International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Volume 6 Pp – Sf 9783110977172, 9783598229763

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International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Volume 6 Pp – Sf
 9783110977172, 9783598229763

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International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology Compiled by Michael Peschke

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik Bearbeitet von Michael Peschke Vol 6/Band 6


K G Säur München 1997

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - C I P - E i n h e i t s a u f n a h m e Peschke, Michael: International encyclopedia of abbreviations and acronyms in science and technology = Internationale Enzyklopädie der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in Wissenschaft und Technik / comp, by Michael Peschke. - München : Saur. ISBN 3-598-22970-4 Vol. 6. P p - Sf. - 1997 ISBN 3-598-22976-3 © G e d r u c k t auf säurefreiem Papier/ Printed on acid-free paper Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved K. G. Saur Verlag G m b H & C o K G , M ü n c h e n 1997 P a r t of Reed Elsevier Printed in the Federal Republic of G e r m a n y D a t e n e r f a s s u n g u n d Satz / Computer-controlled keyboarding, data p r e p a r a t i o n and a u t o m a t i c d a t a processing by Michael Peschke, Berlin Druck/Printed by Strauss Offsetdruck, M ö r l e n b a c h Binden/Bound by Buchbinderei Schaumann, D a r m s t a d t N o part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any f o r m or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without •permission in writing f r o m the publisher ISBN 3-598-22970-4 (8 Volume-Set) ISBN 3-598-22976-3 (Vol 6)

Contents / Inhalt

Preface and Notes for the User

Vorwort und Hinweise für den Benutzer


Vol 6 / Band 6



Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initials in all their various forms confront us today more than ever. We encounter them in all areas of daily life, both at home and at work: they are often the basis of documentation and communication and frequently themselves contain the central information in a given context. Decoding them is, however, often difficult, sometimes even impossible because adequate reference sources are either not available or not readily accessible. As the use and the invention of abbreviations is increasing world-wide, no one reference work can hope to answer all queries concerning them correctly. The present International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations in Science and Technology with appr. 680,000 entries in 8 volumes attempts to encompass the most important acronyms from the most diverse general and scientific fields. It does, however, limit itself to languages which use the Roman alphabet. The International Encyclopedia also lists common vernacular abbreviations in general use. Thus it goes beyond official terminology. Historical abbreviations have also been included. Where the use of punctuation within the abbreviation is erratic, the most commonly-used form has been given preference. Further information of this nature can be found in the "Notes for the User".

2. Styles of type are used as follows: 2.1. boldface for the abbreviation 2.2. plain for the remaining text 3. Within each entry (beginning with the abbreviation protruding to the left), the meanings are likewise listed a) in alphabetical order of the label indicating the language in which the abbreviation is used, b) in alphabetical order. 3.1. Each abbreviation is followed by the label indicating the area or sphere in which the abbreviation is used and/or the pertinent language. 3.2. The sign of equality (=) normally separates explanatory remarks (usually abbreviated) from each other as well as from the remaining text. In connection with the grammalogue of a language the colon (:) refers to a different expression in another language of the respective meaning. 3.3. Any additional explanations are enclosed in parentheses (). 3.4. Brackets [] are components of abbreviations as well as of meanings. However, parentheses are also used for marking a word that can be substituted for the preceding word, and for marking that part of a word, which, if omitted, will result in a different meaning or spelling.

Language Codes

Notes for the User 1.

The abbreviations are presented in alphabetical order from a to z. À, ae, ç, ô, ô, , ii are arranged as ae, c, oe, ue. Symbols and (diacritic) signs such as . - ( ) [ ] " A° & + are of no importance in regard to the alphabetical order. 1. 1. Alphanumeric sequences are listed in the alphabetical place of the respective letter(s). 1.2. Roman numerals are arranged in their value as literal character. Arabs numerals in alphanumeric sequences are arranged in their value as number. Abbreviations beginning with a number are arranged after the character z.

Berlin, April


A a c d e F f H h i j

Afrikaans Danish Czech German English Finnish French Hungarian Hebrew Italian Japanese

1 N n P P R r S s z

Latin Norwegian Dutch Polish Portuguese Russian Swedish Slovenian Spanish Turkish





Abkürzungen, Akronyme und Initialen in ihren mannigfachen Erscheinungsformen begegnen uns heute überall und mehr denn je. Sie treten in allen Bereichen des täglichen und beruflichen Lebens auf; sie sind oft Grundlage von Dokumentation und Kommunikation und vielfach die entscheidenden Informationsträger. Ihre Bedeutung zu entschlüsseln, ist gleichwohl oft schwierig, manchmal unmöglich, weil geeignete Hilfsmittel fehlen oder diese nur schwer greifbar sind. Weil der Gebrauch und die Erfindung von Abkürzungen und Abbreviaturen in der ganzen Welt ständig zunehmen, vermag niemand allein auf diesem Gebiet alle Fragen zutreffend zu beantworten. Die vorliegende Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik, die ca. 680.000 Einträge in 8 Bänden verzeichnet, versucht, möglichst umfassend die wichtigsten Akronyme aus den unterschiedlichsten Fach- und Lebensbereichen zusammenzustellen. Dabei beschränkt sie sich freilich auf die "lateinisch" schreibende Welt. Die Internationale Enzyklopädie berücksichtigt auch alltagssprachlich übliche und gebräuchliche Formen. Sie enthält also nicht nur die offiziellen Versionen. Auch Abkürzungen, die der Vergangenheit angehören, sind aufgeführt. Abkürzungen, die teils mit, teils ohne Punkt geschrieben werden, sind nach der jeweils überwiegenden Verwendung verzeichnet. Im übrigen geben die "Hinweise für den Benutzer" alle Erläuterungen über die Anlage der Einträge wie des gesamten Werkes.

Hinweise für den Benutzer 1.

Die Abkürzungen werden in der alphabetischen Reihenfolge a...z gebracht. Ä, ae, ö, ö, , ü werden wie ae, c, oe, ue eingereiht. Zeichen wie . - ( ) [ ] " A ° & + sind für die alphabetische Reihe ohne Bedeutung. 1.1. Alphanumerische Folgen stehen an der von dem (den) Buchstaben bestimmten alphabetischen Stelle. 1.2. Römische Zahlzeichen werden nach ihrem Buchstabenwert eingereiht. Arabische Zahlzeichen innerhalb alphanumerischer Folgen werden nach ihrem Zahlenwert geordnet. Abkürzungen, die mit einer arabischen Ziffer beginnen, stehen nach dem Buchstaben Z.

Berlin, April 1997


2. 2.1. 2.2. 3.

3.1. 3.2.

3.3. 3.4.

Die Schriftarten werden wie folgt verwendet: halbfett für die Abkürzung Grundschrift für den übrigen Text Innerhalb einer (mit einer links herausgerückten Abkürzung beginnenden) Wortstelle sind die Bedeutungen a) nach ihrem Bedeutungsbereich (Sortierung Sprache), b) in ihrer alphabetischen Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Der Abkürzung folgt die Angabe der Sprache. Das Gleichheitszeichen (=) trennt im allgemeinen abgekürzte erläuternde Hinweise voneinander und vom übrigen Text. Der Doppelpunkt (:) in Verbindung mit einem Sprachkürzel verweist auf anderssprachige Bezeichnungen der entsprechenden Bedeutung. Sonstige Erläuterungen stehen in runden Klammem (). Eckige Klammern [] schließen Bestandteile von Abkürzungen und von Bedeutungen ein. Bei den Bedeutungen werden diese Klammern mitunter auch dazu benutzt, ein Wort zu kennzeichnen, das an die Stelle des vorangehenden gesetzt werden kann, bzw. Wortteile zu markieren, die, läßt man sie weg, eine andere Bedeutung oder eine andere Schreibung ergeben.

Sprachenkürzel A a c d e F f H h i j

afrikaans dänisch tschechisch deutsch englisch finnisch französich ungarisch hebräisch italienisch japanisch

1 N n P P R r S s z

lateinisch norwegisch holländisch polnisch portugiesich russisch schwedisch slowenisch spanisch türkisch

Michael Peschke



Pp-Pz P P c: Partia Pracy - c: Postavy a Problemy (journ.) - d: Die Palmyrenischen Personennamen (journ.) - d: Palettenpool - d: Pankreatisches Polypeptid - d: Papyrusfunde und Papyrusforschung (journ.) - d: Pellagra-Präventionsfaktor - d: Personalitätsprinzip - d: Phosphoprotein - d: Photoplatte - d: Photoporphyrin - d: Pigmentflecken-Polypose - d: Pilotprojekt - d: Plazentaprotein - d: Pluripara, Multipara - d: Polizeipistole - d: Polizeipräsident - d: Polypeptid - d: Polypropylen [faserstoffe] - d: Portabilitätspaket - d: Postprandial - d: Postprozessorfen] - d: Potentielle Produktion - d: Primipara - d: Privatpatient - d: Privatpraxis - d: Proaktivator-Plasminogen - d: Problemprogramm[e] - d: Produktionsprozess[e] - d: Programmpaket - d: Programmprodukt - d: Progressive Paralyse - d: Projektierungsprozeß - d: Protoporphyrie - d: Protoporphyrin - d: Provisionspauschale - d: Prozentsatz positiver Zellen - d: Prozeßperipherie - d: Pseudoprogramm - d: Pyrogener Prozeß - d: Pyrophosphat - e: Brazil - e: Descent through Cloud - e: Eisai Co. Ltd. - e: Free Library of Philadelphia - e: Pacific Petroleum - e: Page Printer - e: Pages from the Past - e: Palisades Plant - e: Pan Pipes (journ.) - e: Pancreatic Polypeptide - e: Panel Point - e: Pangu Pati - e: Paper Profit - e: Papua New Guinea

- e: Paradigm Publishing Ltd. - e: Parallel Poll - e: Parallel Printer - e: Parallel Processing - e: Parallel Processor - e: Parallel Programming - e: Parametric Programming - e: Parcel Post - e: Paris Publications, Inc. - e: Parish Priest - e: Parliamentary Paper[s] (journ.) - e: Partial Pay - e: Partial Pressure - e: Partial Product - e: Partial Program [me] - e: Partial[ly] paid - e: Particular Port - e: Particulate Phosphorus - e: Partners in Politics - e: Parts Per - e: Passive Participle - e: Password Protection - e: Past Participle - e: Past Patriarch - e: Past President - e: Patch Panel - e: Patchboard Programming - e: Patent Pending - e: Pathfinder Pilot - e: Patriarchs and Prophets - e: Patrol Vessels - e: Pattern Processing - e: Pay Period - e: Peak Power - e: Peak Pressure - e: Peak-to Peak - e: Peanut Pals - e: Pedal Power - e: Pedal Pulse - e: Pellagra Preventing [or Preventive] - e: Pellet Plant - e: Pension Plan - e: Pep Pill - e: Perceptual Performance - e: Percussion Primer - e: Perforation Pitch - e: Pericardial Pressure - e: Periodical Publications - e: Peripheral Processor - e: Periportal - e: Periproct - e: Permanent Party - e: Permanent Pasture - e: Permanent Press - e: Permanent Professor - e: Perpendiculars - e: Personal Property

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

- e: Petrol[eum] Point - e: Philo-Phobe - e: Phoenix Project - e: Phony Peach Bacteria - e: Phosphoprotein - e: Photosynthetic Panel - e: Physical Profile - e: Physical Properties - e: Phytophthora Parasitica - e: Picked Ports - e: Pickpocket - e: Picric Powder - e: Picture Peace - e: Piers Plowman - e: Pilot Parents - e: Pilot Pulse - e: Pilot Punch - e: Pilotless Plane - e: Pine Bark Mixed with Peat - e: Pinepointer (journ.) - e: Pink Puffer - e: Pinpoint - e: Pipelined] Processor - e: Piping - e: Piscataqua Pioneers - e: Pistole, Polizei - e: Pixel-Processing - e: Place of Publisher - e: Placental Protein - e: Plan Profile - e: Plane Parallel - e: Plane Polarized - e: Planetary Program[s] - e: Planned Parenthood - e: Planning Package - e: Planning Permission - e: Planning Permit - e: Planning Purpose - e: Plant Protection - e: Plasma Protein - e: Plasmapheresis - e: Plaster of Paris - e: Plate Power - e: Plate Pulse - e: Play or Pay - e: Please Pay - e: Pleural Pressure - e: Plot Points - e: Pluripara - e: Pluvius Policy - e: Poetry Project - e: Point to Point - e: Polar Pacific - e: Pole Piece - e: Polynomi[n]al Programming - e: Polypeptide - e: Polyphosphate


pp -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e 4

Polypropylen[e] Polypyrrole Population (journ.) Port Pipe Portability Package Position Paper Post Position Post-Processor Post[age] Paid Posted Price Posterior Parietal Cortex Posterior Pituitary Postglenoid Process Postpass Postponed Postprandial Postprocessor Pound[s] Pressure Pour Presenter Power Pack[age] Power Panel Power People Power Plan[t] Power Play Power Pole Power Supplies Practice and Procedure Practice Projectile Praepter Propter Pre-Prototype Preliminary Program[me] Prepaid Preparative Flag Preparatory Program [me] Preparing, Providing Preposition[al Phrase] Prepregnancy Preprinted Preprocessor Preproduction Prescribed Period Present Participle Present Position Press Packed Pressure Pattern Pressure Proof Pretty Poor Previous Page Primary Power Primary Pressure Primary Processor Primary Producers Primipara Princess Pat's Principal Principal Point Print Position[s] Print Program Print [or Printing] Punch Printer Page Printer [or Printing] Perforator Printing] Program[me] Prior Permission Priority Processing Priority Processor Private let Services AG Private Patient Private Practice Private Property Privately Printed Problem Program[me] Processing Programfme] Procurement Plan Producer Price Product Publication Production Phase Production Pool

- e: Production Processes] - e: Professional Paper - e: Program Performance [Measurement System] - e: Program[me] Package - e: Program[me] Paper - e: Program[me] Parameter - e: Programfme] Part - e: Program[me] Plan - e: Program[me] Position - e: Program[me] Processing - e: Programfme] Product - e: Program[me] Pulse - e: Programming Plan - e: Programming Problem - e: Programming Program[me] - e: Progress Payments] - e: Project Priesthood - e: Project Proposal - e: Promotion Pamphlet - e: Propeller Pitch - e: Proportional Part - e: Propria Persona - e: Propulsion Power - e: Protein Phosphatase - e: Prothrombin-Proconvertin - e: Proton-Proton - e: Protoporphyria - e: Protoporphyrin - e: Provisional Parish - e: Provisioning Procedures - e: Proximal Phalanx - e: Pseudo Program[me] - e: Psychic Phenomena - e: Psychological Profile - e: Psychologists and Psychiatrists - e: Public Par - e: Public Property - e: Published Price - e: Pulmonary Pressure - e: Pulse Pair - e: Pulse Polarography - e: Pulse Pressure - e: Pulse Pumped - e: Pulvis Patrum - e: Punctum Proximum - e: Purchase Power - e: Purchase Price - e: Purchased Part[s] - e: Purified Protein - e: Push-Pull - e: Pusher Plane - e: Pyrophosphate - e: [The] Passionate Pilgrim - f: Pandectes Periodiques (journ.) - i: Piu Piano - i: Poco a Poco - i: Posa Piano -1: Palus Putretudinis -1: Pastor Pastorum -1: Pater Patriae -1: Patres -1: Per Procurationem -1: Philologica Pragensia (journ.) -1: Philosophia Patrum (journ.) -1: Piissimus -1: Placenta Praevia -1: Pontificum -1: Praemissis Praemittendis -1: Punctum Proximum - p: Partido Panamenista - p: Partido Popular - p: Por Procuracao - P: Panstwo i Prawo (journ.) - P: Prace Polonistyczne (journ.) - P: Prasa Polska (journ.) - P: Przeglad Powszechny (journ.)

© K • G • Saur, Mönchen

- R: Park Pontonowy - s: Parola del Passato (journ.) - s: Por Poder - s: Porte Pagado - s: Post Pagado pp d: und andere Vertreter - e: pages - e: part paid - e: per paragraph - e: per person - i: pianissimo -1: per procura -1: perge perge -1: post partum Pp d: Papier - e: Pratylenchus penetrans Pp. d: Pappe - d: Papp[ein]band - d: Postpaket PP. e: Philippine peso - i: Processi pp. e: pages - e: push-push -1: paginae -1: perge perge P.P. e: Parliamentary Papers - e: Picked Ports - e: Proportional Parts - f: Port Payé -1: Pater Patriae p.p. e: post paid - i: piena pelle -1: per primam [intentionem sanationis] -1: post partum -1: pro parte P&P e: Packing and Preservation - e: Parsimonious and Penurious - e: Past and Present (journ.) - e: Payments and Progress - e: Peace and Prosperity Issue - e: Plans and Policies - e: Plans and Programs - e: Postage and Packing - e: Pretty Poor - e: Procurement and Production - e: Production and Procurement P-P d: Proton-Proton - e: Peak-to-Peak - e: Pellagra-Preventive factor - e: Person to Person - e: Point-to-Point - e: Proton-Proton - e: Push Pull - e: Pussy-Power p/p e: between perpendiculars P/P e: Partial Pay[ment] - e: Patch Panel - e: Peak to Peak - e: Pier-to-House [Service] - e: Pier-to-Pier [Service] - e: Point-to-Point - e: Port-to-Port [Transport] - e: Printer/Plotter - e: Private Passenger - e: Pterocephaliid-Ptychaspid - e: Push/Pop - e: Push Pull Pp d: Wirkleistung - e: Plate dissipation power PP1 e: Inorganic Pyrophosphate

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PPB PPA d: Palpation, Perkussion und Auskultation - d: Phenoxypropylamid - d: Phenylpropanolamin-hydrochlorid - d: Polypropylenadipinat - d: Prä[pro]phasen-Akzelerator - d: Prozeß-Peripherie-Ansteuerung - e: Athenaeum of Philadelphia - e: National Plant Protection Association - e: Pakistan Press Association - e: Paleopathology Association - e: Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation - e: Pampa - e: Panamerican/Panafrican Association - e: Paper Pail Association - e: Paper Plate Association - e: Parallel Processing Automata - e: Parcel Post Association - e: Parents for Private Adoption - e: Partial Peak Area - e: Partial Product Array - e: Pathology Practice Association - e: Peat Producers Association [of Great Britain and Ireland] - e: Pension Protection Act - e: Peppa Resources - e: Per Power of Attorney - e: Perennial Plant Association - e: Periodical Publishers Association - e: Permian Partnership LP - e: Personnel Pool of America - e: Pesticide Producers Association - e: Pet Producers of America - e: Phenylpropanolamine[hydrochloride] - e: Phenylpyruvic Acid - e: Philippine Ports Authority - e: Photo Peak Analysis - e: Photopolarimeter-Radiometer - e: Piano Publicity Association - e: Pictorial Photographers of America - e: Pilot Pulse Amplitude - e: Pilots and Passengers Association - e: Pipe Products Association - e: Piraeus Ports Authority - e: Pitch Precession Amplifier - e: Pittsburgh Pneumonia Agent - e: Plant Patent Act - e: Plaque-Producing Agent - e: Plasminogen Proactivator - e: Plutonium Preparation Area - e: Policyholders Protective Association of America - e: Pollution Prevention Act - e: Polymer Permeation Analyzer - e: Polyphosphoric Acid - e: Pool Promoters Association - e: Popcorn Processors Association - e: Ports Public Authority - e: Potato Processors Association - e: Poultry Publishers Association - e: Power Plant Automation - e: Powerplant Performance Analysis - e: Pre-Planned Application - e: Preliminary Pile Assembly - e: Prephenic Acid - e: Preschool Playgrounds Association - e: Press and Publications Administration - e: Princeton-Pennsylvania Accelerator - e: Principal Port Authority - e: Printing Platemakers Association - e: Priority Problem Areas - e: Process Planft] Association - e: Produce Packaging Association - e: Product Performance Analysis - e: Professional Panhellenic Association - e: Professional Photographers of America - e: Professional Programmers Association


e: Professional Putters Association e: Program Problem Area e: Program, Project, Activity e: Progiam[me] Product Announcement e: Progress Presse Agentur GmbH e: Progressive People's Alliance e: Propane-Precipitated Asphalt e: Protected Partition Area e: Protestant Press Agency e: Prudent Purchaser Arrangement e: Pseudo Passive Array e: Public Personnel Association e: Publishers Publicity Association e: Pulmonary Artery Pressure e: Puise Plasma Accelerator e: Pulsed Power Amplifier e: Purchasing Program[me]s Administrator e: Purple Plum Association e: Push Pull Amplifier f: Pourcentage de Perte Auditive f: Povoir de Perforation Amélioré f: Prevention des Pertes de Produits Alimentaires -1: Postpartum Amenorrhea - p: Partido Panamenista Auténtico - s: Pie De Palo PPa d: Anorganisches Pyrophosphat - s: Parola del Passato (journ.) PpA d: Mittlerer Pulmonalarteriendruck pPA d: Pulmonalarteriendruck ppa. d: in Vollmacht - i: pianissimo -1: per procura p.p.a. e: per power of attorney -1: phiala prius agitata PP&A e: Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation PPAA e: Personal Protective Armor Association -1: Patres Amplissimi PPAAR e: Princeton [University], Pennsylvania [University], Army Avionics Research PPAB e: Program[me] and Policy Advisory Board PPABP e: American Baptist Publication Society, Philadelphia PPAC e: Penn-Pacific Corp. - e: Pesticide Policy Advisory Committee - e: Primary Progress Assessment Chart - e: Private Planning Association of Canada - e: Product Performance Agreement Center - e: Progressive Political Action Committee P P A C E e: United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District Library, Custom House PPACHi e: American Catholic Historical Society, Philadelphia PPADS e: Parawing Precision Aerial Delivery System PPAEM e: Albert Einstein Medical Center, Northern Division, Philadelphia PPAFA e: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia PPAG e: Personnel Profile-Age by Grade PPAI e: Pinpoint Assignment Instructions PPAK e: Atwater Kent Museum, Philadelphia PPAL e: Pacific Power and Light - e: Pennsylvania Power and Light - e: Principal PPALD s: Promedio Ponderado de los Ajustes por Lugar de Destino PPalZ e: New Jersey Zinc Co., Technical Library, Palmerton PPAM e: Privileged Primary Access Method

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

PPAmP e: American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia PPAmS e: American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia PPAmSR e: American Sugar Refining Co., Philadelphia PPAmSwM e: American Swedish Historical Foundation, Philadelphia PPAN e: Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia - e: Pyrolyzed Polyacrylonitrile PP and C e: Production Planning and Control P.P.A.P. e: Precedents of Private Acts of Parliament PPAp e: Apprentices Free Library, Philadelphia PPAP e: Peak Pulmonary Artery Pressure - e: Precedents of Private Acts of Parliament (journ.) PPAR e: Paterson Parchment Paper Co. - e: Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor - e: Project Performance Audit Report PPArmA e: Armstrong Association of Philadelphia PPAS e: Patti Page Appreciation Society - e: Portable Public Address System - e: Potassium Picrate Active Substances - e: Probability Proportional to Aggregate Size PPAs e: Pulsed Plasma Accelerators PPase d: Pyrophosphatase PPATDQ e: Pediatric Pathology (journ.) PPAtR e: Atlantic Refining Co., Philadelphia PPATRA e: Printing, Packaging and Allied Trades Research Association PPATY e: Preparatory PPAuC e: Automobile Club of Philadelphia PPA Univ KY Coop Ext Serv e: PPA. University of Kentucky. Cooperative Extension Service (journ.) PPAUS e: Peat Producers Association of the United States PPAW e: Public Policy Affecting Women Task Force PPB d: Planungs-ProgrammierungsBudgetierungs-System - e: Botanical Research Centre - e: Parachute Paraglider Building - e: Part[s] per Billion [10"'] - e: Perliminary Parts Breakdown - e: Petro-Canada Products, Inc. - e: Philadelphia Bar Association - e: Planning, Programming [and] Budgeting [system] - e: Political Party Broadcast - e: Polybiblion. Partie Littéraire (journ.) - e: Polybrominated Biphenyl - e: Polyfpara-benzamide] - e: Positive Pressure Breathing - e: Power Plant Bulletin - e: Precision Pressure Balance - e: Preliminary Parts Breakdown - e: Preparing, Planning and Budgeting - e: Pres Prudente [Brazil] - e: Primary Parts Breakdown - e: Primary Propulsion Branch - e: Private Posting Box - e: Production Parts Breakdown - e: Program Performance Baseline - e: Program-Planning-Budget[ing] - e: PROM [Programmable Read-Only Memory] Programmer Board - e: Provisional Parts Breakdown - e: Provisioning Parts Breakdown 5

Ppb. - e: Purchasing Power Benefit - e: Push-Pull Bearing - e: Push Pull Button Ppb. d: Pappband P-P-B e: Planning-Programming-Budgeting PP&B e: Paper, Printing and Binding - e: Planning, Programming and Budgeting PPBAS e: Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Accounting System PPBB e: Prime Power Brass Board PPBC e: Pittsburgh Penguins Booster Club - e: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Committee - e: Portland Problem Behavior Checklist PPBC-R e: Portland Problem Behavior Checklist-Revised Ppbd. d: Pappband P PBD e: Paper or Paperboard PPBD e: Port of Palm Beach District PPBERS e: Program Performance and Budget Execution Review System PPBES e: Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System - e: Program Planning and Budget Execution System - e: Program[me] Planning-BudgetingEvaluation System [Project] PPBES P[roject] e: Program[me] PlanningBudgeting-Evaluation System Project PPBF e: Pan-American Pharmaceutical and Biochemical Federation PPBFSPS e: Pen and Pocket Blade Forgers' and Smithers' Protective Society PPBG e: Preliminary Program[me] and Budget Guidance PPBI e: Balch Institute, Philadelphia PPBM e: Pulse Polarization Binary Modulation - e: Pulse-Polarized Binary Modulation PPBMIS e: Planning, Programming and Budgeting Management Information System PPBR e: Program Plan and Budget Request PPBS d: Planungs-, Programmierungs- und Budgetierungs-System - e: Planning, Programming and Budgeting System - e: Positive Pressure Breathing System - e: Postprandial Blood Sugar - e: Professional Programmer Based System - e: Program Planning and Budgeting Staff - e: Program, Planning and Budgeting System - e: Program [me] Performance Budgetary Systems PPB System e: Planning, Programming and Budgeting System PPB't e: Pinpoint Bombardment PPB-Test d: Purdue-Pegboard-Test - e: Purdue-Pegboard Test PPBUA e: Personnel Practice Bulletin (journ.) PPBZ d: Postprandialer Blutzucker PPC d: Chloriertes Polypropylen - d: Pentosephosphat-Zyklus - d: Pulmonalkapillardruck - d: Pulmonalkapillärer Druck - e: College of Physicians of Philadelphia - e: Journal of Pension Planning and Compliance (journ.) - e: Pan Pacific Centers - e: Paperboard Packaging Council - e: Parallel Path Counter - e: Parallel Poll Configuration [or Configure] - e: Partial Pay Card - e: Parting Post Calls - e: Parts Preference Code - e: Patrick Petroleum Company

- e: Patrol Plane Commander - e: Peace Promotion Code - e: Peak Power Control - e: Penang Port Commission[er][s] - e: Per Pupil Cost - e: Permission to Photocopy - e: Persistent Photoconductivity - e: Personal Portable Computer - e: Personal Productivity Center - e: Personal Programmable Calculator - e: Personal Programmers Club - e: Pertec Peripherals Corporation - e: Pet Population Control - e: Petroleum Pipeline Company, Cairo - e: Petroleum Planning Committee - e: Phase[d] Program[me] Construction - e: Phased Provisioning Code - e: Philatelic Press Club - e: Philips Petroleum Company - e: Photographic Processing Cell[s] - e: Picture Postcard - e: Pierce's Perpetual Code (journ.) - e: Pine Pass - e: Plain-Paper Copier - e: Plain Plaster Cornice - e: Planar Positive Column - e: Plant Pest Control Division - e: Plant Process Computer - e: Platform Position Computer - e: Plug Patch Cord - e: Plutonium Process [or Product] Cell - e: Point of Possible Collision - e: Point-to-Point Correlation - e: Policy Planning Council - e: Polyphthalate-Polycarbonate - e: Portable Personal Computer - e: Positive Peer Control - e: Positive Peer Culture - e: Posterior Parietal Cortex - e: Postoperative Pulmonary Complications - e: Postpulmonary Complications - e: Potential Performance Capability - e: Potential Points of Collision - e: Potentional Performance Capability - e: Power Pack Charger - e: Power Physics Corporation - e: Power Plant Change - e: PPC Oil & Gas Corp. - e: Pre-Proposal Conference - e: Precision Photomechanical Corporation - e: Predicted Point of Collision - e: Predicted Propagation Correction - e: Preliminary Phase Correction - e: Preprocessing Center - e: President of the Privy Council - e: Primary Power Control - e: Print Position Counter - e: Priority Placement Certificate - e: Pro-personal Computer - e: Process Problem Chart - e: Production and Planning Control - e: Production, Planning and Control - e: Professional Personal Computer - e: Program Planning Coordination Office - e: Program Product Center - e: Program[me] Planning and Control - e: Program[me]-to-Program[me] Communication - e: Progressive Patient Care - e: Project Parts Coordinator - e: Project Physics Course - e: Project Planning and Control [System] - e: Project Planning Centre for Developing Countries - e: Projection Printing Camera - e: Prospect Creek - e: Prospective Parliamentary Candidate


© K G - Saur, München

- e: Protected Personnel Carrier - e: Proximal Palmar Crease - e: Psychorotrophic Plate Count - e: Public Power Corporation - e: Publishers Publicity Circle - e: Pulsed Power Circuit - e: Purchase Price Control - f: Pour Prendre Conge -1: Patres Conscripti PpC e: Pick Publishing Corporation, New York pPc e: pure Peruvian cocaine p p c f: pour prendre congé P.P.C. e: Pierce's Perpetual Code PP&C e: Pickpocket and Confidence - e: Production, Planning and Control - e: Project Planning and Control PP-C e: Free Library of Philadelphia, Carson Collection PPCA e: Plasma Prothrombin Conversion Accelerator - e: Power Plant Contractors Association - e: Productivity Promotion Council of Australia PPCAA e: Parole and Probation Compact Administrators Association PPCAP e: People to People Citizen Ambassador Program PPCAs e: Plasma Prothrombin Conversion Accelerators PPCB e: Page Printer Control Block p.p.c.c. e: parts per cubic centimetre PPCC e: Carpenters' Company, Philadelphia - e: Pan Pacific Computer Conference - e: Particles per Cubic Centimeter - e: Postmolded Plastic Chip Carrier PPCCD e: Profiled Peristaltic Charge Coupled Device PPCCH e: Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia PPCD e: Plant Pest Control Division PPCE e: Portable Pneumatic Checkout Equipment - e: Post-Proline Cleaving Enzyme - e: Print Position Control Exit PPCE&E e: Print Position Counter Entry and Exit PPCF e: Plasma Prothrombin Conversion Factor PPCH e: People-to-People Committee for the Handicapped - e: Pilot Pouch PPCI e: Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia - e: Presentation Protocol Control Information - e: Pressure Piping Components, Incorporated PPCIG e: Personal Property Consignment Instruction Guide PPC Jrl e: Polymers, Paint and Colour Journal (journ.) PPCM e: Philadelphia County Medical Society - e: Predictive Pulse Code Modulation PPCMOS, P 2 CMOS e: Double-Polysilicon Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor PPCO e: Periodically Phase-Controlled Oscillator - e: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine PPC02 e: Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide PPCoC e: Community College of Philadelphia PPColP e: Colonial Penn Group, Inc., Marketing Research Library, Philadelphia

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschuft und Technik

PPER PPComm e: Commercial Museum, Philadelphia PPCP e: Propellant Pneumatic Control Panel PPCPC e: Philadelphia City Planning Commission PPCPSG e: Polish POW Camps Philatelic Study Group PPCR e: Preliminary Program Change Request PP Crepe e: Partially Purified Crepe PPCRGD e: Pelican Pedestrian Crossing Regulations and General Directions PPCS e: Page Printer Control System - e: Person to Person: Collect and Special Instruction - e: Personnel Protection and Communication Services - e: Precision Pointing Control System - e: Primary Producers Cooperative Society - e: Production Planning and Control System - e: Project Planning and Control System PPCSEAPR e: Plant Protection Committee for the South East Asia and Pacific Region PPC System e: Project Planning and Control System PPCT e: Project Planning and Control Techniques PPCU e: Parallel Processor Control Unit PPCuP e: Curtis Publishing Co., Research Library, Philadelphia PPCV e: Pulmonary Capillary Venous Pressure PPD d: P[ara]-Phenyl[en]diamin[-oxidase] - d: Piperidinpentamethylendithiokarbamat - e: Drexel University, Philadelphia - e: Packs per Day - e: Panel Power Distribution - e: Panoramic Passive Detection - e: Papered - e: P[ara]-Phenyl[ene]diamine[-oxidase] - e: Paranoid Personality Disorder - e: Parts Provisioning Document - e: Pay Packets Deficency - e: Payload Position Data - e: Pepsin Pancreatin Digest - e: Personnel Planning Data - e: Personnel Priority Designator - e: Petroleum Production Division - e: Piperidine Pentamethylene Dithiocarbonate - e: Pitch Phase Detector - e: Plains Petroleum Co. - e: Planning Productian Data - e: Point Position Data - e: Polish Perspectives (journ.) - e: Portland Public Docks - e: Posteriory Probability Distribution - e: Postpaid - e: Precipitated - e: Prepaid - e: Prepaid Dental Plan - e: Prepaid Legal Services, Inc. - e: Preprototype Demonstration - e: Primary Production Department - e: Prime Power Distribution - e: Processed Payment Document - e: Product and Process Description - e: Proficiency Pay Designator - e: Prognostic Prediction Devices - e: Program Package Document - e: Program Planning Directivefs] - e: Program[me] Planning Document - e: Progressive Perceptive Deafness - e: Project Planning Directive - e: Projectile Pull and Drain - e: Propria Pecunia Dedicavit - e: Propulsion and Power Division

- e: Provisioning Procurement Data - e: Proximity, Point Detonating - e: Pulse-Type Phase Detector - e: Punch Program[me] Drum - e: Purified Protein Derivative - n: Provinciale Pianologische Diensten - R: Pistolet Pulemyot Degtyareva ppd. e: prepaid P&PD e: Percussion and Postural Drainage PPDA e: Para-Phenylenediamine - e: Phenyl Phosphorodiamidate - e: Poor Prisoners' Defence Act - e: Produce Packaging Development Association - e: Produce Prepackaging Development Association PPDB e: Personnel Planning Data Book - e: Point-Positioning Data Base PPD-B e: Purified Protein Derivative-Battey PPDC e: Dental Cosmos Library, Philadelphia - e: Paraguayan People's Documentation Center - e: Pig Production Development Committee - e: Polymer Products Development Center [or Centre] - e: Programming Panels and Decoding Circuits PP-DC e: Programming Panels and Decoding Circuits PPDD e: Plan Position Data Display - e: Preliminary Project Design Description PPDDS e: Private Practice Dental Delivery System PPDef-M e: Defense Personnel Support Center, Directorate of Medical Material Library, Philadelphia PPDF e: Poisson Probability Distribution Function PPDGF e: Porcine Platelet-Derived Growth Factor PPDI e: Para-Phenylene Diisocyanate - e: Pilots Projected Display Indicator PPDIL e: Pre-Power-Dependent Insertion Limit PPDio e: Diocesan Library, Philadelphia PPDM e: E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Marshall Laboratory, Philadelphia - e: Pseudo-Pinch Design Method PPDMG e: Popular Priced Dress Manufacturers Group PPDO e: Per Person, Double Occupancy - e: Personal Paid Days Off p pdo s: próximo pasado PPdo s: Proximo Pasado PPDP e: Pre-Program Definition Phase - e: Preliminary Project Development Plan PP-DPH e: Free Library of Philadelphia, Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped PPDR e: Pilot Performance Description Record - e: Population and Development Review (journ.) - e: Production Packing Depth Range PP/DR e: Preliminary Performance Design Requirements PPDrop e: Dropsie University, Philadelphia PPDS e: Personal Printer Data Stream - e: Physical Property Data Service - e: Planning Production Data Sheet - e: Preservation and Packaging Data Sheet - e: Primary Processor and Data Storage - e: Publishers Parcels Delivery Service PPDs e: Purified Protein Derivatives

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

PPDMS e: Purified Protein DerivativeStandard PPDSE e: International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America PPDT e: [Phenylpyridyljdiphenyltriazine - e: Poly[phenyleneterephthalamide] PPDU e: Presentation Protocol Data Unit PPE d: Pentosanpolysulfoester - e: Independent Union of Plant Protection Employees in the Electrical and Machine Industry - e: Patriot Peculiar Equipment - e: Peripheral Processor Element - e: Personal Protective Equipment - e: Philosophy, Politics, [and] Economics - e: Pholbe Phillips Editions - e: Pikington PE - e: Pipette - e: Platform Position Equipment - e: Polyphenylether - e: Polyphosphate Ether - e: Porcine Pancreatic Elastase - e: Portable Purge Equipment - e: Potomac Pacific Engineering, Inc. - e: Pre-Production Engineering - e: Pre-Production [Proposal] Evaluation - e: Predicted Period of Effect - e: Premodulation Processing [or Processor] Equipment - e: Preproenkephalin - e: Print-Punch Editor - e: Problem Program[me] Efficiency - e: Problem Program[me] Evaluation [or Evaluator] - e: Program Planning and Evaluation - e: Prototype Production Evaluation - e: Purchasing Power Equivalent - e: Pyridoxal Phosphate Effect - e: Shuman, Psychiatric and Psychological Evidence - f: Protection des Plantes et Environnement PPe d: Problemprogramme PP&E e: Program Planning and Evaluation PP/E e: Parallel Print/Extract PPEA p: Programa de Posgrado en Economia Agraria PPEB e: Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadelphia - e: [The] Pottery of Palestine from the Earliest Times to the End of the Early Bronze Age (journ.) PPEC e: Panchayat Polity and Evaluation Committee PPECB e: Perishable Products Export Control Board PPeda i: Problemi della Pedagogia (journ.) PPEF e: Public Policy Education Fund PPELE e: Practical Papers in English Language Education PPEM e: Packed Pixel Expansion Mode PPEMA e: Portable Power Equipment Manufacturers Association PPENA e: Plant and Power Services Engineer (joum.) PPEng e: Engineers Club, Philadelphia P/PEP e: Progress Performance Evaluation Panel PPEP e: Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, Philadelphia - e: Pen Plotter Emulation Pilotsoftware - e: Pen Plotter Emulation Program[me] - e: Plasma Physics and Environmental Perturbation PPER e: Procurement Package Engineering Release


PPERB PPERB e: Progress in Pediatric Radiology (journ.) PPES e: Physical Performance Evaluation System - e: Pilot Performance Evaluation System PPeSchw e: Schwenkfelder Historical Library, Pennsburg PPESD9 e: Proceedings. APRES (journ.) PPET e: Pangea Petroleum Co. PPEWARN e: Pave Paws Early Warning phased-Array Radar Network PPF d: Pasteurisierte PlasmaproteinFraktion - e: Franklin Institute, Philadelphia - e: Pacific Peace Fund - e: Panamanian Public Force - e: Parsons - e: Payload Processing Facility - e: Peacetime Planning Factors - e: Peak Power Frequency - e: Pellagra Preventive Factor - e: Permanent Power Fuse - e: Personal Property Floater - e: Phase Pushing Factor - e: Photophorese Force - e: Plasma Protein Fraction - e: Plumbers and Pipefitters - e: Poetarum Philosophorum Graecorum Fragmenta (journ.) - e: Polar Platform - e: Polarization-Preserving Fiber - e: Poly[phenolformaldehyde] - e: Porous Polyurethane Foam - e: Positive Position Feedback - e: Post Parturitive Fever - e: Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - e: Principal Profile Forms - e: Production Possibility Frontier - e: Program[me] Protect Flag - e: Provision of Production Facilities - e: United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Cana PPFA e: Peoples Pearl and Fishery Corporation - e: Planned Parenthood Federation of America - e: Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association - e: Professional Picture Framers Association - e: United States Army, Frankford Arsenal Library, Philadelphia PP Factor e: Pellagra Preventive Factor PP/Faktor d: Pellagra Präventiv Faktor PPFAR e: Federal Archives and Records Center, General Services Administration, Philadelphia PPF AS e: Past President of the Faculty of Architects and Surveyors PPFC e: Peoples Pearl and Fishery Corporation - e: Philadelphia Fellowship Commission PPFCA e: Philadelphia College of Art Library PPFCDY e: Proceedings. Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference (journ.) PPFD e: Photosynthetically Active Photon Flux Density PPFF e: Poisson Probability Frequency Function PPF-G e: Germantown Laboratories, Inc., Philadelphia PPFHi e: Historical Society of Frankford, Philadelphia PP Film e: Polypropylene Film

PPFJC e: Federation of Jewish Charities, Philadelphia PPFO e: Paris Procurement Field Office PPFP e: Plane Parallel Fabry-Perot PPFr e: Friends Free Library of Germantown, Philadelphia PPFR e: Plutonium Product Filter Room PPFRT e: Prototype Preliminary Flight Rating Test PPFS e: Pergamon Professional and Financial Services PPFUN e: Post-Processor Function PPG d: Phönizisch-Punische Grammatik (journ.) - d: Photoplethysmografie - e: German Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia - e: Pacific Proving Ground - e: Pago Pago, Samoan Islands - e: Periodical Press Gallery - e: Permanent Planning Group - e: Personnel Processing Group - e: Photoplethysmography - e: Picopicogram - e: Piezoelectric Power Generation - e: Pipe Plug - e: Pittsburgh Plate Glass - e: Planned Procurement Guide - e: Planning and Policy Guidance - e: Planning and Programming Guidance - e: Plasma Power Generator - e: Player Piano Group - e: Points per Game - e: Polypropylene Glycol - e: Power-Play Goal - e: PPG Industries, Inc., Coatings and Resins Division, Allison Park - e: Precipitating - e: Predictive Proportional Guidance - e: Primary Pattern Generator - e: Prime Power Group - e: Print Pattern Generator - e: Program Planning Guide - e: Program Policy Guidelines - e: Programmable Pattern Generator - e: Program[me] Pulse Generator - e: Propulsion and Power Generation [or Generator] PpG d: Präpositionalgruppe PPG d: Psychophysikalische Gesellschaft P&PG e: Propulsion and Power Generation PPGA e: British Pot Plant Grower's Association - e: Pennsylvania Personnel and Guidance Association - e: Personal Producing General Agent - e: Post Pill Galactorrhea-Amenorrhea - e: Pot Plant Growers Association - e: Preschool Play-Group Association PPGE e: General Electric Co., Philadelphia PPGE-M e: General Electric Co., Missile and Space Vehicle Department, Aerosciences Laboratory, Philadelphia PPGen e: Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PPG[en]H e: Philadelphia General Hospital Laboratories, Philadelphia PPGeo e: Geographical Society of Philadelphia, Philadelphia PPGi e: Girard College, Philadelphia PPGJW e: Past Pro-Grand Junior Warden PPGM e: Past Provincial Grand Master - e: Planning-Programming Guidance Memo PPGO e: Past Pro-Grand Organist - e: Past Pro-Grand Orient PPGP e: Past Pro-Grand Pursuivant - e: Prepaid Group Practice


© K • G • Saur, München

PPGratz e: Gratz College, Philadelphia PPGRC e: Public Policy and Government Relations Council PPGs e: Primary Pattern Generators - e: Programmable Pattern Generators PPGS e: Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society (joum.) PPGSB e: Past Pro-Grand Sword Bearer PP Guide e: Prescription Proprietaries Guide (journ.) PPGW e: Past Pro-Grand Warden PPH d: Phenylpropylhydrazin - d: Präkapilläre Pulmonale Hypertension [or Hypertonie] - d: Primäre Pulmonale Hypertension - d: Pseudopseudohypoparathyreoidismus - e: Pages Per Hour - e: Paid Personal Holiday - e: Pamphlet - e: Part[s] per Hundred - e: Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension - e: Petroleum Pipehead - e: Phenylpropanolamine[hydrochloride] - e: Phosphopyruvate Hydratase - e: Pints Per Hundred parts of mix - e: Plasmapherese - e: Post Partum H[a]emorrhage - e: Pound[s] per Hour - e: Primary Pulmonary Hypertension - e: Prophet Resources Ltd. - e: Pulsefs] per Hour Pph. d: Pamphlet p.p.h. e: pounds per hour PPHa e: Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, Philadelphia PPHA e: Peak Pulse Height Analysis - e: Private Proprietary Homes for Adults P-Phänomen d: Polcak-Phänomen PPHBA e: Peruvian Paso Half-Blood Association PPHBD7 e: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (journ.) PPHFC e: Holy Family College, Philadelphia PPHID e: Plasma Physics Index (journ.) P Ph L e: Papers in Philippine Linguistics (journ.) PPHM e: Part[s] per Hundred Million - e: Parts per Hundred parts of Mix P[-]PH[-]M e: Pulse Phase Modulation PPHN e: Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn PPHOPT e: Pseudo-Pseudohypoparathyroidism PPHor e: Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Philadelphia PPHP d: Pseudo-Pseudohypoparathyreoidismus PPhp e: Port Phillip PPHP e: Pseudo-Pseudohypoparathyroidism PPHPB e: Problemy Projektowe Hutnictwa i Przemyslu Maszynowego (joum.) PPHPI e: Henry Phipps Institute, Philadelphia PPHPM e: Parts per Hundred Parts of Mix - e: Pints per Hundred Parts of Mix PPHR e: Parts Per Hundred parts of Rubber - e: Planned Parenthood Review (journ.) PPHRA e: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (journ.) PPHRD e: Photochemical and Photobiological Reviews (journ.) P/PH-Relais d: Prüf-/Prüf-Hilfs-Relais PPHRII e: Parents of Premature and High Risk Infants International

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PPiW PPHRNA e: Peruvian Paso Horse Registry of North America PPHS e: Partisan Prohibition Historical Society PPHSL e: Periodical Publication in Harvard Science Libraries PPHT e: [Phenylethyl-propylamino]hydroxytetralin PPhW d: Pentosephosphat-Weg PPHYA e: Plant Physiology (joum.) PPI d: Personalpolitische Information - d: Planen-Priifen-Investieren (joum.) - e: Institute for Psychosomatic and Psychiatric Research and Training - e: Packing, Postage and Insurance - e: Padangpandjang - e: Pages per Inch - e: Pakistan Press International - e: Parallel Peripheral Interface - e: Parallel Plate Interceptor - e: Parcel Post, Insured - e: Park Practice Index (journ.) - e: Particles per Inch - e: Parts Parameter Information - e: Pass Point Instrument - e: Patient Package Insert - e: Pensioners for Peace International - e: Pergamon Press, Incorporated - e: Personality and Personal Illness Questionnaires - e: Personnel Planning Information - e: Pharate Pupal Integument - e: Phoenix Precision Instrument Co. - e: Pickle Packers International - e: Pico Products, Incorporated - e: Pictorial Position Indicator - e: Pilgrim Holdings Ltd. - e: Piston Position Indicator - e: Pixel[s] per Inch - e: Plan Position Indication - e: Plan Position Indicator [Mode] - e: Plasma Protein Isolate - e: Plastic[s] Pipe Institute - e: Plot Position Indicator - e: PIPA [Pulse Integrating Pendulous Accelerometer] Pulse Integrator - e: Policy Proof of Interest - e: Polymeric Polyisocyanate - e: Polyphosphonositides - e: Polyphthalimide - e: POM [Program Objective Memorandum] Preparation Instructions - e: Popular Periodical Index (journ.) - e: Pores per Inch - e: Port Pirie - e: Postage Paid Impression - e: Potash and Phosphate Institute - e: Pounds per Inch - e: Pre Phase-In - e: Preceding Preparatory Interval - e: Preferred Parts Index - e: Preparatory Interval - e: Preplant Incorporated - e: Prepleading Investigation - e: Present Pain Intensity - e: Present Position Indication [or Indicator] - e: Prices Paid Index - e: Primary Personal Interest - e: Prime Permissible Implicant - e: Prince Patrick Island - e: Print Position Indicator - e: Producer Price Index - e: Professional Photographers of Israel Organization - e: Program Position Indicator - e: Programmable Parallel Interface - e: Programmable Peripheral Interface

[adaptor] - e: Project Procurement Instruction^] - e: Project Public Information - e: Property Protection Insurance - e: Proportional Plus Integral - e: Protective Packaging Ine - e: Public-Private Interface - e: Pulp and Paper International (journ.) - e: Pulse Position Indicator - e: Pulses per Inch - e: Pyrophosphate Index - f: Passe-Partout International P.P.I. e: Policy Proof of Interest PPi e: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - e: Pyrophosphate, Inorganic PPi-A e: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Allegheny Regional Branch, Monroeville PPIA e: American-Indonesian Friendship Association - e: Philippine Poultry Industry Association - e: Poultry Products Inspection Act - e: Programme du Pipeline des lies de I'Arctique PPiAC e: Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh PPiAL e: Allegheny County Law Library, Pittsburgh PPiAM e: Pittsburgh Academy of Medicine, Pittsburgh PPIB e: Programmable Protocol Interface Board PPiC e: Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh PPIC e: Plumbing and Piping Industry Council - e: Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse PPiCa e: Carlow College, Pittsburgh PPiCa-O e: Carlow College, Our Lady of Mercy Academy, Pittsburgh PPiCC e: Chatham College, Pittsburgh PPICR e: Institute for Cancer Research, Philadelphia PPiD e: Duquesne University, Pittsburgh PPID e: Polaris-Poseidon Intelligence Digest - e: Product IBM Program Information Department PPI Display e: Plan Position Indicator Display PPiD-L e: Duquesne University, School of Law, Pittsburgh PPIDP e: Pulp and Paper Industries Development Programme PPiE e: E. D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers, Pittsburgh PPIE e: Pseudophase Ion Exchange - P: Panstwowe Przedsiebiorstwo Imprez Estradowych PPIF e: Photo-Processing Interpretation Facility PPiGulf e: Gulf Research & Development Co., Pittsburgh PPiHB e: Camegie-Mellon University, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Pittsburgh PPiHi e: Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh PPiK e: Ketchum, McLeod & Grove, Inc., Pittsburgh PPiL e: La Roche College, Pittsburgh PPIL e: Priced Provisioned Item List - e: Problems in Private International Law (joum.) p-pille N: praeventivpille

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G ' Saur, Munich

PPiM e: Carnegie-Mellon University, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh PPIM e: Programmable Peripheral Interface Microcomputer PPI mode e: photon-flow integration mode PPiMS e: Mine Safety Appliances Co., Pittsburgh pp/in. e: pages per inch PPINA e: Insurance Co., of North America, Corporate Archives, Philadelphia p/p ins e: parts per installment PPInstHE e: Past President of the Institution of Highway Engineers PPInstRA e: Past President of the Institute of Registered Architects P&P Intnl e: Pulp and Paper International Annual Review (journ.) PPIP e: Philippine Poultry Improvement Plan[t] - e: Physics Post-doctoral Information Pool PPiPP e: Point Park College, Pittsburgh PPiPPG e: PPG Industries, Inc., Glass Research Center, Information Services Library, Pittsburgh PPiPT e: Pittsburgh Theological Seminary PPIQ e: Personality and Personal Illness Questionnaire[s] PPIR e: Personnel Planning Information Report PPiR e: Rockwell International Corp., Pittsburgh PPIRO e: Planned Position Indicator Readout PPIS e: Pesticide Product Information System - e: Product Profile Information System PPIs e: Programmable Peripheral Interfaces PPIS P: Panstwowe Przedsiebiorstwo Imprez Sportowych PPI Screen e: Plan Position Indicator Screen PPITB e: Plastics Processing Industry Training Board PPIU e: Programmable Peripheral Interface Unit PPiU e: University of Pittsburgh PPiU-A e: University of Pittsburgh, Henry Clay Frick Fine Arts Center PPiU-BL e: University of Pittsburgh, Blair-Lippincott Library, Eye and Ear Hospital of Pittsburgh PPiU-H e: University of Pittsburgh, Maurice and Laura Falk Library of the Health Professions PPiU-L e: University of Pittsburgh, Law School PPiU-LS e: University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences PPiU-NS e: University of Pittsburgh, Natural Sciences Library PPiU-PH e: University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health PPiU-PIA e: University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs PPiUS e: United States Steel Corp. PPiU-SF e: University of Pittsburgh, Stephen Collins Foster Memorial [Music] Library PPiUSM e: United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh Research Center PPiW e: Westinghouse Electric Corp., Research and Development Center, Pittsburgh 9

PPiW-N PPiW-N e: Westinghouse Electric Corp., Nuclear Center Library, Pittsburgh PPiWP e: Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh PPJ c: Prilozi Proucavanju Jezika (journ.) - e: Philippine Planning Journal (journ.) - e: Pressure Plane Joint - e: Pure Pancreatic Juice - e: Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia PPJea e: Jeanes Hospital, Philadelphia P&P Jrl e: Pulp and Paper Journal (journ.) PPJ-S e: Thomas Jefferson University, Scott Memorial Library, Philadelphia PPJW e: Past Pro-Junior Warden PPK d: Punkt-zu-Punkt-Konfiguration - e: Paired Perpendicular Keratotomy - e: Paramp Pump Klystron - e: Personal Preference Kit - e: Punt, Pass and Kick pPk e: purplish Pink PPKCA e: Pen and Pocket Knife Cutters Association PPKCB P: Prace Komisji Ceramicznej. Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Ceramica (journ.) PPKG e: Power Package PPKV d: Psychopathologisches Kurzverfahren - d; Pasteurisierbare Plasmaproteinlösung - d: Pasteurisierte Plasmapräparate - d: Penicilloyl-Polylysin [-Test] - d: Plasma-Protein-Lösung - d: Privatpilotenlizenz - d: Produktionsprogrammplanungsverfahren - d: Prüfstelle der Physikalischen Laboratorien - e: Journal of Pension Planning and Compliance (journ.) - e: Library Co. of Philadelphia - e: Package Programs of London. - e: Palach Press Ltd. - e: Palmer Physical Laboratory - e: Participle - e: Passed Parameter List - e: Pembina Resources Limited - e: Penicilloyl Polylysine - e: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. - e: Per Pupil Limitation - e: Peter Peregrinus Limited - e: Phase-Locked Loop - e: Phenylpropanolamine - e: Philadelphia Public Library - e: Phoenix Public Library - e: Phonographic Performance Limited - e: Photogrammetric Programming Language - e: Physical Properties Laboratory - e: Pittsburgh Public Library - e: Plan Position Landing - e: Planned Parenthood League - e: Planning Parts List - e: Plasma Physics Laboratory - e: Plasma Propulsion Laboratory - e: Plus Programming Language - e: Plutonium Product Loadout - e: Pneumatic Projectile Launcher - e: Police Protective League - e: Polymorphie Programming Language - e: Polypivalolactone - e: Polypropylene - e: Populated Place - e: Porcine Pancreatic Lipase - e: Portland Public Library - e: Posterior Pole Plasm - e: Posterior Pulmonary [or Pulmonic] Leaflet - e: Power Plant Laboratory - e: Precise Participant Location

- e: Predictive Period Laser - e: Preferential Planning List - e: Preferred Parts List - e: Preferred] Produces] List - e: Preliminary Parts List - e: Weed Parts List - e: Princeton Polymer Laboratories - e: Print Positions per Line - e: Private Pilot[s] Licence - e: Process Peripherals Limited - e: Production Practice Level - e: Production Process Level - e: Program Production Library - e: Project Priority List - e: Providence Public Library - e: Provisioning Parts List - e: Purchased Parts List - e: Pure Prairie League - e: Purple - f: Polybiblion. Partie Litteraire (joum.) - P: Prace Polonistyczne (journ.) PpL e: W. & F. Pascoe Proprietory Ltd. Milsons Point Australia PP1 e: Photoplate Ppl e: Pipeline P/PL e: Primary Payload PP&L e: Pacific Power and Light - e: Pennsylvania Power and Light P n d: Pilotpegel PPLA e: Practice Precautionary Landing Approach - e: Professional Photographic Laboratories Association P[-]Plane e: Pilotless [Air-]Plane PPLas e: La Salle College Philadelphia PPlase e: Peptidylprolyl Cis-Trans Isomerase PPLC e: Patients Protection Law Commission PPLCA e: Propellant and Pressurant Loading and Control Assembly PPLD e: Pikes Peak Library District PPLDF e: Professional Protector and Legal Defense Fund PPLE e: Partial Preliminary Logistic Evaluation - e: [Past] Participle - e: Principle P-P Letters e: Poison-Pen Letters PPL/H e: Private Pilots Licence/Helicopters PPLI e: Precise Participant LocationIdentification - e: Precise Position Location Information - e: Provisioning Parts List Index PPLIF e: Pulsed Photolysis Laser-Induced Fluorescence PPLL e: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, [Civil] War Library and Museum Philadelphia PPLLT e: Provisional Program[me] Load Library Tape PPln e: Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia PPLN e: Pipeline PP1N1C e: Pulsed Positive Ion-Negative Ion Chemical Ionization PPLO[s] e: Pleuro Pneumonia-Like Organism[s] PPLOT e: Post-Processor Plot[ter] PPLP e: Peak Pleural Pressure - e: Photo Polymers Lithograph Plate P PLPBD e: Paper or Pulpboard PplPiBtrbKp d: Pipelinepionierbetriebskompanie PpIPiL/VsuKp d: Pipelinepionier-Lehr- und Versuchskompanie


© K • G • Saur, München

PPLS d: Postperfusion[elle]s Lungensyndrom - e: Precision Position Location [or Locator] System - e: Preferred Parts List System - e: Propellant and Pressurant Loading System PPLs e: Prescribed Load Lists PPIStructE e: Past President of the Institution of Structural Engineers PPLT e: Lutheran Theological Seminary Philadelphia PPL-Test d: Penizilloyl-Polysin-Test - e: Penicilloyl-Polylsin-Test PPLUT e: Post-processor Plotter PPLV e: Preliminary Pollutant Limit Value PPLX e: Section of Populated Place PPM d: Periodisch Permanentes Magnetfeld - d: Periodisch Permanentmagnetisch - d: Puls-Phasen-Modulation - d: Pulse pro Minute - d: Pulsphasenmodulation - d: Pulspositionsmodulation - d: Pulspositions-Modulation[sverfahren] - d : Teile je Million - e: Aberdeen - e: Marihat Research Centre - e: Mercantile Library Philadelphia - e: Pages per Minute - e: Papermaker - e: Parallel Performance Monitor - e: Parallel Processing Machine - e: Part Program Manager - e: Partfs] per Million [10"''] - e: Parts Per Minute - e: Peak Power Meter - e: Peak Program [me] Meter - e: Periodic] Permanent Magnetic] - e: Periodic Pulse Metering - e: Periodic Pulsed Magnet - e: Perodic Permanent Magnet - e: Pershing Project Manager - e: Personnel Priority Model - e: Personnel Program Manager - e: Phase Pulse Modulation - e: Phased Project Management - e: Phenylpropanolamine[hydrochloride] - e: Phosphopentomutase - e: Picks per Minute - e: Picture Processing Machine - e: Piecewise Parabolic Method - e: Pileable Pallet Module - e: Pilot Production Model - e: Pilot Pulse Missile - e: Pistol Prize Money - e: Planned Preventive Maintenance - e: Popocatepetl - e: Position and Pay Management - e: Postage Prepaid in Money - e: Posterior Papillary Muscle - e: Postpass Message - e: Pound[s] per Minute - e: Prairie Print Makers - e: Previous Processor Mode - e: Problem Program[me] Monitor - e: Product Procedure Maintenance System - e: Product Program[me] Manager - e: Production Planning Memorandum - e: Program, Project Management - e: Project Profile Manual - e: Prudential Portfolio Managers Ltd. - e: Public Personnel Management (journ.) - e: Pulmonary Pressure Method - e: Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada (journ.) - e: Pulse Period Modulation - e: Pulse-Phase Modulation - e: Pulse-Position Modulation

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ppp - e: Pulse[s] per Minute - f: Periode Principale de Maintenance - n: Particulière Participatiemaatschappy - s: Patronato de Proteciön de la Mujer - s: Productos Pesqueros Mexicanos P&PM e: Packing and Packaging Manual P.P.M. e: Periodic Permanent Magnet - e: Puise-Phase Modulation PPM/°C e: Part[s] per Million per °C [Centigrade] PPMA d: Progressive Post-PoliomyelitisMuskelatrophie - e: Pakistan Paint Manufacturers Association - e: Plastic Pipe Manufacturers Association - e: Plastic Products Manufacturers Association - e: Political Products Manufacturers Association - e: Post-Polio[myelitis] Muscular Atrophy - e: Precision Potentiometer Manufacturers Association - e: Produce Packaging and Marketing Association - e: Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Association PPMAP e: Power Planning Modeling Application Procedure PPMC e: Parts per Million Carbon - e: Produce Prepackaging Machinery Company PPME e: Pacific Plate Motion Experiment PP Meter e: Peak Program[me] Meter PPMFC e: Preprints on Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants PPMG e: Professional Publishers Marketing Group PPMHD e: Pulsed Plasma Magnetohydrodynamic PPMI e: Pilot Plant Meat Irradiator - e: Printed Paper Mat Institute - e: Progressive Pacemaker Inhibition PPMIN e: Pulses per Minute PPMis e: Misericordia Hospital, Philadelphia PP-Mi-Sr R: Protipechotni-MinaStrepinova PPML e: Preferred Parts and Materials List PPMM d: Postpolyzythämische Myeloische Metaplasie - e: Postpolycythemia Myeloid Metaplasia PPMMA e: Pulp and Paper Machinery Manufacturers Association - R: Problemy Prochnosti v Mashinostroenii (journ.) PPMMB e: Periodical Polytechnica. Mechanical Engineering (journ.) PPMMHD e: Pulse Power MagnetoHydrodynamic PPMN e: Preliminary Program Management Network PPMNA P: Polski Przeglad Radiologii i Medycyny Nuklearnej (journ.) PPMO e: Pershing Project Managers Office - e: Provisional Program Management Office PPMol e: Moore College of Art, Philadelphia p.p.miIIion e: part[s] per million PPMR e: Purchased Parts Material Requirements PPMRC e: Pre-Positioned Material Receipt Card - e: Proceedings. PMR Conference. Annual Publication of the International Patristic, Mediaeval and Renaissance Conference (journ.) P.P.M.'s e: Periodic Permanent Magnets

PPMS e: Pad-Pad Minimum Spacing - e: Pitt Press Mathematical Series (journ.) - e: Plastic Pipe manufacturers' Society - e: Polyfpara-Methylstyrene] - e: Product Procedure Maintenance System - e: Program[me] Performance Measurement System - e: Purdue Perceptual-Motor Survey PPMs e: Periodic Permanent Magnets PPMV e: Parts per Million by Volume - e: Peach Purple Mosaic Virus PPMVA R: Pishchevaya Promyshlennost (journ.) PPMW e: Parts per Million by Weight PPN d: Peroxypropionylnitrat - e: Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, Philadelphia - e: Papenoo - e: Parameterized Post-Newtonian - e: Patient Progress Note - e: Peak-to-Peak Noise - e: Peripendicular Nucleus - e: Peroxyproprionyl Nitrate - e: Polyphosphonate - e: Popayan - e: Portland Public Library - e: Precipitation - e: Predictive Proportional Navigation - e: Procurement Program[me] Number - e: Project, Programmer Number - e: Proportion[al] PP&NA e: Private Plants and Naval Activities PPNA e: Peak Phrenic Nerve Activity - e: Pupil-Perceived-Needs Assessment PPNADY e: Pitch Pine Naturalist (journ.) PPNB e: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Period PPNC e: Pre-Pottery Neolithic C Phase PPNC[FL] e: Proceedings of the Pacific Northwest Conference on Foreign Languages (journ.) PPNDG e: Petition Pending PPNF e: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation PPNG d: Penicillinase-Produzierende Neisseria Gonorrhoeae - e: Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae P/PNL e: Pocket Panel PPNIC1 e: Pulsed Positive/Negative Ion Chemical Ionization PPNO d: Polyvinylpyrrolidin-N-oxid PPNP e: Point Pelee National Park PPNPD e: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (journ.) PPNR e: Photosynthetic Pyridine Nucleotide Reductase PPNSC e: Preferred Procurement Number Selector Code PPNSCA e: Policy Plans and National Security Council Affairs PPNT e: Proponent PPNV d: Plum Phloem Necrosis Virus - e: Plum Phloem Necrosis Virus PPNW e: Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War PPO d: 2,5-Diphenyloxazol - d: Polyphenoloxidase - d: Polyphenyl[en]oxid - d: Progressive Pflegeordnung - e: Patriot Project Office - e: Peak Pepsin Output - e: Performance Prediction Overview - e: Photographic Program Office - e: Platelet Peroxidase - e: Pleuropneumonia Organisms

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Pollution Prevention Office - e: Polyphenol Oxidase - e: Polyphenylodine Oxide - e: Poly[propylene Oxide] - e: Port Postal Office - e: Positive Pole Operation - e: Power Plant Operating - e: Pre Phase-Out - e: Preferred-Provided Organization - e: Preferred-Provider Option - e: Preferred-Provider Organization - e: Pressed Plutonium Oxide - e: Principal Priority Officer - e: Prior Permission Only - e: Procurement Planning Officer - e: Program Printout - e: Projected Program Objective - e: Public Pension Offset - e: Publications and Printing Office - e: Pure Plutonium Oxide - e: Push-Pull Output - R: Podvizhniiy Punkt Obucheniya PP&O e: Plans, Policy and Operations PP0 2 e: Partial Pressure of Oxygen PPOC e: Per pupil Operating Cost PPO Cable e: Polyphenylene Oxide Cable PPODESARROLLO s: Programa de Desarollo y Diversification de Zonas Cafeteras PP of A e: Professional Photographers of America PPOKE e: Pre-Processor Oriented Key Entry PPol P: Przeglad Polski (journ.) - s: Pensiero Politico (journ.) p-p-ola e: political plugola PPOM e: Particulate Polycyclic Organic Matter PPOS e: Saint George United Methodist Church, Philadelphia PPO's e: Preferred Provider Organizations PPOSN e: Proposition PPOTA c: Prumysl Potravin (journ.) PPOW e: Psychologists for the Prevention of War PPow P: Przeglad Powszechny (journ.) PPOxidase d: Polyphenoloxidase PPP d: Palatopharyngoplastik - d: Paraoxypropiophenon - d: Parlamentarisches Patenschaftsprogramm - d: Paroxypropion, p-Hydroxypropiophenon - d: Paroxypropionum - d: Phasierte Projektplanung - d: Produktionsprogrammplanung - e: Forest Research Centre - e: Glycerintripalmitat [Tripalmitin] C„H, l C0 2 CH[CH 2 0 2 CC, 5 H, 1 ] 2 - e: Pacific Peacemaker Project - e: Packaged Power Plant - e: Pan Pacific Petroleum - e: Paper, Printing, Publishing - e: Parallel Pattern Processor - e: Parallel Push-Pull - e: Pariser-Parr-Pople - e: Peak Pulse Power - e: Pentose Phosphate Pathway - e: Permanent Party Personnel - e: Perpex Peristaltic Pump - e: Personal Property Policy - e: Personnel Performance Profle - e: Petroleum Production Pioneers - e: Phase Program Planning - e: Phase Program[me] Planning - e: Phased Project Planning - e: Pickford Projective Pictures - e: Pipelines, Politics and People. Capital Communications Ltd. (joum.) 11

ppp - e: Plan Position Presentation - e: Planning Purpose Proposal - e: Platelet-Poor Plasma - e: Pluripotent Progenitor - e: Pogo Producing Co - e: Point-to-Point Protocol - e: Polluter-Pays-Principle - e: Poly[para-phenylene] - e: Polypropylene]-Para-Polypropylene - e: Popular Power Package - e: Population Policy Panel - e: Portable Plotting Package - e: Positive Pressur Paradox - e: Powerful Permutation Procedure - e: Preferred Pharmacy Program - e: Prescriptive Parent Programming - e: Prescriptive Program Plan - e: Pretty Poor Planning - e: Private Patients Plan - e: Production Part Pattern - e: Profit and Performance Planning - e: Programmed Production Planning - e: Propria Pecunia Posuit - e: Proserpine - e: Protons per Pulse - e: Province Pacification Plan - e: Provisioning Program Plan - e: Pulp and Paper International (journ.) - e: Purchasing Power Parity - e: Purified Placental Protein - e: Push-Pull Power - i: Pianississimo ppp i: più pianissimo -1: piano pianissimo P.P.P. e: Private Patient's Plan P&PP e: Pull and Push Plate PP1P e: Patrol Plane 1st Pilot 3-PPP d: Propyl-3-[3-hydroxyphenyl]piperidin PPPA e: Parallel Push-Pull Amplifier - e: Poison Prevention Packaging Act - e: Professional Pool Players Association - e: Pulp and Paper Prepackaging Association - e: Push-Pull Power Amplifier PPPBDD e: Iran. Plant Pests and Diseases Research Institute. Department of Botany. Publication (journ.) PPPBR e: Peruvian Paso Part-Blood Registry PPPC e: Petroleum Pool Pacific Coast - e: Pipe Plug Producers Council PPP Circuit e: Parallel Push-Pull Circuit PPPCity e: Philadelphia City Institute Branch Free Library PPPCO e: Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Philadelphia PPPE e: Pennsylvania Economy League, Inc., Eastern Division, Philadelphia - e: People, Plans and the Peace. Peace River Planning Commission (journ.) PPPEA e: Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Export Association [of the United States] PPPEC e: Philadelphia Electric Co. PPPEE e: Pulsed Pinch Plasma Electromagnetic Engine PPPFM e: Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, Grand Lodge Library, Philadelphia PPPH e: Forest Research and Development Centre - e: Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia PPPHA e: Philadelphia Housing Association PPPHC e: Philadelphia Tuberculosis and Health Association PPPH-1 e: Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital

PPPI e: Personnel Performance Problems Inventory - e: Photo Processing and Photo Interpretation - e: Plan Positional Plot Indicator - e: Pre-Planned Product Improvement - e: Precision Plan Position Indicator - e: Private Pay Phones, Inc. - e: Projection Plan Position Indicator - e: Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Institute PPPIP e: Pre-Planned Product Improvement Programme PPPL e: Philadelphia Board of Public Education, Pedagogical Library - e: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory - e: Printed Planning Parts List - e: Program[me] Preferred Parts List PPPlanP e: Planned Parenthood of Southeast Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PPPlPh e: Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science PPP&M e: Preservation Packaging, Packing and Marking PPPM e: Philadelphia Museum of Art PPPMD R: Pishchevaya Promyshlennost. Seriya 12. Spirtavya i Likero-Vodochnaya Promyshlennost (joum.) PPP Method e: Pariser, Parr and Pople Method PPP-Methode d: Pariser-Parr-PopleMethode PPPM-1 e: Philadelphia Museum of Art, College ofArt PPPP e: Past Performance and Present Posture - e: Proposed Partial Package Program[me] pppp i: più più più pianissimo PPPPI e: Photographic Projection Plan Position Indicator PPPPP[P] e: Pain/Pallness [or Pallor]/ Pares thesia/Pulselessness/Paralysis [Prostration] PPPR e: Philadelphia Transportation Co. PPPR+C e: Planned Program[me] Project Reporting and Control PPPres e: Presbyterian University of Pennsylvania, Scheie Eye Institute Library Philadelphia PPPRF e: Pan Pacific Public Relations Federation PPPrHi e: Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia PPPrl e: Printing Institute, Philadelphia PPPS e: Pulse Pairs per Second PPPSB e: Philadelphia College of the Bible PPPTe e: Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science PPPTP e: Central Research Institute for Food Crops PPPYBC e: Physiological Plant Pathology (journ.) PPQ e: Abandoned Police Post - e: Parts Per Quadrillion - e: Pittsfield - e: Planning Purpose Quote - e: Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs - e: Polyphenylquinoxaline - e: Primary Parts Package PP/Q e: Plant Protection and Quarantine PPQA e: Pageable Partition Queue Area. PP/Q Program e: Plant Protection and Quarantine Program PPQT e: Parts Per Quintillion - e: Preproduction Qualification Test PPQT&E e: Pre-Production Qualification Test and Evaluation


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P&P Qtly e: Pulp and Paper Quarterly Statistics (journ.) PPQUE e: Plant Protection Quarterly (journ.) PPR d: Price-Präzipitationsreaktion - e: [IBM] Personnel Processing Record - e: Page Printing Receiver - e: Paid Pensioner Recruiter - e: Palomino Pony Registry - e: Paper - e: Partial Product Read - e: Parts Planning Record - e: Payload Preparation Room - e: Peak Production Rate - e: Periodic Personnel Report - e: Periodicals Publishing Record - e: Permanent Pay Record - e: Permanent Personal Registration - e: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (journ.) - e: Photo Plastic Recording - e: Photographic Press Review (journ.) - e: Pilot, Pressure Regulator - e: Polish Peoples Republic - e: Portable Propagation Recorder - e: Post-Punch Read - e: Potential Problem Report - e: Present Participle - e: Press and Public Relations Ltd. - e: Price. Procedural Regulation (journ.) - e: Prices Precipitation Reaction - e: Primary Program[me] Routine - e: Principal Private Residence - e: Principal Probate Registry - e: Printed Paper Rate - e: Prior Permission Required - e: Probate Practice Reporter - e: Procurement Problem Report - e: Product Performance Report - e: Production Parts Record - e: Production Parts Release - e: Production Performance Report - e: Program Progress Report [or Review] - e: Program Proposal Request - e: Program[me] Planning Report - e: Project Progress Report - e: Proper - e: Proprietary Procurement Request - e: Protective Partial Reflector - e: Provisioning Preparedness Review - e: Public Productivity Review (journ.) - e: Purchase Parts Request - e: Purchasing Program[me]s Representative - e: Purchasing Programs Representative - f: Peste des Petits Ruminants PPr d: Pädagogische Provinz (journ.) - e: Port Pirie - R: Pionerskaja Pravda (journ.) P.P.R. e: Puerto Rico Supreme Court Reports P&PR e: Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic Review (journ.) PPRA e: Past President of the Royal Academy - e: Preliminary Personnel Requirements Analysis PPRAA P: Polski Przeglad Radiologiczny (journ.) PPRBD e: Paperboard PPRC e: Personnel Program Review Committee - e: Prepositioned Receipt Card[s] PPRD e: Pontypool Road PPRDS e: Products and Process Research and Development Support

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PPSA PPRE e: Peroxisome Proliferator Response Element PP-Reaktion d: Proton-Proton-Reaktion PPREC e: Pulp and Paper Research and Education Center P Prehist S e: Proceedings. Prehistoric Society (journ.) PPREPT e: Periodic Personnel Report PPRETS e: Reformed Episcopal Seminary, Philadelphia PPRF e: Paramedian Pontine Reticular Formation - e: Pulse Pair Repetition Frequency - e: Rosenbach Foundation, Philadelphia PPRFA i: Poliplasti e Plastici Rinforzati (journ.) PPRG e: Precambrian Paleobiology Research Group PPRGF e: Richard Gimbel Foundation for Literary Research, Philadelphia PPRI e: PACOM [Pacific Area Command] Priority Number - e: Pan-Pacific Research Institution - e: Poloron Products, Inc. - e: Pulp and Paper Research Institute PPRIBA e: Past President of the Royal Institute of British Architects PPRibP. e: Phosphoribose Diphosphate PPRIC[A] e: Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada PPRINT e: Post-Processor Print PPRI e: Plant Protection Research Institute PPRL e: Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory PPRM e: Population Protection and Resources Management - e: Pure Premium Rating Method PPRN e: Preliminary Publication Revision Notice - e: Purchased Parts Requirement Notice PPRNCM e: Professional Performance of the Royal Northern College of Music PPRNS e: Pulse-Phased Radio Navigation System PPRO e: Pattern Processing Technologies, Inc. - e: Per Procuration

P Proc Hampshire Field Club e: Papers and Proceedings. Hampshire Field Club and Archaeologial Society (journ.) PProt e: Postprotest PProv e: Padova e la Sua Provincia (journ.) PPRPA f: Produits et Problemes Pharmaceutiques (journ.) PPRPF e: Regional Planning Federation, Philadelphia PPRRD3 e: Peptide and Protein Reviews (joum.) PPRS e: Perceptions of Parental Role Scales - e: Pharmaceutical Price Regulation[s] Scheme - e: Program Planning and Review Staff - e: Promotion[s] and Placements Referral System PPRs e: Papers PPRSA e: Past President of the Royal Society of Arts PPrStBrt e: Perspectives in Probability and Statistics: in Honor of M. S. Bartlett (journ.) PPRV f: Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus PPRWP e: Poor Precordial R-Wave Progession PPS d: PatientenpaB-System - d: Pentosanpolysulfoester Natriumpentosanpolysulfat

- d: Peripheres Prozessorsystem - d: Phosphatgepufferte Kochsalzlösung - d: Phosphoribosyl-l-pyrophosphatsynthetase - d: Polyphenylensulfid - d: Postpartale Sterilisation - d: Postperfusionssyndrom, Mononukleose nach Transfusion - d: Potentialplanungssystem - d: Problemorientierte Programmiersprache - d: Produkt-Planungs-System - d: Produktionsplanung[s]- und Produktionssteuerung[ssystem] - d: Produktionsprozeßsteuerung - d: Programmierbare Peripheriesteuerung - d: Projektplanungs- und Steuerungssystem - d: Protein-Polysaccharid - e: Pacific Passenger Services - e: Paco Pharmaceutical Services, Inc - e: Pad-Pad Spacing - e: Paediatric Pathology Society of Europe - e: Page Printing System - e: Page Processing System - e: Pain Producing Substance - e: Panoramic Passive Sonar - e: Paper Publications Society - e: Parallel Processing System - e: Parameter Processing System - e: Parliamentary Private Secretary - e: Partial Pressure Sensor - e: Partitioned Priority System - e: Parts Provisioning System - e: Patchboard Programming System - e: Payload Power Switch - e: Payphone Power Supply - e: Pennsylvania Prison Society - e: Pension and Profit-Sharing Tax Journal (journ.) - e: Peoples Oil Ltd. - e: Period[s] per Second - e: Peripheral Processors] [System] - e: Personal Printer Series - e: Personal Plane Service - e: Personal Preference Scale - e: Personal Printing System - e: Personal Protection Squad - e: Personnel/Payroll System - e: Personnel Preference Scale - e: Personnel Processing Squadron - e: Personnel Psychology (journ.) - e: Petroleum Press Service - e: Petroleum Production Survey - e: Phantom Phanatics Society - e: Philadelphia Programming Society - e: Phosphoribosyl-l-pyrophosphatsynthetase - e: Phosphorous Propellant System - e: Photophorese Spectroscopy - e: Photopolarimeter Spectrometer - e: Photovoltaic Power Supply - e: Picture[s] per Second - e: Piece Part Specifcation - e: Pierpont - e: Pitt Press Series (journ.) - e: Plant Parasitic Systems - e: Plant Protection System - e: Plasma Power Supply - e: Plasma Protein Solution - e: Plutonium Product Storage - e: Pneumatic Power Subsystem - e: Point-to-Point System - e: Policy Processing Sheet - e: Poly[para-phenylene Sulfide] - e: Polyphenylene Sulfide - e: Polyphenylenesulphone - e: Port Presentation Module - e: Post-Postscriptum - e: Post Production Service

Internationa] Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K - G • Saur, Munich

- e: Post Production Support - e: Postpartum Sterilization - e: Postperfusion Syndrome - e: Pound -force Per Square inch - e: Pound[s] per Second - e: Pre-Planned Support - e: Pre-Positioned Stock - e: Precise Positioning Service - e: Precise Positioning System - e: Precision Power Supply - e: Prepositioned Stock - e: Prescribed Payments System - e: Preselection Primary Section - e: Primary Paraffin Sulfonate - e: Primary Power Standard - e: Primary Power System - e: Primary Pressure Standard[s] - e: Primary Propulsion System - e: Prime Power System - e: Principal Private Secretary - e: Printer/Plotter System - e: Prior Preferred Stock - e: Priority Processing System - e: Private Practice Section - e: Probability Proportional to Size - e: Proceedings. Prehistoric Society (journ.) - e: Procurement Planning Schedule - e: Product Performance Specification - e: Production Planning System - e: Program Perfomance Specification - e: Program Planning Summary - e: Program Policy Staff - e: Program Preparation Subsystem - e: Programmable Patch System - e: Programmable Power Supply - e: Programmable Pressure Source - e: Program[me] Planning System - e: Program[me] Product Specification - e: Program[me] Production Supervisor - e: Program[me] Products - e: Programmed Processor System - e: Programming Program[me] Strela [USSR] - e: Progressive Pneumonia of Sheep - e: Project for Public Spaces - e: Project Planning System - e: Project Profile System - e: Project Proposal Summary - e: Propose - e: Propulsion and Propellant Section - e: Propulsion Pressurization Subsystem - e: Prospective Payment System - e: Provisioning Parts Schedule - e: Provisioning Performance Schedule - e: Provisioning Policy Statement - e: Prudential Property Services - e: Public and Private [Nongovernment] Schools - e: Publications. Philological Society (journ.) - e: Pulse[s] per Second - f: Parti du Progrés et du Socialisme -1: Post-Polio Sequelae - R: Pistolet-Pulement Sudajew - s: Puerto Princessa pps e: pounds per square inch - e: periods per second - e: pulses per second PPs e: Prairie Provinces P-PS e: Post-Polio Syndrome PP&S e: Papers on Poetics and Semiotics (journ.) PP's e: Payless Paydays - e: Peripheral Processors PPSA e: Pan-Pacific Surgical Association - e: Prospect Park Savings & Loan Association


PPSAS PPSAS e: Program Planning and Status Assessment System PPSAT e: Peripheral Processor Saturation PPSAWA e: Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women's Association PPSB d: Komplex aus: Prothrombin [Faktor II], Prokonvertin [VII], Stuart-ProwerFaktor [X] u. antihämophilem Faktor B [IX] - e: Periodical Publishers Service Bureau - e: Prothrombin, Proconvertin, Stuart Factor, Antihemophilic B Factor PPSC e: Parallel Processing System Compiler - e: Petroleum Products Supply Corporation - e: Physical Profile Serial Code - e: Privacy Protection Study Commission - e: Processor Program State Control PPSCH d: Pappschachtel PPSCI e: Seamens Church Institute, Philadelphia PPSD e: Proposed PPSE e: Petroleum Economist (joum.) - e: Purpose PPSEA e: Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia PPSED3 e: Annual Research Reviews. Physiological and Pathological Aspects of Prolactin Secretion (joum.) PPSEE4 e: Postgraduate Paediatrics Series (joum.) PPSEI f: Progres Politique, Social et Economique de l'ltasy PPSF e: Pound[s] per Square Foot - e: Prefocused-objective Pinhole Spatial Filter PPSG e: Spring Garden College, Philadelphia PPSH e: Pseudovaginal Perineoscrotal Hypospadias PPSh R: Pistolet Pulemet Schpagin PPSI e: Pacific Physician Services - e: Pound -force per Square Inch - e: Pound[s] [-weight] per Square Inch PPSIA e: Personal Property Shipping Information PPSIAD e: Past President of the Society of Industrial Artists and Designers PPSJ e: Pressure Plane Swivel Joint - e: Saint Joseph's College, Philadelphia PPSJ-AF e: Saint Joseph's College, Academy of Food Marketing, Philadelpia PPSKED e: Provisioning Performance Schedule PPSKF e: Smith Kline Corp., Philadelphia PPSL e: Program Parts Selection List - e: Proposed Parts Selection List - e: Provisioning Parts Selection List PPSMEC e: Procurement, Precedence of Supplies, Material and Equipment Committee PPSN e: Present Position - e: Public Packet-Switched Network - e: Purchased Part Shortage Notice PPSO e: Per Person, Single Occupancy - e: Personal Property Shipping Office PPSOPR e: Sun Oil Co., General Office Library, Philadelphia PPSP e: Page Printer Spooling System - e: Ponderosa Pine or Sugar Pine - e: Power Plant Siting Program PPSpr[n] d: Problemorientierte Programmiersprache[n] PPSPS e: Plutonium Product Shipping Preparation Station PPSR e: Periodic Personnel Strength Report

PPSS d: Produktionsplanung und Steuerungssystem - e: Foundation for the President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control PPSs e: Parallel Processing Systems PPSS e: Polyphenylene Sulfide Sulfone - e: Product and Process Status System - e: Project Planning and Scheduling System - e: Public Packet Switching Service PPSSA e: Proceedings. Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium (journ.) P P S S C C e: Foundation for the President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control P P S T e: Prefix Partition Specification Table P P S t a r r e: Starr Center Association, Philadelphia P P S t C h e: Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia PPSteph e: William B. Stephens Memorial Library, Philadelphia PPSU d: Polyphenylensulfone - e: Programmable Power Supply Unit PPSV e: Plutonium Product Storage Vault PPSYA e: Personnel Psychology (journ.) P/p-System d: Blutgruppensystem mit dem Faktor P PP-System d: Peripheres Prozessorsystem PP System e: Parallel Processing System PPT d: Prednison-Provokationstest - d: Programmierbare Parallele Tore - d: Pyrexal-Provokationstest - d: Pyrexin-Provokationstest - e: Papeete - e: Papeete, Society Islands - e: Partial Parse Trees - e: Partial Prothrombin Time - e: Parts per Thousand - e: Part[s] per Trillion [Konzentration 10"18] - e: Parts Procurement Time - e: Pedunculopontine Tegmentum - e: Pericles, Prince of Tyre - e: Period Pulse Train - e: Periodic Program[me][s] Termination - e: Peripheral Performance Test - e: Permanent Part-Time - e: Personal Portable Telephone - e: Phenylalanine Pyruvate Transaminase - e: Pine Point Mines Ltd. - e: Pitch Precession Torquer - e: PolypurineTract - e: Pooh Property Trust - e: Poppet - e: Post Production Test - e: Practical Policy Test - e: Praecipitatus - e: Praeparata - e: Pre-Production Test[ing][s] - e: Precipitate - e: Preprotachykinin - e: Primary Program operator interface Task - e: Private PurchasingTariff - e: Probabilistic Potential Theory - e: Process Page Table - e: Processing Program[me] Table - e: Product Positioning Time - e: Production Prototype - e: Program Proofing Team - e: Program[me] Punched Tape - e: Programmer Productivity Technique[s] - e: Project Planning Technique - e: Prompt - e: Propyl[thio]uracil - e: Public and Private Transport - e: Pulse Plasma Thruster - e: Punched Paper Tape - e: Punched Plated Thru - e: Putnam Premier Income Trust


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Temple University, Philadelphia - e: Theosophical Society, Philadelphia - f: Pamatai ppt. e: parts per trillion - e: praecipitatus - e: precipitate - e: prepared -1: praecipitatus PP&T e: Packaging, Preservation and Transportation P-P-T e: Pay-per-Transaction P:PT e: Parts for Printer Terminal PPt2 e: Parts Planning Record PPTA e: Precipitation PPTA J e: PPTA [Post-Primary Teachers Association] Journal (journ.) PPTase e: Phenylalanine Pyruvate Transaminase PPTB e: Pin-Pack Test Board PPTBA e: Pattern and Plastic Tool Builders Association PPTC e: Purchased Part Tab Card PPT-D e: Temple University, DentalPharmacy School, Philadelphia pptd e: precipitated PPTEC e: Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering (journ.) P&P-Test d: Prothrombin-ProconvertinTest PPTG e: Parallel Program[me] Task Graph - e: Precipitating PPTH e: Parts per Thousand pPTH e: Porcine Parathyroid Hormone PPT Hole Process e: Punched Plated Thru Hole Process PPTI e: Passport Travel, Incorporated PPT-ISA e: Picture Personality Test for Indian South Africans PPTiT P: Poczta Polska, Telegraf i Telefon PPTJ e: Theodore F. Jenkins Memorial Law Library, Philadelphia PPTL d: Postpartale Tubenligatur PPT-L e: Temple University, Law School, Philadelphia PPTL e: Pulp and Paper Traffic League -1: Postpartum Tubal Ligation ppt/lat. e: prompt or later p.p.t. [Idg] e: prompt [loading] PPT-M e: Temple University, Medical School, Philadelphia PPTMR e: Personal Property Traffic Management Regulation PPTN e: Precipitation PPTO e: Personal Property Transportation Officer - e: Principal Professional and Technology Officer PPTP e: Power Proportioning Temperature Programmer PPTPI e: Past President of the Town Planning Institute PPTPP e: Promulgators of Public Toilets in Public Parks PPTR e: Power Proportioning Temperature Programmer - e: Pulsed Photothermal Radiometry - e: Punched Paper Tape Reader [or Reading] PPTri e: Tri-Institutional Library, Philadelphia PPT's e: Partial Parse Trees PPTS e: Portable Perishable Tool System - e: Punched Paper Tape Speed - P: Panstwowe Przedsiebiorstwo Totalizator Sportowy ppt sh e: prompt ship

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PQCS PPT-T e: Temple University, School of Theology, Philadelphia PPTV e: Parts per Trillion by Volume PPTW e: Permanent Part-Time Work PPTY e: Property ppty e: proprietary PP-Typ e: Pink Puffer-Typ PPU d: Persistierende Proteinurie - e: Cocoa, FL - e: Packaged Power Unit - e: Papun - e: Payment for Public Use - e: Peace Pledge Union - e: Peninsula Petroleum Corp. - e: Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. - e: Peripheral Processing [or Processor] Unit - e: Picture Processing Unit - e: Platform Position Unit - e: Power Processing Unit - e: Pre-Processing Unit - e: Pre-Processor Utility - e: Pre-production Unit - e: Primary Producers Union - e: Prime Power Unit - e: Professional Psychics Unit - e: Program Providing Unit - e: Programmable Processing Unit - e: Projectile Programming Unit - e: Promontory Point P&PU e: Peoria and Pekin Union PPUAES e: Publications. Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-5 and 1909 (journ.) PPUCA4 c: Acta Scientiarum Naturalium. Academiae Scientiarum Bohemoslovacae (journ.) PPUG e: United Gas Improvement Corp., Philadelphia PPUK e: Picked Ports United Kingdom PPULC e: Union Library Catalogue of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PPUMD3 e: Museum of Paleontology. Papers on Paleontology (journ.) PPUNA e: United States Naval Aircraft Factory, Philadelphia PPUnC e: University Club, Philadelphia PPUNH e: United States Naval Home, Philadelphia PPUR-A e: Population Review (journ.) PPUs e: Peripheral Processor Units PPUSDA e: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Eastern Utilization Research and Development Division PPV d: Fachverband der Papier und Pappe Verarbeitenden Industrie - d: Plum Pox Virus - d: Positiver Prädikationswert - d: Pulmonalvenendruck - e: Pay Per View - e: People-Powered Vehicle[s] - e: Pitch Power Valve[s] - e: Plum Pox Virus - e: Polarized Platen Viewer - e: Porcine Parvovirus - e: Positive Predictive Value - e: Positive Pressure Ventilation - e: Pre-Production Verification - e: Pre-Programmed Vehicles - e: Pressure Protection Valve - e: Primary Pressure Vessel - e: Propulsive Propellant Venting - e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Philadelphia PPv d: Portaler Venendruck P/PV e: Public/Private Ventures P P V L e: Posterior Pulmonary Valve Leaflet

PPVO e: Premature Pulmonary Valve Opening PPVS e: Propulsion Propellant Venting System PPVT[-R] e: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test[-Revised] PPVU e: Peripheral Processor and VLSI [Very Large Scale Integrated] Unit P&PW e: Publicity and Psychological Warfare PP-W e: Free Library of Philadelphia, H. Josephine Widener Memorial Branch PPW e: Pacif-Corp - e: Papa Westray - e: Partial Product Write - e: Parts per Weight - e: Petitions for Patent Waiver - e: Plane-Polarized Wave - e: Ponderosa Pine Woodwork [Association] - e: Potato Processing Waste - P: Prace Polonistyczne [Wroclaw] (journ.) PPWA e: Ponderosa Pine Woodwork Association PPWa e: Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia PPWB e: Prairie Provinces Water Board PPWC e: Pines to Palms Wildlife Committee - e: Pulp, Paper and Woodcutters [or Woodworkers] of Canada PPWe e: Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia PPWF e: Pakistan Petroleum Workers Federation PPWG e: Production Planning Working Group P P W I e: Wistar Institute ofAnatomy and Biology, Philadelphia PPWiH e: Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia PPWM e: Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PPWMA e: Progress in Powder Metallurgy (journ.) PP-WP e: Planned Parenthood World Population PPWP e: Planned Parenthood-World Population PPWR e: Pre-Positioned War Reserve PPWRS e: Prepositioned War Reserve Stocks P P X d: Pipekolylxylidin - e: Packet Protocol Extension - e: Pipecolylxylidine - e: Port Moller, Arkansas - e: Private Packet[-switching] Exchange PPY e: Pages per Year - e: Polyacrylonitride Precursor Yam - e: Prophesy Development PPYSA e: Plant Physiology. Supplement (journ.) PPZ d: Pentosephosphatzyklus - d: Programm- und Projektzentrale - d: Psychophysikalische Zeitschrift (journ.) - e: Proton Polar Zone - e: Zoological Society of Philadelphia - P: Polska Partia Zielonych PP-Zellen d: Pankreatische Polypeptidsezernierende Zellen - d: Polypeptidbildende Pankreaszellen PPZI P: Przeglad Pismiennictwa Zagadnien Informacji (journ.) PQ d: Permeabilitätsquotient - d: Phonationsquotient - e: Pack Quickly - e: Pakistan Quarterly (joum.) - e: Panic in Quebec

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich

- e: Parliamentary Question - e: Performer Quotient - e: Permeability Quotient - e: Personality Quotient - e: Philological Quarterly (journ.) - e: Philosophical Quarterly (journ.) - e: Physically Qualified - e: Physician's Questionnaire - e: Piano Quarterly (journ.) - e: Planetary Quarantine - e: Plant Quarantine Division - e: Plasma Quad - e: Plastoquinone - e: Pollution Quotient - e: Polyquinoxaline - e: Premier Quartier - e: Premium Quality - e: Preparative Quencher - e: Previous Question - e: Province [of] Quebec - e: Psi Quotient - e: Psychiatric Quarterly (journ.) - e: Public Quarters - e: Puerto Rico International Airlines, Inc. - e: Punishment Quarters - e: Quebec - e: South Pacific Airlines of New Zealand - e: United States Patent Quarterly (journ.) - f: Plan Qualite -1: Pro Querente pq e: peculiar Pq e: Primaquine P.Q. e: United States Patent Quarterly p.q. 1: pro querente P&Q e: Peace and Quiet P-Q e: Phenol-hydroquinone - e: Porphyrin-Quinone P,, d: Blindleistung PQA e: Parts Quality Assurance - e: Petroleum Quality Assurance - e: Plant Quality Assurance - e: Preliminary Quantitative Analysis - e: Procurement Quality Assurance - e: Production Quality Assurance - e: Project Quality Assurance - e: Protected Queue Area PQAA e: Province of Quebec Association of Architects PQAD e: Plant Quality Assurance Director PQAI e: Procurement Quality Assurance Instruction P Q A M e: Program Quality Assurance Manager - e: Project Quality Assurance Manager PQAP e: Planned Quality Assurance Program - e: Procurement Quality Assurance Program PQAR e: Petroleum Quality Assurance Representative - e: Purchasers Quality Assurance Representative PQAS e: Program Quality Assurance System PQBOAK s: Pesquisas Botanica (journ.) PQC e: Paul Quinn College, Waco - e: Poor-Quality Cost - e: Precision Quartz Crystal - e: Premium Quality Control - e: Procurement Quality Control - e: Production Quality Compiler - e: Production Quality Control PQCC e: Production Quality Compiler Compiler PQCS e: Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society (journ.) - e: Process Quality Control System


PQCSD6 PQCSD6 i: Commissione Intemazionale per la Protezione delle Acque Italo-Svizzere. Rapporti (journ.) PQD e: Percentage Quartile Deviation - e: Plant Quarantine Division - e: Predicted Quarterly Demand - e: Pyroelectric Quad Detector PQDMB e: Percentage Quartile Deviation Median Bias PQE e: Parents for Quality Education - e: Partition Queue Element - e: Post-Qualification Education - e: Precision-Quality-Experience - e: Principal Quality Engineers - e: Project Quality Engineering PQEL e: Partition Queue Element PQEP e: Product Quality Evaluation Plan PQET e: Print Quality Enhancement Technology P.Q.F. f: Plan Quinquennal Français PQFP e: Plastic Quad Flat Pack[age] PQGS e: Propellant Quantity Ga[u]ge [or Ga[u]ging] System[s] PQGs e: Propellant Quantity Ga[u]ges PQI e: Presque Isle - e: Product Quality Improvement - e: Professional Qualification Index - e: Propellant Quantity Indicator PQIH e: Plant Quarantine Inspection House PQL e: Prior Quarter Liability PQLI e: Physical Quality of Life Index PQM e: Pacific Quarterly [Moana]: An International Review of Arts and Ideas (journ.) - e: Pilot Qualified in Model - e: Post Quartermaster - e: Print Quality Monitor - e: Pulse Quaternary Modulation PQMC e: Philadelphia Quartermaster Center PQMD e: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot - e: Propellant Quantity Measuring Device PQMDO e: Proposed Quality Material Development Objective PQMR e: Preliminary Quantitative Material Requirements PQMS e: Process Quality Measurement System PQN e: ConsolidatedPetroquin - e: Pahaquarry [New Jersey] - e: Pipestone - e: Principal Quantum Number PQO e: Phoenix PQP e: Planetary Quarantine Plan - e: Preliminary Qualification Procedures - e: Prequalification Prototype PQQ d: Pyrrolchinolinchinon - e: Port Macquarie - e: Pyrroloquinoline Quinone PQQPRI e: Provisional Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information PQR e: Pantan Resources - e: Performance Qualification Requirement - e: Personnel Qualification Record - e: Personnel Qualification Roster - e: Peruvian Quarterly Report (journ.) - e: Procedure Qualification Record - e: Productivity, Quality and Reliability - e: Program Quality Review PQRS e: Productivity increases, Quality control, Robotization and Savings PQRST e: Personal Questionnaire Rapid ScalingTechnique - e: Product-Quality-Routing-Service-Timing


PQS e: Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement (journ.) - e: Percentage Quota System - e: Personnel Qualification Standard[s] - e: Picolo-Quadranten-Suchsystem - e: Pilot Station - e: Product Quotient Storage - e: Production Quotation Support - e: Progressive Qualification Scheme - e: Promotion Qualification Score - f: Plan Qualite Systeme PQSF e: Preparative Quencher Stopped Flow PQT e: Parquet Resources, Inc. - e: Performance Qualificaton Test - e: Polyquinazolotriazole - e: Preliminary Qualification Test - e: Production Qualification [and] Test[ing] - e: Professional Qualification Test - e: Prototype Qualification Test[ing] PQT-C e: Prototype Qualification TestContractor PQT&E e: Production Qualification Test and Evaluation PQT-G e: Prototype Qualification TestGovernment PQT/LOT e: Production Qualification Test/Limited Operational Test PQTP e: Prototype Qualification Test Plan PQT-SE e: Prototype Qualification TestService Evaluation PQTUM f: Parque do Tumucumaque PQu d: Gebühr für den Ausfall an Gesprächsgebühren bei Regelquerverbindungen PQU d: Pseudoquadrofonie - e: Salisbury P Qu e: Philippines Quarterly (journ.) PQu e: Polycyclic Quinone PQua d: Gebühr für den Ausfall an Gesprächsgebühren bei Ausnahmequerverbindungen PQUE e: Print Queue Processor PQUEA e: Progress in Quantum Electronics (joum.) PQus e: Polycyclic Quinones PQV e: Procurement Quality Verification PQVS d: Platten-QuellenprogrammVerwaltungssystem PQW e: Placita de Quo Warranto, Record Commission (joum.) PQX e: Physically Qualified Except PQZ e: Premium Quality Zinc PQ-Zeit d: Strecke im Ekg PR d: Paar - d: Paketradio - d: Paketrate - d: Pallida-Reaktion - d: Paramagnetische Resonanz[spektroskopie] - d: Partielle Remission - d: Pegelregler - d: Pelvirektal - d: Persentilenrang - d: Phenolrot - d: Pilotregelgerät - d: Pipeline-Rechner - d: Pneumatischer Regler - d: Polnischer Rundfunk - d: Postrat - d: Prämienrechnung - d: Präsident - d: Preisrecht - d: Preßrezeptor - d: Primärradar - d: Problem Report - d: Produktionsrate © K G - Saur, Manchen

- d: Progesteronrezeptor[en] - d: Progestin - d: Programmierer - d: Proportionalregler - d: Prothrombin-Ratio - d: Prozessor - d: Prozeßrechner - d: Prozeßroutine - d: Prüfrest - d: Pseudoregister - d: Puerto-Rico [-Virusstämme] - d: Pulsrate - d: Pulverraketenstrahltriebwerk - d: Richtlinie für Datenübermittlung - e: Abbott Laboratories - e: Aircrew Survival Equipmentman - e: Pacific Reporter (journ.) - e: Packet Radio - e: Packet Rate - e: Packet Receive - e: Page Reader - e: Painter - e: Pair - e: Pakistan Railways - e: Panama Red [marijuana] - e: Panel Receptacle - e: Pangenesis Related - e: Panthère Rose - e: Paper Tape Reader - e: Parachute Rigger - e: Paradise Regained by John Milton - e: Parallax and Refraction - e: Parcel Receipt - e: Parental Recommendation - e: Parents Rights - e: Paris Review (journ.) - e: Parish Register - e: Parliamentary Report - e: Parliamentary Returns - e: Parrott Rifle - e: Partial Reflector - e: Partial Remission - e: Partial Response - e: Passengers Risk - e: Past in Review - e: Pathogenesis Related - e: Patient Relations - e: Patrol Report - e: Patrol Vessel, River Gunboat - e: Pattern Recognition [or Recognizer] - e: Payroll - e: Peking Review (journ.) - e: Pen Record - e: Pénicillium roqueforti - e: Pennsylvania Reports (journ.) - e: Penny Resistance - e: Per [Price] - e: Percent Recovery - e: Percentage Rates - e: Percentile Rank - e: Perforation Rate - e: Performance and Reliability - e: Performance Rating - e: Performance Ratio - e: Performance Report - e: Performance Requirement - e: Periodic Report - e: Periodic Reversal [or Reverse] - e: Peripheral Resistance - e: Perirenal - e: Permanent Reactor - e: Permanent Rector - e: Permissive Reassignment - e: Pershing Rifles - e: Persistency Rater - e: Personality Record - e: Personnel Resources

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Pr - e: Petroleum Review (journ.) - e: Pharmaceutical Record (journ.) - e: Phase Resolved - e: Phenol Red - e: Philadelphia Reports (journ.) - e: Philanthropic Roundtable - e: Philippine Airlines, Inc. - e: Philippine Island Reports (journ.) - e: Philosophical Review (journ.) - e: Phosphate Rock - e: Phosphorylase-Rupturing - e: Photo-Reacting - e: Photo-Reconnaissance - e: Photo-Recorder - e: Photo-Resist - e: Photo Reflectance - e: Photographic Reconnaissance - e: Photographic Recorder - e: Physical Record - e: Piaster - e: Picture Ratio - e: Piezoresistive - e: Pilot Rating - e: Pinch Runner - e: Pineal Recess - e: Pioneer [Kumasi] (journ.) - e: Pipe Rail - e: Pipe Rolls - e: Pitch Ratio - e: Pitting Rate - e: Pittsburgh Reports (journ.) - e: Pityriasis - e: Planetary Radar - e: Planning Reference - e: Plant Recovery - e: Plant Report - e: Please Return - e: Plotting and Radar - e: Plyrating[-prismary Radar] - e: Pneumatic Retinopathy - e: Pocket Radio - e: Point Resistance - e: Polarized Relay - e: Policy Review - e: Polish Register - e: Polyarthrite Rheumatisme - e: Ponceau Red - e: Poor Rate - e: Port Risks - e: Position Record - e: Position Register - e: Position Report - e: Positive Real - e: Post Request - e: Post-Resuscitation - e: Postal Rate commission - e: Postal Regulations - e: Poste Recommandee - e: Posterior Ridge - e: Posterior Right - e: Pounder - e: Pour Remercier - e: Power Range - e: Power Ratio - e: Power Return - e: Practice - e: Practice Reports (journ.) - e: Practitioner (journ.) - e: Prairie - e: Praseodymium] - e: Prayer - e: Pre-Raphaelite - e: Preacher - e: Precedence Rating - e: Preferred] - e: Prefix [Resolution] - e: Pregnancy Rate

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in

- e: Preliminary Report [or Review] - e: Premature Release - e: Prepare [Reply] - e: Preposition - e: Presbyterian - e: Present - e: Presidency - e: Press Releases (joum.) - e: Pressure [Ratio] - e: Pressure Recorder - e: Pressure Regulator - e: Price [Communications Corp.] - e: Price Received - e: Price Redetermination - e: Price Reduced - e: Priest - e: Primary [Radar] - e: Primary Rate - e: Primary Reference - e: Primary Runout - e: Primitive - e: Prince Regent - e: Princess Royals - e: Principal Register - e: Print Register - e: Print Restore - e: Print[ed] - e: Printer - e: Printing [Reperforator] - e: Printing Request - e: Priority country] - e: Priority Regulation - e: Priority Resolver - e: Priority Routine - e: Priory - e: Prism[atic] - e: Prismatic Tank - e: Private [Road] - e: Prize Ring - e: Pro Rata - e: Probabilistic Risk Assessment - e: Probate Reports (journ.) - e: Problem Report - e: Procedural Regulations - e: Procedure^ Review] - e: Proceedings - e: Proceedings. American Society of University Composers (journ.) - e: Process-Reactive - e: Processor - e: Proctologist - e: Proctosigmoidoscopy - e: Procurement Regulation^] - e: Procurement Request - e: Producing Region - e: Product Register - e: Product-Remainder - e: Production Rate - e: Production Requirements - e: Profile Reliability - e: Profit Rate - e: Program Resolution monitor - e: Program[me] Register - e: Program[me] Repeat - e: Program [me] Requirements - e: Program[me] Routine - e: Programming [Requirement] - e: Progress Report - e: Progressive Resistance - e: Project Release - e: Project Report - e: Prolactin - e: Proline - e: Prolonged-Release - e: Pronominal - e: Pronoun[ced] - e: Proper

and Technology

© K - G • Saur, Munich

- e: Proportional Representation - e: Proposed Regulation - e: Proposed Request - e: Proposed Rule - e: Propulsion Range - e: Propyl - e: Prose - e: Protease - e: Protective Reaction] - e: Protectorate Regiment - e: Protestant - e: Prothrombinratio - e: Proton Resonance - e: Prototype - e: Proved - e: Provencal - e: Provisional Release - e: Pseudo Random - e: Pseudo-Residual - e: Psychedelic Review (journ.) - e: Psychiatric Record - e: Psychoanalytic Review (journ.) - e: Psychological Review (journ.) - e: Public Relations] - e: Public Responsibility - e: Public Roads (journ.) - e: Puerto Rican[s] - e: Puerto Rico - e: Puerto Rico Supreme Court Reports (journ.) - e: Pulse Rate - e: Pulse Ratio - e: Pulse Regeneration [or Regenerator] - e: Pulsed Reactor - e: Punch Routine - e: Punching Rate - e: Punctum Remotum - e: Punjab Record (journ.) - e: Purchase Request - e: Pure Rubber - e: Purple - e: Putchase Request - e: Pyrite - e: Pyrogallol Red - e: Pyrolytic Release - e: Reading Public Library - e: river gunboat - e: Software-parameter specification - e: Upper Canada Practice Reports (journ.) - f: Parti Républicain - f: Poste Radio - f: Premières Règles - i: Per Recipient -1: Per Rectum -1: Pityriasis rosea -1: Polyarthritis rheumatica -1: Populus Romanus -1: Pruritus -1: Punctum Remotum - n: Proefstation voor de Rundveehouderij, Schapenhouderij en Paardenhjouderij - P: Polskie Radio - s: Pinar del Rio - s: Puerto Rico pR d: pakistanische Rupie - e: purplish Red P r d: Parameter - d: Präambel - d: Prädikat - d: Praktik[en] - d: Praktikum - d: Prämie - d: Prämisse - d: Prärie - d: Präsens - d: Praxis - d: Präzision 17

Pr - d: Preis - d: Presbyopie - d: Preuße[n] - d: Primaner[in] - d: Primat - d: Prinzip - d: Priorität - d: Prisma - d: Probe - d: Problem - d: Professor - d: Profi[l] - d: Profit - d: Prognose - d: Programmierung] - d: Progression - d: Projektion] - d: Projektor - d: Prokurist - d: Prolaktin - d: Prolongation - d: Promenade - d: Promille - d: Pronomen - d: Propan - d: Proportion - d: Proporz - d: Propyl - d: Prospekt - d; Protektion - d: Protest - d: Prothese - d: Proton - d: Provenienz - d: Proviant - d: Provinz - d: Provision - d: Provisorium - d: Provokation - d: Prozent - d: Prozeß - d: Prüfer - d: Prüfung - e: Parana - e: Power - e: Preamble - e: Precancelled - e: Prednisone - e: Preemphasis - e: Presbyopia - e: Presentation - e: Press (journ.) - e: Prevention (journ.) - e: Price's English Exchequer Reports (journ.) - e: Primer - e: Prince - e: Principal - e: Print - e: Pristane - e: Probable - e: Probe (journ.) - e: Problemata - e: Procarbazine - e: Proctoscopy - e: Prohemio (journ.) - e: Promenade - e: Prometheus (journ.) - e: Promille - e: Proposition - e: Prostor (journ.) - e: Proverbs - e: Proximal - p: Praca pr d: prächtig - d : prägen - d: praktisch

- d: praktizieren - d: prall - d: präparieren - d: präpariert - d : präsent - d: präzise - d: pressen - d: preußisch - d: primär - d: primitiv - d: prinzipiell - d: privat - d: profund - d: provisorisch - n: protestants Pr. d: Präambel - d: Praktik[en] - d: Prämie - d: Probe - d: Projekt - d: Prolog - d: Protein - d: Protokoll - d: Prüfer - e: Pair - e: Practice Reports - e: Price's Exchequer Reports - e: Prior -1: Proteus pr. d: privat - e: power - e: preference - e: preferential - e: preferred - e: pressure - e: price - e: prism[s] - e: private - e: proceedings - e: process P.R. e: Pitch Ratio - e: Pacific Reporter - e: Parcel Receipt - e: Parliamentary Reports - e: Payment Received - e: Pennsylvania Reports - e: Philadelphia Reports - e: Philippine Island Reports - e: Pittsburgh Reports - e: Polish Register Classification Society - e: Post Radiationem - e: Postal Regulations - e: Press Release - e: Probate Reports - e: Puerto Rico - e: Puerto Rico Supreme Court Reports - e: Punjab Record - e: Upper Canada Pratice Reports -1: Populus Romanus - s: Puerto Rico p.r. 1: per rectum -1: post radiationem -1: pro rata -1: punctum remotum P&R e: Parallax and Refraction - e: Parks and Recreation (journ.) - e: Pelvic and Rectal - e: Performance and Resources - e: Philadelphia & Reading Railway - e: Philosophy and Rhetoric (journ.) - e: Picture and Resume - e: Pigott and Rodwell's Reports in Common Pleas (journ.) - e: Planning and Review - e: Post and Rail - e: Pulse and Respiration P+R e: Park and Ride


© K • G • Saur, München

P-R e: Pennsylvania-Reading - e: Progesterone-Receptor P/R e: Parcel Receipt - e: Payroll - e: Photosynthesis/Respiration - e: Pitch/Roll - e: Productivity/Respiration - e: Provisional Release p/r 1: per rectum PR+ d: positive Progesteronrezeptoren - e: Reactor Pressure Plus Pr... d: Prüf... pr... e: privat[e]... P[R] e: Packet [Receive] Pr d: Empfangsleistung - d: reflektierte Lichtleistung PR d: Grundgeräuschleistung - d: Rauschleistung eines Widerstandes P'n d: Rauschleistungsdichte PR-1 e: Print Register 1 PR1 e: Parachute Rigger, First Class PR2 e: Parachute Rigger, Second Class PR3 e: Parachute Rigger, Third Class PRA c: Praha - d: Phosphoribosylamin - d: Plasma-Renin-Aktivität - d: Pragmatisch - d: Probefahrtdauerkennzeichen für andere Fahrzeuge - d: Prozeßrechneranlage - d: Pulsrahmenanalysator - e: Albright College, Reading - e: Division of Policy Research and Analysis - e: Page Replacement Algorithm - e: Paint Research Association - e: Paperwork Reduction Act - e: Parabolic Reflector Aerial [or Antenna] - e: Parana - e: Parool (journ.) - e: Patent-Rights-Acquisition - e: Pay Readjustment Act - e: Pay Record Access - e: Paymaster Rear Admiral - e: Payroll Audit[or] - e: Peace Research Abstracts - e: Peak Recording Accelerograph - e: Pendulous Reference Axis - e: Peoples Republic of Albania - e: Peoples Republic of Angola - e: Permanent Restricted Area - e: Personnel Research Activity - e: Personnel Research Association - e: Petrol Retailers Association - e: Phosphoribosylamin[e] - e: Pilots Rights Association - e: Pitch and Roll Attitude - e: Planetary Radio Astronomy - e: Planned Regulatory Action - e: Planned Restricted Availability - e: Plasma Renin Activity - e: Plutonium Recycle Acid - e: Polar Regions Award - e: Policy Research and Analysis - e: Popular Rotocraft Association - e: Port Rashid Authority - e: Postal Reorganization Act - e: Prairie Rail Authority - e: Prairiefire Rural Action - e: Prakrit - e: Pre-Retirement Association [of Great Britain and Northern Ireland] - e: Preamplifier - e: Precision Axis - e: Premium Audit - e: Prerefund Audit - e: President of the Royal Academy - e: Presidents Re-Employment Agreement

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Präd. - e: Primary Area - e: Primary Reviewing Authority - e: Prime Responsable Authority - e: Print Alphamerically - e: Probabilistic Risk Assessment - e: Probation and Rehabilitation of Airmen - e: Production Reader Assembly - e: Production Readiness Assessment - e: Progesterone Receptor Assay - e: Program[me] Reader Assembly - e: Progressive Retinal Atrophy - e: Projected Requisition Authority - e: Prompt Radiation Analysis - e: Proust Research Association - e: Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association - e: Psychological Research Associates [or Association] - e: Public Resources Association - e: Public Roads Administration - e: Puerto Rico Area Office - e: Puerto Rico Association PrA d: Der Praktische Arzt (journ.) - d: Preisamt - d: Programmierte Ausbildung - d: Prüfungsamt - d: Prüfungsausschuß - e: Primer Acto (journ.) Pra d: Die Praxis des Bundesgerichts (journ.) - d: Prachtausgabe - e: right atrial Pressure - s: Para P.R.A. e: President of the Royal Academy Pr.-A. d: Prachtausgabe - d: Preisabbau - d: Prioritätsaktie PrA d: relativer Pegel am Ausgang PRA d: Druck im rechten Vorhof PRAA e: Airman Apprentice, Parachute Rigger, Striker - f: Programme de Relèvement de l'Agriculture en Afrique PRAAD e: Photo-Resist Apply and Dry PrAb d: relativer Pegel an der abgehenden Vierdraht-Schnitstelle PRAB d: Produktionsauftragsbildung - e: Prab Robots, Inc. Pr.-Abb. d: Preisabbau PRAC e: Practice - e: Practitioner - e: Pressure Ratio Acceleration Control - e: Production Research Advisory Committee - e: Program Resource Advisory Committee - e: Public Relations Advisory Committee - e: Pyrethrum Research Advisory Committee Prac e: Practical Prac. e: Practitioners PRACA e: Practitioner (journ.) - e: Problem Reporting and Corrective Action - e: Puerto Rican Association for Community Affairs Prac Acc[nt] e: Practical Accountant (journ.) Prac Act e: Practice Act (journ.) Prac Anth e: Practical Anthropology (journ.) Prac Appr Pat TM and Copyright e: Practical Approach to Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights (journ.) Pra Cas e: Prater's Cases on Conflict of Laws (journ.) Praca Zabezp Spolecz c: Praca i Zabezpieczenie Spoleczne (journ.) PRACE e: Photo-Resist Align, Contact and Expose Prace A P: Prace Archaeologiczne (journ.)

Prace Bmenske Zakl Ceskoslov Akad Ved c: Prace Bmenske Zakladny Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved (journ.) Prace Inst Bad Lesn P: Prace Instytut Badawezy Lesnictwa (journ.) Prace Inst Fiz P: Prace Instytutu Fizyki (journ.) Prace Inst Maszyn Przeplywowych P: Prace Instytutu Maszyn Przeplywowych (journ.) Prace Inst Tech[nol] Drewna P: Prace Instytut Technologii Drewna (journ.) PRACEL e: Page Replacement Algorithm and Control Logic Prace Nauk Akad Ekon Poznan P: Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu (journ.) Prace Nauk Akad Ekon Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wroclawiv (journ.) Prace Nauk Inst Cybernet Techn Politech Wroclaw Ser Konfer P: Wroclaw. Politechnika. Instytut Cybemetyki Technicznej. Prace Naukowe. Seria Konferencje (journ.) Prace Nauk Inst Cybernet Techn Politech Wroclaw Ser Monograf P: Wroclaw. Politechnika. Instytut Cybemetyki Technicznej. Prace Naukowe. Seria Monografie (journ.) Prace Nauk Inst Cybernet Techn Wroclaw Ser Stud i Materialy P: Wroclaw. Politechnika. Instytut Cybemetyki Technicznej. Prace Naukowe. Seria Studia i Materialy (journ.) Prace Nauk Inst Mat Politech Wroclaw Ser Konfer P: Wroclaw. Politechnika Wroclawska. Instytutu Matematyki. Prace Naukowe. Seria Konferencje (journ.) Prace Nauk Inst Mat Politech Wroclaw Ser Monograf P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Matematyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Monografie (journ.) Prace Nauk Inst Mat Politech Wroclaw Ser Stud [i] Materialy P: Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Instytutu Matematyki. Prace Naukowe. Seria Studia i Materialy (journ.) Prace Nauk Inst Ochr Rosi P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Ochrony Roslin (joum.) Prace Nauk Uniw Slask Katowic P: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach (joum.) Prace Stud Vysokej Skoly Doprav Spojov Ziline Ser Mat-Fyz c: Prace a Studie Vysokej Skoly Dopravy a Spojov v Ziline. Seria Matematicko-Fyzikalna (joum.) Prace Stud Vysokej Skoly Doprav Ziline Ser Mat-Fyz c: Prace a Studie Vysokej Skoly Dopravnej v Ziline. Seria Matematicko-Fyzikalna (joum.) Prace Vyzkum Ust Lesn Hosp Mysl c: Prace Vyzkumneho Ustavu Lesneho Hospodarstvi a Myslivosti (joum.) Prace Wroclaw Towarz Nauk Ser A P: Prace Wroclawskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Seria A (joum.) Prace Zakr Nauk Roln Lesn [Poznan] P: Prace z Zakresu Nauk Rolniczych i Lesnych [Poznan] (joum.) Prac F e: Practical Fanner (joum.) Prac Forecast e: Practical Forecast for Home Economics (joum.) PRACHACO p: Proceso de Reorganización Agraria del Chaco Prac Home Econ e: Practical Home Economics (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

PRACL e: Page-Replacement Algorithm and Control Logic Prac Law[yer] e: Practical Lawyer (joum.) Prac Lek c: Pracovni Lekarstvi (journ.) Prac. Litig. e: Practical Litigation PRACOS e: Praxis-Computer-System Prac. Real Est. Law. e: The Practical Real Estate Lawyer PRACSATS e: Practical Satellites PRACT e: Practical - e: Practice - e: Practitioner Pract Account e: Practical Accountant (joum.) Pract Adm e: Practising Administrator (journ.) Prac. Tax Law. e: The Practical Tax Lawyer Pract Biotechnol e: Practical Biotechnology (journ.) Pract Colloid Chem e: Practical Colloid Chemistry (joum.) Pract Comput e: Practical Computing (journ.) Pract Dig e: Practice Digest (journ.) Pract Electron[ics] e: Practical Electronics (journ.) Pract Energy e: Practical Energy (journ.) Pract Eng [Chicago] e: Practical Engineer [Chicago] (journ.) Pract Eng [London] e: Practical Engineering [London] (joum.) Pract Gastroenterol e: Practical Gastroenterology (joum.) Practical Comput e: Practical Computing (journ.) Practition e: Practitioner (journ.) Pract Law e: Practical Lawyer (joum.) Pract M e: Practical Magazine (journ.) Pract Med [Phila] e: Practice of Medicine [Philadelphia] (journ.) Pract Metallogr Spec Issues e: Practical Metallography. Special Issues (journ.) Pract Methods Electron Microsc e: Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy (journ.) Pract Mot e: Practical Motorist (journ.) Pract Otol [Kyoto] e: Practica Otologica [Kyoto] (journ.) Pract Oto-Rhino-Laryng[ol] e: Practica Oto-Rhinolaryngologica (journ.) Pract Pharm [Tokyo] e: Practical Pharmacy [Tokyo] (joum.) Pract Plast e: Practical Plastics (journ.) Pract Plast Aust NZ e: Practical Plastics in Australia and New Zealand (journ.) Pract Power Farming e: Practical Power Farming (joum.) Pract Reg e: Practical Register in the Common Pleas (joum.) Pract. Reg. e: Practical Register of Common Pleas Pract Solar e: Practical Solar (journ.) Pract Spectrosc e: Practical Spectroscopy (joum.) Pract Spectrosc Ser e: Practical Spectroscopy Series (journ.) Pract Surf Technol e: Practical Surface Technology (joum.) Prac[t] Wel[der] e: Practical Welder (journ.) Pract Woodworking e: Practical Woodworking (journ.) PRAD e: Pitch Ratio Adjust Device - e: Program[me] Research and Development Präd. d: Prädikat 19

PRAD 1 PRAD 1 d: Parathyreoid-Adenom-Gen PRADAB d: Produktionsauftragsdatenbank präd[ik]. d: prädikativ Pr Adm Dig e: Pritchard's Admiralty Digest (journ.) PRADO d: Projektabwicklungs- und Dokumentationssystem Prado s: El Prado PRADOM p: Programa de Adiestramiento y Estudios sobre Reforma Agraria y Desarrollo Rural en República Dominicana PRADOR e: PRF [Pulse Repetition Frequency] Ranging Doppler Radar PRADOS d: Projektabwicklungs- und Dokumentationssystem pr Adr e: Per Adresse PRADS e: Parachute Retro[-rocket] Air Drop System Prad Wireless e: Practical Wireless (journ.) praec. e: praecipitatus PRAED e: Practical Energy (journ.) praef 1: praefatio PrAg d: Probleme der Ägyptologie (journ.) Prähist Z d: Prähistorische Zeitschrift (journ.) Praen. d: Pränomen praen e: praenomen Praep Evang 1: Praeparatio Evangélica Praepo 1: Praepositus Präp Pharmazie d: Präparative Pharmazie (journ.) PRAF e: Passenger-Reserved Air Freight Präf. d: Präfekt - d: Präferenz - d: Präfiguration - d: Präfix PRAG d: Presse-Rundfunk AG - d: Programmsystem zur Auswertung in der Gaschromatografie - d: Programmsystem zur Auswertung von Gaschromatogrammen - e: Pragma Bio-Tech, Inc. präg e: pragmatic - e: pragmatism PragA e: Prager Archiv (journ.) PRAGA e: Probleme Agricole (journ.) Prager Med Wochenschr d: Prager Medizinische Wochenschrift (journ.) PRAGMA e: Processing Routines Aided by Graphics for Manipulation of Arrays Prag Micro e: Pragmatics Microfiche (journ.) PR Agrie Exp Stn Bull e: Puerto Rico. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin (journ.) PR Agrie Exp Stn Tech Pap e: Puerto Rico. Agricultural Experiment Station. Technical Paper (journ.) Prague Bull Math Linguist e: Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics (journ.) Prague St e: Studies in English by Members of the English Seminar of the Charles University, Prague (journ.) Prague Stud Math Linguist e: Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics (journ.) Präh. Z. d: Prähistorische Zeitschrift (journ.) PRAI e: Peer Review Analysis - e: Phosphoribosyl Anthranilate Isomerase - e: Planning Research and Action Institute - e: Pre-Reading Assessment Inventory PRAICO e: Puerto Rican American Insurance Company


PRAIEN f: Centre de Préparation Practique aux Applications Industrielles de l'Énergie Nucléaire Prair f: Prairial PR Aircraft e: Photographie Reconnaissance Aircraft PRAIREO e: Prairie Oil Royalties Co. Ltd. Prairie Gard e: Prairie Garden (journ.) Prairie Inst Environ Health PIEH e: Prairie Institute of Environmental Health. Report PIEH (joum.) Prairie Nat e: Prairie Naturalist (journ.) Prairie Sch[oon] e: Prairie Schooner (journ.) Prairie Sch R e: Prairie School Review (journ.) PRAIS e: Passive Ranging Interferometer Sensor - e: Pesticide Residue Analysis Information Service PRAJ e: Peace Reseanh Abstracts Journal (journ.) Prakla-Seismos Rep e: Prakla-Seismos Report (journ.) PRAKOS d: Prozeß-, Ablauf- und Kontrollsteuerung Prakruti Utkal Unir J Sei e: Prakruti Utkal University Journal of Science (journ.) Prakt. d: Praktikant - d: Praktiker - d: Praktikum prakt. d: praktisch - d: praktizierend] - d: praktiziert Prakt Anästh d: Praktische Anästhesie, Wiederbelebung und Intensivtherapie (joum.) Prakt Arzt d: Praktische Arzt (journ.) Prakt Bl Pflanzenbau Pflanzenschutz d: Praktische Blätter für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz (journ.) Prakt Chem d: Praktische Chemie (journ.) Prakt Desinfekt d: Praktische Desinfektor (joum.) Prakt Energiek d: Praktische Energiekunde (joum.) Prakt Hell Hydrobiol Inst e: Praktika. Hellenic Hydrobiological Institute (journ.) Prakt Landtech d: Praktische Landtechnik (joum.) Prakt Lek c: Prakticky Lekar (joum.) Prakt Metallogr d: Praktische Metallographie (joum.) Prakt Metallogr Sonderb d: Praktische Metallographie. Sonderbände (journ.) Prakt Schädlingsbekämpf d: Praktische Schädlingsbekämpfer (joum.) Prakt Sudebnopsikhiatr Ekspert R: Praktika Sudebnopsikhiatricheskoi Ekspertizy (joum.) Prakt Tier[arzt] d: Praktische Tierarzt (joum.) Prakt Tuberk Bl d: Praktische Tuberkulose Blätter (joum.) Prakt Vet [Moskva] R: Prakticheskaia Veterinariia [Moskva] (joum.) Prakt Wegw Bienenz d: Praktischer Wegweiser für Bienenzüchter (joum.) Prakt Yad Fiz c: Praktikum po Yademoi Fizike (joum.) pral s: principal Präl. d: Prälat - d: Präludium Pr. Ale. e: Propyl Alcohol PrALR d: Preußisches Allgemeines Landrecht (joum.)

© K G - Saur. München

PRAM d: Programme für angewandte Mathematik - e: Packet Random Access Memory - e: Page Replacement Analysis Models - e: Parallel Random Access Machine - e: Perambulator - e: Poseidon Random Access Memory - e: Pre-Recorded Announcement and Boarding Music Reproducer - e: Preliminary Repair Level Decision Analysis Model - e: Processing Rate Analytic Model - e: Productivity, Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Office - e: Programmable Amplifier - e: Programmable Random Access Memory - e: Program[me] Requirements Analysis Method - e: Propelled [Rapid] Ascent Mine - e: Pseudo-Random Access Memory - e: Rocket-Propelled Rising Mine - f: Projet de Revalorisation de l'Agriculture en sec au Maroc p/RAM e: programmable Random Analysis Method pram, d: präm[i]ieren - d: präm[i]iert Präm. d: Präm[i]ie[rung] - d: Prämisse PRAMC e: Pramana (journ.) PrA„ d: relativer Pegel an der ankommenden Vierdraht-Schnittstelle PRAN e: Airman, Parachute Rigger, Striker - e: Prefix Analysis - e: Production Analyser - e: Production Analyzer - e: Proust Research Association. Newsletter (journ.) prand 1: prandium PRANDM e: Progress in Anesthesiology (joum.) Pr.-Ang. d: Preisangabe[n] PRANG e: Projection Angle - e: Puerto Rico Air National Guard PRANS e: Proportional Range Scheduling PrAO d: Preisanordnung PRAODP e: Agricultural Research Organization. Preliminary Report (joum.) PRAP d: Prozeßablaufplan - e: Passive Radar-Augmented Projectile - e: Patient Resident Assessment Profile - e: Provincial/Regional Library Association Presidents - e: Provisions of Following Reference Apply Präp. d: Präparat - d: Präposition präp. d: präparativ - d: präparieren - d: präpariert - d: präpositional PrAPhA e: Proceedings of the American Philological Association (joum.) PraPol P: Prace Polonistyczne (journ.) PRAR e: Planetary Radio Astronomy Receiver Pr.-Arb. d: Prüfungsarbeiten] PRARE e: Precise Range and Range-Rate Experiment PRARS e: Pitch, Roll, Azimuth Reference System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PrBWVA PRAS d: Präreduziert, Anaerob Sterilisiert - d: Prozeßrechneranwendersystem - d: Prozeßrechneranwendungssystem - d: Prüfanschluß - e: Pension and Retirement Annuity System - e: Prereduced, Anaerobically Sterilized - e: President of the Royal Astronomical Society Pra S e: Prairie Schooner (journ.) Präs. d: Präsens - d: Präsentation - d: Präsentierung - d: Präsenz - d: Präservativ - d: Präsident - d: Präsumtion präs. d: präsent - d: präsidieren PRASD e: Personnel Research Activity, San Diego PRASD3 e: Alabama. Agricultural Experiment Station. Progress Report Series (journ.) PrAsI d: Prüfen Anschlußleitung Präsn d: Präsidentin Präs.-R. d: Präsidialrat Prat e: [Pardulphus] Pratteius PRAT e: Pratisburgh - e: Predicted Range Against Target - e: Pressure-Retaining Amphipod Trap - e: Production Reliability Acceptance Test - e: Production Reliability Assurance Test Prät. d: Präteritum p. rat. aet[at]. 1: pro ratione aetatis Pratica Med i: Pratica del Medico (journ.) Prat Ind Mec f: Pratique des Industries Mecanique (journ.) PRATLM e: Pratt & Lambert, Inc. Prät.-Präs. d: Präteritopräsentia PRATRA e: Philippines Relief and Trade Rehabilitation Administration Pratsi Inst Zool Akad Nauk Ukr RSR R: Pratsi Institutu Zoologii Akademiya Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR (journ.) Pratsi Odes Derzh Univ Ser Biol Nauk R: Pratsi Odeskogo Derzhavnogo Universitetu Seriya Biologichnikh Nauk (journ.) Prat Soudage f: Pratique du Soudage (journ.) Pratt e: Pratt's Contraband-of-War Cases (journ.) - e: Pratt's Supplement to Bott's Poor Laws [1833] (journ.) Pratt Cont e: Pratt's Contraband-of-War Cases (journ.) Pratt Cts Req e: Pratt's Statutes Establishing Courts of Request (journ.) Pratt Fr Soc e: Pratt on Friendly Societies (journ.) Pratt High e: Pratt and Mackenzie on Highways (journ.) Pratt PL e: Pratt's Edition of Bott on the Poor Laws (journ.) Pratt Prop T e: Pratt on the Property Tax Act (journ.) Pratt Sav B e: Pratt on Savings Banks (journ.) Pratt's Bott e: Pratt's Edition of Bott's Poor Laws Pratt SL e: Pratt on Sea Lights (journ.) Prat Vet Equine f: Pratique Veterinaire Equine (journ.) PRAUD9 e: Agricultural Research Institute Ukiriguru. Progress Report (journ.) Pr.-Aufg. d: Prtifungsaufgabe[n]

PRAUS e: Programme de Recherche sur l'Amiante de l'Universite de Sherbrooke Pr.-Ausz. d: Preisauszeichnung PRAUT d: Prozeß-Automatisierungssystem PRAVDA d: Programmsystem für die Ablauforganisation des Vertriebes von Datenverarbeitungsanlagen PRAVT d: Pre-entry-AV-Tachykardie - e: Preentry-AV-Tachycardia PRAW e: Personnel Research Activity, Washington PRaW e: Wyeth Laboratories, Radnor Prax e: Bown's Practice [or Precedents] in Chancery (journ.) PRAX e: Praxis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PRAXA d: Praxis (journ.) Prax Can e: Praxis Almae Curiae Cancellariae (joum.) Prax Forsch d: Praxis und Forschung (journ.) Praxis d: Pxaxis des Neusprachlichen Unterrichts (journ.) Praxis Int d: Praxis International (journ.) Praxis Math d: Praxis der Mathematik (journ.) Prax Kinder[psychol Kinderpsychiatr] d: Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie (journ.) Prax Klin Pneumol d: Praxis und Klinik der Pneumologie (joum.) Prax Naturw d: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (joum.) Prax Naturwiss Phy d: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften. Physik (joum.) Prax Naturwiss Phys Unterr Sch d: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften. Physik im Unterricht der Schulen (joum.) Prax Naturwiss Teil 3 d: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften. Teil 3. Chemie (joum.) Prax Pneumol d: Praxis der Pneumologie (joum.) Prax Psychother d: Praxis der Psychotherapie (joum.) Prax Psychother Psychosom d: Praxis der Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik (joum.) Prax Schriftenr Phys d: Praxis Schriftenreihe Physik (joum.) Prax Vet 1: Praxis Veterinaria (joum.) PRAY e: Paul Revere Associated Yeoman PRAZ e: Prazosin Prazsky Sbor Hist c: Prazsky Sbornik Historicky (joum.) PRB d: Programmaufrufblock - e: Panel Review Board - e: Parachute Refurbishment Building - e: Partial Roll-Back - e: Paso Robles - e: Pension Review Board - e: Peoples Republic of Benin - e: Peoples Republic of Bulgaria - e: Personnel Reaction Blank - e: Personnel Records Branch - e: Personnel Requirements Branch - e: Personnel Research Brunch - e: Personnel Review Board - e: Planned Requirements-Bureau Directed - e: Plant Review Board - e: Polar Research Board - e: Population Reference Bureau - e: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (joum.) - e: Principal Borehole - e: Procedure Review Board - e: Procurement Review Board - e: Program Review Board - e: Program[me] Request Block

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G ' Saur, Munich

- e: Program[me] Request Buffer - e: Project Review Board - e: Prosthetics Research Board - e: Pseudo Random Binary - e: Psychopharmacology Research Branch - e: Public Roads Bureau - f: Poudriere Reunie Beige PrB d: Provinzialbibliothek Prb e: Parabola PrB. d: Prüfungsbericht P.R.B, e: Pension Review Board Reports PRBA e: Puerto Rican Bar Association PRBA[AG] e: Personnel Research Board of the Army, Adjutant General PrBaumschutzG d: Preußisches Gesetz zur Erhaltung des Baumbestandes PrBayA e: American Junior College of Puerto Rico, Bayamon PrBayC e: Bayamon Central University , Bayamon, Puerto Rico PrBB d: Preußisches Besoldungsblatt PRBBB e: Proximal Right Bundle Branch Block prBbdAnl d: private Breitbandanlage PRBC e: Packed Red Blood Cells - e: Peoples Revolution Broadcasting Corporation - e: Premier Bancorp, Inc. PRBCA e: Process Biochemistry (journ.) PRBCB e: Preparative Biochemistry (journ.) PRBD e: Paraboloid PRBE e: Program[me] Robot by Example PRBG e: Puerto Rican Board of Guardians Pr.-Bind. d: Preisbindung PRBK e: Provident Bancorp, Inc. PRBL e: Probable PRBLC e: Parabolic PRBLTY e: Probability PRBMD e: Physical Review. Section B. Condensed Matter (journ.) PRBMECAB e: Permanent Regional Bureau of the Middle East Committee for the Affairs of the Blind PRBNT e: Prebent Pr Bot Sadu Kiiv Derzh Univ R: Pratsi Botanichnogo Sadu Kiivs'kii Derzhavnii Universitet (journ.) Pr. Br. e: Propyl Bromide PrBRH d: Präsident des Bundesrechnungshofes Pr Brnenske Zakl Cesk Akad Ved c: Prace Brnenske Zakladny Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved (journ.) PRBS d: Pseudo-Random Binary Signal - e: Pseudo-Random Binary[-pulse] Sequenced] - e: Pseudo-Random Bit Sequence PrBS e: Printer Barrier Strip PRBS Generator] e: Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence Generator PRBSs e: Pseudo-Random Binary Sequences PRBT e: Precision Remote B athy thermograph PrBVerfG d: Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts prbw. d: probeweise PrBWB d: Präsident des Bundesamtes für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung PrBWVA d: Präsident des Bundeswehrverwaltungsamtes


PRC P R C d: Plasma-Renin-Konzentration - d: ProzeBkommunikation - e: Chief Aircrew Survival Equipmentman - e: Packed Red Cells - e: Pain Rehabilitation Center - e: Palestine Red Crescent - e: Park Requirement Card - e: Park Ridge Center - e: Part Requirement Card - e: Partial Read Current - e: Partial Response Coding - e: Parts Release Card - e: Parts Release Curve - e: Passaic River Coalition - e: Passenger Reservation Center - e: Pay-Raise Commission - e: Penrose Resources Corp. - e: Pension Research Council - e: Pension Rights Center - e: Peoples Redemption Council - e: Peoples Republic of China - e: Peoples Republic of the Congo - e: Periodic] Reverse Current - e: Permanent Regular Commissions - e: Permanent Representatives Committee of the European Communities - e: Personality Research Center - e: Personnel Readiness Center - e: Personnel Reception Centre - e: Personnel Recovery Center - e: Personnel Reporting Code - e: Phase Response Curve[s] - e: Philippine Resource Center - e: Physical Review Council - e: Picatinny Research Center - e: Pierce - e: Pitch Rate Command - e: Pitch Ratio Controller - e: Planar Random Composite - e: Planned Requirements, Conversion - e: Planning Research Corp. - e: Plant Records Center - e: Plasma Renin Concentration - e: Plastic Roller Conveyor - e: Plutonium Rework Cell - e: Point of Reverse Curve - e: Point Reyes [California] - e: Policy Review Committee - e: Polish Resettlement Corps - e: Polymer Research Centre - e: Polysulphide Rubber Compound - e: Population Research Center - e: Population Resource Center - e: Portable Radio Communication - e: Post Roman Conditam - e: Postal Rate Commission - e: Poultry Research Centre - e: Power Reflection Coefficient - e: Prattsburgh Railway Corporation - e: Preoral Ciliary - e: Prescott - e: Pressure Recorder [or Recording] Controller - e: Pressure Response Cell - e: Prestressed Concrete (journ.) - e: Prevention Research Center - e: Primary Return Code - e: Primary Routing Center - e: Primate Research Center - e: Printer Control - e: Priory Cell - e: Problem Resolution Coordinator - e: Procaterol - e: Procedure - e: Procedure Review Committee - e: Process Communication - e: Procession Register Clock



e: Proconsul e: Procurement Request Code e: Product Regional Center e: Production Control e: Production Readjustments Committee e: Products Research & Chemical Corp. e: Professional Reference Center e: Professional Relations Council e: Program Required Credentials e: Program Rest Code e: Program Review Committee e: Programmable Radar Controller e: Program[me] Range Change e: Program[me] Request Control e: Programmed Rate Control e: Programmed Route Control e: Propeller Change e: Providence College, Phillips Memorial Library - e: Public Relations Club - e: Pyrotechnic Rocket Container - e: Reporting Post Coastal P r C e: Prize Cases (journ.) - e: Proster in Cas (journ.) P.R.C. e: Peoples Republic of China - e: Postal Rate Commission -1: Post Roman Conditam P R & C e: Purchase Request and Commitment PRCA e: Palomino Rabbit Co-Breeders Association - e: Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Administration - e: Peoples Republic of China Army - e: Pitch and Roll Channel Assembly - e: President of the Royal Cambrian Academy - e: President of the Royal Canadian Academy - e: Problem Reporting and Corrective Action - e: Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association - e: Public Relations Consultants Association - e: Puerto Rico Communications Authority - e: Pure Red Cell Aplasia P r Ca e: Great War Prize Cases, by Evans (journ.) Pr. Ca. e: Great War Prize Cases PR Cable e: Pure Rubber Cable PrCaC s: Colegio Universitario de Cayey PRCAD e: Primary Care (journ.) PRCAF e: Peoples Republic of China Air Force PRCAFL e: Publications. Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore and Linguistics (journ.) P R Card e: Parts Requisition Card P R C B e: Program Requirements Change Board - e: Program Requirements] Control Board - e: Program Review Control Board PRCBD e: Program Requirements Control Board Directive - e: Program Review Control Board Directive PRCBXSS e: Priority Coinbox with Special Services PRCC d: Peripheriespeicherresidenter Common Code - e: Parts Request Card Code - e: Puerto Rico Cancer Center PRCCh e: Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain PRCCM e: Partial Reference Count Contour Machine P R C C O M e: Price Communications Corp. P R C C S e: Parts Return Control Card System PRCCT e: Printed Circuit prcd e: priced © K • G • Saur, München

Pr Cent Inst Ochr Pr P: Prace Centralnege Instytutu Ochrony Pracy (journ.) Pr Cesk Vyzk Slevarenskeho c: Prace Ceskoslovenskeho Vyzkumu Slevarenskeho (journ.) PRCF e: Petroleum Resources Communications Foundation - e: Plutonium Recycle Critical Facility PRCFSSN e: Processing PRCH e: Precharge - e: Proprietary Chapel P r Ch e: Parish Church PR Ch e: Practical Register in Chancery (journ.) Pr Chem P: Prace Chemiczne (journ.) Pr Chem Pr Nauk Uniw Slask Katowic P: Prace Chemiczne. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach (journ.) PRCHST e: Parachutist prcht e: parachute Prcht Bad e: Parachutist Badge PRCI e: Policy Review Committee Intelligence - e: Productability Reliability Cost Improvement P r C K B e: Practice Cases, in the King's Bench (journ.) Pr. CI. e: Propyl Chlorite PRCL e: Protocol Common Logic PRCLS e: Property Investors of Colorado P R C M e: Master Chief Aircrew Survival Equipmentman - e: Passive Radiation Countermeasure - e: Protocom Devices, Inc. P R C M C e: Percussionist (journ.) - e: Protective Coatings on Metals (journ.) PRCMT e: Procurement PRCN e: Peoples Republic of China Navy - e: Precision PR-CNTL e: Product Control Register PRC&NW e: Pierre, Rapid City & Northwestern Railroad Pr Co e: Prerogative Court PRCO e: Pacific Requisition Control Office PR Code e: Print Restore Code PR Commonw Water Resour Bull e: Puerto Rico Commonwealth. Water Resources Bulletin (journ.) PR COMPT e: Pour Compte Pr Cont e: Pratt's Contraband-of War Cases (journ.) PRCP e: Power Remote Control Panel - e: Practical Register in the Common Pleas (journ.) - e: President of the Royal College of Preceptors - e: President of the Royal College of Physicians - e: Protocol Common Processor replaceable item PRC Plating e: Periodic Reverse Current Plating Pr Cpm e: Print Complement PRCPM e: Partial-Response ContinuousPhase-Modulation PRCPTN e: Precipitin PRCR e: Professional Health Care of America, Inc. - e: Protective Cover P/RCS e: Propulsion and Reaction Control Subsystem

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Prec PRCS e: Passive and Remote Crosswind Sensor - e: Personal Radio Communication^] System - e: Personal Report of Confidence as a Speaker - e: President of the Royal College of Surgeons - e: Prevention and Removal of Corrosion and Scale - e: Processing] - e: Psychological Response Classification System - e: Purchase Requisition Change Supplement - e: Senior Chief Aircrew Survival Equipmentman PRCSG e: Processing PRCS SPEC e: Process Specification PRCST e: Precast PRCT d: Protokollieren - e: Percent - e: Pool Repair Cycle Time Pr Ctl e: Print Control PRCTN e: Precaution Pr Ctrl e: Print Control PRCU e: Power Regulating [or Regulation] and Control Unit PRCV e: Processor Recovery PRD e: Part Reference Designator - e: Partial Reaction [of] Degeneration - e: Payroll Deduction - e: Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry] - e: Personal Radiation Dosimeter - e: Personnel Readiness Date - e: Personnel Records Division - e: Personnel Requirements Data - e: Personnel Research Division - e: Personnel Resources Data - e: Pesticides Regulation Division - e: Piezoelectric Resonating Device - e: Planned Residential Development - e: Polaroid Corp. - e: Political Resource Directory (joum.) - e: Polytechnic Research & Development Co. - e: Positive Regulatory Domain - e: Postal Regulating Detachment - e: Postradiation Dysplasia - e: Potentially Reportable Deficiency - e: Power Range Detector - e: Power Requirement Data - e: Predicted Range of the Day - e: Preretro Update Display - e: Pressing Direction - e: Previous Device Register - e: Prime Radar Digitizer - e: Princeton Reference Design - e: Printer Driver - e: Printer Dump[ing] - e: Pro Rate Distribution - e: Process Requirements Drawing - e: Procurement Regulation Directive - e: Procurement Requirements Document - e: Production (journ.) - e: Production Responsibilities Document - e: Productive - e: Productivity Research Division - e: Proficiency Rating Designator - e: Program[me] Requirements] Data - e: Program[me] Requirements] Document - e: Project Requirement Data - e: Projected Rotation Date - e: Proton Recoil Detector - e: Puerto Rico, Decisiones (journ.) - e: Pulse Rate Discriminator - e: Push Road p.r.d. e: pro rata distribution P.R.D. e: Puerto Rico, Decisiones PR&D e: Personal Rest and Delay

- e: Power, Rodwell and Drew's English Election Cases (journ.) - e: Program Research and Development - e: Public Research and Development PRDA e: Program Research and Development Announcement - e: Propfan Research and Development Announcement PRDAT d: Priifungsdatum PRDC e: Personnel Research and Development Center - e: Polar Research and Development Center - e: Power Reactor Development Company [or Corporation] PR&DC e: Polar Research and Development Center PrdDB d: Präsident der Deutschen Bundesbahn PRDDEV e: Physical Device Identity Read Directory PRDDO e: Partial Retention of Diatomic Differential Overlap PRDE e: Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (journ.) - e: Pride Petroleum Services, Inc. Pr. Dec. e: Printed Decisions PR&D El Cas e: Power, Rodwell and Drew's English Election Cases (journ.) PRDF e: Page Reference Distribution Function - e: Political Rights Defense Fund PRDIAG e: Primary Diagnosis PRDIALTO e: Pre Dial Time-Out Pr&Div e: Law Reports, Probate and Divorce (joum.) Pr. Div. e: Law Reports, Probate Division PRDL e: Personnel Research and Development Laboratory Pr.-Doz. d: Privatdozent PRDP e: Power Reactor Demonstration Program PrDptr d: Prismendioptrie PRDR e: Preproduction Reliability Design Review - e: Procedure - e: Production Request Design Review prDrFAnl d: private Drahtfernmeldeanlage PRDS e: Packet Radio Demonstrator System - e: Processed Radar Display System PRDT e: Production Reliability Demonstration Test Pr.-DV d: Privatdienstvertrag PRDV e: Peak Reading Digital Voltmeter prdx e: paradox PRDX e: Predication Program - e: Prediction Program Pr Dzialu Zywenia Rosi Nawoz P: Prace Dzialu Zywenia Roslin i Nawozenia (journ.) PRE d: Prämienrückerstattung - d: Prefix - d: Realenzyklopädie für Protestantische Theologie und Kirche (journ.) - e: Bureau for Private Enterprise - e: Partner-Resisted Exercise - e: Personal Radio Exchange (joum.) - e: Personal Rescue Enclosure - e: Petroleum Refining Engineer - e: Pétrolier Ravitaileur d'Escadre - e: Photoreactivating - e: Pineridge Capital - e: Portable Radar Equipment - e: Preamplifier - e: Precinct - e: Précision Airlines - e: Predecessor

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich


e: Prefect e: Prefix e: Preliminary [amplifier] e: Premier Industrial Corp. e: Prepayment Coin Telephone e: Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia - e: Preselection - e: President of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers - e: Pretoria - e: Processing Refabrication Experiment - e: Product-Remainder Extension - e: Progesterone [Response Element] - e: Progressive Resistance [or Resistive] Exercise - e: Protective Reservation Equipment - e: Protein Relaxation Enhancement - e: Protein Retention Efficiency - e: Proton Relaxation Enhancement - e: Psychophysiological Reeducation - e: Public Relations Exchange - e: Pulse Radiation Effect - f: Fédération Européennes des Fabricants de Produits Réfractaires - f: Programme de Reconstruction Européenne Pre e: Preemphase PrE d: Prüfeinrichtung - e: Print End PRE:... d: Prüfeinrichtung für... PrE d: relativer Pegel am Eingang P/REA e: Probationary Radio Electrical Artificer PREA e: Pension Real Estate Association PREAG d: Preußische Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft - e: Photographic Reconnaissance Equipment Advisory Group PREALC s: Programa Regional del Empleo para América Latina y el Caribe PREAMP e: Preliminary] Amplifier[s] PREAP e: Prison Research Education Action Project PRE-AST d: Prüfeinrichtung für Arbeitsfeldsteuerwerk PREß e: Prebendary - e: Pupil Record of Educational Behavior PrEb d: Prüfeinschub Preb. e: Prebend - e: Prebendary PREBA3 e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Biological Sciences (journ.) PREBD e: Population Reports. Series B (joum.) Preb Dig e: Preble. Digest, Patent Cases (journ.) Preb Pat Cas e: Preble. Digest, Patent Cases (journ.) PREBS e: Pennsylvania Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen's PREC e: Palestine Research and Educational Center - e: Potomac River Enforcement Conference - e: Precambrian - e: Precedence] - e: Preceding - e: Precious - e: Precision - e: Propulsion Research Environmental Chamber - e: Public Revenue Education Council Prec e: Precentor - f: Précité


prec. prec. e: precedence - e: preceding - e: precipitate PRECA d: Pauly-Wissowas Realenzyklopadie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft (journ.) Precamb[rian] Res e: Precambrian Research (journ.) Precast Concr e: Precast Concrete (journ.) Prec Ch e: Precedents in Chancery, Edited by Finch (journ.) PRECD e: Precede PRECEDE e: Predisposing, Reinforcing and Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation Preceiver e: Preamplifier/Receiver Prec [in] Ch [Eng] e: Precedents in Chancery, Edited by Finch (journ.) Precious Met e: Precious Metals (journ.) PRECIP e: Precipitate[d] - e: Precipitation P R E C I S e: Pre-Coordinate Indexing] System - e: Preserved Context Indexing] System Precis Eng[ng] e: Precision Engineering (journ.) Precis Met e: Precision Metal (journ.) Precis Met Molding e: Precision Metal Molding (journ.) PRECI System e: Preserved Context Indexing System P R E C O e: Precision Equipment Company - e: Preparatory Commission of the United Nations Organization PRECOM[G][M] e: Pre-Commissioning PRECOM[M] e: Preliminary Communications [Search] PRECOM[M]DET e: Pre-Commissioning Detail PRECOMMSCOL e: Pre-Commissioning School PRECOMP e: Precomputed Loan - e: Prediction of Contingency Maintenance and Parts Requirements PRECOX e: Precision Oxide PRECSA e: Precision Aerotech, Inc. p.rect. I: per rectum PRED e: Predicate - e: Predictability - e: Predicted - e: Prediction - e: Prednisolone pred e: predicative Pred e: Prednisone Pre-D e: Predetection PRED+ e: Predictability, Positive PRED- e: Predictability, Negative PREDA e: Puerto Rico Economic Development Administration PREDECE e: Predecease Predel no Dopustimye Konts Atmos Zagryaz e: Predel no Dopustimye Kontsentratsii Atmosfernykh Zagryaznenii (journ.) pre-design e: preliminary design PREDESUR s: Programa Regional de Desarrollo del Sur Predi e: Predicasts Special Study (journ.) Predi 161 e: Predicasts. Recreational Vehicles Industry Study 161 (journ.) Predi 162 e: Predicasts. World Rubber and Tire Markets Industry Study 162 (journ.) Predi 163 e: Predicasts. Glass and Advanced Fibers Industry Study 163 (journ.)


Predi 165 e: Predicasts. Water Treatment Chemicals Industry Study 165 (journ.) Predi 168 e: Predicasts. World Housing Industry Study 168 (journ.) P R E D I C e: Predicate - e: Predicative - e: Prediction PredicadorEv s: EI Predicador Evangelico (joum.) P R E D I C T e: PERT [Performance Evaluation Review Technique] Resource Expenditure Determination of ICT - e: Prediction of Radiation Effects by Digital Computer Techniques - e: Process Reliability, Evaluation and Determination of Integrated Circuit Techniques Predi P55 e: Predicasts. Industrial Packaging Paper Trends P-55 (journ.) PREDICT e: Prediction of Radiation Effects by Digital Computer Techniques P r E d w I[sl] e: Prince Edward Island [Reports (journ.)] PREEB e: Presence (joum.) pre-em e: preeminence - e: preeminent - e: preemptible] - e: preemption - e: preemptive - e: preemptor[y] P R E - E M P T N e: Pre-Emption preemy e: premature baby P R E F e: Preferred] - e: Prefocus[ed] - e: Propulsion Research Environmental Facility PRef d: Postreferendar pref e: preface - e: prefatory - e: preference - e: prefix Pref e: Prefecture] pref. e: preference - e: preferential - e: preferred P R E F A B e: Prefabricate^] PREFAB-CAME-ROUN f: Société de Préfabrication Camerounaise de Maisons Portuaires P R E F A C E e: Pre-Freshman and Cooperative Education for Minorities in Engineering Pref Ap e: Prefect-Apostolic PREFASSD e: Prefix Associated Data P R E F A T e: Prepare Final Acceptance Trials prefaz i: prefazione P R E F C E e: Preface prefd e: preferred P R E F L T e: Preflight P R E F L T S C O L e: Preflight School P R E F M D e: Preformed P R E F R A M [ 0 ] e: Prepare Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization Overhaul P R E F T e: Prefecture PREFUN e: Preparatory Function P R E G e: Pregnancy - e: Pregnant - e: Pregnenolone P R E G A R: Promyshlennaya Energetika (journ.) pregang e: preganglionic P r E G G d: Praktische Ergebnisse der Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie (joum.)

© K • G • Saur, München

Pregled Naucnoteh Rad Inform Zavod Tehn Drveta P: Pregled Naucnotehnickih Radova i Informacija. Zavod za Tehnologii Drveta (journ.) P-Regler d: Proportionalregler Pregl Probl Ment Retard Osoba P: Pregled Problema Mentalno Retardiranih Osoba (journ.) PREGN. e: Pregnancy - e: Pregnant Preh f: Prehistoire (journ.) PREHIS[T] e: Prehistoric[al] - e: Prehistory Prehist Arieg f: Prehistoire Ariegeoise (journ.) Prehlad Lesnickej Lit c: Prehl'ad Lesnickej. Drevarskej. Celulozovej a Papierenskej Lileratury (journ.) Prehl Lesn Mysliv Lit c: Prehled Lesnicke a Myslivecke Literatury (joum.) Prehl Zahr Zemed Lit c: Prehled Zahranicni Zemedelske Literatury (joum.) Prehl Zemed Lit c: Prehled Zemedelske Literatury (joum.) Prehl Zemed Lit Zahr Domaci c: Prehled Zemedelske Literatury Zahranicni i Domaci (journ.) PREINACT e: Prepare Inactivation PrEingKpl d: Prüfeingangskoppler PrEinh d: Prüfeinheit PREINSURV e: Prepare for Board of Inspection and Survey PREISBEOB d: Preisbeobachtung in der Linientechnik PreisG d: Preisgesetz Preisprüfrichtl VOB d: Richtlinien für das Prüfen der Preise bei der Deutschen Bundespost im Bereich der Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen Preisprüfrichtl VOL d: Richtlinien für das Prüfen der Preise bei der Deutschen Bundespost im Bereich der Verdingungsordnung für Leistungen Preist Alp e: Preistoria Alpina (journ.) PREJ e: Prejudice PREL e: Pain Relief Level - e: Preliminary - e: Preliminary Evaluation - e: Priority Reconnaissance Exploitation List prel e: prelude prel. e: preliminary P/REL e: Programmable Rotary Encoded Logic P R E L A P: Przeglad Elektroniki (journ.) - s: Prensa Latina Angencia Informativa Latinoamericana P-Relais d: Prüfrelais PRELIM e: Preliminaries [or Preliminary] Prelim. Diag. e: Preliminary Diagnosis Prelim Rep Dir Gen Mines [Queb] e: Preliminary Report. Direction Generale des Mines [Quebec] (journ.) Prelim Rep Rehovot Nat Univ Inst Agr e: Preliminary Report. Rehovot. National and University Institute of Agriculture (journ.) PRELIMS e: Preliminaries prelims e: preliminary pages PRELIMY e: Preliminary PRELORT [Radar] e: Precision Long-Range Tracking [Radar] PRELUDE e: Pre-optimization Linearization of Undulation and Detection of Errors

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PresAfr PREM e: Preliminary Reference Earth Model - e: Premature - e: Premier [Financial Services, Inc.] - e: Premium - e: Probe-Microphone Real Ear Measurement PREMA e: Pulp Refining Equipment Manufacturers Association PREMAR f: Prefet Maritime de la Region PRE-MED e: Previous to appearance in MEDLINE Pre[-]med e: Premedical PREMEDU e: Preventive Medicine Unit PREMES e: Premises premie[s] e: premature baby [or babies] Premium/kicentive Bus e: Premium/ Incentive Business (journ.) Prem.Liab. e: Premises Liability PREMOD e: Premodeling Data Output - e: Premodulation PREMODE e: Preliminary Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment prem. red. e: premium reducing PREM RES e: Premium Reserve pre-mRNA e: precursor-messenger Ribonucleic Acid PREMS e: Premises PREMSS e: Photographic Reconnaissance and Exploitation Management Support System PREN e: Project Engineering PrEN e: Project European Standard PRENA e: Product Engineering (journ.) Pren Act e: Prentice's Proceedings in an Action (journ.) PRENAT e: Prenatal Prenat[al] Diagn e: Prenatal Diagnosis (journ.) PR Enferm s: Pueno Rico y Su Enferma (journ.) PrEng e: Professional Engineer Prensa s: La Prensa Prensa Med Argent s: Prensa Medica Argentina (journ.) Prensa Med Mex s: Prensa Medica Mexicana (journ.) Prenzl Bg d: Prenzlauer Berg PR[-]Enzym e: Prosthetic group removing Enzyme PREOCC e: Preoccupied PRE-OP e: Preoperational] PREOP e: Preoperative PREOS e: Predicted Range for Electrooptical Systems PREOVHL e: Prepare for [Shipyard] Overhaul PREP e: Pacific Range Electromagnetic Platform - e: Parent Readiness Evaluation of Preschoolers - e: Peace Research and Education Project - e: Peacetime Requirements and Procedures - e: Personal Radio Equipped Police - e: Persons Responsive to Educational Problems - e: Plan, Rehearse Edit and Psych - e: Plasma Rotating Electrode Process - e: Police Recruit Education Program - e: Population, Resources and Environment Program - e: Predischarge Educational] Program - e: Preparation - e: Preparation [Rehabilitation Education] Program[me] - e: Preparatory - e: Prepare[d]

- e: Preposition - e: Preprocessing - e: Product Reliability Evaluation Program[me] - e: Productivity Research and Extension Program - e: Programmed Educational Package - e: Programmed Electronics Pattern[s] - e: Project Return Evaluation Program[me] - e: Pupil Record of Educational Progress - e: Purchasing, Receiving and Payable System - e: Putting Research into Educational Practice PREPA P: Przeglad Epidemiologiczny (journ.) PREPAL f: Société Africaine de Préparations Alimentaires PREPARE e: Premarital Personal and Relationship Evaluation - e: Project for Retraining of Employable Persons as Relates to EDP [Electronic Data Process] PREPAS e: Precise Personnel Assignment System Prep Bioch[em] e: Preparative Biochemistry (journ.) PrepCom e: Preparatory Committee PREP[E]D e: Prepare[d] Prep Food D e: Prepared Foods New Food Products Directory (journ.) Prep Foods e: Prepared Foods (journ.) Prep. Frt. e: Prepaid Freight PREPG e: Preparing Prep Inorg React e: Preparative Inorganic Reactions (journ.) PREPN e: Preparation Prepo[s] 1: Praepositus PREPOS e: Preposition PREPOSN e: Prepared Position PREPOSTOR e: Propositioned Storage Prep Prop Solid State Mat e: Preparation and Properties of Solid State Materials (journ.) PREPPSA e: Prepare Post-Shakedown Availability Preppy e: Preparatory School Alumnus prepr c: prepracovane Prepr Am Cbem Soc Div Fuel Chem e: Preprints. American Chemical Society. Division of Fuel Chemistry (joum.) Prepr Amer Wood Près Ass e: Preprint. American Wood Preservers' Association (journ.) Prepr Am Soc Lubr Eng e: Preprints. American Society of Lubrication Engineers (journ.) Prepr Annu Sci Meet Aerosp Med Assoc e: Preprints. Annual Scientific Meeting. Aerospace Medical Association (journ.) Prepr Aust Miner Ind Annu Rev e: Preprints. Australian Mineral Industry. Annual Review (journ.) Prepr Daresbury Lab e: Preprint. Daresbury Laboratory (journ.) Prepr Div Pet Chem Am Chem Soc e: Preprints. American Chemical Society. Division of Petroleum Chemistry (joum.) PREPREG e: Pre-Impregnated Glass Fibers Preprint Inst Eng Aust Conf e: Preprint. Institution of Engineers of Australia. Conference (journ.) PREPRO e: Preprocessor PREPROD e: Preproduction Model

Internationa! Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Prepr Pap Annu Conf Australas Corros Assoc e: Australasian Corrosion Association. Preprinted Papers of the Annual Conference (journ.) Prepr Pap Natl Meet Div Environ Chem Am Chem Soc e: Preprints of Papers Presented at National Meeting. Division of Environmental Chemistry. American Chemical Society (journ.) Prepr Pap Natl Meet Div Water Air Waste Chem Am Chem Soc e: Preprints of Papers Presented at National Meeting. Division of Water, Air and Waste Chemistry. American Chemical Society (journ.) Prepr Pap Oilseed Process Clin e: Preprints of Papers. Oilseed Processing Clinic (journ.) Prepr Sci Program Aerosp Med Assoc e: Preprints. Scientific Program. Aerospace Medical Association (journ.) Prepr Ser e: Preprint Series. University of Oslo. Institute of Mathematics (journ.) Prepr Ser Inst Math Univ Oslo e: Preprint Series. Institute of Mathematics. University of Oslo (journ.) PREPS e: Predischarge Remedial Education Program - e: Program of Research and Evaluation in Public Schools PREPSCOL e: Preparatory School PREPTP e: digit Preparation Type and application Point PRE[-]PUB e: Pre[-]Publication PREQUAL e: Prequalified PRER e: Prevention Resources (journ.) - e: Putting Research into Educational Research PrEr d: Präsidialerlaß Prer e: Prerogative Court PRERECPAC e: Preplanned Reconnaissance Pacific PREREQ e: Prerequisite PRERF d: Prüfung erforderlich Pr.-Erh. d: Preiserhöhung[en] Prer Hum Serv e: Prevention in Human Services (journ.) Prerid Soc i: Previdenza Sociale (journ.) Pr.-Erl. d: Präsidialerlaß - d: Preiserlaß - d: Prüfungserlaß Pr.-Erm. d: Preisermäßigung Prerog Ct e: Prerogative Court, New Jersey PRES e: Precision Resources, Inc. - e: Premises - e: Presbyterian - e: Presence - e: Presentation] - e: Preserve[d] - e: Preset - e: Presidency - e: President [of the Royal Entomological Society] - e: Pressure - e: Preston R. R. - e: Presumptive - e: Proton Resonance - e: Puerto Rico Employment Service Pres e: Presbyterian (journ.) - e: Presumedly] P. Res. e: Proton Resonance PRE-S e: Preshaving Pres Abs e: Preston's Abstracts of Title (journ.) PRESAC e: Photographic Reconnaissance System Analysis by Computer PresAfr e: Presence Africaine (journ.)


PRESAGE PRESAGE e: Program[me] to Realistically Evaluate Strategic Anti-Ballistic-Missile Gaming Effect PRESAILEDREP e: Forecast Sailing Report PRESB e: Presbyterian - e: Prescribe Presb Q e: Presbyterian Quarterly Review (journ.) Presb R e: Presbyterian Review (journ.) Presb&Ref R e: Presbyterian and Reformed Review (journ.) PRESBY e: Presbytery Presby e: Presbyterian presby e: presbyopia - e: presbyopic Presbyt-St. Luke's Hosp Med Bull e: Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital. Medical Bulletin (journ.) Presbyt-St. Luke's Hosp Res Rep e: Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital. Research Report (journ.) Presc e: Prescott presc e: prescription Presce Med Beige f: Presse Medicale Beige (journ.) Pre-Sch Years e: Pre-School Years (journ.) Pres C of E Ch e: Presbyterian Church of England Chaplain Pres Coll Physiol Inst J e: Presidency College. Physiological Institute Journal (journ.) Pres Conv e: Preston on Conveyancing (journ.) PRESCORE e: Program for the Rapid Estimation of Construction Requirements PRESCR e: Prescription PRESDL e: Presidential Presd,. s: Presidente PresDuSta e: Present Duty Station Presence Afr e: Presence Africaine (journ.) PRESERV e: Preservation - e: Preserve Preserv Madeiras p: Preservacao de Madeiras (journ.) Preserv Madeiras Bol Tec p: Preservacao de Madeiras. Boletim Tecnico (journ.) Pres Est e: Preston on Estates (journ.) PRESET e: Preset Spin Echo Technique Pres Fal e: Falconer's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session (journ.) - e: Gilmour and Falconer's Reports, Scotch Court of Session (journ.) Pres Falc e: President Falconer's Scotch Session Cases (journ.) PRESFR e: Pressure Falling Rapidly Pres His S[J] e: Presbyterian Historical Society. Journal (journ.) PRESIG e: Pressurizing PRESIGN e: Procedure Sign PRESILECTION e: Presidential Election PRESINSURV e: Inspection and Survey Board Pres J e: Presbyterian Journal (journ.) Pres Leg e: Preston on Legacies (journ.) Pres Life e: Presbyterian Life (journ.) Pres Mem e: Presidential Member Pres Mer e: Preston on Merger (journ.) PRESNAVWARCOL e: Naval War College Presp d: respiratorischer Druck Pres. Part, e: Present Participle PRESPROC e: Presidential Proclamation PRESRR e: Pressure Rising Rapidly


PRESS e: Pacific Range Electromagnetic Signature Studies - e: Pacific Range Electromagnetic Signature System - e: Peace Research and European Security Studies - e: Prereading Expectancy Screening Scale - e: Pressure - e: Product Records Engineering Support System - e: Program[me] for Reliability Evaluation of Systems with Switchover - e: Project Review, Evaluation and Scheduling System - e: Prolog Equation Solving System - e: Property Record for Equipment Servicing and Sharing PRESSAR e: Presentation Equipment for Slow Scan Radar PRESSDUCTOR e: Pressure Inductor Presse Actual f: Presse Actualité (journ.) Pressedienst Bundesminist Bild Wiss d: Pressedienst. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft (joum.) Presse Med f: Presse Medicale (journ.) Pressemitt Nordrh-Westfalen d: Pressemitteilung Nordrhein-Westfalen (journ.) Presse Therm Clim f: Presse Thermale et Climatique (journ.) Presse Umsch d: Presse-Umschau (journ.) Preßh. d: Preßharz Preßluft Ind d: Preßluft Industrie (journ.) PRESSO e: Program for Elective Surgical Second Opinion PRESSRA e: Presentation Equipment for Slow Scan Radar Pres Stud[ies] Q e: Presidential Studies Quarterly (journ.) Pressure Eng e: Plessure Engineering (journ.) PRESSURS e: Pre-Strike Surveillance/ Reconnaissance System PREST e: Present - e: President - e: Prestart PREST4 e: Preprocessor for Structured FORTRAN [Formula Translation] Prest Conv e: Preston on Conveyancing (journ.) Prestel e: Press button on Telephone-Lines - e: UK and Australia videotex standard - e: Viewdata system Prestel D e: Prestel Directory and Magazine (journ.) Prest Est e: Preston on Estates (journ.) Prestige de la Photogr f: Prestige de la Photographie (journ.) Prest Merg e: Preston on Merger (journ.) PRESTMO i: Prestissimo PRESTO e: Personnel Response and Evaluation System for Target Obscuration - e: Program[me] for Rapid Earth-to-Space Trajectory Optimization - e: Program[me] Reporting and Evaluation System for Total Operation[s] - e: Project Release Status Operation - i: Prestissimo Prest Shep T e: Sheppard s Touchstone by Preston (journ.) PRESUB e: Pre-Subscript Presv e: Preservation - e: Preserve PRESYS d: Preventions- und Rehabilitationssystem PRET e: Periodic Reliability Evaluation Test

© K G - Saur, München

Pret e: Pretoria Pret. e: Preterite PRETACS e: Prediction of Tax Cases System PRET[E]CHREP e: Preliminary Technical Report pre[-]Teut e: pre-Teutonic P„, d: relativer Leistungspegel PRETOS e: Proofreading Tests of Spelling Pretrial Conf. e: Pretrial Conference PRETTYBLUEBATCH e: Philadelphia Regular Exchange Tea Tolal Young Belles Lettres Universal Experimental Bibliographical Association To Civilize Humanity pretz e: pretzel PREUGO d: Preußische Gebührenordnung [für approbierte Ärzte und Zahnärzte] Preuß Jahrb d: Preußische Jahrbücher (journ.) Preuß Sitzb d: Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsbericht (journ.) P Rev e: Powys Review (journ.) PREV e: Medical and Psychological Previews - e: Preventative] - e: Prevention - e: Previously] - e: [The] Revere Fund, Inc. PrevAGT e: Previous Abnormality of Glucose Tolerance PREV AN e: Precompiler for Vector Analysis PrevAssist Dent i: Prevenzione e Assistenza Dentale (journ.) preven e: preventive PREVENT e: Precertification to Verify Necessary Treatment Prev Fract Conf Aust Fract Group e: Prevention of Fracture. Conference of the Australian Fracture Group (journ.) Previdenza Soc i: Previdenza Sociale (journ.) Preview e: Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases Prev L Rep e: Preventive Law Reporter (journ.) PREVLV e: Prevalve Prev Med e: Preventive Medicine (journ.) PREVMEDU e: Preventive Medicine Unit Pre[-]voc e: Prevocational Prev Stomatol i: Prevenzione Stomatologica (journ.) Prevt e: Preventative Prev Vet M[ed] e: Preventive Veterinary Medicine (journ.) PREWI e: Press Wireless, Incorporated PREXA e: Personal Report for the Executive (journ.) PrExch e: Price's English Exchequer Reports (journ.) PREXD e: Propellants and Explosives (journ.) PREXTEND e: PRESTEL extended PRF d: Prämienfonds - d: Prolaktin-Releasing-Faktor - d: Prozeßrechnerfunktion - e: Permanent Requirements File - e: Personality Research Form - e: Personnel Readiness File - e: Petroleum Research Fund - e: Plug Representing Fuze - e: Plutonium Reclamation Facility - e: Plywood Research Foundation - e: Porpoise Rescue Foundation - e: Potential Requirements File - e: Power Radio Frequency

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Pri - e: Primary Reference Fuel[s] - e: Priority-Reserved Flight - e: Processor Request Flag - e: Profile - e: Prolactin Releasing Factor - e: Proof - e: Protein Rich Fractions - e: Public Relations Foundation - e: Publications Reference File - e: Puerto Rican Forum - e: Pulse Rate Frequency - e: Pulse Recurrence Frequency - e: Pulse Repetition Frequency - r: Petroleumhandelns Riksförbund Prf d: Prüfer prf 1: praefatio P.R.F. e: Puerto Rico Federal Reports Pr. F. e: Propyl Fluoride P-RF e: Power-Radio-Frequency Pr. Falc. e: President Falconer's Court of Session Cases PrFAnl d: Privatfernmeldeanlage PRFCS e: Pattern Recognition Feedback Control System - e: Prefocus PRFD e: Pulse Recurrence Frequency Discrimination - e: Pulse Repetition Frequency Distribution prFE d: private Fernmeldeeinrichtung PRFE e: Polar-Reflection Faraday Effect P.R. Fed. e: Puerto Rico Federal Reports Prig, d: Prüfung prig e: proofing PrfGrp d: Prüfgruppe PRFH e: Pseudo-Random FrequencyHopping PRFI e: Portable Range-Finder/Illuminator PrfK d: Prüfkapsel PRFL e: Pressure Fed Liquid Prfm e: Performance PrfMeth d: Prüfmethode - d: Prüfmethodik prfnl e: professional PrfNr d: Prüfnummer PRFP e: Preliminary Request for Proposal Pr.-Fr. d: Preisfrage - d: Prüfungsfrage prfr e: proofreader Prfr. e: Proof Reader p.r. fr[g]t. e: pro rata freight PrfSt d: Prüfstelle PrfSt[d] d: Prüfstand PriStL d: Leiter der Prüfstelle der Oberpostdirektion PRFT e: Portable Rod-and-Frame Test - e: Press Fit PrfTrp d: Prüftrupp PRFU e: Processor Reader for Use PRFV s: Plastico Reforzado por Fibra de Vidrio PRG d: Plasminresistentes Gammaglobulin - d: Prag [Flughafen] - d: Programmiergerät] - d: Programmspeicher - d: Prüfgerät - e: Perennial Rye Grass - e: Personnel Requirements Generator - e: Personnel Resources Group - e: Perugia - e: Pick Resources Guide - e: Plastic Radial Grating - e: Prague [Airport] - e: Procedure Review Group - e: Program [control mode] - e: Program Regulation Guide - e: Program Review Group

- e: Psychological Readers Guide (journ.) - e: Purge - n: Progresso. Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift van de Nederlands Italiaanse Kamer van Koophandel (journ.) - R: Ruchnoy Protivotankovyy Granatomyet PrG d: Pressegesetz Prg e: Program[me] Prg. d: Prognose PR4G f: Poste Radio 4eme Generation PRG:ASP d: Prüfgerät für Arbeitsspeicher PRGC e: Past Royal Grand Cross Prg Chk e: Program[me] Check PRGEA P: Przeglad Geofizyczny (joum.) Prg E[nd] e: Programfme] End Pr Geol-Mineral Acta Univ Wratislav c: Prace Geologiczno-Mineralogiczne. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis (journ.) Prg Ex e: Program[me] Exit Prg Ex[p] e: Program[me] Expander Prg Gtg e: Programfme] Gating PRG/1 e: Pick Resources Guide/International PrGlAnschl d: Privatgleisanschluß PRGLB e: Prostaglandins (joum.) Pr Gl Inst Gorn P: Prace Glownego Instytutu Gomictwa (journ.) Pr Gl Inst Przem Rolnego Spozyw P: Prace Glownego Instytutu Przemyslu Rolnego i Spozywczego (joum.) PRGM e: Program[me] PRGMG e: Programming PRGMR e: Programmer PRGM RGTR e: Program[me] Register PRGMS e: Programs PrGR d: Prüfgestellrahmen PRGR e: Proving Ground Prg Reg e: Programfme] Register PRGRT d: Prüfgerät PrGS d: Preußische Gesetz[es]sammlung PRGS e: President of the Royal Geographical Society - e: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society (joum.) - e: Prognosis - e: Progress Software Prg Sh e: Program[me] Shaft - e: Programfme] Shift Prg Stp e: Programfme] Stop Prg Str e: Programfme] Start Prg Sup e: Programfme] Suppress PrGt d: Prüfgerät PRGVB e: Progressive (joum.) PrGW d: Prüfgruppenwähler PrGWKll d: Prüfgruppenwähler-Klinke PRH d: Prolactin Releasinghormon - e: Petrol Railhead - e: Phrae - e: Program Requirements Handbook - e: Prolactin-Releasing Hormone - e: Pulmonary Right Heart PrH d: Prüfhilfe - e: Prepositus Hypoglossi PRHA e: President of the Royal Hibernian Academy PrHAp d: Prüfhandapparat Pr HC Ch e: Practice of the High Court of Chancery (journ.) PR Health Bull e: Puerto Rico Health Bulletin (joum.) PR Health Sei J e: Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal (joum.) PRHi e; Historical Society of Berks County, Reading PrHlit P: Prace Historycznoliterackie (joum.) PRHS e: Port Richmond High School

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

PrHSBw d: Präsident der Hochschule der Bundeswehr PRI e: Farmington - e: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy - e: Pain Rating Index - e: Paint Research Institute - e: Paleontological Research Institute for Institution] - e: Partner Relationship Inventory - e: Peace Research Institute - e: Performance Registry International - e: Personal Reaction Index - e: Personnel Research, Incorporated - e: Petroleum Recovery Institute - e: Phosphate Rock Institute - e: Photo Radar Intelligence - e: Photographic Reconnaissance and Interpretation - e: Pineapple Research Institute of Hawaii - e: Plan Repeater Indicator - e: Plasticity Retention Index - e: Plastics and Rubber Institute - e: Polymer Research Institute - e: Practice Training Index - e: Praslin Island - e: Preliminary Rifle Instruction - e: Prescriptive Reading Inventory - e: President of the Royal Institute [or Institution] - e: President Regimental Institutes - e: Pressure Rate Index - e: Pressure Ratio Indicator - e: Prevention Routiere Internationale - e: Priest - e: Primary [Rate Interface] - e: Primary Rifle Instruction - e: Primary winding - e: Primate [Research Institute] - e: Prime Computer Inc., Corporation Library, Framingham - e: Primitive - e: Princeville Airways, Inc. - e: Printer [Interface] - e: Priority [Repair Induction] - e: Priority Requirement for Information - e: Prison - e: Private - e: Prize - e: Processing Research Institute - e: Production Rate Index - e: Production Records, Incorporated - e: Program Revision Intent - e: Program[me] Interrupt - e: Projection Readout Indicator - e: Projector Rectile Image - e: Promus Companies - e: Proteus Resources, Inc. - e: Psoriasis Research Institute - e: Public Relations Institute of Ireland - e: Puerto Rican Independence - e: Puerto Rico - e: Pulse Rate Increase - e: Pulse Rate Indicator - e: Pulse Recurrence Interval - e: Pulse Repetition Internal - e: Pulse Repetition Interval - e: Pure Research Institute - f: Prévention Routière Internationale Pri e: Price's English Exchequer Reports (joum.) - e: Price's English Mining Commissioners' Cases (journ.) - e: Primer - e: Priscianus - R: Priroda (journ.)


PR[I] PR[I] d: Teilantwort - d: Teileinschwingen - e: Partial Response [Impuls] PRIA e: Peer Review Improvement Act - e: President of the Royal Irish Academy - e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy (journ.) - e: Public Rangelands Improvement Act PRIAA e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (journ.) PRIAM e: Precision Range Information Analysis for Missiles PRIAMOS d: Primäraufklärungsmittel und Ortungssystem PRIAS e: Plant Register/Fixed Assets and Inflation Accounting System PrIAU-SJ e: Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, San Juan Campus PRIB e: Private Brands, Inc. PRIBA e: President of the Royal Institute of British Architects PRIBA[N] e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy. Section B Biological, Geological and Chemical Science (journ.) Pribilovs e: Pribilov Islands in the Bering Sea off Alaska Prib i Sist Upr R: Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya (journ.) Prib i Tekh Eksp R: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta (journ.) Pribliz Metod Resen Differencial Uravnen R: Priblizennye Metody Resenija Differencialnyh Uravnenii (journ.) Prib Metody Anal Izluch R: Pribory i Metody Analiza Izluchenii (joum.) Prib[ory i] Sist[em>] Avtom[at] R: Pribory i Sistemy Avtomatiki (journ.) Prib Sist Upr R: Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya (journ.) Prib Tekhn e: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta (journ.) Prib Ustroistva Sredstv Avtom Telemekh R: Pribory i Ustroistva Sredstv Avtomatiki i Telemekhaniki (journ.) PribVO R: Pribaltiyksiy Voyennyy Okrug PRIC e: Parts Reliability Information Center - e: Peripheral Interface Controller PRIC [Dec] e: Puerto Rico Industrial Commission Decisions (journ.) PRICE e: Physicians for Research in CostEffectiveness - e: Pricing Review to Intensify Competitive Environment - e: Programmed Review of Information for Costing and Evaluation Price e: Price's English Exchequer Reports (journ.) - e: Price's English Mining Commissioners' Cases (journ.) Price Gen Pr e: Price's General Practice (journ.) Price Liens e: Price on Maritime Liens (journ.) Price Min Cas e: Price's Mining Cases (journ.) Price Notes PC e: Price's Notes of Practice Cases in Exchequer (journ.) Price Notes PP e: Price's Notes of Points of Practice, English Exchequer Cases (journ.) Price P[r] C[as] e: Price's English Practice Cases (journ.) Price R Est e: Price on Acts Relating to Real Estate (journ.) Price&St e: Price and Stewart's Trade Mark Cases (journ.)

Price Stern e: Price, Stem, Sloan Price Waterhouse R[ev] e: Price Waterhouse Review (journ.) P Rich e: Port Richmond PRID e: Peace Research Institute, Dundas - e: Planning Record Identifier - e: Pridie - e: Processor Identity Number PriD e: Princeton Datafilm, Inc., Princeton Prid Ch W e: Prideaux's Directions to Churchwardens (journ.) P r i d & C [ o ] e: Prideaux and Cole's English Reports (journ.) PRIDCO e: Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company P r i d Conv e: Prideaux's Forms and Precedents in Conveyancing (journ.) Prid. Conv. e: Prideaux & Whitcomb's Precedents in Conveyancing PRIDE e: Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education - e: People for Rehabilitating and Integrating the Disabled through Education - e: Perfection Requires Individual Defect Elimination - e: Personal Responsibility in Daily Effort - e: Personal Responsibility in Defect Elimination - e: Personalized Recruiting for Immediate and Delayed Entry - e: Preschool and Kindergarten Interest Descriptor - e: Priority Receiving with Inter-Department[al] Efficiency - e: Production of Reliable Items Demands Excellence - e: Production Review Integrated Database - e: Productive Rehabilitation Institute of Dallas for Ergonomics - e: Productivity Improvements for the Decade of the Eighties - e: Professional Recruiting [with] Integrity, Determination and Enthusiasm - e: Professional Results in Daily Effort - e: Profitable Information by Design [through Phased Planning and Control] - e: Programmed Reliability in Design [Engineering] - e: Promote Real Independence for the Disabled and Elderly - e: Prompt Response Insurance Delivery Express - e: Protection of Reefs and Islands from Degradation and Exploitation - e: Provisioning Review Input Data Evaluation - e: Puerto Rico Information and Decision Environment - e: Pulse Radar Intelligent Diagnostic Environment Pride Inst J Long Term Home Health Care e: Pride Institute. Journal of Long Term Home Health Care (joum.) Prid Judg e: Prideaux's Judgments and Crown Debts (joum.) PRIDO e: Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company PRIEA e: Priority Issues Requiring Experimentation and Analysis PRI-EOM e: Procedure InterruptEnd-of-Message PRI-EOP e: Procedure InterruptEnd-of-Producedure Prieta s: Agua Prieta


© K G - Saur, München

PRIF e: Peace Research Institute Frankfurt - e: Prior Year Refund Information File - e: Prolactin-Release Inhibiting Factor [hormone] PRI-FLY e: Primary Flight Control PRIG e: Printing PRIGA P: Prace Instytutu Geologii (journ.) Prign d: Prignitz PRIH e: Pineapple Research Institute of Hawaii - e: Prolactin-Release Inhibiting [Factor] Hormone PRII e: Public Relations Institute of Ireland PRIISM e: Pacific Research Institute for Information Systems and Management Prikladnaya Geofiz R: Prikladnaya Geofizika (journ.) Prikl Biokhim Mikrobiol R: Prikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya (journ.) Prikl Geofiz R: Prikladnaya Geofizika (journ.) Prikl Geom i Inzener Grafika R: Prikladnaja Geometrija i Inzenemaja Grafika (journ.) Prikl Mat [i Mekh] R: Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika (journ.) Prikl Mat i Programmirovanie R: Prikladnaja Matematika i Programmirovanie (journ.) Prikl Mat Mekh R: Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika (journ.) Prikl Meh R: Akademija Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. Otdelenie Matematiki. Mehaniki i Kibernetiki. Prikladnaja Mehanika (journ.) Prikl Mekh R: Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. Otdelenie Matematiki. Mekhaniki i Kibernetiki. Prikladnaya Mekhanika (journ.) Prikl Mekh Priborostr R: Prikladnaya Mekhanika v Priborostroenii (journ.) Prikl Problemy Proc i Plast R: Gor'kovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Imeni N. I. Lobacevskogo. Prikladnye Problemy Procnosti i Plasticnosti (journ.) Prikl Yad Fiz R: Prikladnaya Yademaya Fizika (journ.) Prikl Yad Spektrosk R: Prikladnaya Yadernaya Spektroskopiya (journ.) PrikVO R: Prikarpatskiy Voyennyy Okrug PRIL e: Processor In The Loop PrilKJIF R: Prilozi za Knjizevnost, Jezik, Istoriju, i Folklor (journ.) Prilozh Sb Nauchn Rab Med Fak Karlova Univ Gradtse Kralove R: Prilozhenie k Sborniku Nauchnykh Rabot Meditsinskogo Fakul'teta Karlova Universiteta v Gradtse Kralove (journ.) Prilozi R: Prilozi za Knjizevnost, Jezik, Istoriju, i Folklor (journ.) PrilPJ c: Prilozi Proucavanju Jezika (journ.) PRIM e: Pac Rim Holding - e: Plans and Reports Improvement Memorandum - e: Plume Radiation Intensity Measurement - e: Primages, Inc. - e: Primary - e: Primitive - e: Primordial - e: Program for Information Managers Prim, d: Primaner[in] - d: Primitivität - e: Primate - e: Primer prim, d: primär - d: primitiv

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PRINOB C/NEC PRIMA e: Pollutant Response in Marine Animals - e: Public Risk and Insurance Management Association PRIMAR e: Program to Improve Management of Army Resources primaries e: primary colorsblue, red, yellow Primary Cardiol e: Primary Cardiology (journ.) Primary Ed[uc] e: Primary Education (journ.) Primary J. e: Primary Journal (journ.) Primary Maths e: Primary Mathematics (journ.) Primary Sei Bull e: Primary Science Bulletin (journ.) PRIMAS d: Programm zum Recherchieren und Indexieren mit Maschinenhilfe - d: Projekt-, Informations- und ManagementSystem PRIMATE e: Personal Retrieval of Information by Microcomputer and Terminal Ensemble Primate Behav e: Primate Behavior (journ.) Primates Med e: Primates in Medicine (journ.) Primatolog e: Primatologia (journ.) Prim Comm Cen e: Primary Communication Center PRIME e: Phantom Run Instrumented MILES Engagement - e: Philadelphia Regional Introduction for Minorities to Engineering - e: Planning through Retrieval of Information for Management Extrapolation - e: Precision Integrator for Meteorological Echoes - e: Precision Range Integrated Maneuver Exercise - e: Precision Recovery Including Maneuvering [or Manoeuverable] Entry - e: Prescribed Right to Income and Maximum Equity - e: Primate Information Management Experiment - e: Prime Computer, Inc. - e: Priority [Improved] [Management] Effort[s] - e: Priority Management Engineering System - e: Priority Management Evaluation - e: Procarbazine Ifosfamide, Methotrexate - e: Processing, Research, Inspection and Marine Extension Program - e: Productivity Integrated Measurement System - e: Profession Related Intern-Mentorship Experience - e: Program Research in Integrated Multiethnic Education - e: Program[me] Independence, Modularity, Economy - e: Programmed Instruction for Management Education Prim Ed-Pop Ed e: Primary EducationPopular Educator (journ.) Prim Educ e: Primary Education (journ.) Primenen Mat Ekonom R: Leningradskii Ordena Lenina Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Imeni A. A. Zdanova. Kafedra i Laboratorija Ekonomiko-Matematice - R: Primenenie Matematiki v Ekonomike (journ.) Primenen Teor Verojatnost i Mat Statist R: Primenenie Teorii Verojatnostei i Matematiceskoi Statistiki (journ.) PRIMENET e: Prime Network Software Package

Primen Mat Metodov Biol R: Primenenie Matematicheskikh Metodov v Biologii (journ.) Primen Mikroelem Sel-Khoz Akad Nauk UkrSSR R: Primenenie Mikroelementov Sel'skom Khozyaistve Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR (journ.) Primen Polim Mater Nar Khoz R: Primenenie Polimernykh Materialov v Narodnom Khozyaistve (journ.) Primen Tsifrovykh Analogovykh Vychisl Mash Yad Fiz Tekh R: Primenenie Tsifrovykh i Analogovykh Vychislitel'nykh Mashin v Yadernoi Fizike i Tekhnike (journ.) Primen Ul'traahust Issled Veshchestva R: Primenenie Ul'traakustiki k Issledovaniyu Veshchestva (journ.) PRIMER e: Patient Record Information for Education Requirements PRIMES e: Pennsylvania Retrieval of Information in Mathematics Education System - e: Preflight Integration of Munitions and Electrronic Systems - e: Productivity Integrated Measurement System PRIMEX e: Private Message Switching PRIMI d: Pro-Urokinase in Myocardial Infarction PRIM-IFANO f: Commission pour les Enfants Privés de Milieu Familial PRIMIP s: Primipara PRIMIR e: Product Improvement Management Information Report PRIM LUC e: Prima Luce PRIM M e: Primo Mane PRIM METH e: Primitive Methodist (journ.) PrimMultAs e: PrimarmuItiplexanschluB PrimMuItFestAs e: PrimarmultiplexfestanschluB primo e: primero or supremo PRIMO e: Programmable, Realtime, Incoherent, Matrix, Optical Processor primogen e: primogeniture PRIMORDIAL e: Primary Order Dial PRIMOS e: Prime Operating System primo temp i: primo tempo PRI-MPS e: Procedure Interrupt-Multipage Signal PRIM&R e: Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research Prim Rel Sta e: Primary Relay Station PRIMS e: Product Requirement Information Management System PRIMTEC e: Pacific Rim Interactive Multi-Media Technology PRIMTRA e: [Air] Primary Training PRIMUS e: Physician Reservists in Medical Universities and Schools - e: Primary Medical care for the Uniformed Services PRIN e: Peace Research Institute of Nigeria - e: Performance Risk Index Number - e: Powerec International - e: Princeton - e: Principality] - e: Principally - e: Principia - e: Principle - e: Print-only - e: Printer replaceable item PRINAIR e: Puerto Rico [International Airlines

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

©KG- Saur. Munich

PRINC e: Principally] - e: Principle Princ e: Princeton Review (journ.) PRINC-APIC e: Princeton Reliability Information Center-Apollo Parts Information Center PRINCE e: Parts, Reliability and Information Center - e: Programmed International Computer Environment - e: Programmed Reinforced Instruction Necessary to Continuing Education PRINCE/APIC e: Parts Reliability Information Center/Apollo Parts Information Center Prince NML e: Prince's New Mexico Laws (journ.) Prince S B e: Princeton Seminary Bulletin (journ.) Princeton Coll B e: Princeton College. Bulletin (joum.) Princeton Conf Cerebrovasc Dis e: Princeton Conference on Cerebrovascular Diseases (journ.) Princeton Conf Cereb Vase Dis e: Princeton Conference on Cerebral Vascular Diseases (joum.) Princeton Math Ser e: Princeton Mathematical Series (journ.) Princeton Mus Ree e: Princeton University. Museum of Historic Art. Record (journ.) Princeton Stud Math Econom e: Princeton Studies In Mathematical Economics (journ.) Princeton Univ Lib Chron e: Princeton University. Library. Chronicle (journ.) Princ Food Rice e: Principal Food. Rice (journ.) Princ in Counc e: Principals in Council (journ.) Principia Cardiol e: Principia Cardiologica (journ.) PRIN[-]CIR e: Printed Circuit Princ NS e: Princeton Review [New Series] (journ.) Pr Incntv e: Premium/Incentive Business (journ.) Princ Pract Pediatr Surg Spec e: Principles and Practice of the Pediatric Surgical Specialities (journ.) PrincS[em]B e: Princeton Seminary Bulletin (journ.) Princ Tech Hum Res Ther e: Principles and Techniques of Human Research and Therapeutics (journ.) Princ Theol R e: Princeton Theological Review (journ.) Princ Univ Bull e: Princeton University. Bulletin (joum.) Princ Viana e: Principe de Viana (journ.) PRIND d: Prolongiert-Reversible Ischämische Neurologische Defizite - e: Present Indication^] - e: Prolonged Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit[s] Prin. Dec. e: Printed Decisions PRINDI e: Princeton Diagnostic Laboratories of America, Inc. PRINDUS e: Prison Industries PRINFOD e: Printed Information Distribution Prin Monaco f: Principauté d'Monaco PRINMUS e: Principal Musician PRINOBC/NEC e: Primary Navy Officer Billet Classification and Navy Enlisted Classification


Prin P L Prin PL e: Eden's Principles of Penal Law (journ.) prin pts e: principal parts PRINS d: Partiell Reversible Ischämische Neurologische Symptome - e: Partially Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Symptoms Prins&Conderlag e: Prins and Conderlag's Reports (journ.) Pr Inst Badaw Lesn P: Prace Instytutu Badawczego Lesnictwa (journ.) Pr Inst Celul Papier P: Prace Instytutu Celulozowo-Papierniczego (journ.) Pr Inst Cybern PAN P: Prace Instytutu Cybernetyki Stosowanej PAN [Polska Akademia Nauk] (journ.) Pr Inst Elektrotech P: Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki (journ.) Pr Inst Elektrotech [Warsaw] P: Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki [Warsaw] (journ.) Pr Inst Fiz Politech Warsz P: Prace Instytutu Fizyki Politechnica Warszawska (journ.) Pr Inst Geo! Korisnikh Kopalin Akad Nauk Ukr R: Pratsi Institut Geologii Korisnikh Kopalin Akademiya Nauk Ukrains'koi (journ.) Pr Inst Gidrobiol Akad Nauk Ukr RSR R: Pratsi Institutu Gidrobiologii Akademiya Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR (journ.) Pr Inst Gospod Wodnej P: Prace Instytutu Gospodarki Wodnej (journ.) Pr Inst Hutn P: Prace Instytutow Hutniczych (journ.) Pr Inst Inz Chem Politech Warsz P: Prace Instytutu Inzynierii Chemicznej Politechniki Warszawskiej (journ.) Pr Inst Jedwabiu Nat P: Prace Instytutu Jedwabiu Naturalnego (journ.) Pr Inst Lab Badaw Przem Spozyw P: Prace Instytutow i Laboratoriow Badawczych Przemyslu Spozywczego (journ.) Pr Inst Lacznosci P: Prace Instytutu Lacznosci (journ.) Pr Inst Masz Mat P: Prace Instytutu Maszyn Matematycznych (journ.) Pr Inst Masz Przeplyw P: Prace Instytutu Maszyn Przeplywowych (journ.) Pr Inst Masz Przeplyw Pol Akad Nauk P: Prace Instytutu Maszyn Przeplywowych. Polska Akademia Nauk (joum.) Pr Inst Mech P: Prace Instytutow Mechaniki (journ.) Pr Inst Mech Precyz P: Prace Instytutu Mechaniki Precyzyjnej (journ.) Pr Inst Met P: Prace Instytutu Metaturgue (journ.) Pr Inst Metal Gliwice [Pol] P: Prace Instytutu Metalurgii. Gliwice [Poland] (journ.) Pr Inst Metal Zelaza P: Prace Instytutu Metalurgii Zelaza (journ.) Pr Inst Meteorol Gospod Wodnej P: Prace Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej (journ.) Pr Inst Met Niezelaz P: Prace Instytutu Metali Niezelaznych (joum.) Pr Inst Minist Hutn [Pol] P: Prace Instytutu Ministerstwa Hutnictwa [Poland] (journ.) Pr Inst Naft [Krakow] P: Prace Instytutu Naftowego [Krakow] (journ.) Pr Inst Obrobki Skrawaniem P: Prace Instytutu Obrobki Skrawaniem (journ.)

P r Inst Odlew P: Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa (journ.) Pr Inst Odlew Zesz Spec[jalne] P: Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa. Zeszyty Specjalne (journ.) Pr Inst Przem Cukrow P: Prace Instytutu Przemyslu Cukrowniczego (journ.) Pr Inst Przem Miecz P: Prace Instytutu Przemyslu Mieczarskiego (journ.) Pr Inst Przem Org P: Prace Instytutu Przemyslu Organicznego (joum.) Pr Inst Przem Skorzanego P: Prace Instytutu Przemyslu Skorzanego (journ.) Pr Inst Przem Szkla Ceram P: Prace Instytutu Przemyslu Szkla i Ceramiki (journ.) Pr Inst Przem Wlok Lykowych P: Prace Instytutu Przemyslu Wlokien Lykowych (journ.) Pr Inst Sadow Skierniew[icach] P: Prace Instytutu Sadownictwa w Skierniewicach (joum.) Pr Inst Sadow Skierniewicach Ser A Pr Dosw Z Zakresu Sadow P: Prace Instytutu Sadownictwa w Skierniewicach. Seria A. Prace Doswiadczalne Z Zakresu Sadownictwa (journ.) Pr Inst Tech Budow Ser 1 P: Prace Instytutu Techniki Budowlanej. Seria 1. Materialy Budowlane i Ich Zastosowanie (joum.) Pr Inst Tech Budow Ser 2 P: Prace Instytutu Techniki Budowlanej. Seria 2. Konstrukeje Budowlane i Inzynierskie (joum.) Pr Inst Tech Ciepl P: Place Instytutu Techniki Cieplnej (joum.) Pr Inst Technol Drewna P: Prace Instytut Technologii Drewna (joum.) Pr Inst Technol Elektron P: Pace Instytutu Technologii Elektronowej (joum.) Pr Inst Tele-&Radiotech P: Prace Instytutu Tele-i Radiotechnicznego (joum.) P r Inst Wlok [Lodz] P: Prace Instytutu Wlokiennictwa [Lodz] (joum.) PRINSYS e: Product Information System - e: Production Information System PRINT e: Pre-edited Interpretive system [or Interpreter] - e: Print Recognition Input Terminal - e: Printed - e: Printer - e: Printing - e: Public Release of Information and Transcripts Print Art [Q] e: Printing Art [Quarterly] (joum.) Print Bookbind Trade Rev e: Printing and Bookbinding Trade Review (joum.) Print Coll Q e: Print Collector's Quarterly (journ.) Print Equip Eng e: Printing Equipment Engineer (journ.) Print Graph Arts e: Printing and Graphic Arts (joum.) Printing e: Printing Impressions (joum.) Printing Abs[tr] e: Printing Abstracts (joum.) Printing and Pub e: Printing and Publishing (joum.) Printing Impr e: Printing Impressions (joum.) Printing Trades J e: Printing Trades Journal (joum.) Print Mag e: Printing Magazine (journ.)


© K • G • Saur, München

Print Mag Natl Lithogr e: Printing Magazine National Lithographer (journ.) Print Manag e: Printing Management (journ.) Print Prod e: Printing Production (journ.) Print&Pub e: Printing and Publishing (journ.) Print R[ev] e: Print Review (journ.) Print Sales e: Printed Salesmanship (journ.) PRINT System e: Preedited Interpretive System Print Technol e: Printing Technology (journ.) Print Trades J e: Printing Trades Journal (journ.) PRINUL e: Puerto Rico International Undersea Laboratory Prinz. d: Prinzip prinz. d: prinzipiell PRINZ e: Public Relations Institute of New Zealand PRIO d: Prioritatsberechnung - d: Prioritatsteilnehmer - e: Peace Research Institute[or Institution], Oslo - e: Priority PRION d: Bezeichnung von Prusiner fiir ein [hypothetisches] Infektionsprotein PRIONS e: Proteinaceous Infectious Particles PRIOR e: Priority [line] - e: Program for In-Orbit[al] Rendezvous Prior, d: Prioritat[en] prior, e: priority PRIORCBX e: Priority Coinbox PRIOSUB[S] e: Priority Subscriber [with special services] PRIP e: Park Restoration [and] Improvement Program - e: Parts Reliability Improvement Program[me] - e: Pattern Recognition and Image Processing - e: Planned Retirement Income Program - e: PSP Radar Improvement Program PRIPACSEVOCAM e: Primary Pacific Secure Voice Communications Pr IPO P: Prace IPO [Instytutu Przemyslu Organicznego] (journ.) PRIPP e: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy PRIP System e: Pattern Recognition and Image Processing System PRIR e: Parts Reliability Improvement Route [or Routing] PRIRA R: Priroda (journ.) P R Ir Ac A e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy. Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical and Physical Science (journ.) P R Ir Ac B e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy. Section B. Biological, Geological and Chemical Science (journ.) P R Ir Ac C e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy. Section C. Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature (journ.) PRI&RB e: Puerto Rico Inspection and Rating Bureau Prir Gaz Sib R: Prirodnyi Gaz Sibiri (journ.) Prir [Moscow] R: Priroda [Moscow] (journ.) Prirodoved Cas Slezsky e: Prirodovedny Casopis Slezsky (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PRLASR Prirodoved Pr Ustavu Cesk Akad Ved Brne c: Prirodovedne Prace Ustavu Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved v Brne (journ.) Prir Tr Resur Levoberezhnoi Ukr Ikh Ispolz R: Prirodnye i Trudot ye Resursy Levoberezhnoi Ukrainy i Ikh Ispolzovanie (journ.) Prir Usloviya Zapadn Sib R: Prirodnye Usloviya Zapadnoi Sibiri (journ.) PRIS e: Pacific Range Instrumentation Satellite - e: Pest Management Research Information System - e: Prison - e: Program Resource Information System - e: Propeller Revolution Indicator System - e: Protective Response Inducing Substance - i: Physis. Rivista Intemazionale di Storia delle Scienze (journ.) PRIs e: Pulse-Rate Indicators PRISA e: Primary Slot Allocation - e: Public Relations Institute of South Africa PR/ISC e: Public Relations/Information Services Control Prisca e: Priscilla PRISCO e: Price Stabilization Corporation pris.coeff. e: prismatic coefficient PRISD e: Proceedings Indian Academy of Sciences. Series Engineering Sciences (journ.) PRISE e: Page Reader Input System with Editing - e: Pennsylvania Resources and Information Center for Special Education - e: Pennsylvanias Regional Instructional] System for Education - e: Program[me] for Integrated Shipboard Electronics Pri Seq e: Primary Sequence PRISIC e: Photographic Reconnaissance Interpretation Section PRISM e: Parallel Instruction Set Multiprocessor - e: Parameter Related Internal Standard Method - e: Pattern Recognition Information Synthesis Modeling - e: Personal [or Personnel] Record[s] Information System[s] for Management - e: Personnel Related Information System For Management - e: Personnel Requirements Information System Methodology - e: Power Reactor Inherently Safe Module - e: Powerful Resource for Information and System Management - e: Prism Entertainment Corp. - e: Prismatic - e: Production Requirements for Industrial Scheduling Manpower e: Programmable Integrated Scripts for MIRROR - e: Program[me] Reliability Information System for Management - e: Program[me] Reporting and Information System for Management - e: Programmed Integrated System Maintenance - e: Programming Information and Scheduling Management - e: Progressive Refinement of Integrated Supply Management - e: Prospective Record of the Impact and Severity of Menstrual Symptoms - e: Pulse Repetition Interval Sorting Matrix Prism, e: Prisma[tic]

PRISMA d: Permanent Reorganisierendes [or Reorganisiertes] Informationssystem Merkmalorientierter Anwenderdaten [or arten] - d: Prognose- und Informations-System für das Materialwesen - e: Primary Imaging Systems for Multiple Application prism.P. d: prismatisches Pulver PRISN e: Procurement Instrument Serial Number Prison L. Rptr. e: Prison Law Reporter Pris[sy] e: Priscilla PRIST d: Papier[scheiben-]Radioimmunosorbent Test PRIT e: Pig Research Institute Taiwan PRITAC e: Primary Tactical Radio Circuit Pritch. Adm. Dig. e: Pritchard's English Admiralty Digest Pritch. M.&D. e: Pritchard, Divorce & Matrimonial Causes Pritch. Quar. Sess. e: Pritchard Quarter Sessions prithee e: I pray thee Pri Tmr e: Primary Timer PRiTV P: Polskie Radio i Telewizja priv. d: privatisieren] - d: privatisiert - d: privilegiert Priv. d: Privileg priv e: privacy - e: private[er][ing] - e: privation - e: privative - e: privet - e: privilege[d] - e: privily - e: privy Priv. C.D.I. e: Indian Privy Council Decisions Priv. C[ounc]. App. e: Privy Council Appeals Priv. Counc. D.I. e: Privy Council Decisions Priv.-Doz. d: Privat-Dozent PrivFmAnl d: Privatfernmeldeanlage Priv. Found. Rep. e: Private Foundations Reporter Priv. Fran. Cont. e: Private Franchise Contracts Priv. Hous. Fin. e: Private Housing Finance Priv. Inv. Abroad e: Private Investments Abroad Priv. J. e: Privacy Journal Priv. L[aws] e: Private Laws Priv. Lond. 1: Privilegia Londini PriVO R: Privolzhkiy Voyennyy Okrug priv pr e: privately printed PRIV PUB e: Privately Published Priv. R. e: Privacy Report Prlv.-Sch. d: Privatschule[n] PrivSch[ul]G d: Privatschulgesetz Priv. St. e: Private Statutes Priv. X. e: Private Exchange PriX e: Primary X prix de fque f: prix de fabrique Pri X Pu e: Primary X Pickup Prize C.R. e: Prize Court Reports PRIZM e: Potential Rating Index for ZIP Markets PRJC e: Puerto Rico Junior College PrJMBI d: Preußisches Justizministerialblatt

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

PRK d: Phasenregelkreis - d: Probefahrtdauerkennzeichen - d: Prozeßrechnerkomplex - e: Park - e: Peoples Republic of Kampuchea - e: Phase Reversal Keying - e: Primary Rat Kidney Pr.-K. d: Privatkasse - d: Privatkonto PR-KB e: Printer-Keyboard PRK Cells e: Primary Rat Kidney Cells Pr.-Kl. d: Preisklasse PrKl[i] d: Prüfklinke prkng e: parking PrKO d: Preußische Kassenordnung Pr Kom Technol Drewna Poznan Tow Przyj Nauk P: Prace Komisji Technologii Drewna. Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk (journ.) Pr.-Korr. d: Privatkorrespondenz PRKPA d: Probleme der Kosmischen Physik (journ.) PRKRA e: Parks and Recreation (journ.) PRL d: Prämienrichtlinien - d: Prioritätslogik - d: Prolaktin - e: Page Revision Log - e: Parallel - e: Parts Requirement List - e: Peace Research Laboratory - e: Periodical [requirements] - e: Personnel Research Laboratory - e: Pesticide Research Laboratory and Graduate Study Center - e: Petroleum Refining Laboratory - e: Philco Resources - e: Philips Research Laboratories - e: Photoreactivating Light - e: Physical Research Laboratory - e: Physiological Research Laboratories - e: Pick-Resistant Lock - e: Pioneering Research Laboratory - e: Planning Requirements List - e: Plastics Research Laboratory - e: Polished-Rod Load - e: Political Risk Letter - e: Prairie Research Laboratory [Canada] - e: Preamble - e: Precision Reduction Laboratory - e: Predicted Repair Level - e: Pressure Ratio Limiter - e: Princes Risborough Laboratory - e: Priority Rate Limiting - e: Private Line - e: Processor Level - e: Project Records List - e: Project Research Laboratory - e: Prolactin - e: Properties Research Laboratory - e: Propulsion Research Laboratory - e: Proton Reference Level - e: Publication Requirements List - e: Publications Requirements List - e: Pull-down Resistor Logic - e: Pulse-Reflection Logic PrL d: Programmiertes Lernen Pr. L. e: Private Laws Pr.-L. d: Preisliste - d: Privatlehrer PRLA e: Prairie Religious Library Association - e: Puerto Rico Library Association PRLASR e: Population Research Laboratory. University of Alberta. Department of Sociology. Alberta Series Report (journ.)


P R L a w s [Ann] PR Laws [Ann] e: Laws of Puerto Rico, [Annotated] (journ.) PRLC e: Pittsburgh Regional Library Center PRLD e: Pick-Resistant Locking Device PRLDEF e: Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund PrLe d: Prüfleiste PRLEA c: Pracovni Lekarstvi (journ.) PRLI e: Purchase Request Line Item PRLINK e: Public Relations Society of America Online Information Service PrLit e: Prace Literackie (journ.) PRLKA P: Przeglad Lekarski (journ.) PRLM e: Preliminary PRLP e: Planetary Rocket Launcher Platform - e: Puerto Rico Legal Project PRLS e: Pima Regional Library Service - e: Prepaid Rental-Listing Service - e: Pulse[d] Ruby Laser System PRLST e: Price List PRLTA e: Physical Review. Letters (journ.) PRLTRL&M e: Printer, Lithographer and Multilith Operator PrLW d: Prüfleitungswähler PRLWCSR e: Population Research Laboratory. University of Alberta. Department of Sociology. Western Canada Series Report (journ.) PRLX e: Parallax PRM d: Paromomycin - d: PR Magazin. Public Relations und Informationspolitik in Medien und Gesellschaft (journ.) - d: Primidon - e: Panarim Resources, Inc. - e: Parameter - e: Parsons Mountain - e: Partial Response Method - e: Partially Reflecting Mirror - e: Partially Regulated Module - e: Payload Retention Mechanism - e: Personal Radiation Monitor - e: Petition [or Proposal] for Rule Making - e: Phase Retarder Module - e: Phase Reversal Modulation - e: Photoreceptor Membrane - e: Pilots Radio Manual - e: Portable Radiation Monitor - e: Posigrade Rocket Motor - e: Positron Reemission Microscopy - e: Power Range Monitor - e: Preformed Road Markings - e: Preliminary Requirements Model - e: Premium - e: Presidential Review Memorandum] - e: Pressure Remanent Magnetization - e: Prime [Computer, Inc.] - e: Prime[r] - e: Priming - e: Process Manager - e: Process Radiation Monitor - e: Production Release Meeting - e: Program Memory - e: Program Resolution Monitor - e: Program Review Meeting - e: Program[me][r] Reference Manual - e: Programming and Resources Management - e: Promote - e: Publications Requirements Manager - e: Pulse Rate Modulation - e: Pulse Ratio Modulator - P: Polski Rocznik Muzykologiczny (journ.) - P: Prezydium Rady Ministröw prM d: präsynaptische Membran P r m d: Promenade - e: Parmenides 32

PrM d: Protestantische Monatshefte (journ.) - d: Prüf- und Meßstelle PRMA e: Proceedings. Royal Musical Association (journ.) - e: Puerto Rican Maritime Authority P-R man e: Public-Relations man PrMan e: Prayer of Manasses PRMAR e: Primary Mission Area Pr Mater Nauk Inst Matki Dziecka P: Prace i Materialy Naukowe. Instytut Matki i Dziecka (journ.) Pr Mater Pershogo Khark Derzh Med Inst R: Pratsi i Materiali Pershogo Kharkivs'kogo Derzhavnogo Medichnogo Institutu (journ.) Pr Mater Zootech P: Prace i Materialy Zootechniczne (journ.) PRMC e: Periodically Replenished Magma Chambers - e: Puerto Rican Migration Consortium P R M C L i: Periodica de Re Morali Canonica Liturgica (journ.) PRMCLS e: Papers. Regional Meeting. Chicago Linguistics Society (journ.) PRMD e: Private Management Domain PRME[A][D] e: Presse Medicale (journ.) Pr Med Opolskie Tow Przyj Nauk Wyd Nauk Med P: Prace Medyczne. Opolskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk. Wydzial 5. Nauk Medycznych (journ.) PRMF e: Petroleum Retail Marketing Franchise Act P R M G e: Piston Ring Manufacturers Group P r M h d: Protestantische Monatshefte (journ.) P r Min e: Printed Minutes of Evidence (joum.) Pr. Min. e: Printed Minutes of Evidence Pr Mineral Pol Akad Nauk P: Prace Mineralogiczne Polska Akademia Nauk (journ.) PRML e: Partial Response Maximum Likelihood PRMLD e: Premolded PR/M1PR e: Purchase Request/Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request PRMMI e: Puerto Rico Marine Management PRMOD e: Printer Module Pr Molodikh Uch Ukr Akad SU's'kogospod Nauk R: Pratsi Molodikh Uchenikh Ukrains'ka Akademiya Sil's'kogospodars'kikh Nauk (journ.) Pr Moravskoslezske Akad Ved Prir P: Prace Moravskoslezske Akademie Ved Pirodnich (journ.) Pr Morsk Inst Rybackiego Ser A P: Prace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego. Seria A. Oceanografia i Biologia Rybacka (journ.) Pr Morsk Inst Rybackiego Ser B P: Prace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego. Seria B. Technika Rybacka i Technologia Ryb (journ.) Pr Morsk Inst Rybacki Gdyni P: Prace Morski Instytut Rybacki w Gdyni (journ.) P R M P e: Plutonium Recovery Modification Project PRMR e: Primer PRM's e: Presidential Review Memorandums PRMSA e: Progress in Materials Science (journ.) - e: Puerto Rico Maritime [or Merchant] Shipping Authority PRMSB e: Proceedings. Royal Microscopical Society (journ.)

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PRMSC e: Proceedings. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (journ.) PRMSD e: Problemy Mashinostroeniya (journ.) , PRMTR e: Parameter Pr Muz Ziemi P: Prace Muzeum Ziemi (journ.) PRMV e: Peach Rosette Mosaic Virus PRN d: Prüfschaltung für NF-Übertragungswege - e: Greenville - e: Pahrock Range [Nevada] - e: Parts Requirement Notice - e: Peace Research Network - e: Periodic-Random Noise - e: Physicians Radio Network - e: Practice Notes of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal - e: Preference Rating Number - e: Previous Result Negative - e: Pridie Nonas - e: Print Numerically - e: Printer - e: Pristina - e: Private Registered Nurse[s] - e: Pro Re Nata - e: Procurement Reallocation Notice - e: Program Release Notice - e: Prominent Resources Corp. - e: Pronasale - e: Pseudo-Random Noise - e: Pseudo-Random Number - e: Pseudo-Rustler-Noise - e: Puerto Rican Cement Co., Inc. - e: Pulse Ranging Navigation - e: Pulse Ranging Network - e: Purchase Request Number PRn d: Posträtin PrN d: Prüfnetz p.r.n. I: pro re nata pRNA e: Ribonucleic Acid, polysomal Pr.-Nachl. d: Preisnachlaß Pr Naturwiss Teil 3 d: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften. Teil 3. Chemie (journ.) Pr Nauk Akad Ekon Oskara Langego Wroclaw Chem P: Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej Imienia Oskara Langego we Wroclawiu. Chemia (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Chem Org Fiz Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Chemii Organicznej i Fizycznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Chem Org Fiz Politech Wroclaw Ser K[onf] P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Chemii Organicznej i Fizycznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Konferencje (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Chem Org Fiz Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Chemii Organicznej i Fizycznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Studia i Materialy (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Chem Technol Nafty Wegla Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Chemii i Technologii Nafty i Wegla Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Cybern Tech Politech Wroclaw Ser K P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Cybemetyki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Konferencje (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Cybern Tech Politech Wroclaw Ser M P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Cybemetyki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Monografie (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PRNWR Pr Nauk Inst Cybern Tech Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Cybemetyki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Studia i Materialy (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Fiz Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Fizyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Fiz Politech Wroclaw Ser M[onogr] P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Fizyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Monografie (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Fiz Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Fizyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Studia i Materialy (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Fiz Tech Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Fizyki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Geotech Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Geotechniki Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Gorn [Politech] Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Gomictwa Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Inz Cliem Urzadz Ciepl Politech Wroclaw Ser M P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inzynierii Chemicsnej i Urzadzen Cieplnych Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Monografie (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Inz Chem Urzadzen Cieplnych Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inzynierii Chemicznej i Urzadzen Cieplnych Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Inz Ladowej Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inzynierii Ladowej Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Inz Ochr Sr[odowiska] Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inzynierii Ochrony Srodowiska Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Inz Sanit Wodnej Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inzynierii Sanitarnej i Wodnej Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Materialozn Mech Tech Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Materialoznawstwa i Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Materialozn Mech Tech Politech Wroclaw Ser M P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Materialoznawstwa i Mechaniki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Monografie (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Materialozn Mech Tech Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Materialoznawstwa i Mechaniki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Studia i Materialy (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Mat Politech Wroclaw Ser M P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Matematyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Monografie (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Mat Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Matematyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Studia i Malerialy (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Metrol Elektr Politech Wroclaw Ser K P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Metrologii Elektrycznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Konferencje (journ.)

Pr Nauk Inst Metrol Elektr Politech Wroclaw Ser Konf P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Metrologii Elektrycznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Konferencje (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Metrol Elektr Politech Wroclaw Ser M P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Melrologii Elektrycznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Monografie (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Metrol Elektr Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Metrologii Elektrycznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Studia i Materialy (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Ochr Rosl P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Ochrony Roslin (joum.) Pr Nauk Inst Ochr Rosl [Warsz] P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Ochrony Roslin [Warszawa] (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Przem Org [Warsaw] P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Przemyslu Organicznego [Warsaw] (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Tech Ciepl Mech Plynow Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Techniki Cieplnej i Mechaniki Plynow Politechniki Wroclawskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Tech Ciepl Mech Plynow Politech Wroclaw Ser M P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Techniki Cieplnej i Mechaniki Plynow Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Monografie (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Tech Ciepl Mech Plynow Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Techniki Cieplnej i Mechaniki Plynow Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Studia i Materialy (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Technol Elektron Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Elektronowej Politechniki Wroclawskiej (joum.) Pr Nauk Inst Technol Elektron Politech Wroclaw Ser Monogr P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Etektronowej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Monografie (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Technol Elektron Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Elektronowej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Studia i Materialy (journ.) Pr Nauk Inst Technol Org Tworz Sztucz Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Organicznej i Tworzyw Sztucznych Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Studia i Material Pr Nauk Inst Technol Org Tworzyw Sztucznycb Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Organicznej i Tworsyw Sztucznych Politechniki Wroclawskiej (joum.) Pr Nauk Inst Telekomun Akust Politech Wroclaw Ser K P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Telekomunikacji i Akustyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Konferencje (joum.) Pr Nauk Inst Telekomun Akust Politech Wroclaw Ser M P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Telekomunikacji i Akustyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Monografie (joum.) Pr Nauk Inst Telekomun Akust Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Telekomunikacji i Akustyki Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Studia i Materialy (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Pr Nauk Inst Ukladow Elektromasz Politech Wroclaw Ser S P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Ukladow Elektromaszynowych Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria. Studia i Materialy (journ.) Pr Nauk Politech Szczecin P: Prace Naukowe Politechniki Szczecinskiej (journ.) Pr Nauk Politech Warsz Elektron P: Prace Naukowe Politechnika Warszawska Elektronika (journ.) Pr Nauk Politech Wroclaw Ser Konf P: Prace Naukowe Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Konferencje (journ.) Pr Nauk Politech Wroclaw Ser Monogr P: Prace Naukowe Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Monografie (journ.) Pr Nauk Politech Wroclaw Ser Stud Mater P: Prace Naukowe Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Studia i Materialy (joum.) Pr Nauk Politech Wroclaw Ser Wspolpraca P: Pcace Naukowe Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Seria Wspolpraca (journ.) Pr Nauk Uniw Slask Katowicach P: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach (journ.) Pr Nauk Uniw Slask Katowic Pr Fiz P: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach. Prace Fizyczne (journ.) Pr Nauk Wyzsz Szk Ekon Wroclawiu P: Prace Naukowe Wyzszej Szkoly Ekonomicznej we Wroclawiu (journ.) PRNBA e: Proceedings. Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Biology (journ.) PRNC e: Potomac River Naval Command - e: Puerto Rico Nuclear Center PRNDL e: Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive, Low PRNET e: Packet Radio Network PrnF d: Prüfen nach Frist PRNG e: Pseudo-Random Number Generator - e: Purging PRNHA e: Professional Nursing Home (journ.) PRNJ e: Project North Journal (journ.) PRNL e: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore PRNN e: Project North Newsletter (journ.) PRNNL e: Perennial Pr.-Not. d: Preisnotierung Pr.-Nr. d: Privatnummer - d: Probenummer - d: Priif[ungs]nummer PrNrKf d: Prüfnummernkoffer PrNrKI[i] d: Prüfnummernklinke PRNS e: Point Reyes National Seashore PRNSA e: Pseudo-Random Noise Assembly prNStAnl d: private Nebenstellenanlage PRNT e: Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test PRNTDEV e: Print Device PRNTG e: Printing PRNTMODE e: Print Mode PRNTR e: Printer PRNTV e: Preventive PRNU e: Photoresponse Nonuniformity Pr Nuk Inst Technol Nieorg Nawozow Miner Politech Wroclaw P: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Nieorganicznej i Nawozow Minetalnych Politechniki Wroclawskiej (joum.) PRNWR e: Parker River National Wildlife Refuge


PRO PRO d: Postrechnungslegungsordnung - d: Private Rundfunk-Organisation - d: Programmierung der Tasten V 1 bis V 5 - d: Rechnungslegungsordnung für die Deutsche Bundespost - e: Pacific Research Onice - e: Parallel Rod Oscillator - e: Parents Rights Organization - e: Particle Reduction Oven - e: Parts Release Order - e: Patients Rights Organization - e: Pay and Records Office - e: Peer Review Organization - e: Pen Recorder Output - e: Performing Rights Organization - e: Perry - e: Personnel Relations Office[r] - e: Photographic Reconnaissance Officer - e: Pitch Response Operator - e: Planned Requirements, Outfitting - e: Planning Resident Order - e: Plant Representative^] Office[r] - e: Population Renewal Office - e: Precision Risk Organisation - e: Press Officer - e: Principal Public Library - e: Print Octal - e: Pro Musica (journ.) - e: Probate - e: Probation - e: Problem Resolution Office - e: Procurement] [Research Office] - e: Production Repair Order - e: Professional] [Racing Organization of America] - e: Professional Report (journ.) - e: Professional Resellers Organization - e: Professional Review Organization - e: Professionally - e: Proficiency - e: Proflavine - e: Programmable Remote Operation - e: Programming Online - e: Progressive] - e: Prolin[e] - e: Promotion - e: Pronation - e: Pronoun - e: Pronto Explorations Ltd. - e: Propagation - e: Propeller [Order] - e: Prophylactic - e: Prospect Referral Operation - e: Protection - e: Protest - e: Proved - e: Provencal - e: Province - e: Public Record Office - e: Public Relations Office[r] - e: Puchase Request Order - n: Produktnieuws voor Kantoor en Bedrijf. Investeringsinformatie voor Managers (journ.) - P: Polskie Ratownictwo Okretowe - R: Protivo-Raketnaja Obrano Pro d: Prolin - e: Prednisone - e: Procedure - e: Proceed - e: Proculus - e: Prolyl - e: Protein - e: Prothrombin - e: Proverbs - e: Province - e: Provost

P r O d: Prüfungsordnung Pro. d: Prophylaxe PrÖ d: Öffentliche Sprechstelle bei Privaten mit Standard-Telefon P R O A e: Polymer Research Corp. of America - e: Public Record Of[fice] Archives - e: Puerto Rico Operations Area - f: Plantations Réunies de l'Ouest Africain PROABRIL s: Centro de Projectos Industriais Pro Acad Pol Sei [USA] e: Proceedings. Academy of Political Science [USA] (journ.) P R O A C O L s: Productos Agrícolas Colombianos PROAGA s: Productos Agropecuarios Asociados S.A. PROAGRO s: Comisión Nacional de Promoción Agropecuario pro-am e: professional-amateur Pro Am Gas Inst e: Proceedings. American Gas Institute (journ.) Pro AOS e: Proceedings. American Oriental Society (journ.) P R O A P e: Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific PROASA s: Programa de Acción para la Seguridad Alimentaria PROASHORCA s: Compañía de Servicios Agrícolas P R O B d: Problem - e: Probability - e: Probable - e: Probably - e: Probation - e: Problem[atic][al] - e: Teleprobe Systems, Inc. ProB d: Projektbeauftragter Prob d: Projektbereich - e: English Probate and Admiralty Reports for Year Cited (joum.) - e: Law Reports, Probate Division (journ.) - e: Probate - e: Probation - e: Problems -1: Quod Omnis Probus Liber Sit prob, d: probat - d: probieren - d: probiert - e: probability - e: probable Probab Math Stat[ist] e: Probability and Mathematical Statistics (journ.) Prob Actuéis ORL e: Problemes Actuéis d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie (joum.) Prob&Adm [Div] e: Probate and Admiralty Division Law Reports (joum.) Prob Agrie Ind Mex e: Problemas Agrícolas e Industríales de Mexico (journ.) PROBAIGAN s: Programa Integral del Desarrollo de la Ganadería Prob and Prop e: Probate and Property (journ.) PROBARE d: Programmbaustein für ein integriertes Rechnungswesen Probat e: Probation Probation&Parole L Rep e: Probation and Parole Law Reports (joum.) Probation&Parole L Summ e: Probation and Parole Law Summaries (joum.) Probat J e: Probation Journal (joum.) Prob C e: Probate Code (joum.) Prob Com[mun] e: Problems of Communism (joum.)


© K • G • Saur, München

PROBCOST e: Probabilistic Budgeting and [Forward] Costing probcost e: probable cost Prob Ct Rep e: Probate Court Reporter (journ.) PROBDAM e: Probably Damaged PROBDET e: Probability of Detection Prob Div e: Probate Division, English Law Reports (journ.) Prob&Div e: Probate and Divorce, English Law Reports (journ.) PROBE e: Performance Review of Base Supply Effectiveness - e: Pre-Recognition of Baleful Error[s] - e: Program for Research on ObjectivesBased Evaluation - e: Program Optimization and Budget Evaluation Prob Econ e: Problems of Economics (journ.) Probedr. d: Probedruck PROBES d: Projektbegleitsystem - e: Processes and Resources of the Bering Sea Shelf PROBFOR e: Probability Forecasting PrO BFt d: Prüfungsordnung für den mittleren fernmeldetechnischen Dienst probie[s] e: probationers] PROBIT e: Probability Unit Prob J e: Probation Journal (journ.) Probi, d: Problem[atik] probi, d: problematisch Probi Actuels Biochim Appi f: Problemes Actuels de Biochimie Appliquee (journ.) Probi Actuels Endocrinol Nutr f: Problemes Actuels d'Endocrinologie et de Nutrition (journ.) Probi Actuels Ophthal f: Problemes Actuels d'Ophthalmologie (journ.) Probi Actuels Otorhinolaryngol f: Problems Actuels d'Otorhinolaryngologie (journ.) Probi Actuels Paediatr f: Problemes Actuels de Paediatrie (journ.) Probi Actuels Phoniatr Logop f: Problemes Actuels de Phoniatrie et Logopedie (journ.) Probi Actuels Psychotherap f: Problemes Actuels de Psychotherapie (journ.) Probi Afr Centr f: Problemes d'Afrique Centrale (journ.) Probi Agrofiz R: Problemy Agrofizyki (journ.) Probi Anal Khim R: Problemy Analiticheskoi Khimii (journ.) Probi Arkt[iki] Antarkt[iki] R: Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki (journ.) Probi Attuali Sci Cult i: Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura (journ.) Prob Law e: Probate Lawyer (journ.) Probi Biocybern Biomed Eng e: Problems of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (journ.) Probi Biol e: Problems in Biology (joum.) Probi Biol Krajiny R: Problemy Biologie Krajiny (journ.) Probi Bioniki R: Problemy Bioniki (journ.) Probi Bioniki Resp Mezhved NauchnoTekh Sb R: Problemy Bioniki Respublikanskii Mezhvedomstvennyi NauchnoTekhnicheskii Sbomik (journ.) Probi Bor'by Protiv Burz Ideol R: Problemy Bor'by Protiv Burzuaznoj Ideologii (journ.) Probi Bot R: Problemy Botaniki (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Probi Okh Vod Probi Commu e: Problems of Communism (journ.) Probi Control and Inf Theory e: Problems of Control and Information Theory (journ.) Probi Control and Inf Theory [Engl Transi Pap Rus] e: Problems of Control and Information Theory [English Translation of the Papers in Russian] (journ.) Probi Control Inf Theor e: Problems of Control and Information Theory (journ.) Probi Cybern [USSR] e: Problems of Cybernetics [USSR] (journ.) Probi Dal'nego Vost R: Problemy Dal'nego Vostok (journ.) Probi Desarr s: Problemas del Desarrollo (journ.) Probi Desert Dev [Engl Transi Probi Osvoeniya Pustyn] e: Problems of Desert Development [English Translation of Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn] (joum.) Probi Dialektiki R: Problemy Dialektiki (journ.) Probi Drug Depend e: Problems of Drug Dependence (journ.) Probi Ec f: Problèmes Economiques (journ.) Probi Ecol Biocenol e: Problems of Ecology and Biocenology (joum.) Probi Econ e: Problems of Economics (journ.) Probi Ekol R: Problemy Ekologii (journ.) Probi Ekon Morja R: Problemy Ekonomiki Morja (journ.) Probi Ekon [Warsrawa] P: Problemy Ekonomiczne [Warszawa] (journ.) Problemas Bras p: Problemas Brasileiros (journ.) Problèmes Eur f: Problèmes de l'Europe (journ.) Problemi Sicurezza Soc i: Problemi della Sicurezza Sociale (journ.) Problems Control Inform Theory/Problemy Upravlen Teor Inform e: Problems of Control and Information Theory. Problemy Upravlenija i Teorii Informaci! [Budapest] (journ.) Problems Econ e: Problems of Economics (journ.) Problems Inform Transmission e: Problems of Information Transmission (journ.) Problems in Geometry e: Problems in Geometry in the Key Word Index [Moscow] (journ.) Problemy Jadern Fiz i Kosm Lucei R: Problemy Jadernoi Fiziki i Kosmiceskih Lucei (joum.) Problemy Kibernet R: Problemy Kibemetiki (journ.) Problemy Kosmich Biol Akad Nauk SSSR R: Problemy Kosmicheskoi Biologii Akademiya Nauk SSSR (journ.) Problemy Mat P: Bydgoszcz. Whzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna. Zeszyty Naukowe. Problemy Matematyczne (joum.) Problemy Mat Anal Sloz Sistem R: Problemy Matematiceskogo Analiza Sloznyh Sistem (journ.) Problemy Matematiceskogo Analiza R: Problemy Matematiceskogo Analiza [Leningrad] (journ.) Problemy Pered Inf R: Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (joum.) Problemy Slucain Poiska R: Akademija Nauk Latviiskoi SSR. Institut Elektroniki i Vyceslitel'noi Tehniki. Problemy Slucainogo Poiska (journ.)

Problemy Teor Gravitacii i Element Castic R: Problemy Teorii Gravitacii i Elementamyh Castic (joum.) Problemy Yadern Fiz i Kosm Luchei R: Problemy Yadernoi Fiziki i Kosmicheskikh Luchei (joum.) Probi Endokr Gormonot R: Problemy Endokrinologii i Gormonoterapii (journ.) Probi Endokrinol R: Problemy Endokrinologii (joum.) Probi Endokrinol Gormonoter R: Problemy Endokrinologii i Gormonoterapii (joum.) Probi Endokrinol [Mosk] R: Problemy Endokrinologii [Moskva] (joum.) Probi Entrep Agric f: Problemes de l'Enterprise Agricole (joum.) Probi Evol R: Problemy Evolyutsii (joum.) Probi Farine f: Problemes de Farine (joum.) Probi Festkorperelektron d: Probleme der Festkorperelektronik (joum.) Probi Filos Nauc Kommunizma R: Problemy Filosofii i Naucnogo Kommunizma (joum.) Probi Fiz Atmos R: Problemy Fiziki Atmosfery (joum.) Probi Fiz Elem Chastits At Yadra R: Problemy Fiziki Elementarnykh Chastits i Atomnogo Yadra (joum.) Probi Fiziol Gipotal R: Problemy Fiziologii Gipotalamusa (joum.) Probi Fiziol Opt R: Problemy Fiziologicheskoj Optiki (joum.) Probi Fiziol Patol Vyssh Nervn Deyat R: Problemy Fiziologii i Patologii Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel'nosti (journ.) Probi Fiz Khim R: Problemy Fizicheskoi Khimii (joum.) Probi Funkts Morfol R: Problemy Funktsional'noi Morfologii (joum.) Probi Gastroenterol R: Problemy Gastroenterologii (joum.) Probi Gemat R: Problemy Gematologii i Perelivanija Krovi (joum.) Probi Gematol Pereliv Krovi R: Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi (joum.) Probi Geol Nefti R: Problemy Geologii Nefti [USSR] (joum.) Probi Geokhim R: Problemy Geokhimii (joum.) Probi Gestione i: Problemi di Gestione (joum.) Probi Gidroenerg Vod Khoz R: Problemy Gidroenergetiki i Vodnogo Khozyaistva (joum.) Probi Glubokikh Mikozov R: Problemy Glubokikh Mikozov (joum.) Probi Gos Prava R: Problemy Gosudarstva i Prava (joum.) Probi Grippa Ostrykh Respir Zabol R: Problemy Grippa i Ostrykh Respiratornykh Zabolevanii (joum.) Probi Hematol Blood Transfus [USSR] e: Problems of Hematology and Blood Transfusion [USSR] (joum.) Probi Hetmatol Blood Transfus e: Problems of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (joum.) Probi Infect Parasit Dis e: Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (journ.) Probi Influenza Acute Respir Dis e: Problems of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Diseases (joum.) Probi Inf Transm [USSR] e: Problems of Information Transmission [USSR] (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich

Probi Inzh Geol Sev Kavk R: Problemy Inzhenemoi Geologii Sevemogo Kavkaza (journ.) Probi Kamen Litya R: Problemy Kamennogo Lit'ya (joum.) Probi Kibern R: Problemy Kibemetiki (journ.) Probi Kinet Katal R: Problemy Kinetiki i Kataliza (journ.) Probi Kontrolya Zashch Atmos Zagryaz R: Problemy Kontrolya i Zashchita Atmosfery ot Zagryazneniya (joum.) Probi Kosm Biol R: Problemy Kosmicheskoi Biologii (journ.) Probi Kosm Fiz R: Problemy Kosmicheskoj Fiziki (journ.) Probi Kosm Phys d: Probleme der Kosmischen Physik [West Germany] (journ.) Probi Kriolitologii R: Problemy Kriolitologii (joum.) Probi Lek R: Problemy Lekarskie (journ.) Probi Low Temp Phys Thermodyn e: Problems of Low Temperature Physics and Thermodynamics (journ.) Probi Mashinostr R: Problemy Mashinostroeniya [Ukrainian SSR] (journ.) Probi Mat Fiz R: Problemy Matematicheskoj Fiziki (journ.) Probi Med Wieku Rozwoj P: Problemy Medycyny Wieku Rozwojowego (joum.) Probi Metalloved Fiz Met R: Problemy Metallovedeniya i Fiziki Metallov [USSR] (journ.) Probi Metalloved Term Obrab R: Problemy Metallovedeniya i Termicheskoi Obrabotki (journ.) Probi Metodol Ist-Filos Issled R: Problemy Metodologii Istoriko-Filosofskogo Issledovanija [journ.]. Probi Morfopatol f: Probleme de Morfopatologie (journ.) Probi Narodonas Trud Resursov R: Problemy Narodonaselenija i Trudovyh Resursov (journ.) Probi Nauc Kommunizma [Leningrad] R: Problemy Naucnogo Kommunizma [Leningrad] (journ.) Probi Nauc Kommunizma [Moskva] R: Problemy Naucnogo Kommunizma [Moskva] (journ.) Probi Nauc Uprav Soc Processami R: Problemy Naucnogo Upravlenija Social'nymi Processami (journ.) Probi Nefti Gaza Tyumeni R: Problemy Nefti i Gaza Tyumeni (journ.) Probi Neirokhim R: Problemy Neirokhimii (journ.) Probi Neirokhir R: Problemy Neirokhirurgii (journ.) Probi Neirokhir [1955-1963] R: Problemy Neirokhirurgii [1955-1963] (journ.) Probi Neirokhir Resp Mezhved Sb R: Problemy Neirokhirurgii Respublikanskii Mezhvedomstvenhyi Sbornik (joum.) Probi Neirokibern R: Problemy Neirokibernetiki (journ.) Probi Nevrol Resp Mezhved Sb R: Problemy Nevrologii Respublikanskii Mezhvedomstvennyi Sbornik (joum.) Probi North e: Problems of the North (journ.) Probi Obshch Mol Biol R: Problemy Obshchei i Molekulyamoi Biologii (journ.) Probi Okh Vod R: Problemy Okhrany Vod (journ.)


Probi Oncol [Engl Transi Vopr Onkol] Probi Oncol [Engl Transl Vopr Onkol] e: Problems of Oncology [English Translation of Voprosy Onkologii] (journ.) Probi Onkol [Sofia] e: Problemi na Onkologiyata [Sofia] (journ.) Probi Organ R: Problemy Organizacji (journ.) Probi Ortop Stomatol R: Problemy Ortopedicheskoi Stomatologii (journ.) Probi Osad Geol Dokembr R: Problemy Osadochnoy Geologii Dokembriya (journ.) Probi Osobo Opasnykh Infekts R: Problemy Osobo Opasnykh Infektsii (journ.) Probi Osvo[eniya] Pustyn R: Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn (journ.) Probi Parazitol R: Problemy Parazitologii (journ.) Probi Ped i: Problemi della Pedagogia (journ.) Probi Pereda[chi] Inf R: Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (journ.) Probi Polesya R: Problemy Poles'ya (joum.) Probi Polit Soc f: Problemes Politiques et Sociaux (journ.) Probi Proch Mashinostr R: Problemy Prochnosti v Mashinostroenii [USSR] (journ.) Probi Prochn R: Problemy Prochnosti (journ.) Probi Prochn Mashinostr R: Problemy Prochnosti v Mashinostroenii (journ.) Probi Proj R: Problemy Projectowa (journ.) Probi Psychol [Engl Transl Vopr Psikhol] e: Problems of Psychology [English Translation of Voprosy Psikhologii] (journ.) Probi. Radiobiol. e: Problems of Radiobiology (journ.) Probi Razrab Polezn Iskop R: Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh (journ.) Probi Selsk Khoz Priamurya R: Problemy Sel'skogo Khozyaistva Priamur'ya (journ.) Probi Sev R: Problemy Severa (joum.) Probi Sicur Soc i: Problemi della Sicurezza Sociale (journ.) Probi Soc Aktivnosti R: Problemy Social'noj Aktivnosti (journ.) Probi Social [Milano] i: Problemi del Socialismo [Milano] (joum.) Probi Soc Prognoz R: Problemy Social'nogo Prognozirovanija (journ.) Probi Soc Zair[ois] f: Problemes Sociaux Zairois (journ.) Probi Sov Geol R: Problemy Sovetskoi Geologii [USSR] (journ.) Probi Sov Gos Prava R: Problemy Sovetskogo Gosudarstva i Prava (journ.) Probi Sovrem Khim Koord Soedin R: Problemy Sovremennoi Khimii Koordinatsionnykh Soedinenii [USSR] (journ.) Probi Sovrem Khim Koord Soedin Leningr Gos Univ R: Problemy Sovremennoj Khimii Koordinatsionnykh Soedinenij Leningradskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet (journ.) Probi Sovrem Teor Elem Chastits R: Problemy Sovremennmoi Teorii Elementamykh Chastits (journ.) Prob LT a: Probyn on Land Tenure (journ.) Probi Tech Med R: Problemy Techniki w Medycynie (joum.) Probi Tekh Elektrodin R: Problemy Tekhnicheskoi Elektrodinamiki (joum.)

Probl Teor Gravitatsü Elem Chastits R: Problemy Teorii Gravitatsii i Elementarnykh Chastits [USSR] (journ.) Probl Teploenerg Prikl Teplofiz R: Problemy Teploenergetiki i Prikladnoi Teplofiziki [USSR] (joum.) Probl Ter f: Probleme de Terapéutica (journ.) Probl Ter Stomatol R: Problemy Terapeuticheskoi Stomatologii (journ.) Probl Treniya Iznashivaniya R: Problemy Treniya i Iznashivaniya (joum.) Probl Tub[erk] R: Problemy Tuberkuleza (joum.) Probl Virol [Engl Transl Vopr Virusol] e: Problems of Virology [English Translation of Voprosy Virusologii] (journ.) Probl Yad Fiz Kosm Luchej R: Problemy Yademoj Fiziki i Kosmicheskikh Luchej (joum.) Probl Zhivotnovod R: Problemy Zhivotnovodstva (journ.) Prob&Mat e: Probate and Matrimonial Cases (joum.) PROBO e: Product/Ore/Bulk/Oil Carrier Prob Off e: Probation Officer PROBOUT e: Proceed On or About Prob Pr Act e: Probate Practice Act (joum.) Prob.&Prop. e: Probate and Property Prob R[ep] [Ann] e: Probate Reports, [Annotated] (joum.) Probs. e: Problems Probs. Communism e: Problems of Communism PROBSUB e: Probable Submarine PRO Bull Men e: PROSI Bulletin Mensuel (joum.) PROBUS e: Program Budget System Prob Vostok R: Problemy Vostokovedeniia (joum.) Proby e: Probationary PROC e: Performing Rights Organization of Canada - e: Preliminary Required Operational Capability - e: Pro-Cel International, Inc. - e: Problems of Communism (joum.) - e: Procedure[s] - e: Proceeding^] - e: Processing] - e: Procession - e: Processor - e: Proctor - e: Procure[ment] - e: Programming Computer - e: Proposed Required Operational Capability Proc e: Procellaria (joum.) - e: Proclamation Proc. 1: Processus ProcAAAS e: Proceedings. American Association for the Advancement of Science (joum.) Proc A Biol Colloq e: Proceedings. Annual Biology Colloquium (joum.) Proc Abstr Soc Biol Chem [Bangalore] e: Proceedings and Abstracts. Society of Biological Chemists [Bangalore] (joum.) Proc Acad Man e: Proceedings. Academy of Management (joum.) Proc Acad Nat Sei Phila e: Proceedings. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (joum.) Proc Acad Pol Sei e: Proceedings. Academy of Political Science (joum.)


© K • G • Saur. Manchen

Proc Acad Sci Armenian SSR e: Proceedings. Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR (joum.) Proc Acad Sci Georgian SSR Biol Ser e: Proceedings. Academy of Sciences. Georgian SSR. Biological Series (journ.) Proc Acad Sci United Prov Agra Oudh India e: Proceedings. Academy of Sciences. United Provinces of Agra and Oudh India (journ.) Proc Acad Sci USSR Geochem Sect e: Proceedings. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Geochemistry Section (joum.) Proc Acad Sci USSR Sect Agrochem e: Proceedings. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Section Agrochemistry (journ.) Proc Acad Sci USSR Sect Appl Phys e: Proceedings. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Section Applied Physics (journ.) PROCACI f: Produits de Cacao de la Cote d'lvoire Proc A Conv Am Cranberry Growers' Ass e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. American Cranberry Growers' Association (journ.) PROCADES e: Project for Training in Rural, Economic and Social Development Proc Afr Classical] Ass[oc] e: Proceedings. African Classical Association (journ.) Proc Agric Soc [Trinidad Tobago] e: Proceedings. Agricultural Society [Trinidad and Tobago] (journ.) Proc Agron Soc NZ e: Proceedings. Agronomy Society of New Zealand (joum.) Proc Agr Outlook Conf e: Proceedings. Agricultural Outlook Conference (journ.) Proc Agr Pestic Tech Soc e: Proceedings. Agricultural Pesticide Technical Society (journ.) Proc Air Pollut Contr[ol] Ass[oc] e: Proceedings. Air Pollution Control Association (journ.) PROCAL e: Programmable Calculator Proc Alaska Sci Conf e: Proceedings. Alaska Science Conference (joum.) Proc Alberta Sulphur Gas Res Workshop e: Proceedings. Alberta Sulphur Gas Research Workshop (journ.) Proc Alfred Benzon Symp e: Proceedings. Alfred Benzon Symposium (joum.) Proc All Pak Sci Conf e: Proceedings. All Pakistan Science Conference (journ.) Proc Alumni Assoc [Malaya] e: Proceedings. Alumni Association [Malaya] (journ.) PROCAM d: Prospektive Cardiovaskulare Miinster-Studie Proc Am Ac[ad] [Arts Sci] e: Proceedings. American Academy of Arts and Sciences (journ.) Proc Am Ant Soc e: Proceedings. American Antiquarian Society (journ.) Proc Am Ass[oc] Canfcer] Res e: Proceedings. American Association for Cancer Research (journ.) Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res Am Soc Clin Oncol e: Proceedings. American Association for Cancer Research and American Society of Clinical Oncology (journ.) Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res Annu Meet e: Proceedings. American Association for Cancer Research. Annual Meeting (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Proc Annu Cli Spinal Cord Inj Conf Proc Am Assoc Econ Entomol North Cent States Branch e: Proceedings. American Association of Economic Entomologists. North Central States Branch (journ.) Proc Am Assoc State Highw Off e: Proceedings. American Association of State Highway Officials (journ.) Proc Am Chem Soc Symp Anal Calorim e: Proceedings. American Chemical Society Symposium on Analytical Calorimetry (journ.) Proc Am Concr Inst e: Proceedings. American Concrete Institute (journ.) Proc Am Congr Surv Mapp e: Proceedings. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (journ.) Proc Am Cranberry Growlers'] Ass[oc] e: Proceedings. American Cranberry Growers' Association (journ.) Proc Am Diabetes Assoc e: Proceedings. American Diabetes Association (journ.) Proc Am Doc Inst e: Proceedings. American Documentation Institute (journ.) Proc Am Drug Manuf Assoc Annu Meet e: Proceedings. American Drug Manufacturers Association. Annual Meeting (journ.) Proc A Meet Coun Fertil Applic e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Council on Fertilizer Application (journ.) Proc A Meeting Sugar Ind Technicians e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting of Sugar Industry Technicians (journ.) Proc A Meet PI Physiol Univ MD e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Society of Plant Physiologists at the University of Maryland (journ.) Proc Amer Acad Arts Sci e: Proceedings. American Academy of Arts and Sciences (journ.) Proc Amer Ass State Highw Offic e: Proceedings. American Association of State Highway Officials (journ.) Proc Amer Math Soc e: Proceedings. American Mathematical Society (journ.) Proc Amer Phil Ass e: Proceedings and Addresses. American Philosophical Association (journ.) Proc Amer Philosophical] Soc e: Proceedings. American Philosophical Society (journ.) Proc Amer Power Conf e: Proceedings. American Power Conference (journ.) Proc Amer Soc Anim Pro W Sect e: Proceedings. American Society of Animal Production. Western Section (joum.) Proc Amer Soc Anim Sci W Sect e: Proceedings. American Society of Animal Science. Western Section (journ.) Proc Amer Soc Bakery Eng e: Proceedings. American Society of Bakery Engineers (journ.) Proc Amer Soc Brew Chem e: Proceedings. American Society of Brewing Chemists (journ.) Proc. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engrs. e: Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers (journ.) Proc Amer Soc Hort Sci e: Proceedings. American Society for Horticultural Science (journ.) Proc Amer Soc of Internat L e: Proceedings. American Society of International Law (journ.)

Proc Amer Soc Testing Materials e: Proceedings. American Society for Testing and Materials (journ.) Proc Amer Soc U Composers e: Proceedings. American Society of University Composers (joum.) Proc Amer Wood-Preserv Ass e: Proceedings. American Wood-Preservers' Association (joum.) Proc Am Hortic Congr e: Proceedings. American Horticultural Congress (journ.) Proc Am Inst Electr Eng e: Proceedings. American Institute of Electrical Engineers (journ.) Proc Am Math Soc e: Proceedings. American Mathematical Society (journ.) Proc Am Peanut Res Educ Assoc e: Proceedings. American Peanut Research and Education Association (journ.) Proc Am Pet Inst Div Refining e: Proceedings. American Petroleum Institute. Division of Refining (journ.) Proc Am Pet Inst Refin Dep e: Proceedings. American Petroleum Institute. Refining Department (joum.) Proc Am Pet Inst Sect 1 e: Proceedings. American Petroleum Institute. Section 1 (journ.) Proc Am Pet Inst Sect 2 e: Proceedings. American Petroleum Institute. Section 2. Marketing (journ.) Proc Am Pet Inst Sect 3 [Refining] e: Proceedings. American Petroleum Institute. Section 3. Refining (journ.) Proc Am Pet Inst Sect 4 e: Proceedings. American Petroleum Institute. Section 4. Poduction (journ.) Proc Am Pet Inst Sect 5 e: Proceedings. American Petroleum Institute. Section 5. Transportation (journ.) Proc Am Pet Inst Sect 6 e: Proceedings. American Petroleum Institute. Section 6. Interdivisional (journ.) Proc Am Pet Inst Sect 8 e: Proceedings. American Petroleum Institute. Section 8. Science and Technology (journ.) Proc Am Pharm Manuf Assoc Annu Meet e: Proceedings. American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association. Annual Meeting (journ.) Proc Am Pharm Manuf Assoc Midyear East Sect Meet e: Proceedings. American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association. Midyear Eastern Section Meeting (journ.) Proc Am Philjos] Soc e: Proceedings. American Philosophical Society (joum.) Proc Am Phytopathol Soc e: Proceedings. American Phytopathological Society (joum.) Proc Am Power Conf e: Proceedings. American Power Conference (joum.) Proc Am Soc Civ Eng e: Proceedings. American Society of Civil Engineers (joum.) Proc Am Soc Civ Eng Transp Eng J e: Proceedings. American Society of Civil Engineers .Transportation Engineering Journal (joum.) Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol Annu Meet e: Proceedings. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Annual Meeting (joum.) Proc Am Soc Enol e: Proceedings. American Society of Enologists (joum.) Proc Am Soc Hort[ic] Sci e: Proceedings. American Society for Horticultural Science (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Proc Am Soc Inf Sci e: Proceedings. American Society for Information Science (journ.) Proc Am Soc Test&Mater e: Proceedings. American Society for Testing and Materials (journ.) PROCAM-Studie d: Prospektive Cardiovaskuläre Münster-Studie Proc Am Vet Med Ass[oc] e: Proceedings. American Veterinary Medical Association (journ.) Proc Am Water Works Assoc e: Proceedings. American Water Works Association (journ.) Proc Am Wood-Preserv Assoc e: Proceedings. American Wood-Preservers' Association (journ.) PROCANA f: Asociación Nacional de Proveedores de Cana de Azúcar Proc Anal Div Chem Soc e: Proceedings. Analytical Division. Chemical Society (journ.) Proc and Trans Rhod Sci Assoc e: Proceedings and Transactions. Rhodesia Scientific Association (journ.) Proc and Tr Liverpool Biol Soc e: Proceedings and Transactions. Liverpool Biological Society (joum.) Proc Anim Care Panel e: Proceedings. Animal Care Panel (journ.) Proc Ann Conf High En Nucl Phys e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on High Energy Nuclear Physics (journ.) Proc Ann Conf Rehab Eng e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering (journ.) Proc Annu AIChE Southwest Ohio Conf Energy Environ e: Proceedings. Annual AIChE [American Institute of Chemical Engineers] Southwestern Ohio Conference on Energy and the Environment Proc Annu Allerton Conf Circuit Syst Theory e: Proceedings. Annual Allerton Conference on Circuit and System Theory (journ.) Proc Annu Allerton Conf Commun Control Comput e: Proceedings. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (journ.) Proc Annu Arkansas Water Works Pollut Control Conf Short Sch e: Proceedings. Annual Arkansas Water Works and Pollution Control Conference and Short School (journ.) Proc Annu Battery Res Dev Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Battery Research and Development Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Biochem Eng Symp e: Proceedings. Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium (joum.) Proc Annu Biol Colloq [Oreg State Univ] e: Proceedings. Annual Biology Colloquium [Oregon State University] (journ.) Proc Annu Biomed Sei Instrum Symp e: Proceedings. Annual Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium (journ.) Proc Annu Blueberry Open House e: Proceedings. Annual Blueberry Open House (journ.) Proc Annu Calif Weed Conf e: Proceedings. Annual California Weed Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Cli Spinal Cord Inj Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Clinical Spinal Cord Injury Conference (journ.)


Proc A n n u Conf A g r o n Soc N Z Proc Annu Conf Agron Soc NZ e: Proceedings. Annual Conference. Agronomy Society of New Zealand (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Autom Control Pet Chem Ind e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on Automatic Control in the Petroleum and Chemical Industries (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Biol Sonar Diving Mamm[als] e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on Biological Sonar and Diving Mammals (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Can Nucl Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Conference. Canadian Nuclear Association (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Energy Convers Storage e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on Energy Conversion and Storage (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Environ Chem Hum Anim Health e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on Environmental Chemicals. Human and Animal Health (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Ind Appl X Ray Anal e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on Industrial Applications of X-Ray Analysis (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Int Symp N Am Lake Manage Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Conference and International Symposium. North American Lake Management Society (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Kidney e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on the Kidney (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Manitoba Agron e: Proceedings. Annual Conference of Manitoba Agronomists (journ.) Proc Annu Conf MD Del Water Sewage Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Conference. Maryland-Delaware Water and Sewage Association (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Microbeam Anal Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Conference. Microbeam Analysis Society (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Reinf Plast Compos Inst Soc Plast Ind e: Proceedings. Annual Conference. Reinforced Plastics/ Composites Institute. Society of the Plastics Industry (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Res Med Educ e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on Research in Medical Education (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Restor Coastal Veg Fla e: Proceedings. Annual Conference on Restoration of Coastal Vegetation in Florida (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Southeast Assoc Fish Wildl Agencies e: Proceedings. Annual Conference. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (journ.) Proc Annu Conf Southeast Assoc Game Fish Comm e: Proceedings. Annual Conference. Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners (journ.) Proc Annu Congr S Afr Sugar Techno) Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Congress. South African Sugar Technologists Association (journ.) Proc Annu Connector Symp e: Proceedings. Annual Connector Symposium (journ.) Proc Annu Conv Assoc Am Pestic Control Off e: Proceedings Annual Convention Association. American Pesticide Control Officials (journ.)

Proc Annu Conv Flavoring Ext Manuf Assoc US e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Flavoring Extract Manufacturers Association of the United States (journ.) Proc Annu Conv Gas Process Assoc Meet Pap e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Gas Processors Association. Meeting Papers (journ.) Proc Annu Conv Gas Process Assoc Tech Pap e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Gas Processors Association. Technical Papers (journ.) Proc Annu Conv Milk Ind Found e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Milk Industry Foundation (journ.) Proc Annu Conv Nat Gasoline Assoc Am Tech Pap e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Natural Gasoline Association of America. Technical Papers (journ.) Proc Annu Conv Nat Gas Process Assoc Tech Pap e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Natural Gas Processors Association. Technical Papers [United States] (joum.) Proc Annu Conv Natur Gas Process Ass Tech Pap e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Natural Gas Processors Association. Technical Papers (journ.) Proc Annu Conv Oil Techno! Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Oil Technologists Association (journ.) Proc Annu Conv Philipp Sugar Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Philippine Sugar Association (joum.) Proc Annu Conv Sugar Technol Assoc India e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Sugar Technologists' Association of India (journ.) Proc Annu Conv West Can Water Sewage Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Convention. Western Canada Water and Sewage Conference [1960-1975] (joum.) Proc Annu East Theor Phys Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Eastern Theoretical Physics Conference (joum.) Proc Annu Eng Geol Soils Eng Symp e: Proceedings. Annual Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium (joum.) Proc Annu Eng Geol Symp e: Proceedings. Annual Engineering Geology Symposium (joum.) Proc Annu Environ Water Resour Eng Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Conference (joum.) Proc Annu Fall Meet Calif Nat Gasoline Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Fall Meeting California Natural Gasoline Association (joum.) Proc Annu Fall Meet West Gas Process Oil Refin Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Fall Meeting Western Gas Processors and Oil Refiners Association (joum.) Proc Annu Fall Meet West Gas Process Oil Refiners Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Fall Meeting. Western Gas Processors and Oil Refiners Association (joum.) Proc Annu Freq Control Symp e: Proceedings. Annual Frequency Control Symposium (journ.) Proc Annu Hardwood Symp Hardwood Res Counc e: Proceedings. Annual Hardwood Symposium. Hardwood Research Council (journ.)


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Proc Annu Holm Semin Electr Contacts e: Proceedings. Annual Holm Seminar on Electrical Contacts (journ.) Proc Annu Ind Pollut Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Industrial Pollution Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Instrum Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Instrumentation Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Int Conf Can Nucl Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual International Conference. Canadian Nuclear Association (journ.) Proc Annu Int Conf Fault Tolerant Comput e: Proceedings. Annual International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Computing (journ.) Proc Annu Int Conf High Energy Phys e: Proceedings. Annual International Conference on High Energy Physics (journ.) Proc Annu Int Conf Plasma Chem Technol e: Proceedings. Annual International Conference of Plasma Chemistry and Technology (joum.) Proc Annu Int Game Fish Res Conf e: Proceedings. Annual International Game Fish Research Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Manage Conf Am Dent Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Management Conference. American Dental Association (journ.) Proc Annu Mar Coat Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Marine Coatings Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Meat Sci Inst e: Proceedings. Annual Meat Science Institute (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Agric Res Inst e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Agricultural Research Institute (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Air Pollut Control Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Air Pollution Control Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Am Asso Vet Lab Diagn e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Amer Soc Hort Sci Caribbean Reg e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Society for Horticultural Science. Caribbean Region (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Am Pet Inst e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Petroleum Institute (joum.) Proc Annu Meet Am Psychopathol Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Psychopathological Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Am Sect Int Sol Energy Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Section. International Solar Energy Society (joum.) Proc Annu Meet Am Soc Anim Sci West Sect e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Society of Animal Science. Western Section (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Am Soc Bak Eng e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Society of Bakery Engineers (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Am Soc Inf Sci e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Society for Information Science (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Am Soybean Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Soybean Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Biochem [Hung] e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting of Biochemistry [Hungary] (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Proc Aris Soc Proc Annu Meet Can Nucl Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Canadian Nuclear Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Can Soc Agron e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Canadian Society of Agronomy (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Chem Spec Manuf Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Compressed Gas Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Compressed Gas Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Conn Pomol Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Connecticut Pomological Society (joum.) Proc Annu Meet Electron Microsc Soc Am e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Electron Microscopy Society of America (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Fert Ind Round Table e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Fertilizer Industry Round Table (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Fla State Hortic Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Florida State Horticultural Society (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Hawaii Sugar Plant Ass e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meeting Amer Soc Int Law e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. American Society of International Law (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Int Magnesium Ass e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. International Magnesium Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Jpn Endocrinol Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Japan Endocrinological Society (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Lightwood Res Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Lightwood Research Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Med Sect Am Counc Life Insur e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting Medical Section. American Council of Life Insurance (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Med Sect Am Life Conv e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Medical Section. American Life Convention (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Med Sect Am Life Insur Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Medical Section. American Life Insurance Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Met Powder Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Metal Powder Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Nat Assoc Corros Eng e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Nat Ass Wheat Growers e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting National Association of Wheat Growers (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Natl Counc Radiat Prot Meas e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Natl Jt Comm Fert Appl e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. National Joint Committee on Fertilizer Application (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Nat Res Counc Agr Res Inst e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. National Research Council. Agricultural Research Institute (journ.) Proc Annu Meet N Cent Weed Contr Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. North Central Weed Control Conference (journ.)

Proc Annu Meet NJ e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. New Jersey Mosquito Extermination Association (joum.) Proc Annu Meet Northeast Weed Sci Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Northeastern Weed Science Society (journ.) Proc Annu Meet NY State Hort Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. New York State Horticultural Society (journ.) Proc Annu Meet Pac Coast Fertil Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Pacific Coast Fertility Society (joum.) Proc Annu Meet Soc Promot Agric Sci e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science (journ.) Proc Annu Meet US Anim Health Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. United States Animal Health Association (joum.) Proc Annu Meet Utah Mosq Abatement Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Utah Mosquito Abatement Association (journ.) Proc Annu Meet West Div Am Dairy Sci Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Western Division. American Dairy Science Association (joum.) Proc Annu Meet West Soc Fr Hist e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Western Society for French History (joum.) Proc Annu Meet W Farm Econ Ass e: Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Western Farm Economics Association (joum.) Proc Annu Mid-Am Spectrosc Symp e: Proceedings. Annual Mid-America Spectroscopy Symposium (joum.) Proc Annu Midwest Fert Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Midwest Fertilizer Conference (joum.) Proc Annu Nat Dairy Eng Conf e: Proceedings. Annual National Dairy Engineering Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Nat Dairy Food Eng Conf e: Proceedings. Annual National Dairy and Food Engineering Conference (joum.) Proc Annu Northwest Wood Prod Clin e: Proceedings. Annual Northwest Wood Products Clinic (joum.) Proc Annu Power Sources Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Power Sources Conference (joum.) Proc Annu Purdue Air Qual Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Purdue Air Quality Conference (joum.) Proc Annu Recipro Meat Conf Am Meat Sci Assoc e: Proceedings. Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference. American Meat Science Association (joum.) Proc Annu Reliab Maintainability] Symp e: Proceedings. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (joum.) Proc Annu Rochester Conf High Energy Nucl Phys e: Proceedings. Annual Rochester Conference on High Energy Nuclear Physics (joum.) Proc Annu Rocky M[oun]t Bioeng Symp e: Proceedings. Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium (joum.) Proc Annu San Franc Cancer Symp e: Proceedings. Annual San Francisco Cancer Symposium (joum.) Proc Annu Sci Meet Comm Probl Drug Depend US Nat Res Counc e: Proceedings. Annual Scientific Meeting. Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence. United States National Research Council (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Proc Annu Senior Staff Conf USARS e: Proceedings. Annual Senior Staff Conference. United States Agricultural Research Service (journ.) Proc Annu Sess Ceylon Assoc Adv Sci e: Proceedings. Annual Session. Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science (journ.) Proc Annu Southwest Pet Short Course e: Proceedings. Annual Southwestern Petroleum Short Course [UnitedStates] (journ.) Proc Annu Symp Eng Geol Soils Eng e: Proceedings. Annual Symposium on Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering (journ.) Proc Annu Symp Eugen Soc e: Proceedings. Annual Symposium of the Eugenics Society (journ.) Proc Annu Symp Freq Control e: Proceedings. Annual Symposium on Frequency Control (journ.) Proc Annu Symp Incremental Motion Control Syst Devices e: Proceedings. Annual Symposium. Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices (journ.) Proc Annu Tall Timbers Fire Ecol Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Tech Conf Soc Vac Coaters e: Proceedings. Annual Technical Conference. Society of Vacuum Coaters (journ.) Proc Annu Tech Meet Inst Environ Sci e: Proceedings. Annual Technical Meeting. Institute of Environmental Sciences (journ.) Proc., Annu. Tech. Meet., Int. e: Proceedings, Annual Technical Meeting, International Metallographic Society, Inc Proc Annu Tech Meet Int Metallogr Soc Inc e: Proceedings. Annual Technical Meeting. International Metallographic Society, Inc. (journ.) Proc Annu Tech Meet Tech Assa Graphic Arts e: Proceedings. Annual Technical Meeting. Technical Association. Graphic Arts (journ.) Proc Annu Tex Nutr Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Texas Nutrition Conference (journ.) Proc Annu Tung Ind Conv e: Proceedings. Annual Tung Industry Convention (joum.) Proc Annu UMR-MEC Conf Energy e: Proceedings. Annual UMR-MEC [University of Missouri at Rolla-Missouri Energy Council] Conference on Energy (journ.) Proc Annu West Tex Oil Lifting Short Course e: Proceedings. Annual West Texas Oil Lifting Short Course (journ.) Proc Annu WWEMA Ind Pollut Conf e: Proceedings. Annual WWEMA [Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association] Industrial Pollution Conference (journ.) Proc. AOS e: Proceedings of the American Oriental Society (journ.) Proc APCA Annu Meet e: Proceedings. APCA [Air Pollution Control Association] Annual Meeting (journ.) PRO CAPILL e: Pro Capillis Proc APREA e: Proceedings. APREA [American Peanut Research and Education Association] (journ.) Proc APRES [Am Peanut Res Educ Soc] e: Proceedings. APRES [American Peanut Research and Education Society] (joum.) Proc Aris Soc e: Proceedings. Aristotelian Society (journ.) 39

Proc Ark[ansas] Acad Sei Proc Ark[ansas] Acad Sei e: Proceedings. Arkansas Academy of Science (journ.) Proc Arkansas Water Works Pollut Control Conf Short Sch e: Procedings. Arkansas Water Works and Pollution Control Conference and Short School (journ.) PROCAS e: Process Calculation System Proc Asian-Pac Congr Cardiol e: Proceedings. Asian-Pacific Congress of Cardiology (journ.) Proc Asiat Soc [Bengal] e: Proceedings. Asiatic Society [Bengal] (journ.) Proc ASIS Annu Meet e: Proceedings. ASIS [American Society for Information Science] Annual Meeting (journ.) Proc Ass Asphalt Paving Technol e: Proceedings. Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (journ.) Proc Ass Econ Biol e: Proceedings. Association of Economic Biologists (journ.) Proc Assoc Asphalt Paving Technol e: Proceedings. Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (journ.) Proc Assoc Clin Biochem e: Proceedings. Association of Clinical Biochemists (journ.) Proc Assoc Off Seed Anal [North Am] e: Proceedings. Association of Official Seed Analysts [North America] (journ.) Proc Assoc Plant Prot Kyushu e: Proceedings. Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu (journ.) Proc Assoc South Agric Work e: Proceedings. Association of Southern Agricultural Workers (journ.) Proc Ass Offic Seed Anal e: Proceedings. Association of Official Seed Analysts (journ.) Proc Ass Plant Prot Hokuriku e: Proceedings. Association of Plant Protection of Hokuriku (journ.) Proc Ass Plant Prot Kyushu e: Proceedings. Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu (journ.) Proc Ass Res Nerv Ment Dis e: Proceedings. Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Diseases (journ.) Proc Ass S[th] Agr[ic] W[o]k[e]rs e: Proceedings. Association of Southern Agricultural Workers (journ.) Proc ASTM e: Proceedings. American Society for Testing and Materials (journ.) Proc Astron Soc Aust e: Proceedings. Astronomical Society of Australia (joum.) Proc. Astron. Soc. Aust. e: Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia (journ.) Proc Astr Soc Aust e: Proceedings. Astronomical Society of Australia (journ.) Proc Aust Ass Clin Biochem e: Proceedings. Australian Association of Clinical Biochemists (journ.) Proc Aust Assoc Neurol e: Proceedings. Australian Association of Neurologists (journ.) Proc Aust Biochem Soc e: Proceedings. Australian Biochemical Society (journ.) Proc. Aust. Biochem. Soc. e: Proceedings of the Australian Biochemical Society (journ.) Proc Aust B[ui]ld[g] Res Congr e: Australian Building Research Congress. Proceedings (journ.) Proc Aust Ceram[ic] Conf e: Australian Ceramic Conference. Proceedings (journ.)

Proc Aust Clay Miner Conf e: Australian Clay Minerals Conference. Proceedings (journ.) Proc Aust Comput Conf e: Proceedings. Australian Computer Conference (journ.) Proc Aust Conf Nucl Tech Anal e: Australian Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis. Proceedings (journ.) Proc Aust Grasslds Conf e: Proceedings. Australian Grasslands Conference (journ.) Proc Aust Inst Min and Metall e: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Proceedings (journ.) Proc Aust Inst Min Metall e: Proceedings. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (joum.) Proc Aust Physiol Pharmacol Soc e: Proceedings. Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society (journ.) Proc Aust Pulp Pap Ind Tech Assoc e: Proceedings. Australian Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association (journ.) Proc. Australal. Inst. Min. Me e: Proceedings of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (journ.) Proc Australasian Poultry Sci Conv e: Proceedings. Australasian Poultry Science Convention (joum.) Proc Austral as Inst Min and Metall e: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Proceedings (journ.) Proc Austral as Inst Min Eng e: Proceedings. Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers (journ.) Proc Australas Inst Min Metall e: Proceedings. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (journ.) Proc Aust Road Res[earch] B[oar]d e: Australian Road Research Board. Proceedings (journ.) Proc Aust Soc Anim Prod e: Proceedings. Australian Society of Animal Production (journ.) Proc Aust Soc Med Res e: Proceedings. Australian Society for Medical Research (journ.) Proc Aust Soc Sugar Cane Technol e: Proceedings. Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (journ.) Proc Aust Weed Conf e: Proceedings. Australian Weed Conference (joum.) Proc Auto Div Instn Mech Engrs e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Auto Division (journ.) Proc Bakish Mater Corp Publ e: Proceedings. Bakish Materials Corporation Publication (journ.) Proc B&B e: Proctor's Bench and Bar of New York (journ.) Proc Beltwide Cotton Prod Res Conf e: Proceedings. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences (journ.) Proc Berkeley Symp Math Stat Probab e: Proceedings. Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability (journ.) Proc Bienn Conf Inst Briquet Agglom e: Proceedings. Biennial Conference. Institute for Briquetting and Agglomeration (journ.) Proc Bienn Conf Int Briquet Assoc e: Proceedings. Biennial Conference. International Briqueting Association (journ.) Proc Bienn Gas Dyn Symp e: Proceedings. Biennial Gas Dynamics Symposium (joum.)


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Proc Bienn Symp Turbul Liq e: Proceedings. Biennial Symposium on Turbulence in Liquids (journ.) Proc Bihar Acad Agr[ic] Sci e: Proceedings. Bihar Academy of Agricultural Sciences (journ.) Proc Biol Soc Wash e: Proceedings. Biological Society of Washington (journ.) Proc Bird Control Semin e: Proceedings. Bird Control Seminar (journ.) Proc Bos Soc e: Proceedings. Bostonian Society (journ.) Proc Bot Soc Br Isles e: Proceedings. Botanical Society of the British Isles (journ.) Proc Br Acad e: Proceedings. British Academy (joum.) Proc Br Acoust Soc e: Proceedings. British Acoustical Society (journ.) Proc Br Assoc Refrig e: Proceedings. British Association for Refrigeration (journ.) Proc Br Ceram Soc e: Proceedings. British Ceramic Society (journ.) Proc Br Crop Prot Conf e: Proceedings. British Crop Protection Conference. Weeds (journ.) Proc Bristol Nat Soc e: Proceedings. Bristol Naturalists Society (journ.) Proc Brit Ac[ad] e: Proceedings. British Academy (journ.) Proc Brit Ceram Soc e: Proceedings. British Ceramic Society (journ.) Proc Brit Insectic Fungic Conf e: Proceedings. British Insecticide and Fungicide Conference (journ.) Proc British Asso Ja Stud e: Proceedings. British Association for Japanese Studies (journ.) Proc Brit Weed Contr Conf e: Proceedings. British Weed Control Conference (journ.) Proc Brown Univ Symp Biol Skin e: Proceedings. Brown University Symposium on the Biology of Skin (journ.) Proc Br Paedod Soc e: Proceedings. British Paedodontic Society (journ.) Proc Br Soc Anim Prod e: Proceedings. British Society of Animal Production (journ.) Proc Br Weed Control Conf e: Proceedings. British Weed Control Conference (journ.) Proc Buffalo Milan Symp Mol Pharmacol e: Proceedings. Buffalo-Milan Symposium on Molecular Pharmacology (joum.) Proc Calif Acad Sci e: Proceedings. California Academy of Sciences (joum.) Proc Calif Ann Weed Conf e: Proceedings. California Annual Weed Conference (journ.) Proc Calif Weed Conf e: Proceedings. California Weed Conference (journ.) Proc Calif Zool Club e: Proceedings. California Zoological Club (journ.) Proc Camb Philos Soc e: Proceedings. Cambridge Philosophical Society (journ.) Proc Camb Phil Soc Math Phys Sci e: Proceedings. Cambridge Philosophical Society. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (joum.) Proc Cambridge Ant[iq] Soc e: Proceedings. Cambridge Antiquarian Society (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Proc D e v o n Arch[aeol] Soc Proc Cambridge Philos Soc e: Proceedings. Cambridge Philosophical Society (journ.) Proc Cambridge] Phil Soc e: Proceedings. Cambridge Philological Society (journ.) Proc Cañad Oto Soc e: Proceedings. Canadian Otolaryngological Society (journ.) Proc Can Cancer Res Conf e: Proceedings. Canadian Cancer Research Conference (journ.) Proc Can Centen Wheat Symp e: Proceedings. Canadian Centennial Wheat Symposium (journ.) Proc Can Fed Biol Soc e: Proceedings. Canadian Federation of Biological Societies (journ.) Proc Can Nat Weed Comm E Sect e: Proceedings. Canadian National Weed Committee. Eastern Section (joum.) Proc Can Nat Weed Comm W Sect e: Proceedings. Canadian National Weed Committee. Western Section (joum.) Proc Can Nucl Assoc Annu Int Conf e: Proceedings Canadian Nuclear Association Annual International Conference (journ.) Proc Can Phytopathol Soc e: Proceedings. Canadian Phytopathological Society (journ.) Proc Can Rock Mech Symp e: Proceedings. Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium (joum.) Proc Can Soc Forensic Sci e: Proceedings. Canadian Society of Forensic Science (journ.) PROCCARA s: Proyecto de Capacitación Campesina para la Reforma Agraria Proc Cardiff Med Soc e: Proceedings. Cardiff Medical Society (journ.) Proc Caribb Reg Am Soc Hort Sci e: Proceedings. Caribbean Region. American Society for Horticultural Science (journ.) Proc Cath e: Proceedings. Catholic Theological Society of America (journ.) Proc Cath Phil Ass e: Proceedings. American Catholic Philosophical Association (journ.) Proc Cellul Conf e: Proceedings. Cellulose Conference (journ.) Proc Cen e: Procurement Center Proc Ch e: Proceedings in Chancery (journ.) PROC CHECK e: Process Check Proc Chem Soc [London] e: Proceedings. Chemical Society [London] (joum.) Proc Chin Physiol Soc Chengtu Branch e: Proceedings. Chinese Physiological Society. Chengtu Branch (journ.) PROCCIR e: Procurement Circular Proc Clin Dial Transplant Forum e: Proceedings. Clinical Dialysis and Transplant Forum (journ.) Proc Coal Mining Inst Amer e: Proceedings. Coal Mining Institute of America (journ.) Proc Coll Med Univ Philipp e: Proceedings. College of Medicine. University of the Philippines (journ.) Proc Coll Nat Sci Sect 2 Seoul Nat Univ e: Proceedings. College of Natural Sciences. Section 2. Physics, Astronomy. Seoul National University (journ.) Proc Coll Nat Sci Sect 3 Seoul Nat Univ e: Proceedings. College of Natural Sciences. Section 3. Chemistry. Seoul National University (journ.)

Proc Coll Nat Sci Sect 4 Biol Sci Seoul Natl Univ e: Proceedings. College of Natural Sciences. Section 4. Biological Sciences. Seoul National University (journ.) Proc Coll Nat Sci Sect 4 Seoul Nat Univ e: Proceedings. College of Natural Sciences. Section 4. Life Sciences. Seoul National University (journ.) Proc Coll Nat Sci Sect 5 Seoul Nat Univ e: Proceedings. College of Natural Sciences. Section 5. Geology Meteorology and Oceanography. Seoul National University (journ.) Proc Coll Nat Sci [Seoul] e: Proceedings. College of Natural Sciences [Seoul] (journ.) Proc Coll Nat Sci Seoul Natl Univ e: Proceedings. College of Natural Sciences. Seoul National University (joum.) Proc Colloq Int Potash Inst e: Proceedings. Colloquium of the International Potash Institute (joum.) Proc Commonw Min Metall Congr e: Proceedings. Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress (journ.) Proc Conf Aust Road Res Board e: Proceedings. Conference of the Australian Road Research Board (journ.) Proc Conf Aust Soc Sugar Cane Technol e: Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. Proceedings of the Conference (journ.) Proc Conf Eng Med Biol e: Proceedings. Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (joum.) Proc Conf Great Lakes Res e: Proceedings. Conference on Great Lakes Research (journ.) Proc Conf Hot Lab Equip e: Proceedings. Conference on Hot Laboratories and Equipment (journ.) Proc Conf [Int] Solid State Devices e: Proceedings. Conference [International] on Solid State Devices (journ.) Proc Conf Remote Syst Technol e: Proceedings. Conference on Remote Systems Technology (journ.) Proc Conf Silic Ind e: Proceedings. Conference on the Silicate Industry (journ.) Proc Conf Solid State Devices e: Proceedings. Conference on Solid State Devices (joum.) Proc Congenital Anomalies Res Assoc Annu Rep e: Proceedings. Congenital Anomalies. Research Association. Annual Report (journ.) Proc Cong Mediterr Phytopathol Union e: Proceedings. Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union (journ.) Proc Congr Ann Corp Ingen For [Quebec] e: Proceedings. Congres Annuel. Corporation des Ingenieurs Forestiers [Quebec] (journ.) Proc Congr Eur Soc Haematol e: Proceedings. Congress of the European Society of Haematology (journ.) Proc Congr Fed Int Precontrainte e: Proceedings. Congress of the Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte (joum.) Proc Congr Hung Assoc Microbiol e: Proceedings. Congress of the Hungarian Association of Microbiologists (journ.) Proc Congr Int Assoc Sci Study Ment Defic e: Proceedings Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

Proc Congr Int Comm Opt e: Proceedings. Congress of the International Commission for Optics (journ.) Proc Congr Int Potash Inst e: Proceedings. Congress of the International Potash Institute (journ.) Proc Congr Int Soc Blood Transflus] e: Proceedings. Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (journ.) Proc Congr Int Soc Sugar Cane Technol e: Proceedings. Congress of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (journ.) Proc Congr Int Union For Res Organ e: Proceedings. Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (journ.) Proc Congr Jpn Soc Cancer Ther e: Proceedings. Congress of the Japan Society for Cancer Therapy (journ.) Proc Congr S Afr Genet Soc e: Proceedings. Congress of the South African Genetic Society (journ.) Proc Congr S Afr Sug Technol Ass e: Proceedings. Congress of the South African SugarTechnologists' Association (journ.) Proc Conv Int Assoc Fish Wildl Agencies e: Proceedings. Convention. International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (journ.) Proc Cornell Nutr Conf Feed Mfr e: Proceedings. Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers (journ.) Proc Cosmic-Ray Res Lab Nagoya Univ e: Proceedings. Cosmic-Ray Research Laboratory. Nagoya University (journ.) Proc Cotteswold Natur Fid Club e: Proceedings. Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club (journ.) Proc Counc Econ AIME e: Proceedings. Council of Economics. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers (joum.) Proc Coventry Dist Natur Hist Sci Soc e: Proceedings. Coventry District Natural History and Scientifc Society (journ.) Proc Crayford Manor House Hist Archaeol Soc e: Proceedings. Crayford Manor House Historical and Archaeological Society (journ.) Proc Crop Sci Chugoku Br Crop Sci Soc e: Proceedings. Crop Science. Chugoku Branch of the Crop Science Society (journ.) Proc Crop Sci Soc J[a]p[n] e: Proceedings. Crop Science Society of Japan (journ.) Proc Croydon Nat Hist Sci Soc e: Proceedings. Croydon Natural History Science Society (journ.) ProcCTS e: Proceedings. College Theology Society (journ.) ProcCTSA e: Proceedings. Catholic Theological Society of America (journ.) Proc Cumberland Geol Soc e: Proceedings. Cumberland Geological Society (journ.) PROCD e: Procedure - e: Proceed - e: Process Descriptor - e: Processing [Johannesburg] (journ.) Proc Dep Hortic Plant Health Massey Univ e: Proceedings. Department of Horticulture and Plant Health. Massey University (journ.) Proc Devon Arch[aeol] Soc e: Proceedings. Devon Archaeological Society (journ.)


Proc Dir R e f i n A m Pet Inst

Naval Institute (journ.) Proceed, of the Canmbridge Philol. Soc. e: Cambridge Philological Society, Cambridge, England, Proceedings proceeds t.b.a.f. e: proceeds to be accounted for Proc Egypt Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Egyptian Academy of Sciences (journ.) Proc Eighth Br Weed Control Conf e: Proceedings. Eighth British Weed Control Conference (journ.) pro-celeb e: professional celebrit Proc Elec Assoc Aust e: Proceedings. Electrical Association of Australia (joum.) Proc Elec Assoc NSW e: Proceedings. Electrical Association of New South Wales [Australia] (journ.) Proc Electron Components Conf e: Proceedings. Electronic Components Conference (journ.) Proc Electron Microsc Soc Am e: Proceedings. Electron Microscopy Society of America (journ.) Proc Electron Microsc Soc South Afr e: Proceedings. Electron Microscopy Society of Southern Africa (journ.) Proc Endoc Soc Aust e: Proceedings. Endocrine Society of Australia (journ.)

Proc Eng Assoc NSW e: Proceedings. Engineering Association of New South Wales (journ.) Proc Eng Soc Hong Kong e: Proceedings. Engineering Society of Hong Kong (journ.) Proc Eng Soc West PA e: Proceedings. Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania (journ.) Proc Entomol Soc Amer N Cent Br e: Proceedings. Entomological Society of America. North Central Branch (journ.) Proc Ent[omol] Soc B[rit] Columbia] e: Proceedings. Entomological Society of British Columbia (journ.) Proc Ent[omol] Soc Manitoba] e: Proceedings. Entomological Society of Manitoba (journ.) Proc Ent[omol] Soc Ont[ario] e: Proceedings. Entomological Society of Ontario (journ.) Proc Ent[omol] Soc Wash [DC] e: Proceedings. Entomological Society of Washington, DC (journ.) Proc Environ Eng Sci Conf e: Proceedings. Environmental Engineering and Science Conference (joum.) Pro CERN Sch Comput e: Proceedings. CERN [Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire] School of Computing (journ.) Process Archre e: Process Architecture (journ.) Process Autom e: Process Automation (journ.) Process Bio[chem] e: Process Biochemistry (journ.) Process Chem Eng e: Process and Chemical Engineering (joum.) Process Control Autom e: Process Control and Automation (joum.) Process Des Dev e: Process Design and Development (joum.) Process Eecon Int e: Process Economis International (joum.) Process Eng Mag e: Processs Engineering Magazine (joum.) Process Eng[ng] e: Process Engineering (joum.) Process Eng Plant and Control e: Process Engineering. Plant and Control (joum.) Process Engravers Mon e: Process Engravers Monthly (joum.) Process Instrum e: Process Instrumentation (joum.) Process Metall e: Process Metallurgy (joum.) Process Ser Okla State Univ Agr Exp Sta e: Processed Series. Oklahoma State University. Agricultural Experimental Station (joum.) Process St[ud] e: Process Studies (joum.) Process Technol Int e: Process Technology International (joum.) Proces-Verb Seances Soc Sci Phys Nat Bordeaux f: Proces-Verbaux des Seances. Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Bordeaux (joum.) Proc Eur Conf Mixing e: Proceedings. European Conference on Mixing (joum.) Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc e: Proceedings. European Dialysis and Transplant Association (joum.) Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc Eur Renal Assoc e: Proceedings. European Dialysis and Transplant Association-European Renal Association (joum.)


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Proc Dir Refin Am Pet Inst e: Proceedings. Division of Refining. American Petroleum Institute (journ.) Proc Dist e: Procurement District Proc Distill Feed Conf e: Proceedings. Distillers Feed Conference (journ.) Proc Distill Feed Res Counc Conf e: Proceedings. Distillers Feed Research Council Conference (journ.) Proc Divers Gas Purity Symp e: Proceedings. Divers Gas Purity Symposium (journ.) Proc Dorset Natur Hist Arch[aeol] Soc e: Proceedings. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society (journ.) Proc Dorset Soc e: Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society. Proceedings (journ.) PROCDRE e: Procedure Proc East Afr Acad e: Proceedings. East African Academy (journ.) Proc Easter Sch Agric Sci Univ Nottingham e: Proceedings. Easter School in Agricultural Science. University of Nottingham (journ.) Proc Ecol Soc Aust e: Proceedings. Ecological Society of Australia (journ.) PROCED e: Procedure Proced 1: Procedendo Proc Edinburgh Math Soc e: Proceedings. Edinburgh Mathematical Society (journ.) Proc Edinburgh Math Soc 2 e: Proceedings. Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series 2 (journ.) Proc Edinburgh Math Soc Edinburgh Math Notes e: Proceedings. Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Edinburgh Mathematical Notes (journ.) Proceedings NAPEHE e: Proceedings. National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (journ.) Proceedings NIRSA e: Proceedings. National Intramural Recreational Sports Association (journ.) Proceedings of the IEEE e: Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (journ.) Proceedngs e: Proceedings. United States

Proc Eur Prosthodontic Assoc e: Proceedings. European Prosthodontic Association (journ.) Proc Eur Soc Toxicol e: Proceedings. European Society of Toxicology (journ.) PROCEVAL e: Procurement Evaluation Proc Fac Agric Kyushu Tokai Univ e: Proceedings. Faculty of Agriculture. Kyushu Tokai University (journ.) Proc Fac Eng Keiogijuku Univ e: Proceedings. Faculty of Engineering. Keiogijuku University (journ.) Proc Fac Eng Tokai Univ e: Proceedings. Faculty of Engineering Tokai University (joum.) Proc Fac Sci Tokai Univ e: Proceedings. Faculty of Science. Tokai University (journ.) Proc Farm Seed Conf e: Proceedings. Farm Seed Conference (journ.) Proc FEBS Meet e: Proceedings. FEBS [Federation of European Biochemical Societies] Meeting (joum.) Proc Fertil Soc e: Proceedings. Fertilizer Society (joum.) Proc Finn Dent Soc e: Proceedings. Finnish Dental Society of Washington (journ.) Proc First Livest Ocean Conf e: Proceedings. First Livestock by Ocean Conference (journ.) Proc. FJCC e: Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference (journ.) Proc Fla Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Florida Academy of Sciences (journ.) Proc Fla Anti-Mosq e: Proceedings. Florida Anti-Mosquito Association (joum.) Proc Fla Lychee Grow Ass e: Proceedings. Florida Lychee Growers Association (journ.) Proc Fl[orid]a St[ate] Hort[ic] Soc e: Proceedings. Florida State Horticultural Society (journ.) Proc Food e: Processed Prepared Food (joum.) Proc For Microclim Symp Can Dep Fish For e: Proceedings. Forest Microclimate Symposium. Canada Department of Fisheries and Forestry (journ.) Proc For Prod Res Soc e: Proceedings. Forest Products Research Society (joum.) Proc For Symp LA Sch For e: Proceedings. Annual Forestry Symposium. Louisiana State University. School of Forestry and Wildlife Management (joum.) Proc Forum Fundam Surg ProbI Clin Congr Am Coll Surg e: Proceedings. Forum on Fundamental Surgical Problems. Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons (journ.) Proc Found Orthod Res e: Proceedings. Foundation for Orthodontic Research (joum.) Proc [Fourth] NZ Geogr Conf e: Proceedings. [Fourth] New Zealand Geographical Conference (journ.) Proc FPLC Symp e: Proceedings. FPLC [Fast Protein Polypeptide and Polynucleotide Liquid Chromatography] Symposium (joum.) Proc FRI Symp For Res Inst NZ For Serv e: Proceedings. FRI Symposium. Forest Research Institute. New Zealand Forest Service (journ.) Proc Front Educ Conf e: Proceedings. Frontiers in Education Conference (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Proc Indian Roads Congr PrO CFt d: Prüfungsordnung für den gehobenen fernmeldetechnischen Dienst Proc Fujibara Mem Fac Eng Keio Univ [Tokyo] e: Proceedings. Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering. Keio University [Tokyo] (journ.) Proc-Gam e: Proctor-Gamble Proc Gas Cond Conf e: Proceedings. Gas Conditioning Conference [United States] (journ.) Proc Genet Soc Can e: Proceedings. Genetics Society of Canada (journ.) Proc Gen Meet Soc Ind Microbiol e: Proceedings. General Meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology (journ.) Proc Geoinst e: Proceedings. Geoinstitut (journ.) Proc Geol Ass [Can] e: Proceedings. Geological Association [of Canada] (joum.) Proc Geol Assoc [London] e: Proceedings. Geologists Association [of London] (journ.) Proc Geol Soc China e: Proceedings. Geological Society of China (journ.) Proc Geol Soc Lond e: Proceedings. Geological Society of London (journ.) Proc Geol Soc S Afr e: Proceedings. Geological Society of South Africa (journ.) Proc Geophys Soc Tulsa e: Proceedings. Geophysical Society of Tulsa (journ.) Proc Geosci Inf Soc e: Proceedings. Geoscience Information Society (joum.) Proc Ger Soc Neurosurg. e: Proceedings. German Society of Neurosurgery (joum.) Proc Ghana Acad Arts Sei e: Proceedings. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (journ.) Proc Grass Breeders Work Plann Conf e: Proceedings. Grass Breeders Work Planning Conference (journ.) Proc Grassl Soc South Afr e: Proceedings. Grassland Society of Southern Africa (journ.) Proc Great Plains Agr Conf e: Proceedings. Great Plains Agriculture Conference (journ.) Proc Gulf Caribb Fish Inst e: Proceedings. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (joum.) Proc Hampshire] F[ie]ld Club [Archaeol Soc] e: Proceedings. Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society (joum.) Proc Hawaii Acad Sei e: Proceedings. Hawaiian Academy of Science (joum.) Proc Hawaii Ent[omol] Soc e: Proceedings. Hawaiian Entomological Society (journ.) Proc Hawaii Int Conf Syst Sei e: Proceedings. Hawaii International Conference on System Science (journ.) Proc Hawaii Top Conf Part Phys e: Proceedings. Hawaii Topical Conference in Particle Physics (joum.) Proc Health Policy Forum e: Proceedings. Health Policy Forum (joum.) Proc Heat Transfer Fluid Mech Inst e: Proceedings. Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute (journ.) Proc Helmint[hol] Soc [Wash DC] e: Proceedings. Helminthological Society [Washington DC] (journ.) Proc High Lysine Corn Conf e: Proceedings. High Lysine Corn Conference (journ.) PROCHI-MAD f: Société des Produits Chimiques de Madagascar

PROCHI-MIE f: Société Voltaïque de Produits Chimiques Prochn Deform Mater Neravnomernykh Fiz Polyakh R: Prochnost i Deformatsiya Materialov v Neravnomernykh Fizicheskikh Polyakh (joum.) Prochnost Din Aviats Dvigatelei R: Prochnost i Dinamika Aviatsionnykh Dvigatelei [USSR] (joum.) Proc Hokkaido Symp Plant Breed Crop Sci Soc e: Proceedings. Hokkaido Symposium of Plant Breeding and Crop Science Society (joum.) Proc Hokuriku Br Crop Sci Soc [Jap] e: Proceedings. Hokuriku Branch of Crop Science Society [Japan] (joum.) Proc Hoshi Coll Pharm e: Proceedings. Hoshi College of Pharmacy (joum.) Proc Huguenot Soc Lond e: Proceedings. Huguenot Society of London (joum.) Proc Hung Annu Meet Biochem e: Proceedings. Hungarian Annual Meeting for Biochemistry (joum.) Proc Hydrol Symp e: Proceedings. Hydrology Symposium (joum.) P R O C I A f: Société de Produits Chimiques Industriels et Agricoles des Ardennes - s: Projeto Catarinense de Inseminacao Artificial Proc I Cda e: Process Industries Canada (joum.) Proc ICE e: Proceedings. Institution of Civil Engineers. Parts 1 and 2 (joum.) Proc ICMR Semin e: Proceedings. ICMR [International Center for Medical Research, Kobe University] Seminar (joum.) PROCIDA f: Société de Produits Chimiques Industriels et Agricoles Proc. I E E e: Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical Engineers (joum.) Proc IEE-A e: Institution of Electrical Engineers. Proceedings. A (joum.) Proc IEE-B e: Institution of Electrical Engineers. Proceedings. B (joum.) Proc IEE-C e: Institution of Electrical Engineers. Proceedings. C (joum.) Proc IEE D e: Institution of Electrical Engineers. Proceedings. D (joum.) Proc IEEE e: Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (joum.) Proc IEEE Conf Decis Control e: Proceedings. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (journ.) Proc IEEE Conf Decis Control Incl Symp Adapt Processes e: Proceedings. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes (joum.) Proc. IEEE [Inst. Electr. Elec. Eng.] e: Proceedings of the IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] (joum.) Proc IEEE Int Symp Circuits Syst e: Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (journ.) Proc IEE F e: Institution of Electrical Engineers. Proceedings. F (joum.) Proc IEE G e: Institution of Electrical Engineers. Proceedings. G (joum.) Proc IEE H e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. H (joum.) Proc IEE I e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. I (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Proc III Natn Peanut Res Conf e: Proceedings. Third National Peanut Research Conference (journ.) Proc III Mining Inst e: Proceedings. Illinois Mining Institute (joum.) Proc Imp Acad Japan e: Proceedings. Imperial Academy of Japan (joum.) Proc Imp Acad [Tokyo] e: Proceedings. Imperial Academy [Tokyo] (joum.) Proc Indiana Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Indiana Academy of Science (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci A e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Section A (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Anim Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Animal Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci B e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Section B (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Chem Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Chemical Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Earth [and] Planet[ary] Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Earth and Planetary Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Eng Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Engineering Sciences (joum.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Math Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Plant Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Plant Sciences (journ.) Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Sect, e: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Section A (journ.) - e: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Section B (joum.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Sect A e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Section A (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Sect A Chem Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Section A. Chemical Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Acàd Sci Sect A Earth Planetary Sci e: Indian Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. Section A. Earth and Planetary Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Sect A Math Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Section A. Mathematical Sciences (joum.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Sect B e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Section B (journ.) Proc Indian Acad Sci Sect C e: Proceedings. Indian Academy of Sciences. Section C. Engineering Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Assoc Cultiv Sci e: Proceedings. Indian Association for Cultivation of Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Nat[l] Sci Acad [Part A Phys Sci] e: Proceedings. Indian National Science Academy. Part A. Physical Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Nat[l] Sci Acad [Part B Biol Sci] e: Proceedings. Indian National Science Academy. Part B. Biological Sciences (journ.) Proc Indian Roads Congr e: Proceedings. Indian Roads Congress (journ.) 43

Proc Indian Sci Congr Proc Indian Sei Congr e: Proceedings. Indian Science Congress (journ.) Proc. Indian Soc. of Internat. L. e: Proceedings of the Conference, The Indian Society of International Law. New Delhi, India Proc Ind Waste Conf e: Proceedings. Industrial Waste Conference (journ.) Proc Ind Waste Conf Purdue Univ e: Proceedings. Industrial Waste Conference. Purdue University (journ.) Proc Ind Waste Util Conf e: Proceedings. Industrial Waste Utilization Conference (journ.) Proc Inst Automob Eng [London] e: Proceedings. Institution of Automobile Engineers [London] (journ.) Proc Inst Br Foundrymen e: Proceedings. Institute of British Foundrymen (journ.) Proc Inst Chem [Calcutta] e: Proceedings. Institution of Chemists [Calcutta] (journ.) Proc Inst Civ Eng [London] [Suppl] e: Proceedings. Institution of Civil Engineers [London], [Supplement] (journ.) Proc Inst Civ Eng Part 1 e: Proceedings. Institution of Civil Engineers. Part 1. Design and Construction (journ.) Proc Inst Civ Eng Part 2 e: Proceedings. Institution of Civil Engineers. Part 2. Research and Theory [United Kingdom] (journ.) Proc Inst Criminol Univ Sydney e: University of Sydney. Institute of Criminology. Proceedings (journ.) Proc Inst Elec Eng [London] e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers [London] (journ.) Proc Inst Elec Eng Pt B Elec Power Appl e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part B. Electric Power Applications (journ.) Proc Inst Elec Eng Pt C Generation Transmission Distribution e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part C. Generation-Transmission-Distribution (journ.) Proc Inst Elec Eng Pt E Computers Digital Tech e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part E. Computers and Digital Techniques (journ.) Proc Inst Elec Eng Pt F Commun Radar Signal Process e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part F. Communications, Radar and Signal Processing (journ.) Proc Inst Elec Eng Pt G Electron Circuits Syst e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part G. Electronics Circuits and Systems (journ.) Proc Inst Elec Eng Pt H Microwaves Opt Antennas e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part H. Microwaves, Optics and Antennas (journ.) Proc. Inst. Elect. Electron. E e: Proceeding of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (journ.) Proc Inst Elec[tr] [Engrs] [London] e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers [London] (journ.) Proc Inst Electr Eng Part 1 e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part 1. General (journ.) Proc Inst Electr Eng Part 2 e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part 2. Power Engineering (journ.)

Proc Inst Electr: Eng Part 3 e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part 3. Radio and Communication Engineering (journ.) Proc Inst Electr Eng Part 4 e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part 4. Monographs (journ.) Proc Inst Electr Eng Part A e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part A. Power Engineering (journ.) Proc Inst Electr Eng Part A Suppl e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part A. Supplement (journ.) Proc Inst Electr Eng Part B e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part B. Electronic and Communication Engineering Including Radio Engin Proc Inst Electr Eng Part B Suppl e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part B. Supplement (journ.) Proc Inst Electr Eng Part C e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Part C. Monographs (journ.) Proc Inst Environ Sci e: Proceedings. Institute of Environmental Sciences (joum.) Proc Inst F[oo]d Sci Technol [UK] e: Proceedings. Institute of Food Science and Technology [of the United Kingdom] (journ.) Proc Institute Med Chicago e: Proceedings. Institute of Medicine of Chicago (journ.) Proc Inst Mech Eng [London] e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers [London] (journ.) Proc Inst Mech Eng Part A e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A. Power and Process Engineering (journ.) Proc Inst Mech Eng Part B e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B. Management and Engineering Manufacture (journ.) Proc Inst Mech Eng Part C e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C. Mechanical Engineering Science (joum.) Proc Inst Mech Engrs e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers (journ.) Proc Inst Med Chic[ago] e: Proceedings. Institute of Medicine of Chicago (journ.) Proc Inst Nat Sci Nihon Univ e: Proceedings. Institute of Natural Sciences. Nihon University (journ.) Proc Instn C[iv] E[ngrs] [1 2] e: Proceedings. Institution of Civil Engineers. [Parts 1 and 2] (journ.) Proc Instn Elect Engrs e: Proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers (journ.) Proc Instn Mech Engrs e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers (journ.) Proc Instn Mech Engrs Pt B Mgmt Engng Mf e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B. Management and Engineering Manufacture (journ.) Proc Instn Mech Engrs Pt C Mech Engng Sci e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C. Mechanical Engineering Science (journ.) Proc Instn Mech Engrs Pt D Transp Engng e: Proceedings. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D. Transport Engineering (journ.) Proc Instn Radio Electron Engrs Aust e: Proceedings. Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers of Australia (journ.)


