control - e: Institute of Public Administration of Canada - e: Integral Perturbed Angular Correlation - e: Intelligence Center, Pacific - e: Intelligence, PACOM - e: International Peace Academy Committee - e: Iranian Pan-American Oil Company - e: Isopropyl Acetate - f: Institut Polytechnique de l'Afrique Centrale IPACK e: International Packaging Material Suppliers Association IPACS e: Integrated Power [and] AttitudeControl System - e: Interactive Pattern Analysis and Classification System IPAD e: Incoming Procurement Authorization Document - e: Integrated Program[me][s] for Aerospace-vehicle Design - e: Integrated Programmes for Aerospace -vehicle Desgin - e: International Plastics Association Directors IPAD[A]E e: Integrated Passive Action Detection Acquisition Equipment IPADS e: Improved Processing And Display System - e: Interactive Processing and Display System IPAE e: Isopropylaminoethanol IPAG e: Information, Planning and Analysis Group IPAI e: Information Processing Association of Israel - e: International Primary Aluminum Institute IPAM e: Integrated Program[me] Activity Monitor - e: Inter-Partition Access Method - e: Isopropylaclylamide IPAP e: Interactive Parameter Analysis Program[me] IPAPS e: Institute for Pure and Applied Physical Sciences IPAR e: Improved Pulse Acquisition Radar - e: Initial Product Assessment Report - e: Institute of Personality Assessment and Research - e: Intra-Pulse Analysis Receiver IP ARA e: International Publishers Advertising Representatives Association


© K G

Saur, München

IPA Review e: Institute of Public Affairs Review (journ.) IPARS e: International Passenger Programmed Airlines Reservation System - e: International Programmed Airline Reservation^] System IPART e: Institute of Photographic Apparatus Repair Technicians IPAS d: Informatives Personalabrechnungssystem - e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Power Apparatus and System - e: Integrated Pneumatic Air System - e: Interplatform Alignment System IPAT e: Europeen Confernce on Ion Plating and Allied Techniques - e: Institute for Personality and Ability Testing - e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] Primary Access Transceiver - s: Inventario del Patrimonio Historico Artistico Espanol IP ATA e: Independent Pet and Animal Transportation Association IPB e: Illuminated Push Button - e: Illustrated Parts Breakdown - e: Inert Processing Building - e: Information Parts Breakdown - e: Installation Property Book - e: Integrated Processor Board - e: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield - e: Inter Processor Bus - e: Interconnection and Programming Bay - e: Interdivisional Programming Bulletin - e: International Peace Bureau - e: Interprocessor Buffer - e: Inventions Promotion Board - e: Isopropyl Benzene IPBAM e: International Permanent Bureau of Automotive Manufacturers IPBC e: International Power Beam Conference IP&BE e: Initial Program and Budget Estimate IPBM e: Illustrated Parts Breakdown Manual - e: Integrated Planning Bill of Material - e: Interplanetary Ballistic Missile IPBMM e: International Permanent Bureau of Motor Manufacturers IPBX e: International Private Branch Exchange IP&C e: Instrumentation Program and Component - e: Instrumentation Program[me] and Components

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in W i s s e n s c h a f t und T e c h n i k

IPDNY IPC d: Isopropylchlorid - e: [0-]Isopropyl N-Phenylcarbamate - e: Iceland Prime Contractor - e: Idaho Potato Commission - e: Illinois Power Company - e: Illustrated Parts Catalogue] - e: Image Processing Center - e: Image Processing Computer - e: Image Products Company - e: Imaging Proportional Counter - e: Impurity Photoconductivity - e: Independent Control Point - e: Independently Programmed Computer - e: Indian Penal Code - e: Industrial Personal Computer - e: Industrial Planning Committee - e: Industrial Policy Committee - e: Industrial Process Controller] - e: Industrial Programmable Controller - e: Industrial Property Committee - e: Industry Planning Council - e: Industry Policy Council - e: Information Processing Center [or Centre] - e: Information Processing Code - e: Information Processing Computer - e: Information Publishing Corporation - e: Initial Planning Conference - e: Innings Pitched Corrector - e: Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging [Electronic] Circuits - e: Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electric Circuits - e: Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits - e: Institute for Personal Computing - e: Institute for Printed Circuits - e: Institute of Paper Chemistry - e: Institute of Paper Conservation - e: Institute of Pastoral Care - e: Institute of Printed Circuits - e: Instrument Panel Cluster - e: Instrumentation Package Container - e: Integrated Peripheral Channel - e: Integrated Peripheral Controller - e: Integrated Printer Adapter - e: Integrated Procedures Control - e: Integrated Process Control - e: Integrated Program[me] for Commodities - e: Intelligence Priorities Committee - e: Intelligent Peripheral Controller - e: Inter-African Phytosanitary Commission - e: Inter-Personal Communication - e: Inter-Process Communication - e: Inter-Process Control - e: Inter Processor Communications - e: Intercalated Polymer-derived Carbon - e: Intermediate Pressure Compressor - e: Intermediate Processing Center - e: Intermittent Position Control - e: Intermittent Positive Control - e: International Classification of Patents - e: International Pacific Corporation - e: International Packings Corporation - e: International Paper Chemists - e: International Patent Classification - e: International Petroleum Company - e: International Photosynthesis Committee - e: International Polar Commission - e: International Pressure Conference - e: International Programmable Control Conference [and Exposition] - e: International Publishing Corporation - e: Interplanetary Communications - e: Interprocess Communication - e: Interprocess Controller - e: Interprocess Coupler - e: Interprocessor Channel

- e: Interprocessor Communication[s] - e: Interstate Processing Center - e: Ion-Pair Chromatography - e: Iraq Petroleum Company - e: Iron Phosphate Coating - e: Isopropyl Carbanilate - e: Isopropyl Cresol - e: Isopropyl-N-Phenylcarbamate - e: The Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits - s: Instituto de Plásticos y Caucho Ipc e: Isopinocampheyl IPCA e: Industrial Pest Control Association - e: International Passengers Consumer Association - e: International Petroleum Cooperative Alliance - e: International Petroleum Credit Association IPCAIL e: International Pacitic Corporation Australian Investments Limited I p q B C I e: Chlorodiisopinocampheylborane [IpcBHj]CTMEDA e: Monoisopinocanphenylborane - e: Tetramethylethylenediamine IPCC e: Information Processing in Command and Control - e: Infrantry Precommend Cource - e: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate [or Climatic] Change IPCCIOS e: Indo-Pacific Council of the International Committee of Scientific Mangement IPCCS e: Information Processing in Command [and] Control System[s] IPCE e: Independent Parametric Cost Estimate IPCEA e: Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association IPCF e: Inter-Process Communication Facility - e: Inter-Program[me] Communication Facility IPCH e: Institute of Paper Chemistry IPCI e: International Potato Chip Institute IPCL e: Indian Petrochemical Corporation Limited - e: Instrumentation Program and Component List - f: Institut du Pétrole des Carburants er Lubrifiants IPC Module e: Inter-Process Communication Module IPCO e: International Paper Company IP Code e: Information Processing Code IP Control e: Interplant Control IPCP e: Improved Platoon Command Post IPCPA e: Institute of Povate Clinical Psychologists of Australia - e: IRE Transactions on Component Parts IPC Process e: Inco Pressure Carbonyl Process IPCR e: Institute of Physical and Chemical Research IPCRI e: Israel Palestine Center for Research Information

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

IPCS e: Image Photon Counting System - e: Institution of Professional Civil Servants - e: Integrated Propulsion Control System - e: Intelligent Process-Control System - e: Inter-Project Control Station - e: Interactive Problem Control System - e: International Peace Corps Secretariat - e: International Program[me] on Chemical Safety - e: Interproject Control Station IPCs e: Illustrated Parts Catalogues IPCS HQ e: Institution of Professional Civil Servants Headquarter IPCU e: Intensive Psychiatric Care Unit IP Cyl e: Intermediate Pressure Cylinder IPD e: Impact Patient Data - e: Impact Predication Data - e: Impact Prediction Data - e: Improved Point Defence - e: Improved Point Defense - e: Incident Power Density - e: Increase in Pupillary Diameter - e: Individual Package Delivery - e: Information Processing Department - e: Information Processing Division - e: Initial Patient Data - e: Initial Performance Data - e: Insertion Phase Delay - e: Insertion Phase Difference - e: Inspection Planning Document - e: Institute for Professional Development - e: Institute of Professional Designers - e: Instructional Program Development - e: Integrated Pin Diode - e: Integrated Process Demonstration - e: Intelligence Planning Document - e: Intelligent Power Device - e: Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis - e: International Journal of Physics Distribution and Materials Management (journ.) - e: Inventory of Psychosocial Development - e: Isophorone Diamine - e: Isotope-Powered Device - e: Issue Priority Designation - e: Issue Priority Designator -1: In Praesentia Dominorum ipd e: inch[es] per day IPDA e: International Periodical Distributors Association - e: Intra-Pulse Demodulation Analysis IPDB e: Intelligence Production Database IPDC e: International Program[me] for the Development of Communication[s] Ipdcash e: I paid cash IPDD e: Initial Project Design Description IPDE e: Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute IPDF e: Input Data Funnel - e: Intensity Probability Density Function IPDF System e: Interactive Program[me] Debugging Facility System IPDG e: Isopropyl-[ß-D-]Thiogalactopyranoside IPDH e: In-Service Planned Derated Hours IPDI e: Isophorone Diisocyanate IPDIP d: Interaktives Programmiersystem für Dialogintensive Programme IPDITAS e: Improved Point Defense/Target Acquisition System IPDMS e: Improved Point Defense Missile System - e: Integrated Point Defence Missile System IPDN e: International Paleoclimatic Data Network - e: International Public Data Network IPDNY e: Information Processing and Delivery, New York 289

IPDP IPDP e: Industrial Programmed Data Processor - e: Intervals of Pulsations of Diminishing Period IPDR e: In Process Design Review - e: Incremental Reliminary Design Review IPDS e: Instrument Pool Data System - e: Integrated Personnel Data System - e: Integrated Program[me] Development and Support - e: Intelligent Printer Data Stream - e: Intelligent Printer Data System IPDSMS e: Improved Point Defence [or Defense] Surface Missile System IPDT d: Integrationsprogramm fur Daten und Text IPD/TAC e: Improved Point Defense/Target Acquisition IPD[/]TAS e: Improved Point [or Defense]/ Target Acquisition System IPDU e: Instantaneous Panoramic Display Unit - e: Internet Protocol Data Unit IPE d: Integrierte Produktionseinheit - d: Internationale Programmentwicklung - e: Improved Performance Engine - e: Inband Parameter Exchange - e: Incentive PERT [Program[me] Evaluation and Review Technique] Events - e: Increased Performance Engine - e: Individual Protective Equipment - e: Industrial Plant Equipment - e: Industrial Production Equipment - e: Information Processing Equipment - e: Infrared Parameter Exchange - e: Initial Portable Equipment - e: Installation Performance Evaluation - e: Institute of Plant Engineers - e: Institute of Power Engineers - e: Institute of Production Engineers - e: Institution of Plant Engineers - e: Institution of Plant Equipment - e: Institution of Production Engineering - e: Institution of Production Engineers - e: Institution of Professional Engineers - e: Inter-Pacific Equity - e: International Petroleum Encyclopedia - e: International Petroleum Exchange - e: International Political Economy - e: Interpret Parity Error - e: Inverse Photoelectric Effect - e: Inverse Photoemission Experiment - e: Inverted Print Edit - e: Isopropoxyethanol - p: Instituto de Providencia do Estado IPEC e: International Petroleum Exploration Company - e: International Police Exhibition and Conference - e: International Power and Engineering Consultants - e: Interstate Parcel Express Company Ipecac s: Ipecacuanha IPECS e: Integrated Power & [and] Environmental] Control System IPEDS e: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System IPEE e: Inclination of a Plane to the Plane of the Earth's Equator - e: International Pollution Engineering Exposition & Congress IPEF p: Instituto de Pesquisas E Estudos Florestais [Brazil] (journ.) IPE Int Ind Prod Eng d: IPE International Industrial and Production Engineering (journ.)

IPENZ e: Institution of Professional Engineers of New Zealand IPEP e: International Permanent Exhibition of Publications IPER e: Industrial Production Equipment Reserve IPES d: Institut fur Planungs- und Entscheidungssysteme - e: Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy IPET e: Independent Professional Electronic Technicians IPETE e: International Petroleum Equipment and Technology Exhibition IPETEX e: Institute of Petroleum Working Group on Petroleum Exploration Training IPEU e: International Photo-Engravers Union IPF d: Institut fur Post- und Femmeldewesen - e: In-Process Factor - e: In-Process File - e: Inches per Foot - e: Indicative Planning Figures - e: Information Processing Facility - e: Inherent Power Factor - e: Initial Production Facilities - e: Initial Protective Force - e: Input Filter - e: Intaken Piled Fathom - e: Integral Pulse Frequency - e: Interactive Processing Facility - e: Interactive Productivity Facility - e: Intermediate Plot File - e: International Pharmaceutical Federation - e: International Police Force - e: International Powerlifting Federation - e: Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis - e: Iodine Protection Factor - e: Irish Printing Federation - e: IUS Processing Facility IPFA e: Institute of Public Finance [and] Accountancy - e: International Professional Security Association IPF Bulletin e: Infantile Paralysis Fellowship Bulletin (journ.) IPFC e: Indirect Plaque-Forming Cell - e: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council - e: Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission - e: Industrial Promotion and Productivity Center - e: Integrated Flight and Propulsion Control IPFD e: Input Power Flux Density IPFF e: International Planned Parenthood Federation IPFM e: Impact Form - e: Integral[-type] Pulse Frequency Modulation IPFR e: Institute of Plasma and Fusion Research IPFS e: Integrated Polygenerator Fertilizer System IPFs e: Interactive Processing Facilities


© K • G • Saur, München

IPG e: Immediate Participation Guarantee - e: Imobilized pH Gradients - e: In-circuit Program[me] Generator - e: Income Property Group - e: Independent Publishers Group - e: Independent Publishers Guild - e: Induction Plasma Gun - e: Industrial Painters Group - e: Information Policy Group - e: Interactive Presentation Graphics - e: Interactive Program[me] Generator - e: Internal Problem Generator - e: International Payments Group - e: International Planning Group - e: Isopropyl-thiogalactoside - e: Isotope Power Generator IPGA e: Illinois Personnel and Guidance Association - e: Iowa Personnel and Guidance Association IPGCU e: International Printing and Graphic Communications Union IPGEN e: Intersection Point Generator IPGH s: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia IPGP e: Illegal Possession of Government Property IPGS e: Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship - e: Intercollegiate Program of Graduate Studies IPH d: Institut Prüffeld fiir elektrische Hochleistungstechnik - e: Idiopathic Portal Hypertension - e: Impression[s] per Hour - e: Inch [es] per Hour - e: Industrial Process Heat[ing] - e: International Association of Paper Historians - e: Interphalangeal I-Phase d: Instruktionsphase IPHC e: International Pacific Halibut Commission IPHCSP e: International Pacific Halibut Commission. Scientific Report IPHCTR e: International Pacific Halibut Commission. Technical Report IPHE e: Individual Personal Hygiene Equipment - e: Institute of Public Health Engineers - e: Institution of Public Health Engineers - e: International Personal Hygiene Equipment IPHF e: International Professional Horticultural Federation IP/HHCL e: Initial Point/H-Hour Control Line IPH Inform d: IPH Information [International Association of Paper Historians, Germany] (journ.) IPHM e: Individual Personal Hygiene Module IPHSA e: Institute of Physics. Conference Series

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IPMF IPI d: Internationales Presseinstitut - e: Identified Prior to Interception] - e: Image Processing Interface - e: Impregnated Paper Insulated - e: In Process Inventory - e: Individual Process Instructional - e: Individual Progress Instructional - e: Individually Planned Instruction - e: Individually Prescribed Instruction - e: Individually Presented Instruction - e: Industrial Product Information - e: Industrial Production Index - e: Industrial Programming, Incorporated - e: Infinite Position Indicator - e: Initial Position Indicator - e: Institute of Patentees and Inventors - e: Institute of Polymer Industry - e: Institute of Poultry Industries - e: Institute of Professional Investigators - e: Instrument Pilot Instructor - e: Insurance Periodicals Index - e: Integrated Permits and Inspections - e: Integrated Position Indicator - e: Intelligence Publications Index - e: Intelligent Peripheral Interface - e: Intelligent Printer Interface - e: Interior Point Intermodal - e: International Patentfs] Institute - e: International Pesticide Institute - e: International Potash Institute - e: International Press Institute - e: Interpositional Implant - e: Intrapair Interval - e: Inventory, Print and Index - e: Investment Publications Information Services Pty. Limited Ipl e: Inosylylinosine ipi 1: in partibus infidelium IPIA e: Induced Psycho-Intellectual Activity IPIC e: In Process Inventory Control - e: Initial Production and Inventory Control - e: Intelligent Popwer Integrated Circuit IPICC e: Information Processing in Command and Control IPICS e: Initial Production and Information Control System - e: Initial Produdion [and] Inventory Control System iPID-Regler d: idealer ProportionalIntegral-Differential-Regler IPIECA e: International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association IPIG d: Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieur-Pädagogik IPIMIGEO e: Pan American Institute of Mining Engineering and Geology IPI/MIS e: Individually Planned Instruction/Management and Information System IPIN p: Instituto Panamericano de Ingeniera Naval IPIP e: Information Processing Improvement Program[me] - e: Input Intercept-Point - e: International Personhood of Iliterate Programmers IPIR e: Immediate Photograph Intelligence Report - e: Initial Photographie] Interpretation Report - e: Institute for Public Interest Representation - e: Integrated Personnel Information Report[s] IPIRA e; Indian Plywood Industries Research Association IPI Report e: International Press Institute Report (journ.)

