International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Part I A-Z 9783110971774, 9783598235153

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International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Part I A-Z
 9783110971774, 9783598235153

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Part I / Teil I A-Z

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology Series C: Disarmament, Policy of Peace, Military Policy and Science Compiled by Michael Peschke

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik Reihe C: Abrüstung, Friedenspolitik, Militärpolitik und -Wissenschaft Bearbeitet von Michael Peschke


Κ · G · Saur München 2008

Bibliographie information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at

® Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier Printed on permanent paper The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard - Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R1997) Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved K. G. Saur Verlag, München 2008 An Imprint of Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Datenerfassung und Satz / Computer-controlled keyboarding, data preparation and automatic data processing by Michael Peschke, Berlin Druck und Binden/Printed and bound by Strauss GmbH, Mörlenbach N o part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher 978-3-598-23514-6 (Set) 978-3-598-23515-3 (Parti)

Contents / Inhalt

Preface and Notes for the User


Vorwort und Hinweise für den Benutzer



Series C / Serie C




Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initials in all their various forms confront us today more than ever. We encounter them in all areas of daily life, both at home and at work: they are often the basis of documentation and communication and frequently themselves contain the central information in a given context. Decoding them is, however, often difficult, sometimes even impossible because adequate reference sources are either not available or not readily accessible. As the use and the invention of abbreviations is increasing world-wide, no one reference work can hope to answer all queries concerning them correctly. The present volume of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology lists more than 68,000 entries in each of 2 volumes. It continues the International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations in Science and Technology with its over 1 million entries in 17 volumes and 6 yearbooks. This extensive continuance now is opened up for individual science and society areas and is updated. The series C of the continuation and expansion of the reason work grasps abbreviations from the areas Disarmament, Policy of Peace, Military Policy and Science as well as from adjoining areas. Where the use of punctuation within the abbreviation is erratic, the most commonly-used form has been given preference. Further information of this nature can be found in the "Notes for the User".

Notes for the User


The abbreviations are presented in alphabetical order from a to z. Ä, œ, ç, ä, ö, ü are arranged lexically. Symbols and (diacritic) signs such as . - ( ) [ ] " AO & + are of no importance in regard to the alphabetical order. 1.1. Alphanumeric sequences are listed in the alphabetical place of the respective letter(s). 1.2. Roman numerals are arranged in their value as literal character. Arabs numerals in alphanumeric sequences are arranged in their value as number. Abbreviations beginning with a number are arranged after the character z. 2. Styles of type are used as follows: 2.1. boldface for the abbreviation 2.2. italics for the language code 2.3. plain for the remaining text 3. Within each entry (beginning with the abbreviation pro-

Berlin, November 2008



3.3. 3.4.

trading to the left), the meanings are likewise listed a) in alphabetical order of the label indicating the language in which the abbreviation is used, b) in alphabetical order. Each abbreviation is followed by the label indicating the area or sphere in which the abbreviation is used and/or the pertinent language. The sign of equality (=) normally separates explanatory remarks (usually abbreviated) from each other as well as from the remaining text. In connection with the grammalogue of a language the colon (:) refers to a different expression in another language of the respective meaning. Any additional explanations are enclosed in parentheses (). Brackets [] are components of abbreviations as well as of meanings. However, parentheses are also used for marking a word that can be substituted for the preceding word, and for marking that part of a word, which, if omitted, will result in a different meaning or spelling.

Language Codes

A a al b c ch d e eo es F f g H h ha i id ir in is j

Afrikaans Danish Albanian Bulgarian Czech Chinese German English Esperanto Estonian Finnish French Greek Hungarian Hebrew Haitian Italian Indian Irish Indonesian Icelandic Japanese

ko Ιοί le li ma Ν η Ρ Ρ ph R r

ra S s se sk U z

Korean Croatian Latin Latvian Lithanian Malayan Norwegian Dutch Polish Portuguese Philippine Russian Swedish Romanian Slowenian Spanish (too: Catalan, a.o.) Serbian Slovakian Ukrainian Turkish

Michael Peschke



Abkürzungen, Akronyme und Initialen in ihren mannigfachen Erscheinungsformen begegnen uns heute überall und mehr denn je. Sie treten in allen Bereichen des täglichen und beruflichen Lebens auf; sie sind oft Grundlage von Dokumentation und Kommunikation und vielfach die entscheidenden Informationsträger. Ihre Bedeutung zu entschlüsseln, ist gleichwohl oft schwierig, manchmal unmöglich, weil geeignete Hilfsmittel fehlen oder diese nur schwer greifbar sind. Weil der Gebrauch und die Erfindung von Abkürzungen und Abbreviaturen in der ganzen Welt ständig zunehmen, vermag niemand allein auf diesem Gebiet alle Fragen zutreffend zu beantworten. Der vorliegende Band der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik verzeichnet in 2 Bänden jeweils ca. 68.000 Einträge mit Entsprechungen. Es setzt die 17bändige Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik sowie 6 Jahrbücher mit ihren über 1 Million Einträgen fort. Dieser umfangreiche Bestand wird jetzt für einzelne Wissenschaftsgebiete und Gesellschaftsbereiche erschlossen und aktualisiert. Die Reihe C der Fortsetzung und Erweiterung des Grundwerkes enthält Abkürzungen aus den Bereichen Abrüstung, Friedenspolitik, Militärpolitik und -Wissenschaft sowie aus angrenzenden Gebieten. Abkürzungen, die teils mit, teils ohne Punkt geschrieben werden, sind nach der jeweils überwiegenden Verwendung verzeichnet. Im übrigen geben die "Hinweise für den Benutzer" alle Erläuterungen über die Anlage der Einträge wie des gesamten Werkes.

Hinweise für den Benutzer 1.

Die Abkürzungen werden in der alphabetischen Reihenfolge a...z gebracht. Ä, œ, ç, ä, ö, ü werden lexikalisch eingereiht. Zeichen wie . - ( ) [ ] " Λ 0 & + sind für die alphabetische Reihe ohne Bedeutung. 1.1. Alphanumerische Folgen stehen an der von dem (den) Buchstaben bestimmten alphabetischen Stelle. 1.2. Römische Zahlzeichen werden nach ihrem Buchstabenwert eingereiht. Arabische Zahlzeichen innerhalb alphanumerischer Folgen werden nach ihrem Zahlenwert geordnet. 2. Die Schriftarten werden wie folgt verwendet: 2.1. halbfett für die Abkürzung 2.2. kursiv für das Sprachkürzel 2.3. Grundschrift für den übrigen Text

Berlin, November




3.1. 3.2.

3.3. 3.4.

Innerhalb einer (mit einer links herausgerückten Abkürzung beginnenden) Wortstelle sind die Bedeutungen a) nach ihrem Bedeutungsbereich (Sortierung Sprache), b) in ihrer alphabetischen Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Der Abkürzung folgt die Angabe der Sprache. Das Gleichheitszeichen (=) trennt im allgemeinen abgekürzte erläuternde Hinweise voneinander und vom übrigen Text. Der Doppelpunkt (:) in Verbindung mit einem Sprachkürzel verweist auf anderssprachige Bezeichnungen der entsprechenden Bedeutung. Sonstige Erläuterungen stehen in runden K l a m m e m (). Eckige Klammern [] schließen Bestandteile von Abkürzungen und von Bedeutungen ein. Bei den Bedeutungen werden diese Klammern mitunter auch dazu benutzt, ein Wort zu kennzeichnen, das an die Stelle des vorangehenden gesetzt werden kann, bzw. Wortteile zu markieren, die, läßt man sie weg, eine andere Bedeutung oder eine andere Schreibung ergeben.

Sprachenkürzel A a al b c eh d e eo es F f g H h ha id ir in is j

afrikaans dänisch albanisch bulgarisch tschechisch chinesisch deutsch englisch Esperanto estnisch finnisch französisch griechisch ungarisch hebräisch haitianisch italienisch indisch irisch indonesisch isländisch japanisch

ko kr 1 le li ma Ν η Ρ Ρ ph R r

ra S s

se sk U ζ

koreanisch kroatisch lateinisch lettisch litauisch malaiisch norwegisch holländisch polnisch portugiesisch philippinisch russisch schwedisch rumänisch slowenisch spanisch (auch: katala nisch u.a.) serbisch slowakisch ukrainisch türkisch





d: Abteilung für allgemeine A r m e e - und für persönliche A n g e l e g e n h e i t e n [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] - d: allgemeine Armee - d: A r m e e - d: Artillerie - d: Artillerieschule - d: A u f k l ä r u n g - d: Ausgabestelle - d: M a r i n e k o m m a n d a n t [Reichskriegsministerium] - e: actual weight of an aircraft - e: A d j u t a n t General's B r a n c h - e: Administrative Division - e: Admiral - e: Admiralty - e: Air N a v i g a t i o n Bureau - e: A i r b o r n e - e: Aircraft - e: A m p h i b i o u s - e: Annapolis Regiment - e: A n t i a i r c r a f t - e: A r m a m e n t - e: Armstrong, Parkside, Coventry - e: Army - e: Artillery - e: Bureau of Aeronautics, D e p a r t m e n t of the Navy - i: A n s a l d o - i: A r m a t a - ζ: Alay A 1 d: A r m e e a b t e i l u n g [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A - l e: Air personnel o f f i c e r - e: Personnel section of an air force staff - e: Skyraider single-engine generalpurpose attack aircraft flown f r o m aircraft earn A 2 d: Infanterie-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A-2 e: Air intelligence o f f i c e r - e: Intelligence section of an air force staff A 3 e: A d v a n c e d A v i o n i c s Architecture A - 3 e: Operations and training section of an air force staff - e: Skywarrior twin-engine turbojet tactical all-weather attack aircraft operating A 4 d: Feldartillerie-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A - 4 e: Air material and supply o f f i c e r - e: Material and supply section of an air force staff - e: Skyhawk single-engine turbojet attack aircraft operating f r o m aircraft carriers A 5 d: Fußartillerie-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A-5 e: Supersonic twinengine turbojet allweather attack aircraft operating f r o m aircraft A 6 d: Ingenieurabteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A 8 d: A b t e i l u n g für Ein- und A u s f u h r [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A l l d: A b t e i l u n g für v e r b ü n d e t e Heere [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A 10 d: C h e m i s c h e Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A - 3 7 e: R a d a r - h o m i n g or televisionguided air-to-surface missile A - 1 0 6 e: A g u s t a a n t i s u b m a r i n e w a r f a r e single-engine singleseat helicopter a c: automobilni oddëleni deëlostrelectva [A] d: A b n a h m e - und Revisionsdienst AA d: A l a r m a u s s c h u ß - e: Acting Army - e: Active A r m y - e: Air A r m a m e n t

- e: A i r c r a f t Artificer - e: Airplane A v i o n i c s - e: Airship Association - e: American Airship Association - e: A m e r i c a n A r m y - e: A n t i a i r c r a f t Artillery - e: A r m a m e n t Artificer - e: A r m e d Forces [in the] Americas - e: A r m y Act - e: Atlantic A r e a - e: atomic absorption - e: atomic absorption spectrophotometry - e: A t o m i c A g e - e: Australian A r m y - e: Aviation Annex A.A. d: Armeeabteilung - d: A u f k l ä r u n g - d: A u s b i l d u n g s a b t e i l u n g - e: Antiaircraft - e: A r m a m e n t Artifier - e: A r m y Act - / • A r m é e Active - f : Armée Atlantique - f : Armée d ' A f r i q u e - / • A r m é e d'armistice - / • A r m é e de l'Air - / • A r m é e des Alpes - f : Artillerie Antiaérienne - f : Artillerie d'Armée - f : Artillerie d'Aussaut - i: A c c a d e m i a A e r o n a u t i c a - i: A r m a A e r o n a u t i c a - i: A r m a A t o m i c a - i: A r m a t a A r e a - i: Artiglieria d'armata - r: Asea Atom A & A e: Advertise and Award A / A e: Airborne Alert - e: Astronautics and Aeronautics A-6A e: Intruder twin-engine turbojet long-range carrierbased low-altitude attack aircraft A A A e: A d v a n c e d A m p h i b i o u s Assault - e: Advanced Attack Aircraft - e: All African Award - e: All A m e r i c a n Aviation - e: Allied A i r b o r n e Association - e: American Airship Association - e: American Association of Anatomists - e: A n t i - A i r c r a f t Artillery - e: A n t i a i r c r a f t A r m a m e n t - e: Antiaircraft Artillery - e: Antiaircraft Assistant - e: Army Appropriation Account - e: A r m y Audit A g e n c y - e: A s s e s s m e n t of A i r c r a f t Attrition - e: Authorization Accounting Activity - e: A u t o m a t i c Anti-Aircraft - e: A w a i t i n g A i r c r a f t Availability - f : A m e l i o r a t i o n de l'Autodefense Antimissile A r m a di artiglieria A . A . A . f : A m i c a l e des Anciens de l'Aviation - i: Associazione A r m a A e r o n a u t i c a - i: Associazione A r m a Artiglieria AA & A e: A r m a m e n t and Ammunition A A A A e: A r m y Aviation Association of America A A A A D e: Airborne Antitank A r m o r Air Defense A A A A Q Btry e: Antiaircraft Artillery A u t o m a t i c W e a p o n s Battery A A A A W e.· A n t i - A i r c r a f t Artillery A u t o m a t i c Weapons A A A A W Bn e: Antiaircraft Artillery A u t o m a t i c W e a p o n s Battalion A A A A W Btry [SP] e: A n t i a i r c r a f t Artillery Automatic Weapons Battery [Self-Propelled]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

A A A b n e: A n t i a i r c r a f t Artillery Airborne A A A Brig e: A n t i a i r c r a f t Artillery Brigade A A A Bty e: A n t i - A i r c r a f t Artillery Battery - e: antiaircraft artillery battery A A A C e: Anti-aircraft Artillery C o m m a n d - e: A r m y Antiaircraft C o m m a n d - e: Australian Army Aviation Corps - / ' Alliance Atlantique des Anciens Combattants A A A C O M e: Army Anti-aircraft Command A A A D e: Airborne A n t i - A r m o u r D e f e n c e - e: All A r m s Air D e f e n c e A & A A E e: Aeroplane and A r m a m e n t Experimental Establishment A A A F e: A n g l o - A m e r i c a n Air Force A . A . A . F . e: A n g l o - A m e r i c a n Air Forces A A A F D C e: Anti-aircraft Artillery Fire Direction Center A A A & G M e: A n t i - A i r c r a f t Artillery and Guided Missile E q u i p m e n t A A A & G M C[tr] e: Antiaircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Center A A A & G M S e: Anti-aircraft Artillery and Guided Missile School A A A Gn Bn e: A n t i a i r c r a f t Artillery G u n Battalion A A A Gn Bty e: Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battery A A A G p e: A n t i a i r c r a f t Artillery Group A A A gun crm e: A n t i - A i r c r a f t Artillery Gun C r e w m a n A A A IFC P L e: A n t i a i r c r a f t Artillery Integrated Fire Control Platoon A A A IFC rdr eqp e: Antiaircraft Artillery Integrated Fire Control Radar Equipment A A A I P e: A d v a n c e d A r m y A i r c r a f t Instrumentation P r o g r a m A A A I S e: A d v a n c e d Army Airborne Indicating System - e: A d v a n c e d A r m y A i r c r a f t Instrumentation System - e: Antiaircraft Artillery Information Service - e: A n t i a i r c r a f t Artillery Intelligence Service A A A I W D e: American Association of A l u m i n u m Importers and W a r e h o u s e Distributors A A / A L e: Airplane A v i o n i c s / A u t o l a n d A A A L M G e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Light Machine Gun A A A L O e: A n t i - A i r c r a f t Artillery Liaison Officer A A A M e: A d v a n c e d Air-to-Air Missile A . A . A . M . e: American Association of Aircraft M a n u f a c t u r e s A A A M A e: Air-to-Air A r m a m e n t Mission Analyses A A A M B e: Antiaircraft Artillery Missiles Battalion A A A M S e: A d v a n c e d A n t i - A r m o r Missile Systems A A A Msl e: A n t i - A i r c r a f t Artillery Missile AA and A e: A r m a m e n t and Ammunition AA and AS e: A n t i - A i r c r a f t and AntiSubmarine A A A O B e: Anti-Air Artillery Order of Battle A A A O C e: Antiaircraft Artillery Operations Center A A A O C S e: A n t i a i r c r a f t Artillery O f f i c e r Candidate School A A A opns & intel sp e: A n t i - A i r c r a f t Artillery Operations and Intelligence Specialist A A A O R e: A n t i - A i r c r a f t Artillery Operations Room


AAAP AAAP e: Airborne Associate Array Processor - e: Automated Airframe Assembly Program AAAR e: Association for the Advancement of Aeronautical Research AAARC e: Antiaircraft Artillery Reception Center - e: Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control AAARCAT e: Anti-Aitcraft Artillery Remote-Controlled Aerial Target AAARCAT Det e: Antiaircraft Artillery Remote-Controlled Aerial Target Detachment AAARC Rep Fman e: Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control Repair Foreman AAARC Rep Hlpr e: Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control Repair Helper AAARC Rep Insp e: Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control Repair Inspector AAARC Repm e: Antiaircraft Artillery Remote Control Repairman AAA rdr e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Radar AAA rdr crm e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Radar Crewman AAA Rep Fman e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Repair Foreman AAA Rep Hlpr e: Antiaircraft Artillery Repair Helper AAA Repm e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Repairman AAARRD e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Radar AAARRDCRM e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Radar Crewman AAARTC e: Antiaircraft Artillery Replacement Training Center AAAS e: Armored Anti-Aircraft System AAAS-HAC e: American Association for the Advancement of Science-Herbicide Assessment Commission AAA Sit e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Searchlight AAASTS e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Service Test Station AAASUSS e: Association of Administrative Assistants and Secretaries to United States Senators AAATC e: Antiaircraft Artillery Training Center AAAUS e: Association of Average Adjusters of the United States AAAV e: Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle AAAW e: Advanced Airborne AntiArmour Weapon AAAWC e: Alternate Antiair Warfare Commander AAB e: Aircraft Accident Board - e: Aircraft Armament Bulletin - e: Antiaircraft Battalion [or Battery] - e: Army Air Base - e: Army Artillery Board - e: Army Aviation Board - e: Association of Aircraft Brokers - e: Aviation Armament Bulletin AA/B e: Anti-Aircraft Balloon A.A.B.C. e: Anglo-American Blockade Commission AABCP e: Advanced Airborne Command Post AA Bde e: Antiaircraft Brigade AABFS e: Amphibious Assault Bulk Fuel System AABH d: Anti-Atom-Büro Hamburg AA bin e: Anti-Aircraft Balloon AABM e: Air-to-Air Battle Management - e: Airborne Anti-Ballistic Missile[s] a;iliin e: analytical anatomy by the Braille method AA Bn e: Antiaircraft Battalion


AABNCP e: Advanced Airborne Command Post - e: Advanced Airborne National Command Post A.A.Brig. e: Anti-aircraft Artillery Brigade aabshil e: aircraft anti-collisionbeaconsystem high-intensity lighting] A.Abt, d: Armee-Abteilung - d: Artillerie-Abteilung A.A.Bty. e: Anti-Aircraft Battery AAC e: Advanced Airborne Computer - e: Aeronautical Administrative Communications - e: Aeronautical Advisory Council - e: Aeronautical Approach Chart - e: Agreement and Account of Crew - e: Airborne Activity Confinement - e: Airborne Armament Control - e: Aircraft Accessories Corporation - e: Aircraft Armament Change - e: Alaskan Air Command - e: American Air Corps - e: American Armament Corporation - e: Anti-aircraft Command - e: Anti-Aircraft Corps - e: Antiaircraft Common - e: Army Air Corps - e: Army Ammunition Command - e: Army Apprentices College - e: Army Audiovisual Center - e: Army Aviation Center - e: Assembly Area Command - e: Assistant Area Commander - e: Atomic Absorption Coefficient - e: Attack Aircraft Carrier - e: Australian Air Corps - e: Auxiliary Artillery Corps - e: Aviation Armament Change - e: Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center A.A.C, d: Armee-Abteilung C - e: Aeronautics Advisory Committee - e: Army Aid Corps - e: Army Air Corps, Army Air Corps Centre, Middle Wallop, near Stockbridge - / ' Amicale des Anciens Combattants - / ' Artillerie Antiaérienne Coloniale - f: Association des Anciens Combattants AACA e: Amphibious Auto Club of America AACB e: Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordinationfing] Board AACBO e: American Association of College Business Officers A.A.C.B.R.R.O. e: Amalgamated Association of Card, Blowing and Ring Room Operatives AACC e: Administrative Area Control Centre - e: African Agricultural Credit Commission - e: Aircraft Accessories & Components Co. - e: Anti-Aircraft Command Centre - e: Army Air Corps Centre - e: Army Airborne Command and Control - e: Army Aviation Combat Center - e: Army Aviation Control Center A.A.C.C. e: Anglo-American Caribbean Commission AAC C4 e: Army Air Corps Command Control Communications Computers AACCC e: Ail-American Conference to Combat Communism AACD e: Asian American Caucus for Disarmament AACE e: Airborne Alternate Command Echelon - e: Aircraft Alerting Communications EMP

Κ · G · Saur, München

AACEP e: Aircraft Alerting Communications Electromagnetic Pulse AACEPA e: Army Air Corps Enlisted Pilots Association AACF e: Anti-Aircraft Co-Operation Flight - e: Army Area Calibration Facilities AACFO e: American Association of Correctional Facility Officers AACFT e: Army Aircraft AACISP e: Army Air Corps Information Systems Plan AACISS e: Army Air Corps Intelligence Support System AAC1V1 e: Automatic Armor Cluster Munition AACO e: Assault Airlift Control Office [r] AACOBE e: Army Automation Command Operating Budget Estimate AA Coll e: Army Apprentices College AACOM e: Army Area Communications AACOMS e: Army Area Communication^] System AACP e: Advanced Airborne Command Post - e: Anti-Aircraft Command Post - e: Army Acquisition Corps Program AACPF / • Association des anciens combattants et poilus de France AACRAO e: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers AACRF e: Anti-Aircraft Close Range Fire AACS e: Airborne Activity Confinement System - e: Airborne Advanced Communications System - e: Airborne Air Control Squadron - e: Airborne Astrographic Camera System - e: Airways and Air Communications Service - e: Anti-Aircraft Control Station - e: Army Airways Communication System - e: Army Airways Communication[s] Service - e: Army Airways Communication[s] System - e: Army Alaska Communication System - e: Army Command and Control System AACSC e: Army Automation and Communication Steering Committee AACSR e: Aluminium Alloy Conductor Steel-Reinforced AACSRON e: Airways and Air Communication[s] Service Squadron AACSWg e: Airways and Air Communications Service Wing AACT e: Air-to-Air Combat Test - e: American Association of Community Theatre AACTF e: Army Aircraft A.A.C.U. e: Anti-Aircraft Co-operative Unit AACUBO e: American Association of College and University Business Officers AAD e: Administrative Applications Division - e: Admission and Disposition - e: Advanced Airborne Demonstrator - e: Advanced Ammunition Depot - e: Air Ammunition Depot - e: Air Assault Division - e: Aircraft and Armament Development - e: Aircraft Assignment Directive - e: Alaskan Air Depot - e: Anti-Aircraft Defences - e: Anti-Aircraft Director - e: Army Air Defense - e: Army and Ammunition Division - e: Army Automation Directorate

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AAFMC - e: Army Aviation Digest - e: Australian Antarctic Division A.A.D. e: Anti-Aircraft Division - e: Armoured Automobile Detachment A.A.2d e: Atlantic Reporter AADA e: Antiaircraft-Defended Area - e: Army Air Defense Area AADB e: Army Air Defense Board AADC e: Advanced Airborne Digital Computer - e: Airborne Antiarmor Defense Concept - e: American Air Defense Command - e: Anti-aircraft Director Center - e: Antiaircraft Defense Command - e: Area Air Defense Commander AADC2 e: Army Air Defense Command[er] and Control AADCAP e: Army Air Defense Control Artillery Panel AADCCS e: Army Air Defense Control and Coordination System AADCP e: Army Air Defense Command Post AADD e: Aviation and Air Defense Division AADE e: Army Air Defense Element AA Def e: Anti-Aircraft Defense A.A.Def.Hq. e: anti-aircraft defence headquarters AA Def HQ e: Anti-aircraft Defense Headquarters AADEOS e: Advanced Air Defense Electro-Optic[al] Sensor [System] AADF e: Air & Air Defence Force AADGE e: Allied Air Defense Ground Environment - e: Allied Command Europe Air Defence Ground Environment AADHS e: Advanced Avionics Data Handling System AADIS e: Army Air Defense Information Service - e: Army Air Defense Information Service [or System] - e: Automatic Air Defense Information System AADL e: Artillery Ammunition Development Laboratory AADM e: Advanced Atomic Demolition Munition AADMC e: Army Aviation Depot Maintenance Center AADOO e: Army Air Defense Operations Office[r] AADP e: Administrative Automatic Data Processing Division - e: Anti-Aircraft Defended Point - e: Army Aviation Development Plan AA&DPD e: Appropriation Accounts and Data Processing Division AADR e: Alaskan Air Defense Region AADS e: Advanced Air Defense System - e: Advanced Army Defense System - e: Amphibious Assault Direction System - e: Anti-Aircraft Defense System - e: Area Air Defense System - e: Army Air Defense School - e: Army Air Defense Site - e: Army Air Defense Staff - e: Army Air Defense System - e: Automatic Aircraft Diagnostic System AADII e: Army Air Defense Unit AADV e: Acquisition Aid Vehicle AADW e: Advanced Air Defense Weapon AAE e: Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering - e: Aircraft Appliances & Equipment Ltd. - e: Ancillary Armament Equipment - e: Antiaircraft Element - e: Armament and Electronics

- e: Army Acquisition Executive - e: Army Aviation Element - e: Army Aviation Engineers A.A.E.C. e: Australian Army Educational Corps AAEC e: Australian Atomic Energy Commission AAECo e: Australian Aircraft and Engineering Co. AAED e: Active Airborne Expendable Decoy - e: Advanced Airborne Expendable Decoy - e: Air Armament Evaluation Detachment AAEE /• Association pour lAccueil des Étudiants Étrangers A Ae E e: Associate in Aeronautical Engineering AA[&]EE e: Aeronautical and Aircraft Experimental Establishment - e: Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment - e: Aircraft [or Airplane] and Armament Experimental Establishment AAEF e: Australian Air Expeditionary Force AAEFA e: Army Aviation Engineering Flight Activity A.A.E.O.A. f: Amicale des anciens élèvesofficiers de l'Air AAES e: Advanced Aircraft Electrical System - e: Anti-Aircraft Experimental Section - e: Australian Army Education Service AAESA e: Army Acquisition Executive Support Agency AAESWB e: Army Airborne Electronics and Special Warfare Board AAEW e: Atlantic Airborne Early Warning AAEWR e: Advanced Aircraft Early Warning Radar AAP e: Allted Air Forces - e: American Aeronautic Forum - e: American Air Force - e: Anti-Aircraft Fire - e: Army Air Field - e: Army Air Forcefs] - e: Atlantic Amphibious Force - e: Australian Air Force - e: Auxiliary Air Force A.A.F. e: Allied Air Forces - e: Armament Artificer AAFA e: Air-Air Forced Cooling - e: American Association of Fighter Aces - e: Army Aviation Flight Activity AA/FA e: Ambient Air/Forced-Air-Cooled A & AFA e: Army and Air Force Act A.A.F.A.I.S. e: Army and Air Force Air Intelligence School AAFARS e: Advanced Aviation Forward Area Refueling System AAFAS e: Army Air Forces Aid Society AAFB e: Andrews Air Force Base - e: Army Air Force Board - e: Army Air Force Bulletin - e: Army and Air Force Base - e: Auxiliary Air Force Base AAFBD e: Army and Air Force Exchange and Motion Picture Services Board of Directors AAFBF e: Anderson Air Force Base Flightline AAFBS e: Army Air Force Bombardier School AAFBTC e: Army Air Force Basic Fraining Center AAFBU e: Army Air Force Base Unit - e: Auxiliary Air Force Base Unit AAFC e: Airborne Audio Frequency Coder

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Anti-Aircraft Fire Control - e: Army Air Forces Center AAFCC e: Army Air Forces Classification Center AAFCE e: Allied Air Forces, Central Europe AAFCFTC e: Army Air Force[s] Central Flying Training Command AAFCOP e: Alternate Air Force Command Post AAFCPB e: Army Air Force Clemency and Parole Board AAFCS e: Advanced Automatic Flight Control System - e: Anti-Aircraft Fire Control System AAFCTTC e: Army Air Force Central Technical Training Command AAFCWF e: Army and Air Force Central Welfare Fund - e: Army and Air Force Civilian Welfare Fund AAFd e: Army Airfield AAFE e: Advanced Aerospace Flight Experiment - e: Advanced Airborne Flight Experiment - e: Advanced Application^] Flight Experiment - e: Aeroassist Flight Experiment AAFEA e: Australian Airline Flight Engineers Association AAFEC e: Army Air Forces Engineering] Command AAFECCC e: Allied Air Force Europe, Chaplaincy Consultative Committee AAFEESS e: Automated Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station System AAFEFTC e: Army Air Force Eastern Flying Training Command AAFEMPS e.· Army and Air Force Exchange and Motion Picture Service AAFE Program e: Advanced Applications Flight Experiments Program AAFE/RADSCAT e: Advanced Aerospace Flight Experiment/Radiometer-Scatterometer A & AFES e: Army and Air Force Exchange Service AAFES e: Army and Air Force Exchange Service - e: Auto Alert Force Exercise Schedule AAFETTC e: Army Air Force Eastern Technical Training Command AAFFA e: Australian Air Freight Forwarding Association AAFFTD e: Army Air Force Flying Training Detachment AAFGH e: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters AAFGL e: Auxiliary Air Force General List AAFGS e: Army Air Forces Gunnery School AAFI e: Allied Air Forces in Italy AAFIB e: Army Air Force in Britain AAFID e: Army Aviation Flight Information Detachment AAFIR e: Army Air Force Intelligence Report AAFIS e: Advanced Avionics Fault Isolation System - e: Army Air Forces Intelligence School A.A.F.I.S. e: Army and Air Force Intelligence Staff AAFld e: Army Air Field AAFM e: Army Air Force Manual AAFMAA e: Army and Air Force Mutual Aid Association AAFMC e: Army Air Forces Material Center


AAFMPS AAFMPS e: Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service AAFMPS-E e: Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service-Europe AAFMTO e: Army Air Force, Mediterranean Theater of Operations - e: Army Air Force Headquarters, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations AAFNE e: Allied Air Forces Northern Europe AAFNS e: Army Air Forces Navigation School AAFNTIR e: Army Air Force Nontechnical Intelligence Report AAFOIC e: Army Air Forces Officer in Charge AAFPFS e: Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School AAFPFSP e: Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School Pilot AAFPOA e: Army Air Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas AAFPS e: Army and Air Force Pilot School - e: Army and Air Force Postal Service A.A.F.R. e: Auxiliary Air Force Reserve A.A.F.R.O. e: Auxiliary Air Force Reserve of Officers AAFS e: Amphibious Assault Fire System - e: Amphibious Assault Fuel System - e: Atomic Absorption Flame Spectrometer AAFSAT e: Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics AAFSC e: Additional Air Force Speciality Code - e: Army Air Forces Service Command AAFSE e: Allied Air Forces Southern Europe AAFSETC e: Army Air Forces Southeast Training Command AAFSS e: Army's Airborne Fire-Support System AAF STD e: Army Air Forces Standard AAFSWPA e: Allied Air Forces, South West Pacific Area AAFT e: Army Air Force Translation AAFTAC e: Army Air Forces Tactical Center AAFTAD e: Army Air Forces Training Aids Division AAFTC e: Air Force Flight Test Center - e: Army Air Forces Training Center - e: Army Air Forces Training Command AAFTD e: Army Air Forces Training Detachment AAFTI & E e: Army Air Forces Troop Information and Education AAFTIR e: Army Air Force Technical Intelligence Report AAFTO e: Army Air Force Technical Order AAFTS e: Army Air Forces Technical School - e: Automated Adaptive Flight Training System AAFTTC e: Army Air Forces Technical Training Command - e: Army and Air Forces Technical Training Center AAFTTS e: Army Air Forces Technical Training School AAFV e: Australian Armed Forces, Vietnam AAFWB e: Army and Air Force Wage Board AAFWE e: Allied Air Forces Western Europe AAFWFTC e: Army Air Forces Western Flying Training Command


AAFWS e: Army Air Forces Weather Service AAFWSB e: Army Air Force Weather Service Bulletin AAFWSM e: Army Air Force Weather Service Manual AAFWTTC e: Army Air Forces Western Technical Training Command AAG d: Armee Ari Grp - d: Armee Ari Gruppe - d: Armeeartilleriegruppe - e: Aeronautical Assignment Group - e: Air Adjutant General - e: Air-to-Air Gunnery - e: Anti-Aircraft Gun - e: Army Artillery Group A.A.G. i: Associazione Arma del Genio AAGE e: Army Advisory Group on Energy AAGF e: Anti-Aircraft Gun Fire AAGL e: Anti-Aircraft Gun-Laying AA&GM e: Antiaircraft [and] Guided Missile[s] School AA & GM Branch e: Anti-Aircraft and Guided Missile Branch AAGMC e: Antiaircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Center - e: Army Antiaircraft Guided Missile Center AA & GM Ctr e: Anti-aircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Center AAGMS e: Anti-Aircraft Guided Missile System - e: Antiaircraft Guided Missile School - e: Antiaircraft Guided Missile Site - e: Antiaircraft Guided Missile Station - e: antiaircraft guided missile system AAGR e: Air-to-Air Gunnery Range - e: Anti-Aircraft Gunnery Range AAGS e: Aircraft Adapter Groups - e: Army Air Ground System AAG Stn e: Anti-Aircraft Gun Station AAGT e: American Army General Test AAGW e: Air-to-Air Guided Weapon AAH e: Advanced Attack Helicopter AAHB e: Antiaircraft Hostile Battery AAHC e: American Accreditation Healthcare Commission AAH M e: Association of Architectural Hardware Manufacturers AAHQ e: Allied Air Headquarters - e: Army Artillery Headquarters - e: Assembly Anchorage Headquarters Aahp e: Army artificial heart pump A.A.H.Q. e: Advanced Allied Headquarters AAHS e: American Aviation Historical Society AAHT e: Anitarmor Helicopter Troop AAI e: Airborne Alert Indoctrination - e: Aircraft Accident Investigation - e: Aircraft Armaments, Inc. - e: Allied Armies in Italy - e: Anti-Aircraft Instructor - e: Army Adaptation Inventory - e: Army Analysis of Intelligence - e: Arrival Aircraft Interval - e: Atlantic Art Institute AAIB e: Aircraft Accident Investigation Board AAIC e: Allied Air Intelligence Center - e: Asian Association of Insurance Commissioners AAICJ e: American Association for the International Commission of Jurists AAICS e: Automatic Aircraft Intercept Control System AAICV e: Amphibious, Armored Infantry Combat Vehicle AAIG e: Anti-Aircraft Instructor Gunnery

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AAIL e: Airborne Ion Laser AAIM e: Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring AAIP e: Academic Administration Internship Program - e: Advanced Avionics Integration Program - e: Advanced Avionics Interface Program A AIR SC e: Army Air Support Control AAIS e: Aircraft Accident Investigation School - e: Allied command europe ACCIS Implementation Strategy - e: Anti-Aircraft Information System - e: Antiaircraft Artillery Information [or Intelligence] Service AAJCS e: Anglo-American Joint Chiefs of Staff AAJFA e: Dry-type self cooled/ forcedair-cooled AAL e: Aircraft Approach Light - e: Aircraft Approach Limitation - e: Aircraft Armament Laboratory - e: Aircraft Assignment Letter - e: Ames Aeronautical Laboratory - e: Anti-Aircraft Light - e: Aviation Armament Laboratory AALA e: Afro-American Liberation Army - e: Anti-Aircraft Light Automatic AALAAW e: Advanced Air-Launched Anti-Armour Weapon AALC e: Active Army Locator System - e: Advance[d] Airborne Launch Center - e: Amphibious Assault Landing Craft AALD e: Australian Army Legal Department AALDEF e: Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund AALE e: Associate in Arts in Law Enforcement AALIS System e: Army Automated Library and Information Support System AALM e: Advanced Air-Launched Missile AAL Mg e: Anti-Aircraft Light Machine Gun AALO e: Anti-Aircraft Liaison Officer - e: Army Air Liaison Officer a.alp. artiglieria alpina AALPS e: Automated Aircraft Load Planning System AALRF e: Anti-Aircraft Long-Range Fire AALS e: Acoustic Artillery Location System - e: Active Army Locator System - e: Airborne Airfield Lighting System AALW e: Assembled Air-Launched Weapon AAM e: Air-to-Air Missile - e: Airborne Activity Monitor - e: Aircraft Availability Model - e: Airfield Attack Munition - e: Anti-Antimissile Missile - e: Army Achievement Medal - e: Army Aircraft Maintenance - e: Australian Air Mission - e: Federal Aviation Administration Office of Aviation Medicine - s: Arma Aerea de la Marina aam e: anti-aircraft missile A.A.M. / · Anciens de l'Aéronautique Militaire AAMAA e: Army Aviation Mission Area Analysis AA mach gn e: Antiaircraft Machine Gun AA mach gnr e: Anti-Aircraft Machine Gunner AAMAP e: Army Automation Master Plan AAMB e: Army Automation Memorandum Budget

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AARRC AAMBER e: Australian Antarctic Marine Biological Ecosystem Research A.Amb.Serv. e: Army Ambulance Service AAMC e: Army Air Material Command - e: Army Artillery and Missile Center - e: Army Aviation Materiel Command - e: Australian Army Medical Corps AAMCA e: Army Advanced Materiel Concepts Agency AAMG e: Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun AAMGE e: Air-to-Air Missile Guidance Element AA Mg PI e: Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Platoon AAMHC e: Atlantic Alliance for Maritime Heritage Conservation AAMID e: Accoplishment of Assigned Mission Impeded by Deadline AA.MIL. Autorità Militari AAML e: Arctic Aeromedicai Laboratory - e: Army Aviation Materials Laboratory AAMM e: Anti-Anti-Missile Missile AAMMP e: Active Army Military Manpower Program A.A.mot d: motorisierte Aufklärung A A M P e: Army Automation Master Plan - e: Army Aviation Modernization Plan AAMRDL e: Army Air Mobility Research and Development Laboratory AAMRO e: American Association of Medical Review Officers AAMRT e: Alberta Association of Medical Radiation Technologists AAMS e: Advanced Antitank Missile System - e: Airborne Auxiliary Memory System - e: Airmobile Aircraft Maintenance Shop - e: Army Aircraft Maintenance Shop - e: Army Armor School - e: Army Artillery and Missile School AAMSA e: Army Aviation Maintenance Support Activity AA/MSF e: Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight AAMSU e: Army Air Movement Support Unit AAMTAP e: Army Aircraft Maintenance Training Assistance Program - e: Army Aircraft Mobile Technical Assistance Program - e: Army Aviation Mobile Technical Assistance Program AAMIJ e: Army Advanced Marksmanship Unit AAMWD e: Air-to-Air MEP/Weapons Demonstrator AAMWS e: Australian Army Medical Women's Service A.A.M.W.S. e: Australian Army Medical Women's Service AANC e: Aging Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Development & Demonstration Center AANCP e: Advanced Airborne National Command Post A and AEE e: Aeroplane [or Aircraft] and Armament Experimental Establishment A and E e: Airframe and Engine - e: Armament[s] and Electronics A. and S.H. e: The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders [Princess Louise's] AANI e: Associate of the Australian Naval Institute AANP e: Aircraft Accident Notification Procedures AANS e: Australian Army Nursing Service AAO e: Airborne Area of Operation - e: Aircraft Approach Overlay - e: Anti-Aircraft Officer

- e: Army Acquisition Objective - e: Artillery Air Observer - e: Australian Army Order AAOC e: Antiaircraft Operations Center - e: Australian Army Ordnance Corps AAOCS e: Antiaircraft Artillery Officer Candidate School AAOD e: Army Aviation Operating Detachment - e: Australian Army Ordnance Depot AAOE e: Antarctic Airborne Ozone Experiment AAOFA e: Army Aviation Operating Facility AAOP e: Anti-Aircraft Observation Post AAOR e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Operations Room AAOS e: Acoustic Artillery Observer Subsystem AAOSGBI e: Aircraft and Airways Operators' Society of Great Britain and Ireland AAP e: Aircraft Actually Possessed - e: Aircraft Assembly Plant - e: Allied Army Procedures - e: Allied Army Publications - e: American Aviation Publications - e: Angina Awareness Program - e: Army Air Personnel - e: Army Ammunition Plant - e: Army Apprenticeship Program - e: Army Automation Program - e: Army Avionics Program - e: Association of Aviation Psychologists - e: Atmospheric Ananlysis and Prediction Division AAPBG e: Army Automation Program Budget Guidance A.A.P.C. e: Africa Auxiliary Pioneer Corps AAPC e: Australian Army Pay Corps - e: Australian Army Psychology Corps AAPCO e: Association of American Pesticides Control Officers AAPERS e: Active Army Personnel Reporting System AAPF e: Academy of American Poets Fellowship AAPIII e: Allied [or Army] Air Photograph Interpretation Unit AAPLE e: American Academy for Professional Law Enforcement - e: American Association for Professional Law Enforcement aapm AAPM e: Army Aviation Planning Manual AAPMA e: Association of Australian [Marine] Port and Marine Authorities [Inc.] - e: Australian Association of Port and Marine Authorities AAPO e: Advanced Aircraft Programs' Office AAPP e: Airborne Auxiliary Power Plant - e: Auxiliary Airborne Power Plant AAPPES e: Army Auto Plan and Progress Evaluation System - e: Army Automation Planning, Programming, and Evaluation System AAPR e: Army Aviation Program Review AAPRA e: All-African People's Revolutionary Army AAPRSO e: Army Aviation Personnel Requirements of Sustained Operations Study AAPS e: Active Aircraft Plume Suppression - e: Airborne Angular Position Sensor AAPs e: Army Ammunition Plants AAP/SHORAD e: Air-Augmented Propulsion for Short-Range Air Defense

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

AA psn e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Position AAPU e: Airborne Auxiliary Power Unit - e: Auxiliary Airborne Power Unit AAQ e: Armed Aircraft Qualification A.A.Q.C. e: American Army's Quartermaster Corps AAQM e: Acting Assistant Quartermaster A.A.QM.G. e: Acting Assistant Quartermaster General AA & QMG e: Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General AAR e: Air Attack Radar - e: Air Augmented Rocket - e: Airborne Attack Recorder - e: Aircraft Accident Record [or Report] - e: Alternate Acquisition Radar - e: Army Area Representative - e: Army Aviation Regiment A./A.R.6 d: Ausbildungsbatterie Artillerieregiment 6 AARAD e: Aspect Angle Radiation Code AARADCOM e: Army Armament R[esearch] & Development] Command AARC e: Antiaircraft Regional Command - e: Army Aeronautical Research Center - e: Army Attrition Rates Committee - e: Atlantic Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Center - e: Atlantic Air Rescue Center - e: Australian Aeronautical Research Committee AARCAT Det e: Antiaircraft Artillery Remote-Controlled Aerial Target Detachment A-ARCS e: Arctic Atmospheric Radiation and Cloud Station AARDC e: Army Air Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment in the Continental AARDCO e: Association of American Railroad Dining Car Officers AARDL e: Artillery Ammunition [and] Rocket Development Laboratory AARDOP e: Army Aviation Research and Development Objectives Program AAREC e: Adaptive Agile Radar ECCM [Electronic Counter-Countermeasures] AA Regt e: Antiaircraft Regiment AA Regt [H] e: Heavy Antiaircraft Regiment AARGM e: Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile AARI e: Advanced Airborne Remote Instrumentation AARL e: Advanced Applications Research Laboratory - e: Army Aeromedicai Research Laboratory [or Center] - e: Army Aircraft Radio Laboratory AARM e: Advanced Anti-Radiation Missile AARMA e: Assistant Army Military Attaché AAROM e: Active Assistive Range of Motion AAROTD e: Association of American Railroads Operating Transportation Division AARP e: Ancient American Rocket Pioneers - e: Atomic Air Raid Precautions AARPLS e: Advanced Airborne Radio Position Location System AARPS e: Air Augmented Rocket Propulsion System AARRB e: Army Aircraft Requirements Review Board AARRC e: Army Aircraft Requirements Review Committee - e: Atlantic Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Center


AARS AARS e: Advanced Airborne Radar System - e: Air Force Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service - e: Ammunition Asset Reporting System - e: Army Aerial Reconnaissance System - e: Army Aircraft Repair Ship - e: Army Amateur Radio System - e: Automated Aircraft Reporting System - / ' Système de transmission automatique des observations d'aéronefs - i: Arma aerea ruolo servizi AA rsp i: Arma aerea ruolo specialisti Aart d: Armee Artillerie AARTC e: Antiaircraft Replacement Training Center AARU e: Agricultural Aviation Research Unit AARV e: Aerial Armo[u]red Reconnaissance Vehicle - e: Armo[u]red Artillery Resupply Vehicle AAS d: Atomabsorptionsspektral photometer - d: Atomabsorptionsspektrokopie - d: Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie - d: Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie - e: Advanced Air Station - e: Aeromedicai Airlift Squadron - e: Air Armament School - e: Airborne Aerial System - e: Airborne Antenna System - e: Aircraft Airworthiness Section - e: Anti-Aircraft Searchlight - e: Anti-Aircraft Service - e: Army Air Service - e: Army Ambulance Service - e: Army Apprentices' School - e: Army Attaché System - e: Army Aviation School - e: Atlantic Aviation Services - e: atomic absorption spectrometry [or spectrometer, spectroscopy] - e: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry AAS. d: Amt für Atomsicherheit und Strahlenschutz A.A.S. e: Auxiliary Ambulance Service AASA e: Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army - e: Advanced Airborne Surveillance Antenna AASC e: Allied Air Support Command - e: Antiaircraft Signal Company - e: Army Area Signal Center - e: Army Area Supply Center - e: Army Automation Steering Committee - e: Australian Army Service Corps AASD e: Antiaircraft Self-Destroying AASDMCC e: American Association for Small Dredging and Marine Construction Companies AASE e: Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition - e: Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Experiment - e: Army Aviation Support Element AA Sec e: Anti-Aircraft Sector AASEF / · Association pour l'Accueil et le Soutien des Étrangers en France AASF e: Army Aviation Support Facility - e: Associate Administrator for Space Flight A.A.S.F. e: Advanced Air Striking Force AAS/GFAAS e: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy/Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy A.A.&S.H. e: Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders AASI e: Anti-Aircraft Searchlight A & ASL e: American & Australian Steamship Line


aasl e: Antiaircraft Searchlight AA SI Bn e: Antiaircraft Searchlight Battalion AA SI Co e: Antiaircraft Searchlight Company AA SI Co[y] e: Antiaircraft Searchlight Company AASLS e: Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Station AASM e: Advanced Air-to-Surface Missile - e: Association of Aviation and Space Museums AASMD e: Airborne Anti-Ship Missile Defense AASMMA e: Advanced Avionic System for Multi-Mission Application AASMS e: Advanced Air-to-Surface Missile Seeker AASO e: Administrative Aircraft Standardization Office - e: Army Aeronautical Service Office - e: Association of American Ship Owners AASP e: Army Automation Security [or Standardization] Program AA Spectrometry e: Atomic Absorption Spectrometry AASq e: Aeromedicai Airlift Squadron AASR e: Advanced Airborne Surveillance Radar - e: Advanced Army System Requirements - e: Airport and Airways Surveillance Radar - e: Airport and Surveillance Radar AASS e: Advanced Airborne Surveillance Sensor - e: Army Area Signal System AASSC e: Army Aviation System Support Center AASTA e: Antiaircraft Station - e: Army Aviation Systems Test Activity AASTS e: Antiaircraft Artillery Service Test Section AASU e: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Southampton AASW e: Airborne Antisubmarine Warfare AASWS e: Antimassed Armor Strike Weapon System AAT e: Accelerated Apprenticeship Training - e: Advanced Avionics Testbed - e: Anti-Aircraft Tank - e: Antiaircraft Tehnician - e: Army Assault Team - e: Asbestos Awareness Training - n: aan en afvoertroepen AATA e: Army Aviation Test Activity A.A.T.A. e: Anglo-American Treaty Association AATB e: Advanced Amphibious Training Base - e: Army Aviation Test Board AATC e: Advanced Air Training Command - e: All Arms Training Centre - e: Amphibious Air Traffic Control - e: Antiaircraft [Artillery] Training Center - e: Army Air Training Center - e: Army Air Transport Command - e: Army Air Transport Training and Development Centre - e: Army Aviation Test Command AATCAN System e: Army Air Traffic Control and Navigation System AATCO e: Army Air Traffic Coordinating Office AATD e: Advanced Avionics Technology Demonstration

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- e: Aviation Applied Technology Directorate AATDC e: Army Air Transport [Training] and Development Centre AATE e: Atlantic Association of Teacher Educators - e: Avionics Automatic Transmission Line AATF e: Active Air Target Fuse AA Tk e: Anti-Aircraft Tank AATL e: Avionics Automatic Transmission Line AATN s: Asociación Argentina de Tecnològica Núclear AATO e: Army Air Transport Organization AATOC e: Airhead Air Traffic Coordination Center AATOE e: American Association of Theatre Organ Enthusiasts AATOF e: Anti-Aircraft Throw-Off Firing AA Tps e: Antiaircraft Troops AATRACEN e: Antiaircraft [Artillery] Training Center AATRI e: Army Air Traffic Regulatio[s] and Identification AATRI S e: Army Air Traffic Regulation^] and Identification System AATS e: Alternate Aircraft Takeoff System - e: Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer - e: Anti-Aircraft Training System - e: Armament Auxiliaries Test Set AATT e: Australian Army Training Team - e: Australian Association for Theatre Technology AAT & TC e: Antiaircraft [Artillery] Training and Test Center AATTDC e: Army Air Transport Training and Development Centre AATTV e: Australian Army Training Team, Vietnam AATVA e: American All-Terrain Vehicle Association AATW e: Advanced Anti-Tank Weapon AAU e: Administration Area Unit - e: Anti-Aircraft Unit - e: Army Administrative Unit - e: Association of Atlantic Universities AAUG d: Armeeartillerieuntergruppe AAUS e: Airborne Atmospheric Uranium Sensor [A]Ausl./Abw d: Amtsgruppe Auslandsnachrichten und Abwehr AAUTC e: Army Aviation Unit Training Command AAV e: Advanced Aerospace Vehicle - e: Airborne Assault Vehicle - e: Amphibious Assault Vehicle - e: Antiaircraft Volunteer - e: Arab American Vehicles Co. - e: Assault Amphibian Vehicle - e: Autonomous Aerial Vehicle AAVA e: American Association of Veterinary Anatomists - e: Army Audio Visual Agency AAVAS/IM e: Autonomous Air Vehicle Avionics Suite/Intelligence Munition AAVC e: Australian Army Veterinary Corps AAVCS e: Airborne Automatic Voice Communications System - e: Automatic Aircraft Vectoring Control System AAV/IM e: Amphibious Assault Vehicle/Intelligent Munitions AAVN e: Army Aviation AAVNC e: Army Aviation Centre AAvnC e: Army Aviation Centre, Middle Wallop, near Stockbridge

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ABDACOM AAVP e: Assault Amphibian Vehicle, Personnel AAVR e: Assault Amphibian Vehicle, Recovery AAVS e: Aerospace Audio-Visual Service - e: Automatic Aircraft Vectoring System A Av Tech e: Associate in Aviation Technology AAW e: Aeromedicai Airlift Wing - e: Antiair Warfare AAWA e: American Automatic Weapons Association AAWBOT e: Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Basic Operational Trainer AAWC e: Anti-Air Warfare Center - e: Antiair Warfare C o m m a n d e r s ] - e: Antiair Warfare Coordinator - e: Australian Advisory War Council AAWEX e: Antiair Warfare Exercise[s] AAWEXINPT e: Antiair Warfare Exercisefs] in Port AAWF e: Auxiliary Aviation Weather Facility AAWg e: Aeromedicai Airlift Wing AAWN e: Army Air Warning Net AAWOBRS e: Anti-Air Warfare OnBoard Radar Simulator AAWR e: Antiair Warfare Reporting AAWRATS e: Anti-Air Warfare Readiness Assessment Training System AAWS e: Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System - e: Airborne Alert Weapon System - e: Anti-Air Warfare Systems AAWs e: Anti-Armor Weapons AAWS e: Automated Attack Warning System - e: Automatic Aviation Weather Service - e: Auxiliary Aircraft Warning Service AAWS-H e: Advanced Antitank Weapon System-Heavy - e: Anti-Armor Weapons System-Heavy AAWS-M e: Advanced Antitank Weapon System-Medium AAWSSC e: Army Atomic Weapon[s] Systems Safety Committee AAWSUP e: Antiair Warfare Support AAWTIP e: Anti-Air Warfare Training in Port AAWU d: Arbeitskreis Arbeitnehmer wehrtechnischer Unternehmen A A WW S e: Advanced All-Weather Weapon System - e: Airborne Adverse Weather Weapons System AAYPL e: Atlantic Association of Young Political Leaders AB d: Armeebasis - d: Artilleriebeobachtung - e: Administrative Battalion - e: Admiralty Board - e: Aeronautical Board - e: Air Bomber - e: Ammunition Bearer - e: Army Book - e: Atlantic Beach - e: Aviation Battalion - e: Aviation Boatswain's Mate - e: Avionics Bay A.B. d: Arbeitsbataillon - d: Armeebefehl - d: Armierungsbataillon - d: Artilleriebeobachter - e: Air Board - e: Air Branch - e: Armor Board - e: Armoured Brigade - e: Army Bearer Corps - / · Arme Blindée - f: Armée Belge

A/B e: Aircraft Bulletin a/b e: Airborne ABI e: Aviation Boatswain's Mate, First Class AB2 e: Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Second Class AB3 e: Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Third Class AB-47 e: Agusta-Bell three-place utility helicopter AB-204 e: Agusta-Bell gunship twinengine helicopter AB-205 e: Agusta-Bell ten-place trooptransport helicopter AB-206 e: Agusta-Bell five-seat turbinepowered helicopter ABA d: Armeebekleidungsamt - e: Airborne Assault - e: American Battleship Association - r: Aktiebolaget Atomenergi ABAA e: Airborne Antiaircraft ABAC e: Association of Balloon and Airship Constructors - e: Association of British Aviation Consultants ABACE e: Argentina-Brazil bilateral nuclear safeguards agency ABACUS e: Advanced Battlefield Computer Simulation - e: Air Battle Analysis Center Utility System - e: Artillery Battery Computer Support system ABAD e: Air Base Air Defense - e: Air Battle Analysis Division ABADACOM e: Advanced Base Depot Area Command ABAL d: Armee-Bekleidungs- und Ausrüstungslager ABAR e: Advanced Battery Acquisition Radar - e: Alternate Battery Acquisition Radar - e: Auxiliary Battery Acquisition Radar ABAR Unit e: Advanced Battery Acquisition Radar Unit ABAS e: Aircraft Based Augmentation System AB At r: AB Atomenergi, Stockholm ABATI) e: Advance[d] Base Aviation Training Unit ABAUSA e: Amateur Basketball Association of the United States of America ABb d: Atombombe Abbot e: Vickers self propelled fortress including 105mm gun, turret-mounted howitzer ABC d: Atomar, bakteriologisch, chemisch - e: Adriatic Base Command - e: Advanced Ballistic Computer - e: Advanced Ballistics Concepts - e: Air Battle Captain - e: Airborne Cigar - e: Airborne Computer [or Control] - e: Aircraft Builders Council - e: Aircraft of Bomber Command - e: All-purpose Battle Computer - e: Allied Bank[ing] Commission - e: American Blood Commission - e: American Book Center for War Devastated Libraries - e: Antigua Base Command - e: Asian Benevolent Corps - e: Assistant Beach Commander - e: Atomic, Bacteriological & Chemical - e: Australian Broadcasting Commission - / · Arme blindée et cavalerie A.B.C, e: Airborne Command

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ABC3 e: Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center ABCA e: Allied British-Canadian Army - e: America, Britain, Canada, Australia - e: Army Bureau of Current Affairs ABC Abw Btl d: Atomares, Bakteriologisches und Chemisches Abwehrbataillon ABC Abw Kp d: Atomare, Bakteriologische und Chemische Abwehrkompanie ABC Abw Lehr Btl d: Atomares, Bakteriologisches und Chemisches Abwehrlehrbataillon ABC Abw-S d: Atomare, Bakteriologische und Chemische Abwehr-Schule ABCAbwTr d: ABC-Abwehrtruppe ABCAbwTrp d: ABC-Abwehrtrupp ABC -AIR -STD e: American BritishCanadian Airforces Standard ABC-ASP e: American-British-Canadian Army Standardization Program ABCC e: Airborne Battlefield Command and Control - e: Airborne Command Center - e: Airborne Communications Center - e: Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission ABCCC e: Airborne Battlefield Command & Control Center [or Centre] ABCCS e: AirBorne Communications, Command, and Control System ABCCTC e: Advanced Base Combat Communication^] Training Center ABCD e: Advanced Base Construction Depot - e: American, British, Chinese & Dutch Allied Forces - e: Atomic, Biological and Chemical Defense - e: Atomic, Biological, Chemical and Damage ABCD Control e: Atomic, Biological, Chemical and Damage Control ABCDEF e: American Boys Club in Defense of Errol Flynn ABCFM e: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions ABC-f.m e: Australian Broadcasting Commission-frequency modulation[system] ABC-Krieg d: atomarer-bakteriologischer chemischer Krieg Α.B.C.M. e: American Board of Catholic Missions ABCMR e: Army Board for Correction of Military Records A/B Comd e: Airborne Command ABCP e: Airborne Command Post - e: Aisan Buddhist Conference for Peace ABCR e: Atomic, Biological, Chemical, and Radiological ABCS e: Army Battle Command System - e: Avionics Bay Cooling System A.B.C.S. e: Advisory Board on Chaplaincy Services ABC-tv e: Australian Broadcasting Commission-television ABCW e: Atomic, Biological, Chemical Warfare ABC-Waffen d: atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen ABC Washdown e: Atomic, Biological, and Chemical Washdown ABD e: Airborne Ballistics Division - e: Applied Ballistics Department - e: Army Budget Directive ABDA e: American-British-DutchAustralian Forces ABDACOM e: Advanced Base Depot Area Command


ABDAFLOAT - e: American-British-Dutch-Australian [Forces] Command - e: American-British-Dutch-Australian Supreme Command ABDAFLOAT e: American, British, Dutch, Australian Naval Operational Command ABDAIR e: American, British, Dutch, Australian Air Operational Command ABDARM e: American-British-DutchAustralian Army Operational Command AB Div e: Airborne Division ABDR e: Air Battle Damage Report - e: Aircraft Battle-Damage Repair - e: Army Battle Damage Repair ABDS e: Air Base Defense Simulator ABD/SCADS e: Air Base Defense/Sensor Communications and Display System ABE e: Airborne Bombing Evaluation - e: Army Background Experiment A/BE e: Airborne Equipment ABECO e: American-British Expeditionary Corps A/B Engr Avn Bn e: Airborne Engineer Aviation Battalion ABERU e: Airborne Emergency Reaction Unit ABETS e: Airborne Beacon Electronic Test Set - e: Airborne Electrical Test Set ABF e: Air Base Flight - e: Airborne Freight Corp. - e: Aircraft Battle Force - e: Annular Blast Fragmentation warhead - e: Army Benevolent Fund A.B.F. e: Army Benevolent Fund ABFAAB e: Airborne Force, Army Air Base ABFC e: Advanced Base Functional Component A/BF & D e: Airborne Fill-and-Drain ABFM e: Airborne Field Mill Program - e: American Board of Foreign Missions A.B.F.M.S. e: American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society ABFOR e: American-British Forces AB/FS e: Air Base/Force Survivability ABG e: Air Base Group - e: American Ship Building Company Abg. i: Aerobrigata ABGD e: Air Base Ground Defence Abgezw.Kdo. d: abgezweigtes Kommando A.B.H. e: Advanced Base Hospital ABH e: Arab British Helicopters Co. ABHM e: Association of British [or Builders'] Hardware Manufacturers A.B.H.M.S. e: American Baptist Home Mission Society ABHRS e: As Built Hardware Reporting System ABI e: Aviation Billet Indicator - e: Avionics Bus Interface ABIC e: Army Battlefield Interface Concept - e: Automated Battlefield Interface Concept ABIL e: Airborne Beacon Interference Locator ABIM e: American Board of International Missions ABIRD e: Aircraft-Based Infrared Detector ABIT e: Airborne Imagery Transmission - e: Aircraft Blast Interaction Tests ABK d: Alliierte Bankkommission e: Airborne Identification Kit AB[K] d: Ausbildungskommission abkdrt. d: abkommandiert ABKI e: Airborne Identification Kit Abko. d: Abnahmekommando


Abko.[L] d: Abnahmekommando der Luftwaffe ABL d: Abschnittsbauleitung - d: Armeebekleidungslager - d: Armeebetriebsstofflager - e: Airborne Laser - e: Allegheny Ballistic Laboratory - e: Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory - e: Ammunition Base Load - e: Armament Boresight Line - e: Army Biological Laboratory - e: ATLAS [Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems] Basic Language - e: Automatic Bootstrap Loader ABIAHK d: Amtsblatt der Alliierten Hohen Kommission in Deutschland ABlAllKdtr. d: Amtsblatt der Alliierten Kommandatura Berlin ABLCHG e: Airborne Launching ABLE e: Advocates for Border Law Enforcement ABLE ACE e: Airborne Laser Extended Atmospheric Characterization Experiment ABLE-2B e: Arctic/Atlantic/Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment ABLES e: Airborne Battlefield Light Equipment System ABLEX e: Airborne Laser Experiment ABLO e: Australian Botanical Liaison Officer ABLS e: Armored Box Launcher System ABLSS e: Advanced Ballistic-type Lodistic Spacecraft System AB Lt Reg e: Airborne Light Regiment ABLV e: Air-Breathing Launch Vehicle ABM e: Adventist Board of Missions - e: Atomic Beam Method - e: Australian Board of Missions - e: Aviation Boatswain's Mate - e: Treaty Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty ABMA e: Army Ballistic Missile Agency ABMC e: American Battle Monuments Commission ABMCP e: Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Catapult ABMD e: Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense - e: Air Ballistics Missile Division ABMDA e: Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency ABMEWS e: Anti-Ballistic Missile Early Warning System ABMH e: Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Handler ABMIS e: Airborne Ballistic Missile Intercept System ABMJ e: American Board of Missions to the Jews ABMM e: Antiballistic-Missile Missile ABMOC e: Air Battle Management Operation Center ABMPH e: Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Plane Handler ABMR e: Anti-Ballistic Missile Range - e: Atlantic Ballistic Missile Range - e: Atomic-Beam Magnetic Resonance ABMS e: Advanced Ballistic Missile Systems - e: Antiballistic Missile System - e: Artillery Ballistic Meteorological System ABMT e: Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty A.B.M.U. e: American Baptist Missionary Union ABN e: Airborne Abn AAA e: Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery Abn Cbt Gr e: Airborne Combat Group ABNCP e: Airborne [National] Command Post [or Force]

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Abn CP e: Airborne Operations Center ABNDASC e: Airborne Direct Air Support Center AbnDiv e: Airborne Division Abn Engr Bn e: Airborne Engineer Battalion ABNINF e: Airborne Infantry ABNL e: Admiral, Benelux & Netherlands ABNM e: American Board of National Missions - e: American Board of Nuclear Medicine Abn Maint Bn e: Airborne Maintenance Battalion ABNOC e: Airborne Nuclear Operations Center ABNRADIOMAINTTM e: Airborne Radio Maintenance Team ABNSIGBN e: Airborne Signal Battalion Abn Sig Bn e: airborne signal battalion Abn Sup & Trans Co e: Airborne Supply and Transport Company ABO e: Admiralty Berthing Officer - e: Airborne Order - e: Army Budget Office A.B.O. f: Armée Belge d'Occupation ABOD e: Advanced Base Ordnance Depot A-bomb e: Atomic Bomb AB ONE e: Air Bases Command, First Naval District ABOOW e: Assistant Battalion Officerof-the-Watch ABOPS e: Association of Business Officers of Preparatory Schools ABP e: Airborne Beacon Processor - e: American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres ABPG e: Advanced Base Proving Ground Α Β Ρ Ο e: Advanced Base Personnel Officer ABPS e: Airborne Beacon Processing System A/BPS e: Airborne Propellant System A.B.-P.T. e: American BroadcastingParamount Theatre, Inc. ABPU e: Advanced Base Personnel Unit ABQ e: Admiralty Berthing Officer ABR d: Artilleriebewegungsraum - e: Aero-Ballistic Rocket - e: Airborne Resupply - e: Amphibian Boat Reconnaissance Aircraft - e: Army Ballistic Research ABr. d: Artilleriebrigade ABRA d: Abteilung Behandlung radioaktiver Abfälle ABRB e: Advanced Base Receiving Barracks ABRD e: Advanced Base Repair Depot - e: Advanced Base Reshipment Depot ABRE e: Air Battalion Royal Engineers - e: Army Board of Review for Eliminations ABRES e: Advanced Ballistic Re-entry System A.Brig, d: Artilleriebrigade Abr.Intdtr. d: Abrechnungsintendantur ABRL e: Army Ballistic Research Laboratories ABRO e: Army in Burma Reserve of Officers ABRON e: Air Base Squadron ABRS e: Assault Ballistic Rocket System ABRV e: Advanced Ballistic Reentry Vehicle Abs. d: Absendestelle des Wehrmachtamts im Reichskriegsministerium ABS d: Ausschuß für biologische Sicherheit - e: Air Base Squadron - e: Airborne Bathymétrie Survey [System]

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ACAP - e: American Bureau of Shipping - e: Army Broadcasting Service - e: Atlantic Base Section - r: Arméns brevskola ABSA e: Advanced Base Support Aircraft ABSAP e: Airborne Search and Attack Plotter Abschl.Abt. d: Abschleppabteilung ABSD e: Advanced [Army] Base Supply Depot ABSG e: Agribusiness Shippers Group ABSIE e: American Broadcasting Station in Europe ABSLA e: Approved Basic Stock Level of Ammunition ABSLOA e: Approved Basic Stock List of Ammunition ABSNM e: American Board Of Science In Nuclear Medicine ABSq e: Air Base Squadron ABSS e: advanced beach signal station Abst. d: Abwehrstelle A.B.St, d: Armeebriefstelle - d: Artillerie-Beobachtungsstelle - d: Artilleriebeobachtungsstelle ABS[T] e: Amphibious Bridging System [Tracked] Abst.Tr. d: Abstecktrupp ABSv e: air base service ABS [W] e: Amphibious Bridging System [Wheeled] A BT e: Airborne Tracking Abt.Abw. d: Abteilung Abwehr ABTF e: Airborne Task Force - e: Alga Bloom Task Force - e: Assault Battalion Task Force Abt.f.Kr.Kart.u.Verm.Wes. d: Abteilung für Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesen Abt.Frd.Heere d: Abteilung Fremde Heere Abt.f.W.F.u.K. d: Abteilung für Waffen, Feldgerät und Kriegsamtsangelegenheiten Abt.Fz. d: Abteilung Feldzeugwesen Abt.Gef.St. d: Abteilungsgefechtsstand Abt.H.Vers. d: Abteilung Heeresversorgung Abt. Kdr. d: Abteilungskommandeur Abt.Kgf. d: Abteilung Kriegsgefangene Abt.Kr.-Verw. d: Abteilung Kriegsverwaltung Abt.L d: Abteilung Landesverteidigung ABtl. d: Aufklärungsbataillon A.Btl. d: Ausbildungsbataillon A.B.T.S. e: Army Blood Transfusion Service ABTSS e: Airborne Transponder Subsystem Abt.St.A.Lw. d: Abteilung ABTT e: Associate of British Theatre Technicians ABTU e: Air Bombers Training Unit - e: Arms Basic Trainig Unit - e: Army Basic Training Unit ABU e: Amphibious Beach Unit - e: Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union - e: Aviation Bird Unit ABW e: Advanced Base Workshop - e: Air Base Wing - e: Airborne Waste - e: Anterior Bite Wing - e: Armoured Brigade Workshop - e: Associated Brewing Company ABw d: Abwehrabteilung im Wehrmachtamt Abw. d: Abwärme abw. d: abwärts A.b.W. d: Ankaufsabteilung für beschlagnahmte Webwaren der KriegsRohstoff-Ab te ilung [Abw] d: [Abwehr]

AB Wa e: Air Base Wallerfield Abw.Abt. d: Abwehrabteilung Abw.B. d: Abwicklungsbüro Abwick.Kom. d: Abwicklungskommission ABWL e: Army Bacteriological Warfare Laboratory Abw.l M O-S d: Abwehr I Marine OstSüd AB Works e: Airborne Workshop ABWRC e: Army Biological Warfare Research Center Abw.St. d: Abwehrstelle - d: Abwicklungsstelle AC e: Admiral Commanding - e: Aerial Combat - e: Aeronautical Center - e: Air Command - e: Air Corps - e: Air [force] Component - e: Aircraft Cannon - e: Aircraft Carrier - e: Aircraft Commander - e: Aircraft Control - e: Aircraftsman - e: Airframe Change - e: Alaskan Command - e: Allied Command - e: Allied Commission - e: Ambulance Corps - e: Ammunition Corporal - e: Amphibian Command - e: Amphibious Car - e: Amphibious Corps - e: Apprenticeship Committee - e: Area Commander - e: Armament Control - e: Armament[s] Command - e: Armaments Committee - e: Army Circular - e: Army Contract - e: Army Corps - e: Army Council - e: Assistant Commandant - e: Assistant Commissioner - e: Atlantic Charter - e: Atlantic Congress - e: Atlantic Council - e: Atomicity Controller - e: Attention Command - e: Audit Commission - e: Australian Corps - e: Auxiliary Command ac r: alarmeringscentral A.C. e: Able Aircraftsman - e: Admiralty Constabulary - e: Admissions Committee - e: Aldershot Command - e: Ambulance Company - e: Ambulance Corps - e: Army Council - e: Artillery Clerk - e: Artillery College - e: Artillery Controller - e: Artillery Corps - f: Armée Coloniale - f : Artillerie à Cheval - / · Artillerie Coloniale - f: Artillerie de Campagne - f: Artillerie de Corps - f: Association de Combattants - i: Alto Comando Arma Chimica a.c. i: artiglieria contraerea - s: artillería de costa A&C e: Agreements and Commitments A/C e: Aircraft - e: Aviation Cadet AC 1 e: Aircraftsman First Class AC 2 e: Aircraftsman Second Class

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

A2C2 e: Army Airspace Command & Control AC 3 e: Aircraftsman Third Class AC-119 e: Fairchild-Hiller armed gunship complete with Vulcan cannons and 7.2mm miniguns AC-130 e: Lockheed armed gunship similar to AC- 119 but with more guns ACA e: Acute Care Admission - e: Advanced Cargo Aircraft - e: Advanced Combat Aircraft - e: After Contract Award - e: Agile Combat Aircraft - e: Air Combat Analysis - e: Air Cushion Aircraft - e: Aircraft Castings Association - e: Aircraft Change Analysis - e: All Composite Aircraft - e: Allied Command, Atlantic - e: Allied Commission for Austria - e: Ammunition Container Assembly - e: Armament[s] Control Agency - e: Army Cataloguing Authority - e: Associate Contractor Agreement - e: Australian Council for Aeronautics - e: Automatic Conference Arranger - e: Awaiting Combat Assignment - i: Alta Commissione Alleata - s: Asociación Centroamericana de Anatomía A.C.A. / · Artillerie de Corps d'Armée a.c.a. i: artigliera di corpo d'armata - i: artiglieria contraerea A/CA e.· Aircraft Attrition ACAA e: Army Concepts Analysis Agency ACAAD e: Authorized Commanders Atomic Air Defense ACAB e: Army Contract Adjustment Board ACAC e: Admiral Commanding, Aircraft Carriers - e: Air Contact Area Commander - e: Air Control Area Commander - e: American College Admissions Center[s] ACAC e: Association of College Admissions] Counselors - e: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission - e: Australian Corporate Affairs Commission ACACA e: Army Command and Administration Communication Agency ACAD e: Automotive Committee for Air Defense ACAE e: Australian Commission on Advanced Education ACAF e: Advanced Counter-Air Fighter - e: Amphibious Corps Atlantic Fleet - e: Australian Citizen Air Force ACAL e: Aircraft Change Application List - e: Aircraft Configuration Allowance List ACAMAR e: Central American Association of Shipowners ACAMR e: Associate Committee on Aviation Medical Research ACAN e: Army Command and Administrative Network - e: Army Communications Administrative Network AC and WS e: Aircraft Control and Warning Station[s] ACAO e: Assistant County Advisory Officer ACAP e: Advanced Combat Air Patrol - e: Advanced Composite Aircraft Program - e: Advanced Composite Airframe Program - e: Army Child Advocacy Program


