International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Volume 13 Glc – J 9783110959185, 9783598229916

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International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Volume 13 Glc – J
 9783110959185, 9783598229916

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International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology Compiled by Michael Peschke

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik Bearbeitet von Michael Peschke

Vol 13 / Band 13



K G Säur München 1999

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Peschke, Michael: International encyclopedia of abbreviations and acronyms in science and technology = Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik / comp, by Michael Peschke. - München : Saur. I S B N 3-598-22970-4 Vol. 13. G l c - J . - Rev. ed. - 1999 I S B N 3-598-22991-7

© Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier/ Printed on acid-free paper Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved K . G. Saur Verlag GmbH & Co K G , München 1999 Part of Reed Elsevier Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Datenerfassung und Satz / Computer-controlled keyboarding, data preparation and automatic data processing by Michael Peschke, Berlin Druck/Printed by Strauss Offsetdruck, Mörlenbach Binden/Bound by Buchbinderei Schaumann, Darmstadt No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher I S B N 3-598-22970-4 (17 Volume-Set) I S B N 3-598-22991-7 (Vol 13)

Contents / Inhalt

Preface and Notes for the User

Vorwort und Hinweise für den Benutzer


Reversed Edition Bd 3

Glc - J


Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initials in all their various forms confront us today more than ever. We encounter them in all areas of daily life, both at home and at work: they are often the basis of documentation and communication and frequently themselves contain the central information in a given context. Decoding them is, however, often difficult, sometimes even impossible because adequate reference sources are either not available or not readily accessible. As the use and the invention of abbreviations is increasing world-wide, no one reference work can hope to answer all queries concerning them correctly. The present International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations in Science and Technology with appr. 680,000 entries in 8 volumes attempts to encompass the most important acronyms from the most diverse general and scientific fields. It does, however, limit itself to languages which use the Roman alphabet. The International Encyclopedia also lists common vernacular abbreviations in general use. Thus it goes beyond official terminology. Historical abbreviations have also been included. The flood of abbreviations is growing constantly and was reason to add two supplements to the edition. The supplements have appr. 170,000 entries again. Where the use of punctuation within the abbreviation is erratic, the most commonly-used form has been given preference. Further information of this nature can be found in the "Notes for the User".

Notes for the User 1.

The abbreviations are presented in alphabetical order from a to z. A, x, f, o, o, , u are arranged as ae, c, oe, ue. Symbols and (diacritic) signs such as . - ( ) [ ] " A° & + are of no importance in regard to the alphabetical order. 1.1. Alphanumeric sequences are listed in the alphabetical place of the respective letter(s). 1.2. Roman numerals are arranged in their value as literal character. Arabs numerals in alphanumeric sequences are arranged in their value as number. Abbreviations beginning with a number are arranged after the character z. 2. Styles of type are used as follows: 2.1. boldface for the abbreviation

Berlin, May 1999

2.2. plain for the remaining text 3. Within each entry (beginning with the abbreviation protruding to the left), the meanings are likewise listed a) in alphabetical order of the label indicating the language in which the abbreviation is used, b) in alphabetical order. 3.1. Each abbreviation is followed by the label indicating the area or sphere in which the abbreviation is used and/or the pertinent language. 3.2. The sign of equality (=) normally separates explanatory remarks (usually abbreviated) from each other as well as from the remaining text. In connection with the grammalogue of a language the colon (:) refers to a different expression in another language of the respective meaning. 3.3. Any additional explanations are enclosed in parentheses (). 3.4. Brackets [] are components of abbreviations as well as of meanings. However, parentheses are also used for marking a word that can be substituted for the preceding word, and for marking that part of a word, which, if omitted, will result in a different meaning or spelling.

Language Codes A a b c ch d e F f g H h i ir in j ko

Afrikaans Danish Bulgarian Czech Chinese German English Finnish French Greek Hungarian Hebrew Italian Irish Indonesian Japanese Korean

kr 1 ma N n P P ph R r ru S s se U z

Croatian Latin Malayan Norwegian Dutch Polish Portuguese Philippine Russian Swedish Romanian Slovenian Spanish Serbian Ukrainian Turkish





Abkürzungen, Akronyme und Initialen in ihren mannigfachen Erscheinungsformen begegnen uns heute überall und mehr denn je. Sie treten in allen Bereichen des täglichen und beruflichen Lebens auf; sie sind oft Grundlage von Dokumentation und Kommunikation und vielfach die entscheidenden Informationsträger. Ihre Bedeutung zu entschlüsseln, ist gleichwohl oft schwierig, manchmal unmöglich, weil geeignete Hilfsmittel fehlen oder diese nur schwer greifbar sind. Weil der Gebrauch und die Erfindung von Abkürzungen und Abbreviaturen in der ganzen Welt ständig zunehmen, vermag niemand allein auf diesem Gebiet alle Fragen zutreffend zu beantworten. Die vorliegende Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik, die ca. 680.000 Einträge in 8 Bänden verzeichnet, versucht, möglichst umfassend die wichtigsten Akronyme aus den unterschiedlichsten Fach- und Lebensbereichen zusammenzustellen. Dabei beschränkt sie sich freilich auf die "lateinisch" schreibende Welt. Die Internationale Enzyklopädie berücksichtigt auch alltagssprachlich übliche und gebräuchliche Formen. Sie enthält also nicht nur die offiziellen Versionen. Auch Abkürzungen, die der Vergangenheit angehören, sind aufgeführt. Die Flut neuer Abkürzungen gab Veranlassung zwei Supplementbände an die Hauptausgabe anzufügen. Diese verzeichnen nochmals ca. 170.000 Einträge. Abkürzungen, die teils mit, teils ohne Punkt geschrieben werden, sind nach der jeweils überwiegenden Verwendung verzeichnet. Im übrigen geben die "Hinweise für den Benutzer" alle Erläuterungen über die Anlage der Einträge wie des gesamten Werkes.

Hinweise für den Benutzer 1.

Die Abkürzungen werden in der alphabetischen Reihenfolge a...z gebracht. Ä, x, g, ö, ö, , ü werden wie ae, c, oe, ue eingereiht. Zeichen wie . - ( ) [ ] ~ A 0 & + sind für die alphabetische Reihe ohne Bedeutung. 1.1. Alphanumerische Folgen stehen an der von dem (den) Buchstaben bestimmten alphabetischen Stelle. 1.2. Römische Zahlzeichen werden nach ihrem Buchstabenwert eingereiht. Arabische Zahlzeichen innerhalb alphanumerischer Folgen werden nach ihrem Zahlenwert geordnet. Abkürzungen, die mit einer arabischen Ziffer beginnen, stehen nach dem Buchstaben Z.

Berlin, Mai 1999


2. 2.1. 2.2. 3.

3.1. 3.2.

3.3. 3.4.

Die Schriftarten werden wie folgt verwendet: halbfett für die Abkürzung Grundschrift für den übrigen Text Innerhalb einer (mit einer links herausgerückten Abkürzung beginnenden) Wortstelle sind die Bedeutungen a) nach ihrem Bedeutungsbereich (Sortierung Sprache), b) in ihrer alphabetischen Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Der Abkürzung folgt die Angabe der Sprache. Das Gleichheitszeichen (=) trennt im allgemeinen abgekürzte erläuternde Hinweise voneinander und vom übrigen Text. Der Doppelpunkt (:) in Verbindung mit einem Sprachkürzel verweist auf anderssprachige Bezeichnungen der entsprechenden Bedeutung. Sonstige Erläuterungen stehen in runden Klammem (). Eckige Klammern f] schließen Bestandteile von Abkürzungen und von Bedeutungen ein. Bei den Bedeutungen werden diese Klammem mitunter auch dazu benutzt, ein Wort zu kennzeichnen, das an die Stelle des vorangehenden gesetzt werden kann, bzw. Wortteile zu markieren, die, läßt man sie weg, eine andere Bedeutung oder eine andere Schreibung ergeben.

Sprachenkürzel A a b c ch d e F f g H h i ir in j ko

afrikaans dänisch bulgarisch tschechisch chinesisch deutsch englisch finnisch französisch griechisch ungarisch hebräisch italienisch irisch indonesisch japanisch koreanisch

kr 1 ma N n P P ph R r ru S s se U z

kroatisch lateinisch malaiisch norwegisch holländisch polnisch portugiesich philippinisch russisch schwedisch rumänisch slowenisch spanisch serbisch ukrainisch türkisch

Michael Peschke

Reversed Edition

GLc - J


Glc - Gz Gleichrichtung d: G R

Gleichstromprüfleitung d: G P r l


Gleichrichtung und Integration d: G l

Gleichstromprüfubertragung d: G P r U e


GLE Resources Ltd. e: G L E

Gleichspannung d: GS



Gleaner Life Insurance Society e: GLIS


GLCM Maintenance Management Information System e: G M M I S

Gleanings in Bee Culture e: G L B C A K , Gleanfings] Bee Cult,



d: G P P

Gleavers Reports e: Gl

Gleichstrom d: GL-Str., Gls[tr].,


d: G T


Glebe e: G L

Umetnost S: GLAIU

Gledalisca v Ljubljane (journ.) S:

Gledaliski List Slovenskega Narodnega Gledalisca v Mariboru (joum.) S:

GS-DS-Motor gl.






Gleichstrom-Fehl erortungsgerät




gleichbleibend d: glbl.


gleiche Teile d: gl.T.


gleichen Namen

d: gl.N.

d: G L U d:


gleicher Meinung d: gl.M.


gleiches Muster d: gl.M.


Gleichfeldlöschung d: G F L




Gleichgewicht d: Gl.-Gew.,




Gl eichstrom- S chwefelsäure-Verfahren

Gl[eich]gew. Gleichgewichts-Verdampfungsanalyse

Gleichstrom-Umsetzer d: GUs

gleichlaufend d: gleichl.

Gleichstrom-Umsetzer; gehend d: GUsg

Gleichlaufschwankung [en] d: GLS[ch]

Gleichstrom-Umsetzer; kommend



gleichnamig d: gleichn.

Gleichstromantrieb d: GSA Glr.,

Gleichrichter-Wechselrichter-Logik GR-WR-Logik Gleichrichterdiode

d: GI-Dio

Gleichrichterdiode fur Leistungselektronik d: GDL Gleichrichterspannung Gr-Spannung



GR d:

d: G W

Glen Cove Public Library e: NGIc

Gleichtaktfeuer d: Glt.

Glen Head Elementary School


Glen Morris Branch, South Dumfries

gleichwertiger Wasserstand d: G L W

Township Public Library, Ontario

gleichzeitig d: gl[eich]z.


Gleichzeitige Übertragung von Sprache

e: Glen P u b H Glen Ridge Free Public Library, Glen Ridge e: N j G l r i

gleisbogenabhängige Wagen-

Glen Valley Mine e: G V Y Glenayre Electronics Ltd. e: G L N

Gleislager d: Gl

Glenbow e: G L B O Glencair Resources, Inc. e: G C R

d: Gsp

Gleichstrommikromotor d: G M M

Gleitbombe d: G.B.

Gleichstrommotor d: G M

gleitend d: gl[td|.

Glenco International Corp. e: G C O Glencoe Public Library e: JAH Glendale Bancorporation e: G N B C Glendale College e: G C Glendale Law Review (journ.) e:

Gleitflug d: Glfl.

Glendale L[aw] R[ev]

Gleitkomma d: GI.[KJ. d: G N M

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

(journ.) e: Glen Reg Glen on the Public Health Laws (journ.)

Gleisbildstellwerk d: GS

Gleiswart d: Glw


Glen Oaks Community College,

Glen on Restration of Births and Deaths

Gleis d: Gl.



Centreville e: MiCeG

und Daten d: DOV

Gleichstrommaschine d: G M


Glen Innes [Australia] [Airport] e: G L I

d: GLS

Gleichwelle d: GW, e G W

Gleistechnik d: Gleistech.




Gleichung[en] d: Gl[n].

Gleichstromgenerator d: G G



Gleichstromwandler d: G W

Gleissperre d: Gs d: GAT


Glen Cove Middle School e; NGlcMS

kastensteuerung d: G S T

Gleichlichtsignal d: dc-Signal

Gleichrichter d: G[L],



d: gleichl.


Gleichstromwählprüfhetz d: G W P r N

Gleisbauzug d: Glbz.

Gleichheit d: Gleichh.

GCES Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Gleisauswechslung d: GA

d: Gs-Teil



Gleis- und Weichenleger d: GW1

d: GS-Verfahren Gleichstrom-Teil

d: EFV-Analyse

Glen Canyon Environmental Studies e:



Gleich- und Wechselrichter d: G W R


Gleichstromübertragung; kommend d:

e: GCA

Glen Canyon Bridge e: G C B


niedriger Sendespannung d: GDN

Glen Alden e: GA Glen Canyon

Gleichstromübertragung; gehend

Gleich ström-Doppel [an] schlußmotor

GLSNGM gleich d: -E,

Glen e: G[L]N


Gleich ström-Datenübertragung mit

Gleitwinkel d: GA Gleitzeit d: G L Z

Gl eichstrom Übertragung für Zählung d:

Niedrigpegel d: GDN


Gleitung d: Gleit.

Gleichstromübertragung d: GÜ

Gleichstrom-Datenübertragung mit



tung d: GT-Asl

Gleichstrom-Datenübertragung mit niedrigem Signalpegel d: GDN

Gledaliski List Slovenskega Narodnega

Gleitpunkt-Addition Normalisiert

Gl eichstrom tastung d: G T

Gl eichstrom telegrafiekanal- Ansch lußlei-

niedrigem Sendepegel d: GDN

Gledaliski List Akademije za Igralsko

Gleitkommaregister d: G K R


Gl eichstrom telegrafie d: G T

Gleichstrom-Datenübertragung mit




Gleichstromsteller d: GS|t] GS,

d: FPA

d: FPU

Gleitkommaoperationen je Sekunde

Gleichstromschleifen widerstand


Gleb-Goldstein Color Sorting Test e:




Gleason Corp. e: G L E


d: FA

Gleitkomma-Interpretiersystem GIPS

© K • G • Saur, Munich


Glendale Resources, Inc. e: GDU Glendalough

e: G L E N D A L


Glendive Glendive [Airport] e: GDV

Glider Developments, Inc. e: GRJ

Global Assessment e: GA

Glenex Industries, Inc. e: G[L]XI

Glider Flight Control Electronics

Global Assessment ofton Soil

Glenfed, Inc. e: GLN


Global Cerebral Metabolic Rate for Glucose e: GCMRGlc

Degradation e: GLASOD


Global Challenge Network e: GCN

Glengyle [Australia] [Airport] e: GLG

Glider Flying Area e: GFA

Global Assessment Scale e: GAS

Glenmary Research Center e: GRC

Glider Infantry e: G Infy, e: GI

Global Assimilation and Prognosis

Glenmore Distilleries Co. e: GDS,

Glider Operational Training Unit



Global Atmosphere Gases Experiment




Global Atmosphere Tropical Experiment

Gliding Deceleration Technology System

Glens Falls e: GFL


Glens Highway Laws (journ.) e: Glen High

Gliding Federation of Australia e: GFA Gliding Horse and Pony Registry

Glenvet Resources Ltd. e: GVT

GHPR Gliding School e: GS

Glenwood Landing Elementary School

Glied ¿. Gl.

e: NGlwES


d: GAV

Gletscher d: Gl.