IPIRI e: Indian Plywood Industries Research Institute IPIS d: integriertes Personalinformationssystem - e: Instrument Pilot Instructor School IPISD e: Interservice Procedures for Instructional Systems Development IPI System e: Inventory, Print and Index System IPIx e: International Plant Index IPJ e: International Pursuit Corporation IPJP e: Interpost Junction Panel IPK d: Institut fiir Phonetik und Kommunikationsforschung - d: Institut für politische Planungen und Kybernetik - d: Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik - d: Integrierte Prozeßkontrolle - d: Inter-Prozeß-Kommunikation - d: Internationale Pappelkommission - d: Internationale Patentklassifikation - d: Internationale Petroleum-Kommission - d: Internationaler Prototype Kilogram IPKF e: Indian Peace Keeping Force ¡PL d: in Panzerlafette IPL e: Identified Parts List - e: Illustrated Parts List - e: Image Processing Laboratory - e: Improved Position Locator - e: Inactive Program[me] List - e: Indentured Parts List - e: Indianapolis Power and Light - e: Industrial Programming Language - e: Information Processing Language - e: Information Processing Letters - e: Information Program Loading - e: Informnation Processing Lannguage - e: Initial Program[me] Load[er] - e: Initial Programfme] Loading - e: Initial Provisioning List - e: Initialize Program Load - e: Inner Plexiform Layer - e: Input Parameter List - e: Installation Parts List - e: Instrument Pool Laboratory - e: Instrumentation Program List - e: Instrumet Panel Lighting - e: Integrated Parts List - e: Integrated Pay-Load - e: Integrated Perceived Level - e: Interconnected Porosity - e: Interconnected Porosity Level - e: Interdivisional Programming List - e: Interim Parts List - e: Interrupt Priority Level - e: Italian Pacific Line - e: nformnation Processing Lannguage IPLA e: Interstate Producers Livestock Association IPLAN e: Joint IOC/WMO Planning Group for IGOSS IP Language e: Information Processing Language IPlantE e: Institute of Plant Engineers - e: Institution of Plant Engineers I Plant Eng e: Institution of Plant Engineers IPLC e: Interferometer Position Location Concept - e: International Private Leased Circuit IPLCA e: International Pipeline Contractors Association IPLE e: Institute for Political/Legal Education - e: Institute of Public Lighting Engineers IP-LED e: Infrared Light Emitting Diode

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

IPLGY e: Institute for the Protection of Lesbian and Gay Youth IPLIB e: Image Processing Library IPLL e: Illinois Publications in Language and Literature (journ.) IPLO e: Institute of Professional Librarians of Ontario IP Log[ging] e: Induced Polarization Logfging] IPLO Quart e: Institute of Professional Librarians of Ontario Quarterly (journ.) IPLP e: Initial Program[me] Loadfing] Procedure IPL-V e: Information Processing Language-V IPLV e: Intermediate Payload Launch Vehicle IPM d: Impulse per Minute - d: Impulse pro Minute - d: Impulsmodulation - d: Informationszentrum Politik und Massenkommunikation - d: Institut für Polygraphische Maschinen - d: Institut für Praktische Mathematik - d: Interpersonelle Mitteilungen] - e: Illumination[s] per Minute - e: Immediate Past Master - e: Impulse[s] per Minute - e: Inch[es] per Minute - e: Inch[es] per Month - e: Inches Penetration per Month - e: Incident Power Meter - e: Incident Power Monitor - e: Incidental Phase Modulation - e: Incidental Pulse Modulation - e: Indomethacin-Treated Platelet Microsomes - e: Industrial Preparedness Measures - e: Industrial Productivity Monitoring - e: Industry Preparedness Measures - e: Information Processing Machine - e: Input Pins of Module - e: Input Position Map[per] - e: Insect Populations Management Research Unit - e: Institute for Police Management - e: Institute for Practical Mathematics - e: Institute of Personnel Management - e: Institute of Police Management - e: Institute of Printing Management - e: Integrated Post Management - e: Intelligent Power Management - e: Intelligent Power Module - e: Intelligent Processing of Materials - e: Inter-Processor/Multiplexer - e: Interference Prediction Model - e: Internal Polarization Modulation - e: International Program Manager - e: International Prototype Meter - e: Interpersonal Message[s] - e: Interpersonal Messaging - e: Interpersonal Perception Method - e: Interruption^] per Minute - e: Inventory Policy Model - e: Investment Performance Measurement - e: IPM Technology, Inc. - e: Isopropylmalate IPMA e: In-Plant [printing] Management Association - e: International Personnel Management Association - e: International Planned Music Association IPMB d: Integriertes Programmsystem für Mittelbetriebe der Bauwirtschaft IP Method e: Induced Polarization Method IPMF e: In Process Material File


IPMI IPMI e: International Powder Metallurgy Institute - e: International Precious Metals Institute ipmin e: inch[es] per minute IP-MMP e: Info Process-Mask Management Package IPMO e: International Program Management Office IP/MP e: Inphase/Midphase IPMP e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Parts, Materials and P - e: Industrial Plant Modernization Program [set] IPMPC e: International Journal of Powder Metallurgy and Powder Technology IPM's e: Input Pins of Modules IPM/S e: Interruption per Minute/Second IPMS e: Impact Predictor Monitor Set - e: Impact Predictor Monitor System - e: Infinite Periodic Minimal Surface - e: Integrated Pest Managment and Program Coordination Staff - e: Integrated Platform-Management System - e: Integrated Program[me] Management System - e: Inter-Personal Messaging Service - e: International Plastic Modellers Society - e: International Polar Motion Service - e: Interpersonal Messaging System - e: Isopropylmethane Sulphonate IPM Service e: Interpersonal Message[s] Service IPMT e: Interim Programme Management Team IPN e: Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis - e: Information Processing Network - e: Initial Priority Number - e: Initial Processing Number - e: Inspection Progress Notification - e: Instant Private Network - e: Institut de Physique Nuclearie Fankreich - e: Instrumentation] Plan Number - e: Integrated Priority Number - e: Internal Priority Number - e: Interpeduncular Nucleus - e: Interpenetrating [Polymer] Network - e: Iso-Propyl Nitrate - s: Instituto Polytecnico Nacional IPNA d: Isopropylnoradrenalin IPNJ e: Industrial Photographers of New Jersey I[/]PNL e: Integrated Perceived Noise Level IPNS e: Intense Pulsed Neutron Source IPNs e: Interpenetrating Polymer Networks IPO d: Isopropyloleat - e: Indophenol Oxidase - e: Industrial Planning Office - e: Initial Public Offering] [s] - e: Input-Process [ing]-Output - e: Inquiry Programmed Operations - e: Inspection Planning Order - e: Installation Planning Order - e: Installation Planning Organization - e: Installation Production Order - e: Installation Productivity Option - e: Instantaneous Power Output - e: International Pact Organization - e: International Program Office - e: International Projects] Office - e: Israel Philharmonic Orchestra - n: Instituut voor Perceptie Onderzoek IPOC d: Institut fiir Polymerenchemie - e: Incoming Parts Order Control

IPOD e: Initial Phase of Ocean Drilling - e: International Phase of Ocean Drilling - e: International Program[me] of Ocean Drilling - e: Interstate Project on Dissemination IPO/E e: Installation Productivity Option/Extended IPOEE e: Institute of Post Office Electrical Engineers - e: Institution of [the] Post Office Electrical Engineers IPOH s: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia IPOM e: Installation Planning Operation Manual IPOMS e: International Polar-Orbiting Meterological Satellite IP/OP e: Input/Output Interface IPO's e: Intellectual Property Owners IPOS e: Insulation [or Isolation] by Oxidized Porous Silicon IPOSS e: Interim Pacific Oceanographic Support System I-POT e: Inductive Potentiometer IPOT e: Imperial Philharmonic Orchestra of Tokyo - e: Inductive Potential IPoT e: Inductive Potentiometer IPP d: Institut fiir Plasmaphysik - d: Institut fiir Praktische Psychologie - d: Integrationspriifplatz - d: Isopentenylpyrophosphat - d: Max-Planck-Institut fiir Plasmaphysik - e: Imaging Photo-Polarimeter - e: Immediate Past President - e: Imnpact Point Prediction - e: Impact Prediction Point - e: Impact Predictor Computer - e: In-Plant Plus Program - e: Index of Prices Paid - e: India Paper Proof[s] - e: Individual Parameter Perturbation - e: Industrial Preparedness Planning - e: Infrared Pointer Package - e: Initial Production Phase - e: Input Processor Program[me][s] - e: Insert Present Position - e: Inspired Partial Pressure - e: Institute of Plasma Physics - e: Integrated Plotting Package - e: Integrated Program Plan - e: Inter-Processor Process - e: Interdivisional Programming Practice - e: Interface Package Process - e: Interface Program Plan - e: Intermittent Positive Pressure - e: Internal Packet Protocol - e: International Phototelegraph Position - e: Interplant Parts Planning - e: Interplant Purchase - e: Interprocessor Process - e: Intrapleural Pressure - e: Inverse Polarity Protection - e: Ionospheric Propagation Path - e: Islamic People's Pany - e: Isopentenyl Pyrophosphate - e: Isothermal Pressure Profile


© K • G • Saur, München

IPPA e: Independent Professional Painting Contractors Association - e: Independent Programme Producers Association - e: Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association - e: Inspection, Palpitation, Percussion, Auscultation - e: International Pentecostal Press Association - e: International Planned Parenthood Association - e: International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union - e: Isopropylphsnyl Acetate IPPAU e: International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union IPPB e: Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing IPPB/I e: Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing/Inspiratory IPPC d: Isopropyl-N-Phenylcarbamat - e: Infrastructure Payments] and Progress Committee - e: International Plant Protection Center - e: Isopropyl-N-Phenylcarbamate IPPD e: N-lsopropyl-N'-Phenyl-P-Phenylene Diamine IPPDSEU e: International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union IPPF e: Instruction Preprocessing Function - e: International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation - e: International Planned Parenthood Federation IPPI e: Instructional Procedures Preference Inventory IPPJ e: Institute of Plasma Physics, Japan IPPL e: Industrial Preparedness Planning List - e: International Primate Protection League IPPM e: Ionospheric Propagation Prediction Method IPPN e: Interplant Part Number IPPNO e: International Philosophers for the Prevention Network IPPNW e: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War IPPP e: Industrial Preparedness Planning Program - e: Industrial Property Policy Program IPPPE e: Institute on Public Policy and Private Enterprise IPPR e: Intermittent Positive Pressure Respiration IPPS d: Integrierte Produktionsplanung und Produktionssteuerung IPPs e: Imaging Photo-Polarimeters IPPS d: Integrierte Produktionsplanung und -Steuerung - e: Improved Processing System - e: Institute of Physics and the Physical Society - e: Integrated Personal Protection System IPPT d: Internationale des Personals der Post-, Telegrafen- und Telefonbetriebe - e: Inter-Person Perception Test IPPTA e: Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association - e: IPPTA [Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association] (journ.) IPPTT f: Internationale du Personnel des Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones IPPV e: Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

i-PS IPQ e: Inactive Program[me] Queue - e: Information Processing Quotient - e: International Petroleum Quarterly - e: International Philosophical Quarterly (journ.) - e: Intimacy Potential Quotient IPQC e: In-Process Quality Control IPQI e: Intermediate Personality Questionnaire for Indian Pupils [iPr]2 e: Diisopropyl IPR d: Internationales Privatrecht (journ.) - e: Imposter Pass Rate - e: In-Place Repair - e: In-Process[or] Review[s] - e: In Progress Review - e: In-Pulse to Register - e: Inch[es] per Revolution - e: Inches per Rack [textiles] - e: Inches per Revolution - e: Independent Product Review - e: Index of Prices Received - e: Individual Pay Record - e: Industrial Plant Requirement - e: Industrial Property Rights - e: Industrial Public Relations - e: Inflow Performance Relationship - e: Informal Progress Report - e: Initial Pressure Regulator - e: Initial Program[me] Reset - e: Inpatient Record[s] - e: Inspection Planning and Reliability - e: Institute for Philosophical Research - e: Institute for Plasma Research - e: Institute for Policy Research - e: Institute for Polymer Research - e: Institute for Public Representation - e: Institute for Puerto Rican Policy, Inc. - e: Institute of Pacific Relations - e: Institute of Philosophical Research - e: Institute of Population Registration - e: Institute of Public Relations - e: Intellectual Property Reports (joum.) - e: Intellectual Property Rights - e: Intelligence Periodic Report - e: Intelligence Production Requirements - e: Interim Problem Report - e: Interim Progress Report - e: Internal Progress Report - e: International Public Relations [(joum.)] - e: Interpersonal Process Recall - e: Interplant Parts Requirements - e: Inward Processing Relief - e: Ion Production Rate - e: Isoproterenol iPr e: Isopropyl IPRA e: In-Place Repairable Assembly - e: International Peace Research Association - e: International Public Relations Association IPRC e: Information Privacy Research Center - e: Institute of Puerto Rican Culture - e: International Personal Robot Congress [and Exposition] IPRE e: Incorporated Practical Radio Engineers - e: Incorporated Practitioners in Radio and Electronics - e: Institute of Practical Radio Engineers - e: International Professional Association for Environmental Affairs IP Review e: Institute of Petroleum Review (journ.) IPRL e: Interceptor Pilot Research Laboratory IPR Memoranda e: Institute of Pacific Relations Memoranda (journ.) iprNA d: in praktischer Neuausgabe

I-PRO e: Independent Professional Representatives Organization IPRO e: Input Processing - e: International Pallet Recycling Organisation - e: International Patent Research Office I Prod Eng e: Institute of Production Engineers IProdE[ng] e: Institution of Production Engineers IPROP e: Ionic Propulsion IPROS d: Interaktives Prognosesystem IPRR e: Initial Production Readiness Review - e: Integrated Personnel Requirement Report IPRS d: Industriepreisregelsystem IPRT e: Institute for Physical Research and Technology - e: Internal Processing Response Time IPS d: Impuls[e] pro Sekunde - d: Inkrementaler Positionssteller - e: Ignition Pressure Switch - e: Image Processing System - e: Impact Polystyrene - e: Impact Predictor System - e: Implicit Program[me] Section - e: Improved Plow Steel - e: Improved Processing System - e: In-Plant Stores - e: In-Pulse to Sender - e: Inch[es] per Second - e: Incorporated Phonographic Society - e: Increased Processing Speed - e: Incremental Purchasing System - e: Independent Particle Shell Modul - e: Independent Preparer Services, Inc. - e: Index Participation^] - e: Index Preparation System - e: Indian Police Service - e: Indian Political Service - e: Industrial Planning Specification - e: Industrial Promotion Service - e: Inertial Positioning System[s] - e: Information Processing Site - e: Information Processing Society - e: Information Processing Standards - e: Information Processing System - e: Information Provider System - e: Initial Processing Sites - e: Inlet Particle Separator - e: Inlet Pressure Survey - e: Inside Pipe Size - e: Installation Performance Specification^] - e: Institute for Planetary Synthesis - e: Institute for Policy Studies - e: Institute of Pacific Studies - e: Institute of Population Studies - e: Institute of Private Secretaries - e: Institute of Public Safety - e: Institute of Public Service - e: Institute of Public Supplies - e: Institute of Purchasing and Supply - e: Instruction Prescription System - e: Instruction[s] per Second - e: Instructor Power Supply - e: Instrument Pointing System - e: Instrumentation] Power Supply - e: Instrumentation] Power System - e: Integrated Payload System - e: Integrated Photosector - e: Integrated Power System - e: Integrated Process System - e: Integrated Procurement System - e: Integrated Program Study - e: Integrated Program Summary - e: Integrated Project Support - e: Integrated Propulsion System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Integrated Protection System - e: Integrated Publishing System - e: Integrated System for Procurement - e: Intelligent Power Management System - e: Intelligent Power Switch - e: Intelligent Printing System - e: Intelligent Programming System - e: Intemptions per Second - e: Intensive Probation Supervision - e: Interactive Pictures Systems - e: Interactive Planning System - e: Interactive Processing System - e: Interactive Programming System - e: Intercept Passive Sonar - e: Interceptor] Pilot Simulator - e: Interconnected Power System[s] - e: Interdivisional Programming Standard - e: Interface and Processing Subsystem - e: Interface Problem Sheet - e: Interim Policy Statement - e: Interim POMSEE [Performance, Operating, and Maintenance Standards for Electronic Equipment] Sheet - e: Interior Pipe Size - e: Intermediate Primary Section - e: Intermodulation Products - e: Internal Pipe Size - e: Internal Plate Screen - e: International Confederation for Plastic Surgery - e: International Paleontological Society - e: International Palm Society - e: International Peat Society - e: International Phenomenological Society - e: International Phycological Society - e: International Physical Society - e: International Pipe Standard - e: International Planetarium Society - e: International Plastics Selector, Inc. - e: International Polaris Energy Corporation - e: International Pressure Society - e: International Preview Society - e: International Processes Simulation - e: International Publishing Service - e: International Pyrheliometric Scale - e: Interplanetary Scintillation - e: Interpre[ta]tive Programming System - e: Interruption^] per Second - e: Introductory Physical Science - e: Invariant Plane Strain - e: Inventory ot Perceptual Skills - e: Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy - e: Inverter Power Supply - e: Ion Plating Supply - e: Ion Projection System - e: Ionospheric Prediction Service - e: Iron Pipe Size - e: Iso-insulation Power Satellite - e: Israel Physical Society - e: Item Processing System - e: Office of Information Programmes and Services - i: Instituto Poligrafico dello Stato Ips e: Impulse pro Sekunde - e: Impulses per Second - e: Ipswich IPs e: Instruction Pulses IP's e: Intermodulation Products I&PS e: Information and Publishing Systems[, Inc.] i-PS e: Isotactic Polystyrene


IPSA IPSA e: Incremental Microwave Power Spectrum Analyzer - e: Independent Passenger Steamship Association - e: Independent Pool Service Association - e: Independent Postal System of America - e: Institute for Psychological Study of the Arts - e: International Passenger Ship Association - e: International Political Science Association I P S A L O e: Integrated Power Supply And Line Output IPSAR e: Integated Plant Safety Assessment Report IPSB e: Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing - e: Interprocessor Signal Bus IPSC e: Informating Processing Standards for Computers - e: Information Processing Standards for Computers - e: Information Processing Supplies Council - e: Interagency Primate Steering Committee - e: International Pacific Salmon Committee I P S C E e: Inventory of Psychic and Somatic Complaints in the Elderly IPSE d: Integriertes Prozeß-System für Entwicklung - e: Integrated Programming Support Environment - e: Integrated Project Software Environment - e: Integrated Project Support Environment I P S E P e: International Project for Soft Energy Paths I P S F e: International Pharmaceutical Students Federation - e: International Pharmacy Students Federation - e: International Piano Symphony Foundation I P S F C e: International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission IPS G a m e e: International Process Simulation Game I P S J e: Information Processing Society of Japan IPSL e: Interface Problem Status Log I P S M e: Improved Performance Space Motor - e: Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine - e: Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management I P S M C B e: International Product Safety Management Certification Board IPSN e: International Packet Switching Network I P S O e: Initiating Production by Sales Order - e: Interface Peripheral Standard Olivetti I P S O C e: Information Processing Society of Canada IPSP d: Inhibitorisches Post-Synaptisches Potential - e: Industrial Personnel Security Program - e: Inhibitory Post synaptic Potential - e: Intelligence Priorities for Strategic Planning - e: Intelligent Power Management System IPS P r o j e c t e: Introductory Physical Science Project IPSPs e: Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Potentials I P S R e: Intelligence Priorities for Strategic Planning