ACAPS - e: Army Contract Appeals Panel - e: Army Cost Analysis Paper - e: Aviation Consumer Action Process - e: Aviation Consumer Action Project ACAPS e: Artillery Communication Aural Protection System ACAPSUL f: Association du Corps Académique et du Personnel Scientifique de l'Université de Louvain ACAR e: Alumin[i]um Cable, Alumin[i]um Reinforced ACARS e: Aeronautical Radio Incorporated Communications, Addressing the Reporting System - e: Aircraft Communication and Recording System - e: Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System Ac Arty e: Accompanying Artillery ACAS e: Airborne Collision Avoidance system - e: Aircraft Collision Avoidance System - e: Army Commissary Automation System - e: Army Crisis Action System - e: Assistant Chief of [the] Air Staff - e: Atlantic Canada Airborne Sensing - e: Atlantic Coast Air Service ACATS e: Airborne Chromatograph for Atmospheric Trace Species - e: Association of Civil Aviation Technical Staffs ACATT e: Aviation Combined Arms Team Trainer ACAU e: Armo[u]red Cavalry Assault Vehicle ACAW e: Aircraft Control and Warning A Cav e: Armoured Cavalry ACAWS e: Advisory, Caution, And Warning System ACB e: Amphibious Construction Battalion - e: Army Classification Battery - e: Army Communications Board - e: Assault Combat Battalion - r: Arméns centrala bekl ACBA e: Allied Command Baltic Approaches ACBACCIS e: Allied Command Baltic Approaches Command Control and Information System ACBCA e: Atlantic Canada's Breast Cancer Archive ACBD e: Active Commission Base Date ACBFC e: American Church Building Fund Commission ACBM e: Atomic Cesium Beam Maser - e: Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate ACBMAG e: Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate, Arresting Gear and Barriers ACBMCP e: Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate, Catapult ACBO e: Assistant Counterbattery Officer ACBT e: Air Combat Training ACBWS e: Automatic Chemical Biological Warning System ACC e: Active Citizenship Campaign - e: Admiralty Corrosion Committee - e: Agricultural Credit Corporation - e: Air Center Commander - e: Air Chief Commandant - e: Air Combat Command - e: Air Component Command - e: Air Component Commander - e: Air Control Commission - e: Airborne Control Computer - e: Aircraft Carrier [or Commander] - e: Allied Control Commission - e: Alternate Command Center - e: Alternative Command Centre - e: Ambulance Car Company


- e: Amphibious Command Car - e: Armament Control Computer - e: Armored Combat Command - e: Army Catering Corps - e: Army Chemical Center - e: Army Chemical Corps - e: Army Command Center - e: Army Commanders' Conference - e: Army Communications Command - e: Army Component Command - e: Army Cooperation Command - e: Army Corps Commander - e: Artillery Control Console - e: Atlantic Coast Conference - e: Avionics Computer Control A.C.C, e: Armoured Car Company - e: Army Cadet College - e: Army Catering Corps, Aldershot, Hampshire - e: Army Cooperation Command - e: Army Council Command - e: Army Cycling [Cyclist] Corps - f: Anciens Combattants Coloniaux - f: Association des Camarades de Combat AC&C e: Aeronautical Charting and Cartography - e: Office of Aeronautical Charting and Cartography ACCA e: Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America - e: Allied Control Commission for Austria - f: Artillerie de Campagne de Corps d'Armée ACC-ACO e: Army Communications Command Advanced Concepts Office Accad Nav i: Accadèmia Navale ACC Association e: Army Catering Corps Association ACCB e: Aircraft Change Control Board - e: Aircraft Configuration Change Board - e: Aircraft Configuration Control Board - e: Airframe Change Control Board ACC[BE] e: Allied Control Commission [British Element] ACCC e: Alternate Command and Control Center - e: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ACCD e: Advanced Communications and Counter-measures Division - e: Aerospace Communication and Controls Division - e: Aircraft Compatibility Control Drawing acc. def. e: Accessory Defenses ACCE e: Award for Call Center Excellence ACCES e: Army Civilian Career Evaluation System - e: Automated Command and Control Evaluation System ACCESS e: Army Commissary Computer Entry Store System ACCHAN e: Allied Command Channel - f: Commandement allié de la Manche ACCIH f: Association des Corps et Cadres Infirmiers Hospitaliers ACC IS e: Army Command and Control Information System - e: Automated Command and Control Information System ACCL e: Army Coating and Chemical Laboratory ACCLAIMS e: Army COMSEC [Communications Security] Commodity, Logistical and Accounting Management ACC1V1 e: Acoustic CounterCountermeasures ACC/MASS e: Airlift Coordination Center/Military Airlift Support Squadron

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ACCMIS e: Army Command and Control Management Information System ACCML e: Army Chemical Corps Medical Laboratories ACCMP e: Army Command Control Master Plan ACCNET e: Army Command and Control Network ACCNW e: Authority Committee on Coordination of Nuclear Waste ACCOR e: Army COMSEC [Communications Security] Central Office of Record ACCORD e: Advisory Council on Community Relations in Defence - e: Army Computer Capabilities Online Repository and Disseminator Accord multifibre / Arrangement concernant le commerce international des textiles A.C.Coy e: Armoured Car Company ACCP e: Army Correspondence Course Program ACCPA e: Army Chemical Center Procurement Agency ACCS e: Aerospace Command and Control System - e: Afloat Command and Control System - e: Air Command and Control System - e: Airborne Command [and] Control System [or Squadron] - e: Airborne Computing & Communications System - e: Allied Command and Control System - e: Amphibious Command and Control System [or System] - e: Army Command and Control Study [or System] - e: Automated Command and Control System ACCSEATO e: Air Component Commander, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization ACCSIC e: Atomic Collision Cross Sections Information Center ACCSq e: Airborne Command Control Squadron ACCTC e: Army Catering Corps Training Centre ACCV e: Armored Cavalry Cannon Vehicle ACCWS e: Assistant Chief, Chemical Warfare Service ACD e: Admiralty Chart Datum - e: Aircraft Damage - e: Aircraft Depot - e: Airlift Communications Division - e: Allied Civil Defense - e: Armoured Car Division - e: Arms Control and Disarmament - e: Army Chaplains' Department - e: Army Communications Division - e: Army Corps Depot - e: Assistant Command Director - e: Atmospheric Chemistry Division - e: Aviation Commission Date acd e: arms control through defense A.C.D. e: Army Chaplains' Department - f: Artillerie Coloniale Divisionnaire - f: Artillerie de Campagne Divisionnaire ACDA e: Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards - e: Arms Control and Disarmament Agency - e: Aviation Combat Development Agency ACDAR e: Acoustic Radar ACDB e: Army Corporate Database - e: Army Corps of Engineers ACDC e: Army Combat Development Committee

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ACLICS - e: Army Combat Developments Command ACDEC e: Army Combat Development Experimentation Center [or Command] A.C.D.E.U. e: Army Clothing Department Employers' Union ACDO e: Association of Civil Defence Officers ACDP e: Army Concept Development Program ACDRU e: Arms Control and Disarmament Research Unit ACDS e: Assistant Chief of Defenc[s]e Staff A CDT e: Air Commandant ACE e: Active Corps of Executives - e: Aerial Combat Evaluator - e: Air Combat Element [or Emulator, or Engagement] - e: Airborne Command Element - e: Airborne Communications and Electronics - e: Airborne Cooperational Equipment - e: Aircraft Catering Equipment - e: Aircraft Condition Evaluation - e: Aircraft Configuration Equipment - e: Airspace Coordination Element - e: Allied Command Europe - e: Army Certificate of Education - e: Army Combat Engineers - e: Army Corps of Engineers - e: Assessment of Combat Effectiveness - e: Associated Corpuscular Emission - e: Awards for Cablecasting Excellence - f: Air Combat-manoeuvres Evaluation - f: Avion de Combat Européen A.C.E. i: Alto Comando dell' Esercito ACE-ACCIS e: Allied Command Europe Automated Command Control and Information System ACEARTS e: Airborne Countermeasures Environment and Radar Target Simulation [or Simulator] ACEB e: Army Clothing and Equipment Board ACEBD e: Airborne and Communications Electronics Board ACEC e: Army Communications and Electronic[s] Command AC & EC e: Army Communications and Equipment Coordination ACEE e: Air Combat Engagement Experiment - e: Aircraft Emission Estimator - e: Aircraft Energy Efficiency A.C.E.E. /• Association des Correspondants Étrangers en Espagne ACEMIS e: Army Communications and Electronics Management Information System ACEO e: Association of Chief Education Officers ACEORBAT e: ACE Order of Battle ACERC e: Army Coastal Engineering Research Center ACEREP e: Allied Command Europe Report ACERS e: Allied Command Europe Reporting System ACES e: Air Combat Expert Simulation - e: Airborne Collection Electronic Signals - e: Antisubmarine Composite Engineering Squadron - e: Army Communications Electronics School - e: Army Communications Equipment Support - e: Army Continuing Educationfs] System - e: Automated Command and Control Evaluation System

ACESIS e: Army Corps of Engineers Socioeconomic Information System ACESTRIKE e: Allied Command Europe Strike Command ACET e: Automatic Cancellation of Extended Targets ACETEF e: Air Combat Environment Test and Evaluation Facility AceTR e: Air core enhanced Turbo Rocket ACEU p: Agrupamento Científico de Estudos Ultramarinos ACEUR e: Allied Command Europe ACEVAL e: Air Combat Evaluation ACF e: Air Combat Fighter - e: Air Contingency Force - e: Alternate Command Facility - e: Army Cadet Force [Territorial Army] - e: Army Club Fund - e: Army Council Form A.C.F. e: Active Citizen Force - e: Army Comforts Fund - /• Anciens Combattants Francais ACFA e: Army Cadet Force Association ACFAT e: Aircraft Carrier Firefighting Assistance Team ACFC e: Aviation Chief Fire Controlman ACFEA e: Air Carrier Flight Engin - e: Air Carrier Flight Engineers Association ACFEL e: Arctic Construction and Frost Effects Laboratory ACFI e: Advisory Committee on Flight Information ACFL e: Atlantic Coast Football League ACFMFC e: Association of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire Commissioners ACFO e: Assistant Chief Fire Officer ACFP e: Advanced Computer Flight Plan [or Planning System] ACFT e: Aircraft Flying Training acft e: aircraft Acft Asgmt O e: Aircraft Assignment Order acftc e: aircraft earner Acft C e: Aircraft Carrier Acft CrmnBad e: Aircraft Crewman Badge acft insp e: Aircraft Inspector Acft Obsr Tng Wg e: Aircraft Observer Training Wing acft str e: Aircraft Strength ACG e: Air Commando Group - e: Airborne Coordinating Group - e: Airborne Coordination Group - e: Airfield Construction Group - e: Amphibious Combat Group - e: Assault Combat Group A.C.G. e: Assistant Chaplain General - e: Assistant Commissary General ACGB e: Aircraft Corporation of Great Britain ACGMR e: Ad-hoc Committee for Guided Missile Reliability ACGP e: Army Career Group ACGSq e: Aerial Cartographic and Geodetic Squadron ACGSS e: Army Command and General Staff School ACH d: Abteilungschef - e: Aircraft Hangar - e: Aircrafthand - e: Area Combined Headquarters aCH r: Arméns centralmagasin, H ACHDF e: Air Commander Home Defence Forces ACHE e: Alabama Commission of/on Higher Education ACHOD e: Acoustic Helicopter Overflight Detector

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ACHPP e: Atomic Central Heating and Power Plant ACHQ e: Area Combined Headquarters AC/HR e: Aircraft per Hour ACHRE e: Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments ACHSWW e: American Committee on the History of the Second World War ACI e: Advisory Commission on Information - e: Air Combat Information - e: Air Combat Intelligence - e: Airborne Controlled Interception] - e: Aircraft Condition Inspection - e: Army Council Instruction ACIC e: Aeronautical C h a r t i n g ] and Information Center - e: Air Corps Information Circular - e: Allied Captured Intelligence Center - e: Auxiliary Combat Information Center ACICO e: Assistant Combat Information Center Officer ACID e: Aircraft Identification - e: Atomarity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability - e: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability ACIDE / • Association du Corps Intermédiaire de l'EPFL ACIDS e: Aircraft Integrated Data System ACIFE / · Accueil et Information des Française à l'Étranger ACIM e: Advanced Common Intercept Missile ACIMD e: Advanced Common Intercept Missile Demonstration ACIMS e: Aircraft Component [Intensive] Management System ACIO e: Aeronautical Chart and Information Office - e: Air Combat Intelligence Office[r] - e: Army Careers Information Office ACIOP e: Atlantic Command Intelligence Operating Procedures ACIP e: Aviation Career Incentive Pay ACIS e: Aeronautical Chart and Information Squadron - e: Aircraft Crew Interphone System - e: Armament Control Indicator Set - e: Army Central Intelligence Service - e: Army Combat Identification System ACISM f: Académie du Conseil International du Sport Militaire A.C.I.S.M.O.M. i: Associazione dei Cavalieri Italiani Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta ACISq e: Aeronautical Chart and Information Squadron A.C.I.T. i: armata corazzata italo-tedesca ACK r: Arméns centralmagasin, Kil ack-ack e: antiaircraft ACL e: Aeronautical C o m p u t e r s ] Laboratory - e: Aircraft Circular Letter - e: Aircraft Control Link - e: Aircraft Load - e: Atlantic Coast Line Railroad - e: Atlantic Container Line ACLANT e: Allied Command Atlantic ACLB e: Aircraft Launching Bulletin ACLC e: Air Cadet League of Canada ACLCS e: Airborne Command-Launch Control Subsystem ACLDB e: Army Central Logistics Data Bank - e: Army Control Logistics Data Bank ACLICS e: Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System


ACLIS ACLIS e: Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System ACLO e: Air Cadet Liaison Officer ACLOS e: Automatic Command to Line of Sight A.C.L.R.R. e: Atlantic Coast Line Railroad ACLS e: Aircraft Carrier Landing System ACLV e: Air-Cushion Logistic Vehicle ACM e: Acoustic Countermeasure[s] - e: Advanced Concepts Missile - e: Advanced Conventional Munition[s] - e: Advanced Cruise Missile - e: Aerial Combat Maneuvres - e: Aerodynamic Configured Missile - e: Aerospun Cluster Munition - e: Air Combat Man[o]euvering - e: Air Cooperation Mission - e: Aircraft Colouring and Marking - e: Anti-Cruise Missile - e: Antiarmour Cluster Munition - e: Auxiliary Mine Layer - e: Aviation Chief Metalsmith AC/M e: Aircraft Meteorological ACMA e: Advanced Civil/Military Aircraft - e: Army Class Management Activity - e: Army Class Manager Activity A.C.M.A. /• Atelier de Construction de Munitions d'Artillerie AC1V1C e: Advanced Cruise Missile Combustor - e: Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps ACMDOSq e: Air Commando Squadron ACME e: Advanced-Core Military Engine - e: Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment - e: Aircraft Component Mating Evaluation - e: Aircrew Combat Mission Enhancement ACMES e: Army Countermine Mobility Equipment System ACMEST e: Air Combat Manoeuvring Expert Systems Trainer ACMF e: Air Corps Medical Forces - e: Allied Central Mediterranean [Forces] A.C.M.F. e: Australian Commonwealth Military Forces ACMG f: Association des Combattants et Mutilés de Guerre ACMI e: Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation [System] ACMIC e: Army Chemical Center ACMM e: Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate ACMMC e: Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Carburetor Mechanic ACMMF e: Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Flight Engineer ACMMH e: Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Hydraulic Mechanic ACMMI e: Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Instrument Mechanic ACMMP e: Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Propeller Mechanic ACMMT e: Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Gas Turbine Mechanic ACMNPV e: Autographa Californica Multiply-embedded Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus ACMO e: Allied Command Europe Communication Management Organization - e: Assistant Chief of Mission Operations - e: Assistant Countermortar Officer ACMP e: Advanced Cruise Missile Program - e: Advisory Committee on Marine Pollution


AC2MP e: Army Command and Control Master Plan ACMPM e: Air Combat Maneuvering Performance Measurement ACMR e: Air Combat Maneuvering Range ACMRR e: Advisory Committee of Experts on Marine Resources Research - e: Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research ACMS e: Army Command Management System ACMT e: Advanced Cruise Missile Technology - e: Aerial Combat Maneuvering Training ACMVS e: Air Combat Maneuvering Visual System ACN e: Air Commander Norway - e: Aircraft Classification Number - e: American Council on North Atlantic Treaty Organization acn e: automatic celestial navigation ACNA e: Advisory Council on Naval Affairs ACNAM f: Atelier de Constructions Navales et Applications Mécaniques ACNAS e: Admiral Commanding North Atlantic Station - e: Advanced Cableship Navigation Aid System ACNB e: Australian Commonwealth Naval Board ACN F e: American Central NOTAM [Notices to Airmen] Facility ACNFS e: Advisory Committee on Nuclear Facility Safety ACNGS e: Aliens Creek Nuclear Generating Station ACNMS e: Advisory Committee on Nuclear Materials Safeguards ACNN e: Air Commander North Norway - e: Allied Command, North Norway ACNO e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations ACNO [Admin] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Administration] ACNO [Alt Op] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Fleet Operations and Readiness] ACNOCOMM e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Communications and Cryptology ACNO[COMM]/DNC e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Communications]/Director, Naval Communication ACNO [GENPLANPROG] e. Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [General Planning and Programming] ACNO [Int] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Intelligence] ACNO [Log] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Logistics] ACNO [MA] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Marine] ACNO [NR] e; Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Naval Reserve] ACNO [OP] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Operations and Readiness] ACNO [PI e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations [Personnel] ACNO[T] e; Assistant Chief of Naval Operations-Transportation ACNP e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel ACNP [A] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Administration] ACNP[E&T] e; Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Education and Training] ACNP[F-C] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Finance-Comptroller]

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ACNP [MS] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Morale Services] ACNP[NR&NDA] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Naval Reserve and Naval District Affairs] ACNP[P] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Plans] ACNP[PC] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Personnel Control] ACNP[PERF] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Performance] ACNP[PM] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Property Management] ACNP [PPM] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Personal Program Management] ACNP[R] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel [Records] ACNS e: Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety - e: Allied Chemical Nuclear Services - e: Assistant Chief of [the] Naval Staff ACNS[A] e; Assistant Chief of Naval Staff [Air] ACNS[A & W] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Staff [Air and Warfare] ACNS[P] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Staff [Plans] ACNS[W] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Staff [Warfare] ACNTS e: Assistant Chief of Naval Technical Services ACNTS[Air] e; Assistant Chief of Naval Technical Services [Air] ACNTS[S] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Technical Services [Ships] ACNW e: Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste ACNYC e: Art Commission of New York City ACO e: Acronym Control Officer - e: Administrative Contracting Officer - e: Admiralty Coast Organization - e: Admiralty Compass Observatory [Laboratory] - e: Advance Contracting Officer - e: Air Communication Officer - e: Air Contact Officer - e: Air Control Officer - e: Aircraft Control Operator - e: Annual Cost of Ownership - e: Area Clearance Officer - e: Armament Concepts Office - e: Association of Children's Officers - e: Association of Commissioned Officers - e: Association of Conservation Officers - e: Atomic Coordinating Office - e: Atomic Coordination Office ACOA e: Administrative and Clerical Officers Association AC/OC e: Air Co-operation Command - e: Air Co-operation Command [Royal Air Force] ACOC e: Air Command Operations Center - e: Air Command Operations Center [or Centre] - e: Airborne Combat Operations Center - e: Allied Combat Operations Center - e: Allied Command Operations Center - e: Alternate Command Operations Center [or Centre] ACOCA e: Army Communication Operations Center Agency ACOCC e: Atlantic [Fleet] Commander Operational Control Center ACOCS e: Army Customer Order Control System ACODS e: Army Container-Oriented Distribution System

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ACSC ACOE e: Army Corps of Engineers ACofAS e: Assistant Chief of Air Staff ACOF INTEL e: Assistant Chief of Intelligence ACofLOG e: Assistant Chief of Logistics AC of Ν e: Assistant Controller of the Navy ACofORD e: Assistant Chief of Ordnance ACofO&T e: Assistant Chief of Organisation and Training ACofP&A e: Assistant Chief of Personnel and Administration ACofS e: Assistant Chief of Staff ACOFS WPD e: Assistant Chief of Staff War Plans Division acog e: Aircraft on Ground ACOM e: Atlantic Command - e: Aviation Chief Ordnanceman - e: Awards Committee A.C.O.M. f: Anciens Combattants OutreMer AComm f: Commission de lAssemblée ACOMMW e: Aerospace Communications Squadron - e: Aerospace Communications Wing A Compt e: Army Comptroller ACOMS e: Army Communications Objectives Measurement Survey ACOMT e: Aviation Chief Ordnanceman, Turret Mechanic ACONA e: Advisory Council on Naval Affairs ACOP e: Airbiorne Corps Operation Plan - e: Army Customer Order Program - e: Association of Chief Officers of Police [or Probation] A.C.O.R.A.M. f: Association Centrale des Officiers de Réserve de lArmée de Mer A-7 Corsair II e: Ling-Temco-Vought carrier-based singleenginejet light-attack bomber ACOS e: Assistant Chief of Staff ACO/UK e: Atomic Coordinating Office ACOVS e: Artillery Combat Observer Vehicle Simulator ACO[W| e: Atomic Coordinating Office Washington ACP e: Aboriginal Cadetship Program - e: Air Commander's Pointer - e: air control post - e: Airborne Command Post - e: Aircraft Communication Procedure[s] - e: Airlift Command Post - e: Airman Commissioning Program - e: Alternate Command Post - e: Ammunition Control Point - e: Area Command Post - e: Armament Control Panel - e: Armored Cavalry Platoon - e: Army Capabilities Plan - e: Army Controllership Program - e: Atomic Commitment Protocol - e: Automatic Command Processing ACPAC e: AIDAB Centre for Pacific Development and Training ACPAR e: Angular Correlation of Positron Annihilation Radiation ACPATT e: All Commands Process as Attached ACPC e: Aircraft Camera Parameter Control - e: Asian Christian Peace Conference ACPCACP e: Atlantic, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries Association of Canadian Publishers ACPD e: Army Control Program Directive ACPERS e: Army Civilian Personnel System ACPF e: Amphibious Corps, Pacific Fleet

A.C.P.G. /• Association des Anciens Combattants et Prisonniers de Guerre ACPI e: Assistant Chief Patrol Inspector - e: Aviation Crime Prevention Institute ACPL e: Atomspheric Cloud Physics Laboratory AC PO e: Acting Chief Petty Officer ACPOEWNI e: Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland ACPP e: Aircraft Crashworthiness Program Plan ACPR e: Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission - e: Asian Council of Peace Research ACPS e: Armament Control Processor Set ACPSAHMWA e: American Commission for Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas ACPTT e: Air Combat Part Task Trainer ACQM e: Assistant Chief Quartermaster ACQOT e: Aviation Cadet Qualifying Test ACQ RDR e: Acquisition Radar acq rdr rep hlpr e: Acquisition Radar Repair Helper ACQ RDR REPM e: Acquisition Radar Repairman ACQ STRAT e: Acquisition Strategy ACQT e: Aviation Cadet Qualifying Test ACQWeb e: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology ACR e: Advanced Capabilities Radar - e: Advanced Combat Rifle - e: Aerial Combat Reconnaissance - e: Aerodrome Control Radar - e: Air Control Radar - e: Air Corps Reserve - e: Aircraft Checker's Report - e: Aircraft Control Room - e: Airfield Control Radar - e: Allied Commission on Reparations - e: Approach Control Radar - e: Armored Cavalry Regiment A.C.R. e: Admiral Commanding Reserves ACRAS e: Army Consideration of Tactical Air Support ACRB e: Army Council of Review Boards ACRCOM e: Army Authority for Major Commands to Disseminate Information and Take Appropriate Action ACRDL e: Army Chemical Research and Development Laboratory ACRE e: Acting Commander, Royal Engineers - e: Adjutant to the Corps of Royal Engineers A.C.R.E. i: Alto Comando del Regio Esercito A.C.R.E.N. /• Anciens Combattants de la Résistance de l'Education Nationale ACRES e: Airborne Communicationfs] Relay Station ACRFAET e: Aircraft Crash Rescue Field Assistance and Evaluation Team ACRFT e: Aircraft ACRM e: Aviation Chief Radioman ACRO e: Aircraft Control Room Officer - e: American College of Radiation Oncology A.C.R.Off. e: Office of Admiral Commanding Reserves ACROS e: Airborne Cloud-Radiation Observing System ACRP e: Airborne Communications Reconnaissance Platform

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Airborne Communications Reconnaissance Program[me] - e: Armament Control Relay Panel - e: Army Cost Reduction Program - e: Asian Conference of/on Religion and Peace - f: Ateliers et Chantiers Navals de La Rochelle-Pallice ACRR e: Airborne Communications Restoral Relay - e: Atlantic City Radio Regulations ACRT e: Aircraft Report ACRV e: Armo[u]red Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle - e: Artillery Command Reconnaissance Vehicle - e: Assured Crew Return Vehicle - e: Automated Command Response Verification ACS e: Acquisition and Command Support - e: Admiralty Computing Service - e: Admission Control Service - e: Advanced Countermeasures System - e: Aeronautical Chart Service - e: Air Capable Ship - e: Air Combat Simulator - e: Air Command Squadron - e: Air Commando Squadron - e: Airborne Common Sensor - e: Airborne Control System - e: Aircraft Carrier Squadron - e: Aircraft Communication[s] System - e: Aircraft Control and Surveillance - e: Aircraft Control System - e: Airfield Construction Squadron - e: Allied Chiefs of Staff - e: American Coal Shipping, Inc. - e: Antarctic Conservation Strategy - e: Apollo Command Systems - e: Armament Control System - e: Army Calibration System - e: Army Camouflage School - e: Army Canteen Service - e: Army Communications Service - e: Army Communicative Systems - e: Army Community Service[s] - e: Army Council Secretariat - e: Artillery Computer System - e: Assistant Chief of Staff - e: Attitude Command System - e: Australian Chamber of Shipping - e: Auxiliary Crane Ship - e: Avionics Cooling System AC2S e: Army Command and Control System A.C.S. e: Admiral Commanding Submarines - e: Admiralty Computing Service A/C S e: Aircraft Security ACSA e: American Center for Social Awareness - e: American Cotton Shippers Association - e: Army Combat Surveillance Agency - e: Army Communications Systems Agency - e: Australian Corps of Signals Association AC/SAF e: Assistant Chief of Staff, Air Force ACSA[P] e: Assistant Chief Scientific Adviser [Projects] ACSAS e: Advanced Conformai Submarine Acoustic Sensor A.C.S.A.W. e: American Committee for Struggle Against War ACSC e: Air Command and Staff College - e: Armament Control System Checkout - e: Armaments Cooperation Steering Committee


ACS-C - e: Army Command & Staff Course - e: Army Computer Systems Command - e: Coastal Shipping Commission ACS-C e: Aerial Common Sensor-Corps ACSCCIM e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Command and Control Information Management ACSCE e: Army Chief of Staff for Communications Electronics ACS/CSS e: Army Community Services/Child Support Services ACSD d: AC [Atomar-Chemischer] Schutzddienst - e: Army Communication Service Division A.C.S.D. e: Assistant Controller of Stores Department ACS/DCI e: American Chemical Society/Division of Chemical Information ACSDO e: Air Carrier Safety District Office[r] ACSEA e: Air Command, Southeast Asia - e: Allied Command South-East Asia ACSEB e: Aviation Clothing and Survival Equipment Bulletin ACSEP e: Aircraft Certification Systems Evaluation Program ACSF e: Attack Carrier Striking Force ACSFOR e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development ACSI e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence - e: Assistant Chief of Staff, Installations ACSig O e: Assistant Chief Signal Officer AC SIL e: Admiralty Centre for Scientific Information and Liaison ACSIM-C4 e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management-Command, Control, Communi ACSINT e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence ACSM e: Advanced Conventional Standoff Missile ACSN e: American Commission on Stratographic Nomenclature ACSO e: Aircraft Capable of Satellite Operations ACSP e: Army Central Service Point - e: Army Chemical Supply Point ACSQ e: Airborne Communications Squadron ACSqn e: Admiral Commanding Cruiser Squadron A.C.Sqn. e: Aircraft Squadron - e: Army Co-operation Squadron ACSR e: Advanced Combat Surveillance Radar ACSRC e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Reserve Components ACSS e: Air Combat and Surveillance System - e: Air Command and Staff School - e: Army Chief of Support Services ACSSAVO e: Association of Chief State School Audio-Visual Officers ACS-SIA e: Australian Computer SocietySoftware Industries Association ACSSR e: Ammunition Consolidated Stock Status Report ACST d: Atom-chemischer Schutzdienst - e: Army Clerical Speed Test ACSVD e: Advisory Committee on Safety in Vehicle Design ACSW e: Advanced Conventional Standoff Weapon - e: Advanced Crew-Served Weapon ACSWS e: Admiralty Civilian Shore Wireless Service A.C.S.W.S. e: Admiralty Civilian Shore Wireless Service acsyn e: aircraft synthesis


ACSYNT e: Aircraft Synthesis ACT e: A c c o u n t i n g division] - e: Aerial Combat Tactics - e: Air Combat Tactics [or Training] - e: Airborne Crew Trainer - e: Aircraft Commander Time - e: Alternating Current Transmission - e: Armored Cavalry Troop - e: Army Chemical Typewriter - e: Army Communicative Technology ACt e: Air Commandant ACTA e: Advanced Cargo/Tanker Aircraft - /• Association des Commissionnaires de Transport Aérien ACTAR e: Acoustics of the Target ACTAS e: Army Consideration of Tactical Air Support A.C.T.C, e: Air Corps Training Center Act. Def. e: Active Defense ACTEDS e: Army Civilian Training, Education, and Development System ACTEW e: Acoustic Charged Transport Electronic Warfare A CT FA e: Atlantic City Table of Frequency Allocations ACT gun e: Anti-Comet Tail Gun ACTIV e: Army Concept Team in Vietnam ACTMC e: Army Clothing and Textile Material Center ACTO e: Action Office [r] - e: Army Communicative Technology Office - e: Association of Chief Technical Officers ACTOV e: Accelerated Turnover to the Vietnamese ACtPO e: Accountable Property Officer ACTR e: Air Corps Technical Report Act Rep Res Dev Assoc Mil Food Packag Syst e: Activities Report. Research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems Act Rep Res Dev Assoc Mil Food Packag Syst Ine e: Activities Report. Research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems. Incorporated ACTRM / • Association Canadienne des Technologues en Radiation Médicale ACTRU e: Acceptance, Transfer and Training Unit ACTS e: Advisory Commission on Textbook Specifications - e: AEGIS Combat Training System - e: Air Corps Tactical School - e: Army Criteria Tracking System - e: Artillery Concepts Test System ACTSECNAV e: Acting Secretary of the Navy ACTT e: A Christmas Trains and Trucks Program [USMC in Vietnam] Actual Mar e: Actualités Marines actv e: armored cavalry towing vehicle AC&TWU e: Atlantic Communication and Technical Workers Union ACIJ e: Airborne Computer [or Control] Unit - e: Aircraft Control Unit - e: Artillery Computer Unit - e: Avionics Cooling Unit A.C.U. e: Army Cycling Union ACUF /• Association des Combattants de l'Union Française ACURAD e: Acoustic Underwater Range Determination ACIJS e: Administrative Conference of the United States - e: Army Communications Systems

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ACUSA e.· Assistant Chief of United States Airstaff ACUSPM f: Association des Centres Universitaires et Scolaires de Préparation Militaire ACV e: Air Cushionfed] Vehicle - e: Auxiliary Aircraft Carrier [ortender] ACVC e: Armament and Combal Vehicle Center - e: Army Commercial Vehicle Code A.C.V.G. f: Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre ACW e.· Air Control [and] Warning[system] - e: Air Control Wing - e: Airborne Collision Warning - e: Aircraftwoman - e: American Civil War - e: Anticarrier Warfare AC&W e: Air Communications and Weather - e: Aircraft [Control] and Warning ACWA e: American Civil War Association ACW AR e: Agile Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar ACWAS e: Aircraft Cabin Water Spray System ACWBBS.. e: American Civil War Bulletin Board System Information ACWF e: Army Central Welfare Fund ACWG e: Aircraft Control and Warning Group ACWL e: Army Chemical Warfare Laboratory ACWO e: Aircraft Control and Warning Officer [or Squadron] ACWRON e: Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron ACWRRE e: American Cargo War Risk Reinsurance Exchange ACWRT e: American Civil War Round Table ACWS e: Air Control and Warning Station - e: Aircraft Control and Warning Service - e: Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron - e: Aircraft Control and Warning System AC & WS e: Aircraft Control and Warning Station[s] AC & WSq e: Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron ACWSS e: Aircraft Control and Warning System Station ACW System e: Air[craft] Control and Warning System ACX e: Advanced Combat Experimental AD d: Allgemeines Kriegs-Department - d: Artilleriedepot - d: Artilleriedivision - e: Admiralty Dockmaster - e: Aeronautical Data - e: Air Defence [or Defense] - e: Air Division - e: Airborne Designator - e: Aircraft Depot - e: Ammunition Depot - e: Ammunition Dump - e: Appellate Division - e: Area-Denial munition - e: Armament Division - e: Armament[s] Depot - e: Armoured Division - e: Army Department - e: Army Depot - e: Army Digest - e: Army Driver - e: Artillery Division - e: Assembly Drawing - e: Atomic Defense - e: Atom[ic] Development Administration

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ADCO - e: Atomic Development Authority - e: Atomic Drive - e: Aviation Daily - e: Aviation Delay - e: Aviation Division - e: Destroyer Tender - i: Artillieria di Divisione - r: Artilleridepartment aD e: Airframe Design [division] AD70 e: Allied Defense of the 'Seventies [study project] A.D. e: Admiralty Design - e: Aeronautic Department - e: Air Director - e: Air Division - e: Airship Detachment - e: Armaments Depot - f: Artillerie Divisionnaire - s: Artillería Divisionaria ADA e: Active Duty Agreement - e: Advance Deposit Agreement - e: Advanced Digital Avionics - e: Air Defense Agency - e: Air Defense Aircraft - e: Air Defense Area - e: Air Defense Artillery - e: Air Defense Artillery Board - e: Airborne Data Automation - e: Aircraft Defense Analysis - e: Ammunition Danger Area - e: Army Depot Activity - e: Assistant Defence Advisor - e: Assistant Director of Artillery - e: Assistant Director of the Army Budget - e: Atomfic] Development Administration - e: Atomic Development Authority - e: Aviation Data and Analysis System - e: Second Air Division Association AdA d: Angehörige der Armee - f: Armee de l'Air A.D.A. e: Admiralty Draughtsmen's Association ADAB e: Assistant Director of the Army Budget ADABD e: Air Defense Artillery Board ADAC e: Air Defence Artillery Commander - e: Air Defense Artillery Complex - e: Assistant Director of Army Contracts - e: Aviation Development Advisory Committee - /• Association pour la Défense des Amateurs de Courses hippiques ADAC2 e: Air Defense Artillery Command and Control AD/AC e: Air Defense Aircraft ADACP e: Air Defense Artillery Command Post ADACS e: Airborne Digital Automatic Collection System - e: Army Defense Ammunition Center and School ADAD e: Air Defense Alerting Device adad e: air defense artillery director ADADS e: Army Depot Automatic Diagnostic System - e: Assistant Director Army Dental Service ADAF e: Air Defense Alert Facility ADA FDC e: Air Defense Artillery Fire Control Direction Center ADAH e: Assistant Director of Army Health A.D.Air /• Antennes de documentation de l'Air ADALT e: Advanced Radar Altimeter ADAM e: Adaptive Digital Avionics Module - e: Advanced Direct-Landing Apollo Mission

- e: Air Defense Antimissile - e: Animated Dissection of Anatomy for Medicine - e: Area Denial Anti-personnel Munition - e: Area Denial Artillery Munition - e: Artillery-Delivered Antipersonnel Mine [or Munition] adami e: Advise by Admiral adamm e: area defense anti-missile missile ADAMS e: Air Defence Anti-Missile System - e: Air Defense Advanced Mobile System - e: Airborne Data Acquisition Multifunction System - e: Airborne Data Analysis and Monitoring System ADAOD e: Air Defense Artillery Operations Detachment ADAOO e: Air Defense Artillery Operations Office [r] A.D.A.P. e: Assistant Director of Administrative Planning - e: Assistant Director of Army Psychiatry ADAPS e: Armament Delivery Analysis Programming System - e: Assistant Director of Army Postal Services ADAR e: Advanced Design Array Radar - e: Advanced Development Array Radar - e: Air Defense Area - e: Airborne Data Acquisition and Registration ADARS e: Advanced Defensive Avionics Response Strategy - e: Airborne Data Acquisition and Recording System - e: Aircraft Data Acquisition and Recoding System - e: Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement ADAS e: Advanced Digital Avionics System - e: Airborne Data Acquisition System - e: Airborne Dynamic Alignment System - e: Army Dependants Assurance Trust - e: Army Digital Avionics System AD/AS e: Destroyer & Submarine Tender A.D.A.S.A. s: Armamento de Aviación S.A. adash e: advise date of shipment ADASP e: Air Defense Annual Service Practice ADASSA e: Aerodynamic Design and Analysis System for Supersonic Aircraft ADAT e: Army Dependants Assurance Trust - e: Assistant Director of Army Telegraph ADATAS e: Assistant Director of Auxiliary Territorial Service ADATM e: Artillery-Delivered Anti-Tank Mine ADATS e: Air Defense Anti-Tank System - e: Air Defense Artillery Threat Simulator - e: Airborne Digital Avionics Test System - e: Army Development and Acquisition of Threat Simulators ADAH e: Air Defense Alert Unit ADAV&RS e: Assistant Director Army Veterinary and Remount Services ADAWS e: Action Data Automation [and] Weapons System - e: Action Data Automation Weapon System A.D.A.W.S. e: Assistant Director of Army Welfare Services ADAZ e: Air Defenc[s]e Zone [or Board] A.d.B. d: Ausgleichsstelle der Bundesstaaaten für Heereslieferungen

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ADB e: Air Defense Board - e: Atlantic Development Board - e: Aviation Development Board A.D.B. e: Aldershot Detention Barracks - e: Australian Defence Board - f: Artillerie de Division Blindée ADBC e: American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor ADBMT e: Air Defence Battle Management Technology A.D.Brig, e: Air Defence Brigade ADC e: Aerodrome Defence Corps - e: Aerospace Defenc[s]e Command - e: Agreement on Defence Co-operation - e: Air Defence Centre - e: Air Defence Command[er] - e: Air Defenc[s]e Command [or Center] - e: Air Defense Computer [or Controller] - e: Air Despatch Company - e: Air Development Center - e: Airborne Digital Computer - e: Aircraft Directives Configuration - e: Airdrome Defense Corps - e: Alaska Defense Command - e: Area Defense Counsel - e: Army Dental Corps - e: Assistant Defense Counsel - e: Assistant Division Chief - e: Assistant Division Commander - e: Atomic Demolition Charge - e: Auxiliary Dry Cargo Ship - e: Aviation Development Council A.D.C, e: Aerodrome Defence Corps ADCA e: Advanced Design Composite Aircraft - e: Australian Department of Civil Aviation ADCANUS e: Air Defenc[s]e CanadaUnited States ADCAPARM e: Advanced Capabilities Anti-Radar Missile ADCAT e: Air Defense and Targets Office ADCATT e: Air [or Army] Defense Combined Arms Tactical Trainer ADCC e: Air Defence Cadet Corps - e: Air Defence Command Computer - e: Air Defence Control Center - e: Air Defense Command and Control - e: Air Defense Command Center - e: Air Defense Command Computer - e: Air Defense Control Center - e: Air Defense Coordination Center - e: Area Damage Control Center - e: Atlantic Development Council Canada A.D.C.C. e: Air Defence Cadet Corps ADCCC e: Air Defense Command Commendation Certificate ADCCCS e: Air Defense Command, Control and Coordination System ADC COMNET e: Air Defense Command Communications Network ADCCS e: Air Defense Command and Control System - e: Air Defense Control and Coordination System ADCEO e: Assistant Division Communications Electronics Officer ADCIS e: Air Defence Command Information System ADCN e: Advanced Drawing Change Notice ADCNM e: Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Material ADCNO e: Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations ADC/NORAD e: Air Defense Command/North American Air Defense ADCO e: Aerospace [or Air] Defense Communications Office


ADCOC - e: Alcohol and Drug Control Office[r] - e: Alternate Document Control Officer ADCOC e: Air Defense Command Operation Control ADCOINS e: Air Defense Command Interoperability System ADCOM e: Administrative Command - e: Advanced Command - e: Aerospace Defense Command ADCOMD e: Administrative Command AD Comd e: Air Defense Command ADCOM IN PAC e: Administrative Command, Minecraft, Pacific Fleet ADCOMPHIBSLANT e: Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Atlantic Fleet ADCOMPHIBSPAC e: Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet ADCOMR e: Aerospace Defense Command Region ADCOMSUBORDCOMPHIBSP e: Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet, Subordinate Command ADCOP e: Air Defense Command Post ADCOS e: Air Defense Combat Operations Staff - e: Australian Development Cooperation Scholarships ADCP e: Aerospac[s]e [or Air] Defense Command Post - e: Air Defense Communications Platform ADCR e: Air Defense Command Regulation ADCS e: Advanced Defense Communications Satellite - e: Air Defence Control Ship - e: Air Deployment & Control Squadron - e: Army Dental Care System ADCSOPS-C4 e: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans, Command, Control, Communications and Computers ADCSP e: Advanced Defense Communication^] Satellite Program [or Project] ADCU e: Air Defence Control Unit ADCUPD e: Air Defense Command Unit Proficiency Directive ADD e: Aerospace [or Air] Defense Division - e: Agency for Defence Development - e: Air Defense Development - e: Air Defense District - e: Airborne Deception Device - e: Airborne Digital Decoder - e: Armaments Design Department - e: Automatic Drawing Device ADDA e: Air Defense Defended Area ADDAS e: Airborne Digital Data Acquisition System ADDC e: Air Defence Data Centre - e: Air Defense Direction Center ADDCS e: Aircraft Decontaminating, Deicing, Cleaning System A.D.Demob, d: DemobilmachungsDepartement [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A.D.D.F. e: Abu Dhabi Defenc[s]e Force ADDHS e: Air Defence Data Handling System ADDI e: Airborne Dual Detector Indicator ADDIM /• Association pour le Développement et la Diffusion de l'Information Militaire ADDIV e: Air Defense of the Division AD/DL e: Aircraft Division/Department List ADDL e: Aircraft Dummy Deck Landing


ADDLASS e: Air Deployable Drifting Linear Array Sonar System ADDNR e: Assistant and Deputy Director of Naval Recruiting A.D.D.N.R. e: Assistant and Deputy Director of Naval Recruiting ADDP e: Air Defense Defended Point ADDS e: Air Defense Demonstration System - e: Airborne Designation and Discrimination Study - e: Airborne Detection Discrimination Sensor - e: Army Data Distribution System - e: Aviation Digital Data Service ADDSRTS e: Automated Digitized Document Storage, Retrieval and Transmission System ADDSU e: Advanced Direct Support Unit ADE e: Aeronautical Development Establishment - e: Air Defence Element - e: Air Defense Emergency - e: Air Defense Evaluation - e: Aircraft Data Entry - e: Armament Design Establishment - e: Armament[s] Design Establishment - e: Armored Division Equivalent - e: Army Department Establishments - e: Assistant Division Engineer - e: Atomic Defense Engineering - e: Automatic Drawing Equipment ADEA e: Army Development and Employment Agency - / · Association belge pour le Développement pacifique de l'Énergie Atomique ADED e: Air Defense Effectiveness Demonstration - e: Air Delivery Equipment Division ADEE e: Air Defense Electronic Environment - e: Air Defense Experimental Establishment ADEEERP f: Association de Défense et Expansion de l'Économie et Emploi de la Région Parisienne Α.D.E.F. / • Association de Défense des Économiquement Faibles ADEFSq e: Air Defense Squadron A.D.E.I.F. / · Association des Déserteurs, Evadéset Incorporés de Force ADELA e: Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin America ADEME e: Assistant Director Electrical and Mechnical Engineers ADEMS e: Airborne Display Electrical Management System ADEN e: Armament Development, Enfield ADep e: Air[craft] Depot ADEPD e: Atlantic Database for Exchange Processes at the Deep Sea Floor ADEPREP System e: Army Deployment Reporting System - e: Army Development Reporting System ADEPT e: Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission - e: Air Force Depot Equipment Performance Tester ADES e: Admiralty Distilling Experimental Station - e: Air Defense Engagement System - e: Air Defense Engineering Service ADEW e: Air Defense Early Warning - e: Airborne Directed Energy Weapons ADEWS e: Air Defense Electronic Warfare System ADEX e: Air Defence Exercise adex e: advanced antisubmarine warfare exercise

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AD/EXJAM e: Artillery-Delivered Expendable Jammer ADF d: Aktionsgemeinschaft Dienst für den Frieden - e: Aeronautics Division, Ford Motor Company - e: Air Defence Fighter - e: Air Defense Force - e: Air Development Force - e: Airborne Direction Finder - e: Allied Democratic Forces - e: Arab Deterrent Force - e: Army Distaff Foundation - e: Assured Destruction Force - e: Australian Defence Force[s] a DF i: artiglieria di Divisione di Fanteria A.D.F. e: African Defence Federation ADFA e: Australian Defence Force Academy ADFC e: Air Defense Filter Center ADFCC e: Air Force Defence Control Centre ADFIAF e: Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific ADFIAP s: Asociación de Instituciones Financieras de Desarrollo del Asia y el Pacific ADFO e: Assistant Director, Flight Operations ADFOR e: Adriatic Force ADFRF e: Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility ADFSC e: Army Automatic Data Field Systems Command, Fort Belvoir, Va. - e: Army Data Field Systems Command - e: Automatic Data Field System[s] Command ADFT e: Artillery Direct Fire Trainer ADFII e: Air Defense Firing Unit A.D.F.W, e: Assistant Director of Fortification and Works ADG d: Archiv der Gegenwart - e: Aeronautical Development Group - e: Air Defence [or Defense] Group - e: air defense group - e: Aircraft Delivery Group - e: Aviation Depot Group ADGAVS e: Assistant Director-General, Army Veterinary Services ADGB e: Air Defence of Great Britain ADGBC e: Air Defence of Great Britain Command ADGE e: Air Defense Ground Environment ADGM e: Assistant Director of Guided Missiles ADGMS e: Assistant Director-General of Medical Services ADGNO[PSA] e: Assistant Director of Naval Ordnance [Plans, Supply, Administration] ADGp e: Air Defense Group ADGRU e: Advisory Group ADGS e: Air Defence Gun Sight ADH e: Advanced Development Hardware ADHC e: Air Defense Hardware Committee adhca e: Advise this Headquarter of Complete Action ADHEL e: Air Defense High Energy Laser ADHI e: Area Defense Homing Interceptor ADHOS e: Alternative to Dedicated Hospital Ship A.D.H.P. e: Assistant Director of Hygiene and Pathology ADHq e: Advanced Divisional Headquarters

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ADP ADI e: Air Decoy Missile - e: Air Defence Institute - e: Air Defenc[s]e Institute - e: Air Defense Initiative - e: Air Defense Interceptor - e: Aircraft De-Ice and Inhibitor - e: American Defense Institute - e: Atmospheric Defense Initiative - e: Australian Defence Industries Ltd. adi e: air defense intercept A.D.I, f: Artillerie de la Division d'Infanterie ADIC e: Aerospace Defense Command Intelligence Center adii e: air defense identification line ADINTELCEN e: Advanced Intelligence Center ADINTS e: Automatic Depot Inertial Navigation Test System ADIP e: Air Defense, Interdiction and Photographic ADIS e: Air Defense Integrated System - e: Airborne Digital Instrumentation System ADISP e: Aeronautical Data Interchange System Panel ADISS e: Advanced Defense Intelligence Support System ADIT e: Alliance Defense Industry and Technology ADiv e: African Division - e: Air Division - e: Armoured Division a.div. i: artiglieria divisionale ADIVS e: Air Defence Interoperability Validation System ADIZ e: Air Defenc[s]e Identification Zone - e: Atlantic Defense Identification Zone Adj.Min. d: Adjutantur des Reichskriegsministers AdjObdH d: Adjutantur des Oberbefehlshabers des Heeres Adj.Rw.M. d: Adjutantur des Reichs wehrministers Adjtr d: Adjutantur Adj Uof d: Adjutant-Unteroffizier A.d.K. d: Admiral der Kleinkampfverbände A.d.K.Flak d: Admiral der Küstenflak ADL e: Admiral Corporation - e: Airborne Data Link - e: Airborne Data Loader - e: Aircraft Data Line - e: Armament Data Line - e: Armament Development Laboratory - e: Army Dental Laboratory a.d.i. f: artillerie de la division légère AD/LASW e: Assistant Director, Lightweight Anti-Submarine Weapons ADLB e: Armo[u]red-Vehicle Launched Bridge ADLER d: Artillerie-Daten-Lage und Einsatz-Rechnerverbund ADLM e: Aerial Delivered Land Mine ADLMS e: Air-Delivered Land Mine System ADLO e: Air Defense Liaison Office[r] ADLOG e: Advancefd] Logistical [Command] ADLP e: Aeronautical Data Link Program - e: Airborne Data Link Processor ADLS e: Airborne Data Link System - e: Airborne Doppler Lidar System ADLT e: Airborne Data Link Terminal ADM e: Admiral - e: Admission[s] - e: Advance Decoy Missile - e: Aeronautical Decision Making - e: Air Decoy Missile

- e: Air Defense Missile - e: Air Defense Mission - e: Area Denial Munition - e: Atomic Demolition Munition - e: Automatic Demolition Munition Ad m e: Admiralty Center adm e: air-launched decoy missile ADM1 e: First-order Administrative Division ADM2 e: Second-order Administrative Division AdM. d: Admiralstab der Marine Adm. d: Admiral - d: Admiralität - e: Admiral[ty] a.d.m. / • artillerie de la division marocaine ADMA d: Admiralarzt - e: Abu Dhabi Marine Areas Ltd. - e: Aircraft Distributors and Manufacturers Association - e: Area Division Multiple Access - e: Area-Dominant Military Aircraft - e: Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association admad e: advise method and date of shipment AdmArzt d: Admiralarzt ADMATT e: Advanced Mobile Acoustic Torpedo Target ADMB e: Air Defense Missile Base ADMC e: Air Defense Missile Command ADMCEN e: Administration Center AdmCen e: Admiralty Center [or Court] Adm.Co. e: Admiralty Court ADMD e: Administrative Division - e: Assistant Director of Manning Department - e: Assistant Director of Mobilization Department ADMG e: Air Defense Machine Gun - e: Assistant [to the] Deputy Military Governor ADMINCEN e: United States Army Administration Center at Fort Benjamin Harrison ADMINO e: Administrative Officefr] ADMINOCINCPAC e: Administrative Officer for Commander in Chief, Pacific Admin Svc Co e: Administrative Service Company ADMIS e: Aircrafts Departing at Minimum Intervals ADMIT e: Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Industrial Technology Adm.Kr. d: Admiral Kriegsmarine ADML e: Admiral Adml e: Admiral[ty] Adm.Mil. f: Administration militaire Admo e: Administrative Officer ADMO e: Air Defense Management Office A.D.M.O.[C.A.] e: Assistant Director of Meteorological Office [Civil Aviation] AdmOStArzt d: Admiraloberstabsarzt ADMP e: Air Defence Master Plan ADMS e: Air Defense Missile Squadron A.D.M.S. e: Assistant Director of Medical Services ADMSLBN e: Air Defense Missile Battalion admsn e: admission ADMSR e: Airborne Dual-frequency Microwave Radiometer/Scatterometer Admst. d: Admiralstab AdmStArzt d: Admiralstabsarzt Admt. e: Admiralty ADMT e: Assistant Director of Military Transport ADMTY e: Admiralty ADMWg e: Air Defense Missile Wing

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Admy e: Admiralty ADN e: Avionics Decision Notice - i: Applicazioni Digitali Nucleari A.d.Ν. d: Admiral der Nordsee[station] A.D.N.A. e: Assistant Director of Naval Accounts ADNAC e: Air Defense of [the] North American Continent ADNC e: Air Defenc[s]e Notification Centre [or Center] - e: Air Defens[c]e National Center [or Centre] - e: Assistant Director of Naval Construction A.D.N.C, e: Assistant Director of Naval Construction A.D.N.E. e: Assistant Director of Naval Equipment ADNI e: Assistant Director of Naval Intelligence A.D.N.O. e: Assistant Director of Naval Ordnance ADNWT e: Associate Director for Nuclear Weapons Technology ADO e: Administration Duty Officer - e: Air Defense Officer - e: Air Defense Operations - e: Area Dental Officer - e: Army Digitization Office - e: Army Distribution Objective - e: Assistant District Officer - e: Associated Disbursing Officer A.D.O. f: Association pour le Développement des Œuvres d'entraide dans l'Armée A.d.O. d: Admirai der Ostsee[station] ADOA e: Air Defense Operations Area ADOC e: Air Defenc[s]e Operationfs] Center [or Centre] - e: Automatic Defense Operation Center ADOD e: Assistant Director of Operations Division A.D.O.F. e: Assistant Director of Ordnance Factories AD of A e: Assistant Director of Artillery AD of Arty e: Assistant Director of Artillery AD of D e: Assistant Director of Dockyards ADOFP e: Armo[u]red Division Ordnance Field Park AD of Ρ e: Assistant Director of Plans Division AD of R e: Assistant Director of Railways AD of S e: Army Depot of Supplies [or Supply] AD of ST e: Assistant Director of Sea Transport AD of S&T e: Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport AD of Τ e: Assistant Director of Transport AD of W e: Assistant Director of Works ADOLT e: Air Defenc[s]e Operations Liaison Team ADOM e: Army Depot Operations Management ADOS e: Area Distribution Officers - e: Army Depot of Supply A.D.O.S. e: Army Depot of Supply - e: Assistant Director of Ordnance Services A.D.O.S.M. f: Association pour le Développement des Œuvres Sociales de la Marine ADP e: Air Defence Position - e: Air Delivery Platoon - e: Airborne Data Processor - e: Allied Defense Publication - e: Alternative Defense Posture - e: Army Depot Police


ADPA ADPA e: American Defense Preparedness Association A.D.P.A. e: Assistant Director of Accident Prevention ADPASS e: Advanced Patrol Sensor System ADPB e: Air Defense Planning Board ADPG e: Air Defense Planning Group ADPLO e: Automatic Data Processing Liaison Officer A/DP[M] e: Assistant Director of Personnel [Men] A.Dpo. e: airfcraft] depot A / D P [ 0 ] e: Assistant Director of Personnel [Officers] A.D.P.R. e: Assistant Director of Public Relation ADPREP e: Army Automated Data Processing Resource Estimating Procedures ADPRID e: Advances Degree Program for ROTC [Reserve Officers Training Corps] Instructor Duty ADPS e: Army Data Processing System - e: Assistant Director, Army Postal Services - e: Assistant Director of Personnel Services - e: Assistant Director of Postal Services ADPs e: Artillery Destruction Programs ADPSC e: Automatic Data Processing Service Center ADPSS e: Assistant Director of Printing and Stationary Services ADPSSO e: ADP System Security Officer - e: Automatic Data Processing System Security Officer A.D.P.T.S. e: Assistant Director of Physical Training and Sports ADPU e: Airborne Data Processing Unit - e: Airborne Digital Processing Unit ADR e: Aeronautical Data Report - e: Aeronautical Data Reproducer - e: Air Defenc[s]e Region - e: Air Defense Reticle - e: Airborne Data Recorder - e: Airborne Digital Recorder - e: Aircraft Damage Repair - e: Aircraft Design Research Division - e: Aircraft Destination Record - e: Aircraft Direction Room - e: Aircraft Discrepancy Report - e: Army Density Report - e: Asset Depreciation Range - e: Australian Defence Representative - e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic - e: European Agreement concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road ADR1 e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, First Class ADR2 e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, Second Class ADR3 e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocaling Engine Mechanic, Third Class A.D.R. e: Assistant Director of Remounts ADRA e: Army Dollar Resource Allocation ADRB e: Army Disability Review Beard - e: Army Disability Review Board - e: Army Discharge Review Board ADRC e: Air Defence Radar Control A.D.R.C, e: Air Defence Research Committee ADRC e: Automatic Data Range Changer - e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, Chief


ADRCM e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, MasterChief ADRCS e: Aviation Machinists Mate, Reciprocating Engine Mechanic, Senior Chief ADRDE e: Air Defence Research and Development Establishment A.D.R.D.E. e: Air Defence Research and Development Establishment A.D./R.D.N. e: Assistant Director Research and Development Navy - e: Assistant Director Research and Development Navy [Ministry of Supply] ADRE[P]P e: Aircraft Accident Data Reporting Panel ADRES e: Aircraft Data Recording Evaluation System - e: Army Data Retrieval Engineering System - e: Army Data Retrieval System ADRN e: Advance[d] Drawing Release Notice ADROBN e: Airdrome Battalion ADRPM e: Acoustic Detection Range Prediction Model ADRS e: Airborne Digital Recording System - e: Airfield Damage Repair Squadron ADRU e: Advanced Defence Radar Unit ADRUSAR e.· Army Density Report, United States Army Reserve A-DRV e: Atomic Drive AD Ry e: Assistant Director of Railways ADS e: Active Dipping Sonar - e: Advanced Dressing Station - e: Aerial Demonstration Squadron - e: Aeronautical Design Standard - e: Air Defense Sector - e: Air Defense Ship - e: Air Defense Squadron - e: Air Defense Suppression - e: Air Defense System - e: Airborne Data System - e: Airborne Detection System - e: Aircraft Data Systems - e: Aircraft Development Service - e: Ammunition Delivery System - e: Ammunition Distribution System - e: Animal Defence Society - e: Armoured Delivery Squadron - e: Army Dental Service - e: Automatic Defense System ADSA e: Atomic Defense Support Agency ADSAF e: Automatic Data System for [within] the Army in the Field AD Salv e: Assistant Director of Salvage AD/SAM e: Air Defense/Surface-to-Air Missile ADSAM e: Air Directed Surface-to-Air Missile AdSAMS e: Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System ADSARM e: Advanced Defense Suppression Antiradiation Missile ADSAT e: Anomalous Dispersion Spherical Array Target - e: Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport ADSATIS e: Australian Defenc[s]e Science and Technology Information Service ADSC e: Air Defenc[s]e Software Committee - e: Air Defense Systems Command - e: Army Distinguished Service Cross ADSCP e: Advanced Defense Satellite Communications Project ADSCS e: Aided Display Submarine Control System

© Κ · G • Saur, München

ADSC-SO e: Air Defenc[s]e Software Committee-Support Office ADSD e: Air Defense Systems Directorate ADSE e: Air Defense Simulator Evaluation ADSEC e: Advance Section, Verdun - e: Air Defense System[s] Engineering Committee ADSEL radar e: Addressable Secondary Surveillance Radar ADSET e: Air Defense Software Evaluation Team ADSG e: Atomic Defense and Space Group ADSHIPDA e: Advise Shipping Data - e: Advise Shipping Date adshpdat e: Advise Shipping Data ADSI e: Aerospace & Defense Sales Inc. ADSID e: Air Defense Systems Integration Division A.D.Sigs. e: Assistant Director of Signals ADSIMS e: Air Defense Simulation ADSM e: Air Defense Suppression Missile - e: American Defense Service Medal - e: Army Distinguished Service Medal ADSMO e: Air Defense System[s] Management Office ADSO e: Aerospace Defense Systems Officer - e: Assistant Division Supply Officer ADS.Q e: Air Defense Squadron ADSq [VNAF] e: Air Defense Squadron [Vietnamese Air Force] ADSS e: Air Defense Suppression System - e: Aircraft Damage [Sensing] System - e: Army Decision Support System - e: Australian Defence Scientific Service - e: Australian Defenc[s]e Scientific Service ADSS Radar e: Addressable Secondary Surveillance Radar ADST e: Assistant Director of Sea Transport - e: Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport ADSt. d: Außendienststelle ADSW e: Advanced Defense Suppression Weapon - e: Anti Diesel Submarine Warfare ADSWSO e: Air Defense Special Weapons Support Organization ADT e: Air Defence Technology programme - e: Airborne Data Terminal - e: Airborne Digital Timer - e: Amphibious Training Demonstrator - e: Assistant Director of Transport - e: Atlantic Daylight Time - e: Atomic Damage Template - e: Automatic Data Transmission ADT3 e: Air Defence Tactical Training Theatre ADTA e: Airborne Division, Territorial Army - e: Aircraft Development Test Activity - e: Tactical Air Command, Deputy Commander for Air Defense ADTAC e: Air Defenc[s]e Tactical Air Command ADTAM e: Air-Delivered TargetActivated Munitions ADTC e: Air Defenc[s]e Technical Center [or Centre] - e: Air Defense Test Center ADTDS e: Air Defense Tactical Data Systems ADTEC e: ABMDA [Army Ballistic Missile Defense Agency] Data Processing Testbed and Evaluation

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AEL ADTF e: Aviation Development Test Facility A.D.Tn. e: Assistant Director of Transport A.D.Tng. e: Assistant Director of Training ADTOC e: Air Defense Tactical Operations Centre AD-TR e: Armament Development Technical Report ADTS e: Airborne Data Transfer System - e: Avionics Depot Test Station ADTTT e: Air Defence Tactical Training Theatre ADU e: Air Defence Unit - e: Aircraft Delivery Unit - e: Atomic Delivery Unit A.d.U. d: Admiral der U-Boote ADUS e: Avionics Data Utilization System ADV e: Air Defense Variant - e: Air Defense Version - e: Airborne Digital Voltmeter ADVANCE e: Army Data Validation and Netting Capability Establishment Adv Bn Hq e: Advanced Battalion Headquarters AdvBOD e: Advanced Base Ordnance Depot Adv Dep e: Advanced Depot Adv Fit Trng e: Advanced Fleet Training ADVH[E|Q e: Advanced Headquarters Adv HQ e: Advanced Headquarters ADVISER e: Airborne Dual-channel Variable Input Severe Environmental Recorder/Reproducer Adv. Mar. Biol, e: Advances in Marine Biology ADVMOS e: Advanced Military Occupational Specialty Adv Msg Cen e: Advanced Message Centre Adv Pk e: Advanced Park Ad3VRRE e: American Cargo War Risk Reinsurance Exchange A.D.V.S. e: Assistant Director of Veterinary Services ADVUL e: Air Defense Vulnerability [Simulation] A.d.W. d: Admiral des Westens ADW d: Allgemeiner Deutscher Waffenbund - d: Allgemeiner Deutscher Waffenring - e: Air Defence Warning - e: Air Defence Weapon - e: Air Defense Wing - e: Air Denial Weapon - e: Air Depot Wing - e: Area Denial Weapon - e: Assistant Director of Works [Territorial Army] adw e: assault [with] deadly weapon ADWC e: Air Defense Weapons Center - e: Air Division Warning Center ADWCR e: Air Defense Weapons Center Regulation ADW [E&M] e: Assistant Director of Works [Equipment and Maintenance] ADWEPS e: Air Defense Weapons Cost Effectiveness Study A/D Wg e: Air Depot Wing ADWKP e: Air Defense Warning Key Point ADWS e: Air Defense Warning System - e: Air Defense Weapon System A.D.W.S. e: Assistant Director of Warlike Stores ADWSS e: Air Defense Weapon Simulation System ADX e: Air Defence All-weather - e: Air Defenc[s]e Exercise

AD/XJAM e: Artillery Delivered Expendable Jammer Ady e: Admiralty ADZ e: Air Defense Zone AE R: Atomnaya Energiya - d: Eisenbahn-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] - e: Airborne Electronics - e: Airborne Equipment [Division] - e: Aircraft Establishment - e: Allied Command Europe - e: Ammunition Exminer - e: Ammunition ship - e: Army Education - e: Atomic Emission - e: Atomic Energy A.E. e: Army Educational Department - /• Armée Européenne A & E e: Aircraft and Engineering - e: Armament and Electronics AEA e: Air Efficieny Award - e: Aircraft Electronics Association - e: Aircraft Engineers Association aeA d: antiepidemische Abteilung A.E.A. d: Artillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung - e: Air Equipment Authority - /• Association des anciens eléves de L'Ecole de l'air AEACP e: Airborne Emergency Alternate Command Post AEAF e: Allied Expeditionary Air Force[s] [Europe] AEANC f: Association des Éclaireurs de l'Armée Nationale Congolaise AEAO e: Airborne Emergency Action[s] Officer AEARC e: Army Equipment Authorizations Review Center AEB e: Aerial Exploitation Battalion - e: Airborne and Electronics Board - e: Area Exploration Battalion - e: Armored Engineer Battalion - e: Army Equipment Board AEBR e: Airborne Electron Beam Recorder AEC e: Aeronautical Research Council - e: Army Educational] Center - e: Army Educational Corps - e: Army Electronics Command - e: Army Environmental Center - e: Army Establishment Committee - e: Army Extension Courses - e: Associate Enforcement Councel[s] A.E.C./C.C.A. e: Atomic Energy Commission /Commission for Conventional Armaments AEC-DASA-TP e: Atomic Energy Commission-Defense Atomic Support Agency Technical Publication AEC-DD e: Atomic Energy CommissionDepartment of Defense AEC-DNA-TP e: Atomic Energy Commission-Defense Nuclear Agency Technical Publication AEC-DoD e: Atomic Energy CommissionDepartment of Defense AECE e: Airborne Engineer Contraction Equipment AEC-FOA e: Atomic Energy Commission-Fernal Office Area AECO e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Control Officer AECOM e: Army Electronic[s] Command AEC-OT e: Atomic Energy CommissionOak Ridge, Tennessee AECP e: Airman Education and Commissioning Program - e: Army Extension Course Program AECPO e: Army Exchange Central Purchasing Office

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

A.E.C.S.F. e: Admiralty Establishment Civil Servants' Federation AECWRon e: Airborne Early Control and Warning Squadron AECWWg e: Airborne Early Control and Warning Wing AED e: Ammunition Engineering Directorate [Army] A.E.D. e: Air Equipment and Naval Photography Department - e: Air Equipment Department AEDA e: Ammunition, Explosives, and other Dangerous Articles - e: Atomic Energy Defence Activities AEDC e: Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tullahoma, Tenn. AEDD e: Air Engineering Development Division AEDO e: Aerological Duty Officer - e: Aeronautical Engineering Duty Officer - e: Aircraft Engineering District Office AEDR e: Avionics Equipment Design Review AEDU e: Admiralty Experimental Diving Unit AEE e: Airborne Evaluation Equipment - e: Army Entrance Examination AEEE e: Army Equipment Engineering Establishment AEEL e: Aeronautical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory - e: Aeronautical Electronic[s] and Electrical Laboratory - e: Aeronautical Engineering and Electronic Laboratory AEELS e: Airborne ELINT Emitter Location System AEEM e: Airborne Electronic Equipment Modification AeEng e: Aeronautical Engineer AEERB e: Army Enlisted Education Review Board A.E.E.T.A.T. / · Annexe de l'Ecole d'Enseignement Technique de l'Armée de Terre AEETF e: Army's Electronic Environmental Test Facility AEF e: Allied Expeditionary Force - e: Aviation Engineer Force A.E.F. e: American Expeditionary Force[s] - e: Australian Expeditionary Force[s] AEFA e: Army Experimental Flight Activity AEFC e: Atlantic Estuarine Fisheries Center AEFEO e: Automotive Emissions and Fuel Economy Office AEFF e: Assurance Engineering Field Facility AEGIMRDA e: Army Engineer Geodesy, Intelligence and Mapping Research and Development Agency AEGIS e: Airborne Early Warning Ground Integration Segment Aegis e: U.S. Navy cruiser class AEHA e: Army Environmental Health Agency - e: Army Environmental Hygiene Agency AEHL e: Army Environmental Health Laboratory AEK a: Atomenergikommissionen - d: Atomenergiekommission AEKK H: Atomenergia Kutatási Központ AEL e: Admiralty Engineering Laboratory - e: Aircraft Engine Laboratory - e: Aircraft Equipment List - e: Armament and Electronics Laboratoy - e: Army Electronics Laboratories - e: Atomic Energy Level


A.E.L. A.E.L. e: Admiralty Engineering Laboratory, West Drayton, Middlesex AELRO e: Army Electronics Logistics Research Office AELS e: Airborne Electronics Laser System AELW e: Airborne Electronic Warfare AELW School e: Airborne Electronic Warfare School AEMA /• Association des anciens élèves de l'Ecole Militaire de l'Air AEMB e: Airborne Electromechanical Bombing AEMCE e: Army EMC Agency AEMCO e: Aircraft Engineering Maintenance Company AEMD e: Airborne Helmet Mounted Display AEMMAC f: Association d'Entraide des anciens Marins et Marins Anciens Combattants AeMP e: Aeronautical Meteorology Programme AEMSA e: Army Electronics Material Support Agency A.E.Mu. / · Annexe de l'Entrepôt de Munitions A.E.N. / • Association des anciens élèves de l'Ecole Navale A Ent O e: Area Entertainments Officer A.Ent[s].0. e: Area Entertainments Officer AEO e: Appeal Examining Officer - e: Area Engineering Officer - e: Army Energy Office - e: Association of Education Officers AeO d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft ehemaliger Offiziere Α.Ε.O. e: Area Education Officer - e: Area Engineering Officer - e: Area Entertainments Officer - e: Assistant Education Officer - e: Assistant Equipment Officer - e: Assistant Experimental Officer AEP e: Army Equipment Policy AEPC e: Army Equipment Policy Committee AEPG e: Army Electronics Proving Ground AER e: Army Emergency Relief [fund] - e: Army Emergency Reserve - e: Army Engineer Regiment A.E.R. d: Artillerieersatzregiment - e: Assault Engineer Regiment AERB e: Army Education Review Board - e: Army Educational Requirements Board AERDA e: Army Electronics Research and Development Activity AERDC e: Army Electronics Research and Development Command AERDL e: Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory - e: Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratories AERG e: Army Engineer Reactors Group AERIS e: Airways Environmental Radar Information System A.ERM f: Annexe de l'Etablissement régional du matériel, Lyon AER.MIL l: Aerarium Militare AERO e: Association of Electronic Reserve Officers Aero Commander e: U-4 transport aircraft AERODF e: Aerospace Defense Flight AERODS e: Aerospace Defense Squadron AERODW e: Aerospace Defense Wing AERS /• escadron aérien de recherche et de sauvetage


AES d: Atomemissions-Spektroskopie - e: Army Education Scheme - e: Army Engineer School - e: Army Exchange Service - e: Artillery Equipment School A.E.S. e: Admiralty Emergency Service - e: Artillery Equipment School AESAP e: Army Entertainment Scholarships and Awards Program AESBOW e: Association of Engineers and Scientists of the Bureau of [Naval] Weapons AESD e: Advanced Energy System[s] Division AESO e: Aircraft Environmental Support Office AESOP e: Artificial Earth Satellite Observation Program AESOPS e: AMSAA [Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency] Evade Sustained Operations Perform AESOR / · Association européenne des sous-Officiers de réserve AESR e: Army Equipment Status Report AESRS e: Army Equipment Status Reporting System AESSO e: Assistant Embarkation, Supply and Stores Officer AESTM s: Asociación Europea de Ciencias y Técnicas Marinas AESW e: Aircraft Engineering Support Wing AET e: Army Extension Training Α Ε Τ Ε e: Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment AETIS e: Army Extension Training Information System AETL e: Armament and Electronics Test Laboratory - e: Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories AETS e: Army Extension Training System AEU e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Unit - e: Army Exhibit Unit AEW e: Admiralty Experimental] Works - e: Air Electronic Warfare - e: Airborne Early Warning - e: Airborne Electronic Warfare AEWA e: Airborne Early Warning Aircraft AEWB e: Army Electronic Warfare Board AEW & C e: Airborne Early Warning and Control AEW&C e: Airborne Early Warning & Control AEWCAP e: Airborne Early Warning Combat Air Patrol AEWCON e: Airborne Early Warning and Control AEW & Con Wg e: Airborne Early Warning and Control Wing AEW & CSq e: Airborne Early Warning and Control Squadron AEWES e: Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station AEWF e: Airborne Early Warning Fighter AEWIB e: Army Electronic Warfare and Intelligence Board AEWIC e: Army Electronic Warfare Intelligence Committees AEWICS e: Airborne Early Warning and Interceptor Control System AEWIS e: Army Electronic Warfare Information System AEWPC e: Army Electronic Warfare Policy Committee AEWRADAR e: Airborne Early Warning Radar AEWRON e: Airborne Early Warning Squadron