Glimmerfeingewebeband d: GliF

Gletscherkunde d: Gletscherkd.

Glimmlampe d: GL

Gleyhorizont d: G-Hortzont

Gli Ebbrei nell'Alto Medioevo (joum.) i: Ge

Gllmp K[a]sh Cult

Glia Precursor e: GP

Glioma e: Gl-a

Glial Cells e: GC

Gliomatosis Peritonei e: GP


Glial Growth Promoting Factor GGPF

Glial Maturation Factor e: GMF Glial-Neuron Cell Adhesion Molecule e: GNCAM

e: OC1G

(joum.) e: Global Atmos Res

Global Change Research Program

Programme Publ Ser

Global e: Glo,


Program[me] e: GASP


Glide Slope Aerial (or Antenna) e: GSA Glide Slope Indicator e: GSI Glide Slope Receiver

e: GSR

Glide Slope Reference Bar e: GSRB Glide Speed Indicator e: GSI Glider e: GLD[R],


Glider Badge e: GliBad Glider Bomb e: G[LOM]B

Mainz e: MOGUNTIA e:

Global Backscatter Experiment

System e: GAINS



Global Ballistic Missile Defense e:



Global Climate Coalition e:

Global Climate Observing System

Pure Appl Adv

Global Biome Model e: BIOME

Digital Database e: S O T E R Global Anesthesiology Server Network e: GASNET

GLOBUS Global Call Identifier e: GCID

Global Area Coverage e: GAC

© K • G • Saur, München

e: GCOSF Global Climate Perspectives System

Global Broadcasting System e: GBS Global Budget of the Stratosphere


GCOS Global Climate Observing System Fund

Global Biome Model-Biogeochemical Cycle e: BIOME-BGC

Global and National Soils and Terrain

e: GCC

Global Climate Model e: GCM

GBA Global Biodiversity Strategy e: GBS



Global Climate Convention e: GCC

Advanced (joum.) e: Global Anal

Global And Local Radar Imager e:

e: GCA


Global Battle Manager e: GBM Global Biodiversity Assessment

Global Citizens Association

Global Climate Change Digest

Global Baseline Surface Radiation Network e: GBSRN

Global Analysis Pure and Applied.


Global Climate Change e: GCC

Global Ballistic Transport e: G B T

Global Analysis, Interpretation and

Global Circulation Dust and Smoke

Global Circulation Model e: GCM



GCTM Global Chemistry Model e: GChM


Global Area Network e: GAN


Global Chemical Transport Model

Global Atmospheric Watch e: GAW

Global Alliance for Womens Health

Glide Slope e: GLD,

Global Chart of the World e: GCW

Global atmospheric transport model from



Research and Training e: START

Global Atmospheric Sampling

Estimation e: GAPE Global Air Sampling Program[me]

Global Change System for Analysis,

Laboratory e: GASLAB

Global Address e: GA



Global Atmospheric Sampling

Global Alignment Network e: GAN

Glide Scope Indicator e: GSI

Office e: GCRIO


Glide Path Landing e: GPL

Glide Return to Launch Site e: GRTIS

Global Change Research Information

the Law of Scotland (joum.) e:

Glide Path Intercept Point e: GPIP

Glide Return to Landing Site e: GRTIS


Programfme] e: GARP

Global Airborne Integrated Navigation

Glide Path Landing System e: GPLS


Global Change Research in the Antarctic

Global Change Research Plan e: GCRP

Global Agricultural Productivity

Glide Path Indicator e: GPI

Global Change Network

Programme. Publications Series

Glide Angle e: G[/]A

Glide Path e: GP



Global Atmospheric Research

Global Address Space e: GAS

Glide Bomb Unit e: GBU

Global Change Master Directory

Global Atmospheric Research

Global Address List e: GAL

Glide Bomb e: GLOMB

e: GCTE Global Change Institute e: GCI

Gloag and Hendersons Introduction to

Glide and Skip e: GLIP

Glide Angle Indicator Light e: GAIL

Aerosols and Gases e: GAMETAG

e: G A P M

Global Action Plan e: GAP

Glidden Co. Research Library, Cleveland



Global Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems

Experiments] of7on Tropospheric

Global Atmospheric Prediction Model

Glitter Gold Mines e: GGM

Global Change Education Program

Global Change Encyclopedia e: G C E

Program[me] e: GAMP

glittering e: glit e:


Global Atmospheric Chemical (or

Global Atmospheric Measurements

Glitter[ing] e: GLIT

Glial Growth Factor e: GGF

Working Group e: GCDMWG Global Change Database Project e:

Radiation Supply e: GAARS


Glioblastoma e: GBa

Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein e: GFA,

Global Change Data Management

Global Atmospheric Measurements

Glimpses of Kashmir Culture (journ.) e:

Global Change Data and Information System e: GCDIS

Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment

Glimmrelais d: GR

e: GN


Global Change Data Center e: GCDC

Chemistry) Survey e: GLOCHEM

Glimmer Resources, Inc. e: GME

e: GCC


Res Programme Pub

Radiation Study e: GAARS


Glenwood Springs e: GWS

Global Change Category

Global Atmospheric and Aerosol

Gliederungsgesichtspunkt[e] d GGP


Global Change Climate and History

Global Atmospheric and Aerosol

Gliederung d: Gl[dg]

Glenwood Public Library, Newfoundland

Global Change Catalog System

Global Atmospheric e: Global Atmos

Experiment e: GAAREX

Glenville State College e: GSC


Global Atmosphere Watch e: GAW

Global Atmospheric Aerosol Radiation


Global Change and the Antarctic



Gliding Club e: GC



e: G A R P

Gliding Angle e: G/A

Glenns Annual Reports (journ.) e:


Global Atmosphere Research Programme

Gliding e: G

tems [Program of the IGBP] GCTE


Glider Pilot e: GP Glider Pilot Regiment e: GPR

Glenn E. Schembechler Hall

Complexity e: G C E C Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosys-

System e: GASP



Glenmuick [New Zealand] [Airport] e:

Global Change and Ecological



GCPS Global Climatic Change e: GCC Global Cloud Systems Study e: GCSS Global Coalition for Africa e: GCA

Global Call Identifier-Information Element e: GCID-IE

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Global Inventory Project Global Coastal and Near-Shore Monitoring System e: GCNSMS Global Collecting Centre e: GCC Global Combat Support System e: GCSS

Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank e: GDSIDB Global Digital Seismograph Network e: GDSN Global Digital Service Unit e: GDSU

Global Command and Control System e: GCCS, e: GOAL Global Command, Control, Communica-

Global Directory Agent e: GDA Global Directory of Marine Scientists e: GLODIR

Global Environmental Change Report e: GECR Global Environmental Coip. e: GLEN Global Environmental Data Directory e: GEDD Global Environmental Epidemiology Network e: GEENET Global Environmental Facility e: GEF

tions and Computers Assessment e:

Global Directory Service e: GDS

Global Environmental Fund e: GEF


Global Drifter Center (or Centre) e:

Global Environmental Management

Global Committee of Parliamentarians on


Population and Development e:

Global Drifter Programme e: GDP


Global Ecology and Water Cycle

Global Communication^] e: GLO[B][E]COM[M] Global Communications (journ,) e: Global Commun Global Communication^] Satellity System e: GCSS Global Communication^] System e: GCS,

GL[0] [BE]COM,

GLOIB] [EJCOM S [ystem] Global Community Center e: GCC Global Community Health e: GCH Global Competitiveness Council e: GCC Global Conceptional Scheme e: GCS Global Conference on the Sustainable

Experiment e: GWEX Global Ecosystem Numerical Estimation Using Satellite Imaging Systems e: GENESIS Global Education Associates e: GEA Global Electro-Optical Systems Environment Matrix e: GEOSEM Global Electrodynamics Monitor e: GEM Global Electronic Mail Service e: GEM Service Global Electronic Markets Company e: GEMCO Global Emergency Medicine Archives e: GEMA

Development of Small Island

Global Emissions Database e: GloED

Developing States e: GCSDIDS

Global Emissions Inventory Activity e:

Global Congress of the Worlds Religions e GCWR Global Continental Palaeohydrology Project e: GLOCOPH Global Continental-Scale International Project e: GCIP Global Control e: GC Global Control Point e: GCP Global Control Unit e: GCU Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network e. GCRMN Global Current Meter Pilot Project e: GCMPP Global Data Administrator e: GDA Global Data Area e: GDA Global Data Base e: GDB


Initiative e: GEMI Global Environmental Monitoring Service e: GEMS Global Environmental Monitoring Service / Programme Activity Centre e: GEMS/PAC Global Environmental Monitoring System e: GEMS Global Environmental Network for Information Exchange e: GENIE Global Environmental Research e: GER Global Environmental Research Organization e: GERO Global Environmental Trust Fund e: GETF Global Error Recovery Mechanism e: GERM Global European [transmission] Network

d: GEN Global Exchange Carrier Corp. e: GXC

Global Horizontal Sounding Technique e: GHOST Global Human Information Use per Decade e: GHIUD Global Imager e: GLI Global Impact of Application Microbiology e: GIAM Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology e: GIAM Global Income Plus Fund, Inc. e: GLI Global Indexing System e: GI[S] Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute e: GISPRI Global; Industrial; and Systematic Cooperation e: GISC Global Information and Early Warning System [for Food and Agriculture] e: GIEWS Global Information Environment e: GIE Global Information Exchange System[s] e: GLOBIXS Global Information Infrastructure e: Gil Global Information Infrastructure Commission e: GIIC Global Information Network e: GIN Global Information Network on Chemicals e: GINC Global Information Services, Inc. e: GIS

Global Energy e: GEWEX

Global External Scheme e: GES

Global Information Solutions e: GIS

Global Energy and Water Cycle

Global Finance Information e: GFI

Global Information System e: GIS

Global Force-Displacement Equation e:

Global Information System Test e:

Experiment e: GEWEX Global energy and Water Cycle Experiment Cloud System Study e: GCSS Global Energy and Water Experiment e: GEWEX Global Energy Balance Archive e: GEB A

GFDE Global Forces Trends Data Base e: GFTD Global Forcing Contribution e: GFC Global Forecasting and Supply System c: GFSS Global Functional Plane e: GFP

Global Energy Ltd. e: GYC

Global Futures Network e: GFN

Global Energy Network International e:

Global Geospace Science e: GGS

GENI Global Energy Operations & Management Co. e: GEOMAN

Global Geospace Science Polar Spacecraft e: Polar Global Geospace Science Wind

GIST Global Instructional Chemistry e: GIC Global Instrumentation Control System e GICS Global Integrated Assessment Models e: GIAM Global Integrated Monitoring System e: GIMS Global Integration and Model[l]ing e: GIM Global Integration and Systhesis e: GIAS

Global Data Base System e: GDBS

Global Engineering Documents e: GED

Global Data Centre e: GDC

Global Enterprise Management e: GEM

Global Geospace Study e: GGS

Global Interdependence Center e: GIC

Global Data Graphics Display e: GD

Global Environment Change e: GEC

Global Government Plus Fund, Inc. e:

Global International Airways e: GX

Global Data Link e: GDL

Global Environment Change Report e:

Global Data Manager e: GDM Global Data Processing System e: GDPS Global Data Router e: GDR Global Data Systems e: GD Global Decision Support System e: GDSS Global Descriptor Table e: GDT Global Descriptor Table Register e: GDTR Global Descriptor Table Register Cache e: GDTRC Global Deterioration Scale e: GDS

GECR Global Environment Facility e: GEF Global Environment Fund e: GEF Global Environment Monitoring System e; GEMS Global Environment Research Group e: GERG Global Environmental and Ecological

Spacecraft e: WIND

GOV Global Government Plus Fund Ltd. e: GGF Global Growth & Income Fund, Inc. e: GGF Global Health and Environment Library Network e: GELNET Global Health Disaster Network e: GHDNet

Simulation of Interactive Systems e:

Global Health Network e: GHNet


Global Health Sciences Fund e: GHS

Global Environmental Change e: GEC Global Environmental Change and Human Security e: GECHS

Global Digest (journ.) e: GD

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

Global Hierarchical Observing Strategy e: GHOST Global Historical Climate (or Climatology) Network e: GHCN

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Global Intelligence e: GI, GLINT

Global International Water Assessment e. GIWA Global Internet Exchange e: GIX Global Internet Project e: GIP Global Interrogation, Recording and Location System e: GIRLS Global Inventory in the Northern Hemisphere e: GINA Global Inventory Modeling and Monitoring Study e: GIMMS Global Inventory Monitoring and Modelling Studies e: GIMMS Global Inventory Mounting Modeling and Simulation e: GIMMS Global Inventory Project e: GIP


Global Investigation of Global Investigation of Pollution in the

Global Method Shift Keying e: GMSK

Marine Environment e: GIPME

Global Mobile information systems e:

Global Ionospheric Studies e: GIS


Global Ocean Floor Analysis and

Global Plotting Chart e: GPC

Research e: GOFAR

Global Point Warning e: GPW

Global Ocean Flux e: G O F

Global Position System e: GPS Global Position System Consortium e:

Global Issues e: GIS

Global Mobile Phone e: GMP

Global Ocean Flux Study e: GOFS

Global Jewish Database e: GJD

Global Mobile Phone Standard e: GMP

Global Ocean Monitoring e: GOM


Global LAN e: GLAN Global Land AVHRR Sampled e:

Global Ocean Monitoring Payload

Global Mobile Professional e: GMP Global Modelling of Atmospheric

GLAS Global Land Cover Test Sites e:

Chemistry e: GLOMAC Global Money Transfer e: GMT

GLCTS Global Land Information System e:

Global Monitoring for Climate (or Climatic) Change e: G M C C


Global Natural Resources, Inc. e: GNR

Global Land-Ocean River Inputs

Global Navigation and Planning Chart

database e: G L O R I Global Land One kilometer Base

e: GNPC Global Navigation Chart e: GNC

Elevation e: GLOBE

Global Navigation Satellite System[s] e:

Global Land Use e: GLU


Global Learning e: GL Global Learning and/by Observations to


Global Navigation Station e: GNS

Benefit the Environment [Programme]

Global Navigation System e: GNS


Global Negotiations e: GNs

Global Legislators Organisation (or

Global Network Academy e: GNA

Organization) for a Balanced

Global Network for Environmental

Environment e: GLOBE

Monitoring e: GNEM

Global Lending and Overseas Banking Evaluator e: GLOB[-]E Navigation Computer Equipment e: GLANCE Computing Equipment e: GLANCE Global Lightweight Airborne Navigation Computer Equipment e: GLANCE Global Limb Photometric Scanning Experiment e: GLIMPSE Global LORAN [Long Range