IPSS e: Inernational Packet Swiching Service - e: Information Processing System Simulator - e: Institute of Planetary and Space Science - e: Inter-Processor S i g n a l l i n g System - e: Interactive Population Statistical System - e: International Packet Switching Service - e: International Packet Switching] Stream - e: International Packet Switching System - e: International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia - e: International Power Sources Symposium - e: Interprocessor Signaling System IPSSB e: Information Processing Systems Standards Board - e: International Processing Systems Standards Board IPSSG e: International Printers Supply Salesmen's Guild IPsT d: Industrielle Psychotechnik (journ.) I P S T e: Institute for Science and Technology - e: International Practical Scale of Temperature - e: Israel Program[me] for Scientific Translations I P S t a b d: Informations- und Pressestab IPS/UIS e: International Programmes and Services/UNESCO Information Services IPSX e: Interprocessor Switch Matrix IPSY e: Interactive Planning System I P T e: Image Processing Technology - e: Immunoprecipitation Technique - e: Improved Productivity Techniques - e: Improved Programming Technologies - e: In-Pile Tube [reactor] - e : In-Plant Test - e: In-Plant Transporter - e: In Port - e: Inches per Tooth - e: Incremental Proof Testing - e: Indexed, Paged [and] Titled - e: Individual Perception Threshold - e: Induction Plasma Torch - e: Industrial Power Tube - e: Information Processing Technology - e: Information Processing Theory - e: Information Programming Technologies - e: Infrared Plume Target - e: Initial Production Test - e: Input Punched Tape - e: Installation Preflight Test - e: Institute of Petroleum Technologists] - e: Institute of Petroleum Technology - e: Institute of Photographic Technology - e: Integrated Project Team - e: Intellectual Property Transfer - e: Intelligent Procedure Trainer - e: Intermediate Pressure Turbine - e: Internal Pipe Thread - e: International Pipe Thread - e: International Planning Team - e: International Production Technology - e: Interpersonal Psychotherapy - e: Interphase Transformer - e: Interplanetary Travel - e: Interrupt [of] - e: Inverse Path Table - e: Isopropyl Toluene I P & T e: Intellectual Property and Technology I P T A e: International Patent and Trademark Association I P T A R e: Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research


© K G ' Saur, München

I P T C e: International Polar Transportation Conference - e: International Press Telecommunication Center - e: International Press Telecommunications] Committee - e: International Press Telecommunication^] Council I P T C C S e: Integrated Pipeline Transportation and Coal Cleaning System I P T D d: 5-Isopropyl-1.3.4-Thiodiazol I P T e r m i n a l e: Input Terminal I P T G e: Isopropyl-Thio-ß-D-Galactoside - e: Isopropyl Thiogalacto[pyrano]side I P T H e: Immunoreactive Parathyroid Hormone I P T H s e: Immunoreactive Parathyroid Hormones I P T L F e: International Phasor Telecom I P T M e: Interval Pulse Time Modulation I P T N e: Independent Professional Typists Network I P T O e: Independent Power Take-Off - e: Information Processing Technologies Office I P T P e: Inplant Test Program[me] I P T S d: Internationale Praktische Temperaturskala - e: Improved Programmer Test Section - e: Inplant Terminal System - e: International Practical Temperature Scale - e: Interplant Terminal System - e: Interplant Transmission System I P T S 48 e: International Practical Temperature Scale 1948 I P T T d: Internationale des Personals der Post-, Telegrafen- und Telefon-Betriebe - f: Internationale du Personnel des Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones - n: Internationale van het Personeel der Posterijen, Telegrafie en Telefonie IPU d: Interparlamentarische Union - e: Image Processing Unit - e: Immediate Pick-Up - e: Input Preparation Unit - e: Institute for Public Understanding - e: Institute of Public Utilities - e: Instruction Processing Unit - e: Instruction Processor Unit - e: Integrated Physiological Unit - e: Integrated Processor Unit - e: Integrating Processor Unit - e: Intelligent Processing Unit - e: Inter-Parliamentary Union - e: Interface and Priority Unit - e: Internal Power Up - e: International Paleontological Union - e: Interprocessor Unit - e: Islamic Press Union - e: Isotope Power Unit IpU e: Inosylyluridine I - P u n k t d: Infanteriepunkt IPUs e: Instruction Processing Units - e: Integrating Processor Units IPV d: individueller Personenverkehr - e: Improve[d] - e: Improvement - e: Inaccessible Pore Volume - e: Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine - e: Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine - e: Infectious Pustular [ V u l v o v a g i n i t i s - e: Inner Pilot Valve - e: Inshore Patrol Vessel - e: Intrinsic Payload Value ipv n: in plaats van I P V C e: Irradiated Polyvinyl Chloride

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IR IPVRA e: International Professional Vinyl Repair Association IPVS e: Ion Pump Vacuum System IPW d: Institut für internationale Politik und Wirtschaft - e: International Powertech Systems, Inc. - e: Interpole Winding - e: Interrogation of Prisoners] of War IPW Company e: Interstate Power Company IPWF e: International Public Works Federation IPW Forschungshefte d: IPW [Institut für Internationale Politik und Wirtschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik] Forschungshefte (journ.) IPWI e: Infrared Proximity Warning Indicator IPWO e: Inter-Plant Work Order IPWR e: Institute of Post-War Reconstruction - e: Integrated Pressurized Water Reactor IPWSOM e: Institute of Practitioners in Work Study, Organization and Methods IPX d: Netzwerk-Protokoll der Firma Netware - e: Internetwork Protocol Exchange IPX Acid e: Isopropylxanthic Acid IPY e: Inchfes] [of] Penetration per Year - e: Inchfes] per [Penetration per] Year - e: International Phoenix Energy - e: International Polar Year - e: Ion Pair Yield IPZ d: Informations- und Pressezentrum - d: Isopartzeit - e: Insulin-Protamine-Zinc - e: Integrata Programmierzentrum - e: Investment Promotion Zone IPZE i: Istituto Poligrafica dello Stato IPZV d: Island-Pferde-Züchter- und Besitzer-Vereinigung IQ d: Informationsquelle - d: Intelligenzquotient - d: Investitionsquote - e: I Quit [smoking] - e: Import Quota - e: Inclined Quartz - e: Indefinite Quantity - e: Information Quantity - e: Information Quick - e: Input Queue - e: Institute of Quarrying - e: Instruction-fetch Queue - e: Instrument Quality - e: Insured Quality - e: Intelligence Quotient - e: Internal Quality - e: International Quota - e: Investment Ouotient - e: Islamic Quarterly (joum.) - e: Italian Quarterly (journ.) Iq e: Iraq iq 1: idem quod IQA e: Inertial Quality Attitude - e: Inspection Quality Assurance - e: Institute of Quality Assurance - e: Integrated Quality Assurance - e: Irish Quality Association - p: Instituto de Qualidade Alimentar - p: Instituto de Químico Agrícola IQB d: Interquartialbereich - e: Individual Quick Blanching - p: Instituto de Químico Biologica IQC e: Industrial Quality Control - e: International Quality Center [or Centre] IQCA e: Irish Quality Control Association

IQCDPS e: Integrated Quality Control Data Processing System IQCT e: Institute for Quality Control Training IQD e: Iraqi Dinar IQE e: Interruption Queue Element IQEC e: International Quantum Electronics Conference iqed 1: id quod erat demonstrandum IQF e: Individually] Quick Freezing - e: Interactive Query Facility - e: Instant Quick Frozen IQHL e: Institute for Quality in Human Life IQI e: Image Quality Indicator - e: Instructional Quality Inventory IQIS d: Internationale[s] Quelenorientiertes Informationssystem[e] IQISA e: Interest Questionnaire for Indian South Africans IQK e: Interrupted Quick IQk e: Interrupted Quick [flashing] [light] IQkFl e: Interrupted Quick Flashing [Light] IQkFl Lighting e: Interrupted Quick Flashing Lighting IQk Lighting e: Interrupted Quick Lighting IQI d: internationale Quer[verbindungs]leitung IQL e: Information Query Language - e: Interactive Query Language - e: Intermediate Query Language IQIg d: internationale Querv[erbindungs]leitung, gehend IQlk d: internationale Quer[verbindungs]leitung, kommend I/Q-M e: Strom-Quadratur-Modulation IQM e: Input Queue Manager IQMF e: Image-Quality Merit Function IQMH e: Input Queue Message Handler IQN e: Inner Quantum Number IQO e: Initial Quantity Order IQ of Pigs e: Iowa Quality of Pigs IQP e: Institute for Quality and Productivity IQPF e: International Quick Printing Foundation IQPP e: Interactive Query Preprocessor IQR e: Instruction Queue Register - e: Inter-Quartile Range IQRP e: Interactive Query and Report Processing - e: Interactive Query and Report Processor - f: Institut Québécois de la Recherche sur la Culture IQS e: Institute of Quality Surveyors - e: Institute of Quantity Surveyors - e: Interactive Query System - e: International 'Q' Signal - e: International Quality Study IQs e: Intelligence Quotients IQ&S e: Iron, Quinine and Strychnine IQSA e: Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Australia IQSE d: Institut für Qualität und Sicherheit in der Elektrotechnik IQ Smoking e: I Quit Smoking IQSY e: International Quiet Sun Year IQT e: Initial Qualification Training Iqu e: Iquique

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

IR d: Indexregister - d: Industrie-Roboter - d: Informationsreproduktion - d: Informationsringtausch - d: Infrarot - d: Institut für Raumfahrttechnik - d: Interpolationsrechner - d: Iran - d: Stromregler - e: Current, Reverse - e: I [Current]-R [Resistance] - e: Ice on Runway[s] - e: Illumentation Rate - e: Illuminator Radar - e: Image Readout - e: Image Rejection - e: Immediate Reserve - e: Immune Response - e: Immunization Rate - e: Improved Retrofit - e: In-dial Register - e: Incidence Rate - e: Incident Report - e: Inclination of the ascending Return - e: Independent Release - e: Independent Research - e: Index Record - e: Indexing] Register - e: India Rubber - e: Indian Reservation - e: Indian Reserve - e: Indicator Reading - e: Indicator Ready - e: Indicator Register - e: Inductive Resistor - e: Industrial Relations - e: Industrial Relations Review and Report (journ.) - e: Industrial Reports (journ.) - e: Industrial Research - e: Industrial Robot - e: Inflation Rate - e: Inflight Report - e: Informal Report - e: Information and Retrieval - e: Information Rate - e: Information Reading - e: Information Recording] - e: Information Region - e: Information Report - e: Information Representation - e: Information Request - e: Information Requirement - e: Information Research[ers] - e: Information Restoring - e: Information Retrieval - e: Infra-Red [Radiation] - e: Infrared Radiometer - e: Infrared Reflectance - e: Ingram-Rude - e: Initialized Routine - e: Initializer Routine - e: Inland Revenue - e: Inner Roll Gimbal - e: Innovations Representation - e: Input Reader - e: Input Register - e: Input Request - e: Input Routine - e: Inside Radius - e: Inside Right - e: Insoluble Residue - e: Inspection Record - e: Inspection Rejection - e: Inspection Release - e: Inspection Report - e: Inspection Request 295

iR - e: Inspectors Report - e: Instantaneous Relay - e: Instantaneous Release - e: Institute of Refrigeration - e: Institutional Research - e: Instruction Register - e: Instruction Ring - e: Instrument Rating - e: Instrument Reading - e: Instrument Register - e: Instrument Route - e: Instrumentation Report - e: Instrumentation Requirements] - e: Insulation Resistance - e: Integrity and Reliability - e: Intelligence and Reconnaissance - e: Intelligence Ratio - e: Intelligence Report - e: Intelligence Requirements] - e: Intelligence Resource[s] - e: Intelligence Review - e: Interagency Report - e: Interchangeability and Replaceability - e: Interference Refractometer - e: Interim Report - e: Intermediate Register - e: Intermediate Resonance - e: Intermediate Review - e: Internal Range - e: Internal Register - e: Internal Reliability - e: Internal Report - e: Internal Representation - e: Internal Request - e: Internal Resistance - e: Internal Revenue - e: Internal Review - e: International Registration - e: International Relations - e: International Representative - e: Interpretation Report - e: Interpreting Routine - e: Interpretive Routine - e: Interrogation Report - e: Interrogator-Responder - e: Interrupt Register - e: Interrupt Request - e: Interrupt Routine - e: Interval Rate - e: Intrarachidian - e: Invention Report - e: Inventory Record - e: Inventory Report - e: Investigation Record - e: Investigation Report - e: Investigation Request - e: Investor Relations - e: Ionizing Radiation - e: Iran - e: Iran Air - e:Iranian Rial - e: Iraq - e: Ireland - e: Irish - e: Irradiance - e: Isoprene Rubber - e: Isotype Radiograph - e: Iterative Realization iR d: im Rückfall - d: im Ruhestand - d: in Reserve - d: in Ruhe - d: indische Rupie ir d: irisch

I r e: Iran[ia][n] - e: Iridium - n: Iers IR£ e: Irish Pound I & R e: Information and Referral - e: Information and Retrieval - e: Infrared, Range B [from 1.4 to 3 (im] - e: Initiative and Referendum - e: Instrumentation and Range - e: Intelligence and Reconnaissance - e: Interchangeability and Replaceability i-R d: Stromregler i-r e: infra-red I/R e: Information Retrieval - e: Infrared Spectroscopy - e: Instrument Rating - e: Intelligence Quotient - e: Interchangeability and Replaceability P R e: Resistance Heating I2R e: Imaging Infra-Red IR&A e: Independent Review and Assessment IR-A e: Infrared A [0.75 to 1.4 pm] - e: Infrared, Range A [from 780 to 1400 nm] IRA d: Institut für Rationalisierung und Automation - d: Institut für Realzeitdatenverarbeitung und Automation GmbH & Co. - e: Immunoregulatory Alpha Globulin - e: Independent Retirement Account - e: Indian Reorganization Act - e: Indian Rights Association - e: Individual Retirement Account - e: Individual Retirement Arrangement - e: Inertial Reference Assembly - e: Information Resource Administration - e: Information Retrieval using APL [A Programming Language] - e: Input Reference Axis - e: Inspector of the Royal Artillery - e: Inspector's Report Addendum - e: Institute of Registered Architects - e: Instruction Register, Address-portion - e: Integrated RADOME [Radar Dome] Antenna - e: Intelligence Related Activities - e: Intercollegiate Rowing Association - e: Intermediate Range Aircraft - e: Internal Reflection Attachment - e: Internal Revenue Act - e: International Reading Association - e: International Recreation Association - e: International Reprographics Association - e: International Rubber Association - e: Investment Return Assumption - e: Iranian Airways - e: Irish Republican Army - e: Israel Railway Administration Ira e: Iraq IRAA&A e: Increase and Replacement of Armor, Armament and Ammunition IRAAM e: Improved Remote Area AntiArmor Mine - e: Intermediate Range Air-to-Air Missile IRAB e: Institute for Research in Animal Behavior IRABA • f: Institut de Recherche Appliquée du Beton Armé IRABOIS f: Institut de Recherche Appliquée[s] du Bois


© K G - Saur, München

IRAC e: Industrial Relations Advisory Committee - e: Information Resource[s] and Analysis Center - e: Infrared Array Camera - e: Integrated Random Access Channel - e: Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee - e: Interagency Records Administration Conference - e: Interdepartmental] Radio Advisory Committee - e: Interfraternity Research and Administrative Council - e: International Records Administration Conference irac e: letters stand for issue, rule, application and conclusion - e: mnemonic abbreviation IRACQ e: Infrared Acquisition - e: Infrared Acquisition Radar - e: Instrumentation Radar [and] Acquisition [Panel] - e: Instrumented Range Acquisition IRACQ Panel e: Instrumentation Radar and Acquisition Panel IRACQ Radar e: Infrared Acquisition Radar IRACT e: Uncident Response Action' Coordination Team IRAD e: Inbound Radial - e:e: Independent Research And Development [program] - e: Indochina Refugee Assistance Program - e: Infrared Ambush Device - e: Institute for Research on Animal Diseases - e: Institutional Research and Development Office IRADDS e: Infrared Air Defense Detection System IRADS e: Infra-Red Acquisition and Designation System IRAF e: Indexed Random Access File - e: Interferogram Requirements and Analysis Funnel Ir Age Int e: Iron Age Metalworking International IRAH e: Infrared Active Homing - e: Infrared Alternate Head IRAL e: International Review of Applied Linguistics [in] Language Teaching (journ.) IRAM d: Institut fur Radioastronomie im Millimeterbereich - e: Improved Reliability And Maintainability - e: Improved Repairables Asset Management - e: Indexed RAM [Random Access Memory] - e: Indexed Random Access Method - e: Institute for Radio Astronomy in the Millimeter-wavelengths - e: Institute of Research and Application of Development Methods - e: Integrated RAM [Random Access Memory] IRAMS e: Infrared Automatic Mass Screening IRAN e: Individual Retirement Annuity - e: Inspection] and Repair as Necessary Iran e: formerly Persia - e: Imperial Government of Iran - e: Iran[ian] IRANAIR e: Iran National Airlines IRANDOC e: Iranian Documentation Center [or Centre] IRANF e: Immunoreactive Atrial Natriuretic Factor Iran[ian] e: Persia[n]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IRCCS Iran J Sci [and] Technol e: Iranian Journal of Science and Technlogy (journ.) IRANOR s: Instituto Nacional de Racionalización y Normalización IRANSAT e: Iranian Government Communications Satelitte IRAP e: Indochinese Refugees Assistance Program - e: Industrial Research Assistance and Promotion - e: Industrial Research Assistance Programfme] - e: Interagency Radiological Assistance Plan - e: Interagency Radiological Assistance Program [me] Iraqi J Sci e: Iraqi Journal of Science (journ.) Iraquia e: Iraq [Mesopotamia] IR/AR e: Inspectors Report/Action Request IRAR e: Impulse Response Area Ratio - e: Inspectors Report-Action Request - e: Integrated Random Access Reservation - e: Integrator Register Address Register IRA Relay e: In-dial Register Access Relay IRAs e: Individual Retirement Accounts IRAS e: Information Retrieval Advisory Services, Limited - e: Infra-Red Absorption Spectroscopy - e: Infra-Red Astronomy Satellite - e: Infra-Red Attack System - e: Infra-Red Automatic System - e: Infra-Red [measuring] Astronomical Satellite - e: Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy - e: Integrated RADOME [Radar Dome] Antenna Structure - e: Intelligent Runway Attack Submunition - e: Interdiction Reconnaissance Attack System IRAs e: Irish Republican Army members or supporters and sympathizers IRASA e: International Radio Air Safety Association IRASE e: Institute of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Service Engineers IRASER e: Infra-Red [light] Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation IRASI e: Internal Review and System Improvement Ir Astron J e: Irish Astronomical Journal (journ.) IRATE e: Inert i al Range Atmospheric Turbulence Entrainment - e: Intelligence Review and Assessment Task Element - e: Interactive Retrieval And Text Editor - e: Interim Remote Air Terminal Equipment - e: Interim Remote Area Terminal Equipment IRAWS e: Infra-Red Attack Weapon System