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Proc Instn Radio Eng[rs] Aust e: Proceedings. Institution of Radio Engineers of Australia (journ.) Proc Inst Oceanogr Fish Bulg Acad Sei e: Proceedings. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (journ.) Proc Inst Pomol [Skierniewice Pol] Ser E Conf Symp e: Proceedings. Research Institute of Pomology [Skierniewice, Poland]. Series E. Conference and Symposia (journ.) Proc Inst Radio Electron Eng Aust e: Proceedings. Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers of Australia (journ.) Proc Inst Rad[io] Eng[rs] e: Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers (journ.) Proc Inst Railw Signal Eng e: Proceedings. Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (journ.) Proc Inst Refrig e: Proceedings. Institute of Refrigeration (journ.) Proc Inst Rubber Ind e: Proceedings. Institution of the Rubber Industry (journ.) Proc Instrum Soc Am e: Proceedings. Instrument Society of America (journ.) Proc Inst Sewage Purif e: Proceedings. Institute of Sewage Purifcation (journ.) Proc Inst Statist Math e: Proceedings. Institute of Statistical Mathematics (joum.) Proc Inst Teknol Bandung [Suppl] e: Proceedings. Institut Teknologi Bandung. [Supplement] (journ.) Proc Inst Vitreous Enamellers e: Proceedings. Institute of Vitreous Enamellers (journ.) Proc Int Acad Oral Pathol e: Proceedings. International Academy of Oral Pathology (journ.) Proc Int Assoc Milk Dealers e: Proceedings. International Association of Milk Dealers (journ.) Proc Int Assoc Theor Appl Limnol e: Proceedings. International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (journ.) Proc Int Assoc Vet Food Hyg e: Proceedings. International Association of Veterinary Food Hygienists (journ.) Proc Int Ass Test Mater e: Proceedings. International Association for Testing Materials (journ.) Proc Int Astronaut Congr e: Proceedings. International Astronautical Congress (journ.) Proc Int Barley Genet Symp e: Proceedings. International Barley Genetics Symposium (journ.) Proc Int Bedding Plant Conf e: Proceedings. International Bedding Plant Conference (journ.) Proc Int Bot Congr e: Proceedings. International Botanical Congress (journ.) Proc Int Clean Air Congr e: Proceedings. International Clean Air Congress (journ.) Proc Int Colloq Invertebr Pathol e: Proceedings. International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology (journ.) Proc Int Colloq Plant Anal Fert Probl e: Proceedings. International Colloquium on Plant Analysis and Fertilizer Problems (journ.) Proc Int Comm Glass e: Proceedings. International Commission on Glass (joum.) Proc Int Conf Biochem Probl Lipids e: Proceedings. International Conference on Biochemical Problems of Lipids (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Proc Minn Acad Sci Proc Int Congr Refrig e: Proceedings. International Congress of Refrigeration P (journ.) Proc Int Congr Stereol e: Proceedings. International Congress for Stereology (journ.) Proc Int Congr Virol e: Proceedings. International Congress for Virology (joum.) Proc Int Congr Zool e: Proceedings. International Congress of Zoology (journ.) Proc Int Dist Heat Assoc e: Proceedings. International District Heating Association (journ.) Proc Internat School of Phys Enrico Fermi e: Proceedings. International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" (journ.) Proc Intersoc Energy Conver[s] Eng Conf e: Proceedings. Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (journ.) Proc Interuniv Fac Work Conf e: Proceedings. Interuniversity Faculty Work Conference (journ.) Proc Int Grassland Congr e: Proceedings. International Grassland Congress (journ.) Proc Int Gstaad Symp e: Proceedings. International Gstaad Symposium (joum.) Proc Int Hort[ic] Congr e: Proceedings. International Horticultural Congress (journ.) Proc Int ISA Biomed Sci Instrum Symp e: Proceedings. International ISA [Instrument Society of America] Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium (journ.) Proc Int Meet Biol Stand e: Proceedings. International Meeting of Biological Standardization (journ.) Proc Int Microelectron Symp e: Proceedings. International Microelectronics Symposium (journ.) Proc Int Ornithol Congr e: Proceedings. International Ornithological Congress (journ.) Proc Int Pharmacol Meet e: Proceedings. International Pharmalogical Meeting (journ.) Proc Int PI Propag Soc e: Proceedings. International Plant Propagators' Society (joum.) Proc Int Sch Phys Enrico Fermi e: Proceedings. International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" (joum.) Proc Int Sci Congr Cultiv Edible Fungi e: Proceedings. International Scientific Congress on the Cultivation of Edible Fungi (journ.) Proc Int Seaweed Symp e: Proceedings. International Seaweed Symposium (joum.) Proc Int Seed Test Ass[oc] e: Proceedings. International Seed Testing Association (journ.) Proc Int Shade Tree Conf e: Proceedings. Annual Meetings. International Shade Tree Conference (journ.) Proc Int Soc Citric e: Proceedings. International Society of Citriculture (joum.) Proc Int Soc Soil Sci e: Proceedings. International Society of Soil Science (journ.) Proc Int Soc Sugar Cane Technol e: Proceedings. International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (journ.) Proc Int Symp Enzyme Chem e: Proceedings. International Symposium on Enzyme Chemistry (joum.)

Proc Int Symp Food Irradiation e: Proceedings. International Symposium on Food Irradiation (joum.) Proc Int Symp Fresh Water Sea e: Proceedings. International Symposium on Fresh Water from the Sea (joum.) Proc Int Symp Inst Biomed Res Am Med Assoc Educ Res Found e: Proceedings. International Symposium of the Institute for Biomedical Research. American Medical Association Education an Proc Int Symp Med Mycol e: Proceedings. International Symposium on Medical Mycology (joum.) Proc Int Symp Mult Valued Logic e: Proceedings. International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (joum.) Proc Int Symp Poll e: Procedings. International Symposium on Pollination (joum.) Proc Int Symp Princess Takamatsu Cancer Res Fund e: Proceedings. International Symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund (joum.) Proc Int Symp Remote Sens[ingl Environ e: Proceedings. International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (joum.) Proc Int Tech Conf APICS e: Proceedings. International Technical Conference. American Production and Inventory Control Society (joum.) Proc Int Union Biol Sci Ser B e: Proceedings. International Union of Biological Sciences. Series B (joum.) Proc Int Union Forest Res Organ e: Proceedings. International Union of Forest Research Organizations (joum.) Proc Int Vet Congr e: Proceedings. International Veterinary Congress (joum.) Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. e: Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science (joum.) Proc IRE e: Proceedings of the IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] (joum.) Proc K Ned Akad Wet Ser C [Biol Med Sci] e: Proceedings. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series C. Biological and Medical Sciences (joum.) Proc LA Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Louisiana Academy of Sciences (joum.) Proc LA Ass Agron e: Proceedings. Louisiana Association of Agronomists (joum.) Proc Leatherhead Dist Local Hist Soc e: Proceedings. Leatherhead and District Local History Society (joum.) Proc Lebedev Phys Inst e: Proceedings [Trudy], P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute (joum.) Proc Leeds Philos Lit Soc Lit Hist Sect e: Proceedings. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. Literary and Historical Section (joum.) Proc Leeds Phil[os&] Lit Soc [Sci Sect] e: Proceedings. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. [Scientific Section] (joum.) Proc Leucocyte Cult Conf e: Proceedings. Leucocyte Culture Conference (joum.) PROCLIB e: Procedure Library Proc Lincoln Coll Farmers Conf e: Proceedings. Lincoln College. Fanner's Conference (joum.) Proc Linn[ean] Soc NSW e: Proceedings. Linnean Society of New South Wales (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Proc Linn Soc Lond[on] e: Proceedings. Linnean Society of London (joum.) Proc Linn Soc NY e: Proceedings. Linnean Society of New York (journ.) Proc Liverpool Geol Soc e: Proceedings. Liverpool Geological Society (joum.) Proc London Math Ser 3 e: Proceedings. London Mathematical Society. Third Series (journ.) Proc London Math Soc e: Proceedings. London Mathematical Society (joum.) Proc Lunar Sci Conf e: Proceedings. Lunar Science Conference [United States] (journ.) Proc Malacol Soc Lond e: Proceedings. Malacological Society of London (journ.) Proc Mark Milk Conf e: Proceedings. Market Milk Conference (journ.) Proc Mar Safety Council USCG e: Proceedings. Marine Safety Council. United States Coast Guard (joum.) Proc Mass Hist Soc e: Proceedings. Massachusetts Historical Society (journ.) Proc Math Phys Soc [Egypt] e: Proceedings. Mathematical and Physical Society [Egypt] (journ.) Proc Mayo Clin e: Proceedings. Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic (journ.) Proc Mayo Clin Staff Meet e: Proceedings. Mayo Clinic Staff Meeting (journ.) Proc MD Del Water Pollut Control Assoc e: Proceedings. Maryland-Delaware Water and Pollution Control Association (joum.) Proc MD Nutr Conf Feed Manuf e: Proceedings. Maryland Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers (journ.) Proc Meat Ind Res Conf e: Proceedings. Meat Industry Research Conference (joum.) Proc Medico-Legal Soc Vict e: Proceedings. Medico-Legal Society of Victoria (journ.) Proc Med-Leg Soc Vic e: Medico-Legal Society of Victoria. Proceedings (journ.) Proc Meet Anim Husb Wing Board Agric Anim Husb India e: Proceedings. Meeting of the Animal Husbandry Wing. Board of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in India (journ.) Proc Meet Jpn Soc Med Mass Spectrom e: Proceedings. Meeting of the Japanese Society for Medical Mass Spectrometry (journ.) Proc Meet West Indies Sugar Technol e: Proceedings. Meeting of West Indies Sugar Technologists (joum.) Proc Microbiol Res Group Hung Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Microbiological Research Group. Hungarian Academy of Science (journ.) Proc Microscopical Soc Vic e: Proceedings. Microscopical Society of Victoria (joum.) Proc Microsc Soc Can e: Proceedings. Microscopical Society of Canada (joum.) Proc Mid-Atl Ind Waste Conf e: Proceedings. Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference (journ.) Proc Midwest Fert Conf e: Proceedings. Midwestern Fertilizer Conference (joum.) Proc Mid Year Meet Am Pet Inst e: Proceedings. Mid-Year Meeting. American Petroleum Institute (joum.) Proc Mine Med Off Assoc [SA] e: Proceedings. Mine Medical Officers Association [of South Africa] (journ.) Proc Minn Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Minnesota Academy of Sciences (journ.)


Proc Minutes Ann Meet Agrie Res Inst Proc Minutes Ann Meet Agric Res Inst e: Proceedings and Minutes. Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Research Institute (journ.) Proc Mont Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Montana Academy of Sciences (journ.) Proc Mont Nutr Conf e: Proceedings. Montana Nutrition Conference (journ.) Proc Montpellier Symp e: Proceedings. Montpellier Symposium (joum.) Proc Mtg Comm For Tree Breeding Can e: Proceedings. Meeting of the Committee on Forest Tree Breeding in Canada (journ.) Proc Mtg Sect Int Union For Res Organ e: Proceedings. Meeting of Section. International Union of Forest Research Organizations (journ.) Proc Nagano Pref Agr Exp Sta e: Proceedings. Nagano Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Proc NASSH e: Proceedings. North American Society for Sport History (journ.) Proc Nat Acad Sci [India] Sect A e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [India]. Section A (journ.) Proc Nat Acad Sci [India] Sect B e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [India], Section B. Biological Sciences (journ.) Proc N[at] A[cad] Sc[i][USA] e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [United States of America] (journ.) Proc Nat Acad Sci [USA] Biol Sci e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [United States of America], Biological Sciences (journ.) Proc Nat Acad Sci [USA] Phys Sci e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [United States of America]. Physical Sciences (journ.) Proc Nat Ass Wheat Growers e: Proceedings. National Association of Wheat Growers (journ.) Proc Nat Conf AIAS e: Proceedings. National Conference. Australian Institute of Agricultural Science (journ.) Proc Nat Conf Fluid Power Annu Meet e: Proceedings. National Conference on Fluid Power. Annual Meeting (journ.) Proc Nat Electron Conf e: Proceedings. National Electronics Conference (journ.) Proc Nat Food Eng Conf e: Proceedings. National Food Engineering Conference (journ.) Proc Nat Gas Process Assoc Tech Pap e: Proceedings. Natural Gas Processors Association. Technical Papers (journ.) Proc Nat Gas Processors Assoc Annu Conv e: Proceedings. Natural Gas Processors Association. Annual Convention (journ.) Proc Natl Acad Sci [India] e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [India] (journ.) Proc Natl Acad Sci [India] Sect A [Phys Sci] e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [India]. Section A. Physical Sciences (journ.) Proc Natl Acad Sci [India] Sect B [Biol Sci] e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [India]. Section B. Biological Sciences (journ.) Proc Natl Acad Sci [USA] e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [United States of America] (journ.)

Proc Natl Biomed Sci Instrum Symp e: Proceedings. National Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium (journ.) Proc Natl Cancer Conf e: Proceedings. National Cancer Conference (journ.) Proc Natl Conf Adm Res e: Proceedings. National Conference on the Administration of Research (journ.) Proc Natl Conf Fluid Power [Annu Meet] e: Proceedings. National Conference on Fluid Power. [Annual Meeting] (journ.) Proc Natl Conf Individ Onsite Wastewater Syst e: Proceedings. National Conference for Individual Onsite Wastewater Systems (joum.) Proc Natl Conf Methadone Treat e: Proceedings. National Conference on Methadone Treatment (journ.) Proc Natl Conv Study Inf Doc e: Proceedings. National Convention for the Study of Information and Documentation (journ.) Proc Natl Counc Radiat Prot Meas e: Proceedings. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (joum.) Proc Natl Counc Sci Dev [Repub China] e: Proceedings. National Council on Science Development [Republic of China] (journ.) Proc Natl Electron Conf e: Proceedings. National Electronics Conference (joum.) Proc Natl Food Eng Conf e: Proceedings. National Food Engineering Conference (joum.) Proc Natl Incinerator Conf e: Proceedings. National Incinerator Conference (joum.) Proc Natl Inst Sci [India] e: Proceedings. National Institute of Sciences [India] (joum.) Proc Natl Inst Sci [India] [Part] A [Phys Sci] e: Proceedings. National Institute of Sciences [India], Part A. Physical Sciences (joum.) Proc Natl Inst Sci [India] Part A Suppl e: Proceedings. National Institute of Sciences [India]. Part A. Supplement (joum.) Proc Natl Inst Sci [India] Part B [Biol Sci] e: Proceedings. National Institute of Sciences [India]. Part B. Biological Sciences (joum.) Proc Natl Meet Biophys Biotechnol Finl e: Proceedings. National Meeting on Biophysics and Biotechnology in Finland (joum.) Proc Natl Meet Biophys Med Eng Finl e: Proceedings. National Meeting on Biophysics and Medical Engineering in Finland (joum.) Proc Natl Open Hearth Basic Oxygen Steel Conf e: Proceedings. National Open Hearth and Basic Oxygen Steel Conference (joum.) Proc Natl Sci Counc [Repub China] e: Proceedings. National Science Council [Republic of China] (joum.) Proc Natl Sci Counc [Repub China] Part A Appl Sci e: Proceedings. National Science Council [Republic of China]. Part A. Applied Sciences (joum.) Proc Natl Sci Counc [Repub China] Part A Phys Sci Eng e: Proceedings. National Science Council [Republic of China]. Part A. Physical Science and Engineering (joum.)


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Proc Natl Sci Counc [Repub China] Part B Basic Sci e: Proceedings. National Science Council [Republic of China]. Part B. Basic Science (journ.) Proc Natl Sci Counc [Repub China] Part B Life Sci e: Proceedings National Science Council [Republic of China]. Part B. Life Sciences (journ.) Proc Natl Shellfish Assoc e: Proceedings. National Shellfisheries Association (journ.) Proc Natl Symp Radioecol e: Proceedings. National Symposium on Radioecology (journ.) Proc Natl Telecommon Conf e: Proceedings. National Telecommunications Conference (journ.) Proc Natn Acad Sci [India] e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [India] (journ.) Proc Natn Acad Sci [USA] e: Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences [United States of America] (journ.) Proc Natn Ent Soc [USA] e: Proceedings. National Entomological Society [United States of America] (joum.) Proc Natn Inst Sci [India] e: Proceedings. National Institute of Sciences [India] (journ.) Proc Nat Silo Ass e: Proceedings. National Silo Association (journ.) Proc Nat Telemetering Conf e: Proceedings. National Telemetering Conference (journ.) Proc Natur Gas Processors Ass e: Proceedings. Natural Gas Processors Association (journ.) Proc N Cent Brch Am Ass Econ Ent e: Proceedings. North Central Branch. American Association of Economic Entomologists (joum.) Proc N Cent Brch Ent Soc Am e: Proceedings. North Central Branch. Entomological Society of America (journ.) Proc N D[ak] Acad Sci e: Proceedings. North Dakota Academy of Science (journ.) Proc Near E S Afr Irrig Pract Semin e: Proceedings. Near East-South Africa Irrigation Practices Seminar (journ.) Proc Nebr Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Nebraska Academy of Sciences (journ.) Proc Nebr Acad Sci Affil Soc e: Proceedings. Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies (journ.) Proc. NEC e: Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference (journ.) PROCNEC e: Proceeding of the National Electrical Conference (joum.) Proc Ned Akad Wet e: Proceedings. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (journ.) Proc N Engl Bioeng Conf e: Proceedings. New England Bioengineering Conference (journ.) Proc N Engl Soils Discuss Grp e: Proceedings. North of England Soils Discussion Group (journ.) Proc News Aust Oil Colour Chem[ists] Assoc e: Proceedings and News. Australian Oil and Colour Chemists Association (journ.) Proc NH Acad Sci e: Proceedings. New Hampshire Academy of Science (joum.) Proc Ninth Int Grassld Congr e: Proceedings. Ninth International Grassland Congress (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Proc Phys Semin Trondheim Proc NJ Hist Soc e: Proceedings. New Jersey Historical Society (journ.) Proc NJ Mosq Control Assoc [Suppl] e: Proceedings. New Jersey Mosquito Control Association. [Supplement] (journ.) Proc N Mex W Tex Phil Soc e. Proceedings. New Mexico-West Texas Philosophical Society (journ.) Proc NMFA e: Procedure. National Microfilm Association (journ.) Proc Nord Aroma Symp e: Proceedings. Nordic Aroma Symposium (journ.) Proc North Am Metalwork Res Conf e: Proceedings. North American Metalworking Research Conference (journ.) Proc North Cent Branch Entomol Soc Am e: Proceedings. North Central Branch. Entomological Society of America (journ.) Proc North Cent Weed Control Conf e: Proceedings. North Central Weed Control Conference (journ.) Proc Northeast Weed Contr[ol] Conf e: Proceedings. Northeastern Weed Control Conference (journ.) Proc Northeast Weed Sei Soc e: Proceedings. Northeastern Weed Science Society (journ.) Proc Northwest Conf Struct Eng e: Proceedings. Northwest Conference of Structural Engineers (journ.) Proc Northwest Wood Prod Clin e: Proceedings. Northwest Wood Products Clinic (journ.) Proc NS Inst Sei e: Proceedings. Nova Scotian Institute of Science (journ.) Proc Ntheast For Tree Impr Conf e: Proceedings. Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (journ.) Proc Nud Phys Solid State Phys Symp e: Proreedings. Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium (joum.) Proc Nurs Theory Conf e: Proceedings. Nursing Theory Conference (journ.) Proc Nutr Soc e: Proceedings. Nutrition Society (journ.) Proc. Nutr. Soc. e: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (journ.) Proc Nutr Soc Aust e: Proceedings. Nutrition Society of Australia (journ.) Proc Nutr Soc Aust Annu Conf e: Proceedings. Nutrition Society of Australia. Annual Conference (journ.) Proc Nutr Soc South Afr e: Proceedings. Nutrition Society of Southern Africa (journ.) Proc NY St Hist Assn e: Proceedings. New York State Historical Association (journ.) Proc NY St Hort Soc e: Proceedings. New York State Horticultural Society (journ.) Proc NZ Ecol Soc e: Proceedings. New Zealand Ecological Society (journ.) Proc NZ Grassl Assoc e: Proceedings. New Zealand Grassland Association (journ.) Proc NZ Grassl Assoc Conf e: Proceedings. New Zealand Grassland Association. Conference (journ.) Proc NZ Grassld Ass e: Proceedings. New Zealand Grassland Association (journ.) Proc NZ Inst Agr Sei e: Proceedings. New Zealand Institute of Agricultural Science (journ.) Proc NZ Soc Anim Proc e: Proceedings. New Zealand Society of Animal Production (journ.)

Proc NZ Weed Conf e: Proceedings. New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference (journ.) Proc NZ Weed Control Conf e: Proceedings. New Zealand Weed Control Conference (journ.) Proc NZ Weed [&] Pest Contr[ol] Conf e: Proceedings. New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference (journ.) PROCO e: Procurement Officer - e: Programmed Combustion - e: Projects for Continental Operations Proc. of the FJCC e: Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference (joum.) Proc. of the SJCC e: Proceedings of the Summer Joint Computer Conference (journ.) Proc. of the WJCC e: Proceedings of the Winter Joint Computer Conference (journ.) Proc Ohio State Hort[ic] Soc e: Proceedings. Ohio State Horticultural Society (journ.) Proc Oil Recovery Conf Tex Petrol Res Comm e: Proceedings. Oil Recovery Conference. Texas Petroleum Research Committee (journ.) Proc Okla Acad Sei e: Proceedings. Oklahoma Academy of Science (journ.) PROCOL e: Process Control [Oriented] Language PROCOM e: Procedures Committee - e: Procurement Committee - e: Prognose Compiler PROCOMA p: Production et Commercialisation Agricoles PROCOMEXCHI e: Mexican-Chicano Cooperative Programs on Mexican-USChicano Futures PROCOMM e: Program Communication PROCOMP e: Process Compiler - e: Process Computer - e: Program[me] Compiler PROCON e: Project Control - s: Productos de Concretos Proc Ont Ind Waste Conf e: Proceedings. Ontario Industrial Waste Conference (journ.) Procop 1: Procopius PROCOP[s] e: Project Control Package[s] PROCOPT e: Processing Option Proc Oreg Acad Sei e: Proceedings. Oregon Academy of Science (journ.) Proc Oreg Weed Conf e: Proceedings. Oregon Weed Conference (journ.) Proc Organ Inst NSW e: Proceedings. Organ Institute of New South Wales (journ.) Proc Osaka Prefect Inst Public Health Ed Food Sanit e: Proceedings. Osaka Prefecture Institute of Public Health. Edition of Food Sanitation (journ.) Proc Osaka Prefect Inst Public Health Ed Ind Health e: Proceedings. Osaka Prefecture Institute of Public Health. Edition of Industrial Health (journ.) Proc Osaka Prefect Inst Public Health Ed Ment Health e: Proceedings. Osaka Prefecture Institute of Public Health. Edition of Mental Health (journ.) Proc Osaka Prefect Inst Public Health Ed Pharm Aff e: Proceedings. Osaka Prefecture Institute of Public Health. Edition of Pharmaceutical Affairs (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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Proc Osaka Prefect Inst Public Health Ed Public Health e: Proceedings. Osaka Prefecture Institute of Public Health. Edition of Public Health (journ.) Proc Osaka Public Health Inst e: Proceedings. Osaka Public Health Institute (joum.) PROCOTIP e: Promotion Cooperative du Transport Individuel Publique Proc PA Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Pennsylvania Academy of Science (joum.) Proc Pac Chem Eng Congr e: Proceedings. Pacific Chemical Engineering Congress (journ.) Proc Pac Coast Gas Ass e: Proceedings. Pacific Coast Gas Association, Inc. (journ.) Proc Pac Northwest Fert Conf e: Proceedings. Pacific Northwest Fertilizer Conference (journ.) Proc Pac Northwest Ind Waste Conf e: Proceedings. Pacific Northwest Industrial Waste Conference (journ.) Proc Pac Sci Congr e: Proceedings. Pacific Science Congress (journ.) Proc PA Ger Soc e: Proceedings and Addresses. Pennsylvania-German Society (journ.) Proc Pak Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Pakistan Academy of Sciences (journ.) Proc Pakistan Statist Assoc e: Proceedings. Pakistan Statistical Association (journ.) Proc Pak[ist] Sci Conf e: Proceedings. Pakistan Science Conference (journ.) Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Control Assoc e: Proceedings and Papers. Annual Conference. California Mosquito Control Association (journ.) Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc e: Proceedings and Papers. Annual Conference. California Mosquito and Vector Control Association (joum.) Proc Pap Graphic Arts Conf e: Proceedings and Papers. Graphic Arts Conference (journ.) Proc Pap Int Union Conserv Nature Nat Resour e: Proceedings and Papers. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (journ.) Proc Path Soc Phila e: Proceedings. Pathological Society of Philadelphia (journ.) Proc Paving Conf e: Proceedings. Paving Conference (journ.) Proc Penn Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Pennsylvania Academy of Science (journ.) Proc Peoria Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Peoria Academy of Science (journ.) Proc Pharm Soc Egypt e: Proceedings. Pharmaceutical Society of Egypt (journ.) Proc Phil As e: Proceedings. American Philological Association (journ.) Proc Phil Educ Soc Austl e: Proceedings. Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (joum.) Proc Phil Educ Soc GB e: Proceedings. Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (journ.) Proc Phil Soc e: Proceedings. American Philosophical Society (journ.) Proc Phys Math Soc Jpn e: Proceedings. Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan (journ.) Proc Phys Semin Trondheim e: Proceedings. Physics Seminar in Trondheim (journ.)


Proc Phys Soc Proc Phys Soc e: Proceedings. Physics Society (journ.) Proc Phys Soc Edinb e: Proceedings. Physical Society of Edinburgh (journ.) Proc Phys Soc Jpn e: Proceedings. Physical Society of Japan (journ.) Proc Phys Soc Lond[on] [Sect A] e: Proceedings. Physical Society of London. [Section A] (journ.) Proc Phys Soc London Sect B e: Proceedings. Physical Society of London. Section B (journ.) Proc Phytochem Soc e: Proceedings. Phytochemical Society (joum.) Proc Plant Growth Regul Work Group e: Proceedings. Plant Growth Regulator Working Group (journ.) Proc Plant Propagators' Soc e: Proceedings. Plant Propagators. Society (journ.) Proc PN Lebedev Phys Inst [Acad Sci USSR] e: Proceedings. P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute. [Academy of Sciences of the USSR] (journ.) Proc Porcelain Enamel Inst Tech Forum e: Proceedings. Porcelain Enamel Institute. Technical Forum (joum.) Proc Power Plant Dyn Control Test Symp e: Proceedings. Power Plant Dynamics. Control and Testing Symposium (journ.) Proc Pr[ac] e: Proctor's Practice (journ.) Proc P[rehist] S[oc] e: Proceedings. Prehistoric Society (journ.) Proc Prod Liability Prev Conf e: Proceedings. Product Liability Prevention Conference (journ.) Proc Public Health Eng Conf e: Proceedings. Public Health Engineering Conference (journ.) Proc QD Soc Sug Cane Tech e: Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. Proceedings (journ.) Proc Q[ueensl][D] Soc Sug[ar] Cane Technol e: Proceedings. Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (journ.) Proc Radio Club Am e: Proceedings. Radio Club of America (joum.) Proc Radioisot Soc Philipp e: Proceedings. Radioisotope Society of the Philippines (journ.) Proc R Agric Hort Soc S Aust e: Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia Proceedings (journ.) Proc Rajasthan Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Rajasthan Academy of Sciences (journ.) procrast[s] e: procrastinator[s] Proc R Aust Chem Inst e: Proceedings. Royal Australian Chemical Institute (joum.) Proc R Can Inst e: Proceedings. Royal Canadian Institute (journ.) Proc 3rd Int Conf Peaceful Uses Atom Energy e: Proceedings. Third International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (journ.) Proc Refln Dep Am Pet Inst e: Proceedings. Refining Department. American Petroleum Institute (journ.) Proc Reg Conf Int Potash Inst e: Proceedings. Regional Conferene. International Potash Institute (journ.) Proc Relay Conf e: Proceedings. Relay Conference (journ.) Proc Reliab Maint Conf e: Proceedings. Reliability and Maintainability Conference (journ.)

Proc Remote Syst Technol Div ANS e: Proceedings. Remote Systems Technology Division of the American Nuclear Society (joum.) Proc Rencontre Moriond e: Proceedings. Rencontre de Moriond (joum.) Proc R Entomol Soc Lond Ser A Gen Entomol e: Proceedings. Royal Entomological Society of London. Series A. General Entomology (joum.) Proc R Entomol Soc Lond Ser B Taxon e: Proceedings. Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B. Taxonomy (joum.) Proc R Ent Soc e: Proceedings. Royal Entomological Society (joum.) Proc R Ent Soc Lond A e: Proceedings. Royal Entomological Society of London. A (joum.) Proc Rep Belfast Nat Hist Philos Soc e: Proceedings and Reports. Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society (joum.) Proc Rep S Seedmen's Ass e: Proceedings and Reports. Southern Seedmens Association (joum.) Proc Res Conf Res Counc Am Meat Inst Found Univ Chicago e: Proceedings. Research Conference Sponsored by the Research Council of the American Meat Institute Foundation. University Proc Res Inst Atmos Nagoya Univ e: Proceedings. Research Institute of Atmospherics. Nagoya University (joum.) Proc Res Inst Nucl Med Biol e: Proceedings. Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Biology (joum.) Proc Res Inst Nucl Med Biol Hiroshima Univ e: Proceedings. Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Biology. Hiroshima University (joum.) Proc Res Inst Oceanogr Fish [Varna] e: Proceedings. Research Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries [Varna] (joum.) Proc Res Inst Pomol [Skiemiewice Pol] Ser E Conf Symp e: Proceedings. Research Institute of Pomology [Skiemiewice Poland], Series E. Conferences and Symposia (joum.) Proc Res Soc J[a]p[n] Sugar Refin[eries] Technol e: Proceedings. Research Society of Japan Sugar Refineries' Technologists (joum.) Proc R Geog[r] Soc Australas S[outh] Aust Br[anch] e: Proceedings. Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. South Australian Branch (journ.) Proc R Hortic Soc e: Proceedings. Royal Horticulture Society (joum.) Proc R Inst[n] G[t]B[r] e: Proceedings. Royal Institution of Great Britain (joum.) Proc Rio Grande Val Hortic Inst e: Proceedings. Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Institute (joum.) Proc R Ir[ish] Acad [Sect A] e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy. [Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical and Physical Science] (joum.) Proc R Ir[ish] Acad Sect B [Biol Geol Chem Sci] e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy. Section B. Biological, Geological and Chemical Science (joum.) Proc R Microsc Soc e: Proceedings. Royal Microscopical Society (joum.) Proc RNS e: Proceedings. Royal Numismatic Society (joum.)


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Proc Robert A Welch Found Conf Chem Res e: Proceedings. Robert A. Welch Foundation. Conferences on Chemical Research (journ.) Proc Rochester Acad Sci e: Proceedings. Rochester Academy of Science (journ.) Proc Rocky Mt Coal Min Inst e: Proceedings. Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute (journ.) Proc Royal Aust Chem Inst e: Proceedings. Royal Australian Chemical Institute (journ.) Proc Royal Irish Acad e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy (journ.) Proc Royal M Assoc e: Proceedings. Royal Musical Association (joum.) Proc Royal Soc Canad e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Canada (journ.) Proc Royal Soc London Ser[ies] A e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (journ.) Proc Roy Anthropol Inst Gr Brit Ir e: Proceedings. Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (journ.) Proc Roy Anthtropol Inst e: Proceedings. Royal Anthropological Institute (journ.) Proc Roy Aust Chem Inst e: Proceedings. Royal Australian Chemical Institute (joum.) Proc Roy Entomol Soc Lond [C] e: Proceedings. Royal Entomological Society of London. [Series C. Journal of Meetings] (journ.) Proc Roy Entomol Soc London Ser A e: Proceedings. Royal Entomological Society of London. Series A (journ.) Proc Roy Geog Soc Austral e: Proceedings Royal Geographical Society of Australia. South Australian Branch (journ.) Proc Roy Inst [Gr Brit] e: Proceedings. Royal Institution of Great Britain (joum.) Proc Roy Ir[ish] Acad [B C] e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy. [Series B and C] (journ.) Proc Roy Irish Acad Sect A e: Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy. Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical and Physical Science (journ.) Proc Roy Phys Soc Edinb e: Proceedings. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh (joum.) Proc Roy Soc e: Proceedings of the Royal Society (journ.) Proc Roy Soc B e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences (journ.) Proc Roy Soc Can[ada] [4] e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Canada. [Fourth Series] (journ.) Proc Roy Soc Edinb [B] e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Section B. Biological Sciences] (journ.) Proc Roy Soc Edinburgh Sect A e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (joum.) Proc Roy Soc London [S B] e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London.[ Series B. Biological Sciences] (journ.) Proc. Roy. Soc. [London], Ser. e: Proceedings of the Royal Society [London], Series A [or Series B] (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Proc Somerset Arch Natur Hist Soc Proc Roy Soc London Ser A e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (journ.) Proc Roy Soc Med e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Medicine (journ.) Proc Roy Soc Q[l]d e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Queensland (journ.) Proc Roy Soc Ser A e: Proceedings. Royal Society. Series A (journ.) Proc Roy Soc Vic[t] e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Victoria (journ.) Proc Roy Zool Soc NSW e: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. Proceedings (journ.) Proc R Philos Soc Glasgow e: Proceedings. Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow (journ.) Proc R Physiogr Soc Lund e: Proceedings. Royal Physiograph Society at Lund (journ.) Proc R Phys Soc Edinb e: Proceedings. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh (journ.) Proc R Soc A e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (journ.) Proc R Soc B e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences (journ.) Proc R Soc Can e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Canada (journ.) Proc R Soc Edinburgh e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh (journ.) Proc R Soc Edinburgh] Sect A [Math Phys Sci] e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (journ.) Proc R Soc Edinburgh] [Sect B] Biol Sci e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Biological Science (journ.) Proc R Soc Edinb [Sect B] Biol e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Biology (joum.) Proc R Soc Edinburgh] [Sect B] Nat Environ e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Natural Environment (journ.) Proc R Soc Lond [B Biol Sci] e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences (journ.) Proc R Soc London e: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Proc R Soc London [Ser] A e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (journ.) Proc R Soc Med e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Medicine (journ.) Proc R Soc Med Suppl e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Medicine. Supplement (journ.) Proc R Soc NZ e: Proceedings. Royal Society of New Zealand (journ.) Proc R Soc Q[ueensl][D] e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Queensland (journ.) Proc R Soc Victoria] e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Victoria (journ.) Proc Ruakura Farmers Conf [Week] e: Proceedings. Ruakura Farmers Conference [Week] (journ.) Proc Rudolf Virchow Med Society NY e: Proceedings. Rudolf Virchow Medical Society in the City of New York (journ.) Proc R Zool Soc NSW e: Proceedings. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales (journ.)

Procs. e: Proceedings Proc S Afr Soc Anim Proc e: Proceedings. South African Society of Animal Production (journ.) Proc S Afr Sugar Technol Assoc Annu Congr e: Proceedings. South African Sugar Technologists Association. Annual Congress (journ.) Proc San Diego Biomed Symp e: Proceedings. San Diego Biomedical Symposium (journ.) Proc SA Scot e: Proceedings. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (journ.) Proc S Aust Brch R Geogr Soc Australas e: Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. South Australian Branch. Proceedings (journ.) PROCSCAN e: Procedure Library Scanning Proc SC Hist Assn e: Proceedings. South Carolina Historical Association (journ.) Proc Sci Assoc Nigeria e: Proceedings. Science Association of Nigeria (journ.) Proc Sci Inst Kinki Univ e: Proceedings. Science Institution. Kinki University (journ.) Proc Sci Sect Toilet Goods Assoc e: Proceedings. Scientific Section of the Toilet Goods Association (journ.) Proc Sci Soc Univ Adel e: Proceedings. Scientific Society. University of Adelaide (journ.) Proc Scotts Turfgrass Res Conf e: Proceedings. Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference (journ.) PROCSD e: Processed Proc S D[ak] Acad Sci e: Proceedings. South Dakota Academy of Science (journ.) Proc Sea Grant Conf e: Proceedings. Sea Grant Conference (journ.) Proc Sec Int Symp Vet Epidemiol Econ e: Proceedings. Second International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (joum.) Proc Second Malays Soil Conf [Kuala Lumpur] e: Proceedings. Second Malaysian Soil Conference [Kuala Lumpur] (journ.) Proc Sect Sci Is Acad Sci Humanit e: Proceedings. Section of Sciences. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (journ.) Proc Sect Sci K Ned Akad Wet e. Proceedings. Section of Sciences. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (journ.) Proc Seed Protein Conf e: Proceedings. Seed Protein Conference (journ.) Proc Semin Biomass Energy City Farm Ind e: Proceedings. Seminar on Biomass Energy for City, Farm and Industry (journ.) PROCSEQ e: Processing Sequence Proc Ser Am Water Resour Assoc e: Proceedings Series. American Water Resources Association (journ.) Proc Serono Clin Colloq Reprod e: Proceedings. Serono Clinical Colloquia on Reproduction (journ.) Proc Serono Symp e: Proceedings. Serono Symposia (journ.) Proc SES A e: Proceedings. Society for Experimental Stress Analysis (joum.) Proc Shikoku Br Crop Sci Soc [Jap] e: Proceedings. Shikoku Branch of Crop Science Society [Japan] (journ.) Proc SID e: Proceedings. SID [Society for Information Display] (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Proc Sigatoka Workshop e: Proceedings. Sigatoka Workshop (joum.) Proc Silvic Conf e: Proceedings. Silviculture Conference (journ.) PROCSIM [Language] e: Processor Simulation [Language] Proc SJCC e: Proceeding of the Spring Joint Computer Conference (journ.) Proc Soc Agric Bacteriol e: Proceedings. Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists (journ.) Proc Soc Am For e: Proceedings. Society of American Foresters (journ.) Proc Soc Anal Chem e: Proceedings. Society for Analytical Chemistry (journ.) Proc Soc Antiq Scot e: Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry (journ.) Proc Soc Antiq Scotland] e: Proceedings. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (journ.) Proc Soc Appl Bact[eriol] e: Proceedings. Society for Applied Bacteriology (journ.) Proc Soc Biol Chem [India] e: Proceedings. Society of Biological Chemists [of India] (journ.) Proc Soc Can e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Canada (journ.) Proc Soc Chem Ind [Victoria] e: Proceedings. Society of Chemical Industry [Victoria] (journ.) Proc Soc Exp Biol [NY] e: Proceedings. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine [New York] (journ.) Proc Soc Exp[er] Biol Med e: Proceedings. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (journ.) Proc Soc Exp Stress Analysis] e: Proceedings. Society for Experimental Stress Analysis (journ.) Proc Soc Ind Microbiol e: Proceedings. Society for Industrial Microbiology (journ.) Proc Soc Inf Disp e: Proceedings. Society for Information Display (journ.) Proc Soc Lond e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London (journ.) Proc Soc Med e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Medicine (journ.) Proc Soc Photo Opt Instrum Eng e: Proceedings. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (joum.) Proc Soc Promet Agric Sci e: Proceedings. Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science (journ.) Proc Soc Protozool e: Proceedings. Society of Protozoologists (journ.) Proc Soc Relay Eng e: Proceedings. Society of Relay Engineers (journ.) Proc Soc Study Fertil e: Proceedings. Society for the Study of Fertility (journ.) Proc Soc Study Ind Med e: Proceedings. Society for the Study of Industrial Medicine (joum.) Proc Soc Vict e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Victoria (journ.) Proc Soc Water Treat Exam e: Proceedings. Society for Water Treatment and Examination (journ.) Proc Soil Crop Sci Soc Fla e: Proceedings. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida (journ.) Proc Soil Sci Soc Am[er] e: Proceedings. Soil Science Society of America (journ.) Proc Soil Sci Soc Fla e: Proceedings. Soil Science Society of Florida (journ.) Proc Somerset Arch Natur Hist Soc e: Proceedings. Somerset Archaeology and Natural History Society (joum.) 49

Proc South A f r Electron Microsc Soc Verrigtings Proc South Afr Electron Microsc Soc Verrigtings e: Proceedings. Southern African Electron Microscopy SocietyVerrigtings (journ.) Proc South Conf For Tree Improv e: Proceedings. Southern Conference on Forest Tree Improvement (journ.) Proc Southeast Asian Reg Semin Trop Med Public Health e: Proceedings. Southeast Asian Regional Seminar on Tropical Medicine and Public Health (journ.) Proc Southeastcon Reg 3 [Three] Conf e: Proceedings. Southeastcon Region 3 [Three] Conference (journ.) Proc Southeast Pecan Grow Assoc e: Proceedings. Southeastern Pecan Growers Association (journ.) Proc South For Tree Improv Conf e: Proceedings. Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (journ.) Proc South Lond Entom and Nat Hist Soc e: Proceedings. South London Entomological and Natural History Society (journ.) Proc South Munic Ind Waste Conf e: Proceedings. Southern Municipal and Industrial Waste Conference (journ.) Proc South Pasture Forage Crop Improv Conf e: Proceedings. Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference (journ.) Proc South Wales Inst Eng e: Proceedings. South Wales Institute of Engineers (journ.) Proc South Water Resour Pollut Control Conf e: Proceedings. Southern Water Resources and Pollution Control Conference (journ.) Proc South Weed Conf e: Proceedings. Southern Weed Conference (journ.) Proc South Weed Sci Soc e: Proceedings. Southern Weed Science Society (journ.) Proc Southwest Agr Trade Farm Policy Conf e: Proceedings. Southwestern Agricultural Trade Farm Policy Conference (journ.) Proc SPE Symp Improv Oil Recovery e: Proceedings. Society of Petroleum Engineers. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, (journ.) Proc SPI Annu Struct Foam Conf e: Proceedings. SPI [Society of the Plastics Industry] Annual Structural Foam Conference (journ.) Proc SPI Struct Foam Conf e: Proceedings. SPI [Society of the Plastics Industry] Structural Foam Conference (journ.) Proc Sprinkler Irrig Assoc Tech Conf e: Proceedings. Sprinkler Irrigation Association. Technical Conference (journ.) Proc SSSA e: Proceedings. Soil Science Society of America (journ.) Proc St e: Process Studies (journ.) Proc Staff Meetings] Mayo Clin e: Proceedings. Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic (journ.) Proc Staffs Iron Steel Inst e: Proceedings. Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute (journ.) Proc State Coll Wash Inst Dairy e: Proceedings. State College of Washington. Institute of Dairying (journ.) Proc State Horti Assoc PA e: Proceedings. State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania (journ.)

Proc State Seer Manage Conf Am Dent Assoc e: Proceedings. State Secretaries Management Conference. American Dental Association (journ.) Proc Steel Treat Res Soc e: Proceedings. Steel Treating Research Society (journ.) Proc Steklov Inst Math e: Proceedings. Steklov Institute of Mathematics (journ.) PROCSTEP e: Procedure Step Proc Sth Conf For Tree Impr e: Proceedings. Southern Conference on Forest Tree Improvement (joum.) Proc Sth Weed Control Conf e: Proceedings. Southern Weed Control Conference (journ.) Proc Sth Weed Sci Soc e: Proceedings. Southern Weed Science Society (journ.) Proc Stream Workshop e: Proceedings. Streams Workshop (journ.) Proc Study Fauna Flora USSR Sect Bot e: Proceedings on the Study of the Fauna and Flora of the USSR. Section of Botany (journ.) Proc 1st Vic Weed Conf e: Proceedings. First Victorian Weed Conference (journ.) Proc Suff[oIk] Inst A[rch] e: Proceedings. Suffolk Institute of Archaeology (joum.) Proc Suffolk Inst Archaeol Hist e: Proceedings. Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History (journ.) Proc Sugar Beet Res Assoc e: Proceedings. Sugar Beet Research Association (journ.) Proc Sugar Process Res Conf e: Proceedings. Sugar Processing Research Conference (journ.) Proc Summer Comput Simul Conf e: Proceedings. Summer Computer Simulation Conference (journ.) Proc Summer Conf Spectrosc Its Appl e: Proceedings. Summer Conference on Spectroscopy and Its Application (journ.) Proc Summer Inst Part Phys e: Proceedings. Summer Institute on Particle Physics (joum.) Proc S Wales Inst Eng e: Proceedings. South Wales Institute of Engineers (journ.) PROCSY e: Purdue Remote Online Console System Proc Symp Appl Math e: Proceedings. Symposia in Applied Mathematics (journ.) Proc Symp Biol Skin e: Proceedings. Symposium on the Biology of Skin (journ.) Proc Symp Chem Data Append R Aust Chem Inst e: Proceedings. Symposium on Chemical Data. Royal Australian Chemical Institute (journ.) Proc Symp Chem Physiol Pathol e: Proceedings. Symposium on Chemical Physiology and Pathology (joum.) Proc Symp Effects Ionizing Radiat Seed Signific Crop Impr e: Proceedings. Symposium on the Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Seeds and Their Significance for Crop Improvement (joum.) Proc Symp Eng Probl Fusion Res e: Proceedings. Symposium on Engineering Problems of Fusion Research (joum.) Proc Symp Explos Pyrotech e: Proceedings. Symposium on Explosives and Pyrotechnics (journ.) Proc Symp Fertil Indian Soils e: Proceedings. Symposium on Fertility of Indian Soils (joum.)


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Proc Symp Isotop Plant Nutr Physiol [Vienna Austria] e: Proceedings. Symposium on Isotopes in Plant Nutrition and Physiology [Vienna, Austria] (journ.) Proc Sympos Appl Math e: Proceedings. Symposia in Applied Mathematics (journ.) Proc Sympos Pure Math e: Proceedings. Symposia in Pure Mathematics (journ.) Proc Symp Particleboard e: Proceedings. Symposium on Particleboard (journ.) Proc Symp Photogr Sensitivity e: Proceedings. Symposium on Photographic Sensitivity (journ.) Proc Symp Rock Mech e: Proceedings. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (journ.) Proc Symp Soc Study Inborn Errors Metab e: Proceedings. Symposium. Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (journ.) Proc Symp Turbul Liq e: Proceedings. Symposium on Turbulence in Liquids (joum.) Proc Symp Use Isotop Weed Res e: Proceedings. Symposium on the Use of Isotopes in Weed Research [Vienna, Austria] (journ.) Proc Symp Use Radioisotop Soil Plant Nutr Stud e: Proceedings Symposium on the Use of Radioisotopes in Soil-Plant Nutrition Studies (joum.) Proc Symp Waste Manage e: Proceedings. Symposium on Waste Management (joum.) Proc Synth Pipeline Gas Symp e: Proceedings. Synthetic Pipeline Gas Symposium (joum.) P R O C T e: Proctology Proct. e: Proctologist - e: Proctology Proc Tall Timbers Conf Ecol Anim Control Habitat Manage e: Proceedings. Tall Timbers Conference on Ecological Animal Control by Habitat Management (joum.) Proc Tall Timbers Fire Ecol Conf e: Proceedings. Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference (journ.) Proc Tech Conf Soc Vac Coaters e: Proceedings. Technical Conference. Society of Vacuum Coaters (journ.) Proc Tech Groups NZ Inst Eng e: Proceedings of Technical Groups. New Zealand Institution of Engineers (journ.) Proc Tech Mtg Int Union Conserv Nature e: Proceedings. Technical Meeting. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (journ.) Proc Tech Program Electro-Opt Laser Conf Exp e: Proceedings. Technical Program. Electro-Optics/Laser Conference and Exposition (journ.) Proc Tech Program Natl Electron Packag Prod Conf e: Proceedings. Technical Program. National Electronic Packaging and Production Conference (journ.) Proc Tech Sess Cane Sugar Refin Res e: Proceedings. Technical Session on Cane Sugar Refining Research (journ.) Proc Tex Conf Comput Syst e: Proceedings. Texas Conference on Computing Systems (joum.) Proc Tex Nutr Conf e: Proceedings. Texas Nutrition Conference (journ.) Proc Tex Water Sewage Works Short Sch e: Proceedings. Texas Water and Sewage Works Short School (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PRODAC Proc Tex Water Util Short Sch e: Proceedings. Texas Water Utilities Short School (journ.) Proc Therm Power Conf e: Proceedings. Thermal Power Conference (journ.) PROCTO e: Proctocolitis - e: Proctocolonoscopy - e: Proctologist - e: Proctology - e: Proctoplegia - e: Proctoscopy - e: Proctosigmoidectomy - e: Proctosigmoidoscopy PROCTOR e: Priority Routine [or Routing] Organizer for Computer Transfers and Operations of Registers PROCTOT e: Priority Routine Organizer for Computer Transfers and Operation[s] [and] Transfers Proc Trans Br Entomol Nat Hist Soc e: Proceedings and Transactions. British Entomological and Natural History Society (journ.) Proc Trans Croydon Natur Hist Sci Soc e: Proceedings and Transactions. Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society (journ.) Proc Trans Liverp Biol Soc e: Proceedings and Transactions. Liverpool Biological Society (journ.) Proc Trans Rhod Sci Assoc e: Proceedings and Transactions. Rhodesia Scientific Association (journ.) Proc Trans R Soc Can e: Proceedings and Transactions. Royal Society of Canada (journ.) Proc Tree Wardens Arborists Util Conf e: Proceedings. Tree Wardens, Arborists and Utilities Conference (journ.) Proc Tr[udy] PN Lebedev Phys Inst e: Proceedings [Trudy]. P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute (journ.) ProCTS e: Proceedings. College Theology Society (journ.) Proc Tub Res Coun e: Proceedings. Tuberculosis Research Council (journ.) Proc Turbomachinery Symp e: Proceedings. Turbomachinery Symposium (journ.) Proc Turfgrass Sprinkler Irrig Conf e: Proceedings. Turfgrass Sprinkler Irrigation Conference (journ.) Proc U e: Processing Unit Proc UNESCO Conf Radioisot Sci Res e: Proceedings. UNESCO Conference on Radioisotopes in Scientific Research (journ.) Proc Univ Bristol Spelaeol Soc e: Proceedings. University of Bristol Spelaeological Society (journ.) Proc Univ Durham Phil Soc e: Proceedings. University of Durham. Philosophical Society (journ.) Proc Univ MD Nutr Conf Feed Mfr e: Proceedings. University of Maryland. Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers (journ.) Proc Univ MO Annu Conf Trace Subst Environ Health e: Proceedings. University of Missouri. Annual Conference on Trace Substances in Environmental Health (journ.) Proc Univ Newcastle Upon Tyne Philos Soc e: Proceedings. University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Philosophical Society (journ.)

Proc Univ Otago Med Sch e: Proceedings. University of Otago Medical School (joum.) PROCUP e: Paper Roll Cutting Program[me] Proc USAID Ghana Agr Conf e: Proceedings. USAID [United States Agency for International Development].Ghana Agriculture Conference (journ.) Proc US Nat[l] Mus e: Proceedings. United States National Museum (journ.) Proc Ussher Soc e: Proceedings. Ussher Society (joum.) Proc Utah Acad Sci [Arts Lett] e: Proceedings. Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters (journ.) PROCVAL e: Validation Procedures Library Proc Vertebr Pest Conf e: Proceedings. Vertebrate Pest Conference (journ.) Proc Veterans Adm Spinal Cord Inj Conf e: Proceedings. Veterans Administration Spinal Cord Injury Conference (journ.) Proc Vib Probl e: Proceedings of Vibration Problems (journ.) Proc VIC Weeds Conf e: Proceedings. Victorian Weeds Science Society (joum.) Proc Virchow-Pirquet Med Soc e: Proceedings. Virchow-Pirquet Medical Society (joum.) Proc Virgil Soc e: Proceedings. Virgil Society (joum.) Proc Vol Bakish Mater Corp Publ e: Proceedings Volume. Bakish Materials Corporation. Publication (journ.) Proc WA Instn Eng e: Proceedings. Western Australian Institution of Engineers (joum.) Proc Wash Anim Nutr Conf e: Proceedings. Washington Animal Nutrition Conference (joum.) Proc Wash State Entomol Soc e: Proceedings. Washington State Entomological Society (joum.) Proc Wash State Univ Int Particleboard/ Compos Mater Ser e: Proceedings. Washington State University International Particleboard/Composite Materials Series (joum.) Proc Wash State Univ Int Symp Particleboard e: Proceedings. Washington State University International Symposium on Particleboard (joum.) Proc Wash State Univ Symp Particleboard e: Proceedings. Washington State University Symposium on Particleboard (joum.) Proc Wash St Ent Soc e: Proceedings. Washington State Entomological Society (joum.) Proc Wash St Hort Ass e: Proceedings. Washington State Horticultural Association (joum.) Proc Weed Soc NSW e: Proceedings. Weed Society of New South Wales (journ.) Proc West Can Weed Control Conf e: Proceedings. Western Canadian Weed Control Conference (joum.) Proc West Chapter Int Shade Tree Conf e: Proceedings. Western Chapter. International Shade Tree Conference (joum.) Proc West Eur Conf Photosyn e: Proceedings. Western Europe Conference on Photosynthesis (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • 0 • Saur. Munich

Proc West For Conserv Ass e: Proceedings Western Forestry Conference. Western Forestry and Conservation Association (journ.) Proc West Found Vertebr Zool e: Proceedings. Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (joum.) Proc West Pharmacol Soc e: Proceedings. Western Pharmacology Society (joum.) Proc West Poult Dis Conf [Poult Health Symp] e: Proceedings. Western Poultry Disease Conference [and Poultry Health Symposia] (journ.) Proc West Snow Conf e: Proceedings. Western Snow Conference (journ.) Proc West Soc Weed Sci e: Proceedings. Western Society of Weed Science (journ.) Proc West Virginia Acad Sci e: Proceedings. West Virginia Academy of Science (joum.) Proc Wis Hist Soc e: Proceedings. Wisconsin State Historical Society (journ.) Proc Wkly Semin Neurol e: Proceedings. Weekly Seminar in Neurology (joum.) Proc Wld For Congr e: Proceedings. World Forestry Congress (joum.) Proc Wld Orchid Conf e: Proceedings. World Orchid Conference (journ.) Proc Wood Pole Inst Colo State Univ e: Proceedings. Wood Pole Institute. Colorado State University (journ.) Proc World Congr Agr Res e: Proceedings. World Congress of Agricultural Research (journ.) Proc World Congr Fertil Steril e: Proceedings. World Congress on Fertility and Sterility (joum.) Proc World Congr Gastroenterol e: Proceedings. World Congress of Gastroenterology (joum.) Proc World For Congr e: Proceedings. World Forestry Congress (journ.) Proc World Pet Congr e: Proceedings. World Petroleum Congress (joum.) Proc World Poultry Congr e: Proceedings. World Poultry Congress (joum.) Proc W Va Acad Sci e: Proceedings. West Virginia Academy of Science (joum.) Proc Yorksfhire] Geol Soc e: Proceedings. Yorkshire Geological Society (journ.) Proc Zool Soc [Calcutta] e: Proceedings. Zoological Society [Calcutta] (journ.) Proc Zool Soc Lond e: Proceedings. Zoological Society of London (joum.) PROD d: Produkte] - d: Produktion - d: Produktivität - d: Produzent - e: Office of Production - e: Photographic Retrieval from Optical Disk - e: Preferred Orientation and Displacement [system] - e: Prisoner Rehabilitation on Discharge (journ.) - e: Produce[r] - e: Production] - e: Professional Drivers Council for Safety and Health - e: Professional Over-the-Road Drivers - e: Program[me] for Orbit Development prod, d: produktiv - d: produzieren PRODAC e: Production Advisers Consortium - e: Programmed Digital Automatic Control


Prod Aggregates GB Prod Liab Rep e: Product Liability Reporter (journ.) Prod Liab Rep CCH e: Product Liability Reporter. Commerce Clearing House (journ.) Prod Manage e: Production Management (journ.) Prod Marketing] e: Product Marketing (journ.) Prod Miner Serv Fom Prod Miner Avulso p:Produçâo Mineral Servira de Fomento da Produçâo Mineral. Avulso (journ.) Prod Miner Serv Fom Prod Miner Bol p: Produçâo Mineral Servico de Fomento da Produçâo Minerai. Boletim (journ.) Prod Mkt[g] e: Product Marketing (journ.) Prod Mon e: Producers Monthly (journ.) Prodn e: Production Prodn Engnr e: Production Engineer (journ.)

Prod Aggregates GB e: Production of Aggregates in Great Britain (journ.) Prod Agric Fr f: Producteur Agricole Francais (journ.) PRODAN e: Propionyl[dimethylamino]naphthalene Prod and Inventory Manage e: Production and Inventory Management (journ.) Prod Anim i: Produzione Animale (journ.) Prod.-Arb.-Std. d: Produktionsarbeiterstunde[n] PRODAROM f: Syndicat National des Fabricants de Produits Aromatiques PRODASE e: Protein Database PRODASEN s: Centro de Processamento de Dados do Senado PRODASTE d: Programm für die Datenanalyse Statistischer Erhebungen PRODAT-System d: ProzeßdatenErfassungs- und Auswertesystem Prod.-Ausf. d: Produktionsausfall Prod Aust e: Productivity Australia (journ.) PRODC e: Production Command PROD Code e: Product Code ProdE d: Produkteinheit PRODECOR s: Programa de Desenvolvimento do Comunitatos Ruralos PRODEGA s: Programa de Desarrollo Ganadero PRODEHA n: Protestants-Christelijke Bond van Detailisten in luxe en Huishoudellijke Artikelen Proden s: Proyecto de Desarrollo Nacional PRODEN s: Proyecto para el Desarrollo Nacional PRODENG e: Product Engineering Prod Eng [Cleveland] e: Production Engineering [Cleveland] (journ.) Prod Eng [Lond] e: Production Engineer [London] (journ.) Prod Engng e: Production Engineering (journ.) Prod Engr e: Production Engineer (journ.) PRODEPEF s: Poijeto de Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa Florestal PRODES s: Productores de Semillas, S.A. Pr Odes Gidrometeorol Inst R: Pratsi Odes'kogo Gidrometeorologichnogo Institutu (journ.) Prod Finish [Cincinnati] e: Products Finishing [Cincinnati] (journ.) Prod Finish [Lond] e: Product Finishing [London] (journ.) PRODFINA f; Protection et Defense de la Nature PrO DFt d: Prüfungsordnung für den höheren fernmeldetechnischen Dienst Prod G Am J e: Producers Guild of America. Journal (journ.) ProdHaftG d: Produkthaftungsgesetz PRODIA d: Produktionsdiagramm Prod Invent Manage e: Production and Inventory Management (journ.) PRODIP e: Program[me] Distribution Program[me] PRODISCO e: Producers Distributing Corporation PRODISEGES f: Syndicat Professionnel des Producteurs d'Energie et des Services Fublics Autonomes Prod.-Kap. d: Produktionskapazitäten] Prod Lait Mod f: Production Laitière Moderne (journ.) Prod Liability] Int['l] e: Product Liability International (journ.)

Prod Rev e: Producers Review (journ.) Prod[s] e: [Irish-Catholic English-] Protestants] Prod Safety&Liab Rep [BNA] e: Product Safety and Liability Reporter. [Bureau of National Affairs] (journ.) Prod.-St. d: Produktionssteigerung Prod Technol e: Productivity and Technology (journ.) Prod Tech [Osaka] e: Production and Technique [Osaka] (journ.) Prod Tech [Suita] e: Production and Technique [Suita] (journ.) Produc. e: produce - e: production Producción Anim s: Producción Animal (journ.) Produce e: Production Distribution Using Component Evaluation Producers R[ev] e: Producers' Review (joum.) Product Eng e: Product Engineering (joum.) Product et Gestion f: Production et Gestion (joum.)


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Prodn J e: Production Journal (journ.) PRODOC e: Procedure Documentation PRODOK e: Programmpaket für projektbegleitende Dokumentation PRODON e: Production PRO DOS e: Pro Dose Prod Pharm f: Produits Pharmaceutiques (journ.) Prod.-Plan d: Produktionsplan Prod Probi Pharm f: Produits et Problèmes Pharmaceutiques (journ.) Prod Prod Bull Natl Coal Board Min Dep e: Production and Productivity Bulletin. National Coal Board. Mining Department (journ.) Prod Proj Trends Bldg e: Products, Projects and Trends in Building (journ.) Prod Pubi Assoc Off Seed Certifying Agencies e: Production Publication. Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (journ.) Prod Pubi Int Crop Impr Ass e: Production Publication. International Crop Improvement Association (journ.) PRODR e: Producer Prod Res Rep US Dep Agric [Sci Educ Adm] e: Production Research Report. United States Department of Agriculture. [Science and Education Administration] (journ.)

Production e: Production Engineering (journ.) PRODUCTN e: Production Product Res Dev e: Product Research and Development (joum.) Produits Pharm f: Produits et Problèmes Pharmaceutiques (joum.) PRODUN d: Produktprogramm Telekom unterstützen PRODUTAS e: Proceed on Duty Assigned PRODVAL e: Product Validation Prod Veg Cereale Piante Teh s: Productia Vegetala. Cereale si Plante Tehnice (joum.) Prod Veg Mec Agric s: Productia Vegetala. Mecanizarea Agriculturii (journ.) Prod with Safety e: Production with Safety (journ.) Prod Yb FAO e: Production Yearbook FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization] (joum.) Prod.-Zeitr. d: Produktionszeitraum PROE e: Programme Regional Oceanien de l'Environnement Proefstn Akkerbouw Lelystad Versi Interprov Proeven n: Proefstation voor de Akkerbouw Lelystad. Verslagen van Interprovinciale Proeven (journ.) Proefstn Akkerbouw [Wageningen] Versi Interprov Proeven n: Proefstation voor de Akkerbouw [Wageningen]. Verslagen van Interprovinciale Proeven (journ.) Proektn Nauchno-Issled Inst Ural Promstroiniiproekt Tr R: Proektnyi i Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut "Ural'skii Promstroiniiproekt" Trudy (journ.) Pro Engr e: Professional Engineer (journ.) Pro Ex e: Protein Exchange PROEXPA s: Promotora Española de Exportadores Alimentarios PROEXPO s: Fondo de Promoción de Exportaciones PROF e: Parameter Profile - e: Peace Research Organization Fund - e: Personal Radio Operators Federation - e: Prediction and Optimization of Failure - e: Profanity - e: Professional] [Investors Insurance Group, Inc.] - e: Professional Office System - e: Professor - e: Profile - e: Programmable Operator Facility - e: Pupil Registering and Operational Filling Prof, d: Professor - d: Profil[ierung] - d: Profit - e: Profession prof, d: professionell - d: profilieren - d: profitieren - d: profitiert - e: professional - e: profundus PROfAC e: Propulsive fluid Accumulator PROFACTS e: Product Formulation, Accounting and Cost System Prof Admin e: Professional Administration (journ.) - e: Professional Administrator (journ.) Prof. Admin e: Professional Administration PROFAGTRANS e: Proceed by First Available Government Transportation Pro Fam Inf d: Pro Familia Informationen (journ.) PROFAN d: Programmsystem für Aufbauunterlagen

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Prog Biol Sci Relat Dermatol Pr of An e: Principality of Ansbach PROFAN e: Programmsystem Für Aufbauunterlagen PROFAT f: Projet des Francophones de l'Atl antique Prof Build e: Professional Builder (journ.) Prof Build[er &] Ap[ar]t[m] Bus e: Professional Builder and Apartment Business (journ.) Prof Camera e: Professional Camera (journ.) Prof Corp e: Proffatt on Private Corporations in California (journ.) Prof Corp Guide [P-H] e: Professional Corporation Guide [Prentice-Hall, Inc.] (journ.) PROFCRE e: Professional Care, Inc. PROFCY e: Profciency P r o f D s: Profesor Don Prof Dn* s: Profesora Dona Prof Eng [Pretoria] e: Professional Engineer [Pretoria] (journ.) Prof Eng [Wash DC] e: Professional Engineer [Washington, DC] (journ.) Professional] Eng[r] e: Professional Engineer (journ.) Profession Med i: Profession Medicale (journ.) Professions et Entr f: Professions et Entreprises (journ.) PROFESSL e: Professional Proff i: Professori PROFFIS e: Professional Filier System Prof Flashes e: Professional Flashes (journ.) Prof Geog[r] e: Professional Geographer (journ.) Prof Geologist e: Professional Geologist (journ.) PrO FHandw d: Prüfungsordnung für Fernmeldehandwerker PROFI d: Programmiersystem für Profilträger-Bohrmaschinen Profibus d: Feldbussystem in Industriesteuerungen PROFILE e: Programming language Profile e: Profiles (journ.) PROFILE e: Program Overview and File - e: Programmed Functional Indices for Laboratory Evaluation Profile Med Pract e: Profile of Medical Practice (journ.) PROFILES e: Personal Reflection on Family Life and Employment Stressors Profiles Hosp Mark e: Profiles in Hospital Marketing (journ.) ProfiLine d: Multifunktionale Telefone zur Sprach- und Datenübertragung Profils Econ Nord-Pas-De-Calais f: Profils de l'Economie Nord-Pas-De-Calais (journ.) PROFIM d: Profilvermessungssystem PROFINE e: Proximity Fuze Intercept and Analysis Equipment Prof Inferm i: Professioni Infermieristiche (journ.) Profintern e: Red international of Trade Unions PROFIS d: Programminformationssystem Sozial wissenschaften PROFISIAC s: Protección Fitosanitaria de Sinaloa A.C. PROFISS e: Professional Filter System

PROFIT e: Program for Financed [or Financial] Insurance Techniquefs] - e: Programmed Receiving [or Reviewing], Ordering and Forecasting Inventory Technique - e: Propulsion Flight Control Integration Technology - s: Projeto de Fruticultura Cetrevi PROFITS System e: Personalized Realtime-Oriented Financial Institutions Time Saving System Prof Jur e: Proffatt on Trial by Jury (journ.) Pr of L e: Prince of Liechtenstein - e: Principality of Liechtenstein PROFL e: Professional Prof Lib Pr e: Professional Library Press PROFINDEH s: Programa de Fortalecimiento Institucional y Desarrollo para el Sector Público Agrícola de Honduras PrOFLW d: Prüfortsfernleitungswähler PR of MAN e: [The] Prayer of Manasses, King ofJudah Prof Med Assist e: Professional Medical Assistant (journ.) Prof Not e: Proffatt on Notaries (journ.) Prof Nurse e: Professional Nurse (journ.) Prof Nurs Home e: Professional Nursing Home (journ.) Prof Nutr e: Professional Nutritionist (journ.) PROFO r: Produksjonsteknisk Forskningsinstitutt Prof Officer e: Professional Officer (journ.) PROFP e: Proficiency Pay Prof Pap Deputy Minist Miner Resour [Saudi Arabia] e: Professional Papers. Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources [Saudi Arabia] (joum.) Prof Pap Ser Fla Dep Nat Resour Mar Res Lab e: Professional Papers Series. Florida Department of Natural Resources. Marine Research Laboratory (journ.) Prof Pap [US] Geol Surv e: Professional Papers. United States Geological Survey (journ.) PROF PHONO PL e: Professional Phonograph Plug PROF PHONO SKT e: Professional Phonograph Socket Prof Photogr e: Professional Photographer (journ.) Prof Print e: Professional Printer (journ.) Prof Psycho e: Professional Psychology (journ.) PROF Rate e: Prediction and Optimization of Failure Rate Prof Regulation N e: Professional Regulation News (journ.) Prof Rpt e: Professional Report (journ.) PROFS e: Professional Office System - e: Professionals - e: Professors - e: Program for Regional Observing and Forecasting Services - e: Prototype Regional Observation and Forecasting Service Prof Saf[ety] e: Professional Safety (journ.) Prof Sanit Manage e: Professional Sanitation Management (joum.) Prof[.] Wills e: Proffatt on Wills (journ.) Prog, d: Programm

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

PROG d: Prognose - e: Progenitor - e: Progeny - e: Prognosis - e: Prognostication] - e: Prognosticator - e: Programmable] - e: Programmed - e: Programmer - e: Program[me]s Division - e: Progress Prog e: Program[me] - e: Programming - e: Progression - e: Progressive (journ.) - f: Programmes PröGA d: Private öffentliche Gemeinschaftsantenne Prog Aeronaut Sci e: Progress in Aeronautical Science (journ.) Prog Aerosp Sci e: Progress in Aerospace Sciences (journ.) Prog Agric i: Progresso Agricolo (journ.) Prog Agric Ariz e: Progressive Agriculture in Arizona (journ.) Prog Agric Vitic f: Progres Agricole et Viticole (journ.) Prog Agri Fr f: Progres Agricole de France (journ.) Prog Allergol Jpn e: Progress of Allergology in Japan (journ.) Prog Allerg[y] e: Progress in Allergy (journ.) PROGALVA f: Association Belge pour la Promotion de la Galvanisation à Chaud Prog Anal At Spectrosc e: Progress in Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy (journ.) Prog Anal Chem e: Progress in Analytical Chemistry (journ.) Prog Anat e: Progress in Anatomy (journ.) Prog Androl f: Progres en Andrologie (journ.) Prog Anesthesiol e: Progress in Anesthesiology (journ.) Prog Anim Biometeorol e: Progress in Animal Biometeorology (journ.) Prog Appi Mater Res e: Progress in Applied Materials Research (journ.) Prog Appi Microcirc e: Progress in Applied Microcirculation (journ.) Prog Arch[it] e: Progressive Architecture (journ.) Prog Astronaut Aeronaut e: Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics (journ.) Prog Astronaut Rocketry e: Progress in Astronautics and Rocketry (joum.) Prog Astronaut Sci e: Progress in the Astronautical Sciences (journ.) Prog At Med e: Progress in Atomic Medicine (journ.) Prog Batteries Sol Cell e: Progress in Batteries and Solar Cells (journ.) Prog Behav Modif e: Progress in Behavior Modification (journ.) Prog Biochem Biophys e: Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics (journ.) Prog Biochem Pharmacol e: Progress in Biochemical Pharmacology (joum.) Prog Biochim i: Progressi in Biochimica (journ.) Prog Biocybern e: Progress in Biocybernetics (joum.) Prog Biol Sci Relat Dermatol e: Progress in the Biological Sciences in Relation to Dermatology (journ.)


Prog Biomass Convers Prog Biomass Convers e: Progress in Biomass Conversion (journ.) Prog Biometeorol [Div A] e: Progress in Biometeorology. [Division A. Progress in Human Biometeorology] (journ.) Prog Biometeorol Div B e: Progress in Biometeorology. Division B. Progress in Animal Biometeorology (joum.) Prog Bioorg Chem e: Progress in Bioorganic Chemistry (journ.) Prog Biophys [and] Moi Biol e: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (journ.) Prog Biophys Biophys Chem e: Progress in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry (journ.) PROG BK e: Programmed Book Prog Boron Chem e: Progress in Boron Chemistry (journ.) Prog Bot [Fortschr Bot] e: Progress in Botany[-Fortschritt der Botanik] (journ.) Prog Brain Res e: Progress in Brain Research (journ.) Prog Build e: Progressive Builder (journ.) Prog Cancer Res Ther e: Progress in Cancer Research and Therapy (journ.) Prog Cardiol e: Progress in Cardiology (journ.) Prog Cardiovasc Dis e: Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases (journ.) Prog Ceram Sci e: Progress in Ceramic Science (journ.) Prog Chem Fats [Other Lipids] e: Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids (journ.) Prog Chem Fibrinolysis Thrombolysis e: Progress in Chemical Fibrinolysis and Thrombolysis (journ.) Prog Chem Toxicol e: Progress in Chemical Toxicology (journ.) Prog Clin Biochem Med e: Progress in Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine (journ.) Prog Clin Biol Res e: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research (journ.) Prog Clin Cancer e: Progress in Clinical Cancer (journ.) Prog Clin Immunol e: Progress in Clinical Immunology (journ.) Prog Clin Neurophysiol e: Progress in Clinical Neurophysiology (journ.) Prog Clin Pathol e: Progress in Clinical Pathology (journ.) Prog Clin Pharm e: Progress in Clinical Pharmacy (journ.) Prog Collfoid] [&] Polym Sci e: Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science (journ.) Prog Combus Sci Technol e: Progress in Combustion Science and Technology (journ.) Prog Concept Control e: Progress in Conception Control (journ.) Prog Contracept Delivery Syst e: Progress in Contraceptive Delivery Systems (joum.) Prog Cosmic Ray Phys e: Progress in Cosmic Ray Physics (journ.) Prog Crit Care Med e: Progress in Critical Care Medicine (journ.) Prog Cryog e: Progress in Cryogenics (journ.) Prog Cryst Growth Charact e: Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization (journ.) Prog Cryst Phys e: Progress in Crystal Physics (journ.) ProgD d: Programmdiskette PROGDEV e: Program[me] Device

Prog Dielectr e: Progress in Dielectrics (journ.) Prog Drug Metab e: Progress in Drug Metabolism (journ.) Prog Drug Res e: Progress in Drug Research (journ.) Prog Educ e: Progress in Education (journ.) - e: Progressive Education (journ.) Prog Educ [Poona] e: Progress of Education [Poona] (journ.) Prog Elem Part Cosmic Ray Phys e: Progress in Elementary Particle and Cosmic Ray Physics (joum.) Prog Endoer Res Ther e: Progress in Endocrine Research and Therapy (joum.) Prog Energy Combust Sci e: Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (joum.) Prog Explor Tuberc f: Progres de l'Exploration de la Tuberculose (joum.) Prog Exp Pers Res e: Progress in Experimental Personality Research (journ.) Prog Ex[p] Tum[or Res] e: Progress in Experimental Tumor Research (joum.) Prog Extr Metall e: Progress in Extractive Metallurgy (joum.) Prog F e: Progressive Farmer and Farm Woman (joum.) - e: Progressive Fire Prog Farmer West e: Progressive Farmer for the West (joum.) Prog Farming e: Progressive Farming (joum.) Prog Farming/Farmer e: Progressive Farming/Farmer (joum.) Prog Fire Retard Ser e: Progress in Fire Retardancy Series (joum.) Prog Fish-C[ult] e: Progressive Fish-Culturist (joum.) Prog Fk/Sk d: Programmplanung Femmeldelinientechnik Prog Food Nutr Sci e: Progress in Food and Nutrition Science (joum.) Prog Fotogr [Barcelona] s: Progresso Fotografico [Barcelona] (joum.) Prog Fotogr [Milan] i: Progresso Fotografico [Milan] (joum.) Prog Gastroenterol e: Progress in Gastroenterology (journ.) Prog Geogr e: Progress in Geography (joum.) Prog GG d: Programmplanung Grundstücke/Gebäude Prog Gro[cer] e: Progressive Grocer (joum.) Prog Gynecol e: Progress in Gynecology (joum.) Prog Heat Mass Transfer] e: Progress in Heat and Mass Transfer (joum.) Prog Hematol e: Progress in Hematology (joum.) Prog Hemost[asis] Thromb e: Progress in Hemostasis and Thrombosis (joum.) Prog High Polym e: Progress in High Polymers (joum.) Prog High Temp Phys Chem e: Progress in High Temperature Physics and Chemistry (joum.) Prog Histochem Cytochem e: Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (joum.) Prog Hort[ic] e: Progressive Horticulture (joum.) Prog Hum Biometeorol e: Progress in Human Biometeorology (joum.) Prog Hum Nutr e: Progress in Human Nutrition (journ.)


© K G - Saur, München

Prog Immunobiol Stand e: Progress in Immunobiological Standardization (joum.) Prog Ind Microbiol e: Progress in Industrial Microbiology (joum.) Prog Infrared Spectrosc e: Progress in Infrared Spectroscopy (journ.) Prog Inorg Chem e: Progress in Inorganic Chemistry (joum.) Prog Instr Bui e: Programmed Instruction Bulletin (joum.) Prog Instr&Ed Tech e: Programmed Instruction and Educational Technology (joum.) PROGLANG[S] e: Progressive Language[s] Prog Learn e: Programmed Learning and Educational Technology (journ.) Prog Learn Disabil e: Progress in Learning Disabilities (joum.) Prog Leukocyte Biol e: Progress in Leukocyte Biology (joum.) PROGLIB e: Production Program Library Prog Lipid Res e: Progress in Lipid Research (joum.) Prog Liver Dis e: Progress in Liver Diseases (joum.) Prog Low Temp Phys e: Progress in Low Temperature Physics (joum.) PRO GM e: Pro Grand Master Prog Mat[er] Sc[i] e: Progress in Materials Science (journ.) Prog Med e: Progres Medical (journ.) Prog Med Chem e: Progress in Medicinal Chemistry (joum.) Prog Med Ge[net] e: Progress in Medical Genetics (journ.) Prog Med [Istanbul] 1: Progressus Medicinae [Istanbul] (journ.) Prog Med Parasitol Jpn e: Progress in Medical Parasitology in Japan (journ.) Prog Med Psychosom f: Progres en Medecine Psychosomatique (joum.) Prog Med [Rome] i: Progresso Medico [Rome] (joum.) Prog Med [Tokyo] e: Progress in Medicine [Tokyo] (journ.) Prog Med Vi[rol] e: Progress in Medical Virology (joum.) Prog Met Phys e: Progress in Metal Physics (journ.) PROGMG e: Programming Prog Mol Subcell Biol e: Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology (joum.) Prog Mutat Res e: Progress in Mutation Research (journ.) PROGN e: Prognosis Progn. d: Prognose[n] - d: Prognostik - d: Prognostizierung Prog Neurobiol [NY] e: Progress in Neurobiology [New York] (journ.) Prog Neurobiol [Oxf] e: Progress in Neurobiology [Oxford] (journ.) Prog Neurol Psyciatry e: Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry (journ.) Prog Neurol Surg e: Progress in Neurological Surgery (joum.) Prog Neuropathol e: Progress in Neuropathology (joum.) Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol e: Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology (joum.) Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol[&]Biol Psychiatry e: Progress in NeuroPsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Progr. Elem. Particle Cosmic R PROGNO d: Prognosen-TrendsEntwicklungen Prog Non Destr Test e: Progress in Non-Destructive Testing (journ.) PROG-NOSAG e: European Centre for Applied Economic Research Prog Notes Walter Reed Army Med Cent e: Progress Notes. Walter Reed Army Medical Center (journ.) Prog Nucleic Acid Res e: Progress in Nucleic Acid Research (journ.) Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol e: Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology (joum.) Prog Nucl Energy e: Progress in Nuclear Energy (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Anal Chem e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Analytical Chemistry (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy New Ser e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. New Series (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 1 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 1. Physics and Mathematics (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 2 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 2. Reactors (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 3 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 3. Process Chemistry (joum.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 4 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 4. Technology, Engineering and Safety (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 5 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 5. Metallurgy and Fuels (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 6 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 6 (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 7 Med Sci e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 7. Medical Sciences (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 8 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 8. The Economics of Nuclear Power Including Administration and Law (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 9 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 9 (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 10 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 10. Law and Administration (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 11 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 11. Plasma Physics and Thermonuclear Research (journ.) Prog Nucl Energy Ser 12 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 12. Health Physics (journ.) Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc e: Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (journ.) Prog Nucl Med e: Progress in Nuclear Medicine (journ.) Prog Nucl Phys e: Progress in Nuclear Physics (journ.) Prog Nucl Tech Instrum e: Progress in Nuclear Techniques and Instrumentation (journ.) Prog Nurse e: Progressive Nurse (journ.) PROGO e: Program Guidance and Objectives Prog Obstet Gynecol f: Progres en Obstetrique et Gynecologie (journ.) Prog Oceanogr e: Progress in Oceanography (journ.) Prog Odontostomatol e: Progres OdontoStomatologique (joum.) PROGOFOP e: Program of Operation

Prog Ophtalmol f: Progres en Ophtalmologie (journ.) Prog Ophthalmol Otolaryngol e: Progress in Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology (joum.) Prog Opt e: Progress in Optics (joum.) Prog Org Chem e: Progress in Organic Chemistry (joum.) Prog Org Coat[ings] e: Progress in Organic Coatings (joum.) Prog Oto-Rhino-Laryngol e: Progres en Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie (joum.) Prog Part Nucl Phys e: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (joum.) Prog Pediatr Hematol/Oncol e: Progress in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (joum.) Prog Pediatr Pueric s: Progresos de Pediatria y Puericultura (joum.) Prog Pediatr Radiol e: Progress in Pediatrie Radiology (joum.) Prog Pediatr Surg e: Progress in Pediatrie Surgery (joum.) Prog Perfum Cosmet e: Progressive Perfumery and Cosmetics (joum.) Prog Photogr e: Progress in Photography (joum.) Prog Phys e: Progress of Physics (joum.) Prog Phys Geogr e: Progress in Physical Geography (joum.) Prog Physiol Psychol e: Progress in Physiological Psychology (joum.) Prog Physiol Sci [EngI Transi Usp Fiziol Nauk] e: Progress in Physiological Sciences [English Translation of Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk] (joum.) Prog Physiol Sci [USSR] e: Progress in Physiological Sciences [USSR] (joum.) Prog Phys Org Chem e: Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry (joum.) Prog Phys Ther e: Progress in Physical Therapy (joum.) Prog Phytochem e: Progress in Phytochemistry (joum.) Prog Plann e: Progress in Planning (joum.) Prog Plast e: Progressive Plastics (joum.) Prog Polym Sci e: Progress in Polymer Science (joum.) Prog Powder Metall e: Progress in Powder Metallurgy (joum.) Prog Protozool Proc Int Congr Protozool e: Progress in Protozoology. Proceedings. International Congress on Protozoology (joum.) Prog Psychiatr Drug Treat e: Progress in Psychiatric Drug Treatment (joum.) Prog Psychobiol Physiol Psychol e: Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology (joum.) Prog Quantum Electron e: Progress in Quantum Electronics (joum.) PROGR e: Program [me] [r] Progr. d: Programm[ierer] - d: Programmierung - d: Progression - e: Progress progr. d: programmatiseli - d: programmieren - d: programmiert - d: progressiv P R O G ' R e: Programmer ProgrAbnSt d: Programmabnahmestelle Prog Radiat Ther e: Progress in Radiation Therapy (joum.) Prog Radiopharmacol e: Progress in Radiopharmacology (joum.) Progr Agr e: Progresso Agricolo (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Progr Agr Ariz e: Progressive Agriculture in Arizona (journ.) Progr Agr Vitic f: Progres Agricole et Viticole (journ.) Progr Allergy e: Progress in Allergy (journ.) PROGRAM e: Programming Program Abstr. Am Soc Parasitol Annu Meet e: Program and Abstracts. American Society of Parasitologists. Annual Meeting (journ.) Program Aid US Dep Agric e: Program Aid. United States Department of Agriculture (journ.) Program Am Dairy Sci Assoc Annu Meet Branch Abstr e: Progam. American Dairy Science Association. Annual Meeting and Branch Abstracts (journ.) Program and Comput Software e: Programming and Computer Software (journ.) Program Autom Libr Inf Syst e: Program. Automated Library and Information Systems (joum.) Program[med] Learning] [and Educ Technol] e: Programmed Learning and Educational Technology (journ.) Programming and Comput Software e: Programming and Computer Software (joum.) Programming Lang Ser e: Programming Languages Series (joum.) Programmirovan R: Programmirovanie. Akademija Nauk SSSR (journ.) Program News Comput Libr e: Program. News of Computers in Libraries (journ.) Program Notes Assoc Univ Programs Health Adm e: Program Notes. Association of University Programs in Health Administration (journ.) Program/Proc Natl Horsemen's Semin e: Program/Proceedings. National Horsemen's Seminar (journ.) Progr. Appi. Mater. Res. e: Progress in Applied Materials Research (journ.) Progr. Astronaut. Aeronaut, e: Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics (journ.) Progr Bull Alberta Univ Ext Dept e: Progress Bulletin. Alberta University Extension Department (journ.) Progr Card[iovas Dis] e: Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases (journ.) Progr. Chem. Toxicol, e: Progress in Chemical Toxicology (joum.) Progr Clin Cancer e: Progress in Clinical Cancer (journ.) Progr Contr Eng e: Progress in Control Engineering (journ.) Progr Coop Centroamer Mejor Maiz s: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento del Maiz (joum.) Progr. Cryog. e: Progress in Cryogenics (journ.) Prog React Kinet e: Progress in Reaction Kinetics (journ.) Prog Rech Cancer f: Progres dans les Recherches sur le Cancer (journ.) Prog Rech Exp Tumeurs f: Progres de la Recherche Experimental des Tumeurs (journ.) Prog Rech Pharm f: Progres des Recherches Pharmaceutiques (journ.) Progr. Elem. Particle Cosmic R e: Progress in Elementary Particle and Cosmic Ray Physics (journ.)


Prog Rep Agrie Exp Stn Univ Idaho Prog Rep Agric Exp Stn Univ Idaho e: Progress Report. Agricultural Experiment Station. University of Idaho (journ.) Prog Rep Ala Agric Exp Stn e: Progress Report. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Prog Rep Ariz Exp Stn e: Progress Report. Arizona Experiment Station (journ.) Prog Rep Clovers Spec Purpose Legumes Res e: Progress Report. Clovers and Special Legumes Research (journ.) Prog Rep Colo Exp Stn e: Progress Report. Colorado Experiment Station (journ.) Prog Rep Dom Apiarist Canad Dep Agric e: Progress Report. Dominion Apiarist. Canadian Department of Agriculture (journ.) Prog Rep Exp Stn Colorado State Univ e: Colorado State University. Experiment Station. Progress Report (journ.) Prog Rep Exp Stns [Tanzania] e: Progress Reports. Experiment Stations [Tanzania] (journ.) Prog Rep Gen Rev World Coal Ind e: Progress Report. General Review of the World Coal Industry (journ.) Prog Rep KY Agric Exp Stn e: Progress Report. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Prog Rep Minist Agric Fish Fd Exp Hnsb Fms Exp Hort Stns e: Progress Report. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Experimental Husbandry Farms and Experimental Horticultur Prog Rep NM Bur Mines Miner Resour e: Progress Report. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources (journ.) Prog Rep Nucl Energy Res Jpn e: Progress Report. Nuclear Energy Research in Japan (journ.) Prog Rep PA Agric Exp Stn e: Progress Report. Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Prog Reprod Biol e: Progress in Reproductive Biology (journ.) Prog Reprod Biol Med e: Progress in Reproductive Biology and Medicine (journ.) Prog Rep Texas Agric Exp Stn e: Progress Report. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Prog Res e: Progress through Research (journ.) Progres Arch e: Progressive Architecture (journ.) Progres Ed e: Progressive Education (journ.) Prog Res Emphysema Chronic Bronchitis e: Progress in Research in Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis (journ.) Progres Med [Paris] f: Progres Medical [Paris] (journ.) Progreso Med [Habana] s: Progreso Medico [Habana] (journ.) Prog Respir Res e: Progress in Respiration Research (journ.) PROGRES[S] d: Programmiersprache fur Realzeit Systeme Progres Scientif f: Progres Scientifique (journ.) Progress in Math e: Progress in Mathematics (journ.) Progress in Particle and Nuclear Phys e: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (journ.)


Progress in Phys e: Progress in Physics (journ.) Progressive Arch[it][re] e: Progressive Architecture (journ.) Progres Soc 3e Ser f: Progres Social. Troisieme Serie (journ.) Progresso Fotogr i: Progresso Fotografico (journ.) Progress Organic Coatings e: Progress in Organic Coatings (journ.) Progress Phytochem e: Progress in Phytochemistry (journ.) Progres Techn f: Progres Technique (journ.) Progres Vet f: Progres Veterinaire (journ.) Progr Hemat[ol] e: Progress in Hematology (journ.) Progr. High Temp. Phys. Chem. e: Progress in High Temperature Physics and Chemistry (journ.) Progr Hum Geogr e: Progress in Human Geography. International Review of Current Research (journ.) Progr Indust Microbiol e: Progress in Industrial Microbiology (journ.) Progr. Inorg. Chem. e: Progress in Inorganic Chemistry (journ.) PROGRIS d: Projektgruppe Informationssysteme GmbH Progr Learn Educ Technol e: Programmed Learning and Educational Technology (journ.) ProgrLtl d: Programmleitlinie Progr Mater Sci e: Progress in Materials Science (journ.) Progr Math [Allahabad] e: Progress of Mathematics [Allahabad] (joum.) Progr. Med. Genet, e: Progress in Medical Genetics (journ.) Progr Med [Paris] f: Progres Medical [Paris] (journ.) Progr Med Virol e: Progress in Medical Virology (joum.) Progr Neurol Psychiat e: Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry (journ.) Progr. Nucl. Acid Res. Mol. Bi e: Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology (journ.) Progr Nucl Energy Ser 1 Phys Math e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 1. Physics and Mathematics (journ.) Progr Nucl Energy Ser 2 Reactors e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 2. Reactors (journ.) Progr Nucl Energy Ser 3 Process Chem e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 3. Process Chemistry (journ.) Progr Nucl Energy Ser 4 Technol Eng e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 4. Technology and Engineering (joum.) Progr Nucl Energy Ser 5 Met Fuels e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 5. Metallurgy and Fuels (journ.) Progr Nucl Energy Ser 6 e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 6. Biological Sciences (journ.) Progr Nucl Energy Ser 8 Econ e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 8. Economics (journ.) Progr Nucl Energy Ser 10 Law Admin e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 10. Law and Administration (journ.) Progr Nucl Energy Ser 11 Plasma Phys Thermonucl Res e: Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series 11. Plasma Physics and Thermonuclear Research (journ.)

© K • G • Saur, München

Progr. Nucl. Phys. e: Progress in Nuclear Physics (journ.) Progr Offic Journee Interreg Recolte Mec Mais-Grain f: Programme Officiel. Journee Interregional de Recolte Mechanique du Mais-Grain (journ.) Progr Particle and Nuclear Phys e: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (journ.) Progr Phys e: Progress in Physics (journ.) Progr Physiol Psych e: Progress in Physiological Psychology (joum.) Progr Phys Sci e: Progress of Physical Sciences (journ.) Progr Plast e: Progressive Plastics (journ.) Progr Polymer Sci e: Progress in Polymer Science (journ.) Progr Powder Met e: Progress in Powder Metallurgy (joum.) Progr Prob Statist e: Progress in Probability and Statistics (journ.) Progr. React. Kinet. e: Progress in Reaction Kinetics (journ.) Progr Rep Cereal Breed Lab e: Progress Report. Cereal Breeding Laboratory (journ.) Progr Rep Colo State Univ Agr Exp Sta e: Progress Report. Colorado State University. Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Progr Rep Conn Agr Exp Sta e: Progress Report. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Progr Rep Idaho Agr Res e: Progress Report. Idaho Agricultural Research (journ.) Progr Rep KY Agr Exp Sta e: Progress Report. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Progr Rep PA [State Univ] Agr[ic] Exp Sta e: Progress Report. Pennsylvania State University. Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Progr Rep Ser Ala Agr Exp Sta e: Progress Report Series. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Progr Rep Tex Agr Exp Sta e: Progress Report. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Progr Rep Tohoku Agr Exp Sta e: Progress Report. Tohoku Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Progr Rep Univ Nebr Coll Agr Dept Agr Econ e: Progress Report. University of Nebraska. College of Agriculture. Department of Agricultural Economics (journ.) Progr Rev For Prod Lab [Ottawa] e: Program Review. Forest Products Laboratory [Ottawa] (journ.) Progr Rev For Prod Lab [Vancouver] e: Program Review. Forest Products Laboratory [Vancouver] (journ.) Progr Rubber Technol e: Progress of Rubber Technology (journ.) Progr Sci Comput e: Progress in Scientific Computing (journ.) Progr. Sci. Technol. Rare Eart e: Progress in the Science and Technology of the Rare Earths (journ.) Progr. Separ. Purif. e: Progress in Separation and Purification (journ.) Progr Soc e: Progres Social (journ.) Progr. Solid State Chem. e: Progress in Solid State Chemistry (journ.) ProgrSt d: Programmierstelle Progr Surg e: Progress in Surgery (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

prolong Progr Ter Clin s: Progresos de Terapeutica Clinica (journ.) Progr Theoret Phys e: Progress of Theoretical Physics (journ.) Progr Theoret Phys Suppl e: Progress of Theoretical Physics. Supplement (journ.) ProgrZ d: Programmier[ungs]zentrum ProgrZLwLV d: Programmierzentrum der Luftwaffe fiir Luftverteidigung Prog[s] e: Progressive[s] Progs, e: Prognosis Prog Sci f: Progrès Scientifique (journ.) Prog Sci Technol Rare Earths e: Progress in the Science and Technology of the Rare Earths (journ.) Prog Semicond e: Progress in Semiconductors (journ.) Prog Sens Physiol e: Progress in Sensory Physiology (journ.) Prog Sep Purif e: Progress in Separation and Purification (journ.) Prog Solid State Chem e: Progress in Solid State Chemistry (journ.) Prog Stereochem e: Progress in Stereochemistry (journ.) Prog Surf Membr Sci e: Progress in Surface and Membrane Science (journ.) Prog Surf Sci e: Progress in Surface Science (journ.) Prog Surg e: Progress in Surgery (journ.) Prog Tech f: Progrès Technique (journ.) Prog Technol e: Progress in Technology (journ.) Prog Tekhnol Mashinostr R: Progressivnaya Tekhnologiya Mashinostioeniya (journ.) Prog Ter i: Progresso Terapeutico (journ.) Prog Theor Biol e: Progress in Theoretical Biology (journ.) Prog Theor Org Chem e: Progress in Theoretical Organic Chemistry (journ.) Prog Theor Phys e: Progress of Theoretical Physics (journ.) Prog Theor Phys Suppl e: Progress of Theoretical Physics. Supplement (journ.) Prog Thin-Layer Chromatogr Relat Methods e: Progress in Thin-Layer Chromatography and Related Methods (journ.) Prog Top Cytogenet e: Progress and Topics in Cytogenetics (journ.) Prog Tot e: Progressive Total Prog T Phys e: Progress of Theoretical Physics (journ.) PROGU1 d: Programmplanung fiir leitergebundene Ubertragungseinrichtungen PROGÙ2 d: Programmplanung fiir leitergebundene Ubertragungseinrichtungen [Stufe 2] Prog Underwater Sci e: Progress in Underwater Science (journ.) PROG V d: Programmplanung Vermittlungstechnik Prog Vac Microbalance Tech f: Progress in Vacuum Microbalance Techniques (journ.) PROGVAL e: Validation Program Library Progve Agric Ariz e: Progressive Agriculture in Arizona (journ.) Progve Fmg e: Progressive Farming (journ.) Prog Vet i: Progresso Veterinario (journ.) Prog Vet Microbiol Immunol e: Progress in Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology (journ.) Prog Virol Med f: Progrès en Virologie Medicale (journ.)

Prog Water Technol e: Progress in Water Technology (joum.) PROH e: Prohibition] - e: Promoting Health (journ.) PROHIB e: Prohibition] Prohib[d] e: Prohibited prohib d e: prohibited PROHUZA f: Centre d'Études et d'Information des Problèmes Humains dans les Zones Arides PROI e: President of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters - e: Project Return on Investment - e: Public Record Office of Ireland PRO-IF e: Personal Radio Operators International Federation PROIMREP e: Proceed ImmediatelyReport for Purpose Indicated Pro Indian Soc of Internat L e: Proceedings of the Conference. Indian Society of International Law (journ.) Proizv Obuc R: Proizvodstvennoe Obucenie (journ.) Proizvod Elektrostali R: Proizvodstvo Elektrostali (journ.) Proizvod Issled Stalei Splavov R: Proizvodstvo i Issledovanie Stalei i Splavov (journ.) Proizvod Koksa R: Proizvodstvo Koksa (joum.) Proizvod Krupnykh Mash R: Proizvodstvo Krupnykh Mashin (joum.) Proizvod Nauchno-Issled Inst Inzh Izyskaniyam Stroit Tr R: Proizvodstvennyi i Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut po Inzhenemym Izyskaniyam v Stroitel'stve Trudy (joum.) Proizvod Smaz Mater R: Proizvodstvo Smazochnykh Materialov (joum.) Proizvod Stochnye Vody R: Proizvodstvennye Stochnye Vody (joum.) Proizvod Svarnykh Besshovnykh Trub R: Proizvodstvo Svarnykh i Besshovnykh Trub (journ.) Proizvod Trub R: Proizvodstvo Trub (joum.) Proizvod Vysokokach Prokata R: Proizvodstvo Vysokokachestvennogo Prokata (joum.) Proizv Shin RT1 i ATI R: Proizvodstvo Shin Rezinotekhnicheskikh i Asbestotekhnicheskikh Izdelii (joum.) PROJ e: Projectile - e: Projection] - e: Projector Proj. d: Projektant] - d: Projektierung - d: Projektil - d: Projektion - d: Projektor P R O J A d: Handbuch fiir die Projektabwicklung im Fernmeldetechnischen Zentralamt P R O J A C S e: Program management software package for integrated network planning - e: Project Analysis and Control System ProjB d: Projektbeauftragter ProjBearb d: Projektbearbeiter Proj Civ Trav Econ f: Projet. Civilisation, Travail, Economie (joum.) PROJD e: Projected proj d e: projected PROJECT e: Project Engineering Control

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur. Munich

Project Hist Biobibliog e: Project for Historical Biobibliography (journ.) Project IUCN/Wld Wildl Fund e: Project. International Union for Conservation of Nature. World Wildlife Fund. Joint Project Operations (journ.) Projektrapp Grafiska Forskningslab r: Projektrapport. Grafiska Forskningslaboratoriet (journ.) PROJENGR e: Project Engineer ProjGr d: Projektgruppe PROJID e: Project Identification ProjK d: Projektkode ProjKo d: Projektkoordinator PROJMGR e: Project Manager PROJMGRASWS e: Project Manager, Antisubmarine Warfare Systems PROJMGRFBM e: Project Manager, Fleet Ballistic Missile PROJMGRSMS e: Project Manager, Surface Missile Systems Proj. Nr. d: Projekt-Nummer Proj-Offz d: Projektoffizier Proj RADAMBRAS Levantamento Recursos Nat p: Projeto RADAMBRASIL [Radar da Amazonia, Brasil]. Levantamento de Recursos Naturais (journ.) Proj Rep Victoria Minist Conserv Environ Stud Program e: Victoria. Ministry for Conservation. Environmental Studies Program. Project Report (journ.) PROJTRNS e: Project Transition Prok. d: Prokura[tor] - d: Prokurist Prokl. d: Proklamation - d: Proklamierung - d: Proklisis PROKON d: Prozeß-Kontroll-System PROKOS d: Programmsystem Kostenrechnung PROL e: Priority Requirement Objective List Prol e: Prologue Prol. d: Proliferation - d: Prolin - d: Prolongation prol. 1: prolongatus Pro. L. e: Province Laws PROLAC s: Empresa de Productos Lâcteos de Asuncion Mita PROLAMAT e: Programming Language[s] for numerically controlled Machine Tools PROLAN e: Processed [or Processing] Language PROLDI e: Annual Research Reviews. Prolactin (journ.) prole[s] e: proletarian^] proletcult e: proletarian culture PROLI d: Prognoseliste PROLIB e: project library Prolif e: Proliferative PROLLAP e: Professional Library Literature Acquisition Program PROLLOSA s: Productores Lacticios Llano Orienta SA. PRO LOC et TEM 1: Pro Loco et Tempore PROLOG d: Programmieren in Logik - d: Programmsystem Lohn und Gehalt - e: Production of Onshore Lower 48 Oil and Gas Model - e: Program[me] Logistics - e: Programming in Logic PROLOG Planning e: Project Logic Planning prolong e: prolonged 57

prolong. prolong. 1: prolongatus PROLOPLA e: Program Logical Plan Pro LR e: Professional Liability Reporter (journ.) PROLT e: Procurement Lead Time PROLUMA f: Produits Lubrificants de Madagascar PROM e: Passive Range of Motion - e: Pockels Readout Optical Modulator - e: Premature Rupture of [the] Membranes - e: Program, Resources, Objectives, Management - e: Programmable [or Programmed] ROM [Read-Only Memory] - e: Progressive Range of Motion - e: Prolonged Rupture of Membranes - e: Promenade - e: Prominent - e: Promontory - e: Promote[r] - e: Promotional] - e: Promotor - e: Prompter - e: Promulgate - s: Promedio Prom d: Promille - e: Promissory (journ.) - e: Promotion (journ.) - e: The Prom-Wilson's Promontory Prom, d: Promenade - d: Promotion - e: Promissory - e: Promotor - e: Promulgation prom, d: promovieren - d: promoviert P Rom e: Papers in Romance (journ.) P/ROM e: Programmable Read-Only Memory Pro-MACE e: Prednisone, Methotrexate with Leucovorin, Adriamycin, Cyclophosphamide, Epipodophyllin PROMACE-MOPP e: Procarbazine, Methotrexate, Adriamycin, Cyclophosphamide, Etoposide, Mustargen, Oncovin, Procarbazine, Prednisone PROMADATA e: Promotions Marketing and Advertising Data (journ.) Prom Aerod R: Promyshlennaya Aerodinamika (journ.) PROMAFEX f: Promotion du Machinisme Agricole Francais a l'Exportation PROMAG e: Production Management Action Group Pro Managr e: Program Manager (journ.) PROMAP e: Program for [the] Refinement of the Materiel Acquisition Process PROMARCA d: Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Konsumgüterindustrie PROMASE f: Producción Nacional de Semillas PROMATS e: Probabilistic Materials System PROMATT f: Syndicat des Professionnels du Travail Temporaire P R O M C O M e: Project Monitoring and Control Method Prom Dk e: Promenade Deck PROMECAFE s: Programa Cooperativo para la Protección y Modernización de la Caficultura en México, Centroamérica y Panamá PROMED e: Pro-Med Capital Corp. Pro Med e: Pro Medico (journ.) Pro med. 1: Pro medico

Prom Ekon Byull Sov Nar Khoz Ivanov Ekon Adm Raiona R: PromyshlennoEkonomicheskii Byulleten Sovet Narodnogo Khozyaistva Ivanovskogo Ekonomicheskogo Administrativnogo Raiona (journ.) Prom Energ R: Promyshlennaya Energetika (journ.) PROMESA d: Programm zur Kontrolle des Medizinischen Sachbedarfs im Krankenhaus Pro Met e: Pro Metal (journ.) PROMETHEUS e: Programme] for [an] European Traffic with Highest Efficiency and Ünprecendented Safety Prometheus i: Prometheus. Revista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici (journ.) Promet-Meteorol Fortbild d: PrometMeteorologische Fortbildung (journ.) PROMEX e: Productivity Measurement Experiment PROMIC e: Prognosen mit Mikrocomputern PROMIDA d: Problemorientierte Programmiersprache für die Mittlere Datentechnik PROMIM e: Programmable Multiple Ion Monitor PROMIS d: Problemorientiertes medizinisches Informationssystem - e: Problem-Oriented Medical Information System - e: Process Management and Information System - e: Project Management Integrated System - e: Project-Oriented Management Information System - e: Prosecution [or Prosecutors] Management Information System PROMISE e: Programming Managers Information System PROMISS e: Packaging Requirements for Optimum Malfunction Isolation by Systematic Substitut - e: Program[me] Management Information and Service System PROMIVOIRE f: Société Ivoirienne de Promotion PROML e: Promulgate P R O M O e: Promotion[al] - f: Programmation autmatisée des Machines-Outils Promoelim A Actual Equip Tech f: Promoelim A. Actualités, Equipement, Technique (journ.) Promoelim E f: Promoelim E. Etudes Thermiques et Aerauliques (journ.) Promoelim Ind Therm Aerauliques f: Promoclim. Industries Thermiques et Aerauliques (journ.) PROJVIOCM e: Project Monitor and Control Method PROMOD d: Projektmodell PROMOF d: programmierte modulare Finanzbuchhaltung PROMO-GABON f: Agence Gabonaise de Promotion Industrielle et Artisanale Prom Org Sint R: Promyslennyj Organiceskij Sintez (journ.) PROMO[S] e: Promotional Announcements] Promot Dent f: Promotion Dentaire (journ.) Promot Health e: Promoting Health (journ.) promov. d: promoviert Promozione Soc i: Promozione Sociale (journ.)


© K • G • Saur, Manchen

PROMP e: PROM management PROM-PROG e: Programmable Read Only Memory-Program[me] PROMPT e: Production Reviewing Organizing and Monitoring of Performance Techniques - e: Program Monitoring and Planning Techniques - e: Program Reporting, Organization and Management Planning Technique - e: Program to Record Official Mail Point-to-Point Times - e: Project Management and Production Team[-technique] - e: Project Reporting Organization and Management Planning Technique p/ROM-ROM e: Programmable ROMROM [Read-Only Memory-Read-Only Memory] PROMS e: Procurement Management System - e: Program Monitoring System - e: Programmable Read Only Memory System - e: Program[me] Modelling and Simulation - e: Program[me] Modelling System - e: Projectile Measurement System PROMs e: Programmable Read-Only Memories p/ROMs e: Programmable Read-Only Memories Prom Sint Kauch R: Promyshlennost Sinteticheskogo Kauchuka (journ.) Promst Arm R: Promyshlennost Armenii (journ.) Prom-St Arm Sov Nar Khoz Arm SSR Tekh-Ekon Byull R: Promyshlennost Armenii Sovet Narodnogo Khozyajstva Armyanskoj SSR Tekhniko-Ekonomicheskij Byulleten (journ.) Promst Beloruss R: Promyshlennost Belorussii (journ.) Prom-St Khim Reakt[ivov] Osobo Chist Veshchestv R: Promyshlennost Khimicheskikh Reaktivov i Osobo Chistykh Veshchestv (journ.) Promst Lub Volokon R: Promyshlennost Lubyanykh Volokon (joum.) Prom-St Org Khim R: Promyshlennost Organicheskoi Khimii (journ.) PROMSTRA e: Production Methods and Stress Research Association Prom Stroit R: Promyshlennoe Stroitel'stvo (journ.) Prom Stroit Inzh Sooruzh R: Promyshlennoe Stroitel'stvo i Inzhenernye Sooruzheniya (joum.) Promst Stroit Mater R: Promyshlennost Stroitel'nykh Materialov (joum.) prom' e: prominent PROMT e: Precision Optimized Measurement Time - e: Predicasts Overviews of Marketing and Technology - e: Predicasts Overview of Markets and Terminology. - e: Production Reviewing, Organizing and Monitoring of Performance Techniques - e: Programmable Miniature Message Terminal - e: Program[me] Reporting, Organization and Management-planning Technique - e: Prominent Prom Teplotekh R: Promyshlennaya Teplotekhnika (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PRORAT Pro Mundi Vita 1: Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin (journ.) Pro Mundi Vita Africa Dossier e: PTO Mundi Vita Dossiers. Africa (journ.) Pro Mundi Vita Asia-Australasia Dossier e: Pro Mundi Vita Dossiers. Asia and Australasia (journ.) Pro Mundi Vita Europe N Am Dossier e: Pro Mundi Vita Dossiers. Europe/North America (journ.) PrÖMünz d: Öffentliche Sprechstelle bei Privaten mit Münztelefon [or Münzfernsprecher] PrÖMünzFw d: Öffentliche Sprechstelle mit Münzfernsprecher für den Fernsprechverkehr PrÖMünzO d: Öffentliche Sprechstelle bei Privaten mit Münztelefon für den Ortsverkehr PROMUS e: Provincial-Municipal Simulator Pro Mus Ore e: Pro Música Orchestra PROMY e: Promissory Promy e: Promontory prom' e: promontory Prom Zagryaz Vodoemov R: Promyshlennye Zagryazneniya Vodoemov (journ.) PRON e: Procurement Request [and] Order Number - e: Pronation - e: Pronominal - e: Pronounfced] Pron e: Pronouncement - e: Pronunciation pron e: pronunciator[y] Pron. d: Pronomen pron. d: pronominal - e: pronation pro.n. e: progressive number PRON P: Patriotyaczy Ruch Odrodzenia Narodowego Pron. A. e: Prenominal Adjective PRONADI f: Chambre Syndicate Beige des Fabricants et Distributern^ de Produits Natureis et Diététiques PRONAPA s: Productores Nacionales de Papa - s: Programa Nacional de Pesquisas Arqueológicas PRONASE e: National Seed Production Agency Pro Nat e: Pro Natura (journ.) PRONATA s: Programa Nacional de Tabeco PROND e: Pronounced PRONENCA s: Programa Nacional de Educación Nutricional y Complementación Alimentaria prong[s] e: pronghom[s]-prong-horn antelope[s] PRONI e: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland PRONIEGA s: Programa Nacional de Investigación y Extensión Ganadera pronom e: pronominal pro note e: promissory note Pr ONPMP P: Prace ONPMP [Osrodek Naukowo-Produkcyjny Materialow Polprzewodnikowych] (journ.) PRONTO e: Keyboard trade name - e: Programmable Network Telecommunications Operating system - e: Program[me] for Numerical] Tool Operation

PRONTO S[ystem] e: Programmable Network Telecommunications Operating System pronun e: pronuncíate pronun[c] e: pronunciation prooem e: Prooemium PROOF e: Parole Resource Office and Orientation Facility - e: Precision Recording [Optical] of Fingerprints PROOF, e: Projected Return on Open Office Facilities proOLMC e: pro-Opiolipomelanocortin pro ord. i: pro ordinatione PROP d: Produktionsplanung - d: Programm-Optimierte Projektarbeit - d : Propaganda - d: Propeller - e: Panel Review of Products - e: Performance Review for Operating Program[me]s - e: Pilot Repair Overhaul and Provisioning - e: Planetary Rocket Ocean Platform - e: Portland Regional Opportunities Program - e: Pre-Release Orientation Program - e: Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners - e: Primary Operand [Pipeline] - e: Production Operators Corp. - e: Production Planning - e: Profit Rating of Projects - e: Program for the Refinement of Orbital Parameters - e: Propaganda - e: Propagation - e: Propellant - e: Propelled - e: Propeller - e: Propelling [water screw] - e: Proper[tius] - e: Property - e: Property Release Option Program - e: Proportionfal] - e: Proposal [online reparation] - e: Propose[d] - e: Propelling - e: Proposition - e: Proprietary - e: Proprietor - e: Propulsion [or propulsive device] - e: Propulsor - e: Propylthiouracil - P: Panstwowa Rada Ochrony Przyrody Prop e: Propagate - e: Property (joum.) Prop, d: Propaganda - d: Propagandist - d: Propeller - d: Proportionen - d: Proporz prop, d: proportional - d: proportioniert PROPA e: Propagation PROPAC e: Progressive Political Action Committee - e: Prospective Payment Assessment Commission propaed e: propaedutic[al][ly] - e: propaedutics Propaedia e: Outline of knowledge in The New Encyclopaedia Britannica PROPAKASIA e: International Food Processing and Packaging Technology Exhibition and Conference for South East Asia PROPAL e: Proportional Propane Can e: Propane Canada (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

PROPASI s: Productores de Patata de Siembra PRO[-]PAY e: Proficiency Pay Prop&Comp [R] e: Property and Compensation Reports (journ.) Propcon e: Conferences Prop and Pulpwood Charter PROPCT e: Property Capital Trust Propellants Explos e: Propellants and Explosives (journ.) pro per 1: in propria persona PROPER COUNT e: Property Accountability Property Mthly Rev e: Property Monthly Review (journ.) Property Tax J e: Property Tax Journal (journ.) Prop&Ex e: Propellents Explosives and Pyrotechnics PROP-FK/SK d: Programmplanung Linientechnik Fk/Sk PROPG e: Propagate[d] proph. d: prophetisch - d: prophylaktisch Proph. d: Prophylaxe - e: Prophylaxis proph e: prophetic - e: prophylactic - e: prophylaxis PROPHET d: Finanzprognoseprogramm fur Versicherungsunternehmen - e: Proactive Rehabilitation of Outside Plant Using Heuristic Expert Techniques Prophète f: Le Prophète Proph Sanit Mor f: Prophylaxie Sanitaire et Morale (journ.) PROPIN e: Proprietary Information propjet e: propeller turned by jet engine propl. e: propellant - e: proportional PROPLAN d: Produktionsplanung Prop Law e: Property Lawyer (journ.) Prop Law Bull e: Property Law Bulletin (journ.) Prop Law NS e: Property Lawyer, New Series (journ.) PROPLING e: Propelling PROPLOSS e: Propagation Loss PROPLT e: Propellant PROPN e: Proportion[al] PROP-OK d: Programmplanung Linientechnik-Ortskabel PROPOLLO s: Associaciôn Colombiana de Productores y Procesador PROPON e: Proportion Proposte Soc i: Proposte Sociali PROPR e: Proprietary - e: Proprietor Propr Agric s: Propriété Agricole (journ.) PROPRCS e: Propulsion Reaction Control System PROPRSS e: Proprietress Propscanfin e: Prop and Pulpwood Charter Prop Sextus 1: Propertius PROPSIM e: Propagation Simulator ProPTH e: Proparathyroid Hormone PROPTRY e: Proprietary PROPUL e: Propulsion prop wash e: propeller wash Pro Quer 1: Pro Querente PROR e: Predicted Orbit - e: Proposal Online Reparation Pr Or P: Przeglad Orientalistyczny (journ.) PRORA e: Program[s] for Research on Romance Authors PRORAT e: Projected Rating 59

pro rat.aet. pro rat.aet. 1: pro ratione aetatis PrOrChr e: Proche-Orient Chretien (joum.) pro rect 1: pro recto ProRef d: Projektreferent PROREP e: Proceed Ship, Command Station Reporting Duty or Purpose Indicated PRORM e: Pay and Records Office-Royal Marines PROS e: Procurement Squadron - e: Professional Reactor Operator Society - e: Professionals - e: Proscenium - e: Prosecution - e: Prosody - e: Prosthetic - e: Prostrate - e: [The] Prospect Group, Inc. Pros i: Prospetti (journ.) PrOs d: Prüfoszillator Pr OS e: Princeton Oriental Series (journ.) Pros, d: Proseminar pros, d: prosodisch pros, e: Prostate PROSA d: Programmiersprache [or Programmierungssystem] mit Symbolischen Adressen - e: Programming System with Symbolic Adressfes] PROSAH d: Programmplanung der Sachund Haushaltsmittel PROSAM e: Programmed Single-Axis Monut PROSAMO e: Planned Release of Selected and Modified Organisms Pros Atty e: Prosecuting Attorney prose e: proscenium PRosC e: Rosemont College PROSD e: Performance Records for Optimizing System Design PROSE e: Personal Record of School Experiences - e: Problem Solution Engineering - e: Production Scheduler Pro se 1: in person PROSEA e: Plant Resources of South-East Asia (journ.) PROSEC f: Association pour Favoriser la Diffusion des Appareils et Produits de Détection, de Protection et de Décontamination PROSECON e: Prosecution PROSEL e: Process-control and Sequencing Language PROSEVENCA s: Productora de Semillá Venezolana PROSI d: Prozeß-Simulation - e: Procedure Sign - e: Public Relations Office of the Sugar Industry PROSIG e: Procedure Signal PROSIGN e: Procedure Sign PROSIM e: Production System Simulator PROSIP s: Promotora de Obras Sociales y de Instrucción Popular PROSIS d: Programmpaket Statistisches Informationssystem - d: Projektsteuerungsinformationssystem PROSIT d: Prognose-und Simulationssystem Pros J Natl Dist Att'y A e: Prosecutor. Journal of the National District Attorneys Association (journ.) PROSI d: Prozeß-Simulation ProSoc e: Prometheus Society

Pro Soc Water Treat Exam e: Proceedings. Society for Water Treatment and Examination (journ.) Prosop Att e: Prosopographia Attica (journ.) Prosp. d: Prospekte] - d: Prosperität - d: Prostata - e: Prostate prosp e: prospecting - e: prospectively PROSPEC e: PRO specification. PROSPECT e: Proponent Sponsored Engineer Corps Training PROSPECTRA e: Program by development by Specification and Transformation. Prospect West Aust e: Prospect Western Australia (journ.) PROSPER e: Procedure for Personalizing an envelope program - e: Profit Simulating [or Simulation] Planning and Evaluation of Risk Prospettiva i: Prospettiva. Rivista d'Arte Antica e Modema (journ.) Prospett Merid i: Prospettive Meridionali (journ.) PROSPIN e: Project profile Screening and Pre-appraisal Information System PROSPO e: Process Systems Program Prosp R e: Prospective Review (journ.) PROSPRO e: Process Supervisory Program[me] - e: Process System[s] Program[me][s] Pr Osr Badaw-Rozwoj Elektron Prozniowej P: Prace Osrodka BadawczoRozwojowego Elektroniki Prozniowej (journ.) Pr Osr Nauk Prod Mater Polprzewodn P: Prace Osrodek Naukowo-Produkcyjny Materialow Polprzewodnikowych (journ.) Pr Osrodka Badawczo-Rozwojowego Przetwornikow Obrazu P: Prace Osrodka Badawczo-Rozwojowego Przetwornikow Obrazu (journ.) Pr Osrodka Badaw Rozwojowego Elektron Prozniowej P: Prace Osrodka Badawczo-Rozwojowego Elektroniki Prozniowej (journ.) PROST e: Pronuclear Stage Tubal Transfer - e: Prostate - e: Prothetics Prostagland e: Prostaglandins (journ.) Prostaglandins Leukotrienes Med e: Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Medicine (journ.) Prostaglandins Med e: Prostaglandins and Medicine (joum.) Prostaglandins Relat Lipids e: Prostaglandins and Related Lipids (journ.) Prostaglandins Ther e: Prostaglandins and Therapeutics (journ.) PROSTAT e: Prostatic pro stat. i: pro statione PROSTH e: Prosthesis Prosthet [and] Orthotics] Int e: Prosthetics and Orthotics International (journ.) PROSY e: Peoples Republic of South Yemen PROSYT d: Programmsystem zur Tabellenbearbeitung


© K G - Saur, München

PROT d: Protestant] - d : Protokollieren - d : Protokoll[programm] - e: Protected] - e: Protection - e: Protective [Life Corp. - e: Protectorate - e: Protein [anion] - e: Protestant - e: Proteus - e: Protinus - e: Protractor Prot d: Protokoll - e: Protocol - e: Prototype - i: Protestantesimo (journ.) prot e: protozoa Prot, d: Protein - d: Protektion - d: Protektor - e: Protectorate - e: Protocol - e: Protractor prot. d: protestantisch - d: protokollieren - d: protokolliert - e: protective PROTA d: Protokoll Technische Ausstattung - e: Protection Actual - e: Protoplasma (journ.) PROTAAL s: Proyecto Cooperativo de Investigación sobre Tecnología Agropecuaria en América Latina ProTACA e: Procurement Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program Prot Aer f: Protection Aerienne (journ.) protag e: protagonist Prot-Ap e: Protonotary-Apostolic PROTAP e: Professional Opportunities through Academic Partnership - e: Protonotary Apostolic Prot Civ Secur Ind f: Protection Civile et Securite Industrielle (journ.) Prot CJ e: Protocol on the Statute of the European Communities Court of Justice (journ.) Prot Coat Met e: Protective Coatings on Metals (journ.) PROTCT e: Protective PROT DEV e: Protective Device PROTEC d: Produktionstechnik - e: Protection Protec e: Protectorate Prot Ecol e: Protection Ecology (journ.) PROTECON e: Process and Test Control PROTECT e: Probabilities Recall Optimizing the Employment of Calibration Time Protein Abnorm e: Protein Abnormalities (journ.) Protein Nucl Acid Enzyme e: Protein Nucleic Acid Enzyme (journ.) Protein Sequences Data Anal e: Protein Sequences and Data Analysis (journ.) Protein Struct e: Protein Structure (journ.) Protein Synth [Ser Adv] e: Protein Syntheses. [A Series of Advances] (journ.) Protein Targeting Proc John Innes Symp e: Protein Targeting Proceedings. John Innes Symposium (joum.) Pro tern, [et loe] 1: Pro tempore [et loco] Prot Epis His M e: Protestant Episcopal Church. Historical Magazine (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Proz. PROTERRA p: Programa de Redistribuiifäo de Terras e de Estimulos a Agro-industria do Norte e do Nordeste Protes Dent i: Protesista Dental (journ.) PRO/TEST e: Profitable approach to Testing Protet Stomatol P: Protetyka Stomatologiczna (journ.) PROTEUS e: Programming language - e: Project to Research Objects Theories, Extraterrestrials and Unusual Sightings - e: Propulsion Research and Open-Water Testing of Experimental Underwater Systems Proth. e: Prothetics PROTHROM e: Prothrombin Proth. Time e: Prothrombin Time Proth Werkst Kd d: Prothetik und Werkstoffkunde (journ.) Protides Biol Fluids Proc Colloq [Bruges] e: Protides of the Biological Fluids. Proceedings of the Colloquium [Bruges] (journ.) pro time e: prothrombin time PROTIMEREP e: Proceed in Time Report Not Later Than Prot Met[als] e: Protection of Metals (journ.) Prot Met [USSR] e: Protection of Metals [Union of Soviet Socialist Republics] (journ.) PROTN e: Procedure Turn ProtNr d: Protokollnummer PROTO e: Protoporphyrin - e: Prototype Protoch e: Protochorda PROTO-E Language e: Programming Tool Extensible Language Protok Fischereitech d: Protokolle zur Fischereitechnik (journ.) Protok OS R: Protokoly Obscego Sobranija Akademii Nauk (journ.) Protoplasma Suppl e: Protoplasma Supplementum (journ.) protozool e: protozoologic[al][ly] - e: protozoologist - e: protozoology Prot PI e: Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the European Economic Community (journ.) protr e: protractor Protr e: Protrepticus Protsessy Khromatogr Kolonkakh R: Protsessy v Khromatograficheskikh Kolonakh (journ.) Prot Steel Zinc Dust Paints Pap Semin e: Protecting Steel with Zinc Dust Paints. Papers. Seminar (journ.) PROTSTEU d: Protokollsteuerung PROT TP e: Prototype Prot Vitae i: Protectio Vitae (journ.) PROTYP e: Processor Type Code PROTZEIT d: Zeitpunkt der Eintragung Proud Dom Pub e: Proudhon's Domaine Public (journ.) Proudf Land Dec e: United States Land Decisions [Proudfit] (journ.) PROUS e: Proceed to a Pon in Continental United States pro us. ext. 1: pro uso externo

PROV e: Provedor - e: Provencal - e: Proverb[ial][ly] - e: Proverbs - e: Provide - e: Providence Journal-Bulletin (journ.) - e: Provident Institute for Savings of Boston - e: Province - e: Provincial - e: Proving Ground - e: Provisional] - e: Provost - i: Provinciale - s: Provincia Prov e: Providence - e: Provincial (journ.) - e: Provisional Light - e: Proviso - f: Provençal - f: Provence - i: Provincia (journ.) Prov. d: Proviant - d: Provinz - d: Provision - d: Provisorium - e: Province prov. d: provinziell - d: provisorisch - e: provincial provb e: proverbial [ly] Prov Buenos Aires Com Invest Cient Inf s: Provincia de Buenos Aires. Comision de Investigaciones Científicas. Informes (journ.) Prov Buenos Aires Com Invest Cient Mem s: Provincia de Buenos Aires. Comision de Investigaciones Científicas. Memoria (journ.) Prov Can Stat e: Statutes of the Province of Canada (journ.) PROVCORPV e: Provisional Corps, Vietnam PROVD e: Provided Provebruksmeld Nor Landbruksokonomiske Inst N: Provebruksmelding-Norges Landbruksokonomiske Institut! (joum.) PROVEDEAGRO s: Provedores de Insumos Agropecuarios Provence Hist f: Provence Historique (journ.) Provence Univ Ann Geol Mediterr f: Provence Université. Annales. Geologie Mediterraneenne (joum.) Provence Univ Lab Paleontol Hum Prehist Etud Quat Mem f: Provence Universite. Laboratoire de Paléontologie Humaine et de Préhistoire. Etudes Quaternaires. Memoire (journ.) Prov Eng e: Provincial English PRO VER e: Procurement for Minimum Total Cost through Value Engineering and Reliability - e: Procurement-Value-Economy-Reliability Prov GM e: Provincial Grand Master PROVGR e: Proving Grounds Prov Hist f: Provence Historique (journ.) • Providence Hosp Detroit Med Bull e: Providence Hospital of Detroit. Medical Bulletin (joum.) Providence Hosp [Southfield Mich] Med Bull e: Providence Hospital [Southfield, Michigan]. Medical Bulletin (journ.) Providence Plantation^] e: Rhode Island and Providence Plantations PROVIMI e: Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals provin e: provincial

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

Provincial Bank Can Econ R e: Provincial Bank of Canada. Economic Review (journ.) Provincias Vascas s: Provincias Vascongadas Prov Inher&Gift Tax Rep CCH e: Provincial Inheritance and Gift Tax Reporter. Commerce Clearing House (joum.) PROVINS VALAIS f: Federation des Caves de Producteurs de Vins du Valais PROVIS e: Provision Prov Judges J e: Provincial Judges Journal (journ.) prov1 e: provisional provl e: provisional PROVMAAG e: Provisional Military Assistance Advisory Group PROVMAAG-K e: Provisional Military Assistance Advisory Group, Korea PROVMAIN e: Other Provisions Basic Orders Remain in Effect Provn[s] e: Provisions] PROVNS e: Provision Store [room] Provo e: Providenciales island and town in the Turks and Caicos Islands - e: Provisional PROVO i: Proviso - n: Stichting Proefbedrijf Voedselbestraling PROVONS e: Provisions Provor e: Provisor Provos e: Provisionals provos n: provokers PROVOST e: Priority Research and Development Objectives for Vietnam Operations Support Prov St e: Statutes, Laws, of the Province of Massachusetts (journ.) PROVSUPDEP e: Provision Supply Depot Prov.-Verw. d: Provinzialverwaltung PROWA d: Programm für die Warenwirtschaft im Textilfachhandel Proway e: Process dataway PROWDELREP e: Proceed Without Delay Report Duty or Purpose Indicated PROWLER e: Programmable Robot Observer with Logical Enemy Response PROWL System e: Procedure Work Log System PROWORD e: Procedure Word PROWS e: Projected Warhead System PROX e: Proximal - e: Proximity prox. e: proximales] PROX ACC e; Proxime Accessit PRO-XAN e: Protein-Xanthophyll PROXI e: Projection by Reflection Optics of Xerographic Images prox. lue. 1: próxima luce Proyecto Desarrollo Pesq Publ s: Proyecto de Desarrollo Pesquero. Publicación (journ.) P Roy Music e: Proceedings. Royal Musical Association (journ.) P Roy S Med e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Medicine (journ.) P Roy Soc A e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (journ.) P Roy Soc B e: Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences (journ.) Proz. d: Prozedur - d: Prozentfe] - d: Prozeß


proz. proz. d: prozentig - d: prozeßrechtlich - d: prozessual - d: prozentual Proz.-Bev. d: Prozeß-Bevollmächtigte[r] ProzGer d: Prozeßgericht ProzKost d: Prozeßkosten ProzVgl d: Prozeßvergleich ProzVorauss d: Prozeßvoraussetzung PRP d: Peripher[ie]speicherresidentes Programm - d: Plättchenreiches Plasma - d: Progressive Röteln-Panenzephalitis - d: Prüfschaltung für PCM-30-D-Übertragungswege - d: Psychotisches Reaktionsprofil - e: Panretinal Photocoagulation - e: Paper, Rubber and Plastics - e: Parent Rule Point - e: Partial Read Pulse - e: Peace Resource Project - e: Peak Radiated Power - e: Peptide Recognition Protein - e: Perfect Reading Prosthesis - e: Performance-Related Pay - e: Performance, Requirements, Practices - e: Personnel Reliability Program - e: Petrol Refilling Point - e: Phantom Range Pod - e: Phase Review Package - e: Pickup-[Zone] Release Point - e: Pipelined Resampling Processor - e: Placement Route and Patch - e: Platelet-Rich Plasma - e: Polyribitol Phosphate - e: Position Report Printout - e: Postbuckled Rectangular Plate - e: Potentially Responsible Party - e: Power-Deployed Reserve Parachute - e: Premature-Removal Period - e: Prepare - e: Prerigor Pressurization - e: Present Participle - e: Presidents Reorganization Project - e: Pressure Rate Product - e: Previous Record Pointer - e: Primary Raynaud's Phenomenon - e: Problem Resolution Program - e: Procurement Requirements Package - e: Production Readiness Plan - e: Production Requirements Plan - e: Production Reserve Policy - e: Profit-Related Pay - e: Program Requirements Package - e: Program Review Panel - e: Programmed Random Processes] - e: Progress in Radiopharmacology (journ.) - e: Progressive Rework Plan - e: Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis - e: Proliferative Retinopathy Photocoagulation - e: Proline-Rich Protein - e: Proper Return Port - e: Prospective Reimbursement Plan - e: Pseudo-Random Pulse - e: Psychotic Reaction Profile - e: Public Relations Personnel - e: Pulse Recurrence Period - e: Pulse Repetition Period - e: Purchase Request Package - e: Purple - e: Purpose - e: Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh - p: Prevenfáo Rodoviária Portuguesa - R: Pamjatniki Russkogo Prava (journ.) - R: Podvizhniy Razvedyvatel'niy Post

PrP e: Prion Protein - e: Protease-Resistant Protein - e: Protein Phosphatase prP e: Preventral Protractor Prp e: Principality PRP. e: Protease-Resistant Prion PRPA e: Professional Race Pilots Association - e: Projectile Raye a Propulsion Additionelle - e: Puerto Rico Ports Authority PRPB f: Parti de la Révolution Populaire du Bénin PRP-D e: Polyribosylribitol PhosphateDiptheria Toxoid PRPDLG e: Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. PRPE e: Prairie Pacific Energy Corp. PRPF e: Parameter Profile - e: Planar Radial Peaking Factor PRPG e: Political Resident Persian Gulf - e: Proportioning PRPGA e: Puerto Rico Personnel and Guidance Association Pr/Ph e: Pristane/Phytane Ratio prphl e: Peripheral Pr Phys Soc L e: Proceedings. Physical Society of London (journ.) PRPIT e: Process Management for Process Identifier Table Pr PIT P: Prace PIT [Przemyslowego Instytutu Telekomunikacji] (journ.) PrPI d: Prüfplatz PRPL e: PACOM [Pacific Command] Reconnaissance Priority List - e: Peoples Democratic Republic of Laos - e: Procurement Repair Parts List PrPIKr d: Prüfplatzkraft PRPLN e: Propulsion PRPL[N]T e: Propellant PRPNE e: Propane PrPol P: Prace Polonistyczne (journ.) PRPOOS e: Plankton Rate Processes in Oligotrophic Oceans Pr Pos Ctl Ex e: Print Position Control Exit Pr Pos Ctr E[nt]&E[x] e: Print Position Counter Entry and Exit Pr Pos Ent e: Print Position Entry Pr Pos Ex e: Print Position Exit Pr Poznan Tow Przyj Nauk Wydz Nauk Roln Lesn P: Prace-Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk. Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych i Lesnych (journ.) PRPP d: [5-]Phosphoribosyl[-l]-pyrophosphat - e : [5-]Phosphoribosyl [l-]Pyrophosphate - e: Phosphorylribose Pyrophosphate - e: Pseudo-Residual Plot Program PRPP-AT d: Phosphoriboslypyrophosphatamidotransferase Pr. Pple. e: Present Participle PRPPS d: Phosphoribosylpyrophosphatsynthetase PRPQ[s] e: Programfme] [or Programming] Request for Price Quotation^] PRPR d: Prüfprotokoll - e: Plutonium Recycle Program[me] Reactor - e: Puerto Rico Pool-type Reactor pr. pr. 1: praeter propter Pr Preh Soc e: Proceedings. Prehistoric Society (journ.) Pr Primer e: Prairie Primer (journ.) PRPR-KN d: Prüfprotokoll für Koppelnetz Pr Przem Inst Elektron P: Prace Przemyslowego Instytutu Elektroniki (journ.)


© K G - Saur, Manchen

Pr Przem Inst Elektron [Warsaw] P: Prace Przemyslowego Instytutu Elektroniki [Warsaw] (journ.) Pr Przem Inst Telekomun P: Prace Przemyslowego Instytutu Telekomunikacji (journ.) PRPS d: Pferdezuchtverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar PrPs d: Praktische Psychologie (journ.) PRPS e: Pressure Rise per Stage - e: Program[me] Requirement Process Specification PRPSA e: Petroleum Press Service (journ.) PRPSB e: Progress in Polymer Science (journ.) PRPSD e: Proposed PRPSL e: Proposal PRPT d: Proportion - e: Prescriptive Reading Performance Test - e: Probe Post (journ.) - e: Proportion[al] PRPTA e: Proceedings. Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (journ.) PR Publ Rep Aust Coal Ind Res Lab e: PR. Published Report. Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratories (journ.) PRPUC[E] e: Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation [Emblem] PRPYA d: Praxis der Psychotherapie (journ.) PRQ d: internationales Zeichen für Siliconkautschuke - e: Houston - e: Partition Request Queue - e: Problems of Communism (joum.) PRQA e: Passenger Ride Quality Apparatus pr. Qu.-F. d: preußischer Quadratfuß pr. Qu.-R. d: preußische Quadratrute pr. Qu.-Z. d: preußischer Quadratzoll PRR e: Parts Replacement Request - e: Passenger Reservation Request - e: Passive Ranging Radar - e: Pawling Research Reactor - e: Pennsylvania Railroad [Co.] - e: Performance-Related Remuneration - e: Perrine - e: Perris - e: Personnel Requirements Report - e: Petromin Riyadh Refinery - e: Philippine Research Reactor - e: Placement Revision Request - e: Planning & Requirements Review - e: Planning Release Record - e: Plans and Requirements Review - e: Political Risk Review (journ.) - e: Practise Rocket - e: Pre-Raphaelite Review (joum.) - e: Preliminary Requirements Review - e: Premature Removal Rate - e: Presbyterian and Reformed Renewal Ministries International - e: Presbyterian and Reformed Review (journ.) - e: Pressure Rise Rate - e: Prioritized Round -Robin - e: Prism Resources Ltd. - e; Producers Reliability Risk - e: Production Readiness Review - e: Production Release Request - e: Production Reliability Test - e: Production Research Reports - e: Program Requirements Review - e: Program[me] Request Register - e: Program[me] Revision Report - e: Proline-Rich Protein - e: Proton Relaxation Rate - e: Pseudo-Resident Reader

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PRSDS - e: Public Relations Review (journ.) - e: Publication Revision Request - e: Puerto Rico Reactor - e: Puerto Rico Supreme Court Reports (journ.) - e: Pulse Radar Repair - e: Pulse Recurrence Rate - e: Pulse Repetition Rate Pr R e: Practice Reports (journ.) PR&R e: Professional Rights and Responsibilities PrRA e: Academia Maria Reina, Rio Piedras PRRA e: Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration Pr Rady Nauk-Tech Huty Lenina P: Prace Rady Naukowo-Technicznej Huty Imienia Lenina (joum.) PRRB e: Physics Reports. Reprints Book Series (journ.) - e: Provider Reimbursement Review Board PRRC e: New Mexico Petroleum Recovery Research Center - e: Pitch/Roll Rate Changer Assembly PrRe e: Evangelical Seminary, Rio Piedras PRREA e: Philips Research Reports (journ.) Pr Reg BC e: Practical Register in the Bail Court (journ.) Pr Reg Ch e: Practical Register in Chancery (journ.) Pr Reg CP e: Practical Register in the Common Pleas (joum.) Pr Rep e: Practice Reports (journ.) Pr Rep BC e: Lowndes, Maxwell and Pollocks English Bail Court Practice Reports (journ.) PRRFC e: Planar Randomly Reinforced Fiber Composite[s] Pr. R. Fed. e: Porto Rico Federal Reports PRRI e: Puerto Rico Rum Institute PRRM e: Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement - e: Presbyterian and Reformed Renewal Ministries International - e: Programfme] Review and Resources Management - e: Pulse Repetition Rate Modulation Pr Roy Soc e: Proceedings. Royal Society (journ.) PrRp d: Prozeß und Rechtspraxis (journ.) PRRPA e: Puerto Rico Rum Producers Association PRR&Regs e: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Rules and Regulations (journ.) PRRS e: Positioning Reporting Recording System - e: Problem Reporting and Resolution System Pr RS Med e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Medicine (journ.) PR-RSV e: Rous Sarcoma Virus, Prague Strain

PRS d: Nachrichtendienst fur Presse, Funk und Fernsehen - d: Pendelreguliersystem - d: Pierre-Robin-Syndrom - d: Programmiersystem - d: Prokto-Rekto-Sigmoidoskopie - d: Proktorektosigmoidoskopie - d: ProzeBrechnersystem - e: Pacific Railroad Society - e: Pacific Rocket Society - e: Packaged Reefer Space unit - e: Padre Resources - e: Paint Research Station - e: Pairs - e: Pakistan Railway Standard - e: Parachute Rocket System - e: Parametric Ruled Surface - e: Park and Ride Scheme - e: Parliamentary Research Services - e: Partial Response Signalling - e: Partial Response System. - e: Passive Radar Surveillance - e: Pattern Recognition Society - e: Pattern Recognition System - e: Payload Retention Subsystem - e: Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore [Lines] - e: Perceptual Respresentation System - e: Performance Rating System - e: Performing Right[s] Society - e: Periphal Reset - e: Personal Radio Services - e: Personal Recording System - e: Personal Relations Survey - e: Personality Rating Scale - e: Personnel Readiness System - e: Personnel Rescue Service [or System] - e: Personnel Research Section - e: Personnel Research Staff - e: Perspectives in Religious Studies (journ.) - e: Philatelic Research Society - e: Philosophical Research Society - e: Photo Resist Spinner - e: Photographic Reconnaissance System - e: Physically Restricted Status - e: Pipe Roll Society - e: Planar Rider System - e: Planners Referral Service - e: Planning Record Sheet - e: Planning Reference System - e: Planning Research & Systems PLC - e: Plasma Renin Substrate - e: Pneumatic Reading System - e: Pointing Reference System - e: Polynomi[n]al Remainder Sequence - e: Population Research Service - e: Potential Routes - e: Power Reactant Subsystem - e: Power Relay Satellite - e: Prayers - e: Precision Ranging System - e: Precision Rotary Stripper - e: Precision Roughness Standard - e: Present - e: President of the Royal Society - e: Presidential Airways - e: Presidio Oil Co. - e: Presidio - e: Press [Summary (joum.)] - e: Pressure [Reducing Station] - e: Pressure Response Spectrum - e: Primary Recovery Ship [or Site] - e: Primary Rescue Site - e: Printed [or Printer] Record Storage - e: Printers - e: Priority Reservation System - e: Procedure Review Section

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (joum.) - e: Process Radiation Sampler - e: Product Requirement Schedule - e: Product Requirement Specifcation - e: Production Recording System - e: Production Release System - e: Program Requirements Summary - e: Program[me] Request System - e: Programmed Radar Simulator - e: Property Recovery Section - e: Property Recovery Squad - e: Propodial Sinus - e: Prospectors Air - e: Protective Research Section - e: Protestant Reformation Society - e: Provide Repair Service - e: Provisioning Requirements Statement - e: Pseudo-Random Sequence - e: Pseudo-Random Signal - e: Psycholinguistic Rating Scale - e: Public Radio Stations - e: Public Rehabilitation Scheme - e: Public Relations Section - e: Pupil Rating Scale - f: Groupement National des Papetiers Répartiteurs Spécialisés - i: Parasi - P: Prymasowska Rada Spoleczna - s: Paraiso PRs e: Pakistani Rupees - e: Planning References - e: Problem Reports - e: Puerto Ricans - e: Purchase Requests PrS d: Prüfsatz - e: Prairie Schooner (journ.) Prs d: Prüfschnittstelle - e: Preston PRS... d: Prüfsatz für... PR's e: Partial Responders - e: Planning References PRSA d: Prüfsatz [A] - e: Pan-Rhodian Society of America - e: Polarizer-Retarder-Sample-Analyzer - e: Power Reactant Storage Assembly - e: President of the Royal Scottish Academy - e: Public Relation[s] Society of America - e: Puerto Rico Statehood Commission PrSaC s: Colegio Universitario del Sagrado Corazon, Santurce PRSAL d: Prüfsatz für Anschlußleitungen PRSAN d: Anschaltungsprüfsatz Prsb Q e: Presbyterian Quarterly Review (journ.) PRSC e: Plutonium Rework Sample Cell - e: Puerto Rico Solidarity Committee PR Scale e: Process-Reactive Scale Pr.-Sch. d: Privatschule PRSCH d: Prüfschärfe PrSch d: Prüfschiene Pr Schae B d: Praktische Schädlingsbekämpfer [Braunschweig] (journ.) PrSchAnw d: Prämienschatzanweisung PrSchn d: Prüfschnur PrSchr d: Priischritt PRSCR e: Puerto Rico Supreme Court Reports (journ.) PRSD e: Portable Rectilinear Scanning Device - e: Power Reactant Storage and Distribution - e: Pressed PRSDH d: Gerätesteuerprogramm für den Anpassungssatz für Prüfen PRSDMET e: Pressed Metal PRSDS e: Power Reactant Storage and Distribution System 63

PRSE PRSE e: President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh - e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh (journ.) PrSE e: El Mundo Publishing Co., San Juan PRSEC e: Payroll Section P RS Edin A e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (journ.) P RS Edin B e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Natural Environment (journ.) PRSEG d: Prüfsegment Prsfdr e: Pressfeeder PRS-FEAP d: Prüfsatz für Fernsprechapparate PRSG e: Personal Radio Steering Group - e: Pseudo-Random Signal Generator - e: Pulse-Rebalanced Strapdown Gyro PRSH e: President of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health PRS Journal e: Philosophical Research Society Journal PrSk d: Prüfschrank PRS-KNV d: Prüfsatz für Koppelnetz Vierdraht PRSL e: Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines - e: Progressive Savings & Loan Association Prsl. d: Preisliste Pr/SL d: Prüfstreifen zur Sonderliste PRSM e: Parachute Rocket System Modified PRSM[A] e: Proceedings. Royal Society of Medicine (journ.) PRSMN e: Pressman Pr Smp e: Print Sample PRSN e: Provisional Relative Sunspot Number PRSNG e: Pressing PRSNT e: Present PRSO d: Prüf- und Sondereinrichtungen Pr Soc Exp Biol Med e: Proceedings. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (joum.) PRSP e: Prereading Screening Procedures - e: Public Relations Society of the Philippines PrSpg. d: Prüfspannung PRSPL e: Planning and Role Setting for Public Libraries (journ.) prspr. d: press-spritzen PRSR e: Presser PRSRZ e: Pressurize PRSS e: Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines - e: Problem Report Squawk Sheet PRSSA e: Philips Research Reports. Supplements (journ.) - e: Public Relations Student Society of America - e: Puerto Rico Mainland US Statehood Students Association PRSSD e: Pressed PRS-SKA d: Prütsatz für Sprechkreisprüfung im Auslandsverkehr PRST e: Persist - e: Presstek, Inc. - e: Probability Ratio Sequential Test - e: Probability Reliability Sequential Tests - e: Puerto Rican Standard Time PrST e: Prairie Standard Time Prst. d: Preisstufe Pr.St. d: Prüfstelle

Pr.-St. d: Privatstation - d: Privatstudien - d: Prüfstempel PRSTA e: Progress in Stereochemistry (joum.) Pr Stat e: Private Statutes Pr Statneho Geol Ustavu [Bratislava] c: Prace Statneho Geologickeho Ustavu [Bratislava] (journ.) PRSTC e: Prosthetic Pr strain e: Prague [viral] strain Pr Stud Vyzk Ustav Vodohospod c: Prace a Studie. Vyzkumny Ustav Vodohospodarsky (journ.) Pr Stud Zakl Badan Nauk Gorn Okregu Przem Pol Akad Nauk P: Prace i Stadia Zakladu Badan Naukowych Gornoslaskiego Okregu Przemyslowego Polskiej Akademii Nauk [Poland] (journ.) PRSU e: Police Requirements Support Unit PRSUA e: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (journ.) PRSUB R: Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya (journ.) PR Sugar Man e: Puerto Rico Sugar Manual (journ.) Pr Sup e: Print Suppression PRSV e: Papaya Ringspot Virus - e: Peach Red Suture Virus PRS VN e: Preservation PrSW d: Prüfsuchwähler PRSW d: Prüfsuchwähler - e: President of the Royal Scottish Water Colour Society PrSW e: World University, San Juan PrSW-I e: World University, International Institute of the Americas, Barbosa Esq Guayama, San Juan PRSY e: Peoples Republic of Southern Yemen PRT d: Phosphoribosyl[al]transferase - d: Photoradiationstherapie - d: Platzreservierungsterminal - d: Protease - d: Prozeßrechentechnik - e: Pacemaker-Re-entry Tachykardie - e: Parachute Radio Transmitter - e: Parr Terminal Railroad -e: Part - e: Participating Research Teams - e: Pattern Recognition - e: Pattern Recognition Technique [or Technology] - e: Payroll Tax - e: Periodic Réévaluation Tests - e: Permanent Recording Traffic - e: Personal Rapid Transit - e: Personalized Rapid Transport - e: Personnel Research Test - e: Petroleum Revenue Tax - e: Pharmaceutical Research and Testing - e: Philadelphia Rapid Transit - e: Philadelphia Reading Test - e: Phosphoribosyl Transferase - e: Photoradiation Therapy - e: Physical Readiness Training - e: Pictorial Reasoning Test - e: Platinum Resistance Thermometer - e: Point Retreat - e: Portable Radiation Thermometer - e: Portable Radio Telephone - e: Portable Remote Terminal - e: Portable Router Template - e: Portable Router Tool - e: Portugal - e: Power Recovery Turbine - e: Precision Radiation Thermometer


© K G ' Saur, München

- e: Preliminary Reference Trajectory - e: Pressure Ratio Transducer - e: Pressurized Relief Tank - e: Primary Ranging Test - e: Primary Routing Table - e: Printed Receive Tape - e: Print[er] - e: Priority - e: Problem Resolution Tasking System - e: Processing Response Time - e: Procurement Review Team - e: Procurement Round Table - e: Product Range Testing - e: Product Reliability Test - e: Production Réévaluation Test[ing] - e: Production Reliability Test[s] - e: Production Run Tape - e: Program [me] Reference Table - e: Prompt Relief Trip - e: Protocol - e: Provost - e: Prudential Realty Trust - e: Psychiatric Rehabilitation Team - e: Publication^] Requirement Table[s] - e: Pulse Recurrence Time - e: Pulse Repetition Time - e: Pulsed Radar Transmitter - i: Prato - i: Prova di Restituzione Termica - P: Przedsiebiorstwo Robôt Telekomunikalyjnych PrT d: Programmgeberteil - d: Priiftisch Prt e: Port - e: Print[er] - e: Private - e: Protagoras P&RT e: Physical and Recreational Training PrT 59 d: Priiftisch 59 PRTA e: Public Road Transport Association PRTAS d: Priiftischansteuerungssatz PRTase e: Phosphoribosyl Transferase PRTB e: Purdue [University] Real-Time BASIC [Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code] PRTC e: Pediatric Research and Training Center - e: Ports Canada - e: Precision Technologies PRTCAL[SS] e: Priority Test-Call [to Special Services] PRTCD e: Puerto Rico Tax Court Decisions (journ.) - f: Progrès Technique (journ.) PRTCM e: Professional Register of Traditional Chinese Medicine PRTCT e: Protection PRTD e: Portland Traction Co. - e: Printed PRTE e: Primary Route - e: Profit Technology, Inc. PRTEA R: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta (journ.) PR-Technik d: ProzeBrechentechnik PRTE ID e: Primary Route Identity prTelAnl d: private Telefonanlage PR Tex Agric Exp Stn e: PR. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) PRTF e: Pheromone and Receptor Transcription Factor - e: Psychiatric Review Technique Form PRTG e: Printing PRTHA e: Progress in Radiation Therapy (journ.) PrThR e: Princeton Theological Review (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PrWCJewSt PRTI e: Physical and Recreational Training Instructor PRTK e: Presto-Tek Corp. PRTKT e: Parts Kit PRTL n: Pantser Rups Tegen Luchtdoelen PRT1MG e: Print Image PRTLN d: Prüfteilnehmer PRTLS e: Powered Return to Launch Site PRTLSP e: Printer Line Spacing prtly e: partially PRTM e: Printing Response-Time Monitor[ing] Prtn e: Partition PrT-Netz d: Prädikat-Transitionsnetz PRTO e: Preservation Research and Testing Office PRTOT e: Prototype Real-Time Optical Tracker PRTOV e: Printer Overflow PR[-]TP e: Prototype PRT Polym Age e: PRT Polymer Age (journ.) PRTR e: Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor Prtr e: Parameter - e: Printer PRTRC e: Printer Controller. Prt Rep e: Practice Reports (journ.) PRTRL e: Printer, Lithographer PRTRM e: Printer, Offset Process PRTRNS e: Programmable Transformer Converter PRTS d: Politisch-Religiöse Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit (journ.) - e: Parallel Run-Time Support library. - e: Personal Rapid Transit System - e: Port Selection - e: Pretoria Theological Series (journ.) - e: Processor Resident Testing Software PRTs e: Personal Rapid Transits - e: Pictorial Reasoning Tests PrtSc e: Print Screen PRT System e: Personal Rapid Transport System PRTUA R: Problemy Tuberkuleza (journ.) Prtw e: Propeller Twist PRTY e: Parity - e: Priority PRU c: Pruhonice - d: Programmunterbrechungseinrichtung - e: Packet Radio Unit - e: Peripheral Resistance Unit - e: Photo Reconnaissance Unit - e: Photographic Reconnaissance Unit - e: Physical Record Unit - e: Physical Research Unit - e: Pneumatic Regulation Unit - e: Polarity Reversal Unit - e: Polish-Russian Union - e: Primary Replacement Unit - e: Printer Unit - e: Program[me][s] Research Unit - e: Provincial Reconnaissance Unit - e: Prude[nce] - e: Prudent PRu d: Pädagogische Rundschau (journ.) PrU d: Prüfunterbrechung - d: Prüfunterdrückung - e: University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras - R: Pravda Ukrainy (journ.) Pru e: Prudential Life Instance Company PRÜ d: Prüfübertragung - d: Prüm PRÜ-... d: Prüm, Eiffel PRUAA e: President of the Royal Ulster Academy of Arts PRUC e: Practice Reports (journ.)

PRUCIS e: Philippine Rural Community Improvement Society PRÜDATVS d: Prüfstoffdatenverarbeitungssystem Prue e: Prudence PRÜF e: Program[me] Request under Format Prüf d: Prüfung Prüflsg. d: Prüflösung PrüfO d: Prüfungsordnung [für Wirtschaftsprüfer] Prüf-Spg. d: Prüfspannung PriiiStV d: Prüfstellenverordnung Prüfz. d: Prüfzeichen PrüfzV[0] d: Prüfzeichenverordnung PrU-H e: University of Puerto Rico, Humacao Regional College, Humacao PrU-L e: University of Puerto Rico, Law Library, San Juan PRUL e: Programs Unlimited PrU-M e: University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine, San Juan PrU-MA e: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, Mayaguez Pram Potravin c: Prumysl Potravin (journ.) PRUMR d: Prüf- und Meßraum PrU-MS e: University of Puerto Rico, Department of Marine Sciences, Mayaguez PRUNCATS e: Program[me] Relay Universal Card Analysis Test System PRUND e: Plastics and Rubber News (journ.) PR Unit e: Photo Roentgen Unit PrU-NS e: University of Puerto Rico, Natural Science Library, Rio Piedras PRURDCO e: Puerto Rico Undersea Research and Development Corporation PRUS d: Priifsprache PRÜS d: Prüfsprache PRUSAF e: Puerto Rico, USA Foundation Prus[s]. e: Prussia[n] Pr Ustavu Geol Inz c: Prace Ustavu Geologickeho Inzenyrstvu (journ.) Pr Ustavu Naft Vyzk c: Prace Ustavu pro Naftovy Vyzkum (journ.) Pr Ustavu Vyzk Paliv c: Prace Ustavu pro Vyzkum Paliv (journ.) Pr Ustavu Vyzk Vyuziti Paliv c: Prace Ustavu pro Vyzkum a Vyuziti Paliv (journ.) PRÜZ d: Prozeßrechneriibergabezelle PRV d: Druck im rechten Ventrikel - d: Partial-Response-Verfahren - e: Papaya Ringspot Virus - e: Parsley Rhabdovirus - e: Peach Rosette Virus - e: Peak Rated Voltage - e: Peak Reserve Voltage - e: Peak Reverse Voltage - e: Pearl River Valley Railroad Co. - e: Personnel Review (joum.) - e: Posterior wall of Right Ventricle - e: Pressure Reduce [or Reducing] Valve - e: Pressure Reduction Valve - e: Pressure Relief Valve - e: Princess Ventures - e: Prior Record Variable - e: Programmed Rate-of-rise of Voltage - e: Propeller Revolution - e: Provincial - e: Provisional Reconnaissance Unit - e: Pseudo Register Vector - e: Pseudo-Relative Velocity - e: Pseudorabies Virus - F: Porvoo - f: Pour Rendre Visite -1: Polycythemia Rubra Vera

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

PrV d: Preisverzeichnis - d: Privatversicherer - d: Privatversicherung PRv e: Philosophical Review (journ.) Prv e: Proverbs - e: Pyruvenol - e: right ventricular Pressure - R: Pravda PrVA d: Preisverzeichnis für Leistungen im Rahmen der besonderen Vertragsbedingungen Femmeldeanlagen - d: Preußisches Volksschularchiv (journ.) PRVA e: Programmable Rotary Vane Attenuator - e: Public Relations Verband Austria PrVBl d: Preußisches Verwaltungsblatt PrVD d: Preisverzeichnis für Gegenstände der Dienstausstattung PRVD e: Procurement Request for Vendor Data - e: Provide - e: Purchase Request for Vendor Data PRVED d: Rechtsventrikulärer enddiastolischer Druck PRVENA e: Provena Foods, Inc. PRVENG e: Providence Energy Corp. PRVEP e: Pattern Reversal Visual Evoked Potential Pr.-Vers. d: Privatversicherer - d: Privatversicherung - d: Prozeßversicherung Pr Vinnits'k Derzh Med Inst R: Pratsi Vinnits'kogo Derzhavnogo Medichnogo Institutu (journ.) prVl d: private Verbindungsleitung PRVNTV e: Preventive PrVO d: Preisverordnung PRVOA R: Pravda Vostoka (journ.) PrVOBl e: Preisverordnungsblatt PrVS d: Prüfverbindungssatz PRVS e: Penetration Room Ventilation System PrVt d: Prüfverteiler PRVT e: Product Reliability Validation Test - e: Production Readiness Verification Testing Prvt Label e: Private Label (journ.) PrVtSch d: Programmverteilerschalter PRVW e: Preview PRVYD p: Polyteknisk Revy (journ.) Pr Vyzk Ustavu CS Naft Dolu c: Prace Vyzkumneho Ustavu CS Naftovych Dolu (journ.) Pr Vyzk Ustavu Lesn Hospod Myslivosti [Strnady] c: Prace Vyzkumneho Ustavu Lesneho Hospodarstvi a Myslivosti [Strnady] (journ.) PRW e: Paired Wire - e: Percent Rated Wattage - e: Polymerized Ragweed - e: Press Relations Wire - e: Promark Software - e: Prosser [Washington] - e: Purchasing World (journ.) - e: World University, San Juan Prw d: Pritzwalk PrW d: Prüfwähler Pr W R: Prawda Wostoka (journ.) PRW AD e: Professional Rehabilitation Workers with the Adult Deaf PR Water Resour Bull e: Puerto Rico. Water Resources Bulletin (journ.) PrWBV d: Präsident der Wehrbereitschaftsverwaltung PrWCJewSt e: Proceedings. World Congress of Jewish Studies (journ.) 65

PRWD PRWD e: Priority Regular World Day Pr. WG d: Preußisches Wassergesetz PRWI e: Prince William Forest Park Pr Winter e: Probability Winter School. Proceedings of the Fourth Winter School on Probability (journ.) PRWNR d: Prüfwegnummer PRWO e: Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization PRWRA e: Puerto Rican Water Resources Authority Pr Wroclaw Tow Nauk Ser B P: Prace Wroclawskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Seria B (journ.) PRWS e: President of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours PrWUsk d: Prüfgerät für Wechelstromumsetzer, kommend PRWV e: Peak Reserve Working Voltage Pr Wydz Nauk Tech Bydgoskie Tow Nauk Ser A P: Prace Wydzialu Nauk Technicznych. Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe. Seria A. Technologia Chemiczna (journ.) Pr Wydz Nauk Tech Bydgoskie Tow Nauk Ser B P: Prace Wydzialu Nauk Technicznych. Bydogoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe. Seria B (journ.) Pr Wydz Nauk Tech Bydgoskie Tow Nauk Ser C P: Prace Wydzialu Nauk Technicznych. Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe. Seria C. Elektronika, Elektrotechnika (journ.) PRX e: Paris - e: Pharmaceutical Resources - e: Pressure Regulation [or Regulator] Exhaust - e: Proximity PRXI e: PRX [Public Relations Exchange] International PRXS e: Praxis Biologies, Inc. PRY e: Paraguay - e: Pittsburgh Railways Corp. - e: Primary Pry e: Priority P Ryl e: Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the John Rylands Library at Manchester (journ.) PRZ d: Prämienrichtzahl - e: Peoples Republic of Zanzibar - e: Portales - e: Prism Entertainment Corp. PrZ d: Prähistorische Zeitschrift (journ.) - d: Prüfzeile Prz. d: Porzellan PrZA d: Priifzeilenanalysator Pr Zakresu Lesn P: Prace z Zakresu Lesnictwa (journ.) Pr Zakresu Nauk Roln P: Prace z Zakresu Nauk Rolniczych Prz Arch P: Przeglad Archeologiczny (journ.) PrZDÜ d: Prüfzeilendauerüberwachung Przegd St P: Przeglad Statystyczny (journ.) Przegl A P: Przeglad Archeologiczny (journ.) Przeglfad] Bibl[iot] P: Przeglad Biblioteczny (journ.) Przegl[ad] Geog[r] P; Przeglad Geograficzny (journ.) Przegl[ad] Hist P: Przeglad Historyczny (journ.) Przegl[ad] Mech P: Przeglad Mechaniczny (journ.) Przegl[ad] Papier[n] P: Przeglad Papierniczny (journ.)

Przegl[ad] Stat[yst] P: Przeglad Statystyczny (journ.) Przegl[ad] Wlok P: Przeglad Wlokienniczy (journ.) Przegl Antrop[ol] P: Przeglad Antropologiczny (joum.) Przegl Bibliogr Chem P: Przeglad Bibliograficzny Chemii (journ.) Przegl Budow P: Przeglad Budowlany (journ.) Przegl Dermatol P: Przeglad Dermatologiczny (joum.) Przegl Derm[atol] Wenerol P: Przeglad Dermatologii i Wenerologii (joum.) Przegl Dok Ceram Szlachetnej Szkla P: Przeglad Dokumentacyjny Ceramiki Szlachetnej i Szkla (joum.) Przegl Dok Nafty P: Przeglad Dokumentacyjny Nafty (journ.) Przegl Dokunt Chem P: Przeglad Dokumentacyjny Chemii (joum.) Przegl Dosw Roln P: Przeglad Doswiadezalnictwa Rolniczego (joum.) Przegl EIektr[on] P: Przeglad Elektroniki (joum.) Przegl Elektrotech P: Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (joum.) Przegl Epidemiol P: Przeglad Epidemiologiczny (joum.) Przegl Geofiz P: Przeglad Geofizyczny (joum.) Przegl Geogr Pol Geogr Rev P: Przeglad Geograficzny/Polish Geographical Review (joum.) Przegl Geol P: Przeglad Geologiczny (joum.) Przegl Gorn P: Przeglad Gomiczy (joum.) Przegl Gorn Hutn P: Przeglad Gomiczo Hutniczy (joum.) Przegl Hodowlany P: Przeglad Hodowlany (joum.) Przegl Kom[unik] P: Przeglad Komunikacyjny (joum.) Przegl Lek P: Przeglad Lekarski (joum.) Przegl Met Hydrol P: Przeglad Meteorologiczny i Hydrologiczny (joum.) Przegl Morski P: Przeglad Morski (joum.) Przegl Nauk Lit Zootech P: Przeglad Naukowej Literatury Zootechnicznej (joum.) Przegl Nauk Tech Akad Gorn Hutn Krakowie Ser G P: Przeglad Naukowo Technicsny. Akademia Gomiczo Hutnicza w Krakowie. Seria G. Gomictwo (joum.) Przegl Nauk Tech Akad Gorn Hutn Krakowie Ser H P: Przeglad Naukowo Techniczny. Akademia Gomiczo Hutnicza w Krakowie. Seria H. Hutnictwo (journ.) Przegl Odlew P: Przeglad Odlewnictwa (joum.) Przegl Organ P: Przeglad Organizacji (joum.) Przegl Przem Olejowego P: Przeglad Przemyslu Olejowego (joum.) Przegl Skorzany P: Przeglad Skorzany (joum.) Przegl Socjol P: Przeglad Socjologiczny (joum.) Przegl Spawalnictwa P: Przeglad Spawalnictwa (joum.) Przegl Telekomun P: Przeglad Telekomunikacyjny (joum.) Przegl Wojsk Ladowych P: Przeglad Wojsk Ladowych (journ.) Przegl Zachod P: Przeglad Zachodni (joum.)


© K G

Saur. München

Przegl Zboz[owo] Mlyn P: Przeglad Zbozowo Mlynarski (journ.) Przegl Zool P: Przeglad Zoologiczny (journ.) Przekazy P: Przekazy/Opinie (journ.) Przem Chem P: Przemysl Chemiczny (joum.) Przem Drzew[ny] P: Przemysl Drzewny (journ.) Przem Ferment P: Przemysl Fermentacyjny (journ.) Przem Ferment Rolny P: Przemysl Fermentacyjny i Rolny (joum.) Przem Naft P: Przemysl Naftowy (journ.) Przem Roln Spozyw P: Przemysl Rolny i Spozywczy (journ.) Przem Spozyw[czy] P: Przemysl Spozywczy (journ.) Przem Wlok P: Przemysl Wlokienniczy (journ.) Przemy Chem P: Przemysl Chemiczny (journ.) PRZF e: Pyrazofurin PRZGA P: Przeglad Geologiczny (joum.) PrzH P: Przeglad Humanistyczny (joum.) PrzK P: Przeglad Kulturalny (journ.) PrzKl P: Przeglad Klasyczny (journ.) PrZME d: Prüfzeilenmeßeinrichtung PrzOr P: Przeglad Orientalistyczny (journ.) PRZPB P: Przeglad Psychologiczny (journ.) Prz Stat P: Przeglad Statystyczny (journ.) prZusGt d: privates Zusatzgerät PRZZ P: Panstwowa Rada Zwiazkow Zawodowych PrzZ P: Przeglad Zachodni (joum.) PS c: Pochranicny Straz - d : Pankreassaft - d : Paradoxe Schlafphase -d: Parallelschütz - d : Parkinson-Syndrom - d : Patentschrift - d : Pathologisches Staging - d : Patientenserum - d : Pegelsender - d : Pegelsteller -d: Penizillin-Sulfonamid-Kombination - d : Personenschaden - d : Pferdestärke - d : Phasensynchronisierung -d: Phenolsteroid[e] - d : Phosphatidylserin -d: Photosysteme -d: Physischer Status - d : Pikosekunde - d : Pionierschule - d : Pirmasens - d : Planung und Steuerung - d : Plattenspeicher - d : Platzschauzeichen - d : Pneumatischer Stellantrieb - d : Polysaccharid - d : Polystyrol - d : Portale Stauungsmilz - d : Postsache - d : Postscheck - d : Postsekretär - d : Postsicherheit - d : Postskript[um] - d : Postsonderfragen -d: Prämiensparen - d : Präparandenschule - d : Pregnenolonsulfat - d . Prinzipstruktur - d : Pro Sekunde - d : Produktionsplanung und -Steuerung - d : Produktionssystem - d : Programmierbare Steuerung ie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

ps. - d: Programmiersystem - d: Programmierungssprache - d: Programmschliissel - d: Programmstatus - d: Programmsteuerang - d: Programmsystem - d: Progredienter Schlaganfall - d: Projektierungsstufe - d: Projektierungssystematik - d: Projektsteuerungssystem - d: Protonen-Synchrotron - d: Provinz Sachsen - d: ProzeBsicherung - d: ProzeBsimulation - d: Priifsatz - d: Prlifschalter - d: Priifschleife - d: Pulmonalstenose - d: Pumpstengel - e: Chemical Aent/Tear Gas, Chloropicrin - e: Pacifc Southwest Airlines - e: Packet Send - e: Packet Switch[er] [or Switching] - e: Packing Sheet - e: Packing Standards - e: Paddle Steamer - e: Painting System - e: Pakistan Standard - e: Paleontological Society - e: Palm Society - e: Palm Springs - e: Paper Structure - e: Parade State - e: Paradoxical Sleep - e: Parallel Storage [or Store] - e: Parallel-to-Serial - e: Parameter Set for - e: Parametric Programming - e: Parapsychological Society - e: Parity Switch - e: Part Surface - e: Parts Shipped [or Shipper] - e: Passenger Service - e: Passenger Steamer - e: Passing Scuttle - e: Pastel Society - e: Path Selection - e: Pathological Staging - e: Patients Serum - e: Pause Statement - e: Payload Shroud [Saturn V] - e: Pedal Sinus - e: Penal Servitude - e: Pennsylvania State University - e: Pentagrid Switch - e: Per Second - e: Per Ship - e: Perception Schedule - e: Percussion Shrapnel - e: Perform Statement - e: Peripheral Storage [or Store] - e: Permanent Secretary - e: Permanent Signal - e: Permanent Storage [or Store] - e: Permutation Sequence - e: Personal Skills - e: Personnel Strength - e: Personnel Subsystem - e: Petrol Station - e: Pharmaceutical Society [of Great Britain] - e: Phase Shift[er] - e: Phenol Steroid[s] - e: Photochemical System - e: Photoemission Scintillation - e: Photo[graphic] Service - e: Phototelegraph Station - e: Physical Sequential

e: Physical Society e: Physical Status e: Picket Ship[s] e: Pico Second[s] e: Picture Storage e: Picture System e: Pieces e: Pioneer School e: Piper Syndrome e: Pistol Sharpshooter e: Pittsburg & Shawmut e: Planetary Society e: Planetary Surface e: Planning and Scheduling e: Planning Study e: Plastic Surgery e: Plotter [or Plotting] System e: Point of Switch e: Point of Symmetry e: Point Setting e: Point Shifting e: Polarity Selector • e: Polling Signal • e: Polystyren[e] • e: Polystyrol e: Polysulfone e: Port Security e: Port Selection e: Port Side e: Port Store e: Post Status • e: Postal Service e: Postscript e: Potentiometer Synchron e: Power Series e: Power Shift e: Power Shutdown e: Power Source e: Power Spectrum e: Power Station e: Power Steering e: Power Stroke e: Power Supply e: Pregnant Serum e: Preliminary Study e: Present State e: Presentation Services e: Pressure Sensitive e: Pressure Steam e: Pressure Support e: Pressure Switch e: Pressure Systolic e: Primary School e: Primary Section e: Primary Sequence e: Primary Storage e: Print Scan e: Print Storage e: Printer Start e: Printing Speed e: Prior Service e: Private Secretary e: Privy Seal e: Probability of Surviving e: Problem Specification e: Problem Statement e: Procedure Signal e: Procedure Statement e: Procedure Subprogram[me] e: Process Specification e: Process Storage e: Process Subsystem e: Processing [or Processor] State e: Processing Station e: Processor Status e: Processor Storage e: Procurement Specification

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Product Service - e: Product Specification - e: Product Standards - e: Production] Sharing - e: Production] Support - e: Program Sound - e: Programmable Switch - e: Program[me] Scheduling - e: Program[me] Section - e: Program[me] Segmenting] - e: Program[me] Selector - e: Program [me] Service - e: Program[me] Shaft - e: Programfme] Shift - e: Program[me] Source - e: Program[me) Specification - e: Program [me] Start - e: Program[me] Stateword - e: Program[me] Status - e: Program[me] Storage [or Store] - e: Program[me] Structure - e: Program[me] Summary - e: Program[me] [or Programming] System - e: Project Slip -e: Proof Shot - e: Proof Stress - e: Propellant Supply - e: Propulsion Section - e: Protect Status - e: Protected Ship - e: Protected Storage [or Store] - e: Protective Silver - e: Proton Synchrotron - e: Provision Supply - e: Pseudo[nym][s] - e: Public Safety - e: Public Sale - e: Public School - e: Public Stenographer - e: Puget Sound - e: Pull Switch - e: Pulmonary Stenosis - e: Pulse Shape[r] - e: Pulse Stretcher - e: Pulses per Second - e: Punch Storage [or Store] - e: Purity-Supreme - f: Poids Spécifique - f: Ponction Sternale - i: Pubblica Sicurezza -1: Post Scriptum Ps d: Posaunen - d: Pseudonym - d: Punktschweißen - d: Systolischer [arterieller] Druck - e: Positronium - e: Prescription - e: Probability of Survivability - e: Psalms - e: Pseudomonas - e: South Celestial Pole - e: South Pole - e: static Pressure Ps. d: Psalm - d: Pseudomonas - p: Pseudomonas - s: Pseudomonas ps. e: prices


P.S. P.S. e: Paddle Steamer - e: Parliamentary Secretary - e: Passenger Steamer - e: Pension Trust, Profit-Sharing, Stock Bonus, or Annuity Plan - e: Petty Sessions - e: Pipe Size - e: Priority Service - e: Privy Seal - e: Proof Stress - e: Public School - e: Public Statutes - e: Purdons Pennsylvania Statutes - e: Ruling p.s. e: per second -1: per secundam -1: post scriptum P&S e: Paracentesis and Suction - e: Pay and Supply - e: Physicians and Surgeons - e: Pittsburg & Shawmut - e: Planking and Strutting - e: Planning and Scheduling - e: Plug and Socket - e: Port and Starboard - e: Purchase and Supply P/S d: Perioden pro Sekunde - e: Paddle Steamer - e: Parallel/Serial - e: Periods per Second - e: Point of Shipment - e: Port and/or Starboard - e: Port Side - e: Power Supply - e: Public Sale - e: Pulse[s] per Second P/S... d: Parallel/Seriell... P-S e: Parallel [to] Serial [converter] - e: Pressure Sensitive - e: Pullman-Standard - n: Plast-Sammenslutningen P„ d: Rückgestreute Lichtleistung - d: Scheinleistung - d: Signalleistung p, d: Rückstreupegel - d: Sendepegel p's e: pennies ps3 e: plate strip of 3 psS e: plate strip of 5 PS 166 e: Public School 166 [for example] PSA d: Panzerschießausbildung - d: Pflanzenschutzamt - d: Phthalsäureanhydrid - d: Postscheckamt - d: Postsparkassenamt - d: Prostataspezifisches Antigen - d: Prüfschleifen-AnsteuerschaltungsBaugruppe - e: Pacific Science Association - e: Pacific Seedsmens Association - e: Pacific Southwest Airlines - e: Packers and Stockyards Administration - e: Pakistan Sociological Association - e: Parametric Semiconductor Amplifier - e: Parametric Sound Amplifier - e: Partial Starting Address - e: Particle Size Analyzer - e: Passenger Shipping Association - e: Path Selection Algorithm - e: Peripherals Suppliers Association - e: Permanent Storage Area - e: Personnel Management Abstracts (journ.) - e: Philippine Sugar Association - e: Phobia Society of America - e: Photographic Society of America - e: Phycological Society of America - e: Pickles and Sauces Association

- e: Pitch Servo Assembly - e: Planning Simulation Accounting - e: Play Schools Association - e: Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom - e: Polysilicic Acid - e: Polysilicon Self-Aligned [process] - e: Port of Singapore Authority - e: Port Storage Area - e: Portable Sound Analyzer - e: Post Shakedown Availability - e: Potentiometrie Stripping Analysis - e: Poultry Science Association - e: Power and Servo Assembly - e: Power Servo Amplifier - e: Prefabricated Surfacing Alumin[i]um - e: Preferred Supplier Agreement - e: Prefix Save Area - e: President of the Society of Antiquaries - e: Pressure Sensitive Adhesive - e: Pressure Suit Assembly - e: Pressure Swing Absorption - e: Pretrial Service Agency - e: Primary Store Address - e: Problem Statement Analyzer - e: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries (journ.) - e: Process Service Area - e: Product Safety Association - e: Product Support Analysis - e: Program[me] Study Authorization - e: Property Services Agency - e: Protected Storage Address - e: Provisional Site Acceptance - e: Provisional System Acceptance - e: Provisional System Approval - e: Psychoanalytical] - e: Psychological Semantic Analysis - e: Psychological Society of America - e: Psychological Stress Analyzer - e: Psychopharmacology Abstracts - e: Public Service Administration - e: Public Service Advertising - e: Public Service Announcement - e: Public Service Association - f: Poste de Selection d'Armement PsA 1: Pisces Austrinus P&SA e: Program and Systems Analysis PSA d: Postsparkassenämter PSAA e: Post-Stimulatory Auditory Adaptation PSAB e: Public Schools Appointments Bureau PSab d: Pferdestärke, abgebremste PSABw d: Personal-Stammamt der Bundeswehr p sac e: pericardial cavity PSAC e: Passive Satellite Attitude Control - e: Pated-System Auxiliary Control element - e: Peak Sound Absorption Concentration - e: Presidents Science Advisory Committee - e: Production Statistics Advisory Committee - e: Public Service Alliance of Canada PSACPOO e: Presidents Scientific Advisory Committee Panel On Oceanography PSAD d: Personensätze-Adressensatz - e: Prediction, Simulation, Adaptation, [and] Decision PSAE e: Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers PSAG e: Program[me] System Analysis Guide PSAI e: Play Schools Association, Inc. - e: Proceedings of the Suffolk Archaeological Institute (joum.) PSAJ e: Peace Studies Association of Japan


© K G - Saur, München

PSA Journal e: Photographic Society of America Journal PSAL e: Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting - e: Programming Systems Activity Log - e: Public School Athletic League PSALI e: Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting Interiors Psalt. 1: Psalterium PSAM e: Partitioned Sequence [or Sequential] Access Method - e: Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics (journ.) PSAMPP e: Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons PSAMS e: Plessey Scientific-Atlanta Multistar System. PSAN d: Polystyrol-Akrylnitril - e: Psychoanalysis - e: Psychoanalyst - e: Psychoanalytic[al][ly] - e: Psychoanalyze - e: Polystyrolakrylnitril PSAn d: Psychoanalyse - d: Psychoanalytiker PS and L e: Power Switching and Logic p's and q's e: pints and quarts PS and T e: Pay, Subsistence and Transportation PSAODAP e: Presidential Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention PSAP e: Plane Stress Analysis and Plot - e: Power Supply for Asynchron Peripheral replaceable item - e: Presentation Service Access Point - e: Program Status Area Pointer - e: Public Safety Answering Point PSA-Process e: Poly-silicon Self-Aligned Process PSAR d: Prozeßsteuerungen und Antriebsregelungen - e: Parts and Supplies Adjustment Request - e: Pneumatic System Automatic Regulator - e: Preliminary Safety Analysis Report - e: Pressure System Automatic Regulator - e: Process Storage Address Register PS[/]AR e: Programmable Synchronous/ Asynchronous Receiver PsArb d: Psychologische Arbeiten (journ.) PS Area e: Posterior Speech Area PSARP e: Programmable Signal and Response Processor PSARs e: Pressure System Automatic Regulators PSAS e: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (journ.) - e: Programming System Announcement Summary PSAT e: Palm Springs Aerial Tramway - e: Percent Saturation of Transferrin - e: Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test[ing] P[/]SAT e: Programmable Synchronous/ Asynchronous Transmitter PSAU s: Plan de Suministros Alimentarios de Urgencia PSAV d: Pilotsignal-Aufzeichnungsverfahren

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PSD PSB d: Parasympathikus-Blockade - d: Platz für Spezialbehandlung - d: Programmmspezifikationsblock - d: Projektgesellschaft Schneller Brüter - d: Prüfschleifensteuerungsbaugruppe - d: Prüfsystem für Schul- und Bildungsberatung - e: Paradox Salt Basin - e: Passive-Sonobuoy - e: Please Send [a] Boat - e: Post-Strike-Base - e: Power Supply Bar - e: Process Specification Block - e: Program[me] Specification Block - e: Psychological Strategy Board - e: Public Service Band - e: Public Service Board PsB e: Psychological Bulletin (journ.) P&SB e; Portland & South Bend PSBA e: Pennsylvania School Boards Association - e: Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology (journ.) - e: Public Schools Bursars' Association PSBDIR e: Program Specification Block Directory PSBGEN e: PSG Generation PSBH e: Pad Safety in Blockhouse PSBLS e: Permanent Space-Based Logistics System PSBNAME e: Program Specification Block Name PSBO e: Public Savings Bond Office PSBR e: Public-Sector Borrowing Requirement - e: Pyridine Styrene Butadiene Rubber PSBS e: Policy Sciences Book Series PSBUS e: Path Selection Bus PSC d: Porter-Silber-Chromogen - d: Primär Sklerosierende Cholangitis - d: Proscillaridin - e: Pacific Sea Council - e: Pacific Science Center - e: Pacific Science Council - e: Pacific Studies Center - e: Pakistan Shipping Corporation - e: Palaeontological Society of China - e: Parallel-to-Serial Converter - e: Passed Staff College - e: Patent classification service - e: PATRIOT Steering Committee - e: Payphone Speech Circuit - e: Peacetime Subcontract - e: Per Standard Compass - e: Peralta Shipping Corporation - e: Perfect Shuffle Computer - e: Performance Seeking Control - e: Permanent Split Capacitor - e: Personnel Status Change - e: Personnel Subsystem Cost - e: Petroleum Supply Command - e: Phase-Sensitive Converter - e: Photo-Sensitive Cell - e: Physical Sciences Center - e: Pittsburgh Steel Company - e: Point Shipping Company - e: Polaroid Stereoscopic Chroncyclegraph - e: Police Staff College - e: Polish Steamship Company - e: Porcelain-on-Steel Council - e: Port Service Charge - e: Port State Control - e: Postal Service Center - e: Posterior Subcapsular Cataracts - e: Potentiometer Strip Chart - e: Potomac State College - e: Power Supply Calibrator

- e: Power System Communication^] - e: Pre-Stressed Concrete - e: Preferred Semiconductor Circuit[s] - e: Pressure Suit Circuit - e: Pressure System Control - e: Prestressed Concrete - e: Primary Store Capacity - e: Primary Subordinate Commands - e: Principal Subordinate Command[er][s] - e: Principle Surface Combatants - e: Probability Saturation Counter - e: Problem Specification Card - e: Process Schedule Control - e: Processing and Spectral Control - e: Procurement Source Code - e: Procurement Strategy Corporation - e: Product Safety Commissioner] - e: Product Support Confidential - e: Production Schedule Confirmation - e: Production Scheduling and Control - e: Professional Services Corporation - e: Program [me] Selection Code - e: Program [me] Sequence Control - e: Program[me] Status Chart - e: Program[me] Structure Code - e: Program[me] Support Coordinator - e: Program[me] Switching Center [or Centre] - e: Programming Sciences Corporation - e: Project Systems Control - e: Propagating Space Charge - e: Pseudo-Store Cell - e: Public Service Careers [Program] - e: Public Service Commission - e: Pulse Shape Control - n: Peulvruchten Studie Combinatie Psc e: Pisces P.S.C. e: Per Standard Compass - e: Public Service Commission PS&C e: Private Siding and Collection - e: Program Scheduling and Control P-S c e: Porter-Silber chromogen PSCAN e: P-Scanner P.S. Cap e: Polystyrene Capacitor PSCB e: Padded Sample Collection Bag - e: Presentation Services Command Processor PSCC e: Photo Systems Controller Console - e: Polymer Supply and Characterization Center - e: Posterior Subcapsular Cataract - e: Power System Computation Conference - e: Public Service Commission of Canada PSC Circuit e: Pulse Shape Control Circuit PS CD e: Patrol Service Central Depot PSCE e: Peripheral Storage [or Store] Control Element - e: Program[me] Support Customer Engineer PSCF e: Primary System Control Facility - e: Processor Storage Control Function PSCFB e: Pacific Southcoast Freight Bureau PSCG e: PATRIOT Security Classification Guide - e: Power Supply and Control Gear PSCH d: Packschachtel - e: Periodic Scheduler PSch d: Postschaffner - d: Postscheck - d: Postschule - d: Programmschiene PSchA d: Postscheckamt PSchA d: Postscheckämter PSch-AO d: Postscheck-Anordnung PSchB d: Postschaffner, Bus PSchD d: Postscheckdienst PSchFG d: Privatschulfinanzierungsgesetz

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich

PSchG d: Postscheckgesetz PSchK[to] d: Postscheckkonto PSchn d: Postschaffnerin PSchO d: Pachtschutzordnung - d: Postscheckordnung PSchTeiln d: Postscheckteilnehmer PSchVO d: Personenschadenverordnung PSCL e: Programmed Sequential Control Language - e: Programmed Sequential Control Logic - e: Propellants System Components Laboratory PSCLS e: Potentiostatic Stress Corrosion Life Curve PSCM e: Process Steering & Control Module PSC Motor e: Permanent Split Capacitor Motor PSCNI e: Public Service Company of Northern Illinois PSCO e: Personnel Survey Control Office[r] PS Computer e: Perfect Shuffle Computer P-S Converter e: Parallel-to-Serial Converter PSCP e: Public Service Careers Program PSCPD e: Philadelphia Signal Corps Procurement District PSCPT e: Preschool Self-Concept Picture Test[ing] PSCR e: Public Service Commission Reports PSCRT e: Passive Satellite Communications Research Terminal PSCS e: Pacific Scatter Communication^] System - e: Program Support Control System - e: Pulse Signature Classification System PSCs e: Parallel-to-Serial Converters - e: Problem Specification Cards Psc's calculator e: Pascal's calculator PSCT e: Permanent Service on Crustal Thickness PSCU e: Power-Supply Control Unit PSD d: Programmstatusdoppelwort - e: Doctor of Political Science - e: Doctor of Public Service - e: Packet Switched Data - e: Particle Size Determination - e: Particle Size Distribution - e: Passed - e: Passing Scene Display - e: Past Start Date - e: Patent Search Documentation - e: Pay Supply Depot - e: Perform Security block Defence - e: Personnel System Development - e: Petroleum Storage Depot - e: Phase-Sensitive Demodulator - e: Phase-Sensitive Detector - e: Phase Shifter Driver - e: Philadelphia Signal Depot - e: Photo-Stimulated Desorption - e: Photoconductive, Semiconductive Device - e: Pitch Servo Drive - e: Pittsburgh Steamship Division - e: Polysilicon Diode - e: Pore Size Distribution - e: Port of San Diego - e: Position Sensitive [light] Detector - e: Post Sending Delay - e: Power Spectral Density - e: Power Supply & Distribution - e: Power System Demonstrator - e: Pre-Shipment Document - e: Prevention of Significant Deterioration - e: Primary Standard Data - e: Printing Systems Division 69

PSd - e: Procedural Support Data - e: Processing Status Display - e: Program[me] Status Documents] - e: Program[me] Status Doubleword - e: Promotion Service Date - e: Propellant Slosh Dynamics - e: Propellant Storage Depot - e: Propulsion System Demonstrator - e: Protective Serum Dilution - e: PseudoSingle Domain - e: Public Safety Division - e: Pulse Shape Discrimination [or Discriminator] - e: Pure Screw Dislocation P Sd e: Port Said P.S.D. e: Petty Session Division Ps D e: Doctor of Psychology PSDA e: Paper Sack Development Association PSDB e: Physical Segment Descriptor Block PSDC e: Protective Structures Development Center - e: Public Switched Digital Capability PSD Circuit e: Permanent Signal Detection Circuit PSDD e: Preliminary System Design Description PSDDS e: Pilot Switched Digital Data Service PS DETN e: Particle Size Determination PSDF e: Propulsion Systems Development Facility PSdg d: Postsendung PS DISTN e: Particle Size Distribution PSDL e: Product Support Data List PS-DM e: Presentation Services for Data Management PSDN e: Packet Switched Data Network - e: Public Switched Data Network PSDNA e: Power System Dynamic Network Analyzer PSDO e: Pseudonym] PSDOS e: Public Switched Digital Data Service PSDP e: Personnel Subsystem Development Plan - e: Phase Structure and Dependency Parser - i: Poveri Servi della Divina Provvidenza PSDR e: Process Storage Data Register - e: Program[me] Status Doubleword Register PSDS e: Packet Switched Data Service[s] - e: Passing Scene Display System - e: Permanently Separated from Duty Station - e: Primary Solar Duct[ing] System - e: Public Switched Digital Service PSD's e: Position-Sensitive Detectors PSDS Matrix e: Positive Semi-Definite Symmetric Matrix PSDTN e: Packet Switched Data Transmission Network PSDTS e: Packet Switched Data Transmission Service[s] PSDU e: Power-Switching Distribution Unit - e: Presentation Service Data Unit PSDUPD e: Port of San Diego Unified Port District

PSE d: Panoramasichteinschub - d: Pegelsendeeinschub - d: Periodensystem [or Periodisches System] der Elemente - d: Portal-Systemische Enzephalopathie - d: Programm- und Systementwicklung - d: Programmierbare Steuereinheit - d: Programmierbare Steuereinrichtung - d: Prozedursteuereinheit - d: Pulsierter Siebboden-Extraktor - e: Pacific Stock Exchange - e: Packet Switched [or Switching] Exchange - e: Pale, Soft, Exudative - e: Panellinios Syndesmos Exagogeon - e: Passive Seismic Experiment - e: Peculiar Support Equipment - e: Personnel Subsystem Elements - e: Phase Shifter, Electronic - e: Physical Security Equipment - e: Phytochemical Society of Europe - e: Pitch Steering Error - e: Planed and Square Edged - e: Point of Subjective Equality - e: Power System Engineering - e: Pressurized Subcritical Experiment - e: Princeton Studies in English (journ.) - e: Print Scan Emitter - e: Priority Standardization Effort - e: Processor Speed Enhancement - e: Product Support Engineering - e: Programming Support Environment - e: Protein Separation Efficiency - e: Psychological Stress Evaluator - e: Public Service Employment - e: Pulse Sense PSe d: Pferdestärke, effektive - d: Programm[ier]systeme PS&E e: Plans, Specifications and Estimates PSEA e: Pennsylvania State Education Association - e: Physical Security Equipment Agency PSEAG[CO] e: Public Service Electric And Gas [Company] PSEB e: Punjab State Electricity Board PSEC e: Picosecond[s] [10 12 seconds] PSECT e: Program[me] Section PSef d: Pferdestärke, effektiv PSEFA e: Production Standard Evolution Form-Airframe PSEFC e: Production Standard Evolution Form-Engines PSE&G [Co] e: Public Service Electric and Gas [Company] PSEM e: Philips Scanning Electron Microscope PSE Muscle e: Pale, Soft Exudative Muscle PSEN e: Pupils with Special Educational Needs Pseo s: Paseo PSEP e: Passive Seismic Experiments Package PSEQ e: Pupil Services Expectation Questionnaire PSER e: Peak Systolic Ejection Rate - e: Production Support and Equipment Replacement PSET e: Permanent Service on Earth Tides P.sett. e: Previous settlement PSEU e: Public Service Executive Union Pseud, d: Pseudonym PSEUD e: Pseudandry - e: Pseudepigraphy - e: Pseudograph - e: Pseudonym[a] PSEV d: Photosekundärelektronenvervielfacher


© K • G • Saur, München

PSEW e: Project on the Status and Education of Women PSF d: Postschließfach - d: Problemspezifische Sprache für diskrete Förderprozesse - d: Prozedursteuereinheit - d: Prozeßsignalformer - e: Panama Sea Frontier - e: Pattern Sensitive Fault - e: Payload, Structure, Fuel - e: Permanent Signal Finder - e: Phelps-Stokes Fund - e: Philippine Sea Frontier - e: Pleuritis serofibrinosa - e: Point-Spread Function - e: Polystyrene Foam - e: Post Stimulus Flow - e: Pound[s] per Square Foot - e: Power Separation Filter - e: Presidio of San Francisco - e: Prime Subframe - e: Private Sector Financing - e: Process Signal Former - e: Production] Sharin Formula - e: Provisional System Feature -1: Pleuritis Serofibrinosa P&SF e: Panhandle and San Fe PSFC e: Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission PSFG e: Permanent Service on the Fluctuations of Glaciers PSFHQ e: Philippine Sea Frontier Headquarters PSfK d: Postseminar für Kunden PSFL e: Puget Sound Freig Lines PSFN P: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Filmu Naukowego PsFo d: Psychologische Forschung (journ.) PSFQ e: Pupil Services Fulfillment Questionnaire PSF Ratio e: Payload, Structure, Fuel Ratio PSF-Reaktion d: Polarographische Serumfiltrat-Reaktion PSFS e: Philadelphia Savings Fund Society PSFs e: Pattern Sensitive Faults - e: Point-Spread Functions PSFSchr d: Postschließfachschrank PSG d: Pegelschreibgerät - d: Präzisions-Schützen-Gewehr - d: Prednisolon-stea[roylglyko]lat - d: Programmsteuergerät - e: Passing - e: Passiv Sonar Geraet - e: Phosphor-Silicate Glass - e: Phrase Structure Grammar - e: Planning System[s] Generator - e: Prask-Structive Grammar - e: Production] Support Group - e: Production System Generator - e: Programmable Signal Generator - e: Program [me] Systems Guide - e: Psychogalvanometer - e: Psychogalvanometric[al][ly] - e: Pulse Signal Generator - e: Pulse Sweep Generator - e: Pulsed Strain Ga[u]ge PSg d: Prüfungssieger PSGB e: Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain PSGBI e: Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland PSGe d: Programmsteuergeräte PSGEN e: Program[me] Specification Generation PSGI e: Permanent Service for/on Geomagnetic Indices PSG Mask e: Phosphosilicate Glass Mask

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PSLV PSGr d: Panzersprenggranate - d: Panzerstahlgranate PSGR LNG e: Passenger Lounge PSGR[s] e: Passenger[s] p-SG[T][-MOS] e: p-channel Silicon Gate [Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor] PSH d: Poststimulations-Histogramm - d: Präsynaptische Hemmung - e: Post-Stimulus Histogram - e: Pre-Select Heading - e: Productive Standard Hour - e: Program Support Handbook - e: Program[me] Store Handler - e: Provisional Site Handover - e: Proximity Sensing Head - f: Periarthrite Scapulo-Humerale PS[/]h d: Pferdestärke[n]stunde P. Shaw e: Patrick Shaws Justiciary PSHFA e: Public Servants Housing and Finance Association PShn d: Pferdestärkenstunden PSHR e: Project Safety & Health Review - e: Pusher PSHRPQ e: Program[me] Support for Hardware RPQ [Request for Price Quotation] PSI d: Gesellschaft für Prozeßsteuerungsund Informationssystem - d: Pockenschutzimpfung - d: Polio-Schluckimpfstoff - d: Posteriorer Sagittalindex - d: Prozeßsteuerungs- und Informationssystem mbH - e: Pacific Semiconductors, Incorporated - e: Packet-net System Interface - e: Packet Switching Interface - e: Page Survival Index - e: Paid Service Indication - e: Pakistan Standards Institution - e: Parameter Setting Instruction - e: Parameter Signature Identification - e: Participation Systems Incorporated - e: Peripheral Subsystem Interface - e: Permuted [or Permuterm] Subject Index - e: Personal Security Identifier - e: Personal Sequential Inference machine - e: Personal Sequential Interface - e: Personalized System of Instruction - e: Personnel Security Investigation^] - e: Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland - e: Physicians Services Incorporated - e: Pilot Steering Indicator - e: Plan-Speed Indicator - e: Planned Start Installation - e: Policy Studies Institute - e: Pollutants [or Pollution] Standards Index - e: Population Services Incorporated - e: Population Services International - e: Positive Self-image - e: Posterior Sagittal Index - e: Potential Savings Index - e: Pound[s] [force] per Square Inch - e: Power per Square Inch - e: Power Semiconductors, Incorporated - e: Preprogrammed Self-Instruction - e: Present Serviceability Index - e: President of the Service Institute - e: Pressure per Square Inch - e: Pressure-Sensitive Identification - e: Pressurized Sphere Injector - e: Presynaptic Inhibition - e: Private Sector Initiatives - e: Problem Solving Information - e: Process System Index - e: Process to Support Interoperability - e: Processor Simulator - e: Proctorial System of Instruction

- e: Product Support Instructions - e: Programmable Series Interface - e: Protosynthetic Indexing - e: Protosynthex Index - e: Psychological Society of Ireland - e: Public School[s] Investigation - e: Public Services International - e: Publications Standing Instruction - f: Petit Système Informatique PSi d: Pferdestärke, indizierte P&SI e: Pay and Supply Instruction PSIA e: Paper Stock Institute of America - e: Pound[s] [force] per Square Inch, Absolute - e: Production System Integration Area PSI Apparatus e: Problem Solving Information Apparatus PSIC e: Pacific Scientific Information Center - e: Process Signal Interface Controller p-SiC e: P-type Silicon-Carbide PSI/COMP e: Predicted Speech Intelligibility Computer PSICP Program[me] Support Inventory Control Point PSID e: Patrol Seismic Intrusion Detector - e: Poundfs] per Square Inch, Differential - e: Preliminary Safety Information Document PSIDC e: Punjab State Industrial Development Corporation PSIE e: Project on Scientific Information Exchange in Psychology PSIEP e: Project in/on Scientific Information Exchange in Psychology PSIF e: Prison Service Industries and Farms PSIFET e: Power Silicon Field-Effect Transistor PSIG e: Partial Signalling - e: Per Square Inch on the Ga[u]ge - e: Pound[s] per Square Inch, Ga[u]ge[d] P-Signal d: Programmsignal PSIL e: Philippine Society of International Law PSIL Technique e: Preferred[-frequency] Speech Interference Level [Techique] PSIM e: Power System Instrumentation and Measurement PSI-Machine e: Personal Sequential Inference Machine PSIP e: Poultry Stock Improvement Plan - e: Private Sector Initiative Program - e: Project on Scientific Information in Psychology PSIR e: Phase-Sampled Impulse-Response PSIR Filter e: Phase-Sampled ImpulseResponse Filter PSIS e: Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies - e: Programming Systems Information System PSIV e: Passive PSJ e: Parallel Swivel Joint - e: Plane Swivel Joint - e: Point Spread Junction - e: Pressure Switch Joint PSJF e: Preemptive Shortest Job First

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

PSK d: Phasenschieberkette - d: Plattenspeicher, Kombiniert - d: Polysulfid-Kautschuk - d: Präzisionsstereokomparator - d: Produktionsselbstkosten - d: Programmsystemkomplex - d: Psychologische Kampfführung - e: Personal Survival Kit - e: Phase-Shift Key[d] [or Keying] - e: Power Supply Kit - e: Program Selection Key - e: Protection Survey Kit - e: Pulse Shift Keying PSKA d: Teilstreitkräfteamt pSKG d: private Satelliten-Kommunikations-Empfangseinrichtung PSKK d: Plan-Selbstkosten-Kalkulation PSKL e: Program Skelton Language PSKM e: Phase Shift Keyed Modulation - e: Phase Shift Keying MODEM [ModulatorDemodulator] PSKR R: Pogranichnyy Storozhevoy KorabI PSKV d: private Studentenkrankenversicherung PSL d: Prednisolon - d: Prozessor-Steuer-Liste - d: Psychologische Lage - d: Puffer-Substrat-Leerwert - e: Pacific Star Line - e: Pakistan Shipping Line - e: Patterson Strategy Letter - e: Personnel Skill Levels - e: Peruvian State Line - e: Phase Sequence [or Sequency] Logic - e: Philharmonic Society of London - e: Photographic Science Laboratory - e: Physical Sciences Laboratory - e: Pipe Sleeve - e: Pocket Select Language - e: Poly-crystalline Silicon Layer - e: Port Service Ltd. - e: Power and Signal List - e: Power Source Logic - e: Pressure Sensitive Label - e: Pretoria State Library - e: Primary Standards Laboratory - e: Problem Specification Language - e: Problem Statement Language - e: Process Simulation Language - e: Processor Status Longword - e: Program Structuring language - e: Programming] Support Library - e: Propulsion Systems Laboratory - P: Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe PS&L e: Power Switching and Logic PSLAP e: Power Supply Load Analysis Program[me] PS 2 L D[evice] e: Programmable Solid State Load Device psLE d: physiologische Lautstärkeeinstellung PSLI e: Packet Switch Level Interface PSLLS e: Pulsed Solid-state Laser Light Source PSLM e: Priority Search-Lock Monitor PSL/PSA e: Problem Statement Language/ Problem Statement Analyse PSIs e: Project Security Instructions PSL sol. e: Potassium, Sodium chloride, sodium Lactate solution PS Lt e: Port Side Light PSLT e: Picture Story Language Test - e: Port Side Light PSLV e: Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle


PSM P S M d: Personalstruktur Modell - d: Pflanzenschutz!- und Schädlingsbekämpfungs]mittel - d: Pultschreibmaschine - e: Packet-switched Signalling Message - e: Packet Switching Module - e: Particle Size Monitor - e: Passed School of Music - e: Paste Striping Machine - e: Peak Selector Memory - e: Personal Storage Module - e: Personnel Subsystem Manager - e: Personnel Systems Management - e: Phase Shift Modification - e: Phase Shifter Module - e: Photo Sensing Mark - e: Positive Sample Mode - e: Power Strapping Machine - e: Power Supply Module - e: Power System Module - e: Presystolic Murmur - e: Producibility Study Memorandum - e: Product Sales Manager - e: Product Support Manual - e: Production Systems Management - e: Productive Standard Minute - e: Program[me] Sensitive Malfunction - e: Program[me] Support Management - e: Program[me] Support Material - e: Program[me] [or Programming] Support Monitor - e: Programming System Memorandum - e: Programming Systems Manual - e: Progressive Series Modulator - e: Propellant Storage Module - e: Proportional Spacing Machine - e: Pulse Slope Modulation - e: Pulse Step Modulation - f: Pression Systémique Moyenne - R: Pistolyet Samozaryadnyy Malogabaritnyy Psm e: Prism P S M A d: Progressive spinale Muskelatrophie - e: Power Saw Manufacturers Association - e: Power Supply Manufacturers' Association - e: President of the Society of Marine Artists - e: Pressure Sensitive Manufacturers Association - e: Progressive Spinal Muscular Atrophy P S M D e: Photo-Selective Metal Deposition P S M D A e: Power Supply Module DA P S M E d: Pegel-Sende- und Meßeinrichtung P S M E A e: Power Supply Module EA P S M F d: Proteinsubstituiertes Modifiziertes Fasten P S M F C e: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission P S M I e: Precise Ship Motion Instrument PsMitt d: Psychologische Mitteilungen (journ.) P S M L e: Processor System Modelling Language P S M M e: Patrol Ship Multi-Mission P/S M o d e e: Parallel/Serial Mode P S M R e: Part Specification Management for Reliability - e: Pneumatic System Manifold Regulator - e: Pneumatic System Manual Regulator - e: Pressure System Manifold Regulator - e: Pressure System Manual Regulator P S M S e: Permanent Section of Microbiological Standardization P S M S L e: Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level P S M T e: Paced Sequential Memory Task - e: Pedestal Sight Manipulation Test


PSN d: Blei-scandium-nioboxid Pb 2 ScNb0 6 - d: Position - e: Packet Switched Network - e: Packet-Switching Node - e: Perfect Shuffle Network - e: Position Sequence Number - e: Potassium Sodium Niobate - e: Print Sequence Number - e: Private Satellite Network - e: Public Switched Network - e: Pulse-Shaping Networking] PSn d: Postsekretärin - e: Port Sudan Psn e: Positioning] PsN d: Pseudoneurasthenie PSNA e: Phytochemical Society of North America P S N A P e: Programmable Steerable Nulling Antenna Processor PSNC e: Pacific Steam Navigation Company - e: Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee P S N C E P e: Political Consultation and NATO Civil Engineering CIS Plan P S N C O e: Personnel Staff Noncommissioned Officer P S N H e: Public Service New Hampshire PSNI e: Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland P & S N P e: Pay and Subsistence of Naval Personnel P S N R e: Power Signal-to-Noise Ratio - R: Perenosnaya Stantsiya Nazemnoy Razvedki P s n r e: Positioner P S N R L e: Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio Loss PS NS e: Picket Ship, Navy Service PSNS e: Physical Science for Nonscience Students - e: Programmable Sampling Network Switch PSNS[Y] e: Puget Sound Naval Shipyard P s N W d: Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Wochenschrift (journ.) P S O d: Pilot Systems Operator - e: Pad Safety Officer - e: Paint Spray Outfit - e: Pauli Spin Operator - e: Personnel Selection Officer - e: Phoenix Symphony Orchestra - e: Phorate Sulfoxide - e: Pilot Systems Operator - e: Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra - e: Planet Sensor Output - e: Principal Scientific Officer - e: Publicity Security Officer - R: Posledovatel'noye Sosredotocheniye Ognya P " i.Passo P S O C e: Preliminary System Operational Concept P S O J e: Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica P S O L e: Part[ial]ly Soluble P S O M T e: Public Sector Organisation for Maritime Transport [Alexandria] pson e: person P S O S e: P-channel SOS [Silicon-onSapphire or Spinel] - e: Probably Secure Operating System P S O T e: Patch Start Of Transaction

© K • G • Saur, München

P S P d: Pankreasstein-Protein - d: Personalstrukturplan - d: Persönlich-schöpferischer Plan - d: Phenolsulfo[n]phthalein - d: Plattenspeicher[einheit] - d: Polizei Selbstladepistole - d: Poststimulations-Potenzierung - d: Postsynaptisches Potential - d: Programmiersprache[n] - d: Programmspeicher - d: Programmstrukturprozessor - d: Projektstrukturplan - d: Prostatasaure Phosphatase - d: Prozeßrechner-Systeme und Peripherie GmbH - e: Pacific Security Pact - e: Package Size Proneness - e: Packaging Shipping Procedures - e: Packet Satellite Program terminal - e: Packet Switching Processor - e: Pad Safety Plan - e: Paralytic Seafood Poisoning - e: Parts Screening Program - e: Patrol Seaplane - e: Pauli Sound Pressure - e: Pauli Speech Power - e: Peace Shield Program - e: Peak Sideband Power - e: Peak Systolic Pressure - e: Performance Shaping Parameter - e: Performance Standards Program - e: Personal Success Program - e: Personal Survival Pack - e: Personnel Subsystem Process - e: Phenolsulfon[a]phthaIein [test] - e: Pierce Steel Plating - e: Pierced Steel Plank[ing] - e: Plane Strain Plastometer - e: Planet Scan Platform - e: Planned Standard Programming - e: Plasma Separations Process - e: Platform Sensor Package - e: Pocahontas State Park - e: Portable Service Processor - e: Positive Screened Print - e: Postsynaptic Potential - e: Power System Planning - e: Pre-Sending Pause - e: Pre-Series Phase - e: Pre-Start Panel - e: Price-Subsidy Program - e: Price-Support Program - e: Primary and Secondary Power system - e: Primary Supply Point - e: Primary Support Point - e: Printing Summary Punch - e: Problem-Solving Program[me] - e: Product Structure Plan - e: Product Support Program - e: Program Support Plan - e: Programmable Signal Processor - e: Program[me] Support Package - e: Program[me][s] Support Plan - e: Progressive Supernuclear Palsy - e: Project Structure Plan - e: Protective Shielding Program - e: Pseudostatic Spontaneous Potential - e: Public School Pronunciation P s p d: Pilotsperre - d: Preßspan - d: Plattenspieler - d: Postsparkasse - d: Pufferspeicher P S p f: Pneumothorax Spontané P-SP d: Programmspeicher PSpA d: Postsparkassenamt

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PSS PSPA d: Pulmonalarteriendruck systolisch - e: Professional Sports Photographers Association - e: Systolic Pulmonary Artery Pressure PSpÄ d: Postsparkassenämter PSPB e: Pulse Code Modulation Speech Bus PSpB[Nr] d: Postspar[kassen]buch[nummer] PSPBZ d: Zugang von Postsparbüchern PSPC s: Partido Socialista del Pueblo de Ceuta PS PCD e: Puget Sound Pollution-Control District PSpD d: Postsparkassendienst PSPDN e: Packet-Switched [or Switching] Public Data Network PSpDV d: Online-Direktauskunft PSP&E e: Product Support Planning and Estimating PSPE System e: Physical Sciences Program[me] Exchange System PSPF e: Potential Single Point Failures PSpG[D] d: Postspargiro[dienst] PSpGKto d: Postspargirokonto PSpk d: Postsparkarte PSpK[D] d: Postsparkasse[ndienst] PSpKO d: Postsparkassenordnung PSpKto d: Postsparkonto PSP&L e: Puget Sound Power and Light PSPL e: Priced Spare Parts List - e: Prototype Spare Parts List PSPLR e: Priced Spare Parts List Revision PSPMW e: Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers PSpO d: Postsparkassenordnung P-Spot e: Preceding Spot PSPP d: Präsqualenpyrophosphat - e: Preliminary System Package Plan - e: Program[me] System Package Plan - e: Proposed System Package Plan PSP Program[me] e: Power System Planning Program[me] PSPR d: Programmiersprache - e: Personnel Subsystem Products PSprn d: Programmiersprachen P&S Process e: Pig and Scrap Process PSPRT e: Partial Sequential Probability Ratio Test PSPS e: Paddle Steamer Preservation Society - e: Pesticides Safety Precautions Scheme - e: Planar Silicon Photoswitch - e: Primary Solar Piping System - e: Program[me] Support Plan Summary PSPs e: Packet Switching Processors - e: Post synaptic Potentials PS[-]PSK e: Previous Signalling-element Phase Shift Keying PSP-Syndrom d: Paralytic-ShellfishPoisoning-Syndrom PSPT e: Passport - e: Planar Silicon Power Transistor PSP-Test d: Phenolsulfo[n]phthaleintest PSQ d: Philologische Studien und Quellen (journ.) - d: Prüfschallquelle - e: Personal Security Questionnaire - e: Political Science Quarterly (journ.) PSQC e: Philippine Society for Quality Control PSQL e: Process Screening Quality Level P/S-Quotient d: Verhältnis von Polyen- zu gesättigten Fettsäuren

PSR d: Patellarsehnenreflex - d: Perjodsäure-Schiff-Reagens - d: Porter-Silber-Reaktion - d: Prioritätsstatusregister - d: Programmsilbenregister - d: Programmstatusregister - d: Psychologische Rüstung - d: Pultsteuerrechner - e: Pacific School of Religion - e: Pacific Security Region - e: Pacific Sociological Review (journ.) - e: Packed Snow on Runway - e: Pad Safety Report - e: Pain-Sensitivity Range - e: Panoramic Stereo Rectification - e: Parachute Status Report - e: Parts and Supplies Requisition - e: Passenger Space Ratio - e: Pelvispondylite Rheumatismale - e: Perfectly Stirred Reactor - e: Performance Summary Report - e: Phase Sensitive Rectifier - e: Phase Sequence Relay - e: Philippine Sociological Review (journ.) - e: Physicians for Social Responsibility - e: Plow-Steel Rope - e: Point of Safe Return - e: Point Source Range - e: Port State Register - e: Portable Seismic Recorder - e: Power Supply Regulation - e: Power Supply Rejection - e: Power System Relaying - e: Pressure - e: Priority Status Register - e: Processor State Register - e: Procurement Status Report - e: Program [or Programming] Status Report - e: Program[me] Status Register - e: Program[me] Study Request - e: Program[me] [or Programming] Support Representative - e: Program[me] Support Requirements - e: Progress Summary Report - e: Project Summary Report - e: Protected Service Routine - e: Pulsar - f: Pelvispondylite Rhumatismale - f: Planification Stratégique du Réseau PsR e: Psychoanalytic Review (joum.) - e: Psychological Review (journ.) P.S.R. e: Pennsylvania State Reports pSR d: Belastungspegel PSRA e: Programme Special de Revetements d'Aerodromes PSRAM e: Pseudo Static-RAM [RandomAccess Memory] PSRC e: Plastic Surgery Research Council - e: Public Service Research Council PSRD e: Personnel Shipment Ready Date - e: Program[me] Support Requirements Documents PSRF e: Point Source Response Function - e: Product Support Reports and Functions - e: Profit Sharing Research Foundation PSRG e: Programmable Signal Reference PSRI e: Particulate Solid Research Institute - e: Position Subject Return of Incumbent - e: Public Systems Research Institute PSRM e: Pacific Southwest Railway Museum - e: Pressurization Systems Regulator Manifold PSRMA e: Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association PSRMT e: Piecewise-Sinusoidal Reaction Matching Technique

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

PSRO e: Passenger Standing Route Order - e: Professional Services [Standards] Review Organization PSR Order e: Passenger Standing Route Order PSRP e: Physical Sciences Research Paper PSRR e: Power-Supply Rejection Ratio - e: Product and Support Requirements] Request PSRS e: Portable Seismic Recording System - e: Position Subject to Rotating Shifts - e: Psychiatric Seif-Rating Scale PSRT e: Passive Satellite Research Terminal PSRV e: Pseudo-Relative Velocity PSS d: Parallelschnittstelle - d: Patellspitzensyndrom - d: Patentsuchsystem - d: Persönlichkeitsskalen-System - d: Planungs- und Steuer[ungs]system - d: Plattenspeichersteuerung - d: Produktionssteuerungssystem - d: Programmsteuerungssystem - d: Progressive Systemische Sklerodermie - d: Progressive Systemische Sklerose - d: Prüfschleifenschaltung - e: Packet Switch Service - e: Packet Switch Stream - e: Packet Switched [or Switching] Service[s] - e: Packet Switched [or Switching] System - e: Packet Switchstream Service - e: Pad Safety Supervision [or Supervisor] - e: Parallel Search Storage - e: Parents for Student Safety - e: Partially Sighted Society - e: Passenger Service System[s] - e: Patent Searching] System - e: Pauli Spin Susceptibility - e: Periodic Steady State - e: Personal Security System - e: Personal Signalling System - e: Personnel Subsystem - e: Personnel Support System - e: Perturbed Stationary State - e: Philips Systeme und Sondertechnik - e: Physical Security System - e: Physiological Saline Solution - e: Physiological Stability Score - e: Planetary Scan System - e: Planned Systems Schedule - e: Planning Summary Sheets - e: Plant Science Seminar - e: Plunger Snap Switch - e: Pneumatic Supply Subsystem - e: Polystyrene Sulfonate - e: Porcine Stress Syndrome - e: Portsmouth Signal School - e: Possible Signal Sample - e: Postal Savings System - e: Power Supply Section - e: Power [Supply] [Subsystem - e: Power Switching System - e: Power System Synthesizer - e: Pre-School Screening [program] - e: Premature Separation Switch - e: Preselection Secondary Section - e: Pressure Sensitive Schottky - e: Printer Storage System - e: Printing and Stationery Service - e: Priority Scheduling System - e: Problem Solving State - e: Process Switching Service - e: Professional Services Section - e: Professor of Sacred Scripture - e: Programmable Store System - e: Program[me] Support System - e: Programming Systems Support - e: Progressive Systemic Sclerosis 73

PSs - e: Propellant Supply Subsystem - e: Propulsion Subsystem Structure - e: Propulsion Support System - e: Pseudo-Sense Switch - e: Pseudo Steady State - e: Public Service System - e: Pushbutton Selection Station - f: Compagnie des Prêtres de Saint Sulpice - P: Panstwowa Spoldzielnia Spozywcöw PSs d: Pferdestärkesekunde Pss e: Princess P.S.S. e: Persian Shipping Services, Teheran -1: Postcripta PS/S e: Plumbing Supervisor/Specialist PSS 25 d: Persönlichkeitsskalensystem 25 PSSA e: Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa - e: Photogrammetric Society of South Africa - e: Pilot's Stick Sensor Assembly - e: Pitch Starting Synchro Assembly - e: Polycristalline Silicon Selfaligned PSSB e: Passing Stopped School Bus PSSBB e: Public School System Blanket Bond[ing] PSSC e: Parachute Subsystem Sequence Controller - e: Personal Social Services Council - e: Philippine Social Science Council - e: Physical Science Study Committee - e: Pious Society of Saint Charles - e: Professional Staff Selection Committe - e: Programmer and Star-tracker Signal Controller - e: Public Service Satellite Consortium PS&SC e: Public Service and Safety Committee PsSchnBr d: Panzerschnellbrücke P/S-Schnittstelleneinheit d: Parallel/ Seriell-Schnittstelleneinheit PSSCP e: Partially Submerged Supercaviating Propeller PS[/]sec d: Pferdestärkesekunde PSSEK e: Probability of Single Shot Engagement Kill PSSEP e: Preliminary System Safety Engineering Plan PSSG e: Printers Supply Salesmen's Guild - e: Payload Specialist Support Group PSSHAK e: Primary Support Structures and Housing Assembly Kit PSSI e: Peace Science Society International PSSK e: Probability of Single Shot Kin PSSL e: Program Source Status List PSSM e: Parking Systems Simulation Model - e: Patrol Ship Multi-Mission - e: Polish Society of Social Medicine PSSNY e: Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York PSSO e: Pass Slip[ped] Stitch Over PSSP e: Partition with Self-Substitution Property - e: Pilot Stick Sensor Assembly PSSR e: Parallel-Shaft Speed Reducer - e: Problem Status and Summary Report PSSRB e: Public Service Stops Relations Board PSSS e: Philosophic[al] Society for the Study of Sport - e: Polish Society of Soil Science - e: Psychiatric Status Schedule PSSs e: Packet Switching Services PSST e: Pakistan Society of Sugar Technologists - e: Prairie State Standard Time - e: Public Sector Standardization Team PSSt d: Pferdestärke pro Stunde


PSst d: Pferdestärkestunde PSSTA e: Port Security Station PSS Transistor e: Pressure Sensitive Schottky Transistor PSSD e: Pilots Stick Sensor Unit PSSW e: Parliamentary Secretary of State for War PS-SZ d: Polystyrol-Schlagzähler PST d: Paroxysmale Supraventrikuläre Tachykardie - d: Penicillin, Streptomycin, Tetracyclin - d: Philips-Sondertechnik - d: Preisstufe - d: Programmierbare Serielle Tore - d: Programmsteuerung - d: Programmstruktur - d: Programmsystem Teileplanung - d: Prozeßstabilisierung - d: Prüfsummentester - d: Pulmonalstenose - e: Pacific Standard Time - e: Pair[ed] Selected] Ternary - e: Partition Specification Table - e: Paste - e: Pastry - e: Pentobarbital Sleeping Time - e: Performance Specification Tree - e: Periodic Self-Test - e: Philadelphia Suburban Transportation - e: Picture Story Test - e: Piston Shock Tunnel - e: Plan Specification Tools - e: Platelet Survival Time - e: Point of Spiral Tangent - e: Polaris Star Tracker - e: Polished Surface Technique - e: Polystyrol - e: Positive Sign Trigger - e: Post-Stall - e: Post Stimulus Time - e: Pound Static Thrust - e: Precision Static Toroid - e: Prefrontal Sonic Treatment - e: Preparing for Settlement and Trial - e: Pressure Sensitive Tape - e: Priority Selection Table - e: Product Support Technician - e: Production Sampling Test - e: Profit-Sharing Trustee - e: Program Synchronization Table - e: Program[me] Status Table - e: Program[me] Structure Technology - e: Program[me] Synchronization Table - e: Propeller STOL [Short Takeoff and Landing] Transport - e: Provincial Standard Time PSt d: Peilstelle - d: Poststelle - d: Pseudostereofonie Pst. d: Pferdestärke PS&T e: Pay, Subsistence and Transportation P.-St. d: Personalstelle - d: Personenstand - d: Poststempel PSTA e: Public Safety and Training Association P-Stadien d: Pathologische Stadien PST-Alenksystem e: Precision Static Toroid-Ablenksystem PStAusfV d: Verordnung zur Ausführung des Personenstandsgesetzes PSTB e: Picture Story Test Blank - e: Propulsion System Test Bed PSTBC e: Puget Sound Tug and Boat Company PStB[k] d: Preußische Staatsbank © K • G • Saur, München

PSTC e: Pressure Sensitive Tape Council - e: Product Support Task Control - e: Public Switched Telephone Circuitfs] PST Code e: Paired Selected Ternary Code PST Deflection Yoke e: Precision Static Toroid Deflection Yoke PSTE e: Personnel Subsystem Test and Evaluation PSTEP e: Pre-Service Teacher Education Program PSTE Program e: Personnel Subsystem Test and Evaluation Program PStErgG d: Gesetz zur Ergänzung des Personenstandsgesetzes PSTF e: Pioneer Station Training Facility PStG d: Personenstandsgesetz PStGB d: Polizeistrafgesetzbuch PSTGC e: Per Steering Compass PSTH e: Peristimulus Time Histogram - e: Poststimulus Time-Histogramm PSTIAC e: Pavements and Soil Trafficability Information Analysis Center PSTL e: Postal PSTMA e: Paper Stationery and Tablet Manufacturers Association PS&TN e: Pay, Subsistence and Transportation, Navy Pstn e: Piston PSTN e: Public Service Telephone Network - e: Public Switched Telephone Network PSTND e: Product Standards PSTO e: Principal Sea Transport Officer PS to S e: Private Siding to Station PSTP d: Programmsystem Teileplanung -e: Programmable Strategy Theorem Prover P Stp e: Program[me] Stop P Str e: Programfme] Start PSTR e: Pennsylvania State [University] Triga Reactor - e: Propulsion System Training Rig P-strip e: P-shaped strip PSTS e: Passive Sonar Tracking System P Stt e: Program[me] Start PStV d: Poststellenverwalter - d: Verordnung zur Ausführung des Personenstandsgesetzes PSTV e: Potato Spindle Tuber Virus PstZ d: Psychotechnische Zeitschrift (journ.) PSTZ[D] e: Pasteurize[d] PSTZG e: Pasteurizing PSU d: Parallel-Serie[n]-Umsetzer - d: Prüfsystemunterlage[n] - e: Package Size Unspecified - e: Packet Switching Unit - e: Path Set-Up - e: Pennsylvania State University - e: Peripheral Switching Unit - e: Photosynthetic Unit - e: Plasma Spray Unit - e: Polysulfon - e: Port Sharing Unit - e: Port Storage Utility - e: Portland State University - e: Power Supply Unit - e: Pressure Speed-up - e: Pressure Status Unit - e: Primary Sampling Unit - e: Primary Switching Unit - e: Problem Statement Unit - e: Processor Service Unit - e: Program[me] Storage Unit - e: Public Security Unit - f: Pouvoir Secretagogue de l'Urine PSUB e: Piston Supported Upper Bearing P-Substance e: Protein Substance P-Substanz d: Proteinsubstanz

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PSYDOC PSUC e: Pennsylvania State University Center[s] P Sud e: Port Sudan PSU-IRL e: Pennsylvania State UniversityIonosphere Research Laboratory PSU-MRL e: Pennsylvania State University-Materials Research Laboratory P/S-Umwandlung d: Parallel/SerienUm Wandlung PSUP e: Pennsylvania State University Press PSUR e: Pennsylvania State University Reactor PSURAO e: Pennsylvania State University Radio Astronomy Observatory PSURG e: Plastic Surgeon [or Surgery] PSUs e: Power Supply Units PSUT e: Phase Shifter Under Test PSV d: Pilotsignalverfahren - d: Platzscheckverfahren - d: Proximale] Selektive Vagotomie - d: Psychologische Verteidigung - e: Pair Shield Video - e: Polished Stone Value - e: Portable Sensor Verifier - e: Positive Start Voltage - e: Present State Variable - e: Probability State Variable - e: Program Status Vector - e: Project Salt Vault - e: Public Service Vehicle - f: Petit St Vincent PSVC e: Power alarm on Service Cluster PSV Device e: Probabilistic State Variable Device PSVKr d: Kräfte für Psychologische Verteidigung PSVL e: Peak Signal Voltage Loss PSVM e: Phase Sensitive Voltmeter - e: Phase Shift Voltmeter PSV[N] e: Pilot Secure Voice [Network] PSVP e: Pilot Secure Voice Project PSV[']s e: Present State Variables PSVSBw d: Schule der Bundeswehr für Psychologische Verteidigung PSVT d: Paroxysmale Supraventrikuläre Tachykardie - e: Passivate PSVTr d: Truppe für Psychologische Verteidigung PSVX e: Pilot Secure Voice Exchange PSW d: Parallel-/Seriell-Wandler - d: Programmierbares Schaltwerk - d: Programmstatuswort^] - d: Prozessorstatuswort - d: Pumpspeicherwerk - d: Punkt-Spaltenwähler - e: Japan/Corea/Pacific South West Service - e: Pacific South West - e: Peripheral Switching unit - e: Planar Stitch Wire - e: Plasma Spray Welder - e: Politically Simulated World - e: Potential Switch - e: Potentiometer Slide Wire - e: Powerplant Specific Weight - e: Processor Status Word - e: Program[me] [or Programming] Status Word - e: Psychiatric Social Worker Psw d: Pasewalk PS&W e: Philadelphia Steel and Wire P/S-Wandler d: Parallel-Serienwandler PSWB e: Plateau State Water Board PSWBD e: Power Switchboard PSWC e: Pacifc Tsunami Warning Center

P Swet e: Port Swettenham P S W F e: Prolate Spheroidal Wave Function PSWFA e: Prestige Saltwater Fly Anglers P S W G e: Pressure Sine Wave Generator - e: Product Support Working Group PSWIE e: Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Engineers (joum.) P S W O e: Picture and Sound World Organization - e: Product Support Work Order PSWR e: Power Standing Wave Ratio - e: Program[me] Status Word Register PSWS e: Peak Systolic Wall Stress PSWTE e: Proceedings of the Society for Water Treatment and Examinations (joum.) P S W T U F e: Public Service Workers Trade Union Federation PSW Unit e: Processor Status Word Unit PSX e: Pacific South West Express PSY d: Programmiersystemfe] Psy e: Paisley - e: Psychiatry psy e: psychological psy. e: psychological - e: psychiatric PSYCE Program[me] e: Power Supply Current Estimating Program[me] Psych, d: Psychiater - d: Psychiatrie - d: Psycholog[i]e - d: Psychopath - d: Psychose - e: Psychiatry - e: Psychologist - e: Psychology - e: Psychopathology psych, d: psychiatrisch - d: psychisch - d: psychogen - d: psychoid - d: psychologisch - e: psych[olog]ical PSYCHABS e: Psychological Abstracts [Data Base] PSYCH/D e: Psychological Death PsychDstBw d: Psychologischer Dienst der Bundeswehr P S Y C H E e: Programming Systems Yearly Cost Headcount Estimate PSYCHES e: Psychiatric Case History Event System Psychiat. d: Psychiatrie - e: Psychiatry psychiat. d: psychiatrisch - e: psychiatric Psychiat. Neurol, med. Psychol d: Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie (journ.) psychiatr. d: psychiatrisch Psychic R e: Psychical Review (journ.) PSYCHIS d: Psychiatrisches Informationssystem PsychKG d: Gesetz über Hilfe und Schutzmaßnahmen bei psychischen Krankheiten PSYCHL e: Psychological Psych.&M.LJ. e: Psychological & Medico-Legal Journal Psycho, d: Psychopath PSYCHO e: Dangerous lunatic - e: Psychiatric hospital [or ward] - e: Psychoneurotic personality - e: Psychotic individual - e: Psychologist PSYCHOAN e: Psychoanalysis - e: Psychoanalyst - e: Psychoanalytic

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G ' Saur, Munich

PSYCHOBAB e: Psychobabble[r]Psychological Patter[er] P S Y C H O B I O e: Psychobiological - e: Psychobiologist - e: Psychobiology P S Y C H O B I O G e: Psychobiographer - e: Psychobiographic[al][ly] - e: Psychobiography P S Y C H O C H R O N e: Psychochronic[al][ly] - e: Psychochronicle[r] - e: Psychochronologer - e: Psychochronologic[al][ly] - e: Psychochronology P S Y C H O C H R O N I C L E e: Psychiatric Chronicle - e: Psychological Chronicle P S Y C H O D E L I C S e: Hallucinogenic drugs PSYCHODELS e: Psychodelics P S Y C H O G E O G e: Psychogeographer - e: Psychogeographic[al] - e: Psychogeography P S Y C H O H I S T e: Psychohistorian - e: Psychohistorical - e: Psychohi story Psychol, d: Psychologe - d: Psychologie - e: Psychologist - e: Psychology psychol. d: psychologisch - e: psychological Psychol Bul[l] e: Psychological Bulletin (journ.) Psychol Clinic e: Psychological Clinic (journ.) Psycholog, d: Psychologie psycholog. d: psychologisch Psychol. Rep. e: Psychological Reports (journ.) Psych[ol]. R[ev.] e: Psychological Review (journ.) PSYCHOMET e: Psychometric Psychonomic Sei. e: Psychonomic Science (journ.) Psychop. d: Psychopathie - d: Psychopathen] - d: Psychopathologie - e: Psychopathology psychop. d: psychopathisch Psychopathol. d: Psychopathologie - e: Psychopathologist - e: Psychopathology psychopathol. e: psychopathological Psychophys. e: Psychophysicist - e: Psychophysics psychophys. e: psychophysical Psychophysiol. e: Psychophysiologist - e: Psychophysiology psychophysiol. e: psychophysiological psychoprison e: psychiatric hospital prison Psychosom. d: Psychosomatik psychosom. d: psychosomatisch PSYCHOSURG e: Psychosurgeon - e: Psychosurgery - e: Psychosurgical[ly] psychot e: psychotic Psychother. d: Psychotherapie PSYCHOTHER e: Psychotherapeutic[al][s] - e: Psychotherapist - e: Psychotherapy PSYCHO WARD e: Psychopathic Ward Psych Qtly e: Psychoanalytic Quarterly PsychSt d: Psychische Studien (journ.) PSYCH TEST e: Psychological Test[ing] PSYCINFO e: Psychological Information PSYCO e: Peripheral System Checkout PSYDOC e: Psychiatrist Doctor


psyk psyk N: psykologi[st] P S Y N C e: Processor Synchronous PSYOP[S] e: Psychological Operation^] P S Y P A T H e: Psychopathic] PsyR e: Psychoanalytic Review (journ.) PsyRund d: Psychologische Rundschau (journ.) PSYSOM e: Psychosomatic Psyst d: systolischer [arterieller] Blutdruck P-System d: Blutgruppensystem mit dem Faktor P PSYWAR e: Psychological Warfare PSYWPN e: Psychological Weapon PSZ e: Partly Stabilized Zirconia - e: Pressure Sealing Zipper - P: Polskie Sily Zbrojne PSZJ H: Pänzelozott Szällftö Järmü PT d: Bleitantalat PbTa 2 O fi - d: geplanter Termin - d: Parathyreoidea - d: Paroxysmale Tachykardie - d: Pegelton - d: Pferdetage - d: Phototoxizität - d: Physikalische Therapie - d: Plasmolyse Test - d: Pneumotachograph - d: Pneumothorax - d: Polyäthylenfaserstoffe - d: Postechnik - d: Praktische Tätigkeit - d: Präzipitationstest - d: Primärtumor - d: Programmierbare^] [s] Terminal - d: Programmtechnik - d: Projektionstisch - d: Projektteam - d: Projektträger - d: Propanthiol - d: Propylthiourazil - d: Prototyp - d: Prozeßtyp - d: Prüftafel - d: Prüftaste - d: Pseudotetrade - d: Psychotherapie - d: Pulmonale Tuberkulose - d: Pulmonalton - e: Motor Torpedo boat - e: Pacific Time - e: Packaged Terminal - e: Packet Terminal - e: Packet Trunk - e: Page Table - e: Page Teleprinter - e: Page Terminator - e: Pain Threshold - e: Paper Tape - e: Parathyroid - e: Parcel Ticket - e: Paroxysmal Tachycardia - e: Part [Time][rs] - e: Partially Tested - e: Partition Table - e: Partnership Taxation - e: Passage Time - e: Passenger Train - e: Past Tense - e: Patentee - e: Pattern Transfer - e: Pay Tone - e: Payment - e: Peak Time - e: Pencil Tube - e: Penetrant Test - e: Peninsula Terminal - e: Pennell and Postlewaite

-e -e -e -e -e -e - e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e

Perforated Tape Perforated Type Performance Test Performance Tool Period Tapering Peripheral Transfer Personal Trade Personnel and Training Phase Type Phenolthiazine Philadelphia Transportation Photo Technician Phototransistor Physical Therapist [or Therapy] Physical Training Piaster Picture Telegraphy Picture Transmission Pilot Tape Pilot Test Pint[s] Pipe Thread Plane Table Plastic Training Plastic Tube Plenty Tough Plenty Trouble Pneumatic Tube Point [courrant] Point location Point of Tangency Point of Turn[ing] Port Tower Portable Positional Tolerancing Post and Telegraph Post Town Postal Telegraph Potential Transformer Power Train Power Transfer Power Transformer Practice Tracer Precision Time Precision Tracker Preferential Tariff Prepunched Tape Pressure Test Pressure Transducer Pressure Transmitter Primary Target Primary Timer Primary Trainer Print Text Print[ed] Printer Terminal Printing Tape Priority Telegram Private Terms Procedure Trainer Procedure Turn Process Type Process[ing] Time Processor Terminal Production Techniques Production] Test Profile Template Program Tab Programmable Terminal Program[me] Table Program[me] Tape Program[me] Termination Program[me] Test Program[me] Text Program [me] Time Program [me] Track Program[me] Translation


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Program[me] Transmitter - e: Programmed Testing - e: Programmed Timing - e: Programmer and Timer - e: Programmer Training - e: Programming Theory - e: Programming Time - e: Project Team - e: Promptor - e: Proof Test - e: Propanthiol - e: Propellant Temperature - e: Propellant Transfer - e: Propeller Torpedo - e: Property Transfer - e: Prothrombin Time - e: Prototype - e: Provincetown-Boston Airline - e: Pseudoternary - e: Pseudotetrade - e: Public Transport - e: Public Trustee - e: Pulmonary Trunk - e: Pulmonary Tuberculosis - e: Pulse Time[r] - e: Pulse Train - e: Pulse Transformator - e: Pulse Transformer - e: Punch Through - e: Punch Transfer - e: Punchfed] Tape - e: Pupil Teacher - e: Purchase Tax - e: Pure Telepathy - e: Pyramidal Tract - e: Pyrotechnic Material - R: Plavayushchiy Tank - R: Prostivotenkovij Pt d: Partei - d: Pilot - d: Platin[um] - d: Posttechnischer Dienst - d: Punkt - e: Pitch - e: Platinum - e: Points, typographic - e: Port[o] - s: Puerto pT d: potentielle Transpiration pt d: posttechnisch - f: partie Pt. d: Patient - d: Pilot - e: Patient -1: Platinum pt. e: part - e: payment - e: perstetur - e: pint - e: point - e: portfable] -1: perstetur P.T. e: Part-time - e: Pension trustee - e: Per Ton - e: Potential Transformer - e: Premium Transfer - e: Private Terms - e: Processing Tax Division, Internal Revenue Bureau - e: Public Trustee - e: Purchase Tax p.t. 1: post transfusionem -1: pro tempore

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PTC P&T e: Permanent and Total - e: Personnel and Training - e: Pontoon and Trestle - e: Pope & Talbot - e: Posts and Timbers - e: The Phoenix and the Turtle P/T e: Personnel and Training - e: Prototype p/t d: posteigen/teilnehmereigen p.-t e: punch-through P, d: Sendeleistung P" f: Petit - f: Pont PT1 e: Incendiary Mixture PT-76 e: Soviet Amphibious tank PT80 e: Printer Terminal 80 PTA d: Peritonsillarabszeß - d: Perkutane Transluminale Angioplastie - d: Pharmazeutisch-Technische[r] Assistent[en] - d: Pharmazeutisch-Technische Assistentin (journ.) - d: Phenyltrimethylammonium - d: Phosphotransazetylase - d: Physikalisch-Technische Anstalt - d: Physikalisch-Technischer Assistent - d: Plasma Thromboplastin-Antecedent - d: Polnische Telegraphen-Agentur - d: Posttraumatische Amnesie - d: Primäre Tubuläre Azidose - d: Prothionamid - e: Page Table Address - e: Paper and Twine Association - e: Paper Tape Accessory - e: Parent-Teacher Association - e: Part Time Alcoholic - e: Passenger Transport Authority - e: Patient-Triggered Analgesia - e: Percutaneous Transluminal Angiography - e: Pet Trade Association now PT1A - e: Pet Traders Association - e: Phase-To-Amplitude modulation - e: Philippine Tobacco Administration - e: Philippine Travel Authority - e: Phosphotungstic Acid - e: Photo Transistor Amplifier - e: Photographers Telegraph Association - e: Pilotless Target Aircraft - e: Pitch Trim Adjustment - e: Planar Turbulence Amplifier - e: Plasma Thrombin [or Thromboplastin] Antecedent - e: Polytungsten Anion[s] - e: Pope and Talbot - e: Post-Tensioning Association - e: Post-Traumatic Amnesia - e: Postal Transportation Association - e: Postcard Traders Association - e: Posttraumatic Amnesia - e: Power Transfer Assembly - e: Preferential Trade Area - e: Premium Transportation Authorization - e: Prepaid Ticket Advice - e: Primary Target Area - e: Primary Tungsten Association - e: Principle Technical Advisor - e: Printing Trades Alliance - e: Prior to Admission - e: Programmable [or Programmed] Translation Array - e: Program[me] Time Analyzer - e: Propfan Test Assessment - e: Proposed Technical Approach - e: Protestant Teachers Association - e: Protionamid - e: Proton Target Area - e: Pulse Torquing Assembly

- f: Vehicule Pouseur de Travures de Avani - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Archeologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Astronautyczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Astronomiczne - s: Peseta PtA e: Port Arthur Pta e: Pretoria - s: Punta P.T.A. d: Petersburger Telegraphen-Agentur - e: Polish Telegraphic Agency P" p: Ponta - s: Puerta - s: Punta PTAAN d: Prüfteil als Abnehmer für das Leitungssystem im Abschaltebereich für Nachrichten vom Arbeitsfeldsteuerwerk PTAAV d: Prüfteil als Abnehmer für das Leitungssystem im Abschaltebereich für Versorgung und Spannung PTAB d: Programmzustandstabelle PTACV e: Prototype Aircushioned Vehicle PTADSIM e: Program Tactical Air PTAG e: Portable Tactical Approach Guidance PTAH e: Phosphotungstic AcidHematoxylin PTAiN P: Polskie Towarzystwo Archeologiczne i Numizmatyczne P Tal e: Port Talbot Pt Alb e: Port Albemi PTA Modulation e: Phase-To-Amplitude Modulation PT and E e: Progress Tests and Examinations Pt Ant e: Port Antonio PTAP e: Purified Toxoid [diphtheria] precipitated by Aluminium Phosphate PTAPE d: Prüfteil als Abnehmer für das periphere Leitungssystem für Ersatzschaltung von der Ersatzschalteeinrichtung PTAPN d: Prüfteil als Abnehmer für das periphere Leitungssystem für Nachrichten vom Arbeitsfeldsteuerwerk PTAPT d: Prüfteil als Abnehmer für das periphere Leitungssystem für Takte und Töne PTAR e: Prime Time Access Rule PTar d: Personentarif Pt Art e: Port Arthur PTAS e: Productivity and Technical Assistance Secretariat - s: Pesetas PTAs e: Passenger Transport Authorities PTA's e: Part Time Alcoholics PTase d: Phosphatase - e: Phosphatase PTAT d: Privates Transatlantisches Telefonkabel - e: Proportional To Absolute Temperature PTAT Cable e: Private Transatlantic Telephone Cable P Tau e: Port Taufiq PtAw d: Pilotauswerter PTAZ d: Panzertechnisches Ausbildungszentrum

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

PTB d: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt - d: Prothrombin - d: Pulmonale Tuberkulose - e: Page Table Base - e: Partial Test Ban - e: Patellar Tendon Bearing - e: Patrol Torpedo Boat - e: Physical Transaction Block - e: Pressure Test Barrel - e: Prior to Birth - e: Processor Test Bus - e: Protected Terminal Block - e: Pulmonary Tuberculosis - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Biometryczne PTBA e: Privat Termination Basic Access PTBBiMF P: Polskie Towarzystwo Balneologii, Bioklimatologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej PTBD d: Perkutane Transluminale Ballondilatation PTBL e: Portable PTBM e: PT Barnum Museum PTB-Mitt[eil]. d: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Mitteilungen (journ.) PT[-]Boat e: Patrol [Torpedo] Boat PTBR e: Processing Tax Board of Review Decisions U.S. Internal Revenue Bureau - e: Punched Tape Block Reader - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Badan Radiacyjnych im Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie PTBT e: Partial Test Ban Treaty PTC d: Perkutane Transhepatische Cholangiografie - d: Phenylthiokarbamid - d: Plasma Thromboplastin-Komponente - d: Positiver Temperaturkoeffizient - d: Posttraumatische Kephalalgie - d: Primäres Traumatisches Koma - d: Prothrombinkomplex - e: Pacific Telecommunications Conference - e: Pacific Telecommunications Council - e: Pacific Theological College - e: Pacific Tin Consolidated - e: Paisley Technical College - e: Paket-Test-Center - e: Pakistan Television Corporation Ltd. - e: Paper Tape Code - e: Paper Tape Control - e: Paper Tape-to-card Converter - e: Part Through Crack - e: Passive Thermal Control - e: Patrol Vessel - e: Peoria Terminal - e: Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography - e: Performance Test Codes - e: Periscope Television Camera - e: Personal Typing Centre - e: Personnel Transfer Capsule - e: Personnel Transfer Chamber - e: Personnel Transit Center - e: Personnel Transport Carrier - e: Phenylthiocarbamide - e: Philadelphia Transportation Company - e: Photographic Type Composition - e: Physical Training Centre - e: Physical Training Course - e: Pine Tree Camp - e: Pioneer Tobacco Company - e: Pipe and Tobacco Council - e: Pitch Trim Compensator - e: Plan to Clear - e: Plasma Thromboplastin Component - e: Platelet Count - e: Pneumatic Temperature Control - e: Pneumatic Test Console 77

PTCA - e: Port and Transport Consulting - e: Portable Tele-Transaction Computer - e: Portable Temperature Controller] - e: Positive Target Control - e: Positive Temperature Coefficient [resistor] - e: Positive Transmitter Control - e: Postal and Telegraphic Censorship - e: Postal Telegraph Cable - e: Post[s] and Telecommunication^] Corporation - e: Power Testing Code - e: Power Transfer Coefficient - e: Power Transmission Council - e: Practical Tonnage Capacity - e: Pre-Temperature Control - e: Prehead Triple Coil - e: Preparatory Technical Committee - e: Press Trust of Ceylon - e: Pressure and Temperature Control - e: Pressure Transducer Calibrator - e: Primary Training Center - e: Printer Terminal Control - e: Private Truck Council - e: Process and Test Control - e: Programmable Telecommunication Interface - e: Programmable Test Console - e: Program[me] Test Controller - e: Programmed Transmission Control - e: Programmer Training Center - e: Programming and Training Center - e: Proof Test Capsule - e: Propellant Tanking Console - e: Propulsion Test Complex - e: Pulse Time Code - e: Punched Tape Card - e: Punched Tape Check - e: Punched Tape Code - f: Point de Contact - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Cybernetyczne PTCA d: Perkutane Transluminale Koronarangioplastie - e: Percutaneous Transluminal Catheter [or Coronary] Angioplasty - e: Private Truck Council of America - e: Programme for Theology and Cultures in Asia PTCAnA e: Permanent Test Control element and Auxiliary control element-nA, subrack assembly unit PTCC e: Pacific-Division Transport Control Center - e: Paper Tape-to-Card Converter PTCCS e: Polaris Target Card Computing System PTCD d: Perkutane Transhepatische Cholangio-Dränage PTCE e: Peripheral Terminal Control Element - e: Permanent Test Facility Control Element PT-Cephalgia e: Posttraumatic Cephalgia PTCF e: Primary Technical Control Facility PTCh P: Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne PTChD P: Polskie Towarzystwo Chirurgöw Dzieciecych PTCL d: Perkutane Transhepatische Cholezystolithotripsie PTCLD e: Port Called PTCLDY e: Partly Cloudy PTCMA e: Plastic Tanks and Cisterns Manufacturers Association PTCP e: Parameter Test Control Program [me] PTCPY e: Paper Tape Copy

PTCR d: Perkutane Transluminale koronare Rekanalisation - e: Pad Terminal Connection Room - e: Patent, Trademark and Copyright Research Institute - e: Positive Temperature Coefficient of Resistance PTC R[esistor] e: Positive Temperature Coefficient Resistor PTCRM e: Partial Thermochemical Remanent Magnetization PTCs e: Personnel Transfer Capsules PTCS e: Pressure Transducer Calibration System - e: Propellant Tanking Computer System PTC-SAT f: Politique des Télécommunications par Satellite PTCT e: Path Count - e: Protect PTC Thermistor e: Positive Temperature Coefficient Thermistor PTCU e: Punched Tape Control Unit PTCV e: Pilot-operated Temperature Control Valve PTC-Widerstand e: Positive Temperature Coefficient-Widerstand PTD d: Dipentamethylenthiuramdisulfid - d: Perkutane Transhepatische Drainage [or Dränage] - d: Prozentuale Tiefendosis - e: Painted - e: Paper Tape Date - e: Parallel Transfer Disk - e: Patented - e: Permanent Total Disability - e: Physical Theory of Diffraction - e: Pilot to Dispatcher - e: Plant Test Date - e: Pointed - e: Printed - e: Professional Training and Development - e: Programmable Thermal Desorber - e: Provisional [or Provisioning] Technical Documentation - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Dermatologiczne P&TD e: Parts and Tool Disposition PTDA e: Passive Target Data Analysis - e: Power Transmission Distributors Association - e: Professional Tournament Directors Association Ptd. A. e: Pointed Arch PTDB e: Point Target Data Base PTDC e: Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation PTD Drive e: Parallel Transfer Disk Drive Pt.[/]Dest. e: Port of Destination PTDI e: Punched Tape Data Input P&T Disability e: Permanent and Total Disability Pt.[/]Disch. [declj e: Port of Discharge [declared] PTDL e: Programmable Tapped Delay Line - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej PTDOS e: Processor Technology Disc [or Disk] Operating System PTDP e: Preliminary Technical Data Package - e: Preliminary [or Proposed] Technical Development Plan - e: Production Technical Data Package PTDQ e: Polymerized Trimethyl Dihydro Quinoline PTDR e: Post-Test Disassembly Report PTDS e: Photo Target Detection System


© K G - Saur, München

PTDTL e: Pumped Tunnel Diode Transistor Logic PTDTL Circuit e: Pumped Tunnel Diode Transistor Logic Circuit PtdVG f: Pression terminale diastolique du Ventricule Gauche PTE d: Parathyreoidea-Extrakt - d: Priiftastwahlempfänger - e: Page Table Entry - e: Parathyr[e]oid Extract - e: Passenger Transport Executive - e: Peculiar Test Equipment - e: Perforated Tape Exchange - e: Personal Terminal Environment - e: Plant Transaction Entry - e: Plasma Thromboplastin Enzyme - e: Portable Test Equipment - e: Pressure-Tolerant Electronics - e: Private [Trade Entity] - e: Process and Test Equipment - e: Production Test Equipment - e: Protect Error - e: Pulmonary Thromboembolism - e: Punched Tape Equipment - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Elektryczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne PT&E e: Progress Tests and Examinations Pte f: Pointe - s: Presidente pte s: poriente p" s: parte PTEC e: Plastics Technical Evaluation Center PTED e: Patient Education PTEK P: Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne PtEK d: Piloteinkopplung pTelAnl d: posteigene Telefonanlage PtEm d: Pilotempfänger PTEMP d: Patiententemperatur PT Employment e: Part-Time Employment PTEN d: Penerythrityltetranitrat PT&ER e: Physical Teardown and Evaluation Review PTErg P: Polskie Towarzystwo Ergonomiczne PTERM d: Plattenterminal - e: Physical Terminal PTEs e: Passenger Transport Executives P-Test d: Prokop-Test PTET d: Priiftastwahlempfänger für Teilnehmeranschlüsse PTETD e: Production Test Engineering Task Description PTE Technology e: Pressure Tolerant Electronic Technology PTETS e: Pioneer Television and Electronic Technicians Society PTEV d: Prüftaszwahlempfänger für Vermittlungsstellen-Einrichtungen PTEX d: Programmierte Textverarbeitung PT EX[CH] e: Part Exchange PtEz d: Pilotentzerrer PTF a: Papirindustriens Tekniske Forening - d: Plasmathromboplastinfaktor - d: Primärgruppentransitfilter - d: Proximaler Tubulärer Flow - e: Particulars to Follow - e: Patch and Test Facility - e: Patrol Torpedoboat, Fast - e: Permanent Test Facility - e: Plasma Thromboplastin Factor - e: Polytetrafluorethylen - e: Power Test Fail - e: Production Tabulating Form - e: Programmable Transversal Filter[s]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PTLLSL - e: Program[me] Temporary Fix - e: Programming Temporary Fix[ed] - e: Propellant Tank Flow - e: Propulsion Test Facilities [or Facility] - e: Punch-Through Factor - e: Punched Tape Feed - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Farmakologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Filologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne PTFA e: Preliminary Tool and Facility Analysis PTFÄ d: Polytetrafluoräthylen PTFACE e: Permanent Test Facility Auxiliary Control Element PTFarm P: Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne PTFCE e: Polytrifluoro[mono]chloroethylene PTFD e: Punched Tape Feed Device PTFE d: Polytetrafluoräthylen - e: Polytetrafluoroethylen[e] PTFit P: Polskie Towarzystwo Fitopatologiczne PTFM e: Platform PTFM P: Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyki Medyczne PTFMO e: Peacetime Force Materiel Objective PTFMPO e: Peacetime Force Materiel Procurement Objective PTFMR e: Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements PTFMR-A e: Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements-Acquisition PTFMR-R e: Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements-Retention PTFP e: Prime-Time Family Programming PTFS e: Publications of the Texas Folklore Society (journ.) PTF's e: Punch-Through Factors PTFX e: Plating Fixture PTG d: Pegeltongenerator - e: Personal Training Guide - e: Piano Technicians Guild - e: Place-to-Go - e: Planed, Tongued and Grooved - e: Pointing - e: Polaris Task Group - e: Precise Tone Generator - e: Pressure Test Gauge - e: Pressure Transfer Gauge - e: Printing - e: Program[me] Test Group - e: Prothoracic Glands - e: Pulse Target Generator - n: Proefstation voor de Tuinbouw onder Glas - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze Ptg e: Portugal - e: Portuguese PTGANE e: Professional Technical Group on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics PTGAP e: Professional Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation PTGC e: Programmed Temperature Gas Chromatography PT80GE e: Printer Terminal 80, control PTGEC e: Professional Technical Group on Electronic Computers PtGen d: Pilotgenerator PTGeof P: Polskie Towarzystwo Geofizyczne

P T G E W S e: Professional Technical Group on Engineering Writing and Speech PtGo d: Pilotgenerator für obere Prüffrequenz PTGRFI e: Professional Technical Group on Radio Frequency Interference PTGS e: Portable Telemetry Ground Station Ptg. Std. e: Petrograd Standard PTGT e: Primary Target PtGu d: Pilotgenerator für untere Prüffrequenz P T G W O e: Philippine Transport and General Workers Organisations PTH d: Parathyreoidea - d: Parat[thyreoidea]hormon - d: Phenylthiohydantoin - d: Posttransfusionshepatitis - d: Primäre Thrombozythämie - d: Prothionamid - d: Prozentuale Tiefendosis in der Haut, Hauttiefendosis - e: Hydrofoil motor Torpedo boat - e: Pallet Torque Hook - e: Parathyroid] Hormon[e] - e: Path - e: Plated Through Hole - e: Processor Test Handler - e: Project Team Head - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieniczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Hydrobiologiczne P t h e: Perth PtHA e: Pinto Horse Association of America PTH Circuit e: Plated Through Hole Circuit PTHiC P: Polskie Towarzystwo Histochemiköw i Cytochemiköw PTHiT P: Polskie Towarzystwo Hematologöw i Transfuzjologöw PTHP P: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej PT/HR e: Pints per Hour PTHrP e: Parathormon related peptides PTHs e: Parathyroid Hormones PTHS e: Path Selection PTHs e: Plated Through Holes PTHZ P: Polskie Towarzystwo Handlu Zagranicznego P T I d: Posttechnische Informationen - e: Party Identity - e: Persistent Tolerant Infection - e: Personnel Transaction Identifier - e: Philadelphia Textile Institute - e: Philips Telecommunicatie Industrie - e: Physical [or Physico]-Technical Institute - e: Physical Training Instructor - e: Pictorial Test of Intelligence - e: Plant Transfer In - e: Plugging Temperature Indicator - e: Pocket Incendiary - e: Porous Tungsten Ionizer - e: Power Tool Institute, Inc. - e: Pre-Trip Inspection - e: Preliminary Test Information - e: Press Trust of India - e: Presentation of Technical Information - e: Presistent Tolerant Infection - e: Press Trust of India - e: Program [me] Transfer Interface - e: Protect the Innocent - e: Punched Tape Information - f: Pupura Thrombopénique Idiopathique - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Immunologiczne PTIA e: Pet Trade and Industry Association PTIB e: Programfme] Testing Information Bulletin

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G - Saur, Munich

PTIC e: Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada PTIDG e: Presentation of Technical Information Discussion Group PT80IF e: Printer Terminal 80, Interface PT80IKSR e: Printer Terminal 80, Ink Printer and Keyboard PTIL e: Parts Test Information List PTIM e: Punched Tape Invoicing Machine PTIME e: Periodic Timer PTIO e: Pesticides Technical Information Office PTIOS e: Paper Tape Input/Output System - e: Plant Transfer In Operating System PTIS e: Photo Thermical Ionization Spectroscopy - e: Piano Teachers Information Service - e: Propulsion Test Instrumentation System PTIWU e: Posts and Telegraphs Industrial Workers Union PTJ e: Pulse-Train Jitter - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Jezykoznawcze - s: [Cuerpo] Tècnico de Polici'a Judicial PTJA e: Plan to Join Airways PTJC d: Perkutane Transjugulare Cholangiografie PTJV d: Perkutane Transtracheale Jet-Ventilation PTK d: Perkutane Transluminale Katheterdilatation - d: Positiver Temperaturkoeffizient - e: Polishing Tool Kit - e: Potentiometer Tapping Kit - F: Pienteollisuuden Keskuslütto - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne P t K e: Port Klang PT80KSR e: Printer Terminal 80, Needle Printer and Keyboard PTL d: Physikalisch-Technische Lehranstalt - d: Physikalisch-Technisches Labor - d: Posttechnische Lieferbedingungen - d: Propeller-, Turbinen-, Luftstrahltriebwerk[e] - e: Parameter Table Load - e: Part Truck Load - e: Partial Total Loss - e: Pass the Loot - e: Phase Tracking Loop - e: Photographic Technology Laboratory - e: Physical Total Loss - e: Pintle - e: Planning Test List - e: Posterior Tricuspid Leaflet - e: Praga Tools - e: Praise the Lord - e: Pressure, Torque and Load - e: Primary Target Line - e: Process and Test Language - e: Public Television Library - e: Pulse Transmission Logic - F: Pohjoismainen Taideliitto - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Lekarskie - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Lesne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Logopedyczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze Pt L e: Point Lorna PTLA e: Publishers' Trade List Annual PTL Dienstkleidung d: Posttechnische Lieferbedingungen für Dienstkleidung PTLe d: Propeller-, Turbinen-, Luftstrahltriebwerke PTL-Gruppe d: Psittakose-/Trachoma-/ Lymphogranuloma-Gruppe von Viren PTLL e: Pittsburgh Toy Lending Library PTLLSL d: Prüfteil als Leuchtanzeige für Fernsprecheinrichtungen mit LSL-Signalen


PTL Network PTL Network e: Praise the Lord Television Network PTLRLS d: Priifteil als Leuchtanzeige fur Femsprecheinrichtungen mit Relaisschaltungen PTLS e: Program[me]-controlled Train Leading System - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Lingwistyki Stosowanej PTL Schutzkleidung d: Posttechnisehe Lieferbedingungen fiir Schutzkleidung PTLT d: Propeller-Turbinen-LuftstrahlTurboprop PTLTTL d: Priifteil als Leuchtanzeige fiir Femsprecheinrichtungen mit TTL-Signalen PTLV e: Peach Twisted Leaf Virus PTLY [pd] e: Partly Paid PTM d: Dipentamethylenthiurammonosulfid - d: Phenyltrimethylammonium - d: Posttransfusions-Mononukleose - e: Packet Trunk Module - e: Pancake Torque Motor - e: Parasite Tubing Method - e: Pass Through Mode - e: Passenger Ton Miles - e: Pattern Test Mount - e: Pattern Transformation Memory - e: Phase-Time Modulation - e: Photo-Multiplier - e: Photo Tracing Machine - e: Pneumatic Telescope Mast - e: Polaris Tactical Missile - e: Portable Traffic Monitor - e: Posttransfusion Mononucleosis - e: Pre-Tuned Module - e: Pressure Time per Minute - e: Pretuned Module - e: Primary Thickening Meristem - e: Product Test Monitor - e: Programmable terminal - e: Programmable Terminal Multiplexer [or Multiplexor] - e: Programmable Timer Module - e: Program[me] Time Multiplex - e: Program[me] Timing and Maintenance - e: Program[me] Timing and Miscellaneous - e: Program[me] Trouble Memoranda [or Memorandum] - e: Proof Test Model - e: Prototype Model - e: Pulse Time Modulated [or Modulation] - e: Pulse Time Multiplexer] - e: Punch-Through Modulation - e: Punched Tape Memory - i: Postale e Telegrafico Militare [Servizio] - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne PTMA e: Phosphotungstomolybdic Acid - e: Prednisolone Trimethylacetate PTMC e: Polaris Tender Management Computer PTMD e: Propellant Toxicity Monitoring Device PTMG e: Polytetramethylene Glycol PT-Mi-Ba R: Protitankova-Mina-Bakelitova PTML e: PNPN [Positive-NegativePositive-Negative] Transistor Magnetic Logic PTMOD e: Paper Tape Module PTM/OS e: Programmable Terminal Monitor/Operating System PTMS e: Pattern Transformation Memory System - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Spolecznej PTMT d: Polytetramethylenterephthalat - e: Polytetramethylene Terephthalate

PTMTCS e: Power-Tape-to-Magnetic-Tape Conversion System PTMTS P: Polskie Towarzystwo Mechaniki Teoretycnej i Stosowanej PTMU e: Power and Temperature Monitor Unit PTM x ESV e: Pressure Timer per Minute x Endsystolic Volume PTN e: Peace Through NATO - e: Personal Telecommunications Number - e: Photographic Trade News (journ.) - e: Plant Test Number - e: Procedure Turn - e: Pyramidal Tract Neuron - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Nautologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Neurologiczne Ptn e: Partition - e: Portion PTNA e: Professional Travel Nurses Association pTNM d: postoperative histopathologische Tumorbewertung nach der TNM-Klassifikation PTNP P: Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Politycznych PTNR d: Partner - e: Partner PTNS d: Programm Technologien zur Nutzung der Sonnenenergie PTNW P: Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Weterynaryjnych PTNZ P: Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Zywieniowych PTO d: Perlsucht Tuberkulin-Original - d: Poly[terephthaloyl]-Oxalsäure-bisamidrazon - e: Desiderio & Taylor, Planning Tax-Exempt Organizations - e: Pacific Theater of Operations - e: Patent and Trademark Office - e: Permeability Tuned Oscillator - e: Physical Training Officer - e : Plant Transfer Out - e: Please Tum Over - e: Port Transportation Officer - e: Power Take-Off - e: Prevent Take-Off - e: Principal Technical Officer - e: Proof Test Orbiter - e: Propellant Transfer Operation - e: Provisional Topographie Overprint - e: Public Telecommunications Operator - e: Public Trustee Office[r] - e: Punched Tape Output - e: Purdue Teacher Opinionaire - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Okulistyczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Onkologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Orientalistyczne Pto i: Porto - s: Puerto - s: Punto P&TO e: National Association of Postal and Telegraph Officers P'° i: Ponto - i: Porto - i: Punto - s: Puerto PTOA e: Projective Tests of Attitudes Pto Blvr s: Puerto Bolivar Pto Cab s: Puerto Cabello Pto Cast s: Puerto Castilla, Honduras PTOE e: Planned Table of Organization and Equipment P to F e: Poor to Fair Pt. of Imp. e: Point of Impact


© K • G - Saur, Manchen

PTOiTr P: Polskie Towarzystwo Ortopedyczne i Traumatologiczne PTOJ e: Passsive Track On Jam PTOL e: Peacetime Operating Level PTOL P: Polskie Towarzystwo Otolaryngologiczne Ptol e: Ptolemaic - e: Ptolemy PTOM f: Pays et Territoires d'Outremer PTOP e: Program[me] Test and Operations Plan - e: Program[me]-to-Program[me] P[-]to[-]P e: Peak[-]to[-]Peak - e: Plate[-]to[-]Plate - e: Point[-]to[-]Point - e: Port[-]to[-]Port PTOPC e: Program[me]-to-Program[me] Communications Pto Rico s: Puerto Rico PTOS e: Paper Tape-oriented Operating System - e: Peacetime Operating Stock - e: Punched Tape Oriented System P Town e: Port Townsend P-town e: Provincetown PTP d: Parameter Test Programm - d: Physikalisch Technische Prüfanstalt für Radiologie und Elektromedizin - d: Posttetanische Potenzierung - e: Paper Tape Perforator - e: Paper Tape Printer - e: Paper Tape Punching] - e: Parameter Test Program[me] - e; Parcel Ticket - e: Part-Time Pimp - e: Patch and Test Panel - e: Peak-to-Peak - e: People-to-People - e: Periodic Tasker Process - e: Platinum Temperature Probe - e: Point-to-Point [control] - e: Porous Tungsten Plug - e: Post-Tetanic Potentation - e: Preferred Target Point - e: Preliminary Task Plan - e: Primary Target Point - e: Print-to-Point - e: Printing Tape Puncher - e: Processor-to-Processor - e: Production Test Plan - e: Production Test Procedure - e: Productive Thinking Program - e: Program[me] Tape Punch - e: Programmed Text Processing - e: Programmed Turn Phase - e: Project Test Plan - e: Proximity Test Plug - e: Punched Tape Perforator - e: Punched Tape Programming - e: Punched Tape Punchier] - f: Pointe ä Pitre, Guadeloupe - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Pediatryczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Pielegniarskie - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodniköw im Kopernika - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne P-T-P e: Peak-to-Peak - e: Point-to-Point PTPC e: Point-To-Point Control PTP Control e: Point-to-Point Control PTPD e: Part Paid PTP:DTU-STVST/GOVST d: Prüfteil als Prüfzusatz für Datenaustausch- und Übertragungssteuerwerk in der steuernden Vermittlungsstelle oder gesteuerte Vermittlung PTPG e: Participating PT Plane e: Patrol Torpedo Plane

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

P.T.T. PTPN P: Poznänskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciöj Nauk PTP Programming e: Point-to-Point Programming PTPS e: Package Test Power Supply - e: Parallel-Tuned/Parallel-Stabilized - e: Propellant Transfer Pressurization System PTPSH e: Provide this Passenger Special Handling PT-PSK e: Pilot-Tone Phase Shift Keyed [or Keying] PT/PT e: Point-to-Point PTPU e: Program[me] Tape Preparation Unit P T R d: Perkutane Transluminale Rekanalisation - d: Perlsucht Tuberkulin-Rest - d: Photometrische Takata-Reaktion - d: Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt - d: Plasmatransfusionsreaktion - e: Pacific Test Range - e: Paper Tape Reader [or Reading] - e: Part Throttle Reheat - e: Patella Tendon Reflex - e: Perforated Tape Reader - e: Permanent Traffic Recording - e: Philips Telecommunication Review (journ.) - e: Photoelectric Tape Reader - e: Physical Technical Reactor - e: Plug-Type Receptacle - e: Pointer - e: Polar-to-Rectangular - e: Pool Test Reactor - e: Pool Thermal Reactor - e: Pool Training Reactor - e: Poor Transmission - e: Portable Tape Recorder - e: Position Track Radar - e: Post-Tetanic Repetition - e: Power Transformer - e: Pre-Transmit Receiving - e: Precision Transmitter Receiver - e: Preliminary Technical Report - e: Preliminary Test Report - e: Pressure [or Pressurized] Tube Reactor - e: Pretransmit Receiving - e: Primary Tactical Reconnaissance - e: Printer - e: Processor Tape Read - e: Production Test Requirements - e: Program[me] Test Routine - e: Program[me] Trouble Report - e: Proof Test Reactor - e: Pulmonary Total Resistance - e: Pulse Transient Recorder - e: Punch[ed] Tape Reader [or Reading] - e: Punched Tape Recorder - e: Pupil-Teacher Ratio - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Radiologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Rusycystyczne P. T r . e: Private Trust PTRA e: Paper Tape Reader Adapter PTRAC e: Planning and Transport Research Advisory Council P-Träger d: Peiner-Träger PTR Algorithm e: Polygon-to-Rectangle Algorithm P T R C e: Paper Tape Reader Control - e: Personnel & Training Research Center PTRD e: Part Redeemed - e: Percutaneous Transluminal Renal [artery] Dilatation PTrE d: Posttrenneinrichtung PT&Rec Sch e: Physical Training and Recreational School

PTRF e: Peacetime Rate Factor[s] PTR File e: Parts Tool Requirements File PTRH e: Punched Tape Reading Head PTRJ e: Powered Thermocouple Reference Junction PTRM e: Partial Thermo-Remanent Magnetization Ptrnmkr e: Patternmaker PT80RO[GE] e: Printer Terminal 80, [Control,] Receive Only PTR[/]P[uiich] e: Paper Tape Reader Punch PTRs e: Paper Tape Readers - e: Program[me] Trouble Reports - e: Punched Tape Readers PTRT e: Part Task Radar Trainer ptr teen comm i: perito tecnicocommerciale PTRV e: Peak Transient Reverse Voltage ptry e: pantry - e: pottery PTS d: Pilotenausbildungssystem - d: Polytraumschliissel - d: Postthrombotisches Syndrom - d: Posttransportsystem - d: Programmier- und Testsystem - d: Prüfzeichen für technische Schiffsausrüstung - d: Puffertaktsteuerung - e: Pali Text Society - e: Panoramic Thermic Sight - e: Paper Tape System - e: Parachute Training School - e: Parameter Test Setup - e: Part-Task Simulator - e: Parts Tracking System - e: Patients - e: Payload Test Set - e: Perforated Tape Subsystem - e: Permanent Threshold Shift - e: Personal Telecommunications System - e: Personnel Transfer Submersible - e: Philatelic Traders Society - e: Photo Transmission System - e: Photogrammetric Triangulation System - e: Phototypesetting - e: Pilot Training System - e: Pinchless Tracing Simulator - e: Pints - e: Plane Transport System - e: Pneumatic Target System - e: Pneumatic Test Set - e: Pod Tail Section - e: Pointing and Tracking Scope - e: Pollution Technical Services Ltd., Abingdon - e: Polymer Thick Film - e: Portsmouth Torpedo School - e: Post and Telecommunications Service - e: Postal Transportation Service - e: Potential Tax Savings - e: Power Transient Suppressor - e: Precision Timing System - e: Predicasts Terminal System - e: Preliminary Training School - e: Princeton Theological Seminary - e: Printing Technical School - e: Proceed-to-Select - e: Proceed-to-Send - e: Production Test Specification - e: Programmable Terminal System - e: Program[me] Test System - e: Programmer Test Station - e: Propellant Transfer System - e: Protoflight Telescope Subassembly - e: Public Telephone Service - e: Public Telephone System - e: Public Television Station[s] - e: Punched Tape Speed

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Pure Time Sharing - f: Protides Totaux Sériques - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Semzotyczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Stomatologiczne - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Szpitalnictwa - R: Plavayushchiy Transportyer Sredniy - r: Polymerteknisk Selskab Pts e: Portsmouth PTs e: Parts pts s: pesetas - s: puntos pts. e: parts - e: patients - e: payments - e: points - e: ports PT&S e: Pacific Towboat and Salvage PTSA e: Para-Toluene Sulphonic Acid - e: Para-Toluenesulfonamide - e: Piano Trade Suppliers Association PT-S/C e: Proof Test Spacecraft PtSd d: Pilotsender PTSD e: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSDT e: Proceed to Send Data Tone PTSE e: Paper Tape Splicing Equipment pts/hr e: parts per hour - e: pieces per hour PtSi 1: Platinum Silicide Ptsmth e: Portsmouth PTSP e: Paper Tape Software Package - e: Proceed-to-Select Protocol PtSp d: Pilotsperre - e: Port of Spain PtSpVr d: Pi lotsperren Verstärker PTSR e: Pressure Tube Superheat Reactor PTSS e: Parallel Tuned Series Stabilized - e: Personnel Target Subsystem - e: Photon Target Scoring System - e: Princeton Time-Sharing System PTSTV e: Prime Time School Television PtSWe d: Pilotsendeweiche PTT d: Partielle Thromboplastinzeit - d: Post-, Telegrafen- und Telefonverwaltung - e: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company - e: Paper Tape Transmission - e: Paper Tape Typewriter - e: Parity Test Track - e: Part Task Trainer - e: Partial Thromboplastin Time - e: Perforated Tape Transmitter - e: Physical Therapist Technician - e: Post-Target Turn - e: Post Telephone or Telex - e: Post[al], Telegraphfs] and Telephoned] [Administration or Authority] - e: Press-to-Talk - e: Press-to-Test - e: Press-to-Transmit - e: Processing Program Table - e: Production Type Test - e: Programfme] Technical Training - e: Programfme] Test Tape - e: Prothrombin Time - e: Punched Tape Technique - e: Push-to-Talk - f: Postes, Télécommunications, Télédiffusion - f: Postes, Télégraphes, Télédiffusion - f: Postes, Télégraphe[s], Téléphone[s] - n: Posterijen, Telecommunicatie en Telefonie - z: Posta, Telgraf ve Telefon P.T.T. f: Poste Télégraphie, Téléfonie - n: Post, Telegraaf en Telefoon


PT&T PT&T e: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company PTT/8 e: Paper Tape code on eight levels PTTA e: Philippine Tourist and Travel Association - e: Postal Telegraph and Telephone Authority PTT Administration e: Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Administration PTTAnn f: Annales des Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (journ.) PTT Bulletin d: Post-, Telephon-und Telegraphen-Bulletin (joum.) PTTC e: Pacific Transportation Terminal Command - e: Paper Tape [and] Transmission Code - e: Perforated Tape and Transmission Code - e: Perforated Tape and Transmission Control - e: Public Telephone and Telegraph Codes PTTE e: Personnel and Training p/tTelAnl d: post-/teilnehmereigene Telefonanlage PTTH e: Prothoracicotropic Hormone PTTI e: Post[al], Telegraph and Telephone International - e: Precise Time and Time Interval PTTK P: Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznawcze PTTL e: Press-to-Test Light Pt-Tm e: Part-Time PTTM e: Power alarm on Trunk Testing Module PTTMC e: PACOM [Pacific Area Command] Tactical Target Materials Catalog PTTNMKR e: Patternmaker Pt. to Pt. e: Point-to-Point PTTOX P: Polskie Towarzystwo Toksykologiczne PTTS e: Private Telegraph and Telephone Service PtTWe d: Pilottonweiche PTT Zeitschrift d: Post-, Telegrafen- und Telefonverwaltung Zeitschrift (journ.) PTU d: Polizeitechnische Untersuchungen - d: Polytechnischer Unterricht - d: Propylthiourazil - e: Package Transfer Unit - e: Paper Tape Unit - e: Parallel Transmission Unit - e: Phenylthiourea - e: PICE [Programmable Integrated Control Equipment] Terminal [or Transfer] Unit - e: Pilot Test Unit - e: Plumbers [or Plumbing] Trade[s] Union - e: Portable Test Unit - e: Power Transfer [or Transmission] Unit - e: Probe Transducer Unit - e: Processor Transfer Unit - e: Programmable Test Unit - e: Propylthiouracil - e: Psychiatric Treatment Unit - e: Punched Tape Unit - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne PTUC e: Philippine^] Trade Union[s] Council PTUF e: Palestine Trade Union Federation - e: Professional Tennis Umpires Federation PTUSR e: Processor Transfer Unit Status Register PTuT d: Post, Telefon und Telegraf PtÜw d: Pilotüberwachung

PTV d: Pilottonverfahren - d: Planarturbulenzverstärker - d: Post- und Telegrafenverwaltung - d: Potentialtrennverstärker - d: Produktionstechnische Versuche - d: Programmierbare [or Programmierte] Textverarbeitung - e: Incendiary Mixture - e: Pakistan Television Corporation - e: Parachute Test Vehicle - e: Passenger Transfer Vehicle - e: Peak-to-Valley - e: Penetration Test Vehicle - e: Porous Tungsten Vaporizer - e: Posterior Tibial Vein - e: Predetermined Time Value - e: Projection Television - e: Propulsion Test Vehicle - e: Public Television - e: Punch Through Varactor - e: Punched Tape Verifier PTVA e: Propulsion Test Vehicle Assembly PTVAA e: Portland Television Appliance Association PTVB1 d: Post- und Telegraphenverordnungsblatt PTVC e: Pitch Thrust Vector Control PTVD e: Portable Toxic Vapo[u]r Detector PTVP d: perkutane transluminale Valvuloplastie PtVr d: Pilotverstärker PTVs e: Personal Transportation Vehicles - e: Public Television Stations PTVST e: Port Visit P T V T H B N E d: Programmierte Textverarbeitung-Texthandbuch für das Nachforschungs- und Ersatzverfahren PTW d: Physikalisch-Technische Werkstätte - e: Page Table Word - e: Per Thousand Words - e: Per Ton Weight - e: Point Target Weapon - e: Pressure Thermit Weld[ing] - e: Pressure-Type Window - e: Programmable Typewriter PtW e: Port Weller p.t.w. e: per ton weight PTW AM e: Page Table Word Associative Memory PTWC e: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center PTWK P: Polskie Towarzystwo Wydawcöw Ksiazek PTWT e: Photo-type Travelling Wave Tube PTWU e: Postal and Telecommunications Workers Union PTX d: Pengitoxin - d: Pentoxyfillin - d: Pentoxyphyllin - e: Polythermalex - e: Pressure-Temperature Composition - e: Pullman Taconite Express PTx d: Parathyreoidektomie -e: Parathyroidectomy PTXI e: Philadelphiy Textile Institute PTY d: Propylthiouracil - e: Parity - e: Party - e: Program[me] Type - e: Property - e: Proplythiouracil - e: Proprietary Pty e: Priority Pty. Ltd. e: Proprietary Limited P-Type [SC] e: P-Type Semiconductor


© K G - Saur, München

PTZ d: Partielle Thromboplastinzeit - d: Pentylentetrazol - d: Physikalisch-Technisches Zentralinstitut - d: Polytechnisches Zentrum - d: Posttechnisches Zentralamt - d: Prothrombinzeit - e: Pentylenetetrazol - e: Posttechnisches Zentralamt - P: Polskie Towarzystwo Zootechniczne PTZAE d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das Leitungssystem im Abschaltebereich für Ersatzschaltung von der Ersatzschalteeinrichtung PTZAN d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das Leitungssystem im Abschaltebereich für Nachrichten vom Arbeitsfeldsteuerwerk PTZAV d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das Leitungssystem im Abschaltebereich für Versorgung mit Spannungen PTZN d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das periphere Leitungssystem für Nachrichten vom Arbeitsfeldsteuerwerk PTZool P: Polskie Towarzystwo Zoologiczne PTZPE d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das periphere Leitungssystem für Ersatzschaltung von der Ersatzschalteeinrichtung PTZPT d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das periphere Leitungssystem für Takte und Töne PTZTE d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das teilzentrale Leitungssystem für Ersatzschaltung PTZZE d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das zentrale Leitungssystem für Ersatzschaltung der Ersatzschalteeinrichtung für Programmsteuerung PTZZK d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das zentrale Leitungssystem für Konfigurationsschaltung desVerarbeitungsteils PTZZN d: Prüfteil als Zubringer für das zentrale Leitungssystem für Nachrichten PU d: Paketumschalter - d: Pegelumsetzer - d: Peptisches Ulkus - d: Polytechnischer Unterricht - d: Polyurethan[e] - d: Polyurethanfaserstoffe - d: Preisunterlage - d: Primärgruppen-Umsetzer - d: Programmierter Unterricht - d: Programmunterbrechungfseinheit] - d: Prüfunterdrückung - d: Punktat - e: Pacific University - e: Parts Used - e: Pass[ed] Urine - e: Peptic Ulcer - e: Per-Unit - e: Per Urethram - e: Peripheral Unit - e: Phillips University - e: Physical Unit - e: Pick-Up - e: Plant Unit[s] - e: Pluggable Unit - e: Poly[sulfide] Urethane - e: Port-Unit - e: Power Unit - e: Prefix Update - e: Pregnancy Urine - e: Primary User - e: Princeton University - e: Print Unit - e: Printfing] Unit - e: Processing [or Processor] Unit - e: Processor Utility

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PUDL [Memory] - e: Program[me] Unit - e: Propellant Utilization - e: Propulsion Unit - e: Protection Unearthed - e: Proteolytic Unit - e: Publisher - e: Pump[ing] Unit - e: Punch - e: Purdue University -1: Per Urethram pU d: programmierte Unterweisung Pu d: Plutonium - e: Plutonium p.u. e: pick up -1: per ultimo -1: plus ultra p„ d: Spannungspegel PÜ d: Pegelüberwachung - d: Postüberwachung - d: Primäre Überwachung - d: Prozeßüberwachung Po d: Übertragungspegel PUA e: Pacific Union Association - e: Physical Unit Address - s: Punta de la Unidad Africana PUAC e: Propellant Utilization Acoustical [or Acoustics] Checkout PUAD e: Pueblo Army Depot PUAS e: Postal Union for/of the Americas and Spain PUB e: Physical Unit Block - e: Processing Unit, module B - e: Public [Utilities Board] - e: Publican - e: Publication^] - e: Publicity - e: Published] - e: Publisher - e: Publishers Announcement - e: Publishing PUB s: Partido Unión Boliviana púb s: públicas Pub. Acts e: Public Acts Pub. Acts N.S.W. e: Public Acts of New South Wales Pub. Acts Queensl. e: Public Acts of Queensland Pub. Admin, e: Public Administration, London, England Pub. Admin, in Israel&Abroad e: Public Administration in Israel and Abroad, Jerusalem, Israel Pub. Ad[min], Rev. e: Public Administration Review pub. aff e: public affairs pub aide e: publication aide Pub. Auth. e: Public Authorities Pub. Bargaining Cas. [CCH] e: Public Bargaining Cases pubbl i: pubblicità Pub. Bldgs. e: Public Buildings Pub Cit e: public citizen Pub. Cont. Newsl. e: Public Contract Newsletter Pub. Cont[ract] L.J. e: Public Contract Law Journal Pubd e: Published Pub Doc e: Public Documents] PUB ED e: Publication Editor Pub. Employee Bargaining [CCH] e: Public Employee Bargaining Pub. Employee Bargaining Rep. [CCH] e: Public Employee Bargaining Reports Pub. Employee Rei. Rep. e: Public Employee Relations Reports

Pub. Ent. Adv[ert&AUied Fields] L.Q. e: Publishing, Entertainment, Advertising & Allied Fields Law Quarterly PÜberw d: Postüberweisung Pub. F. e: Public Funds PUBG d: Prüfeinrichtungen für Unterbaugruppen Pub. Gen. Acts S. Austl. e: Public General Acts of South Australia Pub. Gen. Laws, e: Public General Laws P.-Üb.-Ger. d: Peilübungsgerät Pub. Health U.S. e: Public Health Service, Court Decisions Pub. Hous. e: Public Housing Pub. Info, e: Public Information Pub. Interest e: Public Interest Pub. Int'l L. e: Public International Law PUBL e: Publication^] - e: Publicity - e: Publisher - e: Publishing Publ. d: Publikationen] - d: Publikum - d: Publizistik] publ. d: publizieren - d: publiziert Pub. L. e: Public Law Publ. Adm.&Dev. e: Public Administration and Development, London Publ. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sei. e: Publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (journ.) Pub. Land L. Rev. e: Public Land Law Review Pub. Land&Res. L. Dig. e: Public Land and Resources Law Digest Pub. Lands e: Public Lands Pub. Lands Dec. e: Department of the Interior, Decisions Relating to Public Lands Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. e: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (journ.) Pub. Laws e: Public Laws Pub. L.F. e: Public Law Forum Publ. Finance e: Public Finance/Finances Publiques, The Hague Publ. Finance Q e: Public Finance Quarterly PublG d: Gesetz über die Rechnungslegung von bestimmten Unternehmen und Konzemen [Publizitätsgesetz] Pub Lib e: Public Libraries (journ.) Public Adm. e: Public Administration (journ.) Public Adm R e: Public Administration Review (journ.) Public Works Local Gov. Eng. e: Public Works and Local Government Engineering (journ.) Publ. Interest e: Public Interest Pub. Loc. Laws e: Public Local Laws Pub.&Loc. Laws e: Public and Local Laws Publ. Pers. Rev. e: Public Personnel Review PUBLR e: Publisher Publ. Stud, e: Public Studies Pub. Manag, e: Public Management PUBN e: Publication Pub. Off. e: Public Officers Pub. Papers e: Public Papers of the President Pub. Rel. Bull, e: Public Relations Bulletin Pub. Res. e: Public Resources PUBS e: Publication Series Pub. Safety e: Public Safety Pub. See. e: Public Securities and Obligations

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

Pub Sect Lab Rel e: Public Sector Labor Relations Conference Board Pub. Ser. Comm. e: Public Service Commission Pub. Serv. e: Public Service PUBS Recorder e: Pop-Up Bottom Seismic Recorder Pub. St. e: Public Statutes PUBTRONICS e: Publication Electronics Pub. U. Rep. e: Public Utilities Reports Pub. Util. [C.] e: Public Utilities [Code] Pub. Util. Comm. e: Public Utilities Commission Pub. Util. Fort[n]. e: Public Utilities Fortnightly (journ.) Pub. Util. L. Anthol. e: Public Utilities Law Anthology Pub. Util. Rep. e: Public Utilities Reports Pub W e: Publishers Weekly (journ.) Pub Wks e: Public Works [and contracts] Pub.Work.Cen. e: Public Works Center PUC e: Papers Under Consideration - e: Peoples University of China - e: Peripheral Unit Controller - e: Permanent Unit Code - e: Pick-up Car - e: Plant of Unit Control - e: Premature Uterine Contractions - e: Presidential Unit Citation - e: Processing Unit Cabinet - e: Program Under Control - e: Public Utilities and Corporations - e: Public Utilities Code - e: Public Utilities [or Utility] Commissionfer] - e: Punctured Uniform Code - f: Portee Utile de Combat -1: Post Urbem Conditam PUCaILL e: Publications of the University of California in Languages and Literature (journ.) PUCC e: Port Users Consultative Committee - e: Purdue University Computing Center PUCF e: Polyurethane Coated Fabric[s] - e: Polyurethane-Coated Fibers PUCHE e: Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education PUCK e: Propellant Utilization Checkout Kit PUCP e: Physical Unit Control Point - e: Process Unit Control Panel PU-CPI e: Processing Unit for Coordination Processor Interface PUCR e: Plant Unit Cost Report PUCS e: Propellant Utilization Control System PUC/SP p: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Sao Paulo PUCU e: Propellant Utilization Control Unit PUD e: Parallel Undocumented Development - e: Peptic Ulcer Disease - e: Physical Unit Directory - e: Pick-up and Delivery - e: Planned Unit Development - e: Planned Urban Development - e: Public Utility District - e: Pulmonary Disease Pud. d: Puder PU&D e: Pickup and Delivery PUDINE s: Programa Universitario de Desenvolvimento Industrial do Nordeste PUDL [Memory] e: Push Down List [Memory]


PUDN PUDN e: Perpetuation of Unit Document Number PUDOC n: Centrum voor Landbouw Publicaties Landbouw Documentatie PUDS e: Propulsion Unit Data Sheet PUDT e: Propellant Utilization Data Translator PUDVM e: Pulsed Ultrasound Doppler Velocity Meter PUE d: Preisüberwachungsstelle - d: Prioritätsunterbrechungseinrichtung - d: Programmunterbrechungseinheit - e: Pick-up Electrode - e: Polyurethanen - e: Presidential Unit Emblem - e: Processing Unit, Extension - e: Propellant Utilization Exerciser - f: Programme d'Unité d'Echange Pue s: Puebla PU-Ebene d: Programmunterbrechungsebene Puebla s: Puebla de Zaragoza PUE-CPI e: Processing Unit, Extension for Coordination Processor Interface PUEG e: Polyurethane Elastomer Genthane PUEM n: Provinciale Utrechtse Electriciteits Maatschappij Puerto Rico e: Puerto Rico Reports Puerto Rico F[ed]. e: Puerto Rico Federal Reports Puerto Rico Rep. e: Puerto Rico Supreme Court Reports PUETO e: Panhellenic Union of Exporters of Table Olives PUF d: Polyurethanfaser - d: Pufferfeld - e: Physical Update File - e: Polyurethanfaser - e: Proper Use Factor - f: Presses Universitaires de France PUF d: Phasenübertragungsfunktion PUFA e: Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acid[s] PUFF e: Colloquialism for picofarad - e: People United to Fight Frustrations Puf[fendorf]. e: Puffendorfs Law of Nature and Nations PUFFS e: Passive Underwater Fire-control Feasibility Study - e: Passive Underwater Fire-control Feasibility System PUFFT e: Purdue University Fast FORTRAN [Formula Translation] Translator PUFI e: Packed under Federal Inspection - e: Pair-Usage-Frequency Indicator PUFL e: Pump Fed Liquid P.U. Fort, e: Public Utilities Fortnightly PUG e: Partially Underground - e: Pascal [Programme Appliqué à la Sélection et à la Computation Automatique de la Langue] Users Glroup - e: Prestel Users Group - e: Propellant Utilization and Ga[u]ging - e: Pulsed Universal Grid pug. e: print under glaze - e: puggy - e: pugilism - e: pugilist PÜG d: Punktübertragungsgerät PUGLIG e: PUG Library Information Group PUGS e: Propellant Utilization and Gaging System PUH e: Pregnancy Urine Hormone Puhs. d: Pulverhaus

PUHS e: Phoenix Union High School - e: Propulsion Unit History Sheet PUI e: Physical Unit of Information PUIMP e: Pickup Impulse PUJT e: Programmable Unijunction Transistor PUK d: Peptische Ulkuskrankheit - d: Programmunterbrechungskanal - e: Pechiney Ugine Kuhlmann PuK d: Planungs- und Kontrollrechnung PUL e: Per-Unit-Length - e: Princeton University Library - e: Program [me] Update Library - e: Propellant Utilization and Loading - e: Pulley - e: Punjab University Library Pul e: Pulse Pul. d: Pulvinar PÜL d: Polüberwachungslampe pulchris e: pulchritudinous pulg s: pulgadas PULHEEMS e: Physical Capacity, Upper and Lower Limbs, Hearing, Eyesight, Emotional Capacity, Mental Stability PUL INS e: Pulmonary Insufficiency PULL e: Power for Underwater Logistics and Living Pull. Accts. e: Pullings Law of Mercantile Accounts PULL[-]B[-]SW e: Pull[-]Button Switch Pull. [Laws&Cust.] [of] Lond[on], e: Pulling, Treatise on the Laws, Customs, and Regulations of the City and Port of London PULM e: Programmable Universal Logic Module - e: Pulmonary Pulm. e: Pulmonary pulm. e: pulmentum - e: pulmonalis -1: pulmentum PULM A e: Pulmonary Artery PULM EMB e: Pulmonary Embolism PULMO e: Pulmoaortic[al][ly] - e: Pulmology - e: Pulmometer - e: Pulmometric[al][ly] - e: Pulmometry - e: Pulmonary - e: Pulmonectomy - e: Pulmonic[al][ly] - e: Pulmonitis - e: Pulmonologist[ic][al][ly] - e: Pulmotor Pulmotor e: Pulmonary Motor PULMs e: Programmable Universal Logic Modules PULO e: Pattini United Liberation Organisation PULPAPEL e: Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Association PULPP e: Peripheral Ultra-Low Power Processor PULS d: Prozeß- und Leitsystem - e: Propellant Utilization Loading System PULSAR e: Pulsated Uniform LaserStimulated Artificial Radiation - e: Pulsating [or Pulse] Star - e: Pulsed Sequential Access Relay - e: Pulsed Uniform Laser Stimulated Artificial Radiation - e: Pulsing Astronomical Signal - e: Program[me] of Universal Logic Simulation for Electronics - e: Public and Local Services Efficiency Campaign


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Public Urban Locator Service Pulsifer [Me.] e: Pulsifers Reports PUL STEN e: Pulmonary Stenosis Pult, e: Pulton de Pace Regis PUL Timber e: Pula [kydia calycina] Timber PULV e: Pulverization - e: Pulverize[d] - e: pulverize[r] Pulv. d: Pulver pulv. d: pulverisiert -1: pulvis pulver. d: pulverig Pulv.-Fabr. d: Pulverfabrik pulv. gros. 1: pulvis grossus pulv. subtil. 1: pulvis subtilis pulv.ten[u]. I: pulvis tenuis PUM e: Packet User Module - e: Pop-Up Mechanism - e: Postal Union Mail - e: President of the United Mineworkers - e: Processing Unit Memory - e: Processor Utility Monitor Pum e: Pumice PUMA d: Panzerentwicklung Unter Minimalem Aufwand - e: Parallel Universal Message passing Architecture. - e: Programmable Universal Micro Accelerator - e: Programmable Universal Manipulator for Assembly - e: Programmable Universal Mechanical Assembly PUMC e: Public Utilities Management Company PUMF e: Peaceful Uses of Military Forces PUMP e: Parts Usage [and] Maintenance Program[me] - e: Protesting Unfair Marketing Practices - e: Pumping Pump Ct. e: Pump Court PUMS d: Plattenumspielprogramm - e: Permanently Unfit for Military Service - e: Physical Unit Management Services PUM-S1MP e: Processing Unit Memory for Signaling Management Processor PUMT e: Programmable Universal Module Tester PUN e: Plasma Urea Nitrogen - e: Plutonyl Nitrate - e: Precision Underwater Navigation - e: Puncheon - e: Punching] Pun. e: All India Reporter, Punjab - e: Punish[ment] pun. e: puncheon puN e: plasma-urea Nitrogen PUNC e: Practical, Unpretentious, Nomographic Computer - e: Probable Ultimate Net Cost - e: Programfme] Unit Counter - e: Punctuation PUND[I]T e: Portable Ultrasonic Nondestructive Digital Indicating Tester pundonor s: punta de honor Punj. e: Punjab Punj. Ind. e: Punjab, India Punj. Pak. e: Punjab, Pakistan Punj. Ree. e: Punjab Record PUN Press e: Punching Press PUNS e: Permanently Unfit for Naval Service PUO e: Pneumonia - e: Put Under Observation - e: Pyrexia of Unknown Origin

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PV P U - O S C e: Pulse[d] Oscillator P U P e: Patch Utility Program - e: Performance Update Programme - e: Peripheral Unit Processor - e: Peripheral Universal Processor - e: Pick-Up-Point - e: Polytechnic University of the Philippines - e: Power Upgrade Program - e: Prime Unit Processor - e: Princeton University Press - e: Program[me] Unit Punch P U P E e: Production Unit Price Estimate P U P G e: Production Unit Price Goals P U P i K P: Przedsiebiorstwo Upowszechniania Prasy i Ksiazki Ruch P U P P e: Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy P U R d: Polyurethan - d: Programmumsetzerroutine - d: Programmunterbrechungsregister - e: Patch Unit Radio - e: Peripheres Unterbrechungsregister - e: Polyurethan - e: Program[me] Utility Routine - e: Purchase[r] - e: Purchasing - e: Purdue University Reactor - e: Purdue University Research - e: Purge - e: Purification - e: Purified - e: Purifier [or Purify] - e: Purim - e: Purple - e: Purplish - e: Pursuant - e: Pursuit - e: Purus - R: Protivo-tankovaya Upravlyayemaya Raketa P.U.R. e: Public Utilities Reports (journ.) P U R A V A L e: Purchase Availability PUR-Beschichtung d: PolyurethanBeschichtung P U R C H e: Purchase[r] - e: Purchasing P U R D A X e: Public Utility Revenue Data Acquisition P u r d . Dig. e: Purdons Digest of Laws Pennsyvlania P u r d . Dig. Laws, e: Purdons Digest of Laws P u r d u e e: Purdue University Press P u r e Appl. C h e m . e: Pure and Applied Chemistry (journ.) PU-Register d: Programmunterbrechungsregister PU-Relais d: Pegeliiberwachungs-Relais p„re, d: relativer Spannungspegel P U R E M A T e: Pure Machine-Aided Translation P U R E M [ A ] T e: Pure Machine[-Aided] Translation P U R E Q e: Purchase Requisition P U R E X e: Plutonium Uranium Extraction Plant P U R E X - V e r f a h r e n e: Plutonium and Uranium Recovery by Extraction p u r g . 1: purgativus P U R G E e: Pearson Universal Random Generator P U R I F e: Purification P U R M e: Project for Utilization and Redistribution of Materiel p u r . m . e: purchase-money

P.U.R. [N.S.] e: Public Utilities Reports, New Series P U R O e: Puromycin P U R P e: Purple - e: Purpose Purple's St. e: Purples Statutes Scates Compilation P U R R E e: Plutonium Recycle Reactor Experiment P U R S e: Program[me] Usage Replenishment System P U R S T e: Pursuant P u r v . Coll. e: Purvis Collection of the Laws of Virginia PURV[s] e: Powered Underwater Research Vehicles PUS d: Polyurethan[kunst]seide - d: Programmunterbrechungssignal - e: Passive Ultrasonic Sensor - e: Permanent Under-Secretary - e: Permanently Unfit for Service - e: Personnel Utilization Sheet - e: Pharmacopeia of the United States - e: Processor Utility Subsystem - e: Propellant Utilization System - e: Propulsion Utilization System PUs e: Primary Users - e: Public Utilities P u s e: Pusan PUSAS e: Proposed United States of America Standard P U S C s: Partido Unido Socialista Costarri cense PUSE e: Propellant Utilization System Exerciser P U S H e: Public Use Sample Helper Push d: ProzeBrechnergesteuertes U-BahnAutomationssystem, Hamburg - e: Pushtu PUSI e: Peripheral Unit Selection Instruction PU-Signal d: Programmunterbrechungssignal PU/S1B[A] e: Processing Unit and Signal Buffer [Module A] P U S L I T B A N G N A K e: Central Research Institute for Animal Science PU-S1MP e: Processing Unit for Signaling Management Processor P U S O e: Principal Unit Security Officer P U S R e: Peripheral Unit Selection Register PUSS e: Pilots Universal Sighting System P U S S W e: Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for War P U S T e: Pan-African Union of Science and Technology PUSTA d: Projekt- und Stellenbezogenes Auskunftssystem [der Firma Telefunken] P U S T i m b e r e: Pussur [xylocarpus] Timber P U S V C M a n a g e r e: Physical Unit Services Manager P U S W A e: Public Utilities Street Works Act PU-SYCR e: Processing Unit for System Panel Control Register PU-System d: Programmunterbrechungssystem P U T d: Patienten-Universal-Terminal - d: Phosphaturidyltransferase - d: Programmierbarer Unijunction-Transistor - e: Passenger-Unit-Transport-System - e: Programmable Unijunction Transistor - e: Program[me] Update Tape P U T B e: Put-Back P U T C e: Pittsburgh Urban Transit Council - e: Put Character

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

P U T C O e: Pittsburgh Urban Transit Council P u T E d: Programmier- und Testeinrichtung P u t e r Ch. e: Puterbaugh's Illinois Chancery Pleading P u t e r . Pl. e: Puterbaugh's Common Law [Illinois] Pleading P U T F e: Put Formatted P U T I e: Peripheral Unit Test Instruction P u t n a m e: Putnaham P u t n a m , e: Putnam. Proceedings before the Justices of the Peace P U T P e: Put Packed P U T R I e: Indonesian Parks and Recreational Centres Association P U T S d: Perindopril und therapeutische Sicherheit P U T T e: Propellant Utilization Time Trace putty e: linseed oil and powdered chalk mixture P U T W S e: Put Word in String PUV d: Praxisunterbrechungsversicherung - d: Privatunfallversicherung - d: Pufferverwaltung - e: Positive contrast Ultra Violet PUVA d: Psoralen-Ultraviolett A[-Therapie] - e: Psoralen[e] [drug] plus UV [Ultraviolet] A [light] P U V A S[ystem] e: Plutonium Value Analysis System P U V E P e: Propellant Utilization Vehicleborne Electronic Package P U V L V e: Propellant Utilization Valve Puy-de-D f: Puy-de-Dôme PV d: Facharbeiter für Postverkehr - d: Paketvermittlung - d: Papiervorschub - d: Paraventrikulär - d: Paroxysmales Vorhofflimmern - d: Personalverwaltung - d: Personalvorschriften - d: Personenverkehr - d: Plasmavolumen - d: Pneumatischer Verstärker - d: Polyoma-Viren - d: Porenvolumen - d: Postverkehr - d: Postvermerk - d: Postvertrag - d: Postvollmacht - d: Prämienvertrag - d: Preisverordnung - d: Primär Vertikal - d: Primärvakzine - d: Probeverbindung - d: Produktvertrieb - d: Produktionsverhältnisse - d: Programmverantwortlicher - d: Projektierungsvorschrift - d: Prozeßvariable - d: Prüfverteiler - d: Prüfvorschrift - d: Pufferverstärker - e: Eastern Provincial Airways - e: Parameter Value - e: Paravane - e: Path Verification - e: Patrol Vessel - e: Pave[d] - e: Paving - e: Peach Virus - e: Peak-to-Valley - e: Permanganate Value - e: Photovoltaic [element] - e: Physical Vulnerability - e: Pigment Volume - e: Pilot Vessel 85

Pv. - e: Pipe Ventilated - e: Planetary Vehicle - e: Plasma Value - e: Plasma Volume - e: Polycythaemia vera - e: Polyoma Virus - e: Polyvinyl - e: Portal Vein - e: Position Value - e: Positive Volume - e: Post Village - e: Post-Virgil - e: Precision Visuals - e: Present Value - e: Pressurization Valve - e: Prevailing Visibility - e: Price Variation - e: Primary Valve - e: Prime Vertical - e: Private Venture - e: Procès-Verbal - e: Process Variable - e: Production Validation - e: Production] Verification - e: Professional Volunteer - e: Propellant Valve - e: Protoverin - e: Public Voucher - e: Pulmonary Valve - e: Pulmonary Vein - e: Software-process sheet/made-of-list - f: Par Value - f: Paravane - f: Petite Vitesse - f: Pression Veineuse - f: Pression Ventriculaire - i: Piccola Velocity - i: Prossimo Ventura -1: Pemphigus vulgaris -1: Per Vaginam -1: Polycythaemia vera - s: Pacto de Varsovia - s: Por Vida - s: Puerto Vallarta Pv. d: Pulver - e: Peru[vian] - e: Par value pv. d: pulverisiert P.V. d: Panton-Valentine-Leukozidin - e: Pilot Vessel - f: Procès Verbaux - i: Processi Verbali p.v. 1: per vaginam -1: post vaccinationem P & V d: Pyloroplastik und Vagotomie - e: Pressure and Velocity - e: Pyloroplasty and Vagtomy P-V e: Peak-to-Valley value P/V e: Parity/overflow - e: Peak-to-Valley - e: Per Vagina - e: Pneumatic-to-Voltage - e: Pressure Vacuum - e: Pressure Valve - e: Pressure/Volume - e: Profit Volume p/v 1: per vagina PV-2 e: Lockheed maritime reconnaissance bomber PVA d: Polnische Volksarmee - d: Polyvinylalkohol[faserstoffe] - d: Polyvinylazetat - d: Postversorgungsartikel - d: Prufvorschrift zur Abnahme - e: Parameter Variation Analysis - e: Perigee Velocity Augmentation - e: Polyvinyl Acetat[e] 86

- e: Polyvinyl Alcohol - e: Positive Vorticity Advection - e: Procedure Value Analysis - e: Pulmonary Valve Atresia PVAA d: Polyvinylazetat P V A C d: Polyvinylazetat - e: Peak Volts Alternating Current - e: Polyvinil Acetate PVAc e: Polyvinylacetat P V A C e: Present Value of Annual Charges PVAD e: Position Velocity and Attitude Display p.vag 1: per vaginam PVA1 d: Polyvinylalkohol - e: Polyvinylalkohol P V - A l a r m d: Baugruppenunvollständigkeitsalarm P-value e: probability value PVAN d: Postversorgungsartikelname P V A R e: Protective Antireflection [coating] P V A Z d: Polyvinylazetat P V B d: Polyvinylbenzol - d: Polyvinylbutyrat - e: Polyvinyl Benzene - e: Polyvinylbutyrat - e: Potentiometer [or Potentiometrie] Voltmeter Bridge - e: Premature Ventricular Beat - n: Provincial Veevoederbureau PVBez d: Postverkehrsbeziehung P V B M[odel] e: Pauling Valence Bond Model P V B r d: Polyvinylbutyral - e: Polyvinyl Bromide - e: Polyvinyl Butyral PVBV e: Peach Yellow Blotch Virus P V C d: Polyvinylchlorid[e][faserstoffe] - e: Particle Vibration Coupling - e: Peripheral Vasoconstriction - e: Permanent Virtual Channel - e: Permanent Virtual Circuit - e: Philippine Volconology Commission - e: Photo-Voltaic Cell - e: Photovoltaic Cell - e: Pigment Volume Concentration - e: Polyvinylchlorid[e] - e: Position and Velocity Computer - e: Potential Volume Change - e: Precision Valve Corporation - e: Premature Ventricular Contraction[s] - e: Pressure Vacuum Chamber - e: Pressure Volume Compensator - e: Pressure Volume Control - e: Pulmonary Venous Capillary pressure - e: Punch Validity Check - f: Pression Veineuse Centrale - n: Provinciale Voedselcommissaris P V C A e: Polyvinyl Chloride Acetate P V C A C d: Polyvinylchloridazetat P V C C d: Nachchloriertes PVC - e: Piedmont Virginia Community College P V C C F e: Polyvinyl-Chloride-Coated Fabric[s] - e: Polyvinyl-Chloride-Coated Fibers P V C F d: Polyvinylchlorid-Faser - e: Phase Variable Canonical Form P V C H e: Polyvinylcyclohexane P V C - H d: Polyvinylchlorid-weichmacherfrei [hart] P V C I e: Peripheral Vision Command Indicator PVCN e: Priced Vocabulary of Clothing and Necessaries P V C O e: Pulmonary Venous Channel Obstruction

© K G - Saur, Manchen

P V C P e: Pulmonary Venous Capillary Pressure P V C R e: Pressure Vessel Research Committee P V C S d: Polyvinylchlorid-Seide - e: Portable Voice Communications System P V C s e: Premature Ventricular Contractions P V C - W d: Polyvinylchlorid-weich P V C z e: Poly-N-Vinylcarbazole PVD d: Druck im rechten Ventrikel - d: Kurzzeichen für Fasern aus PVDC - d: Polyvinyldichlorid - d: Polyvinylidenchlorid - e: Paravisual Director - e: Peripheral Vascular Disease[s] - e: Periphered Vision Display - e: Photovoltaic Detection - e: Physical Vapor Deposition - e: Physical Vapo[u]r Deposition - e: Plan Video Display - e: Plan[ned] View Display - e: Plasma Vapour Deposition - e: PoIyvinyliden[e] Chlorid[e] - e: Portable Vapo[u]r Detector - e: Providence, Rhode Island - e: Pulmonary Vascular Disease - f: Pression Ventriculaire Droit P V D C d: Polyvinylidenchlorid - e: Polyvinyl Dichloridfe] - e: Polyvinylidene Chloride P V D F d: Polyvinylidenfluorid - e: Polyvinyliden[e]fluorid[e] P V D L e: Precision Variable Delay Line PVDs e: Plan View Displays PVDS e: Propelled VDS p v d V e r b 300 d: paketvermittelte digitale Verbindung Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit 300 bit/s p v d V e r b 2400 d: paketvermittelte digitale Verbindung Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit 2400 bit/s p v d V e r b 4800 d: paketvermittelte digitale Verbindung Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit 4800 bit/s p v d V e r b 9600 d: paketvermittelte digitale Verbindung Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit 9600 bit/s P V E d: Pilotverstärker, Empfangsseite - d: Postvakzinale Enzephalitis - d: Probeverbindungseinrichtung - e: Prolonged Vacuum Exposure - e: Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis - e: Provisioning Engineer P & V E e: Propulsion and Vehicle Engineering P V E M e: Pulse-Vector Emittance Meter P V E S d: Polymorphe Ventrikuläre Extrasystolen P V F d: Paroxysmales Ventrikuläres Flimmern - d: Polyvinylfaser - d: Polyvinylformal - d: PolyvinyI[iden]fluorid [CH 2 CF2-]„ - e: Peak Visibility Factor - e: Polyvinyl Fluorid[e] - e: Polyvinyl Formal - e: Primary Ventricular Fibrillation P V F 2 e: Fluorinated polymer used in tactile sensing in robots PV Filter e: Panchromatic Vision Filter P V F M d: Polyvinylformal - e: Polyvinylformal - f: Planification pour une Vie Familiale Meilleure P V F O e: Polyvinyl Formal

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

PVZ PVFS e: Postviral Fatigue Syndrome [chronic] PVG d: Pegelvergleichsgerät - d: Personalvertretungsgesetz - d: Polizeiverwaltungsgesetz - d: Postverkehrsgesetz - d: Probeverbindungsgerät - d: Prüfvorschrift zur Güteprüfung - e: Polyvinylene Glycol - f: Pression Ventriculaire Gauche PVGA e: Processed Vegetable Growers Association P V G G N D e: Proving Ground PVGS f: Pression Ventriculaire Gauche Systolique PVH e: Propane-Vacuum-Hydrogen pvH e: propane-vacuum Hydrogen PVI d: Planmäßig[e] vorbeugende Instandhaltung [or Instandsetzung] - e: Peripheral Vascular Insufficiency - e: Personal Values Inventory - e: Pilot Vehicle Interface - e: Point of Vertical Intersection - e: Pre-Vulcanization Inhibitor - e: Precision Visuals International - e: Precision Visuals, Incorporated - e: Primary Vocational Interest - e: Programmable Video Interface - s: Patrulleras de Vigilancia Interior PVIM e: Pulse Vector Immittance Meter P&VIR e: Pure and Vulcanized India Rubber PVIS e: Pneumatic Vertical-Indicating Scale PVK d: Personalverteilkartei - d: Pigmentvolumenkonzentration - d: Polyvinylcarbazol - e: Packaged Ventilation Kit - e: Photoconductive Polyvinyl Carbazole - e: Poly [N-vinylcarbazole] PVK[n] d: Personalverteilkarte[n] PVKtr d: Personenverkehrskontrolleur PVL d: Panton-Valentine-Leukozidin - e: Periventricular Lucencies - e: Polyporus Versicolor Laccase - e: Pressure to Vertical Locks PVLI d: Primärverarbeitung, linear PVM d: Kurzzeichen für Fasern aus Vinylund Vinylidenverbindungen - d: Paketvermittlungsprozedurmodul - d: Pneumonievirus der Maus - e: Pneumonia Virus of Mice - e: Point Visibility Meter - e: Polyvinyl Methyl - e: Potentiometrie Voltmeter - e: Pressure Vessel Material - e: Process Evaluation Module - e: Projection Video Monitor PVMA d: Polyvinylmethyläther - e: Philippine Veterinary Medical Association - e: Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association - e: Protoverin-6-Monoacetat PVME d: Polyvinylmethyläther - e: Polyvinyl Methyl Ether Pvmnt e: Pavement PVMS e: Paged Virtual Memory System PVN d: Paketvermittlungsnetz - e: Paraventricular Nuclei p.v.n. 1: per vias naturales PV-Netz d: Paketvermittlungsnetz PVNO e: Polyvinylpyridin[-N-]oxid PVN[P]S e: Post-Vietnam [Psychiatric] Syndrome PVNT e: Prevent[ile] - e: Preventive]

PVNTMED e: Preventive Medicine P V O d: Patent[gerichts]verordnung - d: Preisverordnung - d: Pulmonalvenenobstruktion - e: Principal Veterinary Officer - R: Provito Wasduschnaja Oborona Strany P V 0 2 d: Venöser Sauerstoffpartialdruck PVOA e: Passenger Vehicle Operators Association PVOD e: Peripheral Vascular Occlusive Disease PVOR e: Precision VHF [Very High Frequency] Omni [directional] Range - e: Precision Vision Omnirange PVO-Strany R: Provito Wasduschnaja Oborona Strany PVO-Voisk R: Provito Wasduschnaja Oborona Strany Voisk PVP d: Polyvinylpropionat - d: Polyvinylpyrrolidon - d: Prozeß mit verteilten Parametern - e: Photovoltaic Power - e: Pipelined Vector Processor - e: Plasma Vaporization Process - e: Polyvinyl Propionate - e: Polyvinyl Pyrrolidon[e] - e: Program[me] Verification Package - e: Prototype-Validation Phase - e: Pulmonary Vascular Resistance - s: Precio mäximo de Venta al Publico PVPC e: Principal Vertical Polar Curve P V P H d: Primär Vaskuläre Pulmonale Hypertonie [or Hypertension] PVPP d: Polyvinylpolypyrrolidon - e: Polyvinyl Polypynrolidone PVPS e: Plasma Varactor Phase Shifter PVQ e: Personal Value Questionnaire PVR d: Paketverlustrate - d: Perivaskulärer Raum - d: Pilotbezogene Verstärkungsregelung - d: Proliferative Vitreoretinopathie - e: Peripheral Vascular Resistance - e: Photo Vollaic Relay - e: PhotoVoltaic Relais - e: Police Volunteer Reserves - e: Portable Volume-controlled Respirator - e: Precision Voltage Reference - e: Prefix Value Register - e: Premature Voluntary Release - e: Premature Voluntary Requirement - e: Premature Voluntary Retirement - e: Procedure Validation Report - e: Process Variable Record - e: Pulmonary Vascular Resistance - e: Purified Vero Rabies[-vakzine] P&VR e: Pure and Vulcanized Rubber P/V Ratio e: Peak to Valley Ratio PVRC e: Pressure Vessel Research Committee P & V R Insulation e: Pure and Vulcanized Rubber Insulation PVS d: Personalverwaltungssystem - d: Personenverkehrssystem - d: Pilotverstärker, Sendeseite - d: Polyvinyl[kunst]seide - d: Privatärztliche Verrechnungsstelle - d: Prostaglandin-Vaginalsuppositorien - d: Prozeßvideosystem - d: Psychovegetatives Syndrom - e: Panoramic Vision System - e: Passive Night Vision - e: Pecos Valley Southern - e: Performance Verification System - e: Periventricular [fiber] System - e: Periventricular System - e: Permament Vendor Support - e: Persistent Vegetative State

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Personal Value System - e: Personal Videoconferencing System - e: Pilot Vision System - e: Plan-View Size[s] - e: Plexus Visibility Score - e: Post-Vietnam Syndrome - e: Pressure Vacuum System - e: Principal Veterinary Surgeon - e: Proceedings of the Virgil Society (journ.) - e: Program[me] Validation Services - e: Propellant Venting System - e: Purified for Volumetric Standardization PVSA e: Peripheral Vascular Society of America PVSch d: Polizeiversorgungsschein PVSE e: Primary Vehicle System Engineer PVS-Skala d: Psychovegetative Selbstbeurteilungsskala PVSt d: Paketvermittlungsstelle PV/ST e: Premate Verification/System Test PVT d: Paroxysmale Ventrikuläre Tachykardie - e: Packet Voice Terminal - e: Page View Terminal - e: Parameter/Variable Table - e: Paroxysmal Ventricular Tachycardia - e: Performance Verification Test - e: Physical Vapour Transport - e: Polyvinyl Toluene - e: Pressure, Volume, Temperature - e: Private - e: Process, Voltage, Temperature - e: Production Verification Test[s] - e: Provisioning Technician - f: Par Voie Télégraphique pvt. d: privat - e: private PVTA d: Protoverin-3, 6, 16-Triazetat - e: Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration - e: Protoverin-3, 6, 16-Triacetat Pvt 1/C e: Private First Class PVT-C e: Production Validation TestContractor PVTCA e: Polyvinyl Trichlor[o]acetate PVTE e: Private PVT-G e: Production Validation TestGovernment PVTOS e: Physical Vapor Transport of Organic Solids PVTR e: Portable Video Tape Recorder PVU e: Prairie View University - e: Precision Velocity Update PVÜ d: Pariser Verbandsübereinkunft [zum Schutz des gewerblichen Eigentums] p W d: positive Vertragsverletzung PVw d: Postverwaltung PVW e: Program Control Word - e: Pulsed Continuous Wave - e: Pure Virgin Wool PVWA e: Planned Value of Work Accomplished PVwG d: Postverwaltungsgesetz PVX e: Phosphorous-doped Vapordeposited oxide PVY d: Polyakrylnitrilfaserstoffe - d: Polyvinylzyanid PVZ d: Postvertriebszentrale - s: Patrullero de Vigilancia de Zona


PW PW d: Papierwährung - d: Peripherer Widerstand - d: Pessimistischer Wert - d: Philologische Wochenschrift (journ.) - d: Polarisationsweiche - d: Polaritätswechsel - d: Polwandler - d: Polwechsler - d: Postwert - d: Produktionswasser - d: Produktionsweise - d: Programmwechsel - d: Programmwelle - e: Pacifiic Western Airlines - e: Packed Weight - e: Palau - e: Parallel With - e: Parameter Word - e: Pass Word - e: Passing Window - e: Peak Watt - e: Penrose and Watts' Reports - e: Peptone Water - e: Per Week - e: Pericardium Wall - e: Permanent Way - e: Personal Workstation - e: Petroleum Week - e: Philadelphia & Western - e: Picowatt - e: Pilot Wire - e: Pittsburgh & West Virginia - e: Pivoted Window - e: Plain Washer - e: Plated Wire - e: Port Wing - e: Post War - e: Postal Wire[s] - e: Powder Weight - e: Power [Windows] - e: Precis Word - e: Printed Wiring - e: Printing World (journ.) - e: Private Wire - e: Procedure Word - e: Program[me] Word - e: Projected Window - e: Psychological Warfare - e: Public Works - e: Publishers Weekly (journ.) - e: Pulse Wave - e: Pulse Width pw d: paarweise Pw d: Personenwagen pW e: picoWatt[s] P.W. e: Peere Williams' English Chancery Reports - e: Per Week - e: Public Weifare - e: Public Works P&W e: Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division, United Aircraft Corporation P/W e: Parallel With PWA d: Papierwerke Waldhof Ashaffenburg - d: Prädiktionsgesteuerte Wortaufteilung - d: Projekt Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung - e: Pacific Western Airlines - e: Person With AIDS - e: Pratt and Whitney Aircraft - e: Printed Wire [or Wiring] Assembly - e: Professional Writers of America - e: Project Work Authorization - e: Psychic Workers Association - e: Public Works Administration - e: Publishers Weekly Announcements 88

- P: Przeglad Wiadomosci Agencyjnych P W A A S e: Passive Wide Area Alerting System PWAC e: Pratt & Whitney Aircraft - e: Present Worth of Annual Charges [or Cost] PWAFRR e: Present Worth of All Future Revenue Requirements PW AIDS e: Personfs] With AIDS PWAIT Acknowledge e: Processor Wait Acknowledge PWAR e: Posterior Wall of Aortic Root PWArb d: Postwerkstattenarbeiter P Wash e: Port Washington P-wave e: Pressure wave P waves e: Primary [earthquake] waves PWB e: Pilot Weather Briefing - e: Printed Wire [or Wiring] Board - e: Programme of Work and Budget - e: Programmers Work Bench - e: Pulling Whaleboat PWBA e: Plane-Wave Born Approximation - e: Printed [or Printing] Wiring Board Assembly P W B C e: Peripheral White Blood Cells P W B / M M e: Programmers Work Bench/ Memorandum Macros PW Board e: Printed Wiring Board PWBS e: Project Work Breakdown PWB's e: Printed Wire Boards PWC e: Pacific Westbound Conference - e: Pairwise Comparison - e: Parents Who Care - e: Peasants Work Co-operatives - e: Peoples World Convention - e: Physical Working Capacity - e: Post-War Creditfs] - e: Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Canada - e: Precipitation Water Content - e: Printed Wiring Card - e: Prisoner of War Convention - e: Provincial Warning Center [or Centre] - e: Public Works Canada - e: Public Works Center - e: Pulse-Width Coded [or Coder, or Coding] - e: Pulse Width Controlled P W C 170 e: Physical Working Capacity 170 P W C A e: Peoples World Constituent Assembly PWCB e: Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau P W C E N e: Public Works Center P W C F C e: Proceedings of the West Cornwall Field Club (journ.) P W Circuit e: Pilot Wire Circuit P W C M e: Pulse Width with Carrier Modulation P W D e: Permissible Weekly Dose - e: Philadelphia Water Department - e: Plywood - e: Post-Write Disturb - e: Powder Distributor - e: Powder[ed] - e: Power Distribution [or Distributor] - e: Powered - e: Practice Weapon Dispenser - e: Processor] Word - e: Procurement Work Directive - e: Psychological Warfare Division - e: Public Works Department - e: Pulse-Width Detection [or Detector] - e: Pulse-Width Discriminating [or Discrimination, or Discriminator] - e: Pulse-Width Distortion

© K • G • Saur, München

PWDI e: Program with Developing Institutions PWDR e: Partial Wave Dispersing [or Dispersion] Relation PWDR[D] e: Powder[ed] PWDS e: Protected Wireline Distribution System P W E d: Pult-/Warten-Ebene - e: Pauli-Weißkopf Equation - e: Political Warfare Executive - e: Present Worth Expenditures - e: Pulse-Width Encoder [or Encoding] P Wei e: Port Weller PWEs e: Pulse-Width Encoders PWF d: Produktion Winterbauförderung - e: Photoelectric Work Function - e: Power Warning Feature - e: Pregnancy Without Fear - e: Present Worth Factor - e: Pulse Waveform[s] PwF d: Produktionsgenossenschaft werktätiger Fischer P W F A e: Petroleum Workers Federation of Aruba PWFG e: Primary Waveform Generator PWFN e: Projection Weld Flange Nut PWFP e: Prince William Forest Park PWG d: Propyläen Weltgeschichte - d: Pulswellengeschwindigkeit - e: Parliamentary Working Group - e: Permanent Working Group [of European Junior Hospital Doctors] - e: Photoelectric Web Guide - e: Plastic Wire Guide - e: Province Working Group Pwg d: Panzerwagen P W H e: Pellet Warhead - e: Per Workable Hatch - e: Precision Welding-Head - e: Prototype Wave Height PWHA e: Peace/War Headquarters PWHD e: Per Workable Hatch per Day PWHQ e: Primary War Headquarters PWHS e: Public Works Historical Society P W H T e: Postweld Heat Treatment PWHT[s] e: Postweld Heat Treatments] P W H W W D e: Per Workable Hatch per Weather Working Day P W I e: Permanent Ware Insitute - e: Permanent Way Institution - e: Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia - e: Physiological Workload Index - e: Pilot Warning Indicator [or Instrument] - e: Portable Water Intake - e: Posterior Wall Infarction - e: Potable Water Intake - e: Proximity Warning Indication [or Indicator, or Instrument] PWIF e: Plantation Workers' International Federation PWIN e: Prototype WWMCCS [WorldWide Military Command and Control System] Intercomputer Network PWIP e: Participative Work Improvement Program - e: Physical Work In Procrss P[-]Wire e: Private Wire PWI-SR d: Panzer Wagen InfanterieStandard PWI System e: Pilot Warning Indicator System PWiT P: Przedsiebiorstwo Wystaw i Targöw P W J C e: Piney Woods Junior College

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

px ill PWK d: Paßwortkatalog - d: Projektgesellschaft Wiederaufbereitung von Kernbrennstoffen Pwk d: Pumpwerk p. wk. e: Per Week PWL e: Piecewire-Linear - e: Piecewise Linear - e: Power Level - e: Power Watt[age] Level - P: Polskie Wojska Lotnicze PWLA e: Posterior Wall of Left Atrium PWLB e: Public Works Loan Board PW1F e: Plantation Workers International Federation PWM d: Pegel- und Wobbelmeßplatz - d: Pokeweed-Mitogen, lymphozytenstimulierender Kermesbeeren-Extrakt - d: Pulsweitenmodulation - e: Partnership for World Mission - e: Plated Wire Memory - e: Pokeweed Mitogen - e: Portable Welding Machine - e: Printed Wiring Master - e: Pulse-Width Modulated [or Modulating, or Modulation, or Modulator] - e: Pulse-Width Multiplier - P: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne PWM-AF e: Pulse-Width Modulated-Audio Frequency PWM-AM e: Pulse-Width ModulationAmplitude Modulation PWM-FM e: Pulse-Width ModulationFrequency Modulation PWMI e: Pulse-Width-Modulated Inverter PWMS e: Public Works Management System P.Wms. [Eng.] e: Peere Williams English Chancery Reports PWMSP e: People [or Person[s]] With Multiple Social Problems PWN P: Polskie Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWNDA e: Provincial Wholesale Newspaper Distributors Association PWNP e: Parra Wirra National Park PWO d: Progress-Werke Oberkirch - e: Principal Warfare Officer - e: Principal Weapons Officer - e: Production Work Order - e: Public Welfare Office[r] - e: Public Works Office[r] - n: Progressieve Werknemers Organisatie PW Off e: Public Works Officer PWOP e: Pregnant Without Official Permission PWORC-E e: P&W Overhaul and Repair Center-Europe PWP d: Permanenter Welkepunkt - e: Chemical Agent/Plastized - e: Partial Write Pulse - e: Personal Water Purifier - e: Picowatt Power - e: Picowatt[s] Psophometric[ally Weighted] - e: Plain Writing Printer - e: Plasticized White Phosphorus - e: Postwar Planning - e: Prelaunch Wind Profile - e: Programmable Weld Positioner - e: Pulmonary Wedge Pressure PWPMA e: Philippine Welding Products Manufacturers Association PWPO e: PWP Measured at a Point of Zero Reference Level PWPP e: Professionwide Pension Plan [American Chemical Society] PWPS e: Pure Water Preservation Society

PWR d: Programmschaltwerk mit Regelantrieb - d: Pulswechselrichter - e: Partially Whitened Representation - e: Passive Warning Radar - e: Pilot Wire Regulator - e: Placement and Wire Routing - e: Power [Reactor] - e: Power Wirewound Resistor - e: Prepositioned War Reserve - e: Pressurized Water Reactor - e: Processor Write - e: Program[me] Work Requirement - e: Publication Work Request P.W.R. e: Post-War Reconstruction PWR[-]AMPL e: Power Amplifier PWR-FA e: Pressurized Water ReactorFlexible Assembly PWR-FLECHT e: Pressurized Water Reactor-Full Length Emergency Cooling Heat Transfer PWRH e: Powerhouse PWR MON e: Power Monitor PWRMS e: Pre-Positioned War Reserve Materiel Stocks PWRPLT e: Power Plant PWR PNL e: Power Panel PWRR e: Passive Warning Radar Receiver - e: Prepositioned War Reserve Requirement PWRR-MF e: Prepositioned War Reserve Requirements for Medical Facilities PWRRs e: Prepositioned War Reserve Requirements PWRS e: Pacific War Research Society - e: Preposition[ed] War Reserve Stock[s] - e: Programmable Weapons Release System PWR SEMICOND e: Power Semiconductor PWRS-MF e: Prepositioned War Reserve Stocks for Medical Facilities PWR S[U]P[LY] e: Power Supply Pwr. Sw. e: Power Switch PWR[/]U e: Power Unit PWS d: Phosphorwolframsaure - d: Pickwickier-Syndrom - d: Presse, Werbung, Schrifttum (journ.) - d: Programmschaltwerk mit Schrittantrieb - d: Programmwarteschlange - e: Paddlewheel Steamer - e: Parallel Working System - e: Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary - e: Phoenix Weapons System - e: Plane Wave Spectrum - e: Plasma Wave Science - e: Plasma Waveguide Switch - e: Potable Water System - e: Prader-Willi Syndrome - e: Predicted Wave Signalling - e: Preliminary Work Statement - e: Pricing Work Statement - e: Private Wire Service - e: Private Wire System - e: Professional Work Station - e: Programmers Work Station - e: Proximity Warning System PWSA e: Ports and Waterways Safety Act PwSdg d: Postwurfsendung PWSP e: Project Workpackage Structure Plan PWSS e: Port War Signal Station PWSWA e: Processed Woodchip, Sawdust and Woodfloor Association PW System e: Pilot Warning System - e: Proximity Warning System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

PWT d: Plan Wissenschaft und Technik - d: Programmschaltwerk mit Tandemantrieb - d: Pulswellenlaufzeit - e: Pacific War Time - e: Pacific Winter Time - e: Pennyweight [Troy] - e: Picture World Test - e: Posterior Wall Thickness - e: Progressive Wave Tube - e: Propulsion Wind Tunnel - e: Pulse Wave Time Pwt. e: Pennyweight PWTAG e: Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group PWTF d: Politik der wissenschaftlichen und technischen Forschung PWTN e: Power Train PWTO e: Principal Wireless Telegraphy Officer PWTVA e: Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Vehicles, Army PWU e: Power up - e: Pressure Work up - e: Provision Wholesalers Union PWV d: Peach Wart Virus - d: Personenwagenvorschriften - e: Peach Wart Virus - e: Pulse Wave Velocity - e: Pulse-Width Valve P&WV e: Pittsburgh & West Virginia PW/VSE e: Programmers Work Station/ Virtual Storage Extended PWVT d: Pseudo-Wigner-VilleTransformation PWW e: Project West Wing p.w.w.d. e: per weather working day p.w.w.h. e: per weather working hour PWWR e: Power Wirewound Resistor PWWT e: Pacific Winter War Time Pwy e: Poway PWZ d: Pulswellenlaufzeit PWz. d: Postwertzeichen PX d: Pyridoxin - e: Aspen Airways - e: Heavenly bodys polar distance - e: Phantom coil - e: Physical Examination - e: Please Exchange - e: Pneumothorax - e: Position Report - e: Post Exchange - e: Press[ure Transmitter] - e: Private Exchange - e: Pulse Stretcher - e: Pulse Transformer - e: Pyroxene Px d: Pneumothorax - e: Past history - e: Prognosis PXA e: Place Index in Address - e: Primary X-ray Analysis - e: Pulsed Xenon Arc PXA-Lamp e: Pulsed Xenon Arc Lamp PXCMD e: Phoenix Contract Management District PXD e: Place Index in Decrement PXDH d: Pankreatische Xanthindehydrogenase PXDV e: Peach X-Disease Virus PXE e: Piezoxide -1: Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum PXEs e: Piezoxides PXI e: Puls[ed] Xenon Illuminator px in e: time of arrival


PXL P X L e: Patrol Experimental Land-based aircraft - e: Pulsed Xenon Lamp - e: Pulsed Xenon Laser PXL Aircraft e: Patrol, Experimental Landbased Aircraft PXLS[S] e: Pulsed Xenon Light Source System PXLST e: Passenger List[ing] PXM e: Patrol, Developmental, Missile ship - e: Projection X-ray Microscope px me e: report my arrival and departure PXML e: Private Exchange Master List PXO e: Prospective Executive Officer pxo s: próximo px out e: takeoff time PXP e: Packet Exchange Protocol PXR e: Plus-X-Reversal - e: Post-Exercise Report PXS e: Port Exchange - e: Primary X-ray spectroscopy - e: Pulsed X-ray System - e: Pulsed Xenon System P.X.S. e: Special Petrol stowage PX-S e: Japanese reconnaissance flying boat PXSS e: Pulsed Xenon Solar Simulator PXSTR e: Phototransistor pxt. 1: pinxit PXU e: Portable X-ray Unit PY e: Patrol Yacht - e: Per Year - e: Pitch and Yaw - e: Prior Year - e: Program[me] Year - e: Publication Year - e: Pyr[rol]idine - e: Surinam Airways Py d: Phosphopyridoxal - d: Polyoma-Viren[or Virus] - d: Pyrimidin-nukleosid - d: Pyri[mi]din[nukleosid] - e: Phosphopyridoxal p.y. e: per year P/Y e: Pitch and/or Yaw PYA d: Psychoanalyse - e: Plan, Year [and] Age Pya R: Pyatnitsa PyB e: Bachelor of Pedagogy PYBURO e: Pyrethrum Bureau PYBV e: Peach Yellow Blotch Virus PYC e: Patrol Yacht, Coastal - e: Proteose Yeast Castione - e: Pyogenic Culture PyC e: Pyrocarbon PYE e: Protect Your Environment PyFDMS e: Pyrolysis, Field Desorption, Mass Spectrometry PYG e: Peptone Yeast Glucose Pyg e: Pygmalion PYG B R O T H e: Proteose-Yeast-Glucose Broth PYGM e: Peptone-Yeast-Glucose-Maltose PYGS e: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society (journ.) P Y I Timber e: Pyinma [lagerstroemia hypoleuca] Timber PyK d: Pyruvatkinase Pyke e: Pykes Lower Canada Reports, Kings Bench Pyl. d: Pylon PYLV e: Peach Yellow Leafroll Virus PYM d: Psychosomatische Medizin Pymt e: Payment PYN e: Pyloric Nerve PYO e: Pick Your Own

P Y P d: Pyrophosphat - e: Pyramid - e: Pyridine - e: Pyrometer - e: Pyrophosphate P Y P H e: Polyphase P Y R e: Pitch, Yaw, Roll - e: Pyramid - e: Pyridine - e: Pyrite - e: Pyrometer Pyr. d: Pyramide - d: Pyridin pyr. e: pyruvate Py. R. e: Pykes Lower Canada Reports, King's Bench P-Y-R e: Pitch-Yaw-Roll P Y R A e: Pyramidal PYRAMID e: Pyramid investment scheme Pyrenees e: Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain P Y R E S A s: Prensa y Radio Española pyrite e: fools gold - e: iron disulfide - e: iron pyrites pyrites e: copper, iron, tin pyrite PYRKAL e: Greek Powder & Cartridge Company S.A. P Y R M D e: Pyramid[ed] P Y R O e: Pyromaniac - e: Pyrotechnic[s] - e: Pyroxylin Pyro. d: Pyroxylin pyro. e: pyrotechnic[al] PYROELEC e: Pyroelectric[al] - e: Pyroelectricity pyroglu e: pyroglutamic acid pyrolag e: pyrolagnia[c] pyrolyt. d: pyrolytisch P Y R O M e: Pyrometer - e: Pyrometry Pyr-Or e: Pyreneés-Orientales PYROT[ECH] e: Pyrotechnics PyrP d: Pyridoxaminphosphat Pyrr e: Pyrrhotite P Y S e: Photo-emission Yield Spectroscopy PYV e: Peach Yellow[s] Virus PyV d: Polyoma-Virus PYX d: Pyroxen - e: Pyroxene pyx. 1: pyxis PZ d: Pädagogisches Zentralblatt (journ.) - d: Pankreozymin - d: Panzerzug - d: Pärchenzwillinge - d: Passagezeit - d: Pausenzeichen - d: Pegellinienzusatz - d: Personenzug - d: Pionierzug - d: Polenské-Zahl - d: Portlandzement - d: Produktivitätszentrale - d: Prüfzeile - d: Prüfziffer - d: Prüfzustand - d: Pulswellenlaufzeit - d: Pultzelle - d: Punktzahl - e: Co-latitude - e: Pancreozymin - e: Peak-to-Zero - e: Pelletizing - e: Performing organization Zip code - e: Phase Zero - e: Pickup Zone


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- e: Plus Zero - e: Promethazine - e: Pulse Zero - e: Pyroxine Pz d: Paarzeher - d: Panzer - d: Platzziffer pz d: panzerbrechend P-Z e: Peak-to-Zero PZ-61 e: Swiss medium tank PZA d: Parazervikalanästhesie - d: Pezetamid - d: Planungszeitabschnitt - d: Programm-Zeitabschaltung - d: Pyrazinamid[e] - e: Pyrazinamid[e] PZA P: Poiski Zwiazek Atletyczny pza s: pieza Pza i: Plaza P " i: Piazza PzAbeRMi d: Panzerabwehrrichtmine PzAbKw d: Panzerabwehrkampfwagen Pz[-]Abw[ehr] d: Panzerabwehr Pz[-]Abw[-]Ers d: Panzerabwehrersatz PzAbwFK d: Panzerabwehrflugkörper Pz[-]Abw[-]Handgr d: Panzerabwehrhandgranate PzAbwKp d: Panzerabwehr-Kampfpanzer PzAbwKw d: Panzerabwehr-Kampfwagen PzAbwLRak d: Panzerabwehrlenkrakete PzAbwRes d: Panzerabwehrreserve PzAbwS d: Panzerabwehrschule PzAbwVMi d: Panzerabwehrverlegemine PzAbwWMi d: Panzerabwehrwurfmine Pz[-]A Ger[-]Pk d: Panzerarmeegerätepark PzArt d: Panzerartillerie PzArtBtl d: Panzerartillerie-Batallion PzArtBttr d: Panzerartilleriebatterie PzAufkl d: Panzeraufklärung PzAufKIKp d: PanzeraufklärungsKompanie PzAwRMi d: Panzerabwehrrichtmine PzAwVMi d: Panzerabwehrverlegemine PzB d: Panzerbüchse P Z B d: Passives Femseh-Ziel- und Beobachtungsgerät - e: Parenzyme Buccal - P: Poiski Zwiazek Bokserski Pz[-]Bef[-]Wg d: Panzerbefehlswagen Pz[-]Beob[-]Battr d: Panzerbeobachtungsbatterie Pz[-]Beob[-]Wagen d: Panzerbeobachtungswagen Pz[-]Besch[-]Tafel d: Panzerbeschußtafel Pzb[-]Gr[-]Patr d: Panzerbrechende Granatpatrone PzBrig d: Panzerbrigade PZBS d: Pseudozufällige Binärsignale PzBTl d: Panzerbataillon PZC d: Perphenazin - e: Point of Zero Change [or Charge] pz-cck e: pancreozymin-cholecystokinin PZD d: Panzerzwischendepot - d: Pionierzwischendepot - d: Postzeitungsdienst - e: Phase Zero Defense Pz[-]D d: Panzerdeck PZDevV d: Devisenvorschriften für den Postzahlungsverkehr mit dem Ausland PzDiv d: Panzerdivision PZE d: Personalzeitermittlung - P: Polski Zwiazek Eksperantystöw PzED d: Panzererkennungsdienst P-Zellen d: Pacemaker-oder pale-Zellen PZEM n: Provinziale Zeeuwse Energie-Maatschappij

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Pz[-]Zg P-Zement d: Portlandzement Pzf d: Panzerfaust P Z F d: Panzerzielfernrohr - d: Pseudozufallsfolge - P: Polski Zwiazek Filatelistöw PZFGR d: Panzerfaustgranate PzFH d: Panzerfeldhaubitze PzFlak d: Panzer-Fliegerabwehrkanone PZFTL d: Panzerfausttreibladung Pz[-]Fu d: Panzerfunker Pz[-]Fü d: Panzerführer Pz[-]Fu[-]Ers d: Panzerfunkersatz Pz[-]Fz[g] d: Panzerfahrzeug PZG d: Pausenzeichengeber - d: Pausenzeichengerät - P: Polski Zwiazek Gimnastyczny pzg d: prozentig Pzg. d: Panzergeschoß Pz[-]Gr d: Panzergranate Pz[-]Gren d: Panzergrenadier Pzgr[-]Patr d: Panzergranatpatrone Pz[-]Gr rot d: Panzergranate, rot Pz[-]Gürt d: Panzergürtel PZH P: Panstwowy Zaklad Higieny PzH d: Panzerhaubitze PZHK P: Polski Zwiazek Hodowcöw Koni PZHL P: Polski Zwiazek Hokeja na Lodzie PZHT P: Polski Zwiazek Hokeja na Trawie Pz[-]HWt d: Panzerhauptwart PZI d: Protaminzinkinsulin - e: Protamine Zinc Insulin PZIS d: Pegel- und Zählimpulssender PZITB P: Polski Zwiazek Inzynieröw i Techniköw Budownictwa PZITS P: Polskie Zrzeszenie Inzynieröw i Techniköw Sanitarnych PZJ P: Polski Zwiazek Jezdziecki Pz[-]J[ä]g d: Panzerjäger PzJgKw d: Panzerjäger-Kampfwagen PZK d: Pflanzenzellkulturen - P: Polski Zwiazek Kajakowy PzK d: Panzerkampfwagen Pz[-]Kan d: Panzerkanonier Pz[-]Kdr d: Panzerkommandeur

PZKiOR e: Polish Union of Agricultural Circles and Organizations PZKol P: Polski Zwiazek Kolarski PZKosz P: Polski Zwiazek Koszyköwki PzkpfW d: Panzerkampfwagen PZKS P: Polski Zwiazek Katolicko Spoleczny Pzkw d: Panzerkampfwagen PzKw d: Panzerkraftwagen Pzkw[-]Zug d: Panzerkampfwagenzug PZL d: Pneumatisch Zählen-Löschen - P: Panstwowy Zaklady Lotnicze - P: Polski Zwiazek Lowiecki PZLA P: Polski Zwiazek Lekkiej Atletyki PZLV d: Pneumatisch Zählen-LöschenVorwahl P Z M e: Piezoelectric Mount - e: Pressure-Zone Microphone - P: Polska Zegluga Morska - P: Polski Zwiazek Motorowy - R: Polovaya Zemleroynaya Mashina Pzm d: Panzermantel PzMrs d: Panzermörser PZN P: Polski Zwiazek Narciarski PzNBkgWa d: Panzemahbekämpfungswaffe PZO d: Postzeitungsordnung - d: Postzollordnung P1" i: Pizzo Pz[-]OWt d: Panzeroberwart PZP e: Phase Zero Program Pz[-]Pi d: Panzerpionier Pz[-]PI d: Panzerplatte PZPN P: Polski Zwiazek Pilki Noznej PZ-Protein e: Pregnancy Zone Protein PZR d: Programmzustandsregister - d: Priifzustandssimulationsregister Pz.-Reg. d: Panzerregiment PZRK R: Perenosniy Raketniy Kompleks PZS e: President of the Zoological Society - P: Polski Zwiazek Szermierczy PzSchnBr d: Panzerschnellbrücke Pz[-]Schtz d: Panzerschütze PZ-Signal d: Pseudozufallssignal

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

PzSpäh d: Panzerspäh... Pz[-]Sp[-]W[g] d: Panzerspähwagen PzSt d: Panzerstahl PZT d: Blei-zircon-titanoxid Pb[Zr, T i ] 0 , - d: Plumbum Zirkonat Titanat pzt. d: prozentig P Z T e: Lead Zirconate Titanate - e: Photographic Zenith Telescope - e: Photographic Zenith Tube - e: Piezoelectric [Transducer] - e: Piezoelectric Zirconate Titanate - e: Plumbum-Zirconate-Titanate PZT-Keramik d: Blei-Zirkonat-TitanatKeramik PzTrS d: Panzertruppenschule Pz[-]TspW d: Panzertransportwagen PZT Transducer e: Lead Zirconate Titanate Transducer PZTW P: Polski Zwiazek Towarzystw Wioslarskich PZU d: Peripheriezugriff - d: Postzustellungsurkunde - P: Panstwowy Zaklad Ubezpieczen P-Zug d: Personenzug PZV d: Pensionszuschußversicherung - d: Postzeitungsvertrieb Pzv d: zentraler Venendruck PZVO d: Postzeitungsvertriebsordnung Pzw d: Panzerwagen PZW d: Programmzustandwort - P: Polski Zwiazek Wedkarski PZwG d: Gesetz über die Anwendung unmittelbaren Zwanges durch die Polizei [Polizeizwanggesetz] PZW-Register d: Programmzustandswortregister PZWS P: Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawnictw Szkolnych Pz[-]Wt d: Panzerwart PZX e: Heavenly bodys azimuth PZZ P: Polski Zwiazek Zapasniczy - P: Polski Zwiazek Zeglarski P™ i: Piazza Pz[-]Zg d: Panzerzug



Q Q d: Blindleistung - d: Blutfaktoren - d: Elektrizitätsmenge - d: Herzzeitvolumen [in I/min] - d: Initiale negative Welle im Kammer-Ekg - d: Kuwait - d: Lichtmenge - d: Menge an Gebrauchswerten einer Erzeugnisart - d: Mischungsverhältnis - d: Quadrangulär - d: Quadrat[en-] - d: Qualifizierung - d: Qualitatfsfaktor] - d: Qualitätsgröße - d: Qualitätsindex - d: Quantisierungsintervall - d: Quantität - d: Quantum - d: Quarantäne - d: Quark - d: Quartal - d: Quartett - d: Quartiermeister - d: Quartile - d: Quartmaß - d: Quarz - d: Quasistufenfaser - d: Quelle - d: Quer- d: Querschiffskraft des permanenten [festen] Schiffsmagnetismus - d: Quinacrin - d: Quintus - d: Quittierung - d: Quittung - d: Quotient - d: Resonanzschärfe - d: Rückstellkraft - d: Wärme[menge] - d: Wärmestrom - e: Bankruptcy [or Receivership] - e: Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad - e: Codex Marchalianus - e: Coenzyme Q - e: Combination of Purpose - e: Drone - e: electric Quadruple moment of atomic nucleus - e: Fairchild - e: Glutamine - e: Heat - e: Merit of a coil or Capacitor - e: Particle - e: Partition Function, System - e: Polaris correction - e: Promotional Fare

-e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e

Proportion Not in a Specific Class Q-Factor Qere Quad[ed] Quadragesms (journ.) Quadr angel Quadrans Quadrant Quadrature] Quadriceps Quadrillion Quadrivium (journ.) Quadruple [Engines] Quadruple Expansion Engine Quadruple Screws Quaere Quaker Line Qualifier [Bit] Quality [Factor] Quality of Output Quantity [of electricity] Quantity of water discharged Quaque Quarantine Quart[er] Quarter Word Designator Quarterback Quartering Quarterly Quartermaster Quarternary Quarters] Quartile [Variation] Quarto [Edition] Quartz Quasi Quebec Queensland] Queensland Fever Queensway Queer Quench[ed] Quenching Quercetin Queries Query [Language] Questioned] Questionnaire Questions Quetzal Queue[d] Quezal Quick [Light] Quiescent Quiescit Quiller-Couch Quiller Press

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Quilting - e: Quinacrine - e: Quintal [metric] - e: Quintar - e: Quire - e: Quisque - e: Quit - e: Qumran - e: Quorum - e: Quotient - e: Radiant Energy - e: Radio inductive reactance to resistance - e: Respiratory Quotient - e: San Quentin - e: Semi-Interquartile Range [or Quartile Deviation] - e: Sonar - e: Special Purpose - e: Squall[s] - e: Squally - e: Stagnation pressure - e: Target - e: Thermoelectric power - e: Torque - e: Volume Rate - f: Quai - f: Quartile - i: Quinacrine -1: Quintus q d: quartals- d: Querschnittsfläche - d: Zinsfaktor - e: coefficient of association - e: cue - e: dynamic pressure - e: electric charge -1: quaque Q. d: Qualität - d: Quantität - d: Quarantäne - d: Quartal - d: Quartett - d: Quartier - d: Quarz - d: Querkraft - d: Querschnitt - e: Quarterly - e: Quebec - e: Queensland] - e: Quorum - e: Year Books, Quebec -1: Quintus q. d: quart - e: questioned Q... d: Quer... Qj e: First Quartile Q j e: Second Quartile 93

Q j e: Third Quartile Q 4 e: Fourth Quartile 9Q e: Congo QA d: Funkgenehmigung - d: im Ekg Zeit von der Q-Zacke bis zum Beginn des Steilanstieges der Karotispulskurve - e: Inter City Airlines - e: National Restaurant Association Quality Assurance Study Group - e: QANTAS Airways Ltd. - e: Qatar - e: Quadrans - e: Quadrant Angle - e: Quadripartite Agreement - e: Qualification Approval - e: Qualified Acceptance - e: Quality Analysis - e: Quality Assurance - e: Quantization Approximation - e: Quantum Access, Inc. - e: Quarternary Ammonium - e: Quarters Allowance - e: Quarters Armourer - e: Quarters Assistant - e: Quasi Algorithm - e: Query Analyzer - e: Query Author - e: Question-Answer - e: Question Answering - e: Queue Access - e: Quick Assembly - e: Quick Asset - e: Quick[ly] Acting - e: Quiescent Aerial - e: Quiescent Antenna - e: Quinic Acid - e: Quisqualic Acid - e: topical Qualifier Abbreviation. - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Alma, Quebec Q.A. e: Quality Assurance Q&A e: Question and Answer Q-A e: Question and Answer - e: Quint-A Q/A e: Question/Answer QAA e: ALCAN International Ltd. - e: Quality Assurance Assistant - e: Quality Assurance Audit - e: Queensland Athletic Association - e: Question and Answer - e: Quinoline Amino Alcohol QA and R e: Quality Assurance and Realiability QAAO e: Quality Assurance and Operations QAAS e: Quality Assurance Acceptance Standard[s] - e: Quality Assurance Ammunition Specialist QAASCAE e: Queensland Association of Academic Staff in Colleges of Advanced Education QAB e: Quality Assurance Board - e: Quality Assurance Bulletin - e: Quick Action Button QABA f: Biblitheque et Audiovisuel, Alma, Quebec Q Abh Mittelrh Kg d: Quellen und Abhandlungen zur Mittelrheinischen Kirchengeschichte (journ.)