Global Network of Isotopes in

[Satellite] e: G L O M R

Precipitation e: GNIP

GMDS Global Management System e: GMS Global Marine Corp. t C M C [program] e: GLOBEC

Environment e: GLOBE Global Observing Systems of GCOS, Global Observing Systems Space Panel

Interactions e: GOALS

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System e: GMDSS Global Marketplace e: GM Global Mean Water Line e: G M W L Global Memory e: GM Global Message Handling Service e: GMHS Global Message Handling System e: GMHS Global Messaging Service e: GMS Global Meteorological Experiment e: GLOMEX Global [Meteorological Ground] Telecommunications System e: GTS Global Meteorological Satellite System

[program] e: GOALS Global Ocean Camers Ltd e: GIBLOCN

Computation e: GOSSTCOMP

Control Center e: GPS NCC Global Positioning System Program


Contractor e: GPS P C

Global Ocean Surveillance System

Global Positioning System[s] e: GPS

Glossary e: GLOSS

Global Precipitation Chemistry Project

Global Ocean Velocity Pilot Project e: GOVPP Global Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment e: G L O M E X

Global Ocean Carriers Ltd. e: GLBIN,

and Rescue [Project] e: GODAR GOES

Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment e: GODAE Global Ocean Database 1996 e:

Global Offset Table e: GOT

Global Ocean-Ecosystem Coupling e:


GLOBEC [programme] e: GLOBEC Global Ocean Euphotic Zone Study e:

Global On-Line Data e: GOLD

Global Primary Productivity Data Initiative e: GPPDI Global Processing Center (or Centre) e: GPC

Global Orbiting [and] Navigation

Global Program Line Editor e: GPLE

Satellite System e: GLONASS

Global Program on AIDS [Acquired


© K • G • Säur, München

Immune Deficiency Syndrome] e: GPA

Global Oscillations at Low Frequency

Global Programme Editor e: GPLE Global Programme of Action for the

e: G O L F Global Outdial e: GOD

Protection of the Marine Environment

Global Outreach e: GO

from Land-based Activities e:

Global Ozone Mapping Experiment e:

Launch System e: GP[A]ALS

Occultation of Stars e: GOMOS Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment Global Ozone Monitoring Instrument e:

Strikes e: GPALS GLOW Global Radio Navigation System e:

Global Ozone Monitoring Radiometer

GRANAS Global Range Ballistic Missile e: grbm

Global Ozone Monitoring System e:

Global-Range Ballistic Missile e: GRBM

Global Ozone Observing System e:

Global Range Missile e: GRM Global Recycling Network e: CRN

GOOS Global Ozone Research And Monitoring

Global Redevelopment with Energy Environment Sustainability e: GREENS

Global Ozone Sensor e: GOS

Global Reference Code e: GRC Global Regular Expression Print e:


Global Protection Against Limited Global Radar for Ocean Waves e:

e: G O M E

Global Perspectives in Education

GPA-LBA Global Protectinn Against Accidental

Global Ozone Monitor[ing] by

Global Planning System e: GPS


Project e: GPCP-AIP Global Precision System e: GPS

Global Perspective Country Outlooks e:

Global Ocean Ecosystem[s] Dynamics

e: GPCP Project-Algorithm Intercomparison

Programme e: GORMP


Program e: G P C P Global Precipitation Climatology Project Global Precipitation Climatology



(or Centre) e: G P C C Global Precipitation Climatology

Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology


e: GPCP Global Precipitation Climatology Center


er. G O R C

Global Positioning System Network

Global Ocean Surveillance System e:


Global Ocean Carbon Research Program

Global Positioning System Demonstration Receiver e: GPSDR

Global Ocean Sea Surface Temperature



Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System GMI


Global Oscillation Network Group e:

Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land-Surface

Global Marine Ecosystem Dynamics

Global Ocean Sea Surface Temperature

Global Options e: GO

Global Observations of Forest Cover e:

GPSS Global Positioning Services e: GPS

Global Operating System e: GOS

GOOS and GTOS e: G 3 0 S

Global Management Bureau e: GMB


Global Observation Information Network e: GOIN

Global Positioning Satellite e: GPS Global Positioning Satellite System e:

Global Opbons e: G O

Global Observing System e: GOS

Global Managed Data Services e:

GOMS Global Ocean Observing System e:

Global Network Service e: GNS

Global Observations to Benefit the

Global Low Ort>it[ing] Message Relay

Monitoring e: GPSIM

Global Omnibus Environmental Survey


Navigation] Chart e: GLC


Global Network of Automatic Telescopes

Global Observation System e: GOS

Global Logistics System e: GLS

Program e: GMSS

Global Network Navigator e: GNN e: gnat.

Global Lightweight Air Navigation

Studies e: GOMPS Global Ocean Monitoring Satellite e:

Global Oceans Ecosystems Dynamics e:


Global Lightenergy weight Airborne

Global Marine, Inc. e: GLM,

Global Network Meta-Data File e:

GPSCO Global Position System Integrity


GREP Global Regular-Expression Purser e: GREP

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Glossari di Lingua Global Relation Object e: GE Global 2000. Report to the President. Volume I (joum.) e: Global One Global 2000. Report to the President. Volume 2 (joum.) e: Global Two Global Rescue Alarm Net[work] e: GRAN Global Research Network on Sustainable Development e: GRNSD Global Resource Information Database e: GRID Global Resource Serialization e: GRS Global Resources Information System

Global Telecommunication^] System e. GTS Global Temperature and Salinity Pilot Program e: GTSPP Global Temperature [and] Salinity Pilot Project e: GTSPP Global Temperature Salinity Profile Programme e: GTSPP Global Terrestrial Observing System e: GTOS Global Theater Weather Analysis and Prediction System e: GTWAPS Global Time Server e: GTS

Global Wanning Potential e: GWP Global Water e: GW Global Water Quality Monitoring Programme e: GEMS/WATER

Globetrotter Communications, Inc. e: GCI Globewide Network Academy e: GNA Globigerina e: Gl, GL

Global Weather Center e: GWC

Globin Insulin e: GI

Global Weather Central e: GWC

Globo s: G

Global Weather Experiment e: GWE

Globorotaliid e: GR

Global Weather Facsimile Network e:


GWFN Global Weather Intercept Position e: GWIP Global [weather] Observing Systems e: GOS

xin-R e: GbOse3cer globular d: g, e: g[lob] Globular Cluster e: GC Globular-Cluster Luminosity Function e: GCLF

Global Time Service e: GTS

Global West e: GW

Globular-Fibrous e: G[-]F

Global Runoff Data Centre e: GRDC

Global Title Translation e: GTT

Global Wind Measurements e: GWM

Globule e: G[lob]

Global Satellite Data Acquisition Team

Global Title Transmission e: GTT

Globale Atmosphärenüberwachung d:

Globule-Fibril e: GF


e: GSAT Global Satellite Navigation System e: GSNS Global Satellite System e: GSS Global Scheduling Multiple Access e: GSMA Global Sea Level Monitoring Programme e: GSLMP Global Sea Level Observing System e: GLOSS Global Sea Surface Temperature

Global Tomorrow Coalition e: GTC Global Tracer Scientific Panel e: GTSP Global Tracking e: GLOTRAC(K) Global Tracking Network e: GLOTRACfK Network) Global Tracking [Radar] e: GLOTRAC Global Tracking System e: GLOTRACfK System] Global Tracking Systems e: GTS Global Traffic Meeting e: GTM Global Transportation System e: GTN

GAW Globales Energie- und Wasserkreislauf Experiment d: GEWEX

Globus d: Gl, e GI Globus Growth Group, Inc. e: GPIX

Atmosphäre d: GARP Globales Telekommunikationsnetz d: GTS Globally Accessible Services e: GLASS Globally Averaged Surface Temperature

Global Security Architecture e: GSA

Global Trend[s] Network e: GTN

Globally Finite-Pulse Stable e: GFPS

Global Sedimentary Geology Program

Global Tropical Disease Research

Globally optimized Alternating phase

Global Sequential Local Par e: GSLP Global Services Space Systems e: GSSS Global Shared Memory e: GSM Global Shared Resources e: GSR Global Solar Radiation Index e: GSRI Global Space Transport e: GST Global Spectral Ocean Wave Model e: GSOWM Global Standards Collaboration e: GSC

Program e: TDR Global Tropospheric Carbon Dioxide Network e: GLOCARB Global Tropospheric Chemistry Experiment e: GTCE Global Tropospheric Chemistry Program[me] e: GTCP Global Tropospheric Experiment e: GTE Global Tropospheric Ozone Network e: GLONET Global Unified Theory e: GVPN

Global Storage Table e: GST

Global Universal Identifier e: GUID

Global Strategy Corp. e: GSY

Global User Service Task e: GUST

Global Strategy Fund e: GS F

Global Utility Fund e: GL

Global Stratotype Section and Point e:

Global Van Lines e: GVL

GSSP Global Studies Program e: GSP Global Studies Program Office e: GSPO Global- Support Software e: GSR Global Surface Radiation Network e: GSRN


Rectangular Pulse e. GARP Globally; Parallel; Locally Sequential Scheme e: GPLS Scheme Globally Unique Identifier e: GUID Globalstrahlung d: G Globe (journ.) e: Gl Globe and Mail e: G&M, GAM Globe and Mail Report on Business. Globe and Mail Limited (journ.) e: Globe Mail Rep Bus Globe Mail Ltd Globe Ball Valve e: GBV Globe Encyclopaedia (journ.) e: Gl Ency Globe Mackay Cable and Radio Corp. e: GMCR Globe Microphone Evaluation e: GME

Global Vegetation Index e: GVI

Globe Ocean Caniers Ltd. e: GLO

Global Virtual Private Network e:

Globe SAR e: GlobeSAR

GVPN Global Virtual Time e: GVT Global VLBI Working Group e: GVWG

Globe Stop Hose Valve e: GSHV Globe Stop Lift Check Valve e: GSLCV Globe Stop Radiator Valve e: GSRV

Global Volcanism Network e: GVN

Globe Stop Valve e: GSV

Global Surveillance Station e: GSS

Global-Waing Potential e: GWP

Globe Terrestre f: GT

Global Surveillance System e: GSS

Global War Avoidance

Globe Thermometer e: GT

Global System for Mobile [telecommunications e: GSM Global System [for] Mobile[s] e: GSM Global Tape Recording Exchange e: GTRD, e: GTRE

Telecommunications System e:

Globe Universal Services e: GUS


Globe Value e: glv

Global Ward Behaviour Scale e: GWBS Global Warming e: GW

Globe Valve e: GLV Globe-Wernicke e: G-W GLOBEC Core Programme e: GCP

Global Teach e: GT

Global-Warming Factor e: GWF

Globes e: GLBS

Global Telecommunications e: GT

Global Warming Impact Model e:

Globesat Holding Cotp. e: GSAT

Global Telecommunications Fund e: GTF


GlobeThermometer e: GT

Global-Wanning Index e: GWI

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

Globuline] d: G

Globales Programm zur Erforschung der

Global Treasury Service e: GTS


Globulin Insulin e: GI

Globales Netzwerk d: GAN

Computation e: GOSSTCOMP

Global Seismic Network e: GSN

Globulin d: Glob, e: GLOB

e K • G • Saur, Munich

Globus Pallidus e: GP Glocke d: Gl. Glockenspiel d: Glock. Glockentonne d: GI.Tn. Glohal Issues [Program] e: GIS Glomar Challenger e: GC Glomenrular Complement Receptor e: GCR Glomenular Capillary Wall e: GCW Glomerular Basement Membrane e: GBM Glomerular Filtrate e: GF Glomerular Filtration Rate[s] e: GFR Glomerular Index e: GI Glomerular Nephritis e: GN, /.- GN Glomerular Sclerosis e: GS Glomerulo-Tubulo-Nephritis e: G[L|TN, / GITN Glomerulo-Tubulonephritis d: GTN, e: GTN Glomeruloeystic Kidney e: GCK Glomerulonephritis d: GN Glomerulum-Filtrat d GF Glomerural Filtration Rate


Glomus Intraradices e: GI Glon Kristy Resource[s] e: GKI Gloom[y] e: G Gloria I: GI. Gloria in excelsis Deo /; GI. Gloria Patri I: GP Glory Explorations e: GVE Glösa Education Organisation e: GEO Glösa International Language Network e: GILN Gloss e: GI Gloss Factor d: GF Glossa r GI Glossa Ordinaria (joum.) i: GI Ord Glossaire des Patois de la Suisse Romande / GPSR Glossari di Lingua Contemporanea (journ.) i: GLC


Glossaria Interpretum Glossaria Interpretum (joum.) I: GI

Glow Start e: GS

Glucose-1-Phosphate e: G-l-P

Glutamate Synthetase e: GltS

Glossaria Latina (joum.) /: Gloss Lat

Glow Tube e: GT

Glucose-6-Phosphate e: G-6-P

Glutamatesemi aldehyde e: GSA

Glossary e: GL[OS][S],

Glowna Komisja Badania Zbrodni

Glucose-Phosphate Dehydrogenase e:

Glutamatic Oxaloacetatic Transaminase


Glossary Function List e: GFL

Hitlerowskich (joum.) P: GKBZH

Glossary of Acarological Terminology (joum.) e: Glossary Acarol

Glowna Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa (journ.) P: GZOB


e: G O T

GPDH Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase e:

Glutamic Acid e: Glu,




Gloxinian e: GLOXAC

Glucose Phosphate Isomerase e: GPI

Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase e: GAD

Glossary of EPA Acronyms e: GEA

Gloxinian (joum.) e: GLOXAC


Glutamic Decarboxylase e: GLDC

Glossary of Genetics and Cytogenetics

Glucagon e: Gg

GGC Glossary of Merchant Ship Types e: GMST

Glucagon-Like Immunoreactant e: GLI

Glucose Phosphorylase B e: GPB

Glutamic Dephosphatase e: GLDP

Glucagon-Like Immunoreactive e: GLI

Glucose, Post Prandial e: GLPP


GLI Glucinium d: Gl, e: Gl

Glossopharyngeal Breathing e: GPB

Glückauf Forschungshefte (joum.) d:

e G-6-PDH

Gloucester City Library e: NjGl

Glucoaniylase Unit e: GAU

Gloucester County College, Sewell e:

Glucocorticoid d: GC

NjSewG Gloucester County College, Voorhees e:

Woodbury e: NjWdHi

Gloucester High School, Ontario e: OGHS e: G M M A Gloucester Township [Blackwood] Library, e: NjBla Service e: GTIS Glove Valve e: GLV Glovebox e: GB Glover Tower e: GT Glovers Municipal Corporations e: Glov Mun Cor Glovers Mutual Aid Society e: GMAS Glovertown Public Library,