IRB d: Industrie-Roboter - d: Informationszentnim Raum und Bau - d: Institut für Reaktorbauelemente - e: Improved Ribbon[-Type] Bridge - e: Improved Rotor Blade - e: Impulse Resistance Bridge - e: In-shore Rescue Boat - e: Indiana Rating Bureau - e: Individual Retirement Bond - e: Inductor Ratio Bridge - e: Industrial Reference Black - e: Industrial Relations Board - e: Industrial Relations Bulletin - e: Industrial Relations Bureau - e: Industrial Revenue Bond - e: Industrial Review Board - e: Infinitely Rigid Beam - e: Infinitely Rigid Bear - e: Infrared Binoculars - e: Infrared Brazing - e: Inner Radiation Belt - e: Inside Reactor Building - e: Inspection Review Board - e: Institute of Radiation Breeding - e: Insurance Rating Board - e: Interdivisional Records Bulletin - e: Internal Revenue Bulletin - e: International Resources Bank - e: Interruption] Request Block - e: Irish Republican Brotherhood - e: Iron Rotating Band IR-B e: Infra-Red B [ 1.4 to 3 um] IRBBB e: Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block IRBDC e: Insurance Rating Bureau of the District of Columbia IRBEL e: Indexed References to Biomedical Engineering Literature IRBH d: Injektor-Rohrbrenner mit Bohrungen und Halteflamme IRBIC e: Infrared Beam Induced Contrast - e: Infrared Beam Induced Current IRBM e: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile IRBO e: Infrared [Homing] Bomb IrBq e: Republic of Iraq IRBT e: Intelligent Remote Batch Terminal IRC e: Immigration Restriction Council - e: Improper Routing Character - e: Incident Response Center - e: Incremental Related Carrier - e: India Rubber Cover[ed] - e: Indian Roads Congress - e: Indications Review Committee - e: Individual Request for Classification - e: Indonesian Red Cross - e: Industrial Recreation Council - e: Industrial Relations Center - e: Industrial Relations Committee - e: Industrial Relations Councelors - e: Industrial Relations Council - e: Industrial Reorganization Corporation - e: Industrial Research Chairs [Program] - e: Inebriate Reception Center - e: Information Recovery Capsule - e: Information Research Center - e: Information Resource Consultants - e: Information Resource[s] Center [or Centre] - e: Information Retrieval Center [or Centre] - e: Infrared Camera - e: Infrared Countermeasure[s] - e: Initial Rate of Climb - e: Inland Revenue Commissioner - e: Inspection Record Card - e: Instant Response Chromatography - e: Institute for Research in Construction

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

- e: Institutional Research Council - e: Instructional Resources Center - e: Integrated Radio Control - e: Integrator Register Counter - e: Interdisciplinary Research Center - e: Intermediate Routing Center - e: Internal Reflected Component - e: Internal Response Coupon - e: Internal Revenue Code - e: International Radiation Commission - e: International Railways of Central America - e: International Rainwear Council - e: International Record Carrier - e: International Rectifier Corporation - e: International Red Cross - e: International Reference Center [for Community Water Supply and Sanitation] - e: International Reference Centre - e: International Relations Committee - e: International Relief Committee - e: International Reply Coupon - e: International Rescue Commission - e: International Rescue Committee - e: International Research Council - e: International Research Group on Wear of Engineering Materials - e: International Resistance Company - e: International Rice Commission - e: International Rubber Conference - e: Internet Relay Chat - e: Interservice Recruiting Committee - e: Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate - e: Investor Responsibility Center Inc. - e: Ion Recombination Chamber - e: Ionosphere Research Committee - e: Iron Ring Compressor - e: Irregular Route Carrier - e: Italian Red Cross - e: Item Responsibility Code IR-C e: Infrared C [3 to 25 jim] IRCA e: Immigration Reform and Control Act - e: International Radio Club of America - e: International Railway Congress Association - e: International Railways of Central America - e: International Remodeling Contractors Association IRCAM e: Institute for Research and Coordination into Acoustics and Music - f: Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique Musique IRCAR e: International Reference Center for Abortion Research IRCAS e: Information Requirements Control Automated System IRCAT e: Infrared [Radiometer] Clear Air Turbulence IRCAT Instrument e: Infrared Radiometer Clear Air Turbulence Instrument IRCC e: Instruction and Research Computer Center - e: Instrument Repair and Calibration Center - e: International Radio Consultative Committee IR-CCD e: Infra-Red-Charged Coupled Device IRCCD e: Infrared[-sensitive] Charge Coupled Device IRCCDs e: Infra-Red Charge-Coupled Devices IRCCM e: Infra-Red CounterCountermeasure[s] [System] IRCCS e: Intrusion Resistant Communications Cable System


IRCD IRCD e: Information Retrieval Center on the Disadvantaged - e: Infrared Circular Dichroism - e: Integrated Radar Communications Development IRCD Bulletin e: Information Retrieval Center on the Disadvantaged Bulletin (journ.) IRCDP e: International Research Career Development Program I&R Center e: Information and Referral Center IRCert e: Industrial Relations Certificate IRCG e: Incident Report Code Guide IRCHA f: Institut National de Recherche Chimique Appliquée I-R Charts e: Infra-Red-correlation Charts IRCIHE e: International Referral Center [or Centre] for Information Handling Equipment IRCL e: International Research Center on Lindane IRC&M e: Increase and Replacement of Construction and Machinery IRCM e: Infra-Red Countermeasure[s] - e: Integrated Relay Controller Module - e: Intermediate Range Cruise Missile I R C M S e: International Radio-Controlled Models Society I R C N e: Interagency Report Control Number - f: Institut de Recherche de la Construction Navale IRCO e: Industrial Rustproof Company - e: International Rubber Conference Organization IRCOBI e: International Research Council on the Biokinetics of Impacts IRCOL e: Institute for Information Retrieval and Computational Linguistics I R C O M e: Infra-Red Communications Ir C o m p u t e: Irish Computer [Ireland] (journ.) IRCOSA f: International Radio Corporation Société Anonyme IR-COSY e: Inversion RecoveryCorrelation Spectroscopy IRCP e: Intermediate Range Construction Program - e: International Commission on Radiological Protection IRCPG e: Inter-Range and Global Planning Group IRCPUBS e: Publications of the Institute for Research in Construction I R C R e: Integrator Register Control Register IRCs e: Inebriate Reception Centers IRCS e: Inertial Reference and Control System - e: Infrared Communications System - e: Integrated Track and Control System - e: Intercomplex Radio Communications System - e: International Radio Call Sign - e: International Research Communications System - e: Intersite Radio Communication System IRCs e: International Record Carriers IRCT e: International Research on Communist Techniques - f: Institut de Recherche[s] du Coton et des Textiles Exotiques IRCWD e: International Reference Center for Water Disposal

I R D e: Incidental Radiation Device - e: Industrial Relations Department - e: Industrial Research and Development - e: Information Records Division - e: Information Requirements Description^] - e: Information Resources Division - e: Infrared Detector - e: Infrared Display - e: Initiating Reference Document - e: Inspection of Research and Development - e: Institute of Reading Development - e: Institute on Religion and Democracy - e: Instrumentation Requirements Document - e: Integrated Radio Decoder - e: Interface Requirements Document - e: Internal Research and Development - e: International Research and Development Company - e: International Resource Developments Inc.] - e: Itinerant Recruiting Detail - p: Instituto Rubén Darío IR&D e: Independent Research & Development - e: International Research and Development IRDA e: Industrial Research and Development Assistance - e: Industrial Research and Development Authority - e: Infrared Detection & Acquisition - e: Infrared Detection Array IRD A M f: Instituí de Recherche et Development Aerologiques IRDAR e: Infra-Red Detection And Ranging IRDATA e: Industrial Robot Data IRDB d: Information Retrieval Datenbank - e: Information Retrieval Database IR&D/B&P e: Independent Research and Development/Bidding and Proposal I R D C e: Improved Radar Data Correlator - e: Intelligence Research and Development Council - e: International Research Development Center [or Centre] - e: International Rubber Development Committee I R D F e: Indentation Residual Deflection Force - e: Infrared Direction Finding - e: Interactive Report Definition Facility I R & D G e: Industrial Research and Development Grants IRDHS e: Imagery Related Data Handling System IRDI e: Indian Resources Development and Internship IRDIA e: Industrial Research and Development Incentives Act - e: Industrial Research and Development Investment Assistance IRDL e: Information Retrieval and Display Language I R D L O e: Infantry Research and Development Liaison Office IRDM e: Illuminated Runway Distance Marker - e: International Rendezvous and Docking Mission IRDN e: Illinois Resource and Dissemination Network - e: Important Risk Data Notice IRDO e: Infrared Drying Oven - e: Intermediate Retention of Differential Overlap I R D O E e: Institute for Research and Development in Occupational Education


© K • O • Saur. München

IRDOME e: Infra-Red Dome IRDP e: Industrial and Regional Development Program - e: Industrial Research Development Program - e: Information Retrieval Data Bank IRD&S e: International Research, Development, and Standardization IRDS e: Idiopathic Respiratory Distress Syndrome - e: Information Resource Dictionary System - e: Infra-Red Detecting Set - e: Infra-Red Detection Set - e: Infra-Red Detection System - e: Integrated Reliability Data System - e: International Road Documentation Scheme IRDU e: Infra-Red Detection Unit IRE d: Institut fiir Reaktorentwicklung, Karlsruhe - e: Immediate Ready Element - e: Indian Rare Earths Limited - e: Infrared Engineering - e: Institute for Responsive Education - e: Institute of Radio Engineers - e: Institute of Refractories Engineers - e: Institute of Refrigerating Engineers - e: Institution of Radio Engineers - e: Instruction Register for Execution - e: Instrument Rating Examiner - e: Interferon Regulatory Element - e: Internal Reflection Element - e: International Relations Exercise - e: International Research and Evaluation - e: Investigative Reporters and Editors - e: Iron Replacement Element - e: Iron-Respondive Element - e: Iron-Ring Experiment Ire e: Ireland I r E e: Irish English IREA e: Institute [or Institution] of Radio Engineers, Australia IREB e: Intense Relativistic Electron Beam[s] IrEB f: Institut Technique d'Elevage Bovin IREC e: Increase and Replacement of Emergency Construction - e: Infra-Red Emitting Code - e: International Real Estate Corporation - e: International Rectifier - e: Irrigation Research and Extension [Advisory] Committee - e: Irrigation Research and Extension Commission IRED e: Infra-Red - e: Infra-Red Emitting Diode IREDA e: International Radio [and] Electrical Distributors Association IREDs e: Infrared Emitting Diodes I R E E e: Institute of Radio and Electric Engineers - e: Institute of Radio and Electronic[s] Engineers - e: Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers IREEA e: Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation - e: Institution of Radio and Electronicfs] Engineers of Australia IREEAust e: Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers Australia IREECON e: Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers Convention IREF e: International Real Estate Federation I-REG d: Indexregister - d: Instruktionsregister IReg d: Indexregister

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IRgA IrEG e: Isotope-powered Thermoelectric Generator I-Regler d: Integralregler IREH e: Institute for Rural Environmental Health IREI e: International Real Estate Institute IRE lilt Conv Rec e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] International Convention IRE-ITTD e: International Research and Evaluation-Information and Technology Transfer Database IREL e: Australien Industrial Relations Database Ireland e: Irish Republic Ireld Yrbk e: Ireland Administration. Yearbook and Diary (journ.) IREM e: Inspector of Royal Engineers Machinery - e: Institute of Real Estate Management - e: Integrated Regional Environmental Management IREME e: Inspector of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers IREM Project e: Integrated Regional Enviornmental Management Project IRE Nat Conv Rec e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] National Convention Record IRENE e: Indicating Random Electronic Numbering Equipment Ir Eng e: Irish English IREP e: Industral Resource Enhancement Program - e: Integrated Reliability Evaluation Program[me] - e: Interdisciplinary Research Equipment Programfme] - e: Interim Reliability Evaluation Program[me] - e: Internal Representation IRE Proceed e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Proceedings (journ.) IREPS e: Integrated Refraction Effects Prediction System IREPT e: I Repeat IREQ e: Institute of Research Quebec - f: Institut de Recherche en Electricite du Québec IRER e: Infrared Extra Rapid iRes d: in Reserve 1RES e: Infrared Emission Spectroscopy IRET e: Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation IRE Trans e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions (journ.) IRE Trans Audio e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Audio (journ.) IRE Trans Autom Control e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Automatic Control (journ.) IRE Trans Bio Med Electron e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Bio-Medical Electronics (journ.) IRE Trans Broadcast e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Broadcasting (journ.) IRE Trans Circuit Theory e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Circuit Theory (journ.) IRE Trans Commun Syst e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Communications Systems (joum.) IRE Trans Component Parts e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Component Parts (journ.)

IRE Trans Componet Parts e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Component Parts (journ.) IRE Trans Electron Comput e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Electronic Computers (joum.) IRE Trans Inform Theory e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Information Theory (journ.) IRE Trans Instrum e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Instrumentation (journ.) IRE Trans Microwave Theory Tech e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (journ.) IRE Trans Mil Electron e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Military Electronics (joum.) IRE Trans NucI Sci e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Nuclear Science (joum.) IRE Trans Prod Tech e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Production Techniques (joum.) IRE Trans Reliab Qual Control e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Reliability and Quality Control (joum.) IRE Trans Telem Remote Control e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Telemetry and Remote Control (joum.) IRE Trans Ultrason Eng e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering (joum.) IRE Trans Veh Commun e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Vehicular Communications (joum.) IRETS e: Infantry Remote Target[ing] System IREW e: Infrared Electronic Warfare IRE WESCON Conv Rec e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] WESCON [Western Electronics Show and Convention] Convention Record (joum.) IREWS e: Infrared Early Warning System IREX e: Ideas, Resources, Exchange [Computer] IrEx e: Industrial Training Exhibition and Symposium IREX e: International Research and Exchanges [Board] IRF e: Immediate Reaction Force[s] - e: Impedance Reduction Factor - e: Induced Radiation Flux - e: Inducing Resistance Factor - e: Industrial Research Fellowship - e: Information Retrieval Facility - e: Input Register Full - e: Instrument Reliability Factor[s] - e: Instrument Response Function - e: Interferon Regulatory Factor - e: Intermittent Reinforcement - e: International Rectifier Corporation - e: International Reform Federation - e: International Religious Fellowship - e: International Research Fellowship [Program] - e: International Road Federation - e: International Rowing Federation - e: Interrogation Recurrence Frequency - e: Interrogation Repetition Frequency - e: Island Resources Foundation - e: Islands Research Foundation Irf e: radio-frequency current [symbol] IRFA f: Institut de Recherches sur les Fruits et Agrumes

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

IRFAA e: International Rescue and First Aid Association IRFAP e: International Religious Fine Art Program IRFB d: Internationaler Regenmantelfabrikantenverband - e: International Radio Frequency Board IRFC e: Ingersoll-Rand Finance Corporation - e: Intermediate Range Function Test IR Fed Ct e: Indian Rulings, Federal Court (joum.) IRFIS e: Inertial Vehicle Referenced Flight Inspection System - e: International Research Forum in Information Science Ir Fish Invest Ser A Freshwater e: Irish Fisheries Investigations. Series A. Freshwater (joum.) Ir Fish Invest Ser B Mar e: Irish Fisheries Investigations. Series B. Marine (journ.) IRFITS e: Infrared Fault Isolation Test System IRFM e: Integral Reactor Flow Model - s: Industrias Reunidas Francisco Matarazzo IRFNA e: Inhibited Red Fuming Nitric Acid IRFN[A]/UDMH e: Inhibited Red Fuming Nitric Acid and Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine IRFO e: Infra-Red Fibre Optics IRFOA4 e: Irish Forestry (joum.) Ir For e: Irish Forestry (joum.) IRFP e: International Relations and Foreign Policy IR-FPA e: Infrared-Focal Plane Array IRFPA e: Infra-Red Focal-Plane Array [Producibility Program] - e: Infra-Red Focal Plane Assembly IRFRH f: Institut de Recherche et de Formation aux Relations Humaines IRFT e: Interim Refresher Training - e: Intermediate Range Function Test - e: Invesion-Recovery Fourier Transform IRG d: Interschweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft - e: Immunoreactive Glucagon - e: Inertial Rate Gyro - e: Information Research Group - e: Information Retrieval Group - e: Infrared Generator - e: Initial Review Group - e: Inner Roll Gimbal - e: Integrated Rate Gyro - e: Inter-Record Gap - e: Interagency Regulatory Group - e: Interagency Review Group - e: Interdepartmental Regional Group - e: International Register - e: International Research Group [on Wood Preservation] - e: Interrange Instmmentation Group - e: Interrecord Gap - e: Interrelationship Graph - e: Issues in Bank Regulation (joum.) - e: Lockhan Rivers [Australien] [Airport] - f: Institut de Reescompte et de Garantie - f: Internationale des Resistants a la Guerre I-Rg e: International Register IRg d: Innenregister IR&G e: International Relations and Government IRGA e: Infrared Gas Analyser [or Analyzer] - e: Infrared Gas Radiation IRgA e: International Reprographics Association