QAC e: Quadrant Aimable Charge Warhead - e: Quadripartite Agreements Committee - e: Quality Assurance Checking] - e: Quality Assurance Checklist - e: Quality Assurance Code [or Coding] - e: Quality Assurance Committee - e: Quality Assurance Coordinator - e: Quality Assurance Criterion - e: Quarternary Ammonium Compound - e: Quebec Appeal Cases - e: Queensland Agricultural College - e: Queensland Arts Council - e: Quick-Acting Choke QACAD e: Quality Assurance Corrective Action Document QACC e: Queensland Automobile Chamber of Commerce QACC Mot Trader e: QACC [Queensland Automobile Chamber of Commerce] Motor Trader (journ.) QACHL f: Centre de Documentation, Centre Hospitalier des Laurentides et Centre d'Accueil et de Readaptation des Hautes-Vallees, Laurentides QAD e: Quadriceps Active Displacement - e: Quality Assurance Data - e: Quality Assurance Department - e: Quality Assurance Directive - e: Quality Assurance Directorate - e: Quality Assurance Division - e: Question and Answer Document - e: Quick Attach-Detach Qad e: Qadmoniot QADC e: Queens Aide-de-Camp QADI e: Quality Assurance Department Instruction QADK e: Quick Attach-Detach Kit QADS e: Quality Assurance Data Summary - e: Quality Assurance Data System QAE e: Quality Assurance Engineer[ing] - e: Quality Assurance Evaluator - e: Queens Awards for Export Q A E M L e: Quality Assurance and Environmental Monitoring Laboratory QAES e: Quality Assurance and Expert Systems Q A E T e: Quality Assurance Environmental] Test[ing] - e: Quality Assurance Evaluation Test Q A F e: Quality Assurance Firing - e: Quality Assurance Function QAFA e: Quality Assurance Field Activity Q A F C O e: Qatar Fertilizer Company Q A F O e: Quality Assurance Field Operation[s] qag e: quacks Q A G e: Quality Assurance Group Q A G C e: Quiet Automatic Gain Control [Circuit] Q Ag J e: Queensland Agricultural Journal (journ.) QAHD f: Centre de Documentation, Hotel-Dieu d'Arthabaska, Quebec QAHI e: American Healthcare Management, Inc. QAI e: Quality Assurance Index - e: Quality Assurance Inspection - e: Quality Assurance Instruction - e: Queens Award to Industry QAIA e: Queen Alia International Airport QAICG e: Quality Assurance Interface Coordination Group QAIL e: Quality Assurance Information Letter QAIMNS e: Queen Alexandras Imperial Military Nursing Service


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QAIMNSR e: Queen Alexandras Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve QAIP e: Quality Assurance Inspection Procedure QAIPs e: Quality Assurance Inspection Procedures QAIRG e: Quality Assurance Installation Review Group QA+IS e: Quality Association and Inspection Service QAITAD e: Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Teacher Aide Development QAK e: Quick Attach Kit QAL e: Quality Assurance Laboratory - e: Quarterly Acceptance List - e: Quarterly Accession List - e: Quartz Aircraft Lamp - e: Quaternary Alluvium - e: Quebec Airways Limited - e: Quebec Aviation Limited - e: Queensland Alumina Limited - f: Quintal - i: Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia (journ.) QALAS e: Qualified Associate of the Land Agents Society Q A L C f: College d'Alma, Lac St.-Jean, Quebec QALD e: Quality-Assurance Liaison Division QALI e: Quality Assurance Letter of Instruction^] QALL e: Quartz Aircraft Landing Lamp QALTR e: Quality Assurance Laboratory Test Request QALY['s] e: Quality Adjusted Life Year[s] QAM d: Quadratur-Amplitudenmodulation - e: Quadrature Amplified Modulation - e: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation - e: Quality Assurance Manager - e: Quality Assurance Manual - e: Quality Assurance Monitor - e: Question Answering System - e: Queued Access Method - e: Quick Access Memory -1: Quaque Aente Meridiem QAMA e: Quebec Asbestos Mining Association QAMAA e: Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (journ.) QAMDO e: Quadripartite Agreed Materiel Development Objective QAMFNS e: Queen Alexandras Military Family Nursing Service QAMIS e: Quality Assurance Management and Information System - e: Quality Assurance Monitoring Information System QAML f: Centre de Documentation, Musee Laurier, Arthabaska, Quebec QAMM e: Quality Assurance Management Meeting QAMR e: Quadripartite Agreed Materiel Requirement - e: Quality Assurance Management Review QA Mrh K d: Quellen und Abhandlungen zur Mittelrheinischen Kirchengeschichte (journ.) QAMS e: Quad-Phase Amplitude Modulation System - e: Quality Assurance Management Staff QAMT e: Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers QAN e: Queensland Air Navigation Co. Ltd. Q and A e: Question and Answer Q and Q e: Quill and Quire (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Q B Div Q and RA e: Quality and Reliability Assurance Q and T e: Quenched and Tempered QANT e: Quantech Electronics Corp. Qantara s: AI-Qantara. Revista de Estudios Arabes (journ.) Qantas e: Quantas Empire Airways (journ.) QANTAS e: Queensland And Northern Territories [or Territory] Aerial Services Qantas E Air e: Qantas Empire Airways (journ.) QAO e: Quality Assurance Office[r] - e: Quality Assurance Operation - e: Quality Assurance Outline QA&O e: Quality Assurance and Operations QAOC e: Quality Assurance Overview Contractor QAOP e: Quality Assurance Operating Plan - e: Quality Assurance Operating Procedure QAP e: Department of Antiquities in Palestine. Quarterly (journ.) - e: Quadratic Assignment Problem - e: Qualifications Appraisal Panel - e: Quality Assurance Plan[ing] - e: Quality Assurance Procedure[s] - e: Quality Assurance Program[me] - e: Quality Assurance Provisions] - e: Quanah, Acme & Pacific Railway Co. - e: Quinine, Atabrine, Plasmoquine QA&P e: Quanah, Acme & Pacific QAPCO e: Qatar Petrochemical Company QAPED e: Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Engineering Design QAPET e: Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Engineering Tests QAPI e: Quality Assurance Program[me] Index QAPL e: Queensland Airlines Party Limited - e: Queensland Airlines Proprietary Limited Q Ap Math e: Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (journ.) lQApoc e: Genesis Apocryphon from Qumran. Cave One QAPP e: Quality Assurance Program[me] Plan[ning] Q App[l] Math e: Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (journ.) QAPS e: Queensland Association of Personel Services QAPST e: Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Service Tests QAP Treatment e: Quinine, Atabrine, Plasmoquine Treatment QAR d: Quantitative Autoradiographic QA&R e: Quality Assurance and Reliability QAR e: Quadrature-Axis Regulator - e: Quality and Reliability - e: Quality Assurance Record - e: Quality Assurance Report - e: Quality Assurance Representative - e: Quality Assurance Requirements - e: Quality Assurance Responsible/Witness - e: Quantitative Autoradiography - e: Quasi-Adiabatic Representation - e: Questionable Activity Report - e: Quick Access Recorder [or Recording] - i: Quaderni di Archeologia Reggiana (journ.) QARAFNS e: Queen Alexandras Royal Air Force Nursing Service QARANC e: Queen Alexandras Royal Army Nursing Corps QARC e: Quality Assurance Record [or Review] Center

QARM f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Arthabaska, Quebec QARNNS[R] e: Queen Alexandras Royal Naval [or Navy] Nursing Service [Reserve] QAR-R e: Quality Assurance RecordReceiving QAR-T e: Quality Assurance RecordTooling QAS e: Quality Answering System - e: Quality Assurance Service - e: Quality Assurance Specialist - e: Quality Assurance System - e: Quality Supervision - e: Question Answering System - e: Quick Access Recording - e: Quick Access Storage [or Store] - e: Quick Acting [or Action] Shuttle QASA e: Queensland Amateur Swimming Association QASAC e: Quality Assurance Spacecraft Acceptance Center QASAG e: Experimental Farm, Agriculture Canada L'Assomption, Quebec QASAR e: Quality Assurance System[s] Analysis Review - e: QUBIT Automated Sonar Analysis and Reduction System QASAS e: Quality Assurance Specialist, Ammunition Surveillance QASB f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Asbestos, Quebec QASC e: Quadripartite Armaments Standardization Committee Q A S C O e: Qatar Steel Company QASDM e: Quality Assurance, Sample and Data Management QASK e: Quadrature Amplitude Shift Keyed [or Keying] QASL e: Quality Assurance Systems List QAsL d: QueranschluBlinie QASP e: Quality Assurance Standard Practice - e: Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan QASPR e: QUALCOMM, Inc. Automatic Satellite Position Reporting Q Assoc Lig Arch Stor Nav i: Quaderni. Associazione Ligure di Archeologia e Storia Navale (journ.) QAST e: Quality Assurance Service Test[s] QAT e:Qualification Approval Test - e: Quality Assurance Team - e: Quality Assurance Test - e: Quantitative Assessment and Training Center Qat e: Qatabanian - e: Qatar Qatar e: State of Qatar QATARGAS e: Qatar Liquified Gas Company Qatar Univ Sci Bull e: Qatar University. Science Bulletin (journ.) QATB e: Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade Q A T I P e: Quality Assurance Test and Inspection Procedures QATP e: Quality Assurance Technical Publication^] - e: Quality Assurance Test Procedure[s] QATS e: Quality Assurance and Test Service[s] QATT e: Qualification for Acceptance Thermal Testing Q. Att. s: Quoniam Attachiamenta Qattara e: Qattara Depression in northern Egypt's Libyan Desert QAU e: Quality Assurance Unit

Internationa] Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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QAV d: Quaternäre AmmoniumVerbindung QAVC e: Quenched Automatic Volume Control - e: Quiescent Automatic Volume Control - e: Quiet Automatic Volume Control QAVT e: Qualification Acceptance Vibration Test Q-axis e: The chrominance axis that corresponds to the coarse chrominance QAY e: Bibliothèque Municipale, Aylmer, Quebec QB d: Offene Beschaffungsmenge - e: Qualified Bidder[s] - e: Qualified Buyer - e: Quebecair, Inc. - e: Queen's Bays - e: Queen's Bench - e: Queen's Bench Reports, New Series (journ.) - e: Queensboro Bridge - e: Querry Buffer - e: Quick Batch - e: Quick Break - e: Quick Burning - e: Quickbrew - e: Quiet Birdmen - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Brossard, Quebec Q.B. e: English Law Reports, Queen's Bench - e: Queen's Bench Reports, Quebec - e: Queen's Bench Reports, Upper Canada Q„ d: Beschaffungsmenge QBA e: Quadrilateral Ballistics Agreement - e: Quality Brands Associates of America - e: Quantitative Budget Analysis - e: Quebecair, Inc. Q.b.A. d: Qualitätswein[e] bestimmter Anbaugebiete QBAA e: Quality Brands Associates of America QBAC e: Quality Bakers of America Cooperative Q.b.A.m.Pr. d: Qualitätsweine bestimmter Anbaugebiete mit Prädikat QBAN e: Qui Bixit Annos Q-Band d: Frequenzband von 36,00 GHz bis 46, 00 GHz [0, 8 cm bis 0, 6 cm] Q[-]band e: Microwave frequencies between 36 and 46 GHz - e: Radar frequency band Q-bar e: Second output of a flip-flop Q Bar News e: Queensland Bar News (journ.) QBASIC e: Quick-BASIC QBB e: Queensland Butter Board QBC e: Qualified Binary Grouping Qbc e: Quebec QBCB e: Quarterly Bulletin of Chinese Bibliography (journ.) QBCCL f: Centre de Documentation, CLSC de l'Aquilon, Baie-Comeau, Quebec QBCDP e: Quarterly Bibliography of Computers and Data Processing (journ.) QBCH f: Centre de Documentation, Pavilion St.-Joseph, Centre Hospitalier Regional de Beauceville Quebec QBD e: Quasi-Bidirectional - e: Quasi Birth and Death - e: Queen's Bench Division, Law Reports (journ.) - e: Queensland Book Depot QB Div e: English Law Reports, Queen's Bench Division (journ.)


Q.B.Div'l Ct. Q.B.Div'l Ct. e: Queen's Bench Divisional Court QBE e: Beaconsfield Public Library, Quebec - e: Query-by-Example QBEAU f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Beauport, Quebec QBEC f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Becancour, Quebec QBE Language e: Query-by-Example Language Q.B. [Eng.] e: Queen's Bench QBEs e: Query-by-Examples QBF e: Query-by-Forms QBG d: Quasigrafisches Bildschirmgerät - e: Qualified Binary Grouping QBI e: Queens Bureau of Investigation - e: Quite Bloody Impossible QBIB d: Quellbibliothek QBib e: Quarterly Bibliography of Computers and Data Processing (journ.) QBID e: Queensland Business and Industry Directory (journ.) QBIO e: Quest Biotechnology, Inc. QBIR e: Quarterly Printing Industry Business Indicator Report (journ.) Q-Bit e: Qualifier Bit QBIX e: Qubix Graphic Systems, Inc. QBKI e: Beker Industries Corp. QBL e: Qualified Bidders List QBIB d: Quellbibliothekverwaltungsprogramm QBLC e: Queen's Bench Reports, Lower Canada (journ.) QBMOU e: Quadrilateral Ballistics Memorandum of Understanding QBMS e: Mitel Semiconductor, Bromont, Quebec QBO e: Mail Advertising Service Association International. Quarterly Business Outlook (journ.) - e: Quarterly Business Outlook (journ.) - e: Quasi-Biennial Oscillation - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Boucherville, Quebec Q-boats e: Mystely ships used in antisubmarine warfare Q[-]BOP e: Quality Basic Oxygen Process - e: Quick Basic Oxygen Process QBPL e: Queens Borough Public Library QBR e: Queen's Bench Reports, New Series (journ.) QBRA e: ACS Biblio-information, Inc., Brossard, Quebec QBRG f: Centre Hospitalier Robert Giffard, Beauport, Quebec QBRs e: Queen's Bench Reports QBS e: Qatar Broadcasting Service - e: Quebec Bureau of Standards QBSA f: Centre Hospitalier St.-Augustin, Beauport, Quebec QBSM s: Que Besa Sus Manos QBSP s: Que Besa Sus Pies QBSPH f: Centre Hospitalier de Charlevoix, Baie St.-Paul, Quebec QB Switch e: Quick Break Switch QBT e: Quad Bus Transceiver QBU f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Buckingham, Quebec QBUC e: Queen's Bench Reports, Upper Canada (journ.) Q Building Yrbk e: Queensland Building Yearbook (journ.) Q Bull Alp Gdn Soc e: Quarterly Bulletin. Alpine Garden Society (journ.)


Q Bull Am Rhodod Soc e: Quarterly Bulletin. American Rhododendron Society (journ.) Q Bull Ass[oc] F[oo]d Drug Off [US] e: Quarterly Bulletin. Association of Food and Drug Officials [United States] (joum.) Q Bull Fac Sci Univ Tehran e: Quarterly Bulletin. Faculty of Science. University of Tehran (journ.) Q Bull Geo-Heat Util Cent e: Quarterly Bulletin. Geo-Heat Utilization Center (journ.) Q Bull Health Organ League Nations e: Quarterly Bulletin. Health Organisation. League of Nations (journ.) Q Bull IAALD e: Quarterly Bulletin. International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (journ.) Q Bull Indiana Univ Med Cent e: Quarterly Bulletin. Indiana University. Medical Center (journ.) Q Bull Int Ass[oc] Agric Librf&Doc] e: Quarterly Bulletin. International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (journ.) Q Bull Mich St Univ Agric Exp Stn e: Quarterly Bulletin. Michigan State University. Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Q Bull Natl Res Counc Can Div Mech Eng e: Quarterly Bulletin. National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering (journ.) Q Bull N[orth]west Univ Med Sch e: Quarterly Bulletin. Northwestern University. Medical School (joum.) Q Bull S Afr Libr e: Quarterly Bulletin. South African Library (journ.) Q Bull S Afr Natl Gall e: Quaterly Bulletin. South African National Gallery (journ.) Q Bull Sea View Hosp e: Quarterly Bulletin. Sea View Hospital (journ.) QBV e: Quail Bronchitis Virus QBW e: Quasi Biennial Wave QC e: Air Zaire SA - e: QC Explorations - e: Quad Center - e: Quadrantal Corrections] - e: Qualification Course - e: Quality Certificate - e: Quality Circle - e: Quality Control - e: Quantek Corporation - e: Quantitative Command - e: Quantum Count[er] - e: Quarter of Coverage - e: Quartering Commandant - e: Quarterly Credit - e: Quartermaster Corps - e: Quarters of Coverage - e: Quartz Crystal - e: Quasi-Contract - e: Quasi-Crystal - e: Quaternary Carrier - e: Quaternary Centre - e: Quebec Central Railway Co. - e: Quebec City - e: Queen Consort - e: Queens College - e: Quench Correction - e: Queue Control - e: Quezon City - e: Quibinary Code - e: Quick Change - e: Quick Cleaning - e: Quick Code - e: Quick Connect © K O - Saur. Miinchcn

- e: Quick Curl - e: Quiesce[nce]-Completed - e: Quiescent Center - e: Quincy College - e: Quinnipiac College - e: Quit Claim - e: Quite Correct - e: Quixote Center - e: Société Air-Zaire - f: Bibliothèque Municipale - f: Québec Central - i: Quaderni délia Critica (journ.) - i: Qualcosa -1: Quinaldinum caeruleum Qc e: Impact pressure Q/C e: Quick Change QCA e: Quality Control Analysis - e: Quarterly Compilation of Abstracts (journ.) - e: Queen Charlotte Airlines Ltd. - e: Queensland Coal Associates - e: Quick Change Assembly - e: Quiet Communities Act - f: Bibliothèque Municipale Q-cab e: Quiet [hactor] cab QCAG f: Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimen QCA1 e: Quality Conformance Acceptance Inspection QCAL f: Centre de Documentation, Centre Hospitalier Anna-Laberge, Chateauguay, Quebec QCAM e: Queued Communications Access Method QC and T e: Quality Control and Test Q Can Studies e: Quarterly of Canadian Studies (journ.) Q[Car] e: Chrysler Car QCAR e: Queensland Criminal Reports (journ.) Q[-]Card e: Qualification Card Q Case Note e: Queensland Law Reporter Case Note (journ.) QCAT e: Quality Control and Techniques QCB e: Quality Control Board - e: Quality Control Bulletin - e: Queue Control Block - e: Quick Change Barrel - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Coaticook, Quebec QCBC e: Queen's Commendation for Brave Conduct - e: Quick Change Boost Control QCBM e: Quick-Connects Bulkhead Mounting QCC e: Qualification Correlation Certification - e: Quality Communications Circle - e: Quality Control Centre - e: Quality Control Chain - e: Quality Control Circle - e: Quality Control Committee - e: Quartz Crystal Company - e: Queensborough Community College - e: Queensland Conservation Council - e: Quenched Carbonaceous Composite - e: Quick Connect Coupling[s] - e: Quinsigamond Community College - f: Bibliothèque Gaspesienne, Cap-Chat, Quebec - i: Quaderni di Cultura Contemporanea (journ.) QCCA e: Quality Control Council of America - e: Queensland Cleaning Contractors Association

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

QCSE QCCARS e: Quality Control Collection Analysis and Reporting System QCCB e: Queens College Cadet Battalion QCCR e: Quality Control Change Request QCCRS e: Conseil Regional de la Sante et des Services Sociaux, Chicoutimi, Quebec QCCS e: Cree School Board, Chisasibi, James Bay, Quebec QCD d: [Gitter-]Quanten Chroma Dynamik - e: Quality Control Data - e: Quality Control Directive - e: Quality Control Division - e: Quantum Chromodynamics - e: Quantum-Coupled Device[s] - e: Query Complexity Degree - e: Quick Control Dial - e: Quit Claim Deed QCDI e: Quality Control Departmental Instruction QCDPA e: Quality Chekd Dairy Products Association QCDR e: Quality Control Deficiency Report QCE e: Quality Control and Evaluation - e: Quality Control Engineering [or Engineers]] QCEA e: Quaker Council for European Affairs QC Engr. e: Quality Control Engineer Q Census&Statistics Bui e: Australia. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Queensland Office. Bulletin (journ.) QCEU e: Queensland Colliery Employees Union QCF e: Quality Control Form - e: Quarterly Control Contract Factor - e: Quartz Crystal Filter - e: Quench Compensation Factor QCFO e: Quartz Crystal Frequency Oscillator QCG e: Quartz Creek Gold Mines, Inc. QCGA e: Queensland Cane Growers Association QCGAT e: Quiet Clean General Aviation Turbine [or Turbofan] QCGC e: Queensland Cane-Growers Council QCH e: Queen Charlotte's Hospital QCH e: Quick Connect Handle - f: Hopital de Chicoutimi, Inc., Quebec QCHJC e: Health Sciences Information Centre, Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital Chomedey, Quebec QCHM e: Quaker Chemical Corp. QCHR e: Quality Control History Record QCI e: Quality Conformance Inspection - e: Quality Control Index - e: Quality Control Information - e: Quality Control Inspection - e: Queen's College, Ireland - e: Queensland Confederation of Industry - i: Quarto Castello QCIE e: Quality Control Inspection Element QCIF e: Quarter Common Intermediate Format. QCIM e: Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus (journ.) QCIN e: Queensland Curriculum Information Network Q.C.Ind.Med. e: Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus (journ.) QCIP e: Quality Control Inspection Procedure QCIR e: Queen's University at Kingston Centre for International Relations

Q Circ Rubber Res Inst Ceylon e: Quarterly Circular. Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon (joum.) QCI[sl]['s] e: Queen Charlotte Islands Q City e: Quezon City, Philippines QCJ e: Quality Circles Journal (journ.) QCJJ e: Quaker Committee on Jails and Justice QCK e: Quick Connect Kit QCL e: Logilab, Inc., Charlebois, - e: Quality Characteristics List - e: Quality Checklist - e: Quality Control Laboratory - e: Quality Control Level - e: Queensland Conveyancing Library (journ.) - e: Quickly Customized Logic Q-class e: Soviet Québec-type submarines QCLBS e: Quarterly Check-List of Biblical Studies (journ.) QCLE e: Queensland Continuing Legal Education Q-clearance e: Department of Energys highest security classification QCLLR e: Queensland Crown Lands Law Reports (journ.) QCLPC e: National Historic Park, Parks Canada Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec QCLRS e: Quarterly Check-List of Renaissance Studies (journ.) QCM d: Quantitative Computer Management - e: Quality Control Manager - e: Quality Control Manual - e: Quantitative Computer Management - e: Quantum Conformai Fluctuation - e: Quartz Crystal Microbalance - e: Quartz Crystal Monitor - e: Queensland Coal Mining - e: Questionnaire à Choix Multiples - e: Quick-Connects for [bulkhead] Mounting - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Chateauguay, Quebec qcm d: Quadratzentimeter QCMA e: Queensland Cooperative Milling Association QCMB f: Centre de Documentation, Musee Beaulne, Coaticook, Quebec QCMM f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Cap-De-La-Madeleine, Quebec QCMP e: Queens' Council Member of Parliament QCMPE e: Quantum Chemistry Microcomputer Program Exchange QCN e: Quibinary Coded Notation QCNIC e: Quad-Cities Nuclear Information Center QCO e: Quality Completion Order - e: Quality Control Officer - e: Quality Control Organization - e: Quartz Crystal Oscillator Q Co e: Queens County QCOA e: QCOA: Journal of the Queensland Council on the Ageing (joum.) Q Coal Rpt e: Quarterly Coal Report (journ.) Q Colo[rado] Sch Mines e: Quarterly. Colorado School of Mines (journ.) Q-component e: Resulting from the modulation of a sub-carrier by the Q-signal QCONF e: Quantity Conversion Factor Q Conv R e: Queensland Conveyancing Cases (journ.) Q Coop e: Queensland Co-Operator (journ.) QCOP e: Quality Control Operating Procedure

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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Q country e: Qatar QCP e: Quad Ceramic Package - e: Quality Check Program - e: Quality Continuation Plan - e: Quality Control Panel - e: Quality Control Plan - e: Quality Control Procedure - e: Queens College Press - e: Quezon City - e: Quick Connect Panel - e: Quiet Community Program QCPCA e: Queensland Centre for Prevention of Child Abuse QCPE e: Quantum Chemistry Program[me] Exchange QCPI e: Queen's College of Physicians, Ireland QCPLL e: Quadrature Channel PhaseLocked-Loop QCPM e: Quality Control Procedures Manual - e: Quality Control Producers Manual QCPMS e: Quality Control and Performance Monitoring System QCPP e: Quality Control Planning Procedure[s] Qc/Ps e: Impact/static pressure ratio QCPSK e: Quaternary Coherent PhaseShift-Keying QCQ e: Quebec QCR e: Qualitative Construction Requirements] - e: Quality Control Reliability - e: Quality Control Report - e: Quality Control Reports: the Gold Sheet (journ.) - e: Quality Control Representative - e: Quality Control Review - e: Quality Control Room - e: Queensland Criminal Reports (journ.) - e: Queue Control Record - e: Quick Change Response - e: Quick Connect Relay QC&R e: Quality Control and Reliability QC/R e: Quality Control/Reliability QCRC e: Québec Central Railway Company QCRCN e: Campus Notre-Dame-De-Foy, Cap-Rouge, Quebec QCRep e: Quality Control Representative QCRept e: Quality Control Report QCRI e: Quality Control Reliability Investigator QCRM f: Bibliothèque Municipale Cap-Rouge, Quebec QCRS f: Seminaire St-Augustin, Cap-Rouge, Quebec QCR System e: Quick Change Response System QCRT e: Quick Change Real Time QC Ry e: Québec Central Railway QCS e: Quad-Cities Station - e: Quality Control Specification - e: Quality Control Standard - e: Quality Control Survey - e: Quality Control System - e: Quality Cost System - e: Query Control Station - f: Service de la Bibliothèque de Ville de Laval, Chomedey, Quebec - i: Quaderni. Centra di Studi sulla Deportazione e l'Internamento (joum.) QCSC e: Quadripartite Chemical, Biological, Radiological Standardization Committee QCSE e: Quantum Confined Stark Effect


QCSEE QCSEE e: Quiet, Clean Short-haul Experimental Engine - e: Quiet, Clean STOL [Short Take-off and Landing] Experimental Engine QCSEL e: Quality Control Select Vendor QCSH f: Societe Historique du Saguenay, Chicoutimi, Quebec QCSM e: Quiescent Command/Service Module QCSMA e: Quarterly. Colorado School of Mines (journ.) QCSO e: Quality Control Stop Order QCSP e: Quality Control System Plan QCSR e: Quaker Committee on Social Rehabilitation - e: Quality Control Service Request QCSS i: Quaderni di Cultura e Storia Sociale (journ.) QCSSO e: Queensland Council of State School Organizations QCSSP e: Quality Control Single Source Procurement QCStand e: Quality Control Standard QCSTL f: Cote St. Luc Public Library, Quebec Q C T d: Quantitative Computertomografie - e: Quality Control Technology - e: Quantitative Computerized Tomography - e: Quartz Crystal Thermometer - e: Quasiclassical Trajectory - e: Questionable Corrective Task - e: Queue Control Table - e: Quiescent Carrier Telephony QC&T e: Quality Control and Techniques - e: Quality Control and Test QCTE e: Quality Control Test Engineering QCThr d: QCT mit hochauflosendem Spezialscanner Q Ct of Cr App e: Queensland Court of Criminal Appeal QCTR e: Quality Control Test Report QCTT e: Quality Control Test Team QCTwb d: QCT mit Ganzkorper-Scanner QCU e: Quality Courts United - e: Quartz Crystal Unit - e: Quick Change Unit - f: Universite du Quebec, Chicoutimi, Quebec Q C U G f: Departement de Geographie, Universite du Quebec, Chicoutimi, Quebec QCUGC f: Cartotheque, Universite du Quebec, Chicoutimi, Quebec Q Cum Index Med e: Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus (journ.) QCUS e: Quartz Crystal Unit Set QCVC e: Quick Connect Valve Coupler QCVTI e: Quality Control Verification Test Inspection QCW e: Quadrant [or Quadrature] Continuous Wave - e: Quality Criteria for Water QCWA e: Quarter Century Wireless Association

QD e: Q-Data Systems, Inc. - e: Quad [Density] - e: Quadrant Depression - e: Quadratic Detector - e: Quadrature Demonstrator - e: Quantity Distance [Requirements] - e: Quantizing Distortion - e: Quantum Design, Inc. - e: Quarter Deck - e: Quarter Distribution - e: Quartermaster Demand - e: Quartile Deviation - e: Quasi Dicat - e: Quasi Dixisset - e: Quater in Die - e: Questioned Document - e: Queue Discipline - e: Quick Delivery - e: Quick Detachable - e: Quick Disconnection] - e: Quick Disk - e: Quick Dispatch - e: Quicksilver Data - e: Quota Slip - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Dorval, Quebec - i: Quaderni Dannunziani (journ.) -1: Quaestiones Disputatae -1: Quasi Dictum - p: Transbrasil SA Linhas Aereas - s: Sadios Transportes Aéreos Q.D. e: Quaque Die - e: Quick Dispatch q.d. 1: quater in die Q&D e: Quick and Dirty Q-D e: Quick-Disconnect 6QD e: Damascus Document from Qumran Cave Six QDA e: Quantitative Descriptive Analysis - e: Quantity Discount Agreement Qd Ag[ric] J e: Queensland Agricultural Journal (journ.) QDA[P] e: Quarterly. Department of Antiquities in Palestine (journ.) Qd Bur Invest Tech Bull e: Queensland. Department of Public Lands. Bureau of Investigation. Technical Bulletin (journ.) Qd Bur Sug Exp St[at][n] Tech Commun e: Queensland. Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations. Technical Communication (journ.) QDC e: Quick Dependable Communication^] - e: Quick Die Change - e: Quick Disconnect Cap - e: Quick Disconnect Connector - e: Quick Disconnect Coupling QDCC e: Quick Disconnect Circular Connection [or Connector] Q D C E e: College Bourgchemin, Drummondville, Quebec Q D C & E e: Quartz Devices Conference and Exhibition Qd Chamber Manufacturers Yb e: Queensland Chamber of Manufacturers. Yearbook (journ.) QDCs e: Quick Dependable Communications QDD e: Qualified for Deep Diving [Duties] - e: Quantized Decision Detection Qd Dent J e: Queensland Dental Journal (journ.) Qd Dent Mag e: Queensland Dental Magazine (journ.) QDE d: Qualitätsdatenerfassung - e: Qualified Designated Entities - e: Quality Data Evaluation - e: Quantum Deflection Efficiency


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QDEAS e: Quality Deficiency Evaluation and Action System QDEK e: Quarterdeck Office Systems QDEL e: Quidel Corp. Q Dent Rev e: Quarterly Dental Review (journ.) 4QDeut32 e: Manuscript of Deuteronomy 32 from Qumran. Cave 4 QDF e: Qualitative Distribution Formula - e: Quantum Distribution Function - e: Quartz Crystal Filter Qd For Dep Adv Leafl e: Queensland. Department of Forestry. Advisory Leaflet (journ.) Qd For Dep Pamph e: Queensland. Department of Forestry. Pamphlet (journ.) Qd Forest Bull e: Queensland Forest Bulletin (joum.) QD/GD e: Quincy Division/General Dynamics Qd Geogr J e: Queensland Geographical Journal (journ.) Qd Geol Surv 1:250 000 Geol Ser e: Queensland. Geological Survey 1:250 000 Geological Series Qd Geol Surv Rep e: Queensland. Geological Survey. Report (joum.) Qd Govt Minting] J e: Queensland Government Mining Journal (joum.) Qd Graingrower e: Queensland Graingrower (journ.) QDGS e: Quick Draw Graphics System QDH e: Quick Disconnect Handle Qd Heritage e: Queensland Heritage (journ.) QDHSC f: Hopital Sainte-Croix, Drummondville, Quebec Q Digger e: Queensland Digger (journ.) Qd Ind e: Queensland Industry (journ.) QDISC e: Quick Disconnect Qd J Agric Anim Sei e: Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences (journ.) Qd J Agric Sei e; Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science (journ.) QDK e: Quick Detach Kit - e: Quick Disconnect Kit Q Dk e: Qarter Deck qdkm d: Quadratdekameter Qd L e: Queensland Lawyer (joum.) QDL e: Quick Disconnect, Large Qd Law Soc J e: Queensland Law Society. Journal (journ.) QDLC e: Quadlogic Controls Corp. QDLM e: Quartz Delay Line Memory QDLS e: Quartz Delay Line Store qDm d: Quadratdekameter qdm d: Quadratdezimeter 1QDM e: Words of Moses from Qumran. Cave One QDM e: Magnetic Heading - e: Quad Driver Module - e: Quality Decision Management - e: Quantitative Decision Making - e: Quartz Delay Line Store - e: Quick Disconnector], Miniature - f: Centre d'Information Documentaire Come-Saint-Germain, Drummondville, Quebec QDMBPT e: Quasi-Degenerate Many-Body Perturbation Theory QDMC e: Quadratic Matrix Control QDMS e: Quodata Management System QDN e: Quick Disconnect Nipple Qd Nat e: Queensland Naturalist (journ.)

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QER QDO e: Quadripartite Development Objective - e: Quantitative Design Objective - e: Queensland Dairymens Organisation - e: Quick Delivery Order Qd'O f: Quai d'Orsay qd" s: quando QDOPH f: Office des Personnes Handicapees du Quebec, Drummondville, Quebec QDP e: Quick Disconnect Pivot Qd Prod e: Queensland Producer (journ.) QDPSK e: Quadrature [or Quaternary] Differential Phase [Shift] Keying. QDR e: Dubai Riyal - e: Magnetic Bearing - e: Qualifcation Design Review - e: Quality Data and Reporting - e: Quality Deficiency Record - e: Quality Deficiency Report - e: Quality Distance Requirements - e: Quantitative Digital Radiography - e: Quarterly Design Review QDRI e: Qualitative Development Requirements] Information QDRI Program[me] e: Qualitative Development Requirement Information Program[me] QDRL e: Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory QDR[N]T e: Quadrant QDRTR e: Quadrature QDR Value e: Quantum Deflection Efficiency Value QDRX e: Quadrax Corp. QDS e: Quality Data System - e: Quantitative Decision System - e: Quarantine Document System - e: Quick Disconnect Series - e: Quick Disconnect Swivel - e: Quick Disconnect, Small q.d.s. e: qauter die sumendum QD's e: Questioned Documents QDSB e: Quadrature Double Sideband Qd Surv e: Queensland Surveyor (joum.) QDT e: Qualified Domestic Trust - e: Quintessence of Dental Technology QDTA e: Quantitative Differential Thermal Analysis [or Analyzer] Qd Teach J e: Queensland Teachers Journal (journ.) QDU d: Düsseldorf-Main RR - e: Quantizing Distortion Unit Qd Univ Agric Dep Pap e: University of Queensland. Agriculture Department. Papers (journ.) Qd Univ Bot Dep Pap e: University of Queensland. Botany Department. Papers (journ.) Qd Univ Civ Engng Dep Bull e: University of Queensland. Department of Civil Engineering. Bulletin (journ.) Qd Univ Comput Centre Pap e: University of Queensland. Computer Centre. Papers (journ.) Qd Univ Ent Dep Pap e: University of Queensland. Entomology Department. Papers (journ.) Qd Univ Fac Vet Sei Pap e: University of Queensland. Faculty of Veterinary Science. Papers (journ.) Qd Univ Geol Dep Pap e: University of Queensland. Geology Department. Papers (journ.)

Qd Univ Zool Dep Pap e: University of Queensland. Zoology Department. Papers (journ.) QDV e: Quick Disconnect Valve Qd Vet Proc e: Queensland Veterinary Proceedings (journ.) QDX e: Quick Decision Exercise QDXR e: Quadriplexer QE d: Quantisiereinrichtung[en] - e: Air Tahiti - e: Journal of Quantum Electronics (joum.) - e: Quadrant Elevation - e: Quadrant Evaluation - e: Quadruple Expansion - e: Quadrupol-Echo [spectroscopy] - e: Qualifier Entry Version - e: Quality Engineering] - e: Quality Evaluation - e: Quality Excellence - e: Quantum Efficiency - e: Quantum Electronics (joum.) - e: Quebec - e: Queue Empty - e: Queue Entry - e: Quick Estimate - e: Quiescence Communication - e: Quotation Estimate - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, St. Eustache, Quebec -1: Quaestiones et Salutationes in Exodum -1: Quod Est Q.E. d: Quadranteinheit q.e. 1: quod est QEA e: Qantas Empire Airways Ltd. - e: Quantum Electronics and Applications - e: Queue Element Area QeA s: Questo e Alto (journ.) QEAE e: Quarternary Ethylaminoethyl QEAM e: Quick Erecting Antenna Mast QEAS e: Quantum Electronics and Applications Society QEAV e: Quick Exhaust Air Valve QEB d: Quartal[s]ergänzungsbedarf - e: Quality Engineering Bulletin QEBG d: Quellen und Erörterungen zur Bayerischen Geschichte (joum.) QEBR e: Quasi Equilibrium Boltzmann Relations QEC e: Quality of Emergency Care - e: Quantum Electronics Council - e: Quantum Energy - e: Queen Elizabeth College - e: Quick Engine Change - e: Quick Engine Charge - e: Quiesce-at-End-of-Chain QECA e: Quick Engine Change Assembly QECB e: Queue Element Control Block QECC e: Queen Elizabeth Chemical Center QECCH e: Compton County Historical and Museum Society Eaton Comer, Quebec QECK e: Quick Engine Change Kit Q Econ Comment e: Quarterly Economic Commentary (joum.) Q Economic Rev of UK e: Quarterly Economic Review of the United Kingdom (joum.) Q Econ R e: Quarterly Economic Review (journ.) Q Econ Rev Chile e: Quarterly Economic Review of Chile (joum.) Q Econ Rev Iran e: Quarterly Economic Review of Iran (joum.) Q Econ Rev Oil West Eur e: Quarterly Economic Review. Oil in Western Europe (joum.) QECS e: Quick Engine Change Stand

Internationa! Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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QECU e: Quick Engine Change Unit QED e: Quality Education Data - e: Quality, Efficiency, Dependability - e: Quantitative Evaluation [or Evaluative] Device - e: Quantum Electrodynamics - e: Queensland Education Department - e: Quick and Easy Design - e: Quick Erection Dome - e: Quick[-text] Editor -1: Quod Erat Demonstrandum QEDL e: Quality Engineering Diagnostic Laboratory Q Ed Off Gaz e: Education Office Gazette. Queensland Department of Education (journ.) QEDX e: QED Exploration, Inc. QEE e: Quadruple Expansion Engine - e: Quality of Emergency Equipment QEEL e: Quality Evaluation and Engineering Laboratory QEEL/CO e: Quality Evaluation and Engineering Laboratory, Concord Qeens B Bull e: Queens Bar Bulletin (journ.) QEEV e: Quantum Electrodynamics Electron Volts QEF e: Queensland Employers Federation -1: Quod Erat Faciendum QEFD e: Queen Elizabeths Foundation for the Disabled QEH e: Queen Elizabeth Hall - e: Queen Elizabeths Hospital School [England] QEI e: Quantization Errors Intensity - e: Quasi-Elementary Implicant -1: Quod Erat Inveniendum QEIC e: Quicksilver Enterprises, Inc. QEK d: Qualitäts- und Edelstahlkombinat QE/K e: Quality Evaluation and Engineering Laboratory, Keyport QEKG e: Q-Med, Inc. QEL e: Quality Evaluation Laboratory - e: Queue Element - e: Quiet Extended Life Q Elec Contractor e: Queensland Electrical Contractor (joum.) QElecSC e: Quadripartite Electronic Standardization Committee QELS e: Quantitative Evaluation of Library Searching - e: Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering QEM e: Quadrant Electrometer - e: Qualified Export Manager - e: Quality Education for Minorities [Project] QEMM e: Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager QEN e: Quare Executionem Non QEngrSC e: Quadripartite Engineer Standardization Committee QENP e: Queen Elizabeth National Park QEO e: Quality Engineering Operations QEONS e: Queen Elizabeths Overseas Nursing Service QEOP e: Quartermaster Emergency Operation Plan QEP e: Quality Evaluation Program[me] - e: Quality Examination Program[me] - e: Quantec Executive Package - e: Queen Elizabeth Park - e: Queen Elizabeth Planetarium - e: Queensland Environmental Program QEPL e: Quality Engineering Planning List QER e: Qualitative Equipment Requirements - e: Quarterly Economic Review (journ.) 99

QES QES e: Quadrant Eleventh-Gram Second - e: Quaker Esperanto Society QESCP e: Quality Engineering Significant Control Points QEST e: Quality Evaluation System Test[s] QEST[S] e: Query, Update Entry, Search, Time Sharing QET e: Quality Expo TIME-Intemational - e: Quasi Equilibrium Theory QEV e: Quick Exhaust Valve qeVSt d: quasielektronische Vermittlungsstelle QEVY e: Evans Products Co. QEW d: Quittierter Erstwert QEWDA e: Queensland Ethnic Welfare Development Association QF d: Fehlmenge - d: Qualitätsfaktor - d: Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken (journ.) - d: Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der Germanischen Völker (journ.) - d: Querfinger - e: Qabel Foundation - e: Qualifying Facility - e: Quality Factor - e: Quality Form - e: Quantas Airways Ltd. - e: Quench[ing] Frequency - e: Queue Full - e: Quick Firer - e: Quick Firing - e: Quick Fix - e: Quick Fraction - e: Quick Freeze [or Freezing, or Frozen] Q&F f: Qualite et Fiabilite QFA e: Quality per Final Article - e: Quantitative Fibrinogen Assay - e: Quick Firing Ammunition QFAB d: Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken (journ.) QHfactor e: Quality[-]factor QFAM e: Queued Film Access Method QFAmmn e: Quick Firing Ammunition q-fastener[s] e: quick-fastener[s] QFB e: Quiet Fast Boat QF-BH e: Quick Fix-Black Hawk QFC[C] e: Quantitative Flight Characteristics [Criteria] QFCI e: Quality Food Centers, Ine - e: Quartermaster Food and Container Institute QFD e: Quad Flat Pack - e: Quality Function Deployment - e: Quality Function Development - e: Quantum Flavor Dynamics - e: Quarterly Forecast Demand QFE e: Atmospheric Pressure at Aerodrome Elevation - e: Columbus Fort Benning - e: Field Elevation Pressure - e: Quartz Fiber Electrometer - e: Query Formulation and Encoding Q fever e: Balkan grippe [or nine-mile fever] - e: Query fever QFF e: Atmospheric Pressure Converted to Mean Sea Level Elevation - e: Quadrup[o]le Flip-Flop - e: Quick Frozen Foodfs] QFG e: Quick Firing Gun - i: Quaderni di Filologia Germanica. Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia. Università di Bologna (journ.)


QFGA e: Queensland Farmers and Graziers Association QFGn e: Quick Firing Gun QFI d: Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken (journ.) - e: Qualified Flight [or Flying] Instructor QFIA e: Quantitative Fluorescence Image Analysis QFIAB d: Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken (journ.) Q-Fieber d: Queensland-Fieber - d: Query-Fieber Q/Fieber d: Query-Fieber QFilm Radio TV e: Quarterly of Film, Radio and Television (journ.) QFINBL e: Queensland. Department of Harbours and Marine. Fisheries Notes (journ.) 4QFIor e: Florilegium. A Miscellany from Qumran. Cave Four QFIRC e: Quick Fix Interference Reduction Capability QFLOW e: Quota Flow Control Procedures QFL['s] e: Quasi-Fermi Levelfs] QFM e: Quantized Frequency Modulation - e: Quartz-Fayalite-Magnetite QFMA e: Queensland Fish Management Authority Q-FMDCPSK e: Quatemary-FM [Frequency Modulated] Differentially Coherent Phase-Shift-Keyed QFMR e: Quantized Frequency Modulation Repeater QFN e: Qualification QFO e: Quartz Frequency Oscillator QFP e: Quad-Flat-Pack[age] - e: Quantum Flux Parametral - e: Quartz Fiber Product - e: Quick Fix Program QFP 100 d: Quad-Flat-Package mit 100 Anschlüssen QFPP e: Quad-Flad-Package Plastic QFR e: Quarterly Financial Report [for Manufacturing Corporations] - e: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining and Trade Companies (journ.) - e: Quarterly Force Revision QFr 1: Epistulae ad Quintum Fratrem Q[-]Fract e: Quick Fraction QFRI e: Queensland Fisheries Research Institute QFRNAV e: Queensland. Department of Forestry. Research Note (journ.) QFRT e: Quarterly of Film, Radio and Television (journ.) Q Fruit&Veg News e: Queensland Fruit and Vegetable News (journ.) QFS e: Queensland Fire Service - e: Queensland Fisheries Service QFSK e: Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der Germanischen Voelker (journ.) QFSR e: Quartus Foundation for Spiritual Research QFT d: Querfurt - e: Quadriga Fourier Transform - e: Quantized Field Theory - e: Quasi Fourier Transform QFU e: Magnetic Orientation of Runway Q Fuel Energy Summ e: Quarterly Fuel and Energy Summary (journ.)

© K G ' Saur, München

QG d: Quartärgruppe - d: Quarzgenerator - e: Quadrature Grid - e: Qualification Group - e: Qualified in Gunnery - e: Quartermaster General - e: Quartier General - e: Quick Ground - e: Seychelles-Kilimanjaro Air Transport Ltd. - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Gatineau, Quebec - f: Quartier Général - i: Quartier Generale -1: Quaestiones et Salutationes in Genesin QG[A] d: Quartiär Gruppe A in der Trägerfrequenz-Übertragungstechnik QGAP f: Centre de Documentation, Peches Maritimes, Ministere de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation du Quebec QGB e: Searchlight sonar QG[B] d: Quartiär Gruppe B in der Trägerfrequenz-Übertragungstechnik. QGBF e: Quasi-Grain Boundary Free QGC f: College de la Gaspesie, Gaspe, Quebec QGCH f: Centre Hospitalier de Gatineau, Quebec QGDFI d: Quartärgruppendurchschaltefilter QGE e: Queen's Gurkha Engineers lQGen e: Genesis Apocryphon from Qumran. Cave One Q Geog J e: Queensland Geographical Journal (journ.) Q Geol Notes Geol Surv South Aust e: South Australia. Geological Survey. Quarterly Geological Notes (joum.) QGG f: Quartier Général de Guerre QGGA e: Queensland Grain Growers Association QGHR d: Quellen zur Geschichte des Humanismus und der Reformation (journ.) QGI f: Grosse Ile Library, Magdalen Islands, Quebec QGIG e: Queensland Government Industrial Gazette (joum.) QGJD d: Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland (journ.) QGL e: Granby Leader Mail Office, Quebec QGM e: Quarter-Girth Measure - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Granby, Quebec QGM[ath] d: Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik (journ.) QGMG f: Musee de la Gaspesie, Gaspe, Quebec QGMJA e: Queensland Government Mining Journal (journ.) QGMM f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Grand'Mere, Quebec QG'n d: Quellengruppen QGNG f: Ecole Secondaire NicolasGatineau, Gatineau, Quebec Q Gov Indus Gaz e: Queensland Government Industrial Gazette (journ.) Q Govt Min J e: Queensland Government Mining Journal (journ.) Q Govt PRB News Bui e: Queensland Government. Public Relations Bureau. News Bulletin (journ.) QGP e: Queensland Government Publications (journ.) QGPC e: Qatar General Petroleum Corporation QGPO e: Qatar General Petroleum Organization QGPt d: Quartärgruppenpilot

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

QITS Q Graingrower e: Queensland Graingrower (journ.) QGS e: Quantity Gauging System QGSchPl d: Quartargruppen-Schaltplatz QGSH f: Société Historique du Comte de Shefford, Granby, Quebec QGU d: Quartargruppenumsetzer [or -umsetzung] QGUG d: Quartargruppenumsetzergestell QGUs d: Quartargruppenumsetzer QGV d: Quartârgruppenverbindung - e: Quantized Gate Video QGVt d: Quartârgruppenverteiler QGW d: Quer[verbindungs]gruppenwâhler QH d: Quaternar Horizontal - d: Quittieren Hormelder - e: Air Florida, Inc. - e: Quadrature Hybrid - e: Quaker History (journ.) - e: Quartz Halogen - e: Quartz Helix - e: Queensland Heritage (journ.) - e: Quorn Hounds - f: Bibliothèque Municipale Hull, Quebec -1: Quaque Hora Q. H. e: Queen's Hospital [Birmingham] q.h. 1: quaque hora Q-H e: Quartz-Halogen 1QH e: Hodayot. Hymns of Thanksgiving from Qumran. Cave One q2h 1: quaque secunda hora q2h 1: quaque secunda hora q3h 1: quaque tertia hora Q3H 1: Quaque Tertia Hora q4h 1: quaque quarta hora Q4H 1: Quaque Quartus Hora QHA d: Quelle-Haut-Abstand QHB e: Economics Information Centre, Bell Canada, Hull, Quebec QHBC f: Bibliothèque Centrale de Prêt d'Outaouais, Hull, Quebec QHBEER e: Headquarters Engineering Economics Reference Centre, Bell Canada, Hull, Quebec QHBRM e: Bell Canada Headquarters, Regulatory Matters-Regulatory Information Bank, Hull, Quebec QHC e: Quarter Half Circle QHCL f: Centre de Documentation, CLSC de Hull, Quebec QHDS e: Queens Honorary Dental Surgeon QHE d: Quanten-Hall-Effekt - e: Quantum Hall Effect Q Health e: Queensland's Health (journ.) Q Her e: Queensland Heritage (journ.) QHESJ f: Ecole Secondaire St.-Joseph, Hull, Quebec Q Hist Soc J e: Queensland Historical Society. Journal (journ.) QHJ e: Quadrature Hybrid Junction QHM d: Quarzfaden H-Magnetometer - e: Quartz Horizontal Magnetometer - e: Queens Harbour Master qhm d: Quadrathektometer QHMML e: Micromedia Ltee., Hull, Quebec QHNS e: Queens Honorary Nursing Sister QHP e: Queens Honorary Physician - e: Quiet Helicopter Program QHPJ f: Centre Hospitalier Pierre Janet, Hull, Quebec QHQAR f: Centre Regional de l'Outaouais, Archives Nationales du Quebec, Hull, Quebec

QHR e: Quality History Record[s] - e: Queensland Historical Review (journ.) - e: Queue Handling Routine q hr 1: quaque hora QHRI e: Quantum Health Resources QHS d: Quantitative Hepatobiliäre Szintigraphie - e: Queens Honorary Surgeon - e: Queensland Historical Society q.h.s. 1: quaque hora somni QHSA f: Societe d'Amenagement de l'Outaouais, Hull, Quebec QHSC f: Centre Hospitalier Regional de l'Outaouais, Hull, Quebec QHT e: Queue Handling Time QHTA Bull e: QHTA Bulletin (journ.) QHU e: Quiet Heavy Vehicle - f: Universite du Quebec, Hull, Quebec QHV e: Queens Honorary Veterinarian QI e: Cimber Air - e: Qualified Instructor - e: Quality Improvement - e: Quality Increase - e: Quality Index - e: Quality Indicated - e: Quality Indices - e: Quantity Indicator - e: Quarterly Index (joum.) - e: Quartermaster Instructor - e: Quartz Iodine - e: Quasi Inertial - e: Quiet Ionosphere - e: Quota International - e: Quotient Intellectuel - i: Quaderni d'ltalianistica (journ.) QIA e: Quantitative Infrared Analysis - e: Queensland Institute of Architects QIAC e: Quantime Image Analyzing Computer QIAET e: Quartzsite Integrated Acoustic and Engine Test Site QIAM e: Queued Indexed Access Memory - e: Queued Indexed Access Method QIC e: Quality Information Center - e: Quality Inspection Criteria - e: Quality Insurance Chain - e: Quantel Interactive Code - e: Quarter Inch Cartridge [drive compatibility] - e: Quarter Inch Committee - e: Quarter Inch Compatibility - e: Quartz Iodine Crystal - e: Queensland Industrial Commission QICBASIC e: Quantel Interactive Code BASIC QICC e: Quartermaster Inventory Control Center QI Ct e: Queensland Industrial Court q.i.d. 1: quater in die QIDN e: Queen's Institute of District Nursing QIE d: Quantitative Immunelektrophorese - e: Qualified International Executive - e: Quality Information Equipment - Quantitative Immunoelectrophoresis [Methods] QIEA e: Queensland Institute for Educational Administration QIE-AF e: Qualified International Executive-Air Forwarding QIEE e: Quality Information Equipment Engineering QIE-EM e: Qualified International Executive-Export Management QIE-F e: Qualified International Executive-Forwarding

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

QIER e: Queensland Institute for Educational Research QIER J e: QIER [Queensland Institute for Educational Research] Journal (journ.) QIE-TM e: Qualified International Executive-Traffic Management QIF e: Quartz-Iron-Fayalite QIFL i: Quaderni. Istituto di Filologia Latina. Università di Padova (journ.) QIFMA f: Archives des Freres Maristes, Iberville, Quebec QIG d: Quintärgruppe - e: Queensland Industrial Gazette (journ.) QIG[B] i: Quaderni. Istituto di Glottologia (journ.) QIGU d: Quintärgruppenumsetzer QIGV d: Quintärgruppenverbindung QIK e: Quick QIL e: Quad-In-Line [package] - e: Quartz Incandescent Lamp - e: Quartz lodine Lamp QIL package e: Quad-In-Line package QILS e: Quantification of Integrated Logistics Support QILT e: Pathe Computer Control Systems Corp. QIMA e: QIMA. Institute of Municipal Administration, Queensland Division (journ.) - e: Queensland Institute of Managerial Accountants - e: Queensland Institute of Municipal Administration QIMR e: Queensland Institute of Medical Research Qin e: Quinary Q Ind[ustry] e: Queensland Industry (journ.) 3QInv e: Copper Treasure Inventory Scroll from Qumran. Cave Three QIO e: Queue Input/Output QIOS e: Quasi Input/Output Sequences QIP e: Quad In-line Package - e: Quadrilateral Interoperability Program - e: Quality Improvement Process - e: Quality Inspection Point - e: Quarterly Intercession Paper (journ.) - e: Quarters Improvement Program - e: Quartz Insulation Part - e: Query Interpretation Program [me] Q.I.P. 1: Quiescat In Pace QIPA e: Queensland Institute of Public Affairs QIP Rep Natl Asphalt Pavement Assoc e: QIP Report. National Asphalt Pavement Association (journ.) QIPS e: Qualitative Incentive Procurement Service QIR e: Quality Indicated Registrated - e: Quechan Indian Reservation QIS d: Qualitätsinformationssystem - d: Quellenorientiertes Informationssystem - e: Quality Information System - e: Quality Insurance System QISAM e: Queued Indexed Sequential Access Method Q Isr Inst Metals e: Quarterly. Israel Institute of Metals (journ.) QIT e: Qualification [or Quality] Information and Test - e: Quebec Iron and Titanium - e: Queensland Institute of Technology QITLJ e: Queensland Institute of Technology. Law Journal (journ.) QITS e: Quality Information and Test System


QIT System QIT System e: Qualification [or Quality] Information and Test System QIZ d: Quellenorientiertes Informationszentrum QJ e: Jordanian World Airways - e: Quarterly Journal. Library of Congress (journ.) - e: Quarterly Journal. University of North Dakota (journ.) - e: Quick Junction - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Jonquiere, Quebec QJA e: Queensland Justices Association QJAAA e: Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences (journ.) QJ Agric Econ e: Quarterly Journal of Agricultural Economy (journ.) Q Japan Com'I Arb Ass'n e: Quarterly. Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (journ.) QJBE e: Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics (journ.) QJC e: College de Joliette, Quebec - e: Quincy Junior College QJCA e: Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions (journ.) QJCH f: Centre de Documentation, Département de Santé Communautaire de Lanaudiere, Joliette, Quebec QJ Crude Drug Res e: Quarterly Journal of Crude Drug Research (journ.) QJCSVA e: Archives Provinciales des Clercs de Saint-Viateur, Joliette, Quebec Q J E[con] e: Quarterly Journal of Economics (journ.) QJ Eng Geol e: Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology (joum.) QJEPs e: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (journ.) Q/JET e: Quadrajet Carburetor QJewR e: Quarterly Jewish Review (journ.) QJewSt e: Quarterly of Jewish Studies. Jewish Chronicle (journ.) Q J Exp Physiol [Cogn Med Sci] e: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences (journ.) Q J Exp Psy[choI] e: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (joum.) Q J Exp Psychol A Hum Exp Psychol e: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. A. Human Experimental Psychology (journ.) Q J Exp Psychol B [Comp Physiol Psychol] e: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B. Comparative and Physiological Psychology (journ.) Q J Fla Acad Sci e: Quarterly Journal. Florida Academy of Sciences (journ.) Q J For[estry] e: Quarterly Journal of Forestry (joum.) Q J Geol Min Metall Soc [India] e: Quarterly Journal. Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society [India] (journ.) Q J Geol Soc Lond[on] e: Quarterly Journal. Geological Society of London (journ.) QJH f: Centre Hospitalier Regional de Lanaudiere, Joliette, Quebec Q J Indian Chem Soc e: Quarterly Journal. Indian Chemical Society (journ.) Q J Indian Inst Sci e: Quarterly Journal. Indian Institute of Science (journ.) Q J Indones At Energy Agency e: Quarterly Journal. Indonesian Atomic Energy Agency (journ.)

QJ Int Agric e: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture (joum.) Q JI R Met Soc e: Quarterly Journal. Royal Meteorological Society (joum.) Q JI Rubb Res Inst Ceylon e: Quarterly Journal. Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon (joum.) QJJ f: Seminaire de Joliette, Quebec Q J L[ib] C[on] e: Quarterly Journal. Library of Congress (joum.) Q J Liverpool Univer Inst Commer Res Trop e: Quarterly Journal. Liverpool University Institute of Commercial Research in the Tropics (joum.) Q JI Microsc Sci e: Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (joum.) Q J Local Self Govt Inst e: Quarterly Journal. Local Self-Govemment Institute (joum.) QJLSGI e: Quarterly Journal. Local Self Government Institute (joum.) QJLSI e: Quarterly Journal. Local SelfGovemment Institute (joum.) QJM e: Quantified Judgement Model QJMA e: Quantified Judgement Method of Analysis of Historical Combat - f: Musee d'Art de Joliette, Quebec Q J Math e: Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (joum.) QJ Mech [and] Ap[pl Math] e: Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics (joum.) Q J Med e: Quarterly Journal of Medicine (joum.) Q J Micro[sc] Sc[i] e: Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (joum.) QJMP e: Queue Jump Command QJMS e: Quarterly Journal. Mythic Society (joum.) Q Jnl Speech e: Quarterly Journal of Speech (joum.) QJOC e: College de Jonquiere, Quebec Q J.P. e: Queensland Justice of the Peace Reports Q J Pakistan Lib Assn e: Quarterly Journal. Pakistan Library Association (joum.) QJ Pharm Allied Sci e: Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (joum.) Q J Pharm Pharmacol e: Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (joum.) QJP [Mag Cas] e: Queensland Justice of the Peace [Magisterial Cases] (joum.) QJPR e: Queensland Justice of the Peace. Reports (joum.) Q J Pub Speak e: Quarterly Journal of Public Speaking (joum.) QJRAA e: Quarterly Journal. Royal Astronomical Society (joum.) QJR Astro[n Soc] e: Quarterly Journal. Royal Astronomical Society (joum.) QJRMA e: Quarterly Journal. Royal Meteorological Society (joum.) Q J R Meteo[rol Soc] e: Quarterly Journal. Royal Meteorological Society (joum.) Q J R Neth Soc Agric Sci e: Quarterly Journal. Royal Netherlands Society for Agricultural Science (joum.) Q J Rubber Res Inst Sri Lanka e: Quarterly Journal. Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka (journ.) QJS e: Quarterly Journal of Speech (joum.) QJSA e: Quarterly Journal of Studies in Alcohol Q J Sc e: Quarterly Journal of Science (joum.)


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QJ Sci Lit Arts e: Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts (journ.) QJ Seismol e: Quarterly Journal of Seismology (joum.) Q J Spfeech] [A] e: Quarterly Journal of Speech (journ.) Q J Speech Educ e: Quarterly Journal of Speech Education Q J Stud Al[cohol] [Part A] e: Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol. [Part A] (journ.) QJ Stud Alcohol Suppl e: Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Supplement (joum.) QJ Surg Sci e: Quarterly Journal of Surgical Sciences (journ.) Q J Taiwan Mus [Taipei] e: Quarterly Journal. Taiwan Museum [Taipei] (joum.) QJUMP e: Queue[d] Jump[ing] QJXPA e: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (joum.) QK d: Qualitätskontrolle - d: Quetschkopf - e: Compagnie Aeromaritime - e: Kirkland Municipal Library - e: Queen's Knight - e: Quick[ly] Qk d: Querkabel QKB e: Brome County Historical Society, Knowlton, Quebec QKC e: Aero Taxi Aviation, Inc. QKF1 [Light] e: Quick Flashing [Light] Qk Froz Fd e: Quick Frozen Foods (journ.) QKITA f: Institut de Technologie Agricole, Kamouraska, Quebec QKL e: Cologne/Bonn-Main Railroad QKLN f: Laboratoires Nordic, Inc., Kirkland, Quebec Q-KlUfte d: Querklüfte QKLY e: Quickly qkm d: Quadratkilometer QKM d: Quantitative Kinetische Mikrofluorometrie QKPC e: Medical Library, Pfizer Canada, Inc., Kirkland, Quebec QKZ d: Qualitätskennziffer QL d: Querlage - d: Querschnittslähmung - e: Ethyl 2-ethylmethylphosphonite - e: Lesotho Airways - e: Quad Left - e: Quality of Life - e: Quality of Living - e: Quantum Leap - e: Quarrel - e: Quartz-Locked - e: Quebec Law (journ.) - e: Queensland [Lawyer (joum.)] - e: Query Language - e: Queue Length - e: Quick Law Systems - e: Quick Lock - e: Quick Look - e: Quintal - e: Qumran Literature - f: Quinzaine Litteraire (journ.) - i: Quademi Linguistici (journ.) -1: Quantum Libet - p: Quilate Q1 d: Querleitung[sbiindel] - d: Querverbindungsleitung Q.L. e: Quebec Law - e: Queensland Lawyer qJ. 1: quantum libet Q/L e: Quarantine Launch - e: Quick Lock - e: Quick Look

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

QM1 QL/1 e: Query Language One QLA f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Laval, Quebec QLA/ABO e: Quebec Library Association/ Association des Bibliothécaires du Quebec Q L A C W e: Canadian Workplace Automation Research Centre Laval, Quebec QLAG e: Research Station, Agriculture Canada Lennoxville, Quebec QLAH e: Lennoxville-Ascot Historical Society Museum, Lennoxville, Quebec QLAID e: Ateliers d Ingenierie Dominion, Lachine, Quebec lQlalQlsa e: Complete Isaiah Scroll from Qumran. Cave One Q'land e: Queensland QLAP e: Quick Look Analysis Program[me] QLAR e: Canadian Arsenals Ltd., Le Gardeur, Quebec QLASC f: College de l'Assomption, Quebec QLASGPT e: Federal Training Centre, Penitentiary, Ministry of the Solicitor General Laval, Quebec QLAVD f: Centre de Documentation Assurance-Vie Desjardins, Levis, Quebec Q Law Soc J e: Queensland Law Society. Journal (journ.) QLB d: Quedlinburg - d: Querleitung des Ortsverkehrs - e: Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec Q L Beor e: Beors Queensland Law Reports (journ.) QLBG e: Department of Geography, Bishops University, Lennoxville, Quebec QLC e: College de Levis, Quebec - e: Quasi-Liquid Crystal - e: Quick Lock Check QLCCP f: Service de Documentation et de Reference, Confederation des Caisses Populaires et d'Economie Desjardins du Quebec, Levis QLCR e: Queensland Land Court Reports (journ.) Q L C R S e: Conseil Regional de la Santé et des Services Sociaux, Longueuil, Quebec Q L C S e: Quick Look and Checkout System Q L D e: Quillo Resources, Inc. Qld. e: Queensland Q L D C e: Delmar Chemicals, La Salle, Quebec Qlder e: Queenslander Qld Geog J e: Queensland Geographical Journal (journ.) Qld Govt Indust Gaz e: Queensland Government Industrial Gazette (joum.) Qld Health e: Queensland's Health (joum.) Qld Heritage e: Queensland Heritage (journ.) Qld Ind e: Queensland Industry (journ.) Qld Law e: Queensland Lawyer (joum.) Qld Mus Mem e: Queensland Museum. Memoirs (journ.) Qld Nat e: Queensland Naturalist (journ.) Qld Nurs e: Queensland Nurse (journ.) Qld Pari Deb e: Queensland Parliamentary Debates (journ.) QLDR e: Quick Look Data Reference QLDS e: Quick Look Data Station Qld Sei Teach e: Queensland Science Teacher (journ.) Qld Teach J e: Queensland Teachers' Journal (journ.) Qld Univ Law J e: University of Queensland. Law Journal (journ.)

QLE f: Bibliothèque Municipale Levis Quebec QLFCAE f: Fonds de Recherches Forestieres. Universite Laval. Contribution (journ.) Q L F C P f: Federation des Caisses Populaires Desjardins Levis Quebec QLFD e: Qualified Q L F E C A f: Archives des Freres des Ecoles Chrétiennes QLFY[G] e: Qualifying] QLFYN e: Qualification QLG e: Quick-Look Guide Ql[-]g d: Querleitung, gehend QIGPt d: Quintärgruppenpilot QLI e: Quality of Life Index Q Lib 1: Quantum Libet QLII e: Quasi-Laser-Intensity Interferometer - e: Quasi-Linear Intensity Interferometer QLing e: Quantitative Linguistics (joum.) Q-Link e: Quantum Link Q L I R S e: Queensland Legal Information Retrieval System Q L I S P e: [A] programming language Q L I T e: Quick Look Intermediate Tape Q L i t f: Quebec. Littéraire (joum.) Q L J e: Queens Law Journal (joum.) Q L J [NC] e: Queensland Law Journal [Notes of Cases] (joum.) Ql[-]k d: Querleitung, kommend QLL e: Quartz Landing Lamp - i: Quaderni di Lingue e Letterature (joum.) QLLC e: Qualified Logical Link Control QLM e: Quasi-Laser Machine - e: Quasi-Linear Machine - e: Quasi-Linear Model - f: Bibliothèque Municipale de Lachine Q L M D e: Qual-Med Inc. Qln d: Querleitung für den Selbstwählferndienst - d: Querleitungen - d: Querverbindungsleitung QLNLB f: Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille, Longueuil Q L O f: Bibliothèque Municipale Longueuil, Quebec Q L O C E e: College Edouard-Montpetit Longueuil Q L O P B f: Centre de Documentation Centre Hospitalier Pierre Boucher, Longueuil, Quebec Q L O U e: Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Ltd., Longueuil Quebec Q L P e: Quality Low-Priced - e: Query Language Processor - e: Quick-Lock-Processor - e: Quick-Look-Processor - e: Quinocaline Ladder Polymer - f: Questions Liturgiques et Paroissiales (joum.) QLPC e: Queensland Library Promotion Council QLPED e: Pylon Electronic Development Co. Ltd., Lachine, Quebec QL Problem e: Query Language Problem QLPS e: Petrosun International Inc., Longueuil Quebec QLPs e: Query Language Processors QLR e: Quebec Law Reports (joum.) - e: Queensland Law Reporter (joum.) - e: Queensland Law Reports (joum.) QL[R] e: Quick Look [Report] Q L R [Beor] e: Queensland Law Reports [Beor] (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Q.L.R.C. e: Queensland Law Reform Commission QL Rev e: Quarterly Law Review (joum.) QLS e: Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering - e: Queensland Law Society - e: Queensland Littoral Society - e: Quick Law Systems - e: Quick Loading System - e: Quick Look Station - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, La Salle Quebec QLSA e: Queue [or Queuing] Line Sharing Adapter [or Adaptor] QLSAA f: Archives des Soeurs de Sainte-Anne, Lachine, Quebec QLSD f: Société de Développement International Desjardins, Levis, Quebec QLSE e: ESSO Building Products of Canada Ltd., La Salle Quebec QLSHG f: Bibliothèque Medicale Hôpital General La Salle, Quebec Q L S J e: Queensland Law Society Journal (journ.) QLSM e: Quasi-Laser Sequential Machine - e: Quasi-Linear Sequential Machine QLSO f: L'Octogone, Centre de la Culture, La Salle, Quebec QL Soc J e: Queensland Law Society. Journal (journ.) QLSS e: Research Department, J. E. Seagram & Sons Ltd., La Salle, Quebec Q L T e: Quadra Logic Technologies, Inc. - e: Quantitative Leak Test - e: Quasi-Linear Theory - f: Bibliothèque Municipale la Tuque, Quebec QLTI e: Quadra Logic Technologies, Incorporated QLTY e: Quality [Mills Inc.] QLTYCONO e: Quality Control Officer Qly Land R e: Fitzgibbons Irish Land Reports (joum.) Q M d: Qualifikationsmodell - d: Qualitätsmerkmal - d: Quantenmechanik - d: Quartalsmeldung - e: Air Malawi - e: Decca navigation system - e: Quadrature Modulation - e: Qualifiation Motor - e: Quality Manual (journ.) - e: Quality Memorandum - e: Quality of Merit - e: Quantitative Methods - e: Quantum Mechanics - e: Quarterly Meetings - e: Quarterly Memorandum - e: Quartermaster, Maintenance - e: Quartz Memory - e: Queensland] Museum - e: Query Message - e: Query Module - e: Queue Management [or Manager] - e: Quick Make - e: Quinonemethide - e: Quintal, Metric - e: Qumran Manuscripts -1: Quo Modo - s: Quintal Métrico qm d: Quadratmeter Qm d: Qualitätsmerkmal q.m. 1: quaque mane -1: quo modo Q & M e: Operation & Maintenance 1QM e: Milchemet, the War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness from Qumran. Cave One Q M 1 e: Quartermaster, First Class 103

Q/m2 Q/m 2 d: Symbol für Herzindex Q M 2 e: Quartermaster, Second Class Q M 3 e: Quartermaster, Third Class Q M A e: Group Information Centre, Alcan Aluminium Ltd. Montreal, Quebec - e: Qatar Monetary Agency - e: Quadrupole Mass Analyzer - e: Qualified Military Available - e: Qualitative [or Quality] Materiel Approach Q M A A f: Archives de la Chancellerie, L'Archeveche de Montreal, Quebec Q M A B e: Montreal Association for the Blind, Quebec Q M A C e: Macdonald College Library, Ste-Anne-De-Bellevue, Quebec - e: Quadripartite Material [or Materiel] and Agreements Committee - e: Quarter-orbit Magnetic Altitude Control Q M A C L e: Quebec Association for Children with Learning Disabilities Montreal, Quebec Q M A C M f: Centre des Dossiers et de Documentation, Direction de Montreal, Ministere des Affaires Culturelles du Quebec Q M A C N f: Archives de la Congregation de Notre-Dame, Montreal, Quebec Q M A D M A e: Archives, Diocese of Montreal, Anglican Church of Canada, Quebec Q M A E e: Aviation Electric Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M A E C e: Atomic Energy of Canada Montreal, Quebec Q M A G B f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Magog, Quebec Q M A L e: Air Liquide Canada Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M A L L e: Abbott Laboratories Limited, Montreal, Quebec Q M A M e: Allan Memorial Institute, Montreal, Quebec Q M A M A e: Lavalin Environnement, Montreal, Quebec Q M A M I e: Minerais LAC Ltee., Malartic, Quebec Q M A O e: Qualified for Mobilization Ashore Only Q M A P O f: Centre de Documentation, APO Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M A P S e: Quebec Aid for the PartiallySighted Montreal, Quebec Q M A R C f: Archives Provinciales des Capucins, Montreal, Quebec Q M A S f: Archives du Seminaire de Saint-Sulpice, Montreal, Quebec Q M A S C f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Mascouche, Quebec Q M A S R C e: Space Research Corp., Mansonville, Quebec Q M A S S A S f: Centre de Documentation, Secteur Affaires Sociales, Association pour la Sante et la Sécurité du Travail, Montreal, Quebec Q M a s t e r P l u m b e r e: Queensland Master Plumber (journ.) Q M A T C e: College de Matane, Quebec Q M A V f: Bibliothèque des Avocats, Barreau de Montreal, Quebec Q - m a x e: Quarantine maximum Q M A X e: Qmax Technology Group, Inc.

Q M B e: Information Resource Centre, Bell Canada, Montreal, Quebec - e: Qualified Mortgage Bond - e: Queensbury - e: Quick Make-and-Break Q M B A e: Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Montreal, Quebec - e: Queensland Master Builders Association Q M B A E e: Bristol Aero Engines Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M B A N f: Centre de Documentation, Banque Nationale du Canada, Montreal, Quebec Q M B B f: College Bois-De-Boulogne, Montreal, Quebec Q M B D e: Quartermaster Base Depot - e: Translation Bureau, Canada Department of the Secretary of State Montreal, Quebec Q M B E f: Centre de Documentation, Bureau des Economies d'Energie du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M B G C f: Bibliothèque d'Ingenierie, BG Checo International Ltee., Montreal, Quebec Q M B I M e: Bio-Mega, Inc., Montreal, Quebec Q M B L e: Law Library, Bell Canada, Montreal, Quebec Q M B M f: Bibliothèque de la Ville de Montreal, Quebec Q M B M S e: Management Sciences Library, Bell Canada, Montreal, Quebec Q M B N f: Bibliothèque Nationale du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M B N R e: Bell Northern Research, Montreal, Quebec Q M B P e: Building Products Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M B R e: Bio-Research Laboratories Ltd., Pointe-Claire, Quebec Q M C e: Chief Quartermaster - e: College de Montreal, Quebec - e: James Carson Breckinridge Library, Quantico - e: Quadripartite Materiel Committee - e: Quartermaster Clerk - e: Queen Marys College - e: Quick Modification Concept Q M C A e: Engineering Library, Canadair Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M C A D f: Centre d'Animation, de Développement et de Recherche en Education, Montreal, Quebec Q M C A D M f: Centre d'Accueil DomremyMontreal, Ste-Genevieve, Quebec Q M C A D Q f: Conservatoire d'Art Dramatique de Montreal, Quebec Q M C A E e: CAE Electronics Ltd., Montreal Quebec Q M C A G e: College Andre Grasset, Montreal Quebec Q M C A I e: Canadian Asbestos Information Centre Montreal, Quebec Q M C A T e: Commission de la Sante et de la Sécurité du Travail du Quebec, Montreal Q M C A V e: Direction Generale du Cinema et de l'Audio-Visuel, Ministere des Communications du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M C B e: Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Montreal, Quebec Q M C B E e: Engineering Headquarters, Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Montreal, Quebec Q M C B H e: Catherine Booth Hospital, Montreal, Quebec


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Q M C B M e: Music Library, Canadian Broadcasting Corp., Montreal, Quebec Q M C C e: Canada Cement Co., Montreal, Quebec - e: Queensland Multicultural Co-Ordinating Committee Q M C C A f: Centre Canadien d'Architecture Montreal, Quebec Q M C C R e: Canadian Council of Resource Ministers Montreal, Quebec Q M C C S e: Centraide, Montreal, Quebec Q M C D f: Centre Documentaire, Centrale des Bibliothèques, Montreal, Quebec Q M C D M e: College de Maisonneuve, Montreal, Quebec Q M C D P f: Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M C E A e: Canadian Export Association Montreal, Quebec Q M C E C e: Catholic School Commission Montreal, Quebec Q M C E C I e: Centre Canadien d'Etudes et de Cooperation Internationale, Montreal, Quebec Q M C E D e: Centre de Documentation, Ministere du Commerce Exterieur et du Développement Technologique du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M C F e: Merck Frosst Laboratories Montreal, Quebec Q M C F H e: Centre de Documentation, Charette, Fortier, Hawey, Touche, Ross, Montreal, Quebec Q M C H C e: Montreal Chest Hospital Centre Quebec Q M C H F f: Centre de Documentation, Centre Hospitalier Fleury, Montreal, Quebec Q M C H L f: Centre Hospitalier de Lachine, Montreal, Quebec Q M C I C M f: Centre Interculturel Monchanin, Montreal Quebec Q M C I H f: Bibliothèque de Documentation des Archives, Ville de Montreal, Quebec Q M C I M e: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Montreal, Quebec Q M C L e: Can Atom Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M C L G e: College Lionel Groulx, Ste-Therese, Quebec Q M C L K e: Quartermaster Clerk Q M C - I R L e: Queen Mary College Industrial Research Ltd. Q M C M e: Master Chief Quartermaster Q M C N e: Canadian National Railways Montreal, Quebec Q M C N C e: Chemical Library, Canadian National Railways Montreal, Quebec Q M C O M e: Conservatoire de Musique de Montreal, Quebec Q M C P e: Canadian Pacific Ltd. Montreal, Quebec Q M C Q f: Cinematheque Quebecoise, Montreal, Quebec Q M C R e: Canadian Copper Refiners Ltd., Montreal, Quebec - e: Quartermaster Corps Regulations Q M C R I f: Centre de Recherche Industrielle du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M C R I M f: Centre de Documentation, Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal, Quebec Q M C R P f: Conference des Recteurs et des Principaux des Universités du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

QMICM Q M C S e: Christian Science Reading Room, Montreal, Quebec - e: Quality Monitoring Control System - e: Senior Chief Quartermaster Q M C S C A f: Archives de la Congregation de Sainte-Croix, Montreal, Quebec Q M C & S O e: Quartermaster Cataloging and Standardization Office Q M C S S S e: Service de Reference, Conseil de la Sante et des Services Sociaux de la Region de Montreal Métropolitain, Montreal, Queb Q M C S V A e: Archives des Clercs de Saint-Viateur, Province de Montreal, Outremont, Quebec Q M C T e: Commission de Transport de la Communauté Urbaine de Montreal, Quebec - e: QMC Technology, Inc. Q M C T C e: Quartermaster Corps Technical Committee Q M C T M e: Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Council Montreal, Quebec Q M C V d: Quine-McCluskey-Verfahren Q M C W e: Canada Wire & Cable Co. Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M D f: Institut Genealogique Drouin, Montreal, Quebec Q M D B e: College Jean-De-Brebeuf, Montreal, Quebec Q M D C e: Dawson College, Montreal, Quebec Q M D E e: Dominion Engineering Works Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M D E P e: Quartermaster Depot Q M D H e: Douglas Hospital Centre Montreal, Quebec Q M D K e: Quick Mechanical Disconnect Kit Q M D M e: Montreal Association for the Mentally Retarded Quebec Q M D M R e: Groupe DMR, Inc., Montreal, Quebec Q M D O e: Qualified Military Development Objective - e: Qualitative Materiel Development Objective[s] Q M D O M e: Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M D P C e: Quartermaster Data Processing Center Q M D T e: Dominion Textile, Montreal, Quebec Q M E d: Quartärmultiplexeinrichtung - e: Quantock Marine Enterprises - e: Queueing Matrix Evaluation Q M E A e: Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada Dorval, Quebec Q M E C B f: Centrale des Bibliothèques, Services Documentaires Multimedia, Inc., Montreal, Quebec Q M E D e: Quest Medical, Inc. Q M e d Rev e: Quarterly Medical Review (journ.) Q M E E e: Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada Montreatl, Quebec Q M E M f: Bibliothèque Municipale de la Ville de Montreal-Est, Quebec Q M E N f: Ministere de l'Environnement, Montreal, Quebec Q M E N T e: National Theatre School Montreal, Quebec Q M E P f: Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec Q M E P C C e: Quartermaster Equipment and Parts Commodity Center

Q M E S f: Ecole Secondare Saint-Stanislas, Montreal, Quebec Q - M E T E R e: Device that measures Q-Factor. Q - M e t e r e: Quality Meter Q M F e: Fraser-Hickson Institute, Montreal, Quebec - e: Quadrature Mirror Filter - e: Quantitatively Measured Flow - e: Query Management Facility Q M F A e: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Quebec Q M F B D e: Federal Business Development Bank Montreal, Quebec Q M F C e: First Church of Christ, Scientist, Montreal, Quebec Q M F [ & ] C I e: Quartermaster Food and Container Institute Q M F C I A F e: Quartermaster Food and Container Institute for the Armed Forces Q M F C J f: Bibliothèque de Theologie, les Facultes de la Compagnie de Jesus, Montreal, Quebec Q M F E R e: Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada Pointe-Claire, Quebec Q M F M O f: Federation des Medecins Omnipraticiens du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M F M S f: Federation des Medecins Specialistes du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M F R e: Arctic Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ste-Anne-De-Bellevue, Quebec Q M F R A f: Archives des Franciscains, Montreal, Quebec Q M F R A N f: Studium Franciscain de Theologie, Montreal, Quebec Q M F S G A f: Archives des Freres de Saint-Gabriel, Montreal, Quebec Q M G e: Quench Melt Growth - e: Sir George Williams Campus, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec Q M G D H e: Grace Dart Hospital Center, Montreal, Quebec Q M G F e: Quartermaster General of the Forces - e: Quartermaster-General to the Forces Q M G G e: Department of Geography, Sir George Williams Campus, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec Q M G G M e: University Map Collection, Department of Geography, Sir George Williams Campus, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec Q M G H e: Montreal General Hospital Quebec Q M G H C e: Community Health Department, Montreal General Hospital, Quebec Q M G H N e: Nurses Library, Montreal General Hospital, Quebec Q M G L S e: Library Studies Program, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec Q M G M e: Gaz Metropolitain, Montreal, Quebec Q M G M C e: Quartermaster General of the Marine Corps Q M G P A e: Quarry Management and Products (journ.) Q M G S e: Grand Seminaire, Montreal, Quebec Q M H e: Hydro-Quebec, Montreal, Quebec - e: Queen Mary Hospital Q M H C e: Medical Library, Hoechst Canada, Inc., Montreal, Quebec Q M H C L f: Bibliothèque Medicale, Hopital Charles Lemoyne, Greenfield Park, Quebec

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Q M H C L C f: Departement de Sante Communautaire, Hopital Charles Lemoyne, Greenfield Park, Quebec Q M H D E f: Centre de Documentation, Direction de l'Environnement, HydroQuebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M H E f: Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Montreal, Quebec Q M H G C f: Centre Hospitalier de Verdun, Quebec Q M H G F f: Hopital General Fleury, Montreal, Quebec Q M H I f: Centre de Documentation, HydroQuebec International, Montreal, Quebec Q M H J R f: Centre de Documentation du Personnel, Hopital de Convalescents Julius Richardson, Montreal, Quebec Q M H J T f: Hopital Jean Talon, Montreal, Quebec Q M H M f: Centre Hospitalier Jacques Viger, Montreal, Quebec Q M H M E f: Hopital Marie-Enfant, Montreal, Quebec Q M H M R f: Hopital MaisonneuveRosemont, Montreal, Quebec Q M H N D f: Hopital Notre-Dame, Montreal, Quebec Q M H N D I f: Bibliothèque des Services Infirmiers, Hopital Notre-Dame, Montreal, Quebec Q M H P e: Qualified Mental Health Professional Q M H R P f: Hopital Riviere-Des-Prairies, Montreal, Quebec Q M H R T f: Centre de Documentation, Redaction et Terminologie, Hydro-Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M H S C f: Hopital du Sacre-Coeur, Montreal, Quebec Q M H S C A f: Hopital Santa Cabrini, Montreal, Quebec Q M H S J f: Hopital Louis H. LaFonataine, Montreal, Quebec Q M H S J A f: Hopital Ste-Jeanne-D'Arc, Montreal, Quebec Q M H S L f: Hopital Saint-Luc, Montreal, Quebec Q M H S L C f: Departement de Sante Communautaire, Hopital Saint-Luc, Montreal, Quebec Q M H V G f: Centre de Documentation, Verification Generale, Hydro-Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M I e: Quadratic Matrix Inequality - e: Qualification Maintainability Inspection Q M I A e: International Air Transport Association Montreal, Quebec - e: Quartermaster Intelligence Agency - e: Queensland Motor Industry Association Q M I A A f: Institut des Arts Appliques, Montreal, Quebec Q M I A G f: Institut des Arts Graphiques, Montreal, Quebec Q M I C e: International Civil Aviation Organization Montreal, Quebec Q M I C A e: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Quebec Montreal, Quebec Q M I C A V e: Institut Culturel Avataq, Montreal, Quebec Q M I C C e: Quartermaster Inventory Control Center Q M I C E e: Canadian Institute of Adult Education Montreal, Quebec Q M I C M e: Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal, Quebec


QMIF Q M I F e: Imasco Foods Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M I F Q e: Informatech France-Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M I G e: Industrial Grain Products Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M I I i: Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Montreal, Quebec Q M I I S e: Islamic Studies Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M I I S T e: International Institute of Stress Montreal, Quebec Q M I K E S e: Quaduipole Mass Analyzed Ion Kinetic Energy Spectroscopy Q M I M e: Institut Armand-Frappier, Universite du Quebec, Laval, Quebec Q M I M M f: Ministère des Communautés Culturelles et de l'Immigration, Montreal, Quebec Q M I M S O e: Quartermaster Industrial Mobilization Services Offices Q M I N C f: Institut du Cancer de Montreal, Quebec Q M I N C A f: Institut National Canadien pour les Aveugles, Montreal, Quebec Q M I N P f: Institut National de Productivité, Montreal, Quebec Q M I P e: Institute of Parasitology, Macdonald College, Ste-Anne-De-Bellevue, Quebec Q M I P P e: Institut Philippe Pinel de Montreal, Quebec Q M I R C e: Institut de Recherches Cliniques, Montreal, Quebec Q M I R P e: Institute for Research on Public Policy Montreal, Quebec Q M I R S f: Informatheque IRSST Montreal, Quebec Q M I S e: Quality Review Management Information System - e: Quartermaster Inspection Standards Q M I S M f: Centre de Documentation, Institut Raymond-Dewar, Montreal, Quebec Q M I S T f: Centre d'Information, IST, Montreal, Quebec Q M I T e: Imperial Tobacco Co. of Canada Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M I T R e: Research Library Imperial Tobacco Co. of Canada Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M J e: Jewish Public Library Quebec Q M J B f: Jardin Botanique, Montreal, Quebec Q M J E S e: Technical Services, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons Ltd., La Salle, Quebec Q M J G e: Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec Q M J G I e: Institute of Community and Family Psychiatry, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec Q M J G L e: Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec Q M J H f: Hôpital de Mont-Joli, Inc., Quebec Q M J L P f: Laboratoire de Police Scientifque, Montreal, Quebec Q M J M e: Canada Department of Justice Montreal, Quebec Q M J S J f: Commission des Services Juridiques du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M L e: Loyola Campus, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec - e: Qualified Manufacturers List Q M L A e: Laboratoires Abbott Ltee, Montreal, Quebec

Q M L A VE e: Lavalin Environment, Inc., Montreal, Quebec Q M L C A e: Lower Canada Arms Collectors Association, Montreal, Quebec Q M L C C e: Lower Canada College, Montreal, Quebec Q M L C P F f: Bibliothèque de la Faune, Ministere du Loisir, de la Chasse et de la Peche, Montreal, Quebec Q M L F f: Librairies Flammarion, Montreal, Quebec Q M L G e: Lakeshore General Hospital Pointe-Claire, Quebec Q M L G C e: Community Health Department, Lakeshore General Hospital, Pointe-Claire, Quebec Q M L M f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Mont-Laurier, Quebec Q M L P f: Centre de Documentation, La Presse Ltee., Montreal, Quebec Q M L P T f: Librairie Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Quebec Q M L Q f: Centre de Documentation, LotoQuebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M L R e: Constance-Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre Montreal, Quebec Q M M e: McLennan Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec - e: Quartermasters Manual - e: Quiet Mode Measurement, q m m d: Quadratmillimeter Q M M A C f: Musee d'Art Contemporain, Montreal, Quebec Q M M A Q f: La Magnétothèque, Montreal, Quebec Q M M A R e: Marianapolis College, Montreal, Quebec Qm.-Material d: Quartiermeister-Material Q M M B e: Blackader/Lauterman Library of Architecture and Art, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec - e: Quartermaster Motor Base Q M M B G e: Botany-Genetics Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M B Z e: Blacker-Wood Library of Zoology and Ornithology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M C H e: Montreal Childrens Hospital, Quebec Q M M C R f: Musee du Chatau de Ramezay, Montreal, Quebec Q M M C S e: Quartermaster Market Center System Q M M D e: Religious Studies Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M E e: Physical Sciences and Engineering Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M G e: Map and Air Photo Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M G S e: Department of Geological Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M H e: Mental Hygiene Istitute Montreal, Quebec Q M M H H e: Maimonides Hospital Geriatric Center, Montreal, Quebec Q M M I e: Atwater Library Montreal, Quebec Q M M I Q e: Quebec Regional Office, Employment and Immigration Canada Montreal, Quebec Q M M L e: Law Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M L S e: Library Science Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec


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Q M M M e: Medical Library McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M M C M e: McCord Museum, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M M D M e: Marvin Duchow Music Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M M M e: Montreal Military and Maritime Museum, Quebec Q M M N e: Nursing/Social Work Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M O e: Osier Library, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M P B e: MPB Technologies, Dorval, Quebec Q M M R B e: Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M S C e: Howard Ross Library of Management, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Q M M S R f: Centre de Documentation, Ministere de la Main-d'Oeuvre et de la Sécurité du Revenu du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M N e: Centres Biblio-Culturels de Montreal-Nord, Quebec - e: Qualitative Material Notification Q M N A e: Canadian Pulp and Paper Asssociation Montreal, Quebec Q M N B e: Biotechnology Branch, CISTI, Montreal, Quebec Q M N D E f: Hôpital Notre-Dame-DeL'Esperance-De-St-Laurent, Montreal, Quebec Q M N E e: Northern Electric Co. Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M N F e: National Film Board, Montreal, Quebec Q M N F N I e: National Information/ Distribution System, National Film Board Montreal, Quebec Q M N H H e: Health Protection Branch, Canada Department of National Health and Welfare Montreal, Quebec Q M N I H e: Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital Quebec Q M N O T e: Northern Telecom Canada Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M N R e: Noranda Research Centre, Pointe-Claire, Quebec Q M O e: Qualitative Material [or Materiel] Objective - e: Quartermaster, Operations - e: Quartz Mountain State Park Q M O B f: Office de Biologie, Ministere du Loisir, de la Chasse et de la Peche, Montreal, Quebec Q M o b S C e: Quadripartite Mobility Standardization Committee Q M O C P e: Canadian Livestock Feed Board Montreal, Quebec Q M O C Q f: Office de la Construction du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M O F e: Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Q M O I f: Ordre des Infirmières et Infirmiers du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M O L F f: Office de la Langue Française, Montreal, Quebec Q M O P f: Centre de Documentation, Office de Planification et de Développement du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q M O R e: Ogilvy, Renaud Law Library, Montreal, Quebec

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

QMUDD QMORC e: Quartermaster Officers Reserve Corps QMOS Circuit e: Quick Metal Oxide Semiconductor Circuit QMov e: Quartermaster Movement[s] QMP e: Qualitative Management Program - e: Quality Milk Producers - e: Quarry, Mine and Pit (journ.) - e: Quarterly Machine Performance - e: Quezon Memorial Park QMPA e: Quartermaster Purchasing Agency - e: Queue Manager Parameter Area - f: Centre de Documentation, Projet Archipel de Montreal, Quebec QMPAE e: Paramax Electronics, Montreal, Quebec QMPC e: Presbyterian College, Montreal, Quebec - e: Quartermaster Parts Center - e: Quartermaster Petroleum Center QMPCA e: Agriculture Canada, Montreal, Quebec QMPCG e: Documentation Centre, George Etienne Canier House, Parks Canada, Montreal, Quebec QMPCUSA e: Quartermaster Petroleum Center, United States Army QMPDC e: Quartermaster Petroleum Distribution Command QMPE e: Pezaris Electronics Co., Montreal, Quebec QMPI e: Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in Canada Montreal, Quebec QMPM e: Quantitative Methods for Public Management QMPP e: Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada Pointe-Claire, Quebec QMPPM e: Montreal Branch, Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada, Quebec QMPRA e: Archives Providence, Montreal, Quebec QMPSB e: Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal, Quebec QMPTI e: Potton Technical Industries, Mansonville, Quebec QMPWQ e: Quebec Region Library, Public Works Canada Montreal, Quebec QMQ e: Queen Mary Veterans Hospital Montreal, Quebec QMQAR e: Quebec Archives, Montreal, Quebec - f: Centre Regional de Montreal, Archives Nationales du Quebec, Quebec QMQB [Connection] e: Quick-Make, Quick-Break [Connection] QMQDP f: Commission des Doits de la Personne du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMQE e: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Montreal, Quebec QMR e: Qualified Military Requirement - e: Qualitative Material Report - e: Qualitative [or Quantitative] Material [or Materiel] Requirement - e: Qualitative Military Requirements - e: Quartermaster QMRA e: Railway Association of Canada, Montreal, Quebec QMRAD f: Centre de Documentation, Institut de Recherche Appliquée sur le Travail, Montreal, Quebec QMRAQ f: Recherches Amérindiennes au Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMRC e: Quartermaster Reserve Corps - e: Royal Canadian Air Force Montreal, Quebec

QMRCH e: Richmond County Historical Society Melbourne, Quebec QMRD e: Readers Digest of Canada Ltd., Montreal, Quebec QMRDC e: Quartermaster Research and Development Command QMR[&]E e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering QMR[&]EC[OMD] e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering Command QMREFEA e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering Field Evaluation Agency QMREG f: Regie de I'Electricite et du Gaz, Montreal, Quebec QMREX e: Canada Department of Regional Industrial Expansion Montreal, Quebec QMRH f: Centre de Recherches en Relations Humaines, Montreal, Quebec QMRI e: Rehabilitation Institute of Montreal Quebec QMRL e: Quartermaster Radiation Laboratory QMRM e: Reddy Memorial Hospital, Montreal, Quebec QMRP e: Qualified Mental Retardation Professional - e: Rhone-Poulenc Pharma, Inc., Montreal, Quebec QMRPA e: Quartermaster Radiation Planning Agency QMRQ f: Société de Radio-Television du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMRR e: Rolls-Royce of Canada Ltd., Montreal, Quebec QMRRD e: Reginald P. Dawson Library, Town of Mount Royal, Quebec QMRS e: Information Centre, Canadian Security Intelligence Service Montreal, Quebec QMRSJA f: Archives des Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph, Montreal, Quebec QMRTC e: Quartermaster Replacement Training Center QMRV e: Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Quebec QMS e: Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer [or Spectrometry] - e: Quality Management System - e: Quality Micro Systems - e: Quality Monitoring System - e: Quarterly Journal. Mythic Society (journ.) - e: Quartermaster School - e: Quartermaster Signalman - e: Quartermaster Stores - e: Quicksilver Messenger Service QMs e: Quarterly Meetings QMSA e: Seaman Apprentice, Quartermaster, Striker - f: Service de la Documentation, Ministere de la Sante et des Services Sociaux du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMSC e: Southern Canada Power Co., Montreal, Quebec QMSCA e: Statistics Canada Montreal, Quebec QMSch e: Quartermaster School QMSCM e: Canadian Microfilming Co. Ltd. Montreal, Quebec QMSD e: Information Resource Centre, Systems Development, Montreal, Quebec QMSDB f: Société de Développement de la Baie James, Montreal, Quebec QMSDI f: Centre de Documentation, SOGIC, Montreal, Quebec QMSG e: Queue Message

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

QMSGA f: Archives Generales des Soeurs Grises, Montreal, Quebec QMSGME f: Service General des Moyens d'Enseignement, Ministere de l'Education du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMSH f: Société Historique de Montreal, Quebec QMSHQ f: Centre de Documentation, Société d'Habitation du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMSI e: Quality Micro Systems - e: Quartermaster-Sergeant Instructor - f: Scolasticat de l'lmmaculee-Conception, Montreal, Quebec QMSIL e: Silicart, Inc., Montreal, Quebec QMSJ e: St. Josephs Teachers College, Montreal, Quebec QMSMA e: St. Marys Hospital, Montreal, Quebec QMSN e: Quartermaster Seaman, Striker QMSO e: Quartermaster Supply Office[r] - e: Shell Oil Co. of Canada, Montreal, Quebec QMSS e: QUBIT Mine Surveillance System QMST e: Legal Department, Steinberg, Inc., Montreal, Quebec QMSTJ f: Centre d'Information sur la Sante de l'Enfant, Hôpital Sainte-Justine, Montreal, Quebec QMSTJS f: Departement de Sante Communautaire, Hôpital Sainte-Justine, Montreal, Quebec Q.-Mstr. d: Quartiermeister QMSU f: Surete du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMSubsSch e: Quartermaster Subsistence School QMSVM f: Centre de Service Social VilleMarie Montreal, Quebec QMSW e: Quartz Metal Sealed Window QMSWP e: Shawinigan Engineering Ltd. Co., Montreal, Quebec QMT d: Quantitativer Muskeltest - e: Quantum Mechanical Tunnelling - e: Queens-Midtown Tunnel QMTC e: Air Canada, Montreal, Quebec - e: Quartermaster Training Center QMTD e: Transportation Development Centre, Transport Canada Montreal, Quebec QMTGC e: Teleglobe Canada, Montreal, Quebec QMTMO f: Centre de Documentation, Ministere du Travail du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMTOE e: Quartermaster Table of Organization and Equipment QMTQ f: Direction des Communications, Tourisme Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMTQM e: Trans Quebec & Maritimes, Montreal, Quebec QMTR e: Waterways Development, Transport Canada Montreal, Quebec QMTRA f: Centre de Documentation, Ministere des Transports du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMTrk e: Quartermaster Truck QMTrS d: Quartiermeistertruppenschule QMU f: Universite de Montreal, Quebec QMUA f: Service des Archives de l'Université de Montreal, Quebec QMUC e: Union Carbide Canada Ltd., Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Quebec QMUDD f: Departement de Demographie, Universite de Montreal, Quebec


QMUE QMUE f: Bibliothèque de l'Institut d'Etudes Medievales, Universite de Montreal, Quebec QMUEB f: Ecole de Bibliotheconomie, Universite de Montreal, Quebec QMUEC f: L'Ecole de Criminologie, Universite de Montreal, Quebec QMUGC f: Cartotheque, Departement de Geographie, Universite de Montreal, Quebec QMUGL f: Cartotheque, Institut de Geologie, Universite de Montreal, Quebec QMUQ f: Universite de Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMUQA f: Service des Archives de l'Universite du Quebec a Montreal QMUQC f: Cartotheque, Universite du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMUQEN f: Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique, Universite du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMUQET f: Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, Universite de Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMUQIC f: Cartotheque, INRSUrbanisation, Montreal, Quebec QMUQ1S f: Centre de Documentation, INRS-Sante, Montreal, Quebec QMUQ1U f: Centre de Documentation INRS-Urbanisation, Montreal, Quebec QMUQPA f: Pavillon des Arts, Universite du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec QMUQS f: Bibliothèque des Sciences, Universite du Quebec, Montreal QMUQTM f: Tele-Universite, Universite du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec Q Museum Memoirs e: Memoirs. Queensland Museum (journ.) QMV e: Qualified Majority Voting QMVC e: Media Resource Centre, Vanier College, Montreal, Quebec QMVR e: Resource Centre, VIA Rail Canada, Inc. Montreal, Quebec QMVRM f: Centre de Maintenance, VIA Rail, Montreal, Quebec QMW e: Quartz Metal Window QMWhf e: Quartermaster Wharf QMX e: Quartemary Matrix QN d: Nicht lieferbare Menge - d: Quittierter Neuwert - e: Kabo Air Travels - e: Quantifier Negation - e: Quantum Number - e: Quarterly Notes - e: Query Normalization - e: Queueing Network - e: Quintuple Screw - e: Quotation -1: Quaque Nocte qn 1: quid nunc Qn. e: Question q.n. 1: quaque nocte QNA e: Qatar News Agency - e: Quality per Next Assembly - e: Quarterly National Accounts - e: Quinuclidinol Atrolactate QNaN e: Quiet Not a Number QNat e: Quaestiones Naturales Q Natl Dent Assoc e: Quarterly. National Dental Association (journ.) Q Natl Fire Prot Assoc e: Quarterly. National Fire Protection Association (journ.) QNB d: 3-Quinuclidinyl Benzilate - e: [3H]-Quinuklidinyl-benzylat

QNC e: New Castle Free Public Library - e: Qatar National Cement Company - e: Queensland Naturalists Club QNCCR e: Quarterly Notes on Christianity and Chinese Religion (journ.) QNCH e: Quenched QNCHRN f: Centre Hospitalier Rouyn-Noranda, Noranda, Quebec QNCR e: Quarterly Noncompliance Report QND e: Quantum Nondemolition QNdispo d: disponierte Menge Q Newl-Spec Comm Env L e: Quarterly Newsletter. Special Committee on Environmental Law (journ.) Q News Bull Geol Soc S Afr e: Quarterly News Bulletin. Geological Society of South Africa (journ.) Q Newsl Rhod Nurses Assoc e: Quarterly Newsletter. Rhodesia Nurses Association (journ.)


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QNF e: Sea Level Atmosphere Pressure QNH e: Altimeter Subscale Setting to Obtain Elevation When on the Ground - e: Quadrantal Height QNI e: Queens Nursing Institute QNICS e: Seminaire de Nicolet, Quebec QNIP f: Institut de Police du Quebec, Nicolet, Quebec QNIS e: Queensland Newspapers Information System QNMC e: Quadripartite Nonmateriel Committee QN[N]TC e: Qatar National Navigation and Transport Company [Limited] QNO e: Quinidine-N-oxide QNOAG e: Experimental Farm, Agriculture Canada Normandin, Quebec QNP e: Quezon National Park QNR e: Quiescent Noise Reduction QNS e: Quantity Not Sufficient - e: Queen's Nursing Sister - e: Queensland Numismatic Society QNSC e: Qui Nhon Support Command Qns Coll e: Queens College QNS&L e: Québec North Shore and Labrador Railway Qns[l]d e: Queensland QNS&L Railway e: Quebec North Shore & Labrador Railway Qns Pk e: Queens Park QNST e: Quick Neurological Screening Test QNT e: Quantizer - e: Quintet QNTJB e: Queensland and Northern Territory Judgements Bulletin (joum.) QNTL e: Quintel Corp. QNTM e: Quantum Corp. QNTY e: Quantity QNWR e: Quivira National Wildlife Refuge QO d: Optimale Beschaffungsmenge - d: Quarzoszillator - e: Otrag Range Air Service - e: Quaker Oats - e: Qualified in Ordnance - e: Qualified Optician - e: Quantity on Order - e: Quartermaster, Operationfs] - e: Quarters Officer - e: Quick Opening - e: Quick Outlet - e: Quinoline Oxide Q.O. e: Quick Opening Q&O e: Quebec and Ontario Q/O e: Q Zero compiler

Q 0 2 d: Sauerstoff-Quotient - e: Oxygen Consumption - e: Oxygen Quotient QOA d: Quelle-Oberflache-Abstand - e: Quasi-Official Agencies QOBV e: Quick-Opening Blowdown Valve QOC e: Quality of Conformance - e: Quasi-Optical Circuit QOD e: Quality of Design - e: Quantitative Oceanographic Data - e: Quebec Order of Dentists - e: Quick Opening Device q.o.d. e: every other day QOH e: Quantity on Hand - e: Quick Opening Hatch QOI e: Quality Operating Instruction QOIC e: Quarantine Officer in Charge Q Oil Stat e: Quarterly Oil Statistics (journ.) QOL e: Quality of Life QOLCPF f: Bibliothèque de la Faune, Ministere du Loisir, de la Chasse et de la Peche, Orsainville, Quebec QOLUG e: Queensland Online Users Group QOMAC e: Quarter Orbit Magnetic Attitude Control QON e: Quarter Ocean Net QOO e: Queuing of Orders QOPRI e: Qualitative Operation Requirement[s] Q[Ops] e: Quartermaster Operations QOR e: Qualitative Operational Requirement - e: Quarterly Operating Report - e: Quebec Official Reports (journ.) - e: Queuing of Results Qor e: Qoran QORGS e: Quasi Optimal [or Optimum] Rendezvous Guidance System - e: Quasi-Optimal Rendezvous Guidance System QOS e: Quality of Service[s] - e: Quick On System QOs d: Quarzoszillator QOT e: Quasi-Optical Technique - e: Quote QOT&E e: Qualification, Operational Test and Evaluation QOTN e: Quotation QP d: Qualitatsprodukt - d: Quanti-Pirquet-Reaktion - e: Caspair Ltd. - e: Quadra-Phase - e: Quadratic Programming - e: Quadruple Play - e: Qualification Proposal - e: Quality People - e: Quality Produces] - e: Quantization Problem - e: Quantum Placet - e: Quartered Partitioning] - e: Quasi Peak - e: Queens Printer - e: Query Processing - e: Quest for Peace - e: Queue Processor - e: Quick Processing] - e: Quoted Price - f: Quanti-Pirquet - p: Quaderni Portoghesi (journ.) q-P f: quanti-Pirquet q.p. 1: quantum place[a]t

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

QPX QPA e: Qualitative Point Average - e: Qualitative Process Automation - e: Quality Performance Analysis - e: Quality Product Assurance - e: Quantity per Application - e: Quantity per Article - e: Quantity per Assembly - e: Quantum Paramagnetic Amplifier - e: Queensland Police Academy - e: Queensland Polynesian Association - e: Queensland Potters Association - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Port-Alfred, Quebec Q/PA e: Quality/Productivity Assessment QPAA e: Quality Planning and Administration QPAC e: Qualified Productivity Aid for Computing QPAG e: Experimental Farm, Agriculture Canada La Pocatiere, Quebec Q-PAL e: Quality-PAL [Phase Alternation Line] QPAM e: Quadrature Phase and Amplitude Modulation - e: Quantized Pulsed Amplitude Modulation QPB e: Quality Paperback - e: Quantized Probability Design QPC e: Qatar Petroleum Company - e: Quality Performance Chart - e: Quantity per Equipment/Component - e: Quasi-Propulsive Coefficient - e: Quasi-Public Company - f: College de Ste.-Anne, La Pocatiere, Quebec QPCAI Report e: Queensland Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration. Investigations Report (journ.) QPCB e: Quench Particle Collection Bomb QPCM f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Pott-Cartier, Quebec QPD e: Quadrature Phase Detection [or Detector] - e: Quantized Probability Design - e: Queensland Parliamentary Debates (journ.) - f: Bibliothèque Intermunicipale de Pierrefonds et Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, Pierrefonds, Quebec QPDM e: Quad Pixel Data[-flow] Manager QPDOLL e: Quarterly Payment Demand on Legal Loan QPE e: Query-by-Pictorial [or Picture] Example Q Pediatr Bull e: Quarterly Pediatric Bulletin (journ.) QPEI e: Quality per End Item - e: Quantity per End Item QPES f: Centre de Documentation, Institut de Technologie Agro-Alimentaire de La Pocatiere, Quebec QPET e: Queensland Petroleum Exploration Trust QP Example e: Query-by-Pictorial Example QPF e: Quantitative Precipitation Forecast QPFL e: Queensland Professional Fishermens League QPG e: Quantum Paramagnetic Generator lQpHab e: Commentary from Qumran. Cave One QPHFD e: Quality Planning Hardware Flow Diagram Q Philipp Sugar Inst e: Quarterly. Philippine Sugar Institute (journ.) lQpHos e: Commentary on Hosea from Qumran. Cave One

XQPhyl e: Phylacteries from Qumran. Cave One QPI e: Quadratic Performance Index - e: Quality Productivity Improvement QPIMC e: Quadratic Programming Internal Model Control QPIR e: EBRI Quarterly Pension Investment Report (journ.) QPIS e: Quality Performance Instruction Sheet - e: Quality Planning Instruction Sheet QPIT e: Quantitative Pilocarpine Ionophoresis Test QPITC e: Queensland Plastics Industry Training Committee QPK e: Quaternary Phase Shift Keying Q PL e: Quantum Placet QPL e: Qualified Part[s] List[s] - e: Qualified Producers List - e: Qualified Produces] List[ing] - e: Queens Public Library QPLM f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Plessisville, Quebec QPLR e: Queensland Planning Law Reports (journ.) QPL&S e: Qualified Products Lists and Sources QPLT e: Quiet Propulsion Lift Technology QPM e: Quality Practice Manual (journ.) - e: Quality Program[me] Manager - e: Quality-Protein Maize - e: Quantized Pulse Modulation - e: Quasi-Peak Metering] QPMAA e: Quilted Products Manufacturers Association of Australia lQpMi e: Pesher from Qumran. Cave One QPMV e: Quail Pea Mosaic Virus lQpNah e: Pesher from Qumran. Cave One 4QpNah e: Pesher from Qumran. Cave Four Q/PNL e: Quarter Panel QPO e: Quasi-Periodic Oscillation QPOC e: Pointe-Claire Public Library Quebec QPOCQ e: Quebec Family History Society, Pointe Claire, Quebec Q-point e: Quiescent point Q Population Bui NZ e: Quarterly Population Bulletin (journ.) Q Poultt] Bull e: Quarterly Poultry Bulletin (journ.) QPP e: Quality Program Plan - e: Quality Program Provision - e: Quantized Pulse Position - e: Quebec Pension Plan - e: Quiescent Push Pull QPPA e: Qatar Petroleum Producing Authority - e: Quality Pig Producers Association QPPAM e: Quantized Pulsed Amplitude Modulation QPPC e: Quarterly Production Progress Conference QPPD e: Queensland Parents of People with a Disability QPPM e: Quantized Pulse Position Modulation 4QpPs37 e: Pesher from Qumran. Cave Four QPQ e: Quid Pro Quid Q.P.R. e: Quebec Practice Reports

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

QPR e: Pittsburgh Regional Library CenterUnion List, Pittsburgh - e: Quadrature Partial Response - e: Qualitative Personnel Requirements - e: Quality Procedural Requirements - e: Quality Progress (journ.) - e: Quality Progress Report [or Review] - e: Quantity Progress Report [or Review] - e: Quarterly Progress Report [or Review] - e: Quebec Practice Reports (journ.) - e: Queensland Practice Reports (journ.) XQPrayers e: Liturgical Fragments from Qumran. Cave One QPRD e: Quality Planning Requirements Document Q Predict e: Quarterly Predictions of National Income and Expenditure (journ.) QPRF e: Quantitative Precipitation Ratio Forecasts QPRI e: Qualitative Personnel Requirements Information - e: Qualitative Personnel Requirements Inventory QPRM f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Princeville, Quebec 4QPrNab e: Prayer of Nabonidus from Qumran. Cave Four Q[-]Probe d: Quaddel[-]Probe QPROM e: Quick Programmable Readonly Memory QPRS e: Quadrature [channel modulation using] PRS [Partial Response Signalling] - e: Quarterly Project Reliability Summary - e: Qualified Process Supplies - e: Qualified Processing Source - e: Quality Planning Specifcation - e: Quantitative Physical Science - e: Quantity Planning Specification - e: Quarterly Programme Status - e: Query Property Similarity - e: Quick Program Search - e: Quiescent Power Supply QPRs e: Quarterly Project Reviews QPSC e: Quiescent Power Supply Current QPSII e: Qualified Possession Source Investment Income Q-PSK e: Quadrature Phase-Shift Keyed [or Keying] QPSK e: Quadrature] Phase Shift Key[ed] [or Keying] - e: Quadruple Phase Shift Keyed [or Keying] - e: Quaternary Phase Shift Keyed [or Keying] QPSK Carrier e: Quadriphase-modulated Shift-Keyed Carrier QPSL e: Qualified Parts and Suppliers List QPSSX e: Queued Packet and Synchronous Switch Exchange QPSX e: Queued Packet and Synchronous Exchange. QPT e: Quadrant Power Tilt - e: Quartz Pressure Transducer QPT-Verfahren d: Quasiparalleltonverfahren Q Publ Am Stat Assoc e: Quarterly Publications. American Statistical Association (journ.) QPX e: QPX Minerals, Inc.


QQ QQ e: Aerovías Quisqueyana - e: Celestial equator - e: Potential Hijacker - e: Qara Qash in Sinkiang province of China - e: Qara Qum, also in Sinkiang province of China - e: Qualitate Qua - e: Que Que, Rhodesia - e: Queries - e: Questionable Questionnaires - e: Questions - f: Bibliothèque de Quebec, Quebec - f: Quelques -1: Quaque -1: Quisque -1: Quoque - s: Quartos - s: Quintales qq. 1: quaque -1: quoque Q-Q e: Quantile-Quantile Q Q j d: Sauerstoffquotient QQA e: Quarterly Quality Assurance - f: Archives Nationales du Quebec, Quebec QQAA f: Archives de l'Archeveche de Quebec, Quebec QQAC f: Ministère des Affaires Culturelles du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQACJ f: Archives de la Compagnie de Jesus, Province du Canada-Français, Saint-Jerome, Quebec, Quebec QQAG f: Centre de Documentation du 200, Ministere de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation, Quebec, Quebec QQAI f: Bibliothèque Administrative, Ministere des Affaires Inter-Gouvernementales du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQAM f: Centre de Documentation, Ministere des Affaires Municipales du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQAND f: Archives du Monastere NotreDame-Des-Anges, Quebec, Quebec QQAPC e: Cerebral Palsy Association of Quebec, Inc. Quebec, Quebec QQAQ f: Bibliothèque des Services Diocésains, Archeveche de Quebec, Quebec QQAS f: Archives du Seminaire de Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQBL f: Bibliothèque des Freres des Ecoles Chrétiennes, Quebec QQBMC f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Charlesbourg, Quebec QQBS f: Bureau de la Statistique du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQBST f: Centre de Documentation, Ministere de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Science du Quebec, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QQC e: Defence Research Establishment Valcartier, Canada Department of National Defence Courcelette, Quebec - e: Quantitative Quality Characteristics QQCAD f: Conservatoire d'Art Dramatique du Quebec, Quebec QQCAI f: Centre de Documentation, Commission d'Accès a l'Information, Quebec, Quebec QQCAT f: Commission de la Santé et de la Sécurité du Travail du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQCC f: Centre de Documentation, Conseil des Colleges du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQCDP f: Commission des Droits de la Personne du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec

QQCDT f: Centre de Documentation, Commission des Nonnes du Travail, Quebec QQCFP f: Centre de Documentation, Commission de la Fonction Publique du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQCGI f: Centre de Documentation, CGI, Inc., Quebec QQCH f: Département des Archives et Statistiques de la Ville de Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQCHJH f: Centre Hospitalier Jeffery Hale, Quebec,-Quebec QQCLF f: Conseil de la Langue Française, Quebec, Quebec QQCM e: College Merici, Quebec, Quebec QQCMQ f: Service de la Documentation et de l'Audiovisuel, Conservatoire de Musique de Quebec, Quebec QQCOC f: Centre de DocumentationDGTI, Ministere des Communications du Quebec, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QQCOM f: Centre de Documentation, Direction Generate des Médias, Ministere des Communications du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQCPQ e: Parks Service Environment Canada, Quebec QQCPS f: Centre de Documentation, Conseil de la Science et de la Technologie du Quebec, Ste-Foy, Quebec QQCR f: Centre Hospitalier Christ-Roi, Quebec, Quebec QQCS f: Service de Documentation et de Bibliothèque, Complexe Scientifque, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QQCSS f: Centre de Documentation, Centre de Services Sociaux de Quebec, Quebec QQCT f: Commission de Toponymie du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQCU f: Conseil des Universités du Quebec, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QQCUQ f: Communauté Urbaine de Quebec q.q.d. 1: quantum quatra die QQE e: Wildlife and Inland Waters Library, Environment Canada Ste-Foy, Quebec QQED f: Centre de Documentation, Ministere de l'Education du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQEDOP f: Centre de Documentation, Office des Professions du Quebec, Quebec QQEN f: Ministere de l'Environnement, Ste-Foy, Quebec QQERE f: Centre de DocumentationEnergie, Ministere de l'Energie et des Ressources du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQERM f: Centre de DocumentationMines, Ministere de l'Energie et des Ressources du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQERT f: Centre de Documentation-Terres et Forets, Ministere de l'Energie et des Ressources du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQESE f: Centre de Documentation, Direction Generate de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche Universitaires, Ministere de l'Enseigne QQF f: Bibibliotheque Franciscaine, Quebec, Quebec qqf f: quelquefois QQFPCE f: Direction de la Classification et de l'Evaluation des Emplois, Ministere de la Fonction Publique, Quebec, Quebec QQFTI f: Service du Traitement de l'Information, Ministere des Finances, Duberger, Quebec


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QQGR f: Bibliothèque Gabrielle-Roy, Quebec, Quebec q.q.h. 1: quantum quatra hora -1: quaque quarta hora QQHDM f: Musee des Augustines de l'Hotel-Dieu de Quebec, Quebec Q Q H E J f: Hôpital de l'Enfant-Jesus, Quebec, Quebec QQHFA f: Hôpital St-Francois d'Assise, Quebec, Quebec qq. hor. 1: quaque hora QQHSS f: Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement, Quebec, Quebec QQHSSC f: Centre de Documentation, Departement de Santé Communautaire, Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement, Quebec, Quebec QQIAS f: Service de la Documentation, Ministere de la Santé et des Services Sociaux du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQIC f: Ministere de l'Industrie, du Commerce et du Tourisme, Quebec, Quebec QQIF f: Inspecteur General des Institutions Financières, Quebec, Quebec QQIN e: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Quebec QQIQRC f: Institut Québécois de Recherche sur la Culture, Quebec, Quebec QQJ f: Ministere de la Justice du Quebec, Ste-Foy, Quebec QQL f: Bibliothèque de l'Assemblee Nationale, Quebec, Quebec QQLA f: Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLAAA f: Secteur Art et Architecture, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLAAV f: Ecole des Arts Visuels, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLACA f: Cartotheque, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLACH f: Centre Hospitalier de l'Universite Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLACHC f: Centre de Documentation, Departement de Santé Communautaire, Centre Hospitalier, Université Laval, Quebec QQLACHR f: Centre de Recherche, Centre Hospitalier, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLACHT f: Centre de Toxicologie, Centre Hospitalier, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLACI f: Centre International de Recherches sur le Bilinguisme, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLAD f: Faculté de Droit, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLAG f: Institut de Geographie, Universite Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLAGM f: Departement de Geologie et de Mineralogie, Universite Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLA1 f: Societa Dante Alighieri, Universite Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLAS f: Bibliothèque Scientifique, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec QQLH e: Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, Quebec QQLM f: Centre de Documentation, Laurentienne Mutuelle d'Assurance, Quebec, Quebec QQM e: Quantified and Qualified Milestone QQMA e: Quality Qualified Military Availability QQMAA f: Archives du Monastere des Augustines, Quebec, Quebec

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

QRDEA QQMAB f: Bibliothèque du Monastère des Augustines, Quebec, Quebec QQMAGA f: Archives des Augustines du Monastere de l'Hôpital General de Quebec, Quebec QQMC e: Forestry Canada, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QQMCH f: Bibliothèque Administrative, Ministere des Communications du Quebec, Quebec Q Q M F e: Laurentian Forestry Centre, Canadian Forestry Service Ste.-Foy, Quebec QQMQ f: Musee du Quebec, Quebec QQM&R e: Quantitative, Qualitative, Maintainability and Reliability QQMSRD f: Centre de Documentation, Direction Generale des Ressources Informationnelles, Ministere de la Main d'Oeuvre et de la Sec QQMSRP f: Centre de Documentation, Direction Generale de la Planification, Ministere de la Main-d'Oeuvre et de la Sécurité du Reve QQMUC f: Centre de Documentation, Musee de la Civilisation, Quebec QQO e: Quasiquadrennial Oscillation QQOLF e: Office de la Langue Française, Quebec, Quebec QQOPD f: Direction de la Documentation, Office des Promotions du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQP e: Quick Query Program[me] QQPCQ e: Canadian Park Service, Environment Canada, Quebec, Quebec QQPEA f: Archives des Peres Eudistes, Charlesbourg, Quebec QQPR e: Quantitative and Qualitative Personnel Requirements QQPRI e: Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information - e: Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Instruction - e: Qualitative and Quantitative Planning Requirements Information QQPSM e: Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Mont-Joli, Quebec QQQE f: Centre Québécois des Sciences de l'Eau, Uni versite du Quebec QQR e: Technical Information Centre, Reed Ltd., Quebec, Quebec QQS e: Quality Quest System - e: Quick Query System - f: Seminaire de Quebec, Quebec QQSAA f: Centre de Documentation, Secretariat aux Affaires Autochtones, Quebec QQSC e: Quadripartite Quartermaster Standardization Committee QQSHQ f: Centre de Documentation, Société d'Habitation du Quebec, Quebec QQSIP f: Société Quebecoise d'Initiatives Pétrolières, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QQSP f: Centre de Documentation, Syndicat de Professionnels et de Professionnelles du Gouvernement du Quebec, Quebec QQSS e: Quebec Library, Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Canada, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QQST f: Centre de Documentation, Conseil de la Science et de la Technologie, Quebec QQTCG e: Canadian Coast Guard Quebec, Quebec

QQTQ f: Centre de Documentation, Ministere du Travail du Quebec, Quebec QQTR f: Ministere des Transports, Quebec, Quebec QQTRD f: Centre de Documentation, Ministere des Transports-Rue Dorchester, Quebec QQXJA f: Archives du Monastere des Ursulines de Merici, Quebec, Quebec QQUIE f: Centre de Documentation, INRS-Eau, Quebec, Quebec QQUQ f: Université du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQUQEN f: Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique, Université du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQUQT f: Tele-Universite, Université du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQV f: Centre de Documentation, le Vérificateur General du Quebec, Quebec, Quebec QQV 1: Quae Vide -1: Quantum Vis Q-QY e: Question or Query q/qy e: question/query QQZ f: Jardin Zoologique de Quebec, Charlesbourg, Quebec QR d: Qualitätsreklamation - d: Querrichtung - e: Qatar Riyal - e: Quad Right - e: Quadratic Residues - e: Quadrizepsreflex - e: Qualifications Record - e: Quality and Reliability - e: Quality Requirements] - e: Quality Review - e: Quantitative Restrictions - e: Quantity Requested - e: Quantity Required - e: Quantum Resources - e: Quarantine Report - e: Quarterly] [Replenishment] - e: Quarterly Report - e: Quarterly Review (jouni.) - e: Quarters Rating - e: Quasi-Redundant - e: Quaternary Research (journ.) - e: Quebec Official Reports (journ.) - e: Queens Regulation^] - e: Queensland Railway[s] - e: Quick Reaction - e: Quick Receipt - e: Quick Release - e: Quick Response - e: Quieting Reflex - e: Quinaldine Red - e: Quire - e: Quotation Request - e: Quotient Register - e: Sources Public Library Roxboro, Quebec - f: Quotient Respiratoire -1: Quadrans -1: Quantum Rectum Qr e: Qere Q&R e: Quality and Reliability Q/R e: Query/Response qr. e: quarter -1: quadrans q.r. 1: quantum rectum -1: quantum rectus

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

QRA e: Quality [and] Reliability Assurance - e: Quantified Risk Analysis - e: Quarterly Review and Analysis - e: Quasi-Random Access - e: Quick Reaction Acquisition - e: Quick Reaction Aircraft - e: Quick Reaction Alert - e: Quick Reaction Area - e: Quick Replaceable Assembly - f: Acheveche de Rimouski, Quebec Q&RA e: Quality and Reliability Assurance QRAAT f: Centre de l'AbitibiTemiscamingue, Archives Nationales du Quebec, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec QRAC e: Quality and Reliability Assessment Council QRADA i: Quaderni di Radiologia (journ.) Q R Ag[ric] Econ e: Quarterly Review ofAgricultural Economics (journ.) QRA/I e: Quick Reaction Alert/Intercept QRAL e: Quality and Reliability Assurance Laboratory QRAN f: Archives Nationales du Quebec, Rimouski, Quebec Q Rass Mus i: Quaderni della Rassegna Musicale (journ.) QR Aust Educ e: Quarterly Review of Australian Education (journ.) QRB e: Quality Review Bulletin (journ.) - e: Quarterly Review of Biology (journ.) - e: Quick-Release Box QRBC f: Bibliothèque Centrale de Prêt d'Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec Q R Biol e: Quarterly Review of Biology (journ.) Q R Biophys e: Quarterly Review of Biophysics (journ.) QRBM e: Quasi-Random Band Model QRC e: Quaker Resources Canada Ltd. - e: Queensland Rubber Company - e: Quick Reaction Capability - e: Quick Reaction Change - e: Quick Reaction Communications - e: Quick Reaction Contact - e: Quick Reaction Contract - e: Quick Response Capability - e: Quick Response Controller QRCA e: Qualitative Research Consultants Association QRCB e: College Bourget, Rigaud, Quebec QRCC e: Quadripartite Research Coordination Committee - e: Query Response Communications Console - e: Quick Reaction Combat Capability QRCD e: Qualitative Reliability Consumption Data QRCG e: Quasi-Random Code Generator QRCH f: Centre de Documentation, Centre Hospitalier Regional de Rimouski, Quebec QRCN e: Queens Regulations and Orders for the Royal Canadian Navy - f: College de l'Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Rouyn, Quebec QRCR e: Quality Reliability Consumption Reports QRCUP e: Quebec Region Canadian University Press QRD e: Quick Reaction Development QRDC e: Quartermaster Research and Development Center - e: Quartermaster Research and Development Command QRDEA e: Quartermaster Research and Development Evaluation Agency


QRDS Q R D S e: Quarterly Review of Drilling Statistics QRE e: Quarterly Review of Economics and Business (journ.) - e: Quick Reaction Estimate - e: Quick Response Estimate - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Repentigny, Quebec QREB[A] e: Quarterly Review of Economics and Business (journ.) QREC e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering Center - e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering Command Q R Econ[&]Bu[s] e: Quarterly Review of Economics and Business (journ.) QRECS f: Centre Regional de Documentation Pédagogique, Commission Scolaire de Le Gardeur, Repentigny, Quebec Q Rep Railw Tech Res Inst [Tokyo] e: Quarterly Report. Railway Technical Research Institute [Tokyo] (journ.) Q Rep Univ W Indies Sch Agric e: Quarterly Report. University of the West Indies. School of Agriculture (journ.) QRESA e: Quaternary Research (journ.) Q Res Rep Southeast Asian Fish Dev Cent Aquacult Dep e: Quarterly Research Report. Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. Aquaculture Department (journ.) Q Rev Ag[ric] Econ[omis] e: Quarterly Review of Agricultural Economics (journ.) Q Rev Am Electroplat Soc e: Quarterly Review. American Electroplaters Society (journ.) Q Rev Aust Ed e: Quarterly Review of Australian Education (journ.) Q Rev Biol e: Quarterly Review of Biology (journ.) Q Rev Bioph[ys] e: Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics (journ.) Q Rev Chem Soc e: Quarterly Reviews. Chemical Society (joum.) Q Rev Chem Soc [Lond] e: Quarterly Reviews. Chemical Society [London] (journ.) Q Rev D C Nurses Assoc e: Quarterly Review. District of Columbia Nurses Association (journ.) Q Rev Drill Stat US e: Quarterly Review. Drilling Statistics for the United States (journ.) Q Rev Drug Metab Drug Interact e: Quarterly Reviews on Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions (journ.) Q Rev Econ Bus e: Quarterly Review of Economics and Business (journ.) Q Rev Environ e: Quarterly Review on Environment (journ.) Q Rev Evan Luth Ch e: Quarterly Review. Evangelical Lutheran Church (journ.) Q Rev F[ilm] [Studies e: Quarterly Review of Film Studies (journ.) Q Rev Harefuah e: Quarterly Review of the Harefuah (journ.) Q Rev Hist S e: Quarterly Review of Historical Studies (journ.) Q Review of F Studies e: Quarterly Review of Film Studies (journ.) Q Rev Juris e: Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence (journ.) Q Rev Lit e: Quarterly Review of Literature (journ.) Q Rev Med e: Quarterly Review of Medicine (journ.)

Q Rev NAAS e: Quarterly Review NAAS (journ.) Q Rev Obstet Gynecol e: Quarterly Review of Obstetrics and Gynecology (journ.) Q Rev Pediatr e: Quarterly Review of Pediatrics (journ.) Q Rev Rural Econ e: Quarterly Review of the Rural Economy (joum.) Q Rev Soil Assoc e: Quarterly Review.The Soil Association (journ.) Q Rev Surg e: Quarterly Review of Surgery (joum.) Q Rev Surg Obstet Gynecol e: Quarterly Review of Surgery. Obstetrics and Gynecology (joum.) Q Rev Surg Surg Spec e: Quarterly Review of Surgery and Surgical Specialities (joum.) Q Rev Urol e: Quarterly Review of Urology (joum.) QRF e: Quadrature Rejection Frequency - e: Quality Review File - e: Quick Reaction Force - e: Quick Reaction Package - e: Quick Release Fitting Q R Film S e: Quarterly Review of Film Studies (joum.) QRG e: Quadrupole Residual Gas - e: Quick Reaction Grooming - e: Quick Reaction Group - e: Quick Response Graphic QRGA e: Quadrupole Residual Gas Analyzer Q R G A S e: Quadrupole Residual Gas Analyzer System QRGS f: Grand Séminaire de Rimouski, Quebec QRH e: Rosemere High School, Quebec QRHD f: Bibliothèque Medicale, HotelDieu de Roberval, Quebec Q R Higher Ed [Among] Negroes e: Quarterly Review of Higher Education among Negroes (joum.) Q R Hist Stud e: Quarterly Review of Historical Studies (joum.) Q R I e: Qualitative Requirements] Information - e: Quick Reaction Integration - e: Quick Reaction Interceptor QRIA e: Quick Reaction Integration Activity QRIB e: Haskell Free Library, Rock Island, Quebec QRIC e: Quick Reaction Installation Capability QRICC e: Quick Reaction Inventory Control Center Q R I M e: Institut Maritime, CEGEP de Rimouski, Quebec Q R J e: QR Journal. Indian Association for Quality and Reliability (joum.) QRKB e: Quebec King's Bench Reports (joum.) - e: Rapports Judiciaires de Quebec, Cour du Banc du Roi (joum.) QRL e: Q-Switch Ruby Laser - e: Quadripartite Research List - e: Quarterly Review of Literature (joum.) - e: Quaternary Research Laboratory - e: Queensland Research League - e: Quick Reference List - e: Quick Relocate and Link - f: Bibliothèque Municipale Riviere-DuLoup, Quebec QRLH f: Centre de Documentation DSC, Hotel-Dieu de Riviere-Du-Loup, Quebec


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QRLP f: Centre de Recherche, Tourbieres Premier Ltee., Riviere-Du-Loup, Quebec QRLY e: Quarterly QRM e: Artificial Interference to Transmission or Reception - e: Quarterly Review of Marketing (journ.) - e: Quorum Resource Corp. - f: Bibliothèque Municipale Rimouski, Quebec Q R M C e: Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation - e: Quick Response Multicolor Copier QRMF e: Quick Reacting [or Reaction], Mobile Force QRMP e: Quick-Response Multicolor Printer Qr M r e: Quartermaster QRMS e: Quasi Root Mean Square QRN e: Quasi-Random Noise QRO e: Quality Reliability Officer - e: Quality Review Organization QRO e: Quick Reaction Operation - e: Quick Reaction Organization QR&O [Can] e: Queens Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Army QR of Lit e: Quarterly Review of Literature (journ.) Q-room e: Cue room QRP e: Query and Reporting Processor - e: Quick Reaction Program - e: Quick Response Program - e: Quick Response Proposal QRPA e: Quartermaster Radiation Planning Agency QRP AO e: Qualified Radium Plaque Adaptometer Operator QRPE e: Quarterly Report of Planned Expenditure QRPG e: Quebec Rubber and Plastics Group QRPS e: Quick Reaction Procurement System QRQB e: Quebec Queen's Bench Reports (journ.) QRR e: Quadrature Rejection Ratio - e: Quadrupole Resonance Response - e: Qualification Results Review - e: Qualitative Research Requirement for Nuclear Weapons Effects Information - e: Qualitative Research Requirements - e: Quality Readiness Review - e: Quarterly Research Review - e: Quincy Railroad Co. QRRB e: Qualified Railroad Retirement Beneficiary QRRF e: Master Quality Review Report File QRRI e: Qualitative Research Requirements Information QRRK e: Quantum Rice-RamspergerKassel QRRR e: Distress call for emergency use only by amateur radio stations in an emergency situation QRRs e: Qualitative Research Requirements Q R Rural Economy e: Quarterly Review of the Rural Economy (journ.) QRS d: Kammeranfangsgruppe im Ekg - e: Natural Interference to Transmission [or Reception] - e: Qualification Review Sheet - e: Qualified Repair Source - e: Quantum Readout System - e: Query/Reporting-System - e: Quick Reaction Sortie QRs e: Quarters

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

QSHERAN QR's e: Quality Reports QRSA e: Quiet, Short-Haul Research Aircraft QRSC e: Quebec Superior Court Reports (journ.) - f: Rapports Judiciaires de Quebec, Cour Superieure (journ.) QRSL e: Qualified Repair Source List - e: Quick Reaction Space Laboratory QRSS e: Quasi-Random Signal Source - e: Quick Reaction Surveillance System QRS-Schleife d: Schleife im Vektordiagramm QRT e: Quarter - e: Queue Run-Time - e: Quick Reaction Task - e: Quick Reaction Team qr " s: quanta QRTG e: Quartering QRTIA e: Quarterly Report. Railway Technical Research Institute (journ.) QRTL e: Quiet Reduced Take-off and Landing QRTLY e: Quarterly QRTMSTR e: Quartermaster QRTOL e: Quiet Reduced Take-off and Landing Q R T P e: Quick Response Targeting Program QRTR e: Quarter Qrtz d: Quartz QRTZ e: Quartz [Engineering & Materials, Inc.] QRU e: Query Response Unit - f: Universite du Quebec, Rimouski, Quebec QRUC f: Cartotheque, Universite du Quebec, Rimouski, Quebec QRUQR f: Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Rouyn, Quebec QRV e: Qualified Real-estate Valuer - e: Quick Release Valve - e: Quinn River Valley QRValve e: Quick Release Valve QRW e: Quail Ridge Winery QRX e: Queensland Railfast Express QRXI e: Quarex Industries, Inc. QRY e: Quality and Reliability Year - e: Quarry QRZ d: Quaddel-Reaktionszeit - d: Quaddel-Resorptionszeit QS d: Quadratisches Sieb - d: Qualifizierte Software - d: Qualitätssicherung - d: Qualitätssteuerung - d: Quecksilbersäule - d: Quellensprache - d: Quittieren Sichtmelder - e: African Safari Airways - e: Quadrophonic Stereo - e: Quadrophonic Synthesizer - e: Quadrosonic [System] - e: Quadrophony System - e: Quadrupole Splitting - e: Qualification Symbol - e: Qualification test Specification - e: Quality of Service - e: Quality Standard - e: Quality Stock - e: Quantity Share - e: Quantity Surveying - e: Quantum Sufficit - e: Quarantine Station - e: Quarter Section - e: Quarter Sessions - e: Quarternote Society - e: Quartz Store

- e: Quasisynonym - e: Queen's Scarf - e: Queensland Society - e: Query Similarity - e: Query System - e: Question Standard - e: Queue Select - e: Queueing System - e: Quick Service - e: Quick Sweeping] - e: Quiet Sleep - e: Quota Slip - e: Quota Source - f: Les Quatre Saisons - i: Quaderni di Semitistica (journ.) - i: Quademi di Storia (joum.) Qs d: ShuntdurchfluB - e: Quartzes - e: Questions - s: Conquistadores Q.S. e: Quadruple-Screw - e: Quarter Sessions q.s. 1: quantum satis -1: quantum sufficit 1QS e: Community Rule, Rule of the Congregation from Qumran. Cave One - e: Divrei Berakhot from Qumran. Cave One QSA e: Quad Synchronous Adapter [or Adaptor] - e: Qualification Site Approval - e: Qualified in Small Arms - e: Quantified System Analysis - e: Quick Service Assistant QSABS f: Laboratoire de Sante Publique du Quebec, Ste-Anne-De-Bellevue, Quebec QS AD 1: Quantum Sufficiat Ad QSAL e: Quadripartite Standardization Agreements List QSAM d: Quadratur-Seitenbandamplitudenmodulation - e: Quadrature Sideband Amplitude Modulated [or Modulation] - e: Queued Sequential Access Method QSAMOS e: Quadruple Self-Aligned MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor] QSAR e: Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Relationships (journ.) QSAR Drug Des Toxicol Proc Eur Symp Quan Struct Act Relat e: QSAR in Drug Design and Toxicology. Proceedings. European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (journ.) QSATS e: Quiet Short-haul Air Transportation System l Q S b e: Divrei Berakhot from Qumran. Cave One QSBG e: Quasi-Stellar Blue Galaxies [or Galaxy] QSBO e: Quasi-Stellar Blue Objects QSBR e: Bio-Research Laboratory, Senneville, Quebec QSC e: College de Shawinigan, Quebec - e: Quality, Service, Cleanliness - e: Quality, Service, Cost - e: Quartz Store Capacity - e: Quasi Sensory Communication - e: Queen Street Camera, Inc. - e: Questionnaire Service Company - e: Quick Set Compound QSCR e: Queensland. Supreme Court. Reports (journ.) QSCV e: Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value QSD e: Quality Surveillance Division - e: Quincy Shipbuilding Division-General Dynamics

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

QSDAM e: Queued Sequential Data Access Method QSDC e: Quantitative Structural Design Criteria QSE e: Qualified Scientists and Engineers] - e: Quantum Size Effect QSED e: Research Centre, Domtar Ltd., Senneville, Quebec QSEE e: Quiet STOL Experimental Engine QSem i: Quademi di Semantica (journ.) QSEMH e: Missisquoi Historical Society Stanbridge-East, Quebec QSEs e: Qualified Scientists and Engineers QSEX e: Quadrature Selective Excitation QSF e: Quasi-Static Field - e: Quasi-Stationary Front - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Ste-Foy, Quebec QSFAG e: Research Station, Agriculture Canada Ste-Foy, Quebec QSFB e: Biorex, Ste-Foy, Quebec QSFBP f: Maison Generalice des Soeurs du Bon Pasteur, Ste-Foy, Quebec QSFC f: Centre des Medias, CEGEP de Ste.-Foy, Quebec - f: College d'Enseignement, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSFCAE f: Clinique d'Aide a l'Enfance, Ste-Foy, Quebec QSFCD f: Société de Cooperation pour le Développement International, Ste-Foy, Quebec Q S F C M f: College Marguerite d'Youville, Ste-Foy, Quebec QSFCR f: Centre de Recherche Industrielle du Quebec, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSFCRO f: Centre de Documentation, Commission Rochon, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSFCSE f: Centre de Documentation, Conseil Supérieur de l'Education du Quebec, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSFE f: Centre de Documentation, Directeur General des Elections du Quebec, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSFHL f: Hôpital Laval, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSFIG f: Centre de Documentation, INRS-Georessources, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSFIO f: Institut National d'Optique, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSFPC f: Centre de Documentation, Bureau de la Protection Civile du Quebec, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSFS e: SOQUEM Documentation, Ste.-Foy, Quebec QSG d: Quasistellare Galaxien - e: Quasi-Steady Glide - e: Quasi-Stellar Galaxy QSGLL e: Queensland Studies in German Language and Literature (journ.) QSGVT e: Quarter Scale Ground Vibration Test QSH e: Quiet Short Haul - e: Stanstead Historial Society, Quebec QSHAG e: Saint-Hyacinthe Food Research Centre, Agriculture Canada Quebec QSHBT e: Quantum Switched HBT QSHCH f: Centre Hospitalier Regional de La Mauricie, Shawinigan, Quebec Q S H C H S f: Departement de Sante Communautaire, Centre Hospitalier Regional de la Mauricie, Shawinigan, Quebec QSHCP f: Hôpital Communautaire du Pontiac, Shawville, Quebec QSHERAN f: Centre Regional de l'Estrie Archives Nationales du Quebec, Sherbooke, Quebec


QSHERB Q S H E R B f: Bibliothèque Centrale de Prêt de l'Estrie, Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R C f: Bibliothèque des Sciences de la Santé, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R E e: College de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R G f: Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire, Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R H D f: Centre Hospitalier Hotel-Dieu, Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R N f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R S f: Séminaire de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R S C f: College du Sacre-Coeur, Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R S F f: Ecole Secondaire St.-Francois, Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R S G f: Société de Genealogie des Cantons de l'Est, Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R S H f: La Société d'Histoire des Cantons de l'Est, Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R S V f: Centre Hospitalier St.-Vincent-De-Paul, Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R U f: Bibliothèque Generale, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R U D f: Bibliothèque de Droit, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R U G f: Departement de Geographie, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R U G C f: Cartotheque, Departement de Geographie, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R U R A f: Centre de Documentation, Programme de Recherche sur l'Amiante, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R U S f: Bibliothèque des Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H E R Y f: Centre de Documentation et d'Audio-Visuel, Hôpital d'Youville de Sherbrooke, Quebec Q S H M e: Municipal Library Shawinigan, Quebec Q S H S f: Seminaire Ste-Marie, Shawinigan, Quebec QSI e: Quality Salary Increase - e: Quality Service Indicator - e: Quality Step Increase - e: Quantum Scalar Irradiance - e: Quarterly Survey of Intentions - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Sept-Iles, Quebec QSIA f: Centre Regional de la Cote-Nord, Archives Nationales du Quebec, Sept-Iles, Quebec Q S I B C P f: Bibliothèque Centrale de Prêt de la Cote-Nord, Sept-Iles, Quebec Q S I C e: Quality Standard Inspection Criteria Q S I D C e: Quarantine Station for Imported Dogs and Cats Q-signal e: The signal that represents the chrominance information along the green-magenta axis in the National Television System Co Q S I H f: Hôpital des Sept-Iles, Quebec Q S H e: Quality Systems, Incorporated Q S I I O M e: Mineralogy Laboratory, Iron Ore Co., Sept-Iles, Quebec Q S I L C f: College Jesus-Marie de Sillery, Quebec Q S I M e: Computer Simulation of BM/C3 Modes Q S I M S e: Quadrupole SIMS Q S I R e: Quarterly System Implementation Report Q S K e: Quadriphase Shift Keying

Q & S L e: Qualifications and Standards Laboratory Q S & L e: Quarters, Subsistence and Laundry Q S L e: Q-Switch[ed] Laser - e: Qualification and Standards Laboratory - e: Qualification Status List - e: Qualified Source List - e: Qualified Status List - e: Quality of School Life Scale - e: Quarterly Stock List - e: Queensland State Library - e: Queue Search Limit QSI e: Qualification Symbol Q S L E f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Saint-Leonard, Quebec Q S M e: Quadruple Screw Motor [ship] - e: Quality Systems Management - e: Quarter Scale Model - e: Quarter Square[s] Multipliers] - e: Quasi-Linear Sequential Machine - e: Queued Serial Module Q S M C e: Queensland Surveying and Mapping Advisory Council Q S M E e: Quality-of-Service Monitoring Equipment Q S M O e: Quaker State Motor Oils Q S M S e: Quality-of-Service Monitoring System Q S M Ship e: Quadruple Screw Motorship Q S M V T e: Quarter Scale Model Vibration Testing Q S N D F e: Archer Communications, Inc. Q S N T e: [Quinolinesulfonyl]nitrotriazole Q S O d: Quasistellare Objekte - e: Quasi-Stellar Object - e: Quasibiennial Stratospheric Oscillation - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Sorel, Quebec Q S O C S e: C. Stroemgren, Sorel, Quebec - e: QIT-Fer et Titane, Inc., Sorel, Quebec Q S O P e: Quadripartite Standing Operating Procedure[s] QSOs e: Quasi-Stellar Objects Q S P e: Quality Search Procedure - e: Quench Spray Pump - e: Quick Search Procedure Q S p d: Quittungsspeicher QSPI e: Queued Serial Peripheral Interface


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Q S P P e: Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants Q-S Process e: Queneau-Schuhmann Process Q S P S e: Qualification Standards for Postal [Field] Service Q S R d: Quasistellare Radioquellen - e: Quality Status Review - e: Quality Strike Reconnaissance - e: Quality System Review - e: Quarterly Statistical Report - e: Quarterly Status Report - e: Quarterly Summary Report - e: Quasi-Stellar Radio Source - e: Quebec Sturgeon River Mines Ltd. - e: Queensland State Reports (journ.) - e: Quick-Start Recording - e: Quick-Strike Reconnaissance - e: Quinoline Still Residue - f: Quartier de Sécurité Renforcée QSRA e: Quiet Short-haul Research Aircraft Q S R I G e: Quantity Surveyors Research and Information Group Q S R L e: Q-Switch[ed] Ruby Laser Q S R M C e: Quality Scheme for Ready Mixed Concrete QSRS e: Quasi-Stellar Radio Source[s] Q S R T e: Quebec Sturgeon River Mines Ltd. QSS d: betriebliche Qualitätssicherung und Standardisierung - d: Qualitätssicherungssystem - e: Quadratic Score Statistic - e: Quadruple [or Quadrupole] Screw Ship - e: Quadruple Screw Steamer - e: Quasi-Steady State - e: Quasi-Stellar Source - e: Quasi Stochastic System - e: Quench Spray Subsystem - e: Quick Service Supervisor - e: Quick Supply Store - e: Quindar Scanning System - e: Quota Sample Survey QSSA e: Quasi-Stationary State Approximation Q S S C T e: Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists QSSP e: Quasi-Solid State Panel QSSR e: Quarterly Stock Status Report QSSs e: Quasi-Stellar Sources QSSU e: Queensland State Service Union Q S T e: QSA Tech, Inc. - e: Quarterly Statement (journ.) - e: Quarterly Statements. Palestine Exploration Fund (journ.) - e: Quebec Standard Test - e: Queensland Science and Technology Ltd. - e: Questmont Mines Q S T A G e: Quadripartite Standardization Agreement - e: Quality Standardization Agreements Q S T A H e: Ste-Anne's Hospital, Ste-AnneDe-Bellevue, Quebec Q S T A J e: John Abbott College, Ste-AnneDe-Bellevue, Quebec Q S T A M P e: Quality Stamp Q - s t a r e: Quiet observation aircraft Q S T A R e: Quantitative Structure-TimeActivity Relationship QSTAS e: Spar Technology Ltd., Ste-AnneDe-Bellevue, Quebec Q S T B f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Saint-Bruno-De-Montarville, Quebec Q S T C e: Tioxide Canada, Inc., Sorel, Quebec QS-Text d: Quellensprache-Text

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Q'town Q S T F A G f: Centre de Documentation, Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation, Ste.-Foy, Quebec Q S T F C E f: Centre de Documentation, Centrale de l'Enseignement du Quebec, Ste.-Foy, Quebec Q S T F C R e: Resource Centre, St. Lawrence Campus, Champlain Regional College, Ste.-Foy, Quebec Q S T F R A f: Centre de Documentation, Roche Associes Ltee., Ste.-Foy, Quebec Q S T H H R f: Société d'Histoire Regionale de St-Hyacinthe, Quebec Q S T H S f: Seminaire de St-Hyacinthe, Quebec Q S T H T A f: Institut de Technologie Agricole et Alimentaire de St.-Hyacinthe, Quebec Q S T H U M e: Headquarters Mobile Command, Canada Department of National Defence St-Hubert, Quebec Q S T H V f: Faulte de Medecine Vétérinaire de l'Universite de Montreal, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec Q S T I N G e: Quasi-Spectral Time Integration on Nested Grids Q S T J e: College Militaire Royal de Saint-Jean, Quebec Q S T J A f: Bibliothèque Adelard-Berger, St.-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec Q S T J A G e: Research Station, Agriculture Canada Saint-Jean, Quebec Q S T J B f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Saint-Jean, Quebec Q S T J C e: College Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Saint-Jean, Quebec Q S T J C F e: Canadian Forces Base St. Jean, Quebec Q S T J E f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Saint-Jerome, Quebec Q S T J E J f: Jesuites/Bibliothèque, Saint-Jerome, Quebec Q S T J H f: Bibliothèque Medicale, Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu, St.-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec Q S T J S C f: Centre de Documentation, Departement de Sante Communautaire du Haut-Richelieu, St.-Jean, Quebec Q S T L f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Saint-Laurent, Quebec QSTN[R] e: Questionnaire] Q S T N R Y e: Quasi-Stationary Q[-]STOL e: Quiet-[and-]Short T a k e - O f f and Landing Q S T R f: Bibliothèque Municipale de Saint-Raphael-De-L'Ile-Bizard, Quebec Q-Streifen d: Querscheibe - d: Querstreifen Q S T S e: Quadruple-Screw Turbine Steamship Q S T T B e: Engineering Library, Bell Helicopter Textron, Ste. Therese, Quebec Q S T T H f: Les Industries Harnois, St-Thomas-De-Joliette, Quebec QSTV e: Queensland Satellite Television QSTX e: Questronics, Inc. q. suff 1: quantum sufficit Q[-]Switch e: Quality-Switch - e: Quantum Switch QS Wkly e: Quantity Surveyor Weekly (journ.) QSY e: Quiet Sun Year Q S Y S O P R e: Q-System-Operator

Q T d: Intervall im Ekg - d: Quart - d: Quicktest - d: Quittungstaste - e: Quadrable Thermoplastic - e: Qualification Test[ing] - e: Qualifier Type - e: Quality Test[ing] - e: Quantity - e: Quarry Tile - e: Quart[er][s] - e: Quartet - e: Quasi-Transverse - e: Quebec-Telephone - e: Quenched and Tempered - e: Questioned Trade - e: Queu[e]ing Theory - e: Queuing Time - e: Quick Tan - e: Quick[s] Test - e: Quiet [Thruster] - e: Quiet Trader - e: Quotation Ticker - e: Quotient - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Qt e: Quartet (joum.) qt. e: quarter Q.t. 1: Qui tam q.t. e: quiet Q & T e: Quenched and Tempered Q T A e: Quadrant Transformer Assembly - f: Archives Nationales du Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Q T A C e: Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre Q T A M e: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation - e: Queued Telecommunication^] Access Method - e: Queued Teleprocessing Access Method - e: Queued Terminal Access Method - e: Queued Transmission Access Method Q T A T e: Quick Turn Around Time Q T A U X f: Quintaux Q T B e: Quadruple Terminal Digits - e: Quarry-Tile Base - e: Queensland Timber Board - e: Queensland Trotting Board Q T B C f: Bibliothèque Centrale de Prêt de la Mauricie, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Q T B S e: Qatar Television and Broadcasting Service Q T C e: Quebec Teaching Congress - e: Queensland Treasury Corp. - e: Quick Transmission Change Q 2 T C 2 e: Quality and Quantity of Work, on Time with Controlled Costs Q T C H C f: Centre Hospitalier Cooke, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Q T C L e: College Lafleche, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Q T C O e: Communication-Quebec, TroisRivieres, Quebec q t . con[r]. e: quantity contract Q T C S R V f: Commission Scolaire Regionale des Vieilles-Forges, TroisRivieres, Quebec Q T D e: Quadruple Terminal Digit[s] - e: Quartered - e: Quasi-Two-Dimensional Q T D A M e: Queued Telecommunication[s] Data Access Method Q T D X e: Quantitas Duplex

international Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Q T & E e: Qualification Test and Evaluation Q T E e: Quasi Transverse Electric - e: Quote - e: True Bearing - f: Ecole Normale M. L. Duplessis, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec - f: Qualité Q Teachers J e: Queensland Teachers Journal (journ.) Q T E C e: QuesTech, Inc. Q - T E C H e: Quality-Technology Q T E D e: Quick Text Editor - e: Quoted Q t E m d: Quittungsempfânger Q T E R f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Terrebonne, Quebec 4QTest e: Testimonia from Qumran. Cave Four Qtest e: Quantitative test Q-Test[ing] e: Quality Testfing] Q T E V e: Quadruple Turbo-Electric Vessel Q T F e: Quarry-Tile Floor - e: Quebec Teachers Federation - e: Quiet Task Force Q T G e: Quoting Q T H e: Queued Transaction Handling Q T H S J f: Hôpital Saint-Joseph, TroisRivieres, Quebec Q T H S M f: Hôpital Sainte-Marie, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Q T I e: Institut Albert Tessier, TroisRivieres, Quebec Q T I B e: Quebec Tourist Information Bureau Q Tic Num A n t Clas i: Quaderni Ticinesi. Numismatica e Antichita Classiche (journ.) Q T I D P e: Quadrilateral Technical Interface Design Plan Q T I P e: Qualified Terminable Interest Property Q T L e: Qualified Thrift Lender - e: Quantitative Trait Loci - e: Quantum Theory of Lasers - e: Quarterly Title List - e: Quintel Industries Ltd. Q T L C e: Queensland Trades and Labor Council 4QTLevi e: Testament of Levi from Qumran. Cave Four qt. liqu. 1: quart liquid Qtln d: Qualifizierungsteilnehmer Q-TIP e: Qualified Terminable Interest Property qtly e: quarterly Q T M e: Qualification Test Model - e: Quality Technical Memoranda - e: Quasi Transverse Magnetic - e: Quechon Tribal Museum Q T M C e: Quantum Diagnostics Ltd. - f: College de la Region de l'Amiante, Thetford-Mines, Quebec Q T M E f: Ministère de l'Energie et des Ressources du Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Q T M H f: Hôpital General de la Regie de l'Amiante, Inc., Thetford Mines, Quebec Q T N e: Quotation Q T O e: Qualified Testing Officer - e: Quarto Q T O D e: Todd Shipyards Corp. Q T O L e: Quiet Take-Off and Landing Q T O P D Q f: Centre de Documentation, Office de Planification et de Développement du Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Q T O W e: Towle Manufacturing Co. Q ' t o w n e: Queenstown


QTP QTP e: Qualification Test Plan - e: Qualification Test Procedure - e: Qualification Test Program[me] - e: Quality Test Plan - e: Quantum Theory of Paramagnetism - e: Quantum Theory Project - e: Quarry-Tile Roof QTPC e: Quadripartite Technical Procedures Committee QTPP e: Qualification Test Planning Phase QTPR e: Quarterly Technical Progress Report QTPT e: Qualification Test and Proof Test QTR e: Qualification Test Report - e: Qualified Tuition Reduction - e: Quality Technical Report - e: Quality Technical Requirement - e: Quarry-Tile Roof - e: Quarterly] - e: Quarterly Technical Report [or Review] - e: Queenstake Resources Ltd. Q Trans Am Inst Electr Eng e: Quarterly Transactions. American Institute of Electrical Engineers (journ.) QTRCD e: Quarter Code QTRLY e: Quarterly QTRRSS f: Centre de Documentation, Regie de la Sécurité dans les Sports du Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec QTRS e: Quarters QTS e: Qualification Test Specification - e: Quantizer Threshold Spacing - e: Quarts - e: Quartz Thermometer Sensor - e: Quartz Tuning System - e: Quick Tum Stock - f: Seminaire de Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Qts d: Quittungssatz QT-Syndrom d: angeborene Schwerhörigkeit/synkopale Anfälle/plötzliche Todesfälle/Verlängerung des QT-Intervalls QtSz d: Quittungssatz QTT e: Quartet - e: Quiet Termination - f: Trois-Rivieres High School, Quebec QTTA i: Quaderni Triestini sul Teatro Antico (journ.) QTTF e: Temifibre, Inc., Temiscaming, Quebec qt'" p: quanto QTTP e: Q-Tags Test of Personality QTTQ e: Kestler, Questioning Techniques and Tactics qtt[s] e: quartette[s] QTU e: Qualification Test Unit - e: Queensland Teachers Union - f: Universite du Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec QTUAH f: Archives Historiques, Universite du Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec QTUGC f: Cartotheque, Departement de Geographie, Universite du Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec QTUIH f: Imprimes Historiques, Universite du Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec QTURA f: Archives des Ursulines, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec QTUTH f: Centre de Documentation en Theatre Québécois, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec QTV e: Qualification Test Vehicle QTY e: Quality - e: Quantity qty. con[r], e: quantity contract QTYDESREQ e: Quantity Desired as/or Requested QTYOH e: Quantitiy On Hand

QTYOO e: Quantity On Order QTYOR e: Quantity Ordered QTYSH e: Quantity Shipped QTZ e: Quartz[ite] QTZE e: Quartzose QTZIC e: Quartzitic QTZN e: Quantization QTZR e: Quantizer QTZT e: Quartzite Q u d: Regelbeschaffungsmenge QU d: Festgelegte Beschaffungsmenge - d: Quartiärgruppen-Umsetzer - e: Nicaragua - e: Quadrantectomy - e: Quail Unlimited - e: Quart[er][ly] - e: Quartermaster - e: Quartern - e: Quasi - e: Quay - e: Queens College - e: Queens University - e: Query - e: Questionnaire] - e: Quina - e: Quinto Mining - e: Quotation - e: Uganda Airlines Corp. - i: Quaderni deH'Umanesimo (journ.) Qu d: Quartal - d: Quarz - d: Querschlag - d: Quittung - e: Queen Qu. d: Quartal - d: Quartett - d: Quartier[meister] - d: Quarz - d: Quelle - d: Querschnitt - d: Quittungen] - e: Quart qu. d: quittiert - e: quarterly] - e: query -1: quasi QUA e: Quabbin - e: Quadrate - e: Quadratus - e: Quality (journ.) - e: QuinteiTa Resources, Inc. qua 1: quadratus Qua. d: Quartett quaalude e: trade name of methaqualone Quaart J Med e: Quarterly Journal of Medicine (joum.) QUAC e: Quadratic Arc Computer - e: Quality Control QUACKfS] e: Quacksalvers quack-u-p's e: quack acupuncturists quackupunc e: quackupuncture - e: quackupuncturist Qu-AD e: Quality-Assurance Department - e: Quality-Assurance Division QUAD e: Quadrajet Carburetor - e: Quadrangle - e: Quadrangular - e: Quadrant - e: Quadraphonic - e: Quadratic] [al] - e: Quadrature - e: Quadrex Corp. - e: Quadrilateral - e: Quadrillion - e: Quadrophonic [sound] - e: Quadruple - e: Quadruplets]


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Quadruplex - e: Quadruplicate^] - e: Quadruplication - e: Quality Assurance Department Quad e: Quadrate - e: Quadriplegic - e: Quadrivium (journ.) quad, e: quadrilateral Quad Acta Neurol i: Quaderni di Acta Neurologica (journ.) Quad A Libia i: Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia (journ.) Quad Anat Prat i: Quaderni di Anatomia Pratica (journ.) Quad Azione Soc i: Quaderni di Azione Sociale (journ.) quad c e: quadripod cane Quad Cat i: Quaderni Catanesi di Studi Classici e Medievali (journ.) Quad Chim CNR [Italy] i: Quaderni di Chimica. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche [Italy] (journ.) Quad Clin Ostet i: Quaderni di Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica (journ.) Quad Clin Ostet Ginecol i: Quaderni de Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica (journ.) Quad Coagulazione Argomenti Connessi i: Quaderni della Coagulazione e Argomenti Connessi (journ.) Quad Criminol Clin i: Quaderni di Criminologia Clinica (journ.) Quad Econ [Sarda] i: Quaderni dell'Economia [Sarda] (journ.) Quad Ente Naz Semen Elette i: Quaderno. Ente Nazionale Sementi Elette (joum.) Quaderni della Ra M i: Quaderni della Rassegna Musicale (journ.) Quad Formaz i: Quaderni di Formazione (journ.) Quad Geofis Appi i: Quaderni di Geofisica Applicata (journ.) Quad G Fis i: Quaderni del Giornale di Fisica (journ.) QUAD II e: Quadruplex li-Standard Quad Ing Chim Ita) i: Quaderni dell'Ingegnere Chimico Italiano (journ.) Quad 1st Bot Univ Lab Crittogam [Pavia] i: Quaderni. Istituto Botanico. Università Laboratorio Crittogamico [Pavia] (journ.) Quad 1st Fil Gr i: Quaderni dell'Istituto di Filologia Greca (journ.) Quad Merceol 1st Merceol Univ Bari i: Quaderni di Merceologia. Istituto di Merceologia. Università Bari (journ.) Quad MOS e: Quad Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Quad Nutr [Bologna] i: Quaderni della Nutrizione [Bologna] (journ.) QUADPAN e: Quadrilateral Element Panel Method QUADPLEX e: Quadriplex QUADR e: Quadruple Quadr e: Quadragesms (journ.) - e: Quadrangle - e: Quadrant (journ.) Quadr. d: Quadrat - d: Quadratur - d: Quadriga - d: Quadrillion - d: Quadrinom - d: Quadrivium - d: Quadrupel - e: Quadragesms [Year Books, Part IV] - e: Quadrillion quadr. d: quadratisch quad[r]. e: [in] quadruplicate

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

quarr QUADRADAR e: Four-Way Radar Surveillance Quad Radiol i: Quaderni di Radiologia (journ.) Quadrangle e: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Company Quadrangle Ser 1:50000 Geol Surv Jap e: Quadrangle Series 1:50.000. Geological Survey of Japan (journ.) QUADRAP e: Quadraphonic[al][ly] Quad Ric[erca] Sci i: Quaderni de la Ricerca Scientifica (journ.) quadrip e: quadriplegia quadrivium e: the four liberal artsarithmetic, astronomy, geography and music quadro e: quadroon quadrup e: quadrupedi] - e: quadruple Quadrupl e: Quadruplicato quad .50's e: quadruple ,50-caliber machine guns QUADS e: Quadraphonic Records - e: Quadruplets - e: Quadruplex System - e: Quality Achievement Data System - e: Quality-Assurance Data System Quad Sardi Econ i: Quaderni Sardi di Economia (journ.) Quad Sciavo Diagn [Clin Lab] i: Quaderni Sciavo di Diagnostica Clinica e di Laboratorio (journ.) Quad Sez Perugina Soc Ital Biol Sper i: Quaderni. Sezione Perugina. Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (journ.) Quad Sociol i: Quaderni di Sociologia (journ.) Quad St Lun i: Quaderni. Centro di Studi Lunesi (journ.) Quad Stor i: Quaderni di Storia (journ.) - i: Quaderni Storici (journ.) Quad Storia Sci Med Univ Studi Ferrara i: Quaderni di Storia della Scienza e della Medicina. Università degli Studi di Ferrara (journ.) Quad Stor Univ Padova i: Quaderni per la Storia. Università di Padova (journ.) Quad Tec Sint Spec Org i: Quaderni di Tecniche e Sintesi Speciali Organiche (journ.) Quad Top Ant i: Quaderni. Istituto di Topografia Antica. Università di Roma (journ.) Quad Urb[in] [C] i: Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica (journ.) Quaest Conv f: Quaestiones Convivales Quaest Ent[omol] 1: Quaestiones Entomologicae (journ.) Quaest Geobiol 1: Quaestiones Geobiologicae (journ.) Quaest Graec I: Quaestiones Graecae Quaest Inf 1: Quaestiones Informaticae (journ.) Quaestiones Math 1: Quaestiones Mathematicae (journ.) Quaest Plat 1: Quaestiones Platonicae Quaest Rom 1: Quaestiones Romanae QUAHOV e: Quarter-Hour-Values QuakerH e: Quaker History (journ.) quake[s] e: earthquake[s] QUAL e: Qualification - e: Qualifier - e: Qualify - e: Qualitative - e: Quality Qua! e: Qualiton & MHV

Qual, d: Qualifikation - d: Qualität qual. d: qualifizieren - d: qualifiziert - d: qualitativ - e: qualitative - e: quality qual. Anal, d: qualitative Analyse Qual. Anal, e: Qualitative Analysis Qual Assur e: Quality Assurance (journ.) QUALCL e: Qualification of a domain Qual Contr Appl Stat e: Quality Control and Applied Statistics (joum.) Qual Control Med Proc Int Congr Pharm Sei e: Quality Control of Medicines. Proceedings. International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences (journ.) Qual Eng[r] e: Quality Engineer (journ.) Qual Eval e: Quality Evaluation (joum.) Qual Foods Beverages Chem Technol Proc Symp Int Flavor Conf e: Quality of Foods and Beverages. Chemistry and Technology. Proceedings. Symposium. International Flavor Conference (journ.) QUALGO e: Quasi-Autonomous Local Government Organisation Qual Groundwater Proc Int Symp e: Quality of Groundwater. Proceedings. International Symposium (journ.) Qualitas PI PI Fds Human Nutr e: Qualitas Plantarum/Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (journ.) Qualite Rev Prat Controle Ind e: Qualite. Revue Pratique de Controle Industriel (journ.) Quality e: Quality of Sheffield and South Yorkshire (journ.) Quality Prog e: Quality Progress (journ.) QUALN e: Qualification Qual Plant e: Qualitas Plantarum/Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (joum.) Qual Plant Mater Veg 1: Qualitas Plantarum et Materiae Vegetabiles (joum.) Qual Plant Plant Foods Hum Nutr e: Qualitas Plantarum/Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (joum.) Qual Prog e: Quality Progress (joum.) Qual Quant e: Quality and Quantity (joum.) Qual Reliab J e: Quality and Reliability Journal (joum.) Qual Rev Prat Controle Ind e: Qualite. Revue Pratique de Controle Industriel (joum.) QUALS e: Qualifications - e: Qualifying examinations - e: Qualifying tests QUALT e: Queensland University Aphasia and Language Test QUALTA e: Quad Asynchronous Local Terminal Adapter QUALTIS e: Quality Technical [or Technology] Information Service Qual Today e: Quality Today (joum.) Qual Zuverlaessigk d: Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit (joum.) QUAM e: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation - e: Quantized Amplitude Modulation QUAN e: Quantity - e: Quantronix Corp. Quandary e: Quandary Peak Quan Sociol e: Quantitative Sociology (joum.) QUANSY e: Question Answering System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

QUANT e: Quantitative - e: Quantity - e: Quantum Quant, d: Quantität quant, d: quantitativ - e: quantity quant. Anal, d: quantitative Analyse Quant. Anal, e: Quantitative Analysis Quant Approaches Drug Des e: Quantitative Approaches to Drug Design (journ.) QUANTAS e: Queensland And Northern Territories Aerial Service Ltd. Quant Chem Symp e: Quantum Chemistry Symposia (joum.) Quantico e: Quantico Virginias FBI Academy and U.S. Marine Base quantit. d: quantitativ Quantitative Appl in the Social Sciences e: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences (journ.) Quantitative Meth Unternehmungsplanung e: Quantitative Methoden der Unternehmungsplanung (joum.) Quantity Surv e: Quantity Surveyor (journ.) QUANTRAS e: Question Analysis Transformation and Search Quant Struct Act Relat e: Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (journ.) quant, suff. 1: quantum sufficit QUANTUM d: Arbeitsgeminschaft für Quantifizierung und Methoden in der Historischen Sozialforschung Quantum Chem Symp e: Quantum Chemistry Symposia (joum.) Quantum Electron [New York] e: Quantum Electronics [New York] (journ.) Quantum Opt Proc Int Symp e: Quantum Optics. Proceedings. International Symposium (joum.) Quantum Stat Mech Nat Sei e: Quantum Statistical Mechanics in the Natural Sciences (journ.) QUAOPS e: Quarantine Operations QUAP e: Quality Assurance Procedures - e: Questionnaire Analysis Program[me] QUAPS e: Quality Assurance Publications Quaq s: Quaquero quar e: quarantine - e: quarterly] Quar e: Quarterly Review (joum.) Quar. d: Quarantäne quar. e: quart QUARAM e: Quality and Reliability Management Quar Crim Dig e: Quarles Tennessee Criminal Digest (journ.) Quar Jour Econ e: Quarterly Journal of Economics (journ.) QUARK e: Quantizer, Analyzer and Record Keeper - e: Question and Response Kit Quarks Mesons Isobars Nucl Proc Top Sch e: Quarks, Mesons and Isobars in Nuclei. Proceedings. Topical School (journ.) QUARL e: Quasi-Reciprocal Line Quar Law Journal e: Quarterly Law Journal (journ.) Quar L Rev e: Quarterly Law Review (journ.) QUARLY e: Quarterly quar. pars I: Quarta pars QUARPEL e: Quartermaster WaterRepellent Clothing quarr e: quarries - e: quarry[ing]


Quar R Biol Quar R Biol e: Quarterly Review of Biology (joum.) Quar Rev e: Quarterly Review (joum.) Quarries Mines Coal Health Saf e: Quarries and Mines Other than Coal. Health and Safety (journ.) Quarry Manage Prod e: Quarry Management and Products (journ.) Quarry Mgmt e: Quarry Management (journ.) Quarry Mgmt Products e: Quarry Management and Products (journ.) Quarry Min News e: Quarry and Mining News (journ.) QUART e: Quadrantectomy, Axillary Dissection, Radiotherapy - e: Quality Assurance and Reliability Team - e: Quarter Gallon - e: Quarterly] - i: Quartetto -1: Quartus Quart, d: Quartal - d: Quartett - d: Quartier quart, d: quartiir - e: quarter - e: quartet[te] - e: quartile - e: quaternary Quart Appl Math e: Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (journ.) Quart Bui Ass Food Drug Offic US e: Quarterly Bulletin. Association of Food and Drug Officials of the United States (journ.) Quart Bull Instn Eng Aust e: Quarterly Bulletin. Institution of Engineers of Australia (journ.) Quart Bull Int Ass Agric Libr Docum e: Quarterly Bulletin. International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (journ.) Quart Bull Mich [State Univ] Agr[ic] Exp Sta e: Quarterly Bulletin. Michigan State University. Agricultural Experiment Station (journ.) Quart Bull Northwestern Univ M School e: Quarterly Bulletin. Northwestern University Medical School (journ.) Quart Colo Sch Mines e: Quarterly. Colorado School of Mines (journ.) Quarter Horse Dig e: Quarter Horse Digest (journ.) Quarterly Appl Math e: Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (journ.) Quarterly of FRTV e: Quarterly of Film, Radio and Television (journ.) Quartermaster Food Container Inst Armed Forces Act Rep e: Quartermaster Food and Container Institute for the Armed Forces. Activities Report (journ.) Quart J Agr Econ e: Quarterly Journal of Agricultural Economy (joum.) Quart J Chin For [Taipei] e: Quarterly Journal of Chinese Forestry [Taipei] (journ.) Quart J Crude Drug Res e: Quarterly Journal of Crude Drug Research (journ.) Quart J Econ[om] e: Quarterly Journal of Economics (journ.) Quart J Exp Physiol e: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology (joum.) Quart J Exp Psychol e: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (joum.)

Quart. J., Fla. Acad. Sci. e: Quarterly Journal, Florida Academy of Sciences (joum.) Quart J For e: Quarterly Journal of Forestry (joum.) Quart J Indian Inst Sci e: Quarterly Journal. Indian Institute of Science (joum.) Quart J Libr Congress e: Quarterly Journal. Library of Congress (joum.) Quart J Math Oxford Ser 2 e: Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series (joum.) Quart J Mech Appl[d] Math e: Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics (joum.) Quart J Micr[osc] Sc[i] e: Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (joum.) Quart. J. Roy. Astron. Soc. e: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society (joum.) Quart J Roy Meteorol Soc e: Quarterly Journal. Royal Meteorological Society (joum.) Quart J Taiwan Mus e: Quarterly Journal. Taiwan Museum (joum.) Quart J Vet Sc India e: Quarterly Journal of Veterinary Science in India and Army Animal Management (joum.) Quart LJ [VA] e: Quarterly Law Journal (joum.) Quart L Rev [VA] e: Quarterly Law Review (joum.) QUARTM e: Quartermaster Quart Nat Dent Ass e: Quarterly. National Dental Association (joum.) Quart Nebr Agr Exp Sta e: Quarterly. Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station (joum.) Quart Newsl [Dehra Dun] e: Quarterly News Letter. Forest Research Institute and Colleges [Dehra Dun] (joum.) Quart Philippine Sugar Inst e: Quarterly. Philippine Sugar Institute (joum.) Quart R Agric [Econ] e: Quarterly Review of Agricultural Economics (joum.) Quart R Econ Busin e: Quarterly Review of Economics and Business (joum.) Quart Rep Ry Tech Res Inst e: Quarterly Report. Railway Technical Research Institute (joum.) Quart Rev Agric Econ e: Quarterly Review of Agricultural Economics (joum.) Quart Rev Allergy e: Quarterly Review of Allergy and Applied Immunology (joum.) Quart Rev Biol e: Quarterly Review of Biology (joum.) Quart. Rev. Biophys. e: Quarterly Review of Biophysics (joum.) Quart Rev Chem Soc e: Quarterly Reviews. Chemical Society (joum.) Quart R[evs] e: Quarterly Reviews. Chemical Society (joum.) Quart Trans Soc Autom Eng e: Quarterly Transactions. Society of Automotive Engineers (joum.) Quart Univ Nebr Coll Agr Home Econ Agr Exp Sta e: Quarterly. University of Nebraska. College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Agricultural Experiment Station (joum.) quartz e: crystalline silica QUARTZ GR e: Quartzite Granite quartzite e: granular quartz rock QUASAR d: Quasistellare Radioquelle - e: Quasi-Stellar [radio]


© K O - Saur. München

QUASAR Object e: Quasi-Stellar Radio Object QUASAT e: Quasar Satellite QUASD e: Quality Assurance (journ.) QUASER e: Quantum Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation QUASIEFF e: Quasi-Effective QUAST e: Quality Assurance Service Test Quäst. d: Quästor - d: Quästur QUAT e: Quaternary] [Ammonium Compound] - e: Quaternary era - e: Quaternion - e: Quatrefoil quat. e: quatuor Quaternary] Res e: Quaternary Research (joum.) Quathlamba e: Quathlamba Mountains [Lesotho and South Africa] QUATIP e: Quality Assurance Test and Inspection Plan quatlrupl. 1: quadruplicate Quato d: Quartaltonne Quat Res [Jap Assoc Quat Res] e: Quaternary Research [Japan Association of Quaternary Research] (joum.) Quat Res [NY] e: Quaternary Research [New York] (journ.) Quat Res [Tokyo] e: Quaternary Research [Tokyo] (joum.) Quats d: oberflächenaktive Verbindungen vom Typ quartärer Ammoniumbasen Quat Sci R e: Quaternary Science Reviews (joum.) QUB e: Queens University of Belfast QUBAL e: Queens University Belfast Algorithmic Language QUBAL Computer e: Queens University Belfast Algorithmic Language Computer QUBE e: Videotex system QUB Lectures e: Queens University of Belfast Lectures (journ.) QUBMIS e: Quantitatively Based Management Information System Qu Bull e: Quarterly Bulletin (joum.) QUC e: Quebec QUCA e: Quality Care, Inc. QUCC e: Quademi Urbinati di Cultura Classica (joum.) QUD e: Queens University of Dublin QUDAMP e: Queens University Databank on Atomic and Molecular Physics QUE e: Albuquerque Public Library - e: Quebecair - e: Queenston Gold Mines Ltd. Que e: Quebec - e: Quechua[n] - f: Québec - p: Quénia QU d: Querleitungsiibertragung Qii d: Querverbindungsübertragung Quebec Dept Nat Resources Prelim Rept e: Quebec. Department of Natural Resources. Preliminary Report (journ.) Quebec Dept Trade and Commerce Geog Service Pub e: Quebec. Department of Trade and Commerce. Geographical Service. Publication (journ.) Quebec L. [Can.] e: Quebec Law Reports Quebec Pr [Can] e: Quebec Practice [Canada] (journ.) Queb KB e: Quebec Official Reports, King's Bench (journ.) Queb Pr e: Quebec Practice Reports (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Que Minist Ind Commer Serv Biol Rapp Annu Que BR f: Quebec Rapports Judiciaires Officiels [Banc de la Reine, Cour Supérieure] (journ.) Que C A e: Quebec Official Reports, Court of Appeals (journ.) Que CA f: Rapports Judiciaires Officiels, Cour d'Appel [Quebec] (journ.) Que CBR f: Rapports Judiciaires Officiels, Cour du Banc du Roi [Quebec] (journ.) Que Cons Rech Dev For Rapp f: Quebec. Conseil de la Recherche et du Développement Forestiers. Rapport (journ.) Que Cons Rech Dev For Rapp Annu f: Quebec. Conseil de la Recherche et du Développement Forestiers. Rapport Annuel (journ.) Que CS f: Rapports Judiciaires Officiels, Cour Supérieure [Quebec] (journ.) QUED e: Quick Editor Quedb d: Quedlinburg Que Dep Ind Commer Annu Rep e: Quebec. Department of Industry and Commerce. Annual Report (journ.) Que Dep Lands For Res Serv Res Pap e: Quebec. Department of Lands and Forest Research Service. Research Paper (journ.) Que Dep Natur Resour Geol Rep e: Quebec. Department of Natural Resources. Geological Report (journ.) Que Dep Natur Resour Prelim Rep e: Quebec. Department of Natural Resources. Preliminary Report (journ.) Que Dir Geol Trav Terrain f: Quebec. Direction de la Geologie. Travaux sur le Terrain (journ.) Que Dp Col Mines Br Rp e: Quebec. Department of Colonization, Mines and Fisheries. Mines Branch. Report on Mining Operations (journ.) Queen Charlottes e: Queen Charlotte Islands Queen Elizabeths e: Queen Elizabeth Islands Queens e: Queensland Queensboro' e: Queensborough Queens Intra LJ e: Queens Intramural Law Journal (journ.) Queens JP&Loc Auth Jo e: Queensland Justice of the Peace and Local Authorities' Journal (journ.) Queensl e: Queensland Queensl Acts e: Queensland Public Acts (journ.) Queensland] Ag[ric] J e: Queensland Agricultural Journal (journ.) Queensland Dent Mag e: Queensland Dental Magazine (journ.) Queensland Gov Min J[our] e: Queensland Government Mining Journal (journ.) Queensland Hist R e: Queensland Historical Review (journ.) Queensland J Agr Anim Sei e: Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences (journ.) Queensland J Ag Sei e: Queensland Journal ofAgricultural Science (journ.) Queensland Land Court Rep e: Queensland Land Court Reports (journ.) Queensland L Soc'y J e: Queensland Law Society. Journal (journ.) Queensland Nurses J. e: Queensland Nurses Journal (journ.) Queensland Pap in Econ Policy e: Queensland Papers in Economic Policy (journ.) Queens Law e: Queensland Lawyer (journ.)

Queensl Cr Lands LR e: Queensland Crown Lands Law Reports (journ.) Queensl Dent J e: Queensland Dental Journal (journ.) Queensl Dep Agric Stock e: Queensland. Department of Agriculture and Stock. Annual Report (journ.) Queensl Dep Mines Geol Surv Queensl Publ e: Queensland. Department of Mines. Geological Survey of Queensland. Publication (journ.) Queensl Dep Mines Geol Surv Queensl Rep e: Queensland. Department of Mines. Geological Survey of Queensland. Report (journ.) Queensl Dep Primary Ind Agric Chem Branch Tech Rep e: Queensland. Department of Primary Industries. Agricultural Chemistry Branch. Technical Report (journ.) Queensl Dep Primary Ind Div Anim Ind Bull e: Queensland. Department of Primary Industries. Division of Animal Industry. Bulletin (joum.) Queensl Dep Primary Ind Div Dairy Bull e: Queensland. Department of Primary Industries. Division of Dairying. Bulletin (journ.) Queensl Dep Primary Ind Div Plant Ind Bull e: Queensland. Department of Primary Industries. Division of Plant Industry. Bulletin (joum.) Queensl Dep Primary Ind Inf Ser e: Queensland. Department of Primary Industries. Information Series (journ.) Queensl Fish Serv Res Bull e: Queensland. Fisheries Service. Research Bulletin (journ.) Queensl Fish Serv Tech Rep e: Queensland. Fisheries Service. Technical Report (journ.) Queensl Geogr J e: Queensland Geographical Journal (journ.) Queensl Geol e: Queensland Geology (journ.) Queensl Geol Surv 1:250000 Geol Ser e: Queensland. Geological Survey. 1:250.000 Geological Series (journ.) Queensl Geol Surv Publ e: Queensland. Geological Survey. Publication (journ.) Queensl Geol Surv Rep e: Queensland. Geological Survey. Report (joum.) Queensl Gov Min J e: Queensland Government Mining Journal (joum.) Queensl Herit e: Queensland Heritage (journ.) Queen's L J e: Queen's Law Journal (joum.) Queens LJ e: Queensland Law Journal and Reports (joum.) Queensl J Agric[&]Anim Sei e: Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences (joum.) Queensl J Agric Sei e: Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science (joum.) Queensl JP R[ep] e: Queensland Justice of the Peace. Reports (joum.) Queensl L e: Queensland Law (joum.) Queensl. Law e: Queensland Lawyer Queensl LJ [Austr] e: Queensland Law Journal [Australia] (joum.) Queensl LJ&R c: Queensland Law Journal and Reports (journ.) Queensl LJ&St R e: Queensland Law Journal and State Reports (joum.) Queensl LR e: Queensland Law Reports (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Queens[l] L S[oc'y] J e: Queensland Law Society. Journal (journ.) Queensl Nat e: Queensland Naturalist (journ.) Queensl Nurses J e: Queensland Nurses Journal (journ.) Queensl Pub Acts e: Queensland Public Acts (journ.) Queens LR e: Queensland Law Reports (journ.) Queensl SC[t][R] [Austr] e: Queensland. Supreme Court. Reports [Australia] (journ.) Queensl Soc Sugar Cane Technol Proc e: Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. Proceedings (journ.) Queensl Stat e: Queensland Statutes (journ.) Queensl [Rep] St [Austr] e: Queensland State Reports [Australia] (journ.) Queensl Univ Dep Civ Eng Bull e: Queensland University. Department of Civil Engineering. Bulletin (joum.) Queensl Univ Dep Geol Pap e: Queensland University. Department of Geology. Papers (journ.) Queensl. U. Tech. L.J. e: Queensland University of Technology Law Journal Queensl Vet Proc e: Queensland Veterinary Proceedings (journ.) Queensl WN [Aus] e: Queensland Law Reporter and Weekly Notes [Australia] (journ.) Queen's Nurs J e: Queen's Nursing Journal (journ.) Queen's Papers in Pure and Appi Math e: Queens Papers in Pure and Applied Mathematics (journ.) Queens Univ Therm Fluid Sci Group Rep e: Queen's University. Thermal and Fluid Science Group. Report (journ.) Que KB e: Quebec Official Reports, King's Bench (journ.) Que L e: Quebec Law (journ.) QUEL e: Query Language Quellen Stud Philos e: Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie (journ.) Quellungsm. d: Quellungsmittel Que LR e: Quebec Law Reports (journ.) QUELS e: Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering Que Minist Agric Pech Aliment Dir Gen Pech Marit Cah Inf f: Quebec. Ministere de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation. Direction General des Peches Maritimes. Cahier Que Minist Chasse Pech Contrib f: Quebec. Ministere de la Chasse et des Pecheries. Contributions (journ.) Que Minist Energ Ressour Serv Rech For Mem f: Quebec. Ministere de l'Energie et des Ressources. Service de la Recherche Forestiere. Memoire (joum.) Que Minist Energ Ressour Serv Rech Mem f: Quebec. Ministere de l'Energie et des Ressources. Service de la Recherche. Memoire (joum.) Que Minist Ind Commer Dir Rech Cah Inf f: Quebec. Ministere de l'Industrie et du Commerce. Direction de la Recherches Cahiers d'Information (journ.) Que Minist Ind Commer Rapp Pech f: Quebec. Ministere de l'Industrie et du Commerce. Rapport sur les Pecheries (journ.) Que Minist Ind Commer Serv Biol Rapp Annu f: Quebec. Ministere de l'Industrie et du Commerce. Service de Biologie. Rapport Annuel (journ.)


Que Minist Richesses Nat Etude Spec Que Minist Richesses Nat Etude Spec f: Quebec. Ministère des Richesses Naturelles. Etude Spéciale (journ.) Que Minist Terres For Serv Rech Note f: Quebec. Ministère des Terres et Forets. Service de la Recherche. Note (journ.) Quen[t] e: San Quentin Que [Prov] Dep Mines Gen Rep Minist Mines e: Quebec [Province]. Department of Mines. General Report of the Minister of Mines (joum.) Que [Prov] Minist Richesses Nat Rapp Prelim e: Quebec [Province], Ministère des Richesses Naturelles. Rapport Préliminaire (journ.) Que QB e: Quebec Official Reports, Queen's Bench (journ.) Quer s: Querétaro QUERC e: Quercus Que Rev Jud e: Quebec Revised Judicial Que Rev Regs e: Revised Regulations of Quebec (journ.) Que Rev Stat e: Quebec Revised Statutes (journ.) Quervers d: Querversorgung QUERY e: Database inquery system - e: Question and Unquiry Query File Common« Bur Hortic Plant Crops e: Query File. Commonwealth Bureau of Horticulture and Plantation Crops (journ.) QUES e: Question [Mark] Que SC e: Quebec Official Reports, Superior Court (journ.) Que Sci e: Quebec Science (journ.) Que Serv Faune Rapp f: Quebec. Service de la Faune. Rapport (journ.) Que Soc Prot Plants Rep e: Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants. Report (journ.) QUEST e: Computer search language - e: Qualitative Experimental Stress Tomography - e: Quality Electrical Systemfs] Test - e: Quality Evaluation Technical System - e: Quality Utilization Effectiveness Statistically Qualified - e: Quantification of Uncertainty in Estimating Support Tradeoffs - e: Quantitative Environmental Science and Technology - e: Quantitative Understanding of Explosive Stimulus Transfer - e: Quantitative Utility Estimates for Science and Technology - e: Queens Educational and Social Team - e: Query Evaluation and Search Technique - e: Query Status - e: Questioned] Quest Act Soc[ialisme] e: Questions Actuelles du Socialisme (journ.) QUESTAL e: Quiet Experimental Short Takeoff and Landing QUESTAR e: Quantitative Utility Evaluation Suggesting Targets for the Allocation of Resources Que Stat e: Quebec Statutes (journ.) QUESTEL e: Host to science QUESTER e: Quick and Effective [or Efficient] System to Enhance Retrieval Quest For e: Questions of Forestry (joum.) QUESTIIO s: Quaderns d'Estadistica. Sistemes. Informática i Investigacio Operativa (journ.) QUESTN e: Questionnaire]


QUESTOL [Program] e: Quiet Experimental Short Take-Off and Landing [Program] Que Super e: Quebec Official Reports, Superior Court (journ.) Que Tax Rep [CCH] e: Quebec Tax Reporter [Commerce Clearing House] (journ.) Quetico-Super Wilderness Res Cent Annu Rep e: Quetico-Superior Wilderness Research Center. Annual Report (journ.) Quetico-Super Wilderness Res Cent Tech Note e: Quetico-Superior Wilderness Research Center. Technical Note (journ.) Quetzal e: Monetary unit of Guatemala QUF e: Quick Firing QuF d: Querfinger Qu.-F. d: QuadratfuB Quft d: Querfurt QUFYD e: Qualified QUGA e: Queensland United Graziers Association QU Gazette e: Queensland University. Gazette (journ.) QuGU d: Quintargruppenumsetzer QUH e: Queens University Highland Battalion QUI e: Queens University of Ireland - e: Quincy Railroad Co. - e: Quito, Ecuador, Tracking Station - e: Thomas Crane Public Library, Quincy Qui. d: Quintett QUIBA i: Química e Industria (journ.) QUIC e: Quality Data Information and Control - e: Queens University Information Centre - e: Queens University Interpretative Code - e: Question and Information Connection Quich s: Quichua QUICHA e: Quantitative Inhalation Challenge Apparatus QUICK e: Quality Information, Checking and Knowhow - e: Queens University Interpretative Code[r,] Kingston - e: Quotation Information Center KK QUICKTRAN e: Quick FORTRAN [Formula Translation] - e: Quick Translation QUIC/LAW e: Legal Information Service QUICO e: Quality Improvement through Cost Optimization QUID e: Quantified Intrapersonal Decision-Making QUIDS e: Quick Interactive Documentation System QUIES e: Quiescent QUIET e: Quinalapril Ischemic Event Trial Quiet T. e: Quieting Title and determination of adverse claims QUIJA e: Quintessence International (journ.) QUIK e: Quiksilver, Inc. QUIL e: Quad[ruple] In-Line Quil-Gehause d: Quad In-Line-Gehause QUILL e: Queens University Interrogation of Legal Language - e: Queens University Interrogation of Legal Literature - e: QUILL: Queensland Inter-Library Liaison (journ.) Quill&Q e: Quill and Quire (joum.) Quilmas s: San Quilmas QUILT e: Quantitative Intelligence Analysis Technique quim p: química

© K • G • Saur, München

Quirn Anal p: Quimica Analitica (journ.) Quim Farm p: Quimica y Farmica (journ.) Quimigal p: Quimica de Portugal Quim Ind s: Quimica e Industria (journ.) Quim Ind [Barcelona] s: Quimica e Industria [Barcelona] (journ.) Quim Ind [Bogota] s: Quimica e Industria [Bogota] (journ.) Quim Ind [Madrid] s: Quimica e Industria [Madrid] (journ.) Quim Ind [Montevideo] s: Quimica Industrial [Montevideo] (journ.) Quim Ind [Sao Paulo] p: Quimica e Industria [Sao Paulo] (journ.) Quim Nova s: Quimica Nova (journ.) QUIN e: Quina Quin e: Quincy's Massachusetts Reports (journ.) - e: Quinten - e: Quintet[te] - e: Quintuple^] - e: Quintuplicate - e: Quintuplication Quin 1: Quintilianus -1: Quintilius -1: Quintillian -1: Quintin[o] -1: Quint[i]us QUINACAM f: Société Quinquina du Cameroun Quin Bank e: Quin on Banking (journ.) Quinct 1: Pro Quinctio Quincy [Mass.] e: Quincys Massachusetts Reports (journ.) quinl. 1: quintus quinq i: quinque -1: quinque QUINS e: Quintuplets QUINT e: Quintuple - e: Quintuplicate - i: Quintetto -1: Quintus Quint 1: Quintilian Quint, d: Quintett - e: Quintilian-Roman critic and rhetorician Marcus Fabius Quintilianus quint. 1: quintus Quintessence Dent Technol e: Quintessence of Dental Technology (journ.) Quintessence Int e: Quintessence International (journ.) Quintessencia Protese Lab s: Quintessencia de Protese de Laboratorio (journ.) Quintessenz J e: Quintessenz Journal (journ.) Quintessenz Zahntech d: Quintessenz der Zahntechnik (journ.) Quintilian 1: Marcus Fabius Quintilianus Quinti Quinto e: Year Book 5 Henry V (journ.) QUINT[S] e: Quintet[s] - e: Quintuplées] - e: Quintuplicate[s] Quint Smyrn 1: Quintus Smymaeus QUINTUPL e: Quintuplicate Quinz Lit f: Quinzaine Littéraire (joum.) QUIP e: Quad In Parallel. - e: Quad Inline Package - e: Quantum-well Infrared Photodetector - e: Query Interactive Processor - e: Questionnaire Interpreter Program[me] - e: Quick-Inline Package - e: Quick Inquiry Processor - e: Quota Input Processor

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

QVW QUIPS e: Quiescent Plasma Studies - e: Quiescent Uniform Ionospheric Plasma Simulator QUIS e: Queens University Information System[s] - e: Quisling QUISAM e: Queued Indexed Sequential Access Method Quis Cust. I: Quis Custodiet QUISS e: Quick Universal Image Scroll and Search QUISTOR e: Quadruple Ion Store QUITE e: Quasiparticle Injection Tunneling Effect Quitmans e: Quitman Mountains quitt, d: quittieren - d: quittiert Quitt, d: Quittungen] QUIV e: Quiver Quix e: Quixote (journ.) quix e: quixotic[al][ly] - e: quixotism - e: quixotry QUJ e: True course to station Qu Jour Int-Amer Rel e: Quarterly Journal of Inter-American Relations (journ.) Qu. Jour. Int-Amer. Rel. e: Quarterly Journal of Inter-American Relations QUK e: Quaker Resources, Inc. QUL e: Queen's University Library - e: Quillagua QuL d: Qualitätsbeschreibungen und Liefervorschriften - d: Querlage Qu Lait e: Quebec Laitier (journ.) QU Law J e: University of Queensland. Law Journal (journ.) Qu LJ e: Quarterly Law Journal (journ.) QULJ e: Queensland University. Law Journal (journ.) Qu L Rev e: Quarterly Law Review (journ.) Qu. L. Rev. e: Quarterly Law Review QUM e: Queen's University, Medical Library - s: Quillmana QUMDO e: Qualitative Materiel Development Objective QUME e: Computer peripherals manufacturer Qu Minist Ind Commer Serv Rech Cah Inf f: Quebec. Ministere de l'Industrie et du Commerce. Service de la Recherche. Cahiers d'Information (journ.) Qu Minist Terres For Serv Rech Mem f: Quebec. Ministere des Terres et Forets. Service de la Recherche. Memoire (journ.) Qu Minist Terres For Serv Rech Note f: Quebec. Ministere des Terres et Forets. Service de la Recherche. Note (journ.) QUMR e: Quality Unsatisfactory Material Report QUMS e: Quasar Microsystems QUNG e: Quaker United Nations Group Q-unit e: One Quintillion Q Univ Gaz e: University of Queensland. Gazette (journ.) QUNJA e: Queensland Nurses Journal (journ.) QUO e: Quadex Users Organization - e: Queuing Operation - e: Quote Resources, Inc. quo' e: quoth Quo. Attach, s: Quoniam Attachiamenta QUOBIRD [System] e: Queens University Online Bibliographie Information Retrieval and Dissemination

quod. 1: quodlibet QUODAMP e: Queens University Online Datebank on Atomic and Molecular Physics QUODD e: Quodlibet (joum.) Quoddy e: Passamaquoddy Bay - e: Passamaquoddy Indians Quoins e: Gunners Quoin and Quoin Channel quok[s] e: quokka[s] Quomodo Adul e: Quomodo Adulescens Poetas Audire Debeat QUON e: Question Quon Attach e: Quoniam Attachiamenta (journ.) QUONBLE e: Questionable Quon Pt e: Quonset Point, Rhode Island quonset e: quonset hut quor 1: quorum QUOT d: Quotient - e: Quotation - e: Quoted [In] - e: Quotient - e: Quoties - e: Quotron Systems quot. 1: quotidie QUOTA e: Quadrant Online Testing Aid - e: Query Online Terminal Assistance quote[s] e: quotations[s] quote[s] [-unquote] e: quotation marks quotid. 1: quotidie Quotn e: Quotation QUOT OP SIT e: Quoties Opus Sit quot. op. sit 1: quoties opus sit Quo War. 1: Quo Warranto QUP e: Quality Unit Pack - e: Quantity [per] Unit Pack - e: Quonset Point QuP[e] d: Quellenprogramm[e] QUPR d: Quellenprogramm Qu [Prov] Dep Mines Gen Rep Minist Mines e: Quebec [Province], Department of Mines. General Report. Minister of Mines (journ.) Qu [Prov] Dep Mines Prelim Rep e: Quebec [Province]. Department of Mines. Preliminary Report (journ.) Qu [Prov] Dep Nat Resour Spec Pap e: Quebec [Province]. Department of Natural Resources. Special Paper (journ.) QUR e: Quinstar Resources qur. e: quarter QURBA e: Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics (joum.) QUREA e: Quarterly Reviews. Chemical Society (journ.) QURG e: 1/4-Urgent QURZ e: Quartz, Inc. QUs d: Querleitungsumsetzer QUSA e: Q Airways QuSAR e: Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships Qu Serv Faune Bull f: Quebec. Service de la Faune. Bulletin (joum.) Qu Serv Faune Rapp f: Quebec. Service de la Faune. Rapport (joum.) QuSt d: Quellensteuer Qustn f: Questionnaire QUSZA e: Quintessenz Journal (joum.) QUT e: Queensland University of Technology QUTLJ e: Queensland University of Technology. Law Journal (joum.) Quty e: Quantity QUX e: Quinella Exploration Ltd. QUY e: Quest Energy Corp.

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • 0 • Saur, Munich

QV d: Quantisierungsverzerrung - d: Quartemar Vertikal - d: Querverbindungsverkehr - d: Versorgungsmenge - e: Lao Aviation - e: Qualifcation and Validation Board - e: Quality Verification - e: Quantum Vis - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Victoriaville, Quebec -1: Qui Vixit -1: Quo Vadis (journ.) -1: Quod Vide - s: Quatro Ventos (journ.) - s: Quattrovalvole q.v. 1: quantum vis q-v e: q-value Q y d: Lichtmenge Q4V e: Quicker for Victory QVAH f: Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Quebec, Varennes, Quebec QVAI f: Centre de Documentation, INRS-Energie, Varennes, Quebec QVBFL f: Bibliothèque Felix-Leclerc, Val-Belair, Quebec QVC e: Qualification, Validation and Certification Board - e: Quality Value Convenience Network, Inc. - f: College de Victoriaville, Quebec QVCEMBO f: Ecole Quebecoise du Meuble et du Bois Ouvre, College de Victoriaville, Quebec QVCN e: QVC Network, Inc. QVE d: Quantisierungsverzerrungseinheit - d: Quantisierungsverzerrungseinrichtung - f: Bibliothèque Municipale, Verdun, Quebec QVEC e: Qualified Voluntary Employee Contribution - f: Cultural Centre Verdun, Quebec QVFC e: Queensland Volunteer Flying Civilians QVH e: Queen Victoria Hospital QVI d: Querverbindungsleitung - e: Quality Verification Inspection Qvia d: Ausnahmequerverbindungsleitung Q. Vic[t]. e: Statutes of Province of Quebec [Reign ofVictoria] (journ.) Q Vit i: Quaderni del Vittoriale (journ.) QVJVVNW d: Quellenverzeichnis der Justizverwaltungsvorschriften des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (journ.) QVL e: Qualified Vendors List QVI d: Querverbindungsleitung QVLBI e: Quasi-Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry QVM e: Queen Victoria Museum QVP e: Quality Verification Plan QVPL e: Qualification Vendor Part List - e: Qualified Verification Procedures List QVR e: Quality Verification Report QVS d: Querverbindungssatz - d: Querverbindungsschaltung - e: Quality Verification Surveillance QVSLEA e: Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada Ville St-Laurent, Quebec QVT e: Qualification Verification Test[ing] - e: Quality Verification Test[ing] - e: Qume Video Terminal QVÙ d: Querverbindungsiibertragung QVUs d: Querverbindungsumsetzer QVVT e: Qualified Verification Vibration Testing QVW d: Querverbindungsvorwahler


QW QW d: Querweg - e: Inter-Island Air Services Ltd. - e: Poland - e: Quantum Well [structure] - e: Quarter Wave - e: Sailboat - e: Waterloo Public Library, Quebec QWA e: Quarter-Wave Aerial [or Antenna] QWAM e: Qualified for Warrant Air Mechanic Q WAR e: Quo Warranto QWBI e: Quality of Well Being Index QWBP e: Qualification Standards for Wage Board Positions QWC e: West Chester State College, West Chester, PA QWD e: Quarterly World Day Q/WDO e: Quarter Window QWE e: Qualified for Warrant Engineer q-wedge e: quartz wedge QWERTY d: Norm amerikanischer Schreibmaschinentastaturen. Folge der ersten sechs Tasten auf der Tastatur - e: Standard English language keyboard layout [First six keys in the upper row of letters of a standard typewriters keyboard] QWERTZ d: Norm deutscher Schreibmaschinentastaturen. Bezeichnet die Folge der ersten sechs Tasten auf der Tastatur - e: Standard German language keyboard layout QWG e: Quadripartite Working Group

QWG[/]CD e: Quadripartite Working Group /foron Combat Developments] QWG/ENG e: Quadripartite Working Group on Engineering QWG/EW e: Quadripartite Working Group on Electronic Warfare QWG/LOG e: Quadripartite Working Group on Logistics QWGAP1QA e: Quadripartite Working Group on Proofing Inspection Quality Assurance QWG/STANO e: Quadripartite Working Group on Surveillance and Target Acquisition/Night Observation QWHA e: Queensland Women's Historical Association QWI e: Qualified Weapons Instructor QWIKTRAN e: Quick FORTRAN QWL e: Quality-of-Work[ing] Life - e: Quick Weiggt Loss QWLD e: Quality of Worklife Database Q W M e: Qualified for Warrant Mechanician Q W M P e: Quadrupled Walking Machine Program QWN e: Weekly Notes. Queensland (joum.) QWOT e: Quarter Wave Optical Thickness QWP e: Quarter Wave Plate QWR e: Que West Resources Ltd. QWS e: Quality Workmanship Standard QWSH e: Congregation Shaar Hashomayim Library-Museum, Westmount, Quebec


© K • G • Säur, München

QWSMM e: Westmount Public Library, Quebec QWSSUS e: Quasi-Wide Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering Q/W/T e: Quay/Weight/Tonnage dues QWW e: Quantum-Well Wire QX e: Qatar Amiri Flight - f: Quintaux QXE e: Horizon Airlines, Inc. QXI e: Queue Executive Interface QY e: Air Limousin TA - e: Quantum Yield - e: Quarry - e: Query - e: Quota Year Qy e: Quay 7QY e: Malawi QYM e: SOLINET Center, Atlanta, GA QZ d: Belegungszähler für zentrale Glieder - d: Quantisiertes Zeichen - e: Quartz - e: Stockholm University Computing Center - e: Zambia Airways QZE e: Quadratic Zeeman Effect QZF d: Quasizufallsfolge QZG d: Quasizufallsgenerator Qzlg. d: Quarzlage QZM[G] e: Quartz Mountain Gold Corp. QZS e: Quebec Zoological Society QZT e: Quartzite

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik


R R a: Rett - d: Ankommendes Gespräch bezahlt - d: Cilag-Chemie AG - d: Elektrischer Widerstand - d: Erdradius - d: Erste positive Zacke des Kammerkomplexes im Ekg - d: Fahrzeugbau Adalbert Rohr - d: Gaskonstante - d: Korrelationskoeffizient - d: Rabatt - d: Radfahrabteilung - d: Radial - d: Radikal - d: Radioaktives Mineral - d: Radioaktivität - d: Radius - d: Rahmen - d: Rakete - d: Rand - d: Rang - d: Rankine - d: Rappe - d: Rasterdruck - d: Rat[e] - d: Rauch[entwickler] - d: Rauhtiefe - d: Raum - d: Räumboot - d: Raumvielfach[-Koppelstufe] - d: Raupenbagger - d: Reaktion - d: Reaktor - d: Rechenwerk - d: Rechner - d: Rechnung - d: Recht[er Akkumulator] - d: Redundanz - d: Reflektor - d: Reflexionsfaktor] - d: Refraktion - d: Regelungen] - d: Regelventil - d: Regensburg - d: Register - d: Registratur - d: Registrierung - d: Reglement - d: Regulator - d: Regulierungsposten - d: Reibung - d: Reichweite - d: Reisebuß - d: Reiseflugzeug - d: Reiz - d: Rekompensationskoeffizient - d: Rektal

- d: Report - d: Reserve - d: Resistenz[faktor] - d: Respiratorischer Quotient, Atemquotient - d: Respiratorisches Austauschverhältnis - d: Restverkehr, Überlaufverkehr - d: Restwert - d: Resultierende - d: Retourgang - d: Reversierungsrelais - d: Reynolds-Zahl - d: Ribose - d: Richtkanonier - d: Richtkreis - d: Richtlinie - d: Richtung - d: Rind[fleisch] - d: Ring - d: Rinnenprofil - d: Rips - d: Robotron - d: Roggenmehl - d: Rolle - d: Rolloch - d: Römer-Britax Autogurte GmbH - d: Röntgen[ologie] - d: Rostock - d: Rotation - d: Routine - d: Rübe - d: Rück- d: Rückanmeldegespräch - d: Rücken[flosse] - d: Rückflußdauer - d: Riickimpuls - d: Rückkreuzungsgeneration - d: Rücklauf - d: Rückmeldung - d: Rückschlagventil - d: Rücksetzeingang [eines Kippgliedes] - d: Rücksetzen - d: Rücksprache - d: Rückstand - d: Rücktrifftstrecke - d: Rückwärtsgang - d: Rufrelais - d: Ruhe[kontakt] - d: Rumänien - d: Runddrahtbewehnmg - d: Rundfunk[paar] - d: Rundungsgröße - d: Rydberg[-Konstante] - d: Schalldämpfungsmaß - d: Spezifische Leuchtdichte - d: Störabstand - d: Teil des QRS-Komplexes im Ekg - d: Überlaufverkehr

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- d: Verhätnis zwischen Signalleistung und Störleistung - d: Widerstand - d: Wirkwiderstand [Resistanz] - e: Abstracted Reappraisement Decisions (journ.) - e: Acknowledgment of Receipt - e: Acoustic Resistance - e: All India Reporter, Rajasthan - e: Anchor Repaired - e: Annual Rent - e: Antenna with Reflector - e: Argilnyl - e: Arginine - e: Army - e: Denver Laboratories - e: Economic Rent - e: Electrical Resistance - e: Gas constant - e: Heavy Rain - e: Janssen - e: Kentucky Law Reporter - e: Molar Gas Constant - e: Nicolaus Rufulus - e: Ohmic Resistance - e: [Outside] Radius - e: Product Moment Coefficient of statistical Correlation - e: Purine Nucleoside - e: R-Register - e: Rabba[nite] - e: Rabbi - e: Race - e: Racing - e: Rack - e: RACON [Radar Beacon] - e: Radar [Contact] - e: Radian[cy] - e: Radiatian - e: Radiation - e: Radical [dimension] - e: Radio - e: Radio [BBC Monitoring] (journ.) - e: Radioactive [mineral] - e: Radioactive range - e: Radioactivity - e: Radiographer - e: Radiolocation - e: Radiological - e: Radiologist - e: Radiology - e: Radiotelegram - e: Radius [of Gyration] - e: Railfhead] - e: Railroad - e: Railway - e: Rain


R -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e


Ram Rand Random [addressing] Random Number Range [at which reaction time begins] Rangefinder Rank[ine] Raphe Nucleus Rare [Earth] Rarely Rate Ratio[nal Number] Rationing Rayleigh [Wave] Ray[s] Re-engine Reaction Reactive Reactor Readability Read[er] Readiness [Count] Reading Real Realites (journ.) Ream Rear Rearrangement Reasoning Factor Reaumur Reazurin Rebounds Receipt Receive[d] [solid] Receiver Receiving Reception Receptor Recessed Recipe Reciprocating Recite Recluse Recognition Recoilless Recommendation Recommended Reconditioned Reconnaissance Reconstruction Committee Record Automation Record[er] Recording Amplifier Recoverable Recovery Recreations Recruit[ing] Rectal Rectangular Tank Rectification Rectifier Rectilinear Polarization Recto Rector[y] Rectum Recurrence Red [primary] Redemption Fee Redetermination Reduce[d] Reduction Redundancy Referee Referred Refill Reflectance Reflection

-e - e - e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e - e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e

Reflector [lamp] Reflexive Reform [Judaism] Refraction Refrigerated [Tank] Refrigerator Refuse Disposal Refused Regenerated Regiment Registered] Registrar Regression Coefficient Regular Regulatefd] Regulating Regulations] Regulator Reiceiver Reigned Reinforcing Relais Relation Relative Relaxed Relay Release Reliability Reluctance Remote Remotum Render Renewal Survey Repair[able] Repaired Repeal Repeat[er] Repetition Repetitive Replaceability Replaceable Replaced Replacement Reply Report[s] Representative Repressor Reprint Reproducibility Reproduction Republic [an] Request Requirement Rerun Rescinded Research Resentment Reserve Reset Residence] Resident Residue Resistance Resistor Resolution Resolved Respectfully Respiration Respond[er] Response Responsorium Responsory Rest Restricted] [Area] Restriction Resultant [force] Retard[er]

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- Saur, München

e: Reticular e: Retinit e: Retire[d] e: Retiree e: Retrograde e: Rettie's Scotch Court of Session Reports, Fourth Series (journ.) e: Returning] e: Revenue e: Reverse[d] e: Review e: Revised e: Revision e: Revoked e: Revolution e: Reward e: Rex [King] e: Reynold[s] Number e: Rhinitis e: Rhizoctonia e: Rhode Island State Library, Providence e: Rhodesia e: Rhodopsin e: Rhythm e: Rial e: Ribbon e: Ribose e: Richard [King of England] e: Richfield Oil e: Rickettsia e: Rifle[d] e: Rigger e: Right[-cut[ting]] e: Right Edge e: Right-Hand e: Riker Laboratories, Inc. e: Rimus e: Ring [Lead] e: Ring Road e; Ringer e: Risefr] e: Rises e: Risk e: River e: Riveted e: Road[-Holding] e: Roadster e: Roan e: Robin Line e: Robotics e: Rock [nautical chart] e: Rocket[dyne Division of North American Aviation] e: Rockwell e: Rod e: Roentgenologist] e: Roentgenology[ist] e: Roger-radio slang e: Rogue e: Roll[ed] e: Roller-Skating Rinks e: Rolling e: Rollout e: Roman [Catholic School] e: Romania e: Romans e: Rome[o] e: Rood e: Rook e: Roscoes Cape Of Good Hope (journ.) e: Rosin e: Rostral e: Rotary [International] e: Rotary Wing e: Rotation e: Rotor e: Rough [Sea]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

R 300 - e: Route - e: Routine - e: Routing Logic - e: Royal - e: Royalty Monthly (joum.) - e: Rubbed - e: Rubber - e: Rubber [Sheath] - e: Rubidomycin - e: Ruble - e: Rule[d] - e: Ruler - e: Rules - e: Rum - e: Run[ic] - e: Runs - e: Runway - e: Rupee - e: Rural - e: Russian - e: Rutile - e: Rwanda - e: Rydberg [Constant] - e: Ryder System, Inc. - e: Rydges (joum.) - e: Ryman - e: Ship - e: Stauffer Chemical Co. - e: The Book of Ruth - e: [The] Reports, Coke's English King's Bench (journ.) - e: Transfer Payments - e: Transport - e: US Rubber Company - e: Vertical force of ship's permanent magnetism - e: Yaw Control Axis - f: Qotient Réspiratoire - f: Réaumur - f: Recherche - f: Règlement - f: Reluctance - f: Renault - f: Resistance - f: Retarder - f: Rivière - f: Robin Avions - f: Rouge - f: Roumanie - f: Roussel - f: Route - f: Ruble - f: Rue - i: Roma -1: Radium -1: Radix -1: Rarus -1: Rectum -1: Regina -1: Requiescat -1: Respublica -1: Rex -1: Rhodium -1: Ricardus Anglicus -1: Romanus -1: Rubeus -1: Rufus - n: Rechtsstrijd - p: Ria - p: Rio - p: Rio De Janeiro (joum.) - p: Rua - P: Rzeka - R: Raketa - R: Reka - s: Rio - s: Rio

r d: Abstand, Entfernung - d: Kopplungswiderstand - d: Radius [vektor] - d:rauh - d: razemisch - d: rechts[drehend] - d: Reduktionsfaktor - d: repartiert - d: Resistenzallel - d: Resistenzrate - d: richtig - d: roh - d: Rohholzäquivalent - d: Roll-off-Faktor - d: rot - d: rund - d: russisch - e: angle of reflection - e: angular yaw velocity - e: Arctic Ocean and Region - e: front of the sheet - e: [inside] radius - e: position vector - e: racemic - e: racketeer] - e: radial - e: rate of interest - e: read - e: relative humidity - e: retard[ed] - e: right [or starboard side] - e: solubilizing agent - e: symbol for reluctance - e: thermal resistance -1: recto -1: remotum - s: real R. d: Radio - d: Radius - d: Ramus - d: Rat - d: Raum - d: Rechtfe] - d: Referat - d: Referent - d: Reich - d: Religion - d: Rente - d: Reserve - d: Richtung - d: Rickettsia - d: Risiko - d: Rückseite - d: Ruine - e: Abstracted reappraisement Decisions - e: All India Reporter, Rajasthan - e: Kentucky Law Reporter - e: King Richard - e: Radix - e: Railroad - e: Railway - e: Ramus - e: Rand - e: Reaming - e: Record - e: Red - e: Reports - e: Republicana - e: Rescinded - e: Resolved - e: Reverend - e: Reversed - e: Revision - e: Revoked - e: Revolution - e: Rex [King] - e: River

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

- e: Rock [nautical chart] - e: Rolls - e: Rough sea - e: Royal - e: Russian - e: The Reports, Coke's Kings Bench r . d: rationiert-repartiert - d: rechts - e: range - e: received - e: receiver - e: reception - e: recovery - e: repealed] - e: repealing - e: rule - e: rupee R' e: Radius of circle in minutes of arc R" e: Radius of circle in seconds of arc - e: Redwood Second[s] [R] 1: Rectus R$ e: Rhodesian Dollar +R d: Rinne positiv - e: Rinne's hearing test positive R+ d: Rechtskonfiguriert [Stereoisomer] -R d: Rinne negativ - e: Rinne's hearing test negative r - d: rechtsdrehend - e: racemic ...r d: ...roda - d: ...rode R:... e: rack for... R0 e: Record 0 [zero] R° d: Reinheitsgrad [der Scheide] R°. e: coast Radio station °R e: degree[s] Rankine [or Rankine degree[s]] - e: degree[s] Reaumur r ° p: recto R1 e: R1 register signalling R, e: primary Roots R2 d: Zeichengabe R2 - e: R2 register signalling - e: Regional 2 - e: Reporting Responsibility - e: Richard II R 2 e: secondary Roots R3 e: Rearm, Resupply, Refuel - e: Richard III 3R e: Request, Retrieve and Report - e: Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation - e: Rheingold-Rotary-Reciprocating R 3 e: Relay, Reporter, Responder R j e: Rapid Runway Repair - e: Rearm R4 e: Recovery and Rescue of Refuse Resources [program] - e: Recovery and Reuse of Refuse Resources 4R e: Ceylon - e: Resurfacing, Restoration, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction R-4 e: Recovery and Reuse of Refuse Resources 5R e: Madagascar 8R e: Guyana R 100 d: elektronischer Lochkartenrechner Robotron 100 R 300 d: elektronische Datenverarbeitungsanlage Robotron 300


RA RA d: Bildübermittlungsdienst - d: Raseneisenstein - d: Rastatt - d: Rechenanlage - d: Rechnungsaufteilung - d: Rechnungsauszug - d: Rechter Akkumulator - d: Rechtsanordnung - d: Rechtsanwalt - d: Refraktäre Anämie - d: Regelabgaben - d: Regenerativabschnitt - d: Regeneratorabschnitt - d: Regierungsamtmann - d: Regimentsarzt - d: Reichsbahn-Amtmann - d: Reihe Automatisierungstechnik (journ.) - d: Relative Adresse - d: Republik Argentinien - d: Restauftrieb - d: Restriktive Atemwegserkrankung - d: Resultatausgabe - d: Retinal Anlage - d: Retrograde Amnesia - d: Rezeptorantagonist - d: R[h]agozyt - d: Rheinisches Archiv (journ.) - d: Rheumatoide Arthritis - d: Richtantenne - d: Richtaufsatz - d: Richtungsanlage - d: Romanistische Arbeitshefte (journ.) - d: Rückständige Anlageausgaben - d: Rückwärtiges Armeegebiet - d: Ruderausschlag - d: Ruhearbeitskontakt - d: Runderlaß Außenwirtschaft - d: Rundfunkanstalt - e: Average Roughness - e: Coast Radar Station - e: high-powered Radio Range - e: Radar Altimeter - e: Radio [Altimeter] - e: Radio Altitude - e: Radio Andorra - e: Radio Antenna - e: Radio Astronomy - e: Radio Authority - e: Radioactive - e: Radioactivity - e: Radioastronomy - e: Radioatmospherics - e: Radiochemical Analysis - e: Radionic Association - e: Radius of Action - e: Ragweed Antigen - e: Raid Assessment - e: Rainfforest Alliance] - e: Raise[d] - e: Ramp Actuator - e: Random Access [memory] - e: Random Addressing - e: Range [Area] - e: Range Assessor - e: Rapid Access - e: Rapid-American Corp. - e: Rapid Anastigmatic - e: Raritan Arsenal - e: Rate Action - e: Rate Adaptation - e: Rate Adapter - e: Rate of Application - e: Rating Appeals (journ.) - e: Ratio Actuator - e: Ration [Allowance] - e: Rational Number - e: Raynauds Phenomenon

- e: Rayon - e: Read-Access - e: Read Amplifier - e: Ready-Access - e: Ready Alert - e: Rear Access - e: Rear Admiral [-Reduction of Area] - e: Rear Artillery - e: Rebuild America - e: Receiver Attenuation - e: Receiver Auxiliary [relay] - e: Recipient Agency - e: Recipient Rights Adviser - e: Reconfiguration Actions - e: Record Address - e: Record Automation - e: Recorded Announcement - e: Recording Amplifier - e: Recording Annunciator - e: Records Administration - e: Recreation Aide - e: Recrystallization Anneal[ing] - e: Rectal Artery - e: Recycling Agent - e: Redevelopment Act - e: Redstone Arsenal - e: Reduced Aperture - e: Reduced Area - e: Reducing Adapter - e: Reduction of Area - e: Refer to Accepter [or Acceptor] - e: Referees Association - e: Refractory Anemia - e: Refugee Agency - e: Regional Administrator - e: Regional Associations - e: Register Address - e: Register Allocator - e: Registration Act - e: Registration Appeals (journ.) - e: Regulation Appeals (joum.) - e: Regulatory Alternative - e: Regulatory Analysis - e: Rehabilitation Act - e: Reimbursement Authorization - e: Reinforced Alert - e: Relative Abundance - e: Relative Activity - e: Relative Addressing] - e: Relaxation Allowance - e: Releaed-Action - e: Release Authorization - e: Reliability Analysis - e: Reliability Assessment - e: Reliability Assurance - e: Religious of the Apostolate of the Sacred Heart - e: Religious oft he Assumption - e: Relocation Address - e: Relocation Assistance - e: Remedial Action - e: Remington Arms - e: Remittance Advice - e: Remote Access - e: Renal Artery - e: Renault Agriculture - e: Renew America - e: Renin Activity - e: Rental Agreement - e: Repair Action - e: Repair Assignment - e: Repeat Action - e: Repeat Attempt - e: Repeat to Address - e: Repeated Attacks - e: Replacement Algorithm - e: Reporting Activity


© K • G • Saur. München

e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e:

Representative Assembly Representing Automata Republic Aviation Republic Argentinia Requesting Agency Research Abstracts Research Association Reserve Alkalinity Resident Adviser Resident Agent Resident Alien Resident Assistant Resident Auditor Residual Residual Air Resistor Assembly Resorcylic Acid Respiratory Allergy Respiratory Arrest Ressurce Allocation Restart Address

e: Restaurant Associates Industries, Inc e: Restricted Account e: Resume-Accelerate e: Resynchronize Acknowledgement e: Retinoic Acid e: Retrograde Amnesia e: Return Address e: Return Air e: Return Authorization e: Revenue Act e: Revenue Agent e: Reviewing Activity e: Reviewing Authority e: Reviews in Anthropology (journ.) e: Rheumatoid Agglutinins e: Rheumatoid Arthritis e: Riders Association e: Right Accumulator e: Right Address e: Right Aft e: Right Angle e: Right Angulation e: Right Arc e: Right Arm e: Right Ascension e: Right Atrium e: Right Auricle e: Right Axilla e: Ripple Adder e: Risk Analysis e: Risk Assessment e: Road America e: Road Association e: Robotics and Automation e: Robustness Analysis e: Rocket Assisted] e: Root Addressable e: Root Apex e: Rosin Acid e: Rosin Activated e: Rotary Assembly e: Rotogravure Association e: Royal Academician e: Royal Academy [of Arts in London] e: Royal Arcanum e: Royal Armouries e: Royal Arsenal e: Royal Art e: Royal Artillery e: Royal Nepal Airlines Corp e: Royal Regiment of Artillery e: Rubber-Activated e: Rules on Appeal e: Ruling Action e: Running Accumulator e: Russian Air

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik


e: Russian American e: Thermal Resistance of Unit Area f: Argentine f: Rapport dActivité f: Reims Aviation f: Réserve Alcaline f: Revue Administrative (journ.) f: Revue Africaine. Bulletin de la Société Historique Algérienne (journ.) - f: Revue Anglo-Americaine (journ.) - f: Revue Archéologique (journ.) - f: Revue Automobile - f: Revue d'Assyriologie (journ.) - f: Revue de [Administration et du Droit Administratif de la Belgique (journ.) - f: Revue des Arts (journ.) -1: Reverendus Admodum -1: Robustrus Archistriatalis - n: Rechtsgeleerde Adviezen (journ.) - s: Reactor Argentina - s: República Argentina ra d: radioaktiv Ra d: Radium - d: Rahmen - d: Rangiersignal - e: Radar Station - e: Radium - e: Rayleigh Number - e: Resistance, Air - f: Rainerius - i: Rassegna (journ.) -1: Radium - R: Raduga (journ.) - s: Repertorio Americano (journ.) rA d: rotierendes Abreißen ra. d: raseneisensteinhaltig Ra. e: coast Radar station r.a. d: rechts anterior - e; radioactive R.A. d: Regimentsarzt - e: Rating Appeals - e: Reduction in/of Area - e: Registration Appeals - e: Regulation Appeals - e: Respiration Artificielle - e: Right Angle - e: Right Ascension - e: Royal Academy - e: Rules and Administration - e: Rules on Appeal R.a. e: Rhinitis atrophicans r.A. d: reiner Alkohol - d: rückwärtiges Armeegebiet R&A e: Rail and Air - e: Rates and Allotments (journ.) - e: Reports and Analysis - e: Research and Analysis - e; Responsibility and Action - e: Review and Analysis - e: Review and Approval - e: Right and Above - e: Robotics and Automation - e: Rules and Administration Committee R-A e: Response Errors - e: Rolls-Royce R/A e: Radio Acoustic sound ranging - e: Radius of Action - e: Range/Azimuth - e: Rear Axle - e: Recorded Announcement - e: Redstone Arsenal - e: Refer to Acceptor - e: Repeat Attempt - e: Request for Authorization - e: Return to Author r/a e: radioactive

R a d: Ausgangswiderstand - d: Außenwiderstand - d: Fußpunktwiderstand einer Antenne r, d: Radius des Außenleiters eines Koaxialpaares R A l - 3 e: Reanswer No. 1-No. 3 RÄ d: Rechtsanwälte RAA d: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron - e: Radar Aircraft Altitude [calculator] - e: Random Access Addressing - e: Random Access Array - e: Reagan Alumni Association - e: Rear Admiral, Aircraft - e: Reeve Aleutian Airways, Inc. - e: Regenerative Agriculture Association - e: Regional Administrative Assistant - e: Regional Airline[s] Association - e: Regional Arts Association - e: Reinsurance Association of America - e: Remote Access Audio - e: Remote Axis Admittance - e: Renewal Assistance Administration - e: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone - e: Research Animal Alliance - e: Respiratory Aid Apparatus - e: Right Angle Adapter - e: Right Ascension Angle - e: Right Atrial Abnormality - e: Right Atrial Appendage - e: Rockette Alumnae Association - e: Rockport Art Association - e: Royal Academic Association - e: Royal Academy of Arts - e: Royal Australian Artillery - e: Rynes Aviation, Inc. - f: Recueil des Arrets et Avis du Conseil d'Etat (journ.) - f: Rheumatisme Articulaire Aigu - f: Revue Anglo-Americaine - f: Revue dAssyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale - f: Revue de l'Art Ancien et Moderne - f: Revue des Arts Asiatiques - f: Revue. Academie Arabe (journ.) - i: Rendiconti. Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere, e Belle Arti (journ.) -1: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron RaA e: Radium A [Polonium 218] RA[A] e: Rear Admiral [Aircraft Carriers] r.a.a. 1: reductio ad absurdum RÄA d: Reichsärzteordnung - d: Rentenänderungsauftrag RAAA d: Rupturiertes Aneurysma der Abdominalen Aorta - e: Red Angus Association of America - e: Relocation Assistance Association of America - e: Remote Antiarmor Assault System RAAB e: Remote Amplifer and Adaption Box - e: Remote Application and Advisory Box RAABF e: Royal Artillery Association Benevolent Fund RAAC e: Real-Time Active Controller - e: Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee - e: Recycling Advisory Committee - e: Regional Advisory Committee - e: Regional Affirmative Action Clearinghouse - e: Reliability Analysis Center - e: Remote Access and Control - e: Remote Analysis Computer - e: Remote Automatic Calibration - e: Rhodesian Air Askari Corps - e: Robotics and Automation Council - e: Rome Allied Area Command - e: Royal Agricultural College

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Royal Australian Armo[u]red Corps - e: Royal Automobile Club - e: Rubber Association of Canada - e: Rules of the Air Traffic Services RaAc d: Radio-Aktinium RAACA 1: Radiochimica Acta (journ.) RAA Calculator e: Radar Aircraft Altitude Calculator RAACC e: Robotics and Automation Applications Consulting Center RAACEF e: Rear Admiral Aircraft Carriers, Eastern Fleet raact e: radioactive RAAD e: Radford Army Ammunition Depot - e: Restructured Air Assault Division - f: Revue. Academie Arabe de Damas (journ.) - n: Rijks Zuivel-Agrarische Afvalwaterdienst RAADC e: Royal Australian Army Dental Corps RAADES e: Relative Antiair Defense Effectiveness Simulation RAA Device e: Remote Access Audio Device RAAEAV e: South Africa. Department of Agriculture. Entomology Memoir (journ.) RAAEC e: Royal Australian Army Educational Corps RAAECNletter e: Royal Australian Army. Educational Corps. Newsletter (journ.) RA[A]EF e: Rear Admiral [Administration] Eastern Fleet R A A F e: Redstone Army Airfeld - e: Royal Afghan Air Force - e: Royal Australian Air Force RAAFA e: Royal Australian Air Force Association RAAFMS e: Royal Australian Air Force Medical Service RAAFNS e: Royal Australian Air Force Nursing Service RAAFPO e: Royal Australian Air Force Post Office RAAF Reserve e: Royal Australian Air Force Reserve. Magazine (journ.) RAAG e: Regional Aviation Assistance Group - e: Research Association of Applied Geometry RAAGA e: Railway Age (journ.) RAAG Res Notes e: Research Notes and Memoranda of Applied Geometry for Prevenient Natural Philosophy (journ.) RAALC e: Royal Australian Anny Legal Corps RAAM e: Race Across America - e: Remote Anti-Armour Mine - e: Residual-Area-Analysis Method - e: Rifle-launched Anti-Armour Munition - f: Revue de l'Art Ancien et Modeme (journ.) - s: Refineria Argentina de Aceites Minerales RAAMC e: Royal Australian Army Medical Corps RAAMS e: Remote Anti-Armor Mine System[s] RAAN e: Repair Activity Accounting Number - i: Rendiconti. Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere, e Belle Arti (joum.) RAANC e: Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps RAANES e: Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition (journ.) RAANS e: Royal Australian Army Nursing Service


RAAO RAAO f: Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale (journ.) RAAOC e: Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps RAAP e: Radford Army Ammunition Plant - e: Residue Arithmetic Associative Processor - e: Resource Allocation and Planning RAAPS e: Resource Allocation and Planning System RAAQ f: Recherches Amerindiennes au Quebec. Bulletin d'lnformation (journ.) RAAR e: RAM [Random-Access Memory] Address Register RA Art Louvain f: Revue des Archeologues et Historiens dArt de Louvain (journ.) RAAS d: Renin-Angiotensin-AldosteronSystem - e: Racial Adjustment Action Society RAASC e: Royal Australian Army Service Corps RAASP e: Releasable Abrasive and Additive Sabotage Pack RAAT e: Recombinant Alpha 1 -Antitrypsin RAÁV d: Rentenanpassungs-Ánderungsverordnung RAAWS e: Radar Altimeter and Altitude Warning System - e: Ranger Antiarmor, Antipersonnel Weapon System RAB d: Rechnungsausgangsbuch - d: Reichsadressbuch - d: Reihenabwurfbombe - e: Rabaul - e: Rabbet[ing] - e: Rabbinical - e: Rabbit Oil & Gas - e: Radio Adaptor Box - e: Radio Advertising Bureau - e: Reactor Auxiliary Building - e: Regional Advisory Board - e: Regional Air Base - e: Rent Advisory Board - e: Requirements Allocation Book - e: Reset Audible Alarm - e: Rotating Arm Basin - n: Rationalisatie v. d. Arbeidstechniek in de Bosbouw - n: Rijksarbeidsbureau Rab d: Reihenabwurfgerat - e: Rabat, Morocco - e: Rabaul, New Britain - e: Rabbi - e: Rabbinic Hebrew RaB e: Radium B [Lead 214] Rab. d: Rabatt[e] - d: Rabiner RABAC e: Real Americans Buy American Cars RABAL e: Radiosonde Balloon RABAR e: Radiosonde Balloon Release - e: Raytheon Advanced Battery Acquisition Radar RABAS d: Radiofrequente Beeinflussung auf Sperrsysteme Rab Azovsko-Chernomorsk Nauchn Rybokhoz Stn R: Raboty AzovskoChemomorskoi Nauchnoi Rybokhozyaistvennoi Stantsii (journ.) RABB e: Rabbinate - e: Rabbinic[al] RABBAR s: Revista. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia e Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencia (journ.) RABBI e: Rapid-Access Blood-Blank Information

Rabbit Ears e: Rabbit Ears Mountain [or Rabbit Ears Pass] [Colorado] RABDF e: Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers Rabeis Z d: Rabeis Zeitschrift für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht (journ.) RABET e: Radar Beacon Transponder RABFAC e: Radar Beacon, Forward Air Controller RABFAC-TDC e: Radar Beacon Forward Air Controller-Target Data Communicator Rab Fiz Tverd Tela R: Raboty po Fizike Tverdogo Tela (journ.) RABFM e: Research Association of British Flour-Millers RabG d: Gesetz über Preisnachlässe - d: Rabattgesetz RAbgO d: Reichsabgabeordnung RABI e: Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution RABID e: Radar Action Buffer Input Data RABIN e: Netherlands Advisory Council for Libraries and Information Services - n: Raad van Advies voor Bibliotheekwesen en Informatieverzorging Rab Issled Inst Meteorol Gidrol Chast 2 R: Raboty i Issledovaniya. Institut Meteorologii i Gidrologii. Chast 2. Gidrologiya (joum.) Rab Khim Rastvorov Kompleksn Soedin R: Raboty po Khimii Rastvorov i Kompleksnykh Soedinenii (joum.) RABI. d: Reichsarbeitsblatt RABM s: Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas, y Museos (journ.) RABMA e: Radiobiologia si Biologia Moleculara (joum.) Rab Molodykh Uch Vses Akad Skh Nauk R: Raboty Molodykh Uchenykh Vsesoyuznaya Akademiya Se'lskokhoozyaistvennykh Nauk (joum.) Rab Neft R: Rabochii Neftyanik (joum.) RABNVS e: Reactor Auxiliary Building Normal Ventilation System RABOA e: Radiation Botany (joum.) Rabocij Klass Sovrem Mir R: Rabocij Klass i Sovremennyj Mir (joum.) RABol i: Rendiconto. Accademia delle Scienze. Istituto di Bologna (joum.) R Abolit f: Revue Abolitionniste (joum.) RABP e: Renal Artery Bypass RABPCVM e: Research Association of British Paint Colo[u]r and Varnish Manufacturers RABR e: Rainbow Bridge National Monument - e: Right Angle Bulkhead Receptacle RAbr i: Rivista Abruzzese (joum.) RABRM e: Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers [Trade Mark Review (joum.)] RABS d: Reisescheckabschluß - e: Rear-Wheel Antilock Brake System - e: Remote Air Battie Station RABT e: Rabbit Software Corp. Rabt d: Rangierabteilung Rab Tyan-Shan Fiz-Geogr Sta R: Raboty Tyan-Shan'skoi Fiziko-Geograficheskoi Stantsii. Akademiya Nauk Kirgizskai SSR (joum.) Rab Tyan Shan'skoi Fiz Geogr Stn Akad Nauk Kirg SSR R: Raboty Tyan-Shan'skoi Fiziko-Geograficheskoi Stantsii. Akademiya Nauk Kirgizskoi SSR (joum.) RABV e: Reflood Assist Bypass Valve


© K • G • Saur. München

RABVAL e: Radar Bomb Evaluation RAC d: [Eidgenössische] Landwirtschaftliche Forschungsanstalt Changins - d: Racemisch - d: Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (journ.) - d: Rechte Arteria Carotis communis - e: IEEE Robotics and Automation Council - e: Racemic - e: Racer Resources Ltd. - e: Racine - e: Radar-Absorbing Coatings - e: Radar Action Counter - e: Radar Address Counter - e: Radar Alert Correlation - e: Radar Area Correlation [or Correlator] - e: Radar Azimuth Converter - e: Radio Adaptive Communications - e: Radio [Service] Code - e: Radiological Assessment Coordinator - e: Radiometric Area Correlation [or Correlator] - e: RAI Research Corporation - e: Railway Association of Canada - e: Raisin Administrative Committee - e: Ram Air Chaners - e: Ram Air Cushion - e: Ramsays Appeal Cases (journ.) - e: Random Access Capability - e: Random Access Computer - e: Random Access Controller - e: Rangefinder with Automatic Compensator - e: Rapid Action Change - e: Rapid Automatic Checkout equipment - e: Ration Accessory Convenience - e: Rational Activity Coefficient - e: Reactor Accident Calculation^] - e: Read Address Counter - e: Rear Admiral Commanding - e: Receptor-Affinity Chromatography - e: Recessed Annular Connector - e: Recombinant [DNA] Advisory Committee - e: Reconnaissance, Anti-Char - e: Recorded Announcement Circuit - e: Recreation Advisory Council - e: Rectified [or Rectifier] Alternating Current - e: Redesigned Altitude Computer - e: Reflect Array Pulse Compressor - e: Reflective Array Compression [or Compressor] - e: Relative Address Coding - e: Release and Approval Center - e: Reliability Action Center - e: Reliability Analysis Center - e: Reliability Assessment of Components - e: Remote Access - e: Renal Arterial Constriction - e: Rent Adjustment Commission - e: Repair, Alignment, and Calibration - e: Reparable Assets Control - e: Representation des Artistes Canadiens - e: Republic Aviation Corporation - e: Request Altitude Change - e: Request for Authority to Contract - e: Requisition Advice Care - e: Research Advisory Committee [or Council] - e: Research Analysis Corporation - e: Resettlement Advice Centre - e: Resource Assessment Commission - e: Retail Advertising Conference - e: Rework after Completion - e: Rhomboidal Air Controller - e: Right Atrial Contraction - e: Risk Assessment Code - e: Roseworthy Agricultural College

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RACMYP - e: Royal Academician - e: Royal Aero Club - e: Royal Agricultural College - e: Royal Air Cambodge - e: Royal Arch Chapter - e: Royal Armoured Corps - e: Royal Artillery Committee - e: Royal Automobile Club - e: Rubber Allocation Committee - e: Rubber Association of Canada - e: Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control - f: Radar dAlerte et de Coordination - f: Revue de l'Art Chretien (journ.) - f: Station de Recherche Agronomiques de Changins - i: Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana (journ.) - P: Raciborz RaC e: Radium C [Bismuth 214] rac. e: racemic R.A.C. e: Ramsays Appeal Cases - e: Rectified Alternating Current - e: Royal Automobile Club R&AC e: Radar and Air Communications RaC' e: Radium C [Polonium 214] RaC" e: Radium C" [Thallium 210] RACA e: Recovered Alcoholic Clergy Association - e: Requiring Activity Contract Administrator - e: Resource Accounting and Cost Allocation - e: Royal Automobile Club of Australia - e: Rural Arts and Crafts Association - f: Regroupement dArtistes des Centres Alternatifs - s: Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes Ra Ca e: English Railway and Canal Cases RACAA e: Radiocarbon RACAAS f: Radar Aéroporté de Combat Aerien et dAppui au Sol R Acad Cieñe y Artes Barcelona Mem s: Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona. Memorias (journ.) R Acad Farm Barcelona Discursos Recepción s: Real Academia de Farmacia de Barcelona. Discursos de Recepción (journ.) R Acad Farm Barcelona Ses Inaug s: Real Academia de Farmacia de Barcelona. Sesión Inaugural (journ.) RACAN e: Rubber Association of Canada RA C Ant Nat f: Revue Archéologique. Centre Consacree aux Antiquites Nationales (journ.) RACAS e: Radiation Automatic Casualty Assessment System RACAT e: Rapid-Acquisition Computed Axial Tomography RACathHS e: Records. American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia (journ.) RACB e: Royal Automobile Club of Belgium - f: Royal Automobile Club de Belgique RACBD e: Royal Armoured Corps Base Depot RACC e: Radiation and Contamination Control - e: Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation - e: Remote ARIA [Apollo Range Instrumentation Aircraft] Control Center - e: Remotely Activated Command and Control - e: Reporting Activity Control Card - e: Research Aviation Coordinating Committee - e: Reykavik Area Control Center - e: Rituels Accadiens (journ.) - e: Royal Armoured Corps Centre - e: Royal Automobile Club of Canada

RAcc f: Revue des Accidents du Travail (journ.) racc i: raccomandata RACCA e: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association Racc Fis-Chim Ita] i: Raccolta FisicoChimica Italiana R Ac Cieñe Habana An s: Real Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Físicas, y Naturales de la Habana. Anales (journ.) Raccoglitore Med Forli i: Raccoglitore Medico Fano Forli (journ.) Raccolta Mem Turin Univ Fac Sci Agr i: Raccolta di Memorie. Turin. Università. Facolta di Scienze Agrarie (journ.) Racc Opuscoli Sci Filol i: Raccolta d Opusroli Scientifici e Filologici (journ.) RACD e: Roll and Attitude Command System - e: Royal Armoured Corps Depot - e: Royal Army Clothing Department R-AC/DC e: Rack for Alternating Current/Direct Current power supply RACE e: Mid-America Racing Stables, Inc. - e: R&D Advanced Communication Technologies in Europe - e: Race and Class - e: Racial Attitudes and Consciousness Exam - e: Radiation Adaptive Compression Equipment - e: Railways of Australia Container Express - e: Random Access Computer Equipment - e: Random Access Control Equipment - e: Rapid Acquisition and Computer Extraction - e: Rapid Automatic Checkout Equipment - e: Rapid Automatic Core Evaluator - e: Regional Automatic Circuit Exchange - e: Remote Automatic Computing Equipment - e: Request Altitude Changes En-Route - e: Request Altitude Changes En Route franz - e: Research and Delevopment in Advanced Communications Technology [or Technologies] for/in Europe - e: Research in Advance[d] Communications for/in Europe - e: Research on Automatic Computation Electronics - e: Resonant Absorption following Coulomb Excitation - e: Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering - e: Response Analysis for Call Evaluation - e: Restoration of Aircraft to Combat Effectivity - e: Results Analysis, Computation and Evaluation - e: Rochester Area Commuter Express - e: Routine And Cost Estimate - e: Routing And Cost Estimate - s: Real Automóvil Club de España RACEA e: Rankine Cycle Energy Recovery Race Clas e: Race and Class Race Hyg e: Race Hygiene R A C E L e: Record of Access/Eligibility RACEP e: Random Access and Correlation for Extented Performance RACER e: Rankin Cycle Energy Recovery - e: Rapid Card Embedding and Routing - e: Runner Administration and Computerized Entry Routine Race Rei [a] LR[ep] e: Race Relations Law Reporter (joum.) Race Rela L SuR e: Race Relations Law Survey (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

RACES e: Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service[s] - e: Remote Arming Common Element System RACEWS e: RACAL Automated Communications Electronics Warfare System R A C F e: Regional Advisory Councils for Further Education - e: Resource Access Control Facility - e: Resource Allocation Control Facility - e: Royal Army Clothing Factory - f: Revue du Centre de la France RACFI e: Radio and Communication[s] Facilities Inoperative RACFIRE e: Tactical fire-direction RACFO e: Radio and Communications Facilities Operative RACFOE e: Research Analysis Corporation Field Office, Europe R A C G e: Radiometric Area Con-elation Guidance - e: Reaction Alternating-Current Generator RACGP e: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners R A C G S e: Radar Area Correlation Guidance System RACH e: Radio Channel RACHA i: Rassegna Chimica (journ.) RAChemI e: Royal Australian Chemical Institute RACHL e: Rocketdyne Advance Chemical Laser RACHNBR e: Rack Number RACHS[P] e: Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia (journ.) RACI e: Reported Altitude Change Indicator - e: Royal Australian Chemical Institute - i: Reale Automobile Club Italiano RACIC e: Remote Area Conflict Information Center RACIS e: Radar Computer Interaction Simulator RAC Journal e: Royal Automobile Club [of South Africa] Journal (journ.) RACK e: Rack number in the suite of the exchange RACKEQPT e: Relation R-rack Equipment RACKET e: Routines for Arithmetic Computation of Key set Evaluation Tables RACKLAYO e: Rack Layout List RACKPC e: Rack-Mount Personal Computer RACKTYPD e: Relation R-racktype D RACKTYPE e: Type of the Rack to add in the exchange RACKTYPT e: Relation R-racktype T RACL e: Rack Clock repair block RACI. i: Rassegna di Antichità Classica RACLA e: Resource and Action Committee for Latin America R A C M e: Raycom Transworld Industries, Inc. - e: Reasonable Available Control Measures RACMAP e: Research Analysis Corporation Macro Assembly Program[me] RACMD e: Radio Countermeasures and Deception - e: Radio Countermeasures and Detection RAC-MSA e: The Royal Automobile ClubMotor Sports Association Ltd. RACMSC e: Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Council RACMYP s: Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Politicas


RACN RACN e: Request for Advanced Change Notice RACND3 e: Annual Research Reviews. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Related Conditions (journ.) RACNE e: Regional Advisory Committee on Nuclear Energy RACNSC e: Religious Activities Committee, National Safety Council RACNSW e: Royal Aero Club of New South Wales RACO e: Radar-Absorbing Coating - e: Rapid Automatic Checkout - e: Real America Company - e: Rear Area Combat Operations - e: Repairable Asset Control Operation - e: Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists RACOB[WA] e: Rear-Admiral Commanding Combined Operational Bases [Western Approaches] RACOG e: Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists RACOM e: Random Communication R A Como i: Rivista Archeologica dell Antica Provincia e Diocesi di Como (journ.) RACOMS e: Rapid Combat Mapping Service - e: Rapid Combat Mapping System RACON e: Radar [Responder] Beacon - e: Radio Beacon Ra [Conspic] e: Radar Conspicuous Object RACOON e: Radiation Controlled Balloon R/A Corrector e: Range/Azimuth Corrector RACP e: Regional Airspace Control Plan - e: Royal Austral[as]ian College of Physicians RACPAS e: Radar Coverage Penetration Analysis RACR e: Resources Allocation Change Request racr f: accommadage[s] Rac Rel L Surrey e: Race Relations Law Survey RACrist i: Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana (journ.) RAC/RJ e: Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism RACS e: Random Access Communications System - e: Random Access Control System - e: Recruit Allocation Control System - e: Redundant Attitude Control System - e: Regenerable Affinity Chromatography Support - e: Relative Absorption Cross Section - e: Remote Access Calibration System - e: Remote Access Computer [or Computing] System - e: Remote Automatic Calibration System - e: Remote Automatic Control System - e: Request for Approval of Contractual Support - e: Rotation Axis Coordinate System - e: Royal Australasian College of Surgeons - e: Royal Australian Corps of Signals RACSA e: Reexamination and Analysis of the US Collective Security Arrangements - e: Royal Aero Club of South Australia - s: Radio Aeronautica de Cuba S.A. RACSAR e: Regional Advisory Council for Scientific and Atomic Research RACSS e: Retail Apparel Chain Store System RACSTLAY e: Rack Standard Layout List

RAC System e: Remote Access Computing System RACT e: Reasonable Available Control Technology - e: Reasonably Available Control Technique - e: Remote Access Computer Technique - e: Reverse-Acting - e: Royal Australian Corps of Transport RACTC e: Royal Armoured Corps Training Centre RAction Soc f: Revue d'Action Sociale (joum.) RACTS e: Radiation Assistance Center/ Training Side RACU e: Remote Acquisition and Checkout Unit - e: Remote [data] Acquisition and Checkout Unit[s] R A C U A H C e: Religious Action Center of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations Rac Uff i: Raccolta Ufficiale delle Leggi e dei Decreti della Repubblica Italiana (journ.) RACUK e: Royal Aero Club the United Kingdom RACUU d: Rahmenprogramm fiir computerunterstiitzten Unterricht RACV e: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria RAC[WA] e: Royal Aero Club RACYA e: Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (journ.) RACZA s: Revista. Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisico-Quimicas, y Naturales de Zaragoza (journ.) RAD d: Radiant - d: Radio - d: Rechtsachsen-Deviation - e: Radar [Augmentation Device] - e: Radford Army Ammunition Plant - e: Radford Arsenal - e: Radiac [Equipment] - e: Radial [Detector] - e: Radian[s] - e: Radiant - e: Radiate - e: Radiation [Absorbed] [Dosage] - e: Radiation [Absorbed] Dose [or Dosis] - e: Radiation Detector - e: Radiator - e: Radical - e: Radicalism - e: Radio [and Radar Radiation Hazards] - e: Radioactive - e: Radioactivity [Detection] - e: Radiogram[me] - e: Radiolocation - e: Radiologist - e: Radiology - e: Radiotherapy - e: Radium - e: Radius - e: Radix - e: Radnorshire] - e: Radula - e: Raised After Deck - e: Random Access Data - e: Random Access Device - e: Random Access Disc [or Disk] - e: Rapid Access Data [drum] - e: Rapid Access Device - e: Rapid Access Disc [or Disk] - e: Rapid Access Drive - e: Rapid Access Drum - e: Rapid Automatic Drill - e: Ratio Adjust Device


© K • G • Saur. München

- e: Ratio Analysis Diagram - e: Rear Admiral, Destroyers - e: Recommendation Approval Document - e: Record Assembler and Distributor - e: Records Arrival Date - e: Recruiting Aids Department - e: Reference Attitude Display - e: Reflex Anal Dilatation - e: Regional Accountable Depot - e: Register Addredd Decoder - e: Relative Air Density - e: Released from Active Duty - e: Repair at Depot - e: Reported for Active Duty - e: Request Advice - e: Request for Apollo Documents - e: Required Availability Date - e: Requirements Action Directive - e: Requirements Allocation Document - e: Requiring Drydocking - e: Research and [Advanced] Development - e: Research and Development - e: Reservists on Active Duty - e: Resource Availability Determination - e: Resource[s] Allocation Display - e: Restricted Activity Days - e: Restricted Shipyard Availability - e: Return to Active Duty - e: Review and Approval Document (journ.) - e: Ribbon Against Drop - e: Right Angle Drive - e: Right Anterior Descending - e: Right Anterior Digestive - e: Right Atrial Dimension - e: Right Axis Deviation - e: Rite Aid Corp. - e: Roentgen Absorbed Dose - e: Roentgen Administered Dosage [or Dose] - e: Rotating Active Diffuser - e: Royal Albert Dock[s] - e: Rural Areafs] Development - e: Unit of Radiation - e: Warroad -1: Radialis -1: Radix -1: Ramus atrialis dexter - n: Respect voor Arbeid en Democratic Rad e: Radical Teacher - e: Radiola - e: Radiotherapist RAd d: Rohradapter RaD e: Radium D [Lead 210] Rad. d: Radar - d: Radierung - d: Radikale[r] - d: Radikalisierung - d: Radikalismus - d: Radius - d: Radix - e: Radiotheryp[ist] - e: Radix - e: Radnorshire] rad. d: radikal - e: radical - e: radialis - e:radiant - e: radius -1: radix R.a.d. 1: Ramus atrialis dexter R&AD e: Research and Advanced Development R/AD e: Research and Advanced Development RA[D] e: Rear Admiral [Destroyers]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Radial Ed Dossier RADA d: Rosinamin-D-Azetat - e: Radioactive - e: Random Access Discrete Address - e: Rapid Digital Automatic Computer System - e: Realignment of Air-Drop Activities - e: Right Acromio-Dorso-Anterior - e: Rosin Amine D-Acetate - e: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art[s] Rad. A. e: Radioactive Area RadA e: Radical Alliance RADAC e: Radar Analog/Digital Data and Control - e: Radar Area Correlation - e: Range Data and Control Center - e: Rapid Data Collection - e: Rapid Digital Automatic] Computing [System] - e: Raytheon Automatic Drafting Artwork Compiler RADACS e: Random Access Discrete Address Communications System RADAC S[ystem] e: Rapid Digital Automatic Computing System RADADS e: Research Aircraft Data Acquisition and Display System RADAG d: Rheinkraftwerk AlbbruckDogem AG - e: Radar Area Correlation Guidance RADAL e: Radio Detection and Location RADAL System e: Radio Detection and Location System RADAM e: Radar Detection of Agitated Metals - e: Radar of the Amazon RADAMS e: Rapidly Deployed AntiAircraft Missile System RADAN e: Radar Analysis System - e: Radar Doppler Automatic] Navigation [or Navigator] RADANT e: RADOME [Radar Dome] Antenna Radar e: Radio Association Defending Airwave Rights - e: Radio Detecting [or Detection] and Ranging - e: Radio Direction And Ranging - e: Random Access Dump And Reload - e: Range and Distance Angle Repeater - e: Receivable Accounts Data-entry and Retrieval - e: Rohr Automated Data and Retrieval - e: Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation - f: Repertoire Analytique d'Articles de Revues de Quebec (journ.) - f: Reseau d'Approvisionnement et de Debouches d'Affaires RAD-AR e: Risk/Benefit Assessment of Drugs-Analysis and Response RadarAufkl d: Radaraufklärung RadarC e: Radially Distributed Annular Rocket [Combustion] Chamber RadarEVALSq e: Radar Evaluation Squadron RadarFIM/LtKp d: Radarflugmelde- und Leitkompanie RadarFIM/LtKp d: Radarflugmelde- und Leitkompanie RadarFriihwKp d: Radarfriihwamkompanie RadarFüDst d: Radarführungsdienst RadarGer d: Radargerät RadarGrpArt d: Radargruppe Artillerie RadarGrpGefF d: Radargruppe Gefechtsfeld

RadarLtZg d: Radarleitzug RadarS e: Receivable Accounts Data-entry and Retrieval System RadarSat e: Radar Satellite RadarStg d: Radarstellung Radar System e: Rohr Automated Data and Retrieval System RADAS e: Random Access Discrete Address System RadAstr e: Radar Astronomy RADAT e: Radar Alignment Designation Accuracy Test - e: Radar Data Transmission [and ranging] - e: Radio Direction and Track - e: Radiosonde-observation Data - e: Research and Development Acceptance Tests RADATA e: Radar [Automatic] Data Transmission and Assembly RADATAC e: Radiation Data Acquisition Chart RADATC e: Rapidly Deployable Air Traffic Control System Radat Res e: Radiation Research (journ.) RADATS e: Radar Data-Transmission System - e: Radiographic Automated Testing System RADAT System e: Radar Data Transmission System RADAUS e: Radio-Austria AG RADAY e: Radio Day RADB e: Radiometric Age Data Bank RADBA e: Radiobiology Rad Best Co e: Radio Broadcasting Company RADBIOL e: Radiobiology RADBN e: Radio Battalion RAD[BPF] e: Rear Admiral Commanding Destroyers RADC e: Radar Countermeasure[s] [and Deception] - e: Radio Data Control - e: Radiological Center - e: Regiment Air Defence [or Defense] Center [or Centre] - e: Reliability Analysis Data Center - e: Review, Approve or Disapprove, and Comment - e: Rome Air Development Center - e: Royal Army Dental Corps Rad Cal Fit e: Radar Calibration Flight RADCAP e: Research and Development Contributions to Aviation Progress - e: Rome Air Development Center Associate Processor RADCAS e: Radiation Casualty RADCAT e: Radar Calibration Target RADCC e: Radiological Control Center - e: Rear Area Damage Control Center RAD Center e: Radiological Center RADC/ETR e: Rome Air Development Center Deputy for Electronic Technology RAD-CH e: Radical-Changing RADCHM e: Radiochemistry Rad Clinica e: Radiologia Clinica Rad Clin NA e: Radiologic Clinics of North America RADCM[D] e: Radar Countermeasure[s] [and Deception] RADCO e: Radio Company RADCOL e: RADC [Rome Air Development Center] Automatic Document Classifcation On-Line RADCOLS e: Rome Air Development Center On-Line Simulator

Internationa] Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RADCOM e: Radio Communications - e: Radiometric Contrast Matching - e: Research and Development Command RADCON e: Radar Control - e: Radar Data Converter - e: Radiological Control RADCOT e: Radial Optical Tracking Theodolite Rad Coy e: Radio Company RADCS e: Radar Control Squadron - e: Radar Diagnostic Control System Radd. d: Raddampfer RADD e: Rapid-Access Data Drum - e: Royal Association in Aid of the Deaf and Dumb RADDAC e: Radar Analogfue] Digital Data and Control RADDEF e: Radiological Defense Rad Diagn 1: Radiologia Diagnostica (journ.) RADDOL i: Raddolcendo RADDS e: Raytheon Automated Digital Design System RADE e: Research and Development Division RADEC e: Radiation Detection Capability RADEF e: Radiological Defense - e: Rain and Dust Erosion Facility RADEFF e: Radiation Effects RADELECTENG e: Radio and Electronic Engineer Rad-Elect-Eng e: The Radio and Electronic Engineer (journ.) RADEM e: Random Access Data Modulation - e: Random Access Delta Modulation RAD ENCL e: Radiator Enclosure Rad Eng [London] e: Radio Engineering (journ.) RADEP e: Radar Departure RadEq e: Radar Equation RADES e: Realistic Air Defense Engagement System RADEX e: Radar Data Extractor - e: Radar Exercise RADEX [Plot] e: Radiation Exclusion [Plot] Radex Rundsch d: Radex Rundschau (journ.) Radf. d: Radfahrer RADFAC e: Radiating [or Radiation] Facility RADFAL e: Radiological Prediction Fallout Plot RADFET e: Radiation-Sensing Field Effect Transistor RADFO e: Radiological Fallout RADFS e: Radar Evaluation Squadron RADF[S] e: Rapid-Access Data File[s] RadFz d: Radfahrzeug RADHAZ e: Radiation Hazard[s] - e: Radio and Radio Radiation Hazards - e: Radio-frequency Hazard[s] Rad Hist e: Radical History Review (journ.) Rad Humanist e: Radical Humanist (journ.) RADI e: Rada Electronic Industries Ltd - e: Radiographic [or Radiological] Inspection - e: Retail Alarm for Display and Intruder Radi f: Radium RADIA e: Radiography (journ.) RADIAC e: Radiation, Detection, Indication and Computation - e: Radio-Activity Detection, Identification and Computation - e: Radioactive Detection and Measurement Radial Ed Dossier e: Radical Education Dossier 131

radial-ply radial-ply e: radial-ply tire RADIALS e: Research and Development Information and Library Science RADIAN e: Radial Detector for Ion Beam Analysis RADIAT e: Radiation Radiat and Environ Biophys e: Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (journ.) Radiata Pine Tech Bull e: Radiata Pine Technical Bulletin (journ.) Radiat Biol e: Radiation Biology (journ.) Radiat Bot e: Radiation Botany (journ.) Radiat Data Rep e: Radiation Data and Reports (journ.) Radiat Eff[ects] e: Radiation Effects (journ.) Radiat Eff Lett [Sect] e: Radiation Effects. Letters Section (journ.) Radiat Environ [Biophys] e: Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (journ.) Radiat Med e: Radiation Medicine (journ.) Radiat Phys [and] Chem e: Radiation Physics and Chemistry (journ.) Radiat Prot e: Radiation Protection (journ.) Radiat Prot Aust e: Radiation Protection in Australia (journ.) Radiat Prot Dosim e: Radiation Protection Dosimetry (joum.) Radiat Prot ICRP Publ e: Radiation Protection. ICRP (journ.) Radiat Prot [Seoul] e: Radiation Protection [Seoul] (journ.) Radiat Prot [Taiyuan People's Repub China] e: Radiation Protection [Taiyuan, People's Republic of China] (journ.) Radiat Rep e: Radiation Report (journ.) Radiat Res Polym e: Radiation Research on Polymers (journ.) Radiat Res Rev e: Radiation Research Reviews (journ.) Radiat Res Sup[pl] e: Radiation Research. Supplement (joum.) Radiats Bezop Zashch AEhS R: Radiatsionnaya Bezopasnost' i Zashchita AEhS. Sbornik Statej (journ.) Radiats Fis Nemet Krist R: Radiatsionnaya Fizika Nemetallicheskikh Kristallov (journ.) Radiats Fiz R: Radiatsionnaya Fizika (journ.) Radiats Fiz Akad Nauk Latv SSR Inst Fiz R: Radiatsionnaya Fizika. Akademiya Nauk Latviiskoi SSR. Institut Fiziki (journ.) Radiats Fiz Tverd Tela Radiats Materialoved R: Radiatsionnaya Fizika Tverdogo Tela i Radiatsionnoe Materialovedenie Radiats Gig R: Radiatsionnaya Gigiena Radiat Shielding Inf Cent Rep e: Radiation Shielding Information Center. Report Radiats Tekh R: Radiatsionnaya Tekhnika (journ.) Radiaz Alta Energ i: Radiazioni di Alta Energia (journ.) Radiaz Radioisot i: Radiazioni e Radioisotopi (journ.) RADIC e: Radical - e: Radicle - e: Radicotomy - e: Radiculalgia - e: Radicular - e: Radiculectomy - e: Radiculitis - e: Radiculomeningomyelitis - e: Radiculomyelopathy - e: Radiculoneuritis - e: Radiculopathy

- e: Radio Interior Communication^] - e: Redifon Analog[ue]-Digital Computer [or Computing] - e: Research and Development Information Center Radical Am e: Radical America (journ.) Radical Ed e: Radical Education Radical Educ Dossier e: Radical Education Dossier Radical His e: Radical History Review Radical Scot e: Radical Scotland RADICORD e: Radar Digitizer and Recorder RADICS e: Research and Development in Computer Systems Limited RADIC System e: Redifon Analog[ue]Digital Computing System RADIICAL e: Retrieval and Automatic Dissemination of Information from Index Chemicus and Line-notation RADIL e: Research Animal Diagnostic and Investigative Laboratory RAD INSP e: Radiographic Inspection RADINT e: Radar Intelligence - e: Radio Intelligence R.A.D.I.O. d: Rundfunk-Aktionsgemeinschaft Demokratischer Initiativen und Organisationen RADIO e: Radiotherapy Radio 1 e: British disc jockey commentary and teenage pop music station Radio 2 e: British family phonein and pop programs station Radio 3 e: British classical music programs station Radio 4 e: British station featuring educational and informational programs on cooking, farming and the theater Radioactive Waste Technol e: Radioactive Waste Technology Radioact Sea e: Radioactivity in the Sea Radioact Surv Data Jap e: Radioactivity Survey Data in Japan Radioact Waste Disposal Res Ser Inst Geol Sci e: Radioactive Waste Disposal. Research Series. Institute of Geological Sciences Radioact Waste Manage e: Radioactive Waste Management Radioact Waste Manage and Nucl Fuel Cycle e: Radioactive Waste Management and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Radioact Waste Manage Nucl Fuel Cycle e: Radioactive Waste Management and the Nuclear Fuel Circle Radioact Waste Manage [Oak Ridge Tenn] e: Radioactive Waste Management Radioact Waste Technol [Oak Ridge Tennessee] e: Radioactive Waste Technology Radio and Electron Eng e: Radio and Electronic Engineer (journ.) Radio and Electron World e: Radio and Electronics World (journ.) Radiobiol R: Radiobiolôgiya (journ.) Radiobiol Inf Byull R: Radiobiologiya Informatsionnyi Byulleten' (journ.) Radiobiol Lat 1: Radiobiologica Latin a (journ.) Radiobiol Radioter Fis Med p: Radiobiologia, Radioterapia e Fisica Medica (journ.) Radiobiol-Radiother [Berlin] p: Radiobiologia-Radiotherapia (journ.) RADIO-BRAS p: Empresa Brasiliera de Radiodifusâo


© K • O • Saur. München

Radioch Act p: Radiochimica Acta RADIOCHEM e: Radiochemistry Radiochem. Acta p: Radiochemica Acta (journ.) Radiochem [and] Radioanal Lett e: Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters (journ.) Radiochim Acta e: Radiochimica Acta (journ.) Radioch Rad e: Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters (journ.) Radio City e: Radio City Book Store, Radio City Music Hall Radio. Clin. N. Amer. e: Radiologic Clinics of North America (journ.) RADIOCOM e: Radio Communication Radio Commun e: Radio Communication (journ.) Radio D[/]F e: Radio Direction Finder [or Finding] Radio EI En e: Radio and Electronic Engineer (journ.) Radioekol Vodn Org R: Radioekologiya Vodnykh Organizmov (journ.) Radio[-]Elec[tron] e: Radio-Electronics (journ.) Radioelectron [and] Commun Syst e: Radioelectronics and Communication Systems (journ.) Radio&Electron Constructor e: Radio and Electronics Constructor (journ.) Radio Electron Engng e: Radio Electronics Engineering Radio [&] Electronic] Eng [London] e: Radio and Electronic Engineer [London] (journ.) Radio Elec W e: Radio Electrical Weekly (journ.) Radio Elektron p: Radio Elektronica (journ.) Radio Elektroniikkalab Tek Korkeakoulu Kertomus F: Radio-ja Elektroniikkalaboratoriot. Teknillinen Korkeakoulu. Kertomus [jour.] Radio Elektron Schau d: Radio Elektronik Schau (journ.) Radio Eng e: Radio Engineering (journ.) Radio Eng [and] Electron Phys e: Radio Engineering and Electronic Physics (journ.) RADIOG e: Radiography Radiogram e: Radio and Gramophone RADIOL e: Radiologist - e: Radiology radiol. e: radiological Radiol. Austriaca d: Radiologia Austriaca (journ.) Radiol. Diagn. d: Radiologia Diagnostica (journ.) Radiol. Health Data Rep. e: Radiological Health Data and Reports (journ.) Radiol. Technol. e: Radiologic Technology (journ.) RADIO PAK e: Radio Pakistan Radiophys. Quantum Electron, e: Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics (journ.) Radio Sc. e: Radio Scanner RADIOSCI e: Radio Science Radio Sci. e: Radio Science (journ.) Radiotel. Engr. e: Radiotelephone Engineer RADIQUAD e: Radio Quadrangle RADIR e: Random Access Document Indexing and Retrieval Radiral Commun Med e: Radical Community Medicine (journ.) RADIRS e: Rapid Deployment Integrated Rocket System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RAFAR RADIST [Indicator] e: Radar Distance [Indicator] RADIT e: Radio Teletype RA Dks e: Royal Albert Docks RADL e: Radial - e: Radiological - e: Radiology RADLAB e: Radiation Laboratory RADLCEN e: Radiological Center RADLDEF e: Radiological Defense RADLDEFLAB e: Radiological Defense Laboratory RADLE e: Responsive Automatic Dial-out and Line-transfer Equipment RADLFO e: Radiological Fallout RADLGY e: Radiology Rad Lib e: Radio Liberty RADLIC e: Radio Link RADLMON e: Radiological Monitor[ing] RadLO d: Radarleitoffizier RADLO e: Radiological Defense Officer RADLOP e: Radiological Operation[s] RADLSAFE e: Radiological Safety RADLSO e: Radiological Survey Officer RADLSV e: Radiological Survey RADIT e: Radio Teletype Rad Lux e: Radio Luxembourg Rad LV e: Radiation Leuk[a]emia Virus RADL WAR e: Radiological Warfare RADM e: Radar Model - e: Random-Access Data Modulation - e: Rear Admiral - e: Received All DM [amateur radio] RAdm e: Rear-Admiral RADMAP S[ystem] e: Radiological Monitoring Assessment Prediction System RADMON e: Radiological Monitor[ing] RADN e: Radiation Radn. e: Radian RADNET e: Radar Interconnection Network RADNOTE e: Radio Note radn.p.s. e: radians per second RADOBS e: Radar Intrusion Detection Sensor RADOC e: Regional Air Defence [or Defense] Operations Center [or Centre] - e: Remote Automatic Detection of Contingencies RadOkV d: Radioökologieverordnung Radom[e] e: Radar Dome RADON e: Radar Beacon Radon daughter e: Deadly microscopic radioactive uranium particles RADOP d: Radar Doppler - e: Radar Doppler - e: Radar Operator - e: Radar Optical RADOPfR] e: Radio Operator [wireless operator] RADOPWEAP e: Radar Optical Weapon[s] RADOSE e: Radiation Dosimeter Satellite RADOT e: Radar Operator Trainer - e: Realtime Automatic Digital Optical Tracker RADOT System e: Real-time Automatic Digital Optical Tracking System RADP e: Right Acromio-Dorso-Posterior - e: Right Atrial Diastolic Pressure - e: Rubidium Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate [Rb, [NH4]H2PO„ RADPBOPCAST e: Radio Propagation Forecast RADPLANBD e: Radio Planning Board Rad Prop Cast e: Radio Propagation Forecast

RADR e: Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation RADREC e: Radiator Recess Rad. Reg. [2d] [P&F] e: Radio Regulation [Second Series] [Pike and Fischer] RADREL e: Radio Relay RADRELRON e: Radio Relay Squadron RaD Rep. e: Research and Development Report Rad Repmn e: Radio Repairman RADRON e: Radar Squadron - e: Radio Squadron RADRONMOB e: Radio Squadron, Mobile RADRU e:Rapid Access Data Retrieval Unit RADS e: Radar Alphanumeric Display Subsystem - e: Radiation and Dosimetry Services - e: Random Access Data Store - e: Regional Air Defence Sectors - e: Rotor Analysis Development System - e: Ryukyu Air Defense System RADs e: Rapid Access Devices - e: Roentgen Administered Doses Rad/s d: Radiant pro Sekunde RAD/S e: Radians per Second Rad[s] e: Radicals] Rad/s2 d: Radiant pro Quadratsekunde RADSAB e: Radiator Sabotage RADSAFE e: Radiological Safety RADSAT e: Radiation Satellite RADS-AT e: Rotor Analysis and Diagnostic Systems-Advanced Technology RADSCAT e: Radiometer-Scatterometer [sensor] Rad Sec e: Radio Section RADSICK e: Radiation Sickness RADSIM e: Random Access Discrete address system Simulator RADSO e: Radiological Survey Officer RADSONDE d: Radiosonde RADSS e: Radar Alphanumeric-Display Subsystem RADSTA e: Radio Station RadT d: Radiotechnik (joum.) RADTEL e: Radar Telescope RADTT e: Radio Teletypefwriter] RADU e: Radar Analysis and Detection Unit RADVS e: Radar Altimeter [and] Doppler Velocity Sensor RADWAR e: Radiological Warfare RADWASTE e: Radioactive Waste RAE d: Recht auf Einkommen - d: Rechtsatriales Elektrogramm - d: Restriktive Atemwegserkrankung - e: Radar Altimeter Equipment - e: Radio Astronomy Explorer [satellite] - e: Random Access Edit - e: Range Azimuth [and] Elevation - e: Recorded Announcement Equipment - e: Research and Engineering - e: Right Arithmetic Element - e: Right Ascension Encoder - e: Rotating Analyzer Ellipsometry - e: Royal Aeronautical Establishment - e: Royal Aircraft Establishment - e: Royal Australian Engineers - e: Rural Automatic Exchange - f: Recherches et Applications Électroniques - i: Reconocimiento Amgo/Enemigo - s: Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior - s: Real Academia Española RaE e: Radium E [Bismuth 210] RaE" e: Radium E" [Thallium 206] RAEA d: Rahmen Ein-/Ausgabe

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

RAEB e: Refractory Anemia with Excess [of] Blasts R Ae C e: Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom RAEC e: Royal Army Educational Corps RAECO e: Rare-Earth Cobalt RAEDOT e: Range, Azimuth and Elevation Detection of Optical Targets RAEDP e: Research and Exploratory Development Plan RAEF d: Rechtsatriale Ejektionsfraktion RAEL s: Real Academia Española de la Lengua RaEm d: Radium-Emanation - e: Radiumemanation RAEME e: Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers RAEN e: Radio Amateur Emergency Network RAE News e: Royal Aircraft Establishment News (journ.) RAER d: Rechtsatriale Expansionsrate - e: Range, Azimuth, Elevation and Reproduction RAERP d: Rechtsatriale Effektive Refraktarphase RAES e: Radio Astronomy Explorer Satellite - e: Remote Access Editing System RAeS e: Royal Aeronautical Society RAE Satellite e: Radio Astronomy Explorer Satellite RAESP e: Radio Astronomy Experiment Selection Panel RAESV d: Rechtsatriales Endsystolisches Volumen RAE System e: Remote Access Editing System RAET e: Range, Azimuth, Elevation and Time RAETU e: Reserve Airborne Electronics Training Unit RAEV d: Rechtsatriales Entleerungsvolumen - s: Regimentó Aereo del Ejercito Venezolana RAF a: Reklameatelierenes Forening - a: Rorledningsfirmomas Arbetsgivareforbund - e: Recoded Address File - e: Regional Arab Federation of Associations for Voluntary Fertility Control - e: Regular Air Force - e: Requirements Allocation Form - e: Research Aviation Facility - e: Reserved Air Freight - e: Reynolds Analogy Factor - e: Royal Air Force - e: Royal Aircraft Factory - f: Robotique et Automatisation Flexible - r: Redernes Arbeidsgiverforening - r: Reklameatelierenes Forening - r: Rorledningsfirmomas Arbetsgivareforbund RaF e: Radium F [Polonium 210] RAFA e: Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act - e: Royal Air Force Association - e: Royal Australian Field Artillery RAFAC e: Radio Aids and Facilities RAFAD e: Research and Applications for Alternative Financing for Development RAFA Journal e: Royal Air Forces Association Journal RAFAR e: Radar-Automated Facsimile Reproduction - e: Radio-Automated Facsimile and Reproduction


RAFATr RAFATr e: Royal Air Force Transport RAF AX e: Radar Facsimile [transmission] RAFB e: Ramey Air Force Base - e: Randolph Air Force Base - e: Rickenbacker Air Force Base - e: Royal Air Force Base RAFBF e: Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund RAFC e: Rear Air Freight Center - e: Regional Area Forecast Center - e: Royal Air Force College RAFCC e: Royal Air Force Coastal Command RAFD e: Rome Air Force Depot RAFE e: Regional Office for Asia and the Far East RAFES e: Royal Air Force Educational Service RAFF e: Redstone Army Airfield Raff d: Raffinesse raff f: raffiné Raff, d: Raffinade - d: Raffination - d: Raffinerie raff, d: raffinieren - d: raffiniert RAFFC e: Royal Air Force Ferry Command - e: Royal Air Force Fighter Command - e: Royal Air Force Flying College Raffinat, d: Raffination RAFG e: Royal Air Force Germany RAFGSA e: Royal Air Force Gliding and Soaring Association RAFH e: Royal Air Force Historical Society RAFHOS[P] e: Royal Air Force Hospital RAFI e: Rural Advancement Fund International RAFIAM e: Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine RAFL e: Rainfall RAFM e: Repair at Failure Maintenance RAFMS e: Royal Air Force Medical Services RAFO e: Reserve [of] Air Force Officers - e: Royal Air Force of Oman RAFOS e: Long-Range navigation system - e: Royal Air Force Ornithological Society RAFR e: Regional Office for Africa - e: Royal Air Force Regiment RAFRO e: Royal Air Force Reserve of Officers RAFS e: Royal Air Force Station RAFSAA e: Royal Air Force Small Arms Association RAFSC e: Royal Air Force Staff College RAFSE e: Royal Air Force School of Education RAFT e: Racial Awareness Facilitator Training - e: Radar Action Formatted Table - e: Radially Adjustable Facility Tube - e: Rapid Analysis Fiseal Tool - e: Re-entry Advanced Fuzing Test - e: Rear Admiral Fleet Train - e: Receiving Ambient Function Test - e: Recomp Algebraic Formula [or Translation] Translator - e: Resource Allocation for Transportation - e: Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust RAFTC e: Royal Air Force Technical College - e: Royal Air Force[s] Transport Command RAFTEC e: Real-time Aircraft Flight Test Evaluation Centre RAFTS e: Reconnaissance RaFiiDst d: Radarführungsdienst

RAFVR e: Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve RAG d: Rechtsangleichungsgesetz - d: Rentenanpassungsgesetz - d: Rohöl-Aufsuchungs-Gesellschaft mbH - d: Rohöl-Gewinnungs-AG - d: Rufnummemansagegerät - d: Ruhrkohle AG - e: Rang-Azimuth Generator - e: Readiness Analysis Group - e: Recombination-Activating Gene - e: Regimental Artillery Group - e: Region Adjacency Graph - e: Regional Advisory Group - e: Relail Associates Group, Inc. - e: Religious Arts Guild - e: Replacement Air Group - e: Report Alarm Generation - e: Requirements Advisory Group - e: Residential Advisory Group - e: Resource Appraisal Group - e: Restricted-Affine-Group - e: Returned Ammunition Group - e: Reusable Agena - e: Ring Airfoil Grenade - e: River Assault Group - e: ROM [Read-Only Memory] Address Gate - i: Ragioniere r A G d: rückwärtiges Armeegebiet R a G e: Radium G [Lead 206] Rag e: Ragland's California Superior Court Decisions (journ.) RAg e: Related Antigen RAGA e: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery - s: Regional Arquitectos de los Paises del Grupo Andino RAGAN e: Ragan [Brad], Inc. R A G B e: Refractories Association of Great Britain - e: Restaurateurs Association of Great Britain RAG Bericht d: Reaktor Aktien-Gesellschaft [Würenlingen] Bericht (journ.) RAGBRAI e: Register Annual Great Bicycle Race Across Iowa RAGC e: Rainbows for All God's Children - e: Relief General Communications Vessel R Ag [Cuba] s: Revista de Agriculture [Cuba] (journ.) R A G E e: Radio Amplification of Gamma Emissions - e: Range and Guidance Equipment - e: Read and Get Enjoyment Program RAGEA R: Razvedochnaya Geoflzika (journ.) RAG[eb][0] d: Bundesgebührenordnung für Rechtsanwälte RAGEMS e: Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring System RAGF e: Remote Air-Ground Facility R Ag France f: Revue des Agriculteurs de France (journ.) Ragg e: Rheumatoid Agglutinator RAGGS e: Rheumatoid Agglutinating Serum RagL i: Raguaglio Librario (journ.) RAGOA i: Rivista di Agronomia (journ.) R Agr Econ Mai e: Review of Agricultural Economics of Malaysia (journ.) R Agric f: Revue de l'Agriculture (journ.) R Agric Soc [Cairo] Bull Tech Sect e: Royal Agricultural Society [Cairo]. Bulletin Technical Section (journ.) R Agric Soc Kenya QJ e: Royal Agricultural Society of Kenya. Quarterly Journal (journ.)