Glutaminyl-tRNA [Transfer Ribonucleic

Glue-Laminated wooden beam[s] e:

Gluconolactone e: GL Gluconsäure d: E 574

Glue Line Heating e: GLH

Glutamyl-P-Nitroanilide e: GPNA

Glucophosphate Isomerase e: GPI

Glue Weld Joint e: G W J


Glued Laminated [Wood] e: GLULAM

Glutamyl Traspeptidase e: GT[P]


Glow Discharge Mass Spectroscopy


GDMS Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy e: GDOES Glow-Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy e: GDOES Glow Discharge [Optical] Spectroscopy e: GD[0]S Glow Discharge Polymer e: GDP Glow-Discharge Spectrometry e: GDS Glow Discharge Tube e: GDT Glow International (joum.) e: Glow Glow Plug e: G L P G


e: GP

Glutamyltransferase d: GT


Glucorticoid e: GC

Glühkat[h]ode d: GK

Glutamyltranspeptidase d: GGTP

Glucosamin e: Glcn

Glühlampe d: GL


Glucose e: GI(u)c[o)

Glukoamylaseeinheit d: GAU

Glutanlic Pyruvic Transaminase e: GPT

Glucose and Saline e: GS

Glukokortikoide d: S-Kortikoide

Glutaraldehyd d: GA

Glucose Consumption Rate e: GCR

Glukose d: G

Glutaraldehyde-Dichromate e: GD

Glucose DeHydrogenase e: GDH

Glukose-Monophosphat d: GMP

Glutathion-Peroxidase e: GPx

Glukose-Oxydase d: GOD

Glutathione e: GSH

Glucose Electrolyte Solution e: GES



Glutathione [Reduced Form] e: GSH

Glukose Toleranztest d: GTT

Glutathione Reductase e: GR

Glukoseassimilationskoeffizient d:

Glutathione-S-Transferase e: GST Glutathionreduktase d: GR


Glucose, Insulin and Potassium e: GIK


Gluten-Free e: G F Gluten-Free Diet e: GFD

d: GOD/POD-Methode Glumitocin e: GT

Gluten Intolerance Group e: GIG

Gluta [gluta travancorica] Timber e:

Gluten Intolerance Group of North

GLU Timber

Glucose/Nitrogen e: G/N

Glutathione [Oxidized Form] e: GSSG

Glukose-Toleranzfaktor d: G T F


Glucose Infusion Rate e: GIR


Glutathione Peroxidase e: GPx


Glucose Insulin Tolerance Test e:


Acid] Synthetase e: GlnRS Glutamyl e: E, e: Glu

Glu la m [s]

Glucose in Water e: G/W

Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry e:



Glucuronosyltransferase e: GT

Glucose in Normal Saline e: G/NS

Glow-Discharge Lamp Source e: GDLS


Glucu[e]ronide e: Glucur

Glutaminyl-RNA Synthetase e: GlmRS

d: E 575

Glow Discharge Cleaning e: GDC Glow Discharge Lamp e: GDL

Glucosephosphate Isomerase e: GPI



Glow Discharge Condition e: GDC

Glucose Utilization Rate e: GUR

Glutaminyl e: Gin

Glucose/Galactose Malabsorption e:

Glow Discharge e: GD

Synthetase e: GlnRS Glutaminsäure d: E 620, GLU

Glucuronidase e: GCR, GUS

Glucose-Free Hanks e: GFH

Gloves e: GLV

Glutamine-Transfer Ribonucleic Acid

Glucuronic Acid e: G[lcu]A

Glucose-Free Dialysate e: GFD

Newfoundland e: NFGLO


Glutamine Synthetase e: G[L][N|S

Gluconic Acid e: GlcA

Glucopyranosyl Isothiocyanate e:

Gloucestershire Technical Information

Glutamine e: Gin, Gtu[NH2l,

Glucose Turnover e: GT

Glucono-delta-Lactone e: GDL

Gloucester Master Mariners Association

Glutamin Acid e: GA, Glu

Glucose Transporter e: G[LU]T



Glucose Tolerance Test e: G T T Glucose-Transport-System d: GTS, e:

Glucocorticoid Receptor e: GR

Glucocorticoid Respons[iv]e Element e:

Gloucester Fisheries Association e:

GPT-C Glutamin d: G[L]N

Glucocorticoid Hormone e: GCH


Gloucester County Historical Society.

Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase-C e:

Glucose Tolerance Factor e: G T F


Glucocorticoid Receptor Protein e:


Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase e: GPT

Glucose to Nitrogen Ratio e: G/N R Glucose Tolerance e: GT

Gluclose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase

Adjustment e: GLAD

Glucose Regulated Protein e: GRP



GLOTRAC [Global Tracking]



Glucose Ringer-Phosphate Solution e:

Glossopharyngeal e: Gloss Glostrup a: Glo[str]

Glutamic Dehydrogenase e: GLDH


Glucagon-Like Immunoreactivity e:

Glossary of Naval Ship Types e: GNST


America e: GIGNA

Glucose Nitrogen Ratio e: G/N Ratio

Glutagen Sensitive Enteropathy e: GSE

Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy e: GSE

Glucose Oxidase e: glu ox, e: GO, e:


Gluteus Medius /. GM



GOD, e. GOx


Glucose Oxidase-Peroxidase e:

Glutathione Peroxidase e: GSHPx d:



Glycemphosphate Dehydrogenase e: GPD

Glucose Oxydation Quotient e: GOQ

Glutamatdehydrogenase d: GLD[H]

Glyceraldehyde e: Gra

Glucose-1-Phosphat d: G-l-P

Glutamatdekarboxylase d: GAD

Glyceraldehyde 3-P Dehydrogenase e:

Glucose-6-Phosphat d: G-6-P

Glutamate-Citrate e: GC



Glutamate Dehydrogenase e: G[L|D[H] Glutamate Manufacturers Technical

G6PD Glucose Phosphate e: GP

© K G - Saur, München

Committee e: GMTC

G3PD Glyceraldehyde Phosphate e: GAP Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase e: G(A)PDH

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

GOAL Glycine, Glycine Phenylalanine, Leucine



Dehydrogenase e: GA3PD

Glykosaminoglykane d: GAG

GNI Group, Inc. e: GNUC

Glykosaminoglykanpolysulfat d

Gnom d: Gn.

Glyceric Acid e: Gri

Glycine Mosaic Virus e: GMV

Glycerin d: E 422, e: GLYC

Glycine Mottle Virus e: GMOV

Glycerin and Water Enema e: GWE

Glycine Receptor e: GlyR

Reports (joum.) e: C.[l|(yn]&J[am]

Glycerin in Water e. Glyc In W

Glycinecresol Red e: GCR


Glycerin Oleate e: GO

Glycinenaphthol Violet e: GNV

Glyn Valley Railway e: GVR

Gnostic Concepts, Inc. e: GCI

Glycerin-l-Phosphat-Oxydase d: GPO

Glycinergic Interplexiform Cell e:

Glynn on Water Powers (joum.) e:

GNSS [GPS and GLONASS] Receiver

Glycerin-1-Phosphate-Oxydase e: GPO


Gnome Engine e: GE

Glyn and Jameson's English Bankruptcy

Gnomon (journ.) e; Gnfom] Gnomonic Tracking Chart e: GT

Glynn Wat Pow


Gnome-Rhone f: GR

for Atmospheric Sounding e: GRAS

Glyoaxalase I e: GL-I

GNU C-Compiler e: GCC

Glycinexylidide e: GX

Glyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazon d: GAG

GNU Data Base Manager e: GDBM

Glycerinaldehydphosphat d: GAP

Glyco-Hemoglobin e: G-Hb

Glyoxalase e: GLO

Glycerin[e] e: GLY, e: GLYC

Glycocholsäure d: GC

Glyoxylic Acid e: GA

Glycerine e. GLY[C][N]

Glycoconjugate Journal e: Glycoconj J

Glyph. Johns Hopkins Textual Studies

Glycerine and Fatty Acid Producers

Glycogen e: GLY

Glycerinaldehyd-3-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase d: GA[3|PDH, d: GAPDH

Glycinethymol Blue e: GTB

Association e: G&OA

Glycogen Storage Disease e: GSD

Glycerine and Water e: G&W

Glycogen Synthase Kinase e: GSK

Glycerine Ball Memory e: GBM

Glycogenic Unit e: GU

Glycerine in Water e: GW

Glycogenosis Type I e: GT1

Glycerine Producers Association e:

Glycohemoglobin e: GHB


GNU Public License e: GPL

Glyphography e: GLYP

GNU Zip e: GZIP GNW Financial Corp. e: GNWF

Glyptography e: GLYP

Go ahead e: GA

Glysin d: Gly, e: GLY

Go Ahead Signal e: GA

Glyzerin d: Glyz.

Go and Inspect Aircraft e: GAIA

Glyzerin Kinase d: GK

Go Around e: GA




Glycol e: GLY Glycol Diacetate e: GDA

Glycerinisopropylidene Ether e: GIE

Glycol Dimethacrylate e: GDMA

Glycerinmonooleat d: GMO

Glycol Dimethyl Ether e: GDME

Glyzerinmonostearat d: GMS

Glycerinmonostearat d: GMS

Glycol Dinitrate e: GDN

Glyzerintriazetat d: GTA

GlycerintTipalmitat e: PPP

Glycol Methacrylate e: GMA


Glycerokinase e: GK

Glycol-modified Polyethylene

nase d: GAPDH

Go FORTRAN [Formula Translation] e: GOTRAN Go Ga[u]ge e: GOG go-General Trace Facility e: GTF


GPE Glyzerophosphorylcholin d: GPC

Terephthalate e: PET[-)G

Go Fly a Kite e: GFAK Go for Broke e: GFB


Glycerine Suppositories e: GLYC-POS

Glycerol e: GLY, Gro

GNU [is] Not Unix e: GNU

Glyptics e: GLYP


Glycerine and Oleochemicals

GNU General Public License e: GPL

(joum.) e: Glyph Jon H

Glycogen Phosphorylase e: GP,

Association e: GFAPA

Gnu Debugger e: GDB

Go Like Hell e: GLH Go Long e: GL Go Pushbutton e: GOPB

Glycerol Dichlorohydrin e: GDC[H1

Glycol Monoacetate e: GMO

Glyzin d: Gly

Glycerol Monolaurate e: GML

Glycol Trim Console e: GTC

Glyzinamidribonukleotid d: GAR

logia e Obstetricia (journ.) p: GO

Glycerol Monostearate e: GMS

Glycol Trim Unit e: GTU

GM Hughes Electronics Corp. e:

Rev Atualizacao Ginecol Obs,

Glycerol-3-Phosphate e: G-3-P

Glycolic Acid e: G

Glycerol Triacetate e: GTA

Glycolipid e: GL

GmbH-Richtlinien d: GmbHR

Go Subroutine e: GSB

Glycolipoprotein e: GLP

GMD-Informationszentrum fiir

Go to e: GTO

Glycerolphosphate Dehydrogenase



Glycolyl Phthalate e: GP

Informationswissenschaft und -Praxis

Glycerone e: Grn

Glycolytic Substrate e: GS


Glycerophosphat d: GP

Glycomacropeptide e: GMP

Glycerophosphate e: G[L]P

Glycomed, Inc. e: GLYC

Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase e:

Glycophorin A e: GPA



Gmelinite e: GME Gmelins Handbuch der Anorganischen Chemie (journ.) d: GH

Glycoprotein e: GP


Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase-Triosephosphate Isomerase e: GDH-TPI Glycerophosphate Oehydrogenase e:

GMI Group, Inc. e: GMED

Glycoprotein B e. GPB

GMI Short Paper. Oregon Department of

Glycosaminoglycan e: GAG Glycosolated hemoglobin e: HbAlc Glycosphingolipid e: G[S]L

GPD Glycerophosphocholine

e: GPC


e: GPI

Glycerophosphoric Acid e: GPIB Glycerophosphoserine e: GPS Glyceryl Distearate e: GD Glyceryl Guaiacolate e: GG Glyceryl Monooleate e: GMO Glyceryl Trinitrate e: GTN Glyceryl Triricinoleate e: GTRO Glycerylphosphorylcholine e: GPC Glyceryltrinitrate e: GTN Glycidoxycoumarin

Gmelin Formula Index e: GFI

e: GOC

Glycidyl Methacrylate e: GMA Glycin e: GLY

Glycosphingolipid Sorbent Assay e: GCA

Geology and Mineral Industries


Go To Assignment Statement e: GTA Statement Go To Executive e: Go to E, GO-E Go To Heaven e: GOTOH Go To Instruction e. Go to I, GO-I, Go To Logic e: Go to L, GO-L Go To Statement e: GTS Go To Subroutine e: GOSUB

(joum.) e: GMI Short Pap Oreg

Go-Video, Inc. e: GOV1DE,

Dep Geol Miner Ind

Goa [Indien] [Airport] e: GOI

Gminna Biblioteka Publiczna P: GBP GMIS, Inc. e: GMIS


Goal Automated Manufacturing e: GAM

GMT of Orbital Midnight e: TOM

Goal Delivery e: GD

Glycosylated Hemoglobin e: GHB

GMX Communications, Inc. e: GMXC

Goal Delivery Roll e: GDR

Glycosylated Plasma Protein e: GPP

GN&C [Guidance, Navigation and

Goal Directed Programming e: GDP


e: GPI

Glycosylated Serum Protein e: GSP Glycosylated Whole Blood e: GWB Glycotyrosine e: GT Glycyl e: Gly Glycylglycine e: GG Glycyn-hiza e: GLYCYRRH, e: GLYRRH Glykogenanthroneinheit d: GAE Glykokol d: Gly

Control] Flight Test Station e:

Goal-Directed Programming e: GDP


Goal-Directed Serial Alternation e:

GN&C [Guidance, Navigation and Control] Test Station e: G[NC1TS GN Geodesies and Mask e: GSMASK Gnangara e: GNA Gnangara [Australien] [Airport] e: GNA GNC [Guidance and Navigation

Glycinamidribotid d: GAR, e: GAR

Glykolmonomethacrylat d: GMA

Computer] Dynamic Simulator e:

Glycinate e: Gly



Glycine e: Gly

GO. Revista de Atualiza^ào em Gineco-


International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

GDSA Goal Gradient e: GG GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospace Language] Language Processor e: GLP GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospace Language] Processing Language e: GPL

Gneral Information File Tester e: GIFT

© K • G • Saur, Munich


GOAL GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospace

Goddard Inst, for Space Studies-Indiana State University Remote Sensing

niya. Tekhnicheski Fizika (journ.) b:


Laboratory e: GISS-ISURSL

Godishnik Vissh Uchebn Zared

GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospace Language] Test Procedure Release Notice e: GPRN GOAL [Ground Operations Aerospace

Goddard Institute for Space Sciences e: GISS Goddard Institute for/of Space Studies Goddard Kay Rogers Ltd. e: GKR Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres e:

Software e: GOALS

Goddard Laboratory for/of Atmospheric Sciences e: GLAS Goddard Launch Operations e: GLO

Goal Post e: GP

Goddard Management Instruction e:

Goal, Question, Metric e: GQM Goal Systems International, Inc. e: GOAL Goals, Objectives, Commitments and Measures e: GOCM Goat e: GT Goat Anti-Rabbit e: GAR Goat Gamma Globulin e: GGG Gobble e. GOB

Goddard Manned Space Flight e:

GISTYE God Command Universe e: GCU God Damn e: GD God Damned Independent e: GDI

(joum.) e: GodoflphJ [Adm Jur]

e: GNOS Goddard Network Support Operations

Godd[ard] [Easem]

Goddard Range and Range Data e: GRARD Goddard Range and Range Rate e: GR[A][A)R R[ate] Goddard Range and Range Rate System e: GR[A]RR S[ystem] Goddard Range and Range Rate Tracking

Goddard Range Instrumentation Tracking System e: GRITS Goddard Real Time System e: GRTS

Goday Logic Language e: GLOL

Goddard Research [and] Engineering

Goddard Antenna Research Facility e: GARF Goddard College, Plainfeld e: VtPlaG Goddard Communications Center e: GCC Goddard Computing Center e: GCC Goddard Corporate Park e: GCP Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center e: GDAAC

Management Exercise e: GREMEX Goddard Satellite Tracking e: GOST Goddard Space Flight Center (or Centre) e: GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt e: NAG Goddard Trajectory Determination System e: GTDS Goddards Optical Research Facility e: GORF Godden Memorial Medical Centre e: GMMC Godecke AG d: Go

Goddard Fluid Dynamics Laboratory e: GFDL Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph e: GHRS Goddard Industries, Inc. e: GODD Goddard Inst, for Space Studies e:

(joum.) /: Godo(lph) [Rep Can] GODORT [Government Documents Rossnd Table] Federal Documents Task Force e: GODORT FDTF GODORT [Government Documents Round Table] Documents to the People (joum.) e: GODORT DTTP GODORT [Government Documents Round Table] Education Task Force e: GODORT ETF GODORT [Government Documents

Godefroi and Shortt on Railway Companies (joum.) e: Gof&Sh RC Godefroi and Shortts Law of Railway Companies (journ.) e: G&Sh RR Godefro's Law of Trusts and Trustees (joum.) e: Godef[roi| [Trust] Godesberger Programm [der SPD] d: GP Godhavn [Greenland] [Airport] e: GDH


© K • G • Saur, München

Goebels Probate Reports [Ohio] (joum.) e: Goeb[els Rep], e: Ohio Prob Ct Goed Geraakt (joum.) n: GGR Goedesy Program System e: GEOPS Goegraphia Medica (joum.) e: GMDCB4 Goerz-Visier d: GV GOES Archival and Retrieval System e: GARS GOES High Resolution Interferometer Sounder e: GHIS GOES-1 Ingest NOAAPort Interface e: GINI GOES I-M Telemetry and Command System e: GIMTACS GOES I-M Variable e: GVAR GOES I-M Variable Data Format e: GVAR Goes Like Hell-Some More e: GLH-S GOES-Meteosat Relay e: GMR GOES Operational Support Systems e: GOSS Goes Over All Terrain e: GOAT GOES Precipitation Index e: GPI Goeteborgs Handelstidning (joum.) r: GHT Goeteborgs Hogskolas Arsskrift (joum.) r: GHA Goeteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps-och Vitterhets-Samhaelles Handlingar (joum.) r: G K W H , Goeteborgs K Vetensk-o Vitterhets Samh Hand! Goeteborgs Universitets Arsskrift (joum.) r: GUA Goethe-Almanach (joum.) d: Goethe-Al Goethe House, German Cultural Institute, New York e: NNGoe

Round Table] International Documents

Goethe Institut d: GI

Task Force e: GODORT IDTF

Goethe-Kalender (joum.) d: GK

GODORT [Government Documents Round Table] Machine-Readable Government Information Task Force e: GODORT MRGITF

Goethe Society of North America e: GSNA Goethe. Vierteljahresschrift der GoetheGesellschaft (joum.) d: Goe Goethite e: GO[E]

Round Table] State and Local

Goetze AG d: G

Documents Task Force e: GODORT

Gogama Community Library, Ontario e:

SLDTF Godown e: Gdn Gods Own Medicine e: GOM godsdienst n: godsd Godson on Patents (joum.) e: Gods

Gode [Ethiopia] [Airport] e: GDE


GodoPph] [Orph Leg]

Gods River [Canada] [Airport] e: ZGI

Goddard Experiment Support System e: GES

Godolphins Orphans Legacy (journ.) e:

GODORT [Government Documents

Goddard Earth Model e: GEM

Goddard Experiment [al] Package e:


Godolphins Repertorium Canonicum


Godard Space Flight Center e; GSFC

e: Godb [Eng]

Godolphins Abridgment of Ecclesiastical Law (joum.) e: Godo[lph| [Ecc



Godbolts English Kings Bench Reports

Godisnjak Vojnomedicinske Akademije

Godolphin on Admiralty Jurisdiction

System e: GRARR Tracking

Goday Logic Processor e: GLOPR

se: Godisnjak Pomorskog Muz

Goddard Network Operations Support

god man r: g.m. God Only Really Knows e: GORK

Novom Sadu se: G[od]FFNS

godkjent N: godkj.

God Knows What e: GKW God Only Knows e: GOK

Godisnjak Filozofskog Fakulteta u

Goddard Network Control e: GNC

Goddard Optical Research Facility e:


Ispitivanja b: God Balk Isp

se: God Vojnomed Akad


Gobierno s: Gbno, Gob, Gob

Gochnour Idiom Screening Test e:

Godisnjak Centra za Balkanoloska


GMSF Goddard Mission Control Facility e:

Goddard on Easements (joum.) e:

Goblin Loose in the Computer Hut e:

Universiteta u Sarajevu se: God Biol

Godisnjak Pomorskog Muzeja u Kotoru


Gobernador Gregores [Airport] s: GGS o Gobierno Provisional s: GP

Godisnjak Bioloskog Instituta Inst Univ Sarajevu


Goal-Oriented Language e: GOL

Goal Programming Problem e: GPP

Univerziteta u Sarajevu (joum.) se: God Biol Inst Univ Sarajevu

e: Gl [fori SS

Request e: GPUR Goal-Oriented Approach to Life Cycle

Tekhn Fiz Godisnjak Bioloskog Instituía

Language] Test Procedure Update GOAL Language e: GLP


Godishnik na Visshite Uchebni Zavede-

Language] Program Control Block e:

p[»it Godsons Mining Commissioners Cases [Ontario] (journ.) e: Godson Godstâg r: Gt godt a: g Godthaab [Airport] e: GOH Godthäb a: GO Goebel Brewing Company e: GBL Goebel Collectors Club e: GCC Goebels Probate Court Cases [Ohio] (journ.) e: Goeb[el] [Ohio]

OGOG Gogebic Community College e: GCC Gogerial [Sudan] [Airport] e: HSGO Goggles e: Gogs Goguets Origin of Laws (joum.) e: Gog Or Goiania [Brasilien] [Airport] p: GYN going concern e: gc Going Down Swinging (joum.) e: GDS Going For Coffee e: GFC Going-Home Money e: GHM going out of busine sale[s] e: goobs Going Public e: GP Going Rate Estimates e: GRE Gokul [ailanthus integrifolia] Timber e: GOK Timber

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Goldera Resources Gold Mark Minerals e: GMK

Golden Dividend Resources e: GOV

Golden Pheasant e: GPE

Gold Medal t. GM

Golden Dragon Resources e: GDQ

Golden Pond Resources e: GDP

Golay Logic Processor e: GLOPR

Gold-Medal Resources Ltd. e: GML

Golden Eagle Airlines e: GEL

Golden Princess e: GLP

Golay Pneumatic Cell e: GPC

Gold Mines of Kalgoorlie e: GMK

Golden Eagle Aviation e: SAJ

Golden Pyramid Resources, Inc. e:

Golbal Planning e: GP

Gold Mining Association of America e:

Golden Enterprises, Inc. e: GLDC

Golay Logic [Operating] Language e: GLOL

Gold d: E 175, G[L]D, e: G[L]D, XAU, ;. Au


Golden Exodus e: GXV

GPR Golden Quail Resources Ltd. e:

Gold Mining Lease e: GML

Golden Eye Minerals e: GOM

Gold and Silver Institute e: GSI

Gold Pan Resources, Inc. e: GPN

Golden Field Office e: GFO

Golden Queen Mining e: GQM

Gold Beach e: GOL

Gold Placer Deposits at the Foot of the

Golden Fleece (joum.) e: GOF

Golden Range Resauress e: GOR

Golden Gate Bridge e: GGB

Golden Range Resources, Inc. e: GOR

Golden Gate Bridge and Highway

Golden Retriever Club of America e:

Gold Bond[ed] e: GB

Eastern Cordillera of Bolivia (journ.)

Gold Bonded Contact e: GB Contact

e: Gold Placer Deposits Foot East

Gold Bridge Development e: GGD

Cordillera Bolivia

Gold Bulletin (journ.) e: Gold Bull

Gold Plated e: GLD PLTD

Gold C Enterprises, Inc. e: GCEI

Gold Point e: GP

Gold Canyon Mines, Inc. e: GCN

Gold Point Resources e: GOP

Gold Canyon Resources e: GCU

Gold Power Resources Corp. e: GPW

Gold Clause Agreement e: GCA

Gold Producers Association Ltd. e:

Gold Co. of America e: GCAP Gold Coast e: GC, Gld Cst Gold Coast [Australia] [Airport] e: OOL Gold Coast Divisional Court Reports (journ.) e: GCDC Gold Coast Environment Centre e: GCEC

GPAL Gold Prospectors Association of America e: GPAA Gold Reserve e: GR Gold Reserve Corp. e: GLDR Gold Ridge Resources e: GRU Gold Seeker Resources Ltd. e: GSK Gold Smoke e: GS

District e: GGB&HD



Golden Gate College e: GGC

Golden Rim Resources, Inc. e: GRR

Golden Gate Explorations e: GGX

Golden Ring Council of Senior Citizens

Golden Gate Highlands National Park e: GGHNP Golden Gate Law Review (joum.) e: Golden G[a]te L Rev Golden Gate National Recreation Area e GGNRA Golden Gate National Recreation Area Advisory e: GGNRA Golden Gate National Recreation Area Advisory Commission e: GGNRA[CAC]

Clubs e: GRCSCC Golden Rock Resources Ltd. e: GRK Golden Rule e: GR Golden Rule Foundation e: GRF Golden Rule Resources Ltd. e: GNU Golden Sceptre Resources e: GOD Golden Seal Resources Ltd. e: GOA Golden Seven Industry e: GSU Golden Seville Resources Ltd. e: GSV Golden Shamrock Resources Corp. e: GS

Gold Spring Resources e: GSJ

Golden Gate Productions e: GGP

Golden Shield Resources Ltd. e: GLS

Judgments (journ.) e: GC Full Ct,

Gold Standard e: GS

Golden Gate University Advanced Legal

Golden Sitka Resources e: GSZ


Gold Standard, Inc. e: GSTD

Gold Coast Full Court Selected

Gold Coast Geological Survey. Bulletin

Gold Star Cable e: GSC

(journ.) e: Gold Coast Geol Surv

Gold Star Lapel Button e: GSLB


Gold Star Resources, Inc. e: GLA

Education e: GGUALE Golden Gate University Advanced Legal Education Program e: GGUALE Golden Gate University. Law Review

Gold Coast Regiment e: GCR

Gold Surface Barrier e: GSB

(journ.) e: GOL, Gol Gate LR[ev],

Gold Coast Selected Judgments of the

Gold Texas Resources Ltd. e: GTX

Golden Gte UL Rev

Golden Spike National Historic Site e: GOSP Golden Star Resources Ltd. e: GSC Golden State Airlines, Inc. e: GSC Golden State Mobilehome Owners League e: GSMOL

Divisional Courts (journ.) e: GC Div

Gold Thioglucose e: GTG

Golden Glacier e: GGA

Golden State Resources e: GOS


Golden Tag Resources e: GOG

Gold Tin e.G-TiN

Golden Glory e: GDG

Gold Coast Territorial Force e: GCTF

Gold Torch Resources e: GTJ

Golden Gloves Association of America

Gold Coin Mining, Inc. e: GIN, e:

Gold Transistor Logic e: GTL

e: GG, GGA [of] A

Gold Vapor Laser e: GVL

Golden Goose (journ.) e: GG

Gold Collectors Society e: GCS

Gold Ventures Ltd. e: GVL

Golden Group Explorations, Inc. e;

Gold Coupling Dendrite e: GCD

Golda Meir Memorial Association e:


Gold Course Builders of America e: GCBA Gold Cup Resources e: GSL Gold Exchange of Singapore e: GE[-]S Gold Exchange Standard e: GES Gold Express Corp. e: GDEX Gold Field e: GF Gold Fields of South Africa Ltd. e: GLDF Gold Filled e: GF Gold Filled Association e: GFA Gold-Filled Manufacturers Association e: GFMA Gold Filling e: GF Gold Film Mercury Detector e: GFMD Gold Hill e: GHC Gold Institute e: GI Gold King Consolidated, Inc. e: GKCI Gold King Construction e: GKC

GMMA Goldale Investments e: GIA, e: GIAKF Goldbarg-Rutenberg e: GR Goldbelt Mines e: GOT Goldbrae Development Ltd. e: GOB Golden Adit Resources e: GLQ Golden Book Magazine (journ.) e: Golden Bk Golden Cadillac Resources Ltd. e: GCD Golden Chance Resources, Inc. e: GCH Golden Common LISP [List Processor] e: GCL[ISP] Golden Companions e: GC Golden Concord Mining e: GCC, e: GCCVF Golden Corral Realty Corp. e: GCRA Golden Crown Resources Ltd. e: GCS

Gold King River e. GKC

Golden Cycle Gold Corp. e: GCGC

Gold Lease e: GL

Golden Dawn e: GD

Gold Life Saving Medal e: GL[S]M

Golden Dawn Explorations Ltd. e:

Gold Maple Leaf e: GML


GGE Golden Hat Resources e: GHA Golden Hemlock e: GHE Golden Hind Ventares Ltd. e: GHV Golden Hope Resources, Inc. e: GHR Golden Horizon e: GHZ Golden Iskut Resources e: GIS Golden Key National Honor Society e: GKNHS Golden Key Resources Ltd. e: GKY Golden Knight Resources, Inc. [Vancouver] e: GKR[V] Golden Lake Resources Ltd. e: GLK Golden Lion Resources Ltd. e: GLR Golden Lion Tamarin e: GLT Golden Lion Tamarin Management Committee e: GLTMC Golden Mosaic Virus e: GMV Golden Nematode e: GN Golden Nevada Resoues, Inc. e: GVA Golden News Resources Corp. e: GDN Golden North Resource Corp. e: GNO[X] Golden Number e: GN