Ir Gael Ir Gael e: Irish Gaelic I R Gap e: Inter-Record Gap I R G A R e: Infrared Gas Radiation I R G B e: Infrared Guided Bomb I R G B A e: International Repro Graphic Blueprint Association I R G C V D e: International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies I R G D L P e: International Research Group on Drug Registration and Programs Ir Gene[s] e: Immune Response Gene[s] Ir Geogr B e: Irish Geographical Bulletin (journ.) IRGH e: Immunoreactive Growth Honnone IRgHydr d: Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie (journ.) IR-GIP e: Immunoreactive Gastric Inhibitory Peptide I R G L e: Immuno-Reactive Glucagon - e: Indentation Residual Gauge Level - e: Infrared Gunfire Locator I R G M A e: Information Retrieval Group of the Museums Association IRGP e: Infrared Guided Projectile IRGPG e: Inter-Range and Global Planning Group IRGRD e: International Research Group on Refuse Disposal IRGS e: Industrial Research Geological Survey IRGT e: Insulin-Regulatable Glucose Transporter IRGWP e: International Research Group on Wood Preselvation I R H d: Internationale der Roten Hilfe - e: Inductive Recording Head - e: Infra-Red Homing - e: Infrared Heater - e: Inspection Requirements Handbook - e: Institute for Reproductive Health - e: Institute for Research in History - e: Institute for Research in Hypnosis - e: Institutes of Religion and Health - e: Integrated Recording Heads - e: International Rhodes Resources IRHA e: Injured as [a] Result of Hostile Action - e: Interchurch Response for the Horn of Africa - e: International Rural Housing Association IRHC e: Isolated Rat Hepatocyte Complex IRHD d: Intemationaler Rat der Hauspflegedienste - e: International Rubber Hardness Degree[s] IRHDs e: International Rubber Hardness Degrees IRHF e: Integral Radiative Heat Flux IR[-]HGH e: Immunoreactive Human Growth Hormone Ir Hist St[ud] e: Irish Historical Studies (journ.) I R H L e: Information Retrieval Research Laboratory IRHO e: Institute de Recherches pour les Huiles et Oleagineux IRHP e: Institute for Research in Hypnosis and Psychotherapy IRHR e: Institute for Research in Human Relations IRHs e: Inductive Recording Heads IRHS e: Intact Reently Heat Source - e: Intraoral Recurrent Herpes IR-HVTA e: Infrared-High Value Target Acquisition

IRH VTA e:Infra-Red High Value Target Acquisition IRI d: Immunreaktives Insulin - d: Institut fiir Rationalisierung und Informatik - d: Interessenkreis Rundfunk International - e: IB EC [International Bank for Economic Cooperation] Research Institute - e: Image Resources, Inc. - e: Imagery Reconnaissance and Interpretation - e: Immunobiology Research Institute - e: Immunoreactive Insulin - e: Inca Resources,Inc. - e: Industrial Reconstruction Institute - e: Industrial Research Institute - e: Industrial Risk Insurers - e: Informal Reading Inventory - e: Information Researchers, Inc. - e: Information Resources, Inc. - e: Information Retrieval, Inc. - e: Infrared Image - e: Infrared Imagery - e: Infrared Industries, Inc. - e: Infrared Instrumentation - e: Innovative Resources, Inc. - e: Input Reader Interpreter - e: Institute of the Rubber Industry - e: Institute Research Institute - e: Institution of the Rubber Industry - e: Insulin Radio-Immunoassay - e: Integrated Range Instrumentation - e: International Industrial Relations Institute - e: International Reference Ionosphere - e: International Relay, Inc. - e: International Robomation/Intelligence - e: Interreference Interval - e: Intitute for Industrial Reconstruction - e: Intravehicular Referenced Information - e: Inveresk Research International Limited - e: Iranian Rial - e: Iringa [Tansania] [Airport] - e: Irish - e: Islamic Republic of Iran - e: Islamic Research Institute - i: Industria Radiotecnica Italians - i: Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industrial IRIA e: Infrared Information Analysis Agency - e: Infrared Information and Analysis [Center] - f: Institut de Recherché d'Informatique et d'Automatique IRIABC e: Indian Agricultural Research Institute [New Delhi], Annual Report (joum.) IRIA C[enter] e: Infrared Information and Analysis Center IRIA G r o u p e: Infrared Information and Analysis Group IRIBS e: Inclination Removal Ionospheric Beacon Satellite IRIC e: Information Resources, Inc. - e: Infrared Image Converter - e: Inter-Regional Insurance Conference IRICA e: Industrial Research Institute for Central America IRICBM e: Intermediate-Range Intercontinental Ballistic Missile IRICON e: Infrared Iconoscope - e: Infrared Vidicon Tube - e: International Information Service via a Computer-Oriented Network IRicv e: Richview Township Public Library IRid e: Elwood Township Carnegie Library, Ridge Farm irid e: iridescent


© K • G • Saur. München

I R I D E S C e: Iridescent IRIE e: Infrared Information Exchange - e; Infrared Interference Envelope IR/IED e: Independent Research/ Independent Exploratory Development IRIG e: Inertial Rate Integrating Gyro[scope] - e: Inertial Reference Integrating Gyro[scope] - e: Inter-Range Instrumentation Graph - e: Inter-Range Instrumentation Group IRIG-B e: Inter-Range Instrumentation Group B IRIG-MWG e: Inter-Range Instrumentation Group-Meteorological Working Group IRII e: Industrial Besearch Institute of Ishikawa IRIN e: International Robomation/ Intelligence IRI News e: Institution of the Rubber Industry News (journ.) IR[/]IOD e: Independent Research/ Independent Objectives Document IRIP e: Indonesian Resources and Information Programme - e: Industrial Research Institutes Program IRIPS e: Infrared Industrial Process Supervision IRIR e: Interchangeability Replaceability Information Report IRIRC e: International Refugee Integration Resource Centre IRirs e: Riververside Public Library I R I S d: Integriertes Realtime Informationssystem - d: Integriertes Reservierungs- und Informationssystem - e: A Family of Computers - e: IBM [International Business Machines Corporation] Recruitment Information System - e: Illinois Resource Information System - e: Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology - e: Increased Readiness Information System - e: Index of References in Information Science - e: Industrial Relations Information Service - e: Industrial Relations Information System - e: Industrial Research and Information Service - e: Inertia Resonance Induction Service - e: Inertia Resonance Induction System - e: Inertial Reactor with Internal Separation - e: Infared Intruder System - e: Information Relayed Instantly from the Source - e: Information Resources Information System - e: Information Retrieval by Interactive Search - e: Infra-Red Image Scanner - e: Infra-Red Imaging Seeker - e: Infra-Red Imaging Subsystem - e: Infra-Red Imaging System - e: Infra-Red Information Symposia - e: Infra-Red Information Symposium - e: Infra-Red Information System - e: Infra-Red Interference Spectrometer - e: Infra-Red Interferometer Spectrometer - e: Infra-Red Intruder Seeker - e: Infra-Red Intruder System - e: Infra-Red Line Scanner - e: Infrared Research Information Symposium - e: Infrared Research Information System - e: Instant Response Information System - e: Instant Retrieval Information System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Ir Law Rep - e: Institute for Regional and International Studies - e: Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship - e: Institute for Research on Interactive System[s] - e: Institute's Retrieval of Information Study - e: Instruction and Research Information Systems - e: Instructional Resources Information System - e: Insurance Regulatory Information System - e: Integrated Radar Imaging System - e: Integrated Radio and Intercommunication^] System - e: Integrated Radio Information System - e: Integrated Reconnaissance Intelligence System - e: Integrated Reservation and Information System - e: Integrated Risk Information System - e: Integrated Road safety, Information and navigation System - e: Intelligence Reports Information Subsystem - e: Intelligent Remote Input Stand - e: Inter-Range Instrumentation System - e: Interactive Real-time Information System - e: Interactive Recorded Information Service - e: Interactive Retrieval of Information System - e: International Radiation Investigation Satellite - e: International Radio Interferometric Surveying - e: International Relations Information System - e: International Remote Imaging Systems, Inc. - e: International Reporting and Information Services - e: International Reporting Information System[s] - e: International Research [and] Information Service - e: International REST [Restricted Environmental Stimulation Techniques] Investigators Society - e: International Rights Information Service - e: Interrogation Requirements Information System - e: Italian Research Interim Stage IRISAV e: Indian Agricultural Research Institute [New Delhi], Annual Scientific Report (journ.) IRISH e: Infrared Image Seeker Head - e: Infrared Imaging Seeker Head Irish e: Irish Gaelic Irish Agr Creamery Rev e: Irish Agricultural and Creamery Review (journ.) Irish Astron e: Irish Astronomical Journal Irish Astr[on J] e: Irish Astronomical Journal (journ.) Irish Banking R e: Irish Banking Review (journ.) Irish Bcasting R e: Irish Broadcasting Review (journ.) Irish Beekgr e: Irish Beekeeper (journ.) Irish BIdr&Engineer e: Irish Builder and Engineer (journ.) Irish Bus e: Business and Finance (journ.) Irish Econ e: Irish Economist (journ.) Irish Folk M Stud e: Irish Folk Music Studies (journ.) Irish For e: Irish Forestry (journ.) Irish FP e: Irish Fishing Port

Irish Georgian Soc Bull e: Irish Georgian Society. Bulletin (journ.) Irish Georgian Soc Qly Bull e: Irish Georgian Society. Quarterly Bulletin (journ.) Irish Hist [Stud] e: Irish Historical Studies (journ.) Irish J Agric Econ and Rural Sociol e: Irish Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (journ.) Irish J Agr [Res] e: Irish Journal of Agricultural Research (journ.) Irish J Ed e: Irish Journal of Education (journ.) Irish J Food Sci Technol e: Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology (journ.) Irish J Med e: Irish Journal of Medical Science (journ.) Irish J Psy e: Irish Journal of Psychology (journ.) Irish Jur e: Irish Jurist (journ.) Irish Lib Bui e: Irish Library Bulletin (journ.) Irish Lit S e: Irish Literary Studies (journ.) Irish LT e: Irish Law Times (journ.) Irish Med J e: Irish Medical Journal (journ.) Irish Med Times e: Irish Medical Times (journ.) Irish Mo e: Irish Monthly (joum.) Irish Num e: Irish Numismatia (journ.) Irish Q e: Irish Quarterly Review (joum.) Irish S e: Irish Sword (journ.) Irish Stat[is Bui] e: Irish Statistical Bulletin (journ.) IrishThQ e: Irish Theological Quarterly (journ.) Irish U Rev e: Irish University Review (journ.) Irish VR e: Irish Vehicle Registration Irish Wildfowl Comm Publ e: Irish Wildfowl Committee. Publication (journ.) IRIS-M e: Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer-Michelson IRI System e: Integrated Range Instrumentation System IRI-System d: Integriertes Reservierungsund Informationssystem IRivd e: Riverdale Library District IRivf e: River Forest Public Library IRivfR e: Rosary College, River Forest IRivfT e: Concordia Teachers College, River Forest IRivg e: River Grove Public Library IRivgT e: Triton College, River Grove IRJ e: European Rubber Journal (journ.) - e: Industrial Relations Journal (journ.) - e: Industrial Relations Law Journal (joum.) - e: Infrared Jammer - s: La Rioja [Argentinien] [Airport] IRJADJ e: Iranian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (joum.) Ir J Agric Res e: Irish Journal of Agricultural Research (joum.) I R J C e: Indian River Junior College I R J E e: Infrared Jammer Equipment - e: Interactive Remote Job Entry Ir J Environ Sci e: Irish Journal of Environmental Science (joum.) Ir J Food Sci Tecbnol e: Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology (joum.) Ir J Med Sci e: Irish Journal of Medical Science (joum.) IR Jour e: Indian Rulings, Journal Section (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G

Saur. Munich

IRJPAR e: Irish Journal of Psychology (journ.) IRJPDU e: Irish Journal of Psychotherapy (journ.) Ir J Psychol e: Irish Journal of Psychology (journ.) Ir J Psychol Med e: Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine (journ.) Ir J Psychother e: Irish Journal of Psychotherapy (joum.) Ir J Psychother Psychosom Med e: Irish Journal of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine (joum.) IRJSD5 e: Iraqi Journal of Science (joum.) Ir Jur e: Irish Jurist (journ.) Ir Jur NS e: Irish Jurist. New Series (journ.) Ir Jur [Rep] e: Irish Jurist Reports (journ.) IRK d: Infrarot-Kontaktkoagulator - d: Internationales Rotes Kreuz - e: Infrared Kit - e: Insulin Receptor Kinase - e: Interlake Development - e: Irkutsk - e: Kirksville [Airport] IRL d: Internationaler Ring für Landarbeit - d: Irland - e: Illustrations Requirements List - e: Index Retrieval Language - e: Industrial Reactor Laboratories - e: Industrial Relations Law Journal (journ.) - e: Industrial Research Labotatories (joum.) - e: Information Requirements List - e: Information Research Limited - e: Information Retrieval Language - e: Information Retrieval Limited - e: Infrared Lamp - e: Infrared Lens - e: Infrared Light - e: Initiating Reference Letter - e: Institute for Rational Living - e: Institute on Religious Life - e: Interactive Reader Language - e: Interactive Root Locus - e: Interface Requirement List - e: International Meridian Resources - e: Interrogation and Locating - e: InteiTogation and Location - e: Intersection of Range Legs - e: Ionosphere Research Laboratory - e: Ireland - e: Republic of Ireland iRL d: in Radlafette IrL e: Irish Law Reports (joum.) Irl f: Irlande - i: Irlanda - p: Irlanda - s: Irlanda IRLA e: Independent Research Libraries Association - e: Information Retrieval and Library Automation (journ.) - e: International Religious Liberty Association IRLah e: Indian Rulings, Lahore Series (journ.) Irland f: Irlandais IR Language e: Information Retrieval Language IRLAS e: Infrared Laser Ir Law&Ch e: Irish Common Law and Chancery Reports, New Series (joum.) Ir Law&Eq e: Irish Law and Equity Reports (joum.) Ir Law Ree e: Irish Law Recorder (journ.) Ir Law Ree NS e: Irish Law Recorder, New Series (journ.) Ir Law Rep e: Irish Law Reports (journ.) 301

Ir L a w R e p N S Ir L a w Rep NS e: Irish Common Law Reports, New Series (journ.) Ir L a w T e: Irish Law Times (joum.) I R L C e: Illinois Regional Library Council Irlc e: International Tsunami Information Centre [Honolulu] I R L C D e: IRCS [International Research Communications System] Medical Science. Library Compendium (joum.) I R L C O e: International Red Locust Control Organization I R L C O - C S A e: International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa I R L C S e: International Red Locust Control Service IRLD e: Institute for Research on Learning Disabilities I R L D A e: Independent Retail Lumber Dealers Association IR-LED e: Infrared-Light Emitting Diode IrL&Eq e: Irish Law and Equity Reports (journ.) I R L G e: Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group IRLI e: Immigration Reform Law Institute - i: Italianistica. Revista di Letteratura Italiana (journ.) IRLIB e: Industrial Relations Legal Information Bulletin (journ.) Ir LJ e: Irish Law Journal (journ.) Ir L NS e: Irish Common Law Reports, New Series (journ.) Ir L R e: Irish Law Reports (journ.) I R L R e: Industrial Relations Law Reports (journ.) - e: Infrared Laser Ranger Ir L Ree NS e: Law Recorder, New Series (journ.) Ir L Ree [1st Ser] e: Irish Law Recorder, First Series (joum.) I R L S e: Infra-Red Linescan Sensor - e: Infrared Laser Scanner - e: Infrared Line Scanner - e: Infrared Linescan System - e: International Red Locust Control Service - e: Interrogation, Recording [and] Location System - e: Interrogation, Recording and Locating System - e: Interrogation, Recording and Location Subsystem I R L S C e: Industrial Relations and Labor Studies Center IRLSs e: Interrogation, Recording and Locating Systems Ir LT e: Irish Law Times (journ.) Ir L Times and Solicitors' J e: Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal. A Weekly Gazette of Legal News and Information (journ.) Ir L T J e: Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal (journ.) - e: Irish Law Times Journal (journ.) Ir L T Jour[nal] e: Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal (journ.) Ir L T R[ep] e: Irish Law Times Reports (journ.)