© K G - Saur. München

RAGS e: Coated Sales, Inc. - e: Radiatively Active Gases [Sites] - e: Regular Airborne Guidance Section - e: Route [or Routine] Analysis, Generation and Simulation Rag Super Ct Dec [Calif] e: Raglands California Superior Court Decisions (journ.) RAGU e: Radio Receiving and Generally Useful RAH d: Rechtsatriale Hypertrophie - e: Rabbit Anti-Human - e: Radiation Anneal Hardening - e: Receipt, Excess, Adjustment, Due-In History File - e: Receiving Array Hydrophone - e: Regressing Atypical Histiocytosis - e: Reviews in American History (journ.) - e: Right Anterior Hemiblock - e: Right Atrial Hypertrophy - f: Real Academia de la Historia - f: Recuperation Assistée des Hydrocarbures RAHAM e: Radiation Hazards Meter RAHBol s: Real Academia de la Historia. Boletin (journ.) RAHC s: Reactor de Agua Hirviente de Cuba RAHDAT d: Rahmendaten RAHE e: Review of Allied Health Education (journ.) RAHF e: Research Animal Holding Facility RaHGBM e: Rabbit Anti-Human Glomerular Basement Membrane RAHM e: Random Access Hybrid Memory RAHMs e: Random Access Hybrid Memories RAHO e: Rabbits Against Human Ovary RAHq e: Royal Artillery Headquarters RAHS e: Royal Australian Historical Society RAHSI e: Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India RAHS[J] e: Royal Australian Historical Society. Journal and Proceedings (journ.) RAHTG e: Rabbit Anti-Human Thymocyte Globulin RAI e: Rabbit Anti-Human Thymocyte Serum - e: Radar Altimeter Indicator - e: Radiation Applications, Incorporated - e: Radioactive Interference - e: Radioactive Iodine - e: Radioactive Isotope - e: Random Access and Inquiry - e: Range Azimuth Indicator - e: Raspberry Island - e: Reading Association of Ireland - e: Receiving and Inspection - e: Reconnaissance-Attack Interface - e: Reliability Assurance Instructions - e: Removal and Installation - e: Repair at Intermediate - e: Request for Additional Information - e: Research Advisory Institute, Inc. - e: Resource Analysts, Inc. - e: Rounders Association of Ireland - e: Royal Anthropological Institute - e: Royal Archaeological Institute - e: Royal Architectural Institute - e: Royal Artillery Institute [or Institution] - e: Runway Alignment Indicator - e: Rural Ameria, Incorporated - f: Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (journ.) - f: Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire - i: Radiotelevisione Italiana - i: Registro Aeronautico Italiano

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RAISA - i: Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Morali e Storiche. Accademia d'ltalia (joum.) - n: Nederlandse Vereniging de Rijwiel en Automobiel-Industrie RAIA e: Royal Australian Institute of Architects RAIAA s: Asociacion de Ingenieros Agronomos. Revista (joum.) RAIAD e: Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations Dictionary (joum.) RAIAM e: Random Access Indestructive Advanced Memory RAIB s: Rendiconti. Accademia delle Scienze. Istituto di Bologna (journ.) R A I C e: Radiological Accident and Incident Control - e: Redstone Arsenal Information Center - e: Royal Architectural Institute of Canada - s: Red Andina de Informacion Comercial RAICG e: Radiosonde Observation Icing at Ganymed RAID e: Radar Identification and Direction [System] - e: Ram Air-Inflated Drogue - e: Ram-Air Inflation Decelerator - e: Random Access Image Device - e: Random Access Interactive Debugger - e: Rapid Alerting and Identification Display - e: Rapid Automatic Inscribing Device - e: Real-Time Applications Interactive Debugger - e: Recallable Airborne Infrared Display - e: Redundant Anray[s] of Inexpensive Disks - e: Remote Access Interactive Debugger - e: Reverse Acronyms and Initialisms Dictionary (journ.) - e: River Assault Interdiction Division RAIDEX e: Antisurface Raiders Exercise RAIDS e: Radar Airborns Intrusion Detection System - e: Radio-Immunoassay Data System - e: Rapid Acquisition and Identification System - e: Rapid ASM Integrated Defense System - e: Rapid Availability of Information and Data for Safety - e: Recently Acquired Income Deficiency Syndrome RAID System e: Radar Identification and Direction System RAIE e: Random Access Index Edit RAIF f: Reseau dAdion et d'Information pour les Femmes RAIGB&I e: Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland RAIL e: Radar Action Input Lists - e: Railroad [Advancement through Information and Law Foundation] - e: Railroad Financial Corp - e: Railway - e: Religion In American Life - e: Robot Automation Incoporated Language - e: Runway Alignment Indicator Lighting] [or Lights] RaiI[&]Ca[n Cas] e: English Railway and Canal [Traffic] Cases (joum.) Rail Cas e: Railway Cases (journ.) Rail Clerk e: Railway Clerk Interchange (journ.) Rail Eng e: Railway Engineer (journ.) Rail Eng Int e: Rail Engineering International (journ.) RAILFN e: Railroad Financial Corp. Rail Int e: Rail International (journ.) Rail M e: Railway Magazine (joum.) Railroad Gaz e: Railroad Gazette (journ.)

RAILS e: Railroad Automated Identification and Location System - e: Reference and Inter-Library Loan Service - e: Remote Area Instrument Landing Sensor - e: Remote Area Instrument Landing System - e: Runway Alignment Indicator Lighting] System - e: Runway Alignment Indicator Lights Rail Syst Contr e: Railway Systems Control (joum.) Railw Age e: Railway Age (joum.) railwayac e: railway and maniac Railway Cas. e: Railway Cases Railway&Corp Law J e: Railway and Corporation Law Journal (joum.) Railway Employees Union e: Brotherhood of Railway Airline and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees Union Railway R e: Railway Review (joum.) Railways in Aust e: Railways in Australia Railways Union Gaz e: Railways Union Gazette (joum.) Railway Trans e: Railway Transportation Railw Cas e: Railway Cases (joum.) Railw Dev News e: Railway Development News (joum.) Railw Eng Int e: Railway Engineer International (joum.) Railw Eng J e: Railway Engineering Journal (joum.) Railw Eng Maint e: Railway Engineering and Maintenance (joum.) Railw Eng[r] e: Railway Engineer (joum.) Railw Gaz [Int] e: Railway Gazette [International] (journ.) Railw Locomot Cars e: Railway Locomotives and Cars Railw Manage Rev e: Railway Management Review (joum.) Railw Mech Eng e: Railway Mechanical Engineer (joum.) Railw Rev e: Railway Review (joum.) Railw Signal Commun e: Railway Signalling and Communications (joum.) Railw South Afr e: Railways Southern Africa (joum.) Railw Syst Control e: Railway Systems Control (joum.) Railw Track Struct e: Railway Track and Structures (joum.) RAIM e: Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring RAIMAZ e: Records, Archives and Information Management Association of Zimbabwe RAIN e: Relational Algebraic Interpreter - e: Relief for Africans in Need - e: Royal Anthropological Institute Newsletter] (joum.) RAINB p: Radio Industria (joum.) RAINBO e: Research and Instrumentation for National Bio-Science Operations Rainbow Bridge e: Rainbow Bridge National Monument RAINDX [Edit] e: Random Access Index [Edit] RAINIT e: Random Access Initializer RAINPAL e: Recursive Aided Inertial Navigation for Precision Approach and Landing RAINS e: Regional Acidification Information and Simulation RAIOMA e: Resource Assessment Investigation of the Mariana Archipelago

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RAI/OP e: Repetitive Activity Input/Output Plan RAIP d: Rewe Abrechnungs- und Informationsprogramm - e: Requesters Approval in Principle - f: Rapport d'Activités. Institut de Phonetique (journ.) RAIPA e: Royal Australian Institute of Public Administration RAIR e: Ram Augmented Interstellar Rocket - e: Random Access Information Retrieval - e: Rapid Advancement in Reading - e: Recorded Automated Information Retrieval - e: Reflection Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy - e: Regent Air Corp RA[-]IR e: Remote Access-Immediate Response R Aircr Establ List Reports e: Royal Aircraft Establishment. List of Reports (journ.) RAIRO Anal Num[er] f: RAIRO [Revue Française dAutomatique, d'Informatique, et de Recherche Opérationnelle] Analyse Numerique (journ.) RAIRO Anal Numer Numer Anal f: RAIRO [Revue Française d'Automatique, d'Informatique, et de Recherche Opérationnelle] Analyse Numerique/Numerical Analysi (journ.) RAIRO Automat f: RAIRO [Revue Française d'Automarique, d'Informatique, et de Recherche Opérationnelle] Automatique (joum.) RAIRO Autom[/]Syst Anal [et ]Control f: RAIRO [Revue Française d'Automatique, d'Informatique, et de Recherche Opérationnelle] Automatique/Systems Analysis and Control (journ.) RAIRO Inf/Comput Sei f: RAIRO [Revue Française d'Automatique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle] Informatique/ Computer Science (journ.) RAIRO I n f o r m â t ] f: RAIRO [Revue Française d'Automatique, d'Informatique, et de Recherche Opérationnelle] Informatique (journ.) RAIRO I n f o r m â t ] Theor f: RAIRO [Revue Française d'Automatique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle] Informatique Theorique (journ.) RAIRO Inf Theor Theor Inf f: RAIRO [Revue Française d'Automatique, d'Informatique, et de Recherche Opérationnelle] Informatique Theorique/Theoretical Information (journ.) RAIRO [Rech Oper] Operations] R e s e a r c h ] f: RAIRO [Revue Française d'Automatique, d'Infor-matique, et de Recherche Opérationnelle] Recherche Operationnelle/Operations Research (journ.) RAIRS e: Railroad Accident/Incident Reporting System - e: Recorded Automated Information Retrieval System - e: Reflection Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy RAIS d: RechnungsaufteilungsInformations system - e: Rail Air International Service - e: Range Automated Information System - e: Reflection Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy - e: Remote Augmented Lift System RAISA e: Radioisotopes (journ.) 135

RAISE RAISE e: Reliability Accelerated In-Service Echelon RAISON e: Regional Analysis using Intelligent Systems on a Microcomputer RAIST f: Reseau Africain d'Institutions Scientifiques et Technologiques RAIT e: Radioimmunatherapy - i: Rendiconti. Reale Accademia d'italia (journ.) Raith St e: Raithby's English Statutes at Large (journ.) - e: Raithby's Study of the Law (journ.) RAITI e: Right Atrial Inversion Time Index RAI Timber e: Raini [mallotus philippensis] Timber RAI-TNO n: Nederlandse Vereniging de Rij wi 1-en Automobiel-Industrie-TNO RAI-TV i: Radio Audizioni Italiane-Televisione RAIU e: Radioactive Iodine Uptake - e: Radioiodide Uptake - f: Réserve Alimentaire Internationale d'Urgence RAIX e: Rosenbalm Aviation Raj e: All India Reporter, Rajasthan (joum.) - e: Rajah - e: Rajasthani (journ.) - e: Rajkot - e: Receiving Ability Jeopardized - e: Reverse Air Jet - e: Royal Association of Justices Ra JAH e: Rackham Journal of the Arts and Humanities (journ.) RAJAM e: Radar Jamming Rajasthan e: Indian Law Reports, Rajasthan Series (journ.) Rajasthan Agric e: Rajasthan Agriculturist (journ.) Rajasthan JAgric Sei e: Rajasthan Journal of Agricultural Sciences (journ.) Rajasthan Med J e: Rajasthan Medical Journal (journ.) Rajasthan Univ Stud[ies] Statist e: Rajasthan Uniersity. Studies in Statistics. Science Series (journ.) RAJB f: Recueil Annuel de Jurisprudence Beige (journ.) RAJPO e: Range Applications Joint Program Office RAJ Tech Bull e: RAJ [Rhodesia Agricultural Journal] Technical Bulletin (journ.) RAK d: Regel[n][werk] für [die] alphabetische Katalogisierung - d: Relaisausgabe, Kurzschließbaugruppe - e: Raised Keel - e: Marrakech - e: Read Access Key - e: Remote Access Key - R: Rakhov - r: Rikets Allmanna Kartverk Rak d.Rakete[n] RakAr[t] d: Raketenartillerie RAKE e: Rocket-Assisted Kinetic Energy RaKet e: Rahnema-Ye Ketab (journ.) Raketentech Raumfahrtforsch d: Raketentechnik und Raumfahrtforschung (journ.) RakGK d: Raketengefechtskopf RakJgdPz d: Raketenjagdpanzer RakLeit d: Raketenleitwerk R A K M O T d: Raketenmotor RakS[Art] d: Raketenschule [der Artillerie] RakSH d: Raketenschule des Heeres RakSLw d: Raketenschule der Luftwaffe RAK Station e: Remote Access Key Station


RAKTP e: Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest RakTrg d: Raketenträger RakTwk d: Raketentriebwerk RAKÜBK d: RaketenUbungskopf RAKWMLRS e: MLHS Battery RakZ d: Raketenzünder RAL d: Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen u. Gütesicherung beim Deutschen Normenausschuß -

d: Datenrangierung-Lesen d: Register-Ausweis-Leser d: Reichsausschuß für Lieferbedingungen d: Richtlinien des Ausschusses für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung - d: Richtlinien für die Anlage von Landstraßen - d: Richtlinien über den Ausbau von Landstraßen - e: Rabalanakaia - e: Rack Alarm - e: Radio Annoyance Level - e: Radio Astronomy Laboratory - e: Rapid Access Loop - e: Reenlistment Allowance - e: Regional Adjunct Language - e: Register of Additional Locations - e: Remote Area Landing - e: Reports and Analysis Letter (joum.) - e: Required Average Life - e: Research in African Literatures (journ.) - e: Resorcyclic Acid Lactone - e: Resort Airlines - e: Responsibility Assignment List - e: Reynolds Aluminum Co. of Canada - e: Riverband Acoustical Laboratory - e: Riverside - e: Robotics and Automation [Research] Laboratory - e: Roswell Airlines - e: Rotate Accumulator Left - e: Royal Air Laos - e: Rubber-Air-Lead - e: Runway Alignment - e: Rutherford [and] Appleton Laboratory - i: Rendiconti. Classe die Scienze Morali e Storiche. Accademia dei Lincei (journ.) - s: Revista. Academias de Letras (joum.) RALA e: Agricultural Research Institute RALAB f: Revue de l'Aluminum et de Ses Applications (joum.) RALAC e: Radar Altimeter Low-Altitude Control - e: Repatriation Artifical Limb and Appliance Centre RALACS e: Radar Altimeter Low Altitude Control System RAIAD e: Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations Dictionary RALA-EHF e: Roycrofters-at-Large Association/Elbert Hubbard Foundation RaLAPO d: Rahmen-Laufbahn-, Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsordnung RALC f: Regiment d'Artillerie Legere du Canada RAID e: Remote Access Interactive Debugger RALD e: Richmond Area Library Directors RAL-DH e: Rack Alarm Logic Device Handler RAIE e: Random Access Index Edit - s: Reserve Alimentaria Intemacional de Emergencia


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RALF d: Repräsentative Analyse Sexueller Lebensformen - e: Rapid Access to Literature via Fragmentation-codes - e: Relocatable Assembly Language Floating-point - e: Robotic Assistant Labor Facilitator - f: Repertoire Analytique de Littérature Française (journ.) RALFH e: Random Access Loccal File Handler R Algérienne Sciences Juridiques Econs et Pois f: Revue Algérienne des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques, et Politiques (journ.) R Alger Trav e: Revue Algérienne du Travail (journ.) RALI e: Remarned Association of Long Island - e: Resource and Land Investigation - p: Regimentode Artilharia Ligeira R A L I A f: Rhone-Alpes Industries AgroAli mentaires R Alicante s: Revista. Instituto de Estudios Alicantinos (joum.) Raliks e: Ralik Chain of Islands RA Linc[ei] i: Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Morali e Storiche. Accademia dei Lincei (journ.) RALIP e: Resources and Land Investigations Program RALI Program[me] e: Resource and Land Information Program [me] RAL-L d: Richtlinien für den Ausbau von Landstraßen-Linienführung RALLA e: Regional Allied Long-Lines Agency Ra .&L. Law. Diet, e: Rapalje and Lawrence Law Dictionary R Allem[agne] f: Revue d'Allemagne (journ.) RALL[EN] i: Rallentando RALLO i: Rallentando RALLOC e: Random Access Allocation RAILS e: Remote Area Instrument Landing Sensor - e: Remote Area Instrument Landing System RALM e: Rack Alarm PBA R A L P e: Rack Alarm Panel R A L P H e: Reduction and Acquisition of Lunar Pulse Heights - e: Royal Association for the Longevity and Preservation of the Honeymooners RALRend i: Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Morali e Storiche. Accademia dei Lincei (journ.) RALS e: Radio Level Specific - e: RAM Alternate Launching System - e: RAM Alternate Lightweight System - e: Remote Augmented Lift System - e: Resources for American Literary Study - e: Right Add, Left Subtract - e: Robotic Ammunition Landing System RAIs f: Revue d'Alsace (joum.) RAL's e: Regional Adjunct Languages RALSA e: Restraint and Life Support Assembly RAL Scav i: Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Atti. Notizie degli Scavi (journ.) RALSH e: Revue Algérienne des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RAMMS RALT e: Radar Altimeter - e: Radio Altitude - e: Range Light - e: Ranging Airborne Laser Tracker - e: Regardless of Altitude - e: Reported Altitude - e: Routine Admission Laboratory Tests RALU e: Register[equipped] [and] Arithmetic [and] Logic Unit - e: Rotary Analog Logic Unit RALUs e: Register [and] Arithmetic Logic Units RALV e: Random Access Light Valve RaLV e: Rasheed [Rat] Leuk[a]emia Virus RALW e: Radioactive Liquid Waste Ralw&Corp L J e: Railway and Corporation Law Journal (journ.) RAM d: Radioaktives Material - d: Rechtsatrialer Mitteldruck - d: Schiff-Luft-Flugkorper mit kombiniertem Radarempfangs- und IR-Suchkopf - e: Rabbit Alveolar Macrophage - e: Rabbit Antimouse - e: Radar Absorbing Material [s] - e: Radar Action Message - e: Radiation Attenuation Measurement - e: Radio-Active Magazine (journ.) - e: Radio Attenuation Measurement - e: Radioactive Material - e: RAID Assessment Mode - e: Raman effect in spectrum analysis - e: Ramcor Resources, Inc. - e: Ramenskoye Flight Test Centre - e: Ramingining - e: Ramsey's Quebec Appeal Cases - e: Ramsgate - e: Rancho Anthropomorphic Manipulator - e: Random Access Measurement - e: Random Access [ory] Memory - e: Random Access Method - e: Random Adaptive Module - e: Random Angle Modulation - e: Range-Altitude Monitor - e: Range Assessment Mode - e: Rapid Access Manual - e: Rapid Access Memory - e: Rapid Alternating Movement - e: Rapid Amortization Mortgage - e: Rapid Area Maintenance - e: Raytheon Airborne Microwave - e: Readily Available Moisture - e: Real-Time Aerosol Monitor - e: Recent Advances in Manufacturing - e: Reconnaissance Air Meet - e: Recovery Aids Material - e: Red Artillery Model - e: Redeye Air Missile - e: Reduced Automation [or Automaton] Matrix - e: Reentry Antimissile - e: Reentry Attenuation Measurement - e: Refer to Your Message - e: Reform the Armed Forces Movement - e: Regional Audit Manager - e: Registered Apartment Manager - e: Relative Address Method - e: Relaxing Avalanche Mode - e: Releasable Asset Program - e: Reliability Assessment for Management - e: Reliability, [Availability] [and] Maintainability - e: Religions, Ancient and Modern (journ.) - e: Remote Access Monitor[ing] - e: Repair and Maintenance - e: Repeater Amplitude Modulation - e: Repeating Antipersonnel Mine - e: Representative Average Machine

- e: Research [and] Application^] Module - e: Research Aviation Medicine - e: Reserve Adjustment Magnitude - e: Resident Access Method[s] - e: Resident Aerospace Medicine - e: Resource Allocation Model - e: Resources Analysis and Management - e: Responsibility Assignment Matrix - e: Restricted Access Memory - e: Return Address Memory - e: Returned Account Mechanical - e: Revenue Analysis Model - e: Reverse Amortization Mortgage - e: Reverse Annuity Mortgage - e: Review and Authorization Meeting - e: RF [Radio Frequency] Absorbing Material - e: Right Ascension of the Meridian - e: Rocket and Missile System - e: Rocket Assisted Motor - e: Rolling Airframe Missile - e: Royal Academy of Music - e: Royal Air Maroc - e: Royal Arc Masons - e: Royal Artillery Museum - f: Registre d'Adresse Memoire - f: Revue d'Ascetique et de Mystique (journ.) - f: Revue de l'Ameublement (joum.) ram d: radioaktiv markiert Ra M i: Rassegna Musicale (journ.) RAMA e: Railway Automotive Management Association - e: Random Access Memory Accounting - e: Recap and Movement Authorization - e: Region of Assured Mission Abort - e: Rome Air Materiel Area RAMAB e: Ready Afloat Marine Amphibious Brigade RAMAC e: Radio Marine Associated Companies - e: Random Access Memory Accounting - e: Random Access Method of Accounting and Control Ramachandrier A e: Ramachandrier's Cases on Adoption (journ.) Ramachandrier HML e: Ramachandrier's Cases on Hindu Marriage Law (journ.) RAMAG e: Reliability and Maintainability Action Groups RAMAIDB e: RAM [Radioactive Materials] Accident/Incident Database RAMA Machine e: Random Access Memory Accounting Machine Raman Res Inst Mem e: Raman Research Institute. Memoirs (joum.) RAMAnz d: Reichsarbeitsmarkt-Anzeiger (journ.) RAMAPLAY e: Rack Maintenance Processing Layout list Ramapos e: Ramapo Mountains RAMAR e: Random Access Memory Address Register Ramark e: Radar marker RAMB e: Random Access Memory Buffer RAM[/]BIOS e: Random Access MemoryBasic Input/Output Subsystem RAMBO e: Real-Time Acquisitions Management and Bibliographic Order System RAMBS e: Rapid Anti-personnel Minefield Breaching RAMBUS d: Speicherarchitektur für wesentlich erhöhten Datendurchsatz [bis 500 MByte/s], RAMC e: Resource Allocation and Mine Costing Model

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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RAMC e: Rob All My Comrades - e: Royal Army Medical College - e: Royal Army Medical Corps RA/MCC e: Restricted Area/Military Climb Corridor RAMCD e: Royal Army Medical Corps Depot RAMCL e: Representative Average Machine Card List RAMC Magazine e: Royal Army Medical Corps Magazine (journ.) RAMCT e: Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorials RAM-D e: Reliability and MaintainabilityDependability - e: Reliability, Availability and Maintainability and Durability RAMD e: Random Accessary] Memory Device - e: Receiving Agency Materiel Division - e: Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Demonstration - e: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Durability RAMDI e: Radioactive Miss Distance Indicator RAM Drive e: Random Access Memory Drive RAMEA i: Radiologia Medica (journ.) RAMEC e: Rapid Action Maintenance Engineering Change - e: Rapid Action Minor Engineering Change RAMEX f: Reunion des Assureurs Maladie des Exploitants Agricoles Ram F. e: Ram on Facts RAMG d: Rechnergestiitzte Arbeitsmethodengestaltung RAMIO e: Random Access Memory plus Input/Output RAMIS e: Random Access Management Information System - e: Rapid Access Management Information System - e: Rapid Automatic Malfunction Isolation System - e: Receive, Assemble [or Assembly], Maintain[ance], Inspection] and Stor[ag]e - e: Repair, Assemble [or Assembly], Maintain, Issue and Supply - e: Reporting Analysis Management Information System RAMI System e: Rapid Access Management Information System RAMIT e: Rate-Aided Manually Implemented Tracking - e: Rate-Aided Manually Initiated Tracking Ram Leg. Judgm. [Towns.Ed] e: Rams Science of Legal Judgment, Notes by Townshend (journ.) RAMM e: Random Access Memory Module - e: Random Access MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor] Memory - e: Rapid Access Maintenance Monitor RAM Magazine e: Royal Academy of Music Magazine (journ.) RAMMIT e: Reliability and Maintainability Management Improvement Techniques Ram.&Mor. e: Ramsey & Morins Montreal Law Reporter (journ.) RAMMs e: Random Access Memory Modules RAMMS e: Ready Air Material Management System - e: Responsive Automated Material [or Materiel] Management System


RAMNAC RAMNAC e: Radio Aids to Marine Navigation Application Committee RAMO e: [B]-l-Amino-2-[Methoxymethyl]pyrrolidine RAMONT e: Radiological Monitoring RAMOS e: Remote Automatic Meteorological Observing Station RAMP e: Radar Action Message Processor - e: Radar Mapping of Panama - e: Radar Masking Parameters] - e: Radar Modernization Program - e: Radar Modernization Project - e: Radar Modification Program - e: Radiation Airborne Measurement Program[me] - e: Radiation Monitoring Program - e: Radio Attenuation Measurement Project - e: Random Access Mechanization of Phosphorus - e: Random Access Memory Program[me] - e: Rapid Access of Manufactured Parts - e: Rapid Acquisition of Manufactured Parts - e: Rapid Modeling Platform - e: Rate [and] Acceleration Measuring Pendulum - e: Raytheon Airborne Microwave Platform - e: Recovered Allied Military Personnel - e: Reliability Assurance Maintenance Programme - e: Reliability, [Availability,] Maintainability Program[me] - e: Resource Allocation and Management Program - e: Revenue Analysis of Marketing and Production - e: Reverse Annuity Mortgage Program - e: Right Atrial Mean Pressure - e: Robotic-Assisted Mechanical Preparation - e: Rural Abandoned Mine Program RAMPAC e: Random Access Memory Package - e: Realty and Mortgage Investors of the Pacific RAMPART e: Radar Advanced Measurements] Program[me] for Analysis of Reentry Technique!s] - e: Route to Airlift Mobility Through Partnership RAMPC e: Raritan Arsenal Maintenance Publication Center RAMPI e: Raw Material Price Index RAMPLAN e: Rock Mechanics Applied to Mine Planning RAMPO e: RAM Program Office RAMPS e: Rapid Message Preparation System - e: Rapid Military Problem Solver - e: Resource[s] Allocation and Multi-Project Scheduling RAM/ROM e: Random-Access Memoryl/ Read-Only Memory RAMS e: RACAL Avionics Management System - e: Radio Amateur Megacycle Society - e: Random Access Measurement System - e: Random Access Memories - e: Random Access Memory Stor[ag]e - e: Rapid Anti-personnel Minefield Breaching System - e: Reduced-size Antenna Monopulse System - e: Regional Air Monitoring Station - e: Regional Air Monitoring System - e: Regional Automated Management System - e: Remote Arctic Measuring System - e: Remote Area Mobility Study - e: Remote Attitude Measurement Sensor - e: Remote Automatic Multipurpose Station

- e: Repair, Assembly and Maintenance Shop - e: Right Ascension of [the] Mean Sun - e: Rocket And Missile System Rams e: Ramsgate RAMs e: Rapid Access Memories - e: Research Applications Modules RAMSA s: Radio Aeronâutica Mexicana S.A. Ramsay App Cas [Can] e: Ramsays Appeal Cases [Canada] (journ.) RAMS Buoy e: Remote Arctic Measuring System Buoy RAMSES d: Rufnummemauskunft mit Sprachausgabe und Suchverfahren - e: Reprogrammable Advanced Multimode Shipboard [or Shipborne] ECM System - f: Reseau Amont Maille Stratégique et de Survie R A M S E Z e: Records. Australian Museum. Supplement (joum.) R A M S H e: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Safety and Human-factors R A M S P p: Revista do Arquivo Municipal [Sao Paulo] (journ.) RAMSS e: Royal Alfred Merchant Seamen's Society RAMSYS d: RAM-System GmbH R A M T e: Rabbit Antimouse Thymocyte R A M T e: Rudder Angle Master Transmitter R A M T A C e: Reentry Analysis and Modeling of Target Characteristics R A M T B f: Revue ATB [Assistance Technique Beige] Metallurgie (joum.) R A M T I P e: Reliability And Maintainability Technology Insertion Program R A M T O P e: Random-Access Memory Top RAMUS e: Remote Access Multi User System RAMV e: Radish Mosaic Virus RAMVAN e: Reconnaissance Aircraft Maintenance Van RAN d: Relaisausgabe, Naß - d: Rückstellen des Anreizes - d: Vermittlungseinrichtung für Außennebenstellen in Reihenanlagen - e: Railway Abidjan-Niger - e: Rainforest Action Network - e: Rangoon - e: Ranitidine - e: Ransome Air, Inc. - e: Raw Area Normalization - e: Read Around Number[s] - e: Reconnaissance-Attack Navigator - e: Recorded Announcement - e: Regional Air Navigation [Meeting] - e: Regional Area Netwerk - e: Remote Area Nurse - e: Repair Activity Accounting Number - e: Reporting Accounting Number - e: Request for Authority to Negotiate - e: Requirement Action Number - e: Requisition Account Number - e: Resource-Adjacent Nation - e: Revenue Anticipation Note - e: Royal Australian Navy - e: Rural Area Network - f: Régie du Chemin de Fer Abidjan-Niger - i: Rendiconti. Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere, e Belle Arti (joum.) - r: Rangifer. Nordisk Organ foer Reinforskning (journ.) RAn d: Rangiersignalanschalter RANA e: Registered Animal Nursing Auxiliary - e: Rheumatoid Arthritis[-associated] Nuclear Antigen - e: Rhodesia & Nyasaland Airways


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RI ANA e: RI Analog trunk, line signalling R2ANA e: R2 Analog trunk, line signalling RANAM s: Recherches Anglaises et Américaines (journ.) RA N a r b f: Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise (journ.) RANAS e: Rear Admiral, Naval Air Stations - e: Royal Australian Naval Air Squadron RANBDM f: Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi Rapport Annuel et Notes Annexes (journ.) RANC e: Radar Absorption Noise and Clutter - e: Radio Network Code - e: Royal Australian Naval College RANCA e: Retired Army Nurse Corps Association Rance e: Ransom[e] Ranchi Univ J Agric Res e: Ranchi University. Journal of Agricultural Research (journ.) Ranchi Univ Math J e: Ranchi University. Mathematical Journal (journ.) RANCID e: Real and Not Corrected Input Data RANCOM [Satellite! e: Random Communication [Satellite] RAND e: Monetary unit of South Africa - e: Random - e: Research and [No] Development - e: Research Applied to National Needs Rand e: Selected Rand Abstracts (journ.) - n: Witwatersrand rand, d: randomisiert Rand d: RandelR and A e: Rail and Air - e: Ration and Accommodation - e: Research and Analysis R and AC e: Radar and Air Communications R and AD e: Research and Advanced Development RANDAM e: Random Access NonDestructive Advanced [or Associative] Memory RANDANAL e: Randomization Analyzer Randb[em]. d: Randbemerkung[en] R and B Rest e: Ring and Ball Test R and C e: Rail and Canal R and CC e: Riot and Civil Commotion Rand Com Paper e: Randolph on Commercial Paper (journ.) RAND Corporation e: Research and . Development Corporation Rand Corp Pap e: Rand Corporation. Papers (journ.) Rand Corp Rep e: Rand Corporation. Report (journ.) R and D e: Requirements and Distribution - e: Research and Demonstration - e: Research and Development R and DE e: Research and Development Effectiveness R and E c: Research and Engineering R and EA e: Readiness and Emergency Action Rand Em Dom e: Randolph on Eminent Domain (journ.) RANDEP d: Rechnender Alphanumerischer Datenerfassungsplatz R and F e: Rank and File Rand&Fur Poi e: Rand and Furness on Poisons (journ.) R and I e: Receiving and Inspection RANDID e: Rapid Alpha Numeric Digital Indicating Device

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RAP RANDIS e: Random Disc [or Disk] [file] RAND J. Econ. e: RAND Journal of Economics, The R and L e: Rail and Lake - e: Right and Left R and LO e: Reliability and Launch Operations R and M e: Reclamation and Maintenance - e: Redistribution and Marketing - e: Reliability and Maintainability - e: Repair and Maintenance - e: Report[s] and Memoranda [or Memorandum] R and O e: Rail and Ocean - e: Requirements and Objectives RANDO e: Radiation Analogue Dosimetry System - e: Radiotherapy Analog[ue] Dosimetry Random e: Random House R and P e: Rules and Procedures R and QC e: Reliability and Quality Control R and R e: Rail and Road - e: Rate and Rhythm - e: Read-out and Reset - e: Records and Reports - e: Refueling and Rearming - e: Remove and Replace - e: Reporting and Requisitioning - e: Rest and Recreation - e: Rest and Recuperation - e: Rest and Rehabilitation - e: Revenue and Retrieval Rand Revw e: Rand Research Review (journ.) R and RR e: Range and Range Rate R and R Sheet e: Routing and Record Sheet R and S e: Range and Safety - e: Reenlistment and Separation - e: Render and Set - e: Repair and Salvage - e: Reset and Start R and SC e: Replacement and School Command R and SRE e: Radio and Space Research R and T e: Rail and Truck - e: Receiver and Transmitter - e: Research and Technology R and TP e: Requirement[s] and Test Procedure[s] R and U e: Repairs and Upkeep - e: Repairs and Utilities R and W e: Rail and Water - e: Routing and Work R and Z e: Range and Zero RAN[E] e: Royal Australian Navy RANE e: Random Number Element Rane f: Rainerius de Forlivio RANEL e: Royal Australian Navy Experimental Laboratory RANF e: Royal Australian Nursing Federation RANFR e: Royal Australian Naval Fleet Reserve RANF Rev e: RANF Review (journ.) RANG e: Rangoon Rang Cr LJ e: Rangoon Criminal Law Journal (joum.) range add. e: range additional Range Improv Notes US For Serv Intermt Reg e: Range Improvement Notes United States Forest Service. Intermountain Region (journ.) Range Improv Studies Calif Dep Conserv Div For e: Range Improvement Studies California Department of Conservation Division of Forestry (journ.)

Range Impr Stud Calif Div For e: Range Improvement Studies California Division of Foresty (joum.) range pt. e: range port Rang LR e: Rangoon Law Reports (joum.) RANK e: Replacement Alphanumeric Keyboard - e: [The] Rank Organisation PLC Rank P e: Rankin on Patents (joum.) Rank&S Comp L e: Ranking and Spicer's Company Law (joum.) RANL i: Rendiconti. Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (joum.) RAnl [A2] d: Reihenanlage [nach Ausstattung 2] RANN e: Research Applied to National Needs RANNS e: Royal Australian Naval Nursing Service RANOSP d: Radiologisches Nordseeprogramm - e: Radiological North Sea Project rANP e: rat Atrial Natriuretic Peptide RANR e: Recorded Announcement trunk Route - e: Royal Australian Naval Reserve RAN/RAWS e: Royal Australian Navys Rols Adaptable Weapon System RANRL e: Royal Australian Navy Research Laboratory RANR[S] e: Royal Australian Naval Reserve RANS e: Report. Australian Numismatic Society (joum.) - e: Revenue Anticipation Notes RANSA e: Royal Australian Naval Sailing Association - s: Rutas Aéreas Nacionales Sociedad Anónima RANSA[C][D] e: Random Access Noise-like Signal Address RAN Signal e: Re-Answer Signal RANT e: Reentry Antenna Test[ing] R Antbrop e: Reviews in Anthropology (joum.) R-Antigen d: Rauh-Antigen RAntropol [Sao Paulo] p: Revista de Antropología [Sao Paulo] (joum.) RANVR[S] e: Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve [Seagoing] R.[-]Anw. d: Rechtsanwalt - d: Rechtsanwaltin RANXPE e: Resident Army Nike-X Project Engineer RANY e: Rubber Age, New York (joum.) RAnz. d: Reichsanzeiger (joum.) RANZCP e: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists RAO d: Rechtsan[walts]ordnung - d: Reichsabgabe[n]ordnung - d: Reichsarzteordnung - e: National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville - e: Radar Operator - e: Radio Astronomy Observatory - e: Rado Reef Resources - e: Regimental Amalgamation Officer - e: Regional Accounting Office - e: Regional Administrative Office[r] - e: Regional Agricultural Officer - e: Regional Airways Office[r] - e: Related Application Object - e: Report Actions security block - e: Response Amplitude Operator - e: Retired Affairs Officers - e: Right Anterior Oblique

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

& K • C • Saur. Munich

- e: Rudder Angle Order - f: Recherche Assistée par Ordinateur - f: Recueil d'Archeologie Orientale (joum.) RAO d: Reichsärzteordnung RAOA e: Railway Accounting Officers Association RaOb d: Radiosonde Observation RAOBS e: Radiometeorograph Observation RAOC e: Rear Area Operations Center - e: Regional Air Operation^] Center [or Centre] RAOC[E] e: Royal Army Ordnance Corps RAOCs e: Regional Air Operations Centres RAOD e: Royal Army Ordnance Depot Rao DHL e: Raos Divisions on Hindu Law (joum.) RA Oise e: Revue Archéologique de l'Oise (joum.) RAONDT e: Radiotherapy and Oncology (joum.) RAOO e: Royal Artillery Operations Orders RAOP e: Regional Air Operation[s] Plan RAÖR d: Rundfunkanstalt des öffentlichen Rechts RAOTA e: Radio Amateur Old Timers Association RAO T[ime] e: Rocker Arm Oiling Time RAOU e: Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union[s] RAOU Newsl e: RAOU [Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union] Newsletter (joum.) RAP d: Rechner-Anpassungs-Prozessor - d: Rechner-Anschluß-Prozessor - d: Rechnerunterstützter Arbeitsplatz für Projektierung - d: Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten - d: Russische Agentur für die Presse - e: I shall call you back - e: Radar-Absorbing Paint[s] - e: Radar Aim Point - e: Radio Access Point - e: Radio Air Play - e: Radiological Assistance Plan - e: Radiological Assistance Program - e: Raid Air Protection - e: Random Access Programfme] [or Programming] - e: Random Access Projector - e: Ranger Assessment Phase - e: Rapid [Assessment Program] - e: Rapid City - e: Rapport - e: Rate-Adapted Pacing - e: Rational Alternative to Pseudosciences - e: Rubidium Acid Phthalate RbHC6H4[COO]2 - e: Reactive Atmosphere Processing] - e: Readiness Action Proposal - e: Readiness Assessment Program - e: Rear Area Protection - e: Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement - e: Recognized Air Picture - e: Recruiter Assistance [or Assistant] Program - e: Reduced Acreage Program - e: Reduced Air Pressure - e: Redundancy Adjustment of Probability - e: Regional Acceleratory Phenomenon - e: Regression Analysis Program - e: Regression-Associated Protein - e: Regulatory Accounting Practices - e: Regulatory Analysis Program - e: Relational Analysis Planning - e: Relational Associative Processor - e: Relationship Anecdotes Paradigm Method - e: Relative Accident Probability - e: Releasable Assets Program 139

RAp - e: Release Aid Plan - e: Reliability Assessment Prediction - e: Reliability Assessment Program - e: Reliability Assurance Program[me] - e: Reliable Acoustic Path - e: Remedial Action Program - e: Remote Access Point - e: Renal Artery Pressure - e: Rent Assessment Panel - e: Rental Assistance Payment Program - e: Requirements Analyses and Planning - e: Requirements Analysis Package - e: Reset after Punch - e: Resident Assembler Program[me] - e: Resident Assessment Protocol - e: Resident Associate Program - e: Residual Analysis Program - e: Resource Allocation and Planning - e: Resource Allocation Processor - e: Response Analysis Procedure - e: Response Analysis Program[me] - e: Results Analysis Plan - e: Review and Analysis Process - e: Review and Authorization Procedure - e: Revised Accounting Procedures - e: Right Angle Plug - e: Right Atrial Pressure - e: Ring-Around Programming - e: Rocket-Assisted Projectile[s] - e: Rotating Associative Processor - e: Rubidium Acid Phthalate - e: Rules for Admission to Practice - e: Rupees, Annas, Pies - e: Smithsanian Resident Associate Program - f: Règlement d'Administration Publique - f: Résistances Artérielles Pulmonaires - f: Revue d'Archeologie Polonaise (journ.) - f: Revue de l'Assistance Publique et de la Prévoyance Sociale (journ.) - i: Reggimento Artigleria Paradutisti - s: Rapido RAp f: Revue Apologétique (journ.) Rap e: Rapids RA-P e: Rumex Acetosa Polysaccharide RAPA e: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific RAPAC e: Research Applications Policy Advisory Committee RAPAD e: Research Association for Petroleum Alternative Development Rapalje&L e: Rapalje and Lawrences Law Dictionary (journ.) RAPAS d: Rechnergestiitztes AnordnungsPlanungssystem - d: Rechnergestiitztes AnwendungsPlanungssystem RAPBPPI e: Research Association for the Paper and Board, Printing and Packaging Industries - e: Research Association for the Paper and Board, Printing, and Packaging Industries Rap Bur Nutr Anim Elev f: Rapport. Bureau de la Nutrition Animale et de l'Elevage (journ.) RAPC e: Radio Administration [or Administrative] Plenipotentiary Conference - e: Right Angle Pressure Cartridge - e: Royal Army Pay Corps RAPCAP e: Radar Picket Combat Air Patrol RAPCC e: Radar Approach Control Center RAPCO e: Regional Air Priorities Control Office RAPCOE e: Random Access Programming and Checkout Equipment

RAPCON e: Radar Approach Control [Center or Centre] - e: Remote Approach Control RAPCON Center e: Radar Approach Control Center RAPCs e: Regional Action Planning Commissions RAPD e: Random Amplifed Polymorphie DNA - e: Reach[-through] Avalanche Photodiode - e: Relatively Afferent Pupillary Defect - e: Response Amplitude Probability Data RAPE e: Radar Arithmetic Processing Element RAPEC e: Rocket-Assisted Personnel Ejection Catapult RAPECA e: Rassemblement du Peuple Camerounais RAP-EX e: Rear Area Protection Operations Extended RAPH f: Recherches d'Archeologie, de Philologie, et d'Histoire RAPI e: Royal Australian Planning Institute RAPIC e: Remedial Action Program Information Center Rapid d: Kodierung von Videobildern zur genauen Kennzeichnung in einem Videofilm RAPID e: Random Access Personnel Information Device - e: Random Access Personnel Information Dissemination [or Disseminator] - e: Random Access Photographie Index and Display - e: Rapid Accurate Polynomial Interpolation Device - e: Reactor and Plant Integrated Dynamics - e: Reader-to-Advertiser Phone Inquiry Delivery System - e: Real-time Acquisition and Processing of Inflight Data - e: Real-time Application Program Interface to DISOSS - e: Register for the Ascertainment and Prevention of Inherited Diseases - e: Relative Address Programming Implementation Device - e: Remote Access Planning for Institutional Development - e: Remote Access Procedure for Interactive Design - e: Remote Automatic Parts Input for Dealers - e: Research in Automatic Photocomposition and Information Dissemination - e: Resource Allocation and Piping Isometric Drawing - e: Retrieval and Processing Information for Display - e: Retrieval and Production for Integrated Data - e: Retrieval of Automatically Processed Information on Drugs - e: Retrieval through Automated Publication and Information Digesting] - e: Retrorocket-Assisted Parachute in Flight Delivery - e: Rocketdyne Automatic Processing of Integrated Data - e: Rotating Associative Processor for Information Dissemination - e: Ryan Automatic Plot Indicator Device RAPIDS e: Radar Passive Identification System - e: Random Access Personnel Information Device System - e: Random Access Personnel Information Dissemination System


© K • G • Saur. München

- e: Rapid Automated Problem Identification System - e: Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System - e: Result from Action, Prediction, Informative, Diagnostic Sensing RAPIDTRAC e: Real-time Automatic Programmed Intersection Digital Traffic Control Rapid Trans, e: Rapid Transit RAPIER e: Rapid Emergency Reconstitution Team Rap Inst Fiz Tech Jad AGH c: Raport. Instytut Fizyki i Techniki Jadrowej AGH [Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza] (journ.) Rap Inst Nat Etude Agron Congo [INEAC] f: Rapport. Institut National pour l'Etude Agronomique du Congo Rap Inst Tech Jad AGH c: Raport. Instytut Techniki Jadrowej AGH [Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza] (journ.) RAPIT e: Record and Process Input Table[s] Rap Jnd Quebec QB [Can] f: Rapports Judiciaires de Quebec (journ.) Rap Jud QBR f: Rapports Judicaires de Quebec, Cour du Banc de la Reine (journ.) Rap Jud QCS f: Rapports Judiciaires de Quebec. Cour Supérieure (journ.) Rap Jud Quebec CS [Can] f: Rapports Judiciaires de Quebec (journ.) RAPLOC e: Rapid Passive Localization [System] RAPLOC-LSI e: Rapid Passive Localization-Low-Ship Impact RAPLOC-WAA e: Rapid Passive Localization-Wide Aperture Array RAPLOT e: Radar Plotting RAPM e: Reliability Assessment Prediction Model - e: Risk-Adjusted Profitability Measure RAPO e: Rabbit Antibodies to Pig Ovary - e: Resident Apollo Project Office RAPP e: Radiologists, Anesthesiologists, Pathologists and Psychiatrists - e: Rajasthan Atomic Power Project - e: Rapporteur] - e: Rapprochement - e: Reconciliation and Purification Program - e: Registered Air Parcel Post - e: Resource Allocation and Project Planning Rapp e: Rapport (journ.) Rapp Act Bur Voltaique Geol Mines f: Rapport. Activité du Bureau Voltaique de le Geologie et des Mines (joum.) Rapp Act Serv Geol [Madagascar] f: Rapport d'Activité. Service Géologique [Madagascar] (journ.) Rapp Act Serv Geol [Malagasy] f: Rapport d'Activité. Service Geologique [Malagasy] (journ.) Rapp Act Stn Amelior Piant Maraicheres f: Rapport d'Activité. Station d'Amélioration des Plants Maraicheres (journ.) Rapp Anal Phys Chim Eau Rhin f: Rapport sur les Analyses PhysicoChimiques de l'Eau du Rhin (journ.) Rapp Annu AFOCEL [Assoc For Cellul] f: Rapport Annuel. AFOCEL [Association Foret-Cellulose] (journ.) Rapp Annu Fed Chambres Synd Miner Met Non Ferreux f: Rapport Annuel. Federation des Chambres Syndicales des Minerais et des Métaux Non Ferreux (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RAR Rapp Annu Serv Geol [Malagasy] f: Rapport Annuel. Service Géologique [Malagasy] (journ.) Rapp Assoc Int Chim Cerealiere f: Rapports. Association Internationale de Chimie Cerealiere (journ.) Rapp BIPM f: Rapport. BIPM [Bureau International des Poids et Mesures] (journ.) Rapp Bount e: Rapp on the Bounty Laws (journ.) Rapp Comm Int Mer Mediter f: Rapport. Commission Internationale pour la Mer Mediterrance (journ.) Rapp Commissar Energie Atom f: Rapport. Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (journ.) Rapp Cons Exp Rech Agron Insp Gen Agric [Algeria] f: Rapport. Conseil de l'Experimentation et des Recherches Agronomiques. Inspection Generale de l'Agriculture [Algeria] (journ.) rappelling e: rapidly lowering Rapp Final Conf Tech OCEAC f: Rapport Final. Conference Technique. OCEAC [Organisarion de Coordination pour la Lutte Contre les Endemies en Afrique Ce (journ.) Rapp Fonct Tech Inst Pasteur Dakar f: Rapport sur le Fonctionnement Technique. Institut Pasteur de Dakar (journ.) Rapp Geol Minist Energie Ressour [Quebec] f: Rapport. Géologique. Ministere de l'Energie et des Ressources [Quebec] (journ.) RAPPI e: Random Access Plan Position Indicator Rapp Inst Bodemvruchtbaar n: Rapport. Instituut voor Bodemvruchtbaarheid (journ.) Rapp Instn Virkeslara Skogshogsk r: Rapporter. Institutionen for Virkeslara. Skogshogskolan (journ.) Rapp Inter Etude Lab J Dedek Raffinerie Tirlemontoise f: Rapport Interieur d'une Etude Effectuce au Laboratoire J. Dedek Raffinerie Tirlemontoise (journ.) Rapp ISTISAN i: Rapporti ISTISAN [Istituto Superiore di Sanita] (journ.) Rapp Korrosionsinst a: Rapport. Korrosionsinstitutet (journ.) Rapp Lab Prod For Est [Can] f: Rapport. Laboratoire des Produits Forestiers de l'Est [Canada]] (journ.) Rapp Off Int Epizoot s: Rapport. Office International des Epizooties (journ.) RAPPORT e: Rapid Alert Programmed, Power-management Of Radar Targets Rapport Conjonct f: Rapport de Conjoncture (journ.) Rapp Prelim Minist Richesses Nat [Que] f: Rapport Préliminaire. Ministere des Richesses Naturelles [Quebec] (journ.) Rapp Proefstn Groenteteelt Vollegrond Ned n: Rapport. Proefstation voor de Groenteteelt in de Vollegrond in Nederland (journ.) Rapp P-V Reun Cons Int Explor Mer f: Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions. Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (journ.) Rapp Rech Lab Cent Ponts Chausses f: Rapport de Recherche. Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chausses (journ.) RAPP's e: Radiologists, Anesthesiologists, Pathologists and Physiatrists

Rapp Sei Tech CNEXO [Fr] f: Rapports Scientifiques et Techniques. CNEXO [Centre National pour l'Exploitation des Oceans] (journ.) Rapp Stat Can Hydrogr Sei Océaniques f: Rapport Statistique Canadien sur l'Hydrographie et les Sciences Océaniques (journ.) Rapp Sven Livsmedel-Sinstitutet r: Rapport. Svenska Livsmedelsinstitutet (journ.) Rapp Uppsats Avd Skogsekol Skogshogsk r: Rapporter och Uppsatser. Avdelningen foer Skogsekologi. Skogshogskolan (journ.) Rapp Uppsats Instn Shogsprod Skogshogsk r: Rapporter och Uppsatser. Institutionen foer Skogsproduktion. Skogshogskolan (journ.) Rapp Uppsats Instn Skoglig Mat Statist Skogshogsk r: Rapporter och Uppsatser. Institutionen foer Skoglig Matematisk Statistik. Skogshogskolan (journ.) Rapp Uppsats Instn Skogsforyngr Skogshogsk r: Rapporter och Uppsatser. Institutionen foer Skogsforyngring Skogshagskolan (journ.) Rapp Uppsats Instn Skogsgenet Skogshogsk r: Rapporter och Uppsatser. Institutionen foer Skogsgenetik. Skogshogskolan (journ.) Rapp Uppsats Instn Skogstax Skogshogsk r: Rapporter och Uppsatser. Institutionen foer Skogstaxering. Skogshogskolan (journ.) Rapp Uppsats Instn Skogstek Skogshogsk r: Rapporter och Uppsatser. Institutionen foer Skogsteknik. Skogshogskolan (journ.) RAPR e: Radar Processor - e: Reduced Range Practise Rocket - e: Right Angle Panel Receptacle RAPRA e: RAPRA [Rubber and Plastics Research Association] Technology RAPRA Abst e: RAPRA [Rubber and Plastics Research Association] Abstract (journ.) RAPRA Members J e: RAPRA [Rubber and Plastics Research Association] Members Journal (journ.) RAPRB e: Radioprotection (journ.) RAPRENOx e: Rapid Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides RA Pressure e: Right Atrial Pressure RAPS e: Radar-Absorbing Primary Structure - e: Radar Automatic Plotting System - e: Radar Predic[a]tion System - e: Radar Proficiency Simulator - e: Radioactive Argon Processing System - e: Rajasthan Atomic Power Station - e: Rapid Acute Physiology Score - e: Rate and Position Sensor - e: Regional Air Pollution Studies [or Study] - e: Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society - e: Regulated Air Pressure System - e: Reliable Acoustic Path Sonar - e: Remedial Action Programs - e: Remote Access Power Support [system] - e: Retired Army Personnel System - e: Retrieval Analysis and Presentation System - e: Right Aft Propulsion System - e: Risk Appraisal of Programs System - e: Role Activity Performance Scale - e: Rotary Phase Shifter RAP[']s e: Rocket-Assisted Projectiles RAPSAG e: Rapid Sealift Acquisition Group RAPSAT e: Ranging and Processing Satellite

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RAPSG e: Rapsgate RAPSI e: Remote Area Power Supply Investigation Branch RAP Sonar e: Reliable Acoustic Path Sonar RAPS System e: Rate and Position Sensor System rap.&sup. e: rapport and support RAPT e: Radar Procedures Trainer - e: Reception Automatic Picture Transmission - e: Reusable Aerospace Passenger Transport - e: Robot Assembly Programming Technique - e: Robot Automatically Programmed Tools RAP-TAP e: Releasable Assets ProgramTransferable Assets Program RAPTAP e: Random Access Parallel Tape - e: Rapid Access Parallel Tape RAPTN e: RAPRA Trade Names [RAPRA Technology Ltd.] Raptor Res e: Raptor Research RAPTUS e: Rapid Thorium-UraniumSodium [Reactor] - e: Rapid Thorium-Uranium System RAPTUS Reactor e: Rapid ThoriumUranium-Sodium Reactor RAPUD e: Revenue Analysis from Parametric Usage Descriptions RAPW Method e: Relativistic Augmented Plane Wave Method RAQ d: Wirtschaft und Produktivität (journ.) - e: Regional Air Quality - f: Reglements] sur l'Assurance de la Qualite RAQA e: Reliability and Quality Assurance RAR d: Reallexikon der Ägyptischen Religionsgeschichte (journ.) - d: Richtlinien für Anlagen des ruhenden Verkehrs - e: Radar Arrival Route - e: Radar Augmentation Reliability - e: Radially Adjustable Facility Tube - e: Radio Acoustic Ranging - e: Random Access Read - e: Random Age Replacement - e: Rapid Access Recording - e: Rarotonga - e: Read Around Ratio - e: Reader Address Register - e: Real Aperture Radar - e: Reasonable Assumed [or Assured] Resources - e: Record and Report - e: Redevelopment Area Resident - e: Reduced Aspect Ratio - e: Reflect Array Radar - e: Relative Accumulation Rate - e: Released Area Register - e: Reliability Action Report [or Request] - e: Reliability Analysis Report - e: Remote Arm Reset - e: Remove and Replace - e: Remove Audible Ring - e: Renaissance and Reformation (journ.) - e: Repair and Retrofix - e: Repair as Required - e: Report Authorization Record - e: Report Authorization Request - e: Request Radar-blip Identification Message - e: Reserve Asset Ratio - e: Resource Allocation Recommendations - e: Restricted Articles Regulation^] - e: Retinoic Acid Receptor - e: Return Address Register - e: Revise as Required - e: Right Arm Reclining [or Recumbent]


Rar - e: ROM [Read-Only Memory] Address Register - e: Rotate Accumulator Right - e: Routing and Recording - e: Rules and Regulations - e: Rural Area Redevelopment - s: Refinarias de Açdcar Reunidas Rar e: Rare Records RAr f: Revue Archéologique (journ.) rar. e: rarely R-Ar e: Rhode Island State Archives, Providence RARA e: Random Access to Random Access - e: Recursive Addition with Recursive Addends RARAD e: Radar Advisory RARAF e: Radiological Research Accelorator Facility RARAP e: Risk Assessment and Risk Analysis Process R Ar Av C Et f: Recueil des Anets et Avis du Conseil d'Etat (journ.) R Arb d: Recht der Arbeit RArb d: Regelarbeitszeit RArbBl d: Reichsarbeitsblatt RArbG[er] d: Reichsarbeitsgericht RARC e: Regional Administrative Radio Conference - e: Revoked Appointment and Returned to Civilian Status - e: Ruakura Agricultural Research Centre R Arch Bib! Mus s: Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas, y Museos (journ.) RArchCr i: Rivista di Archeologia Cristian (journ.) R Archeol f: Revue Archéologique (journ.) R Archeom f: Revue d'Archeometrie (journ.) R Arch Hist Art Louvain f: Revue des Archéologues et Historiens d'Art de Louvain (joum.) RARDEfN] e: Royal Armament[s] Research and Development Establishment, Enfield RARE e: Radiation and Repair Engineering - e: Ram Air Rocket Engine - e: Rapid Acquisition [with] Relaxation Enhanced [or Enhancement] - e: Rare Animal Relief Effort - e: Rare Antigen/Antibody Resource Exchange Program - e: Rehabilitation of Addicts by Relatives and Employers - e: Reinforcement and Resupply of Europe - e: Retinoic Acid Responsive Element - e: Roadless Area Resource Evaluation - e: Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition - f: Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne RAREA e: Radiation Research (journ.) Ra Ref e: Radar Reflector RAREF e: Radiation and Repair Engineering Facility Rarefed Gas Dyn Proc Int Symp e: Rarefed Gas Dynamics. Proceedings of the International Symposium (joum.) Ra Refl. e: Radar Reflector RA Relay e: Receiver Auxiliary Relay RAREP e: Radar[-weather] Report RAREPs e: Radar Reports RARES e: Rotating Associative Relational Stor[ag]e RARF e: RADOME [Radar Dome], Antenna and Radio Frequency RARG e: Regulatory Analysis Review Group


RARH e: Restricted Aperture Reflection Hologram RARI e: Reporting and Routing Instructions RARI[CD&AA] e: Royal Artillery Regiment Instructions [Coast Defence and Anti-Aircraft] RARI[Fd] e: Royal Artillery Regiment Instructions [Field] RARMB r: Razrabotka Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii (journ.) R A R N E B e: Recent Achievements in Restorative Neurology (joum.) R A R O C e: Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital R A R O C C e: Raro Occurit R A R O M e: RAM [Random-Access Memory] and ROM [Read-Only Memory] RARP e: Radio Affiliate Replacement Plan - e: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RARPC P: Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu RArq[ueol] s: Revista de Arqueología (journ.) RARR e: Range and Range Rate - e: Reinstallation and Removal Record RARS e: Refractory Anemia with Ringed Sideroblasts - e: Register Access Ready Set - e: Register Access Relay Set RArt e: Royal Artillery - f: Revue de l'Art (journ.) RArte i: Rivista d'Arte (joum.) R Arts f: Revue des Arts (joum.) RARU e: Rackham Arthritis Research Unit - e: Radio Range Station Reported Unreliable RAS d: Datenrangierung-Schreiben - d: Radarabstandswamsystem - d: Refraktäre Anämie mit Ringsideroblasten - d: Regalaufbausystem - d: Relaisausgabe, Sicherungsbaugruppe - d: Renin-Angiotensin-System - d: Retikuläres Aktivationssystem - d: Retikuläres Aktivierungssystem - d: Retikuloendothelaktivierendes Serum - d: Richtlinien für die Anlage von Straßen - d: Rückkehradressenspeicher - e: Communications and Replenishment At Sea - e: Rabbonim Aid Society - e: Radar Absorbing Structures - e: Radar Advisory Service - e: Radar Altimeter Selector - e: Radar Altimeter Set - e: Radar Assembly Spare[s] - e: Radar Augmentation System - e: Radio Astronomy Satellite - e: Radio Science - e: Radio Subscriber - e: Radioactive Sensor - e: Radioactive Series - e: RADOME [Radar Dome] Antenna Structure - e: Radula Sinus - e: Raman Amplification Spectroscopy - e: Random Access Stor[ag]e - e: Rapid Access Stor[ag]e - e: Rapid Atrial Stimulation - e: Rapid Audit Summary - e: Reaction Augmentation System - e: Reactor Alarm System - e: Reactor Analysis and Safety - e: Readers Advisory Service (joum.) - e: Rear Area Security - e: Receptor Analysis System - e: Recirculation Actuation Signal - e: Record Assigned System - e: Records and Analysis Subsystem - e: Recovery Assist and Secure System © K - G - S a u r . München


e: Recruiting Analysis Service e: Rectified Air Speed e: Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis e: Reference Address for Small-corememory - e: Reflection/Absorption Spectroscopy - e: Reflector Aerial [or Antenna] System - e: Refractory Anemia with Ringed Sideroblasts - e: Refueling At Sea - e: Regional Automated Systems - e: Relay Antenna Subsystem - e: Reliability, Availability [and] Serviceability - e: Relocatable Assembler System - e: Remote-Access System - e: Remote Acquisition Station - e: Remote Active Spectrometer - e: Remote Analysis System - e: Remote Area Support - e: Remote Arm[y] Set - e: Renin-Angiotensin System - e: Replenishment at Sea - e: Report Audit Summary - e: Reproduction Assembly Sheet - e: Requirements Allocation Sheet - e: Requirements Analysis Sheet - e: Requirements Audit System - e: Research and Statistics - e: Reservation and Accounting System - e: Reset and Start - e: Resource Allocation Software - e: Reticular Activating System - e: Rheumatoid Arthritis Serum - e: Rien A Signaler - e: River Assault Squadron - e: Riverside Air Service - e: Robotic Anti-armor System - e: Rockhampton Aerial Services - e: Route Accounting Subsystem - e: Row Address Select - e: Row Address Strobe - e: Royal Accounting System - e: Royal Aeronautical Society - e: Royal African Society - e: Royal Agricultural Society - e: Royal Albert School - e: Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland - e: Royal Astronomical Society - e: Royal International Agricultural Show - e: Rubber Association of Singapore - e: Rural Adjustment Scheme - e: Rutgers Annihilation Spectrometer - f: Résistances Artérielles Systémiques - f: Revue Archéologique Syrienne (journ.) - f: Rien à Signaler - i: Rassegna [délia Letteratura Italiana] (journ.) R.a.s. 1: Ramus atrialis sinister ras. 1: rasurae RASA e: Railway and Airline Supervisors Association - e: Realignment of Supply Activities - e: Redstone Arsenal Support Activity - e: Regional Aeronautical Support Activity - i: Rassegna Abruzzese di Storia ed Arte (journ.) - s: Radiofusoras Asociadas RASAPH e: Radar Signal Spectrograph RASAR e: Resource Allocation System for Agricultural Research RASAT e: Radar and Sonar Alignment Targets RASB e: Rapid Access to Sequential Blocks - e: Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Rassegna M Curci R A S C e: Ranking and Scaling - e: Rear Area Security Controller - e: Regional AIS [Aeronautical Information Service] System Center - e: Rome Air Service Command - e: Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth - e: Royal Astronomical Society of Canada R A S C A e: Radio Science (journ.) R A S C A L e: Random Access Secure Communications Antijam Link - e: Rotorcraft-Aircrew Systems Concepts Airborne Laboratory - e: Royal Aircraft Establishment Sequence Calculator - e: Rudimentary Adaptive System for Computer-Aided Learning R A S C A P e: Replenishment at Sea Corrective Action Program R A S C C e: Rear Area Security Control Center RASC/DC e: Rear Area Security and Damage Control R Ascetique&Mystique f: Revue d'Ascetique et de Mystique (journ.) R A S C H d: Rationelle Auftragsschreibung Raschet K o n s t r Issled O b o r u d Proizvod Istochnikov T o k a R: Raschet. Konstruirovanie i Issledovanie Oborudovaniya Proizvodstva Istochnikov Toka (journ.) Raschet K o n s t r Neftezavod O b o r u d R: Raschet i Konstruirovanie Neftezavodskogo Oborudovaniya (journ.) Raschety P r o c h n R: Raschety na Prochnost (journ.) R A S C O e: Radiological Survey Control Officer R A S C O M e: Regional African Satellite Communications project R A S C / R C T e: Royal Army Service Corps/ Royal Corps of Transport R A S D e: Reference and Adult Services Division RASD BRASS e: RASD [Reference and Adult Services Division] Business Reference Services Section RAS/DC e: Rear Area Security and Area Damage Control R A S D C O D E e: RASD [Reference and Adult Services Division] Collection Development and Evaluation Section R a s D e r m a t o l Sifilogr i: Rassegna di Dermatologia e di Sifilografia (journ.) RASD H S e: RASD [Reference and Adult Services Division] History Section R A S D I L C e: RASD [Reference and Adult Services Division] Interlibrary Loan Committee R A S D M A R S e: RASD [Reference and Adult Services Division] Machine Assisted Reference Section RAS-E d: Richtlinien für die Anlage von Straßen, Teil Erschließung R A S E e: Radio Subscriber Equipment - e: Rapid Acquisition by Sequential Estimation - e: Rapid Automatic Sweep Equipment - e: Royal Agricultural Society of England R A S E R e: Radio[-frequency] Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation - e: Random-to-Serial [Converter] - e: Range and Sensitivity Extending Resonator - e: Roentgen[-beam] Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

R A S E R C o n v e r t e r e: Random to Serial Converter R a s F i: Rassegna di Filosofa (journ.) RAS F a c t o r e: Rheumatoid Arthritis Serum Factor R A S G e: Radar Antenna System Group R A S G N e: Reassignment R A S H e: Rain Shower[s] RASHA d: RAS. Rohr-Armatur-SanitarHeizung (journ.) Rashet K o n s t r Neftezvod O b o r u d o v a n i y a R: Raschet i Konstruirovanie Neftezavodskogo Oborudovaniya (journ.) RASI e: Radar [and Navigational Air] Simulator - e: Reliability, Availability, Service, Improvement - e: Reliability, Availability, Serviceability and Improvability Rasi i: Rassegna Italiana (journ.) RASIB s: Rendiconto. Accademia delle Scienze. Istituto di Bologna (journ.) RASIDS e: Range Safety Impact Display System R A S I F d: Radarsimulator Flugsicherung RaSigma d: Radar-Signatur-Mess- und Analyseanlage R A S I L A F: Rannikko-ja Sisavesiliikenteen Tyonantajaliitto RASIS e: Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Integrity and Security R A S I T e: Field Artillery Target Aquisition Radar - f: Radar de Surveillance des Intervalles R A S K e: Royal Agricultural Society of Kenya R A S L e: Royal Apex Silver, Inc. R A S M e: Remote Analog Submultiplexer RASMA f: Revue Agricole et Sucriere de l'lle Maurice (journ.) r A S M C e: Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells R A S M P e: Radiotherapy Apparatus Safety Measures Panel RAsMyst f: Revue d'Ascetique et de Mystique (journ.) RASN e: Rain and Snow R A S N O e: Radio Subscriber Number R A S N P e: Radio Subscriber Number Protection R A S N Z e: Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand - e: Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand R A S O e: Radiological Affairs Support Office - e: Rear Airfeld Supply Organization - e: Regional Aviation Supply Officer - e: Royal Air-force Senior Officer R A S O F C e: Royal Agricultural Society for the Commonwealth RASofC e: Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth R A S o f W A e: Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia R A S O N D E e: Radiosonde Observation R A S O R E e: Radar Scorer

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

R A S P e: Radar Action Signal Processor - e: Radar Applications Specialist Panel - e: Random Access Stored Program[me] - e: Random Analog[ue] Signal-analysis Program[me] - e: Range and Airframe Separation Programmer - e: Rapid Acquisition Spectrum Processor - e: Receiver Active Signal Processor - e: Recognised Air/Surface Picture - e: Refined Aeronautical Support Program - e: Reliability and Aging Surveillance Program - e: Remote Access Switching and Patching - e: Reserve Analytical Studies Project - e: Resource Analysis Simulation Procedure - e: Retrieval and Sort Processor - e: Retrieval and Statistic[al][s] Processing - e: Right Atrial Systolic Pressure R a S p d: Rauschsperre R A S P B e: Royal and Ancient Society of Polar Bears R A S P E e: Resident Army SENSCOM [Sentinel Systems Command] Project Engineer R A S P Machine e: Random Access Stored Program[me] Machine R A S P O e: Resident Apollo Spacecraft Program Office RASS e: Radar Acoustic Sounding System - e: Radar Analysis Support System - e: Radar Attitude Sensing System - e: Radio Acoustic Sounding System - e: Rapid Area Supply Support - e: Reconnaissance Advance Sensor System - e: Register, Address, Skip and Special chip - e: Remote Activated Stores System - e: Research Association of Statistical Sciences - e: Rock Analysis Storage System - e: Rotating Acoustic Stereo-Scanner - e: Ruggedized Airborne Seeker Simulator RAss f: Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale (journ.) Rass A g r Ital i: Rassegna dell'Agricoltura Italiana (journ.) RASSAN e: Radar Sea State Analyzer Rass A r c h C h i r i: Rassegna ed Archivio di Chirurgia (journ.) RASSAS e: Radio Astronomical Space System of Aperture Synthesis Rass Chim i: Rassegna Chimica (journ.) Rass Clin Sci [1st Biochim Ital] i: Rassegna Clinico-Scientifica. [Istituto Biochimico Italiano] (journ.) Rass Clin T e r Sci Affini i: Rassegna di Clinica Terapia e Scienze Affini (journ.) RassCult i: Rassegna di Cultura (journ.) Rass del L a v i: Rassegna del Lavoro (journ.) Rass d'It i: Rassegna d'Italia (journ.) Rass Ec[on] i: Rassegna Economica (journ.) Rass Econ A f r Ital i: Rassegna Economica dell'Africa Italiana (joum.) Rass Econ C a m C o m m e r I n d A g r Alessandria i: Rassegna Economica. Camera di Commercio, Industria, e Agricoltura di Alessandria (journ.) Rass Econ Colon i: Rassegna Economica delle Colonie (journ.) Rass Econ [Napoli] i: Rassegna Economica [Napoli] (journ.) Rassegna Ital Sociol i: Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia (journ.) Rassegna M C u r c i i: Rassegna Musicale Curci (journ.)


RassFilos RassFilos i: Rassegna di Filosofa (journ.) Rass Fisiopat[ol] Clin Ter i: Rassegna di Fisiopatologia Clinica e Terapeutica (journ.) Rass Giuliana Med i: Rassegna Giuliana di Medicina (journ.) Rass Giur Sard i: Rassegna Giuridica Sarda (journ.) RASSH e: Radiosondes Shipped From Rass IGI i: Rassegna Indo-Greco-Italica (journ.) Rass Int Clin [Ter] i: Rassegna Intemazionale di Clinica e Terapia (journ.) Rass Int Stomatol Prat i: Rassegna Internazionale di Stomatologia Pratica (journ.) Rass Ital Chir Med i: Rassegna Italiana di Chirurgia e Medicina (journ.) Rass Ital Gastro-Enterol [Suppl] i: Rassegna Italiana di Gastro-Enterologia. [Supplemento] (journ.) Rass Ital Ottalmol i: Rassegna Italiana d'Ottalmologia (journ.) Rass Ital Soc[iol] i: Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia (journ.) Rass Lav Pubbl i: Rassegna dei Lavori Pubblici (journ.) Rass Let It i: Rassegna della Letteratura Italiana (journ.) Rass Med i: Rassegna Medica (journ.) Rass Med Appi Lav Ind i: Rassegna di Medicina Applicata al Lavoro Industriale (journ.) Rass Med Convivium Sanit i: Rassegna Medica-Convivium Sanitatis (journ.) Rass Med Cult i: Rassegna Medica e Culturale (journ.) Rass Med Ind i: Rassega di Medicina Industriale (journ.) Rass Med Ind Ig Lav i: Rassegna di Medicina Industriale e di Igiene del Lavoro (journ.) Rass Med Sarda [Suppl] i: Rassegna Medica Sarda. [Supplemento] (journ.) Rass Med Sper [Suppl] i: Rassegna di Mediana Sperimentale. [Supplemento] (journ.) Rass Mens Clin Poi Ter Vita Prof Med Condotto Med Prat i: Rassegna Mensile die Clinica, di Patologia, die Terapia, e Chimica (journ.) Rass Mens Israel i: Rassegna Mensile di Israel (journ.) Rass Min Metall Chim i: Rassegna Mineraria, Metallurgia, e Chimica (journ.) Rass Min Metall Ital i: Rassegna Mineraria e Metallurgica Italiana (journ.) Rass Mus i: Rassegna Musicale (journ.) Rass Mus Curci i: Rassegna Musicale Curci (journ.) Rass Neurol Veg i: Rassegna di Neurologia Vegetativa (journ.) Rass Neuropsich i: Rassegna di Neuropsichiatria e Scienze Affini (journ.) R Assoc Canad Educ Langue Franc f: Revue. Association Canadienne d'Education de Langue Française (journ.) Rass Odontotec i: Rassegna Odontotecnica (journ.) Rass Patol Appar Respir i: Rassegna di Patologia dell'Apparato Respiratorio (journ.) Rass Propr Ind Lett Art i: Rassegna della Proprietà Industriale, Letteraria, e Artistica (journ.)

Rass Psicol Gen Clin i: Rassegna di Psicologia Generale e Clinica (journ.) Rass Pubbl i: Rassegna di Dirrito Pubblico (journ.) RASSR e: Reliable Advanced Solid-State Radar R Ass Resp i: Revue Generale des Assurances et des Responsabilites (journ.) Rass Serv Soc i: Rassegna di Servizio Sociale (journ.) Rass Sind Quad i: Rassegna Sindacale. Quaderni (journ.) Rass Statis Lav i: Rassegna di Statistiche del Lavoro (joum.) Rass Stor R i: Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento (journ.) Rass Studi Psichiatr i: Rassegna di Studi Psichiatrici (journ.) RAS-STADES e: Records Association System-Standard Data Elements System Rass Ter Patol Clin i: Rassegna di Terapia e Patologia Clinica (journ.) Rass Trimest Odontoiatr i: Rassegna Trimestrale di Odontoiatria (joum.) Rass Urol Nefrol i: Rassegna di Urologia e Nefrologia (joum.) RASSW e: Radical Alliance of Social Service Warkers R Assyr f: Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale (joum.) RAST d: Radio-Allergen-Sorbent Test - d: Richtlinien für den Ausbau von Stadtstraßen - d: Richtlinien für die Anlage von Stadtstraßen - e: Radioallergosorbent Technique - e: Radioallergosorbent Test - e: Rapid Hauldown and Traversing System - e: Recover[y] Assist, Secure [or Securing] and Traverse [or Traversing] System - e: Reliability and System Test RASTA e: Radiant [or Radiation] [Augmented] Special Test Apparatus - e: Radio Station RASTAC e: Random Access Storage and Control RASTAD e: Random Access Storage and Display RASTADYN d: Rahmen Statisch Dynamisch Rastafians e: Rastafarians RASTAS e: Radiating Site Target Acquisition System Rasteniev'd Nauki R: Rasteniev'dni Nauki (joum.) RASTES e: Reliable, Available, Serviceable, Transformable and Efficient Systems RaStEt i: Rassegna di Studi Etiopici (joum.) RASTI e: Rapid Speech Transition Index - e: Rapid Speech Transmission Index RASTIC e: Rail, Automatic Straightening, Intrinsically Controlled Rastit Belki R: Rastitel'nye Belki (joum.) Rastit Krainego Sev [SSSR] Ee Osvoenie R: Rastitel'nost Krainego Severa [SSSR] i Ee Osvoenie (joum.) Rastit La tv SSR R: Rastitel'nost Latviiskoi SSR (joum.) Rastit Zasht R: Rastitelna Zashtita (joum.) Rastit Zasht Plant Prot R: Rastitelna Zashtita/Plant Protection (joum.) RAST-K d: Richtlinien für die Anlage von Stadtstraßen-Knotenpunkte RAST-L d: Richtlinien für die Anlage von Stadtstraßen-Linienführung


© K • O • Saur. München

RaSTO e: Rational System for Technical Servicing RAST-Q d: Richtlinien für die Anlage von Stadtstraßen, Querschnittgestaltung RASTR e: Recorded Acoustic Signal Target Repeater Rast Resur[sy] R: Rastitel'nye Resursy (joum.) R Astron Soc Can Pr e: Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Selected Papers and Proceedings (journ.) Rast Zashch R: Rastitelna Zashchita (journ.) RASU e: Rangoon Arts and Science University - f: Radar de Surveillance complémentaire RASUI e: Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Useability, Installability RASUR f: Radar de Surveillance à courte portée RASV e: Reusable Aerodynamic Space Vehicle RaSV e: Rasheed [Rat] Sarcoma Virus RASyr f: Revue Archéologique Syrienne (journ.) RAT d: Reichsangestellten-Tarifvertrag - d: Relaisausgabe, Trocken - e: Radar Action Table - e: Radar Azimuth Track - e: Radiatively-Active Trace - e: Radio Active Tracer [technique] - e: Radiological Assessment Team - e: Ram Air Temperature - e: Ram Air Turbine - e: Ranges, Ammunition and Targets - e: Rat Resources - e: Rate[d] - e: Rating[s] - e: Ratio[n][s] - e: Reactive Acidified Tailings - e: Reading Access Time - e: Receipt Account Title File - e: Regular Associated Troupers - e: Relative Accuracy Test - e: Reliability Assurance Test - e: Remote Area Terminal - e: Remote Associates Test - e: Remote Associations Test - e: Repeat Action Tablet - e: Reserve Auxiliary Transformer - e: Restricted Articles Tariff - e: Right Anterior Thigh - e: Rocket-Assisted Torpedo - e: Rocket-launched Anti-submarine Torpedo - e: Rotational Automatic Tester - e: Rotational Autonomic Tester - e: Routine Audit Test - e: Routing Automation Technique - f: Reseau des Amis de la Terre - f: Revue des Accidents du Travail et de Droit Industriel et Social (journ.) - f: Revue. Academie Internationale du Tourisme (journ.) - s: Reserva Activa Transitoria Rat d: Ratifikation - d: Ratifizierung - d: Rationalisierung] - d: Rationierung rat d: ratifizieren - d: rationalisieren] - d: ratifiziert - d: rationalisiert - d: rationell - d: rationieren - d: rationiert R&AT e: Research and Advanced Technology

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RAuxAF RATA e: Rankine Cycle Air Turboaccelerator RA/TA e: Restricted Availability/Technical Availability RATAC e: Radar Analog[ue] Target Acquisition Computer - e: Radar Target Acquisition - e: Raytheon Acoustic Telemetry and Control - e: Remote Airborne Television Display of Ground Radar Coverage via TACAN - f: Radar de Tir pour rArtillerie a Champagne RATAN e: Radar and Television Aid[s] to Navigation - e: Radio Television Aid to Navigation RATAP e: Reactive Tailings Assessment Program RATAS e: Research and Technical Advisory Services RATAU e: Ukrainian Telegraph Agency RATAV e: Radar Terrain Avoidance rat. B d: rationiert Brief RATBP e: Revised Appendix to Be Published RATC e: Radar-Aided Tracking Computer - e: Radar Air Traffic Control - e: Rate-Aided Tracking Computer - e: Rhodesian Air Training Centre - e: Royal Artillery Training Centre RATCC e: Radar Air-Traffic Control Center - e: Regional Air Traffic Control Center [or Centre] RATCF e: Radar Air Traffic Control Facility - e: Regional Air Traffic Control Facility RATCON e: Radar Target Concealment - e: Radar Terminal Control RATD e: Radar Automatic Target Detection - e: Register of Apparel and Textile Designers RATE e: Rate-Aided Tracking Equipment - e: Rate Analysis and Transportation Evaluation - e: Record and Tape Exchange - e: Remote Automatic Telemetry Equipment - e: Retention and Transfer Enhancement RATEA R: Radiotekhnika (joum.) RATEKO a: Radiobranschens Tekniska och Kommersiella Organisation RATEKSA r: Radiobranchens Tekniske og Kommercielle Sammenslutning RATEL e: Radiotelephone - e: Raytheon Automatic Test Equipment Language RATELO e: Radiotelephone Operator RATEN e: Random Threshold-Element Network RAT/EPR e: Ram Air Temperature/engine Pressure Ratio RATER e: Raytheon Acoustic Test and Evaluation Range - e: Response Analysis Tester RATES e: Remote Access and Test Equipment RATESEQ e: Rate Sequence RATESEQn e: Rate Sequence n [n = 01 ... 08] RA-Test e: Rheumatoid Arthritis Test RATEX e: Rational Expectations RATF e: Radio Aids Training Flight RATFOR e: Rational FORTRAN [Formula Translation] RA-TFR e: Radar Altimeter-Terrain Following Radar

RATG e: Rabbit Anti[human] Thymocyte Globulin - e: Rabbit Antithymocyte Globulin - e: Radioactive Thickness Gauge - e: Radiotelegram - e: Radiotelegraph[y] - e: Rhodesian Air Training Group Rath d: Rathenow RATHLD e: Routing Audit Test Hold RATHQ e: Rath Packing RATIB e: Radiologic Technology (joum.) RATIBERT d: Rationalisierung im Bereich Technik RATIO e: Radio Telescope in Orbit - e: Ratiometer Ratio Juris I: Ratio Juris Rationalisierung d: Monatsschrift der Rationalisierung (journ.) Ration Drug Ther e: Rational Drug Therapy (journ.) rati, d: rationell RATLE e: Road Accident Tabulation Language RATM e: Military Topographic Support Array RATO e: Rocket Assisted Take-Off RATOG e: Rocket Assisted Take-Off Gear Ratons e: Raton Mountains [Colorado and New Mexico] RATP f: Régie Autonome[s] des Transports Parisiens RATR e: Reliability Abstracts and Technical Review[s] RATRAN e: Radar Triangle Navigation RATS e: Radar Acquisition and Tracking System - e: Radar Action Time Scheduler program - e: Radar Altimeter Target Simulator - e: Radio Antenna Tracking System - e: Ram Air Turbine System[s] - e: Random Access Tape Store - e: Random-Accessible Text System - e: Ranger Anti-Tank System - e: Rapid Area Transportation Support - e: Rate and Track Subsystem - e: Raytheon Automatic Test System - e: Reactive Acid Tailings Stabilization - e: Reactive Acidified Tailings Study - e: Reconnaissance and Tactical Security - e: Reform of the Australian Taxation System (journ.) - e: Remote Alarm Transmission System - e: Remote Area Tactical System - e: Remote Area Television Service - e: Remote Area Terminal System - e: Resistance Anodize Trim System - e: Resolver Alignment Test Set - e: Restricted Articles Terminal System RATs e: Repeat-Action Tablets RATSC e: Rome Air Technical Service Command RATSCAT [Site] e: Radar Target Scatter [Site] RATSEC e: Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center Rat Sel Cas e: Rattigans Select Hindu Law Cases (joum.) RATSIM e: Rational Simplification RATT e: Radar Teletype - e: Radio Airborne Teletype - e: Radio Automatic Teletype - e: Radio Telephone/Teleprinter - e: Radio Teletype[r] [writer] RATTC e: Radio and Teletype Control Center

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Rattigan e: Rattigans Select Hindu Law Cases (journ.) Ratt LC e: Rattigans Leading Cases on Hindu Law (journ.) RATTLE e: Road Accident Tabulation Language Ratt RL e: Rattigans Roman Law of Persons (journ.) RATTS e: Radar Telephone Transmission System Rat Unrep Cr e: Ratanlals Unreported Criminal Cases (joum.) Rat.-Urk. d: Ratifikationsurkunde[n] RatV d: Rationalisierungsmaßnahmenverordnung RATV e: Remote Area Television Service RATWUS e: Research and Technology Work Unit Summary RAU e: Rack Assembly Unit [equipped] - e: Radion Access Unit - e: Railway African Union - e: Rand Afrikaans University - e: Recurrent Aphthous Ulceration - e: Regional Acquisition Unit - e: Register Arithmetic Unit - e: Remote Access Unit - e: Remote Acquisition Unit - e: River Assault Unit - e: Royal Artillery Units - i: Repubblica Araba Unita RAUAnn e: Remote Access Unit version A nn [nn = 12 or 04] RAUC f: Centre de Recherches en Architecture, Urbanisme, Construction rauch, d: rauchend Rauch Pat e: Rauch Guide to the United States Paint Industry Data (journ.) RAUCs e: Release Alternate Unit Codes RA-UDAA e: Robbery Armed-Unlawful Driving Away of an Automobile RAug f: Revue Augustinienne (journ.) RAUIC e: Repair Activity Unit Identification Code RAUIS e: Remote Acquisition Unit Interconnecting Station RAUK e: Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom Raumforsch u[nd Raumordnung d: Raumforschung und Raumordnung (journ.) räuml. d: räumlich RAUSA s: Remolacheras y Azucareras del Uruguay S.A. R Aust Chem Inst [J Proc] e: Royal Australian Chemical Institute. [Journal and Proceedings] (journ.) R Aust Chem Inst J Proc Suppl e: Royal Australian Chemical Institute. Journal and Proceedings. Supplement (journ.) R Aust Chem Inst Proc e: Royal Australian Chemical Institute. Proceedings (joum.) R Aust Plan[n] Inst J e: RAPIJ: Royal Australian Planning Institute. Journal (joum.) RAUT e: Republic Automotive Parts, Inc. R„ul d: Register für den internationalen Selbstwählfernverkehr RAut&L f: Revue des Auteurs et des Livres (journ.) RAUU e: Renable Gold Trust RAuxAF e: Radar Auxiliary Air Force - e: Royal Auxiliary Air Force


RAV RAV d: Ravensburg - d: Roux-assoziierte Viren - e: Cravo Norte - e: Ramm Venture - e: Random Access Viewer - e: Raven Industries, Inc. - e: Ravine - e: Reduced Availability - e: Remotely Augmented Vehicle - e: Requirements Analyses and Validation - e: Restricted Availability - e: Rising Arc Voltage - e: Roux Associated Virus - e: Royal Air Force - e: RUTAN Aircraft Factory - N: Raufoss Ammunisjon Fabrikker RAVA e: Regurgitant Aortic Valvular Area - e: Rochester Audiovisual Association Ravag d: Radio Verkehr AG, Wien RAV A M e: Retarded Acoustic Vertical Attack Mine - e: Retarded Acoustic Vertical Attack Munition RA VAN Program [me] e: Random Vibration Analysis Program[me] RAVC e: Royal Army Veterinary Corps R.a.v.d. 1: Ramus atrioventricularis dexter RAVE e: Radar Acquisition Visual-tracking Equipment - e: Radar Acquisition Vocal-tracking Equipment - e: Random Access Video Editing - e: Random Access Viewing Equipment - e: Rapid Area Clearance Equipment - e: Rapid Automatic Variable Evaluator - e: Raster to Vector - e: Recording and Verifying - e: Register And Vote Easily - e: Research Aircraft for the Visual Environment - e: Research Aircraft for Visual Environment RAVEC e: Radar Vector - e: Regional Adult and Vocational Education Council RAVEN e: Ranging and Velocity Navigation - e: Raven Industries, Inc. RAVES e: Rapid Aerospace Vehicle Evaluation System RAVIN-ARBENIN f: Régie de Ravitaillement des Navires RAVIR e: Radar Video Recorder [or Recording] RAVO d: Rechtes Atrioventrikuläres Ostium - e: Right Atrioventricular Orifice RAVPRO e: Resource Allocation and Validation Program R-AVR e: Ruggedized Airborne Video Recorder RAVS e: Regulations for Army Veterinary Services - e: Royal Army Veterinary School R.a.v.s. 1: Ramus atrioventricularis sinister RA VU e: Radiosonde Analysis and Verification Unit RAW d: Rationalisierungsausschuß der Deutschen Wirtschaft - d: Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk - e: Airway Resistance - e: Radar Warning - e: Rapid American Withdrawal - e: Read After Write - e: Ready and Waiting [or Willing) - e: Rear Axle Weight - e: Reconnaissance Attack Wing - e: Record of the Arab World (journ.)


e: Redmond e: Reliability Assurance Warranty e: Rent-a-Wreck Industries Corp. e: Research and Analysis Wing e: Return America to Work e: Riflemans Assault Weapon e: Right Attack Wing e: Risk Assessment Worksheet n: Raad van Advies voor het Wetenschapsbeleid. Informatiebank. Tweekbericht (joum.) Rawal e: Rawalpindi RAWA[RA] e: Rail-Water[-Rail] RAWARC e: Radar and Warning Coordination [System] RAWB e: Railroad and Airline Wage Board breviations Dictionary RAWC [Committee] e: Radioactive Waste Co-ordinating [Committee] RA W D e: Raw Data RA WEB e: Refractory Anemia without Excess of Blasts (journ.) RAWI e: Radio American West Indies RA WIE e: Radio Weather Intercept Element RA WIN e: Radar/Wind [sounding] - e: Radio/Wind RA WIND e: Radio Wind RAWIN[D] [Sounding] e: Radar Wind [Sounding] R A W I N S O N D E e: Radar Wind Sounding and Radiosonde RAWIT e: RNA [Ribonucleic Acid] Amplification with In/Vitro Translation Raw[le] Const [US] e: Rawle on the Constitution of the United States (journ.) Raw[le] Cov e: Rawle on Covenants for Title (journ.) Raw Mater e: Raw Material (journ.) Raw Materials Survey Res Repl e: Raw Materials Survey. Resource Report (joum.) Raw Mater Rep e: Raw Materials Report (joum.) RA W O e: Reliability Assurance Report Work Order (journ.) RAWR e: Rear-Axle Weight Rating R A W R A M e: Read and Write Random Access Memory RAWS e: Radar Altimeter Warning Set - e: Radar Altimeter Warning System - e: Radar Automatic Weather System - e: Remote Area Weather Station - e: Remote Automatic Weather Station RAWs e: Replenishment Agricultural Workers RAWS e: Role Adaptable Weapons System RAWSII e: Raw Statement of Intelligence Interest RAWTS e: RNA [Ribonucleic Acid] Amplification with Transcript Sequencing RAWX e: Returnd Account [of] Weather RAX e: Random Access - e: Remote Access [Execution] - e: Rio Alto Exploration Ltd. - e: Rosenbalm Aviation, Inc. - e: Rural Automatic Exchange RAXS e: Rapid Analyzer of X-Ray Stress RAY e: Rayrock Yellowknife Resources, Inc. - e: Raytech Corp. - e: Royale Airlines, Inc. RAY B Ex e: Raymonds Bill of Exceptions (joum.) R A Y C A D System e: Raytheon ComputerAided Design System Ray C h Dig e: Raymonds Digested Chancery Cases (joum.)


© K • G • Saur, München

RAYCI e: Raytheon Controlled Inventory RAY[-]COM e: Raytheon Communication [s] [Equipment] RAYCOM e: Raytheon Computer RAYDAC e: Raytheon Digital Automatic Computer (journ.) RAYDIST e: Ray-Path Distance Ray Ins [or Med Jur] e: Rays Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity (journ.) Ray Men Path e: Rays Mental Pathology (journ.) Raym Ld e: Lord Raymonds English King's Bench (journ.) Raymond W Brink Selected Math Papers e: Raymond W. Brink Selected . Mathematical Papers (journ.) RAYNET e: Radio Amateurs emergency Network - e: Raytheon Data Communications Network RAYOF e: Raymac Oil Corp. Rayon e: Rayon and Synthetic Textiles (journ.) Rayon J Cellul Fibers e: Rayon Journal and Cellulose Fibers (joum.) Rayon Melliand Text Mon e: Rayon and Melliand Textile Monthly (joum.) Rayonne Fibres Synth f: Rayonne et Fibres Synthétiques (journ.) Rayonnem Ionis f: Rayonnements Ionisants (joum.) Rayonnem Ionis Tech Mes Prot f: Rayonnements Ionisants. Techniques de Mesures et de Protection (journ.) Rayon Synth Text e: Rayon and Synthetic Textiles (journ.) Rayon Synth Yarn J e: Rayon and Synthetic Yarn Journal (journ.) Rayon Text Mon e: Rayon Textile Monthly (journ.) RAY/RD e: Raytheon Co./Research Division RAYSISTOR e: Raytheon Resistor RAYSPAN e: Raytheon Spectrum Analyzer RAY[-]TEL e: Raytheon Telephone RAZ d: Reaktionsauslösungszeit - d: Regelarbeitszeit - d: Röhren- und Armaturen-Zeitschrift (journ.) - e: Radiozone - e: Rolled Alloyed Zinc - f: Remise A Zéro - f: Retour A Zéro RAZEL e: Range, Azimuth and Elevation RA-Zelle d: Rheumatoid-Arthritis-Zelle, Rhagozyt Raziskuve Stud Kmetijski Inst SIov S: Raziskave in Studije-Kmetijski Institut Slovenije (journ.) RAZON e: Range and Azimuth Only RAZP e: Resettable Automatic Zero Point RAZPE e: Resident ARGMA [Army Rocket and Guided Missile Agency] Zeus Project Engineer Razpr Slov Akad Znan Umet IV S: Razprave. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti. IV (journ.) Razpr Slov Akad Znan Umet Razred Mat Fiz Teh Vede Ser A S: Razprave. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti. Razred za Matematicne, Fizikalne, in Tehnicne Vede. Serija A. Matemat (journ.) Razrab Ehkspl Gazov Gazokondens Mestorozhd R: Razrabotka i Ehksplutatsiya Gazovykh i Gazokondensatnykh Mestorozhdenij (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RBaB Razrab Mestorozhd Polezn Iskop [Kiev] R: Razrabotka Mestorozhdenii Poleznykh Iskopaemykh [Kiev] (joum.) Razrab Mestorozhd Polezn Iskop [Tiflis] R: Razrabotka Mestomzhdenii Poleznykh Iskopaemykh [Tiflis] (journ.) Razrab Neft Gazov Mestorozhd R: Razrabotka Neftyanykh i Gazovykh Mestorozhdenii (journ.) Razrab Rudn Mestorozhd R: Rasrabotka Rudnykh Mestomzhdenii (journ.) Razred Mat Fiz Teh Vede Dela R: Razred za Matematicne, Fizikalne in Tehnicne Vede Dela (journ.) RAZS e: Rolled Alloyed Zinc Sheet Raz SAZU S: Razprave Razreda za Filoloske in Literame vede Slovenske Akademije Znanoste in Umetnosti (journ.) Razved Geofi[z] [Leningrad] R: Razvedochnaya Geofizika (journ.) Razved i Okhr Nedr R: Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr (journ.) Razved Nedr R: Razvedka Nedr (journ.) Razved Okhr Nedr R: Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr (journ.) Razved Promysl Geofis R: Razvedochnaya i Promyslovaya Geofizika (journ.) Razved Razrab Neft Gazov Mestorozhd R: Razvedka i Razrabotka Neftyanykli i Crazovykh Mestomzhdenii (journ.) RB a: Ritzans Bureau, Dansk Telegrambureau - d: Radio Bremen - d: Randbedingung - d: Rationelles Büro (journ.) - d: Ratsbibliothek - d: Rechenschaftsbericht - d: Recherchebegriff - d: Rechtsberater - d: Rechtsberatung - d: Rechtsbeschwerde - d: Regierungsbaurat - d: Regierungsbezirk - d: Registerblock - d: Registraturbildner - d: Reichsbahn - d: Reihenbild - d: Reisebericht - d: Relaisblock - d: Rentenbeihilfe - d: Reparaturbereich - d: Republik Botswana - d: Rettungsboot - d: Rinderbesamung - d: Rippenbogen - d: Robert Bosch GmbH - d: Roboter Bedienpult - d: Rohbraunkohle - d: Rohrbrenner - d: Rollenbahn - d: Rose Bengale - d: Rumpfbeuger - e: Barrington Public Library - e: Botswana - e: Bulletins (joum.) - e: Rabbit - e: Radio Balance - e: Radar Beacon - e: Radio Beacon - e: Radio Bearing - e: Radio Beograd - e: Radio Biology - e: Radio Brenner - e: Rate Beacon - e: Rated Boost - e: Ration Book - e: Reactor Building

- e: Read Back[ward] - e: Read Buffer - e: Recirculating Ball - e: Reclamation Bureau - e: Reconnaissance Bomber - e: Record Block - e: Recovery Beacon - e: Red Book (journ.) - e: Redeemable Bond • e: Reduced Blast - e: Reducing Bushing - e: Reentry Body - e: Reflected Binary - e: Regular Budget • e: Reinforced Brick - e: Relative Bearing - e: Relay Block - e: Religious Broadcasting (journ.) • e: Remote Batch - e: Renegotiation - e: Renegotiation Board • e: Repeated Back • e: Report Bibliography • e: Republic of Burma - e: Request Block • e: Rescue Boat - e: Research Bulletin • e: Reserve Bank • e: Reserve Blocked • e: Reset Bit - e: Resistance Brazing - e: Rest Button • e: Restifonn Body • e: Rest[ing] Bit - e: Restricted Bulletin • e: Retail Business (journ.) • e: Retractable Boom • e: Retraining Benefits • e: Return to Bias • e: Revenue Bond • e: Reverse Blocked • e: Revision Block e: Rheostat Braking e: Rich Bitch • e: Right Boundary e: Right Buttock e: Right Fullback • e: Rigid Boat e: Rigid Body e: Ring Back e: Road Bend e: Road Buffer e: Robot e: Rocket Branch e: Rohon-Beard e: Roll-Back [Disability] e: Roller Bearing e: Roman-British e: Rose Bengal e: Rubber Band e: Rubber-Basefd] e: Rubber Bearing e: Rubber Board e: Ruble e: Run[ning] Back e: Rural Bank e: Russell Bodies e: Russet-Burbank e: Syrian Arab Airlines f: Recherches Bibliques (journ.) f: Résistance Bronchique f: Revue Benedictine (joum.) f: Revue Biblique (joum.) f: Revue Bossuet (joum.) f: Revue de la Banque (joum.) f: Royaume de Belgique i: Rivista Biblica (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- n: Rechtsgeleerd Bijblad (journ.) - s: Rancho Bernardo - s: Republica Boliviana Rb d: Ribosom - d: Rubidium - e: Retinoblastoma - e: Rock Bass - e: Rubidium -1: Rubidium Rb. d: Reihenbild - d: Reihenbildaufnahme R.B. e: Renegotiation Bulletins R&B e: Red and Blue - e: Remington and Ballingers Code (joum.) - e: Right and Below - e: Room and Board R/B e: ASE Test Registration Booklet (journ.) - e: Radar Beacon - e: Radio Beacon - e: Reentry Body R„ d: Bandbreitenregelwiderstand - e: Rockwell hardness [B-scale] Rb-08 e: Saab surface-to-surface missile RBA d: Rabat - d: Regierungsbauamtmann - d: Reichsbahn[betriebs]amt - d: Reichsbauamt - d: Rekursiver Binominaler Algorithmus - d: Relative Bindungsaffinität - d: Relative Byteadresse - d: Rettungsbootanhänger - d: Röntgenbelichtungsautomat - e: Rabat, Morocco - e: Radar Beacon Aerial [or Antenna] - e: Radial Blanket Assembly - e: Radio Beacon Array - e: Radio-Binding Assay - e: Raisin Bargaining Association - e: Recovery Beacon Aerial [or Antenna] - e: Reentry Body Assembly - e: Refined Bitumen Association - e: Rehoboth Baster Association - e: Reimbursable Budget Account - e: Reinsurance Brokers Association - e: Relative Binding Affinity - e: Relative Biovaillability - e: Relative Block Address - e: Relative Byte Address - e: Remote Batch Address method - e: Rescue Breathing Apparatus - e: Reserve Bank Bulletin - e: Reset Band Acknowledgement - e: Retail Bakers of America - e: Retail Book, Stationery and Allied Trades Employees Association - e: River Boards Association - e: Road Bitumen Association - e: Roads Beautifying Association - e: Roadside Business Association - e: Rotary Beam Antenna - e: Rotor Blade Antenna - e: Royal Brunei Airlines - e: Royal Society of British Architects - f: Revue Belge d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Art (journ.) - i: Revista de Bellas Artes (journ.) Rba d: Reichsbahnamt Rbä d: Reichsbahnämter RBAA f: Revue Belge d'Art et d'Archeologie (journ.) RBAADT e: Ain Shams University. Faculty of Agriculture. Research Bulletin (joum.) RBAAP e: Riverbank Army Ammunition Plant RBaB e: Barrington College


RBAB RBAB f: Revue des Bibliothèques et des Archives de la Belgique (journ.) RBACB p: Revista Brasileira de Analises Clinicas (journ.) RBAF e: Royal Belgian Air Force - e: Royal Brunei Armed Forces RBAHA f: Revue Belge d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Art (journ.) RBahnA d: Reichsbahnamt RBAI e: Royal Belfast Academical Institution RBAL d: Regiments-Bekleidungs- und Ausrüstungslager - e: Reprocessing Building Analytical Laboratory R B A M e: Remote Batch Access Method - e: Remote Batch Address Method RBA Message e: Reset-Band-Acknowledgement Message R B A M [ M ] s: Revista. Biblioteca, Archivo, y Museo del Ayuntamiento de Madrid (journ.) RBAN e: Rainier Bancorporation - e: Regular Best Asymptotically Normal R Bancaria Bras p: Revista Bancaria Brasileira (journ.) RBAP e: Repetitive Bursts of Action Potential RBAPA f: Revue du Bois et de Ses Applications (journ.) RBArch f: Revue Belge d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Art (journ.) RBArg s: Revista Biblica con Seccion Liturgica (journ.) RBAS e: Royal Blind Asylum and School RBA Series e: Railway Business Association Series (journ.) RBauD d: Regierungsbaudirektor - d: Reichsbahnbaudirektion RBauR d: Regierungsbaurat RBAV e: Relative Bioavailability RBB d: Räumbezeichnungsboje - e: Reference Books Bulletin (journ.) - e: Remazol Brilliant Blue - e: Reset Busy Bit - e: Right Bundle Branch - e: Room, Board and Beverages RBB f: Revue Bibliographique Belge (journ.) RBBau d: Richtlinien für die Durchführung von Bauaufgaben des Bundes RBBB e: Right-Bundle-Branch Block RBBI d: Reichshaushalts- und Besoldungsblatt RBBP e: Remote Batch Business Package RBBRD p: Revista de Biblioteconomia de Brasilia (Journ.) RBBS e: Remote Bulletin Board System RBBSB e: Right-Bundle-Branch System Block R B B T e: Rebabbit RBBX e: Right Breast Biopsy Examination RBC e: Radio Beam Communications - e: Radio Bureau of Canada - e: Rail-Borne Crane - e: Reactive Bias Circuit - e: Real Estate Brokerage Council - e: Red Badge of Courage - e: Red Blood Cellfs] [or Corpuscle[s]] [Count] - e: Red Blood Count - e: Redundant Battery Charger - e: Reflected Binary Code - e: Regal-Beloit Corporation - e: Regional Blood Center - e: Regulations of British Columbia

- e: Remote Balance Control - e: Retortable Barner Container - e: Return Beam Camera - e: Rhodesia[n] Broadcasting Corporation - e: Richard Bland College - e: Right Bounded Context - e: Rio Blanco - e: Robert Bosch Corporation - e: Roller Bearing Company [or Corporation] - e: Ropec Industries, Inc. - e: Rotating Beam Ceilometer - e: Rotating Biological Contactor[s] - s: Revista Bimestre Cubana (journ.) RBCA e: Russian Book Chamber Abroad RBC-ADA e: Red Blood Cell Adenosine Deaminase RBCalb s: Revista Biblica. Villa Calbada (journ.) R.&B. Cas. e: Redfield & Bigelow's Leading Cases on Bills and Notes R B C C e: Red Blood Cells Count - e: Reentry Body Coordination Committee RBCCW e: Reactor Building Closed Coolant [or Cooling] Water RBCCW System e: Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water System RBCD e: Right Border of Cardiac Dullness RbCI e: Rubidium Chloride RBCM e: Red Blood Cell Mass - e: Reference Book of Corporate Managements - e: Royal British Columbia Museum RBCN e: Rubicon Corp. RBCNO e: Rotating Beam Ceilometer Inoperative [or not Operative] RBCPDG e: Canadian Forestry Service. Pacific Forest Research Centre.(joum.) RBCR e: Reprocessing Building Control Room RBCS e: Radio Beam Communications Set - e: Reactor Building Cooling System - e: Retail Batch Communications Subsystem R B C s e: Red Blood Cells RBCU e: Reactor Building Cooling Unit - e: Rod Bank Coil Unit RBCV e: Red Blood Cell Volume RBCWS e: Reactor Building Cooling Water System RBD d: Reichsbahndirektion - d: Relative Biologische Dosis - d: Rückhörbezugsdämpfung - e: Dallas - e: Radar Beacon Digitizer - e: Rapid Beam Deflection [or Deflector] - e: Recurrent Brief Depression - e: Refined, Bleached and Deodonzed - e: Reliability [or Reliable] Block Diagram - e: REM [Rapid Eye Movement]. Behavior Disorder - e: Retrofit Before Delivery - e: Rice Blast Disease - e: Right Border of Dullness - e: Rubbermaid, Inc. - e: Rutherford Back Diffraction - s: Revista Bibliografica y Documental (journ.) Rbd-Aw d: Direktion des Ausbesserungswerke der Deutschen Reichsbahn RBDE e: Radar Bright-Display Equipment RBdeF p: Revista Brasileira de Filosofia (joum.) RBDF e: Royal Bahamas Defence Force RBDG d: Realisierter Bedarfsdeckungsgrad RBDI f: Revue Beige de Droit International (journ.)


© K O ' Saur, München

RBDir d: Regierungsbaudirektor - d: Reichsbahndirektion RBdL d: Richtlinien der Bank der Länder Rbdn d: Reichsbahndirektionen RBDNRQ e: Received But Did Not Return Questionnaire RBDP e: Rocket Booster Development Program RBDS e: Radar Bomb Directing Systems RBDT e: Reverse Blocking Diode Thyristor RBDV e: Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus RBE d: Rechenbetriebseinrichtung - d: Relative Biologische Effektivität - e: Bassett - e: Radiation Biological Effectiveness - e: Radiation Biological Equivalent - e: Radio Beacon Experiment - e: Receive Buffer Empty - e: Red Ball Express - e: Relative Biological Effectiveness] - e: Relative Biological Efficiency - e: Remote Batch Entry - e: Renabie Mines Ltd. - e: Replacement Battery Equipment - e: Review of Business and Economic Research (journ.) RBEB e: Ribbon Bridge Erection Boat[s] RBEBMat d: Rahmenbedingungen für die Entwicklung und Beschaffung von Wehrmaterial RBEC e: Roller Bearing Engineering [or Engineers] Committee RBEDT e: Reactor Building Equipment Drain Tank RB+EDV d: Rationelles Büro + Elektronische Datenverarbeitung (journ.) RBeh d: [Postgut]rollbehälter RBEHF e: Recurrent Bullous Eruption of the Hands and Feet RbehS d: Rollbehälterschürze RBehV d: Postgutrollbehälterverkehr RBehW d: Rollbehälterinstandsetzungswerkstatt R.-Bel. d: Rechtsbelehrung RBELET e: Relative Biological Effectiveness Linear Energy Transfer R Belge Archeol f: Rewe Beige d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Art (journ.) R Belge Dr[oit] Int[ernat] f: Revue Belge de Droit International (journ.) R Belge Mus f: Revue Belge de Musicologie (journ.) R Belge Philol&Hist f: Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire (journ.) R Belge Secur[ite] Soc f: Revue Belge de Sécurité Sociale (journ.) RBelPhH f: Revue Belge de Philogogie et d'Histoire (journ.) RBen e: Revue Benedictine (journ.) RBER e: Residual-BER - e: Review of Business and Economic Research (journ.) R.-Ber. d: Rechtsberater - d: Rechtsberatung - d: Rechtsbereinigung RB/ER e: Reduced Blast/Enhanced Radiation RBerG d: Rechtsberatungsgesetz - d: Rechtsbereinigungsgesetz RBerV d: Verordnung zur Ausführung des Rechtsberatungsgesetzes RBES d: Röntgen-Bilderzeugungssystem - d: Röntgenbilderzeugungssystem R.-Beschw. d: Rechtsbeschwerde RBEW e: Reports of the Bureau of [American] Ethnology, Washington (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RBNA R.-Bez. d: Regierungsbezirk Rbf d: Rangierbahnhof RBF e: Radial Basis Function - e: Read[y] Bit Feedback - e: Red Lake Buffalo Resources Ltd. - e: Regional Blood Flow - e: Relocatable Binary Format - e: Remote Batch Facility - e: Renal Blood Flow - e: Retarded Bomb Fuze - p: Revista Brasileira de Filosofia (journ.) - p: Revista Brasileira de Folclore (journ.) RBFC e: Razzy Bailey Fan Club - e: Retract Before Firing Contractor - e: Rural Banking and Finance Corporation RBFD e: Renal Blood Flow Distribution RBFi[lol] p: Revista Brasileira de Filologia (journ.) RBFSA p: Revista Brasileira de Fisica (journ.) RBFSI e: Reactor Building Exhaust System Isolation R B G d: Reaktor-Brennelemente Gesellschaft mbH - d: Rechenzentrale Bayerischer Genossenschaften - d: Regalbediengerät - d: Reichsbahngesetz - d: Reichsbeamtengesetz - d: Reichsbesoldungsgesetz - d: Reichsbewertungsgesetz - e: British Guiana Reports of Opinions (journ.) - e: Ransburg Corp. - e: Right Buccal Ganglion - e: Roseburg - e: Royal Botanic[al] Gardens - f: Radar de Bord du G1E RBGCA p: Revista Brasileira de Geociencas (journ.) RBGd P: Rocznik Biblioteki Gdanskiej Pan (journ.) R B G E e: Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh R B G E D 3 e: Brazilian Journal of Genetics (journ.) RBGF e: Resin-Bonded Glass-Fibre RBGM e: Real Beam Ground Map[ping] RBgR d: Regierungsbergrat RBGS e: Radio Beacon Guidance System RBH e: Roll-Back-Handler Rbh d: Reichsbahnhauptkasse RBHA e: Rotor Blade Homing Aerial [or Antenna] RBHB e: Red and Black Horizontal Bands RBHGPV d: Rheinische Beiträge und Hilfsbücher zur Germanischen Philologie und Volkskunde (journ.) RBHIX f: Renault-Bendix Electronique RBHPF e: Reactor Building Hydrogen Purge Fan RBHS e: Reactor Building Heating System RBI d: Radio Berlin International - d: Regierungsbauinspektor - d: Reichsbahninspektor - e: Radar Bearing Indicator - e: Radar Blip Identification [Message] - e: Railway Benevolent Institution - e: Range Bearing Indicator - e: RB Industries, Inc. - e: Relative Bearing Indicator - e: Reply by Indorsement - e: Request [or Require] Better Information - e: Ripple Blanking Input - e: Rochester Business Institute - e: Rocket-Borne Instrumentation

- e: Roof Bolt Inserter - e: Root Beer Institute - e: Runs Batted In - f: Recherches Bibliques (journ.) - f: Revue Biblique Internationale (journ.) - i: Rivista Biblica Italiana [Rome] (journ.) RBi f: Revue Biblique (journ.) rbi s: recibi RBibIT i: Rivista Biblica Italiana (journ.) RBibl f: Revue des Bibliothèques (journ.) R Bib[le] f: Revue Biblique (joum.) R Biblio Brasilia p: Revista de Biblioteconomia de Brasilia (journ.) R Bibl Nac [Cuba] s: Revista. Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba (journ.) RBiCalz s: Revista Biblica. Rafael Calzada (journ.) RbiF d: Rundblickfernrohr RBIF e: Red Basic Intelligence File RBILA i: Rivista di Biologia (journ.) RBilt i: Rivista Biblica Italiana (journ.) RBIMBZ e: Bio-Mathematics (journ.) R Bimestr Inform Banque Maroc Com Ext f: Revue Bimestrielle d'Informations. Banque Marocaine du Commerce Exterieur (journ.) RB IMP e: Rubber-Base Impression RBiolR d: Regierungsbiologierat RBJ e: Rebun - e: Tucson RBJIB e: Rotary Base Junction Interface Box RBK e: Reebok International Ltd. - e: Right Bank - e: Ring Back - e: Royal Borough of Kensington - e: Ruble RBK-Aggr[egation] d: Reversible Blutkörperchen-Aggregation RBKr P: Rocznik Biblioteki Pan w Krakowie (journ.) R Bk Rei e: Review of Books and Religion (journ.) Rbkw d: Reichsbahnkraftwerk RBL d: Rechnergesteuertes Betriebsleitsystem - d: Regionale Betriebslenkung - d: Riffelblech - e: Radiation Biology Laboratory - e: Range and Bearing Launch - e: Rat Basophilic Leukemia - e: Rebroadcast Link - e: Reids Base Line - e: Remaining Bundle Limit - e: Repair Block - e: Residual Byte Length - e: Resource Based Learning - e: Rifled Breech-Loading - e: Right Buttock Line - e: Rio Blanco Resources Limited - e: Rubblestone - e: Ruble - f: Renault Belgique Luxembourg S.A. - f: Revue Bleue (journ.) - p: Revista Brasileira de Linguistica (journ.) - R: Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny Rbl d: Regierungsblatt - d: Rubel R Black Pol Econ[omy] e: Review of Black Political Economy (journ.) RBL Aerial e: Rebroadcast Link Aerial RBL-ANSTR d: Regelbelegung für Anschaltestreifen RBL Antenna e: Rebroadcast Link Antenna RB[&]L Bn e: Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Battalion

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RBLC e: Renaissance Business and Law Center, Inc. Rbl.[-]F. d: Rundblickfernrohr RB&L Gp e: Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Group RBLL i: Rassegna Bibliografica della Letteratura Italiana (journ.) - p: Revista Brasileira de Lingua e Literatura (journ.) RBLR e: Red-Banded Leaf-Roller RBLS e: River Bend Library System - e: Rolling Ball Loss Spectrometer RBL/ZI d: DV-Einsatz bei der Regionalen Betriebslenkung und Zentralen Instandhaltung RBM d: Rohbaumaß - e: Range Betting Method - e: Rank Bush Murphy - e: Real Batch Monitor - e: Real Beam Map - e: Realtime Batch Monitor - e: Regional Bone Mass - e: Reinforced Brick Masonry - e: Relative Batch Monitor - e: Remote Batch Module - e: Resistance to Bending Moment - e: Retractor Bulb Motoneuron - e: Rock Burst Monitor - e: Rod Block Monitor - e: Rotationary Bridgman Method - f: Revue Beige de Musicologie (journ.) RBm d: Regierungsbaumeister R-B-M e: Reinforced Brick Masonry RBMA e: Radiologists Business Managers Association RBMD e: Registrar [or Registry] of Births, Marriages and Deaths RBMECAB e: Regional Bureau of the Middle East Committee for the Affairs of the Blind RBML e: Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship (journ.) RBMR e: Rotating Bubble Membrane Radiator RBM Rev Eur Biotechnol Med f: RBM. Revue Europeenne de Biotechnologie Medicale (journ.) RBMS e: Rare Books and Manuscripts Section - e: Remote Bridge Management Software RBMs e: Realtime Batch Monitors RBMT e: Retrospective Bibliographies on Magnetic Tape RBMU e: Regions Beyond Missionary Union RBMUDD e: Research Bulletin. Marathwada Agricultural University (journ.) RBMus f: Revue Beige de Musicologie (journ.) RBN d: Raumbedarfsnachweis - e: Brown University, Providence - e: PTS [Predicasts] Regional Business News - e: Radio Beacon - e: Random Block Numbers - e: Rate Basis Number - e: Registry of Business Names - e: Retrobulbar Neuritis - e: Ribbon - f: Revue Beige de Numismatique (journ.) - R: Rybnik - s: Revista de Bibliografia Nacional (journ.) R Bn e: Radio Beacon - e: Red Beacon RBNA e: Royal British Nurses Association


RBNC RBNC s: Revista. Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba (journ.) RBN Cable e: Ribbon Cable RBNM e: Rainbow Bridge National Monument RBNS f: Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie (journ.) RBNSW e: Rural Bank of New South Wales R B Num f: Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie (journ.) RBNZ e: Reserve Bank of New Zealand RBO d: Rahmenbenutzungsordnung - d: Reichsbesoldungsordnung - e: Radio Beacon Omnidirectional - e: Rapid Bum-Off - e: Relationship by Objective - e: Right Back Outside - e: Ripple-Blanking Output - e: Ripple Blanking Output RBOA e: Residential Boat Owners Association - e: Richardson Boat Owners Association RBOBDY e: Bardsey Observatory Report (journ.) RBOC e: Rapid Bloom Off-board Chaff - e: Rapid Bloom Off-board Countermeasures - e: Regional Bell Operating Companies [or Company] R B O D e: Required Beneficial Occupance Data - e: Required Beneficial Occupancy Data RBOF e: Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuel RBOK e: Rindepest Bovine Old Kabete RBolsa Comer Rosario s: Revista. Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario (journ.) R-Boot d: Räumboot RBOT e: Robotics Information - e: Rotating Bomb Oxidation Test R Bot Garden Edinb Notes e: Royal Botanical Garden of Edinbulgh. Notes (journ.) R Bot Gard [Kew] Notes Jodrell Lab e: Royal Botanic Gardens [Kew]. Notes from the Jodrell Laboratory (journ.) RBO Timber e: Red Bombwe [planchonia valida] Timber RBOX e: Rail Box Car RBP d: Retinol-bindendes Protein - e: Ratio Balance Panel - e: Ration Breakdown Point - e: Reactor Building Protection - e: Registered Business Processor - e: Registered Business Programmer - e: Remote Batch Processing [or Processor] - e: Reservoir Bubble Point - e: Retinol-Binding Protein - e: Retractable Bow Propeller - e: Return Battery Pack - e: Riboflavin-Binding Protein - e: Ribose Binding Protein - e: Rocket Branch Panel - e: Roll-Back-Policy - f: Raffinerie Belge de Petroles RBPA e: Royal Bank of Pennsylvania RBPC e: Revised Behavior Problem Checklist RBPCase e: Ribulosebisphosphate Carboxylase RBPD e: Religious Book Publishing Division RBPh f: Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire (journ.) RBPhil f: Revue Belge de Philoloe et d'Histoire (journ.) RBPMA f: Revue Belge de Pathologie et de Medecine Experimentale (journ.)

RBPP e: Rotor-Burst Protection Program RBPSSD e: Ruud-Barrett Position Sensitive Scintillation Detector RBPT e: Rose Bengal Plate Test RBQ e: Request Block Queue - f: Revue de la Banque (journ.) - s: Rurrenabaque RBQSA p: Revista Brasileira de Quimica (journ.) RBques f: Revue des Bibliotheques (journ.) RBR d: Regierungsbaurat - d: Reichsbahnrat - e: Radar Boresight Range - e: Rambler Exploration - e: Rebroadcasting Reception - e: Reserve Buffer Ready - e: Reference Book Review - e: Refracted Bottom Reflected - e: Refracted Bottom-Reflected Ray - e: Renegotiation Board Regulation - e: Renegotiation Board Regulation^] - e: Research Branch - e: Roll-Bend-Roll - e: Rotor Blade Radar - e: Rubber - e: Rubricator - e: Russian Breeder Reactor - i: Ricerche Bibliche e Religiose (journ.) - s: Rio Branco rBr e: reddish Brown rbr e: risk-to-benefit ratio RBr e: Rogers Free Library, Bristol - p: Revista Brasiliense (joum.) R Bras Ec[on] p: Revista Brasileira de Economia (journ.) R Bras Estatistica p: Revista Brasileira de Estatistica (journ.) R Bras Estud Pol p: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Politicos (journ.) R Brasil Econ p: Revista Brasileira de Economia (journ.) R Brasil Estatist p: Revista Brasileira de Estatistica (journ.) R Brasil Estud Polit p: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Politicos (joum.) R Brasil Geogr p: Revista Brasileira de Geografia (journ.) R Brasil Polit Int p: Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional (joum.) R Bras Mercado Capitals p: Revista Brasileira de Mercado de Capitais (journ.) R Bras Pol Internac p: Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional (joum.) R . B . [RBN] e: Radio Beacon RBRC e: RB Robot Corporation RBRef. d: Regierungsbaureferendar RBRF e: Reproductive Biological Research Foundation RBRG e: Reinforcing Bar Ring Ground RBrHi e: Bristol Historical and Preservation Society, Bristol RBRI e: Reference Book Review Index (joum.) RBRIZED e: Rubberized RBRJ p: Revista Brasileira (joum.) RBRLA f: Revue Bryologique et Lichenologique (joum.) R B R R S I e: Rhythm and Blues Rock and Roll Society, Inc. RBrRW e: Roger Williams College, Bristol RBRV e: Resource-Based Relative Value RBRVS e: Resource-Based Relative Value Scale R Bryol&Lichenol f: Revue Bryologique et Lichenologique (joum.)


© K G - Saur, Mönchen

RBS d: Reizbildungsstörungen - d: Reizbildungssystem - d: Reservebefehlsstand [Schiff] - d: Roboter-Betriebssystem - d: Röntgenbelichtungssystem - d: Rückbildungsstörung - d: Rundblickstation - e: Radar Beacon Sequencer - e: Radar Beacon Station - e: Radar Beacon System - e: Radar Beam Sharpening - e: Radar Bomb Score [or Scoring] - e: Radar Bombardment System - e: Radar Bombsight - e: Radio Base Station - e: Radio Battery Socket - e: Radio Beacon Station - e: Raise-Bottom-Slightly - e: Random Barrage System - e: Ranganthittoo Bird Sanctuary - e: Rare Books Section - e: Rare Breeds Society - e: Rated Breaking Strength - e: Raydex Bonded Shield - e: Reactor Building Spray - e: Reactor Building Sump - e: Read-Back Signal - e: Read Buffer Storage - e: Rebroadcast Standby - e: Receiver's Broker and Stevedore - e: Recoverable Booster System - e: Recovered Batch Storage - e: Reformer's Book Shelf (joum.) - e: Regional Briefing Station - e: Remote Batch System - e: Remote Batch Terminal - e: Remote Battle System - e: Research for Better Schools, Inc. - e: Reservation By Subscription - e: Ring Back Service - e: River Bend Station - e: Rock Bolting and Screening - e: Royal Blind Society of New South Wales - e: Royal Botanic[al] Society - e: Royal Society of British Sculptors - e: Rutherford Back-Scatter[ing] - e: Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry [or Spectroscopy] - f: Système de Bombardement au Radar - i: Regulae Benedicti Studia (joum.) RBs e: Request Blocks RBSB e: Reverse-Biased Second Breakdown RBSC e: Radar Bomb Scoring Central RBSc e: Royal Society of British Sculptors RBSCD e: Rare Book and Special Collections Division RBSCU e: Reactor Building Sump Cooling Unit RBSDV e: Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus RBSE e: Radar Beam Sharpening Element RBSEBR s: Radiologia RBSF e: Retail Branch Stores Forum rBSF e: recombinant B-Cell Stimulatory Factor RBSL d: Regensburger Beitrage zur Deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (journ.) RBS Link e: Rebroadcast Standby Link RBSN e: Reaction Bonded Silicon Nitride - e: Robeson Industries Corp. R B S O A e: Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area RBSR e: Reprocessing Building [Cable] Spreading Room

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RC RBSS e: Recoverable Booster Space System - e: Recoverable Booster Support System - f: Revue Belge de Sécurité Sociale (journ.) RBss Nearopsichiatr Sei Aflini i: Rassegna di Neuropsichiatria e Scienze Affini (journ.) RBST e: Rare Breeds Survival Trust - e: Remedial and Basic Skills Training rBST e: recombinant Bovine Somatotrophin RBst d: Rufbestätigung RBSTARO f: Revue Belge de Statistique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle (journ.) RBSU e: Radar Bomb Scoring Unit RBSWM d: Regelung zur Bearbeitung der Software in Waffensystemen der Marine RBT d: Rundfunkbetriebstechnik - e: Radial Beam Tube - e: Radio Beam Tube - e: Rainbow Trout - e: Random Breath Testing - e: Rational Behavior Therapy - e: Rebuilt - e: Remote Batch Terminal - e: Repair Blocktype - e: Resistance Bulb Thermometer - e: Reviews in Biochemical Toxicology (journ.) - e: Ribbon Bridge Transporter - e: Rigid Body Translation - e: Ring-Back Tone - e: Rose Bengal Test[ing] - e: Rough Blanking Template - e: Rubber Tile - e: Rutland Biotech Ltd. RBTA e: Road Builders Training Association RBTE e: Reheat Boiler-Turbine-Generator - e: Remote Batch Terminal Emulator - e: Replacement Battery Terminal Equipment RBTIME e: Roll-Backtime RBTL e: Radar Beacon Tracking Level RBTM e: Remote Batch Terminal Module RBTNA p: Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia (journ.) RBTRANS e: Roll-Back Transaction RBTs e: Remote Batch Terminals RBTS e: Rider Block Tagline System - e: Royal Brunei Technical Services RBTWT e: Radial Beam Traveling Wave Tube RBU d: Büro und EDV. Zeitschrift für Büroorganisation und Datentechnik (joum.) - d: Reaktor-Brennelemente Union GmbH - e: Rabindra Bharati University - e: Red Butte Canyon [Utah] - e: Remote Buffer Unit - R: Raketnaya Bombometnaya Ustanovka Rbu e: Ribulose RBÜ d: Revidierte Berner Übereinkunft [zum Schutze von Werken der Literatur und Kunst] RBUPC e: Research in British Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges R-Bus d: Rettungsbus R Bus and Econ Res[earch] e: Review of Business and Economic Research (journ.) R Bus St John's Univ e: Review of Business. St. John's University (journ.)

RBV d: Pippenbräune Virus - d: Regionales Blutvolumen - d: Reguliertes Blutvolumen - d: Rheinischer Braunkohlenbrikett-Verkauf - d: Rippenbräunevirus - d: Rohrleitungsbauverband - d: Röntgenbildverstärker - e: Reactor Building Vent - e: Relative Biological Value - e: Relative Breeding Value - e: Return-Beam Vidicon - e: Robbinsville - e: Rough Bark Virus RBV C[amera] e: Return Beam Vidicon Camera RBVF d: RöntgenbildverstärkerFernsehkette RBVI e: Reactor Building Ventilation Isolation R B v N n: Rechtskundig Blad vor het Notairs-Ambt (journ.) RBVPRM e: Reactor Building Vent Process Radiation Monitor RBW d: Relative Biologische Wirksamkeit - d: Restbuchwert - e: Resolution Band Width - e: Walterboro RBw d: Regelbewerter RBwA d: Rauchbrandwamanlage RBWCD9 e: Washington State University. Agricultural Research Center. Research Bulletin (joum.) RBWO e: Resonant Backward Wave Oscillator Rby e: Ribitol [or Ribityl] RBY e: Ruby Resources Ltd. - n: Rotterdam Europoort Delta (joum.) RBZ d: Radbremszylinder - d: Reichsbahnzentrale - d: Reizbildungszentrum - d: Rentenberechnungszentrale - d: Rote Blutzelle - e: Rotterdam (journ.) - e: Rubidazone RBz. d: Regierungsbezirk rbz. d: rückbezüglich RC a: Regnecentralen [computers]] - d: Kreisfunkfeuer des [See-oder Flug-]Navigationsfunkdienstes - d: Radio/Cassettengerät - d: Reichenbach [Kreis] - d: Reparaturcode - d: Republik China - d: Rhein-Chemie - d: Widerstand-Kondensator - e: Cellular/Ro-ro [slots] - e: Circular Radio beacon - e: Engine Rotary Combustion engine - e: Nondirectional Radio Beacon - e: Radar Computer - e: Radar Controlled] - e: Radar Corners - e: Radcliffe College - e: Radiation Chemistry - e: Radiation Cooling - e: Radio Car - e: Radio City - e: Radio Code [Aptitude Area] - e: Radio Coding - e: Radio Command - e: Radio Compass - e: Radio Components - e: Radio Controlled] - e: Radiochemistry - e: Radix Complement - e: Railway Cases (journ.) - e: Rainbow Coalition

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Rainform Compressed - e: Range Clearance - e: Range Command - e: Range Computer - e: Range Contractor - e: Range Control • e: Range Correction • e: Rapid Change • e: Rapid Curing • e: Rate Center • e: Rate Command • e: Rate Constant • e: Rate of Change • e: Raw Card • e: Ray Control [electrode] • e: Rayon and Cotton • e: Re-entry Vehicle • e: Reactance Coil • e: Reaction Center • e: Reaction Chamber • e: Reaction Control • e: Reaction Coupling - e: Reactive Component • e: Reactor Cavity - e: Reactor Compartment - e: Reactor Coolant • e: Read and Compute • e: Read Clock • e: Readable Character • e: Reader Code • e: Ready Calendar • e: Real Circuit • e: Rear Commodore • e: Rear Connected [or Connection] • e: Receipt • e: Receive Clock • e: Receive Common • e: Receiver [Card] • e: Reception Center e: Reception Control • e: Receptor-Chemoeffector • e: Recirculating Cooler • e: Recirculatory Air • e: Recognition Context • e: Reconnaissance [Car] • e: Reconsigned e: Reconstruction Commission e: Reconstruction Committee e: Recoption Control e: Record Change[r] e: Record Code e: Record Commissioners e: Record Count[er] e: Record[ing] Carrier[s] e: Recording Completing e: Recording Controller e: Records Check e: Recovery Controller e: Recruiting Center e: Recuring Cost e: Red Cell[s] e: Red China e: Red Corpuscle[s] e: Reduced Capability e: Reduced Charge e: Reduced [or Reducing] Cueing e: Redundancy Check e: Redundant Code e: Reefer Cargo e: Reference Cavity e: Reference Clock e: Reference Code e: Referred Care e: Reflex Camera e: Reformed Church e: Refrigerated Centrifuge e: Regiment of Cavalry 151

Re -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e


Regina College Regional Center [or Centre] Regional Computer Regional Controller Regional Council Regis College Register Card Register Containing Register of Copyright[s] Registered Check Registered Criminologist Registration Cases (journ.) Regular Conversion Regulatory-Catalytic Unit Regulatory Council Rehabilitation Center Rehabilitation Counselor Reinforced Concrete Reinhardt College Reinstate Card Rekishi Chiri (journ.) Relative Coding Relative Covariance Relative [Force] Cost Relay Computer Release Card Release Clause Release Complete Release Control Relief Claim Remingtons Code (journ.) Remote Channel Remote Computer [or Computing] Remote Concentrator Remote Controlled] Renison College Rent Charge Reopened Claim Reorder Cycle Repair Costs Repeat Count[er] Repetitive Command Replacement Cost Replication Controller Reply Check Reply Coupon Report of Contact Republic Airlines, Inc. Republic of China Request Cancel Requirement Computation Requirements [Contract] Research Center [or Centre] Research Contribution Research Control Research-Cottrell, Inc. Reserve Components] Reserve Corps Reserve Counter Reserve Currency Reset Command Reset Control Resin Coat[ed] Resin Coating Resistance-Capacitance Resistance-Capaci ty Resistance Coupled Resistance x Compliance Resistive-Capacitive Resistor-Capacitor [circuit] Resolver Control Resonant Circuit Resource Capital International Ltd. Resources Council Respiration Ceased [or Ceases] Respiration Center Respiratory Care (journ.)

- e - e - e - e - e -e - e - e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e - e -e - e - e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e - e -e - e -e -e -e -e - e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -é

Respiratory Center [or Centre] Respiratory Control Responsibility Center Rest Camp Rest Cure Restrained Cursor Restrictive Cardiomyopathy Retail Consortium Retention Catheter Reticulocyte Count Retinula Cell Retrieval Center Return Cargo Return Code Return Command Return on Carry Revenue Canada Revenue Cutter Reverse Course Reverse Current Reversible Counter Reversing Gear Clutch Review Classification Review Cycle Review of the Churches (journ.) Revised Code Rheostatic Control Ribbon-Frame Camera Rich Concrete Ricker College Ricks College Rider College Right Center Right Chest Right Crutch Rightmost] Column Rigid Center Ring Counter Ringing Circuit Ringing Code Ripon College Risk Capital Rivier College Ro-ro/Cellular [chip] Ro-ro/Containership Road Reconnaissance Roanoke College Robot Controller] Rock-Crushed Rockefeller Center Rockford College Rockhurst College Rocking Curve Rockmount College Roll Center Roll Channel Roll Coating Rollback Counter Roller Chock Roller Coating Rolling Chassis Rollins College Rolls Court Roman Catholic Root Canal Root Cast Rosary College Rosemount College Rosenwal College Rosin Core Rosslyn Connecting Railroad Co. Rotary Combustion Rotary Compression Rotary Converter Rotation Control Rough Cast Rough Cutting

©K - G

- Saur, München

- e: Round Corners - e: Rounding Control - e: Royal Commission - e: Royal Crest - e: Royal Crown - e: Rubber-Capped - e: Rubber-Covered - e: Rubber-Cushioned - e: Rules Committee - e: Ruling Cases (journ.) - e: Running Clearance - e: Rupturing Capacity - e: Rural Coalition - e: Rural Construction - e: Rust College - f: Chine - f: Rassemblement Congolais - f: La Revue du Caire (journ.) - f: Résistance/Capacité - f: Résistance Capillaire - f: Responsabilité Civile - f: Revue Celtique (journ.) - f: Revue Critique [de Legislation et de Jurisprudence de Canada] (journ.) - f: Rythme Cardi[a]que - i: Rivista delle Colonie (journ.) -1: Rescriptum - n: Rijksconsultentschap - s: República Centroafricana - s: República de Chile - s: República de Colombia - s: República de Cuba - s: Revista Contemporánea (journ.) - s: Revista Cubana (journ.) - s: Rio Colorado Rc d: Rezeptoren im Zytoplasma - e: Receive - e: Recode - e: Response, conditioned Rc. 1: Rescriptum R.C. e: Nicholl, Hare & Carrows Railway Cases - e: Radio Communication - e: Radio Compass station - e: Railway Cases - e: Rapid Curing - e: Record Commissioners - e: Recording Controller - e: Registration Cases - e: Reinforced Concrete - e: Release Clause - e: Remingtons Code - e: Remote Concentrator - e: Remote Controlled] - e: Revised Code - e: Ringing Circuit - e: Rolls of Court - e: Ruling Cases - i: Rendiconti R.c. 1: Ramus circumflexus R & C e: Rail and Canal - e: Reasonable and Customary - e: Records and Control - e: Rest and Convalescence - e: Review and Comment - e: Rod and Custom (journ.) - e: Russell and Chesleys Nova Scotia [Equity] Reports (journ.) - i: Religioni e Civitia (journ.) - s: Religion y Cultura (joum.) R-C e: Rapid-Curing - e: Remote-Control[led] - e: Resistance-Capacitance - e: Resistive-Capacitive - f: Radio-Canada

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Re Atti Accad N a z Lincei R/C e: Radar Controlled] - e: Radio Command - e: Radio Controlled] - e: Range Clearance - e: Range Control - e: Rate of Climb - e: Rear Cockpit - e: Reconsign[ed] - e: Recovered - e: Recredit[ed] - e: Release Clause - e: Remote Computer - e: Remote Concentrator - e: Remote Controlled] - e: Request for Checkage - e: Resistance/Capacitance - e: Resistor/Capacitor - e: Return Cargo - e: Routing and Clipping - e: Rubber Capped - p: Pés-do-Châo R, C e: Cauchy constant Rc e: Rockwell hardness [C-scale] RCA c: Rozpravy Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved (journ.) - d: Rechte Koronararterie - e: Race Course Association - e: Radar Controlled Approach - e: Radiative-Convective-Atmospheric - e: Radio Club of America - e: Radio Collectors of America - e: Radio Corporation of America - e: Radio Correspondents Association - e: Radio Council of America - e: Radiochemical Analysis - e: Radiological Control Area - e: Rapid City - e: Rate Change Authorization - e: Ration Cash Allowance - e: Reach Climb Altitude - e: Reach Cruising Altitude - e: Reaction Control Assembly - e: Red Cell Agglutination - e: Red Cell Aggregate [or Aggregation] - e: Refugee Cash Assistance - e: Regional Cooperative Agreement - e: Regulator of Complement Activation - e: Reinforced Concrete Association - e: Remote Control Adapter - e: Remote Control Amplifier - e: Replacement Cost Accounting - e: Request for Corrective Action - e: Research Council of Alberta - e: Resident Care Aide - e: Residential Care Alternatives - e: Residential Care Association - e: Retail Confectioners Association - e: Review and Concurrence Authority - e: Rice and Corn Administration - e: Right Coronary Artery - e: Riot Control Agent - e: Rocket Cruising Association - e: Roofing Contractors Association - e: Root Canal Anterior - e: Root Cause Analysis - e: Royal Cambrian Academy [of Art] - e: Royal Canadian Academician - e: Royal Canadian Academy [of Arts] - e: Royal Canadian Artillery - e: Royal College of Art - e: Royal Company of Archers - e: Rug Corporation of America - e: Rural Crafts Association - e: Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act - f: Alimentation Moderne. Revue de la Conserve (journ.)

- f: République Centrafricaine -1: Ricinus Communis Agglutinin - s: Revista Colombiana de Antropologia (journ.) R.c.a. I: Ramus coni arteriosi R-19/CA e: Rhodes 19 Class Association R" i: Rocca RCAA e: Rocket City Astronomical Association - e: Royal Canadian Academy of Art[s] - e: Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association RCAAS e: Remote-Controlled Anti-Armor System RCAB e: Review and Concurrence Advisory Board RCAC e: Radio Corporation of America, Communications - e: Remote Computer Access Communications [Service] - e: Reserve Companent Assistance Coordinator - e: Royal Canadian Armo[u]red Corps RCACA e: Royal Canadian Armored Corps Association R C A C C e: Royal Canadian Air Force Rc Accad Lincei Cl di Sci Mor Stor Fil i: Rendiconti. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Morali. Storiche e Filologiche (journ.) RCA Corp. e: Radio Corporation of America RCACS e: Readiness Command and Control System RCA-CSD e: Radio Corporation of America-Communications Systems Development RCAC Service e: Remote Computer Access Communications Service RCADI f: Recueil des Cours. Academie de Droit International de la Haye (journ.) RCADV e: Reverse Course and Advise RCADXC e: Radio Club Amsterdam DX Certificate R C A E e: Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire (journ.) RCA E[ng] e: RCA [Radio Corporation of America] Engineer (journ.) R C A F e: Rail Cost Adjustment Factor - e: Red Cross Agricultural Fund - e: Returned Customer Assignment Form - e: Royal Canadian Air Force RCAFA e: Royal Canadian Air Force Association R C A F M e: Royal Canadian Air Force Museum R C A F Medical Bulletin e: Royal Canadian Air Force Medical Bulletin (journ.) RCAF[WD] e: Royal Canadian Air Force, Womens Division RCAG e: Remote Center Air/Ground [Facility] - e: Remote Communication^] Air-to-Ground - e: Remote-Control[led] Air-Ground [Communication site] - e: Replacement Carrier Air Group R C A G C e: Remote Controlled Air-Ground Communication RCAG Facility e: Remote Center AirGround Facility - e: Remote Controlled Air-Ground Facility R C A G System e: Remote Communication Air-to-Ground System RCAI e: Railroadiana Collectors Association Incorporated R C A J e: Royal Central Asian Society. Journal (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

R/CAL e: Resistance Calibration RCALIA e: Remote Subscriber unit Control and Analog Lines version A RCAls f: Revue Catholique d'Alsace (journ.) RCALT e: Reach[ed] Cruising Altitude RCAM e: Remote Computer communication Access Method - e: Royal Canadian Artillery Museum R C a m A e: Royal Cambrian Academy of Art RCA-MBF e: Right Coronary ArteryMyocardial Blood Flow RCAMC e: Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps RCA-jiP e: Radio Corporation of America Microprocessor R Can s: Rio Canario RCAN e: Recorded Announcement R Canad-Amer Et Slaves f: Revue Canadienne-Americaine d'Etudes Slaves (journ.) RCanad Biol f: Revue Canadienne de Biologie (journ.) R Canad Et Afr f: Revue Canadienne des Etudes Africaines (journ.) R Canad Geogr f: Revue Canadienne de Geographie (journ.) R&Can Cas e: Railway and Canal Cases (journ.) R Can Dent Corps Q e: Royal Canadian Dental Corps. Quarterly (journ.) R Can Etud Nationalisme f: Revue Canadienne des Etudes sur le Nationalisme (journ.) R Can Sciences Info f: Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Informalion (journ.) R&Can Tr [Cas] e: Railway and Canal Traffic Cases (journ.) RCAP e: Rural Community Assistance Program RCAPA s: Revista de Ciencia Aplicada (journ.) RCAPDD s: Revista de Ciencias Agranas (journ.) RCAPS e: Roosevelt Center for American Policy Studies RCAR e: Return Code Analysis Routine RCA R[eview] e: RCA [Radio Corporation of America] Review (journ.) RCAS e: Requirements for Close Air Support - e: Research Center for Advanced Study - e: Reserve Component Automation System - e: Royal Central Asian Society - e: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies RCA Satcom e: RCA [Radio Corporation of America] Satellite Communications RCAT e: Radio Code Aptitude Test - e: Radio Controlled Aerial Target - e: Remote Controlled Aerial Target - e: Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology - e: Ridgewood College of Agricultural Technology - e: Root Cause Analysis Team - e: Royal College of Advanced Technology - e: Royal College of Arts and Technology RCA Tech Not[es] e: RCA [Radio Corporation of America] Technical Notes (journ.) RCATT e: RAPIER Classroom Acquisition and Tracking Trainer Rc Atti Accad Naz Lincei i: Rendiconti e Atti. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (journ.)


RCAV[A] R C A V [ A ] c: Rozpravy Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved. [Rada Matematickycha Prirodnich Ved] (journ.) R C B e: Radiation Control Board - e: Radio Control Harness Box - e: Radio Controlled Boat - e: Randomized Complete Block - e: Range Control Building - e: Reactor Containment Building - e: Ready Crew Building - e: Record Control Block - e: Record Control Byte - e: Reflection Coefficient Bridge - e: Region Control Block - e: Regular Commissions Board - e: Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board - e: Releases Control Branch - e: Remote Circuit Breaker - e: Remote Control Bandwidth - e: Request Control Block - e: Requirements Control Board - e: Resource Control Block - e: Rheinstahl Conco Balancer - e: Richards Bay - e: Root Canal Bicuspid - e: Rubber Control Board - e: Rubber Covered [and] Braided [wire] - f: Rationalisation des Choix Budgétaires - p: Revista de Cultura Biblica (journ.) - p: Revista de Cultura Brasilena (journ.) R C B A e: Ratio Changers and Boosters Assembly - e: Relative Basal Area of Conifer Species - e: Royal Crown Bottlers Association R C B A S I C a: Regnecentralen Basic R C B B e: Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism R C B B D A f: Revue de Cytologie et de Biologie Vegetales-La Botaniste (journ.) R C B C e: Rapid Cycling Bubble Chamber - e: Recycling Council of British Columbia - e: Red Cross Blood Center R C B F e: Regional Cerebral Blood Flow - e: Renal Cortical Blood Flow R C B H T e: Reactor Coolant Bleed Holdup Tank R C B I A f: Revue Canadienne de Biologie (journ.) R C B N A e: Radar Cloud Detection Report Not Available R C B O A p: Radiologia Clinica et Biologica (journ.) R C B P E T e: Reviews in Clinical and Basic Pharmacology (journ.) R C B R e: Rotating Catalytic Basket Reactor R C B T e: Reactor Coolant Bleed Tank R C B W e: Radiological-Chemical-Biological Warfare R C B W P e: Rubber Covered, Braided and Weather-Proof R C C e: Rack Clearance Center - e: Radar Control Clouds - e: Radar Control Computer - e: Radar Control Console - e: Radiation Coordinating Council - e: Radio-Chemical Center [or Centre] - e: Radio Common Carrier - e: Radio Common Channels] - e: Radio Communication Company - e: Radio Communications Center - e: Radiological Control Center - e: Rag Chewers Club [amateur radio] - e: Random Correction Code - e: Range Commanders Council - e: Range Communications Component - e: Range Control Center


e: Rape Crisis Center e: Ratio of Charges to Costs e: RCA Corporation Communications e: Re-usable Carbon-Carbon e: Reaction Control Center e: Reactor Closed Cooling e: Read Control Channel e: Read Control Circuit e: Read[er] Channel Continue[d] e: Reader Common Contact e: Real-time Computer Complex e: Receptor-Chemoeffector Complex e: Record Collectors Club e: Recovery Control Center e: Rectangular Concrete Columns e: Red Cell Concentrate e: Reduced Crude Conversion e: Refinery Computer Control e: Regional Census Center e: Regional Computer Center e: Regional Control Center e: Regional Coordination Committee e: Regular Career Course e: Reinforced Carbon-Carbon e: Relative Casein Content e: Remote Center Compliance e: Remote Communications Center [or Central] - e: Remote Communications Complex - e: Remote Communications Concentrator - e: Remote Communications Console - e: Remote Computer Center - e: Remote Computing Capability - e: Remote Control Complex - e: Remote Control-Rod Cluster Assembly - e: Renal Cell Carcinoma - e: Reply Coupon Collectors] - e: Representative Church Council - e: Rescue Control Center - e: Rescue Coordination Center [or Centre[s]] - e: Rescue Crew Commander - e: Research Computing Center - e: Reset Control Circuit - e: Resistance-Capacitance Coupling [or Coupled] - e: Resistor Color Code - e: Resource Category Code - e: Resource Conservation Company, Renton - e: Resource Control Center - e: Resource Coordination Center - e: Resources for Community Change - e: Retail Council of Canada - e: Reusable Carbon-Carbon - e: Ring Closed Circuit - e: Risk Classification Class - e: Riverside City College - e: Robotic Command Center - e: Rochester Community College - e: Rockefeller Center Cable - e: Rocket Combustion Chamber - e: Rod Cluster Control - e: Roekland Community College - e: Roland Command Center - e: Roland Coordination Center - e: Roller-Compacted Concrete - e: Roman Catholic Church [Curate] - e: Rough Combustion Cutoff - e: Routing Control Center - e: Royal College of Chemistry - e: Rubber-Covered Cable - e: Rumor Control Center - e: Rural Construction Cadre - e: Russian Corps Combatants - f: Regiment de Chars de Combat - f: Rewe des Cours et Conferences (journ.) - s: Rio Carpintero R & C C e: Railway and Canal Cases (journ.)


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Recorder and Communications Control - e: Riot and Civil Commotion[s] - e: Ross and Cromarty Constabulary R C C A e: Race Car Club of America - e: Record Carrier Competition Act - e: Rickenbacker Car Club of America - e: Right Common Carotid Artery - e: Rod Cluster Control Assembly - e: Rogers Cablesystems of America, Inc. - e: Rough Combustion Cutoff Assembly - e: Route Capacity Control Airline R C C A M e: Remote Computer Communication Access Method R & C Ca[s] e: Railway and Canal Cases (journ.) R C C B e: Remote[ly] Controll[ed] Circuit Breaker - e: Residual Current Circuit-Breaker R C C C e: Range Communications Control Center - e: Regional Communications Control Center - e: Regular Common Carrier Conference - e: Reserve Component Career Counselor - e: Reserve Component Coordination Council - e: Return Critical Control Circuit R C / C C e: Responsibility Center/Cost Center R C C E e: Regional Congress of Construction Employers - e: Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise - e: Rod Cluster Control Element - e: Rotating Cylinder-Collector Electrode R C C E S e: Research Centre for Canadian Ethnic Studies R C C F e: Reserve Components Contingency Force R C C G [ O R C D ] e: Release Control by Calling Party R C C H e: Roman Catholic Church R C Circuit e: Resistor-Capacitor Circuit R C C L e: Royal Caribbean Cruise Line R C C L S e: Resource Center for Consumers of Legal Services R C C M e: Remote Carrier-Controlled Modem - e: Research Council for Complementary Medicine - i: Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale (journ.) R C C M A i: Rivista Critica di Clinica Medica (journ.) R C C M E F s: Revista Costanicense de Ciencias Medicas (journ.) R C C / M G e: Range Commanders Council Meteorological Group R - C C N P / S I L T e: Rack for Common Channel signaling Network Processor and Signaling Link Terminals R C C O e: Radar Control Console Operator - e: Reduction Circuit for Checker Outputs R C C O L e: Reinforced Concrete Column R C C O M A L a: Regnecentralen Comal R C Coupling e: Resistance-Capacitance Coupling R C C O W e: Return Channel Control Orderwire R C C P e: Recorder and Communications Control Panel - e: Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe - e: Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure R C C P D S e: Reserve Component Common Personnel Data System R C C P L D e: Resistance-Capacitance Coupled R C C R A e: Rough Combustion Cutoff Replaceable Assembly

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RCFC RCC Report e: Radiochemical Centre Report (journ.) RCCS e: Rate Command Control System - e: Reactor Cavity Cooling System - e: Royal Canadian Corps of Signals - s: Revista Católica de las Cuestiones Sociales (journ.) RCC's e: Radio Common Carriers RCC[&]S e: Riot, Civil Commotion and Strike[s] RCCT e: Results of Clinical Controlled Trial - e: Ringing Circuit Security Block RCC/TG e: Range Commanders Council Telemetry Group RCCTL e: Resistor Capacitor Coupled Transistor Logic RCCV e: Red Clover Cryptic Virus RCD d: Widerstand[s]-Kondensator-Diode - e: Radar Cloud Detection [Report] - e: Rapid City [South Dakota] - e: Received - e: Receiver-Carrier Detector - e: Reconnaissance Cockpit Display - e: Recording] - e: Redox Chemiluminescence Detector [or Detection] - e: Reduced Crude Desulfurization - e: Regents Canal Dock - e: Regional Cooperation for Development - e: Registered Connective Device - e: Reinforcement Control Depot - e: Relative Cardiac Dullness - e: Relative Cross-sectional area Difference - e: Research and Acquisition Communications Division - e: Research Centers Directory (journ.) - e: Residual Current Device - e: Resistor-Capacity-Diode - e: Retrofit Configuration Drawing - e: Reverse Circulation Drilling - e: Reverse Current Device - e: Rock Coring Device - e: Rocket Cushioning Device - e: Route Control Digit - e: Row and Column Drivers - f: Rassemblement Constitutionnel Démocratique red. e: received R.c.d. I: Ramus circumflexus dexter R C & D e: Resource Conservation and Development RCDA e: Religion In Communist Dominated Areas (journ.) - e: Research Career Development Awards - e: Retail Coin Dealers Association RCDB e: Rubber Covered [and] Double-Braided R C D C e: Radar Course Directing Center [or Central] - e: Radar Course Directing Control - e: Radiation Chemistry Data Center - e: Read Card - e: Resource Control and Data Channel - e: Ross Cosmetics Distribution Centers, Inc. - e: Royal Canadian Dental Corps RCDCB e: Regional Civil Defense Coordination Boards RCDCD e: Recorded] Code RCDD e: Recorded - e: Registered Communications Distribution Designer RCDE e: Recode RC de PE f: Rapports de la Cour de l'Echiquier (journ.) RCDEP e: Rural Civil Defense Education Program

Rcde Sel e: Recode Selector RCDG e: Recording RCDHS e: Rehabilitation and Chronic Disease Hospital Section RCDI e: Reliability Control Departmental Instruction RCDIP e: Revue Critique de Droit International Prive (journ.) RCDIW e: Royal Commission on the Distribution of Income and Wealth RCDM e: Request for Credit or Debit Memorandum - e: Ringing Circuit Device Handler RCDMB e: Regional Civil and Defense Mobilization Boards RCDMS e: Reliability Central Data Management System RCDNA e: Radar Cloud Detection Report Not Available RCDNE e: Radar Cloud Detection Report No Echoes Observed RCDNO e: Radar Cloud Detector Inoperative Due to Breakdown Until RCDOM e: Radar Cloud Detector Inoperative Due to Maintenance Until RCDP e: Record Parallel - e: Remote Community Demonstration Program RCDR e: Recorder RCD Report e: Radar Cloud Detection Report RCDS d: Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten - e: Records - e: Royal College of Defence Studies RCDs e: Royal Canadian Dragoons RCDT e: Reactor Coolant Drain Tank RCD[-]Technique e: ResistanceCondenser-Diode Technique - e: Resistor-Capacitor-Diode Technique RCDT Technique e: ResistorCapacitor-Diode-Transi stor Technique RCE e: Radio Communications Equipment - e: Railway Construction Engineer - e: Rapid Changing Environment - e: Rapid Circuit Etch[ing] - e: Ray-Casting Engine - e: Ray Control Electrode - e: Reaction Control Engine - e: Reaction Control [System] Equipment - e: Reactor Compatibility Experiment - e: Reconfigure Control Element - e: Recording Engineer - e: Reentry Control Electronics - e: Relay Communications Electronics - e: Reliability Control Engineering - e: Religious of Christian Education - e: Remote-Control[led] Equipment - e: Reviews in Cancer Epidemiology (journ.) - e: Ricardo Consulting Engineers - e: Rice University, Fondren Library, Houston - e: Right Center Entrance - e: Roche Harbor [Washington] - e: Ross Consumer Electronics - e: Rotary Combustion Engine - e: Royal Canadian Engineers - f: Repertoire Canadien sur l'Education (joum.) - f: Revue Catholique des Eglises (joum.) - s: Radio Cadena Espanola RCEA e: Recreational Coach and Equipment Association - e: Research Council Employees Association R C E A C e: Regional Civil Emergency Advisory Committee

Internationa] Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G ' Saur, Munich

R-CE-DE3 e: Rack for Coordination Equipment for Digital Exchange 3 RCEE s: Revista. Centro de Estudios Extemoenos (joum.) RCEEA e: Radio Communication^] and Electr[on]ic Engineering [or Engineers] Association RCEH s: Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos (journ.) RCEHMT e: Regional Centre for Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer for Asia and Pacific RCEI e: Range Communications Electronics Instruction^] - s: Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses (joum.) R[/]Ceiver e: Receiver RCel f: Revue Celtique (journ.) R Cell e: Round Cell RCEME e: Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers RCENDR s: Revista Colombiana de Entomología (joum.) R Centoam Econ s: Revista Centroamericana de Economía (journ.) RCEP e: Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution - e: Rural Concentrated Employment Program RCERB i: Ricerche di Termotecnica (joum.) R C E R I P e: Reserve Component Equipment Readiness Improvement Program RCET e: Royal College of Engineering Technology - e: Rugby College of Engineering Technology RCEVH e: Research Centre for the Education of the Visually Handicapped RCF e: Radecliffe Resources Ltd. - e: Radial Centrifugal Force - e: Radio Communication Facility - e: Radio Communication Failure [Message] - e: Radio Correction Factor - e: Ratio Correction Factor - e: Recall Finder [or Finding] - e: Refractory Ceramic Fiber - e: Refrigeration Centrifuge - e: Regenerated Cellulose Film - e: Relative Centrifugal Force - e: Relative Cumulative Frequency - e: Remain on Company Frequency - e: Remote Call Forwarding - e: Remote Cluster Facility - e: Renk Constant Frequency - e: Repair Cost Factor - e: Repair Cycle Float - e: Reset Carry Flag - e: Residential Care Facility - e: Retail Computer Facilities - e: Retardation Control Film - e: Reverse Column Flotation - e: Review of Contemporary Fiction (journ.) - e: River Conservation Fund - e: Rolling Contact Fatigue - e: Rotating Cylinder Flap - e: Russo, Regulation of the Commodities Futures and Options Markets - f: Revue du Cierge Français (joum.) - s: Revista Colombiana de Folclor (journ.) RCFA e: Reliability Control Failure Analysis - e: Religious Communities for the Arts - e: Royal Canadian Field Artillery RCFAM e: Roll-Coupled Fuselage Aiming Mode RCFC e: Reactor Containment Fan Cooler - e: Reactor Core Fan Cooling 155

RCFCA RCFCA e: Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Association RCFC[U] e: Reactor Core Fan Cooling [Unit] RCFF e: Repair Cycle Float Factor RCFM e: Radio Communication Failure Message - e: Reconfirm - f: Régie du Chemin de Fer du Mali RCFNA s: Revista. Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas, y Naturales de Madrid (journ.) RCFR e: Rotating Cylinder Flap Rudder - e: Royal Canadian Fleet Reserve RCFRe e: Red Cell Folate RCFS f: Régie des Chemins de Fer du Sénégal RCFSAP e: Regional Commission on Food Security for Asia and the Pacific RCFSYS e: Reconfigure System RCFT e: Randomized Controlled Field Trial RCFU e: Rotary Carton Feed Unit RCG d: Radio-oder Isotopenzirkulographie - e: Radiation Concentration Guide - e: Radio Command Guidance - e: Radioactivity Concentrate [or Concentration] Guide - e: Radiocirculography - e: Radioelectrocardiograph[y] - e: Rat Chorionic Gonadotropin - e: Reactson Cured Glass - e: Receiving - e: Reception Guidance Center - e: Recommended Concentration Guide - e: Reinforced Concrete Glazing - e: Relative Cooling Gain - e: Restricted Categorical Grammar - e: Resurgens Communications Group - e: Retail Credit Group - e: Reverberation Control [or Controlled] of Gain - e: Right Cerebral Ganglion RCGA e: Royal Canadian Garrison Artillery RCGD e: Research Center for Group Dynamics RCGJA e: Royal College of General Practitioners. Journal (journ.) RCGM e: Reactor Cover Gas Monitor RCGP e: Royal College of General Practitioners RCGRP e: Rat Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide RCGS e: Radar Correlation Guidance Study - e: Radio Command Guidance System - e: Recent College Graduates Survey - e: Royal Canadian Geographical Society - e: Royal Canadian Geological Society RC-GUGA e: Resistance-Capacitance Grounded Unity Gain Amplifier RCH d: Republik Chile - d: Ruhrchemie - e: Railway Clearing House - e: Reach - e: Reduced Charge - e: Resource Center for the Handicapped - e: Rich Resources Ltd. - e: Rotary Clothes Hoist - e: Rotary Combustion Engine - e: Royal Cancer Hospital - e: Rural Cooperative Housing - f: Recto-Colite Hémorragique Rch e: Rochester RCHA e: Radio Channel Charge - e: Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Rchbh d: Reichenbach

RCHC e: Reinforced Concrete Research Council R Ch Com Franc Canada f: Revue. Chambre de Commerce Française au Canada (journ.) RCh Comm Marseille f: Revue. Chambre de Commerce de Marseille (journ.) RCHE e: Recherche (journ.) RCHG e: Reduced Charge - s: Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografa (journ.) RCHI e: Rauch Industries, Inc. RChil Hist Geogr s: Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografa (journ.) R Ch J e: Rencontre. Chretiens et Juifs (joum.) RCHL f: Revue Critique d'Histoire et de Littérature (journ.) RChL s: Revista Chilena de Literature (journ.) RCHM e: Remote Computer-controlled Hardware Monitor RCHM[E] e: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments [of England] RCHP e: Reset Channel Path RCHQ e: Rear Corps Headquarters RChr f: Revue Chrétienne (journ.) RCHRA e: Regional Council on Human Rights in Asia - f: Revue de Chimie. Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine (journ.) RCHS e: Regenerable Carbon Dioxide and Humidity Control System - e: Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society RCHSA e: Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act RCHS Bulletin e: Railway and Canal Historical Society Bulletin (joum.) RchScR f: Recherches de Science Religieuse (journ.) RCH/TCH e: Receive Channel/Transmit Channel Rcht[-]F d: Richtfeuer RCHZ e: Radio Channel Zone RCI e: Radar Coverage Indication [or Indicator] - e: Radiation Counter laboratories, Inc. - e: Radio Canada International - e: Radio Chemical Inspectorate - e: Radio Communications Instruction^] - e: Rating Core Index - e: Read Channel Initialize] - e: Recommended Course Indicator - e: Recontres Creatives Internationales - e: Referenced Card Index - e: Reichhold Chemicals, Incorporated - e: Religious of Christian Instruction - e: Remote Control Indicator - e: Remote Control Interface - e: Remote Controlled Inking - e: Request for Change [of] Information - e: Request for Contract Investigation - e: Research and Control Instruments, Ltd - e: Research Council of Israel - e: Resident Cost Inspection [or Inspector] - e: Resistance, Capacitance & Inductive - e: Resort Condominiums International - e: Respiratory Control Index - e: Retail Confectioners International - e: Rochester Commercial and Industrial - e: Rogers Communications, Incorporated - e: Roof Consultants Institute - e: Routing Control Indicator - e: Royal Canadian Institute - e: Royal Caribbean Line - e: Royal Colonial Institute - e: Rubber Continuous Liner


© K • G • Saur, München

- f: Recontres Creatives Internationales - f: Retard de Croissance Intrauterin - i: Regesta Chartarum Italiae (journ.) - i: Rivista del Clero Italiano (journ.) - s: Congregatio Rogationistarium a Corde Iesu - s: Radio Caraïbe Internationale - s: Revista delle Colonie Italiane (journ.) RC/I e: Request for Change and/or Information RCIA e: Remote Control Interface Adapter - e: Royal Canadian Institute of Architects RCIBDB s: Revista de Ciencias Biologicas (journ.) RCIC e: Reactor Core Isolation Cooling - e: Regional Coastal Information Center - e: Reserve Component Issues Conference - e: Rumor Control and Information Center RCICDE e: International Whaling Commission. Report ofthe Commission (journ.) RCIC S[ystem] e: Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System RCID e: Recruiter Code Identification - f: Revue Catholique des Institutions et de Droit (journ.) RCIE e: Regional Council for International Education R Cienc[ia] Pol[it] s: Revista de Ciencia Politica (journ.) R Ciencias Ec[ons] s: Revista de Ciencias Económicas (journ.) R Ciencias Jurídicas s: Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas (journ.) R Ciencias Socs [Costa Rica] s: Revista de Ciencias Sociales [Costa Rica] (journ.) RCienc[ias] Soc[s] [Puerto Rico] s: Revista de Ciencias Sociales [Puerto Rico] (journ.) R Cienc Socs [Ceara] s: Revista de Ciencias Sociales [Ceara] (journ.) RCIFDN s: Revista de Ciencias Farmacéuticas (journ.) RCIGG e: Research Center of Isotropic Geochemistry and Geochronology RCIJ f: Revue Critique de Legislation et de Jurisprudence (journ.) RCIL e: Reliability Critical Item List - s: Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana (journ.) R Cin f: Revue du Cinema/Image et Son (journ.) RCINA s: Revista Chilena de Ingeniería (journ.) R Cinematografo s: Rivista del Cinematografo (journ.) RCIPDJ s: Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Pesqueras (journ.) RCIRC e: Recirculate RCIRR e: Reserve Components, Individual Ready Reserve RCIS e: Remote Computer Interface Subsystem - e: Remotely-Controlled Intelligence System - e: Research Conference on Instrumentation Science - e: Runway Centerline Lights System Rc 1st Lomb Sci Lett i: Rendiconti. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere (journ.) Rc 1st Sup Sanita i: Rendiconti. Istituto Superiore di Sanita (journ.) RCIU e: Remote Computer Interface Unit RCIV e: Remote Controlied Identification Vehicle RCivB p: Revista Civilizacao Brasileira (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RCN RCIVS e: Regional Conference on International Voluntary Service RCJ e: RCJ Resources Ltd. - e: Reaction Control Jet - e: Reinforced Composite Joint - e: Reports of Certain Judgements of the Supreme Court, Vice-Admiralty Court and Full Court of Appeal, Lagos (journ.) - e: Royal Courts of Justice - f: Revue Critique de Jurisprudence Beige (journ.) RCJL e: Resistor-Coupled Josephson Logic RCJS s: Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (journ.) RCK e: Radio Check - e: Ramp Check - e: Reference Clock - e: Rockdale - n: Research Centrum Kalkzandsteen Industrie RCKLD e: Rack Number Leading Rack RC[-Kopplung] d: WiderstandsKondensator[-Kopplung] RCKT e: Rocket RCKY e: Rocky Mountain Exploration RCL d: Radiochemisches Laboratorium - d: Rhein-Container-Linie - e: Radial Collateral Ligament - e: Radiation Counting Laboratory - e: Radio Command Linkage - e: Radio Communications Link - e: Railway Conversion League - e: Ramp Craft Longistic - e: Ramped Cargo Lighter - e: Ramsey County Public Library, St. Paul - e: Rationalist Concept of Logic - e: Reactor Coolant Loop - e: Read Clock - e: Reading-Canada-Lecture (journ.) - e: Recalculate - e: Recall - e: Receive Clock - e: Reclaim - e: Recleared - e: Recoil[less] - e: Recoilless Launcher[s] - e: Regional Container Line - e: Regis College Lay Apostolate - e: Reinforced Concrete Lintel - e: Reliabilily Control Level - e: Reliability Component List - e: Reliability Control Level - e: Remote Control Location - e: Report Contents List - e: Required Cleanliness Level - e: Research Computation Laboratory - e: Reserved Commodity List - e: Review of Contemporary Law (journ.) - e: Rhine Container Line - e: Robot Command Language - e: Ruby Crystal Laser - e: Ruling Case Law - e: Runway Center Light - e: Runway Center Line - i: Rivista Classica (journ.) RC[&]L e: Rail, Canal and Lake RCLAAR e: Red Cell Linked AntigenAntiglobulin Reaction RCLAD p: Ricerca in Clínica e in Laboratorio (journ.) RCLADN s: Investigación en la Clinica y en el Laboratorio (journ.) R-c!ass e: Soviet submarines named Romeo RCLC e: Reactor Coolant Leakage Calculation - e: Reactor Coolant Letdown Cooler RCLD e: Reclined

RCLG e: Recoilless Gun RCLI i: Rassegna Critica della Letteratura Italiana (journ.) RCLK e: Rack Clock RCLM e: Reclaim - e: Reclamation - e: Runway Center-Line Marking[s] RCLMG e: Reclaiming RCLO e: Reports Control Liaison Officer RCLR e: Radio Communications Link Repeater RCL R[ifle] e: Recoilless Rifle RCLS e: Ramapo Catskill Library System RCls e: Recontres Culturelles International RCLS e: Resoilless - e: Runway Centre-Line Lighting] [s] System RCLT e: Radio Communications Link Terminal RCLWUNE e: Regional Commission on Land and Water Use in the Near East RCM d: Restriktive Kardiomyopathie - e: ARCO Chemical Co. - e: Aviation Radio and Radar Countermeasures Technician - e: Radar Counter-Measure[s], Missiles - e: Radial Compression Model - e: Radiative-Convective Model - e: Radio-Controlled Mine - e: Radio Counter Measure[s] - e: Radiocontrast Media - e: Random-Choice Method - e: Random Coefficient Model - e: Random Coincidence Monitor - e: Range Change Method - e: Reaction Control Motor - e: Reactor Materials (journ.) - e: Read Clutch Magnet - e: Receipt of Classified Material - e: Recent Crustal Movements - e: Reconfiguration Monitor - e: Red Cell Mass - e: Reduced Casualties and Mishaps - e: Reentry Control Module - e: Refurbished Command Module - e: Reinforced Clostridial [or Clostridium] Medium - e: Relay Calculating Machine - e: Reliability Centered Maintenance - e: Reliability Control Manual - e: Reliability Corporate Memory - e: Religious Conceptionist Missionaries - e: Repair Cycle Monitor - e: Replacement Culture Medium - e: Requirements Correlation Matrix - e: Requirements Planning Criteria and Methods of Application - e: Restrictive Cardiomyopathy - e: Revenue Cost Model - e: Revised Code of Montana (journ.) - e: Rhode Island College, Providence, RI - e: Richmond - e: Right Costal Margin - e: Roan Consolidated Mines [Zambia] - e: Rod Cell Memory - e: Root Canal Molar - e: Rosmac Resources Ltd. - e: Rotor Current Meter - e: Rous Conditioned Medium - e: Royal College of Midwives - e: Royal College of Mines - e: Royal College of Music. [Magazine (joum.)] - e: Royal Conservatory of Music - f: Rassemblement Chretien de Madagascar - f: République des Citoyens du Monde RCMA e: Radio Communications Monitoring Association

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

- e: Railroad Construction [and] Maintenance Association - e: Roof Coatings Manufacturers Association - e: Royal Canadian Military Institute - n: Rubber Cultuur Maatschappij Amsterdam RCMAC e: Raw Cotton Marketing Advisory RCM and E e: Radio Control Models and Electronics (journ.) RCMASA e: Russian Consolidated Mutual Aid Society of America RCMAT[S] e: Radio-Controlled Miniature Aerial Target [System] RCMC e: Resolved Motion Rate Control RCMD e: Recommendation] - e: Rice Council for Market Development RCMDV e: Remotely-Controlled Mine Disposal Vehicle RCMF [Export Bulletin] e: Radio Component Manufacturers Federation [Export Bulletin (journ.)] RCMI e: Research Centers in Minority Institutions Program RCMIS e: Reserve Components Management Information System RCMLAO s: Revista. Facultad de Ciencias Medicas. Universidad Nacional del Litoral Rosario (journ.) RCMLDR e: Australia. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Marine laboratories. Report (journ.) RCM Magazine e: Royal College of Music Magazine (journ.) RCM Message e: Reject Connect Modify Message RC Model e: Radio-Controlled Model RCMPM e: Royal Canadial Mounted Police Museum, Regina, Saskatchewan RCMQ e: Qingquangang [China] RCMR e: Regional Cerebral Metabolic Rate RCMS e: Regional Center for Mass Spectrometry - e: Reliability Centered Maintenance Strategy - e: Remote Control and Monitoring System - e: Research Careers for Minority Scholars - e: Reserve Control Measure System - e: Resonator-Controlled Microwave Source RCMT e: RCM Technologies, Inc. RCMTA i: Ricerche di Matematica (journ.) RCMTD e: Recemented RCMU e: Remote Communications Monitoring Unit RCMUH d: Ruperto-Carola. Mitteilungen der Vereinigung der Freunde der Studentenschaft der Universität Heidelberg (journ.) RCMV e: Red Clover Mottle Virus RCN d: Energiespectrum (journ.) - d: Rauchprodukt, [das] Condensât und Nikotin [reduziert] - e: Racing Car News - e: Reactor Center Netherlands - e: Receipt of Change Notice - e: Reconnaissance - e: Record [Control] Number - e: Recovery Communications Network - e: Recreation - e: Relay-Contact Network - e: Report Change Notice - e: Report Control Number - e: Republic of China Navy - e: Requirements Change Notice - e: Resource Center for Nonviolence - e: Reticulum-Cell Neoplasia - e: Rimacan Resources Ltd. - e: Royal Canadian Navy - e: Royal College of Nursing


RCNAA - n: Reactor Centrum Nederland - s: Radio Cadena Nacional RCNAA e: Radiologic Clinics of North America (journ.) RCNAS e: Royal Canadian Naval Air Station RCN Bull n: RCN [Reactor Centrum Nederland] Bulletin (journ.) RCNC e: Royal Canadian Naval College - e: Royal Corps of Naval Constructors R C N C O E S e: Reserve Components Noncommissioned Officer Education System RCNDT e: Recondition RC Network e: Resistance-Capacitance Network RCNLR e: Reconnaissance Long Range RCNM e: Russell Cave National Monument RCN Meded n: Reactor Centrum Nederland. Mededeling (journ.) RCNMR e: Royal Canadian Navy. Monthly Review (journ.) RCNR e: Royal Canadian Naval Reserve RCN Rep n: Reactor Centrum Nederland. Report (journ.) R&C N Sc e: Russell and Chesleys Nova Scotia Reports (journ.) RCNT e: Registered Clinical Nurse Teacher RCNTR e: Ring Counter RCNV e: Resource Center for Nonviolence RCNVR e: Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve RCO e: Radar Conspicuous Object - e: Radar Control Officer - e: Radio Control Office - e: Radio Control Operator - e: Range Control Officefr] - e: Range Cut-Off - e: Reactor Core - e: Receiver Cuts Out - e: Reclamation Control Officer - e: Reconstituted - e: Recycling Council of Ontario - e: Regional Catering Officer - e: Remote Communication^] Outlet - e: Remote Control Observation - e: Remote Control Office - e: Remote Control Oscillator - e: Rendezvous Compatible Orbit - e: Reports Control Officer - e: Representative Calculating Operation - e: Research Contracting Officer - e: Resistance-Controlled Oscillator - e: Restoration Control Office - e: Ristocetin Cofactor - e: Rococco Resources Ltd. - e: Royal College of Organists -1: Ramus Coni Arteriosi RCOA e: Radio Club of America - e: Record Club of America RCOBA s: Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia (journ.) R C O C e: Regional Communications Operations Center R C / O C e: Reverse Current/Overcurrent R C O C B e: Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology (journ.) Rc O/E e: Receive Odd/Even RCOG e: Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists RCOGB s: Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia (journ.) RCOH e: Reliability Controlled Overhaul Program

R Coll For Dep Refor Res Notes e: Royal College of Forestry. Department of Reforestation. Research Notes (journ.) R Coll Sci Xechnol [Glasg] Res Rep e: Royal College of Science and Technology [Glasgow], Research Report (journ.) RCol[t] e: Rassegna di Coltura (journ.) RCOM e: Remote Communication^] Message RCOMD6 e: Recent Advances in Community Medicine (journ.) R Comitato G Italia B e: Reale Comitato Geologico d'Italia. Bolletino (joum.) RCommer f: Revue Commerce (joum.) R-complex e: Reptilian complex RCON e: Reconfiguration RCOND e: Reset Conditional - e: Resources and Conservation (journ.) R Cong f: Revue Juridique du Congo-Belge (journ.) R Constant e: Rydberg Constant RCONT e: Rod Control R/CONT e: Remote Control RContemp Sociol e: Review of Contemporary Sociology (journ.) RCO Oil e: Reconstituted Oil R Coop Int f: Revue de la Cooperation Internationale (joum.) RCOR e: Remote Computer Output Room Rcor d: Koronarreserve - d: Koronarwiderstand R Coree f: Revue de Coree (journ.) RCOS e: Ringing Current Outgoing Side RCOs e: Resistance Controlled Oscillators RCOSDO s: Revista de Chinirgie, Oncologie, ORL, Radiologie, Oftalmalogie, Stomatologie. Seria Stomatologie (joum.) RCOT e: Rolling Contour Optimization Theory RCOU e: Remote Controlled Defence Unit R[Count] e: Readiness Count RCP e: Radar Control Panel - e: Radar Conversion Program - e: Radiation Constraints Panel - e: Radiative-Conveaive-Photochemical - e: Radical Caucus in Psychiatry - e: Radio Chart Projector - e: Radio Control Panel - e: Radiological Control Program[me] - e: Rapid Chemical Processing - e: Rapid City Public Library - e: Rapid Cooling Process - e: Raw Card Plant - e: Reactor Characterization Program - e: Reactor Coolant Pump - e: Real-time Control Program - e: Receive Clock Pulse - e: Reception - e: Recipient - e: Recognition and Control Processor - e: Reconciling Congregation Program - e: Reconnaissance Control Panel - e: Recording Control Panel - e: Recovery Command Post - e: Rectangular Coordinate Plotter - e: Reflector-cum-Periscope - e: Regional Community Physician - e: Regional Conservation Program - e: Register Clock Pulse - e: Registry of Comparative Pathology - e: Reinforced Concrete Pavement - e: Reinforced Concrete Pipe - e: Relative Competitive Preference - e: Relative Corrector Program[me] - e: Reliability Critical Problem - e: Remote Communication^] Processor


© K • G • Saur. München

- e: Remote Control Panel - e: Remote Control Pool - e: Request for Capital Property - e: Request for Contractual Procurement - e: Requirements Change Proposal - e: Reserved Circuits Programfme] - e: Restartable Cryogenic Propellant - e: Restoration Control Point - e: Restore Cursor Position - e: Retention Control Point - e: Returns Compliance Program - e: Riboflavin Carrier Protein - e: Right[-handed] Circular Polarization - e: Rockefeller Center Properties, Inc. - e: Rotation Combat Personnel - e: Royal College of Pathologists - e: Royal College of Physicians - e: Royal College of Preceptors - e: Royal College of Psychiatrists - f: Réseau expérimental à Commutation par Paquet[s] - p: Radio Clube Portugués R-CP112A e: Rack A for Coordination Processor 112 R-CP113A e: Rack A for Coordination Processor 113 RCPA e: Rice and Corn Production Administration - e: Royal College of Pathologists of Australia - e: Royal College of Physicians of Australia - e: Rural Cooperative Power Association RCPA16 e: Remote subscriber unit Control Part version A RCPAC e: Reserve Components Personnel and Administration Center RC Paper e: Resin-Coated Paper RCPath e: Royal College of Pathologists R-CP113B e: Rack B for Coordination Processor 113 RCPB e: Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary RCPBO e: Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry and Behavior (journ.) RCP[C] e: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada RCPC e: Regional Check Processing Centers RCPCC e: Rice and Corn Production Coordinating Council RCPCR e: Recombinant Circle Polymerase Chain Reaction RCPE e: Radiological Control Practices Evaluation RCPEA s: Revista Chilena de Pediatria (journ.) RCPE[d] e: Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh RCPGlas e: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow RCPI e: Royal College of Physicians of Ireland RCPJA e: Royal College of Physicians of London. Journal (journ.) RCPL e: Realtors Co-op Photo Listing - e: Right Circularly Polarized Light - e: Royal College of Physicians, London RCPN e: Raw Card Part Number - e: Reception RCPO e: Radar and Communications Project Organisation RCPP e: Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe RCPRA e: Record of Chemical Progress (journ.) R C Program[me] e: Remote Computing Program[me]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RCSS RCPS e: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons R C P S C e: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada RCPSGlas e: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow RCPsych e: Royal College of Psychiatrists RCPT e: Receipt - e: Reception - e: Registered Cardiopulmonary Technologist Rcpt e: Receptacle RCPT1A e: Remote subscriber unit Control Part 1A [full equipped] RCPT2A e: Remote subscriber unit Control Part 2A [under equipped] Rcptn e: Reception RCPV e: Riot Control Patrol Vehicle RCQ e: Record Correction and Quality - s: Reqonquista RCQFAQ s: Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Quimico-Farmaceuticas (journ.) RCQUD s: Revista de Ciencias Químicas (journ.) RCR d: Radio-Cassetten-Recorder - d: Renale Clearance-Rate - d: Retrocardial-Raum - e: Radar Control Room - e: Ramsbottom Carbon Residue - e: Randle Cliff Radar - e: Rated Capacity Report - e: Reactor Control Room - e: Reader Control Relay - e: Reciprocating Cryogenic Refrigerator - e: Recrystallization-Controlled Rolling - e: Regenerative Cyclic Reactor - e: Relative Citation Rate - e: Relative Consumption Rate - e: Removal Card Request - e: Required Carrier Return [Character] - e: Research & development Center for Radio systems - e: Respiratory Control Ratio - e: Restitution of Conjugal Rights - e: Retrofit Confguration Record - e: Reverse Contactor - e: Reverse Current Relay - e: Rochester - e: Room Cavity Ratio - e: Rotating Cylinder Rudder - e: Route Contingency Reserve - e: Royal College of Radiologists - e: Runway Condition Reading [or Report] RCr f: Revue Critique [d'Histoire et de Litterature] (journ.) RC-R s: Revista Chicano-Riquena (journ.) RCR s: República de Costa Rica RCRA e: Refrigeration Compressor Rebuilders Association - e: Resort and Commercial Recreation Association - e: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act - e: Rural Cooperative and Recovery Act RCRADJ s: Revista Cubana de Reproducción Animal (journ.) R-CRAS e: Rogers Criminal Responsibility Assessment Scales RCRBSJ e: Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints RCRC e: Rabbinic Center for Research and Counseling - e: Reinforced Concrete Research Council - e: Revoked Commission, Returned to Civilian Status RCRC Filter e: Resistance Capacitance Resistance Capacitance Filter RCRD e: Record

RCRD[T]C e: Radio Components Research and Development [Technical] Committee RCRE e: Receiving Corrected Reference Equivalent - e: Right Current Range Element R C R F 1: Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores [Society of Roman Pottery and Ceramic Archeologists] -1: Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorulm Acta (journ.) RCRHRCS e: Research Center for Religion and Human Rights in Closed Societies RCRIP e: Reserve Component Readiness Improvement Package RCrit i: Ragioni Critiche. Rivista di Studi Linguistici e Letterari (journ.) R Crit Dr Int Prive f: Revue Critique de Droit International Prive (journ.) R Crit Jpd B f: Revue Critique de Jurisprudence Beige (journ.) RCRL e: Reliability Critical Ranking List RCRP e: Rape Counselling and Research Project - e: Regional Centers for Radiological Physics RC/RP e: Radar Control/Radar Plot R-CRS e: Report on Course RCRS e: Regenerative Carbon-Dioxide Removal System - e: Remote Commercial Radio Services - e: Remote Control Radio Service RCRT e: Refresh Cycle Response Time RCRUA s: Revista. Consejo de Rectores. Universidades Chilenas (journ.) RCRVA e: Russian Chemical Reviews [English Translation] (journ.) RCS d: Retikulumzellensarkom - e: Retothelsarkom - d: Reuter-Centrifugal-Sammler - e: Rabbit Aorta Contracting Substance - e: Radar Calibration Sphere - e: Radar Collimator System - e: Radar Control Ship - e: Radar Cross Section - e: Radio Command System - e: Radio Communications Services - e: Radio Communications Set - e: Radio Communications System - e: Radio Control System - e: Radio-Controlled Solar - e: Range Control Station - e: Range Control System - e: Range Corrector Setting - e: Rapid Cycling Synchrotron - e: Rate Command System - e: Rate Control System - e: Reaction Control [Subsystem - e: Reactive Current Sensing - e: Reactor Control System - e: Reactor Coolant System - e: Real Core Supervisor - e: Rearward Communications System - e: Recurrent Change of Station - e: Reentry Control System - e: Refurbishment Cost Study - e: Regional Control Station - e: Regions of Coherent Scattering - e: Registration Control System - e: Relative Collision Speed - e: Relative Contrast Sensitivity - e: Reliability Control Specification - e: Reliability Control Standard - e: Reliable Corrective-action Summary - e: Reloadable Control Stor[ag]e - e: Reloadable Core Storage - e: Remingtons Compiled Statutes (journ.) - e: Remote Computing Service[s] - e: Remote Computing System

Internalional Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Remote Contact Sensor - e: Remote Control Set - e: Remote Control Station - e: Remote Control Switch - e: Remote Control System - e: Remote Core Sampler - e: Replacement Collision Sequences - e: Report[s] Control Symbol - e: Representative Conflict Situations] - e: Request for Consultation Service - e: Requirement Clearance Symbol - e: Requirements Control Symbol - e: Rescue Convention of Sea - e: Residential Conservation Service - e: Resin-Coated Sand - e: Retention Communication System[s] - e: Reticulum Cell Sarcoma - e: Retrocardial Space - e: Retrofit Confguration System - e: Revenue Cutter Service - e: Reverse Circulation System - e: Reversing Colour Sequence - e: Ride Control Segment - e: Ride Control System - e: Right-Control System - e: Rigid Container Sheet - e: Riot Control System - e: Roll Control System - e: Rotable Control System - e: Round -Cornered Square - e: Royal Caledonian School - e: Royal College of Science - e: Royal College of Surgeons - e: Royal Corps of Signals - e: Ruggedised Computer System - f: Conditionnement Embouteillage. Revue Mensuelle de l'Embouteillage et des Industries du Conditionnement, Traitement, Distrutiones (journ.) - f: Rapports de la Cour Supreme du Canada -1: Ramus Circumflexus Sinister -1: Reticulum Cell Sarcoma RcS e: Recode Selector Res e: Resources RCs e: Roman Catholics R.c.s. 1: Ramus circumflexus sinister RC[S] e: Remote Control [System] RCSB e: Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind RCSC e: Radio Components Standardization Committee - e: Research Council on Structural Connections RCSc e: Royal College of Science RCSC e: Royal College of Surgeons of Canada RCSD e: Regional Council for Social Development RCSDE e: Reactor Coolant System Dose Equivalent RCSDF e: Reconfigurable Computer System Design Facility RCSDP e: Red Cross Societies Development Program RCSE[d] e: Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh RCSG e: Restarting Computer and Symbol Generator RCSI e: Receipt Classified Security Information - e: Royal College of Surgeons in/of Ireland RCSM e: Range Clearer Screening Machine - e: Royal Commission on Safety in Coal Mines RCSS e: Random Communication[s] Satellite System - e: Resin-Coated Stainless Steel 159

RCS System RCS System e: Random Communication Satellite System RCST e: Royal College of Science and Technology RCStfn] e: Radio Compass Station RCT d: Kombinierte Radio- und Chemotherapie - d: Radio- und Chemotherapie - d: Radionuklid-Computertomographie - e: Race-Coombs-Test - e: Radar Control Trailer - e: Radiation Chemical Technician - e: Radio Caracas Television - e: Radiobeacon Calibration Transmitter - e: Receipts] - e: Recruit - e: Red Colloidal Test - e: Red Cross Telegram - e: Reference Clock Trigger - e: Region[al] Control Task - e: Registered Clinical Teacher - e: Remote Control Terminal - e: Repeat Cycle Timer - e: Representative Calculating Time - e: Resistor-Capacitor Transistor - e: Resolve[r] Control Transformer - e: Return Control Transfer - e: Reverse Conducting Thyristor - e: Reversible Counter - e: Rework/Completion Tag - e: Road Clearance Time - e: Robotic Cluster Tool - e: Rorschach Content Test - e: Royal Corps of Transport - e: Rubber Chemistry and Technology - s: Real Cuergo du Transporte RCTA e: Retail Confectioners and Tobacconists Association RCTBC e: RARE [Rare Animal Relief Effort] Center Tropical Bird Conservation RCTC e: Rear Crew Trainer Cabin - e: Regeneratively Cooled Thrust Chamber - e: Rewritable Consumers Time Code RCTD e: Rate Constrained Target Detection RCTG e: Recruiting RCTL e: Rectal - e: Resctangular Coaxial Transmission Line - e: Resistance Coupled Transistor Logic - e: Resistor-Capacitor Transistor Logic - e: Resistor-Coupled Transistor Logic RCTN e: Reaction R-CTOD e: Rock Crack-Tip Opening Displacement RC TRANSMOD e: Reserve Components Transition to Modernization R.&C. T r . Cas. e: Railway & Canal Traffic Cases RCTS e: Railway Correspondence and Travel Society - e: Reserve Components Training Sites RCTSR e: Radio Code Test, Speed of/on Response RCTT e: Regional Center for Technology Transfer RCT Technique e: Resistor-CapacitorTransistor Technique - e: Reverse Conducting Thyristor Technique RCTV s: Radio Caracas Television


RCU e: Radar Calibration Unit - e: Radar Control Unit - e: Receiver Control Unit - e: Reference Control Unit - e: Relative Conductance Unit - e: Relay Control Unit - e: Remote Compensation Unit - e: Remote Concentration Unit - e: Remote Control Unit - e: Remove Combining Unit - e: Requisition Control Unit - e: Research Coordination Unit - e: Resistor Capacitor Unit - e: Respiratory Care Unit - e: Road Construction Unit - e: Rocket Countermeasure[s] Unit RCUA e: Remote Checkout Umbilical Array RCUEP e: Research Center for Urban and Environmental Planning RCUK e: Resuscitation Council RCUL e: Reference Control Unit Launch RCUP e: Remote Control User Part RCU's e: Road Construction Units RCUs e: Remote Control Units RCV e: Radar Control Van - e: Reaction Control Valves - e: Receive - e: Receiving - e: Relative Conductor Volume - e: Remote[ly] Controlled Vehicle - e: Research Center of Virology - e: Restartable Cryogenic Vehicle - e: Riot Control Vehicle RCVCNTRL e: Receive Control RCVD e: Received R-C-Verstärker d: Verstärker mit Widerstandskopplung und Kondensator RCVG e: Receiving RCVO[TR] e: Receive Only [Typing Reperforation] RC/VP e: Recent Change/Verify Position RCVR e: Receiver RCVRAM e: Receive Random Access Memory RCVS e: Royal Canadian Veterinary Surgeon {s] RCVSL e: Receive Status Logic RCV TMOUT e: Receive Timeout RCVTONEn e: Receive Tone n [n = 1 or 2] RCVY e: Recovery RCW e: Ration, Cold Weather - e: Read, Compute, Write - e: Recirculated Cooling Water - e: Register Containing Word - e: Return Control Word RCWA e: Revised Code of Washington Annotated R C W F e: Red Cross War Fund RCWI e: Right Ventricular Cardiac Work Index RCWP e: Rural Clean Water Program RCWP [Wire] e: Rubber-Covered Weather-Proof [Wire] RCWS e: Remote Control Water Sampler RCWV e: Rated Continuous Working Voltage RCX e: Remote Cluster Executive - e: Right Circumflex Branch -1: Ramus circumflexus RCY e: Rotating Coil Yoke Rcy e: Recycle R C y e: Read Cycle R Cy N e: Royal Ceylon Navy RCZ e: Radiation Control Zone - e: Rear Combat Zone

© K G - Saur, München

RD d: Rad - d: Radiant - d: Ratiodetektor - d: Rauschdiode - d: Reisediarrhö - d: Rendsburg - d: Reservedepot - d: Restdämpfung - d: Richtfunkfeuer des [See-oder Flug-] Navigationsfunkdienstes - d: Röntgendiagramm - d: Rückwärtige Dienste - d: Ruhedurchblutung - e: Air Lift International - e: Radar Data - e: Radar Display - e: Radial Direction - e: Radiation-absorbed Dose - e: Radiation Detection - e: Radiation Dose - e: Radical Deviation - e: Radio Denmark - e: Radiographic [photo]densitometry - e: Radiological Defense - e: Radius of Damage - e: Random Data - e: Random Drift - e: Range Data - e: Range Difference - e: Rate of Descent - e: Rated [Duty] - e: Ratio Detector - e: Raw Data - e: Reaction Dynamics - e: Reaction of Degeneration - e: Read Data - e: Read Delay - e: Read Direct - e: Read on microprocessor bus - e: Read [er] - e: Reader Only - e: Readiness Date - e: Reading - e: Receive[d] [Data] - e: Receiver Delay - e: Recognition Differential - e: Record Description - e: Recorder - e: Recording Demand [meter] - e: Rectifier Diode - e: Recursive Definition - e: Red - e: Red [nautical chart] - e: Reduce - e: Refer to Drawer - e: Reference Data - e: Reference Designation - e: Reference Diode - e: Reference Document - e: Register Drivefr] - e: Registered Dietitian - e: Reinforcement Designee - e: Relative Density - e: Relay Drawer - e: Relay Driver - e: Reliable and Durable - e: Relocatable Directory - e: Remote Diagnosis - e: Renal Disease - e: Repeater Distribution Frame - e: Replacement Depot - e: Replenishable Demand - e: Reply Delay - e: Report Departing - e: Request Descriptor - e: Required Date - e: Requirements Document

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RDC - e: Research and Development - e: Reserve Depot - e: Resistor Diode - e: Resolver Differential - e: Respiratory Distress - e: Restricted Data - e: Restricted Distribution - e: Retention and Disposal - e: Retinal Detachment - e: Retrieval Device - e: Revolutionary Development - e: Rewind Device - e: Right Defense - e: Right Display - e: Rigid Dynamics - e: Ring Down - e: Roads Department - e: Rolling Direction - e: Roof Drain - e: Root Diameter - e: Rotary Disc [or disk] - e: Rotational Delay - e: Rotational Dispersion - e: Rotodrome - e: Routine Definition - e: Royal Dockyard - e: Royal Dutch Petroleum - e: Rubber Dam - e: Running Days - e: Rural Delivery - e: Rutherford - e: The Reader's Digest (journ.) - f: Réception des Données -1: Ramus diagonalis -1: Retinopathia Diabetica - R: Raketniya Diviziya [Missile Division] - R: Raswedrjwatelnij Dosor - s: República Dominicana rD d: reaktive Dispersionsfarbstoffe rd d: rechentechnik datenverarbeitung (journ.) - d: rund - e: round Rd d: Runde - d: Rutherford - e: Radiolaria - e: Radium - e: Ro[a]d - e: Rood Rd- d: Rund Rd. d: Rand - d: Reede - d: Rind - e: Railroad - e: Road R.D. e: Indian Revenue Decisions - e: Reappraisement Decisions - e: Royal Decoration r.d. e: running days [consecutive days, days without any qualification] R/D e: Rate of Descent - e: Refer to Drawer - e: Research/Development R&D e: Read and Destroy - e: Reamed and Drifted - e: Requirements and Distribution - e: Research and Demonstration - e: Research and Development [Associates] - e: Rural Delivery - f: Recherche & Développement R2D e: Regional 2 Digital RD$ s: República Dominicana peso RDA d: Rangdienstalter - d: Reichsverband der Automobilindustrie - d: Reisering Deutscher Autobusunternehmungen e.V. - d: Rufdatenaufzeichnung

- e: Radioactive Dentine Abrasion - e: Railway Development Association - e: Ramus Descendens Anterior - e: Ranging Demodulator Assembly - e: Rubidium Dihydrogen Arsenate [RbH 2 As0 4 ] - e: Readers Digest Almanac (journ.) - e: Received Data Inverted - e: Recirculation Duct Assembly - e: Recommend[ed] Daily[-dietary] Allowance - e: Recommend[ed] Dietary Allowance - e: Reliability Design Analysis - e: Reliability Design Approach - e: Remote Datafbase] Access - e: Research and Development Abstracts - e: Research and Development, Air - e: Research and Development, Army - e: Research, Development and Acquisition - e: Respiratory Diseases Association - e: Reverse Diels-Alder - e: Riding for the Disabled Association - e: Right Dorso-Anterior - e: Rod Drop Accident - e: Royal Docks Association - e: Run-time Debugging Aid - e: Rural Development Administration - f: République Démocratique Allemande - s: República Democrática Alemana RdA e: Reading Age R.D.A. e: Research and Development Air R.d.A. d: Riickseite der Akten R&DA e: Research and Development Associates [or Association] R D & A e: Research Development and Acquisition RD*A e: Deuterated RDA RDAA e: Range-Doppler-Angle-Angle RDAAT e: Reliability Data Aquisition Analysis Techniques RDAC e: Radar Area Correlator RdAc e: Radioactinium [Thorium 227] RDAC e: Report of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus (journ.) RDAF e: Royal Danish Air Force RDAFCI e: Research and Development Associates, Food and Container Institute RDAG e: Radar Area Guidance RDAL e: Representation Dependent Accessing Language R[']dam e: Rotterdam RD and D e: Research Development and Demonstration RDAR e: Reliability Design Analysis Report RDARA e: Regional and Domestic Air Route Area RdArb d: Recht der Arbeit (journ.) RDARDCREP e: Radar Exploitation Report RDAS e: Reflectivity Data Acquisition System - e: Research and Development Assistance Scheme - e: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences RDAT d: Rechnungsdatum - e: Research and Development Acceptance Test[ing] R & D A T e: Research and Development Acceptance Test R-DAT e: Rotary-head Digital Audio Tape[-recording] - e: Rotating head Digital Audio Tape RDATCS e: Rapidly Deployable Air Traffic Control System - e: Rapidly Deployable Surveillance System RDAU e: Remote Data Acquisition Unit

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RDAV e: Reset Data Available R[Day] e: Redeployment Day RDB d: Reaktordruckbehälter - d: Rechtsdatenbank - d: Ring Deutscher Bergingenieure - e: Radar Decoy Balloon - e: Ramped Dump Barge - e: Rapid Deployment Bridge - e: Received Data Noninverted - e: Reference Data and Bias - e: Relational Data Base - e: Requirements Data Bank - e: Research and Development Board - e: Research and Development Bond - e: Resistance Decade Box - e: Response Data Block - e: Rifle, Double Base - e: Round Die Bushing - e: Route Data Block - e: Royal Danish Ballet - e: Runway Destruction Bomb R.d.B. d: Rat des Bezirks RDBA e: Remote Data Base Access RDBBB e: Rate Dependent Bundle Branch Block Rdbfr. d: Rundblickfernrohr RDBK e: Read Back RDBL e: Readable Rdbl d: Radebeul RDBMS e: Relational Data Base Management System RD BOT e: Rubber Diaphragm Bottle Rd.-Br. d: Rundbrief RDBS e: Received Digits Before Sending RDBTS e: Received Digits Before Trunkseizure RDC d: Rufdecodierer - e: Radar Design Corporation - e: Radar Display Console - e: Radiation Density Constant - e: Radioactivity Decay Constant - e: Rail Diesel Car - e: Rand Development Corporation - e: Rapid Development Capability - e: Rate Damping Control - e: Read Data Channel - e: Receive Data Condition - e: Recommended Drive Capacity - e: Recorded Call - e: Recording Doppler Comparator - e: Reduce - e: Redundant Digit Check - e: Reflex Digital Control - e: Regional Dissemination Center - e: Reliability Data Center [or Central] - e: Reliability Data Control - e: Remote Data Collection - e: Remote Data Concentration [or Concentrator] - e: Remote Detonation Capability - e: Remote Diagnostic Center - e: Reply Delay Compensation - e: Repository Design Condition - e: Research and Development Command - e: Research and Documentation Centre - e: Research Diagnostic Criteria - e: Return Difference Condition - e: Robotic Drive Control - e: Rotary [or Rotating] Disk Contactor - e: Rotary Dispersion Colorimeter - e: Rotary Displacement Compressor - e: Royal Drawing Society - e: Running Down Clause - e: Rural Development and Conservation - e: Rural Development Commission - e: Rural District Council


R2DC - f: Rassemblement Démocratique Centrafricain R2DC3 e: Rapid Reaction Déployable Command R2DC3 e: Rapid Reaction Déployable Command, Control and Communications RDCA e: Rural District Councils' Association Rd Call e: Read Call RDCD e: Read Card RDCE e: Radio Distribution and Control Equipment R&D center [or centre] e: Research & Development center {or centre] RDCF e: Restricted Data Cover Folder RD[/]CHK e: Read Check RDCLP e: Response Document Capability List Positive RDCN e: Reduction RDCO e: Reliability Data Control Office RDCOT e: Regional Documentation Centre for Oral Tradition RdCpl e: Read Couple RDCR e: Reducer RDCs e: Regional Dissemination Centers RDD e: Random Digital Dialling - e: Rapid Demolition Device - e: Read Direct - e: Read Disconnect Delay - e: Required Delivery Date - e: Requisition Due Date - e: Rounded - e: Routine Dynamic Display RD&D e: Research, Development and Demonstration RD3D e: Resist Development in three Dimensions RDDC e: Radar Data Distribution Controller RDD&E e: Research, Development, Diffusion and Evaluation Rd Del e: Read Delay RDDL d: Reichsbund Deutscher Diplomlandwirte RDDM e: Reactor Deck Development Mockup RDDP e: Radarsat Data Development Project - e: Response Document Discard Positive RDDR d: Radio DDR [Deutsche Demokratische Republik] RDE d: Rowohlt Deutsche Enzyklopädie - e: Radar Data Extractor - e: Radar Display Equipment - e: Radial Defect Examination - e: Rapid Data Entry - e: Reactive Deposition Epitaxy - e: Received Data Enable - e: Receptor-Destroying Enzyme - e: Recommended Distribution of Effort - e: Reliability Data Extractor - e: Reliable Data Extractor - e: Remote Data Entry - e: Research and Development Effectiveness - e: Research and Development Establishment - e: Resorcinol Diglycidyl Ether - e: Rotating Disc [or Disk] Electrode RdE e: Read End - e: Reader Emitter R&DE e: Research and Development Effectiveness RD&E e: Research, Development and Engineering R de Ag [Cuba] s: Revista de Agricultura [Cuba] (journ.)

RDEC e: Request for Documents for an Engineering Change - e: Research Design Engineering Center - e: Research, Development and Evaluation Commission R de C f: Radiodiffusion du Cameroun R de F s: República de Filipinas R de J f: République de Djibouti - p: Rio de Janeiro R&DELSEC e: Research and Development Electronic Security rdely e: redelivery R d e O s: Rio de Oro RDEP e: Response Document End Positive R de P p: República Portuguesa - s: República de Panamá - s: República del Paraguay RD Equipment e: Radiological Defense Equipment Rd.[-]Erl. d: Runderlaß RDE's e: Receptor-Destroying Enzymes R des Arts f: Revue des Arts (joum.) RDETES e: Received Digits for End-To-End Signalling R-DEVA e: Device Rack A R-DEVB e: Device Rack B R-DEVD e: Device Rack D for coordination processor 113 RDEVQ e: Reset Device Queue RDF d: Rechnergestützte Diagnosefindung - d: Redistributionsfaktor - e: Radar Direction Finder[or Finding] - e: Radial Distribution Function - e: Radio Detection Finder [or Finding] - e: Radio Direction Finder [or Finding] - e: Radio Distribution Function - e: Radio Interception and Direction Finding - e: Rapid Deployment Force[s] - e: Rate Distortion Function - e: Read Data Flow - e: Recirculating Document Feeder - e: Record Definition Field - e: Recursive Digital Filter - e: Reflection Direction Finder [or Finding] - e: Refuse-Derived Fuel - e: Reinforced Detonating Fuse - e: Relational Data File - e: Repeater Distributing [or Distribution] Frame - f: Radio Diffusion Française Rdf. d: Radfahrer - d: Rundfunk RDF-A e: Rapid Deployment Force-Army Rdfk d: Rundfunk RDF-L e: Radio Direction Finder [or Finding]-Low-angle RDF/LT e: Rapid Deployment Force/Light Tank Rdfr. d: Rundfrage RDFSR f: Republique Socialits Sovietique de Russie RDFSTA e: Radio Direction Finder Station Rdfu d: Rundfunk RDG d: Rettungsdienstgesetz - d: Ribnitz-Damgarten [Kreis] - e: Radio Directors Guild - e: Reading [Railroad] - e: Receive Data Gate - e: Reducing - e: Resolver Differential Generator [Ridge] - e: Right Digestive Gland Rdg e: Ridge R.d.G. d: Rat der Gemeinde RDGE e: Resorcinol Diglycidyl Ether RDGL e: Radiological


© K •G

Saur, München

RDGR e: Response Document General Reject RDGT e: Reliability Development/Growth Test Rdgy e: Radiology RDH d: Reichsdienststrafhof - d: Reichsdisziplinarhof - d: Ribitdehydrogenase - e: Recirculating Document Handler - e: Reference Datum Height - e: Registered Dental Hygienist - e: Remote Device Handler - e: Ribit[ol] Dehydrogenase - e: Round -Head R d'H f: République d'Haiti RDHAZ e: Radiation Hazard Rd. Hd. [Screw] d: Round Head [Screw] RDHL e: Reverse Dictionary of the Hungarian Language RDHNT[FAC] e: Reduced Hunting [Facility] RDHS d: Realzeit-Datenhaltungs-System RDH Timber e: Red Dhup [parishia insignis] Timber RDI e: Radar Data Integration - e: Radar Doppler Impulsion - e: Radio Doppler Inertial - e: Recommended Daily Intake - e: Redirected - e: Rejection and Disposition Item - e: Released Data Index - e: Remote Data Input - e: Remote Display Interface - e: Resource Development Impact - e: Restricted Digital Information - e: Retrieval of Digital Information - e: Route Digit Indicator - e: Royal Designer for Industry RDIA e: Regional Development Incentives Act RDIC e: Redefined Dictionary RDIES e: Received Digits for Incoming Echo Suppressor RDIF e: Radar Data Interchange Format R1DIG e: R1 Digital trunk, line signalling R2DIG e: R2 Digital trunk, line signalling Rd In e: Read-In Rdlnfm e: Road Information R.D. Int'l.&D. Comp, f: Revue de Droit International et de Droit Compar RDIP e: Research Development Incentives Program RDIP AT e: Received Digits for Incoming Path Attenuation Device RDIPE e: Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering R.[-]Dir. d: Regierungsdirektor RDIR e: Redefined Directory RDIS e: Replenishment Demand Inventory System - e: Research and Development Information System RDIU e: Read Interface Unit - e: Remote Device Interface Unit RDJTF e: Rapid Deplopment Joint Task Force RDK d: Raupendrehkran - d: Reallexikon zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte - d: Reifendruckkontrolle - d: Rheinhafen-Dampfkraftwerk - e: Research and Development Kit RdK d: Recht des Kraftfahrers (journ.) RDk e: Raised Deck R.d.K. d: Rat des Kreises

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RDS RDL d: Radio Dreieckland - d: Reichsbund Deutscher Diplomlandwirte - e: Radial - e: Radioactive Decay Law - e: Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory - e: Radiological Defense Laboratory - e: Random Dynamic Load - e: Reciprocal Detection Latency - e: Regional Development Laboratory - e: Remote Display Link - e: Replaceable [lamp] Display Light - e: Report Definition Language - e: Research and Development Laboratory - e: Resistance Diode Logic - e: Resistor Diode Logic - e: Rim of Dorsal Lip - e: Ritter Dental Laboratories - e: Rocket Development Laboratory RdL d: Reinhaltung der Luft RDLI e: Royal Durban Light Infantry RDLINE e: Read a Line R-D1R e: Rack for Director Rdlst d: Rudolstadt R-DLU e: Rack for Digital Line Unit Rdly e: Redelivery RDM d: Rauchdichte-Meßgerät - d: Rotes Dänisches Milchvieh - e: Radar Doppler Multifunctions - e: Radarman - e: Radial Distribution Method - e: Radiation Damage Monitor - e: Rand Daily Mail - e: Random - e: Range Distance Measuring - e: Read from Memory - e: Readmission - e: Real-time Data-base Manager - e: Recording Demand Meter - e: Relational Data Management - e: Relational Document Manager - e: Relay Driver Module - e: Remote Digital Multiplexer - e: Remotely Delivered Mine - e: Resident Debug Monitor - e: Root Drum - n: De Rotterdamsche Droogdokmij B.V. Rdm. d: Rudermaschine Rdm 3c e: Radarman, third class RDME e: Range and Distance Measurement [or Measuring] Equipment RD Meter e: Recording Demand Meter RDMI e: Roof Drainage Manufacturers Institute Rd Mod e: Read Modified RDMS e: Range Data Measurement System - e: Rapid Deploy Moored Sweep - e: Relational Data [base] Management System - e: Relational Data Model System RDMSS e: Rapid Deployment Moored Sweep System RDMU e: Range Drift Measuring Unit RDN e: Redundancy - e: Rejection Disposition Notice - e: Relative Distinguished Name - e: Research and Development, Navy - e: Resource Decision Network - e: Royal Danish Navy RDn e: Read Data linen [n = 0 ... 7] Rdn. d: Randnote - d: Randnotiz rDNA d: rekombinante DNA r-DNA e: recombinant Deoxyrbonucleic Acid rDNA e: ri bosomal DNA [Desoxyri bonucleic Acid] Rdn B[it] e: Redundancy Bit

Rdng e: Reading Rdn. p. s. e: Radians per Second Rd.[-]Nr. d: Randnummer rDNS d: rekombinante DNS RDO d: Rechnungswesen, Datentechnik, Organisation (joum.) - d: Reichsdienststrafordnung - e: Radio [Read-Out] - e: Radiological Defense Office[r] - e: Readout - e: Reconnaissance Duty Officer - e: Redistribution Order - e: Regular Data Organization - e: Research and Development Objectives - e: Research, Development and Operation RDÖ d: Rhein-Donau-Ölleitung RdoBldg e: Radio Building RDOEI e: Research and Development Organization for [the] Electrical Industry RDOES e: Received Digits for Outgoing Echo Suppressor Rd O Ex e: Read Out Exit Rdo Int e: Radio Intelligence RDOPAD e: Received Digits for Outgoing Path Attenuation Device Rd O Res e: Read-Out and Reset RDOS e: R Disc Operating System R[-]DOS d: Real-time Disc [or Disk] Operating System RDO['s] e: Regular Day[s] Off - e: Research and Development Objective[s] Rdo Sec e: Radio Section Rdo Serv e: Radio Service Rdo[-]Stn e: Radio Station Rdo Trans e: Radio Transmitter Rd out e: Readout RDP d: Rumen Degradable Protein - e: Radar Data Processing [or Processor] - e: Radar Detector Processor - e: Radar Digital Probe - e: Radio Distributing [or Distribution] Point - e: Radiosonde Data Processor - e: Ration Distributing Point - e: Rubidium Dihydrogen Phosphate [RbH 2 P0 4 ] - e: Reactor Development Program - e: Read Data Level [or Lines] - e: Read Peripheral - e: Regional Development Program[s] - e: Remote Data Processing [or Processor] - e: Repository Development Plan [ning] - e: Research and Development Plan - e: Research Data Publication^] - e: Research, Development and Production - e: Ribulose Diphosphate - e: Right Dorso-Posterior - e: Ruggedised Data Processor - p: Radiodifusäo Portuguesa RD&P e: Research, Development and Production RD*P e: deuterated RDP RDPB e: Radar Data Plotting Board RDPBN e: Response Document Page Boundary Negative RDPBP e: Response Document Page Boundary Positive RDPC e: Radar Data Processing Center - e: Research Data Publication Center RDP Center e: Research Data Publication Center RDP Equipment] e: Radar Data Processing Equipment RDPJ e: Rail Discharge Point Jet RDPL d: Rufdatenplatte RDP Lao s: República Democrática Popular Lao

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

RDPM e: Rail Discharge Point Mogas - e: Random Data Processing Machine - e: Revised Draft Presidential Memorandum - e: Rotary Drive Piston Motor RDPP e: Repository Development Program Plan[ning] R&DPP e: Research and Development Program Planning RDPS e: Radar Data Processing System - e: Remote Docking Procedure Simulator RDPs e: Remote Data Processors RDPT e: Relative Double Phase-shift Telegraph RdPul e: Read Pulse Rd[/]Q e: Reading Quotient RDQN e: Research and Development Equipment Naval RDR d: Reichsverband Deutscher Rundfunkteilnehmer [bis 1945] - d: Rufdatenrechner - e: Radar [Departure Route] - e: Radar Development Range - e: Radar Diagnostic Report - e: Radar Display Room - e: Radar Relay - e: Radio Ranging - e: Radio Detecting [or Detection] [and] Ranging - e: Read Drum - e: Read from ROM [Read Only Memory] - e: Reader - e: Receive[d] Data Register - e: Receiver Data Register - e: Reliability Data Report - e: Reliability Design Review - e: Reliability Diagnostic Report - e: Remote Digital Readout - e: Request Data with Reply - e: Research and Development Report - e: Research Division Report - e: Restart Delay Relay - f: Rive Droite Rdr d: Rechtsdrall - d: Reichsdruckerei RDRA d: Reifendruckanlage RDRBCN e: Radar Beacon RDRCT e: Redirection RDRD e: Remote Digital Readout RDRF e: Receive Data Register Full RDRI d: Reichsverband der Deutschen Rundfunkindustrie RDRINT e: Radar Intermittent RDRL e: Redrilling RDRP e: Response Document Resynchronisation [or Resynchronize] Positive RDRREL e: Radar Relay RDRS d: Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft der deutschen und der rätoromanischen Schweiz RDRXMTR e: Radar Transmitter RD-RZ d: Rufdaten-Rechenzentrum RDS d: Radio-Daten-System - d: Radio-Daten System - d: Reichsbahndienstsache - d: Reizdarmsyndrom - d: Ring Deutscher Siedler [e.V.] - e: Radar Distribution Switchboard - e: Radio Data System - e: Radio Digital System - e: Railway Development Society - e: Range Destruct System - e: Raytheon Data Systems - e: Reactor Depressurization System - e: Read Data Strobe - e: Read Select - e: Reflectance-Difference Spectroscopy 163

Rds - e: Relational Data System - e: Relational Database Systems Inc. - e: Remote Data Station - e: Remote Degassing Station - e: Remote Disk Station - e: Rendezvous [and] Docking Simulator - e: Rendezvous Docking Simulator - e: Requirements Data System - e: Research and Development Survey - e: Research Defence [or Defense] Society - e: Resistive Divider Standard - e: Respiratory Distress Syndrome - e: Revolving Discussion Sequence - e: Rheometric Dynamic Scanning - e: Robust Detection Scheme - e: Rokeach Dogmatism Scale - e: Royal Drawing Society - e: Royal Dutch Shell - e: Running Digital Sum - e: Rural Development Service - e: Rural Development Society Rds e: downstream Resistance - e: Rixdllar - e: Roads[tead] RDs e: Royal Dockyards RD&S e: Research, Development and Studies Rd-S d: Reedesignal RD/S e: Radian per Second - e: Royal Dutch/Shell R ds e: Roads, Roadstead [nautical chart] RDSAP e: Royal Dutch Society for Advancement of Pharmacy Rdsch d: Rundschau Rdsch.d.m.chir.Techn. d: [Illustrierte] Rundschau der medizinisch-chirurgischen Technik (journ.) Rd.[-]Schr. d: Rundschreiben RDS Company e: Raytheon Data Systems Company RDSEM e: Real Data System Element Model RdServ e: Road Service RD/SG e: Royal Dutch/Shell Group R&D-size systems e: Research and Development-size systems RDS/M e: Rounds per Minute RDSO e: Research Designs and Standards Organisation R&DSoc e: Research and Development Society RDSP e: Radio Distribution and Signalling Matrix RDSS d: Regenerative Dialysis Supply System - e: Radar Deployable Surveillance System - e: Radar Determination Satellite System - e: Radio Determination Satellite Service[s] - e: Rapidly Deployable Surveillance System R.d.St. e: Rat der Stadt Rd Stat e: Read Status RDStO d: Reichsdienststrafordnung RdstrDst d: Rundstrahldienst RDSU e: Radar Display Sub Unit RdSuchAnt d: Rundsuchantenne R.D. Sup. e: Revenue Decisions, Supplement RDT d: Regelmäßige Dialyse Therapie - e: Radio Data Transmission [technology] - e: Radio Detection Technique - e: Radio Digital Terminal - e: Range Delay Time - e: Rapid Decompression Test - e: Rate-Distortion-Theorie - e: Rational Direction Transmission - e: Reactor Development and Technology

- e: Regular Dialysis Treatment - e: Reliability Demonstration Test [procedure] - e: Reliability Development Test - e: Remote Data Terminal - e: Remote Data Transmission [or Transmitter] - e: Remote Digital Trunk - e: Research, Development and Test - e: Reserve Duty Training - e: Resource Definition Table - e: Retinal Damage Threshold - e: Reverse Directional Thrust - e: Rework Data Tape - e: Rotational Direction[al] Transmission - i: Repubblica Democrática Tedesca RdT d: Ring der Tonbandfreunde R.D.T. e: Registered Dental Technician RD&T e: Research, Development and Test - e: Research, Development & Technology RDT and E [Program] e: Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation [Program] RDTC e: Remote Distributed Terminal Controller RDTD e: Radial Flow Torr Deposition RDT&E e: Research, Development, Test and Engineering RDT[&]E e: Research, Development, Test[ing] and Evaluation RD Technique e: Resistor-Diode Technique RDT&EN e: Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy RDTF e: Rapid Deployment Task Force RdTh d: Radiothorium - e: Radiothorium [Thorium 228] RDTL e: Resistor Diode Transistor Logic R J DTL e: Radiation-Resistant DiodeTransistor Logic - e: Resistor-Resistor Diode Transistor Logic R2DTL e: Resistor Resistor Diode Transistor Logic RDTM e: Rated Distribution and Training Management - e: Register of Designs and Trade Marks - e: Right Data Token Memory RDTR e: Radiator - e: Radiographic Dielectric Track Registration - e: Research Division Technical Report RDTS e: Remote Data Transmission Subsystem RDTSR e: Rapid Data Transmission System for Requisitioning RDT Technique e: Resistor-DiodeTransistor Technique Rdtw. d: Rendementwert RDU e: Radar Display Unit - e: Receipt and Despatch Unit - e: Remote Display Unit - e: Research and Development Utilization - e: Royal Development Unit - e: Runtime Debugging Unit R du B [Can] f: Revue du Barreau [Canadien] (journ.) RDUP e: Research and Development Utilization Project RDUS f: Revue de Droit [Universite de Sherbrooke] R du Z f: République du Zaïre RDV d: Raiffeisen-Datenverarbeitung - d: Recht der Datenverarbeitung Rd[-]V[er][f][g] d: Rundverfügung RDVN d: Rufdatennachverarbeitung RDVP e: Radar Video-data Processor RDV Pump e: Rotary Dry Vacuum Pump


© K G - Saur, München

RDVU e: Rendezvous rdvu f: rendezvous RDW e: Record Descriptor Word - e: Red Cell Distribution Width - e: Right Defense Wing - n: Regiment De Wet - n: Rijsdienst voor Werkvoorziening RDWS e: Radiological Defense Warning System Rdwy e: Roadway RDX d: Cyclonite/Hexogen Sprengstoff - d: Trimethylentrinitramin - e: Cyclonite - e: Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine - e: Hexogene [Explosive] - e: Rapid Detonation Explosive - e: Research and Development Exchange - e: Research Department Explosive - e: Research Department formula X - e: Resolver Differential Transmitter - e: Royal Development X - e: Trimethylen-trinitramin R d X e: Read X RDX/HMX e: Research Department Explosive/High Melt Explosive RDY e: Ready - e: Roadway RDY[d] e: Royal Dock Yard RDYMX e: Ready Mix RDZ d: Rechnergestützte Dispatcherzentrale - d: Ringier Dokumentationszentrum Zürich - e: Radiation Danger Zone[s] - f: République Démocratique du Zaïre Rd.-Z[iffl. d: Randziffer RDZs e: Radiation Danger Zones RE d: Radium-Einheit - d: Radiumeinheit - d: Radiumemanation - d: Randeinheit - d: Randelektronik - d: Ratteneinheit - d: Reaktorenentwicklung - d: Recheneinheit - d: Rechner - d: Rechnerkarte - d: Rechnungseingang - d: Rechnungseinheit - d: Rechnungseinzug - d: Rechnungsstelle - d: Rechtsentscheid[ung] - d: Recklinghausen - d: Referentenentwurf - d: Regelelement - d: Regeneriereinrichtung - d: Regierungsentschließung - d: Regierungsentwurf - d: Registerblock - d: Reifungseinheit - d: Reiheneinspritzpumpe - d: Reineinkommen - d: Rekombinations-Elektrolyt - d: Relative Einheit - d: Reparatureinheit[en] - d: Restexemplare - d: Retikuloendothel - d: Ringelelektrode - d: Roheisen - d: RUckelektrode - d: Rückerstattung - d: Rückwandecho - d: Rückwandechohöhe - d: Ruhe-Energie - d: Rundeisen - d: Rundfunkempfänger - e: B in diatonic scale, D in fixed-do system - e: Expiratory Resistance - e: in Regard to

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

READKEY - e: Radar Echo - e: Radiant Energy - e: Radiated Emission - e: Radiating Elements - e: Radiation Effect[s] - e: Radio Eireann - e: Radio Electrician - e: Radio Element - e: Radio Engineering] - e: Radio Equipment - e: Radio Exposure - e: Radium Emanation - e: Radius of Effect - e: Raduala Edge - e: Railway Engineering] - e: Ram Effect - e: Rare Earth[s] - e: Rate Effect - e: Rate of Exchange - e: Raw End - e: Read Emitter - e: Read Enable - e: Read End - e: Read[ing] Error - e: Real [Estate] - e: Real number - e: Receiver/Exciter - e: Recording Error - e: Recovery Equipment - e: Rectal Examination - e: Recursively Enumerable - e: Red Edge[s] - e: Reentry - e: Reference [Electrode] - e: Reference Equivalents] - e: Refinery - e: Reformed Episcopal - e: Refrigeration [or Refrigerating] Effect - e: Refrigeration Engineering] - e: Regarding] - e: Regelelement - e: Registly Editor - e: Regular Expression - e: Reinforce[d] - e: Reinforcing - e: Relating to - e: Relative Efficiency - e: Relay [assembly] - e: Relay Engineer - e: Reliability Engineering] - e: Religious Education - e: Renewable Energy - e: Request Element - e: Requirements Engineering - e: Research and Engineering - e: Reset - e: Resident Engineer - e: Resident Executive - e: Residual Elongation - e: Resting Energy - e: Restriction of Extension - e: Reticulo-Endothel - e: Reverse Engineering - e: Revised Edition - e: Reynolds Equation - e: Rifle Expert - e: Right End - e: Right Excellent - e: Right Eye - e: River Engineering - e: Rocket Engine - e: Rotary Engine - e: Rotational Energy - e: Royal Engineers] - e: Royal Exchange - e: Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers

- e: Rural Electric Systems - e: Rural Electrification -1: Reticulo-Endothelium - s: República de Ecuador Re d: Fernmelderechnungsstelle - d: Realteil - d: Recht - d: Regler - d: Reynolds-Zahl - d: Rhenium - e: Real Part - e: Reaumur - e: Reference - e: Regarding - e: Reno - e: Reynolds number - e: Rhenium - e: Rupee -1: Rhenium re. d: rechts Re. d: Regler - d: Rupie R.E. e: Rate of Exchange - f: Rééducation R&E e: Research and Engineering - e: Round and Equal R-E e: Radio-Electronics (journ.) R/E e: Rate of Exchange - e: Receiver/Exciter - e: Reentry Re... d: Realteil von ... R e d: Eingangswiderstand rE d: Erdseilreduktionsfaktor R, f: Récipe R2E f: Réalisations et Études Électroniques Ré f: Réaumur REA d: Rationalisierungsgemeinschaft Elektrizitätsanwendung - d: Rauchgasentschwefelungsanlage - d: Reichseisenbahnamt - d: Reichsverband der Elektrizitätsabnehmer - d: Richtempfangsantenne - d: Röntgenfilmentwicklungsautomat - e: Radar and Electronics Association - e: Radar Echoing Area - e: Radar Equivalent Area - e: Radio Astronomy Explorer - e: Radio Electrical Artificer - e: Railway Electrification Association - e: Railway Express Agency - e: Rare-Earth Alloy - e: Red Eye Arms - e: Redundant Error Amplifier - e: Reentry Angle - e: Renal Anastomosis - e: Request for Engineering Action - e: Request for Engineering Assistance - e: Request for Engineering Authorization - e: Research Engineering Authorization - e: Responsible Engineering Activity - e: Rice Export Association - e: Right Ear Advantage - e: Rocket Engine Assembly - e: Rockwell Electronic [Australasia] Pty. - e: Rod Ejection Accident - e: Rubber Export Association - e: Rural Education Association - e: Rural Electric Association - e: Rural Electrification Administration - f: Réunion Européenne Automatisme R&EA e: Readiness and Emergency Action REAAA e: Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australia REA Bulletin] e: Rural Electrical Administration Bulletin (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

REAC e: Reactance - e: Reactive - e: Reactivity - e: Reactor - e: Reeves Electronic Analog[ue] Computer - e: Reliability Engineering Action Center Reac e: Reaction REACH e: Rape Emergency Aid and Counseling for Her - e: Real-time Electronic Access Communications for Hospitals - e: Retired Executives Action Clearing House - e: Rural Employment Action and Counseling Help REACK e: Receipt Acknowledged REACT e: Radio Emergency Associated Citizens Team - e: Radio Emergency Associated Communications Team - e: Rapid Execution and Combat Targeting - e: Reactance - e: Reaction - e: Reactor - e: Real-Time Expert Analysis and Control System - e: Realistic Engagement And Combat Training - e: Record Evaluate And Control Time system - e: Register Enforced Automated Control Technique - e: Reliability Evaluation and Control Techniques - e: Report Evaluation and Calculation Tool - e: Requirements Evaluated against Cargo Transportation - e: Rese Engineering Automatic Core Tester - e: Resource Allocation and Control Technique[s] - e: Resource Allocation Control Tool REACTION [System] e: Remote Access Information [System] REACTN e: Reaction Reactor Technol. e: Reactor Technology [Quarterly Technical Progress Review] (journ.) REACTS e: Radiation Assistance Center/ Training Site - e: Reader Action Service REACT System e: Record, Evaluate and Control Time System REACTVT e: Reactivate READ e: Radar Echo Augmentation Device - e: Real-Time Electronic Access and Display - e: Relative Element Address Designate [or Designation] - e: Remedial Education for Adults - e: Remote Electrical [or Electronic] Alphanumeric Display - e: Reserve on Extended Active Duty - e: Restart Adapter READAC e: Remote Environmental Automatic Data Acquisition Concept READAT d: Reaktordaten READCOMM e: Read Communication READD e: Read Direct Read Dec. [or PI.] e: Reads Declarations and Pleadings ReadDig e: Reader's Digest READE e: Reduce Errors and Decrease Expense READI e: Rocket Engine Analysis [or Analyzer] and Decision Instrumentation] READJ e: Readjustment] READJP e: Readjustment Pay READKEY e: Read Authorization Key


READLN READLN e: Read Line READM e: Readmission READR e: Re-address - e: Remain in Effect After Discharge and Reenlistment READS e: Reno Air Defense Sector READ System e: Real-time Electronic Access and Display System READU e: Ready Duty - e: Ready Unit Readyberth e: Baltic Conference Ready Berth Clause 1938 READYMAIDS e: Ready Multipurpose Automatic Inspection and Diagnostic System REAF a: Rutebileiernes Arbeidsgiverforening - d: Rationelle Erfassung und Auswertung der Ausfallzeiten Re-af. e: Re-affumed REAG s: Régimen Especial Agrario Reaganomics e: Economic policy of the administration of President Reagan reagt. e: reagent REAK d: relative Erythrozytenaggregationskapazität Reakt. d: Reaktion reakt. d: reaktivieren - d: reaktiviert Reaktanz-VP d: Reaktanzvierpol REAL e: Relocatable Assembler Language - e: Residential Experience in Adult Living - e: Resource Allocation - e: Road Emulsion Association Ltd. - p: Real-Aerovias do Brasil real, d: realisieren - d: realisiert - d: realistisch RE ALB A s: Representacoes Agrícola e Lavoura Bandeirante REAL[-]COM e: Real-time Communication[s] REALCOST System e: Resource Allocation Cost System Real Est e: Real Estate Real Est[ate] L J . e: Real Estate Law Journal Real Estate Time Shar. e: Real Estate Time Sharing Real Est. Comm'n. e: Real Estate Commission Real Est. L. Rep. e: Real Estate Law Report Real Est. Ree. e: Real Estate Record, New York Real Est. Rev. e: Real Estate Review Real Est. Sec. J. e: Real Estate Securities Journal realgar e: arsenic sulfide Realm of the Chinese Alligator e: Lower Yangtze River valley Real Pr. Cas. e: Real Property Cases [Eng.] Real Prop, e: Real Property Real Prop. Acts e: Real Property Actions and Proceedings Real Prop.Cas. e: Real Property Cases Real Prop.Prob.&Tr[ust] J. e: Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal (journ.) Real Prop. Rep. e: Real Property Reports Real Prop. Tax e: Real Property Tax Realsch. d: Realschule REAM e: Rapid Excavating [or Excavation] and Mining - e: Retrieval of Engineering Aperture Masters

REAMS e: Ramond [and Associates Incorporated] Electronically Applied Maintenance Standard[s] - e: Resources Evaluation and Management System RE and R e: Research, Engineering and Reliability REANS[TO] e: Reanswer [Time Out] REAP e: Reliability Engineering Analysis and Planning - e: Remote Entry Acquisition Package - e: Resource Efficient Agricultural Production - e: Revenue Enforcement and Protection Program - e: Rocket Engine Advancement Program - e: Roof Evaluation Accident Prevention - e: Rural Environmental Assistance Program REAPOR e: Real Estate Accounts Payable and Operating Reports Reap[p]. Dec. e: United Stated Customs Court Reports. Reappraisement Decision REAPT e: Reappointment] REAR e: Reliability Engineering Analysis Report Rear[-]Adm e: Rear[-]Admiral rearr. e: rearrange[ment] REA Satellite e: Radio Astronomy Explorer Satellite REASSD. e: reassured REAS[SE]M e: Reassemble REASTAN e: Renton Electrical Analogue] for Solution of Thermal Analogous Networks REAT e: Radiological Emergency Assistance Team ReAuft d: Rechnungsaufteilung Réau[m] f: Réaumur REB d: Regeleinsatzbereich - d: Richtlinien für die elektronische Bauabrechnung - e: Radar Evaluation Branch - e: RAMP [Rapid Modeling Platform] Equipment Builder - e: Rare Earth Boride - e: Rebecca Eureka Beacon - e: Rebellion] - e: Reentry Body - e: Regional Examining Body - e: Remote Ethernet Bridge - e: Research Earth Borer - e: Revised English Bible - e: Rocket Engine Band - e: Rod End Bearing - e: Roentgen Equivalent Biological - R: Radioelektronaya Bor'ba R.E.B. e: Real Estate Brokers Board REBA e: Relativistic Electron Beam Accelerator REBAM e: Rolling Element Bearing Activity Monitor REBAR e: Reinforcing [steel] Bar REBASS e: Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System REBAT e: Restricted Bandwidth Techniques REBATRON e: Relativistic Electron Buncher [or Bunching] and Accelerator REBE e: Recovery Beacon Evaluation REBEC e: Relative Capacity Estimating Capacity REBECCA e: Remote Electrical Block Energization Clock Control Arrangement REBELL d: Rechnergestützte Betriebslenkung [für] Leitergebundene[r] Übertragungsanlagen


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REBerG d: Rückerstattungsberufungsgericht REBI d: Rechenbetrieb Binnenhandel - i: Repertorio Bibliografico Italiano REBIA e: Regional Educational Building Institute for Africa Rebilds e: Denmarks Rebild Hills REBIS i: Repertorio Bibliografico Straniero. REBPA e: Raw Fat and Bone Processors Association REBUD e: Rehabilitation Budgeting Program REBUS e: Routine for Executing Biological Unit Simulations - f: Reseau des Bibliothèques Utilisant SIBIL REC e: Radiant Energy Conversion - e: Radio Electronic Combat - e: Rain Erosion Coating - e: Receipt - e: Receive[d] - e: Receiver - e: Receiving - e: Receptable - e: Receptacle - e: Recessed - e: Recipe - e: Reciprocal - e: Reciprocity - e: Recommendation] - e: Recondition - e: Reconstructed - e: Reconstruction - e: Record[ed] - e: Recorder - e: Recording - e: Records - e: Recovery - e: Recreation - e: Regional Engineering College - e: Registration of Engineers Committee - e: Religious Education Council of England and Wales - e: Request for Engineering Change - e: Right End of Chest - e: Rural Electrification Conference [or Corporation] - p: Recife, Brazil Ree e: Reclamation - e: Reconnaissance - e: Rectifier Ree. e: American Law Record - e: Ceylon Law Recorder - e: Receipt - e: Recipe - e: Record[s] rec. e: receipt - e: received - e: recens - e:recenter - e: reciprocal - e: record[ed][er][ing][s] - e: recovery - e:recurrent -1: recens -1: recenter -1: recipe R&EC e: Research and Engineering Council RECA e: Repetitive Element Column Analysis - e: Research and Education Centre RECAAS e: Remote Controlled Anti-Armo[u]r System Recal e: Recalculate^]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und A k r o n y m e in Wissenschaft und Technik

Recovery Diode RECAP e: Real Estate Cost Analysis Program - e: Real-time Electromagnetic Controlled Analyzer Processor - e: Recapitulate - e: Reliability Engineering and Corrective Action Program - e: Reliability Evaluation Continuous Analysis Program - e: Remote Controlled Aiming Package - e: Resource and Capabilities Model - e: Resource Collection and Plot - e: Review and Command Assessment of Project[s] Recap e: Recapitulate[d] - e: Recapitulation RECAP Model e: Resource and Capabilities Model RECAPS e: Read Encode, Capture, Proof, Sort - e: Regionalized Civilian Automated Pay System - e: Reserve Card Processing System Rec. Ass'n. Bar City of N.Y. e: Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York RECAT e: Cumulative Regulatory Effects on the Cost of Automotive Transportation - e: Reduced Energy Consumption of the Air Transportation [System] - e: Reduced Energy for Commercial Air Transportation - e: Regulatory Effect on the Cost of Automative Transportation - e: Remotely Controlled Agile Target RECAT System e: Reduced Energy Consumption of the Air Transportation System RECATTR e: Recovery Attribute RECAU e: Receipt Acknowledged and Understood REC 20A/220V e: Rectifier Equipment without battery undervoltage supervision RECBIR Program [me] e: Regional Coordination of Biomedical Information Resources Program[me] RECC e: Rhine Evacuation and Control Command Recce e: Reconnaissance Rec Cen e: Reception Centre RECCEN e: Reception Center RECCEXREP e: Reconnaissance Exploitation Report Rec. Chem. Progr. e: Record of Chemical Progress (journ.) REC CHG e: Record Change[r] RECCO e: Reconnaissance Rec. Com. e: Record Commission RE-CD e: Reinsertion of Direct Current REC[']D e: Received Reed e: Record RECDATE e: Recording Date Rec. Dec. e: Vaux' Recorders Dec. RECE e: Relativistic Electron Coil - s: Representación Cubana del Exilio Receiv. e: Receivers RECEL e: Electronic Reconnaissance RECEN e: Receivable Entry RECEN Code e: Receivable Entry Code RECEP[T] e: Reception RECFM e: Record Format RECFMS e: Record Formatted Maintenance Statistics R E C G d: Radioelektrokardiographie - e: Radio Electrocardiography] - e: Radioelectrocardiogram[me]

R[&]ECGAI e: Research and Engineering Council of the Graphic Arts Industry Rech, d: Recherchen - d: Rechercheur rech, d: recherchieren - d: recherchiert - e: recherchieren rech f: recherche rec hall e: recreational hall Rechn d: Rechner Rechn. d: Rechnungen] rechner. d: rechnerisch RECHOLD e: Receiver Hold Rechrg e: Recharger Rechtf. d: Rechtfertigung rechtl. d: rechtlich - d: rechtlos Rechtsbel. d: Rechtsbelehrung Rechtsber. d: Rechtsberater - d: Rechtsberatung rechtsdr. d: rechtsdrehend Rechtsf. d: Rechtsfindung rechtsg. d: rechtsgängig Rechtspfl. d: Rechtspflege[r] Rechtspr. d: Rechtsprechung Rechtsspr. d: Rechtssprache Rechtsw. d: Rechtswesen - d: Rechtswissenschaft rechtsw. d: rechtswidrig rechtw. d: rechtwinkelig reci e: recitation recid e: recidivism - e: recidivist[ic] - e: recidivous recids e: recidivists Recip e: Recipient - e: Reciprocal - e: Reciprocate - e: Reciprocation recip e: reciprocating recip. e: recipient RECIPE e: Recomp Computer Interpretive Program[me] Expediter [or Expeditor] RECIP&LP TURB e: Reciprocating Steam Engine and Low-Pressure Turbine Recirc e: Recirculate^] - e: Recirculation RECIS e: Rear Echelon Communications Intelligence System recit. i: recitativo RECL e: Reclose - e: Reclosing - e: Reconcile Ree. L. e: Recent Law RECLAM e: Reclamation Rec. Laws e: Recent Laws in Canada RECM e: Recommend[ed] Ree M e: Record Mark RECMA e: Radio and Electronic Component Manufacturers Association RECMARK e: Record Mark[ing] RECMD e: Reset at End of Command reemd. e: recommissioned RECMECH e: Recoil Mechanism RECMF e: Radio and Electronic Component Manufacturers Federation RECMFA e: Radio and Electronic Component Manufacturers Association Rec Mk e: Record Mark Recmn e: Recommendation RECMODE e: Recording Mode RECMS e: Record Maintenance Statistics RECN e: Reconnaissance RECNCLN e: Reconciliation RECN. RM. e: Recreation Room RECNUM e: Record Number

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

RECO e: Receive Only - e: Remote Electronic Control of Ordnance RECOBAA e: Office of the Government Commissioner for Foreign Agricultural Affairs RECODEX e: Report Collection Index. RECOG e: Recognit[at]ion - e: Recognize[d] - e: Recognizing RECOGSIG e: Recognition Signal RECOL e: Retrieval Command Language RECOM e: Recommend[ation] - e: Recommended Recomm e: Recommend[ation] RECOMP e: Recommended Completion - e: Recomplement[ary] - e: Redstone Computer - e: Repairs Completed - e: Retrieval [and] Composition RECOMPEN e: Recognized Company Pension RECON e: Reconcentration - e: Reconciliation - e: Recondite - e: Recondition[ed] - e: Reconduction - e: Reconnaissance - e: Reconnoiter - e: Reconsign[ed] - e: Reconsignment - e: Reconstructed] - e: Reconstruction - e: Reconversion - e: Reconverted] - e: Reconveyance] - e: Reconveyed - e: Red Sea Container Line - e: Regional Communication Outreach Network - e: Reliability and Configuration - e: Remote Console - e: Remote Control [On-Line Information Service] - e: Resources Conservation - e: Retrospective Convers[at]ion [of Bibliographic Records] - e: Retrospective Conversion, of non-MARC titles Recon e: Reconditioning] RECOND e: Recondition [ing] RECONEX e: Reconnaissance Exercise recong e: reconsign RECONLINE e: Red Sea Container Line RECONN e: Reconnaissance RECONS e: Reliability and Configurational Accountability System REconS e: Royal Economic Society Recons. e: Reconsideration RECONST e: Reconstructed] RECONST[R] e: Reconstruction] Reconstruct. Surg. Traumatol. e: Reconstruction Surgery and Traumatology (journ.) RECORLEN e: Record Length RECORST e: Record Status R E C O R T Y P e: Record Type RECOV e: Recovery] RECOVER e: Realize Effective Continuous Operation Via Error Response Recovery Diode e: Step-Recovery Diode


RECP RECP e: Receptable - e: Receptacle - e: Reciprocate - e: Recording Point - e: Release Engineering Change Proposal - e: Request for Engineering Change Proposal - e: Rural Environmental Conservation Program Recp e: Reciprocating rec. par. 1: recenter paratus RECPATT e: Recording Pattern RECPERD e: Recording Period RECPFBK e: Reception Point for Bulk RECPT e: Receipt - e: Receptacle - e: Receptionist] RECPTAMA e: Reception Point for Automatic Message Accounting RECR e: Receiver Reer e: Recreation RECRAS e: Retrieval-system for Current Research of Agricultural Science REC ROOM e: Receiving Room - e: Reception Room - e: Record Room - e: Recreation Room RECRT e: Recruit RECRYSTfD] e: Recrystalliz[ed] Ree S e: Record of Survey RECS e: Radio Electronic Combat Support RECSAM e: Regional Center [or Centre] for Education in Science and Mathematics Rec Sec e: Recording Secretary RecVSend. e: Receiver/Sender RECSTA e: Receiving Station Rec Stor M[k] e: Record Storage Mark Rec. St. P. e: Receiving and transporting Stolen Property RECSYS [Analysis] e: Recreational] System[s] [Analysis] RECT e: Receipt - e: Reception - e: Rectangle - e: Rectangular - e: Rectification - e: Rectified - e: Rectifier [alarm] - e: Rectifying] - e: Rector[y] rect. 1: rectificatus RECTAS e: Regional Center for Training in Aerial Surveys recto e: right-hand page RECT P[ulse] e: Rectangular Pulse RECTR e: Recommends Transfer rectss. 1: rectificatissimus RECUR e: Recurrence - e: Recurrent - e: Recurring RECVD e: Received RECVE e: Receive REC vehicle[s] e: Recreation vehicle[s]campers, dune buggies, snowmobiles, trailers, vans, etc. RECVG e: Receiving RECY e: Recovery RED e: Radial Electron Distribution - e: Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion - e: Radio Equipment Department - e: Range Error Detector - e: Rare Earth Device - e: Read Error Diagnostics - e: Real Estate Department - e: Reddish - e: Redeemable - e: Redeemed

- e: Redstone - e: Reduce[d] [Emission Device[s]] - e: Reducer - e: Reducing - e: Reduction - e: Reflection [or Reflexion] Electron Diffraction - e: Resume Entry Device - e: Rhine Engineer Depot - f : Rédigé - f: Réflexe Electrodermal - r: Redaktor - r: Reden - s: Revista Esganola de Defensa Red. d: Redakteur - d: Redaktion - d: Reduktion - d: Reduplikation - e: Redwars Comments on Ordinances of the Gold Coast Colony red. d: redaktionell - d: redigieren - d: redigiert - d: reduplizieren - d: reduzierend] - d: reduziert RED1 e: Reduced one RED2 e: Reduced two REDA d: Relais-Digital-Ausgabe - d: Relaisausgänge und Elektronische Digital-Ausgänge - i: Ramo Editoriale degli Agricoltori REDABAS d: Relationales Datenbanksystem REDAC e: Racal Electronic[s] Design and Analysis by Computer - e: Real-Time Data Acquisition Redakt. d: Redakteur - d: Redaktion Red. Am. R.[R.] Cas. e: Redfields [Leading] American Railway Cases REDAP e: Reentrant [or Reentry] Data Processing REDAR e: Range Engineering Data Acquisition and Reduction REDAS e: Reduced to Apprentice Seaman REDATA s: Registre de Datos Red.&Big. Cas. B.&N. e: Redfield & Bigelow's Leading Cases on Bills and Notes red burgee e: letter B or Bravo in the international code - e: red signal flag flown when explosives or flammable fuel is being loaded aboard a vessel REDC e: Read Control RE[-]DC e: Reinsertion of Direct Current REDCAP e: Real Time Electromagnetic Digitally Controlled Analyzer and Processor - e: Reliability Evaluation and Dynamic Checkout Assistance Program[me] REDCAP[E] e: Readiness Capability Red. Cas. R.R. e: Redfield's Leading American Railway Cases Red. Cas. Wills e: Redfields Leading Cases on Wills REDCAT e: Readiness Requirement REDCOM e: Readiness Command REDCON e: Readiness Condition Redcraft e: Red aircraft redd, d: reduzierend REDE e: Receiver-Decoder - e: Receiving Decoding redec e: redecorate REDED e: Receiver-Decoder-Demultiplexer REDEL[Y] e: Redelivery


© K • G • Saur, München

Redem. e: Redemption redest, d: redestilliert REDFIRE e: Remote Explosive Disposal Falkland Islands, Royal Engineers Redf. Railways e: Redfield on Railways Redf. R. Cas. e: Redfield's Railway Cases, Eng. RedGrp d: Redaktionsgruppe RED HORSE e: Rapid Engineer Development, Heavy Operational Repair Squadron, Engineering REDI d: Fernmelderechnungsdienst - e: Real Estate Data, Incorporated REDIAL s: Red Europea de Documentación y Información sobre América Latina REDIC s: Red de Documentación e Information de Colombia redig r: redigerat redig. in pulv. 1: redigatur in pulverem red. in pulv. 1: reductus in pulverem REDINSE s: Red de Información Socio-Economiea Red. Int. L. e: Reddie. Inquiries in International Law. REDIS e: Redistricting System redis. e: redissolve REDISC e: Rediscount redist e: redistilled Redistr e: Redistribution REDIT e: Random Access Edit REDLARS e: Reading Literature Analysis and Retrieval Service red light e: danger signal - e: port side - e: stop signal - e: warning signal Redm. Arb. e: Redman on Arbitration Red. Mar. Com. e: Reddie, Law of Maritime Commerce Red. Mar. Int. L. e: Reddie, Researches in Maritime International Law Red-Med Rate Agreement e: Red Sea-Mediterranean Sea Rate Agreement Redn e: Reduction Rednt e: Redundant REDO e: Radar Engineering Design Objectives - e: Research and Exploratory Development Objectives REDOPS e: Ready for Operations REDOX e: Reductant-Oxidant - e: Reduction [and] Oxidation [Reaction] Redox d: Reduktion-Oxidation redox d: reduzierend-oxydierend Redox-System d: Reduktions-OxydationsSystem REDP e: Regional Energy Development Programme REDR e: Register of Engineers for Diaster Relief REDREP e: Redeployment Report Red. R. L. e: Reddies Roman Law Red. R.R. e: Redfield on the Law of Railroads Red. R.R. Cas. e: Redfields Leading American Railway Cases red ru e: red kangaroo Red. Sc. L. e: Reddie, Science of Law REDSG e: Redesign[ate][d] - e: Redesigned - e: Redesigning redsh e: reddish REDSOD e: Repetitive Explosive Device for Soil Displacement RED-T e: Remote Electric Drive-Turret REDTN e: Reduction

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

REF PRESS REDTOP e: Reactor Design from ThermalHydraulic Operating Parameters REDUC e: Reduction - s: Red Latinoamericana de Documentación en Educación reducn. e: reduction Redukt. d: Reduktion REDUPL e: Reduplicated REDUP[L] e: Reduplicate - e: Reduplication redux e: reduction Redwar e: Redwars Comments on Ordinances of the Gold Coast Red. Will[s] e: Redfield on the Law of Wills REDWN e: Redrawn REDW National Park e: Redwood National Park Redwood e: Redwood City - e: Redwood Empire - e: Redwood National Park Red.-Wrkg. d: Reduktionswirkung RED WS e: Rate, Extras and Demurrage as per Worldscale REDY [Machine] e: Recirculating Dialyzate [Machine] REDYP e: Reentry Dynamics Program REDZ e: Recent Drizzle REE d: Richtlinien fiir einheitliche Entwurfsgestaltung im Landstrafienbau - e: Rare-Earth Elements] - e: Reentrant - e: Reentry - e: Regional Economic Expansion - e: Reliance Electric and Engineering - e: Resting Energy Expenditure - f: Comité Européen de Reconstruction économique Européenne REEA e: Radio and Electronics Engineering Association REECA e: Renewable Energy and Environmental Conservation Association in Developing Countries REECDP e: Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Demonstration Program REECO e: Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company REED e: Radio and Electrical Engineering Division - e: Restricted Edge Emitting Diode Reed d: Reederei - e: Reed on Bills of Sale - e: Reedhorn Reed Am. L.S. e: Reeds American Law Studies Reed B.S. e: Reed on Bills of Sale Reed Car. e: Reed on Railways as Carriers Reed Pr. Sug. e: Reed's Practical Suggestions for the Management of Lawsuits Reef e: The Reef Australias Great Barner Reef [Queensland] Reefer e: Refrigerated [cargo] ship [or vessel or carrier] - e: Refrigerated container - e: Refrigerated space - e: Refrigerator car or railcar-railroad - e: Refrigerator truck REEG e: Radioelectroencephalogram[me] - e: Radioelectroencephalograph[y] REEGT e: Registered Electroencephalographic Technicians REEM e: Reserves Embarked REENG e: Remote Engineering REENLA e: Reenlistment Allowance REENLB e: Reenlistment Bonus

REEP e: Range Estimating and Evaluation Procedure - e: Regression Estimation of Event Probabilities REEs e: Rare-Earth Elements REES e: Reactive Electronic Equipment Simulator Rees Cyclopaedia e: Abraham Rees English Cyclopaedia REEST e: Reestablishment Reeve Des. e: Reeve on Descents Reeve Dom. Rel. e: Reeve on Domestic Relations Reeve Sh. e: Reeves on the Law of Shipping Reeve[s] H[ist], E[ng]. L[aw] e: Reeves History of the English Law re-ex e: re-examined re-exp. e: re-export[ation] REF d: Referenzdaten - d: Regionale Ejektionsfraktion - d: Renaler Erythropoese-Faktor - e: Railway Engineers Forum - e: Range Error Function - e: Reference] [d] - e: Referred - e: Refine[d] - e: Refinement - e: Refinery - e: Refining - e: Reformatory - e: Reform[ed] - e: Refraction - e: Refresher - e: Refrigerated [cargo] vessel [or ship] - e: Refrigerator - e: Refunding] - e: Regional Ejection Fraction - e: Reject Errors in Football - e: Release of Excess Funds - e: Renal Erythropoietic Factor - e: Reporting from External Files - e: Romanian Engineers Forum - f: Refondue Ref. d: Referat[e] - d: Referendar - d: Referendum - d: Referenten] - d: Referenz - d: Reformation] - e: Referred - e: Refining - e: Reform - e: Refunding ref. d: reflektorisch - d: reformieren - d: reformiert - e: reference - e: refraction - e: refrigerating machinery - e: refund REFA d: Reichsausschuß für Arbeitsstudien und Betriebsorganisation e.V. - d: Reichsausschuß für Arbeitszeitermittlung - e: Real Estate Fund of America REFA Nachrichten d: Reichsausschuß für Arbeitszeitermittlung Nachrichten (journ.) REFASH e: Refashion[ed] REFAVIC s: Refugios para Aviones de Combate Ref Ch e: Reformed Church REFCOM e: Refuse Conversion to Methane REFCORP e: Resolution Funding Corporation REFD d: Referendar - e: Referred - e: refund refd. e: referred [to]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

REFDAT-Ü d: Referenzdaten für DV-Anwendungen der leitergebundenen Übertragungstechnik REFD CONC e: Reinforced Concrete REF DENT e: Referring Dentist REF DES e: Reference Designation REFD MET e: Reinforced Metal REFDOCfT] e: Referring Doctor REFD PLY e: Reinforced Plywood REFE d: Rechenfeld REFESA i: Rede Ferrovidria Federal refeso 1: reflux esophagitis REFFO e: Refugee from Europe REFFREQ e: Reference Frequency REFG e: Refrigerate[d] - e: Refrigerating - e: Refrigeration refg c[o]nt[r]. e: refrigerated container Refg Pit e: Refrigerating Plant RefH d: Haushaltsreferent REFIL e: Recharge [d] from Inversion Layer REFL e: Reference Line - e: Reflectance] - e: Reflection - e: Reflective - e: Reflector - e: Reflex[ive] Refl. d: Reflektant - d: Reflektor - d: Reflex[ion] - d: Reflexivum refl. d: reflektieren[d] - d: reflektiert - d: reflexiv - e: reflector - e: reflex REFLD e: Reflected REFLEC e: Reflection REFLECS e: Retrieval From Literature on Electronics and Computer Science[s] REFLECT e: Reflectometer REFLES e: Reference Librarian Enhancement System Ref Libr e: Reference Librarian REFLOLOVAL s: Empresa Agricola de Reflorestamento e Oliveiras Ltda. REFLPRON e: Reflexive Pronoun REFMT e: Reinforcement Ref. No. e: Reference Number Ref.n.r.e. e: Refused, not reversible error REFNY e: Refinery REFO d: Bundesfachverband Deutscher Reformhäuser - d: Reparatur- und Erhaltungsfonds REFORM e: Relationship of Firepower of Rifles and Machineguns reform, d: reformieren - d: reformiert Reform e: Reformatory Reforma e: National Association of Spanish-Speaking Librarians in the United States Reform. Inst, e: Reformation of Instruments REFORS e: Replacement Forecasting System REFORST e: Reforestation Ref. Ose. Amp. e: Reference Oscillator Amplifier REFP e: Reference Papers REFPHOCON e: Reference to Telephone Conversation REFPHY[S] e: Referring Physician REF PRESS e: Reference Pressure


REFR REFR e: Refraction - e: Refractive - e: Refractory - e: Refrigerate - e: Refrigerating - e: Refrigeration - e: Refrigerator REFRA e: Recent Freezing Rain REFRAD e: Release from Active Duty REFRADT e: Released from Active Duty for Training REFR[AN]ACDUTRA e: Release from [Annual] Active Duty for Training REFRAT e: Released from Annual Training REFRD e: Refrigerated REFRG e: Refrigerate REFRG[N] e: Refrigeration REFR[I]G e: Refrigrator Refrig Eng e: Refrigerating Engineering REFRIGN e: Refrigeration REFS e: References - e: Remote Entry Flexible Security - e: Royal English Forestry Society REFSE d: Russisch-Europäische Frühjahr[s]-Sommer-Enzphalitis REFSEARCH e: Reference Materials Searching System REFSMMAT e: Reference [to] Stable Member Matrix REFSYS e: Reference System REFT e: Release for Experimental Flight Test REFTEMP e: Reference Temperature REFTONE e: Reference Tone REFTRA e: Refresher Training REFTS e: Resonant Frequency Tracking System REFÜ d: Rechnungsführung REFUL e: Refuelling REFURB e: Refurbished] REFURDIS e: Reference Your Dispatch REFURLTR e: Reference Your Letter Ref. w.m. e: Refused, want of merit REFY e: Refinery Ref Zhu R: Referativnyi Zhurnal REG d: Radioenzephalogramm - d: Regen - d: Regulator - d: Reichserbhofgesetz - d: Reihenendgehäuse - d: Rheoenzephalograf - d: Rheoenzephalogramm - d: Rückerstattungsgesetz - d: Ruhrtal-Elektrizitätsgesellschaft - e: Radiation Exposure Guide - e: Radioencephalogram[me] - e: Radioencephalograph[y] - e: Radioisotope Electro-Generator - e: Random Event Generator - e: Range Extender with Gain - e: Rare-Earth Garnet - e: Regenerate^] - e: Regeneration - e: Regenerative - e: Regenerator - e: Region[al] - e: Registered] - e: Registration - e: Registry - e: Regression analysis - e: Regular - e: Regulate[d] - e: Regulation - e: Regulator - e: Repair and Evacuation Group - e: Rheoencephalogram[me]


- e: Rheoencephalograph[er] - e: Rheoencephalography Reg d: Regenerator - d: Register - d: Registration - d: Registratur reg d: regional Reg. d: Regentschaft] - d: Regierung[s...] - d: Regime - d: Region - d: Registrierung - d: Regulator - d: Regulierung - e: Regeneration - e: Registered] - e: Registrar - e: Registration - e: Registration [Cases] - e: Registry - e: Regulation - e: Regulatory -1: Regina reg. d: regenerieren - d: regeneriert - d: regieren - d: registrieren - d: registriert - d: regulär - d: regulieren - d: reguliert - e: region - e: registered - e: registry - e: regular R e G A d: Gebührenbeanstandungen u. Auskünfte im Fernmelderechnungsdienst R E G A B O N f: Radio Électricité Gabonaise R E G A C K e: Register Acknowledgement R E G A D e: Regenerate Address R e g A F e: Regular Air Force R e G A L d: Leiter d. Kräftegruppe Gebührenbeanstandungen u. Auskünfte im Fernmelderechnungsdienst R E G A L e: Range and Elevation [or Evaluation] Guidance for Approach and Landing - e: Remote Generalized Application Language Reg.-Anz. d: Regierungsanzeiger Reg. App. e: Registration Appeals Reg Arch e: Registered Architect REGARD e: Ruby, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst, Ruby, Diamond Reg-At d: Register-Auslandsteil RegB d: Regierungsbibliothek REGB d: Registerband - d: Registerblock Reg.-Bd. d: Registerband RegBef d: Registerbefehl Reg[-]Bez d: Regierungsbezirk Reg.[-]B1. d: Regierungsblatt Reg.-Bm[str], d: Regierungsbaumeister Reg. Bot. e: Regular Bottle R e g B R d: Regierungsbaurat Reg. Brev. e: Register of Writs Reg. Cas. e: Registration Cases Reg-Cs d: Register-Codespeicher REG[']D e: Registered Reg. Deb. [G.&S.] e: Gales & Seatons Register of Debates in Congress RegE d: Regierungsentwurf Regel, d: Regelung regelm. d: regelmäßig

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Regelungstechn. Prax. Prozess-R d: Regelungstechnische Praxis und ProzeßRechentechnik (journ.) REGEN e: Regenerate^] - e: Regeneration [Generator] - e: Regenerative [repeater] - e: Regenerator [process] Regenerier, d: Regenerierung Reg.-Ent. d: Regierungsentwurf Regent U[niv]. L. Rev. e: Regent University Law Review Regg i: Reggimento R E G [ - ] G E N e: Registrar-General Reg. Gen. 1: Regulae Generates Reggio i: Reggio di Calabria - i: Reggio nel'Emilia R E G I C f: Société Générale d'Industrie du Cameroun Régie f: Régie Nationale des Usines Renault REGI-FERCAM f: Régie Nationale des Chemins de Fer du Cameroun REG IND e: Register Indication Regional Rail Reorg. Ct. e: Special Court Regional Rail Reorganization Act REGIS e: Registered] - e: Registration - e: Registry - e: Relational General Information - e: Relational General Information System - e: Remote Graphie Instruction Set - e: Remote Graphics Instruction Set Regis. L. T . e: Registration of Land titles Reg. Jud. e: Registrum Judiciales, Register of Judicial Writs RegKomF d: Regierungskommission Femmeldewesen Regl. d: Reglementierung] reg[']l[ar] e: regular Reg. Lib. e: Register Book - e: Registrars Book, Chancery REGLN e: Regulation REGN e: Registry Number[s] REGNAP e: Regional Factors Affecting Conflict and Land Force Requirements for North Americ Reg.-Nr. d: Registriernummer Regns. e: Regulations Reg. Om. Brev. 1: Registrum Omnium Brevium Reg. Orig. 1: Registrum Originale Reg P e: Regents Park College, Oxford Reg. Pl[ac.] 1: Regula Placitandi RegPrakt d: Regierungspraktikant Reg.-Pr[äs]. d: Regierungspräsident - d: Regierungspräsidium Reg Prof e: Regius Professor REGR a: Registrar - e: Regrinding - e: Regulator REGRA d: Regressionsanalyse - e: Regression Analysis Reg.[-]R[at] d: Regierungsrat REGS e: Regions - e: Regulars Reg[']s e: Regulations REGs e: Repair and Evacuation Groups RegSp d: Registerspeicher Reg-St d: Register-Steuerteil RegSta e: Regulating Station REGT d: Regiment reg.t. e: register ton Reg.-T. d: Registertonne regt[l]. e: regiment[al] Reg TM e: Registered Trade Mark R E G T [ 0 ] N e: Register Ton

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschuft und Technik

reliq. REGU e: Regulable - e: Regular - e: Regularize - e: Regularly - e: Regulate - e: Regulator [alarm] reg.umb. s: regio umbilicalis RegUnterhV d: Regelunterunterhaltsverordnung regurg e: regurgitant - e: regurgitate - e: regurgitation Reg.Writ, e: Register of Writs Reg-Ws d: Register-Wahlspeicher reg.Wz. d: registriertes Warenzeichen REGY e: Regional Employment Growth [program for] Youth REH d: Rehau - d: Richtlinien zur Einrichtungshilfe - e: Random Evolutionary Hits - e: Rehearsal - e: Respiration-Enhancing Hormone - e: Right End of Heart Reha d: Rehabilitation Reha[-]AnglG d: RehabilitationsAngleichungsgesetz Rehab e: [Department of] Rehabilitation rehab e: rehabilitate Rehab Dept e: Rehabilitation Department Reha-Zentrum d: Rehabilitationszentrum REHC e: Random Evolutionary Hits per Codon Reh'g. e: Rehearing REHIS e: Royal Environmental Health Institute Scotland REHVA e: Representatives of [the] European Heating and Ventilating Association REI d: Rat der Europaischen Industrieverbände - d: Reisegepäck - e: Rate of Exploitation Invariance - e: Recognition Equipment, Incorporated - e: Relative Erodability - e: Repair Engineering Instruction - e: Request for Engineering Information - e: Request for Engineering Investigation - e: Research-Engineering Interaction - e: Reusable External Insulation - f: Régie Aérienne Interinsulaire R&EI e: Religion and Ethics Institute REIA d: Radio-Enzymimmunoassay Reib, d: Reibung REIC e: Latin American Regional Electric Integration Commission - e: Radiation Effects Information Center - e: Rare Earth Information Center - e: Renewable Energy Information Center - e: Republic Electronic Industries Corporation - e: Rure Earth Information Center Reichenhall d: Bad Reichenhall Reid P.L. Dig. e: Reids Digest of Scotch Poor Law Cases Reif, d: Reifung REIG e: Rare Earth Iron Garnet[s] REIL e: Runway End Identification [or Identifier] Light[s] Reilly e: Reilly's English Arbitration Cases Reilly E.A. e: Reilly, European Arbitration REILS e: Runway End Identifier Light System REILs e: Runway End Identification Lights REIM e: Reimburse REIMB e: Reimburse[ment] Reimp. d: Reimport

re-imp e: re-import REIN e: Reinforce[d] - e: Reinforcement - e: Reinforcing reincorp e: reincorporate^] REINF e: Reinforcefd] - e: Reinforcement - e: Reinforcing REINFD e: Reinforced Reinfg e: Reinforcing REINFM[T] e: Reinforcement Reinheitsprüf. d: Reinheitsprüfung Reinig, d: Reinigung REINIT e: Recovery Initialization REINS e: Radar-Equipped Inertial Naval System - e: Radar-Equipped Inertial Navigation System - e: Radio-Equipped Inertial Navigation System - e: Requirements Electronic Input System Reinschr. d: Reinschrift REINSD. e: Reinsured REINST, e: Reinstate REINT e: Reinitialization Reinz d: Reinz-Dichtungs-GmbH REIS e: Readiness Information System - e: Reconstitutable & Enduring Intelligence System ReiSch d: Reiheschießen Reiseg. d: Reisegeld - d: Reisegepäck Reisek[G] d: Reisekosten[gesetz] ReisekO d: Reisekostenordnung REIT e: Real Estate Investment Trust REIV e: Rocket Engine Injector Valve REIWA e: Real Estate Institute of Western Australia rej e: reject - e: rejected - e: rejection rejase e: re-using junk as something else REJEN e: Remote Job Entry Rej. Freq. e: Rejection Frequency REJN e: Rejoin Rek. d: Rekultivierung REK e: Reykjavik, Iceland RekE d: Rekursentscheidung rekenk n: rekenkunde Rekl. d: Reklamationen] - d: Reklame REKOAN d: Rechnergestützte Konstruktion von Antrieben REKONE d: Rechnergestützte Konstruktion Elektrischer Antriebe Rekrist, d: Rekristallisation rekrist. d: rekristallisieren - d: rekristallisiert Rekrit. d: Reynoldskriterium REKU n: Raditoren-en Ketel-Unie REL d: Relais - d: Relief - e: Radiation Evaluation Loop[s] - e: Radio Engineering Laboratories - e: Rapidly Extensible Language - e: Rare Earth Laser - e: Rate of Energy Loss - e: Regional Education Laboratory - e: Relation - e: Relative - e: Relay - e: Release message - e: Re!ease[d] - e: Reliability - e: Relieve - e: Religionist]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Relocatable - e: Relocation - e: Reluctance - e: Rescue Equipment Locker - e: Robert Edward Lee - e: Runway Edge Lights - r: Riksförbundet för Electrikfieringen pa Landsbygden rel f: relie - f: reliure Rel. d: Relais - d: Relativität - d: Relegation - d: Religion - d: Relikt - d: Reling - d: Reliquie[n] - e: Relation[s] - f: Relais rel. d: relativieren] - d: relevant - e: relating - e: relation - e: relative - e: released - e: reliability - e: reluctance RELACES e: Remote Laser Controlled Exploder System REL ACK e: Release Acknowledgement RELACS e: Radar Emission Location Attack Control System Rel. Adv. e: Relative Adverb relat. d: relativ RELAT e: Relativity RELAU e: Releasing Authority RELAY e: Communications satellite Relbl e: Reliability RELC e: Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church - e: Regional Educational Laboratory for the Carolinas - e: Regional English Language Centre REL Chart e: Relationship Chart RELCOD e: Relative Coding RELCODE e: Relative Code RELCOMP e: Reliability Computation RELCTD e: Relocated RELCV e: Regional Educational] Laboratory for the Carolinas and Virginia RELD e: Rare Earth Laser Device - e: Relayed - e: Relieved RELE e: Radio Electrician RELEASE e: Release for Calls Relectronic e: Reliability in Electronics rel. Feucht, d: relative Feuchte RELHS e: Robert E. Lee High School REL HUM e: Relative Humidity RELI d: Rechnungsliste - e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers] Reliability (journ.) - e: Religion Index reliab e: reliability RELICOM d: Magnetband für die Verfilmung der Rechnungsliste RELID e: Relation Identity RELIG e: Religion - e: Religious Relig. d: Religion Relig. Corp. e: Religious Corporations Relig. Soc. e: Religious Societies RELIPOSIS e: Research Liaison Panel on Scientific Information Services reliq. 1: reliquus


RelKE[rz]G RelKE[rz]G d: Gesetz Uber religiose Kindererziehung RELKIN e: Relativistic Kinematics RELL e: Reinforced Education Learning Laboratory RELLA e: Regional European Long Lines Agency RELNAV e: Relative Navigation RELOC e: Relocate - e: Relocate[d] - e: Relocation RELOG d: Relais und Logik RELP e: Residual Excited Linear Prediction - e: Residual Excited Linear Predictive Coding RELPAS e: Restricted Express Lists/ Physiological Activity Section RELP Coding e: Residual Excited Linear Predictive Coding Rel. Pron. e: Relative Pronoun Rel.&Pub. Order e: Religion and the Public Order RELPYS e: Reliability Physics Symposium RELQ e: Release-Quiesce RELR e: Revised and Expurgated Law Reports REL[-]R e: Reliability Report RELS e: Rapidly Extensible Language System - e: Release RelSch d: Relaisschiene REL System e: Rapidly Extensible Language System RELTUP e: Relation Tuple List RELV e: Relieve RELY e: Required Software Reliability REM d: Randelementemethode - d: Rasterelektronenmikroskop[ie] - d: Raumbildentfernungsmesser - d: Regeln für [die Bewertung und Prüfung] Elektrischer Maschinen - d: Reichminister[ium] für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft - d: Reichsernährungsminister[ium] - e: Radiation Equivalent Man - e: Range Evaluation Missile - e: Rapid Eye Movements] - e: Rare-Earth Metal - e: Recognition Memory - e: Reconnaissance Equipment Materials - e: Recovery Exercise Module - e: Rectifier Equipment Module - e: Reentry Module - e: Reflection Electron Microscopy - e: Registered Equipment Management - e: Reliability Engineering Model - e: Remainder - e: Remaining] - e: Remark - e: Reminder - e: Remission - e: Remit - e: Remote[-Manual] - e: Removal - e: Remove[d] - e: Replacement Micrographs - e: Replica Electron Microscopy - e: Research Evaluation Method - e: Rocket Engine Module - e: Roentgen Equivalent Man - e: Rugged Enhanced Multiprocessor - f: Revue d'Electricité et de Mécanique, Paris (journ.) - f: Roquette Electromagnetique - s: Radio Emisora de Madrid

Rem d: Reminende - d: Remscheid - e: Remington - e: Remittance - e: Removable - e: Roentgen Equivalent Man Rem. e: Remitted rem. e: remanentia - e: remedy - e: remittance -1: remanentia Rema d: Braunschweiger Rechenmaschinenfabrik GmbH REMA e: Radio Electrical Manufacturers Association - e: Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association - e: Remocaldo con Motor Auxiliar - e: Rotating Electrical Machines Association REMAB e: Radiation Equivalent Manikin Absorption - e: Remote Marshalling Base REMAC e: Remote Acquisition REMAC Subsystem e: Remote Data Acquisition Subsystem REMAD e: Remote Magnetic Anomaly Detection REMAP e: Record Extraction, Manipulation and Print - e: Regional Environmental Management Allocation Process REMARC e: Retrospective MachineReadable Catalogue] REMARCS e: Resource Management Accounting Reporting and Control System Remarkables e: Remarkable Range of mountains in New Zealand's South Island REMAS e: Radiation Effects Machine Analysis System - e: Regie Makler-Software - e: Remote Energy Monitor/Alarm System REMAT e: Research Center for Management of New Technology REMAVENCA s: Refmadora de Maiz Venzolana REMBASS e: Remote Monitoring Ballistic Area Surveillance System - e: Remotely Monitored Battlefield Area Sensor System Rem bk e: Remarkable REMBLE e: Remarkable REMC e: Radio and Electronics Measurements Committee - e: Regional Educational Media Center - e: Resin-Encapsulated Mica Capacitor REMCA e: Reliability, Maintainability, Cost Analysis REMCAL e: Radiation Equivalent Manikin Calibration REMCAM e: Repairable Multilayer Circuit Assembly Method REMCE e: Remittance REMCO e: Rear Echelon Maintenance Combined Operation REM COV e: Removable Cover Rem. Cr. Tr. e: Remarkable Criminal Trials REMD e: Rapid Eye Movement [sleep] Deprivation - e: Remanded - e: Removed REMDEG e: Reliability and Maintenance Data Exchange Guide REMDOS e: Remote Disc [or Disk] Operating System REME e: Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers


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RE Mech e: Radio Electrical Mechanician REME Journal e: Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Journal REME[TA] e: Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers [Territorial Army] REMG e: Radioelectromyocardiograph - e: Radioelectromyogram[me] - e: Radioelectromyograph[y] Rem'g. e: Remanding REMI e: Reliability Engineering and Management Institute - e: Removable, Reentrancy, Miniature REMIC e: Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit REMICA e: Reconstructed Mica - e: Recovered Mica REMI Connector e: Removable, Reentrancy, Miniature Connector REMICS e: Real time Manufacturing Information Control System REMIL d: Rechnungen für militärische Bedarfsträger - p: Refinaria de Milho Apucarana REMILOC e: Required [Inservice] Manyears in Lieu of Controls REMIN e: Regional Mangrove Information Network Remington, Bankruptcy e: Remington on Bankruptcy REMIS e: Real Estate Management Information System REMIT e: Research Effort Management Information Tabulation Remitt. e: Remittance REML e: Radiation Effects Mobile Laboratory - e: Risley Engineering and Materials Laboratory REMLAC e: Regional System for Microelectronics in Latin America R E M O e: Real-Time Event Monitor - e; Remote Radar Operator REMOCONT e: Remote Test Control REMOMAINT e: Remote Test for Maintenance REMON d: Rechnungsmonat - e: Real-time Event Monitor REMOS e: Real-Time Event Monitoring System REMOTE e: Reflective Mossbauer Technique REMOVE e: Remote Measurement of Vehicle Emission REMP e: Rapid Eye Movement Period - e: Research Group for European Migration Problems REMP Bulletin e: Research Group for European Migration Problems Bulletin (journ.) REM-Phase e: Rapid Eye Movement Phase REMPI e: Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization REMR e: Remainder - e: Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation REM-RAND e: Remington Rand REM-RED e: Reflection Electron Microscopy-Reflection Electron Diffraction REMREED e: Remanent Reed REMS e: Rapid-Eye-Movement Sleep - e: Rapid Eye Movement State - e: Reentry Measurement System - e: Registered Equipment Management System - e: Remote Sensors REMs e: Recognition Memories

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Rep Arabe Yem rem[s] f: rémora[s] REMSA d: Röntgenemissionsmikrospektralanalyse - e: [Joint] Requirements for Emergency and Safety - e: Railway Electrical and Mechanical Supply Association - e: Railway Engineering Maintenance Suppliers Association REMSCAN e: Remote Sensor Communication and Navigation REMSCO e: Raytheon European Management Systems Company REM SLEEP e: Rapid-eye-movement [paradoxical] Sleep REMSTAR e: Remote Electronic Microfilm [in] Storage Transmission and Retrieval REMT e: Radiological Emergency Medical Teams - e: Relief Electronic Maintenance Technician - e: Remainder of Time Division Rem. Tr. No. Ch. e: Bensons Remarkable Trials and Notorious Characters RE-MTS e: Rare Earth-Muffin-Tin Sphere Rem-UMC e: Remington-Union Metallic Cartridge [company] remun e: remuneration REMUS d: Rechnergesteuertes einheitliches Meß- und Prüfsystem - e: Routine for Executive Multi-Unit Simulation REM Valve e: Relay Emergency Valve REMVD e: Removed REN d: Relative Einrichtungsnummer - e: Remote Enable - e; Renew[al] - e; Ringer Equivalence Ren. d: Renaissance - d: Renovation - d: Renuntiation - e: Renners Reports, Gold Coast Colony - e: Renumeration - f: Renaissance ren. d: renovieren ren. 1: renovetur RENA d: Reihennebenstellenanlage Renaissance Stud, e: Renaissance Studies RenAM e: Renault American Motors RENARE p: Dirección Nacional de Recursos Naturales Renovables Renault-A d: Renault Österreich AG Renault-CH f: Renault Suisse S.A. Renault-D d: Deutsche Renault AG Renault-I i: Renault Italia S.p.A. Renault-NL n: Renault Nederland B.V. Renault-P p: Renault de Portugal Renault-RA s: Renault Argentin S.A. Renault-UK e: Renault United Kingdom RENDIS d; Rechnergestützter Entwurf Digitaler Steuerungen RENDZ e: Rendezvous RENE e: Rocket-Engine Nozzle Ejector RENEX e: Rendevous Expert System Renf e: Renfrew RENFE s: Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Españoles RENM e: Ready for Next Message - e: Request for Next Message RENMR e: Reconnaissance Medium Range Renn, e: Renner, Reports, Notes of Cases Gold Coast Colony and Colony of Nigeria RennwG d: Rennwett- und Lotteriegesetz RENO e: Reduction of Noise Level of Operational Aircraft RENOSEM e: Removable Nonvolatile Semiconductor Memory

RENOT e: Regional Notice RENPE e: Rare and Endangered Native Plant Exchange Re-Nr. d: Nummer der Fernmelderechnungsstelle RENR d: Rechnungsnummer RENS e: Radiation Effects on Network Systems - e: Reconnaissance Electronic Warfare and Naval Intelligence System ren. sem. 1: renovetum semel RENT e: Reentry Nose Tip RentAufbG d: Rentenaufbesserungsgesetz Rentb[k] d: Rentenbank Rentcon e: Rent-a-container REntS e: Royal Entomological Society of London RENTWA d: Radarentwicklungsmodell für Luft- und Seeziele RENUM e: Renumber[ing] - e: Renumeration Re Number e: Reynolds Number Ren.-US e: Renault USA RENV e: Renovate - e: Renovation RENVA a: Reng0rings-og Vagtselskabernes Arbejdsgiverforening R-Enzym e: Amylopektin-1,6-glukosidase REO e: Ransom Eli Olds [Early American automobile] - e: Rare-Earth Oxide - e: Real Estate Owned - e: Regenerated Electrical Output - e: Regional Education Officer - e: Rocket Engine Operations REOC e: Report when Established on Course REON e: Rocket Engine OperationsNuclear REOPT e: Reorder Point REORG e: Reorganize^] Reorg. e: Reorganizations REORG[N] e: Reorganization Reorg. Plan e: Reorganization Plans REOS e: Rare-Earth Oxides - e: Rare-Earth Oxysulfide REOs e: Real-Estate-Owned banking departments REOS e: Reflective Electron Optical System REOT e: Remote Electric Drive Turret System - e: Right-End-of-Tape REOU e: Radio and Electronic Officers Union REOURRAD e: Reference Our Radio REOURTEL e: Reference Our Telegram REOURTT e: Reference Our Teletype REO-Viren d: Respiratory-EntericOrphan-Viren REO Virus[es] e: RespiratoryEntericorphan Virus [es] REOX e: Reverse Etching of Oxide REP d: Rahmeneingangs-Prozessor - d: Raster-Einheiten-Paletten-System - d: Realisiertes Entwicklungsprojekt - d: Retrogrades Pyelogramm - e: Radar Evaluation Pad - e: Radical Education Project - e: Range Error Probable - e: Recovery and Evacuation Program - e: Reentrant Processor - e: Reentry Physics Program - e: Regional Employment Premium - e: Registry Enhancement Project - e: Relativistic Electron Precipitation - e: Reliability Evaluation Program

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Remote Emergency Power - e: Rendezvous Evaluation Pad - e: Rendezvous Exercise Pad - e: Repair[ed] - e: Repairing - e: Reparation - e: Repealed] - e: Repeater - e: Repertory - e: Replication - e: Reply - e: Reported] - e: Reporter - e: Reporting [Point] - e: R e p r e s e n t i n g ] - e: Representation - e: Representative - e: Republic Corporation - e: Repulsion - e: Reputation - e: Request for Proposals] - e: Research Expenditure Proposal - e: Reserve Enlisted [or Enlistment] Program - e: Retrograde Pyelogram - e: River Engineering Program - e: Rocket Engine Processor - e: Roentgen Equivalent Physical - e: Rotating Electrode Process - i: Reparto - s: Secao de Reproducoes Rep d: Reparationen] - d: Reparatur - d: Reporter - e: Repetition - e: Reported] - e: Representation] - e: Republican] Rep. d: Reparatur - d: Repetitor - d: Report[age] - d: Republikaner] - d: Repulsion - d: Reputation - e: Repeal - e: Repealed - e: Reported] - e: Reporter - e: Reports - e: Representing - e: Reprint - e: Republican] - f: Repertoire -1: Repetatur rep. d: reparieren - d: repariert - d: repetieren - d: repetiert - e: repair - e: reparation - e: repeat - e: repetatur - e: repetition - e: report - e: representative R-EP e: Rational-Emotive Psychotherapy REPA e: Research and Engineers Professional Employees Association REPAG d: Raketen-Einstell-Prüf- und Abfeuergerät - e: Repagination REPAIR e: Reperfusion in Acute Infarction Rotterdam REPAL f: Recherche et d'Exploitation des Pétroles en Algérie - s: Representacoes de Produtos Alimenticios Rep Arabe Yem i: República Arabe del Yemen 173

Rep A r g Rep Arg s: República Argentina REPAS e: Research, Evaluation and Planning Assistance repbed. d: reparaturbedürftig Rep Bot e: Republic of Botswana REPC e: Racial Ethnic Parent Councils - e: Regional Economic Planning Council - e: Removable, Reentrancy Printed Circuit Rep Cabo Verde p: República de Cabo Verde R E P C A T e: Report Corrective Action Taken REPC Connector e: Removable, Reentrancy Printed Circuit Connector Rép Cent f: République Centrafricaine Rep. Ch. e: Reports in Chancery Rep Chile s: República de Chile Rep Col s: República de Colombia Rep. Com. Cas. e: Report of Commercial Cases REPCOMDESPAC e: Representative of Commander Destroyers, Pacific Fleet REPCON e: Rain Repella« and Surface Conditioner Rép Côte d'Ivoire f: République de la Côte d'Ivoire Rep CR s: República de Costa Rica Rep. Cr. L. Com. e: Reports of Criminal Law Commissioners REPD e: Repaired - e: Reported Rep de Bol s: República de Bolivia Rep de Cuba s: República de Cuba Rep Dem Pop Yem i: República Democratica Popular del Yemen Rep Dem Sao Tome Prin p: República Democrática de Sao Tome e Principe Rep de Pan s: República de Panama Rép d'Haiti f: République d'Haiti Repdn e: Reproduction Rep Dom s: República Dominicana REPDU e: Report[ing] for Duty REPE e: Radio Engineering Europe Rep Ecu s: República del Ecuador REPEET e: Reusable Engines, Partially External Expendable Tankage REPELS e: Reemitted Positron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Rep El S s: República de El Salvador REPERF e: Reperforator Repert. 1: Repertorium REPESA s: Refinería de Petroleos de Escombreras, S A . REPESCA s: Rede Pesqueira Carioca - s: Representacoes de Equipamentos de Pesca REPET e: Repetition Rep. Fam. L. e: Reports of Family Law Rep Fed Bra p: República Federativa do Brasil Rép Fran f: République Française RepG d: Reparationsschädengesetz Rép Gab f: République Gabonaise Rep Ghana e: Republic of Ghana Rep Gua s: República de Guatemala Rép Gui f: République de Guinée Rep Gui-Bis p: República de Guiné-Bissau Rep Gui Ecu s: República de Guinea Ecuatorial Rep Hond s: República de Honduras REPIN e: Reply if Negative REPIS e: Reserve Personnel Management Information System REPISIC e: Report Immediate Superior in Command


Rep Isl M a u r f: République Islamique de Mauritanie Rep Ital i: Repubblica Italiana Rep. Jur. 1: Repertorium Juridicum Rep.-K. d: Reparaturkosten Rep Kiri e: Republic of Kiribati REPL e: Replace[d] - e: Replacement - e: Replacing - e: Replication -1: Replica REPLAB e: Responsive Environment Programmed Laboratory REPLDEV e: Replace Logical Device Replev. e: Replevin Rep Lib e: Republic of Liberia REPLN e: Replenish REPLTR e: Report [by] Letter REPM e: Representative[s] of Electronic Products Manufacturers RePMA e: Release Paper Manufacturers Association Rep Mal e: Republic of Malawi Rép Mali f: République du Mali Repm[n] e: Repairman Rep Nauru e: Republic of Nauru Rep Nie s: República de Nicaragua Rép Nig f: République du Niger REPO e: Remote Emergency Power Off - e: Report Print-Out - e: Reporting Officer - e: Repossessed] - e: Repossession REPO MEN e: Repossession Men REP[-]OP e: Repetitive Operation[s] Rep Ori Uru s: República Oriental del Uruguay REPORTER e: Radar Equipment Providing Omnidirectional Reporting of Targets at Extended Ranges - e: Report writer REPO[s] e: Repurchase agreements] Rep Öst d: Republik Österreich REPPAC e: Repetitively] Pulses [or Pulsed] Plasma Accelerator Rep Para s: República del Paraguay Rep. Pat. [Des&Tr.] Cas. e: Reports of Patents, Designs & Trademark Cases Rep Peru s: República del Peru Rep Phil e: Republic of the Philippines Rép Pop Ben f: République Populaire du Benin Rép Pop Con f: République Populaire du Congo Rep Pop de Ang p: República Popular de Angola Rep Pop Moç p: República Popular de Moçambique Rep Port p: República Portuguesa Rep Prog Phys e: Reports on Progress in Physics REP Program e: Re-Entry Physics Program Rep. Progr. Appl. Chem. e: Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry (journ.) Rep. Progr. Phys. e: Reports on Progress in Physics (journ.) repPT e: repeated Puncture Technique Repr. d: Repräsentanten] - d: Repräsentation - d: Repressalien - d: Reprivatisierung - d: Reproduktion - d: Reprographie

© K • G • Saur. München

REPR e: Real Estate Planning Report - e: Repairman - e: Representation - e: Representative - e: Reprint[ed] - e: Reprinting - e: Representing] - e: Reprint[ed] Repr. Acts W. Austl. e: Reprinted Acts of Western Australia REPREX e: Representative Extraction Repro d: Reproduktion REPRO e: Reproduce - e: Reproduce[d] - e: Reproducer - e: Reproducing - e: Reproduction Reprod. d: Reproduktion - e: Reproduction, ive] REPROG d: Regionale Prognosen REPROM e: Reprogrammable Memory REP[-]ROM e: Reprogrammable ROM [Read-Only Memory] RePROMs e: Reprogrammable Read-Only Memories REPRO TYP e: Reproduction Typing [or Typist] REPROV d: Rechnergestützte Programmbearbeitung in der Vermittlungstechnik REPS e: Railfway] Express Parcel Service - e: Repetitive Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator - e: Representatives - e: Research, Publications and Secondment rep. sem. 1: repetatur semel Rép Seneg f: République du Sénégal Rep Sey e: Republic of the Seychelles RepSh e: Repair Shop REPSHIP[S] e: Report of Shipments] Rep Sierra Leone e: Republic of Sierra Leone Rep Singa e: Republic of Singapore REPSNO e: Reporting] through Senior Naval Officer Rep Suid-Afrik A: Republiek van Suid-Afrika Rep Sur n: Republiek Suriname Rep Suri e: Suriname Republic REPT e: Receipt - e: Repealing] - e: Reported] - e: Reporting - e: Reprint - e: Reptile - e: Reptilia[n] Rept 1: Reptilia rept. e: receipt -1: repetarur Rép Tch f: République du Tchad REPTD e: Repeated REPTOF e: Reporting Officer Rép Togo f: République Togolaise Rep T&T e: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Rep.t.Talb. e: Reports tempore Talbot, English Chancery Repub e: Republican] repub e: republication - e: republished] REPUBLIC e: Republic Aviation Corporation Rep Ugan e: Republic of Uganda Rep V e: Repair Locker 5 Rep Ven s: República de Venezuela Rép Zaire f: République du Zaire Rep Zambia e: Republic of Zambia

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

re/sec REQ e: Request - e: Require[d] - e: Requirement - e: Requisition REQADEX e: Request for Small Scale Air Defence Exercise REQAFA e: Request Advise as to Further Action REQAURQN e: Request Authority to Requisition REQ[']D e: Required REQDI e: Request Disposition Instructions REQEX e: Request Execute REQFOLINFO e: Request Following Information REQID e: Request if Desired REQINT Reply e: Request Interim Reply REQMAD e: Request Mailing Address REQMT e: Requirement REQN e: Requisition REQP e: Recursive Equality Quadratic Programming REQPER e: Request Permission REQREC e: Requested] Recommendation REQS e: Requires REQSI e: Request Shipping Instructions REQSSD e: Request Supply Status [and expected delivery] Date REQSSD e: Request Supply Status Date REQSUPSTAFOL e: Request Supply Status of Following REQT e: Requirement REQTAT e: Requested That REQTRAC e: Request Tracer REQTYPE e: Requestor] Type REQU e: Require REQUANS e: Request Answer REQUINT e: Request Interim REQVER e: Requirements Verification REQWQ e: Requisition Word Queue RER d: Rauhes Endoplasmatisches Retikulum - e: Radar Effects Reactor - e: Radiation Effects Reactor - e: Radio and Electrical Retailing (journ.) - e: Railway Equipment Register - e: Receiver Exciter Ranging - e: Redundant Element Removal - e: Rerun - e: Residual Error Rate - e: Reusable-Expendable-Reusable - e: Reverse Error Reporting - e: Rough Endoplasmatic Reticulum - e: Rubberized Equipment Repair - s: Réseau Express Régional RE&R e: Research, Engineering and Reliability RERA e: Real Estate Risk Analysis Program - e: Recent Rain - e: Reclamation Era RERC e: Rare Earth Research Conference - e: Real Estate Research Corporation REREI e: Redwood Empire Research and Education Institute REREQ e: Reference Requisition - e: Resupply Requirements for the Army in the Field REREX e: Remote Readout Experiment RERF e: Radiation Effect[s] Research Foundation RERIC e: Regional Energy Resources Information Center RERL e: Residual Equivalent Return Loss RErlRii d: Rahmenerlaß zur Neuordnung des Rüstungsbereiches

RERO e: Royal Engineers Reserve of Officers RERP d: Retrograde Effektive Refraktärphase RES d: Radio Elektronik Schau (journ.) - d: Reichsbahnentwicklungsstelle - d: Retikuloendotheliales System - d: Rundschreibempfangsschiene - e: Radar Echo Simulation - e: Radar Environment Simulation - e: Radar Environment Simulator - e: Radiant Energy Systems, Inc. - e: Radiating EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse] Simulator - e: Radiation Enhanced Sublimation - e: Radiation Exposure State - e: Radio Equipment and Systems - e: Rapid Evaluation System - e: Reader Stop - e: Record Evaluation System - e: Regulations for Engineer Services [Peace] - e: Relief Electronics Specialist - e: Remote-access Editing System - e: Remote Entry Servicefs] - e: Remote Entry [Subsystem - e: Remote Experiment Station - e: Remote job Entry System - e: Reprint Expediting Service - e: Rescue - e: Research[er] - e: Reservation - e: Reserve - e: Reservoir - e: Reset [Signal] - e: Residence - e: Residential] - e: Residual Elastic Strain - e: Residue - e: Resistance - e: Resistance Electroslag [Surfacing] - e: Resistant - e: Resistivity - e: Resistor - e: Resolution - e: Resolver - e: Resource - e: Respiratory - e: Responder - e: Restore - e: Restraint System - e: Result - e: Resume - e: Reticuloendothelial System - e: Review of English Studies - e: Rothamsted Experimental Station - e: Royal Economic Society - e: Royal Entomological Society [of London] - f: Résistance - s: República de El Salvador REs e: Relation Entities Res. d: Resektion - d : Reservation - d : Reserve - d : Reservist - d : Reservoir - d : Residenz - d : Resignation - d : Resistenz - d : Resonanz -d: Resorbenz - d : Resorption - d : Ressort -d: Resultat - d : Resümee - e: Residence - e: Resident - e: Resolution [of a legislative body]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich

- e: Resolved - e: Resources res. d: reservieren - d: reserviert - d: residieren - e: research - e: reserve - e: residue - e: resigned - e: resistance - e: resistor R.E.S. e: Restructed Entry System RES 1 e: Research EMP [Electro-Magnetic Pulse] Simulator 1 RESA e: Reactive Electrode Submerged Arc - e: Regional Educational Service Agencies - e: Regional Educational Service Areas - e: Research Society of America [Scientific] - e: Runway End Safety Area RES ACK e: Resume Acknowledgement RESADOC f: Réseau Sahélien d'Information et Documentation Scientifique et Technique RES-ADP/EMD e: Responder-Adapter, EMD [Electro-Magnetic Pulse] ResAF e: Reserve of the Air Force RESAGRI f: Reseau de Documentation en Economie Agricole Res.-ALB d: Reservearmeelazarettbasis RESALIFT e: Reserve Airlift RESAR e: Reference Safety Analysis Report Res Aud e: Resident Auditor RESB e: Reverse Erased Second Breakdown Res. Bull., Univ. Calcutta e: Research Bulletin, University of Calcutta (journ.) [India] RESC e: Regional Educational Service Center - e: Regional Educational Service Centers - e: Rescinded] - e: Rescinding - e: Rescue RESC e: Royal Engineers and Signal Corps RESCAM e: Regional Center [or Centre] for Education in Science and Mathematics RESCAN e: Reflecting Satellite Communication^] Antenna RESCAP e: Resistor-Capacitor ResCAP e: Rescue Combat Air Patrol Res. Cas. e: Reserved Cases RESCO e: Refuse Energy Systems Company RESCRU e: Reserve Cruise RESCU e: Radio Emergency Search Communications Unit - e: Rocket Ejection Seat Catapult, Upward RESCUE e: Recovery Employing Storage Chute Used in Emergencies - e: Referring Emergency Service for Consumers Ultimate Enjoyment - e: Remote Emergency Salvage and Clean-Up Equipment RESD e: Research and Engineering Support Division RESDAT e: Restricted Data [Atomic Energy Act] RESDATS d: Reservierte Datensätze Res.&Dev. e: Research & Development (journ.) RESDIST e: Reserve District Research L.&Econ. e: Research in Law and Economics re/sec e: revolution[s] per second