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AEWS e: Advanced Earth Satellite Weapon System - e: Aircraft Early Warning System - e: Army Education and Welfare Services AEWSPS e: Aircraft Electronics Warfare Self-Protection System AEW Sq e: Airborne Early Warning Squadron AEWTF e: Aircrew Electronic Warfare Tactics Facility [project] AEWTS e: Advanced Electronic Warfare Test Set AEWTU e: Airborne Early Warning Training Unit AEWW e: Airborne Early Warning Wing AF e: Admiral of the Fleet - e: Air Flight - e: Air Force - e: Allied Forces - e: Ambassador for Friendship - e: Amphibious Force - e: Apply Force - e: Armed Forces - e: Armo[u]red Force - e: Army Force - e: Department of the Air Force - e: United States Air Force affiliate - f: Armée Française Af. d: Artilleriefahrzeug A.F. e: Admiral of the Fleet - e: Asiatic Fleet - f: Artillerie de Forteresse A & F e: Aircraft and Facilities AFA e: Air Force Academy - e: Air Force Act - e: Air Force Advisory - e: Air Force Association - e: Air Force Auxiliary - e: Armed Forces Act - e: Armo[u]red Field Artillery - e: Army Finance Association - e: Army Flight Activity - e: Association of Flight Attendants - e: Australian Field Artillery - e: Auxiliary Air Force - e: Research program on Nuclear Waste AFAA e: Air Force Audit Agency - e: American Fighter Aces Association AFAAC e: Air Force & Anti-Aircraft Command AFAADS e: Advanced Forward Area Air Defense [System] AFAADW e: Advanced Forward Area Air Defense Weapon AFAAEC e: Air Force Academy and Aircrew Examining Center AFAALC e: Air Force & Anti-Aircraft Logistics Command AFAAR e: Automated Forward Area Alerting Radar AFAARS e: Air Force After-Action Reporting System AFAATC e: Air Force & Anti-Aircraft Training Command AFAB e: Air Force Academy Board - e: Air Force Audit Branch AFA Bde e: Army Field Artillery Brigade AFA Bn e: Armored Field Artillery Battalion AFABS e: Air Force Arctic Broadcasting Squadron AFAC e: Air Force Acquisition Circular - e: Air Force Armament Center - e: Air-Forced-Air Cooling - e: Airborne Forward Air Controller - e: Army Finance and Accounting Center AFACE e: Army Field Artillery Combat Effectiveness AFACG e: Army Air Forces Commanding General

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AFCCN A F A C & I C e: Air Force Aeronautical Chart and I n f o r m a t i o n Center A F A C & IC e: Air Force Aeronautical Chart and Information Center A F A Cooling e: A i r - F o r c e d - A i r Cooling A F A D e: Air Force Acquisition D o c u m e n t - e: Air Force Ammunition Depot - e: Air Force Authorization Document - e: A r m e d Forces Acquisition D o c u m e n t A F A D G R U e: Air Force A d v i s o r y Group A F A D P P e: Air Force Automation Data Processing Plan A F A D S e: A d v a n c e d Forward Air D e f e n s e System - e: Automated Flexible Air Defense System - e: A u t o m a t i c Force A d j u s t m e n t Data System A F A D T C e: Air Force A r m a m e n t Development and Test Center A F A D V M C e: Air Force A d v a n c e d M a n a g e m e n t Class A F A E e: Air Force Acquisition Executive A F A F e: Air Force Assistance Fund - e: Air Force Auxiliary Field - e: Air Force Director of A c c o u n t i n g and Financing - e: Atlantic Fleet A m p h i b i o u s Force A F A F C e: Air Force Accounting and Finance Center A F A F F O e: Air Force A e r o s p a c e Fuels Field O f f i c e A F A F P S O e: Air Force Aerospace Fuel Petroleum Supply O f f i c e A F A F S e: Air Force A d v a n c e d Flying School AFAG d: Armee-Flakartilleriegruppe - e: Air Force A d v i s o r y Group A F A I e: Air Force A g e n t Installation A F A I I C e: Air Force Audit, Inspection & Investigations Council A F A I S R C e: Air Force A u t o m a t e d I n f o r m a t i o n Systems R e v i e w Council A F A I T C e: Armed Forces Air Intelligence Training Center A F A K e: A r m e d Forces Assistance to Korea A F A L e: Air Force Astronautics Laboratory - e: Air Force Avionics Laboratory A F A L C e: Air Force Acquisition Logistics Center A F A L D e: Air Force Acquisition Logistics Division A F A L L S e: Air Force Alaskan L o n g Line System A F A L T e: Air Force Alternate C o m m a n d Post - e: Alternate Headquarters United States Air Force A F A M e: Air Field Attack Munition - e: Air Force A r m a m e n t M u s e u m afam e: airfeld attack a m m u n i t i o n A F A M A e: Air Force Air Materiel A r e a A F A M I C e: Air Force Aerospace Materials Information Center A F A M M e: Aerial Field Artillery MultiMode A F A M M O D e: Air Force A m m u n i t i o n Ordnance Depot A F A M P E e: Air Force Automated Message Processing Exchange A F A M R L e: Air Force A e r o s p a c e Medical Research Laboratory A F A O e: Air Force Administration and Organization - e: Air Force Administrative Order A F A P e: A i r f i e l d A m m u n i t i o n Park - e: Artillery Fired A t o m i c Projectile[s] - e: aviation fuel and ammunition park

A F A P D e: Air Force Aero Propulsion Directorate A F A P G e: Air Force A D P Planning Guide A F A P L e: Air Force Aero-Propulsion Laboratory A F A P O e: Air Force A c c o u n t a b l e Property O f f i c e r A F A P S e: Air Force Pictorial Service A F A R e: A d v a n c e d Field Array Radar - e: Airborne Fixed Array Radar A F A R L e: Air Force Aeronautical Research Laboratory A F A R M A D E s: A s o c i a c i ó n E s p a ñ o l a de Fabricantes de A r m a m e n t o y Material de Defensa A F A R N e: Air Force Air Request Net A F A R S e: A r m y Federal Acquisition Regulations S u p p l e m e n t A F A R V e: Armored Forward Area Rearm Vehicle - e: A r m o r e d Forward A r e a Resupply Vehicle A F A S e: A d v a n c e d Field Artillery System - e: Air Force Aid Society A F A S - C e: A d v a n c e d Field Artillery System-Cannon A F A S C e: Air Force Aeronautical Systems C o m m a n d A F A S D e: Air Force Aeronautical Systems Division A F A - S E F e: Air Force Association-Space Education Foundation A F A S P O e: Air Force Automated Systems Project O f f i c e A F / A S P R e: Air F o r c e / A r m e d Service Procurement Regulation A F A S T e: A r m y Field Assistance and Technology A F A T e: Air Force A c c e p t a n c e Team A . F . A . T . f : Auxiliaires Féminines de l'Armée de Terre A F A T D S e: A d v a n c e d Field Artillery Tactical D a t a System - e: A d v a n c e d Field Artillery Target Designation System - e: A r m y Field Artillery Tactical D a t a System A F A T L e: Air Force A r m a m e n t and Testing Laboratory - e: Air Force A r m a m e n t Laboratory - e: Air Force A r m a m e n t Technology Laboratory A F A T L E e: Air Force A r m a m e n t Technology Laboratory A F A U D e: Air Force Auditor General A F A U X e: Air Force Auxiliary [Field] A F A V C e: Atlantic Fleet Audio-Visual Center A F B e: Air Force Base - e: Air Force Board - e: Air Force Bulletin - e: A i r f r a m e Bulletin A F B A e: A r m e d Forces Broadcasters Association A F B C e: Air Force Base C o m m a n d A F B C M R e: Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records A F B D A e: Air Force Base Disposal Agency A F B D C e: Air Force Base D e v e l o p m e n t Center A F B F A R e: Air Force Bent Fin Artillery Rocket A F B F S e: Air Force Basic Flying School A F B Gp e: Air Force Base Group A F B I T S e: Air Force Base Information T r a n s f e r System A F B M e: Air Force Ballistic Missile A F B M A e: Air Force Ballistic Missile Arsenal

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

A F B M C e: Air Force Ballistic Missile Center - e: Air Force Ballistic Missile C o m m i t t e e A F B M D e: Air Force Ballistic Missile Division A F B M I R e: Air Force Ballistic Missile Installation Regulation A F B M O e: Air Force Ballistic Missile Office A F B M T C e: Air Force Ballistic Missile Training Center A F B P e: Air Force Bailment Property A F B R e: Air Force Board of R e v i e w A F B R M C e: Air Force Business Research M a n a g e m e n t Center A F B S e: Air Force Board Structure - e: Air Force B r o a d c a s t i n g Service A F B S D e: Air Force Baltistic Systems Division A F B Sq e: Air Force Base Squadron A F B U e: Air Force Base Unit A F C e: A e r o d y n a m i c Flight Control - e: Air Force Circulars - e: Air Force C o m p o n e n t - e: Air Force Comptroller - e: Air Force Council - e: A i r c r a f t Flight Correlator - e: A i r f r a m e C h a n g e - e: Apollo Flight Control - e: A r m a m e n t and Fuel Coordinator - e: A r m e d Forces C o m m i t t e e - e: A r m e d Forces Comptroller - e: A r m e d Forces Council - e: A r m y Field Code - e: A r m y Field C o m m a n d - e: Army Finance Center - e: Army Flying Corps - e: A u t o m a t i c Flight Control A . F . C , e: Air Force Cross A & FC e: A r m a m e n t and Fire Control A F C A e: Armed Forces Chemical Association - e: A r m e d Forces C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Association A F C A A e: Air Force Cost Analysis Agency A F C A C e: Air Force C o m p u t e r Acquisition Center A F C A M e: Air Force Coated A l u m i n u m Metal A F C A O e: Air Force C o m p u t e r Acquisition O f f i c e A F C A P e: Air Force Capability Assessment Program A F C A P S e: Air Force Civilian A u t o m a t e d Pay System A F C A S e: Advanced Flight Control Actuation System - e: A u t o m a t i c Flight Control A u g m e n t a t i o n System A F C A S - A E e: Advanced Flight Control Actuation System-All Electric A F C A T e: Alert Force Capability Test A F C B e: A r m e d Forces C o m b a t Bulletin A F C C e: Air Force Combat C o m m a n d - e: Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Center - e: Air Force C o m m u n i c a t i o n s C o m m a n d - e: Air Force C o m p o n e n t C o m m a n d e r A F C C B e: Air Force C o n f i g u r a t i o n Control Board A F C C C e: Air Force C o m b a t Climatology Center A F C C D C e: Air Force C o m m a n d and Control D e v e l o p m e n t Center A F C C D D e: Air Force C o m m a n d and Control Development Division A F C C E e: Air Force Cost Center A F C 3 C M S D B e: Air Force C 3 C M Support D a t a Base A F C C N e: Air Force Chief Scientist


AFCCP AFCCP e: Air Force Command and Control Post - e: Air Force Component Command Post AFCCPC e: Air Force Communications Computer Programming Center AFCCR e: Air Force Communications Command Regulation AFCCS e: Air Force Cargo Coordination Support System - e: Air Force Command and Control System AFCD e: Advanced Fighter Capability Demonstrator - e: Air Force Cryptologie Depot AFCE e: Air Force Civil Engineer - e: Air Force Civil Engineering Unit - e: Allied Forces Central Europe - e: Armed Forces Chemical Association - e: Automatic Flight Control Equipment AFCEA e: Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association AFCEC e: Air Force Civil Engineering Center AFCEE e: Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence AFCEL e: Air Forces Contractor Experience List AFCEPE / • Association Fribourgeoise du Corps enseignant des Écoles Primaires et Enfantines AFCESA e: Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency afcfs e: advanced fighter-control-flight simulator AFCFS e: Air Force, Chief of Flight Safety AFCGIC e: Air Force Ceramics and Graphite Information Center AFCGM e: Air Force Center, Guided Missiles AFCH e: Air Force Component Headquarters AF Ch Sch e: Air Force Chaplain School AFCIA e: Armed Forces Civilian Instructors Association AFCIG e: Air Force Inspector General AFCIMS e: Air Force Claims Information Management System AFCIP e: Air Force Center for International Programs AFCIPS e: Air Force CommunicationsComputer Integration and Planning System AFCLC e: Air Force Contract Law Center AFCM e: Air Force Central Museum AFC2M2 e: Air Force Command and Control Modernization Methodology AFCM e: Air Force Commendation Medal AFCMC e: Air Force Contract Maintenance Center AFCMD e: Air Force Contract Management Division AFC2M2H e: Air Force Command and Control Modernization Methodology Handbook AFCMO e: Air Force Contract Management Office AFC1V1R e: Armed Forces Central Medical Registry AFCN e: American Forces Caribbean Network AFCNF e: Air Force Central NOTAM Facility AFCO e: Admiralty Fleet Confidential Order - e: Air Force Contracting Officer - e: Air Force Control Office AFCOA e: Air Force Chief of Operations Analysis - e: Air Force Contracting Office Approval


AFCOLR e: Air Force Coordinating Office for Logistics Research AFCOM e: Air Force Communications AFCOMAC e: Air Force Combat Ammunition Center AFCOMMSTA e: Air Force Communications Station AF Comp e: Air Force Composite AF Comp Cmd e: Air Force Composite Command AFCOMPMET e: Air Force Comptroller Management Engineering Team AF Compt e: Air Force Comptroller AFCOMS e: Air Force Commissary Service AFCOMSEC e: Air Force Communications Security AFCOMSECCEN e: Air Force Communications Security Center AFCOMSECM e: Air Force Communications Security Manual AFCON e: Air Force Controlled [Unit] AF Copmt e: Comptroller of the Air Force AFCORS e: Advanced Fire Control Radar System AFCOS e: Air Force Combat Operations Staff - e: Air Force Contingency Operations Staff - e: Armed Forces Courier Service AFCP e: Advanced Flight Control Program [me] - e: Advanced Flight Control Programmer - e: Air Force Civilian Personnel - e: Air Force Command Post - e: Air Force Computer Program[me] - e: Automatic Flight Control Panel AFCPL e: Air Force Computer Program Library AFCPM e: Air Force Civilian Personnel Manual AFCPMC e: Air Force Civilian Personnel Management Center AFCPR e: Air Force Cost Reduction Programm AFCRB e: Air Force Central Review Board AFCRC e: Air Force Cambridge Research Center - e: Air Force Cambridge Research Computer AFCRL e: Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories [or Laboratory] - e: Air Force Cambridge Research Library AFCRL-PSRP e: Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories-Physical Sciences Research Paper AFCRP e: Air Force Cost Reduction Program AFCRS e: Airborne Fire Control Radar Set AFCS e: Adaptive Flight Control System - e: Advanced Flight Control System AFC2S e: Air Force Command and Control Systems AFCS e: Air Force Communications Service - e: Air Force Communications Squadron - e: Air Force Communications System - e: Armament Flight Control System - e: Army Facilities Components System - e: Army Functional Component System - e: Artillery Fire Control System - e: Automatic Flight Control System - e: Auxiliary Flight Control System - e: Avionic Flight Control System AFCSA e: Air Force Center for Studies and Analysis - e: Air Force Communications-Computer Systems Architecture

Κ · G · Saur, München

AFCSA/CC e: Commander, Air Force Center for Studies and Analysis AFCSC e: Air Force Command and Staff College - e: Air Force Cryptologie Support Center AFCSCP e: Automatic Flight Control System Control Panel AFCSDG e: Air Force Container System Development Group AFCSDO e: Air Force CommunicationsComputer Systems Doctrine Office AFCS E&I e: Air Force Communications Service-Engineering and Installation^] AFCS-GEEIA e: Air Force Communications Service-Ground Electronics Engineering Installation Agency AFCSIO e: Air Force Communications Systems Integration Office - e: Air Force Computer Systems Integration Office AFCSL e: Air Force Communications Security Letter [or Manual, or Pamphlet] AFCSM e: Air Force Communications Service Manual AFCSPO e: Air Force Computer Security Program [Office] AFCSS e: Air Force Communications Support System - e: Army in the Field Containers System Study AFC2SSPO e: Air Force Command and Control Systems Systems Program Office AFCSTC e: Air Force Cost Center AFCTCP e: Air Force Combat Theater Communications Program AFC & TO e: Air Force Clothing and Textile Office AFCTS e: Air Force Combined Tomography System - e: Artillery Fire Control Training Simulator AFCUISPD e: Air Force Common User Information Services Planning Document AFCWF e: Air Force Civilian Welfare Fund AFD d: Armeefilmdienst - e: Admiralty Floating Dock - e: Aft Flight Deck - e: Air Force Depot - e: Air Force Detachment - e: Air Force Directive - e: Airborne Frequency Doubler - e: Armed Forces Day - e: Armed Forces Division - e: Army Field Depot - e: aviation fuel depot AFDA e: Air Force Data Automation - e: Air Force Distribution Agency - e: Australian Defence Force Academy AFDAA e: Air Force Data Automation Agency AFDAG e: Airborne Forward Delivery Airfield Group AFDAMET e: Air Force Data Automation Management Engineering Team AFDAP e: Air Force Data Automation Planning - e: Air Force Designated Acquisition Program - e: Air Force Directorate of Advanced Technology AFDAR e: Air Force Defense Acquisition Regulations - f: Association Française de Défense Antiraciste AFDAS e: Aircraft Fatigue Data Analysis System - e: Airframe Fatigue Data Analysis System AFDASTA e: Air Force Data Station

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AFETS AFDAT e: Air Force Directorate of Advanced Technology AFDATACOM e: Air Force Data Communications [System] AFDATACOM System e: Air Force Data Communications System AFDATASTA e: Air Force Data Station AFDB e: Air Force Decorations Board - e: Armed Forces Development Board AFDBA e: Armed Forces Dental Benefit Association AFDC e: Air Force Department Constabulary - e: Air Force Doctrine Center [or Command] AFDCB e: Air Force Disciplinary Board - e: Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board AFDCCO e: Air Force Departmental Catalog Coordinating Office AFDCMI e: Air Force Policy on Disclosure of Classified Military Information AFDCO e: Air Force Distribution Control Office AFDCOM System e: Air Force Data Communications System AFDCP e: Aft Flight Deck Control Panel - e: Air Force Decision Coordinating Paper A.F.D.C.S. e: Association of First Division Civil Servants AFDD e: Air Force Data Dictionary AFDDA e: Air Force Director of Data Automation AFDE /• Association Française pour la Défense de l'Environnement contre les pollutions et nuisances AFDFD e: Air Force, Deputy for Foreign Development AFDFO e: Air Force Development Field Office AFDFR e: Air Force Development Field Representative AFDFS e: Air Force Department Fire Service AFDIERSS e: Air Force Departmental Industrial Equipment Reserve Storage Site AFDIGS e: Air Force Digital Graphics System AFDIL e: Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory AFDIS e: Air Force Director of Inspection Services AFDM e: Air Force Driver Magazine AFDMA e: Air Force Director of Management Analysis AFDMIC e: Air Force Defense Metals Information Center AFDMP e: Air Force Directorate of Materials and Processes AFDMS e: Airborne Flight Detection Measurement System AFDO e: Aft Flight Deck Operator - e: Air Force Duty Officer - e: Assistant Flight Dynamics Officer - e: Assistant Flight [Fighter] Director Office - e: Award Fee Determination Official AFDOA e: Armed Forces Dental Officers Association AFDOIIS e: Association of Food and Drug Officials of the United States AFDP e: Air Force Departure Point - e: Army Force Development Plan - e: Award Fee Determination Plan A.f.d.p.A. d: Abteilung für die persönlichen Angelegenheiten [Preußisches Militärkabinett]

AFDPDB e: Aft Flight Deck Power Distribution Box AFDPRC e: Air Force Disaster Preparedness Resource Center AFDR e: Air Force Directorate of Requirement - e: Air Force Discrepancy Report AFDRB e: Air Force Disability Review Board - e: Air Force Discharge Review Board AFDRD e: Air Force Directorate] of Research and Development AFDRDT e: Air Force Director of Research and Technology A Fd Rgt RA e: Army Field Regiment, Royal Artillery AFDRIF e: Air Force Directory of Resident Inspection Facilities AFDRQ e: Air Force Director of Requirements AFDS e: Advanced Fighter Diagnostic System - e: Advanced Flight-Deck Simulator - e: Air Fighting Development Squadron - e: Amphibious Flagship Data System - e: Automatic Flight Director System - e: Autonomous Free-flight Dispenser System - e: Autopilot/Flight Director System - e: Auxiliary Fighter Director Ship A.F.D.S. e: Air Fighting Development Squadron AFDSC e: Air Force Data Services Center AFDSDC e: Air Force Data System[s] Design Center AFDSEC e: Air Force Data Systems Evaluation Center AFDTAMS e: Air Force Data Transmission and Message System AFDTC e: Air Force Development Test Center AFDTL e: Air Force Drug Testing Laboratory AFDII e: Air Fighting Development Unit - e: Air Force Development Unit afdva r: afdeling vuurpijlartillerie AFDW e: Active Framework for Data Warehousing - e: Air Force District of Washington AFE e: Aeroassist Flight Experiment - e: Air Force Experiment - e: Air Force in Europe - e: Allied Forces Europe - e: Alternate Fighter Engine - e: American Flight Echocardiograph - e: American Flight Electrocardiograph A.Fe.A. d: Armee-Fernsprechabteilung AFEA e: Aviation Facilities Energy Association AFEB e: Air Force Examination Board - e: Armed Forces Epidemiological Board - e: Award Fee Evaluation Board AFEBS e: Air Force European Broadcasting Squadron AFEC e: Award Fee Evaluation Committee AFED e: Alliance to Fight Eating Disorders A.F.E.D.A. / · Association Familiale Économique de Défence des Acheteurs AFEDPC e: Air Force Electronic Data Processing Center AFEDSC e: Air Force Engineering Data Service Center AFEE e: Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment AFEEIP e: Air Force Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Program AFEES e: Air Force Escape and Evasion Society

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- e: Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station[s] AFEIS e: Armed Forces Examining and Induction Stations AFEKDS e: Air Force Electronic Key Distribution System AFELIS e: Air Force Engineering and Logistics Information System AFEM e: Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal AFEMMIS e: Air Force Equipment Maintenance Management Information System AFEMS e: Air Force Equipment Management System AFEMST e: Air Force Equipment Management Survey Team AFEMT e: Air Force Equipment Management Team AFEN e: Armed Forces European Network AF[-]EOAR e: Air Force European Office of Aerospace Research AFEOC e: Air Force Emergency Operations Center AFEODF e: Armed Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facilities AFEOS e: Air Force Electro-Optical Site AFEP e: Air Force Exercise Program - e: Army Facilities Energy Program AFEPBA e: Armed Forces Enlisted Personnel Benefit Association AFEPI e: Air Force Equipment Procurement Instruction AFEPIC e: Air Force Electronic Properties Information Center AFER e: Air Force Engineering Responsibility AFERB e: Air Force Educational Requirements Board AFERC e: Air Force Edwards Research Center Aferna d: Armee-Fernsprechabteilung Afernpark d: Armee-Fernsprechpark AFERSS e: Air Force Environmental Rocket-Sounding System AFES e: Admiralty Fuel Experimental Station - e: Air Force Examining Station[s] - e: Air Force Exchange Service - e: Armed Forces Examining Station - e: Armed Forces Exchange Service AFESA e: Air Force Engineering and Services Agency AFESC e: Air Force Electronic Security Command - e: Air Force Engineering and Services Center - e: Air Force Engineering & Sciences Center - e: Air Force Engineering Services Center AFESC/ESL e: Air Force Engineering and Services Center/Engineering and Services Laboratory AFESD e: Air Force Electronic Systems Division AFESL e: Air Force Engineering & Services Laboratory AFESMET e: Air Force Engineering and Services Management Engineering Team AFESP e: Air Force English Syntax Project AFETAC e: Air Force Environmental Technical Applications Center AFETO e: Air Force Engineering Technology Office AFETR e: Air Force Eastern Test Range AFETRM e: Air Force Eastern Test Range Manual AFETS e: Air Force Engineering and Technical Service


AFEWC AFEWC e: Air Force Electronic Warfare Center AFEWES e: Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator - e: Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation System AFEWI e: Air Force Education With Industry AFEX e: Air Force Exchange - e: Air Forces Europe Exchange - e: Armed Forces Exchange AFF e: Acceptance and Ferry Flight - e: Adaptive Feedforward - e: Ammunition Factory Footscray - e: Army Field Forces - e: Automatic Frequency Following - r: Arméns fortifikationsf AFFA e: Air Freight Forwarders Association of America AFFAM e: Conference for Air Force Family Matters AFFAS e: Armed Forces Financial Advisory Services AFFB e: Army Field Forces Board AFFC e: Air Force Ferry[ing] Command - e: Air Force Finance Center - e: Air Forces Ferry Command AFFC System e: Advanced Fire/Flight Control System AFFDL e: Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory AFFE e: Air Force Far East - e: Airborne Fire Fighting Equipment - e: Allied Forces Far East - e: Army Forces Far East A.F.F.I. f: Amicale des Forces Française de l'Intérieur AFFLC e: Air Force Film Library Center AFFM e: Armo[u]red Force Field Manual AFFMA e: Air Force Frequency Management Agency AFFMC e: Air Force Frequency Management Center AFFOM e: Air Force Field Office Manager AFFOR e: Air Force Forces - e: Air Force Theater Command AFFORD e: Analysis for Forces Objectives and Resources Determination AFFPC e: Air Force Financial Postal Clerk AFFS d: automatisiertes Feldführungssystem - e: Air Force Flying Safety - e: Army Field Feeding System AFFSA e: Air Force Flight Standards Agency AFFSCE e: Air Forces Flight Safety Committee Europe AFFSE e: Armed Forces Food Science Establishment AFFSIM e: Airborne Formation Flight Simulator AFFTC e: Air Force Field Technical Center - e: Air Force Flight Test Center - e: Air Force Flying Training Command AFFTD e: Air Force Foreign Technology Division AFFTIC e: Air Force Foreign Technology Intel Center AFFTIS e: Air Force Flight Test Instrumentation System AFFUS e: Association of the Free French in the United States AFG d: Angriffs[flugzeug]träger - e: Air Forces Gulf - e: Alternative Force Generator - e: Army Force Guidance


AFGA e: Armed Forces in Germany and Austria AFGCM e: Air Force Good Conduct Medal AFGIHS e: Air Force Geographic Information Handling System AFGIS e: Aerial Free Gunnery Instruction School AFGL e: Air Force Geophysical Laboratory AFGO e: Air Force General Orders AFGp e: Air Force Group AFGR e: Approved Force Cross Requirement AFGS e: Air Force Guide Specification - e: Automatic Flight Guidance System AFGU e: Aerial Free Gunnery Unit AFGWC e: Air Force Global Weather Center [or Central] AFGWIS e: Air Force Global Weather Information System AFGWRP e: Air Force Global Weather Reconnaissance Program AFH e: Air Force Handbook - e: Air Force Hospital - e: Army Family Housing AFHC e: Air Force Headquarters Command AFHF e: Air Force Historical Foundation AFHIS e: Air Force Headquarters Information System AFHLO e: Air Force Hurricane Liaison Office AFHPSP e: Air Force Health Professions Scholarship Program AFHQ e: African Force Headquarters - e: Air Force Headquarters - e: Allied Forces Headquarters - e: Armed Forces Headquarters - e: Army Field Headquarters AFHQICIC] e: Allied Forces Headquarters [Counter Intelligence Corps] AFHQPS e: Allied Forces Headquarters Petroleum Section AFHRA e: Air Force Historical Research Agency AFHRL e: Air Force Human Relations [or Resources] Laboratory AFHS e: Air Force Historical Society AFHSC e: American Fashion Home Sewing Council AFI e: Air Force Instruction - e: Air Force Intelligence - e: Air Forces, Iceland - e: Allied Forces Italy - e: American Forces Italy - e: Armed Forces Institute - e: Armed Forces Institute, Madison, Wise. - e: Atlantic Refining Company - e: Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. AFIA e: Air Force Inspection Agency AFIAeS e: Associate Fellow of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences AFIAS e: Associate Fellow of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences AFIB e: Air Force Test Base AFIC e: Air Force Intelligence Center - e: Air Force Intelligence Command - e: Armed Forces Industrial College AFICCS e: Air Force Integrated Command and Control System - e: Air Force Interim Command and Control System AFICD e: Associate Fellow of the Institute of Civil Defence AFICE e: Air Force Iceland AFICP e: Air Force Intelligence Communications Plan

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AFIE e: Armed Forces Information and Education AFIED e: Armed Forces Information and Education Division AFIF e: Air Force Industrial Fund - e: Armed Forces Information Film AFIFIO e: Air Force Information for Industry Office[s] AFIGAC e: Air Force Inspector General Activities Center AFIISP e: Air Force Intelligence Information Systems Plans AFIL e: Flight plan Filed in the Air AFILR e: Approved Force Investment Level Requirement AFI M e: Air Force Inventory Manager - e: Antarctic Flight Information Manual AFIMMSS e: Air Force Integrated Maintenance Management Support System AFIMS e: Air Force Information Management Study AFIMTS e: Air Force Instruction and Military Training School AF/IN e: Air Force Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence AFIN e: Air Force Information Network AFINAC f: Association Française des Ingénieurs de l'Aviation Civile AFINS e: Airways Flight Inspector AFINSPATH e: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology AFINTELMET e: Air Force Intelligence Management Engineering Team AF/INX e: Air Force Assistant Chief of Staff, Director of Policy, Plans, & Programs AFIO e: Agreement for Fighter Interceptor Operations - e: Approved Force Inventory Objective - e: Association of Former Intelligence Officers AFIP e: Air Force Information Program - e: Air Force Intelligence Plan - e: Air Force Intelligence Publication - e: Armed Forces Information Program - e: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology AFIP/ARP e: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology/American Registry of Pathology AFIR e: Air Force Installation Representative - e: Air Force Intelligence Reserve programme AFI-RAN e: Africa, India Ocean Region Air Navigation AFIRB e: Armed Forces Identification Review Board AFIRM e: Air Force Installation Restoration Management [Committee] AFIRO e: Air Force Installations Representative Officer AFIS e: Aerodrome Flight Information Service - e: Air Force Intelligence Service[s] - e: Air Force Intelligence Study - e: Airborne Flight Information Service - e: American Forces Information Service - e: Armed Forces Induction Station - e: Armed Forces Information School - e: Armed Forces Information Service - e: Armed Forces Information System - e: Army Force Integration Study AFISA e: Air Force Information Systems Architecture - e: Air Force Integrated Systems Architecture - e: Air Force Intelligence Support Agency AFISC e: Air Force Inspection and Safety Center

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AFMS AFIS/IND e: Air Force Intelligence Service/Intelligence Data Management AFISOL e: Aerodrome Flight Information Service Officer's Licence AFISP e: Air Force Information Systems Plan AFISR e: Air Force Industrial Security Regulations AFIT e: Air Force Institute of Technology - e: Armed Forces Institute of Technology AFITC e: Armed Forces Intelligence Training Center AFIT/LS e: Air Force Institute of Technology School of Systems and Logistics A FIT/ST e: Air Force Institute of Technology School of Systems and Logistics AFIWC e: Air Force Information Warfare Center AFJ e: Air Force Jet - e: Armed Forcefs] Journal AFJAG e: Air Force Judge Advocate General AFJAGS e: Air Force Judge Advocate General School A.F.J.E. /• Accueil Familial des Jeunes Étrangers AFJIMS e: Air Force Justice Information System AFJINTACCS e: Air Force Program for Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems AFJKT e: Air Force Job Knowledge Test AFJMSNS e: Air Force Justification for Major System New Start AFJPO e: Air Force Joint Project Office AFJROTC e: Air Force Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps AFK d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedensund Konflikt-Forschung - e: Air Forces Korea A.f.K. d: Ausbildungsabteilung für Kriegsschiffneubauten AFKAG e: Air Force Cryptographic Aid, General AFKN e: American Forces Koreafn] Network AFL d: Abfanglinie - e: Aeromedicai Field Laboratory - e: Air Force Letter - e: Air Force Liaison - e: Air Force List - e: Autoland Flight Tests Ail. d: Artillerieflieger Afla d: Artilleriefliegerabteilung AFLAC e: Admiralty Fuels and Lubricants Advisory Committee AFLAN e: Air Force Local Area Net AFLANSPO e: Air Force Local Area Network Systems Program Office AFLANT e: Air Force, Atlantic Command AFLAS e: Aviation Fuels Logistical Area Summary AFLAT e: Air Force Language Aptitude Test AFLC e: Air Force Logistics Center - e: Air Force Logistics Command AFLCF e: Air Force Logistics Command Form AFLCG e: Air Force Logistics Control Group AFLCL e: Air Force Logistics Command Letter AFLCM e: Air Force Logistic Command Manual AFLCN e: Air Force Logistics Communications Network AFLC-OAO e: Air Force Logistics Command-Operations Analysis Office

AFLCON e: Air Force Logistics Command Operations Network - e: Air Force Logistics Communications Network AFLCP e: Air Force Logistics Command Pamphlets AFLCPs e: Air Force Logistics Command Pamphlets AFLCR e: Air Force Logistics Command Regulations AFLCSO e: Air Force Logistics Command Support Office AFLD e: Airborne Frauenhofer Line Discriminator AFLETS e: Air Force Law Enforcement Terminal System A.F.L.F.C. /• Association France Libre et France Combattante AFLI e: Air Force Legislative Item AFLIR e: Advanced Forward Looking Infrared AFLL e: Army Fuels and Lubricant[s] Laboratory AFLMC e: Air Force Logistics Management Center AFLO e: Airborne Forces Liaison Officer AFLOGMET e: Air Force Logistics Management Engineering Team A.Fl.P. d: Armeeflugpark AFLP e: Armed Forces Language Program AFLR e: Armed Forces Liaison Representative AFLRL e: Army Fuels and Lubricants Research Laboratory AFLRS e: Allied Forces Local Resources Section AFLS e: Active Flight Load System - e: Air Force Library Service - e: Armed Forces Librarians Section AFLSA e: Air Force Legal Services Agency - e: Air Force Longevity Service Award AFLSCO e: Air Force Lumber Stock Control Office A.FIug-P. d: Armeeflugpark AFM d: Abteilung Friedenspolitische Massnahmen A&FM e: Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics AFM e: Aeroplane Flight Manual - e: Air Force Medal - e: Air Force Museum - e: Airplane Flight Manual - e: American Federation of Musicians - e: Annular Fire Missile - e: Approved Flight Manual - e: Armed Forces Management [or Movement] - e: Armed Forces of Malaysia - e: Atomic Force Microscopy - e: Automatic Flight Management - e: Aviation Fleet Maintenance A.F.M. /• Atelier de Fabrication de Munitions AFMA e: Air Force Manual of Abbreviations - e: Armed Forces Management Association - e: Association of Food Marketing Agencies in Asia and the Pacific AFMAA e: Armed Forces Medical Aid Association AFMAB e: Atmospheric Forcings for the Mid-Atlantic Bight AFMAG e: Air Force Management Analysis Group AFMAINMET e: Air Force Maintenance Management Engineering Team

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

AFMBP e: Air Force Model Base for Communications-Computer Systems Program AFMC e: Air Force Materiel Command - e: Air Force Medical Center - e: Armed Forces Mail Call AFMCO e: Army Force Modernization Coordination Office AFMCSCE e: Air Force Materiel Command Support Center, Europe AFMDC e: Air Force Machinability Data Center - e: Air Force Missile Development Center AFME e: Airframe AFMEA e: Air Force Management Engineering Agency AFMED e: Allied Forces Mediterranean AFMEDICS e: Air Force Medical Information and Control System AFMEDMET e: Air Force Medical Management Engineering Team AFMENS e: Air Force Mission Element Need Statement AFMeTC e: Air Force Meteorological Center AFMF e: Air Fleet, Marine Force AFMFP e: Aircraft Fleet Marine Force Pacific AFMIC e: Air Force[s] Materials Information Center - e: Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center AFMIDPAC e: Armed Forces, Middle Pacific AFMIG e: Air Force Management Improvement Group AF-MIPR e: Air Force-Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests AFMIS e: Air Force Major Command Information System - e: Air Force Management Information System - e: Army Food Management Information System AFML e: Air Force Materials Laboratory - e: Armed Forces Medical Library AFMLO e: Air Force Medical Logistics Office AFMMFO e: Air Force Medical Material [or Materiel] Field Office AFMML e: Air Force Medical Materiel Letter AFMOA e: Air Force Medical Operations Agency AFMPA e: Air Force Medical Publications Agency - e: Armed Forces Medical Procurement Agency - e: Armed Forces Medical Publication Agency AFMPC e: Air Force Manpower and Personnel Center - e: Air Force Military Personnel Center AFMPDC e: Air Force Mechanical Properties Data Center AFMPG e: Atlantic Fleet Mobile Photographic Group AFMPMET e: Air Force Manpower & Personnel Management Engineering Team AFMR e: Armed Forces Master Records - e: Armed Forces Military Report AFMRB e: Air Force Material Review Board AFMRS e: ASW [Antisubmarine Warfare] Formatted Message Reporting System AFMS d: Artilleriefunkmeßstation - e: Advanced Flight Management System - e: Air Force Manpower Standards - e: Air Force Medical Service


AFMSA - e: Airborne Frequency Multiplexing System - e: Armed Forces Medical Services - e: Association of Fleet Maintenance Supervisors - e: Automatic Flight Management System AFMSA e: Air Force Medical Support Agency AFMSC e: Air Force Medical Service Center - e: Air Force Medical Specialist Corps - e: Armed Forces Menu Service Committee AFMSISP e: Air Force Medical Services Information System Plan AFMSL e: Air Force Measurement Standards Laboratories AFMSMET e: Air Force Maintenance and Supply Management Engineering Team AFMSP e: Air Force Meteorological Satellite Program AFMSS e: Air Force Mission Support System AFMT e: Air Force Manufacturing Technology AFMTC e: Air Force Military Training Center - e: Air Force Missile Test Center AFMVOP e: Air Force Motor Vehicle Operator Test AFMWRA e: Air Force Morale, Welfare & Recreation Agency AFN d: Anzeigegerät für Funknavigation - e: Air Forcefs] Network - e: American Forces Network - e: Armed Forces Network AF/N e: Air Force/Navy AFNA e: Air-Force-Navy AF/NA e: Air-Force/Navy Aeronautical AFNAB e: Air-Force-Navy Aeronautical Bulletin AFNAS e: Air-Force-Navy Aeronautical Standard AFNB e: Air Force Scientific Advisory Board - e: Armed Forces News Bureau AFNC e: Air Force Nurse Corps AFNCOAR e: Air Force Noncommissioned Officer Academy Ribbon AFNE e: Allied Forces Northern Europe - e: American for Nuclear Energy - e: American Forces Network, Europe - e: Americans for Nuclear Energy - e: Armed Forces Network, Europe - s: Astilleros y Fabricas Navales del Estado - s: Empresa Astilleros y Fabricas Navales des Estado AFNEA e: Air Force NOTAM [Notice to Airman] Exchange Area AFNEO e: Air Force NOTAM [Notices to Airmen] Exchange Office AFNET e: Air Force Network AFNETF e: Air Force Nuclear Engineering Test Facility AFNETR e: Air Force Nuclear Engineering Test Reactor AFNETSTA e: Air Force[s] Network Station AFNEWS e: Air Force News Agency AFNF e: American Forces Network, Europe AFNFICM e: Atlantic Fleet Naval Forces Intelligence Collection Manual AFNG e: Air Force National Guard AFNI e: Armed Forces Network, Iceland AFNO e: Amphibious Forces Notes & Orders AFNON e: Allied Forces North Norway


AFNOR e: Armed Forces Press Service AFNORTH e: Allied Forces Northern Europe AFNORTH WEST e: Allied Forces, Northwest Europe AFNRC e: Armed Forces National Research Council AFNRD e: Air Force National Range Division AfNS d: Amt für Nationale Sicherheit AFNS e: Air Force News Service AFNTV e: American Forces Network Television AFO d: Abteilung Friedenserhaltende Operationen - e: Accounting and Finance Officer - e: Admiralty Fleet Order - e: Air Force One - e: Air Force Order - e: Announcement of Flight Opportunities - e: Announcement of Flight Opportunity - e: Area Flag Officer - e: Army Forwarding Officer - e: Artillery Forward Observer - e: Atlantic Fleet Organization A Fo e: Army Form AFOAE e: Air Force Office of Atomic Energy AFOAO e: Air Force Operations Analysis Office AFOAR e: Air Force Office for/of Aerospace Research AFOAS e: Air Force Office of Aerospace Sciences AFOAT e: Air Force Office for Atomic Energy - e: Assistant for Atomic Energy AFOB e: Air Force Operations Base AFOC e: Air Force Comptroller - e: Air Force Operations Center - e: Army Flight Operations Center - e: Automatic Flight Operation Center AFOCE e: Air Force Office of Civil Engineering AFOE e: Amphibious Follow-on-Echelon AFOEA e: Air Force Organizational Excellence Award AFOECP e: Air Force Officer Education and Commissioning Program AFOEHL e: Air Force Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory AFOEP e: Air Force Officer Education Program AFOF e: Army Flight Operations Facility AFOG e: Air Force Orientation Group AFOIC e: Air Force Officer in Charge AFOLDS e: Air Force On-Line Data System A.F.O.M.M. e: American Federal Office of the Mercantile Marine AFOMO e: Air Force Office of Manpower and Organization AFOMS e: Air Force Office of Medical Support AFOOTS e: Air Force Obligation/Outlay Tracking System AFOPA e: Air Force Office of Public Affairs AFOQT e: Air Force Officer Qualifying Test AFOR e: Air Force Operations Room - e: Air Force Overseas Replacement - e: Albania Force - e: Automated Force AFORA e: Air Force Office of Research Analysis AFORD e: Air Force Overseas Replacement Depot AFOREP e: Air Force Operational R e p o r t i n g System]

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AFORG e: Air Force Overseas Replacement Group AFORMS e: Air Force Operations Resource Management System AFORS e: Air Force Office of Scientific Research AFOS e: Air Force Objective Series - e: Arab Federation of Shipping - e: Armed Forces Optometrie Society AFOSCR e: Air Force Organization Status Change Report AFOSH e: Air Force Occupational Safety and Health AFOSI e: Air Force Office of Special Investigation^] AFOSP e: Air Force Office of Security Police AFOSR e: Air Force Office of Scientific Research AFOTC e: Air Force Operational Test Center AFOTEC e: Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center AFOIIA e: Air Force Outstanding Unit Award AFOUAR e: Air Force Outstanding Unit Award Ribbon AFOWC e: Air Force Officers' Wives Club AFP d: Artilleriefährplan - e: Adaptive Force Packaging - e: Air Force Pamphlet - e: Air Force Plan - e: Air Force Plant - e: Air Force Police - e: Air Force Program - e: Alternate Flight Plan - e: Anglican Fellowship of Prayer - e: Armed Forces of the Philippines - e: Armed Forces Police - e: Army Force Program - e: Army Fuze Program - e: Assault Fire Platoon AfP e: Americans for Peace AFP+ e: Assault Fire Platoon Plus AFPA e: Airborne Fiate Plate Array - e: American Fighter Pilots Association AFPAC e: Armed Forces Pacific - e: Army Forces Pacific AFPAM e: Air Force Pamphlet - e: Automatic Flight Planning and Monitoring AFPAO e: Air Force Property Accountable Office[r] AFPB e: Air Force Personnel Board AFPBS e: Air Force Pacific Broadcasting Squadron AFPC e: Air Force Personnel Council - e: Air Force Policy Council - e: Air Force Postal Clerk - e: Air Force Procurement Circular - e: American Food for Peace Council - e: Armed Forces Policy Council AFPCB e: Armed Forces Pest Control Board AFPCH e: Army Force Planning Cost Handbook AFPCP e: Air Force Potential Contractor Program AFPCS e: Automatic Flight Path Control System AFPD e: Air Force Procurement District - e: Armed Forces Police Department - e: Armed Forces Police Detachment AFPDA e: Army Force Planning Data and Assumptions AFPDAB e: Air Force Physical Disability Appeal Board AF-PDC e: Air Force Publications and Distribution Center

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AFRTS AFPDS e: Armed Forces Production Distribution Service AFPE e: Air Force Planning Element - e: Air Force Preliminary Evaluation AFPEA e: Air Force Packaging Evaluation Agency AFPEB e: Air Force Professione! Entertainment Branch AFPEC e: Armed Forces Product Evaluation Committee AFPEO e: Air Force Program Executive Office AFPEO/ST e: Air Force Programs Executive Officer, Director of Strategic Programs AFPG e: Air Force Personnel Processing Group - e: Air Force Planning Guide AFPI e: Air Force Procurement Instructions AFPID e: Air Force Purchase Item Description AFPL e: Air Force Packaging Laboratory AFPLA e: Air Force of the People's Liberation Army AFPM e: Aircraft Force Projection Model AFPMO e: Air Force Polaris Material Office - e: Atlantic Fleet Polaris Material Office AFPMPMS e: Air Force Professional Manpower and Personnel Management School AFPN e: Armed Forces Philippine Network AFPO e: Air Force Plant Office - e: Air Force Procurement Officer - e: Air Force Property Officer - e: Air Force Purchasing Office AFPOM e: Air Force Program Objectives Memorandum AFPP e: Air Force Procurement Procedure[s] AFPPS e: American Forces Press and Publications Service AFPR e: Air Force Plant Representative - e: Air Force Procurement Regulation - e: Air Force Procurement Representative - e: Air Force Project Representative - e: Armed Forces Procurement Regulations AFPRB e: Armed Forces Pay Review Body AFPRDS e: Air Force Petroleum Retail Distribution Station AFPRL e: Air Force Personnel Research Laboratory AFPRO e: Air Force Plan[t] Representative^] Office AFPRP e: Air Force Production Reserve Policy AFPS e: American Forces Press Service - e: Armed Forces Press Service - e: Army Field Park Squadron - e: Army Film and Photographic Section AFPSC e: Armed Forces Philippines Supply Center AFPT e: Air Force Personnel Test AFPTRC e: Air Force Personnel Training and Research Center AFPU e: Air Force Postal Unit - e: Army Film and Photographic Unit AFQ e: Airframe Flight Qualification AFQA e: Air Force Quality Assurance AFQAR e: Air Force Quality Assurance Representative AFQC e: Air Force Quality Control AFQCR e: Air Force Quality Control Representative AFQPL e: Air Force Qualified Products List

AFQT e: Air Force Qualification Test AFQTVA e: Armed Forces Qualification Test, Verbal Arithmetic AFR e: Admiralty Fuel Research - e: Air Force Regulation^] - e: Air Force Reserve - e: Aircraft Flight Report - e: Airframe - e: Armed Forces Radio - e: Artillery Flash Ranging - e: Audio-Frequency Range - e: Awaiting Forward Release a.f.r. / · Armée française du Rhin Afra d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raketentechnik AFRA e: Armed Forces Reserve Act AFRADBIORSCHINST e: Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute AFRADC e: Air Force Rome Air Development Center A.F.R.Ae.S. e: Air Force Royal Aeronautical Society AFR Ae S e: Associate Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society AFRAMS e: Air Force Recoverable Assembly Management System AF Range e: Audio Frequency Range AFRAP e: Air Force Recruiter Assistance Program - e: Air Force Remedial Action Program AFRAPT e: Air Force Research in Aircraft Propulsion Technology AFRAS e: Associate Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society AFRB e: Air Force Retiring Board - e: Award Fee Review Board AFRBA e: Air Force Review Boards Agency - e: Armed Forces Relief and Benefit Association AFRBO e: Air Force Review Boards Office AFRBSG e: Air Force Reserve Base Support Group AFRBSGp e: Air Force Reserve Base Support Group AFRC e: Air Force Records Center - e: Air Force Regional Civil Engineer - e: Air Force Research Center - e: Air Force Reserve Command - e: Armed Forces Recreation Center - e: Armed Forces Reserve Center AFRCC e: Air Force Rescue Coordination Center - e: Air Force Reserve Coordination Center AFRCE e: Air Force Regional Civil Engineers] AFRCS e: Air Force Reports Control System AFRCSTC e: Air Force Reserve Combat Support Training Center AFRCTC e: Air Force Reserve Combat Training Center AFRD e: Air Force Research Directorate - e: Air Force Research Division - e: Air Force Reserve Division AFRDB e: Air Force Research and Development Branch AFRDE e: Air Force Regional Civil Engineers] AF RE e: Chief of Air Force Reserve's Office AFREDCOM e: Armed Forces Readiness Command AFREIC e: Air Force Radiation Effects Information Center AFREP e: Air Force Representative AF Repl Sq e: Air Force Replacement Squadron

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

AFREQ e: Army Air Forces Requirements Division AFRES e: Air Force Reserve[s] AFRESBSGP e: Air Force Reserve Regions Base Support Group AFRESF e: Air Force Reserve Facility AFRESM e: Armed Forces Reserve Medal AFRESNAVSQ e: Air Force Reserve Navigation Squadron AFRESR e: Air Force Reserve Regionfs] AFRESRGP e: Air Force Reserve Regions Group AFRESS e: Air Force Reserve Sector[s] AFRFTC e: Air Force Reserve Flying Training Center AFRG d: ArmeeF lugabwehrraketengruppe AFRIMS e: Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences AFRL e: Air Force Research Laboratory AFRLC e: Air Force Regional Civil Engineers AFRM e: Armed Forces Reserve Medal AFRN e: Alaskan Forces Radio Network AFRO e: Air Force Recruiting Office - e: Air Force Research Objectives - e: Air Force Reserve Order[s] - e: Air Force Routine Order AFROC e: Association of Freestanding Radiation Oncology Centers AFROIC e: Air Force Resident Officer in Charge AFROTC e: Air Force Reserve Officerfs] Training Corps AFRP e: Air Force Recurring Publication - e: Aramid Fibre Reinforced Plastic AFRPC e: Air Force Reserve Policy Committee AFRPL e: Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory AFRR e: Air Force Reserve Region - e: Air Force Resident Representative AFRRG e: Air Force Reserve Recovery Group AFRRGp e: Air Force Reserve Recovery Group AFRRI e: Armed Forces Radiobiological [or Radiobiology] Research Institute AFRS e: Advanced Fighter Radar System - e: Air Force Recruiting Service - e: Air Force Rescue Service - e: Air Force Reserve Sector - e: American Forces Radio Station - e: Approved Force Retention Stock - e: Armed Forces Radio Service - e: Armed Forces Recruiting Stations - e: Automatic Flight Reference System - e: Auxiliary Flight Reference System AFRSC e: Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee AFRSF e: Air Force Range Support Facility - e: Atlantic Fleet Range Support Facility AFRSTC e: Air Force Reserve Specialist Training Center AFRT e: American Forces Radio and Television - e: Armed Forces Radio and Television AFRT-B e: American Forces Radio and Television-Bentwaters AFRTC e: Air Force Research Training Center - e: Air Forcefs] Reserve Training Center AFRTD e: Air Force Research and Technology Division AFRTN e: Armed [or American] Forces Radio and Television Network AFRTS e: American Forces Radio and Television Service


AFRTS-BC - e: Armed Forces Radio and Telegraph Service - e: Armed Forces Radio and Television Service AFRTS-BC e: Armed Forces Radio and Television Service-Broadcast Center AFRTS-LA e: American Forces Radio and Television Service-Los Angeles AFRTS-W e: American Forces Radio and Television Service-Worldwide - e: Armed Forces Radio and Television Service-Washington AFRTV e: Armed [or American] Forces Radio and Television AFRTVS e: Armed [or American] Forces Radio and Television Service[s] AFRU e: Armed Forces Reporting Unit AFRVN e: Air Force of the Republic of Viet Nam AFS d: Atomfluoreszenzspektroskop[ie] - d: automatisiertes Führungssystem - e: Admiralty Forecast Section - e: Aeronautical Fixed Service - e: Air Force School - e: Air Force Section - e: Air Force Speciality - e: Air Force Standard - e: Air Force Station - e: Air Force Stock - e: Air Force Supply - e: Air Force System - e: American Field Scholarship - e: Army Fire Service - e: Army Food Supply - e: Automatic Flight System A.F.S. e: Army Fire Service - e: Atlantic Ferry Service AFSA e: Air Force Safety Agency - e: Air Force Senior Advisory - e: Air Force Sergeants Association - e: American Flight Strips Association - e: Armed Forces Security Agency - e: Automated Fire Support Artillery - e: Aviation Force Structure for/of the Army AFSAA e: Air Forces Studies & Analyses Agency AFSAAP e: African Studies Association of Australasia & the Pacific AFSAB e: Air Force Scientific Advisory Board AFSAC e: Air Force Special Activities Center AFSAG e: Armed Forces Security Agency AFSAM e: Air Force School of Aviation Medicine AFSAMSO e: Air Force Space and Missile Systems Organization AFSARC e: Air Force Systems Acquisition Review Council AFSAS e: Advanced Fire Support Avionics System - e: Air Force Director for Strategic Force Analysis AFSAT e: Air Force Satellite - e: Air Force School of Applied Tactics AFSATCOM e: Air Force Satellite Communications [System] AFSATLCF e: Air Force Satellite Control Facility AFSAW e: Air Force Special Activities Wing AFSAWC e: Air Force Special Air Warfare Center AFSB e: Air Force Specification Bulletin - e: Air Force Support Base AFSC e: Air Force Service Center - e: Air Force Service [s] Command - e: Air Force Skill Code - e: Air Force Specialty Code


- e: Air Force Staff College - e: Air Force Supply Catalog - e: Air Force Supply Code - e: Air Force Systems Command AFSC4 e: Air Force Systems for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers AFSC e: Allied Forces Soroptimist Clubs - e: Armed Forces Staff College - e: Army Fire Support Center - e: Artillery Fire Support Center AFSCAPS e: Air Force Standard Civilian Automated Pay System AFSCC e: Air Force Satellite Control Center - e: Air Force Security Communications Center - e: Air Force Special Communications Center - e: Armed Forces Supply Control Center AFSC-DH e: Air Force Systems Command Design Handbook AFSC/DL e: Air Force Systems Command Director of Laboratories AFSCF e: Air Force Satellite Control Facilities - e: Air Force Satellite Control Facility - e: Air Force Spacecraft Control Facility - e: Air Force Systems Command Form AFSC4I e: Air Force Systems for Command, Control, Communications and Computers Intelligence AFSCIC e: Air Force Systems Command Inspection Center AFSC2ISA e: Air Force Standard Command and Control Information Systems Architecture AFSCL e: Air Force Systems Command Letter AFSCM e: Air Force Systems Command Manual AFSCN e: Air Force Satellite Control Network AFSCO e: Air Force Security Clearance Office AFSCOASO e: Air Force Small Computer/Office Automation Service Organization AFSCP e: Air Force Systems Command Pamphlet - e: Air Force Systems Concept Paper AFSCPP e: Air Force Systems Command Procurement Production AFSCR e: Air Force Systems Command Regulation AFSCS e: Air Force Satellite Communications System - e: Army Field Stock Control System AFSC/SSD e: Air Force Systems Command/Space Systems Division AFSC/STLO e: Air Force Systems Command Scientific Technical Liaison Office AFSD e: Air Force Space Division - e: Air Force Supply Date - e: Air Force Supply Depot - e: Air Force Supply Directive[s] AF/SD e: Air Force and Space Digest AFSE e: Allied Forces Southern Europe AFSec e: Air Force Section AFSEM e: Army Food Service Energy Management AFSF e: Advanced Field Site Facility - e: Air Force Stock Fund - e: Air Force Supply Force A.F.S.F. e: Airborne Forces Security Fund AFSFC e: Air Force Space Forecast Center AFSFRS e: Air Force Stock Fund Reporting System

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AFSG e: Amphibious Force Support Group AFSIC e: Air Force Surveys in Geophysics AFSIE e: Air Force Standard Items and Equipment AFSIG e: Air Force Weapons Support Improvement Group - e: Ascent Flight Systems Integration Group AFSINC e: Air Force Service Information and News Center AFSIP e: Air Force Signals Intelligence Plan - e: Air Force Standard Intelligence Publication AFSISC e: Air Force Standard Information Systems Center AFSLV e: Air Force Small Launch Vehicle AFSM e: Air Force Screen Magazine - e: Artillery Forces Simulation Model AFSMAAG e: Air Force Section, Military Assistance Advisory Group AFSMO e: Air Force Space and Missile Organization AFSN e: Air Force Serial Number - e: Air Force Service Number - e: Air Force Stock Number AFSNCOA e: Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officers' Academy AFSNG e: Anglo-French Safety of Navigation Group AFSO e: Aerial Fire Support Officer - e: Air Force Service Office AFSOB e: Air Force Special Operation[s] Base AFSOC e: Air Force Special Operations Command - e: Air Force Special Operations Component AFSOD e: Air Force Special Operations Detachment AFSOE e: Air Force Special Operations Element AFSOF e: Air Force Special Operations Forces AFSONOR e: Allied Forces, South Norway AFSOON e: Air Force Solar Observing Optical Network AFSOUTH e: Allied Forces Southern Europe AFSP e: Air Force Space Plan - e: Air Force Space Program - e: Air Force Standard Practice - e: Australian Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific AFSPA e: Air Force Security Police Agency AFSPACECOM e: Air Force Space Command AFSPBRSIO e: Armed Forces Surplus Property Bidders Registration and Sales Information Office AFSPC e: Air Force Space Command AFSPCOMMCEN e: Air Force Special Communications Center AFSPD e: Air Force Systems Project Division AFSPMET e: Air Force Security Police Management Engineering Team AFSq e: Air Force Squadron AFSR e: Armed Forces Screen Reports AFSRAN e: Air Force Stock Record Account Number AFSS e: Air Force Security Service - e: Air Force Service Statement - e: Automated Flight Service Station

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AFZIN AFSSA e: Army Financial Stock Summary Analysis A.Fssa.Kr.P. d: Armee-FußartillerieKraftfahrzeugpark AFSSC e: Armed Forces Supply Support Center AFSSD e: Air Force Space Systems Division AFSSMET e: Air Force Special Staff Management Engineering Team AFSSO e: Air Force Special Security Office[r] AFSSOP e: Air Force Security Service Office of Production AFSS System e: Air Force Supply Services System AFSTAFFCOL e: Armed Forces Staff College AFSTC e: Air Force Satellite Test Center - e: Air Force Space Technology Center - e: Air Force Space Test Center - e: Army Foreign Science [and] Technology Center AFSTRIKE e: Air Force Strike Command AFSTS e: Air Force Space Technology Satellite AFSU e: auxiliary ferry service unit AFSUB e: [Army] Air Forces AntiSubmarine Command AF Sv Comd e: Air Force Service Command AFSWA e: Armed Forces Special Weapons Agency - e: Assistant Secretary of War for Air AFSWC e: Air Force Special Weapons Center AFSWF e: Air Force Software Facility AFSWP e: Air Force Special Weapons Project - e: Armed Forces Special Weapons Project AFT d: Angriffsflugzeugtr - e: Aerodynamic Flight Test - e: Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication^] - e: Air Force Department - e: American Film Theater - e: Annual Financial Target - e: Atmospheric Flight Test - e: Automatic Flight Termination Afta e: Allied Friendship Travel Association AFTA e: ASEAN Free Trade Agreement - e: Atlantic Free Trade Area [Association] AFTAC e: Air Force Tactical Air Command - e: Air Force Tactical Center - e: Air Force Technical Applications Center AFTACIES e: Air Force Tactical Imagery Exploitation System AFTAT e: Air Force Technical Approval Team AFTB e: Air Force Test Base AFTC e: Air Force Combat Theater Communications - e: Air Force Training Camp - e: Airborne Flight Training Command AFTCC e: Air Force Troop Carrier Command AFTCO e: Air Force Telecommunications Certification Office AFTD e: Air Force Test Director AFTDS e: Automated Flight Test Data System AFTEC e: Air Force Flight Test Center - e: Air Force Test and Evaluation Center AFTER e: Air Force Thermionic Engineering and Research AFTF e: Air Force Task Force

AFTFWC e: Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center AFTH e: Air Force Technical Headquarters AFTI e: Advanced Fighter Technology Integration [project] AFTIA e: Armed Forces Technical Information Agency AFTIC e: Air Force Technical Intelligence Center AFTIP e: Air Force Theater Intelligence Plan AFTJ e: Airborne Fuze Test Jammer AFTN e: Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication^] Network - e: American Forces Thailand Network AFTO e: Air Force Technical Order AFTOD e: Air Force Technical Objectives Documents AFTOR e: Office of the Air Force Reserve AFTOSB e: Air Force Technical Order Standardization Board AFTP e: Additional Flight Training Period - e: Aircrew Flight Training Period AFTPC e: Air Force Teleprocessing Center AFTPRC e: Air Force Thermophysical Properties Research Center AFTPS e: Air Force Test Pilot School AFTR e: Air Force Technical Report - e: Army Flying Time Report AFTRC e: Air Force Technical Training Command - e: Air Force Training Center [or Command] AFTRCC e: Aerospace Flight Test Radio Coodinating Council AFTS e: Adaptive Flight Training System - e: Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Service - e: Air Force Tactical Shelter - e: Airborne Flight Test System - e: Automated Flight Training System AFTSC e: Air Force Technical Service Command AF T&S C e: Air Force Training & Support Command AFTSSDO e: Air Force Tactical Shelter Systems Development Office AFTT /• Association Fédérale de Troupes de Transmission AFTTC e: Air Force Technical Training Center AFTTH e: Air Force Technical Training Headquarters AFTTRC e: Air Force Technical Training Command AFTU e: Air Force Test Unit AFTV e: American Forces Television - e: Armed Forces Television AFTWDS e: Afterwards AFU e: Assault Fire Unit A.F.U. e: Advanced Flying Unit AFUB e: Air Force Uniform Board Afunka d: Armee-Funkerabteilung AFIJNTS e: Air Force Undergraduate Navigator Training System AFUPO e: Air Force Unit Post Office AFUS e: Air Force of the United States - e: Armed Forces of the Unites States A.Fußa.Kz.P. d: Armee-FußartillerieKraftzugpark A.Fußa.Kz.P. d: Armee-FußartillerieKraftzugpark AFV d: Angriffs[flugzeug]träger - e: Aerospace Flight Vehicle - e: Armo[u]red Fighting Vehicle - e: Armo[u]red Force Vehicle

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

afv e: armored fighting vehicle - e: armored force vehicle AFVA e: Air Force Visual Aids AFVG Aircraft e: Anglo-French Variable Geometry Aircraft AFVG Fighter e: Anglo-French Variable Geometry Fighter AFVN e: American Forces Vietnam Network - e: Armed Forces Vietnam Network AFVP e: Aviation Forecast Verification Program AFVTG e: Armed Forces Vocational Testing Group AFW e: Air Foirce With Army - e: Air Force Weapon - e: Air Force Wing - e: Army Field Workshop AfW d: Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung A.F.W, e: Army Field Workshop AFWA e: Air Force Weather Agency - e: Air Force with Army - e: Automatic Flight Weather Advisory AFWAB e: Army Fixed Wing Aptitude Battery AFWAL e: Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories AFWAL/ML e: Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Materials Laboratory AFWAM e: Air Force WWMCCS ADP Modernization Program AFWAR e: Air Force with Army AFWB e: Air Force Welfare Board AFWC e: Air Force Wargaming Center AFWDD e: Air Force Western Development Division AFWE e: Air Forces, Western Europe AFWESPAC e: American Forces, Western Pacific - e: Army Forces, Western Pacific AFWET e: Air Force Weapons Effectiveness Testing AFWETS e: Air Force['s] Weapons Effectiveness Testing System AFWIS e: Air Force WWMCCS Information System AFWL e: Air Force Weapons Laboratory - e: Armed Forces Writers League AFWMAA e: Air Force Wide Mission Area Analysis AFWMPRT e: Air Force Wartime Manpower & Personnel Readiness Team AFWN e: Air Force with Navy AFWOFS e: Air Force Weather Observing and Forecasting System AFWR e: Approved Force War Reserve[s] - e: Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range AFWRT e: Air Force Western Test Range AFWSIG e: Air Force Weapon System Improvement Group AFWST e: Armed Forces Women's Selection Test AFWTF e: Atlantic Fleet Weapons Test [or Training] Facility AFWTR e: Air Force Western Test Range, Vandenberg AFB, Calif. AFWTRM e: Air Force Western Test Range [Manual] AFWW e: Air Force Weather Wing AFWWMCCS e: Air Force World Wide Military Command and Control System AFX e: Attack Fighter experimental AFYDP e: Army's Five-Year Defense Program AFYSFP e: Army Five-Year Force Structure and Financial Plan A.F.Z. e: Aircraft Flighting Zone AFZIN e: Air Force Zone of Interior


AG AG d: Anatomische Gesellschaft - d: Armeegruppe - e: Aeronautical Standards Group - e: Air Gun - e: Army Garrison - e: Army Group - e: Army Guidance - e: Assault Gun - i: Arma Del Genio Ag. i: Autogruppo A.G. d: Artilleriegeschoß a.g. f: avant-garde AGA e: Academie de Guerra Aérea, Santiago - e: Adjutant General of the Army - e: Adjutants General Association of the United States A.G.A. e: Australian Garrison Artillery A-G AF e: Adjutant General, Air Force AGAFBO e: Atlantic and Gulf American Flag Berth Operators A.G.A.G.B.G. /• Association générale des amputés et grands blessés de guerre AGAI e: Army General & Administrative Instructions AGANI e: Apollo Guidance and Navigation Information AGARD e: Advisory Group for Aeronautical [or Aerospace] Research and Development - e: AGARD [Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development] [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] AGAS e: Aviation Gasoline AGASS e: Automated Geomagnetic Airborne Survey System AGATHA e: Air/Ground Anti-jam Transmission from Helicopter or Aircraft AGAUS e: Adjutants General Association of the United States AGB e: Assault Gun Battalion Agb. i: Autogruppo autobus A.G.B, e: Adjutant-General's Branch AGBS e: Artillery Ground Burst Simulator AGC e: Adjutant-General's Corps - e: Alaska Game Commission - e: Amphibious Force Flagship - e: Amphibious Group Command - e: Arkansas Geological Commission - e: Army Advisory Group, China Agca. i: autogruppo di autocarrettes AGCL e: Small Communications Ship AGCM e: Army Good Conduct Medal AGCMDL e: Army Good Conduct Medal AGCO e: Air-Ground Cooperation Officer AGCRSP e: Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program AGCSB e: Atlantic-Gulf Coastwise Steamship Freight Bureau AGCT e: Army General Classification Test AGCTS e: Armed Guard Center Training School AGCV n: Ambtenaar Gemeentelijke Civiele Verdediging AGCW e: Autonomous Guidance for Conventional Weapons AGD e: Adjutant General's Department - e: Aircraft Gunfire Detector AGDA e: American Gun Dealers Association AGDF d: Aktionsgemeinschaft Dienst für den Frieden AGDIF d: Arbeitsgruppe "Gute Dienste und internationale Friedenssicherung" A-GDL e: Army Gas Dynamic Laser AGDS e: Deep submergence support ship - e: Launch Area Support Ship AGDVMilNW d: Arbeitsgruppe zur Herstellung und Aufrechterhaltung der


Datenverarbeitungskompatibilität im militärischen Nachrichtenwesen AGE e: Admiralty Gunnery Establishment - e: Aircraft Ground Equipment - e: Aircraft Ground Equipment Ltd. - f: Agence d'études de Géologie appliquée à l'Étranger AGEC e: Army General Equipment Command AGED e: Advisory Group on Electronic Devices - e: Army Group Effects Department AGEDPA / · Association Générale des Étudiants pour la Défense de leur Pouvoir d'Achat A-GEMTF e: Advanced GEM Task Force AGEOCP e: Aerospace Ground Equipment out of Commission for Parts AGEP e: Advisory Group on Electronic Parts AGER e: Environmental research ship A.Ger.Pk. d: Armeeger - d: Armeegerätepark AGERS e: Auxiliary General Electronics Research Ship[s] AGES e: Air-Ground Engagement Simulation - e: Air-Ground Engagement System - e: Air-to-Ground Engagement System - e: Army General Education Development Center AGES/AD e: Air-to-Ground Engagement/Air Defence AGET e: Advisory Group on Electronic Tubes AGF d: Abteilung für Genie und Festungen - d: Arbeitsgruppe für militärische Flugzeugbeschaffung - e: Adjutant General to the Forces - e: Army Ground Forces A.G.F. e: Anglo-German Fellowship AGFL e: Airborne Ground Fire Locator AGFLS e: Airborne Ground Fire Location System AGFRTS e: Air and Ground Forces Resources and Technical Staff AGFS e: Aviation Gridded Forecast System[s] AGFSR e: Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue AGFSRS e: Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue Systems [project] Agg. i: Autogruppo autocarri AGGR e: Air-to-Ground Gunnery Range AGH e: Army Group Headquarters AGI e: Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd. - e: Agreement Item - e: Air Gunnery Instructor AGIL e: Airborne General Illumination Light AGIO e: Armed Guard Inspection Officer AGIS d: automatisiertes Gefechts- und Informationssystem [auf] Schnellbooten - e: Armed Guard Inspection Service AGL d: Armeeger - d: Armeegerätelager - e: Automatic Grenade Launcher - e: Automatic Gun Layer - e: Automatic Gun-Laying agi e: airborne gun laying Agi. i: Autogruppo leggero AGLO e: Air Ground Liaison Officer AGLR e: Airborne Gun Laying Radar AGLS e: Automatic Gun Laying System AGLT e: Airborne Gun-Laying for Turrets - e: Automatic Gun-Laying Turrets AGM e: Admiralty General Message - e: Aerial Gunnery Part Task Trainer

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- e: Air-to-Ground Missile - e: Auxiliary General Missile - e: Missile Range Instrumentation Ship agm e: air-to-ground missile A[&]GM e: Artillery and Guided Missile School AGM-53A e: North AmericanRockwell Condor air-to-surface missile A.G.M.G. / · Association générale des mutilés de guerre AGMIS e: Adjutant General Management Information System AGMMA e: Assistant General Manager for Military Applications AG MQZ d: Nationale Arbeitsgruppe Marine Umweltqualitätsziele AGMR e: major communications relay ship AGMS e: Aircraft Ground Mobility System - e: Artillery and Guided Missile School AGMTI e: Air-to-Ground Moving Target Indicator AGN e: Articles for the Government of the Navy AGNS e: Allied General Nuclear Services - e: Allied Gulf Nuclear Services AGO e: Air Gunnery Officer - e: Antigas Officer - e: Army General Orders - e: Arresting Gear Officer AGÖF d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Friedensvereine AGOS e: Air-Ground Operations Section - e: Air Gunnery Officers School - e: Aviation Gunnery Officers School - e: Ocean Surveillance Ship AGP d: Armeegerätepark - e: Adjutant General Pool for Army Officers - e: Aircraft Grounded for [Lack of] Parts - e: Aircraft Gun Pod - e: Army Gateway Program - e: Army Ground Pool - e: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley AGp e: Army Group Agp. i: Autogruppo pesante AGPIII e: Army Group Photo Interpretation Unit AGPLAN e: Army General Purpose Local Area Net AGPM f: Association Generale de Prévoyance Militaire AGPS e: Automatic Gun Positioning System AGPTT e: Aerial Gunnery Part Task Trainer AGPU e: Aviation Ground Power Unit A.G.&Q.M.G. e.· Adjutant-General and Quartermaster-General A.G.Q.T. e: Attorney-General of the Queen's Troop AGR e: Radar picket ship agr e: Agree[ment] A.Gr. d: Armeegruppe - d: Artilleriegruppe agr. i: autogruppo AGRA e: Army Group Royal Artillery A.G.R.A. e: Australian Garrison Royal Artillery A G R C [ 0 ] e: American Graves Registration Command AGRE e: Army Group, Royal Engineers AGREE e: Advisory Group on the Reliability of Electronic Equipment AGRM e: Adjutant General, Royal Marines A.G.R.M. e: Adjutant General, Royal Marines