I R M d: Industriefußboden RhonastonMonolith - d: Informationsressourcenmanagement - e: Illinois Railway Museum - e: Image Rejection Mixer - e: Image Repetition Memory - e: Image Risk Mixer - e: Improved Risk Mutuals - e: Induced Remanent Magnetization - e: Information and Records Management (journ.) - e: Information Management (joum.) - e: Information Request Message - e: Information Research Management - e: Information Resource[s] Management - e: Infrared Mapper - e: Infrared Measurements] - e: Infrared Microradiometer - e: Inherited Releasing Mechanism - e: Initial Release Memorandum - e: Innate Release Mechanism - e: Innate Releasing Mechanism - e: Inorganic Reaction Mechanism - e: Inspection Requirements Manual - e: Institute for Resource Management - e: Institute of Risk Management - e: Integrated Range Missile - e: Integrated Range Mission - e: Intelligent Remote Multiplexer - e: Interactive Request Modification - e: Interim Research Memo - e: Interim Research Memo[randum] - e: Intermediate Range Monitor - e: Intermediate Restorative Material - e: International Resource Management - e: International Review of Missions (joum.) - e: International Royalon Minerals, Inc. - e: Iodine Radiation Monitor - e: Ion-Release Module - e: Islamic Republic of Mauritania - e: Isothermal Remanence - e: Isothermal Remanent Magnetization I r M e: Irish Monthly (joum.) IR/M d: Industrieroboter und Manipulatoren IRMA d: Immissionsraten-Meßapparat[ur] - e: Immunoradiometric Assay - e: Indian Refractory Makers Association - e: Individual Retirement Mortgage Account - e: Individual Reverse Mortgage Account - e: Information [and] Referral Manual - e: Information Revision and Manuscript Assembly - e: Infrared Milk Analyser [or Analyzer] - e: Infrared Miss-distance Approximator - e: Infrared Miss-distance Approximeter - e: Integrated Revenue and Marketing Applications - e: Interactive Real-time Music Assembler - e: International Rail Makers Association - e: International Rehabilitation Medicine Association - e: Intraretinal Microangiopathy - e: Intraretinal Microvascular Abnormality - e: Inverted Roof Membrane Assembly I R M A C e: Information Resource Mangement Association of Canada IR Mad e: Indian Rulings, Madras Series (joum.) IRMA J e: IRMA [Indian Refractory Makers Association] Journal (joum.) IRMAS e: International Review of Music, Aesthetics and Sociology (joum.) IRMB e: Joint Requirements and Management Board - e: Joint Resources Management Board - f: Institute Royal Meteorologique de Belgique


© K • O • Saur, München

IRMC e: Information Resource Management Council - e: Institute of Risk Management Consultants - e: International Radio-Maritime Committee - e: Interservices Radio Measurements Committee IRME e: Initiator Resistance Measuring Equipment Ir Med J e: Irish Medical Journal (joum.) IRMF e: International Records Management Federation IRMFET e: Infrared-sensing MOSFET [Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor] IRMFSG e: Inter-Range Missile Flight Safety Group IRMGARD e: Information Resources Management Group and Regulatory Directorate I&R Mgmt e: Information and Records Management (journ.) IRMGSG e: Inter-Range Missile Ground Safety Group I R M I e: Industrial Research Materials Institute - e: International Risk Management Institute IR-MIM e: Published Internal Revenue Mimeograph (joum.) IRMIP e: Intermountain Regional Medical Program IRMIS e: Integrated Resource Management Information System IRMJ e: Infrared Miniaturized Jammer IRMLA e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Military Electronics (journ.) I R M M D 2 e: IRMMH [Institute for Research into Mental and Multiple Handicap] Monograph (journ.) IRMMH e: Institute for Research into Mental and Multiple Handicap - e: Institute of Research into Mental and Multiple Handicap[s] IRMMH Monogr e: IRMMH [Institute for Research into Mental and Multiple Handicap] Monograph (joum.) IRMNA2 e: Institute for Research into Mental Retardation. Monograph (journ.) IRM [NYU] e: Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine [New York University] IRMO e: Information Resources Management Office IRMP e: Industrial Readiness and Mobilization Production Planning - e: Infrared Measurement Program[me] - e: Infrared Multiple-Photon - e: Intermountain Regional Medical Program[me] - e: Interservice[s] Radiation Measurement Program[me] IRMPC e: Industrial Raw Materials Planning Committee IRMPD e: Infrared Multiple-Photon Dissociation IRMR e: Infra-Red Micro-Radiometer - e: Infrared Micro-Radiometry - e: Institute for Research into Mental Retardation IRMRA e: Indian Rubber Manufacturers Research Association - e: Infrared Monochromatic Radiation IR/MRBM e: Intermediate-Range/ Medium-Range Ballistic Missile

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IROS IRMS e: Imperial Russian Musical Society - e: Information Resource Management Service - e: Information Retrieval and Management System - e: Infrared Mapping System - e: Integrated Radio Management System - e: International Robert Musil Society - e: Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry IRM System e: Information Retrieval and Management System IRMT e: International Register of Manipulative Therapists IR/M-Technik d: Industrieroboter/ Manipulator-Technik Ir Mthl e: Irish Monthly (joura.) IRMU e: IR Mode Upgrade IRN e: Illinios Resource Network - e: Import Release Note - e: Independent Radio News - e: Industrial Research Institute - e: Input Reconfiguration Network - e: Interface Revision Notice - e: Internal Reference Number - e: Internal Routing Network - e: International Rivers Network - e: Invoice Register Number - e: Iran - e: Iron or Steel - e: Iron River Resources - e: Ironton Railroad Co. - e: Item Removal Notice I-RNA e: Ribonucleic Acid, Immune IRNA e: Iranian News Agency - e: Islamic Republic News Agency IR Nag e: Indian Rulings, Nagpur Series (journ.) Ir Nat J e: Irish Naturalists Journal (journ.) IRND e: Interand Corporation I R N D T e: Infrared Nondestructive Tester - e: Infrared Nondestructive Testing IRNFS f: Institut de Recherches et de Normalisation Economiques en Scientifiques IRNP e: Identifying Research Needs Program - e: Isle Royale National Park IRNRAJ e: Iraq Natural History Museum. Report (journ.) IRNS e: Inertial Reference and Navigation System IRNs e: Interface Revision Notices IRNSA e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Nuclear Science (journ.) - e: IRE Transactions on Nuclear Science IRNU f: Institut de Recherche des Nations Unies pour le Développement Social Ir Nurse J e: Irish Nurses Journal (journ.) Ir Nurs Hosp W[orld] e: Irish Nursing and Hospital World (journ.) Ir Nurs News e: Irish Nursing News (journ.) IRNV e: Increase and Replacement of Naval Vessels

IRO d: Institut für Rationalisierung und Organisation - d: Internationale Rundfunkorganisation - e: In Rear Of - e: Independent Retailer Organisation - e: Industrial Recycling Organization - e: Industrial Relations Office[r] - e: Inflight Refueling Operator - e: Information Resource Office[r] - e: Infrared Oven - e: Inland Revenue Office[r] - e: Interim Range Operations - e: Internal Revenue Office[r] - e: International Reception Operators - e: International Refugee Organization - e: International Relations Office - e: International Relief Organization - e: International Revenue Officer - e: Interrupt Request - e: Inventory Research Office - n: Internationale Radioorganisatie iro e: Iroquoian IRo e: Rockford Public Library IROA e: Independent Rabbinate of America IROALA e: International Relations OfficeAmerican Library Association IROAN e: Inspect and Repair Only as Necessary - e: Inspect and Repair Only as Needed IRob e: Robinson Public Library IRobb e: Robbins Public Library District IRobSD e: Robinson Community School District 2 I R O C e: International Race of Champions - e: International Royalty & Oil Company IRoC e: Rockford College IRockt e: Talcott Free Public Library, Rockton IROD e: Instantaneous Read-Out Detector Irodal F H: Irodalomtôrténeti Füzetek (journ.) IRODP e: International Registry of Organization Development Professionals IRODS e: Inertial Rate of Descent Sensor Irod Szle H: Irodalmi Szemle (journ.) IROF e: Imagery Requirement Objectives File Ir Offshore Rev e: Irish Offshore Review (journ.) IRO-FIET e: Interamerican Regional Organization of the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees IROH e: Interest Rate of Return I-Rohr d: Isolierrohr IROL e: Imagery Requirements Objectives List - e: Instruments R&D Laboratory IROM e: Ion-implanted Read-Only Memory - i: Industria Raffinazione Oli Minerali IRoMH e: Rockford Memorial Hospital IRON e: Infrared Optical Noise - e: Inter-Range Operation Number - e: Ironstone Group, Inc. I r o n e: Ironicfal] - e: Ironwood (journ.) IRoN e: Northern Illinois Library for Mental Health, Rockford Iron Age e: Iron Age. Metal Producing Management Edition (journ.) Iron Age Metalwork Int e: Iron Age Metalworking International (journ.) Iron Age, Met Prod e: Iron Age, Metals Producer (journ.) Iron [and] Steel Eng e: Iron and Steel Engineer (journ.)

Internationa] Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

Iron [and] St[eel] Int e: Iron and Steel International (journ.) Iron Coal Trades Rev e: Iron and Coal Trades Review (journ.) Iron Curtain e: Banier between Eastern and Western Europe IRoNL e: Rockford Northern Illinois Library System Ironmaking Conf Proc e: Ironmaking Conference Proceedings [Iron and Steel Society [AIME, US]] (journ.) Ironmaking Proe AIME e: Ironmaking Proceedings. Metallurgical Society of AIME. Iron and Steel Division (journ.) Ironmaking Steelmak[in]g e: Ironmaking and Steelmaking [Institute of Metals, GB] (journ.) iron pyrites e: sulfilde of iron iron rust iron oxide Irons Pol Law e: Irons on Police Law (journ.) Irons Pub H e: Irons on Public Houses (journ.) Iron St[eel] e: Iron and Steel (joum.) Iron Steel [China] e: Iron and Steel [China] (journ.) Iron Steel Eng e: Iron and Steel Engineer [Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, US] (journ.) Iron Steel Ind e: Iron and Steel Industry [Japan] (journ.) Iron Steel Inst Carnegie Scholarship Mem e: Iron and Steel Institute. Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs (journ.) Iron Steel Inst [London] Bibliogr Ser e: Iron and Steel Institute [London], Bibliographical Series (journ.) Iron Steel Inst [London] Publ e: Iron and Steel Institute [London], Publication (journ.) Iron Steel Inst [London] Spec Rep e: Iron and Steel Institute [London]. Special Report (journ.) Iron Steel Int e: Iron and Steel International (journ.) Iron Steelmaker e: Iron and Steelmaker [AIME Iron and Steel Society, US] (journ.) Iron Tr R e: Iron Trade Review (journ.) IRoo e: Roodhouse Public Library IROP e: Imagery Requirements Objectives Plan - e: Infrared Optical Intelligence IROPC e: Inter-Range Operations Planning Group IROPCO e: Iranian Offshore Petroleum Company IR[-]Optik d: Infrarot-Optik IROQBRD e: Iroquois Brands Limited IROR e: Improved Range-Only Radar - e: Incremental Rate of Return - e: Inspection, Repair, Overhaul and Rebuild - e: Internal Rate of Return IRoR e: Rockford Newspapers, Inc. IROS e: Improved Reliability Operational System - e: Increase Rehability of Operational Systems - e: Increase[d] Reliability [of] [Operational] System[s] - e: Infra-Red Omnidirectional Sensor - e: Infrared Operational Satelitte - e: Infrared Operational Satellite - e: Instant Response Order System - e: Instant Response Ordering System - e: Ipsilateral Routing of Signal


IRoSA IRoSA e: Sundstrand Aviation, Engineering Library, Rockford IRoSH e: Swedish-American Hospital, Rockford IroStA e: Saint Anthony Hospital, Rockford IROT e: Information Read-Out Time - e: Infrared on Target IR Oudh e: Indian Rulings, Oudh Series (journ.) I R o W M e: Winnebago County Medical Society, Rockford Irox e: Roxana Public Library, Roxana IRoxCU e: Roxana Community Unit 1, Roxana I R P d: Informationsrechercheprozeß - d: Institut für Rechner- und Programmstrukturen - d: Islamische Republik Pakistan - e: Iceon Runway-Patchy - e: Image Retaining Panel - e: Immunoglobulin Reference Preparation - e: Immunoreactive Proinsulin - e: Improved Replenishment[-at-Sea] Program - e: Indianapolis Raceway Park - e: Individual Responsibility Program - e: Individualized Reading Program[me] - e: Industrial Readiness Planning - e: Industry Recognition Program - e: Inertial Reference Package - e: Information Reporting Program - e: Information Resources Press - e: Information Return Program - e: Information Returns Processing - e: Infrared Photography - e: Infrared Preamplifier - e: Infrared Projector - e: Infrared Radiation Profile - e: Infrared Responsive Phosphor - e: Initial Receiving Point - e: Installation Restoration Program - e: Institute for Research on Poverty - e: Institute for Retired Professionals - e: Integrated Reference Package - e: Intelligence Report Plan - e: Interdivisional Record Practice - e: Interference Reporting Point - e: Intermediate Rated Power - e: Intermediate Related Power - e: Intermediate Rotating Plug - e: Internal Renection Plate - e: International Petroleum Corporation - e: International Reference Preparation - e: International Research Program - e: International Rostrum of Young Performers - e: International Routing Plan - e: Interrupt Processor - e: Inventory and Requirements Planning - e: Isiro [Zaire] [Airport] IRp e: Richton Park Library District IR-P e: Ice on Runway-Patch IRPA e: International Radiation Protection Association - e: Irrigation Pump Administration - f: Institut de Recherche sur le Profil dApprentissage IRPA Bull e: IRPA Bulletin [International Radiation Protection Association, France] (journ.) I R P A S e: Infrared Photoacoustic Spectroscopy IR Pat e: Indian Rulings, Patna Series (journ.) IRPBDS e: Infrared Photothermal Beam Deflection Spectroscopy

I R P C e: Indian Rulings, Privy Council (journ.) - e: Indirect Reading Pocket Chamber - e: Industrial Relations Policy Committee I R P D e: Industrial Relations and Personnel Development (journ.) I R P E G e: Tax on Legal Entities I R - P E R S - R E C e: Industrial Relations Personnel Record[s] I R Pesh[awar] e: Indian Rulings, Peshawar Series (journ.) I r Pet S J e: Irish Petty Sessions Journal (journ.) I r P F e: Institute of Technical Publicity and Publications I R P G e: Interactive Report Generator - e: Iranian Research and Publication Group I R P H D e: International Review of Physiology (journ.) I R P I e: Individual Rod Position Indicator I R P I A e: Intelligence Information Report Photo Index I R P L e: Index to Religious Periodical Literature - e: Industrial Robot Programming Language - e: Inter-Services Radio Propagation Laboratory - e: Interim Repair Parts List - e: Interservice[s] Radio Propagation Laboratory I R P M e: Individual Risk Premium Modification - e: Infrared Physical Measurement [Research] I R P O D e: Individual Repair Parts Ordering Data I R P O S e: Interdisciplinary Research Relevant to Problems of Our Society I R P P e: Industrial Readiness Planning Program - e: Infrared Pointer Package - e: Institute for Research in Plant Physiology - e: Institute for Research on Public Policy I R P r C e: Indian Rulings, Privy Council (joum.) I R P R D e: In-Plant Reproductions (journ.) I R P R L e: Initial Repair Parts Requirements List I R P ' s e: Integrated Regional Programs I R P S e: Individual Resource Protection Sensor - e: Institute for Research in Public Safety - e: Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery - e: International Religious Press Service - e: International Review of Publications in Sociology I R P S D Z e: IRRI [International Rice Research Institute] Research (journ.) irpt e: I Repeat I R P T e: Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals - e: Interrupt I R P T C e: International Register for Potentially Toxic Chemicals - e: International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals - e: International Registry for Potentially Toxic Chemicals I R P W A e: Irrigation and Power (joum.) I R Q d: Irak - e: Interpersonal Relations Questionnaire - e: Interrupt Request - e: Intimate Relationship Questionnaire - e: Iraq[ue] - e: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Library, Terre Haute I R Q C e: Infra-Red Quantum Counter I R Q R e: Information Requirement


© K G - Saur, München

IRR d: Irrang - e: Immediate Ready Reserve - e: Improved Rearming Rates - e: Indian Reservation Roads System - e: Indian River Resources, Inc. - e: Individual Ready Reserve[s] - e: Individual Ready Reservist - e: Individual Retirement Record - e: Industrial Relations Research Association. Proceedings (journ.) - e: Industrial Retaining Ring Co. - e: Information Reduction Research - e: Infrared Radiation - e: Infrared Radiometer - e: Infrared Rays - e: Infrared Receiver - e: Infrared Reflectance - e: Initial Rate of Return - e: Inspection Rejection Report - e: Installation and Removal Record - e: Institute for Reactor Research - e: Institute for Rehabilitation and Research - e: Institute for Risk Research - e: Institute of Race Relations - e: Institute of Rubber Research - e: Instrumentation Revision Record - e: Integral Rock[et] Ramjet - e: Integrated Radio Room - e: Integrated Reed Relay - e: Intelligence Radar Reporting - e: Interest Rate Return - e: Interim Release Request - e: Interim Requirements Review - e: Interimpurity Radiative Recombination - e: Internal Rate of Return - e: Internal Revenue Looseleaf Regulations System - e: International Rate of Return - e: International Revenue Record (journ.) - e: Interrupt Request Register - e: Interrupt Return Register - e: Intrarenal Reflux - e: Iranian Rial - e: Irish Royal Rifles - e: Iron Range Research Center - e: Irradiate[d] - e: Irradiation - e: Irredeemable - e: Irregularity] - e: Irreversible - e: Irrigation - e: Irritant - e: Israel[i] Research Reactor Ir R e: Irish Law Reports (journ.) - e: Irish Review (journ.) irr d: irrational IRRA e: Industrial Relations Research Association - e: Industrial Relations Research Association. Proceedings (journ.) - e: International Routing and Reporting Activity - e: International Rubber Regulation Agreement IRRAD e: Infrared Range and Detection - e: Infrared Ranging and Detection - e: Irradiation Irradiat e: Irradiation Irradiat Aliments f: Irradiation des Aliments (joum.) Irradiat Aliments [Engl Ed] e: Irradiation des Aliments [English Edition] (journ.) IRRADN e: Irradiation Irr Age e: Imgation Age (journ.) IR Ran e: Indian Rulings, Rangoon Series (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IRS IRRAPST e: Individual Ready ReserveAltenative Preassignment System Test IRRAS e: Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy irrat d: irrational IRRB e: Infrastructure Requirements Review Board - e: Infrastructure Requirements Revue Board - e: International Rubber Research Board IRRC e: International Relief and Rescue Committee - e: International Rubber Regulation Committee - e: Investor Responsibility Research Center Ir R Ch e: Irish Chancery Reports (journ.) Ir RCL e: Irish Reports, Common Law Series (journ.) IRRCS e: Institute for Regional, Rural and Community Studies IRRD e: Institute for Research of Rheumatic Diseases - e: International Road Research Documentation IRRDB e: International Rubber Research [and] Development Board IRRD System e: International Road Research Documentation System IRRED e: Irredeemable IRREG e: Irregular [Light] irreg e: irregularly] IR Rep e: Reports of Inland Revenue Commissioners (journ.) Ir Rep C h e: Irish Chancery Reports (journ.) Ir Rep C L e: Irish Reports, Common Law Series (journ.) Ir Rep Eq e: Irish Reports, Equity Series (journ.) Ir Rep NS e: Irish Common Law Reports, New Series (journ.) Irreprod e: Irreproducible Ir Rep VR e: Irish Reports, Verbatim Reprint (journ.) Ir R Eq e: Irish Reports, Equity Series (journ.) irres e: irrespective IR Research Repts e: IR Research Reports (journ.) irrev e: irrevocable IRRF f: Institut pour la Repression des Ravageurs Forestiers irrg e: irregular IRRG e: Irrigation irrgty e: irregularity irrgy e: irregularly IRRI e: Industrial Relations Research Institute - e: Interagency Rehabilitation Research Information System - e: International Rice Research Institute IRRIC e: International Rice Research Information Center IRRICAB e: Current Annotated Bibliography of Irrigation (journ.) IRRIG e: Irrigate - e: Irrigation Irrig Age e: Irrigation Age (journ.) Irrig Drain Pap e: Irrigation and Drainage Paper (journ.) Irrig Drain Pap [FAO] e: Irrigation and Drainage Paper [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations] (journ.) Irrig Eng Maint e: Irrigation Engineering and Maintenance (journ.) Irrig Farmer e: Irrigation Farmer (joum.)