RESEDA RESEDA d: Regional/Sektoral-Datei - e: Packet switched network - f: Réseau de Documentation en Économie Agricole RESEDA Transmission e: Research Data Transmission Res&Educ e: Research and Education Association RESEP e: Reentry System Environmental Protection Res.&Eq. Jfudgm]. e: Reserved & Equity Judgments, New South Wales RESER e: Re-entry Systems Evaluation Radar RESET e: Resetting RESEX e: Resource Executive RESFLD e: Residual Field RESFLG e: Reset Flag RESG e: Rare-Earth Scandium Garnet - e: Research Engineering Standing Group Res. Gamma Eta Gamma e: Rescript of Gamma Eta Gamma Res Gestae 1: Res Gestae RESGND e: Resigned RESH e: Recent Showers RESI d: Reaktionssicherheit - d: Reaktorsicherheit - d: Rechnersystem für G2/A2-Informationsverarbeitung - d: Reisegepäck- und Expreßgutsortierung - d: Reservierungssystem Interflug - e: Rechner-System Intelligence RES/IC e: Reserve-In Commission RESI Cell Line e: Rat Embryonic Skin Cell Line RESID e: Residual [oil] resid. e: residue resid[ual] GZ-curve e: residual curve of righting arms - e: residual curve of statical stability Resid.-Vol. d: Residualvolumen ResidVol e: Residual Volume RESIG e: Research and Engineering System Integration Group - e: Resignation Resign, d: Resignation resil e: resilient RESIN e: Resinous resin, e: resinify RESINCO s: Industria e Comercio de Residuos de Algodao Res Ipsa 1: Res Ipsa Loquitur RES/IS e: Reserve-In Service RESIST e: Replace Essential Supplies in Sufficient Time RESIS[T] e: Resistance - e: Resistor RESISTOJET e: Resistance-connective Jet engine RES, J. Reticuloendothel. Soc. e: RES Journal of the Reticuloendothelial Society Res Jud[ic]. 1: Res Judicatae RESL e: Royal Entomological Society of London RESLAB e: Research Laboratory ResLaz d: Reservelazarett Res. L. Deviance&Soc. Control e: Research in Law, Deviance & Social Control Res. L.&Econ. e: Research in Law and Economics Res. Librarianship e: Research in Librarianship (journ.) RESLOAD e: Resident Loader Res. L.&Soc. e: Research in Law and Sociology Res Lt e: Reserve Light

RESLV e: Resolve RESMA e: Railway Electric Supply Manufacturers Association RESN e: Recent Snow - e: Resonant - e: Resonate RESNA e: Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America RESNU e: Residential New RESO e: Recomputing with Shifted Operands RES/OC e: Reserve-Out of Commission RESOC e: Research Sonobuoy Configuration RESOJET e: Resonant-pulse Jet RESOL[N][UT] e: Resolution RESORS e: Remote Scanning Online Retrieval System - e: Remote Sensing Online Retrieval System RES/OS e: Reserve-Out of Service Resoz. d: Resozialisierung RESP e: Reference Equivalent Speaking Position - e: Regulated Electrical Supply Package - e: Remote-batch Station Program[me] - e: Respectively] - e: Respelling - e: Respiration [s] - e: Respirator - e: Respire - e: Respondent - e: Responder - e: Response - e: Responsibility - e: Responsible - e: Responsive - e: Revised Estimated Survival Probability Index Resp. d: Respekt - d: Respiration - d: Responsorium - e: Responsibility resp. d: respekive - d:respektabel - d: respektieren - d: respektiert - d: respektiv[e] - d: respiratorisch - e: respectively - e: respiratory - e: respondent - e: responsible RESPA e: Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Res Phys e: Resident Physician RESPIR e: Respiration - e: Respiratory RESPIROL e: Respirologic[al][ly] - e: Respirologist - e: Respirology RESPIROM e: Respirometer - e: Respirometric[al][ly] - e: Respirometrist - e: Respirometry RESPLAN d: Ressourcenplanungssystem Resp.Merid. 1: Responsa Meridiana RESPNBR e: Responder Number RESPO e: Responsible Property Officer RESPOND e: Retrieval, Entry, Storage and Processing of Online Network Data RESPONSA e: Retrieval of Special [or Specific] Portions from Nuclear Science Abstracts RESPR e: Responder RESPRACD e: Responder Access Code RESPRDN e: Responder Directory Number


© K • G • Saur, München

RESPRKEY e: Responder Key RESPRTBL e: Responder Table Resp't e: Respondent RESPUB e: Responsible Republicanism] RESQ e: Research Queueing Resr e: Resource[s] Res. Rev. [Office Aerosp. Res.] e: Research Review [Office of Aerospace Research] (journ.) RESRT e: Resort - e: Restart RESRVN e: Reservation Ress. d: Ressort - d: Ressource RESS e: Radar Echo Simulation Study - e: Radar Echo Simulation [Subsystem - e: Radar Environment Simulator System - e: Radio Echo Simulation Study - e: Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solutions RESSA e: Regional Engineering Students Societies Association Ressch d: Reserveschaltung RES Seat e: Resilient Seat Res Sec e: Resident Secretary RESSI e: Real Estate Securities and Syndication Institute RESSTA e: Restitution Education Specialized Training and Technical Assistance program REST e: Radar Electronic Scan Technique - e: Radar Electronic Scan Test - e: Rain Erosion Seed Test - e: Range Endurance Speed and Time - e: Reentry Environment and Systems Technology - e: Reentry System Test [Program] - e: Regressive Electric Shock Therapy - e: Relief Society of Tigre - e: Reporting System for Training - e: Representative Scientific Test - e: Resource Time - e: Restore - e: Restricted] - e: Restricted radar Electronic Scan Technique - e: Restriction - e: Restrictor - e: Routine Execution Selection Table Rest, d: Restant - d: Restaurateur - d: Restauraron - d: Restaurator - d: Restaurierung - d: Restitution resta e: reconnaissance, and target acquisition RESTA e: Reconnaissance, Surveillance [or Security] and Target Acquisition RestBestV d: ReststoffbestimmungsVerordnung RESTBL e: Relative Page to External Storage Correspondence Table Restit. e: Restitution restl. d: restlich - d: restlos Rest-N d: Reststickstoff REST Program e: Reentry System Test Program RESTR e: Restorer - e: Restricted] - e: Restriction Restr. d: Restriktion ResTraCen e: Reserve Training Center RESTRCBX e: restricted coinbox

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

REVEL Resfrie. Prac. e: Reports of Restrictive Practices Cases RESTRSUB e: Restricted Subscriber resub e: resublimed resubl. d: resublimieren - d: resublimiert Resup e: Resupply RES-Viren d: Respiratory-EntericOrphan-Viren - e: Respiratory-Enteric Orphan Viruses Resvr e: Reservoir resvr f: reservoire RE System e: Reticuloendothelial System RET d: Rational-Emotive Therapie - d: Raucher-Entwöhnungstherapie - d: Relaisteil - e: Radar Evaluation Track - e: Rapid Excavation Technology - e: Rational-Emotional [or Emotive] Therapy - e: Rational Emotive Therapy - e: Relative Excess Time - e: Relay Extractor Tool - e: Reliable Earth Terminal - e: Renewable Energy Technology - e: Repetitive Extrasystole Threshold - e: Retain[ed] - e: Retainer - e: Retaining - e: Retardation - e: Retard[ed] - e: Retention - e: Retire[d] - e: Retirement - e: Return instruction - e: Return[ed] - e: Roentgen Equivalent Therapy - n: Rotterdamse Elektrische Tram Ret e: Reticulum retired Ret. d: Retorte - d: Retusche ret. e: retired - e: return of premium R-ET e: Rational-Emotive [Psychotherapy RETA e: Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association - e: Retrieval of Enriched Textual Abstracts RETABELLE d: Zuordnung der einzelnen Fernmeldekonten zu den einzelnen Fernmelderechnungsstellen RETAG s: Representacoes Técnica e Agrícola RETAIN e: Remote Technical Assistance and Information Network RETARD e: Retardation - e: Retarded Ret. Brev. 1: Retorna Brevium RETC e: Railroad Equipment Trust Certificate - e: Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference - e: Rat Embryo Tissue Culture - e: Regional Emergency Transportation Center - e: Regional Employment and Training Consortium - e: Regional Employment Training Center RETCO e: Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator RETD e: Retained - e: Retired - e: Returned - s: Red Especial de Transmisión de Datos retd. e: retarded RETEC e: Regional Technical Conference RETEL e: Referring to Telegram RETF e: Rocket Engine Test Facility

RETI e: Return from Interrupt - f: Communauté de Travail des Regions de Tradition Industrielle retic e: reticulate[d] - e: reticulation - e: reticule retic count e: reticulocyte count retics e: reticulocytes R. et I. 1: Regina et Imperatrix RETIF f: Réseau Téléinformatique Ferroviaire RETIMP e: Raleigh-Edwards Tensile Impact Machine Pendulum Retire.&Soc. Sec. e: Retirement & Social Security RETL e: Retail - e: Rocket Engine Test Laboratory RETM e: Rare Earth Transition Metal RETMA e: Radio, Electronics and Television Manufacturers Association - e: Rare Earth Transition Metal Alloy RETN[G] e: Retraining] RETNR e: Retainer RETOP e: Real-Time Optimizing Program [me] RETORC e: Research Torpedo Configuration RETORT e: Reason and Equity in Tort RETOUR f: Réseau Européen des Télécommunications Opérationnelles Météorologiques ret p e: retired pay RETP e: Reliability Evaluation Test Procedure - e: Retape RETPD e: Retention Period RETR e: Retractable] - e: Retracted - e: Retraction - e: Retrieve RETRA e: Radio, Electrical and Television Retailers Association RETRAN e: Refined Trajectory Analysis RETRCT e: Retract RETREP e: Regional Emergency Transportation Representative Ret Res e: Retirement Research RETRG e: Retracting RETRO e: Retroactive - e: Retrofire - e: Retrofit - e: Retrograde - e: Retrorocket RETROFIT e: Retroactive Refit RETROS e: Retrogrades RETROs e: Retrorockets retrosp. e: retrospectively RETROSPEC e: Retrospective Search System, INSPEC RETS e: Radio-Electronics-Television School - e: Recent Thunderstorm - e: Reliability Electrical Test Specification - e: Remoted Target System - e: Renaissance English Text Society - e: Renewable Energy Technologies RETSA e: Real Time Spectral Analysis RETSPL e: Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pain Level - e: Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Level Rett d: Rettungsamt Rett, d: Rettung RettSanG d: Rettungssanitâtergesetz

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

REU d: Raumdeckende Einsatzunterstützung der Luftwaffe - e: Radio Engineering Unit - e: Rationalized Electron-optical Unit - e: Ready Extension Unit - e: Rear Electronic Unit - e: Rectifier Enclosure Unit - e: Remote Entry Unit Reun e: Reunion Island REUR e: Regional Office for Europe REURL e: Referring to Your Letter REURTWX e: Reference Your Telegraph Wire Exchange REUSE e: Revitalize Effective Utilization of Supply Excess REV d: Regelverstärker - d: Reichsverband der Elektrizitätsversorgung - d: Retikuloendotheliosevirus - d: Revision - d: Rheinischer Elektrovertrieb - e: Reentry Vehicle - e: Revenue - e: Reverse[d] - e: Reversible - e: Review - e: Revise[d] - e: Revision - e: Revolute - e: Revolution^] - e: Revolving - e: Rotor Entry Vehicle - s: Revisado ReV d: Rechnungslegungsvorschriften Rev. d: Revers - d: Revier - d: Revision - d: Revoke - d: Revolver - d: Revue - e: Revision [of the Statutes Revised] - f: Revue rev. d: reversibel - d: revidieren - d: revidiert - f: revenue REVA e: Recommended Vehicle Adjustment REV AB e: Relief Valve Augmented Bypass rev a/c s: revenue account RevÄG d: Gesetz zur Änderung des Rechts der Revision in Zivilsachen REVAS d: Rechnergestützte Vorbereitung und Abwicklung von Sendungen - d: Regelungen zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen für Schichtdienstleistende Rev. Civ. Code e: Revised Civil Code Rev. Civ. St. e: Revised Civil Statutes Rev. Code e: Revised Code Rev. Code Civ.Proc. e: Revised Code of Civil Procedure Rev. Code Cr.Proc. e: Revised Code of Criminal Procedure Rev. Col. Ab. P.R. s: Revista del Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico Rev.Contemp.L. e: Review of Contemporary Law REVCUR e: Reverse Current REV-Datum d: Revisionsdatum Rev d'Opt f: Revue d'Optique REVEAL e: Real Time Video Enhancement At Long Range REV ED e: Revised Edition REVEL e: Reverberation Elimination


Rev. Electr. C o m m u n . L a b o r . Rev. Electr. Commun. Labor, e: Review of the Electrical Communications Laboratory (journ.) REVENDA s: Fundo de Revenda do Piano de Desenvolvimento Agropecuario do Estado de Maranhao REVERB e: Reverberation RE-Verfahren d: Rechnungseinzugsverfahren REVERL e: Reverberation Elimination Rev.Gen.Reg. e: Revised General Regulation, General Accounting Office Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. e: Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics (journ.) Rev. Ghana L. e: Review of Ghana Law Rev. Gn. f: Revue Generate de Droit Revi. d: Reflexvisier revid r: reviderad Revilla Gigedos e: Revilla Gigedo Islands REVIMA f: Société pour la Revision et l'Entretien du Materiel Aéronautique Rev. Intl Comm. Jurists e: Review of the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, Switzerland REVISE e: Research Vehicle for In-flight Submunition Ejection Rev., J[ud]., &P[olice] J. e: Revenue, Judicial and Police Journal Rev. Jur. U.P.R. s: Revista Jur-dica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico Rev. L[aws] e: Revised Laws Rev. Litigation] e: Review of Litigation Rev.Int'l C o m m j u r . e: Review of the International Commission of Jurists Rev. L.&Soc. Change e: Review of Law and Social Change Rev. Lt. e: Revolving Light REV[/]M1N e: Revolution^] Per Minute Rev Mod Phys e: Reviews of Modern Physics (journ.) Rev. Mun. Code e: Revised Municipal Code REVN e: Reversionary REVO e: Revoke REVOCON e: Remote Volume Control Rev. of Ghana L. e: Review of Ghana Law, Accra Rev. of Polish Law and Econ. e: Review of Polish Law and Economics, Warsaw Rev. o f S y m . e: Review of Symptoms REVOP e: Random Evolutionary Operation Rev. Pen. Code e: Revised Penal Code Rev. Plasma Phys. e: Reviews of Plasma Physics (journ.) Rev. Pol. Code e: Revised Political Code Rev. Pol. L. e: Review of Polish Law Rev. Proc. e: Revenue Procedure Rev. Pure Appl. Chem. e: Reviews of Pure and Applied Chemistry (journ.) REVR e: Reviewer Revr d: Revisor REVRA e: Revenue Reconciliation Act Rev. reh. e: Reversed on rehearing, or reversing on rehearing REVS e: Reconnaissance Electro-optical Viewing System - e: Requirements Engineering and Validation System - e: Requirements Evaluation and Validation System - e: Revolutions - e: Rotor Entry Vehicle System Rev. Sei. Instr[um], e: Review of Scientific Instruments (journ.) REV[/]S[EC] e: Revolutions per Second

Rev. Sec. Reg. e: Review of Securities Regulation, The Rev. Sei. Code Leg. e: Review of Selected Code Legislation Rev. Socialist] L. e: Review of Socialist Law Rev St[at] e: Revised Statutes Rev.-Stgr. d: Reviersteiger Rev. Surg, e: Review of Surgery (joum.) Rev. Sw. Dig. e: Revision of Swifts Digest of Connecticut Laws Rev. Tax['n] Indiv. e: Review of Taxation of Individuals REV VER e: Revised Version [of the Bible] REW d: Rechenwerk - d: Rheinische Elektrizitätswerke - d: Romanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch - e: Radio Electronic Warfare - e: Read, Execute, Write - e: Reward - e: Rewinding] REWA e: Refrigeration Equipment Wholesalers Association REWDAC e: Retrieval by title Words, Descriptors and CIassification[s] rewk e: reword Rewr e: Re-write REWRC e: Report when Established Well to Right [of] Course REWS e: Radar Early Warning System - e: Range Electronics Warfare System REWSON e: Reconnaissance Electronic Warfare Special Operations and Naval Intelligence Processing Systemfs] REWSONIP e: Reconnaissance Electronic Warfare Special Operation and Naval Intelligence Processing REWTEL e: Radio and Electronics World Telecommunications REWTS e: Responsive Electronic Warfare Training System REWVO d: Rheinisch-Westfälische Elektrizi täts-Versorgungs-GmbH REX e: Range Extension - e: Rare-Earth Exchanged - e: Raster Engine - e: Real-time Executive [Routine] - e: Reduced Exoatmospheric Cross-Section - e: Reed Electronic Exchange - e: Reentry Experiment - e: Reflector Erosion Experiment - e: Remote Exhaust [concept] - e: Rexall Drug and Chemical - e: Robotic Excavator - e: Route Extension REXA e: Radioisotope Excited X-ray Analyzer REXAFS e: Reflection EXAFS [total] REXMIT e: Retransmitted REX Routine e: Real-time Executive Routine REXS e: Radio Exploration Satellite REX Service e: Re-entrant Executive Service REX System e: Real-time Executive System Rex trem 1: Rex tremendae Rey e: Reentry Reykjvk e: Reykjavik Reynolds Land Laws e: Reynolds Spanish and Mexican Land Laws REYRTWX e: Reference Your Telegraph Wire Exchange Rez. d: Rezensent - d: Rezept[ion] - d: Rezeptur - d: Rezeß


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Saur. München

- d: Rezession - d: Rezitation - e: Rezension rez. d: rezensieren - d: rezensiert - d: rezent - d: rezessiv - d: reziprok RF a: Radiobranchens Faellesrad - d: Radio Franken - d: Radiofrequenz - d: Raumforderung - d: Rechnerfamilie - d: Reduktionsfaktor des Fernmeldekabels - d: Regenbogenforelle - d: Regenerationsfaktor - d: Registerfeld - d: Regurgitationsfraktion - d: Reichsformeln - d: Reihenfolge - d: Reitland-Franklin-Einheit - d: Rejektionsfraktion - d: Relative [Luft]feuchte [or -feuchtigkeit] - d: Releasing-Faktor - d: Renale Funktion - d: Replikationsform - d: Residualfraktion - d: Resistenzfaktor - d: Rezeptformeln - d: Rheumafaktor - d: Rheumatisches Fieber - d: Riboflavin - d: Risikofaktor[en] - d: Rohfaser - d: Romanische Forschungen (journ.) - d: Riickförderer - d: Rückführung - d: Rundblickfernrohr - d: Rundfunk[dienst] - d: Rüstfahrzeug - d: Zuführung zum Reservefonds - e: Radar Frequency - e: Radar unit Fault summary - e: Radial Flow - e: Radiant Flux - e: Radiation Filter - e: Radiation Frequency - e: Radio Facilities [or Facility] - e: Radio France - e: Radio Frequencies [or Frequency] - e: Raised Face - e: Range Finder [or Finding] - e: Rapeseed Flour - e: Rapid Fire - e: Rapid Firing - e: Rat Fink - e: Rate Free - e: Rate of Flow - e: Rating Factor - e: Re-Flight - e: Reaction Forces - e: Reactive Factor [meter] - e: Read Forward - e: Reading Function - e: Rear Flag - e: Reception Fair - e: Receptive Field - e: Recognition Factor - e: Reconnaissance Fighter - e: Record Format - e: Recorder File - e: Rectifier Filter - e: Reducing Flame - e: Reef - e: Refunding] - e: Refuse - e: Register File

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschuft und Technik

RFCWA - e: Register Finder - e: Regular Force - e: Regurgitant Fraction - e: Reinforcement - e: Reinforcing Furnace-Black - e: Reitman-Frankel - e: Relative Flow[rate] - e: Relativistic Fluid - e: Release [or Releasing] Factor - e: Release Fraction - e: Reliability Factor - e: Reliability of missile Right - e: Renal Function - e: Rent-Free - e: Replacement Factor - e: Replicat[iv]e Form - e: Report Footing - e: Reporting] File - e: Representative Fraction - e: Research Fellow - e: Reserve Fleet - e: Reserve Force - e: Reserve Free - e: Resistance Factor - e: Resonance Fluorescence - e: Resonant Frequency - e: Resorcinol Formaldehyde - e: Respiratory Failure - e: Respiratory Frequency - e: Response Factor - e: Result Field - e: Result File - e: Resultant Force - e: Retension Factor - e: Reticular Formation - e: Return Flow - e: Reverse Free - e: Rheumatic Fever - e: Rheumatoid Factor - e: Ribbed Furnaces - e: Rice Flour - e: Right Field - e: Right Foot - e: Right Forward - e: Right Front - e: Right Fullback - e: Rigid Frame - e: Rim Fire - e: Ring Frame - e: Ripple Factor - e: Rockefeller Foundation - e: Rocky Flats - e: Roll-Forward - e: Roof Fan - e: Rotating Fluid - e: Rotational Flow - e: Rough Finish - e: Royal Fusiliers - e: Rubber-Free - e: Running Forward - f: Frequence Radioelectrique - f: Radiodiffusion Française - f: République Française - i: Rayton Fissore - i: Rinforzando Rf d: Rangierfahrt - d: Retentionsfaktor[en] - d: Rückfahrkarte - e: Reference - e: Roof - e: Rutherford[ium] - e: Ship[skin] Resistance rf d: rechnungsführend Rf. d: Rechnungsführer - d: Riff - d: Rundfunk

R-F e: Radio Frequency - e: Reitland-Franklin R/F e: Rear Fuselage - e: Right Front r r e: reef r r e: rate of flow RFA d: Regierungsforstamt - d: Reichsforstamt - d: Röntgenfernsehanlage - d: Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse - e: Radar Filter Assembly - e: Radio Frequency Amplifier - e: Radio Frequency Attenuator - e: Radio Frequency Authorizations] - e: Radiographie Fluorescence Spectral Analysis - e: Recommendation for Acceptance - e: Recurrent Fault Analysis - e: Redundant Force Analysis - e: Reference Fuel A - e: Register Field Address - e: Regulatory Flexibility Act - e: Relieved from Assigned - e: Remote File Access - e: Renewable Fuels Association - e: Request for Action[s] - e: Request for Alteration^] - e: Request for Analysis - e: Request for Applications - e: Request Further Airways - e: Reserve Forces Act - e: Retarding Field Analyzer - e: Right Fronto-Anterior - e: Roll Follow-up Amplifier - e: Royal Field Artillery - e: Royal Fleet Auxiliary - e: Rural Forestry Assistance - f: République Fédérale Allemande - f: République Fedérale d'Allemagne - i: Republic Federal Allemande - s: República Federal de Alemania rfA d: rechnungsführendes Amt RfA d: Reichsversicherungsanstalt für Angestellte - d: Rücklagen für eigene Aktien - d: Rundfunkanstalt RFAA e: Relieved from Attached and Assigned RfAbrSt d: Rundfunkabrechnungsstelle RFABST d: Rückfahrabstand RFAC e: Royal Federation of Aero Clubs - e: Royal Fine Art[s] Commission R factor e: Resistance factor RFAD e: Release For Active Duty RFAED e: Readiness Forecast Authorization Equipment Data RFAF e: Request for Additional Fires R-Faktor d: Resistenzfaktor RFAM e: Remote File Access Monitor RFAn d: Röntgenfluoreszenzanalysen RfAnst d: Rundfunkanstalt RFAO d: Aortale Regurgitationsfraktion Rf-AO d: Rundfunk-Anordnung RjFARN e: Rearm RFAS e: Radio Frequency Attitude Sensor RFA[']s e: Return[ed] for Alterations RFASIX e: Reserve Forces Act, Six Months Trainee RFAT e: Relieved from Attached RFATHREE e: Reserve Forces Act, Three Months Trainee

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • C • Saur, Munich

RFB d: Respiratorisches Biofeedback - d: Roggenfeinbrot - d: Rückwärtige Frontbasis - e: Reason for Backlog - e: Recording For the Blind - e: Reference Fuel B - e: Reliability Functional Block - e: Request for Bid - p: Républica Federativa do Brasil RFB AS d: Reduziertes Farb-Bild-AustastSignal RfBbRx d: Radiofrequenzbandbreite des Empfängers RFBG d: Radarfernbedien[ungs]gerät RF black e: Reinforcing Furnace black RFBM e: Rear Fuselage Bending Moment RFBPA e: Raw Fat and Bone Processors Association RFBS e: Ryeland Flock Book Society RFBV d: Bereich Rundfunk und Fernsehen, Abteilung Betrieb und Verkehr - e: Request for Bidders Views RFC e: Radar Fire Control - e: Radial Flow Compressor - e: Radio Facility Chart[s] - e: Radio Frequency Cable - e: Radio Frequency Chart[s] - e: Radio Frequency Choke - e: Radio Frequency Coil - e: Radio Frequency Communications - e: Radio Frequency Compatibility - e: Radio Frequency Crystal - e: Rare Fruit Council - e: Received Frames Counter - e: Reconstruction Finance Corporation - e: Reference [Fuel C] - e: Regenerative Fuel Cell - e: Regional Fuel Controller - e: Report Format Control - e: Request for Change - e: Request for Comment - e: Request for Connection - e: Request for Contract - e: Residual Flight Cycles - e: Retirement For Cause - e: River Forecast Center - e: Rosette Forming Cell[s] - e: Royal Flying Corps - f: Réseau des Forces Canadiennes RFCA e: Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act R F C G e: Radio Frequency Command Generator RFCI e: Rare Fruit Council International - e: Remote Frequency Channel Indicator - e: Resilient Floor Covering Institute RFCL e: Referral Form Checklist R F C M e: Radio Frequency Control Monitor - e: Radio Frequency Countermeasures R F C O e: Radio Facilities Control Officer - e: Radio Frequency Checkout - e: Range Facilities Control Officer R F C P e: Radio Frequency Compatibility Program[me] - e: Route Facility Costs Panel RFCR e: Reaction Forces for Crisis Response R F C S e: Radio-Frequency Carrier Shift - e: Reconfigurable Flight Control System - e: Regenerative Fuel Cell Subsystem R F - C S M e: Radio FrequencyCommunications System Monitorin RFCWA e: Regional Fisheries Commission for West[ern] Africa


RFD RFD d: Regierungsfischereidirektor - e: Radiation Flux Density - e: Radio Frequency Demodulator - e: Radio Frequency Device[s] - e: Raised Foredeck - e: Reactor Flight Demonstration - e: Read[y] for Data - e: Reentry Flight Demonstration - e: Reference Fuel D - e: Refund - e: Reinforced - e: Released for Delivery - e: Reporting For Duty - e: Request for Deviation - e: Residual Flux Density - e: Royal Forest Department - e: Rural Free Delivery [of mail] RfD d: Rundfunkdienst RFDA e: Request for Deviation Approval RfDb d: Rundfunkdienstbüro RF[/]DC e: Radio Frequency[/]Data Communication[s] RFD CON e: Reinforced Concrete RFDMA e: Rigid Foam Ducting Manufacturers Association RFD M E T e: Reinforced Metal RF-DNA e: Replicative Form DNA RFD PLY e: Reinforced Plywood RFDR e: Range Finder RFDRS d: Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft der deutschen und der rätoromanischen Schweiz RFDS e: Royal Flying Doctor Service RFDSAM e: Rapid Fire Direct-Support Artillery Weapon RFDU e: Reconfiguration and Fault Detection Unit RFDV e: Reverse Flor Damping Valve RFE d: Radio Freies Europa - d: Raumfahrtelektronik - d: Rechnergesteuerte Fahrausweiserstellung - e: Radio Free Europe - e: Radio Frequency Effects - e: Radio Frequency Emissions - e: Request for Estimate - e: Request for Expenditure - e: Resident Field Engineer RfE d: Rundfunkempfänger RFEA e: Radio Frequency Equipment Analyzer - e: Regular Forces Employment Association RFEC e: Remote-Field Eddy Current RFED e: Radio Frequency Expendable Decoy - e: Research Facilities and Equipment Division RFEI e: Request for Engineering Information R-Feld d: Richtlinien für den Feldeisenbahnbetrieb R Ft0 d: Fehlerortungswiderstand RFE/RL e: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty RFE/RL Res. Rep. e: RFE/RL Research Report RFEs d: Radiofrequenz-Einsatz RfESt d: Rundfunkempfangsstelle RFF d: Radio Frieden und Freundschaft - d: Rasche Füllungsfraktion - d: Raumfahrtforschung (journ.) - d: Richtfunkfeuer - d: Richtlinie[n] für Fernleitungen [zum Befördern gefährdender Flüssigkeiten] - e: Radio Frequency Filter - e: Radio Frequency Finder - e: Radio Frequency Fuse


- e: Random Force Field - e: Recirculative Fluid Flow - e: Relative Failure Frequency - e: Remote-Fiber Fiuorometry - e: Rescue and Firefighting [Study Group] - e: Research Flight Facility - e: Rocket Fabrication Facility - p: Rêde Ferroviâria Federal RfF d: Rat für Formgebung - e: Resources for the Future R-FF e: Retry Flip-Flop RFFD e: Radio Frequency Fault Detection RFFH e: Radar's Far-Field Hemisphere RFFIT d: Focus Fluorescence Inhibition Test RFFP e: Rescue and Fire Fighting Panel RFFS e: Rescue and Fire Fighting Services - e: River and Flood Forecasting Service RFFSA p: Rêde Ferroviâria Federal Sedada Anonima RF-FSH d: FSH-Releasing-Faktor RFFSH e: Releasing Factor of FollicleStimulating Hormone RFFU d: Rundfunk-Fernseh-Film-Union RFG d: Rentenversicherungs[finanz]ausgleichsgesetz - e: Radar Field Gradient - e: Radio Frequency Generator - e: Ramp Function Generator - e: Rapid-Fire Gun - e: Rate and Free Gyro - e: Receive Format Generator - e: Refining - e: Register Finder Grid - e: Regular Fuzzy Grammar - e: Report Format Generator - e: Rifle Fine Grain - e: Roofing RfG d: Reformgymnasium RFGa d: Radiofrequenz-Gabel RFGB d: Radio- und Fernsehgenossenschaft Basel RfGeb d: Rundfunkgebühr RFGT e: Refrigerant RFH d: Reichsfinanzhof - e: Radio Frequency Head[ing] - e: Roll-Forward Handler - e: Royal Festival Hall RfH r: Riksförbundet för Hembygdsvârd RFHCO e: Rocket Fuel Handler Clothing Outfit RFHMs e: Request for Hardware Modifications RFHT e: Radio Frequency Horn Technique RFI e: Radio Frequency Indicator - e: Radio Frequency Interchange - e: Radio Frequency Interference - e: Ready for Installation - e: Ready for Issue - e: Reason for Impeding - e: Regurgitant Fraction Index - e: Remote File Inquiry - e: Renal Failure Index - e: Request For Information - e: Request for Inspection - e: Request for Investigation - e: Request for Issue - f: Radio France Internationale RFI Capacitor e: Radio Frequency Interference Capacitor RF[-]ID e: Radio Frequency Identification RFiDir d: Regierungsfischereidirektor RFIE e: Reciprocating How Ion Exchange RFI Filter e: Radio Frequency Interference Filter

© K • G • Saur, München

RFIM e: Radio Frequency Interference Meter RFinH d: Reichsfinanzhof RFIP e: Radio Frequency Impedance Probe RF-IR e: Radar Frequency-Infrared [Frequency] - e: Radio Frequency-Infrared RFIT e: Radio Frequency Interference Test RFI Timber e: Red Fir [abies densa] Timber RFix e: Running Fix RFJ e: Radio Frequency Joint RFK d: Radio- und Fernsehkommission - d: Raumflugkörper - d: Reichsfilmkammer - d: Rheumatischer Formenkreis - d: Rohfeinkohle - d: Röntgenfernsehkamera - d: Rückstoßfreie Kanone Rfk d: Rundfunkkabel Rf.-K. d: Rückstoßfreie Kanone RFL d: Räumbootsflottille - d: Reflektorausführung - e: Radio Frequency Laboratories - e: Radio Frequency Lens - e: Radio Frequency Linac - e: Reactor Fuel Laboratory - e: Reduced Focal Length - e: Reflector - e: Refrigerated Freight Lines - e: Refuel[ling] - e: Requested Flight Level - e: Reset Flux Level - e: Resorcinol Formaldehyde Latex - e: Right Fronto-Lateral - e: Rotating Field Logic - e: Rotterdam Freight Lines - e: Rough Field Landing Rfl d: Rundfunkleitung R.F.L. e: Reports of Family Law RFLD e: Radio Frequency Leakage Detector RFLG e: Refuelling RF[-]LH e: Releasing Factor of Luteinizing Hormone RflHVr[G] d: Rundfunkleitung-Hauptverstärkerfgestell] RFLMN e: Rifleman RflMW d: Rundfunkleitungsmeßwagen RFLP d: RestriktionsfragmentlängenPolymorphismus RFLP[s] e: Restriction-Fragment-Length Polymorphism^] RFLS e: Rheumatoid Factor-Like Substance RflVr d: Rundfunkleitungsverstärker RFLW n: Rijksfaculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rfl* e: Reflex RFM d: Rechteckfrequenzmodulation - d: Rundfunk- und Fernseh-Museum e.V. - e: Radio Frequency Management - e: Radio Frequency Modem [Modulator-Demodulator] - e: Radio Frequency Modulation [or Modulator] - e: Reactive Factor Meter - e: Refueling Mission - e: Reliability Figure of Merit - e: Request For Modification - e: Rimfire Magnum - e: Roll Follow-up Motor - e: Roll Forming Machine - e: Row Failure Mode - e: Runway Friction Measurement RfM d: Rundfunkmeldeleitung R-FM e: Ripple-Flow Mill [grain]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RFTC RFMA e: Reliability Figure of Merit Analysis RFMDS e: RED FLAG Measurement and Debriefing System RF Meter e: Reactive Factor Meter RF-Methode d: Reitmann-Frankel-Methode RFMO e: Radio Frequency Management Office RFMS e: Remote File Management System RFMT e: Runway Friction Measurement Test RFN d: Raum- und Fliichennormen der Bundeswehr - d: Reihenfolgenummer - e: Radio Frequency Noise - e: Reduced Filament Number - e: Registered Fever Nurse Rfn d: Rufname - d: Rufnummer RFNA e: Radio Frequency Noise Analyzer - e: Rayton Fissore of North America - e: Red Fuming Nitric Acid RFNG e: Roofing RFNIP e: Reduced-Flow Nominal-Inlet Pressure RfNK d: Rat für die friedliche Nutzung der Kemenergie RFNM e: Ready for Next Message - e: Request for Next Message RFNOP e: Reduced-Flow Nominal-Output Pressure RF NOTAM e: Royal Flight Notice to Airmen RfNr d: Rufnummer RFNRE e: Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration RFNZJ e: Royal Federation of New Zealand Justices RFO d: Rundfunkordnung - e: Radio Frequency Oscillator - e: Reason for Outage - e: Recovergent Fan-Out - e: Refuelling Oiler - e: Regional Field Officer - e: Regional Fisheries Officefr] - e: Request for Factory Order - e: Reserve Fleet Officer - e: Residual Fuel Oil - e: Roll Follow-up Operation - f: Radio-Télévision Française d'Outre-Mer RFOG e: Resonant Fiber Optic Gyroscope RF-OL d: Riistwagen für den Óleinsatz RF&OOA e: Railway Fuel and Operating Officers Association R-Form d: Rauh-Form RF OSC e: Radio Frequency Oscillator RFP d: Rasche Fiillungsphase - d: Raumflug-Planetarium - e: Radio Finger Printing - e: Radio Free People - e: Radio Frequency Plasma - e: Radio Frequency Polarography - e: Radio Frequency Power - e: Rapid Filling Phase - e: Request for Parts - e: Request for Price - e: Request for Programming - e: Request for Proposal [s] - e: Request for Purchase - e: Retired on Full Pay - e: Right Fronto-Posterior Rfp d: Rundfunk-Priif- und Mefistelle RF&P e: Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac

RFPA e: Request for Part Approval - e: Request for Price and Availability - e: Requests for Preliminary Applications RFP-DP d: Raumflug-Planetarium mit Direkter Programmierung RFP-Fachhandel d: Rundfunk-, Fernseh-, Phono-Fachhandel RFPG e: Radio-Frequency Protection Guide RFPP e: Radio Frequency Propagation Program - e: Request for Preliminary Proposal RFPR e: Reversed Field Pinch Reactor RFPS e: Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons RFPs e: Requests] for Proposals RFPS[G] e: Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow RFP-Verfahren d: Rapid-Faß-PulverVerfahren RFQ e: Radio Frequency Quadrupole - e: Request for Quotation [or Quote] RFR d: Raketenführungsradar - d: Rossendorfer Forschungsreaktor - e: Radio-Frequency Radiation - e: Radio Frequency Receiver - e: Radio Frequency Relay - e: Reduced Frequency Responses - e: Reference Fusion Reactor - e: Refraction - e: Reject Failure Rate - e: Required Freight Rate - e: Return, Fill and Rake - e: Royal Fleet Reserve R fr e: Ruanda franc[s] RFr f: Rwandan Franc RFRA d: Rückfrage RFRC e: Reliability Flight Readiness Center RFRD e: Referred RFRJ e: Radio Frequency Rotary Joint RF+RR e: Right-Front + Right-Rear [stereophony] RFRSH e: Refresh RFS d: Richtfunkstrecke - d: Ring Freiheitlicher Studenten - d: Röntgenfluoreszenz-Spektroskopie - d: Röntgenstrahlen-Fluoreszenzspektrometer - e: Radio Frequency Seal - e: Radio Frequency Separator - e: Radio Frequency Shift - e: Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy - e: Radio-Frequency Spectrum - e: Radio Frequency Subsystem - e: Radio Frequency Surveillance - e: Radio Frequency Switch - e: Random Filing System - e: Range Frequency Synthesizer - e: Ready for Sea - e: Ready for Send[ing] - e: Ready for Service - e: Reduced Friction Suspension - e: Regardless of Feature Size - e: Regardless of Future Size - e: Regional Field Specialist - e: Regional Frequency Supplies - e: Registry of Friendly Societies - e: Relapse Free Survival - e: Remote File Sharing - e: Remote File System - e: Rendering], Floating] and Set - e: Renormalized Forward Scattering - e: Report Forwarding System - e: Reserve Flying School - e: Response Feedback System - e: Right Fuselage Station - e: Rockwell Financial System - e: Roll Follow-up System - e: Rotational Flight Simulator

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Sciencc and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Rover Flight Safety - e: Royal Forestry Service - e: Royal Forestry Society Rfs e: Reefs Rfs. d: Rundfunksender RFSAT e: Radio Frequency Saturation RfSatEAnl d: Rundfunk-SatellitenEmpfangsanlage RFSB e: Regional Forward Scatter Branch RF SCALE e: Representative Fraction Scale RFSch d: Radiofrequenz-Schalter RfSd[r] d: Rundtunksender RFSE e: Radio Frequency Shielded Enclosure RFS/ECM[S] e: Radio Frequency Surveillance/Electronic Countermeasures [Subsystem] RFSEW e: Royal Forestry Society of England and Wales RFSH e: Refresh[ment] RFSM[&]T e: Reliability, Flight Safety, Maintainability and Testability RFSP e: Radioactive Fallout Study Program[me] - e: Replacement Flight Strip Printer - e: Request for System Proposal - e: Rigid Frame Selection Program[me] RF SQ e: Roof Squares RF-SQU[ID] e: Radio-Frequency SQUID [Superconducting Quantum Interference Device] RFSS e: Radio Frequency Simulation System - e: Radio Frequency Surveillance Subsystem - e: Reliability Failure Summary Support RFST e: Rapid Frequency Settling Time RFSTA f: Reseau du Service Fixe des Telecommunications Aeronautiques RFSTF e: RF [Radio-Frequency] Systems Test Facility RF-STROMWG d: Erfassen und Auflisten der Rundfunkstromwege RFSU e: Regional Force Surveillance Units - N: Riksf0bundet f0r Sexuall Upplysning - r: Riksförbundet for Sexuell Uplysing RF-System d: Richtfunksystem RFT d: Radio-Fibrinogentest - d: Radio- und Fernmeldetechnik - d: Radio- und Fernsehtechniker - d: Radio, Fernmeldetechnik, Television - d: Renomierte Fernsehtechnik - d: Rundfunk und Fernmeldetechnik - e: Radio Frequency Terminal - e: Radio Frequency Transformer - e: Radio Frequency Transmitter - e: Radiofibrinogentest - e: Rapid Filling Time - e: Ready-For Training - e: Ready For Transit - e: Real Fourier Transform - e: Recursive Fourier Transform - e: Recursive Function Theory - e: Refresher Training - e: Repeat Formation Tester - e: Request for Technology - e: Request for Test - e: Residual Flight Time - e: Retroflector Feld Tracker - e: Revisable Form Text - e: Right Fronto-Transverse - e: Rocket Firing Table - e: Rod and Frame Test - e: Rotary Feed-Through - i: Repubblica Federale Tedesca Rft e: Reinforcement RFTC e: Radio Frequency Test Console


RFTDCA RFTDCA e: Revisable Form Text Document Content Architecture RFTDS e: RF Target Designation System RFTEA d: Reduzierung der Fluglärmbelastung durch Tieffliegererfassung und Auswertung RFTF e: Retail Fruit Trade Federation RF/TFX e: Reconnaissance Fighter/Tactical Fighter Experimental RFTIME e: Roll-Forwardtime RFTL[TS] e: Radio Frequency Transmission Line [Test Set] RFTO e: Ready for Takeoff RFTP e: Request For Technical Proposal RF[-]Transistor e: Radio Frequency Transistor RFTS e: Radio Frequency Test Set RFTT e: Radio-Frequency Test Translator RFTY e: Reformatory RFU d: Rundfunk- und Femseh-Union - e: Radio Frequency Unit - e: Ready For Use - e: Reference Frequency Unit - e: Reliability Field Unit - e: Remote Fire Unit RFu d: Richtfunk RfÜ d: Rundfunk-Übertragungsdienst RFUA e: Roll Follow-up Amplifier RfÜAnl d: Rundfunk-Übertragungsanlage RFüInfoSysfLw] d: Rechnergestütztes Fiihnings-Informationssystem [der Luftwaffe] RFuK d: Richtfunkkompanie RFuKB d: Richtfunk- und Kabelbau RFUM e: Roll Follow-up Motor R-F unit e: Reitland-Franklin unit RFUO e: Roll Follow-up Operation RFUS e: Reversible Follow-up System - e: Roll Follow-up System RfUSt d: Rundfunkübertragungsstelle RFV d: Reichsforstverband - e: Radar Film Viewer - e: Regressing Friend Virus - e: Resonant Frequency Vibration RfVA d: Rücklagen fur die Lastenausgleichsvermögensabgabe RfVAnw d: Rundfunkverwaltungsanweisung RFVC e: Radial Four-Valve Cylinder head rFVIII d: rekombinanter Faktor VIII RFVM e: Radio Frequency Voltmeter RF-Vr d: Radiofrequenz-Verstärker RFW d: Rasche Füllungswelle - d: Rundfunk-Fernseh-Wirtschaft (journ.) - e: Radio Free Women - e: Radio Frequency Wave[s] - e: Radio Frequency Weapon - e: Rapid Filling Wave - e: Read Full Word - e: Request for Deviation - e: Request for Waiver[s] - e: Reserve Feed Water - e: Reversible Full Wave RfW d: Reichsstelle für Wetterdienst RFWAC e: Reversible Full Wave Alternating Current RFWAR e: Request for Work and Resources RFWDC e: Reversible Full Wave Direct Current RFWDF e: Radio Frequency Warning and Direction Finder R F W E e: Ring-Finished With Engines RFWF e: Radio Frequency Waveform RFWSI e: Radio-Frequency Wafer-Scale Integration


RFX e: Reversed Field Experiment Rfy e: Refinery R F Z d: Radio- und Fernsehgenossenschaft Zürich - d: Refraktärzeit - d: Regalförderzeug[e] - d: Rundfunk- und Femsehtechnische Zeitschrift (journ.) - d: Rundfunk- und Fernsehtechnisches Zentralamt - e: Received Frame Zero - e: Restrictive Fire Zone - i: Rinforzando Rfz. d: Rufzeichen rfz. i: rinforzato RFZA d: Reichsfinanzzeugamt RfZI d: Rundfunkzubringerleitung RfZSch d: Rundfunkzahlschein RfZSt d: Rundfunkzentralstelle RG d: Funkstelle des Peilfunkdienstes - d: Radialgas - d: Radialgeschwindigkeit - d: Radiogonometrie - d: Rahmengesetz - d: Rangierbaugruppe - d: Rasselgeräuschfe] - d: Raumgewicht - d: Raumladegitter[spannung] - d: Rauschgenerator - d: Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit - d: Realgas - d: Realgymnasium - d: Rechner Gateway - d: Rechtliche Grundlagen - d: Rechtsgeschichte - d: Reckgrad - d: Reflektorglühlampe - d: Regelglied - d: Reibegeräusch[e] - d: Reichsgericht - d: Reichsgesetz - d: Reinheitsgrad [der Scheide] - d: Reinigungsgerät - d: Religionsgeschichte - d: Republik Guinea - d: Reservegefechtsstand - d: Retourgang - d: Richtgeschwindigkeit - d: Rotglut - d: Rückstoßfreies Geschütz - d: Rückwärtsgang - d: Rudergänger - d: Rudergemeinschaft - d: Rufstromgenerator - d: Rührgerät - e: Radar Group - e: Radar Guidance - e: Radiation Guidance - e: Radio Guidance - e: Radio Guide - e: Radiogoniometer - e: Radiogrammetry - e: Railway Gazette International (joum.) - e: Range - e: Rate Grown - e: Rate Gyro[scope] - e: Rategrown - e: Readers Guide [to Periodical Literature] - e: Readiness Group - e: Reagent Grade - e: Real Gas - e: Reception Good - e: Recipe Generator - e: Record Gap - e: Recording [unit] - e: Red-Green - e: Reduction Gear[box]

© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Register - e: Regular Grammer - e: Regulatory Guide - e: Regummed - e: Relative Growth - e: Release Guard - e: Renormalization Group - e: Repetitive Grouping] - e: Report Generator - e: Reserve Gate - e: Reserve Grade - e: Reset Gate - e: Residual Gas - e: Residue Generator - e: Resolving Gel - e: Reticulated Grating - e: Reverse Gate - e: Reverse Gear - e: Rifle Grenade - e: Right Gunner - e: Ring Gear - e: Ring Ground - e: Ringing Generator - e: Rolled Gold - e: Rough Grind - e: Rubber Gel - f: Rive Gauche - f: Renseignements Généraux - f: Résistance Globulaire - P: Rada Glówna - R: Raswedrijwatelnaja Gruppa - s: República de Guatemala Rg d: Rangierdienst - d: Regiment - d: Register - d: Registratur - d: Rotguß - d: Rückgang - d: Rückgebäude Rg. d: Rang - d: Räumgerät - d: Rechnung - d: Regie[rung] - d: Register - d: Register Liste - d: Ring R . G . 1: Regula Generalis R . & G . e: Russell & Geldert's Nova Scotia Reports R / G e: Radiation Guidance R G A d: Reglerungsseittig Gelieferte Anlagen - d: Reichsgesundheitsamt - e: Range-Gemini to Agena - e: Rate Gyro[scope] Assembly - e: Registered General Assignment - e: Remote Gain Amplifier - e: Reset circuit Group Acknowledgement message - e: Residual Gas Analysis [or Analyzer] - e: Ring Again - e: Ringing Generator - e: Rose Growers Association - e: Routing Accumulator - e: Royal Garrison Artillery - e: Rubber Growers Association RGa d: Rückflußarme Gabel Rga e: Riga RGAA e: Radiochemical Gamma Activation Analysis RGAHS e: Royal Guernsey Agricultural and Horticultural Society RGaKIÜ d: Rufgabelklinkenübertragung R G a [ r ] 0 d: Reichsgaragenordnung RGAs e: Residual Gas Analyzers R-gauge e: Russian gauge

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RGS R G a V r K l U e d: Rufgabelverstärkerklinkeniibertragung R G B d: Farbsysteme bzw. Farbkartendiagramme mit den Primärvalenzen Rot-GriinBlau - d: Radio- und Fernsehgenossenschaft Bern - d: Rot-Griin-Blau - e: Red[-orange], Green [and] Blue[-violet] [signals] - e: River Gunboat RgB d: Regeneratorbehälter R g b d: Rückgebäude R-G-B e: Red-Green-Blue Rg.-Bez. d: Regierungsbezirk Rgbhf d: Rangierbahnhof RGBl d: Reichsgesetzblatt Rg.-Bl. d: Regierungsblatt R G B M e: Reinforced Grouted Brick Masonry RGB-Signal d: Rot-Grün-Blau-Signal R[-]G[-]B[-]Y e: Red[-]Green[-]Blue[-] Yellow R G C d: Radio-Gaschromatographie - e: Reception and Guidance Center - e: Remote Guidance and Control - e: Retinal Ganglion Cell - e: Ringing Generator R G C A S e: Remote Global Computer Access Service R G C C e: Roll Gas Combined Cooling System R G C G A I e: Roman-Germanic Commission of German Archeological Institutes R G C R e: Renners Gold Coast Reports R G C S P e: Review of the General Concept of Separation Panel R G C T e: Ringing Generator and Control security block R G D e: Radiation Gasdynamics - e: Radio Grammophone Development Company Ltd. - e: Rarefied Gas Dynamics - e: Registered - e: Regular Geophysical Day - e: Reigned - R: Ruchnaya Granata Dyakanova R G d s: Rio Grande R G D A T A e: Retail Grocery, Dairy and Allied Trades Association R G do S s: Rio Grande do Sul R G E d: Rat der Gemeinden Europas - d: Reichsgerichtsentscheidung - d: Relative Gasexpansion - e: Red under Gold Edges - e: Reduced Gravity Environment - e: Relative Gas Expansion - e: Ringing Generator - f: Revue Générale d'Electricité (journ.) - s: República de Guinea Ecuatorial R g e e: Range - e: Ridge R G e d: Rufgenerator R G & E e: Rochester Gas and Electric R G E ADD e: Range Additional R G E B e: Rockefeller General Education Board R.[-]Geh. d: Ruhegehalt R G E M e: Radar Group Equipment Monitor R G E N e: Regenerate - e: Regeneration R Gen s: Registrar General R / G e n e r a t . d: Rückkreuzungsgeneration R.-Geol. d: Regierungsgeologe R G E P S e: Rucker-Gable Educational Programming Scale R G E P T e: Range Port

R G e r d: Reichsgericht R G e s d: Reichsgesetz RGesA d: Reichsgesundheitsamt R - G e s p r ä c h d: Rückanmeldegespräch - d: Rückfragegespräch R G e w O d: Reichsgewerbeordnung R G F d: Realisierter Gleichzeitigkeitsfaktor - e: Range Gated Filtering] - e: Rarefied Gas Field - e: Rarefied Gas Flow - e: Royal Gun Factory rgf d: ruhegehaltsfähig R G F C e: Remote Gas Filter Con-elation R G F C S e: Radar Gunfire Control System R G F D e: Remote Gun Rash Detection R G G d: Rinder-Gammaglobulin - e: Rabbit Gamma Globulin - e: Rotating Gravity Gradiometer Rg-Gestell d: Registergestell R G H d: Rationalisierungs-Gemeinschaft des Handels - e: Rough R g h f Z d: Ruhegehaltfähige Zulage R G H O P N G e: Rough Opening RGI d: Gleichstromschleifenwiderstand R G I e: Residual Gas Ion - e: Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts R G I E f: Reglement General des Installations Electriques R G J e: Royal Green Jackets R G K d: Reaktionsgeschwindigkeitskonstante - d: Reichsbahngiiterkursbuch - d: Relais mit geschütztem Kontakt - d: Rohrgaskabel RgKlÜ d: Registerklinkenübertragung R G K o r r d: Römisch-germanisches Korrespondenzblatt (journ.) R G L d: Reflektorglühlampe - e: Radar Gun-Laying - e: Rare-Gas Liquid - e: Rate Gyroscope Limit - e: Regulate - e: Regulation - e: Regulatory - e: Report Generator Language - e: Runway Guard Lights Rgl. d: Rangliste - d: Regel - d: Regler - e: Regulativ R.G.L. e: Review of Ghana Law R G L D e: Regulated R G L E T e: Rise-Time Gated Leading Edge Trigger rglm. d: regelmäßig R G L P e: Regenerative Liquid Propellant R G L R e: Regula[to]r R G L T e: Regulating R G L T D e: Regulated R G L T R e: Regulator R G M e: Recorder Group Monitor - e: Release Guard Message - e: Remote Geophysical Monitor - e: Residential Growth Management - e: Revenue Generation and Management - e: Reversible Gelatin Matrix - e: Rounds per Gun per Minute R G M G e: Ringing Generator and 16[ 12] kHz Metering voltage Generator [optional] for digital line unit R G M I e: Regulations Governing the Meat Inspection R G M S e: Reversible Gelatin Matrix System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

R G N e: Ranging - e: Rangoon [Airport], Burma - e: Region - e: Registered General Nurse - e: Routing Group Name - R: Ruchnaya Granata Nastupatel'naya R G n d: Rauschgeneratoren - e: Recoilles Gun Rgn e: Rangoon [Port] RG[N] e: Register [N] stages R G N C D e: Region Code R G N G e: Ranging R G N i S W P: Rada Glöwna Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyzsego R G N R e: Rugged Glen Nature Reserve R & G N Sc e: Russell & Gelderts Reports, Novia Scotia R G O d: Rahmengeschäftsordnung - d: Regelungstechnik, Gerätebau und Optik - d: Regimentsgasoffizier - d: Reichsgewerbeordnung - e: Reference Gear Oil - e: Regimental Gas Officer - e: Royal Greenwich Observatory - f: Reglement General de l'Organisation - R: Ruchnaya Granata Oboronitel'naya R G O Z M B d: Rahmengeschäftsordnung für die fachliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen der FTZ und den Zentralen Mittelbehörden der Telekom in Berlin R G P e: Radar Glider Positioning - e: Rate Gyro[scope] Package - e: Remote Graphics Processor - e: Riegel Paper Company - e: Rolled Gold Plate - e: Rotary Gas Pump R g P d: Regeneratorpunkt Rg.-P. d: Ringpulver R G P D e: Range-Gated Pulse Doppler R G P H e: Registered Pharmacist R G P I e: Rang Gate Pull In R G P L e: Readers Guide to Periodical Literature R G P M e: Regional Geological Project Manager R G P O e: Rang Gats Pull-Off Rg.-Pr[äs]. d: Regierungspräsident - d: Regierungspräsidium R G P System e: Radar Glider Positioning System R G P T f: Reglement General du Protection du Travail R G Q e: Rapid Gas Quenching R G R d: Rechnergeführte Regelung - d: Regelgröße - d: Reichsgerichtsrat - e: Range Gated Receiver - e: Reference Geological Regime - e: Relative Growth Rate - e: Routing Register R / g r a m e: Radiogramophone R G R D E e: Rotating Gold Ring-Disc Electrode R G r O b e: Royal Greenwich Observatory R G S d: Regenschutz - e: Radar Ground Stabilization - e: Radio Guidance System - e: Rare-Gas, Solid - e: Rate Gyro[scope] System - e: Release Guard Signal - e: Remote Ground Switching - e: Remote Guidance System - e: Remote Gyro Sight - e: Resistive Gate Sensor - e: River Ga[u]ging Station - e: Rocket Guidance System


RGs - e: Royal Geographical Society - s: Rio Grande do Sul RGs d: Rasselgeräusche RGSA e: Royal Geographical Society of Austral[as]ia RGSAT e: Radio Guidance Surveillance and Automatic Tracking Rgsb d: Regensburg RGSC e: Ramp Generator and Signal Converter Rgs MSA e: Regulations for Medical Services of the Army RGS Research Series e: Royal Geographical Society Research Series (journ.) RGSt d: Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen - d: Reichsgetreidestelle Rgst[r]. d: Register - d: Registratur RGT e: Regiment - e: Reliability Growth Test - e: Remote Ground Terminal - e: Resonant Gate Transistor - e: Right - e: Ringgit Rgt d: Regiment RGTC e: Robert Gordon's Technical College RGTF e: Royal General Theatrical Fund Rgt.-Kdr. d: Regimentskommandeur Rgtl e: Regimental Rgtl Sigs e: Regimental Signals RGT Monitor e: Radio Gramophone Television Monitor (journ.) RGTP e: Rough Template RGTR d: Register - e: Register RGT[-]Regel d: Reaktions-Geschwindigkeits-Temperatur-Regel RgtT e: Ranger Tab RGU d: Rechnergesteuerter Unterricht - d: Rechnergestützter Unterricht - e: Rate Gyro[scope] Unit - e: Red/Green/Ultraviolet - e: Ringing Generator RgÜ d: Registerübertragung RGusA d: Reichsgesundheitsamt RGusBl d: Reichsgesundheitsblatt (journ.) RGUV e: Red/Green/Ultraviolet RGV d: Rangierverteiler - d: Rauhfutter[verzehrende] Großvieheinheit - d: Rechnergestütztes Visier - d: Rindergroßvieheinheit - e: Rio Grande Valley Gas Company RgV d: Registerverbinder RgV-M d: Registerverbinder-Markierer RGW d: Rat für Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe - e: Radar Gate Width - e: Ramp Gross Weight RGwR d: Regierungsgewerberat RGWS e: Radar-Guided Weapon System RGW-ST d: RGW-Standard RGy d: Realgymnasium RGZ e: Recommended Ground Zero - e: Reorganize - e: Rio Grande Zoo R G Z M d: Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum RH d: Hilfsrelais - d: Hyperphorie rechts - d: Reaktive Hyperämie - d: Rechnungshof - d: Rechte Hand - d: Rechts Hinten [Stereo] - d: Rechtshypertrophie

- d: Rheinmetall GmbH - d: Richtungshilfsrelais - d: Rockwellhärte - d: Roth - d: Rückenhbhe - d: Rückwärtiges Heeresgebiet - d: Rufhaltung - d: Ruhrstahl-Henrichshutte/Heräus - d: Rundhump - e: Air Rhodesia - e: Botsuana - e: Radiant Heat - e: Radiation Homing - e: Radiation Hydrodynamics - e: Radiological Health - e: Railhead - e: Random House - e: Read Head - e: Receive Hub - e: Receiver Hopping [mode] - e: Recording Head - e: Red Heat - e: Reflection Hologram - e: Refrigeration Hardened - e: Reheater - e: Relative Humidity - e: Releasing Hormone - e: Report Heading - e: Request Header - e: Research Helicopter - e: Research Highlights - e: Reserve-Shutdown Hours - e: Response Header - e: Rheumatic - e: Rheumatism - e: Rheumatoid - e: Right Half - e: Right-Hand[ed] - e: Right Heel - e: Rocket Head - e: Rockwell Hardness - e: Roentgen per Hour - e: Roughness Height - e: Round Head - e: Round House - e: Round Hump - e: Running Hour[s] - e: The Random House Dictionary of the English Language - f: Haiti - s: República de Honduras rH d: Redoxpotential - d: Reihenhaus - d: Releasing-Hormon - d: Republik Haiti Rh d: Kurzzeichen für alle Fasern aus Roßhaar - d: Rhein - d: Rhesus[faktor], positiv - d: Rhodium - d: Roßhaar - e: Rheostat - e: Rhesus[-Factor,] positiv - e: Rhodium - 1: Rhodium rh d: Rhesusfaktor], negativ - e: rhesus negative - e: running hours Rh. d: Rhein - d: Rhombus -1: Rhipicephalus rh. d: rheinisch - d: rhombisch -1: rhonchi R.H. 1: Rotuli Hundredorum r.H. d: rechte Hand - d: rückwärtiges Heeresgebiet


© K G - Saur, München

R-H d: Ruhrstahl-Henrichshutte/Heräus R/H e: Radiation per Hour - e: Revolution^] per Hour - e: Roentgen[s] per Hour - e: Rotations] per Hour R/h d: Röntgen je/pro Stunde R&H n: Van Rietschoten & Houwens Rh+ d: Rhesusfaktor, positiv - e: Rhesus positive Rh- d: Rhesusfaktor, negativ - e: Rhesus negative RH32 e: Radiation-Hardened 32-Bit Microprocessor RH"" e: Radioactive Rhodium RHA d: Realhektar - e: Reactive Hydrocarbon Analyzer - e: Records Holding Area - e: Regional Health Authority - e: Reinforced Homogeneous Armour - e: Renewal and Housing Assistance Report - e: Road Haulage Association - e: Rolled Homogeneous Armo[u]r - e: Royal Hibernian Academy - e: Royal Horse Artillery - e: Royal Humane Association - e: Rural Housing Alliance RhA e: Rheumatoide Arthritis RHAF e: Royal Hellenic Air Force RHAG e: Rotary Hydraulic Arrester [or Arresting] Gear Rh-Ak d: Rhesusantikörper R Hamps e: Royal Hampshire RHAP e: Radiation Hardness Assurance Program [Harris] RHAP e: Rhapsody RHA Report e: Renewal and Housing Assistance Report RHASI e: Royal Horticultural and Arboricultural Society of Ireland RHASS e: Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland RHAV e: Rat Hepatoma-Associated Virus RHAW[R] e: Radar Homing and Warning [Receiver] RHA WS e: Rearward-facing Spiral Helix Antenna RHAW S[ystem] e: Radar Homing and Warning System RHB d: Rückhaltebecken - e: Radar Homing Beacon - e: Radar Homing Bomb - e: Reference Heat Balance - e: Regional Hospital Board - e: Robin Hoods Bay - e: Round Hole Broach RHb e: Reduced Hemoglobin RHB Bau d: Rechtshandbuch Bau RHB Bau Anh Hamburg d: Rechtshandbuch Bau Anhang Landesrecht Hamburg RHB Bau Anh Rheinland-Pfalz d: Rechtshandbuch Bau-Anhang Landesrecht Rheinland-Pfalz Rhbg d: Rheinsberg RHB[H]DR e: Rhombohedral RhBlWB d: Rheinische Blätter für Wohnungswesen und Bauberatung (journ.) RHC e: Range Height Converter - e: Reactive Hydrocarbon[s] - e: Reheat Coil - e: Resetting Half-Cycle - e: Resin Hemoperfusion Column - e: Respiration^] Have Ceased - e: Right Hand Circular - e: Right Hand Components] - e: Right Hand Console - e: Right Hypochondrium

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RHOFLIGHT - e: Road Haulage Cases - e: Rosary Hill College - e: Rotation[al] Hand Controller - e: Royal Hospital, Chelsea - e: Rubber Hydrocarbon - f: Regiment d' Helicopteres de Combat - s: Radio Habana Cuba Rh. C.A. e: Rhodesian Court of Appeal Law Reports RHC Content e: Rubber Hydrocarbon Content RHCI e: Radiant Heating and Cooling Institute RHCMS f: Regiment d'Helicopteres de Commandement, de Manoeuvre et de Soutien RHCP e: Right-Hand Circular[ly] Polarizated [or Polarization] RHCSA e: Regional Hospitals Consultants and Specialists Association RHCTL e: Right-Hand Controls] RHD e: Radar Horizon Distance - e: Radioactive Health Data - e: Railhead - e: RAMP [Rapid Modeling Platform] HVAC [Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning] Design - e: Random House Dictionary [of the English Language] - e: Relative Hepatic Dullness - e: Rheumatic Heart Disease - e: Right-Hand Drive - e: Robin Hood Dell - e: Rural Housing Disaster RHD and R e: Radiological Health Data and Reports RHDEL e: Random House Dictionary of the English Language RhDH e: Rheumatic Heart Disease RHDO e: Robin Hood Dell Orchestra RHD&R e: Radiological Health Data and Reports RH Dr[ive] e: Right-Hand Drive Rhd.-Z. d: Rhodanzahl RHE e: Radiation Hazard Effects - e: Record Handling Electronics - e: Reliability Human Engineering - e: Reversible Hydrogen Electrode - e: Road Haulage Executive Rheag d: Rheinische Elektrizitats-AG RHEB e: Right-Hand Equipment Bay RHEC e: Radiation Hardened Emulating Computer RHEED e: Reflected [or Reflection] HEED [High-Energy Electron Diffraction] RHeimstG d: Reichsheimstattengesetz RheinFuAs d: RheinfunkanschluB RheinFuAs a d: RheinfunkanschluB mit analogem Anschaltepunkt Rheinhess d: Rheinhessen Rheinl d: Rheinland Rheinpf d: Rheinpfalz RheinSchPolVO d: Rheinschiffahrtpolizeiverordnung RHEL[ab] e: Rutherford High Energy Laboratory RHENAG d: Rheinische Energie-Aktiengesellschaft Rheo e: Rheostat rheol e: rheological - e: rheology Rheol. Acta e: Rheologica Acta (journ.) RHEP e: Right Hand Elliptically Polarized rhEPO d: rekombinantes humanes Erythropoetin

RHET e: Resonant[-tunneling] Hot Electron Transistor - e: Rhetoric[al] - e: Rhetorician RHEU e: Rheumatic - e: Rheumatism - e: Rheumatoid RHEU FEV e: Rheumatic Fever RHEU HT DIS e: Rheumatic Heart Disease RHEUM e: Rheumatic[ism] - e: Rheumatism RHF e: Radar Height Finding - e: Rarefied Hypersonic Flow - e: Regular High Frequency - e: Restricted Hartree-Fock - e: Right-Hand Feed - e: Right Heart Failure - e: Right Hip Flexed - e: Rotary Hearth Furnace Rh Factor e: Rhesus Factor Rh-Faktor d: Rhesusfaktor RHFCU e: Reheat Fuel Control Unit RHFEB e: Right-Hand Forward Equipment Bay Rh-Fieber d: Rhipicephalus-Fieber - d: Rhodesien-Fieber RHFL e: Reference Line rhfr[an]k. d: rheinfrankisch RHFS e: Radar Height Find Selector - e: Receiving Hospital Field Station - e: Round Hill Field Station RHG d: Rechnungshofgesetz - d: Rechtshilfegesetz - d: Reichshaftpflichtgesetz rhG[M]-CSF d: rekombinanter humaner Granuloztyen-[Makrophagen-]koloniestimulierender Faktor RHGPS e: Rhodesian Hunters and Game Preservation Society RHH d: Rechtshershypertrophie - e: Right Hand Head - e: Royal Herbert Hospital RHHI e: Royal Hospital and Home for Incurables RH HOLD e: Radar Height Hold RHI d: Rechtherzinsuffizienz - e: Racial Harmony International - e: Radar Height Indicator - e: Rang Height Indicator - e: Range Height Indicator - e: Relative Humidity Indicator - e: Rigid Hull Inflatable RHIA e: Radiation-Hardened Interfacing Amplifier RHIB e: Rain and Hail Insurance Board [or Bureau] RHIC e: Relativistic Heavy Ion Committee RhIG d: Rho[D]-Immunglobulin RHilfeG d: Gesetz iiber die innerdeutsche Rechts- und Amtshilfe in Strafsachen RHIN f: Réseaux Hétérogènes Informatiques Normalisés Rhin e: Rhinologist - e: Rhinology[ist] rH-Indikator d: Redoxindikator RHINO e: Range Height Indicator Not Operating - e: Repeating Hand-held Improved Non-rifled Ordnance RHINOL e: Rhinologic[al][Iy] - e: Rhinologist - e: Rhinology RHINOfs] e: Rhinoceroses]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

RHIP e: Radiation Health Information Project - e: Rank Has Its Privileges - e: Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics RHIR e: Rank Has Its Responsibilities R Hist S e: Royal Historical Society RHIT e: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rhiz. d: Rhizobium - d: Rhizoma rhiz. e: rhizoma Rhj. d: Rechnungshalbjahr RHK d: Reichshauptkasse - d: Rheumatische Herzkrankheit - e: Radio Hong Kong RHKAAF e: Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force RHKTV e: Royal Hong Kong Television RHKU d: Rechtsherzkatheteruntersuchung RHL e: Radiological Health Laboratory - e: Rape Help Line - e: Rectangular Hysteresis Loop - e: Reverse Half-Line - e: Richmond Hill Laboratories RhLA d: Rhesus-Leukozytenantigen RhL[-]A e: Rhesus leukocyte Antigen Rhld. d: Rheinland RHLG e: Radiometric Homing Level Gage Rh.LJ. e: Rhodesian Law Journal RHM e: Relative Humidity Meter - e: Remote Hardware Monitoring - e: Reset Individual Interrupt Mask - e: Right-Hand polarized Mode - e: Roentgen [per] Hour [at one] Meter Rhm d: Rahmen RHMA e: Railhead Maintenance Area RhMBl d: Rheinische Musikblätter (journ.) RHM/Ci e: Roentgen per Hour at One Meter per Curie RHMG e: Rogers House Museum Gallery RHMI e: Regional Horticultural Marketing Inspector RHMS e: Royal Hibernian Military School RHMSTS e: Regulations for Her Majesty's Sea Transport Service RHN e: Relative Hardness Number - e: Rockwell Hardness Number - e: Royal Hellenic Navy Rhn d: Recklinghausen rh-negativ d: rhesus-negativ RHNT e: Random Hunting methode RHO d: Reichshaftungsordnung - d: Reichshaushaltsordnung - e: Railhead Officer - e: Regional Hospital Office[r] - e: Remote Host Option - e: Rickwell Hanford Operations - e: Rural Health Office[r] RhO d: Reinhalteordnung Rho e: Rhoda RHOB e: Rayburn House Office Building RHochbau d: Hochbaurichtlinien der Deutschen Bundespost RHOD e: Rhodium Rhod. e: Rhodesia Rhoda e: Rhodacelle -1: Rhodacella Rhodesian L J . e: Rhodesian Law Journal rhodies e: rhododendrons Rhod.Librn. e: Rhodesian Librarian (journ.) rhodo[s] e: rhododendron[s] R-HOE e: Reflection-HOE [Holographie Optical Equipment] RHOE e: Reflex-HOE [Holographie Optical Equipment] RHOFLIGHT e: Rhodesian Air Services 185

RHOGI RHOGI e: Radar Homing Guidance Investigation RHOGUI e: Radar Homing Guidance Rho. L. e: Rhodian Law RHOM e: Rhombic - e: Rhomboid Rhom e: Rhombus rhomb, d: rhombisch RHOMB e: Rhombohedron - e: Rhomboid RHOP e: Rayburn House Office Building R Horizont e: Rock Horizont RHP e: Radiant Heat Pump - e: Rated Horsepower - e: Rubidium Hydrogen Phthalate RbHC6H4[COO]2 - e: Reduced Hard Pressure - e: Right Half Plane - e: Rural Health Program RHPC e: Rapid Hardening Portland Cement Rh.[-]Pf. d: Rheinland-Pfalz RHpflG d: Reichshaftpflichtgesetz Rh-positiv d: Rhesus-positiv RH Process e: Ruhrstahl-Heraeus Process RHPS e: Radiation-Hardened Power Supply RHQ e: Rear Headquarter[s] - e: Regional Headquarters RHR d: Reichsbahnhauptrat - e: Receiver Holding Register - e: Reheater - e: Rejectable Hazard Rate - e: Residual Heat Removal - e: Resting Heart Rate - e: Roentgen per Hour - e: Roughness Height Rating - e: Roughness Height Reading R/Hr e: Roentgen[s] per Hour RHRP e: Residual Heat Removal Pump RHRS e: Residual Heat Removal System RHrs e: Running Hours RHRSW e: Residual Heat Removal Service Water RHR System e: Residual Heat Removal System RHRZ d: Regionales Hochschulrechenzentrum RHS d: Regler-Hand-Schalter - d: Retikulo-Histiozytäres System - e: Radio Ham Shack - e: Rectangular Hollow Section - e: Right Hand Side - e: Roundheaded Screw - e: Royal Historical Society - e: Royal Horticultural Society - e: Royal Humane Society - r: Riksforbundet Hem och Skola RHS BTMRAIL e: Right-Hand Side Bottom Rail RHSC e: Right-Hand Side Console RhSch d: Rheinische Schnecke RhSchiffG d: Rheinschiffahrtsgesellschaft RhSchOG d: Rheinschiffahrtsobergericht RHSI e: Royal Holticultural Society of Ireland - e: Rubber Heel and Sole Institute RHSNZ e: Royal Humane Society of New Zealand RHSO d: Rechenzentren der Hessischen Sparkassenorganisation RHS Pamphlets e: Royal Horticultural Society Pamphlets (journ.) RHSt d: Reihenhauptstelle RH steering e: Right-Hand steering RHStrÜbk d: Europäisches Übereinkommen über die Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen

RHSV e: Royal Historical Society of Victoria RHT d: Regionale Tiefenhyperthermie - e: Radiative Heat Transfer - e: Register Holding Time - e: Reheat - e: Release Hardware Test - e: Reynolds Hydrodynamic Theory - e: Right Hand Tree RHTEV e: Reheater Emergency Valve RHTM e: Regional Highway Traffic Model rhTNF d: rekombinanter humaner Tumornekrosefaktor RHTS e: Reactor Heat Transport System RHU e: Reinforcement Holding Unit - e: Reserved for Hardware Use RHuBBl d: Reichshaushalts- und Besoldungsblatt r[-]HuEPO d: rekombinantes [or rekombiniertes] Humanes Erythropoetin RHV d: Rechtsherzversagen - f: République de Haute-Volta RhV d: Rheintalische Verkehrsbetriebe AG RHW e: Radar Homing and Warning - e: Reversible Half-Wave - e : Right Half Word RH&W e: Radar Homing and Warning RHWAC[DC] e: Reversible Half-Wave Alternating Current[-Direct Current] RHWB d: Regionale Herzwandbewegung RHWDC e: Reversible Half-Wave Direct Current RHWR e: Radar Homing and Warning Receiver RHWS e: Radar Homing and Warning System RHYFL e: Rocketdyne Hypersonic Flow Laboratory rhythm, d: rhythmisch RHZ d: Rehabilitationszentrum RhZ d: Rhodanzahl RI d: Radio-Industrie (journ.) - d: Rangierleiter - d: Reduktionsindex - d: Regan-Isoenzym - d: Regenerationsindex - d: Regierungsinspektor - d: Registerindex - d: Regurgitationsindex - d: Reichsbahninspektor - d: Replikatives Intermediärprodukt - d: Republik Indonesien - d: Respiratorische Insuffizienz - d: Rial - d: Richtungskennzeichen - d: Rinteln - d: Röntgenliter - d: Rotorisolation - d: Rückimpuls - d: Rufleitung - e: Radar Indexfing] - e: Radar Input - e: Radar Intercept - e: Radiation Intensity - e: Radio Industries - e: Radio Inertial - e: Radio Influence - e: Radio Inspector - e: Radio Intelligence - e: Radio Interface - e: Radio Interference - e: Radio Iran - e: Radiographic Intensifier - e: Radiointerferometer - e: Radioisotope - e: Random Interval - e: Range Instrumentation


© K G - Saur, München

- e: REACT [Radio Emergency Associated Communications Team] International - e: Read In - e: Read Instruction - e: Readers International - e: Real Image - e: Receiving Inspection - e: Recombinant Inbred - e: Record Input - e: Recruit[ing] Instruction^] - e: Rectifier Instrument - e: Reflective Insulation - e: Refraction Intercept - e: Refractive Index - e: Refractories Institute - e; Register Immediate - e: Regurgitant Index - e: Rehabilitation International - e: Reinsurance - e: Reinsured - e: Relative Intensity - e: Relaxation Instruction - e: Release-Inhibiting - e: Reliability Index - e: Religious Instruction - e: Repeat Indication - e: Repetitive Instruction - e: Replacable Item - e: Replicative Intermediate - e: Report[s] of Investigation - e: Reproducibility Index - e: Republic Indonesia - e: Republic of India - e: Repulsion Induction - e: Require Identification - e: Research Institute - e: Resistance Index - e: Resistance Inductance - e: Respiratory Illness - e: Retention Index - e: Retroactive Inhibition - e: Retroactive Interference - e: Retrograde Inversion - e: Return Instruction - e: Reverberation Index - e: Reverse Image - e: Rhode Island[s] - e: Rial - e: Rice Institute - e: Richelieu International - e: Rideability Index - e: Right In - e: Ring Index - e: Ring Indicator - e: Robotics Institute - e: Robotics International - e: Rock Island - e: Rockwell International Corporation - e: Rodale International - e: Room Index - e: Rotary International - e: Rotating Inventory - e: Routing Identifier - e: Routing Indication [or Indicator] - e: Routing Information - e: Royal Institute [or Institution] - e: Rubber Insulated [or insulation] - f: Rapport d'Intervention - f: République Indonésie - i: Registro Italiano - i: Repubblica Italiana

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RICB Ri d: inspiratorische Resistance - d: Richter - d: Richtlinie[n] - d: Rille - d: Ring - e: Range of first Intercept - e: Recovery, incorporated Ri. d: Richtung R.I. e: Radio Industries - e: Registro Italiano, Rome - e: Reinsurance - e: Rhode Island R&I e: Receiving and Inspection - e: Removal and Installation - e: Rural and Industries R/I e: Radio/Inertial R, d: innerer Widerstand Ri d: Widerstand des Innenleiters des Koaxialpaares RIA d: Recht im Amt - d: Regierungsinspektoranwärter - d: Reversible Ischämische Attacke - e: Radioimmuno Assay[s] - e: Radioisotope Assay - e: Railroad Insurance Association - e: Railway Industry Association of Great Britain - e: Reactivity Initiated Accident - e: Recording Industry Association - e: Registered Industrial Accountant - e: Remittant Ischemic Attack[s] - e: Remote Intelligence Acquisition - e: Removable Instrument Assembly - e: Research Institute of America - e: Research Institute of Atmospherics - e: Reset Indicators from Accumulator - e: Robot Institute of America - e: Robotics Industries Association - e: Robotics Industries of America - e: Rock Island Arsenal - e: Royal Irish Academy Ri.-A. d: Richtungsanlage R.i.a. I: Ramus interventricularis anterior RIAA e: Recording] Industry Association of America RIAC e: Railways Industry Advisory Committee - e: Research Information Analysis Corporation - e: Royal Irish Automobile Club RIACT e: Retrieval of Information About Census Tapes RIA-DA e: Radioimmunoassay Double Antibody RIADS e: Rapid Antiship Missile Integrated Defense System RIAEC e: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission RIAF e: Royal Indian Air Force - e: Royal Iranian Air Force - e: Royal Iraqui Air Force RI-agents e: Respiratory Illness agents RIAGT d: Radioimmunantiglobulintest RIAH e: Monetary unit of Iran - e: Radioimmunoassay of Hair RIAI e: Royal Institute of [the] Architects of Ireland RIAI Yearbook e: Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland Yearbook

RIAL e: Monetary unit of Yemen - e: Religion in American Life - e: Revised Individual Allowance List - e: Rock Island Arsenal Laboratory - e: Runway Identifiers and Approach Lighting - s: Programa de Estudios Conjuntos sobre las Relaciones Internacionales de América Latina Rial Omani e: Monetary unit of Oman RIAM e: Research Institute for Applied Mechanics - e: Royal Irish Academy of Music RIAN e: Resonant Ionization Auger Neutralization RIANZ e: Record Industry Association of New Zealand RIAP e: Research Institute for Animal Production RIAR e: Reflector of Ionized Area - e: Requirements Inventory Analysis Report RIAS d: Radio [or Rundfunk] im Amerikanischen Sektor, Berlin - e: Radio in the American Sector [of Berlin] - e: Regulatory Impact Assessment Statement - e: Research Initiation and Support - e: Research Institute for/of Advanced Studies - e: Research Institute for/of Animal Science - e: Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland RIASBO e: Rhode Island Association of School Business Officials RIASC e: Rhode Island Association of School Committees RIASLP e: Rattlesnake Island Air Service Local Post RIASSP e: Rhode Island Association of Secondary School Principals RIAT d: Schweizerisches Register für Ingenieure, Architekten und Techniker RiAt d: Richtantenne RIB d: Rechen[- und Entwicklungs]institut im Bauwesen - e: Racing Information Bureau - e: Railway Information Bureau - e: Range in a Box - e: Read Interrupt Buffer - e: Reconvertible Hems Breakdown - e: Recyclable, Incineratable, Biodegradable - e: Renderman Interface Bytestream - e: Request Indicator Byte - e: Research Institute of Brewing - e: Ribbed - e: Ribbon - e: River Ice Breaker - e: Roanoke Iron & Bridge - e: Rural Industries Bureau - f: Relevé d'Identité Bancaire - n: Rijksinkoopbureau Rib d: Ribose - d: Ribosom - e: Ribose RIBA d: Rekombinanter Immunoblot-Assay - e: Radioimmuno Binding Assay - e: Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Journal e: Royal Institute of British Architects Journal RibDam d: Ribnitz-Damgarten RIBE e: Reactive Ion Beam Etching RIBI e: Reconvertible Items Breakdown Index - e: Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland Rib-5-P e: Ribose-5-Phosphate

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

RIBS e: Reflectance Infrared Spectroscopy - e: Rigid Inflatable Boats - e: Rutherford Ion Back Scattering RIBSS e: Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences Ribu d: Ribulose - e: Ribulose RIC d: Rechteckimpulscharakteristik - d: Übereinkommen über die gegenseitige Benutzung der Personen-und Gepäckwagen im internationalen Verkehr - e: Radar Indicating Console - e: Radar Input Control - e: Radar Intercept Calculator - e: Radar Intercept Control - e: Radar Interface Control - e: Radio Industry Council - e: Rafter Input Converter - e: Rainforest Information Center - e: Range Instrumentarium [or Instrumentation] Conference [or Coordination] - e: Rare-Earth Information Center - e: Read-In Counter - e: Receiver Impulse Characteristic - e: Reciprocal Impedance Converter - e: Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre - e: Reconstructed Ion Chromatography - e: Record Identification [or Identifying] Code - e: Reference Information Collections - e: Regional Engineering College - e: Registered IBM [International Business Machines] Confidential - e: Regulated Investment Company - e: Rehabilitation Industries Corporation - e: Relocation Instruction Counter - e: Remote Information Center - e: Remote Interactive Communication - e: Repairable Item Code - e: Repeater Interface Controller - e: Republic Industrial Corporation - e: Republic of the Ivory Coast - e: Request for Interplant Commitment - e: Research and Information Commission - e: Research Institute for Catalysis - e: Resistance-Inductance-Capacitance - e: Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor - e: Resource Identification Code - e: Resource Information Center - e: Revolving Inventory Count - e: Rice Improvement Conference - e: Richmond, Virgininia - e: Ritual Infant Circumcision - e: Rockwell International Corporation - e: Rotating Inventory Control - e: Rotating Inventory Count - e: Routine Infant Circumscision - e: Routing Identification Code - e: Royal Institute of Chemistry - f: Union Internationale des Voitures et Fourgons - i: Regolamento Internazionale Carozze RI&C e: Reactor Instrumentation and Control RICA e: Railway Industry Clearance Association - e: Research Institute for/of Consumer Affairs - e: Research Institute on Communist Affairs - f: Réseau d'Information Comptable Agricole RICASIP e: Research Information Center [or Centre] and Advisory Service on Information Processing RICAT f: Recherches Internationales Concertées dans'Atlantique Tropical RICB e: Reactive Ionized Cluster Beam 187

RICC R I C C e: Regional Information Coordinating Center - e: Reportable Item Control Code R I C E e: Radar Interface and Control Equipment - e: Rationalized Internal Communication Equipment - e: Regional Information and Communication Exchange - e: Research Institute for the Care of the Elderly - e: Rhode Island College of Education - e: Rice Information Cooperative Effort Rice e: Rices South Carolina Law Reports Rice Dig. e: Rice, Digest of Patent Office Decisions Rice, Ev. e: Rices Law of Evidence Rice L . [S.C.] e: Rice, South Carolina Law Reports Rices Code e: Rices Code of Practice Rich e: Richardson - e: Richford - e: Richmal Rich, e: Richardsons South Carolina Law Reports Rich[d] e: Richmond Rich. Diet, e: Richardsons New Dictionary of the English Language Rich.&H. e: Richardson & Hooks Street Railway Decisions Rich. L[aw] [S.C.] e: Richardson's South Carolina Law Reports Rich-Pete Turn e: Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike Rieht, d: Richtung Richtl d: Richtliniejn] [für Technische Ausstattung] Richtl Alarmanlagen d: Richtlinie für elektrische Alarmanlagen bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl Anfo F d: Richtlinie Anforderung an Grundstücke, Gebäude und Räume des Fernmeldewesens Richtl Anfo P d: Richtlinie Anforderung an Grundstücke, Gebäude und Räume des Postwesens Richtl ASI SchAr d: ArbeitssicherheitRichtlinie für die persönliche Schutzausrüstung bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl Aufz d: Richtlinie für das Errichten von Aufzugsanlagen bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl Ausbauprogr EDV d: Richtlinie Bearbeitung derAusbauprogramme und Projektlisten mit der EDV im Berereich der Femsprechvermittlungstechnik Richtl Auskunftsersuchen d: Richtlinie für das Bearbeiten von Auskunftsersuchen Richtl Auslandseinkauf d: Richtlinie für den Auslandseinkauf Richtl Ausrüstung KatS DBP d: Richtlinie für das Lagern und Unterhalten der Ausrüstund des Katastrophenschutzes bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl AuV d: Richtlinie über Abschlag-u. Vorauszahlungen für Lieferungen und Leistungen im Bereich der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl Bau A d: Vorschriften für das Bauwesen der Deutschen BundespostGestaltungsvorschriften Richtl Bau Hst Richtl Feuerlösch d: Gestaltungsvorschriften für haustechnische Einrichtungen-Richtlinie für das Errichten von Feuerlöscheinrichtungen


Richtl Bedienen SUD d: Richtlinie für das Bedienen von Schwungradumformern mit ankuppelbarem Dieselmotor in Funkübertragungsstellen Richtl BesKD d: Richtlinie für das Anweisungs- und Meldeverfahren im Besoldungskassendienst Richtl BestellV d: Richtlinie für das Bestellverfahren des Fernmeldewesens außer Fernmeldezeug- und Fernmeldezentralzeugämter Richtl BestVerz d: Richtlinie für das Aufstellen und Führen von Bestandsverzeichnissen Richtl BetrPlan Bvh P d: Richtlinie Betriebsplanung und Bauvorhaben des Postwesens Richtl Datensicherung d: Richtlinien für die Datensicherung Richtl DG mit Fernmeldetechnik d: Richtlinie für die hochbau-u. haustechnische Planung von Dienstgebäuden mit Fernmeldetechnik Richtl EIIZ d: Richtlinie für den Eilzustelldienst Richtl Erricht GemV d: Richtlinie für das Errichten von Gemeinschaftsverpflegungseinrichtungen bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl FAUS d: Richtlinie für die Zahlung fester Ausgaben Richtl F e E d: Richtlinie für die Fernsprechentstörung Richtl Feuerlösch d: Richtlinie für das Errichten von Feuerlöscheinrichtungen Richtl FwS 62 d: Richtlinie Fernwählsystem 62 Richtl Gebäudereinigung d: Richtlinie für die Gebäudereinigung bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl GemV d: Richtlinie für die Gemeinschaftsverpflegung bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl Gp d: Richtlinie für Güteprüfungen bei der Deutschen Bundespost mit Erläuterungen und Ergänzungen für das Fernmeldewesen Richtl Gp-F d: Richtlinien für Güteprüfungen bei der Deutschen Bundespost mit Erläuterungen für das Femmeldewesen Richtl Gp-PKIK d: Richtlinie für die Güteprüfung bei der Postkleiderkasse Richtl GrafBeschr d: Richtlinie Grafische •

Beschreibung-Methode zur Darstellung von Arbeitsabläufen Richtl GrundlErm P d: Richtlinie für die Grundlagenermittlung Richtl Heizölversorgung d: Richtlinie für die Heizölversorgung der DBP im Falle einer Mineralöl-Lieferkrise in Friedenszeiten Richtl Infosystem U d: Richtlinie Informationssystem der leitergebundenen Übertragungstechnik Richtl Instandsetzung d: Richtlinie für die Vergabe u. Preisbildung bei Instandsetzungsaufträgen Richtl KatS d: Richtlinie für den Katastrophenschutz der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl Kraftstoffverorgung d: Richtlinie für die Kraftstoffversorgung der Deutschen Bundespost im Falle einer Mineralöl-Lieferkrise in Friedenszeiten

© K • G • Säur. München

Richtl Lager Baubed d: Richtlinie für die Einrichtung und Ausstattung von Lagerplätzen für den Baubedarf der Linientechnik Richtl Lager F d: Richtlinie für die Ausstattung von Vorratslagern im Femmeldewesen Richtl Leiten ÄF d: Richtlinie für die Organisation des Leitens der Ämter des Fernmeldewesens Richtl Lüftung d: Richtlinie für das Errichten von lüftungstechnischen Einrichtungen bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl M d: Richtlinien für den maschinentechnischen Dienst bei den Ämtern Richtl Melde-und Lagewesen d: Richtlinie für das zivile Melde-u. Lagewesen im Bereich der Deutschen Bundespost bei Katastrophen, Krisen sowie im Alarm-und Verteidigungsfall Richtl Nachw GD T d: Richtlinie für die Gewinnung qualifizierten Nachwuchspersonals im Bereich der Deutschen Bundespost Telekom Richtl PnV d: Richtlinie zur Gestaltung der maschinellen Päckchenverteilung Richtl Postfach d: Richtlinie für die Einrichtung und den Betrieb von Postfachanlagen Richtl Raumbedarf d: Vorläufige Richtlinien für den Raumbedarf Richtl Raumplan P d: Richtlinie für das Aufstellen von Raumplänen Richtl ReglOrg DSt ÄPost d: Richtlinie für das Bereitstellen von Regelungen für die Organisation von Dienststellen bei Ämtern des Postwesens RichtlS d: Richtliniensammlung Richtl Schwb d: Richtlinie für die Schwerbehindertenfürsorge bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl SeDBP d: Richtlinien für den Selbstschutz der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl Sonder-Kfz d: Richtlinie Kraftfahrtechnische Instandhaltung von Kraftfahrzeugen und Anhänger für Sonderzwecke des Post-und Fernmeldedienstes Richtl Sonnenschutz d: Richtlinie für den Sonnenschutz an Dienstgebäuden der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl Starkstrom d: Richtlinie für das Errichten und Betreiben von posteigenen Starkstromanlagen Richtl SUD d: Richtlinie über das Betreiben ortsfester Schwungradumformer mit ankuppelbarem Dieselmotor in Funkübertragungsstellen Richtl TAust d: Richtlinie für die Technische Ausstattung der Dienststellen der Betriebs- und Haustechnik Richtl TAust-EMech d: Richtlinie für die Technische Ausstattung der Berufsbildungsstellen für die Ausbildung zum Elektromechaniker bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl Tln-Einr d: Arbeitsanweisung für das Versorgen der Bedarfsstellen mit Fernmeldezeug Teil 7 Richtl Üpara DIV d: Richtlinie zur Festlegung übertragungstechnischer NF-Parameter von digitalen Vermittlungsstellen Richtl Vers d: Richtlinie zur Anweisung von Versorgungsbezügen Richtl VerwNr d: Richtlinie für das Festlegen von Verwendungsnummern

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RifuMeßGr Richtl VOB d: Richtlinie der Deutschen Bundespost für die Auftragsvergabe nach der Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen Richtl VOL d: Richtlinie der Deutschen Bundespost für das Beschaffen nach der Verdingungsordnung für Leistungen [ausgenommen Bauleistungen] Richtl VSt d: Richtlinien über das Betreiben von Fernsprechvermittlungsstellen Richtl VStW d: Richtlinie über das Betreiben von Fernsprechvermittlungsstellen mit Wählbetrieb Richtl Wasser d: Richtlinie für das Errichten von wasser- und abwassertechnischen Einrichtungen bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl WIR d: Richtlinien für die Wirtschaftlichtkeitsrechnungen bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl WNU d: Richtlinie für Wirtschaftlichkeits- und Nutzungsuntersuchungen bei der Deutschen Bundespost Richtl zum Grundstücksverbilligungsgesetz d: Richtlinie zur Durchführung des Gesetzes über die verbilligte Veräußerung, Vermietung und Verpachtung von bundeseigenen Grundstücken Richtstr. d: Richtstrecke Rich. Wills e: Richardsons Law of Testaments and Last Wills RICM e: Right Intercostal Margin - f: Registre International [des] Citoyens du Monde RICMO e: Radar Input Countermeasures Officer RICMT e: Radar Input[s] Countermeasures Technician [or Technique] RIC Network e: Resistance-InductanceCapacitance Network RICO e: Racketeering] Influenced [and] Corrupt Organization^] RICOB e: Rice and Corn Board RICO Bus. Disp. Guide [CCH] e: RICO Business Disputes Guide [Commerce Clearing House] RICOCI f: Représentations Industrielles et Commerciales de l'Ouest de la Côte-d'Ivoire RICOPA s: Reflorestamento, Industria e Comércio de Palmito RICS e: Range Instrumentation [and] Control System - e: Royal Institute [or Institution] of Chartered Surveyors - e: Rubber Impregnated Chopped Strands RICs e: Record Identification Codes RICU e: Respiratory Intensive Care Unit - e: Russian Institute of Columbia University R I C W e: Regional Engineering College, Warangal RIC Yearbook e: Research and Information Commission Yearbook RID d: Radioimmunodiffusion - d: Rechnerinterne Darstellung - d: Report-Identifikationfsnummer] - d: Riedenburg - e: Radar Input Drum - e: Radial Immunodiffusion - e: Radio Intelligence Division - e: Range Instrumentation Division - e: Range Instruments Development - e: Rapidata Interactive Debugger - e: Reactor Institute Delft - e: Records Issue Date - e: Refractive-Index Detector - e: Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf - e: Relation Identification - e: Remote Identifier

- e: Remove Intoxicated Drivers - e: Research Institutes and Divisions - e: Reset Inhibit Drive[r] - e: Reset Inhibit Drum - e: Review Item Discrepancy - e: Review Item Disposition - e: Riddle Aviation - e: Routing Identifier - f: Règlement International concernant les Transports de Marchandises Dangereuses par Chemin de Fer - i: Rivista Italiana Difesa RIDA e: Resampled Image Data Array - e: Reverse Isotope Dilution Assay - e: Rural and Industrial Development Authority - e: Rural Industrial Development Authority RIDAC e: Range Interference Directing and Control RIDC e: Resistance, Input, Direct Current RIDD e: Range Instrumentation Development Division RIDE e: Radio Intercept and Direction Finding Equipment - e: Rail International Design Environment - e: Research Institute for Diagnostic Engineering RIDE Network e: Resource-sharing in a Distributed Environment Network Riders e: Riders of the Purple Sage RIDF e: Random Input Describing Function Riding Mountain e: Riding Mountain National Park [Manitoba] RIDIT e: Relative to an Identified Distribution Transformation RIDL e: Radiation Instrument Development Laboratory - e: Referential Idea Language - e: Ridge Instrument Development Laboratory Ridley, Civil&Ecc. Law e: Ridleys Civil and Ecclesiastical Law RIDP e: Radar-iff [If Friend Or Foe] Data Processor RIDS e: Receiving Inspection Data Status Report - e: Reset Information Data Set RIDS Report e: Receiving Inspection Data Status Report RIDÜMA d: Richtlinien für Datenübermittlung Magnetband RIE e: Radar Interface Equipment - e: Radio Interference Elimination [or Eliminator] - e: Range of Incentive Effectiveness - e: Reactive Ion Etching - e: Renewed in Error - e: Research in Education - e: Research Institute of Electronics - e: Resources in Education - e: Retriement Income Endowment - e: Rhodesian Institution of Engineers - e: Royal Institute [or Institution] of Engineers - f: Réseau Informatique Européen R I E C e: Research Institute for Estate Crops - e: Research Institute of Electrical Communication - e: Royal Indian Engineering College riech, d: riechend RIEDAC e: Research in International Economics of Disarmament and Arms Control RIEF e: Recirculating Isoelectric Focusing RIEI e: Republic Industrial Education Institute - e: Roofing Industry Educational Institute

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich

RIEL e: Monetary unit of Cambodia RIEM e: Research Institute for Environmental Medicine RIENA i: Rassegna Internazionale Ellettronica Nucleare ed Asrospaciale RIEP d: Radioimmun-Elektrophorese Riep e: Research Institute for Education Planning RIE PECVD e: Reactive Ion Etching Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition RIETCOM e: Regional Interagency Emergency Transportation Committee RIEx f: Reglement international concemant le transport des colis express R I F a: Rädgivende Ingeni0rers Forening - d: Reichsstelle für industrielle Fette und Waschmittel - d: Renale Interstitielle Flüssigkeit - d: Resistenz-induzierender Faktor - d: Rifamp[ic]in - e: Radar Identification [Set] - e: Radio Influence Field - e: Radio Interference Field - e: Radio Interference Filter - e: Reading is Fundamental - e: Reclearance in Flight - e: Reduction in Force - e: Reliability Improvement Factor - e: Resistance Inducing Factor - e: Right Iliac Fossa - e: Royal Irish Fusiliers - i: Rifatto - r: Svenska Reproindustri föreningen R i F d: Richtfunk RIFA d: Rifampicin - e: Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs RI-family e: Respiratory Illness family R I F C e: Radio In-Flight Correction - e: Rat Intrinsic Factor Concentrate RIFCA e: Rapid Integrated Factory Circuit Analyzer RifEI d: Richtfunkempfangsleitung Riff e: Mountainous region of northern Morocco RIFFED e: Reduced in Force RIFI e: Radio Interference Field Intensity - e: Radio Interference-Free Instrument RIFI M[eter] e: Radio Interference Field Intensity Meter RIFL e: Random Item File Locater RIFM e: Research Institute for Fragrance Materials RIFMA e: Roentgen-Isotope-Fluorescent Method of Analysis RIFP e: Research Institute for/of Fundamental Physics RIFS e: Radioisotope Field Support RIFs e: Reduction in Forces RifSI d: Richtfunksendeleitung RIF-System d: Richtfunk-System RIFT e: Reactor-in-Flight Test - e: Rhode Island Federation of Teachers RIFT[/]S e: Reactor-in-Flight Test[/]System Rifu d: Richtfunk[gerät] - d: Richtfunktechnik RiFuA d: Richtfunk-Anlage RifuASt d: Richtfunkaußenstelle RifuBschft d: Richtfunkbereitschaft RifuEinsPl d: Richtfunkeinsatzplan RifuEndSt d: Richtfunkendstelle RifuGI d: Richtfunkgrundleitung RifuLi d: Richtfunklinie RifuLtSt d: Richtfunkleitstelle RifuMeßGr d: Richtfunkmeßgruppe


RifuModem RifuModem d: Richtfunk-Modulator und -Demodulator RifuN d: Richtfunknetz RIFUNETZ-D d: Unterstützung der Richtfunknetzplanung Dritter RIFUNETZ-P d: Unterstützung der Richtfunknetzplanung der Deutschen Bundespost RiFuNOBwFü d: Richtfunknetz Oberste Bundeswehrführung RifuNz d: Richtfunknetz RIFUPLOT d: Richtfunknetz-Plotteranwendung RifuRSt d: Richtfunkrelaisstelle R[iFu]S[chSt] d: Richtfunk-Schaltstelle RiFuSchVermSt d: Richtfunk-Schalt- und Vermittlungsstelle RifuSt d: Richtfunkstelle RifÜSt d: Richtfunkübertragungsstelle RifuStr d: Richtfunkstrecke RifuTnKa d: Richtfunk-Tonkanal RifuTrp d: Richtfunktrupp RifuÜGr d: Richtfunkübertragungsgruppe RifuÜGr Tn/TV d: Richtfunk-Übertragungsgruppe Tn/TV RifuVdbg d: Richtfunkverbindung RifuZSt d: Richtfunkzentralstelle RIG d: Reaktor-Interessengemeinschaft - d: Rückimpulsgeber - e: Rabies Immune Globulin - e: Radio Inertial Guidance - e: Radio Interference Guard - e: Rate Integrating Gyro - e: Research Initiation Grant - e: Restricted Interagency Group - e: Rochesters Intelligent Gateway - e: Transceiver equipment RiG d: Richtergesetz Rig e: Riga RIGA e: Ring Gauge RIGB e: Royal Institution of Great Britain RIGEL e: Rockwell International Ghost Eliminator RIGFA e: Recognition and Identification between Ground Forces and Aircraft RIGFET e: Resistive Insulated Gate FET [Field Effect Transistor] right on e: right on the nose RIGS e: Radio Inertial Guidance System - e: Resonant Infrasonic Gauging System - e: Runway Identifier[s] with Glide Slope RIH e: Read Inhibit - e: Release Inhibiting Hormone - e: Repetition-Induced Hypnosis - e: Right Inguinal Hernia - e: Royal Institute of Horticulture RIHANS e: River and Harbor Aid to Navigation System RIHED e: Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development RIHS e: Rhode Island Historical Society RIHSA e: Radio[active] Iodinated Human Serum Albumin RII e: Radar Intelligence Information - e: Receiving Inspection Instruction^] - e: Record Identifying Indicator - e: Required Inspection Item RIIA e: Royal Institute of International Affairs - s: Reuniones de Intercambio de Información Agropecuaria RIIC e: Research Institute on International Change - e: Rural Industries Innovation Center [or Centre] R U M e: Reset Individual Interrupt Mask


RI-Insulin d: Rare-Immunogenic-Insulin RIIS e: Research Institute of Industrial Science RIISOM e: Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals RiJGG d: Richtlinien der Landesjustizverwaltungen zum Jugendgerichtsgesetz RIK e: Replacement in Kind RiK d: Richtkoppler RIKE[S] e: Raman induced Kerr Effect [Spectroscopy] RIKILT n: Rijks-Kwaliteitsinstituut voor Landen Tuinbouwprodukten RiKp d: Richtungskoppler RIKS d: Rang-Index-Kollisions-Strategie RIL e: Radio Influence Level - e: Radio Interference Level - e: Record Input Length - e: Red Indicating [or Indicator] Lamp [or Light] - e: Redundant Items List - e: Release Interrupt Lockout - e: Repairable Hem List - e: Representation Independent Language - e: Reset Indicators to Left-half - e: Royal Interocean Lines - F: Suomen Rokennusinsinöörien Liitto - r: Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Förbund Ril d: Richtungsleiter - d: Rille R I L A M A C e: Research in Laboratory Animal Medicine and Care RILC e: Racing Industry Liaison Committee RILDD e: Research Institute of Launderers, Drycleaners and Dyers RILEM f: Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires d'Essais et de Recherches sur les Matériaux et les Constructions Riley e: Rileys South Carolina Law Reports RILKO e: Research into Lost Knowledge Organisation RILM f: Repertoire international de littérature musicale RILOP e: Reclamation in Lieu of Procurement RILS e: Ranging Integration Location System - e: Rapid Integrated Logistics System RiLSA d: Richtlinien für Lichtsignalanlagen RILSS e: Rapid Integrated Logistic Support System RIM d: Raster-Ionenmikroskopie - d: Rechnerintemes Modellabbild - d: Referenz-Informations-Management - e: Radar Input Mapper - e: Radar Input Monitor - e: Radar Intelligence Map - e: Radial Inlet Manifold - e: Radio Imaging Method - e: Radioactive Ion Microscopy - e: Radioisotope Medicine - e: Reaction Injection Mo[u]lding [or Moulded] - e: Read-in Mode - e: Read Interrupt Mask - e: Receipt, Inspection and Maintenance - e: Receiver Intermodulation - e: Receiving, Inspection and Maintenance - e: Regulations for the Issue of Maps - e: Relevant Instructional Material - e: Remote subscriber unit Interface Module - e: Repair, Inspection and Maintenance - e: Repulsion-Inducation Motor - e: Request Initialization Mode - e: Research Instrument Module - e: Resident Industrial Manager - e: Resource Interface Module © K • G • Säur, München

- e: Rhodesian Institute of Management - e: Rotors in Motion - e: Rubber Insulation Material - e: Runway Incursion Management - f: République Islamique de Mauritanie -1: Ramus intermedius RIMA e: Right Internal Mammary Artery - s: Rio Manso Agropastoril RIMAC e: Research Institute for Mediciane and Chemistry RIMB e: Roche Institute of Molecular Biology RIMC e: Reportable Items of Major Combinations RIMCU e: Research Institute for/of Mindanao Culture RIMDC e: Rajastan State Industrial and Mineral Development Corporation R I M D M e: Research Institute of Mineral Dressing and Metallurgy RIME e: Radio Inertial Missile Equipment - e: Radio Inertial Monitoring Equipment - e: Ranking Index for Maintenance Expenditure - e: Research Institute for Management Excutives R.I. Med. J. e: Rhode Island Medical Journal Riml [Tube] e: Rimlock [Tube] R I M M e: Reset Immediate RIMMS e: RVNAF [Republic of Vietnam Air Force] Improvement and Modernization Management Source RIMOB e: Reserve Indication of Mobilization RI Motor e: Repulsion Induction Motor RIMP e: Remote Input Message Processor RIMPAC e: Rim of the Pacific RIMPATT e: Read Impact Avalanche Transit-Time RIMPATT Diode e: Real Impact Avalanche Transit-Time Diode RIM PUR e: Reaction Injection Molding/ Polyurethane RIMR e: Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research RIMS d: Rationalisierung der Informationsübermittlung in militärischen Stäben - e: Radar-in-Flight Monitoring System - e: Radiant Intensity Measuring System - e: Radiation Intensity Measuring System - e: Radio Interference Measuring Set - e: Radio Interference Measuring System - e: Record Information Movement Study - e: Regional Information Management System - e: Remote Information Management System - e: Replacement Inertial Measurement System - e: Requestor-oriented Information Management System - e: Resonant Ionization Mass Spectrometry - e: Risk and Insurance Management Society RIMtech e: Research Institute for the Management of Technology RIM technology e: Reaction-InjectionMo[u]lding technology RIMV e: Registrar and Inspector of Motor Vehicles

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RIQS RIN d: Radioisotopennephrografie - e: Record Identification Number - e: Reference Indicator Number - e: Register Instruction] - e: Regular Inertial Navigator - e: Relative Intensity Noise - e: Report Identification Number - e: Resource Identification Number - e: Rotor Impulsive Noise - e: Royal Institute of Navigation - i: Registre Italiano Navale - n: Rijksinstituut voor Natuurbeheer Rin e: Resistance, Input - e: Rintintin RINA e: Resident Inspector of Naval Aircraft - e: Royal Institution of Naval Architects - i: Registre Italiano Navale e Aeronautico Rina e: Reinitiation RINAL e: Radar Inertial Altimeter RINAVI i: Associazione Nazionale Industriali Riparatori Navali R2INC e: R2 Incoming signalling selector RIND d: Reversible Ischämische Neurologische Defizite - e: Research Institute of National Defense - e: Reversible Ischemic Neurological Defect [or Deficit] RINDO e: Rydberg Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap RINET d: Richtfunknetzplanung RINET-1 d: RINET-Frequenzkoordinierung RINET-2 d: RINET-Planung Grundleitungen RINET-3 d: RINET-Kartographische Dokumentation RINF e: Reinforcement - i: Rinforzando RING d: Radioisotopen-Nephrogramm Ring d: Ringstrasse RINGDOC e: Ring Documentation ringförm. d: ringförmig RINGGIT e: Monetary unit of Malaysia RingNr d: Ringnummer RINIS e: Remote Information Management System RINM e: Resident Inspector of Naval Material Ri No e: Richardson Number RINORD e: Consulting Engineers in the Nordic Countries RINs e: Record Identification Numbers RINS e: Research Institute for the Natural Sciences - e: Rotorace Inertial Navigation System RINSCA e: Regional Informatics Network in South and Central Asia RINSC Facility e: Rhode Island Nuclear Science Critical Facility RINSMAT e: Resident Inspector of [Naval] Stores and Materiel RINSORD e: Resident Naval Inspector of Ordnance RINSPEED d: Rinderknecht Speed RINSPOW e: Resident Naval Inspector of Powder RINSUL e: Rubber Insulation RINT e: Radar Intermittent - e: Radiation Intelligence - e: Radiation Interference - e: Reverse Interrupt RINTIN e: Radioisotope Instruments and Tracers in Industry R. Int'l Arb. Awards e: United Nations Reports of International Arbitral Awards

RIO e: Omani Rial - e: Radar Intercept Officer - e: Radar Intercept Operator - e: Real-time Input/Output - e: Reconfiguration of Input/Output - e: Regimental Intelligence Officer - e: Relocatable Input/Output - e: Remote Input/Output - e: Reporting In and Out - e: Resident Inspector of Ordnance - e: Resume Input/Output - e: Retail Issue Outlets - e: Reviewing the International Order - e: Rhodesian Information Office - e: Roll-In-Only - e: Roll-In-Out Rio p: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil RIOC e: Remote Input/Output Control[ler] Rioj s: La Rioja RIOM e: Receiver Inout/Output Module RIOMETER e: Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meter RIOPPAH e: Regional International Organization for Plant Protection and Animal Health RIOPR e: Rhode Island Open-Pool Reactor RIOS e: Remote Input/Output System - e: River Input to Ocean Systems - e: Rotating Image Optical Scanner RIOT e: RAM [Random-Access Memory] Input/Output Timer - e: Real-time Input/Output Terminal - e: Real-time Input/Output Transducer - e: Real-time Input/Output Translator - e: Remote Independently Operable Transceiver - e: Remote Input/Output Terminal - e: Resolution of Initial Operational Techniques - e: Retrieval of Information by On-line Terminal RIO Unit e: Remote Input/Output Unit - e: Right Input/Output Unit RIP d: Radioimmunpräzipitation - d: Rasterbildprozessor - d: Reaktives Ionenplattieren - d: Renin-Inhibierendes Peptid - d: Respiratorisch Induktive Plethysmographie - e: Radar Identification Point - e: Radar Improvement Plan - e: Radar Improvement Program - e: Radioimmunoprecipitation - e: Radioisotope Precipitation - e: Radiological Information Plot - e: Random Input Sampling - e: Random Inspection Programfme] - e: Random-Interconnection Pattern - e: Rapid Isothermal Process - e: Raster Image Processor - e: Reactor Instrument Penetration - e: Read-In Program[me] - e: Readiness Improvement Program - e: Real-time Integrated-control Processor - e: Receipt in Process - e: Receiving Inspection Plan - e: Recoverable Hem Program - e: Recoverable Item Program[me] - e: Reduction [in] Implementation Panel - e: Reduction in Personnel - e: Register Indicator Panel - e: Regulatory and Information Policy - e: Relative-Importance-of-Project - e: Reliability Improvement Program - e: Remainder in Proportion - e: Remote Instrument Package - e: Report on Individual Personnel

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G ' Saur, Munich

- e: Reserve Intelligence Program - e: Resin-Impregnated Paper - e: Resin-in-Pulp - e: Rest-In Proportion - e: Retired In Place - e: Retirement Improvement Program - e: Retirement Income Plan - e: Ring Index Pointer - e: Rockefeller Institute Press - e: Rocket Impelled Projectile - e: Routing Information Process - e: Rural Industrialization Program - e: Rural Industries Promotions - n: Rijksinstituut voor Pluimveeteelt rip i: ripieno R.i.p. 1: Ramus interventricularis posterior -1: Requiescat in pace RIPA d: Radioimmunoprazipitations[test] [-assay] - e: Royal Institute [or Institution] of Public Administration RIPCAM e: Real-time Interactive Process Control and Management RIPE e: Robot Independent Programming Environment RIPER e: Remotely Initiated Illuminating Perimeter Rocket RIPFCOMTF e: Rapid Item Processor to Facilitate Complex Operations on Magnetic Tape Files RIPH[H] e: Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene RIPL e: Reconnaissance Interdiction Planning Line - e: Representation-Independent Programming Language RIP Method e: Resin-In-Pulp Method RIPOM e: Report if Present Otherwise by Message RIPOSTE e: Rapid Integration and Processing of Sensor Test Evaluation RIPP e: Radar Intelligence Photo Producer RIPPLE e: Radio-Isotope Powered Life Equipment - e: Radioactive Isotope Powered Pulse[d] Light Equipment - e: Radioisotope Powered Prolonged Life Equipment RIPPR e: Reliability Improvement Program Progress Report Rip[r] Viet i: Riproduzione Vietata RIPS e: Radar Impact Prediction System - e: Radio Isotope Power Supply - e: Radio Isotope Power System - e: Range Instrumentation Planning Study - e: Range-Instrumentation Planning System - e: Rapidatas Information Processing System - e: Receiver Intermodulation - e: Regional Institute for Population Studies - e: Repulsion-Inducation Motor - e: Resource Interface Module - e: Rule Invocations per Second RIPT d: Radioimmunprâzipitationstest RIPV e: Reactor Isolation Pressure Valve RIQAP e: Reduced Inspection Quality Assurance Program[me] RIQS e: Remote Information Query System


RIR RIR d: Relatives Indexregister - e: Railway-Receipt - e: Range Illumination Radar - e: Read-only memory Instruction Register - e: Receiver Input Register - e: Receiving Inspection Report - e: Redgrave Information Resources - e: Reduction in Requirement - e: Relative Index Register - e: Reliability Investigation Request[s] - e: Reporting Interface Record - e: Reset Indicators to the Right-half - e: Ribbon-to-Ribbon - e: Riverside International Raceway - e: ROM [Read-Only Memory] Instruction Register RIRA e: Reports and Information Retrieval Activity R Ir AM e: Royal Irish Academy of Music RIRB e: Radio-Iodinated Rose Bengale RIRIG e: Reduced-excitation Inertial Reference-Integrating Gyroscope RIRMS e: Remote Information Retrieval and Management System RIRO e: Roll-In/Roll-Out RIRRS e: Radar Initialization and Radar Resident Software RIRS e: Reliability Information Retrieval System RIRT e: Russian Institut for Radio navigation and Time Rirti e: Recording Infrared Tracking Instrument RIS d: Radioimmunszintigrafie - d: Rechnergestütztes Informationssystem - d: Rechteck-Impuls-Schwelle - d: Relationales Index-System - e: Racially Isolated School[s] - e: Radar Information Service - e: RADIAC [Radioactivity Detection, Indication and Computation] Instrument System - e: Radiation Induced Segregation - e: Radio Information Service - e: Radiology Information System - e: Ramjet Inlet System - e: Range Instrumentation Ship - e: Range Instrumentation Station - e: Raster Input Scanner [for pattern recognition] - e: Receipt [or Receiving] Inspection Segment - e: Reconnaissance Interface System - e: Record Input Subroutine - e: Recorded Information Service - e: Rectangular cone/In-line gun/Shadow mask - e: Rediffusion Industrial Services - e: Redwood Inspection Service - e: Regulatory Information System - e: Remote Information System - e: Renaissance Infinite Storage - e: Reporting Identification Symbol - e: Reports Identification Symbol - e: Request/In-Service - e: Requirements Inventory Sheet - e: Requirements planning and Inventory control System - e: Research Information Service - e: Research Information System - e: Reset Indicators from Storage - e: Reset to Initial State - e: Resistor Insulator Semiconductor - e: Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy - e: Respiratory Insufficiency Syndrome - e: Rest to Initial State - e: Retail Information System

- e: Retransmission Identity Signal - e: Retransmission Indication System - e: Return Item System - e: Revolution Indicating System - e: Rotatable Initial Susceptibility - e: Rotating Image Scanner - e: Rowland Institute of Science - e: Russian Intelligence Service RISA d: Radioimmunosorbent-Assay - d: Radiojod-Serumalbumin - e: Radio-lmmuno-Sorbent-Assay - e: Radioactive Iodinated Serum Albumen RISB e: Rotter Incomplete-Sentence Blank RISC e: Radar Interface and Scheduling Control - e: Radiology Information Systems Consortium - e: Redintegrated Somatotyping Curves - e: Reduced Instruction Set Chip - e: Reduced Instruction Set Computers] [or Computing] - e: Refractive Index Sounding Center - e: Remote Information Systems Center - e: Rockwell International Science Center - e: Rotterdam International Safety Centre - e: Rotterdam International Safety Course RiSch d: Richtschütze RISCO e: Rhodesian Iron and Steel Company RISCOM e: Rhodesian Iron and Steel Commission RISC-PC d: Hochleistungs PC auf RISC-Basis RISCT e: Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism RISD e: Requisition and Invoice Shipping Document - e: Rhode Island School of Design RISDA e: Rubber Industries Smallholders Development Authority RISE e: Radiation Induced Surface Effect - e: Radioisotope Submersible Engine - e: Relative Integral Squared Error - e: Reliability Improved [or Improvement] [of] Selected Equipment - e: Research in Supersonic Environment - e: Research Information Service[s] for Education - e: Research Institute of Science and Enginering - e: Resources in Science and Engineering - e: Reusable Inflatable Salvage Equipment RISEAP e: Regional Islamic Dawah Council of South East Asia and the Pacific RISFM e: Research Institute for Strength and Fracture of Materials RI/SH e: Radar Intelligence/Surface Height RISI e: Review of the International Statistical Institute (journ.) Risk Issues Health&Safety e: Risk Issues in Health & Safety RISL e: Rand Information Systems Ltd. RIsI e: Rhode Island RISM e: Radio Interface Switch Module - e: Research Institute for Scientific Measurement - e: Research Institute for the Study of Man - f: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales RI/SME e: Robotics International of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers RISMU d: Rechnergesteuertes Informationssystem Mukran RISO d: Schweizerische Propagandastelle für die Förderung des Reiskonsums - e: Range Instrumentation Systems Office Ri» d: Isolationswiderstand


© K • G • Saur, München

RISOP e: Red Integrated Strategic Offensive Plan RISOS e: Research In Secured Operating [or Operations] Systems RISP e: Recoverable Interplanetary Space Probe - e: Regional Information Services Plan - e: Ross Ice Shelf Project - i: Rispettivamente RISPA e: Research Institute of the Sumatra Planters Association RISPP e: Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program RISQ e: Responsibility for Inspection and Standard Quality RISS e: Range Instrumentation and Support System[s] - e: Refractive Index Sounding System - e: Relational Inquiry and Storage System - e: Rutherford Ion Scattering Spectroscopy RISSA e: Rhode Island School Superintendents Association RISSB e: Research Institute on the Sino-Soviet Bloc RISSC e: Rockwell International Suspension Systems Company RIST d: Radio-lmmuno-Sorbent-Test - d: Radioimmunosorbent-Test - e: Radar Installed System Tester - e: Radioimmunosorbent Technique - e: Radioisotope-tagged Sand Tracer - e: Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology - e: Research Institute of Science and Technology RISTA e: Reconnaissance, Intelligence [-gathering] Surveillance & Target Acquisition RiStBV d: Richtlinien fur das Strafverfahren und BuBgeldverfahren RiStV d: Richtlinien fiir das Strafverfahren R.I. suppression] e: Radio Interference suppression RISW e: Royal Institution of South Wales RIT d: Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerk - d: Radiojod Triolein - d: Rosetteninhibitonstest - e: Radar Input[s] Test - e: Radio-frequency Ion Thruster - e: Radio Information Test - e: Radio-Iodinated Triolein - e: Radio-network for Inter-american Telecommunication^] - e: Rail-IncIusiv[e]-Tour[s] - e: Rate of Information Transfer - e: Receiver Incremental Tuning - e: Receiving and Inspection Test - e: Receiving Inspection Test - e: Refining in Transit - e: Reinitialization Time - e: Release Information Tape - e: Release Interface Tape - e: Remote Interactive Terminal - e: Replaceable Item - e: Reserve Income Tax - e: Retrieval Injury Threshold - e: Retrograde Inversion Transposed - e: Ritard - e: Ritual[ism] - e: Ritualistic - e: Ritualization - e: Ritualize - e: Rochester Institute of Technology - e: Rocket Interferometer Tracking - e: ROLAND Institutional Trainer - e: Rorschach Inkblot Test - e: Rotary Indexing Table

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RJWG - e: Royal Institute of Technology - f: Recherches et Industries Thérapeutiques - i: Ritardando - i: Ritornello - s: Red Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones RiT d: Richtungstaste RITA e: Radio-frequency Ion Thruster Assembly - e: Rand [Corporation] Intelligent Terminal Agent - e: Rand Intelligent Terminal Agent - e: Randomised Intervention Treatment of Angina - e: Real-time Integrated Ticket Administration - e: Recognition of Information Technology Achievement [Award] - e: Recoverable [or Reusable] Interplanetary Transport Approach - e: Road Information Transmitted Aurally - e: Rural Industrial Technical Assistance - f: Réseau Integré de Transmission Automatique RITAD e: Radiation-Induced Thermally Activated Depolarization RITARD i: Ritardando RITA Vehicle e: Reusable Interplanetary Transport Approach Vehicle RITC e: Regional Information Technology Coordinators - e: Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit - e: Rhodamine Isothiocyanate RIT Circuit e: Receiver Incremental Tuning Circuit RITCRD e: Replaceable Item Coordinate RITD f: Réseau Intégrant la Téléphonie et les Données - s: Red Iberoamericana de Transmission de Datos RITE e: Rapid Information Technique for Evaluation - e: Rapidata Interactive Text Editor - e: Research Institute for/of Telecommunication and Economics RITEN i: Ritenuto RITENA f: Reunión Internacional de Técnicos de la Nutrición Animal RITES e: Rail India Technical and Economic[s] Services RITI e: Resident Inspection Test Instruction RITL e: Radio In The Loop - e: Royal Institute of Technology Libraries RITOP e: Red Integrated Tactical Operational Plan RITP e: Research Institute for Technical Physics RITR e: Rework Inspection Team Report RITREAD e: Rapid Iterative Reanalysis for Automated Design RITS e: Rapid Information Transmission System - e: Reconnaissance Intelligence Technical Squadron - e: Reconnaissance Intelligence Transmission System - e: Regimental Instructor Training School - e: Remote Input Terminal System Rits. Cts. Leet e: Ritsons Jurisdiction of Courts-Leet Rits. Int. e: Ritso, Introduction to the Science RITU e: Research Institute of Temple University RITU [Profintern] e: Red International of Trade Unions

RITZ d: Radar Integrations- und Testzentrum RIU e: Radar Interrogation Unit - e: Radio Interface Unit - e: Remote Inquiry Unit RIUK e: Royal Institute of the United Kingdom RIV d: Retrospektive Informationsvermittlung - e: Radio Influence Voltage - e: Rapid Intervention Vehicle - e: River - e: Rivet[ed] - i: Regolamento Internazionale Veicoli - i: Riveduto Riv e: Rivington - f: Riviera - h: Rivke RIVA 1: Ramus interventricularis anterior RIVAL e: Rapid Insurance Valuation Language Riv. Ann. Reg. e: Rivingtons Annual Register RiVASt d: Richtlinien für den Verkehr mit dem Ausland in strafrechtlichen Angelegenheiten RIVC e: Right Inferior Vena Cava RIVCO e: River Crossing Operations River e: River Plate Riverside e: Riverside County Jail RI Virus[es] e: Respiratory Illness Virus[es] RIVM n: Rijksinstituut voor de Volksgezondheit en Milieuhygiene Rivo d: Rippenvorwärmer RIVO n: Rijksinstituut voor Visserijonderzoek RIVP 1: Ramus interventricularis posterior RIVRO n: Rijksinstituut voor het Rassenonderzoek van Cultuurgewassen - n: Rijksinstituut voor Rassenonderzoek van Landbouwgewassen RIVT e: Right Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia RIW d: Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft - e: Reliability Improvement Warranty - e: Reliability Incentive Warranty Riw. d: Richtungsweiser RiWa d: Rieselwasser RiWahIG d: Richterwahlgesetz RiWe d: Richtungsweiche RiWG d: Richterwahlgesetz RIYAL e: Monetary unit of Qatar and Saudi Arabia RIZ e: Radio Industry Zagreb RIZA n: Rijksinstituut voor Zuivering van Afvalwater RIZIV n: Rijksinstituut voor Ziekteen Invaliditeitsverzekering RJ d: Romanistisches Jahrbuch (joum.) - e: Ramjet - e: Reference Junction - e: Regional Jet - e: Reject - e: Return Jump - e: Road Junction - e: Rotary Joint - e: Royal Jordanian - p: Rio de Janeiro Rj. d: Rechnungsjahr R.[J.] e: Justiciary Cases in volumes of Session Cases R J . e: New South Wales, Port Phillip District Judgments RJ-11 d: Steckverbindung nach der amerikanischen Bell-Norm

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RJ-12 d: Steckverbindung nach der amerikanischen Beil-Norm RJ-45 d: Steckverbindung nach der amerikanischen Beil-Norm RJA e: Ramjet Addition - e: Reform Jewish Appeal - e: Remote Junction Alarm - e: Retail Jewelers of America - e: Rotary Joint Assembly - e: Royal Jersey Artillery RJAA e: Royal Jordanian Air Academy RJAF e: Royal Jordanian Air Force RJAHS e: Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society RJAS e: Royal Jersey Agricultural Society RJB e: Relay Junction Box - e: Ruby Jewel Bearing RJBE e: Relative Jostle Biological Effectiveness RJC e: Radio Japan Club - e: Ratio Command - e: Rochester Junior College - e: Rosen wald Junior College - e: Roswell Junior College RJCM d: Radio Japan Club München RJE e: Ramjet Engine - e: Remote Jog Entry RJEF e: Remote Job Entry Facility RJES e: Remote Job Entry System RJET e: Remote Job Entry Terminal RJEX e: Remote Job Entry Executive RJI e: Remote Job Initiation RJIS e: Regional Justice Information System Rjk e: Reykjavik RJM e: Religious of Jesus and Mary RJO e: Remote Job Output RJP e: Reaction Jet Pipe - e: Realistic Job Preview - e: Remote Job Processing [or Processor] - e: Rocket Jet Plume RJ.&P.J. e: Revenue, Judicial & Police Journal, Calcutta RJP's e: Regular Jump Processes RJR e: Rotary Joint Reed RJRA e: Rotary Joint Reed Assembly RJS e: Reaction Jet Stabilization - e: Reaction Jet System - e: Renault Jeep Sport RJ Statement] e: Return Jump Statement RJT d: Radiojod[zweiphasen]test - e: Reference Jet Transport R.J.T. f: Revue Juridique Thmis RJTDF e: Rapid Joint Tactical Deployment Force RJ TPDU e: Reject TPDU (Transport Protocol Data Unit] RJTV e: Ramjet Test Vehicle RJV d: Rheinisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde (joum.) RJWG d: Reichs-Jugendwohlfahrtsgesetz


RK R K d: Randlochkarte - d: Rauchkörper - d: Raupenkran - d: Rauschklirrmeßplatz - d: Reaktionskoeffizient - d: Rechnerkern - d: Rechnerkopplung - d: Referenzkraftstoff - d: Reformkali - d: Regelkontakt - d: Regelkreis - d: Reichskanzler - d: Reichskommissar - d: Reichskursbuch - d: Rektorenkonferenz - d: Rekuperator - d: Relaiskoppler - d: Remote-Konzentrator - d: Richtkanonier - d: Richtkoppler - d: Richtkreis - d: Richtungskontakt - d: Ritterkreuz - d: Rohförderkohle - d: Rostkühler - d: Rotes Kreuz - d: Rotorkörper - d: Rückkopplung - d: Rückkühlung - d: Rufkanal - e: Air Afrique - e: Radial Keratotomy - e: Radio Kabul - e: Reset Key - e: Rock Rk d: Reisekosten - d: Röhrenkabel - e: Cathode Resistor - e: Rack Rk. d: Rakete - d: Reaktion - d: Reisekosten - d: Rock - e: Rock rk. d: rechtskundig R/K d: Rad/Kette - e: Radial Keratotomy r[-]k n: rooms-katholiek rK d: Kabelmantelreduktionsfaktor - d: Kernradius R.k' e: Rock [nautical chart] RKA d: Regressions- und Korrelationsanalyse - d: Richtungskoppelanordnung Rka e: Rijeka RKAB d: Reisekostenausführungsbestimmungen RKAG d: Ruhrkohle AG RKAL e: Rack Alarm R-K-Antrieb d: Reibrad-Ketten-Antrieb RKart d: Rauchkartusche RKB d: Rad- und Kraftfahrerbund - e: Reversionary Key Board RKD e: Read Key Data - n: Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie R K E d: Rechnerkopplungseinheit - e: Right Knee Extended RKF a: Rädgivande Kommitten Forskning - d: Richtlinienkatalog Festigkeitsberechnungen - d: Richtungskoppelfeld - e: Right Knee Flexed RK Formula e: Runge-Kutta Formula RKF-Verfahren d: Runge-Kutta-FehlbergVerfahren R K G d: Radiokardiografie

- d: Radio[elektro]kardiograph - d: Reichsgerichtskostengesetz - d: Reichsknappschaftsgesetz - d: Reisekostengesetz - d: Richtungskoppelgruppe - e: Radiocardiogram - e: Radio[electro]cardiograph[y] - R: Ruchnaya Kumulyativnaya Razvedki RKh R: Radiatsionny i Khimicheskoy Razvedki RKHS e: Re[pro]ducing Kemel Hilbert Space RKI d: Robert-Koch-Institut RKINFSYS e: Rock Information System RKK a: Râdgivande Kommittén för Allmänkulturell Verksamhet RkKV d: Verordnung Uber das Rechnungswesen der kommunalen Krankenhäuser RKKY [Interaction] e: Ruderman Kittel Kasuya Yosida [Interaction] RKL d: Rationalisierungs-Kuratorium für Landwirtschaft - d: Rufkontrollampe RKI d: Remanenzkennlinie Rkl d: Rufklinke RKIÜ d: Rufklinkenübertragung R K M d: Radialkolbenmaschine - d: Raster-Kräfte-Mikroskopie - d: Röntgenkontrastmittel - e: Radar Keyboard Multiplexer - e: Runge-Kutta Method R k m d: Rechnungskilometer - d: Reißkilometer RKMN P: Ruch Katolickiej Mlodziezy Niepodleglosciowej RKN d: Rechnerkommunikationsnetz - e: Republic of Korea Navy R K N F S Y S e: Rock Information System RKO d: Reparaturkosten - e: Radio Keith Orpheum - e: Range Keeper Operator R-Kolonie d: Rauh-Kolonie RKOR d: Rangkorrelation RKP e: Record Key Position - e: Relative Key Position Rk.-Prod. d: Reaktionsprodukt RKR d: Retrokardialraum - d: Richtkanonier-Rechner - e: Rack Register RKr d: Raketenkreuzer RkR d: Reisekostenrechnung Rkr d: Richtkreis rkr. d: rechtskräftig Rkr. d: Richtkreis RKR Method e: Rydberg Klein Rees Method RkrPz d: Richtkreispanzer RkrZ d: Richtkreiszahl RKS d: Relaiskontakt in Schutzgas - d: Rollkugelsteuerung - d: Röntgen-Kleinwinkelstreuung - d: Rückspulen rKS d: radioaktiver Kampfstoff RKSA d: Röntgen-Kristallstrukturanalyse RKSE d: Rückspulen/Entladen RkSt d: Reisekostenstelle RKT d: Reichskammer der Technik - d: Reichskraftwagentarif - e: Rocket Rkt. d: Rakete R K T G N R e: Rocket Gunner RKTL d: Reichskuratorium für Technik in der Landwirtschaft RKTR e: Rocketeer RKTS e: Robot Keyboard Testing System


© K • G • Saur, München

Rkt Sta e: Rocket Station RKU a: Rädgivande Kommitten for Undervisning - d: Rechenzentrum Kommunaler Unternehmer - d: Ruprecht-Karl-Universität RKu d: Regionalkursstelle RKV d: Rahmenkollektivvertrag - d: Reichsbahnkrankenversorgung - d: Reisekostenverordnung - d: Rentnerkrankenversicherung - e: Rose Knot Victor RKVA e: Reactive Kilowatt Ampere[s] RKVDP d: Rahmenkollektivvertrag der Deutschen Post RKV Virus e: Rabbit Kidney Vacuoluting Virus R K W d: Rahmenkennungswort - d: Rationalisierungs-Kuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. - d: Rationalisierungskuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft - d: Reichsbahnkraftwerk - d: Rückkühlwerk - d: Rüstkranwagen - P: Regionalna Komisja Wykonawcza RKY d: Röntgenkymograf[ie] - e: Roentgen Kymography RKZ d: Regelkennzeichen - d: Registerkennzeichnung - d: Rekalzifizierungszeit - d: Richtungskennzahl RKZndG d: Regelkennzeichen nach dem Gespräch RKZ-Nummer d: Registerkennzeichnungsnummer RKZo d: Rufkanalzuordner RKZvdG d: Regelkennzeichen vor dem Gespräch RKZwdG d: Regelkennzeichen während des Gespräches RL a: Reproduc0rernes Landsforening - d: Radiologisches Laboratorium - d: Radlafette - d: Radlast - d: Rauchladung - d: Reallexikon - d: Rechnerlogik - d: Rechnungslegung - d: Rechts/Links - d: Rechtslenkung - d: Referatsleiter - d: Reiblager - d: Reihenlampe - d: Reizlimen - d: Rekonstruktionslinse - d: Relaisfunkstelle des beweglichen Landfunkdienstes - d: Relaisstelle - d: Republik Libanon - d: Residualluft - d: Richtlinie[n] - d: Richtungsleiter - d: Rinderleistungsbuch - d: Ringer-Laktat[-Lösung] - d: Rochlitz - d: Rohrleitung - d: Rücklauf - d: Rücklieferung - d: Rückwärtslesen - d: Rangierleiter - e: Coarse Rales - e: high-powered Radio range Loop radiator[s] - e: Radiation Laboratory - e: Radiation Length - e: Radio-Letter

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RLGD - e: Radio Liberty - e: Radio Link - e: Radio Ljubljana - e: Radio Location - e: Radio-Luminescence [or Luminiscent] - e: Radio Luxembourg - e: Radiologic Laboratory - e: Rail[ing] - e: Rales - e: Raman Laser - e: Random Length - e: Rape of Lucrece - e: Reactive Loss - e: Reactor Licensing - e: Reading List - e: Ready Line - e: Real - e: Rear Left - e: Receive Leg - e: Record Length - e: Record Librarian [or Library] - e: Red Lamp - e: Red Line - e: Reduced [or Reduction] Level - e: Reel - e: Reference Language - e: Reference Library - e: Reference Line - e: Reflection Loss - e: Relay [Level] - e: Relay Logic - e: Release Load - e: Reliability of missile Launch - e: Relocatable Library - e: Relocation - e: Remote Local [or Location] - e: Remote Loop[back] - e: Report Leaving - e: Republic of Liberia - e: Research Laboratory - e: Resistor Logic - e: Retarded Learner - e: Retired List - e: Retirement Loss - e: Return Loss - e: Reverberation Level - e: Reverse Loss - e: Rhumb Line - e: Richfield Oil - e: Riding Light - e: Right Lateral - e: Right Left - e: Right Leg - e: Right Line - e: Rimless - e: River Lines - e: Rocket Launcher - e: Roland Line - e: Roll - e: Roof Ladder - e: Root Locus - e: Rotate Left - e: Routine Library - e: Royal Laboratory - e: Rubber Latex - e: Runway Lights - e: Rupert Line - e: Rutland Line - n: Rijksuniversiteit Limburg R1 d: Rechenlocher R.L. e: Riding Lights - e: Revised Laws - e: Roman Law - f: Remorques Lohr S.A. R&L e: Rail and Lake - e: Right and Left R-L e: Right to Left

R/L d: Rechts/Links - d: Röntgendosis in der freien Luft gemessen - e: Radio Location [fixing] - e: Random Length[s] - e: Rocket Launcher - e: Rotate/Length R l d: Lastwiderstand r, d: Radius des Innenleiters eines Koaxialpaares rl, e: few line rales r l j e: moderate number of rales rl] e: many coarse rales RLA d: Raumlenkerachse - d: Rauschleistungsabstand - d: Reallexikon der Assyriologie (joum.) - d: Rundschau für den Lastenausgleich (journ.) - e: Railway Labor Act - e: Redevelopment Land Agency - e: Regional Land Agent - e: Regional Office for Latin America - e: Religious Liberty Association - e: Remote Line Adapter [or Adaptor] - e: Remote Loop Adapter - e: Repair Level Analysis - e: Research Laboratory for Archeology - e: Restricted Landing Area - e: Right Lower Arm RLAA e: Red Light Abatement Act RLAC e: Recycling Legislation Action Coalition - e: Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean RLAD d: Reichsluftaufsichtsdienst RLADD e: Radar Low-Angle Drogue Delivery RLAF e: Royal Laotian Air Force - e: Royal Libyan Air Force R-Lampe d: Reflektor[gliih]lampe RLAmtm. d: Regierungslandwirtschaftsamtmann RL and R e: Rail, Lake and Rail RLAP e: Rural Land Analysis Program RLAS d: Rasche Linksatriale Stimulation - e: Rocket Lunar Attitude System - e: Royal Lancashire Agricultural Society RLAT e: Regional Office for Latin America R.I.A. Tax. e: Research Institute of American Tax Coordinator RLB d: Rinderleistungsbuch - d: Rohrleitungsbau - e: Radar Locating Battery - e: Radio Lines Box - e: Reliability - e: Reliable R.L.B. e: U.S. Railroad Labor Board Decisions RLBCD e: Right Lower Border of Cardiac Dullness R.LJ3. Dec. e: Railroad Labor Board Decisions RJ.Bd. R.C. e: Rhode Island Board of Railroad Commission Reports RLBG e: Relative Bearing RLBI e: Right-Left Bearing Indicator RLBM[s] e: Rearward Launched Ballistic Missile[s]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RLC d: Run-Length-Codierung - e: Radio Launch Control System - e: Range Location in Correlator - e: Receive Logic Chassis - e: Release Complete [Message] - e: Remote Line Circuit - e: Remote Line Concentrator - e: Residual Lung Capacity - e: ROM [Read-Only Memory] Location Counter - e: Rotating Litter Chair - e: Run Length Code [or Coding] - n: Rijkslandbouwconsultentschap RLCA e: Rural Letter Carriers' Association RLCE e: Request Level Change Enroute RLCL e: Range Location Clutter RLC Message e: Release Complete Message RLCR e: Run-Length Compression Ratio RLCS e: Radio Launch Control System - e: Rocket Launch Control System RLCU e: Reference Link Control Unit RLD d: Radar-Leitdienst - d: Regierungslandwirtschaftsdirektor[in] - e: Radar Laydown Delivery - e: Related Living Donor - e: Relocation [List] Dictionary - e: Rolled - e: Ruptured Lumbar Disc - n: Rijksluchtvaartdienst RLd d: Rechts/Links durchbrochen RLDF e: Rechts/Links-Doppelfang RLDir d: Regierungslandwirtschaftsdirektor RLdwR d: Regierungslandwirtschaftsrat Rle e: Ramble RLE e: Rate of Loss of Energy - e: Receiver Latch Enable - e: Relative Luminous Efficiency - e: Request Loading Entry - e: Research Laboratory for/of Electronics - e: Right Lower Extremity - e: Run Length Encoding - f: Réseau Local d'Entreprise RLEM e: Reflector and Lighting Equipment Manufacturers - e: Research Laboratory of Engineering Materials RL EST e: Real Estate RLETFL e: Report Leaving Each Thousand-Foot Level RLEV e: Routine Level RLF d: Rechnerlauf - d: Rechts/Links-Fang - d: Relative Luftfeuchte - d: Retrolentale Fibroplasie - e: Launch and Flight Reliability - e: Reactive Load Factor - e: Record Length Field - e: Reference Longitudinale Fuselage - e: Release Form - e: Release Line Feed - e: Relief - e: Retrolental Fibroplasia - e: Reverse Line Feed - e: Royal Literary Fund - r: Riksforbiindet Landsbygdens Folk RLf-Anlage d: Raumluftechnische Anlage RLG d: Rahmenleitgruppe - d: Reichsleistungsgesetz - e: Railing - e: Release Guard [signal] - e: Research Libraries Group - e: Rifle Large Grain - e: Ring Laser Gyro[scope] rig i: ri legato RLGD e: Realigned


RLGN RLGN e: Realign - e: Religion - e: Ring Laser Gyro-based Navigation RLG Signal e: Release Guard Signal RLH d: Reduzierlöthülse - e: Swedish Farmers Flax and Hemp Growers Association RLHTE e: Research Laboratory of Heat Transfer in Electronics RLI e: Radiation Level Indicator - e: Reaction Limited Incorporation - e: Realtors Land Institute - e: Red Line Instrumentation - e: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute - e: Rostral Length Index RLIEVDP e: Request Line Items be Expedited for Vehicles Deadlined for Parts RLIN e: Research Libraries Information Network RLIS d: Rechnergestütztes Leitungsinformationssystem R.L.J. e: Rhodesian Law Journal RLJFC Cable e: Rubber-Lead-Jute-Flatarmor Cable RLJFJ e: Rubber-Lead-Jute-Flat-armor-Jute RLK d: Randlochkarte - d: Rheinische Landesklinik RLL a: Radio-Leverandorenes Landsforbund - d: Rote Leitlampe - e: Real Logic List - e: Recall - e: Recorded Lithology Logging - e: Relay Ladder Language - e: Relocating Linking Loader - e: Right Lower Limb - e: Right Lower Lobe - e: Right Lower Lung - e: Rim of Lateral Lip - e: Rocket Launcher Locator - e: Run Length Limited - F: Radioliikkeiden Liitto - N: Norske Radiofabrikanters Forbund - n: Radio-Leverandorenes Landsforbund RLLB e: Right Long-Leg Brace RLLC e: Run-Length Limited Code RL Ltd. e: Rubber Latex Limited RLM d: Rattenleber-Mitochondrien - e: Rearward Launched Missile - e: Reconfiguration Link Manager - e: Reflector [and] Lamp[s] Manufacturers - e: Reflector and Lighting Equipment Manufacturers - e: Regional Library of Medicine - e: Resident Load Module - e: Right Middle Lobe RLMA e: Ribbon, Label and Smallwares Manufacturers Association R-LMC/LSC e: Rack for subscriber Line Measuring and Supervision Circuits RLMD e: Rat Liver Mitochondria Digitonin RLMM e: Research Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials R-LMP e: Rack for subscriber Line Measuring Processor RLMS e: Radar Land Mass Simulation RLMs e: Rearward Launched Missiles RLN d: Rat für landwirtschaftliche Produktion und Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft - d: Rechenzentrum zur Förderung der Landwirtschaft in Niedersachsen - e: Loran Station - e: Reflectionless Linear Network - e: Running Landing Numbers RLNR e: Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors

RLNWR e: Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge - e: Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge RLO d: Rechnungslegungordnung - e: Radar Lock-on - e: Railway Liaison Officer - e: Regional Liaison Officefr] - e: Repairs Liaison Officer - e: Restoration Liaison Officer - e: Returned Letter Office - R: Radiolokator Obnaruzheniya USSR R&LO e: Reliability and Launch Operations RLOP e: Reactor Licensing Operating Procedure RLOQ e: Right Lower Outer Quadrant RLOR d: Regierungslandwirtschaftsoberrat R[-]LOS e: Radar Line-of Sight RLOS e: Retention Level of Supply RLOS d: Relais-Lotosenstreifen RLP d: Rattenleber-Protein - d: Rauchloses Pulver - e: Rail Loading Point - e: Reactive Liquid Polymer - e: Reciprocal Lattice Projection - e: Requirements Language Processor - e: Rotating Linear Polarization - e: Ruby Laser Pulse RLPD e: Replacement Landing Platform Dock RLPF e: Rechts/Links-Perlfang RLPG e: Regenerative Liquid Propellant Gun RLPH e: Reflected Light Photohead RLPJ e: Rail Loading Point Jet RLPME e: Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics RLPO e: Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra RLPV e: Right Lower Pulmonary Vein RLQ e: Right Lower Quadrant R.L.Q.B. e: Revue Legale Reports, Queens Bench RLR d: Regierungslandwirtschaftsrat - e: Receive [or Receiving] Loudness Rating - e: Record Length Register - e: Return Loss Ratio - e: Reverse Locking Relay - e: Right Larval Refractor - e: Right Lateral Rectus [muscle] - e: Rutgers Law Review Rlr e: Roller RL&R e: Rail, Lake and Rail RLRat d: Regierungslandwirtschaftsrat RLRBRG e: Roller Bearing RLRD e: Register Load and Read RLRIU e: Routing Logic[al] Radio Interface Unit RLR Muscle e: Right Lateral Rectus Muscle RL+RR e: Rotate Left or Right RLS d: Raketenleitstation - d: Reizleitungsstoning[en] - d: Reizleitungssystem - d: Riicklastschrift - d: Riicklieferschein - e: Radar Line of Sight - e: Radius of Landing Site - e: Rail Loading System - e: Raman Laser Source - e: Range Location Skin - e: Recursive Least Squares - e: Reels - e: Regionalized Logistics System - e: Relays - e: Release - e: Remote Line Switch - e: Residual Lattice Strain


® K • G • Saur, München

- e: Reusable Launch System - e: Rim Latch Set - e: Rocket Launching System - e: Roll Limit Switch - e: Rotary Limit Switch - e: Rotating Lighthouse System - e: Royal Lancastrian Society - e: Ruby Laser System Rls d: Relais R.L.S.C. e: Revue Legale Reports, Supreme Court RLSD e: Receive[d] Line Signal Detection] [or Detector] - e: Released [message] RLS DEST e: Release Destination RLSE e: Release[d] RLSEOTRS e: Release[d] Others RLSETO e: Release[d] Time-Out RLSETYPE e: Release[d] Type RLSh e: Right-Left Shunt RL-Sh[unt] d: Rechts-Links-Shunt RLSIG e: Remote Line Signalling RLSML's e: Right-Linear Simple Matrix Languages RLSP e: Ruby Laser Single Pulse RLSS e: Research Laboratory for Surface Science - e: Royal Life Saving Society Rls-Satz d: Relaissatz RLSSC e: Royal Life Saving Society Canada RLS SRC e: Release Source RLST e: Release Timer RLT d: Raumlufttechnik - d: Röhrenleitungstrakt - d: Rückwärts leitender Thyristor - e: Radionavigation Land Test - e: RAM Logic Tile - e: Re-Load Time - e: Re-order Lead Time - e: Reaction Liquid Type - e: Relating to - e: Reliability Life Test - e: Remaining Life Time - e: Remote Line Test[er] - e: Ring Laser Technique - e: Rolling Liquid Transporter - e: Russian Literature Triquarterly (journ.) - R: Radiolokator Tseleukazaniy RLT 60/120 d: Röhrenleitungstrakt 60/120 RLTA e: Reenlistment Leave Travel Allowance R-LTG[A] e: Rack for Line/Trunk Group [A] R-LTGA/TF, e: Rack for Line/Trunk Group A and Test Equipment R-LTGB e: Rack for Line/Trunk Group B R-LTGC e: Rack for Line/Trunk Group C R-LTGC/CR e: Rack for Line/Trunk Group C and Code Receiver R-LTGD e: Rack for Line/Trunk Group D RLtgGrp d: Rahmenleitungsgruppe RLTM e: Research Laboratories Technical Memorandum RLTO e: Regional Lime Technical Officer RLTR e: Realtor RLTS e: Radio-Linked Telemetry System RLTV d: Rundfunkleitung-Trennverstarker - e: Relative RLT-WR d: Wechselrichter für raumlufttechnische Einrichtungen Rlty e: Realty RLU e: Recovery Log Unit - e; Relay Logic Unit - e: Remote Line Unit RLÜ d: Rundfunkleitungsübertrager

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RMA RLUD e: RLRIU Diagnostic program RLUH e: Royal Liverpool United Hospitals RLV d: Rauscher-Leukämie-Virus - d: Rheinischer Landwirtschafts-Verlag - e: Range Location Velocity - e: Rauscher Leukemia Virus - e: Relieve - e: Reusable Launch Vehicle - e: Roving Lunar Vehicle RLVD n: Rijkslandbouwvoorlichtingsdienst RLVE d: Rundfunkleitungsverstärkereinrichtung RLVS e: Recoverable Launch Vehicle Structure RLW d: Richtlinien für den landwirtschaftlichen Wegebau RLW e: Rules of Land Warfare R.L.W. e: Rajasthan Law Weekly RLWL e: Reactor Low Water Level RLWS n: Rijkslandbouwwinterscholen RLWY e: Railway RLX e: Radlux RLXN e: Relaxation RLY e: Railway - e: Relay Rly. Age e: Railway Age (journ.) Rly. Div. e: Railway Division Rly. Gaz. Internat, e: Railway Gazette International (journ.) Rly. Loc. e: Railway Locomotive Rly. Stn. e: Railway Station R M d: Bewegliche [See-]Funkstelle des Seenavigationsfunkdienstes - d: Madagaskar - d: Rachenmandel - d: Radikale Mastektomie - d: Reaktionsmotor - d: Reaktive Monozytose - d: Rechenmaschine - d: Rechnungsmonat - d: Rechtsmittel - d: Referenz-Modell - d: Reflexionsfaktormeßbrücke - d: Reguläres Matrixsystem - d: Reichsmarine - d: Reichsmark - d: Reichsminister[ium] - d: Relaismesser - d: Rentenmark - d: Restseitenbandmodulation - d: Rhein-Main-Rechenzentrum - d: Richtlinien über Unfallmaßnahmen - d: Richtmaß - d: Richtmine - d: Richtungs[koppelfeld]markierer - d: Richtungsmischer - d: Ringmodulator - d: Röbel/Müritz - d: Roggenmischbrot - d: Rückenmark - d: Rücklaufmotor - d: Rückmeldesignal - d: Rückmeldung - d: Rückwirkung, mit - d: Rudermaschine - d: Rumpfmittelteil - d: Rundfunkmeldeleitung - e: Madagascar - e: Multimedia Role - e: Rack Mounted [or Mounting] - e: Radar Mapper - e: Radar Missile - e: Radarman - e: Radiation Measurement - e: Radiation Monitor - e: Radical Mastectomy - e: Radio Marker

- e: Radio Message - e: Radio Misure - e: Radio Monitor[ing] - e: Radioman - e: Radiometal - e: Range Manager - e: Range Mark[er] - e: Range Market - e: Range Marks - e: Range of Movement - e: Rapid Memory - e: Ratemeter - e: Raw Material - e: Raybestos-Manhattan - e: Reactance Meter - e: Reaction Mass - e: Reaction Mechanism - e: Reading Machine - e: Readout Material - e: Readout Matrix - e: Real Matrix - e: Real[ly] Memory - e: Ream - e: Receive Machine - e: Receiver Module - e: Receiver, Mobile - e: Receiving Memorandum] - e: Recognition Matrix - e: Record Mark[er] - e: Record Marks - e: Recording Medium - e: Rectangular Module - e: Recursive Machine - e: Reference Manual - e: Reference Mark - e: Reference Material - e: Reference Mirror - e: Reference Model - e: Reflecting Microscope - e: Reflection Modulation - e: Refractory Mortar - e: Regional Manager - e: Register Memory - e: Registered Magistrate - e: Registered Mail - e: Regular Matrix - e: Regulations for Mobilization - e: Relative Magnitude - e: Relative Mobility - e: Relative Motion - e: Reliability and Maintainability - e: Reliability and Maintenance - e: Reliant Motor - e: Remanent Magnetization - e: Remedial Maintenance - e: Remote [Manual] - e: Remote Mobile - e: Remote Multiplexers] - e: Repulsion Motor - e: Request for Modification - e: Research Machines - e: Research Materials - e: Research Memorandum - e: Reset Mode - e: Residential Member[s] - e: Residual Magnetism - e: Residual Meristem - e: Residue Manipulator - e: Resistance Melting - e: Resistance Monitor - e: Resolution Multiplier - e: Resource Management [or Manager] - e: Respiratory Movement - e: Response Message - e: Return Material - e: Return on Minus - e: Reusable Module

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

- e: Reverse Motion - e: Reynolds Metals Company - e: Riding Master - e: Ring Micrometer - e: Ringling Museum - e: River Moorings - e: Road March - e: Robotic Motion - e: Rock Mechanics - e: Rocket Motor - e: Rod Memory - e: Rollback Module - e: Room - e: Rotating Machinery - e: Roto-Master - e: Routine Maintenance - e: Routing Matrix - e: Royal Mail - e: Royal Malta - e: Royal Marine - e: Rubber Marker[s] - e: Ruffled Membrane - e: Rural Municipality - f: Radiologie Médicale - f: Region Militaire - f: Rétrécissement Mitral - f: Route Magnetique - i: Radiomisure - P: Rada Ministrów - R: Raketornet R m d: Raummeter - d: Relative Mobilität - d: Rotmetall - e: Romania[n] R m . d: Raum - d: Rückenmark R . M . e: Radio Marker beacon - e: River Moorings - e: Royal Mail - e: Rural Municipality R.m. d: Rücksprache mit -1: Ramus marginalis R & M e: Redistribution and Marketing - e: Reliability and Maintainability - e: Reliability and Maintenance - e: Repair and Maintenance - e: Reportfs] and Memoranda - e: Report[s] and Memorandum - e: Resource and Mission R-M e: Raybestos-Manhattan R/M e: Radiation/Meteoroid - e: Raybestos/Manhattan - e: Read/Mostly [Memory] - e: Reliability/Maintainability - e: Revolution^] per Minute RM d: magnetischer Widerstand - d: Magnetresistenz - d: Meßwiderstand - d: relative Mobilität R m d: Widerstand der Lungenmembran rm 3 d: Raumkubikmeter RMA d: Regulärmine A - d: Reichsbahnmaschinenamt - d: Röntgenmikroanalyse - d: Rückgewinnung von Metallen aus Abwässern - e: Radio Manufacturers Association - e: Random Multiple Access - e: Rapid Memory Address - e: Reactive Modulation Amplifier - e: Rear Maintenance Area - e: Recreation Managers Association of Great Britain - e: Red Mission Analysis - e: Regional Manpower Administration - e: Reliability, Maintainability and Availability 197

RmA -

e: Remote Maintenance Analysis e: Remote Management Agent e: Rental Machine Asset e: Request for Manufacturing Action e: Reserve Military Airman [or Aviator] e: Resilent Mount Assembly e: Resource Management Agent e: Resource Manager Auxiliary control element - e: Retirement Modernization Act - e: Retread Manufacturers Association - e: Rice Millers Association - e: Right Mento-Anterior - e: Ringling Museum of Art - e: Robotics for Major Assembly - e: Rosin Mildly Activated - e: Royal Malaysian Air Force - e: Royal Marine Artillery - e: Royal Military Academy - e: Royal Monetary Authority - e: Royal Moroccan Air Force - e: Rubber Manufacturers Association - e: Rusk Manufacturers Association - n: Rijkscentrale voor Mechanische Administrate RmA r: Riksförbundet mot Allergi R-M-A e: Reliability-MaintainabilityAvailability RMAAS e: Reactivity Monitoring and Alarm System R[-]MAD e: Reactor Maintenance, Assembly and Disassembly R M A D B e: Reactor Maintenance, Assembly and Disassembly Building R M A F e: Royal Malaysian Air Force - e: Royal Moroccan Air Force R M A G e: Recursive Macro-Actuated Generator - e: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists RMAI e: Radio Manufacturers Association of India R M A M e: Removable Media Auxiliary Memory - e: Royal Military Academy Museum RMA Magazine e: Royal Military Academy Magazine (journ.) RM and PP e: Raw Material and Purchase Parts RMAP e: Local Modem for Asynchron Peripheral R M AR e: Reaming Arbor RMAR e: Returned Material Activity Report R M A R L e: Rocky Mountain Analytical Research Laboratory RMAS e: Remote Memory Administration System - e: Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences - e: Royal Manx Agricultural Society - e: Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service - e: Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst RMASS e: Reactivity Monitoring and Alarm System R mast e: Radio mast RMATS[-1] e: Remote Maintenance, Administration and Traffic System[-1] RMAX e: Range Maximum R M B d: Reihenmessbiid - d: Reihenmeßbild - e: Radio Marker Beacon - e: Read only memory Memory Band - e: Right-Most Bit - e: ROM [Read-Only Memory] Memory Board - e: ROM [Read-Only Memory] Memory Band

R-MB e: Rack for Message Buffer RMBAA e: Rocky Mountain Business Aircraft Association R M B C e: Regional Marine Biological Centre R - M B / C C G e: Rack for Message Buffer and Central Clock Generator R M Beacon e: Radio Marker Beacon R M B F e: Regional Myocardial Blood Flow RMBI e: Risk Management and Business Insurance RMB1[F] d: Reichsministerialblatt [der Forstverwaltung] RMBIiV d: Reichsministerialblatt fiir die Innere Verwaltung RMBN e: Rocky Mountain Broadcasting Network R M C e: Rack-Mount Control - e: Rack-Mounted Computer - e: Radiation Medicine Centre - e: Radiative Muon Capture - e: Radical-Molecule Complex - e: Radio Materials Company - e: Radio Modifications Committee - e: Radio Monte Carlo - e: Rallye Monte Carlo - e: Range Minimum Control - e: Rat Mast Cell - e: Raytheon Manufacturing Company - e: Ready Mixed Concrete - e: Real Military Compensation - e: Record Mark Control - e: Reed-Muller Canonical] - e: Reed-Muller Code - e: Refrigerating Machinery Certificate - e: Regional Media Center - e: Regional Meteorological Center [or Centre] - e: Regular Military Compensation - e: Regulated Motor Carriers] - e: Relay Mode Control - e: Remote [Manual] Control - e: Remote Message Concentrator - e: Rendezvous Mercury Capsule - e: Residential Manpower Center - e: Reynolds Metal Company - e: Rochester Manufacturing Company - e: Rocket Motor Case - e: Rod Memory Computer - e: Rotary Mirror Camera - e: Rotating [or Rotation] Modulation Collimator - e: Royal Military College - e: Rural Manpower Center RM&C e: Reactor Monitoring and Control RMCA e: Right Middle Cerebral Artery RMCAO e: Ready-Mixed Concrete Association of Ontario RMCAP e: Regional Middle Cerebral Artery Pressure RMCC e: Royal Military College of Canada RMCD d: Ratten-MastzellenDegranulationstest R M C D E e: Radar Message Conversion and Distribution Equipment RMCD-Test d: Ratten-MastzellDegranulationstest R M Cell e: Ruben Meilory Cell R M 1 CI e: Radioman First Class R M 2 CI e: Radioman Second Class R M 3 CI e: Radioman Third Class R M C M e: Return Material Credit Memo - e: Royal Manchester College of Music R M C M I e: Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute


© K • G • Saur, Manchen

RMCP e: Rubber Modified Cotton Phenolic RMCPA e: Rocky Mountain College Placement Association RMCS e: Royal Military College of Science - e: Reactor Manual Control System - e: Remote Maintenance Control System - e: Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society - e: Royal Military College of Science - e: RPV Mission Control System RMC's e: Reed-Muller Codes R M C T e: Rat Mass Cell Technique RM-CTC e: Receiver Module For Continuity Check RMCTR e: Remote Control R M C U e: Royal Mail Container Unit RMD d: Rangier-Modul Digital - d: Regierungsmedizinaldirektor - d: Rhein-Main-Donau AG - d: Rhein-Main-Donau-Kanal - e: Reaction Motors Division - e: Ready Money Down - e: Refuse More Data - e: Repair and Modification Directive - e: Research Management Division - e: Retromanubrial Dullness - e: Rhine Medical Depot - e: Russian Master Dictionary RMd d: Regelmodell mit Doppelkopf R.m.d. 1: Ramus marginalis dexter RMDA e: Request for Manufacturing Development Authorization RMDI e: Radio Magnetic Deviation Indicator RMd-Isolator d: Isolator mit doppeltem Halslager R.M. Dig. e: Rapalje & Macks Digest of Railway Law RMD Kanal d: Rhein-Main-Donau Kanal RMDP e: Rural Manpower Development Program RMD-Projekt d: Rhein-Main-DonauProjekt RMDR e: Remainder R M E d: Raphe-Median-Ebene - d: Rapsmethylester - e: Rack-Mount Extender - e: Radio Mentor Electronic (journ.) - e: Relay Mirror Experiment - e: Request Monitor Entry - e: Resident Maintenance Engineer - e: Rocket Motor Executive - f: Religieuses en Mission Educative RM-EA e: Receiver Module for External Alarms RMEA e: Rubber Manfacturing Employers Association RMEC e: Refractory Metals Electrofinishing Corporation RMedDir d: Regierungsmedizinaldirektor RMedR d: Regierungsmedizinalrat rmEKB d: rechnerische mittlere Einzelbehandlungskosten RMEL e: Rocky Mountain Educational Laboratory RMER e: Return Material and Equipment Report RM/ER e: Requirements Management/ Expense Reporting R M E R C e: Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center R[-]Meter e: Radiation Meter R Met S e: Royal Meteorological Society

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RMQ RMF d: Richtlinien über Messungen an Fernmeldekabeln - e: Reactivity Measurement Facility - e: Reflectivity Measuring Facility - e: Remote Micro Facility - e: Research and Management Foundation - e: Resource Management Facility - e: Resource Measurement Facility - e: Rockwell Microficial Scale - e: Routing Master File Rm-Faktor d: Romunde-Faktor, Antigen RMFVR e: Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserves RMG d: Rechtsmittelgesetz - d: Reichsmietengesetz - d: Reichsmilitärgericht - d: Reichsmilitärgesetz - d: Rentenmehrbetragsgesetz - e: Radar Mapper Gapfiller - e: Radar Monitoring Group - e: Ranging Machine Gun - e: Relative Motion Ga[u]ge - e: Right Main Gear - e: Royal Marine Gunner RMGO e: Regimental Machine Gun Officer RMH d: Regulärmine H - e: Refrigerator, Mechanical Household - e: Riemanns Metrical Hypothesis - e: Royal Masonic Hospital RMHS e: Remote Magnetic Heading System RMI e: Rack Manufacturers Institute - e: Radio Magnetic Indicator - e: Radiological Monitoring for Instructors - e: Reaction Motors Incorporated - e: Reactive Metals Incorporated - e: Reliability Maturity Indexing] - e: Reliability Monitoring Index - e: Remote Mechanical Investigator - e: Republic of the Marshall Islands - e: Rocket Motor Igniter - e: Roll Manufacturers Institute - e: Roll Mode Interrogation - e: Route Monitoring Information - f: Registre de Mémoire Intermédiaire RMIC e: Research Materials Information Center [or Centre] RMICBM e: Road-Mobile Intercontinental Ballistic Missile RMID e: Road Mine Detector RMiLG d: Reichsmilitärgericht RMIN e: Range Minimum - e: Roentgen per Minute R/MIN e: Revolution^] per Minute - e: Roentgen per Minute - e: Rotation[s] per Minute RMinBI d: Reichsministerialblatt RMINC e: Range Minimum Commanded RMIP e: Reentry Measurements Instrumentation Package RMIS e: Refractory Metal-Insulator Semiconductor - e: Resource Management Information System RMiSpe d: Richtminensperre RMIT e: Roland Maintenance Institutional Trainer - e: Royal Melbourne Institute of Management - e: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology R Mitteilungen d: Rüstungstechnische Mitteilungen (journ.) RMJC e: Robert Morris Junior College RMk d: Regelmodell mit Kugelkopf

RMK d: Reihenmeßkamme - d: Reihenmeßkammer - d: Robotermontagegerechte Konstruktion - e: Remark - e: Rhesus Monkey Kidney - n: Raad voor het Midden-en Kleinbedrijf Rmk d: Reichsmark RMKI H: Részecske-és Magfizikai Kutatö Intézet RMk-lsolator d: Isolator mit Kugelkopf RMKS e: Remarks RML d: Rechter [Lungen-]Mittellappen - e: Radar Mapper, Long-Range - e: Radar Micro[wave] Link - e: Radio Microwave Link - e: Rand Mines Limited - e: Read Major Line - e: Regional Medical Library - e: Relational Machine Language - e: Remote Maintenance Line - e: Rescue Motor Launch - e: Research Machines Limited - e: Retractable Missile Launcher - e: Review of Metal Literature - e: Right Medio-Lateral - e: Right Mediolateral - e: Right Middle Lobe - e: Rocky Mountain Laboratory - e: Rotating Mirror Laser - e: Royal Mail Lines - e: Royal Malta Library RMIdg d: Rückmeldung RMLL d: RiickverdrahtungsMehrlagenleiterplatte RMLN e: Regional Medical Library Network RMLP e: Regional Medical Library Program R.M.L.R. e: Rocky Mountain Law Review or University of Colorado Law Review RMM e: Mali - e: Radar Map Matching - e: Read-Mostly Memory - e: Ready Mixed Mortar - e: Remote Maintenance Monitoring - e: Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator - e: Rifle Marksman - e: Ripple Mark Meter - e: Roentgens per Minute at One Meter - f: République du Mali RMMC e: Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium RMM&CA e: Road Markings and Contractors Manufacturers Association RMM&EA e: Rolling Mill Machinery and Equipment Association RMMLF e: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation RMMLR e: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Review RMMNH e: Regar Memorial Museum of Natural History RMMS e: Remote Maintenance Monitor System - e: Royal Marine Military School RMMs e: Read-Mostly Memories RMMU e: Removable Media Memory Unit RMN e: Radio Man - e: Registered Maternity Nurse - e: Registered Mental Nurse - e: Remain - e: Remote Microphone Network - e: Research and Monitoring Network - e: Reserve Material Navy - e: Royal Malaysian Navy - f: Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire RM Name e: Randomizing Module Name

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

RMNP e: Rhodes Matopos National Park - e: Riding Mountain National Park - e: Rocky Mountain National Park RMNS e: Royal Merchant Navy School R-M Number e: Reichert-Meissl Number [value] RMO d: Reichsmeldeordnung - e: Radar Master Oscillator - e: Radar Material Office - e: Radio Material Office[r] - e: Recommended Maintenance Quality - e: Records Management Officer - e: Regimental Medical Offcer - e: Regimental Medical Officer - e: Regimental Munitions Officer - e: Regional Medical Officer - e: Resident Medical Officer RMOC e: Recommended Maintenance Operation Chart RMOGA e: Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas Association RMON e: Resident Monitor R'mond e: Richmond Rm oR d: Raummeter ohne Rinde RMOS e: Real Memory Operating System - e: Realtime Multitasking Operation System - e: Refractory [metal gate] MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor] RMOS-FET e: Refractory Metal Oxide Semiconductor-Field Effect Transistor RMP d: Regierungsmedizinalrat - d: Regiments-Medizinpunkt - d: Regionale Myokardperfusion - d: Regionales Meßprogramm - d: Registriermetallpapier - d: Rifampicin - d: Ruhemembranpotential - e: British Aearospaces Reinforced and Microwave Plastics - e: Radio Moscow Relay - e: Radio Motor Patrol - e: Rate Measuring Package - e: Reduction of the Membrane Potential - e: Reentry Measurement Program - e: Regimental Medical Post - e: Regional Maritime Picture - e: Regional Medical Program - e: Remote Meter Reading - e: Reprogrammable Microprocessor - e: Research and Microfilm Publications - e: Research Management Plan - e: Rifampicin - e: Right Mento-Posterior - e: Rocket Motor Plume - e: Rocket Motor Propellant - e: Root Mean Power - e: Royalty Management Program RmP r: Riksföreningen mot Polio Rmp d: Raumplan R&MP e: Research & Microfilm Publications RMPA e: Raman Microprobe Analysis - e: Royal Medico-Psychological Association - e: Rubber-Mo[u]ld Plaster Casting RMPG e: Reinforced and Microwave Plastics Group RMPI e: Remote Memory Port Interface RM&PP e: Raw Material and Purchase Parts RMPR e: Revised Maximum Price Regulation RmPrä d: Rechnung mit Preisänderungen RMPS e: Regional Medical Programs Service RMQ e: Records Management Quarterly


RMR RMR d: Rechter Muscuius rectus medialis - d: Rhein-Main-Rohrleitung[stransportgesellschaft] - e: Reference Mixture Radio - e: Reflector Moderated Reactor - e: Regional Maintenance Representative - e: Relative Molar Response - e: Remote Map Reader - e: Remote Meter Reading - e: Request Mode Register - e: Right Medical Rectus [muscle] - e: Royal Marines Reserve - r: Riksförbundet mot Reumatism R.M.R. e: Rocky Mountain Law Review R M R O C e: Rocket Motors Records Office Center RMRS e: Rocky Mountain Radiological Society RMR Station e: Radio Moscow Relay Station R M R T e: Reference Molecule Relaxation Time - e: Required Mission Response Times RMS d: Rauschminderungssystem - d: Rückmeldesatz - d: Rückmeldesystem - e: Radar Maintenance Spare[s] - e: Radar Mapper, Short-Range - e: Radar Mapping Set - e: Radar Mapping System - e: Radiation and Meteoroid Satellite - e: Radiation Monitoring Satellite - e: Radiation Monitoring System - e: Radio Marker Station - e: Radio Merchandise Sales - e: Radiological Monitoring System - e: Railway Mail Service - e: Random Mass Storage - e: Range Measuring System - e: Range Modification System - e: Raster Memory System - e: Reactor Monitor System - e: Reconnaissance Management System - e: Record Management Service[s] - e: Records Management Society - e: Record[s] Management System - e: Recovery Management Support - e: Recovery] Management System - e: Recruiting Main Station - e: Reentry Measurement System - e: Reflective Memory System - e: Regulatory Manpower System - e: Remote Maintenance Service - e: Remote Maintenance System - e: Remote Maneuvering System - e: Remote Manipulation [or Manipulator] System - e: Remote Manual Switch - e: Remote Monitoring System - e: Remote Multiplexer System - e: Resource Management Support - e: Resource[s] Management [or Manager] System - e: Retromotor Simulator - e: Review-Meeting Structure - e: Ring Modular Shop - e: Risk Management Society - e: Rocket Management System - e: Roll Microwave Sensor - e: Roof Mounted Sight - e: Root [of] Mean Square - e: Rotating Mooring System - e: Royal Mail Service - e: Royal Mail Ship - e: Royal Mail Steamer [or Steamship] - e: Royal Marine Signaller - e: Royal Medical Society

- e: Royal Meteorological Society - e: Royal Microscopical Society R.m.s. 1: Ramus marginalis sinister RM/s e: Radio Magnetic Indicators RMSA e: Regulations of the Medical Services of the Army - e: Rural Music Schools Association R M S A S e: Royal Marine Small Anns School RM Satellite e: Radiation Meteorid Satellite RMSCC e: Rock Mechanics and Strata Control Committee R M Sch Mus e: Royal Marines School of Music RMSD e: Root-Mean-Square Deviation - e: Root Mean Square Difference RMS/DC Converter e: Root Mean Square/ Direct Current Converter RMSDS e: Reserve Merchant Ship Defence System RMSE e: Root-Mean-Square Error RMSF e: Rocky Mountain^] Spotted Fever RMSH e: Regional Maritime Safety Headquarter RMSI e: Royal Marine Signalling Instructor RMSL e: Range Time to Missile RMSM e: Royal Marines School of Music - e: Royal Military School of Music R M S - N r . d: Rückmeldesatz-Nummer R M S P e: Refractory Metal Sheet Program - e: Resource and Mission Sponsor Plan - e: Royal Mail Steam Packet RMSPE e: Root Mean Square Phase Error RMSR e: Recovery Management Support and Recording - e: Recovery Management Support Recorder - e: Rocket Motor Summary Report R.M.S.S. e: Royal Mail Steamship R M S S e: Root Mean Square Strain - e: Royal Mail Steamship R M S S D e: Root Mean Square of Successive Differences RMSSM e: Royal Marines Staff Sergeant Major RMSV e: Right Maximal Spatial Vector RMS V[alue] e: Root Mean Square Value R M T d: Rumpf-Mittelteil - e: Radioman Telegrapher - e: Radiometric Moon Tracer - e: Real time Multitasking System - e: Registry of Medical Technologists - e: Reliability Maintainability Take-off - e: Remote [Terminal] - e: Right Mento-Transverse - e: Road Motor Transport - e: Rocket Motor Technology RMTA f: Regie Malgache des Tabacs et des Allumettes R M T B e: Reconfiguration Maximum Theoretical Bandwidth RMTBF e: Reciprocal Mean Time Between Failure rmTBK d: rechnerische mittlere Tagesbehandlungskosten RMTC e: Regional Military Training Center - e: Rhesus Monkey Tissue Culture RMTCs e: Regional Medical Training Centers RMTE e: Remote rMTR d: relative Mortalitatsrate RMTR e: Redesigned Missile Tracking Radar


© K • G • Saur, München

RMTS e: Research Member of the Technical Staff R M T SPKR CNT e: Remote Speaker Control R M U e: Radio Maintenance Unit - e: Remote Maneuvering Unit - e: Remote Measuring Unit - e: Remote Multiplexer [or Multiplexing] Unit - e: Resource Management Unit - e: Royal Motor Union R M U C e: Reference Measuring Unit Computer R-Munition d: Rauchmunition RmUnsich d: Rechnung mit Unsicherheiten RMUs e: Radio Maintenance Units RMV d: Radio Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - e: Range Mooring Vessel - e: Reentry Measurement Vehicle - e: Remote Maintenance Vehicle - e: Remotely Manned Vehicle - e: Remove - e: Respiratory Minute Volume - e: Ring Mottle Virus - s: Revista de Medicina Veterinaria R M V B L e: Removable R M V D e: Removed - e: Running Majority Vote Detection R M V G e: Removing R M V L e: Removal RMVSO e: Road and Motor Vehicle Safety Office R M W d: Relaismischwähler - e: Read, Modify, Write - e: Regulations for Magazine and War Materiel R / M / W e: Read/Modify/Write R M W A A e: Roadmasters and Maintenance of Way Association of America R M W C e: Randolph-Macon Womans College R M W E d: Rahmen zur Meßwerterfassung Rm-W/MB n: Rijksmuseum MeermannoWestreenianum/Museum van het Boek R M W R e: Religious, Morale, Welfare and Recreation RMWS e: Reactor Make-Up Water System RMX e: Real-time Multitasking Executive - e: Remote Multiplexer RMZ d: Reichert-Meißl-Zahl - d: Reichert-Meissl Zahl - e: Recovery Maneuver Zone RN d: Rathenow - d: Rechnernetz - d: Rechnungsnachweis[ung] - d: Rechtsnachfolge - d: Republik Niger - d: Reststickstoff - d: Rezeptoren im Nukleus - d: Rufnummer - e: Radar Navigation [or Navigator] - e: Radio Navigation - e: Radio Nederland - e: Radio Noise - e: Random Noise - e: Random Number - e: Reception Nil - e: Reception Node - e: Recipient Name - e: Reconvergent Node - e: Record Name - e: Record Number - e: Red Nucleus - e: Reference Noise - e: Registered Nurse (journ.) - e: Registry Number - e: Rejection Notice

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und A k r o n y m e in Wissenschaft und Technik

RNMP - e: Release Note - e: Removable Needle - e: Removal Note - e: Report Name - e: Report Number - e: Research Note - e: Revision Notice - e: Reynolds Number - e: Road Note - e: Round -Nose[d] - e: Royal Navy - f: Radome Nose - n: Radio Nederland - P: Rada Narodwa - s; República de Nicaragua Rn d: Radiumemanation - d: Radon - e: Radon - e: Rangoon Rn. e: Renumbered R.N. e: Registered Nurse - e: Reynolds Number - e: Royal Navy - f: Route Nationale R.&N. e: Rhodesia and Nyasaland Law Reports RN d: Rezeptoren im Zellkern R2N e: Regional 2 National RNA d: Radionuklid-Angiographie - d: Rauh, Nicht bekapselt, Avirulent - d: Ribonukleinsäure [-acid] - d: Rotationsnaßabscheider - d: Rufnummernänderung - e: Receive Negative Acknowledge - e: Registered Nurse Anesthetist - e: Registered Nurses Association - e: Research Natural Area - e: Ribonucleic Acid - e: Ribo[se] Nucleic Acid - e: Rotatable Nozzle Assembly - e: Rough, Noncapsulated, Avirulent - e: Royal Naval Association - s: Rassamblement National Arabe -1: Ramus Nodi Atrioventricularis R/NA e: Radio Navigation system RNAA e: Radiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis - e: Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association R/NAA e: Rocketdyne/North American Aviation RNAAS e: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences RNAB e: Regional Newspapers Advertising Bureau RNABC e: Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia RNAC e: Remote Network Access Controller - e: Royal Nepal Airline Corporation - e: Royal Netherlands Automobile Club RNAD e: Royal Naval Armament Depot RNADC e: Royal Netherlands Air Defence [or Defense] Command RNAF e: Royal Naval Air Force - e: Royal Netherlands Air Force - e: Royal Norwegian Air Force RNAFF e: Royal Netherlands Aircraft Factories Fokker RNAH e: Royal Naval Auxiliary Hospital RNAM e: Regional Network for Agricultural Machinery RNAMY e: Royal Naval Aircraft Maintenance Yard RNANS e: Registered Nurses Association of Nova Scotia RNAO e: Registered Nurses Association of Ontario

RNARS e: Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society RNAS e: Royal Naval [or Navy] Air Station RNAs e: Ribonucleic Acids rnase e: ribonuclease RNase[n] d: Ribonuklease[n] RNATE e: Royal Naval Air Training Establishment RNatSchG d: Reichsnaturschutzgesetz RNAV e: Area Navigation - e: Radial/Area Navigation - e: Radio Navigation - e: Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers R.n.a.v. 1: Ramus nodi atrioventricularis R-NAV e: Random Navigation R/NAV e: Area Navigation - e: Radio Navigation RNAV/RNPC e: Radial/Area Navigation/Required Navigation Performance Capability RNAW d: Rufnummemauswerter - e: Royal Naval Aircraft Workshop RNAY e: Royal Naval Aircraft Yard RNB e: Received, not Billed - e: Royal Naval Barracks RNbA d: Reichsbahn-Neubauamt RNBC e: Royal Naval Beach Command RNBM e: Royal Navy Ballistic Missile RNBT e: Royal Naval Benevolent Trust RNBWS e: Royal Navy Bird Watching Society RNC e: Radio Network Control - e: Radio Non-Contingent - e: Republican National Committee - e: Request Next Character - e: Return on No Carry - e: Royal Naval College - e: Royal Naval Command RNCA d: Radionuklid-Kineangiogramm R.N.C.A. e: Rhodesia and Nyasaland Court of Appeal Law Reports RNCC e: Reference Number Category Code RNCM e: Royal Northern College of Music RN&CR e: Ryde, Newport and Cowes Railway RNCS e: Royal Netherlands] Chemical Society RNCSIR e: Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research RNCSRL e: Ralph Nader Center for the Study of Responsive Law RND d: Radionukleotid-Dakryografie - d: Restnutzungsdauer - e: Random[ize] - e: Round [trip or voyage] - e: Royal Naval Division - n: Rijksnijverheidstdienst RNDM e: Random RNDMDFY e: Random Modify RNDr. 1: Rerum Naturalium Doctor RNDREAD e: Random Read RND[S] e: Round[s] RND WRIT e: Random Write rNE d: regionaler Nebenstellenanlagenentstôrer RNE s: Radio Nacional de España RNEC e: Royal Naval Engineering College RNEE e: Royal Navy Equipment Exhibition RNES s: Radiodifusora Nacional de El Salvador RNET e: Remote Network - f: Régie Nationale des Eaux du Togo RNETAF e: Royal Netherlands Air force

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RNF e: Radial Nerve Factor - e: Radio Noise Figure - e: Receiver Noise Factor - E: Receiver Noise Figure - e: Registry Nomenclature File Rnf e: Renfrew RNFP e: Radar Not Functioning Properly RNFU d: Phodesia National Farmers Union RNG d: Radionephrografie - d: Reichsnaturschutzgesetz - d: Rufnummemgeber - e: Radio Range [directional radio beacon] - e: Random Noise Generator - e: Random Number Generator - e: Range - e: Regulations under the Natural Gas Act - e: Ringing - e: Running RNGC e: Ringing Circuit RNG COMP e: Range Computer RNG FT e: Running Foot RNGG e: Ringing RNGT e: Radar Navigator Ground Trainer - e: Renegotiate RNH d: Rufnummernhundert - e: Royal Navy Hospital RNHA e: Registered Nursing Home Association RNHD e: Royal Naval Hydrographie Department RNI d: Radio Nordsee International - e: Radio North-Sea International RNIB e: Royal National Institute for the Blind RNID e: Routine Network In-Dial - e: Royal National Institute for the Deaf RNIE e: Royal Netherland Institute of Engineers RNIN e: Royal Netherlands Navy RNIO e: Resident Naval Inspector of Ordnance RNIR e: Reduction to Next Inferior Rank RNIS f: Réseau Numérique à Intégration des Services RNIT e: Radio Noise Interference Test RNL e: Raffles National Library - e: Riss National Laboratory - e: Royal Netherlands Line r.n.l. d: rechts nach links RNLAF e: Royal Netherlands] Air Force[s] RNL[B]I e: Royal National Life-Boat Institution R. N. L.J. e: Rhodesia and Nyasaland Law Journal RNLN e: Royal Netherlands Navy RNLO e: Royal Naval Liaison Office[r] R.&N.L.R. e: Rhodesia and Nyasaland Law Reports RNIT e: Radio Noise Interference Test RNLT e: Running Light RNM e: Radio-Navigation Mobile - e: Radionuclide Migration - e: Rename RNMC e: Regional Network Measurement Centre - e: Royal Naval Medical Corps RNMD e: Registered Nurse for Mental Defectives - e: Royal Naval Mine Depot RNMDSF e: Royal National Mission to Deep-Sea Fishermen RNMI e: Realtors National Marketing Institute RNMP e: Replacement of the Nautical Mile Panel


RNMS RNMS e: Registered Nurse for/of [the] Mentally Subnormal - e: Royal Naval Medical School RNMWS e: Royal Naval Minewatching Service RNN e: Royal Nigerian Navy RNNEU d: Rufnummer Neu RNNP e: Royal Natal National Park RNNPTE e: Royal Naval Nuclear Propulsion Test and Training Establishment RNNS e: Royal Naval Nursing Service RNO e: Resident Naval Officer - e: Royal Naval Officer RNoAF e: Royal Norwegian Air Force RNOD e: Routine Network Outward-Dial R No N e: Royal Norwegian Navy RNP d: Ribonukleophosphat - d: Ribonukleoprotein - e: Random Number Processing - e: Redwood National Park - e: Remote Network Processor - e: Ribonucleoprotein - e: Ringing Number Pick-up - e: Rondane National Park - e: Ruaha National Park - s: Radio Nacional de Peru R.N.P. e: Registered Nurse Practitioner RNP-A[nti]g[en] d: RibonukleoproteinAntigen RNPC e: Rapid Hardening Portland Cement - e: Required Navigation Performance Capability RNPDL e: Risley Nuclear Power Development Laboratories RNPFN e: Royal National Pension Fund for Nurses RNPG e: Ringing Number Pick-up Group RNPL e: Royal Naval Physiological Laboratory RNPr d: Ribonukleoprotein RNPS e: Royal Naval Patrol Service - e: Royal Navy Polaris School RNR e: Rate not Reported - e: Receive[r] Not Ready - e: Resonant Nuclear Reaction - e: Ring Number Read - e: Royal Naval [or Navy] Reserve[s] - e: Runner RNr d: Rufnummer R.N.R. e: Renewal Not Required R.-Nr. d: Raumnummer - d: Rechnungsnummer - d: Registriernummer RNRA e: Royal Naval Rifle Association RNRF e: Renewable Natural Resources Foundation RNrG[b] d: Rufnummerngeber RNRRA e: Royal Naval Reserve Rifle Association RNRS e: Royal National Rose Society RNRZ e: Randomized Non-Return-to-Zero RNS d: Ribonukleinsäure - d: Rufnummernsperre - e: Radar Netting Station - e: Religious News Service - e: Residue Numbering] System - e: Reusable Nuclear Shuttle - e: Round -Neck Short-sleeve[s] - e: Royal Naval School - e: Royal Numismatic Society - f: Radiodiffusion Nationale du Sénégal - f: Recherche du Numéro de Séquence R.11.S. 1: Ramus nodi sinuatrialis RNSA e: Royal Naval Sailing Association RNSAS e: Royal Netherlands Society for Agricultural Science

RNSC e: Rocket/Nimbus Sounder Comparison - e: Royal Naval Staff College - e: Royal Netherlands Steamship Company RNSCHB d: Wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaftsbibliothek auf Republikebene RNSHS e: Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society RNSMS e: Royal Navy Submarine School RNSR e: Royal Naval Special Reserve RNSS e: Royal Naval Scientific Service RNSt d: Reihennebenstelle RNSTS e: Royal Naval Supply and Transport Service RNS-Viren d: RNS-haltige Viren RN System e: Residue Numbering System R N T e: Registered Nurse Teacher [or Tutor] - e: Residual Nitrogen Time - e: Revised New Testament - e: Roentgenologist - e: Roentgenology - f: Radiodiffusion Nationale Tschadienne RNTD e: Royal Naval Torpedo Depot RNTE e: Royal Naval Training Establishment RNTF e: Royal Naval Torpedo Factory RNTH e: Raised Non-Tight Hatch RNTO e: Royal Navy Transport Officer RNTP f: Régie Nationale des Transports et des Travaux Publics R N T U e: Royal Naval Training Unit R N T W P A e: Radio Newsreel Television Working Press Association R N U e: Radar Netting Unit - e: Radio Noise Voltage R Number e: Reynolds Number R.N.U. R[enault] f: Régie Nationale des Usines Renault R N V d: Radionuklid-Venographie - d: Radionuklid-Ventrikulographie - e: Radio Noise Voltage - e: Random Noise Voltmeter - e: Replacement Naval Vessels - e: Resistive Null Voltage - e: Reusable Nuclear Vehicle RNVC e: Reference Number Variation Code RNVCS e: Royal Navy Versatile Console System RNVG d: Radionuklid-Ventrikulographie RNVR e: Royal Naval [or Navy] Volunteer Reserve RNVSR e: Royal Navy Volunteer Supplement Reserve RNVWR e: Royal Naval Volunteer Wireless Reserve R N W d: Rechnernetzwerk - e: Radio Navigational Warning - e: Ring Number Write RNWAR e: Royal Naval Wireless Auxiliary Reserve RNWe d: Rechnernetzwerke RNWL e: Royal Naval War Library R N W M P e: Royal Northwest Mounted Police RNWR e: Ravalli National Wildlife Refuge Rnwy e: Runway RNX e: Restricted Numeric Exchange RNXS e: Royal Navy Auxiliary Services RNY e: Radio New York - e: Radio New York [Worldwide] - e: Royal Navy Rny e: Runway R N Z d: Rufnummernsatz - e: Radio New Zealand


© K G - Saur, München

R N Z A C e: Royal New Zealand Aero Club - e: Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps R N Z A E C e: Royal New Zealand Army Education Corps R N Z A F e: Royal New Zealand Air Force R N Z A M C e: Royal New Zealand Army Medical Corps R N Z A O C e: Royal New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps R N Z A S e: Royal New Zealand Astronomical Society R N Z A S C e: Royal New Zealand Army Service Corps R N Z C Sigs e: Royal New Zealand Corps of Signallers R N Z D C e: Royal New Zealand Dental Corps RNZ[EM]E e: Royal New Zealand [Electrical and Mechanical] Engineers RNZIH e: Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture R N Z N e: Royal New Zealand Navy R N Z N C e: Royal New Zealand Nursing Corps R N Z N R e: Royal New Zealand Naval Reserve R N Z N V R e: Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve R N Z P C e: Royal New Zealand Provost Corps R N Z S H W C e: Royal New Zealand Society for the Health of Women and Children R O d: Radionavigation Mobile Station - d: Rasenoberkante - d: Raumordnung - d: Rechenoperation - d: Rechnungslegungsordnung - d: Rechtsordnung - d: Republik Österreich - d: Rosenheim - d: Rückwirkung, ohne - e: Radar Observer - e: Radar Operator - e: Radio Observer - e: Radio Operator - e: Radio Orient - e: Radio-Oscillator - e: Range Only - e: Range Operation^ [or Operator] - e: Read Only - e: Read-Out - e: Receive Only - e: Receiving Order - e: Reconnaissance Officer - e: Record Output - e: Record Overflow - e: Record Zero - e: Record[er]s Office - e: Recovery Operations - e: Recruiting Officer - e: Recto - e: Reddish Orange - e: Reference Oscillator - e: Regimental Orders - e: Regional Office[r] - e: Register Output - e: Relieving Officer - e: Repair and Overhaul - e: Report Over - e: Reporting Officer - e: Requisitioning Objective - e: Research Objective - e: Research Officer - e: Reserve Order - e: Retrofit Order - e: Reverse Osmosis - e: Rework Order

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

rock - e: Rhodochrosite - e: Right Observer - e: Right Opening - e: Right Orifice - e: Right Out - e: Road Oil - e: Roll Off - e: Roll On - e: Roll-Over - e: Romania - e: Rough [Opening] - e: Round Off - e: Rout[in]e Order - e: Routing Officer - e: Royal Observatory - e: Rule Out - e: Runover - e: Ruthenium Oxide - f: Recherche Opérationnelle - n: Resedentie Orkester Ro d: Kurzzeichen für Bastfaserbündel aus Rosella-Hanf - d: Rohstoff - d: Rufordner Ro. e: Road - e: Rolles Abridgment - e: Romanian ro. 1: recto R.O. e: Receiving Order - e: Royal Observatory r.o. d: rechts oben R&O e: Rail and Ocean - e: Repair and Overhaul - e: Requirements and Objectives R-O e: Reporting Officer - e: Roll-Over - n: Residentie-Orkest R/O d: Röntgendosis an der Oberfläche gemessen - e: Read Only - e: Receive Only - e: Repair/Overhaul - e: Roll Out - e: Routing Order - e: Rule Out RÖ d: Rapsöl - d: Renault Österreich AG - d: Republik Österreich - d: Röntgen Rö d: [Elektronenröhre - d: Röntgen RO 1 e: Radio Operator first class RO 2 e: Radio Operator second class RO 3 e: Radio Operator third class ROA d: Altimeter Station - d: Reichsbahnoberamtmann - e: Altimeter Station - e: Radio Operators Aptitude - e; Raman Optical Activity - e: Realistic Operational Amplifier - e: Receive[d] on Account - e: Recorded Overflow Announcement - e: Reinsurance Offices Association - e: Return on Assets - e: Right Occipito [or Occiput]-Anterior - e: Rights of Accumulation - e: Royal Order of Altruists - e: Rules of the Air - n: Raad van Organisatie-Adviesbureaus - R: Russkaya Osvoboditelnaya Armya RoA e: Record of Acquisition Road ON e: Road Octane Number RoadRailer e: Road Railer system ROADS e: Realtime Optical Alignment and Diagnostic System - e: Roads Design System - e: Roadway Analysis and Design System

Roads e: Ports of Hampton Roads roads, e: roadstead ROAFE e: Regional Office for Asia and the Far East ROA/I e: Received On Account/Insurance ROAM e: Rate Of Acceleration Meter - e: Return of/on Assets Managed ROAMA e: Rome Air Materiel Area ROAP e: Row Alarm Panel - e: Rural Organizations Action Programme ROA/P e: Received On Account/Private ROAR e: Right of Admission Reserved - e: ROS [Read-only Storage] Address Register - e: Routine for Obtaining Active Records - e: Royal Optimizing Assembly Routine [or Routing] ROARE e: Reeducation of Attitudes and Repressed Emotions ROAST e: Ring Out and Stress Tester ROA T[est] e: Radio Operators Aptitude Test ROB e: Radar Order of Battle - e : Radar Out of Battle - e: Remaining on Board - e: Remote Order Buffer - e: Report on Board - e: Reserve on Board - e: Ring Oil Bearing - e: Robotic Operating Buddy Rob e: Robinson College, Oxford RoB e: Rotating Brush[es] ROBAR e: Read-Only Back-up Address Register ROBARV e: Armys Robotic Resupply Vehicle ROBAT e: Remote Obstacle Breaching Assault Tank - e: Robotic Obstacie Breaching Assault Tank Rob. Bank, e: Robertson, Handbook of Bankers Law Robb [Pat. Cas]. e: Robbs United States Patent Cases ROBC e: Readiness Objective Code Rob. Car. V. e: Robertsons History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. Rob. El. Law e: Robinsons Elementary Law ROBEPS e: Radar Operating Below Prescribed Standards Roberts e: Roberts International Airport Monrovia, Liberia ROBEX e: Regional OPMET [Operational Meteorological Information] Bulletin Exchange Scheme Rob. Gav. e: Robinson, Common Law of Kent, or Custom on Gavelkind ROBI d: Regierungsoberbauinspektor ROBIC e: Robotic Integrated Cell ROBIN e: Radar Observation of Bird Intensivity and Notification - e: Remote Online Business Information Network - e: Rocket Balloon Instrument ROBInS e: Roberts Information Services ROBO e: Rocket [Orbital] Bomber ROBOMB e: Robot Bomb ROBO Project e: Rocket Orbital Bomber Project ROBOT e: Record Organization Based on Transposition Rob. Pat. e: Robinson on Patents Rob. Per. Sue. e: Robertson, Law of Personal Succession Rob. Prior, e: Robertsons Law of Priority of Incumbrances ROBR d: Regierungsoberbaurat

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

Robs. Bankr. e: Robertsons Handbook of Bankers Law ROC e: Radius of Curvature [of lenses] - e: Range Of Confidence - e: Range Operations Conference - e: Rapid Omnidirectional Compaction - e: Rate of Change - e: Rate of Climb - e: Rate of Convergence - e: Read-Out Circuit - e: Read-Out Clock - e: Receive-Only Center - e: Receiver Operating Characteristic^] - e: Receptor-Operated Channel - e: Reciprocal Ohm Centimeter - e: Reconnaissance [and] Operations Center - e: Recoverable Overlay Candidate - e: Recovery Operations] Center - e: Reduce Operating Costs - e: Reduced Operational Capability Program - e: Reference Our Cable - e: Refractory Oxide Capacitor - e: Regional Occupation Center - e: Regional Operating [or Operations] Center [or Centre] - e: Relative [or Reliability] Operating Characteristic - e: Remote Operators] Console - e: Republic of China [Taiwan] - e: Republic of Congo - e: Required Operational] Capability [or Capabilities] - e: Required Operational Characteristics - e: Requirements of Contract - e: Reserve Officer Candidate - e: Return on Capital - e: Reusable Orbital Carrier - e: Right Oblique Camera - e: Rochester [Airport] - e: Rotatable Optical Cube - e: Run on Crap - f: Reconnaissance Optique des Characteres RoC e: Register of Copyrights - e: Republic of China - e: Republic of the Congo - e: Rotating Commutator ROCAD e: Reorganization of the Current Armored Division ROCAF e: Republic of China Air Force RoCam e: Republic of Cameroon[s] ROCAPP[I] e: Research on Computer Applications for the Printing and Publishing Industries ROCAT e: Rocket Catapult ROCBA e: Regional Office for Culture and Book Development in Asia ROCC e: Radar Operations Control Center - e: Range Operations Conference Circuit - e: Receptor-Operated Calcium Channel - e: Region[al] Operation[al][s] Control Center ROCCS e: Regional Operations Control Centers Roc[cus]. Ins. e: Roccus on Insurance ROCE e: Return on Capital Employed ROCF e: Remote Operator Console [or Control] Facility ROCH e: Routed Chain RoCh e: Republic of Chad Roch e: Rochester RO/CH e: Read-Out with Check Rochambeau e: Cayenne [Airport French Guiana] ROCID e: Reorganization of Combat Infantry Division[s] rock e: a form of cocaine


ROCKET - e: Rise-Off Disconnect - e: Royal Ordnance Depot - e: Rusting, Oxidation, Discoloration - R: Russkoye Osvoboditelnoye Dvizheniye RoD e: Record of Decision RODA e: Royal Ordnance Decision Aid Rodale e: Rodale Books RODAR e: Road Radar - e: Rotorblade Radar RODATA e: Registered Organization^] Databank] RODEO f: Radar d'Observation et de Designation d'Objectifs RODIAC e: Rotary Dual Input for Analog[ue] Computation RODNET e: Reliable Onboard Data Network RODO e: Range Operations Duty Officer RODOPA e: Red Sea Development Corporation RODS S[ystem] e: Realtime Operations, Dispatching] and Scheduling System ROE e: Read-Out Exit - e: Reflector Orbital Equipment - e: Return on Equity - e: Round -off Error - e: Royal Observatory Edinburgh - e: Rules of Engagement ROENTGEN e: Roentgenology ROENTfGENOL] e: Roentgenological] - e: Roentgenologist - e: Roentgenology Roent M e: Master of Roentgenology ROEP e: Refugee Orientation and Employment Program ROESY e: Rotating-frame NOESY ROF d: Romanische Forschungen (journ.) - d: Rotenburg/Fulda - e: Rate of Fire - e: Relocatable Object File - e: Remote Operation [or Operator] Facility - e: Reporting Organizational File - e: Rotate Outward Fast R of A e: Reduction of Area ROFA e: Radio of Free Asia ROFB e: Radar Operating Frequency Bandwith R of C e: Republic of China R of D e: Report of Debate ROFF e: Converter Remote Off ROFI e: Radially Outward Firing Igniter RO/FLO e: Roll-On/Float-Off R of N e: Range of Neap ROFOR e: Route[d] Forecast ROFS e: Review of Systems ROFT e: Radar of[f] Target R of Z e: Republic of Zambia ROG d: Raumordnungsgesetz

ROCKET e: Rands Omnibus Calculator of the Kinetics [or Kinematics] of Earth Trajectories ROCKEX e: Rocket Exercise Rockies e: Rocky Mountains Rock. Min. e: Rockwell on Mines ROCKOON[S] e: Rocket Balloon [System] Rock. Sp. Law e: Rockwell's Spanish and Mexican Law Relating to Mines Rocky Mt. L. Rev. e: Rocky Mountain Law Review Rocky Mt. Med. J. e: Rocky Mountain Medical Journal Rocky Mt. Miner. L. Rev. e: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Review Rocky Mt. Min. L. Inst, e: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute Rocky Mt. Min. L. Inst. Proc. e: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute Proceedings Rocky Mt. Min. L. Newsl. e: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Newsletter Rocky. Mt. M. L. Inst, e: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute Rocky Mtn. e: Rocky Mountain Rocky Mtn. L. Rev. e: Rocky Mountain Law Review Rocky Mtn. Min. L. Inst, e: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute ROCM d: Restriktive Obliterierende Kardiomyopathie - e: Restrictive Obliterative Cardiomyopathy ROCN e: Republic Of China Navy/Taiwan ROCOCO n: Radio-Omroep Control Commissie ROCOL e: Robots Control Language ROCOM e: Record Offset where Compare begins compared file ROCOMP e: Read Out Complete ROCOM System e: Rodeo Communications System ROCP e: Radar Out of Commission[s] for Parts - e: Radio Out of Commission for Parts - e: Remote Operator Control Panel ROC Program e: Reduced Operational Capability Program ROCR e: Remote Optical Character Recognition ROC Relay e: Rate of Change Relay ROCS e: Railroad Operations Control System - e: Range-only Correlation System ROCs e: Relative Operating Characteristics ROCS e: Remote Online Communication System ROCs e: Reusable Orbital Carriers ROCSOC e: Republic of China Society of Cardiology ROD d: Roding - e: Rate of Descent - e: Record of Discussion - e: Record[er] on Demand - e: Refused on Delivery - e: Regional Operational Data - e: Release Order Directive - e: Reliability Data on Demand - e: Remain on Duty - e: Remote Optronics Director - e: Repair and Overhaul Directive - e: Repair on Demand - e: Required on Dock - e: Required Operational Data [or Date] - e: Responsible Operations Delegate - e: Reverse Osmosis Desalination - e: Rewritable Optical Disc

- e: Receipt of Goods - e: Rise-off-Ground - e: Royal Observatory Greenwich RoG d: Rohgas - e: Republic of Guinea Rog. Ecc. L[aw] e: Rogers Ecclesiastical Law Ro-Gelenk d: Rotationsgelenk ROGER e: Remotely Operated Geophysical Explorer - e: Your message received and understood Rog. Jud. Acts e: Rogers on the Judicature Acts Rog. Min. e: Rogers on Mines and Minerals ROH d: Rotenburg - e: Receiver Off-Hook - e: Regular Overhauling] - e: Royal Opera House


© K G ' Säur, München

RoH d: Regler ohne Hilfsenergie R-O-H e: Receiver off the Hook ROHP e: Remote-Operated Hoisted Platform Rohrbr. d: Rohrbremse Rohr-ko d: Rohrkondensator ROHSC e: Read Out High Speed Count ROH Timber e: Rohini [soymida febrifuga] Timber ROI d: Radio, Optical, Inertial - e: Range Operation^] [or Operating] Instruction^] - e: Read-Only Instruction - e: Recessed Oxide Isolation - e: Region[s] of Interest - e: Reliability Organization Instruction - e: Report of Investigation - e: Republic of Ireland - e: Resources Objectives, Incorporated - e: Return of/on Investment[-Methode] - e: Rotating Optical Interferometer ROIC e: Return of Invested Capital ROICC e: Resident Officer-in-Charge of Construction ROID e: Report of Item Discrepancy ROIN e: Reorganization of the Interconnection Network ROINST e: Range Operations Instructions ROIP e: Residual Oil-In-Place ROIS e: Radio Operational Intercom [munication] System - e: Railroad Operating Information System ROJ d: Romanistisches Jahrbuch (journ.) - e: Range of Jamming ROJA e: Reinsurance of Joint Account ROK d: Rockenhausen - e: Republic of Korea RoK e: Republic of Kiribati ROKAF e: Republic of Korea Air Force/ South Korea ROKAP e: Republic of Korea Civic Action Program ROKG e: Rocking ROKIT e: Republic of Korea Indigeneous Tank ROKN e: Republic of Korea Navy roksonde e: rocket sounding ROL d: Rottenburg/Laaber - e: Radar Observer License rol e: Record Output Length - e: Reference Our Letter - e: Request On-Line [Status] - e: Right Occipito-Lateral - e: Roll - e: Romanian Leu ROLAC e: Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean - e: Regional Organization of Liaison for Allocation of Circuits Ro-Lader d: Rotationskolben-Lader ROLAND d: Realisierg. offener Kommunikationssysteme auf der Grundlage anerkannter Normen und der Durchführung harmonisierter Testverfahren ROLANET e: Robotron Local Area Network rolet e: reference our letter ROLF e: Remotely Operated Longwall Face - e: Robot-Oriented Language Formalism - e: Rapid On-Line Information Network ROLK e: Rolling Keel ROLL e: Rollback Roll, e: Roll of the Term Rolle Abr. e: Rolles Abridgment of the Common Law Rollko d: Rollkondensator

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Rop. [Leg.] roll-on/roll-off e: straight-through loading system operation Rolls e: Rolls-Royce R.O.L.-Pipeline e: Rubnik-Ostrawa-Linz Pipeline ROLR e: Receiving Objective Loudness Rating ROLR[at] d: Regierungsoberlandwirtschaftsrat ROLS e: Rainbow Optical Landing System - e: Readiness Oriented Logistics System - e: Recoverable Orbital Launch System - e: Remote On-Line [Subsystem - e: Request On-Line Status ROLTER s: Manufactura del Calzado ROLTS e: Remote On-Line Testing System ROM e: Radar Operator Mechanic - e: Range of Motion - e: Range of Movement - e: Read-On[ly] Memory [Store] - e: Read-Out Memory - e: Reciprocal Ohm-Meter - e: Record Office Memorandum - e: Red Oxide of Mercury - e: Republic of Malagasy - e: Return on Management - e: Return on Market Value - e: Roll-Over Mortgage - e: ROM Basic Input/Output Systems - e: Romania[n] - e: Rome, Italy - e: Rough Order [of] Magnitude - e: Royal Ontario Museum - e: Rule of Mixtures -e: Run-of Mill [Ore] - e: Run-of Mine [Ore] RoM d: Rohrmuffe - e: Republic of Malagasy - e: Republic of the Marsha Islands - e: The Letter of Paul to the Romans Rom e: Book of Romans - e: Romance language rom. d: romanisch rom. d: romisch ROMAC e: Range Operations Monitor Analysis Center - e: Range Operations Monitoring and Control - e: Robotic Muscle-Like Actuator [Control] ROMACC e: Range Operational Monitoring and Control Center ROMAD e: Radio Operator, Maintainer [or Maintenance] and Driver - e: Read-Only Memory Automatic Design ROMAG e: Remote Map Generator roman. d: romanisch ROMAN e: Remotely Operated [mobile] Manipulator - e: Roman candle - e: Roman number - e: Roman type ROMANS e: Range Only Multiple Aircraft Navigation System[s] - e: Rapid Operational Minefield Attack and Neutralisation System - e: Remote Manipulation System[s] RoManSy e: Robot and Manipulator Symposium Rom Ant e: Roman Antiquities ROMAZO n: Vereningen van Rolluiken-, Markeizen-en Zonweringbedrijven Romb. d: Romberg RoM Bg d: Rohrmuffe mit Fuhrungsgestell fur BergsenkungsspleiB ROMBI e: Results of/on Marine Biological Investigations

ROM[-]BIOS e: Read-Only Memory-Basic Input/Output Subsystem ROMBUS e: Reusable Orbital Module Booster and Utility Shuttle Rom Cath e: Roman Catholic ROMCOE e: Rocky Mountain Center on Environments Rom. Cr. Law e: Romilly, Observations on the Criminal Law ROMDOS e: ROM Digital Operating System ROME e: Reason-Oriented Modeling Environment RÖMED d: Röntgen- und elektromedizinische Apparate ROMedR d: Regieningsobermedizinalrat ROMEMO e: Reference] [to] Our Memorandum ROMEN e: Read Only Memory Enable ROM[-]EPROM e: Read-Only MemoryErasable Programmable Read-Only Memory ROMEV d: Reparaturoptimierungsmodell für Elektroenergieverteilungsanlagen Rom Hist e: Roman History ROMIO e: ROM [Read-Only Memory] plus Input/Output ROM-IVOIRE f: Société de Commercialisation Ivoiro-Roumaine RomJ d: Romanistisches Jahrbuch (journ.) röm.kath. d: römisch-katholisch Rom. Law e: Mackeldys Handbook of the Roman Law ROMM e: Read-Only Memory Module ROMON e: Receive [or Receiving]-Only Monitor ROMOTAR e: Range-Only Measurement of Trajectory and [Automatic] Recording ROMP e: Read-Only Memory, Programmable ROM-PCB e: Read-Only Memory-Printed Circuit Board ROMR e: Read-Only Memory Register ROM[-] RPROM e: Read-Only MemoryReprogrammable Read-Only Memory ROMS e: Read-Only Memories - e: Read-Only Memory Storage - e: Remote Ocean Sensing Satellite - e: Remote Ocean Surface Measuring Sensors ROMSA d: Otitis Media Suppurativa Acuta rechts ROMSCh d: Otitis Media Suppurativa Chronica rechts ROMSE e: Read Only Memory Select ROMT e: Range-of-Motion Test ROMTRANS f: Association Roumaine pour Transports Routiers Internationaux ROMV e: Return on Market Value RON e: Converter Remote On - e: Receive [or Receiving] Only - e: Remaining] Overnight - e: Research [Road] Octan Number - e: Road Octane Number - e: Run Occurrence Number - R: Raketna Operativnogo Naznacheniya RONAL d: Roland Aluminium RONB e: Research Octane Number Barrels rond e: rondel[s] - f: rondeaufx] RONDA e: Royal Oriental Nut Date Association RONGEAD f: Reseau des Organisations non Gouvernementales Européennes sur les Questions Agro-Alimentaires et le Développement

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RONLY e: Receiver Only RONM d: Raster-Optische NahfeldMikroskopie RONOG n: Radio Omroep Noord en Oost te Groningen RONS e: Read-Only Name Store - e: Read-Only Nano Store RONT e: Radar On Target Röntg, d: Röntgenologie Röntgenbeug, d: Röntgenbeugung Röntgen Bl. d: Röntgen Blätter (journ.) röntgenograph. d: röntgenographisch Röntg.[-]RUG d: Gesetz über Röntgenreihenuntersuchungen RONTP e: Receive-Only Nontyping Perforator RONTR e: Receive-Only Non-Typing Reperforator ROO e: Radio Optical Observatory - e: Railhead Ordnance Officer - e: Range Operations Office[r] ROOC e: Region Operations Control Center ROOFG e: Roofing ROOI e: Return on Original Investment ROOM e: Refuel On-the-Move ROOP e: Reconnaissance, Occupation and Organization of Position ROOR e: Released on Own Recognizance roo[s] e: kangaroo[s] ROOST e: Rapid Optical Ocean Surveillance Testbed - e: Reusable One-stage Orbital Space Truck ROOT e: Relaxation Oscillator Optically Tuned Root Bt. Laws e: Root, Digest of Law and Practice in Bankruptcy ROP e: Rate of Penetration - e: Read/Receceive-Only Printer - e: Receive-Only [Page] Printer - e: Record of Performance - e: Record of Production - e: Record of Purchase - e: Recovery Operating Plan - e: Regional Occupational Program - e: Registered Ordinary Partnership - e: Reorder Point - e: Residual Organic Phosphorus - e: Right Observation Post - e: Right Occipito [or Occiput]-Posterior - e: Right Outside Position - e: Ring-Opening Polymerization - e: Rites of Passage - e: Rotating Observation Platform - e: Run of Paper - e: Run of Press - e: Runway Observing Position - P: Rada Ochrony Pracy RoP e: Republic of Palau ROPA e: Road Racing Organizers and Promoters Association ROPAR e: Regional Operators Program for Aircraft Reliability ROPE e: Ring of Prefetch Elements - e: Run-out Production Evaluation ROPER e: Regional Operators Program for Engine Reliability ROPES e: Remote Online Print Executive System ROPEVAL e: Readiness-Operational Evaluation ROPIMA e: Rotary Piston Machine ROPL f: Registros Oficiales de Producción Lechera Rop. [Leg.] e: Roper on Legacies


ROPME R O P M E e: Regional Organization for the Protection for/of the Protection of the Marine Environment ROPP e: Receive-Only Page Printer - P: Rejonowe Osrodki Pracy Partyjnej ROPS e: Range Operation Performance Summary - e: Roll-over Protection [or Protective] Structure - e: Roll-over Protection System ROPS-FOPS e: Roll-Over-Protective and Falling-Object-Protective Structure ROQ e: Recommended Overhaul Quantity Roques e: Los Roques Islands ROR d: Reichsbahnoberrat - e : Radar Off Target - e: Range Only Radar - e: Rate of Read - e: Rate of Return - e: Rate of Rise - e: Release[d] on [Own] Recognizance - e: Rocket on Rotor - e: Rotor Rocket Ror d: Rorschach R.O.R. e: Rubery Owen-Rockwell Ltd RORA e: Reliable Operate Radar Altimeter RORC e: Rolla Research Institute - e: Royal Ocean Racing Club RORD e: Return on Receipt of Documents] RORDIS e: Real-time Oriented Dealer Invoicing System ROREF e: Record Offset where compare begins referenced file ROREQ e: Reference Our Requisition Rorer R.R. e: Rorer on Railways RORET e: Rotational Retention RORG e: Reorganize RO/RI e: Roll-Out/Roll-In Ror. Int. St. L . e: Rorer on Inter-State Law RORIS e: Remote Operated Radiographic Inspection System RORO e: Roll-On Roll-Off Ro-Ro e: RoIl-on/Roll-off Ship RO/RO e: Roll-On/Roll-Off Ro-Ro cargo e: Roll-on/Roll-off cargo ro-ro-container handling e: Roll-on/ Roll-off container handling Ro-Ro-docks e: Roll-on/Roll-off docks RO/RO-LO/LO e: Roll-On/Roll-OFFLift-On/Lift-Off Ro-Ro-Schiff d: Roll-on-Roll-off-Schiff Ro-Ro Ship e: RoIl-on-Roll-off Ship Ro-Ro-Traffic e: Roll-on/Roll-off traffic Ro-Ro-Trailer Service e: Roll-on/Roll-off trailer service RoRo-Transport e: Roll-on/Roll-offTransport Ro-Ro-Verkehr d: Roll-on-roll-off-Verkehr Ro-Ro Vessel e: Roll-on-Roll-off Vessel RORSAT e: Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite RORSATS e: Radar-equipped Ocean Reconnaissance Satellites Ror. Test d: Rorschach Test RöRUG d: Gesetz über Röntgenreihenuntersuchungen ROS e: Radar Distribution Switch - e: Range Of Spares - e: Range Operating [or Operation] Station - e: Raster Output Scanner - e: Read-Only Stor[ag]e - e: Real-time Operating System - e: Receive Only Satellite - e: Reduced Operational Status - e: Remote Operating [or Operation] System - e: Remote Optical System


- e: Representative Observation Site - e: Resident Operating System - e: Resistor[s] on Sapphire - e: Return from Overseas - e: Review of Systems - e: Ridge Operating System - e: Robot Optical Sensor - e: Rod Outer Segments] - e: Rotate Outward Slightly - e: Rotating Optical Scanner - e: Run of Schedule - e: Ruthenium Oxide Ros d: oszillatorische Resistenz - d: Rostock - e: Roscommon RoS e: Republic of Senegal R O s e: Range Operations R O S A e: Recording Optical-Spectrum Analyzer ROSAR e: Read-Only Storage Address Register R Ö S A T d: Röntgensatellit Rose. Crim. Ev. e: Roscoes Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases RöSchbTrpBw d: Röntgenschirmbildtrupp der Bundeswehr Rose. Jur. e: Roscoes Jurist Rose. Light e: Roscoe, Law of Light R O S C M e: Research Organisation of Ships Compositions Manufacturers Rose. N.P. e: Roscoes Law of Evidence at Nisi Prius R O S C O e: Road Operators Safety Council R O S C O E e: Remote Operating System Conventional Operating Environment - e: Remote Operating System Conversational Operating Environment R O S C O P e: Report of Observations Samples Collected by Oceanographic Program[me]s R O S D R e: Read-Only Storage Driver R O S D R e: Read-Only Storage Data Register R O S E e: Remote Operations Service Element - e: Remotely Operated Special Equipment - e: Research Open System for Europe - e: Residuum Oil Supercritical Extraction - e: Retrieval by Online Search - e: Rising Observational Sounding Equipment rose, e: rose-cake - e: rose-colored - e: rose cut[ting] - e: rose engine - e: rose fever - e: rose gum - e: rose hips - e: rose lathe - e: rose leaf - e: rose leaves - e: rose mill - e: rose oil - e: rose quartz - e: rose reamer - e: rose window - e: rose wine - e: rose worm - e: rose wort - e: roseate - e: rosebud[s] - e: rosemary - e: rosette - e: rosewood Rosenberger e: Street Railway Law Rosenberger Pock. L J . e: Rosenbergers Pocket Law Journal © K • G • Saur, München

ROSES e: Receive-Only Ship-Earth Station Rosh Hash h: Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hod h: Rosh Hodesh ROSHI e: Rogers High Speed Interconnects ROSIE e: Reconnaissance by Orbiting Ship-Identification Equipment ROSIS e: Reflective Optical System Imaging Spectrometer ROSLA e: Raising of [the] School Leaving Age ROSO e: Relay Operated Sampling Oscilloscope ROSPA e: Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents R O S P E C e: Rotating Spectrometer ROSS e: Remote Ocean Sensing Satellite - e: Review Other Subjective Symptoms - e: Route-Oriented Simulation System Ross Cont. e: Ross on Contracts Ross L[eadg].C[as]. e: Ross Leading Cases in Commercial Law - e: Ross Leading Cases in the Law of Scotland RoSt d: Rostschutz von Stahlbauwerken ROSTA e: Regional Office for Science and Technology for/in Africa ROSTAS e: Regional Office for Science and Technology for the Arab States ROSTENA e: Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe and North America R O S Timber e: Rosewood [dalbergia latifolia] Timber ROSTLAC e: Regional Office for Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean Sea Rostov e: Rostov-on-Don ROSTSCA e: Regional Office for Science and Technology for South and Central Asia ROSTSEA e: Regional Office for Science and Technology for South East Asia Roststr. d: Roststrecke ROSV e: Right Oblique Subxiphoid View RO System e: Reverse Osmosis System ROT d: Rotation - d: Rothenburg ob der Tauber - e: Radar on Target - e: Range on Target - e: Rate of Returning] - e: Rate of Turn - e: Reference Our Telex - e: Remedial Occupational] Therapy - e: Republic of Taiwan - e: Reusable Orbital Transporter] - e: Right Observer Target - e: Right Occipito [or Occiput]-Transverse - e: Rotary - e: Rotate - e: Rotating - e: Rotation - e: Rotor - e: Rule of Thumb - f: Réflexes Ostéo-Tendineux Rot d: Rotor - e: Rotterdam Rot. d: Rotation - d: Rotterdam rot. d: rotierend ROTAB[L] e: Rotary [or Rotate] Table ROTAC[s] e: Rotary Oscillating Torque Actuatorfs] ROTAD e: Reorganization of the Airborne Division ROTAM e: Request-Oriented Telecommunication Access Method

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RP ROTAS[-system] e: Rotating and Sliding [system] ROTCC e: Receiver Off-Hook Tone Connecting Circuit Rot. Chart. 1: Rotulus Chartarum ROT CHOP[T] e: Rotation of Ports at Charterers Option Rot. Claus. 1: Rotuli Clause ROTCMU e: Reserve Officers Training Course Medical Units Rot. Cur. Reg. 1: Rotuli Curiae Regis Rot.Dr. d: Rotationsdruck ROTDT e: Rotary Dial Sets Diaitone ROTE e: Range Optical Tracking Equipment RO Technical Memoirs e: Royal Observatory Technical Memoirs (journ.) ROTEL e: Rotational Telemeter [or Telemetry] RO Terminal e: Receive-Only Terminal ROTEX d: Robotik-TechnologieExperiment - e; Robotic Technology Experiment Rot. Flor, e: Rotae Florentine Reports of the Supreme Court, or Rota, of Florence rot. geogr. e: rotation, geographical ROTH e: Read-Only Tape Handler - e: Read-Only Type Handler ROTHED e: Rotate Head ROTHR e: Relocatable Over-The-Horizon Radar ROTI e: Recording Optical Tracking Instrument - e: Reinforced Oxide Throat Insert ROTL e: Remote Office Test Line[s] ROTMH e: Raised Oil-Tight Manhole ROTN e: Rotation Rotn. No. e: Rotation Number ROTO e: Rotary press - e: Rotogravure ROTOMT e: Rotometer rot Ows opt e: rotation of ports at Owners option ROTP e: Receive-Only Typing Perforator Rot. Pari. 1: Rotulae Parliamentariae Rot. Pat. 1: Rotuli Patenes ROTPB e: Rotary and Pushbutton Rot. Plac 1: Rotuli Placitorum ROTR e: Receive Only Tape Reperforator - e: Receive-Only Typing Reperforation [or Reperforator] - e: Rotator ROTREF System e: Rotate the Reference System ROTR[-]S/P e: Receive-Only Typing Reperforator, Series to Parallel ROTS e: Radar Observer Testing System - e: Range on Target Signal - e: Reusable Orbital Transport System - e: Rotary Out-Trunk Switching] ROTSAL e: Rotate and Scale ROTSW e: Rotary Switch ROTT e: Rate of Turnable - e: Recorder Tone Trunk[s] Rottf. d: RottenfUhrer Rotuli Curiae Reg. 1: Rotuli Curiae Regi's ROTV e: Reusable Orbital Transport Vehicle Rotverschieb. d: Rotverschiebung rotw. d: rotwelsch ROTWUP e: Rotary Wake-Up ROU e: Radio Officers Union - s: República Oriental del Uruguay Rou f: Rouen RoU d: Rohrbeinumfang

RO/UF e: Reverse Osmosis and Ultrafiltration roul f: roulette Roum e: Roumania[n] Round L.&A. e: Round, Right of Light and Air Round Lien e: Round, Law of Lien RO unit e: Receive-Only unit ROUPR d: Routineprüfung ROUPRNR d: Routineprüfnummer ROUT e: Register Out - e: Resistance, Output - e: Retrieval of Unformatted Text - e: Routine R 2 0 U T e: R2 Outgoing signalling selector ROUTE e: Routes which are to be monitored ROUTLIST e: Route List ROUTOP e: Routing Optimizer ROUTORIG e: Routing Origin ROV d: Raumordnungsverfahren - d: Respiratory-Orphan-Viren - e : Refined Oil of Vitriol - e: Remote Optical Viewing - e: Remotely-Operated Vehicle - e: Respiratory Orphan Virus Rov e: Rover[s] RöV d: Röntgenverordnung ROVA e: Road Vehicle Autonomous ROVD e: Relay Operated Voltage Divider - e: Remotely-Operated Volume Damper RöVm d: Röhrenvoltmeter ROVNITE e: Remaining over Night ROVOS-C e: Remote Automated Color Video Observing System ROVS e: Remote Optical Viewing System ROVWR e: Remotely Operated Control Vehicle Weapon Recovery ROW d: Rathenower Optische Werke - d: Recht in Ost und West - d: Rheinische Olefinwerke GmbH - d: Rotenburg/Wümme - e: Relocate Out of Washington - e: Resonant Optical Waveguide - e : Rest Of the World - e: Reverse-Osmosis Water - e: Right[s] Of Way - e: Rights Of Women - e: Rise-Of-Water - e: Risk Of War - e: Roll Welding ROWAP e: Rotating Water Atomization Process R-O-W disease e: Rendu-Osler-Weber disease Row. Eng. Const, e: Rowland, Manual of the English Constitution Rowe Sei. Jur. 1: Rowes Scintilla Juris ROW&PF e: Rake Out, Wedge and Point Flashings ROWPU e: Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit ROWS e: Robotic Winding System ROX d: Roxythromycin - e: Recessed Oxide Rox. e: Roxburghshire] - e: Roxbury Roy e: Royalties] Roy Alb Hall e: Royal Albert Hall Royal Society e: The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge Roy Bel f: Royaume de Belgique ROZ d: Research[-Methode]-Oktanzahl - e: Restricted Operations Zone[s] Rozh R: Rozhdestvensky

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RP d: Radialispuls - d: Radiophotografie - d: Rechenprozessor - d: Rechnerzeitpreis - d: Referenzpunkt - d: Refraktärphase - d: Registerpaar - d: Registerprozessor - d: Regulierungsposten - d: Regulierungspunkt - d: Reichspost - d: Reisepaß - d: Reiter-Protein - d: Rektumprolaps - d: Republik Philippinen - d: Retrogrades Pyelogramm - d: Rhinopharyngitis - d: Richtpunkt - d: Rohprotein - d: Rohr[ch]enpulver - d: Rückprojektion - d: Rütgers Pagid Reibbelag GmbH - d: Telegramm mit bezahlter Antwort - e: Plate Resistance [symbol] - e: Radar Performance - e: Radial Pulse - e: Radiation Pressure - e: Radiation Protection - e: Radio Paging - e: Radio Paris - e: Raid Plotter - e: Random Processing] - e: Rapid Processing - e: Raynauds Phenomenon - e: Re-entry Phase - e: Reactor Physics - e: Read Pulse - e: Read[er-]Printer - e: Reader Punch - e: Readiness Potential - e: Reading Programfme] - e: Real Part - e: Real Processor - e: Real Property - e: Realization Product - e: Rear Projection - e: Rearscreen Projection - e: Receipt Pass - e: Receive Port - e: Receive Processor - e: Received Pronunciation - e: Reception Poor - e: Receptor Potential - e: Recipe - e: Recommended Practice - e: Reconnaissance Platoon - e: Reconnaissance Pod - e: Record Processor - e: Recorded Program[me] - e: Recording Plate - e: Recovery Phase - e: Red Phosphorus - e: Redox Potential - e: Reduced Probability of Identification - e: Reduced Propagation - e: Redundancy Payment - e: Reference Paper[s] - e: Reference Plane - e: Reference Point - e: Reference Pulse - e: Refilling Point - e: Reflecting Point - e: Reflecting Power - e: Refractory Period - e: Regimental Paymaster - e: Regional Processor - e: Regional Program 207

Rp - e: Register Printer - e: Regulating Point - e: Reinforced Plastic[s] - e: Relative Performance - e: Relative Pressure - e: Relative Program[me] [or Programming] - e: Relay Paid - e: Release Point - e: Reliability Panel - e: Reliability Program[me] - e: Relocatable Program[me] - e: Remote Pick-up - e: Remote Processor - e: Repeat[er] - e: Repetitive Pulse - e: Replacement Pilot - e: Reply Paid [or Prepaid] - e: Report Passing - e: Report Writer - e: Reporting Post - e: Reprint[ing] - e: Reproducers] - e: Reproducing Punch - e: Republic of Panama - e: Rerun Program[me] - e: Research Paper - e: Research Problem area code - e: Reserve Personnel - e: Reserve Purchase - e: Reservoir Pressure - e: Resistance Plate - e: Resolving Power - e: Response Pattern - e: Restoration Priority - e: Resupply Provisions] - e: Retail Price - e: Retained Personnel - e: Return of Post - e: Return on Positive - e: Return Premium - e: Revertive Pulsing - e: Revision Proposal - e: Revolutions Per Minute - e: Rhodium-Plated [or Plating] - e: Rider Plate - e: Rock Pressure - e: Rocket Pod - e: Rocket Projectile - e: Rocket Projector - e: Rocket Propellant - e: Rocket Propulsion - e: Rockland and Polling - e: Role Playing - e: Rollback Process - e: Rotary Piston - e: Rotary Pump - e: Round Pin - e: Round Punch - e: Routine Program[me] - e: Rules of Procedure - e: Running Program[me] - e: Runway Platoon - e: Rupeefs] - e: Rust Preventive - f: Relations Publiques - f: Reponse Payée - f: Résistance Périphérique -1: Retinitis Pigmentosa - P: Rada Panstwowa - p: Radiotelevisao Portugesa - p: República Portuguesa - P: Rzeczpospolita Polska - R: Roschnoi Pulemjot - s: República de Panamá - s: República del Paraguay - s: República del Peru

Rp d: Rappen - d: Regeneratorpunkt - d: Rezept, verschreibungspflichtig - d: Rupiah - e: Repair - e: Respiration - e: Rupee rP e: reddish Purple Rp. d: Rappen - d: Raupen- e: Recipe - e: Revoked [or Rescinded] in part R.P. e: Rate of Postage - e: Reply Paid - e: Reprint - e: Return of post - e: Return [of] Premium R.p. e: Rules of Procedure [of the Court of Justice] -1: Rotuli parliamentorum R&P e: Rules and Procedures R-P e: Reprint[ing] - f: Rhône-Poulenc R/P e: Rate of Postage - e: Record/Play - e: Registered Plumber - e: Reporting Person - e: Reward/Penalty R/p e: Return of post for orders R2P2 e: Rapid Retargeting/Precision Pointing [simulator] RIP e: Ribose-1-Phosphate RP-1 e: Rocket-Propellant type-1 fuel R-l-P d: Ribose-1-phosphat RP3 e: Research Parallel processor project R5P e: Ribose-5-Phosphate R-5-P d: Ribose-5-phosphat RPA d: Rechnungsprüfungsausschuß - d: Rechte Pulmonalarterie - d: Regelstab-Priifanlage[n] - d: Reichspatentamt - e: Radar Performance Analyzer - e: Radium Plaque Adaptometer - e: Rally Press Association - e: Random-access Approximation - e: Random-Phase Approximation - e: Rapid Pressure Application - e: Rationalist Press Association - e: Record of Personal Achievement - e: Reentrant Process Allocator - e: Regional Planning Association - e: Registered Plumbers Association - e: Registered Public Accountant - e: Release Process Automation - e: Remote Peripheral Access - e: Remotely Piloted Aircraft - e: Renal Physicians Association - e: Request Present Altitude - e: Resultant Physiological Acceleration - e: Retarding Potential Analyzer - e: Right Pulmonary Artery - e: Rotorcraft Pilots Associate - e: Rubber Peptizing Agent - e: Rubber Proofers Association - e: Rural Preservation Association - f: Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie -1: Robinia Pseudoacacia Agglutinin rPA e: recombinant Protein R&PA e: Rifle and Pistol Association RPAA e: Radiata Pine Association of Australia - e: Rotating Phase Array Antenna RPAE e: Random Phase Approximation with Exchange - e: Regulations for Preservation of Artillery Equipment - e: Retarding Potential Analyzer Experiment


© K • G • Saur, München

rPAK d: Rückstoßfreie Panzerabwehrkanone RPAO e: Radium Plaque Adaptometer Operator RPAODS e: Remotely-Piloted Aerial Observation Designation System RPAR e: Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration RPAs e: Retarding Potential Analyzers R. Pat. Cas. e: Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases R-Patrone d: Rauchpatrone RPAV e: Right Pulmonary Artery Volume RPB e: Radar Plotting Board - e: Radiation Protection Bureau - e: Regional Preparedness Board - e: Regional Processor Bus - e: Remote Private Branch Exchange - e: Remote Programming Box - e: Research to Prevent Blindness - f: République Populaire du Benin RPb d: Rohrblei RPBG e: Revised Program and Budget Guidance RPBS e: Reinforced Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing RPC d: Rapeseed Protein Concentrate - e: Radar Planning Chart - e: Radar Prediction Centre - e: Radar Processing Center - e: Radio Paging Code - e: Recognised air picture Production Center - e: Records Processing Center - e: Recreational Pilot Certificate - e: Recruiting Publicity Center - e: Rectifier Photocell - e: Reflected-Power Canceller - e: Regional Processing Center - e: Regional Processor Controller - e: Regional Project Coordinator - e: Registered Protective Circuit - e: Registered Publication Clerk - e: Reliability Policy Committee - e: Remote Parameter Control - e: Remote Position Control - e: Remote Power Controller] - e: Remote Procedure Call[s] - e: Remote Processor Controller - e: Reno-Pericardial Canal - e: Repair Center - e: Reparable Processing Center - e: Reply Post Card - e: Reporting Post Coastal - e: Reporting] to Commander - e: Request [the] Pleasure [of your] Company - e: Research and Productivity Council - e: Resistance Products Company - e: Reversed Phase Chromatography - e: Reversed Phase Column - e: Rotary Phase Converter - e: Row Parity Check - e: Royal Pay Carps - e: Royal Pioneer Corps - e: Rural Political Cadre - f: République Populaire du Congo - n: Rijkspluimveeteeltconsulentschap R.P.C. e: Reports of Patent Cases [Eng.] - e: Reports of Patent, Design & Trade Mark Cases - e: Reports of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Cases - e: Restrictive Practices Court RP/C e: Reinforced Plastics/Composites RPCC e: Reactor Physics Constants Center RPCF [Test] e: Reiter Protein Complement Fixation [Test]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RPI RPCH e: Red Pigment Concentrating Hormone RP China s: República Popular China RP/CI e: Reinforced Plastics/Composites Institute RPCK e: Reno-Pericardial Canal, Kidney RP/CL e: Reporting Post, Coastal Low RP/CM e: Reporting Post, Coastal Medium RPCP e: Reno-Pericardial Canal, Pericardium RPCR f: Rassemblement pour la Calédonie dans la République RPCRAA e: Receive and Process Complaints and Request for Assistance, Advice RPCRS e: Reactor Protection Control Rod System RPCS e: Reactor Plant Control System - e: Reject Processing and Control System RPCs e: Remote Power Controllers RPCU e: Rochester Processor Control Unit RPCV e: Returned Peace Corps Volunteer RPCVD e: Remote Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition RPD d: Reichspostdirektion - e: Radar Planning Device - e: Radar Prediction Device - e: RAMP [Rapid Modeting Platform] Piping Design - e: Random Point Display - e: Rapid - e: Reactive Plasma Deposition - e; Reactor Plant Designer - e: Reconfigure Peripheral Device - e: Recorded Program[me] Department - e: Reference Power Density - e: Reflex Plasma Discharge - e: Refractory Period Dispersion - e: Regional Port Director - e: Regius Professor of Divinity - e: Relative Power Density - e: Renewal Parts Data - e: Resistance Pressure Detector - e: Respiratory Protective Device - e: Retarding Potential Difference - e: Right Posterior Descending - e: Rocket Propulsion Department - e: Rocket Propulsion Division - e: Rostral Pars Distalis - R: Ruchnoy Pulemyet Degtyarev R.P.D. 1: Rerum Politicarum Doctor RP2D e: Rational Product and Process Design RPD Cor s: República Popular Democrática de Corea RPDG e: Rand Program Development Group RPDH e: Reserve-Shutdown, Planned Derated Hours RPD HTR e: Rapid Heater RPDL e: Radioisotope Process Development Laboratory RPDR e: Reproducer RPDS e: Retired Personnel Data System Rpds e: Rapids RPDT e: Radar Prediction Data Table R.P.D.&T.M. Cas. e: Reports of Patent, Design & Trade Mark Cases RPDV e: Recirculation Pump Discharge Valve

RPE d: Repräsentative Produktivitätserhebung - d: Retinale Pigmentepithelzellen - d: Rheinische Perinatalerhebung - e: Radial Probable Error - e: Radio Production Executive - e: Radio Propagation Engineering - e: Range Probable Error - e: Rapid Post-Editing - e: Rating[s] of Perceived Exertion - e: Reduced-Pressure Epitaxy - e: Registered Professional Engineer - e: Regular Pulse Excitation - e: Related Payroll Expense - e: Related Production Equipment - e: Remote Peripheral Equipment - e: Remote Procedure Error - e: Required Page End [character] - e: Residual Polarization Error - e: Resource Planning and Evaluation - e: Responsible Object Engineering - e: Retinal Pigment Epithelial [or Epithelium] Cell[s] - e: Return on Parity Even - e: Rocket Propulsion Establishment - e: Rotary Piston Engine - e: Rotating Platinum Electrode - f: Resonance Paramagnétique Electronique RPEA e: Regional Planning and Evaluation Agency - e: Retarding Potential and Electrostatic Analyzer RPED e: Register of Planning Emergency Producers RP/ED e: Rapid Prototyping/evolutionary Design RPEDL e: Repetitively Pulsed ElectricDischarge Laser RPEI s: Regimentó de Pontoneros y Especialidadas de Ingenieros RPEP d: Rechtsventrikuläre Präejektionsphase - e: Register of Planned [or Planning] Emergency Producers RPF d: Renaler Plasmafluß - d: Retroperitoneale Fibrose - e: Radar Performance Figure - e: Radio Position Finder [or Finding] - e: Radio Proximity Fuse - e: Radiometer Performance Factor - e: Reactivity Physics Facility - e: Real Property Facilities - e: Registered Professional Forester - e: Relaxed Pelvic Floor - e: Remote Power Feeding - e: Renal Plasma Flow - e: Roscoe Programming Facility RPf d: Richtlinien für Straßenbepflanzung RPFC e: Recurrent Peak Forward Current RPFG d: Reichspostfinanzgesetz R.[-]P11. d: Rechtspflege[r] RPflAO d: Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsordnung für den Rechtspfleger Rpfleger d: Der Deutsche Rechtspfleger RPflG d: Rechtspflegergesetz RPFM e: Relaxation Pulse Frequency Modulation RPFMA e: Rubber and Plastics Footwear Manufacturers' Association RPFOD e: Reported for Duty RP-FS e: Rozensweig Picture-Frustration Study RPFS e: Radio Position Fixing System RPFs e: Roscoe Programmer Facilities Rp.[-]Fz. d: Raupenfahrzeug

I n t e r n a t i o n a l E n c y c l o p e d i a o f A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RPG c: Reaktivni Protitankovy Granat - d: Reichspostgesetz - e: Radiation Protection Guide - e: Radioisotope Power Generation [or Generator] - e: Random Fulse Generator - e: Receiver Processor Group - e: Regional Planning Group - e: Report Process Generator - e: Report Program[me] Generator [Language] - e: Research Planning Guide - e: Resource Planning Group - e: Rifle-Propelled Grenade - e: Right Pedal Ganglion - e: Rocket-Propelled Grenade - e: Rotary Pulse Generator - e: Rounds per Gun - e: Royal Parks and Gardens - f: Réflexe Psycho-Galvanique rPG e: recombinant Protein RPG/MOS e: Report Program[me] Generator/Master Operating System RPGN d: Rapid Progressive Glomerulonephritis RPGP e: Radar Performance Growth Programme RPGPM e: Rounds per Gun per Minute RPGPS e: Report Program[me] Generator Programming System RPH e: Recommended Power Handling - e: Registered Pharmacist - e: Relative Pulse Height - e: Remotely-Piloted Helicopter - e: Repair[s], Heavy - e: Revolutions] per Hour - e: Rotation[s] per Hour - e: Rideout Pyrohydrolysis - e: Royal Perth Hospital RPh d: Refraktarphase R.Ph. e: Registered Pharmacist RP/H e: Repairs, Heavy RPHA d: Reverse Passive Hamagglutination - e: Reversed Passive Hemagglutination R Phil S e: Royal Philharmonic Society RPHP e: Rothstein, Rights of Physically Handicapped Persons RP-HPLC e: Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromoatography RPHST e: Research Participation for High School Teachers RPI e: Radar Position Indication [or Indicator] - e: Radar Precipitation Integrator - e: Railway Progress Institute - e: RAMIS [Rapid Access Management Information System] Programmers Interface - e: RAMIS [Rapid Automatic Malfunction Isolation System] Programmer[s] Interface - e: Random Procedure Information - e: Rated Position Identifier - e: Read, Punch and Interpret - e: Real Progress Indexing] - e: Real Property Inventory - e: Reduced Probability of Identification - e: Regional Processor Interface - e: Relay Position Indicator - e: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - e: Research Planning Institute - e: Resource Policy Institute - e: Responsive Production Inventory - e: Retail Price[s] Index - e: Reversals per Inch - e: Revolution^] per Inch - e: Rotations[s] per Inch - e: Rework Pictorial Instruction - e: Rework Print Image 209

R&PI - e: Richmond Professional Institute - e: Rod Position Indicator - e: Rose Polytechnic Institute - e: Rows per Inch - e: Royal Pakistan Institute - e: Rubber and Plastics Industry - e: Runway Point of Interception] - e: Ryerson Polytechnic[al] Institute - f: Réseau de Production Industrielle R&PI e: Rubber and Plastics Industry RPIA e: Rocket Propellant Information Agency RPIC e: Rock Properties Information Center rPID-Regler d: realer Proportional-IntegralDifferential-Regler RPIE e: Real Property Installed Equipment RPI Engineer e: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Engineer RPIN e: Repair and Initialized RP index e: Respiratory/Pulse Index rp index e: respiratory pulse index RPIS e: Rapid Personnel Identification System - e: Rod Position Indicator System RPJ e: Rotary Pressure Joint RPJF e: Red Patching Jack Field RP Jud Pan Mult Lit e: Rules of Procedure, Judicial panel on Multi-district Litigation RP-Karte d: Richtpunktkarte RPKBR d: Reiter-Protein-Komplementbindungsreaktion RPKS R: Ruchnoy Pulemyet Kalshnikova so skladyvayushchimskaya Prikladom RPKs e: Revenue Passenger Kilometers RPL d: Radiale Projektilbildende Ladung - d: Radiophotolumineszenz - d: Rechenplan - d: Rheinland-Pfalz, Landesregierung und Landtag - e: Radar Processing Language - e: Radiation Physics Laboratory - e: Radio-Photo Luminescence [or Luminescent] - e: Radio Physics Laboratory - e: Ramseur Pilot Light Teaching System - e: Rapid Pole Line - e: Reactor Primary Loop - e: Recommended Provisioning List - e: Regina Public Library - e: Relocatable Program Library - e: Relocatable Program[me] Language - e: Remote Program[me] Load[er] - e: Renewal Parts Leaflet - e: Repair Parts List - e: Repair[s], Light - e: Replace[d][ment] - e: Request Parameter List - e: Research Programming Language - e: Resident Programming Language - e: Reverse Polish Logic - e: Rework Print Itriage - e: Richmond Public Library - e: Roanoke Public Library - e: Robot Programming Language - e: Rochester Public Library - e: Rocket Propulsion Laboratory - e: Rockhampton Public Library - e: Rockport Public Library - e: Running Program[me] Language RP/L e: Repairs, Light R-P1A e: N6-R-Phenylisopropyl-adenosin RPLC e: Replace Rplca e: Replica RPLD d: Radiophotolumineszenzdosimeter R.p.l.d. 1: Ramus posterolateralis dexter

RPL-Dosimeter d: Radiophotolumineszenzdosimeter RPLF e: Revenue Passenger Load Factor RPLFG d: Landesforstgesetz für Rheinland-Pfalz RPLR e: Repeller RPLS e: Reactor Protection Logic System R.p.l.s. 1: Ramus posterolateralis sinister RPLSN e: Repulsion RPLV e: Reentry Payload Launch Vehicle RPM d: Rauschpegelmesser - d: Reichspostministerium - d: Retropulsiv-Petitmal - e: Radar Performance Monitor - e: Radiation Polarization Measurement - e: Random Phase Model - e: Random Phase Modulator - e: Raster Processing Machine - e: Rate[s] per Minute - e: Ravens Progressive Matrices - e: Real Property Maintenance - e: Real Property Management - e: Regimental Paymaster - e: Regional Plant Manager - e: Registered Publications] Manual - e: Registered Publication^] Memorandum - e: Regulated Power Module - e: Regulatory Project Manager - e: Reinforced Plastic Matrix - e: Reinforced Plastic Mortar - e: Reinforced Polyester/Mortar - e: Relaxation Potential Model - e: Reliability Performance Measurement] - e: Remote Performance Monitoring] - e: Repeat Mode - e: Repeats per Minute - e: Repetitive Pulse Method - e: Reprogrammable Memory - e: Resale Price Maintenance - e: Resupply Provisions Module - e: Retail Price Maintenance - e: Revenue Passenger Mile[s] - e: Revolution^] per Minute - e: Rollcast Planetary Mill - e: Room Position Multiplier - e: Rotation[s] per Minute - e: Rounds per Minute - e: Runs per Minute - e: Rustenburg Platinum Mines - f: Retropulsiv-Petit-Mal Rpm e: Repairman R&PM e: Research and Program Management - e: Resources and Program Management RPMA e: Real Property Maintenance Activities RPMB[s] e: Remotely Piloted Mini-Blimp[s] RPMC e: Remote Performance Monitoring and Control RPMD e: Repeater Projected Map Display RPMF e: Radiation Pattern Measurement Facility RPMI e: Radiant Power Measuring Instrument - e: Revolutions] per Minute Indicator - e: Roswell Park Memorial Institute RPMIO e: Registered Publications Mobile Issuing Officer RPMN e: Repairman RPMP e: Register of Plan Mobilization Producers RPMS e: Royal Postgraduate Medical School


© K • G • Saur, München

RPN d: Regionale Planungsgemeinschaft Nordhessen - d: Rinderproduktion-Niedersachsen - e: Real Page Number - e: Registered Psychiatric Nurse - e: Regular Processor Number - e: Reserve Personnel, Navy - e: Reverse[d] Polish Notation RPNA e: Reverse Pacific/North American RP/ND e: Reprinting/no Date RPN Logic e: Reverse Polish Notation Logic RPNT e: Reflecting Point RPO d: Rechnungsprüfungsordnung - d: Reifeprüfungsordnung - e: Radiophare Omnidirectionnel - e: Railway Post Office - e: Record Purpose Only - e: Regional Pests Officer - e: Regulating Petty Officer - e: Rejection Purchase Order - e: Repair Parts Order - e: Replacement Purchase Order - e: Repository Program Office[r] - e: Research Program Office - e: Retired Pay Operations - e: Return on Parity Odd - e: Revolution^] per Orbit - e: Right Posterior Oblique - e: Rotor Power Output - P: Reaktivnyy Pechotnyy Ognemgot RPOADS e: Remotely Piloted Observation Aircraft Designator System RPOC e: Recognized Private Operating Company - e: Report Proceeding on Course RPOCN e: Request for Purchase Order Change Notice RPODS e: Remotely Piloted Observer/ Designator System RPOSB e: Reposition Backward RPOSF e: Reposition Forward RPP d: Rasterpunktprüfung - d: Rechnergesteuertes Panzer-Prüfgerät - d: Retropneumoperitoneum - d: Retropubische Prostatektomie - e: Radar Power Programme^] - e: Radar Processing Plant - e: Radio Propagation Physics - e: Rate-Pressure Product - e: Real Property Practice - e: Rechargeable Power Pack - e: Reductive Pentosephosphate - e: Regional Priority Plan - e: Regional Priority Program - e: Reinforced Pyrolyzed Plastic - e: Relative Processing Power - e: Reliability Programme Plan - e: Remote Pointing Protocol - e: Removable Patch Panel - e: Renal Perfusion Pressure - e: Rendezvous Point Position - e: Repair Parts Provisioning - e: Reply Paid Postcard - e: Request Present Position - e: Requisition Processing Point - e: Return Paid Postal - e: Rocket Propellant Plant - e: Roll-Pitch Pickoff - e: Rules of Practicefs] and Procedure RPPA e: Repetitively Pulsed Plasma Accelerator RPPE e: Research, Program, Planning and Evaluation RPPFT e: Reinforced Pylon Plasüc Fuel Tank RPPG e: Radar Planning and Policy Group

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RPU RPPI e: Remote Plan Position Indicator - e: Repeater Plan-Position Indicator - e: Rubber and Plastics Frocessing Industry RPPITB e: Rubber and Plastics Processing Industry Training Board RPPL e: Quail, Real Property Practice and Litigation - e: Random Partially Preloaded - e: Repair Parts Price List - e: Repair Parts Provisioning List - e: Right Posterior Pulmonic Leaflet RPPL PRA e: Random Partially Preloaded Page Replacement Algorithm RPPMP e: Repair Parts Program Management Plan[s] RPPP e: Repair Parts Program Plan - e: Rules of Pleading, Practice and Procedure RPPR e: Red Cell Percursor Production Rate RPP's e: Regular Point Processes RPQ e: Recommended Pool Ouantity - e: Release Product Qualification - e: Request [for] Price Quotation RPQFI e: Request [for] Price Quotation Feature Index RPR d: Radiusperiostreflex - d: Rheinland-Pfälzische Rundfunkbetriebsgesellschaft - e: Radio Physics Research - e: RAM Pressure Ratio - e: Rapid Plasma Reagin - e: Rapid Power Reduction - e: Read Printer - e: Rear Projection Readout - e: Reflective Phase Retarder - e: Rent Procedural Regulation - e: Repair - e: Reprint - e: Reverse Phase Relay - e: Reverse Power Relay - e: Rings Present - e: Roll-Pitch Resolver - e: Romanian Peoples Republic Rpr d: Rechnungsprüfer - d: Rechnungsprüfung - d: Reproduktion - d: Richtpreis R.P.R. e: Real Property Reports RPRA e: Railroad Public Relations Association - e: Remotely Piloted Research Aircraft - e: Rubber and Plastics Hesearch Association - e: Rubber and Plastics Reclamation Association R. Prac. Patent Cases e: Rules of Practice in Patent Cases RPRAGB e: Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain RPRC-Test e: Rapid Plasma Reagin Card Test RPrG d: Reichspressegesetz rpRNA e: ribosomal Precursor Ribonucleic Acid RPROM e: Reprogrammable ROM [Read-Only Memory] RPROP e: Receiving Proficiency Pay R-Prozessor d: Regelungsprozessor RPRS e: Random Pulse Radar System - e: Roll-Pitch Resolver System RPRT e: Rapid Plasma Reagin Test - e: Report RPR[-]Test e: Rapid-PIasma-Reagin-Test RPRV[s] e: Remotely Piloted Research Vehicle[s] RPRWP e: Reactor Plant River Water Pump

RPS d: Rauschpegelsender - d: Renale Pressorsubstanz - d: Repetitive Pulssequenz - d: Rockland-Pollin-Skala - e: Radar Plotting Sheet - e: Radar Position Symbol - e: Radical Philosophy Society - e: Radiological Protection Service - e: Railway Progress Society - e: Random Program Selection - e: Random Pulse Sequence - e: Random[ized version of] Pattern Search - e: Range Positioning System - e: Rapid Photo Screening - e: Rapid Processing System - e: Reactive Polystyrene - e: Reactor Protection System - e: Real-time Photogrammetry System - e: Real-time Processing System - e: Real-time Programming] System - e: Reception Provisoire de la Station - e: Records per Sector - e: Recovered Parts Storage - e: Reduced Pressure Spraying - e: Refrigerator-cooled Pump System - e: Regional Pressure Setting - e: Registered Publication Section - e: Registered Publications System - e: Regulated Power Supply - e: Regulatory Performance Summary - e: Relative Performance Score - e: Reliability Problem Summary - e: Remote Printing System - e: Remote Processing Service - e: Remote Processing System - e: Renal Pressor Substance - e: Republic of Philippine Ship - e: Requirements Planning System - e: Research and Promotion of Structures - e: Resources Planning and Scheduling - e: Response-Produced Stimulation - e: Reversed-Phase Series - e: Revolution^] per Second - e: Right Pedal Sinus - e: Riser Pouring System - e: Roadway Package System - e: Robot Programming System - e: Rockland-Pollin-Scale - e: Rotary Precision Switch - e: Rotating Passing Scuttle - e: Rotational Position Scanning - e: Rotational Position Sensing - e: Rotation [s] per Second - e: Rounds Per Second - e: Royal Photographic Society - f: Rhône Poulenc Systèmes rp's e: rice planters - e: rubber planters RP Scale e: Rockland and Pollin Scale Rp.-Schl. d: Raupenschlepper RPSCTDY e: Return to Proper Station upon Completion of Temporary Duty RPS-DL e: Registered Publications SectionDistrict Library RPSE e: Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh R&P SEC e: Radio and Panel Section RPSF d: Rundfunkprogrammschaltfeld RPSGB e: Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain rp shortly e: reprinting shortly RPSL e: Repair Parts Selective List RPSM e: Registered Publication Shipment Memorandum - e: Resources Planning and Scheduling Method

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

RPSMA e: Rope Paper Sack Manufacturers Association RPSMG e: Reactor Protective System Motor Generator RPSML e: Repair Parts Support Material List RPSP e: Radar Programmable Signal Processor - e: Reference Preparation for Serum Proteins RPS-PL e: Registered Publications SectionPersonnel Library RPSRMAP e: Remote Power Supply for Local Modem for Asynchron Peripheral RPSS e: Random Programfme] Search System RPSs e: Reliability Problem Summary Cards - e: Republic of the Philippines Ships RPS System e: Random Pulse Sequence System RPSTL e: Repair Parts and Special Tool[s] List RPT d: Raphe-Papillen Transversale - d: Removed-Properdin Trockenserum - e: Radar Plotting Trainer - e: Raphe-Papillen-Transversale - e: Recirculation Pump Trip - e: Records per Track - e: Registered Physical Therapist - e: Regular Part-Time - e: Repair Parts Transporter - e: Repeat[er] - e: Repeating - e: Report - e: Request Programs Termination - e: Reverse Polarization Transfer - e: Rocket-Powered Target - e: Rocket Propulsion Technician - e: Rotary Power Transformer - e: Royal Polytechnic Institute - s: Radio de la Plata TV SA RPTAA e: Repeat All After RPTAL e: Repeat All RPTC e: Relative Priority Test Circuit RPTD e: Repeated - e: Reported RPTG e: Repeating - e: Reporting RPT/MOS e: Report Program Generator/ Master Operating System RPTN e: Repetition rpTNM d: postoperativer histopathologischer Rezidivstatus nach der TNMKlassifikation RPTO e: Radarsat Program Technical Office Rp.-Tr. d: Rampenträger Rptr e: Repeater Rpt Ree e: Repeat Record RPTs e: Rapid-Phase Transformations RPTWA e: Repeat Word After RPU d: Regional-Planungsgemeinschaft Untermain - e: Radar Prediction Uncertainty - e: Radio Phone Unit - e: Radio Propagation Unit - e: Radio remote Pick-Up system - e: Real-time Photogrammetry Unit - e: Real-time Processing Unit - e: Rectifer Power Unit - e: Regional Processing Unit - e: Registered Publication Unit - e: Remote Pickup Unit - e: Remote Power Unit - e: Remove Personal Unit - e: Retention Pending Use - R: Reaktivnaya Puskovaya Ustanovka


RPUC RPUC e: Reprint under Consideration RPV e: Rapid Protracted Volubility - e: Reactor Pressure Vessel - e: Remote Piloted Vehicle - e: Remote Pilotless Vehicle - e: Remote Positioning Valve - e: Remotely Piloted Vehicle - e: Right Portal Vein RPVs e: Remotely Piloted Vehicles RPVT e: Relative Position Velocity Technique RPVX e: Remote-Piloted Vehicle Experiment RPvZ n: Rijksproefstation voor Zaadcontrole - n: Rijksproefstation voor Zaadondersoek RPW e: Ranked Positional Weight - e: Resistance Projection Welding - e: Running Process Word - P: Rada Porozumienia Narodowego - P: Ruch Polityczny Wyzwolenie RPY e: Reply - e: Roll, Pitch and Yaw rpyTNM d: praoperativ durch Strahlenoder Chemotherapie verkleinertes Rezidiv nach der TNM-Klassifikation RPZ d: Reichspostzentralamt - d: Reife Plasmazelle - d: Reproduktenprozess - d: Reproduktionsprozess RP-Z[ahl] d: Richtpunktzahl RPzB d: Raketenpanzerbiichse RPzBGr d: Raketenpanzerbiichsengranate RQ d: Querrips - d: Rauschquelle - d: Remissionsquotient - d: Respiratorischer Quotient - e: Ready Queue - e: Recovery Quotient - e: Regardless of Quantity - e: Relative Qickness - e: Remoulded-regraded Quality - e: Request - e: Resolver Quantizer - e: Respiratory Quotient - e: Result-store Queue - e: Romance Quotient R/Q e: Request for Quotation - e: Resolver/Quantizer RQ d: Quellenwiderstand RQA e: Recursive Queue Analyzer R&QA e: Reliability and Quality Assurance RQAS e: Royal Queensland Art Society RQBA e: Royal Queensland Bowls Association RQC e: Radar Quality Control - e: Receiving Quality Control - e: Reliability and Quality Control RQCECZ e: Request Clearance to Enter Control Zone RQD e: Raised Quarterdeck[ing] - e: Required - e: Rock-Quality Designation - e: Rock-Quality Determination RQDCZ e: Request clearance to Depart Control Zone RQDP e: Request, Quandary and Deferment Plan RQE e: Relative Quantum Efficiency - e: Reply Queue Element - e: Request Queue Element RQECZ e: Request Clearance to Enter Control Zone RQI e: Request for Initialization RQIAC e: Requires Immediate Action RQIQ e: Request Input/Output

RQL e: Reference Quality Level - e: Rejectable Quality Level RQM e: Regimental Quartermaster - e: Roller Quenching Method RQMD e: Richmond Quartermaster Depot RQMNT e: Requirement Rqmt[s] e: Requirements] RQN e: Radial Quantum Number - e: Requisition - e: Request Flight Plan - e: Resistor Qualification Program RQ-QSO e: Radio-Quiet Quasi-Stellar Object RQR e: Require[d] - e: Requirement - e: Requiring RQRD e: Required RQS d: Radarriickstrahlquerschnitt - e: Rate Quoting [or Quotion] System - e: Ready Qualified for Standby - e: Request - e: Request Supplementary Right Plan - e: Request to Send RQ Signal e: Request Signal RQST e: Request RQSTCAN e: Request Cancellation RQT e: Relativistic Quantum Theory - e: Request - e: Resistor Qualification Test RQTAO e: Request Time and Altitude Over RQTO e: Request Travel Order RQTP e: Resistor Qualification Test Program RQTs e: Requirements RQUMT e: Requirement RQY e: Relative Quantum Yield RR d: Blutdruck - d: Rauchröhre - d: Rechenregister - d: Rechnungsrat - d: Rechts/Rechts - d: Register-Registerbefehle - d: Reichsbahnrat - d: Remissionsrecht - d: Rentabilitätsrate - d: Resultatregister - d: Richtungsregler - d: Richtungsrelais - d: Rücksendungsrecht - d: Rügen Radio - d: Ruhe-Ruhekontakt - e: Rack Row - e: Radar Ranging - e: Radiation Response - e: Radio Range [or Ranging] - e: Radio Receptor - e: Radio Recognition - e: Radio Regulations] - e: Radio Regulatory - e: Radio Relay - e: Radio Research - e: Railroad - e: Rallye Racing - e: Range Recorder - e: Range Rover - e: Ranging Reticle - e: Rapid Recording - e: Rapid Rectilinear - e: Raritan River - e: Rate of Return - e: Ray Rider - e: Re-Route - e: Read-out and Relay - e: Read Records - e: Read-Register - e: Readiness Review - e: Readjustment Regulation


© K • G • Saur, München

e: Readout and Relay e: Rear [Right] e: Rearward e: Receive Ready e: Receiving Report e: Reclaim Rinse e: Recoilless Rifle e: Recommendation Report e: Record Removal e: Record Retransmit e: Recorder e: Recovery Room e: Recreation Room e: Recruit Roll e: Recurrence Rate e: Reduced Range e: Redundancy Reduction e: Reed Relay e: Reference Record e: Refuel Receiver e: Regenerative Repeater e: Regional Reinforcement e: Register-Register e: Register Reset e: Register-to-Register [operation] e: Registered Representative e: Relay Rack e: Release Record e: Release Report e: Reliability Requirements e: Remington Rand e: Removal-Replacement e: Remove and Replace e: Rendezvous Radar e: Renegotiation Regulations e: Repeatable Runout e: Repetition Rate e: Replacement Rate e: Report Reaching e: Rerun Routine e: Research Reactor e: Research Report e: Research Review e: Residue Register e: Resonance Raman e: Respiratory Rate e: Response Rate e: Responsible Receiver e: Restart Repeater e: Restart Routine e: Result Register e: Retro-Rocket e: Retroreflector e: Return Rate e: Return Register e: Reverse Reading e: Reverse Relay e: Revised Report e: Rifle Range e: Right Rear e: Right[s] Reserved e: Rigid Rotor e: Rocket Research e: Roll Roofing e: Rollback Routine e: Rolls-Royce [Motors Ltd.] e: Roltback Routine e: Rotate Right e: Rotationally Resolved e: Routine Relay e: Running Reverse e: Rural Road e: Rural Route e: Rush and Run e: Rush Release e: Ruthenium Red f: Registre de Réception

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RRev - i: Riva-Rocci -1: Rarior - P: Rada Robotnicza - r: Rorledningsfirmirnas Riksorganisation rR d: relatives Risiko Rr e: Re-read Rr. d: Richter -1: Rami R.R. e: Pike and Fischers Radio Regulations - e: Railroad - e: Rent Regulation - e: Revenue Release - e: Revised Reports - e: Rural Rehabilitation R&R e: Rail and Road - e: Rape and Robbery - e: Rape and Ruin - e: Read-out and Reset - e: Recheck and Repair - e: Records and Reports - e: Refueling and Rearming - e: Reliability and Response - e: Remove and Replace - e: Repair and Return - e: Repair and Retrofix - e: Reporting and Requisitioning - e: Rest and Recovery - e: Rest and Recreation - e: Rest and Recuperation - e: Rest and Rehabilitation - e: Rest and Rotation - e: Revenue and Retrieval - e: Rock and Rye - e: Routing and Recording - e: Rules and Regulations - e: Rush and Run R-R e: Rainbow Reflection - e: Register-Register - e: Rolls-Royce R/R d: Rechts/Rechts - e: Radio/Radar - e: Railway/Receipt - e: Railway-Receipt - e: Readout and Relay - e: Record/Retransit - e: Record/Retransmit - e: Reel-to-Reel - e: Remove and Replace - e: Repair/Rebuild - e: Repair-Replace - e: Right Rear r/R e: Inside Radius/Outside Radius Ratio RRA d: Radiorezeptor-Assay - d: Reifendruck-Regelanlage - e: Radar Recording and Analysis - e: Radiation Research Associates - e: Radio Relay Aircraft - e: Ready Reserve Advances - e: Relay Rack Adapter - e: Remote Record Access - e: Remote Record Address - e: Repair, Rework Analysis - e: Resident Research Associate - e: Restrictive Requirement Quality A - e: Retrogression and Reaging Treatment - e: Road Roller Association - e: Rubber Reclaiming Agent - e: Rubber Research Association rRA e: specific Acoustic Resistance R/RA e: Repair/Rework Analysis RRAC e: Radio Regulations Atlantic City RRAD e: Red River Army Depot RRAE e: Radar Recording and Analysis Equipment

R-RAE/LMCP e: Rack for Recorded Announcement Equipment and/or subscriber Line Measuring Circuit, Processor collect RRAF e: Royal Rhodesian Air Force RR and C e: Records, Reports and Control RRAR e: ROM [Read-Only Memory] Return Address Register RRAS e: Registered Radio Subscriber RRASSL e: Rapid Resource Allocation at Single Ship Level RRATE e: Residential Rate R-rated e: Moving picture restricted to adults RRB e: Race Relations Board - e: Radar Reflective Balloon - e: Radio Range Beacon - e: Radio Research Board - e: Railroad Retirement Board - e: Remote Rebroadcast Box - e: Restrictive Requirement Quality B - e: Rosin-Rammler-Bennett R.R.B.L.B. e: U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Law Bulletin RRBS e; Rapid-Response Bibliographic Service R&RC e: Reactors and Reactor Controls RRC e: Race Relations Commission - e: Race Relations Conciliator - e: Radar Reflectivity Characteristic - e: Radar Return Code - e: Radiation Resistance Cable - e: Radio Receptor Company - e: Radio Relay Center [or Centre] - e: Radio Research Company - e: Raid Recognition Center - e: Random Reference Correlator - e: Rapid Reaction Corps - e: Rapidly Aeconfigurable Cockpit - e: Rate Radio Computer - e: Receiving Report Change - e: Recruit Reception Center - e: Reentry Rate Command - e: Reference Repository Conditions - e: Reflected Radiation Coefficient - e: Regional Resource Center - e: Regular Route Carrier - e: Relief and Rehabilitation Commission - e: Remodeling and Rehabilitation Committee - e: Remote Readable Counter - e: Replicate Request Controller - e: Reports of Rating Cases - e: Requirements Review Committee - e: Road Runners Club - e: Rocket Research Corporation - e: Routine Respiratory Care - e: Rubber Research Centre - e: Rubber Reserve Committee - e: Rubber Reserve Company [or Corporation] - e: Russian Research Center RR&C e: Records, Reports and Control R/RC e: Removal/Re-Certification R.R.&Can. Cas. e: Railway & Canal Cases RRCBC e: Regional Research Centre of the British Caribbean RRCC e: Ramstein Recovery Control Center - e: Reduced-Rate Contribution Clause - e: Redwood Region Conservation Council RR Cell[s] e: Radiation Reaction Cell[s] RRCFCPD e: Recirculating Regenerating Continuous Flow Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

R R C H M e: Reports of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (journ.) RRCN e: Receiving Report Change Notice R.R.&Cn. Cas. e: Railway & Canal Cases RRCNTR e: Replicated Relation Controller RRCS e: Railroad Communication System - e: Rate and Route Computer System - e: Reentry Radar Cross Section - e: Roll-Rate Control System RRCT e: Riyadh [Saudi Arabia] Railways Container Terminal RRCV e: Remote Radio Controlled Vehicle RRD d: Rentenrechnungsdienst - e: Re-Read - e: Read Receive Data register - e: Receive, Record, Display - e: Receiver Register Disable - e: Reliability Requirements Directive - e: Requisition Received Date - e: Resonant Reed Decoder - e: Restricted Radiation Devices - e: Route/Route Destination RR&D e: Reparations, Removal and Demolition RRDA e: Rendezvous Retrieval, Docking and Assembly - e: Repetitive Report Distribution Audit RRDC e: Railroad Data Center RRDE e: Radar Research and Development Establishment - e: Radio Research and Development Establishment - e: Rotating Ring-Disc Electrode RRDR e: Raw Radar Data Recorder RRDS e: Relative-Record Data Set - e: Relative Record Data System - e: Rotating Ring Display System - e: Rough Roek Demonstration School RRDT[R]L e: Resistor Resistor Diode Transistor Logic RRDY e: Ready RRE e: Radar Research Establishment - e: Railroad Enthusiasts - e: Range Rate Error - e: Receive Reference Equivalent - e: Royal Radar Establishment R&RE e: Radiation and Repair Engineering RR[&]E e: Round, Regular and Equal RREA e: Rural/Regional Education Association RREAC e: Royal Radar Establishment Automatic Computer RREC e: Rehabilitation Record - e: Rice Research and Extension Center Rr. Ech. e: Rear Echelon RREG d: R Register - e: R Register - e: Regional Rheoencephalogram[me] - e: Regional Rheoencephalograph[y] RReg d: Rechenregister R R / E O e: Race Relations/equal Opportunity R Rep e: Records Repository R-Repair Codes e: Container Repair-Codes applied to Estimate/Survey Reports R-RES e: Rack for Responder RRev e: Records Review


RRF R R F a: Registrerte Revisorers Forening - d: Radionuklid-Regurgitationsfraktion - d: Radiorohrenfabrik - e: Racing Research Fund - e: Ragged Red Fibers - e: Rapid Reaction Force - e: Reading Reform Foundation - e: Ready Reserve Fleet - e: Ready Reserve Force - e: Refrigeration Research Foundation - e: Release Remote File - e: Repeated Rank Factorization - e: Resonant Reed Filter - e: Resonant Ring Filter - e: Retail Research Foundation - e: Revised Recommended Findings - e: Routing Reference File - i: Forza di Reazione Rapida RRFQ e: Round -Robin Fixed Quantum RRFS e: Range Rate Frequency Synthesizer RRG d: Radarrundsuchgerat - d: Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft - d: Rentenreformgesetz - e: Radar Range Gate - e: Radar Receiver Group - e: Relay Rack Ground - e: Requirements Review Group - e: Resource Request Generator - e: Roll Reference Gyro RRH d: Regionales Rechenzentrum Heidelberg - d: Ringrichterrichtungshôrer - e: Remote Radar Head - e: Remote Request Handler rrh. d: rechtsrheinisch RRHICMD e: Remote Reading HighIntensity Constant Monitoring Device RR-HPO e: Rapid Recompression-High Pressure Oxygenation RRI e: Radio Republic Indonesia - e: Range-Rate Indicator - e: Re-Route Inhibit - e: Research Reactor Institute - e: Revised Ring Index - e: Riverside Research Institute - e: Rocket Research Institute - e: Rowett Research Institute - e: Rubber Research Institute RRIC e: Race Relations Information Center - e: Radar and Radio Industries of Chicago - e: Radar Repeater Indicator Console - e: Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon RRID e: Reverse-single Radial Immunodiffusion RRII e: Rubber Research Institute of India RRIM e: Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia R[-]RIM e: Reinforced Reaction-InjectionMo[u]lded - e: Research and Reports-Intelligence Memo RRIN e: Readiness Risk Index Number - e: Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria Rr. Inst), e: Rear Installation RRIP e: Report Reduction Improvement Program[me] RRIPM e: Rapid Response Interference RRIS e: Railroad Research Information Service - e: Record Room Interrogation System - e: Remote Radar Integrating [or Integration] Station RRISL e: Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka RRIU e: Retail Clerks International Union RRIWB e: River Research Institute, West Bengal

RRK d: Riickrechnungskoeffizient - e: Retaining Ring Kit RRKM e: Reaction Rate Kinetic Molecular Theory - e: Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus RRL d: Rahmenrichtlinien - e: Radar Relay Link - e: Radar Relay [station] - e: Radar Research Laboratory - e: Radio Relay Link - e: Radio Research Laboratories [or Laboratory] - e: Rayleigh Radiation Law - e: Reference Repository Location - e: Regimental Reserve Line - e: Regional Research Laboratory - e: Registered Record Librarian - e: Reserve Retired List - e: Road Research Laboratory - e: Road Reserve Laboratory - e: Rocket Research Laboratories - e: Ruby Rod Laser - e: Runway Remaining Lights R R L C e: Radiation-Resistant Linear Circuit - e: Redwood Region Logging Conference RR Lens e: Rapid Rectilinear Lens RRLG e: Rocket, Radio, Longitudinal, Generator-powered R R L N W R e: Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge RRLs e: Registered Record Librarians RRL-TVU Teil 2 d: Rahmenrichtlinie für den Aufbau von Femsehumsetzeranlagen für Versorgungslücken unter 800 Einwohner RRM d: Rhinorheomanometrie - e: Radar Reflectivity Measurement - e: Radar Response Message - e: Range Rate Memory - e: Rayleigh-Ritz Method - e: Regenerative Repeater Machine - e: Relative Record Number - e: Risk, Reliability and Maintenance - e: Rolls-Royce Motors Ltd. - e: Rotation Remanent Magnetization - e: Runaway Rotating Machine RR&M e: Risk, Reliability and Maintenance RRMC e: Royal Roads Military College RRMF e: Radar Reflectivity Measuring Facility RRMG e: Reactor Recirculation Motor Generator R R M I e: Rolls-Royce Motors International R R M R P e: Ready Reserve Mobilization Reinforcement Pool RRMRS e: Ready Reserve Mobilization Reinforcement System RRM['s] e: Renegotiable-Rate Mortgage^] RRN e: Relative-Record Number - e: Remote Request Number - e: Request Reference Number r[-]RNA[s] e: ribosomal Ribonucleic Acid[s] RRNH e: Request Reference Number [High byte] RRNL e: Request Reference Number [Low byte] R R N R e: Registrar of Royal Naval Reserve rRNS d: ribosomale Ribonukleinsäure - e: ribosomal Ribonucleid Acid RRN S[ystem] e: Redundant Residue Number System RRO e: Radio Research Organization - e: Raid Recognition Officer - e: Responsible Reporting Office


© K G - Saur, München

RRÖ d: Röntgenröhre RRoA e: Rolls-Royce of Australia Pty. Ltd. RROS e: Resistive Read-Only Storage RROU e: Remote Readout Unit RRP d: Relative Refraktarphase - d: Rotterdam-Rhein-Pipeline - e: Radar Reporting Post - e: Radio Relay Pod - e: Radio Ripple Proximity - e: Rapid Reinforcement Plan - e: Rapid Reinforcement Program - e: Reaction Rate Photometer - e: Reactor Refueling Plug - e: Reader and Reader-Printer - e: Recommended Retail Price - e: Recovery/Restart-Procedure - e: Reduced Repayment Program - e: Regional Project Research Program - e: Regional Research Program - e: Reinsurance Program - e: Relative Refractory Period - e: Relay Rack Panel - e: Relay Reliability Panel [of Electronic Parts] - e: Required Receiver Power - e: Reynolds Road Packer - e: Rotterdam-Rhine-Pipeline - e: Runway Reference Point R.R.P. e: Review of the River Plate, Buenos Aires RRPC e: Reserve Reinforcement Processing Center RRPD f: Réseau de Radio Rural des Pays en Développement RRPG e: Regular Right Part Grammar RRPI e: Relative Rod Position Indication [or Indicator] - e: Resident Required Page Index - e: Rotary Relative Position Indicator RRPL e: Recommended Repair Parts List RRPM e: Representatives of Radio Parts Manufacturers RRPS e: Ready Reinforcement Personnel Section RRPT e: Receiving Report RRPTN e: Receiving Report Number RRQ e: Release Request RRR d: Rhein-Ruhr-Report, Aktueller Informationsdienst für ausländische Investoren - e: Raleigh Research Reactor - e: Range and Range-Rate - e: Rapid Runway Repair - e: Refueling, Repairing, Re-arming - e: Residual Resistance [or Resistivity] Ratio - e: Resistor-Reactor Rectifier - e: Rework Removal Rate - e: Risk-Reward Ratio - e: Rotor Running Refuelling - e: Run-time Reduction Ratio -1: Rarissimus R.R.R. e: Railroad Reports RRRA e: Regional Rail Reorganization Act RRRE e: Radar Range-Rate Error R.R.R[ep]. e: Railroad Reports RRRR e: Reduction, Reuse, Recycling and Recovery RRRS e: Route Relief Requirements System RRR's e: Rapid Runway Repairs RRR System e: Range and Range-Rate System RRRV e: Rate of Rise of Recovery [or Restriking] Voltage

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RS RRS d: Reziproke Riickgreifende Selektion - d: Rufrelaissatz - e: Radar Ranging System - e: Radar Resident Software - e: Radiation Research Society - e: Radio Range Station - e: Radio Ranging System - e: Radio Receiver Set - e: Radio Recording Spectrophotometer - e: Radio Relay Station - e: Radio Relay System - e: Radio Research Station - e: Range Rate System - e: Rapid Reactor Squadron - e: Reaction Research Society - e: Reactor Recirculation System - e: Reactor Refueling System - e: Reactor Regulation System - e: Reed Relay Scanner - e: Relay Radio Subsystem - e: Remote Refueling Systems - e: Remotely Receiving Station - e: Rendezvous Radar System - e: Required Response Spectrum - e: Resource and Refenral Service - e: Restraint Release System - e: Retired Reserve Section - e: Retransmission Request Signal - e: Retrograde Rocket System - e: River and Rainfall Station - e: Royal Research Ship - e: Rudder Roll Stabilisation R.R.S. e: Remingtons Revised Statutes RRS 2 d: Rufrelaissatz mit 2 Signaladern RRSA d: Rontgen-Realstruktur-Analyse - e: Radio Republic South Africa RRS/G d: Rufrelaissatz fur Gleichstrom R&R Sheet e: Routing and Record Sheet RRSI e: Refractory Reusable Surface Insulation R R S P e: Registered Retirement Savings Plan RRSQ e: Radio Relay Squadron RRS RE e: Royal Signals and Radar Establishment RR-SSP103D e: Rack Row for Siemens Switching Processor 103D RRSt d: besonders beruhigter Stahl - d: Rentenrechnungsstelle RRStL. d: Leiter der Rentenrechnungsstelle RRSAV d: Rufrelaissatz fUr Wechselstrom RR System e: Radio-Relay System RRT e: Radar Range Track - e: Radar Reporting Trainer - e: Radio Relay Terminal - e: Railroad Transport - e: Railroad Transportations - e: Ready Round Transporter - e: Relative Retention Time - e: Rendezvous Radar Transponder - e: Request for Review of Tooling - e: Reroute - e: Resazurin Reduction Time - e: Rheumatoid Rosette Test - e: Ring-Ring Trip - e: Round Robin Test RRTA e: Railroad Retirement Tax R/R Tape e: Reel-to-Reel Tape RRTC e: Retractable Replaceable Thermocouple RRTEANNM e: Reroute to Announcement RRTM e: Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca [engine] RRTS e: Remote Radar Tracking Station RRTT e: Resistive Ribbon Thermal Transfer RRTTL e: Resistor-Resistor-TransistorTransistor Logic

RRTx d: Rahmenregelung für den Telexverkehr RRU d: Röntgenreihenuntersuchung - e: Radiobiological] Research Unit - e: Radiotherapeutic Research Unit - e: Remington Rand Univac - e: Remote Readout Unit - e: Road Research Unit RR/U e: Revenue Requirements per Unit RRÜ d: Rückwärtiger Rand der Überwachung R. Rul. e: Renegotiations Rulings RRUN e: Re-Run RRV d: Rheinischer Rübenbauer-Verband - d: Rückwärtiger Rand des Verteidigungsraumes - e: Random Response Value - e: Raspberry Ringspot Virus - e: Rate of Rise of Voltage - e: Rated Recovery Voltage - e: Remote Reconnaissance Vehicle - e: Robot Research Vehicie - e: Rotor Reentry Vehicle - e: Royal Research Vessel RRW e: Radiation Resistant Wire RRx e: Radio Transmitter RRX e: Railroad Crossing RRZ d: Regionales Rechenzentrum - d: Relative Refraktärzeit - d: Rheinisches Genossenschafts-Rechenzentrum eG - d: Rubidium-Resonanzzelle - e: Radar Regulation Zone RRZK d: Regionales Rechenzentrum an der Universität Köln RRZN d: Regionales Rechenzentrum Niedersachsen RRZZV d: Rückrechnung Zahlungsanweisung zur Verrechnung RS d: Auszahlung Reisescheck - d: Radschlepper - d: Radstand - d: Rahmensynchronisationssignal - d: Rahmensynchronwort - d: Raketenschiff - d: Raketenschnellboote - d: Rangiersignalsteller - d: Rationssatz - d: Raupenschlepper - d: Rechenschlüssel - d: Rechnersystem - d: Rechnungsführung und Statistik - d: Rechte Septumbegrenzung - d: Rechtsschutz - d: Referenzsignal - d: Referenzstation - d: Regelsystem - d: Register-Speicher[befehl][e] - d: Registersucher - d: Reihenschütz - d: Reizstoff - d: Rekuperatorschutz - d: Relaisschaltfeld - d: Relaisstelle - d: Religionssoziologie - d: Remscheid - d: Renales Syndrom - d: Resorzinschwefel - d: Respiratorisches System - d: Reststickstoff - d: Rettungssanitäter - d: Reye-Syndrom - d: Rhode & Schwarz - d: Rhythmusstörung[en] - d: Richtschütze - d: Ringspalt - d: Rückensicherung

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich

d: Rückschein d: Rücksetzsignal • d: Rückstoß d: Rückstrahler d: Rufsatz d: Rufschalter d: Rumpfstrecker • d: Rüststange[n] e: Radar Scan e: Radar Set e: Radar Shelter • e: Radar Simulator e: Radar Start • e: Radiated Susceptibility e: Radio School • e: Radio Set e: Radio Simulator e: Radio Spares • e: Radio-Spectroscope e: Radio Station e: Radiocommunication Supervisor • e: Radioscintillation • e: Radiosensitivity e: Radiotelegram Service e: Radius of Safety e: Radular Sac e: Railway Station e: Railway System • e: Rain and Snow e: Raman Spectroscopy e: Random Sequence e: Random Splice e: Range Safety e: Range Selector • e: Range Setter e: Range Surveillance e: Rapid Setting e: Rapid Solidification e: Rapid Start e: Rapid Storage e: Rapid Store e: Rate Step e: Rating Sheet e: Raw Stock e: Ray Society e: Reactive Sputtering e: Reactive Surround e: Read Statement e: Reader Stop e: Reading of Standard e: Reading Speed e: Ready [for] Service e: Real Storage e: Rear Spar e: Reason for Selection e: Receiver [or Receiving] Station e: Receiving Ship e: Reception Station e: Recipient State e: Recipients Serum e: Recommend [ed] Standard e: Reconnaissance Strike e: Reconnaissance Strip e: Record Separation [or Separator] e: Record Storage e: Recording Secretary e: Recovery Section e: Recreation Supervisor e: Rectal Sinus e: Red Star e: Reducing Sugar e: Reed-Solomon e: Reentry System e: Reference Section e: Reference Store e: Reflectance Spectroscopy e: Reformed Spelling 215

Rs -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e


Register and Storage Register Select Register[-to-]Storage Registry System Regular Station Regularly Scheduled Regulating [or Regulation] Station Reinforcement Section Reinforcing Stimulus Relay Selector Relay Set Relay Store Relay Switch Reliability Society Reliability Summary Reminder Stock Remote Sensing Remote Side Remote Site Remote Station Render and Set Repair Section Repair Shop Report of Survey Report Separator character Representative Scale Republic Steel Request Signal Request to Send Research Ship Research Summary Research Systemfs] Reset [key] Reset-Set Reset Steering Resetting Resident Software Residual Stress Resistance Soldering Resistant Sporangia Resistor Resolver Synchro Resolving Sequence Resonator Resorcinol Sulphur Respiratory Syncytial Response Stimulus Results Sign Resynchronize Resynchronizing State Retrospective Search Return Statement Return to Saturation Returning Spring Reverberation Strength Reversal Shift Reverse Signal Review of Symptoms Revised Status Revised Statutes Rewind Speed Rewind Statement Reye-Syndrom Right Side Right Subclavian Ringer[s] Solution River Steamer Riveted Steel Road Space Roadside Robotic System Rochelle Salt [ K n a Q H 4 0 6 . 4 H , 0 ] Rocket Station Rocket System Rolled Shapes Rolled Steel Rotary Selector

- e: Rotary Switch - e: Rotary System - e: Route Selector - e: Route Signal - e: Route Switching] - e: Routing Selector - e: Routing Slip - e: Rubble Stone - e: Run Stop - f: Renault Suisse S.A. - j: Rengo Sekigun -1: Rauwolfia serpentina - p: Rio Grande do Sul - R: Raketa Strategichnaya Rs d: Raupenschwenkbagger - d: Redwoodsekunde - d: Relais - d: Ringschneide - d: Rundschreiben - d: Schutzrohrrelais - e: Resolution of separation - e: Restricted motion pictures - e: Rupee[s] rs d: rosa Rs. d: Reise - d: Reserve - d: Rückseite R.S. e: Radio Station - e: Revised Statutes - e: River Steamer - e: Rocket Station - e: Rolls Series - e: Rotary Switch - e: Royal Society r.s. 1: renovetur semel R & S d: Rohde & Schwarz - e: Radiological and Chemical Support - e: Rain and Snow - e: Range and Safety - e: Rapport and Support - e: Reconnaissance and Surveillance - e: Reenlistment and Separation - e: Register and Storage - e: Reliability and Serviceability - e: Render and Set - e: Research and Statistics - e: Research and Study - e: Reset and Start - e: Rouse and Shearer R+S e: Reset + Start R-S d: Register-Speicher - e: Register-to-Storage - e: Reset-Set R/S d: Röntgen pro Sekunde - d: Verhältnis Reaktion/Stimulus - e: Range Safety - e: Regulating [or Regulation] Station - e: Rejection Slip - e: Relay Set - e: Remote Side - e: Report of Survey - e: Reset/Set - e: Revolution [s] per Second - e: Rotation[s] per Second - e: Rotate/Shift - e: Run/Stop R : S d: Rücken auf Schneide r s d: Schienenreduktionsfaktor R s d: Schleifen widerstand 3R's e: Readin, Ritin and Rithmetic - e: Recognition, Reassurance and Relaxation - e: Reduction, Refinement and Replacement - e: Reference and Research Library Resources Systems - e: Relief, Recovery, Reform 6R"s e: Remedial Readin, Remedial Ritin, and Remedial Rithmetic © K • G • Saur, München

RS 1 d: hintere Rückstrahler rot RS 2 d: hintere Rückstrahler rot RS 3 d: vordere Rückstrahler weiß RS 4 d: seitliche Rückstrahler gelb RS-70 e: Reconnaissance-Strike bomber RS232 d: V24-Schnittstelle RS 422 e: Recommended Standard 422 RSA A: Republiek van Suid-Afrika -

d: Reisescheckablieferung d: Relative Spezifische Radioaktivität d: Richtungssenderanlage d: Rinderserum-Albumin d: Rufschalter, Abfragestelle e: Rabbit Serum Albumin e: Radar Service Area e: Radar Signature Analysis e: Radio South Africa e: Railway Supervisors Association e: Railway Supply Association e: Random Sequential Automaton e: Rate Subsystem Analyst e: Redstone Arsenal e: Refined Sugar Association e: Regional Science Association e: Regional Studies Association e: Register Save Area e: Registered Statistical Assistant e: Rehabilitation Services Administration e: Related Scientific Activities e: Relative Specific [Radio]activity e: Relay Services Association of Great Britain - e: Remote Session Access - e: Remote Signalling Alarm - e: Remote Station Alarm - e: Remote Storage Activities - e: Renaissance Society of America - e: Rental Service Association - e: Repair Service Attendant - e: Repeater Saturation Allevation - e: Republic of South Africa - e: Requirements Statement Analyser [or Analyzer] - e: Respiratory Syncytial Agents - e: Restrictive Skin Acquisition - e: Retire to Staging Area - e: Returned Services Association - e: Rheometrics Solids Analyzer - e: Right Sacro-Anterior - e: Road Safety Act - e: Rockwell Systems Australia - e: Rolled Steel Angle - e: Rotary Servo Actuator - e: Rotary Switch Art - e: Royal School of Artillery - e: Royal Scottish Academician - e: Royal Scottish Academy - e: Royal Society of Arts - e: Royal Society of Australia - e: Rubber Shippers Association - f: Reseau du Sport de l'Air R S a d: Rufschalter, Abfrageseite RsA d: Rundstrahlantenne Rsa e: Rhodopseudomonas Sphaeroides R.s.a. 1: Ramus septalis anterior 'r SA e: around South America RSAA e: Remote-Sensing Association of Australia - e: Rotor System Research Aircraft - e: Royal Society for Asian Affairs RSA [AFL-CIO] e: Railway and Airline Supervisors Association R S A B F R d: Reisescheckbestandsabfrage RS ABI e: Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RSD RSAC e: Radar Significance Analysis Code - e: Radiological Safety [Analysis] Computer - e: RAND Strategy Assessment Center - e: Reactor Safety Advisory Committee - e: Register System Auxiliary Control element - e: Reliability Surveillance and Control - e: Royal Scottish Automobile Club - e: Royal Swedish Automobile Club RSACE e: Research and Advanced Communications for Europe RSA Cipher e: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Cipher RSAC Program [me] e: Radiological Safety Computer Program[me] RSAF e: Republic of Singapore Air Force - e: Royal Saudi Air Force - e: Royal Small Arms Factory - e: Royal Swedish Air Force RSAG d: Radio Schweiz, AG für Telekommunikation und Flugsicherung RS A/HEW e: Rehabilitation Services Administration-HEW RSAI d: Rechtsventrikulärer Schlagarbeitsindex - e: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland - e: Rules, Standards and Instructions RSAL e: Rotterdam South America Line RSALT e: Running, Signal and Anchor Lights RSAM e: Relative Sequential Access Method - e: Royal Scottish Academy of Music RSAMD e: Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama RS and I e: Receipt, Stowage and Issue - e: Rules, Standards and Instruction R. Sail. I. e: Royal Sanitary Institute RSAP e: Response Session Abort Positive RSAR e: Rotor Systems Research Aircraft RSARR e: Republic of South Africa Research Reactor RSAS e: RAND Strategy Assessment System - e: Royal Sanitary Association of Scotland - e: Royal Surgical Aid Society - e: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences RSASA e: Royal South Australian Society of Arts RSAT s: Real Sociedad Arqueológica Tarraconense RSA Timber e: Red Sanders [pterocarpus santalinus] Timber RSB d: Raketenschnellboot - d: Raum für Spezialbehandlung - d: Rechtsschenkelblock - d: Reichssender Berlin - d: Restseitenband[modulation] - d: Rettungs- und Sicherungsboot - e: Range Safety Beacon - e: Reactor Service Building - e: Reconnaissance Strike Bomber - e: Reduced Size Blueprint - e: Reel Storage Bin - e: Reflected Shadow Boundary - e: Regimental Stretcher-Bearer - e: Regional Shipping Boards - e: Remote System Base - e: Repair Service Bureau - e: Reset-Band Signal - e: Residual Sideband - e: Reticulocyte Standard Buffer RSBA e: Rail Steel Bar Association - e: Retransmission Still Being Attempted RSBB d: Richtlinien zum Schutz von Bäumen und Sträuchern im Bereich von Baustellen

RSBE e: Ring-Standby Engines RSBM d: Restseitenbandmodulation - e: Raw Soybean Meal RSBN R: Radiotekhnicheskaya Sistema Blizhnei Navigatsiya RS-Boot d: Raketenschnellboot RSBS e: Radar Safety Beacon System RSBT e: Rhythmic Sensory Bombardment Therapy RSC d: Radarsichtkontroller - d: Reed-Stemberg-Zelle[n] - d: Residual Socium Carbonate - e: Radar Sea Clutter - e: Radar Set Control - e: Radar Sight Controller - e: Radio Service Code - e: Range Safety Center - e: Range Safety Command - e: Range Safety Control - e: Rat Skin Collagen - e: Rational Self-Counseling - e: Raytheon Service Company - e: Re-Start Capability - e: Reactor Safety Commission - e: Reactor Steam Cycle - e: Read Solomon Code - e: Reader Service Card - e: Receive Speech and data Channel - e: Receive Status Channel - e: Records Service Center - e: Red Star Cluster - e: Reduced instruction Computer Set - e: Reed-Solomon Code - e: Regional Service Centre - e: Regular, Slotted, Corrugated - e: Reinforcement Support - e: Reinforcement Support Category - e: Relative System Capability - e: Relaxation-Sensitive Cell - e: Remote Scientific Computing - e: Remote Sensing Center - e: Remote Service Call - e: Remote Services Center - e: Remote Stor[ag]e Controller - e: Repair Service Centre - e: Replacement and School Command - e: Republic Steel Corporation - e: Rescue Sub-Center [or Centre] - e: Research School of Chemistry - e: Reserve Service Control - e: Reset Circuit signal/message - e: Reset Confirmation - e: Resource - e: Respiratory Syncytial virus - e: Reversed Sigmoidal Curve - e: Revised Statutes of Canada - e: Rigid-Steel Conduit - e: Rockwell Science Center - e: Rolled Steel Channel - e: Royal Society of Canada - e: Royal Society of Chemistry - e: Runway Surface Condition^] R&SC e: Replacement and School Command RS&C e: Reliability Surveillance and Control RS 232C e: Recommended Standard 232C RS-232C e: Standard interface cable RScA e: Right Scapulo-Anterior RSCAAL e: Remote Sensing Chemical Agent ALarm RSC Container e: Regular, Slotted, Corrugated Container R S C C P e: Response Session Change Control Positive RSCD e: Request to Start Contract Definition

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RSCESFS e: Rapid Scanning Constant Energy Synchronous Fluorescence Spectrometry R S C H e: Ready Spares Chassis - e: Research - e: Resume Subchannel RSch d: Rappenschimmel - d: Reisescheck - d: Restschuld - d: Richtungsschuß Rsch d: Research - d: Rückschein RSch. d: Realschule RSchD d: Restschulddiskette Rsch. Estb. e: Research Establishment R S[hl d: Schleifenwiderstand R^ hr d: Reinschrift Rschr. d: Rundschreiben RSchuIR d: Regierungsschulrat RSchutzbed d: Rechtsschutzbedürfnis RSCI e: Redstone Scientific Information Center RSCIE e: Remote Station Communication [s] Interface Equipment RSCL e: Radioactive Sodium Chemistry Loop R S C M e: Royal School of Church Music RSC Message e: Reset-Circuit Message R S C M News e: Royal School of Church Music News (journ.) RSCN e: Registered Sick Childrens Nurse RSCP e: Radar Set Control Panel - e: Radar Signal and Control Processor - e: Regimental Supply Control Point - e: Reserve Special Commendation Point RScP e: Right Scapulo-Posterior RSCR e: Range Safety Command Receiver - e: Reserve Special Commendation Ribbon RSCRESE e: Receive Speech and data Channel Reselect[ion] RSCS e: Range Safety Command System - e: Rate Stabilization and Control System - e: Remote Spooling and Communications Subsystem - e: Remote Spooling Control System - e: Rod Sequence Control System RSC Signal e: Reset-Circuit Signal RSCSS e: Range Safety Command Shutdown System - e: Registered Safety Critical Software Specialist RSCT e: Rhode Sentence Completion Test R S C W e: Research Reactor, State College of Washington RSD d: Rücksignalbaugruppe, Digital - e: Radar Signal Discrimination - e: Radar System Development - e: Radiance Spectral Distribution - e: Raised Shelter Deck - e: Rapid Securing Device - e: Reactive Skin Decontaminant - e: Receipt, Storage and Delivery - e: Recovery, Salvage and Disposal - e: Reflecting Surface Depreciation - e: Refueling Shutdown - e: Regimental Salvage Depot - e: Regimental Store Depot - e: Relative Standard Deviation - e: Reliability Status Document - e: Remote Site Data-Processing - e: Reserve Supply Depot - e: Responsible System Designer - e: Ring System Descriptor - e: Riverside Drive - e: Robustness Semantic Differential - e: Rolling Steel Door


RS&D - e: Royal Society of Dublin - R: Raketa Sredney Dal'nosti RS&D e: Receipt, Storage and Delivery RSDA e: Resampled Subimage Data An-ay - e: Road Surface Dressing Association - e: Royal Surface Dressing Association RSD-ALA e: Reference Services DivisionAmerican Library Association RSDB e: Ringing Supply Daughter Board - e: RSD of the Background signal RSDC e: Range Safety Data Coordinator - e: Residual Stress Data Collection RSDD e: Room Surface Dirt Depreciation RSDDC e: Royal School for Deaf and Dumb Children R-S-Dissoziation e: Rough-SmouthDissoziation RS-Dissoziation d: Rauh-GlattationDissoziation RSDL e: Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion RSDP e: Remote Shutdown Panel - e: Remote Site Data Processing [or Processor] - e: Request for Special Devices and Products RSDS e: Radar System Design Section - e: Range Safety Destruct System - e: Relative Sequential Data Set RSDT e: Regulations of Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation - e: Remote Station Data Terminal - e: Remote System Data Terminal RSDU e: Radar Storm Detection [or Detector] Unit RSE d: Rangliste der Systemeigenschaften - d: Rechner-Statuseinheit - d: Regel- und Steuereinheit - d: Ruf- und Signaleinrichtung - d: Rufstromeinrichtung - d: Rundschreibeinrichtung - d: Rundschreibeinsatz - d: Rundsendeeinsatz - e: Radar Search Equipment - e: Raid Size Estimate - e: Railway Signal Engineer - e: Receiving Site Equipment - e: Record Selection Expression - e: Reducing Street Elbow - e: Reference Standards Equipment - e: Register Signaling Equipment - e: Request Select Entry - e: Requests for Self Enhancement - e: Resistance Soldering Equipment - e: Responsible System Engineering - e: Review of Social Economy (journ.) - e: Rosemary Spice Extractive - e: Royal Society of Edinburgh - i: Ragruppamento Selenia-Elsag - i: Riva Calzont and Osag [Genova] RsE d: Rundschreibeinrichtung ohne Quittungsgabe R.S.E. e: Red Sea Express R-SE e: Rack for Service Equipment RSEA e: Reference Sensing-Element Amplifier RsEb d: Relaiseinschub RSEC e: Regional Science Experience Center R/SEC d: Röntgen pro Sekunde - e: Revolution [s] per Second - e: Rotation[s] per Second RSECS e: Representative Shuttle Environmental Control System RS Encoder e: Reed-Solomon Encoder RSEP e: Response Session End Positive - e: RPV [Remotely Piloted Vehicle] Simulation Evaluation Program[me]

RSER e: Rail-Road Service -e: Remote Sensing of Earth Resources - e: Rotary Stylus Electronics Recorder RSERV e: Relocatable library Service function RSES e: Refrigeration Service Engineers Society RSET e: Receiver Signal Element Timing - e: Register Set RSEU e: Remote Scanner [and] Encoder Unit RSEW e: Resistance-Seam Welding RSEXEC e: Resource-Sharing Executive RsEz d: Resonanzentzerrer RSF d: Radarsonde für Freilandüberwachung - d: Rationssatz Futter - d: Rauh- und Saftfutterfläche - e: Rapid Solidification Rate - e: Relative Sensitivity Factor - e: Remote Service Facility - e: Remote Support Facility - e: Research Systems Facility - e: Rocket Sled Facility - e: Roll Sheet Feeder - e: Rough Sunk Face - e: Russell Sage Foundation - r: Riksförbundet för Sveriges Försvar - r: Riksförbundet Svensk Frukt - s: Real Sociedad Fotogrâfica RS[-]F[lip]f[lop] e: Reset-Set Flipflop RSFS e: Real Scene Focus Sensor - e: Royal Scottish Forestry Section - e: Royal Scottish Forestry Society RSFSR d: Russische Sozialistische Föderative Sowjetrepublik - e: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic - R: Rossiskaya Sovietsksya Federativnaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika RSFTA f: Réseau du Service Fixe de Télécommunications Aéronautiques RSG d: Raketenstartgerüst -d: Rastersichtgerät - d : Räumbootsuchgerät - d : Reaktionsspritzguß -d: Reichsseuchengesetz - d : Reichssiedlungsgesetz -d: Ruf[- und] Signalgenerator - d : Rufstromgenerator -d: Rundsichtgerät - e: Rate Signal Generator - e: Reassign - e: Receiver [or Receiving] [of] Stolen Goods - e: Reference Signal Generator - e: Regional Seat of Government - e: Relay Switch Group - e: Research Satellite for Geophysics - e: Research Study Group - e: Reset Circuit Group message - e: Resistance Strain Gauge - e: Reta Signal Generator - e: Rising RSGB e: Radio Society of Great Britain RSG Bulletin e: Radio Society of Great Britain Bulletin (journ.) RSGD e: Resigned RSGDEM Program [me] e: Program[me] Raster Segment Generator Demonstration Program[me] RSGINT Program[me] e: Program[me] Raster Segment Generator Interpretation Program[me] RSGMT e: Reassignment RSGS e: Range[s] and Space Ground Support - e: Royal Scottish Geographical Society


© K G - Saur, München

RSG-Verfahren d: ReaktionsspritzgußVerfahren RSH d: Radio Schleswig-Holstein - d: Röntgensignalharmonisierung - e: Radar Status History - e: Recreational Services for the Handicapped - e: Reference Store Handler - e: Right Shift - e: Royal Society [for the Promotion] of Health R-ship e: Refrigerated ship RSHWC e: Royal Society for the Health of Women and Children RSI d: Reihensicherung - e: Radar Scope Interpretation - e: Radial Shear Interferometer - e: Rationalization, Standardization and Interoperability - e: Rationalization, Standardization and Integration - e: Reactor Siting Index - e: Reflected Signal Indication [or Indicator] - e: Regional Safety Inspector - e: Register Sender Inward - e: Remote Sensing Imagery - e: Remote Symbiont Interface - e: Repetitive Strain Injury - e: Replacement Stream Input - e: Reports of the Smithsonian Institution - e: Request for Shipping Instructions - e: Research Studies Institute - e: Retrieval of Stored Information - e: Reusable Surface Insulation - e: Ring State Indicator - e: Roll Stability Indicator - e: Rotary Shaft Indicator - e: Royal Sanitary Institute - e: Royal Signals Institution - e: Rules, Standards and Instructions RS[&]I e: Receipt, Storage [or Stowage] and Issue - e: Rules, Standards and Instructions RSIA e: Reference Site Initial Assessment RSIC e: Radiation Shielding Information Center - e: Radiation Standards Information Center - e: Redstone Scientific Information Center RSID e: Recruiting Station Identification - e: Resource Identification [table] RSiedlErgG d: ReichssiedlungsErgänzungsgesetz RSiedlG d: Reichssiedlungsgesetz RSIG e: Register Signalling R Sig G e: Rocket Signal, Green R Sig R e: Rocket Signal, Red R. Sigs. Park e: Royal Signals Park RSIL d: Rechnergestützte Systeme zur Information der Leitung R-SILT e: Rack for Signaling Link Terminals, 4.8 kbit/s R-SILTD e: Rack for Signaling Link Terminals, 64 kbit/s RSIM e: Repulsion-Start Induction Motor RSIN e: Resource Sharing Interconnection Network R/S Instruction e: Run/Stop Instruction RSIO e: Reinforced Steel Institute of Ontario RSIP e: Radar Sensitivity improvement Program - e: Radar System Improvement Program RSIS e: Reference, Special and Information Section [of the Library Association] - e: Rotorcraft Systems Integration Simulator