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

A.I. A G R M e: A g r e e m e n t A G R M T e: A g r e e m e n t A G R S e: Airborne G a m m a - R a y Spectrometer - e: A m e r i c a n Graves Registration Service - e: A r m y Graves Registration Service A G R T e: Above-Ground Radiation Tests A g r u f r o n t d: Technische A u s b i l d u n g s g r u p p e für Frontunterseeboote A G S R: Avtomaticeski G r a n a t o m o j o t Stankovy - e: Acoustic Guidance Sonar - e: Aero G u n Sight[s] - e: Aeronautical Ground Station - e: Air Gunnery School - e: A i r b o r n e Gunsight - e: Airborne[-radar] Gunsight - e: Aircraft General Standards - e: Aircraft General Stores - e: A i r c r a f t General Stores, Chessington, Surrey - e: A i r c r a f t Generation Squadron - e: Anti-Gas School - e: Armo[u]red Gun System - e: A r m y General Staff - e: A r m y Guard School - e: Army Guard Ship - e: Assault Gun System vehicle ags e: airboirne [-radar] gunsight A G S A N e: Astronomical Guidance System for Air Navigation A G S C C e: Army General Supplies C o m m o d i t y Center A G S C P O e: A r m y General Staff Civilian Personnel O f f i c e A G S E e: Aircraft G r o u n d Support Equipment - e: Aviation G r o u n d Support E q u i p m e n t A G S q e: Aircraft Generation Squadron A G S R e: A d v a n c e d Ground Surveillance Radar - e: A l l - W e a t h e r Ground Surveillance Radar A G S R O e: Association of G o v e r n m e n t Supervisors and Radio O f f i c e r s A G S S e: Auxiliary Research Submarine A G S S S e: Airborne Graphics Software Support System A G S S T . d: A r m e e Gefangenensammelstelle A G S W e: Air-to-Ground S t a n d - o f f Weapon A G T e: A d v a n c e d Gun Technology - e: Aircraft-derivative Gas Turbine - e: A r m y Gunner Training A G T E L I S e: Army G r o u n d Transportable Emitter Location Identification System A G T E L S e: A u t o m a t e d Ground Tactical Emitter Location System A G T R e: Auxiliary Technical Reconnaissance Ship A G T S e: A d v a n c e d Gunnery Target Systems - e: Aerial Gunnery Target System - e: Air Gunnery Target System AGIJW d: Ausbildungsgerät Unterwasserwaffen A G V e: Assault Gun Vehicle - e: A u t o m a t e d Guided Vehicle - e: Automatic Guided Vehicle A G V S e: Automatic Guided Vehicle System[s] A G V T e: A d v a n c e d Ground Vehicle Technology A G V T Project e: Advanced G r o u n d Vehicle Technology Project A G W e: A u t o n o m o u s Guided W e a p o n A G W A C e: Australian Guided W e a p o n s [and] Analog C o m p u t e r

A G W A R e: A d j u t a n t General, War Department A G W P e: Absolute Global W a r m i n g Potential A G W S e: A d v a n c e d G u n W e a p o n System A G W S T e: A d v a n c e d Gun W e a p o n System Technology AH e: Air Headquarters - e: A i r c r a f t Handler - e: Alternate Headquarters - e: A p a c h e Helicopter - e: Army Helicopter - e: A r m y Hospital - e: Attack Helicopter - e: Hospital ship A.H. e: Admiralty House A H - 1 e: Huey C o b r a gunship military aircraft carrying m a c h i n e g u n pods on its stub wings, A H A d: Allgemeines Heeresamt [OKH] - e: A d v a n c e d H a r d w a r e Architectures A H - 6 4 A e: A p a c h e Helicopter A H A S e: A u t o m a t i c Helicopter A p p r o a c h System A H A W S e: Advanced Heavy Antitank W e a p o n System A H B e: Assault Helicopter Battalion - e: Attack Helicopter Battalion A H C e: Act Australian Heritage C o m m i s s i o n Act - e: Aérospatial Helicopter C o r p o r a t i o n - e: Aircraft Handling Characteristics - e: American Helicopter C o m p a n y - e: A m e r i c a n Hospital Corps - e: Assault Helicopter C o m p a n y - e: Attack Helicopter C o m p a n y A.H.C, e: Army Hospital Corps A H C G e: Allied H i g h C o m m i s s i o n for Germany A H C o e: Assault Helicopter C o m p a n y A . H . C p s e: Army Hospital Corps A H D e: A d v a n c e d Helicopter Development - e: Airborne and Helicopter Division - e: Anti-Helicopter Device A H D O e: A n i m a l Health Divisional O f f i c e A H D P e: A d v a n c e d Helicopter Development Program A H E e: A r m a m e n t Handling Equipment A H E A D e: A r m y Help for Education and Development A H E L e: A r m y H u m a n Engineering Laboratory A H E O e: Area Health Education O f f i c e r A H / E R S e: Alternate H e a d q u a r t e r s / E m e r g e n c y Relocation Sites A H F e: Army Historical Foundation A H F E W S e: Army High Frequency Electronic W a r f a r e System A H F R A C e: A r m y H u m a n Factors Research Advisory C o m m i t t e e A H F R D C e: Army Human Factors Research and D e v e l o p m e n t C o m m i t t e e A H G M R e: Ad H o c Group on Missile Reliability A H I P e: Advanced Helicopter I m p r o v e m e n t Program - e: A r m e d Helicopter Improvement Program - e: A r m y Helicopter I m p r o v e m e n t Program A H I T e: Attack Helicopter Instrument Test A H K d: Alliierte Hohe K o m m i s s i o n - η: Algemeen Hoofdkwartier A H K A B I . d: Amtsblatt der Alliierten Hohen Kommission A H K G d: Gesetz der Alliierten H o h e n K o m m i s s i o n für Deutschland

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

A H M e: A m e r i c a n Helicopter M u s e u m - e: Anti-Helicopter M i n e - e: A u t o n o m o u s Homing Munitions AHMA e: A d v a n c e d Hypersonic Manned Aircraft - e: A m e r i c a n H e m i s p h e r e Marine Agencies A H M D e: Airborne Helmet Mounted Display A H N e: A r m y Health N u r s e A H O e: Attack Helicopter Operations A H O A G e: Attack Helicopier Operations and Analysis Group A H O N A S e: Association of H i g h w a y O f f i c i a l s of the North Atlantic States ΑΗΡ e: Advanced Helicopter Pilotage - e: A r m y Heliport ahp e: aviation h o r s e p o w e r A H P A e: Appalachian Helicopter Pilots Association A H P A T e: Allied Health P r o f e s s i o n s A d m i s s i o n f s ] Test A H P C R C e: Army High P e r f o r m a n c e C o m p u t i n g Research Center A H P N A S e: A d v a n c e d H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e Nuclear Attack Submarine A H Q d: A r m e e h a u p t q u a r t i e r - e: Advanced Headquarters - e: Air Headquarters - e: Allied H e a d q u a r t e r s - e: A r e a H e a d q u a r t e r s - e: Army Headquarters A H q M e: Air Headquarters, Malta A . H . Q u , d: A r m e e h a u p t q u a r t i e r A H R A e: A d v a n c e d Helmet-sight Reticle Assembly A H R P e: Academy on Human Rights and Peace A H R U e: A r m o r H u m a n Research Unit - e: Aviation Human Research Unit A H S e: American Helicopter Association - e: A m e r i c a n Helicopter Society - e: Attack Helicopter Support - e: Aviation High School - r: Arméns Hundskola A . H . S . e: A i r c r a f t H o l d i n g Station A H S C o e: Assault Helicopter Support Company A H S C P e: A r m y High School Completion Program A H S R e: Air Height Surveillance Radar - e: Airborne Height Surveillance Radar A H S T e: Attack Helicopter Self Test A H T e: Attack Helicopter Team A . H . T . D . e: A r m y Headquarters Transport Division A H U p: Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino A.H.II, e: Aircraft Holding Unit A H V e: A i r c r a f t Handling Vehicle - e: Alternative Fuel Vehicle A H W e: Atomic Hydrogen Welding AI d: Flottenabteilung [ O b e r k o m m a n d o der Marine] - e: Admirally Islands - e: Admiralty Instruction - e: Admiralty Instructions - e: Admiralty Islands - e: Airborne I n t e r c e p t i o n ] - e: A i r c r a f t Identification - e: A i r c r a f t Industry - e: Aircraft I n t e r c e p t i o n ] - e: Army Intelligence - e: Atomic[s] International [Division] - e: Authorized [nuclear] Inspector - e: Avionics Integration - n: Staatsbedrijf Artillerie Inrichtingen - s: A e r o n a u t i c a Industrial SA A.I. d: Inspektion der Marineartillerie - e: Airborne Interceptor - e: Aircraft Interceptor


AIA AIA e: Advance Informed Agreement - e: Airborne Integration Area - e: Airborne Interception of Aircraft - e: Aircraft Industries Association - e: American Institute of Aeronautics - e: Army Information Architecture - e: Army Institute of Administration - e: Army Intelligence Agency - e: Aviation Industry Association - f: Atelier Industriel de l'Air - r: Arméns centrala intendenturf - s: Asociación de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos A.I.A. / · Association Interarmées AIAA e: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA Bull e: AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Bulletin AIAA J e: AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Journal AIAAM e: Advanced Interceptor Air-toAir Missile - e: AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Monographs AIAA Pap e: AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Paper AIAA Stud J e: AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Student Journal AIAA-TIS e: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics-Technical Information Service AIAB d: ArtillerieInstrumentalaufklärungsbatterie AIAIT e: Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center AIAkl d: ArtillerieInstrumentalaufklärung AI and S e: Army Intelligence and Security AIAOS e: Academic Instructor and Allied Officer School AIAP e: Army's Incentive Awards Program AIAS e: Airborne Integrated Antenna System - e: Aircraft Inertial Alignment System - e: Army Institute of Advanced Studies AIAIIAC e: Aircraft Industries Association's Utility Airplane Council AIB e: Admiralty Interview Board - e: Aircraft Instrument Bulletin - e: Armored Infantry Battalion - e: Army Infantry Board - e: Australian Infantry Battalion - e: Avionics Integration Bench - r: Arméns centrala intendenturf AIBA e: Air Intercept Battle Analysis A-IBCM e: Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic Missile aibm e: anti-intercontinental ballistic missile AIBO e: Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development AIC e: Airborne Information Correlation - e: Aircraft In Commission - e: Aircraft Industries Center - e: Aircraft Industry Conference - e: Aircraft Information Correlator - e: Aircraft Intercommunication - e: Allied Intelligence Committee, London - e: Ammunition Identification Code - e: Apprenticeship Information Center - e: Army Industrial College - e: Army Intelligence Center - e: Atlantic Intelligence Center - e: Australian Intelligence Corps AICA i: Associazione Italiana per la Communità Atlantica


AICBM e: Advanced Intercontinental Ballistic Missile - e: Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Α-ICBM e: Army Intercontinental Ballistic Missile AICC e: Airborne Intercept Command Control - e: American Immigration and Citizenship Conference AICCB e: ARTADS [Army Tactical Data System] Interface Configuration Control Board AICG e: Airborne Infantry Combat Group AICN s: Asociación de Investigación de la Construcción Naval AICO e: Action Information Control Office[r] A.I.C.O. e: Association of Insurance Committee Officers AICOBO e: All-India Confederation of Bank Officers Organisations AICP e: Army Internal Control Program - e: Army Inventory Control Point AICPN f: Association Internationale Permanente des Congrès de Navigation AICPOA e: Advanced Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area AICS e: Army Intelligence Center and School AICSC e: Aircraft Integrated Crew Station Concepts AICV e: Armored Infantry Combat Vehicle AICW e: Advanced Individual Combat Weapon AI-CX e: Atomics International Critical Experiment AID e: Active Integral Defense - e: Aeronautical Information Data - e: Aeronautical Inspection Directorate - e: Aerospace Information Division - e: Air Information Division - e: Airborne Intelligent Display - e: Aircraft Identification - e: Aircraft Identifier - e: Aircraft Inspection Department - e: Aircraft Intelligence Department - e: Army Information Digest - e: Army Intelligence Department AIDA /• Association Internationale de Défense des Artistes AIDAA i: Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica AIDAS e: Advanced Integrated Digital Avionics System AIDATS e.· Army In-Flight Data Transmission System AIDB e: Anti-Intrusion Defence Barriers AIDE e: Airborne Insertion Display Equipment - e: Aircraft Installation Diagnostic Equipment - / · Association pour l'Information et la Défense Économique des débiteurs de tabac AIDEF e: All India Defence Employees' Federation AIDN f: Association Internationale de Droit Nucléare AIDO e: Air Intelligence Duty Officer AIDR e: Army Institute of Dental Research AIDRB e: Army Investigational Drug Review Board AIDS e: Air Force Intelligence Datahandling System - e: Airborne Information Display System - e: Airborne Integrated Display System - e: Aircraft Integrated Data System - e: Aircraft Integrated Design System

© Κ · G • Saur, München


e: Aircraft Interface Data Summaries e: Aircraft Intrusion Detection System e: Amdahl Internally Developed Software e: Army Information and Data Systems e: Army Inventory Data Systems e: Atlantic Institute for Defence Study e: Automatic In-Flight Data System e: North Atlantic Institute for Defense Study Aids e: Airborne Initial Data System - e: Airborne Integrated Data System AI & DSC e: Army Information and Data System Command AIDSCOM e: Army Information and Data Systems Command AIDII e: Aeronautical Information Documents Unit AIE e: Airborne Interceptor Equipment - e: Army Information Engineering AIEA f: Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique AIETA e: Airborne Infrared Equipment for Target Analysis AIEU e: Armament and Instrument Experiment Unit AIEWROC e: Army Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Reorganization Overwatch Committee AIEWS e: Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System AIF e: Air Intelligence Force - e: Amphibian Imperial Forces - e: Army Industrial Fund - e: Army Installation File - e: Australian Imperial Forces A.I.F. e: Allied Invasion Forces AIFCS e: Airborne Interception Fire Control System AIFI e: Automatic Inflight Insertion AIFL e: Anglo-Israel Friendship League AIFOS e: Academic Instructor and Foreign Officer School AIFS e: Advanced Integrated Flight System AIFSS e: Automated International Flight Service Station AIFTA e: Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement AIFTDS e: Airborne Integrated Flight Test Data System AIFV e: Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle AIG e: Adjutant Inspector General - e: Army Inspector General - e: Assistant Instructor in Gunnery AIGA /• Association des Ingénieurs en Génie Atomique AIGD e: Airborne Interception and Gun Direction AIGG /• Association des invalides de la Grande guerre AIHEX e: Asian International Hardware Exposition AIHS a: Artillerie- og Ingeniorhojskolen - e: Aircrew Integrated Helmet System - r: Artillerie- och Ingenj - r: Artillerie- och Ingenjörhögskolan A II d: Abteilung für Frauenarbeit der Kriegsamtsstelle A l l e: Army Intelligence Interpreter AIIA e: Atlantic Institute for International Affairs AIIC e: Army Imagery Intelligence Corps A III d: Kavallerie-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] - d: Marine-Nachrichtenabteilung [Oberkommando der Marine] AHN / · Association Internationale des Instituts de Navigation

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AIRCM AIIRCOM e: Air Force Communications Project AIK e: Aircraft Installation Kits - r: Arméns centrala intendenturf AIL e: Aeronautical Instruments] Laboratory - e: Airborne Instruments Laboratories [or Laboratory] - e: Aircraft Instrument Laboratory - e: Aviation Instrument Laboratory - e: Avionics Integration Laboratory AILA e: Airborne Instrument Landing Approach system - e: Airborne Instruments Laboratory Approach AILAS e: Airborne Integrated Light Avionics System AILO e: Air Intelligence Liaison Officefr] AILS e: Airborne Infrared Live Scanner AIM e: Academy Introduction Mission - e: ADCOM [Air Defense Command] Intelligence Memorandum - e: Aeronautical Information Management - e: Aeronautical Information Manual - e: Air Force Office of Aerospace Industry Modernization - e: Air Intercept Missilefs] - e: Air Interception Missile - e: Air-launched Interceptor Missile - e: Airborne Infrared Mapper - e: Airborne Intercept Missile - e: Aircraft Interphone & Mixer - e: Anti-Invasion Mine - e: Area Interdiction Mine - e: Army Installation Management AIMACC e: Air Material Command Compiling[system] AIMACC System e: Air Material Command Compiling System AIMACO e: Air Material Command AI Mar E e: Associate of the Institute of Marine Engineers AIMAS i: Associazione Italiana de Medicina Aeronautica e Spaziale AIMC e: Army Installation Management Course AIMCS e: Airborne Investigations of Mesoscale Convective Systems AIMD e: Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department [or Depot] - e: American Institute of Marine Development AIME e: Associate of the Institute of Marine Engineers AIMEVAL e: Airborne Intercept Missile Evaluation AIMH e: Academy of International Military History A I M I e: Airborne Infrared Measurement Instrument - e: Aircraft Intensively Managed Items - e: Aviation Intensive Management Items AIMILO e: Army/Industry Materiel Information Liaison Office [r] AIMLC e: Association of Island Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean AIMO e: Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department AIMOSACGP e: Assignment Instructions will include MOS [Military Occupational Specialty] AIMP e: Air Intercept Missile Package - e: Army Intelligence Master Plan AIMPE e: Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers AIMR e: Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer AIMS e: Advanced Image Management Software

- e: Advanced Intercontinental Missile System - e: Air-Launched Intercept Missile Record System - e: Airborne Identification Mobile System - e: Airborne Integrated Maintenance System - e: Airborne Integrated Mapping System - e: Aircraft Identification Military System - e: Aircraft Identification Monitoring System - e: Aircraft Inflight Monitoring System - e: Aircraft Integrated Munition System - e: Altitude Identification Military System - e: Army Information Management System - e: Army Insecticide Measuring System - e: Army Integrated Meteorological Systems - e: Army Integrated Microfilm System - e: Australian Institute of Marine Science [or Studies] AIMSC e: Australian Industry Marine Science Council AIMSO e: Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Support Office AIMU e: American Institute of Marine Underwriters AIMVAL e: Air Intercept Missile Evaluation [joint program] AIN e: Aircraft Identification Number - e: Airframe Integrated Nozzle - e: Arab Institute of Navigation - e: Army Installation - e: Army Interoperability Network - e: Australian Institute of Navigation AINA e: Associate of the Institution of Naval Architects AINE s: Asociación de Ingenieros Navales de España AINM e: Assistant Inspector of Naval Materiel ΑΙΝΟ e: Assistant Inspector of Naval Ordnance AINS e: Acceptance Into Naval Service - e: Advanced Inertial Navigation System - e: Airborne Inertial Navigation System - e: Alternative Inertial Navigation System - e: Area Inertial Navigation System AINSE e: Argonne Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering - e: Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering A.Insp. d: Armee-Inspektion Ainsp r: Armeinspektionen A Inst MO e: Associate of the Institute of Market Officers A Inst NA e: Associate of the Institution of Naval Architects A Int O e: Air Intelligence Officer AIO e: Admiralty Inspection Officer - e: air installation office - e: Air Intelligence Officer - e: Air Intercept Officer - e: Airborne Infrared Observatory - e: Airborne Interceptor Officer - e: Airborne Ionospheric Observatory - e: Allied Interrogation Organization - e: area intelligence office - e: Army Intelligence Officer - e: Army Inventary Objective - e: Artillery Intelligence Officer - e: Assistant Information Officer - e: Aviation Information Office [r] AIOA e: Aviation Insurance Officers Association AIOCC e: Associate Infantry Officer Career Course AIOD e: Automatic Identification [of] Outward Dialing

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

A.I.O.D.O.T. e: Association of Intelligence Officers in the Department of Overseas Frade AIOM / • Association Internationale des Officiers de la Marine marchande AIOS r: Artilleri- och Ingenjörofficersskolan AIP e: Aeronautical Information Publication^] - e: Airborne Instrumentation Platform - e: Army Information Program[me] - e: Army Interpretation Platoon - e: Aviation Indoctrination Program - e: Avionics Improvement Program - e: Avionics Integration Plan AIPC e: Army Information Processing Center - e: Army Installations Planning Committee AIPCN / • Association Internationale Permanente des Congrès de Navigation AIPD e: Army Institute for Professional Development AIPP e: Army Industrial Preparedness Program AIPPS e: Army Integrated Publishing and Printing Service AIPS e: Army Information Processing Standards AIR R: Artilleriyskaya Instrumental'naya Razvedka - e: Aeronautical Information Report - e: Air-Arming Impact Rocket - e: Air Intercept Radar - e: Air Intercept Rocket - e: Air-to-air Rocket - e: Airborne Interceptor Radar - e: Airborne Imaging Radar - e: Airborne Infantry Regiment - e: Airborne Intercept Radar - e: Airborne Interceptor Rocket - e: Airborne Visible and Infrared Data Processing System - e: Aircraft Incident Report - e: Aircraft Inspections and Repair - e: Aircraft International Register - e: Aircraft Inventory Record - e: Aircraft Recovery - e: Army Institute of Research - e: Army Intelligence Reserve AIRACS e: Aircraft Acquisition and Support AI Radar e: Air Interception Radar AIRAF e: Aircraft, Asiatic Fleet AIRANTISUBRON e: Air Antisubmarine Squadron AIRARMUNIT e: Aircraft, Armament Unit AIRASDEVLANT e: Aircraft Antisubmarine Development Detachment, Atlantic Fleet AIRASRON e: Aircraft Antisubmarine Squadron AIRBALTAP e: Allied Air Forces, Baltic Approaches AIRBAREX e: Air Barrier Exercise AIRBASECOM e: Air Base Commander AIRBATFORPAC e: Aircraft Battle Force, Pacific Fleet airbm e: anti-intermediate range ballistic missile AIRCAP e: Airframe Capability Model aircat e: automated integrated radar control for air traffic Air Cav e: Airmobile Cavalry Air Cdr e: Air Commander Aire Engng e: Aircraft Engineering AIRCENT e: Allied Air Forces, Central Europe Aircft e: Aircraft AIRCM e: Airborne Countermeasures


AIRCOD AIRCOD e: Airborne Contingency Operations Director AIRCOM e: Air Command - e: Air Force Communication^] Complex AIRCOMD e: AirCommand Net Air Comdt e: Air Commandant AIRCOMNET e: Air Force Communications Network Aircraft e: Aircraft Engineering Aircr Eng e: Aircraft Engineering Aircr Missiles e: Aircraft and Missiles Aircr Prod e: Aircraft Production AIRCSC e: Air Command and Staff College Air D Arty e: Air Defense Artillery Magazine AIRDEF e: Air Defence Division - e: Air Defense AIRDEFCOM e: Air Defense Commander AirDefSch e: Air Defense School AirDefScol e: Air Defense School Air Def Sec e: Air Defense Sector AIRDELPLT e: Air Delivery Platoon AirDevCen e: Air Development Center AIRDEVRON e: Air Development Squadron AIRDEX e: Air Defence Exercise AIRDIV e: Air Division AIRDIVDEF e: Air Division Defense AIRE e: Aircraft Weather Report AIREASTLANT e: Naval Air Forces East Atlantic Area AIRELO e: Air Electrical Officer AIREO e: Air Engineer Officer AIREP e: Aircraft Report AIREPDIV e: Aircraft Repair Division AIREPDN e: Aircraft Repair Division AIREVACWING e: Air Evacuation Wing AIREW e: Airborne Infrared Early Warning AIRF e: Aircraft Instrument Repair Facility AIRFAM e: Aircraft Familiarization Air F Civ Eng e: Air Force Civil Engineer AIRFERON e: Aircraft Ferry Squadron AIRFERRON e: Air Ferry Squadron - e: Aircraft Ferry Squadron Air F J Log e: Air Force Journal of Logistics AIRFMF e: Air Fleet Marine Force AirFMFLant e: Air Fleet, Marine Force, Atlantic AirFMFPac e: Air Fleet, Marine Force, Pacific AirFMgz e: Air Force Magazine Air Force Civ Eng e: Air Force Civil Engineer Air Force Civil Eng e: Air Force Civil Engineer Air Force Eng Serv Q e: Air Force Engineering and Services Quarterly AIRFORWARD e: Air Force, Forward Area, Central Pacific - e: Shore-Based Air Force, Forward Area, Central Pacific Air G.H.Q. e: Air General-Head-Quarters AIRGLO e: Airborne Infrared Gunfire Locator AIRGRP e: Air Group AIRIS e: Air Store Issuing Ship AIRL e: Aeronautical Icing Research Laboratory AIRLANT e: Air Forces, Atlantic Fleet Air LO e: Air Liaison Office[r] AIRM e: Airborne Infrared Mapper AIRMA e: Air Military Attaché AIRMG e: Aircraft, Machine Gunner AIRMICS e: Army Institute for Research in Management Information, Communications, and Computer Science


AIRMILMIS e: Aircraft Military Mission airmiss e: aircraft-in-tlight collision barely missed A.I.R.M.N, i: Associazione Italiana di Radiologia e Medicina Nucleare AIRMS e: Airborne Infrared Measurement System AIRNAVAID e: Air Navigational Aid AIRNAVGUNFIRELCO e: Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company AIRNAVO e: Air Navigation Office AIRNON e: Allied Air Forces, N o r t h e r n ] Norway AIRNORECHAN e: Maritime Air Command, Nore Sub-Area AIRNORLANT e: Maritime Air Northern Sub-Area Command AIRNORSOLS e: Aircraft, Northern Salomons AIRNORTH e: Allied Air Forces Northern Europe A.I.R.O. e: Aircraft Industries Research Organization - e: Army in India Reserve of Officers A.I.R.O.H. e: Aircraft Industries Research Organization on Housing AIROP e: Airborne Operation AIROPNSO e: Air Operations Officer AIRP e: Airborne Instrumentation Research Program [or Project] AIRPAC e: Air Forces, Pacific Fleet AIRPAC/ADV e: Air Forces, Pacific Advanced AIRPAC/PEARL e: Air Forces Pacific, Pearl Harbor AIRPACSIIBCOMFORD e Air Forces Pacific, Subordinate Command, Forward Area AIRPASS e: Airborne Interception Radar and Pilot's Attack Sight System Air Pollution e: Convention on LongRange Transboundary Air Pollution Air Res e: Air Corps Reserve Air Res Cen e: Air Reserve Center Air Res Squad e: Air Reserve Squadron AIRS e: Airborne Infrared Radiometer System - e: Aircraft Inventory Reporting System - e: Army Information Radio Service airs e: airborne integrated reconnaissance system AIRSAR e: Aircraft Synthetic Aperture Radar AI RS AW e: Airborne Situational] Awareness Airscoflot e: Aircraft Scouting Flotilla Airscofor e: Aircraft Scouting Force AIRSHIPGR e: Airship Group AIRSHIPRON e: Airship Squadron AIRSKEDELFLT e: Aircraft Schedule for Delivery to Fleet AIRSOLS e: Air Salomons Command AIRSOLS Command e: Air Solomons Command AIRSONOR e: Allied Air Forces, South[ern] Norway AIRSOPAC e: Aircraft, South Pacific Force AIRSOUTH e: Air Forces, Southern Region - e: Allied Air Forces Southern Europe AIRSOWESPAC e: Aircraft, Southwest Pacific Force AIRSS e: Airborne Infrared Linescan System AIRSTAT e: Air Defense Status AIRSYSCOM e: Air Systems Command AIRT e: Air-to-air Interceptor Radar Training Air Tac e: Tactical Air Command

© Κ · G • Saur, München

AIRTASS e: Airborne Towed Array Sonar System AIRTC e: Air Training Corps AIRTERM e: Airborne Terminal Airtpr e: Airtrooper airtps e: Airborne Troops AIRTRAINRON e: Air Training Squadron AIRTRANSEX e: Air Transportation Exercise AIRTRANSRONLANT e: Air Transport Squadron, Atlantic AIRTRANSRONPAC e: Air Transport Squadron, Pacific AIRTRANSRONWESTCOAST e: Air Transport Squadron, West Coast AIRTRASRON e: Air Transport Squadron AIRTRATON e: Air Training Squadron AIRWC e: Air War College Air Wea Wg e: Air Weather Wing AIRWORK e: Airwork Atlantic Limited AIS d: Islamische Heilsarmee [Algerien] - e: Aeronautical Information Service[s] - e: Aeronautical Information Specialist - e: Airborne Imaging Spectrometer - e: Airborne Infrared Spectrometer - e: Airborne Initiation System - e: Airborne Instrumentation Subsystem - e: Airborne Instrumentation System - e: Aircraft Information Subsystem - e: Aircraft Inspection System - e: Aircraft Instrument Subsystem - e: American Israeli Shipping - e: Apollo Instrumentation Ship - e: Army Industrial School - e: Army Infantry School - e: Army Information Systems - e: Army Intelligence School - e: Army Intelligence & Security - e: Army Intelligence Survey - e: Artillery Intelligence School - e: Atom Inelastic Scattering - e: Automatic Ship Identification and Surveillance System - e: Avionics Integrated Support - e: Avionics Intermediate Shop - e: Avionics Intermediate Supporter Station - e: Award Information System - r: Arméns centrala intendenturf AI & S e: Army Intelligence and Security AISA e: Airborne Imaging Spectrometer for Different Applications A.I.S.A. s: Aeronàutica Industrial S.A. AISC e: Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Campaign - e: Army Information Systems Command - e: Association of Independent Software Companies AISD e: Autonetics ICBM Systems Division - e: United States Army Intelligence School AISEC e: Army Information Engineering Command AISF e: Airlift Industrial Services Flight AISI e: Airborne Instrumentation Subsystem Internal - e: Army Information System Integration AISL e: Aviation Information Services Limited AIS-MEBA e: Association of Industrial Scientists-Marine Engineers Beneficial Association A.I.S.P. e: Aircraft Inspection and Survey Party AISR e: Army Institute of Surgical Research AISS e: Air Intelligence Service Squadron - e: Airborne Information Systems

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ALDISTCE Squadron - e: Airborne Infrared Surveillance Set AISSO e: Automated Information Systems Security Officer AISV e: Amphibious Infantry Support Vehicle AISW e: Aircraft Interception Special Weapon AIT e: Army Individual Test - e: Army Intelligence Translator - r: Arméns centrala intendenturf AITA e: Act Inside the Army AITC e: Air Intelligence Training Center AITE e: Aircraft Integrated Test Equipment AITF e: Ammunition Initiatives Task Force - e: Army in the Field - e: Audit Issues Task Force AI[tm] r: Arméns centrala intendenturf AIU e: Airborne Installation Unit - e: Aircraft Interface Unit - e: American Institute of Marine Underwriters - e: Armament Interface Unit AIUSA e: Amnesty International in the United States of America A IV d: Marine-Ausbildungsabteilung [Oberkommando der Marine] AIV e: AMETS [Artillery Meteorological System] Instrumentation Vehicle - e: Armo[u]red Infantry Vehicle - e: Aviation Impact Variable AIWCP e: Association of International Workcamps for Peace AIWS e: Advanced Interdiction Weapon System AJ / · Armée Juife AJ-37 e: Swedish Thunderbolt multimission combat aircraft also called Viggen AJAQ e: Army Job Activities Questionnaire AJCAF e: Association of Jewish Chaplains of the Armed Forces AJCC e: Alternate Joint Communications Center AJEM e: Army Joint Exercise Manual AJEX e: Association of Jewish Ex-Service Men and Women A.Jg.B. d: Alpenj - d: Alpenjäger-Batailllon AJQ e: Army Job Questionnaire AJRS e: Air Jungle Rescue Squadron AJSS e: Australian Joint Staff Service AJustV d: Marine-Justizverwaltung [Reichskriegsministerium] AK d: Abrüstungskonferenz - d: Armeekorps - e: Allied Kommandantura - e: Cargo ship - r: Atomkommittén ak r: armékâr A.K. d: Ausladekommando - d: Außenkommando a. Κ. d: auf Kommissionsbasis A.K. d: Artilleriekolonne - r: Arbetslöshetskommissionen - r: Artillerieklubben Aka d: Artilleriebekämpfungsgruppe Akaka d: Armee-Kraftwagenkolonne A.Kart.St. d: Armeekartenstelle AKB d: Alliierte Kommandanturfa] Berlin A.K.C, e: Army Kinema Corporation AKF d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Konfliktund Friedensforschung am Institut für Politische Wissenschaft AKHS r: Artilleri- och krigsh - r: Artilleri- och Krigshögskolan

AKI H: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Atommag Kutató Intézete - e: Aircraft Kill Indicator AKK r: Atomkraftkonsortiet Krangede A.K.K. d: Armee-Kraftwagenkolonne A.K.Kdo. d: Armeekorpskommando - d: Armeekorpskommando ARM d: Atomkraft Mühleberg - e: Soviet military weapon capable of firing 600 rounds per minute AKN e: Army Knowledge Network A KO d: Armeekommando - e: Army Knowledge On-line A.K.O. d: Artilleriekommandeur Ost Akofern d: Armee-Fernsprechkommando Akofunk d: Armee-Funkkommando AK. O.K.H. d: Amtskasse des Oberkommandos des Heeres A.Kons.Fabr. d: Armee-Konservenfabrik A.Korps d: Armeekrops A.Kp. d: Alarmkompanie - d: Ausbildungskompanie A.K.P. d: Armee-Kraftwagenpark AKRM d: Arbeitskreis Reservemannschaften AKRO d: Arbeitskreis Reserveoffiziere AKRU d: Arbeitskreis Reserveunteroffiziere AKRU/M d: Arbeitskreis Reserveunteroffiziere/Mannschaften A.K.S. d: Artilleriekommandeur Süd AKSG d: Arbeitskreis Sicherheitstechnische Grundsätze A.K.St. d: Armee-Kraftwagenstaffel AKV e: Aircraft Ferry A.K.W, d: Artilleriekommandeur West AL N: Atomobilforhandlernes Landsforbund - e: Admiralty Letter - e: Aircraft Laboratory - e: Aircraft Logistics - e: Aircraft Logistics Division - e: American Legion [veterans] - e: Army List al. ζ: alay A 7 L d: Luftfahrtabteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] A.L. d: Armee-Kriegslazarett - f: Armée de la Libération - /• Armée de Levant ALA d: Allgemeines Luftwaffenamt - e: Army Launch Area A.L.A. e: American Land Army ALAA f: Aviation Legere de l'Armee de l'Air ALA/BSR d: Abteilungsleiterausschuß Bundessicherheitsrat ALAC e: Alaska Air Command - e: Alaskan Air Command ALAD e: Army Legal Aid Department ALADDIN Rocket e: Atmospheric Layer and Density Distribution of Ions and Neutrons Rocket ALAE e: Association of Licensed Aircraft Engineers ALAEA e: Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association ALAIRC e: Alaskan Air Command Ala Mar Resour e: Alabama Marine Resources ALANF e: Army Land Forces ALARACT e: All Army Activities ALARM e: Airborne Laser Receiver Module - e: Airborne Lidar Agent Remote Monitor ALARMS e: Airborne Laser Radar Mine Sensor ALART e: Army Low-Speed Air Research Tasks

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ALAS e: Army Library Automated System[s] - e: Artillery Location Acoustic System ALASC e: Aircraft Launching Accessory Service Change ALAT e: Aircraft Latitude - e: Army Language Aptitude Test - f: Aviation Leger de l'Armee de Terre ALAW e: Advanced Light Antitank Weapon ALAWF e: American League Against War and Fascism ALB d: Armee Lazarett-Basis - d: Armeelazarettbasis - d: Armeeleitbild - e: Air-Land Battle - e: Aircraft Launching Bulletin - e: Army Language Bureau Albatross e: Grumman amphibian transport aircraft ALBF d: Abteilung der Lazarettbasis der Front ALBI e: Air-Launched Ballistic Intercept ALBIS e: Air-Launched Ballistic Intercept System ALBM e: Air-Land Battle Management - e: Air to Land Ballistic Missile albm e: Air-Launched Ballistic Missile ALC e: American Legion Convention - e: Armament Logistics Center - e: Armament Logistics Command - e: Army Legal Corps - e: Army Logistics Center - e: Army Logistics Command A.L.C.A. /• Artillerie Lourde de Corps d'Armée ALCANIIS e: Alaska, Canada, Unites States ALCC e: Airborne Launch Control Center - e: Army Logistical Control Center ALCCAM e: Army Life Cycle Cost Analysis Model ALCCM e: Army Life Cycle Cost Model A.L.C.D. f: Artillerie Lourde Courte Divisionnaire ALCJ e: Army Logistics Command Japan ALCLAN e: Air Logistics Command Local Area Network ALCM e: Air Launched Cruise Missile ALCMGS e: Air-Launched Cruise Missile Guidance Set ALCO e: Airlift Coordinating Office[r] - e: Airlift Launch Control Officer - e: Airlift Liaison Coordination Officer ALCOM e: Alaskan Command - e: All Commands ALCOMLANT e: All Commands, Atlantic [Fleet] ALCOMPAC e: All Commands, Pacific [Fleet] ALCOP e: Alternate Command Post ALCOR e: ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency] Lincoln C-band Observables Radar ALCP e: Alternate Command Post ALCS e: Airborne Launch Control System - e: Airlift Control Squadron ALCV e: Armoured Landmine Clearing Vehicle ALD e: Airborne Line Discriminator - e: Airlift Division AL & D e: Army List and Directory ALDBAS e: Army Logistics Data Base and Access System ALDC e: Army Logistics Data Center ALDF e: Animal Legal Defense Fund ALDISTCE e: Alaskan District Corps of Engineers


A.L.D.N. A.L.D.N. /• Association d'entraide pour le Logement des personnels de la Défense Nationale ALDNW e: Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear Wapons ALE e: Airborne Laser Experiment - e: Army Air Corps - e: Army Liaison Element - i: Aviazione Leggera dell 'Esercito ALECS e: AFWL [Air Force Weapons Laboratory] Los Alamos EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse] Calibration and Simulation [facility] ALEM e: Apollo Lunar Exploration Mission ALEOA e: American Law Enforcement Officers Association ALERTS e: Airborne Early Warning and RV Tracking System - e: Airborne Laser Electronic warfare Receiver Training System - e: Airborne Laser Equipment Real Time Surveillance ALET s: Aviación Ligera des Ejército de Tierra ALF e: Air Lift Forces - e: Airland battle Force - e: Airlift Flight - e: Allied Land Forces ALFA e: Air-Land Forcefs] Application^] Agency ALFAA e: Air-Land Forces Applications Agency ALFAD e: Acoustic Low-Flying-Aircraft Detector ALFI e: Air-Land Forces Integration - e: Air-Land Forces Interface ALFS e: Airborne Low-Frequency Sonar - e: U.S. Navy's Airborne Low-Frequency Sonar program ALFSE e: Allied Land Forces Southeast - e: Allied Land Forces Southern Europe ALFSEA e: Allied Land Forces in South East Asia ALFSEE e: Allied Land Forces South East Europe ALFSH e: Allied Land Forces SchleswigHolstein ALFT f: Aviation Légère de la Force Terrestre ALG e: Aircraft Landing Gear ALGENDEP e: Alaskan General Depot ALGM e: Air-Launched Guided Missile[s] ALGMS e: Advanced Laser-Guided Missile System A.L.G.W.M.C. e: Air-Launched Guided Weapons Modification Committee ALH e: Advanced Light Helicopter A.L.H. e: Australian Light Horse ALI e: Airborne Laser Illuminator A.L.I, e: Argyll Light Infantry ALIADS e: Alaskan Integrated Air Defense System ALIAS e: Aircraft Laser Infrared Absorption Spectrometer ALIATSC e.· All International Aeronautical Telecommunications Switching Center[s] ALIB e: Army Library ALIC e: Aircraft Launch Interface Computer ALICE e: Airborne Linescan Image Processor - e: Artillery Line Communications Equipment ALIFSS e: All International Flight Service Stations ALIRATS e: Airborne Laser Illuminator Ranging and Tracking System


ALL e: Admiralty Lines Limited - e: Admiralty List of Lights - e: Airborne Laser Laboratory - e: Aircraft Landing Lamp Allg. d: Allgemeine Heeresabteilung [Reichskriegsministerium] AllHKomm. d: Alliierte Hohe Kommission AllKdtBln d: Alliierte Kommandantura Berlin AllKdtr. d: Alliierte Kommandantur AllKdtur. d: Alliierte Kommandantur ALLMIS e: Army Lessons Learned Management Information System ALLNAV e: All Navy ALLNAVSTAS e: All Naval Stations ALM e: Air-Launched Missile - e: Aircraft Limited Model - e: Army Data Base Generator ALMA e: Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Association ALMAJCOM e: All Major Commands ALMAZ e: Synthetic aperture radar [Sband] satellite ALMB e: Air-Launched Missile Ballistics ALMC e: Air-Launched Missile Change - e: Army Logistics Management Center [or College] ALMDS e: Airborne Laser Mine Detection System ALMIDS e: Army Logistic[s] Management Integrated Data System ALMIDSY e.· Army Logistics Management Integrated Data System ALMILACT e.· All Military Activities ALMIMSIP e.· Air-Launched Missile Intermediate Maintenance System Program ALMIOS e: Air-Launched Missile Inventory Objectives Study ALMIRBM e: Air-Launched MediumIntermediate Range Ballistic Missile ALMO e: Army Logistics Manpower Office ALMPT e: Air-Launched Missile Propulsion Technology ALMS e: Air-Launched Missile System - e: Aircraft Landing Measurement System ALN d: Armeelagernummer - e: Advanced Land Navigation - e: Ammunition Lot Number A.L.N, f: Armée de Libération Nationale ALNA f: Armée de Libération Nationale de l'Angola A.L.N.A. /• Armée de Libération Nationale Algérienne ALNASTA e: Ail Naval Station ALNF e: Application of Limited Nuclear Forces ALNK /• Armée de Libération Nationale Kamerounaise ALNNO e: Air-Launched Non-Nuclear Ordnance ALNW e: Air-Launched Nuclear Weapon ALO e: Administrative Liaison Officer - e: Admiralty Liaison Officer - e: Admissions Liaison Officer - e: Air Liaison Office[r] - e: Air[lift] Liaison Officer - e: Allied Liaison Officer - e: Alternate Launch Officer - e: American Liaison Officer - e: Army Liaison Officer ALOC e: Airborne visual Laser Optical Communication - e: Alternate Launch Officer Console - e: Army Logistic Operations Center ALOFT e: A Language Oriented to Flightengineering and Testing

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- e: Airborne Light Optical Fibre Technology ALOG e: Army Logistician ALOHA e: Airborne Lidar Observations and Hawaiian Airglow ALON e: Air Liaison Officer Net - e: Aircraft Longitude ALOP e: Army Logistics Objectives Program ALOPE e.· Airborne LIDAR [Light Detection and Ranging] Oceanographic Probing Experiment ALOS e: Airborne Light Observation System ALOT e: Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracker [or Tracking] ALOTS e: Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracking System[s] Alouette e: Aernspatiale armed helicopter made in 4-passenger and 6-passenger versions ALP e: Airborne Line Printer - e: Aviation Leadership Program - e: Aviation Logistic Platform ALPB e: Aircraft Logistics Planning Board ALPC e: Army Logistics Policy Council ALPD e: American Leage for Peace and Democracy ALPHA-1 e.· Airborne LIDAR Plume and Haze Analyzer ALPS e: Airborne Laser Polarization Sensor ALQAS e: Aircraft-Landing QualityAssessment Scheme ALR d: Artillerie-Lehrregiment - e: Airborne Laser Rangefinder - e: Artillery Locating Radar ALRAAM e: Advanced Long-Range Airto-Air Missile ALRAD e: Airborne Laser Rangefinder and Designator ALRAFAC e: All-Radar or [Facility] Facilities ALRAR e: Annual Long Range Airlift Requirements ALRC e: Aerojet Liquid Rocket Company - e: Australian Law Reform Commission ALRCP e: Army Long-Range Capabilities Plan ALRD e: Army Logistics Research & Development ALREMP e: Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment Maintenance Program ALRI e: Advanced Long-Range Interceptor - e: Airborne Long-Range [Radar] Input - e: Airborne Longe-Range Intercept ALRIE e: Airborne Long-Range Input Electronic ALRS e: Admiralty List of Radio Signals - e: Airborne Laser Ranging System-for Measuring Crustal Dynamics ALRTF e: Army-Longe-Range Technological Forecast ALS d: Aufklärung - e: Air Logistics Service - e: Airborne Laser System - e: Airborne Live Scanner - e: Aircraft Landing System - e: Airlift Squadron - e: Army Legal Services A.L.S. / · Atelier de construction de Limoges ALSAFECOM e: All Safety Commands ALSAM e: Air-Launched Ship-Attack Missile - e: Air Launched Surface Attack Missile

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AMCFASC ALSC e: Army Logistics Specialty Committee ALSE e: Aviation Life Support Equipment ALS/N e: Ada Language System/Navy ALSP e: Army Logistics Study Program ALSPAC e: Advanced Logistics System Project Advisory Committee AL/SPD e: AL Special Programs Division ALSS e: Air-Launched Saturation System missile ALST d: Abwehrleitstelle ALSTAR e: Altitude Layer Surveillance Terminal Area Radar ALT e: Airborne Laser Tracker - e: Radar Altimeter ALTA e: Advanced Lightweight Tactical Antenna Alta Dns e: Alberta Dragoons ALTAIR e: ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency] Longe-Range Tracking and Instrumentation Alta L.H. e: Alberta Light Horse ALTCOM e: Alternate Commandfer] ALTCOMCEN e: Alternate Command Center ALTCOMIND e: Alternate Commander, Indian ALTCOMLANT e: Alternate Commander, Atlantic ALTCOMPAC e: Alternate Commander, Pacific ALTDS e: Army Laser Target Designator System ALTF e: Airlift Task Force ALTHQ e: Alternate Headquarters ALTHQ-BS e: Alternate Headquarters Battle Staff ALTIHP e: Avionics Laboratory Technical Information Handling Profile ALTMS e: Airborne Laser Topographic Mapping System ALTPR e: Association of London Theatre Press Representatives ALT/RA e: Altimeter/Radar Altimeter ALTS e: Airborne Laser Terrain Scanner ALT-SEA e: Assembly Line Test and Selective Enforcement Audit Data Alt Τ e: Alternate Target Alumetag d: Aluminium- und Metallwarenfabrik AG ALUPA /• Association Luxembourgeoise pour l'Utilisation Pacifique de l'energie Atomique ALUSLO e: American Legation, United States [Naval] Liaison Officer ALUSNA e: American Legation, United States Naval Attaché ALUSNOB e: American Legation, United States Naval Observer ALV e: Air Launched Vehicle ALVRT e: Air Launcher Low Volume Ramjet ALW e: Admiralty List of Wireless Signals - e: Air/Land Warfare - e: Air Launched Weapon AL-WDD e: AL Weapons Development Division - e: Albuquerque Operations, Weapons Development Division ALWGW e: Advanced Lightweight Ground Weaponry ALWL e: Army Limited War Laboratory AL/WMOSD e: AL Waste Management & Operational Surety Division AM e: Army Manual - e: Army Map - e: Fleet Minesweeper - i: Amministrazione Militare - i: Aviazione Militare

Am e: Ammunition A.M. e: Active Militia - e: Australian Militia - f : Académie Militaire - / · Administration Militaire - / · Armée de Mer - f: Armée Métropolitaine - f: Aviation Militaire - i: Aeronautica Militare Α-M e: Active Mariner [program] A/M e: Command Module AMA e: Academy of Model Aeronautics - e: Aircraft Manufacturers Association - e: American Army - e: American Military Attaché - e: American Missionary Association - e: Army Maintenance Area A.M.A. d: Allgemeines Marineamt AMAA e: Army Mutual Aid Association AMAB e: Army Medical Advisory Board A.M.A.B. e: Army Medical Advisory Board A.M.[Abw.] d: Abwicklungs-Referat der Mobilmachungs-Abteilung des H.D. [Abw.] [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] AMAC e: Aircraft Monitor and Control A.M.A.C. / • Association des Mutilés Anciens Combattants AMACS e: Advanced Modular Artillery Command System AMAD e: Airborne Missions and Applications Division amad e: aircraft-mounted accessory drive AMAD e: Airframe Mounted Accessory Drive AMAF / • Association des Mutuelles d'Assurances de l'armement Français AMAK d: Antimilitaristischer Arbeitskreis AMAMAF f: Association des anciens combattants et Anciens Militaires AraboMusulmans de l'Armée Française AMAP e: Army Military Assistance Program AMAR e: Anti-Missile Array Radar AMARC e: Army Materiel Acquisition Review Committee AMARS e: Air Mobile Aircraft Refueling System - e: Autonetics Modular Airborne Radar System AMARV e: Advanced Manoeuvring Reentry Vehicle AMAS e: American Military Assistance Staff - e: Australian Multiexperimental Assessment of SIR-B radar - s: Area Maritima del Atlantico Sur AMASCOS e: Airborne Maritime Situation Control System AMASCP e: air material area stock control point AMASE e: Aircraft Maintenance and Support Equipment Exhibition & Conference AMASS e: Advanced Marine Airborne Signals [Intelligence] System AMAT e: American Mission for Aid to Turkey AMATC e: Air Material Armament Test Center AMATF e: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Task Force AMAY e: American Military Assistance to Yugoslavia AMB e: Air-launched Missile Bulletin - e: Air Material Base - e: Aircraft Maintenance Base - e: Aircraft Maintenance Branch - e: Armament Material Bulletin

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Army Maintenance Board - e: Astronomy Missions Board A.M.B. / • Atelier-magasin de base Amb.C. f: Ambulance de Corps Amb.div. /• Ambulance Divisionnaire AMBLADS e: Advise Method, Bill of Lading, and Data Shipped AMBRDL e: Army Medical Bioengineering Research and Development Laboratory Ambrief d: Armeebrieftaubenabteilung [Armeebrieftaubenstation] [Deckname für Bombengeschwader] AMBRL e: Army Medical Biochemical or [Biomechanical] Research Laboratory Ambt n: Artilleriemeetbatterij AMBV e: Auxiliary Mexican Border Veterans AMC e: Aerospace Medical Command - e: Air-Launched Missile Change - e: Air Materiel Command - e: Air Materiel Command, Ottawa, Ontario - e: Air Mobility Command - e: Airborne Mode Control - e: Airborne Molecular Contamination - e: Aircraft Management Computer - e: Aircraft Manufacturers Council - e: Aircraft Manufacturing Company - e: Aircraft Modification Center - e: Aircraft Motion Compensation - e: Army Maintenance Command - e: Army Material [or Materiel] Command - e: Army Medical Center [or Centre] - e: Army Medical Corps - e: Army Missile Command - e: Army Mobility Command - e: Army Munitions Command - e: Atlantic Marine Center - e: Automatic Mission Control - e: Aviation Mission Commander - e: Office of Assistant Manager for Commercial Nuclear Waste A.M.C, e: Army Medical Corps AMTc e: Aviation Metalsmith First Class AM2c e: Aviation Metalsmith Second Class AM3c e: Aviation Metalsmith Third Class AM-3C e: Aeritalia-Aermacchi singleengine three-place armed-trainer aircraft AMCA e: Army Materiel Command, Alexandria AMCALMSA e: Army Material or [Materiel] Command Automated Logistics Management Systems Agency AMC-ASC e: Air Materiel CommandAeronautical Systems Center AMCAWS e: Advanced Medium Caliber Aircraft Weapon System AMCB e: Army Materiel Command Board AMCCDO e: Army Materiel Command Catalog Data Office AMCCOM e: Armament, Material and Chemical Command - e: Armaments, Munitions and Chemical Command - e: Army Armament, Material and Chemical Command AMCCOMNET e: Air Material Command Communications Network AMCE e: Aldershot Military Corrective Establishment - e: Association of Military Chefs Europe A.M.C.E. e: Aldershot Military Corrective Establishment AMCEC e: Allied Military Communications Electronics Committee AMCF e: Air Materiel Command Forms AMCFASC e: Army Materiel Command Facilities and Services Center


AMCFSA AMCFSA e: Army Materiel Command Field Safety Agency AMCHQ e: Air Materiel Command Headquarters AMCID e: Army Materiel Command Installation Division AMCI&SA e: Army Materiel Command Installations and Service Agency AMCL e: Air Materiel Command Letter AMCLDC e: Army Materiel Command Logistic Data Center am. elk. e: ammunition clerk AMCLO e: Air Materiel Command Logistics Officer AMC-LOGSA e: Army Materiel Command-Logistics Support Agency AMCLSSA e: Army Materiel Command Logistics Systems Support Agency AMCM e: Advanced Mine Countermeasures - e: Air Materiel Command Manual amcm e: airborne mine countermeasures AMCMFO e: Air Materiel Command Missile Field Office AMCO e: American Command A.M.C.O. e: Air Ministry Command Order AMCONREPO e: American Consular Reporting Officer AM-COR e: Assistant Manager Contracting Officer Representative [Lead] AMCOS e: Army Manpower Cost System AMCP e: Allied Military Communications Panel - e: Army Materiel Command Pamphlet AMCPI e: Army Materiel Command Procurement Instruction[s] AMCPSCC e: Army Materiel Command Packaging, Storage and Containerization Center AMCR e: Air Materiel Command Regulation[s] - e: Army Materiel Command Regulation^] AMCRD e: Air Materiel Command Research and Development AMCS e: Airborne Missile Control System - e: Aircraft Maintenance Control System - e: Aircraft Mounted Control System - e: Army Medical Specialist Corps - e: Army Mobilization Capabilities Study - e: Association of Military Colleges and Schools [of the United States] AMCSA e: Army Materiel Command Support Activity AMCSOF e: Army Combat Surveillance Office AMCSS e: Airborne Missile Control Subsystem AMCTC e: Army Materiel Command Technical Committee AMCTSO e: Air Materiel Command Test Site Office AMCU e: Coastal Minesweeper [Underwater Locator] AMCW e: Office of Assistant Manager for Commercial Nuclear Waste and Projects AMD e: Acid Mine Drainage - e: Admiralty Machinery Depot - e: Aerospace Medical Division - e: Air Management Division - e: Air Materiel Department - e: Anti-Missile Defence - e: Applied Mechanics Division [American Society of Mechanical Engineers] - e: Approved Marine Devices Company - e: Army Medical Department - e: Atomic and Molecular Data - e: Office of Assistant Manager for Defense


AMDA e: Advanced Maneuvering Demonstration Aircraft AMDAR e: Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay AMDAS e: Airborne Mine Detection & Surveillance System AMDASS e: Airborne Mine Detection and Surveillance System AMD-BA /• Aéronautique Marcel Dassault-Breguet Aviation - f : Avions Marcel Dassault-Breguet Aviation AMDC e: Army Missile Defense Command - e: Army Missile Development Center - e: Assistant Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps AMDE e: [Office of] Assistant Manager for Defense and Energy AMDF e: Army Master Data File AMDFRMS e: Army Master Data File Reader Microfilm System AM DIS e: Australian Marine Data Information Service AMDL e: Air Munitions Development Laboratory AMDM e: Acoustic Midflight Deck Module AM DP e: Aircraft Maintenance Delayed for Parts AMDR e: Advance Missile Deviation Report - e: Automatic Missile Detection Radar AMDS e: Advanced Mine Detection System - e: Advanced Missions Docking Subsystem - e: Anti-Missile Discarding Sabot - e: Association of Military Dental Surgeons AME e: Admiralty Mining Establishment - e: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer - e: Antarctic Marine Ecosystems AMEAMS e: Adaptive Multibeam Experiment for Aeronautical and Maritime Services AMEC e: Airframe Manufacturing Equipment Committee - e: Allied Middle East Command - e: Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation - e: Army Management Engineering College AMECON e: Australian Marine Engineering Consolidated Ltd. AMED e: Army Medical Department - e: Army Medical Equipment Depot AMEDD e: Army Medical Department AMEDDPAS e: Army Medical Department Property Accounting System A Med Lab e: Army Medical Laboratory AMedP e: Army Medical Publication[s] AMEDS e: Army Medical Service AMEE e: Admiralty Marine Engineering Establishment AM EG E e: Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expedition AMEM e: Association of Marine Engine Manufacturers AMERADC e: Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center AMERIEZ e: Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Research at the Ice-edge Zone A.M.E.S. e: Association of Marine Engineering Schools AM ETA e: Army Management Engineering Training Activity or [Agency] AMETS e: Artillery Meteorological System

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AMEX e: American Expeditionary Force AMF d: Abteilung für Militärflugplatze - e: ACE [Allied Command Europe] Mobile Force - e: ACE Mobile Force - e: Air Material Force - e: Aircraft Manufacturing Factory - e: Allied Mobile Force - e: Arctic Marine Freighters - e: Army Management Fund - e: Australian Marine Force - e: Australian Military Forces - e: Australian Militia Force - f: Ateliers Militaires de la Flotte - i: Amministrazione Marinara Fascista A.M.F. r: Föreningen Armé-, Marin- och Flyfilm AMFA e: Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association A.M.F.A. f: Administration militaire française en Allgemagne AMF [A] e: ACE [Allied Command Europe] Mobile Force, Air AMFCTS e: Artillery & Mortar Fire Control Training Simulator AMFE e: Air Material [Materiel] Force Europe AMFEA e: Air Material Force, European Area Amf Κ r: Ammunitionsfabriken, Karlsborg AMF-L e: ACE Mobile Force-Land AMFPA e: Air Material [Materiel] Force, Pacific Area Amf Ζ r: Ammunitionsfabriken, Zakrisdal AMG e: Aircraft Machine Gunner - e: Aircraft Maintenance Group - e: Allied Military Government - e: American Military Government AMG-FTT e: American Military Government-Free Territory of Trieste A.M.G.O. e: Assistant Master-General of Ordnance AMGOT e: Allied Military Government in Occupied Territories A.M.G.V.G. e: Allied Military Government Venezia Giulia AMH e: Alaska Military Highway - e: Australian Military Hospital AMHS e: Alaska Marine Highway Authority AMI e: Aircraft Multiplex Intercommunications - e: American Military Institute - e: Antimilitarismus Information - f: Apostolat Militaire International - f: Approvisionnement pour la Marine et Industrie - i: Aeronautica Militare Italiana AMIA e: American Military Insurance Association AMIADB e: Army Member, InterAmerican Defense Board AMIB e: Army Military Intelligence Battalion AMICH e: American Marine Insurance Clearing House AMICOM e: Army Missile Command AMICS e: Aircraft Maintenance Irregularity Control System AMIDARS e: Airborne Minefield Detection and Reconnaissance System AMIDS e: Airborne Minefield Detection System AMIF e: American Marine Insurance Forum A.M.I.G. i: Associazione Mutilati e Invalidi di Gererra AMIGE e: Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expeditions

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AMPG AMILA e: American Military International Insurance Association AMILAT e: American Military Attaché AMILO e: Army/Industry Materiel Information Liaison Office AMIM e: Army Material Information Memorandum AMI Mar E e: Associate Member of the Institute of Marine Engineers AMINA e.· Associate Member of the Institution of Naval Architects AMINE e: Associate Member of the Institute of Naval Engineers AMINFI / · Association Méditerranéenne d'Industries Navales Francolitalienne AMINucE e: Associate Member of the Institution of Nuclear Engineers AMIO e: Arab Military Industrialisation Organization AMIP e: Army Management Information Programfme] AMIR e: Anti-Missile Infra-Red AMIS e: Aircraft Movement Information Section - e: Aircraft Multiplex Intercommunications System - e: American Marine Insurance Syndicate - e: Anti-Materiel Incendiary Submunition - e: Army Information System - e: Army Management Information System AMIS AR e: Active Microwave Imager Synthetic Aperture Radar AMISC e: Australian Marine Industries and Sciences Council AMJAMS e: Automated Military Justice Analysis & Management System AMKTII e: Army Marksmanship Training Unit AML e: Aberdeen Marine Laboratory - e: Admiralty Materials Laboratory - e: Aeronautical Materials Laboratory - e: Allied Military Liaison - e: Army Medical Library AML. d: Armee-Munitionslager AMLG e: Allied Military Headquarters, Greece AMLO e: Aeromedicai Liaison Officer - e: Assistant Military Landing Officer AMLR e: Antarctic Marine Living Resources AMM e: Aircraft Maintenance Manual - e: American Merchant Marine - e: American Military Mission - e: Army Modernization Manual - i: Accademia Marine Mercantile - i: Accademia Militare de Modena - i: Amministrazione Militare Marittima amm e: ammunition A.M.M. /• Affaires Militaires Musulmanes AMMA e: American Museum of Marine Archaeology - e: Army Medical Materiel Agency - e: Australian Military Medical Association A.M.M.A.C. / • Association mutuelle des mutilés anciens combattants AMMC e: Army Maintenance Management Center - e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Carburetor Mechanic - e: Aviation Materiel Management Center A M M l c e: Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class AMM2c e: Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class AMM3c e: Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class AMMCE e: Army Medical Material Maintenance Center, Europe

AMMDEL e: American Military Mission, Delhi AMME e: Army Multi-Message Exchange AMMF e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Flight Engineer AMMH e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Hydraulic Mechanic AMMI e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Instrument Mechanic AMMIC e: Armament Maintenance Management Information Center AMMICON e: American Munitions Maintenance & Inspection Consortium AmMilReg d: Amerikanische Militärregierung AMMIP e: Aviation Material Management Improvement Program AMMIS e: Aircraft Maintenance Manpower Information System AMMISCA e: American Military Mission to China AMMIT e: Aerial Multi-Mission Integrated Test-bed AM M LA e: American Merchant Marine Library Association Ammn e: Ammunition Ammn Sub Pk e: Ammunition Subpark A M M O e: Army Mobile Missile Operation ammobr e: ammunition bearer ammo hand e: ammunition handler ammo red elk e: ammunition records clerk ammo renov e: ammunition renovator AMMORK e: Ammunition Rack ammo sec eh e: ammunition section chief ammo sp e: ammunition specialist ammo tn e: ammunition train AMMP e: Advanced Manned Missions Program - e: Aviation Machinist's Mate, Propeller Mechanic - e: Aviation Material Management Program AMMPCR e: Aircraft and Missile Maintenance Production Compression Report AMMPTS e: Aircraft and Missile Maintenance Production Total System AmMR d: Amerikanische Militärregierung AMMR e: Advanced Multimission Radar - e: Advanced Multivision Radar - e: Aircraft Maintenance Manpower Requirement - e: Aircraft or advanced Multichannel Microwave Radiometer AMMRC e: Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center AMMRES e: Advanced Missile Materials Research Technical Advisory Group Am MRG d: Gesetz der amerikanischen Militärregierung AMMRL e: Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List Am MRVO d: Verordnung der amerikanischen Militärregierung AMMS e: Aerospace, Maritime and Military Systems - e: Airborne Microwave Moisture Sounder AMMSDO e: Antimissile Missile and Space Defense Office Amm Tn e: Ammunition Train AMMTR e: Anti-Missile Test Range - e: Antimissile Missile Test Range ammu e: ammunition AMMUS e: Air Force Minicomputer Multi-User System AMMUSNET e: Air Force Minicomputer Multi-User System Network

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

AMMVM e: American Merchant Marine Victory Medal AMN e: Atomic Mass Number - i: Ansaldo Meccanico Nucleare amn e: ammunition Am Na Att e: American Naval Attaché AMNCS e: Advanced Multiplatform Navy Computer System AMNGR e.· Arctic Marine Oil Gas Reconnaissance AMNL e: Army Medical Nutrition Laboratory AMNS e: Airborne Mine Neutralization System AMNSWP e: Acoustic Mine Sweeping AMNSYS e: Airborne Mine Neutralization System A.M.N.W. e: Air Ministry Navigational Warning AMO e: Administrative Medical Officer - e: Advanced Munitions Office - e: Aircraft Materiel Officer - e: Area Medical Officer - e: Area Milk Officer - e: Army Medical Officer - e: Assistant Medical Officer - e: Aviation Maintenance Officer - e: Aviation Medical Officer - f: Aviation Marine Outillage AMOAP e: Associated Marine Officers Association of the Philippines Am Obs BN e: American Observer, British Navy AMOCOM e: Army Mobility Command AMOHST e: Ammunition Hoist AMOHSTDR e: Ammunition Hoist Drive AMOL e: Atlantic Marine Oceanographic Laboratory AMOP e: Arctic Marine Oil Program AMOPS e: Army Mobilization and Operations Planning System AMOS e: Additionally-awared Military Occupational Specialty - e: Air Force Maui Optical Site - e: Air Force Maui Optical Station - e: Air Force Maui Optical System - e: Alternate Military Occupational Speciality - e: ARPA Maui [Hawaii] Optical Site - e: Automated Military Medical Outpatient System AMOSC e: Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre AMOU e: Australian Maritime Officers Union AMP d: Armeemotorfahrzeugpark - d: Armeemotorfahrzeugpark, Thun - e: Additional Military Production - e: Aircraft Mishap Prevention programme - e: Aircraft-Missile Project - e: American Military Police - e: Another Mother for Peace - e: Apollo Mission Programs - e: Army Marine Products - e: Army Materiel Plan - e: Army Mine Planter - e: Army Modernization Plan - n: Adviesraad voor Militaire Produktie - n: Algemene Miltaire Pensioenbond Α-MP e: Aircraft-Marine Products, Inc. A.M.P.C, e: Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps AMPCO e: Associated Missile Products Corporation AMPD e: Army Mobilization Program Directive Am Peace e: American Peace Society AMPFTA e: American Military Precision Flying Teams Association AMPG e: Air Material Proving Ground


amph amph e: amphibious Amph Comd e: Amphibious Command - e: Amphibious Forces Command Amph Engr Sqn e: Amphibious Engineer Squadron AMPHFORLANT e: Amphibious Force, Atlantic AMPHFORMED e: Amphibious Force, Mediterranean AMPHFORPAC e: Amphibious Force, Pacific AMPHGR e: Amphibious Group amphib e: amphibious amphibex e: amphibious exercise AMPHIBFORCENPAC e: Amphibious Forces, Central Pacific AMPHIBFORLANT e: Amphibious Forces, Atlantic AMPHIBFORMED e: Amphibious Forces, Mediterranean AMPHIBFORPAC e: Amphibious Forces, Pacific Amphib Gru e: Amphibious Group Amphib Recon e: Amphibious Reconnaissance Amphib Tra U e: Amphibious Training Unit AmphPiBtl d: Amphibisches Pionierbataillon AMPHTGP e: Amphibious Transportation Group ampli tk e: Amphibious Tank ampli tk crm e: Amphibious Tank Crewman Amph Trk e: Amphibious Track AMPIC e: Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center AMPM e: Aircraft Missile Parts Mfg. Co. AM-Post d: Allierte Militärpost AMPPD e: Army Mobilization Planning and Programming Directive AMPPGD e: Army Mobilization Planning and Programming Guidance Document AMPR e: Advanced Multi-Purpose Radar - e: Aeronautical Manufacturers Planning Report - e: Aeronautical Manufacturers Progress Report - e: Aircraft Manufacturer's Progress Report - e: Airframe Manufacturers Planning Report AMPS e: Accured Military Pay System - e: Airborne Multisensor Pod System - e: Airlift Mission Planning and Scheduling System - e: Army Mine Planter Service - e: Army Motion Picture Service - e: Automated Mission Planning Society - e: Automated Mission Planning System - e: Aviation Mission Planning System AMPSA e: Advanced Manned Precision Strategic Aircraft. Requirement AMPSSO e: Automated Message Processing System Security Officer AMPTF e: Apollo Mission Planning Task Force AMQP e: Aircraft Maintenance Qualification Program AMR e: Abnormal Mission Routine - e: Air Musketry Range - e: Airborne Magnetic Recorder - e: Airman Military Record - e: Altitude Marking Range - e: ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency] Measurement Radar - e: Atlantic Missile Range - e: Aviation Medical Report[s] Am R e: Ammunition Reserve


AMRA e: Advanced Multi-Mode Radar Altimeter - e: Army Materials Research Agency AMRAAM e: Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile AMRAC e: Anti-Missile Research Advisory Council - e: Antimissile Research Advisory Council AMRAD e: Air Munitions Requirements and Development - e: Armament/Munitions Requirements & Development Committee - e: ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency] Measurement Radar AMRARM e: Advanced Medium-Range Anti-Radiation Missile AMRC e: Army Mathematics Research Center - e: Army Mobility Research Center AMRCUS e: Alternative Marriage and Relationship Council of the United States A.M.R.D. e: Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Department AMRD e: Army Missile and Rockets Directorate AMRD-NASC e: Army Missile and Rockets Directorate-NATO Supply Centre AMREP e: Aircraft and Missile Maintenance Production Compression Report AMRF e: Ammended Route of Flight AMRI e: Association of Missile and Rocket Industries AMRIID e: Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases AMRINA e: Associate Member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects AMRIP e: Australian Marine Research in Progress - e: Avionics Module Repair Improvement Program AMRJ p: Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro AMRL e: Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB - e: Army Medical Research Laboratory AMRM / · Association Mondiale pour le Réarmement Moral AMRNL e: Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory AMRO e: Army Medical Regulating Office - e: Association of Medical Record Officers - e: Atlantic Missile Range Operations AMROC e: American Rocket Company AMROO e: Atlantic Missile Range Operations Office AMRR e: Army Materialfs] Research Reactor AMRRDC e: Army Manpower Resources Research and Development Center AMRS e: Airborne Microwave Radiometer System - e: Airborne Microwave RainScatterometer/Radiometer AMRTS e: Atlantic Missile Range Telemetry Submodule AMS d: Autonomes Marine System - e: Academy of Military Science - e: Actual Military Service - e: Actuation Mine Simulator - e: Admiral of Mine Sweepers - e: Advanced Missile System - e: Air Maintenance Squadron - e: Air Missile System - e: Airborne Maintenance System - e: Airborne Maritime Surveillance - e: Airborne Measurement System - e: Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

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- e: Aircraft Management System - e: Aircraft Multiband Scanner - e: American Military Standard - e: AMGOT Mail Service - e: Ammunition Maintenance Squadron - e: Arctic Marine Science - e: Army Management School - e: Army Management Structure - e: Army Map Service - e: Army Mapping Service - e: Army Medical Service - e: Army Medical Service[s] - e: Army Medical Staff - e: Articulated Mirror System - e: Artillery and Missile School - e: Artillery Meteorological System - e: Assistant Military Secretary - e: Association of Military Surgeons AMSA e: Ammunition Supply Authority - e: Army Maintenance Support Activity - e: Australian Marine Sciences Association - r: Aktionsgruppen Mot Svensk Atombomb A.M.S.A. / · Administration Militaire Soviétique en Allemagne AMSAA e: Army Material or [Materiel] Systems Analysis Agency amsam e: anti-missile surface-to airmissile AMSAR e: Airborne Multi-role Solidstate Active array Radar AMSAS e: Advanced Strategic Aircraft AMSAT e: Australian Marine Science and Technology Limited AMSC e: Advanced Military Spacelift Capability - e: Allied Military Staff Conference - e: American Marine Standards Committee - e: Army Material or [Materiel] Supply Command - e: Army Mathematics Steering Committee - e: Army Medical Specialises] Corps - e: Army Mobility Support Center AMSCAT e: Airborne Microwave Scatterometer AMSCO e: Army Medical Supply Control Officer AMSCOM e: Army Maneuver Support Command AMSCOS e: Airborne Maritime Situation Control System AMSD e: Administrative and Management Services Division - e: Airport Management Services Division AMSE e: Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Am Sec e: Ammunition Section AMSEF e: Anti-Mine Sweeping Explosive Float AMSF e: Army Morale Support Fund AMSG e: Allied Military Security General - e: Appropriate Military Systems Guide AMSGS e: Army Medical Service Graduate School AMS-GSGS e: Army Map ServiceGeographical Section-General Staff am sgt e: Ammunition Sergeant AMSIR e: Agriculture, Marine, Scientific, and Industrial Research Ministry AMSLAET e: Associate Member of the Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers and Technologists AMSMS e: Aiborne Mechanical Special Mission System AMSO e: Ammunition Shipment Order AMSOB / · Alliance mutuelle des sousofficiers de Belgique AMSP e: Advanced Military Studies Program