Irrig J e: Irrigation Journal (journ.) Irrig Power e: Irrigation and Power (journ.) Irrig&Power Abstr e: Irrigation and Power Abstracts (journ.) Irrig Sei e: Irrigation Science (joum.) Irrig Winter Wheat Tech Publ e: Irrigated Winter Wheat. Technical Publication (journ.) IRRI Res Pap Ser e: IRRI [International Rice Research Institute] Research Paper Series (journ.) IRRI Res Pap Ser Int Rice Res Inst e: IRRI Research Paper Series. International Rice Research Institute (journ.) IRRIS e: International Rehabilitation Research Information System IRR&L e: Irish Reports, Registry and Land Cases (journ.) Irrl d: Irrläufer IRRL e: Information Retrieval Research Laboratory IRRM e: Information Requested in Above Reference[d] Message IRRMP e: Infrared Radar Measurement Program[me] Irr N e: Tasmanian Irregular Notes (journ.) IRRN e: Illinois Research and Reference Center [libraries] - e: Illinois Research and Reference Network IRR News e: Individual Rights and Responsibilities Newsletter (journ.) IRRP e: Icefield Ranges Research Project - e: Improved Rearming Rate Plan - e: Improved Rearming Rate Program - e: Improved Rearming Rates Project IRRPOS e: Interdisciplinary Research Relevant to Problems of Our Society IRRR e: Industrial Relations Review and Report (journ.) Ir R Reg App e: Irish Reports, Registration Appeals (journ.) Ir R Reg&L e: Irish Reports, Registry and Land Cases (journ.) I R R S e: Individual Ready Reserve System - e: Infrared Reconnaissance System - e: Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy - e: Integrated Records System - e: Irish Railway Record Society - e: Irish Standard IRRSA8 e: Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Review Series (journ.) IRRSAM e: Integral Rocket Ramjet Surface-to-Air Missile IRR[/]SSM e: Integral Rocket Ramjet Surface-to-Surface Missile Irrt d: Irrtum IRRT e: Institution of Rail and Rapid Transit - e: International Radio and Television Society - e: International Relations Round Table IRRTS e: Infrared Resolution Target System IRRTTM e: Integral Rocket Ramjet Torpedo Tube Missile IRRV e: Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

1RS d: Industrierobotersteuerung - d: Informationsrecherchesystem - d: Infrarotspektroskopie - d: Injektor-Rohrbrenner mit Schlitzen - d: Institut fiir Reaktorsicherheit [Kôln] - d: Internationales Referenzsystem - d: Inverse Raman-Spektroskopie - e: Identification and Reference Sheets - e: Immunoreactive Secretin - e: Immunoreactive Somatostatin - e: Inactive Reserve Section - e: Inboard Rotating Shield - e: Incremental Range Summary - e: Independent Rear Suspension - e: Independent Research Service - e: Indian earth Research Satellite - e: Indian Register of Shipping - e: Indian Remote Sensing [Satellite] - e: Indirect Representative Supplement - e: Induction and Recruiting Station - e: Industrial Rehabilitation Service - e: Industrial Relations Section - e: Industrial Rubber Sales - e: Ineligible Reserve Section - e: Inertial Reference Sensor - e: Inertial Reference System - e: Infant Rating Scale - e: Infinitely Rigid System - e: Inflatable Restrain System - e: Informal Routing Slip - e: Information [and] Referral Service[s] - e: Information [and] Research Service[s] - e: Information Receiving Station - e: Information Recovery Subsystem - e: Information Recovery System - e: Information Resources Specialists - e: Information Retrieval Service - e: Information Retrieval Subsystem - e: Information Retrieval System - e: Infra-Red Scanner - e: Infra Red Soldering - e: Infrared Radar Suppressor - e: Infrared Reconnaissance Set - e: Infrared Reflective Spectra - e: Infrared Reflow-Solderable - e: Infrared Soldering - e: Infrared Source - e: Infrared Spectrometer - e: Infrared Spectroscopy - e: Infrared Spectrum - e: Initial Readiness Site - e: Inorganic Resin System - e: Input Read Submodule - e: Inquiry and Reporting System - e: Insertion Reference Signal - e: Inspection Record Sheet - e: Inspector of Radio Services - e: Installation Readiness System - e: Instructional Review System - e: Instrumentation Radar Set - e: Insulated Return System - e: Insurance Sales (journ.) - e: Intact Rock Strength - e: Integrated Rate System - e: Integrated Record[s] System - e: Integrated Retrieval System - e: Integrated Review Schedule - e: Integration Review Section - e: Intelligence Research Specialist - e: Interchange Record Separator - e: Interdivisional Records Standard - e: Interface Requirements Document - e: Interface Requirements Specification - e: Interferon Response Sequence - e: Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study - e: Intermediate Reference Structure - e: Intermediate Reference System 305

IRs - e: Internal-Reflection Spectroscopy - e: Internal Revenue Service - e: Internal Revenue Service Library, Washington - e: International Radio Science - e: International Radio Silence - e: International Radium Unit - e: International Raiffeisen Union - e: International Records Syndicate, Inc. - e: International Recruiting Service - e: International Reference Unit - e: International Referral Service - e: International Referral System [Database] - e: International Repeater Station - e: International Rhinologic Society - e: International Rorschach Society - e: Interrecord Separator - e: Interspersed Repetitive Sequence - e: Inverse Raman Scattering - e: Investment Removal Salt - e: Iodine Removal System - e: Ionospheric Radio Signal - e: Iran Service (journ.) - e: Irish Standard - e: Irrigation Research Station - e: Isoleucyl-tRNA Synthetase - e: Isoleucyl-tRNS Synthetase - e: Isotope Radiography System - e: Isotope Removal Service - e: Isotope Removal System - e: Item Reduction Studies IRs e: Index Register - e: Inspectors Reports - e: Interrupt Registers - e: Irish Reports I&RS e: Information and Referral Service - e: Information and Research Services - e: Instrumentation and Range Safety IR's e: Inspectors Reports IRSA e: Improved Radiator Standards Association - e: Industrial Radiographic Service Association - e: Industrial Relations Society of Australia - e: International Radiator Standards Association - e: International Rett Syndrome Association - e: International Rural Sociology Association IRSAC f: Institut pour la Recherche Scientifque en Afrique Centrale IRS Alcohl e: Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Summary Statistics. US Internal Revenue Service (journ.) IRSB e: Institute for Research in Social Behavior IRSC e: Inter-Regional Subject Coverage - e: Internal Revenue Service Centers - e: International Radium Standard Commission - f: Institut de Recherches Scientifques au Congo IR Scan[ner] e: Infrared Scanner IRSCD2 e: Irrigation Science (journ.) IRSCL e: International Research Society for ChOdren's Literature [Cadaujac, France] [EA] IRSCOT e: Infrared Structural Correlation Tables (journ.) IRSCS e: Inter-Regional Subject Coverage Scheme IRSD e: Information and Regulatory Systems Division - e: Information Retrieval, Storage and Dissemination - e: Institut Royal Superieur de Defense

IRSE e: Infrared System[s] Engineering - e: Institute of Refrigerating Service Engineers - e: Institution of Railway Signal Engineers - e: International Reactor Safety Evaluation IRSe d: Informationsrecherchesysteme IR Service e: Information Retrieval Service IRSF e: Inland Revenue Staff Federation IRSFC e: International Rayon and Synthetic Fibers [or Fibres] Committee IRSG e: Information Retrieval Specialises] Group - e: International Rubber Study Group IRSGHL e: Infrared Systems and Guidance Heads Laboratory IRSH e: International Review of Social History (journ.) IRSI e: Industrial Research and Service Institute - e: International Remote Sensing Institute IRS-IA e: Indian-built Remote Sensing satellite IRSIA f: Institut pour l'Encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique dans l'Industrie et l'Agriculture IRSID f: Institut des Recherches de la Sidérurgie Française IR Sind e: Indian Rulings, Sind Series (journ.) IRSIO e: International Rationalization, Standardization and Interoperability Office IRSL e: International Review of Slavic Linguistics (journ.) IRSLL e: Image Recording System, Low Light IRSM e: Immunoreactive Somatomedin - e: Infrared Systemfs] Manufacturing - e: Institute of Radio Service Men IRSN e: Irvine Sensors Corporation IRSNAW n: Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. Studiedocumenten (joum.) IRSNB f: Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique IRSO e: Infrared Solder Oven - e: Institute of Road Safety Officers IRSp d: Informationsrecherchesprache[n] IRSP[ECT] e: Infrared Spectrometer - e: Infrared Spectroscopy IR[-]Spektnim d: Infrarot-Spektrum IrSpelaeol e: Irish Spelaeology (joum.) IRSpn d: Informationsrecherchesprachen IRSR e: Immediate Replacement Support Requirement IRSS e: Inertial Reference Stabilization System - e: Infra-Red Search Set - e: Infra-Red Search System [Database] - e: Infra-Red Sensor System - e: Infra-Red Signature Suppression - e: Infra-Red Smoke Simulator - e: Infra-Red Surveillance Subsystem - e: Institute for Religious and Social Studies - e: Institute for Research in Social Science - e: Institute for Resource and Security Studies - e: Instrumentation and Range Safety Program - e: Instrumentation [and] Range Safety System - e: Instrumentation Range [and] Safety System - e: Integrated Range Safety System - e: Intelligent Remote Station Support IRSs e: Interface Requirements Specifications


© K • G • Saur. München

IRSSO e: Infrared Search Set Operator IRSSTD e: Infrared Search and Target Designation System IRSSTS e: Infrared Search-Track System IRST e: Infra-Red Search and Track - e: Infra-Red Sensor Technology IRS&T e: Infra-Red Search and Track IrStat e: Irish Statutes (journ.) IRSTD e: Infra-Red Search and Target Designation [System] - e: Infrared Search and Target Destination System IRSTS e: Infrared Search [and] Track System Ir St Tr e: Irish State Trials (journ.) IRSU e: International Radio Scientific Union - e: International Religious Studies Unit - e: ISDN [Integtated Services Digital Network] Remote Subscriber Unit Ir Sword e: Irish Sword (journ.) IR System e: Information Retrieval System IRT d: Informationsrecherchetechnologie - d: Informationsrecherchethesaurus - d: Infrarot Technik GmbH - d: Institut fiir Rundfunktechnik - e: Icing Research Tunnel - e: Image Rejection Technology - e: Imaging Radar Technology - e: Immunoreactive Trypsin - e: In-Reactor Thimble - e: In Reference To - e: In Regard To - e: In Reply To - e: In Response To - e: Independent Receive/Transmit - e: Independent Receiver Tuning - e: Index Return [Character] - e: Indicating Round Technique - e: Individual Reliability Test - e: Industrial Reading Test - e: Infinite-Resolution Trimmer - e: Information Retrieval Technique - e: Infrared [Radiation] Thermometer - e: Infrared Telescope - e: Infrared Temperature - e: Infrared Thermography - e: Infrared Thermometer - e: Infrared Tracker - e: Infrared Tube - e: Initialize Reset Tape - e: Input Revision Typewriter - e: Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania - e: Institute for Radiological Technologists - e: Institute for Rapid Transit - e: Institute for Reality Therapy - e: Institute for Research on Teaching - e: Institute of Reprographic Technology - e: Institution of Rubber Technologist - e: Instrumentation/Research/Technology Corporation - e: Integrated Readiness Testing - e: Interborough Rapid Transit - e: Interim Remote Terminals - e: Intermediate Range Technology - e: Intermediate Rated Thrust - e: Internal Reflection Technique - e: International Radio Telegraph - e: International Research and Technology, Inc. - e: International Rig Team - e: Interresponse Time - e: Interrogator Responder Transducer - e: Interrogator Responder Transponder - e: Interrupt Ring Tone - e: Interrupted Real Time - e: Interrupted Ring Tone

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

IRZ - e: Inverse Reflex Tetrode - e: Irish Times (journ.) - e: IRT Property Co. - e: Isotope Ratio Tracer - e: Isovolumic Relaxation Time - e: Item Response Theory - e: Richmond Community Schools - f: Institut de Recherche des Transports - i: Imperial Radio e Televisione - s: Industria Radio y Television IRTA e: Illinois Retired Teachers Association - e: Independent Retail Tobacconists Association of America - e: International Reciprocal Trade Association - e: Intramural Research Training Award IRTAC e: International Round Table for the Advancement of Counseling IRTAFS e: International Ready-toAssemble Furniture Show I R T C e: Infantry Replacement Training Center - e: Infrared Thermocouple - e: International Radio and Television Corporation - e: International Round Table Conference IRTCA4 e: Instrumentation Technology (journ.) I R T C E S e: International Research Training Center for Erosion and Sedimentation IRTCG e: Installation Restoration Technology Coordinating Group IRTCM e: Integrated Real-Time Contamination Monitor IRTCM Module e: Integrated Real-Time Contamination Monitor Module IRTCP e: IRT Corporation IRTD e: Infantry Reinforcement Training Depot - e: Infrared Target Detector IrTD e: Iranian Documentation Centre, Teheran IRTE e: Institute of Road Transport Engineers - f: Institut de Radio-Télédiffusion pour Enfants IRTE Journal e: Institute of Road Transport Engineers Journal Ir Term Rep e: Irish Term Reports (journ.) Ir Text J e: Irish Textile Journal (journ.) IRTF e: Infrared Telescope Facility - e: Inter-Religious Task Force on Central America - e: Intermediate-Range Task Force IRTGSM e: Infra-Red Terminally Guided Submunition I R T I S e: Inter-Regional Training Information System I R T K a: International Radio Telegraf and Telefon, Kjôbenhavn IRTM e: Infrared Thermal Mapper [Subsystem] IRT Nucl J e: IR and T [International Research and Technology Corporation] Nuclear Journal [US IRTO e: International Radio and Television Organization IRTOD9 e: IPI [International Potash Institute] Research Topics (journ.) IRTP e: Initial Recruiting and Training Plan - e: Integrated Reliability Test Program[me] IrTQ e: Irish Theological Quarterly (journ.) Ir TR e: Irish Term Reports (journ.) IRTR e: IRT Realty Services, Inc. IRTRAN e: Infrared Transmitting

I R T R N e: Infrared Transmission I R T S e: Infrared Target Seeker - e: Infrared Telescope on Spacelab - e: Infrared Temperature Sounder - e: Infrared Test System - e: Interim Recovery Technical Specification - e: International Radio and Television Society - e: Irish Radio Transmitters Society I R T T D e: Infrared Transmission Through the Diffusion I R T U e: Integrating Regulatory Transcription Units - e: Intelligent Remote Terminal Unit - e: International Railway Temperance Union - e: International Road Transport Union I R T Unit e: Interrogator-ResponderTransponder Unit I R T V e: Information Retrieval Television - f: Internationale de la Radio et Télévision I R T W G e: Inter-Range Telemetering Working Group I R T W S e: Infrared Tail Warning Set I R U d: Internationale Raiffeisen-Union - e: General Individual Reinforcement Unit - e: Immediate Response Unit - e: Indefeasible Right of User[s] - e: Industrial Rehabilitation Unit[s] - e: Industrial Research Unit - e: Inertial Reference Unit[s] - e: Information Resources Unit - e: Information Retrieval Unit - e: Infrared Unit - e: International Radium Unit - e: International Raiffeisen Union - e: International Rat Unit - e: International Relief Union - e: International Road Transport Union - e: Irvine Research Unit - e: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces - f: Institut de Recherche d'Urbanisme I R U C e: Information and Research Utilization Center [in Physical Education and Recreation for the Handicapped] - e: Intermediate Resource Usage Condition I R U [ G ] e: Intel Real-Time Users Group I R U L T i m b e r e: Irul [xylia xylocarpa] Timber irupt e: interrupt iruptd e: interrupted iruptn e: interruption iruptng e: interrupting IRUS e: Infantry Rifle Unit Study IRut e: Rutland Community Library IRV d: Inspiratorisches Reserve-Volumen

IRVC e: Indian Remount and Veterinary Corps Irv Civ Law e: Irving's Civil Law (journ.) Ir Vet J e: Irish Veterinary Journal (journ.) IRVH e: Integrated Reactor Vessel Head Irvine Just Cas e: Irvines Justiciary Cases (journ.) Irving e: Irving Trust Company Irving Civ Law e: Irvings Civil Law (journ.) Irving View e: Irving Trust Company. Economic View from One Wall Street (journ.) Irv Just e: Irvines Justiciary Cases (journ.) IRVR e: Instrumented Runway Visual Range IRVSS e: Infrared Vertical Sounding System IRVW e: Integrated Research Volkswagen IRW e: Index of Relative Worth - e: Indirect Reference Word - e: Infrared Window - e: Institute for [or of) Rural Water - e: Integrated Research Volkswagen - e: International Rehabilitation Week - e: International Rocket Week - e: Inverted Rib Waveguide - e: Iowa Reformatory for Women - e: Rubber World (journ.) IRWA e: International Right of Way Association IRWC e: International Registry of World Citizens Ir W C C e: Irish Workmen's Compensation Cases (journ.) IRWEP e: International Register for the White Eared Pheasant Irwins Code e: Clark, Cobb and Irwins Code (journ.) IRWJF e: Irwin Toy Limited Vtg IRWKF e: Irwin Toy Limited Non Vtg IRWL e: Interchangeability and Replaceability Working List Ir WLR e: Irish Weekly Law Reports (journ.) IRWN e: Irwin Magnetic Systems, Inc. IRWR e: Infra-Red Warning Receiver IRX e: Interactive Resource Executive IRY e: Iron Bay Trust IRYDA s: Instituto Nacional de Reforma y Desarrollo Agrario IRZ d: Informations- und Recherchezentrum - e: Inner Radiation Zone - e: International Reference Zero

- d: Instandsetzungs-Rahmenvertrage - d: Internationale Rundfunkvereinigung - d: Intemationaler Rat fiir Vogelschutz - e: Improved Recovery Vehicle - e: Inglewood Rifle Volunteers - e: Inspiratory Reserve Volume - e: Inter-Range Vector - e: International Reference Version - e: International Rex Ventures, Inc. - e: Interrupt Request Vector - e: Inversed Ratio of Ventilation - e: Isotope Reentry Value - e: Isotope Reentry Vehicle - e: Item Rating Value I r v e: Irvines Scotch Justiciary Reports (journ.) I R Valve e: Inverting Relay Valve I R V A T e: Infrared Video Automatic Tracking I R V B e: India Rubber Vulcanized, Braided