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Rsp RSITA f: Règlement du Service International des Télécommunications de l'Aéronautique R S I U F L e: Release Suspension for Issue and Use of Following Lots R S I V P e: Rapid Sequence Intravenous Pyelogram R S J e: Rectangular Steel Joist - e: Resistively Shunted Junction - e: Rolled Steel Joist R S K d: Reaktorsicherheitskommission - d: Regionalstudiokomplex R S K E Z d: Relative SinusknotenErholungszeit R S K - G e r ä t d: Rieht- und Spannungsprüfgerät für Kreissägeblätter RSL d: Radiale Schneidladung - d: Roßlau - d: Rubidium-Spektrallampe - d: Rufstromlampe - e: Radio Standards Laboratory - e: Received Signal Level - e: Reconnaissance and Security Line - e: Red Star Line - e: Rediffusion Simulated Limited - e: Reference Standards Laboratory - e: Remote Sensing Laboratory - e: Remote Sprint Launching - e: Requirements Specifications Language - e: Requirements] Statement Language - e: Reservation Service List - e: Returned Services League - e: Revolutionary Socialist League - e: Right Sacro-Lateral - e: Royal Society of Literature - e: Royal Society of London -1: Rhus Succedanea Laccase R.S.L. e: Reading on Statute Law RSLA e: Raising the School Leaving Age - e: Range Safety Launch Approval RSLA Document e: Raising the School Leaving Age Document R S L B e: Right Short-Leg Brace R S L C e: Radar Searchlight Control - e: Ring Service Line Circuit R S L S e: Reciver Side-Lobe Suppression - e: Reply-path Side-Lobe Suppression - e: Response Side Lobe Suppression R S L T e: Result Rslvr e: Resolver R S M d: Registersuchermarkierer - d: Republik San Marino - d: Restseitenbandmodulation - d: Roboterspezifischer Motor - d: Rotationsschrittmotor - d: Rücksetzen, Manuell - d: Ruf- und Signalmaschine - e: Radiation Signature Measurement - e: Radiation Survey Meter - e: Radio Squadron, Mobile - e: Rapid Search Machine - e: Rapidly Solidified Material - e: Readability, Strength, Modulation - e: Real Storage Management [or Manager] - e: Reconnaissance Strategic Missile - e: Reed Switching Matrix - e: Regimental Signal Master - e: Remote Switching Module - e: Remote System Manager - e: Republic San Marino - e: Research into Site Management - e: Resident Sector Management - e: Resource Management System - e: Resources Planning and Scheduling Method - e: Resume - e: Ringing and Signalling Machine

- e: Rivet Setting Machine - e: Rotating Sample Magnetometer - e: Route Set test Message - e: Royal School of Mines - e: Royal Scottish Museum - e: Royal Society of Medicine - e: Royal Society of Musicians - f: Saint-Marin - i: Repubblica di San Marino - R: Raketa Strategichnaya Morskaya R S M A e: Radiological Systems Microfilm Associates - e: Railway Systems and Management Association - e: Republic of San Marino - e: Royal School of Mines - e: Royal Society of Marine Artists - e: Royal Society of Medicine - i: República di San Marino R S M D e: Remote Sensing and Meteorological Applications Division - e: Russian Stenotype Master Dictionary R - S M D L / L M P e: Rack for Switching Matrix for Dedicated Lines and extension of subscriber Line Measuring Processor R s m E d: Rundschreibeinrichtung mit Quittungsgabe R S M E e: Reversible Shape Memory Effect - s: Real Sociedad Matemática Española R S M M L e: Rajastan State Mines and Minerals Ltd R S M P S e: Romanian Society for Mathematics and Physical Sciences R S M R e: Raw Stock Material Requirements R S M T d: Radioselen-Methionin Test - d: Ruf- und Signalmaschine, teilelektronisch R S M V R e: Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation RSN e: Radiation Surveillance Network - e: Rearrangeable Switching Network - e: Reason - e: Receive Sequence Number - e: Record Sequence Number - e: Regular Separable Network - e: Republic of Singapore Navy - e: Research Surveillance Network R-SN e: Rack for Switching Network RSNA e: Radiological Society of North America - e: Royal School of Naval Architects [or Architecture] R S N C e: Royal Society for Nature Conservation R-SN-DE4 e: Rack for Switching Network for Digital Exchange 4 R s n h m d: Rosenheim R S N P e: Rancho Seco Nuclear Plant - e: Registered Student Nurse Program R S N R T e: Relative Sinus Node Recovery Time - e: Royal Society of New South Wales R S N T e: Railway Staffs National Tribunal - e: Research Society for Natural Therapeutics - e: Revised Single Negotiating Text R S N Z e: Royal Society of New Zealand R S O d: Radio-Symphonie-Orchester - e: Radiation Safety Office[r] - e: Radio-Sonde Observation - e: Railway Sorting Office - e: Railway Sub-Office - e: Range Safety Officer - e: Range Support Operation - e: Reconnaissance and Survey Officer - e: Reconnaissance Systems Officer - e: Reconnaissance, Selection and Occupation - e: Reconniassance Systems Operator

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Rectified Skew Orthomorphic - e: Regimental Signal Officer - e: Register Sender Outward - e: Register Sender Outward - e: Rehabilitation Service Office[r] - e: Relativistic and Spin-Orbit - e: Research Ship[s] of Opportunity - e: Resident Surgical Officer - e: Revenue Sharing Office - e: Richmond Symphony Orchestra - e: Runway Supervisory Officer R S O B e: Russell Senate Office Building R S O C e: Remote Sensing Oceanography - e: Rockwell Operations Company R S O P e: Reconnaissance, Selection and Occupation of Position R S O P N e: Resumed Operation R S O R e: Range Safety Operations Requirement R S O R S e: Remote Sensing On-Line Retrieval System R S O s e: Resident Surgical Officers R S O ' s e: Regional Sharing Organizations R S O U e: Read Sign Over Units R S P d: Reizschwellenpotential - d: Reparaturschaltplan - d: Reparaturstromlaufplan - d: Rezeptorspezifisches Protein - d: Rufnummernspeicher - e: Radar Signal Processor - e: Radio Switch Panel - e: Radioisotope Society of the Philippines - e: Random Signal Processing - e: Range Solar Panel - e: Range Sorting Program - e: Rapid Site Preparation - e: Rapid Solidification Process - e: Rapidly Solidified Powder - e: Rapidly Solidified Product - e: Rate Sensing Package - e: Reactivity Surveillance Procedures - e: Reader/Sorter Processor - e: Rear-Screen Projection - e: Receive Serial Port - e: Receive Shift Pulse - e: Receiving Stolen Property - e: Reconnaissance and Security Positions - e: Record Select Program[me] - e: Reentry Systems Program[me] - e: Regenerated Syndrome Pair - e: Registered Safety Professional - e: Reinforced Structural Plastic - e: Reliable Stream Protocol - e: Remote Spoolout Processor - e: Render Safe Procedure[s] - e: Replenishment Spare Part - e: Replication Selection Process - e: Replication Synchronization Process - e: Repository Sealing Program - e: Required Space [character] - e: Reserve Scattering Pertubation - e: Resource-Sharing Protocol - e: Resource Summary Program - e: Respirable, Suspended Particulate - e: Respond[er] [beacon] - e: Restoration Priority - e: Reverse Scattering Perturbation - e: Right Sacro-Posterior - e: Robot Support System - e: Roll Stabilization Platform - e: Rotating Shield Plug - e: Rotation in a Selected Plane - e: Route Selection Program[me] Rsp d: Rahmenspantenbauart


RSp RSp d: Randomspeicher - d: Röntgenographische Spannungsmessung - d: Rufnummemspeicher R.s.p. 1: Ramus septalis posterior RSPA e: Research and Special Programs Administration [or Association] - e: Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RSPB e: Royal Society for [the] Protection of Birds RSPBA e: Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association RSP Beacon e: Responder Beacon RSPCA e: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - e: Royal Society for the Protection and Care of Animals RSPCC e: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children RSPD e: Rapid-Solidification Plasma Deposition RSPE d: Resonanzsternpunkterdung - e: Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers Rspez d: spezifische Resistance RSPH e: Royal Society for the Promotion of Health Rsp/IW d: Relaisspeicher/Impulswiederholer RSPK e: Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis RSPL e: Radar Signal Processing Laboratory - e: Radar Significant Power Line - e: Recommended Spare Parts List RS/PM e: Rapid Solidification/Powder Metallurgy RSPP e: Radio Simulation Patch Panel RSPR e: Royal Society for the Protection of Rats Rspr. d: Rechtsprechung - d: Rechtssprache - d: Richterspruch - d: Rücksprache RsprEinhG d: Gesetz über die Wahrung der Einheitlichkeit der Rechtsprechung der obersten Gerichtshöfe des Bundes R-Sprenggranate d: Raketen-Sprenggranate RSPS e: Range Solar Panel Substrate RSPS[Glasg] e: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow RSPT e: Real Storage Page Table - e: Report Starting Procedure Turn RSPV e: Respective RSPWC e: Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours RSQ d: Reaktionssicherheitsquotient - e: Rig Standard Quality rsq e: rescue r-sq e: r-squared RSQBT e: Rescue Boat RSQC e: Reliability, Safety and Quality Control RSR d: Regulärer Sinusrhythmus - d: Retrosternalraum - e: Random Signal Reject - e: Range Safety Report - e: Rapid Solidification Rate - e: Reactor Safety Research - e: Ready Service Ring - e: Reference Services Review - e: Regular Sinus Rhythm - e: Reinforcement Status Register - e: Relay Set Receiver - e: Remote Start Relay 220

- e: Request for Scientific Research - e: Required Supply Rate - e: Research Study Requests - e: Reset Request - e: Resources Status Report - e: Restore - e: Reverse Switching Rectifier - e: Revised Supplementary Regulation - e: Right-element Shift Right - e: Rocket Stabilized Rod - e: Rod Select Relay - e: Rotary Seal Ring - e: Route Surveillance Radar - f: République Socialiste de Roumanie RsR d: Rundschreibrahmen R2SR e: R2 Sender Receiver RSRA e: Rotor Systems Research Aircraft R[-]S Ratio e: Response-Stimulus Ratio R[-]SRB e: Richmond San Rafael Bridge RSRC e: Remote Sensing Research Center - e: Request for Special Review and Comment RSRE e: Radar and Signals and Radar Establishment - e: Radar and Signals Research Establishment - e: Royal Signals and Radar Establishment R&SRE e: Radio and Space Research RSRI e: Regional Science Research Institute RSRM e: Redesigned Solid Rocket Motor - e: Reduced Smoke Rocket Motor RS-ROM e: Row Select Read-Only Memory RSRP e: Radars for the Southern Region and Portugal - e: Reconfigurable-Shared Resource Pipeline RSRS e: Radio and Space Research Station - e: Range Safety Receiving Station RSRT e: Signalling Route Set Test Control rsrt d: rosa-rot RSRV e: Rotor Systems Research Vehicle RSS d: Reaktorsicherheitssystem - d: Rektosigmoidskopie - d: Relative Score-Summen - d: Ringleitungssatz - d: Rundschreibsendeschiene - e: Radar Signal Simulator - e: Radar Subsystem - e: Radio Subsystem - e: Railway Systems Suppliers - e: Random Selection for Service - e: Range Safety Switch - e: Range Safety System - e: Rapid Scan Spectrometer - e: Rat Stomach Strip - e: Reactant[s] Service System - e: Reactant[s] Supply System - e: Reactive System Sensitivity - e: Reactor Safety Study - e: Reactor Shutdown System - e: Ready Service Spares - e: Redundant Switch Selector - e: Reference Sound Source - e: Refrigeration Subsystem - e: Regional Security System - e: Regional Support System - e: Registry Structure Sheet - e: Rehabilitation Service Series - e: Rehabilitation Support Schedule - e: Relational Storage System - e: Relative System Sensitivity - e: Relaxed Static Stability - e: Remote Safing Switch - e: Remote Sampling System - e: Remote Security Station - e: Remote Sensing Society - e: Remote Sensing System - e: Remote Shutdown System © K • G • Saur, München

- e: Remote Switching System - e: Remote Systems Scanner - e: Resident Support System - e: Residual Sum of Squares - e: Resource Security System - e: Resource Survey Satellite - e: Resources Security System - e: Resources Survey System - e: Retention Spermatemia Syndrome - e: Reusable Subsystem - e: Rework Support System - e: Ribbed Smoked Sheet[s] - e: Rifle Shaipshooter - e: Rigid Space Structure - e: Robot Servo System - e: Root Sum Square [value] - e: Rosette Scan Seeker - e: Rotary Shaft Seal - e: Rotary Stepping Switch - e: Route Switching Subsystem - e: Royal Scientific Society - e: Royal Security Service - e: Royal Statistical Society - e: Rural Sociological Society - e: Russian Spring-Summer - f: Régime Sans Sel - S: Raziskovalna Skupnost Slovenije RsS d: Relaissatz R s-s e: Russian spring-summer RSSA e: Railway Systems Suppliers Association - e: Rocktwell Ships Systems Australia Pty. Ltd. - e: Royal Scottish Society of Arts - e: Royal Society of South Africa - e: Royal Society of South Australia RSSC e: Rand School of Social Sciences - e: Regional Space Support Center - e: Remote-Site Simulator Console RsSch d: Relaisschiene RSSDA e: Regional Social Science Data Archive RSSE e: Reduced State Sequence Estimation - e: Russian Spring Summer Encephalitis RSSEL e: Recommended Special Support Equipment List RSSF e: Retrievable Surface Storage Facility R-SSG-DE5 e: Rack tor Space Stage Group for Digital Exchange 5 RSSI e: Received Signal Strength Indicator - e: Royal Statistical Society of Ireland RSSK e: Rigid Seat Survival Kit RSSL e: Raytheon Scientific Simulation Language - e: Recruitment Subsidy for School Leavers RSSN e: Research Space Surveillance Network - e: Response [Suspended] Session Negative RSSP e: Radar Systems Specialist Panel - e: Range Single Shot Probability - e: Response Session Start Positive - e: Response Session Suspend Positive - e: Response Suspended Session Positive RSSPCC e: Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children R-SSP103DA e: Rack A for Siemens Switching Processor 103D R-SSP103DB e: Rack B for Siemens Switching Processor 103D RS-Speicher d: Riicksetzen/Setzen-Speicher RSSPL e: Recommended Spares and Spare Parts List RSSR Linkage e: Rotation-SphericalSpherical-Rotation Linkage

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RSVT R S S R T e: Russell Sage Social Relations Test RSSS e: Radiographic Standard Shooting Sketch - e: Reusable Space Shuttle System -1: Regiae Societatis Socius Sodalis R S S T e: Recruiter-Salesman Selection Test RS Storage e: Register and Indexed Storage R.S. S a p p . e: Supplement of Revised Statutes rssw d: rosa-schwarz RS System e: Rectus-Sinister System R S T d: Abschnitt im Ekg vom Beginn der R-bis zum Ende T-Zacke - d: Antwort auf einen gebührenpflichtigen Dienstspruch - d: Räumliche Struktur - d: Rechenstanzer - d: Retikulospinaler Trakt - e: Radio Sensitivity Testing - e: Radiometrie Sun Tracer - e: Radiosensitivity Testing - e: Radius of Safety Trace - e: Random Sample Test - e: Rapid Solidification Technology - e: Reactive Solute Transport - e: Read Symbol Table - e: Readability Strength Tone - e: Readability, Signal-strength and Transmission - e: Recovery Sequence Tester - e: Reentry System Technology - e: Reflector Support Truss - e: Register and Self-Test - e: Reinforcing Steel - e: Reliability Shakedown Test - e: Remote Station - e: Remotely Submitted Transaction - e: Research Study Team - e: Reset[-Set Trigger] - e: Residential Subsurface Transformer - e: Resin Skived Tape - e: Resistance - e: Restart - e: Resting - e: Restore - e: Retained Strength - e: Right Sacro-Transverse - e: Romberg-Shanks Technique - e: Rosette Scan Translator - e: Route Set Test signal - e: Routine Sequence Table - e: Royal Society of Teachers RSt d: Rechnungsführung und Statistik - d: Rechnungsstelle - d: Reed-Sternberg[-Leukämie] - d: Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien (journ.) - d: Rohstoff-Stärkezahl Rst d: Rest - d: Rostock - e: Re-start r-s-t e: readability-signal strength-tone R-S-T e: Reset-Set-Toggle RSta e: Radio Station RSTA e: Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition RSta e: Regulating Station RSTA e: Retail Seed Trade Association RStAG d: Reichs- und Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz R S t b d d: Restseitenband RStBl d: Reichssteuerblatt RSTBS e: Regulations for Supply, Transport and Barrack Services R S T C O D E e: Restriction Code

R S T C P e: Remote Synchronous Terminal Control Program[me] R S T D e: Restricted R S T D S T e: Restriction Destination RS-Technik d: Rad/Schiene-Technik R-Stelle d: Richtstelle R S T F e: Rough Surface Transfer Function R S T F L A G e: Restriction Hag RStG d: Gesetz über d. Rechtsstellung der in den Deutschen Bundestag gewählten Angehörigen des öffentlichen Dienstes - d: Reichsstempelgesetz - d: Reichssteuergesetz R S t G B d: Reichsstrafgesetzbuch R S t k d: Rentenstammkarte R S T K e: Relay Servicing Tool Kit - P: Robotnicze Stowarzyszenie Twörcöw Kultury r.s. tlr. e: rail-road semitrailer R S T M H e: Royal School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene R S T M [ & ] H e: Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene RSTN e: Regional Seismic Test Network - e: Relay Station R.Stn. e: Relay Station RStn e: Radio Station R S t O d: Richtlinie für den Straßenoberbau R S T O R I G e: Restriction Origin R S T P F e: Rustproof R S t P O d: Reichsstrafprozessordnung R S T R e: Restore Row - e: Restricted R.-Str. d: Reichsstraße R S t r d: Richtstrecke RS-Trigger e: Reset Set Trigger R S t r S d: Rechtsprechung in Strafsachen R S T R T e: Restart R S T S e: Radar System Test Set - e: Recovery Systems Track Site - e: Registry of Scientific and Technical Services - e: Resource-Sharing Time-Sharing - e: Resource Time-Sharing System R S T Scale e: Readability, Strength, Tone Scale RSTS/E e: Resource-Sharing Time-Sharing/ Extended RStSVf d: Sammelverfügungen des Ministeriums für Post-u. Fernmeldewesen, Abteilung Rechnungsführung und Statistik R S T T e: Realizable Stratified Truth Table R-Stufe d: Raumvielfach-Stufe R S t V O d: Reichsstrassenverkehrsordnung R S T W N e: Response Session TWS [Two-Way Simultaneous] Negative R S T W P e: Response Session TWS [Two-Way Simultaneous] Positive RSU d: Relais-Sollwertumschaltung - d: Rot/Schwarz-Umschaltung - e: Radical Student Union - e: Ram Screw Unscrewing - e: Rating Scale Unit - e: Record Storage Unit - e: Recorder Switch Unit - e: Recovery Storage Unit - e: Regional Service Unit - e: Register Storage Unit - e: Relay Storage Unit - e: Remote Service Unit - e: Remote Subscriber Unit - e: Remote Switching Unit - e: Reserved for Software Use - e: Road Safety Unit RSUA e: Royal Society of Ulster Architects RSUI e: Response Session User Information

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

R S U M e: Remote Subscriber Unit Module RSV d: Rahmensynchronverlust - d: Rauhschaligkeitsvirus - d: Rechtsventrikuläres Schlagvolumen - d: Relatives Schlagvolumen - d: Republik Südvietnam [bis 1976] - d: Reserve - d: Richtfunk-Schalt- und Vermittlungsstelle - d: Rous-Sarkom-Virus - d: Ruf- und Signal[strom]versorgung - e: Radio Supervisor - e: Random Sine Vibration - e: Rat Sarcoma Virus - e: Reaction Spray Process - e: Ready Storage Vessel - e: Remove Shutoff Valve - e: Research Safety Vehicle - e: Reserve - e: Respiratory Syncytial Virus - e: Revised Standard Version - e: Rhine-Schelde-Verolme Engineers and Shipbuilders - e: River Survey Vessel - e: Rough Skin Virus - e: Rous Sarcoma Virus[es] - e: Royal Society of Victoria - e: Run-Control Solenoid Valve - i: Congregatio Religiosorum Sancti Vincentii a Paulo - i: Reparto Sperimentale di Volu RSv d: Rufschalter, Verbindungsseite Rsv e: Rous sarcoma virus RSV-Br e: Rous Sarcoma Virus-Bryan R S V C e: Right Superior Vena Cava RSVD e: Reserved R S - V e r f a h r e n d: Reaktionssinterverfahren RSV-Gestell d: Ruf- und Signal[strom]versorgungs-Gestell RSVI d: Regurgitations-SchlagvolumenIndex RS-Viren d: Respiratorisch-Synzytiale Viren RS[-]Virus e: Respiratory Syncytial Virus R S V K d: Reisescheckverkauf rsvl d: rosa-violett R S V O d: Reichsstraßenverkehrsordnung R S V P e: Radiation Spectral Visual Photometer - e: Random Signal Vibration Protector - e: Rapid Serial Visual Presentation - e: Relational Structure Vertex Processor - e: Remote Spooling Vector Processor - e: Remote System Verification Program[me] - e: Report Service Very Prompt - e: Research Selected Vote Profile - e: Research Society for Victorian Periodicals - e: Response System with Variable Prescription - e: Restartable Solid Variable Pulse - e: Retired Senior Volunteer Person[s] - e: Retired Senior Volunteer Program - e: Rotating Surveillance Vehicle Platform - f: Répondez S'il Vous Plaît RSVR e: Random Sample Vocabulary Recognition - e: Reservoir - e: Rotor Systems Research Vehicle - f: Reservoir Rsvr e: Resolver RSVs e: Research Safety Vehicles RSV-S-R e: Rous Sarcoma Virus-SchmidtRuppin R S V T d: Repetitive Supraventrikuläre Tachykardie


RSW R S W d: Relaissuchwähler - d: Rückfahrscheinwerfer - e: Refrigerated Sea Water - e: Repeating Slide Wire - e: Resident Software - e: Resistance Spot Weld[ing] - e: Retarded Surface Wave - e: Retarded Surface Wave - e: Rotary Switch RSWB d: Literaturinformation aus Raumordnung, Städtebau, Wohnungswesen, Bauwesen RSWC e: Right Side up with Care RSWI e: Right Ventricular Stroke Work Index R Sw N e: Royal Swedish Navy RSWS e: Royal Scottish Water-Colour Society RSX e: Real time resource Sharing Executive - e: Resource-Sharing Executive RSy d: Rahmensynchronisierung RSYN e: Reactor Synthesis RSZ d: Radar Support Zentrum - d: Reisescheckzuschuß - n: Rijksdienst voor Sociale Zekerheid Rsz. d: Resonanz RT d: Drehfunkfeuer des [See-oder Flug-]Navigationsfunkdienstes - d: Radio Text - d: Radioisotopen Technik - d: Radioisotopentechnik - d: Radiotelefonie - d: Radiotelegrafie] - d: Radiotext - d: Radiotherapie - d: Radiumtherapie - d: Rasttaste - d: Raumteil[e] - d: Raumtemperatur - d: Raumtiefe - d: Reaktortechnik - d: Rechentechnik - d: Reduktionsteilung - d: Regeltransformator - d: Regel[ungs]technik - d: Regietisch - d: Registertonne - d: Reichstag - d: Reihentest - d: Rektaltemperatur - d: Relaistabelle - d: Reservetransformator - d: Resistenztransfer - d: Resonatorthermostat - d: Retransfusion - d: Rettungstransportwagen - d: Reutlingen - d: Reverse Transkriptase - d: Richtungstaste - d: Rohteil - d: Röntgentherapie[gerät] - d: Routinetest - d: Rückstelltaste - d: Ruftaste - e: Rachidian Tooth - e: Radar Tracking [radiotelegraphy] - e: Radar Transmitter - e: Radiation Therapy - e: Radio Technician - e: Radio Telegraph[y] - e: Radio Telephone - e: Radio Telephony - e: Radio Text - e: Radio Tower - e: Radio Tracking - e: Radio Transformer Unit

- e: Radiographic Testing] - e: Radiologic Technologist - e: Radiological Technician - e: Radiological Technologist - e: Radiological Technology - e: Radiotherapy - e: Radium Therapy - e: Radius of Target - e: Radular Teeth - e: Raintight - e: Raise Top - e: Rait - e: Range Table - e: Range Territory - e: Range Time [or Timing] - e: Range Tracking - e: Rangement du Tampon - e: Ranger Tab - e: Rapid Transit - e: Rate[d Time] - e: Ratio Transf[orm]er [unit] - e: Rational Therapy - e: Rats Table - e: Reactance Voltage - e: Reaction Time - e: Reaction Turbine - e: Reactor Trip - e: Read Transfer - e: Reading Test - e: Reading Time - e: Readout Technique - e: Real Time [operating system] - e: Receive Terminal - e: Receive Timing - e: Receive Transmit - e: Received Text - e: Receiver Transmitter - e: Receiving Terminal - e: Receiving Tube - e: Receptor Technology - e: Recipient Type - e: Recirculation Time - e: Record Transfer - e: Recovery Time - e: Recreational Therapy - e: Recrystallization Time - e: Rectifier Tube - e: Reduction Table[s] - e: Reduction Time - e: Reference Temperature - e: Refrigerating Technician - e: Refuel/Tanker - e: Registed Telephone - e: Register Ton - e: Register Traffic - e: Register Transfer - e: Register Translator - e: Registered Technician - e: Registered Transmitter - e: Registered X-ray Technician - e: Registration Type - e: Regression Testing - e: Rejection Tag - e: Related Term - e: Relational Technology - e: Relativity Theory - e: Relaxation Time - e: Relaxation Training - e: Released Time - e: Reliable Transfer - e: Relocatable Term - e: Remote Terminal[s] - e: Remote Trigger - e: Rendezvous Transponder - e: Reperforator-Terminal - e: Reperforator-Transmitter - e: Representative Template


©K * G

- Saur, München

- e: Research and Technology - e: Reserve Training - e: Reset Trigger - e: Residence Time - e: Resistance Thermometer - e: Resistance, Thermal - e: Resistor Tolerance - e: Resistor Transistor - e: Resolution Tested - e: Resolver Transformer [of receiver] - e: Resolving Transmitter - e: Resonant Transfer - e: Respiratory Therapy - e: Response Time - e: Response Tone - e: Resting Tension - e: Retain - e: Retard - e: Retention Time - e: Return [Ticket] - e: Reverberation Time - e: Revolving Transmitter - e: Right [Turn] - e: Ring Time - e: Ring Trip - e: Ringing Tone - e: River Terminal - e: Road Tar - e: Road Traffic - e: Road Transport - e: Robot Trainer - e: Rocket Target - e: Rocket Technology - e: Room Temperature - e: Rotary Table - e: Rotary Transformer - e: Rough Terrain - e: Round Table - e: Round Trip - e: Route [Treatment] - e: Router Template - e: Routine Tag - e: Routine Test[ed] - e: Routing Table - e: Rubber Technician - e: Rubber Technology - e: Run-Time - e: Running Title - e: Runup and Taxi - e: Rye Terms - e: Transposed Retrograde - f: Regiment du Train - f: Registre de Transmission - f: République Togolaise - f: Résistance Totale - n: Radio en Televisie rt d: rot Rt d: Rauhtiefe - d: Riicktausch - d: totale Resistance Rt. d: Rat - d: Rente rt. e: right R.T. d: Regelungstechnik (journ.) - e: Radiologie Technician - e: Receiver Transmitter - e: Register Ton - e: Registered Technician - e: Round trip R&T e: Rail and Truck - e: Research and Technology - e: Road & Track - e: Rods and Tubing R-T e: Rare-Earth Transition-Metal - e: Receive Transmitter] R-t e: Resistor-Capacitor

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RTCH R/T e: Radar Trigger - e: Radio Transmission - e: Radiotelegraph[y] - e: Radiotelephone - e: Radiotelephony - e: Real Time - e: Receiver/Transmitter - e: Record of Trial - e: Register Translator - e: Reperforator/Transmitter - e: Revenue Ton - e: Rye [Grain Trade] Terms - e: Rye Terms R, e: total Resistance R[t] d: Lebendauercharakteristik RT[2] e: Turner, Revocable Trusts, Second Edition R T j e: Reverse Trijodthyronin RTA d: Raketentransportanhänger - d: Reichs-Tuberkulose-Ausschuß - d: Renale Tubuläre Azidose - e: Racehorse Transporters Association - e: Radar Terrain Analysis - e: Radically Tapered Aerial [or Antenna] - e: Rail Travel Authorization - e: Railway Tie Association - e: RAMIS [Rapid Access Management Information System] Technical Assistance - e: Rapid Thermal Annealing - e: Reactivity Test Assembly - e: Real Team Accelerator - e: Real Time Analyzer - e: Reciprocal Trade Agreements] - e: Refrigeration Trade Association - e: Regional Training Adviser - e: Regional Transit Authority - e: Registered Telegraph Address - e: Reliability Test[ing] Assembly - e: Remote Technical Assistance - e: Remote Test Access - e: Remote Test and Analysis - e: Remote Trunk Arrangement - e: Renal Tubule Acidosis - e: Required Time of Arrival - e: Resident Transient Area - e: Response Time Analyzer - e: Rhodesian Tobacco Association - e: Rise Time Analyzer - e: Road Traffic Accident - e: Road Traffic Act - e: Road Transport Association - e: Roads and Transportation Association - e: Rose Trade Association - e: Rubber Trade Association - e: Rumor Told About - f: Comité de Coordination de la Route Trans-africaine - f: Radiodiffusion [et] Télévision Algérienne - f: Revue Technique Automobile RTAA e: Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act RTAC e: Radio Technical Commission of America - e: Real-Time Adaptive Control [System] - e: Refractory Technology Aerospace Components - e: Regional Technical Aid[s] Center - e: Roads and Transportation Association of Canada - e: Roads Transfer Allowed Control RTACA e: Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics RTACF e: Real-Time Auxiliary Computing Facility R.T.A.C1. e: Rubber Trade Association Clauses RTACS e: Real Time Adaptive Control System

RTAD e: Router Adapter RTADs e: Royal Thai Air Defence System RTAF e: Report to Armed Forces - e: Royal Thai Air Force RTAFB e: Royal Thai Air Force Base RTAM e: Remote Telecommunication Access Method - e: Remote Terminal Access Method - e: Resident Terminal Access Method RTA Nachrichten d: Reichsgemeinschaft der technisch-wissenschaftlichen Arbeit Nachrichten (journ.) RTANG[LE] e: Right Angle RTAO d: Reichstierarzteordnung RTAP e: Real-Time Automation Program RTAS e: Rapid Telephone Access System - e: Real Time Analysis System RTASCV e: Radio-Television Association of Santa Clara Valley RTASS e: Remote Tactical Airborne Signals System RTATWTCC e: Routing Test Audit Test Wait Trafic Clear Call RTATWTCM e: Routing Test Audit Test Wait Traffic Clear Maint RTATWTCO e: Routing Test Audit Test Wait Traffic Clear Opera RTB d: Radiojod-markiertes Toluidinblau - d: Rettungsboot - e: Radial Time Base - e: Range and True Bearing - e: Re-Transmission Buffer - e: Read Tape Binary - e: Read Time Binary - e: Real-Time Base - e: Real-Time BASIC [Beginners Algebraic Symbolic Interpretative Compiler] - e: Real Time Binary - e: Reinforced Tank Battalion - e: Remote Token ring Bridge - e: Resistance Temperature Bridge - e: Resistance Temperature Bulb - e: Response/Throughout Bias - e: Response/Throughput Bias - e: Retransmission Buffer - e: Return to Base - e: Return to Bias - e: Rocket Test Base - e: Rural Telephone Bank[ing] - f: Radiodiffusion-Télévision Belge RTb d: Rontgentaschenbuch RTBA e: Rate to be Agreed [or Arranged] RtBbTx d: Radiofrequenzbandbreite des Senders RTBCN e: Rate Beacon RTBF f: Radio-Télévision Belge de la Communauté [Culturelle] Française RTBI e: National Association of Round Tables of [Great] Britain and Ireland Rtbk d: Rentenbank RTBM e: Real-Time Bit Mapper [or Mapping] - e: Recoverable Test Bed Missile RTB Radar e: Range and True Bearing Radar RTBS e: Real-time-B-Scan RTBT e: Resonant Tunneling Bipolar Transistor - e: Right Turbine Blade Temperature

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

RTC e: Rabbit Tumor Collagenase - e: Radar Tracking Center - e: Radar Tracking Control - e: Radio Transmission Control - e: Radio Transmitting Center - e: Radiotelegraph Communication - e: Radiotelephone Communication - e: Rail Travel Card - e: Rail[way] Tank Car - e: Railway Training Centre - e: Railway Transport Committee - e: Range Telemetry Center [or Central] - e: Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition - e: Ratchet - e: Reader Tape Contacting] - e: Real-Time Channel - e: Real-Time Clock - e: Real-Time Command - e: Real-Time Computation - e: Real-Time Computer - e: Real-Time Control - e: Real-Time Convolver - e: Receiver Timing Counter - e: Receiver Transfer Characteristic - e: Reference Test Chart - e: Reference Transfer Calibrator - e: Register Test Circuit - e: Relative Time Clock - e: Reliability Test Container - e: Remote Terminal Controller - e: Removable Top Closure - e: Replacement Training Center - e: Resolution Trust Corporation - e: Restart Confirmation - e: Return to Clinic - e: Return to Control - e: Revenue and Taxation Code - e: Reverse Transfer Capacitance - e: River Transport Commission - e: River Transport Corporation - e: Road Tank Car - e: Rochester Telephone Corporation - e: Rochester Trophoblast Conference - e: Route Control - e: Routine Test Control - e: Routing Code - e: Royal Tank Corps - e: Royal Trust Company - e: Rural Telephone Center - e: Rural Telephone Coalition - f: Commission pour la Production et la Diffusion de Radio-Télévision et Cinéma d'Expression Française - f: Revue Technique Carrosserie - n: Rijkstuinbouwconsulentschap RTCA e: Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics - e: Radio Television Correspondents Association RTCAD e: Register-Transfer-level Computer-Aided Design RTCB e: ROTI [Recording Optical Tracking Instrument] Tracker-Cocoa Beach RTCC e: Real-Time Communications Control - e: Real-Time Computer Complex RTC/CTT e: Right Through Control/Call Transfer Tables RTCEG e: Rubber and Thermoplastic Cables Export Group RTCF e: Radial Tube Component Feeder - e: Real-Time Computer [or Computing] Facility RTCH e: National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses


RTCIP RTCIP e: Real-Time Cell Identification Processor RTCM e: Radio Technical Commission for Marines [or Maritime] [Services] - e: Real-Time Control Memory RTCMA e: Rubber and Thermoplastic Cable Manufacturers Association RTCMS e: Radio Technical Commission for Marine Services RTCN e: Congestion on a Normal Trunk Route RTCO e: Record Time Compliance Order - e: Routine Test Coordinator RT[/]COMN e: Radio Telephone Communication RTCP e: Radio Transmission Control Panel - e: Real Time Control Program[me] RTCPs e: Real-Time Control Program[me]s RTCS e: Real-Time Communication^] System - e: Real-Time Composition System - e: Real-Time Computation [or Computer] System - e: Remote Tape Control System RTC/SAT e: Right Through Control/ Saturation Search Capability RTCTO e: Record Time Compliance Technical Order RT CU e: Router Cutter RTCU e: Router Cutter RTCU[s] e: Real-Time Control Unit[s] RTCVD e: Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition RTD e: Range Time Decoder - e: Rapid Transit District - e: Read Tape Decimal - e: Real Time Design [tool] - e: Real-Time Device - e: Real-Time Digitizer - e: Real-Time Display - e: Reliability Technical Directive - e: Remote Temperature Detector - e: Research and Technology Division - e: Residence Time Distribution - e: Resistance Temperature [or Thermometer] Detector[s] - e: Resistive Temperature Device - e: Resonant Tunelling Diode - e: Retard - e: Retired - e: Return to Duty - e: Returned - e: Right and True Delivery [of the cargo] - e: Righted - e: Round Trip Delay - e: Routine Test Dilution - f: Radio[diffusion]-Television de Djibouti - f: Revue Technique Diesel RTDA e: Returned Absentee[s] RTDAS e: Real-Time Data Automation System RTDBUG e: Real-Time Debug RTDC e: Real-Time Data Channel - e: Rocket Thrown Depth Charge RTD/CCS e: Resotirces and Technical Services Division/Cataloging and Classification Section RTDD e: Real-Time Data Distribution - e: Remote Timing and Data Distribution RTDDC e: Real-Time Digital Data Correction RTDE e: Range Time Data Editor - e: Regional Training Development Expert - e: Reliability, Test, Demonstration, and Evaluation

RTDF e: Radio Telephony Direction Finding RTDG e: Radio and Television Directors Guild RTDHS e: Real-Time Data Handling System rtd ht e: retired hurt RTDM f: Réseau de Transmission de Données de la Marine R-TDMA e: Reservation TDMA [Time Division Multiple Access] RTDMSA e: Real Time DSN [Deep Space Network] Monitor Software Assembly RTDP e: Real-Time Data Processing - e: Robotic Technology Demonstration Project RTDR e: Reliability Test Data Report RTDr e: Returnable Trip Drum RTDS e: Real-Time Data System - e: RearTime Data System RTDs e: Residence Time Distributions RTD's e: Resistance Temperature Detectors RTDT e: Real-Time Data Translator RTDTL e: Resistor Tunnel Diode Transistor Logic RTE d: Textregelbaugruppe - e: Radio and Telecommunication Engineering] - e: Radio Telefis Eireann - e: Radio Trunk Extension - e: RADOME [Radar Dome] Test Equipment - e: Real-Time Event - e: Real-Time Executive - e: Receiver Test Equipment - e: Reciprocal Thermal Efficiency - e: Recovery Techniques Evaluation - e: Refrigerated Transport Electronics - e: Regenerative Turboprop Engine - e: Reliability Test Evaluation - e: Remote Terminal Emulator - e: Request to Expedite - e: Research Test Engineer - e: Research Training and Evaluation - e: Residuai Total Elongation - e: Response Time Estimator - e: Return to Earth - e: Reversible Temper Embrittlement - e: Road Transport Engineering] - e: Route - e: Run-Time Executive RTe d: Totale exspiratorische Resistance r-t-e e: Ready-to-Eat [foods] RTc d: Totale exspiratorische Resistance RTE-B e: Real-Time Executive BASIC [Beginners Algebraic Symbolic Interpretive Compiler] RTEB e: Radio Trades Examination Board RTEBL[ID][L] e: Route Block [Identity] [List] RTEC e: Retail Trades Education Council RTE-C e: Real Time Executive-Cove-based RTECD[LST] e: Route Code [List] RTech[Eng] e: Registered Technician [Engineer] RTE Company e: Rainham Timber Engineering Company RTECS e: Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances RTED e: Return-to-Earth Digital RTEEB e: Radio Television and Electronics Examination Board R te G n: Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen RTEHNT e: Route Hunting Methode Rtei d: Roteiche RTEID e: Route Identity


© K • G • Saur, München

RTEL e: Radiotelemetry - e: Radiotelephone - e: Radiotelephony R te L n: Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden RTELST e: Route List RTEM e: Radar Tracking Error Measurement RTEOPER e: Route to Operator RTEP e: Ryerson Test of English Proficiency RTER e: Real-Time Executive Routine Rterl d: Roterle RTES e: Radio and Television Executives Society - e: Real-Time Executive System - e: Real-Time Expert System R test e: Reductase test R te U n: Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht RTEX e: Real-Time [Telecommunications] Executive Rtex e: Resulting tex [number] RTF d: Resistenz-Transfer-Faktor[en] - e: Radio Transmission Facility - e: Radiotelephone - e: Radiotelephony - e: Real-Time FORTRAN [Formula Translation] - e: Resistance [and] Transfer Factor - e: Respiratory Tract Fluid - e: Revitalization Task Force - e: Rich Text Format - e: Rocket Test Facility - e: Rotary Tube Feeder - e: Rotational Test Facility - e: Royal Thai Air Force - e: Rubber-Tile FIoor[ing] - e: Rubber-Tile Foundation - f: Radiodiffusion-] [et] Télévision Française RTFL e: Rough Terrain Fork Lift RTFM e: Router Form RTFR e: Reliability Trouble and Failure Report RTFV e: Radar Target Folder Viewer - e: Radar Target Follower Viewer RTG d: Radioisotopen-Thermoelektrischer Generator - d: Raketen Technik Gesellschaft m.b.H. - d: RaketentauchgeschoB - d: Ruhrtalsperrengesetz - d: Rumftankgruppe - e: Radar Transmitter Group - e: Radio Telegraphy - e: Radioactive Thermal Generator - e: Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator - e: Radiotelegraph[y] - e: Radiumisotope Thermoelectric Generator - e: Rare Tube Gas - e: Rating - e: Requirements Tape Generator - e: Retiring - e: Reusable Training Grenade - e: Reverse Temperature Gradient - e: Routing [Table Generator] - e: Royal Thai Government - f: Radiodiffusion-Télévision Gabonaise - f: Radiodiffusion-Télévision Guinéenne RTGACE e: Routing Auxilialy Control Element RTGB e: Reactor Turbine General Board RTGCODID e: Routing Code Identity RTGD e: Room Temperature Gamma Detector RTGLI d: Richtungsliste RTGNR d: Richtungsnummer RTGPLAN e: Routing Plan

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Rtnst RTGS e: Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators RT+GT d: Rangiertechnik und Gleisanschlußtechnik (journ.) RTGU e: Router Guide RTGV e: Real-Time Generation of Video RTH d: Rettungs[transport]hubschrauber - e: Radiotelephone High Frequency - e: Real Time Handler - e: Regional Telecommunication^] Hub - e: Relay Transformer Header Rth e: Resistance, Thermal RTll d: Thermistorwiderstand RTHCR e: Real-Time Hand-print Character Recognition RTHF e: Real-Time Hydrological Forecasting RTHPL e: Radio Times Hulton Picture Library RTI d: Radiotechnisches Institut - d: Relaxationszeitindex - d: Rundfunktechnisches Institut GmbH - e: Radiation Transfer Index - e: Railway Tie Association - e: Real-Time Imaging - e: Real-Time Input - e: Real-Time Interface - e: Real-Time Interference - e: Referred to Input - e: Relational Technology Inc. - e: Relative Thermal Index - e: Reliability [and] Trend Indicator - e: Remote Terminal Interface - e: Request for Technical Information - e: Research Triangle Institute - e: Respiratory Tract Infection - e: Return from Interrupt - e: Rise Time Indicator - e: Road Transport Information system - e: Roanoke Technical Institute - e: Rotor Temperature Indicator - e: Round Table International - e: Royal Tropical Institute - f: Radio[diffusion]-Télévision Ivoirienne - f: Rendement Thermique Indiqué RTi d: Totale inspiratorische Resistance R t1 d: Totale inspiratorische Resistance RTIC e: Regional Technical Information Center - e: Rotor Temperature Indicator and Control RTID e: Routine Test Identity RTIF e: Rapid Test and Integration Facility RTIFRAMP e: Rapid Test and Integration Facility, Rapid Access to Manufactured Parts RTIG e: Random Time Interval Generator RTIM e: Radar Technology Identification Methodology - e: Recall Time RTIO e: Real-Time Input/Output - e: Remote Terminal Input/Output - e: Remote Transaction Input/Output RT[/]I[/]OC e: Real-Time Input/Output Control[ler] RTIOIS e: Real-Time Input/Output Interface Subsystem RTIP e: Radar Target Identification Point - e: Remote Terminal Interface Package RTIR e: Reliability [and] Trend Indicator Reports RTIRS e: Real-Time Information Retrieval System RTIS e: Radar Test Instrumentation System [Lockheed] RTIs e: Real-Time Interfaces

RTITB e: Road Transport Industry Training Board RTJ e: Return Jump RTK d: Rettungskreuzer - e: Radio-Television Kaduna [Nigeria] - e: Range Tracker - e: Record Test Kit R Tks e: Royal Tank[s] [Regiment] RTKs e: Revenue Ton Kilometers RTL d: Radio Troisdorf Lokal - d: Radiothermolumineszenz - d: Resistor-Transistor-Logik - e: Radial Transmission Line - e: Radio-Isotope Transport Loop - e: Radio-Television Luxembourg - e: Real-Time Language - e: Real-Time Link - e: Recovery and Transaction Logging system - e: Reference Testing Laboratory - e: Refrigerated Transmission Line - e: Regeneration Thermoluminescence - e: Regimental Training Line - e: Register Transfer Language - e: Register Transfer Level - e: Reinforced Tile Lintel - e: Resistor-Transistor Logic - e: Resistor Trimming Language - e: Right to Life - e: Rotate Two Left - e: Rough Terrain Loader - e: Run-Time Library - f: Radiotélé[vision] Luxembourg RTL/2 e: Real-Time Language numero two R 2r PL e: Resistor-Resistor TransistorTransistor Logic RTLA e: Road Transport Lighting Act Rt. Law Rep. e: Rent Law Reports RT Level e: Register-Transfer Level Rtlng d: Reutlingen RTLO e: Regional Training Liaison Office[r] RT/IOC e: Real-Time Input/Output Control RTLOC e: Root Loci [or Locus] RTLP e: Reference Transmission Level Point r.tlr.. e: rail-road trailer RTLS e: Rapid Target Location System - e: Ready-To-Launch Site - e: Return-To-Launch Site RTLT e: Round -Trip Light Time RTITB e: Road Transport Industry Training Board RTLTP e: Radio Teletype RTM d: Raster Tunnel-Mikroskop[ie] - d: Raumtemperatur-Meßgerät - d: Raumtemperaturmessung - d: Rundfunktechnische Mitteilungen (journ.) - e: Radar Target Materiel - e: Radar Transmitting Material - e: Radiation Test Model - e: Radio-Telephone Medium frequency - e: Radio Television Malaysia - e: Rapid Tuning Magnetron - e: Raster Tunnel Microscope - e: Real-Time Management - e: Real-Time Metric - e: Real-Time Mode - e: Real-Time Module - e: Real-Time Monitor [operating system] - e: Real-Time Multiprogramming - e: Receiver-Transmitter Modulator - e: Reconnaissance Tactical Missile - e: Recording Tachometer - e: Reference Test Method - e: Register Transfer Module - e: Registered Trade Mark

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Remote Transparent Monitor - e: Research Technical Memoranda [or Memorandum] - e: Resin Transfer Molding - e: Response Time Module - e: Response Time Monitor - e: Revenue Ton-Mile[s] - e: Robot Time and Motion - e: Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca - e: Running Time Meter - f: Radio-Télévision Malagasay - f: Radiodiffusion-Télévision Marocaine - n: Rotterdam [Airport] RtM d: Rentenmark RTMA e: Radio [and] Television Manufacturers Assaciation - e: Radio and Television Manufacturers Association RTMAX e: Repair Time-Maximum RTMB e: Route and Member number RTMBEP e: Real-Time Minimal Byte Error Probability RTMD e: Real-Time Multiplexer Display RTMF e: Radio and Television Manufacturers Federation RTMg f: Radiodiffusion-Télévision de Madagascar RTMON e: Real-Time Monitor RTMOS e: Real-Time Monitoring and Operating System - e: Real-Time Multiprogramming Operating System RTMS e: Radar Target Measuring System - e: Real-Time Memory System - e: Real-Time Multiprogramming System - e: Rocket Thrust Measuring System RTMs e: Register Transfer Modules RTMSO e: Real-Time Mulitprogramming Support Operation RTjiL e: Resistor Transistor Micrologic RTN e: Radial, Tangential, Normal - e: Radio Telescope Network - e: Radio Television News (journ.) - e: Registered Trade Name - e: Remote Terminal Network - e: Remote Tracking Network - e: Report Test Number - e: Resistor Terminating Network - e: Retain - e: Retrain Negative - e: Return [to Neuter] - e: Routine - e: Royal Thai Navy - f: Réseau de Télétraitement Nixdorf Rtn e: Ration R.T.N, e: Registered Technician-Nuclear Medicine RTNA e: Radio and Television News Association RTN CHRG[/Cr.] e: Return Charge [/Credit] RTND e: Returned RTNDA e: Radio-Television News Directors Association RTNDA Bulletin e: Radio Television News Directors Association Bulletin (journ.) RTNE e: Routine R[/]T NET e: Radio Telephone Network RTNG e: Retaining Rtng. e: Returning premium rTNM d: Rezidivstatus nach der TNMKlassifikation RTNR e: Ring-Tone, No Reply Rtnr e: Retainer Rtnst e: Rottnest


RTO RTO d: Reichstarifordnung - d: Reichstierarzteordnung - e: Radio Telephone Operator - e: Rail[road] Transportation Officer - e: Rail[road] Transportation Order - e: Rail[way] Traffic Office - e: Railway Transportation] Office[r] - e: Range Training Officer - e: Rapid Take-Off - e: Rapid Thermal Oxidation - e: Ratio - e: Real-Time Operation - e: Real-Time Output - e: Referred-to-Output - e: Refused Take-Off - e: Rejected Take-Off - e: Reliability Test Outline - e: Replacement Transfer Order - e: Report Time Over - e: Resident Technical Officer - e: Response Time Option - e: Road Transport Organization - e: Run-Time Organization R.T.O. e: Railroad Transportation Order - e: Road Traffic Ordinance RTOAA e: Rejected Take-Off Area Available r-to-d e: forms right-to-die forms RTOG e: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group RTOL e: Rapid Take-Off Landing - e: Reduced Take-Off and Landing - e: Restricted Take-Off and Landing r-to-1 e: right-to-left RTOL Aircraft e: Reduced Takeoff and Landing Aircraft RTonKIU d: Ruftonklinkeniibertragung RTOP e: Real-Time Optical Processing - e: Reduced Take-Off Panel - e: Research and Technology Objectives and Planning - e: Research and Technology Operating [or Operations] Plan[s] RTOPs e: Research and Technology Objectives and Plans RTOR e: Right Turn on Red RTOs e: Rail Transportation Officers RTOS e: Randal Time-sharing Operating System - e: Real-Time Operating System RTOS/VM e: Real-Time Operating System/ Virtual Memory RTOT e: Range Track on Target RTP d: Regelungstechnische Praxis (journ.) - e: Rapid Thermal Processing - e: Reactor Thermal Power - e: Readiness Training Program - e: Real-Time Peripheral - e: Real-Time Position - e: Real-Time Processing - e: Real-Time Program[me] [or Programming] - e: Records Turnover Package - e: Redused Takeoff Performance - e: Reference Telephone [or Telephonic] Power - e: Rehabilitation Through Photography - e: Reinforced Theatre Plan - e: Reinforced Thermoplastics] - e: Relative Transmission Potential - e: Remote Terminal Processor - e: Remote Test Processor - e: Remote Transfer Point - e: Request for Technical Proposals] - e: Request to Purchase - e: Requirement and Test Procedure[s] - e: Research and Technology Project[s]

- e: Research of Technical Progress - e: Research Triangle Park - e: Resistor Test Program - e: Resume and Technology Projects - e: Retrain Positive - e: Review of the Technical Press - e: Rex - e: Room Temperature Phosphorescence - e: Rotex Turret Punch - e: Run-Time Package - f: Référence Téléphonique - p: Radiotelevisao Portuguésa - s: Radio y Televisión Peruana R T p e: Radio Telephone R&TP e: Requirements] and Test Procedure[s] rt-PA e: recombinant tissue Plasminogen Activator RTPA f: Régie de Transports de la Province de l'Atlantique RT Pan. e: Ringer Test Panel RTPB e: Radio Technical Planning Board RTPC e: Restrictive Trade Practices Commission - e: Transfer Prohibited Control RTPCFR e: Reiter Treponema Protein Complement Fixation Reaction RTPH e: Round Trips Per Hour RTPI e: Royal Town Planning Institute RTPL e: Real-Time Procedural Language - e: Real-Time Programming Language RTPM e: Real-Time Programfme] Management RTPR e: Reference Theta Pinch Reactor RT/PrL d: Ruftaste mit Priiflampe RTPs e: Real-Time Peripherals RTPS e: Real-Time Programming System - e: Real-Time Telemetry Processing System RTPs e: Research and Technology Projects RTQ e: Rating Test Quantity RTQ[C] e: Real-Time Quality Control RTR d: Reuter - e: Radio Teletype Receiver - e: Radio Tower - e: Radio Transmitter Receiver - e: Railway Technical Review (journ.) - e: RAM Temperature Ratio - e: Ready to Receive - e: Real-Time Radiography - e: Real-Time Reliability - e: Real-Time Readout - e: Receive Task Register - e: Recovery Temperature Ratio - e: Recreational Therapist Registered - e: Red blood cell Turnover Rate - e: Reinforced Thermosetting Resin - e: Reliability Test Requirements] - e: Remote Transmitter Receiver - e: Repeater Test Rack - e: Research and Test Reactor - e: Resonance Test Reactor - e: Response Time Reporting - e: Restart Request - e: Return and Restore Status - e: Returning to Ramp - e: Ribbon-to-Ribbon - e: Road Traffic Regulations - e: Rotate Two Right - e: Royal Tank Regiment RTr d: Reduktionstransformator - e: Radio Tower - e: Radio Transmitter - e: Rotary Transformer Rtr e: Rotor R.Tr. e: Railroad Trailer - e: Rotary Transformer


© K • G • Saur, München

R.T.R. e: Registered Technologist Radiographer - e: Road Traffic Reports RTRA e: Radio and Television Retailers' Association - e: Road Traffic Regulation Act RTRC e: Radio and Television Research Council - e: Radio Telemetry and Remote Control - e: Radio-to-Radio Connection - e: Regional Technical Report Center[s] RTRCDS e: Real-Time Reconnaissance Cockpit Display System RTRD e: Retard RTRI e: Railway Technical Research Institute RTRL e: Real-Time Requirements Language RTRN e: Return RTRO e: Real-Time Read-Out - e: Reclamation Trades Research Organisation R/T Room e: Radio/Telegraph Room RTRP e: Remote Terminal Routine Package R Trr e: Rotary Transformer RTRS e: Real Time Rescheduling Subsystem RTRSW e: Rotary Switch RTRT e: Repair Turn Round Time RTRY e: Rotary RTS d: Radioelemetrisches System - d: Radiotelemetrie-System - d: Rechnergesteuertes Textsystem - d: Rechnergestütztes Textsystem - d: Rechter Tawara-Schenkel - d: Regierungstransportschein - d: Reparatur[- und] Technische Station - e: Radar Target Simulation [or Simulator] - e: Radar Test Set - e: Radar Tracking Station - e: Radar Tracking System - e: Radar-Transparent Structure - e: Radio Telemetry Subsystem - e: Radio Teletypewriter Set - e: Radio Television Seychelles - e: Radio Trunk System - e: Radio Tuning System - e: Range Time Signal - e: Range Timing System - e: Rapid Transit System - e: Rapid Transmission and Storage - e: Reactive Terminal Service - e: Reactor Trip System - e: Ready to Send - e: Real-Time Simulation [or Simulator] - e: Real-Time Storage - e: Real-Time Subroutine[s] - e: Real-Time System - e: Recorded Time Signal - e: Regional Technical Support - e: Relaxation Time Spectrum - e: Relay Telemetry Subsystem - e: Relay Test System - e: Reliable Transfer Server - e: Reliable Transfer Service - e: Remote Targeting System - e: Remote Terminal Scanning - e: Remote Terminal Supervisor - e: Remote Terminal System - e: Remote Test[ing] System - e: Remote Tracking Site - e: Remote Tracking Station - e: Repair Technical Service - e: Repair Tracking Service - e: Repair[ed] this Station - e: Request to Send - e: Research Test Site

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RTZ[P] - e: Residence Time Spectrum - e: Response Time System - e: Return to Search - e: Return to Sender - e: Return to Stores - e: Return [ed] to Service - e: Revised Trauma Score - e: River Thames Shiprepairers - e: Road-Test Specification - e: Robot Training System - e: Rotary Thumbwheel Switch - e: Routine Test Scheduler - e: Royal Television Society - e: Royal Toxophilite Society - e: Rubber Traders Society - e: Run Time Support - e: Rural Telephone System - f: Radio-Télévision Scolaire RTs e: Representative Templates RT/S e: Refrigeration Technician/Specialist r-TS d: reverse Transskriptase rt's e: rubber tappers Rt[s], e: Right [s] RTSA d: Remote-Tele-Service Adapter - e: Radar Target Signature Analysis - e: Radio Tracking System Analyst - e: Retail Trading Standards Association RTSC e: Replacement and Training School Command RTSD e: Resources and Technical Services Division RTSDS e: Real-Time Scheduling Display System R T S E e: Reliable Transfer Service Element R[/]T Set e: Radio Telegraphy [or Telephony] Set R-TSG-DES e: Rack for Time Stage Group for Digital Exchange 5 RTSH e: Report and Task Supervision Handler RTSI e: Real-Time System Integration - i: Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana RTSJ e: Royal Television Society Journal RTSM e: Return to Stock Memo RTSMA1NT e: Regional Training Site Maintenance RTSP e: Radiotelephone Signal Procedure - e: Resources and Technical Services Division RTSRS e: Real-Time Simulation Research System RTSS e: Real-Time Scientific System - e: Real-Time Systems Symposium - e: Red Telephone Switching System RTS System e: Remote Terminal Scanning System RTST e: Radio Technician [or Technical] Selection Test RTSW e: Real-Time Software rtsw d: rot-schwarz RTT d: Rohren-Taschen-Tabelle - e: Radiation Tracking Transducer - e: Radio Telephone Terminal - e: Radio-Teleprinter - e: Radio-Teletype [Transmitter] - e: Radio Teletypewrite[r] - e: Rate of Turntable - e: Real-Time Telemetry - e: Real-Time Tracer - e: Recrystallization Time-Temperature - e: Rectangular Tongue Terminal - e: Remote Tuning Technique - e: Request to Talk - e: Reservoir and Tube Tunnel - e: Return Trip Time - e: Ring Tongue Terminal - e: Rocket-Thrown Torpedo

- e: Role-Taking Task - e: Round Trip Timing - f: Radio, Téléphone et Telégraph[e] - f: Radiodiffusion-Télévision Tunisienne - f: Régie des Télégraphs et [des] Téléphones - f: Régie des Téléphones et Télégraphes - f: Roues Transporteur de Troupes - n: Régie van Telegrafie et van Telefonie Rtt. d: Rabatt RTTA e: Radio-Television Technicians' Association - e: Radio-Television Training Association - e: Range Tone Transfer Assembly [Apollo] - e: Rhodesian Tobacco Trades Association RTTAA e: Railway Telegraph and Telephone Appliance Association RTTAC e: Radio-Television Technicians' Association of California Rttb d: Rottenburg R T T C e: Road-Time Trials Council R T T C Complex e: Real-Time Computer Complex R T T D e: French Data Transmission and Telegraph network - e: Real-Time Telemetry Data RTTD S[ystem] e: Real-Time Telemetry Data System R T T F e: Radio and Television Trade Federation RTTIAS e: Radio Teletype Interference Analysis System RTTL e: Recommended T&TE List - e: Running Telltale Light R T T P e: Reserve Tradesmen Training Plan - e: Router Template R T T P S e: Real-Time Telemetry-Processing System R T T S e: Radar Telephone Transmission System - e: Reaction Torque Temperature Sensitivity - e: Real-Time Telemetry System - e: Real-Time Transmission System RTTV e: Real-Time Television - e: Research Target and Test Vehicle Rttw d: Rottweil R T T W e: Radioteletypewrite[r] RTTY e: Radioteletype[write][r] [communication] [s] RTU e: Radar Timing Unit - e: Railroad Telegraphers Union - e: Railway Treatment Unit - e: Rate of a Transfer Unit - e: Real-Time Ultrasonic System - e: Real-Time Unit - e: Real-Time UNIX - e: Reinforcement Training Unit - e: Remote Terminal Unit - e: Remote Test Unit - e: Reproducing Unit - e: Reserve Training Unit - e: Response Test Unit - e: Result Transfer Unit - e: Retransmission Unit - e: Returned to Unit - e: Right to Use RTjU e: Triiodothyronine [T3] Resin Uptake rtt) d: Rotüberwacher RTUA e: Recognition Technologies Users Association RTUC e: Unavailability of a Critical Trunk Route RTUE e: Range Time Data Editor - e: Recognition Technology Users Association RTUN e: Unavailability of a Normal Trunk Route

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

RTUS e: Real-Time Units RTV c: Radioteknicheskiye Voyska - d: Rahmentarifvertrag - d: Raumtemperatur-Vulkanisiert - d: Rechnerunterstiitzte Textverarbeitung - d: Reichstelegraphenverwaltung - e: Radio Television - e: Radiotelephone Very high frequency - e: Real-Time Video[theodolite] - e: Recoverable [or Recovery] Test Vehicle - e: Rediffusion-Television Ltd. - e: Reentry Test Vehicle - e: Remote Television - e: Research Test Vehicle - e: Retrieve - e: Returned to Vendor - e: Rocket Test Vehicle - e: Room Temperature Vulcanization [or Vulcanize, or Vulcanizing] [elastomer] - e: Rotating Traveling Vehicle - f: Radiodiffusion-Télévision Voltaíque - R: Raketno Tekhnicheskiy Vzvod R.T.V. e: Rhodesian Television Ltd. RTVE s: Radiotelevisión Española RTVHK e: Radio-Television Hong Kong RTVM e: Radio and Television Malaysia - e: Real-Time Virtual Memory RTVOS e: Real-Time Virtual Operating System RTVP e: Real-Time Video Processing RTV Rubber e: Room Temperature Vulcanizing Rubber RTVS e: Radio-Television Society - e: Real-Time Visual System - e: Royal Television Society - e: Run-Time Variable Stack RTVs e: Research Test Vehicles RTW d: Relative Tiefenwirkung - d: Rettungs[transport]wagen - e: Ready-to-Wear - e: Real-Time Working - e: Return to Works - e: Right to Work - e: Round the World R.t.W. e: Manitoba Reports tempore Wood RTW Clothing e: Ready-to-Wear Clothing RTW-Fahrer d: Rettungswagen-Fahrer RTWP e: Real-Time Waveform Processor RTWS e: Raw Tape Write Submodule - e: Raw Type Write Submodule RTX e: Rapid-Transit Experimental - e: Real-Time Executive - e: Report Time Crossing RTX Bus e: Rapid Transit Experimental Bus RTXE e: Real-Time Executive Extended RTY e: Rarity - e: Realty - e: Retry - e: Routing Type RTVPE e: Radar Message Type RTYPEVERS e: Rack Type Version RTZ d: Rhein-Transport-Zentrale - e: Return-to-Zero - e: Rio Tinto-Zinc Corp. Ltd. RTZ Code e: Return-to-Zero Code RTZL e: Return-to-Zero Level RTZM e: Return-to-Zero Mark RTZ[NP] e: Nonpolarized Return-to-Zero RTZ[P] e: Polarized Retum-to-Zero


RU RU d: Rechnergestützter Unterricht - d: Reihenuntersuchung - d: Relaisunterbrecher - d: Reserveunterstand - d: Richtkreisunteroffizier - d: Richtungsumsetzung - d: Ringumschaltung - d: Röntgenuntersuchung - d: Rudolstadt - d: Rufumsetzer - d: Ruhe-Umschaltekontakt - d: Rüster, Ulme - e: Rack Unit - e: Radar Unit - e: Radford University - e: Radio Uganda - e: Radium Unit - e: Railroad [or Railway] Underwriter - e: Range Unit - e: Range User - e: Rat Unit - e: Re-Usable - e: Readers Union - e: Reading of Unknown - e: Recovery Unit - e: Refrigeration Unit - e: Release Unit - e: Remote [concentrator] Unit - e: Replaceable Unit - e: Reproducing Unit - e: Request Unit - e: Rescue Unit - e: Reserve Unit - e: Response Unit - e: Restricted Usage - e: Revolutionary Union - e: Rhodes University - e: Rice University - e: Ritsumeikan University - e: Roentgen Unit - e: Roosevelt University - e: Rotate Upward - e: Run Unit - e: Runway[s] - e: Rusted - e: Rutgers University - e: Rutile - i: Regno Unito - n: Rijksuniversiteit te Gent - s: Reino Unido Ru d: Ribulose - d: Ruder - d: Ruthenium - e: Ribulose - e: Russia[n] - e: Ruthenium -1: Ruthenium r.u. d: rechts unten R&U e: Repairs and Upkeep - e: Repairs and Utilities r^ d: Reflexionsfaktor für Spannung RÜ d: Regelüberwachung - d: Reiseüberlandbus - d: Rückzahlung ohne Kündigung - d: Rufübertrager - d: Rufübertragung Rü d: Rüstungfsabteilung] Rü 2 d: zweiter Sprechapparat als Rückfrageapparat R-U 486 e: contraceptive preparationMifepristone RUA e: Right Upper Arm - e: Royal Ulster Academy RÜA d: Rückzahlung ausländischer Sparguthaben RUAK d: Rüstungswirtschaftlicher Arbeitskreis 228

RüAp d: Rückfrageapparat RUAS e: Royal Ulster Agricultural Society RUAT e: Report Upon Arrival Thereat RUB e: Radio Ulan Bator - e: Rubber Rub e: Rubbestadneset Rub. e: Rubric rub i: rubato -1: ruber RUB d: Regenüberlaufbecken Rubber Chem. Technol. e: Rubber Chemistry and Technology (joum.) rubbers e: rubber bullets RUBD e: Rubberize[d] rubel d: rubella Rü.-Betrieb d: Rüstungsbetrieb Rubg d: Rummelsburg RUBIAC e: Rubber Industry Advisory Committee RUBIN d: Rechnerunterstützung Bei Nachrichten RUBISCO e: Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase-Oxygenase Ruble e: Monetary unit of the USSR RUBIN d: Führungs-Informationssystem des Führungsstabes der Streitkräfte RUBN e: Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian Newspapers Rubo e: Ruhr Fertilizers Charter RUBOUT e: Delete character RuBP e: Ribulosebiphosphate RuBPCase e: Ribulose-1,5 Bisphosphate RUB RM e: Rubber Room RUBSH e: Rubbish RUC d: Kurzzeichen für Chlorkautschuk - e: Regional Unified Commands - e: Reporting Unit Code - e: Restricted Usage Code - e: River[ine] Utility Craft - f: République Unie du Caméroun RUCA n: Rijksumiversitair Centrum Antwerpen RUCAPS e: Really Universal ComputerAided Production System RUCIP f: Regies et Usages Reglement pour l'Experise Reglement d'Arbitrage du Commerce Intereuropeen des Pommes de Terre Riickf. d: Rückfahrt - d: Rückfall - d: Rückforderung - d: Rückführung Rückg. d: Rückgabe - d: Rückgeld RiickL d: Rücklastschrift Riickl. d: Rücklage[n] - d: Rücklauf - d: Rücklieferung riickl. d: rückliegend - d: rücklings Riickl.-B. d: Rücklagenbildung RücklVO d: Rücklagenverordnung Riickn d: Rücknahme Riickp. d: Rückporto Riickpro. d: Rückprojektion Riicks. d: Rückseite - d: Rücksendung Riicksp. d: Rückspiegel Rückst, d: Rückstand - d: Rückstände - d: Rückstellung - d: Rückstoß RückT d: Rückstelltaste Rücktr. d: Rücktritt Rückv[ers], d: Rückversicherung

© K G - Saur, München

rückw. d: rückwärtig - d: rückwärts - d: rückwirkend Rückz. d: Rückzahlung - d: Rückzieher - d: Rückzug Rückz.[-]Anw. d: RückZahlungsanweisung Rückzk d: Rückzahlungskarte Rückz.[-]Sch. d: Rückzahlungsschein Rückz.-Tel. d: Rückzahlungstelegramm Rucos e: Russian Communists RUCS e: Rectangular Uniform Chromaticity Scale RUD d: Rieger und Dietz GmbH & Co. - e: Radar Unit Diagnostics - e: Recently Used Directory RÜD d: Rüdesheim RUDAEE e: Report of Unsatisfactory or Defective Airborne Electronic Equipment RUDAOE e: Report of Unsatisfactory or Defective Aviation Ordnance Equipment RUDER d: Ranitidin bei Ulcus duodeni-Epidemiologie und Rezidivprophylaxe RUDH e: Reserve-Shutdown, Unplanned Derated Hours RUDH1 e: Reserve Shutdown, Unplanned Derated Hours, Class 1 RUDI d: Rundfunkdokumentations- und Informationssystem - e: Rapid Universal Digital Instrumentation - e: Regional Urban Defense Intercept - e: Report of Unsatisfactory or Defective Instrumentation - e: Restricted Use Digital Instrument RUDIS e: Reference Your Dispatch RUDM e: Report of Unsatisfactory or Defective Material RUDMIN e: Report of Unsatisfactory or Defective Mine RUDOLF e: Reindeer Upper-atmosphere Device for Open-air Linear Flight RuDP e: Ribulose[-l, 5-]Diphosphate RuDPC e: Ribulose-1, 5-Diphosphate Carboxylase RuDP-C d: RibulosediphosphatCarboxylase RUDS e: Reflectance Units of Dirt Shade - e: Reflectance Units of Dirt Soiling RUD Timber e: Rudrak [elaeocarpus] Timber RUDTORPE e: Report of Unsatisfactory or Defective Torpedo Equipment RUDV d: Rüstungsabteilung Datenverarbeitung RUE d: Rechte Untere Extremität - d: Remote-Überwachungseinheit - e: Regional Urban Environment - e: Right Upper Entrance - e: Right Upper Extremity RUF e: Refractory Users Federation - e: Resource Utilization Factor - e: Rigid Urethane Foam RuF d: Rechner und Führungssysteme - d: Rundfunk und Fernsehen RÜF d: Rückführen - d: Rückrüstfahrzeug RüF d: Rückfracht RUFA d: Rundfunknachrichtenagentur GmbH Rüfa d: Rückenfallschirm Rufabw. d: Rufabweisung RUFAS e: Remote Underwater Fisheries Assessment System RUFDAT d: Rufdatennachverarbeitung

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

rust of iron Ruff, [or Ruffh.JSt. e: Ruffheads English Statutes Rufiyaa e: Monetary unit of the Maldives Rufl-]Nr. d: Rufnummer Riifo d: Beauftragter für Wehrtechnische Forschung - d: Rüstungsforschung RUFP e: Regulations under the Federal Power Act RUFSAC f: Société Rufisquoise de Fabrication de Sacs RUF-STAT d: Rufdatenstatistik RUFULI d: Verzeichnis der Ton- und Fernsehrundfunksendestellen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland RUFWMV d: Rufweiterschaltung mit Verzögerung RUFWOV d: Rufweiterschaltung ohne Verzögerung Rufz. d: Rufzeichen RUG e: Recomp Users Group - e: Red Under Gold - e: Report and Update-program[me] Generator - e: Resource Utilization Graph RÜG d: Rügen RUH e: Range Users Handbook Ruhest, d: Ruhestand Ruhl d: Ruhland RUI d: Kurzzeichen für Cyclokautschuk - e: Royal University of Ireland RUIN e: Regional [and] Urban Information Network RUK R: Rasvedyvatel'no-Udamyy Kompleks RüK d: Rückkanalkoppler RUKF e: Reduced Update Kaiman Filter RUL d: Richtlinien für die Ausführung des Deckenunterbaues auf Landstraßen - d: Röntgenuntersuchung der Lungen - e: Refractoriness under Load - e: Right Upper Lid - e: Right Upper Limb - e: Right Upper Lobe - e: Right Upper Lung - e: Rule[d] RUL e: Rutgers University Library Rul d: Ribulose r.u.l. d: rechts und links RÜL d: Rahmenvertrag über Lagerbedingungen RULE e: Restructuring the Undergraduate Learning Environment rulet e: reference your letter RULNO e: Runway Lights not Operative RUM d: Rumänien - e: Ranger Uranium Mines - e: Remote[-control] Underwater Manipulator - e: Remote Unit Monitor - e: Remote User Module - e: Remote Utilization Monitor - e: Resource Utilization Monitor - e: Royal University of Malta - e: Rumania[n] Rum. d: Rumänien - e: Roumania rum|an]. d: rumänisch rumem e: reference your memo RUMI e: Removable, Ultra-Miniature RUMIC e: Remote Underwater Mine Countermeasures RUMI Connector e: Removable, Ultra-Miniature Connector RUMP e: Radio-controlled Ultraviolet Measurement Program

RUMS e: Remote Underwater Manipulator System RUN e: Reduction Unlimited - e: Rewinding] and Unloading] - e: Royal University of Norway - e: Running - e: Synchronously Run RUNCIBLE e: Revised Unified New Compiler with Internaltranslator Basic Language Extended - e: Revised Unified New Compiler with Its Basic Language Extended - e: Revised Unified New Computer with Its Basic Language Extended Rundf[G] d: Rundfunk[gesetz] RUNDH e: Reserve-Shutdown, Unit Derated Hours RundV d: Rundverfügung RUNEL e: Runway-End Lighting R„„, d: Universalregister für halbautomatischen Betrieb RUNIT e: Route Unit R unit e: Millimeter of mercury divided by milliliters per second - e: Unit of Resistance in the cardiovascular system Runn. Stat, e: Runnington on Statutes RUNTR e: Receive only Non Typing Perforator R U O d: Rechtes Ureterostium - e: Right Ureteral Orifice RUOQ e: Right Upper Outer Quadrant RUP d: Reaktor-Umwälzpumpe - e: Remote Unit Processor - e: Research Utilization Project - e: Rice University Press - e: Rockefeller University Press - e: Rutgers University Press RuP e: Ribulosephosphate Rup. e: Rupee Ru-1,5-P 2 d: Ribulose-1,5-diphosphat - e: Ribulose-1, 5-diphosphat Ru[-]5[-]P d: Ribulose-5-Phosphat - e: Ribulose-5-Phosphat[e] RUPA e: Remote Unit Power Assembly rupho e: reference your telephone Rupiah e: Monetary unit of Indonesia RÜPIL d: Rüstungsplanungslagedarstellung RUPL d: Rüstungsabteilung Planung und Programm RiiPl d: Beauftragter für Planung un Programme RUPP e: Road Used as Public Path RUPT e: Rupture[d] RUPV e: Right Upper Pulmonary Vein RUQ d: Rechter Unterer Quadrant - e: Rifle Unqualified - e: Right Upper Quadrant RUR e: Reliably Unreliable - e: Rosums Universal Robot[s] - e: Rural RURAL e: Society for the Responsible Use of Resources in Agriculture and on the Land Rural Educ e: Rural Education Association Rural Elec. Coop, e: Rural Electric Cooperative RURALELECT e: Rural Electric RURALMINAS s: Fundacao Rural Mineira Colonizacao e Desenvolvimento Agrario RURALPLAN s: Planejamentos Rurais Rural Res. CSIRO e: Rural Research in CSIRO [Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization] RURAX e: Rural Automatic Exchange

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

RURCON e: Rural Development Consultancy for Christian Churches in Africa rureq e: reference your requisition RUROS e: Research Unit on the Rehabilitation of Oiled Seabirds RUR's e: Rural and Urban Reformers RURTI e: Recurrent Upper-RespiratoryTract Infection RUS e: Russ[ia][n] - R: Radioulavlivatel Samolotev Rus.&C. Eq. Cas. e: Russell & Chesley's Equity Cases RüSch d: Rücklieferschein RUSDIC e: Russian Dictionary Rus. E.C. e: Russell's Contested Election Cases RUSG e: Remote Ultrasonic Stream Gage RuS-Gerät d: Rettungs- und Sicherheitsgerät RUSH d: Rechnungsführung und Statistik - e: Remote Use[r] of Shared Hardware - e: Remote Use[r] of Standard Hardware - e: Rudder Ship Hull Rush e: Rushmore - e: Rushton - e: Rushworth RuSHA d: Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt RUSHSAP e: Regional Unit for Social and Human Sciences for the Asia Pacific Region Rushw. e: Rushworths Historical Collections RUSI e: Royal United Service Institute [for Defence Studies] - e: Royal United Service Institution RUSM e: Royal United Service Museum RUSNO e: Resident United States Naval Officer RUSS e: Robotic Ultrasonic Scanning System Russ d: Rußland - e: Russia[n] russ. d: russisch - e: russet - N: russisk Russ. Arb. e: Russell on Arbitrators Russ. Chem. Rev. e: Russian Chemical Reviews (journ.) Russ. Cr[imes]. e: Russell on Crimes and Misdemeanors Russell Cave e: Russell Cave National Monument [Alabama] Russ. Eng. J. e: Russian Engineering Journal Russ. Fact, e: Russell on Factors and Brokers Russian Rev. e: Russian Review Russ.&Jap. P.C. e: Russian and Japanese Prize Cases Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. e: Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Russ. J. Phys. Chem. e: Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry Russ. Math. Surv. e: Russian Mathematical Surveys (journ.) Russ. Merc. Ag. e: Russell on Mercantile Agency Russwood e: White Sea Wood Charter RUST d: Rechnungsführung und Statistik RuStAG d: Reichs- und Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz RUSTAN e: Russian Text Analyzer Rüstg. d: Rüstung rust of iron e: iron oxide


RUT R U T e: Resource Utilization Time - e: Rocket Under Test Rut e: Rutland Railroad - e: Rutlandshire RiiT d: Rückstelltaste Rut[gers]-Cam[den] L J . e: RutgersCamden Law Journal Rutgers Computer&Tech. L. J. e: Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal Rutgers J. Comp.&L. e: Rutgers Journal of Computers and Law Rutgers J. Computers&Law e: Rutgers Journal of Computers and the Law Rutgers J. Computer Tech.&L. e: Rutgers Journal of Computers Technology and the Law Rutgers L.J. e: Rutgers Law Journal Rutgers L. Rev. e: Rutgers Law Review Rutgers U. L. Rev. e: Rutgers University Law Review Rutg. L. Rev. e: Rutgers Law Review Ruth. Inst, e: Rutherfords Institutes of Natural Law RUTILE e: Titanium dioxide RUTOP e: Rutowski Optimization RUU d: Rechnerunterstützter Unterricht - n: Ryksuniversiteit Utrecht RUUR e: Regrade Unclassified Upon Receipt RUV d: Röntgenumgebungsuntersuchung - d: Verordnung über Art u. Form der Rechnungsführung bei den Trägern der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung RUV e: Rayons Ultra-Violets RUVP e: Research Unit on Vector Pathology RüVr d: Rückverstärker RuW d: Recht und Wirtschaft (journ.) RüW d: Rückkanalweiche RUWA e: Relation User Work Area RUWS e: Remote Underwater [Work] System - e: Remote Unmanned Work [Subsystem RUZ d: regionale Unterzentrale RüZ d: Rückrechnungszettel RV d: Rahmenvertrag - d : Ratensparvertrag - d : Rattenvirus - d : Ravensburg - d : Rechnerverbund - d : Rechnungsvorschrift - d : Rechter Ventrikel - d : Rechts Vorn - d : Rechtsventrikulär - d : Rechtsverletzung - d : Rechtsverordnung - d : Reduktionsvermögen - d : Regelventil - d : Regelverstärker - d : Registerverbinder - d : Regurgitationsvolumen - d : Reichsverfassung - d : Reichsversicherung - d : Reise- und Verkehrsverlag GmbH - d : Rentenversicherung - d : Reservevolumen - d : Residualvolumen - d : Richtungsverbinder - d : Richtverbindung - d : Ringverteiler - d : Roggenvollkornbrot - d : Röhrenvoltmeter - d : Rötelnvakzine - d : Rückschlagventil - d : Rückverdrahtung - d : Rückversicherung

- d: Rumpfvorderteil - d: Rundverfügung - e: Radar Vector - e: Radikale Venstre - e: Radio Vatican - e: Rahway Valley - e: Ramp Voltage - e: Random Variable - e: Range of Velocity - e: Rated Voltage - e: Reactive Voltage - e: Reactor Vessel - e: Reading and Vocabulary [Test] - e: Rear View - e: Receipt Voucher - e: Recoil Velocity - e: Recreation[al] Vehicle - e: Reduced Voltage - e: Reentry Vehicle - e: Reference Voltage - e: Regurgitant Volume - e: Reinforcement Value - e: Relative Volume - e: Released Value - e: Relief Valve - e: Remaining Velocity - e: Remote Vehicle - e: Renal Vessel - e: Rendezvous - e: Rescue Vessel - e: Research Vehicle - e: Research Vessel - e: Reserved - e: Residual Volume - e: Restriking Voltage - e: Retroversion - e: Reversed lines - e: Reversion Virus - e: Revised Version - e: Rifle Volunteers] - e: Right Ventricle - e: Right Vertebral - e: Robot Vision - e: Rosette Virus - e: Rough Vacuum - e: Roving Vehicle - e: Rubella Vaccine - e: Runway Visibility - f: Rendezvous -1: Radio Vaticana - s: República de Venezuela R.V. e: Relative Volume - e: Restriking Voltage - e: Revised Version Rv. e: Revised, regulation [or order revised] R.v. d: Rücksendung vorbehalten R/V e: Reentry Vehicle - e: Rendezvous - e: Research Vessel [ship] - e: Round Voyage - f: Rendezvous R v d: Vorwiderstand RVA d: Reichsbahnverkehrsamt - d: Reichsversicherungsamt - d: Reichsversicherungsanstalt - e: Radar Vectoring Area - e: Reactive Volt-Amperemeter - e: Reactive Volt-Ampere[s] - e: Recorded Voice Announcement - e: Relative Virtual Address - e: Relative Volt-Ampere[s] - e: Reliability Variation Analysis - e: Remote Voltage Adjustment - e: Renal Vascular Resistance - e: Returned Volunteer Action - e: Right Ventricular Apex - e: Right Ventricular Apical


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Right Visual Acuity - e: Ruhr Valley Authority - f: Résistance des Voies Aériennes - R: Raketnyye Voyska i Artilleriya RvA F: Rouva R&VA e: Rating and Valuation Association RVAC e: Retrograde Ventriculo-Atrial Conduction RVAE d: Rechtsventrikuläres ApexElektrokardiogramm RVALUE e: Right Value RVA Mfeter] e: Reactive Volt-Ampere Meter RVÄndG d: RentenversicherungsÄnderungsgesetz RVAS e: Radar Vulnerability Analysis System RVAW[T] e: Right Ventricular Anterior Wall Thickness RVB e: Radar Video Buffer - e: Red Venous Blood - e: Resonating-Valence Bond - e: Rotation-Vibration Band RV-BEVO d: RentenversicherungsBeitragsentrichtungsverordnung RVB1 d: Reichsverkehrsblatt (journ.) - d: Reichsversorgungsblatt - d: Reichsverwaltungsblatt RVBR e: Riveting Bar R v B S V n: Raad van Beroep. Sociale Versekering (journ.) RVC e: Belative Velocity Computer - e: Random Vibration Control - e: Relative Velocity Computer - e: Relative Velocity of Contraction - e: Remote Volume Control - e: Ribonucleoside Vanadyl Complex - e: Rifle Volunteer Corps - e: Royal Veterinary College - n: Rijksveeteeltconsulentschap RVCD e: Right Ventricular Conduction Defect RVCI e: Royal Veterinary College of Ireland R V C M e: Residual Vinyl Chloride Monomer RVD d: Rechtsventrikuläre Dysplasie - d: Rechtsventrikulärer Durchmesser - d: Regierungsveterinärdirektor - d: Rückwärtiger Versorgungsdienst - d: Ruhevenendruck - e: Radar Video Digitizer - e: Rear View Display - e: Relative Vertebral Density - e: Rendevouz and Docking - e: Renovascular Disease - e: Residual Vapo[u]r Detector - e: Right Ventricular Diameter - e: Right Vertebral Density - n: Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst R.v.d. 1: Ramus ventricularis dexter RVDA e: Fitzgerald, Relative Values: Determining Attorneys Fees - e: Recreational Vehicle Dealers of America RVdAng d: Rentenversicherung der Angestellten RVdArb d: Rentenversicherung der Arbeiter RVDH e: Remoting Virtual Device Handler RVDO e: Right Ventricular Diastolic Overload RVDP e: Radio Video Data Processor RVDT e: Rotary Variable Differential Transformer R. v. d. T. d: Ruhe vor dem Telefon

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschuft und Technik

RV's RVE e: Radar Video Extractor - e: Representative Volume Element - e: Right Ventricular Enlargement RVEDD d: Rechtsventrikulärer Enddiastolischer Durchmesser - e: Right Ventricular Enddiastolic Diameter R V E D L d: Rechtsventrikuläre Enddiastolische Faserlänge - e: Right Ventricular Enddiastolic Fiber Length RVEDP e: Right Ventricular Enddiastolic Pressure RVEDV d: Rechtsventrikuläres Enddiastolisches Volumen - e: Right Ventricular End Diastolic Volume RVEF d: rechtsventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion - e: Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction r.veh. e: rail-road vehicle RV-Endst. d: Richtverbindungs-Endstation RVer d: Reichsverfassung RVermDir d: Regierungsvermessungsdirektor RVermG d: Reichsvermogens-Gesetz RVermR d: Regierungsvermessungsrat RVERP d: rechtsventrikuläre effektive Refraktärphase RVersO d: Reichsversicherungsordnung RVESL d: Rechtsventrikuläre Endsystolische Faserlänge - e: Right Ventricular Endsystolic Fiber Length R V E S V d: Rechtsventrikuläres Endsystolisches Volumen RVET e: Right Ventricular Ejection Time RVetlDir d: Regierungsveterinärdirektor RVetR[at] d: Regierungsveterinärrat RVF d: Rift-Valley-Fieber - e: Rate Variance Formula - e: Rift Valley Fever - e: Right Visual Field RVFD d: Rechtsventrikulärer Füllungsdruck RVFN e: Report of Visit of Foreign Nationals RVFR e: Rubidium Vapor Frequency Reference RV FX e: Riveting Fixture RVG d: Gesetz über die Verkündung - d: Radionuklid-Ventrikulographie - d: Rauhfutter verzehrende Großvieheinheit - d: Rechtsverordnungsgesetz - d: Regionale Verkehrsgesellschaft - d: Reichsvereinsgesetz - d: Reichsverordnungsgesetz - d: Reichsversicherungsgesetz - d: Reichsversorgungsgesetz - d: Renovasographie - d: Revolutionäre Volksrepublik Guinea - d: Richtfunkverbindungsgerät - e: Radar Video Generator - e: Read Voltage Generator - e: Reference Voltage Generator - e: Right Visceral Ganglion - e: Rotating Vertical Gradiometer RVGC e: Reentry Vehicle and Ground Control RV-Gestell d: Richtungsverbindergestell RVGG e: Rotating Vertical Gravity Gradiometer RVGK R: Reservyy VerkhovnoGlavnokommanduyushchevo RVGW d: Reichsverband des Deutschen Gas- und Wasserfachs

RVH d: Rechtsventrikuläre Hypertrophie - d: Renovaskuläre Hypertonie - e: Right Ventricular Hypertrophy - e: Royal Victoria Hospital rvh 1 e: disturbed half read one RV[H]R e: Road Vehicles [Headlamps] Regulations R V I d: Rechtsventrikulärer Infarkt - e: Recreational Vehicle Institute - e: Renault Véhicules Industriels - e: Reverse Interrupt - e: Right Ventricular Infundibulum - f: Renault Véhicules Industriels - i: Renault Veicoli Industriali RVIA e: Recreation[al] Vehicle Industry Association - e: Recreational Vehicle Industry of America - e: Recreational Vehicle Institute of America - e: Royal Victoria[l] Institute of Architects RVICT e: Right Ventricular Isovolumic Contraction Time Rvik e: Reykjavik RVIMI e: Rubella Virus-Induced Mitotic Inhibitor RVIS e: Reactor and Vessel Instrumentation System RVIT e: Rotary Variable Inductance Transformer RVIW e: Romberg Variable Interval Width Rvj. d: Rechnungsvierteljahr RVK d: Rechner-Verbindungskanal - d: Reflexionsverteilungskurve - d: Rudolf-Virchow-Krankenhaus - e: Revoke RVk d: Richtfunkverbindungskabel RVL d: Rechnergesteuertes Verkehrsleitsystem - d: Regiments-Verpflegungslager - d: Richtlinien für das Verhalten bei fehlerhaften Lieferungen - d: Robotron-Vertrieb Leipzig - e: Receive Varilosser - e: Reference Vocal Level - e: Rolling Vertical Landing - e: Royal Viking Line -1: Rhus Vernicifera Laccase - n: Rijksstation voor Landbouwetechniek RVL [Ex] R e: Road Vehicles Lighting [Exemption] Regulations RVLG d: Rechter Ventrolateraler Glutäusbereich - e: Revolving RVLIS e: Reactor Vessel Water Level Indication System RVLP d: Rückverdrahtungsleiterplatte - e: Rift Valley Lakes Park RVLR e: Road Vehicles Lighting Regulation^] RVLSI e: Reconstructable VLSI [Very Large-Scale Integration] - e: Restructurable VLSI [Very Large-Scale Integration] R V M d: Röhrenvoltmeter - e: Reactive Voltmeter - e: Royal Victorian Medal R V M A P d: Rechtsventrikuläres Monophasisches Aktionspotential RVMF e: Real Virtual Machinehardware assist Features RVMI d: Rechtsventrikulärer Myokardinfarkt RV-Motor d: Reihen-V-Motor RVMWI e: Right Ventricular Minute Work Index RVN e: Republic of Vietnam

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G ' Saur. Munich

Rvn d: Ravenna - e: Ravenna RVNAF e: Republic of Vietnam Air Force RV-Netz d: Richtverbindungs-Netz RVO d: Rechtsverordnung - d: Reichsversicherungsordnung - e: Regional Veterinary Officer - e: Relaxed Vaginal Outlet - e: Right Ventricular Outflow - e: Runway Visibility [by] Observer RvO n: Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie RVOG e: Radio Voice of the Gospel R V 0 T [ 0 ] e: Right Ventricular Outflow [or Output] Tract [Obstruction] RVP d: Regimentsverbandsplatz - e: Rabbit Parvovirus - e: Radar Video Preprocessor - e: Reid Vapour Pressure - e: Relative Visual Performance - e: Reserve Vehicle Park - e: Returned Vehicle Park - e: Right Ventricular Pressure - e: Rotary Vacuum Pump - e: Rotary Vane Pump - f: Retour Veineux Pulmonaire - n: Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst voor de Pluimveeteelt RVPA e: Rivet Pattern RVPC e: Right Ventricular Premature Contraction RVPD e: Repetitive Ventricular Premature Depolarization RVPEP d: Rechtsventrikulare Praejektionsphase RV Pressure e: Right Ventricle Pressure RVr d: Regelverstarker RVR d: Regierungsveterinarrat R&VR e: Rating and Valuation Reports RVR e: Radar Video Recorder - e: Renal Vascular Resistance - e: Repetitive Ventricular Response[s] - e: Reverse Velocity Rotor - e: Rim Vent Release - e: Runway Visibility [or Visual] Range RVRA d: Renale Venose Reninaktivitat RVRC e: Runway Visual Range Center RVRE e: Right Voltage Range Element RVRR e: Runway Visual Range Rollout RVRS[E] e: Reverse RVRT e: Repetitive Ventricular Response Threshold - e: Runway Visual Range Touchdown RVRU e: Radar Video Recorder Unit RVS d: Rechnerverbundsystem - d: Reichsvolksschulgesetz - d: Reifengewerbe-Verband der Schweiz - d: Rollfuhrversicherungsschein - d: Rollgutversicherungsschein - d: Riickfrage-Verbindungssatz - d: Riickvergiitungssatz - e: Real-Time Visual Simulation - e: Reentry Vehicle Separation - e: Reentry Vehicle Simulator - e: Reentry Vehicle System - e: Relative Value Scale - e: Relative Value Studies [or Study] - e: Remote Viewing System - e: Reported Visual Sensation - e: Reserve Vehicle Store - e: Reverse [Video Space] - e: Right Very Slightly - e: Rocketborne Vacuum System Rvs e: Riverside RVs e: Reactor Vessels RV's e: Recreation Vehicles


Rvsb Rvsb d: Ravensburg RVSBL e: Reversible RVSC e: Reverse Self Check RVSD e: Reversed RVSE e: Reverse RVSI e: Royal United Services Institute RVSN e: Reversion - R: Raketnyye Voyska Strategicheskovo Naznacheniya RVSP e: Right Ventricular Systolic Pressure RVSS e: Reactor Vessel Support System - e: Road Vehicle Spring Society RVSSC e: Reverse Self Check RVSTI e: Right Ventricular Systolic Time Intervals RVStp d: Rückwärtiger Versorgungsstützpunkt RVSV d: Rechtsventrikuläres Schlagvolumen - d: Rechtsventrikuläres Systolisches Volumen RVSVP f: Répondez Vite, S'il Vous Plait RVSW e: Right Ventricular Stroke Work RVSWI e: Right Ventricular Stroke Work Index RVSZ e: Riveting Squeezer RVT d: Rumpfvorderteil - e: Reading and Vocabulary Test - e: Reliability Verification Tests - e: Renal Venous Thrombosis - e: Resource Vector Table rvtd e: riveted RV Test e: Reading and Vocabulary Test RV/TLC e: Residual Volume Total Lung Capacitor R V / T L C Ratio e: Residual Volume Total Lung Capacity Ratio Rvtn e: Riverton R V T O e: Reentry Vehicle Test and Observables RVTO[L] e: Rolling Vertical Take-Off [and Landing] RVTR e: Radar Video-Tape Recorder RVTS e: Reentry Vehicle Test Set RVU d: Rückversicherungsunternehmen - e: Relief Valve Unit RVUG d: Rentenversicherungsüberleitungsgesetz RV-Uw d: Registerverbinder-Umwerter - d: Richtungsverbinder-Umwerter RVV d: Rauscharmer Vorverstärker - d: Rechtsventrikuläres Volumen - e: Runway Visibility Value[s] - e: Russells Viper Venom RVVW d: Rechtsventrikuläre Vorderwand RVW d: Research-Volkswagen - d: Rostvorwärmeofen - d: Rückfragevorwähler - e: Right Ventricular Wall RVWG e: Robotic Vehicle Working Group RVWT e: Right Ventricular Wall Thickness RVwV d: Verwaltungsvorschriften über das Rechnungswesen bei den Trägem der sozialen Krankenversicherung RVX e: Reentry Vehicle, Experimental RVZ d: Rangierverteilerzelle RVZG d: Rentenvorschußzahlungsgesetz RV-Zwischenst. d: RichtverbindungsZwischenstelle

RW d: Raketenwerfer - d: Rawinsonde - d: Rechenwerk - d: Rechenwert - d: Rechnungswesen - d: Referenzwert - d: Regelwiderstand - d: Reparaturwerkstatt - d: Restwert - d: Rettungswesen - d: Rheinland-Westfalen - d: Richtfunkwinkel - d: Richtungswahl - d: Richtungswähler - d: Richtungsweiche - d: Richtwert - d: Riffelwinkel - d: Rottweil - d: Rückkaufwert - d: Rücklaufwert - d: Rückweite - e: Radiation Weapon - e: Radio Wave - e: Radiological War[fare] - e: Radiological Warhead - e: Railwater - e: Rain showers - e: Random Walk - e: Random Width[s] - e: Random Word - e: Rassemblement Wallon - e: Raw Water - e: Rayleigh Wave - e: Read [and] Write - e: Read Word - e: Readily Weldable - e: Recreation and Welfare - e: Recruiting Wanant - e: Redwood - e: Reel and Wheel - e: Report-Writer - e: Reserved Word - e: Resistance Weld[ing] - e: Rewind - e: Rework - e: Right Wing - e: Right Worshipful - e: Right Worthy - e: Rotary Wing - e: Royal Welsh - e: Runway - f: Réaction de Wassermann Rw e: Railway - e: Rwanda - e: Ship Resistance - e: Wave Resistance rw d: rechtweisend R&W e: Rail and Water - e: Routing and Work R-W e: Rail-Water - e: Read and Write RAV e: Read/Write - e: Right Wing - e: Right[s] of Way - e: Runway


© K • G • Saur, München

RWA d: Rauch- und Wärmeabzug - d: Rentenwegfallauftrag - d: Respiratorischer Wärmeaustausch - e: Race Walking Association - e: Railway Wheel Association - e: Read-Write Amplifier - e: Rectangular Waveguide Assembly - e: Regional Water Authority - e: Relation Work Area - e: Rippled Wall Amplifier - e: Rotary-Wing Aircraft - e: Rotating Wave Approximation - e: Ruanda West Africa Rwa e: Rwanda RWAA e: Resistance Welding Alloy Association R W A D e: Relative Wind Angle Differential RWAFF e: Royal West African Frontier Force R-Wagen d: Rungenwagen RWAI d: Rechnungswesen Ausland Interface R W Aircraft e: Rotary Wing Aircraft rwand. d: rwandisch Rwanda e: Republic of Rwanda RWAR e: Restricted and Warning Area R War R e: Royal Warwick Regiment RWARs e: Restricted and Warning Areas RWAs e: Regional Water Authorities RWAS e: Royal Welsh Agricultural Society RWATD e: Rotary Wing ATD RWB d: Raketenwasserbombe - d: Rechtswörterbuch - d: Richtlinien für Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnungen - d: Wirtschaftsbestimmungen für die Reichsbehörden - e: Rand Water Board - e: Rear Wheel Brake - e: Rebated Weather Boards - e: Royal Winnipeg Ballet RWBA e: Read Write Bus Adapter RWBAg d: RaketenwasserbombenAbschußgerät R W B H e: Records Will Be Handcarried RWC e: Rainwater Conductor - e: Read-Write Cycle - e: Read, Write and Compare - e: Read, Write [and] Compute - e: Read, Write [and] Continue - e: Receive With Code - e: Regional Warning Center - e: Repetitive Waybill Code [or Coding] - e: Rewind Command - e: Roberts Wesleyan College - e: Roughness Width Cutoff - e: Round Wire Cable R W C A L e: Romanian Working Commission of Applied Linguistics RWC Concept e: Repetitive Waybill Coding Concept RWCIU e: Radar/Weapons Control Interface Unit R W C S e: Reactor Water Cleanup System - e: Report Writer Control System - e: Royal Water Colour Society RWC's e: Round -Wire Cables RWCU e: Reactor Water Clean-Up [Unit] RWCU System e: Reactor Water Clean-up System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

RX R W D d: Radialwellendichtring - d: Reichswetterdienst - d: Rostwellendrehzahl - e: Rear Wheel Drive - e: Rearward - e: Regular Way Delivery - e: Regular World Day[s] - e: Rewinding] - e: Right Wind Down - e: Right Wing Down - e: Right Word[ing] - e: Running Working Day[s] R W D F d: Richtungsweiserdoppelfernrohr R W D G M e: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master RWDPP e: Radioactive Waste Disposal Pilot Plant RWDR d: Radial-Wellendichtring RWDSU e: Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union RWE d: Rechenwerkserweiterung - d: Rheinisch-Westfälische Elektrizitätswerke AG - d: Rüstwagen - e: Radar Warning Equipment - e: Random access memory Write Enable - e: Read/Write Extend [and] delete R W F e: Roundtable for Women in Foodservice - e: Royal Wholesalers Federation - f: Rwandan Franc RWf d: Raketenwerfer R W F C S e: Red and White Friesian Cattle Society RWG d: Gesetz Uber d. Gemeinschaftsaufgabe "Verbesserung d. regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur" - d: Rechenzentrale Württemberger Genossenschaften - d: Richterwahlgesetz - e: Radio Writers Guild - e: Reliability Working Group - e: Ridge Waveguide - e: Roebling Wire Ga[u]ge RWG1 e: Rough Wire Glass R W G M e: Right Worshipful Grand Master RWGR e: Right Worthy Grand Representative R W G T e: Right Worthy Grand Templar - e: Right Worthy Grand Treasurer R W G W e: Right Worthy Grand Warden RWH e: Radar Warning and Homing - e: Read-Write Head RWh d: Richtungsweiche RWHB e: Red and White in Horizontal Bands R.W.h .s. e: Red and White in horizontal stripes R W I d: Rheinisch-Westfälischer Industriemarkt (journ.) - d: Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung - e: Radar Warning Installation - e: Radio [and] Wire Integration - e: Read, Write [and] Initialize] - e: Real World Interval - e: Regular World Interval - e: Remote Weight Indicator - e: Runway Interdiction RWIR d: Rechnergestüzte Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung R Wire e: Ring Wire RWJC e: Roger Williams Junior College RWJGW e: Right Worthy Junior Grand Warden

RWK d: Roggen-Weizen-Kleingebäck - e: Rework - e: Royal West Kent rwK d: rechtweisender Kurs RW-K d: Rüstwagen mit Kran RWKB e: Regular Wentzel-KramerBrillourin RWKS d: Rheinisch-Westfälisches Kohlensyndikat rw Kurs d: rechtweisender Kurs RWL d: Nordrhein-Westfalen, Landesregierung und Landtag - d: Rufweiterleitung - e: Relative Water Level R/W/L e: Random Widths and Lengths RWLF e: Revenue Weight Load Factor RWLR e: Relative Water-Level Recorder R W M d: Markierer für Richtungswahlstufe - d: Read-Write-Memory - d: Rückwickelmotor - e: Random Work Method - e: Read-Write Memory - e: Rectangular-Wave Modulation - e: Regional Wall Motion - e: Resistance Welding Machine - e: Rod Worth Minimizer - e: Roll Wrapping Machine R/WM e: Read/Write Memory RWMA e: Resistance Welder [or Welding] Manufacturers Association R W M A C e: Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committe R/W memory e: Read/Write memory RWMS e: Radioactive-Waste Management Site RWMs e: Read-Write Memories rwN d: rechtweisend Nord RWN e: Read Write Multiple R W N B H e: Records will not be Handcarried R W N D e: Rewind R W O d: Rückwärtswellenoszillator - e: Reimbursable Work Order - e: Right Wrong Omit[s] R W O Counter e: Right Wrong Omit Counter RW-ÖI d: Rüstwagen Öl RWOn d: Rückwärtswellenoszillatoren R W O Timber e: Rubber Wood [hevea brasiliensis] Timber R W P e: Radiation Work Permit - e: Radio Wave Propagation - e: Rain Water Pipe - e: Reaction Wave Polymerization - e: Reactor Work Permit - e: Remote Work Package rwP e: rechtweisende Peilung RWPG e: Real World Problem Generation - P: Rada Wzajemnej Pomocy Gospodarczej RWQCB e: Regional Water Quality Control Board RWR e: Radar Warning Receiver - e: Rail-Water-Rail - e: Read-Write Register - e: Rear Warning Radar - e: Relative Wear Resistance - e: Relative Weight Response r-w-r e: rail-water-rail RWRC e: Remain Well to Right of Course RWS d: Rangierwechselsprechanlage - d: Reichswasserschutz - d: Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff Gmbh - d: Rheinwasserschutz - d: Roh-Werkstück[e] - d: Romano-Ward-Syndrom

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- d: Rufweiterschaltung - e: Radar Warning System - e: Radwaste System - e: Range While Scan - e: Range-While-Search [mode] - e: Reaction Wheel Scanner - e: Reaction Wheel System[s] - e: Receiver Waveform Simulation - e: Regional Warning System - e: Regional Weather Service - e: Release with Services Rws e: Runways RWSch d: Reichswasserschutz R W S G W e: Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden RWSS e: River Water Supply System RWST d: Rechenwerksteuerung - e: Refuel[l]ing Water Storage Tank R/W storage e: Read/Write storage RWS-Triebwagen d: Rheinisch-Westfälische Schnellbahn-Triebwagen RWSU e: Reactor of the Washington State University R W T e: Read-Write-Tape - e: Regular Whole-Time - e: Relative Wall Thickness - e: Right when Tested RW-Test d: Rideal-Walker-Test R-W Test e: Rideal-Walker Test RWTH d: Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule - e: Raised Water-Tight Hatch RwTtxE d: Rahmenwerte für Teletexendgeräte RW-Turbine d: Rückwärtsturbine RWTÜV d: Rheinisch-Westfälischer Technischer Überwachungsverein RW-U e: Rewind-Unload RWU e: Right Wing Up RwUe d: Reichweitenübertragung R W U M e: Railway Workers Union of Malawi RWV d: Reichswasserstraßenverwaltung - d: Vorprüfer für Richtungswahlstufe - e: Read-Write-Verify - e: Remote Work Vehicle - e: Rubbery Wood Virus R W V D e: Real World Visual Display RWVR e: Real World Vehicular Rate RWVRC e: Read-Write Vertical Redundancy Check RWVS e: Red and White in Vertical Stripes R W W e: Read While Write RWWS d: Röntgen-Weitwinkelstreuung, XRD RWX e: Read-Write-Execute RWY e: Railway - e: Receive[r] - e: Register to Indexed Storage - e: Runway Rwy. e: Railway RWZ d: Rheinische Waren-Zentrale RX e: Receive [mode] - e: Receive signal - e: Receiver - e: Reconnaissance-Experimental - e: Regional Exchange - e: Register and Indexed - e: Register Index - e: Register to Indexed Memory - e: Register-to-Index[ed] storage [operation] - e: Remote Exchange - e: Report Crossing - e: Resolver-Transmitter - e: Reverse - e: Rix dollar


Rx R x d: Empfangsfrequenz - e: Pprescription[/recipe] - e: Recipe - e: Tens of rupees R - X e: Register to Indexed Storage - e: Resolver-Transmitter R/X e: Receiver r„ d: Bebauungsreduktionsfaktor RX:... e: receiver for... RX Aircraft e: ReconnaissanceExperimental Aircraft R X B e: Roxburgh R X C e: Receiver control R X C O e: Receiver Control for Optoelectronic interface R X D e: Research or Exploratory Development R x D e: Received Data R X D S e: Rank Xerox Data Systems RX-EA e: Receiver for External Alarms R X M e: Receiving Memory R X O S e: Rank Xerox Operating System R X P e: Radix Point R X S e: Radar Cross Section RX Storage e: Register and Indexed Storage R X T e: Rapid Expansion Tip R Y d: Monchengladbach-Rheyddt - d: Rheydt - e: Railway - e: Relay - e: Roll Yoke - e: Royal Air Lao [coding] - e: Rydberg[s] R y . e: Railway R Y A e: Railroad Yardmasters of America Ry A g e e: Railway Age R Y A L [ M ] e: Relay Alarm Ryan e: Ryan Aeronautical Company R Y C e: Reference Your Cable Ry.&Can. Cas. e: Railway and Canal Cases R y . & C a n . Traflfic] Ca[s], e: Railway & and Canal Traffic Cases Ry.Cas. e: Reports of Railway Cases Ry.&C. Cas. [Eng.] e: Railway & Canal Cases Ry. Corp. L a w J[our]. e: Railway & Corporation Law Journal R Y E e: Retirement Year Ending R y e & C . Traffic Cas. [Eng.] e: Railway and Canal Traffic Cases Ry I e: Ryukyu Islands RY J [ N ] [ C T ] e: Railway Junction R Y L e: Reference Your Letter Ryl. Plac. Pari, e: Ryleys Placita Parliamentaria R Y L T Y e: Royalty R Y M e: R e f e r e n c e ] Your Message Ry. M e d . Jur. e: Ryans Medical Jurisprudence R Y N e: Rayon R Y O e: Railway Officer Ryojun e: Japanese equivalent of Port Arthur R Y P T e: Railway Point R Y R Q D e: Reply Requested Rys e: Railways Ry. Sh. e: Railway Shop Ry. Stn. e: Railway Station R Y T e: Reference [to] your Telegram - e: Reference [to] your Telex [teleprintet exchange or teletype exchange] Ry Tel e: Railway Telegraph[y] Ryu j: Ryukyu Ryukyus j : Ryukyu Islands Ry. W h f . e: Railway Wharf


R Z d: Ratenzahlung - d: Ratzeburg - d: Rauchzahl - d: Reaktionszeit - d: Rechenzentrum - d: Reduktionszeit - d: Referatzeitschrift - d: Refraktärzeit - d: Registrierzähler - d: Rehabilitationszentrum - d: Reifungszahl - d: Reinheitszahl - d: Rekalzifizierungszeit - d: Renshaw-Zelle - d: Rentenzahlung - d: Reparaturzug - d: Reptilasezeit - d: R e s t z a h l u n g ] - d: Rezirkulationszeit - d: Risikozuschlag - d: Rückenfallschirm mit Zwangsauslösung - d: Rückzahlung - d: Rundfunkzentrum - d: Rundzelle - e: Pacific Seaboard Airlines - e: Reaction Zone - e: Real Zero - e: Recruiting Zone - e: Republic of Zaire - e: Reset-to-Zero - e: Restricted Zone - e: Return on Zero - e: Return-to-Zero - f: République du Zaire - f: Retour Zéro - P: Rada Zakladowa - R: Referativnyi Zhurnal R z d: Randziffer - d: Rufzeichen rz d: rückzahlbar R z . d: Rohrzerspringer r z . d: rückzielend R & Z e: Range and Zero R-Z e: Royal Australian New Zealand RZA d: Reichsbahnzentralamt - d: Rentenzahlungsauftrag - d: Riesenzellarteriitis - d: Rohrzielapparat - d: Rückzahlung nach Kündigung - d: RückZahlungsanweisung - d: Ruhezwillingsarbeitskontakt - e: Religious Zionists America R Z A L n: Rotterdam-Zuid Amerika Lijn R Z a n w d: RückzahlungsanWeisung R Z B d: Bestimmungen für das Rentenzahlverfahren - d: Rechenzentrum Buchhandel - d: Rechenzentrum der Banken - d: Relative Zentrifugalbeschleunigung RZ-Betrieb d: Rechenzentrumsbetrieb RZBI d: Reichszollblatt R Z B w d: Rechenzentrum der Bundeswehr R Z C n: Rijkszuivelconsulentschap R Z C[ode] e: Retuming-to-Zero Code R Z D K d: Realzeitdekoder R Z D R d: Rechenzentrum der Deutschen Reichsbahn R Z E d: Regelzentrum Elektroenergie - e: Routing and Zoning Equipment R Z E T H d: Rechenzentrum der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule R Z F d: Rechenzentrum der Finanzverwaltung - d: Rechenzentrum Femmeldewesen - e: Riemann Zeta Function

© K G ' Saur, Manchen

R Z G d: Ratenzahlungsgesetz - d: Rechenzentrum Graz - d: Rentenzulage[n]gesetz R Z H P S c h A d: Rechenzentrum Hauptpostscheckamt RZI d: Rückzahlungskarte Italien - e: Real-Zero Interpolation R Z K N d: Rechenzentrum der Kollektiven Nutzung R Z L d: Leiter des Rechenzentrums - e: Return-to-Zero Level R z L w d: Rechenzentrum der L u f t w a f f e R Z M d: Rechenzentrum der MaximilianUniversität - d: Reichszeugmeisterei - e: Return-to-Zero Mark - e: Retum-to-Zero Method - e: Root Zone Method - f: Réservation de Zones en Mémoire R Z M A e: Rolled Zinc Manufacturers Association R Z n e: Relative azimuth R Z - N P e: Return-to-Zero-Nonpolarized R Z O d: Rechenzentrum der Ortskrankenkassen R Z o d: Rufzone R Z O - W L d: Rechenzentrum der Ortskrankenkassen in Westfalen-Lippe R Z P d: Rechenzentrum der Deutschen Bundespost Postdienst Rzp d: Rezeptur rzp. d: reziprok RZ-P e: Return-to-Zero-Polarized Rzpt. d: Rezept[ur] rzptpfl. d: rezeptpflichtig R Z R e c o r d i n g ] e: Return-to-Zero Recording R Z R M e t h o d e: Return-to-Zero Recording Method R-Z-R-Struktur d: Raumvielfach-Zeitvielfach-Raumvielfach-Struktur R Z S d: Rechenzentrum Simmern - d: Rechenzentrum Statistik - d: Rückzahlungsschein - e: Rolled Zinc Sheet - e: Royal Zoological Society Rzs. d: Rezension - d: Rezession RZSI e: Royal Zoological Society of Ireland R Z S N S W e: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales RZSS e: Royal Zoological Society of Scotland RZSSA e: Royal Zoological Society of South Australia R Z T d: Rechenzentrum der Deutschen Bundespost Telekom - d: Riesenzelltumor Rzt. d: Rezensent - d: Rezept rztpfl. d: rezeptpflichtig R Z Ü d: Rechnerunterstützte Zugüberwachung - d: Rechnerzugüberwachung RZV d: Rauchgas-Ziegel-Verhältnis - d: Referendarzuweisung - d: Rentenzahlverfahren - d: Rotes Zellvolumen R z W d: Rechtsprechung zum Wiedergutmachungsrecht R Z Z d: Rechenzentrum Zürich AG

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik


S-Sf S a: Syd - d: DNS-Synthesephase - d: Isis-Chemie KG - d: Negative Zacke im Ekg - d: Sache - d: Sakralsegment - d: Saldo - d: Salmonella - d: Salzburg - d: Salzgehalt - d: Sämling - d: Sammler - d: Sand[mudden] - d: Sattelzugmaschine - d: Sättigungsgrad - d: Satum - d: Satz - d: Sauerstoff[träger] - d: Säure - d: Schadenklasse - d: Schaltfunktion - d: Schaum - d: Scheck - d: Scheint-] - d: Scheinleistung - d: Scheitelwert - d: Schicht - d: Schiebesitz - d: Schiene[nwagen] - d: Schiffjslampe] - d: Schilling - d: Schirm - d: Schlachtflugzeug - d: Schleifkörper - d: Schlepper - d: Schlupf - d: Schneidrad - d: Schnellbahn - d: Schnellboot - d: Schnellbus - d: Schnellstraße - d: Schnittblume - d: Schrämen - d: Schrapnell - d: Schrapperstrecke - d: Schraube - d: Schriftart - d: Schule - d: Schußweite - d: Schützen- d: Schwanz - d: Schwanzflosse - d: Schwärzung - d: Schweden - d: Schwefel - d: Schwein - d: Schweiß

- d: Schwerkraft - d: Schwerpunkt - d: Schwungmasse - d: Sechsphasenstrom - d: Sector - d: Sediment[ation]skoeffizient - d: Sedimentationskonstante - d: See - d: Seelenlänge - d: Segelschiff - d: Sehleistung - d: Sehschärfe - d: Seite - d: Seitenruder - d: Seitenschütter - d: Selbstkühlung - d: Selektionfskoeffizient] - d: Selektor - d: Semex - d: Senden - d: Sendeort - d: Sender - d: Sendung - d: Senk- d: Senkung - d: Sensation - d: September - d: Serie - d: Serum - d: Set - d: Setzeingang - d: Setzen - d: Sicherheitsgrad - d: Sicherung - d: Siebfaktor - d: Siemens AG - d: Signal - d: Singular - d: Sinus - d: Skala - d: Skrupel - d: Sockelmaschine - d: Sohlenbreite - d: Soldat - d: Sollmaß - d: Sollwert - d: Sommer[freibord] - d: Sonderklasse - d: Sorptionskapazität - d: Sortierung - d: Sourceanschluß - d: Spalt - d: Spanndraht - d: Spantabstand - d: Speicher - d: Speicherung - d: Spezial

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Sanr, Munich

- d: Spirale - d: Spiralnebel - d: Spiralsystem - d: Spitzer Eurovrac - d: Spitzer Silo-Fahrzeugwerke GmbH & Co. KG - d: Sport - d: Sprengbarkeit - d: Sprengpunkt - d: Springer - d: Sprungantrieb - d: Spülkopf - d: Stabsoffizier] - d: Städteschnellverkehrszug - d: Stall - d: Stammbuch - d: Stand - d: Standard - d: Start - d: Steig[e]leitung - d: Steigung - d: Steilheit - d: Steller - d: Sternschaltung - d: Steuerbord - d: Steuerung - d: Stock - d: Stop[p][licht] - d: Strahlungsdichte - d: Stratus - d: Streckgrenze - d: Streitkräfte - d: Streumatrix - d: Stromdichte - d: Student - d: Stuttgart - d: Subjekt - d: Substrat - d: Süd[en] - d: Sulfur - d: Summe - d: Super[phosphat] - d: Svedberg-Einheit[en] - d: Symbol - d: Synchron[isier]impuls - d: Synchronsignal - d: Syndrom - d: Synthese - d: System - d: Technische Federn Sigmund Scherdel GmbH - e: Antisubmarine - e: Apparent Power - e: [Bartholomaeus de] Saliceto - e: Boltzmann Constant - e: Codex Sinaiticus - e: Detecting


e: Entropy e: Expenditure Saved e: Fun Fairs e: General area e: Heavy Snow e: Magnetic Solar Daily Variation e: New York Supplement (journ.) e: Permissible Working Stress e: Pitman-Moore Co. e: Pounds per Square Inch e: Poynting Vector e: Range Bearing e: Reluctance e: Sabbath e: Sabin e: Sable e: Saccharomyces e: Sacral e: Sacred e: Sacrifice e: Sacrum e: Sadism e: Safety e: Sail[er] e: Sailing Ship [or vessel] e: Sailor e: Saint e: Saline e: Salt e: Salvageable] e: Same Case e: Sample e: San Francisco mint e: Sand e: Santa e: Santo e: Sapwood e: Sarcoma e: Satellite e: Satisfactory e: Saturation e: Saturday e: Saturn e: Savanna Zone Soil e: Savings e: Saxon e: Scalar e: Scarce e: Scattering [Coefficient] e: Schabrad e: Schedule e: Schilling e: School e: Schweitzer e: Schweizer Aircraft e: Science e: Scilicet e: Scotch e: Scotland e: Scottish e: Scouting e: Scratched e: Screen e: Scribe e: Scruple e: Scuttle e: Scythian e: Sea[-Air Temperature Difference Correction] e: Seaman e: Seamless e: Seaplane e: Search and rescue e: Search[light] e: Searles Cape Of Good Hope Reports (journ.)

- e: Searles Cases in the Supreme Court (journ.) - e: Seasonal - e: Seat - e: Seatrain Lines - e: Second of time - e: Second[ary] [and source electrode] - e: Secondary Modem School - e: Secondary winding - e: Secretary] - e: Secretin - e: Secretory Substance - e: Secteur - e: Section [numbers] - e: Sectional - e: sections - e: Sector - e: Security - e: Sedentary - e: Seder of Triennial Cycle - e: Sedimentation] - e: Segment - e: Selected Ammunition - e: Selector] - e : Self Pollinated - e: Semaine - e: Semen Analysis - e: Semi - e: Semi-Registered Tank - e: Semiannually - e: Semiconductor - e: Semis - e: Senate [Bill] - e: Senator - e: Send - e: Sensation - e: Sensitive - e: Sensitivity - e: Sentence] - e: Senza - e: Separate - e: Separation - e: September (journ.) - e: Sequential - e: Serial [Programming] - e: Series - e: Serine - e: Sermon - e: Serum - e: Server - e: Service - e: Servicing - e: Seryl - e: Sesquiplane - e: Set Meals - e: Set[up] - e: Sevenfty] - e: Severity - e: Sewage Disposal - e: Sexaholics Anonymous - e: Shaft [Horsepower] - e: Shaft Main Engine - e: Shake - e: Shape Descriptor - e: Shape Factor of a Structure - e: Shaper Block - e: Share[s] - e: Sharpshooter] - e: Shear - e: Sheep - e: Sheet - e: Shell - e: Sheltered] - e: Shelters - e: Shigella - e: Shilling - e: Shinto[ism]

© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Shintoist - e: Shipfment] - e: Shire - e: Short [Circuit] - e: Shrub - e: Shunt Ahead - e: Sick - e: Side[rocyte] - e: Sidrah - e: Siemens. Unit of conductance - e: Sierra[-code for letter S] - e: Sigma [Mines] - e: Sign[al] - e: Signal Strength - e: Signaller - e: Signature - e: Signed [absolute] - e: Signetur - e: Signroid - e: Sikorsky - e: Silent - e: Silicate - e: Silk - e: Silurian - e: Silver [Lines] - e: Silversmith - e: Similarity - e: Simple expansion engines - e: Simplex - e: Simultaneous [Transmission of Range Signals and Voice] - e: Sinclair - e: Sine - e: Single - e: Singular - e: Sinistra - e: Sink - e: Sire - e: Sister - e: Site - e: Sixteenmo - e: Sixth Word Designator - e: Skid - e: Skirting - e: Slate - e: Slave - e: Slavia (journ.) - e: Sleeping] - e: Slewed - e: Slip[ped Up] - e: Slope - e: Slow Muscle - e: Slow[er] - e: Sludge - e: Small - e: Smectic Phase - e: Smoke - e: Smooth Sea - e: Smoothing] - e: Snack - e: Sniper - e: Snow - e: Socialist - e: Society - e: Socius - e: S o f t w a r e ] - e: Soiled - e: Solar - e: Soldering - e: Solicitor's Opinion (journ.) - e: Solid[us] - e: Solitary - e: Solo - e: Solubility - e: Somaliland Scouts - e: Son[nar] - e: Song

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

s - e: Soprano - e: Sough - e: Sound [Tape] - e: Source - e: South[em] - e: Southern Reporter (journ.) - e: Space[r] - e: Spade[s] - e: Spar [buoy] - e: Sparefs] - e: Spatial Ability - e: Speak - e: Special [Abilities of an Individual] - e: Special Air Mission - e: Special Types - e: Specialist - e: Species - e: Specific [Factor] - e: Specific gravity - e: Specific Surface - e: Specification^] - e: Specimen - e: Spectator (journ.) - e: Speculum (journ.) - e: Speech - e: Speed - e: Spelry - e: Sphere - e: Spherical [joint] - e: Spin[ster] - e: Spinule - e: Split - e: Spoilers in Nozzle - e: Sponsored - e: Spontaneous - e: Spool - e: Sport - e: Spring-Bumed - e: Spurs - e: Sputtered Films - e: Squadron - e: Stack - e: Stackable Container - e: Staff - e: Stand - e: Standard [Deviation] - e: Star[board] - e: Start - e: State[ment] - e: Static[s] - e: Station - e: Statue - e: Status Required - e: Statute - e: Steam[er] - e: Steamship - e: Steel - e: Steinway - e: Stem [line] - e: Stereo [Broadcast] - e: Stimulus - e: Stockbroker] - e: Stoke[s] - e: Stolen Base - e: Stop - e: Stopping Power - e: Storage - e: Store[d] - e: Stores - e: Straight[-in] - e: Strain - e: Strange - e: Stratum - e: Stratus - e: Street - e: Strength - e: Streptomycin

- e: Streptozocin - e: Stress - e: Streumatrix - e: Strike - e: String - e: Strobe - e: Stroke [of Piston in Inches] - e: Studio (journ.) - e: Stung - e: Subcompact - e: Subito - e: Subject - e: Sublimation - e: Subluxation - e: Submarine - e: Submerged Pump - e: Subsistance - e: Substantive - e: Substitution - e: Substrate[, Free] - e: Subtitled - e: Subtract - e: Succeeded] - e: Successor] - e: Sucre - e: Sugar - e: Suitability - e: Suite - e: Sulfamethoxazole - e: Sulfate - e: Sulphur - e: Sulvival - e: Sum[endus] - e: Summary - e: Summation - e: Summer [freeboard mark] - e: Summer loadline - e: Summertime - e: Summit Books - e: Sun[day] - e: Sune - e: Sunur - e: Superfb] - e: Superconductivity - e: Superconductor - e: Superior - e: Supernatant - e: Superphosphat - e: Superseded - e: Supervisory] - e: Supezvisory function bit - e: Supplementary - e: Supply - e: Supported] - e: Supporting - e: Suppress - e: Supravergence - e: Supreme Court Reporter (journ.) - e: Surface Area - e: Surfacefd] - e: Surgeon - e: Surgery - e: Surplus - e: Surrogate - e: Surveillance - e: Survey - e: Susceptible - e: Svedberg Unit - e: Sweden - e: Switch[board] - e: Switcher - e: Sylvania - e: Symbol - e: Symmetrical - e: Symposium (joum.) - e: Synchronized Sleep - e: Synchronous

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

0 K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Synchroscope - e: Synoptic - e: Synthesis - e: Syphilis - e: System - e: Systole - e: Thio[uridine] - e: Total entropy - e: Water Surface Craft - e: Wing plan area - e: Wyeth Laboratories - f: Aerospatiale - f: Servier - f: Siecle - f: Single - f: Sou - f: Sud - f: Suède - f: Sur - f: Sympathique - F: Sisälle - i: San[to] - i: Santa - i: Seguente - i: Selvi - i: Signor - i: Simes - i: Strada - j: Sen - j: Suzuki -1: Sacrum -1: Saduccus -1: Saeculum -1: Scot -1: Semis -1: Septum -1: Sepulchrum -1: Sepultus -1: Sigma -1: Sine -1: Sinister -1: Situs -1: Solidus -1: Staphylococcus -1: Stephanus Provincialis -1: Sulcus -1: Suus - N: Sor - n: Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (journ.) - p: Sâo - p: Sul - r: Söder - s: Säbado - s: Senor - s: Sezatoarea. Revista de Folklor (journ.) - s: Sierra - s: Simon de Bisignano - s: Sol - s: Subir - s: Sucre - s: Sur s d:saugend - d: säurefest - d: schlagwettersicher - d: schmelzschweißbar - d: Sekunde[n] - d:senkrecht - d: sensitiv - d: sphärisch - d: Standardabweichung - e: displacement - e: Path, Length of Arc - e: saves - e: scientific - e: second - e: sedimentation coefficient 237

s. - e: see - e: self timer - e: semi - e: shield - e: sol - e: soluble - e: source of a field-effect transistor [FET] - e: spherical lens - e: spin quantum number - e: statical - e: stere - e: superficial - e: symbol surface - e: symmetry number -1: signa -1: signetur S . d: Sache - d: Sachsen - d: Satz - d: Seite - d: Sektion - d: Senat - d: Silber - d: Sirup - d: Sohn - d: Soil - d: Solo - d: Sommer - d: Sopran - d: Sortiment - d: Spanish - d: Summe - d: Symmetrie - e: New York Supplement - e: Quebec Superior Court Reports - e: Sacer - e: San[tus] - e: Saskatchewan - e: Saturday - e: Scilicet - e: Scotland - e: Scottish - e: Searles Cape of Good Hope Reports - e: Searles Cases in the Supreme Court - e: Section - e: Senate [Bill] - e: Serial - e: Series - e: Signatur - e: Sign[ed] - e: Signum - e: Slower - e: Smooth sea - e: Snow - e: Solicitors Opinion - e: Soil - e: Solo - e: Southeastern Reporter - e: South[em] - e: Southern Reporter - e: Southwestern Reporter - e: Starboard[side] - e: Statute - e: Steamer - e: Straitfs] - e: Submarine - e: Superseded - e: Supreme Court Reporter - e: Surface - e: Switch - e: System - i: Santa - i: Sutura -1: Salmonella -1: Senatus -1: Substantia - s: Santo

s. d: sachlich - d: sächlich - d: schwarz - d: schwer - d: siehe - d: symmetrisch - e: same case - e: second - e: see - e: semis - e: set - e: share - e: sine - e: sinister - e: sive/seu - e: sized - e: slip - e: solubility - e: soluble - f: signe - i: solo S- d: Synchrons- e: secondary - e: symmetrical - e: symmetrically substituted - e: synS/ f: S a - f: Ses - f: Son - s: Sol s/ s: su /S/ e: Signed [S] e: Paymaster - e: Safe - e: Sinister [s] e: Solid S $ e: Singapore dollar S " e: Saybolt second 5 0 d: ISDN-Schnittstelle Basisanschluß 5 1 d: Stabsoffizier[stelle] bei Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine für Personalwesen - e: Seaman First Class S - l e: Military personnel - e: Personnel officer - e: Personnel Section S , d: Erster Herzton - d: Stabsoffizier für Personalwesen - e: Rate of departure - e: Rate of return s, e: first heart sound 5 2 d: Stabsoffizierfstelle] bei Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine für Militärisches Nachrichtenwesen s2 e: second heart sound 5 2 d: Stabsoffizier für Militärisches Nachrichtenwesen - e: Rate of departure - e: Rate of return S - 2 e: Grumman Tracker antisubmarine search-and-attack aircraft - e: Intelligence officer - e: Intelligence Section - e: Military intelligence 2 - S e: Selective Service Class 5 3 d: Stabsoffizier[stelIe] bei Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine für Führung Organisation, Ausbildung - e: Semi-Submerged Ship - e: Signal Selection Switchboard - e: Simulation in the Service of Society - e: Synergistic Strike System - e: Systems and Software Simulator S 3 d: Stabsoffizier für Führung, Organisation, Ausbildung - e: Serial Signalling System - e: Simulation Support System - e: Strategie Satellite System


© K G -

Säur, München

5 3 e: Serial Signalling Scheme - e: Serial Signalling System - e: Small Scientific Satellite - e: Strategie Satellite System - e: Systems, Science and Software S - 3 e: Military operations and training [officer] - e: Operations and Training Section S/3 d: System 3 3 S e: Simplification, Standardization, Specialization - e: Standard Supply System 5 4 d: Stabsoffizier[stelle] bei Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine für Logistik - e: Standard Submarine Sonar System - e: Stanford School Scheduling System - e: Supply Officer 5 4 d: Stabsoffizier für Logistik S - 4 e: Logistics Section - e: Military logistics [officer] 4 S e: Society for Social Studies of Science 5 5 e: Civil Affairs Officer S 7 e: Sellers Delivery in Seven Days S - 3 5 e: Saab double-delta-wing supersonic fighter or fighter bomber S 3 5 e: Radioactive sulfur S / 4 0 e: Sex Over Forty (joum.) S - 5 1 e: Sikorsky four-seat helicopter S - 6 0 e: Soviet antiaircraft system S - 6 1 e: Sikorsky civilian or military helicopter S 1 0 0 e: An interconnection system for computers SA a: Skogbrukets Arbeidsgiverforening - a: Sparebankenes Arbeidsgiverforening - d: Farbenfabrik Wolfen - d: Sammelanschluß - d: Sammelauftrag - d: Sarkom - d: Saturn-Apollo - d: Satzadresse - d: Schaltanlage - d: Schaltbefehlsausgabe - d: Scharfe Anblasung - d: Schaumanhänger - d: Schießarbeit - d: Schiffsarzt - d: Schlafapnoe - d: Schreibautomat - d: Schwefelsaures Ammoniak - d: Schwere Artillerie - d: Seekriegsanleitung - d: Selbstanlasser - d: Selbstanschluß - d: Semiautomatik - d: Sendeantenne - d: Serumalbumin - d: Sicherheitsabstand - d: Signalaufbereitung - d: Sinoaurikulär - d: Sinusarrhythmie - d: Situationsanalyse - d: Sonderabdruck - d: Sonderanlagen - d: Sonderausgabe[n] - d: Sonderausschuß - d: Sonnenaufgang - d: Sortierautomatik - d: Sozialamt - d: Sozialanamnese - d: Sport-Auto - d: Sprengarbeiten - d: Stabsarzt - d: Strahlungsgebundene Aussendung - d: Sturmabteilung - d: Sulfadiazin - d: Systemanalyse

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in W i s s e n s c h a f t und T e c h n i k

SA - d: SystemanschluB - e: Air-Cushion Vehicle - e: Amazon River and Basin - e: Chemical Agent/Arsine - e: Sable - e: Sack[s] - e: Safe Arrival - e: Safe Association - e: Safety Altitude - e: Safety Analysis - e: Safety Assessment - e: Safeway Stores - e: Safing Area - e: Sail Area - e: Sales Activity - e: Sales Aid - e: Sales Analysis - e: Salicylic Acid - e: Salt Acid - e: Salt Added - e: Salvation Army - e: Sample Array - e: Sample Assembly - e: Sandstorm - e: Sanitary Authority - e: Sarcastics Anonymous - e: Saturated Air - e: Saturn Apollo - e: Saudi Arabia[n] - e: Saudia Arabian - e: Saunders Aircraft Corp. Ltd. - e: Sausage Aerial - e: Savage Arms - e: Savannah & Atlanta Railway Co. - e: Saved Accumulator - e: Savings Account - e: Scaling Amplifier - e: Scanning Accuracy - e: Scattering Amplitude - e: Scenic America - e: Schizophrenics Anonymous - e: Scholarship Amount - e: Science Abstracts (journ.) - e: Science Advisors - e: Scientific American (journ.) - e: Scientific Assistant - e: Scientific Authority - e: Scleroderma Association - e: Scoliosis Association - e: Scratch Area - e: Seaman Apprentice - e: Search Algorithm - e: Search Amphibian - e: Search Argument - e: Seasonally Adjusted - e: Second Attack - e: Secondary Address - e: Sectional Area - e: Sector Address - e: Sector Aimable - e: Security Agreement - e: Security Alarm Technician Program - e: Security Assistance - e: Seddon Atkinson [Vehicles Ltd.] - e: Sedimentation Analysis - e: See Also - e: Seek Address - e: Seeker Antenna - e: Seiners Association - e: Select Address - e: Selected Area - e: Selection Addressing - e: Selective Availability - e: Self Absorption - e: Self-Acting - e: Self-Administered - e: Semi-Active

- e: Semi-Adder - e: Semi-Automatic - e: Semi Automatic - e: Semiannually] - e: Semianthracite - e: Semiautogenous - e: Send Ahead - e: Senior Advisor - e: Sense Address - e: Sense Amplifier - e: Sensing with Active Microwave - e: Sensitized Activated - e: Separat-Abdruck - e: Separated Atom - e: Sequence [or Sequential] Access - e: Sequential Addressing - e: Sequential Automated - e: Serendipity Association - e: Serial Access - e: Serial Adder - e: Serum Albumin - e: Servant Allowance - e: Service Action - e: Service Adviser - e: Service Agreement - e: Service Aids - e: Service Air - e: Service Alarm - e: Service Area - e: Service Arm - e: Service Assistant - e: Services Adviser - e: Servo Amplifier - e: Set Arithmetic - e: Set Attribute - e: Setup Acknowledge - e: Seufferts Archiv (journ.) - e: Seventh Avenue - e: Sex Appeal - e: Sexual Abuse - e: Shaft Alloy - e: Shaft Angle - e: Shaping Amplifier - e: Sharpless Accelerator - e: Shear Area - e: Shell Analysis - e: Shift Advance Driver - e: Ship Abstracts - e: Ship to Aircraft - e: Shipping Annual Data - e: Shipping Authority - e: Shipyard Availability - e: Shock Absorber - e: Shock Attenuation - e: Shop Accessory - e: Shops Act - e: Shortening Allowance - e: Sicanna Industries Ltd. - e: Sideroblastic Anemia - e: Signal Analyzer - e: Signal Attenuation - e: Signature Analysis - e: Silicon-Asbestos - e: Simple Alert - e: Simple Approach - e: Simulated Annealing - e: Simultaneous Access - e: Single Access - e: Single Acting - e: Single Action - e: Single Address Instruction - e: Single Amplitude - e: Single Anomalous Scattering - e: Single Armo[u]r[ed] - e: Sinoatrial - e: Sinoauricular - e: Sinus Aestuum

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e - e -e -e - e -e -e - e -e -e - e -e -e -e - e - e -e -e -e -e - e -e - e - e -e - e - e - e - e -e -e - e - e -e - e - e - e -e - e - e - e - e - e - e -e -e - e -e - e -e - e - e - e - e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e - e -e -e -e - e - e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e

Sinus Arrhythmia Site Activation Site Availability Situation Audit Situational Awareness Slide Agglutination Slow-Acting [relay] Slugging Average Small Arms Smithsonian Associates Snap Action Snubber Adapter Society for Asian Music Society of Actuaries Society of Alexandria Society of Antiquaries Society of Archivists Society of Arts Society of Authors Sociological Abstracts, (journ.) Sociological Analysis (journ.) Software Applicaions Soil Association Solar Array Sols Africains (journ.) Soluable Acidity Soluble in Alkaline[-solution] Solution Annealed Sortie Accumulateur Sound Analysis Source Address South Africa[n] [Airways] South African Law Reports (journ.) South Américain] South Arabian South Atlantic South Australia[n] South Australiana (journ.) Southbank Aviation Southern Association Space Aeronautics (journ.) Spacecraft Adapter Spaced Armour Spaced Array Spanish-National Air Routes Corporation Speaker Amplifier Special Access Special Action Special Activities [or Activity] Special Agent Special Application Special Area Special Artificer Special Assignment Special Assistant Specialty Advertising Business (joum.) Specific Activities Specific Activity Specific Addressing] Specific Antigen Spectral Analysis Spectrograph Assembly Spectrum Analysis Spectrum Analyzer Speech Activities (journ.) Speech Amplifier Speech Analysis Sperm Aster Speronara Spherical Aberration Spherical Agglomeration Spin Axis Splice Acceptor Splitting Amplifier Sponsored [or Sponsoring] Agency Spouses Allowance Springfield Armory


sA - e: Stability Analysis - e: Stability Augmentation - e: Staff Association - e: Stage II Apparel Corp. - e: Staging Adapter - e: Standard Accuracy - e: Standard Addition - e: Standard Agena - e: Start[ing] Address - e: State Agency - e: State Analysis - e: States Attorney - e: Static Approximation - e: Station Address - e: Statistical Analysis - e: Statutes of Alberta - e: Stearic Acid - e: Stochastic Approximation - e: Stokes-Adams - e: Stone Arch - e: Storage Access - e: Storage Address - e: Storage Allocation [or Allocator] - e: Storage Area - e: Store Accumulator - e: Store Address - e: Store Automation - e: Stores Accountant - e: Stores Assistant - e: Strategic Aviation - e: Stress Analysis - e: Stress Anneal[ing] - e: Stretch-Activated Ion Channel - e: String Analysis - e: Structural Adhesive - e: Structural [or Structured] Analysis - e: Students for America - e: Studies in Astronautics (journ.) - e: Studio Address - e: Styrene-Acrylonitrile - e: Subaccount - e: Subarachnoid - e: Subassembly - e: Subatomic - e: Subcontract Agreement - e: Subject to Approval - e: Submerged Arc - e: Subsequent Access - e: Subsistence Allowance - e: Substitution Authorization - e: Suburban Action Institute - e: Successive Approximation - e: Sudan Airways - e: Sugar Association - e: Sulfonamide^] - e: Summing Amplifier - e: Sun Affected - e: Superabnormal - e: Superalloy - e: Supervisory Authority - e: Superwomen Anonymous - e: Supplemental [or Supplementary] Agreement - e: Supply Accountant - e: Supply Activity - e: Support Activity - e: Support Agency - e: Support Area - e: Supporting Arms (journ.) - e: Supra-Abdominal - e: Surface Activity - e: Surface Adsorption - e: Surface Air - e: Surface Analysis - e: Surface Area - e: Surface Attack - e: Surface-to-Air [Missile]

- e: Surgeons Assistant - e: Surgery Assist - e: Surgical Anastomosis - e: Surveillance Approach - e: Survivability Assessment - e: Sustained Action - e: Sweep, Acoustic - e: Sweet Adelines - e: Swept Area - e: Swing Arm - e: Switching] Assembly - e: Switching Devices - e: Symbolae Arctoae (joum.) - e: Symbolic Addressing] - e: Symbolic Assembler - e: Sympathetic Activity - e: Synchro Amplifier - e: System Administrator - e: System Architecture - e: System Assessment - e: Systemic Antibiotic - e: Systems Address - e: System[s] Analysis [or Analyst] - f; Le Syllabaire Accadien (journ.) - f: Société Africaine Radioélectrique - f: Société Anonyme - f: Son Altesse - F: Suomen Akatemia - i: Soprano, Alto - i: Studi Americani (journ.) -1: Secundum Artem -1: Sine Anno -1: Staphylococcus Aureus -1: Sub Anno - p: Societas Adunationis - r: Skogbrukets Arbeidsgiverforening - R: Sovietskaja Archeologija (journ.) - r: Sparebankenes Arbeidsgiverforening - r: Svenska Agghandelsförbundet - r: Svenska Akeriförbundet - r: Svenska Armen - s: Sin Ano - s: Sociedad Anonima - s: Sudâfrica sA e: Statampere Sa e: Samarium - e: Samtiden (journ.) - e: Sanguinarine - e: Saturation - e: Saturday - s: Sierra sa d: samstags - d: sauer - d:sonnabends Sa. d: Sachsen - d: Sammler - d: Sammlung - d: Samstag - d: Sanskrit - d: Sonnabend - d: Summa - e: Saturday - e: Summa S.A. d: Sanitätsabteilung - d: Sturmabteilung - d: Südafrika - e: Safe Arrival - e: Sail Area - e: Salvage Association - e: Salvation Army - e: Self Acting - e: Self-Actuated - e: South Africa[n] [Law Reports] - e: South America[n] - e: South Atlantic - e: South Australiafn] - e: Subject to shippers Approval


© K G - Saur. München

- f: Société Anonyme - f: Société Anonyme - f: Soupape d'Admission - i: Società Anonima - s: Sociedad Anonima - s: Sucursales Asociados s.a. d: siehe auch - e: self acting - e: semiannual - e: semiautomatic - e: secundum artem - e: semiannual -1: sine anno S&A e: Bureau of Supplies and Accounts - e: Safe[ty] and Arm[ing] [Article Device] - e: Science and Application - e: Search and Rescue - e: Sickness and Accident - e: Signing and Accounting - e: Sugar and Acetone - e: Supplies and Accounts - e: Surveillance and Accountability - e: Surveillance and Analysis S-A e: Safe and Arming - e: Single-Action - e: Sinoatrial S/A e: Safe Arm - e: Safe Arrival - e: Safety and Arming - e: Salvage Association - e: Scheduled/Actual - e: Semiautomatic - e: Service Action - e: Service Application - e: Serviceable - e: Ship Alteration - e: Shiped Assembled - e: Space Available - e: Spacecraft Adapter - e: Special Activities - e: Special Agent - e: State Agent - e: Status and Alert - e: Storage Area - e: Subassembly - e: Subject to Acceptance - e: Subject to Approval - e: Subject to Average - e: Such As - e: Surface/Air - e: Survivorship Agreement - e: Systems Analysts S" p: Serra - s: Senora - s: Sierra s-a-1 e: Stuck-at-One SA-2 e: Soviet surface-to-air missile Sa(i2 e: arterial oxygen Saturation SA-3 e: Soviet air-defense missile system SA-4 e: Soviet missile system SA-5 e: Soviet surface-to-air missile SA-6 e: Soviet air-defense missile system SA-7 e: Soviet shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile SA-8 e: Soviet missile system SA-9 e: Soviet air-defense missile system SA£ e: South African pound SA-31S e: Aerospatiale helicopter SA-341 e: Aerospatiale observation helicopter

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SAAM SAA d: Schweizer Anglistische Arbeiten (journ.) - d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Aphasie - d: Schweizerische Astronautische Arbeitsgemeinschaft - d: Schwere Aplastische Anämie - d: Systemanwendungsarchitektur - e: S-band Acquisition Antenna - e: Safety Assurance Analysis - e: Santiago Capital - e: Saratoga - e: Satellite Attitude Acquisition - e: Saturn Apollo Applications - e: Saudi Arabian Airlines - e: Scottish Aeromodellers Association - e: Scottish Archery Association - e: Security Assessment Agreement - e: Senior Army Advisor - e: Serum Amyloid A - e: Service Action Analysis - e: Servo-Actuated Assembly - e: Severe Aplastic Anemia - e: Sex Addicts Anonymous - e: Sexual Abuse Anonymous - e: Shakespeare Association of America - e: Shelter Advertising Association - e: Shuaiba Area Authority - e: Signal Appliance Association - e: Simulated Acceterometer Assembly - e: Singapore Aftercare Association - e: Single-Article Announcement - e: Slot Array Antenna - e: Small Arms Ammunition - e: Social Administration Association - e: Society for Academic Achievement - e: Society for American Arch[a]eology - e: Society for Applied Anthropology - e: Society for Asian Art - e: Society of American Archivists - e: Society of Archer Antiquaries - e: Society of Architectural Administrators - e: Society of Automotive Analysts - e: Solution Annealed and Aged - e: South African Airways - e: South African Alliance - e: South Atlantic Anomaly - e: South Australian Artillery - e: Southern Africa Association - e: Southern Ash Association - e: Soviet Strategic Aviation - e: Special Arbitrage Account - e: Special Assignment Airlift - e: Specialty Advertising Association - e: Speech Association of America - e: Staff Administrative Assistant - e: Standards Association of Australia - e: State Administrative Agency - e: State Applicant Agency - e: State Approving Agency - e: State Archeological Area - e: Static Allegation Analyzer - e: Step Adjustable Antenna - e: Storage Accounting Area - e: Student Alumni Association - e: Succinic Acid Anhydride - e: Suffolk Agricultural Association - e: Suflower Association of America - e: Sulfuric Anodized Aluminum - e: Summary Activity Account - e: Sunglass Association of America - e: Superconductor Applications Association - e: Surface Acting [or Active] Agentfs] - e: Survivability Analysis Assessment - e: Survival Air-to-Air - e: Suzuki Association of the Americas - e: Swedish-American Association

- e: Syrian Arab Airlines - e: System[s] Application Architecture - f: Société Agricole de l'Agneby - f: Société Algérienne d'Assurances - f: Société Auxiliare Africaine - f: Société des Automobiles Alpine Renault - j: Sakai - r: Svenska Aerosolföreningen - s: Secretaria de Agrigultura e Abastecimento - s: Senior Agricultural Adviser - s: Sociedad Argentina de Agronomía - s: Sociedad Argentina de Antropología - s: Sociedad Argentina de Apicultores - s: Syndicat Agrícola Africain SA-A e: Scientific Adviser-Army SAAA e: Salvation Army Association of America - e: Scottish Agricultural Arbiters Association SAA/AA e: American Antiquity. Society for American Archaeology (joum.) S A A A R N G e: Senior Army Advisor, Army National Guard SAAAS e: South African Association for the Advancement of Science SAAASE e: South African Association for the Administration and Settlement of Estates SAAB e: Saudi Arabian Agricultural Bank - e: Selected and Amplified Binding - e: South African Archaeological Bulletin (journ.) - r: Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget S a a b d: Saab Deutschland GmbH - e: Saab Car Division - r: Saab-Scania AB SAAB/CE s: Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Ceará Saab-D d: Saab Deutschland GbH S a a b D K a: Saab Biler A/S S a a b - G B e: Saab Great Britain Saab-N N: Saab Norge A/S S.A.A. Bulletin d: Schweizerische Astronautische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bulletin (journ.) - e: Standards Association of Australia Bulletin (joum.) SAAC e: Schedule Allocation and Control - e: Sciences and Arts Camps - e: Security Assistance Accounting Center - e: Seismic Array Analysis Center - e: Shelby American Automobile Club - e: Simulator for Air-to-Air Combat - e: Society for the Advancement of Ambulatory Care - e: South American Athletic Confederation - e: Space Aged Access Count - e: Space Applications Advisory Committee - e: Special Assistant for Arms Control - f: Société Anonyme Automobiles Citroën -s: Servicio de Aviación de la Armada de Chile SA/AC e: Scientific Adviser to the Army Council S A A C B e: South African Association of Clinical Biochemists S A A C E e: South African Association of Consulting Engineers S A A C I e: Salesmens Association of the American Chemical Industry S A A C O N S e: Standard Army Automated Contracting System S A A C T e: Surveillance and Accountability Control Team

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

SAAD e: Sacramento Army Depot - e: San Antonio Air Depot - e: School of Antiaircraft Defense - e: Small-Arms Ammunition Depot - e: Society for [the] Advancement of An[a]esthesia in Dentistry - e: Sperry Air Arm Division S A A D C O e: Saudi Arabian Agriculture and Dairy Company SAAD Dig e: SAAD [Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesian Dentistry] Digest (journ.) SA Advertiser [Newspr] e: South Australian Advertiser Reports (journ.) SAAEB e: South African Atomic Energy Board S A A E L C e: South Australian Agricultural Equipment Liaison Committee SAAEVA e: Southern Association for Agricultural Engineering and Vocational Agriculture SAAF e: Saudi Arabian Air Force - e: Sherman Army Airfield - e: Sino-American Amity Fund - e: Small Arms Alignment Fixture - e: Small Austere Air Field - e: South African Air Force SAAFA e: Special Arab Assistance Fund for Africa - R: Astrometriya i Astrofizika (journ.) SAAF A m e: South African Airways Fully Automatic Reservations] Installation S A A F O S T e: South African Association for Food Science and Technology S A A G e: Science and Applications Advocacy Group S A A G S e: Semi-Automatic Artwork Generator System SAA/HO e: Human Organization. Society for Applied Anthropology (journ.) S A A H S e: Stability Augmentation Attitude Hold System SAA/HSG d: Seminar fiir Agrarpolitik und Agrarrecht SAAI e: South African Acoustics Institute - e: Speciality Advertising Association International - s: Punta Indio - s: Sociedad Argentina de Alergia y Inmunopatologia SAAJA e: Soviet Astronomy SAAL e: Single Address Assembly Machine Language - e: Single-Axis Acoustic Levitator - e: Syrian Arab Airlines Saalb J b d: Saalburg-Jahrbuch. Bericht des Saalburg-Museums (journ.) SA-ALC e: San Antonio Air Logistics Center S A A L C K e: State Assisted Academic Library Council of Kentucky S A A L C / M M e: San Antonio Air Logistics Center, Directorate of Materiel Management S A A L I C e: Swindon Area Association of Libraries for Industry and Commerce S A A M e: Simulation Analysis and Model[l]ing - e: Small-Animal Anesthesia Machine - e: Small Arms Ammunition - e: Sol-Air Anti Missile - e: Special Air Force Air[lift] Mission [or Movement] - f: Systeme naval d'Audtodefense Anti-Missile


SAAMA SAAMA e: San Antonio Air Material [or Materiel] Area SAAMBR e: South African Association for Marine Biological Research SAAMI e: Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute SAAMS e: Special Airlift Assignment Missions - e: Special Application Alarm Monitoring System SAAmt d: Selbstanschlußamt SAAN e: South African Associated Newspapers SAANAn f: Société Archeologique de l'Arrondissement de Nivelles. Annales (journ.) SAANYS e: School Administrators Association of New York State SAANZ e: Sociological Association of Australia and New Zealand SAAO e: South African Astronomical Observatory S A A O C e: System of Analysis and Assignment of Operations according to Capacities SAAP d: Störungsanalyse-Applikationsprogramm - e: Saranton Army Ammunition Plant - e: Saturn/Apollo Application^] Program - e: Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy - e: South Atlantic Anomaly Probe - e: Supported Accommodation Assistance Program S A A P C C e: South African Administrative Pay and Clerical Corps SAAPE e: Scottish Association of Advisers in Physical Education SAAPMB e: South African Association of Physicists in Medicine and Biology SAAR e: Saw Arbor SAA/R e: Relaciones. Sociedad Argentina de Antropología (journ.) Saarberg d: Saarbergwerke AG SAARBS e: South African Angora Ram Breeders Society SAARC e: South Asia Association of/for Regional Cooperation SA Arch J e: SA Archives Journal (journ.) SAARCI s: Sindicato Autónomo Agenti Rappresentani Commercio Industria SAARD[s] e: Slow-Acting Antirheumatic Drug[s] S A A R F e: Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force SAA/RJ p: Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado do Rio de Janeiro SaarlABl d: Amtsblatt des Saarlandes SAARLOR d: Saar-Lothringische Kohlenunion S A A R P e: Small Arms Ammunition Refilling Point SAAS d: Staatliches Amt für Atomsicherheit und Strahlenschutz - e: School of Applied Aerospace Sciences - e: Science Achievement Awards for Students - e: Shuttle Aerosurface Actuator Simulator - e: Society for the Advancement of Agricultural Studies - e: Society of African and Afro-American Students - e: Something about the Author Autobiography Series (journ.) - e: South African Archaeological Society

- e: South African Association for the Advancement of Science - e: Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists - e: Special Ammunition and Analysis Section - e: Standard Army Ammunition System - e: Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids SAAS Bull Biochem Biotechnol e: SAAS Bulletin. Biochemistry and Biotechnology (journ.) SAASC e: San Antonio Air Service Command SAAST e: Self Administered Alcoholism Screening Test S Aastralia Geol Surv Rep Invest e: South Australia. Geological Survey. Report of Investigations (journ.) S Aast Teach J e: South Australian Teachers Journal (journ.) SAASW e: Sub-Antarctic Surface Water SAAT d: Serumaspartataminotransferase - e: Satellite Attitude Acquisition Technique - e: Society of Architects and Allied Technicians - e: Society of Architectural and Associated Technicians - e: Systems Analyst Aptitude Test - f: Société d'Aménagement et d'Activités Tertiaires SAATAS e: South Australia & Territory Air Services S A A T C e: Southern African Air Transport Council SaatgG d: Saatgutgesetz Saatgut-Wirt[sch] e: Saatgut-Wirtschaft (journ.) SAA Timber e: Salai [boswelia serrata] Timber SAATMS e: Satellite-Based Advanced Air Traffic Management System SAATSC e: San Antonio Air Technical Service Command SAATVE e: South African Association for Technical and Vocational Education SAAU e: South African Agricultural Union - e: Swiss Association of Autonomous Unions - f: Système d'Approvisionnement Alimentaire d'Urgence SAAUSAR e: Senior Army Advisor, United States Army Reserve SAAUW e: South African Association of University Women SAAV s: Santa Fe/Sauce Viejo SAAVS e: Submarine Acceleration and Velocity System SAAWA d: Schweizer Archiv für Angewandte Wissenschaft und Technik (journ.) S A A W C e: Sector Anti-Air Warfare Coordinator S A A W K A: Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetnenskap en Kuns SAAX e: Saturn Airways, Inc. SAB d: Saarburg - d: Sabotage - d: Satzaufbereitung - d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bergbauern - d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Öffentlichen Bibliotheken - d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Bergbevölkerung - d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Berggebiete - d: Signalaufbereitung


© K • G • Saur, München

- d: Simulationsablaufbedienung - d: Sitzungsberichte. Deutsche [Preußische] Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse [Berlin] (journ.) - d: Subarachnoidalblutung - d: Systematik für allgemeinbildende Bibliotheken - e: Data Acquisition Bay - e: Saba - e: Sabena - e: Sabouraud Dextrose Agar - e: Same as Above - e: Same as Basic - e: Satellite Assembly Building - e: School of American Ballet - e: Science [or Scientific] Advisory Board - e: Sealed Argon Bubbling - e: Secondary Application Block - e: Secondary Boolean Analyzer - e: Semiconductor Avalanche Bolometer - e: Session Awareness Block - e: Set Buffer Address - e: Shakespeare Association. Bulletin (journ.) - e: Shuttle Avionics Breadboard - e: Signal Aviation Branch - e: Silicon-Aluminum Bronze - e: Silk Association of Great Britain - e: Site Activation Board - e: Small Business Administration - e: Snap Action Bimetal - e: Society for/of Applied Bacteriology - e: Society of American Bacteriologists - e: Society of Applied Bacteriology - e: Solar Alignment Bay - e: Solar Array Batteries - e: Solid Assembly Building - e: South American Blastomycosis - e: South Atlantic Bulletin (joum.) - e: Space Applications Board - e: Spacecraft Assembly Building - e: Special Assessment Bond - e: Speech Adaptor Box - e: Stack Access Block - e: Stack Address Block - e: Statistics and Analysis Branch - e: Steel Arch Bridge - e: Storage Address Bus - e: Storage and Assembly Building - e: Strategic Assessment Branch - e: Structural Adhesive Bond - e: Subject as Above - e: Support Activities Building - e: Supporting Assistance Bureau - e: Synchronization] Address Bus - e: System Advisory Board - e: System for Business Automation - f: Société Africaine des Bois - f: Société Africaine de Bonneterie - f: Société Anonyme Beige d'Exploitation de la Navigation Aerienne - i: Soprano, Alto, Baritone - i: Soprano, Alto, Bass - n: Stichting voor Aardappelbewaring - r: Svensk Ayrshireboskap - r: Sveriges Allmänna Biblioteksförening - s: Sociedad Arqueológica de Bolivia - s: Sociedad Argentina de Biología - s: Sociedad Argentina de Botánica - s: Sociedád Arqueológica de Bolivia Sab e: Sabah - e: Sabbatarianism] - e: Sabelian - e: Sabra[s] - h: sabbath - h: Sabkhat

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SABTS sab e: sabbatical - i: sabato - s: sâbado SAb e: Serum Antibody Sab. d: Sabotage - d: Saboteur S-A b e: South-American blastomycosis S-A B e: Steel-Arch Bridge e: Small Able [or Agile] Battlefield Aircraft - e: Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis - e: South African Brick Association - e: Swimmers Air Breathing Apparatus - f: Société Archéologique de Bruxelles. Annales (journ.) - f: Sol-Air Basse Altitude - s: Buenos Aires S a b a e: Sheba s - a b a e: science-a basic approach S a b a h F o r Rec e: Sabah Forest Record (journ.) S A B A M f: Société Anonyme Belge des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique S A B A P e: Southern African Bird Atlas Project SABAR e: Satellites, Balloons and Rockets SABAS e: Shipping Agents and Brokers Association of Singapore s.Abb. d: siehe Abbildung SABB f: Société d'Arrimage des Battures de Beauport SABBA e: System Analysis-Building Block Approach s a b b a t e: sabbatical S A B C e: South African Broadcasting Corporation - f: Société des Brasseries du Cameroun SABCA f: Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques Sabchota M e d R: Sabchota Meditsina (journ.) S A B C O d: Society for the Area of Biological and Chemical Overlap S A B C O A e: Screw and Bolt Corporation of America Sabd. d: Sammelband S.-Abdr. d: Separatabdruck - d: Sonderabdruck S A B D R E S e: Small Battlefield Realistic Engagement Simulator SABE e: Society for Automation in Business Education - f: Société Africaine des Bois de l'Est - f: Société Africaine d'Exploitation des Brevets Eries - s: Buenos Aires/Aeroparque, Jorge Newbery SABEA i: Societa Alimentari Bevande e Affini SABENA f: Société Anonyme Belge d'Exploitation de la Navigation Aérienne S A B E P A f: Société Anonyme Belge d'Exploitation de Photographie Aérienne S A B E R e: SECNAV Advisory Board on Educational Requirements - e: Semi-Automatic Business Environment Research - e: Simplifed Acquisition of Base Engineering Requirements - e: Surface-to-Air Beam Rider - e: Swing-Arm Beam Erector S A B E T e: Scottish Association for Building Education and Training SABEU e: Scottish Adult Basic Education Unit

S A B E W e: Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - e: Society of American Business Editors and Writers SABF e: Sub-Array Beam Former S A B H e: Simultaneous AutomaticBroadcast Homer SABHATA e: Sand and Ballast Haulers and Allied Trades Alliance S A B H I e: Sabouraud Dextrose Agar and Brain-Heart Infusion SABI f: Société Africaine de Biscuiterie Sabi d: Sozialistisches Arbeitskollektiv Biologie SaBi i: La Sacra Bibbia (journ.) SABIC e: Saudi Basic Industries Cooperation [or Corporation] S A B I G f: Société de Blanchisserie Industrielle du Gabon S ABU f: Société Royale Belge des Ingénieurs et Industriels sabin e: square-foot unit of absorption SABINET e: South African Bibliographical and Information Network S A B I R C f: Système Automatique de Bibliographie, d'Information et de Recherche en Carcinologie SABIR[S] e: Semi-Automatic Bibliographie Information Retrieval [System] Sa.-Bl. d: Sammelblatt SABL e: Serialized Assembly Breakdown List - f: Société des Sciences, Arts et BellesLettres de Bayeux S A B L E e: Semiautomatic BOMARC Local Environment Sable e: Cape Sable - e: Sable Island SABLI s: Société Agro Animale BeninoLybienne SA-Block d: Sinuatrialer Block SA-Blutung d: Subarachnoidalblutung SA/BM e: Systems Analysis and Battle Management S A B M e: Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode - e: Systems Analysis/Battle Management - f: Société Africaine de Beton Manufacture S A B M A R e: Service-Craft and Boats Machine Accounting Report SA/BM/C3 e: System Analysis, Battle Management, Command Control & Communications S A B M E e: Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended S A B M I S e: Sea-based Anti-Ballistic Missile [Intercept System] - e: Sea-launched Anti-Ballistic Missile [Intercept System] - e: Seaborne Anti-Ballistic Missile Intercept System - e: Ship-launched Anti-Ballistic Missile Intercept System S A B M S e: Safeguard Anti-Ballistic Missile System S A B N W T R e: Science Advisory Board of the Northwest Territories. Report (joum.) S A B N W T R P e: Science Advisory Board of the Northwest Territories. Research Paper (joum.) S A B N W T W P e: Science Advisory Baard of the Northwest Territories. Working Paper (journ.) SA-BO e: Sense Amplitier-Blocking Oscillator

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G - Saur, Munich

S A B O e: Sabotage - e: Sense Amplifier Blocking Oscillator - f: Société Agricole d'Abobo S A B O D e: Same as Basic Operations Directive S A B O G A B f: Société des Bois du Gabon S A B O R e: Same as Basic Or - e: Shunt Automatic Build Out Resistance S A B O T e: Sabotage - e: Saboteur S A B P e: Skeletal Axis of Basal Piece - e: Spontaneous Acute Bacterial Peritonitis - e: Systolic Arterial Blood Pressure S A B P L e: Sucrose Acetone Betapropiolactone SABR e: Symbolic Assembler for Binary Relocatable [Programs] SABRA A: Suid-Afrikaanse Bureau vir Rasse Aangeleenthede - e: South African Bureau of Racial Affairs S A B R A C e: Sabra Computer S A B R A O e: Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches] in Asia and Oceania S A B R B d: Siemens-Albis Berichte (journ.) S A B R E e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Battery Routing Equipment - e: Sales and Business Reservations Done Electronically - e: Secure Airborne Bombing Radar Equipment - e: Self-Aligning Ballistic Reentry - e: Self-Aligning Boost and Reentry [System] - e: Semi-Automatic Business-Related Environment - e: Semiautomated Business Research Environment - e: Singer Accounting and Business Reporting - e: Store Access Bus Recording Equipment - e: Sweden and Britain Radar Auroral Experiment - e: System for Autonomous Bodies Reporting and Evaluation - p: Sociedad Aleña Brasileira de Reflorestamento S A B R E S e: Small Arms Battlefield Realistic Engagement Simulator S A B R E System e: Self-Aligning Boost and Reentry System S A B R F e: Skeletal Axis of Branchial Filament S A B R I T A e: South Africa-Britain Trade Association S A B R P e: Symbolic Assembler for Binary Relocatable Programs SABRS e: Standard Accounting, Budgeting and Reporting System SABRU e: South African Bird Ringing Unit SABS d: Schiffsanalgen und -betriebsSimulator - e: Congregation of the Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - e: South African Bureau of Standards - e: Stabilizing Automatic Bomb Sight - e: Stanford Automated Bibliographic System[s] - e: Subject to Approval Both Sides S/ABS e: Shock Absorber SAbschIG d: Gesetz Uber den Abschluß der Sammlung des Bundesrechts SABTS e: Shared-Aperture Breadboard Test System - e: South African Blood Transfusion Service


SABU SABU e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Back-up - e: Self-Adjusting Ball[s]-Up - e: Semi-Automatic Back-Up S A B W e: Society of American Business Writers SAC d: Schweizer Alpen-Club - e: Advisory Committee on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Ships - e: Post Office Stamp Advisory Committee - e: Saccharin - e: Sacral - e: Sacrament[al] - e: Sacramento, California - e: Sacred - e: Sacrifice - e: Sacristan - e: Safety Advisory Committee - e: Sahali Resources, Inc. - e: Saint Ambrose College - e: Saint Anselms College - e: Saint Augustines College - e: Salmon Advisory Committee - e: San Andreas Lake - e: San Angelo College - e: San Antonio College - e: Santa Ana College - e: School of Army Cooperation - e: Science Applications Corporation - e: Scientific Advisory Committee [or Council] - e: Scientific Applications Satellite - e: Scottish Association for Counselling - e: Scottish Automobile Club - e: Secondary Accountability Center - e: Secondary Address Code - e: Sectional Aeronautical Chart - e: Security Access Control - e: Security Assistance Committee - e: Seine Area Command - e: Self-Adjusting Clutch - e: Semi-Automatic Coding - e: Semi-Automatic Core - e: Semiautomatic Coding - e: Senior Aircraftman - e: Service Application Code - e: Service Area Computer - e: Serving Area Concept - e: Servo Adapter Coupler - e: Sexual Assault Center - e: Shipbuilding Advisory Council - e: Ships Air Coordinator - e: Side-Arm Controller - e: Signature Authorization Card - e: Signature Authorization Chart - e: Single Access Computer - e: Single Acting Cylinder - e: Single Address Code - e: Single Address Computer - e: Small Automatic Exchange - e: Smart Access Controller - e: Society for/of Analytical Chemistry - e: Society for Analytical Cytology - e: Society of Applied Chemistry - e: Society of Applied Cosmetology - e: Software Assistance Contract - e: Sound Absorption Coefficient - e: South Atlantic Coast - e: South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. - e: Southern Area Command - e: Southwest Automotive Company - e: Space Applications Center - e: Special Agent in Charge - e: Special Area Code - e: Specific Acoustic Capacitance - e: Spectrum Analyzer Component - e: Sprayed Acoustical Ceiling

- e: St. Andrews College - e: Standard Agena Clamshell - e: Standard Aircraft Characteristics - e: Standing Armaments Committee - e: Star Altitude Curve[s] - e: Starting Air Compressor - e: State Advances Corporation - e: State Agricultural College - e: Statistical Advisory Committee - e: Statistical Analysis Center - e: Storage Access Channel - e: Stor[ag]e Access Controller] - e: Storage Access Counter - e: Storage Address Character - e: Storage Address Counter - e: Store and Clear [Accumulator] - e: Strategic Advisory Committee - e: Strategic Air Command - e: Strategic Alert Cadre - e: Strong Adsorption Capacity - e: Structural Adjustment Committee - e: Student Affairs Committee - e: Studies in Ancient Civilization (joum.) - e: Studies in the Age of Chaucer (journ.) - e: Subaru Auto Canada Ltd. - e: Submerged Air Cushion - e: Submitting Activity Code - e: Sugar Association of the Caribbean - e: Sulfacetamide - e: Sulfuric Acid Concentrate - e: Supplemental Air Carrier - e: Supply Administration Center - e: Supply Availability Card - e: Support Action Center - e: Supporting] Arms Coordinator - e: Supreme Allied Command[er] - e: Surface Air Consumption - e: Surface-Area-Center - e: Surveyors Appointments Consultancy - e: Suspended and Canceled Pesticides - e: Sussex Archaeological Collections (journ.) - e: Sustained Abdominal Compression - e: Swedish-American Cooperative - e: Switch Amongst Carriers - e: Sydney Airport Centre - e: Synchro Azimuth Converter - e: Synchronous Astro Compass - e: System Automation Corporation - e: Systems Acquisition Career - e: Systems Auditability and Control - f: Sérum Antiréticulaire-Cytotoxique - f: Service Action Civique - f: Société Africaine de Culture - f: Société d'Achat et de Commission - i: Suore Missionarie dell'Apostolato Cattolico -1: Staphylococcus Aureus Cervan -1: Streptomyces Achromogenes - r: Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation - s: Sociedâd Agronômica de Chile - s: Sociedâd Argentina de Criminologia - s: Sociedâd de Agricultores de Colombia Sac n: Sacris Erudiri. Jaarboek voor Godsdienstwetenschappen (journ.) S/AC e: Stabilization/Attitude Control SACA e: Service Action Change Analysis - e: Standards Association of Central Africa - e: Steam Automobile Club of America - e: Store and Clear Accumulator - e: Studebaker Automobile Club of America - e: Study Advisory Committee on Aeronautics - e: Supreme Allied Command[er] Atlantic - f: Société Agricole de Côte d'Afrique - f: Société Auxiliare de Commerce Africain


© K • G • Saur. München

- i: Società per Azioni Construzioni Aeronavali - s: Cordoba/Area de Material - s: Servicio Aereo Colombiano - s: Société Anonyme Commerciale Agricole SAC-A e: Supporting Air CoordinatorAirborne SACAB e: Scandinavian Aircraft Construction SA Cable e: Single Armo[u]red Cable S A C A C e: South African Council for Automation and Computation S A C A C C S e: Strategic Air Command Automated Command Control System SACACS e: Sonar Accuracy Calibration and Alignment Ceck System SACAD e: Strategic Air Command Addressee Designator - e: Stress Analysis and Computer-Aided Design SACADVON e: Strategic Air Command Advanced Echelon S A C A F f: Société Centrafricaine du Sac SACA J o u r n a l e: Sino-Austrian Cultural Association Journal S A C A M e: Ship Acquisition Contract Administration Manual - f: Société Agricole du Cameroun - f: Société Auxiliaire Coopérative de Crédit Agricole Mutuel S A C A N G O e: Southern] Africafn] Committee on Air Navigation and Ground Operation S A C A O e: Supreme Allied Command[er] Atlantic Ocean S A C A R f: Secretariat Européen d'Associations du Commerce Agricole Réunies - f: Société Abidjanaise de Carrelages S A C A R T S e: Semi-Automated Cartographie System SA/CAS e: Scientific Adviser to the Chief of the Air Staff Sacate s: Sacatepéquez, Guatemala SACAV f: Société Agro-Industrielle du Cap Vert SACB e: Subversive Activities Control Board S A C B C - J P C e: Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference-Justice and Peace Commission SACBS e: South Australian Cell Biology Society S A C C e: Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges - e: South African Council of Churches - e: South Atlantic Cable Company - e: Supplemental Air Carrier Conference - e: Supporting Arms Coordination Center - e: System Accessibility - f: Société Camerounaise de Chaussures et Valises SAcc e: Sequential Access - i: Societâ in Accomandita S/ACC e: Scientific/Academic Computing Center SACCA e: Strategic Communications Area - s: Servicio Agrônomico de los Cultivadores de Cana de Azûcar S A C C A R e: Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research S A C C B f: Société Anonyme des Cultures au Congo Belge S A C C D e: Saccharum (journ.) S A C C E I e: Strategic Air Command Communications-Electronics Instruction

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SACMED SACCH 1: Saccharatae Sacch. d: Saccharin - d: Saccharum SACCHAN e: Supreme Allied Commander Channel SACCHS e: Scottish Advisory Committee on [the] Computers in the Health Service SACCI e: Shell and Commonwealth Chemicals, Incorporated - e: Symmetry Adapted Cluster Configuration Interaction SACCM e: Slow-Access Charge-Coupled Memory SACCOM e: Strategic Air Command Communications SACCOMNE[T] e: Strategic Air Command Communications Network SACCON e: SAC [Strategic Air Command Command] Control Network SACCP e: Strategic Air Command Command Post SACCR e: Southeastern Association of Community College Researchers SACCS e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Automated Command and Control System - e: Schedule and Cost-Control System - e: Semi-Automatic Computer Conversion System - e: Strategic Air Command Communications System - e: Strategic Air Command Control System SACCS-DPS e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Automated Command Control System-Data Processing System SACD e: South[-]African Container Depot[s] - e: Subacute Combined Degeneration - f: Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques Sac D i: Sacra Doctrina. Quaderni Periodici di Teología e di Filosofía (journ.) SACDA e: South African Copper Development Association - e: Surplus Agricultural Commodities Disposal Act - e: System Analysis Control and Design Activity SACDEF e: Strategic Avionics Crewstation Design Evaluation Facility SACDIN e: SAC Digital Information Network - e: Strategic Air Command Digital Information Network SACDIP f: Société Anonyme Cooperative Charentaise de Développement de l'Industrie de la Peche SACDM e: Study and Action Course in District Management SAC[DP] e: Scientific Advisory Committee, Defence Services Panel SACDRS e: Standard Air Carner Delay Reporting System SACDU e: Switch and Cable Distribution Unit SACE d: Serum-Angiotensin-ConvertingEnzym - e: Saskatchewan Association for Computers in Education - e: Semi-Automatic Checkout Equipment - e: Serum Angiotensin Converting Enzyme - e: Shore-based Acceptance Checkout Equipment - e: Shore-based Automatic Checkout Equipment - e: Social and Cultural Education - e: South Australian College of English - e: Systems Acceptance Checkout Equipment

- i: Sezione Special per l'Assicurazione del Credito all'Exportazione SacE n: Sacris Eradiri. Jaarboek voor Godsdienstwetenschappen (journ.) SACEA e: Sino-American Cultural and Economic Association SA Ceasus&Statistics Bui e: Australia. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. South Australian Office. Bulletin (journ.) SACEC f: Société Africaine de Coopération Économique SACED e: South African Journal of Continuing Medical Education (journ.) SACEL f: Société Camerounaise Électronique SACEM e: Society for the Advancement of Continuing Education for Ministry - f: Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de la Musique - f: Synicat des Cadres et Agents de Maîtrise SACEP e: South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme SA Cereb Palsy J e: SA Cerebral Palsy Journal (journ.) SACEUR e: Supreme Allied Commander] Europe SACEUREP e: SACEUR Representative - e: Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Representative SACF e: Stand Alone Control Facility - s: Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias Fisiologicas SACFER f: Société Africaine de Construction et de Fabrication d'Engins Roulants SACFI e: Scholars and Citizens for Freedom of Information SACG e: Senior Arms Control Group - e: Synchronous Alternating-Current Generator - s: Cordoba SACH e: Small Animal Care Hospital - e: Solid Ankle Cushioned] Heel SACh e: Studies in Analytical Chemistry (journ.) SACH s: Sociedad Agronòmica de Chile Sachb. d: Sachbearbeiter[in] - d: Sachbuch [or Sachbücher] Sachbearb. d: Sachbearbeiter[in] SACHC e: Soviet-American Committee on Health Cooperation SACH FOOT e: Solid-Ankle-and Cushion-Heel Foot SACHIA i: Salone delle Techniche Chimiche nell'Industria e nell'Agricoltura SACHIM f: Société des Amis de la Maison de la Chimie Sachk. d: Sachkatalog sachk. d: sachkundig SACHQ e: Strategie Air Command Headquarters SACHR e: Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights Sachs, d: Sachsen sächs. d: sächsisch Sachs Akad d Wiss Philol-Hist Kl Ber ü d Verhandl d: Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philologisch-Historische Klasse. Berichte über die Verhandlungen (journ.) Sachs-Anh d: Sachsen-Anhalt SächsJMBl d: Sächsisches Justizministerialblatt (journ.) Sachv. d: Sachverhalt Sachv[erst]. d: Sachverständige^]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

Sachw. d: Sachwert SACI e: Sales Association of the Chemical Industry - e: Secondary Address Code Indicator - e: Society of Agricultural Chemical Industry - e: South African Chemical Institute - e: South Atlantic Cooperative Investigations - f: Société Africaine de Commerce et d'Industrie SACIA f: Société Africaine pour le Commerce l'Industrie et l'Agriculture - f: Société Agricole Commerciale et Industrielle de l'Agneby SACICA f: Société Agricole Commerciale et Industrielle de la Casamance SACILOR f: Acieries et Laminoirs de Lorraine SACINTNET e: Strategic Air Command Intelligence Network SACK e: School and Community Kit[s] - e: Selection Acknowledge SACK State e: Slave Acknowledge State SA&CL e: South Atlantic & Caribbean Line SACL e: South African Confederation of Labour - e: Space and Component Log - e: Standards and Calibration Laboratory SACLAMP e: Strategic Air Command Low-Altitude Missile Program SACLANT e: Supreme Allied Command[er] Atlantic SACLANTMCEN e: SACLANT Antisubmarine Warfare Research Center [or Centre] SACLANTREPEUR e: Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic, Representative in Europe SACLAT e: Standing Advisory Committee on Local Authorities and the Theatre SACLAU e: SACLANT Authentication System SACLEX e: SACLANT Standing Exercise Orders Sac Lit D e: Doctor of Sacred Literature SACLO e: Strategic Air Command Liaison Officer SACLOS e: Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight SACLRC e: South Australian Griminal Law Reform Committee SACM e: Scottish Association of Chemical Manufacturers - e: Simulated Aerial Combat Maneuver - e: South African College of Music - e: South Arabian Common Market - e: Strategic Air Command Manual - e: Strategic Air Command Missiles - f: Société Abidjanaise de Constructions Méchaniques - f: Société Africaine de Constructions Métallurgiques - f: Société Alsacienne de Constructions Mécaniquesde Mulhouse - s: Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de Mexico SACMA e: Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials Association - f: Société Anonyme de Construction de Moteurs Aéronautiques SACMAP [System] e: Selective Automatic Computational Matching And Positioning [System] SACMDR e: Site Activation Commander SACMED e: Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean


SAC/MEP S A C / M E P e: Strategic Air Command/ Minuteman Education Program S A C M F C S e: Small Arms Common Module Fire Control System S A C M O S e: Self-Aligned[-contact] CMOS [Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor] S A C M P C e: Systems Acquisition Career Management Program for Civilians SACNAS e: Society for Advancement of Chícanos and Native Americans in Science S A C N E T e: Secure Automatic Communications Network SA/CNS e: Scientific Adviser to the Chief of the Naval Staff S A C O e: Select Address and Contract Operate - e: Singapore Aero Components Overhoal - e: Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations - f: Société Africaine de Cacao - f: Société des Auteurs Congolais - r: Sveriges Akademikers Centraiorganisation S A C O L e: South African Confederation of Labour S A C O M e: Senior Aircraft Communicator - e: Ships Advanced Communication^] Operational Model - e: Southern Area Command S A C O M A T f: Société Africaine de Construction et Matériaux S A C O M I f: Société Africaine de Commerce et d'Industie S A C O P S e: Strategic Air Command Operational Planning System S A C O R p: Sociedade Anónima Concessionaria de Refinaçâo de Petróleos em Portugal S A C O S i: Società Azionaria Centrali Ortofrutticole Siciliane S A C O T e: Scottish Advisory Committee on Telecommunications S A C O T R A f: Société Africaine de Consignation et de Transit S A C O T R A - T O G O f: Société Africane de Cinsignation et de Transit, Togo S A C P e: Scottish Agricultural Consultative Panel - e: Selected Area Channelling Pattern[s] - e: Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittburgh - e: Sol-Air Courte Portee - s: Sistema Automatico de Control de Producción SACPA e: South African Cement Producers Association S A C P E e: South African Council for Professional Engineers S A C P R f: Systeme d'Attaque, sans support, avec Chaîne Pyrotechnique Reduite aux initiateurs SAC P r o g r a m [ m e ] e: System Alert Control Program[me] S A C R e: Short Range Chaff Rocket - e: Strategic Air Command Regulations S A C R A f: Société Africaine de Courtage et de Représentation d'Assurances - f: Systeme Automatique de Commandement et Renseignement de l'Avant S a c r a m e n t o s e: Sacramento Mountains S A C R E D e: Scheme for Agricultural Credit Development Sacred M u s e: Sacred Music (journ.)

S A C R E X A f: Société Africaine de Représentation, de Commercialisation et d'Exploitation Agricole S A C R H E I e: Standing Advisory Committee on Relations between Higher Education and Industry SACS e: Sakata Agricultural Co-operative Society - e: Satellite Attitude-Control Simulator - e: Satellite Control Squadron - e: Scheduling Activity Control System - e: Scientific and Administrative Computing System - e: Secondary Attitude and Compass System - e: Selective High-Frequency Antenna Coupler System - e: Semi-Automatic Counterfire System - e: Senate Armed Services Committee - e: Sensor Accuracy Check Site - e: Services After-Care Scheme - e: Ship Alteration Completion System - e: Shipyard Accuracy Checksite - e: Simulation for the Analysis of Computer Systems - e: Sino-American Cultural Society - e: Software Avionics Command Support - e: Solar Altitude Control System - e: Sonar Accuracy Check Site - e: South African College System - e: South African Corps of Signals - e: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - e: Structure and Composition System - e: Submarine Advanced Combat System - e: Suzuki Advanced Cooling System - e: Swedish Agro Co-operative Services - e: Synchronous Altitude Communications Satellite - e: Systems Software Avionics Command Support - f: Société d'Analyse et de Conception de Systèmes SACs e: Solar Appliance Centers SACSA e: Standing Advisory Committee for Scientific Advice S A C S A M f: Societa Agriculture, Commerce, Sciences et Arts de la Marne Sac-Sail e: Sacramento-San Diego SACSEA e: Supreme Allied Command[er] Southeast Asia Sac-Sfo e: Sacramento-San Francisco SACSIR e: South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research SACSIT e: Scottish Association of Cold Storage and Ice Trades SACSOS e: South Australian Coloured Sheep Owners Society SAC/SSW e: Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff for Special Warfare SACSVS e: Strategic Air Command Secure Voice System S A C T e: Semi-Automatic Cell Tester - e: Semi-Automatic Core Tester - e: Sinoatrial Conduction Time - e: Special Advisory Committee on Telecommunications - e: System Availability Calculation Tool - f: Section Administrative de la Coopération Technique - f: Société Algérienne de Constructions Téléphoniques - f: Société d'Affrètement, de Consignation et de Transit SACTA f: Société Agricole et de Collecte de Tabacs S A C T I S e: Submarine Action Information System


© K • G • Saur. München

S A C T O e: Sacramento [Test Operations] S A C T R A e: Standing Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Assessment S A C T S e: Semi-Automatic Cell Test Set S A C T T Y N E T e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Teletype Network S A C T U e: South African Congress of Trade Unions S A C T W e: South African Council of Transport Workers SACU e: Service for Admission to College and University - e: Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding - e: Stand-Alone [Digital] Communications Unit - s: Cordoba - s: Sociedad de Avicultores y Cunicultores del Uruguay S A C U B O e: Southern Association of College and University Business Officers S A C U G S e: South African Scientific Committee for the International Union of Geological Sciences Säculum d: Säculum. Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte (journ.) SACV d: Schweizerische Artikelcode Vereinigung - s: Villa Maria Del Rio Seco SACV A R e: Ship Alteration Cost Variance Account Report S A C V T e: Society of Air Cushion Vehicle Technicians S A C W e: Senior Aircraftwoman - e: South Australian Creative Workshops SAD d: Schwandorf - d: Seitenarteriendruck - d: Sprache zur Auswertung von Dateien - e: Saddleback Community College District, Mission Viejo Campus - e: Safety Analysis Diagram - e: Safety Analysis Document - e: Safety and Arming Device - e: Safety, Arming [and] Destmct - e: Safety Assurance Diagram - e: Sandawe - e: Scottish Association for/of the Deaf - e: Search and Destroy - e: Seasonal Adjustment Deficiency - e: Seasonal Affective Disorder - e: Sediment Analysis Database - e: Selected Area Diffraction - e: Self-Annealing Diode - e: Self Assessment Depression Scale - e: Semi-Automated Air Defence System - e: Semiconductor Anticoincidence Detector - e: Sense and Decision - e: Sentence Appraiser and Diagrammer - e: Separation And Dispersal - e: Serial Analog Delay - e: Service Action Drawing - e: Ship Acoustics Department - e: Shuttle Authorized Document - e: Silicon Alloy Diffused - e: Silverado Mines Ltd. - e: Simple, Average, or Difficult - e: Single Administration [or Administrative] Document - e: Single Atom Detection - e: Sinoaortic Deafferentation - e: Sinoaortic Denervation - e: Site Availability Date - e: Situation Attention Display - e: Small-Angle Diffractometer - e: Social Affairs Department - e: Social Avoidance Distress - e: Society of the Ark and the Dove - e: Solar Array Drive

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Sadivn Resp Mizhvid Nauk-Temat Zb - e: Somatosensory Affectional Deprivation - e: South African Digest - e: South American Datum - e: South Atlantic Division - e: Soviet Air Defense - e: Soviet Air Demonstration - e: Space Antenna Diversity - e: Spacecraft Attitude Display - e: Special Adapter Device - e: Special Artificer, Special Synthetic Training Devices - e: Spicer Axle Division - e: Stand Alone Dump - e: Stand-Alone training Device - e: Station Address Directory - e: Status Advisory Display - e: Store Access Director - e: Store Address Director - e; Submarine Anomaly Detection - e: Sudden Artery Death - e: Sugar, Acetone, Diacetic Acid - e: Superaerodynamics - e: Supervisory Aptitude Development - e: Supplementary Advanced Development - e: Support Air Direction - e: Surface Area Decay - e: Survival Assistance Director - e: Swiss Association for Documentation - e: Sympathetic Aerial Detonation - e: System Activity Display - e: System Allocation Document - e: System Amendment Detail[s] - e: System Analysis Drawing - e: Systems Activity Display - e: Systems Analysis and Design - e: Systems Analysis Document - f: Société Agricole de Diby - f: Société Andine de Développement - f: Station Agronomique de Deli - f: Système d'Acquisition de Données - f: Système d'Aide à la Décision - s: Sociedad de Agricultores y Ganaderos de Colombia S&AD e: Science and Applications Directorate SA&D e: Structured Analysis and Design S-A-D e: Sleep Disturbance with Anxiety and Depression SADA e: Seismic Array Data Analyzer - e: Semi-Automated Air Defence System - e: Semi-Automatic Data Acquisition - e: Singapore Air Defence Artillery - e: Solar Array Drive Assembly - e: Stand-Alone Data Acquisition - e: Standard Advanced Dewar - f: Société Approvisionnement de Documentation pour Agriculture - s: Sistema semiautomatico de Defensa Aerea - s: Sociedad Antioquena de Agricultores - s: Sociedad Argentina de Apicultores SADACI f: Société Anonyme d'Applications de Chimie Industrielle SAD Acid [Test] e: Sugar, Acetone, Diacetic Acid [Test] Sadaf e: Saudi Petrochemical Company SADAG f: Société Anonyme des Arts Graphiques SADAIC s: Sociedad Argentina de Autores y Compositores de Música SADANG f: Systeme Acoustique de Detection de l'Atlantqiue Nouvelle Generation SADAP e: Simplified Automatic Data Plotter - e: State Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Profile SADAPTA e: Solar Array Drive and Power Transfer Assembly

SADAR e: Satellite Data Reduction - f: Société Anonyme d'Appareillage Radioélectrique SADARET f: Société Anglaise d'Études et de Réalisations d'Énergie et de Télécommunications SADARL f: Systeme d'Auto Defense Rapprochée Antiaerien Leger SADARM e: Search and Destroy Armor Missile - e: Search and Destroy Armor Munition - e: Selected Armor Defeating Artillery Munition[s] - e: Sense and Destroy Armor Munition - e: Sense and Destroy Armor Projectile SADAS e: Semi-Automatic Data Acquisition System - e: Simulation And Data Acquisition Software SADA [System] e: Sperry Airborne Data Acquisition System SADC e: Scottish Agricultural Development Council - e: Sector Aid Defence [or Defense] Commander - e: Sector Air Defense Commander - e: Sequential Analog[ue][-to-]Digital Computer - e: Singapore Air Defence [or Defense] Command - e: Small Angle Data Collection - e: Sneak Attack Defense Coordinator SADCA e: South African Defence Campaign of Australia SADCC e: South[em] African Development Coordinating [or Coordination] Committee [or Conference] SADCO f: Société Africaine de Construction d'Accessoires Automobiles SADD e: Semiautomatic Detection Device SaDDC e: Durban City Council, Durban, South Africa SADE e: Sensitive Acoustic Detection Equipment - e: Solar Array Drive Electronics - e: Specialized Armoured Development Establishment - e: Structural Assembly Demonstration Experiment - e: Superheat Advanced Demonstration Experiment - e: Symbolic Application Debugging Environment - f: Société Alsacienne de Développement et d'Expansion - f: Systeme d'Acquisition de Donnees Embarque - i: Società Adriatica di Ellettricità - s: Sociedad Argentina de Escritores SADEC e: Spin Axis Declination SADECO e: Seychelles Agricultural Development Corporation SA de CV s: Sociedad Anônima de Capital Variable SADEL s: Secretario Argentino de la Lano SADELCA s: Sociedad Aerea del Caqueta SADEM f: Société Africaine des Eaux Minérales SADEMS e: Salt Dome Experimental Monitoring System SADEP f: Société Auxiliaire pour la Diffusion des Éditions de Productivité SA Dep Agric Tech Bull e: South Australia. Department of Agriculture. Technical Bulletin (journ.) SADER f: Société Africaine de Déroulage des ets. Rougier et Fils

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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S&A Device e: Safe[ty] and Arm[ing] Device SADEYA s; Sociedad Astronómica de España y América SADF e: Semi-Automatic Document Feed - e: South African Defence [or Defense] Force[s] - e: Special Aerial Spray Flight - e: Statistical Analysis of Documentary [or Documentation] Files - s: San Fernando SADFA e: South African Dyers and Finishes Association SADG e: System Application Design Guide - f: Société des Architectes Diplômés par le Gouvernement - s: Monte Grande SADGABON f: Société Africaine pour le Développement SADGE e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Data Generator SADH e: Succinic Acid-Dimethylhydrazide SADHEA e: South African Dietetics and Home Economics Association SADI e: Sanders Associates Direct Indexing - e: Secretarial Automated Data Index - e: Secretarial Automated Document Index - e: Society of Approved Driving Instructors - f: Société Africaine de Développement Industriel SADIA f; Société Africaine de Diffusion Industrielle et Automobile - f: Société Auxiliaire de l'Industrie de l'Azote SADIAMIL f: Société Africaine du Développement de l'Industrie Alimentaire du Millet et du Sorgho SADIAMIL f: Société Africaine du Développement de l'Industrie Alimentaire du Millet et du Sorgho SADIC e: Solid-state Analog[ue]-to-Digital Computer SADID4 e: Annual Research Reviews. Sphingolipidoses and Allied Disorders (journ.) SADIE e: Scanning Analog[ue]-to-Digital Input Equipment - e: Secure Automatic Data Information Exchange - e: Segregation, Association, Deinterleaving and Identification Equipment - e: Semi-Automatic Decentralized Intercept Environment - e: Semi-Automatic Defense Intercept Environment - e: Sterling and Decimal Invoicing Electronically SADIE System e: Secure Automatic Data Information Exchange System - e: Sundstrand Automatic Data Investigation and Evaluation System SADIM f: Société Anonyme pour le Développement Immobilier de Monaco SADIO s: Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Operativa SADIS e: Shipboard Automated Decoy Integration System SADITA f: Société Africaine d'Importation et de Distribution de Tabacs et Articles Divers Sadivn Resp Mizhvid Nauk-Temat Zb R: Sadivnytstvo Respublikanskyi Mizhvidomchyi NaukovoTematychnyi Zbirnik (journ.)


SADL SADL e: Ships Authorized Data List - e: Significant Activity of Daily Living - e: Spares Application Data List - e: Special Automated Distribution List - e: Sterilization Advanced Development Laboratory - e: Sterilization Assembly Development Laboratory - e: Synchronous Automatic Dial Language - s: La Plata SADM e: Secretary of the Army Decision Memorandum - e: Solar Array Drive Motor - e: Special Atomic Demolition Munitions - e: System Acquisition Decision Memorandum SADMG e: Special Artificer, Special Devices, Machine Gun Trainer SADMIL f: Société Africaine de Diffusion de Matériel Informatique et Logiciel SADMN s: Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Nuclear SADMT e: SDI ADA Dataflow Modeling Technique SaDo e: Sacra Doctrina (journ.) SADOC e: SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe] Air Defense Operations Center - e: Standby Air Defence Operations Centre - i: Sistema Automático per la Direzione delle Operazioni di Combattimento SADOI s: Sociedad Argentina de Organización Industrial Sado Mar Biol Stn Niigato Univ Spec Publ e: Sado Marine Biological Station. Niigata University. Special Publication (journ.) SADOP e: Stockage and Depot Operations Plan SADOPS e: Ships Angle Tracking and Doppler System sado-sex e: sado-sexual[ity] Sadovod R: Sadovodstvo (journ.) Sadovod Vinograd Vinodel Mold R: Sadovodstvo Vinogradarstvo i Vinodelia Moldavii (journ.) SADP e: Scales of Attitudes toward Disabled Persons - e: Selected Area [Electron] Diffraction Pattern - e: Small Area Direct Path - e: Structured Analysis, Design and Programming - e: Synthetic Array Data Processor - e: System Architecture Design Package - s: El Palomar - s: Syndicat Agricole de Défense Paysanne SADPO e: System[s] Analysis and Data Processing Office SADQ e: Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire SAdr d: Satzadresse SADR e: Saharan Arab Democratic Republic - e: Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - e: Secure Acoustic Data Relay - e: Severity Adjusted Death Rate - e: Six-hundred-megacycle Air Defense Radar SADRA e: South African Development Research Association SADRAC e: South African Defence [or Defense] Research Advisory Committee SADRAD e: Synthetic Aperture Dual Frequency Radar SADRAL f: Systeme d'Autodefense Rapproche Anti-aerien Leger

SADRAM e: Search and Destroy Radar Attack Modification - e: Seek and Destroy Radar Assisted Mission SADRI e: Social and Demographic Research Institute SADRT e: Secure Acoustic Data Relay Terminal SADS e: Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia - e: Semi-Automatic Defense System - e: Semiconductor Anticoincidence Detection System - e: Simulated Air Defense System - e: Single Application Data Sheet - e: Social Avoidance and Distress Scale - e: Solar Array Drive System - e: Submarine Active Detection Sonar - e: Submarine Active Detection System - e: Sudan Air Defence System - e: Swiss Air Defense System - e: System Architecture Development Study - s: San Justo/Aeroclub Argentino SADSAC e: Sample[d] Data Simulator and Computer - e: Seiler ALGOL [Algorithmic Language] Digitally Simulated Analog[ue] Computer - e: Small Acoustic Device Simulating Aircraft Carrier SADSACT e: Self-Aligned Descriptors from Self And Cited Titles - e: Self-Assigned Descriptors from Self and Cited Titles SADSAM e: Sentence Appraiser and Diagrammer, Semantic Analyzer Machine SADS-C e: Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Change Version SADSC e: San Antonio Data Services Center SADS-L e: Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime Version SADT e: Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature - e: SofTech-structured Analysis and Design Technique - e: Special Active Duty for Training - e: Structured [or Structural] Analysis [and] Design Technique - e: Surface Alloy Diffused base Transistor SADT AC e: Selective Automatic Decade Turnover, Absolute Control SADTC e: SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe] Air Defence [or Defense] Technical [or Technology] Center [or Centre] S-A-D test e: Sugar-Acetone-Diacetic acid test SAD Timber e: Sandan [ougeinia oojeinensis] Timber Sadtler Commer Spectra e: Sadder Commercial Spectra (journ.) SADU e: Search Attack Development Unit SADV e: Semiannual Density Variation SADZ s: Matanza/Aeroclub Università Rio SAE d: Sammlung arbeitsrechtlicher Entscheidungen - d: Schneller Abtaster und Einsteller - d: SchrankanschluBelement - d: Signalabfrageeinrichtung - d: Signalaufbereitungselektronik - d: Sonderausfuhrerklarung - e: Ogallala - e: Sable Resources Ltd. - e: San Diego Aircraft Engineering - e: School of Audio Engineering - e: Self-Addressed Envelope - e: Self Aligned Emitter


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- e: Semi-Actuator Ejector - e: Semi-Automatic Encoding - e: Semiconductor Assembly Equipment - e: Senior Assistant Editor - e: Service Acquisition Executive - e: Shaft-Angle Encoder - e: Sigma Alpha Epsilon - e: Simple Arithmetic Expression - e: Singapore Automotive Engineering - e: Site Acceptance Evaluation - e: Society for the Advancement of Education - e: Society for the Anthropology of Europe - e: Society of American Etchers - e: Society of Automotive Engineers!, I nc -] - e: Solar Atmospheric] Explorer - e: Son Altesse Electorale - e: South African Engineers - e: Soviet Antarctic Expedition - e: Specialized Armoured Establishment - e: Spherical Average Error - e: Spiral Aftereffect - e: Stamped Addressed Envelope - e: Stand Alone Executive - e: Standard Average European - e: Standard of Automotive Engineers - e: Stanford Applied Engineering - e: Steering Angle Error - e: Stop at Expiration - e: Student Action for Education - e: Subcortical Arteriosclerotic Encephalopathy - e: Supersonic Aircraft Engine - f: Société Anonyme Egyptienne - f: Société Ardennaise d'Essieux - f: Société Auxiliaire d'Entreprise - f: Société d'Armement d'Etudes - i: Società Anonima Elettrificazione - r: Sveriges Allmanna Exportfôrening SaE e: Sanguinarine Extract SAe e: Singapore Aerospace SAEA e: Soda Ash Export Association - e: Southeastern Adult Education Association - e: Southwest Atomic Energy Associate^] SAE abstracts e: Society of Automotive Engrneers abstracts. SAE Australas e: SAE Australasia (journ.) SAEB e: Self-Adjusting Electric Brake - e: Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Building - e: Special Army Evaluation Board SAEBA e: Soviet Antarctic Expedition. Information Bulletin (joum.) SAEC e: South African Engineer Corps - e: South African Exchange Control - e: South American Explorers Club - e: South Australian Energy Council - e: Southern Agricultural Energy Center - e: State Administration of Exchange Control - e: Sumitomo Atomic Energy Commission - f: Société Abidjanaise d'Expansion Chimique - f: Société Africaine d'Expansion Chimque saec. 1: saeculum SAE category e: Society of Automotive Engineers category SAE class[es] e: Society of Automotive Engineers class[es] SAECO f: Société Africaine d'Enterprises Commerciales SAECP e: Selected Area Electron Channelling Patterns SAECS e: Southern] Africa/Europe Container Service SA Ed e: South Australian Education (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SA&F S A E D e: Selected Area Electron Diffraction - e: South Australia Education Department - e: Systems Analysis and Engineenng Development - f: Société Africaine d'Études et de Développement - f: Société d'Aménagement et d'Exploitation des Terres du Delta du Fleuve Sénégal SAED[E] [Center] e: Sensory Aids Evaluation and Development Center SAEDFR e: Scholars Against the Escalating Danger of the Far Right SA Ed Gaz e: Education Gazette. South Australia Department of Education (journ.) SAEF e: SEAQ Automated Execution Facility - e: Small-Order Automatic Execution Facility - e: Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility SAEFAA e: Standard Avionics Equipment for Army Aircraft SAEFIC f: Société d'Etudes Financières et de Cautionnements SAEG d: Schweizerisch-Amerikanische Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft - d: Statistisches Amt der Europäischen Gemeinschaften SAEH e: Society for Automation in English and the Humanities SAE Handb e: SAE Handbook (journ.) SAEI e: Sumitomo Atomic Energy Industries, Ltd. - f: Service des Affaires Economiques et Internationales SAE index e: Society of Automotive Engineers Index S A E J e: Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. SAEJ[A] e: SAE Journal (journ.) SAE J Automot Eng e: SAE Journal of Automotive Engineering (journ.) SAE Journ[al] e: SAE [Society of Automotive Engineers] Journal (journ.) SAEL e: South African Emergency League - f: Société Africaine d'Électricité - s: Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Linguisticos sael 1: sine anno et loco S.A. Electrical Review e: Southern Africa Electrical Review (journ.) SAEM e: Scanning AEM SAEMA e: Suspended Access Equipment Manufacturers Association SAemc e: South African endomyocardiopathy SAE Meet Pap e: Society of Automotive Engineers. Meeting. Papers (journ.) SAEMR e: Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon SAEMU e: Southern African Economic and Monetary Union SAEN e: Salmon Association of Eastern Newfoundland SAENA f: Syndicat des Accumulateurs Électriques Non Alcalins - f: Syndicat des Fabricants Francais de Piles Électriques SAE number e: Society of Automotive Engineers number S A E o J e: Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan,Inc. SAEOL e: Singapore Aero Engine Overhoal Pte

S A E P e: Senior Advisors [to ECEGovernments] on Environmental Problems - e: South African Education Program - f: Société Africaine d'Éditions et de Publicité S A E P C f: Société Anonyme d'Explosifs et de Produits Chimiques SAE Prepr e: SAE Preprints (journ.) SAE Proc e: Society of Automotive Engineers. Proceedings (journ.) SAE Prog Technol e: SAE Progress in Technology (joum.) SAE Q[uart] Trans e: SAE Quarterly Transactions (journ.) SAERB e: South African Electrical Review (journ.) S A E R I S e: South Australia Education Resource[s] Information System SAES e: Scanning Auger Electron Spectroscopy - e: Special Assistant for Environmental Services - e: Sputter Auger Electron Spectroscopy - e: Stand-Alone Engine Simulator - e: State Agricultural Experimental] Station[s] - s: Sociedad de Acustica Submarina SAESA e: SAE Special Publications (joum.) - s: Servicios Aéreos Especiales SA SAESIP e: Saturn-Apollo Electrical Systems Integration Panel SAE [Soc. Automot. Eng.] Tech, e: SAE [Society of Automotive Engineers] Technical Progress Series (journ.) SAE [Soc. Automot. Eng.] Trans e: SAE [Society of Automotive Engineers] Transactions (journ.) SAE Spec Publ e: SAE Special Publications (journ.) SAEST e: Society for the Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology S A E T e: Society of Architectural and Engineering Technologists - e: Society of Automotive-Electrical Technicians - e: Spiral Aftereffect Test SAETA e: Scottish Association of Educational Technology Advisers - s: Sociedad Anonima Ecuatoriana de Transportes Aéreos - s: Sociedad Anonima Emisorars de Television y Anexos SAE Tech Lit Abstr e: SAE Technical Literature Abstracts (journ.) SAE Tech Pap e: SAE Technical Papers (joum.) SAE T[ech] P[rog Ser] e: SAE Technical Progress Series (joum.) S A E T E G f: Société Africaine d'Études Techniques d'Enterprises et de Gestion S A E T O s: Sociedad Aereo del Tolina SAE Trans e: SAE Transactions (journ.) S A E U R e: Strategic Analysis of Europe S A E W e: Ship Advanced Electronic Warfare - e: Superintendent of Admiralty Experimental Works S A E W A e: South African Electrical Workers Association S A E W G e: Standing Air Emissions Work Group SAEWS e: Ships Advanced Electronic Warfare System S A E Z s: Buenos Aires Ezeiza

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

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SAF a: Skibsfartens Arbeidsgiverforening - a: Skofabrikkenes Arbeidsgiverforening - d: Landwirtshaftliche Forstgesellschaft - d: Otto Sauer Achsenfabrik Keilberg - d: Speicher-Ausgabe-Anforderung - e: SAF The Center for Commercial Floriculture - e: Safed - e: Safety [Arming and Fuzing] - e: Sample Air Filter - e: San Andreas Fault - e: Santa Fe - e: School of Aerial Fighting - e: Scrapie-Associated Fibrils - e: Screened and Fired - e: Scudder New Asia Fund - e: Second Amendment Foundation - e: Secretary of the Air Force - e: Secure Automated Fabrication - e: Security Assistance Force - e: Segment Address Field - e: Self Articulating Femoral - e: Shielding Analysis Form - e: Short Address Form - e: Singapore Air Force - e: Small Arms Factory - e: Small Arms Fire - e: Society of American Florists - e: Society of American Foresters - e: Social Affairs Federation - e: Sound and Flash - e: Source Acquisitions File - e: South Africa - e: Southern Attack Force - e: Soviet Air Force - e: Spacecraft Assembly Facility - e: Spanish Air Force - e: Special Action Force - e: Specification Approval Form - e: Spin Armed Fuze - e: Spinal Anterior Flexion - e: Staging Adapter Failure - e: Stem Cell Activating Factor - e: Sterilization Assembly Facility - e: Store-and-Forward - e: Strategic Air Force - e: Structural Adjustment Facility - e: Stuck-at-Fault - e: Studies in American Fiction (journ.) - e: Subject Authority File, Washington - e: Super Abrasion Furnace [Black] - e: Super-Audio Frequency - e: Support Action Form - e: Suppressor Activating Factor - e: Surgeon of the Air Force - e: Swedish Air Force - e: Swedish Employers Confederations - e: Swiss Air Force - e: Switchable Acoustic Filter - e: Symmetry-Adapted [or Adapter] Function - e: Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics - e: Synchronous Auditory Feedback - e: Syrian Air Force - f: Société Africaine Forestière - f: Société Agricole de Foumbot - f: Société Anonyme Française - f: Société Astronomique de France - f: Société des Agriculteurs de France - f: Soundure Autogene Française - f: Syndicat Général des Affineurs de France - r: Svenska Aktiva Fastighetsmaklarefòrbundet - r: Svenska Anestesiologist Fôrening - r: Svenska Antikvariatfôreningen - r: Svenska Arbetsgivarefôreningen S A & F e: Southern Airlines and Freighters 249

SAF£ SAF£ e: South African pound SAFA e: School Assistance in Federally Affected Areas - e: Shipping and Forwarding Agent - e: Society for Automation in the Fine Arts - e: Society of Air Force Anesthesiologists - e: Solar Array Failure Analysis - e: Soluble Antigen Fluorescent Antibody - e: Special Arab Fund for Africa - f: Service dAide aux Forces Alliees - f: Société Africaine de Fournitures Automobiles - f: Société Africaine Forestière et Agricole - f: Société d A c h a t France-Afrique - F: Suomen Arkkitehtiliitto SAFAA e: Secretary of the Air Force, Administrative Assistant - e: South African Fine Arts Association - f: Société Française dAppareils Automatiques SAFAD e: Small Arms for Air Defense Saf Air Ammonia Plants e: Safety in Air and Ammonia Plants (journ.) SAF/AL e: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force SAFAL f: Société Africaine de Fonderie dAluminium SAF A M I f: Société Africaine de Fabrications Métalliques Industrielles SAFAR f: Société Africaine de Fabrication des Automobiles Renault SAFARI e: Semi-Automatic Failure Anticipating [or Anticipation] Recording Instrumentation - e: South African Fundamental Atomic Reactor Installation - e: System by Aetna for Fast Access to Records and Information - f: Système Automatisé pour les Fichiers Administratifs et de Répertoire des Individus SAFARRIV f: Société Africaine d'Assurances et de Réssurances en République de Côte d'Ivoire Saf Asp Fuel Behav Off Norm Accid Cond Proc CSNI Spet Meet e: Safety Aspects of Fuel Behaviour in Off-Normal and Accident Conditions.Proceedings of a CSNI Specialist Meeting (journ.) SAFB d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fiir Bevolkerungsfragen - e: Scott Air Force Base - e: Shaw Air Force Base - e: Sheppard Air Force Base SAFB AIL f: Société Africaine de Crédit Bail S A F Black e: Super Abrasion Furnace Black S A F C e: South African Flying Coips SAFCA e: Safeguard Communications Agency - f: Société Africaine de Fabrication de Cahiers SAFCAC f: Société Africaine pour le Caoutchouc, lAutomobile et le Cycle SAFCB e: Secretary of the Air Force Correction Board SAFCO e: Saudi Arabian Fertiliser Company - e: Standing Advisory Committee on Fisheries of the Caribbean Organization - f: Société Africaine Colombani et Cie - f: Société Africaine de Conserveries - f: Société Afrique Commerce SAFCON e: Europe/South and South East Africa Conference

S A F C O P f: Société Africaine de Commercialisation des Produits de la Mer S A F C P M e: Safeguard Communications Program Manager S A F C P M O e: Safeguard Communications Program Management Office SAFDL e: Specified Acceptable Fuel Design Limit S A F E d: Salzburger Aktiengesellschaft fiir Elektrizitatswirtschaft - d: Space and Flight Equipment - e: Braathens South American and Far East Airtransport - e: Safe Access to Files of Estate - e: Safe Action in Flight Emergency - e: Safe Assessment and Facilities Establishment - e: Safeguards Analysis for Effluents - e: Safeguards Automated Facility Evaluation - e: Safety and Facilities Engineering Department - e: Safety and Functional Evaluation - e: San Andreas Fault Experiment - e: Satellite Alert Force Employment - e: Save Animals from Extinction - e: Secure Automated Facility Environment - e: Security Against Fatal Encounter - e: Security Assure For Each - e: Security Audit and Field Evaluation - e: Security, Aptitude, Fitness Evaluation - e: Selected Areas for Evasion - e: Self Acceptance, Faulty Information, Effectiveness Counselling or Training - e: Sequential Analysis for Force Development - e: Settlement and Accelerated Funds Exchange - e: Shelter Available for Emergency - e: Simulation-Aided Fault Evaluation - e: Society for the Advancement of Fission Energy - e: Society for the Application of Free Energy - e: Society of Associated Financial Executives - e: Society of Aeronautic Flight Engineers - e: Society to Advance Foreclosure Education - e: Software Abstracts for Engineers - e: Solar Array Flight Experiment - e: Solvent Abuse Foundation for Education - e: South America[n] and Far East - e: Space and Flight Equipment - e: Spectronix Automatic Fire Extinguishing - e: Spectrum Analysis and Frequency Engineering - e: Stationary Attachment and Flexible Endoskeleton - e: Stock Assessment and Fishery Investigations - e: Store and Forward Element - e: Straits Air Freight Express - e: Strategy and Force Evaluation - e: Sunnyside Against Fuel Explosion - e: Suntanning Association for Education - e: Support for the Analysts File Environment - e: Survival and Flight Equipment Association - e: System for Automated Flight Efficiency - e: System, Area, Function, Equipment - s: Santa Fe S/AFE e: Seismic/Acoustic Feature Extraction SAFEA e: Safety (journ.) - e: Space and Flight Equipment Association - e: Survival and Flight Equipment Association


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S.A. Feathered World e: South African Feathered World (journ.) SAFEL f: Société Agricole de Fruits et Légumes Safe Manag e: Safety Management (journ.) SAFEMCI f: Société Africaine de Fabrication de Mousse et Matelas en Côte d'Ivoire SAFEORD e: Safety of Explosive Ordnance Databank SAFER e: Sequential Action Flow Routine - e: Special Aviation Fire and Explosion Reduction - e: Stress and Fracture Evaluation of Rotors - e: Structural Analysis, Frailty Evaluation and Redesign - e: System for Aircrew Flight Extension and Return - e: Systematic Aid to Flow on Existing Road[way]s - f: Société d'Aménagement Foncier et d'Equipement Rural SAFERA e: South Africa/Far East Rate Agreement. SAFER System e: Systematic Aid to Flow on Existing Roadways System SAFE TRIP e: Students Against Faulty Tires Ripping in Pieces SAFETY e: Safety Always Follows Everything You Do Safety Ed[uc] e: Safety Education (journ.) Safety Eng e: Safety Engineering (journ.) Safety Maint e: Safety Maintenance (journ.) Safety Maint&Prod e: Safety Maintenance and Production (journ.) Safety Surv e: Safety Surveyor (joum.) SAFF e: Safing, Arming, Fusing and Firing - e: Store and Forward Facsimile Saff. d: Saffianleder[ein]band SAFFE e: Society of Americans for Firearms Elimination SAFFI e: Special Assembly for Fast Installation^] S A F F M e: Secretary of the Air Force, Financial Management SAFGC e: Secretary of the Air Force General Counsel SAFGRAD e: Consultative Advisory Committee on Semi-Arid Food Grain Reasearch and Development Saf Health Welfare e: Safety, Health and Welfare (journ.) Saf Hlth Bull e: Safety and Health Bulletin (journ.) Saf Hyg [Osaka] e: Safety and Hygiene [Osaka] (journ.) SAFI a: Sammenslutningen af AutomobilFabrikanter og Importorer - e: Semi-Automatic Flight Inspection - e: Senior Air Force Instructor - e: Special Assembly for Fast Installation - e: Stock Assessment and Fishery Investigations Program - f: Société Africaine de Fabrication Industrielle SAFIC f: Société Anonyme Française pour l'Importation du Caoutchouc SAFICA f: Société Africaine de Fabrication et d'Impression de Cahiers SAFICO f: Service des Autorisations Financières et Commerciales - f: Société Abidjanaise de Fournitures pour l'Industrie et les Constructions en Côte d'Ivoire SAFID a: Sammenslutningen af Frugtpulpfabrikantereksportrer i Danmark

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

S Afr Dep Landbou Visserye Teg Meded SAFIE e: Secretary of the Air Force, Special Assistant for Installations - f: Société Africaine d'Installations Electriques SAFIEX f: Société d'Assistance Prançaise á l'Importation et l'Exportation SAFIL e: Secretary of the Air Force, Installation and Logistics - e: South African Filtration Society - f: Société Africaine de Filterie SAFIM e: Separated Associated Fluid Interaction Model SAFIMDA e: School Aid to Federally Impacted and Major Disaster Areas SAFIN e: Secretary of the Air Force, Special Assistant for Intelligence SAFIN-ELEC f: Société Africaine d'Injection et d'Electricité SAFIR d: standardisiertes Anwenderprogrammsystem Finanzbuchhaltung im Realzeitbetrieb - f: Société Africaine d'Assurances - f: Société Anonyme de Fabrication Industrielle de Ressorts SAFIRE e: Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere using Far-Infrared Emission - e: Systems Analysis for Integrated Relief Variation SAFIS e: Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Information Services - e: Southeast Asian Fisheries Information System - e: Substance Abuse Facility Information System SAFISC e: South Australian Film Industry Standing Committee SAFISY e: Space Agency Forum on International Space Year SAFITP e: Safeguard Integrated Training Plan SAFIZ p: Società Anónima Forniture Impianti Zootecnici SAFJB e: South African Forestry Journal (journ.) SAfJ Econ e: South African Journal of Economics SAFLL e: Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Legislative Liaison SAFLOC e: Safeguard Logistics Command SAFM e: Sanderson Farms, Inc. - f: Société Africaine de Fabrication Métallique SAFMA e: Secretary of the Air Force, Materiel Saf Manage e: Safety Management (journ.) SAFMem f: Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France. Mémoires (journ.) Saf Mines e: Safety in Mines (journ.) Saf Mines Res Establ [GB] Res Rep e: Safety in Mines Research Establishment. Research Report (journ.) SAFMP e: Secretary of the Air Force, Manpower and Personnel SAFMR e: Secretary of the Air Force, Manpower and Reserve Affairs SAFMSC e: Safeguard Material [or Materiel] Support Command SAFMSS e: Secretary of the Air Force for Missile and Satellite Systems SAFNGS e: Small Arms Flash, Noise Gunfire Simulator

SAFO e: Safe Altitude Fuzing Option - e: Secretary of the Air Force Order - e: Self Adhesive Foreign Object - e: Senior Acting Field Officer - e: Senior Air Force Officer - e: Swedish Atomic Forum - f: Système Automatique du Frêt Orly SAFOAT e: South African Avifauna Series. Percy Fitzpatrick Institute of African Ornithology. University of Cape Town (journ.) SAFOC e: Semi-Automatic Flight Operations Center - e: Syndicat Autonome des Fonctionnaires d'Oubangi-Chari SAFOH e: Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists SAFOI e: Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Information SAFP e: Safeguard Poject Office - e: Society of Air Force Physicians SAFPC e: Secretary of the Air Force Personnel Council SAFPLAN e: Submarine Area Frequency Plan SAFPOS e: Safe Position SAFR d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fiir Raketentechnik [or Raumfahrt] - d: Speicherausgabe-Anforderungsregister - e: Senior Air Force Representative - e: Social Assessment of Fisheries Resources - e: Sodium Advanced Fast Reactor - e: Source Application of Funds Report - e: South Africa[n] - e: Supplementary Application Forms Required SAFRA f: Société Africaine d'Assurances S Afr AR e: Annual Economic Report. South African Reserve Bank (journ.) S Afr Archaeol Bull e: South African Archaeological Bulletin (journ.) S Afr Archaeol Soc Goodwin Ser e: South African Archaeological Society. Goodwin Series (journ.) S Afr Archit J e: South African Architectural Journal (journ.) S Afr Archit Re e: South African Architectural Record (journ.) S Afr Arch Ophthalmol e: South African Archives of Ophthalmology (journ.) S-Afr Argief Oftalmol A: Suid-Afrikaanse Argief vir Oftalmologie (journ.) SAFRAS e: Self-Adaptive Flexible Format Retrieval and Storage System S Afr Assoc Adv Sci Spec Publ e: South African Association for the Advancement of Science. Special Publication (journ.) S Afr Assoc Mar Biol Res Bull e: South African Association for Marine Biological Research. Bulletin (journ.) S-Afr Bosbou Tydskr A: Suid-Afrikaanse Bosbou Tydskrif (journ.) S Afr Build e: South African Builder (journ.) S Afr Bur Stand Bull e: South African Bureau of Standards. Bulletin (journ.) S Afr Cancer Bull e: South African Cancer Bulletin (journ.) S Afr [Cape Good Hope] Dep Nat Conserv Rep e: South Africa [Cape Of Good Hope] Degartment of Nature. Conservation Report (journ.) S Afr Chem Process e: South African Chemical Processing (journ.) S Afr Citrus J e: South African Citrus Journal (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

S Afr Constr World e: South African Construction World (journ.) S Afr Corros Conf e: South African Corrosion Conference (journ.) S Afr Corros J e: South African Corrosion Journal (journ.) S Afr Counc Sei Ind Res Nat Bldg Res Inst Bull e: South Africa. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. National Building Research Institute. Bulletin (journ.) S Afr CSIR Air Pollut Group Annu Rep e: South Africa CSIR Air Pollution Group. Annual Report (journ.) S Afr CSIR Air Pollut Res Group Rep APR e: South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Air Pollution Research Group. Report APRG (journ.) SAFRD e: Secretary of the Air Force for Research and Development - e: South African Food Review (journ.) SAfrD e: South African Dutch S Afr Dent J e: South African Dental Journal (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Entomol Mem e: South Africa. Department of Agriculture. Entomology Memoir (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Fish Entomol Mem e: South Africa. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Entomology Memoir (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Fish Tech Commun e: South Africa. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Technical Communication (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Tech Serv Bot Surv Mem e: South Africa. Department of Agricultural Technical Services. Botanical Survey Memoir (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Tech Serv Bull e: South Africa. Department of Agricultural Technical Services. Bulletin (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Tech Serv Entomol Mem e: South Africa. Department of Agricultural Technical Services. Entomology Memoirs (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Tech Serv Sci Bull e: South Africa. Department of Agricultural Technical Services. Scientific Bulletin (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Tech Serv Tech Commun e: South Africa. Department of Agricultural Technical Services. Technical Communication (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Water Supply Entomol Mem e: South Africa. Department of Agriculture and Water Supply. Entomology Memoir (journ.) S Afr Dep Agric Water Supply Tech Commun e: South Africa. Department of Agriculture and Water Supply. Technical Communication (journ.) S-Afr Dep Bosbou Jaarversl A: SuidAfrika. Departement van Bosbou Jaarverslag (journ.) S Afr Dep For Annu Re e: South Africa. Department of Forestry. Annual Report (journ.) S Afr Dep For Bull e: South Africa. Department of Forestry. Bulletin (journ.) S-Afr Dep Landbou-Teg Dienste Teg Meded A: Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou-Tegniese Dienste Tegniese Mededeling (journ.) S Afr Dep Landbou Visserye Teg Meded A: Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou en Visserye. Tegniese Mededeling (journ.) 251

S Afr D e p Mines Geol Surv Ann Geol Suv S Afr Dep Mines Geol Surv Ann Geol Suv e: South Africa. Department of Mines. Geological Survey. Annals of the Geological Survey (journ.) S Afr Dep Mines Quart Inform Circ Miner e: South Africa. Department of Mines. Quarterly Information Circular. Minerals (journ.) S Afr Div Sea Fish Annu Rep e: South Africa. Division of Sea Fisheries. Annual Report (journ.) S Afr Div Sea Fish Fish Bull e: South Africa. Division of Sea Fisheries. Fisheries Bulletin (journ.) S Afr Div Sea Fish Invest Rep e: South Africa. Division of Sea Fisheries. Investigational Report S-Afr Du A: South-African Dutch SAFRECI f: Société Africaine d'Eléctricité et de Contrôle Industriel S Afr Eng Electr Rev e: South African Engineer and Electrical Review (journ.) S Afr Eng Met Ind Rev e: South African Engineer and Metal Industries Review (journ.) S Afr Food Rev e: South African Food Review (journ.) S Afr For J e: South African Forestry Journal (journ.) S Afr Friesland J e: South African Friesland Journal (journ.) S Afr Geogr e: South African Geographer (journ.) S Afr Geogr J e: South African Geographical Journal (journ.) S Afr Geol Surv Bibliogr Subj Index S Afr Geol e: South Africa. Geological Survey. Bibliography and Subject Index of South African Geology (journ.) S Afr Geol Surv Bull e: South Africa. Depanment of Mines. Geological Survey. Bulletin (journ.) S Afr Geol Surv Handb e: South Africa. Geological Survey. Handbook (journ.) S Afr Geol Surv Mem e: South Africa. Department of Mines. Geological Survey. Memoir (journ.) S Afr Geol Surv Seismol Ser e: South Africa. Geological Survey. Seismologic Series (journ.) S Afr Geol Surv South-West Afr Ser e: South Africa. Geological Survey. South-West Africa Series (journ.) S Afr Hist J e: South African Historical Journal (journ.) SAFRI e: South African Forestry Research Institute - f: Société Anonyme dAménagement Foncier et de Réalisations Immobilières SAFRIC f: Société Africaine de Confection SAFRICA f: Société Africaine d'Armement S African J Commun Disorders e: South African Journal of Communication Disorders (journ.) S African J Psychol e: South African Journal of Psychology (journ.) S African Lib e: South African Libraries (journ.) S African Lib Q Bull e: South African Library Quarterly Bulletin (journ.) SAFRICO f: Société Africaine de Construction S Afr Ind Chem e: South African Industrial Chemist (journ.) SAFRINEX f: Société Africaine d'Exploitation Vinicole


S Afr Inst Chem Eng Natl Meet e: South African Institution of Chemical Engineers. National Meeting (journ.) S Afr Inst Mech Eng J e: South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Journal (journ.) S Afr Inst Med Res Annu Rep e: South African Institute for Medical Research. Annual Report (journ.) S Afr Inst Min Metall J e: South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Journal (journ.) S Afr Insur Mag e: South African Insurance Magazine (journ.) S Afr Int. e: South Africa International (journ.) SAFRIPA f: Société Africaine de Parfumerie SAFRITEX f: Société Africaine de Textile S Afr J Agric Ext e: South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (journ.) S Afr J Agr[ic] Sci e: South African Journal of Agricultural Science (joum.) S Afr J Anim Sci e: South African Journal of Animal Science (journ.) S Afr J Antarct Res e: South African Journal of Antarctic Research (joum.) S Afr J Antarct Res Suppl e: South African Journal of Antarctic Research. Supplement (joum.) S Afr J Bot e: South African Journal of Botany (journ.) S Afr J Bus Manage e: South African Journal of Business Management (journ.) S Afr J Chem e: South African Journal of Chemistry (joum.) S Afr J Chem/S Afr Tydskr Chem e: South African Journal of Chemistry/ Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chemie (journ.) S Afr J Clin Sci e: South African Journal of Clinical Science (journ.) S A f r J C o m m [ u n ] Disord[ers] e: South African Journal of Communication Disorders (journ.) S Afr J Contin Med Educ e: South African Journal of Continuing Medical Eduation (joum.) S Afr J C r i m L e: South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (joum.) S. Afr. J. C r i m . L. e: South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology S Afr J Crim Law Criminol e: South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (joum.) S Afr J Dairy Technol e: South African Journal of Dairy Technology (joum.) S Afr J Ec[on] e: South African Journal of Economics (joum.) S Afr J Educ e: South African Journal of Education (joum.) S Afr J Enol Vitic e: South African Journal for Enology and Viticulture (joum.) S Afr J Ethnol e: South African Journal of Ethnology (journ.) S Afr J Geol e: South African Journal of Geology (joum.) S A f r J Ind e: South African Journal of Industries (joum.) S Afr J Lab Clin Med e: South African Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine (joum.) S Afr J Labour Relat e: South African Journal of Labour Relations (joum.)

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SAfr J Libr Inf Sci e: South African Journal for Librarianship and Information Science (journ.) S Afr J Mar Sci e: South African Journal of Marine Science (journ.) S Afr J Med Lab Technol e: South African Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology (journ.) S Afr J Med Sci e: South African Journal of Medical Sciences (journ.) S Afr J Musicology e: South African Journal of Musicology (journ.) S Afr J Music Therap e: South African Journal of Music Therapy (journ.) S Afr J Nutr e: South African Journal of Nutrition (journ.) S Afr J Nutr/S Afr Tydskr Voeding e: South African Journal of Nutrition/ Suid-Afrikaans Tydskrif vir Voeding (journ.) S Afr J Obstet Gynaecol e: South Arican Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (journ.) S Afr J Occup Ther e: South African Journal of Occupational Therapy (journ.) S Afr J Philos e: South African Journal of Philosophy (joum.) S Afr J Photogramm Remote Sensing Cartogr e: South African Journal of Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and. Cartography (journ.) S Afr J Phys e: South African Journal of Physics (journ.) S Afr J Physiother e: South African Journal of Physiotherapy (journ.) S Afr J Plant Soil e: South African Journal of Plant and Soil (journ.) S Afr J Psychol e: South African Journal of Psychology (joum.) S Afr J Radiol e: South African Journal of Radiology (journ.) S Afr J Sci e: South African Journal of Science (journ.) S Afr J Surg e: South African Journal of Surgery (joum.) S Afr J Surg/S Afr Tydskr Chir e: South African Journal of Surgery/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chirurgie (journ.) S Afr J Wildl Re e: South African Journal of Wildlife Research (journ.) S Afr J Wild Res e: South African Journal of Wildlife Research (journ.) SAfr J Zool e: South African Journal of Zoology (joum.) S Afr Kankerbull A: Suid-Afrikaanse Kankerbulletin (journ.) S AfrL e: Studies in African Literature (journ.) S Afr Labour Bull e: South African Labour Bulletin (journ.) S Afr Lapid Mag e: South African Lapidary Magazine (joum.) S Afr L[aw] J e: South African Law Journal (journ.) S Afr Libr e: South African Libraries (journ.) SAFRINEX f: Société Africaine d'Exploitation Vinicole S Afr LR e: South Afrian Law Reports (journ.) S Afr L R App e: South African law Reports, Appellate (journ.) S Afr L Rev e: South African Law Review (joum.) S Afr LT e: South African Law Times (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SAFX S Afr Mach Tool Rev e: South African Machine Tool Review (journ.) S Afr Mater Handl News e: South African Materials Handling News (journ.) S Afr Mech Eng[r] e: South African Mechanical Engineer (journ.) S Afr Med Equip News e: South African Medical Equipment News (journ.) S Afr Med J e: South African Medical Journal (journ.) S Afr Med Tim e: South African Medical Times (journ.) S-Afr Med Tydskr A: Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Tydskrif (journ.) S Afr Min Eng J e: South African Mining and Engineering Journal (journ.) S Afr Min J e: South African Mining Journal (journ.) S Afr Min Rev e: South African Mining Review (journ.) S Afr Min World e: South African Mining World (journ.) S Afr Music Teach e: South African Music Teacher (journ.) S Afr Mus Rep e: South African Museum Report (journ.) S Afr Nomis J e: South African Numismatic Journal (journ.) S Afr Nucl Dev Corp Rep e: South Africa. Nuclear Development Corporation. Report PER (journ.) S Afr Nurs J e: South African Nursing Journal (journ.) S Afr Optom e: South African Optometrist (journ.) S Afr Out[look] e: South African Outlook (journ.) S Afr Panorama e: South African Panorama (journ.) S Afr Pat Doc e: South Africa. Patent Document (journ.) S Afr Pat Trade Marks Off Pat J Incl Trade Marks Des e: South Africa. Patent and Trade Marks Office. Patent Journal, Including Trade Marks and Designs (journ.) S Afr Pharm J e: South African Phannaceutical Journal (journ.) S Afr Pneumoconiosis Rev e: South African Pneumoconiosis Review (journ.) S Afr Poult Bull e: South African Poultry Bulletin (journ.) S Afr Pract e: South African Practitioner (journ.) SAFRR e: Secretary of the Air Force, Requirements Review S Afr Radiogr e: South African Radiographer (journ.) S Afr Railw e: South African Railways (journ.) S Afr Rep Seer Water Affairs e: South Africa. Report of the Secretary for Water Affairs (journ.) S Afr Sci e: South African Science (joum.) S Afr Sea Fish Branch Invest Rep e: South Africa. Sea Fisheries Branch. Investigational Report (journ.) S Afr Sea Fish [Res] Inst Invest Rep e: South Africa. Sea Fisheries Research Institute. Investigational Report (journ.) S Afr Shipp News Fish Ind Rev e: South African Shipping News and Fishing Industry Review (journ.) S-Afr Spoorwee A: Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorwee (journ.) S Afr Stat [J] e: South African Statistical Journal (journ.)

S Afr Sugar Assoc Exp Stn Annu Rep e: South African Sugar Association Experiment Station. Annual Report (journ.) S Afr Sugar Assoc Exp Stn Bull e: South African Sugar Association Experiment Station. Bulletin (journ.) S Afr Sugar J e: South African Sugar Journal (journ.) S Afr Sugar Year Book e: South African Sugar Year Book (journ.) S Afr Sug J e: South African Sugar Journal (journ.) S Afr Surv J e: South African Survey Journal (journ.) S Afr Text e: South African Textiles (joum.) S Afr Transp e: South African Transport (journ.) S Afr Treas e: South African Treasurer (journ.) S Afr Tunnel[ling] e: South African Tunnelling (journ.) S-Afr Tydsk Natuurwet Tegnol A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie (journ.) S-Afr Tydskr Antarkt Navors A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Antarktiese Navorsing (journ.) S Afr Tydskr Chem A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chemie (journ.) S-Afr Tydskr Chi A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chirurgie (journ.) S Afr Tydskr Dierkd A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Dierkunde (journ.) S-Afr Tydskr Geneeskd A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Geneeskunde (joum.) S-Afr Tydskr Lab Kliniekwerk A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Laboratorium en Kliniekwerk (joum.) S-Afr Tydskr Landbouwet A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Landbouwetenskap (joum.) S Afr Tydskr Med Lab Tegnol A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Mediese Laboratorium-Tegnologie (joum.) S Afr Tydskr Natuurwet Tegnol A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie (joum.) S-Afr Tydskr Obstet Ginekol A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Obstetrie en Ginekologie (joum.) S Afr Tydskr Plant Grond A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Plant en Grond (joum.) S-Afr Tydskr Radiol A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Radiologie (joum.) S Afr Tydskr Seewetenskap A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Seewetenskap (joum.) S-Afr Tydskr Sulweltegnol A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Suiweltegnologie (joum.) S-Afr Tydskr Veekd A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Veekunde (joum.) S-Afr Tydskr Voeding A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Voeding (joum.) S-Afr Tydskr Wet A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Wetenskap (joum.) S Afr Tydskr Wysbegeerte A: SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Wysbegeerte (joum.) S-Afr Wet Nywerheid-Navorsingsraad Navorsingsversl A: Suid-Afrikaanse Wetenskaplike en Nywerheidnavorskingsraad. Navorsingsverslag (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

S-Afr Wet Nywerheid-Navorsingsraad Spes Versl A: Suid-Afrikaanse Wetenskaplike en Nywerheidnavorskingsraad. Spesiale Verslag (journ.) S Afr Wool Text Res Inst Annu Rep e: South African Wool Textile Research Institute. Annual Report (journ.) S Afr Wool Text Res Inst SAWTRI Spec Publ e: South African Wool and Textile Research Institute. SAWTRI Special Publication (journ.) S Afr Wool Text Res Inst Tech Rep e: South African Wool Textile Research Institute. Technical Report (journ.) S Afr Y[earb] I[nt] L[aw] e: South African Yearbook of International Law (journ.) SAFS e: Safing, Arming and Fusing System - e: Secondary Air Force Specialty - e: Selective Automatic Feed Stripe Saf Sci Abstr e: Safety Science Abstracts Journal (journ.) SAFSCOM e: Safeguard System Command SAFSEA e: Safeguard System Evaluation Agency SAFSIM e: Safeguard System Simulation SAFSL e: Secretary of [the] Air Force Space Liaison SAFSM e: Safeguard System Manager SAFSO e: Safeguard System Office[r] SAFSP e: Secretary of the Air Force, Special Projects SAFSR e: Society for the Advancement of Food Service Research SAFT e: Safety - e: Self-Adaptive Forecasting Technique - e: Shortest Access First Time - e: Society for the Advancement of the Field Theory - e: Synthetic Aperture Focussing Technique - f: Société Africaine de Fabrications et de Transformation - f: Société d'Affrètement Maritime du Togo - f: Société des Accumulateurs Fixes et de Traction SAFTAC e: Semi-Automatic Facility for Teminal Area Control SAFTCP e: Safeguard Tactical Communications Plan SAFTCS. e: Safeguard Tactical Communications System SAFTEL f: Société Africaine d'Électronique et de Télécommunications SAFTI e: Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute - f: Société Africaine de Transformation Industrielle SAFTO e: South African Foreign Trade Organization SAFTRANS e: Safeguard Transportation System SAFTU e: South African Federation of Trade Unions SAfTU d: Staatliches Amt für Technische Überwachung SAFU e: Safety Arming and Fuzing Unit - e: Store And Forward Unit SAFUES e: South African Federation of University Engineering Students SAFUS e: Secretary of the Air Force, United States SAFV e: Separator Assembly Fuel-Vacuum - s: Sociedad Argentina de Fisiologia Vegetal SAFWA e: Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies SAFX e: Saw Fixture


SAG SAG d: Salzburger Aluminium Gesellschaft m.b.H. - d: Schulungs- und Ausbildungsgerät - d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe Gentechnologie - d: Schweizerische Astronomische Gesellschaft - d: Schweizerisches Auto-Gewerbe - d: Spezielles Ausbildungsgerät - d: Starkstromanlagen-Gemeinschaft - d: Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik (journ.) - d: Systemanschlußgruppe - e: Sage Energy Co. - e: Scandinavian Aircraft Group - e: Scandinavian Society of Geneticists - e: Scientific Advisory Group - e: Screen Actors Guild - e: Seismic Air Gun - e: Self-Aligned [or Alignment] Gate - e: Self Aligning Gate MOS - e: Semi-Autogenous Grinding - e: Signal Actuated Gate - e: Significant Air Gap - e: Society of Arthritic Gardeners - e: South African Gardening and Agriculture (journ.) - e: Standard Address Generator - e: Statistical Advisory Group - e: Strategic Communications Ltd. - e: Study Advisory Group - e: Submarine Analysis Group - e: Surface Action [or Attack] Group - e: Syntax Analyzer Generator - e: Systems Analysis Group - f: Shell Aviation Guinée - f: Société Agricole de Guinée - f: Société Agricole du Gabon - f: Station Agricole de Guetala - n: Stabilisatie Aannemers Groep - p: Secretariá da Agricultura - s: Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganaderia - s: Servicio Agrícola-Ganadero Sag 1: Sagittarius SaG d: Sachsengold - d: Sammelgestell S[-]Ag e: Soluble Antigen S/Ag e: Supervised Agency SAGA d: Schweizerische Akademische Gesellschaft der Anglisten - d: Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur - e: Saint-Gaudens National Historie Site - e: Short-Arc Geodetic Adjustment - e: Society of American Graphie Artists - e: Software AG Systems, Inc. - e: Stage and Arena Guild of America - e: Statistics of Accidents in General Aviation - e: Studies, Analysis and Gaming Agency - e: System for Automatic Generation and Analysis - f: Savonnerie du Gabon - f: Société Suisse d'Études Anglaises SAGACE f: Système Automatique pour la Gestion et l'Archivage des Contes Economiques SAGAPEA d: Société Gabonaise de Production, d'Elevage et Denrées Alimentaires SAGB e: Sage Broadcasting Corp. - e: Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain - e: Silk Association of Great Britain SAG-BF f: Société Africaine de Groupage, Burkina Faso

SAGBO e: Stress-Assisted Grain-Boundary Oxidation SAGCA d: Société Auxiliaire de Garantie et de Courtage d'Assurances SAGCI e: Semi-Automatic Ground Control of Interceptors SAG-C1 f: Société Africaine de Groupage Côte d'Ivoire SAGD A: Suid-Afrikaanse Geneeskundige Diens SAG D e: Saggital Diameter SAGE e: Semi-Automatic Ground Environment - e: Senior Actualization and Growth Exploration - e: Skylab Advisory Group for Experiments - e: Solar-Assisted Gas Energy - e: Solar Atmospheric Gas Experiment - e: South African General Electric - e: Special Assistant for Growing Enterprises - e: Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment - e: Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers - e: Systems Approach to a Growth Economy - f: Simulateur d'Apprentissage de la Gestion des Entreprises - f: Syndicat National des Fabricants d'Articles Galvanisés et Etamés SAGE-BUIC e: Semi-Automatic Ground Environment and Back-up Interceptor Control SAGE/BU1C e: Semi-Automatic Ground Environment and Back-Up Interceptor Control SAGEC f: Société Africaine de Génie Rurale SAGECCOM f: Société Africaine de Génie Civil et de Constructions Métalliques SAGECE f: Système Automatique pour la Gestion et l'Echange des Comptes Economiques SAGECO f: Société Abidjanaise de Gerance et d'Exploitation Commercial SAGE Computer e: Semi-Automatic Ground Environment Computer SAGEM f: Société Africaine des Articles Galvanisés et Emaillés - f: Société d'Applications Géenérales d'Electricité et de Mécanique - f: Soeiété Africaine des Articles Galvanisés et Emaillés SA Geol Surv Bull e: South Australia. Geological Survey. Bulletin (journ.) SA Geol Surv Geol Atlas 1 MUe Ser e: South Australia. Geological Survey. Geological. Atlas. 1 Mile Series (journ.) SA Geol Surv Rep Invest e: South Australia. Geological Survey. Report of Investigations (journ.) Sage Pap CP e: Sage Professional Papers in Comparative Politics (journ.) Sage Pub Admin Abstr e: Sage Public Administration Abstracts (journ.) SAGETRA-FRANCE f: Société Auxiliaire de Gestion d'Entreprises et de Transports Sage Urban Abs e: Sage Urban Abstracts (journ.) Sage Urb Stad Abstr e: Sage Urban Studies Abstracts (journ.) Sage Yb Polit Publ Po e: Sage Yearbooks in Politics and Public Policy (journ.) Sage Yb Women'sPol e: Sage Yearbook in Womens Policy Studies (journ.) SAGFC e: Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners


© K • G • Saur, München

SAGFET e: Self-Aligned Gate Field Effect Transistor SAGFRC e: South Atlantic-Gulf Fisheries Research Center SAGFS e: Society American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons SAGG e: South Australian Government Gazette (journ.) SAGGA e: Scout and Guide Graduate Association SAGGBS e: Salvation Army Guides and Guards, Brownies and Sunbeams SAGGE e: Synchronous Altitude GravityGradient Experiment Saggi i: Saggi e Ricerche di Letteratura Francese (journ.) SAGI e: Specialty Advertising Guild International SAGICAM f: Société Agro-Industrielle du Cameroun SAGIMO f: Société Anonyme de Gestion et d'Investissement Immobiliers Saginaw SGD e: Saginaw Steering Gear Division SAGITTAIRE f: Systeme Autoguidage Infrarouge et Electromagnetique SAGJ e: South African Geographical Journal (journ.) SAGLBQ e: Acta Geographica Lodziensia (journ.) S-a2-Globulin e: Slow a2-Globulin SAGM e: Separate Absorption, Graded [or Grading] [and] Multiplication [Layers] SAGM-APD e: Separated Absorption Gapping and Multiplication areas-APD. SAGMAR f: Société d'Agences Maritimes Franco-Sovietique SAGMI e: Surface Attack Guided Missile SAGMJ e: South African Guild of Motoring Journalists SAGMN e: Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften (journ.) SAGMOS e: Self-Aligned [or Aligning]-Gate MOS [Metal Oxide Semiconductor] SAGn d: Systemanschlußgruppen SA-GOR e: Security Assistance-General Operational Requirement SAGP d: Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft für Psychotherapie - e: Saturable Absorber Giant Pulsing - e: Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy - e: Streptococcal Acidic Glycoprotein - e: Surface/Air Gap Plug SAGPGG e: Sheep Anti-Guinea Pig Gamma Globulin SAGR1MA s: Secretaria da Agricultura do Maranhao SAGR1/PA s: Secretaria da Agricultura do Para SAGROCOL s: Sociedad Agrológica Colombiana SAGS d: Schweizerische Akademische Gesellschaft der Slavisten - e: Scandinavian-American Genealogical Society - e: Semiactive Gravity-gradient Stabilization - e: Semiactive Gravity-gradient System - e: South African Geographical Society SAGSET e: Society for Academic Gaming and Simulation in Education and Training - e: Society for the Advancement of Games and Simulations in Education and Training SAGT e: Scottish Association of Geography Teachers

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SAICOS - e: Solarized Advanced Gas Turbine - e: Systematic Approach to Group Technology SAGTA e: School and Group Travel Association SAG&U e: San Antonio, Gulf & Uvalde SAGU e: Saguaro National Monument Sague Med e: Saguenay Medical (journ.) SAGUF d: Schweizerische Akademische Gesellschaft für Umweltforschung und Ökologie SAGUV d: Standardanwendungsbausteine für die gewerbliche Unfallversicherung SAGViehsG d: Saarländisches Ausführungsgesetz zum Viehseuchengesetz SAGW d: Schweizerische Akademie der Geisteswissenschaften - e: Surface-to-Air-Guided Weapon SAH d: Sattelanhänger - d: Sitzungsberichte. Heidelberg Akademie der Wissenschaften. PhilosophischHistorische Klasse (journ.) - e: S-Adenosylhomocysteine - e: Sanaa - e: School of Aircraft Handling - e: School of Applied Health - e: Security Archives Holdings - e: Silver-Allantoin-Heparin - e: Society of Aeronautical Historians - e: Society of American Historians - e: Society of Architectural Historians - e: Society of Automotive Historians - e: Standard Allowed Hours - e: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage - e: Sun Above the Horizon - r: Svenska Akademiens Handlingar (journ.) - r: Sveriges Allmänna Hypoteksbank - s: Sociedad Argentina de Hematología - s: Sociedad Argentina de Horticultura SaH e: Sandoz Pharmaceuticals SAHA e: Society of American Historical Artists SAHARA e: Synthetic Aperture HighAccuracy Radar Antenna - e: Synthetic Aperture High Altitude Radar SAHARS e: Standard Attitude Heading Reference System SAHC e: S-Adenosylhomocysteine - e: Self-Aligning Hydraulic Cylinder - e: Sleep Analyzing Hybrid Computer SAHEA d: Sanitär- und Heizungstechnik (journ.) SAHEL f: Systeme Anti-Helicoptre Sah Esp s: Sahara Español SAH eye-range contour e: Society of Automotive Engineers eye-range contour SAHF e: Semi-Automatic Height Finder [or Finding] SAHG d: Die Sumerischen und Akkadischen Hymnen und Gebete (journ.) SAH[GB] e: Society of Architectural Historians [Great Britain] SAHH e: Society for Austrian and Habsburg History SAHI e: Sagamore Hill National Historic Site SAHJ e: Society of Automotive Historians. Journal (journ.) SAHLBull f: Société d'Art et d'Histoire du le Diocese de Liege. Bulletin (joum.) SAHM f: Société Africaine des Halles Modernes SaHMl e: Sachs, "History of Musical Instruments" (journ.) S.A.H.M.M. f: Société d'Application Hydro-Mécanique Moderne

S A H O f: Société Abidjanaise d'Hôtellerie SAHOA j: Saiko To Hoan (journ.) Sa-Horizont d: Salzhorizont SAHP d: Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft für Homöopathie und Phytotherapie SAHPS e: Solar-Energy-Assisted Heat Pump System SAHR e: Secondary Attitude and Heading Radar - e: Secondary Attitude and Heading Reference - e: Semi-Active Homing Radar - e: Society for/of Army Historical Research SAHRCP e: Secondary Attitude and Heading Reference Control Panel S AHRS e: Standard Attitude Heading [and] Reference System SAHS e: Swedish-American Historical Society - e: Swiss American Historical Society [Newsletter (journ.)] SAHSA s: Servicio Aereo de Honduras Sociedad Anonima SAHT a: Sallskapet for Agronomisk Hydroteknik SAHV e: Surface-Air, High Velocity SAHYB [Computers] e: Simulation of Analog[ue] and Hybrid Computers SAI d: Seemine Anti-Invasion - d: Seltene Assyrische Ideogramme (joum.) - d: Südasien-Institut - e: Schizophrenics Anonymous International - e: Science Applications International - e: Science Applications, Inc. - e: Science Associates/International - e: Scientific Advances, Inc. - e: Scientific Aid to Indochina - e: Scientific Associates, Incorporated - e: Scottish Agricultural Industries - e: Scriptwriters Association International - e: Secondary Air Injection - e: Self-Actualization Inventory - e: Self-Analysis Inventory - e: Self-Appraisal Instrument - e: Self-Appraisal Inventory - e: Senior Advocates International - e: Senior Armament Instructor - e: Senior Army Instructor - e: Sense Amplifier Inhibit - e: Sigma Alpha Iota - e: Singapore Aircraft Industries - e: Single Address Instruction - e: Singly Auto-Ionizing - e: Social Adequacy Index - e: Society of American Inventors - e: Society of Architectural and Industrial Illustrators - e: Software Access International, Inc. - e: South African Irish - e: South American Indian - e: Southeast Asia Institute - e: Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - e: Special Access Intelligence - e: Special Accident Insurance - e: Specific Acoustic Impedance - e: Spherical Attitude Indicator - e: Standard Advertising Invoice - e: Standby Airspeed Indicator - e: Statistical Abstracts of Israel (joum.) - e: Steering Axis Inclination - e: Stem Activities Index - e: Storage and Inspection - e: Student Aid Index - e: Sub-Architectural Interface - e: Sudden Auroral Intensity - e: Sugar Association, Incorporated - e: Sun Air International

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Surveillance Aided Intercept - e: Surveillance and Inspection - e: System Analysis Indicator - f: Société Africaine d'Importation - f: Société Arabe d'Investissement - f: Son Altesse Impériale - i: Società Aeronautica Italiana S.p.A - i: Società Anonima Italiana - i: Società Assicuratrice Industriale - i: Società Astronomica Italiana - i: Società Attori Italiani - j : Saigo - s: Servicio Agricola Interamericana - s: Società Assicuratrice Industriale Sai e: Saigon SAIA e: South Australian Institute of Architects - e: Survival of American Indians Association - f: Société Approvissionnement pour Industrie et Agriculture SAIAA e: South African Institute of Assayers and Analysts SAIAN e: Survey of American Indians and Alaska Natives SAIAS e: Ship Aircraft Inertial Alignment System Saias Malays e: Sains Malaysiana (journ.) SAIAT i: Società Attività Immobilari Ausiliarie Telefoniche SAIB d: Sukroseazetatisobutyrat - e: Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate - f: Société Africaine des Industries du Bâtiment - f: Société Africaine d'Industrie et de Bonneterie Saibanshu j: Saiko Saibansho Saibanshu (journ.) SAIBB e: Soil Association. Information Bulletin and Advisory Service (journ.) SAIC e: School of the Art Institute of Chicago - e: Science Applications International Corp. - e: Scottish Agricultural Improvement Council - e: Shanghai Aviation Industrial Corp. - e: Small Arms Interposi Competition - e: South African Indian Congress - e: South Australian Industrial Commission - e: Special Access Intelligence Capability - e: State Administration for Industry and Commerce - e: Switch Action Interrupt Count - f: Société Agricole et Industrielle du Cameroun - f: Société d'Applications de l'Informatque et du Calcul SAICA f: Société Agricole et Industrielle de la Côte d'Afrique SAICAR d: Sukzino-5-amino-4-imidazolkarboxamidri botid - e: Succinoaminoimidazolecarboxamide Ribonucleotide SAICCOR e: South African Industrial Cellulose Corporation SAICDB e: Israel. Institute of Field and Garden Crops. Scientific Activities (journ.) SAICE e: South African Institute of Civil Engineers SAICET[T] e: South African Institute of Civil Engineering Technicians and Technologists SAIChemE e: South African Institution of Chemical Engineers SAICI i: Società Agricola Industriale della Cellulosa Italiana SAICOS f: Société Agricole Industrielle et Commerciale du Sénégal 255

SAID SAID e: Safe Area Intelligence Description - e: Safety Analysis Input Data - e: Semi-Automatic Integrated Documentation - e: Space and Information Systems Division - e: Specific Adaptation to Improved Demands - e: Speech Analgo[ue] Input to Digitzer - e: Speech Auto-Instruction[al] Device - e: Supplementary Aviation Information Display - e: System Analysis Index for Diagnosis - f: Société Agro-Industrielle des Doukkala Said e: Port Said, Egypt SAIDA e: South-East Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute SAIDC e: South African Inventions Development Corporation S A I D E T e: Single-Axis Inertial Drift Erection Test Said M e d J e: Said Medical Journal (journ.) SAIDS e: Simian Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - e: Space Analyst Intervention Display System SAIE e: Source and Application Inspection Equipment - e: Special Acceptance Inspection Equipment - f: Société Abidjanaise Import-Export S A I E D H e: Israel. Institute of Agricultural Engineering. Scientific Activities (journ.) S A I E E e: South African Institute of Electrical Engineers S A I E T f: Société Africaine d'Importation et d'Exportation Tchadienne SAIF e: Savings Association Insurance Fund - e: South African Industrial Federation - e: South African Institute of Forestry - e: South African Institute of Foundrymen - e: Standardised] Avionics Integrated Fuzing - e: Status of Aircraft Instrumentation File - f: Société Agricole d'Investissement Foncier S A I F E R e: Safe Arm Initiation from Electromagnetic Radiation SAIG e: South Australian Industrial Gazette (journ.) S A I G A j: Saishin Igaku (journ.) S A I G B j: Sangyo Igaku (journ.) S A I H a: Studentenes Akademikernes Internasjonale Hjelpefond - f: Société Africaine Immobilière et Hôtelière SAIHDO e: Israel. Institute of Horticulture. Scientific Activities (journ.) SAII e: Sage Analytics International, Incorporated - f: Société Africaine d'Impressions Industrielles SAIIC e: South and Central American Indian Information Center SAIKON-Dialogprogramm d: Saison- und Konjunkturanalyse-Dialogprogramm SAIL e: Sea-Air Interaction Laboratory - e: Ships Armament Inventory List - e: Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory - e: Simple Analytical Interactive Language - e: Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory - e: Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language - e: Steel Authority of India Ltd. - e: Structural Analysis Input Language - e: Survey of Australian Interlibrary Lending SAILA e: Sail Assist International Liaison Associates - e: Sault Area International Library Association - e: South African Indian Library Association SAILER e: Staflfing of African Institutions for Legal Education and Research

S A I L L E f: Système de génération Automatique d'Instructions Logiques en Langages Evolués SAIL[L]IS e: South African Institute for Librarianship and Information Science SAILS e: Seagoing Assembly-IntegrationLaunch System - e: Shipborne Aircraft Landing System - e: Simplified Aircraft Instrument Landing System - e: Software Adaptable Integrated Logic System[s] - e: Standard Army Intermediate Level Supply [Subsystem - e: Standard Army Intermediate Logistics System - e: Swets Automated Indépendant Library System. SAILS-ABX e: Standard Army Intermediate Level Supply Subsystem-Expanded S A I M e: Semi-Automatic Inserting Machine - e: South African Institute of Management - e: South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy - e: South America Indian Mission - e: Systems Analysis and Integration Model - i: Società Agraria Industriale Meridionale SAIMA e: Selected Acquisition Information and Management System - e: Shipbuilding and Allied Industries Management Association S A I M A System e: Selected Acquisitions Information and Management System S A I M C e: South African Institute for/of Measurement and Control SAI M[ech] E e: South African Institute [or Institution] of Mechanical Engineers S A I M E N A e: South African Institute of Marine Engineers and Naval Architects S A I M M e: South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy S A I M R e: South African Institute for/of Medical Research SAIMS e: Selected Acquisition[s], Information and Management System - e: Supersonic Airborne Infrared Measurement System SAIN e: Society for Advancement in Nursing - e: Systems Associates, Incorporated Sainan-G-D j: Sainan-Gakuin-Daigaku S A I N C O s: S.A. de Instalaciones de Control S A I N E T e: Science Applications, Inc. Global Computer Network SA Inst J e: South Australian Institutes. Journal (journ.) S A I N T e: Salzburg Assembly: Impact of the New Technology - e: Satellite Array for International and National Telecommunications - e: Satellite Inspection Technique - e: Satellite Inspector and Satellite Interceptor - e: Satellite Interceptor] - e: Self Aligned Implantation [or Implementation] for N-Layer Technology - e: Semi Automated [or Automatic] Indexing of Natural Language - e: Sonar Analysis Initial Trainer - e: Strategic Artificially Intelligent Nuclear Transport - e: Symbolic Automatic Integration [or Integrator] - e: Systems Analysis of [an] Integrated Network [of] Tasks Saint-Barth f: Saint-Barthélemy Saint John e: St John, New Brunswick


© K G - Saur, München

Saint John's e: St John's University, New York - e: St John's, Newfoundland Saint Johns e: St Johns, Antigua Saint Kitts and Nevis e: Saint Christopher and Nevis Saint Lawrence e: St Lawrence River Saint Lawrence Islands e: Saint Lawrence Islands National Park Saint Lawrence Univ Geol Inf and Referral Service Bull e: Saint Lawrence University. Geological Information and Referral Service. Bulletin (journ.) Saint Loo e: Saint Louis, Missouri Saint louis Univ LJ e: St. Louis University. Law Journal (journ.) Saint Louis Univ. L.J. e: Saint Louis University Law Journal Saint Lucy e: St Lucia, West Indies Saint P e: St Paul, Minnesota Saint Pete e: St Petersburg, Florida SAINTS e: Single Attack Integrated System SAIO s: Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Operativa SAIORG e: Supreme Assembly, International Order of Rainbow for Girls SAIP e: Semiannual Inventory Report - e: Service Aircraft Instrumentation Package - e: Ship Acquisition and Improvement Panel - e: South African Institute of Physics - e: South African Institute of Printing - e: Spares Acquisition Integrated with Production - e: Submarine Antenna Improvement Program - e: Systems Acquisition and Implementation Program - f: Société d'Applications Industrielles de la Physique SAIPA e: South African Institute for Public Administration - s: Sociedad Argentina para la Investigación de Productos Aromáticos SAIPE e: South African Institute for Production Engineering SAIPL e: Spares Acquisition Incorporated with Production List SAIPMS e: Science Applications Incorporated Plan Monitoring System SAIR e: Saugus Ironworks National Historic Site - e: Semiannual Inventory Report - e: South Australian Industrial Reports (journ.) - e: Swedish Advanced Infra-Red - f: Société Agricole et Industrielle de la Ruzizi Sairaanh Vuosik F: Sairaanhoidon Vuosikirja (journ.) SAIRAC e: South African Institute of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning SAIRR e: South African Institute of Race [or Racial] Relations SAIRS e: Standardised Advanced Infra-Red Sensor - e: Standardized Advanced Infra-Red System SAIS e: School of Advanced International Studies - e: Scientific Apparatus Information Service - e: Separate Access Landing System - e: Ship Aircraft Locating System - e: Short Approach Light System - e: Single Anchor Leg Storage - e: Society for American Indian Studies and Research - e: Solid-State Acoustoelectric Light Scanner

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SAL - e: South African Interplanetary Society - e: Southwestern American Indian Society - i: Società Agricola Italo Somalia - p: Sociedad Agricola de Interés Social - s: Sociedades Agricoles de Interés Social SAISAC e: Ships Aircraft Inertial System Alignment Console SAI-SAO e: Stuck at One-Stuck at Zero SAISB e: South African Individual Scale for the Blind SAI-SDDL e: Science Applications, Inc.Software Design and Documentation Language SAISDP e: Israel. Institute of Animal Science. Scientific Activities (journ.) SAISOF f: Société Auxiliaire de Agriculture et de Industrie de la France SAISR e: Society for American Indian Studies and Research SAIS Review e: School of Advanced International Studies Review (journ.) SAIT e: Science Applications Technology - e: South African Institute of Translators - e: South Australian Institute of Technology - e: Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - f: Service d'Analyse de l'Information Technologique - f: Société Anonyme Internationale de Télégraphie Sans Fil SAITDI-LUBE e: Petromin Lube Oil Blending and Grease Manufacturing Plant SAITINT e: South African Institute of Translators and Interpreters Sait Not s: Saitabi. Noticiario de Historia, Arte, y Arqueología de Levante (journ.) Saito Ho-On Kai Mus Nat Hist Res Bull e: Saito Ho-On Kai Museum of Naturai History. Research Bulletin (journ.) Saito Ho-On Kai Mus Res Bull e: Saito Ho-On Kai Museum Research Bulletin (journ.) SAITR e: Special Artificer, Instruments, Typewriter and Office Equipment Repairman SAIVA f: Société d'Importation et de Vente d'Alimentation SAIW e: South African Institute of Welding - e: Sun Artificial Intelligence Workstation SAIWR e: Special Artificer, Instruments, Watch Repairman SAIX e: Shamrock Airlines SA/J e: Journal. Société des Americanistes (journ.) SAJ e: Golden Eagle Aviation - e: Salon Resources Corp. - e: Shipbuilders Association of Japan - e: Society for the Advancement of Judaism - e: South African Journal of Economics (journ.) - e: St. Joseph Light & Power Co. - F: Suomen Ammattijarjestò SAJA e: Special Approaches to Juvenile Assistance - s: Sociedad de Agricultores Japoneses SAJAA e: South African Journal of African Affairs (journ.) SAJAC e: South African Jewish Association of Canada - e: South African Journal of Animal Science (journ.) SAJAR e: South African Journal of Antarctic Research (journ.) SAJBDD A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Plantkunde (journ.) SAJC e: Southern Association of Junior Colleges

SAJCD e: South African Journal of Chemistry (joum.) SAJE e: South African Journal of Economics (journ.) SA J E[duc] R[es] e: South Australian Journal of Education Research (joum.) SAJH e: San Juan Island National Historic Park SAJI e: Saw Jig SAJIB f: Société d'Animation du Jardin et de l'Institut Botaniques SAJI Technology e: Self-Aligned [or Aligning] Junction Isolated Technology SAJL e: Studies in American Jewish Literature (journ.) S A J M d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Jugendmusik und Musikerziehung SAJMA e: South African Journal of Medical Sciences (joum.) S A J M M C e: San Antonio Joint Military Medical Command SAJPA e: South African Journa of Physiotherapy (joum.) S A J P E M A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Wysbegeerte (joum.) SAJRA e: South African Journal of Radiology (joum.) SAJ Res Sport Phys Educ Recreat e: South African Journal for Research in Sport. Physical Education and Recreation (joum.) SAJS e: School for Advanced Jewish Studies SAJS[A] e: South African Journal of Science (joum.) SAJSB e: South African Journal of Surgery (journ.) SAJSEV A: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Plant en Grond (joum.) SAJTA e: South African Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology (joum.) SAJ Timber e: Sajna [moringa oleifera] Timber SAJZD e: South African Journal of Zoology (joum.) SAK d: Die Sumerischen und Akkadischen Köningsinschriften (joum.) - d: St.-Gallisch-Appenzellische Kernkraftwerke AG - d: Stammauftragskarte - d: Summen-Anpassungsklausel - e: Stall Lake Mines - e: Stop Acknowledge - e: University of Saskatchewan Libraries - F: Suomen Amattiyhdistysten Keskusliitto - F: Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjarjestö - F: Suomen Ammattilittojen Keskulilto - F: Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjarjestö - j: Sakata - R: Serge Alexandrovich Koussevitsky - r: Sveriges Allmänna Konstförening S-AK d: Serumkrankheit-Antikörper SÄK d: Bad Säckingen SAKC e: SAL Cable Communications SAKELA f: Société Agricole de L'Ekéla SAKF r: Svenska Akustikkonsulenters Förening Sakh Promst R: Sakharaya Promyshlennost (joum.) Sakh Svekla R: Sakharnaya Svekla (joum.) SAKI d: selektive Aktiv-Informationsverteilung - e: Sanity and Control Interface - e: Solartron Automatic Keyboard Instructor - e: Systems Accessory Kit

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

SAKK d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für Klinische Krebsforschung SAKM d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kieferchirurgie und Mundkrankheiten SAKO F: Suomen Ammattikoulunopettajien Liitto SAKOD j: Sangyo Kogai (journ.) Sakr. d: Sakramentfe] Sakura-3A e: Japanese CS-3A communications satellite Sakura X-Ray Photogr Rev e: Sakura X-Ray Photographic Review (journ.) SAL A: Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag - d: Saarland, Landesregierung und Landtag - d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Logopädie - d: Serumantilymphozyten - d: System automatisierter Leitungshilfen - e: Anderson County Library - e: Saharan Air Layer - e: Salicylate - e: Saline - e: Salinometer - e: Salivation - e: Salmonella - e: Salt - e: Salvex Resources Ltd. - e: San Salvador - e: Sandhills Agriculture Laboratory - e: Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory - e: School of Australian Linguistics - e: Scientific Airlock - e: Scott Agricultural Laboratories - e: Seaboard Airline Railroad - e: Selected Altitude Layer - e: Semantic Abstraction Language - e: Semi-Active Laser - e: Sensorineural Acuity Level - e: Service Action Log - e: Set Address Limit - e: Ship Authorized Level - e: Shipboard Allowance List - e: Short Approach Light - e: Shuttle Avionics Laboratory - e: Simple Author Language - e: Slot Allocation - e: Society of Antiquaries of London - e: Solar Age. A Magazine of the Sun (journ.) - e: Solar Arc Lamp [Assembly] - e: Solar Array Leaf - e: South American [program] Library - e: South Atlantic League - e: Southern Airlines - e: Southwestern American Literature (joum.) - e: Space Astronomy Laboratory - e: Special Ammunition Load - e: Standard Acceptance Limits - e: Station Allowance Unit - e: Strategic Air Launch Cruise Missile Launcher - e: Strategic Arms Limitation - e: Structural Adjustment Loan - e: Structured Assembly Language - e: Studies in African Linguistics (journ.) - e: Subject Authority List - e: Submarine Alerting and Loading System - e: Supersonic Aerophysics Laboratory - e: Surface Airlifted - e: Surface Analysis Laboratory - e: Surface and Airlift - e: Surface Mail Air Lifted - e: Symbolic Assembly Language - e: System Access Layer - e: System Applications Laboratories - e: Systems Activity Log - e: Systems and Logistics 257

Sal -

e: Systems Assembly Language f: Société Astronomique de Liège f: Société des Automobiles Ligier f: Société d'Archéologie Lorraine et du Musée Historique Lorrain - i: Salo -1: Secundum Artis Leges - r: Svenska-Amerika Linien - r: Sveriges Allmänna Lantbrukssallskap - s: San Salvador, El Salvador - s: Sindicato Agropecuario Leonés Sal 1: Streptomyces albus - s: EI Salvador - s: Islas Salomón sal s: salida Sal. d: Saline - e: Saline - e: Salinometer sal. e: salvage -1: salicylate s.a.l. 1: secundum artis leges SALA e: Scientific Assistant Land Agent - e: Solar Arc Lamp Assembly - e: Strategic Analysis of Latin America - r: Sammenslutningen af Landbrugets Arbejdsgiverforeninger - s: Servicios Aeronáuticos Latina America - s: Servicios Agrícolas Ltda. - s: Sistema de Artillería de Larga Allance SALAHE e: South-East Asia Lutheran Association for Higher Education S A L A L M e: Seminar[s] on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials sal ammoniac e: ammonium chloride SALA Newsletter e: South African Library Association Newsletter (journ.) SA Law Reports CP e: South African Law Reports, Cape Provincial Division (journ.) SA Law Reports CPD e: South African Law Reports, Cape Provincial Division (journ.) SA Law Reports NPD e: South African Law Reports, Natal Province Division SA Law Reports SWA e: Reports of the High Court of South-West Africa (journ.) SA Law Soc Bull e: South Australian Law Society. Bulletin (journ.) SALB e: South African Library for the Blind - e: Studia Albanica (journ.) SALC e: Sacramento Air Logistics Center - e: Special Associated Logistics Course SALCI f: Société des Ananas de la Côte-d'Ivoire SALCV e: Solanum Apical Leaf-Curling Virus SALD e: Selected-Area Laser Deposition - e: Serum Aldolase SALDRI e: Semi-Automatic Low Data Rate Input SALE e: Safeguards Analytical Laboratory Evaluation - e: Silicon Avalanche Light Emitter - e: Simple Algebraic Language for Engineers - e: Special Air Launch Environment - e: Special Ammunition Logistic[al] Element - f: Section d'Accueil de Liaison et d' Entrainement SALEFORM e: Norwegian Shipbrokers Associations Memorandum of Agreement for Sale SALEN e: Ethylenebis - e: Salicylidene Ehtylenediamine SALES e: Savannah Area Law Enforcement System - e: Ship Aircraft Locating Equipment

SALF r: Sveriges Agronom-och Lantbrukslarareforbund SAL-FE e: Sal Fuel Economizer S A L G E P e: Scottish Association of Local Government Educational Psychologists SALGP e: Semi Active Laser Guided Projectile SALI e: Selected Abstracts: Library, Information (journ.) - e: Surface Analysis by Laser Ionization SALIC e: Salicional Salicide e: Self aligned silicide salicyl e: salicylate SALI-MAUREM f: Société Arabe Mauritano-Libienne de Pêche S ALINET e: Satellite Library Information Network SALINTO f: Société des Salines du Togo SALIS e: Salisbury Salisbury e: Harare, Zimbabwe Salisbury Rev e: Salisbury Medical Bulletin (journ.) SALJ e: South African Law Journal (journ.) SALKART d: Salutkartusche S A L M e: Single Anchor Leg Mooring - e: Society of Air Line Meteorologists Salm. d: Salmonella Salm e: Salamon|ella] salmiak e: sal ammoniac SALO e: Senior Air Liaison Officer - e: Stop Authorization and Lift Order SALOGS e: Sandia Logic Simulator Salomons e: Salomon Islands SALON e: Satellite [launched from a] Balloon SALOPHEN e: Salicylidene Phenylenediamine SALORS e: Structural Analysis of Layered Orthotiopic Ring-Stiffened Shells SALO/UKSLS e: Senior Air Liaison Officer to United Kingdom Service Liaison Staff SALP d: System für die Steuerung der Ausbildung an den Schulen des Heeres und zur Lehrgangsplanung - e: Sodium Aluminum Phosphate - e: Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance - f: Société Africaine de Librairie-Papeterie Salp. d: Salpeter SALPHB e: Salomon Phibro Oil Trust salpingect e: salpingectomy - e: salpingectomy SALPN e: Salicylidene Propanediamine SALPS e: 2-[Salicylideneamino] phenyl Disulfide SALR e: Saturated [or Saturation] Adiabatic Lapse Rate - e: Short Approach Light System - e: Solid-state Acoustoelectric Light Scanner - e: South African Law Reports (journ.) - e: South Australian Law Reports (journ.) - e: Standard Army Logistics System - e: Synthetic Aperture Laser Radar SALRA d: Schweizer Aluminium Rundschau (journ.) SALRC e: South Australian Law Reform Committee SALRCP e: South Afrian Law Reports, Cape Provincial Division SAL Reports OPD e: South African Law Reports, Orange Free State Provincial Division (journ.) SALR SWA e: South African Law Reports, South West African Reports (journ.)


© K G - Saur, München

SALS d: Störgeräuschabhängige Lautstärke[n]steuerung - e: Semi-Active Laser System - e: Separate Access Landing System - e: Shipborne Aircraft Landing System - e: Short Approach Lightfing] System - e: Small-Angle Light Scattering - e: Solid-state Acoustoelectric Light Scanner - e: South African Logopedic Society - e: Southern Adirondack Library System - e: Southern African Literature Society - e: Standard Army Logistics System SALSF e: Short Approach Light System with [Sequenced] Flashers - e: Short Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashing Lights SALS-K e: Single Ammunition Logistics System-Korea SALSSAH e: Serials in Australian Libraries: Social Sciences and Humanities (journ.) SalSUA e: Sierra Leone Students Union of the Americas SALT e: Saskatchewan Association of Library Technicians - e: Scottish Association for Language Teaching - e: Self-Contained All-Weather Landing and Taxing - e: Sequential Analyzer Logic Tester - e: Sequential Automated Logic Test - e: Serum Alanine Aminotransferase - e: Size, Activity, Location, Type Report - e: Skin-Associated Lymphoid Tissue - e: Society for Applied Learning Technology - e: Society of American Law Teachers - e: Sodium chloride - e: South African Law Times (journ.) - e: South Australian Library Technicans - e: Soviet-American Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - e: Stand-Alone Terminal - e: State Agency Libraries of Texas - e: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - e: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty - e: Subscribers Apparatus Line Tester - e: Suggestive-Accelerative Learning and Teaching - e: Suggestive Accelerative Learning Techniques - e: Symbolic Algebraic Language Translator SALTE e: Semi-Automatic Line Test Equipment Saltees e: Saltee Islands SALT-I e: Strategic Arms Limitations Agreements-Round I SALT-II e: Strategic Arms Limitations Agreements-Round II SAL Timber e: Sal [shorea robusta] Timber Salt Lake M[in] R[e]v e: Salt Lake Mining Review (journ.) SALT-P e: Slosson Articulation, Language Test with Phonology Salt Res Ind e: Salt Research and Industry (journ.) Salt Res Ind J e: Salt Research and Industry Journal (journ.) SALTS e: Systems Alterations Status salts of lemon e: oxalic acid SALU d: Südafrikanische Landwirtschaftsunion SALUT e: Sea, Air, Land and Underwater Targets SALUTE e: Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment Salute Italia Med i: Salute Italia Medica (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SAM SALV e: Duty Salvage Ship - e: Salvador - e: Salvage Salvador e: El Salvador - p: Brazilian port of Bahia salv[adorn]. d: salvadoranisch Salv Coll Pt e: Salvage Collection Point Salv Dep e: Salvage Depot SALVDIVBfAD] e: Salvage Diver Badge SALVEX e: Salvage Exercise Salv.L. e: Salvage Loss SALVOPS e: Salvage Operations S A L V T N G e: Salvage Training SALWIS e: Shipboard Air-Launched Weapons Installation System Salz d: Salzburg, Austria SALZ d: Sinuaurikuläre Leitungszeit Salzburger Beitr Paracelsusforsch d: Salzburger Beiträge zur Paracelsusforschung (journ.) Salzburger Jrbh Phil d: Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie (journ.) Salzgew. d: Salzgewinnung Salz St Ang d: Salzburger Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik (journ.) SalzStDB d: Durchführungsbestimmungen zum Salzsteuergesetz SalzStG d: Salzsteuergesetz SAM d: Sammelmeldung - d: Schweizerischer Auto- und Motorradfahrer-Verband - d: Sensorsystem für Automation und Meßtechnik - d: Servotechnik-AnschlußtechnikMikrowellentechnik - d: Silizium-Aluminium-Mangan - d: Sindelfinger Arbeitsmethodenplanung - d: Sitzungsberichte. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften [Munich] (journ.) - d: Speicherausgabe[-Anforderungsregisterj-Meldung - d: Sprachausgabegerät in Multiplextechnik - d: System für automatische Meldungsverm i ttlung - e: S-Adenosyl Methionine - e: Safety Activation Monitor - e: Sales Achievement Measurement - e: Salicylamide - e: SAM Advanced Management Journal (journ.) - e: Samaritan Aramaic - e: Samarkand - e: Sample and Analysis Management System - e: Sampling and Analytical Method - e: Samson Energy Co. Ltd. - e: Scalar Audio Magnetotellurics - e: Scanning Acoustic Microscope [or Microscopy] - e: Scanning Auger [electron] Microscopy - e: Scanning Auger Microprobe - e: Scanning Auger Microscope - e: School Apperception Method - e: School Attitude Measure - e: School of Aerospace Medicine - e: School of Aircraft Maintenance - e: School of Assets Management - e: School of Aviation Medicine - e: Scientific Accelerator Module - e: Scottish AIDS Monitor - e: Scottish Association for Mental Health - e: Scottish Association for Metals - e: Screen Activated Machine - e: Script Applier Mechanism - e: Scuba Ascent Method - e: Sea Air Mariner - e: Search Address Mark - e: Selective Addressable] Memory

- e: Selective Auto[matic] Monitoring [tracing routine] - e: Self-Addressing Memory - e: Self-Advising Materials - e: Self-Assembled Monolayer - e: Self-propelled Anthropomorphic Manipulator - e: Self-propelled remotely operated Acoustic Magnetic Minesweeper - e: Semantic Analyzing Machine - e: Semi-Autogenous Milling - e: Semi-Automated [or Automatic] Mathematics - e: Semi Automatic Mode -e: Semi-Automatic Mounter - e: Semiconductor Active Memory - e: Semiconductor Advanced Memory - e: Send-a-Message - e: Senrice Attitude Measurement - e: Sensor Access Manager - e: Sensor-system for Automation and Measurement - e: Separate Absoption and Multiplication - e: Sequenced] and Monitor - e: Sequential Access Memory [store] - e: Sequential Access Method - e: Sequentially Addressed Memory - e: Serial Access Memory - e: Serial Address[ed] Memory - e: Serial Analog[ue] Memory - e: Series Analog[ue] Memory - e: Served Available Market - e: Service Aggregated Module - e: Service Attitude Measurement - e: Sex Arousal Mechanism - e: Shared Appreciation Mortgage - e: Shipboard Alignment Module - e: Shuttle Attachment Manipulator - e: Signal Analysis Module - e: Signal Analyzing Monitor - e: Signal Averaging Monitor - e: Signal for Assessment and Modification - e: Silent Alarm Module - e: Simple Architecture Microprocessor - e: Simple Automated Movement - e: Simulated Assignment Model - e: Simulation of Analog[ue] Method[s] - e: Simultaneous Access Memory - e: Singapore Manufacturing Pte - e: Single Application Method - e: Sinusoidal Amplitude Modulation - e: Six Axis Manipulator - e: Six Axis Motion - e: Slow Access Memory - e: Small Annular Mirror - e: Small-Area Magnifier - e: Small Annular Mirror - e: Social Accounting Matrix - e: Society for Adolescent Medicine - e: Society of Americanists - e: Society of Antique Modelers - e: Software Architecture Model - e: Software Associative Memory - e: Solar Array Module - e: Solenoid Array Memory - e: Solt and Merge - e: Sort And Merge - e: Sound Absorption Material - e: Sound Activated Mobile - e: Sound Activated Monkey - e: Sourcebook in Applied Mathematics - e: South African Motorscene - e: South Americafn] - e: Space Age Microcircuits - e: Space-Available Mail - e: Special Advisory Message - e: Special Aircraft Modification

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Special Air[lift] Mission - e: Special Application Module - e: Speech-Aided MODEM [ModulatorDemodulator] - e: Spills, Accidents and Mixtures - e: Spinal Analysis Machine - e: Squarewave Amplitude Modulation - e: Stabilized Aiming Mark - e: Stabilized Assay Meter - e: Stage Assembly and Maintenance - e: Standard Academic Monograph - e: Standard Addition[s] Method - e: Standard Assembly Module - e: Standard Avionic[s] Module - e: Stationing Analysis Model - e: Stimuli and Measurements - e: Storage and Maintenance - e: Storage of Aircraft - e: Strain Absorbent Module - e: Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement - e: Stratospheric Aerosol Monitor - e: Strela Antiaircraft Missiles - e: Stroboscopic Analyzing Monitor - e: Strong Absorption Model - e: Structural Acoustic Monitor - e: Structural [or Structures] Assembly Model - e: Student Accountability Model - e: Student Achievement Monitoring - e: Studies in Applied Mechanics (journ.) - e: Study of American Markets - e: Sturge Automation Microcomputer - e: Subject Activity Monitor - e: Subsequent Address Message - e: Substitute Alloy Material - e: Substrate Adhesion Molecule - e: Substrate-Attached Material - e: Subsynoptic Advection Model - e: Subsystem Action Message - e: Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication - e: Sulfur-Asphalt Module - e: Sumito Automatic Magnetic Inspection - e: Supply Analysis Model - e: Supply of Armaments Material - e: Surface-Active Material - e: Surface-to-Air Missile - e: Survival Air Model - e: Suspension Automatic Monitor - e: Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation - e: Synchronous Amplitude Modulation - e: System Accuracy Model - e: System Activity Monitor - e: System Application Manual - e: System Applications Microcomputer - e: System Audit/Monitoring - e: System Availability Model - e: System for Accumulating Measurements - e: System for Assessment and Modification [of Behavior] - e: System for Automatic Message Switching - e: Systems Adapter [or Adaptor] module - e: System[s] Analysis Machine - e: Systems Analysis Module - e: Systems Automation Marketing GmbH - e: Systems for Automated Manufacture - e: Systolic Anterior Motion [or Movement] - f: Société Africaine de Menuiserie - f: Société Aveyronnaise de Métallurgie - f: Société d'Application Mecaniques - f: Société des Americanistes - f: Sonde Aerologique Motorisee - f: Suivi des Actions de Maintenance - i: Societá Aerea MediteiTania - s: Sociedad Aeronáutica de Medellín Consolidada - s: Sociedad Agronómica Mexicana - s: Societá Aerea Mediterrania - s: Société des Americanistes 259

SAm SAm e: Scientific American (journ.) - e: South America[n] Sam d: Sammlung - d: Samstag - e: Samoa[n] Sam. e: Samaria - e: Samaritan - e: Samoa[n] S. Am. e: South America[n] S-a-m e: S-adenosyl-methionine SAM1-7 e: Subsequent Address Message No. 1-No. 7 SAMA e: Al-Jubail Fertiliser Company - e: Sacramento Air Materiel Area - e: Salem Maritime National Historic Site - e: Scientific Apparatus Makers Association - e: Scientific Apparatus Makers of America - e: Scottish Agricultural Machinery Association - e: Serum Agar Measuring Aid - e: Shock Absorber Manufacturers Association - e: Site Approval and Market Analysis - e: South African Museums Association - e: South Australian Mining Association - e: Southern Air Materiel Area - e: Specialty Automotive Manufacturers Association - e: Student American Medical Association - i: Sistema Aeronautico Modulare Anticendio - i: Sistema Antiincidencio Modulare Aeroportato SAMAA e: Special Assistant for Military Assistance Affairs SAMAC e: Scientific and Management Advisory Committee - e: Swedish American Museum Association of Chicago SAMADB e: State and Metropolitan Area Data Book SAM Advanced] M[a][gt J] e: SAM Advanced Management Journal (journ.) SAMAE e: Southern Air Materiel Area, Europe SAMAF f: Société Anonyme Modène Automobiles France SAMAHE f: Systeme d'Aide a la Manutention d'Helicoptere Embarque SAMAL r: Svenska Amerika-Mexico Linien SAMAN f: Service d'Approvisionnement en Materiel de l'Aeronautique SAM and R e: Ship Activation, Maintenance and Repair SAMANTH[A] e: System for the Automated Management of Text from/in [a] Hierarchical Arrangement SAMAO f: Société Auxiliare de Matériel pour l'Afrique Occidentale SAMAP e: Southern Air Materiel Area, Pacific - e: Surface-to-Air Missile Availability Report SAM-APD e: Separate Absorption and Multiplication Region Avalanche Photodiode SAMAR e: Ship Activation, Maintenance and Repair - e: Surface-to-Air Missile Availability Report Samar. e: Samaritan SAMARCO e: Sadi Arabian Maritime Company SAMAREC e: Saudi Arabian Marketing and Refining Company Samarians e: Samarian Mountains Samaro Agr[ic] Newsl[ett] e: Samaru Agricultural Newsletter (journ.)