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ANCAC - e: Allied Military Security Publication - e: Army Master Study Program AMSR e: Autonomous Missile Site Radar A M S R D C e: Army Medical Service Research and Development Command A M S S e: Advanced Airborne Multispectral Scanner - e: Airborne Multispectral Scanner - e: Aircraft Multichannel Scanner System - e: Ammunition Storage Site - e: Army Medical Service School AMSSA e: Army Medical Supply Support Activity A M S T e: Advanced Military Spaceflight Technology A M S T A C e: Australian Marine Science and Technologies Advisory Council [or Committee] A M S U S e: Association of Military Surgeons of the United States A M S W E e: Army Material CommandSubordinate Weapons A M S W E - T M D E e: Army Material Command-Subordinate Weapons-Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment A M T e: Army Modernization Training - e: Association of Marine Traders AMTA e: Airborne Moving Target Attack A M T A F e: All-Mobile Tactical Air Force amtank e: Amphibious Tank Amt. Aus./Abw. d: Amt Ausland Abwehr [im OKW] AMTC e: Air Material Armament Test Center - e: Airframe Manufacturing Tooling Committee - e: Army Missile Test Center A M T E e: Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment A M T E D e: Army Missile Test and Evaluation Directorate A M T F e: Air-Mobile Task Force - e: Airmobile-Mechanized Task Force AMTI e: Advanced Missile Technology Integration - e: Area Moving Target Indicator amti e: airborne moving target indicator AMTIDE e: Aircraft Multipurpose Test Inspection and Diagnostic Equipment AMTIR e: Advanced Moving Target Indicator Radar A M T I S e: Airborne Moving Target Indicator System AMTK e: Amphibious Tank A M T L e: Army Material Test Laboratory Am Tn e: Ammunition Train AMTR e: Atlantic Missile Test Range A M T R A C e: Ammunition Track - e: Amphibious Tractor A M T R A N S e: Army Missile Transport System AMTREX e: Amphibious Training Exercise Am Trk e: Amphibious Truck AMTS e: Armament Maintenance Training System - e: Army Mechanical Transport School AMU e: Advanced Marksmanship Unit - e: Air Mission Unit - e: Air Movements Unit - e: Aircraft Maintenance Unit - e: American Marksmanship Unit - e: Army Marksmanship Unit - e: Army Medical Unit - e: Association of Marine Underwriters - i: Accademia Militare Unificata - i: Accademia Militare Unificata, Modena A M U B C e.· Association of Marine Underwriters of British Columbia

A M U C O M e: Army M u n i t i o n s ] Command A M UN e: Air M u n i t i o n s ] AMUNC. e: Army Munitions Command A M U U S e: Association of Marine Undewaters of the United States AMUX e: Avionics Multiplex AMIJX System e: Avionics Multiplex System A M V e: Amphibious Warfare Am V e: Armo[u]red Vehicle A M V E T e: Federal Division of Military Veterinary Service A M V E T S e: American Veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam AMW e: Air Ministry Warden - e: Air Mobility Wing - e: Amphibious Warfare - e: AmphibiousWarfare - e: Antimaterial or [Antimateriel] Warhead - e: Antimissile Warfare A M W AR e: Application of the 1973 Middle East War to CAA [Concepts Analysis Agency] War Games, Models and Siinulations A M W H e: Antimaterial Warhead A M W P e: Army Medical Working Party A M W R e: Air Ministry War Room A.M.W.Schule d: ArmeeMinenwerferschule AN-2 R: Soviet Antonov 14-passenger biplane nicknamed Colt by NATO forces A M X - Í 3 e: French light tank carrying SS11 antitank guided missiles and a 75mm gun AN-14 R: Soviet Antonov 6-seat transport aircraft nicknamed Clod by NATO A M X - 3 0 e: French medium tank carrying a 105 mm gun plus machineguns A M X - Í 0 5 e: French self-propelled 105mm howitzer A N e: Air Force-Navy - e: Air Force/Navy specification - e: Air Navigation - e: Aircraft Number - e: American Navy - e: Army Number - e: Atomic Number - i: Armata Navale A.N. / • Académie Navale - / • Aéronautique Navale a.n. f: artillerie navale - ì: arsenale navale - s: artillería naval A.&N. e: Army and Navy A N A d: atomgesteuerte Navigationsanlage - e: Air Force-Navy Aeronautical - e: Air Navigation Act - e: AirForce-Navy Aeronautical Bulletin - e: Arlington Naval Annex - e: Armenian National Army - e: Army-Navy Aeronautical - e: Army-Navy-Air Force - e: Army Network Architecture - e: Assistant Naval Attache - e: Association of Naval Aviation - e: Atlantic Nutritional Association - e: Autoantibodies to Nuclear Antigens - e: Automated Naval Architecture A.N.A. d: Artillerie-Nachrichtenabteilung - / • Armée Nord-Atlantique - i: Associazione Nazionale Alpini A N A B e: Soviet Air-to-Air Missile A N A C e: Auckland Nuclear Accessory Co. - e: Australian National Airlines Conimission A.N.A.C.A. e: Army, Navy and Air Force Comforts Association

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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A N A C F e: Army Net Assessment, Central Europe A.Nachr.Fhr d: Armee-Nachrichtenführer A N A C O N D A e: Adaptive Network Analysis Connected with Defence Applications A.N.A.C.R. f : Association Nationale des Anciens Combattants de la Résistance A N A D e: Anniston Army Depot A N A D B U e: Automatic Nuclear Analysis Database Update A N A D E R f: Association Nationale des Amis et Défenseurs des sites et Édifices Religieux consacrés au culte ANAEC e: Ail Naval Activities Employing Civilians A N A F e: Army-Navy-Air Force Anal Appi Rare Earth Mater N A T O Adv Study Inst e: Analysis and Application of Rare Earth Materials. NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institute Anal At Spectrosc e: Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy AN/APS e: Army-Navy/Airborne Pulse Search equipment AN/ARC e: Army Navy/Airborne Radio Communications A N A S A e: Army and Navy Air Service Association A N A S P e: Advanced Nuclear Attack Submarine Program A N A T C e: Air Navigation and Traffic Control A N A V e: Area Navigation ANB e: Air Navigation Bureau - e: Army-Navy British A & N B e: Army and Navy Munitions Board ANBACIS e: Army Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Information System A N B S e: Air Navigation and Bombing School - e: Armed Nuclear Bombardment Satellite - e: Army-Navy British Standard A N C e: Aerojet Nuclear Company - e: Aerojet Nuclear Corporation - e: Air Force-Navy-Civil - e: Air Force-Navy-Civil Committee on Aircraft Design Criteria - e: Air Force-Navy-Civil Committee on Aircraft Requirements - e: Air Navigation Charge - e: Air Navigation Commission [or Conference] - e: Air Navigation Committee - e: Air Navigation Conference - e: Airborne Navigation Computer - e: American Nuclear Corporation - e: Anti-Nuclear Campaign - e: Area Naval Commander - e: Arlington Military Cemetery - e: Army and Navy Civil Committee on Aircraft - e: Army-Navy Anticorrosion Compound - e: Army-Navy-Civil - e: Army-Navy Civil Aeronautics Committee - e: Army-Navy-Commerce - e: Army-Navy-Commercial - e: Army Nurse Corps - f : Groupement armes nucléaires et chimique [STAT] - i: Associazione Nazionale Combattenti A.N.C, f : Armée Nationale Congolaise A & N C e: Army and Navy Club A N C A e: Allied Naval Communications Agency A N C A C f : Association nationale des cheminots anciens combattants


A.N.C.B. A.N.C.B. e: Army & Navy Canteen Board A.N.C.G. /• Association Nationale des Croix de Guerre ANCI / • Ateliers Navals de Còte-d'Ivoire ANC-in-C e: Allied Naval Commander-inChief ANCLAV e: Automatic Navigation Computer for Land and Amphibious Vehicles An. Clube Mil. Nav., Lisb. p: Anais do Clube Militar Naval, Lisbon ANCO e: Aerial Nurse Corps of America ANCOA e: Aerial Nurse Corps of America ANCOVS e: Active Night Covert Viewing System ANCPEA e: Army-Navy Communications Production Expediting Agency ANCS e: Airborne Night Classification System - e: AT&T Netware Connect Services [network] - e: Autonomous Navigation System Concept A.N.C.V.R. f: Association Nationale des Combattants Volontaires de la Résistance ANCXF e: Allied Naval Commander, Expeditionary Force - e: Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief, Expeditionary Forces AND d: Armeenachrichtendienst - d: Auslandsnachrichtendienst - e: Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Design Standard - e: Air Force-Navy Design - e: Air Navigation Device - e: Air Navigation Direction^] - e: Air Navigation Directive[s] - e: Army-Navy Design - e: European Agreement Concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways ANDAS e: Automatic Navigation and Data Acquisition System ANDB e: Air Navigation Development Board ANDEF e: Action for Nuclear Disarmament Education Fund ANDGP e: Adelaide Northern Division of General Practice ANDIP f: Association Nationale pour la Défense d'Intérêts Particuliers ANDL e: Army Nuclear Defense Laboratory ANDRO e: Army Non-Destructive Readout ANDS e: Advanced Navy Display System ANE e: Aeronautical and Navigation[al] Electronics ANEEG e: Army, Navy Electronics Evaluation Group ANEESA e: Army-Navy Electronic and Electrical Standards Agency ANEPA e: Army-Navy Electronics Production Agency ANF d: antinuklearer Faktor - e: Advanced Nuclear Fuels - e: Air Navigation Facilities [or Facility] - e: Allied Naval Forces - e: Allied Nuclear Force - e: Anti-Nuclear Factor - e: Army-Navy Fuel - e: Army News Features - e: Atlantic Nuclear Force - e: Atomic Nuclear Forum - e: Automatic Number Forwarding ANFASOCAF f: Association Nationale et Fédérale des Anciens Sous-Officiers de Carrière de l'Armée Français ANFCE e: Allied Naval Forces Central Europe


A.N.F.O.C. /• Association Nationale des Femmes d'Officiers de Carrière armées d'auf ANFVRC e: Army-Navy Vehicular Radio Communications ANG e: Air-Force Navy-Army GuidedMissiles - e: Air National Guard - e: Army National Guard A.N.G. i: Associazione Nazionale dei Granatieri ANGLICO e: Air [and] Naval Gunfire Liaison Company ANGOSTA e: Air National Guard Operational Support Aircraft - e: Air National Guard Operational Support Transport Aircraft ANGPC e: Air National Guard Policy Council AN/GRA e: Air Force/Navy Ground Radar ΑΝ/GRC e: Army-Navy Ground Radio Communications ANGRY e: Anti-Nuclear Group Representing York ANGSA e: Air National Guard Support Aircraft Ang-Sax Amer e: Anglo-Saxon America ANGUS e: Air National Guard of the United States ANGWS e: Advanced Naval Gun Weapon System ANHC e: Army Native Hospital Corps ANHSO e: Association of National Health Service Officers ANHSSO e: Association of National Health Service Supplies Officers ANI e: Army-Navy-Industry - e: Australian Naval Institute ΑΝΙΑ / · Association Nationale des Invalides de l'Armée ANIM e: Association of Nuclear Instrument Manufacturers ANIP e: Army-Navy Instrumentation Program ANISGS e: Army Medical Service Graduate School ANJSB e: Army-Navy Joint Specifications Board ANL e: Army Nautic Laboratories [or Laboratory] ANL. d: Armeenachschublager ANLO e: Assistant Naval Liaison Officer ANM e: Admiralty Notice to Mariners ANMB e: Army and Navy Munitions Board ANMC e: Assistant Navy Mail Clerk ANMCC e: Alternate National Military Command Center AN & MEF e: Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force ANMI e: Air Navigation Multiple Indicator - e: Allied Naval Maneuvering Instructions ANMIC e: Alternate National Military Intelligence Center A.N.M.M. f: Association Nationale des Médaillés Militaires A N M P O e: Army and Navy Medical Procurement Office ANMS e: Air Navigation & Management System - e: Automated Notice[s] to Mariners System ANN e: Asian-Pacific [News] Network - e: Program Director for Navigation and Landing ANNA e: Air Force-Navy-NASA-Army - e: Army-Navy-NASA, Air-Force ANNAF / · Association Nationale de la Navigation Fluviale

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ANNAMARC e: MARC for US militaryfor Italian national bibliography ANNF / • Association Nationale de la Navigation Fluviale AnnPsych e: Armee Psychologique Ann Psychol e: Armee Psychologique Ann.Rgt e: Annapolis Regiment ANO e: Above-Named Officer - e.· Air Navigation Office - e: Air Navigation Order[s] ANOD e: Airborne Night Observation Device A N O P P e.· Aircraft Noise Prediction Program ANOR f: Association nationale des officiers en retraite A.N.O.R. f: Association nationale des officiers de réserve ANORAA f: Association Nationale des Officiers en Retraite de l'Armée de l'Air Anorm e: Aircraft Not Operationally Ready-Maintenance ANORS e: Aircraft Not Operationally Ready-Supplies A.N.O.S.O.C.R. f: Association nationale des officiers, sous-officiers et cadres de la Résistance ANP d: Armeenachrichtenpark - e: Aircraft Nuclear-Power[ed] [Program] - e: Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion [Department] - e: Aircraft Nuclear-propulsion Program - e: Aircraft Nuclear Propulsionan - /• Armee National Populaire A.N.P.A. /• Armée national du Peuple Algéren ANPB e: Army-Navy Petroleum Board ANPN e: Army Navy Performance Number ANPO e: Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Office - e : Association of National Park Officers ANPP e: Aircraft Nuclear Power Plant - e: Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program - e: Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project - e: Arizona Nuclear Power Project - e: Army Nuclear Power Program ANPPC e: Army-Navy Petroleum Pool, Pacific Coast ANPPF e: Aircraft Nuclear Power Plant Facility ANPPPC e: Army-Navy Petroleum Pool, Pacific Coast ANP Program e: Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program ANPRDPP / · Association Nationale des Propriétaires Ruraux et Défenseurs de la Propriété Privée ANR d: Armeenachrichtenregiment - e: Air Navigation Routes A.N.R. i: Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana ANRFCCC e.· Army-Navy Radio Frequency Cable Coordination Committee ANS e: Air Naval School - e: Air Navigation School - e: Air Navigation Services - e: Air Navigation System - e: Airborne Navigation Sensor - e: Airborne Navigation System - e: Area Navigation System - e: Army News[paper] Service - e: Associated Nuclear Services - e: Association of Navigation Schools - / • Armée Nationale Sihanoukiste - in: Armee Nationale Sikanoukiste Α.Ν.S. e: Admiralty Naval Staff - e: Army and Navy Stores - e: Army Nursing Service

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AON ANSAM e: Anti-Missile Surface to Air Missile ANSB e: Army-Navy Safety Board ANSBII e: Advanced Nuclear Systems Business Unit A.N.S.B.V. / · Association Nationale du Souvenir de la Bataille de Verdun ANSC e: American Nuclear Science Corporation - e: Army and Navy Staff College ANSCOL e: Army and Navy Staff College ANSE e: Advanced Nuclear Systems Engineering ANSIA e: Army-Navy Shipping Information Agency ANSIC e: Aerospace Nuclear Safety Information Center ANSIR e: Advanced Navigation System Inertial Reference Ans.-Komm, d: Ansiedlungs-Kommission ANSO e: Assistant Naval Stores Officer ANSORAA / · Association Nationale des Sous-Officiers de Réserve de l'Armée de l'Air ANSP e: Air Navigation Service Provider ANSR e: Advanced Naval System Requirements ANSSR e: Aerodynamically Neutral Spin Stabilized Rocket ANSTC e: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Council ANSTO e: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation [or Organization] ANSTRO e: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ANSUM i: Associazione Nazionale Sottufficiali Marina fuori servizio ANSW e: Anti-Nuclear Submarine Warfare ANT e: Air Navigation Trainer - e: Airspace Navigation Team - e: Autonomous Navigation Technology - f: Armament Nucleaire Tactique Ant A e: Antiaircraft ANTAC e: Air Navigation and Tactical Control ANTACCS e: Advanced Navy Tactical Command and Control System ANTARES e: Advanced Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engine Simulator ANTC e: Air Navigation Traffic Control ANTCOMDUSARCARIB e: Antilles Command, United States Army Caribbean antinuke e: anti nuclear antisub e: Antisubmarine AntiSubDef e: Antisubmarine Defense AntiSubDefLant e: Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic Fleet AntiSubDefPac e: Antisubmarine Defense Force, Pacific Fleet ANTISUBM e: Antisubmarine AntiSubRon e: Antisubmarine Squadron ANTP e: Army Nozzle Technology Program ANTS e: Advanced Naval Training School - e: Airborne Night Television System ANTU e: Air Navigation Training Unit ANU e: Airframe Nose Up - e: Army and Navy Union - e: Army Newspaper Unit ANUA i: Associazione Nazionale Ufficiali Aeronautica ANUC e: American Nuclear Corp. ANUDS e: Army Nuclear Data System ANUUS e: Army and Navy Union of the United States ANV e: Advanced Naval Vehicle - e: Army of Northern Virginia

ANVCE e: Advanced Naval Vehicle Concepts Evaluation programme A.N.V.G. i: Associazione Nazionale Volontari di Guerra Anw. d: Anwärter - d: Anwartschaft ANW e: Armored Maintenance Vehicle ANWCG e: Army Nuclear Weapon Coordination Group AnwDA d: Anwärterdienstalter AnwDZ d: Anwärterdienstzeit ANWES e: Association of Naval Weapons, Engineers and Scientists ANWG e: Apollo Navigation Working Group ANWPP e: Accidental Nuclear War Prevention Project ANWSRP e: Army Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Reliability Program ANWUNMV e: Association of Nordic War and UN Military Veterans ANXF e: Allied Naval Expeditionary Force ANZ d: Ausweichnachrichtenzentrale ANZAC e: Australian and New Zealand Army Corps ANZUK e: Australia, New Zealand, and United Kingdom AO d: Abwehroffizier - d: Armeeorganisation - d: Artillerieoffizier - e: Action Officer - e: Administrative Officer - e: Administrator's Officer - e: Air Officer - e: Aircraft Operator - e: Airdrome Officer - e: Area Officer - e: Army Order - e: Army Ordnance - e: Artillery Observation - e: Artillery Officer - e: Australian Officer - e: Aviation Officer A.O. f: Armée d'Occupation AOA e: Air Officer in charge of Administration - e: Airborne Optical Adjunct - e: American Ordnance Association - e: Amphibious Objective Area - e: Amphibious Operating Area - e: Army Ordnance Association - e: Atlantic Ocean Area AOAC e: Army Ordnance Ammunition Command AOAD e: Army Ordnance Arsenal District AOAP e: Army Oil Analysis Program Standard Data System AOAS e: Army Officers Art Society AOB e: Airborne Optical Beacon - e: Aircraft Observer - e: Aircraft Observer, Bombardment AO-BIRMDis e: Army OrdnanceBirmingham District AOBMO e: Army Ordnance Ballistic Missile Office AO-BOSTDis e: Army Ordnance-Boston District AOBS e: Army Outward Bound School AOC e: Aeronautical Operational Control - e: Air Officer Commanding - e: Aircraft Operations Center - e: Army Operations Center - e: Aviation Officer Candidate - f: Anciens officiers dans les carrières civiles AoC e: Army of the Cumberland A.O.C, e: Army Ordnance Corps AOCBAF e: Air Officer Commanding, Base Air Forces

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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AOCCA e: Air Officer Commanding, Coastal Area AOCCC e: Air Officer Commanding-inChief, Coastal Command AOCEO e: Army Ordnance Combat Equipment Office AO-CHIDis e: Army Ordnance-Chicago District AOCI e: Airborne Ocean Colour Imager AO C-in-C e: Air Officer Commander-inChief AOC-in-C e: Air Officer Commanding-inChief AO-CLEVDis e: Army OrdnanceCleveland District AOC1V1 e: Aircraft out of Commission for Parts AOCO e: Atomic Ordnance Cataloging Office AOCP e: Airborne Operational Computer Program[me] - e: Aircraft out of Commission for [lack of] Parts AOCR e: Aircraft Operating Cost Report AOCS e: Army Officers' Candidate School AOCSTC e: Air Officer Commander-inChief, Strike Command AOD e: Administrative Officer of the Day - e: Advanced Ordnance Depot - e: Air Officer of the Day - e: Aircraft Operations Division - e: Army Ordnance Department - e: Army Ordnance Depot - e: Army Ordnance District - e: Arsenal Operations Division AOE e: Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment - e: Airborne Operational Equipment - e: Army of Excellence AOEng e: Air Officer in charge of Engineering AOER e: Army Officers Emergency Reserve A. of F. e: Admiral of the Fleet AOG d: Allgemeine Offiziersgesellschaft von Ziirich - e: Aircraft on [the] Ground - e: Association of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy - e: Atlantic Oceanographic Group AOGM e: Army of Occupation of Germany Medal AOGMS e: Army Ordnance Guided [Missile School] AOK d: Armeeoberkommando AOL e: Admiralty Oil Laboratory - e: Airborne Oceanographic Lidar - e: Atlantic Oceanographic Laboratories [or Laboratory] AO-LADis e: Army Ordnance-Los Angeles District AOM e: Army of Occupation Medal AO.M e: Aviation Ordnanceman AOMA e: Arab Organization for the Manufacture of Armaments AOM Β e: Aviation Ordnanceman, Bombsight Mechanic AOMC e: Army Ordnance Missile Center - e: Army Ordnance Missile Command A O M l c e: Aviation Ordnance Man First Class AOM2c e: Aviation Ordnance Man Second Class AOM3c e: Aviation Ordnance Man Third Class AOMSA e: Army Ordnance Missile Support Agency AOMSC e: Army Ordnance Missile Support Center AON e: Automated Optical Navigation


AO-N AO-N e: Administrative Office-Navy AOND e: Administrative Office, Navy Department AONS e: Air Observers Navigation School AO-NYDis e: Army Ordnance-New York District AOO e: Amphibious Operations Officer - e: Aviation Ordnance Officer AoO e: Army of the Ohio AOP e: Airborne Observation Post - e: Airborne Optical Platform - e: AirObservationPost Flight - e: Army Observation Plane - e: Army Observation Post AOP e: Artillery Observation Post - e: Atomic Ordnance Platoon AoP e: Army of the Potomac AOPB e: Active Officer Promotion Branch Α-operator e: Outward Operator AO-PHILDis e: Army OrdnancePhiladelphia District AOQ e: Aviation Officers Quarters AOR e: Airborne Optical Radar - e: Airborne Overland Radar - e: Aircraft Operating Report - e: Army Operational Research - e: Army Ordnance Regulation^] AORE e: Army Operational Research Establishment AORegt e: Amphibious Observation Regiment a or f e: aft or forward AORG e: Army Operational Research Group A.O.R.P. f: Association des officiers de réserve de Paris AORS e: Army Operations Research Symposium AOS e: Airborne Optical Sensor - e: Army Ordnance Service[s] - e: Army Ordnance Society A.O.S. e: Air Observer School - e: Army Ordnance Stores AOSA / • Association des officiers en service actif A.O.S.A. e: Admiralty Overseeing Staff Association A.O.S.C, e: Association of Officers of the Supreme Court AOSD e: Aeronautical Operating Systems Division - e: Arab Organization for Social Defence Against Crime AOSML e: Army Ordnance Submarine Mine Laboratory AOSNI e: Air Officer Commanding, Scotland & Northern Ireland AO-STLDis e: Army Ordnance-St Louis District AoT e: Army of Tennessee AOTE e: Amphibious Operational Training Element AOTOS e: Admiral of the Ocean Sea AotT e: Army of the Tennessee AoV e: Army of Virginia AOV e: Artillery Observation Vehicle AOW e: Alabama Ordnance Works - e: Army Ordnance Workshop - e: Articles of War AOWC e: Army Ordnance Weapons Command AOWS e: Army Ordnance Workshop Services AP e: Action Peace International - e: Admiralty Pattern - e: Air Patrol - e: Airborne Platforms - e: Airbush Patrol


- e: Aircraft Park - e: Army Panel APA e: Aircraft Procurement-Army - e: Amphibious transport - e: Army Procurement Appropriation APAC e: Aerial Photographic Analysis Centre A.P.A.C.V.G. f: Association parisienne des anciens combattants et victimes de la guerre APANA e: Asian and Pacific Americans for Nuclear Awareness APAP e: Army Pollution Abatement Program APAR e: Adaptive Phase Array Radar APASTO e: ADCC [Air Defense Command Computer] Programming and System Training Office APB e: Aircraft Production Board - e: Army Rearming Base APC e: Admiralty Prize Court - e: Aircraft Parts Corp. - e: Anti-Parachutist Corps - e: Army Pay Corps - e: Army Petroleum Center - e: Army Photo Center - e: Army Pictorial Center - e: Army Policy Council - e: Army Postal Clerk - e: Asia Pacific Center A P l c e: Aviation Pilot First Class AP2c e: Aviation Pilot Second Class AP3c e: Aviation Pilot Third Class A.P.C, e: Army Pay Corps APCC e: Army Police Coordinating Committee APCEC e: Army Precommission Extension Course APCP e: Army Potential Contractor Program APCS e: Air Photographic and Charting Service APCSRE e: Air Pollution Control Strategy Resource Estimator [Model] APD e: Army Pay Department - e: Army Pictorial Division - r: Arméns Personal Delegation A.P.D. e: Admiralty Press Division APDA e: Army Physical Disability Activity APDAB e: Army Physical Disability Appeal Board APDC e: Air Procurement District Commander APDME e: American for Peace and Democracy in the Middle East APDSMS e: Advanced Point Defense Surface Missile System APE e: Army Premilinary Evaluation APERA e: Australian Peace Education and Research Association APF d: Abteilung Presse und Funkspruch - e: Afloat Prepositioned [or Prepositioning] Force - e: Artillery Preparation Fire - e: Asia Pacific Forum - e: Association of Pacific Fisheries - e: Australian Permanent Force APFC e: American Pacific Corporation A.P.F.C. e: Air Publications and Forms Centre APFD e: Autopilot Flight Director APFIM e: Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy A.Pf.Laz. d: Armee-Pferdelazarett APFP e: Army Physical Fitness Program A.Pf.Park. d: Armee-Pferdepark A.P.F.S. e: Air Publications and Forms Store

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APFS e: Australian Pacific Friendly Society APFT e: Army Physical Fitness Test APFIICA e: Asian Pacific Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations APG d: Arbeitskreis für politische Gegenwartsfragen - e: A Power for Good [action group supporting nuclear power] - e: Aberdeen [weapon] Proving Ground - e: ACLANT [Allied Command, Atlantic] Planning Guidance - e: Army Planning Group - e: Army Proving Ground - e: Army Proving Ground[s] - e: Asia Pacific Group - /• Association des prisonniers de guerre A.P.G. / · Anciens prisoniers de guerre APG/BRL e: Aberdeen Proving Ground/Ballistic Research Laboratory APGBRL e: Aberdeen Proving Ground Ballistics Research Laboratory APGC e: Air Proving Ground Command APGCE e: Air Proving Ground CenterEglin Air Force Base APGE e: Army Postal Group, Europe APGM e: Autonomous Precision-Guided Munition APHB e: Army Pearl Harbor Board APIC e: Allied Press Information Center - e: Army Photo Interpretation Center APID e: Army Photo Interpretation Detachment APIF e: Aerodynamic Propulsive Interactive Force A.Pi.Fii. d: Armee-Pionierführer APIMTIMA e: Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institutions and Maritime Authorities Apip. d: Armee-Pionierpark Apip e: AMDF [Army Master Data File] Positive Improvement Program A.Pi.Pk. d: Armee-Pionierpark APIS d: Arbeitsdatei PIOS Innere Sicherheit - e: Army Photographic Intelligence Service - e: Army Photographic Interpretation Section APIU e: Army Photo Interpretation Unit - e: Army Photographic Interpretation Unit APiW d: Armee-Pionierwerkstatt A.P.K, d: Artillerie-Prüfungskommission APL e: Aero Propulsion Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio - e: Army Personnel Letter - e: Army Promotion List A.P.L. / • Armée Populaire de Libération APLA e: African People's Liberation Army - e: Aviation Pilots Airship APLC e: Army Propulsion Laboratory and Center APLO e: Aerial Port Liaison Office[r] APLS e: Administrator Professional Leadership Scale APLU e: Army Pay Ledger Unit APM e: American Peace Mobilization - e: Army Procost Marshal - e: Army Program Memorandum - e: Mechanized Artillery Transport APMBCC e: Action Plan for Marine Biodiversity Conservation in China APMC e: Asia and Pacific Maritime Cooperation Centre A.P.M.C. e: Allied Political and Military Commission APMS e: Airborne Particle Monitoring System - e: Assistant Professor of Military Science

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ARADS A P M T e: Advanced Planetary Mission Technology APN e: Aircraft Procurement, Navy - e: Aircraft Pulse Navigation - e: Army Part Number - e: Aviation Procurement, Navy - e: Nonmechanized Artillery Transport APNA / • Association des Professionnels Navigants de l'Aviation A P N L e: Army Personnel Newsletter APO e: Accounting Property Officer - e: Acting Pilot Officer - e: Aerospace Physiology Officer - e: Agency Procurement Officer - e: Air [Force] Post Office - e: Air Pilot Officer - e: Airforce Post Office - e: Animal Procurement Office - e: Animal Procurement Officer - e: Area Patrol Officer - e: Area Petroleum Officer - e: Army [Forces] Post Office - e: Army Pay Office [r] - e: Army Pensions Office - e: Army Post Office - e: Assistant Project Officer - e: Auxiliary Patrol Officer - e: Office of Aviation Policy and Plans APOA e: Australian Purchasing Officers Association A P O A M e: Acting Petty Officer Air Mechanic APOC e: Army Point of Contact - e: Army Post Office Corps A P O P e: Apollo Preflight Operations Procedures A P O R S e: Army Performance-Oriented Review and Standards Program A P O T V e: All Propulsive Orbited Transfer Vehicle APP e: Ammunition Post Processor - e: Applied Psychology Panel - e: Army Procurement Procedure APPC e: Advance Procurement Planning Council A P P G M e: Army Planning and Programming Guidance Memorandum APPOR e: Army Power Procurement Officer Representative APPR e: Army Package Power Reactor - e: Army Power Package Reactor APPSA e: Asian-Pacific Political Science Association APQ e: Armaments Planning Questionnaire APR e: Academy for Peace Research - e: Airborne Profile Recorder - e: Ammunition Performance Report - e: Army Procurement Regulation - e: Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company APRA e: Aircraft Production Resources Agency - e: Armed Forces Production Resources Agency - e: Army Pulsed Experimental Research Assembly - e: Army Pulsed Reactor Assembly - e: Asian Peace Research Association A P R C e: Army Personnel Research Committee - e: Army Physical Review Council APRDC e: Army Polar Research and Development Center APRE e: Army Personnel Research Establishment APRF e: Army Pulse Radiation Facility - e: Army Pulsed Reactor Facility APRFR e: Army Pulse Radiation Facility Reactor

A P R I e: African Peace Research Institute - e: Austrian Institute for Peace Research and Peace Education APRINT e: Army's Program for Individual Training A P R L e: Army Prosthetics Research Laboratory APRM e: Average Power Range Monitor A P R N I / • Ateliers Provençaux de Réparations Navales et Industrielles APRO e: Army Personnel Research Office - e: Army Plant Representative's Offices - e: Army Procurement Research Office A P R S e: Army Personnel Research Service A P R T e: Army Physical Readiness Test APS e: Aerial Port Squadron - e: Army Packaging System - e: Army Pictorial Service - e: Army Pigeon Service - e: Army Pilot School - e: Army Postal Service - e: Array Processor Software - e: Minelaying Submarine - e: Transport, Submarine A P S A R A e: Australian Peace Studies and Research Association APSC e: Army Personnel System Committee A P & S C e: Army Port and Service Command APSF e: Armed Public Security Force APSGD e: Army Procurement-Sharpe General Depot APSI e: Aircraft Propulsion System Integration APSS e: Army Printing and Stationery Servicefs] - e: Transport, Submarine - e: Vehicle Transport Submarine A.P.S.S. e: Army Printing and Stationery Service APT e: American Peace Test - e: Armed Propaganda Team - e: Army Parachute Team - e: Army Pay Tables APTC e: Army Physical Training Corps, Aldershot, Hampshire APTS e: Army Physical Training Staff APU e: Army Postal Unit A P W e: Arbeitsdatei PIOS W a f f e n - e: Assistant Public Works Officer APWD e: Army Psychological Warfare Department - e: Army Psychological Warfare Division APWI e: Air Prisoner of War Interrogation A P W I B e: American Prisoners of War Information Bureau A P W P e: Artillery Procedures Working Party A.P.X. f: Atelier de Construction de Puteaux A Q A D e: Aeronautical Quality Assurance Directorate AQB of Tests e: Army Qualification Battery of Tests AQC e: Aircraft Qualification Course A Q M e: Air Quartermaster aq. mar. I: aqua marina A Q M C e: Army Quartermaster Corps A Q M D e: Air Quality Management Division A Q M G e: Assistant Quartermaster General A Q R E C e: Army Quartermaster Research and Engineering Command AR d: Admiralitätsrat - d: Artillerieregiment - e: Acquisition Radar

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- e: Admiralty Representative - e: Aerial [In-Flight] Refueling - e: Aeronautical Radio - e: Aeronautical Requirement - e: Aeronautical Research - e: Air and Radiation Division - e: Airborne Receiver - e: Aircraft Ready - e: Aircraft Rocket - e: Ammunition Reserve - e: Anti Radar - e: Area Weapon Right - e: Armoured Regiment - e: Army - e: Army R e g u l a t i o n ^ ] - e: Atlantic Records - / • Armée du Rhin A r . l d: Allgemeine Abteilung des Ausrüstungsamtes des Reichs Wehrministeriums Ar.2 d: Waffen- und Munitionsabteilung des Ausrüstungsamtes des Reichs Wehrministeriums Ar.4 d: Zeugamtsabteilung des Ausrüstungsamtes des Reichswehrministeriums AR 55-80 e: Highways for National Defense ar e: Army Receiving-Valve A.R. d: Artillerie-Regiment - e: Army Reserve ARA e: Advanced Radar Altimeter - e: Aerial Rocket Artillery - e: Airborne Radar Approach - e: Airborne Radar Attachement - e: Airborne Radiation Area - e: Airborne Receiving Aerial - e: Airborne Receiving Antenna - e: Aircraft Replaceable Assemblies - e: Aircraft Rescue Association - e: Aircraft Research Association - e: American Revolutionary Army - e: Analog Radar Absorber - e: Arab Revolutionary Army - e: Atmospheric Radiation Analysis - e: Australian Regular Army - e: Avionics Research Aircraft ara e: airborne rocket artillery Ar.A. d: Ausrüstungsamt des Reichswehrministeriums A.R.A. e: Army Rifle Association ARAA e: Aerodrome Radar Approach Aid[s] - e: Aerodrome Radar/Radio Approach Aid - f : Atelier Régional de l'Armée de l'Air A R A A C O M e: Army Antiaircraft Command A R A A S e: Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy A R A A V e: Armored Reconnaissance Airborne Assault Vehicle A R A B E L / • Antenne Radar a Balayage Electronique A R A B S e: Active Radar Augmentor Beacon System ARAC e: Airborne Radar Approach Control A.R.A.C, f : Association Républicaine des Anciens Combattants et victimes de guerre ARAD e: Airborne Radar and Doppler A R A D C O M e: Army Air Defense Command A R A D - C O M e: Army Air Defense Commander] A R A D M A C e: Army Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Center A R A D S e: Army Recruiting and Accession Data System


ARADSCH - e: Artillery Registration/Adjustment System ARADSCH e: Army Air Defense School ARAEM e: Atomic Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopie |y] ARAeSI e: Associate of the Royal Aeronautical Society and Institution ARAF e: Afghan Republican Air Force A.R.A.F. e: Australian Royal Air Force AR AGT e: Army Agent Arak d: Atomrakete ARAN e: Association for the Reduction of Aircraft Noise AR and D e: Aeronautical Research and Development ARAP e: Aeronautical Research Association of Princeton - e: Army Remedial Action Project ARAPT e: Atlantic Research Automatic Position Telemetering ARAS e: Artillery Registration/Adjustment System - e: Associate of the Royal Aeronautical Society - e: Association of Regular Army Sergeants ARASC7 e: Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy ARAT e: Aerial Rocket Antitank Program ARAV e: Army Aviator AR Αν Bad e: Army Aviator Badge AR Αν MO Bad e: Army Aviation Medical Officer's Badge ARB e: Aircraft Reactor[s] Branch - e: Aircraft Recovery Bulletin - e: Armored Reconnaissance Battalion - e: Armored Rifle Battalion - e: Army Rearming Base - e: Army Retiring Board - e: Automatic Radar Beacon - e: Auxiliary Repair Battle Damage - e: Battle Damage Repair Ship A.R.B, e: Aeronautical Research Board ARBA e: Army Review Boards Agency Arb.Abt. d: Arbeiter-Abteilung ARBAT e: Application of Radar to Ballistic Acceptance Testing ARBITS e: Army Base Information Transfer System ARC e: Adjusted Range Correction - e: Aeronautical Research Committee - e: Aeronautical Research Council - e: Air Reserve Center - e: Airborne Radar Control - e: Airborne Radio Communicating - e: Airborne Radio Communication - e: Airborne Research Capsule - e: Aircraft Radio Corporation - e: Altitude Rate Command - e: Amphibious Research Craft - e: Appalachian Regional Commission - e: Approach Radar Controller - e: Arctic Radiation and Chemistry - e: Arctic Research Commission - e: Army Reserve Components - e: Atomedic Research Center - s: Armada República de Colombia. Colombian Navy Arca, i: Autoreparto di autocarrettes ARCADE e: Automatic Radar Control and Data Equipment ARCADS e: Armament Control & Delivery System ARCAM e: Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal ARCAN e: Aeronautical Radio of Canada ARCARIB e: Army, Caribbean ARCAS e: All-Purpose Rocket for [the] Collecting Atmospheric Samples [or Soundings]


- e: Automatic Radar Chain Acquisition System ARCASP e: Army Reserve Civilian Acquired Skills Program ARCAT e: Army Radio Code Aptitude Test ARCAVEX e: Army Cavalry Scout Experiment ARCC e: ARTADS [Army Tactical Data System] Requirements Coodination Committee ARCCNET e: Army Command and Control Network ARCENT e: Army Forces, Central Command arcft e: aircraft ARCH d: ARCH-Gesellschaft für sachliche Armeeinformation arch e: advanced reconnaissance helicopter ARCHS e: Army Reactor Systems Health and Safety Review Committee ARCID e: Aircraft Identification ARCLOS e: Army Close Support ARCO e: Airborne Remote Control Officer - e: Aircraft Resources Control Office - e: Applied Radiation Corporation - f: Association pour la reconversion civile des officiers Arc O e: Arctic Ocean Command A.R.C.O.C. e: American Red Cross Officer's Club ARCOM e: Army Commendation Model - e: Army Reserve Command ARCom e: Army Research Command ARCOMET e: Area Commanders' Meeting ARCOV e: Army Combat Operations Vietnam ARCS e: Admiralty Raster Chart Service - e: Alternative Remedial Contracting] Strategy - e: Atmospheric Radiation and Cloud Station ARCSA e: Aviation Requirements for the Combat Structure of the Army ARCT e: Airborne Regimental Combat Team - e: Army Radio Code Aptitude Test - e: Army Radio Code Test ARCTS e: Automated Radar Controlled Terminal System ARD e: Active Radar Demonstrator - e: Advanced Reactor Division - e: Advanced Research Division - e: Aeronautical Research Division - e: Air & Radiation Division - e: All Round Defence - e: Anti-Radar Drone - e: Armament Research Department - e: Armament Research Development - e: Army Renegotiation Division - e: Army Research and Development a.rd. i: ambulanza radiologica A.R.D. e: Army Remount Department ARDA e: Atomic Research and Development Authority ARDC e: Army Research and Development Center ARDC-A e: Air Research and Development Command-Andrews Air Force Base ARDC-BMD e: Air Research and Development Command, Ballistic Missile Department ARDCF e: Air Research and Development Command Forms ARDCM e: Air Research and Development Command Manual

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ARDCR e: Air Research and Development Command Regulations ARDE e: Armament Research and Development Establishment ARDEC e: Armament Research and Development and Engineering Center - e: Armament Research and Development Establishment, Canada - e: Army-Armament Research Development and Engineering Center AR Def e: All-Round Defense ARDF e: Airborne Radio Direction Finding ARDG e: Army Research and Development Group ARDG[E] e: Army Research and Development Group [Europe] ARDG[FE] e: Army Research and Development Group [Far East] ARDI e: Aviation Research and Development Institute ARDIS e: Army Research and Development Information System ARDISO e: Army Research and Development Information System[s] Office ARDP e: Army Requirements Development Plan ARDS e: Airborne Radar Demonstrator System - e: Aviation Research and Development Service A.R.D.T.O.A. e: Admiralty and Royal Dockyards Technical Officers' Association ARE e: Acoustic Radiation Element - e: Admiralty Research Establishment - e: Aerial Range Equipment - e: Aeronautical Research Establishment - e: Airborne Radar Extension - e: Aircraft Reactor Experiment - e: Aircraft Recovery Equipment - e: Antenna Range Equipment - e: Auxiliary Rocket Engine AREA e: Army Reactor Area - e: Army Reactor Experimental Area - e: Army Recorder Experimental Area AREAPWOFC e: Area Public Works Officer A.R.E.E. e: Admiralty Regional Electrical Engineer AREFS e: Air Refuelling Squadron AREFW e: Air Refuelling Wing ARELAP s: Asociación Regional Latinoamericana de Puertos de Pacífico ARELC e: Army Resettlement Employment Liaison Cell [Ministry of Defence] AREN e: Army Radio Engineered Network AREPS e: Advanced Reconnaissance Electrically Propelled Spacecraft ARES d: Artillerie-Raketeneinsatzsystem - e: Advanced Radiation Effects Simulation - e: Advanced Rocket Engine Storable ARETS e: Armour Remote Target System ARF e: Aeronautical Research Foundation - e: Air Reserve Forces - e: Airborne Relay Facility - e: Airborne Release Fraction - e: Anti-Radar Futur - e: Augmentation Reserve Force ARFA / · Apparatus Respiratoire Filtrant des Armees ARFB d: Abteilung der rückwärtigen Frontbasis ARF-BLMPS e: Air Force Reserve-Base Level Military Personnel System A.R.F.C, f: Amicale de Réseaux de la France Combattante

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ARMS A R F C O S e: Armed Forces Courier Service A R F C O S T A e: Armed Forces Courier Station A R F D C e: Atomic Reactor and Fuel Development Corporation A R F D S e: Automatic Reentry Flight Dynamics Simulator ARFF e: Air Reserve Forces Facility A R & F F e: Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting ARFF e: Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting A R F M S R e: Air Reserve Forces Meritorious Service Ribbon ARFOR e: Army Forces ARFOR-AK e: Army Forces-Alaska A R F O R S T A T e: Army Force Status Reporting system ARFPC e: Air Reserve Forces Policy Committee - e: Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee A R F P D S e: Air Reserve Forces Personnel Data System ARFPS e: ACE Reaction Forces Planning Staff ARG e: Amphibious Ready Group - e: Armoured Replacement Group A.Rg.A. i: autoraggruppamento di armata A R G E e: Army Reception Group, Europe A R G M A e: Army Rocket and Guided Missile Agency A R G O S e: Danish computerized decision support system for nuclear emergencies Argosy e: Hawker-Siddeley four-engine turboprop transporting 54 paratroopers or 69 regular A R G P e: Aeronautical Radionavigation Glide Path ARGR e: Association for Research in Growth R e l a t i o n s h i p ^ ] A R G S e: Advanced Resolution Gunnery Simulator A Rgt e: Armoured Regiment Argus d: Autonomes Radar Gefechtsfeld Überwachungs System - e: Canadair long-range reconnaissance plane designated CL-38 ARH e: Active Radar Homing - e: Ammunition Railhead - e: Anti-Radar Homing - e: Anti-Radiation Homing ARHI e: Airborne Radioactivity Hazard Index A R H O C e: Army Housing Committee ARI e: Airborne Radio Installation - e: Army Research Institute [for the Behavioral and Social Sciences] Ari d: Artillerie ari e: Aircraft Radio Instrument A.R.I, e: Airborne Radio Instrument ARIA e: Administration, Ryukyu Islands, Army - e: Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft - e: Airborne Range Instrumentation Aircraft A R I A L f: Analyse Radar pour Identification et Alerte A R I B B S e: Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences ARIC e: Airborne Radio & Intercom Control system A R I C N E e: Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre [Near East] ARIEM e: Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine A R I E S e: Advanced Radar Information Evaluation System

ARIG d: Auswerte-, Rechen- und Informationsgruppe A R I M S e: Airborne Radar Inflight Monitoring System A R I N A e: Associate of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects A R I N C e: Aeronautical Radio Incorporated [or Incorporation] - e: Aeronautical Research Incorporated - e: Aircraft Radio Incorporated A R I N C O e: Aeronautical Radio Incorporated A R I N O A e: Association of Russian Imperial Naval Officers in America ARIO e: Association of Retired Intelligence Officers A R I P e: Automatic Rocket Impact Predictor ARIS d: Auswerte-, Rechen- und Informationsstelle - e: Advanced Range Instrumentation Ship - e: Advanced Range Instrumentation System[s] - e: Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden - e: Airborne Range Instrumentation Station - e: Airborne Research Instrumentation System - e: Aircraft Recording Instrumentation System - e: Aircraft Research Instrumentation System - e: Atlantic Range Instrumentation Ship - e: Atomic Reactor in Space ARJ e: Acquisition Radar Jamming - e: Admission Reject A r k N G e: Arkansas National Guard Arko d: Artilleriekommandeur - d: Artilleriekommandeur A R K O n: Algemene Rooms-Katholieke Officieren Vereniging A R L e: Admiralty Research Laboratory - e: Aerial Reconnaissance Laboratory - e: Aeronautical Research Laboratories [or Laboratory] - e: Airborne Reconnaissance Low programme - e: Aircraft Radio Laboratory - e: Aircraft Rocket Launcher - e: Army Research Laboratory A R L A N T e: Army Force, Atlantic ARLE e: Admiralty Research Laboratory Extension A R L I S e: Arctic Research Laboratory Ice Station A R L O e: Air Reconnaissance Liaison Officer Ar LO e: Army Liaison Officer A R L O C e: Army Location Code A R L P e: Anti-Radar Longue Portee Arm. d: Armee A R M e: Airborne Remote Mapping - e: Aircraft Radio Mechanic - e: Anti-Radar Missile - e: Anti-Radiation Missile - e: Anti-Radio Missile - e: Area Radiation Monitor - e: Armament - e: Army Ready Material - e: Artillery Re-arm Module - e: Atmosphere Radiation Monitor - e: Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program - e: Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring - e: Automated Radar Monitor Arm. e: Aircraft Armorer Arm. i: Autoreparto mistro A.R.M. / • Atelier de réparation de matériel ARMA e: Army Attaché

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

A R M A D e: Armoured & Mechanised Unit, Air Defence A R M A D A e: Aircraft Reliability, Maintainability, Availability Design Analysis A R M A D I L L O e: Anti-Radiation Missile Defense, Lightweight Objective A R M A F e: Association of Retired Members of the Armed Forces A R M A R e: Airborne Rain Mapping Radar A R M A T e: Anti-Radar missile Matra A R M A T S C e: Army Material Status Committee [s] A R M 1 c e: Aviation Radioman First Class ARM 2 c e: Aviation Radioman Second Class A R M 3 c e: Aviation Radioman Third Class A R M - C A R T e: Atmospheric Radiation Measurement-Clouds and Radiation Testband A R M C M e: Anti-Radiation Missile Countermeasures A R M C O M e: Armament Command - e: United States Army Armament Command ARM-D e: Anti-Radiation Missile Decoy A R M D A S e: Army Damage Assessment System Armd Bde e: Armoured Brigade Armd Brig e: Armoured Brigade Armd CC e: Armo[u]red Combat Command Armd Div A m u Pk e: Armo[u]red Division Ammunition Park Armd Div Pet Sub-Pk e: Armo[u]red Division Petrol Subpark Armd Div Sup Pk e: Armo[u]red Division Supply Park Armd Eng Sqn e: Armo[u]red Engineer Squadron Armd FA Bn e: Armo[u]red Field Artillery Battalion A R M E L e: Armament and Electronics A R M I e: Army Resources Management Institute ARMIC e: Army Industrial Center Armir i: Armata Italiana in Russia A R M I S H e: United States Military Mission with the Iranian Army A R M L O e: Army Liaison Officer Arm.M.C. e: Armament Modification Committee Arm.Mus. d: Armee-Museum A R M O P e: Army Mortar Program ARMOR e: Attack Response MissionOriented Reasoner A R M P C e: Atlanta Region Metropolitan Planning Commission Arm.Pf.Laz. d: Armee-Pferdelazarett Arm.Pf.P. d: Armee-Pferdepark Arm.Res. d: Armeereserve A R M S e: Advanced Radar Missile Scoring System - e: Advanced Radar Modelling System - e: Airborne Ruggedized Memory System - e: Aircraft Reliability and Maintainability Simulation - e: Aircraft Resources Management System - e: Ammunition Reporting and Management System - e: Area Radiation Monitor System - e: Area Radiation Monitoring System - e: Armament Retooling & Manufacturing Support initiative - e: Army Reader Microfilm System - e: Army River Mine System


Arm.San.P. - e: Atlantic Research Marketing Systems Inc. - e: Automatic Radiation Monitoring System - e: Aviation Resource Management Survey [team] Arm.San.P. d: Armeesanitätspark ARMSAT e: Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Satellite c: arm dnisbor ARMSCOR e: Armament Manufacturing Corporation - e: Armaments Development and Production Corporation ARMSLC e: Army Missile Command ARMSPAC e: Aircraft Resources Management System, Pacific c: Arm dni streleck skola ARMT e: Armament ARMTE e: Army Missile Test and Evaluation [agency] ARMTS e: Advanced Radar Maintenance Training Set ARMVAL e: Anti-Armor Vehicle Evaluation Army e: Members of HM land forces of whatever rank ARMY AEL e: Army Aerobiology and Evaluation Laboratory ARMY CERC e: Army Coastal Engineering Research Center ARMY ECOM e: Army Electronics Command ARMY NDL e: Army Nuclear Defense Laboratory Army ROTC e: Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps Army/Tac. Gp. H.Q. e: Army Tactical Group Headquarters ARMY TRCO e: Army Transportation Research Command ARN e: Associated Radio Navigation ArNa e: Army-Navy ARNEWS e: Acid Rain National Early Warning Systems ARNG e: Army National Guard - e: Arrange arng e: Arrangement ARNG[US] e: Army National Guard [of the United States] ARNIC 561 e: Inertial navigation system specifications ARNIC 700-series e: All-digital equipment specifications for newgeneration transport category aircraft A.R.N.O. e: Association of Retired Naval Officers ARNS e: Aeronautical Radio Navigation Services ARO e: Air Radio Officer - e: Airborne Range Only - e: Army Research Office - e: Army Routine Order - e: Assistant Research Officer - e: Automatic Range Only A.R.O. e: Admiralty Regional Office AROC E: Air Rescue Operations Center AROD e: Airborne Radar Orbital Determination - e: Airborne Range and Orbit Determination - e: Airborne Remotely Operated Device - e: Army Research Office Durham ARO[-]D e: United States Army Research Office ARODS e: Airborne Radar Orbital Determination System AROD System e: Airborne Ranging and Orbit Determination System


ARO-FE e: United States Army Research Office, Far East ARO-J e: United States Army Research Office, Japan AROM e: Active Range of Motion ARO Radar e: Airborne Range Only Radar AROTC e: Air Reserve Officers' Training Corps AROU e: Aviation Repair and Overhaul Unit ARO-W e: Army Research OfficeWashington AROZ e: Army Restricted Operations Zones ARP e: Aerial Radiation Pattern - e: Aero Rifle Platoon - e: Aeronautical Recommened Practice - e: Airborne Radar Platform - e: Aircraft REference Point - e: Ammunition Refilling Point - e: Antenna Radiation Pattern - e: Army Research Plan A r p . i: Autoreparto pesante ARPA e: Advanced Research Projects Agency - e: Automatic Radar Plotting Aid[s] A.R.P.A.C, f: Association de la région parisienne des anciens coloniaux Arpanet e: Defense Departments Advanced Research Projects Agency network ARPANSA e: Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency ARPC e: Automated Radar Prediction Capability ARPERCEN e: Army Reserve Personnel Center ARPF e: Army Pulse Radiation Facility A.R.P.I.N. f: Ateliers Rochelais de Polyester Industriel et Naval ARPN e: Aircraft and Related Procurement, Navy ARPO e: Air Raid Precautions Officer - e: Association of Resort Publicity Officers ARPSA e: Army Postal Service Agency ARPS-E e: Aerospace Research Pilot School-Edwards Air Force Base ARPT e: Army Registry of Physical Therapists ARPV e: Advanced Remotely Piloted Vehicle ARR e: Advanced Rocket Ramjet - e: Aerial Radiation Resistance - e: Aeronautical Radionavigation Radar - e: Airborne Radio Receiver - e: Airborne Radio Relay - e: Airborne Release Rate - e: Aircraft Radio Regulations - e: Antenna Radiation Resistance - e: Army Retail Requirements - e: Association for/of Radiation Research - e: Attributes for Representing Relationships - e: Automatic Retransmission Request - ru: Aeronautica Regala Romana A./R.R.17 d: Ausbildungsschwadron, Reiterregiment 17 ARRADCOM e: Armament Research and Development Command ARRC e: Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps ARRCOM e: Armament Materiel Readiness Command ARRED e: Army Forces, Readiness Command ARRES e: Automatic RadarReconnaissance Exploitation System ARRF e: ACE Rapid Reaction Force

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ARRJ e: Advanced Rocket Ramjet ARRL e: Aeronautical Radio and Radar Laboratory ARRO e: Air Raid Reporting Officer - e: Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology ARROTCA e: American ROTC [Reserve Officers Training Corps] Affairs ARROW e: Aircraft Routeing Right-ofWay Arr Rad e: Array Radar ARRS e: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service - e: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron - e: Aircraft Refueling and Rearming System ARRSq e: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron ARRUS e: Arrived within Continental Limits of United States ARRV e: Armoured Repair & Recovery Vehicle ARRW e: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Wing ARRW[g] e: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Wing ARS e: Absolute Radiation Scale - e: Advanced Rocket System - e: Aeronautical Research Scientist - e: Air Reinforcement Squadron - e: Air Rescue Squadron - e: Airborne Ranging System - e: Airborne Refrigeration System - e: Aircraft Radiosight - e: Aircraft Repair Section - e: American Rocket Society - e: Army Radio Station - e: Army Recreational Service - e: Army Relief Society - e: Atomic Resonance Spectroscopy - e: Attack Radar Set - e: Submarine Rescue Ship - f: Atelier de construction de Rennes A.R.S. e: Admiralty Recruiting Service - e: Aeroplane Repair Section [Shop] - e: Army Radio School - e: Army Remount Service A R's e: Army Regulations ARSA e: Aeronautical Repair Station Association - e: Airport Radar Service Area - e: Austrian Radar Site Analysis ARSAC e: Army Staging Area Command ARSAP e: Army Small Arms Program - e: Army's Role in Security Assistance Program ARSB e: Air Reconnaissance Support Battalion ARSC e: Aircraft Repair and Supply Center ARSD e: Aviation Repair Supply Depot ARSEM e: Army Registry of Special Educational Materials ARSK e: Army of the Republic of Serbian Krajina ARSOC e: Army Special Operations Component ARSOF e: Army Special Operations Forces ARSOM R: Artilleriyskaya Radiolokatsionnaya Stantsiya Obnaruzheniya ARSP e: Airborne Reconnaissance Support Program ARSPACE e: Army Space Command ARSq e: Air Refueling Squadron - e: Air Rescue Squadron ARSR e: Air Route Surveillance Radar

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AS ARST d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Reservisten-, Soldaten- und Traditionsverb - e: Aerial Reconnaissance and Security Troop - e: Air Radar Support Team ARSTAF e: Army Staff [Agency] ARSTM / • Académie Régionale des Sciences et Techniques de la Marine ARSTRAC e: Army Strike Command ARSTRIKE e: [United States] Armed Forces Strike Command ARSTS e: Air Reserve Specialist Training Squadron ART e: Airborne Radar Technician - e: Airborne Radiation Thermometer - e: Aircraft Reactor Test - e: Army Research Task Art. d: Artillerie art. e: Artillery Art.Abt. d: Artillerieabteilung ARTAC e: Advanced Reconnaissance and Target Acquisition Capabilities ARTACOM e: Army Requirements for Tactical Communications ARTADS e: Army Tactical Data Systemfs] ARTAD System e: Army Tactical Data System Art.Ars. d: Artilleriearsenal ArtAusbBttr[KA] d: Artillerieausbildungsbatterie [für Kurzausbildung] ARTB e: Advanced Radar Test Bed ARTBASS e: Army Training Battle Simulation System Art.Beob.Abt. d: Artilleriebeobachtungsabteilung Art.Beob.Kp. d: Artillerie-BeobachterKompanie ArtBtl d: Artilleriebatallion ArtBttr d: Artilleriebatterie art.c. P: artylerja ciçzka ARTC e: Aircraft Research & Testing Committee Art.C. / · Artillerie de Corps d'armée Art.Cab. s: Artillería a Caballo i: artiglieria da campagna art.cav. i: artiglieria a cavallo art.c.o. i: artiglieria da costa ARTCS e: Advanced Radar Traffic Control System ARTC System e: Advanced Radar Traffic Control System Art.Dep. d: Artillerie-Depot Art.Dep.Insp. d: ArtillerieDepotinspektion ARTDT e: Army Tactical Data Test ARTE e: Admiralty Reactor Test Establishment Art.-Einh. d: Artillerieeinheit ARTEMIS e: Advanced Relay and Technology Mission Satellite ARTEP e: Army Readiness Training and Evaluation Plan - e: Army Training and Evaluation Program ARTEX e: Artillery Exercise ARTF e: Advanced Radiation Technology Facility - e: Anti-Rape Task Force ArtFErsBttr d: Artilleriefeldersatzbatterie Art.FI.Abt. d: Artillerie-Fliegerabteilung Art.Fl.St. d: Artilleriefliegerstaffel art.gór. P: artylerja górska Art.Gr. d: Artilleriegruppe ARTHUR e: Artillery Hunting Radar ARTI e: Aeronautical Research & Test Institute Artil. e: Artillery

ARTINS e: Army Terrain Information System Art.Insp. d: Artillerie-Inspektion ARTIST e: Advanced Radar Techniques for Improved Surveillance & Tracking - e: Arctic Radiation and Turbulence Interaction Study Art.Kdo. d: Artilleriekommando ArtKfzDpKp d: Artillerie- und Kraftfahrzeugdepotkompanie art.kon. Ρ: artylerja konna Art.Konstr.B. d: ArtillerieKonstruktionsbüro ArtKS r: Artilleriets kadettskola, J art.legg. i: artiglieria leggiera ArtLelirBtl d: Artillerielehrbatallion ArtLehrBttr d: Artillerielehrbatterie ArtLehrRgt d: Artillerielehrregiment Arti.Res. d: Artillerie-Reserve Artl.Rgt. d: Artillerie-Regiment ARTLY e: Artillery ArtMarschBttr d: Artilleriemarschbatterie art.mont. i: artiglieria da montagna Art.Mun.Kol. d: Artilleriemunitionskolonne P: artylerja najciçzsza Art.ND d: Artillerie-Nachrichtendienst ARTO e: Advanced Radiation Technology Office ARTOC e: Army Tactical Operational Control - e: Army Tactical Operations Center - e: Army Tactical Operations Central Art.-Off. d: Artillerieoffizier ArtOS r: Artillerieofficersskolan - r: Artillerieofficersskolan, Stockholm ARTP e: Army Rocket Transportation System art.pes. i: artiglieria pesante art.p.f. i: artiglieria pesante su ferrovia P: artylerja przeciwlotnicza art.pol. P: artylerja polna ARTPS e: Army Rocket Transporting Systems ArtR d: Artillerie-Regiment ART/R e: Airframe Repair TechnicianRepairman ARTRAC e: Advanced Real-Time Range Control - e: Automatic Range Testing, Reporting and Control ArtRegt d: Artillerie-Regiment Art Rgt d: Artillerieregiment ARTS e: Advanced Radar Terminal System - e: Advanced Radar Tracking System - e: Advanced Radar Traffic [Control] System - e: Airborne Recording & Training System - e: Armed-Forces Radio und Television System [or Service] - e: Army Research Task Summary - e: Automated Radar Tracking System - e: Automatic Radar Traffic Control System ArtS d: Artillerieschule - e: Artillery School Arts e: Automated Radar Terminal System Art.Sch. d: Artillerieschule ArtSpezZg d: Artilleriespezialzug ArtSS r: Artilleriets Skjutskola Artstb. d: Artilleriestab Art/TopFErsBttr d: Artillerie- und Topographiefeldersatzbatterie Art.u.Min.Dep. d: Artillerie- und Minendepot [Marine] ARTVS e: Australian Rocket Test Vehicle Simulator

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ARTW e: Aerospace Reconnaissance Technical Wing Art.Wako d: Artilleriewaffenkommando art wks coy e: artisan works company ARTY e: Artillery Arty Am DP e: Artillery Ammunition Distributing Point arty Bde e: artillery brigade Arty Brig e: Artillery Brigade Arty engmt e: Artillery Engagement Arty FC e: Artillery Fire Control Arty Ln O e: Artillery Liaison Officer ARTYMEY e: Artillery Meteorological Arty Pk e: Artillery Park Arty prepn e: Artillery Preparation arty r e: Artillery Reconnaissance Arty Sch e: Artillery School Art.Zg. d: Artilleriezug ARU e: Aircraft Reception Unit - e: Armoured Reinforcement Unit ARV e: Aeroballistic Re-entry Vehicle - e: Aerospace Research Vehicle - e: aircraft engine overhaul and structural repair ship - e: Armoured Recovery Vehicle - e: Armoured Repair Vehicle - e: Aviation Repair Vessel arv. c: arm dnivelitelstvi A 3 RV e: Advanced Aerial Armed Reconnaissance Vehicle ARVA e: Aircraft Repair Ship for Aircraft ARVE e: Aircraft Repair Ship for Engines ARVFS e: Army Reentry Vehicle Facility Site ARVH e: Aircraft Repair Ship for Helicopter ARV[I]N e: Army of the Republic of Vietnam ARVN e: Army of the Republic of Vietnam ARVSG e: Air Reserve Volunteer Support Group ARW d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Rüstungskontrolle und ein Waffenausfuhrverbot - e: Air Raid Warden - e: Air Raid Warning - e: Air Refuelling Wing - e: Air Reserve Wing - e: Ammunition Repair Workshop ARWAB e: Army Rotary Wing Aptitude Battery ARWAR e: Advanced Radar Warning Receiver ArWC e: Army War College ARWG e: Atmospheric Radiation Working Group ARWH e: Air Reserve Wing Headquarters ARWI e: Association of Russian War Invalids of First World War ARWO e: Air Raid Warning Officer ARWR e: Advanced Radar Warning Receiver ARWS e: Advanced Radar Warning System - e: Antiradiation Weapon System ARX e: Automatic Retransmission Exchange ArztTrp d: Arzttrupp AS d: Armeeseelsorge - e: Admiral Superintendent - e: Aeronautical Standard[s] - e: air-to-surface missile - e: Aircraft Standard[s] - e: Airlift Squadron - e: Ammunition Ship - e: Ammunition Storage - e: Ammunition Store - e: Anti-Spoofing [on GPS Transmissions] - e: Anti-Submarine


A.S. - e: Armament Supplies - e: armourer shop - e: Army Security - e: Army Staff - e: Submarine Tender - r: Aspirantskolan A.S. d: Artillerieschule - f: Armée du Salut - /• Armée Secrète AS-11 e: Nord air-launched antitank missile AS-12 e: Nord automatic-telecommand antitank missile AS-20 e: Nord air-to-surface radiocontrolled missile AS-30 e: improved version of AS 20 with longer range and heavier warhead AS-33 e: Nord air-launched inertialguidance missile ASA d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft WaffenStabilisierungs-Anlagen - e: Advanced System Avionics - e: Aircraft Service Association - e: Army School of Ammunition - e: Army Seal of Approval - e: Army Security Agency - e: Army Security Service - e: Army Service Area - e: Army Signal Association - e: Army Ski Association - e: Assistant Secretary of the Army - e: Assistant to the Secretary of the Army - e: Aviation Supply Annex A.S.A. /• Action Sociale des Armées - s: Artillería Sobre Automóviles ASAAGMB e: Artillery School Antiaircraft and Guided Missile Branch ASAC e: Air Service Area Command - e: Airborne Surveillance, Airborne Control - e: Antisubmarine Air Control [er] - e: Army Study Advisory Committee - e: Army Suggestions Awards Committee - e: Automated System for Army Commissaries ASACG e: Army Security Assistance Coordinating Group ASA[CMA] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army [Civil-Military Affairs] ASACS e: Airborne Surveillance and Control System ASAE e: American Society of Aeronautical Engineers - e: Army Security Agency, Europe ASAES e: Army Small Arms Experimental Station ASAF e: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force ASAF[M] e: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force [Management] ASA[FM] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army [Financial Management] ASAF[MA] e: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force [Materiel] ASAG d: Armee-Spezialartilleriegruppe ASA[I&L] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army [Installations and Logistics] ASALA e: Armenian Secret Army for/of the Liberation of Armenia ASALM e: Advanced Strategic AirLaunched Missile ASA[LOG] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army [Logistics] ASAM e: Advanced Ship-to-Air Missile - e: Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile ASAMP e: Airplane Sizing and Mission Performance ASA[MP&RF] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army [Manpower, Personnel, and Reserve Forces]


ASA[M&RA] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army [Manpower and Reserve Affairs] ASA[M&RF] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army [Manpower and Reserve Forces] ASAN e: Assessment System for Aircraft Noise ASAP e: Airborne Shared Aperture Program - e: Aircraft Synthesis Analysis Program - e: Antisubmarine Attack Plotter - e: Army Scientific Advisory Panel ASAPAC e: Army Security Agency, Pacific ASAR / · Radar de pointe à synthèse d'ouverture - s: Radar perfeccionado de apertura sintética ASARC e: Army Systems Acquisition Review Council ASA[R&D] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army [Research and Development] ASARG e: Autonomous Synthetic Aperture Radar Guidance ASARS e: Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System - e: Airborne Search & Rescue System ASAS e: Airborne Separation Assurance System - e: Army Security Agency School ASAT e: air search [and] attack team ASATs e: antisatellite weapons ASAU e: air search [and] attack unit ASAW e: Advanced Stand-off Area Weapon ASAWS e: Advanced Surface-to Air Weapon System ASB d: Abteilung zur Sicherung der Bewegung - e: Advanced Strategie Bomb - e: Airborne Special Bombing - e: Aircraft Safety Beacon - e: Aircraft Services Base - e: Armor Support Battalion - e: Army Science Board - e: Army Supply Base ASBA e: Armed Services Board of Contract Appeal ASBCA e: Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals ASBO e: Association of School Business Officials of the United States and Canada AS-Boot d: Artillerieschnellboot ASBw d: Amt für Sicherheit der Bundeswehr A.S.B.W. e: Amalgamated Society of Ball Warpers ASC e: Address Substitution Command - e: Aeronautical Systems Center - e: Air Service Command - e: Air Support Command - e: Air Systems Command - e: Aircraft Scheduling Cell - e: Aircraft Service Change - e: Aircraft System Controllers - e: Alternate Squadron Commander - e: Armed Services Committee - e: Army Service Command - e: Army Service Corps - e: Army Signal Corps - e: Army Space Council - e: Army Specialist Corps - e: Army Subsistence Center - e: Australian Submarine Corporation A.S.C, e: Administrative Staff College - e: Aircraft Supply Council - e: Army School of Cookery - e: Army Service Corps - e: Australian Staff Corps A.S.C.A. e: Army Saddle Club Association

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ASCA e: Army Scaling & Codification Authority - e: Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities Asca. i: Autosezione di autocarrettes ASCAC e: Anti-Submarine Classification Analysis Center - e: Anti-Submarine Contact Analysis Center A.S.C.A.M. i: Accademia di Servizi di Commisariato a di Amministrazione Militare ASCAT e: Air Service Command Advisory Team - e: Antisubmarine Contact Analysis Team ASCB e: Aircraft Standard Communication Bus - e: Army Sports Control Board ASCC e: Aeronautical Satellite[s] Communication^] Center - e: Aeronautical Services Communication Centre - e: Area Security Coordination Center - e: Army Strategie Communications Command ASCCSS e: Army Signal Corps, Communications Security Service ASCE e: Allied Supreme Commander in Europe A Sch e: Armament School ASCHO e: Armed Services Community Housing Office A.Sch.of Educt. e: Army School of Education ASCM e: Anti-Ship Cruise Missile ASCN f: Association Suisse des Constructeurs Navals ASCO e: Antisubmarine Commander ASCOBANS e: Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas ASCOC e: Air Support Command Operations Centre ASCOM e: Area Support Command - e: Army Satellite Communication^] Project - e: Army Service Command - e: Army Systems Command - s: Associazione per la Cooperazione Missionaria ASCom e: Area Service Command ASCOMED e: Air Surface Coordinating Office Mediterranean ASCOM Project e: Army Satellite Communication Project ASCOT e: Analog[ue] Simulation of Competitive Operational Tactics - e: Association of Soil Conservation Officer Trainees ASCP e: Army Strategic Capabilities Plan - e: ASC Pacific Company - e: Aviation System Capacity Plan A/S Cse e: Anti-Submarine Course ASCII e: Air Support Control Unit - e: Armament Station Control Unit ASCVIC f: Association de saint-cyriens dans la vie civile ASD e: Administration Services Division - e: Administrative Division - e: Administrative Services Division - e: Admiralty Stores Depot - e: Advanced Ship Development - e: Advanced Supply Depot - e: Advanced Systems Division - e: Advise Shipping Date - e: Aeronautical System Development - e: Aeronautical Systems Division - e: Aerospace Services Division - e: Aerospace Systems Division - e: Aircraft Situational] Display

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ASH - e: Aircraft Supply Depot - e: Ammunition Sub-Depot - e: Ammunition Subdepot - e: Ammunition Supply Dump - e: Analysis and Support Division - e: Aquisition and Security Division - e: Armament Supply Department - e: Army Shipping Document - e: Army Software Development - e: Artillery Spotting Division - e: Assistant Secretary of Defense A.S.D. e: Admiralty Salvage Department ASDA e: Atomic and Space Development Authority - f : Association pour le Service, l'information et la Défense des Assurés A S D [ A | e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Administration] ASDAR f: Système de retransmission par satellite des données d'aéronefs ASDC e: Alternative Space Defence Centre - e: Armament Signal Data Converter - e: Army Strategic Defense Command ASD[C] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Comptroller] ASD[C3I] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence] ASD[CD] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Civil Defense] ASDD e: Antisubmarine Development Detachment A S D E F O R L A N T e: Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic Fleet ASDEFORPAC e: Antisubmarine Defense Forces, Pacific ASDER e: Airfield Surface Detection Radar ASDEVLANT e: Antisubmarine Development Detachment, Atlantic Fleet ASDF e: Air Self Defence [or Defense] Force ASD[FM&P] e: ASD [Force Management & Personnel] ASDG e: Aircraft Storage and Disposition Group - e: Antisubmarine Defence [or Defense] Group ASDGP e: Adelaide Southern Division of General Practice ASD [HA] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs ASD[H&E] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Health and Environment] ASD[H&M] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Health and Medical] ASDIC e: Allied Submarine Detection & Investigation Committee - e: Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee - e: Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center Asdic e: Anti-Submarine Depth Indicating Control ASD[I&L] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Installations and Logistics] ASDIRS e: Army Study Documentation and Information Retrieval System ASD [ISA] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [International Security Affairs] ASDL e: Aeronautical Satellite Data Link - e: Airborne Self-Defence Laser ASD[M] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower] ASD[MP&R] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower, Personnel and Reserve] ASD[M&RA] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower and Reserve Affairs]