Golden Tech Resources Ltd. e: GTS Golden Titan Resources e: GN Golden Treasury Series (joum.) e: GTS Golden Trend Energy e: GTG Golden Triangle Royalty & Oil, Inc. e: GTRO Golden Trio Minerals e: GIO Golden Vale Explorations Corp. e: GLV Golden Valley Microwave Foods, Inc. e: GV[M]F Golden West Airlines e: GWA Golden West Conventions e: GWC Golden West Financial Corp. e: GDW Golden West Subcription Television e: GWSTV Golden Zone Resource e: GZR Goldene Key e: Gold K Goldenhar Syndrome Research and Information Fund e: GSRIF Goldenlode Resources Ltd. e: GEL Goldenrod Resources & Technology, Inc. e: GRL Golder Associates, Inc. e: GAI, GOLDER Golder Associates, Mississauga, Ontario e: OMGA Goldera Resources, Inc. e: GDA

Golden Oil Company e: GOCO

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich


Goldesboroughs English Gonadotroph]ic Enhancing Factor e:

Goldstone-SFOF [Space Flight

Goldesboroughs English Kings Bench Reports e: Gold [es] Goldex Mines Ltd. e: GDXM,


Goldex Resources e: GXS

Goldstone Tracking Station e: GTS

Goldfarb Corp. e: G D F

Goldstream Resources Ltd. e: GSM

Goldfeld Corp. e. G V

Goldteck Mines Ltd. e: GKT

Goldfelds Flying Doctor Service e:

Goldtex, Inc. e: GLTX Goldtransistorlogik

Good Engineering Practice e: G E P

Gonadotroph]ic Hormone e: GTH

Assembly e: GSMA


Good Delivery e: GD


Operations Facility] Microwave

Good Evening e: G E

Gonadotroph]ic Leasing Hormone e:

Good Fair Average e: G F A


Good Faith Charitable Organization

Gonadotroph]ic Releasing Hormone e: G[n]RH

d: GTL


GFCO Good Farming Quarterly e: Good

Gonadotrophin[e] e: GTH

Farming Quart

Gonadotropin e: Gn

Good Food Guide (joum.) e: GFG

Goldways Resources e: GWY

Gonadotropin Enhancing Factor e: GEF

Good Freight Agent e: GFA

Goldwert d: Gw.

Gon adotrop in-Inhibitory Factor e: GIF

Good Gardeners Association e: GGA

Goldfinch Mineral Ltd. e; G F M

Goldwest Resources Ltd. e: GDW

Gonadotropin-Releasing Factor e:

Good Gardening

Goldflow e: G F

Goldwing Flyers Club e: GFC

Goldfever Resources Ltd. e: GFV

Goldwährung d: GW

Goldfield Corp. e: G L D F L D Goldfinch e: G F


Go Idfranken d: G F r

Goldwinn Resources Ltd. e: GWNRF

Goldhaven Resources Ltd. e: G H N

Goldwyn Co. e: GLDSAM

Goldhofer Fahrzeugwerk GmbH & Co.

Golf Course Operations and Management


Golf Course Superintendents Association

Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation GFTA,


Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Test of Auditory e: G[-]F-W Goldmark d: GM[k] Goldpac Investments Ltd. e: GPK Goldpost Resours, Inc. e: GPT Goldquest Exploration, Inc. e: GQX

Good Harvest Line e: GHL

Good Hope e: S Y G H Good Hotel Guide

Gone With The Wind e. G W T W

House, GH, G[ood] Hfousekeep]

Golf Magazine e: Golf Mag

Goniometer d: GO, e: G O N I O

Golf Manufacturers and Distributors

Gonocal Ophthalmia Neonatorum


Good Housekeeping Bureau e: GHB e:


Golf Products and Components Assaciation e: GPCA

e: GC

Good Housekeeping Institute e: G H I

Gonococcal Ophthalmia Neonatorum



Golfito [Costa Rica] [Airport] s: GLF

Gonococcal Urethritis /: GU

Goldrite Mining e: GRQ


Gonococcall Base e: GCB

Goldrubel d: GRbl.

Gölfo p: G

Gonococcus Filus /. GF

Goldsboro/Seymour-Johnson Air Force

Golfo de California j. Gol de Cal

Gonorrhea Case e: GC

Golgi-Associated Endoplasmic

Gonorrhea Complement Fixation Test




Gonorrhoe I: GO Gonosomatic Indices e: GSI

Goldsil Mining & Milling, Inc. e: GSIL

Goliath Edison Screw e: GES

Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge

Goldsil Resources Ltd. e: GOO

Goliath Gold Mines Ltd. e: GOH

Goldsmith and Guthrie's Appeals

Golmud h: GOQ

Memphis e: T M G G Goldsmith Minerals e: G M M Goldsmiths and Jewellers Trade Association

Gonzaga Special Report. Public Sector e: Gönz Pub Lab L Rep

Golothioglucose-Typ d: GTH[-]Typ Golovin [Alaska] [Airport] e: G L V

Gonzaga University e: GU

Golovnoj Avtomatizirovannyj

Gonzales Gold Mines Ltd. e: G Z G Goo Goo Cluster e: G G C

Informcentr R: GAIC Gomal University. Journal of Research

e: G J T A

Goldsmiths College e: G C

(joum.) e: Gomal Univ J Res,

Goldsmiths Doctrine and Practice of


(journ.) e: Goldsmiths J Gemm

good e: gd. Good American Helping Hands e: GAHH

Gombarts Reducing Agent e: GRA

Equity (journ.) e: Golds Eq Goldsmiths Journal and Gemmologist

e: G&C[C)

I.R, Gonz[aga] L Rev

Satisfaction e: GR1SS

G [old] & G Goldsmith Civic Garden Center,

Good Laboratory Practice Office e:

Gonzaga Law Review (joum.) e: Gon

Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual

Good Automated Laboratory Practices

Gombarts Reducing Agent-Negative



Enamellers e: GISGE Good Laboratory Practice e: GLP

Golgi Axons e: GA

Reports [Missouri] (joum.) e:

Good Industrial Relations Directors e: GIRD

Golgi Tendon Oni e: GTO

e: Cai [Col], e. G C C

e: G A L P

GLPO Good Luck and Good Hunting e: GLGH Good Luck and Smooth Sailing


GLASS Good Management Practice e: GMP Good Manufacturing Practice e: GMP Good Mark Foods, Inc. e; GDMK Good Marketable Quality e: GMQ Good Mason e: GM Good Merchandise (or Merchantable) Brand e: G M B Good Merchantable Ouality e; GMQ Good Middling e: G M Good Moral Character e: GMC

Good Average Quality e: GAQ

Good Morning e: GM

Goldstack Resources e: GOR

Gombe National Park e: GNP

Good Bye e: GB

Good Neighbor Council [s] e: GNC

Goldstar Lines e: GL

Gomei Kaisha j: GMK

Good Clinical Practice e: GCP

Good News Bible (joum.) e: GNB

Goldstein-Scheel Object Sorting Test e:

Gomoris Methenamine Silver e: GMS

Good Company Man e: GCM

Good News Broadcaster e: GNB

Gomphrena Virus e: GV

Good Condition e: GC

Good News Mission e: GNM

Goldstein-Scheerer Cube Test e: G S C T

GOMR Limb Sounder e: GLS

Good Conduct e: GC

Good Night d: GN, e GN

Goldstein-Scheerer Object Sorting Test

GOMR Nadir Sounder e: GNS

Good Conduct Badge e: GCB

Good Old Days e: G O D

Gon (Winkeleinheit) d: g

Good Conduct Discharge e: GCD

Gonad-Stimulating Substance e: GSS

Good Old Friday e: G O F

Goldstein-Scheerer Stick Test e: G S S T

Good Conduct Medal Crasp e: GCMC

Gonadal Dysgenesis e: GD

Good Ordinary

Goldstone Deep Space Communications

Good Conduct Ribbon e: GCR

Good Ordinary Brand e: GOB

Good Counsel College e: GCC

Good Outdoor Mariners Association


e: G S O S T


Gonadal Steroid-Binding Globulin

e: G D S C C

Goldstone Duplicate Standard




Good Data Area e: GDA



Good Intent Society of Galvanizers and

Goldsearch, Inc. e: G D H

Goldschmidt Inf

Good in Bed e: G I B Good Industrial Large-Scale Practice

e. G C F T

Reticulum Lysosomes e: GERL



Goldrich Resources, Inc. e: GRD

Base [North Carolina] e: K G S B

Good Housekeeping Check Sheet



e: G H G

Good Housekeeping (journ.) e: G d

Gonidial e: G




Gone for the Day e: GFD

Goldrich Maritime Line e: GML

Goldschmidt Informiert (journ.) d:

Good Harvest Marine Company

Gondar [Ethiopia] [Airport] e: GDQ

Gone on Arrival e: GOA

of America e: GCSAA Golf Head Optical Speed Trap e:

e: G F T C

Good Guys, Inc. e: GG[U]Y

Gonalia [Papua Neu-Guinea] [Airport]

Gondsoroi Timber e: GON Timber


Goldlund Mines Ltd. e: G O L

Good Grade e: GD

e. GOE

Programs e: GM

Goldkrone d: G K

Good Government e: Good Govt

Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone e: G[n][-]RH

Golf Course Reporter e: Golf Course

Goldhurst Resources e: G H T

e: Good Gard

Good Gay Poets e: GGP

e: GO



Goldstone Predict e: G L P R


© K G - Saur, München

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Gospel Missionary Union

Number e: GSIN

Good Safety e: GS Good Samaritan Hospital, Corvallis


OrCGSH Good Samaritan Hospital, Dayton

GOP Womens Political Action Legal

Goods and Services Tax e: GST

Good Practices Standard e: GPS



Gopher Music Notes (journ.) e: GM

Imeni N. I. Lobacevskogo. Prikladnye

Goods in Bond e: GIB

Gopher-Protected Cable e: GP Cable

Problemy Procnosti i Plasticnosti

Goods in Custody e: GIC

Gopher-Protection e: GP

(journ.) R: Prikl Problemy Proc i

Goods Inwards Inspection e: G i l

Gopher Tape e: GT

Goods Not Received e: GNR

Gopher Tape Armo[u]r e: GT

Goods Receiving Online System

Good Service Pension e: GSP

Goods Services Tax e: GST Goods Vehicles [Plating and Testing]

e: GSM


e: G R E A T

Regulations e: GV[PT]R

Good Taco Corp. e: T A C O

Goodwill Industries Volunteer Services

Good this Month e: GTM

Goodwilt Industries of America e: GIA

Good this Week

Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research

e: G T W e: G T C

Good Till Countermanded

e: G T C

Good to Very Good

Goodwins Probate Practice e: Good P r

e: G to VG

Goodwood Data Systems Ltd., Carleton

Good Will In, Good Will Out


Goodwyn Institute, Memphis e: T M G Goody Products e: G O O D


Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test



Goodyear Aircraft and Engineering Corp. e: G A E C

Goodenow Family Association

e: GFA

Goodeve on Railway Companies and Passengers (journ.) e: Good Ry C Goodeve on Real Property e: Goodeve Goodeves Abstract of Patent Cases

Goodyear Atomic Corp., Portsmouth



Goodeves Law of Evidence (journ.) e:

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. e: G T R

Goodfellow Review of Crafts e:

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron

e: G T T C Goodheart-Wilcox Co., Inc. e. G W O X

Goodman Fielder Wattie Ltd. e: GFW

GOOS Project Office e: G P O

s: NEAR G O O S GOOS Regional para el Sureste de Asia

Goodness of Fit e: GOF

j . SEAR G O O S

Goodnews Bay e: GNU Goodnews Bay [Alaska] [Airport] e: GNU Goodrich-Amram Procedural Rules

GOOS Steering Committee e: GSC


Goods Acquisition System e: GAS

Goose Red Blood Cell e: G R B C

Goods and Service Allowance

Goose Viral Hepatitis e: GVH




Gooseberry Vein-binding Virus e: G W Goosecreekite e: G O O

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

GOSTA Gorskostopanska Nauka P: Gorskostop Nauka Gorskostopanska Nauka. Forest Science P: Gorskostop Nauka For Sei Goryuchie Slantsy. Khimiya i

(journ.) e: Gord Dig

Tekhnologiya (joum.) R: Goryvchie

Gordons Reports e: Gordon

Slantsy Khim Tekhnol Goryuchie Slantsy [Moscow] (joum.) R:


Goryuch Slantsy [Moswl Goryuchie Slantsy [Tallinn] (joum,)

Gore-Brown on Companies e: Gore-B Comp


Goryuch Slantsy [Tallinn] Gosecreekite e: GOO

Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical

Gosford [Australien] [Airport] e: GOS


Gosfords Manuscript Reports e: Gosf


Goshen College e: GC

Gorgas Memorial Laboratory e: GML Gorham Advanced Materials Institute GAMI

GSTC Gorilla Armpit Odor e: G A P O Gorilla Foundation e: G F Gorilla Foundation of California e: GFC Gorilla Gorilla Beringei e: G g b Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla e: G G G Gorilla Sign Language e: GSL

© K • G • Saur, Munich


Gorsko Stopanstvo P: G o r s k o Stop,

Gordons Digest of United States Laws

Gorham State Teachers College e:


Goods e: GDS

e: GKA

Gorron /

Gordons Treason Trials e: Gord Tr

Goose Air Defense Sector e: GADS

Goose Operators Advanced Training e:

Goroka [Papua New Guinea] [Airport]

Gorontalo [Indonesien] [Airport] e:

Gordon Personal Profile e: GPP

and Preventive Medicine

Mashiny (joum.) R: GSDMA

Gorongoza National Park e: G N P

Gordon Personal Inventory e: GPI

GOOS Support Office e: GOOS/SO

Defense Command] Sector e: GNS

Goodrich-Gulf [Chemicals] e: G - G

chemical formulas e: GKD-notation

Gorham Collectors Guild e: G C G

Goose NORAD [North American Air

Service (journ.) e:

Gordon-Kendall-Davison notation for

Gore Bay Union Public Library, Ontario

Goondiwindi [Australien] [Airport] e:

Gornye, StroiteFnye i Dorozhnye Gornyi Zhurnal (joum.) R: Gorn Zh

Goodys Family Clothing e: GDYS

GOOS Regional para el Nordeste de Asia


Gordon Institute of Technology e: G I T

Gore [Äthiopien] [Airport] e: GOR

GOOS Programme Office e: G P O

e: GLD

Goodland Weather Forecast Office e:

e: Gorn Mash Avtom

Laboratory e: G E V S T

Goodyear Video Network e: GVN


Gooding e: GNG Goodland



Goodfellow Technical Training Center

Gornye Mashiny i Avtomatika (journ.)