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich


IS IS -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -d -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -


e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e


d: Impedanzsonde Impulssender Indexsequentielle Speicherungsform Industriespionage Infanterieschule Informationsstelle Informationssystem Ingenieurschule Inselstation Inserierte Sequenz Institutssektion Integrierte Schaltung Integrierter Schalt[er]kreis Internationaler Suchdienst Internationales Segelbuch Internationales Signalbuch Internsatz Interpolationsspeicher Interpretationsschlüssel Iserlohn Island Isolationsstrecke Israel Italienische Studien (journ.) Air Survey Co. of India Limited Ice Screamers Iceland Identification Section Ideological Survey IDS Aircraft Limited If Statement Immediate Support Immediate Suppress Immortalist Society Immune Serum Immunological Similarity Immunosuppressive Impact Strength Impact Switch Imperative Sentence Imperative Statement Improved Suspension In Secondary In Service In Shop Include Statement Including Sheeting Income Statement Incomplete Sequence [Relay] Independent Sector Independent Seminar Independent Shoemen of America Independent Spherical Aluminum Tank Independent Study Index of Sexuality Index[ed] Sequential Indexing in Source Indian Institute of Science Indian Standard Indian Summer Indicating Switch Induction Soldering Industrial School Industrial Service Industrial Society [(journ.)] Industrial Specialist Industrial Systems Inertial Systems Infantry School Infection Structure Information Science Information Seekers Information Selection Information Separation Information Separator Information Series Information Service

-e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e - e - e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e


Information Signal Information Source Information Storage Information Stream Information Supply Information System[s] Infrared Spectroscopy Infrasonic[s] Ingot Sheet Inhibiting Signal Initial Shortage Initial State Initializing Sequence Initiate Statement Initiation Supervisor Inner Sheath Input Secondary Input Section Input Simulator Input Source Input Storage Input Store Input Stream Input System Insect Screen Insertion Sequence[s] Inside Sentinel Insoluble Inspection Services, Inc. Installation of Systems Installation Start Installation Support Institute of Science Institute of Statisticians Instruction Sequence Instruction Set Instruction Sheet Instruction System Instructional System Instruction^] to Ship Instructor Squadron Instrument Instrumentation Ships Project Instrumentation Summary Instrumentation System Insufficiently Stamped Insulated System Insulating Sleeve Insurance Salesman (joum.) Integrally Stiffened Integrated Satellite Integrated Subsystem Test Bed Integrating Support Integration Software Intelligence in the Sky Intelligence Service Intelligence Signal Intelligence Specialist Intelligence Support Intelligence System[s] Interactive Services Interblock Space Intercellular Space Intercoastal Space Interconnecting Station Interdiction and Strike Interface Summary Interference Spectroscope Interference Suppression Interference Suppressor Interim Storage Interim Study Interior Surface Intermediate School Intermediate Storage Intermediate Store Intermediate Suppression

G - Saur, München

- e: Intermediate System - e: Internal Security - e: Internal Shield - e: Internal Standard - e: Internal Storage - e: Internal Store - e: Internal Surface - e: International Services - e: International Socialist (joum.) - e: International Socialists - e: International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers - e: International Staff - e: International Standard - e: International Status - e: International Stock - e: International Studies (journ.) - e: International Symposium - e: Interpretive System - e: Interrupt Signal - e: Interrupt State - e: Intersegmental - e: Interservice - e: Intership - e: Interspace - e: Interstage Section - e: Interstage Shielding - e: Interstate - e: Interstate/Johnson Lane - e: Interval Signal - e: Intraspinal - e: Intraventricular Septum - e: Invalided from Service - e: Inventory Schedule - e: Inventory Store - e: Inventory System - e: Ion-Beam Synthesis - e: Ion Source [Spectroscopy] - e: Ion Spectroscopy - e: Ion Spectrum - e: Iowa State University of Science[s] and Technology - e: Irish Society - e: Irish Standard - e: Irish Statesman (journ.) - e: Island[s] - e: Isle - e: Isolated Step - e: Isolating Switch - e: Isolation - e: Isomer Shift - e: Isomer Shut - e: Isomeric Shift - e: Isotopic Separation [Subsystem] - e: Israeli [Shekel] - e: ISSN [International Standard Serial Number] - e: Issue Code - e: Italian Studies (journ.) - i: Istituto Superiore di Sanita -1: In Situ - n: Staatsblad van Indonesie (journ.) iS d: im Sinne - d: im Sommer - d: in Sachen - d: in Sachsen - d: in Sonderstellung - d: in Summa is d: isoliert

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ISACC Is d: Isolation - d: Isolator[en] - d: Isolierung - e: Isaiah - e: Isis (journ.) - e: Islam[ic] - e: Island[s] - e: Isle[s] - e: Israelii] - e: Israeli pound - e: screen Current [symbol] - e: source Current [symbol] - s: Isaias I & S e: Inspection and Security - e: Inspection and Survey - e: Installation and Service[s] - e: Instrumentation and Range Safety - e: Interchangeability and Substitutability - e: Interchangeability and Substitute - e: Investigation and Suspension - e: Iron and Steel I-S e: Investment-Savings Curve I/S e: Ignition and Separation - e: Information System - e: Inside - e: Installation of Systems - e: Interstage - e: Inventoly to Sales Ratio - e: Isle of Skye I[s] s:Isla[s] I 2 S e: International Imaging Systems I" f: lies - p: Ilhas - s: Isias 151 e: Intelligence Specialist, First Class 152 e: Intelligence Specialist, Second Class I 2 S e: Integrated Information System I2S e: Integtated Information System - f: Imagerie, Industrie, Systeme I2S2 e: Intelligence Information Subsystem 153 e: Intelligence Specialist, Third Class 4IS e: Four-Wheel Independent Suspension ISS e: Interstellar Scattering I-10/S e: Invert Sugar [ 1 0 % ] in Saline ISA d: Integrierte Schaltungsanordnung - d: Internationale Standardatmosphäre - e: Ibsen Society of America - e: Idle Speed Actuator - e: Ignition and Separation Assembly - e: Illinois Studies in Anthropology (joum.) - e: Image Sequence Analysis - e: Incest Survivors' Anonymous - e: Independent Scholar of Asia - e: Independent Schools Association - e: Independent Signcrafters of America - e: Indexed Sequential Access - e: Indian School of Artillery - e: Indian Science Abstracts (journ.) - e: Individual Savings Account - e: Indonesian Sawmill Association - e: Inductee Special Assignment - e: Industrial Security Acquisition - e: Industry Standard Architecture - e: Inertial Sensor Assembly - e: Infantry Sailing Association - e: Infinite Storage Architecture - e: Information Science Abstracts (journ.) - e: Information Services Association - e: Information System Access - e: Information Systems and Automation - e: Information Systems Architecture - e: Information Systems Association - e: Innkeepers Society of America - e: Inorganic Sampling and Analysis - e: Insecta Research - e: Inspection Summary Analysis - e: Installation and Services Agency


e: Installation Supply Accounting e: Installation Supply Activity e: Installations and Services Agency e: Institute for Scientific Analysis e: Institute of Strategic Affairs e: Institute of Systems Analysis e: Institution of Surveyors-Australia e: Instruction Set Architecture e: Instructional Systems Association e: Instructor of Small Arms e: Instrument Society of America e: Instrument Subassembly e: Insulating Siding Association e: Insurance Service Associates e: Integrated Support Area e: Intelligence Support Activity e: Inter-Series Adapter e: Interactive Survey Analysis e: Intercoastal Steamship Freight Association, New York - e: Interface Switching Assembly - e: Interference Suppressor - e: Intergalactic SYSOP [System Operator] Alliance - e: Interim Standard Atmosphere - e: Interim Stowage Assembly - e: Interlaced Storage Assignment - e: Intermediate Service Agency - e: Intermediate Specific Activity - e: Internal Security Act - e: Internal Storage Area - e: International Safety Academy - e: International Schools Association - e: International Scientific Affairs - e: International Seabed Authority - e: International Security Affairs - e: International Security Agency - e: International Security Assistance - e: International Service Agencies - e: International Shakespeare Association - e: International Shipmasters Association [of the Great Lakes] - e: International Sign Association - e: International Silk Association - e: International Silo Association - e: International Skeeter Association - e: International Society of Aboriculture - e: International Society of Appraisers - e: International Society of Arboriculture - e: International Society of Women Airline Pilots - e: International Sociological Association - e: International Soling Association - e: International Standard Atmosphere - e: International Standardization Association - e: International Standards Association - e: International Strabismological Association - e: International Student Association - e: International Studies Association - e: International Subscription Agencies Pty. Limited - e: International Sugar Agreement - e: International Swift Association - e: Interplant Shipping Authority - e: Intemipt Storage Area - e: Intersecting Storage Accelerator - e: Intersecting Storage and Acceleration - e: Interservice Support Agreement - e: Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity - e: Invalid Storage Address - e: Investment Savings Account - e: Iodinated Serum Albumin - e: Ion Scattering Analysis - e: Iron and Steel Authority - e: IiTegular Serials and Annuals (journ.) - e: Irregular Spiking Activity

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich


e: Isabella [Californien] e: Isaias e: Islamic Shipowners Association e: Israel Space Agency e: Mount Isa [Australien] [Airport] e: Pacific Island Airways e: UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency] International Staff Association - i: Industrie Siderurgiche Associate - s: Interconexión Electrica, Sociedad Anónima iSa d: in Sachen - d: in Sachsen - d: in Summa Isa e: Isaiah, The Book of the Prophet - s: Indonesia ISA + 21 e: International Social Affiliation of Women Airline Pilots ISAA e: Institute of Shops Acts Administration - e: Insurance Service Association of America ISAAA e: International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications ISAAC e: Information System for Advanced Academic Computing - e: Integrated System for Automated Acquisition and Control - e: International Society for Alternative and Augmentative Communication I[-]S/AAMPE e: Inter-Service Agency Automated Message Processing Exchange I S A A R E e: Information System for Adaptive, Assistive and Recreational Equipment - e: Information System for Adaptive, Assistive and Rehabilitation Equipment ISAAS e: Indian Society for Afro-Asian Studies ISAB e: Institute for the Study of Animal Behavio[u]r - e: International Scholastic Advisory Bureau ISABC e: International Society Against Breast Cancer ISABEL d: Integriertes System für Automatische Belegverarbeitung - e: ISO [International Organization for Standardization] Status Accumulating Binaries [Using] Extraordinary Logic I S A B G R e: International Society for Animal Blood Group Research ISABPS e: Integrated Submarine Automated Broadcasting] Processing System ISABR e: International Society for Animal Blood Group Research ISABS e: Integrated Submarine Automated Broadcast Processing System ISAC d: Informationsfluß-Symbolik für Angewandte Computertechnik - e: In Service, Active - e: Industrial Safety Advisory Council - e: Industrial Sector Advisory Committee - e: Industrial Security Association of Canada - e: Instrumentation System Assessment Center - e: International Scientific Agricultural Council - e: International Security Affairs Committee - e: International Society for Autistic Children - e: Interuniversity Southeast Asia Committee - e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] Subscriber Access Controller - e: Issues and Commentary I S A C C e: Initial Satellite Command and Control [Center] - e: Initial Satellite Communications Control [Center] 309

ISACCO ISACCC e: Initial Satellite Communications Control Center ISACP e: Italian Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers ISAC-S e: ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] Subscriber Access Controller for S-Bu ISAC Structure e: Ion-implanted and Self-Aligned Contact Structure ISAD e: Information Science and Automation Division - e: Integrate Sample and Dump ISADAC e: Interim Standard Airborne Digital Computer ISAD/AVS e: ISAD [Information Science and Automation Division]/Audiovisual Section ISADC e: Interim Standard Airborne Digital Computer ISADN e: International Standard Authority Data Number ISADPM e: International Society for the Abolition of Data Processing Machines ISADS e: Innovative Strategic Aircraft Design Studies ISAD/VCCS e: ISAD [Information Science and Automation Division] Video and Cable Communication ISAE e: Indian Society of Agricultural Economics - e: International Esperantist Scientific Association [Internacia Scienca Asocio Esperantista] Isae e: Isaeus [Classical studies] ISAeM e: International Society for Aerosols in Medicine ISAF e: Indexed Sequential Access File - e: Intermediate Super Abrasion Furnace [Black] - e: Isotopic Source Adjustable Fissometer IsAF e: Israeli Air Force ISAFA e: Industrial Safety (journ.) ISAF Black e: Intermediate Super Abrasion Furnace Black - e: Intermediate Super Abrasive Furnace Black ISAF-HM e: Intermediate Super Abrasion Furnace-High Modulus ISAF-LM e: Intermediate Super Abrasion Fumace-Low Modulus ISAF-LS e: Intermediate Super Abrasion Furnace-Low Structure ISAFP e: Intelligence Service at the Philippine Armed Forces ISAG e: Office of the Auditor General, Springfield ISAGA e: International Simulation and Gaming Association ISAGE e: International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciological Exploration ISAGEX e: International Satellite Geodesy Experiments] ISAGL e: International Shipmasters Association of the Great Lakes ISAGUG e: International Software AG Users Group ISAH e: Integrated System for Automated Hydrography - e: International Symposium on Acoustical Holography ISAHM e: International Society for Animal and Human Mycology ISAI e: Independent Schools Association IsalCD e: Selmaville Community Consolidated District IO, Salem

ISAIS e: Indian Society for Automation and Information Sciences ISATV d: Integriertes System der Automatischen Informationsverarbeitung - d: Integriertes System der Automatisierten Informationsverarbeitung ISAJ[A] e: ISA [Instrument Society of America] Journal (journ.) ISA Journal e: Instrument Society of America Journal ISal e: Bryan-Bennett Public Library, Salem ISAL e: Information Service Access Line[s] - e: Information System Access Line[s] ISALC e: International Society of Animal License Collectors ISALPA e: Incorporated Society of Auctioneers and Landed Property Agents ISAM e: Independent School Association of Massachusetts - e: Index[ed] Sequential Access Method - e: Infant of Substance-Abusing Mother - e: Institute for Studies in American Music - e: Integrated Switching and Multiplexing - e: International Society for Aerosols in Medicine - e: Israeli Society for the Application of Mathematics ISAMA e: International Scientific Association for Micronutrients in Agriculture ISA Method e: Indexed Sequential Access Method ISAMS e: Improved Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder ISAM System e: Integrated Switching and Multiplexing System ISAM-VLR e: Indexed Sequential Access Method-Variable Length Record [feature] ISan e: Sandwich Township Public Library I/S Anal e: I/S Analyzer (joum.) ISanCH e: Sandwich Community Hospital IS and R e: Information Storage and Retrieval ISandSD e: Sandoval Community Unit School District 50 ISanH e: Lynn G.Haskin School, Sandwich ISanHS e: Sandwich Community High School ISanJS e: Sandwich Junior High School ISanP e: Prairie View School, Sandwich I-SANTA e: Industrial Stapling and Nailing Technical Association ISANTA e: International Staple, Nail and Tool Assotiation IsanW e: W. W. Woodbury School, Sandwich ISAO e: International Society for Artificial Organs ISAP e: Individual System Automation Plans - e: Information Sort and Predict - e: Institute for the Study of Animal Problems - e: Integrated Safety Assessment Program - e: Interactive Survey Analysis Package - e: International School Art Program - e: International Society for Asphalt Pavements - e: International Society of Art and Psychopathology - e: International Sourcing Analysis Programfme] - e: South American Petroleum Institute - s: Instituto Sudamericano del Petroleo ISAPA e: International Screen Advertising Producers' Association


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ISAPC e: Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights and Composers ISAPM e: International Shipowners Association of Peninsular Malaysia ISA Prepr e: ISA [Instrument Society of America] Conference Preprint (journ.) ISA Proc Int Power Instrum Symp e: ISA [Instrument Society of America] Proceedings. International Power Instrumentation Symposium (journ.) ISA Proc Natl Aerosp Instrum Symp e: ISA [Instrument Society of America Proceedings. National Aerospace Instrumentation Symposium (journ.) ISA Proc Natl Power Instrum Symp e: ISA [Instrument Society of America] Proceedings. National Power Instrumentation Symposium (journ.) ISAR e: Indirect Scratchpad Address Register - e: Information Storage and Retrieval - e: Institute for Soviet-American Relations - e: Inter-Seamount Acoustic Range - e: Interim Storage and Retrieval - e: International Society for Animal Rights - e: International Society for Astrological Research - e: Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar ISAR Base e: Information Storage and Retrieval Base ISARC e: Installation Shipping and Receiving Capability ISARD e: International School for Agriculture and Resource Development ISARL e: Indirect Scratchpad Address Register Lower ISARN Bulletin e: Iowa State Association for Registered Nurses Bulletin (joum.) ISARU e: Indirect Scratchpad Address Register Upper ISAS d: Informationssystem zur Administrativen Steuerung - d: Integriertes Speditionsabrechnungssystem - e: Illinois State Academy of Science - e: Industrial Sales and Service - e: Information Science and Automation Section - e: Infrared Small Astronomical Spacecraft - e: Institute for Spectrochemistry and Applied Spectroscopy - e: Institute of Social and Administrative Studies - e: Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science[s] - e: Institute of Space & Astronautical Sciences-University of Tokyo - e: Institute of Space and Astronautical Science - e: Institute of Space and Atmospheric Science - e: Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies - e: Integrated Smart Artillery Synthesis - e: Integrated Spacecraft Avionics System - e: Intelligent Shelter Attack Submunition - e: International Schools Association - e: International Screen Advertising Association - e: International Society of African Scientists - e: Isotopic Source Assay System - e: Iterative Single Wavelength Anomalous Scattering ISAs e: Inter-Series Adaptors ISASC e: Internattonal Society of Antique Scale Collectors ISASD e: International Symposium on Aeroelastics and Structural Dynamics

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

I&S Bulletin ISASI e: International Society of Air Safety Investigators ISASNP e: International Symposium on Aerospace Nuclear Propulsion ISAST e: International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology ISAT e: Initial Surface Absorption Test - e: International Society of Analytical Trilogy - e: Interrupt Storage Area Table - e: Invite, Show and Test ISATA e: International Symposium on Automative Technology and Automation - e: International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation ISATA[Z] e: ISA [Instrument Society of America] Transactions (journ.) ISA T r a n s e: ISA Transactions [Instrument Society of America, US] (journ.) ISAUS e: Indonesian Students Association in the United States - e: Iranian Students Association in the United States IS Aust e: Institute of Surveyors, Australia ISAV e: Institute of Sound and Vibration [Research] - s: Instituto de Sistemas Audio-Visuales I S A V V T e: International Symposium on the Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels I S A W e: International Society of Aviation Writers ISAZ e: Isolation Accommodation Zone IS1B