ASD[MRA&L] e\ Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics] A.S.D.N.M.F. / • Association Syndicale pour le Développement des Navigations Maritimes et Fluviales ASDO e: Aviation Safety District Office ASDP e: Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs ASD [PA] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Public Affairs] ASD[P&I] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Properties and Installations] ASDR e: Aeronautical Systems Division Regulation - e: Airborne Sample Data Reduction - e: Airport Surface Detection Radar ASD[R&D] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Research and Development] ASD[R&E] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Research and Engineering] ASDS e: Aircraft Sound Description System ASD[SA] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Systems Analysis] ASD/SEE e: Aerospace Defense Software Engineering Environment ASD[S&L] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Supply and Logistics] ASDSVN e: Army Switched Data and Secure Voice Network ASDV e: Advanced Swimmer Delivery Vehicle ASE e: Admiralty Signal Establishment - e: Aircraft Search Equipment - e: Aircraft Serviceability Equipment - e: Aircraft Stores Establishment - e: Aircraft Survivability Equipment - e: Amplified Spontaneous Emission - e: Amplified Stimulated Emission - e: Anti-Submarine Establishment - e: Army Survey Establishment - e: Association of Scientists and Engineers of the Naval Sea Systems Command - e: Association suisse des ergothérapeutes - e: Association suisse des expertscomptables ase e: airborne search equipment A.S.E. e: Anti-Submarine Establishment - e: Army School of Education - e: Army School of Education, Shorncliffe A S E A M S e: Association of South-East Asian Marine Scientists ASEB e: Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board [National Academy of Engineering] ASEC e: Armed Services Education Conference ASECNA / · Agence pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar ASED e: Army School of Education and Depot A/SEE e: Antisubmarine Experimental Establishment ASEM e: Anti-Ship Euro-Missile - e: Anti-Surface Euromissile Consortium - f: Association Sociale et Éducationnelle des Marines ASEMH e: Army Standards Electronic Mail Host ASER e: Amplification based on Stimulated Emission of Radiation ASES e: Active Sonar for Entrance Surveillance ASESA e: Armed Services Electro Standards Agency ASESB[D] e: Armed Services Explosives Safety Board

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Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ASET e: Aeronautical Satellite Earth Terminal - e: Aircraft Survivability Equipment Trainer ASETA e: Association of State Telecommunication Undertakings of the Andean Subregional Agreement ASETC e: Armed Services Electron Tube Committee ASETS e: Airborne Seeker Evaluation Test Set ASEW e: Airborne and Surface Warning A S E W S e: Airborne and Surface Early Warning System ASEX e: Atlantic Southeast Airlines ASF d: Aktion Sühnezeichen/Friedensdienste e.V. - e: Advanced Striking Force - e: Advisory Support Force - e: Aeromedicai Staging Flight - e: Aerospace Security Force - e: Air Superiority Fighter - e: Aircraft Services Facility - e: Ammunition Storage Facility - e: Antisubmarine Frigate - e: Army Service Forces - e: Army Standard Family - e: Army Stock Fund - e: Atomic Scattering Factor - f : Aviation Sans Frontieres A.S.F.A. / • Actions Sociale des Forces Armées ASFC e: Aircraft Specification Form Committee A/SFDO e: Antisubmarine Fixed Defenses Officer ASFH e: Albert Schweitzer Friendship House ASFIR e: Active Swept Frequency Interferometer Radar ASFS e: Air Force Stock Fund ASFTC e: Army Service Forces Training Center ASFTCII e: Army Service Forces Training Center Unit ASFTS e: Airborne Systems Functional Test Stand ASG d: Antimilitaristische Soldatengruppe - d: Arbeitsausschuß Sicherheitstechnische Grundsätze - d: Armeesportgemeinschaft - e: Aeronautical Standards Group [Air Force and Navy] - e: Airborne System, Gun - e: Aircraft Supply Group - e: Airless Spray Gun - e: Army Surgeon General - e: Automatic Spray Gun ASGAN e: Assistant Secretary of Air Navigation ASGB e: Aeronautical Society of Great Britain AS/GC e: Air Surveillance & Gun Control console ASGC e: Airborne Surveillance, Ground Control ASGO e: Army Surgeon General's Office ASGp e: Aeronautical Standards Group ASGP e: Area Support Group ASGRO e: Armed Services Graves Registration Office ASGS e: Assistant Secretary of the General Staff ASGW e: Air-to-Surface Guided Weapon ASH e: Advanced Scout Helicopter - e: Advanced Support Helicopter - e: Alternate Support Headquarters - e: Army School of Hygiene - e: Assault Support Helicopter


Ash - e: Aviation Support, Hydraulic Ash e: Soviet infrared and radar-homing missile ash e: airship ash. e: aerial scout helicopter A&SH e: Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ASHA e: American Shippers for Hamburg Alliance ASHOE e: Airborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Expedition ashp e: airship ASHUR e: Apollo Spacecraft Hardware Utilization Requestfs] ASI e: Advanced Study Institute on Underwater Acoustics and Signal Processing - e: Amended Shipping Instruction A.S.I, e: Aeronautical Society of India ASIA e: Army Signal Intelligence Agency ASIAG /• Association Interprofessionelle de l'aviation Agricole Asian Mar. Biol, e: Asian Marine Biology ASIDS e: Airborne Surveillance and Intercept Defense System A Sigs e: Army Signals ASIGSCH e: Army Signal School ASIK d: Ausschuß Sicherheitskennzeichnung ASIMS e: Army Standard Information Management System ASI Ρ e: Aircraft Structural Integrity Program - e: Army Stationing and Installation Plan ASIPR e: Army Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Research Establishment ASIPRE e: Army Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Research Establishment ASIRC e: Armed Services Industrial Readiness Council ASIS e: Ammunition Stores Issue Ship ASIT e: Army School on Instructional Technolgy ASJ e: Army Support Jamming programme ASJC e: Anglo-Soviet Joint Commission ASK d: Abteilung für die Sicherheit der Kernanlagen des Eidgenössischen Amtes für Energiewirtschaft - d: Armeesportklub - e: Aircraft Station Keeper As.K. d: Asienkorps ASKA d: Ausbildung in Schulen und Kursen der Armee AS-KCD e: Allied Signal-Kansas City Division ASL d: Armee des Südlibanon - d: Atomsicherheitslinie - e: Aeronautical Structures Laboratory - e: Army Standards Laboratory - e: Atomic Safety Line - e: Aviation Spares Ltd ASLAB e: Atomic Safeguards [or Safety] and Licensing Appeal Board ASLAR e: Aircraft Surge Launch and Recovery ASLB e: Atomic Safeguards [or Safety] [and] Licensing Board ASLBM e: Antisubmarine Launched Ballistic Missile ASLBP e: Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel ASLCM e: Advanced Sea Launched Cruise Missile ASLO e: Accident Site Liaison Officer Aslt Gn e: Assault Gun ASM d: Admiral Schwarzes Meer - e: Advanced Sea Mine - e: Advanced Surface Missile - e: Air Superiority Mission


- e: Antiship Missile - e: Armed Scout Mission - e: Avionics Shop Maintenance asm e: air-to-surface missile ASMA e: Army Signal Material Support Agency ASM BA e: Armed Services Mutual Benefit Association ASMC e: American Society of Military Comptrollers - e: Army Supply and Maintenance Command - e: Aviation Surface Material Command ASMCOM e: Army Supply and Maintenance Command ASMD e: Anti-Ship Missile Defense - e: Anti-Surface Missile Defence - e: Antiship Missile Defense asmd/ew e: antiship-missile defense/electronic warfare ASMFC e: Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission [or Committee] ASMIC e: American Society of Military Insignia Collectors ASM IL e: American Society of Military Insignia Collectors ASMMCC e: Armed Services Medical Material Coordination Committee ASMOD e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Module ASMOF e: Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation ASMP e: Army Strategic Mobility Plan - e: Army Survival Measures Plan ASMPA e: Armed Services Medical Procurement Agency ASMRO e: Armed Forces Services Medical Regulating Office ASMS e: Advanced Strategic Missile System[s] - e: Advanced Surface Missile System ASMSA e: Army Signal Material Support Agency ASMSC e: Army Spectrum Management Steering Committee ASMS-TF e: Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems ASMT e: Army School of Mechanical Transport ASMWS e: Army Snow and Mountain Warfare School ASN d: automatische Sternnavigation - e: Army Serial Number - e: Army Service Number - e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy A.S.N.A.&M.E. e: American Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers ASNE e: American Society of Naval Engineers - e: Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy ASN[FM] e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Financial Management] ASN I/L e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Installations and Logistics ASNOL e: Assistant Senior Naval Officer, Landing ASNP e: Army Student Nurse Program ASNPIdentBad e: Army Student Nurse Program Identification Badge ASN R/D e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Research and Development AS-[iiumber] e: US Designation for Soviet Air-to-Surface Missile ASO d: Artillerieschule Själlands Odde - e: Aeronautical Supply Office - e: Air Signal Officer - e: Air Staff Officer - e: Air Supply Officer - e: Air Support Officer - e: Air Surveillance Officer

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- e: Airborne Science Office - e: Aircraft Supply Officer - e: Ammunition Supply Officer - e: Area Specialist Officer - e: Area Supply Officer - e: Armament and Supply Officer - e: Army Signal Officer - e: Army Space Office - e: Assault Supply Officer - e: Assistant Section Officer - e: Aviation Safety Office - e: Aviation Supply Office[r] ASOA e: Army School of the Air ASOAP e: Army Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program ASOC e: Air Support Operations Center - e: Assistant Supply Officer-in-Chief ASOCNet e: Army Special Operations Command Network ASOC[T] e: Assistant Supply Officer-inChief [Technical] ASOC[TAF] e: Air Support Operations Center [Tactical Air Force] ASODDS e: ASWEPS [Anti-Submarine Warfare Environmental Prediction Service] Submarine Ocean ASOEM e: ASEAN Senior Environment Officers ASOFA e: Assistant Secretary of the Army AS of AF e: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force AS of Ν e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy ASOP e: Army Standing Operating Procedure - e: Army Strategic Objectives Plan - e: Aviation Supply Office Philadelphia ASOP-D e: Army Special Operations Pictorial Detachment A.S.O.R. f: Amicale des sous-officiers de réserve ASOS e: Army Secure Operating System[s] ASP d: Armeesanit - d: Armeesanitätspark - e: Advanced Supply Point - e: Ammunition Supply Point - e: Amphibious Supply Platform - e: Armed Services Police - e: Army Strategic Plan - e: Army Supply Point - e: Army Supply Program A.S.P. e: Air Stores Park A/SP e: Antisubmarine Patrol - e: Antisubmarine Projector ASPA e: Armed Services Petroleum Agency ASPAB e: Armed Services Patent Advisory Board ASPADOC e: Alternate Space Defense Operations Center ASPADS e: Associated Sheep, Police and Army Dog Society A/S Pat e: Antisubmarine Patrol ASPB e: Armed Services Petroleum Board ASPEA f: Association Suisse pour l'Énergie Atomique ASPECT s: Procesos de Hielo Marino, Ecosistemas y Clima del Antàrtico ASPEI s: Asociación de Instituciones del Pacífico Sur sobre el Medio Ambiente ASPIC e: Armed Services Personnel Interrogation Center ASPL e: Associated Steamships Proprietary Limited ASPO e: Ammunition Supply Point Officer - e: Antisubmarine Systems Project Office - e: Army Space Program Office - e: Avionics System Project Officer

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ASTT ASPPA e: Armed Services Petroleum Purchasing Agency ASPPO e: Armed Services Procurement Planning Officer - e: Armed Services Product Planning Officer ASprK d: Atomsprengkörper ASPT e: Army School of Physical Training A.S.P.T. e: Army School of Physical Training ASPTC e: Army Support Center A Sq e: Airdrome squadron A.Sq. e: Advanced squadron ASR e: Admiralty Standard Range - e: Advanced Surveillance Radar - e: Aerosol Solar Radiation - e: Air Search Radar - e: Airborne Scanning Radiometer - e: Air[borne] Search Radar - e: Airfield Surveillance Radar - e: Airport Surveillance Radar - e: Antisubmarine Rocket - e: Approach Surveillance Radar - e: Area Surveillance Radar - e: Army of the Serbian Republic - e: Auxiliary Submarine Rescue - e: Submarine Rescue ship - s: Radar de vigilancia de Aeròdromo ASR. d: Afrikaschützenregiment A.S.R. e: Air Surveillance Radar - e: Air[borne] Surveillance Radar ASRAD e: Atlas Short Range Air Defence ASRAM e: Advanced Short-Range Attach Missile ASRB e: Armed Services Renegotiation Board - e: Army Security Review Board ASRC e: Alabama Space and Rocket Center ASRD e: Aircraft Shipment Readiness Date ASRDL e: Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory ASRE e: Admiralty Signal and Radar Establishment ASRNH e: American Society of Russian Naval History ASRO e: Assistant Superintendant Range Operations ASROC e: Anti Submarine Rocket [Computer] ASRP e: Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program - e: Artillery Systems Research Programme ASRPA e: Army Signal Radio Propagation Agency ASRR f: Association Suisse pour la navigation du Rhône au Rhin A.S.R.S.A.C.A. e: Army Scripture Readers, Soldiers' and Airmen's Christian Association ASRSC e: Armed Services Research Specialists Committee ASRT e: Air Support Radar Team ASS d: Abteilung Strahlenschutz und Sicherheit - e: Airborne Surveillance Set - e: Ammunition Storage Sites - e: Anti-Shelter Submunition - e: Army Signal School - e: Army Signal Squadron - e: Army Special Staff - e: Aviation Security System - e: Aviation Support Ship - f: Atelier de chargement de Salbris [GIAT] ASSA e: Army Signal Corps' Signal Supply Agency

ASSAN e: Advanced Sensor Systems for Autonomous Navigation ASSB e: Avionics Subsystem for Strategic Bombers ASSC e: Army Subsistence Supply Center A.S.S.C. e: Air Service Signal Corps - e: Aviation Section Signal Corps A/S Sell e: Antisubmarine School Ass.Com.-Gen. e: Assistant CommissaryGeneral ASSERON e: Army Service Squadron ASSESS e: Analytical Studies of Surface Effects of Submerged Submarines ASSET e: Airborne Sensor System for Evaluation & Testing ASSG e: Army Space Study Group ASSIST e: Army System for Intelligence Support Terminals assit wpn e: assault weapons assit wpn pi e: assault weapons platoon ASSMOL /• Association des Soldats du Service Militaire Obligatoire Luxembourgeois A.S.S.N.C. e: Aircraft Shop Stewards' National Council Assoc INA] e: Associate of the Institution of Naval Architects ASSP e: Auxiliary Transport Submarine ASSR e: Airborne Sea Swell Recorder ASSRC e: Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps Asst. Chf. Nav. Op. e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations Asst. Chf. Nav. Op. [Log.] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, Logistics Asst. Chf. Nav. Op. [Nav. Res.] e: Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, Naval Reserves Asst Comdt e: Assistant Commandant Asst.Comm.Gen. e: Assistant Commissary-General Asst C RE e: Assistant Commander, Royal Engineers Asst Fit Liaison Off e: Assistant Fleet Liaison Officer ASST QMG ADM e: Assistant Quartermaster General for Administration ASST QMG OPS e: Assistant Quartermaster General for Operations Asst. Sec. War e: Assistant Secretary of War ASSU e: Air Support Signal Unit ASSW e: Anti-Surface Ship Warfare assw e: antistrategic submarine warfare AST d: Aufgabenstellung für Bauinvestitionen - e: Army Satellite Tracking [Center] - e: Army SpecializedTraining Ast r: Arméstaben A.St. d: Abwehrstelle - d: Armeestab - d: Artilleriestab - d: Auswertestelle [Schießen] ASTA e: Army Strategy and Tactics Analysis Asta d: Abteilung der KriegsgefangenenHeimkehr [Zugbegleiter] ASTAAM e: Advanced Seeker Technology for Air-to-Air Missiles A Stab d: Armeestab ASTAMIDS e: Airborne Stand-off Minefield Detection System ASTAP e: Aerial Surveillance And Target Acquisition Platoon ASTAR e: Airborne Search Target Attack Radar ASTAS e: Antiradar Surveillance and Target Acquisition System ASTAT e: Assessment of Stationery Target Acquisition Techniques

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ASTC e: Army Satellite Tracking Center AST Center e: Army Satellite Tracking Center ASTD e: Advanced Space Technology Division - e: Air-Supported Threat Defense ASTD [AE] e: Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy ASTDS e: Air Supported Threat Defense System ASTE e: Advanced Strategic & Tactical Expendable ASTEC e: American Steamship Traffic Executives Committee - e: Antisubmarine Technical Evaluation Center ASTECS e: Advanced Submarine Tactical ESM Combat System ASTEF / • Association pour l'organisation des Stages d'ingénieurs Étrangers en France ASTER Missile e: Anti-Submarine Terrier Missile ASTF d: automatisiertes System der Truppenführung ASTHO e: Association of State and Territorial Health Officers [or Officiais] A.St.I. d: Ausbildungsstab der Infanterie ASTIA e: Armed Services Technical Informtion Agency ASTIP e: Army Scientifiic and Technical Information Program ASTMP e: Army Science & Technology Master Plan Asto e: Admiralstabsoffizier ASTOR e: Airborne Stand-Off Radar - e: Airborne Standoff Radar - e: Anti-Ship Torpedo - e: ASW [Anti-Submarine Warfare] Torpedo Rocket astor e: antisubmarine torpedo ASTOVL e: Advanced STOVL aircraft ASTP e: Advanced Submarine Technology Program - e: Army Specialized Training Program Ast/PrA r: Arméstabens pressoch adjutanturavdelning, Stockholm ASTREC e: Atomic Strike Evaluation Center ASTRO e: Army Strategic and Tactical Reorganization Objective Astronaut. Aeronaut, e: Astronautics and Aeronautics ASTROS e: Artillery Saturation Rocket System AstroTrp d: Astronomischer Meßtrupp A.S.T.R.P. e: Army Specialized Training Reserve Program ASTRP e: Army Specialized Training Reserve Program AstSeeAF e: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force ASTSECNAV e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy AstSeeNav [Air] e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy [AIR] ASTSECNAVFIN e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Financial Management AstSeeNav [FinMgt] e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Financial Management ASTSECNAVMAT e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Material [or Materiel] ASTSECNAVPERS e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Personnel AstSevNav[Air] e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air ASTT e: Action-Speed Tactical Teacher - e: Action-Speed Tactical Trainer - e: Attack Submarine Team Trainer


Astt Astt d: Armeestabsteil A S T U e: air support test [training] unit - e: Army Specialized Training Unit A.St.z.b.V. d: Artilleriestab zur besonderen Verwendung ASU d: Atomschutzunterstand - e: Accommodation Service Unit - e: Aircraft Scheduling Unit - e: Aircraft Starting Unit A.S.U. e: American Serviceman's Union ASU-57 e: Soviet self-propelled 57mm gun on tracked chassis Α-Sub. e: Atomic Submarine A S U B J S C D e: Army Subject Schedule ASUPS e: Ammunition Supply Points ASuW e: Anti-Surface Warfare A S U W C e: Anti-Surface Warfare Commander ASV d: Armeesportverein - d: Armeesportvereinigung - e: Aerothermodynamic Structural Vehicle - e: Ammunition Supply Vehicle - e: Anti-Ship Variant radar - e: Armored Security Vehicle ASV Detection e: Airborne Surface Vessel Detection A S V E H e: Air-Surveillance Vehicle ASVEO e: Advanced Space Vehicle Engineering Operation ASVP e: Admiralty Small Vessels Pool ASVS e: Airborne Stabilized Viewing System ASVU e: Army Security Vetting Unit A S V W e: Anti-Surface Vessel Warfare ASW e: Air-to-Surface Weapon - e: Anti-Satellite Weapon - e: Anti-Submarine Warfare - e: Anti-Submarine Weapon[s] - e: Anti-Submarine Work - e: Assistant Secretary of War A S W A e: Assistant Secretary of War for Air A/S W A e: Aviation/Space Writers Association A S W / A A W e: Anti-Submarine Warfare and Anti-Air Warfare A S W A C e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Advisory Committee - e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Analysis Centre A S W A C S e: Airborne Surveillance and Warning Control System - e: Antisubmarine Warfare Air Control Ship A S W A S e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Area System A S W B e: Antisubmarine Warfare Barriers A S W B P L e: Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratory A S W C e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Center - e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Commander - e: Army Special Warfare Center A S W C C S e: Antisubmarine Warfare Command and Control System A S W C R e: Airborne Surveillance Warning and Control Radar A/S W.D. e: Anti-Submarine War[fare] Division A S W D e: Army Special Weapons Depot A S W D S e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Data System ASWDII e: Air/Sea Warfare Development Unit A.S.W.D.U. e: Naval Air/Sea Warfare Development Unit A S W E e: Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment A S W E P S e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Environmental Prediction Service


- e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Environmental Prediction System ASWEX e: Antisubmarine Warfare Exercise A S W F O R S I X T H F e: Antisubmarine Warfare Force, Sixth Fleet ASWG e: Army Space Working Group A S W H Q e: Alternative Subordinate War Headquarters A S W I e: Antisubmarine Warfare Installations A S W I L S e: Antisubmarine Warfare Improved Localization System A S W I P T e: Antisubmarine Warfare InPort Training A S W L e: Antisubmarine Warfare Laboratory ASW [LR] e: Antisubmarine Warning [long-range] A S W / N D B e: Anti-Submarine Weapon/Nuclear Depth Bomb A S W O C e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Center ASWORG e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Research Group A S W O T e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Opposed Transit A S W P T L e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Patrol A S W R C e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Research Center A S W S e: Advanced Strike Weapon System - e: Aerospace Surveillance and Warning System - e: Antisubmarine Warfare Systems ASWSAG e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Systems Analysis Group A S W S C C S e: Antisubmarine Warfare Ship Command and Control System ASW/SICS e: Antisubmarine Warfare/Ship Command-and-Control System A S W S O W e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Standoff Weapon A S W / S O W e: Anti Submarine Weapon Stand-Off Weapon A S W S P O e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Special Projects Office A S W [SR] e: Antisubmarine Warning [short-range] A S W T e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Trainer A S W T C e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center A S W T D S e: Antisubmarine Warfare Tactical Data System ASW Tech Cen e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Technical Center A S W T N S e: Antisubmarine Warfare Tactical Navigation System A S W T R A C E N e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center A S W T U e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Unit ASWU e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Unit ASW/UW e: Antisubmarine Warfare/Underwater Warfare ASW/VLA e: Anti-Submarine Weapon Vertical Launch A S R O C A.S.Y.F.A. e: Anglo-Soviet Youth Friendship Alliance AT d: Angriffstrupp - d: Aufklärung - d: Aufklärungstrupp - e: Admiralty Trawler - e: Aircraft Tender - e: Ammunition Technician - e: Amphibious Troops - e: Armament Test - e: Army Times

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- e: Army Training - e: Army Troops - e: Artillery Training - e: Atlantic Time - e: Atomic Time - e: Auxiliary Territorial Service at e: automatic transmission A.T. e: Army Troops - / · Armée de Terre - / · Armée Territoriale - f : Artillerie Anti-Tank - f : Artillerie de Tranchée A T A d: Armee-Telegrafenabteilung - e: Advanced Tactical Aircraft - e: Air-Force Training Auxiliary - e: Airborne Target Augmeter - e: Atlantic Treaty Association - e: Avionics Test A r t i d e - r: Arméns Tygavdelning ata f: admission temporair A T A . e: Anatomical Transplant Association - e: Army Transportation Association A.T.A. d: Armee-Telegrafenabteilung - e: Air Transport Auxiliary - e: Army Temperance Association - s: Asociación del Tratado del Atlántico A T A A C e: Anti-Torpedo Air-launched Acoustic Countermeasures A T A A D e: Antitank Assault Air Defense A T A B C S e: Aircraft Tactical Air Battle Control System ATABE e: Automatic Target Assignment and Battery Evaluation At. Absorption Newslett. e: Atomic Absorption Newletter ATAC e: All-Terrain Amphibious Carrier - e: Army Tank and Automotive Command - e: Army Tank Automotive Center A T A C C e: Advanced Tactical Air Command Central - e: Advanced Tactical Air[borne] Command and Control - e: Alternate Tactical Air Control Center - e: Army Tactical Air Control Center Ataccs e: Advanced Tactical Air[borne] Command and Control System A T A C C S e: Advanced Tactical Aircraft Command and Control System - e: Airborne Tactical Air Command and Control System - e: Allied Tactical Command and Control System ATACCS. Ataccs e: Advanced Tactical Aircraft Command and Control System A T A C C System e: Advanced Tactical Air[borne] Command and Control System ATACDIG e: Army Tactical Digital Image Generator A T A C K e: Advanced Target Attack programme A T A C M S e: Advanced Tactical Missile System - e: Army Tactical C2 Information System - e: Army Tactical Communications Management System - e: Army Tactical Missile System A T A C O e: Air Tactical Control Operator A T A C S e: Airborne Tactical Air Control System - e: Army Tactical Area Communication System - e: Army Tactical Communications System ATAD e: Atlanta Army Depot A T A D S e: Advanced Tactical Air Defense System A T A F e: Allied Tactical Air Force A T A F C S e: Airborne Target Acquisition & Fire Control System

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ATM ATAFS e: Artillery Tactical Automated Fire System ATALARS e: Automated Tactical Aircraft Launch and Recovery System ATAM e: Air-to-Air Mistral missile ATAP e: Apollo Telemetry Aircraft Project ATAPS e: Advanced Tactical Aircraft Protection System ATAR e: Advanced Tactical Avionics Radar - e: Airborne Tracking, Acquisition & Recognition - e: Anti-Tank Aircraft Rocket ATARS e: Advanced Tactical Air Reconnaissance System ATAS e: Air-To-Air Stinger missile ATAW e: Advanced Tactical Assault Weapon ATAWS e: Advanced Tactical Air Warfare System ATB e: Airborne Test Bed - e: Amphibious Training Base - e: Army Tank Battalion - e: Army Tank Brigade - e: Army Telephone Book - e: Army Transport Boat - e: Army Transportation Board - e: Artillery Test Board atb e: advanced technology bomber - e: stealth bomber A.T.B, e: Anti-tank battery AT[B] e: Administration of Territories Committee [Balkans] A.T.Bde. e: Army Tank Brigade AT-Befehlssatz e: Kommandosprache zur Modemansteuerung ATBM e: Advanced Tactical Ballistic Missile - e: Advanced Tactical Battle Management - e: Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile atbm e: advanced technology ballistic missile ATBMC e: Airborne Test Bed Mode Control ATB Missile e: Anti-Tank Ballistic Missile ATBMP e: Army Technology-Base Master Plan ATBn e: Antitank Battalion ATBT e: Airborne Test Bed Turret ATC e: Absolute Time Command - e: Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures - e: Air Training Camp - e: Air Training Corps - e: Air Transport Command - e: Air Transportation Corps - e: Airborne Test Conductor - e: Aircraft Technical Committee - e: Armament Test Center - e: Armament Training Camp - e: Army Topographic Command - e: Army Training Center - e: Army Training Circular - e: Army Training Command - e: Army Transportation Corps A.T.C, e: Animal Transport Company - e: Army Training Corps ATCAP e: Army Telecommunications Automation Program ATCC e: Air Training Corps Cadet - e: Airborne Transmitter Control Center - e: Atlantic Division Transport Control Center ATCCC e: Advanced Tactical Command and Control Capabilities - e: Air Traffic Control Command Center ATCCS e: Army Tactical Command and Control System

ATCLO e: Amphibious Training Command Liaison Officer ATCM e: Air Training Command Manual ATC/NAV e: Air Traffic Control and Navigation ATCNB e: Air Traffic Control and Navigation Board ATCO e: Air Traffic Control Officer - e: Air Traffic Coordinating Officer A.T.Co, e: Atlantic Transport Company ATCOM e: Air Training Command - e: Atoll Commander ATCOS e: Army Tactical Command and Control System ATD e: Air and Toxics Division - e: Airlift and Training Division - e: Armament Test Division - e: Armo[u]red Tank Destroyer - e: Asynchronous Time Division ATDA e: Army Training Device Agency - e: Augmented Target Docking Adapter ATDD e: Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division ATDL e: Army Tactical Data Link ATDM e: Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexer [or Multiplexing] ATDP e: Army Training Diagnostic Program ATDPS e: Airborne Tactical Data Processing System ATD/R e: Automatic Target Detection & Recognition ATDS e: Air Tactical Data System - e: Airborne Tactical Data System - e: Airborne Technical Data System ATDSIA e: Allied Tactical Data Systems Interoperability Agency ATDU e: Air Transport Development Unit - e: Aircraft Torpedo Development Unit - e: Armoured Trials & Development Unit ATE e: Army Information Engineering - f: Atelier de construction de Toulouse at. E. d: atomische Einheit AT[E] e: Administration of Territories Committee [Europe] ATEA e: Army Transportation Engineering Agency ATEC e: Army Test and Evaluation Command ATECMA s: Agrupación Técnica Español de Constructores de Matérial Aeronàutico ATECOM e: Army Test and Evaluation Command A.Tel.Abt. d: Armee-Telegrafenabteilung ATEM e: Aircraft Test Equipment Modification ATENA i: Associazione Italiane di Tecnica Navale ATEWA e: Automatic Target Evaluator and Weapon Assignor ATEWS e: Advanced Tactical Electronic Warfare System ATF e: Administrative Task Force - e: Advanced Tactical Fighter - e: Advanced Technical Fighter - e: Advanced Technology Fighter - e: Air Task Force - e: Air Transport Force - e: Amphibious Task Force - e: Andover Training Flight - e: Antarctic Task Force - e: Army Training Film - e: Australian Task Force - e: Automatic Target Finder - e: Automatic Target Follower Atf d: Angriffstruppführer ATF/ATA e: Automatic Terrain Following/Automatic Terrain Avoidance ATFCNN e: Allied Task Force Commander Northern Norway

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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ATFES e: Army Tactical Frequency Engineering System ATFP e: Airlift Total Force Plan ATFR e: Automatic Terrain-Following Radar ATFRAM e: Airborne Time-Frequency Range-Altitude Monitor ATG e: Amphibious Task Group - e: Anti-Tank Gun - e: Army Technical Group ATGAF e: Advanced Technology Ground Attack Fighter ATGAR e: Antitank Guided Aircraft Rocket At.-Gew. d: Atomgewicht ATGM e: Anti-Tank Guided Missile - e: Anti-Tank Guided Munitions ATGn e: Antitank Gun ATGW e: Anti-Tank Guided Weapon[s] ATGWS e: Anti-Tank Guided WeaponSystem Α Τ Η e: Automatic Target Handover ATHS e: Airborne Target Hand-off System - e: Airborne Target Handover System - e: Automatic Target Hand-off System - e: Automatic Target Handover System ATI e: Air Target Indicator - e: Army Training Instruction - e: Artillery Target Intelligence - e: Automatic Target Identification ATIC e: Army Tactical Intelligence Committee ATIGS e: Advanced Tactical Inertial Guidance System ATILA / • Automatisation du Tir de l'Artillerie A T I T Program e: Air Target Intelligence Liaison Program ATIPS e: Army Threat and Intelligence Production System ATJS e: Airborne Tactical Jamming System A.Tk.Bde e: Army Tank Brigade A.Tk.Bty e: anit-tank battery ATKHC e: Attack Helicopter Company ATK HEL e: Attack Helicopter A.Tk.Regt.R.A. e: Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery ATKRON e: attack squadron ATT e: Aeronautical Turbine Laboratory - e: Artificial Transmission Line ATLAS e: Air Force missile - e: Airborne Turnable Laser Absorption Spectrometer - e: Azimuth Target Intelligence & Acquisition System Atlas icbm e: Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Misile ATLDMATS e: Atlantic Division, Military Air Transport Service Atl. Geol. e: Atlantic Geology ATLIS e: Army Technical Libraries and Information Systems - e: Army Technical Library Improvement Studies ATLO e: Air Transport Liaison Officer ATLP e: Army-wide Training Literature Program ATLS e: Air Transport LORAN [Long Range Navigation] System ATLV e: Artillery Target Location Vehicle ATM d: Angriffstrupp-Mann - e: Advanced Tactical Mini-drone - e: AGM Training Missile - e: Airborne Thematic Mapper - e: Anti-Tactical Missile - e: Antitank Mine - e: Antitank Missile


A.T.M. - e: Army Training Memorandum - e: Atmospheric Tactical Missile - e: Atomic Demolition Munition - e: Division of Atmospheric Sciences A.T.M. / · Armée de Terre Métropolitaine ATMC e: Army Transportation Materiel Command ATMCC e: Air Transport Movement Control Centre ATMCT e: Air Terminal Movement Control Team ATMDPO e: Army Theater Missile Defense Project Office Α Τ Μ Ο e: Air Transport & Movements Officer - e: Area Transport & Movements Officer A T M P e: Air Target Materials Program ATMRB e: Army Tactical Mobility Requirements Board ATMS e: Army Traffic Management System ATMU e: aircraft torpedo maintenance unit ATN e: Aviation Technician, Navigation ATNAV e: Acoustic Transponder Navigation ATNAVICS e: Air Traffic Navigation & Communications System - e: Air Traffic Navigation, Integration & Co-ordination System ATN Buoy e: Aid-to-Navigation Buoy ATO e: Aeronautical Telecommunications Operator - e: Air Targets Officer - e: Air Tasking Officer - e: Air Terminal Officer - e: Air Training Officer - e: Aircraft Technical Order - e: Aircraft Transfer Order - e: Ammunition Technical Office - e: Ammunition Technical Office[r] - e: Area Traffic Officer - e: Army Tank Office - e: Aviation Test Office ATOA e: Australian Transport Officers Association ATOC e: Air Transport Operations Centre atomdef e: atomic defense atomdev e: atomic device ATOME e: International conference on the peaceful use of atomic energy ATOM WONS e: Atomic Weapons ATOM WPNS e: Atomic Weapons ATOM WPNS MECH ASSR e: Atomic Weapons Mechanical Assembler atom wpns nuc assr e: Atomic Weapons Nuclear Assembler ATON e: Aids to Navigation ATORP e: Atomic Torpedo ATP e: Allied Tactical Publication - e: Ammunition Transfer Point - e: Anti-Tactical Patriot - e: Army Tank Program - e: Army Training Plan - e: Army Training Program [me] ATPF e: Armament Test Preparation Facility A.tps. e: Army troops ATR d: Abteilung für Transport- und Reparaturtruppen - e: Admiralty Test Rating - e: Advanced Tactical Radar - e: Aided Target Recognition - e: Air-launched Trainer Rocket - e: Air Turbo Rocket - e: Airborne Test Reactor - e: Airborne Transport Rack - e: Aircraft Trouble Report atr e: Aircraft Transmitter Receiver A.T.R. e: Anti-tank regiment


ATRI e: Automatic Target Recognition module ATR e: Aviation Technician, Radar - e: Aviation Training Record - e: Rescue Tug [ship] ATRAN e: Automatic Terrain Recognition and Navigation ATRC e: Air Training Command - e: Army Transportation Research Command ATRD e: Automatic Target Recognition Device ATREQ e: Atomic Supporting Request ATRID e: Automatic Target Recognition Identification and Detection ATRJ e: Advanced Technology Radar Jammer ATrKW d: Arzttruppkraftwagen ATRL e: Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher ATRO e: Acting Transporting Officer ATRON e: Atlantic Squadron A Trp d: Armeetruppen ATRS e: Automated Terminal Radar System - e: Automatic Tactical Radar System ATS F: Atomiteknillinen SeuraAtomtekniska Sällskapet - F: Suomen Atomiteknillinen Seura - e: Advanced Training Squadron - e: Air Transportable Sonar [Sound Navigation and Ranging] - e: Aircraft Turbine Service - e: Airmanship Training Squadron - e: Airport-radar Terminal System - e: Amphibious Transport Ship - e: Analog[ue] Transmission System -e: Army Transport Service A.T.S. e: armoured transport squadron - e: Army Territorial Service - e: Army Training Station - e: Auxiliary Territorial Service - e: Auxiliary Transport Service - f: Atelier de construction de Tarbes ATSA e: Advanced Tactical Support Aircraft - e: American Tramp Shipowners Association ATSAW e: Air Traffic Situational] Awareness ATSC e: Air Technical Service Command - e: Army Technical Service Corps ATSCM e: Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting[s] ATSD e: Airborne Traffic and Situation Display - e: Assistant to the Secretary of Defense [Atomic Energy] ATSD [IO] e: Assistant to the Secretary of Defense [Intelligence Oversight] ATSE e: Army Topographic Support Establishment A.T.S.E.F.I. e: Auxiliary Territorial Service Expeditionary Force Institutes ATSFSD e: Air Traffic Service Flight Services Division ATSIT e: Automatic Techniques for the Selection and Identification of Targets ATSM e: Advanced Tactical Stand-off Missile ATSMC e: Army Transportation Supply and Maintenance Command ATSO e: Advanced Telecommunications Science Office - e: Association of Transportation Security Officers A.T.S.Q.M.C. e: Army Transport Service Quartermaster Corps ATSR e: Advanced Tactical Surveillance Radar - e: Army Transport Service REgulation

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ATSS e: Advanced Tactical Support System - e: Advanced Tactical Surveillance System - e: Advanced Technical Service School - e: Augmented Target Screener Subsystem - e: Augmented Target Screening Subsystem ATSSS e: Air Transportable Sonar Surveillance System AT-ST e: Artillery Survey vehicle ATT e: Advanced Tactical Transport - e: Air Training Team - e: Applied Transmission Technologies - e: Army Training Test - e: Artillery Tactical Terminals - e: Automatic Target Tracking ATTA e: Advanced Tactical Aircraft - e: Advanced Trainer Aircraft ATTAC e: Automated TMA for Tactical Commanders ATTAG e: Army Tactical Air Control System/Tactical Air Defense Systems Advisory Group ATTAS e: Advanced Technology Testing Aircraft System ATTC e: Advanced Technical Training Center - e: Air Transportability Training Centre - e: American Towing Tank Conference - e: Army Tropic Test Center - e: Atlantic Transportation Terminal Command - e: Automatic Transmission Test and Control - e: Aviation Technical Training Center ATTE e: Automatic Transmission Testing Equipment ATTE e: Advanced Technical Training Facility - e: Air Toxics Task Force ATTG e: Automated Tactical Target Graphics ATTIM e: AT Tactical Interface Modem A.T.Tp. e: Anti-tank troup A.T.T.S. e: All-Through Training School [air force] ATTU e: Atlantic To The Urals ATTURM e: Amphibious Trials & Testing Unit, Royal Marines ATTV e: All Terrain Tow Vehicle ATU e: advanced training unit - e: Aircraft Target Unit - e: Airship Training Unit - e: Amphibious Task Unit - e: Army Transportation Unit atu e: atomic time unit ATURM e: Amphibious Training Unit Royal Marines ATV e: Aerodynamic Test Vehicle - e: Agena Target Vehicle - e: Air Test Vehicle - e: All-Terrain Vehicle - e: All-Terrian Vehicle - e: Ariane Transfer Vehicle - e: Automated Transfer Vehicle ATVWS e: Airport Trailing Vortex Warning SYstem ATW e: Aerospace Test Wing - e: Air Transport Wing atw e: aircraft tail-warning - e: antitank weapon ATWC e: Atmospheric Tactical Warning Connectivity ATWCS e: Advanced Tomahawk Weapon Control System ATWg e: Air Transport Wing ATWM e: Army Transition to War Measure ATWS e: Anti-armor Threat Warning System

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

AVEMILGUA at. xpl e: atomic explosion AU e: Airborne Unit - e: Army Unit - e: Assault Unit - e: Avionics Upgrade Au d: Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten AU-23 e: A Fairchild piston-powered stol aircraft A/U e: Advanced Undersea [Weapon] AUA d: Artillerie-UnterstützungsAbteilung A U A M P e: Advanced Underwater Acoustic Modeling Project A.u.B.-Ausschuß d: Angestellten- und Beamtenausschuß des Preußischen Kriegsministeriums A U B V e: Air University Board of Visitors AUC e: Administrative Unit Commandant - e: Association of Underwater Contractors - e: Atlantic Union College A U C A N N Z U K U S e: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States A U C A N U K U S e: Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States Auck.Mtd.Rif. e: Auckland Mounted Rifles A U D G E N A V e: Auditor General of the Navy A U D I T e: Aircraft Unitized Diagnostic Inspection and Test - e: Army Uniform Data Inquiry Technique A U D - S O P e: Auditing Standards Division Statements of Position AUF e: Airborne Uninhabited Fighter Auff.Kdo. d: A u f f a n g k o m m a n d o AuF-Kdo d: Aufklärungs- und FestnahmeKommando AufklArt d: aufklärende Artillerie Aufn.Tr. d: Aufnahmetruppen A u f n T r p d: Aufnahmetrupp Aufst.St. d: Aufstellungsstab AUFUSAF e: Army Unit for United States Air Force AUG d: Armee Universal Gewehr Aug. d: Augustaner [Regiment] AUG e: Army Universal Gun AUIB e: Aircrew Uniform Integrated Battlefield A U L e: Air University Library A U M e: Advanced Underwater Missile - e: Air-to-Underwater Missile AUM-N e: Air-to-Underwater MissileNuclear AUR e: Aircraft Utilization Report AURA e: Autonomous Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft A U R O R A e: Automatic Recovery of Remotely piloted Aircraft A U R P O e: Association of University Radiation Protection Officers A U S e: Army of the United States - r: Arméns underofficersskola, Uppsala AUSA e: Aid of the United States of America - e: Assistant United States Attorney - e: Association of United States Army Ausb.Abt. d: Ausbildungs-Abteilung AusbBtl d: Ausbildungsbataillon AusbKdo d: Ausbildungskommando Ausbl-Batl. d: Ausbildungsbataillon A U S C O A S T e: Coastal Navigation Warning issued by Australian RCC - e: Coastal Navigation Warning issued by M RCC AUSEX e: Aircraft Undersea Sound Experiment AusgTrp d: Ausgabetrupp A U S H C e: Australian High Commission

Ausi d: Abteilung Ausland im Wehrmachtsamt Ausl./Abw. d: Amt Ausland/Abwehr [im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht] Ausl.Kdo. d: Ausladekommando A.U.S.M.C. e: Army of the United States Medical Corps AUSMEPA e: Australian Marine Environment Protection Association A U S M I S e: Army Unit Standard Manpower Information System A.u.S.Rgt. d: Ausbildungs- und Sammelregiment A U S T A C C S e: Australian [Tactical] Automated Command and Control System Aust Bde e: Australian Brigade Aust CT A m n Col e: Australian Corps Troops Ammunition Column A U S T R I A T O M d: Österreichische Interessengemeinschaft für Nukleartechnik ausw. d: auswärtig - d: auswärts Ausw.A. d: Auswärtiges Amt Ausw.M. d: Ministerium des Auswärtigen AuswtTrp d: Auswertetrupp A U T E C e: Atlantic Undersea Test [and] Evaluation Center A U T E C W P D e: Atlantic Undersea Test & Evaluation Center West Palm Beach A U T O C A T e: Automatic Communications Airborne Transfer - e: Automatic Control of Air Transmissions A U T O D I N e: Automated Defense Information Network Auto Hb Bt d: Automobil-HaubitzBatterie Autom.Abt. d: Automobil-Abteilung A U T O P A T H e: Automated Flight Path A U T R A N e: Automatic Target Recognition Analysis A U T R A N A V S e: Automated Transponder Navigation System AUV e: Administrative Use Vehicle - e: Armo[u]red Utility Vehicle - e: Autonomous Undersea Vehicle - e: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - f : Véhicule sous-marin autonome - s: Vehículo Submarino Autónomo A U V L e: Airborne Ultraviolet Laser A U V S e: Association for/of Unmanned Vehicle[s] Systems AUW e: Advanced Undersea Weapon[s] A U W e: Airframe Unit Weight - e: Antiunderwater Warfare A U W E e: Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment A U W M P e: Air University War and Mobilization Plan A U X C P e: Auxiliary Airborne Command Post Aux.F. e: Auxiliary Force, India Aux. Pat. e: Auxiliary Patrol A V d: Marine-Wehrabteilung [Oberkommando der Marine] - e: Aerial Vehicle - e: Aerospace Vehicle - e: Air Vehicle - e: Aircraft [seaplane] Tender - e: Anti-Vehicle - e: Armo[u]red Vehicle - e: Aviation - e: Aviation Systems Command - e: Avionics A 7 V d: Verkehrs-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] Av. d: Archivverwaltung des Preußischen Kriegsministeriums

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

A.V. d: Armeeverpflegungslager - e: Artillery Volunteers AVA. d: Armeeverpflegungsamt A.V.A. e: Administration of Veterans' Affairs A - V A e: All-Volunter Army A V A D S e: Autotrack Vulcan Air Defense System A V A R s e: Aircraft Vertical Accelerometer Reports A V - A W O S e: Aviation Automated Weather-Observation System A V B e: Aviation Logistic Support Ship - e: Avionics Bulletin AV-8B e: U.S. Marine Corps fighterbomber j u m p jet Av Bad e: Army Aviation [or Aviator] Badge A V B A T T S e: Aviation Battery Standardization A V BAY e: Avionics Bay A V B L e: Armo[u]red Vehicle Bridge Launcher AV BN e: Aviation Battalion A V C e: American Veterans' Committee - e: Aviation Cadet - e: Avionics Change A.V.C, e: Army Veterinary Corps - e: Artillery Volunteer Corps A V C A e: Audio-Visual and Cartographic Archives division A V C A D e: Aviation Cadet A V C A L e: Aviation Consolidated Allowance List - e: Aviation Coordinated Allowance List A V C A T e: Aviation Carrier Air Turbine fuel - e: Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer avcat e: aviation high-flash turbine fuel A V C A T T e: Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer - e: Aviation Combined Arms Team Trainer AVCIR e: Aviation Crush Injury Research Avco e: Aviation Corporation A V C of SA e: Assistant Vice Chief of Staff, Army AVCOM e: Aviation Command - e: Aviation Materiel Command A V C R A D e: Aviation Classification Repair Activity Depot A V C S e: Advanced Vehicle Control System[s] - e: Assistant Vice Chief of Staff - e: Avionics Components and Subsystems AVCSA e: Assistant Vice Chief of Staff Army A V D e: Aeronautical Vehicles Division - e: Army Veterinary Department A.V.D. e: Army Veterinary Department - e: Army Victualling Department A V D e: Atmospheric Vehicle Detection - e: Audio-Visual Division A V D D e: Advanced Vehicle Design Department A V D O e: Aerospace Vehicle Distribution Office[r] A V D S e: Armoured Vehicle Driving Simulators - e: Articulated Vehicle Dynamic Simulator - e: Automated Vehicle Diagnostic System A V D S Model e: Articulated Vehicle Dynamic Simulation Model AVE e: Aerospace Vehicle Electronics - e: Aerospace Vehicle Equipment - e: Airborne Vehicle Equipment A V E D e: Avionic Engineering Division A V E M I L G U A f : Asociación de Veteranos Militares de Guatemala


AVER AVER / · Amicale des anciens volontaires français en Espagne républicaine A.Verw. d: Artillerie-Verwaltung [Marine] AVF e: All-Volunteer Force - e: America's Victory Force AVFB d: Abteilung der vorderen Frontbasis avfuel e: aviation fuel AVG e: Aircraft Escort Vessel - e: American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force A.V.G. e: American Volunteer Group AVGP e: Armoured Vehicle, General Purpose AVGRA e: Admiralty Vickers Gearing Research Association AVH e: Air Vehicle Handler - e: Armoured Vehicle, Heavy AVHRR e: Advanced Very High Resolution Radar AVI e: Airborne Vehicle Identification - e: American Veterans of Israel - e: Automated Vehicle Identification - e: Automatic Vehicle Identification - se: Arhiv Vojnoistorijskog Instituta avi e: Aviation AVIA e: Aviation A.V.I.A. i: Azionaria Vercellese Industrie Aeronautiche Aviaction d: Aviation Hanseatische Luftreederei GmbH & Co. KG AVIAF f: Association des Volontaires Italiens dans l'Armée Française Aviat. aviat e: Aviation Aviat Space Environ Med e: Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine Aviat. Week Space Technol. e: Aviation Week and Space Technology AVID e: Airborne Vehicle Identification - e: Audio Visual Instructional Division Avigation e: Aircraft Navigation AVIM e: Army Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance aviob e: aviation observation avionics e: aviation and astronautics electronics AVIONICS e: Aviation Electronics AVIP e: Avionics Integrity Program AVIRIS e: Airborne Visible and Infared Imaging Spectrometer AVISH e: Air Vehicle Inventory Status and History Avista e: Audio-Visual Tracking of Aircraft AVISURS e: Aerospace Vehicle Inventory Status and Utilization Reporting System A.V.K.L. d: Artillerieversuchskommando Land [Marine] A.V.K.S. d: Artillerieversuchskommando für Schiffe [Marine] A.V.K.T. d: Artillerieversuchskommando Torpedoboote [Marine] AVL d: Armeeverpflegungslager - e: Air Vehicles Ltd - e: Armoured Vehicle, Light - e: Automatic Vehicle Locating - e: Automatic Vehicle Location - e: Avionics Verification Laboratory AVLABS e: Army Aviation Material Laboratories Av Labs e: Aviation Laboratories AVLB e: Armoured Vehicle-Launched Bridge AVLF e: Airborne Very Low Frequency AVLIS e: Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation avlm e: anti-vehicle land mine AVLOC e: Airborne Visible Laser Optical Communication


AVLS e: Automatic Vehicle Location System AVLUB e: Aviation Lubricant AVM d: Armeeverpflegungsmagazin - e: Airborne Vapour Monitor - e: Airborne Vibration Monitor - e: Aircraft Vehicle Manufacturer - e: Antivehicle Mine - e: Armoured Vehicle, Medium - e: Automatic Vehicle Monitoring - e: Aviation Medical - e: Guided missile ship - n: Amsterdamsche Verwarmingsmaatschappij AVMDT f: Association vaudoise des maîtres de division terminale Αν Mech e: Aviation Mechanic AVMG s: Asociación de Veteranos Militares de Guatemala AVMRL e: Armoured Vehicle Multiple Rocket Launcher AV Munition e: Anti-Vehicle Munition avn e: Aviation AVN e: Aviation [model at NCEP] - e: Aviation News AVNEC e: Army Aviation Employment Conference Avn Eng e: Aviation Engineer AVNENGRBN e: Aviation Engineer Battalion Avnet e: Aviation Network AVNMED e: Aviation Medicine AVNRO n: Algemene Vereniging van Nederlandse Reserve Officieren AVNS e: Aviation School Avn Sch e: Aviation School AVNU e: Aviation Unit AVO e: Administrative Veterinary Officer - n: algemene en volledige ontwapening AVOAC e: Aviation Officer Advanced Course AVOID e: Airfield Vehicle Obstacle Indicating Device avoil e: Aviation Oil AVP d: Armeeversorgungspunkt - e: Army Validation Program - e: Artillery Vehicle Park AVR e: Armoured Vehicle, Reconnaissance - e: Army Volunteer Reserve[s] A.V.R. e: Army Volunteer Reserve AVRADA e: Army Aviation Research and Development Activity AVRADCOM e: Aviation Research and Development Command AVRDEC e: Aviation Research, Development & Engineering Center AVRE e: Armoured Vehicle, Royal Engineers AVRÒ e: Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators AVRP e: Advanced Vehicle Reception Park AVRS e: Airborne Video Recording System AVS e: Aerospace Vehicle Simulation - e: Airborne Viewing System - e: Army Veterinary Service - e: Aviation Standards - e: aviation supply ship AVSAP ru: Asociata voluntara pentru sprijinirea apärärii patrei AVSCOM e: Army Aviation & Surface Command - e: Army Aviation Systems Command - e: Aviation and Surface-materiel Command - e: Aviation Systems Command AVSER e: Aviation Safety Engineering and Research

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AVSR e: Avionics Verification Status Room AVSS e: Apollo Vehicle Systems Section AVST e: Advanced Vehicle Simulation Technique AVSYCOM e: Aviation Systems Command AVSYN e: Air Vehicle Synthesis AVT e: Advanced Vehicle Technology - e: Auxiliary Aircraft Landing Training Ship - e: Auxiliary Aircraft Transport - e: Aviation Medicine Technician AVTB e: Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch - e: Aviation Test Bed A.V.T.C, e: Army Vocational Training Centre AVTR e: Airborne Videocassette Tape Recorder AVTUR e: Aviation Turbine avtur e: aviation gas turbine fuel - e: aviation turbine fuel Avtur e: Aviation Turbine Kerosene AVUM e: Aviation Unit Maintenance AvWk e: Aviation Week AVZ d: Ariverein Zürich AW d: Anfertigungsware - d: Anwartschaftsversicherung - e: Advanced Weapon[s] - e: Air Warfare - e: Air Warning - e: Aircraft Warning - e: Airlift Wing - e: Alternate Weapon - e: Amphibious Warfare - e: Amphibious Warfare ship - e: Army Wide - e: Articles of War - e: Atomic Warfare - e: Augmentor Wing - e: Automatic Weapon[s] - e: Aviation Week - e: Air Warfare Analysis - e: All the Worlds Aircraft - e: Audio Warning Amplifier - e: Australian Workplace Agreement - e: Automatic Warning Aid - e: Aviation/Space Writers Association Aw d: Anwärter Aw. d: Anwartschaft - d: Artilleriewerkstatt a. W. d: auf Wartegeld A&W e: Atlantic & Western A-W e: Audible Warning AWA d: Allgemeines Wehrmachtsamt A.Wa. d: Artilleriewaffenamt AWAC e: Airborne Warning and Control - e: Airborne Weapon and Control A.W.A.C. e: American Women's Army Corps AWACD e: Airborne Warning and Control Division AWACS e: Airborne Warning and Command System - e: Airborne Warning and Control Squadron - e: Airborne Warning[s] and Control System[s] AWACS/RSIP e: AWACS/Radar Sensitivity Improvement Program AWACSS e: Airborne Warning and Control Support Squadron AWAC System e: Airborne Warning and Command System - e: Airborne Warning and Control System AWACTS e: Airborne Warning and Control Training Squadron A W A C W e: Airborne Warning and Control Wing AWaf d: Atomwaffe

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AWTD A-Waffen d: Atomwaffen AW ANAS e: Aviation Weather and Notice to Airmen System AWARE e: Advanced Warning of Active Radar Emissions - e: Airborne Warning and Recording Equipment - e: AWARE International aware, e: advance warning equipment AW ARS e: Airborne Weather [and] Reconnaissance System - e: All-Weather Airborne Reconnaissance System A.W.A.S. e: Australian Women's Army Service AWASA e: Australian Women's Army Service Association AWASP e: Advancefd] Weaponsfs] Ammunition Support Point AWATKRON e: All-Weather Attack Squadron A.W.A.V.I. e: Adviser on War Administration to the Viceroy of India AWAY e: Rocket extraction system for the pilot AWB A: Afrikaner Weerstandbeweging - d: Atomwirkungsberater - e: airway bill for air-freight shipments AW BS e: Aircraft Weight and Balance Requirements System AWC e: Acting Wing Commander - e: Air War College - e: Air Weapons Controller - e: Airborne Weapons Control - e: Army War College - e: Army Weapons Command - e: Atlantic Waterfowl Council A.W.C, e: Army Welfare Committee AWCAP e: Air War College Associate Program AWCCV e: Advanced Weapons Carriage Configured Vehicle AWCI e: Aircraft and Weapons Control Interceptor AWCIS e: Aircraft and Weapons Control Interceptor System AWCIT e: Advanced Weapon Carriage Integration Technology AWCO e: Area Wage and Classification Office AWCS e: Air Weapons Control System - e: Airborne Weapons Control System - e: Automatic Warning and Control System - e: Automatic Weapons Control System AWC System e: Automatic Warning and Control System AWCTA e: Atomic-Weapon-Carrying Tactical Aircraft AWCW e: Airborne Warning Composite Wing AWD e: American War Dads - e: Atomic Weapons Decommissioning awd e: Awardfed] AWDA e: American War Dads Auxiliary AWDATS e: Artillery Weapon[s] Data System - e: Artillery Weapon[s] Data Transmission System - e: Automatic Weapon Data Transmission System AWDAT System e: Artillery Weapon[s] Data Transmission System AWDGP e: Adelaide Western Division of General Practice AWDL e: Aviation Weather Development Laboratory AWDP e: Aviation Weather Development Program

AWDR e: Advanced Weapon Delivery Radar AWDREY e: Atomic Weapon[s] Detection, Recognition, and Yield AWE e: Advance Warfighting Experiment - e: Aircraft Weapons Electronics - e: Atomic Weapons Establishment AWECOM e: Army Weapons Command AWES e: Area Weapons Effect Simulator - e: Army Waterways Experimental] Station AWESS e: Automatic Weapons Effects Signature Simulator Awewa. d: Armeewetterwarte AWF e: All-Weather Fighter - e: Art for World Friendship - e: Aviation Weather Facility AWFS e: All-Weather Fighter Squadron AWFTF e: Aviation Weather Forecasting Task Force AWG e: Air Weapons Group - e: Air Weather Group AWGWC e: Air Force Global Weather Center A.W.H.A. e: Australian Women's Home Army AWHQ e: Alternative War Headquarters - e: Amphibious Warfare Headquarters A.W.H.Q. e: Amphibious Warfare Headquarters AWIS d: automatisches Wartungsinformationssystem - e: Army WWMCCS Information System AWJSRA e: Augmenter Wing Jet STOL [Short Takeoff and Landing] Research Aircraft AWLOGS e: Army Wholesale Logistic System AWM e: American War Mothers AWMC e: Advanced Weapons Monitoring System - e: Army Weapons and Mobility Command AWMCS e: Aviation Weapons Movement Control System AWMD e: Air and Waste Management Division AWMSAS e: ArcView Marine Spill Analysis System AWN e: Aviation Weather Network Awn d: Anwärterfin] A&W[N.C.J e: Atlantic and Western Railroad Company AWngSvc e: Air Warning Service AWNIS e: Allied Wartime Navigational Information System AWO e: Air Weather Officer - e: Army Welfare Office[r] - e: Army Wireless Officer - e: Association of Water Officers A.W.O. e: Admiralty Weekly Order - e: Army Welfare Office AWOD e: All-Weather Operations Division AWOP e: Automated Weaponeering Optimization Program AWP d: Abteilung Waffen- und Schiessplätze - e: Aircraft Working Party - e: Antisubmarine Warfare Program - e: Assistant for Women Personnel - e: Aviation Weather Processor - e: Aviation Weather Program AWPD e: Air War Plans Division AWPDS e: Attack Warning Processing & Display System AWPG e: Aviation Weather Products Generator AWPGM e: Adverse Weather Precision Guided Munition

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

AW-PGW e: Adverse-Weather [or All Weather] Precision Guided Weapon A. Wpn. e: Automatic Weapon[s] AWR e: Army War Room AWRD e: Air Warfare Research Department AWRDF e: Advanced Weapons Radiochemical Diagnostics Facility AWRE e: Atomic Weapons Research Establishment - e: Atomic Weapons Research Establishment AWRIS e: Army War Room Information System AWRNCO e: Aircraft Warning Company AWRO e: Atomic Weapon Retrofilt Order AWRS e: Airborne Weather Radar System - e: Airborne Weather Reconnaissance System - e: Aircraft Weapons Release Set - e: Aviation Weather Reporting Station AWS d: Ausgabewarteschlange - e: Advanced Warning System - e: Advanced Weapon System - e: AEGIS Weapon System - e: Air Warfare Course - e: Air Warning Service - e: Air Warning Squadron - e: Air Warning System[s] - e: Air Weapon System[s] - e: Aircraft Warning Service - e: Aircraft Warning Set - e: Aircraft Warning System - e: American War Standard[s] - e: Amphibious Warfare School - e: Amphibious Warfare Squadron - e: Antisubmarine Warfare Systems - e: Army Weather Service - e: Army Welfare Services - e: Atlas Weapon System - e: Attack Warning System AWSA e: Air Warfare Systems Analysis - e: Airborne Waveguide Slotted Array AWSAA e: Airborne Waveguide Slot Array Aerial - e: Airborne Waveguide Slot Array Antenna AWSACS e: All-Weather Stand-off Aircraft Control System AWSC e: American War Standards Committee AWSCOM e: Advanced Weapons Support Command - e: Atomic Weapons Support Command AWSG e: Army Work Study Group AWSIM e: Air-Warfare Simulator [or Simulation] AWSIMS e: Air War Simulations - e: Air Warfare Simulation System AWSM e: Air Weapons Systems Management AWSO e: Army Work Study Organisation AWSP e: Air Weapons Systems Plan AWST e: Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine AW&ST e: Aviation Week and Space Technology A.Wstb. d: Amtsgruppe Wehrwirtschaftsstab AWSVC e: Air Warning Service AWT e: Amphibious Warfare Technology AWTAO e: Association of Water Transportation Accounting Officers AWTAS e: Automated Weapons Test Analysis System AWTBS e: All-Weather Tactical Bombing System AWTD e: Air Warfare Training Development


A.W.T.D. A.W.T.D. e: Air Warfare Training Division AWTG e: Atomic Weapons Training Group AWTI e: Air Weapons Training Installation AWTSC e: Atomic Weapons Tests Safety Committee AWTSS e: All-Weather Tactical Strike System AWUTC e: Aircraft Warning Unit Training Center AWVS e: American Women's Voluntary Service AWW e: Above Water Warfare AW.Wi. d: Amt Wehrwirtschaft [Generalluftzeugmeister] AWWP e: Amphibious Warfare Working Party AWWS e: Automated Want and Warrant System AWX e: All-Weather Aircraft AWX[F] e: All-Weather Aircraft [Fighter] AWX[I] e: All-Weather Aircraft [Intruder] AX e: A-12 fighter plane AXBT e: Airborne Expendable Bathythermograph AXCP e: Airborne Expendable Current Profiler ΑΧΟ e: Assistant Experimental Officer AY e: Ayrshire Yeomanry AYR e: Ayrshire Yeomanry AYR YEO e: The Ayrshire Yeomanry [Earl of Carrick's Own] AYT e: Army Youth Team AZ d: Auswertezentrale [Kampfschiff] AZA d: Artilleriezeugsabteilung AZAR e: Adjustable Zero, Adjustable Range AZD d: Artilleriezeugsdepot AZF d: Artilleriezeugsfabrik - d: aufeinanderfolgendes zusammengefaßtes Feuer AZFD d: Artillerie-Zeugsfilialdepot AZMFmStab 70 d: Auswertezentrale Marinefernmeldestab 70 A Z O P e: Antarctic Zone of Peace Α.Z.V. d: Amt für zentrale Verwaltungsaufgaben der Luftwaffe

Β Β d: Bataillon - d: Beobachtung - d: Beobachtungs-Abteilung [auf Schulterklappe] - d: Bereitschaftsstufe - d: Bombenflugzeug - d: Brigade - e: Ballistic - e: Battle - e: Beech Aircraft Company - e: Bomb[er] - / ' Bataillion - f: Breguet, Société anonyme des ateliers d'aviation - / ' brigade - i: brigata Β. d: Batterie - e: Battleship - i: batteria b. Ρ: bataljon Β- e: Bomb [weapon designator] B-l e: North American-Rockwell strategic supersonic bomber 1/2 B. / • demi-brigade B-2 e: Stealth Bomber B-18 e: Rockwell International long-range supersonic sweptwing bomber


B-25 e: World War II light bomber B47 e: Stratojet all-weather strategic medium bomber B-52 e: Stratofortress all-weather intercontinental strategic heavy bomber B-57 e: Canberra two-place twinengine turbojet all-weather tactical bomber B-58 e: Hustler strategic allweather supersonic bomber B-66 e: Destroyer twin-engine turbn jet tactical all-weather light-bombardment aircraft BA d: Bekleidungsamt - d: Beschaffungsamt für Heer und Marine - d: Bespannungs-Abteilung - d: Büro für Atomenergieprobleme - e: Baird Atomic - e: Bomber Aviation - e: British Army - e: Burmese Army Β.A. d: Beobachtungsabteilung - e: British Admiralty - e: British Army - /• Base Aérienne - f: Bataillion Autonome - f: Bataillon d'Afrique - f: Bataillon de l'Air - f: Batterie d'Artillerie - f: Brigade Aérienne - ì: Base Aerea B/A d: Bekleidung und Ausrüstung - e: Bureau of Aeronautics BAA d: Brigade-Artillerieabteilung BAADS e: Bangor Air Defense Sector ba.a.e. i: base aerea BAAF e: Bahrain Amiri Air Force - e: Brigade Airborne Alert Force - e: Butts Army Airfield BAAG e: British Aerospace Aircraft Group BAAP e: Bilateral Aid to Asia and Pacific [program] BAAR e: Board for Aviation Accident Research BAART d: Bundesamt für Artillerie BAATC e: Bay Area Army Terminal Center BAB d: bewegliche Armeebasis - d: Bundesamt für Armeematerial und Bauten BABI e: Brooke Army Burn Institute B.Abt, d: Bauabteilung - d: Beobachtungsabteilung BAC e: Baerman Aircraft Corporation - e: Base Area Commandant - e: Battle Area Clearance - e: Battleship Aircraft Carrier - e: Brigade Ammunition Column - e: British Air Commission - e: British Aircraft Constructors - e: British Aircraft Corporation - e: British Aircraft Corporation Ltd. - e: British Atlantic Committee B.A.C, e: Board of the Air Council - e: Board of the Army Council - f : Batterie anti-chars BACA e: British Advisory Committee for Aeronautics - e: British Aerospace Commercial Aircraft B.A.C.A.F. / • Bureau Administratif Central des éléments des forces Armées Fédérales en France BACAN e: British Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise BACCHUS e: British Aircraft Corporation Commercial Habitat Under the Sea BACE e: Basic Aircraft Checkout Equipment BACCA e: British-Australian Cotton Growing Association

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BAGNATO e: British Atlantic Committee of NATO Ba Com e: Base Command BACP e: Business Advisory Committee on Procurement [Department of Defense] BACSA e: British Aircraft Corporation Staff Association BACSEB e: BUWEPS [Bureau of Naval Weapons] Aviation Clothing and Survival Equipment Bullet BACU e: Battle Area Control Unit BACUSA e: British Aircraft Corporation USA BAD e: Base Air Depot - e: Base Ammunition Depot B.A.D. e: British Admiralty Delegation to Washington - f: Base aérienne de Dijon - / ' Batterie de l'Artillerie Divisionnaire BADGE e: Base Air Defense Ground Environment BADGES e: Base Air Defense Ground Environment System B/A-Dienst d: Bekleidungs- und Ausrüstungsdienst BADJ d: Bundesamt für Adjutantur BADS e: Bangor Air Defense Sector Β Ae e: Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering - e: Bachelor of Aeronautics BAE e: British Admiralty Establishment BAED e: British Airways European Division BAEE e: British Army Equipment Exhibition BAF d: Bundeskonferenz autonomer Friedensinitiativen - e: Belgian Air Force - e: Biafran Air Force - e: Brazilian Air Force - e: British Air Force - e: Burma Air Force - e: Burundi Air Force B.A.F. e: Burma Auxiliary Force - e: Burma [Burmese] Air Force - e: Burma [or Burmese] Air Force f: Bataillon Autonome de Franchissement BAFB e: Boiling Air Force Base BAFCOM e: Basic Armed Forces Communication BAFCom e: Basic Armed Forces Communication Plan BAFCOM Plan e: Basic Armed Forces Communication Plan BAFF d: Bundesamt für Militärflugwesen und Fliegerabwehr - e: British Air Force in France BAFO e: British Air Force of Occupation in Germany B.A.F.O. e: British Army Forces Overseas BAFOC e: British Air Force[s] of Occupation Command BAFSEA e: British Air Force in South East Asia BAFSVS e: British Armed Forces Special Vouchers BAFVC e: Bids Accepted for the Following Vacancies BAG e: Ballistic Attack Game B.A.G. f: Bataillon Autonome du Génie B.A.g.A. f: Bataillon Allégé du Génie de l'Air BAG F d: Bundesamt für Genie und Festungen BAGR e: Bureau of Aeronautics General Representative Bagtr. d: Bagagetrain BAH e: British Airways Helicopters - e: Brooke Army Hospital

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Bat BAHO e: British Association of Helicopter Operators BAHT e: Basic Attack Helicopter Team BAI e: Back-up Aircraft Inventory - e: Backup Aerospace-vehicle Inventory - e: Battle Area Interdiction - e: Battlefield Air Interdiction - e: Boeing Airborne Instrumentation BAIC e: British Aviation Insurance Company B.A.I.C. f: Bataillon Autonome d'Infanterie Coloniale BAINF d: Bundesamt für Infanterie BAINS e: Basic Advanced Integrated Navigation System BAIR e: Bureau of Aeronautics Industrial Reserve B.Air. / · Bataillon de l'Air BAIS e: Bomber Airborne Instrumentation System - e: British Air Intelligence Service BÄK d: Bekleidungsamt Kiel BAKT d: Bundesamt für Kampftruppen BAkWVT d: Bundesakademie für Wehrverwaltung und Wehrtechnik, Mannheim bal e: Ballistic[s] B.A.L. f: Base aérienne de Lyon BALDNY e: Ballistic Density BALID e: Ballistic Identification BALL e: Ballistic BALLAD e: Ballistic Loran Assist Device Ball.Battr. d: Ballonbatterie ballistic corn e: Ballistic corn is an indicator of public hygiene facilities ballwin e: Ballistic Wind BALMI e: Ballistic Missile BALO e: Brigade Air Liaison Officer BALOC e: Base Logistical Command BALOG d: Bundesamt für Logistiktruppen - e: Base Logistical Command BALST d: Bundesamt für Luftschutztruppen BALTAP e: Allied Forces Baltic Approaches Balt.Ldw. d: Baltische Landeswehr BALWND e: Ballistic Wind BAM e: Ballistic Advanced Missile Β.A.M. f: Base d'Aviation Maritime BAM s: Base Aérea Militar BA-MA d: Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv Β.A.M.A. e: British Army Motoring Association BAMA e: Brotherhood Association of Military Airmen B/A-Maat d: Maat für Bekleidung und Ausrüstung B.A.M.B.C. / · Bataillon Autonome des Matériels et Bâtiments Coloniaux BAMBI e: Ballistic Anti-ballistic Missile Boost Intercept - e: Ballistic Missile Bombardment Interceptor - e: Ballistic Missile Burning Intercept bambi e: Ballistic Missile Boost Intercept BAMBSR e: British Admiralty Maintenance and Supply Representative BAMC e.· Brooke Army Medical Center B.A.M.C.L. e: British Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Limited B.Am.D. e: Base Ammunition Depot BAMF d: Bundesamt für Militärflugplätze BAMG e: Browning Aircraft Machine Gun BAMIRAC e: Ballistic Missile Radiation Analysis Center BAMLT d: Bundesamt für Mechanisierte und Leichte Truppen BAMM e: Black Afro Militant Movement

BAMO e: Bureau of Aeronautics Material Officer BAMP e: Battlefield Automation Management Plan - e: Battlefield Automation Management Program BAMR e: Bureau of Aeronautics Maintenance Representative - e: Bureau of Aeronautics Representative BAMRO e: Bureau of Aeronautics Maintenance Repair Officer BAMRRO e: Bureau of Aeronautics Maintenance Resident Representative Office BAMS e: Black Activist Militant Society BAMSR e: British Admiralty Maintenance and Supply Representative Bamunas in: Badan Musjawarah Pengusaha Nasional BAMV d: Bundesamt für Militärversicherung BAMVET d: Bundesamt für Militärveterinärdienst BAN e: Battlefield Account Number B.A.N, f: Base Aéronautique Navale - / · Base Aéronavale BANAVAVNOFFSCOL e: Basic Naval Aviation Officers School BANEC e: Balanced Nuclear Economy Code bang torp e: bangalore torpedo banir bombing and navigation inertial BANI e: Bell Atlantic Network Integration BANIR e: Bombing & Navigation Inertial Reference BANO f: Bataillon Autonome du Niger Ouest BANS e: Basic Air Navigation School BANSHEE e: Balloon and Nike Scaled High Explosive Experiment Bantam e: Swedish antitank guided missile BANU e.· British Army News Unit ba.nv. i: base navale BAO e: Base Account Officer - e: Base of Air Operations - e: Budget and Accounting Officer B.A.O. f: Base aérienne d'opération BAOD e: British Airways Overseas Division Baon d: Bataillon baon o.p. P: bataljon ochrony pogranziza baon rtlgr. P: bataljon radjotelegraficzny baon Sap. P: bataljon saperów BAOR e: British Army of the Rhine BAOS e: Basic Artillery Observer Subsystem BAP e: Beacon Aircraft Position - e: Bombes Anti-Personnel - e: Bureau of Aircraft Production - e: Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Railway Co. B.A. P. f: brigade aéroportée BAPC e: British Aircraft Preservation Council BAPD e: Base Air Post Depot - e: Base Ammunition and Petroleum Depot Baperki in: Badan Permusjawaratan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia BAPL e: Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory - e: Bettits Atomic Power Laboratory BAPO e: British Army Post Office BAR e: Basic Army Regulations - e: Battery Acquisition Radar - e: Belgian Army - e: Bureau of Aeronautics Representative - i: battaglione addestramento reclute Barak f: Israeli version of the French Mirage military aircraft BARB e: Boosted Anti-Radar Bomb BARBI e: Baseline Radar Bag Initiator