SAMAS e: Security Assistance Manpower Accounting System - f: Société des Ateliers Mécaniques et Agricoles Saonois SA Mast Build e: South Australian Master Builder (journ.) SAMAT f: Sol-Air-Matra SAMB e: School of Aviation MedicineBrooks Air Force Base - e: Secondary Aircraft Maintenance Base - e: Sciences Allied to Medicine and Biology samb. d: sambisch SAM-B e: School of Aviation SAMBA e: Sino-American Medical Rehabilitation Association - e: Systems Approach to Managing Bureau of Ships Acquisitions SAMBHist f: Société des Antiquaires de la Morinte. Bulletin Historique (journ.) SAMBO e: Strategic Anti-Missile Barrage Objects SAMBRA p: Sociedade Algodoeira do Nordeste Brasileiro S. A. SAMBUD e: System for Automation of Materiel Plan for Army Materiel/Budget SAMC A: South African Motor Corporation [Pty] Ltd. - e: Scottish Association of Manufacturing Coppersmiths - e: Solar Age Industries, Inc. - e: South African Marine Corporation - e: South African Medical Corps - e: Southern Africa Media Center SAMCAP e: Surface-to-Air Missile Capability SAM-CAR e: South American-Caribbean SamChron e: Samaritan Chronology SAMCO e: Singapore Aerospace Maintenance Company SAMCOS e: Senior Army Materiel Command Orientation Seminar SAMCTT e: School of Aerospace Medicine Color Threshold Test SAMCU e: Special Airborne Medical Care Unit SAM-D e: Surface-to-Air Missile for field air Defense SAM[-]D e: Surface-to-Air-Missile Development SAMDA f: Société d'Assurance Moderne des Agriculteurs - f: Société Agricole Mutuelle d'Assurance SAM-DC e: S-Adenosylmethionine Decarboxylase SAMDC e: South African Medical and Dental Council SAMDU e: South African Milk Distributors Union SaMe e: S-Adenosylmethionine SAME e: Sensory-Afferent/Motor-Efferent - e: Society of American Military Engineers - e: South Australian Matriculation Examination SAMEA e: South African Mechanical Engineer (journ.) SAMEB e: South African Mining and Engineering Journal (journ.) SAMECS e: Structural Analysis Method for Evaluation of Complex Structures SAMED e: South African Medical Literature Same Day Surg e: Same-Day Surgery (journ.) S Am[er] e: South America[n] SAMER f: Société d'Armement et de Manutention de la Mer Rouge

© K • G • Saur, München

SAMERCA e: South America/Western Mediterranean ReeferAgreement SAMES f: Société Anonyme de Machines Électrostatiques SAMEX e: Shuttle Active-Microwave Experiments - e: Surface-to-Air Missile Exercise SAMF e: Salvation Army Medical Fellowship - e: Seaborne Army Maintenance Facilities - e: Seaborne Army Materiel Facilities - e: Ships Air Maintenance Facility SAmF e: Studies in American Fietion (journ.) SAMF e: Switchable Acoustic Matched Filter SAMFOR e: Sequential Access Method in FORTRAN [Formula Translation] SAMFU e: SAM Fire Unit - e: Self-Adjusting Military Foul-Up - s: Sociedâd Argentina de Mineria y Geologia SA[&]MGS e: Small Arms and Machine Gun School SAMH e: Scottish Association for Mental Health SAMHSJ e: South Australian Methodist Historical Society. Journal (journ.) SAMI e: Sales and Markeing Information Ltd. - e: Scanner-Augmented Market Intelligence - e: Sensory Adaptive Machines Incorporated - e: Sequential Assessment of Mathematics Inventory - e: Serum Agar Measuring Integration - e: Service and Maintenance Indicator - e: Single Action Maintenance Instruction - e: Socially Acceptable Monitoring Instruments] - e: Speed of Approach Measurement Indicator - e: System[s] Acquisition Management Inspection - e: Systems Activity Measurement Instrument - e: Systems Activity Measuring Instruction - e: United Satellite/America, Inc. - f: Société Africaine de Matériel Industriel - s: San Martin SAMIA e: Shipbrokers, Agents and Managers Insurance Association Limited - f: Société Arabe des Industries Métallurgiques Mauritano-Koweitienne SAMICS e: Solar Array Manufacturing Industry Costing Standards - e: Systems Applications of Millimeter Wave Contact Seeker SAMID e: Ship Anti-Missile Integrated Defense [Program] - e: Surface-to-Air Missile Intercept Development SAMIDF e: Systematic and Applied Microbiology (journ.) SAMID Program e: Ship Anti-Missile Integrated Defense Program SAMIDS e: Ship Anti-Missile Integrated Defense System SAMIN f: Société Arabe des Mines d'Inchiri SA Min Eng J e: South African Mining and Engineering Journal (journ.) SAMIPAC f: Société Auxiliare et Minière du Pacifique SAMIR f: Société Anonyme Marocaine de l'Industrie du Raffinage

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SAM[s] S A M I S e: Security Assistance Management Information System - e: Ship Alteration Management Information System - e: Solar Array Manufacturing Industry Simulation - e: Standard Army Management Information System - e: Structural Analysis and Matrix Interpretation [or Interpretative] System - e: Structural Analysis and Matrix Inversion System S A M I System e: System Acquisition Management Inspection System samizdat R: samizdatel'swo S A M J e: Sami Medica. Journal. Sami Medical Association (journ.) - e: South African Medical Journal S A M J A e: South African Medical Journal (journ.) S A M L e: Sinus Histiocytes with Massive Lymphadenopathy - e: Standard Army Management Language - e: Studies in American Literature [journ.]. S A M L A e: South[ern] Atlantic Modern Language Association SAM-Legierung d: Silizium-AluminiumMangan-Legierung S A M M d; Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft für Manuelle Medizin - e: Semi-Automatic Measuring Machine - e: Semi-Autonomous Mission Module - e: Source and Message Manager - e: Standard Automated Material Management [System] - e: Systematic Activity Modeling Method - f: Société Anonyme des Machines Motrices - f: Société d'Applications des Machines Motrices S A M M A e: Stores Account Material Management Afloat - f: Société d'Acconage et de Manutention en Mauritanie s a m m a r i n . d: sammarinesisch S a m m e l BI Ingolstadt d: Sammelblatt des Historischen Vereins Ingotstadt (journ.) S a m m E r l . d: Sammelerlaß S A M M I e: Signature Analysis Methods for Mission Identification S A M M I E e: Scheduling Analysis Model for Mission Integrated Experiments - e: System for aiding machine interaction evaluation - e: System for Aiding [Man-]Machine Interaction Evaluation S a m m l d: Sammlung[en] S a m m I G d: Sammlungsgesetz S a m m l Geol F ü h r e r d: Sammlung Geologischer Führer (journ.) S A M M S e: Ship Alteration Material Management System S A M M S[ystem] e: Standard Automated Material [or Materiel] Management System S A M N A M N: Samradet for Nordisk Amatormusik S A M N O S e: Self-Aligned [or Aligning] Gate-Metal-Nitride-Oxide Semiconductor S A M N S e: South African Military Nursing Service S A M O d: Statische ALGOL [Algorithmic Language]-Modellbeschreibung - e: Sense Amplifier Module - e: Simulated Ab Inito Molecular Orbital[s]

S A M O A d: Sortier- und Auswahlprogramm mit Mehrfachausgabe zur Organisation von Ablâufen - e: System Approach to Multidimensional Occupational Analysis - f: Société Agence Maritime de l'Ouest Africain S a m o a e: National park on American Samoa S a m o a n P[ac] L J e: Samoan Pacific Law Journal (journ.) Samoas e: Samoa Islands S A M O C e: Surface-to-Air Missile Operations Center S A M O D e: Secretary of the Armys Mobility, Opportunity and Development Program S A M O D E A D e: Support of Airmobile Operations Through Destruction of Enemy Air Defense Systems S A M O G A f: Société d'Aménagement de la Moyenne Garonne S A M O S e: SAGEM Anti-Missile Optronic System - e: Satellite and Missile Observation System - e: Satellite-Missile Observation Satellite - e: Satellite Monitoring System - e: Self-Aligned [or Aligning]-gate Metal Oxide Semiconductor - e: Silicon [and] Aluminium Metal Oxide Semiconductor - e: Spot Accumulation and Melting of Snow - e: Stacked-gate Avalanche-injection-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor - e: Surveillance and Missile Observation Satellite - e: Surveillance and Missile Observation System SA M o t o r e: South Australian Motor (journ.) S A M P e: S-l-Amino-2-Methoxymethyl pyrrolidine - e: Salary Administration and Manpower Planning - e: Sample - e: Sampling - e: Sense Amplifier - e: Shuttle Automated Mass Properties - e: Small Arms Master Plan - e: Succinoadenosine Monophosphate - f: Société des Ateliers Mécaniques de Pont-sur Sambre - f: Sol-Air, Moyen Portee S A M P A f: Services d'Approvisionnement en Moyens de Production Agricole S A M P A C e: Society of Advertising Musicians, Producers, Arrangers and Composers S A M P A M e: System for Automation of Materials] [or Materiel[s]] Plans for Army Material [or Materiel] S A M P A P e: Security Assistance Master Planning and Phasing S A M P D e: Sampled - e: Science Analysis and Mission Planning Directorate S A M P E e: Society of Aerospace Material and Process Engineers - e: Society of American Motion Pictures Engineers S A M [ & ] P E e: Society for the Advancement of Material[s] and Process Engineering S A M P E J e: SAMPE Journal (journ.) S A M P E Q[uart][ly]. e: SAMPE [Society of American Motion Pictures Engineers] (journ.) S A M P F e: Sampford

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

s A m p h T r s p / U K p d: schwere Amphibische Transport- und Umschlagkompanie S A M P L E e: Simulation and Modeling of Profiles in Lithography and Etching - e: Single Assignment Mathematical Programming Language - e: Survey Analysis Macro Programming Language S A M P L L e: Simplified Analyitical Model of Penetration with Lateral Loading S A M P M e: Scottish Association of Milk Products Manufacturers SAMP/N e: Surface-to-Air Missile Platform S A M P S e: Semi-Automated Message Processing System - e: Subdivision and Map Plotting System S A M P S P e: Security Assistance Master Planning and Phasing S A M P / T f: Systeme d'Autodéfense Moyen Portee S A M Q s: Mendoza Aeroparque S A M Q A e: SAMPE Quarterly (journ.) S A M R e: Special Assistant for Material [or Materiel] Readiness - f: Société d'Application du Métal Rouge S A M & R e: Ship Activation, Maintenance and Repair S A M R A e: Shah Alam Motor Racing Association - e: South African Market Research Association S A M R A A M e: Surface-to-Air-Launched Medium Range Anti-Air Missile S A M R A F e: South African Military Refugee Aid Fund S A M R D e: South African Machine Tool Review (journ.) S A M R E F e: South Australian Mines Reference SAm Region e: South American Region S A M R O f: Satellite Militaire de la Reconniassance Orbitale S A M R T e: Shared Aperture Medium-Range Tracker SAMS e: Sample Method Survey - e: Sampling Analog[ue] Memory System - e: Sandia Air Force Material Study - e: Satellite Auto[matic] Monitor[ing] System - e: Satellite Automation System - e: Saudi Arabian Mining Syndicate - e: Scandinavian Analog Computer Society - e: School of Advanced Military Studies - e: Security Assistance Management Squadron - e: Ships Alteration Management System - e: Shore Activity Management Support - e: Shuttle Attached [or Attachment] Manipulator System - e: Six Axis Motion System - e: Society for Advanced Medical Systems - e: South African Mathematical Society - e: Space and Missile Systems - e: Space Assembly and Maintenance Study - e: Standard Army Maintenance System - e: Stratospheric and Mesopheric Sounder - e: Street Address Matching System - e: Student Administrative and Management System - e: Study Attitudes and Methods Survey - e: Surface-to-Air Missile System - e: Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences - f: Société d'Application de Mécanisation des Semis - s: San Carlos SAMs e: Serial Access Memories - e: System Activity Monitors SAM[s] e: Shared-Appreciation Mortgage[s] 261

SAMSA SAMSA e: Silica and Moulding Sands Association - e: South African Mathematical Sciences Association - e: Standard Army Management SystemSupply Support Arrangement SAM-SAC e: Secialized Aircraft Maintenance-Strategic Air Command - e: Special Aircraft Modification for Strategic Air Command SAM/SAR e: South America/South Atlantic Region SAMSARS e: Satellite-based Maritime Search and Rescue System SAM/SAT e: South America/South Atlantic Region SAMSAT e: Solar Activity Monitoring Satellite - e: South America/South Atlantic - e: Surface-to-Air Missile Servicing, Assembly and Test SAMSEM e: Ship Antimissile System Engagement Model SAMSI e: Spacecraft Array for Michelson Spectral Inferometry SAMSIM e: Surface-to-Air Missile Simulation Model SAMSO e: Space and Missile System[s] Organization - e: Space and Missile Systems Office - e: Systems Analysis of Manned Space Operations SAMSOM e: Support Availability Multi-System Operational [or Operations] Model SAMSON e: Sample-Mitarbeiter-SteuerungOnline - e: Samson Energy Co. Ltd. - e: Sources of Ambient Microseismic Oceanic Noise Experiment - e: Special Avionics Mission Strap-On Now - e: Strategic Automated [or Automatic] Message Switching Operational Network - e: System[s] Analysis of Manned Space Operations SAMSO Network e: Strategic Automatic Message Switching Operational Network SAMSOR e: Space and Missile Systems Organization Regulation SAMSOT e: SAMID System Operational Test SAMSP e: Science and Application Manned Space Platform SAM/SPAC e: South America/South Pacific SAMSq e: Special Air Mission Squadron SAMSU e: Single Air Motor Servo Unit SAMSY d: Standard Abwasser MeBwertverarbeitungssystem SAM System e: Six Axis Motion System SAMT d: Sprachausgabegerat in Multiplextechnik - e: Semi-Automated [or Automatic] Mechanical Transmission - e: Simulated Aircraft Maintenance Trainer - e: State-of-the-Art Medium Terminal[s] - e: Swiss Association for Materials Testing SAMTA e: South Australian Music Teachers Association SAMTC e: South Atlantic Marine Terminal Conference SAMTEC e: Space and Missile Test [and Evaluation] Center SAMTEC/DET e: Space and Missile Test Center Detachment 1 SAMTECM e: Space and MissileTest Center Manual

SAMTEL f: Société Marocaine de Télécommunications SAMTO e: Space And Missile Test Organization SAMTS e: Simulated A/C Maintenance Training System SAMU f: Service Aide Médicale Urgente SA Mus e: South African Museum SA Museum Ree e: South Australian Museum. Records (journ.) SA Mus Ter e: South Africa Music Teacher (journ.) SAMUX e: Serial Addressable Multiplexer SAMV d: Schweizerischer Autolackierermeister-Verband - s: Mendoza SAMW d: Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften SAMWG e: Standing Air Monitoring Work Group SAN d: Stadtsteinach - d: Styrol-Acrynitril - d: Symbolischer Aspektname - d: Systemanlagenummer - e: San Carlos Milling Co., Inc. - e: San Diego, California - e: San Francisco Operations Office - e: SAN: Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics (journ.) - e: Sandersville Railroad Co. - e: Sanitary - e: Sanitation - e: Sanskrit - e: Scanning Auger Nanoprobe - e: School of Air Navigation - e: Science Association of Nigeria - e: Semi-Autonomous Navigation - e: Severe Acoustic Noise - e: Ship Account Number - e: Shipping Accumulation Numbers - e: Sinoatrial Node - e: Small Area Network - e: Society for Ancient Numismatics - e: South African Navy - e: South Australian Navy - e: Space Age News (journ.) - e: Standard Address Number - e: Strong Acid Number - e: Styrene-Acrylonitrile [copolymer] - e: Styrol-Acrylnitril - e: Subsidiary Account Number - e: System Advisory Notice - f: Société Alimentaire de la Nomba - s: Santiago - s: Servicios Aéreos Nacionales SAn d: Signalanschaltrelais San. d: Sanatorium - d: Sanierung - d: Sanitäter - d: Sanitätswesen san. d: sanitär - e: sanitation[ary] SA-N e: Naval Surface-to-Air missile SANA e: Scandinavian Air Navigators Association - e: Scientists Against Nuclear Arms - e: Scottish Association of Nurse Administration [or Administrators] - e: State, Army, Navy, Air[force] - i: Società Anonima Navigazione Aerea SanA d: Sanitätsamt SANAA s: Servicio Autonomo Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados SanABw d: Sanitätsamt der Bundeswehr SANACC e: State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee


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SANAE e: South African National Antarctic Expedition SANAFREQ e: Safety/NATOPS Frequency SanAK d: Sanitätsakademie SanAkBw d: Akademie des Sanitäts- und Gesundheitswesen der Bundeswehr SANAn f: Société Archéologique de Namur. Annales (journ.) SanAnst d: Sanitätsanstalt SANAS f: Service d'Alimentation et Nutrition Appliquée du Sénégal SANASIA e: Strategie Analysis of North Asia SANAT d: Sanatorium SA Nat e: South Australian Naturalist (journ.) SaNatSchG d: Saarländische Naturschutzgesetz San Augustins e: San Augustin Mountains SANB d: Südafrikanische Nationalbibliographie - e: South African National Bibliography SANBB e: Sankhya. Series B. Indian Journal of Statistics (journ.) San Ber d: Sanitätsbereich San Bernardino County Med Soc Bull e: San Bernardino County Medical Society. Bulletin (joum.) SanBoot d: Sanitätsboot SANBRA p: Sociedade Algodoeira do Nordeste Brasileiro SanBschftLRet d: Sanitätsbereitschaft Luftrettung Sanbtl d: Sanitätsbataillon SANC e: Sanctuary - e: Signalling Area/Network Code Sane. 1: Sanctus SANCA e: Sandia Circuit Analysis - e: South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence SANCAD e: Scottish Association for National Certificates and Diplomas SANCAR e: South African National Committee [or Council] for Antarctic Research SANCGASS e: South African National Committee for Geomagnetism, Aeronomy and Space Sciences San-Chi e: San Diego-Chicago SANCIAWPRC e: South African National Committee of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control SANCIP e: SACLANT Approved NATO Common Infrastructure Program San Clem s: San demente SANCOB e: South African Foundation for the Conservation of Birds SANCOLD e: South African National Committee on Large Dams SANCOR e: South African National Committee for Oceanographic Research SANCOT e: South African National Commission [or Committee] on Tunnelling SANCST e: Saudi Arabian National Centre of Science and Technology SANCWEC e: South African National Committee of the World Energy Conference SAND e: Sampling Aerospace Nuclear Debris - e: Shelter Analysis for New Designs - e: Silicon dioxide - e: Site Activation Need Date - e: Sorting and Assembly of New Data - e: Spectrum Analysis by Neutron Detectors San D e: Doctor of Sanitation Sand, e: Sandford

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

sanka SANDA e: Supplies and Accounts SANDAC e: Sandia Airborne Computer Sandal i: Sandalion. Quaderni di Cultura Classica, Cristiana, e Medievale (journ.) Sandars Just Inst e: Sandars Edition of Justinians Institutes (journ.) SANDASO e: Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Shipment Order S and B e: Sterilization and Bath S and C e: Secret and Confidential - e: Shipper and Carrier - e: Sized and Calendered S and CM e: Strategic and Critical Materials S and D e: Search and Destroy - e: Single and Double Sand Dune Res e: Sand Dune Research (journ.) S and E e: Salaries and Expenses - e: Surveillance and Entry SanDep d: Sanitätsdepot SANDER[P] e: San Diego Energy Recovery [Project] S and F e: Sound and Flash S and FA e: Shipping and Forwarding Agent S and FO e: Supply and Fiscal Officer S and H e: Son and Heir S and H Bull e: Smoking and Health Bulletin (joum.) Sand&H Dig e: Sandels and Hills Digest of Statutes (journ.) S and I e: Stocked and Issued - e: Surveillance and Inspection San Di e: San Diego SANDIA e: Sandia National Laboratories Sandia SN e: Sandia Science News (journ.) San Diego B e: San Diego Business Journal (journ.) San Diego Biomed Symp Proc e: San Diego Biomedical Symposium. Proceedings (journ.) San Diego L Rev e: San Diego Law Review (journ.) San Diego Soc Nat Hist Mem e: San Diego Society of Natural History. Memoirs (journ.) San Diego Soc Nat History Occasional Paper Trans e: San Diego Society of Natural History. Occasional Papers. Transactions (journ.) San Diego Soc N[at] H[istory] Tr[ans] e: San Diego Society of Natural History. Transactions (journ.) Sandinavian Publ Libr Q e: Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly (journ.) Sand Inst Just Itrod e: Sandars Edition of Justinians Institutes (journ.) Sand Isis e: Sandwich Islands S and L e: Sea and Land - e: Sue and Labour - e: Supply and Logistics - e: System and Logistics San DLR e: San Diego Law Review (journ.) S and M e: Sadism and Masochism - e: Sausages and Mash - e: Service and Maintenance - e: Supply and Maintenance - e: Surfaced and Matched SANDOCC e: San Diego Oceanic Coordinating Committee San Domingo e: Santo Domingo S and/or N.D. e: Shortage and/or Non-Delivery Sandoz Bull e: Sandoz Bulletin (joum.) San Dp d: Sanitätsdepot

S and P e: Sale and Purchase - e: Stake and Platform SANDR d: Sell-and-Report-Verfahren S and R e: Snow and Rain SANDRA e: Structure and Reference Analyzer S and S e: Speech and Simplex - e: Spigot and Socket - e: Stars and Stripes SANDS e: Sequentially Addressable Numeric Display System - e: Speech and Simplex - e: Stillbirth and Neo-natal Death Society - e: Structural Analysis Numerical Design System Sands e: Godwin Sands S and SC e: Salvage and Salvage Charges SanDSt d: Sanitätsdienststelle Sandst e: Sandstone S and T e: Scientific and Technical - e: Supply and Transport - e: Supply and Transportation SANDT e: School of Applied Non-Destructive Testing S and T Books e: Scientific and Technical Books S and TI e: Scientific and Technical Information SANDW e: Sandwich[ed] SANE e: National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy - e: Schizophrenia: a National Emergency - e: Security Against Nuclear Extinction - e: Severe Acoustic Noise Environment - e: Solar Alternatives to Nuclear Energy - e: South African National Antarctic Expedition - e: Standard Apple Numerics Environment - e: Students Aware of the Natural Environment - s: Santiago Del Estero San E e: Sanitary Engineer SANEF f: Société des Autoroutes du Nord et de l'Est de la France SANER e: San Diego Energy Recovery SANERA e: South Atlantic North Europe Rate Agreement SANESA e: Strategic Analysis for Near East and South Asia SANET e: Supplement to Ancient Near Eastern Texts (journ.) Sa Nev e: Sierra Nevada[s] SANF e: Salvation Army Nurses Fellowship - e: Sanford Recreation Area - e: South African Naval Forces - f: Société des Autoroutes du Nord de la France San Fernando Val Dent Soc Bull e: San Fernando Valley Dental Society. Bulletin (journ.) San. Fern. V. e: San Fernando Valley San Fern V[al] LR[ev] e: San Fernando Valley Law Review (joum.) San FLJ e: San Francisco Law Journal (joum.) SANFM e: Source Range Neutron Flux Monitor SANFO d: Systemanwendungsprogramm für Fordhändler SanFr[an] e: San Francisco San Fran B e: San Francisco Business Journal (joum.) San Francisco Bus e: San Francisco Business (joum.) San Francisco Med e: San Francisco Medicine (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

San Francisco Micro Soc T e: San Francisco Microscopical Society. Transactions (journ.) San Fr[an] L[aw] B[ull] e: San Francisco Law Bulletin (joum.) San Fr[an] LJ e: San Francisco Law Journal (journ.) SANG e: Standardized Aeronautical Navigation/Guidance [program] San Gabriels e: San Gabriel Mountains San Gabriel Val Dent Soc Bull e: San Gabriel Valley Dental Society. Bulletin (journ.) SANGB e: Selfridge Army/Air National Guard Base SANGFPT e: Spherical Angles from Points SANGORM e: South African National Group of the International Society for Rock Mechanic[s] SANG Program e: Standardized Aeronautical Navigation/Guidance Program Sangre de Cristos s: Sangre de Cristo Mountains SANGruz R: Soobscenija Akademiji Nauk Gruzinskoj SSR (journ.) sanguin 1: sanguine SANH e: Somerset Archaeology and Natural History (journ.) SAnh d: Sattelanhänger Sanh e: Sanhédrin SanHptDp d: Sanitätshauptdepot Sani d: Sanitäter Sanid Aeronaut e: Sanidad Aeronautica (journ.) San Insp e: Sanitary Inspectorate] - e: Sanitation Inspection SANIT e: Sanitationary Sanit e: Sanitariom - e: Sanitary sanit e: sanitar - e: sanitation - e: sanitize Sanitary&Heat Eng e: Sanitary and Heating Engineering (journ.) Sanit Eng Pap Colo State Univ e: Sanitary Engineering Papers. Colorado State University (journ.) Sanit Heiz Tech d: Sanitär- und Heizungstechnik (journ.) Sanit Heizungstech [Düsseldorf] d: Sanitär- und Heizungstechnik [Düsseldorf] (journ.) Sanit Heizungstechnik d: Sanitär- und Heizungstechnik (joum.) Sanit Nytt r: Sanitets Nytt Utgitt av Forsvarets Sanitet (journ.) Sanit Okh Vodoemov Zagryaz Prom Stochnymi Vodami R: Sanitarnaya Okhrana Vodoemov ot Zagryazneniya Promyshlennymi Stochnymi Vodami (journ.) Sanit Tekh R: Sanitamaya Tekhnika (journ.) SANJA e: South African Nursing Journal (journ.) San Jac e: San Jacinto San Jo e: Mexican-American-San Jose, California San Juans e: San Juan Islands [Washington] - e: San Juan Mountains [Colorado and New Mexico] San Just e: Sandars Edition of Justinians Institutes (journ.) Sanka d: Sanitätskraftwagen - d: Sanitätskrankenwagen sanka e: sans kaffeine 263

SanKdo SanKdo d: Sanitätskommando Sanken Tech Rep e: Sanken Technical Report (journ.) Sankhya C e: Sankhya. Series C. Indian Journal of Statistics (journ.) Sankhya [Indian J Stat Ser] B e: Sankhya. Series B. Indian Journal of Statistics (journ.) Sankhya [Ser] A e: Sankhya. Series A. Indian Journal of Statistics (journ.) Sank[ra][w] d: Sanitätskraftwagen S-Anlage d: Signalanlage SANLAM A: Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Lewensassuransie-maatskappy San-Lax e: San Diego-Los Angeles San Le e: San Leandro, California San Lucas e: Cabo San Lucas, Baja California SANM e: Synthetic Algal Nutrient Medium San Marco D e: Atmospheric research satellite carrying experiments from Italy Germany and the United States San Marino e: Most Serene Republic of San Marino SANMIS e: Sanitation Management Information System S Ann e: St Anne's College, Oxford SANNA d: Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie (journ.) SANNAW f: Archives Suisses de Neurologie, Neurochirurgie et de Psychiatrie - i: Archivio Svizzero di Neurologia, Neurochirurgia, e Psichiatria San-NO e: San Diego-New Orleans San-NY e: San Diego-New York S[-]A Node e: Sino-Atrial Node San-Offz d: Sanitätsoffizier SANOVA e: Simultaneous Analysis of Variance SanP d: Sanitätspark SANP e: Secondary Auxiliary Nuclear Power - s: Sociedâd de Anatomia Normal y Patolögica SANPAT e: San Diego Plans for Air Transportation SAN/PC e: Styrene-Acrylonitrile/ Polycarbonate SANPER f: Système d'Analyse de Performances SanPk d: Sanitätspark SAN/PVC e: Styrene-Acrylonitrile/ Polyvinyl Chloride SANR e: Subject to Approval No Risk Sa.-Nr. d: Sachnummer San.-R. d: Sanitätsrat SANRAS e: Seventh Army Nuclear Release Authentication System S/AN Ratio e: Signal-to-Ambient Noise Ratio SANS e: Schedule for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms - e: Ships Acoustic Navigation System - e: Sierra Research Corporation Air Navigation System - e: Simplified Account-Numbering System - e: Small-Angle Neutron Scattering - e: South African Naval Service - e: South African Naval Ship - e: Students Against Nuclear Suicide - e: Swimmer and Navigation System SAns e: Studia Anselmiana (journ.) sans e: sans serif Sans e: Sanskrit

San-Sac e: San Diego-Sacramento Sansan e: San Diego to San Francisco SANSAN e: San Francisco, San Diego SanSBw d: Sanitätsschule der Bundeswehr SANSC e: Sanscrit SanSch d: Sanitätsschule San-Sfo e: San Diego-San Francisco SANSK e: Sanskrit sanskr. d: sanskritisch SanSLw d: Sanitätsschule der Luftwaffe SanSoldat d: Sanitätssoldat SANSS e: Structure and Nomenclature Search System SANT d: Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament (journ.) S Ant e: St Antonys College, Oxford S Ant F: Suomen Antropologi/Antropologi i Finland (journ.) SANTA e: South African National Tuberculosis Association - e: Systematic Analog[ue] Network Testing Approach Santa Barbara Mus Nat History Dept Geology Bull e: Santa Barbara Museum of Naturai History. Department of Geology. Bulletin (journ.) Santa Barbaras e: Santa Barbara Islands Santa Barbara Soc N H B e: Santa Barbara Society of Natural History. Bulletin (journ.) Santa Clara Computer&High Tech. L J . e: Santa Clara Computer & High Technology Law Journal Santa Clara L[awyer] e: Santa Clara Lawyer (journ.) Santa Clara L R[ev] e: Santa Clara Law Review (journ.) SANTA Journal e: South African National Tuberculosis Association Journal SANTAL f: Systeme Antiaerien Tres Cortee Autonomme Legere Santa Monicas e: Santa Monica Mountains Santa Ritas e: Santa Rita Mountains Santa See e: Vatican City, Rome Sant C1LR e: Santa Clara Law Review (journ.) Santiagos e: Santiago Mountains S-Antigen d: Solubles Antigen - e: Soluble Antigen SAN Timber e: Sandalwood [santalum album] Timber Santingo s: Santiago de Calatrava - s: Santiago de Chile - s: Santiago de Compostela, Spain - s: Santiago de Cuba - s: Santiago de los Cabelleros, Dominican Republic - s: Santiago Ixcuintla, Mexico - s: Santiago Sacatepéquez, Guatemala - s: Santiago Zamora, Ecuador San Tn e: Sanitary Train Santo Domingo Univ Anales Pub s: Santo Domingo Universidad. Anales. Publicaciones (journ.) San-Tor e: San Diego-Toronto Santo Tomas J Med e: Santo Tomas Journal of Medicine (journ.) Santo Tomas L. Rev. e: University of Santo Tomas Law Review SANU s: San Juan SA Nurs J e: South African Nursing Journal (journ.) San-Van e: San Diego-Vancouver SANW d: Schweizerische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften - s: Ceres


© K G - Saur, München

SANWFZ e: South Asia Nuclear WeaponsFree Zone SANWR e: Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge SANY e: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd. San Ysidros e: San Ysidro Mountains SanZ d: Sanitätszentrum SANZ e: Standards Association of New Zealand SAO d: Stücklisten- und Arbeitsplanorganisation - e: Saharan Air Outbreak - e: San Andreas Geological Observatory - e: Scottish Association of Opticians - e: Secretin-Stimulated Acid Output - e: Select Address and Operate - e: Selected Attack Option - e: Semiannual Oscillation - e: Single Airlift Organization - e: Single Attack Option - e: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - e: Smithsonian Institution. Astrophysical Observatory (journ.) - e: Smooth Approach Orifice - e: Social Actions Office - e: Sonobuoy Acoustic Operator - e: Special Access Only - e: Special Action [or Activities] Office - e: Special Air Operations - e: Special Artificer, Optical - e: Special Astrophysics Observatory - e: Splanchnic Artery Occlusion - e: Subsequent Address message with One signal - e: Subsidiary/Affliate Order - e: Support Air Observation - e: Survey of Agency Opinion - e: Systems Analysis Office - f: Société Agricole de l'Ouest -1: Studia et Acta Orientalia (journ.) - p: Sâo Paulo, Brazil s-a-O e: Stuck-at-Zero SaOj d: arterielle Sauerstoffsättigung SAOA e: Semi-Ascending Order Arrangement - e: South Australian Ornithological Association SAOAAW R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Arkhangel'skogo Otdeleniya Vsesoyuznogo Nauchnogo Obshchestva Anatomov, Gistologov, i Embriologov (joum.) SAOABX s: Archivos. Sociedad Americana de Oftalmologia y Optometria (journ.) SAOB r: Svenska Akademiens Ordbok (journ.) SAOC e: Scottish Association of Operative Coachmakers - e: Space and Aeronautics Orientation Class [or Course] - e: Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (journ.) - s: Rio Cuarto/Area de Material SAOCS e: Submarine/Airfcraft] Optical Communications System SAODAP e: Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention SAOEU e: Strike, Attack Operational Evaluation Unit SAOG e: Satellite Operations Graup SAONIC f: Section Algérienne de l'Office National Interprofessionnel des Céréales Sao Paulo Braril Inst Pesqui Tecnol Bol p: Sao Paulo, Brazil. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas. Boletin (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SAPH Sao Paulo Inst Ágron [Campinas] Bol p: Sao Paulo. Instituto Agronomico [Campinas]. Boletim (journ.) Sao Paulo Inst Agron [Campinas] Bol Tec p: Sao Paulo. Instituto Agronomico [Campinas]. Boletim Tecnico (journ.) Sao Paulo Inst Agron [Campinas] Circ p: Sao Paulo. Instituto Agronomico [Campinas], Circular (journ.) Sao Paulo Inst Geogr Geol Bol p: Sao Paulo. Instituto Geografico e Geologico. Boletim (journ.) Sao Paulo Inst Geogr Geol Relat p: Sao Paulo. Instituto Geografico e Geologico. Relatorio (journ.) Sao Paulo Univ Inst Geogr Geogr Planejamento p: Sao Paulo. Universidade. Instituto de Geografìa. Geografia e Planejamento (journ.) Sao Paulo Univ Inst Geogr Geomorfol p: Sao Paulo. Universidade. Instituto de Geografia. Geomorfologia (journ.) Sao Paulo Univ Inst Geogr Ser Teses Monogr p: Sao Paulo. Universidade. Instituto de Geografia. Serie Teses e Monografías (journ.) SA Operation e: Switching and Amplifying Operation SAOP Reactor e: Sao Paulo Reactor Sao Pulo Univ Inst Geocienc Bol p: Sao Paulo. Universidade. Instituto de Geociencias. Boletim (journ.) SA/OR e: Systems Analysis/Operation[al] Research SA Omithol[ogist] e: South Australian Ornithologist (journ.) SAOS e: Scottish Agricultural Organization Society - e: Select Address [and Provide] Output Signal - e: South African Ornithological Society SAOT e: Semiactive on Target Sâo Tomé and Principe p: Democratic Republic of Sâo Tomé and Principe SAOUG e: South African Online User Group SAP d: Satellitenprogramm - d: Schweizer Automatik Pool - d: Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft für Psychotherapie - d: Sinter-Aluminium-Pulver - d: Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm - d: Spezifisches Aktionspotential - d: Sprachausgabepuffer - d: Stabsapotheker - d: Systemabgleichprogramm - d: Systemarbeitsplatz - d: Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung GmbH - e: Safety Assessment Plan - e: Sampling and Analysis Plan - e: San Antonio Public Library - e: Saponification - e: Scientific Advisory Panel - e: Scorched Alumin[i]um Powder - e: Scottish Academic Press - e: Scouting [and] Amphibian Plane - e: Scruple Apothecaries - e: Seaborne Aircraft Platform - e: Second Audio Program[me] - e: Security Assistance Program - e: Select Application Protocol - e: Semi Armo[u]r Piercing - e: Seminal Acid Phosphatase - e: Sensing and Processing - e: Sensoring And Processing - e: Separate Audio Program

- e: Serum Alkaline Phosphatase - e: Serum Amyloid P - e: Service Access Point - e: SHARE [Society to Help Avoid Redundant Effort] Assembly Program - e: Ship Acquisition Plan - e: Shipboard Acoustic Processor - e: Shipboard Aerial [or Antenna] Pedestal - e: Simple Assembly Plan - e: Simplified Astro Platten - e: Simulation Analyzer Program[me] - e: Single Aperture Concept - e: Single-Axis Platform - e: Sintered Alumin[i]um Powder - e: Skeletal Axis of Pinnule - e: Society for Adolescent Psychiatry - e: Society for American Philosophy - e: Society for Appliet Spectroscopy - e: Society of Analytical Psychology - e: Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate - e: Special Access Program - e: Special and Administrative Provisions - e: Specific Action Potential - e: Sphingolipid Activator Protein - e: Spot Authorization Plan - e: Spy Against Pollution - e: Squadron Aid Post - e: Start of Active Profile - e: Static Analysis Program - e: Steroidogenesis Activator Polypeptide - e: Strain Arrestor Plate - e: Strategic Advantages Profile - e: Strong Anthropic Principle - e: Structural Analysis Program[me] - e: Student Aid Project - e: Subassembly Precision - e: Subatomic Particle - e: Subject Access Project - e: Subordinate Application Program[me] - e: Sumerian Animal Proverbs - e: Supervisory Airplane Pilot - e: Supplementary Aerial Photography - e: Surface Aligned Photochemistry - e: Survey Analysis Program[me] - e: Symbolic Address Program[me] - e: Symbolic Assembly Program[me] - e: System Alignment Procedure - e: Systemic Arterial Pressure - e: Systems Assurance Program[me] - e: Systolic Aortic Pressure - e: Systolic Arterial Pressure - f: Nouvelle Société Africaine des Plastiques - f: Société Africaine de Pétroles - f: Société Africaine de Pneumatiques - f: Société Africaine des Peaux - f: Société Agricole de Prévoyance - f: Société d'Anthropologie de Paris - j : Sapporo -1: Staphylococcus aureus Protease -1: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia (journ.) - p: Sociedade Anatómica Portuguesa - P: Stowarzyszenie Autorów Polskich - s: San Pedro Sula, Honduras - s: Sociedád Agronómica de Panamá - s: Sociedád Argentina de Pediatría SAPA e: Sciences-A Process Approach - e: South African Poultry Association - e: South African Press Association - e: South African Psychological Association - e: South African Publishers Association - f: Société Abidjanaise de Plantations dAnanas - f: Société Africaine des Pêches de l'Atlantique - f: Société d'Application de Peintures en Afrique SapA i: Societa in Accomandita per Azioni

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

SAPABA f: Société Agropastorale du Bandama SAPA Bulletin e: South African Poultry Association Bulletin (journ.) SAPAC f: Société Anonyme de Pêche, d'Armement et de Conservation SAPACI f: Société des Papeteries de Côte-d'Ivoire SAPAF f: Société Agro-Pastrole de Fouladou SAPAL f: Société Africaine de Produits Alimentaires SAPAM e: Society of African Physicists and Mathematicians - e: Special Action Programme on Administration and Management in Africa SAP AR f: Société Appareillage Électrique - i: Associazione Nazionale Sezioni Apparecchi per Pubbliche Attrazioni Ricreative SAPARLI e: Saudi Arabian Parsons Limited SAPAT e: South African Picture Analysis Test SAPB f: Société d'Application Pharmaceutique et Biologique SAPC e: Small Arms Post Competition - e: Suspended Acoustical-Plaster Ceiling - f: Société Africaine de Plomberie et Couverture SAPCAM f: Société Africaine de Représentation - f: Société Africaine des Produits Chimiques Agricoles et Menagers SAPCH e: Semi-Automatic Program[me] Checkout SAPCH E[quipment] e: Semi-Automatic Program[me] Checkout Equipment SAPCO f: Société d'Aménagement de la Petite Côte SAPCONS e: Self Adaptive Program [me] Control System SAPCS e: Société Africaine des Produits Chimiques Shell SAPD a: Sammenslutringen af Praktiserande Dyroloeger SAPE e: Society for Automation in Professional Education - e: Solenoid Array Pattern Evaluator - p: Sociedade Agro-Pecuária SAPEB f: Syndicat des Artisans et des Petites Entreprises du Bâtiment SAPEC f: Syndicat des Fabricants d'Appareils de Production d'Eau Chaude par le Gaz SAPECA p: Sociedade Agropecuária de Pesca e Caca SAPECO f: Société Africaine de Promotion Économique SAPEF f: Société Africaine de Publicité et d'Éditions Fusionnées SAPEGA f: Société d'Approvisionnement et de Pêche du Gabon SAPEL f: Salon de la Peche de Loisirs SAPELEC f: Société Africaine des Piles Électriques SAPEM f: Société Africaine d'Applications Plastiques et de Mousse - f: Société d'Applications Pneumatiques Électriques et Méchaniques SAPEVA p: Sociedade Agropecuária do Vale do Araguaia SAPGO e: Simultaneous Adjustment of Photogrammetric and Geodetic Observations SAPH e: Styrenated and Alkylated Phenol - f: Société Africaine de Plantations d'Hévéas 265

SAPHEI S A P H E I e: Semi-Armor, Piercing, High Explosive, Incendiary S A P H I R E e: Synthetic Aperture, Precision Processor with High Reliability S A P H O e: SABENA [Société Anonyme Belge d'Exploitation de la Navigation Aerienne] Automated Passenger Handling Operations - f: Société Africaine de Promotion Hôteliere - f: Syndicat pour Amelioration des Plantes Horticoles Ornementales SAPHY[-]DATA e: System for [the] Acquisition, Transmission and Processing of Hydrological Data SAPI d: Sandstrahlpistole - d: Studienablaufplan - e: Sales Association of the Paper Industry - e: Semi-Armour Piercing Incendiary - e: Service Access Point Identifier - f: Société Africaine de Pêche Industrielle - s: Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado do Piaui S A P I C A M f: Société Agropastorale et Industrielle du Cameroun SAPIENS e: Surveillance Alarm & Protection Intelligence EW Naval System SAPIR e: System for/of [the] Automatic Processing and Indexing Reports SAPIT f: Société Alsacienne pour l'Industrie Textile SAPL e: San Antonio Public Library - e: Seacoast Anti-Pollution League - e: Semi-Automatic Programfme] Library - e: Service Action Parts List - e: Society for Animal Protective Legislation - e: South African Public Library s.a.p.1. e: sailed as per list SAPLA e: Standing Advisory Panel on Library Automation - f: Société de Produits Laitiers et Alimentaires S A P M e: Scottish Association of Paint Manufacturers - e: Society for the Aid of Psychological Minorities - f: Syndicat pour l'Amélioration de la Production Mulassière - p: Sociedede Producao Alimentica Manhuacu S A P M E R f: Société Anonyme de Peche Maritime et de Ravitaillement SAPN f: Société Agricole et Pastorale du Niari Sap. No. e: Saponification Number S A P O e: South African Post Office S A P O A D e: Systems Applications Project Operation Action Detail - f: Systèmes Applications Projet Opération Action Détail S A P O M [ E R ] e: Semi-Armour-Piercing OTO Melara [Extended Range] S A P O N e: Saponification - e: Saponify S A P O N D e: Saponified S A P O N G e: Saponifying S A P O N I F e: Saponification S A P O N I T E e: Soapstone S A P O N N e: Saponification S A P O S e: Select Address and Provide Output Signal S A P P e: Sapphic - e: Sapphist[ic][al][ly] - e: Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate - e: Soul Assurance Prayer Plan - e: Special Airfield Pavement Program


S. App. e: Shaw's Scottish House of Lords Cases S A P P C O e: Saudi Plastic Products Company S A P P E e: Solar Array Performance in Piasma Environments S A P P H I R E e: Synthetic Aperture, Precision Processor with High Reliability S A P P H O e: Scientific Activity Predictor from Patterns with Heuristic Origins SAPPI e: South African Pulp and Paper Industries Ltd S A P P M A e: San Antonio Procurement and Production Materiel Area SAP Projectile e: Semi-Armo[u]r Piercing Projectile SAPPSAC e: Spacecraft Attitude Precision Pointing and Slewing Adaptive Control S A P r d: System der automatisierten Projektierung S A P R e: Semi-Annual Progress Report - e: South Australian Planning Reports - e: Summary Area Problem Report S A P R A L f: Société Africaine de Produits Alimentaires S A P R C e: Statewide Air Pollution Research Center SA Press e: Single Action Press S A P R E S S E f: Société Africaine de Presse, d'Édition et de Publicité S A P R I e: South African Plain Research Institute - i: Società per Azione Produttori Riso Italiana S A P R I C f: Société d'Approvisionnement et de Répresentation Industrielle et Commerciale SAPRISTI e: Système Automatique de Production d'Information Scientifique S A P R O f: Société Anonyme de Pipeline à Produits S A P R O C f: Société d'Achats de Produits du Cameroun S A P R O - C H I M f: Société Africaine de Produits Chimiques S A P R O C S Y f: Société Africaine de Produits Chimique[s] et de Synthèse S A P R O - L A I T f: Société Africaine de Produits Laitiers SAPS e: Shippingport Atomic Power Station - e: Signal Algorithmic Processing System - e: Simplified Acute Physiology Score - e: Small Area Plotting Sheet - e: South African Price Schedule - p: Servico de Alimentaçâo da Previdencia Social SaPS e: South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria SaPSL e: State Library, Pretoria SA/PSP e: Site Activation/Phased Support Plan SAPST e: Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology S A P T e: Scottish Association for Public Transport - e: South Africa Department of Posts and Telecommunications - e: Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Theory - f: Société Africaine de Photogrammetrie et de Topographie - f: Société d'Astronomie Populaire de Toulouse SAPTA e: SAE Progress in Technology (journ.) S A P T C O e: Saudi Public Transport Company

© K • G • Saur. München

SA P u b Serv R e: South Australian Public Service Review (journ.) S A P U C e: Sintered A l u m i n i u m Powderclad Uranium Carbide SAPV A: Suid-Afrikaanse Pluimvee Vereniging - e: Secondary Air Pulse Valve SAPV A L e: Saponification Value SAPVIN f: Société Approvisionnements Vinicoles S A P W e: United Stone and Allied Products Workers of America S A P W W e: Spanish Association for Purification ofWater and Wastewater SAQ d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Qualitäts[be]förderung - e: Pittsburgh - e: Secondary Allocation Quantity - e: Self-Administered Questionaire - e: Short Arc Quads - e: South Atlantic Quarterly (journ.) - e: Springbank Aviation Ltd. S A Q C e: Statistical Analysis and Quality Control - e: Subarea Quartering Commandant S A Q R S d: Räumliche elektrische Herzachse SAQS e: Single Agency Qualification Standards S A Q T s: Sociedad Panamericana de Quimioterapia de la Tuberculosis SAR d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation - d: Schweizerischer AutomobilrennsportClub - d: Speicheradressenregister - d: Speicherauswahlregister - d: Steroidale Antirheumatika - d: Subarachnoidalraum - d: Subordinations-Autoritäts-Relation - d: Such und Retiungsdienst - d: Sukzessives Approximationsregister - d: Sulfarsphenamin - d: Syrische Arabische Republik - e: International Convention for Search and Rescue - e: Safe Address Register - e: Safety Analysis Report - e: Safety Assessment Report - e: Sales Authorization Request - e: Sample Acceptance Rate - e: Santa Anita Realty Enterprises, Inc. - e: Santa Rosa Junior College - e: Sarawak - e: Sarcoidosis - e: Sardinia[n] - e: Saturation Allevations Rules - e: Saudi Riyal - e: Save Address Register - e: Schedule Allocation Requirements - e: Schedule and Request - e: School of American Research - e: Sea-Air Rescue - e: Search and Release - e: Search and Rescue [Program] - e: Seas at Risk - e: Segment Address Register - e: Segmentation and Reassembly layer - e: Selected Acquisition Report - e: Semi-Active Radar - e: Semi-Annual Report - e: Semi-Automatic Rifle - e: Service Analysis Report - e: Service Analysis Request - e: Service Aptitude Rating - e: Service Assigned Requests - e: Sexual Attitude [Reassessment - e: Short-term Acquisition and Retrieval

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SARDA - e: Siemens Agronaut Reactor - e: Significant Action Report - e: Silver Acom Developments - e: Simulated Acid Rain - e: Singapore Assault Rifle - e: Single-Axis Reference - e: Single-bit Alternation Recording - e: Sinoatrial Rate - e: Site Acceptance Review - e: Society for Animal Rights - e: Sodium Absorption Ratio - e: Sodium Adsorption Ratio - e: Software Acceptance Review - e: Solar Aircraft - e: Source Address Register - e: South African Railways - e: South African Rand - e: South African Republic - e: South Asian Review (journ.) - e: South Australian [Government] Railways - e: South Australian Industrial Reports (journ.) - e: South Australian Reports (journ.) - e: Space Age Review - e: Spacecraft Acceptance Review - e: Sparta - e: Special Access Required - e: Special Aeronautical [or Aeronautics] Requirements] - e: Special Apparatus Rack - e: Specific Absorption Rate - e: Specific Acoustic Resistance - e: Specific Activity Report - e: Specifically Authorized Representative - e: Specification Approval Record - e: Stable Auroral Red - e: Stack Address Register - e: Staffing Audit and Review - e: Stand-Alone-Restore - e: Standardized Abnormality Ratio - e: Standardized Admissions Ratios - e: Standing Authority Release - e: Starting Air Receiver - e: Stock Appreciation Rights - e: Stock Appreriation Relief - e: Stor[ag]e Address Register - e: Strategic Automation Rotterdam project - e: Street Address Record - e: Structure Activity Relationship - e: Student Aid Report - e: Studies in the American Renaissance (journ.) - e: Study and Review - e: Subauroral Red - e: Submarine Advanced Reactor - e: Subsequent Application Review - e: Substitution Approval Request - e: Successive Accelerated Replacement - e: Successive-Approximation Register - e: Sulfuric Acid Regenerator - e: Sum Array Rows - e: Sum of Absolute Residuals - e: Summary Analysis Report - e: Super-Abrasion-Resistant - e: Support Air Request - e: Symbol Acquisition Routine - e: Sympathomimetic Activity Ratio - e: Synthetic Antenna Radar - e: Synthetic Aperture Radar - e: Synthetic AiTay Radar - e: Syrian Arab Republic - e: System Acquisition Report - e: System Analysis Report - e: System Array Radar - e: System Availability Report - e: Systemic Acquired Resistance - e: Systemic Arterial Resistance

- e: Systemic Availability Ratio - e: Systems Assessment Review - e: Sythetic Aperture Radar - f: Secteurs d'Améliorations Rurales - f: Société Africaine de Raffinage - f: Société Africaine de Ravitaillement - f: Société Africaine de Représentation - f: Société Suisse d'Anesthésiologie et de Réanimation - f: Sonar Acoustique Remorque - f: Systeme Accoustique Remorque - i: Sardinia - r: Svenska Arkitekters Riksfôrbund - s: Servicion Aereo de Reseate Sar e: Saracen - e: Saracenic - e: Sarcosine - e: Sarcosyl - e: Sardinia[n] S-AR f: Sud-Africane Républic SARA d: Struktur-Analyse/Rechnung und Ausgabe - e: Sampled Aperture Receiving Array - e: Saralasin - e: Saratoga Mines, Inc. - e: Saratoga National Historical Park - e: Satellite Angular Radiometer - e: Saturates, Aromatics, Resins and Asphaltenes - e: Search and Rescue Aid - e: Semi-Automatic Registration Analyzer - e: Sequential Automatic Recorder and Annunciator - e: Sexual Assault Research Association - e: Silent Attack Radar Altimeter - e: Society of American Registered Architects - e: Spectral Analizer and Classification System - e: Still Another Response Averager - e: Student Admission Records Administration - e: Superfund Amendments] and Reauthorization Act - e: System for Anesthetic and Respiratory Analysis - e: Systems Analysis and Resource Accounting - f: Station Aerotransportable pour le Reconnaissance Aerienne - i: Società Assicurazioni Rishi Automobilistici Sara e: Saratoga SARAC e: Steer[e]able Array[s] for Radar and Communications SARAD e: South African Rates and Data (journ.) SARAH e: Search and Radar and Homing [equipment] - e: Search and Range Homing - e: Search and Rescue Aid to Homing - e: Search [and] Rescue and Homing - e: Semi-Active Radar Alternate Head - e: Semi-Automatic Range, Azimuth and Height - e: Semiautomatic Range Azimuth and Height - f: Recherche et Sauvetage et Ralliement SARAH Subsystem e: Semi-Automatic Range Azimuth and Height Subsystem SA Railways e: South Australian Railways Institute. Magazine (journ.) SARAM f: Société d'Applications Radioélectriques à l'Aéronautique et à la Marine SARAMAT e: Saudi Arabian Road and Maritime Transport

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

SARARC e: Stable Auroral Red Arc - e: Subauroral Red Arc SARASAT e: Serach And Rescue Satelitte SARB e: South African Reserve Bank - e: State Air Resources Board - f: Société d'Alimentation et de Recherches Biologiques S.-Arb. d: Sicherungsarbeit Sarbah e: Sarbah, Fantti Law Reports (journ.) Sarbah F.C. e: Sarbah, Fantti Customary Laws SARBE e: Search and Rescue Beacon Equipment Ltd SARBE System e: Search and Rescue Beacon [Equipment] System SARBICA e: South-East Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives SARC d: Satz Archivieren - e: Sarcasm - e: Search and Rescue Center - e: Secure Airborne Radar Control - e: Sexual Assault Referral Centre - e: South Asia Regional Council - e: South Asian Regional Cooperation - e: Split Armature Receiver Capsule - e: System Acquisition Review Council - e: Systems Analysis and Research Corporation - f: Serum Antiréticulaire-Cytotoxique sarc 1: sarcoma SARCALM e: Synthetic Array Radar Command Air-Launched Missile SARCAP e: Search and Rescue-Civil [or Combat] Air Patrol SARCAR e: Smithsonian Archaeometric Research Collection and Records SARCC e: Search and Rescue Control [or Coordination] Center SARCCUS e: Southern] African Regional Committee for [the] Conservation and Utilization of the Soil SARCEA e: South African Reinforced Concrete Engineers Association SARCEN e: Search and Rescue Central SARCO e: Saudi Arabian Refining Company SARCOL e: Sarcological - e: Sarcologist - e: Sarcology SARCOM e: Search and Rescue Communication [or Communicator] SARCS e: System Acquisition Review Council SARCUP e: Search and Rescue Capability Update [or Upgrading] Program[me] - e: Search and Rescue Capability Upgrade Project SARD e: Sardinia - e: Simulated Aircaft Radar Data - e: Solar Array Release and Deployment - e: Special Airlift Requirement Directive - e: Special Airlift Requirement Document - e: Statistical Analysis and Reports Division - e: Support and Range Development - e: Synchronized Accumulating Radioisotope Detection SARDA e: Search and Rescue Dog Association - e: Society for Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts - e: Special Agricultural and Rural Development Act - e: State and Regional Disaster Airlift


SARDA [Plan] SARDA [Plan] e: State and Regional Defense Airlift Plan S A R D C e: Small-Arms Research and Development Center S A R D E C f: Société des Auteurs, Recherchistes, Documentalistes et Compositeurs S a r d e g n a Econ p: Sardegna Economica (journ.) S A R D E T e: Search and Rescue Detachment S A R D I P e: Stricken Aircraft Reclamation and Disposal Program S A R D O N Y X e: Chalcedony consisting of alternate layers of onyx and sard S A R D P F e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Processing Facility S A R D P O e: San Antonio Research and Development Procurement Office SARDS e: Special Air Route Designators SARDX e: Sardonyx S A R E e:Self-Addressed Return Envelope SAREA e: Sinus Area of Leaf S A R E C a: Styrelsen for u-Landsforskning - e: Search and Rescue Emergency Center - e: Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries S A R E C A f: Société Africaine de Répresentation S A R E C O f: Société Africaine de Restauration Collective S A R E D e: Supporting Applied Research and Exploratory Development S A R E F e: Safety Research Experiment Facility - p: Sociedade Agrícola de Reflorestamento SA R e g r e: South Australian Register (journ.) SA R e g r [Newspr] e: South Australian Register Reports (journ.) S A R E P e: Speech and Reading Enrichment Program[me] S A R E P A f: Société Africaine de Recherches et d'Etudes pour Aluminium SA Res Service Bibliog e: South Australia. Public Library. Research Service. Bibliographies (journ.) SARev e: South Asian Review (journ.) - e: South Atlantic Review (journ.) SAREX e: Search and Rescue Exercise S A R F e: Semi-Automated [or Automatic] Reconstruction [and Analysis] Facility - e: Southeast Asia Rescue Foundation - e: South[ern] Africa[n] Road Federation - r: Sveriges Annons-och Reklambyraers Forbund S A R F S e: Subordinate Army Field Services S a R f z d: Sammelrufzeichen S A R G e: Self-Adapting Report Generator - e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Guidance - e: Synthetic Aperture Retransmission Guidance S A R G A S f: Station Avicolee de Recherches Génétiques Appliquées a la Sélection SARGS p: Sociedade de Agronomía do Rio Grande do Sul SARGUN e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Gun S A R H e: Semi-Active Radar Homing - s: Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidráulicos S A R [ & ] H e: South African Railways and Harbours [Administration] SARH[&]A e: South African Railways, Harbours and Airways S A R & H M a g a z i n e e: South African Railways and Harbours Magazine (journ.)

S A R H W U e: South African Railway and Harbor Workers Union SARI e: Share-a-Ride International - e: Small Airport Runway Indicator - e: Standby Altitude Reference Indicator - e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging - f: Société Africaine de Répresentations Industrielles S A R I E e: Selective Automatic Radar Identification Equipment - e: Semi-Automatic Radar Identification Equipment S A R I G f: Systeme Aéroporté de Recuil des Informationes de Guerre Electronique S A R I G E C O f: Société Sanaga Rice Corporation S A R I H H W P e: Serendipity Association for Research and Implementation of Holistic Health and World Peace S a r l o a n News e: Savings and Loan News (journ.) SARIS e: Soulh African Retrospective Information System - e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Interpretation System SARISA e: Surface Analysis by Resonance Ionization of Sputtered Atoms S A R K E x t r a c t e: Sarkosyl Extract S A R L e: South African Radio League - e: Subtropical Agricultural Research Laboratory - f: Société à Responsibilité Limitée - p: Sociedade Anónima de Responsabilidadem Limitada S A R L A N T e: Search and Rescue, Atlantic SARLt[St]Lw d: SAR-Leitstelle der Luftwaffe S A R M e: Set Asynchronous Response Mode S A R M A f: Société Anonyme de Recherches en Mechanique Appliquée - f: Société Anonyme de Récupération des Matériaux Abimés S A R M A G f: Société Africaine de Ravitaillement Maritime et d'Approvisionnements Généraux S A R M C S e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Motion Compensation System S A R M N f: Société Allemande de Radiobiologie et de Médicine Nucléaire S A R M S e: Self-Adapting AccountReceivable Management System S a r n o a n Pac. L J . e: Samoan Pacific Law Journal S A R O d: SachverstandigenausschuB fiir Raumordnung - d: Spezielle Anwenderroutine - e: Sonderaufbau ROLAND - e: Special Applications Routine S A R O A D e: Storage And Retrieval Of Aerometric Data S A R O A D [System] e: Storage and Retrieval of Air-quality Data [System] S A R O C f: Société Anonyme des Réalisateurs d'Oeuvres Cinématographiques S A R O V n: Socialistische ArbeitersradioOmroep voor Vlaanderen S A R P e: Schedule and Report Procedure - e: Schedule and Resources Procedure - e: Schedule, Analysis and Review Procedure - e: Scheduling and Reporting Procedure - e: Scheduling and Review Procedure - e: Scramble and Recovery Procedure - e: Semi-Automatic Routing Position - e; Severe Accident Research Plan


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Signal Automatic Radar-Data Processing [System] - e: Small Arms Replacement Project - e: Small Autonomous Research Package - e: Sophisticated Automatic Radar Processing - e: Standards and Recommended Practices - e: Sumitomo Alkali Refining Process - P: Stowarzyszenie Architektów Polskich - s: Posadas S A R P AC e: Search and Rescue, Pacific SARPS e: Standard[s] And Recommended Practises Services S A R P S I M e: Signal Automatic Radar Processing Simulator S A R R A e: Short-Arc Reduction of Radar Altimetry - e: South Asia Rural Reconstruction Association SARS e: Safety and Reliability Society - e: Scots Ancestry Research Society - e: Search and Rescue Submersible - e: Secretary of the Army Research and Study - e: Semi-Active Radar Set - e: Sensor AnaIog[ue] Relay System - e: Ship Attitude Record System - e: Single-Axis Reference System - e: Solar Array Reorientation System - e: Spares Accounting Replenishment System - e: Static Automatic Reporting System - e: Stellar Attitude Reference Study - e: Synthetic Array Radar System SARs e: Selected Acquisition Reports S A R S A T d: SAR [Search-and-Rescue] Astronomical Satellite [system] - e: Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking [System] S A R S A T / K O S P A S e: Search and RescueSatellite/Kosmos-Spassenije SARSATS e: Search-and-Rescue Satellite and Tracking System S A R S I M e: Search and Rescue Simulation SARSS e: Standard Army Retail Supply System S A R S T f: Société Auxiliare de la Recherche[s] Scientifique et Technique S A R T e: Seattle Army Terminal - e: Semi-active Artificial Radar Target - e: Strategic Arms Reduction Talks - f: Système d'Assistance aux Renseignements Téléphoniques S A R T A C e: Search Radar Device S A R T A C K e: Search Anti-Radar Tactical Aircraft, K-band S A R T E L e: Search and Rescue Telephone S A R T E X d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fiir Textil-Kennzeichnung S A R T O C e: Southern Africa Regional Tourism Council s A r t R a k S y s d: schweres Artillerie-RaketenSystem S A R T S e: Small Arms Readiness Training Section - e: Small Arms Remote Target System - e: Switched Access Remote Test System SARU e: System[s] Analysis Research Unit - s: Resistencia S A R U C e: Southeastern Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners S A R U M e: Systems Analysis Research Unit Model S A R U P R I e: Indonesian Plantation Workers Trade Union SARUS e: Search and Rescue Using Satellites

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SAS/CSS SARV e: Satellite Aeromedical Research Vehicle SARY F: Suomen Autorengasyhdistys S-Arzt d: Schiffsarzt SAS d: Schiffsartillerieschule - d: Schnellbriicke auf Stiitzen - d: Schubabschaltung - d: Schutzbau-Angriffs-Submunition - d: Schweizerischer Arbeitsgeberverband fur das Schneidergewerbe - d: Sendeablaufsteuerung - d: Speicher- und Anforderungssteuerung - d: SpeicheranschluBsteuerung - d: Steuerung-Abstimmung-Statistik - d: Steuerung und Kontrolle der Datei- und Programmeinsatze, Abstimmung von Datenbestanden - d: Steuerwertausgabesystem - d: Stucklisten-/Arbeitsplan/ArbeitsplatzSystem - d: Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik - d: Succinaldehydsaure - e: Safety Air Services Ltd. - e: Safety Assurance System - e: Salicylazosulfapyridine - e: Sal ton City - e: Sample Array System - e: Sand-Asphalt-Sulfur - e: Saskatoon - e: Satellite Attack Sensor - e: Saturated Ammonium Sulfate - e: Scandinavian Airlines System - e: School of Applied Science - e: Science Attitude Scale - e: SEAL [Subsea Equipment Associates Limited] Atmospheric System - e: Sealed Authentication System - e: Seasonal Agricultural Service - e: Secondary Alarm Station - e: Secondary Alerting System - e: Security Assistance and Sales - e: Segment Arrival Storage [Area] - e: Selected Applicant Service - e: Self-Adaptive System - e: Self-rating Anxiety Scale - e: Semi-Airspace - e: Semi-Automatic Search - e: Sensor and Source - e: Sensor and Support - e: Sequenced Answer Signal - e: Serbian Academy of Sciences - e: Serial Address Sequence - e: Service Activity System - e: Service Air System - e: Service Annual Survey - e: Sex Attitudes Survey - e: Ship Alteration Suite - e: Side-Angle-Side - e: Signal Airways Service - e: Signal Analysis System - e: Silicon Avalanche Suppressor - e: Single Address System - e: Single Angle Sattering - e: Single Attachment] Station - e: Single Audio Switch - e: Single Audio System - e: Sklar Asphasia Scale - e: Sleep Apnea Syndrome - e: Slovak Academy of Sciences - e: Slow Access Stor[ag]e - e: Small Angle Scattering - e: Small Applications Satellite - e: Small Arms School - e: Small Arms Strategy - e: Small Astronomical [or Astronomy] Satellite

- e: Small-Probe Atmospheric Structure - e: Snake Approach Scale - e: Snap Action Switch - e: Society for Applied Sociology - e: Society for Applied Spectroscopy - e: Society for Armenian Studies - e: Society of American Silversmiths - e: Society of Applied Spectroscopy - e: Society of Australasian Specialists - e: Sodium Alkane Sulfonate - e: Sodium Alumin[i]um Sulfonate - e: Sodium Alumin[i]um Sulphate - e: Solar Array Structure - e: Solar AiTay System - e: Solar Aspect Sensor - e: Solar Aspect System - e: Sound Amplification System - e: Source Analyzer System - e: South African Ship - e: South American Series (journ.) - e: Southern Anthropological Society - e: Southern Appalachial [or Appalachian] Studies - e: Soviet Academy of Sciences - e: Space Activity Suit - e: Space Adaptation Syndrome - e: Spacecraft Antenna System - e: Special Access Space - e: Special Activities Squadron - e: Special Air Service[s] - e: Special Ammunition Section - e: Special Ammunition Site[s] - e: Special Ammunition Stockage - e: Special Ammunition Storage - e: Special Ammunition Stowage - e: Special Armed Service[s] - e: St. Andrew Goldfields Ltd. - e: Stability Augmentation System - e: Staff Activity System - e: Staff Administrative Specialist - e: Statement of Auditing Standards - e: Station Air System - e: Statistical Analysis System - e: Sterile Aqueous Suspension - e: Stimulo-Auto-Soroterapia - e: Storage Address Switch - e: Strategic Area Study - e: Student Assignment System - e: Studio Address System - e: Subaortic Stenose - e: Sum of Adjacent Spans - e: Super Accuracy Simplex - e: Superintendent of Alarm System - e: Superior Atrial Septum - e: Supersonic Attack Seaplane - e: Support Amplifier Station - e: Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis - e: Surface Active Substance[s] - e: Surface-Air-Surface - e: Survival Avionics System - e: Suspended Aluminosilicate - e: Suspended Array System - e: Switched Access System - e: Synthetic Anthropological Standardization - e: Synthetic Aperture System - e: System Acquisition School - e: System Analysis Study - e: System Application Software - e: Systems Analysis and Simulation - e: Systems Assessment Survey - f: Sections Administratives Specialisees - f: Société Africaine des Silicates - f: Société Astronomique de Suisse - i: Società Adriatica di Scienze - i: Società in Accomandita Semplice -1: Societatis Antiquariorum Socius

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

-1: Studia Académica Slovaca (journ.) - r: Svenska Akustiska Sallskapet - r: Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsen SAs d: SammelanschluB - e: Supplemental Agreements Sas d: Sandsack s.a.S. d: siehe auch Seite SASA d: SchieBausbildungs-, SchieBsicherheits- und SchieBauswertanlage - e: Severe Accident Sequence Analysis - e: Small Arms Systems Agency - e: South African Sugar Association [Experiment Station] - e: South Asian Studies Association of Australia and New Zealand - e: Special Ammunition Storage Area - e: Special Ammunition Supply Activity - e: Standards defined by SASO - s: Salta - s: Semilleros Argentinos S.A. SAS-A e: Small Astronomy Satellite, model A SA1-SA0 e: Stuck at One-Stuck at Zero SASAC e: Seventh Army Service Area Command - e: South African Council for Automation and Computation SASAP e: South African Society of Animal Production SASAR e: Segmented Aperture-Synthetic Aperture Radar - e: Singapore Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers SASAS e: Southern Africa Society of Aquatic Scientists SASAT e: Shipboard Anti-Submarine Attack Teacher SASB e: Structural Analysis of Social Behavior SAS-B e: Small Astronomy Satellite, model B SA Sbipp News e: South African Shipping News and Fishing Industry Review (journ.) S A S B O e: Southeastern Association of School Business Officials SASC e: Semi-Automated [or Automatic] Stock Control - e: Senate Armed Services Committee - e: Small Arms School Corps - e: Spherical Array Signal Conditioner - e: Subject Analysis Systems Collection SASCA e: South African Support Campaign Australia SASCAR e: South African Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research SA Sch Post e: South Australian School Post (journ.) SAS Circuit e: Super Accuracy Simplex Circuit S A S C O e: Saudi Arabian Shipping Company - e: Scandinavian Airlines Systems Computer - e: Singapore and Australia Shipping Company - e: Singapore Aviation Services Company - e: South Asia Science Cooperation Office S A S C O M e: Southern Atlantic Satellite Communication - e: Special Ammunition Support Command S A S C P e: South African Society of Crop Production SASCS e: Scintillation and Semiconductor Counter Symposium SAS/CSS e: Stability Augmentation System with Control Stick Steering


SASD SASD e: School Administrators of South Dakota - e: Scottish Association for the Study of Delinquency - e: South African Sugar Distributors - e: Static Adjustable Speed Drive - e: Strategies and Air Standards Division SA/SD e: Structured Analysis/Structured Design SAS-Datei d: Datei für Steuerung, Abstimmung und Statistik SASDT e: Ships and Aircraft Supplemental Data Tables SASE e: Self Addressed [and] Stamped Envelope - e: Small Arms Suppression Evaluation - e: Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment - e: Space Adaptation Syndrome Experiment - e: Specific Application Service Elements] - e: State Agricultural Experiment Station - e: Statistical Analysis of [a] Series of Events SASEA e: Strategic Analysis of Southeast Asia SASF e: Scandinavian Association for the Study of Fertility - e: SIDPERS [Standard Inslallation/Division Personnel System] Authorized Strength File - e: South Asia Sports Federation - e: Special Aerial Spray Flight SASG e: Security Assistance Steering Group - e: Smoke/Aerosol Steering Group SASHA j: Sanfujinka No Shimpo (journ.) S A S H E P e: Study of Accreditation of Selected Health Educational Programs SASI e: Ship[s] and Air System[s] Integration - e: Shugart Associates [or Association] Standard Interface - e: Shugart Associates System[s] Interface - e: Society of Air Safety Investigators - e: South African Standards Institute [or Institution] - e: Southern Association of Science and Industry - e: Surface Air System Integration - e: System Automation Software, Incorporated - e: System[s] on Automotive Safety Information S Asia R e: South Asian Review (journ.) SASIDS e: Stochastic Adaptive Sequential Information Dissemination System SASIF f: Société Africaine de Soudages, Injections Forages SASIF-CI f: Société Africaine de Soudages, Injections Forages de Côte-d'Ivoire S A S I L O d: Schriftenreihe. A. Stifter-Institut des Landes Oberösterreich (journ.) SAS I n t e r f a c e e: Shugart Associates Standard Interface SASIO e: Field Science Co-operation Office for South Asia SASIS e: Semi-Automatic SpeakerIdentification System SASJ e: Self-Aligning Swivel Joint - e: South African Society of Journalists - s: Jujuy S A S J Z d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Schul- und Jugendzahnpflege SASK A: Suid-Afrikaanse Seinkorp - e: Saskatchewan S a s k a t c h e w a n ] L[aw]. Rev. e: Saskatchewan Law Review Sask. [L.R.] e: Saskatchewan Law Reports (journ.) Sask. L.R.C. e: Saskatchewan Law Reform Commission

Sask. Rev. Stat, e: Saskatchewan Revised Statutes Sask. Stat, e: Saskatchewan Statutes SASL e: South American Saint Line SASLAR e: Synthetic Aperture SideLooking Airborne Radar SASLIC e: Surrey and Sussex Libraries in Cooperation S A S L O e: South African Scientific Liaison Office S A S M e: Smithsonian Air and Space Museum - e: Society for Applied Science and Mathematics - e: Society for Automation in [the] Science[s] and Mathematics - e: South African Student Movement - e: Special Assistant for Strategic Mobility - e: Supersonic Antiship Missile SASMA e: Silk and Art Silks Mills Association - f: Société Agricole de Services au Maroc SASMAL e: South African Sugar Millers Association S A S M E X e: Safety At Sea and Marine Electronics Exhibition and Conference SASMI i: Sindacato Autónomo Scuola Media Italiana S A S M I R A e: Silk and Art[ificial] Silk Mills Research Association SASMS e: Special Assistant for Surface Missile System SASN e: Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy SASNA e: South African Shipping News and Fishing Industry Review (journ.) SASO e: Saudi Arabia[n] Standards Organization - e: Senior Air Staff Officer - e: Society of Australasian Specialists/ Oceania - e: South African Students Organization - e: Soviet Army Studies Office - e: Superintendent Ammunition Supply Officer - e: Superintending Armament Supply Officer SASOC e: School Administrators and Supervisors Organizing Committee SASOL e: South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation S A S O P e: Sudan. Antiquities Service. Occasional Papers (journ.) SASP d: Salazosulfapyridin - e: Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain - e: Science and Application Space Platform - e: Seismic Array Station Processor - e: Shortest Activity from Shortest Project - e: Single Advanced Signal Processor - e: Site Activation and Support Plan - e: Society for the Advancement of Social Psychology - e: South African Society of Physiotherapy - e: Special Ammunition Supply Point - e: Stand Alone Support Program - e: State Agencies [or Agency] for Surplus Property - e: State Airport System Plan - e: Submarine Analytic Search Frogram SASPA e: Sub-Assembly Staging Pre-Audit SASPL e: Saturated Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation Limit SASPS e: SAMMS [Standard Automated Materiel Management System] Automated Small Purchase System SASPs e: Special Ammunition Supply Points


© K G - Saur, Manchen

SASq e: Strategic Aerospace Squadron SASQUA e: Southern African Society for Quaternary Research SASR e: Semi-Annual Status Report - e: South Australian State Reports (journ.) - e: Special Air Service Regiment - e: Special Applications Super Rifle - e: Sri Aurobindo Society Research - e: Storage Address Select Register - e: Sub-Aqueous Sound Ranging SASRAZ R: Sbornik Trudov Aspirantov i Molodykh Nauchnykh Sotrudnikov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Rastenievodstva (journ.) SASRDI e: Sub-Aqueous Sound Ranging Development Installation S A S R M e: Small Arms School, Royal Marines SASRS e: Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue System SASS d: Systemassembler - e: SAC Aircraft Security System - e: SAC Suspended Array Surveillance System - e: Saturn Automatic Software System - e: Schedules and Status Summary - e: School and Staffing Survey - e: School of Applied Social Science - e: SEASAT [Sea Satellite]-A Scatterometer System - e: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences - e: Small Airbreathing System Synthesis - e: Society for Automation in the Social Sciences - e: Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study - e: Source Assessment Sampling System - e: Space Assets Supply System - e: Special Aircraft Service Shop - e: Special Army Signal Service - e: SPEEDEX [Systemwide Project for Electronic Equipment at Depots Extended] Automatic Scheduling System - e: Spreadsheet Anthropometric Scaling System - e: Standard Army Supply System - e: Strategic Airborne Surveillance System[s] - e: Strategic Alert[ing] Sound System - e: Suspended Array Surveillance System - e: Swarthmore Afro-American Students Society - f: Société Académique des Slavistes Suisses SASSA d: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Schulen ftir Sozialarbeit - e: Strategic Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa SASSAR A: Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorwee/ South African Railways (journ.) SASSC e: Senate Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee SASSE e: Synchronous Altitude SpinStabilized Experiment SASSI[A] e: Synthetic Amorphous Silica and Silicates Industry Association SASSIF e: Self-Adjusting System of Scientific Information Flow SASSO e: Senior Air Staff Officer SASSY e: Small Angle Separator System - e: Supported Activity Supply System SAST d: Serum-Aspartat-AminoTransferase - d: Systemablaufsteuerung - e: Safety Standards - e: Serum-Aspartate-amino-Transferase - e: Service Announcements in Science and Technology - e: Single Asphalt-Surface Treatment

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SATANAS - e: Society for the Advancement of Space Travel - e: Swiss Association for Space Technology SASTA e: Small Ariel Surveillance and Target Acquisition - e: South African Sugar-cane Technologists Association - e: South Australian Secondary Teachers Association SASTAJ e: SASTA [South Australian Science Teachers Association] Journal (journ.) SASTAR e: Support Activities Staffing Review SASTE e: Semi-Automatic Shop Test Equipment SASTO e: Signal Amplitude Sampler and Totalizing SA Storeheepers J e: South Australian Storekeepers and Grocers Journal (journ.) SASTRO e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Strobe Training Operator SASTU e: Signal Amplitude Sampler and Totalization [or Totalizing] Unit SASU e: Saturn/Apollo Systems Utilization [NASA] SASUEE e: Strategic Analysis of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe SASV e: Scottish Association for the Speaking of Verse - e: Snap Action Spool Valve SASWREC e: SACLANT [Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic] Antisubmarine Warfare Research Center SA-Syndrom d: Schulter-Arm-Syndrom SAT d: Die Schriften des Alten Testaments in Auswahl neuübersetzt und für die Gegenwart erklärt (journ.) - d: räumliche T-Achse im Vektorkardiogramm - d: Satellit - d: Saturation - d: Schwerer Artillerieträger - d: Serum Agglutination Test - d: Signal-Anpassungs- und Taktverteilungsschiene -d: Sodium-Ammonium-Thiosulfat -d: Sonderauswertegerät Torpedo - d : Spätester Anfangstermin - d : Spermienagglutinationstest - d : Systematische Arbeitstechnik - e: Canadian Satellite Communications, Inc. - e: Safe Arming Time - e: Safety Air Travel - e: Sampler Address Translator - e: San Antonio, Texas - e: SASP Acoustic Trainer - e: Satellite - e: Satisfactory - e: Saturate[d] [mode] - e: Saturation - e: Saturday - e: Schäfer Value Trust, Inc. - e: Scholastic Aptitude Test - e: Scholastic Assessment Team - e: School Ability Test - e: School of Applied Tactics - e: Scientific Adviser on Telecommunications - e: Scientific Advisory Team - e: Sea-Air Transport - e: Seattle Army Terminal - e: Security Air Transport - e: Security Assistance Team - e: Security Alert Team - e: Semi-Automatic Transmission

- e: Semiand Tropics - e: Semiautomatic Test Equipment - e: Senior Apperception Technique - e: Senior Aptitude Tests - e: Serum Agglutination Test - e: Service Acceptance Trialfs] - e: Shakespearean Authorship Trust - e: Sheet-Feeder Action Table - e: Ship Acceptance Test - e: Ships Apparent Time - e: Silicon Annular Transistor - e: Sine Acido Thymonucleinic - e: Site Acceptance Test - e: Site Alteration Tests - e: Site Assignment Time - e: Sitting Atop - e: Small Angle Tagger - e: Small Arms Training - e: Small Arms Transmitter - e: Snap Action Thermostat - e: Social Assessment of Technology - e: Society of Acoustic Technology - e: Sodium-Ammonium-Thiosulfat[e] - e: Sodium Antimony Tartrate - e: Solar Atmospheric Tide - e: Solid Angle Transform - e: Sound-Apperception Test - e: South African Time - e: South African Transport - e: South Atlantic - e: Southern African Territories - e: Southern Air Transport, Inc. - e: Space Available Travel - e: Speaker Authentication Technique - e: Special Assistance Team - e: Specifed Actions Table - e: Specific Aptitude Test - e: Spiral Aftereffect Test - e: Stabilization Assurance Test - e: Standard Anagram Task - e: Standard Area of Tinplate - e: Stanford Achievement Test - e: Staphylococcus Adherence Test - e: Static Air Temperature - e: Stepped Atomic Time - e: Strain-Anneal-Technique - e: Strategic American Traveler - e: Structural Analysis Technologies, Inc. - e: Structured Analysis Tools - e: Study of Appeal Tribunals - e: Subacute Thyroiditis - e: Subassembly Template - e: Subatomic Theory - e: Submarine Attack Teacher - e: Subscriber Access Terminal - e: Subsumed Abilities Test - e: Successive Approximation Technique - e: Supervisory Audio Tone - e: Support Analysis Test - e: Surface Aerospace [or Airborne] Technology - e: Surface Alloy Transistor - e: Surface Antenna Terminal - e: Surveillance, Acquisition and Tracking - e: Sustained Airborne Training - e: Symmetric Antitrapping - e: Symmetric Axis Transform - e: Synchronised Acoustic Transmitter - e: System Acceptance Trial - e: System Access Technique - e: System Access Terminal - e: System Alignment Test - e: System Alignment Tool - e: System Analysis Table - e: System Audit Table - e: Systematic Assertive Therapy - e: Systematic Assertiveness Training

Internationa! Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Systematic, Analytical Training - e: System[s] Acceptance Test[s] - e: Systems Approach to Training - f: Anti-Satellite Technique - f: Société Abidjanaise de Torréfaction - f: Société Abidjanaise de Transport - f: Société Africaine de Toxicologie - f: Société Africaine de Transit - f: Société Africaine de Transports Routiers - f: Société Anonyme de Télécommunications - f: Société Archéologique de Touraine - f: Speaker Authentication Technique - F: Suomen Asuntovaununtuottajat R.Y. - i: Società Anónima Transadriatica -1: Saturus - s: Sociedades Agrarias de Transformación Sat d: Satellit - e: Satan[ic] - e: Saturn SAt d: Sendeantenne S At e: South Atlantic sat. d: satiniert - d: saturiert Sat. e: Saturday SAT- d: SatellitenSat- d: SattelSATA d: Die Schriften des Alten Testaments in Auswahl neuübersetzt und für die Gegenwart erklärt (journ.) - e: S-Acetylthioglycnlic Acid - e: Safety and Arming Test Aid - e: Satellite Automatic Tracking Antenna - e: Something About the Author (journ.) - e: Student Air Travel Association - e: Subsonic Aerodynamic Testing Association - e: Supervisory, Administrative and Technical Association - f: Société Africaine de Transit et dAffrètement - f: Société Agricole de Tahima - f: Société Anonyme de Transport Aérien - p: Sociedade Açoriana de Transportes Aéroes Ltda. SATAC f: Société Auxiliaire Technique de l'Automobile, du Motocycle et du Cycle - f: Société d'Applications Techniques Agricoles et Caoutchoutières SATAF e: Shuttle Activation Task Force - e: Site Activation [or Activity][/Alteration] Task Force SATAID e: Sonar Auto-detection and Tracking, AI and Data fusion SATAL f: Société Agricole Togolaise Arabe Libyenne SATAM d: System zur Speicherang und Auswertung Taktischer Daten im Minenkampf - f: Société Anonyme pour Tout Appareillages Mécaniques - f: Syndicat Autonome des Travailleurs de la Alimentation de Madagascar SATAN e: Satellite Active Nullifier - e: Satellite Automatic Tracking Antenna - e: Selfcontained Automatic Tactical Air Navigation - e: Sensor for Airborne Tactical Air Navigation - e: Sensor for Airborne Terrain Analysis - e: Speed and Throttle Automatic Network - e: Storage Array Tester and Analyzer - e: Strobes Against Troops at Night - f: Systems Autonome Toute-temps d'Auto defence Naval Sat An e: Satellite receiving Antenna SATANAS e: Semi-Automatic Analog[ue] Setting 271

SATANS S A T A N S e: Static and Transient Analysis, Nonlinear, Shells S A T A R e: Satellite for Aerospace Research S A T B e: Simulated Air Training Bundle - e: Specific Aptitude Test Battery - i: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass S A T C e: Ship Autamatic Torpedo Countermeasures - e: Shipboard Air Traffic Control - e: Suspended Acoustical-Tile Ceiling - f: Société Abidjanaise de Tissus et Confections - f: Société d'Applications Techniques au Cameroun S A T C A e: Sino-American Technical Cooperation Association - s: Sistema Automatizado de Control de Trafico Aero S A T C A M S e: Semiautomatic Tactical Control and Airspace Management System S A T C C e: Southern African Transport and Communications Commission - e: Southern Air Traffic Control Center [or Centre] S A T C H d: SalicylaldehydeThiocarbohydrazone S A T - C h r o m o s o m e: Sine Acido Thymonucleinico-Chromosom S A T C h r o m o s o m e e: Satellite Chromosome S A T C I S e: Single Architecture of CIS [Technical Common Interface Standards] S A T C O e: Semi-Automatic Air-Traffic Control - e: Senior Air Traffic Control Officer - e: Signal automatic Air-Traffic Control [System] - e: South Australian Timber Corp. - e: Supervisory Air Traffic Control Organization - s: Servicio Aéreo de Transportes Commerciales S A T C O L e: Satellite Network of Columbia S A T C O M e: Committee on Scientific and Technical Communication - e: Satellite Command - e: Satellite Communication Centre - e: Satellite Communication System - e: Satellite C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] [Agency] - e: Scientific and Technical Communication [Committee] S A T [ - ] C O M e: Satellite Communication S A T C O M A [ G E N ] e: Satellite Communications Agency S A T C O N e: Satellite Condition S A T C O S y s t e m e: Semiautomatic Air Traffic Control System - e: Signal Automatic Traffic Control System S A T C P f: Sol-Air [de] Tres Courte Portee S A T C R 1 S e: Semi-Arid Tropical Crops Infomation Service S A T C S e: Scandinavian Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery S A T D e: Saturated - e: Seattle Army Terminal Detachment - e: Simulation and Training Device - e: Strike Aircraft Test Directorate - s: El Dorado S A T D A T e: Satellite Data S A T D B j: Sangyo T o Denki (journ.) SATDP1 e: Salesmens Association of the Textile Dyeing and Printing Industry

S A T E e: Satellite - e: Semi-Automatic Test Equipment - e: Special Acceptance Test Equipment - e: Study of Army Test and Evaluation - e: Swiss Association of Teachers of English - f: Société Africaine de Travaux et d'Études S A T E A e: Soviet Atomic Energy (joum.) SA T e a c h [ e r s ] J e: South Australia[n] Teachers Journal (journ.) S A T E C e: Semi-Automatic Technical Control - f: Salon International du Textile et du Cuir - f: Société Africaine de Traitements Électro-Chimiques - f: Société d'Aide Technique et de Coopération - f: Société d'Assistance Technique et de Crédit S A T E F f: Société d'Assistance Technique pour l'Exploitation Forestière S A T E L f: Société Africaine des Techniques Électroniques Satel e: Satellite S A T E L C O e: Satellite Telecommunications Company S A T E L D A T A e: Satellite Databank Satel D i r e: Satellite Communications. Satellite Industry Directory (journ.) S A T E L I T f: Société Autonome des Télécommunications International du Togo S A T E L L A B e: Satellite Laboratory S a t e l l i t e ] [ C o m m u n ] e: Satellite Communications (journ.) S A T E L L I T E e: Scientific and Technological Library Literature Satel N e w s e: Satellite News (journ.) S A T E N A s: Servicio [de] Aéro[navegación a Territorios Nacionales S A T E R C O f: Société Anonyme de Terrassements et de Constructions S A T E T f: Société Africaine de Travaux et d'Études Topographiques S A T E T - C A M E - R O U N f: Société Camerounaise de Travaux et d'Études Topographiques S A T E T - G A B O N f: Société Gabonaise de Travaux et d'Études Topographiques S A T E X e: Semi-Automatic Telegraph[ic] Exchange S A T E X - C I f: Société Africane de Textiles de Côte-d'Ivoire S A T F e: Shortest Access Time First - e: Site Aviation Task Force - e: Substituted Anilines Task Force - f: Société des Anciens Textes Français (journ.) S A T F A L e: Satellite Data for Fallout S a t . fix. e: Satellite fix S A T F O R e: Special Air Task Force S A T F R a d a r e: Strike and Terrain Following Radar S A T F Y e: Satisfactory S A T G d: Schweizerische Automobiltechnische Gesellschaft S a t g e: Saturating S A T G A f: Société Aérienne des Transports Guyane Antilles S A T G C I e: Satellite Ground Controlled Interception S A T H e: Society for the Advancement of Travel for the Handicapped - e: St. Thomas National Historic Site S A T H A d: Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde (journ.) S A T - H I e: Stanford Achievement Test for the Hearing Impaired


© K • G • Saur, München

S A T I e: Satellite Information Systems Co. - e: Selective Access to Tactical Information - e: Shugart Associates System Interface - e: Society for the Advancement of the Tourism Industry - f: Société Africaine pour le Traitement de l'Information - f: Société Anonyme de Transports Isothermes - f: Société d'Application des Techniques Industrielles S A T I A T E R e: Statistical Approach to Investment Appraisal to Evaluate Risk S A T I C e: Scientific and Technical Information Center - e: Super Airbus Transporter International Company S A T I C A M f: Société d'Approvisionnement et de Techniques pour l'Industrie au Cameroun S A T I - C I f: Société Africaine de Transit et d'Affrètement S A T I F e: Scientific and Technical Information Facility S A T I N e: S A C [Strategic Air Command] Automated Tactical Information Network - e: S A C [Strategic Air Command] Automated Total Information Network - e: SACCS Autodin Teletype Interface Network - e: S A G E [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Air Traffic Integration - e: Satellite Inspection - e: Satellite Inspector System - e: Survivability Augmentation for Transport Installation Now - e: System Automatic Teletypewriter Interface^] S A T I N S y s t e m e: Satellite Inspector System S A T I N T e c h n i q u e e: Satellite Inspection Technique S A T I P S e: Society of Assistant Teachers in Preparatory Schools - e: Society of Assistants Training in Preparatory Schools S A T I R d: System zur Auswertung taktischer Informationen auf Raketenschiffen [or Zerstörern - e: System for Evaluation of Tactial Information on Missile Destroyers S A T I R E e: Scientific and Technical Information Reviewed and Exploited (journ.) S A T I R E [ S ] e: Semi-Automatic Technical Information Retrieval [System] S A T i S d: Studentische Arbeitsgruppe gegen "Tierverbrauch" im Studium S A T I S e: Satisfactory - e: Science and Technology Information Sources [for Teachers] - e: Scientific and Technical Information Service S A T I S F N e: Satisfaction S A T I S F Y e: Satisfactory S A T I V A e: Society for Agricultural Training through Integrated Voluntary Activities S A T K A: Suid-Afrikaanse Toeristekorporasie - e: Strike Attack - s: Las Lomitas S A T K A e: Surveillance, Acquisition, Tracking and Kill Assessment S A T K B R: Sanitarnaya Tekhnika (journ.) S a t K o m d: Satelliten-Kommunikation S Atl e: South Atlantic-British

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Saudi Arabia Dir Gen Miner Resour Miner Resour Res S A T L e: Satellite - e: Satellite Auction Network, Inc. - e: Science and Advanced Technology Laboratory - e: Sodium Ammonium Thiosulfate - e: South Atlantic - e: Surgical Achilles Tendon Lengthening - F: Suomen Autoteknillinen Liitto S Atlan Bull e: South Atlantic Bulletin (journ.) S A t l a n t i c ] Q [ u a r t ] e: South Atlantic Quarterly (journ.) S A T L C O N O e: Satellite Control Officer S Atl C u r e: South Atlantic Current S Atl Rev e: South Atlantic Review (journ.) S A T M e: Sodium Aurothiomalate - e: Supply and Training Mission - f: Société Africaine de Transit Mory et Cié S A T - M e: Scholastic Aptitude TestMathematical [or Mathematics] S A T M A C I f: Société dAssistance Technique pour la Modernisation Agricole de la Côte d'Ivoire S A T M A R e: South African Torbanite Mining and Refining Company S A T M B e: Separate Airfield Technical Maintenance Batallion Sat M e n 1: Saturae Menippeae S A T M I f: Systeme d'Attaque avec Tete Militaire Inerte S A T M O e: Security Assistance Training Management Office SATN e: Saturation - e: Saturn Energy & Resources Ltd. SATNAV e: Satellite Navigation [system] - e: Satellite Navigator S A T N E T e: [Atlantic packet] Satellite Network - e: Satellite Data Broadcast Networks, Inc. S A T N U C f: Société pour les Applications Techniques dans le Domaine de l'Energie Nucléaire S A T O e: Scheduled Airlines Ticket Office - e: Scheduled Airlines Traffic Office - e: Self-Aligned [or Aligning] Thick-Oxide - e: Shuttle Attached Teleoperator - e: South American Travel Organization - e: South Atlantic Treaty Organization - e: Southern Africa Treaty Organization - e: Station Airline Ticket Office - e: Supply and Transportation Operations - e: Synthetic Aircraft Turbine Oil - e: Système d'Analyse des Textes par Ordinateur S A T O A e: South African Technical Officals Association S A T O B S e: Satellite Observation^] S A T O C e: Seventh Army Tactical Operations Center S A T O D P e: Satellite Tracking Orbit Determination Program S A T O M f: Société de Travaux d'Outre-Mer S A T O M - I V O I R [ E ] f: Société Anonyme de Travaux d'Outre-Mer en Côte-d'Ivoire S A T O N e: Satisfaction S A T O Technology e: Self-Adjusting Thick Oxide Technology - e: Self-Aligned Thick Oxide Technology S A T P d: Sojus-Apollo-Testprojekt - e: Security Assistance Training Program - e: Single Aircraft Tracking Program - e: Small Arms Target Practice - e: Stabilization, Acquisition, Tracking and Pointing - e: Supplier Assurance Test Procedures S A T P A T T e: Satellite Paper Tape Transfer

S A T P H Y D A T A e: System for the Acquisition, Transmission and Processing of Hydrological Data S A T P I C e: Satellite Picture S A T P L A S - T I Q U E S f: Société Africaine pour le Travail des Plastiques SATPN f: Société Assistance Technique pour les Produits Nestlé S A T R e: Scheduled Air Transport Rating - s: Reconquista S A T R A e: Science and Technology Research Abstracts (journ.) - e: Shoe and Allied Trades Research Association - e: Soviet-American Trade Association - f: Société Abidjanaise de Transit S A T R A B u l l e t i n ] e: SATRA [Shoe and Allied Trades Research Association] Bulletin (journ.) S A T R A C e: Satellite Automatic Terminal Rendezvous and Coupling S A T R A C K e: Satellite Tracking S A T R A F f: Société Africaine de Transport Frigorifique S A T R A M f: Société Africaine de Travaux Maritimes et Fluviaux - f: Systeme d'Atterrissage á Trajectoires Multiples SATRAN e: Satellite Reconnaissance Advance Notice Sat R Arts e: Saturday Review of the Arts (joum.) Sat R E d e: Saturday Review of Education (journ.) SAt Region e: South Atlantic Region Sat R Lit e: Saturday Review of Literature (joum.) SATRO[S] e: Science and Technology Regional Organization^] Sat R Sci e: Saturday Review of the Sciences (journ.) Sat R Soc e: Saturday Review of Society (journ.) Sat R/World e: Saturday Review/World (journ.) SATS e: Satellite Antenna Test System - e: Scottish Association of Track Statisticians - e: Short Airfield and/for/of Tactical Support - e: Shuttle Avionics Test System - e: Simulated Airborne Transpondent System - e: Single Array Test System - e: Small Airfield for Tactical Support - e: Small Applications Technology Satellite - e: Small Arms Target System - e: Social and Technical Sciences - e: Solar Alignment Test Site - e: South African Transport Services - e: Surrogate Acquilla Training System - e: Systems Architectures and Trade Study SATs e: Scholastic Aptitude Tests SATSA e: Signal Aviation Test and Support Activity S A T S A R e: Satellite Aided Search and Rescue SATSERV e: Services by Satellite, Inc. SATSF e: Special Assistance to Students Fund S A T S I M e: Satellite Simulation - e: Saturation Countermeasures Simulator S A T S L A M e: Satellite-Tracked SubmarineLaunched Antimissile S A T S O L e: Saturated Solution SATSS e: Seventh Army Tactical Switching System S A T S T R E A M e: Satellite Switchstream [Service]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

S A T T e: Semi-Automatic Transistor Tester - e: Shear Area Transition Temperature - e: Strowger Automatic Toll Ticketing - f: Sérum Antitétanique - f: Société Africaine de Travaux et de Transports SAT/TAS e: Static Air Temperature/True Air Speed Sätt[ig]. d: Sättigung SAT T i m b e r e: Satinwood [chloroxylon swietenia] Timber S A T T R e: Satisfactory to Transfer SATU e: Singapore Air Transport Union - e: South African Typographical Union S A T U C C e: Southern African Trade Union Coordination Council S A T U R e: Saturate S A T U R N e: Second Generation Anti-Jam Tactical UHF Radio for NATO SAT-V e: Scholastic Aptitude Test-Verbal S A T V R N e: Satellite Television Antenna Systems Ltd. S A T W d: Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften - e: Society of American Travel Writers S A t W e d: Sendeantennenweiche saty e: satyagraha - e: satyriasis - e: satyr[ic][al][ly] - e: satyrid S a t - Z F d: Satelliten-Zwischenfrequenz SAU e: Safety and Arming Unit - e: Search Attack Unit - e: Self-propelled Assault Unit - e: Shared Access Unit - e: Smallest Addressable Unit - e: South African Union - e: Spectrum Analysis Unit - e: St. Andrews University - e: Standard Advertising Unit - e: Statistical Analysis Unit - e: Strap-Around Unit - e: Subsystem Availability Unit - e: Surface Attack Unit - e: System Availability Unit Sau 1: Staphylococcus Aureus Sau [Arab] e: Saudi Arabia[n] S A U C A F f: Société d'Achat et d'Usinage du Cafe S A U C B e: Soviet Automatic Control (journ.) S A U C E R S e: Saucer and Unexplained Celestial Events Research Society - e: Space and Unexplained Celestial Events Research Society Saudia e: Saudi Arabia s a u d i a r a b . d: saudiarabisch Saudi A r a b i a e: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Saudi A r a b i a Dir G e n M i n e r R e s o u r Bull e: Saudi Arabia. Directorate General of Mineral Resources. Bulletin (journ.) Saudi A r a b i a D i r Gen M i n e r R e s o u r Geo) M a p e: Saudi Arabia. Directorate General of Mineral Resources. Geologie Map (journ.) Saudi A r a b i a D i r Gen M i n e r Resour Geol M a p G M e: Saudi Arabia. Directorate General of Mineral Resources. Geologie Map GM (journ.) Saudi A r a b i a Dir Gen M i n e r R e s o u r M i n e r Resour Res e: Saudi Arabia. Directorate General of Mineral Resources. Mineral Resources Research (journ.)


Saudi Arabia D i r G e n Miner Resour M i n e r Resour Rep Invest Saudi Arabia Dir Gen Miner Resour Miner Resour Rep Invest e: Saudi Arabia. Directorate General of Mineral Resources. Mineral Resaurces Report of Investigations (journ.) Saudi[s] e: Saudi Arabian[s] Sauerl. d: Sauerland SAUFI i: Sindacato Autonomo Unificio Ferrovieri Italiani S.-Auftr. d: Sammelauftrag SAUG e: Swiss APL [A Programming Language] Users Group SAU&G e: San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Railroad Co. Saugar Univ J Part 2 e: Saugar University. Journal. Part 2. Science (journ.) Säugetierk[un]d[liche] Mitt d: Säugetierkundliche Mitteilungen (journ.) SAUK A: Suid-Afrikaanse Uitsaaikorporasie - e: Scoliosis Association of the United Kingdom SAUL e: Seismic Application Users Language Sau LR e: Saurastra Law Reports (journ.) Säumn d: Säumnis Saund Ass e: Saunders on Assault and Battery (journ.) Saund Bast e: Saunders on Affiliation and Bastardy (journ.) Saunders Monogr Clin Radiol e: Saunders Monographs in Clinical Radiology (journ.) Saund&M e: Saunders and Macraes English County Courts and Insolvency Cases (journ.) Saund Mag Pr e: Saunders' Magistrates Courts Practice (journ.) Saund Mil L e: Saunders Militia Law (journ.) Saund Neg e: Saunders on Negligence (journ.) Saund Prec e: Saunders Precedents of Indictments (journ.) Saund War e: Saunders on Warranties and Representations (journ.) SAUR e: Small Auxin Up RNA SAUR-AFRIQUE f: Société d'Aménagement Urbain et Rural pour l'Afrique säurebest[änd]. d: säurebeständig Säurelsg. d: Säurelösung SAUS d: Satz Ausgliedern - e: Statistical Abstract of the United States SAus e: South Australia[n] S.-Ausg. d: Sonderausgabe S Aush L e: South Australia Law (journ.) S Aus Nat Gal Bui e: South Australia. National Gallery. Bulletin (joum.) S Ausrl LR e: South Australian Law Reports (journ.) S Aust e: South Australiana (journ.) SAust e: South Australia[n] S Aust Clinics e: South Australian Clinics (journ.) S Aust Coal Abstr Bull e: South Australian Coal Abstract Bulletin (journ.) S Aust Dir Mines Gov Geol Annu Rep e: South Australia. Director of Mines and Government Geologist. Annual Report (journ.) S Aust Geol Atlas Ser e: South Australia. Geological Survey. Atlas Series (joum.) S Aust Geol Surv Bull e: South Australia. Geologi0l Survey. Bulletin (joum.)

SAust Geol Surv 1:250000 Geol Ser e: South Australia. Geological Survey. 1:250,000 Geological Series (joum.) S Aust Geol Surv Q Geol Notes e: South Australia. Geological Survey. Quarterly Geological Notes (joum.) S Aust Geol Surv Rep Invest e: South Australia. Geological Survey. Report of Investigations (joum.) S Aust Indus R e: South Australia Industrial Reports (joum.) S. Aust. Indus. R. e: South Australia Industrial Reports S Aust L e: South Australia Law (joum.) S Austl e: South Australia State Reports (joum.) S Austl Acts e: South Australia Acts (journ.) S Aust LR e: South Australian Law Reports (joum.) S Austl Stat e: South Australian Statutes (joum.) S Austl St R e: South Australia State Reports (joum.) S Aust Miner Resour Rev e: South Australia Mineral Resources Review (joum.) S Aust Nat e: South Australian Naturalist (joum.) S Aust Orn[ithol] e: South Australian Ornithologist (joum.) S Austral e: South Australia[n] S Australiana e: South Australiana (joum.) S Aust Rep Mus Board e: South Australia. Report of the Museum Board (joum.) S Aust Wheatgr e: South Australian Wheatgrower (joum.) SAUT e: Scottish Association of University Teachers SAUTE e: Swiss Association of University Teachers of English SAUU e: South African Underwater Union SAUZA R: Stsoitel'stvo i Arkhitektura Uzbekistana (joum.) SAV d: Satellitenvermittler - d: Schweizerische Alpwirtschaftlicher Verein - d: Schweizerische AutofachlehrerVereinigung - d: Schweizerischer Acetylenverein - d: Schweizerischer Altphilogenverband - d: Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband - d: Schweizerischer Apotherkerverein - d: Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde (joum.) - e: Savannah Electric & Power Co. - e: Savannah, Georgia - e: Save[loy] - e: Savings - e: Seddon Atkinson Vehicles Ltd. - e: Service Availability - e: Small Affluent Variable - e: Society Against Vivisection - e: Society of American Ventriloquists - e: Space-Air Vehicle - e: Spectra Ventures Ltd. - e: Standard Acceptance Value - e: Stock at Valuation - e: Stock at Value - e: Student Alternatives to Violence - e: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - e: System Availability - f: Service Après-Vente - r: Statens Avtalsverk - r: Svenska Arbetsgruppen for Världsfederation - S: Slovenskâ Akadémia Vied (joum.) Sav R: Savremenik (joum.)


© K • G • Saur. München

SaV e: Saguaro Cactus Virus SA/V e: Surface Area/Volume SA VA d: Schiffsabfallverbrennungsanlage - e: Sexual Abuse Victims Anonymous - e: Society for Accelerator and Velocity Apparatus - e: South African Veterinary Association - e: Standard Army Vetronics Architecture - p: Servicios do Aerotaxisa e Abastecimento do Vale Amazonica SA VAC e: South Australian Visual Arts Committee SAV ANA f: Société Agro-Industrielle de Production de Concentré de Tomate et de Jus de Fruits SAV AS e: Six-Factor Automated Vocational Assessment System SAVASI e: Simple [or Simplified] Abbreviated Visual Approach Slope Indicator SAVBOND e: Savings Bonds SAVC e: Air-Cushion Vehicle built by Sealand Air Cushion Vehicles - e: Society for the Anthropology of Visual Communication SAVCCO e: Scottish Association of Voluntary Child Care Organisations SAVCO p: Servicios Aéroes Virgen de Copacabana SAVCOM e: Switched Aviation Communications Sav Conf Law e: Savignys Conflict of Laws (journ.) S A V C O N G O f: Savonnerie du Congo SAVDAT e: Save Data SAVE d: Schnelle Ambulante Vorklinische Erstversorgung - e: Energy Resources of North Dakota, Inc. - e: Save All Valley Environment - e: Self-Learning Audio Visual Education - e: Sensitive Activity Vulnerability Estimate - e: Service Activities of Voluntary [or Volunteer] Engineers - e: Shoppers Association for Value Economy - e: Shortages and Valuable Excesses - e: Situation Analysis and Vulnerability Estimate - e: Society of American Value Engineers - e: Society of American Vintage-radio Enthusiasts - e; Stop Addiction through Voluntary Effort - e: Student Action Voters for Ecology - e: Students Against Volvo Exaggerations - e: Survival and Ventricular Enlargement - e: System Analysis of Vulnerability and Effectiveness - e: System Availability Estimator - e: System Avionics Value Estimation - e: System for Automatic Value Exchange - e: Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements] - e: Systematic Approach to Vehicle Electronics - f: Support Apres-Vente Equipment SAVEC f: Société Africaine de Vente et de Consignation SAVED e: State-of the-Art Vehicle Engineering Documentation SAVER e: Shuttle Avionics Verification and Evaluation - e: Stowable Aircrew Vehicle Escape Rotoseat - e: Study to Assess and Validate Essential Reports

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SAXS SAVES e: Sizing [of] Aerospace Vehicle Structures - e: South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society - e: States Audiovisual Education Study SA V F AN e: Standing Advisory Committee on Food and Nutrition SAVI A: Suid-Afrikaanse Vertalersinstituut - e: Science Activities for the Visually Impaired - e: Society for the Advancement of the Vegetable Industry - e: Student[s] Audio-Visual Interface SAVIA s: Sociedad Agronomical Viveros Industriales Argentinos - s: Sociedade Anonoma de Valorizacao e Incremento Agro-Pecuário SAVICOM e: Society for the Anthropology of Visual Communication^] SAVIEM f: Société Anonyme de Véhicules Industriels et d'Equipements Méchaniques Savigny Hist Rom Law e: Savignys History of the Roman Law (joum.) Savigny System d: Savignys System des Heutigen Römischen Rechts (journ.) SA VIM e: Survivability and Vulnerability Improvement Modification SAVIMAB e: System Analysis of Variables of the Impact Man And Biosphere SAVIMAR f: Société Sénégalaise d'Avitaillement et de Manutention SA VIT AR e: Sanders Associates Video Input/Output Terminal Access Resource SAVKWA A: Suider Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Kwarternavorsing SAVL d: Studien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft (journ.) SAV1C f: Services Après-Vente Industriels et Commerciaux Sav&Loan N e: Savings and Loan News (journ.) S A V M O e: Service Audiovisual Management Office Savng Inst e: Savings Institutions (journ.) SAVO e: Schultz S a v - 0 Stores, Inc. - R: Sredneaziatskiy Voyennyy Okrug - s: San Antonio Oeste SAVOR e: Signal Actuated Voice Recorder - e: Single-Actuated Voice Recorder SAVR e: Special Army Volunteer Reserve SAVS e: Safeguards for Area Ventilation System - e: Scottish Anti-Vivisection Society - e: Status And Verification System - e: Stochastic Automaton with a Variable Structure - e: Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis SAVT e: Secondary Address Vector Table Savus e: Savu Islands of Indonesia SavZ d: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (journ.) S A W d: Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig - d: Sendeabwicklung - d: Sonderdienst Angewandte Wissenschaft (journ.) - d: Spannungsabhängiger Widerstand - e: Sample Assignment Word - e: Scottish Association of Writers - e: Semi-Automatic Weapons - e: Short-range stand-off Attack Weapon - e: Signal Air[craft] Warning - e: Slightly Active Waste - e: Small Arms Weapon - e: Society of Architects in Wales

- e: Society of Australian Writer - e: Software Analysis Workstation - e: Solid Active Waste - e: Special Agricultural Workers - e: Special Air Warfare - e: Squad Attack Weapon - e: Squad Automatic Weapon - e : Stand-Off ASW - e: Stand-Off Attack Weapon - e: Station Avionable Band W - e: Submerged Arc Weld[ed] [or Welding] - e: Subsidiary Agreement on Water - e: Supportability Analysis Worksheet - e: Surface Acoustic Wave[s] SAWA e: Screen Advertising World Association - e: Soil and Water Management Association S A W A R A e: Southern Arizona Water Resources Association Sawatches e: Sawatch Mountains SAWAU e: South African Womens Agricultural Union S A W B e: Scottish Agricultural Wages Board S A W B E T e: Supply Action Will Be Taken S A W C e: Special Air Warfare Center S A W D[evice] e: Surface Acoustic[al] Wave[s] Device S A W E e: Simulated Aerea Weapon Effect - e: Society of Aeronautical Weight Engineers - e: Society of Allied Weight Engineers Sawei d: Salweide S A W E K A: Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns SA W E R F e: Simulated Area Weapons Effect-Radio Frequency SA W E S e: Small Arms Weapon Effect System - e: Small Arms Weapons Effect Simulator S A W F e: Special Air Warfare Force S A W F A e: South African Wine Farmers Association S A W F O e: South Australia Woods and Forests Department S A W G e: Special Advisory Working Group - e: Special Air Warfare Group S A W g e: Strategic Aerospace Wing S A W G U e: South African Wattle Growers Union SAWHQ e: SHAPE Alternative War Headquarter - e: Static Alternative War Headquarter SAWI d: Speichern und automatisches Wiederfinden von Informationen - d: System zum Abspeichern und Wiederauffinden [formatierter Datenbestände] - e: Society Against World Imperialism - e: Society for Animal Welfare in Israel S A W I C e: South African Water Information Center [or Centre] S A W I D e: Shipboard Acoustic Warfare Integrated Defence [or Defense] S A W L T e: South African Written Language Test SAWM d: Sitzungsberichte. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München (journ.) - s: Rio Mayo SA WMA e: Soil and Water Management Association - e: Southern African Wildlife Management Association SAWMARCS e: Standard Aircraft Weapon Monitor and Release Control System - e: Standard Aircraft Weapons Management and Release Control System

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

SAWN e: Sawn timber SA WO e: Surface Acoustic Wave Oscillator S.A. Worker e: Steel and Allied [Industries] Worker (joum.) SAWP e: Society of American Wood Preservers SAWPA e: South African Wood Processing Association SÄWPHK d: Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. PhilologischHistorische Klasse (journ.) S-A-W Q e: Seeking-Asking-and-Written Questionnaire SAWRS e: Supplementary Airway Weather Reports - e: Supplementary Aviation Weather Observatories - e: Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station SAWS e: Satellite Attack Warning System - e: Silent Attack Warning System - e: Singapore Aerospace Warehousing and Supplies Pte - e: Small Arms Weapon[s] Study - e: Small Arms Weapon[s] System - e: Solar Array Wing Simulator - e: Special Airborne Weapon Subsystem - e: Squad Automatic Weapon[s] System - e: Strategic Attack Weapon System - e: Subacoustic Warfare System - e: Submarine Acoustic[al] Warfare System SAWs e: Surface Acoustic Waves SAW-S e: Series Submerged Arc Welding SAW[s] e: Special Agriculture Worker[s] SAWT e: Special Weapons and Tactics - s: Rio Turbio Sawt. Gen. e: Sawtooth Generator Sawtooths e: Sawtooth Mountains SAWTRI e: South African Wool [and] Textile Research Institute SAWTRI Digest e: South African Wool Textile Research Institute Digest (journ.) SAWTRI Tech Rep e: South African Wool Textile Research Institute Technical Report (journ.) SAWU s: Santa Cruz SAWV e: Satellite Attack Warning and Verification SA W W d: Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaft in Wien (journ.) Sawyer's Gss Turbine Int e: Sawyer's Gas Turbine International (journ.) SAX e: Satellite X-ray - e: Saxon - e: Saxophone - e: Selected Area XES - e: Small-Angle X-ray - e: Small Automatic Exchange - e: Sparta - e: States Exploration Ltd. - e: Strong Anion Exchange[r] Sax. d: Saxophon - e: Saxony SAXA e: Slotted Array X-band Antenna SAXD e: Small-Angle X-Ray Diffraction Sax Duc e: Saxon Duchies - e: Saxon Dükes SAXI e: Saxton Industries Ltd. SAXL e: Short-Arc Xenon Lamp SAXLE e: Single Cantilevered Axle SAXO e: Saxon Oil Co. SAXS e: Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering


SAY SAY e: Salisbury [Airport], Rhodesia - e: Science Fiction Adventures Yearbook (journ.) - e: Severe Aster Yellows - e: Soccer Association for Youth - e: Stanley Resources - F: Suomen Anestesiologiyhdistys S A Y F C e: Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs SAYKA R: Sovistva Atomnykh Yader (journ.) Sayles' A n n Civ St e: Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes (journ.) Sayles' C i r S e: Sayles' Revised Civil Statutes (journ.) Sayles' Rev Civ St e: Sayles' Revised Civil Statutes (journ.) Sayles' S u p p e: Supplement to Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes (journ.) SAYP e: SAY Packaging, Inc. SA y P s: San Andrés y Providencia SAYTD e: Sales Amount Year-to-Date SAZ d: Schularbeitszirkel - d: Spätester Anfangszeitpunkt - d: Stromabnehmerzeitschrift (journ.) - d: Süddeutsche Apotheker-Zeitung (journ.) - e: South African Rand - e: Staples S A Z F e: South African Zionist Federation S a Z g m d: Sattelzugmaschine SAZH s: Tres Arroyos SAZI d: Standortverzeichnis ausländischer Zeitungen und Illustrierten - s: Bolivar SAzK d: Schweizerische Ärtzekommission für Notfallhilfe und Rettungswesen SAZL s: Santa Teresita S A Z M s: Mar Del Plata S A Z O e: Seeker-Azimuth Orientation S A Z Q s: Rio Colorado SAZR s: Santa Rosa SAZXJ d: Satzzugriffssystem - S: Slovenska Akademoja Znanosti in Umetnosti SAZZ e: Saztec International, Inc. SB d: Polystryol mit Butadien - d: S-Band - d: Saarbrücken - d: Sammelband - d: Sammelbezeichnung -d: Schadensbestimmung[en] - d: Schappenbohrprobe - d: Schlammbelastung - d: Schlichtbohrung - d: Schlußbestand - d: Schlußzeichenbetrieb - d: Schmalband - d: Schnellboot - d: Schrittbaustein - d: Schußbohrung - d: Schutzbauten - d: Schutzbereich - d: Schwangerenberatung - d: Schweizer Buch (journ.) - d: Schwerbehinderte^] - d: Seidenbaumwolldraht - d: Seitenband - d: Seitenbeobachtung - d: Selbstbedienung - d: Selbstbeteiligung - d: Sendebereitschaft - d: Servicebüro - d: Sicherheitsbehälter - d: Sicherheitsbericht - d: Siedebeginn - d: Signalbatterie - d: Signalbuch 276

- d: Sinusbradykardie - d: Sitzungsberichte] - d: Sonderbezeichnung - d: Sortierbegriff - d: Speicherbank - d: Sperrbereich - d: Spritzbeginn - d: Staatsbibliothek - d: Stabsbootsmann - d: Stadtbibliothek - d: Stahlbeton - d: Standardbikarbonat - d: Standardstamm Bryan - d: Stationsbox - d: Steuerbaustein - d: Steuerbereich - d: Steuerbord - d: Stilb - d: Strahlungsgebundene Beeinflußbarkeit - d: Straßenbau - d: Strombegrenzer - d: Styrenbutadien - d: Styrol-Butadien - d: Systembaustein - d: Systembeauftragter - d: Systemberater - d: Systemberatung - d: Systembereich - e: Air Caledonia International - e: Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association. Service Bulletin (journ.) - e: Bachelor of Science - e: Beauval Public Library, Saskatchewan - e: International Standard Book Number - e: Journal subset - e: S Band - e: Saddle Block - e: Safe Berth - e: Salary Band - e: Sales Book - e: Salt Bridge - e: Santa Barbara - e: Savannah Beach - e: Savings Bank - e: Savings Bond - e: Schistosoma Bovis - e: Schottky-Barrier - e: Science Books (journ.) - e: Science Books and Films (journ.) - e: Scoring Booklet - e: Scout Bomber - e: Scouting Bombing [Plane] - e: Screen, Braided - e: Scrieve Board - e: Sea Base - e: Seaboard World Airlines, Inc. - e: Sealed-Beam - e: Searchlight Battery - e: Secondary Battery - e: Secondary Breakdown - e: Secondary Buffer - e: Section Base - e: Securing Bandfs] - e: Selection Board - e: Selective Bibliography - e: Selective Broadcast - e: Senate Bill - e: Senior Beadle - e: Sense Bit [or Byte] - e: Separate Bit - e: Separately Binned - e: Serial Binary - e: Serial Block - e: Serum Bilirubin - e: Service Bulletin - e: Service Bureau - e: Set Binary

© K • G • Saur, München

- e Shell Bullet - e Shipbuilding - e Shipping Bill - e Shipping Board - e Shoot Bud - e Short Bill - e Short Bracket - e Short Brust - e Shortness of Breath - e Shrunk Back-to-Back - e Shunting Boundaries - e Sick Bay - e Sideband - e Sideroblast - e Sign Bit - e Signal Band - e Signal Battalion - e Signal Boatswain - e Signal Book - e Signal to Background - e S i g n a l l i n g Battery - e Signature Book - e Silver Braze - e Silver Brazing - e Silverfed] Bowl - e Simultaneous Brodcast[ing] - e Single Barrelled - e Single Bayonet - e Single Blind - e Single Braid[ed] - e Single-Breasted - e Single Breath - e Single-ended Boiler - e Sink Beater - e Sinus Bradycardia - e Skip Bombing - e Slab Bolster - e Sleeve Bearing - e Slow Blowing - e Slow-Break - e Slow Burning - e Small Barrel - e Small Block - e Small Bonds - e Small Bore - e Small Borough - e Small Bowel - e Small Business - e Smooth Bore - e Social Biology Films - e Society for Biomaterials - e Sociologists in Business - e Sodium Bicarbonate - e Sodium Bisulfite - e Sodium Borate - e Solid Base Bullet - e Solid Body - e Solomon Islands - e Sonic Boom - e Sonobuoy - e Soot Blower - e Sound Bearing - e South Britain - e South Bronx - e South Buffalo [Railway Co.] - e Southbound - e Soviet Biotechnology (joum.) - e Soviet Bloc - e Soviet Branch - e Soybean - e Space Base - e Space Booster - e Special Bibliography - e Special Billing - e Special Branch - e Special Bulletin. New York Department of Labor (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SB A R M O - e: Speed Brake - e: Spin Block - e: Splash Block - e: Spring Back - e: Spring Balance - e: Stabilized Breakdown - e: Stack Base - e: Standard Babylonian - e: Standard Bead - e: Standard Brands - e: Standby [Base] - e: Starboard - e: Statement of Billing - e: Statistical Bulletin[s] - e: Status Board - e: Statute Book - e: Steamboat - e: Sterilization and Bath - e: Sternal Border - e: Stibnite - e: Stilb - e: Stillbirth - e: Stillborn - e: Stockbroker - e: Stolen Base[s] - e: Stop Bath - e: Store Bank - e: Stove Bolt - e: Straight Binary - e: Stretcher-Bearer - e: Studies in Bibliography (journ.) - e: Stuffing Box - e: Styrbord - e: Styrene-Butadien[e] - e: Sub-Bitumious - e: Sub Branch - e: Submarine Base - e: Submarine Boat - e: Submarine [Fog] Bell - e: Substantive - e: Substitute Blank - e: Subtract Binary - e: Sum Byte - e: Supplementary Benefits - e: Supply Base - e: Supply Bulletin - e: Support Box - e: Supreme Bench - e: Surface Barrier - e: Surface Based - e: Surface Binding - e: Surplus Budget - e: Sustained Breakdown - e; Switchboard [Operator] - e: Symbiotic Bacteria - e: Synchronization Base - e: Synchronization] Bit - e: Systematic Botany - f: Sources Bibliques (journ.) - f: Styrcnc-Butadiéne - i: La Sacra Bibbia (journ.) - i: La Sainte Bible (journ.) - i: Studi Baltici (journ.) - i: Studi Bizantini (journ.) - n: Sociologisch Bulletin (journ.) - P: Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa - r: SAAB-Scania AB - R: Sovetskaya Bibliografía (journ.) - R: Spasitel'noye Bukser - s: Peso Boliviano sb d: selbständig

Sb d: Schwerbeschädigter - d: Selbstbestäubung - d: Sonderbericht - d: Stibium - e: Small-Mouth bass - e: Stibium-Antimony - e: Strabismus -1: Stibium sB d: Sand-B raunerde Sb. d: Sachbearbeiter[in] - d: Schaubild - d: Sonderband S.B. e: Safe Berth - e: Senate Bill - e: Separately Billed - e: Short Bill - e: Small Bonds - e: Small Business - e: Southbound - e: Special Branch - e: Special Bulletin - e: Statute Book - e: Steam Boat - e: Submarine [fog] Bell - e: Supreme Bench - e: Switchboard - f: Signes Biologiques -1: Scientiae Baccalaureus s.b. d: siehe bei s.B. d: südliche[r] Breite S&B e: Sterilization and Bath S/B e: Serial Block - e: Southbound - e: Stand By - e: Statement of Billing - e: Surface Based - f: Son Billet SBA d: Saabriicker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde (journ.) - d: Schmalbandanalysator - d: Siemens-Büro-Architektur - d: Sitzungsberichte. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (journ.) - d: Sojabohnenagglutinin - d: Staatliche Bauaufsicht - d: Statistisches Bundesamt - d: Sternpunkt-Betriebsabwicklung - d: Stichtagsbestandsaufnahme - d: Straßenbauabteilung - e: Santa Barbara - e: Satellite Broadcasters Association - e: School-Based Assessment - e: School Bookshop Association - e: School of Business Administration - e: Scott Base - e: Scottish Beekeepers Association - e: Seat Back Assembly - e: Sec-Butyl Alcohol - e: Second Bombardment Association - e: Secondary Boolean Analyzer - e: Secondary Butyl Alcohol - e: Security By Analysis - e: Sequential Booiean Analyzer - e: Service Brake Activator - e: Set Buffer Address - e: Setback Axle - e: Shaped Beam Aerial [or Antenna] - e: Shared Batch Area - e: Siamese Breeders of America - e: Sick Bay Attendant - e: Sick Berth Attendant - e: Singapore Booksellers Association - e: Slurry Blasting Agent - e: Small[er] Businesses] Administration [or Association] - e: Social Behavior Assesment - e: Soybean Agglutinin

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Spirit and Breath Association - e: Standard Beam Approach - e: Standard Chartered Review (journ.) - e: Standing British Army - e: State Bar of Arizona - e: Steam Boat Association of Great Britain - e: Steroid-Binding Assay - e: Structural Board Association - e: Structure Borne Acoustics - e: Studies in Biblical Archaeology (journ.) - e: Sun Basin Airlines - e: Support Base Activation - e: Sweet Bugger All - e: System for Business Automation - e: Systems Builders Association - f: Service des Bases Aerienne - f: Société Belge d'Astronomie, de Météorologie et de Physique du Globe - p: Sociedade Brasileira de Agronomia - p: Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica Sba e: Surabaya SBAA e: Safe Berth Always Afloat - e: Ships-in-Bottles Association of America - e: Swedish Business Archives Association SBAAM e: Small Business Association of Apparel Manufacturers SBAC e: Small Business Assistance Center - e: Society of British Aerospace Companies - e: Society of British Aircraft Constructors - f: Société Belge des Automobiles Citroen - f: Société des Tabacs, Cigares et Cigarettes J. Bastos de l'Afrique Centrale SBAE e: Stabilized Bombing Approach Equipment SBAEDS e: Satellite Based Atomic Energy Detection System SBAFWP e: Standby Auxiary Feed Water Pump SBAG d: Schweizer Beiträge zur Allgemeinen Geschichte (joum.) SB-Aggregat d: Sofortbereitschaftsaggregat SBAH e: Sodium Bis[methoxyethoxy] aluminum Hydride S-Bahn d: Schnellbahn - d: Stadtbahn S-bahn e: Stadt-Schnellbahn SB Aircraft e: Scouting Bombing Aircraft Sb Akad Nauk SSSR R: Sbornik Rabot Akademiya Nauk SSSR (journ.) SBAkWissWien d: Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien (journ.) SBAM e: Space-Based Antimissile SBAMA e: San Bernadino Air Materiel Area SBAMP e: Sea-Based Air Master Plan SBAMPG f: Société Belge d'Astronomie, de Meteorologie et de Physique du Globe SBAN p: Anapolis S-Band d: Frequenzband von 1,55 GHz bis 5,2 GHz - e: Microwave [jiW] frequencies between 1.55 and 5.20 GHz SBANE e: Smaller Business Association of New England SBAO d: Schiffahrtsbesetzungs- und Ausbildungsordnung - d: Schweizerischer Berufsverband für Augenoptik und Optometrie - d: Sportbootanordnung SBAP d: Schweizerischer Berufsverband für Angewandte Psychologie - e: Simple Bin Assignment Problem - e: Small Business Assistance Program - e: Society of Business Advisory Professions SBARMO e: Scientific Ballooning and Radiations Monitoring Organization 277

s.b.Art. s.b.Art. d: siehe besonderen Artikel SBAS e: S-Band Antenna Switch - e: Single Bridgewire Apollo Standard Initiator - e: Standard Beam Approach System SBAs e: Sick Bay Attendants - e: Sovereign Base Areas SBASC e: San Bernardino Air Service Command SBASI e: Single Budge Apollo Standard Initiator Sb Aspir Rb Voronezh Lesotekh Inst R: Sbornik Aspirantskikh Rabot Voronezhskii Lesotekhnicheskii Institut (joum.) Sb Aspir Rab Kazan Gos Univ Estest Nauki R: Sbornik Aspirantskikh Rabot Kazanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Estestvennye Nauki (journ.) Sb Aspir Rab Kazan Gos Univ Estest Nauki Bio R: Sbornik Aspirantskikh Rabot Kazanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Estestvennye Nauki Biologiya (journ.) Sb Aspir Rab Kazan Gos Univ Tochn Nauki Mekh Fiz R: Sbornik Aspirantskikh Rabot Kazanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Tochnye Nauki Mekhanika Fizika (journ.) Sb Aspir Rab Kazan Khim Tekhnol Inst R: Sbornik Aspirantskikh Rabot Kazanskii Khimiko Tekhnologicheskii Institut (joum.) Sb Aspir Rab Kazan Univ Estestv Nauk R: Sbornik Aspirantskikh Rabot Kazanskogo Universiteta Estestvennykh Nauk (journ.)

SBBC e: Styrene-Butadience Block Copolymer - f: Société Beige de Biologie Clinique SB Berlin d: Sitzungsberichte. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse für Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst (joum.) SBBF e: Silicone-Based Brake Huid SBBGA 1: Studia Universitatis BabesBolyai. Series Geologia-Geographia (journ.) SBBH s: Belo Horizonte/Pampulha SBBI d: Schweizer Bundesblatt (joum.) SBBmG d: Sitzungsberichte der Berliner mathematischen Gesellschaft SBBN e: Standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis SBBNF e: Ship and Boat Builders National Federation Sb Bot Rab Beloruss Otd Vses Bot Ova R: Sbomik Botanicheskikh Rabot Belorusskoe Otdelenie Vsesoyuznogo Botanicheskogo Obshchestva (joum.) Sb Bot Rabot Vses Bot Obshch Beloruss Otd R: Sbomik Botanicheskikh Rabot Vsesoyuznogo Botanicheskogo Obshchestva. Belorusskoe Otdelenie (journ.) SBBR p: Brasilia/Internacional SBB Revue d: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen Revue (joum.) SBBS p: Brasilia SBBT e: Short Basic Batteiy Test SBBV s: Boa Vista/Internacional SbBVW d: Sachbearbeiter für das

Sb Aspir Rab Ufim Neft Nauchno-Issled Inst R: Sbornik Aspirantskikh Rabot Ufimskii Neftyanoi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut (journ.) Sb Aspir Rab Vses Nauchno Issled Inst Zhivotnovod R: Sbornik Aspirantskikh Rabot Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno Issledovatel'skii Institut Zhivotnovodstva (joum.) SBAT e: Supplementary Benefit Appeal Tribunal - f: Service Botanique et Agronomique de Tunisie - p: Sociedade Brasiliera de Autores Tetrais SBAU s: Aracatuba SBauG d: Schutzbaugesetz SBAW d: Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (journ.) - e: Santa Barbara Academy of the West SBAWW d: Sitzungsberichte. Akademie der Wissenschaft in Wien (joum.) SBB d: Säure-Basen-Bilanz - d: Schweizertische] Bundesbahn[en] - d: Spannbetondruckbehälter - d: Straßenbrückenbau - e: Self-Balancing Bridge - e: Silicon-Borne Bond[s] - e: Single Band Beaconryt - e: Special Beam Bolster - e: Sudan Black B - f: Société Belge de Biologie - f: Société Belge des Betons - f: Société des Brasseries de Bouaké - f: Société des Briqueterie et de Bois du Bandama - p: Sociedade Botanica do Brasil Sbb. d: Sitzungsberichte Sbb. 1: Sabbatum SBBA e: Scottish Boat Builders Association - e: Spanish-Barb Breeders Association Sb Bakteriofagiya R: Sbornik Bakteriofagiya (journ.) SBBAW d: Sitzungsberichte. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (journ.)

betriebliche Vorschlagwesen SBC e: Baptist College at Charleston - e: Saint Basils College - e: Saint Benedict College - e: Saint Bernard College - e: Santa Barbara - e: Save the Battlefield Coalition - e: School Broadcasting Council - e: Senate Budget Committee - e: Service Bureau Cooperation [or Corporation] - e: Shewback Cutting - e: Signal Book[s] Correct - e: Silicon Blue Cell - e: Simple Binary Computer - e: Simpson Bible College - e: Singapore Broadcasting Corporation - e: Single Board Computer - e: Single Burst Correcting [or Correction] - e: Small Bayonet Cap - e: Small Binary Computer - e: Small Business Centre - e: Small Business Computer - e: Small Business Council - e: Society of Business Communicators - e: Soleil-Babinet Compensator - e: Solid Bowl Centrifuge - e: Sonar Breakout Cable - e: Sonic Boom Committee - e: Southeastern Bible College - e: Southern Baptist College - e: Southern Building Code - e: Southwestern Bell Corporation - e: Space Bome Computer - e: Special Back Care - e: Speed Brake Command - e: Standard Boundary Condition - e: Standard Buried Circuit - e: Standard Buried Collector [method] - e: Standing Balance. Eyes Closed - e: Start Breguet Cruise - e: Statutes of British Columbia (joum.) - e: Steel-Bonded Carbide - e: Strict Bed Confinement


© K G - Saur. München

- e: Studies in Browning and His Circle (journ.) - e: Styrene Block Copolymer - e: Subtract Contents - e: Sue Bennett College - e: Summary Billing Card - e: Supercharge Boost Compensator - e: Surface Boundary Condition - e: Surinam Bauxite Company - e: Surrogates by Choice - e: Survey of Basic Competencies - e: Swedish Farmers Beet Growers Association - e: Sweet Briar College - e: Swiss Broadcasting Corporation - e: System Bus Controller - p: Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia SBC 3 e: Steerbear Cable 3 SBCA e: Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association - e: Scottish Building Contractors Association - e: Seat Belt Control Apparatus - e: Sensor-Based Control Adapter [or Adaptor] - e: Small Business Council of America - e: Soybean Council of America SBCABE e: Annual Symposium on Biomathematics and Computer Science in the Life Sciences. Abstracts (journ.) SBCBA e: Sounding Brass and the Conductor (journ.) SBCBC f: Société des Bitumes et Cut-backs du Cameroun SBCC e: Santa Barbara City College - e: Senate Bonding and Currency Committee - e: Separate Bias, Common Control - e: Southern Building Code Congress - f: Société Belge de Chimistes Cosmétologues SBCCA e: Still Bank Collectors Club of America SBCCI e: Southern Building Code Conference [or Congress], International SBCCM e: Schottky-barrier CCM SBCCOE e: State Board for Community College and Occupational Education SBCCPA p: Sociedade Brasileira de Criadores de Cäes Pastores Alemäes SB/CD e: Short Bed/Continuous Development SBCD e: School-Based Curriculum Development - e: Special Business and Contract Directories (joum.) - e: Subtract BCD Number - p: Campo Grande SBCE e: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering SBCED e: Scientific Bulletin. Canada Centre for Minerai and Energy Technology (journ.) Sb Cesk Akad Zemed c: Sbomik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelske (journ.) Sb Cesk Akad Zemed Ved c: Sbomik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved (journ.) Sb Cesk Akad Zemed Ved Lesn c: Sbomik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved. Lesnictvi (journ.) Sb Cesk Akad Zemed Ved Rada A c: Sbomik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved. Rada A (journ.) Sb Cesk Akad Zemed Ved Rada B c: Sbornik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved. Rada B (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SBEU Sb Cesk Akad Zemed Ved Rostl Vyr[oba] c: Sbornik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved. Rostlinna Vyroba (journ.) Sb Cesk Akad Zemed Ved Vet Med c: Sbornik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved. Veterinarni Medicina (journ.) Sb Cesk Akad Zemed Ved Zivocisna Vyroba c: Sbornik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved. Zivocisna Vyroba (journ.) SBCF e: Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida - e: Small Business Capital Fund - p: Belo Horizonte/Confins SBCG p: Campo Grande/Internacional SBCI p: Sociedade Brasileira de Cultura Inglèsa S.B.C. Ibero Line e: Spain-BritainContinent Container Line SBC[-]IC e: Standard Buried Collector Integrated Circuit SBCJ e: Store Block Control Journal SBCLS e: South Bay Cooperative Library System SBCNT e: Signal Band Threshold Crossing Unit SBCO e: Shipbuilding Company - p: Porto Alegre/Canoas SB Code e: Straight Binary Code SB Copolymers e: Styrene Butadiene Copolymers S B C O R P e: Shipbuilding Corporation S B C P e: Spanish Base Construction Program SBCPO e: Sick-Bay Chief Petty Officer SBCR e: State Board of Charities and Reform - p: Corumba/International SB[&]CR e: Stock Balance and Consumption Report SBCS e: Series Book Collectors Society - e: Shore-Based Correlation Subsystem SBCs e: Small Business Computers SBCS e: Steam Bypass Control System Sb Csl Akad Zemed Ved Rostlinna Vyroba c: Sbornik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved. Rada C. Rostlinna Vyroba (journ.) Sb Csl Akad Zemed Ved Zemed Ekon c: Sbornik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved. Rada B. Zemedelska Hkonomika (journ.) Sb Csl Akad Zemed Ved Ziv Vyroba c: Sbornik Ceskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskych Ved. Rada E. Zivocisna Vyroba (journ.) SBCT e: Schottky-Bamer Collector Transistor SBC technique e: Standard-BuriedCollector technique SBCU e: Sensor-Based Control Unit - e: Sensor Board Control Unit SBCUK e: School Broadcasting Council for the United Kingdom SBD d: Selbstbedienungsdrucker - d: Sende[hör]bezugsdämpfung - d: Systolischer Blutdruck - e: San Bernardino [Public Library] - e: Savings Bond Division - e: Schematic Block Diagram - e: Schottky-Barrier Diode - e: Single Button Dial - e: Space Business Daily (journ.) - e: Special Business Directories (journ.)

- e: Standard Bibliographic Description - e: Steel Beam Design - e: Strawboard - e: Structured Block Diagram - e: Subcontractor Bid Document - e: Sunbird Airlines, Inc. - e: Surface Barrier Detector - e: System Block Diagram - f: Société Belge de Démographie - f: Société des Bauxite de Dabola Sbd. d: Sammelband - d: Schmalband in der Frequenztechnik - d: Sonderband - d: Sonnabend SBD 3 e: Steerbear Drafting 3 SbDAWB d: Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (journ.) SBDAW[B] d: Sitzungsberichte. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse für Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst (journ.) SBDB e: Small Business Development Branch SBDC e: Shipbuilding and Drydock Company - e: Small Business Development Center - e: Small Business Development Corporation SBDCP e: Seaboard Corp. SBDET e: Switchboard Detachment SBDH p: Sociedade Brasileira de Discos Historicos J. Leon SBDI f: Société Belge de Droit International SBDL e: Solid Blank Delay Line SBDM e: School-Based Decision Making SBDO e: Space Business Development Operation Sb Dokl Gidrotekh Vses Nauchno Issled Inst Gidrotekh R: Sbornik Dokladov po Gidrotekhnike. Vsesoyuznyi NauchnoIssledovatel'skii Institut Gidrotekhniki (journ.) Sb Dokl Nauchn Stud Ova Kalinin Gos Pedagog Inst R: Sbornik Dokladov Nauchnogo Studencheskogo Obshchestva Kalininskii Gosudarstvennyi Pedagogicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Donetsk Nauchno Issled Ugoln Inst R: Sbornik Donetskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Ugol'nyi Institut (journ.) SBdSAdW d: Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (journ.) SBD System e: Standard Bibliographie Description System SBDT e: Schottky-Banier Diode Transistor - e: Surface Barrier Diffused Transistor SBD[-]TTL e: Schottky Barrier DiodeTransistor-Transistor Logic SBE d: Sonderberichterstatter - d: Sonderberichterstattung - e: S-Band Exciter - e: Sacred Books of the East (journ.) - e: Self Breast Examination - e: Shortness of Breath on Exertion - e: Simple Boolean Expression - e: Smoke, Base Ejection - e: Society for Business Ethics - e: Society of Broadcast Engineers - e: Society of Business Economists - e: Soft Boiled Egg[s] - e: Solar Beam Experiments] - e: Southwest Journal of Business and Economics (journ.) - e: Sporadic Bovine Encephalomyelitis - e: Standby Engine[s] - e: State Board of Education

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

- e: State Board of Equalization - e: Strategic Bomber Enhancement - e: Sub BIT [Binary Digit] Encoder - e: Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis - e: Supertwisted Birefringence Effect - e: System Buffer Element - f: Société Belge d'Ergologie - f: Société Belge des Électriciens - f: Société de Biologie Experimentale - p: Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia - s: Semana Biblica Espanola (journ.) SbE e: South by East s-b-e e: standby engine[s] SBEA e: Southern Business Education Association SBEC e: Single-Board Engine Controller SbEC e: Single b-adjacent Error Correcting SBEC Code e: Single Byte Error Correcting Code SBECP e: Small Business Equity Corporations Program SBED d: Systembedienung - e: Senal BIT [Binary Digit] Error Detector SBEE e: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering - f: Société Belge d'Études d'Expansion - f: Société Beninoise d'Électricité et d'Eau SBEED e: Storage Battery Electric Energy Demonstration SBEF r: Svenska Byggnadsentreprenörföreningen SBefrO d: Salzsteuer-Befreiungsordnung SBEI e: Starch-Branching Enzyme I S.-Beil. d: Sonderbeilage SBelEx f: Bulletin. Société Belge d'Etudes et d'Expansion (journ.) S Bell e: Bells House of Lords Scotch Appeal Cases (journ.) S-bend e: S-shaped bend Sb Ent Odd Nar Mus Praze c: Sbomik Entomologickeho Oddeleni Narodniho Musea v Praze (journ.) SBER e: Self-Balancing Electronics Recorder - e: Subbit Error Rate Sber d: Sitzungsbericht Sber Bayer Akad Wiss d: Sitzungsberichte. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München (journ.) Sber Dt Akad Landwwiss Berl d: Sitzungsberichte. Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften zu Berlin (journ.) Sber Ges Morph Physiol Muench d: Sitzungsberichte. Gesellschaft für Morphologie und Physiologie in München (journ.) Sber Ges Naturf Freunde Berl d: Sitzungsberichte. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (journ.) Sber K Böhm Ges Wiss d: Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (journ.) Sber K Preuß Akad Wiss d: Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (journ.) SBES e: S-Band Exciter System - e: Space-Based Experimental System SBesG d: Saarländisches Besoldungsgesetz SBEST d: Schwere Bestückung SBET e: Society of Biomedical Equipment Technicians - e: Society of British Esperantist Teachers SBETC e: Small Business Export Trade Corporation SBEU e: Singapore Bank Employees' Union


SBEUA SBEUA e: Small Business and Economic Utilization Advisor SBEV e: Space-Based Experimental Version SBF d: Schlagbiegefestigkeit - d: Schmalbandfilter - d: Schönebecker Brunnenfilter GmbH - d: Stufen-Betriebsfaktor - e: Scientific Balloon Facility - e: Serologic Blocking Factor - e: Short Backfire [Antenna] - e: Silicone Brake Fluid - e: Single Black Female - e: Small Bowel Factor - e: Society of Business Folk - e: Soy Base Formula - e: Splanchnic Blood Flow - e: Standby Flying - e: Stonebridge, Inc. - e: Surface Burst Fuze - e: Systemic Blood Flow - f: Société Burundaise de Financements - f: Société des Bourses Françaises - i: Salvo Buon Fine - i: Studii Biblici Franciscani. Liber Annuus (journ.) - p: Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica - p: Sociedade Brasileira de Floricultura - r: Svenska Bageriförbund - r: Svenska Bammorskeförbundet - r: Svenska Bergsmannaföreningen - r: Svenska Bibliotekariesamfundet - r: Svenska Brandförsvarsföreningen - r: Svenska Busstrafikförbundet - r: Sveriges Begravningsentreprenörers Förbund - r: Sveriges Bildelsgrossisters Förening - r: Sveriges Biografagareforbund - r: Sveriges Bryggmastare Förening SBf d: Standardbrief sbf f: sauf bonne fin SB[&]F e: Science Books and Films (journ.) S-Bf d: Stadtbahn-Bahnhof SBFA e: Set Back Front Axle - e: Small Business Foundation of America SBF Antenna e: Short Backfire Antenna Sb Faun Praci Ent Odd Nar Mus Praze c: Sbornik Faunistickych Praci Entomologickeho Oddeleni Narodniho Musea v Praze (journ.) SBFAW d: Sitzungsberichte. Finnische Akademie der Wissenschaften (journ.) SBFC e: Standby for Further Clearance SBFD e: Society of British Flight Directors SB[-]FET e: Schottky Barrier[-gate] Field Effect Transistor SBFH e: Side-Band Fresnel Holograms SBFI e: Specialised Banking Furniture International - e: Systemic Blood Flow Index SBFL e: Super Buffer FET [Field Effect Transistor] Logic SBFLA 1: Studii Biblici Franciscani. Liber Annuus (journ.) SBFM e: Silver-Band Frequency Modulation - f: Société Bretonne de Fonderie de Mécanique S.A. SBFRA d: Schriftenreihe. Bundesminister für Wissenschaftliche Forschung. Radionuklide (journ.) SBFS e: S-Band Exciter System SBFSDH e: Synopses of the British Fauna. New Series (journ.) SBFU e: Standby Filter Unit SBFV d: Schweizerischer Berufsfischerverband


SBG d: Saarländisches Beamtengesetz - d: Schnell-Brüter Kernkraftgesellschaft mbH - d: Schweizerische] Botanische Gesellschaft - d: Schweizerischer Berufsgärtnerverband - d: Schwerbeschädigtengesetz - d: Seeberufsgenossenschaft - d: Selenit-Brillantgriin - d: Staatsbibliothek Preußischer KulturbesitzGesamtkatalog und Dokumentation Berlin - d: Styrol-Butadien-Kautschuk - e: School Board Gazette (journ.) - e: Scottish Bus Group Ltd. - e: Selenite Brilliant Green - e: Smooth Bore Gun - e: Society of British Gas Industries - e: Southern Business Group - e: Standard Battery Grade - e: Starburst Galaxy - e: Strategie Bomber Group - f: Société Beige de Géologie - f: Universite de Sherbrooke, Publications Officielles - n: Stichting Bevordering Galvanotechniek - p: Sociedade Brasileira de Geología - r: Stichting Bevordering Galvanotechniek SbG d: Substantivgruppe Sbg r: Solvesborg SBGA e: Serum Beta-Glucuronidase Activity SBGE f: Société Beige de GastroEntérologie Sb Geol Ved Geol c: Sbornik Geologickych Ved. Geologie (joura.) Sb Geol Ved Hydrogeol Inz Geol c: Sbornik Geologickych Ved. Hydrogeologie, Inzenyrska, Geologie (journ.) Sb Geol Ved Loriskova Geol c: Sbomik Geologickych Ved. Loziskova Geologie (journ.) Sb Geol Ved Lozishova Geol Mineral c: Sbomik Geologickych Ved. Loziskova Geologie. Mineralogie (journ.) Sb Geol Ved Paleontol c: Sbornik Geologickych Ved. Paleontologie (journ.) Sb Geol Ved Rada Loziskova Geol c: Sbornik Geologickych Ved. Rada Loziskova Geologie (journ.) Sb Geol Ved Rada P Paleontol c: Sbomik Geologickych Ved. Rada P: Paleontologie (journ.) Sb Geol Ved Rada Uzita Geofyz c: Sbornik Geologickych Ved. Rada Uzita Geofyzika (journ.) Sb Geol Ved Tecbnol Geochem c: Sbomik Geologickych Ved. Technologie, Geochemie (joum.) Sb Geol Ved Uzita Geofyz c: Sbomik Geologickych Ved. Uzita Geofyzika (joum.) SBGFET e: Schottky-Barrier-Gate FieldEffect Transistor SBGGAK[OP]R d: Sitzungsberichte. Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Altertumskunde der Ostseeprovinzen Rußlands (joum.) SBG GEDD e: Schottky-Barrier-Gate GunnEffect Digital-Device SBGI e: Society of [the] British Gas Industries SBGL p: Rio De Janeiro/Internacional Galeao SBGM p: Guajara-Mirim SBGMA d: Sitzungsberichte. Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Gesamten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg (joum.) SBGMS e: Shipbuilders, Boiler and Gasometer Makers Society © K G - Saur, München

SBGP e: Strategie Bomber Group - p: Campos/Plataforma PNA-1 SBGR p: Sao Paulo/Intemacional Guarulhos Sb Grozn Neft Inst R: Sbornik Groznenskii Neftyanoi Institut (journ.) SBGS p: Ponta Grossa SBGT[S] e: Standby Gas Treatment [System] SBGW d: Städtische Büchereien der Gemeinde Wien SBH d: Säure[n]-Basen-Haushalt - e: Schottky Barrier Height - e: Scottish Board of Health - e: Sea Blue Histiocytosis - e: Sequencing by Hybridization - e: Sodium Borohydride - e: Southern Blot Hybridization - e: Soybean Hemagglutinin - e: Spanning Bus Hypercube - e: State Board of Health - e: State University of New York, Health Sciences Library, Buffalo - e: Strip-Buried Heterostructure - e: Sumerisch-Babylonische Hymnen (journ.) - e: Sun Below Horizon - e: Supermassive Black Hole - e: Switch Busy Hour - n: Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek SBH 3 e: Steerbear Hull 3 SBHAD7 e: Social Biology and Human Affairs (journ.) SBHAW d: Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (journ.) SBHC e: Speed Brake Hand Control - e: Studies in Browning and His Circle (journ.) SBHD e: Subtrahend SBHED p: Sociedade Brasileira de Herbicides e Ervas Daninhas SB Heidelberg d: Sitzungsberichte. Heidelberg Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse (joum.) SBHEU e: Singapore Business Houses Employees Union Sbhf d: Sammelbahnhof - d: Schnellbahnhof SBHLA d: Schweizerische Blätter für Heizung und Lüftung (journ.) SBHO f: Société des Brasseries du Haut-Ogooué SBHRAL e: Biometrie Humaine (joum.) SBHRG e: Space-Based Hypervelocity Rail Gun SBHS e: Strict Baptist Historical Society SBH 3 Subset e: Steerbear Hull Subset SBHT e: Studies in Burke and His Time (journ.) SBI d: Sojabohneninhibitor - d: System zur Bestandsführung mit Inventurkontrolle - e: Columbia Bible College - e: Sabine Pass - e: Santa Barbara Island - e: Satellite-Bome Instrumentation - e: Scientific Bureau of Investigation - e: Security Bureau Incorporated - e: Serial Bus Interface - e: Shared Bibliographie Input - e: Ship & Boat International (joum.) - e: Shriners Burn Institute - e: Signal Band Interface - e: Significant Business Issue - e: Single Bit Generator - e: Single Byte Interleaved - e: Small Business Institute - e: Society for Business Information - e: Soil Brightness Index

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SBM - e: Somerville Belkin Industries Ltd. - e: Southern Burn Institute - e: Soviet Bureau of Information - e: Soybean Inhibitor - e: Space-Based Interceptor - e: Special Background Investigation - e: Static Burn-In - e: Steel Boiler Institute - e: Sun Belt Institute - e: Synchronous Backplane Interconnect - e: Synfuels Bibliography and Index (journ.) - f: Société Belge d'Investissement International - f: Société des Bois Ivoiriens - i: Società Botanica Italiana - r: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut - r: Sveriges Bokbinderiföreningen Sbi. d: Sandbirke SBIA e: Small Business Innovation Development Act - e: Spa Bath Industry of Australia - f: Société Belge des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile SBIBD e: Symmetrical Balanced Incomplete Block Designs SBibl d: Senatsbibliothek SBIC e: Small Business Investment Companies [or Company] SBIE e: Shared Bibliographic Input Experiment SBIF e: Silver Bowl Inside Frosted - r: Svenka Byggnads-industriförbundet SBIG e: Small Business Investment Grant SBILS e: Scanning Beam Instrument Landing System SbIMG d: Sammelbände der Internationalen Musik-Gesellschaft SBI MOS e: Silicon Bipolar-MOS. SBIN e: Fort Battieford National Historie Park Sb Inf Obogashch Briket Ugle R: Sbornik Informatsii po Obogashcheniyu i Briketirovaniyu Uglei (journ.) Sb Inst Fiz Akad Nauk Cruz SSR R: Sbomik. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut Fiziki. Akademiya Nauk Gnlzinskoj SSR (journ.) Sb Inst Neorg Khim Elektrokhim Akad Nauk Gruz SSR R: Sbornik Institut Neorganicheskoi Khimii i Elektrokhimii Akademiya Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR (journ.) SBIO e: Synbiotics Corp. SBIP e: Small Business Intern Program SBIR e: Small Business Innovation [or Innovative] Research Program - e: Storage Bus in Register SBIS e: Satellite-Based Interceptor System[s] - e: Small Business Information Service SBIT e: Southern Baptist Institute of Technology - f: Société Belge des Ingénieurs Techniciens - p: Itumbiara/Hidroelectrica SBITE f: Société Belge des Ingenieurs des Telecommunications et d'Electronique SBITP e: Small Business Industry Technology Program SBIZ e: Hawkeye Entertainment, Inc. SBiz i: Studi Bizantini (journ.) SBJ e: Schottky Barrier Junction - e: Solberg - e: Subjunctive Sb Jihoceskeho Muz Cesk Budejovicich Prir Vedy c: Sbornik Jihoceskeho Muzea v Ceskych Budejovicich Prirodni Vedy (journ.)

SBK d: Schlußbilanzkonto - d: Schnell-Briiter-Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft - d: Schweizer Berufsverband der Krankenschwestern und Krankenpfleger - d: Schweizerische Beleuchtungskommission - d: Schweizerisches Beleuchtungskomitee - d: Seenotbereichskommando - d: Seidenbaumwollkabel - d: Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse - d: Spezialbaukombinat - d: Styrol-Butadien-Kautschuk - e: Sinclair-Baker-Kellogg - e: Single-Beam Klystron - e: Society for Behavioral Kinesiology - e: Softwood Bleached Kraft - e: South Brooklyn Railway Co. - e: Subangular Blocky Soil - e: System Builder Kit - f: St. Brieuc - f: Universite de Sherbrooke, Bibliotheque Sb Karantinu Rast r: Sbornik po Karantinu Rastenii (journ.) SBKAWB d: Sitzungsberichte der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin (journ.) SBKAW[W] d: Sitzungsberichte. Kaiserlich-Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien (journ.) SBKEW[S] e: Space-Based Kinetic Energy Weapon System SBKKV e: Space Based Kinetic Kill Vehicle Sb Klubu Prirodored Brno c: Sbornik Klubu Prirodovedeckeho v Brno (journ.) SBKMAL R: Sbornik Trudov Byuro Glavnoi Sudebnomeditsinskoi Ekspertizy i Kafedry Sudebnoi Meditsiny Erevanskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) SBKP p: Sao Paulo Sb Kratk Soobshch Fiz AN SSSR Fiz Inst P N Lebedeva R: Sbornik Kratkie Soobshcheniya po Fizike. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Fizicheskii Institut Imeni P. N. Lebedeva (journ.) Sb Kratk Soobshch Kazan Univ Bot Pochroved R: Sbornik Kratkikh Soobshchenii Kazanskogo Universiteta Botanika i Pochvovedenie (journ.) Sb Kratk Soobshch Kazan Univ Zool R: Sbornik Kratkikh Soobshchenii Kazanskogo Universiteta po Zoologii (journ.) SBKV e: Space Based Kill Vehicle SBL a: Skibsbyggerienes Lansforening - d: Stadtbetriebe Linz - d: Super Einspritzung - e: Sealed Beam Lamp - e: Serrated Black Letters - e: Society of Biblical Literature - e: Soybean Lecithin - e: Space-Based Laser - e: Sporadic Burkitt's Lymphoma - e: Staphylococcal Bacteriophage Lysate - e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Law Library - e: Strong Black Liquor - e: Structure Building Language - e: Studies in Black Literature (journ.) - e: Styrene-Butadiene Latexes - e: Surface Boundary Layer - F: Suomen Bensiinikauppiaitten Liitto Sbi p: Setubal SBI. d: Sammelblatt Sbl. d: Sonderblatt SBLA e: Shore-Based Landing Aids - e: Small Business Loans Act SB-Laden d: Selbstbedienungsladen

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

® K • G • Saur, Munich

SB-Lager d: Schwimmbuchsenlager SBLAL e: Sea Bed Linear Accelerator SBLAM f: Syndicat Belge de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne SBLAT e: Sea Bed Linear Accelerator Tektite SBLC e: Shallow Bed Liquid Chromatography - e: Small Business Legislative Council - e: Standby Liquid Control SBLE e: Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis SBLEA c: Sbornik Lekarsky (journ.) SB [Leipzig] d: Sitzungsberichte. Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften [Leipzig] (journ.) Sb Lek[ar] c: Sbornik Lekarsky (journ.) Sb Leningr Elekho Mekh Inst R: Sbornik Leningradskogo Elektro-Mekhanicheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Leningr Inst Inzh Zheleznodorozhn Transp R: Sbornik Leningradskogo Instituta Inzhenerov Zheleznodorozhnogo Transporta (journ.) SBLG e: Small Blast Load Generator SBLI e: Savings Bank Life Insurance - e: Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute - e: Staff Builders, Inc. SBLMC e: Styrene Butadiene Latex Manufacturers Council SBLO e: Strong Black Liquor Oxidation SBLOCA e: Small-Break Loss of Coolant Accident S-Block d: Steuerblock [mit Folgenummer] SBLP e: Simplified Bank Loan Participation Plan SBLP Plan e: Simplified Bank Loan Participation Plan SBLR e: State Board of Labor Relations SBLS e: Spaceborne Laser Ranging SBLSA e: Small Business and Labor Surplus Advisor SBL Sem Pap e: Society of Biblical Literature. Seminar Papers (journ.) SBM d: Sonderbetriebsmittel - d: Staatliche Bernstein-Manufaktur - d: Stuttgarter Biblische Monographien (journ.) - e: College of Charleston - e: School-Based Model - e: School in Basic Management - e: Science-by-Mail - e: Separate Bombardment Mode - e: Shadow Burst Munition - e: Shared Buffer Memory - e: Sheboygan - e: Single Black Male - e: Single-Buoy Mooring - e: Small Business Machines - e: Society of Behavioral Medicine - e: Soyabean Meal - e: Space Block Map - e: Speed-O-Print Business Machines Corp. - e: St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico - e: Submerge - e: Submersible - e: Submission - e: Submit - e: Substract Magnitude - e: Substract Memory - e: Successful Backward set up information Message - e: System Balance Measure - e: Syton-Bromine-Methanol - f: Société Belge des Mécaniciens - f: Société Brazzavilloise de Magásins - f: Société de Biologie de Montréal 281

SBMA - f: Société des Bains de Mer - s: Sociedad Botânica de México SBMA e: Santa Barbara Museum of Art - e: Service Business Marketing Association - e: SINS [Ship lnertial Navigational System] Bedplate Mirror Assembly - e: Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy - e: Steel Bar Manufacturers Association - e: Steel Bar Mills Association - f: Société Belge de Matériel Automobile SBMAC p: Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional Sb Masaryk Akad Pr c: Sbomik Masarykovy Akademie Prace (journ.) Sb Mater Anapskoi Opytn Stn Nauchno Proizvodstvennoi Konf R: Sbomik Materialov Anapskoi Opytnoi Stantsii k Nauchno Proizvodstvennoi Konferentsii (journ.) Sb Mater Avtom Proizvod Protsessov Dispetcher R: Sbomik Materialov po Avtomatizatsii Proizvodstvennykh Protsessov i Dispetcherizatsii (journ.) Sb Mater Gorn Delu Obogashch Metall R: Sbomik Materialov po Gornomu Delu Obogashcheniyu i Metallurg» (journ.) Sb Mater Vak Tekh R: Sbomik Materialov po Vakuumnoi Tekhnike (journ.) Sb Maz Anhropol Etnogr R: Sbornik Muzeja Antropologii i Etnografii (journ.) SBMD e: Stochastic Boundary Molecular Dynamics SBMDL e: Submodel SBME e: Society of Business Magazine Editors - e: State Board of Medical Examiners - f: Société Belge de Microscopie Electronique SBMEA e: Space Biology and Medicine (journ.) SBMF e: Santa Barbara Mariculture Foundation SBMI e: School Bus Manufacturers Institute - f: Société Belge de Médicine Interne Sb Mikroelementy i Produktivn Rast R: Sbornik Mikroelementy i Produktivnost Rastenii (journ.) SBMIS e: Steerbear Management Information Systems SBMK p: Montes Clams SBML e: Signal Band Energy in Mainlobe - e: Smooth Bore Muzzle Loading SBMLCNT e: Signal Band Energy in Mainlobe Count SBMNH e: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History SBMO p: Maceio/Palmares - p: Sociedade Brasileira de Microondas Sb Mosk Inst Stali Splavov R: Sbornik Moskovskii Institut Stali Splavov (journ.) SBMPL e: Simultaneous Binaural Mid-Plane Localization SBMQ p: Macapa/Intemacional SBMV d: Southern-Bean-Mosaic-Virus - e: Southern Heart Mosaic Virus - p: Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria SBMV-B e: Southern Bean Mosaic Virus-Strain B SBMV-C e: Southern Bean Mosaic Virus-Cowpea Strain SBMZ p: Porto De Moz

SBN d: Schweizerischer Bund für Naturschutz - d: Standard-Buchnummer - d: Strontium-Barium-Niobat - e: Buffalo Narrows Public Library, Saskatchewan - e: Scrip. Leader in World Pharmaceutical News (journ.) - e: Sheridan Broadcasting Network - e: Single Breath Nitrogen - e: Sino Business Machine - e: Small Business Network - e: South Bend, Indiana - e: Spacebome - e: Standard Book Numbering] - e: Strong Base Number - e: Strontium Barium Niobate {or Niobidium] [Sr,Ba]NbjOó - e: Suburban Airlines - e: Sunbelt Nursery Group, Inc. - i: Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici (journ.) SBNA e: Standard Book Numbering Agency Sb Nar Mus Praze Rada B Prir Vedy c: Sbomik Narodniho Muzea v Praze. Rada B: Prirodni Vedy (journ.) Sb Nauchni Tr c: Sbomik Nauchni Trudove (journ.) Sb Nauchno Issled Inst Gidrometeorol Priborostr R: Sbomik Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Gidrometeorologicheskogo Priborostroeniya (journ.) Sb Nauchno Issled Inst Osn Podzemn Sooruzh R: Sbomik Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Osnovanii i Podzemnykh Sooruzhenii (joum.) Sb Nauchno-Issled Rab Adygeisk Oblast Opyt Sta R: Sbomik Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Rabot Adygeikaya Oblast Opytnaya Stantsiya (joum.) Sb Nauchno Issled Rab Aspir Aitai Skh Inst R: Sbomik Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Rabot Aspirantov. Altaiskii Sel'skokhozyaistvennyi Institut (joum.) Sb Nauchno-Issled Rab Aspir Molodykh Uch Altai Skh Inst R: Sbomik NauchnoIssledovatel'skikh Rabot Aspirantov i Molodykh Uchenykh. Altaiskii Sel'skokhozyaistvennyi Institut (joum.) Sb Nauchno-Issled Rab Azovo-Chernomorsk S-Kh Inst R: Sbomik NauchnoIssledovatel'ski Rabot Azovo-Chemomorskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchno-Issled Rab Gor'k Obi Opytn Stn Zhivotnovod R: Sbomik NauchnoIssledovatel'skikh Rabot Gor'kovskoi Oblastnoi Opytnoi Stantsii Zhivotnovodstva (joum.) Sb Nauchno-Issled Rab Orlov Gos Sel'Khoz Opyt Sta R: Sbomik NauchnoIssledovatel'skikh Rabot Orlovskoi Gosudarstvennoi Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Opytnoi Stantsii (joum.) Sb Nauchno-Issled Rab Pchel R: Sbomik Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Rabot po Pchelovodstvu (joum.) Sb Nauchno Issled Rab Tashk Tekst Inst R: Sbomik Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Rabot Tashkentskogo Tekstil'nogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchno-Issled Rab Vses NauchnoIssled Inst Tab Makhorki R: Sbomik Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Rabot Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Tabaka i Makhorki (joum.)


© K • G • Saur, München

Sb Nauchno Issled Tr Mosk Tekst Inst R: Sbornik Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Trudov Moskovskii Tekstil'nyi Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Angar Nauchno-Issled Inst Gig Tr Prof Zabol R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Angarskogo NauchnoIssledovatel'skogo Instituta Gigieny Truda i Professional'nykh Zabolevanii (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Aspir Kabard Baikar Gos Univ R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Aspirantov Kabardino-Balkarskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Aspir Vorooezh Gos Univ R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Aspirantov Voronezhskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Aspir Vses Nauchno Issled Inst Khlopkovod R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Aspirantov Vsesoyuznyi NauchnoIssledovatel'skii Institut Khlopkovodstva (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Beloruss Nauchno-Issled Kozhnovenerol Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Belorusskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Kozhnovenerologicheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Beloruss Tehhnol Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Belorusskii Tekhnologicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Checheno Ingush Nauchno Issled Vet Stn R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Checheno-lngushskoi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skoi Veterinamoi Stantsii (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Dal'nevost Nauchno Issled Inst Stroit R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Dal'nevostochnyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut po Stroitel'stvu (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Dnepropetr Gos Med Ins R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Dnepropetrovskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Izhevsk Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Izhevskii Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Kazan Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Khar'k Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Khar'kovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Khar'k Inst Mekh Sots Sel'sk Khoz R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Khar'kovskii Institut Mekhanizatsii Sotsialisticheskogo Sel'skogo Khozyaistva (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Khar'k Nauchno-Issled Inst Vaktsin Syvorot R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Khar'kovskogo Nauchn-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Vaktsin i Syvorotok (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Kiev Voen Gosp R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Kievskii Voennyi Gospital (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Kirg Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Kirgizskii Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Kirg Nauchno Issled Inst Okhr Materin Det R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Kirgizskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Okhrany Materinstva i Detstva (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Sb Nauchn Tr Bashk Gos Med Inst Sb Nauchn Rab Kirg Nauchno-Issled Inst Taberk R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Kirgizskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituía Tuberkuleza (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Krasnoyarsk Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Krasnoyarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Kurgan Gos S-Kh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Kurganskii Gosudarstvennyi Sel'skokhozyaistvennyi Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Leniagr Khim-Farm Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Leningradskogo Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Leningr Gos Inst Usoversh Vrachei R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Leningradskii Gosudarstvennyi Institut Usovershenstvovaniya Vrachei (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Leningr Inst Sov Torg R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Leningradskii Institut Sovetskoi Torgovli (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Leningr Nauchno Issled Inst Antibiot R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Leningradskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Antibiotikov (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Minsk Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Minskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Murm Olenevodcheskaya Opytn Stn R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Murmanskaya Olenevodcheskaya Opytnaya Stantsiya (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Nauchno-Issled Inst Sadov Im I V Michurina R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Sadov Imeni I. V. Michurina (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Novosib Nauchno Issled Vet Stn R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Novosibirskoi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skoi Veterinarnoi Stantsii (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Rizh Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Rizhskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Rostov Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Rostovskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Ryazan S-Kh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Ryazanskii Sel'skokhozyaistvennyi Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Sarat Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Saratovskii Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Sib Zon Nauchno-Issled Vet Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Sibirskogo Zonal'nogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Veterinarnogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Stud Erevan Gos Univ R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Studentov Erevanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Stud Ivanov Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnyk Rabot Studentov Ivanovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Stud Karelo Fin Gos Univ R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Studentov Karelo-Finskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Stud Kirg Gos Univ R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Studentov Kirgizskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet (journ.)

Sb Nauchn Rab Stud Leningr Gorn Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Studentov Leningradskogo Gornogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Stud Petrozavodsk Gos Univ R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Studentov Petrozavodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Stud Sarat Zootekh Vet Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Studentov Saratovskii Zootekhnichesko-Veterinarnyi Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Stud Stalingr S-Kh Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Studentov Stalingradskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Rab Sverdl Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Sverdlovskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Sverdl Otd Vses O-Va Anat Gistol Embriol R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Sverdlovskogo Otdeleniya Vsesoyuznogo Obshchestva Anatomov, Gistologov, i Embnologov (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Tsentr Nauchno-Issled Lab Rostov Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Tsentral'naya NauchnoIssledovatel'skaya Laboratoriya Rostov'skogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Ukr Nauchno Issled Inst Sadovod R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Ukrainskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Sadovodstva (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Voen-Med Fak Kuibyshev Med Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Voenno-Meditsinskogo Fakul'teta Kuibyshevskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Volgogr Gos Med Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Volgogradskoi Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Volgogr Med Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Volgogradskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Volgogr Obl Klin Boln R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Volgogradskoi Oblastnoi Klinicheskoi Bol'nitsy (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Volgogr Pedagog Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Volgogradskogo Pedagogicheskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Vses Nauchno-Issled Inst Lek Rast R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Lekarstvennykh Rastenii (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Vses Nauchno-Issled Inst Sadovod R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Sadovodstva (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Vses Nauchno-Issled Inst Zhivotnovod R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Zhivotnovodstva (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Yarosl Gorzdravotd[ela] R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Yaroslavskogo Gorsdravotdela (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Yarosl Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Yaroslavskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Rab Zaochn Inst Sov Torg R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Rabot Zaochnyi Institut Sovetskoi Torgovli (joum.) Sb Nauchn Soobsbch Kafedry Org Fizk Khim Dagest Gos Univ R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Soobshchenii Kafedry Organicheskoi i Fizkolloidnoi Khimii Dagestanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G ' Saur, Munich

Sb Nauchn Soobsc Dagestan Gos Univ R: Sbornik Naucnyh Soobscenii Dagestanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Imeni V. I. Lenlna (joum.) Sb Nauchn Soobshch Dagest Gos Univ Kafedra Khim R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Soobshchenii Dagestanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Kafedra Khimii (journ.) Sb Nauchn Soobshch Dagest Otd Vses Bot Ova R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Soobshchenii Dagestanskogo Otdela Vsesoyuznogo Botanicheskogo Obshchestva (journ.) Sb Nauchn Soobshch Estest Tekh Nauk Dagest Univ R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Soobshchenii Estestvennykh i Tekhnicheskikh Nauk Dagestanskogo Universitet (journ.) Sb Nauchn Soobshch Kafedry Zool Biol Khim Dagest Univ R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Soobshchenii Kafedry Zoologii Biologii Khimii Dagestanskogo Universiteta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Soobshch Sarat Avtomob Dorozhn Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Soobshchenii Saratovskii Avtomobil'no Dorozhnyi Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Statei Vinnitsk Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Statei Vinnitskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Stud Ova Geol Fak Mosk Gos Uni R: Sbornik Nauchnogo Studencheskogo Obshchestva Geologicheskii Fakul'tet Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet (journ.) Sb Nauchn Stud Rab Sarat Zoovetinst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Studencheskikh Rabot Saratovskogo Zoovetinstituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Andizh Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Andizhanskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Andizh Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Andizhanskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Arm Gos Pedagog Inst Ser Fiz Mat R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Armyanskii Gosudarstvennyi Pedagogicheskii Institut. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskaya (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Arm Gos Zaochn Pedagog Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Gosudarstvennogo Zaochnogo Pedagogicheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Arm Otd Vses Bot Ova R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Armyanskogo Otdelnykh Vsesoyuznogo Botanicheskoi Obshchestva (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Arm S-Kh Ins R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Armyanskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Azerb Nauchno Issled Inst Gematol Pereliv Krovi R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Azerbaidzhanskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Azerb Nauchno-Issled Inst Perel[iv] Krovi R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Azerbaidzhanskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Perelivaniya Krovi (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Bashk Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Bashkirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.)


Sb Nauchn Tr Bashk Med Inst Sb Nauchn T r Bashk Med Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Bashkirskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Bashk Nauchno-Issled Trakhomatoznogo Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Bashkirskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Trakhomatoznogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Beloruss Inst Mekh Selsk Khoz R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Belorusskii Institut Mekhanizatsii Sel'skogo Khozyaistva (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Beloruss Lesotekh Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Belorusskogo Lesotekhnieheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Beloruss Nauchno-Issled Inst Pochvoved Agrokhim R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Belorusskii NauchnoIssledovatel'skii Institut Pochvovedeniya i Agrokhimii (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Beloruss Nauchno-Issled Inst Zemled R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Belorusskii Nauchno-Issledovatet'skii Institut Zemledeliya (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Beloruss Nauchno Issled Kozhno Venerol Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Belorusskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Kozhno-Venerologicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Beloruss S-Kh Akad R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Belorusskoi Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Akademii (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Beorass Politekh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Belorusskii Politekhnicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Chelyab Nauchno Issled Inst Gorn Delà R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Chelyabinskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Gornogo Delà (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Chelyab Politekh Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Chelyabinskii Politekhnicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Chuv Nauchno-Issled Trakhomatoznogo Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Chuvashskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Trakhomatoznogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Cos Nauchno Issled Inst Keramzitu R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Gosudarstvennyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut po Keramzitu (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Dagest Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Dagestanskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Inshtut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Dnepropetr Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Dnepropetrovskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (Journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Dnepropetr Inzh Stroit Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Dnepropetrovskii Inzhenerno-Stroitel'nyi Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Donskogo S-Kh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Donskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Erevan Arm Gos Pedagog Inst Khim R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Erevanskii Armyanskii Gosudarstvennyi Pedagogicheskii Institut. Khimiya (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Erevan Politekh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Erevanskii Politekhnicheskii Institut [Armenian SSR] (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Est S-Kb Akad R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Estonskaya Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Akademiya (journ.)

Sb Nauchn Tr Fiz Tekh Inst Akad Nauk B SSR R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Institut Akademiya Nauk Belorusskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Fiz Tekh Inst NizkTemp Akad Nauk Ukr SSR R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Institut Nizkikh Temperatur Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR [Ukrainian SSR] (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Gazov Khroniatogr R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov po Gazovoi Khromatografii (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Ghit Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Tnldov Chitinskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Glavgeologü Uzb SSR Tashk Politekh Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Glavgeologii Uzbekskoi SSR i Tashkentskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Gos Nauchno Issled Inst Elektrodnoi Promsti R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Gosudarstvennyi NauchnoIssledovatel'skii Institut Elektrodnoi Promyshlennosti (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Gos Nauchno Issled Inst Keram Promsh R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Gosudarstvennyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Keramicheskoi Promyshlennosti (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Gos Nauchno-Issled Inst Tsvetn Met R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Gosudarstvennogo NauchnoIssledovatel'skogo Instituta Tsvetnykh Metallov (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Gos Nauchno Issled Proektn Inst Metall Promsti R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Gosudarstvennyi NauchnoIssledovatel'skii Proektnyi Institut Metallurgicheskoi Promyshlennosti (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Grodn Skh Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Grodnenskii Sel'skokhozyaistvennyi Institut (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Inst Biol Akad Nauk BSSR R: Sbomik Nauchnykh rudov Institut Biologii Akademiya Nauk Belorusskoi SSR (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Inst Geol Geofiz Akad Nauk Uzb SSR R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki Akadeii Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Inst Melior Vodn Bolotnogo Khoz Akad Nauk BSSR R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Instituta Melioratsii Vodnogo i Bolotnogo Khozyaistva Akademiya Nauk Belorusskoi SSR (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Inst Metallofiz Akad Ukr SSR R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Instituta Metallofiziki Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR [Ukrainian SSR] (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Inst Tsvetn Met R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Institut Tsvetnykh Metallov (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Irkutsk Gos Nauchno-Issled Inst Redk Met R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Irkutskii Gosudarstvennyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Redkikh Metallov (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Ivanov Energ Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Ivanovskogo Energeticheskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Ivanov Gos Med Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Ivanovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.)


© K * G * Saur, München

Sb Nauchn Tr Ivanov Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Ivanovskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn T r Ivanov S-Kh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Ivanovskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kalinin Gos Skh Opytn Stant R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Kalinin Gos Skh Opytn Stant Sb Nauchn Tr Kar'k Gos Med Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Khar'kovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kaz Gorno-Metall Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Kazakhskii Gorno-Metallurgicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kaz Politekh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Kazakhskii Politekhnicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Khar'k Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Khar'kavskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Khar'k Skh Inst Im V V Dokuchaeva R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Khar'kovskii Sel'skokhozyaistvennyi Institut Imeni V. V. Dokuchaeva (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kiev Inst Inzh Grazhd Aviats R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Kievskogo Instituta Inzhenerov Grazhdanskoi Aviatsii [Ukrainian SSR] (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kiev Inzh Shoit Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Kievskogo Inzhenemo-Stroitel'nogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Krivorozh Gornorudn Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Krivorozhskii Gornorudnyi Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Krym Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Krymskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kuibysher Inzh Stroit Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Kuibyshevskii Inzhenerno-Stroitel'nyi Institut (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kuibysher Nauchno Issled Inst Epidemiol Gig R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Kuibyshevskogo NauchnoIssledovatel'skogo Instituta Epidemiologii i Gigieny (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kuibyshev Ind Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Kuibyshevskii Industrial'nyi Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn T r Kuibyshev Nauchno Issled Inst Gig R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Kuibyshevskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Gigeny (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kuibyshev Nauchno Issled Vet Stn R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Kuibyshevskoi Nauchno-Issledovatel'noi Veterinarnoi Stantsii (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Kuzbasskii Politekh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Kuzbasskii Politekhnicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Farm Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskii Farmatsevticheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Inst Sov Torg R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskii Institut Sovetskoi Torgovli (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Inst Tochn Mekh Opt R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskii Institut Tochnoi Mekhaniki i Optiki (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Inst Usoversh Vet Vrachei R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskogo Instituta Usovershenstvovaniya Veterinarnykh Vrachei (joum.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Sb Nauchn Yrachei Kabard Balkarii Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Inst Usoversh Vrachei R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskogo Instituta Usovershenstvovaniya Vrachei (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Inzh-Stroit Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskii Inzhenemo-Stroitel'nyi Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Khim Farm Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskii Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Nauchno Issled Inst Antibiot R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Antibiotikov (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Nauchno Issled Inst Lesn Khoz R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Lesnogo Khozyaistva (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Nauchno-Issled Inst Pereliv Krovi R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Perelivanya Krovi (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Leningr Voen Mekh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Leningradskii Voenno-Mekhanicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Lugansk S-Kh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Luganskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr L'vov Nauchn Ovo Derm Venerol R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov L'vovskoe Nauchnoe Obshchestvo Dermato-Venerologov (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Magnitogorsk Gornometall Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Magnitogorskii Gomometallurgicheskii Institut [USSR] (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Minsk Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Minskii Gosudantvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Mogilev Obl Gos Skb Opytn Stn R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Mogilevskaya Oblastnaya Gosudarstvennaya Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Opytnaya Stantsiya (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Morfol Kafedry Bashk Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trusdav Morfologicheskoi Kafedry Bashkirskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Mosk Gorn Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Moskovskogo Gornogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Mosk Inst Tsvetn Met Zolota R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Moskovskü Institut Tsvetnykh Metallov i Zolota (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Mosk Nauchno Issled Inst Gig Im F F Erismana R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Moskovskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Gigieny Imeni F. F. Erismana (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Mosk Poligr Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Moskovskii Poligraficheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Mosk Tekhnol Inst Pishch Promsti R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Moskovskii Tekhnologicheskii Institut Pishchevoi Promyshlennosti (journ.)

Sb Nauchn Tr Nauchno-Issled Inst Pereliv Krovi Arm SSR R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi Armyanskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Nauchno-Issled Inst Zemled Echmiadzin [Arm SSR] R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Zemledeliya Echmiadzin [Armenian SSR] (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Permsk Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Permskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Permsk Gos Skh Opytn Stn R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Permskaya Gosudarstvennaya Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Opytnaya Stantsiya (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Permsk Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Permskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Permsk Politekh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Permskij Politekhnicheskij Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Primorsk SKh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Primorskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Rostov Donu Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Rostovskogo-Na-Donu Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Rostov Nauchno-Issled Inst Akad Kommunaln Khoz R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Rostovskii NauchnoIssledovatel'skii Institut Akademii Kommunal'nogo Khozyaistva (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Ryazan Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Ryazanskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Ryazan S-Kh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Ryazanskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Samark Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Samarkandskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Sanit Tekh R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov po Sanitamoi Tekhnike (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Sev-Oset Gos Med Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov SeveroOsetinskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Stalinskii Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Stalinskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Sverdl Fil Mosk Inst Nar Khoz R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Sverdlovskii Filial Moskovskogo Instituta Narodnogo Khozyaistva (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Tashk Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Tashkentskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Tashk Gos Univ R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Tashkentskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Teploobmenu Gidrodin R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov po Teploobmenu i Gidrodinamike (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Tomsk Inzh Stroit Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Tomskii Inzhenemo-Stroitel'nyi Inslitut [USSR] (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

Sb Nauchn Tr Tsentr Aptechn NauchnoIssled Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Tsentral'nogo Aptechnogo Nauchno-Issledovate'skogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Ukr Nauchno-Issled Inst Ogneuporov R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Ukrainskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Ogneuporov [Ukrainian SSR] (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Ukr Nauchno Issled Inst Solyanoi Promsti R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Ukrainskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Solyanoi Promyshlennosti (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Vinnitsk Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vinnitskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Vitebsh Gos Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vitebskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Vitebsk Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vitebskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Vladimir Vech Politekh Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vladimirskii Vechemii Politekhnicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Vladivost Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vladivostokskii Meditsinskii Institut (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr VNII Monokrist R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov VNII Monokristallov (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Voen Med Fak Sarat Medinst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Voenno-Meditsinsii Fakul'tet Saratovskom Medinstitut (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Voronezh Inzh Stroit Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Voronezhskii Inzhenemo-Stroitel'nyi Institut (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Vses Nauchno-Issled Gorno-Metall Inst Tsvetfn] Met R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Gorno-Metallurgiceskogo Instituta Tsvetnykh Metallov [USSR] (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Vses Nauchno Issled Inst Gidrogeol Inzh Geo R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Gidrogeologii i Inzhenemoi Geologii (joum.) Sb Nauchn Tr Vses Nauchno Issled Inst Metall Teplotekh R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Metallurgicheskoi Teplotekhniki (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Vses Sei Genet Inst R: Sbomik Nauchnykh Trudov Vsesoyuznogo Selektsionno-Geneticheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Zaochn Inst Sov Torg R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Zaochnyi Institut Sovetskoi Torgovli (journ.) Sb Nauchn Tr Zhdan Metall Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Zhdanovskogo Metallurgicheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Nauchn Voen-Med Fak Kuibyshev Med Inst R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Voenno-Meditsinskogo Fakul'teta Kuibyshevskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta [USSR] (journ.) Sb Nauchn Vrachei Kabard Balkarii R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Vrachei Kabardino Balkarii (journ.)


Sb Naucho Rab Inst Melior Vodn Bolot-nogo Khoz Akad Nauk BSSR Sb Naucho Rab Inst Melior Vodn Bolotnogo Khoz Akad Nauk BSSR R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Instituía Melioratsii. Vodnogo i Bolotnogo Khozyaistva. Akademiya Nauk Belorusskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Nauch Tr Beloruss Nauch-Issled Inst Zemled R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Belorusskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Zemledeliya (journ.) Sb Nauch Tr Eston Sel'skokhoz Akad R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Estonskoi Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Akademii (journ.) Sb Nauch Trud Eston Nauch Inst Zeml Melior R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Estonskogo Nauchnogo Instituta Zemledeliya i Melioratsii (journ.) Sb Nauch Trud Eston Sel'khoz Akad R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Estonskoi Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Akademii (journ.) Sb Nauch Trud Leningr Inst Usoversh Vet Vrach R: Sbornik Nauchnykh Leningradskogo Instituta Usovershenstvovaniya Veterinamykh Vrachei (journ.) Sb Nauc Trud Jaroslav Pedag Inst R: Sbornik Naucnyh Trudov Jaroslavskogo Pedagogicheskij Institut (journ.) SBNB e: Subic Bay Naval Base SBND e: Southbound SBNF p: Navegantes SBNL e: Submarine Base, New London SBNM p: Santo Angelo S Bno e: San Bernardino SBNO e: Senior British Naval Officer SBNOWA e: Senior British Naval Officer, Western Atlantic SBNPB e: Space-Based Neutral Particle Beam SBNS e: Society of British Neurological Surgeons SBNT e: Single-Breath Nitrogen Test SbNU c: Sbornik za Narodni Umotvorenija i Narodopis (journ.) SBO d: Schiffahrtsbesatzungsordnung - d: Schiffahrtsbesetzungsordnung - d: Sprengbombe - e: Salina - e: Secure Base of Operation^] - e: Showboat, Inc. - e: Sideband[s] Only - e: Silve Box Resources - e: Single Block Overlap - e: Small Business Ombudsman - e: Soy Bean Oil - e: Specific Behavio[u]ral Objectives - e: Standing Balance. Eyes Open - e: Sustainer-Bumout - e: Swainsboro - e: System for Business Operations - i: Studia Biblica et Orientaba (journ.) - n: Stichting Bloedroepen Onderzoek SBo d: Schlauchboot SbO e: Switchboard Operator SBOA e: Specialty Bakery Owners of America SBOAA R: Soobshcheniya Byurakanskoi Observatorii Akademiya Nauk Armyanskoi SSR (journ.) s'board e: starboard SbÖAW d: Sitzungsberichte. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse (journ.) SBoc i: Studi sul Boccaccio (journ.) SB of A e: Smaller Business of America SBoje d: Sprengboje


SBOLS e: Shadow Box Optical Landing System SBOM e: Soy Bean Oil Meal - f: Société des Brasseries de l'Ogooué Maritime SBON e: Siboney Corp. SBOOM e: Sonic Boom S[-]Boot d: Schnellboot SBOPERDET e: Switchboard Operation Detachment SBOR e: Successive Block Overrelaxation Sbor Arch Praci c: Sbornik Archivnich Praci (journ.) Sbor Narod Muz Praze c: Sbornik Narodniho Muzea v Praze Rada A: Historia (journ.) SbomikP c: Sbornik Praci Filosoficke Fakulty Brnenske University (journ.) Sbornik Praci Brnenske U Rada Hud c: Sbornik Praci Filosoficke Fakulty Brnenske University. Rada Hudebnevedna (journ.) Sborn Rabot Lesn Hoz Vsesojuz NaucIssled Inst Lesovod R: Sbornik Rabot po Lesnomu Hozjajstvu. Vsesojuznyj NaucnoIssledovatel'skij Institut Lesovodstva i Mehanizacii Lesnogo Hozjajstva (journ.) Sbom Rabot v Pam I M Sadorskago [S Peterburg] R: Sbornik Rabot v Pamiat Professora Ivana Mikhailovicha Sadovskogo [S. Peterburg] (journ.) Sborn Ved Lesn Ust Vysoke Skoly Zemed c: Sbornik Vedeckeho Lesnickeho Ustavu Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Praze (journ.) Sbor Praci Filos Fak c: Sbornik Praci Filosoficke Fakulty Brnenske University (journ.) Sbor Vlast Prac Podblanicka c: Sbornik Vlastivednych Praci z Podblanicka (journ.) SBOS e: Silicon-Borne Oxygen System SBOT e: Sacred Books of the Old Testament (journ.) - f: Société Belge de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie SBOU p: Ourinhos SBP d: Setzbetriebsprogramm - d: Spontane Bakterielle Peritonitis - d: Sprengbombe - d: Standard-Bedienungsprogramm - d: Steroidbindendes Plasmaprotein - d: Straßenbaupolizei - e: Sec-Butyl Percarbonate - e: Semiconductor Bipolar Processor - e: Service Benefit Plan - e: Shop Procedure Bulletin (journ.) - e: Shore-Based Prototype - e: Slab Bolster with Plate - e: Sliding Base Plate - e: Slotted Blade Propeller - e: Society for Behaviorial Pediatrics - e: Society of Biological Psychiatry - e: Sonic Boom Panel - e: Space Borne Programmer - e: Special Block Purchase - e: Special Boiling-Point [gasoline or petrol] - e: Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis - e: Squalene-Binding Protein - e: Stainless Ball Plunger - e: Standard Brands Paint Co. - e: Steroid-Binding Plasma [Protein] - e: Subic Bay - e: Sugar Beet Pulp - e: Sulfate-Binding Protein - e: Sumerian and Babylonian Psalms (journ.) - e: Survivor Benefit Plan - e: Survivor Benefit Program - e: Systolic Blood Pressure © K • G • Saur, München

- f: Etudes et Expansion (journ.) - f: Société Belge de Pedologie - f: Société Belge de Photogrammétrie - f: Société Belge de Physique - f: Société Belge de Psychologie - f: Société Beneluxienne de Phlebologie - P: Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich Sbp. d: Sublimationspunkt S 3 BP e: System Source Selection Board Procedure SBP 3 e: Steerbear Pipe 3 SBPA e: Singapore Book Publishers Association - p: Porto Alegre/Salgado Filho [Brazil] SbPA d: Selbstbedienungspostamt Sb Pathofysiol Trareni Vyz R: Sbornik pro Pathofysiologii Traveni a Vyzivy (journ.) SBPAW[B] d: Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften [Berlin] (journ.) SBPB e: Space-Based Particle Beam - p: Parnaiba SBPC p: Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciencia SBPD e: Society of Business Publication Designers SBPF f: Société Belge des Professeurs de Français SBPG p: Paranagua SBPH e: Single Burst Probability of Hit - f: Société Belge des Physiciens des Hôpitaux - p: Porto Velho SBPI e: Southern Baptist Periodical Index (journ.) - p: Petropolis/Pico do Couto SbPiKp d: Seilbahnpionierkompanie SBPIM e: Society of British Printing Ink Manufacturers SBPL p. Petrolina SBPM e: Society of British Paint Manufacturers SBPN p: Porto Nacional SBPO e: Spun-Bounded Polyolefin SBPP e: Ponta Pora/Internacional SBPPIC f: Société d'Exploitation de Produits pour les Industries Chimiques S.A. SBPR e: Society for Back Pain Research - p: Piracaba - s: Sociedad de Bibliotecarios de Puerto Rico Sb Prac Chem Fak SVST c: Sbornik Prac Chemickej Fakulty Slovenskej Vysokej Skoly Technickej (journ.) Sb Praci Ped Fak v Oshave Ser A c: Sbornik Praci Pedagogicke Fakulty v Ostrave. Seria A (journ.) Sb Praci Prirodoved Fak Univ Palackeho v Olomouci c: Sbornik Praci Prirodovedecke Fakulty University Palackeho v Olomouci (journ.) Sb Praci Prirodoved Fak Univ Palackeho v Olomouci Chem c: Sbornik Praci Prirodovedecke Fakulty University Palackeho v Olomouci. Obor Chemica (journ.) Sb Praci Prirodoved Fak Univ Palackeho v Olomouci Fyz c: Sbornik Praci Prirodovdecke Fakulty University Palackeho v Olomouci. Obor Fyzika (journ.) Sb Praci Prirodoved Fak Univ Palackeho v Olomouci Mat c: Sbornik Praci Prirodovedecke Fakulty University Palackeho v Olomouci. Obor Matematika (journ.) Sb Prazhskogo Khim Tekhnol Inst Sekts Protsessy Appar c: Sbornik Prazhskogo Khimiko Tekhnologicheskogo Instituta Sektsiya. Protsessy i Apparaty (journ.)

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SBS Sb Prednasck Prac Vyzk Ustavu Tepelne Tech c: Sbornik Prednasek Pracovniku Vyzkumneho Ustavu Tepelne Techniky (journ.) Sb Pr Pedagog Fak Ostrave Rada A c: Sbomik Praci Pedagogicke Fakulty v Ostrave. Rada A. Matematika Fizika (journ.) Sb Pr Pedagog Fak Ostrave Rada E c: Sbomik Praci Pedagogicke Fakulty v Ostrave. Rada E (journ.) Sb Pr Pedagog Inst Ostrave Prir Vedy Mat c: Sbornik Praci Pedagogickeho Instituía i Ostrave Prirodni Vedy a Matematika (journ.) Sb Pr Ustavu Vyzk Rud [Prague] c: Sbornik Praci Ustavu pro Vyzkum Rud (journ.) Sb Pr UVP c: Sbornik Praci UVP (journ.) Sb Pr Vyzk Chem Vyuziti Uhli Dehtu Ropy c: Sbornik Praci z Vyskumu Chemickeho Vyuziti Uhli. Dehtu a Ropy (journ.) Sb Pr Vyzk Ustavu Zelezorudn Dolu Hrudkoren c: Sbornik Praci Vyzkumneho Ustavu Zelezorudnych Dolu a Hrudkoven (journ.) SBPS d: sinubronchopulmonales Syndrom - e: Savings Bank of Puget Sound SBP Spirit e: Special Boiling Point Spirit SBPT e: Small-Modular-Weight Basic Protein Toxin SBPV d: Schweizerischer Baukpersonalverband - p: Porto Velho SBPW e: Special Board for Public Works - p: Pindamonhangaba/Visaba SBQ e: Grenada, MS SBQV p: Vitoria Da Conquista SBR d: Samenbläschenreaktion - d: Schaf-BlutkörperchenagglutinationsReaktion - d: Schneller Brüter [or Brutreaktor] - d: Schweizerischer Bundesrat - d: Statistisches Betriebsregister - d: Styrolbutadiengummi - e: Saber Aviation, Inc. - e: Sale by Reference - e: Seat Back Rocket - e: Seat Bucket Read - e: Segment Base Register - e: Sequencing Batch Reactor - e: Serial Bullet Rifle - e: Service Billing Record - e: Signal-to-Background Ratio - e: Small Box-Respirator - e: Small Business Report (journ.) - e: Society for Biological Rhythm - e: Society of Bead Researchers - e: Society of Biological Rhythm - e: Sonar Buoy Range - e: Soviet Breeder Reactor - e: Space-Based Radar - e: Special Based Radar - e: Spent-Beam Refocusing - e: Standard Box Respirator - e: Standard Busy Rate - e: Starburst Energy - e: Stimulus-Bound Repetition - e: Storage Buffer Register - e: Strand Burning Rate - e: Strict Bed Rest - e: Styrene [or Styrol]-Butadien[e] Rubber - e: Subroutine Register - e: Supplemental Budget Request - f: Société Belge de Radiologie - f: Société Belge Radio-électrique - f: Société de Brevets Français Radio

- n: Stichting Bouwresearch - r: Svenska Byggnadsingenjörers Riksförbund - r: Sveriges Besinshandlares Riksförbund - r: Sveriges Biodlares Rijksförbund s Br d: südliche Breite Sbr d: Saarbrücken Sb Rab Agron Fiz R: Sbomik Rabot po Agronomicheskoi Fizike (journ.) Sb Rab Ashkhab Gidrometeorol Obs R: Sbomik Rabot Ashkhabadskoi Gidrometeomlogicheskoi Observatorii (journ.) Sb Rab Aspir Krasnodar Gos Pedagog Inst R: Sbomik Rabot Aspirantov Krasnodarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogicheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Rab Aspir Tadzh Gos Univ R: Sbomik Rabot Aspirantov Tadzhikskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet (journ.) Sb Rab Aspir Ukr Nauchno Issled Inst Fiziol Rast R: Sbomik Rabot Aspirantov Ukrainskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Fiziologii Rastenii (journ.) Sb Rab Aspir Voronezh Gos Univ R: Sbomik Rabot Aspirantov Voronezhskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (journ.) Sb Rab Basseinovoi Gidrometeorol Obs Chern Azorskogo Morei R: Sbomik Rabot Basseinovoi Gidrometeorologicheskoi Chernogo i Azovskogo Morei (journ.) Sb Rab Beloruss Gos Med Inst R: Sbomik Rabot Belorusskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (joum.) Sb Rab Biol Tekh Rybolov Tekhnol R: Sbomik Rabot po Biologii. Tekhnike Rybolovstva i Tekhnologii (joum.) Sb Rab Buryat Otd Vses Nauchn Ova Anat Gistol Embriol R: Sbomik Rabot Buryatskogo Otdel'nogo Vsesoyuznogo Nauchnogo Obshchestva Anatomii, Gistologii, i Embriologii (joum.) Sb Rab Chist Prikl Khim R: Sbomik Rabot po Chistoi i Prikladnoi Khimii (joum.) Sb Rab Chuv Resp Ve Lab R: Sbomik Rabot Chuvashskoi Respublikanskoi Veterinamoi Laboratorii (joum.) Sb Rab Gidrol R: Sbomik Rabot po Gidrologii (joum.) Sb Rab Gidrol Leningr Gos Gidrol Inst R: Sbomik Rabot po Gidrologii Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Gidrologicheskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Rab Gor'k Volzh Rybinsk Gidrometeorol Obs R: Sbomik Rabot Gor'kovskoi Volzhskoi i Rybinskoi Gidrometeomlogicheskikh Observatorii (joum.) Sb Rab Gos Inst Prikl Khim R: Sbomik Rabot Gosudarstvennyi Institut Prikladnoi Khimii (joum.) Sb Rab Ikhtiol Gidrobiol R: Sbomik Rabot po Ikhtiologii i Gidrobiologii (joum.) Sb Rab Inst Prikl Zool Fitopatol R: Sbornik Rabot Instituta Prikladnoi Zoologii i Fitopatologii (joum.) Sb Rab Inst Tsitol Akad Nauk SSSR R: Sbomik Rabot Instituta Tsitologii Akademii Nauk SSSR (joum.) Sb Rab Kafedry Fak Khir Sverdl Med R: Sbomik Rabot Kafedry i Fakul'tete Khirurgii Sverdlovskogo Meditsinskogo (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

Sb Rab Kaz Resp Nauchn Ova Anat Gistol Embriol R: Sbomik Rabot Kazakhskogo Respublikanskogo Nauchnogo Obshchestva Anatomov, Gistologov, i Embriologov (journ.) Sb Rab Khim Istochnikam Toka R: Sbornik Rabot po Khimicheskim Istochnikam Toka (journ.) Sb Rab Kursk Gidrometeorol Obs R: Sbornik Rabot Kurskoi Gidrometeorologicheskoi Observatorii (journ.) Sb Rab Lab Yuzhn Morei Gos Okeanogr Inst R: Sbornik Rabot Laboratoriya Yuzhnykh Morei Gosudarstvennyi Okeanograficheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Rab Leaingr Vet Inst R: Sbornik Rabot Leningradskii Veterinamyi Institut (journ.) Sb Rab Leningr Inst Sov Torg R: Sbornik Rabot Leningradskii Institut Sovetskoi Torgovli (journ.) Sb Rab Lesn Khoz Mold Mold Lesn Opytn Stn R: Sbornik Rabot po Lesnomu Khozyaistva Moldavii Moldavskaya Lesnaya Opytnaya Stantsiya (journ.) Sb Rab Maslichn Efiromaslichn Kul't R: Sbomik Rabot po Maslichnym i Efiiromaslichnym Kul'turam (joum.) Sb Rab Vychisl Tsentra Mosk Gos Univ R: Sbornik Rabot Vychislitel'nogo Tsentral'nogo Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (journ.) SBRB p: Rio Branco/Presidente Medici [BrazilJ SBRC e: Santa Barbara Research Center - e: Single-Braided, Rubber-Covered - e: Southwest Border Regional Commission SBRC Block e: Subroutine Register Control Block SBRE p: Recife - s: Septiembre SBREC e: Sugar Beet Research and Education Committee SBRF r: Sveriges Bokförings-och Revisionsbyraers Förbund SBRI e: Simon Baruch Research Institute - e: Southwest Biomedical Research Institute - e: Space Biomedical Research Institute SBRJ p: Rio De Janeiro/Santos Dumont SBR1MCD e: Sun Bay RecoveryInternational Missing Childrens Division SBRP e: Sonic Boom Research Program - p: Ribeirao Preto/Leite Lopes SBRQ p: Sao Roque SBRS e: Sheep Breeding Research Station - e: Side and Back Rack System - e: Social Behavior Rating Scale SBR Signal e: Standby-Ready Signal SBRV e: Small Ballistic Reentry Vehicle SBS d: Schweizerischer Berufsverband der Sozialarbeiter und Erzieher - d: Semiautomatik mit elektropneumatischer Schaltung - d: Speicherbereichsschutz - d: Standard-Bus-System - d: Stuttgarter Bibelstudien. Katholisches Bibelwerk (journ.) - e: Satellite Business System[s] - e: Save British Science Society - e: Scarborough Board of Education - e: Scientific Business Systems - e: Semiconductor Bilateral Switch - e: Sensor Based System - e: Serially Balanced Sequence - e: Shared Business System - e: Short Baseline Sonar - e: Short Beam Shear - e: Sick Building Syndrome 287

s-b-s - e: Silicon Bidirectional Switch - e: Silicon Bilateral Switch - e: Simulated Borehold Specimen - e: Singapore Bus Service - e: Single Bit Store - e: Single Buoy Storage - e: Single Business Service - e: Slow-Break Switch - e: Small Business Satellite - e: Small Business Sourcebook (journ.) - e: Small Business Specialist - e: Small Business Switch - e: Small Business System[s] - e: Social Behavior Standards - e: Solid Bleached Sulphate - e: Southern Base Section - e: Space-Based Surveillance - e: Spaniel Breeders Society - e: Spanish Broadcasting System - e: Special Block Sale - e: Special Boat Squadron - e: Standby Status - e: Steamboat Springs - e: Steel Building System - e: Stimulated Brillouin Scattering - e: Straight Binary Second[s] - e: Strategic Balkan Services - e: Strategic Bombing Survey - e: Strategic Business Segment - e: Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene - e: Sub-Sonic Seaskimmer - e: Submarine Signalling Equipment - e: Subscriber Busy Signal - e: Subscript {Character] - e: Subsystem - e: Subtraction with Carry - e: Supplementary Bunker Surcharge - e: Surveyed Before Shipment - e: Swedish Behavioural Sciences - e: Sweep Back Station - e: Swiss Botanical Society - e: Swiss Broadcasting Society - e: System Breakdown Structure - f: Société de Banque Suisse - f: Soeurs de Bon Sauveur - p: Sociedad Brasileira de Silvicultura - r: Svenska Bibliotekariesamfundet s-b-s e: side-by-side SB's e: Sonic Booms - e: Space Brothers SBSA e: Bachelor of Science in Sanitary Engeneering - e: Show and Breed Secretaries Association - e: Small Business Set Aside - e: Society of Basque Studies in America - e: Standard Bank of South Africa - e: Standard Business Software Award - p: Sao Carlos/Francisco Pereira Lopez SBS Apparatus e: Submarine Signalling Apparatus SBSAW d: Sitzungsberichte. Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften [Leipzig]. Philologisch-Historische Klasse (journ.) SBSAWL d: Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (journ.) SBSBA e: Scottish Blackface Sheep Breeders Association SBSBDV e: Symposium. British Society for Developmental Biology (joum.) SBSBS e: Smith Benevolent Sick and Burial Society SBSC e: Saint Bernardine of Siena College - e: Saint Bernards Seminary and College - e: Schottky Barrier Solar Cell - e: Separate Bias Single Control - p: Rio De Janeiro/Santa Cruz 288

SBSCA e: Small Business Support Center Association SBSD e: Subside - e: Subsystem Description SBSE[D] e: Scintillator Backscattered Electron [Detector] SBSFC e: Sabah, Brunei and Sarawak Freight Conference SBSI e: Seabrook Sea Island Cotton - e: Small Business Start-Up Index (journ.) SBSInst d: Startbahnschenllinstandsetzung SBSL p: Sao Luis/Marechal Cunha Machado SBSMP f: Société Bernoulli pour la Statistique Mathématique et la Probabilité SBSN p: Santarem/Intemational SBSP e: Single-Base Solid Propellant - p: Sao Paulo/Congonhas SBSS e: School Bus Scheduling System - e: Space-Based Surveillance System - e: Spare Band Surveillance System - e: Standard Base Supply System SBSSC e: Sensor Based Systems Support Center Sbst. d: Selbstbestimmung - d: Substantiv - d: Substanz sbst. d: selbständig SB Sta e: Sound Bearing Station Sb Statei Geol Gidrogeol R: Sbornik Statei po Geologii i Gidrogeologii (journ.) Sb Statei Gidrogeol Geoterm R: Sbornik Statei po Gidrogeologii i Geotermii (joum.) Sb Statei Leningr Inst Tochn Mekh Opt R: Sbornik Statei Leningradskii Institut Tochnoi Mekhaniki i Optiki (journ.) Sb Statei Leningr Tekhnl Inst Tsellyul Bum Promsti R: Sbornik Statei Leningradskogo Tekhnologicheskogo Instituta Tsellyulozno-Bumazhnoi Promyshlennosti (journ.) Sb Statei Makeev Nauchno Issled Inst Bezop Rab Gorn Pmmsti R: Sbornik Statei Makeevskii Nauchno Issledovatel'skii Institut Bezopasnykh Rabot Gornoi Promyshlennosti (journ.) Sb Statei Molodykh Nauchn Rab Leningr Inst Vodn Transp R: Sbomik Statei Molodykh Nauchnykh Rabotnikov Leningradskii Institut Vodnogo Transporta (journ.) Sb Statei Mosk Inzh-Fiz Inst R: Sbornik Statei Moskovskii Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Statei Nauchno Issled Inst Org Poluprod Krasitele R: Sbornik Statei Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Organicheskikh Poluproduktov i Krasitelei (joum.) Sb Statei Rab Ukr Nauchno Issled Inst Maslozhir Pramsti R: Sbomik Statei o Rabotakh Ukrainskogo Nauchno Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Maslozhirovoi Promyshlennosti (joum.) Sb Statniho Geol Usta vu Cesk Repub c: Sbornik Statniho Geologickeho Ustavu Ceskoslovenski Republiky (joum.) Sb Statniho Vyzk Ustavu Tepelne Tech c: Sbornik Statniho Vyzkumneho Ustavu Tepelne Techniky (joum.) Sb Stat Obsc Cbim R: Sbomik Statej po Obscej Chimii (journ.) sBstfTrspBtl d: Schweres Betriebsstofftransportbataillon SBStJ e: Serving Brother, Order of St. John of Jerusalem SBSTR d: Substrate - e: Substrate

© K • G • Saur, München

Sb Stud Nauchn Issled Rab Arkhang Lesotekh Inst R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Rabot Arkhangel'skii Lesotekhnicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Stud Nauchn Issled Rab Mosk Vet Akad R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Nauchno Issledovatel'skikh Rabot Moskovskaya Veterinarnaya Akademiya (journ.) Sb Stud Nauchno-Issled Rab Kirg S-Kh Inst R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Rabot Kirgizskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Stud Nauchn Rab Alma-At Zoovet Inst R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Nauchnykh Rabot Alma-Atinskogo Zooveterinarnogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Stud Nauchn Rab Kabard Balkar Gos Uni R: Sbomik Studencheskikh Nauchnykh Rabot Kabardino Balkarskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet (journ.) Sb Stud Nauchn Rab Mosk Skh Akad R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Nauchnykh Rabot Moskovskaya Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Akademiya (journ.) Sb Stud Nauchn Rab Penz Skh Inst R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Nauchnykh Rabot Penzenskii Sel'skokhozyaistvennyi Institut (journ.) Sb Stud Nauchn Rab Voronezh Gos Univ R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Nauchnykh Rabot Voronezhskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet (journ.) Sb Stud Nauchn Tr Erevan Gos Univ R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Nauchnykh Trudov Erevanskii Gosudalrtvennyi Universitet (joum.) Sb Stud Rab Krasnodar Gos Pedagog Inst R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Rabot Krasnodarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogicheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Stud Rab Mosk Techno! Inst Myasn Molochn Promst R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Rabot Moskovskogo Tekhnologicheskogo Instituta Myasnoi i Molochnoi Promyshlennosti (joum.) Sb Stud Rab Rostov Gos Univ R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Rabot Rostovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (journ.) Sb Stud Rab Sredneaziat Gos Univ R: Sbomik Studencheskikh Rabot Sredneaziatskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (joum.) Sb Stud Rab Uzb Gos Univ R: Sbornik Studencheskikh Rabot Uzbekskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (journ.) SBSUSA e: Sport Balloon Society of the United States SBSV p: Salvador/Dois de Julho Sb [swbd] e: Switchboard SBT d: Sabin-Feldmann-Test - d: Schiffbautechnik - d: Selbstbedienungs-Tankstellen GmbH - e: Safe Break Terminator - e: Salina Board of Trade - e: San Benito - e: Schottky-Barrier Transistor - e: Screening Breath Test[er] - e: Seabright Resources, Inc. - e: Segregated [or Separated] Ballast Tanks - e: Selective Bottom-to-Top - e: Self Briefing Terminal - e: Sheet, Bar, Tubing - e: Short Burn Thrusters - e: Single Bar Tab - e: Single Breath Test - e: Single Byte Transfer - e: Six-Bit Transcode

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Sb Tr Resp Nauchno-Issled Inst Okhr Materin Det - e: Small Boat - e: Small Business Terminal - e: Sodium Bitartrate - e: Soft Bullet trap - e: Space-Based Tug - e: Spontaneous Blastogenic Transformation - e: Submarine Bathythermograph - e: Subtract - e: Surface Barrier Transistor - e: System Burning Time sbt. 1: subtilis SBTAM e: Sensor Based Terminal Access Method SBT ASITO R: Spravochnyy Bank Terminov Avtomatizirannoy Sistemy Informatsionno-Terminologicheskoyo Obsluzhiveniya SBTB a: Statens Bibliotek og Trykkeri for Blinde SBTC e: Sino-British Trade Council - e: Swiss Bankers Travellers Cheque - e: System Binary Transcode SBTD e: Society of British Theatre Designers SB-Test d: Stanford-Binet-Intelligenztest SB Test e: Stanford-Binet Test SBTG d: Schweizerischer Berufsverband für Tanz und Gymnastik - e: Sabotage SBTI d: Sojabohnentrypsininhibitor - e: Soy Bean Trypsin Inhibitor SBTIS e: Steerbear Technical Information Systems SBTK d: Straßen-, Brücken- und Tiefbaukombinat SBT 2 L e: Schottky-Barrier TransistorTransistor Logic SBTM d: Strongs Berufsinteressentest für Männer - e: S-Band Telemetry Modification SBTMA e: Swedish Brick and Tile Manufacturers Association SBTM Kit e: S-Band Telemetry Modification Kit Sb Tnidov Odess Elektrotehn Inst Svjazi R: Sbornik Trudov Odesskogo Elektrotekhniceskogo Instituía Svjazi Imeni A. S. Popova (journ.) SBTOW e: Standby Tow[ing] Ship SB Transistor e: Surface Barrier Transistor Sb Tr Inst Eksp Patol Ter Akad Med Nauk SSSR R: Sbornik Trudov Instituía Eksperimental'noi Patologii i Terapii Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR (journ.) Sb Tr Inst Elektrotekh Akad Nauk Ukr SSR R: Sbornik Trudov Instituta Elektrotekhniki Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Tr Inst Epidemiol Gig Arm SSR R: Sbornik Trudov Instituta Epidemiologii i Gigieny Armyanskoi SSR (joum.) Sb Tr Inst Gorn Dela Akad Nauk Ukr SSR R: Sbornik Trudov Instituta Gornogo Dela Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Tr Inst Kurortol Fizioter Yerevan R: Sbornik Trudov Instituta Kurortologii i Fizioterapii Yerevan (journ.) Sb Tr Inst Mashinoved Avtom Akad Nauk B SSR R: Sbornik Trudov Institut Mashinovedeniya i Avtomatizats Akademii Nauk Belorusskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Tr Inst Neftekhim Protsessov Akad Nauk Az SSR R: Sbornik Tnidov Institut Neftekhimicheskikh Protsessov Akademiya Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR (journ.)

Sb Tr Inst Stroit Mekh Seismostoikosti Akad Nauk Gruz SSR R: Sbornik Trudov Institut Stroitel'noi Mekhaniki i Seismostoikosti Akademiya Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR (journ.) SbTr Inst Urol Akad Med Nauk SSSR R: Sbornik Trudov Instituta Urologii Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR (journ.) Sb Tr Inst Urol Gruz SSR R: Sbomik Trudov Instituta Urologii Gruzinskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Tr Ivanov Med Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Ivanovskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Tr Izhevsk Med Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Izhevskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Tr Kafedry Mikrobiol Orenb Med Ins R: Sbornik Trudov Kafedry Mikrobiologii Orenburgskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Tr Kazan Gos Med Inst R: Sbomik Trudov Kazanskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (journ.) Sb Tr Khar'k Avtomob Dorozhn Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Khar'kovskogo Avtomobil'no Dorozhnogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Tr Khar'k Gidrometeorol Inst R: Sbomik Tnidov Khar'kovskii Gidrometeorologicheskii Institut (joum.) Sb Tr Khark Vet Inst R: Sbomik Trudov Khar'kovskogo Veterinarnogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Tr Kiev Inzh Stroit Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Kievskii Inzhenerno-Stroitel'nyi Institut (joum.) Sb Tr Kiev Stroit Inst R: Sbomik Trudov Kievskii Stroitel'nyi Institut (joum.) Sb Tr Kirg Nauchno-Issled Inst Epidemiol Mikrobiol Gig R: Sbomik Trudov Kirgizskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Epidemiologii, Mikrobiologii, i Gigieny (joum.) SbTr Klyuchevsk[ogo] Zavoda Ferrosplavov R: Sbomik Trudov Klyuchevskogo Zavoda Ferrosplavov (joum.) Sb T r Krym Gos Med Inst R: Sbomik Trudov Krymskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Tr Krym Med Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Krymskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb T r Kursk Gos Med Inst R: Sbomik Trudov Kurskii Gosudarstvennyi Meditsinskii Institut (joum.) Sb Tr Kursk Med Inst R: Sbomik Trudov Kurskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Tr Latv Fil Vses Ova Pochvovedov R: Sbomik Trudov Latviiskii Filial Vsesoyuznogo Obshchestva Pochvovedov (joum.) Sb Tr Leningr Gos Inst Usoversh Vrachei R: Sbomik Trudov Leningradskii Gosudarstvennyi Institut Usovershenstvaniya Vrachei (joum.) Sb Tr Naucbno-Issled Inst Rentgenol Med Radiol Gruz SSR R: Sbomik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Rentgenologii i Meditsinskoi Radiologii Gruzinskoi SSR (joum.) Sb Tr Nauchno Issled Inst Kurortol Fizioter Abkhazskii Fil R: Sbomik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Kurortologii i Fizioterapii Abkhazskii Filial (joum.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Sb Tr Nauchno Issled Inst Med Parazitol Trop Med Gruz SSR R: Sbornik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Meditsinskoi Parazitologii i Tropicheskoi Meditsiny Gruzinskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Tr Nauchno Issled Inst Prom Stroit Ufa R: Sbomik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Promyshlennogo Stroitel'stva Ufa (joum.) Sb Tr Nauchno Issled Inst Rentgenol Med Radiol[[Tiflis] R: Sbornik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Rentgenologii i Meditsinskoi Radiologii [Tiflis] (journ.) Sb Tr Nauchno Issled Inst Sanit Tekh R: Sbomik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Sanitarnoi Tekhniki (journ.) SbTr Nauchno-Issled Inst Travmatol Ortoped Gruz SSR R: Sbomik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Travmatologii i Ortopedii Gruzinskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Tr Nauchno Issled Inst Travmatol Ortop Gruz SSR R: Sbomik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Travmatologii i Ortopedii Gruzinskoi SSR (joum.) Sb Tr Nauchno Issled Inst Zashch Rast Arm SSR R: Sbornik Trudov NauchnoIssledovatel'skogo Institut Zashchity Rastenii Armyanskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Tr Nauchno Issled Khozhno Venerol Inst Gruz SSR R: Sbornik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Khozhno-Venerologicheskogo Instituta Gruzinskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Tr Novos[i]b [Otd] Vseross O-va Otolaringol R: Sbornik Trudov Novosibirskogo Otdeleniya Vserossiiskogo Obshchestva Otolaringologov (joum.) Sb Tr Obshchetekh Kafedr Leningr Tekhnol Inst Kholod Promsh R: Sbomik Trudov Obshchetekhnicheskikh Kafedr Leningradskii Tekhnologicheskii Institut Kholodil'noi Promyshlennosti (joum.) Sb Tr Odess Inzh Stroit Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Odesskii Inzhenerno-Stroitel'nyi Institut (joum.) Sb T r Odess Med Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Odesskii Meditsinskii Institut (joum.) Sb Tr Osvo Terskokumskikh Peskov R: Sbomik Trudov Osvoeniyu Terskokumskikh Peskov (joum.) Sb Tr Permsk Gor Psihkiatr Boln R: Sbomik Trudov Permskoi Gorodskoi Psikhiatricheskoi Bol'nitsy (joum.) Sb Tr Povolzh Lesotekh Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Povolzhskogo Lesotekhnicheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Tr Proektn Naucbno-Issled Inst Ural Promshoiniiproekt R: Sbornik Trudov Proektnyi i Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut "Ural'skii Promstroiniiproekt" (journ.) Sb Tr Rentgenol R: Sbomik Trudov po Rentgenologii (joum.) Sb Tr Resp Kostno Tuberk Bol'n Im Lenina R: Sbornik Trudov Respubliki Kostno Tuberkuleznaya Bol'nitsa Imeni Lenina (joum.) Sb Tr Resp Nauchno-Issled Inst Mestnykh Stroit Mater R: Sbornik Trudov Respublikanskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Mestnykh Stroitel'nykh Materialov (joum.) Sb Tr Resp Nauchno-Issled Inst Okhr Materin Det R: Sbornik Trudov Respublikanskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Okhrany Materinstva Detstva (joum.)


Sb Tr Samark Med Inst Sb Tr Samark Med Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Samarkandskogo Meditsinskogo Instituía (journ.) Sb Tr Sekt Radiobiol Akad Nauk Arm SSR R: Sbornik Trudov Sektor Radiobiologii Akademiya Nauk Armyanskoi SSR (journ.) Sb Tr Sev Nauchno-Issled Inst Promsti R: Sbornik Trudov Severnyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Promyshlennosti (journ.) Sb Tr Stalingr Inst Inzh Gor Khoz R: Sbornik Trudov Stalingradskii Institut Inzhenerov Gorodskogo Khozyaistva (journ.) Sb Tr Stalingr Opytno Melior Stn R: Sbornik Trudov Stalingradskaya Opytno-Meliorativnaya Stantsiya (journ.) Sb Tr Stavrop Gos Pedagog Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Stavropol'skii Gosudarstvennyi Pedagogicheskii Institut (journ.) Sb Tr Sud Med Sud Khim R: Sbornik Trudov po Sudebnoi Meditsine i Sudebnoi Khimii (joum.) Sb Tr Sverdl Nauchno-Issled Inst Stroit R: Sbornik Trudov Sverdlovskii NauchnoIssledovatel'skii Institut po Stroitel'stvu (journ.) Sb Tr Tadzh Nauchno-Issled Inst Zemled R: Sbornik Trudov Tadzhikskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Zemledeliya (journ.) Sb Tr Tbilis Gos Nauchno Issled Inst Stroit Mater R: Sbornik Trudov Tbilisskii Gosudarstvennyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Stroitel'nykh Materialov (journ.) Sb Tr Tbilis Inst Usoversh Vrachei R: Sbornik Trudov Tbilisskogo Instituta Usovershenstvovaniya Vrachei (journ.) Sb Tr Tsenh Muz Pochvoved R: Sbornik Trudov Tsentral'nyi Muzei Pochvovedeniya (journ.) Sb Tr Tsent Nauchno-Issled Inst Chern Metall R: Sbornik Trudov Tsentral'nogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Chernoj Metallurg» (journ.) Sb Tr Tsentr Naucbno Issled Proektn Inst Lesokhim Promsti R: Sbornik Trudov Tsentral'nyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Proektnyi Institut Lesokhiimicheskoi Promyshlennosti (joum.) Sb Tr Tsentr Nauchno Issled Inst Bum R: Sbornik Trudov Tsentral'nogo NauchnoIssledovatel'skogo Instituta Bumagi (joum.) Sb Tr Tsentr Nauchno-Issled Inst Chern Metall R: Sbornik Trudov Tsentral'nogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Chernoj Metallurii (journ.) Sb Tr Tsentr Nauchno-Issled Inst Olovyannoi Promsti R: Sbornik Trudov Tsentral'nyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Olovyannoi Promyshlennosti (journ.) Sb Tr Tskhaltub Fil Nauchno Issled Inst Kurortol Fizioter R: Sbmik Trudov Tskhaltubskii Filial Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Kurortoloogii i Fizioterapii (journ.) SbTrud Agron Fiz R: Sbornik Trudov po Agronomicheskoi Fizike (journ.) Sb Trud Moskov Obl Pedag Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Moskovskogo Oblastskogo Pedagogieeskij Institut (journ.) Sb Trud Nauc-Issled Inst Hudoz Promys R: Sbornik Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Hudozestvennoj Promyshlennosti (journ.)

Sb Trudov Inst Problem Upravlen R: Sbornik Trudov Institut Problem Uplavlenina (joum.) Sb Trudov Vsesojuz Zaocn Politehn Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesojuznogo Zaocnogo Politehniceskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Trud Zool Muz R: Sbornik Trudov Zoologicheskogo Muzeya (joum.) Sb Tr Ufim Neft Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Ufimskogo Neftyanogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Tr Ukr Nauchno-Issled Inst Met R: Sbornik Trudov Ukrainskij NauchnoIssledovatel'skij Institut Metallov (journ.) Sb Tr Ukr Nauchno Issled Inst Pishch Promsti R: Sbornik Trudov Ukrainskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Pishchevoi Promyshlennosti (journ.) Sb Tr Ukr Nauchno Issled Inst Poligr Promsti R: Sbomik Trudov Ukrainskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Poligraficheskoi Promyshlennosti (journ.) Sb Tr Ukr Nauchno Issled Inst Tsellyul Bum Promsti R: Sbomik Trudov Ukrainskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Tsellyulozno-Bumazhnoi Promyshlennosti (joum.) Sb Tr Ural Lesotekh Inst R: Sbomik Trudov Ural'skii Lesotekhnicheskii Institut (joum.) Sb Tr Vil'nyus Gos Nauchno Issled Inst Stroit Mate R: Sbomik Trudov Vil'nyusskogo Gosudarstvennogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Stroitel'nykh Materialov (joum.) Sb Tr Vladivost Nauchno Issled Inst Epidemiol Mikrobiol Gig R: Sbomik Trudov Vladivostokskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Epidemiologii, Mikrobiologii, i Gigieny (joum.) Sb Tr VNIIB R: Sbomik Trudov VNIIB (joum.) Sb Tr Voronezh Inzh Stroit Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Voronezhskogo InzhenernoStroitel'nogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Tr Voronezh Otd Vses Khim Ova R: Sbomik Trudov Voronezhskogo Otdeleniya Vsesoyuznogo Khimicheskogo Obshchestva (joum.) Sb Tr Voronezh S-Kh [Inst] R: Sbomik Trudov Voronezhskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta (joum.) Sb Tr Vrachei Dorog R: Sbomik Trudov Vrachei Dorogi (journ.) Sb Tr Vrachei Pribalt Zhelezn R: Sbomik Trudov Vrachei Pribaltiiskogo Zheleznodorozhiya (joum.) Sb Tr Vses Inst Rastenievod R: Sbomik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Institut Rastenievodstva (joum.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno-Issled Eksp-Konstr Inst Tary Upakovki R: Sbomik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii i Eksperimental'no-Konstruktorskii Institut Tary i Upakovki (journ.) Sb T r Vses Nauchno Issled Inst "Goznaka" R: Sbomik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut "Goznaka" (joum.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno-Issled Inst Bolezn Ptits R: Sbomik Trudov Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta po Boleznyam Ptits (joum.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno Issled Inst Derevoobrab Promst R: Sbomik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Derevoobrabatyvayuushchei Promyshlennosti (joum.)


© K G - Saur, München

Sb Tr Vses Nauchno-Issled Inst Gidroliza Rastit Mater R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Gidroliza Rastitel'nykh Materialov (journ.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno-Issled Inst Nov Stroit Mate R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Novykh Stroitel'nykh Materialov (journ.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno-Issled Inst Stroit Mater Konstr R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Stroitel'nykh Materialov i Konstruktsii (journ.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno-Issled Inst Tseltyul Bum Promsti R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Tsellyulozno-Bumazhnoi Promyshlennosti (journ.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno Issled Khim Farm Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo KhimikoFarmatsevticheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno-Issled Proekt Inst Titana R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii i Proektnyi Institut Titana (journ.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno-Issled Proektn Inst Teplotekh Sooruzh R: Sbomik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii i Proektnyi Institut po Teplotekhnicheskim Sooruzheniyam (joum.) Sb Tr Vses Nauchno Issled Proektn Inst Titana R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii i Proektnyi Institut Titana (joum.) Sb Tr Vses Zaochn Inzh Stroit Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesoyuznyi Zaochnyi Inzhenerno-Stroitel'nyi Institut (joum.) Sb Tr Vses Zaochn Politekh Inst R: Sbornik Trudov Vsesoyuznogo Zaochnogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta (journ.) Sb Tr Yuzhn Nanchno Issled Inst Prom Stroit R: Sbomik Tnldov Yuzknyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Promyshlennogo Stroitel'stva (journ.) Sb T r Zool Muz Mosk Univ R: Sbornik Trudov Zoologicheskogo Muzeya Moskovskogo Universiteta (journ.) SBTS e: Shore-Based Tracking System - e: Small Business Terminal System - e: Strategie Bombardment Training Squadron - e: Stretch Block Template Set SBT's e: Segregated Ballast Tanks Sb Tsentr Nauchno Issled Inst Tekhnol Mashinostr R: Sbornik Tsentral'nyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Tekhnologii i Mashinostroeniya (journ.) SBTT e: Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. - p: Tabatinga/Internacional sbtt d: selbsttätig SBTTL e: Schottky-Barrier TTL [Transistor-Transistor Logic] SBU d: Schwachstrom-Betriebsunterbrechungsversicherung - d: Schweizer Benzin-Union - d: Schweizerische Butter-Union - e: Blue Farth - e: Saint Bonaventure University - e: Scottish Badminton Union - e: Secondary Beam Unit - e: Secondary Building Unit - e: Shift-and Bit-handling Unit - e: Silver Brazing Union - e: Single Beam Unit - e: Slab Bolster Upper

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Sb Vys Skola Chem-Technol Fak Potrav Technol - e: Small Base Unit - e: Small Battle Unit - e: Small Business United - e: Special Business Unit - e: Stansbury Island - e: Station Buffer Unit - e: Strategic Business Unit - e: Sumitomo Bayer Urethane - e: System Billing Unit - f: Mois Economique et Financier (journ.) - p: Sociedades Biblicas Unidas - r: Svensk Biblisk Uppslagverk (journ.) SBUAM f: Société Belge des Urbanistes et Architectes Modernistes Sb Uch Zap Aspir Latv Nauchno Issled Inst Zemled R: Sbomik Uchenykh Zapisok Aspirantov. Latviiskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Zemledeliya (journ.) SBUE e: Switch Back-Up Entry SBUG p: Uruguaiana/Rubem Berta SBURCS e: Six-Bit Universal Random Character Set S-Bus d: Speicher-Bus SBUSA e: Sport Balloon Society of the United States of America Sb Ustavu Vyzk Vyz Lidu Praze c: Sbornik Ustavu pro Vyzkum Vyzivy Lidu v Praze (journ.) Sb Ustav Vedeckotech Inf Genet Slechteni c: Sbornik Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci Genetika a Slechteni (journ.) Sb Ustav Vedeckotech Inf Melior c: Sbornik Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci. Rada Meliorace (journ.) Sb Ustav Vedeckotech Inf Zemed Genet Siechten c: Sbornik Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci pro Zemedelstvi, Genetika, a Slechteni (journ.) Sb Ustav Vedeckotech Inf Zemed Melior c: Sbornik Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci pro Zemedelstvi Rada Meliorace (journ.) Sb Ustred Ustavu Geol c: Sbornik Ustredniho Ustavu Geologickeho (journ.) Sb Ustred Ustavu Geol Oddil Geol c: Sbornik Ustredniho Ustavu Geologickeho. Oddil Geologicky (journ.) SBUV e: Solar [and] Backscatter Ultraviolet [Spectrometer] Sb UVTI Genet Slechteni c: Sbomik UVTI [Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci] Genetika a Slechteni (journ.) Sb UVTI Melior c: Sbomik UVTI [Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci] Meliorace (journ.) Sb UVTI Ochr Rostl c: Sbomik UVTI [Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci] Ochrana Rostlin (journ.) Sb UVTI [Ustav Vedeckotiecb Inf] Zahradnictvi c: Sbornik UVTI [Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci] Zahradnictvi (journ.) SBUV/TOMS e: Solar [and] Backsatter[ed] Ultraviolet [and] Total Ozone Mapper [or Mapping] System SBV d: Säure[ver]bindungsvermögen - d: Scheckbriefverfahren - d: Schweizerischer Bauernverband - d: Schweizerischer Baumeisterverband - d: Schweizerischer BedienumgspersonalVerband - d: Schweizerischer Bergführerverband - d: Schweizerischer Bierbrauerverein - d: Schweizerischer Bootbauer-Verband - d: Schweizerischer Brennstoffhändler Verband - d: Schweizerischer Buchdruckeverein

- d: Schweizerischer Büchsenmacher Verband - d: Seeschiffahrtsbevollmächtigter - d: Städtische Brennstoffversorgung - e: Sea-Bed Vehicle - e: Semiautomatic Bleeder Valve - e: Shield Building Vent - e: Single Barrier Varactor - e: Single Binocular Vision - e: South Boston - e: Space Biospheres Venturefs] - e: State Bank of Victoria - n: Stichting voor Bodemkartering SbV d: Sammlung betrieblicher Vorschriften SBVC e: San Bernardino Valley College SBVE e: State Board of Vocational Education Sb Ved Praci Ustred Statnibo Ust Praze c: Sbornik Vedeckych Praci Ustredniho Statniho Ustavu v Praze (journ.) Sb Ved Praci Vyzk Ustav Vyz Zrirat c: Sbomik Vedeckych Praci-Vyzkumny Ustav Vyzivy Zvirat (journ.) Sb Ved Pr Lek Fak Karlovy Univ Hradci Kralore Snppl c: Sbomik Vedeckych Praci Lekarske Fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove. Supplementum (journ.) Sb Ved Pr Lek Fak Karlovy Univ Hradci Kralove c: Sbornik Vedeckych Praci Lekarske Fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove (journ.) Sb Ved Pr Lek Fak Univ Karlovy Hradci Kralove c: Sbomik Vedeckych Praci Lekarske Fakulty Karlovy University v Hladci Kralove (journ.) Sb Ved Pr VLVDU Hradci Kralove c: Sbomik Vedeckych Praci VLVDU v Hradci Kralove (journ.) Sb Ved Pr Vys Banske Ostrave Rada Hutn c: Sbornik Vedeckych Praci Vysoke Skoly Banske v Ostrave. Rada Hutnicka (journ.) Sb Ved Pr Vys Sk Banske Ostrave Rada Horn-Geo c: Sbomik Vedeckych Praci Vysoke Skoly Banske v Ostrave. Rada Hornicko-Geologicka (journ.) Sb Ved Pr Vys Sk Banske Ostrave Rada Hutn c: Sbomik Vedeckych Praci Vysoke Skoly Banske v Ostrave. Rada Hutnicka (journ.) Sb Ved Pr Vys Sk Bransk Ostrave c: Sbomik Vedeckych Praci Vysoke Skoly Banske v Ostrave (journ.) Sb Ved Pr Vys Sk Chem-Technol [Pardubce] c: Sbomik Vedeckych Praci. Vysoka Skola Chemickotechnologicka (journ.) SBVH d: Schwäbische Blätter für Volksbildung und Heimatpftege (journ.) SBVS e: Shield Building Vent System SBVV d: Schweizer Buchhändler und Verleger Verein Sb Vys Cbem Techaol Praze Ekon Riseni Chem Prüm c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Ekonomika a Rizeni Chemickeho Prumyslu (journ.) Sb Vysk Pr Odborn Celul Pap c: Sbomik Vyskumnych Frac z Odboru Celulozy a Papiera (journ.) Sb Vysk Sk Chem-Technol Praze [Oddil] Chem Inz c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze [Oddil], Chemicke Inzenyrstvi (journ.) Sb Vysk Sk Chem-Technol Praze [Oddil] Chem Inz Autom c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze [Oddil], Chemicke Inzenyrstvi a Automatizace (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Sb Vysk Sk Chem Technol Praze [Oddil]. K c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly ChemickoTechnologicke v Praze [Oddil]. K (journ.) Sb Vysoke Uceni Tech v Brne c: Sbomik Vysokeho Uceni Technickeho v Bme (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem-Technol Praze c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze Anorg Chem Technol c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Anorganicka Chemie a Technologie (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze Anorg Org Technol c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Anorganicka a Organicka Technologie (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze Anorg Technol c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Anorganicka Technologie (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze Chem Inz Autom c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Chemicke Inzenyrstvi a Automatizace (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze Chem Technol Silik c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Chemie a Technologie Silikatu (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze F Technol Vody Prostredi c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Rada F. Technologie Vody a Prostredi (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze Mineral c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Mineralogie (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze [Oddil] Fak Anorg Technol c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze [Oddil], Fakulty Anorganicke a Organicke Technologie (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem-Technol Praze [Oddil] Fak Technol Paliv Vody c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze [Oddil]. Fakulty Technologie Paliv a Vody (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem-Technol Praze Rada B c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Rada B. Anorganicka Chemie a Technologie (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze Rada H c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Rada H (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Praze Technol Paliv c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly ChemickoTechnologicke v Praze. Technologie Paliv (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem-Technol Praze Technol Vody c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Technologie Vody (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem-Technol Pr Potraviny c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Potraviny (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Technol Prze Anal Chem c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze. Analyticka Chemie (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Chem Tehnol Praze [Oddil] Fak Potravin Technol c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-Technologicke v Praze [Oddil]. Fakulty Poetravinarske Technologie (journ.) Sb Vys Skola Chem-Technol Fak Potrav Technol c: Sbomik Vysoka Skola Chemicko-Technologicka. Fakulta Potravinarske Technologie (journ.) 291

S b V y s Skoly P o l n o h o s p o d Nitre P r e v a d z k o v o - E k o n F a k Sb Vys Skoly Polnohospod Nitre Prevadzkovo-Ekon Fak c: Sbomik Vysokej Skoly Polnohospodarskej v Nitre Prevadzkovo-Ekonomicka Fakulta (joum.) Sb Vys Skoly Zemed Brne Rada A c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Brne. Rada A (journ.) Sb Vys Skoly Zemed Brne Rada B c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Brne. Rada B (joum.) Sb Vys Skoly Zemed Praze c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Praze (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Zemed Brne c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Brne (joum.) Sb Vys Sk Zemed Brne Rada A c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Brne. Rada A. Spisy Fakulty Agronomicke (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Zemed Brne Rada C c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Brne. Rada C. (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Zemed [Lesn Fak] Brne Rada C Spisy [Fak Lesn] c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske a Lesnicke Fakulty v Brne. Rada C. Spisy Fakulty Lesnicke (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Zemed Praze c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Praze (joum.) Sb Vys Sk Zemed Praze Fak Agron Rada A c: Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Praze. Fakulta Agronomicka. Rada A. Rostlinna Vyroba (journ.) Sb Vys Sk Zemed v Brne A c: Sbomik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Brne. Rada A (journ.) Sb Vys Uceni Tech Brne c: Sbomik Vysokeho Uceni Technickeho v Brne (joum.) S B W d: Schnellbergungswagen - d: Signalbewerter - d: Sozialistische Betriebswirtschaft - d: Sprache des Bauwesens - d: Sprenglochbohrwagen - e: Seaboard and Western - e: Shebandowan Resources - e: Single-engine scout Bomber - e: Space-Bandwidth product - e: Spectral Bandwidth - e: Spruce Budworm - e: Steel Basement Window - e: Submarine Warfare SbW e: South by West S-Bw d: S-Bahn-Betriebswerk SBWA e: Seconnd Bomb Wing Association - e: Standard Bank of West Africa SbWAk d: Sitzungsberichte. Wiener Akademie (journ.) SBWFA d: Schriftenreihe. Bundesminister für Wissenschaftliche Forschung. Strahlenschutz (journ.) SBWG e: Strategie Bomb Wing S B Wien d: Sitzungsberichte. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien (joum.) S B W K d: Schweizerische Bauwirtschaftskonferenz S B W L d: Sozialistische Betriebswirtschaftslehre SBWMV e: Soilborne Wheat Mosaic Virus SBWR e: Seal Beach Wildlife Refuge - e: Simplified Boiling Water Reactor - e: South Bay Wildlife Refuge - e: Superheat Boiling Water Reactor SBWS d: Systembeauftragter für das Waffensystem SBWU e: Singapore Bus Workers Union SBWX e: Seaboard World Airlines, Inc.

SBX e: S-Band Transponder - e: Seabright Explorations, Inc. - e: Shelby - e: Small Business Exchange - e: Student Book Exchange - e: Subsea Beacon Transponder SBY e: Salisbury - e: Sand Bay - e: Standby S by E e: South by East SBYS p: Piracununga/Campo Fontenelle S by W e: South by West SBZ d: Sanitär-Installation, Blechverarbeitung, Zentralheizungsbau, Lufttechnik (joum.) - d: Schweizerische Bauzeitung (joum.) - d: Selektion Beweglicher Ziele - d: Sowjetische Besatzungszone Deutschlands - d: Sozialistische Bildungszentrale - e: Surface Brillouin Zone SBZ-Archiv d: Sowjetische Besatzungszone Deutschlands-Archiv (joum.) SBZ Sanit Heiz Klimatech d: SBZ Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik (joum.) SC d: Säulen-Chromatographie - d: Schilling - d: Schwabach - d: Steuergerät mit Cassettenrecorder - d: Strichcode - d: Symbolcode - e: All India Reporter, Supreme Court Reports (joum.) - e: Cape of Good Hope Reports (joum.) - e: Christian Scientist - e: Corporate Search Code - e: Court of Session Cases (joum.) - e: Cruiser Submarine - e: Quebec Official Reports, Superior Court (journ.) - e: Sabra Connection - e: Sacramentt Cit - e: Sacrococcygeal - e: Sad Case - e: Safe Custody - e: Saffery Champness International - e: Salem College - e: Sales Costs - e: Salvage Charges - e: Same Case - e: Same Container - e: Same Coupling - e: Sample Clock - e: Sandia Corporation - e: Sandia Corporation Sanitary Corps - e: Sanitary Corps - e: Santa Claus Scripps College - e: Satellite Carriers - e: Satellite Communications - e: Satellite Computer - e: Saturable Core - e: Saturation Current - e: Scale[r] - e: Scaling Circuit - e: Scan Converter - e: Scandium - e: Scanning [Coil] - e: Scarce - e: Scavenge - e: Scenario Control - e: Scented Cape - e: School Certificate - e: School Command - e: School Construction - e: Schools Council - e: Schooner - e: Schwann Cell


© K • G • Saur, Manchen

- e: Science and Culture (joum.) - e; Science[tific] - e: Scientific [Committee] - e: Scilicet[-namely] - e: Scintillation Counter - e: Scope Change - e: Score - e: Scoring Criteria - e: Scott Catalog - e: Scottish Aviation Ltd. - e: Scottish Constitution - e: Scout Car - e: Scrap Carnage - e: Scrape - e: Scratched] - e: Screen [Coordinator] - e: Screen Flag - e: Screened Cable - e: Screw[ed] - e: Screwed and Coupled - e: Script - e: Scruple - e: Sculptor - e: Sculpture Center - e: Seamens Center - e: Search Coil - e: Search Command - e: Search Control - e: Searchlight Carrier - e: Searchlight Control - e: Season Cracking - e: Seat Cabs - e: Secial Circular - e: Second in Command - e: Secondary Centre - e: Secondary Code - e: Secondary Confinement - e: Secondary Containment - e: Secondary Controller - e: Secretory Component - e: Section Commander - e: Section [heading] Code - e: Sectional Center [or Centre] - e: Sector Commander - e: Secular College - e: Security Call - e: Security Classification - e: Security Code - e: Security Committee - e: Security Council [of the United Nations] - e: Security Council Selwyn College - e: See Comments - e: See Copy - e: Seed Coat - e: Seek Command - e: Select Cases (journ.) - e: Select Committee - e: Selectional Center - e: Selective Code - e: Selector Card - e: Selector Channel - e: Selector Code - e: Selenium Cell - e: Self-Capacitance - e: Self-Care - e: Self-Charge - e: Self-Check[ing] - e: Self-Closing - e: Self-Compatible - e: Self-Contained - e: Semi-Container[ship] - e: Semicactus - e: Semicircular - e: Semiclosed - e: Semiconductor - e: Semicustom - e: Semilunar Closure

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

sc -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e - e - e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e

Send Common Sending Complete Seneca College Senior Cameraman Senior Counsel Sense Command Separate Cover Sequence Chart[s] Sequence Check Sequence Controller] Sequence Counter Sequential Computer Serial Computer [or Computing] Serial Counter Series Circuit Series Coil Servants of Charity Service [Cable] Service Ceiling Service Center Service Certificate Service Change Service Channel Service Charge Service Code Service Command Service Connected Service Contract Session Cases Session Control Set Character Set/Clear Set Clock Severest Critic Sex Change Sex Chromatin Seychelles Shaft Center Shakespearean Criticism (journ.) Shaped Charge Shaping Circuit Sharp Cash Shasta College Shaw College Shell Transport [& Trading Comany Ltd.] Shelton College Shenandoah College Shepherd College Sheridan College Shielded Coil Shift Control [Counter] Shimer College Ship Casualty Library Shippers own[ed] Container Shipping Container Shipping Contract Shire Council Shoe Connector Shop Call Shop Carpenter Shopping Concourses Short Circuited] Short-Circuiting Short Course Shorter College Should Cost Shunt Capacitor Shutdown Controller Sickle Cell Side Cabin Side Car Side Contact Sidelobe Canceller Indication Siena College Sierra College Sign[al] Code Signal Communications

-e -e -e -e -e - e -e - e - e - e - e - e -e -e -e - e - e - e - e -e - e - e - e - e -e -e -e -e -e - e - e - e - e - e - e -e - e - e - e -e -e -e -e - e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e - e - e -e -e - e - e - e - e -e - e -e -e - e - e - e - e - e - e - e - e -e - e -e -e -e -e

Signal Companies, Inc. Signal Comparator Signal Conditioner [or Conditioning] Signal Converter Signal Corps Significant Characteristics Significant Comma Silicone Coated Silk Coverfed] Silver Certificate Silver[ed] Copper Silverstone Circuit Simmons College Simple Cubic Simpson College Simulation Coordinator Simulation Council Simulator Control Simultaneous Computer Sinclair College Sine Correction Sine-Cosine Single Carburetor Single Case Single Cell Single Circuit Single Column Single Comb Single Conductor Single Contact Single Counter Single Crank Single Crochet Single Crystal Single Current Sinusoidal Collagen Site Cantingency Site Contractor Situation Console Sized and Calendered Skidmore College Skill Component Skin Conductance Sky Component Slag Concrete Slave Clock Slip Casting Slip Coupling Slow Component Slow Convoy Slow Cool Slow Curing Small Caliber [or Calibre] Small Capitals Small Caps Small Card Small Cluster Small Compact Small Craft Smith College Smooth Contour Snellen Chart Snow Cover So-Called Social Casework (joum.) Social Compass (journ.) Socialist Commentary (joum.) Society for Cryobiology Software Center Soil Characteristics Soil Conservation (journ.) Solar Cell Solar Coil Solar Constant Soldier Capabilities Sole Charge Solid Core

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

e: Solid-state Circuit e: Solution Chemistry e: Somerville College e: Sonar Channel e: Sound Channel e: Source Card e: Source Code e: Source Computer e: South California e: South Carolina Reports (journ.) e: South Coast e: South[ern] California[n] e: Southern Classification e: Southern Command e: Southern Conference e: Southwark College e: Southwestern College e: Space Capsule e: Space Charge e: Space Communications e: Spacecraft [Communicator] e: Spark Chamber e: Spark Control e: Speach Communication e: Special access, Compartmented e: Special Care e: Special Circuit e: Special Circular e: Special Committee e: Specialty Code e: Specific Coding e: Specific Conductivity e: Specification Change e: Specification Control e: Spectrochemical e: Speech Communication e: Speed Control[ler] e: Spellman College e: Spermatocyte e: Spinal Cord e: Splat-Cooled e: Sponsor Code e: Sporulation Capacity e: Spot Check e: Spray Cooling e: Spread Correlation e: Spreading Coefficient e: Spring Conditions e: Springfield College e: Spun Concrete e: Squamous Cell Carcinoma e: Squeeze Cast e: Squirrel Cage e: Stabilization and Control e: Stack [pipe] Cut e: Staff Car e: Staff College e: Stage Center e: Standard Candle e: Standard Channel e: Standard Clean e: Standard Code e: Standard Condition [s] e: Standard Conductivity e: Standard Counter e: Standing Committee [or Conference] e: Standing Crop e: Start Computer e: Start Conversion e: Starting Current e: Statement of Capability e: Statement of Charges e: Statement of Compatibility e: Station Commander e: Statistical Control e: Statistics Canada e: Status Statement 293

Sc -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e -e


Statutes of Canada Steam Calorimeter Steel Casting Steel-Core[d] Steel Cover Steering Committee Stellar Camera Step Counter Stephens College Stepped Care Stereo-Comparator Stereochemistry Sterling College Sternoclavicular Stimulus, Conditioned Stmulation Center Stochastic Control Stock Certificate Stockton College Stonehill College Stop-Continue [register] Stopcock Storage Capacity Storage Circuit Storage Control[ler] Store Character Store Control Stored Command Stratford College Stratified Charge Stress Concentration Stress Corrosion Stress Cracking Strike Command Strip Cathode Strongly Connected Structural Clay Structural Composite Study Group Subcable Subcaliber Subcarrier Subchannel Subclavian Subcommittee Subcontractor Subcooling Subcorneal Subcours Subcritical Subcutaneous Subject Category Subject Classification Subject Code Submarine Chaser Submarine Coxswain Subscriber Computer Subtract Carry Subtropical Convergence Sudden Commencement Suez Canal Sugar-Coated Sullins College Summary Card Summary Court Sumter & Choctaw Railway Co. Sun Comet Suomi College Super-Composite Super Computer Super Current Supercalendered Supercalendering Supercharge[d] Supercharger Supercharging Superconducting

- e: Superconduction - e: Superconductivity - e: Superconductor - e: Supercooled - e: Supercooling - e: Supercritical Chromatography - e: Supercycle - e: Superimposed Coding - e: Superimposed Current - e: Superintending Cartographer - e: Superior Colliculus - e: Superior Court - e: Supervisor Call - e: Supervisors Console - e: Supervisory Console - e: Supervisory Control - e: Supplemental Contract - e: Supplementary Information - e: Supply Catalogue] - e: Supply Class - e: Supply Control - e: Support Command - e: Support Concept [manual] - e: Support Contractor - e: Support Controller - e: Support Coordinator - e: Supporting Cells - e: Suppressed Carrier - e: Supreme Command[er] - e: Supreme Council - e: Supreme Court [Reporter (journ.)] - e: Surcharge - e: Surface Chemistry - e: Surface Combustion - e: Surface Command - e: Surgeon-Captain - e: Surgeon-Commander - e: Surgical Capsule - e: Surgical Corporation - e: Surrogates by Choice - e: Surveillance Compliance - e: Swarthmore College - e: Sweep Circuit - e: Swimmer-Canoeist - e: Swing Clamp - e: Switched Capacitor - e: Switched] Cell - e: Switching Cell - e: Symbol Checking - e: Symbolic] Code [or Coding] - e: Symbolic Compiler - e: Synaptonemal Complex - e: Synchro[n]cyclotron - e: Synchronization Coefficient - e: Synchronous Converter - e: Synclinal - e: System Capability - e: System Category code - e: System Concept - e: System Controller] - e: System Cost - e: Systems Command - e: Systolic Click - f: Seul Cours - f: Société Cooperative - f: Sources Chrétiennes (journ.) - f: Sous-Comité - f: Suisse Contemporaine (journ.) - i: Studia Catholica (journ.) - i: Studia Celtica (journ.) - i: Subciavia -1: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae -1: Sacra Congregatio -1: Sacrococcygeal -1: Sacrosanctam Concilium -1: Salesianorum Congregatio -1: Scapula

© K • G • Saur, München

-1: Scilicet -1: Scrupulus -1: Sculpsit -1: Scuola Cattolica (journ.) -1: Senatus Consulto [or Consultum] -1: Societas Fratrum Sacris Cordis -1: Spiroplasmavirus Citri - n: Staring Centrum, Institut voor Anderzoek van het Landelijk Gebied - p: Servicos Aereos Cruzeiro do Sul SA - s: Studi Colombiani (journ.) - s: Su Cargo - s: Su Cuenta Se d: Scandium - e: Scandinavia[n] - e: Scandium - e: Scanner - e: Scene - e: Schmidt Number - e: Science (journ.) - e: Scotch - e: Scotland - e: Scot[s] - e: Scottish - e: Scotts English Common Pleas Reports (journ.) - e: Sidecar - e: South Carolina State Library, Columbia - e: Stellacyanin - e: Stonecat - e: Stratocumulus - i: La Scala - i: Scientia. Organo Internazionale di Sintesi Scientifica (journ.) - i: Scoglio -1: Scaccaria -1: Scandium -1: Scoriae -1: Scriptorium (journ.) -1: Scutum - n: Nederlandse Staatscourant (journ.) Se. e: Scaccaria - e: Scarce - e: Science - e: Scientific - e: Scruple - e: Sculptor - i: Scapula -1: Scilicet S.C. e: Ali India Reporter, Supreme Court Reports - e: Cape of Good Hope Reports - e: Court of Session Cases - e: Quebec, Official Reports, Superior Court - e: Salvage Charges - e: Same Case - e: Same Container - e: Select Cases - e: Semi-Container - e: Semiconductor - e: Senior Counsel - e: Session Cases - e: Sharp Cash - e: Shippers own[ed] Container - e: Short Circuit - e: Side Contact - e: Signes Cliniques - e: Silk-Covered [wire] - e: Sine Confectione - e: Single Contact - e: Single Current - e: Small Craft - e: Sole Charge - e: South Carolina [Reports] - e: South Coast - e: Squirrel Cage - e: Standard Conditions

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

S/CA - e: Standing Committee - e: Statement of Charges - e: Statutory Committee - e: Superimposed Current - e: Superior Court - e: Supreme Court [Reporter] - e: Surcharge - e: United Nations Security Council - f: Société Civile -1: Subcutan S & C e: Search and Clear - e: Secret and Confidential - e: Shipper and Carrier - e: Signal and Conditioning - e: Sized and Calendered - e: Stabilization and Control - e: Standards and Control - e: Strategic and Critical [Raw Material] - e: Swan and Critchfields Revised Statutes (journ.) S - C e: Secret and Confidential Files - e: Serbian-Croatian - e: Serbo-Croat - e: Set-Clear - e: Slow-Curing - e: Stromberg-Carlson S/C e: Sales Code - e: Salvage Charges - e: Screwed and Coupled - e: Second in Command - e: Self-Contained - e: Semiconductor - e: Sensor Controller - e: Service Ceiling - e: Set Cours - e: Sharp Cash - e: Short Circuit - e: Signal/Clutter - e: Single-Column - e: Software Contractor - e: Sole Charge - e: Space Capsule - e: Spacecraft[/Capsule] - e: Special Conditions - e: Splitter/Combiner - e: Stabilization and Control - e: Star & Crescent - e: Statement of Capability - e: Statement of Charges - e: Stomberg/Carlson - e: Stowage Container - e: Strip Chart - e: Sub-Committee - e: Subcable - e: Subcarrier - e: Submarine Coxswain - e: Supercharge[d] - e: Supercharging - e: Superconducting Magnetic - e: Surcharge - e: Suspicious Circumstances - f: Son Compte - f: Sous le Couvert - p: Sua Carta - p: Sua Conta - s: Su Cuenta S I C e: Seaman, First Class SCA e: Air Weather Service, Technical Library, Scott AFB - e: Archibald Library, Caronport, Saskatchewan - e: Sag-Control Agent - e: Saskatchewan Construction Association - e: Satellite Committee Agency - e: Satellite Communications Agency - e: Save the Children Alliance - e: Scarborough Public Library


e: Schedule Change Authorization e: School and College Ability e: Science Clubs of America e: Science Fiction Classics Annual (journ.) e: Scientific Computing and Automation e: Scientific Computing Associates e: Scientific Council for Africa South of Sahara - e: Scottish Cashmere Association - e: Scottish Chess Association - e: Scottish Council on Alcohol - e: Scottish Courts Administration - e: Scottish Crookmakers Association - e: Screen Composers Association - e: Sea Coast Artillery - e: Secondary Communications Authorization - e: Secondary Control Assembly - e: Section Chief Assembly - e: Sectional Chamber Association - e: Selectively [or Selectivity] Clear Accumulator - e: Sensor-Controlled Automation - e: Sequence Chart Analyzer - e: Sequence Control Area - e: Sequencer Control Assembly - e: Service and Compliance Administration - e: Service Contract Act - e: Service Cryptologie Agencies - e: Servo Corporation of America - e: Sex Chromosome Abnormality - e: Shareholder Credit Accounting - e: Shelby Can-Am - e: Shields Class Association - e: Ship Constructive Association - e: Ship Cost Adjustment - e: Shipbuilders [or Shipbuilding] Council of America - e: Shipping Control Authority - e: Short-Circuit Ampere[s] - e: Short Code Address - e: Should Cost Analysis - e: Shuttle Carrier Aircraft - e: Sickle Cell Anemia - e: Signal Conditioning Assembly - e: Simulated Core Assembly - e: Simulation Control Area - e: Simulation Conversion Assembly - e: Single-Channel Analyzer - e: Small-Caliber [or Calibre] Ammunition - e: Small Communications Antenna - e: Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology (journ.) - e: Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics (journ.) - e: Smoke Control Association - e: Sneak Circuit Analysis - e: Social Care Association - e: Society for Commercial Archeology - e: Society for Coptic Archaeology - e: Society for Creative Anachronism - e: Society for Cultural Anthropology - e: Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists - e: Society of Company and Commerical Accountants - e: Society of Consumer Affairs - e: Software Change Authority - e: Software Control Authorization - e: Sonar Class Association - e: South Central Air, Inc. - e: Southern Communications Area - e: Southern Cotton Association - e: Soybean Council of America - e: Spacecraft Adapter - e: SPALTRA Control Activity - e: Special Committee on Agriculture - e: Specific Combining Ability

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich


e: Specification Compliance Agreement e: Spectrochemical Analysis e: Speech Communication Association e: Speed Catalogue] Access e: Sperm-Coating Antigen e: Spinach Carbonic Anhydrase e: Spinning-Cup Atomization e: Stabilization Control Amplifier e: Standard Consolidated Area e: Standing Committee of Analysts to review methods for Quality Control of the Water Cycle - e: State Commemorative Area - e: Steel Cladding Association - e: Steel-Cored Alumin[i]um - e: Sterba Curtain Antenna - e: Stevengraph Collectors Association - e: Stock Company Association - e: Stock Control Activity - e: Store[d] Index in/to Address - e: Strap Clamp Assy - e: Student Conservation Association - e: Subcarrier Authorization - e: Subcarrier Channel - e: Subchannel Adapter - e: Subcontract Authorization - e: Subcritical Assembly - e: Subsequent Coupons Attached - e: Subsidiary Carrier Authorization - e: Subsidiary Channel Authorization - e: Subsidiary Communications Allocation - e: Subsidiary Communications Authorization - e: Suez Canal Area - e: Suez Canal Authority - e: Summary Cost Account - e: Superior Cerebellar Artery - e: Supersonic Cruise [or Cruising] Aircraft - e: Support Centers of America - e: Supreme and Exchequer Courts Act - e: Supreme Court Appeals (journ.) - e: Surface Coating[s] Abstracts - e: Survey of College Achievement - e: Survey of Current Business (journ.) - e: Suspended Ceilings Association - e: Switch Control Assembly - e: Sydney College of the Arts - e: Symmetrical Component Analysis - e: Synagogue Council of America - e: Synchronous Communication^] Adapter [or Adaptor] - e: System Comparison Analysis - e: System Control Adapter - e: System Control Area - f: Service Cinématographique des Armees - f: Société Canadienne d'Astronomie - f: Société Canadienne des Anesthesistes - f: Société Centrale d'Apiculture - f: Société Commerciale Africaine - f: Société des Ciments d'Abidjan - f: Systeme de Contrôle d'Attitude - r: Svenska Cellulose Aktiebolaget - s: Santa Cruz - s: Sector de Ciencia Agraria da Universidade Federal do Parana - s: Sociedad Cientifica Argentina - s: Societas Cooperatives Agricoles Sea i: Scala - N: Scandinavica (journ.) -1: Streptomyces Caespitosus S C a e: South Carolina Reports (journ.) S.C.A. e: Settlement of Claims Abroad S/CA e: Spacecraft Adapter


SCAA SCAA e: Skin Care Association of America - e: Speciality Control Association of America - e: Specialty Coffee Association of America - e: Spill Control Association of America - e: State Communities Aid Association - e: Superconductor Applications Association - e: Sussex Cattle Association of America SCAAF f: Société Centrale d'Approvisionment des Agriculteurs de France SCAAN e: System for Computerized Application Analysis SCAAP e: Special Commonwealth African Assistance Plan SCAAS e: Strategic Communication and Alerting System SCAB e: Single Chain Antibody Fragment - e: Streptozocin, CCNU [Lomustine], Adriamycin, Bleomycin - f: Société Centrale d'Architectes de Belgique - s: Sociedad Cooperativa de Agrónomos de Bolivia SCABB f: Société Cooperative Agricole du Bassin de Briey SCABG e: Single Coronary Artery Bypass Graft SCABS f: Société Cooperative Agricole du Moulin de Brienon Scnan SCAC e: Combat Support Aviation Comp - e: Safety Critical Armament Controller - e: School and College Advisory Center - e: Scottish Countryside Activities Council - e: Self-Cleaning Air Cleaner - e: Standard Carrier Alpha Code - e: Sunrise Cultural and Art Center - e: Syntax-Controlled Acoustic Classifier - f: Société Cooperative Agricole de CrecyLa-Chapelle Scac. 1: Scaccaria Curia SC Acad Sei Bull e: South Carolina Academy of Science. Bulletin (joum.) SCA Channel e: Subsidiary Communication Authorization Channel SCACOP e: Southern California Area Construction Opportunity Program SC Acts e: Acts and Joint Resolutions of the State of South Carolina (journ.) SCAD e: Savannah College of Art and Design - e: Scan Converter and Display - e: Schedule, Capability, Availability, Dependability - e: Schenectady Army Depot - e: Small Current Amplifying Device - e: Solar Concentrator Advanced Development - e: State Commission Against Discrimination - e: Strategic Bomber Penetration Decoy - e: Subprogram[me] Change Affect Diagram - e: Subsonic Cruise-missile Armed Decoy - e: Suspected Coronary Artery Disease - f: Société Canadienne pour l'Analyse de Documents - f: Société Centrafricaine de Déroulage SCADA e: Student Coalition Against Drug Abuse - e: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADAR e: Scatter Detection and Ranging SCADC e: Standard Central Air Data Computers] SCADCOM e: Short Close Air Defense Combat Model SCADE e: Signal Conditioning and Detection Electronics SCADEC f: Société Cooperative Agricole de Decize et Cergy-La-Tour SCADEU e: Scottish Adult Basic Education Unit 296

SCADOA f: Service Commun d'Armements Desservant l'Ouest Africain Se Adrocate e: Science Advocate (journ.) SCADS e: SAS Census Access and Display System - e: Scanning Celestial Attitude Determination System - e: Shipboard [or Shipborne] Containerized Air Defence [or Defense] System - e: Simulation of Combined Analog[ue] Digital Systems - e: Sioux City Air Defense Sector - e: Speech Command Auditory Display System - e: Supervisory Console Assembler Debugging System SCADTA s: Sociedad de Colombo-Alemana de Transportes Aereos SCAE e: Scottish Center [or Centre] for/of Agricultural Engineering - e: Society for Computer-Aided Engineering - f: Service Central AERO SCAEC e: Submarine Contact Analysis and Evaluation Center SCAEF e: Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force SCAEI f: Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installations SCAEL f: Société Cooperative Agricole Eure-et-Loire Scaen Rom Frag 1: Scaenicorum Romanorum Fragmenta (joum.) SCAEPA e: Society for Computer Applications in Engineering, Planning and Architecture SCAER f: Société de Crédit Agricole et d'Équipement Rurale SCAES e: South Carolina Agricultural Station SCAF e: Self Centered-Altruism Fad - e: Supersonic Cruise Attack Fighter - e: Suppressor Cell Activating Factor - e: Supreme Commander of Allied Forces - e: Surgical Care Affiliates, Inc. - f: Compagnie des Scieries Africaines - f: Société Centrale d'Aviculture de France SCAFA f: Société Centrafricaine d'Affrètement et d'Acconage SCAFB e: Schilling Air Force Base - e: Suffolk County Air Force Base SCAFEDS e: Space Construction Automated Fabrication Experiment Definition Study SCAFLA f: Société Cooperative Agricole et Fruitiere de Loire Atlantique SCAFP e: Supreme Commander, Allied Forces Pacific SCAFR f: Société Centrale d'Amenagement Foncier Rural SCAFROB f: Société Cooperative Agricole des Fruits Rouges de Bourgogne SCAG e: Saigon Civil Assistance Group - e: Sandoz Clinical Assessment-Geriatric [-scale] - e: Sandoz Clinical Assessment of Geriatrics - e: Special COMSEC Advisory Group - e: Supplier Corrective Action Group SC Ag Dept e: South Carolina. Department of Agriculture, Commerce and Industries. Publications (joum.) SC Ag Exp e: South Carolina. Agricultural Experiment Station. Publications(journ.) SCAGL f: Société Cinématographique des Auteurs et Gens de Lettres

© K O - Saur, München

SC Agric Exp Stn Bull e: South Carolina. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin (journ.) SC Agric Exp Stn Cire e: South Carolina. Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular (journ.) SC Agric Exp Stn Tech Bull e: South Carolina. Agricultural Experiment Station. Technical Bulletin (journ.) SC Agr Res e: South Carolina Agricultural Research (journ.) SCAHR e: School of Community and Allied Health Resources SCAHUR f: Société Congolaise d'Aménagement de l'Habitat Urbain et Rurale SCAI f: Société des Comptables en Administration Industrielle du Canada ScAi e: Aiken-Bamberg-Bamwell-Edgefield Regional Library SCA&I e: Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions SCAIF e: Sertoli-Cell Androgenic Inhibitory Factor SCAINIIR e: Surface Chemical Analysis by Neutral and Ionized Impact Radiation SCAISA p: Sociedade Agro-Industrial Olhos d'Agua SCAJAP e: Shipping Control Administrator Japan - e: Supreme Commander Allied Forces Japan SCAL e: Scaling - e: Silver City Airways Limited - e: Skin Diver Contact Air Lenses - e: STAR [Self Testing and Reporting] Computer Assembly Language - e: Steel-Cored Alumin[i]um SCALA e: Society of Chief Architects of Local Authorities - f: Société Cooperative Avicole de Loire Atlantique S Cal Ac ScB e: Southern California Academy of Sciences. Bulletin (journ.) SCALAMP e: Scale and Lamp SCALC e: Steel Core[d] Alumin[i]um Cable - e: Steel-Cored Alumin[i]um Conductor SCALD e: Structural [or Structured] Computer-Aided Logic Design SCALE e: Scales of Creativity and Learning Environment - e: Space Checkout and Launch Equipment - e: Supreme Court Almanac (journ.) - e: Syllabically Companded and Logically Encoded Scale Discharge e: The Discharge is to be performed at the customary scale of rates for the port SCALER e: Statistical Calculation and Analysis of Engine Removal S Cal[if] L[aw] R[ev] e: Southern California law Review (journ.) SCALMS f: Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils de Levage, de Manutention et de Matériels de Stockage SCALO e: Scanning Local Oscillator SCALOM f: Société Camerounaise de Location de Matérial et de Travaux Publics SCALP e: Small Card Automated Layout Program[me] - e: Students Concerned about Legal Prices S CA LR e: Southern California Law Review (journ.) SCALRA e: Scottish Adult Literacy Resource Agency S. Cal. Rev. L.&Women's Stud, e: Southern California Review of Law & Women's Studies

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

S c a n d J H a e m a t o l Suppl S. Cal. T a x Inst, e: Southern California Tax Institute S C A M e: Selection Classification Age Maturity Program - e: Soil Classification and Mapping Branch - e: Source-coders Cost Analysis Model - e: Soviet Cost Analysis Model - e: Spectrum Characteristics Analysis and Measurement - e: Standing Conference for Amateur Music - e: Station Control and Monitoring - e: Strike Camera - e: Study Course in Agency Management - e: Sub-Carrier Amplitude Modulation - e: Subsonic Cruise Armed Missile[/Decoy] - e: Synchronous Communication[s] Access Method - e: System-support Cost Analysis Model - f: Société Commerciale d'Applications Mécanographiques - f: Sociétés Coopératives Agricoles Marocaines Se A m e: Scientific American (journ.) S C A M A e: Scientific American (journ.) - e: Service Central des Approvisionements et Matériels Américains - e: Skewed Circular Arc Method of Analysis - e: Station Conferencing and Monitoring Arrangement - e: Switching, Conference [or Conferencing] and Monitoring Arrangemen SCAMAP e: South and Central Asian Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Network - f: Syndicat des Cadres et Agents de Maîtrise de l'Aéroport de Paris SCAMBA e: Scatterable Minefield Breaching Apparatus S C A M C e: Symposium on Computer Application [s] in Medical Care S C A M / D e: Subsonic Cruise Arrmed Missile/Decoy S C A M E f: Société Cooperative Agricole du Mantois et Environs S C A M E A f: Société de Construction d'Appareils Mécaniques et Electroniques pour Automobiles S.A. S C A M J E T e: Supersonic Combustion Ramjet S C A M M e: Spark Chamber Automatic Measuring Machine S C A M P e: Scientific Computer and Modular Processor - e: Scottish Association of Magazine Publishers - e: Sectionalized Carrier and Multipurpose Vehicle - e: Self Contained Airborne Multipurpose Pod - e: Self Contained Ancillary Modular Platform - e: Self Propelled Crane for Aircraft Maintenance and Positioning - e: Sensor Control and Management Platoon - e: Signal Conditioning Amplifier - e: Single Channel Amplitude Monopulse Processing - e: Small-CaliberAmmunition [Modernization] Program - e: Space-Controlled Army Measurements Probe - e: Sperry Computer-Aided [or Automated] Message Processor - e: Standard Configuration and Modification Program [me] - e: State-of-the-art Computer Assisted Machine-tool Project

- e: Submarine Cold-weather and Arctic Material Program - e: Submerged Cleaning and Maintenance Platform - e: Summer Campus, Advanced Mathematics Program - e: Supersonic Cruise Aircraft Modification Program - e: System Compiler Assembly Program[me] S C A M P E R S e: Standard Corps-ArmyMACOM [Major Army Command] Personnel System S C A M P S e: Small Computer Analytical and Mathematical Programming System S C A M P T M E e: Succinyl CAMP Tyrosine Methyl Ester S C A M P Vehicle e: Sectionalized Carrier and Multipurpose Vehicle S C A M S e: Scanning [Antenna] Microwave Spectrometer [or Spectrometry] Sc A m Sup e: Scientific American. Supplement (joum.) S C A M T R A f: Société Camerounaise de Manutention, de Transport et de Transit SCAN e: Alliance Imaging, Inc. - e: Satellite Cable Audio Networks - e: Saving Comparative Analysis - e: Scandinavia[n] - e: Scanfile - e: Scanner Association of North America - e: Scanning - e: Schedule Analysis - e: Scheduling and Control by Automated Network - e: Scientific Current Aerospace Notices - e: Scintiscan - e: Screening Test for Identifying Central Auditory Disorders - e: Second Career Assistance Network - e: Seismic Computerized Alert Network - e: Selected Current Aerospace Notices - e: Selective Current Awareness Notification - e: Self-Contained [or Containing] Automatic Navigation - e: Self-Correcting Automatic Navigation [or Navigator] - e: Semiconductor Component Analysis Network - e: Seniors Cooperative Alert Network - e: Sensor Controller Alert Network - e: Service Center Advantage Network - e: Service Center for Aging Information - e: Short Current Abstracts and Notes - e: Signal Corps Administrative Network - e: Silent Communication Alarm Network - e: Simplifed Colorimetrie Analysis - e: Small Computers in the Arts Network - e: Southern California Answering Network - e: Spares Change Advance Notice - e: State of California Answering Network - e: Stock Control and Analysis - e: Stock-market Computer Answering Network - e: Student Career Automated Network - e: Sufferers of Compulsive Anxiety Neurosis - e: Supermarket Computer Answering Service - e: Surface Condition Analyzer - e: Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect - e: Switched-Circuit Automatic Network - e: System for Coding and Analysis - e: System for Collection and Analysis of Near-Collision Reports - e: Systematic Classification Analysis of Non-verbal behaviour - f: Société Cooperative Agricole de la Nievre

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

ScAn e: Anderson County Library Scan e: Scandinavian Studies (journ.) -1: Scandinavica (journ.) SCANA e: Self-Contained Adverse[-weather] Night Attack SCAN[-]AUSTRAL [A/S] e: Scandinavian Australia Carriers Ltd. SCANCAP e: System for Comparative Analysis of Community Action Programs Scan Carriers e: Scandinavian Australia & New Zealand Carriers Ltd. Scancars e: Scandinavian Cars SCAN Computer e: Stock Control and Analysis Nineteenhundred Computer Scancon e: Scandinavian Voyage Charfer SCAND e: Single Crystal Automatic Neutron Diffractometer Scand e: Scandinavia[n] Scand 1: Scandinavica (journ.) Scand Achtuar J e: Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (journ.) S C A N D A L e: Select Committee to Arrange a New Deal to Avoid Litigation Scand Audiol e: Scandinavian Audiology (journ.) Scand Audiol Suppl e: Scandinavian Audiology. Supplement (journ.) SCANDC e: Scandinavia Co. Scand Ec[on] Hist Rev e: Scandinavian Economic History Review (journ.) SCANDEFA e: Scandinavian Dental Fair SCANDI e: Surveillance Control and Driver Information Scandinavian Publ. Libr. Q. e: Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly (journ.) Scandinavian R e: Scandinavian Review (journ.) Scandinav J Clin Lab Invest e: Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (journ.) Scandinav J Econ e: Scandinavian Journal of Economics (journ.) Scandinav J Gastroent e: Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology (journ.) Scandinav J Haemat e: Scandinavian Journal of Haematology (journ.) Scandinav J Resp Dis e: Scandinavian Journal of Respiratory Diseases (journ.) Scand J Behav Ther e: Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy (journ.) Scand J Clin Lab Inv e: Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (journ.) Scand J Clin Lab Invest e: Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (journ.) Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. Supplement (joum.) Scand J Dent Res e: Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research (journ.) Scand J Econ e: Scandinavian Journal of Economics (journ.) Scand J For Res e: Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research (journ.) Scand J Gastroenterol e: Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology (journ.) Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. Supplement (joum.) Scand J Haematol e: Scandinavian Journal of Haematology (journ.) Scand J Haematol Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Haematology. Supplement (journ.)


Scand J Haematol Suppl Ser Haematol Scand J Haematol Suppl Ser Haematol e: Scandinavian Journal of Haematology. Supplement. Series Haematological (journ.) Scand J Immunol e: Scandinavian Journal of Immunology (journ.) Scand J Immunol Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. Supplement (journ.) Scand J Infect Dis e: Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases (journ.) Scand J Infect Dis Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. Supplement (journ.) Scand J Metall e: Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy (journ.) Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg e: Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (journ.) Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Supplement (journ.) Scand J Plast Recon Surg e: Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (journ.) Scand J Prim Health Care e: Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care (journ.) Scand J Psychol e: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (journ.) Scand J Rehabil Med e: Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (journ.) Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. Supplement (journ.) Scand J Rehab Med e: Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (journ.) Scand J Respir Dis e: Scandinavian Journal of Respiratory Diseases (journ.) Scand J Respir Dis Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Respiratory Diseases. Supplement (journ.) Scand J Rheumatol e: Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology (journ.) Scand J Rheumatol Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. Supplement (journ.) Scand J Soc Med e: Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine (journ.) Scand J Soc Med Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine. Supplement (journ.) Scand J St e: Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (journ.) Scand J Statist e: Sandinavian Journal of Statistics. Theory and Applications (journ.) Scand J Stat Theory and Appl e: Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Theory and Applications (journ.) Scand J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg e: Scandinavian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (journ.) Scand J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Suppl e: Scandinavian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Supplement Scand J Urol Nephrol e: Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology (journ.) SCANDLAS e: Scandinavian Federation for Laboratory Animal Science SCANDOC e: Scandinavian Documentation Center [or Centre] SC and S e: Strapped, Corded and Sealed Scand. Stud. Criminol. e: Scandinavian Studies in Criminology Scand. Stud, in L. e: Scandinavian Studies in Law. Stockholm, Sweden


Scand. Stud. Law e: Scandinavian Studies in Law Sc and T e: Science and Technology SCANEB f: Société Cooperative Agricole du Nord-Est de la Brie Scanfïn e: Wood Charter [Scandinavia and Finland to the United Kingdom] [Chamber of Shipping] Scania r: Saab-Scania AB Scania-D d: Scania Deutschland GmbH Scania-DK a: Scania Danmark A/S Scania-GB e: Scania [Great Britain] Ltd. Scania-NL n: Scania Nederland B.V. SCANIIR e: Surface Composition [by] Analysis by/of Neutral and Ion Impact Radiation Scaninavian Econ Hist R e: Scandinavian Economic History Review (journ.) SCANIT e: Scan-only Intelligent Terminal SCANI Terminal e: SCAN [Stockmarket Computer Answering Network] Intelligent Terminal Scanlines e: The Scandinavian Lines Scan M e: Scandinavian Middle East Line Scan. Mag. 1: Scandalum Magnatum SCANMEL e: Scandinavian Middle East Line SCANNET e: Scandinavian Information Retrieval Network Scanoreconbill e: Bill of Lading. For shipments chartered on the "Scanorecon" SCANP e: Scandinavian Periodicals index in economics and business SCANPED e: System for Comparative Analysis of Programs of Educational Development SCANRED e: Scandinavian Red Sea Service SCANS e: Scheduling and Control [by] Automated [or Automation] Network System[s] - e: Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets - e: Stanford [University] Computer for Analysis of Nuclear Structure - e: Stockmarket Computer Answering Service - e: System[s] Checkout Automatic Network Simulator SCANs e: Southern California Answering Networks SCANSAR e: Scanning Synthetic Aperture Radar SCAN Service e: Stockmarket Computer Answering Service Scanservice e: Scandinavian Joint Shipping Service, Copenhagen SCAN-Test e: Scandinavian Pulp, Paper and Board Testing Committee SCANTIE e: Submersible Craft Acoustic Navigation and Track Indication Equipment SCANTS e: Scantlings SCAO e: Standing Conference of/on Atlantic Organizations SCAP d: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Angewandte Geographie - e: Scapula[r] - e: Scapuloid - e: Shaped Charge Analysis Program - e: Silent Compact Auxiliary Power - e: Space Charge Atomizing Precipitater - e: Star Computer Assembly Program[me] - e: Sub-Contract Approval Procedure - e: Supreme Commander], Allied Powers - e: Systems for the Control of Ambulation Pressure

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- f: Section Commune d'Administration des Pensions - f: Société Centrale d'Aquiculture et de Pêche - f: Société de Credit Agricole et de Prévoyance - p: Sociedade de Ciencias Agrarias de Portugal SCAPA e: Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising - p: Sociedade de Comercializaçâo e Apoio à Pesca Artesanal Scapa e: Scapa Flow naval anchorage in the Orkney Islands SCAP[C]AN f: Coopérative Agricole des Planteurs de Café Arabica du Ndé SCAPCO p: Sections Cooperatives Agricoles du Plan de Constantine SCAPE e: Self-Contained Atmospheric Personnel Ensemble - e: Self-Contained Atmospheric Protective Ensemble [Suit] 'SCAPE e: Escape[ment] - e: Landscape - e: Seascape - e: Skyscape SCAPHOCEPHS e: Scaphocephalies SCAPIR f: Société Cooperative Anonyme de la Peche Industrielle Rochelaise SCAPJAP e: Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in Japan SCAPS e: Small Capitals ScAPS e: Scandinavian Association of Paediatric Surgeons SCAQMD e: South Coast Air Quality Management District SCAR e: Configuration Status Accounting Records - e: Satellite Capture and Retrieval - e: Scandinavian Council for Applied Research - e: Scientific Committee for/on Antarctic Research - e: Signal Conditioner Assembly Request - e: Spacecraft Assessment Report - e: Standing Committee on Agricultural Research - e: Strike Control and Reconnaissance - e: Structure-Carcinogenic Activity Relationship - e: Subcaliber Aircraft [or Aviation] Rocket - e: Subcell Address Register - e: Submarine Celestial Altitude Recorder - e: Submerged Celestial Altitude Recorder - e: Subsequent Contrast Application Review - e: Sun Caliber Aircraft Rocket - e: Supersonic Cruise Aircraft [or Airplane] Research - e: Supplier Corrective Action Request S.Car. e: South Carolina [Reports] SCARA e: Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm - f: Société Cooperative Agricole de la Region Angerville - f: Syndicat de Compagnies Assurant les Risques Automobiles SCARAB e: Submersible Craft Assisting Recovery [or Repair] and Burial Scarboro' e: Scarborough Scarborough Dist Archaeol Soc Res Rep e: Scarborough District Archaeological Society. Research Reports (journ.) SCARD e: Signal Conditioning And Recording Device SCARDE e: Study Committee on Analysis of Research, Development and Engineering

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SCB S C A R E e: Sensor-Control Anti-AntiRadiation-Missile Radar Evaluation - e: Structural Ceramic Analysis and Reliability Evaluation S C A R e U e: Stanford Community Against Reagan University S C A R F e: Santa Cruz Acoustic Range Facility - e: Self-Contained Automated Robotic Factory - e: Side-Looking Coherent All-Range Focus[s]ed - e: Special Committee on the Adequacy of Range Facilities - e: Survey of Change and Residential Finance - e: System Control Audit Review File S C A R F U e: Simultaneous Charge and Read Function Unit S C A R L O e: San Carlos Milling Co., Inc. S C A R M f: Société Cooperative Agricole Romilly Estissac S C A R O - M I N E S f: Société Centrafricano Roumaine des Mines S C A R P e: Escarpment S C A R P f S ] e: Salinity Control and Reclamation Project[s] S C a r R e: South Carolina Law Reports (journ.) S C A R S e: SACEUR [Supreme Allied Commander Europe] Command Alerting Reporting System - e: SACEUR [Supreme Allied Commander Europe] Control and Reporting System - e: Serialized Control and Record System - e: Sneak Circuit Analysis Report Summary - e: Software Configuration Accounting and Reporting System - e: Southerns Computer-Assisted Retrieval Service - e: Status Control Alert[ing] [and] Reporting System - e: System Control and Receiving Station S-car[s] e: Swedish car[s] S C A R T e: Sperry Continuity and Resistance Tester - f: Syndicat de Constructeurs d'Appareils Radio-récepteurs et Téléviseurs S C A R W A F e: Special Category Army with Air Force S C A S d: Stabilisierungs- und Steuersystem - e: Semi-Continuous Activated-Sludge - e: Senior Citizen Audiological Service - e: Signal Corps Aviation School - e: Society for Companion Animal Studies - e: South Carolina Academy of Science - e: Southwest Center for Advanced Studies - e: Spacecraft Adapter Simulator - e: Stability [and] Control Augmentation System - e: State Cost Accounting System - e: Subsystem Computer Application Software S C A ' s e: Subsidiary Communications Authorizations S C A S A s: Servicio Cooperative Agrícola Salvadoreño Americano S C A S G e: Sonar Calibration and Alignment Steering Group S C A S H e: Scottish Committee Action on Smoking and Health S C A S P e: Sequence of Coverage and Speed S C A S S e: Signal Corps Aircraft Signal Service Sc As T r i n i d a d P r e: Scientific Association of Trinidad. Proceedings (journ.)

S C A T e: Scat Hovercraft, Inc. - e: Scatterometer - e: School and College Ability Test - e: Schottky Cell Array Technology - e: Science College Ability Testfing] - e: Security Control of Air Traffic - e: Selected Calibration and Alignment Test - e: Self Centering Air Track - e: Self-Contained Automatic Transmitter - e: Sequential Component Automatic Testing - e: Sequentially-Controlled Automatic Transmitter - e: Service Code Automatic Tester - e: Service Command Air Transportation - e: SHARE [Society to Help Avoid Redundant Effort] Compiler, Assembler and Translator - e: Sheep Cell Agglutination Test - e: Sickle Cell Anemia Test - e: Single Contractor Aviation Training - e: Small Car Automatic Transit [System] - e: Solid Catalyses] - e: Solution to Customer Aircraft Troubles - e: South Pacific Combat Air Transport - e: Space Communication^] and Tracking - e: Special Advisory Committee on Telecommunications - e: Speed Command Attitude/Target - e: Speed Command [of] Attitude [and] Thrust - e: Speed Control Approach/Takeoff - e: Sperry Canada Automatic Tester - e: State Change Algorithm Translator - e: Statistical Communications Analysis Technique - e: Storage, Checkout and Transportation - e: Submarine Classification and Tracking - e: Supersonic Commercial Air Transport - e: Surface-Controlled Avalanche Transistor - e: System Configuration Acceptance Test - e: System Configuration Audit Table - e: Systems Consolidation of Accessions and Trainees - e: Sytems Configuration Acceptance Test - f: Société Centrafricaine des Tabacs scat. 1: scatula S C A T A e: Survival Sited Casualty Treatment Assemblage S C A T A N A e: Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation[al] Aids S c A T C C e: Scottish Air Traffic Control Center S C A T E e: Self Checking Automatic Test[ing] Equipment - e: Space Chamber Analyzer-Thermal Environment - e: Stromberg-Carlson Automatic Testfing] Equipment S C A T E R e: Security Control of Air Traffic and Electromagnetic Radiation[s] Sea tes' C o m p St e: Treat, Scates and Blackwells Compiled Illinois Statutes (journ.) S C A T H A e: Satellite Charging at High Altitude - e: Spacecraft Charging at High Altitude[s] [-Satellite] S C a t h o l i: Studia Catholica (journ.) S C A T O e: Scatological] - e: Scatology S C A T O R I G 1: Scatula Originalis S C A T R a c k e: Storage, Checkout and Transport Rack

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

S C A T S e: Scheduling and Tracking System - e: Self-Contained Automatic Test System - e: Sequential Controlled Automatic Transistor Start - e: Sequentially Controlled Automatic Test Equipment - e: Sequentially] Controlled Automatic Transmitter S t a r t i n g ] - e: Simulation Checkout and Training System - e: Simulation Control and Training System - e: Southern Counties Agricultural Trading Society - e: Standard Coal Aerosol Test - e: Surface Combatant Airborne Tactical System S C A T s e: Southern California Acrobatic Teams S C A T ' S e: Supersonic Commercial Air Transports S C A T S D e: Signal Corps Aviation Test and Support Detachment S C A T System e: Small Car Automatic Transit System S C A T T e: Scatterometer - e: Scientific Communication and Technology Transfer [System] - e: Shared Catalog[ue] Accessed through Terminals S C A U A e: Scientific Australian (journ.) S C a u c 1: Studia Caucasica (journ.) S C A U L e: Standing Confenence of African University Libraries S C A U L W A e: Standing Confenence of African University Libraries-Western Area S C A [ U N ] e: Department of Security Council Affairs of the United Nations S C A V e: Scavenge S C A V C f: Société Cooperative Agricole de la Vallee de la Chiers S C A V O S f: Société Cooperative Agricole de Oise et de la Somme S C A W e: Scientists Center for Animal Welfare - e: Shielded Carbon-Arc Welding - e: Subcommittee on Animal Welfare - e: Supreme Camp of the American Woodmen S C A W D e: Scottish Churches Action for World Development Scaw Fells e: Scaw Fell [or Scafell] Mountains S C A W H - S A W R H e: Signal Company Aircraft Warning Hawaii-Signal Aircraft Warning Regiment Hawaii Association S C A W N A e: Self-Contained AdverseWeather Night Attack S C A W U e: Singapore Clerical and Administrative Workers Union S C A X e: Small Count[r]y Automatic Exchange Sc Azione i: Scuola in Azione (journ.) S C B d: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft - e: Sample Collection Bag - e: Sawyer College of Business - e: Scarborough - e: Schedule Change Board - e: Scholarly Book Center - e: School of Classical Ballet - e: Scorpion Resources - e: Scribner - e: Secondary Carpet Backing - e: Seek Check Bit - e: Segment Control Bit - e: Selection Control Board - e: Selector Control Box - e: Selenite Cystine Broth 299

scb - e: Semiconductor Bridge - e: Series Configuration Baseline - e: Service Control Block - e: Session Control Block - e: Set Combining Box - e: Shallow Cathode Barrier - e: Ship Characteristics Board - e: Shipowners Claims Bureau - e: Ships Characteristics Board - e: Silicon Cell Bridge - e: Silicon Circuit Board - e: Silver Cadmium Battery - e: Single Crystal Blade - e: Site Control Block - e: Smart Semiconductor Simulation Language - e: Society for Conservation Biology - e: Software Control Board - e: South Central Bulletin (joum.) - e: South China Block - e: Southern California Bookbuilders - e: Space Construction Base - e: Specification Control Board - e: Speedway Control Board - e: Stack Control Block - e: Staff Coordination Briefing - e: Stage Check-out Building - e: State-Capacity Building - e: Station Control Block - e: Store Check Bit - e: Stream Control Block - e: Strictly Confined to Bed - e: String Control Byte - e: Student Contact Book (joum.) - e: Subscriber Control Block - e: Supervisory Circuit Breaker - e: Survey of Current Business (journ.) - e: System Control Block - f: Société Camerounaise de Banque - f: Société Chimique de Belg[iqu]e - f: Société des Ciments du Bénin - f: Société d'Etude et de Développement de la Culture Bananière - f: Soeurs de la Charité de Besancon -1: Scientiae Baccalaureus - n: Statistika Centralbyran - r: Statistiska Centralbyran - s: Sociedad Bolivariana de Venezuela - s: Sociedad Cubana de Botanica scb e: screw base ScB e: Bachelor of Science - e: Beaufort County Library Sc.B. 1: Scientia Baccalaureus ScBa e: Lexington County Circulating Library, Batesburg SCBA e: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus - e: Southern California Booksellers Association - e: Supreme Circle Brotherhood of America Sc BAM e: Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics SCBAR e: System Control Block Address Register Sc BC e: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry SCBC e: Somerset Cattle Breeding Centre SCBCA e: Small Claims Board of Contract Appeals SCBD e: Scan Conversion and Bright Display - e: Service Central Book Depot - e: Signal Corps Base Depot Sc BE e: Bachelor of Science in Engineering

SCBE f: Société Camerounaise des Bois Equatriaux - f: Société Canadienne des Brevets et d'Exploitation Limitée SCBF e: Spinal-Cord Blood Flow SCBK f: Société Congolaise des Brasseries Kronenbourg SCBM e: System Concepts & Battle Management - f: Société Camerounaise de Béton Manufacture Se BP e: Bachelor of Science in Physics SCBQ e: Science Classroom Behavior Q-sort SCBR e: Steam-Cooled Breeder Reactor SCBS e: System Control Block[s] sebu e: special-care baby unit Scbupo d: Schutzpolizei - d: Schutzpolizist SCBW e: Society of Children's Book Writers SCO d: Schweizer Computerclub - e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Control Center - e: Sarawak Chamber of Commerce - e: Sateilite Control Centre - e: Satellite and Computer Communications - e: Satellite Communication Concentrator - e: Satellite Communications Control Office - e: Satellite Communications Controller - e: Satellite Control Center [or Centre] - e: Scandinavian Clothing Council - e: Scandinavian Collectors Club - e: Science Council of Canada - e: Science Culture Canada - e: Secondary Category Code - e: Secondary Containment Cooling - e: Sectional Classification Code - e: Sector Control Center [or Centre] - e: Security Co-ordination Committee - e: Security Commodity Code - e: Security Control Center - e: Security Coordination Committee - e: Select Cases in Chancery - e: Self-Checking Code - e: Self-Correcting Code - e: Semiconductor Circuit - e: Sequence Control Chart - e: Sequence Controlled Calculator - e: Sequential Control Counter - e: Serial Communication^] Controllers] - e: Serial Correlation Coefficient - e: Services for Crippled Children - e: Severe Common Cold - e: SHAPE Command Center - e: Shaped Charge Configuration - e: Ship Control Center [or Centre] - e: Shoreline Community College - e: Short Circuit Current - e: Signal Channel Controller - e: Signal Control Center - e: Signalling] Conversion Circuit - e: Silk Covered Cord - e: Simplified Computer Code - e: Simulation Control Center - e: Single Card Checking - e: Single-Card Computer - e: Single Channel Communications - e: Single-Channel Controller - e: Single Channel per Carrier - e: Single-Chip Computer - e: Single-Conductor Cable - e: Single-Cotton Covered - e: Sitka Community College - e: Slice Control Central - e: Slidell Computer Complex - e: Small Cell Carcinoma


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- e: Small Center [or Centre] Contact - e: Small Compressor Colorimeter - e: Smooth-Conductor Cable - e: Society for Children with Craniosynostosis - e: Society of Cheese Connoisseurs - e: Society of Cosmetic Chemistry [or Chemists] - e: Software Checkout Console - e: Software Configuration Controller - e: Somatic Cell Concentration - e: Source Classification Code - e: Southern Connecticut State College, Division of Library Science, New Haven - e: Space Chamber Complex - e: Space Communications Corporation - e: Space Consultative Committee - e: Spacecraft Control Center - e: Spanish Chamber of Commerce - e: Spark Control Computer - e: Special Character Code - e: Special Character Conversion - e: Special Computer Center - e: Special Coordinating Committee - e: Specialist Computer Centres - e: Specialized Common Carrier[s] - e: Specific Clauses and Conditions - e: Specification Compliance Certification - e: Speed Call Controller - e: Speed Control Circuit - e: Splenium of the Corpus Callosum - e: Split-Conductor Cable - e: Spokane Community College - e: Squadron Control Center - e: Squamous Cell Carcinoma - e: St. Clair College - e: Stabilized Core Composite - e: Standard Commodity Classification - e: Standard Commodity Codes - e: Standard Community Classification - e: Standard Consultative Commission - e: Standard Cubic Centimeter - e: Standardized Cost Categories - e: Standards Coordinating Committee - e: Standards Council of Canada - e: Standing Consultative Commission - e: Standing Interdepartmental Committee on Censorship - e: Starcraft Campers Club - e: State Coordination Committee - e: State Corporation Commission - e: Status Change Character - e: Steel Carriers Conference - e: Stock Clearing Corporation - e: Stock Control Center - e: Storage Connecting Circuit - e: Stowage Co-ordinating Centre - e: Strategic Communications Command - e: Stress-Corrosion Cracking - e: Stromberg-Carlson Corporation - e: Structural Concrete Consortium - e: Student Coordinating Council - e: Student of Codrington College - e: Studies in Comparative Communism (journ.) - e: Studio Collectors Club - e: Sub-Carrier Channels] - e: Submerged [or Submersible] Compression Chamber - e: Submission Control Code - e: Sudan Chamber of Commerce - e: Sunbeam Car Club - e: Superconducting Characterization Cryostat - e: Superconducting Coil - e: Supervisor Control Console - e: Supervisory Control Conference

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

sees - e: Supply Control Center - e: Supreme Court Cases (journ.) - e: Supreme Court Circular (journ.) - e: Supreme Court of Canada - e: Surveillance Coordination Center - e: Swedish Cooperative Centre - e: Switching Control Center - e: Synchronous Communications Controller - e: System Command Center - e: System Communication Controller - e: System Control Code - e: System Control Computer - e: System Control Console - e: System Coordinate Center - e: System[s] Control Center [or Centre] - f: Société Canadienne de Cardiologie - f: Société Canadienne de Criminologie - f: Société Chimique des Charbonnages - f: Société Suisse des ChimistesCosméticiens - f: Soeurs de la Croix de Chavanod - f: Syndicat des Communications Canada ScC e: Scottish Command S & C C e: Suicide and Crisis Counseling SC[C] e: Submarine Chaser [Control] S C C A e: Single Cell Cytotoxicity Assay - e: Society of Canadian Cine Amateurs - e: Southeastern Cottonseed Crushers Association - e: Specification Compliance Concept Agreement[s] - e: Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen[s] - e: Subcontract Change Authorization - p: Servicio de Consulta y Capacitación Agropecuaria S C C A C e: Society for Conceptual and Content Analysis by Computer S C C - A C O e: Strategic Communications Command Advanced Concepts Office S C C A N e: Special Co-ordinating Committee of ASEAN Nations S C C A P E e: Scottish Council for Commercial, Administrative and Professional Education SC C a s e: Supreme Court Cases (journ.) ScCatt i: Scuola Cattolica (journ.) ScCB e: Baptist College at Charleston S C C B e: Safety Change Control Board - e: Site Configuration Control Board - e: Software Configuration Control Board - e: Stinger Configuration Control Board - e: System Configuration Control Board S C C B S e: Science Council of Canada. Background Study (journ.) S C C C e: Satellite Communications Control Centre - e: Self Consistent [in] Charge and Configuration - e: Shared Contingency Computer Center - e: Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce [and Industry] - e: Single Channel Communications Controller - e: SPASUR [Space Surveillance] Command and Control Center - e: Suffolk County Community College - e: Sullivan County Community College - e: System Casualty Control Console ScCC e: College of Charleston S C C Cable e: Single-Cotton Covered Cable S C C C E e: Society of Certified Consumer Credit Executives ScCCit e: Citadel, Charleston S C C C o n t r o l l e r ] e: Single Channel Communications Controller] S C C C U e: Single Channel Communications Control Unit

S C C D e: Schottky-CCD [Charge-coupled Device] - e: Silicon Charge-Coupled Device[s] - e: Surface-channel CCD [Charge-coupled Device] S C C D E S T e: Steering Committee on Crossborder Data Exchange in Science and Technology S c C D H H i e: Dalcho Historical Society of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, Charleston S C C D M f: Société Commerciale Camerounaise de Distribution Moderne S C C D ' s e: Surface Channel ChargeCoupled Devices S C C E e: Satellite Configuration Control Element - e: School and College Conference on English - e: Scottish Council for Community Education - e: Society of Certified Credit Executives - f: Société Camerounaise de Conditionnement et d'Entreposage S C C E A [Directorate] e: Strategic Communications Command Equipment Applications Directorate S c C F e: Charleston County Library S C C F e: Satellite Communication^] Control Facility - e: Security Clearance Case Files - e: Service Center Control File - e: Standing Committee on Commonwealth Forestry - f: Société Centrale Canine de France - s: Calama/El Loa S C C F F e: Second Check Character Flip-Flop S C C G e: Station Communications Control Group - e: Subcritical Crack Growth S C C H e: Society of Cinema Collectors and Historians - e: Standard Cubic Centimeters per Hour - s: Sociedad Científica de Chile S C C H L L e: Standards Coordinating Committee on High Level Language[s] S c C h w C e: Chesterfield-Marlboro Technical College, Cheraw S C C I e: Smurf Collectors Club International - f: Société pour le Compoundage en Cote-d'Ivoire - s: Punta Arenas/Internacional Carlos Ibanez Del Campo S C C I G e: Stress Corrosion Crack Initiation and Growth S c C I P e: Presbyterian College, Clinton S C C J e: Supreme Court of Canada Judgements S C C K d: Sekretin-Cholezystokinin-Test SCC[I] e: Special Coordination Committee [Intelligence] S C C L e: Safety Compliance Certification Label - e: Small Cell [Anaplastic] Carcinoma of the Lung - e: Specification Compliance Certification Log - e: Supply Catalog Components List ScCleU e: Clemson University ScCliJ e: Jacobs Library, Clinton S c C M e: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

S C C M e: Sertoli-Cell Culture Medium - e: Short Circuit Conductance Matrix - e: Single Chamber Controllable Motor - e: Society of Critical Care Medicine - e: Standard Cubic Centimeter[s] per Minute - e: Standing Commission on Church Music S c C M u e: Charleston Museum Library S C C N e: Subcontractor] Change Notice S C C N C e: Society of Critical Care Nurses of Canada S C C O e: Security Classification Control Officer - e: Steel Cored Copper - e: Stinger Configuration Control Organization ScCoAH e: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia ScCoB e: Benedict College, Columbia - e: Columbia Bible College, Columbia ScCoC e: Columbia College, Columbia S C C O C e: Steel Cored Copper Conductor SC Code e: Code of Laws of South Carolina (journ.) S C Code A n n e: Code of Laws of South Carolina, Annotated (journ.) ScCoGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Columbia Branch S C C O M f: Société de Courtage et de Consignation Maritime ScCon e: Horry County Memorial Library, Conway Sc Conspectus e: Science Conspectus (journ.) S.C. Const, e: South Carolina Constitution S C C O P e: State Consulting Company for Oil Projects ScCoR e: Richland County Library, Columbia Sc Costs e: Scotts ABC Guide to Costs (journ.) ScCoT e: Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia ScCoV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Columbia S C C P e: S i g n a l l i n g Connection Control Part. - e: Systems Change Control Procedure S C C P G e: Satellite Communications Contingency Planning Group S C C P T e: Subcommittee on Computer Program Terminology S C C R e: Science Council of Canada. Report (journ.) - e: Short-Circuit Current Response - e: Society for Cross-Cultural Research - e: Stanford Center [or Centre] for Chicano Research - e: Subcontractor Change Request S c C R C e: Charleston Diocesan Archives, Roman Catholic Church S C C R D e: Special Charge/Credit Description S C C R I e: Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute S C C R T e: Sub-zero Cooled, Cold-Rolled and Tempered S C C S e: Satellite Communications Control System - e: Secondary Chemical Control System - e: Ship Command and Control System - e: Sodium Chemistry Control System - e: Software Controlled Communication Service[s] - e: Source Code Control System


SCCs - e: Special Consultative Committee on Security - e: Standard Commodity Classification System - e: Standard Cross-Cultural Sample - e: Standard Cubic Centimeters per Second - e: Standby Core Cooling System - e: Straight-Cut Control System - e: STRICOM [Strike Command] Command and Control System - e: Submarine Combat Control System - e: Surveillance Coordination Center [or Centre] - e: Switched [or Switching] Control Center System - s: Sociedad Colombiana de la Ciencia del Suelo SCCs e: Sequence Controlled Calculators - e: Special Common Carriers S c C S M e: Old Slave Mart Museum, Charleston S C C Spec e: Soap/Cosmetics/Chemical Specialties (journ.) SCCSS e: Science Council of Canada. Special Study (journ.) S - C C T e: Schwarz-Christoffel Conformai Transformation S C C T e: Specialist in Community College Teaching ScCT e: Trident Technical College, Palmer Campus, Charleston S C C - T E D e: Strategic Communication^] Command-Test and Evaluation Directorate S C C T P f: Société Camerounaise de Construction et de Travaux Publics S C C T R e: Standing Committee for Controlled Thermonuclear Research S C C T S D e: Society of Catholic College Teachers of Sacred Doctrine SCCU e: Single Channel Control Unit - e: Spacecraft Command Control Unit - e: Specialist Claims Control Unit S C C u [ C ] e: Steel Core[d] Copper [Conductor] S C C U K e: Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the United Kingdom S C C U S e: Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States ScCV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Charleston S C C W e: Scarritt College for Christian Workers S C C W R P e: Southern California Coastal Water Research Project S C C W R P T R e: Southern California Coastal Water Research Project TR (journ.) S C C Y s: Coyhaique/Teniente Vidal S C C Z s: Punta Arenas SCD e: Darlington County Library - e: Doctor of Commercial Science - e: S-Band Cassegrain Diplexer - e: Satellite Control Department - e: Schedule[d] - e: Science Communication Division - e: Scientific Computer Division - e: Scottish Council on Disability - e: Screen Door - e: Screening Completion Date - e: Screwed - e: Secondary Current Distribution - e: Security Coding Device - e: Semiconductor Detector - e: Semiconductor Device[s] - e: Senile Cognitive Decline - e: Serial Cryptographic Device - e: Service Computation Date - e: Service Connected Disability 302

- e: Service Control Drawing - e: Servo Chart Drive - e: Ships Center Display - e: Short-Code Dialling - e: Sickle Cell Disease - e: Signal C a n c e l l i n g Device - e: Significant Construction Deficiency - e: Simulated Communications Deception - e: Single Crystal Diffractometer - e: Sittig-Coquin Device - e: Society for Certified Data Processors - e: Society of Craft Designers - e: Software Conceptual Design - e: Soil Conservation District - e: Solid-state Ceramic Display - e: Source Control Document - e: Source Control Drawing[s] - e: Space Control Document - e: SPARC Compliance Definition - e: Specification Control Document - e: Specification Control Drawing - e: Spicer Clutch Division - e: Spreading Cortical Depression - e: Standard Change Dispenser - e: Standard College Dictionary - e: State Civil Defense - e: Static Column Decode - e: Sterile Connection Device - e: Store Index in Decrement - e: Stored Charge Diode - e: Strategic Communications Division - e: Streaming Current Detector - e: Structure-Chart Diagramer - e: Subacute Combined Degeneration - e: Subacute Coronary Disease - e: Subcarrier Discriminator - e: Subcontract Deviation - e: Sudden Cardiac Death - e: Sudden Coronary Death - e: Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector - e: Supply, Commissary and Disbursing - e: Supreme Court, Denmark - e: Surgeons Certificate of Disability - e: Surrey Commercial Dock - e: Surveillance Criticality Designator - e: Sylacauga - e: System Contents Directory - e: System Control Data - e: System Coordination Document - e: Systems, Components and Displays ScD e: Doctor of Science - e: Scintillation Detector -1: Scientiae Doctor S C & D e: Stock Control and Distribution SCDA e: Safing, Cool Down and Decontamination Area - e: Scottish Community Drama Association - e: SEATO Central Distribution Agency - e: Situational Control of Daily Activities - e: Small Card Design Automation -1: Scapula-Dextra Anterior - s: Iquique/Gral Diego Aracena ScDa e: Darlington County Library -1: Scapulodextra Anterior S C D A C e: Scottish Cooperative Development Committee S C D A P e: Severe Core Damage Analysis Package SCDB e: Spacecraft Database S C D C e: Scottish Cooperatives Development Committee - e: Senior Citizens Dental Clinic - e: Service Code [or Coding] and Data Collection - e: Single Communication [or Commutation] Direct Current

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- e: Source Code [or Coding] and Data Collection - e: South Carolina Department of Correction - e: Steel Castings Development Center - e: Strategic Concepts Development Center - e: Supreme Court Reports, District of Columbia (journ.) - e: System Control Distribution Computer - f: Société des Comptables de Direction au Canada SCDCN e: Second Generation Defence Communications Network S C D C N S e: Supreme Court Reports, District of Columbia, New Series (journ.) S C D C Signalling] e: Single Communication [or Commutation] Direct Current Signalling S C D C U e: Section Chief, Display Control Unit SCDDS e: Switched Circuit Digital Data Service SC-DDS e: Sensor Control-Data Display Set S C D E C f: Société Camerounaise de Diffusion et d'Exploitation Cinématographique "Le Miffi' SC Dent J e: South Carolina Dental Journal (journ.) S C D E ' s e: Schools, Colleges and Departments of Education ScDeV a: Voorhees College, Denmark S C D F G N Y e: Sickle Cell Disease Foundation of Greater New York S C D G e: Self-Checking Digit Generator Sc D Govt e: Doctor of Science in Government ScDHyg e: Doctor of Science in Hygiene SCDI e: Science Dimension (journ.) - e: Scottish Council of Development and Industry - e: Serious Chemical Distribution Incident - e: Short Childrens Depression Inventory SCDIA e: Science Digest (journ.) S C Dig e: Cassels Supreme Court Digest (journ.) Sc Dimension e: Science Dimension (journ.) Sc D in Ed e: Doctor of Science in Education Sc D in Hyg e: Doctor of Science in Hygiene Sc. Dis. e: Scale Discharge Sc&Div e: Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Appeals (journ.) Sc&Div App e: Scotch and Divorce Appeals (journ.) SC Div Bad e: Second Class Diver Badge SC Div Geol Geol Notes e: South Carolina. Division of Geology. Geologic Notes (journ.) SC Div Geol Miner Resour Ser e: South Carolina. Division of Geology. Mineral Resources Series (journ.) SC Div Geol Mise Rep e: South Carolina. Division of Geology. Miscellaneous Report (journ.) SC Div Geology Mineral Industries Lab Monthly Bull e: South Carolina. Division of Geology. Mineral Industries Laboratory. Monthly Bulletin (joum.) SCD J P L e: Screened Jack Plug S C D L e: Saturated Current Demand Logic - e: Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory - e: Ship Configuration Detail List - e: Stabilized Carbon Dioxide Laser - e: Surveillance and Control Data Link Sc D [Med] e: Doctor of Medical Sciences

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SCET Se DNA e: Single Copy DNA [Desoxyribonucleic Acid] S C D P d: Schweizerischer Verband Diplomierter Psychiatrieschwestern und -pfleger - e: Sedimentary Chlorophyll Degradation Produces] - e: Society of Certified Data Processors - e: Southern Cooperative Development Program - e: Steel Cadmium Plated - e: Systems/Computer Development Program[me] - f: Société Camerounaise de Dépôts Pétroliers -1: Scapula-Dextra Posterior ScDP 1: Scapulo-Dextra Posterior S C D R e: Sine/Cosine Destination Register - e: Subcontractor Critical Design Review - e: Subsystem Controller Definition Record Scdr e: Screwdriver SCDS e: Shipboard Chaff-Decoy System - e: Signal Circuits Design Section SCDs e: Source Control Drawings SCDSB e: Suppressed Carrier Double Sideband S.C.D. [St.V.] e: Supreme Court Decisions S C D T e: Shading Coil Displacement Transducer - e: Special Committee on Data Transmission SCDU e: Section Chiefs Control Display Unit S & C D U e: Switch and Cable Distribution Unit S C D W L P e: Single Commodity Dynamic Warehouse Location Problem S C E e: Safety Code for Elevators - e: Saturated Calomel Electrode - e: Scan Conversion Equipment - e: Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes - e: Schedule Compliance Evaluation - e: Scottish Certificate of Education - e: Select Cases Relating to Evidence, Strange - e: Selection Control Element - e: Semiconductor Epitaxy - e: Separated Carrier Employee - e: Service Checkout Equipment - e: Service Creation Environment - e: Shelf Controlled Electronic - e: Shift Command Execution - e: Short-Channel Effect - e: Signal Conditioning Equipment - e: Signal Conversion Electronics - e: Signal Conversion Equipment - e: Signal Conversion Equivalent - e: Single Charge Exchange - e: Single-Cotton Enamelled - e: Single Cycle Execute - e: Sister Chromatid Exchanges - e: Situation Caused Error - e: Situationally Caused Error - e: Small Current Element - e: Society for Clinical Ecology - e: Society of Carbide Engineers - e: Society of Christian Engineers - e: Society of Cuban Engineers - e: Solder Circuit Etch - e: Southern California Edison - e: Special Conditioning Equipment - e: Stabilization Control Electronics - e: Stage Calibration Equipment - e: Standard Calomel Electrode - e: Standard Card Enclosure - e: Station Cable Equalizer - e: Stored Controlled Energy - e: Stratified Charge Engine - e: Superintending Civil Engineer

- f: Société Camerounaise d'Équipement - f: Société Cooperative d'Entrepôts de l'Office Fiduciaire des Importeurs Suisses de Denrees Allimentaires - s: Secáo de Combate a Erosao - s: Sociedad Colombiana de Economistas See e: Source SCEA e: Shipping Conference Exemption Act - e: Side Cutting Edge Angle - e: Signal Conditioning Electronic[s] Assembly - e: South Carolina Education Association - f: Station Centrale d'Experimentation Agricole de Bouake S C E A I T e: Standing Committee on External Affairs and International Trade S C E A M f: Symposium des Conférences Episcopates d'Afrique et de Madagascar S C E A N D e: Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defense S C E A R e: Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation S C E B e: SHAPE Communications Electronics Board - f: Simulateur de Conduite d'Engine Blindee - f: Société Canadienne des Etudes Bibliques S C E B T A e: Scottish Colliery Enginemen, Boilermen and Tradesmens Association S C E C e: Scottish Community Education Council - e: Small Card Engineering Change - e: South Central Electric Companies - e: Spaceborne Computer Engineering Conference - f: Société Canadienne des Études Classiques S C E C O e: Saudi-Consolidated Electric Company S C / E C O e: UNESCO Division of Ecological Sciences S C E C S C e: Standards Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community S C E D e: Required Development Schedule - e: Schedule - f: Société Centrafricaine d'Exploitation Diamantifère Sc E d D e: Doctor of Science in Education S C E D R e: Special Committee on Electronic Data Retrieval S C E E f: Société Canadienne pour l'Étude de l'Education S C E E E e: Southeastern Center for Electrical Engineering Education S C E E S f: Société Central des Études et des Enquêtes Statistiques S C E E T e: Support Concept Economic Evaluation Technique S C E F f: Société Camerounaise d'Exploitation Forestière S C E F C e: Smoothed Compensated Extended Freeman Code S C E F L f: Société Camerounaise Équatoriale de Fabrication de Lubrifiants S C E G S e: Sydney Church of England Grammar School S C E I e: Safe Car Educational Institute - e: Serial Carry Enable Input - e: Special Libraries Committee on Environmental Information - e: Swedish Council of Environmental Information - e: Switching Control and Express Interpreter

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich

S C E L e: Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories - e: Signal Corps Engineering Laboratory - e: Small Components Evaluation Loop - e: Standing Committee on Education in Librarianship - f: Société Coopérative d'Édition et de Librairie S Cell e: Square Cell S C E M e: Superconducting Clyo-Electron Microscope S / C E M f: Sous-Chef d'Etat-Major S C E M E e: Society of Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in Local Government S C E N e: Scenario[s] - e: Scenarist[s] - e: Scenographic[al][ly] S C E N E e: Scenario Generator S C E N I C e: Scientific Engineering Information Center SCE-NYU e: School of Continuing Education-New York University S C E O e: Satellite Control Engineering Office - e: System Civil Engineering Office S C E P e: Soil and Crop Environment Research Programme - e: Study of Critical Environmental Problems - f: Société Continentale d'Éditions et Périodiques S C E P A G f: Société pour le Conditionnement et l'Exportation des Produits Agricoles S C E P C e: Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee S C E P P e: South California Earthquake Preparedness Project S C E P S e: Sterling Contract Egg Production Scheme - e: Stored Chemical Energy Propulsion System - e: Strategic and Corporate Europlanners Society S C E P T R E e: Software-Controlled Electronic Processing Traffic Recording Equipment - e: System for Constant Elevation Precipitation Transmission and Recording - e: System[s] for Circuit Evaluation and Prediction of Transient Radiation Effects S C E P T R O N e: Spectral Comparative Pattern Recognizer S C E P Z e: Santa Cruz Electronics Processing Zone S.C.Eq. e: South Carolina Equity Reports S C E R f: Société Canadienne des Études Renaissance S C E R E T e: Systems and Computers Evaluation and Review Technique S C E R I f: Société Camerounaise d'Échanges et de Répresentations Industrielles S C E R M A f: Société de Courtage et de Representation pour Industrie Laitiere S C E R T e: System[s] and Computers] Evaluation and Review Technique S C E S e: State Cooperative Extension Service S C E s e: Stratified Charge Engines SCE/S f: Systeme de Commande Entree/Sortie S C E S O f: Société de Cabotage et d'Entreposage du Sud-Ouest S C E T e: Scottish Council for Educational Technology - e: Society of Civil Engineering Technicians - f: Société Centrale pour l'Équipement du Territoire


SCETA SCETA f: Société de Contrôle et d'Exploitation des Transport Auxiliaries SCET-CAME-ROUN f: Société Centrale pour l'Équipement du Territoire au Cameroun SCET International f: Société Centrale pour l'Équipement du Territoire Internationale SCET-IVOIRE f: Société Centrale pour l'Équipement du Territoire en Côte-d'lvoire SCETT e: Standing Committee for the Education and Training of Teachers in the Public Sector SCETV e: South Carolina Educational Television SCEU e: Selector Channel Emulation [or Emulator] Unit SCEV f: Société Champenoise Exploitation Vinicole SCE Wire e: Single Cotton Enamelled Wire SCF e: S-band Composite Feed - e: Sampled Channel Filter - e: Satellite Control Facility - e: Save the Children Federation - e: Save the Children Fund - e: Schematic Concept Formation - e: Scientific Committee for Food - e: Scientific Computing Facility - e: Secondary Checkpoint File - e: Secondary Control Field - e: Sectional Center Facility - e: Self-Consistent Field[s] - e: Self-Contained Facility - e: Semicircular Focusing - e: Send Control Function - e: Sequence [or Sequential Compatibility Firing - e: Set Carry Flag - e: Short Chain Fat - e: Single Catastrophic Failure - e: Single Cost Factor - e: Single Crystal Ferrite - e: Single Crystal Filament - e: Snap Critical Facility - e: Sodium Cadmium Formate NaCd[HCOO], - e: Sodium Cleaning Facility - e: Spacecraft Checkout Facility - e: Spherical Cavity Row - e: Spinning Continuous Filament - e: Spinning Crucible Furnace - e: Standard Cascade Form - e: Standard Cubic Feet [or Foot] - e: Staphylococcal Clumping Factor - e: Station Code File - e: Stress Concentration Factor - e: Subcritical Flow - e: Sun Crown Food [Corporation] - e: Super Conductive Furnace - e: Supercritical Fluid - e: Supreme Court, Finland - e: Switched-Capacitor Filter - e: Synchronous Communications Feature - e: Synthetic Cased Flechette - e: System Control Facility - f: Société Chimique de France - f: Société de Comptabilité de France - r: Svenska Civilekonomfôreningen - s: Sociedad Colombiana de Fisica SCF&A e: Screw Forward and Aft S CFA e: Self-Consistent Field Approximation - e: Southern California Fishermens Association SCF Black e: Super Conductive Furnace Black


SCFBR e: Steam-Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor SC/FC e: Solar Cell/Fuel Cell SCFCEF f: Syndicat des Constructeurs Française de Condensateurs Électrique Fixes SCFD e: Standard Cubic Feet per Day SCFEL e: Standard COMSEC [Communications Security] Facility Equipment List - e: Standard COSMIC [Computer Software Management and Information Center] Facility Equipment List SCFF e: Scotopic Critical Flicker Frequency SCFG e: Stochastic Context-Free Grammar SCFH e: Standard Cubic Feet per Hour SCFIC e: South Carolina Foundation of Independent Colleges SCFL e: Source-Coupled FET [Field-Effect Transistor] Logic SCFM e: Self Consistent Field Method - e: Standard Cubic Feet [or Foot] per Minute - e: Sub-Carrier Frequency Modulation - e: Subcritical Fracture Mechanics SCF/MIN e: Standard Cubic Feet per Minute SCFMO e: Self Consistent Field Molecular Orbital SCFP e: Self Consistent Fluctuation Phonon SCFPA e: Structural Cement-Fiber Products Association - e: Structural Wood Fiber Products Association SCFPTB e: Sugar Confectionery and Food Preserving Trade Board SCFRPAC e: Symposium on Computer Films for Research in Physics and Chemistry SCFRS e: Surface Combatant Force Requirements Study SCFS e: S-band Composite Feed System - e: Slip Cast Fused Silicia - e: Standard Cubic Feet per Second - e: Sub-Carrier Frequency Shift SCFTS e: SLT [Solid Logic Technology] Card Final Test System - e: Small Card Facility Test System SCFZ e: Slow Cooling Float Zone SCG d: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft - d: Serumchemogramm - d: Stemoklavikulargelenk - d: Supraklavikulargrube - e: Scan Generator - e: Scoring - e: Secondary Command Group - e: Security Classification Guide - e: Self-Changing Gears - e: Serial Correlogram - e: Silicon Carbide Graphite - e: Slow Crack Growth - e: Social Credit Group - e: Society of the Classic Guita - e: Sodium Cromoglycate - e: Software Concepts Group - e: Solution Crystal Growth - e: Space Charge Grid - e: Special Consultative Group - e: Steel Carriers Group - e: Storage Compability Group - e: Stored Cold Gas - e: Subcritical Crack Growth SCGA e: Service to Canadians Graduating Abroad - e: Sodium-Cooled Graphite Assembly - e: Southern Cotton Ginners Association - e: Swiss Computer Graphics Association © K • G • Saur, München

Sc Gael e: Scottish Gaelic SCGAF f: Société Centrale de Gestion des Agriculteurs de France SCGB e: Société des Caoutchoucs de Grand-Béreby SCGC e: Southern California Gas Company - e: Southern Counties Gas Company SCGD e: Specification Control Group Directive SCGDL e: Signal Corps General Development Laboratory SC/GEO e: UNESCO Division of Earth Sciences SCGF e: Soviet Central Group of Forces SCGI f: Société Congolaise de Gaz Industriels SCGP e: Self-Contained Guidance Package SCGR e: Sale Common Game Refuge SCGRL e: Signal Corps General Research Laboratory SCGSA e: Signal Corps Ground Signal Agency SCGSS e: Signal Corps Ground Signal Service - e: Super-Critical Gas Storage System SCGV d: Schweizerischer CaravangewerbeVerband SCH d: Schalter - e: Safe Course Home - e: Saudi Consulting House - e: Schedule[r] - e: Scholar - e: School - e: Search - e: Seizures per Circuit per Hour - e: Separate Confinement Heterostructure - e: Sequencer Chassis - e: Shelter Complex Headquarters - e: Socket Head - e: Special Character - e: Square Cartridge Heater - e: Store Channel - e: Supporting Checkout Sch d: Schaltschrank - d: Schaufelradbagger - d: Schaumbehälter - d: Schaupflanze - d: Schauspielhaus - d: Scheibe - d: Schicht - d: Schieferfton] - d: Schimmel - d: Schlagwetterschutz - d: Schlepper - d: Schleppschiff - d: Schlitzprobe - d: Schreibverstärker - d: Schuppen - d: Schuß - d: Schweißbarkeit - e: Schiedam - e: Scholarship] - e: Schooner sch d: schwer SCh e: Special Character - P: Samopomoc Chlopska ScH e: Scleroscope Hardness Sch. d: Schachtel - d: Schalter - d: Schaltung - d: Scheck - d: Schein - d: Scheinergrad - d: Schienefn] - d: Schießen - d: Schlacht - d: Schöffe

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

Schi. - d: Schoner -d: Schonung - d: Schornstein - d: Schrapnell - d: Schuh[e] - d: Schuldner - d: Schule - d: Schüler - d: Schuß - d: Schutz - d: Schütze - e: School[s] - e: Schooner sch. d: scharf - d: schief - d: schlagwettersicher - d: schön Sc.H. e: Scleroscope Hardness SCHA e: Scottish Catholic Historical Association Scha d: Schaft SchA d: Scheckamt - d: Schutzaufsicht SchAbe d: Schulamtsbewerber SchAbwMi d: Schützenabwehrmine Schad d: Schadwagenzug SchadErs d: Schadenersatz schädl. d: schädlich SchadMatSaPI d: Schadmaterialsammelplatz Schado d: Schaltdose SCHAEVER d: Schädigungsverhalten SchAG d: Schulaufsichtsgesetz SchAHer d: Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik (journ.) Schaku d: Scharfenbergkupplung Schalk e: Schalks Jamaica Reports schalld d: schalldicht Schallm. d: Schallmesser - d: Schallmessung Schallm... d: Schallmeß... SchallmAuswtSt d: Schallmeßauswertestelle Schallpl. d: Schallplatte[n] Schalt/BtrbKp d: Schalt- und Betriebs-kompanie SchaltVtlBw d: Schaltverteiler der Bundeswehr SchAMi d: Schützenabwehrmine SchANPs d: Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie (journ.) SchAO d: Schiedsamtsordnung Sch. Aq. R. e: Schuhes, Aquatic Rights SchAT d: Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde (journ.) schatt. d: schattiert Sch.-Aufs. d: Schulaufseher - d: Schulaufsicht - d: Schutzaufsicht Schaumb.-Lippe d: Schaumburg-Lippe SchaumwStG d: Schaumweinsteuergesetz SCHÄVER d: Schädigungs-Verhalten SchAVk d: Schweizer Archiv für Volkskunde (journ.) SCHAVMED e: School of Aviation Medicine SchB d: Schutzbereich SchBAO d: Schutzbereichanordnung SchBau d: Schiffbau (journ.) SchBF d: Schutzbereichforderung SchBG d: Schiffsbankgesetz Schbg d: Schöneberg SchBG d: Schutzbaugesetz - d: Schutzbereichsgesetz - d: Schwerbeschädigtengesetz SchBhR d: Schulbeihilfenrichtlinien

SchBIHI d: Schweizer Blätter für Handel und Industrie (journ.) SchBPI d: Schutzbereichplan SchBr d: Schwimmbrücke SchBuli d: Schweizer Bulletin des Elektrotechnischen Vereins (journ.) Schbw. d: Schießbaumwolle SchBZ d: Schweizerische Bauzeitung (journ.) Schck d: Schock SCHD e: Scheduled - e: Scheduling SCHDL[R] e: Schedule[r] Sch. Dom. Rel. e: Schouler on Domestic Relations SCHÜR d: Schnelldrucker SchDrMi d: Schützendruckmine Schdsch. d: Schuldschein Schdsm. d: Schiedsmann Schdsr. d: Schiedsrichter Schdsv[erfJ. d: Schiedsverfahren SCHE f: Société Canadienne de l'Histoire de l'Eglise - s: Sociedad Chilena de Entomologia SchE d: Schweißeisen SChE d: Serumcholinesterase SCHEC f: Société Canadienne de l'Histoire Catholique ScheckG d: Scheckgesetz SCHED e: Schedule[d] - e: Schedules SchED d: Schiffserkennungsdienst SCHEIK n: Scheikunde Schei-Ko d: Scheibenkondensator Scheinw[f]. d: Scheinwerfer SCHEM e: Schematic Schern, d: Schematismus schem. d: schematisch SCheml e: Society of the Chemical Industry SCHEN e: Schenectady SchenkSt d: Schenkungssteuer Scher, e: Scherer, New York Miscellaneous Reports Scherf. d: Scherenfernrohr scherz i: scherzando scherzh. d: scherzaft SCHF s: Sociedad Chilena de Fisica SchF d: Scherenfernrohr Schf. d: Schaf SchFd d: Schaltfeld SchFG d: Schulfinanzierungsgesetz SchFlt e: Scheduled Flight SCHG e: Supercharge[d] - s: Sociedad Chilena de Genética SchG d: Scheckgesetz - d: Schiedsgericht - d: Schiedsgutachter - d: Schiedsmanngesetz - d: Schöffengericht S[-]CHG e: Supercharger SchGFG d: Gesetz über die Schulgeldfreiheit SchGl d: Schaltglied SCHGM e: South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine (joum.) - e: South Carolina Historical and General Magazine (journ.) Sch/h d: Schaltungen pro Stunde SchH d: Schleswig-Holstein SCHHG s: Sociedad Chilena de Historia y Geografia SCHHN s: Sociedad Chilena de Historia Natural SchHund d: Schutzhund SchHwZ d: Schweizer Handelswissenschaftliche Zeitschrift (journ.)