Gordon Review e: Gor R

Goodfellow Air Force Base e: GAFB


Gordon Diagnostic System e: GSI

Gordon Public Library e: AGor

e: G E M S Goodyear Engineering Report e: G E R

Good Ev

Gor-Obogat Delo

e. GPP-I

Analyzer e: GEDA

Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast

Gorny R: GOY

Gordon Personal Profile and Inventory

Goodyear Electronic Differential

Goodyear Electronic Mapping System

(journ.) e: Good Pat


e: M W N

Pennsylvania (journ.) e: Gord Dec


Goodes World Atlas e: G W A


P: G R O K A

R: Gor[no]-Obogat Zh

Gordon on the Law of Decendents in

Goodyear Associative Processor e:

G o r n Odkrywkowe,

Gomo-Obogatitel'noe Delo (journ.) R:

Gordon Military College e: GMC

Goodyear Aircraft Corp. e: G A C

Gomictwo Odkrywkowe (joum.)

Gorno-Obogalitel'nyi Zhurnal (joum,)



(joum.) R: Gorn Elektromekh Avtom

e: G B A O


Gordon Jewelry Corp. e: G O R

Goodyear e: G Y R

Goodall City Library, Ogallala e: N b O g


Gordon Environmental Studies

Place, Ontario e: O C P G

Good-until-Canceled Order e: GUC

Gordex Minerals Ltd. e: GXM,

Gordon College, Wenham

Goodwin Railroad, Inc. e: G W I N

Good Two Sides e: G2S

General Management Consulting

Gordon College e: G C

e: G I C R

Good Times (journ.) e: Gd Times

Gordetsky [G.R.] Telemmunications and



GRC Gornaya Elektromekhanika i Avtomatika

Gorda Ridge Eruption Assessment Team

Goodwill Industries of America e: GIA

Good Till Canceled

Gorman-Rupp Co. e: GORRUP,

Datenverarbeitung d: GAD Gora [Papua Neu-Guinea] [Airport] e:

Good Study Habits e: GSH

Good Templar e: G T

Universitet. Ucenye Zapiski (journ.) R: Gor'kov Gos Univ Ucen Zap

Göppinger Arbeitsgemeinschaft für e:

Good Sound Marketable e: GSM Good Sound Merchantable

Plast Gor'kovskii Gosudarstvennyi




Muzeja (journ.) P: G o r Let Gor'kovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet

Goods in Bad Order e: GBO

Goods Received Note e: GRN

Library, Cincinnati e: OCGSH Good Samaritan Hospital, West Islip e:



Goods on Hand e: G O H

Good Samaritan Hospital, Medical

Goriski Letnik Zbomik Goriskega

Gooseneck Tunnel e: G/T

Goods and Services Identification

Good Packaging e: Good Pkg Good Phonetic Equivalents e: GPE


Goshen County Community College


GCCC Goshen Library and Historical Society e: NGos GOSIP Engineering Test Bed e: G E T Gosling Library, St. Johns, Newfoundland e: N F S G O Gospel Communications Network


GCN Gospel Light Publications e: G L P Gospel Literature International


GLINT Gospel Missionary Union e: GMU


Gospel Music Association Gospel Music Association e: GMA

Stroitel'stva Leningradskoj Oblasti

Goteborgs Tekniska Institut r: GTI

Gospel of the Hebrews e: G Heb


Goteborgs Universitetsbiblioteket r: Gu

Statutes of United States e:

Goteborgs Universititsbibliotek,


Gospel Recordings e: GR Gospelrama Gospel Expo e: GGE Gospital'noe Delo (joum.) R: Gosp Delo Gospodarka Miesna (journ.) P: Gospod Miesna Gospodarka Paliwami i Energia (joum.) P: Gospod Paliwami Energ Gospodarka Planowa (joum.) P: Gospod Planowa GospodarkaWodna (journ.) P: Gospod Wodna Gossamer Albatross e: Gos Alb Gossan Resources e: GSS Gosudarstvennaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucnoj i Tehniceskoj Informacii R: GASNTI Gosudarstvennaja Biblioteka R: GB Gosudarstvennaja Biblioteka po Narodnomu Obrazovaniju im. K. D. Usinskogo R: GBNO Gosudarstvennaja Biblioteka SSSR im. V. 1. Lenina R: GB[I]L Gosudarstvennaja Ordena Lenina Biblioteka R: GOLB Gosudarstvennaja Planovaja Komissija R: GOSPLAN Gosudarstvennaja Publicnaja Biblioteka R: GPB Gosudarstvennoe Antireligioznoe Izdatel'stvo R: GAIZ Gosudarstvennoe Astronomiceskoe Izdatel'stvo R: GAIZ Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Detskoj Literatury R; DETGIZ, DETIZDAT Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Fiziko-Matematiceskoj Literatury R: FIZMATGIZ Gosudarstvennoe Knigoizdatelstvo R: GEZ Gosudarstvennoe Politiceskoye Upravlenie R: GPU Gosudarstvennoe Strakhovanie R: GOSSTRAKH Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv R: GA Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Altajskogo Kraja R: GAAK Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Feodal'no-Krepostniceskoj Èpohi R: GAFKÈ Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Irkutskoj Oblasti R: GAIO Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Kinofotofonodokumentov R: GAKFFD Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Krasnojarskogo Kraja R: GAKK Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Novosibirskoj Oblasti R: GANO Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Oktjabr'skoj Revoljucii i Socialisticeskogo

Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Oktjabr'skoj Revoljucii R: GAOR Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Oktjabr'skoj Revoljucii i Socialisticeskogo Stroitel'stva R: GAORSS Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Oktjabr'skoj

e: Goth SE Gothenburg Studies in Physics (joum.) e: Gothenburg Stud Phys

Revoljucii i Socialisticeskogo

Gothenburg [Sweden] [Airport] e: GOT

Stroitel'stva Moskovskoj Oblasti R:

Gothenburg University Terminal System



Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Oktjabr'skoj Revoljucii Leningradskoj Oblasti R: GAOR LO Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Omskoj Oblasti R; GAOO Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Tomskoj Oblasti R: GATO Gosudarstvennyj Arhivnyj Fond SSSR R: GAF SSSR Gosudarstvennyj Bibliotecnyj Institut R: GBl Gosudarstvennyj Institut Zhumalistiki R: GIZH Gosudarstvennyi Komitet Oborony R: GKO Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispolzovaniyu Atomnoi Energi R: Gosudarstvennyj Obstschessojusnyj Standart R: GOST Gosudarstvennyj Okeanograficheskyj Institut R: GOIN Gosudarstvennyj Universalnyj Magazin Gosudarstvo R: Gos[ud]. Göta Canal Steamship Company e: Göta flygflottilj r: F9 Göta ingenjörkär r: Ing 2 Göta signalregemente r: S 2 Göta trängregemente r: T 2

Gothic Type e: Goth [ic] Gotlaendskt Arkiv (journ.) r: Gotlaendskt Arkiv Gotlands kustartilleriförsvar r: GK

Rapp (journ.) e: Goteb Ethnogr Mus Goteborgs Hagskolas Arsskrift (journ.) r: GotHA Goteborgs Kungliga Velenskaps och

Gotta Go Now e: GGN Gottdard Launch Operations e: GLO Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontoloe (joum.) d: Gott Arb Geol Paläontol Göttinger Floristische Rundbriefe

Göttinger Handkommentar zum Alten Testament (joum.) d: GHAT Göttinger Wirtschafts- und Sozial wissenschaftliche Studien (joum.) d: Göttinger Wirtsch Göttinger Zeitschriften-Nachweis d: GÖZN d: GGA, Gott Anz Göttingisches Journal der Naturwissenschaften (joum.) e: Gotting J Naturw

GVBD Goubau Leitung d: G-Leitung Goubau Line e: G-Line Goucher College e: GC Goucher College Babylonian Collection e: GCBC

e: NFGO Goulds Pumps, Inc. e: GULD Gould's Stenographic Reporter e: Gould Sten Rep Gouldsboroughs English Kings Bench Reports e: Gouldsb [Eng] Goundam [Mali] [Airport] e: GUD Gourd Society of America e: GSA Gourde [Currency of Haiti] e: GOU Gouricks Patent Digest (joum.) e: Gour Gourlie on General Avelage e: Gourl Gen Av Gouvernement f: Gouv, Gvt Gouvernement de la Republique de F Angola en Exile e: GRAE Gouvernement de Renouveau National / GRN Gouvernement d'Union Nationale Transitionnel f: GUNT Gouvernement Gabonais en Exil f: GGE Gouvernement Parlementaire f: GP Gouvernement Provisoire f: GP Gouvernement Provisoire de la Republique Algérienne e: GPRA Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Française f: GPRF Gouvernement Représentatif f: GR Gouverneur f: GVr

Gouc Col Se Goudy Memorial Typographie

Goteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum

e: Goulds Dig Goulds Public Library, Newfoundland

Gouvernement Républicain f: GR

Sjatte Foljden. Series B (joum.) r: Handl Sjatte Foljden Ser B

Civil Actions e: Gould PI

Goucher College Series (joum.) e:

Vitter Hets-Samhalles Handlingar

Goteborgs kustartilleriförsvar r: GbK

Gould on the Principles of Pleading in

Goucher College, Baltimore e: MdBG

Goudsmit's Pandects e: Goud Pand

Goteb K Vetensk Vitter Hets-Samh

League NSW Notes Gould Medical Dictionary e: GMD

Goulds Arkansas Digest of Laws (joum.)

Gotlands Tygstation r: GT

Götz-von-Berlichingen-Dämon d:

Goteborgs Ethnographical Museum

South Wales. Notes e: Gould

Gotlands regemente r: P 18

Gottwaldov [Airport] c: GTW

Goteborg Univ Naturgeogr Inst


Gotlands Militärkommando r: MKG

Gotaas-Larsen Shipping Corp. e:

Institutionen. Rapport (joum.) r:

Center, Cleveland e: OGO Gould Information Center, Cleveland e:

Gould on Waters (joum.) e: Gould Wat

Gottlieb Textiles e: GOTTEX


Cleveland e: OCIGI Gould, Inc., Ocean Systems Information

Gould League of Bird Lovers of New

Gothic Script e: Gothic

Göta Verken e: GV

Goteborg Universitet. Naturgeografiska

Gould, Inc., Gould Information Center,

Gothic Letter e: GL

Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen (joum.)


Gould, Inc. e: GLD

Gould Investors Ltd. e: GLP

Sozialwissensch Stud


Gould in Waters e: Gould Wat

Gothic e: GO[T][H]

(joum.) d: Gott Florist Rundbriefe


Laboratory e: GMTL Goudy Society e: GS Goulais River Community Library, Ontario e: OGOR

Gouverneur Général f: GG, GouGal, GvrGal Gove e: GOV Gove [Australien] [Airport] e: GOV Govemador Valadares [Brasilien] [Airport] p: GVR Governed e. GOVD

Arstryck (joum.) r: Goteb Naturhist

Goulbum Valley Airlines e: GVA

Governing e: GOVG

Mus Arstryck

Goulcae Journal of Education (joum.) e:

Governing Bodies Association e: GBA

Goteborgs örlogsstation r: ÖSG Goteborgs örlogsvarv r: ÖVG Goteborgs-Posten e: GPT


Goteborg, Sweden r: SwGU Gothenburg Studies in English (joum.)

Gould and Tuckers Notes on Revised

Goulcae J Educ Gould e: GLD

Governing Council e: GC Governing Council for Environmental Program[me][s] e: GCEP

© K • G • Saur, München Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Government Furnished Support Government Closest to the People

Governing International Fisheries Agreements]


Government e: GOV[T],


Government Acceptance Test e: G A T Government Access to Keys e: G A K Government Accounting Office e:

Government Code and Cypher School e; GC[&]CS


Government Communications

Electronic Commerce e: G A T E C Government Advisory Committee on e: G A C

Government Contract Awards e: GCA

Government Agencies Involved with

Government Contract Committee

Government Agencies Involved with NCR [National Cash Register]



Association [of America] e: G C M A

Centre. Ghent. Activity Report (journ.)

Government Contracts Program e: G C P

e: Gov Agric Res Cent Ghent Act

Government Contracts Reporter

Areas e: G A R I O A

e: G E I C O


Government Furnished Data e: G F D

Government Furnished Documentation

Government Furnished Equipment


Government Furnished Equipment and


Data e: G F E & D

Government Executive e: G O V

Government Aircraft Plant e: G A P

Government Data Publications e: G D P

Government Expenditure e: GD

Government Analysis Report e: G A R

Government Data Systems (joum.) e:

Government Facilities Brochure e: G F B

Gov[t] Data Sys[t],

and Opposition,

Govt Oppos,

Government Finance Officers

Government and/or Commercial Aircraft Is Authorized Where Necessary


GOVMERAIRAUTH Registry Transportation Authorized Outside e:

Government and Relief in Occupied

Government Documents Round Table

Government and Social Science

e. G O D O R T

Information e: GSSI Government Appropriations for Relief in Occupied Areas e: G A R I O A Government Benevolent Institution e: GBI Government Bill of Lading e: GB[/]L e:

GOBILS Government Bureau of Standards


Government Change Control Board e:

Government Furnished Property e: G F P e:


Government Furnished

Standards Committee e: GESC

e: G F

GFA Government Furnished Accessory


GED Government Electronics Market (journ.) e: G E M


Government Furnished Property and Services e: G F P & S

Government Furnished Accessories

Government Electronic Data Processing

Government Electronics Division


Government Furnished Part[s] e: G F P

Government-Funded Program e: G F P

Government Education and Medical e:

e: G F M E

Government Free Issue e: G F I

Government-Funded Procurement


Government Bill of Lading System


Government Furnished Other e: GFX

Government EDP [Electronic Data


Government Furnished Missile

Government Form e: G F

Government Full Period e: G F P



GFM Government Furnished Missile e: G F M

Government Fluidic[s] Coordinating (or

Government Economic Service e: G E S

Processing] Standards Committee

Government Available Property e: G A P


Coordination) Group e: G F O G


Areas e: G A R I O A

Government Furnished List e: G F L


Government Documents Catalog Service

Government Furnished Issue e: G F I

Government Furnished Materials]

Government Flight Representative

Service e: GDPS

Committee e: GPA[C]


Government Finance Statistics Yearbook

Government Fiscal Year e: GFY

Government Document Publishing

Government and Public Affairs

Government Furnished Information e:

(journ.) e: GFS

Government Document Application Profile e: G D A P




Government Distribution HUB e; G D H

Government Furnished Facilities (or Facility) e: G F F

Government Finance Statistics]

[Commercial] e: GDA [Com)

Government and/or Commercial US

Requinements Request e: G F E R R

Government Finance Review (journ.) e: Govt Fin R

GDP Government Diploma in Art

e: G F E L Government Furnished Equipment

Government Furnished Equipment

Canada] e: GFOA

Government Development Platform e:


Government Furnished Equipment List

Records e: G F E R

Association of United States [and

Government Department Electrical Specifications e; GDES


Material e: G F E A M ,

Government Final Inspection e: G F I

Specification e: GDES

e: G L A D Government and Opposition e: Govt

Government Furnished Equipment and

Government Facilities Request e: G F R


Government Department Electrical



Government Data Network e: GDN

Government and Legal Affairs Division

e: G F D Government Furnished Engines e: G F E

Government Aircraft Factories e: G A F

Government and Industrial e: G I

Government Furnished Concept e; G F C

Government Furnished Design e: GFD

Program e: G E M P


Government Contribution e: G C

Government Furnished Capital Equipment e: G F C E

Government Excess Bagage

Gort Cont Rep C[C1H




Government Evacuation Scheme e:

Commerce Clearing House (journ.) e:

Government Aircraft e: GAF,

Government Furnished Baseline

e: GEN

Government Contracts Reports.