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Bar Bin Bn e: Barrage Balloon Battalion Bar Bin Bn e: Barrage Balloon Battalion BARC e: Barge, Amphibious, Resupply, Cargo - e: Beach Amphibious Resupply Cargo - e: British Aeronautical Research Committee BARCAP e: Barrier Combat Air Patrol BARCS e: Battlefield Area Reconnaissance System BARFEX e: Boardman Atmospheric Radiation Flux Experiment BARLANT e: Barrier Forces, Atlantic B.A.R.M. e: British Admiralty Repair Mission BARN e: Bombing & Reconnaissance Navigation BARNEE e: British Army/Royal Navy Equipment Exhibition BARNS e: Bombing and Reconnaissance Navigation System ba.r/p i: banda regolare a piedi BARPAC e: Barrier Forces, Pacific BARR e: Bureau of Aeronautics Resident Representative BARS e: Ballistic Analysis Research System - e: Bistatic Auroral Radar System BARSTUR e: Barding Sands Underwater Test Range BART e: Brooklyn Army Terminal BARTO e: British Association of Resort Tourist Officers BARTS e: Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing BARTH e: Bureau of Aeronautics Reserve Training Unit BARV e: Beach Armo[u]red Recovery Vehicle BAS d: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Soldatenbetreuung - e: Battalion Aid Station - e: Battlefield Automated Systemfs] - e: British Anatomical Society - e: British Army Staff - e: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - e: Bureau of Aviation Safety bas e: Beacon Airborne S-band BA/S e: Boatswain, Antisubmarine Service BASE e: Basic Army Strategic Estimate BASEFOR e: Base Force BASH e: Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard BASIC e: Battle Area Surveillance and Integrated Communications BASICPAC e: Battle Area Surveillance and Integrated Communications Processor and Computer BASMOM e: British Association Sovereign and Military Order of Malta BASO e: Base Accountable Supply Officer - e: Brigade Air Support Officer - e: Bureau of Aeronautics Shipping Order BASOC e: Brigade Air Support Operations Centre BASOPS e: base operations office BASRE e: British Admiralty Signal Radar Establishment BASS e: Battlefield [control element] Automated Support System BASW e: British Army Staff, Washington BAT e: Ballistic Aerial Target - e: Basic Aviation Trainer - e: Battle - e: Brooklyn Army Terminal - f: Bombes d'Appui Tactique Bat d: Bataillon - d: Bataillon


bat bat e: battleship - η: bataljon Bat. d: Batterie - d: Bataillon - e: Battalion - s: Batería bat. P: baterja - Ρ: bateryjny - c: baterie - e: battalion B.A.T. f: Base Aérienne Tactique BATAN e: National Atomic Energy Agency BATC e: Boeing Atlantic Test Center BATCO e: Battle Code B A T C R U L A N T e: Battleships and Cruisers, Atlantic Fleet B A T C R U P A C e: Battleships and Cruisers, Pacific Fleet Bat d'Af. / • Bataillon d'Afrique bat.d'inf. f : bataillon d'infanterie Β ATD IV e: Battleship Division BATES e: Ballistic Test and Evaluation Systems - e: Ballistic Test Evaluation and Sealing - e: Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System BATF d: Bundesbehörde für Alkohol, Tabak und Feuerwaffen BATFOR e: Battie Force Batie / · batterie Β . A . T . I . M . f : Bureau Africain des Travaux d'Intérêt Militaire Batl. d: Bataillon B A T L A N T e: Battleships, Atlantic Fleet BATLS e: British Army Training & Liaison Staff B A T M e: British Admiralty Technical Mission Β.A.T.M. e: British Admiralty Technical Mission - / ' Bataillon Autonome de Transit Maritime bat.mitr. f : bataillon de mitrailleurs BATO e: British Association of Tourist Officers B A T P A C e: Battleships, Pacific Fleet BATR e: Bullets At Target Range BATRECON e: Battle Reconnaissance batres n: bataljonreserve BAT rifle e: Battalion Anti-Tank rifle B A T R O N e: Battleship Squadron BATS e: Ballistic Aerial Target System - e: Battle Area Tactical Scenario - e: Battle Area Tactical Simulation BATSHIP e: Battleship B A T S H I P S B A T F O R P A C e: Battleships, Battle Force, Pacific Fleet B A T S H I P S L A N T e: Battleships, Atlantic Fleet BATSHIPSPAC e: Battleships, Pacific Fleet batst η: bataljonstaf BATSUB e: British Army Training Support Unit Belize B A T T d: Bundesamt für Transporttruppen batt r: batteri Batt. d: Batterie - e: Battalion - e: Battery batt. f : batterie - i: battaglione - i: batteria batt.g. i: battaglione genio i: battaglione mitraglieri Battr. d: Batterie Battrn. d: Batterien Battr.Tr. d: Batterietrupp batt.T.M. i: battaglione Trasmissione Mista


B A T U e: British Army Training Unit B A T U S e: British Army Training Unit, Suffield BAIJA e: British Aircraft Users Association B A U E M d: Bundesamt für Übermittl ungstruppen Baul.d.Lw. d: Bauleitung der Luftwaffe BauLtgUboote d: Bauleitung Uboote BauPiBtl d: Baupionierbataillon BAUT d: Bundesamt für Unterstützungstruppen B A V A e: Byelorussian-American Veterans Association BAW d: Bekleidungsamt Wilhelmshaven baw e: beach armored recovery vehicle B A W S e: Basic Acoustic Warfare System ΒΑΧ e: Beacon Airborne X-band BAYS e: The Queen's Bays [2nd Dragoon Guards] Bay.Tel.Batl. d: Bayerisches TelegrafenBataillon BAZ e: Best Atom Zeta Bazan s: Empresa Nacional Bazán de Construcciones Navales Militares, S.A. BB d: Begleitbatterie - d: Werftabteilung [Reichskriegsministerium Marine] - e: Battleship - e: Berlin Brigade - f : Brigade Blindée Bb d: Bombe Bb. d: Beobachtungsabteilung [Stab] B.B. d: Batteriebefehlsstelle - d: Baubataillon - f : Brigade Blindée B-1B e: Long-Range Penetrating Bomber BBA d: Bajuwarische Befreiungsarmee - d: Bremer Bürgerinitiative gegen Atomanlagen - e: Basic Border Agreement - e: British Board of Agreement Bb.Abt. d: Beobachtungsabteilung BBAC e: British Balloon and Airship Club BBB d: Bund der Beamten der Bundeswehr e.V. BBBG e: Battleship Battle Group B.B.C, e: Bermuda[s] Base Command BBDE e: Berlin Brigade B.B.G. d: Befehlshaber der Baltischen Gew - e: Balloon Barrage Group BBG e: Battleship Battle Group BBGT e: Brigade & Battle Group Trainer BBH e: Battalion Beachhead BBIM e: Buoyant Ballistic Inertial Missile B.B.Kdo. d: Baubelehrungskommando BBM n: Bond van Burgerpersoneel in Militaire inrichtingen B B M D n: Bond van Burgerpersoneel bij de Militaire Diensten BBMF e: Battle of Britain Memorial Flight BBo d: Bugsierboot B.B.P. d: Batterie-Baupark bbrcie n: baileybrugcompagnie BBS d: Batteriebefehlsstelle - e: Brigade Battle Simulation BBSAG e: Battleship Surface Action Group BBSI e: British Boot and Shoe Institute - e: British Boot and Shoe Institution Β & Β SNC e.· British and Burmese Steam Navigation Company B.Btl. d: Baubataillon B.B.V. d: Bahnbauverwaltung BBV/MZ n: Gemeentelijke Dienst voor Burgerlijke Stand, Bevolkingsregister, Verkiezingen en Militaire Zaken

Κ · G · Saur, München

BC e: Ballistic Camera - e: Ballistic Coefficient - e: Balloon Command - e: Base Command - e: Battalion Commander - e: Battery Commander - e: Battle Casualities - e: Battle Commander - e: Battle Cruiser - e: Battlecars - e: Berlin Command - e: Bomber Command - e: Border Command B.C. A: Burgher Commando - e: Balloon Command - e: Balloon Corps [Civil War] - e: Bomber Command - / ' Bataillon Colonial - f: Bataillon Commandos - f: Bataillon Cycliste - f: Bataillon de Chars - f: Bataillon de Commandement - f: Bataillon de Construction - f: Bataillon des Chasseurs - f: Batterie de Commandement - f: Brigade de chars B&C e: Bacteriological [or Biological] & Chemical weapons BCA e: Battery Commander Assistant - f: Bataillon des Chasseurs Alpins B.C.A. f : Bataillon Colonial Africain - f: Bataillon de Chasseurs Algériens - f: Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins - f: Batterie de Commandement de l'Artillerie - f: Bureau Central d'Armée b.c.a. f: batterie contre aéronefs - / • batterie contre avions B.C.A.A.M. f : Bureau Central des Archives Administratives Militaires B.C.A.D. f: Batterie de Commandement de l'Artillerie Divisionnaire BCAE e: Bulgarian Atomic Energy Commission BCAir e: British Commonwealth Air Force BCAR e: British Civil Aircraft Requirements BCC e: Battalion Command Centre - e: Battery Command Centre B.C.C. / · Bataillon des Chars de Combat - s: Batería contra Carro de Combate BCCC e: Ballistic Compressor Computer Code B C C O e: Base Consolidation Control Officer B.C.C.P. f : Bataillon Coloniale de Chasseurs Parachutistes B.C.C.P.M. / · Bureau Central des Colis Postaux Militaires BCCSWG e: Base Communications Center Strategy Working Group BCCT e: Break Control Command Transducers BCDD e: British Chemical Defence Department B.C.D.S.E. / · Bureau central des déplacements et stages à l'étranger BCE e: Battlefield Control Element - e: Battlefield Coordination Element BCEL e: British Commonwealth ExServices League BCF e: Backward Control Field - e: Battle Cruiser Fleet - e: Battle Cruiser Flotilla - e: Battle Cruiser Force B.C.F. e: British Commonwealth Forces BCFA e: British-China Friendship Association

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

B.d.SP. Β.C.F.K, e: British Commonwealth Forces in Korea BCFL e: British Czechoslovak Friendship League BCFS e: Backup Flight Control System BCG e: Battalion Control Group BCGN e: Nuclear-powered, Guided Missile Battlecruiser BCH d: Brigadechef BCH Code e: Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk b.chem. P: bataljon chemiczny B.C.I.A.A. /• Bureau Central d'Incorporation et d'Archives de l'Armée de l'Air BCIS e: Battlefield Combat Identification System BCK e: Backward[s] B.C.L. / • Bataillon de Chars Légers BCM e: Ballistic Correction of the Moment - e: Basic Combat Manoeuvring B.C.M. / • Bureau Central Militaire b.c.m. f: bataillon de chasseurs mitrailleurs B.C.M.C. / · Bureau Central Militaire de Circulation BCMR e: Board for Correction of Military Records B.C.M.R. / · Bureau central des maisons de repos [blessés de guerre] BCO e: Battery Control Officer BCOC e: Bomber Command Operations Center BCoF e: Battle Cry of Freedom [Book] B.C.O.F e: British Commonwealth Occupation Force B.C. of A. e: British College of Aeronautics BCOS e: British Chiefs of Staff BCP e: Battery Command Post - e: Bootstrap Commissioning Program B.C.P. f: Bataillon de Chasseurs à Pied - f: Bataillon de Chasseurs Parachutistes - f: Bataillon de chasseurs à pied - f: Bataillon de Chasseurs Portés BCPA e: British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines, Ltd. BCPO e: Base Command Payment Office BCR e: Battery Control Radar - e: Battle Casualty Replacement BCRTS e: Binary Coded Range Time Signal BCRV e: Blunt Conical Reentry Vehicle BCS e: Baden Community Services - e: Ballistic Computer System - e: Battalion Casualty Station - e: Battery Commander's Station B.C.S. e: Battle Cruiser Squadron - f: Bataillon de Commandement et des Services - f: Batterie de Commandement et des Services B.C.S.I. f: Bureau central des statistiques de l'intendance BCSS e: Bar-Ilan Centre for Strategie Studies - e: Battlefield Command Support System BCT e: Ballistic Computation Technology - e: Basic Combat Training - e: Battalion Combat Team - e: Battalion Combat Train - e: Battle Coordination Team - e: Battlefield Command Terminal - e: Battlefield Command Trainer - e: Between Commands Testing B.C.Τ / · Bureau central de tir B.C.T. /• Bureau central des télécommunications

BCTF e: Battle Commanders Training Facility BCTP e: Battle Command Training Program BCV e: Battle Command Vehicle BCW e: Binary Chemical Warhead - e: Binary Chemical Weapon - e: Biological and Chemical Weapons BC/WC e: Ballistic Computer/Weapon Controller BCWD e: Biological and Chemical Warfare Division - e: Biological & Chemical Weapon Disposal BCWVA e: British Commonwealth War Veterans Association BCX e: Beech Aircraft Corp. BD d: Armee-Verwaltungs-Departement - e: Base Depot - e: Battle Director - e: Battle Doctrine - e: Battle Dressfing] - e: Bomb Disponal - e: Bombardment Division B.D. d: Baudivision [Marine] - e: Boom Defence - e: Boom Defence [Depot] B.d. f: Base divisionnaire BDA e: Battle Damage Assessment - e: Battle Damaged Aircraft - / ' Brigade de Défense des Animaux - f: Bureau de diffusion d'alerte B.d.A. d: Befehlshaber der Aufklärung B.d.A.d.O. d: Befehlshaber der Aufklärung B.D.A.P. f: Bureau départemental d'alerte parachutage BDART e: Battle Damage Assessment and Reporting Team BDAS e: Battle Damage Assessment System BDC e: Bomb Disposal Company - e: Building Division Council B.D.C, e: Burma Defence Council B.D.C.C, e: British Defence Co-ordinating Committee BDCC/ME e: British Defence Coordinating Committee, Middle East BDCE e: Basic Damage Control Exercise B.D.C.M. / • Bureau de Documentation des Carrières de la Marine BDD e: Base Development Doctrine - e: Boom Defence Depot BdD d: Bund der Deutschen für Einheit, Frieden und Freiheit B.D.D. e: Boom Defence Department BDE e: Bomber Development Establishment - e: British Destroyer Escort bde e: brigade - f: brigade Β.D.E. e: Bomber Development Establishment B.d.E. d: Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres Bde Comdr e: Brigade Commander B.D.E.M. / • Bataillon de Détection Électromagnétique Bde O e: Brigade Officer Β dep e: base depot Bde Tpt Coy e: brigade transport company BDF e: Backwards Differentiation Formulas - e: Base Defense Force - e: Belize Defence Force - f: Bureau [de direction] des Feux B.D.F. e: British Defence Forces B.d.F. d: Bund der Frontsoldaten Bd.F.Kdo. d: Bordfliegerkommando

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

BDFWt d: Bund Deutscher Feuerwerker und Wehrtechniker B.D.G.H. e: Base Depot and General Hospital B.d.G.Ost d: Beauftragter des Generalquartiermeisters für den Osten B.d.G.West d: Beauftragter des Generalquartiermeisters für den westlichen Kriegsschauplatz BDHSA e: Bomb Director High Speed Aircraft BDI e: Battle Damage Information - e: Belgian Defence Industries B-Dienst d: Beobachtungsdienst [Beobachtung des Fernmeldeverkehrs des Gegners] BDIG e: Belgian Defence Industry Group B - l DIV e: B-l Division B.d.K. d: Beauftragter des Kriegsamtes - d: Befehlshaber der Kampfgruppe - d: Befehlshaber der Kreuzer B.d.L. d: Befehlshaber der Linienschiffe - d: Befehlshaber der Luftstreitkräfte BDLS e: British Defence Liaison Staff BD M e: Bomber Defense Missile - e: Bunker Defeat Munition BD MA e: British Defence Manufacturers Association BDMS e: Base Depot of Medical Stores BDMV d: Bund Deutscher Marinevereine BdO d: Bund deutscher Offiziere [in der Sowjetunion] BDO e: Boom Defence Officer Bd O e: Brigade Officer BDOC e: Base Defense Operations Center BDP e: Battlefield Development Plan - e: Boom Defence Depot B.D.P. / · Bataillon Dragons Portés B.d.P. d: Befehlshaber der Panzerschiffe BDR e: Battle Damage Repair BDRI e: Bright Display Radar Indicator BDRT e: Battle Damage Repair Training BDS d: Schutzbund ehemaliger deutscher Soldaten Bayern, München - e: Battle Dressing Station - e: Battlefield Data System - e: Battlefield Distribution Simulation - e: Biological Defense System - e: Boom Defence Service - e: British Defence Software - e: British Defence Staff - e: Business Defense Services Administration BdS d: Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD [Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers SS] B.d.S. d: Befehlshaber der Schlachtschiffe - d: Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei BDSA e: Business and Defense Services Administration BDS [Air] Washington e: Air Force Staff Washington [British Defence Staff] BDS [Air] Washington e: Air Force Staff Washington [British Defence Staff] BDS [ArmyJWashington e: Army Staff Washington [British Defence Staff] BDS [Army]Washington e: Army Staff Washington [British Defence Staff] BDS-D e: Battlefield Distributed [or Distribution] Simulation-Development B.d.S.d.N. d: Befehlshaber des Sicherungsverbandes der Nordsee Β.d.S.d.O. d: Befehlshaber der Sicherungsstreitkräfte des Osten BDSI e: Basic Direct Shipping Instructions B.d.SP. d: Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei


BDS R and D Washingt BDS R and D Washingt e: Defence Research and Development Staff, Washington [British Defence Staff] B.Dst. d: Baudienststelle [Marine] BDSW e: British Defence Staff[s], Washington B.d.T. d: Befehlshaber der Torpedoboote BDTS e: Buffered Data Transmission Simulator BDU e: Battle Dress Uniform - e: Bomb Disposal Unit - e: Practice versions of nuclear bombs B.D.U. e: Bomb Disposal Unit B.d.U. d: Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote BDVS e: Base Depot Veterinary Stores BDW e: Blunted Delkta Wing BdW d: Bootsmann der Wache - d: Ministerialbürodirektor des Reichskriegsministers und Oberbefehlshabers der Wehrmacht, Berlin bdw d: Berufsverband der Wehrbediensteten Bdw. d: Bundeswehr BDXAV e: Bendix Aviation A - e: Bendix Aviation Corporation B.d.Z. d: Befehlshaber der Zerstörer BdZ d: Befehlshaber der Zerstörer BDZ e: Base Defence Zone - e: Base Defense Zone - n: bevelhebber der zeestrijdkrachten BE e: Battlefiedl Environment - e: Blue East [air bases in Greenland] BEAAC e: British East African Army Corps BEAGLE e: British Executive and General Aircraft Ltd. BEAPA e: Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs BEAR e: Beam Experiment Aboard Rocket - e: Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation BEART e: Beaver Army Terminal BEAST e: Basic Experimental Automatic Syntactic Translator BeB d: Betriebsbataillon BEC e: Backward Error Correction BECAMP e: Ballistic Environmental Characteristics and Measurement Program BECC e: Border Environment Cooperation Commission BECCE e: Basic Engineering Casualty Control Exercise BECS e: Battlefield Electronic Communications System BED e: Base Engineer Depot - e: Battlefield Environment Directorate B.E.D. / • Bureau des effectifs divisonnaires - i: Battaglione Esplorante Divisionale Bedeis. d: Befehlshaber des Eisenbahnwesens BEDF ρ: Brigada de Estudos da Defesa Fitossanitária dos Produtos Ultramarinos BEDFPU p: Brigada de Estudos de Defesa Fitossanitária dos Produtos Ultramarinos, Junta de I n v e s t i g a t e s do do Ultramar BEDFS HERTS e: The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment Bedfs & Herts R e: The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment B.E.E.F. e: British Egyptian Expeditionary Force BEEO e: Battlefield Electromagnetic Environments Office BEEP e: Battalion Equipment Evaluation Program BEF e: Battalion Expeditionary Force - e: Bonus Expeditionary Force - e: Brazilian Expeditionary Force


B.E.P. e: British Empire Forces - e: British Expeditonary Force[s] Bef.Gr. d: Befestigungsgruppe Befh.R.H.Geb, d: Befehlshaber des Rückwärtigen Heeresgebietes Befh TerrKdo d: Befehlshaber Territorialkommando Bef.Sich.Ost d: Befehlshaber der Sicherung der Ostsee BEG /• Bureau d'études générales [de l'Etat Major] Begl.Zg. d: Begleitzug [der Maschinengewehrkompanie und der Minenwerferkompanie] BeK d: [Nachrichten]betriebs Kompanie Bekl.A. d: Bekleidungsamt Bekl.Dep. d: Bekleidungsdepot Bekl.Inst.Amt d: Bekleidungsinstandsetzungsamt BeklTrp d: Bekleidungstrupp BELAAC e: Belgian Army Allied Club Belag.A. d: Belagerungsarmee Belag.Art. d: Belagerungsartillerie Bell e: Bell Aircraft Bell 206 e: five-seat turbo-powered helicopter Bell 204 e: gunship helicopter BELNAV e: Belgian Naval Staff - f : État-major de la Force navale Bel.-Pk. d: Belagerungs-Park Belt 47 e: Sioux utility helicopter built by Bell Aircraft Bel.Tel.Abt. d: Belagerungs-TelegrafenAbteilung Bel.Tr. d: Belagerungs-Train BEM e: Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace B.E.M. /• Bataillon d'Électro-Mecaniciens BEMA e: British Embassy Military Attaché BEM E e: Brigade Electrical and Mechanical Engineerfs] BEMF e: Back Electromotive Force BEMILCOM e: Belgian Military Communications - n: Nationaal militair telefoonnetwerk BEMILDAT n: Nationaal militair datanetwerk Beng.N.I. e: Bengal Native Infantry Ben.N.I. e: Bengal Native Infantry Ben.S.C. e: Bengal Staff Corps Beob.Abt. d: Beobachtungsabteilung BeobBtl d: Beobachtungsbataillon Beob.FI.St. d: Beobachtungs-FliegerStaffel Beob.Lehr.Abt. d: BeobachtungsLehrabteilung Beob.Sch. d: Beobachterschule [Luftwaffe] BEP / · Bataillon d'Équipage de Ponts - f: Bataillon Étranger de Parachutistes BEPOM f: Base-école de parachutistes d'outre-mer BER e: British Experimental Rocket BERCOMB e: Berlin Commission British BEREDA f: Bureau d'Études des Risques et de Défense des Assurés bergclcie n: bergings- en classificatiecompagnie Ber.Inf.Kp. d: Berittene Infanteriekompanie Ber.Kp. d: Bereitschaftskompanie BERKS e: Royal Berkshire Regiment d: Berliner militärärztliche Gesellschaft BerLwA d: Bereich Luftwaffenamt BerLwFiiDstKdo d: Bereich Luftwaffenführungsdienstkommando BerLwUKdo d: Bereich Luftwaffenunterstützungskommando

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bers. i: bersaglieri Bers.Rgt. d: Bersaglieri-Regiment [Italien] Ber Trp d: Bereitschaftstruppen BESD e: Base Engineer Store Depot Bes.Gr. d: Besatzungsgruppe Bes.K. d: Besatzungskompanie Besk. d: Beskidenkorps Besp.Abt. d: Bespannungsabteilung B.E.T. / · Base-école de télécommunications Β.E.T.A. f: Base-école des Troupes Aéroportées BETFOR e: British Element, Trieste Forces Betr.Abt. d: Betriebsabteilung Betreu Kp d: Betreuungskompanie Betrst Kp d: Betriebsstoffkompanie Betr.St.Zug d: Betriebsstoffzug B.E.U. e: Base Equipment Unit bevdet n: beveiligendetachment bevocie n: bevorradingscompagnie BEW e: Blast Effect Weapon - e: Board of Economic Warfare Bewa.Ost. d: Bewachungsverband Ostseezug Β Exp d: Bombenexplosion BezKdo d: Bezirkskommando Bez.Kom. d: Bezirkskommando BF e: Battie Force - e: Bayonet Fighting - e: Bomber-Fighter Β.F. e: Battle Fleet - e: British Forces - e: Burma Forces B/F e: Bomber Force BFA e: Battlefield Functional Area B.F.A. e: British First Army BFACS e: Battlefield Functional Area Control System Β.F.A.D. e: British First Airborne Division B.F.A.P. e: British Forces Arabian Peninsula B.F.B, e: British Flight Battalion BFB e: Bureau of Forensic Ballistics BFBC e: British Forces Broadcasting Service BFBS e: British Forces Broadcasting Service - e: British Forces Broadcasting Station BFBS-TV e: British Forces Broadcasting Service-Television BFBU e: British Forces Broadcasting Unit BFC e: Backup Flight Computer - e: Backup Flight Controller] - e: Battle Force Combatants BFC2 e: Battle Forces Command and Control B.F.C, e: British Free Corps BFCS e: Backup Flight Control System BFDAS e: Basic Flight Data Acquisition System BFDC e: Battalion Fire Distribution Center BFE e: Battlefield Exercise BFES e: British Families Education Service B.F.F. e: Burma Frontier Force BFFI e: British Forces, Falkland Islands BFG e: British Forces, Germany - e: British Forces in Greece BFHK e: British Forces, Hong Kong BFI e: Battlefield Interdiction BFIG e: British Forces in Germany BFIM e: Battle Force Information Management BFIP e: British Forces in Palestine BFIT e: Battle Force In-port Training BFK d: Bombenfliegerkräfte

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

B.K.B. BFLT. d: Bevollmächtigter für die Lufttorpedowaffen BFM e: Basic Fighter Manoeuvres - e: Basic Flight Manoeuvring BFMA e: Battlefield Functional Mission Area - e: British Forces Maintenance Area BFMO e: Base Fuels Management Officer BFN e: British Forces Network B.F.N. / · Bataillon Française NIKE BFNE e: British Forces Near East B.Fo.I. e: British Forces in Italy BFP e: Battlefield Period B.F.P.O. e: Branch Field Post Office BFPO e: Branch Field Post Office B.F.P.O. e: British Forces Post Office BFRTB d: bewegliche fliegerabwehrraketentechnische Basis BFS d: Blindflugschule - e: Backup Flight System - e: Battlefield Surveillance - e: Bomber-Fighter Squadron - e: British Frontier Service - e: Bureau of Flight Standards BFSO e: Base Fuel Supply Officer BFSV e: Battery Fire Support Vehicle BFT e: Basic Fighter Transition BFTC e: Boeing Flight Test Center BFTS d: Bataillon der flugplatztechnischen Sicherstellung - e: Bomber/Fighter Training System BFTT e: Battle Force Tactical Trainer - e: Battle Force Tactical Training BFUP e: Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific BFV e: Bradley Fighting Vehicle BFVMTL e: Baseline Flight Vehicle Mission Time Line BFVS e: Bradley Fighting Vehicle System BFWP e: British Forces West Palestine BG d: Bombenfliegergeschwader - d: Bombengeschwader - e: Battle Group - e: Beach Group - e: Bomb[er] Group Bg. d: Brigade B.G. e: British Grenadiers - f : Bataillon de Garde - f : Bataillon du Génie B.G.A. f: Bataillon de Génie de l'Air - f: Bureau Général d'Alerte] BGAAWC e: Battle Group Anti-Air Warfare Coordination BGAD e: Bluegrass Army Depot B.G.A.P. /• Bataillon de Génie Aéroporté - f: Bureau général d'alerte au parachutage BGBC e: British Guiana Base Command Bg C e: Brigade Commander Bgde e: Brigade B.Geschw. d: Bombengeschwader BGH e: British General Hospital BGIXS e: Battie Group Information Exchange System bgl. i: battaglione BGLT e: Battie Group Landing Team BGM e: Ballistic Guided Missile - e: Basic Guided Missile BGO e: Brigade Gas Officer B.G.P. /• Bureau de la guerre psychologique BGP[H] e: bombardment group [heavy] BGPHES e: Battle Group Passive Horizon Extension System BGR e: Bombing and Gunnery Range B.Gr. e: Brigade group BGROD e: Broad Gauge Railway Operation Division BGS e: Bombing and Gunnery School B&GS e: Bombing & Gunnery School

BGSC e: Boise-Griffin Steamship Company BGSS e: Battalion Ground Surveillance Section Bg.St. d: Brigadestab BGTT e: Battle Group Tactical Training BGV e: Boost Glide Vehicle bgw e: battlefeld guided weapon BGZ. d: Bauger BH d: Bundesheer - d: Nautische Abteilung [Marine Reichskriegsministerium] - e: Base Hospital - e: Brigade Headquarters bh e: Bell Helicopter Co. BHAB e: British Helicopter Advisory Board BHAD e: Black Hills Army Depot BHavM d: Beauftragter für Havarieuntersuchungen der Marine BHBNM e: Big Hole Battlefield National Monument BHC e: Ballistic Height Correction - e: Battle Honours Committee - e: Bell Helicopter Company - e: British High Commissioner BHDM e: British Home Defense Measures BHM a: Bornholm Marinedistrikt B.Hond.D.Fce. e: British Honduras Defence Force B.Hond.P.F. e: British Honduras Police Force BHQ e: Battalion Headquarters - e: Battery Headquarters - e: Brigade Headquarters B.H.R. f: Batterie Hors Rang BHT e: Bell Helicopter Textron BHT-E e: Bell Helicopter Textron-Europe B.H.V.G. e: British Honduras Volunteer Guard BI d: Inspektion des Bildungswesens der Marine - e: Backward Indicator - e: Battlefield Illumination - e: Battlefield Integration - e: Battlefield Interdiction B.I. /• Bataillon d'Infanterie - f: Bataillon d'Instruction Β.I.A. f: Bataillon d'Infanterie Alpine BIA /• Bureau International Antimilitariste contre la guerre et la réaction bia s: batería BIAS e: Battlefield Illumination Airborne System BIB e: British Intelligence Bureau BIC e: Ballistic Impact Chamber - e: Battlefield Information Center - f: Bureau interforce de codification, Bruxelles Β.I.C. /• Bataillon d'Infanterie Coloniale BICC e: Battlefield Information and Control Center BICES e: Battlefield Information Collection & Exploitation System - e: Battlefield Information Correlation Enemy System - e: Battlefield Information & Exploitation System BICM /• Bureau Interarmées de Codification des Matériels BICS e: Battlefield Information Control System BID e: Battlefield Information Distribution - e: Brazilian Infantry Division - e: British Intelligence Department BIDS e: Battlefield Information Distribution System bie. f: batterie BIF e: Battlefield Identification, Friend

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

B.I.F. e: British Invasion Force BIFF e: Battlefield Identification Friend or Foe BIG e: Battalion Information Group BIGA d: Bürgerinitiative gewaltfrei gegen Atomkraftwerke BIHL e: British International Helicopters Ltd. B.I.L. / · Bataillon d'Infanterie Légère B.I.L.A. / · Bataillon d'Infanterie Légère d'Afrique BILC e: Bureau of International Language Coordination, Institute of Army Coordination Bildinsp. d: Inspektion des Bildungswesens der Marine BILRP / · Bureau Interarmées de Logement de la Région Parisienne BIM e: Ballistic Intercept Missile B.I.M. f: Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine B.I.M.A. /• Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine BIML e: Battle Information Management Laboratory B.I.M.P. /• Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marche du Pacifique BIMRAB e.· BUWEPS [Bureau of Naval Weapons] Industry Material Reliability Advisory Board BIMS e: Battle Staff Information Management System - e: Battlefield Identification Management System - e: Battlefield Integration Management System BINET e: Bistatic doppler radar receiver Network /• Bataillon infanterie blindée BINL e: Boot Information Negotiation Layer BINRS f: Bâtiment d'Instruction a la Navigation, version Remorquer de Système Β. Intel. Ο. e: Base Intelligence Officer BIO e: Base Installation Officer - e: Brigade Intelligence Officer BIODEF e.· Biological Defense BIOLDEF e: Biological Defense BIOLWPN e: Biological Weapons BIOLWPNSYS e: Biological Weapon[s] System BIOWAR e: Biological Warfare B.I.P. f: Bataillon d'Infanterie Portée BIRDCAP e: Bird Combat Air Patrol birdie e: banery integration and radar display equipment BIRDIE e: Battery Integration and Radar Display Equipment BIS e: Battlefield Illumination System BISN e: British India Steam Navigation B.I.S.N.C, e: British India Steam Navigation Company Bi. St. d: Bildstelle BITO e: British Institution of Training Officers BITS e: Battlefield Information Transmission System - f : Bataillon d'Infanterie Type Spécial B i l l e: Battalion Information Unit BJCO e: British Joint Communications Office B.J.M. f: Bureau de Justice Militaire BJSM WASHDC e: British Joint Services Mission BJV se: Bivsa jugoslovenska vojska BK d: Berliner Kommandantur - r: Blekinge Kustartilleriförsvar - r: Bränslekommissionen B.K. d: Bezirkskommando, Windhuk B.K.B, d: Bootskanonenbatterie


Bk Baon Bk Baon d: Brücken-Bataillon B.Kdtr. d: Bahnkommandantur BKL n: Bewakingskorps Koninklijke Landmacht bkl c: baterie klamm Bklyn HTF e: Brooklyn Homicide Task Force BK/O d: Anordnung der Alliierten Kommandatur Berlin B.Kol, d: Baukolonne B.Konstr.Br.Panc. Ρ: Biuro Konstrukcji Broni Pancerny BKRW P: Biuro Koordynacji Rozbudowy Warszawy BkschKomp d: Brückenschutz-Kompanie BKV d: Bayerische Krieger- und Soldaten-Vereinigung bkwd e: Backward BKZ d: Brandwarnkleinzentrale Bk Zg d: Brückenzug BKZn d: Brandwarnkleinzentralen BL d: Beobachtungslehrabteilung B.L. / · Bataillon de Légionaires - f: Bataillon "Liberation" - f: Brigade Logistique - /• Bureau de liaisons B&L e: Batties & Leaders BLA e: Bilateral Agreement - e: Black Liberation Army - e: British Landing Army - e: British Liberation Army Black Watch e: The Black Watch Regiment BLAM e: Ballistically Launched Aerodynamic Missile BLAST e: Battlefield Laser Acquisition Sensor Test BlAufbTrp d: Blutaufbereitungstrupp B.L.B, f: brigade légère blindée BLC e: Bureau Interforces de Codification BLD e: Battalion Level Device B.L.E. /• Bataillon [de la] Légion Étrangère BLESMA e: British Limbless Ex-Service Men's Association, Chadwell Heath, Essex BLF d: Bundesamt für Luftwaffen- und Führungssysteme BLG e: Breech Loading Gun - e: British Light Gun BLH e: British Legion Headquarters BLHS e: Ballistic Laser Holographie System BLIMPRON e: Blimp Squadron Bllon s: Batallón BLM f: Brigade Légère Motorisée BLMPS e: Base Level Military Personnel System BLNS e: Breach Lane Navigation System BLO e: Base Liaison Officer - e: Battalion Loading Officer - e: Bombardment Liaison Officer - e: British Liaison Officer BLPC e: Backward Limit Photocell BLPG e: Bulk loaded Liquid Propellant Gun BLPS e: Ballistic & Laser Protection Spectacles BLPS-M e: Base Level Personnel SystemMilitary BLR d: Bundesverband der Luftfahrtzubehör- und Raketenindustrie - e: Ballistic Research Laboratories - e: Boundary Layer Radar BLRD e: British Library Reference Division BISammTrp d: Blutsammeltrupp BLT e: Battalion Landing Force - e: Battalion Landing Team - e: Briefing and Liaison Team


- e: British Liaison Team - /• bureau local de transport BLUE S e: Navy Appropriation BLUE FORCES e: U.S. and Friendly Forces BLUEGILL e: A Specific High Altitude Nuclear Detonation BLUFOR e: Blue Forces Bl.W. e: Black Watch BLWA e: British Laboratory Ware Association BM d: Bundesmarine - e: Ballistic Missile - e: Battle Management - e: Bootstrap Memory - e: Brigade Major - / ' Bataillon de Marche Β.Μ I: Bene Militavit B.M. e: Bermuda Militia - e: British Mission - / ' Bataillon de Mitrailleurs - /• Bataillon Médical - f: Bataillon Métropolitain - f: Bataillon Motorisé - f: Brigade Mécanisée - /• Bureau Militaire - i: Battaglione di marcia - i: Batteria Marcia BMA e: British Marine Aircraft - e: British Military Administration - e: British Military Attaché - e: British Military Authority B.M.A. e: Bermuda Militia Artillery BMAA e: British Marine Aquarist Association BMAC e: Boeing Military Airplane Company BMADO e: Boeing Military Airplane Development Organization BMag d: Bettenmagazin BMAR e: Ballistic Missile Acquisition Radar BMASR e: Bureau of Military Application of Scientific Research BMAT e: Ballistic Missile Analyst Technician BMAT/S e: Ballistic Missile Analyst Technician-Specialist BMB e: Ballistic Missile Branch - e: Baltic Marine Biologists - r: Baptistmissionens Bokförlags AB BMBR e: Bomber Bmb Wg e: Bombardment Wing BmbWg[H] e: Bombardment Wing [Heavy] BmbWg[L] e: Bombardment Wing [Light] Bmb Wg [M] e: Bombardment Wing [Medium] BMC e: Ballistic Missile Center - e: Ballistic Missile Checker - e: Ballistic Missiles Committee - e: Baltic Marine Cooperation - e: Basic Military Compensation BMC3 e: Ballistic Missile Command, Control, Communication - e: Battle Management/Command, Control and Communications BMC e: Joint Brazil-United States Military Commission - /• Bordel Militaire de Compagne BMC/AMC e: Ballistic Missile Center, Air Materiel Command BMCBB e: Boatswain's Mate, Construction Battalion, Boatswain BMCBS e: Boatswain's Mate, Construction Battalion, Stevedore BMC3I e: Battle Management C3I BMC4ISR e.· Battle Mangement C4I Surveillance and Reconnaissance

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BMCO e: Ballistic Missile Construction Office - e: Beachmaster Company BMCS e: Ballistic Missile Cost Study BMD e: Ballistic Missile Defence [or Defense] - e: Ballistic Missile Division - e: Base Maintenance Division - e: Battle Management Defense - e: Buried Mine Detector B.M.D. f: Bataillon de Mitrailleuses Divisionnaire B.&M.D. e: Bomb and Mine Disposal BMDATC e: Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center BMDC e: Ballistic Missile Defense Center BMDCA e: Ballistic Missile Defense Communications Agency BMDCP e: Ballistic Missile Defense Command Post - e: Battalion Mortar and Davy Crockett Platoon BMDEAR e: Ballistic Missile Defense Emergency Action Report BMDF e: Black Mesa Defense Fund BMDFO e: Ballistic Missile Division Field Office BMDGP e: Blue Mountains Division of General Practice BMDITP e: Ballistic Missile Defense Integrated Training Plan BMDMB e: Ballistic Missile-Defense Missile Battalion BMDMP e: Ballistic Missile Defense Master Plan BMD-NEAT e: Ballistic Missile DefenseNuclear Effects and Threat Committee BMDNS e: Basic Mission Design Number and Series BMDO e: Ballistic Missile Defense Office - e: Ballistic Missile Defense Operations - e: Ballistic Missile Defense Organization BMDOA e: Ballistic Missile Defense Operations Activity BMDPM e: Ballistic Missile Defense Program Manager BMDPO e: Ballistic Missile Defense Program Office[r] BMDS e: Ballistic Missile Defense System - e: Buried Mine Detection System BMDSB e: Ballistic Missile Defense Surveillance Battalion BMDSCOM e: Ballistic Missile Defense System[s] Command BMDSTP e: Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Technology Program BMD System e: Ballistic Missile Defense System BME e: Brotherhood of Marine Engineers BMEC e: British Marine Equipment Council BMED e: base medical equipment depot B.M.E.E. / · Bataillon Mixte d'EntretienEntrepôt B.M.Ε.O. f: Brigade maritime d'ExtrêmeOrient BMETO e: Ballistic Missile European Task Organization BMETS e: Battlefield Meteorological System BMEWS e: Ballistic Missile Early Warning Station - e: Ballistic Missile Early Warning System BMfLV d: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung BMG e: Browing Machine Gun B.Mg. /• Bataillon de Montagne B.M.G.L. f: Bataillon Mixte Génie-Légion Bm Gr e: bombardment group

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Bn Sup Ρ B M H d: Bundesministerium für Heereswesen - e: British Military Hospital BMI e: Ballistic Missile Interceptor - e: British Military Intelligence - / • Bureau Militaire d'Information Β.M.I. f : Bataillon de Marche Indochinois - f: Bataillon Motorisé d'Infanterie B M I G T e: Ballistic Missile Inertial Guidance Technician BMIGT/M e: Ballistic Missile Inertial Guidance Technician-Mechanic BMIS e: Battle Management Information System B.M.K. d: Befehlshaber der deutschen Marineabteilungen und -anlagen an Land in allen von Deutschland besetzten Häfen der russischen, ukrainischen und kaukasischen Gebiete des Schwarzen Meeres B M K d: Bugsierboot BML e: Battie Management Laboratory - e: Bodega Marine Laboratory B.M.L. f : batterie des mortiers lourds BMLET/R e: Ballistic Missile Launch Equipment Technician-Repairman B M L O e: Ballistic Missile Logistics Office BMM e: Ballistic Missile Manager - e: British Marine Mutual - e: British Military Mission - f: Bureau Matricule Militaire B M M A e: Brigade Major, Medium Artillery B M M E e: British Military Mission in Ethiopia BMMG e: Ballistic Missiles Management Group B M M S e: Battlefield Mission Management System BMN d: Bundesmarine-Norm - e: British Merchant N a v y BMNF / • Bureau Militaire National des Fréquences B M O e: Ballistic Missile Office[r] - e: Ballistic Missile Organization - e: Battle Management Organization - e: Brigade Medical Officer - n: Bureau Mobilisatie Opleg BMOC e: Ballistic Missile Orientation Course b.most. P: bataljon mostowy BMOTR e: Ballistic Missile Operational Training Readiness BMP d: Bataillonsmedizinalpunkt - e: Berlin Military Post BMPAD e: Battle Management Processing and Display B M P M / · Bataillon des Marins-Pompiers de Marseille BMPO e: British Military Police Office B M P - 7 6 P 8 e: Soviet amphibious annoredinfantry combat vehicle BMPS e: Battle Management Processing Simulation - e: British Military Port and Shipping Branch BMR e: Basic Military R e q u i r e m e n t s ] - e: Bomber - e: British Marine Radar BMRA e: Basic Multi-Role Avionics - e: Brigade Major, Royal Artillery B.M.R.G. / • Bataillon du Matériel de Réserve Général BMRS e: Ballistic Missile Recovery System - e: Ballistic Missile Reentry System B M R S Y S e: Ballistic Missile Recovery System - e: Ballistic Missile Reentry System

BMS e: Ballistic Missile Ship - e: Ballistic Missile Specification - e: Battalion Mortar System - e: Battlefield Management Systems - / • Bureau Militaire de Standardisation Β.M.S. e: Bachelor of Marine Science BMSB e: Ballistic Missile System Branch B.M.S.D. e: Boom Defense and Marine Salvage Depot B.M.S.E. e: Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange BMSF e: Ballistic Missile Surface Force BMSL e: Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory BMSM e: British Military Supply Mission B M T e: Ballistic Missile Technology - e: Basic Military Training B . M . T . / • Base Militaire de Transit BMTD e: Ballistic Missile Terminal Defense - e: Base Mechanical Transport Depot B.M.T.D. e: Bureau of the Mint, Treasury Division BMTF e: Battle Management Training Facility BMTG e: Basic Military Training Group BMTR e: Basic Marksmanship Training Range BMTS e: Ballistic Missile Target System - e: Basic Military Training School - e: Basic Military Training Squadron BMTV e: Ballistic Missile Test Vessel BMul η: Bond van Militairen iut Indonesie B M V n: Bureau Mobilisatie Voorbereiding BMVS e: British Military Volunteer Service B M W e: Bombardment Wing BMWS e: Ballistic Missile Weapon System B M W T e: British Ministry of War Transport BN e: Ballistic Number - e: Bangladesh Navy - e: Battalion - e: Brazilian Navy - e: Burmese Navy Bn. f : Bataillon B.N. e: British Navy - / • Base Navale B/N e: Bombing/Navigation BNA e: British Naval Attaché - e: British Nuclear Associates Β Na e: Bachelor of Navigation B.N.A. e: Burma National Army Bn Aé. f : Bataillon dAérostation B.N.A.F. e: British North Africa Force B N A O e: Basic Naval Aviation Officers School BN Arch e: Bachelor of Naval Architecture BNAS e: British Naval Air Service - e: British Naval Air Staff Β Nav e: Bachelor of Navigation BNB e: Basic Navigation Battery - e: Brani Naval Base BNC e: Bayonet Navy Connector - e: Board of N a v y Commissioners - e: British Naval C o n n e c t o n s ] B.N.C, e: Battles Nomenclature Committee Bn[C] e: Combat Battalion B.N.C.A. e: British National Cadet Association BNCC e: Back-up N O R A D [North American Air Defence] Control Centre Bn CFC / • Bataillon de chemin de fer de campagne

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

BNCG e: British Nuclear Cardiology Group f: Bataillon de chasseurs B.N.C.N. f : Bureau de Normalisation de la Construction Navale Bn Comdr e: Battalion Commander BNCOQ e: Bachelor Noncommissioned Officers' Quartiers B N C O S e: British Noncommissioned Officers Bn CP e: Battalion Command Post BNDC e: British Nuclear Design and Construction Limited B N D G P e: Brisbane North Division of General Practice Bn DP e: Battalion Command Post BndS n: Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten BNE e: Bachelor of Naval Engineering - e: Bathymétrie Navigation Equipment BNEA e: British Naval Equipment Association B N E C e: British Nuclear Energy Committee [or Conference] BN Eng e: Bachelor of Naval Engineering BNEP e: Basic Naval Establishment Plan BNES e: British Nuclear Energy Society - e: British Nuclear Engineering Society Bn Ex e: Battalion Executive BNF e: British Nuclear Forum - e: British Nuclear Fuels B.N.F. / • Base Navale Française BNFEX e: Battalion Field Exercise BNFL e: British Nuclear Fuel[s] Limited BNFP e: Barnwell Nuclear Fuel Plant B N G M e: British Naval Gunnery Mission B.N.G.M. e: British Naval Gunnery Mission Bn Gn. f : Bataillon de Génie Bn Gp e: Battalion Group BNGS e: Bomb Navigation Guidance System B N H A e: Basic Human Needs Agreement Bn.H.Q. e: Battalion Headquarters BNHQS e: Battalion Headquarters Bn Hqu e: Battalion Headquarters BNI e: Bartlett Nuclear Inc. B.N.I, e: Bengal Native Infantry BNI in: Barisan Nasional Indonesia Bn.inf f : Bataillon infanterie Bn Inst AA f : Bataillon d'Instruction d'Artillerie Antiaérienne BNL e: British Nuclear Laboratories BNLO e: British Naval Liaison Officer BNLIIS e: British Naval Liaison Office U.S. Navy B N M e: British Naval Mission Bn MO e: Battalion Medical Officer BNMO n: Bond van Nederlandse Militaire Oorlogs- en Dienstoffers B N M S e: British Nuclear Medicine Society BNO e: British Naval Officer BNP e: Bureau of Naval Personnel BNR e: British Naval Representative BNRC e: Belgian Nuclear Research Centre Bn R O e: Battalion Routine Orders BNS e: Bathymétrie Navigation System - e: Belgian Naval Ship - e: Bombing-Navigation System - e: British Naval Staff - e: British Nuclear Society - e: Bureau of Naval Ships - n: Bevelhebber Nederlandse Strijdkrachten B.N.S. e: Bachelor of Naval Science BnSFCP e: Battalion Shore Fire Control Party Bn Sup Ρ e: Battalion Supply Point


BNS[W] BNS[W] e: British Naval Staff, Washington BNSY e: Boston Naval Shipyard BNTC e: Bainbridge Naval Training Center BNU p: Banco Nacional Ultramarino BNVHRTVG e: Bedside Network of the Veterans Hospital Radio and Television Guild BNW e: Battlefield Nuclear Warfare - e: Bureau of Naval Weapons BNWA n: Bond van Nederlandse Warmtechnische Adviseurs BNWL e: Battelle [Memorial Institute Pacific] Northwest Laboratories [or Laboratory] BNX e: British Nuclear Export Executive BNYD e: Boston Navy Yard - e: Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks BO d: Berufsoffizier - e: Barracks Officer - e: Board of Ordnance - e: British Officer - e: Burial Officer B.O. f: Bataillon d'Ouvrages BOA e: Basic Operating Agreement - e: Basic Order Agreement - e: Basic Ordering Agreement - e: Blanket Order Agreement - e: Building Omission Area Bo.A. /• Boulangerie d'Armée B.O.A. / · Base d'opérations aéroportées BOAC e: British Overseas African Command BOADS e: Boston Air Defense Sector BOA-MILS e: Broad Ocean Area-Missile Impact Locating SYstem B.O.A.P. /• Base d'opérations aéroportées BOAPRA /• Base d'opérations aéroportées et de ravitaillement par air BOAR e: Battlefield Optimized Artillery Rocket - e: British Occupation Army of [on] the Rhine BOAT e: Better Occupational Awareness Training BOATU e: Boat Unit BOAT/US e: Boat Owners Association of the United States B.O.B, e: Battle of Britain BOC e: Battalion Operation^] Center - e: Battalion Orderly Corporal B.O.C, e: Beach Ordnance Company - f: Bureau d'ordonnancement central BOCC e: Backward Optimistic-oriented Concurrency Control BoCC e: Board of County Commissioners BOCV e: Battery Operations Centre Vehicle BOD e: Base Ordnance Depot - e: Border Operations Detachment - e: Boston Ordnance District BOE e: Bureau of Enforcement Β of AA e: Bachelor of Aeronautical Administration BOFADS e: Business Office Force Administration Data System Β of AE e: Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering BOFF e: Biafran Organization of Freedom Fighters BOFOST f: Base Opérationnelle de la Force Océanique Stratégique Bogohl d: Bombengeschwader der Obersten Heeresleitung BOIC e: Boarding Officer in Charge BOK d: Oberkommando der Balkanstreitkräfte - e: Research program on nuclear


emergency preparedness and radiological consequences BOLD e: Battlefield Operations Laser Designator BOM e: Battlefield Optical Munition - n: Bond van Oud-Militairen bom d: Bomber B.O.M.A. f: Base opérationnelle mobile aéroportée BOMAP / · Base Opérationnelle Mobile Aéroportée BOMARC e: Boeing Michigan Aeronautical Research Center Bomarc e: Boing long-range surface-to-air missile bearing nuclear warhead Bomb e: Bomber Bomb. Div. e: Bombardment Division Bombron e: Bombardment Squadron Bomb.S.C. e: Bombay Staff Corps Bomb. Sq. e: Bombardment Squadron Bomb Wg e: Bombardment Wing BOMCOM e: Bomber Command Bom Com e: Bomber Command bomex e: Bomber Exercise BOMID d: Branch Office, Military Intelligence Division Bom.N.I. e: Bombay Native Infantry BOMOP e: Basic Officer Military Orientation Program BOMROC e: Bombardment Rocket Bomron e: Bombardment Squadron - e: Bombing Squadron Bom.S.C. e: Bombay Staff Corps Bon /• Bataillon Bon. s: Batallón Bona d: Ballon-Nachrichtenabteilung Bonaval d: Bonaval-Werk Balkenhol Söhne GmbH, Lack- und Chemiefabrik Bon.para, f: Bataillon de parachutistes Bon.Tks. f: Bataillon de Tanks BOO e: Base Operations Officer - e: Base Ordnance Officer - e: Brigade Ordnance Officer BOOMER e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine BOOMERANG e: Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics BOOST e: Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training boost rkt e: booster rocket BOPAT e: Border Patrol BOQ e: Bachelor Officers' Quarters - e: Barrack Officers' Quarters - e: Base Officers' Quarters BOR e: Battalion Orderly Room - e: Bottom of Range BORDER e: The Border Regiment BOS d: Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben - e: Battalion Orderly Sergeant - e: Battlefield Operations Systems Bo.S.C. e: Bombay Staff Corps BOSCO η: BOS [Benzine, Olie, Smeerstoffen] Command BOSEG e: Board of Supply, Executive Guan [to remove surplus U.S. war material from Guam to China] BOSS e: Ballistic Offensive Suppression System - e: Basic Operating System Software - e: Batch Operating Software System - e: Battalion Operated Surveillance System - e: Bomb Orbital Strategic System - e: Business Oriented Software System[s] BOSS-Wedge e: Bomb Orbital Strategic System-Weapon Development Glide Entry

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BOTA[FW] e: Basic Operational Training Unit [Fixed Wing] BOTLO e: Bureau of Ordnance Technical Liaison Officer BOTUfFW] e: Basic Operational Training Unit [Fixed Wing] BOTU[RW] e: Basic Operational Training Unit [Rotary Wing] BOU e.· Bank Officers Union BOVRO n: Bond van Vlaamse ReserveOfficieren BOW e: Base Ordnance Workshop - e: Bureau of [Naval] Weapons BOWO e: Brigade Ordnance Warrant Officer BP d: Beobachtungsposten - e: Battle Practice - e: Beach Party - e: Border Patrol - e: Balloon Platoon of America - e: Blanket Purchase Agreement - e: Blanket Purchase Award - e: Border Patrol Academy B.P. f: Bataillon de Passage - f: Bataillon de Projecteurs - f: Bataillon Parachutistes BPAK d: Bataillonspanzerabwehrknoten B.P.A.N. f: Base Principale d'Aéronautique Navale BPAO e: Branch Public Affairs Office [r] BPC e: Base Patrol Center B.P.C, e: British Peace Committee B.P.C, f: Bataillon de Parachutistes Coloniaux BPCO e: Base Pay and Cashier Officer B.P.C.P. f: Bataillon Parachutiste des Chasseurs à Pied BPCS / · Bataillon Parachutiste de Commandement et Soutien BPD f: Bureau de [la] Production pour la Défense BPDMS e: Basic Point-Defense Missile System BPDSMS e: Basic Point Defense Shortrange Missile System - e: Basic Point Defense Surface Missile ΒΡΕ e: Bomber Penetration Evaluation - e: British Pacific Fleet BPFILO e: British Pacific Fleet Intelligence Liaison Officer BPFLO e: British Pacific Fleet Liaison Officer bpl c: baterie proti letadlum B.P.L. /• Bataillon des Ponts Lourds B.P.L.E. /• Bureau des Personnels de la Légion Étrangère B.P.M. f: Bureau de Poste Militaire - f: Bureau des programmes de matériels - f: Bureau Postal Militaire BPMA/DoS e.· Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs-Department of State BPMD e: Battelle Project Management Division BP O e.· Base Pay Office[r] - e: BOMARC [Boeing-Michigan Aeronautical research Center] Prelaunch Output B.P.O. f: Bureau de plans d'organisation - / · Bureau prospective et orientation BPOE e: Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation B.P.O.W.B.G.F. e: British Prisoners of War Books and Game Fund BPRO e: Blind Persons Resettlement Officer BPRT e: Basic Processed Radar Training BPS e: Border Patrol Station BP SD e: Bulk Petrol Supply Depot BPSH e: Border Patrol Section Headquarters

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

BSERBN BPSO e: Base Personnel Staff Officer bpt c: baterie proti tankûm BPTO e: BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System] Performance Test Outline BPTV e: Battleship Propulsion Test Vehicle BPV e: Battlefield Planning and Visualization bpvkomp r: bandpansarv B&Q e: Barracks and quarters department BQD e: Boston Quartermaster Depot BQM e: Base Quartermaster BQMS e: Battery Quartermaster Sergeant BQII e: British Quartermaster Unit BR d: Bomber - e: Bomber Reconnaissance - e: Border Regiment Br d: Brigade Br. d: Brigade B.R. /• Bataillon de Reparation matériel - / ' Bataillon Régional - /• Bureau de recrutement - f: Bureau de reinseignement[s] BR-H50 e: Breguet maritime-patrol aircraft BRA d: Britische Rheinarmee - e: Bouganville Revolutionary Army - e: Brigadier Royal Artillery -r: Byggnadsoch reparationstj B.R.A. e: British Regular Army - e: British Rhine Army BRA [AA] e: Brigadier, Royal Artillery [Antiaircraft] Br.Abt. d: Brücken-Abteilung [Pioniere] Branc.D. f: Brancardiers Divisionnaires brane e: bombing radar navigation equipment BRAS e: Ballitic Rocket Air Suppression BRASCO e: Brigade Royal Army Service Corps Officer BRASO e.· Branch Aviation Supply Office BRASS e: BEEF [Base Engineer Emergency Forces] Reporting, Analysis, and Status System - e: Bottom Reflecting Active Sonar System BRAVE e: Boeing Robotic Air Vehicle BrB d: Brückenbaubataillon BRB e: Ballistic Recoverable Booster - e: Ballistic Reentry Body - r: Byggnads- och reparationsberedskappen BRC e: Brigade Reporting Centre Br.C. /• Brigade de cavalerie BrChA d: Brigade der chemischen Abwehr Β Ren e: Battle Reconnaissance Br.Col.Rgt. e: British Columbia Regiment Br.Coy e: Bridge Company BRCS e: BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System]Rearward Communications System B.R.C.S. f: Bataillon de Reconnaissance des Chasseurs Sahariens - f: Brigade de recherche et de contresabotage BRD e: Base Remount Depot B.R.D.B. /• Bataillon de ravitaillement de division blindée - f: Bataillon de Répaation de la Division Blindée BRDM e: Soviet amphibious reconnaissance vehicle carrying three men and antitank missile BRE e: Battlefield Recovery & Evacuation BRECKNOCKS e: Brecknockshire Battalion

Breguet 1150 e: Atlantique maritimepatrol aircraft BRF d: Baltische Rotbannerflotte B.R.F. e: Burma Regular Forces BRFA e: British-Romanian Friendship Association BRFP e: Baseline Reference Flight Plan Brft. Zug d: Brieftaubenzug Brg. / · Brigade - i: Brigada Brg.alp. i: Brigada alpina Brg.cor. i: Brigada corazzata Brg.f. i: Brigada di fanteria Brg. G. Di F. i: Brigada Guardia di Finanza Brg.mot. Brigada motorizzata Brg.par. i: Brigada paracadutisti Br.I. / · Brigade d'infanterie Brig d: Brigade brig, c: brigada - i: brigada. - r: brigad BrigArtBtl d: Brigadeartilleriebataillon BRIGHED e: Brigade Headquarters Brig Hq e: Brigade Headquarters BrigKdo d: Brigadekommando BrigSchtzBtl d: Brigadeschützenbataillon BrigTr d: Brigadetruppen Brig Vpfl Anst d: Brigade-VerpflegungsAnstalt BRIMILHOSP e: British Military Hospital BRIMM e: Blesses Religious Institute of Mercenary Missionaries Brit.Coll. e: Britannia Royal Naval College BRITCON UNFICYP e: British Contingent United Nations Forces in Cyprus BRITE e: Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment Brit. L. Off. e: British Liaison Officer BRITMEDBATT e: British Medical Battalion Brit. Mil. At. e: British Military Attaché BRITSHIPS e: British Shipbuilding Integrated Production System BRIXMIS e: British Commanders-inChief Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany Br.K. d: Brückenbau-Kolonne BRKdo d: Bergungs- und Rettungs Kommando Br.Kol.[mot] d: motorisierte Brückenkolonne BRL e: Ballistic Research Laboratory - e: Battalion Reserve Line BRLO e: British Routing Liaison Officer BRM /• Bataillon de Réparation Matériel BRMC e: British Royal Marine Corps - f: Bureau de Reclassement des Militaires de Carrière B.R.M.C. e: Band of the Royal Military College BRMILHOSP e: British Military Hospital Br. Mil. Reg. d: Britische Militärregierung BRNAVCOMMSTO e: Branch Navy Commissary Store BRNC e: Britannia Royal Naval College BRO d: Bund Republikanischer Offiziere - e: British Routing Office BROFICON e: Broadcast Fighter Control BROOM e: Ballistic Recovery of Orbiting Man B.R.P.F.A.T. f: Bureau de Recrutement du Personnel Féminine de l'Armée de Terre BRPL R: Ballistichekaya Raketa Podvodnykh Lodok Br.Plat. e: Bridge Platoon

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BRQM e: Brigade Quartermaster BR/RL e: Bomb Rack/Rocket Launcher BRS e: Ballistic Recording System - e: Bomber-Recorder System - e: Broadband Radiation Station BRSC e: British Support Command BRSL e: Balasore [India] Rocket Launching Station BRSO e: Bermuda Range Safety Officer Br.St. d: Brigadestab BRTB d: bewegliche raketentechnische Basis Brtb.Abt.M. d: Brieftauben-Abteilung Metz [Bombensondergeschwader der Obersten Heeresleitung] Brtb.Abt.O. d: Brieftauben-Abteilung Ostende [Bombensondergeschwader der Obersten Heeresleitung] BRTD e: Bright Radar Tube Display BRTF e: Battery Repair and Test Facility Br Τη [hv] e: Bridge Train [heavy] Br Τη [I] e: Bridge Train [light] Br.Tr. d: Brückentrain Brtr. d: Brückentrain BRU e: British Recovery Unit Briiko d: Brückenkolonne Brunsw e: Brunswick Regiment BRV e: Ballistic Reentry Vehicle - e: Basic Research Vehicle BrVP d: Brigade-Verbandsplatz BRWg e: Bridge Wing bryg.o.p. P: brygada ochrony pogranicza BS d: Befehlsstand [Schiff] - e: Backward Signalling - e: Balloon Squadron - e: Battle Ship - e: Battle Staff - e: Battle Star - e: Battle[ship] Squadron - e: Bombardment Squadron - e: Bureau of Ships - n: Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten B.S. e: Bomb Store - f : Bataillon des Services BSA d: bewegliche Sperrabteilung [Landminen] - e: Base Support Agreement - e: Bosnian Serb Army BSA f: Bureau Scientifique de l'Armée B.S.A. e: British Shipbreakers' Association BSA Bde e: British South Africa Brigade BSAC e: British South Africa Corps BSAD i: Batteria Specialisti Artiglieria Divisionale BSAE-E e: Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering-Electronics Major BSAF e: Bosnian Serb Air Force b.san P: bataljon sanitarny BSC e: Battle Staff Coordinator B.S.C, e: Bengal Staff Corps BSC e: Biomedical Science Corps B.S.C.B. e: British Signal Communications Board Β Sch d: Schiffahrtsgruppe [Marine Reichskriegsministerium] B.Sc.R.Woj. P: Biuro Scislej Rady Wojennej BSD e: Ballistic Systems Division - e: Base Supply Depot - e: Battle Staff Directive - e: Battle Staff Director - e: Bulk Supply Depot - n: Belgische Strijdkrachten in Duitsland BSE e; Battle Staff Element BSE [Nav Arch & Mar E] e: Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering BSERBN e: Base Service Battalion


BSF BSF e: British Salónica Force B.S.F.S. e: British Soviet Friendship Society BSFV e: Bradley Stinger Fighting Vehicle BSHC e: Baltic Sea Hydrographie Commission - e: Board of State Harbor Commissioners BSI e: Battlefield System International BSID d: Battlefield Systems Integration Directorate BS in AE e: Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering BS in Ae E e: Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering BS in Aero Adm e: Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Administration BS in Aero E e: Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering BS in MS e: Bachelor of Science in Military Science BSI&SAU e: British Service Intelligence and Security Administrative Unit Bskol r: Marinen skolor pâ Berga BSM e: Battalion Sergeant-Major - e: Battery Sergeant Major - e: Bottom Sonar Marker - e: Bus, Standard Marine B.S.M. f: Base Sous-Marine BS MA e: British Standard: Marine Series B.S.M.A. /• Bataillon du Service Militaire Adapté B.S.Mar.Eng. e: Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering B.S.m.O. d: Befehlshaber des Sicherungsverbandes der mittleren Ostsee BS MS e: Bachelor of Science in Military Science BSMS e: Battle Staff Management System BSN d: Befehlshaber der Seestreitkräfte BSNAVSHIPYD e: Boston Naval Shipyard BSNR e: Backward Sequence Number Received BSNT e: Backward Sequence Number of next to be Transmitted BSO d: Befehlshaber der Seestreitkräfte - e: Base Signal Officer - e: Base Supply Officer - e: Battalion Standing Order - e: Bomb Savety Officer - e: Bomb Store Officer - e: Brigade Supply Officer BSP e: Bering Sea Patrol - e: BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System] Specification - e: Business Strategy Panel BSPM e: Battlefield Systems Project Management BSPO e: BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System] System Program Office B.S.P.O.K. P: Bataljon Szkolny Piechoty Okregu Korpusu BSPPD e: Bell System Purchased Products Division B.Sq. e: Bomber Squadron BSR d: Bundessicherheitsrat - e: Battle Short Relay - e: Battlefield Surveillance Radar - e: Beyond Sensor Range - e: Bistatic Spaceborne Radar - e: Blip-Scan Radar bsr e: balloon-supported rocket[s] B.S.R.A. e: British Ship Research Association BSRM e: Booster Solid Rocket Motor BSRN e: Baseline Surface Radiation Network - e: Basic Surface Radiation Network BSRRO e: Begin Standard Radar Refuel Orbit


BSS e: Battlefield Sensor Simulator - e: BOMARC [Boeing-Michigan Aeronautical Research Center] Squadron Simulator BSSC e: Battle Staff Support Center B.S.S.H. e: British Soldiers' and Sailors' Hostel BSSO e: British Security Service Organization BST d: Bataillonsstab - e: Battle Simulation Team BSt d: Beobachtungsstelle - d: Blutstation - d: Wirtschaftsabteilung [Marine Reichskriegsministerium] B.St, d: Bombenstaffel B.St.C. d: Bonner Stadtsoldaten-Corps e.V. BSTD e: Base Supply and Transport Depot B.Stelle d: Beobachtungsstelle B-Stelle d: Beobachtungsstelle BstfTrspBtl d: Betriebsstofftransportbataillon BstfÜbwTrp d: Betriebsstoffüberwachungstrupp B.S.T.N. /• Batterie de sécurité et de transport b.str.gran. Ρ: bataljon strazy granicznej BST RKT e: Boost Rocket bstr rkt e: booster rocket BSU e: Blood Supply Unit BSIISMA e: Bachelor of Science, United States Military Academy BSUSNA e: Bachelor of Science, United States Naval Academy BSW d: Befehlshaber der Sicherung West - d: Blattschreiber für Wartung B.S.w.O. d: Befehlshaber des Sicherungsverbandes der westlichen Ostsee BSZ e: Ballistic Systems Zeus b. szefa a.a. P: biuro szefa administraeji armj i Bt. d: Batterie BT d: Behelfstanklager - e: Battalion Terminal - e: Battery Target - e: Bomber Transport Bt z: Batarya bt n: batterij B.T. / · Base de transit - / ' Bataillon de Tirailleurs - f: Bataillon de Transmissions - f: Bataillon du Train B-T e: Bomber-Trooper BTA e: Ballistic Track Assignor - e: British Troops in Austria - f: Base de transit de l'Air B.T.A. / · Bataillon de Tirailleurs Algériens B.T.A.F. e: British Tactical Air Force B.T.A.M.S. e: British Trans-Atlantic Air Mail Service BTB e: Branch Target Buffer B.T.B, e: British Troops in Berlin BTC e: Basic Training Center B2TC e: Batch 2 Trafalgar-Class submarine B.T.C, e: Battery Training Corps BTD e: Base Transit Depot BTE e: Battery Training Exercise B.T.E. e: British Troops in Egypt BTF e: Ballistic Test Facility - e: Battalion Task Force B.T.F. e: Burma Territorial Force BTG e: Basic Training Group - e: British Troops in Greece btg. i: battaglione btg.a/i i: battaglione anticenti btg.alp. i: battaglione alpini

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btg.alp.da.pos. i: battaglione alpini da posizione btg.aus. i: battaglione ausilieri btg.b.a. i: battaglione bersaglieri autoportato i: battaglione carri d'assalto i: battaglione carri armati ì: battaglione carri leggieri i: battaglione carri medii i: battaglione carri pesanti btg.espi.D. i: battaglione esplorante Divisionale btg.f. i: battaglione di fanteria i: battaglione di fanteria motorizzata btg.fuc. ì: battaglione fucilieri btg.g. i: battaglione genio btg.g.p.div. i: battaglione genio pionieri divisionale btg.K. ì: battaglione truppe chimiche btg.laus, i: battaglione lavoratori ausiliari btg.m. i: battaglione martaio btg.m.g. i: battaglione misto genio ì: battaglione minatori ì: battaglione movieri i: battaglione pontieri btg.sic. i: battaglione sicurezza btg.t. i: battaglione trasmissioni BTI e: British Troops in Iraq B.T.I.A. / · Base de Transit Interarmées Atlantique B.T.I.A.Ma f: Base Transit Interarmées Atlantique-Manche BTIP e: British Troops in Palestine Btl. d: Bataillon btl. i: battaglion BTLC e: British Troops in Low Countries BtlGefStd d: Bataillonsgefechtsstand Btl.Kam. d: Bataillonskammer Btl η d: Bataillon Btl.St.Q. d: Bataillonsstabsquartier Btm d: Botenmeisterei [Reichskriegsministerium] BTM e: Blast Test Missile B.T.M. e: British Trades Mission - / · Base de Transit Militaire - / · Bureau des Trains Militaires B.T.M.A. f: Bureau de transports maritimes et aériens B.T.M.A.S. f: Bureau de transports maritimes, aériens et de surface BtmM d: Botenmeisterei der Marineleitung [Reichskriegsministerium] B T M O e: Branch Transportation Movement Office BTN P: Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe - e: Battalion Btn Af. /• Bataillon d'Afrique Btn Ch. /• Bataillon de Chasseurs Btn Dr.P. f: Bataillon de Dragons Partes Btn f.C. f: Bataillon format Corps BTNI e.· British Troops in Northern Ireland Btn I.L. f: Bataillon d'Infanterie Légère BTO e: Brigade Transport Officer BTOG e: British Transport Officers Guild BTP e: BMEWS [Ballistic Missile early Warning System] Test Procedure BTR e: BMEWS [Ballistic Missile Early Warning System] Test Report BTR-50 e: Soviet amphibious personnel carrier btr e: basic transportation vehicle btr. i: batteria i: batteria bombarde btr.c. i: batteria comando btr.c.a. i: batteria cannonicontraerei btr.c.e. i: batteria controcarro BTrf d: Bautruppführer

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BWS btr.f. i: batteria d'accompagnamento per fanteria btr.f.o.cp. ì: batteria cannoni per fanteria o compagni BTRM e: Soviet armored-infantry combat vehicle btr.m. ì: batteria motorizzata i: batteria missili contraerei i: battaglione mitraglieri BTR-60P e: Soviet amphibious armored personnel carrier i: batteria pesante cannoni contraerei btr.smv.c.c. i: batteria semovente controcarro BTRY e: Battery BTS e: Basic Training School - e: British Troops in Sudan B.T.S. f: Bataillon des Tirailleurs Sénégalais Btsm d: Bootsmann Β.T.S.O.O.A. e: Board of Trade Survey Outdoor Officers' Association BTT e: Basic Training Target - e: Battle Technology Team Btt. i: batteria Bttr d: Batterie Bttr. d: Batterie B.T.Tr. / • Bataillon de Troupes de Transmissions Btty. e: battery BTU e: Base Training Unit - e: Basic Transmission Unit B.T.U. e: Balloon Training Unit BTUiR P: Bank Towarzystwa Ubezpieczen i Reasekuracji BTV e: Basic Transportation Vehicle - e: Battleship Test Vehicle - e: Bi-modal Transit Vehicle - e: Buoyancy Transport Vehicle btva n: batterij vuurpijl artillerie BTVOR e: Broadcast Terminal Very-High Frequency Omni-Range B-II d: Boden-Unterseeboot Bii d: Bücherei im Wehrmachtamt, Berlin BU d: Unterseeboots-Abwehrabteilung [Marine Reichskriegsministerium] BuAer e: Bureau of Aeronautics BÜ-Anlage d: Befehlsübermittlungsanlage Bucks e: Buckinghamshire Regiment BUCO e: Build-Up Control Organization - e: Buildings Control Officer - e: Buildup Control Office BUD[/]S e: Basic Underwater Demoliton/SEAL [Sea, Air and Land Capability] Training Department BUFFS e: The Buffs [Royal East Kent Regiment] BUK d: Besondere Untersuchungskommission Bull. Mar. Sci. e: Bulletin of Marine Science BULLPUP e: Air Force Missile BUM d: Reichsminister für Bewaffnung und Munition - e: Break-Up Missile BUNAV e: Bureau of Navigation BUPERS e: Bureau of Naval Personnel - e: Bureau of Navy Personnel BUSA d: Berufsunteroffiziersschule der Armee BUSARB e: British-United States Amateur Rocket Bureau BUSCI e: British-United States Convoy Instructions Bus.Coy e: Motor omnibus company BUSHIPS e: Bureau of Ships BUSRA e: British-United States Routing Agreement BUSS e: Buoy Underwater Sound Signal