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

SCHI e: Southern California Horticultural Institute Schi, d: Schiefer - d: Schilftorf schi. d: schieferig Schichtl. d: Schichtlinie Schidrehwi d: Schichtdrehwiderstand SchiedsG d: Schiedsgericht SchiedsmG d: Schiedsmanngesetz Schiedsr. d: Schiedsrichter Schießmstr. d: Schießmeister Schießpl. d: Schießplatz Schießst. d: Schießstand SchiffÄrztlDst d: Schiffsärztlicher Dienst Schiflb. d: Schiffbarkeit - d: Schiffbau SchiffG d: Schiffahrtsgericht - d: Schiffahrtsgesetz Schiffmed[-]InstM d: Schiffahrtmedizinisches Institut der Marine SchiffsBG d: Schiffsbankgesetz SchiffsG d: Schiffsgesetz SchiffsReg. d: Schiffsregister SchiffsRegO d: Schiffsregisterordnung SchiffsRG d: Gesetz über die Rechte an eingetragenen Schiffen und Schiffsbauwerken SchifiTA d: Schiffstaucher Schiko d: Schutzkontakt Schilling e: monetary unit of Austria Schipol e: Amsterdam Airport SchiRegVfg. d: Schiffsregisterverfügung SCHIRP e: Salal/Cedar Hemlock Interagency Research Project SchirrMstr d: Schirrmeister Sc Hist e: Scottish History Schiwi d: Schichtwiderstand SCHIZO e: Schizoid - e: Schizophasia - e: Schizophrenia - e: Schizophrenic schizzy e: schizoid - e: schizophrenia - e: schizophrenic SCHJ f: Société Canadienne de l'Histoire Juive Schj. d: Schiffsjunge SchJZ d: Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung (journ.) SchK d: Schaltkasten - d: Schnellkanal Schk d: Scheckkartenverfahren SchKG. d: Schweizer Bundesgesetz über Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs von 1889 SchkO d: Schiedskommissionsordnung SchKZg d: Schweizerische Kirchenzeitung (journ.) Sehl d: Schiebelokomotive - d: Schleife - d: Schlüssel SchL d: Schleifringläufer schl d: schluffig Schi, d: Schlacht - d: Schlacke - d: Schlamm - d: Schlange - d: Schlauch - d: Schläuche - d: Schleife - d: Schlepper - d: Schleppflugzeug - d: Schleuse - d: Schlichtung - d: Schlick - d: Schliff - d: Schlitten 305

schl. - d: Schloß - d: Schlösser - d: Schlucht - d: Schluß schl. d: schlank - d: schlecht - d: schleichen[d] - d: schließen - d: schließlich - d: schluffig SCHLA e: School for Latin America - e: School of Latin America Schl.-Betr. d: Schlußbetrachtung - d: Schlußbetrag Schl.-Bil. d: Schlußbilanz Schl[-]B[oo]t d: Schlauchboot Sch. L. Bull, e: School Law Bulletin Schld. d: Schleppdampfer SchldSitz d: Schleudersitz Sch.&Lef e: Schoales & Lefroys Irish Chancery Reports Sch. Leg. Ree. e: Schuylkill Legal Record Schleppd. d: Schleppdampfer schl.erh. d: schlecht erhalten Schlesw d: Schleswig SCHLESWAG d: Schleswig-Holsteinische Stromversorgungs-AG SchlGt d: Schlüsselgerät Schli d: Schlick Sch.Librn. e: School Librarian (journ.) Sch Lib Sei e: School of Library Science schliff d: geschliffen Schlj. d: Schuljahr Schl.-Ndschr. d: Schlußniederschrift Schl.-Nr. d: Schlüsselnummer Schlp d: Schlepper Schl.-Pz. d: Schlepp-Panzer Sch. L.R. e: Schuylkill Legal Record SchlSO d: Schlüsselsicherheitsoffizier SCHLT e: Searchlight Schlusst. d: Schlusstitel Schl.-V. d: Schleppverkehr - d: Schlußverkauf - d: Schlußverteilung SchIVtSt d: Schlüsselverteilerstelle Schlz d: Schiebelokomotive bei Zugfahrt SCHM e: International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Developments of Mankind - e: Schematic - e: Set Channel Monitor SchM e: School Master Schm. d: Schiedsmann - d: Schmied[e] - d: Schmierung schm. d: schmelzend - d: schmilzt Schmarg. d: [Berlin-JSchmargendorf SchMaske d: Schutzmaske Sch.MediaQ. e: School Media Quarterly (journ.) Schmelzp[kt], d: Schmelzpunkt SchmG d: Schiedsmanngesetz SchMi d: Schützenmine Schm[idt] Civ. Law e: Schmidts Civil Law of Spain and Mexico Schmier, d: Schmierung Schmiertech. Tribologie d: Schmiertechnik und Tribologie (journ.) Sch Mist e: School Mistress Schm. L J . e: Schmidt, Law Journal SchmO d: Schiedsmannordnung SCHMOO e: Space Cargo Handler and Manipulator for Orbital Operations Schmp. d: Schmelzpunkt


SchMpBI d: Schweizerische Musikpädagogische Blätter (journ.) Schmp[k]t. d: Schmelzpunkt Schmstf d: Schmierstoff Sch Mus B e: Bachelor of School Music Schmutztit. d: Schmutztitel schm. W. d: schmutziges Wasser SchMW d: Schweizer Medizinische Wochenschrift (journ.) SchMZ d: Schweizer Musik-Zeitung (journ.) SchMZh d: Schweizer Monatsschrift für Zahnheilkunde (journ.) SCHN f: Société Canadienne d'Histoire Naturelle Sehn, d: Schnecken - d: Schneid- d: Schneider[ei] - d: Schneise - d: Schnippe - d: Schnitt - d: Schnürschuß SCHNBT s: Sociedad Chilena de Nutrición, Bromatologia y Toxicologia Schnellbr d: Schnellbrücke Schnellf. d: Schnellfeuer Schnor d: Schnorchel Schn.-P. d: Schnittpunkt Schn.-Pfl. d: Schneepflug SCHO e: Standard Controlled Heterodyne Oscillator - f: Société Canadienne d'Histoire Orale Scho. d: Schoner scho. d: schotterig Schoales&L. e: Schoales and Lefroys Irish Chancery Reports SchockBkgTrp d: Schockbekämpfungstrupp SchöffG d: Schöffengericht SchoG d: Schulordnungsgesetz SchOG d: Schulorganisationsgesetz Schok. d: Schokolade SCHOL e: Scholar[ly] - e: Scholarship - e: Scholastic [ally] - e: Scholasticate - e: Scholasticism - e: Scholium -1: Schola Cantorum SCHOLARS e: School Automated Records System SCHOLAR [System] e: Schering Oriented Literatur Analysis and Retrieval [System] SCHOLE d: Schreibmaschinenorientierte Leistungskontrolle Schol. L. e: Scholastic Latin SCHOM d: Schienenomnibus Schömberg, Mar. Laws Rhodes e: Schömberg,Treatise on the Maritime Laws of Rhodes School C. e: School Code School L. Rep. e: School Law Reporter School of Advanced Studies Rev. e: School of Advanced International Studies Review School of L.R. e: School of Law Review, Toronto University Sch.-Ordn. d: Schulordnung Schornst FG d: Schornsteinfegergesetz Schotl n: Schotland schott d: schottisch Schouler Dom. Rel. e: Schouler on Domestic Relations Sch[ouler] Pers. Prop, e: Schouler on Personal Property Schouler, U.S. Hist, e: Schoulers History of the United States under the Constitution

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Schouler, Wills e: Schouler on Wills SchoV d: SchornsteinfegerwesenVerordnung Sch.P. d: Scheitelpunkt - d: Schmelzpunkt Schp. d: Schwerpunkt SCHP s: Sociedad Chilena de Parasitología SCHPA s: Sociedad Chilena de Producción Animal Schpfl. d: Schaupflanze SchPfleG d: Schulpflegegesetz SchpflG d: Schulpflichtgesetz Sch.-Pl. d: Schießplatz SCHPM f: Société Canadienne d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Mathématiques SCHPS f: Société Canadienne d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences SchPZ d: Schweizerische Pädagogische Zeitschrift (journ.) Sch.-Pz. d: Schwimmerpanzer SCHQ s: Sociedad Chilena de Química Sehr d: Schraube[n] - d: Schriften SchR d: Scheckrecht - d: Schiedsrichter - d: Schulrat - d: Schußrichtung - d: Schweizerische Rundschau (journ.) Sehr, d: Schrank - d: Schränke - d: Schranke[n] - d: Schrapnell - d: Schraube - d: Schreiben - d: Schreiber - d: Schrift[en] - d: Schrot sehr, d: schräg - d: schriftlich sehr e: schooner Schrapperstr. d: Schrapperstrecke Schrb d: Schreiber Schrb. d: Schraube SchReg d: Schieberegister Sch. Reg. e: Schuylkill Register SchRegG d: Schiffsregistergesetz SchRegO d: Schiffsregisterordnung Schrf. d: Schriftführer SchrFu d: Schreibfunker SchRG d: Schiffsrechtsgesetz Schr.-Gew. d: Schraubengewinde Schriftenr. Bundesmin. Wiss. F d: Schriftenreihe des Bundesministers für Wissenschaftliche Forschung, Strahlenschutz Schriftf. d: Schriftführer Schriftl. d: Schriftleiter - d: Schriftleitung schriftl. d: schriftlich Schritts, d: Schriftsetzer Schrittst, d: Schriftstellerin] SchrL. d: Schriftleiter Sch.-Rm. d: Schutzraum SchRM d: Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin (journ.) SchRO d: Schiffsregisterordnung S-Chromosom d: Chromosom mit subterminalem Zentromer Schrp. d: Schrankenposten Schr.-R. d: Schriftenreihe Schr.-Verz. d: Schriftenverzeichnis Schrw. d: Schrankenwärter SCHS c: Slovenská Chemická Spolecnost pri SAV - e: Scottish Church History Society - e: Senior Citizen Hospital Service - e: Small Component Handling System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SCI SchSp d: Schwingspule SchSt d: Schaltstelle SchSVO d: Schiffssicherheitsverordnung SCHT d: Schalter - d: Schalttafel Seht, d: Schacht Sch.-Tf. d: Schußtafel SchTF d: Schaumtankfahrzeug SchThZ e: Schweizerische Theologische Zeitschrift (journ.) Schtz d: Schutze SchtzKw d: Schützenkampfwagen Schu d: Schuldner Schubf. d: Schubfach - d: Schubfächer - d: Schubfestigkeit Schufa d: Schutzgemeinschaft für Allgemeine Kreditsicherung SchUG d: Schulunterhaltungsgesetz Schuko d: Schutzkontakt SchulAB d: Schulaufsichtsbehörde Schuldverschr. d: Schuldverschreibung SchulG d: Schulgesetz SchulgeldFrG d: Gesetz über die Schulgeldfreiheit SCHULIS d: Schulinformationssystem SchulOG d: Schulorganisationsgesetz SchulR d: Schulrat SchulS d: Schulschiff SchulVwG d: Schulverwaltungsgesetz Schupo d: Schutzpolizei - d: Schutzpolizist Schürf, d: Schürfung SchürfV d: Schürfverordnungen Schuß-E. d: Schußentfernung Schußw. d: Schußwaffe[n] - d: Schußweite SchutzVO d: Schutzverordnung Schutzz. d: Schutzzoll Schuyfl]. Leg. Ree. [Po.] e: Schuylkill Legal Record, Pottsville Schuy. Reg. [Pa.] e: Schuylkill Register Sch.-V. d: Schießvorschrift[en] SchV d: Scharka-Virus SChV d: Schweizerischer ChemikerVerband SchVG d: Schulverwaltungsgesetz SchVjKW d: Schweizerische Vierteljahresschrift für Kriegswissenschaft (journ.) SchVjZh e: Schweizerische Vierteljahresschrift für Zahnheilkunde (journ.) SchVO d: Schiffahrtsverfahrensordnung SCHVPT e: Southern Counties Historie Vehicle Preservation Trust SchVt d: Schaltverteiler Schw d: Scheinwerfer - d: Schweißeisen - d: Schwerin SchW d: Schienenwahl - d: Schußwerte Schw. d: Schwabefn] - d: Schwäbin - d: Schwäche - d: Schwächung - d: Schwade[n] - d: Schwager - d: Schwägerin - d: Schwank - d: Schwankungen - d: Schwanz - d: Schwärm - d: Schwärmer - d: Schwarte - d: Schwarzwald - d: Schweden - d: Schwefel

- d: Schwein - d: Schweißer - d: Schweiz[er][in] - d: Schwelle - d: Schwellung - d: Schwenkung - d: Schwert[er] - d: Schwester - d: Schwimmer - d: Schwingungen - d: Schwund schw. d: schwäbisch - d: schwach - d: schwankend] - d: schwarz - d: schweben[d] - d: schwedisch - d: schweißen - d: schweizerisch - d: schwenken - d: schwer - d: schwierig - d: schwingenfd] - d: schwül Sch.-W. d: Schätzwert - d: Schaumwein - d: Scheinwerfer - d: Schiffswerft Schwank, d: Schwankung[en] Schwann e: Schwann-1 Record & Tape Guide SchwArchV d: Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde (journ.) Schwarz. Int. L. e: Schwarzenberger, International Law SchWB d: Schienenwahlbaustein schwb. d: schwäbisch SchwbAV d: Ausgleichsabgabeverordnung Schwerbehindertengesetz SchwbAwV d: Ausweisverordnung Schwerbehindertengesetz SchwbG d: Schwerbehindertengesetz - d: Schwerbeschädigtengesetz SchwBr d: Schwimmbriicke SchwbWO d: Wahlordnung Schwerbehindertengesetz SchwbWV d: Werkstättenverordnung Schwerbehindertengesetz schwed. d: schwedisch schwed. P. d: schwedisches Patent Schweiz d: schweizerisch Schweiz. Bauz, d: Schweizer Bauzeitung (journ.) Schweiz. P. d: schweizerisches Patent Schwel, d: Schwelung Schwerb[esch]. d: Schwerbeschädigte^] schwer), d: schwerlich - d: schwerlöslich Schwf. d: Scheinwerfer Schwfs d: Schwefelsäure Schwfwst d: Schwefelwasserstoff SchwG d: Schwurgericht Schwg. d: Schwingung SchwHall d: Schwäbisch Hall Schwhlf d: Schwestemhelferin schwün. d: schwimmend Schwk. d: Schwefelkohlenstoff Schwki d: Schwarzkiefer Schwkwk d: Schwenkwerk schwl d: schwer löslich Schwlbd. d: Schweinsleder[ein]band SchwM d: Das Schwäbische Museum (journ.) schw. P. d: schweizerisches Patent Schwpa d: Schwarzpappel Schwp[kt], d: Schwerpunkt

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

Schwpr. d: Schwarzpulver SchwR d: Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt SCHWR e: Steam-Cooled Heavey Water Reactor SchWS d: Schienenwahlschalter SchwSo d: Schwarzburg-Sonderhausen schw.v. d: schwer verwundet SchwVbd d: Schwimmender Verband SchwV[kde] d: Schweizer Volkskunde (journ.) schwwgd. d: schwerwiegend SchwWkst d: Schwimmwerkstatt SchwZGB e: Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch SC/HYD e: UNESCO Division of Water Science[s] Sch.-Z. d: Schutzzoll SchzAbM d: Schützenabwehrmine SchZBlStGB d: Schweizerisches Zentralblatt für Staat- und Gemeindeverwaltung (journ.) SchZO d: Schiffszollordnung SchZStr d: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht (journ.) SchZVermW d: Schweizer Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (journ.) SCI e: San demente Island - e: Scalable Coherent Interface - e: School of Counter-Insurgency - e: Science Citation Index - e: Science Curriculum Improvement - e: Science of Creative Intelligence - e: Scientific [Computer, Incorporated] - e: Scientist - e: Sea Containers Inc. - e: Seal Compatibility Index - e: Secret Confidential Informant - e: Security Container Institute - e: Sensitive Compartmented Information - e: Sequential Comparison Index - e: Serial Communications Interface - e: Service Civil International - e: Ship Controlled Interception] - e: Shipping Container Institute - e: Shipping Corporation of India - e: Ships Capability Impaired - e: Sign Check Indicator - e: Signal Corps Item - e: Simulation Council, Inc. - e: Single Column Inch - e: Slot Cell Inserter - e: Small Craft Instructor - e: Society of Computer Intelligence - e: Society of [the] Chemical Industry - e: Soft Cast Iron - e: Software Configuration Item - e: Southern Cross International - e: Special Control Instruction - e: Sponge and Chamois Institute - e: Stacker Control Instruction - e: State Commission of Investigation - e: Steel Construction Institute - e: Stein Collectors International - e: Stock Card Index - e: Strategic Computing Initiative - e: Stratospheric Circulation Index - e: Structured Clinical Interview - e: Success Motivation Institute - e: Summer Computer Institute - e: Supervisor Call Instruction - e: Supervisory Cost Inspector - e: Switched Collector Impedance - e: System Command Interpreter - e: System Control Interface - e: Systems Control, Inc. - e: The Shipping Corporation ot India Ltd. - f: Société Camerounaise Industrielle 307

sci - f: Société de [la] Chimie Industrielle - i: Società Chimica Italiana -1: Congregado Sacerdotum a Sacro Corde Iesu - s: Servicio Central de Inteligencia sci f: scientifique Sci. e: Science[s] - e: Scientific sci. e: sciencetific SCIA e: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis - e: Scientific American (journ.) - e: Signal Corps Intelligence Agency - e: Smart Card Industry Association - f: Société Commerciale et Immobilière [de] l'Atlantique - s: Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Agricultura Sci. Advan. Mater. Process Eng d: Science of Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Proceedings (journ.) Sci. Am[er]. d: Scientific American (journ.) SCIAN f: Société Cooperative Ingénierie en Aquaculture Nouvelle SCI/ARC e: Southern California Institute of Architecture SCIAS e: Society of Chemical Industry, American Section SCIB e: Ship Characteristics Improvement Board - e: Significant Counterintelligence Briefs - f: Salon des services de la Communication de l'Informatique et du Bureau SCIBIB e: Scientific Bibliography (journ.) SCIBP e: Special Committee for the International Biological Program[me] SCIC e: Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation - e: Semiconductor Integrated Circuit - e: Shipping Credit and Investment Company of India - e: Single-Column Ion Chromatography - e: Southern Com Improvement Conference - f: Société Centrale Immobilière de la Caisse des Dépôts SCICA f: Société Climique et Industrielle Camerounaise SCICFNDT e: Standing Committee for International Cooperation within the Field of Nondestructive Testing SCICOFI e: Signal Processing Codec Filter SCICON e: Scientific Control SCICRIT e: Scientific Criticism] SCICS e: Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Sci. Cult, e: Science and Culture (journ.) [India] SCID e: Severe Combined Immune Deficiency [or Immunodeficiency] - e: Small Column Insulated Delay[s] - e: Sub-Commutator Identification Sci D e: Doctor [of] Science SCIDA s: Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Agricultura Sci D Com e: Doctor of Science in Commerce SCIDE s: Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Educación Scidgie e: Sicilian-Italian Sci D Met e: Doctor of Science in Metallurgy SCIDNT e: System Control Incorporated Identification Program SCIDT e: Scottish Country Industries Development Trust SCIE e: Science (journ.)

SCIEC f: Société Civil Immobilière des Entrepôts de Coton - f: Syndicat des Commerçants Importateurs et Exportateurs du Cameroun SCIEFAM f: Syndicat des Enterprises de Commerce International d'Equipement et Fournitures pour Automobiles SCIE-FI e: Science Fiction SCIEM e: Software Configuration Impace Evaluation Model SCIENCE e: Academy of Science - e: High School of Science - f: Société des Consultants Indépendants et Neutres de la Communauté Européenne scient e: scientific - e: scientist SCIEP f: Société Civile Immobilière d'Entrepôts Portuaires SCIF e: Secure Compartemented Information Facility - e: Static Column Isoelectric Focusing - s: Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Irrigación, Vías de Communicación e Industrias Sci. fa. 1: Scire facias Sci. fa. ad dis. deb. e: Scire facias ad disprobandum debitum SCIFE s: Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Fomento Económico SCI[-]FI e: Science Fiction SCIGR e: Standing Committee on International Geoscientific Belations SCIH e: Single Camshaft in Head SCII e: Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory - r: Svenska Centralkommitten for Internationalla Ingenjörskongresser SCIIA e: Sudden Changes in the Integrated Intensity of Atmospherics SCIL e: Soft Consumable Item List - e: Support Center International Logistics - e: System Core Image Library seil. 1: scilicet SCI Line e: The Shipping Corporation ot India Ltd. Scillies e: Scilly Islands SCIM e: Selected Categories in Microfiche - e: Silicon Coating by Inverted Meniscus - e: Single Chip Integration Modul - e: Speech Communication^] Index Meter - e: Standard Cubic Inches per Minute Sci M e: Science Master SCIMA f: Syndicat des Constructeurs et Constructeurs-Installateurs de Matériel Aéraulique Sei Mist e: Science Mistress SCIMO f: Société Commerciale et Industrielle pour la Métropole et Outre-Mer SCI Monograph e: Society of Chemical Industry Monograph SCIMP e: Selective Cooperative Indexing of Management Periodicals - e: Self-Contained Imaging Micro-Profiler SCIMPEX f: Syndicat des Commerçants Importateurs et Exportateurs de l'Afrique de 'Ouest SCIMPOS f: Société Camerounaise d'Injection et de Modelage de Produits Organiques et Synthétiques SCIMR e: Self-Contained Independent Mobile Robot - e: Sullivan Center for In-Situ Mining Research Sci N e: Scientific News (journ.) SC Injection e: Subcutaneous Injection SCINT e: Scintillating [light] - e: Scintillator


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SCINTI e: Scintillate - e: Scintillation Scint. Lt. e: Scintillating Light SCIO e: Staff Counterintelligence Officer SCIONEER e: Scientist and Engineer SCIOP e: Social Competence Inventory for Older Persons SCIP e: Scanning for Information Parameters] - e: School Campus Interaction Programme - e: Self-Contained Instrument Package - e: Ships Capability Impaired for Lack of Parts - e: Site Configuration and Installation Plan - e: Society of Competitor Intelligence Professionals - e: Stanford Center for Information Processing - e: Students Chemical Information Project - e: System Control Interface Package - f: Syndicat des Cadres de l'Industrie du Pétrole SCIPA s: Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Producción de Alimentos SCIPAG f: Syndicat des Constructeurs de Machines pour les Industries du Papier, du Carton et des Arts Graphiques SCI-PHI e: Science-Philosophy SCIPLAC f: Sciages et Placages Centrafricains SCIPP e: Sacrococcygeal-to-Inferior Public Point - e: Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics - e: Silicon-Computing Instrument PatchProgrammed SCIPs e: Self-Contained Instrument Packages SCIPS s: Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano Plan del Sur SCIR e: Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology - e: Standing Committee for Installation Bebuilding - f: Syndicat Central d'Initiatives Rurales SCI Radar e: Ship Controlled Intercept Radar SCI&RB e: South Carolina Inspection and Rating Bureau Sci. Rep. e: Science Reporter (journ.) Sci Res Assoc e: Science Research Associates SCIRP e: Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy - e: Semiconductor Infra-Red Photography SCIRT e: Supplier Capability Information Retrieval Technique - e: System Control in Real Time SCIRTSS e: Sequential Circuit Test Search System SCIS e: Safety Containment Isolation System - e: Science Curriculum Improvement Study - e: Survivable Communications integration System - s: Sociedad de Comerciantes e Industriales Salvadoreños S.C.Is. e: Selected Judgments of the Supreme Court of Israel SCIs e: Software Configuration Items - e: Success Motivation Institutes SCISD e: Signal Corps Intermediate Supply Depot SCISP s: Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud Pública SCISRS e: Sigma Center Information Storage and Retrieval System

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SCM SCI Study e: Science Curriculum Improvement Study S C I T e: SBl[Space Based Interceptorsystem Concept and Integrated Technology - e: Science and Technology (journ.) - e: Small Craft Instructor Trainer - e: South China Institute of Technology S C I T E C e: Association of the Scientific Engineering and Technological Community of Canada Sci-Tec e: Science-Technology Division S C I T E C H e: Science and Technology - e: Scientific and Technical Sei. Tech. Aerosp. Rep. e: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (journ.) Sci-Tech News e: Science-Technology News (journ.) Sei. Technol. [NY] e: Science and Technology [New York] (journ.) S C I - T E C H - S L A e: ScienceTechnology Division of the Special Libraries Association S C I T S s: Servicio de Comercio de la Industria Textil Sedara S C I V e: Society of Chemical Industry of Victoria S C I V U e: Science [or Scientific] Council of the International Vegetarian Union S C J e: Court of Justiciary Cases - e: School of Criminal Justice - e: Science Council of Japan - e: Siberian Chemistry Journal - e: Supreme Court Journal S C & J e: Signal Collection and Jamming S C J B e: Jamaica Supreme Court Judgment Books Sc. J u r . e: Scottish Jurist S C K e: Set Clock - e: Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge (journ.) - e: Special Character Key - e: Surface Crack - n: Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie Sek. d: Sack S C K N - C O N G O f: Société Commerciale du Kouilou-Niari S C K T d: Sekretin-Cholezystikinin-Kurztest S C L e: Cast and Sofati Container Line - e: Santa Clara Lawyer - e: Santiago, Chile - e: Schedule - e: Schottky-Coupled Logic - e: Scientific Computers Ltd. - e: Scleroderma - e: Scottish Central Library - e: Seaboard Coast Line - e: Security Log - e: Select Cases in Chancery - e: Select Channel - e: Selectively [or Selectivity] Cross Linked - e: Sequential Control Logic - e: Serf Checking Logic - e: Serial Clock - e: Shaped Charge Liner - e: Sidarma Costa Line - e: Signal Corps Laboratory - e: Simulation Coding Language - e: Single channel monitoring - e: Sinus Cycle Length - e: Site Concurrence Letter - e: Skin Conductance Level - e: Society for Caribbean Linguistics - e: Society for Computers and Law - e: Society of Conservative Lawyers - e: Society of County Librarians - e: Sodium Chemistry Loop - e: Solar Calorimetry Laboratory

- e: Source-Coupled Logic - e: South Carolina Law Reports - e: Southeastern Composers League - e: Space Charge Layer - e: Space Charge Limited - e: Specification Compliance Log - e: Speed Call List - e: Springfield City Library - e: Standard Chartered Leasing - e: Standard Classification List - e: Standard Conventional Load - e: Static Complementary Logic - e: Stock Corporation Law - e: Superconducting Lens - e: Superconducting Levitron - e: Supermarine Consortium Ltd. - e: Symbolic Correction Loader - e: Symmetric Clipper - e: Symptom[-distress] Checklist - e: System Charting] Language - e: System Confguration Language - e: Systems Component List - e: System[s] Consultants Limited - e: System[s] Control Language Sei e: Scale - e: Sculptor scl. e: scale s.c.1. 1: summa cum laude SCLA e: Section Carry Look-Ahead - e: Semiconductor Laser Amplifier scla e: scapula-laeva anterior ScLA e: Scapulo-Laeva Anterior Sc. L a . R[ep]. e: Scottish Land Court Reports Sc. L a . Rep. Ap[p]. e: Appendices to Scottish Land Court Reports SCLC[s] e: Space Charge Limited Currents] S C L D e: Space Charge Limited Diode S C L D F e: Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund S C L E e: Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematodes S C L E D e: South Carolina Law Enforcement Division S C L E R A e: Santa Catalina Laboratory for Experimental Relativity by Astrometry S C L F e: Britton, Shepards California Legal Filing Directory - e: Self Contained Liquid-Filled S C L F M e: Society of Chain Link Fencing Manufacturers S C L H e: Standing Committee [or Conference] for Local History S C L I e: Seaboard Coast Line Industries S C L I C e: Subscriber Line Interface Circuit S C L I G F E T e: Space-Charge-Limited Insulated-Gate Field-Effect Transistor S C L J e: South Carolina Law Journal Sc. L . J . e: Scottish Law Journal and Sheriff Court Record S C L K e: Ships Clerk - e: System Clock Sc. L . M . e: Scottish Law Magazine and Sheriff Court Reporter S C L M R e: Steam-Cooled Light-water Marine Reactor S C L O e: Statistical Clearance Liaison Officer S C L o g e: Security Log S C L P e: Scientists Committee on Loyalty Problems - e: Security Command Language Processor -1: Scapula-Laeva Posterior S.C.L.Q. e: South Carolina Law Quarterly S.C.L.R. e: South Carolina Law Review

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

Sc. L . R . e: Court Reports - e: Scottish Law Reporter - e: Scottish Law Review Sheriff Sc. L . Rep. e: Scottish Law Reporter. Edinburgh S.C.L. Rev. e: South Carolina Law Review S C L S e: Serra Cooperative Library System - e: Surface atom Core Level Shift S C L S E R P e: Standing Conference on London and South-East Regional Planning Sc. L . T . e: Scots Law Times SCL[-]T[ransistor] e: Space Charge Limited Transistor S C L W R e: Scientific Computing Laboratory Work Request S C M e: S-band Cassegrain Monopulse - e: Samarium Cobalt Magnet - e: Scan Controller Module - e: Scientific calculator machine - e: Scratch Pad Memory - e: SDI Control Module - e: Secondary Core Memory - e: Section Communication Manager - e: Section Communications Manager - e: Sector Control Module - e: Security Consultative Meeting - e: Segment Control Module - e: Select Coding Method - e: Self-Contained Munitions - e: Self-Correcting Memory - e: Senders Composition Message [cable] - e: Serial Core Memory - e: Series-Characteristic Motor - e: Service Circuit Module - e: Service Command Module - e: Shorthaul Customer Modem - e: Shunt-Characteristic Motor - e: Signal Conditioning Module - e: Simulated Command Module - e: Simulated Core Mock-Up - e: Simulated Core Model - e: Sine Cosine Multiplier - e: Single-Channel Modem - e: Single Channel Monitoring - e: Single Chip Module - e: Single Crystal Meteorite - e: Small Capacity Memory - e: Small Core Memory - e: Smith Corona Marchant Co. - e: Society for Computer Medicine - e: Society of Coal Merchants - e: Society of Community Medicine - e: Society of Connoisseurs in Murder - e: Software Configuration Management - e: Solar Cell Module - e: Soluble Cytotoxic Mediator - e: Southampton City Museum - e: Special Court-Martial - e: Specification] Change M e m o r a n d u m ] - e: Spinal Changes in Microgravity - e: Splenius Cervicis Muscle - e: Standard Cubic Meter - e: STARAN [Stellar Attitude Reference and Navigation] Control Module - e: State Certified Midwife - e: Steam Cure Mortar - e: Strategic Cruise [or Cruising] Missile - e: Stratified Charge Memory - e: Student Christian Movement of Great Britain and Ireland - e: Sub Carrier Modulation - e: Sub Carrier Multiplex - e: Subdivision of County Municipality - e: Subscribers Concentration Module - e: Summary Court-Martial - e: Superconducting Magnet - e: Superimposed Coding Method 309

ScM -

e: Supervision Control Module e: Suppressed Carrier Modulation e: Surgical Countermeasures e: Switch Control Module e: Switch Core Matrix e: Symmetrically Cyclically Magnetized e: System Control Manager f: Société Camerounaise de Minoterie f: Société Camerounaise Michelin f: Société de Chirurgie de Montréal f: Sous-Commission de Coordination des Questions Forestières Méditerranéennes - s: Sociedad Colombiana de Matemátacis - s: Su Católica Majestad S c M e: Master of Science Sc.M. 1: Scientiae Magister S & C M e: Strategic and Critical Materials S C - M e: Spinal-cord Cells and Myotubes s 2 /cm d: Quadratsekunde pro Zentimeter S C M A e: Scottish Cement Merchants Association - e: Society of Cinema Managers of Great Britain and Ireland, Amalgamated - e: Southern California Marine Association - e: Southern Cypress Manufacturers Association - e: Stilton Cheese Makers Association - e: Systems Communications Management Association - f: Service Cinématographique] du Ministère de l'Agriculture S C M A C e: Scottish Catholic Marriage Advisory Council S C M A I e: Staff Committee on Mediation, Arbitration and Inquiry S C M B f: Société de Construction Métalliques de Bouké S C M C e: Senior Citizens Medical Clinic - e: Single-Chip Microcomputer - e: Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose - e: Spontaneous, Cellmediated Cytotoxicity - e: Strategic Cruise Missile Garner S C M C T - T e s t d: sperm-cervical mucus contact-Test S C m e m o r y e: Semiconductor memory S C M E S e: Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors S C M - F e: Slow Cyclotron Mode-Forward S C M F e: Single Contact Midge Flange S C M - F B e: Slow Cyclotron Mode-Fast Backward S C M - F F e: Slow Cyclotron Mode-Fast Forward S C M G e: Southern Computer Measurement Group Se M in H y g e: Master of Science in Hygiene S C M M e: Semiconductor Memory Module S C M O e: Subsidiary Communication Multiplex Operation - e: Summary Court-Martial Order S C M O D e: Scale Model S C - M O S F E T e: Surface-Channel MetalOxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor S C M O S F E T e: Schottky-ciamped Metal-Oxide Field-Effect Transistor S C M O / T N O n: Studies en Consultancy voor Milieu en Omgeving-TNO S C M P e: Single Chip Microprocessor - e: Software Configuration Management Plan - e: South China Morning Post - e: Stinger Configuration Management Plan - e: Support Center Management Plan - e: Survey of the China Mainland Press - e: Systems Cooperative Marketing Program

S C / M P e: Simple Cost-effective Microprocessor S C M P L f: Société de Constructions Mécaniques Panhard & Levassor S C M R e: Surface Composition Mapping Radiometer S C M S e: Serial Copyright Management System - e: Signal Command Management System - e: Software Configuration Management System - e: Strategic Cruise Missile Carrier S C M s e: Small Capacity Memories S C M T V S e: Signal Corps Mobile Television System S C M U e: Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union Sc. M u n . App. Rep. e: Scotch Munitions Appeals Reports S C M V d: Schweizerischer CoiffeurmeisterVerband SCN d: Suprachiasmatischer Nukleus - e: Satellite Conference Network - e: Satellite Control Network - e: Scan[ner] - e: Schematic Change Notice - e: Self-Checking Number - e: Self-Compensating Network - e: Sensitive Command Network - e: Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy - e: Ships Construction, Navy - e: Shortest Connected Network - e: Show Cause Notice - e: Single Call Non-ringing - e: Single Crystal Needle - e: Special Change Notice - e: Specific Control Number - e: Specification Change Notice - e: Static Charge Neutralizer - e: Subscriber Connection Network - e: Succinonitrile - e: Summary and Charge Number - e: Suprachiasmatic Nuclei - e: Supreme Court, Norway - e: Switched Communication Network - e: System Change Notice - e: System Control Number Sen e: Scunthorpe S.C.N. e: Seventeenth Century News (journ.) SCNA e: Sudden Cosmic-Noise Absorption - i: Societá Italiana Coloranti Naturali Affini S C N A W A F e: Special Category Navy with Air Force S C N D e: Scanned - e: Self-Checking Number Device SCNEA e: Sealing Commission for the Northeast Atlantic S C N G e: Scanning - e: Self-Checking Number Generator S.C. [Nig.] e: Judgments of the Supreme Court of Nigeria S C N M e: Sunset Crater National Monument SCNN e: Strontium Calcium Sodium Niobate [Sr,Ca] 2 NaNb 5 0 15 S C N O e: Senior Canadian Naval Officer S C N P W C e: Standing Committee for Nobel Prize Winners Congresses Sc. N.R. e: Scott's New Reports S C N R e: Scanner - e: Scientific Committee of National Representatives - e: Solid Core Nuclear Rocket S C N R T e: Suez Canal Net Register Ton SCNS e: Self-Contained Navigation System - i: Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle SCNs e: Specification Change Notices


© K G ' Saur, München

SCN/SIN e: Sensitive Command Network/ Sensitive Information Network S C N T e: Suez Canal Net Ton S C N T N e: Self-Contained SCNU e: Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union S C N U L e: Standing Conference of National and University Libraries S C N V Y O e: Standing Conference of National Voluntary Youth Organisations S C N W A e: Sealing Commission for the Northwest Atlantic S C N W R e: Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge S C N Z e: Shipping Corporation of New Zealand Ltd S C O e: Sales Contracting Office[r] - e: Selective Conscientious Objection - e: Semi-Cut-Off - e: Signal Company - e: Single Crystal Orthoferrites - e: Spacecraft Observer - e: Spacecraft Operations - e: Squadron Constructor Officer - e: Staff Communication Office[r] - e: Statistical Control Office[r] - e: Subcarrier Oscillator - e: Subcontract Consignment Order - e: Sustainer Cut-Off ScO e: Scientific Officer Sco e: Scorpius S / C O e: Spacecraft Observer S C Ô d: Studenten-Comitee fiir Umweltschutz-Ôkonomie, Hochschule St. Gallen S C O A e: Semiconductor Optical Amplifier - f: Société Commerciale de l'Ouest Africain S C O A P e: Sandia Controllability Observability Analysis Program[me] S C O B e; Scattered Clouds or Better - f: Syndicat de la Chimie Organique de Base S C O B O e: Satellite Collection Buoy Observations S C O B O L e: Structured COBOL [Common Business-Oriented Language] S C O C e: Senior Citizen Otolaryngological Clinic - e: Short Circuit Output Current - e: Support Command Operations Center S C / O C E e: UNESCO Division of Marine Sciences S C O C L I S e: Standing Conference of Cooperative Library [and] Information Services S C O C O M e: Scope Communications S C O C o m p u t e r e: System Checkout Computer SCODA e: Scan Coherent Doppler Attachment - e: Standing Conference on Drug Abuse S C O D H E e: Standing Conference on Dance in Higher Education S C O D I f: Société des Conserves de Côte-d'Ivoire SCODS e: Standing Committee of/on Ocean Data Stations S C O E e: Software Center Of Excellence - e: Special Checkout Equipment S C O E G e: Standing Conference of Employers of Graduates S C O F e: Self Contained Oil-Filled S.C. of A.G. e: Standing Committee of Commonwealth and State AttorneysGeneral S C O F E T f: Syndicat des Constructeurs de Fours et d'Équipements Thermiques

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SCORE S C O F F e: Sharp Cut-off Fringing Field - e: Society for the Conquest of Flight Fear S C O G s: Sociedad Colombiana de Obstricia y Ginecologia S C O G S e: Select Committee on GenerallyRegarded-As-Safe Substances S C O H L Z A e: Standing Committee of Head Librarians of Zambia Sco. Int. e: Scotts Intestate Laws Sco.&J. Tel. e: Scott and Jarnigan on the Law of Telegraphs S C O L e: Scandinavian Continental Line S C O L A G e: Scottish Legal Action Group S C O L A G Bull, e: Scottish Legal Action Group Bulletin S C O L a n t e r n e: Semi-Cutoff Lantern S C O L A R e: Satellite Communications for Learning - e: Schools and Colleges Online Accounting and Registration System - e: Standard Costing of Laboratory Resources S C O L A S e: Southern Council on Latin American Studies S C O L A V N M E D e: School of Aviation Medicine S C O L C A P e: Scottish Libraries Cooperative Automation Project S C O L D e: Small Company On-Line Data S C O L D S e: Spark Chamber On-Line Data System S C O L E e: Standing Committee on Library Education S Coll e: Staff College S C O L L U L e: Standing Conference of Librarians of Libraries of the University of London S C O L M A e: Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa SColn e: Supply Column S C O M e: Scanning Optical Microscopy - e: Science [or Scientific] Committee - e: Site Cut-Over Manager - e: System Communication - f: Société Centrale d'Organisation et [de] Méthodes S C O M A D f: Service de Contrôle du Conditionnement de Madagascar S C O M E L e: Scandinavian Continental Middle East Lines S.A.L., Beirut S C O M O e: Satellite Collection of Meteorological Observation^] S C O M P e: Secure Communications Processor S C o m p d: Supercomputer - e: Supercomputer S C O N e: Self-Contained Sco. Nat. e: Scott on Naturalization of Aliens S C O N D e: Semiconductor s.conf. 1: sine confectione S C O N M E D L I B e: Standing Conference of Mediterranean Libraries S C O N M E L e: Standing Conference for Mediterranean Librarians S C O N S e: Shipment Control System S C O N T e: Ship Control S C O N U L e: Standing Conference of National and University Libraries

S C O O P e: Scientific Computation of Optimal Program[me]s - e: Scientific Computation of Optimum Procurement - e: Self Coupled Optical Pickup - e: Standing Committee on Official Publications - e: State Consultant Company for Oil Products - e: Strategic [Technology Office] Confirmation of Optical Phenomenology - e: Support Plan to Continuity of Operations Plan - e: System for Computerization of Office Processes S C O O P S e: Scheme Object-Oriented Programming System S C O O T e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Cooperative Testing S C O P e: Search Control Program - e: Single Copy Order Plan - e: Standing Conference of Principals - f: Société Coopératives Ouvrières de Production Scop, d: Scopolamin S C O P A e: Survivable Solar Concentrator Photovoltaic Array S C O P A L e: Standing Conference of Pacific Librarians S C O P C A S e: Standing Committee on Pollution Clearance at Sea S C O P E e: Oscilloscope - e: Radarscope - e: Schedule-Cost-Performance - e: Scheduling and Control of Orders for Production Economy - e: Scholarly Communication-Online Publishing and Education - e: School-to-College Opportunity for Post high-school Education - e: Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment - e: Scottish Council for Opportunities in Play Experience - e: Scripps Cooperative Oceanic Productivity Expedition - e: Selected Contents of Periodicals for Educators - e: Sequential Customer Order Processing, Electronically - e: SIGNAAL Command Oriented Programming Environment - e: Simple Checkout-Oriented Program [or Programming] Language - e: Space-Craft Operational Performance Evaluation - e: Special Committee on Paperless Entries - e: Special Committee on Problems of the Environment - e: Specifiable Coordinating Positioning Equipment - e: Standing Committee on Professional Education - e: Standing Committee on Professional Exchange - e: Standing Conference of Public Enterprises - e: Status Concept of Program[me] Evaluation - e: Stromberg [Carlson] [Central] Operations Panel Electric[al] - e: Student Council on Pollution and Environment - e: Subsystem for the Control of Operations and Plan Evaluation - e: Summer Community Organization and Political Education [Program]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

- e: Supervisor Control of Program[me] Execution - e: System and Component Operating Performance Evaluation - e: System for Capacity and Orders Planning and Enquiries - e: System for Computing Operational Probability Equations - e: System for Control Program[me] Evaluation - e: System for Coordination of Peripheral Equipment - e: System to Coordinate the Operation of Peripheral Equipment - e: Systematic Computerized Processing in Cataloguing - e: Systematic Control of Periodicals - e: Systematic Coordination of Operations and Program Evaluation S C O P E P e: Steering Committee on the Performance of Electrical Products S C O P E P r o g r a m e: Summer Community Organization and Political Education Program S C O P E S e: Squad Combat Operations Exercise Simulation S C O P L e: Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment - e: Simple Checkout-Oriented Programming Language S C O P L T e: Scope Plot S C O P P e: School-College Orientation Program of Pittsburgh S C O P T e: Subcommittee on Programming Technology - e: Subcommittee on Programming Terminology - e: Synchro-Cyclotron Optics S C O P W e: Self-Consistent OrthogonalizedPlane-Wave S C O R e: Scientific Committee on Ocean[ographic] Research - e: Scientific Computer On-Line Resource - e: Security Council Official Records - e: Self-Calibrating [or Calibration] Omni-Range - e: Skin-Conductance Orienting Response - e: Special Committee on Oceanic Research - e: Specialized Center of Research - e: Standing Conference on Refugees - f: Société Commerciale de Réassurance Scor e: Scorpio S C O R A N e: Scover and Analyzer S C O R D E S e: Spherics Correlation Detection System S C O R E e: Satellite Computer-Operated Readiness Equipment - e: Sector Computer Operational Review and Evaluation - e: Select Concrete Objects for Research Emphasis - e: Selection, Copy and Reporting] - e: Selective Conversion and Retention - e: Serial Control of RACAL [British Radio Communications Company] Equipment - e: Service Corps of Retired Executives - e: Short Course Off-Road Event - e: Signal Communication^] by Orbital [or Orbiting] Relay Equipment - e: Solar Cell Optical Reading Equipment - e: Special Covert Operations for Resale - e: Spectral Combinations by Reconnaissance Exploitation - e: Stratified Charge Omnivorous Rotary Engine[s] - e: Street Corner Offense Reduction Experiment 311

SCORES - e: Student Competitions on Relevant Engineering - e: Survey and Comparisons of Research and Expenditure - e: System Capability over Requirement Evaluation - e: System Cost and Operational Resource Evaluation - e: System for Computerized Olympic Results and Events - e: Systematic Centralized Online Reporting and Evaluation - e: Systematic Control of Range Effectiveness S C O R E S e: Scenario Oriented Recurring Evaluation System S C O R P I O e: Single Crystal Orientation Rapid Processing and Interpretation Operation - e: Subject-Content-Oriented Retriever for Processing Information Online S C 0 R P I [ 0 ] e: Subcritical Carbonmoderated Reactor Assembly for Plutonium Investigations S C O R R A D e: Standing Committee on Resources Research and Development S C O R U e: Statistical Control and Operations Records Unit SCOS e: Scottish Certificate in Office Studies - e: Senior Citizen Optometrical Service S C O S P A R e: Special Committee on Space Research SCOSS e: Standing Committee on Structural Safety SCOSS[S] e: Senior Chief Officer, Shore Signal Service S C O S T e: Special Committee on Space Technology S C O S T E P e: Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics - e: Special Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics S C O S W S e: Senior Chief Officer, Shore Wireless Service SCOSY e: Scaled COSY S C O T d: Scottish - e: Satellite Communication^] [Onboard] Terminal - e: Scotch - e: Scotland - e: Scots - e: Semi-automated Computer Oriented Text - e: Shaken and Circulatory Oxidation Test - e: Shell Claus Off-gas Treatment - e: Shipboard [or Shipborne] Communications Terminal - e: Shippers for Competitive Ocean Transportation - e: Small Communication Terminal - e: Standby Compatible One-Tape - e: Steel Car of Tomorrow - e: Stepper Central Office Tester - e: Supplementary Checkout Trailer - e: Support-Coated, Open-Tubular - e: Syrian Company for Oil Transport Scot, e: Scotland - e: Scots - e: Scottish - e: The Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Glasgow S C O T A e: Scottish Offshore Training Association S C O T A P L L e: Standing Conference of Theological and Philosophical Libraries in London Scot. App. Rep. e: Scottish Appeal Reports

SCOTBEC e: Scottish Business Education Council SCOTEC e: Scottish Technical Education Council ScotGael e: Scots Gaelic Scot Geog M[ag] e: Scottish Geographical Magazine (journ.) Scot Hist R e: Scottish Historical Review (journ.) SCOTICE [Cable] e: Scottish-Iceland Submarine Cable Scot. Jur. e: Scottish Jurist Scot. Law. Com. e: Scottish Law Commission Scot. L a w J . e: Scottish Law Journal Scot. L J . e: Scottish Law Journal & Sheriff Court Record Scot. L. M. e: Scottish Law Magazine & Sheriff Court Reporter Scot. L. Mag. e: Scottish Law Magazine, Edinburgh, Scotland Scot. L. R[ep]. e: Scottish Law Reporter Scot. L. R[ev]. e: Scottish Law Review and Sheriff Court Reports S C O T S e: Shuttle Compatible Orbital Transfer Subsystem - e: Surveillance and Control of Transmission Systems SCOTs e: Satellite Communication Terminals Scots L.T.[R.] e: Scots Law Times [Reports] SCOT System e: Semi-automated Computer Oriented Text System - e: Standby Compatible One-Tape System SCOTT e: Shipping Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago - e: Single Channel Objective Tactical Terminal - e: Submarine Combat Team Trainer - e: Supercritical, Once-Through Tube - e: Synchronous Continuous Orbital Threedimensional Tracking SCOTT-R [Experiment] e: Super-Critical, Once-Through Reactor [Experiment] Scotts Bluff e: Scotts Bluff National Monument SCOTUS e: Supreme Court of the United States S C O T V E C e: Scottish Vocational Education Council Scot virus e: Scottish type of influenza virus S C O U e: Ship Course S C O U G e: Southern California Online User Group S C O U T e: Siemens Computer User Team - e: SIGNAAL's Covertly Operating Undetectable Transmitter - e: Signal Computer, Oscilloscope and Universal Tester - e: Small Combat Operations Utility Transport - e: Surface-Controlled Oxide Unipolar Transistor SCOWR e: Special Committee on Water Research Sco X-r e: Scorpio X-ray SCP c: Sdruzeni Ceskych Prekladatelü - d: Sekundär chronische Polyarthritis - d: Single Cell Protein - d: Software Computer Program[me] - e: Safe Cursor Position - e: Safety Control Program[me] - e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Computer Program[me]


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Computer Project - e: Satellite Cloud Photograph - e: Schematic Change Proposal - e: Scottish Conservation Projects Trust - e: Screen Color Photography - e: Script - e: Sea Containers Pacific - e: Secondary Control Panel - e: Secondary Control Point - e: Secondary Control Program[me] - e: Secondary Cross-connection Point - e: Sector Command Post - e: Secure Care Property - e: Security Classification Procedure - e: Security Control Processor - e: Self-Consistent Phonon - e: Semiconductor Physics - e: Semiconductor Productfs] - e: Senior Companion Program - e: Sequence Checking Program[me] - e: Serial Character Printer - e: Serial Communications Port - e: Service Control Point - e: Servo Controlled Positioner - e: Sheffield City Polytechnic - e: Shipping Control Procedures - e: Short Circuit Protection - e: Single-Cell Protein - e: Single Chip Processor - e: Single-user Control Program[me] - e: Site Characterization Plan - e: Social Credit Party - e: Society of Clinical Psychiatrists - e: Sodium-Containing Particle - e: Solar Cell Panel - e: Sonobuoy Control Panel - e: Spacecraft Platform - e: Special Character Printing - e: Spherical Candle-Power - e: Spontaneous Crack Propagation - e: Station Communications Processor - e: Stock Control Point - e: Storage Control Program - e: Strategic Computing Program - e: Stromberg-Carlson Practices - e: Student Conservation Program - e: Subcontract Proposal - e: Subscribers Call Processing - e: Superior Cerebral Peduncle - e: Supervisors Control Panel - e: Supervisory and Control Panel - e: Supervisory Control Program[me] - e: Suppliers Control Property - e: Supply Cataloging Program - e: Support Control Program[me] - e: Surveillance Communication Processor - e: Survey Control Point - e: Symbolic] Conversion Program[me] - e: System Communication Pamphlet - e: System Concept Paper - e: System Control Panel - e: System Control Processing [or Processor] - e: Systems Change Proposal - e: System[s] Control Program[me] [or Programming] - f: Société Camerounaise de Publications - f: Société Camerounaise des Peaux - f: Société Canadienne de Phytopathologie - f: Société Chérifienne des Pétroles - f: Société de Chimie Physique - f: Société du Canal de Provence et d'Aménagement de la Région Provençale - f: Syndicat des Constructeurs de Pompes - s: Sociedad Científica de Paraguay

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SCRAMs SCPA e: Scottish Cashmere Producers Association - e: Scottish Chick Producers Association - e: Scottish Clay Pigeon Association - e: Solar Cell Panel Assembly - e: South Caroina [State] Ports Authority - f: Société Commerciale des Potasses d'Alsace - f: Société Commerciale des Potasses et de l'Azote S C P [AFL-CIO] e: Sleeping Car Porters S C P a p e r e: Sized and Calendered Paper - e: Supercalendered Paper SCPAs e: State Criminal-Justice Planning Agencies S C P B e: Single Channel per Burst S C P C e: Signal Corps Photographie Center - e: Signal Corps Pictorial Center - e: Single Carrier Per Channel - e: Single Channel Per Carrier - e: Stamp Collecting Promotion Council - f: Société Camerounaise de Collecte des Peaux et Cuirs S C P C System e: Single Channel per Carrier System S C P C T e r m i n a l e: Single Channel per Carrier Terminal S C P C U e: Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters S C P D e: Scratch Pad - e: Signal Corps Procurement Depot - e: Staff Civilian Personnel Division S C P D C I H E e: Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes of Higher Education S C P D M e: Suppressed Clock Puise Duration Modulation S C P E e: Secure Communications Processor Environment - e: State Committee on Public Education - e: System Control Program[me] Extended S C P E A e: Southern California Professional Engineering Association S C P G A e: South Carolina Personnel and Guidance Association S C P I e: Scientists Committee for Public Information - e: Small Computer Program Index - e: Standard Commands for Programmable Instrumentation. - e: Structural Clay Products Institute S C P K e: Serum Creatine Phosphokinase S C P L e: Signal Corps Photographic Laboratory - e: Social Credit Political League - e: Société Commission Produits Laitiers S C P M f: Service Central de la Production, des Prix et de la Maintenance S C P M A e: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Station S C P M E e: Standing Committee on Postgraduate Medical Education SCPN e: Small Card Part Number - e: Society of Certified Professional Numismatists S C P O e: Senior Chief Petty Officer - e: Supply Chief Petty Officer S C P P e: Surveyor Command Preparation Program S C P R e: Scottish Council of Physical Recreation - e: Social and Community Planning Research S C P R F e: Structural Clay Products Research Foundation S C P R I e: Service Central de Protection contre les Rayonnements Ionisants

SCP[S] e: Subscribers Call Processing [Subsystem] S C P S e: Senior Citizen Podiatric Service - e: Servo-Controlled Positioning System - e: Signal Corps Photographic School - e: Subscribers Call Processing Subsystem - e: Survivable Collective Protection System - e: Synchronous Composite Packet Switching S C P & S S T e: Semiconductor Products and Solid State Technology S C P T e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Computer Programming Training - e: Self Consistent Perturbation Theory - e: Single Channel per Transponder S C P t e: Security Control Point S C P U e: Sea Containers Pacific Unit SCPV e: Silkworm Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus S C Q e: Central Ouality Service S C Q C e: Scout Crew Qualification Course S C Q S e: Society of Chief Quantity Surveyors in Local Government S C Q s e: Special Commodity Quotations S C R d: Sauerstoffkardiorespirogramm - d: Skrupel - e: Scan[ning] Control Register - e: Scatter Read - e: Scratched or Gouged - e: Screening] - e: Screwed - e: Scruple - e: Select Crate Register - e: Selective Catalytic Reduction - e: Selective Chopper Radiometer - e: Semiconductor Controlled Rectifier - e: Sequence Checking Routine - e: Sequence Control Register - e: Sequential-Code Reduction - e: Series Control Relay - e: Servo Chart Drive - e: Set Complete Radio - e: Seychelles Rupee - e: Shift Count Register - e: Ship to Component Record - e: Short-Circuit Radio - e: Short Circuit Ratio - e: Signal Character Recognition - e: Signal Conditioner - e: Signal Conversion Relay - e: Signal Corps Radio - e: Signal-to-Clutter Ratio - e: Silicon-Controlled Rectifier - e: Single Call Ringing - e: Single Card Reader - e: Single-Channel Reception - e: Single Character Recognition - e: Site Characterization Report - e: Small Card Reader - e: Society for Cardiovascular Radiolody - e: Society for Clinical Research - e: Society for Cultural Relations with the U.S.S.R. - e: Sodium-Cooled Reactor - e: Software Change Report - e: Software Change Request - e: Solar Cell Radiation - e: Solar Corpuscular Radiation - e: Solar Cosmic Ray - e: Sonar Control Room - e: South Central Railway [of India] - e: Southern Council of Research - e: Soviet Cybernetics Review (journ.) - e: Space Charge Recombination - e: Spanish Communication Region - e: Special Contract Requirement - e: Speed Change Rate

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Split Cycle Random - e: Standardized Casualty Rate - e: Static Card Reader - e: Steering Committee Rapporteur - e: Strength Count Ratio - e: Strip Chart Recorder - e: Structural Ceramic Panel - e: Styrene Chloroprene Copolymer - e: Styrene Choroprene Rubber - e: Subcluster Reloading - e: Summary Control Report - e: Supersonic Combustion Ramjet - e: Support Control Room - e: Supreme Court Reports - e: System Capability Requirement - e: System Change Request - e: System Circuit Register - e: System Configuration Register - e: System Control Record - e: System Control Routine - f: Société Centrale de Répresentation - s: Sistema de Control de Rigidez - s: Socieded de Canicultores de Rubio Scr e: Scrambler - e: Screening - e: Screw - e: Script -1: Streptococcus Cremoris S.C.R. e: Law Reports of Supreme Court of Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei - e: Silicon-Contro/led Rectifier S-C R e: Short-Circuit Radio S C R A e: Second Commander of the Royal Artillery - e: Single Channel Radio Access - e: Stanford Center for Radar Astronomy - f: Secteur Côtier des Recherches Agronomiques SC[&]RA e: Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association S C R A C e: Standing Conference of Regional Advisory Councils for Further Education S C R A L s: Sociedad Cooperativa Rural Argentina Ltda. S C R A M e: CMOS Random Access Memory - e: Scottish Campaign to Resist the Atomic Menace - e: Selective Combat Range Artillery Missile - e: Self-Contained Radiation Monitor - e: Self-Corrected Remedial Aid and Media - e: Several Compilers Reworked and Modified - e: Space Capsule Regulator and Monitor - e: Spares Components Reidentification and Modification - e: Spares Control, Release and Monitoring - e: Special Criteria for Retrograde Army Materiel - e: Static Column [dynamic] Random-Access Memory - e: Strip Cylindrical Random Access Memory - e: Supersonic Combustion Ramjet [Missile] - e: Synanon Committee for Responsible American Media S C R A M J E T e: Supersonic-Combustion Ramjet S C R A M L A C E e: Supersonic Combustion Ramjet Liquid Air Cycle Engine S C R A M P r o g r a m e: Spares Components Reidentification and Modification Program S C R A M s e: Supersonic Combustion Ramjet Missiles


SCRAP SCRAP e: Selective Curtailment of Reports and Paperwork - e: Series Computation of Reliability and Probability - e: Simple Complex Reaction-time Apparatus - e: Society for Completely Removing All Parking - e: Students Challenging Regulatory Agency Proceedings - e: Super-Caliber Rocket-Assisted Projectile SCRAPE e: Screening Country Requirements against Plus Excesses SCRAPP e: SCAN [Schedule Analysis], RAPP [Resource Allocation and Project Planning] SCRATA e: Steel Castings Research and Trade Association SCRB e: Structured Case Review Blank SCRBH e: Screen Bulkhead SCRB Method e: Separable Costs Remaining Benefit Method SCR brick e: Structural Clay Research brick SCRC e: Software Change Review Committee - e: Southern California Research Council SCRCC e: Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Council SCRDE e: Defence Stores and Clothing Research and Development Establishment - e: Stores and Clothing Research and Development Establishment SCR Dimmer e: Silicon-Controlled Rectifier Dimmer SCRDN e: Screw Down SCRDT e: Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teaching SCRE e: Scottish Council for Research in Education - e: Send Corrected Reference - f: Syndicat des Constructeurs de Relais Électriques SCREAM e: Society for the Control and Registration of Estate Agents and Mortgage Brokers SCREAMS e: Society to Create Rapprochement among Electrical, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineers SCREENEX e: Screening Exercise SCREM f: Syndicat National de Commerce du Radio de la Télévision et de l'Équipement Ménager SCRF e: Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation - e: Small Craft Repair Facility ScrF 1: Streptococcus Cremoris SCRG e: Stationary Cosmic Ray Gas SCR GT e: Screen Gate SCRI e: Scanning Cavity Resonant Interferometer - e: Science Court and Research Institute - e: Scientists Committee for Radiation Information - e: Scottish Crop[s] Research Institute - e: Steel Can Recycling Institute SCRIB f: Salon de la Communication, Reprographie, de l'Informatique, de la Bureautique et du matérial de bureau Scrib. Dow. e: Scribner on the Law of Dower SCRIBE e: System for Computerized Reporting of Information for Better Education Scribes J. Legal Writing e: Scribes Journal of Legal Writing

SCRID e: Silicon-Controlled Rectifier Indicator Driver - e: Southern California Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf SCRIM e: Scrimmage - e: Sideway-force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine SCRIP e: Semi-Conductor Reliability Improvement Program SCRIPT e: Manuscript - e: Prescription - e: Scientific and Commercial Routine Interpreter and Program[me] Translator - e: Stanford Computerized Research[er] Information Profile Technique Scrip[t]. e: Scriptural - e: Scripture SCRIS e: Southern California Regional Information Study Scriven e: Scriven, Law of Copyholds SCRJ e: Supersonic Combustion Ramjet SCRL e: Signal Corps Radar Laboratory - e: Signal Corps Radio Laboratory - e: Skill Components Research Laboratory - e: Speech Communications Research Laboratory SCRLC e: South Central Research Library Council Scr. L.T. e: Scranton [Pa.] Law Times SCRMA e: Surface Coating Synthetic Resin Manufacturer Association Scr. Metall. e: Scripta Metallurgica (journ.) SCRN e: Screening] - e: Screens - s: Sociedad Columbia de Recursos Naturales S.C.R. [N.S.] [NJS.W.] [L.] e: Supreme Court Reports, Law SCROLL e: String and Character Recording Oriented Logogrammatic Language SCROM e: Scratchable Read-Only Memory SCRP e: Small Card Release Processing - f: Syndicat de la Crémerie de la Région Parisienne SCR Process e: Southwire Continuous Rod Process SCRR e: Supercircular Reentry Research SCRS e: Single Character Recognition System - e: Society of Collision Repair Specialists - e: Standarized Crime-Reporting System - e: Standing Committee on Research and Statistics - e: Strip Chart Recorder System SCR's e: Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers SCRT e: Sealed Cathode Ray Tube - e: Serial Choice Reaction Time[r] - e: Subscribers Circuit Routine Tester Sert e: Sanskrit - e: Scatter - e: Sector SCRTA e: Steel Casting Research and Trade Association SCRTC e: Signal Corps Replacement Training Center SCRTD e: South California Rapid Transit District SCRTERM e: Screw Terminal Scrubs e: Wormwood Scrubs SCRUM e: Scrummage SCR unit e: Static Current Rectifier unit SCR-Verfahren d: Selective Catalysis Reduction Verfahren


© K • G • Saur, München

SCS e: Safety Control Switch - e: Sarlis Container Services, Piraeus - e: Satellite Communication System - e: Satellite Control Satellite - e: Satellite Control System - e: Scan Converter System - e: Scan Counter System - e: Scattering Cross-Section - e: Schedule Control System - e: School of Computer Science - e: Science Council of Singapore - e: Scientific Control System[s] GmbH - e: Screening and Costing Staff - e: Sea Control Ship - e: Secondary Clear to Send - e: Secondary Control Ship - e: Secret Control Station - e: Secret Cover Sheet - e: Section Control Station - e: Secure Computer Systems - e: Security Computing Services - e: Security Container System - e: Security Control System - e: Select Character Set - e: Selected Classification Service - e: Selective Calling System - e: Selective Character Set - e: SEM [Scanning Electron Microscope] Cold Stage - e: Sensor Coordinate System - e: Separate Channel Signalling - e: Sequence Coding System - e: Serbian Chemical Society - e: Serial Core Store - e: Serving Christian Scientists - e: Servo Controlled System - e: Shore Communications Station - e: Short-Circuit-Stable - e: Side Scan Sonar - e: Sidewinder Control System - e: Signal Communication^] System - e: Silicon Chip Stack - e: Silicon-Controlled Switch - e: Simulated Compton Scattering - e: Simulation Control Subsystem - e: Simultaneous Colo[u]r System - e: Singapore Computer Systems - e: Single Change of Station - e: Single-Channel Simplex - e: Single Crystal Structures - e: Slaving Control System - e: Slow Code Scanner - e: Small Commercial System - e: Small Components Structural - e: Small Computer System - e: SNA [System Network Architecture] Character String - e: Society for Computer Simulation - e: Society of Clinical Surgery - e: Society of Cosmetic Scientists - e: Sodium Cellulose Sulfate - e: Sodium Characterization System - e: Soil Conservation Service - e: Sonar Calibration Set - e: Sonar Communications Set - e: Source Coherency Structure - e: South Carolina State - e: Southern California Skeptics - e: Southern Computer Service - e: Space Cabin Simulator - e: Space Command Station - e: Space Communication^] System - e: Spacecraft [Control] System - e: Special Circumstances Surcharge - e: Special Computer Service - e: Speed Class Sequencing - e: Speed Control Switch

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

set. - e: Speed Control System - e: Spinal Cord Stimulation - e: Stability [or Stabilization] and Control System - e: Stabilization Cabin Simulator - e: Standard Character Set - e: Standard Coordinate System - e: State Curiosity Scale - e: Stationing Capability System - e: Statistical Control System - e: Stiffened Cylindrical Shell - e: Stimulated Compton Scattering - e: Stop Control System - e: Student Counseling Service - e: Sub Control-Station - e: Submarine Control Simulator - e: Substituent Chemical Shift - e: Suit Communication System - e: Superintendent of Car Service - e: Supervisory Control System - e: Supplementary Control System - e: Supply Control System - e: Supreme Court, Sweden - e: Surface Compression Strengthened - e: Sweeping Current Supply - e: Systolic Click Syndrome - f: Société Camerounaise de Sacherie - f: Société Commerciale Sénégalaise - f: Syndicat du Commerce des Sucres - s: Servicio de Conservación de Suelos ScS e: Specialist in Science S.C.S. e: Soil Conservation Service - f: Société en Commandite Simple S C & S e: Strapped, Corded and Sealed SCSA c: Svaz Ceskoslovenskych Architektu - e: Scottish Cold Storage Association - e: Soil [and Water] Conservation Society of America - e: Southern California Symphony Association - e: Steering Committee for Sustainable Agriculture - e: Strip Curtain Suppliers Association - f: Société Canadienne de Sociologie et d'Anthropologic - s: Statiunea Céntrala pentru Sericicultura si Apicultura SCSAB e: Signal Conditioning Switching and Amplification Boxes S C S B M e: Society for Computer Science in Biology and Medicine SCSC e: Satellite Communications System Control - e: Schedule Control Systems Criteria - e: Secondary Curriculum Study Center - e: Soil and Crop Sciences Center - e: South Carolina State College - e: Strategic Conventional Stand-Off Capability - e: Summer Computer Simulation Conference SCSCI e: Computer Software Configuration Item S C S C L C e: Single-Carrier Space-ChargeLimited Current S C S C P e: System Coordination for SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Computer Programming Sc SD e: Doctor of Social Sciences SCSD e: School Construction System[s] Development - e: Simulation and Control Systems Department SCSD P[roject] e: School Construction Systems Development Project S C S E e: Society of Casualty Safety Engineers - e: South Carolina Society of Engineering

SC-SE e: Smooth Curve-Smooth Earth SCSEA e: Southern California Solar Energy Association S C S E P e: Summer Canada Student Employment Program SC/SER e: UNESCO Division of Scientific Research on Higher Education S C S F e: Surface Cask Storage Facility S C S H e: Structural Carbon Steel, Hard SCSI e: Small Computer Standard Interface - e: Small Computer Systems Interface - e: Society for Computer Simulation International S C S K e: Shellfish Commission for the Skagerrak-Kattegat SCSKU c: Svaz Ceskych Skaladatelu a Koncertnich Umelcu S C S L e: Scientific Continuous Simulation Language S C S L P e: Smithsonian Center for ShortLived Phenomena S C S M e: Spacecraft Systems Monitor - e: Strongly Connected State Machine - e: Structural Carbon Steel, Medium SCS NSW e: Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales S C S O e: Space Communications Station Operation SCSOA e: Short Circuit Safe Operating Area - f: Syndicat National des Cadres Superieurs des Organisations Professionnelles Agricoles Sc.Soc.D. e: Doctor of Social Science S C S P e: Site Characterization and Selection Plan - e: State Center Service Program - e: Supervisory Computer Software Package - e: System Calibration Support Plan SCSPA e: South Carolina State Ports Authority SCSPLS e: South Carolina Society of Professional Land Surveyors S C S R e: Ship Construction Subsidy Regulations SCSS e: Scottish Council of Social Service - e: Self-Contained Starting System - e: Structural Carbon Steel, Soft SCSs e: Supplementary Control Systems SCSST e: Standing Conference on Schools Science and Technology S C S T e: Scan Converter Storage Tube - e: Society of Commercial Seed Technologists - e: State Council of Science and Technology Sc. St. C r i m . e: Scandinavian Studies in Criminology Sc. St. L . e: Scandinavian Studies in Law

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur. Munich

S C S T P e: Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics - e: Special Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics S C / S T P e: UNESCO Divison of Science Technology Problems S C S T R e: Segregated Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Sc. Stud. Criminol. e: Scandinavian Studies in Criminology Sc. Stud. L a w e: Scandinavian Studies in Law SCSU e: South Carolina State University - e: Southern Connecticut State University - e: System Control Signal Unit SC Switch e: Single Contact Switch S C T d: Staphylokokken-Clumping-Test - e: Canadian Forestry Service - e: S-band Cassegrain Transmit - e: Satellite Control Terminal - e: Scan Conversion [or Converter] Tube[s] - e: Scanning Telescope [Scatter] - e: Scattered] [clouds] - e: Schottky Clamped Transistor - e: Scientific Committee for Food - e: Scout - e: Sector - e: Self-Controlled Terminal - e: Semiconductor Curve Tracer - e: Sensor Communication Terminal - e: Sentence Completion Technique - e: Sentence Completion Test - e: Sequence Checking Tape - e: Sequence Control Table - e: Sequential and Centroid Transformation - e: Sharjah Container Terminal - e: Shirlstar Container Transport Ltd. - e: Signal Corps Training - e: Single Cassette Tape Reader - e: Single Cell Test - e: Single-Channel Transponder - e: Skylab Communication Terminal - e: Society of Cardiological Technicians - e: Society of Cleaning Technicians - e: Society of Commercial Teachers - e: Society of County Treasurers - e: South Carolina Turkey - e: Soviet Science & Technology - e: Special Characters Table - e: Spectral Control Technique - e: Statistical Communication Theory - e: Step Control Table - e: Structural Clay Tile - e: Subroutine Call Table - e: Subscriber Carrier Terminal - e: Subzero Cooled and Tempered - e: Sugar-Coated Tablet - e: Sun Crown Food Corp. - e: Surface Charge Transistor - e: Surface Charge Technology - e: Surface-Controlled Transistor - e: Surface-Crack Tension Specimen - e: Symmetric Cosine Transform - e: System Compatibility Test[s] - e: System Component Test - e: System Configuration Table - e: Systems and Computer Technology - e: Systems Controlfs] Technology - f: Service de Calcul par Téléphone - f: Service de Consultation Téléphonique - f: Société Camerounaise des Tabacs - f: Société Canadienne de Theologie - f: Société Cotonnière Transocéanique - f: Société de Chimie Thérapeutique - f: Système de Calcul par Téléphone Set 1: Scutum set. e: section 315

Sc&T S c & T e:Science and Technology SCTA e: Scottish Commercial Travellers Association - e: Steel Carriers Tariff Association - f: Service de Contrôle du Trafic Aerien - f: Société Camerounais de Transport et d'Affrètement S C T B e: Santa Cruz Test Base - e: Simulator Complexity Testbed S C T C e: Signal Corps Training Center - e: Small Craft Training Center - e: Spacecraft Test Conductor - e: Submarine Chaser Training Center - f: Société Camerounaise de Tissus et Confection KM - f: Société Commerciale Transocéanique des Conteneurs S C T C o r p o r a t i o n e: Systems and Computer Technology Corporation S C T D e: Scattered S C T D R A News e: Southern California Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association News (journ.) S C T E e: Society of Cable Television Engineers - e: Society of Carbide and Tool Engineers Sc&Tech Aero R e p e: Science [or Scientific] and Technical Aeronautical] Reports S C / T E R e: UNESCO Division of Technological Research on Higher Education S C T E T e: Standing Conference for Technician Engineers and Technicians S C T F e: Santa Cruz Test Facility - e: Slab Core Test Facility - e: Sodium Chemical Technology Facility S C T H e: Service Center for Teachers of History S C T H P f: Syndicat des Constructeurs de Transmissions Hydrauliques et Pneumatiques S C T I e: Sodium Components Test Installation - e: Solid Carbide Tool Institute - f: Service Central des Télécommunications Internationaux S.C.T.I. e: University of Southern California Tax Institute - f: Service Central des Télécommu-nications et de l'Informatique S.C.T. J o u r n a l e: Society of Cardiological Technicians [of Great Britain] Journal S C T L e: Schottky Coupled Transistor Logic - e: Short-Circuited Terminating Line - e: Short-Circuited Transmission Line - e: Small Components Test Loop Sctl e: Schottky coupled-transistor logic S C T 2 L e: Schottky Clamped TransistorTransistor Logic S C T N f: Société Agricole pour le Contrôle e la Descendance des Taureaux de Race Normande S C T N B f: Société Commerciale des Techniques Nouvelles de Bâtiment S C T O e: Stalled Call Timed Out Scto. 1: Scotoma S C T O C e: Satellite Communication[s] Test Operations Center - e: Satellite Communications Test Operations Center S C T P [ P ] e: Straight Channel Tape Print [Program[me]]

S C T R d: Sector - e: Scatter - e: Sector [Register] - e: Standing Conference on Telecommunications Research S C T R A C E N e: Submarine Chaser Training Center S C T R D e: Scattered S Ct Rule e: Revised Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States S C T S e: Securities - e: SFOF [Space Flight Operations Facility] Communications Terminal Subsystem - e: Sycamore Canyon Test Site S C T ' s e: Sugar-Coated Tablets S C T T e: Ship Control Team Trainer - e: Submarine Command Team Trainer - f: Société Commerciale de Transports Transatlantiques S C T T A O f: Société Commerciale de Transports Trans-atlantiques Afrique Occidentale S C T T C I f: Société Commerciale de Transports Transatlantiques Côte-d'Ivoire S C T T F e: Small-Core Triaxial Test Facility S C T T L e: Schottky Clamped TransistorTransistor Logic S C T V - G D H S e: Spacecraft TelevisionGround Data Handling System Scty e: Security S C T Z e: 5-[2-ChIorâthyl]-4-methylthiazol SCU e: S-band Cassegrain Ultra - e: Santa Clara University - e: Scan[ner] Control Unit - e: Scottish Cyclists Union - e: Secondary Control Unit - e: Selector Checkout Unit - e: Semi Close-up - e: Sensor Control Unit - e: Sequence Control Unit - e: Sequencing and Control Unit - e: Serial Communication Unit - e: Service Channel Unit - e: Service Command Unit - e: Servicing Control Unit - e: Sharecroppers Union - e: Shared Control Unit - e: Signal Conditioning Unit - e: Single Conditioning Unit - e: Slave Control Unit - e: Source Control Unit - e: Special Care Unit - e: Speed Call User - e: Static Checkout Unit - e: Station Control Unit - e: Statistical Control Unit - e: Storage Control Unit - e: Subnetwork Control Unit - e: Subordinate Computational Unit - e: Subscriber Channel Unit - e: Subscriber Control Unit - e: Subscribers Concentrator Unit - e: Suit Cooling Unit - e: Sulfur-Coated Urea - e: Surface Control Unit - e: Synchronous Controller Unit - e: System Control[-signal] Unit - e: System[/memory] Control Unit S-Cu 1: Stratocumulus SCUA e: Suez Canal Users Association S C U A E e: State Committee on the Utilization of Atomic Energy SCU A n t e n n a e: S-band Cassegrain Ultra Antenna SCUBA e: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus - e: Small Card Unit Block Analysis


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S C U B A S U B e: Scuba-Divers Submarine - e: Scuba-Divers Submersible S-cubed e: Serial-Signalling Scheme - e: Serial-Signalling System S C U C e: Satellite Communications Users Conference S C U D e: Subsonic Cruise Unarmed Decoy SCUDS e: Simplification, Clarification, Unification, Decimalization, Standardization S C U E e: Standing Conference on University Entrance S C U F e: Slow Continous Ultrafiltration S C U G [ C h a r a c t e r ] e: Start of Closed User Group [Character] S C U G Sequence e: Start of Closed User Group Sequence S C U I O e: Standing Conference of University Information Officers S C U K e: South Coast of the United Kingdom S C U L e: Simulation of the Columbia University Libraries S C U L L e: Serial Communication Unit for Long Links Sculp, e: Sculptor - e: Sculptural - e: Sculpture sculp. 1: sculpsit S C U M R A f: Société Centrale de l'Uranium et des Minerais et Métaux Radioactifs SCUniv e: South Carolina University S C U P e: School Computer Use Plan - e: Scupper - e: Society for College and University Planning SCU-PA e: Single Chain Urokinase Plasminogen Activator S C U R e: Society for Cutaneous Ultrastructure Research S-curve e: S-shaped curve SCUS e: Supreme Court of the United States SCUs e: System Control Units SC [USSC] e: [United States] Supreme Court S C U T G e: Signal Corps Unit Training Group SCV d: Schweizerischer CaravangewerbeVerband - e: Semi-Container Vessel - e: Seville Composite Vehicle - e: Single Concave - e: Small Cell Variant - e: Smooth, Capsulated, Virulent - e: Speed Control Valve - e: Speed-Controlled Volume - e: Strip Chart Viewer - e: Sub-Clutter Visibility - e: Swirl Control Valve - e: System Component Verification - i: Santa Città Vaticana S.C. V. i: Stato délia Città del Vaticano S & C V e: Stop and Check Valve S-C-V e: Single-Capsulated-Virulent S C V - C P R d: Simultané Compression und Ventilation bei Cardiopulmonaler Reanimation S C V E e: Spacecraft Vicinity Equipment S C V F e: Single Channel Voice Frequency S C V G e: Scavenging S C V M e: Start of Control Valve Motion - f: Service Central des Ventes du Mobilier de l'État SC VSL e: Semi-Container Vessel S C V T R e: Scan-Converting Video Tape Recorder

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SCVU c: Svaz Ceskych Vytvarnych Umelcu S C W e: Scenario Control Workstation - e: Search Control Word - e: Segment Control Word - e: Silicone Carbide Whisker - e: Silk-Covered Wire - e: Slow-Cyclotron Wave - e: Space Charge Wave - e: Sports Car World - e: Standard Copper Wire - e: Standard for Clinical Work - e: State College of Washington - e: Subchannel Control Word - e: Supercritical Wing - e: Superintendent of Contract Work - e: System Control Word S C W C e: Special Commission on Weather Modification S C W E P e: Spinnable Cotton Waste Equalization Program S C W G e: Satellite Communications Working Group[s] S C W I S T e: Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology S C W M e: Special Commission on Weather Modification S C W P H e: Students Concerned With Public Health S C W P L R e: Special Committee for Workplace Product Liability Reform S C W R e: Scientific Committee on Water Research - e: Supercritical Water Reactor S C W R A T N A f: Société Cooperative Wallonne pour la Recherche et Application des Technologies Nouvelles en Agriculture S C W S e: Safety Control Water System - e: Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society - e: Space Combat Weapon System S C W S T e: Society of Canadian Women in Science and Technology SCX e: Selector Channel Executive - e: Single Convex - e: Solar Coronal X-ray - e: Strong Cation Exchange SCXI e: Signal Conditioning Extensions for Instrumentation SCXU e: Sea Containers Atlantic Unit SCY e: San Converter Yoke - e: Successive Cyclefs] S Cy e: Successive Cycles S C Y C O M - I M P E X f: Syndicat des Industries de l'Afrique Equatoriale S C Y L e: Single-Cylinder S C Z e: Suez Canal Zone S Cz e: Salina Cruz SD d: Saugdrossel - d: Saugdruck - d: Schadendurchschnitt - d: Schalldämpfer - d: Schalldruck - d: Schiebedach - d: Schilddrüse - d: Schnelldrucker - d: Schottkydiode - d: Schubgelenk-Drehgelenk - d: Sendediode - d: Senile Demenz - d: Septumdefekt - d: Seriendrucker - d: Serologische Determinante - d: Sicherheitsdienst - d: Sightline Datum - d: Signaldefektion - d: Solldurchfluß - d: Sonderdienst - d: Sonderdruck

• d: Sonntagsdienst - d: Sorbitdehydrogenase - d: Sphinkterdehnung - d: Spieldauer - d: Sprengdickewand - d: Standarddeviation - d: Staudamm - d: Steindamm - d: Streifendrucker - d: Streptodornase - d: Stücklistendatei - d: Subdirektion • d: Systolendauer - d: Systolischer Blutdruck - e: Doctor of Science • e: Safety Destructor • e: Sailed • e: Sailing Date • e: Salaried Direct • e: Sales in millions of Dollars - e: Salt Domes - e: Salvage Depot - e: Same Date • e: Same Day • e: Sample Delay • e: Sample[d] Data • e: San Diego • e: Sand • e: Sanitary Depot - e: Sash Door • e: Saturation Deficit • e: Scan Data • e: Schematic Diagram[me] e: Schematic Drawing e: Schottky Diode • e: Science Department • e: Scientific Design • e: Scroll Down • e: Sea Damage[d] • e: Seadrome • e: Search Date • e: Search Depth • e: Seasonal Derating • e: Seasoned [Dry] • e: Second Defense e: Second Difference e: Secret Document e: Secretary of Defense e: Section Definition e: Sectional Density e: Sedimentary Deposition e: Seff Destruct e: Seif-Destroying e: Selective Decoupling e: Selective Detection e: Selenium Diode e: Self-Destroying e: Self-Destruction e: Self-Diffusion e: Self-Dual e: Semantic Differential e: Semi-Detached e: Semi-Diameter e: Semi-Double e: Semiconductor Devices e: Senate Document e: Send Data e: Send Digits e: Senior Deacon e: Septal Defect e: Sequential Disk e: Serial Data e: Serial Disc e: Serializer/Deserializer e: Serologically Defined e: Serum Defect e: Service Depot

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: Service Document - e: Service Dress - e: Servicing Directive - e: Several Dates - e: Sewed - e: Shell Destroying - e: Shell Dressing - e: Shelter Deck[er] - e: Shit Disturber - e: Shop Drawing - e: Short Delay - e: Short Delivery - e: Short Duration - e: Short time Dialysis - e: Shoulder Disarticulation - e: Shower Drain - e: Shut Down - e: Sight Draft - e: Signal Data - e: Signal Digit - e: Signal Distributor - e: Signal-to-Distortion - e: Sign[ed] Digit - e: Significant Digit - e: Silicon Detector - e: Silver Dollar - e: Simplex Droupout - e: Singapore Dollar - e: Single Data - e: Single Deck[er] - e: Single Density - e: Single Determination - e: Single Domain - e: Single Draft - e: Single-sided - e: Situation Display - e: Size Detector - e: Size Distribution - e: Skin Dose - e: Slow Down - e: Small Damage - e: Snare Drum - e: Soft-Drawn - e: Solenoid Driver - e: Solid Drawn - e: Sorbital Dehydrogenase - e: Sound[ing Doubtfull] - e: South Dakota - e: Space Daily - e: Space Digest - e: Space Division - e: Spaced Doubled [or Doublet] - e: Spark Discharge - e: Spatial Data, Inc. - e: Special Delivery - e: Special Designation - e: Special Directive - e: Special Duty - e: Specialist Degree - e: Specially Denaturated - e: Specification for Design - e: Spectacle Dispenser - e: Spectral Diffusion - e: Spectral Distribution - e: Speech Detector - e: Speech plus Duplex - e: Spin Density - e: Spin Device - e: Spontaneous Delivery - e: Spray Drying - e: Spreading Depression - e: Square-Law Detector - e: Staff Duties [or Duty] - e: Stage Direction - e: Stage Door - e: Standard Data - e: Standard Deviations]

Sd - e Standard Displacement - e Standard Division - e Standard Duty - e Standard Oil Company of California - e Standardization Dictionary - e Standardization Directory - e Standards Development - e Stands Detached - e Start Date - e State Department - e Station Director - e Statistical Design - e Stealth Department - e Steam Distillation - e Stereo Directional - e Steward - e Stimulus Drive - e Storage and Distribution - e Stored and Delayed - e Stores Depot - e Storm Detection - e Storm Drain[age] - e Stowage Drawer - e Straight Duty - e Strength Differential - e Streptodomase - e Structural Design - e Structural Detail - e Structural Dynamics - e Submarine Detector - e Subtract Decimal - e Sudden Death - e Sugar Determination - e Superintendent of Documents - e Supply Depot - e Supply Dump - e Support Directive - e Support Document - e Surveillance Drone - e Survival Dose - e Suspension Device - e Sweep Driver - e Synchro[n]-to-Digital - e Synchronous Demodulator - e Synchronous Detector - e System Demonstration - e System Development - e System Directory] - e System Display - e System Dynamics - e Systems Designers] - e Systems Development Corp. - e Systolic Discharge - e Systolic to Diastolic - n Socialdemokratiet - N: Stofarts Directoratet - P: Stronnictwo Demokratyczne - R: Srednoye Deistvie - r: Swaziland Sd d: Sand[stein] - d: Sender - d: SondersD e: suboral Dilator -1: samme Dato Sd. d: Siedepunkt - d: Sund - e: Sound - e: Suspended, regulation or order suspended sd. d: seitdem - d: siedend - d: süddeutsch - e: sailed - e: sewed -1: sine die -1: sine dubio

SJD. e: Decisions of the Sudder Court - e: Sailing Date - e: Sea Damage - e: Semi-Diameter - e: Several Dates - e: Shut-Down - e: Sight Draft - e: Single Deckfer] - e: Soft Drawn - e: South Dakota [Compiled Laws Annotated] - e: Southern District - e: Specially Denaturated - e: Standard Deviation - e: Standard Displacement - e: State Department - e: Steam Drifter S.d. e: Short delivery - e: Small damage s.d. d: siehe dies - d: siehe dort S&D e: Search and Destroy - e: Single and Double - e: Source and Drain - e: Statutes & Court Decisions - e: Storage and Distribution S+D e: Speech plus Duplex S-D e: Signal to Distortion Ratio - e: Slow-Drying - e: Sprague-Dawley - e: Synchro-to-Digital S/D e: Sailing Date - e: Sea Damagefd] - e: Seadrome - e: Semi-Diameter - e: Serializer/Deserializer - e: Several Dates - e: Short Delivery - e: Shut Down - e: Sight Draft - e: Signal-to-Distortion [ratio] - e: Single Draft - e: Statement of Differences - e: Steel Diesel - e: Systolic-to-Diastolic Sd e: Sound Sd £ e: Sudanese pound SDA a: Samnordisk Dokumentation for Arbederbeskyttelses-forskrifter - d: Schweizerische Depeschen-Agentur - d: Semihydroascorbat - d: Sukzinatdehydrogenaseaktivitat - d: SynchrondatenanschluB - e: Automation Source Data - e: Sabouraud-Dextrose-Agar - e: Salt-Dependent Agglutinin - e: Satellite Data Area - e: Saw Diamond Abrasive - e: Scottish Development Agency - e: Scottish Diploma in Agriculture - e: Screen Design Aid - e: Section Department Authority - e: Sequential Degradation Analysis - e: Serial Data - e: Shaft Drive Axis - e: Share Distribution Agency - e: Ship Destination Authority - e: Shut Down Amplifier - e: Shutdown Amplifier - e: Signal-processor with Distributed Arithmetic - e: Signalling-converter, Digital/Analog[ue] - e: Significant Deconvolution Algorithm - e: Significant Digit Arithmetic - e: Simple Doublet Aerial [or Antenna] - e: Sleeve Dipole Aerial [or Antenna] - e: Slow Down Area


© K • G • Saur, München

- e: Soap and Detergent Association - e: Software Development Association - e: Source Data Acquisition - e: Source Data Automation - e: Special Duty Assignment - e: Specially Denatur[at]ed Alcohol - e: Specific Dynamic Action - e: Spectral Distribution Analyzer - e: Spontaneous Divergent Academic - e: Standard Data Adapter - e: Statistical Deconvolution Algorithm - e: Statistical Distribution Analyzer - e: Step Down Amplifier - e: Strategic Defence Architecture - e: Subcarrier Demodulator Assembly - e: Suboptimum Detection Algorithm - e: Subsystem Data Analyzer - e: Succinic Dehydrogenase Activity - e: Sulfadiazine - e: Supplier Data Approval - e: Supporting Data Analysis - e: Surface Design Association - e: Symbolic Device Address - e: Symbolic Disk Address - e: Symbols, Digits, Alphabetics - e: Synchronous Data Adapter - e: System Design Agency - e: System Design Automation - e: Systems Data Analysis - e: Systems Dynamic Analyzer - f: Sélection Directe à l'Arrivée - f: Société de l'Aérotrain - f: Syndicat de la Distillerie Agricole -1: Sacro-Dextra Anterior SDAC e: San Diego Art Center - e: Seismology Data Analysis Center - e: Standing Dental Advisory Committee - e: System Data Analog Computer SDACCLRC e: San Diego Area Community Colleges Library Resources Cooperative SDAD e: Satellite Digital and Anlog[ue] Display - e: Special Domestically Available Documents Sdad s: Sociedad S.D. Admin. R. e: Administrative Rules of South Dakota S.D. Admin. Reg. e: South Dakota Register SDADS e: Satellite Digital and Analog[ue] Display System - e: Self Defence Air Defence System SDAE s: San Diego Adult Educators SDAEMA s: Subdivisao de Anâlise e Ensaios de Mâquinas Agricolas SD&AE RR e: San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railroad SDAF e: San Diego Architectural Foundation - e: Special Defense Acquisition Fund SDAI f: Syndicat National de la Distribution pour l'Automobile et l'Industrie SDAID[S] e: System Debugging Aid[s] S Dak e: South Dakota[n] [Reports] SDAL e: Switched Data Access Line SDAM e: San Diego Aerospace Museum SDAML e: Send by Airmail SD and T e: Staff Duties and Training Sd.[-]Anh. d: Sonderanhänger SD-Antigene d: Serologisch Definibare Antigene SDAP e: System[s] Development [and] Analysis Program[me] SDAR e: Segment Design Analysis Report - S: Savez Drustava Arhivskih Radnika Jugoslavie SdArt d: Sonderartillerie

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SDCWA SDAS e: Satellite Digital and Display System - e: Scientific Data Automation System - e: Simplified Directional Approach System - e: Source Data Automation System SDAs e: Special Development Areas - e: Specific Dynamic Actions SDAS e: Systems Data Analysis Section SDASBO e: South Dakota Association for School Business Officials S D A T d: Senile Demenz vom AlzheimerTyp - e: Senile Dementia of the Alzheimers Type - e: Spacecraft Data Analysis Team - e: Stanford Diagnostic Arithmetic Test - e: Symbol Device Allocation Table - e: Symbolic Device Address Table - f: Société pour le Développement Agricole du Togo - s: Sociedad Dâsonômica de la América Tropical S - D A T e: Stationary-head Digital Audio Tape[-recording] SDA Test e: Spontaneous Divergent Academic Test SDAU e: Safety Data and Analysis Unit - e: Special Data Acquisition Unit Sd.[-]Ausf. d: Sonderausführung Sd.-Ausg. d: Sonderausgabe S d A u s r d: Sonderausrüstung Sd.-Ausst. d: Sonderausstattung S D A W B d: Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (journ.) S-day e: Submarine-deployment day SDAZ d: Sonderdienstausscheidungsziffer SDB e: Seaward Defence Boat - e: Segment Descriptor Block - e: Shakespeare Data Bank - e: Silver Dye Bleach - e: Skill Development Base - e: Small Disadvantaged Business - e: Society for Developmental Biology - e: Software Development Board - e: Spacecraft Design Book - e: Square Die Bushing - e: Standard Device Byte - e: Storage Data Board - e: Stor[ag]e Data Buffer - e: Storage Data Bus - e: Strength and Dynamics Branch - f: Sélection de Débit Binaire - f: Société de Banque de Données Bibliographiques - S: Sluzba Drzavne Bezbednosti Sdb d: Sonderbeauftragter SdB d: Sonderbericht - d: Sonderbezeichnung Sdb. d: Sonderberichterstatter S.D.&B. e: Shaw, Dunlop, & Bells Session Reports SD&BBA e: Soft Drink and Beer Bottlers Association Sd.-Bd. d: Sonderband SDBD e: Software Data Base Document S D B F e: System Development Breadboard Facility SDBI e: Storage Data Bus-In SDBL e: Sand Blast[ing] - e: Single Draft Bill of Lading S[/]D[-]B[/]L e: Sight Draft with Bill of Lading [attached] SDBMS e: Spatial Database Management System S D B O e: Storage Data Bus-Out

SDBP e: Small Database Package - e: Small Database Project S D B R I e: San Diego Biomedical Research Institute SDBRIU e: Secure Digital Net Radio Interface Unit SDBS d: Standard-Datenbankschnittstelle - e: Samson Database Services - e: Shared Data Bank System S.D.&B. Sup. e: Shaw, Dunlop, & Bells Supplement, containing House of Lords Decisions sdby e: standby SDC d: Sukzinyldicholin - e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Division Commander - e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environmental] Direction Center - e: Sample Data Collection - e: Sampled Data Control - e: Scientific Data Center - e: Scientific Documentation Center [or Centre] Ltd. - e: Secondary Digital Carrier - e: Secondary Distribution Center - e: Seismological Data Center - e: Select Dot Composition - e: Selected area Diffraction Component - e: Self Defense Capability - e: Self-Destruct Circuit - e: Semiconductor Devices Council - e: Send Data Condition - e: Serial Digital Computer - e: Service Dispatch Center - e: Setpoint Digital Control - e: Shaft-Driven Counter - e: Shipment Detail Card - e: Shutdown Cooling - e: Signal Data Converter - e: Single Drift Connection - e: Single Drift Correction - e: Situation Display Console[s] - e: Situation Display Converter - e: Size Detector Control - e: Society of Dyers and Colo[u]rists - e: Solid Dielectric Cable - e: Source of Demand Category - e: Source of Demand Code - e: Source of Demand Coverage - e: Southern Defense Command - e: Space Defense Center - e: Space Development Corporation - e: Space Digital Computer - e: Space Disturbance Center - e: Special Devices Center - e: Stabilization Data Computer - e: Standard Data Card - e: State Defense Council - e: State Department of Corrections - e: Static Dielectric Constant - e: Station Directory Control - e: Statistical Deformation Control - e: Stores Distribution Center - e: Strategic Defense Command - e: Structural Design Criteria - e: Subcontractors Data Catalog - e: Submersible Decompression Chamber - e: Submersible Diving Capsule - e: Submersible Diving Chamber - e: Subsystem Design Criteria - e: Succinyldicholine - e: Sudan Development Corporation - e: Support Design Change - e: Switched Digital Capability - e: Synchro-to-Digital Converter - e: Syndrome Driver Counter - e: Synchronous Digital Converter

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

- e: System Designator Code - e: System[s] Development Corporation - e: Systems Development District - f: Systemes Defense et Controle SdC i: Servi della Carita SDCA e: Society of Dyers and Colo[u]rists of Australia - f: Société de Développement et de Communication Agro-Alimentaire S D C B e: State Dissemination Capacity Building S D C C e: San Diego City College - e: San Diego Computer Center - e: Simulation Data Conversion Center - e: Small-Diameter Component Cask - e: State Drugs Crime Commission SD/CC e: Security Designation/Custody Classification S D C C D e: San Diego Community College District SDCCs e: San Diego Community Colleges S D C C U e: Synchronous Data Communication Control Unit S D C E e: Society of Die Casting Engineers S D C F e: Sampled Data Channel Filter - e: Software Development Computer Facility SDCI p: Servico de Drenages e Controle de Inundacóes S D C I N T F e: San Diego County Integrated Narcotic Task Force S D C L e: South Dakota Compiled Laws - e: System Distress Check List SD Class, e: Superintendent of Documents Classification S D C M D e: San Diego Contract Management District S D C M S e: San Diego County Medical Society SD Co e: San Diego County S.D. Codified L a w s [Ann.] e: South Dakota Codified Laws [Annotated] SD C o m m e: Doctor of Science in Commerce S.D.Comp[iled] L a w s Ann. e: South Dakota Compiled Laws Annotated S.D. Const, e: South Dakota Constitution S D C P e: Supply Demand Control Point[s] S D C R e: Source Data Communication Retrieval SDC Rim e: Semi Drop Centre Rim SDCS e: San Diego City Schools - e: Science Data Conditioning System - e: Simulation Data Conversion System - e: Single Differential Cross-Section - e: Space-borne Data Conditioning System - e: Station Digital Command System - e: Supervisory Digital Control System - e: Systems and Data Control Staff S D C S O e: San Diego County Symphony Orchestra S D C T e: Slosson Drawing Coordination Test - f: Systeme de Detection et de Controle Tactique SDCU e: Satellite Delay Compensation Unit - e: Surveillance Display and Control Unit S-D curve e: Strength-Duration curve S D C W A e: San Diego County Water Authority


SDD SDD d: Selektive Darmdekontamination - e: Scottish Diploma in Dairying - e: Seaman, Deep Diver - e: Second Development Decade - e: Selected [or Selective] Dissemination of Documentation [or Documents] - e: Service Data Description - e: Signal Data Demodulator - e: Slow Down Density - e: Sodium Dinaphthylmethane Disulfonate - e: Software Design Description - e: Source-Detector Distance - e: Specially Designated Distributor - e: Speech Direction Detector - e: State Description Diagram - e: Store[-to-]Door Delivery - e: Stored Data Description - e: Strategic Defense Division - e: Synthetic Data Display - e: Synthetic Dynamic Display - e: System Defined Data - e: System Design Description - e: System for Distributed Databases - e: System[s] Definition Directive - e: Systems Development Dictionary - e: System[s] Development Directive - e: Systems Development Division - f: Spécification de Description des Données SDDB e: System for Distributed Data Bases SDDC e: Sodium Dimethyldithiocarbamate SDDD e: Software Detailed Design Document SD Device e: Shell-Destroying Device SDDF e: Salmonid Demonstration and Development Farm SDDL e: Sorted Data-Definition Language - e: Stored Data Definition Language sddl e: saddle[d] SDDLL e: Sampled [or Simpl[ifi[ed]-Data Delay-Lock Loop SDDM e: Secretary of Defense Decision Memorandum SDDN e: Sensor Data Distribution Network S[/]DD[/]P e: Sight Draft Documents against Payment SDDRL e: Self-loading Disk Dump and Reload SDDS e: Signal Data Demodulation [or Demodulator] Set - e: Single-Dimensional Deflection System - e: Spin Decoupling Difference Spectroscopy - e: Strategic Defence Development System SDDTTG e: Stored Data Definition and Translation Task Group SDDU e: Simplex Data Distribution Unit SDE d: Spezifisch-Dynamischer Effekt - e: Secure Data Exchange - e: Selective Digit Emitter - e: Self-Disinfecting Elastomer - e: Senior Design Engineer - e: Simple Designational Expression - e: Small Digital Exchange - e: Society of Data Educators - e: Software Development Environment - e: Source Data Entry - e: Spray Dried Extract - e: Standard Data Element - e: State Department of Education - e: State Difference Equation - e: Statement of Defence Estimates - e: Stochastic[-linear] Difference Equation - e: Storage Distribution [or Distributor] Element - e: Students for Data Education - e: Submission and Delivery Entity - e: Syntax Directed Editor - e: System Development Engine

- f: Société Dakaroise d'Entreposage - f: Société de Droits d'Execution du Canada SDEA e: Shop and Display Equipment Association - e: Sonic Diagnostic Engine Analyzer - e: South Dakota Education Association - e: Spray Dried Egg Albumen SDEA Journal e: South Dakota Education Association Journal SDE and C e: Standard Data Element and Code SDE&C e: Standard Data Element and Code[s] SDEC e: San Diego Ecology Center - e: San Diego Engineering Council - e: San Diego Evening College - e: Sodium Diethyl Dithiocarbamate S de C f: Société des Cuisiniers SDECE f: Service de [la] Documentation Extérieure et du Contre-Espionage SDED e: Soft Decision Error Detector SDEE f: Société de la Diffusion d'Equipements Electroniques SDEI e: San Diego Eye Institute SDEJ S: Savez Drustava Ekologa Jugoslavie SDEL e: Shore Duty Eligibility List SDEM e: Software Development Engineering Methodology SDEO e: Salt Domes Exploration Office SDEP e: Source Data Entry Package S de RL s: Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada SDet e: Semi-Detached SDevErkJ. d: Sammeldevisenerklärung SDF a: Sammenslutningen af Danmarks Forsknings-biblioteket - d: Satellitendirektfernsehen - e: Louisville Kentucky - e: Saskatchewan Development Fund - e: Satellite Distribution Frame - e: Saudi Development Fund - e: Screen Definition Facility - e: Seasonal Derating Factor - e: Self-Defense Forces - e: Serial Data Field - e: Ship Design File - e: Shipping Development Fund - e: Shore Development Facility - e: Simplified Directional Facility - e: Single-Degree-of-Freedom - e: Single Disk File - e: Social Democratic Federation - e: Software Development Facilities [or Facility] - e: Software Development File - e: Sonic Depth Finder - e: Source Development Fund - e: Spectral Density Function - e: Standard Data Format - e: Standard Distribution Format - e: State Defense Forces - e: Static Direction Finder - e: Stepdown Fix - e: Supergroup Distributing [or Distribution] Frame - e: System Data File - e: System Development Facility - e: System Dialog Facility - e: System for Document Finding -1: Sans Domicile Fixe - r: Svenska Dataföreningen SDF-A e: System Dialog FacilityAdministration SDFA e: State Defense Forces Association SDFAUS e: State Defense Forces Association of the United States


O K • G • Saur, München

SDFC e: Saskatchewan Development Fund Corporation - e: Schottky Diode FET [Field-Effect Transistor] logic - e: Shipping Development Fund Committee - e: Space Disturbance Forecast Center SDFD e: San Diego Fire Department - e: System Data Flow Diagram SDFG e: Single Degree of Freedom Gyro[scope] SDFL e: Schottky Diode FET [Field Effect Transistor] Logic SDFM f: Section Départementale des Fermiers et Métayers SDFMC e: San Diego Foundation for Medical Care SdFmNBw d: Sonderfernmeldenetze der Bundeswehr SDFN e: Sonar Dome Flow Noise SDFOV e: Simultaneous Dual Field of View SDFR e: Slightly Damped Free Rotation SDFS e: San Diego Federal Savings - e: Standard Disc [or Disk] Fil[l]ing System SDFT e: Schottky Diode Field-effect Transistor logic - e: System Demonstration Flight Tests SDG d: Sanitätsdienstgrad - d: Scherdrachen[räum]gerät - d: Schweizerische Diabetes Gesellschaft - d: Steuerdifferentialgeber - e: Scan Display Generator - e: Self-Development Group - e: Siding - e: Simple Descriptive Graph[s] - e: Simulated Data Generation [or Generator] - e: Situation Display Generator - e: Speed Decreaser Gear - e: Strategic Decisions Group - e: Subminiature Displacement Gyroscope - e: Sucrose Density Gradients - e: Synthetic Diamond Grains - f: Société de Diamant de Guinée Sdg. d: Sendung S.D.G. 1: Solo Deo Gloria SDGA [Cable] e: Single-conductor Degaussing Armo[u]red [Cable] SDGE e: Situation Display Generator Element SDG&E e: San Diego Gas and Electric SDGJ S: Savez Drustva Geneticara Jugoslavije SDGP e: State Dissemination Grant Program SDG's e: Simple Descriptive Graphs SDGTECIN s: Subdireción General de Technologia en Investigación SDH d: L-Serindehydratase - d: Schilddrüsenhormon - d: Sorbitdehydrogenase - d: Stammdienststelle des Heeres - d: Subduralhämatom - d: Sukzinatdehydrogenase - d: Sukzinodehydrogenase - e: Scottish Diploma in Horticulture - e: Seasonal Derating Hours - e: Self Dumping Hopper - e: Sorbitol Dehydrogenase - e: Styling Data Handling - e: Succinate Dehydrogenase - e: Succinic Dehydrogenase - e: Synchronous Digital Hierarchy sdh d: sehen, denken, handeln SDHA e: San Diego Hospital Association SDHase e: Succinic Dehydrogenase SDHBS e: South Devon Herd Book Society SDHE e: Spacecraft Data Handling Equipment

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SDMA S.D.H.F. e: Standard Dutch Hull Form SDHIRS e: Sub-District Headquarters Induction and Recruiting Station SDHRC e: San Diego Human Relations Commission SDHT e: Selective [or Selectively]-Doped Heterostructure Transistor SDI d: Sprachen- und Dolmetscher-Institut - d: Süß- und Dauerbackwarenindustrie - e: Saab Direct Ignition - e: Saudi Arabian Airlines - e: Secret Diplomatie Initiative - e: Selected Descriptive Item - e: Selective Dissemination of Information - e: Serial Data Interface] - e: Silt Density Index - e: Sludge Density Index - e: Software Design, Incorporated - e: Source Data Information - e: Source Data Item - e: Spares Data Information - e: Specially Designated Interceptor - e: Standard Data Interface - e: Standard Deviation Interval - e: Standard Disk Interface - e: State Disability Insurance - e: Steel Deck Institute - e: Steel Door Institute - e: Strategic Defence [or Defense] Initiative - e: Subcontractor Data Item - e: Subscriber Data Interface - e: Support Directive Instruction - e: Switch Discrete In - e: Switched Digital International network - e: System Diagram Index - e: Systematic Dissemination of Information - e: Systems Design and Installation - f: Schéma Directeur d'Informatisation - f: Secours Dentaire International - i: Servizio Difesa Installazioni - i: Società Dantesca Italiana - s: Sociedad para el Desarrollo Internacional SDIA e: Soap and Detergent Industry Association SDIAC e: Strategic Defense Initiative Advisory Council SDIAE e: Strategic Defense Initiative Acquisition Executive SDIBM e: San Diego Institute for Burn Medicine SDIC e: San Diego Improvement Association - e: Strategic Defense Initiative Command - f: Société de Développement Industriel du Cameroun SD[&]IC e: System Design and Integration Contract SDID e: Supplier Data Item Description SDIE f: Syndicat Français des Distributeurs de Papiers et Cartons d'Impression et d'Écriture S Diego e: San Diego SDIF e: SGML Document Interchange Format - e: Standard Document Interchange Format SDIFU e: Seriel Digital Interface Unit SDIG f: Société pour le Développement de l'Industrie du Gaz SDIH f: Société Dakaroise Immobilière et d'Habitation SDII e: Strategie Defense Initiative Institute SDILINE e: SDI on MEDLINE. SDILINE e: Selective Dissemination of Information Online - e: SDI [Selective Dissemination of Information] using MEDLINE

SDIM d: System Dokumentation und Information Metallurgie - e: System for/of Documentation and Information for Metallurgy - f: Systeme de Documentation et d'Information pour la Metallurgie SDINS e: Strapdown Inertial Navigation System SDIO e: Serial Digital Input/Output - e: Strategic Defence [or Defense] Iniative Organization - e: Strategic Defense Initiative Office - e: Strategic Defense Initiative Organization SDIP e: Shrink Dual Inline Package - e: Specifically Designated Intelligence Position - e: System Description and Implementation Plan SDIPO e: Strategic Defence Iniative Participation Office of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence SDIS e: Sensor Display Indicator Set - e: Ship Distance - e: Ship Draft Indicating System SDI-SATKA e: Surveillance, Acquisition, Tracking and Kill Assessment SDI System e: Selective Dissemination of Information System SDIT e: Ship Draft Indicator Transmitter - f: Service de Documentation et d'Information Techniques de l'Aéronautique SDIU e: Subscriber's Digital Interface Unit SD&IV e: San Diego & Imperial Valley Railroad SDIZ e: Submarine Defense Identification Zone SDJC e: San Diego Junior Colleges SDJF d: Deutsches Jagd- und Fischereimuseum SDK d: Schweizerische Direkoren-Konferenz Gewerblicher Berufs- und Fachschulen - e: San Diego - e: Shelter Deck - e: Store Dump Key - e: System Design Kit - f: Société de Kinésithérapie - S: Slovensko Kemijsko Drustvo Sd.[-]Kfz. d: Sonderkraftfahrzeug SDKZ d: Sonderdienstkennzahl SDL d: Stammdienststelle der Luftwaffe - e: Screen Description Language - e: Second Level Directory - e: Shaft Driver, Left - e: Slow-Down Length - e: Software Design Language - e: Software Development Language - e: Sonar Development Ltd. - e: Sonic Delay Line - e: Space Disturbances Laboratory - e: Space Dynamics Laboratory - e: Special Duties List[ing] - e: Specification [and] Description Language - e: Standard Distribution List - e: State-Dependent Learning - e: Strip Delay Line - e: Structural Design Language - e: Structure Definition Language - e: Structured Design Language - e: Submersible Diver Lock-Out - e: Supporting Document List - e: Surface Display Library - e: Surplus Distribution List - e: System Definition Language - e: System Describing [or Description, or Descriptive Language - e: System Directory List - e: System [atic] Design Language

Internationa! Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

- e: Systems Design Laboratory - e: Systems Designers Ltd. - e: Systems Development Laboratories - e: Systems Dimensions Limited - f: Syndicat des Distillateurs-Liquoristes de Belgique SdL d: Soziale Sicherheit in der Landwirtschaft sdl. d: südlich Sdì e: Saddle SDLA e: South Dakota Library Association - e: System Descriptor and Logical Analyzer SDLC e: Serial Data Link Control - e: Single-level Data Link Control - e: Software Design Life Cycle - e: Software Development Life Cycle - e: Synchronous Data Line Control - e: Synchronous Data Link Communication^] - e: Synchronous Data Link Control SDLC/BSC e: Synchronous Data Link Communication/Binary Synchronous Communication SDLCs e: Synchronous Data Link Controls SDL/GR e: Specification [and] Description Language-Graphic Representation SDLL e: Ships Design Load Line SDLM e: Standard Depot Level Maintenance SDL/PR e: Specification [and] Description Language-Phrase Representation S.D. L. Rev. e: South Dakota Law Review SDLTS e: Scanning Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy SDM d: Schnelldruckermeldung - d: Stammdienststelle der Marine - e: Samsonov Density Meter - e: Schwarz Differential Medium - e: Selective Dissemination of/on Microfiche[s] - e: Semiconductor Disc [or Disk] Memory - e: Sequence [or Sequency] Division Multiplexing - e: Short-Delay Monostable - e: Shut-Down Module - e: Site Defense of Minuteman [missiles] - e: Situation Display Matrix - e: Skin Diver Magazine (joum.) - e: Slow-Down Model - e: Software Development Methodology - e: Soma Dendrite Membrane - e: Source Data Management - e: Space Division Multiplexing] - e: Spares Determination Method - e: Standardization Design Memoranda [or Memorandum] - e: STARAN [Stellar Attitude Reference and Navigation] Debug Module - e: Statistical Delta Modulation - e: Status Data Memory - e: Sub-Division Manager - e: Symmetric Dimer Model - e: Synchronous Digital Machine - e: System Data Module - e: System Decision Manager - e: System Definition Manual - e: Systems Design Manual - e: Systems Development Methodology - s: Su Divina Majestad SD&M d: Software Design & Management GmbH SDMA e: San Diego Museum of Art - e: Shared Direct Memory Access - e: Space Division Multiple Access - e: Surgical Dressing[s] Manufacturers' Association


S.D.M.A. S.D.M.A. f: Société Diffusion Matériel Audio SDMAC e: Shared Direct Memory Access Controller SDMC e: San Diego Mesa College - e: Sodium Dimethyl Dithiocarbamate SDM Circuit e: Short-Delay Monostable Circuit SDMD e: Sequential Decision-Making Device SDME e: Synchronous Data Modem Equipment SD Met e: Doctor of Science in Metallurgy SDMF e: Space Disturbance Monitoring Facility SDMFAJ S: Savez Drustava Matematicara, Fizicara i Astronoma Jugoslavie SDMICC e: State Defense Military Information Control Committee SDMJ e: September, December, March, June SDML e: Seaward Defense Motor Launch SDMM e: San Diego Museum of Man - e: Scanning Desorption Molecule Microscopy SDMNH e: San Diego Museum of Natural History SDMO f: Société de Diffusion de Moteurs de l'Ouest SDMS e: San Diego Memorial Society - e: Shipboard Data Multiplex System - e: Software Development and Maintenance System - e: Spatial Data Management System - e: Support Defence Missile System SDMSS e: Software Development and Maintenance Support System SdMunLgr d: Sondermunitionslager SdMunVers-Raum d: Sondermunitionsversorgungsraum SDN d: Sonderdienstnummer - e: Scale Down - e: Secret Document Number - e: Send Data with No acknowledge - e: Separation Designation Number - e: Software Defined Network - e: State-Dependent Noise - e: Subscribers Directory Number - e: Synchronized [or Synchronous] Digital Network - e: System Designation Number - f: Sedan - f: Société des Nations SdNachw d: Sondernachweis Sdn Bhd e: Sendirian Berhad SDNCO e: Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer S.D. Neimann f: Société de Diffusion Neimann SDNF e: Shortened Disjunctive Normal Form - e: State-Dependent Noise Filter SDNHM e: San Diego Natural History Museum SDNM e: Sampled-Data Nonlinearity Matrix SDNRIU e: Secure Digital Net Radio Interface Unit SDNS e: Secure Data Network System - e: Software Defined Network Service SDN&SU e: Stepdown and Stepup SDO d: Sonderdienstordnung - e: Scan Data Out - e: Schedules Duty Officer - e: Senior Dental Officer - e: Senior Duty Officer

- e: Shielded Diatomic Orbitals - e: Ship Development Objective - e: Signal Dispatch Officer - e: Signal Distributing Office - e: Software Distribution Operation - e: Special Duty Only - e: Specialist Duty Only - e: Spezielle Digitale Output - e: Squadron Dental Officer - e : Staff Duty Officer - e: Station Duty Officer - e: Supply Depot Officer - e: Supply Duty Officer - e: Synthetic Drying Oil - e: System Design Objectives - s: Santo Domingo S Doc e: Senate Document SDOC e: Space Defense Operations Center - e: Specific Direct Operating Costs SDOF d: Simultanes Doppelsichtfeld - e: Single Degree of Freedom Sdom e: Sodom SDOP e: San Diego Organizing Project - e: Ship Doppler SDOPR e: Sound Operator SDOS e: Scientific Disk Operating System - e: Source Data Operating System SdOsz d: Senderoszillator SDP d: Schalldruckpegel - d: Seduheptulosediphosphat - d: Siedepunkt - d: Sinnbilder für Datenflußpläne - d: Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG - e: 4,4'-Sulfonyldiphenol - e: Sea Duty Pay - e: Selective Data Processing - e; Shelf Dynamics Program - e: Ship Development Plan - e: Signal Data Processor - e: Signal Dispatch Point - e: Silicon Diode Pellet - e: Single Department Purchasing - e: Single Dry Plate - e: Sirotherm Demineralization Process - e: Site Data Processors] - e: Slow[ing]-Down Power - e: Small Distribution Phenomena - e: Smoke Dispersion Pod - e: Social, Domestic and Pleasure - e: Software Development Plan - e: Software Development Processor - e: Solar Desalination Plant - e: Source Data Processing - e: Soviet Danube Shipping Company, Izmail - e: Special Development Program - e: Spectral Dependence Photocurrent - e: Spectrum Difference Processing - e: Sputter Depth Profiling - e: Staff Discussion Paper - e: Standard Depth of Penetration - e: Standard Device Protocol - e: Standards Development Program[me] - e: Station Data Processing - e: Station Directory Program[me] - e: Stationary Diffraction Pattern - e: Storage and Distribution Point - e: Strap-Down Paket - e: Subseabed Disposal Program - e: Sudanese Pound - e: Supplier Development Program - e: Supply Delivery Point - e: Supply Distribution Point - e: Surface Deformation Pattern - e: Survey Data Processing - e: Synchronous Distributed Processor - e: System Design Proposal - e: Systems and Data Processing


© K - G • Saur, München

- e: Systems Development Plan -1: Sacro-Dextra Posterior -1: Sklerodermia Diffusa Progressiva - P: Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich Sdp. d: Siedepunkt - e: Suspended in part - f: Syndicat des Détaillants en Produits Laitiers S&DP e: Systems and Data Processing SDPA e: Small Defense Plants Administration - e: Styrenated Diphenyl Amine SDPCC e: San Diego Poison Control Center SDP Clutch e: Single Dry Plate Clutch SDPD e: Schizoid Personality Disorder SDPGA e: South Dakota Personnel and Guidance Association SDPL e: Safeguard Data Processing Laboratory - e: San Diego Public Library - e: Servomechanisms and Data Processing Laboratory - e: Shut Down for Pipe Line SDPM f: Société Dakaroise des Pétroles Mory SDPO e: Site Defense Project Office[r] SDpo e: Station Depot - e: Stores Depot SDPR e: Federal Directorate of Supply and Procurement - e: System Design and Performance Requirements SD Projectile e: Self-Destroying Projectile SDPS e: Signal Data Processing System SDPT e: Structured Doll Play Test SDP Type e: Saw Dust Polymer Type SDQ e: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - e: Student Description Questionnaire SDR d: Schnelldrucker - d: Sender - d: Serieller Drucker - d: Speicherdatenregister - d: Süddeutscher Rundfunk - d: Synchron-Duplexrechner - e: Sail Down River - e: Satellite Data Reduction - e: Scientific Data Recorder - e: Search Decision Rule - e: Seismic Detection and Ranging - e: Self-Decoding Readout - e: Service Difficulty Report - e: Shaft Driver, Right - e: Shift Data Register - e: Signal Data Recorder - e: Signal-Dependent Response - e: Signal Distribution Room - e: Signal-to-Distortion Ratio - e: Significant Deficiency Report - e: Simple Detection Response - e: Single-Drift-Region - e: Size-to-Diameter Ratio - e: Small Development Requirement - e: SNAP [Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power] Developmental] Reactor - e: Society for Dance Research - e: Sodium[-cooled] Deuterium[-moderated] Reactor - e: Software Design Rules. - e: Solution Development Record - e: Sonar Data Recorder - e: Sounder - e: Special Dispatch Rider - e: Special Drawing Rights - e: Special Drilling Rights - e: Specification and Design Responsibility - e: Spin-Dependent Resonance

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

S.D.T. - e: Splash Detection Radar - e: Standard Dimension Ratio - e: Statistical Data Recorder [or Recording] - e: Storage Data Recorder - e: Storage Data Register - e: Strategie Defense Response - e: Strip Domain Resonance - e: Successive Discrimination Reversal - e: Synchron-Duplex-Rechner - e: System Data Record - e: System Definition Record[s] - e: System Definition Requirements - e: System Design Responsibility - e: System Design Review - e: System Development Requirement - e: System Direct Routine [or Routing] - e: System Discrepancy Report - f: Société de Développement Régional - i: Società Distribuzione Ricambi S d r d: SonderS d r . d: Sammeldruck - d: Sonderdruck SDRA e: Sex Disqualification Removal Act - f: Société pour le Développement de la Rivièra Africaine S/D Ratio e: Signal/Distortion Ratio SD Rats e: Sprague-Dawley Rats S D R B f: Société de Développement Régional de Bruxelles S D R C e: South Dakota Railroad Commission - e: Structural Dynamics Research Corp. S D R C Ops. e: South Dakota Board of Railroad Commissioners Opinions SDR Diode e: Single Drift Region Diode S D R L e: Subcontractor Data Requirements List S D R N d: Sonderdienstrufnummer S D R N G e: Sound Ranging S D R O N L e: Software Development Realized on Natural Language S D R P e: Simulated Data Reduction Program[me] SDR p e r S C N T e: Special Drawing Rights per Suez Canal Net Ton SDRS e: Splash Detection Radar System - f: Société de Développement Rizicole du Senegal SDRs e: Special Drawing Rights - e: Special Drilling Rights - e: Storage Data Registers S D R T e: Slot Dipole Ranging Test SDR Units e: Special Drawing Right Units SDS d: Salzgitter-Dolomit-Schlacke - d: Schutzverband Deutscher Schriftsteller - d: Seedienstschliissel - d: Shy-Drager-Syndrom - d: Sonder[dienst]satz - d: Sondersätze - d: Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund - d: Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz - d: Stammdatenspeicher - d: Stern-Dreieck-Starter - d: Symptome der Depressionsskala - e: Safety Data Sheet - e: Sales Distribution System - e: Sampled Data System - e: Samson Data System - e: Satellite Data System - e: School Dental Service - e: Scientific Data System - e: Scientific Data Systems Corp. - e: Scientific Data Systems Inc. - e: Seif Defense System - e: Self-Directed Search - e: Self-rating Depression Scale - e: Sequential Data Set

- e: Service Data Sheet - e: Servo Drive System - e: Set of Distinguishing Sequences - e: Sexual Differentation Scale - e: Sharefd] Data Set - e: Shared Database System - e: Ship Defense System - e: Sign-Digit Subtracter - e: Signal-Dependent Stereo - e: Signal Distribution System - e: Signals Dispatch Service - e: Significant Digit Scanner - e: Significant Digits - e: Simple Descriptive Scale - e: Simulating Digital Systems - e: Simulation Data Subsystem[]s - e: Simulation Data System - e: Single Disk Storage - e: Single Dispersive Spectrometer - e: Small Digital Switch - e: Smoke Destruction System - e: Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate - e: Sodium Dodecyl Sulphonate - e: Software Development Specifications - e: Software Development Structures - e: Software Development System - e: Solar Disk Simulator - e: Solartron Defence Systems - e: South Dakota State - e: Space Defense System - e: Space Documentation Service - e: Spacecraft Design Specification - e: Spatial Data Systemfs] - e: Special Distress Signal - e: Special District Services - e: Specific Diagnosis Service - e: Spectrometer Digital System - e: Speech Discrimination Score - e: SPELDA Dedicated Satellite - e: Spin Diffusion Spectroscopy - e: Splash Detection System - e: Stanadyne Diesel Systems - e: Status Display Support - e: Store Door Service - e: Strapdown System - e: Strategic Defence [or Defense] System - e: Structural [or Structured] Design System - e: Structured Design Strategy - e: Structured Development Strategy - e: Submerged Demineralizer System - e: Sudden Death Syndrome - e: Summarized Demand State - e: Supplier Delivery Schedule - e: Support Data Sheet - e: System Data Synthesizer - e: System Demonstration Substage - e: System Design Specification - e: System Dynamics Society - e: System for Management and Operation in Shipping - e: Systematic Design Language - e: Systems and Data Services - i: Servizio di Documentazione Spaziale - r: Svenska Dermatologiska Sällskapet - S: Slavisticno Drustvo Slovenije - s: Societas Divini Salvatoris Sds e: Sounds Sds. d: Sandsack S-D S e: Single-Day Surgery S. D. S. e: Store-to-Door Service S/D-S e: Sales & Distribution System SDSB e: Satellite Data Services Branch SDSC e: San Diego State College - e: San Diego Steamship Company - e: San Diego Supercomputer Center - e: Software Development Support Center Sdsch. d: Sandschiefer

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

SDSCSCS e: Survival Defense Satellite Communication System Control System SDSD e: Single Disk Storage Device SDSE f: Stanadyne Diesel Systems Europe SDS-Elektrophorese e: Sodium-DodecylSulfat-Elektrophorese S.D. Sess. L a w s e: South Dakota Session Laws SDSI e: Scientific Data Systems Israel Ltd. - e: Shared Data Set Integrity SDSL e: Subject Directory of Special Libraries SD S M S C L S D e: Side Seams Closed S D S M T e: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology SDSNH e: San Diego Society of Natural History SDSP d: Saugdruck-Summationspunkt - e: Space Defence Systems Program SDS-PAGE e: Sodium Dodecyl SulfatePolyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis SDSRU e: Soil Data Storage and Retrieval Unit SDSS e: Satellite Data System Spacecraft - e: Self-Deploying Space Station - e: Software Development Support System SDS/SDR e: Signal-Dependent Stereo/ Signal-Dependent Response SDSSE e: Science Data System Support Equipment SDST e: Soviet Defense Suppression Threat SDSTA f: Section Technique de l'Armée, Documentation Technique et Scientifique SDSU e: San Diego State University - e: South Dakota State University - e: Switched Data Service Unit SDSVF e: State Dependent State Variable Feedback S D S W e: Sense device Status Word S D T d: Sondertisch - e: San Diego Transit - e: Satellite Development Trust - e: Schematic Design Technology - e: Scientific Distribution Technique - e: Sea Depth Transducer - e: Sectorial Directed Transmission - e: Segment Descriptor Table - e: Self-Destroying Tracer - e: Sequential Decision Tree - e: Serial Data Transfer - e: Serial Data Transmission - e: Serial Data Transmitter - e: Shaft Drilling Technician - e: Shell Destroying Tracer - e: Shipper's Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods - e: Signal Detection Theory - e: Simulated Data Tape - e: Single Delayed Trapping - e: Slowing Down Time - e: Society of Dairy Technology - e: Soft Drink Technologist [or Technology] - e: Source Distribution Technique - e: Space Detection and Tracking - e: Start Data Traffic - e: Start Data Transfer - e: Start Descriptor Table - e: Step-Down Transformer - e: Strategic Defense Triad - e: Subscriber Data Terminal - e: Surveillance Data Transmission - e: Syntax-Directed Translation - e: System Development Tool - e: System Down Time sdt 1: sacro-dextra transversa S d T d: Stand der Technik S.D.T. e: Sea-Damaged Terms 323

SD&T SD&T e: Staff Duties and Training SDTA e: Scottish Dance Teachers Alliance - e: Stress-Dependent Thermal Activation SdTBZg d: Süddeutsche Tonindustrie- und Bauzeitung (journ.) SDTC e: San Diego Transit Corporation SDTD e: San Diego Transit District SDTDL e: Saturated [or Saturating] Drift Transistor Diode Logic SDTF e: Scottish Dairy Trade Federation SdTgl d: Sondertauglichkeit SDTI e: San Diego Technical Institute - e: Selective Dissemination of Technical Information - e: Signal-Dependent Time Interval - f: Société pour la Développement Touristique Interafricain SDTIM e: Society for the Development of Techniques in Industrial Marketing SDTK e: Supported] Drift Tube Klystron SDTL e: Schottky-Diode-Transistor Logic SDTN e: Synchronous Digital Transmission Network SDTP e: Startover Data Transfer and Processing SDTP Program[me] e: Startover Data Transfer and Processing Program[me] SDTR e: Serial Data Transmitter/Receiver SDTRL e: Saturated [or Saturating] Drift Transistor Register Logic SDTS e: Satellite Data Transmission System - e: Syntax-Directed Translation Schema SDTs e: Sequential Decision Trees SDTT e: Silicon Diode Target Tube SDTTS e: San Diego Turtle and Tortoise Society SDTU e: Sign and Display Trades Union SDTZJ S: Savez Drustava za Tehniku Zavarivanja Jugolaslavije SDU e: San Diego Union - e: Satellite Data Unit - e: Self-Destruct Unit - e: Service Data Unit[s] - e: Shelter Decontamination Unit - e: Signal Display Unit - e: Signal Distribution Unit - e: Simple Data Unit - e: Source Data Utility - e: Special Diver Unit - e: Special Duty Units - e: Spectrum Display Unit - e: Stand-alone Display Unit - e: Station Display Unit - e: Status Display Unit - e: Storage Distribution Unit - e: Subcarrier Delay Unit - e: Subcarrier Display Unit - e: System Data Unit - p: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil SDÜ d: Schnelle Datenübertragung SDUK e: Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge - e: Spoiled Duck S.D. Uniform Prob. Code e: South Dakota Uniform Probate Code SDUPD e: San Diego Unified Port District SDUS e: Secondary Data User Station SDUs e: Signal Distribution Units SDUSD e: San Diego Unified School District

SDV d: Schweizerischer Dachdeckermeister-Verband - d: Schweizerischer Detaillistenverband - d: Schweizerischer Drogisten-Verband - d: Sonderdienstvertrag - e: Scram Discharge Volume - e: Skeet Delivery System - e: Slowed Down Video - e: Solar Daily Variation - e: Specific Desensit[iz]ing Vaccine - e: Start Device - e: Swimmer Delivery Vehicle - e: Spy Decline Virus - n: Stichting Doelmatig Verzinken - s: Societas Divinarum Vocationurn SDVA d: Satellitendatenverarbeitung SdVersWsg d: Sonderversorgungsweisung Sd[-]Vr d: Sendeverstärker SDVS d: Sensor-Daten-Verteiler-System SDVST d: Sonderdienstvermittlungsstelle SdVwdg d: Sonderverwendung SdVz d: Sonderverzeichnis s.d.W. d: siehe dieses Wort SDW d: Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald - d: Sonderdrahtwiderstand - d: Spezifisch-Dynamische Wirkung - e: Segment Description [or Descriptor] Word - e: Spin Density Wave - e: Standing Detonation Wave - e: Steam Distilled Wood - e: Subdivision of Work - e: Swept Delta Wing SDW A e: Safe Drinking Water Act SDWAP e: San Diego Wild Animal Park SDWild d: Schutzgemeinschaft Deutsches Wild SDW-MOSFET e: Single Device Well Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor SDWO e: Shut Down for Waiting Orders SDWR d: Schwerwasser-Druckwasserreaktor SDW Turpentine e: Steam Distilled Wood Turpentine SdWuT d: Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik S+DX e: Speech and /plus Duplex SDX e: Satellite Data Exchange - e: Sigma Delta Chi, society of professional journalists - e: Stromberg Datagraphix - e: Sunray Mid-Continent Oil Company SDXC e: Synchronous Digital Cross Connect. SDZ d: Sulfadiazin - e: San Diego Zoo - e: Supply Drop Zone Sdz d: Sonderzug SDZS e: San Diego Zoological Society SE d: Bad Segeberg - d: Elektrische Schweißung - d: Elektrophile Substitution - d: Schadeinheiten - d: Schalt[ungs]element - d: Scheibenelektrode - d: Schneller Einsteller - d: Schutzeinheit - d: Schweißeisen - d: Schweißung, elektrische - d: Schwellenwertelement - d: Seitenentleerer - d: Seitenverbesserung für Entfemungsverändemng - d: Sekundärelektron [en] - d: Sekundäremission


© K • G • Saur, München

d: Selbsterregung d: Seltene Erden d: Sende- und Empfangsgerät d: Sendeeinrichtung d: Sender/Empfänger d: Sicherheitselement d: Sicherheitserde d: Sicherheitsergänzung d: Sicherungseinrichtung d: Siedeende d: Siemenseinheit d: Signaleinheit d: Signaleinschub d: Sondereigentum d: Sortiereinheit d: Spannungseinheit d: Speichereinheit d: Speicherelement d: Staphylokokkenextrakt d: Stelleinrichtung d: Steuereinheit d: Steuereinrichtung d: Steuerelement d: Steuerteil für Einzelbetrieb d: Stromerzeuger d: Strukturelement d: Substitution, elektrophile d: Sulfoäthyl d: Super Einspritzung d: Superelite d: System-Erythematodes d: Systemeinheit e: Safety Engineering] e: Safety Evaluation e: Saline Enema e: Sanitary Engineering] e: School of Engineering e: Search e: Second Entrance e: Secondary Electrode e: Secondary Electron[s] e: Secondary Emission e: Select Edition e: Selected] e: Selection e: Self Energy e: Self Excitation e: Self-Extinguishing e: Semiannual e: Series Elastic e: Serotonin e: Serpentine e: Servel e: Service Entrance e: Service Equipment e: Service Expansion e: Set e: Shielding] Effectiveness] e: Shore Establishment e: Side Effect e: Sign Extend[ed] e: Simultaneous Engineering e: Single-End[ed] e: Single-Engine[d] e: Single Entry e: Single Error e: Site Engineer e: Site Exploration e: Slip End e: Small End e: Smoke Eliminator e: Society of Engineers e: Society of Ethnobiology e: Software Engineering] e: Soil Engineering] e: Soil Extract e: Solar Energy

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SEAC - e: Solar Explorer - e: Solid Extract - e: Solvent Extraction - e: Sonic Extract - e: Sounding Equipment - e: South Easterly] - e: South Eastern - e: Southern Europe - e: Space Equivalent - e: Space Exploration - e: Special Edition - e: Special Enquiry - e: Special Equipment - e: Spectral Efficiency - e: Spectroscopic Ellipsometry - e: Sphenoethmoidal - e: Spherical Equivalent - e: Spike Energy - e: Spin Echo - e: Split End - e: Spontaneous Emission - e: Square-Edged - e: Stack Empty - e: Stage of Exhaustion - e: Stamped Envelope - e: Standard Electrode - e: Standard Error [of the mean] - e: Starch Equivalent - e: Starter Electrode - e: State Estimation - e: Static Electricity - e: Stationary Engineering] - e: Statistical Equilibrium - e: Steam Emulsion - e: Steam Engine - e: Stellar Energy - e: Sterling Electronics - e: Stimulated Emission - e: Stock Exchange - e: Stop Element - e: Stopped End - e: Stor[ag]e Element - e: Stored Energy - e: Straight Edge - e: Strain Energy - e: Street Elbow - e: Strong Electrolyte - e: Structural Engineering] - e: Student Engineer - e: Subcritical Experiment - e: Sulfoethyl - e: Summary Error - e: Superelite - e: Superior Electric - e: Support Equipment - e: Supported End - e: Surface Engineer - e: Sustainer Engine - e: Sustaining Engineering - e: Switching Element - e: System Effectiveness - e: System Enhanced - e: System Equalizer - e: System Equalizing] - e: System Extension - e: System[s] Engineering] - f: Son Eminence - s: Solidaridad Española - s: Sureste Se d: Schwer - d: Selbstschutz - d: Selen[ium] - d: Sender - d:Sendung - d: Serum - e: Selenium -1: Selenium

sE e: standard English se 1: salvo errore S.E. d: Seine Exzellenz - e: Secondary Electron - e: South East[ern] - e: Southeastern Reporter, National Reporter System - f: Soupape d'Échappement s.E. d: seines Erachtens S & E e: Safety and Environment - e: Salaries and Expenses - e: Services and Equipment - e: Surveillance and Entry S/E d: Senden/Empfangen - d: Sender/Empfänger - e: Single Entry - e: Standardization/Evaluation - e: Stock Exchange - e: System or Equipment S I E e: Surfaced One Edge SE-1 e: Self-Extinguishing Group 1 S2E e: Surfaced Two Edges SE2 e: Scientists and Engineers for Secure Energy - e: Software Engineering Environment s-e 22 e: silencer-equipped 22-caliber revolver SEA d: Aktionsausschuß Sichere Elektrizitätsanwendung - d: Schallemissionsanalyse - d: Schiffseichamt - d: Schneller Einsteller/Abtaster - d: Sicherheitseingängeausgänge - d: Spieleinnahmeabgabe - d: Spontane Elektrische Aktivität - d: Standard-Eingabe/Ausgabe - d: Stromerzeugeraggregat - d: Stromerzeugeranlage - d: Stromerzeugungsaggregat - d: Suchkopf-Elektronik-Abteil - e: Sachse Engineering Associate - e: Safety Engineering Analysis - e: Safety Equipment Association - e: Science and Education Administration - e: Scottish Epilepsy Association - e: Sea Containers, Inc. - e: Sea Education Association - e: Seattle, Washington - e: Seismic Event Analyzer - e: Service Educational Activities - e: Service Employers Association - e: Sheep Erythrocyte Agglutination - e: Ship-Equipment-Alterations - e: Shipbuilding Exports Association - e: Ships Editorial Association - e: Simultaneous Engineering Automation - e: Single Execution of Array - e: Slag Employers Association - e: Socialist Educational Association - e: Society for Education through Art - e: Society of Electronics and Automation - e: Society of Evangelical Agnostics - e: Software Engineering Architecture - e: Soluble Egg Antigen - e: Sound Effect Amplifier - e: Sound -Emission Analysis - e: South East Asia - e: Southeast Airlines - e: Southern Economic Association - e: Special Equipment Authorization - e: Specific Energy Absorption - e: Spherical Electrostatic Analyzer - e: Spontaneous Electrical Activity - e: Standard Electronic Assembly - e: Standby Emergency Assistance - e: State Economic Area - e: State Education Agencies [or Agency]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich


e: Static Error Analysis e: Statical Energy Analysis e: Statistical Energy Analysis e: Statistical Energy Approach e: Stored Energy Actuator e: Structural Engineers Association e: Students for Ecological Action e: Subterranean Exploration Agency e: Sudden Enhancement of Atmospherics e: Support Electronics Analysis e: Survival Education Association e: System Engineering Analysis e: System Error Analysis e: Systems Effectiveness Analyzer e: System[s] Engineering Activity e: Systems Error Analysis f: Service des Essence de l'Armee f: Société d'Électronique de/et d'Automatique [or Automatisme] - f: Société d'Équipement pour l'Afrique - f: Société d'Études Ardennaises - f: Société Équatoriale d'Assurances - f: Société Européenne Automatique - i: Stazione di Entomología Agraria - i: Stazione di Entomología Agraria - s: Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura - s: Servicio de Extensión Agraria [or Agrícola] - s: Servicios Especiales Aéros - s: Sistema Experto en Aerodinámica - s: Sociedad Entomológica Argentina - s: Sociedad Española de Acústica - s: Sociedad Española de Automóviles Sea e: [Port of] Seattle - e: Sea of Arabia - e: Sea of Galilee - e: Sea of Islands - e: Sea of Japan - e: Sea of Marmora - e: Sea of Okhotsk - e: Sea of Rybinsk - e: Sea of the Plain - e: Sea of Straw - e: The Sea Sea. e: Seattle S E A A C e: South-East Asia Air Command S E A A Q p: Sociedade de Engenaharia, Arquiterura, Agronomía e Química SEA-ATS e: South-East Asia-Automatic Telephone System S E A B d: Serieller Ein/Ausgabe-Bus - e: Secretary of Energy Advisory Board - e: Serial Bus SEABEE-system e: Float-in/float-out barge- handing system S E A B F f: Société d'Équipement pour l'Afrique, Burkina Faso S E A B M f: Société d'Exploitation Agricole du Bas-Mangoro SEABU e: South-East Asia Buildup Seab. Vend, e: Seaborne on Vendors S E A C e: Single Enginefd] Aircraft - e: Social and Economic Archive Centre - e: South-East Asia Command - e: South Eastern Architects Collaboration - e: Southeast Asia Command - e: Standard[s] Eastern Automatic Computer - e: Standard[s] Electronic Automatic Computer - e: Statistics and Extended Access Control - e: Structural Engineers Association of Colorado - f: Société d'Équipement pour l'Afrique, Cameroun - s: Secretaria de Economía, Agricultura e Colonizacao


SEACAPS SEACAPS e: Seventh Army Card Processor System SEACC e: Southeast Alaska Conservation Council - e: Structural Engineers Association of Central California - f: Société de Coordination d'Études et d'Analyse des Coûts de Production SEACDT e: Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty SEACEL e: Silver-chloride/magnesium Cell SEACENTRE e: Southeast Asia Centre for the Promotion of Trade, Investments and Tourism SEACFMO f: Société d'Exploitation de l'Alliance de Constructeurs Français de Machines-Outils SEACI f: Société d'Équipement pour l'Afrique, Côte-d'Ivoire SEACO e: Southeas Atlantic Cargo Operators - e: Swedish East Asia Co. LTD - f: Société d'Équipement pour l'Afrique SEACOM e: South East Asia Commonwealth [submarine] [cable] - e: South East Asia Communications SEACOM Cable e: Southeast Asia [extension of the] Commonwealth Cable SEACON e: Seafloor Construction SEACONFOR e: Seaport Container Forwarding SEACORE e: Southeast Asia Communications Research SEACOST e: Systematic Equipment Analysis and Cost Optimization Scanning Technique SEACPA e: Southeast Asian Catholic Press Association SEAD e: Seneca Army Depot - e: Suppression of Enemy Air Defence - e: Survivable Electronic Air Defense SEADAC e: Seakeeping Data Analysis Center SEADAG e: South-East Asia Development Advisory Group SEADD e: South-East Asia Development Division SEADEC e: Seaward Defence [or Defense] Exercise[s] SEADS e: Seattle Air Defense Sector - e: Survivable and Effective Air Defense System SEAeIC s: Sociedad Española de Alergología e Immunología Clínica SEAF r: Svenska Elektriska Arbetarefórbundet - r: Sveriges Elektrik-och Elektronikagenters Forening SEAF AC e: Systems Engineering Avionics Facility of the Areonautical Systems Division's Directorate of Avionic Engineering of the U.S. Department of the Air SEAFAR e: Search and Automatic Track Fixed Array Radar SEAFD[E]C e: Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center [or Centre] SEAFRON e: Sea Frontier SEAG d: Schweizerische Erdol-AG - f: Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura Ganadería - f: Société d'Équipement pour l'AfriqueGabon - s: Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura - s: Servicio de Extension Agrícola y Ganadera


SEAGHA e: System for Adapted Electronic Data Interchange in the Port of Antwerp Seag. Pari. Reg. e: Seager on Parliamentary Registration Sea Grant L J . e: Sea Grant Law Journal Sea Grant L.&Pol'y J. e: Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal SEAGRI s: Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura SEAGS e: South East Asia Geotechnical Society SEAGUARD e: Close-in weapon system SEAI s: Sistema Estatal de Agricultura - s: Sociedade de Exploracao Agrícola e Industrial SEAIC e: Southeast Asia Information Center SEAIMP e: Solar Eclipse Atmospheric and Ionospheric Measurements Project SEAISI e: South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute SEAITACS e: Southeast Asia Integrated Tactical Air Control System SEAL e: Sea, Air and Land - e: Ships Electronics Allowance List - e: Signal Evaluation Airborne Laboratory - e: Simulation, Evaluation and Analysis Language - e: South-East Area Libraries - e: Standard Electronic Accounting Language - e: Subsea Equipment Associates Limited seal, e: sea-air-land S.E.A.L. e: Scandinavian East Africa Line SEALAB e: Sea Laboratory SEALAR e: SEA Launched and Recovery SEALF e: Semi-Empirical Absorption Loss Formula - e: South-East Asia Land Forces SEALOR e: Southeast Asia Operational Requirement SEALPA e: South-East Asia Lumber Producers Association SEALR e: Southeast Asia Logistic Requirement SEALS e: Sea-Air-Land Forces - e: Severe Environmental] Air Launch Study - e: Software Engineering and Management - e: Stored Energy Actuated Lift System - e: Surface Environment and Mining Program SEALs e: Sea, Air and Land teams - e: Sea, Air, Land commandos SEAM e: Scandinavian East Asia Mission - e: Scanning Electron Acoustic Microscopy - e: Seattle Environmental Arts Museum - e: Sidewinder Expanded [or Extended] Acquisition Mode - e: Software Engineering and Management - e: Subset Extraction and Association Measurement - e: Surface Environment and Mining Program - e: Symposium of the Engineering Aspects of Magnetohydrodynamics - e: Systems Error Analysis Machine - s: Servicio[s] de Equipos Agrícolas Mecanizados SEAMA e: Small Electrical Appliance Marketing Association SEAMACO e: South East Asia Madagascar Liner Corporation SEAMAP e: Scientific Exploration and Mapping Program SEAMEC e: Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Council

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SEAMEO e: South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization SEAMEX e: Seamanship Exercise SEAMIC e: South-East Asia Management Information Center [or Centre] SEAMORE [Program] e: Southeast Asia Mohawk Revision Program SEAMOUNT e: Sea Mountain SE Amplifier e: Sound Effect Amplifier SEAMS e: South-East Asia Mathematical Society - e: Systems Effectiveness Management Systems SEAN e: Scientific Event Alert Network - e: State Enrolled Assistant Nurse - f: Société d'Équipement pour l'Afrique-Niger - s: Servicio Escolar de Alimentación y Nutrición SEANC e: Southeast Asia NOT AM [Notice to Airmen] Center - e: Structural Engineers Association of Northern California SE and E e: Survival, Evasion and Escape SE and T e: Supplies, Equipment and Training SEANITEOPS e: Southeast Asia Night Operations SEAO e: Save Error and Omission - e: Structural Engineers Association of Oregon SEA-OBS e: Sea Observation SEAOC e: Structural Engineers Association of California SEAOR e: Southeast Asia Operational Requirements] SEAP d: Selektor-Ein-Ausgabe-Prozessor - e: Save the Environment from Atomic Pollution - e: Scientific Event Alert Program - e: Service Element Access Point - e: South-East Asia Peninsula - e: South-East Asia Project SEAPA e: Seaports Authority - e: Spectrothermal Emission Aerosol Particle Analyzer SEAPAL e: South East Asia and Pacific Area League against Rheumatism SEAP-CENTRE e: South East Asia Centre for the Promotion of Trade, Investments and Tourism SEAPEX e: South-East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society Seapt e: Seaport SEAQ e: Stock Exchange Automated Quotation [or Quotes] [system] SEAR e: Safeguard Emergency Action Report - e: System Engineering Analysis Report SEARA f: Syndicat Enseignement Agronomique et de Recherche Agricole SEARAM e: Semi-Active Radar Missile SEARCA e: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Agriculture - e: Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture SEARCC e: South-East Asia Regional Computer Conference [or Confederation] SEARCF f: Société d'Encouragement pour l'Amélioration des Races de Chevaux en France

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SEC S E A R C H e: Science, Engineering and Related Career Hints - e: Scientific Exploratory Archeological Research - e: System Evaluation And Reliability Checker - e: System for Electronic Analysis and Retrieval of Criminal Histories - e: System for Exploring Alternative Resource Commitments in Higher Education - e: Systematized [or Systemized] Excerpts, Abstracts and Reviews of Chemical Headlines S E A R C H E X e: Sea/Air Search Exercise Search&Seizure Bull. [Quinlan] e: Search & Seizure Bulletin Search&Seizure L . R e p e: Search and Seizure Law Report SEA Region e: Southeast Asia Region S E A R S e: Sears, Roebuck - e: Socioeconomic Assessment for Repository Siting - e: South and East Asian Regional Section S E A R - S O L I N e: South East Asia Rural Social Leadership Institute SEAS d: Speicher-Eingabe/AusgabeSteuerung - d: Sympathisch-Ergotrop-Adrenergisches System S E & A S e: School of Engineering and Applied Scienee SEAS e: Centre for Southeast Asia Studies of Kyoto University - e: School of Engineering and Applied Science - e: Scientific Exploration of the Atlantic Shelf - e: Sea Environment Acquisition System - e: Sea School - e: Senior Emergency Alert System - e: SHARE [Society for Help to Avoid Redundant Effort] European Association - e: Ship/Equipment/Alterations Summary - e: Social and Educational Association for Seafarers - e: Strategic Environmental Assessment System - f: Société d'Equipement pour l'Afrique, Sénégal SEAs e: Sound Effect Amplifiers S E A S A T e: Sea Satellite S E A S C e: Structural Engineers Association of Southern California Sea scale e: Douglas-scale S E A S C A R P e: Undersea Escarpment S E A S C O e: South-East Asia Science Co-operation Office S E A S E E e: South East Asia Association on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering S[-]E Asia e: Southeast Asia Divorce Reports S E A S M C e: SHARE [Society to Help to Avoid Repundant Effort] European Association Symbolic S E A S P E C T e: South-East Asian Specialists Group of Cooperative Training SEASSE e: Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering S E A S T A G e: South East Asia Treaty Organization Standardization Agreement S E A T e: Status Evaluation And Test - e: System End Around Test - i: Società Elenchi Ufficiali degli Abbonati al Telefono - s: Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Tuirismo, S.A.

S E A T A C e: Southeast Asian Agency for Regional Transport and Communications Development SEATO S E A T A C [Area] e: Seattle Tacoma [Area] S E A T A G e: Sea Control Tactical Analysis Game - e: South East Asia Trade Advisory Group SEATAINER[S] e: Seacontainer[s] Seat-D d: Seat Deutschland GmbH S E A T E L C O M [System] e: South-East Asia Telecommunications System SEA-Test d: Schaf-ErythrozytenAgglutinations-Test SEA Test e: Sheep Erythrocyte Agglutination Test S E A T I C e: Southeast Asia Translation and Interrogation Center SeatI e: Seattle S E A T O e: South-East Asia Treaty Organization SEATS e: Special Education Administration Task Simulation Game S E A T S.A. s: Sociedad Española de Automobiles de Turismo S.A. S E A T S G a m e e: Special Education Administration Task Simulation Game SEAU e: Sea Containers Incorporated Unit Sea.Vend, e: Seaborne, Vendors & Purchasers S E A V O M f: Société d'Études et d'Applications Video-Optique Mécanique S E B d: Staphylokkus-Enterotoxin B - e: Setting Box - e: Single Engine[d] Bomber - e: Social and Emotional Behavior - e: Society for Economic Botany - e: Society for Experimental Biology - e: Society for Experimental Botany - e: Socio-Economic Benefit - e: Source Evaluation Board - e: South Equatorial Belt - e: Southern Electricity Board - e: Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B - e: Static Error Band - e: Strip Electron Beam - e: Surface Effect Boat - e: Sweeping Electron Beam - e: Syndesmos Ellinon Biomichanon - e: System Error Bridge - f: Société d'Exploitation des Briqueteries - f: Société d'Exploitation du parc à Bois de Bélabo - f: Société Électrotechnique de Boulogne-Billancourt - f: Société Équatoriale des Bois - f: Syndicat des Editeurs Belges - f: Syndicat des Exploitants de Bauxite - p: Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil - r: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken - s: Sociedad Española de Bioquímica SEBA e: Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Antisera - e: Styrene and Ethylbenzene Association - f: Société Sénégalaise d'Exploitation des Bois Africains - n: Stichting Exploitatie en Bescherming Auteursrechten S E B A C A M f: Société d'Études des Bauxites du Cameroun S E B A F f: Société d'Exploitation des Bois Africains S E B A R S e: Secure Battlefield Resupply System S E B A T E Q f: Société Sénégalaise de Bâtiments, de Terrassements et d'Équipements

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

S & E B C e: Ship and Engine Building Company S E B C f: Société d'Éleveurs de Bovins Canadiens - f: Société d'Exploitation des Bois du Cameroun S E B C A T f: Société d'Etudes et de Construction du Breguet Atlantic S E B D d: Sprecherechobezugsdämpfung S E b E e: South-East by East S E B E C C e: Scanning Electron Beam Excited Charge Collection SE-Beziehung d: See-Beziehung S E B I f: Société d'Exportation des Bois Ivoiriens S E B I C e: Secondary Emission Bombardment-Induced Conductivity - e: Sustained Electron Bombardment Induced Conductivity SEBIS d: System zum Entwurf Betrieblicher Informationssysteme S E B L e: Scanning Electron-Beam Lithography S E B M e: Scanning Electron Beam Microscope - e: Society for/of Experimental Biology and Medicine S E B M A f: Société Exploitation de Brevets de Machines Agricoles S E B O f: Société d'Embouteillage des Bois Ivoiriens - f: Société Sénégalaise d'Embouteillage de Boissons S E B O G A f: Société pour l'Expansion des Boissons Hygiéniques au Gabon S E B O I S f: Société Sénégalaise Industrielle du Bois S E B Q e: Senior Enlisted Bachelor Quarters S E B R A S e: Secure Battlefield Resupply System S E B R I M A f: Société d'Exploitation des Briqueteries du Mali S / E B r K p d: Straßen- und EisenbahnBrückenkompanie S E B R O a: Servicebyràernas Branschorganisation SEbS e: South-East by South SEBS e: Styrene Ethyl Butylene Styrene - e: Styrene-Ethylene-Butadiene-Styrene - e: Submarine Emergency Buoyancy System S E B T e: South-Eastem Brick and Tile [Federation] - f: Société d'Exportation des Bois Tropicaux Seb. Tr[ade-]m[arks] e: Sebastisan on Trademarks SEBV e: Solder End Bail Valve SE by E e: South-East by East SE by S e: South-East by South S E C e: Sacramento Engineers Club - e: Safeguards Equipment Cabinet - e: Sanitary Engineering Center - e: Scientific and Engineering Computation - e: Sec-Butyl Alcohol - e: Secondary] - e: Secondary Electron-Coupled - e: Secondary Electronic] Conduction - e: Secondary Emission and Conduction - e: Secondary Emission Conductivity - e: Secondary Emission Control - e: Secondary Examinations Council - e: Seconds - e: Secret - e: Section Emergency Coordinator - e: Sector - e: Secure[d] - e: Securities [and] Exchange Commission


Sec -

e: Security[s Exchange Commission] e: Service Entretien Clients e: Shaftless Expander-Compressor e: Simple Electronic Computer e: Single Engineering Control e: Single-Entry Single-Exit Connected e: Single Error Correcting [or Correction] e: Size-Exelusion Chromatography e: Soft Elastic Capsule e: Solar Energy Collector e: Solar Energy Commission e: Solar Energy Concentrator e: Solid Electrolyte Capacitor e: Sound Effect Controller e: South-Eastern Command e: South European Command e: Southern Electronics Corporation e: Southern Europe Command e: Space Electronics Corporation e: Space Environmental Chamber e: Special Engineering Course[s] e: Special Equipment Vehicle e: Special Event Charter Flight e: Spoiler and Elevator Computer e: Standard Error of Calibration e: Standard Execute Card e: Standing with Eyes Closed e: State Electricity Commission [of Victoria] e: State Energy Commission e: Strategic Economic Council e: Sun Electric Corporation e: Supply Executive Committee e: Support Equipment Change e: Supreme Economic Council e: Swimmer Delivery vessel e: Switching Equipment Congestion [signal] f: Société d'Echanges Commerciaux f: Société des Ecrivains Canadiens f: Société Européenne de CarburationZENITH S.A.R.L. - f: Société Européenne de Cardiologie - f: Société Européenne de Chromatophonie - f: Société Européenne de Culture - f: Syndicat des Emballages Commerciaux - f: Systeme d'Exploitation - P: Polski Osrodek Kultury Europejskiej - s: Secretaria de Educaçâo e Cultura - s: Sindicato de Educadores Costarricenses Sec d: Sekans - e: Secretary sec d: Sekundefn] - e: secant - e: section Sec. e: Second[s] - e: Securities -1: Secus sec. e: secondary - e: section[s] -1: secundum s.e.c. 1: salvo errore calculi Sec' 1 e: inverse hyperbolic Secant sec 1 e: inverse secant SECA e: Security Agreement - e: Self-Employment Contributions Act - e: Solar Energy Construction Association - e: Southern Educational Communications Association - e: Student Education Commission of Asia - f: Société d'Exploitation de Constructions Aéronautiques - f: Société pour l'Expansion Commerciale Africaine - f: Syndicat d'Etudes des Centrales Atomiques - s: Sociedad Escultista y Conservacionista Aragua


S E C A B s: Secrétaria Ejecutiva Permanente del Convenio 'Andrés Bello' S E C A C e: Sectional Aeronautical Chart S E C Accounting R. [CCH] e: SEC Accounting Rules Sec A d r e: Secondary Address S E C A F e: Secretary of the Air Force SecAgi e: Secretary of Agriculture SecAir e: Secretary of the Air Force S E C A L e: Selected [or Selective] Calling S E C A L System e: Selected Calling System S E C A M e: Sequential Colo[u]r and Memory - f: Sequence [or Sequentiel] Coleur[s] a[vec] Mémoire - f: Société d'Exploitation des Cadres Maritimes - f: Système en Couleur[s] a[vec] Mémoire S E C A N e: Military Committee Communications Security and Evaluation Agency - f: Société d'Etudes et de Constructions Aéro-Navales S E C A N T e: Separation [and] Control of Aircraft by Nonsynchronous Techniques S E C A P e: Standard External Configuration Ammunition Package - e: System[s] Experience [or Experiment] Correlation and Analysis Program[me] - s: Servicio Ecuatoria de Capacitación Profesional S E C A R e: Secondary Radar - e: Sectional Area - e: Structural Efficiency Cones with Arbitrary Rings - f: Société Européenne de Chirurgie Arthrite Sec. A r . e: Sectional Area sec. a r t . 1: secundum artem S E C A R T Y S f: Servicio de Exportación de Electrónica S E C A S s: Sociedad de Estudiantes de Ciencias Agronómicas Salvadoreñas S E C A T e: Surface Effect Catamaran S E C - A U E D e: Single-Error Correcting-AU Unidirectional-Error Detecting S E C B e: Square Edge Close Butt S E C B A T f: Société d'Etude et de Construction du Breguet Atlantic S E C - B E D Code e: Single Error CorrectingByte Error Detecting Code SEC-BED-DED Code e: Single Error Correcting-Byte Error Detecting-Double Error Detecting Code Sec. Bk. J u d g . e: Second Book of Judgments S E C C e: Single Error Correction Circuitry - e: Survivable Endurable Command Center S E C C A f: Société d'Exploitation Cinématographique du Cameroun S E C C A N e: Science and Engineering Clubs of Canada S E C C I e: Scottish Employers Council for the Clay Industries SecCom e: Secretary of Commerce S E C Compl. [P-H] e: Securities and Exchange Commission Compliance S E C D e: Secondary - e: Steam Engine Direct-Connected - f: Société d'Exploitation du Circuit de Dijon Seed e: Second SECDA e: Southeastern Community Development Association S E C / D E C e: Single Error Correction/ Double Error Correction S E C D E D e: Single-Bit Error Correction and Double-Bit Error Detection

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S E C - D E D e: Single Error Correcting [or Correction] and Double Error Detecting [or Detection] S E C - D E D - C o d e e: Single Error CorrectingDouble Error Detecting Code S E C D E D Logic e: Single Error Correction, Double Error Detection Logic S E C D E F e: Secretary of Defence [or Defense] S.E.C. Docket e: Securities and Exchange Commission Docket Seedy e: Secondary Seedy A d r e: Secondary Address Seedy X e: Secondary X Seedy X PU e: Secondary X Pickup S E C E A s: Servico Comercial de la Industria Textil Algodonera S E C E D e: Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics SecEdu e: Secretary of Education S E C E M s: Sociedad Española Construcciones Electro-Mecanicas S E C E M I A f: Société Européenne de Constructions Electromecaniques Industrielles et Agricoles SecEne e: Secretary of Energy S E C E S H e: Secessionist Sec.&Ex. C . e: Securities & Exchange Commission S E C F f: Société des Experts Comptables Français Sec.&Fed. C o r p . L . R e p . [Clark B o a r d m a n ] e: Securities and Federal Corporate Law Report S E C F - F A S E N f: Société d'Expertise Comptable Fiduciaire France-AfriqueSénégal S E C F L T e: Second Fleet sec-ft e: second foot Sec[-]Gen e: Secretary-General S E C G E N N A T O e: Secretary General of NATO S E C H e: Secant, Hyperbolic SecHHS e: Secretary of Health and Human Services SecHou e: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development S E C H T e: Scoping Emergency Cooling Heat Transfer S E C I f: Société d'Equipement de la Côte-d'Ivoire - f: Société d'Exploitation de Carrières Ivoiriennes S E C I M A f: Syndicat des Entreprises de Commerce International de Materiel Agricole S E C I M P e: Secondary Impedance S E C I N S P e: Security Inspection Seclnt e: Secretary of the Interior S E C I R e: Semiautomatic Encoding of Chemistry for Information Retrieval S E C J f: Service Européen de Coopération pour les Jeunes S.E.C. J u d . Dec. e: Securities & Exchange Commission Judicial Decisions S E C L e: Sequential Emitter Coupled Logic - e: Symmetric[al][ly] [operated] EmitterCoupled Logic SecLab e: Secretary of Labor Sec Leg e: Secretary of the Legation SecJeg. e: Secundum legem [or legum] Sec. L . Rev. e: Securities Law Review S E C M A e: Stock Exchange Computer Managers Association - f: Société d'Exploitation Cinématographique Africaine

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

sed. SECN e: Solar Electro-Optical Network - f: Société d'Etudes des Caissons Nucléaires - s: La Sociedad Espagnola de Construcción Naval sec. nat. 1: secundum naturam SECNAV e: Secretary of the Navy SECNAVINST e: Secretary of the Navy Instruction SECO e: Saturn Engine Cut-Off - e: Second-Stage Engine Cut-Off - e: Secondaries - e: Self-Regulating Error-Correct CoderDecoder - e: Sequential Coding - e: Sequential Control - e: Sequential Encoder-Decoder - e: Simplimatic Engineering Company - e: Southeastern Equipment Company - e: Station Engineering Control Office - e: Sustainer-Engine Cut-Off - f: Bureau de Contrôle pour la Sécurité de la Construction en Belgique SECOBRAH f: Société d'Encouragement de la Culture des Orges de Brasserie et des Houblons en France SECOFI s: Secretaría de Comercio y Fomento Industrial Sec. of State e: Secretary of State SECOLAS e: Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies SECOM e: School Emergency Communication - e: Sector Commander - e: Security Command - e: System[s] Engineering Communication - s: Sociedad Española de Cirurgia Oral y Maxilofacial SECOMACS e: Sector Commander Alascan Communications System SECOMD e: South Eastern Command SECOMO e: Software Engineering Cost Model SECON e: Secondary Electron Conduction Second International e: Second International Workingmens Association SECOR e: Sequential Collation [or Correlation] [of] Range - s: Subdivisao de Controle Rural SECORD e: Secure Voice Cord Board SECOR/DME e: Sequential Collation of Range/Distance-Measuring Equipment SECOR Satellite e: Sequential Collation of Range Satellite SECOSS e: Spin Echo Correlation with Shift Scalling SECOTOX e: International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety SECOTRAP f: Société d'Études et de Contrôle de Travaux Publics SECOURS f: Système d'Enseignement Contrôlé par Ordinateur et Utilisant de Resources Satellites SECP e: Shore Establishment and Civilian Personnel SECPANE s: Servicio Cooperativo Peruano-Norteamericano de Educación SEC-PDED e: Single Error Correcting and Partial Double Error Detecting SECPIA f: Société d'Etude Chimiques pour l'Industrie et l'Agriculture SECPRE s: Sociedad Española de Cirurgia Plastica, Reparadora y Estética SECPS e: Secondary Propulsion System SECR e: Secretary - e: Sector secr. e: secret

SE&CR e: Southeastern and Chatham Railway SECRA e: Secondary Radar SECRAC e: System Engineering Cost Reduction Assistance Contractor SECRE f: Société d'Etudes et de Constructions Electroniques sec. reg. 1: secundum regulam Sec. Reg. Guide [P-H] e: Securities Regulation Guide [P-H] Sec. Reg. L J . e: Securities Regulation Law Journal Sec. Reg.&L. Rep. [BNA] e: Securities Regulation & Law Report[s] Sec. Reg.&Trans. e: Securities Regulations and Transfer Report SECREN f: Société d'Études de Constructions et Réparations Navales secret' s: secretaria SECS d: Ùbetrtragungsprotokoll - e: Seagrass Ecosystems Component Study - e: Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard - e: Sequential Events Control System - e: Severe Environment Computer Systems - e: Severe Environment Controller System - e: Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis - e: Small Engineering Computer System - e: Small Experimental Communication Satellite - e: Solar Electric Communication Satellite - e: Solar Energy Conversion Systems - e: Space Environmental Control System - e: Stem Elevated Camera System - s: Sociedad Espanola de Ciencia del Suelo sees e: secants - e: seconds - e: section[s] SEC's e: Soft Elastic Capsules - e: Spoiler and Elevator Computers SEC Signal e: Switching Equipment Congestion Signal SECS-MP e: SECS-Message Processor Sec Soc Foiui e: Second Society Foundation SecSta e: Secretary of State SECSY e: Spin Echo Correlated Spectroscopy SEC SYS e: Securities Systems SECT e: Section[al Center] - e: Sector - e: Skin Electric Current Tracing - e: Submarine Emergency Communication^] Transmitter - f: Société des Ecrivains de Cinéma et de Télévision sect 1: dissect SECTA f: Société d'Études de Chemie et de Thérapie Appliquées SECTAB f: Section Spécialisée pour le Tabac SECTAM e: Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - e: Sterile Environmental Control Technology Applications to Medicine SECTASKFLT e: Second Task Fleet SECTBASE e: Section Base SECTEMP e: Temporary Secretary SECTEP p: Sociedade de Escritores SECTL e: Section Unit Count - e: Sectional Sect. Mer. Alt. e: Sextant Meridian Altitude SecTra e: Secretary of Transportation SecTre e: Secretary of the Treasury SEC TREAS e: Secretary-Treasurer Secty e: Secretary

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

SECU e: Slave Emulator Control Unit SECUR f: Service d'Etudes et de Conseils aux Usagers de la Route SECURE e: Systems Evaluation Code under Radiation Environment Secured Trans, e: Secured Transactions Secured Transactions Guide [CCH] e: Secured Transactions Guide Secur. Reg. Fed. e: Securities RegulationFederal Secur. Reg. St. e: Securities RegulationState SECUS e: Sex Education Council of the United States SECV e: State Electricity Commission of Victoria - s: Sociedade Espanol de Ceramica y Vitrio SEC-vidicon e: Secondary Electron Conduction vidicon SECWA e: State Electricity Commission of Western-Australia SecWar e: Secretary of War Sec Wei e: Secretaly of Welfare SECW[I]ND e: Secondary Winding Secy e: Secretary SED d: Schallenergiedichte - d: Schutzeinheitsdosis - e: Sanitary Engineering Division - e: Scanning Electron Diffraction - e: Science and Engineering Directorate - e: Scientific Equipment Division - e: Scottish Education Department - e: Secondary Electron Detector - e: Sedimentation] [rate] - e: Sensor Evolutionary Development - e: Severely Emotionally Disturbed - e: Shippers Export Declaration - e: Signal Equipment Depot - e: Simultaneous Exposure and Development - e: Skin Erythema Dose - e: Society for Electrical Development - e: Solar Electrodynamics - e: Solar Energy Density - e: Solar Energy Digest - e: Sound Energy Density - e: Space Engineering Document - e: Space Environment Division - e: Special Enforcement Detail - e: Special Expanded Display - e: Spectral Energy Distribution - e: Squared Euclidean Distance - e: State Executive Director - e: Status Entry Device[s] - e: Stochastic Electrodynamics - e: Stray Energy Detector - e: Strong Exchange Degeneracy - e: Suppressed Electrical Discharge^] - e: System Engineering Development program - e: Systems Effectiveness Demonstration - f: Système d'Enregistrement des Données - f: Système Endocrinien Diffus sed e: sedative - e: sediment[ary] - e: sedimentation SeD e: Socioeconomic Democracy SEd e: Specialist in Education sed. 1: sedes


SEDA SEDA d: Segmentdatei - e: Safety Equipment Distributors Association - e: Scanning Electron Diffraction Attachment - e: State Emergency Defense Airlift - e: Systems Engineering Design and Build - f: Société d'Éditions Documentaires Agricoles - f: Société d'Études pour le Développement de l'Afrique - f: Société d'Études pour le Développement de l'Automatisme - f: Société Edition et de Documentation Agricole SEDAB d: Servicebüro für Datenverarbeitung und Betriebsberatung, Luzern - e: Systems Engineering Design And Build SEDAC e: Seakeeping Data Analysis Center - s: Secretariado Episcopal de América Central y Panama SEDAD f: Société d'Etude et Développement des Applications Dérivées Électroniques et Méchaniques SEDAGR1 f: Société d'Étude et de Développement Agricole[s] SEDAM f: Société d'Études et de Développement des Aéroglisseurs Marins, Terrestres et Amphibies SEDAN a: Foreningen af Producenter i Danmark af Levnedsmidler Besternt til Sœrlig Emaering SEDAR e: Submerged Electrode Detection and Ranging - s: Sociedad Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación SEDAS e: Spurious Emission Detection Acquisition System SEDAT e: Spectrum Efficient Digital Audio Technology SEDB e: Singapore Economic Development Board SEDCO e: Saskatchewan Economic Development Corporation - e: South Eastern Drilling Company SEDCOR e: Speciality Electronics Development Corporation SEDD e: Systems Evaluation and Development Division SED-DED-C e: Single Error DetectionDouble Error Detection-Code SEDEC e: Social and Economic Development Centre, Colombo - f: Société d'Édition, de Documentation Économique et Commerciale SEDECOS s: Secretariado de Comunicación Social SEDED e: Single Error and Double Erasure Detecting SEDEF s: Secretaria de Estado de la Defensa SEDEIPES f: Société d'Études et d'Édition d'Information Politiques, Économiques et Sociales SEDEIS f: Société d'Études et de Documentation Économiques, Industrielles et Sociales SEDEMS f: Société d'Etudes et de Développement de Matériels Spéciaux SEDEÑA s: Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional SEDEPAC s: Servicio, Desarrollo y Paz SEDERCAL f: Société d'Équipement et de Développement Rural de la NouvelleCalédonie

SEDES f: Société d'Etudes et de Développement de Matériels Spéciaux - f: Société pour l'Étude et le Développement Économique et Social Sedg. Dam. e: Sedgwick on the Measure of Damage SEDGE e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Experimental Display Generator - e: Special Experimental Display Generation SEDGE Program[me] e: Special Experimental Display Generation Program[me] Sedg. L. Cas. e: Sedgwicks Leading Cases on Damages - e: Sedgwicks Leading Cases on Real Property Sedg. St[at]. [& Const.] Law e: Sedgwick on Statutory and Constitutional Law Sedg.&W. [Tr.] Tit[le Land] e: Sedgwick and Wait on the Trial of Title to Land SEDHA e: Secretariat for Dental Health in Africa SEDI e: Sedimentation] SEDIA f: Société d'Étude de Développement Industriel et Agricole - f: Société d'Études et de Distribution Inter-Africaines SEDIAC f: Société pour l'Étude et le Développement de l'Industrie, de l'Agriculture et du Commerce SEDIBRA f: Syndicat National d'Étude et de Défense des Intérêts de la Brasserie Française SEDIC s: Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica SEDICAL f: Société d'Exploitation et de Distribution de Carburants et de Lubrifiants [Ivory Coast] SEDICOS f: Société Sénégalaise de Distribution, de Commerce et del Stockage SEDICSS f: Société Sénégalaise pour le Développement Industriel et Commercial du Sine Saloum SEDIEX f: Société Sénégalaise de Distribution Import-Export SEDIGAS s: Sociedad para el Estudio y Desarrollo de l'Industria del Gas SEDIM e: Single Person General Disc Operating System - f: Syndicat National des Entreprises de Service et Distribution du Machinisme Agricole SEDIMA f: Syndicat National des Entreprises de Service et Distribution du Machinisme Agricole SEDIS e: Surface-Emitter-Detection Identification System - f: Société Sénégalaise d'Importation et Distribution SEDISI s: Sociedad Española para et Desarrollo de las Industrias de Serviras de Informatica SEDIT e: Sophisticated string Editor Sedit. e: Sedition, subversive activities and treason SEDI TIME e: Sedimentation Time SEDIVER f: Société Européenne d'Isolateurs en Verre SEDIX e: Selected Dissemination of Index[es] SEDL e: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory


© K • G • Saur, München

SEDM e: Society for Experimental and Descriptive Malacology - e: Sonar Evaluation Demonstration Model - e: Status Entry Device Multiplexer SeDMC e: Selenium Dimethyl Dithiocarbamate SEDNI f: Syndicat des Entrepreneurs de Dragages de Navigation Intérieure SEDO s: Sociedad Española de Optica SEDOS i: Servizio di Documentazione e Studi SEDP e: Solar Energy Development Program - e: Support Equipment Design Package SEDPA f: Société d'Édition et de Diffusion de la Presse Agricole SEDPC e: Scientific and Engineering Data Processing Center SEDR e: Service Engineering Department Report - e: System Effective Data Rate - e: Systems Engineering Department Report SED RATE e: Sedimentation Rate SEDS e: Small Expendable Deployer System - e: Society for Educational Data Systems - e: Society for the Exploration and Development of Space - e: Space Electronic[s] Detection System - e: System Effectiveness Data System SED Time e: Sedimentation Time Sedtn e: Sedimentation Seduc. e: Seduction SEDUE s: Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecología SEE d: Sekundärelektronenemission - d: Serielle Empfangseinheit - e: Sabotage, Espionage and Embezzlement - e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Evaluation Exercise - e: Save Eyes Everywhere, British Council for the Prevention of Blindness - e: School of Electronic Engineering - e: Scopolamin-Eucodal-Ephetonin - e: Secondary Electron Emission - e: Secondary Emission Enhancement - e: Self-Earth Ethic - e: Self Electrooptic Effect - e: Self-Exposure Experience - e: Senior Electrical [or Electronic] Engineer - e: Signal Extraction Equipment - e: Signal[s] Experimental Establishment - e: Single Engagement Effectiveness - e: Single Events Effects - e: Small Emplacement Excavator - e: Small Evader Experiment - e: Society of Electronic Engineers - e: Society of Environmental Engineers - e: Society of Explosives Engineers - e: Software Engineering Environment - e: Solar Energy Engineering - e: Southeastern Electric Exchange - e: Special Equipment Engineering - e: Standard Error of Estimate - e: Stop-Everything Environmentalists - e: Survival, Evasion and Escape - e: System Element Evaluation - e: Systems Effectiveness Evaluation - e: Systems Efficiency Expertise] - e: Systems Equipment Engineer - f: Société des Electriciens, des Électroniciens et des Radioélectriciens - f: Société d'Études et d'Expansion - f: Société Européenne d'Engrenages SE&E e: Survival, Evasion and Escape

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SEF SEEA e: Software Error Effects Analysis - f: Service des Etudes et de l'Experimentation Agricole - f: Société Européenne d'Énergie Atomique SeeA d: Seeamt SEEACT e: Shore Electronic Engineering Activity SEEBA d: Schnellbergungseinheit Ausland SEEB[oard] e: South-Eastern Electricity Board SEEC e: Saburo Exhaust-Emission Control - e: Simulation Equipment Electronic Countermeasures - e: Single Error and Erasure Correcting - s: Sociedad Espanola de Estudios CIdsicos SEECA e: South-Eastern Electricity Commercial Association - e: State Environmental Education Coordinators Association SEECB e: Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank SEECC e: Standards for Educators of Exceptional Children in Canada SEECCIASDI e: Standing European Economic Community Committee of the International Association of the Soap and Detergent Industry SEECF f: Société d'Encouragement à l'Elévage du Cheval Français SEECOM e: Sensible, Economical, Electrical Commuter SEECTS e: Subaru Exhaust EmissionControl Thermal System SEED e: Scientists and Engineers in Economic Development - e: Self-Electrooptic Effect Device - e: Skill[s] Escalation Employment Development - e: Special Elementary Education [for the Disadvantaged] - e: Strumech Engineering Electronic Developments. - e: Supply of Essential Engineering Data - e: Summer of Experience, Exploration and Discovery SEEDCON e: Software Evaluation, Exchange and Development for Contractors SEEDS e: Shipboard Equipment Environmental Design Study - e: Society, Environment and Energy Development Studies SEEE f: Société d'Etudes et Entreprise d'Équipements - i: Società Emiliana Esercizi Elettrici SEEF e: Society of Electronics Engineers, Finland - f: Service des Études Économiques et Financières Seef. d: Seefahrer - d: Seefahrt seef. d: seefertig - d: seefest Seefax e: See Facsimile Seeflgz. d: Seeflugzeug SeeFuAnl d: Seefunkanlage SeeFuDstBw d: Seefunkdienst der Bundeswehr SeeFuO d: Seefunkordnung SeeFuSt d: Seefunkstelle SEEG d: Stereoelektroenzephalogramm - f: Société d'Énergie et d'Eau du Gabon SEEH e: Super Energy-Efficient Home Seeh. d: Seehafen - d: Seehandel SeeHKpt d: Seehauptkapitän

SEEHRL e: Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Health Research Laboratory SEEIS e: Socio-Economic-Environmental Information System SEEJ e: Slavic and East European Journal SEEK e: Search for Education, Elevation and Knowledge [program] - e: Search for Elevation and Educational Knowledge - e: Sooner Exchange for Educational Knowledge - e: State of the Environment Education Kit - e: Survival Escape and Evasion Kit - e: Systems Evaluation and Exchange of Khnowledge Seek, d: Seekarte - d: Seekunde Seekdt. d: Seekadett Seek/DvSt Nordsee d: Seekarten- und Dienstvorschriftenstelle Nordsee SEEK Program e: Search for Education, Elevation and Knowledge Program SeeKpt d: Seekapitän seekr. d: seekrank SEEL e: Singapore Electronic and Engineering, Ltd. SE Element e: Series Elastic Element SEELFS e: Surface EELFS SeelotG d: Seelotswesengesetz SEELS e: Slow EELS SEEM f: Sud-Est Electro-Mécanique S.A.R.L. Seem, d: Seemann - d: Seemine[n] - d: Seemole seem, d: seemännisch SEEMARKR d: Seemarkierer SeemG d: Seemannsgesetz SeeMi d: Seemine SeemLehrGrp d: Seemannschaftslehrgnippe See[m] O d: Seemannsordnung SEEN f: Société d'Etudes et d'Entreprises Nucléaires - f: Syndicat d'Études de l'Énergie Nucléaire SEE-NIGER f: Société d'Études et Entreprise d'Équipements au Niger SEENY e: Society of Engineers of Eastern New York SEEO e: Shore Electronic Engineering Office - f: Sauf EtTeur et Omission s.e.e.o. 1: salvis erroribus et omissis -1: salvo errore et omissions SeeOKpt d: Seeoberkapitän SEEP e: Seagoing jeep - e: Sixth Fleet Escort Evaluation Program - e: Small Enterprise Education and Promotion Network - e: Support Effectiveness Evaluation Procedures - s: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos SEEPRO e: Self Employed Professional SEEPZ e: Santa Cruz Electronics Export Processing Zone SEER e: Senior Enlisted Efficiency [or Evaluation] Report - e: Sensor Experimental Evaluation and Review - e: Steam Electric Evaluating and Recording - e: Student Exposition on Energy Resources - e: Submarine Explosive Echo Ranging - e: Supervisory Electronic Engineer - e: Surveillance, Epidemiology and EndResult [Reporting]

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K O - Saur, Munich

- e: System for Electronic Evaluation and Retrieval - e: System for Event Evaluation and Review - e: Systems Engineering, Evaluation and Research - f: Société des Electriciens, des Electroniciens et des Radioelectriciens SEERI f: Société d'Études et de Réalisation Immobilières SEER-Programm e: Surveillance, Epidemiology and End-Results-Program SEER System e: Steam Electric Evaluating and Recording System SEES e: School of Electronic Engineering Science - e: Secondary Electron Emission Sensing - e: Swedish Environment Engineering Society - e: Synchronous Excitation of Emission Spectra - f: Société d'Études et dEntreprises Sidérurgiques SeeSchlp d: Seeschlepper SeeSchStrO d: SeeschiffahrtsstraßenOrdnung SeeSK d: Seestreitkräfte SeeStrO d: Seestraßenordnung SEET f: Sociétée d'Études et d'Équipements SEETCI f: Société d'Exploitation d'Engins de Terrassement en Côte d'Ivoire se et o 1: salvo errore et omissione SEETPB f: Société d'Entreprise d'Équipement de Travaux Publics et de Bâtiments Seetr. d: Seetransport SEETRANS d: Seetransportlagemeldung SeeTrsp d: Seetransport SeeUG d: Gesetz über die Untersuchung von Seeunfällen Seevers, d: Seeversicherung Seew. d: Seewarte - d: Seewasser - d: Seewesen SEEX e: Systems Evaluation Experiment SeeZ d: Seeziel SeeZTorp d: Seezieltorpedo SeeZUJTorp d: Seeziel- und U-jagdtorpedo SeeZ-V d: Seezielvisierschießen SEF d: Schallenergiefluß - d: Scheinfeld - d: Sekundäremissionsfaktor - d: Sojabohneneiweißfaser - d: Standard-Einsatzausbildungsverband der Flotte - d: Staphylokokken-Entoroxin F - d: Ständige Einsatzgruppe der Flotte - e: Scanning Electron Fractograph - e: Self-Extinguishing Fiber - e: Shielding Effectiveness Factor - e: Shipbuilding Employers Federation - e: Shock-Excited Filter - e: Simple Environment Factor - e: Single-Engine[d] Fighter - e: Single Equivalent Formant - e: Small End First - e: Small End Forward - e: Sodium Excreting Factor - e: Software Engineering Facility - e: Solar Energy Flux - e: Sound Energy Flux - e: Southern Education Foundation - e: Space Education [and] Foundation - e: Space Environmental Facilities [or Facility] - e: Stability Enhancement Function - e: Standard External File - e: Storage Extension Frame - e: Study of Educational Facilities 331


e: Surface Effect Ship f: Société d'Ethnologie Française f: Société d'Ethonographie Française f: Société Entomologique de France f: Société Ethonographique de France f: Syndicat des Exportateurs Suisses de Fromage - r: Svenska Elversfôreningen - r: Svenska Exlibrisfôreningen S E F A d: Genossenschaft Schweizerischer Strassenemulsions-Fabrikanten - e: Scottish Educational Film Association - f: Société d'Exploitations Forestieres Africaines - f: Syndicat Européen des Fûts en Acier S E F A C f: Société d'Exploitation Forestière et Agricole du Cameroun - i: Società per Azioni Esercizio Fabbriche Automobili e Corse Ferrari S E F A R e: Sonic End Fire for Azimuth and Range S E F C A f: Société des Entrepôts Frigorifiques de la Casamance S E F C O f: Société d'Études Folkloriques de Centre-Ouest S E F D e: Solar Energy Flux Density S E F E F: Suomen Ekonomiliitto S E F E L f: Secrétariat Européen des Fabricants d'Emballages Métalliques Légers S E F E R I F f: Société d'Exploitation des Mines du Rif - f: Société d'Exploitation du Fer du Rif S E F I e: Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection - e: Service Formation Information - f: Société d'Exploitations Forestieres et Industrielles - f: Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs - f: Syndicat des Entrepreneurs Françaises Internationaux - f: Syndicat des Entreprises Françaises de Travaux Publics a Vocation Internationale S E F I C e: Seventh Fleet Intelligence Center - e: Spoken English for Industry and Commerce - f: Société d'Exploitations Forestières et Industrielles du Cameroun S E F I M f: Société d'Études Financières et Meunières S E F I P A f: Société Européenne de Financement et de Participation S E F L a m p e: Selenoidal Electrodeless Fluorescent Lamp S E F L O e: Sequence Flow S E F M e: Support Equipment Field Modification S E F N f: Société d'Exploitation Forestière du Noum S E F O R e: Southwest Experimental Facility Oxide Reactor - e: Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor S E F P A f: Société Etudes pour la Promotion Financière Activités Agro-Alimentaires S E F R e: Shielding Experimental] Facility Reactor S E F R A N f: Syndicat des Embouteilleurs de France S E F R U L E G f: Société Sénégalaise des Fruits et Légumes S E F S e: Society for Education in Film and Television - f: Société d'Exploitation des Frigorifiques Survif S E F S P e: Space Experiment and Flight Support Program


S E F T e: Single Engine Flight Training - e: Sintered Electrode Fluorescent Tube - e: Society for Education in Film and Television - e: Spin Echo Fourier Transform - f: Section d'Etudes et Fabrications des Telecommunications S E F X e: Single Engine Fighter Exterimental S E G d: Saatgut-Erzeuger-Gemeinschaft [Schleswig-Holstein] - d: Schweizeriche Entomologische Gesellschaft - d: Schweizeriche Ethnologische Gesellschaft - d: Segment - d: Sende- und Empfangsgerät - d: Sonoenzephalografiegramm - d: Systemerweiterungsgruppe - d: Verband Schweizerischer Eier- und Geflügelverwertungs-Genossenschaften - e: Screen Extras Guild - e: Sealing - e: Segmentation] - e: Segmented [mode] - e: Segments - e: Segrated - e: Segregate - e: Segregationist - e: Selective Epitaxial Growth - e: Sequence of Events Generator - e: Side Entry Goniometer - e: Simulation Event Generator - e: Sliding Electron Gun - e: Society of Economic Geologists - e: Society of Economic Geology - e: Society of Exploration Geologists - e: Society of Exploration Geophysi[ci]sts - e: Software Engineering Group - e: Solartron Electronic Group - e: Sonoencephalogram - e: Sonoencephalograph[y] - e: Special E f f e c t s ] Generator - e: Standardization Evaluation Group - e: System[s] Engineering Group - f: Sénégalaise d'Entreprise Générale - f: Société d'Exploitations Gabonaises - f: Société Européenne de Graphologie - r: Sveriges Elgrossisters Förening Seg e: Segregation seg i: segno -1: segue S e G d: Selbstschutzgesetz Seg. d: Segeln - d: Segment S E G A f: Société d'Études Gabonaises - f: Société d'Exploitation de Gravières en Afrique S E G A I P e: Self Gated In-water Photography S E G A P f: Société d'Études pour l'Exploitation des Calcaires, Gypses, Argiles et Pouzzolanes de Madagascar S E G A S e: South-Eastern Gas S E G A Z C A M f: Société d'Études pour la Mise en Valeur du Gaz Naturel Camerounaise S E G B e: South Eastern Gas Board S E G B A s: Servicios Eléctricos del Gran Buenos Aires S E G C d: Systemerweiterungsgruppe C S E G C A s: Societas Europaea Gladstoniana Celticorum cum Amicis S E G D e: Society of Environmental Graphic Designers S E G E C f: Syndicat Nationale Eau, Gas, Électricité des Cadres et Techniciens S E G E C A M f: Entreprise Générale d'Électricité Camerounaise © K • G • Saur, München

S E G E N I f: Société Générale Sénégalaise pour le Négoce et l'Industrie S/E-Gerät d: Sende-/Empfangsgerat S E G E S A f: Société d'Études Géographiques, Économiques et Sociologiques Appliquées - s: Seguros Générales S.A. S E G G Y e: Secobarbital Sedative S E G I f: Société Exploitation de Granit Ivoirien S E G I T f: Syndicat des Éditeurs, Grossistes et Importateurs de Tapis S E G J e: Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan S E G L e: Segmental Segl.A. e: Segmental Arch S E G M e: Segmentai] - e: Segmented Segm. d: Segmentkernige Leukozyten S E G M N T e: Segment S E G M O S e: Service Goods Movement System S E G O A f: Société Sénégalaise d'Oxygène et d'Acetylène S E G O R f: Société d'Études de Gestion et d'Organisation S E G P e: Station Earth Ground Point S e g r i: Segretario S E G R A M f: Société Équatoriale de Grands Magasins S E G R A N I f: Société d'Étude pour la Création d'une Usine de Graines au Niger S E G S e: Segmented neutrophils - e: Segments - e: Selective Glide Slope - e: Solar Energy Generating System S E G S Y S d: Segmentiersystem - e: Segmentation System S E G T A B e: Segment Table S E G W A d: System der Elektronisch Gesteuerten und geregelten Warenbewegung S E G y G s: Sociedad Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia S E H e: Shuttle Electronic Hardware - e: Solar Equivalent Hours - e: St. Elizabeth Hospital - e: Standard Electric Hellas - f: Société Européenne d'Hématologie - s: Sociedad Espanola de Horticultura - s: Societas Europaea Herpetologica S E H A e: Specific Emotional Hazards of Adulthood S E H C e: Specific Emotional Hazards of Childhood seheepv n: scheepvaart S E H F e: Spin Extended Hartree-Fock S E H F D d: Stiftung für Europäische Hochschul- und Forschungsdokumentation S e h k r . d: Sehkraft S E H M F e: South of England Hat Manufacturers Federation S E H O M A f: Société de Conseil et d'Expansion Commerciale HollandoMalienne S E I d: Sächsisches Esperanto-Institut S E I e: Safety Equipment Institute - e: Salford Electrical Instruments - e: Scientific Engineering Institute - e: Secondary Electron Image [or Imaging] - e: Self-Employment Income - e: Sleep Efficiency Index - e: Society for Environmental Improvement - e: Society of Engineering Illustrators - e: Society for Environmental Improvement - e: Space Exploration Initiative [Program]

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und T e c h n i k


e: Special Engineering Investigation e: Special Experience Identifier e: Statistical Engineering Institute e: Stockpile Entry Inspection e: Stray Energy Indicator e: System Equipment Inventory f: Service d'Expérimentation et d'Information - f: Société Générale d'Entreprises Immobilières et de Investissements - f: Société Sénégalaise d'Entreprises Industrielles - f: Syndicat de l'Emballage Industriel - F: Suomen Elektriska Inspektoratet - i: Società Editrice Internazionale - i: Società Esplosivi Industriali S.p.A - p: Societas Ergophtalmologica Internationalis - s: Secretaria Especial de Informatica - s: Sistemas E Instrumentación SE[&]I e: Systems Engineering and Integration SEIA e: Security Equipment Industry Assoviation - e: Solar Energy Industries Association - e: Solar Energy Institute of America - f: Société Equipement pour Industrie et Agriculture S E I A C e: Science Education Information Analysis Center SEIB f: Société d'Electricité Industrielle et Bâtiments - f: Société Électrique et Industrielle du Baol S E I C e: Solar Energy Information Center - e: State Economics Information Centre - e: System Effectiveness Information Center [or Central] - f: Société d'Etudes et d'Informations Charbonnières - f: Société Électrique et Industrielle de la Casamance S E I C A J A f: Société d'Exploitation Industrielle et Commerciale Afro-Japonaise S E I C I f: Société d'Exportation et d'Importation de la Côte-d'Ivoire S E I D f: Systeme d'Ecartometrie Infra-Rouge S E I E e: Submarine Escape Immersion Equipment - f: Société d'Études de l'Industrie de l'Engrenage S E I F p: Secretaria de Estado da Informaçâo e Turismo - r: Svenska Elektroingejors-föreningen S E I F A i: Società Esportazione Importazione Fertilizanti Azotati SEIFSA e: Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa Seign. R e p . e: Lower Canada Seigniorial Reports S E I L e: Science Experiments Integration Laboratories SeilfVO d: Seilfahrtverordnung S E I M s: Sociedad Española de Informática Médica S E I M A D f: Société d'Équipement Immobilier de Madagascar S E I M P f: Service Européen Information Ministérielle Parlementaire SEIN d: Satz Einführung - f: Société d'Électronique Industrielle et Nucléaire - f: Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale SEINA f: Société Européenne d'Instruments Numériques et Analogiques SEINA[M] e: Solar Energy Institute of North America

S - E Interface e: Semiconductor-Electrolyte Interface S E I O p: Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa - s: Sociedad Española de Investigación Operativa, Estadística e Informática S E I P e: Smelter Environmental Improvement Project - e: Space Exploration Initiative Program - e: Strategy for Exploration of the Inner Planets - e: System[s] Engineering Implementation Plan Seipa d: Seitenparallaxe S E I R f: Société Sénégalaise d'Énergie et d'Irrigation S E I R S e: Suppliers and Equipment Information Retrieval System SEIS d: Simulator für EchtzeitInformationssysteme - e: Seismograph [y] - e: Seismologïy] - e: Submarine Emergency Identification Signal - e: Submarine Escape Immersion Suit SEISA e: South Eastern Intercollegiate Sailing Association Seiscom e: Seismic Computing [Corporation] Seiscor e: Seismograph Service Corporation S E I S M e: Seismologic[al] - e: Seismology S E I S M O e: Seismograph[er] - e: Seismographic[al][Iy] - e: Seismologist S E I S M O f L ] e: Seismology S E I T e: Satellite Educational and Informational Television - e: Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence - e: Supervisory Electronic Installation Technician - e: System Engineering Integration and Test - i: Sensoristica Italiana SpA SEITA f: Service de l'Exploitation Industrielle des Tabacs et des Allumettes Seit.-Abw. d: Seitenabweichung seitw. d: seitwärts SEIU e: Service Employees International Union S E J e: Sliding Expansion Joint - e: Southern Economic Journal S E J E F f: Société d'Études Juridiques Économiques et Fiscales S E K d: Schweizerische Exportkaderverband - d: Schweizerisches Elektrotechnisches Komitee - d: Sektion Experimentelle Krebsforschung - d: Sekunde - d: Sondereinsatzkommando - d: Spezialeinsatzkommando - d: Systementwicklungskonzeption - e: Standard Electric Kirk - e: Swedish Krona - r: Svenska Elektriska Kommissionen Sek. d: Sekante - d: Sekretär - d: Sekunda[ner] - d: Sekundant - d: Sekunde[n] sek. d: sekundär S E K A M O S d: Sendeabwicklung mit Kassettenmodulationsspeicher S E K A P L A S e: Association of Greek Plastic Boat Manufacturers Se.KgI.H. d: Seine Königliche Hoheit Se.K.H. d: Seine Kaiserliche Hoheit

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

® K • G • Saur, Munich

Sekr. d: Sekretariat - d: Sekretärin] - d: Sekretion S E K S d: Verband schweizerischer Schmelzkäseindustrie S E K T d: Sektorenadressiert Sekt, d: Sektion - d: Sektorfen] S E - K u p f e r d: Sauerstoffreies Elektrolytkupfer S E K V d: Schweizerische EinkäuferVereinigung S E L d: Schneller Einsteller für Leitungssätze - d: Schreibmaschine, elektrisch, mit Lochstreifenstanzer - d: Selektor - d: Sicherungselement - d: Sonderentladungslampe - d: Stahl- und Eisenliste - d: Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG - d: Summeneinflußlinie - e: Safety Engineering Laboratory - e: Saudi Europe Line - e: Scatter Extent List - e: Scouts Esperanto League - e: Selected] - e: Selection] - e: Selective - e: Selectivity - e: Selector - e: Sensitized-Erythrocyte-Lysis - e: Seoul, Korea - e: Signal Engineering Laboratories - e: Single-Engine Land - e: Socio-Economic Level - e: Sound Exposure Level - e: Southeastern Education [al] Laboratory - e: Space Environment Laboratory - e: Spontaneously Emitted Light - e: Standard Electronics Laboratory - e: Stanford Electronic[s] Laboratories [or Laboratory] - e: Structural Engineering Laboratory - e: Studies in English Literature - e: Submarine Extremely Low Frequency - e: Support Equipment List - e: Surface Emitting Laser - e: Synthesis Equivalence Language - e: System[s] Engineering Laboratories [or Laboratory], Inc. - F: Suomen Elocuvatoimistojen Liitto Sel d: Selektivität - e: Selby - e: Selectivity Sel. e: Selected - e: Selection sel. d: selig S E L A e: Latin American Economic System - e: Southeastern Library Association - f: Système Economique Latino-Américain - s: Sistema Econömica Latino Americana S E L A C e: Science Education Information Analysis Center S E L ADR e: Selective Address S E L A F f: Société d'Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France - f: Société pour l'Études des Langues Africains S E L A K d: Stromversorgung Elektrisch Angetriebener Kraftfahrzeuge GmbH S E L A m d: Solarelektrisches Antriebsmodul S E L A P d: Sendelaufplan Sei. App. Beng. e: Selected Appeals, Sudder Dewanny Adawlut SELAS e: Sortiments-Erfolgs-AnalyseSystem


SELAVIP S E L A V I P s: Servicio Latinoamericano y Asiático de Vivenda Popular selbst, d: selbständig Selbstf. d: Selbstfahrer selbstv[erst]. d: selbstverständlich SELBUS e: Systems Engineering Laboratories data Bus S E L C d: Schweizerischer Ex Libris Club - e: South Eastern Louisiana College S E L C A L [System] e: Selective Calling [System] Sel. Cas. e: Select Cases Central Provinces Sel. Cas. Ch. e: Select Cases in Chancery Sel. Cas. D.A. e: Select Cases Sadr Diwani Adalat Sel. Cas. Ev. e: Select Cases in Evidence Sel. Cas. N.F. e: Select Cases, Newfoundland Sel. Cas. N.W.P. e: Select Cases, Northwest Provinces Sel. Cas. S.D.A. e: Select Cases Sadr Diwani Adalat Sel. Cas. with Opin. e: Select Cases with Opinions, by a Solicitor S E L C H e: Selector Channel S E L C I R Program e: Systems Engineering Laboratory Circuit-drawing Program SEL[-]CL e: Self-Closing Sel. Col. Cas. e: Select Collection of Cases Sei. C o m . e: Select Committee S E L C O S e: Selective oxide-Coating of Silicon gate S E L C T L e: Select Tool Seid e: Selected S E L D A M e: Selective Data Management S E L D A M S[ystem] e: Selective Data Management System Sel. Dec. Bomb, e: Select Cases Sadr Diwani Adalat, Bombay Sel. Dec. Madr. e: Select Decrees, Sadr Adalat, Madras Seid. J.P. e: Seiden, Judicature in Parliaments Seid. Mare Cl[aus]. e: Seldens Mare Clausum S E L D O M e: Selected [or Selective] Dissemination of MARC [Machine Readable Catalogue] [or Cataloguing]] Seid. R. e: Seiden Court of Appeals Reports Seid. Soc. e: Seiden Society Seid. Soc. Yrbk. e: Seiden Society Yearbook Seid. Tit. Hon. e: Seidens Titles of Honor S E L E A C e: Standard Elementary Abstract Computer S E L E C f: Société d'Étude des Électrocompresseurs SElec e: Society of Electroscience S E L E C T e: Search, Extract, List Edit, Count and Total - e: Selectivity S E L E C T A VISION e: Selected Television Video Disc [or Disk] System S E L E M O e: Selective Level Meter and Oscillator S E L E N e: Selenography - e: Selenology S E L E X e: Selective Spin-Exchange S E L F e: Hill, Shepard's Florida Legal Filing Directory - e: Self-Eject Launch Facility - f: Société d'Ergonomie de Langue française - f: Syndicat des Écrivains de Langue Française S E L F C A L e: Self-Calibrating S E L F C L e: Self-Closing

S E L F I C e: Self-Featuring Information Compression S E L F O C d: Selbst-Focusierend - e: Self Focusing [Optical] - e: Sheet Electric Light Focusing S E L F [ - ] P R O P e: Self-Propelled S E L G e: Selecting S E L I f: Société Equipement Laitier et Industriel S E L I N i: Società per l'Elettrotecnica Industriale e Navala S.p.A. SELit e: Studies in English Literature (journ.) Selk e: Selkirk Selkirks e: Selkirk Mountains S E L L e: Sales Environment Learning Laboratory - e: Siemens Electric Limited Sel. L . Cas. e: Select Law Cases S E L M A e: Systems Engineering Laboratorys Markovian Analyzer S E L N e: Selection S E L Nachrichten d: Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG Nachrichten (journ.) S E L N E C e: South-East Lancashire North-East Cheshire S E L N I i: Società Elettronucleare Italiana Sel. N.P. e: Selwyns Law of Nisi Prius S E l o K a H e: System Elektronische Kampfführung Heer S E L O R H d: System Elektronische Kampfführung Heer S/ELPS e: Spanish/English Language Performance Screening S E L R e: Saturn Engineering Liaison Request - e: Selector S E L R E C T e: Selenium Rectifier S E L R[E]G[TR] e: Select Register S E L R I P e: Selected Release Improvement Program SELS e: Selective Service - e: Self-Synchronizing - e: Self-Synchronous - e: Selsyn - e: Severe Local Storm SELSA e: Southeastern London Subarea - s: Servicio de Luchas Sanitarias Sel. Serv. L . R[e]p[tr]. e: Selective Service Law Reporter SELSYN e: Self-Synchronizing [Machine] - e: Self-Synchronous SELSYN transmission e: Self Synchronous transmission S E L T e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Evaluation Library Tape - e: Self-Eject Launch Technique - e: Sheet Explosive Loading Technique S E L T A e: Swedish-English Literary Translators Association S E L T E P e: South East London Traffic and Environmental Problems SEL Timber e: Seleng [sapium baccatum] Timber SELV e: Safety Extra Low Voltage - e: Selective - e: Small Expandable Launch Vehicle - f: Société Eurafricaine de Location de Voitures Selvagens e: Seivagen Islands Selw e: Selwyn College, Cambridge - e: Selwyn College, Oxford Selw. N.P. e: Selwyn Law of Nisi Prius S Ely e: South-Easterly


© K • G • Saur, München

S E M d: Sanitarische Eintrittsmusterung - d: Schweizerischer Engros-Möbelfabrikantenverband - d: Sende[r]/Empfänger, Mobil - d: Speichereingabemeldung - d: Stochastisch-Ergodische Meßelektronik - d: Stochastisch-Ergodische Meßtechnik - e: Sample Evaluation Method - e: Satellite-to-Earth Missile - e: Scanning Electron Micrograph[s] - e: Scanning Electron Microscope - e: Scanning Electron Microscopy - e: Secondary Electron Microscopy - e: Secondary Electron Multiplier - e: Secondary Emission Material - e: Secondary Emission Monitor - e: Secretariat for European Medicine - e: Semaphore - e: Semi[-Enriched Minimal] - e: Semicolon - e: Semiconductor Electronic Memories - e: Seminary - e: Sequence of Events Monitor - e: Silicon Electron Multiplication - e: Silylethoxymethyl - e: Simple Electronic Multiplier - e: Singularity Expansion Method - e: Slow Eye Movements] - e: Society for Ethno-Musicology - e: Society for Experimental Mechanics - e: Solar Equipment Manufacturers - e: Space-Environment[al] Monitor[ing] - e: Standard Electronic Module[s] - e: Standard Error of [the] Mean[s] - e: Standard Estimating Module - e: Station Engineering Manual - e: Stereoscan Electron Microscope - e: Stray Energy Monitor - e: Subarray Electronics Module - e: Superimposed Encoding Method - e: System Effectiveness Measure - e: System Effectiveness Model - e: System Extension Module - e: System[s] Engineering Management - e: Systolic Ejection Murmur - f: Société d'Électricité et de Mécanique - f: Société Européenne des Mycobactériologistes - f: Syndicat des Établissements Multiplicateurs de Semences Fourragères Sélectionnées - s: Sociedad Espagniola de Motores S.A - s: Sociedad Espanola de Microbiologia Sem e: Semarang - e: Semitic Sem. d: Semantik - d: Semasiologie - d: Semester - d: Seminar - d: Seminaristen] - d: Semiologie - d: Semiotik - e: Semaphore - e: Semicolon - e: Semitic sem. d: semantisch - d: semasiologisch - d: semestral - e: semi[s] - e: seminal -1: semen -1: semper S.Em, d: Seine Eminenz Se.M. d: Seine Majestät

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SEMTA SEMA e: Greek Midwives Association - e: Semaphore - e: Soviet Economic Military Analysis - e: Special Electronic Mission Aircraft - e: Speciality Equipment Manufacturers Association - e: Speciality Equipment Market Association - e: Spray Equipment Manufacturers Association - e: Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association - f: Société d'Economie et de Mathématiques Appliquées - f: Société d'Équipement de Matériel Aéronautique - f: Société d'Etudes de Mathématiques Appliquées - f: Société Equipement du Mali - s: Secretaria Especial do Meio Ambiente SEMAA e: Safety Equipment Manufacturers Agents Association S E M A B L E f: Secteur de Modernisation d'Agriculture, Ble S E M A C e: Supplier Evaluation Measurement and Control S E M A K f: Société d'Ebenisteie Menuiserie de l'Ancien Koumassi SEMAL p: Sociedade de Empreendimentos Agrícolas Ltda. SEMAN e: Semantics] S E M A P R O C f: Société Sénégalo-Malienne d'Import-Export des Produits du Cru S E M A R P f: Société d'Étude du Marché du Plateau S E M A T E C H [Institute] e: Semiconductor Manufactoring Technology [Institute] SEMATSEN f: Société d'Équipement et de Matériels du Sénégal SEMBACHI i: Associazione Italiana Produttori Seme Bachi S E M B E G S e: Simply Extended and Modified Batch Environmental Graphical System S E M B R A T e: Single Echelon Multi-Base Resource Allocation Technique SEMCA e: Shipboard Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis - f: Secteur de Modernisation Agricole pour le Developpemet des Cultures d'Altitude S E M C A P e: Specification for Electromagnetic Capability Analysis Programfme] S E M C E N T R E f: Secteur Experimental de Modernisation Agricole du Centre Cameroun SEM-C1 e: 2-[Trimethylsilyl]ethoxymethyl Chloride S E M C M A f: Société Malienne d'Études et de Construction de Matériel Agricole S E - M C M C e: Surface Effect Mine Countermeasures Catamaran S E M C O R e: Semantic Correlation S E M D e: Stray Energy Monitor Device SEMDA e: Surveying Equipment Manufacturers and Dealers Association S E M E e: School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering - f: Société Belge de Microseopie Electronique - s: Sociedad Española de Microscopía Electrónica SE/ME e: Single Entry/Multiple Exit SEM[/]ED[A]X e: SEM [Scanning Electron Microscopy][/]Energy Dispersive Analysis X-ray

SEMEIA s: Sociedade de Expensao, Melhoramentos e Investimentos Agrícolas S E M F f: Servicio para la Exportación de Material Ferroviario SEMFA e: Scottish Electrical Manufacturers and Factor[ie]s Association SEMFIN e: Semi-Finished S E M G e: Spring Makers Export Group S E M H e: Service Engineering Man-Hours SEMI e: Self-Evacuating Multilayer Insulation - e: Semicolon - e: Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute, Inc. - e: Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International - e: Special Electromagnetic Interference - f: Société d'Ébénisterie et de Menuiserie Ivoirienne - f: Société des Eaux Minérales Ivoiriennes Semi- e: Semi-detached house semi 1: semilunar Semi, e: Semicolon S E M I A M e: Semiconductor Laser Amplifier SEMIAUT e: Semi-Automatic SEMICAP e: Semiconductor Capacitor S E M I C O L e: Semicolon S E M I C O N e: Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute Conference SEMICON[D] e: Semiconductor semidr. 1: semidrachma SEMIDUR e: Semiduration Semi-EV e: Semi-Efficient Vulcanization SEMIFIN e: Semifinished] Seminars Hematol. e: Seminars in Hematology (joum.) Seminars Roentgenol, e: Seminars in Roentgenology (joum.) Seminex e: Seminary in Exile Semin. Math, e: Seminars in Mathematics (journ.) Semin. Nucl. Med. e: Seminars in Nuclear Medicine (journ.) S E M I O T e: Semiotic[al][ly] - e: Semiotician[s] - e: Semiotics S E M I P R O e: Semiprofessional[ly] SEMIRAD e: Secondary-Electron Mixed Radiation Dosimeter SEMI[-]ROX e: Semi-Recessed Oxide SEMIS e: Semifinished - e: Semitrailers - e: State Extension Management Information System - f: Société Européenne de Mini Informatique et des Systèmes SEMI System e: Self-Evacuating Multilayer Insulation System SEMIVENCA s: Semillera Venezelona C.A. S E M K O d: Schwedische elektrotechnische Sicherheitsnorm - r: Svenska Elektriska Materielkontrollanstalten SEM1A f: Société Equipement de Materiel Industriel et Agricole S E M L A M e: Semiconductor Laser Amplifier S E M L A T e: Semiconductor Laser Array Technique[s] S E M L H f: Société d'Entraide des Membres de la Légion d'Honneur SEMIRAD e: Secondary Electron-Mixed Radiation Dosimeter

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

® K • G • Saur, Munich

S E M M e: Scanning Electron Mirror Microscope - f: Société Européenne de Matériels Mobiles S E M M S e: Solar Electric Multi-Mission Spacecraft S E M O e: System[s] Engineering [and] Management Operations] - e: Systems Engineering Management Organization - f: Société Belgo-Française d'Énergie Nucléaire Mosane S E M O P S e: Sequential Multiobjective Problem Solving Semp. d: Semperit Reifen AG S E M P e: Self-Erecting Marine Platform - e: Simplified Early Maturities Participation Plan - e: Socio-Economic Military Program - e: Standard Electronic Modules Program[me] - e: Superconduction Electromagnetic Propulsion - e: Switched Electro Magnetic Pulse - e: System Engineering Management Procedures - e: System[s] Engineering Management Plan semp i: sempre SEMPA e: Scanning Electron Microscope and Particle Analyzer - e: Scanning Electron Microscopy for/with Polarization Analysis - f: Syndicat des Entrepreneurs de Manutention du Port d'Abidjan S E M P E e: Socio-Economic Model of the Planet Earth Semper Fi 1: Semper Fidelis S E M P F I e: Sequential Electronic Multi Port Fuel Injection SEMPISA f: Société Sénégalaise pour les Entreprises Maritimeset la Pêche Industrielle S E M P Plan e: Simplified Early Maturities Participation Plan SEMR e: Standard Electronic Module Radar SEMRAD f: Syndicat des Industries de l'Éctronique[s] Médicale et de la Radiologie S E M R E e: SPRINT [Solid-Propellant Rocket Intercept [missile]] Electromagnetic Radiation E SEMRY f: Société d'Expansion et de Modernisation de la Riziculture de Yagoua SEMS e: Screw and Washer Assemblies - e: Severe Environment Memory Series - e: Severe Environment Memory System - e: Solar Environment Monitor Subsystem - e: Support Engineering Manhours System - e: System Encyclopedia Management System - e: System Engineering Management Standard - e: Systems Engineering Master Schedule - f: Société Européenne de Mini-informatique et de Systèmes - s: Sociedad Española de Mecánica del Suelo SEMs e: Space Environment Monitors - e: Standard Electronic Modules - e: Stray Energy Monitor System SEMSA f: Simulateur d'Entrainement a la Maintenance du Systeme d'Armes SEM/STEM e: Scanning Electron Microscopy/Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy S E M T e: Science, Engineering, Medicine and Technology - f: Société d'Études de Machines Thermiques SEMTA e: Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority 335

SEM Timber SEM Timber e: Semul [bombax ceiba] Timber SEMTR e: SPRINT [Solid-Propellant Rocket Intercept [missile]] Early Missile Test Radar - e: Supervisory Electronic Maintenance Technician Relief SEMVES e: Seminal Vesicle SEMXRF e: Scanning Electron Microscope X-Ray Fluorescence SEMY e: Seminary SEMZA f: Association Professionnelle Belge des Négociants Préparateurs en Semences Agricoles SEMZABEL f: Association Professionnelle Belge des Createurs et Mandataires de Cultivateurs et Négociants en Semences SEN d: Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe - e: Scanner Encoder [or Encoding] - e: Senate - e: Senator - e: Senior - e: Sense [Command] - e: Shell Extended Range NORICUM - e: Shuffle Exchange Network - e: Single Edge Notched - e: Society of European Nematologists - e: Software Error Notification - e: Southern European Network - e: State Enrolled Nurse - e: Steam Emulsion Number - e: Systems Engineering Notice - f: Société d'Electronique Nucléaire - i: Società Elettronucleare Nazionale - s: Sociedad Nuclear Española SEn d: Steuereinheiten Sen e: Sense - e: Sensor - i: Senatore sen i: seno - i: senza Sen. d: Senat[or] - d: Senior - d: Senior[en] - e: Senator - e: Senegal sen. d: senegali[si]sch - e: senior SENA f: Société d'Energie Nucléaire Franco-Belge des Ardennes - f: Société d'Etudes Numismatiques et Archéologiques - s: Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENABI e: National Scientific and Technical Library and Documentation Services SENAC p: Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial SENAI p: Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial SENALFA s: Servicio Nacional de Lucha contra la Fiebre Aftosa SENAM f: Société Sénégalaise de Navigation Maritime SENAPET s: Servicio Nacional de Programación y Evaluación Ténica SENAPI s: Servicio Nacional de Artesanías y Pequeñas Industrias SEÑASE s: Servicio Nacional de Semillas SENATI s: Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje y Trabajo Industrial SENAVAV e: Senior Naval Aviator SENAVINST e: Secretary of the Navy Instruction SENB e: Single Edge Notched Bend - e: Single End Notch Beam


S en C f: Société en Commandite - s: Sociedad en Comandita SEND e: Scientists and Engineers for National Development - e: Securities and Exchange Commission News Digest Send, d: Sender - d: Sendung SENDA f: Société Sénégalaise de Développement Agricole SendBtl d: Senderbataillon SENDET s: Servicio Nacional de Detenidos SENDG e: Sending Sen Doc e: Senate Document Send Wdg e: Sense Winding SENE s: Servicio Nacional de Empleo SENECA e: Semantic Networks for Conceptual Analysis seneg. d: senegalisch Seneg. e: Senegal [ese] Senegal e: Republic of Senegal SENEGA-LAP f: Société Sénégalaise de Diffusion d'Appareils Électriques Senegambia e: Senegal and Gambia SENEL e: Single Event Noise Exposure Level SENELEC f: Société Sénégalaise de Distribution d'Energie Electrique SENEMBAL f: Société Sénégalaise d'Emballages SENEMECA f: Société Sénégalaise de Mécanique SENE-PESCA f: Société Sénégalaise pour l'Expansion de la Pêche Côtiére, Surgélation et Conditionnement des Aliments SENE-PHARMA f: Société Pharmaceutique Sénégalaise SENET e: Slotted Envelope Network SENE-TRANS-CARS f: Société Sénégalaise de Transports par Cars SENE-TRANS-FIL f: Société Sénégalaise du Transformation du Fil de Metal S/E Network e: Shuffle/Exchange Network SENFOR s: Servicio Nacional de Formación Profesional SENG e: Sensing - e: Single Engine SenG d: Senatsgesetz SENGAZ f: Société Sénégalaise de Gaz S[-]Engine e: Starboard Engine S Eng O e: Senior Engineering Office[r] SenHSBw d: Senat der Hochschule der Bundeswehr SENI e: Society for the Encouragement of National Industry SENICOM f: La Sénégalaise Industrielle Commerciale SENICUA i: Servizio per gli Elenchi Nominativi dei Lavoratori e per i Contributi Unificati in Agricultura SENIMCO f: Société Sénégalaise Immobilière et Commerciale SENINFOR f: Société Sénégalaise de Travaux Informatiques SENIOR DENT e: Senior-citizen Dental Care SENIR s: Seminario Nacional de Irrigacao e Drenagem SENIT f: Systeme d'Exploitation Naval del'Information Tactique senkr. d: senkrecht Senkr.-St. d: Senkrechtstarter SENL e: Standard Equipment Nomenclature List SENLOG e: Sentinel Logistics SEN [M] e: State Enrolled Nurse [Mental] © K • G • Saur, München

Sen M e: Senior Master SEN [MS] e: State Enrolled Nurse [Mentally Subnormal] SENN f: Società Elettronucleare Nazionale SENNAC e: Special Educatinal NeedsNational Advisory Council S en NC f: Société et Nom Collectif Sen Obs e: Senior Observer SENPA s: Servicio Nacional de Productos Agrarios SENR e: Senior SenR d: Senatsrat Sen Rep[t] e: Senate Report Senr Tech Weld I e: Senior Technician of the Welding Institute SENS e: Sense information - e: Sensitive - e: Sensitivities [or Sensitivity] [test] S en S n: Schip en Schade (journ.) Sens e: Sensibility sens, d: sensibel - d: sensualistisch - e: sensitivity SENSCOM e: Sentinel Systems Command SENSE e: Semantic Network Storage Experiment SENSEA e: Sentinel System Evaluation Agency SenseFET e: Sensitive FET [Field-Effect Transistor] SENSEG e: Sensitive Segment SENSISTO[R] e: Semiconductor Resistor SENSIT e: Sensitivity SENSO e: Sensor Operator SENT e: Scanner-Encoder-Transmitter - e: Severe Environment Nosetip Test Sent e: Sentence Sent R: Sentyabr SENTA f: Société d'Études Nucléaire[s] et de Techniques Avancées SENTAC e: Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children SENTOKYO j: Senmon Toshokan Kyogikai SENTOL e: Sensitivity Tolerance SENTOS e: Sentinel Operating System Sen Wt O e: Senior Warrant Officer SEO d: Schiffseinsatzoffizier - e: Satellite for Earth Observation^] - e: Schwartz Electro-Optics - e: Senior Engineer Officer - e: Senior Equipment Officer - e: Senior Executive Officer - e: Senior Experimental Officer - e: Serial Engineering Order - e: Society of Education Officers - e: Squadron Engineer Officer - e: Survivability Enhancement Option - e: Synchronous Equatorial Orbiter - e: System Engineering Organization - f: Société des Études Océaniennes - f: Société Électrique de l'Our Seo. e: Seoul s.e.o. i: salvo errori ed omissioni SEOCO e: Senior Engineer Officer, Combined Operations SEOCS e: Sun-Earth Observatory and Climatology Satellite SE-ODP e: Supporting Environment for ODP SEODSE e: Special Explosive Ordnance Disposal Supplies and Equipment SEOG e: Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant SEOL F: Suomen Erikois-Optikkojen Liitto

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SEPOGA SEON e: Send Only - e: Solar Electro-Optical Network SEOO f: Sauf Erreurs ou Omissions SEOOs e: State Economic Opportunity Offices SEOP e: Secondary Operand [Pipeline] - e: Segment End Of Pulse - e: SHAPE Emergency Operating Procedures SEOPSN e: Select-Operate-Sense SEOP Unit e: Secondary Operand Unit SEOR e: Successive Extrapolated Optimized Relaxation SEORJ s: Subdivisao de Operacoes Rurais SEORL s: Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Patología Cervicofacial SEOS e: Strategic Earth Orbit System - e: Synchronous Earth Observation [or Observatory] Satellite - e: Synchronous Earth Orbiting Shuttle SEOSS e: Slewable Electro-Optical Sensor System seou s: salve error u omisión Seoul L.J. e: Seoul Law Journal SEP d: Saure Erythrozytenphosphatase - d: Separation - d: September - d: Softwareentwicklungsplatz - d: Sonderenergieprogramm - d: Standardeinbauplatz - e: Polysiloxan Treated EPDM - e: Salmonid Enhancement Program - e: Scientific and Engineering Personnel - e: Search Effectiveness Probability - e: Selective Employment Payments - e: Selective Employment Plan - e: Self Elevating Platform - e: Self-Employment Plan - e: Separate Element Pricing - e: Separating [character] - e: Separation Parameter - e: Separator - e: Serial Entry Printer - e: Set End-Point - e: Simplified Employee Pension - e: Simulator Event Processor - e: Slug Ejector Punch - e: Society of Engineering Psychologists - e: Society of Experimental Psychologists - e: Solar Electric Power - e: Solar Electric Propulsion - e: Solar Energy Program - e: Somatic [or Somatosensory] Evoked Potentials] - e: Sonar Evaluation Program - e: Sonar Evolution Program - e: Source Evaluation Panel - e: Southern Education Program - e: Space Electronical Package - e: Specific Excess Power - e: Spherical Error Probability [or Probable] - e: Standard Electric PuhelinteoIIisius - e: Standard Electronic[s] Package - e: Standard Engineering Practice - e: Standard Error of Performance - e: Standard Exchange Protocol - e: Star Epitaxial Planar - e: Strain Energized Powder - e: Strain Energizing Process - e: Student Expense Program - e: Supervisor Executive Program - e: Surface Electrical Property - e: Surface Experiments] - e: Surrendered Enemy Personnel - e: Symbolic Equations Program[me] - e: System Engineering Plan - e: System Engineering Process

- e: Systematic Evaluation Program[me] - e: Systems Effectiveness Plan - e: Systems Engineering Process - f: Sclérose en Plaques - f: Service d'Électronique Physique - f: Société des Ecoles Polytechniques - f: Société Équatoriale Pharmaceutique - f: Société Européenne de Planification à Long Terme - f: Société Européenne de Pneumologie - f: Société Européenne de Propulsion - P: Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich - s: Secretaria de Educación Pública - s: Sociedad Entomológica del Perú - s: Sociedad Española de Psicoanálisis Sep e: September sep e: separate - e: separation Sep. e: Separation sep. d: separat -1: separatum SEPA e: Science Education Programme for Africa - e: Southeast Pacific Area - e: Southeastern Power Administration [or Association] - e: State Elementary Principals Association - f: Société d'Editions et de Publications Agricoles - f: Société Européenne de Paramétrologie - i: Societa di Elettronica per l'Automazione S.p. A - s: Servico de Execucao de Programa e Projeto Agropecuário SEPAB e: Section on Experimental Psychology and Animal Behaviour - s: Servico de Estudos e Planejamentos Agronómicos e Biológicos SEPAC e: Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center - e: Space Experiments with Particle Accelerators - f: Système d'Evolution Progressive et Automatisée des Connaissances SEPACA f: Société de documentation, de gestion et de développement des Equipements et Piècee d'Automobiles, de Cycles et d'Aviation SEPADS e: Sonar Environmental Prediction and Display System SEPAIC f: Société Edition et de Publicité Agricoles, Industrielles et Commerciales SEPAK e: Suspension of Expendable Penetration Aids by Kite SEPAM f: Société d'Exploitation des Produits Animaux du Mali SEPAMA f: Société d'Exploitation des Produits d'Arachides du Mali SEPANI f: Société d'Exploitation des Produits d'Arachiees du Niger separ. e: separately -1: separatum SEPARC f: Société d'Études pour la Promotion de l'Architecture et des Oeuvres d'Oscar Niemeyer SEPAS s: Servicio Evangélico Peruano de Associación Social SePAT d: System ergonomischer Pohlschröter-Arbeitsplatztechnik SEPB e: Southern Europe Ports and Beaches SEPBA f: Société d'Exploitation du Parc à Bois d'Abidjan SEPBC f: Société d'Exploitation des Parcs á Bois du Cameroun SEPBOP e: South-Eastern Pacific Biological Océanographie Program

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

® K • G • Saur, Munich

SEPC e: Space Exploration Program Council - f: Société d'Exploitation de Produits de Côte-d'Ivoire SEPCAE f: Société d'Engrais et Produits Chimiques d'Afrique Equatoriale SEPCEM f: Société d'Étude pour la Promotion de la Culture et l'Exploitation du Maïs au Cameroun SEPCEN e: Separation Center SEPCM f: Société d'Engrais et de Produits Chimiques de Madagascar SEPCO e: Services Electronic Parts Co-ordinating Committee SEPCR 1: Societas Europaea Physiologiae Clinicae Respiratoriae SEPD e: Scottish Economic Planning Department - e: Separated - e: State Emergency Planning Director - s: Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva sepd. e: separated SEPE e: Seattle Port of Embarkation - e: Single Escape Peak Efficiency - f: Secretariat pour l'Étude des Problèmes de l'Eau SEPECAT f: Société Européenne de Production de l'Avion École de Combat et d'Appui Tactique SEPEL e: Southeastern Plant Environment Laboratories SEPEMIAG f: Société d'Etudes pour l'Equipement Minier, Industriel et Agricole du Gabon SEPERI f: Société Européenne pour l'Étude des Relations Internationales SEPESC s: Servico de Extensao da Pesca de Santa Catarina SEPFA f: Société d'Études pour la Promotion Financière d'Activités Agro-Alimentaires SEPG e: Separating SEPGA e: Southeastern Pecan Growers Association SEPHAR f: Section Internationale de Pharmacologie de l'Union International de Sciences Physiologiques SEPI e: Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. SEPIA f: Société d'Études de Protection des Installations Atomiques - f: Société d'Études et de Production Industrielle en Afrique SEPL d: Südeuropäische Pipeline - e: South European Pipe Line [Company] SEPLA f: Société d'Exploitation des Plantes Médicinales et Tropicales - s: Seminario Permanente Latinoamérica - s: Sindicato Español de Pilotos de Lineas Aereas SEPLA-CODI s: Secretaría de Planeamiento, Coordinación y Difusión SEPLIS f: Secrétariat Européen des Professions Liberales, Indépendantes et Sociales SEPM e: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists - e: Software Engineering Project Management Sepmag e: Separate Magnetic Sepn e: Separation SEPO e: Space Electric Power Office SEPOD e: Submersible Electric Prototype Ocean Dredge SEPOGA f: Société d'Exploitation des Produits Oléagineux du Gabon


SEPOL SEPOL e: Settlement Problem-Oriented Language - e: Soil Engineering Problem-Oriented Language SE-Polyoma-Virus e: Stewart-/EddyPolyomavirus SEPOM f: Société d'Exploitation des Produits Oléagineux du Mali SEPOPT e: Separate Optical SEPOR f: Service des Programmes des Organismes de Recherche SEPORT e: Supply and Equipment Report SEPOS e: Selected Enlisted Personnel for Overseas Service SEPOX e: Selective Polysilicon Oxidation SEPP e: Satellite Experiment Plot Package - e: Simplified Employee Pension Plan - e: Single-Ended Push-Pull [circuit] - e: Software Exchange Pilot Project - e: Southeastern Power Pool - e: Symposium on Electrometallurgical Plant Practice - f: Société d'Entreposage de Produits Pétroliers - f: Société d'Etude de la Prévision et de la Planification SEPR e: Separation - e: Separator - f: Société d'Etude de la Propulsion par Réaction SEPRA e: Scottish Egg Producer Retailer Association SEPROCI f: Société d'Études et de Promotion de Côte-d'Ivoire SEPROR/AM s: Secretaria de Producao Rural do Estado do Amazonas SEPROS e: Separation Processing SEPS e: Secondary Electric Power System - e: Service Environment Power - e: Service-module Electrical Power System - e: Severe Environment Power System - e: Smithsonian Earth Physics Satellite - e: Solar Electric-Propelled Spacecraft - e: Solar Electric Propulsion Stage - e: Solar Electric Propulsion System - e: Superconducting Electric Propulsion Systems - e: System/Equipment Population Summary - e: System Service-Module Electrical Power System - i: Società Europea di Psicología délia Scrittura SEPs e: Simplified Employee's Pensions SEPSA e: Society of Educational Programmers and Systems Analysts Sep. Sci. e: Separation Science (journ.) SEPSIT e: Solar Electric Propulsion Integration Technology SEPST e: Solar Electric Propulsion System Technology SEPT e: September - e: Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor - f: Société d'Etude de Psychodrame Pratique et Thérapeutique - s: Serviço de Estatistica de Previdencia e Trabalho Sept. d: September -1: Septuaginta sept, d: septisch - e: separate -1: septem SEPTA e: Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority septd e: separated SEPTEL e: Separate Telegram septen e: septentrionale


SEPTG e: Separating septi 1: sépticos Septober e: September and October Septr e: Separator SEPTUPL e: Septuplícate] SEPV e: System Element Parameter Values SEQ d: Sensorische und Ernährungsphysiologische Qualität - e: Scientific Equipment - e: Secondary Emission Quantameter - e: Sequential - e: Southeast Quadrant - e: Standing Group on Emergency Questions Seq e: Sequence - e: Sequencer - e: Sequencing Seq. d: Sequenz[en] - d: Sequester - d: Sequestration seq. 1: sequens -1: sequente -1: sequitur SEQA s: Sociedad Española de Químicos Analítica SEQC s: Sociedad Española de Química Clínica - s: Sociedad Española de Químicos Cosméticos SEQ CH[K] e: Sequence Check SEQCT e: Single Energy Quantitative Computertomography SEQ-IC e: Sequencer-Iteration Control SEQL e: Sequential seq. luce 1: sequenti luce SEQNO e: Sequence Number Seq NP e: Sequoia National Park seqq. 1: sequentia SEQR e: Sequencer SEQT e: System Environmental Qualification Test sequ. s: sequela S Equ Cur e: South Equatorial Current SEQUEL e: Structured English Query Language Seques, e: Sequestration SEQUIN e: Sequential Quadrature Inband SEQUIN System e: Sequential Quadrature Inband System SEQUIP e: Study of Environmental Quality Information Program[me]s SEQUIPAG f: Société Etudes et Equipements Agricoles et Agroalimentaires SEQUL e: Sequential Sequoia e: Sequoia National Park SEQUR e: Safety Equipment Requirements SER d: Serie[n] - d: Serin - d: System elektronische Rechentechnik - e: Safety Evaluation Report - e: Safety Exploration Report - e: Sandia Engineering Reactor - e: Satellite Equipment Room - e: Secondary Emission Ratio - e: Selective Early Retirement - e: Selective Electron Reflection - e: Sequential Events Recorder - e: Serial - e: Serine - e: Service, Employment, Redevelopment - e: Seychelles Rupee - e: Significant Event Report - e: Single Electron Response - e: Single-Ended Radiant Tube - e: Slip-Energy Recovery - e: Smooth Endoplasm[at]ic Reticulum

© K • G • Saur, München

- e: SNAP [Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power] Experimental Reactor - e: Society for Educational Reconstruction - e: Society for Epidemiological Research - e: Soft Error Rate - e: Soil Erosion Service - e: Somatosensory Evoked Response - e: Source Evaluation Board - e: South Eastern Railway [of India] - e: Standard Error - e: State of Emergency Regulation - e: Student Eligibility Report - e: Successive Extrapolated Relaxation - e: Surface Electrical Resistivity - e: Surface-Enhanced Raman - e: Surfaced Endoplasmic Reticulum - e: Symbol Error Rate - e: System Environment Recording - e: System Error Recovery - e: Systolic Ejection Rate - f: Service d'Économie Rurale - f: Société Européenne de Radiologie - n: Sociaal Economische Raad - r: Svenska Elektroingenjôrers Riksforening - r: Sveriges Schaktentreprenôrers Riksforbund - s: Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión - s: Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación Ser e: Series - e: Serin[e] - e: Service - e: Seryl - s: Serranía ser f: série Ser. d: Serie[n] - d: Serin - e: Serin ser. e: serial[s] - e: series Sera e: Seraphim SERA e: Services, Education, Rehabilitation for Addiction - e: Simplified Electronic Tracking - e: Socialist Environment and Resources Association - f: Session Européenne des Responsables d'Armament - f: Société d'Études et de Réalisation Agricoles Ser Add e: Serial Add SERADIS f: Société Sénégalaise de Représentation, d'Approvisionnement et de Distribution SERAI f: Société d'Applications pour l'Industrie - f: Société d'Etudes de Recherches et d'Applications pour l'Industrie SERAM f: Service d'Études et de Recherches Antimalariennes SERAN d: Schwachstellen-Erkennungs- und Auswerteverfahren SERANDA e: Service Ration and Accounts SERAO f: Société de Réalisations en Afrique de l'Ouest SERAP f: Société Etudes et de Realisations Agricoles et Industrielles des Plastiques SERAPE e: Simulator Equipment Requirements for Accelerating Procedural Evolution SERAS f: Société d'Exploitation des Ressources Animales du Sénégal SERAT f: Société d'Études de Réalisations et d'Applications Techniques SERAV d: Schwachstellen-Erkennungs- und Auswerteverfahren

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SER SECT SERB e: Selective Early Retiremsnt Board - e: Study of [the] Enhanced Radiation Belt - f: Société Européenne de Radiobiologie - f: Soicété d'Études et de Recherches Biologiques Serb, e: Serbia[n] serb. d: serbisch Ser.-B. d: Serienbau Serb-Croat e: Serbo-Croatian SERC e: Science and Engineering Research Council - e: Solar Energy Research Center - e: Southeastern Electric Reliability Council - e: Structural Engineering Research Centre - f: Service d'Étude et de Recherches de la Circulation Routière SERCA f: Société d'Exploitation de la République Centrafricaine SERCE f: Syndicat des Entrepreneurs de Réseaux de Centrales et et d'Équipement Industriel Électriques SERCEL f: Société d'Exploitation et de Recherches Électroniques SERCH e: State Education Research Clearinghouse - f: Société d'Études et de Recherches pour la Connaissance de l'Homme SERCNET e: SERC [Science and Engineering Research Council] Network SERCOBE s: Servicio Tecnico Comercial de Construcciones de Beienes de Equipo SERCOM f: Station d'Essais et de Recherches de la Construction Métallique SERCO-METAL s: Servicio Tècnico Comercial de Construcciones Metâlicas de Calderaria ser. con[tr], e: service contract SERD e: Support Equipment Recommendation Data SERDA f: Service Economie Regionale et de Développement Agricole de Haute-Normandie SERDAT f: Service de Documentation en Agronomie Tropicale et en Développement Rural SERDES[CRC] e: Serializer-Deserializer [Cyclic Redundancy Check] SERDEX e: Serial Data Exchange SERDI f: Société d'Étude et de Réalisation pour le Développement Industriel [Madagascar] SERE e: Survival, Evasion, Rescue [or Resistance] and Escape - e: Systems Error Record and Entry SEREB f: Société pour l'Étude et la Réalisation des Engins Balistiques SERECCI f: Société d'Études, de Recherches et d'Exploitation de Carrières de Côte-d'Ivoire Se-Rectifier e: Selenium Rectifier SEREL f: Société d'Exploitation et de Recherches Électroniques SEREM s: Sociedad Espanola de Radiologia y Electrologia Médicas y Medicina Nuclear SERENA f: Société d'Études pour le Développement de la Petite et Moyenne Réparation Navale a Dakar [Senegal] - f: Société Européenne pour la Promotion des Systèmes Réacteurs Rapides au Sodium serendip e: serendipitous[ly] - e: serendipity Serengeti e: Serengeti Plains of Tanzania

SEREP e: System Environment Recording and Edit[ing] Program[me] - e: System Environment Recording and Editing Program - e: System Error Recording] Editing Program[me] SEREPCA f: Société ELF de Recherches et d'Exploitation des Pétroles du Cameroun SERES e: Search and Rescue Satellite - f: Société d'Etudes et de Recherches en Sciences Sociales - f: Société d'Études Rurales et Sociales SERESA f: Société d ' Etudes et de Realisations Economiques et Sociales de l'Agriculture SERF e: Sandia Engineering Reactor Facility - e: Space Environmental Research Facility - e: Special Extensive Routine Functions - e: Studies of the Economics of Route Facilities - e: System for Equipment Requirements Forecasting SERG e: Serving - e: Solar Energy Research Group Serg i: Sergente Serg. Att. e: Sergeant on Attachment Serg. Const. L. e: Sergeants Constitutional Law SERGE e: Socially and Ecologically Responsible Geographers Serg. L[and] L[aws Pa.] e: Sergeant on the Land Laws of Pennsylvania Serg.&Lowb. [Rep.] e: English Common Law Reports, American reprints edited by Sergeant & Lowber Serg Magg i: Sergente Maggiore Serg. Mech. L. e: Sergeant on Mechanics Lien Law SERGS p: Sociedade de Engenharia do Rio Grande do Sul SERH f: Société d'Entreprises et de Réalisations Hydrauliques SERHL e: South-Eastern Radiological Health Laboratory SERI e: Society for the Encouragement af Research and Invention - e: Solar Energy Research Institute of ERDA SERIC f: Société d'Études et de Réalisation pour l'Industrie Caféière et Cacaoyère SERICC f: Société d'Études et de Recherches pour l'Industrie et le Commerce Camerounais SERICICO f: Société Séricole de Côte-d'Ivoire SERIMA f: Société d'Entretien et de Réparation Industriels de Matériel Aéronautique SERIWA e: Solar Energy Research Institute of Western Australia SERIX e: Swedish Environmental Research Index SERJ e: Space Electric Ramjet - e: Supercharged Ejector Ramjet SERL e: Sanitary Engineering Research Laboratory - e: Service[s] Electronics Research Laboratories [or Laboratory] SERLANT e: Service Forces, Atlantic SERL INE e: Serials online SERLS e: South Eastern Regional Library System serm e: sermon

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

SERM e: Society of Early Recorded Music - f: Société d'Études et de Recherches Minières de Madagascar - s: Sociedad Española de Radiología y Electrologia Médicas y de Medicina Nuclear SERMAP f: Société Etudes et Realisation de Materiel Agricole SERME e: Sign Error Root Modulus Error SERME System e: Sign Error Root Modulus Error System SERMIS e: Support Equipment Resources Management Information System - f: Société d'Études et de Recherches Minières du Sénégal SERMLP e: Southeastern Regional Medical Library Program[me] SERMOTO s: Servicio Ténico-Comercial de Fabricantes y Montadores de Motocicletas SERN e: Single Expansion Ramp Nozzle SERNAM f: Service National des Messageries SERNATUR s: Servicio Nacional de Turismo SERNAUTO s: Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Equipos y Componentes para Automoción SER NO e: Serial Number Ser.[-]Nr. d: Seriennummer SERO e: System Engineering Release Order - i: Società Elettronica Roma SEROL e: Serology Serol. e: serological serol. d: serologisch SEROS e:SEMMERZAKE Radar Operating System SERP e: Segmental Early Relaxation Phenomenon - e: Self-Employed Retirement Plan - e: Serpentine Pattem[s] - e: Simulated Ejector-Ready Panel SERPAC e: Service Forces, Pacific SERPAJ e: Service for Peace and Justice SERPAL f: Sociedade de Reflorestamento e Emprendimentos Agropecuarios Ltda. - s: Servicio Radiofónico America Latina SERPI e: Server Requester Programmers Interface SERPLAI s: Servico de Planejamento Agrícola Industrial SERPLANT e: Service Forces, Atlantic Serpro s: Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados SERPS e: Service Propulsion System SERR e: Serrate - e: Serration - e: Systems Error Record and Retry Ser Rep San Mar i: Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino SE[R]RS e: Surface Excitation [or Enhanced] [Resonance] RS SE-RRT e: Southern Europe-Railroad Transport SERS e: State Employees Retirement System - e: Support Equipment Requirements Sheet - e: Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering - e: Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy - e: Surface Excitation RS - f: Société d'Étude et Recherche Sociologiques SER SECT e: Serial Sections]


SERT S E R T e: Satellite for Electric Rocket Test - e: Single-Electron Rise Time - e: Society of Electronic and Radio Technicians - e: Solar Electric Rocket Test - e: Space Electric [or Electronic] Rocket Test - f: Système d'Enregistreurs sur Réseaux Téléphonique S E - R T e: Southern Europe-Road Transport S E R T A F f: Services Techniques Africains Côte d'Ivoire S E R T E C f: Société d'Études et de Réalisations Techniques en Afrique Centrale S E R T H e: Satisfactory Evidence Received this Headquarters S E R T I f: Société d'Études et de Réalisation pour le Traitement de l'Information S E R T O G e: Space Experiment on Relativistic Theories of Gravitation S E R T O M A e: Service To Mankind S E R U G e: Sil [Systems Integrators Inc.] Eastern Regional Users Group - n: Seminarie voor Toegepaste Economie bij de Rijksuniversiteit te Gent SERV e: Service - e: Single-stage Earth-orbital Reusable Vehicle - e: Space Emergency Reentry Vehicle - e: Surface Effect Rescue Vehicle [or Vessel] Serv e: Servia[n] Serv. d: Service - e: Service serv. 1: serva serv" s: servicio S E R V C H G E e: Service Charge S E R V C L G e: Service Ceiling S E R V C O M D e: Service Command S E R V C O M F M F P A C e: Service Command, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific S E R V E e: Serve and Enrich Retirement by Volunteer Experience S E R V H E L Records e: Service and Health Records S E R V I C A M s: Servicios Campesinos Service 800 e: Advanced Freephone Service Service 900 e: Premium Information Service S E R V N O e: Service Number S E R V O d: Servolenkung - e: Device using a Servo mechanism - e: Servoamplifier - e: Servocontrol - e: Servodyne - e: Servomechanism - e: Servomotor - e: Servosystem S E R V O C T L e: Servo Control Servol. d: Servolenkung Servomation e: Service America Corporation serv° r s: servidor S E R V O S e: Servomechanisms S E R V P A H E L Records e: Service, Pay and Health Records S E R V P A Records e: Service and Pay Records Serv.&Pts. [Div.] e: Service & Parts [Division] S E R V R E C e: Service Records S E R V R E Q e: Service Request Servt. e: Servant


SES d: Sauerstofferzeugungsstation - d: Schneller Einsteller für Signalisierungssätze - d: Sende/Empfangs-Synchronisationseinrichtung - d: Senderendstufe - d: Softwareentwicklungssystem - d: Sonnen-Energie-Systeme - d: Standardliste für Eisen und Stahl (journ.) - d: Supraventrikuläre Extrasystole^] - e: Satellite Earth Station - e: Scanning Electron Stereomicroscope - e: Science Ethic Society - e: Scientific Exploration Society - e: Scottish Economic Society - e: Seafarers Education Service - e: Secondary Electron Scattering - e: Secondary Electron Spectroscopy - e: Secondary Engine Start - e: Selected Electron Shell - e: Self-Esteem Score[s] - e: Semishift - e: Sequential Environmental Stress - e: Service Evaluation System - e: Sesone - e: Severly Erroded Seconds - e: Shared Energy Savings - e: Ship Earth Station - e: Shoot Evaluate Shoot - e: Shorted Emitter Switch - e: Shuttle Engineering Simulator - e: Sight Erection Support - e: Signal Enhancement Seismograph - e: Single-Ended Scotch - e: Single Enquiry System - e: Size-Effect Scattering - e: Small Edison Screw - e: Social and Economic Studies (journ.) - e: Society of Engineering Science - e: Socio-Economic Status - e: Socio-Economic Strata - e: Sodium 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyethyl Sulfate - e: Solar Energy Society - e: Solar Environment Simulator - e: Sonar Echo Simulator - e: Space Environment Simulator - e: Space Erectable Structure - e: Special Engineering Solutions - e: Special Exchange Service - e: Standards Engineer[ing][s] Society - e: State Employment Service - e: Steam Engine System[s] - e: Strategic Engineering Survey - e: Studies and Expansion Society - e: Study of Education at Stanford - e: Suffield Experimental Station - e: Suitability Evaluation Scale - e: Super Enhanced Silver - e: Superexcited Electronic States - e: Supervisory Electronics Specialist - e: Surface-Effect Ship[s] - e: Swedish Engineers Society - e: Swiss Entomological Society - e: Sylvania Electronic Systems - e: System Evaluation System - e: System External Storage - e: Systems Engineering Services - f: Service des Études Scientifiques - f: Société des Études Socialistes - f: Société Entomologische Suisse - f: Société Européenne de Semences - f: Société Européenne des Satellites - f: Studies and Expansion Society - F: Suomen Egyptologinen Seura - r: Skandinavisk Elektro-Service, Stockholm - r: Skandinaviska Emballage Selskapet

© K • G • Saur. München

SeS d: Selbstschutzanlage - d: Selbstschutzschule SEs e: Standard Errors SE&S e: Square Edge and Sound SESA e: Signal Equipment Support Agency - e: Single End Strip Adhesion - e: Social and Economic Statistics Administration - e: Society for Environmental Stress Analysis - e: Society for Experimental Stress Analysis - e: Solar Energy Society of America - e: Solvent Extraction Spherical Agglomeration - s: Standard Eléctrica SA. S.E.S.A. f: Société d'Exploitation de Spécialités Automobiles SESA f: Société d'Études des Systèmes d'Automation - f: Software et Engineering des Systèmes d'informatique et d'Automatique SESAC e: Society of European Stage Authors and Composers S E S A M d: Symbolische Eingabesprache für Automatische Meßsysteme - d: Symbolisches Eingabesystem für Anweisungen bei Multiprogramming - d: System zur Elektronischen Speicherung Alphanumerischer Markmale - e: Super Element Structural Analysisprogram Modules - f: Système Électronique de Sélection Automatique des Microfilms S E S A M E e: Search for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education - e: Service, Sort and Merge - e: Severe Environmental Storms and Mesoscale Experiment - e: Supermarket Electronic Scanning for Automatic Merchandise Entry - f: Station d'Ecoute de Satellite Meteorologique - f: Système Electronique de Saisie et d'Aiguillage des Messages S E S A M I - S E E D e: Sporadic E Stimulation by Artifical Metallic Ion Seeding SESA Proceedings e: Society for Experimental Stress Analysis Proceedings (journ.) SESAR e: Systems Engineering Services Activity Record SESC e: Services Electrical Standards Centre - e: Solar Energy Society of Canada - e: Space Environment Services Center - e: Special Environmental Sample Container - e: Surface Environmental Sample Container - s: Serviço Social do Comércio S E S C I e: Solar Energy Society of Canada, Inc. S E S C O e: Secure Submarine Communication^] - f: Société Européenne des Semiconducteurs SESCS e: Standard Equivalent Single Crystal Structure SESD e: Scanning ESD - e: Society of Experimental Station Directors SESDA e: Small Engine Servicing Dealers Association - f: Secretariat de Santé Dentaire de l'Afrique SESE d: Schrankeinspeisungseinheit - e: Secure Echo-Sounding Equipment - e: Ship[-to]-Earth Stations SE[/]SE e: Single Entry[/]Single Exit S E I , SE2, etc. e: Southeast One, Southeast Two, etc. S E S E F e: Shipboard Electronic Systems Evaluation Facility

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SETDF S E S E P f: Société d'Études et de Soins pour les Enfants Paralyses S E S E R e: Source of Electrons in a Selected Energy Range S E S E T e: Semi-Selective Excitation S E S F e: Superlattice Extrinsic Stacking Fault S E S F O [ R ] D e: Selective Excitation with SFORD SESI e: Solar Energy Society of Ireland - s: Serviço Social de Industria SE/SI e: Systems Engineering/Systems Integration SESIP[P] e: Systems Engineering Summary of Installations and Program[me] [Planning] S E S K d: Verband Schweizerischer Schachtelkäsefabrikanten SESL e: Self-Erecting Space Laboratory - e: Space Environmental] Simulation Laboratory S E S L P e: Sequential Explicit Stochastic Linear Programming S E S M f: Société d'Equipements, Systèmes et Mécanismes SESN f: Società Elvetica di Scienze Naturali - i: Selenia Elsag Sistemi Navali - s: Sindicato dos Escritórios e Serviços do Norte S E S O e: Senior Equipment Staff Officefr] - e: Ship Environmental Support Office[r] - e: Single End Shutoff - n: Studiecentrum voor Economisch en Sociaal Onderzoek S E S O C e: Single End Shutoff Connector - e: Surface-Effect[s] Ship for/of Ocean Commerce S E S O M E e: Service, Sort and Merge S E S P e: Science and Engineering Student Program - e: Society for Experimental Social Psychology - e: Space Experiment Support Program - f: Société d'Entreposage de San Pedro - s: Serviço Especial de Saude Pública SESPA e: Scientists and Engineers for Social and Political Action - p: Sociedade Exportadora Santista de Produtos Agrícolas S E S P O e: Space Environmental Support Project Officefr] sesquih 1: sesquihora sesquilin e: sesquilingual S E S R e: Segment Entry Save Register - e: Selected Equipment Status Report - e: Selective Emergency Service Rate - e: System Equipment Status Report - f: Société Européenne de Sociologie Rurale S E S R T C I C e: Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries SESS e: Saskatoon Engineering Students Society - e: Session - e: Society of Ethnie and Special Studies - e: Space Environmental Support System - e: Summer Employment for Science Students - f: Société d'Economie et de Sciences Sociales SESs e: Surface Effect Ships Sess. e: Session[s] Sess. Acts e: Session Acts

Sess. Cas. e: Scotch Court of Session Cases - e: Session Cases - e: Session Cases, High Court of Justiciary Section - e: Sessions Cases, King's Bench Sess. Cas. Se. e: Scotch Court of Session Cases SESSIA f: Société d'Études, de Constructions de Souffertes Simulateurs et Intrumentation Aérodynamique Sess. Laws e: Session Laws Sess. N. e: Session Notes Sess. P a p . C.C.C. e: Central Criminal Court Session Papers S E S T e: Short Effective-Service Time SESTA e: Senkrecht-Start S E S T C I C e: Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries SESTS e: Safety Equipment and Survival Training School S E S U A M f: Société d'Études Sucrières en Afrique et à Madagascar SESUBF f: Société d'Études Sucrières de Burkina Faso SESUPP e: Safety Evaluation Supplement SESZ d: Schrankeinspeisungseinheit im Zentralschrank S E T d: Selbstentziindungstemperatur - d: Sonderreihe Elektrischer Transformatoren - d: System Entwicklungstechniken - d: Wirtschaftsverband Stahlbau und Energietechnik - e: Scientists, Engineers, Technicians - e: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - e: Securities Exchange of Thailand - e: Security Escort Team - e: Selective Electronic Training - e: Selective Employment Tax[ation] - e: Self-Extending Translator - e: Senior Electronic Technician - e: Senior Evaluation Treatment - e: Sensory Evaluation Test - e: Service Evaluation Telemeter [or Telemetry] - e: Set Endpoint Titration - e: Set of parameters - e: Setting - e: Settlement - e: Settling - e: Severe Environment and Tempest - e: Sharp Edge Technology - e: Simplified Engineering Technique - e: Simulated Emergency Test - e: Single Escape Tower - e: Single Exposure Technique - e: Society for Experimental Therapy - e: Software Engineering Terminology - e: Software Engineering Toolkit - e: Solar Energy Thermionic[s] - e: Space Electronics and Telemetry - e: Special Engineering Test - e: Stepped Electrode Transistor - e: Synchro Error Tester - e: System Engineering Team - e: System Evaluation Technique - e: Systems Environment Team - f: Société d'Études et de Travaux Topographiques - f: Systeme d'Exploitation Tactique - p: Serviço de Expansâo do Trigo - R: Samonavodjashchajasja Elektricheskaja Torpeda - s: Serviço de Expansâo do Trigo set p: setembro - s: septiembre set. e: settlement

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • G • Saur, Munich

S E & T e: Supplies, Equipment and Training SETA e: Scientific Engineering Technical Assistance - e: Set Arithmetic - e: Simplified Electronic Tracking Apparatus - e: South-Eastern Telecommunications Association - f: Société d'Équipements Techniques et Automobiles - f: Société Exploitation de la Technique Agricole - i: Societa Esercizi Telefonici Ausiliari - s: Serviços Especializados en Tecnología Agrícola e Construcoes Rurais - s: Sindicato dos Engenheiros Técnicos Agrarios - s: Sociedad Técnica Agropecuaria SETAA s: Sindicato dos Empregados Técnicos e Assalariados Agrícolas S E T A B e: Set[s] Tabular material S E T A C e: Sector [and] TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] - e: South East Asian Agency for Regional Transport and Communications Development - e: Systems Engineering Test and Evaluation Contract S E T A C I f: Société Ivoirienne d'Équipements Techniques et Automobiles S E T A D E C f: Société d'Études pour l'Amélioration, le Développement et l'Équipement des Collectivités Locales S E T A F e: Southern Europe[an] Task Force S E T A G R O s: Servicio Técnico Agropecuario S E T A N G e: Setup Angle S E T A O f: Société d'Études et de Travaux pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest - f: Société d'Études et de Travaux pour l'Afrique Occidentale S E T A P f: Société pour l'Étude Technique d'Aménagement Planifiés S E T A R e: Serial Event Time[r] and Recorder S E T A T f: Société d'Études Techniques et d'Aménagement du Territoire S E T B e: Set Binary S E T B C e: Society of Engineering Technologists of British Columbia S E T C e: Set Character - e: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - e: Solar Energy Thermionic Conversion - e: Solid Electrolyte Tantalum Capacitor S E T C a f: Syndicat des Employés, Techniciens et Cadres de Belgique S E T C I f: Société d'Extrusion et de Tissage de Côte d'Ivoire S E T C O e: Summit and Elizabeth Trust Company - f: Société d'Éditions Techniques Coloniales S E T C S e: Solar Energy Thermionic Conversion System S E T D d: Sulfaathylthiadiazol - e: Scheduled Estimated Time of Departure - e: Science and Engineering Technology Division - e: Sledborne Event Time Digitizer SeTD e: Semiconductor Tunnel Diode SE/TD e: System Engineering/Technical Direction S E T D F e: Set and/or reset Defaults


SETE S E T E e: Secretariat for Electronic Test Equipment - e: Supersonic Expendable Turbine Engine - e: Support and Electronic Test Equipment - e: System Exercising for Training and Evaluation - f: Société d'Expansion Technique et Economique S E T E C e: Software Engineering Technology S E T E C A s: Serviciös Técnicos y Ganaderos S E T E G f: Société d'Électricité, de Téléphone et d'Eau du Gabon S E T E L f: Société Européene de Téléguidage S E T E M f: Société d'Études et de Travaux Électromécaniques S E T E N A V E s: Estaleiros Navais de Setubal S E T E P e: Science and Engineering Technician Education Program S E T F e: SNAP [Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power] Experimental Test Facility - e: STARAN [Stellar Attitude Reference and Navigation] Evaluation and Training Facility S E T F L G e: Set Flag S E T F P f: Syndicat de l'Extrusion et de la Transformation des Films Plastiques S E T G d: Süddeutsche Erdgas TransportGesellschaft - e: Salmon Enhancement Task Group S E T - G O e: Support and Encouragement for Talent-Gateway to Opportunity S E T I d: Finnische Elektrotechnische Sicherheitsnorm - e: Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence - f: Société Européenne pour le Traitement de l'Information S E T I A C f: Société des Editions Techniques Industrielles, Agricoles et Commerciales S E T I L f: Société de l'Equipement de Tahiti et des Iles S E T I M E G - G A B O N f: Société d'Études, de Travaux et de Gestion du Gabon S E T I S f: Société Européenne d'Etudes et d'Intégration des Systèmes Spatiaux S E T L e: Science Experiment Test Laboratory S-et-L f: Saône-et-Loire S-et-M f: Seine-et-Marne S E T M f: Société d'Etudes et de Travaux Mécanographiques SETN e: Second Terminal Number - s: Sindicato dos Engenheiras Técnicos do Norte S-et-O f: Seine-et-Oise S E T O L S e: Surface Effect Take-Off and Landing System Seton Dec e: Seton, Forms of Decrees, Judgments and Orders in Equity Seton Hall Const. L. J . e: Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal Seton Hall J . S p o r t L a w e: Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law Seton Hall Leg[is]. J . e: Seton Hall Legislative Journal Seton Hall L . Rev. e: Seton Hall Law Review S E T P e: Society of Experimental Test Pilots - f: Société d'Équipement et de Travaux Publics S E T P r o g r a m e: Solar Energy Thermionic Program S E T P S e: Set Programme] Status

S E T R e: Setter - e: Specific Equipment Type Rating - f: Société d'Étancheité et Travaux de Revêtements Setra d: Selbsttragend S E T R A f: Service d'Études Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes S E T R A - C O N G O f: Société d'Études et des Travaux au Congo S E T R A N e: Selectable Element Translator S E T R A - O m n i b u s d: Selbsttragender Omnibus S E T R A P E M f: Société Équatoriale de Travaux Pétroliers Maritimes SETS d: Staphylogenes Epidermolytisches Toxinsyndrom - e: Scottish Electrical Training Scheme - e: Set Equation Transformation System - e: Solar Electric Test Satellite - e: Solar Energy Thermionic-conversion System - e: Squad Engagement Training System - e: System, Environment and Threat Simulation S E T S I M e: Saturation Countermeasures Simulator S E T T e: Settlement - e: Settling - e: Submarine Escape Training Tank Sett, e: Settlement Cases sett i: settembre S E T Technique e: Stepped Electrode Transistor Technique SETU f: Société d'Équipement des Terrains Urbains - f: Société d'Études et de Travaux pour l'Uranium S E T U B A f: Société d'Études et de Travaux pour l'Utilisation du Béton Armé S E T U P A C K e: Setup Acknowledgement SEU d: Sende-Empfangsumschalter - d: Sende- [und] Empfangsumsetzer - d: Sender-Empfânger-Umformer - d: Sender-Empfânger-Umsetzer - e: Sensor Electronics Unit - e: Single Event Upset - e: Small End Up - e: Smallest Executable Unit - e: Source Entry Utility - e: Southeastern University - e: Subjective Expected Utility - s: Sindicato Espanol Universitario SEUA e: South Eastern Underwriters Association SEU Concept e: Subjective Expected Utility Concept SEUD f: Société d'Electromécanique de l'Usine des Dunes S E U G e: Screaming Eagles User Group S E U G I e: SAS European User Group International SEUL f: Service Européen des Universitaires Latinoaméricins S E U M f: Société d'Exploitation d'Usines Métallurgiques SEU Mo[u]Id e: Small End up Mo[u]ld seuo 1: salvo error u omisfon S E U R E e: Systems Evaluation code Under Radiation Environment SEUS e: Southeastern United States SEUSA e: South Europe USA Freight Conference SEUSS e: South East United States Survey - e: South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies


® K • G • Saur, München

SEV d: Schienenersatzverkehr - d: Schweizerischer Eisenbahnerverband - d: Schweizerische^] Elektrotechnische[r] Vereinigung] - d: Sekundärelektronenvervielfacher - d: Sekundärelektronenvervielfachung - d: Sendereingangsverstärker - d: Spezifischer Energieverbrauch - d: Sprachentwicklungsverzögerung - e: Sample Error Variance - e: Scout Evaluation Vehicle - e: Sensor Equivalent Visibility - e: Seven[fold] - e: Seventeenth] - e: Seventy - e: Sever[al][ly] - e: Severance - e: Severe - e: Severity - e: Ship Exercise Vehicle - e: Special Equipment Vehicle - e: Surface Effect[s] Vehicle - e: Surface Epithelial Volume - f: Société d'Ethologie Veterinaire - R: Sovet Ekonomitcheskoi Vzaimopomochtchi Sev s: Sevilla - R: Sever [or Severnaya] sev. e: several SEVA e: Skylab Extravehicular Visor Assembly - e: Standup Extravehicular Activity - e: Submarine Expendable Vertical Array - e: System Evaluation program SEV AC e: Secure Voice Access Console SEVALDS e: Strategy for Evaluating Design Strategies SEVA P r o g r a m [ m e ] e: System Evaluation Program[me] SEV AS d: Streitkräfteeinheitliches Verwendungs- und Ausbildungssteuerungssystem - e: Secure Voice Access System[s] S E V D e: Severe Damage S E V E C e: Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada Seven Continents e: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America Seventh e: Seventh Seal Sevestre e: Calcutta Reports of Cases in Appeal S E V F L T e: Seventh Fleet, Pacific Sev. H . C . e: Sevestres Bengal High Court Reports S E V I C f: Société d'Embouteillage de Vin au Cameroun S E V I M A f: Société d'Exploitation de la Viande à Madagascar Sevitel f: Association Hellenique des Industries et Conditionneurs-Exportateurs d'Huille d'Olive sevi, e: several S E V M e: Systolic Endocardial Velocity Maximum S E V M A C A M f: Société d'Exploitation et de Valorisation des Marbes, Cipolins et Aragonites à Madagascar SEV M A R C H A L f: Société d'Equipement pour Véhicules MARCHAL S E V O C O M e: Secure Voice Communications S E V O P f: Federation Hellenique des Industries des Vins et Spiritueux S E V P e: Severance Pay S E V P E N f: Service de Vente des Publications de l'Education Nationale

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SF Sev. S.D.A. e: Sevestres Sadr Diwani Adalat Reports, Bengal S E W d: Süddeutsche Elektromotorenwerke - e: Safety Equipment Worker[s] - e: Satellite Early Warning - e: Sewage - e: Sewer[age] - e: Shipboard Electronics Warfare - e: Silicon Epitaxial Wafer - e: Software Engineering Workbench - e: Sonar Early Warning - e: Space Early Warning - e: Steady Expansion Wave - e: Surface Electromagnetic Wave[s] S E W A C O e: Sensor, Weapon Control and Command System SEWAWRS e: Sea Water Activated Release System S E W I D f O ] e: Surface ElectromagneticWave-Integrated Optics S E W L e: Southeast Water Laboratory S E W M A e: Simple Exponentially Weighted Moving Average S E W S e: Satellite Early Warning System - e: Sever Environment Workstation - e: Shipborne Early Warning System - e: Shipbome Electronic Warfare - e: Shipborne EW Suites - e: SIGINT Early Warning System SEWT e: Simulator for Electronic Warfare Training SEX e: Sextet - e: Sexual Sex e: Sextans Sex. d: Sexualität sex. d: sexuell S E X A C A M f: Société d'Exploitation Agro-Pastorale du Cameroun SEXAFS e: Surface Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Sexag e: Sexagesima sexational e: sexually sensational sexcite e: excite sexually sexcitement e: sexual excitement sexclusive e: sexually exclusive S. Exec. Doc. e: Senate Executive Document S. Exec. Rep. e: Senate Executive Report sex ed e: sexfual] education sexercises e: sexual exercises SEXFAS e: Surface EXFAS sexgregation e: sexual segregation sexhibit[ors] e: sex exhibitors] sexlanguage e: sexual slang Sex. L. R[epJ. e: Sexual Law Reporter SExO e: Senior Experimental Officer sexones e: sex odors sexpensive e: sexually expensive sexperience e: sexual experience sexpert e: sexpertise - e: sex[ual] expert sexplanatory e: sexually explanatory sexplicit e: sexually explicit sexploitation e: sex[ual] exploitation sexploiter e: sex exploiter sexploit[s] e: sexual exploits] sexplosion e: sexual explosion S E X P O L e: Sexual Equality and Politics SexPr d: Sexualprobleme (journ.) s. expr. 1: sine expressione Sex Prob. Ct. Dig. e: Sex Problems Court Digest sex psycho e: sexual psychopathic] sexquisite e: sexually exquisite sexsation e: sexual sensation Sext. d: Sextaner - d: Sextant

Sext e: Sextans sext e: sextant Sext. Alt. e: Sextant Altitude Sext.Mer.Alt. e: Sextant Meridian Altitude SEY e: Secondary Electron Yield Sey. e: Seychelles Seychelles e: Seychelle Islands Seych. L. R. e: Seychelles Law Reports S E Y C O s: Selección Comercio de Patata SEYCOM e: Seychelles National Commodity Company SEYM e: Secondary Electron Yield Measurement Sey. Merch. Sh. e: Seymour, Merchant Shipping Acts SEYMS e: Secondary Electron Yield Measurement System SEYS e: Secondary Electron Yield System S E Y T I M e: Seychelles Timber Company S E Z d: Spätester Endzeitpunkt - d: Sulfäthoxypyridazin - e: Southern Economic Zone - e: Special Economic Zone Sez. d: Sezierung sez. d: sezieren - d: seziert SEZEB f: Société d'Ethnozoologie et d'Ethnobotanique SEZID f: Société d'équipement des Zones d'Industrialisation Décentralisée SF a: Sàgwerksfôrbundet - a: Sosiol0konomenes Forening - d: Finnland - d: Saugfähigkeit - d: Schaden[s]freiheit[sklasse] - d: Schaltfeld - d: Scherenfernrohr - d: Schichtfaktor - d: Schlauchfahrzeug - d: Schließfach - d: Schlüsselfeld - d: Seefunk - d; Selbstfahrend - d: Selbstfahrer - d: Selbstfinanzierung - d: Selektive Fehlerabschaltung - d: Serienfertigung - d: Serienfeuer - d: Serumfibrinogen - d: Sicherheitsfaktor - d: Signalfeld - d: Signalformer - d: Signalfrequenz - d: Silikofluoride - d: Sommerfütterung - d: Sonderfahrzeug - d: Sonnenfinsternis - d: Sonstige Faktoren - d: Sonthofen - d: Sperrfeuer - d: Spitzenfluß - d: Sprungfolge[n] - d: Stahlfaser - d: Standardform - d: Standardfrage - d: Statusfeld - d: Steuer-Flipflop - d: Streufeld - d: Süddeutsche Ferngasgesellschaft - d: Sulfationsfaktor - d: Systemfamilie - e: Sacrifice Fly - e: Safety [Factor] - e: Safety Fuse [or Fuze] - e: Salt Film - e: Salt Free - e: Sampled Filter

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

- e: San Franciscan - e: San Francisco - e: Santa Fe, New Mexico - e: Saturated Flow - e: Save Field - e: Save user Files - e: Scalar Function - e: Scale [or Scaling] Factor - e: Scarlet Fever - e: Science Fiction - e: Science Frontiers - e: Scouting Force - e: Scratch File - e: Sea Flood - e: Secondary Failure - e: Secondary File - e: Secondary Flow • e: Sector Focussed [or Focussing] - e: Security Force[s] • e: Select Frequency • e: Selective Filter - e: Self-Feed[ing] - e: Semifriable - e: Semifusinit - e: Seminal Fluid - e: Senescence Factor • e: Senior Fellow • e: Separate Function - e: Separated Flow • e: Separation Factor • e: Service Factor • e: Shape Factor • e: Shared File • e: Shear Flow • e: Shearing] Force • e: Shift Forward • e: Shipfitter • e: Shipping Fever • e: Shock Front • e: Short Format • e: Shortening Fraction • e: Side Frequency • e: Sign Flag • e: Signal Flare • e: Signal Frequency e: Significant Figure e: Single Feed[er] e: Single Frequency e: Skip Flag e: Slip Flow e: Slow-Fast e: Slow Fire e: Sodium acide Fecal e: Soils and Fertilisers (journ.) e: Solid Fuel e: Sound and Flash e: Source and Fissionable e: Space Flight e: Special Facilities e: Special Features e: Special Forces e: Spectral Factorization e: Spent Fuel e: Spin Flip e: Spinal Fluid e: Spontaneous Fission e: Spot Face e: Spotting Fluid e: Square Foot e: Stability Factor e: Stack Front e: Stack Full e: Stacking Fault e: Standard File e: Standard Form e: Standard Frequency e: Start Field 343

Sf - e: State Facilitator - e: Statement [of] Functions] - e: Static Field - e: Static Friction - e: Status Field - e: Status Flag - e: Steady Flow - e: Stereoscopic Fluoroscopy - e: Stick Force Sensor - e: Stiff - e: Stochastic Flow - e: Stopping Factor - e: Store and Forward - e: Store Field - e: Store Free - e: Stowage Factor - e: Straightforward - e: Strain Figure - e: Stream Function - e: Stress Field - e: Stress Formula - e: Strong-Focusing - e: Structural Foam - e: Structure Factor - e: Structure-Fine - e: Structure Function - e: Subfile - e: Subframe - e: Subject Field - e: Substitute Fragment - e: Substrate Fed logic - e: Success Factor - e: Sulfation [or Sulphation] Factor - e: Sunk Face - e: Supercritical Fluid - e: Superfluid - e; Superfluidity - e: Supersonic Frequency - e: Surface Feet [or Foot] - e: Surveillance Frequency - e: Sweberg Flotation - e: Swedenborg Foundation - e: Swiss Federation - e: Sylvian Fissure - e: Synovial Fluid - e: Syrian Forces - e: System Facility - e: [UN] Special Fund - F : Soumi Finland[e] - f: Système Français - i: Sforzando -1: Filii Sacrae Familiae -1: Streptococcus Faecalis - R: Severnyy Flot - r: Svenska Flygvapnet - S: Slovenska Filharmonica Sf d: Svedberg-Flotationseinheit - e: Suriname Florin - e: Svedberg Flotation sf d: sauerstoffrei - f: sans frais Sf. d: Sanitätsfahrzeug - i: Sforzando sf. d: seefest - d: selbstfahrend -1: sub finem S.F. d: Sommerfütterung - e: San Francisco - e: Shearing Force - e: Signal Frequency - e: Sinking Fund - e: Square Foot - e: Standard Form - e: Stowage Factor s.F. d: soziale Fürsorge s.f. d: siehe folgendes

S & F e: Sound and Flash - e: Stock and Fixtures - e: Store and Forward S/F e: Shift Forward - e: Statement of Facts - e: Store and Forward - e: Survey Fee S2F e: Tracker twin-engine antisubmarine aircraft - e: Spanish version of the F-5 Northrup Freedom Fighter SF 6 e: Sulphur Hexafluoride SFA d: Schweizerische Fachstelle für Alkoholprobleme - d: Steinkohlen-Filterasche - e: Saks Fifth Avenue - e: Scandinavian Fraternity of America - e: Scientific Film Association - e: Scottish Football Association - e: Secretary for Air - e: Segment Frequency Algorithm - e: Semifriable Abrasive - e: Sequential Functional Analysis - e: Shetland Fishermen's Association - e: Short Field Aircraft - e: Simulated Flight-Automatic - e: Single Failure Analysis - e: Single-Frequency Approach - e: Slow Flying Aircraft - e: Small Farmers Association - e: Solid Fuels Administration - e: Southeastern Fisheries Association - e: Soviet Frontal Aviation - e: Spatial Frequency Analyzer - e: Special Foreign Activities - e: Speech Foundation of America - e: Stochastic Finite Automaton - e: Sun Finder Assembly - e: Supplementary Failure Analysis - e: Suppressive Factor of Allergy - e: Swedish Foundry Association - e: System Functional Audit - f: Société Française d'Acoustique - f: Société Française d'Archéologie - f: Société Française d'Astronautique - f: Syndicat Français des Adhésifs - f: Systeme de Freinage et d'Amorçage -1: Serum Folate S & F A e: Shipping and Forwarding Agent SFAA f: Société Française et Américaine d'Automobiles S.A. S F A A W e: Stove, Furnace and Allied Appliance Workers S F A C e: Short Form Research Contract - e: Social Fund Advisory Committee - f: Société des Forges et Ateliers du Creusot SFACA e: Solid Fuel Advisory Council of America S F A / C T f: Service de la Formation Aéronautique et du Contrôle Technique SFAD e: Small Firms Advice Division - e: Society of Federal Artists and Designers SFADC f: Société Française des Amortisseurs De Carbon SFADS e: San Francisco Air Defense Sector SFAE e: Swiss Federation for Adult Education SFAF f: Société Française des Analystes Financiers SFAI e: San Francisco Art Institute - e: Steel Furnace Association of India S F A J f: Société Française d'Architecture de Jardins SFAK r: Selskabet for Analytisk Kemi SFAL e: Samuel Feltman Ammunition Laboratory SFAN d: Stimmhaft-Frikativ-Anregung


© K • G • Saur, München

S F A O e: San Francisco Assay Office S F A O D e: Superficial-Femoral Artery Occlusive Disease S F A P e: Simple File Allocation Problem SFAPS e: Space Flight Acceleration Profile Simulator S F A R e: Sound Fixing and Ranging - e: Special Federal Aviation Regulation - e: System Failure Analysis Report - f: Société Française d'Anesthesie et de Réanimation SFAS e: Safety Feature Activation System - e: Solid Fuel Advisory Service S F A W e: Solid Fuels Administrator for War - e: Swiss Federal Armament Works SFB d: Schrittfolgebedingung - d: Schweizerischer Fotografenbund - d: Seefahrt[s]buch - d: Sender Freies Berlin - d: Senderfernbesprechung - d: Sonderforschungsbereich - e: San Francisco Ballet - e: Semiconductor Functional Block - e: Sensor Feedback - e: Solid Fiberboard [Fibreboard] - e: Solid-state Functional Block - e: State Feedback - e: Structural Feedback - e: Submarine Fog Bell SfB d: Schiedsstelle für Beeinflussungsfragen - r: Sanarbetskommittèn för Byttnadsfragor S F B A E C e: San Francisco Bay Area Engineering Council S F B A R T D e: San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District SFBC f: Société Française de Biologie Clinique SFBCS e: Special Forces Burst Communications System SFBD f: Société Française de Biologie et de Dietetique SFBe d: Sonderforschungsbereiche S F B H e: Surface Broach SFBIU e: Scottish Farm Buildings Investigation Unit S F B M S e: Small Farm Business Management Scheme SFBNS e: San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard S F B P f: Société Française des Pétroles BP SFBSil P: Spoleczny Fundusz Budowy Szkól i Internatów S F B T f: Société Frigorifique et Brasserie de Tunis SFC d: Schlußfacette - e: S-band Frequency Converter - e: Saint Francis College - e: Saudi Fisheries Company - e: Screen Format Coordinator - e: Sector Focussed Cyclotron - e: Sectored File Channel - e: Sectored File Controller] - e: Secure Flight Communication - e: Selector File Channel - e: Sensitivity/Frequency Characteristics - e: Sensor Fusion Post - e: Sergeant First Class - e: Serial File Copy - e: Ship Fire Control - e: Shop Floor Control - e: Shore Fire Control - e: Short Form Catalogne] - e: Side Force Coefficient - e: Side Force Control - e: Sideway-Force Coefficient - e: Sight Fire Control

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SFERMA - e: Single Fuel Concept - e: Sioux Falls College - e: Slow Furnace Cooling - e: Small Faith Communities - e: Society of Flavour Chemists - e: Solar Forecast [Center] - e: Sound Field Composer - e: Space Flight Center - e: Special Flight Chart[s] - e: Specific Fuel Consumption - e: Spinal Fluid Count - e: Standing Federation Committee - e: Star Field Camera - e: State Financial Corporations - e: State Fund Chairmen - e: Static Fire Controller - e: Static Frequency Converter - e: Supercritical Fluid Chromatography] - e: Superior Fine Cognac - e: Surface - e: Switching Filter Connector - e: Synchronized Framing Camera - f: Société Française de Cardiologie - f: Société Française de Céramique - f: Société Française de Chimie - f: Société Française de Cosmetologie - f: Société Française des Chrysanthèmistes - s: Servicio Forestal y de Gaza S F C A e: Southwest Flight Crew Association - f: Syndicat Français des Colles et Adhésifs S.f.c.a. 1: sub finem coquendi adde SFCB[B] e: Shipfitter, Construction Battalion], Blacksmith] S F C B M e: Shipfitter, Construction Battalion, Mechanical Draftsman S F C B P e: Shipfitter, Construction Battalion, Pipe Fitter and Plumber S F C B R e: Shipfitter, Construction Battalion, Rigger S F C B S e: Shipfitter, Construction Battalion, Steelworker S F C B W e: Shipfitter, Construction Battalion, Welder S F C C e: San Francisco City College - e: Sideways Facing Crew Cockpit - e: Sideways Facing Crew Configuration - e: Slat Flap Control Computer Sfce e: Surface S F C E S e: Survivable Flight Control Electronic Set S F C F e: Bromberg & Lowenfels, Securities Fraud and Commodities Fraud S F C G e: Spectrum Fatigue Crack Growth S F C Gangloff f: Société Française de Carrosseries Gangloff S F C I e: Spirit of the Future Creative Institute - e: State Farms Corporation of India - f: Société Française de Chirurgie Infantile S F C - I R e: Supercritical Fluid Chromatography-Infrared S F C M e: San Francisco Conservatory of Music - f: Société Française de Chronométrie et de Microtechnique - f: Société Française de Commerce à Madagascar S F C M D e: San Francisco Contract Management District SFCN f: Société Française de Constructions Navales S F C O e: Stick Force Cut Out S F C P e: Shore Fire Control Party - f: Société Française de Chirurgie Pédiatrique S F C P R f: Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique et Reconstructive

S F C R S e: State-Federal Crop Reporting Service - e: STIR Fire-Control Radar System SFCS e: Secondary Right Control System - e: Secondary How Control System - e: Simplified Fire-Control System - e: Slats and Flaps Control System - e: Sound Field Composer System - e: Surface Full Caliber Shooting - e: Surveyor Flight Control Section - e: Survivable Flight Control System SFCSI e: Special Foreign Currency Science Information S F C S I P[rogram[me]] e: Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program[me] S F C T e: San Francisco Container Terminals - f: Syndicat Française des Produits Cosmétiques et de Toilette S F C T A e: San Francisco Classroom Teachers Association S F C U e: Serial File Control Unit - e: State and Function Control Unit S F C W e: San Francisco College for Women - e: Search for Critical Weakness - e: Sweep Freqency, Continuous Wave SFD e: Saudi-Fund for Development - e: Scale Factor Designator - e: Server Protocol Interpreter - e: Severe Fuel Damage - e: Signal Flow Diagram - e: Simple Formattable Document - e: Society of Film Distributors - e: Software Functional Description - e: Solar Flux Density - e: Spatial Frequency Diversity - e: Start Frame Delimiter - e: Stochastic Feasible Directions - e: Store-and-Forward Deadlock - e: Structural Frame Design - e: Successive Feed - e: Sudden Frequency Deviation - e: Summed Fault Detector - e: Supply Field Depot - e: System Function Description - e: System Functional Drawing - f: Société Forestière de Dolisie - f: Société Française du Dahlia - S: Slovensko Farmacevtsko Drustvo Sfd e: San Fernando SFDA e: Small Farmers Development Agency S F D - A L G O L e: System Function Description-Algorithmic Language SFD AS f: Société Française de Droit Aérien et Spatial S F D G f: Société Française de Graphologie SFDI e: Standard Format of Digital Images - f: Société Française pour le Droit International S F D L f: Société Forestière du Dja et Lobo SFDLS e: Stationary Finite-Dimensional Linear System S F D M C f: Société Française des Microtechniques et de Chronométrie S F D M L L d: Schweizerischer Fachverband der Diplomierten Medizinischen Laborantinnen und Laboranten SFDN r: Svensk Förening för Näringslära S F D R e: Single-Feeder - e: Standard Flight Data Recorder SFDS e: Spent-Fuel Disposal System - e: Standby Fighter Director Ship - e: Strike Force Data System SFDs e: Sudden Frequency Deviations S F D T S[et] e: Single Fault Detection Test Set

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K G - Saur, Munich

S F E d: Schaltfeldeinheit - e: Safety Function Earthquake - e: Secondary Feedback Element - e: Smart Front End - e: Society of Fire Engineers - e: Solar-Flare Effect - e: Solid Fuel Engine - e: Special Field Exercise - e: Special Furnished Equipment - e: Stacking Fault Energy - e: Start Field Extended - e: Student-Faculty Evaluation - e: Supercritical Fluid Extraction - e: Surface [Free] Energy - f: Société Financière Européenne - f: Société Français des Electriciens - f: Société Française d'Égyptologie - f: Société Française d'Electrologie Médicale - f: Société Française d'Energie Nucléaire - f: Société Française des Electriciens - f: Société Française Electronique S F E A e: Scottish Further Education Association - e: Space and Flight Equipment Association - e: South-East Florida Employers Association - e: Survival and Flight Equipment Association - f: Société Française d'Etudes Agricoles - f: Société Française d'Expérimentation Animale S F E C e: San Francisco Engineering Council - e: Standard Facility Equipment Card[s] - f: Société de Fabrication d'Eléments Catalytiques S F E C A f: Société Française d'Étude du Comportement Animal S F E C M A S f: Société Française d'Étude et de Construction de Matériels Aéronautiques Spéciaux S F E D S f: Société Française d'Étude du XVIII Siècle S F E D T P f: Société Française d'Entreprises de Dragages et de Travaux Publics S/Fee e: Survey Fee S F E E f: Société Française d'Études pour l'Électricité S F E / G C e: Supercritical Fluid Extraction/ Gas Chromatography S F E L e: Standard Facility Equipment List S F E M e: Southern Farm Equipment Manufacturers S F E M F f: Société Française d'Électroradiologie Médicale et Filiales S F E M I f: Société Française d'Équipement Minier et Industriel S F E N f: Société Française d'Énergie Nucléaire S F E N A f: Société Française d'Équipements pour la Navigation Aérienne S F E P e: Scottish Federation of Egg Packers S F E P A f: Syndicat des Fabricants d'Explosifs et de Produits Accessoires S F E R f: Société Française d'Économie Rurale - f: Société Française des Électriciens et Radio-électriciens S F E R B f: Syndicat des Fabricants d'Émulsions Routières de Bitume Sferics e: Atmospherics S FERIAL f: Société Fracaise Etudes et de Realisations pour les Industries AgroAlimentaires S F E R M A f: Société Française d'Entretien et de Réparation de Matériel Aéronautique


SFERT S F E R T e: Spinning-satellite for Electric Rocket Test - f: Système Fondamental Européen de la Référence pour la [Transmission] Téléphonique S F E T d: Sperrschichtfeldeffekttransistor - e: Selective FET [Field-Effect Transistor] - e: Separative FET [ Field-Effect Transistor] - e: Surface FET [Field Effect Transistor] SFEU e: Small Farm Equipment Unit SFEV f: Syndicat Française des Éleveurs de Visons S F F a: Samfundet för Fastighetsvärdering - d: Staatlicher Futtermittelfonds - e: Self-Forging Fragments - e: Sense Flip-Flop - e: SFF employment databank - e: SFF financial databank - e: SFF industrial databank - e: Society of Filipino Foresters - e: Solar Forecast Facility - e: Solid Freeform Fabrication - e: Spirit of the Future Foundation - e: Standard File Format - p: Se Faz Favor - r: Svenska Fabriksbetong Föreningen - r: Svenska Folkbibliotekarie Förbundet - r: Svenska Fotgrafernas Förbund - r: Svenska Fysioterapeutiska Föreningen S F F C e: Scottish Federation of Fishermens Cooperatives S F F C C P f: Syndicat Français des Fournisseurs pour Coiffeurs et Coiffeurs Parfumeurs S F F F e: Salt-Free, Fat-Free - i: Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica S F F L r: Svensk Förening för Foniatri och Logopedi S F F M P e: State/Federal Fisheries Management Program S F F T e: Semi-Fast Fourier Transform SFFUR e: Safety and Flight Failure/ Unsatisfactory Report SFFV e: Spleen Focus Formation Virus S F G d: Segelflug-Funksprechgerät - d: Senderfernbediengerät - d: Siedlungsförderungsgesetz - d: Sigmund Freud Gesellschaft - d: Studien- und Förderungsgesellschaft - e: Screen Format Generator - e: Signal Flow Graph - e: Signal Frequency Generator - e: Special Forces Group - e: Staircase Function Generator - e: Sum Frequency Generation - f: Société Française de Gynécologie SFGA e: Single Floating-Gate Amplifier S F G B e: Society of Foresters of Great Britain S F G D e: Safeguard - e: Shells Flue Gas Desulfurization S F G G B e: San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge S F G H e: San Francisco General Hospital S F G V d: Schweizerischer Frauengewerbeverband S F H d: Speicher-Fehlerhalt - d: Studiengesellschaft für Hochspannungsanlagen - e: Standard Fading Hour - e: Super Flux Harness - f: Société Française Hoechst - r: Samfundet för Hembygdsvard s F H d: schwere Feldhaubitze S F H A e: Scottish Federation of Housing Associations

S F H E A e: Scottish Further and Higher Education Association S F H M f: Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine S F H O M f: Société Française d'Histoire d'Outre-Mer S F H P e: Spent-Fuel Handling and Packaging - e: Spent-Fuel Handling Project S F H R e: San Francisco Historic Records - e: Society for Film History Research SFHS e: Stephen Foster High School S F H T e: Superfluid Helium Tanker SFHV d: Schweizerischer FischhändlerVerband SFI d: Synovialflüssigkeit - e: Selected Feature Index - e: Sequential Fuel Injection - e: Small Flow Indicator - e: Solid Fuel Injection - e: Southern Forest Institute - e: Space Flight Instrumentation - e: Special Feature Index - e: Specification Foundation International - e: Sport Fishing Institute - e: Standard Feature Index - e: Step Function Input - e: Support for Industry - e: Support for Innovation - f: Société Financière et d'Investissements du Sénégal - f: Société Financière Internationale - f: Société Française des Amateurs d'Iris - f: Société Française d'Ichtyologie - f: Société Française d'Immunologie - i: Società Filosofica Italiana - r: Svenska Finlands Idrottsförbund SFi d: Sendefilter Sfi 1: Streptomyces Fimbriatus SFIA e: Sea Fish Industries Authority - f: Société Forestiere et Industrielle de l'Azobé SFIAE e: San Francisco Institute of Automotive Ecology SFIB e: Small Firms Information Bureau - e: Southern Freight Inspection Bureau - f: Syndicat National des Fabricants d'Ensembles de Information et des Machines de Bureau SFI Bulletin e: Sport Fishing Institute Bulletin (joum.) SFIC e: Safe Flight Instrument Corporation - e: San Francisco Information Center - e: Small Firms Information Centre - f: Société et Fédération Internationale de Cardiologie S F I C E f: Syndicat des Industries de Pièces Détachées et Accessoires Radio-électriques et Electroniques SFID e: Sub-Frame Identification - e: Supplementary Flight Information Documentation - f: Société Forestiere et Industrielle de la Doumé SFIE f: Syndicat des Fabricants d'Isolants pour l'Électricité - f: Syndicat des Foncionnaires Internationeau et Européens S F I G f: Syndicat des Fabricants Industriels de Glaces, Sorbets et Crèmes Glacées SFIL f: Société Forestière et Industrielle de la Lokoundje S F I M f: Société de Fabrication d' Instruments de Mesure - r: Svenska Forbundet for Internationaler Möbeltransporter


© K G - Saur, München

S F I O f: Section Française de l'Internationale Ouvrière S F I R e: Specific Force Integrating Receiver - r: Svenska Föreningen för Industrielle Rattsskydd SFire e: Spitfire S F I R R e: Solid Fuel Integral Rocket Ramjet SFIS e: Small Firms Information Service - e: Statewide Federated Information System - f: Société Forestière et Industrielle de la Sangha S F I T e: Standard Family Interaction Test - e: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology SFITV f: Société Française des Ingenieurs et Techniciens du Vide S F J d: Sozial-, Familien- und Jugendrecht - e: Swept Frequency Jamming SFJg/StDst/FAkWiH d: Schule für Feldjäger/Stabsdienst und Fachakademie für Wirtschaft des Heeres S F K d: Satelliten Füllfaktor Klausel - d: Schnellfeuerkanone - d: Selbstgesteuerte[r] Flugkörper - d: Selbststeuernde[r] Flugkörper - d: Signaltechnik, Fernmeldetechnik, Kybernetik - d: Sozialwissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - d: Spaltstofflußkontrolle - d: Stahlfaserverstärkter Kunststoff - d: Störfallkommission - e: Step Fixture Key S f K d: Sprechfunk für Küstenschiffahrt s F K d: schweres Feldkabel S f k . d: Seefunk S.f.K. d: Sprechfunk für Küstenschiffahrt S F K K r: Svensk Förening för Klinisk Kemi S F L a: Satens Forskningskommitté for Lantmannagbyggnader - e: Saskatchewan Federation of Labour - e: Scandinavian Ferry Lines - e: Sequence[d] Flashing] Light[s] - e: Sequential Fuzzy Language - e: Sexual Freedom League - e: Short Flashing - e: Slip Full Load - e: Society of Federal Linguists - e: Start Firing Line - e: Subfile - e: Substrate Fed Logic - e: Suriname Florin - e: Symbolic Flowchart Language - F: Suomen Farmaseutti [or Farmasia] Liitto - r: Svenska Facklärarförbundet - r: Svenska Finlands Lärarförbund - r: Sveriges Fotalevantörers Förbund Sil d: Selbstfahrlafette - e: Surinam florin Sfi. d: Schwimmerflugzeug - d: Segelflieger - d: Segelflug S-flag e: Sign Flag S F L H d: Segelfliegerhorst S-Flip-FIop e: Sign Flip Flop S.F. L J . e: San Francisco Law Journal S F L Light e: Short Flashing Light SF-Lösung d: Sendroy-Lösung S F L R e: University of San Francisco Law Review S F L R P e: Society of Federal Labor Relations Professionals SFLS e: Semiflush SflS d: Segelflugschule SFltl d: Schnellbootflottille

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik

SFQA S[ystem] S F M d: Schichtfestmeter - d: Steinformmaschine - e: Scanning Force Microscopy - e: Sector Fighter Marshal - e: Sensor Fuzed Munition - e: Shipfitter Metalsmith - e: Signal Flow Matrix - e: Simple Forward Model - e: Simulated Flight Manual - e: Simulated Flow Method - e: Singular File Migration - e: Spectrophotofluorometer - e: Split Field Motor - e: Surface Feet [or Foot] per Minute - e: Swept Frequency Modulation - e: Switching-mode Frequency Multiplier[s] - f: Société Française de Malacologie - f: Société Française de Mésothérapie - f: Société Française de Métallurgie - f: Société Française de Munitions - f: Société Française des Mécaniciens - r: Svenska Foreningen for Materialteknik - s: Sociedad Forestal Mexicana S f m d: Signal- und Fernmeldemeisterei S F 2 M f: Société Française de Metallurgie et de Matériaux S F M A e: San Francisco Museum of Art - e: School Furniture Manufacturers Association - e: Scottish Furniture Manufacturers Association - e: Southern Furniture Manufacturers Association s F M B t r b B t l d: schweres Fernmeldebetriebsbataillon S F M C e: San Francisco Medical Center - e: Soluble Fibrin Monomer Complexes - f: Société Française de Minéralogie et Cristallographie S F M E f: Société Française de Médecine Esthétique - f: Société Française de Microscopie Électronique S F - M e t h o d e d: Säurefuchsin-Methode S F M F e: Scottish Fish Merchants Federation S F M G e: Sustained Fire Machine Gun - f: Société Française de Médecine Générale S F M G V d: Schweizerischer Fahrrad- und Motorrad-Gewerbe-Verband S F M I e: Soft Fibre Manufacturers' Institute - f: Société Française de Moteurs à Induction S F M L e: Standard Facility Material List S F M M f: Société Française de Metallurgie et de Matériaux S F M P e: Simple File Migration Problem S F M R e: San Francisco Municipal Railway - f: Société Forestière Marcel Régnier S F M S e: Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners [railroad] - e: Store and Forward Message - f: Société Forestière du Maine Sénégal - f: Société Française de Médecine du Sport S F M T e: Scottish Federation of Merchant Tailors - f: Société Française de Médecine du Trafic S F M T A e: Scottish Federation of Meat Traders Associations S F M W d: Spezialfachliche Militärische Weiterbildung S F M W a v e f o r m e: Stepped-Frequency Modulated Waveform SFN e: Ship and Facilities, Navy - e: Sort File Name - e: Strategic Facsimile Network - f: Société Française de Numismatique SFNA e: Stabilized Fuming Nitric Acid

S F N C f: Société Française de Neurochirurgie SFNI a: Suikerfabrieknavorsingsinstituut SFNSY e: San Francisco Naval Shipyard S F O d: Seefrachtordnung - d: Subfornikalorgan - e: Defense Solid Fuels Order - e: Routine Simulated Flameout - e: San Francisco [Airport] - e: San Francisco Oakland Airlines - e: San Francisco Opera - e: Senior Flag Officer - e: Serious Fraud Office - e: Service Fuel Oil - e: Simulated Flame Out - e: Single Frequency Outlet - e: Space Flight Operation^] - e: Special Factory Order - e: Subfornical Organ - e: Submarine Fog Oscillator - f: Société Française d'Ophthalmologie - f: Société Française d'Ostéopathie S F o e: San Francisco S & F O e: Supply and Fiscal Officer SF/O e: Screen Formatter/Optimizer S F O B e: Special Forces Operational Base SF[-]OBB e: San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge S F O C e: San Francisco Ordnance District - e: Space Flight Operation^] Center - e: Space Flight Operations Complex - f: Société Forestière de l'Ouest Cameroun S F O C S e: Single Fibre Optical Communications System S F O D e: San Francisco Ordnance District - e: Special Forces Operational Detachment S F O F e: Space Flight Operation[s] Facility S F O K P: Spoleczny Fundusz Odbudowy Kraju S F O L D S e: Ship-Form On-Line Design System S F O M e: Segregation Figures of Merit - e: Space Flight Operations Memorandum - f: Société Financière pour les Pays d'Outre-Mer - f: Société Française d'Optique et de Mécanique S F O M S e: Ships Force Overhaul Maintenance Systems SFOP[s] e: Space Flight Operations Planfs] S F O R D e: Single Frequency of Resonance Decoupling S - F o r m d: Smooth-Form S F O R T R A N e: Structured FORTRAN [Formula Translation] S F O S f: Société Française d'OrganoSynthèse S F O V e: Scan Field of View S F P d: Signal- und Fernmeldeposten - e: Science for Peace - e: Science Foundation of Physics - e: Screen Filtration Pressure - e: Second Focal Point - e: Security Filter Processor - e: Sensor Fusion Post - e: Set Forward Point - e: Sherbrooke Forest Park - e: Shipfitter Pipefitter - e: Shop Floor Programming - e: Sintered Ferrous Part - e: Slack Frame Program - e: Slow Filling Phase - e: Sodium Flame Penetrometer - e: Solar Flare Proton - e: Space Flight Project - e: Spartan-Furnished Property - e: Special Furnished Property

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Sciencc and Technology

© K G - Saur. Munich

- e: Spent Fuel Pit - e: Spent Fuel Pool - e: Straight Fixed Price - e: Super Flat Pack - e: Sustainer Firing Package - e: Sustainer Fuel Pressure - e: Systolic Femoralis Pressure - f: Société Française de Pédagogie - f: Société Française de Phoniatrie - f: Société Française de Photogrammétrie - f: Société Française de Photographie - f: Société Française de Physique - f: Société Française de Production et de Création Audiovisuelle - f: Société Française de Psychologie - f: Société Française des Paysagistes - P: Stowarzyszenie Filmowców Polskich - R: Sudno Fizichestkiy Polevoy SFPA e: Science Fiction Poetry Association - e: Single Failure Point Analysis - e: Southern Forest Products Association - e: Structural Fire Production Association SFP-ANGS e: Standardization Field Panel for Artillery and Naval Gunfire Support S F P B f: Syndicat Française des Produits Cosmétiques et de Toilette S F P D e: Selfpropelled SFPDis e: San Francisco Procurement District S F P E e: San Francisco Port of Embarkation - e: Scottish Food Promotion Executive - e: Society of Fire Protection Engineers s f p e e: surface plate S F P F e: Spent-Fuel Packaging Facility S F P H f: Société Française des Physiciens d'Hôpital - r: Svenska Föreningen for Psykisk Hâlsovârd S F P L e: San Francisco Public Library S F P L T f: Syndicat des Fabricants de Produits Laitiers Frais S F P M e: Surface Feet [or Foot] per Minute S F P M A C f: Société Française de Physiologie et de Médecine Aéronautiques et Cosmonautiques S F P O e: Spent-Fuel Project Office S F P O E e: San Francisco Port of Embarkation S F P P S e: Shore Facilities Planning and Programming System S F P R e: Society of Friends of Puerto Rico sfprf e: semifireproof S F P R L e: Spartan-Furnished Property Request List SFPS e: Single Failure Point Summary - e: Society of Fire Protection Specialists SFPs e: Sinn Fein Provisionals S F P T e: Society of Fire Protection Technicians - f: Société Française de Photogrammetrie et des Teledetection S F P T O L P: Sekcja Foniatryczna SFPV e: Special Forces Patrol Vehicle S F Q e: Southern Folklore Quarterly (journ.) SFQA Sfystem] e: Structurally Fixed Question-Answering System


SFR S F R d: Schadenfreiheitsrabatt - e: Safety of Flight Requirements] - e: Scale Factor Register - e: Selective File Retrieval - e: Self-Resonant Frequency - e: Serial Flechette Rifle - e: Shunt Field Rheostat - e: Signal Frequency Receive - e: Single Frame Ring - e: Sinking Fund Rate - e: Solar Flare Radiation - e: Space Frame R A D O M E [Radar Dome] - e: Spin Flip Raman - e: Stability and Frequency Response - e: Star-Formation Rate - e: Stroke[s] with Full Recovery - e: Submarine Fleet Reactor - f: Société Française des Roses - f: Société Française Radioélectrique - r: Skogsägareföreningarnas Riksförbund - r: Svenska Fargeritekniska Riksförbundet - r: Svenska Försäkringsbolags Riksförbund - r: Sveriges Färghandlares Riksförbund - r: Sveriges Fiskares Riksförbundet - r: Sveriges Förskollärares Riksförening sfr d: schweizer Franken S F r e: Swiss Franc S F R A e: Science Fiction Research Association S f r a m e e: Supervisory frame S F r a n e: San Francisco S F R C e: Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete S F R C S e: Steam and Feedwater Rupture Control System S F R D e: Secret Formerly Restricted S F R I A s: Sector de Fisiopatologia da Reproducao e Inseminacao Artificial S F R J d: Sozialistische Föderative Republik Jugoslawien - e: Solid-Fuel Ramjet S F R L [ a s e r ] e: Spin-Flip Raman Laser S F R P f: Société Française de Radioprotection S F R R e: Sinking Fund Rate of Return S F R S e: Sea Fisheries Research Station - e: Search for Random Success - e: Swept Frequency Radiometer System S F R T P e: Short-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics S F R V d: Schweizerische Fernseh- und Radio-Vereinigung S F R Y e: Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia S F S d: Schnellfrequenzbohrmaschine für Sprenglöcher - d: Schutzfunkenstrecke - d: Schweizerischer Fachverband für Schweiß- und Schneidmaterial - d: Sindelfinger Fertigungssteuerung - d: Spiegelflächensystem - e: S-band Feed System - e: Saybolt Furol Second[s] - e: Senior Flight Surgeon - e: Senior Foreign Service - e: Simplified Firing System - e: Society for French Studies - e: Society of Fleet Supervisors - e: Society of Food Service Systems - e: Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate - e: Sonic Frequency System - e: Sorption Filter System - e: Space Flight System[s] - e: Speech Filing System - e: Star Field Sensor - e: Step Function Solution - e: Strictly for Suckers - e: Strong-Focusing Synchrotron 348

- e: Surfaced four Sides - e: Symbolic File Support - e: System Failure Summaries - f: Service Fixé par Satellite - f: Société Française de Sociologie - F: Samfundet Finland-Sovjetunionen - F: Suomen Standardisoimisliitto - r: Föreningen Svensk Fjäderfaskötsel - r: Svenska Fornskriftsällskapet - r: Sveriges Förenade Studentkârer Sfs d: Säulenführungschnitt SfS d: Sektion für Systementwicklung - d: Studiengruppe für Systemforschung S F s e: Special Forces - e: State Facilitators S . F . S . 1: Sine fraude sua S F [ & ] S e: Supporting Facilities and Services S F S A e: Scottish Field Studies Association - e: Steel Founders Society of America S F S A F B e: Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation S F S C e: San Francisco State College - e: Self-Focus Sentence Completion - e: Shuni Feedback Schottky Clamped - f: Société Française de Sexologie Clinique S F & S C e: Standard Fruit & Steamship Company s F s c h J g K p d: schwere Fallschirmjägerkompanie S F S C L e: Shunt-Feedback Schottky Clamped Logic S F S C P D e: San Francisco Signal Corps Procurement District S F S C T e: Smooth-Face Structural Clay Tile S F S D e: Star Field Scanning Device S & F S D e: Sea and Foreign Service Duty S & F S D [ A ] e: Sea and Foreign Service Duty [Aviation] S & F S D [ S ] e: Sea and Foreign Service Duty [Submarine] S F S E e: San Francisco Stock Exchange S F S M e: Sensor Fuzed Submunition S F S P e: Santa F e Southern Pacific Corporation - e: Spent Fuel Storage Pool - e: Spent-Fuel Storage Program S F / S P e: Santa Fe/Southern Pacific S F S R d: Sozialistische Föderative Sowjetrepublik - e: Shipfitter, Ship Repair - e: Socialist Federation of Soviet Republics - e: Soviet Federated Socialist Republic S F S R C e: Shipfitter, Ship Repair, ChipperCaulker S F S R D e: Shipfitter, Ship Repair, Diver S F S R P e: Shipfitter, Ship Repair, Pipe Fitter-Plumber • S F S R R e: Shipfitter, Ship Repair, Riveter S F S R S e: Shipfitter, Ship Repair, Welder S F S S e: Satellite Field Service[s] Station[s] S F S T d: Scherenfernrohrstand sFSt d: schwere Funkstelle S F Steel e: Semifinished Steel S F S U e: Signal Frequency Signaling Unit - e: Single Frequency Signaling Unit

© K • G • Saur, München

S F T d: Sabin-Feldmann-Test - d: Schnelle Fourier-Transformation - e: Saab Friction Tester - e: Sabin-Feldman Test - e: Semiconductor Film[-strain] Transducer - e: Shaft[ing] - e: Shift - e: Simple File Transfer - e: Simulated Flight Test[s] - e: Skinfold Thickness - e: Slow Filling Time - e: Society of Feed Technologists - e: Society of Forensic Toxicologists - e: Soft - e: Source Fetch Trigger - e: Specific [or Specified] Financial Transactions - e: Spent-Fuel Test[ing] - e: Spiral Fin Tubing - e: Squeeze Film Test - e: Super-Fast Train - e: Superficial Feet - e: Symposium on Fusion Technology - e: System Fault Tolerance - f: Société Forestière Tropicale - f: Société Française des Télécommunications - f: Société Française des Thermiciens - f: Société Française des Traducteurs S.ft. e: Superficial feet S F T A e: Scientific Film Television Award - e: Society of Film and Television Arts S F T A A e: Short-Form Test of Academic Aptitude S F T A S f: Syndicat Français des Textiles Artificiels et Synthétiques S F T B d: Schweizerischer FilmtechnikerVereinigung - e: Southern Freight Tariff Bureau S F T C e: Sea Fisheries Training Council - e: Sherman Fairchild Technology Center S F T E e: Society of Flight Test Engineers S F - T e s t d: Spurenfindungstest S F T E X T e: Shaft Extension S F T I e: San Fernando Technical Institute S F T I P e: Special Flight Test Instrumentation Pool S F T L e: Sonic Fatigue Test Laboratory Sft/m e: Surface feet per minute S F T M f: Société Française de Transports Maritimes S F T O e: San Diego Field Test Operations S F T P e: Science for the People - f: Société Française des Tubes Pneumatiques S F T R e: Shift Register - e: Shipfitter - e: Shopfitter - e: Summary Flight Test Report S F T S e: Scale Factor Temperature Sensitivity - e : Self Test - e: Service Flying Training School - e: Single Fault Test Set - e: South Florida Test Service, Inc. - e: Standard Frequency and Time Signal[s] - e: Synthetic Flight Training System S F & T S e: Standard Frequency and Time Signal S F T S A e: Scottish Forest Tree Seed Association S F T U e: Somali Federation of Trade Unions S F T V d: Verband Gewerbsmäßiger Ferntransportunternehmer der Schweiz S F T W e: Stamps for the Wounded S F T W D e: Softwood

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in W i s s e n s c h a f t und T e c h n i k

sfz p SFTWR e: Software SFU d: Spannungs- [und] Frequenzumformer - e: Signals Flying Unit - e: Simon Fraser University - e: Special Front-end Unit - e: Special Function Unit - e: Status Fill-in Unit - e: Store and Forward Unit - e: Synchronized Forms Unit - f: Société de Fluoration de l'Uranium - f: Société Française des Urbanistes SFÜF d: Schiffsfiihrungs-Fernsprechanlage SFÜG d: Schiffsführungs-Gegensprechanlage SF/UIS e: Space Frame and Unit Integrating System S Function e: Supervisory Function SFuO d: Seefunkordnung SFuSt d: Sendefunkstelle SFÜW d: Schiffsfiihrungs-Wechselsprechanlage

SFV d: Schliisselfernschreibvorschrift - d: Schweizerische Franchising-Vereiningung - d: Schweizerischer Feuerwehrverband - d: Schweizerischer Floristenverband - d: Schweizerischer Forstverein - d: Selbstfahrvermietung - e: Semliki Forest Virus - e: Sight Feed Valve - f: Société Française du Vide SFV AH e: San Francisco Veterans Administration Hospital SFVH r. Svenska Föreningen for Vetenskaplig Homeopati SF-Virus e: Shipping-Fever-Virus SFVL F: Suomen Filmivalmistajien Liitto SFVS e: State Fund Vice Chairmen SFVSC e: San Fernando Valley State College SFW d: Schweizer Filmwochenschau - d: Schweizerische Fachgruppe für Wärmebehandlung - e: Sensor Fuzed Weapon - e: Shell Fragment Wound

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

© K • O • Saur, Munich

- e: Slow Filling Wave - e: Southern Folklore Quarterly (joum.) - e: Standard Feed Wheat Sfw d: Signal- und Fernmeldewerk SFWA e: Science Fiction Writers of America SFWC e: Search for Critical Weakness SFWD e: Slow Forward SF-Welle d: Science Fiction-Welle SFWLI e: Ships Force Worklist Instruction SFX e: Sound Effects SFXD e: Semi-Fixed SFXR e: Super Flash X-Ray SFXU e: Saint Francis Xavier University SFY e: Standard Facility Year[s] SFY F: Suomen Filosofinen Yhdistys SFZ d: Sonderfahrzeug - d: Sozialwisenschaftliches Forschungszentrum sfz i: sforzando sfz p i: sforzato piano