Government Furnished Avionics Equipment e: G F A E


Government Equipment News (journ.)


Gov't Cont Rep

Government Aid and Relief in Occupied

GFA e:

Government Energy Management

e. G C S


Government Furnished Article[s] e:

Government Employees Training Act e:

Government Contractors Subcontractors

Government Agricultural Research



Government Employees Insurance Corp.

Government Contract Management



Company e: G E I C O

Government Contractor e: G C

Government Agency e: GA

Government Furnished Ammunition

Government Employees Insurance




Equipment List e: G F A E L e:

Government Employees Health Fund

Government Affairs Institute e: GAI

e: G F A E

Equipment e: G F A E

Government Employees Exchange


Ground Equipment e: G F A G E Government Furnished Airborne

Government Furnished Aircraft



e: G F A E

Government Furnished Aircraft

Act e: G E C A

Government Computer News (joum.) e:

International Book and Library



Government Employees Clinic Center

Government Employees Council

Government Competitive Testing e:

Government Actuary e: GA

Bureau of National Affairs (journ.) e:

e: G E C C

Federation e: G C S P

Government Furnished Aerospace

Government Furnished Aerospace

Government Employees Compensation

Government Communications Staff

Government Acquisition Through


Govt Empl Rel Rep BNA e: G C

Headquarter [s] e: G C H Q



Government Employee Relations Report.

Government College Economic Journal

Government Communications

Government Accumulation Yard

Government Employee Relations Report (journ.) e: G E R R ,

(joum.) e: Govt Col Econ J





Equipment e: G F A E Government Furnished Aeronautical Equipment e: G F A E Government Furnished Aeronautical Equipment List e: G F A E L

Government Furnished Property List e: GFPL


Government Furnished Services e: GFS Government Furnished Software e: GFS Government Furnished Support e: GFS Government Furnished Support Equipment e: G F S E Government Furnished Support Property e: G F S P

Government Chemist e: G C

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich


Government Furnished Surplus Government Furnished Surplus Material e: GFSM Government Gazette e: Govt Gaz W Aust Government Geoscience Database Policy Advisory Committee e: GGDPAC Government Gold and Diamond Office e: GGDO Government Gold Mining Area[s] e: GGMA Government Grade e: GG

Government Lent Property e: GLP

Government of Burma e: GOB

Government Libraries in Belconnen

Government of Canada e: Gc, GC

[Australia] e: GLIB Government Library and Information Service e. GLIS Government Library and Information Service Computer e: GLISCAC Government Library and Information

Northwest Territories e: NWYGI

Stationery Society e: GIPS Government in Occupied Areas; Germany e: GOAG Government in the Sunshine Act e: GISA Government Industrial Research Institute e: GIRI Government Industrial Research Institute at Nagoya e: GIRIN Government Industry Conference against Chemical Weapons e: GICCW Government Industry Cooperative Oyster Research Program e. GICORP Government Industry Coordinating Committee e: GICC Government Industry Data Exchange Program[me] e. GIDEP Government Industry Research Com-

Government Loaned Equipment e: GLE

Government Loaned Property e: GLP Government Logistics Evaluation and Testing e: GLET Government Losses in Shipment Act e: GLISA Government Lot Acceptance Test e: GLAT Government Maintenance Depot e: GMD Government Man e: G-Man Government Management Information Sciences e: GMIS Government Management Information System e: GMIS Government Management Reform Act e: GMRA Government Maturity Test e: GMT Government Medical Office[r] e: GMO


Government Metallurgical Laboratory

Committee e: GITL

e GML Government Metallurgical Laboratory.

Government Information Center e: GIC

Republic of South Africa. Report

Government Information Infrastructure

(joum.) e: Gov Metall Lab Repub S

e Gil Government Information Locator Service e: GILS Government Information Office e: GIO Government Information Organisation (or Organization) e: GIO Government Information Quarterly (joum.) e: Gov. Inf. Q. Government Information Service[s] e: GIS Government Information Services Committee e: GISC Government Information System e: GIS Government Information Systems Technology e: GIST Government Information Technology Services e: GITS Government Initiated e: GI

Afr Rep Government Metropolitan Area Telephone Service e: G MATS Government Microcircuit Applications Conference e. GOMAC Government Modification Authorization e: GMA Government Motor Vehicle e: GMV Government Motor Vessel e: GMV Government National Mortgage Association e: GIMHIE MAE, GNMA Government National Railway Association e: GNRA Government Network Management Profile e: GNMP Government Nomenclature Equipment e: GNE

Government Insurance Office e: GIO

Government Notice e: GN

Government [Internet-Domain] e: gov

Government Obligation e. GO

Government Issue e: GI

Government of Alberta Publications e:

Government Issue Technical Inspection e: GITI Government Laboratories (or Laboratory) ( G l Government Land Register e: GLR


Government Operations Committee e:

Government of Indonesia e: GOI

GAP Government of American Samoa e: GAS Government of Australia e: GOA Government of Belize e. GoB

GO[C] Government or Commercial Aircraft e: GOVMERAIR Government OS1 [Open Systems

Equipment] e: GOI[FE] Government of Israel Trade Center e:

Interconnection] Procurement Specification e: GOSIPS


Government OSI [Open Systems

Government of Japan e: GOJ

Interconnection] Profile e: GOSIP

Government of Korea e: GOK

Government Loaned Material e: GLM

mittee on Flammable Fabrics e: Government Industry Technical Liaison


Government of France e: GFR Government of India e: G[0|I

Government of Israel [Furnished

Government Idle Industrial Reserve e:

GOPARS Government Operations Business Unit

Canada e: GC ENV

Committee e: GLISCAC Northwest Territories, Yellow knife,

Government Imprinted Penalty

Government of Canada, Environment

Government of Iran e: GOI

Government Library, Government of the

GOPARS Government-Operated Parts Store e:

Service Computer Applications

Government House e: GH, GOVTHO GIIR


Government Operated Part Stock e;

Government of Malaysia e: COM Government of National Unity e: GNU

Government OSI [Open Systems Interconnection] Protocols e: GOSIP

Government of New Zealand e: GNZ

Government Ouality Assurance e: GQA

Government of North

Government Owned e: GO



GNVN Government of Ontario [Commuter] Train e: GO Train Government of Ontario Transit System e: GO Transit Government of Sweden e: GOS Government of the Gambia e: GOTG Government of the Peoples Republic of Benin e: GPRB Government of the Philippines e: GOP Government of the Republic of China e: GRC Government of the Republic of Djibouti e: GROD Government of the Ryukyu Islands e: GRI Govemment-off-the-Shelf e: GOTS Government Oil and Pipeline Agency e: Gopa Government Oil Refineries Administration e: GORA Government on Taiwan e: GONT Government Open Systems Implementation Protocol e: GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnect[ion] Procurement e: GOSIPS Government Open Systems Interconnection Procurement Policy e: GOSSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection] Procurement Specification e: GOSIPS Government Open System[s] Interconnection] Profile e: GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile-United Kingdom e: GOSIP-UK Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile-United States e: GOSIP-US Government Open Systems Interface Protocol e: GOSIP Government-Operated Civil Engineering Supply Store e: GOC[ESS] Government-Operated Government-

Government-Owned Aircraft e: GOA Government-Owned and ContractorOperated e: GOCO Government-Owned and Maintained e: GOAM Govemment-Owned/CommercialOperated [Facility] e: GO/CO Government-Owned Contractor-Operated e: GOCO Government-Owned Depot e: GOD Government-Owned Equipment e: GOE Government-Owned Facility e: GOF Government-Owned Financial Institution e: GFI Government-Owned/GovemmentOperated [Facility] e: GO[/]GO Government-Owned Installation e: GOI Government-Owned Material e: GOM Government-Owned Material Repair and Reimbursement e: GOMR&R Government-Owned Personal Property e: GOPP Government-Owned Plant Equipment e: GOPE Government-Owned/Privately-Operated e GOPO Government-Owned Property e: GOP Government-Owned Special Tooling e: GOST Government-Owned Terminal e: GOT Government Packet Network e: GPN Government Paint Committee e: GPC Government Paper Specification Standards e: GPS Government Patent Policy Act e: GPPA Government Patents Board e: GPB Government Performance and Results Act e: GPRA Government Performance Review Act e: GPRA Government Pest Infestation Laboratory. Annual Report (joum.) e: Gov Pest Infest Lab Annu Rep

Owned e: GOGO

G K. • G • Saur, München Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Governors Foot Guard Government Pharmaceutical Organization e: GPO Government Plant Representative e: GPR Government PMR e: GPMR Government Preliminary Evaluation e: GPE Government Preliminary Inspection e: GPI Government Printing Office e: GPO Government Printing Office and Printing Industry of America e: GPO-PIA Government Printing Office Bookstore e; GPOB Government Procurement Practices Board e: GPPB Government Proper Yard e: GPY

Government Report Topical Announcements] e: GRTA Government Report[s] e: GR Government Reports and Topical Announcements e: GRTA Government Reports Announcements

Government Source Inspection e: GSI

Government Valuation e: GV

Government Spares Release e: GSR

Government Vehicle e: GVH

Government Specified Equipment e:

Government Vehicle Service e: GVS

GSE Government Specified Equipment List e: GSEL

and Index (journ.) e: Govt Rep[t]

Government Spending e: G

Annonnc [Index], GRA[&]I

Government-Sponsored Enterprises e:

Government Reports Index e: GRI Government Request Military Tarif e: GRMT Government Research and Development Reports e: GRR Government Research Announcements e: GRA Government Research Center[s] Directory (journ.) e: GRC

GSES Government Sponsored Promotion e: GSP Government Staffs e: GS Government Standard (journ.) e: Govt Stand

Government White Paper e: GWP Government-Wide Index e: GW1 Government-Wide Index to Research and Development e: GWIRD Government-Wide Quality Assurance Program e: GWQAP Governmental e: GOV[TL] Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting e: GAAFR Governmental Accounting Standards Board e: GASB

Government Standard Part[s] e: GSP

Governmental and Industrial e: GI

Government Standards e: GOV STD

Governmental and Public Affairs e:

Government Statistical Service e: GSS


Government Property e: GP

Government Research Corp. e: GRC

Government Steam Train e: GST

Governmental Defence Council e: GDC

Government Property Administration e:

Government Research Directory (joum.)

Government Superannuation Fund e:

Governmental Department for Electrical



Government Property Inventory e: GPI

Government Research Index e: GRI

Government Property Lost or Damaged

Government Research Institute of

e: GPLD Government Property Lost or Destroyed e: GPLD

Formosa e: GRIF Government Reservation Bureau e: GRB

GSF Government-Supplied Equipment e: GSE Government Supply Sources e: GSSs Government Support Date e: GSD Government Talk e: govtalk

Government Property Register e: GPR

Government Reserve e: GR

Government Teachers Union e: GTU

Government Property Yard e: GPY

Government Responsibility e: GR

Government Team of Officials e: GTO

Government Public Relations

Government Responsibility Action e;

Government Technical Institute Library

Association e: GPRA Government Publications (joum.) e: Gov. Publ. Government Publications Review (journ.) e: Gov[t) Publ R[ev] Government Publications Review [Part A] e. Gort Pubns R [Pt A] Government Publications, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon e: SSUGP Government Purpose Licence Right e: GPLR Government Quality Assurance e: GQA Government Quality Assurance Authority e: GQAA Government Quality Assurance Service e: GQAS Government Raster Image Processing Software e: GRIPS Government Raster Image Processing Software and Data e: GRIPS89 Government Rate Tender e: GRT Government Refuse Collection and Disposal Association e: GRCDA

GRA Government Responsibility Authorized e: GRA Government Revenue e: GR Government Rubber e: GR Government Rubber-Acryl[o]nitrile e: GR-A Government Rubber-Isobutylene e: GR-I Government Rubber L e: GRL Government Rubber-Mono vinyl acetylene e: GR-M Government Rubber-Polysulfide e: GR-P Government Rubber-Styrene e: GR-S Government Sale e: GS Government Savings Bank e: GSB Government Securities Manegement e: GSMS Government Securities Trading e: GST Government Securities Trading Computer e: GST Computer Government Security e: GS

Government Regulations] e: GR

Government Selected Price e: GSP

Government Regulations Review

Government Servant e: GS

Committee e: GRRC Government Relations Note (joum.) e: Gov Relat Note Government Relations Office, Spar Aerospace Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario e: OOSAR Government Report e: GR Government Report Announcements [Database] e: GRA Government Report Authorization and Record e: GRAR

Government Servants Association e: GSA Government Service e: GS Government Service Insurance System e: GSIS Government Service Insurance System Employees Association e: GSISEA Government Services Administration e: GSA Government Services Marketing Services e: GSMS

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

e: GTIL Government Technical Report e: GTR Government Technical Representative e GTR Government Technical Testing e: GTT Government Technology Event e: GTE Government Technology Services, Inc. e: GTSI Government Telecommunications Agency e: GTA Government Telecommunications Network e: GTN Government Telecommunications Organization e: GTO Government Telegram e: GOVTEL Government Telegraph Code e: GTC Government Test Labortory e: GTL Government Test[ing] Facilities (or Facility) e: GTF Government Trading Enterprises e: GTE Government Training Center (or Centre) e: GTC Government Training News e: GTN Government Transport Service e: GTS Government Transportation Request e: GTR Government Travel Center e: GTC Government Travel Regulation e: GTR Government Travel Request e: GTR Government Union Review e: Govt Union R[ev] Government University Fund e: GUF Govemment-Un ivers ity- Industry Research Roundtable e: GUIRR Government Use Only e: GUO

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Specifications e: GDES Governmental Department for Electronical Specification e: GDES Governmental Energy and Minerals Committee e: GEM Governmental Finance (joum.) e: G(0]F, Govt Fin, Governmental Fin Governmental Refuse Collection and Disposal Association e: GRCDA Governmental] Report Authorization and Record e: GRAR Governmental Research Association e: GRA Governmental Research Bulletin [Florida] (joum.) e: Governmental Rersearch Bull [Fla] Governments Division e: GOVS Governments Involvement in Volunteer Efforts Programs e: GIVE Governments Reports Announcements