BUT. d: Betriebsstoffuntersuchungstrupp BUTEC e: British Underwater Test and Evaluation Centre BUWEP e: Bureau of Naval Weapons BUWEPSFLEREADREP e Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative BUWEPSFLEREADREPCEN e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative, Central BUWEPSFLEREADREPLANT e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Repesentative, Atlantic BUWEPSFLEREADREPPAC e Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative, Pacific BUWEPS FR e: Bureau of Naval Weapons, Fleet Readiness BUWEPSINST e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Instruction BUWEPSREP e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Representative BUWEPSRESREP e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Resident Representative BUWEPSTECHREP e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Technical Representative BUWEPSTLO e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Technical Liaison Office BV c: Brann Vychowa - e: Basic Vehicle - e: Boost Vehicle - e: Bridging Vehicle BV 202 N: Norwegian Army armored personnel carrier B.V. p: Bombeiros Voluntarios BVA d: Bulgarische Volksarmee - e: Blinded Veterans Association - e: Board of Veterans Appeals BVADS e: Basic Vulcan Air Defense System BVAL e: Blackman's Volunteer Army of Liberation bvc c: baterie ν cinnosti BVD e: Base Vehicle Depot BVerSt d: Bataillonsverpflegungsstelle BVG e: Battlefield Visualization Graphics BVL n: Bijzondere Vrijwillige Landstorm BVO n: Bureau Verzorging Oorlogsslachtoffers BVOR e: Broadcast Very-High Frequency Omni-Range BVP d: Bataillonsversorgungspunkt - n: Boordvliegtuigplieg B.V.P. e: British Volunteer Programme BVR d: Bundesverteidigungsrat - e: Beyond Visual Range - e: British Vehicle Registration B.V.R.C. e: Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps BVRLA e: British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association BVRO e: Base Vehicle Reporting Officer BVRR e: Bureau of Veterans' Reemployment Rights [Department of Labor] BVS e: Battery Vehicle Society - n: Binnelandse Vertedigingsstrijdkrachten BVT e: Battlefield Video Teleconferencing bv.T.K. d: bevollmächtigte Transportkommandantur Bv.T.O. d: Bevollmächtigter Transportoffizier BVW d: Bund versorgungsberechtigter ehemaliger Wehrmachtangehöriger BW d: Marine-Waffen-Abteilung [Reichskriegsministerium] - e: Backward Wave - e: Bacteriological Warfare

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e: Bacteriological Warhead e: Bacteriological Weapons e: Basic Weapons e: Biological Weapon e: Body Wing e: Bomb Wing e: Bombardment Wing e: The Black Watch [Royal Highland Regiment] bw e: biological warfare B.W.A. e: Barrack Warden's Association B.W.A.A.F. e: British Women's Auxiliary Air Force BWBR e: Bureau of Naval Weapon[s] Branch Representative BWC e: Backward Wave Converter - e: Bacteriological [or Biological] & Toxic Weapons Convention - e: Biological Weapons Convention - e: Board of War Communications - e: Borg-Warner Chemicals Inc. B.W.C, e: British War Cabinet B/WCA e: Bomb to Warhead Conversion Components B.W.C.F. e: British War Comforts Fund BWD e: Biological Warfare Defense BWFRR e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative BWFRRCEN e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative, Central BWFRRLANT e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative, Atlantic BWFRRPAC e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Fleet Readiness Representative, Pacific BWI e: Bureau of War Information B.W.I.R. e: British West India Regiment BWL e: Biological Warfare Laboratory BWM d: Bundesamt für Waffensysteme und Munition - e: Backward Wave Magnetron - e: Broadcast Warning Message B.W.M. e: British War Medal B.W.M.S. e: British Wireless Marine Service BWO e: Backward Wave Oscillator BWOFS e: Battlefield Weather Observation & Forecast System BWOS e: Backward Wave Oscillator Synchronizer BWOT e: Backward Wave Oscillator Tube BWP e: Ballistic Wind Plotter - e: Basic War Plan BWPA e: Backward Wave Parametric Amplifier - e: Backward Wave Power Amplifier BWR d: Boden-Wetter-Radaranlage - e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Representative B.W.R. e: British War Relief B.W.R.A. e: British War Relief Association BWRC e: Biological Warfare Research Center BWRE e: Biological Warfare Research Establishment BWRL e: Bureau of War Risk Litigation BWRR e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Resident Representative BWRS e: Biological Warfare Rapid Warning System B.W.R.S. e: British War Relief Society BWRWS e: Biological Warfare Rapid Warning System BWS e: Battlefield weapons System - e: Biological Weapon[s] System


BW.Sied. BW.Sied. d: Bevollmächtigter des O K W [ O b e r k o m m a n d o der W e h r m a c h t ] in Siedlungsfragen B W S L e: Battlefield Weapons Systems Laboratory B W S O e: B a c k w a r d W a v e Sweep Oscillator B W S R T e: Bureau of Naval Weapons Support Representative, N a v a l Air Training C o m m a n d B W T e: B a c k w a r d - W a v e Tube - e: Broadcast Warning T W X B W V A e: British War Veterans of America B.W.V.F. e: British War Victims Fund B.W.W's e: Biological Warfare Weapons B X E e: B o m b a r d m e n t - i n d u c e d X-ray Emission by e: battery c o m m a n d e r BY C e: Battery C o m m a n d e r B Y O R L e: Bring Your O w n Rocket Launcher BZ. d: B a l l o n z u g - d: Bereitschaftszug - d: Bergungszug B.Z. d: Begleitzug B Z A d: B o m b e n z i e l a p p a r a t BZG d: Bombenzielgerät B-Zug d: Begleitzug

c C

d: M a r i n e - V e r w a l t u n g s a m t [Reichswehrministerium, O b e r k o m m a n d o der Marine] - e: Chemical Corps - e: Coast Guard - e: Combat - e: C o m m a n d - e: C o m m a n d a n t - e: C o m m a n d e r - e: C o m m a n d i n g - e: C o m p u t i n g [and C o m m u n i c a t i o n s ] Division - f : Cavalerie - i: Cavalleria - i: C o m a n d o C. e: Corps - f : Cercle militaire - f : École [spéciale militaire] de Saint-Cyr c. f : compagnie - i: corpo C l d: 1. Pensions-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] C2 e: C o m m a n d and Control C 2 d: 2. V e r s o r g u n g s - A b t e i l u n g [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] C 3 d: 2. Justiz-Abteilung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] C3 e: C o m m a n d , Control and Communications C4 e: C o m m a n d and Control, C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , and C o m p u t e r s - e: C o m m a n d , Control and Communications Countermeasures C - 4 e: military explosive C - 5 e: Galaxy. U.S. Air Force's largest cargo aircraft C - Í 2 e: U.S. military small passenger aircraft. Commercial version n a m e d King Air C31 e: C o m m a n d , Control, C o m m u n i c a t i o n , Intelligence C41 e: C o m m a n d , Control, C o m m u n i c a t i o n , Computers and Intelligence C - 4 2 e: utility aircraft C - 4 6 e: Curtiss-Wright World War II C o m m a n d o 36-passenger transport


C - 1 3 0 e: military transport airliners C-14Í e: Starlifter. U.S. Air Force cargo aircraft C A d: Carl Alexander [InfanterieRegiment] - d: Chef Artillerie - e: Carrier A i r c r a f t - e: Chinese A r m y - e: Civil Administration - e: Civil Aviation - e: Coast Artillery - e: C o m b a t A i r c r e w [ m a n ] - e: C o m b a t Assessment - e: C o m m a n d Accountant - e: C o m m a n d a n t Assistant - e: C o m m a n d i n g Artillery O f f i c e r - e: C o m m e r c i a l Aviation - e: Comptroller of the Army - e: Controller Aircraft - e: Technical Assistant to the C o m m a n d e r Ca e: Cambridgeshire R e g i m e n t C.A. e: Canadian Army - e: Church Army - e: Coast Artillery - e: C o n f e d e r a t e A r m y c&a e: command and administration C2A e: C o m m a n d , Control & Alerting C - 5 A e: Lockheed military cargo transport airplane CA se: C r v e n a A r m i j a C.A. f : Centre d'approvisionnement - f : Centre d'Aviation - / · Chasseurs d ' A f r i q u e - f : Colonne A u t o m o b i l e - f : C o m m i s s i o n Administrative - / · C o m m i s s i o n Aériene - / · C o m m i s s i o n Arbitrale - f : C o m p a g n i e Administrative - f : Compagnie d'accompagnement - f : C o m p a g n i e d'approvisionnement - f : C o m p a g n i e d'appui - f : compagnie de l'Air - f : Convoi A u t o m o b i l e - f : Corps d'Armée - i: C o r p o d'armata C A A e: Chief of A r m y Aviation - e: C o m b i n e d Arms Army - f : Comité d'association d'armes - f : Compagnie Africaine d'Armement - i: C o m a n d o Artiglieria d'armata - s: C o m m a n d o s A u t o n o m e s Anticapitalistes C.A.A. f : Centre d'Artillerie Antiaérienne - f : Corps d'Armée d'Alger - i: Centro A d d e s t r a m e n t o di artiglieria C A A A e: Chief of Army Audit Agency CA [AA] e: Coast Artillery A n t i a i r c r a f t CA A A R e g R A e: Coastal Artillery AntiAircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery C A A B f : C o m m a n d e m e n t Allié des A p p r o c h e s de la Baltique C A A C e: C o m b a t Alert A i r c r e w C A A D e: Corps A r e a Air Defense C A A D R P e: Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Data Recording Program[me] C A A F e: Campbell A r m y A i r f i e l d - e: Chief, A r m y Air Forces - e: C o m b i n e d Allied Air Forces C A A I i: Centro A e r o n a u t i c o e A t o m i c o Italiano C A A L E i: Centro A d d e s t r a m e n t o Aviazione Leggiera dell'Esercito C A A M e: Computer-Assisted Artillery Meteorology C . A . A . O . R . e: Combined Antiaircraft Operations R o o m C A A R e: C o m p r e s s e d Air A c c u m u l a t o r Rocket C A A R C e: C o m m o n w e a l t h Advisory Aeronautical Research Council

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ca/Arf. i: cannonieri A f r i c a C A A S - 7 5 e: Combined A r m s and Support, 1 9 7 0 - 7 5 [study] C.A.A.S.F. e: Canadian A r m y Active Service Force C A A T e: Clandestine Army Aviation Team[s] C & A A T C e: Coastal and A n t i a i r c r a f t Training Centre C A A T S e: Compact Airborne A u t o m a t i c Tracking System ca.aus.PG i: campo ausiliario per progionieri di guerra CA AW EX e: Canned Antiair W a r f a r e Exercise C A B e: C o m b i n e d A r m s Battalion - e: C o m m o n Avionics Baseline - e: Contract Appeals Board [Veterans Administration] C.A.B, e: Canadian A r m o u r e d Brigade - / · Cadets de l'Air de Belgique - f : C o m p a g n i e administrative de la base - f : C o m p a g n i e d ' A c c o m p a g n e m e n t du Bataillon C A B i: C o m a n d o artiglieria di brigata - s: Centro A t o m i c o Bariloche C A B L E e: Computer Assisted B a y - A r e a Law E n f o r c e m e n t C - A B M e: Chinese-Oriented Antiballistic Missile System Cab.M. f : Cabinet Militaire C A B M O n: Comité tot Behartiging van de A l g e m e n e B e l a n g e n van Marinepersoneel beneden de rang van O f f i c i e r C A B M S e: Chinese-oriented Antiballistic Missile System C A C e: Canadian A r m o u r e d Corps - e: Caribbean Air C o m m a n d - e: Chief of Air Corps - e: Coast Artillery Corps - e: Coastal Artillery C o m p u t e r - e: Colonial A i r c r a f t C o m p a n y - e: Colonial A m m u n i t i o n C o m p a n y - e: C o m b a t Air C o m m a n d - e: C o m b a t Air Crew - e: C o m b a t Alert Center - e: C o m b a t Analysis Capability - e: C o m b a t Assessment Capability - e: C o m m a n d Address Change - e: C o m m a n d and Control - e: C o m m a n d e r Air Center - e: C o m m o n w e a l t h Aircraft Corporation - e: Contact A r e a C o m m a n d e r - e: Continental Air C o m m a n d - e: Continuity Army Council - f : C o m m i s s i o n des A r m e m e n t s de type Classique - i: C o m m i s s i o n e A l l e a t a di Controllo - i: C o m m i s s i o n e Arbitrale Centrale C A C 2 e: C o m b i n e d Arms C o m m a n d and Control [programme] - f : Centre d'application c o m a n d o s - f : Centre d'Artillerie de C a m p a g n e - f : C o m p a g n i e Antichars - f : Corps d'Armée Colonial - f : Corps d'Armée de Constantine C.A.C.A. f : C o m m a n d e m e n t de l'Artillerie du Corps d'Armée C A C C e: C o m m a n d e r , Air C o m p o n e n t Command C A C C C e: Combat Air C o m m a n d & Control Centre C A C D A e: Combined A r m s C o m b a t Development Activity - e: C o m b i n e d Army Combat Development Activity C A C D S e: C o m m o n w e a l t h A d v i s o r y Committee on Defence Science C A C F E e: Central Advisory Council for Forces' Education

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

CALMA C.A.Ch. /• Compagnie Autonome de chars CACISS e: Center for Arms Control and International Security Studies ca.cnt. ì: campo contumiciale c.a.col. / · corps d'armée colonial ca/col. i: cannonieri coloniali CACOM e: Chief Aircraft Communicator CACPT e: Combined Arms & Command Post Trainer CACU e: Coast Artillery Cooperation Unit C.A.C.II. e: Coastal Artillery Cooperation Unit CACW e: Chinese-American Composite Wing - e: Committee to Aid Cold War Veterans CAC & W e: Continental Aircraft Control and Warning CAD e: Canadian Armoured Division - e: Central Accounts Division - e: Central Aircraft Dispatch - e: Central Ammunition Depot - e: Chief of Air Defense - e: Close-in Air Defence - e: Combat Air Division - e: Combat Assault Dory - e: Command Address - i: Comando Artiglieria Divisionale CADB e: Composite Air Defense Battalion CADC e: Canada Air Defence Command - e: Canadian Air Defence Command - e: Canadian Army Dental Corps - e: Central American Defense Council - e: Continental Air Defense Command CADD /• Comité dAction de Défense Démocratique CADE e: Combined Allied Defence Experiment - e: Combined Allied Defense Effort CADEL / • Comité d'Action pour le Défense de la Légalité CADETRON e: Cadet Practice Squadron CADF e: Central Air Defense Force cadi η: cantine dienst cadidep η: cantine dienst depot CADIN e: Continental Air Defense Integration North CA Dist e: Coast Artillery District CADIZ e: Canadian Air Defence Identification Zone - e: Coastal Air Defense Identification Zone CADM e: Clustered Airfield Defeat Munition - e: Clustered Airfield Dispersed Munition - e: CONUS [Continental United States] Air Defense Modernization C.A.D.N. f: Caisse Autonome de la Défense Nationale CADOCS e: Carrier Aircraft Data Operations Control System CADOP e: Continental Air Defense Objectives Plan CADR e: Coast Artillery Drill Regulations CADRE e: Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment CADS e: Combined Air Defense Systems - e: Command and Data Simulator - e: Containerized Ammunition Distribution System - e: Continental Air Defense System CADWS e: Close-Air Defence Weapon System CAE e: Canadian Army Europe - e: Canadian Aviation Electronics - e: Chief of Aeronautical Engineering - e: Command Application Environment - e: Radio Canadian Army Europe - / · Commandement Allié en Europe CAé f: Commission Aérologique

C.Aé. /• Compagnie d'aérostation - / ' Direction des constructions aériennes CAEE e: Coast and Antiaircraft Experimental Establishment C Ae I e: Canadian Aeronautical Institute CAEO e: Commandement Air en Extreme Orient-Far East Air Command C.A.E.O. f: Centre Administratif d'Extrême-Orient CAER e: Division for Conference Affairs and External Relations CAERD e: Clean Air and Environmental Reporting Division C.Aéro / · Commandement de l'Aérodrome CAESAR e: Coordinated Auroral Experiment Using Scatter And Rockets CAESQ e: Communications and Electronics Squadron CAEWIS e: Computer Aided Electronic Warfare Information System CAEWW e: Carrier Airborne Early Warning Wing CAP d: Christliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden - e: Canadian Armed Forces - e: Ceylon Air Force - e: Chinese Air Force [Taiwan] - e: Combined Action Forces - e: Command Advisory Function - e: Commander Airlift Forces - e: Confederate Air Force - e: Continental Air Forces - e: Counter-Air Fighter C.A.F. e: Ceylon Air Force - e: Coastal Air Force CAFAC e: Commander All Forces, ArubaCuracao CAFAF e: Commander Amphibious Forces, Atlantic Fleet CAFATC e: Canadian Air Transport Command CAFB e: Charleston Air Force Base - e: Clark Air Force Base - e: Columbus Air Force Base - e: Cooke Air Force Base CAFCO / · Compagnie Africaine de Commerce et de commission CAFD e: Contact Analog[ue] Flight Display CAFDA e: Commandement Air des Forces de Défense Aérienne CAFDA/DA /• Commandement Air des Forces de Defense Aerienne/Commandement CAFE e: Conventional Armed Forces in Europe CAFGU e: Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit CAFHO e: Canadian Armed Forces Headquarters CAFI e: Commander's Annual Facilities Inspection - /• Composante Air des Forces d'Intervention CAFIB e: Canadian Armed Forces Identification Bureau CAFIC e: Combined Allied Forces Information Center CAFM e: Coast Artillery Field Manual CAFMS e: Computer-Aided Force Management System CAFO e: Command Accounting and Finance Office - e: Confidential Admiralty Fleet Order CAFOB e: Combined Air Force Operating Base CAFOC e: Computer-Aided Flight Operations Center CAFPAC e: Commander of the American Forces in the Pacific

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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CAFPF e: Commander Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet CAFPOW e: Cadets for the Aid of Families of Prisoners of War CAFSC e: Control Air Force Specialty Code CAFT e: Consolidated Advance Field Team CAFTN e: Commonwealth Air Forces Telecommunications Network CAFI! e: Civil Aviation Flying Unit CAFVIMS e: Command Air Force Vehicle Integrated Management System CAF-WS e: Combat Air Forces Workstation CAFWSP e: Combat Air Forces Weather Software Package CAG e: Canadian Air Group - e: Central Army Group - e: Combat Arms Group - e: Combined Army Group - e: Commander of the Air Group - e: Common Avionics Group - e: Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser C.A.G. f: Compagnie autonome du génie CAGE e: Canadian Air-Ground Environment CAGRA e: Commander, Army Group, Royal Artillery CAGRE e: Commander, Army Group, Royal Engineers CAG Sigs e: Commander, Army Group, Signals CAGSigs e: Commander, Army Group, Signals CAI e: Chinese Army in India CAIA f: Confederation Amicale des Ingenieurs de l'Armement CAIB e: Canadian Army Identification Bureau CAIFF e: Close Air Interdiction of Fielded Forces CAIG e: Canadian Aircraft Insurance Group CAIMAN s: Centro de Adiestramiento de Infanteria de Marina CAIMS e: Conventional Ammunition Integrated Management System CAINS e: Carrier Airborne Inertial Navigation System Cains e: Carrier Aircraft Inertial Navigation System CAIP e: Catholic Association for International Peace CAIR e: Countermeasures Airborne InfraRed C.Air.AI. f: Commandement de l'Air en Algérie CAIRC e: Caribbean Air Command CAK e: Command Acknowledge C.A.K, r: Civilanställningskommissionen CAkI d: Chef Aufklärung CAL e: Call Aircraft Company - e: Command Authorization List - e: Cornell Aeronautical] Laboratory CALA e: Civil Aviation Licensing Act C.A.L.A.A. / · Commandement de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de l'Air CALB e: Canadian Army Language Bureau CALCIVI e: Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile CALE e: Canadian Army Liaison Executive C.A.L.E. / • Compagnie administrative de la Légion étrangère CALF e: Combined Allied Land Forces - e: Common Affordable Lightweight Fighter CALMA e: California Marine Associates


CALOW CALOW e: Contingency & Limited Objective Warfare CALS e: Committee for Ammunition Logistics Support CALSU e: Combat Airlift Support Unit CAM e: Carrier Aircraft Modification - e: Catapult[ed] Aircraft Merchantship - e: Central American Mission - e: Chemical Agent Munition - e: Chief, Aircraft Maintenance - e: Coast Artillery Memorandum - e: Combat Airlift Mission - e: Composite Army-Marine - e: Conventional Attack Missile Ca.M. i: Cassa Militare C.A.M. e: Civil Affairs Mission - / · Compagnie administrative du matériel - f: Corps Amphibie de la Marine - f : Corps d'Armée Motorisé CA [M] e: Canadian Army [Militia] C.A.M.A. /• Centre d'approvisionnement de matériel automobile - f: Centre d'approvisionnement de matériel d'aviation camal e: continuous airborne missile alert CAMAL System e: Continuous Airborne Missile-launcher and Low-level System CAMAR e: Common Aperture Multifunction Array Radar CAMASWFORPAC e: Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet Camb. e: Cambridgeshire Regiment CAMBCOM e: Combat Arms Maneuver Battalions Command CAMBO η: Comité tot Behartiging van de Algemene Belangen van het Marinepersoneel beneden de Rang van Officier Camb.R. e: Cambridgeshire Regiment CAMC e: Canadian Army Medical Corps Cam Co e: Camouflage Company CAMDS e: Chemical Agent Munitions Dispersal System CAME e: Corps Air Space Management Element CAMEA e: Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Association CAMEL e: Collapsible Airborne Military Equipment Lifter C.A.M.E.N. i: Centro di Applicazioni Militare dell'Energia Nucleare CAMERONIANS e: The Cameronians [Scottish Rifles] CAMERONS e.· The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders CAMESA e: Canadian Military Electronics Standards Agency CA/MG e: Civil Affairs/Military Government Cam H e: The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders CAMIR /• Centrale d'Achats des Miroitiers français CAMIS e: Computer-Aided Munition Identification System - e: Continental Army MIS CAML e: Cargo Aircraft Minelayer CAMM /• Centre Administratif de la Marine Militaire CAMMIS e.· Command Aircraft Maintenance [and] Manpower Information System CAMMP e: Capabilities Assessment Model for Munitions Production CAMMS e: Combined Arms MultiMission System CAMO e: Central Ammunition Management Office


CAMO-P e: Central Ammunition Management Office-Pacific CAMP e: Coastal Artillery Mine Planter - e: Computer Applications for/of Military Problems - e: Council on Abandoned Military Posts CAMPS e: Centralized Automated Military Pay System CAM RA e: Care and Maintenance Unit, Royal Artillery CAMRON e: Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron CAMS e: Calibrated Airborne Multispectral Scanner - e: Coastal Anti-Missile System - e: Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance S quad [ron] - e: Control of Aircraft Maintenance and Servicing Cams e: The Queen's Cameron Highlanders Ca.M.s. i: Cassa Militare sussidiaria CA/MSAW e: Conflict Alert/Minimum Safe Altitude Warning CAMSQN e: Camouflage Squadron CAMTMTS e: Central Area, Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service CAMTT e: Civic Affairs Mobile Training Team [Vietnam] i: Centro avviamento munizioni C.A.M.W. e: Central Association for Mental Warfare CAN e: Committee on Aircraft Noise - e: Correlation Air Navigation - f: Centre Aéronautique Naval C.A.N. / • Compagnie Auxiliarle de Navigation - f: Constructions et Armes Navales, Direction Centrale CANA e: Canadian Army - e: Clergy Against Nuclear Arms - s: Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina CANABRIT e: Canadian Navy Joint Staff in Great Britain CAN/ADC /• Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau de l'Artillerie et de la Défense des Côtes CAN/Aéro f: Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau de l'Aéronautique Navale CanAirDef e: Canadian Air Defense Command Headquarters CANAIRDEF e: Canadian Air Force Defense Command CANAIRDEF Command e. Canadian Air Force Defence Command CANAIRDIV e: Canadian Air Division CanAirDiv e: Canadian Air Division Headquarters CANAIRDIV e: Canadian Air Force Division CANAIRHED e: Canadian Air Force Headquarters CANAIRLANT e: Maritime Air Command, Halifax CanAirLift e: Air Transport Command Headquarters CanAirLon e: Air Member, Canadian Joint Staff, London CANAIRLON e: Canadian Air Force Joint Staff-London CANAIRMAT e: Canadian Air Force Material Command CANAIRMAT Command e: Canadian Air Force Material Command CANAIRNEW e: Canadian Air ForceNewfoundland - e: Senior Royal Canadian Air Force Liasion Officer

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CANAIRNORWEST e: Canadian Air Force-Northwest - e: North West Air Command Headquarters CANAIRPEG e: Canadian Air ForceWinnipeg CanAirPeg e: Fourteen Training Group Headquarters, Royal Candían Air Force CANAIRPEG e: Training Group Headquarters CANAIRTAC e: Canadian Air Force Tactical Command CanAirTac e: Canadian Tactical Air Command Headquarters CANAIRTAC e: Tactical Air Group Headquarters CANAIRTAC Command e: Canadian Air Force Tactical Command CANAIRTRAIN e: Canadian Air Force Training Command CANAIRTRAIN Command e: Canadian Air Force Training Command CanAirVan e: Canadian Air Defense Group Headquarters CANAIRWASH e: Canadian Air Force Joint Staff-Washington CANAL e: Command Analysis CANARI e: Communications and Navigation Airborne Radio Instrumentation CANAS e: Canadian Naval Air Station CANA VAT e: Canadian Naval Attaché CANAVCHARGE e: Canadian Naval Officer in Charge CANAVHED e: Canadian Naval Headquarters CANAVSTORES e: Canadian Naval Stores CANA VUS e: Canadian Naval Joint Staff in United States CANCARAIRGRP e: Canadian Carrier Air Group CANCEL e: Connecticut Aircraft Nuclear Engine Laboratory CANCOMARLANT e: Canadian Maritime Commander Atlantic - / · Commandant de la flotte canadienne de l'Atlantique CANCOMARPAC e: Canadian Commander, Army, Pacific CANCOMCORTRON e: Canadian Commander, Escort Squadron CANCOMDESFE e: Commander Canadian Destroyers Far East CANCOMDESFLOT 1 e: Commander First Canadian Destroyer Flotilla CANCOMDESLANT e: Commander Canadian Destroyers Atlantic CANCOMDESPAC e: Commander Canadian Destroyers Pacific CANCOMFLT e: Senior Canadian Officer Afloat [Atlantic] CANCOMFLTLANT e: Senior Canadian Naval Officer Afloat Atlantic CANCOMFLTPAC e: Senior Canadian Naval Officer Afloat Pacific CANCOMINRON e: Canadian Commander, Mine Sweeping Squadron CANCOMNEW e: Canadian Naval Commander Newfoundland CANCORTRON e: Canadian Escort Squadron C and C e: Command and Control CANDEP e: Canadian Navy Depot CANDESFE e: Canadian Destroyers Far East CANDESFLOT 1 e: 1st Canadian Destroyer Flotilla CANDESLANT e: Canadian Destroyers Atlantic

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

CAR/USNH C A N D E S P A C e: Canadian Destroyers Pacific CANDIS e: Canada Disarmament Information Service C and Ν e: Communications and Navigation - e: Control and Navigation CANE e: Command and Navigation Equipment - e: Computer-Aided Navigation Equipment CANEL e: Connecticut Advanced Nuclear Engineering Laboratory CAN/ETER / • Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau de l'Entretien Transmission-Écoute-Radar CANEX e: Canadian Forces Exchange [Store[s]] CANF e: Combined Allied Naval Forces CAN/FC f : Direction Centrale des Constructions et Arms Navales, Section de la Flotte en Construction C A N F L A G L A N G e: Canadian Flag Officer Atlantic Coast CanFlagPac e: Canadian Flag Officer Pacific Coast C A N F O R C E H E D e: Canadian Forces Headquarters C A N F S W P A e: Combined Allied Naval Forces, Southwest Pacific Area C A N F S W P A O P P L A N e: Combined Allied Naval Forces Southwest Pacific Ocean Area Operating Plan C A N G O e: Committee for Air Navigation and Ground Organization C A N / I M P f: Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Section des Implantations industrielles C A N L A N T e: Canadian Atlantic Subarea [Canadian Navy] C A N L F e: United States Committee to Aid the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam CAN/Ma f : Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Service centrale des Marchés C A N M I N R O N e.· Canadian Mine Sweeping Squadron CAN/Mu f : Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau des Munitions CANO e: Chief Area Nursing Officer CAN/ORG f : Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Section Organisation CAN/R / • Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, Bureau des Réparations CANRA e: Committee on Army and Navy Religious Activities C.A.N.R.A.C, f: Caisse Autonome Nationale de Retraite des Anciens Combattants C A N R E S L A N T e.· Senior Officer Reserve Fleet East Coast C A N R E S P A C e: Senior Officer Reserve Fleet West Coast CANRIS e: Coastal and Marine Resources Information System Can.Scot.R. e: Canadian Scottish Regiment CAN/SDA f : Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales, SousDirection Administrative CanServColl e: Canadian Services College C.A.N.S.G. e: Civil Aviation Navigational Services Group CANTASS e: Canadian Towed Array Sonar System

C A N T O e: Concern Against Nuclear Technology Organization CAO e: Central Accounting Officer - e: Chief Accountant Officer - e: Chief Accounting Officer - e: Chief Administrative Officer - e: Collateral Action Officer - e: Commanding Air Officer - e: Commissioned Armament Officer - e: Contract Administration Officer - e: Cooperated Atomic Operations C.A.O. f : Corps d'Armée d'Oran CAOC e: Combat Air Operations Center C.A.O.F. e: Canadian Army Occupation Force CAORE e: Canadian Army Operational Research Establishment C.A.O.R.G. e: Canadian Army Operational Research Group CAP e: Carrier Air Patrol - e: Civil Air Patrol - e: Combat Air Patrol - e: Combat Ammunition Production - e: Combined Action Platoon - e: Combined Action Program - e: Complete Aircraft Parachute - e: Conventional Armaments Plan - e: Corps Ammunition Park - f : Commission Administrative Paritaire - / · Commission Administrative Permanente C.A.P.A.A. / • Compagnie automobile de protection anti-aérienne CAPC e: Canadian Army Provost Corps - e: Central America Peace Campaign - e: Civil Air Patrol Cadet - e: Civil Aviation Planning Committee CAPCP e: Civil Air Patrol Coastal Patrol CAPI e: Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives C.A.P.O. e: Canadian Army Post Office ca.prig. i: campo prigioneri CAPS e: Combat Air Patrol Support - e: Complete Aircraft Parachute System - e: Conventional Armaments Planning System CAPSO-N e: Capital Area Personnel Services Office-Navy CAPT[D]DTS e: Captain [Destroyers], Dartmouth Training Squadron CAPTOR MK 60 e: Encapsulated Torpedo A S W Mine with MK 46 Torpedo Capt SM e: Captain, Submarines C.A.P.W.J.P. e: Community Action for Post-War Jobs and Profits CA[R] e: Canadian Army [Regular] CAR e: Chief Airship Rigger - e: Chief, Army Reserve - e: Conformal-Array Radar - e: United States Army Caribbean - f : Centre Administratif Régional - i: Centro Addestramento Reclute C.A.R. / • Compagnie Administrative Régional CARA e: Cargo and Rescue Aircraft - e: Combat Air Rescue Aircraft - e: Combat Aircraft Recovery Aircraft - e: Combined Altitude Radar Altimeter - f: Corps d'Action et de Renseignement de l'Armée C a r A E W R o n e: Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron CARAF e: Carrier/Commando Ship/Airfield - e: Corps Africain de Reflexion et d'Action contre la Faim C A R A I R G R O U P e: Carrier Air Group C A R A N T I S U B A I R G R U e: Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Air Group C A R A N T I S U B G R U e: Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Group

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

C A R A S G R U R E S e: Reserve Carrier Antisubmarine Group C A R A S W A I R G R U e: Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Group CARC e: Coast Artillery Reserve Corps - e: Commercial Aircraft Requirements Committee - e: Continental Army Command C.A.R.C. / · Corps d'Aviation Royal Canadien C A R C O M e: Combat Cargo Command CARD e: Computer Aided Radar Design CARDA e: Continental Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment C A R D E e: Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment CARDF e: Central American Refugee Defense Fund Cardiv e: Carrier Division CARDS e: Central Archive for Reusable Defense Software - e: Combat Aircraft Recording and Data System - e: Computer-Assisted Radar Display System care, e: continuous aircraft reliability evaluation C A R E E e: Christians Associated for Relationships with Eastern Europe CA-Res e: Coast Artillery Corps Reserve C A R I B C O M e: Caribbean Command CARIBDIV e: Caribbean Division CARIC e: Caribbean Command Air C A R I C O M B e: Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity Programme c.Arl. i: comando autoreparto leggero c.Arm. i: comando autoreparto misto C A R M E C i: Centro Addestramento Reclute Truppe Meccanizzate e Corr azzate CARMEN e: Countermeasures against Active Radar Missile Engagement C A R M O C S e.· Continental Army and Major Overseas Commands Systems C A R M R A N D e: Civilian Application of the Results of Military Research and Development CARO e: Canadian Army Routine Order - e: Central Accounts Records Officer - e: Combined Arms Research Office Caron e: Carrier squadron CARP e: Citizens concerned About Radiation Pollution CARPA e: Committee Against Repression in the Pacific and Asia C A R P A C e: Carriers, Pacific Fleet CARR PLAT e: Carrier Platoon CARS e: Caseless Ammunition Rifle System - e: Collision Avoidance Radar Simulator - e: Combat Arms Regimental System CARS System e: Command, Arming, Recording, and Timing C A R S T R I K F O R e: Carrier Striking Force CART e: Combat Aircraft Repair Team - e: Commander's Assessment of Readiness & Training - e: Conformai Array Radar Technology - e: Conventional Arms Reduction Treaty C A R T A S K F O R e: Carrier Task Force CARTC e: Coast Artillery Replacement Training Center C.A.R.T.C. i: Centro Addestramento Reclute Truppe CARTU e: Combat Aircrew Refresher Training Unit C Arty e: Coast Artillery CARU e: Canadian Artillery Reserve Unit C A R / U S N H e: Caribbeans to United States North of Hatteras


CAS CAS e: Chief of the Air Staff - e: Coast Artillery School - e: Coded Armaments System - e: Combat Advice System - e: Combat Ammunition System - e: Combat Aviation Squadron - e: Combined Arms School - e: Combined Arms Services Staff School - e: Command Augmentation System - e: Command Automated [or Automation] System - e: Coordinator for Army Studies C.A.S. e: Children's Army School - e: Coast Artillery School - e: Coast Guard Air Service - e: Corps of Army Schoolmasters CASA e: Commander Antarctic Support Activities - s: Construcciones Aeronáuticas S.A. CASADA e: Close Air Support Aircraft Design Alternatives study CAS Aircraft e: Close Air Support Aircraft CASAP e: Canadian Submarine Acquisition Programme CASC e: Canadian Army Service Corps - e: Canadian Army Staff College - e: Corps Area Signal Center CASCADE e: Combat Air Surveillance Correlation and Display Equipment CA Sch e.· Coast Artillery School CASCO e: Canadian-Australian Steamship Company CASCOM e: Combined Arms Support Command CASCOMEX e; Close Air Support Communication Exercise CASCOMP e: Comprehensive Airship Sizing and Performance Computer Program CASCU e: Commander Aircraft Support Control Unit CASD e: Carrier Aircraft Service Detachment - e: Carrier Aircraft Service Division CASDIS / · Commission Administrative du Service Départementale d'Incendie et de Secours CASDIV e: Carrier Aircraft Service Division CASDOS e: Computer-Aided Structural Detailing of Ships CASEE e: Canadian Army Signals Engineering Establishment - e: Comprehensive Aircraft Support Effectiveness Evaluation CASEX e: Combined Anti-Submarine Exercise - e: Coordinated Antisubmarine Exercise CASF e: Composite Air Strike Force C.A.S.F. e: Canadian Active Service Force CASFDD e: Crisis Action System Force Deployment Data CASI e: Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager CA Sigs e: Commander, Army Signals CASM e: Close Air Support Missile - e: Command and Service Module CASM /• Compagnie d'approvisionnement du service de matériel [Forces françaises en Allemagne] - i: Centro Alti Studi Militari CASMARG e: Close Air Support Mission Area Review Group Cas.Mil.Del.I. i: Cassa Militare di Delegazione Intendenza Cas.Mil.I. i: Cassa Militare d'Intendenza Cas.Mil.sus. i: Cassa Militare sussidiaria CASMU i: Consorzio Armamenti Spendibili Multi Uso


CASOFF e: Control and Surveillance of Friendly Forces CASOM e: Conventionally Armed StandOff Missile CASP e: Country Analysis and Strategy Paper CASPAR e: Cambridge Analog[ue] Simulator for Predicting Atomic Reactions CAS/PWI e: Collision Avoidance System/Pilot Warning Instrument - e: Collision Avoidance System Proximity Warning indicator CASRO e: Combined Arms and Support Research Office CASS e: Carrier Aircraft Support Study - e: Centralised Aircraft Servicing System - e: Combat Area Surveillance System - e: Commanded Active Sonobuoy System CAS/SA e: Scientific Adviser to the Chief of the Air Staff CAS/Sec e: Canadian Air Staff Secretariat CASSP e: Central Ammunition Supply Status Point CAST e: Canadian Air/Sea Transportable [combat group] C.A.S.T. / • Compagnie d'autos saharienne de transport CAS The Hague e: Chief Army Staff Netherlands - / ' Chef d'état-major des forces terrestres de Pays-Bas CASH e: Carrier Aircraft Service Unit CASU[F] e: Combat Aircraft Service Unit [Fleet] CASW e: Close Air Support Weapon CASWS e: Close Air Support Weapon[s] System CAT e: Celestial Atomic Trajectile - e: Coast Artillery Training - e: Combat Aircraft Technology - e: Command Action Team - e: Command and Triangulation - e: Command Assistance Team - e: Commander, Amphibious Troops - e: Consolidated Atomic Time - e: Converted Aerial Targets C.A.T. f: Corps des Agents Techniques [Armée] C.A.T.A. f: Centre Administratif Territorial CATAC e.· Central Allied Tactical Air Command - f: Commandement Aérien Tactique - f: Corps Aérien Tactique CATac /• Commandement Aérienne Tactique CATAF f: Commandement Aérien Tactique Français CATB e: Canadian Army Tank Brigade - e: Coast Artillery Training Battalion - e: Combined Army Training Board CATBn e: Coast Artillery Training Battalion CATC e: Canadian Air Transport Command - e: China Air Transport Command C.A.T.C.M. f: Centre administratif des troupes coloniales en métropole CATCS e: Central Air Traffic Control School CATCUSAF e: Commander, Amphibious Training Command United States Atlantic Fleet CATF e: Chinese Air Task Force - e: Combined Amphibious Task Force - e: Commander, Amphibious Task Force CAT/FCS e: Command Adjusted Trajectory/Fire Control System

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CATG e: Commander, Air Task Group - e: Commander Amphibious Task Group CATI e: Caribbean Aviation Training Institute CATIS e: Computer-Aided Tactical Information System CAT/LCV e: Combined Arms Team/Lightweight Combat Vehicle CATM e: Captive Airborne Training Missile - e: Chinese Agricultural Technical Mission to Vietnam - / · Combattants Afrique, Tunisie, Maroc CATMN e: Consolidated Air Target Material Notices CATO e: Caribbean Area Treaty Organization CATR e: Canadian Army Tank Regiment CATRA e: Combined Aircraft Transfer & Release Assembly CATRIN i: Sistema Campale di Trasmissione ed Informazioni ca.trs.smi. i: campo di transito e smistamento [prigionieri di guerra] CATS e: Codewarrior Analysis Tools - e: Combat Aircrew Training System - e: Combined Arms Training Strategy CATSS e: Cartographic Applications for Tactical & Strategic Systems CATT e: Combined Arms Tactical Trainer CATTS e: Combined Arms Tactical Training Simulator CATI! e: Combat Aircrew Training Unit CATV e: Command/Arithmetic[s] Unit CAU e: Command Acquisition Unit - e: Command Activation Unit - e: Command and Arithmetic Unit CAUC i: Centro Addestramento Unità Corazzate CA Unit e: Civil Affairs Unit CAUSA s: Compañía Aeronáutica Uruguaya S.A. c.aut. i: centro automobilistico CAV e: Composite Armored Vehicle cav e: cavalry - η: cavalerie cav. /• cavalerie - i: cavalleria - ρ : cavalaria CAVA e: Cartographie and Audio-Visual Archives Division - i: Centro avviamento feriti per via aerea [Servizio di Sanità] CA VC e: Canadian Army Veterinary Corps C.A.V.F. / · Corps Auxiliaire Volontaire Féminin Cav Mecz Gp e: Cavalry Mechanized Group i: Centro avviamento munizioni Cavy e: Cavalry CAW e: Carrier Air Wing - e: Chief of Amphibious Warfare - e: College of Air Warfare - e: Control and Warning c-a w e: conflict-alert warning CAW AWL e: Crusade to Abolish War and Armaments by World Law CAWC e: Combined Air-Warfare Course CAWCS e: Centre for the Automation of Weapon & Command Systems - n: Centrum Automatisering van Wapen en Commando Systemen CAWEX e: Conventional Air Warfare Exercise CAWS e: Cannon Artillery Weapon Systems - e: Central Aural Warning System

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

c & c C.A.W.S. e: Centralised Air Warning System CAWS e: Close Assault Weapon System - e: Common Aviation Weather Subsystem - e: Conflict Alert Warning System CAWSEM e: Countermeasures and Weapon Systems Engagement Model programme CAWSPS e: Computer-Aided Weapon Storage Planning System CB e: Chemical & Biological Weapons - e: Construction Battalion - e: Cryptographic Bureau - I: Corps Brandenburgia C.B. e: Cavalry Brigade - f: Corps Blindée - i: Comando di base c.b. i: cavalleria blindata C.B.A. e: Cavalry Benefit Association - f: Commissariat des bases de l'Air CBALO e: Carrier-Borne Air Liaison Officer CBAS e: Command Budget Automated System Cbas. f: Commandement de la base aérienne CBBU e: Construction Battalion Base Unit CbBuAer e: Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics CBC e: Chad Basin Commission - e: Construction Battalion Center CBC/MIS e: Construction Battalion Center MIS CBCO e: Central Board for Conscientious Objectors CBCTC e: Office of Chemical and Biological Controls & Treaty Compliance CBD e: Canadian Brigade C/BD e: Chemical/Biological [weapons] Defense CBD e: Construction Battalion Detachment CBDA e: Chemical & Biological Defense Agency CBDE e: Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment CBDGP e: Central Bayside Division of General Practice CBDO e: Chief Business Development Officer CBE e: Command Budget Estimates C.B.E. e: Commander [of the Order] of the British Empire CBF e: Commander Battleship Force - e: Commander British Forces - e: Community Banking Facilities CBFCA e: Commander British Forces Caribbean Area CBFS e: Command Budget Formulation System CBG e: Carrier Battle Group CBGLO e: Carrier-Borne Ground Liaison Officer CBI / · Commission Baleinière Internationale CBIAC e: Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center CB Int O e: Counterbattery Intelligence Officer CBIO e: Counterbattery Intelligence Officer CBIVA e: China-Burma-India Veterans Association CBLANT e: Construction Battalions, Atlantic CBLCBNM e: Central Bureau of Nuclear Measurements CBLO e: Chief Bombardment Liaison Officer

CBM e: Chemical and Biological Munitionfs] C2BM e: Command and Control Battle Management C.B.M. e: Congo Balolo Mission CBM e: Continental Ballistic Missile - e: Office of Chemical, Biological and Missile Proliferation, Nonproliferation Bureau, Department of State - / · Comité du Budget Militaire CBMC e: Corregidor-Bataan Memorial Commission CBMCBB e: Chief Boatswain's Mate, Construction Battalion, Boatswain CBMCBS e: Chief Boatswain's Mate, Construction Battalion, Stevedore CBMSRC e: Chief Boatswain's Mate, Ship Repair, Crane-Operator CBMSRR e: Chief Boatswain's Mate, Ship Repair, Rigger CBMU e: Construction Battalion, Maintenance Unit CBN e: Chemical, Bacteriological, Nuclear - e: Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature - e: Commission on Biological Nomenclature - e: Construction Battalion CBNDET e: Construction Battalion Detachment CBNM e: Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements - e: Custer Battlefield National Monument CBNS e: Commander British Naval Staff CBO e: Coding Board Officer - e: Combined Bomber Offensive - e: Counter-Battery Officer C.B. Office e: Confidential Books Office C.B.P. f: Compagnie de ballons de protection CBPAC e: Construction Battalions, Pacific CB & PGNCS e/ Circuit Breaker and Primary Guidance Navigation Control System CBQ e: Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory CBR e: Chemical, Bacteriological, and Radiation - e: Chemical/Biological/Radioactive weapons - e: Chemical, Biological, Radiological warfare - e: Comprehensive Beacon Radar - e: Counter Battery Radar - e: Phosgene and arsenious chloride chemical warfare mixture CBRC e: Chemical, Biological and Radiological Center CBRCC e: Chemical, Biological, Radiological Control Center CBRD e: Canadian Base Reinforcement Depot - e: Construction Battalion Replacement Depot CBRN f: Centre Belge de Recherches Navales CBRN-E e: Caribbean Basin Radar Network, Extended programme CBRO e: Chemical, Biological, Radiological Officer CBROC e: Chemical, Biological, Radiological Operations Center CBRS e: Chemical, Biological, And Radiological Section CBRW e: Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Warfare CBS e: Coastal Base Section - e: Continental Base Section - e: Corps Battle Simulation

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

CBSH e: Camp Borden Station Hospital CBSR e: Chief Boilermaker, Ship Repair CBT e: Canon Buffer Transmission - e: Center for Battlefield Technologies Cbt e: Combat CBTAO e: Cost Benefit of Tactical Air Operations CBT AVN e: Combat Aviation CBTDEV e: Combat Developer CBT GP e: Combat Group CBTI e: Combat Intelligence CBTOPS e: Combat Operations Division CBTPLANS e: Combat Plans Division CBTZ e: Combat Zone CBU e: Construction Battalion Unit CBV e: Combat Breacher Vehicle CBVO n: Centraal Bureau voor de Verzorging van Oorlogsslachtoffers CBW e: Chemical and Biological Warfare - e: Chemical and Biological Weapons - e: Chemical Biological Weaponry - e: The Canadian Watch CC e: Call Command - e: Camp Commandant - e: Camp Commander - e: Caribbean Commission - e: Chainfed] Command - e: Channel Command - e: Close Combat - e: Coastal Command - e: Coded Command - e: Combat Center - e: Combat Command - e: Combat Control - e: Combat Correspondent - e: Combatting Committee [Helsinki Commission] - e: Comditional Command - e: Command Cab - e: Command Card - e: Command Center [or Centre] - e: Command Chaining - e: Command Code - e: Command Computer - e: Command Console - e: Command Control - e: Command Counter - e: Commander - e: Commander-in-Chief - e: Commodore Command - e: Communication Center - e: Communication Command - e: Company Commander - e: Component Commander - e: Composite Command - e: Condition Command - e: Constant Command - e: Construction Corps - e: Construction Corps - e: Control Center - e: Control Command - e: Corps Commander - e: Tactical Command Ship - /• Commission des Caraïbes C.C. e: Cadet Corps - e: Camel Corps - e: Canal Commission - f: Chasseurs de chars - /• Commandement en Chef - /• Commission Cantonale - f: Commission Consultative - f: Commission de Climatologie - /• Commission de Conciliation - /• Commission de Contrôle - f: Compagnie de camp - f: Compagnie de Commandement - f: Corps de Cavalerie C & C e: Command and Control - e: Consultation and Cooperation agreement


C.e. C.c. i: Campo contumiciale c.c. i: corpo di cavalleria CCA e: Captain's Combat Aid - e: Chemical Corps Association - e: Chief Clerk of the Admiralty - e: Chinese Communist Army - e: Combat Command A - e: Command and Control Agency - e: Command Center Automation - e: Commander, Coast Artillery - e: Commission for Conventional Armaments - e: Committee for Conventional Armaments - f: Commission Centrale d'Assistance - i: Commissione Centrale di Avanzamento CCAAFB e: Cape Canaveral Auxiliary Air Force Base CCAATF e: Close Combat Anti-Armor Task Force CCACS e: CINCLANT Command Center Automation System CCAD e: Central American Commission for Environment and Development - e: United States Army Depot, Corpus Christi CCAE e: Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy CCAF e: Chinese Communist Air Force - e: Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet - e: Community College of the Air Force CCAFS e: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - e: Cape Kennedy Air Force Station C.C.A.L. / · Centre de Controle d'artillerie Antiaérienne Légère C.C.A.M. f: Contrôle de la Circulation Aérienne Militaire CCAO e: Chief Civil Affairs Officer C Car e: Combat Car CCAS e: Command Center Automation System C.C.A.S. /• Compagnie de Commandement, d'Appui et des Services C.C.A.T. f: Commandement Combiné AirTerre CCATF e: Combined Civil Affairs Task Force CCATS e: Command, Communication, and Telemetry System CCB e: Channel Command Block - e: Channel Control Block - e: Combat Command Β - e: Command and Control Board - e: Command Communications Boat - e: Command Control Block - e: Conversion Control Board C.C.B. / • Compagnie de Commandement de Bataillon CCBE /• Commission Consultative des Barreaux de la Communauté Européenne CCBO e: Corps Counterbombardment Officer CCBW e: Commission on Chemical and Biological Warfare CCC e: Central Control Commission - e: Channel Command Call - e: Channel Command Control - e: CINC Command Center - e: Civilian Conservation Corps - e: Combat Cargo Command - e: Combat Command C - e: Combat Control Centre - e: Command [and] Control Center - e: Command Center Complex - e: Command, Control, and Communications - e: Command Control Console - e: Convoy Control Center


- i: Centro Comunicazioni Classificate - i: Commissione Centrale di Controllo ccc e: computer-command control C.C.C, e: Civilian Control Commission - e: Control Commission Court - / · Compagnie de Chars de Combat CCCA e: Commander, Corps, Canadian Artillery - e: Commander, Corps, Coast Artillery - e: Commission on Critical Choices for Americans CCCB e: Component Change Control Board CCCCM e: CCC Countermeasures CCCCP e: Consolidated Command Control and Communications Program CCCES e: Combat Control Concept Evaluation System CCCI e: Command Control, Communications and Intelligence CCCME /• Comité de Coordination des Communications Militaires en Europe CC/CNCS e: Computer Center/Communications Network Control Stations CC & CP e: Command Control and Communications Program[me] CCCR e: Communication and Command Control Requirements CCCS e: Command, Control and Communications System CCD e: Central Command Decoder - e: Central Commissioning Detail - e: Chemical Control Division - e: Combat Center Director - e: Combat Command D - e: Command and Control Director - e: Command & Control Display - e: Commander Cruiser-Destroyer [force] - e: Commander of Coast Defenses - e: Computer Center Division - e: Computer Control Division - e: Conference of the Committee on Disarmament - e: Continental Communications Division - e: Convention to Combat Desertification - / · Conférence du Comité sur le Désarmement - s: Consejo Centroamericano de Defensa, San Salvador C.C.D. e: Commander of Coastfal] Defence CC/D e: Command Control/Destruct CCDD e: Command and Control Development Division CCDG e: Commander, Cruiser Destroyer Group CCDLNE e: Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Near East CCDLNWA e: Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in Northw e s t Africa CCDP e: Central control and distribution point CC&DS e: Collection, Control & Dissemination Section CCDSO e: Command and Control Defense Systems Office C.C.D.U. e: Coastal Command Defence Unit CCDW e: Carrying Concealed Deadly Weapon CCE e: Channel Command Entry - e: Chief, Corps of Engineers - e: Chief of Construction Engineering - e: Combat Communications Equipment - e: Combat Contingency Element - e: Combat Control Elements - e: Command and Control Evaluation - e: Command Chief Engineer

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- e: Command Control Equipment - e: Commissioners of Customs and Excise - e: Computer Command Engineer - e: Executive Officer, AFDSDC C.C.E. /• Commission Centrale de l'Enfance CCEA e: Chemical Corps Engineering Agency - / · Commission de Contrôle de l'Energie Atomique CCEA F e: Commander [of] Central European Air Forces CCEC e: Command and Control Engineering Center CCEF e: Command Center Evaluation Facility CCEGF e: Commander [of] Central European Ground Forces C.C.E.M. f: Comité des chefs d'état-major CCEML e: Cannon-Caliber ElectroMagnetic Launcher CCEN s: Comisión Chilena de Energia Nuclear CCER e: Chemical Corps Enlisted Reserve CCES e: Command Center Evaluation System CCESF e: Commander [of] Central European Sea Forces CCEWT e: Central Control Evaluation and Warning Team CCF e: Captain, Coastal Forces - e: Chain Command Flag - e: Chinese Communist Forces - e: Close Combat Force - e: Command & Control Facility - e: Commander, Coastal Forces - e: Corps Contingency Force - e: Corps Counterattack Force f: Centre de coordination des feux - i: Centro di coordinamento del fuoco C.C.F. e: Combined Cadet Force - e: The Camerons of Canada Fusilirs CCFA e: Combined Cadet Force Association - f: Commandement-en-Chef Français en Allemagne CCFAN f: Conseil de Commandement des Forces Armées du Nord CCFBA f: Commandement en Chef des Forces Belge en Allemagne CCFET e: Captain, Coastal Forces, Eastern Theatre CCFFA f: Commandement-en-Chef des Forces Françaises en Allemagne CCG e: Canadian Coast Guard - e: Central Commission for Germany - e: Combat Cargo Group - e: Combat Communications Group - e: Command and Control Group - e: Commandant of the Coast Guard - e: Commander, Carrier Group - e: Commodity Coordination Group - e: Configuration Control Group - e: Control Commission for Germany CCG [BE] e: Control Commission for Germany [British Element] CCGCOS e: China Commission for GCOS CCGD e: Commander, Coast Guard District CCH e: Close Combat Helicopter i: Centro chirurgico avanzato CChEN s: Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear C.C.H.Q. e: Cavalry Corps Headquarters CCI e: Command Control Interface C.C.I. / · Centre de Coordination Interarmées

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

c.c.s. - /• Compagnie de canons d'infanterie - /• Compagnie de centre d'instruction CCIA / • Conférence pour le contrôle du Commerce International des Armes et munitions et des matériels de guerre CCII i: Commissione Centrale delle Imposte CGIL e: Commander's Critical Item List CCIMN /• Commission de la Carte Internationale de la Mer du Nord C O O e: Contractor Counterintelligence Officer CCIP e: Command and Control Information Processing - e: Command Center Improvement Program - /• Commission du Commerce International des Produits de base C O P A A i: Comitato Centrale Interministeriale di Protezione Antiaerea CCIR e: Command Control Information Requirements - e: Commander's Critical Information Requirements] C O S e: Command [and] Control Information System - e: Command Center Information System CCISCMO e: Community Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures Office CCISS e: Command, Control and Intelligence Support Squadron CCIII e: Command Channel Interface Unit CCJ5-SPG e: Central Command J5Special Planning Group CCK n: Calamiteiten Commandokamer - n: Centrale Commandokamer CCL e: Coded Command Line - /• Commission Canadienne du Lait C.C.L. f: Commission des Comités de Libération - /• Compagnie de combustibles liquides [Armée de l'Air] - f: Compagnie de construction de lignes CCL / • Conseil international de Continuation et de Liaison du Congrès mondial des forces de paix C-class e: Capable of underwater missile launchings - e: Soviet nuclear-powered submarines C-CLAW e: Close Combat Laser Weapon CCLSAF e: Central Command for Land, Sea and Air Forces CCM e: Combat Cargo Mission C3CM e: Command, Control, Communications Countermeasurefs] CCM e: Commander, Corps Medium Artillery - e: Control, Civil & Military - e: Conventional Cruise Missile - e: Counter Countermeasures - f: Centre de controle et de mission CCMA e: Commander, Corps, Medium Artillery - s: Comité de Compradores de Material Aeronautico de America Latina CCMCBB e: Chief Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Builder CCMCBD e: Chief Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Draftsman CCMCBEF e: Chief Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Excavation Foreman CCMCBS e: Chief Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Surveyor CCMLC e: Chief, Chemical Corps CCMLO e: Chief Chemical Officer C.C.M.M. i: Corpo di Commissariato Militare Marittimo C.cmpl. i: Centro di completamento

C.Cmpt. i: Centro di Compartimento [Servizio Trasporti] CCMS e: Control Commission Military Section CCMSF e: Compass Call Mission Support Facility CCMSRB e: Chief Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Boatbuilder CCMSRJ e: Chief Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Joiner CCMTA e: Cape Canaveral Missile Test Annex - f: Centre de gestion des matériels techniques de l'Armée de l'Air CCMTC e: Cape Canaveral Missile Test Center C.C.M.T.Y.M. e.· Citizens' Committee for Military Training of Young Men C.C.M.V. f: Commission Centrale des Machines à Vapeur CCN e: Chinese Communist Navy - e: Command Control Number C.C.N. / · Commission des Comptes de la Nation CCN f: Consortium de Constructions Navales CCNB e: Concerned Citizen for the Nuclear Breeder CCND e: Children's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament CCNFO / · Comité Confédéral National de Force Ouvrière CCNK η: Commissie Coordinatie Normalisatiezaken Krijgsmacht CCNR e: Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility - e: Consultative Committee for Nuclear Research CCNS e: Chief of the Canadian Naval Staff - e: Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety CCNS4 e: Computer Controlled Navigation System CCNIIP f: Commission de Conciliation des Nations Unies pour la Palestine CCNZ e: Commodore Commanding New Zealand Force CCO e: Calf Certifying Officer - e: Chief Chemical Officer - e: Chief Cipher Officer - e: Chief Conservation Officer - e: Chief of Combat Operations - e: Chief of Combined Operations - e: Classified Control Officer - e: Commander Concept of Operation - e: Communications Centre Officer - e: Convoy Control Officer - e: Corporate Contract Officer - e: Corps Camouflage Officer - f: Centre combiné d'opérations - f: Commission de Coordination C.C.O. e: Casualty Clearing Officer C.C.O.A. e: County Court Officers' Association C.C.O.B.D.A. f: Centre de Contròie et d'Opérations, Base de Défense Aérienne CCOC e: Command Control Operations Center C Comd e: Chief Command[er] C.Conciliation f: Commission de Conciliation C-CORPS e: Capitol Corps [Korea] C.C.O.S. / · Compagnie de Commandement, d'Organisation et des Services C.cost. i: Centro di costituzione C.C.O.T. f: Centre de Contrôle des Opérations et de Transmissions C Coy e: C company

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

CCP e: Combat Command Post - e: Combined Command Post - e: Command Console Processor - e: Command Control Panel - e: Command Control Post - e: Commission on College Physics - e: Conciliation Commission for Palestine - e: Conditional Command Processor - i: Commissione Centrale Prezzi C.C.P. /• Commando Colonial Parachutiste CCPC f: Commission Consultative de Planification des Constructions CCPDS e: Command Center Processing and Display System - e: Command Centre Processing & Data System CCPF e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet CCPG e: Chemical Corps Proving Ground CCPR e: Coherent Cloud Physics Radar - e: Cuban Committee for Peace Research CCPS f: Commission Permanente du Pacifique Sud CCPVM /• Commission Consultative Permanente des Véhicles Militaires CCQ e: Headquarters Squadron Section CCR e: Canadian Coastal Radar - e: Coastal Current Radar - e: Combat Command Reserve - e: Combat Crew - e: Command and Control Research - e: Command Control Receiver - e: Commission on Civil Rights - e: Consumable Case Rocket C.C.R. f: Compagnie de Commandement du Régiment C&CR e: Command and Control Reports CCR i: Commissione Coordinamento Reti CCRA e: Commander, Corps Royal Artillery CCRC e: Chemical Corps Research and Development Command - e: Combat Crew Replacement Center CCRDC e: Chemical Corps Research and Development Command CCRE e: Commander, Corps, Royal Engineers CCR/IDA e: Center for Communications Research/Institute for Defense Analyses CCRN i: Centro Comune di Ricerche Nucleari CCRSFF e: Commander, Central Region SEATO [Southeast Asia Treaty Organization] Field Forces CCrTG e: Combat Crew Training Group CCrTngWg e: Combat Crew Training Wing CCS e: Chief Commissary Steward - e: Combat Cargo Squadron - e: Combat Control System - e: Combined Chiefs of Staff - e: Command [and] Communication System[s] - e: Command and Control Subsystem - e: Command and Control System[s] - e: Command & Control Station - e: Command, Control, Support - e: Command Control System - e: Common Command Set - e: Communications Construction Squadron - i: Centro Coordinamento Soccorso [aeroterrestre] CCS2 e: Command and Control Subordinate System C.C.S. e: Centre de coordination - /• Compagnie de Commandement et des Services


CCSA CCSA e: Command and Control Support Agency - f: Centre de Calcul Scientifique de l'Armement CCSC e: Combat Cryptologie Support Console - e: Command and Control Systems Center - e: Cryptologie Combat Support Console CCSD e: Command Communicationfs] Service Designator CCSF e: Commander, Caribbean Sea Frontier CCSL e: Camp Coles Signal Laboratory CCS MK-2 MK-2 e: Combat Control System CCSO e: Command and Control Systems Office - e: Command and Control Systems Organization C&CSq e: Communication and Guidance Squadron CCSS e: Combat Crew Standardization School - e: Combat Cryptologie Support System CCSSO e: Council of Chief State School Officers CCSTD e: Chief Commissary Steward CCT e: Combat Control Team - e: Combat Crew Training - e: Communications Control Teams - e: Correct Corps Time - f: Commission Consultative Technique C.C.T. f: Commission Centrale des Transmissions - /• Compagnie coloniale de [s] transmissions CCTB e: Close Combat Test Bed CCTC e: Chemical Corps Technical Command - e: Command and Control Technical Center CCTF e: Combat Cargo Task Force - e: Command and Control Test Facility CCTG e: Combat Crew Training Group CCTME f: Comité de Coordination des Transmissions Militaires Européennes CCTS e: Combat Crew Training School - e: Combat Crew Training Squadron CCTT e: Close Combat Tactical Trainer CCTU e: Combat Crew Training Unit CCTW e: Combat Crew Training Wing CCU e: Combat Control Unit - e: Command Center Upgrade - e: Command Chain Unit CCV e: Close Combat Vehicle - e: Combat Command V CCW e: Carrying Concealed Weapon - e: Command and Control Warfare - e: Committee on Chemical Warfare C.C.W.D. e: Church Committee of War Damage CCWM e: Congregational Council for World Mission CCWO e: Cryptocenter Watch Officer CCWs e: Channel Command Words CCWS e: Chief of Chemical Warfare Service - e: Command Center Watch Station CCZA e: Canadian Coastal Zone Atlantic CCZP e: Canadian Coastal Zone Pacific CD d: Versorgungs- und Justizdepartment [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] - e: Captain of the dockyard - e: Chief of Division - e: Civil Defence [or Defense] - e: Coast[al] Defence [or Defense] - e: Coastal Defense radar - e: Combat Developments] - e: Committee on Disarmament - e: Conference on Disarmament


- / ' Corps Départemental - η: Commandant [van Dienst] C2D2 e: Combat Development Command Division Cd. e: Command C.D. e: Cavalry Depot - e: Chancery Division - e: Civil Defence - e: Clothing Depot - e: Commonwealth Division - e: Corps Duty - f: Centre de distribution - /• Commission Départementale - /• Compagnie de discipline C-D e: Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corp. Daingerfield CDA e: Centre for Defence Analysis - e: Chemists' Defence Association - e: Civil Defence Act - e: Civil Defense Administration - e: Civil Defense Agency - e: Coast Defense Artillery - f : Comité de Défense Atlantique C.D.A. e: Coast Defence Artillery - e: Compass Department of the Admiralty - f: Centre de documentation et d'accueil [Armée de Terre] C.d'A. f: Corps d'Afrique CD & AA e: Coast Defense and Antiaircraft CDAC e: Civil Defense Advisory Council - e: Command and Data Acquisition Center C.D.A.C. / • Compagnie Divisionnaire Antichars Cd A Eng e: Commissioned Air Engineer CDAEP e: Civil Defense Adult Education Program CD Aim e: Commissioned Airman Cd. Armn. e: Commissioned Airman C.D.A.S. e: Civil Defence Ambulance Service CDAS e: Command [and] Data Acquisition Station CDA Station e: Command and Data Acquisition Station C.D.A.T. /• Commandant de la Défense Aérienne du Territoire CDB e: Coastal Defense Base - e: Combat Development Branch - e: Command Data Base Cd. Β. e: Commissioned Boatswain Cd. Bndr. e: Commissioned Bandmaster CDBP e: Command Data Buffer Program CD Bty e: Coast Defence [or Defense] Battery CDC e: Caribbean Defense Command - e: Chemical Defence Committee - e: Chemical Division Council - e: Citizens Defense Corps - e: Civil Defence Committee - e: Civil Defense Coordinator - e: Coast Defence Command - e: Combat Developments] Command - e: Combat Direction Center - e: Command & Control Centre - e: Command Destruct Control - e: Commissioners] of the District of Columbia - f: Centre de détection et de contrôle - i: Centro Direzione Circolazione [Sercicio Trasporti] - i: Commissione di Coordinamento C.D.C. / · Centre de documentation coloniale [Armée] - f: Comité de Défense des Cadres - f: Commission Départementale de Conciliation [éducation] - / · Compagnie de distribution de carburant CDCDP e: Civil Defense Career Development Program

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CDCEC e: Combat Developments Command Experimental Center - e: Combat Developments Command Experimentation Command CDCF e: Command Disaster Control Force - f: Centre de direction et de coordination des feux CDCG e: Command Disaster Control Group CDCIA e: Combat Developments Command Infantry Agency CDCINTA e: Combat Developments Command Intelligence Agency CDCN e: Controllerete of Defence Communications Network Cd. CO e: Commissioned Communication Officer CDCS e: Civil Defense Countermeasures System CDD e: Combat Data Director - e: Command Destruct Decoder - e: Corps Districts and Divisions - f: Commission du développement durable C.D.D. f: Centre de Distribution Divisionnaire - /• Compagnie de désinfection et de désinsectisation CD D/C e: Civil Defense Director/Coordinator C.D.D.D. /• Compagnie de douches désinfection et désinsectisation CDDGP e: Commander, Destroyer Development Group, Pacific CDDP e: Canadian Department of Defence Production - e: Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet CDDS e: Command and Data System CDE e: Chemical Defence Establishment - e: Chemical Defense Equipment - e: Commission on Development and Exchange - e: Committee on Defence Expenditure - e: Conference on Disarmament in Europe - /• Commission Départementale de l'Équipement - f: Communauté de Défense Européenne - e: Chief of Defence Equipment Collaboration - e: Combat Developments Experimentation Center - e: Combat Developments Experimentation Command C.D.E. /• Compagnie de distribution d'essence - f: Conférence sur les mesures de confiance et de sécurité et le Désarmement en Europe - s: Comunidad Defensiva Europea CDEE e: Canadian Defence Education Establishment - e: Chemical Defence [or Defense] Experimental Establishment C Def e: Coast[al] Defense C.Def.F. e: Ceylon Defence Force CDEIS e: Component Division Engineering Information System Cd ElO e: Commissioned Electrical [Electronic] Officer Cd. El. O e: Commissioned Electrical Officer Cd Eng e: Commissioned Engineer C.D.E.O.C.A. / · Centre de Distribution des Éléments Organiques de Corps d'Armée CDEOS e: Civil Defense Emergency Operations System CDEP e: Civil Defense Education Program

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

CDTCP C.Dép. /• Compagnie de dépannage [Armée de l'Air] C. de Q.G. f: Compagnie de quartier général CD&ER e: Civil Defense and Emergency Response C.D.E.T.A.T. f: Commandement et Direction de l'Exploitation des Transmissions de l'Armée de Terre CDETC e: Combat Development and Experimentation Center CDEX e: Civil Defense Exercise CDF e: Canadian Defence Forces - e: Chief of the Defence Force - e: Children's Defense Fund - e: Ciskei Defence Force - e: Combat Defense Force - e: Combat Direction Finding - e: Command Decoder Filter - e: Council for the Defense of Freedom C.D.F. e: Civilian Defence Forces - e: Coastal Defence Force - e: Cyrenaican Defence Force C.D.F.S. e: Civilian Defence Fire Service Cd. Fwd. e: Carried Forward CdG / · Comité de Guerre C.d.G. /• Compagnie de garde - f: Conseil de Guerre Cd. Gr. e: Commissioned Gunner C.D.G.S. e: Civilian Defence General Services Cd Gunn e: Commissioned Gunner C&DH e: Command and Data Handling CDH /• Comité de Défense de l'Humanité CDHI e: Indigenous Human Rights Commission CDI e: Center for Defense Information - e: Chief of Defence Intelligence - e: Classified Defense Information - e: Conventional Defence Improvements - e: Conventional Defense Initiative[s] - f: Centre de direction des interceptions - / · Commission du Droit International CDIC e: Components Division Inventory Control c.dicat. i: commando difesa contro aerei territoriale CD-IIDD i: Commissione Distretturale delle Imposte Dirette C. di MM.TT.Reg. i: Comandi Militari Territoriali di Regione CDIN e: Committee for the Defense of National Interests - e: Conus Defense Integrated Network Cd. In. O. e: Commissioned Instructor Officer CDIP e: Combined Defense Improvements Project - e: Consolidated Defense Intelligence Program C.D.I.R.U. e: Canadian Division Infantry Reinforcement Unit CDIS e: Commandant, Defense Intelligence School C.Dis. f: Centre de distribution CDJA se: Centralni dom Jugoslovanske armade - se: Centralni dom Jugoslovenske armije CDJNA se: Centralni dom Jugoslovenske narodne armije CDL e: Canal Defense Light - e: Commander, Destroyers, Atlantic Fleet CDLS[W] e: Canadian Defence [Defense] Liaison Staff [Washington] CDM e: Civil Defense Management - e: Common Defense Market - f: Commandement et Direction du Matériel Cd. MAA e: Commissioned Master-atArms

CDMG e: Combined Deputy Military Governors CDMS e: Collection, Management, and Dissemination Section - e: Command and Data Management [Sub] system CDN f: Comité de la Défense Nationale - i: Comitato di Difesa Nazionale C.D.N.A. /• Conférence des Directeurs Nationaux des Armements CDN Army e: Canadian Army Cdn Gds e: Canadian Guards Cdn H e: Canadian Hussars CDNI e: Committee for the Defense of National Interest Cdn Scots e: Canadian Scottish Regiment CDNTS e: Civil Defense National Telephone System CDNU e: Control Display Navigation Unit CDO e: Catastrophe Defense Organization - e: Chief Decontamination Officer - e: Civil Defense Office[r] - e: Civil Defense Organization - e: Combat Developments Office - e: Command Center Duty Officer - e: Command Duty Officer - e: Communications Duty Officer Cdo e: Commando - e: commando [cdo] Cd. O. e: Commissioned Officer i: Comando C.D.O. f: Centre de direction d'opérations CDOA e: Car Department Officers Association Cdo a.C.A. i: Comando Artiglieria di Corpo d'Armata Cd. Obs. e: Commissioned Observer C/Doc e: Chief of Doctrine Cd O E e: Commissioned Ordnance Engineer CDOG e: Combat Developments Objective Guide C.D.O.G. / · Commission des Ordinaires de Garnison CDO MR e: Commando, Marine M.Staz. i: Comando Militare di Stazione M.T.Reg, i: Comando Militare Territoriale di Regione Cd. OO e: Commissioned Ordnance Officer cdo[s| e: commando[s] Cdo.Sch.R.M. e: Commando School, Royal Marines Tap.pri i: Comando di tappa principale Tap.s. i: Comando di tappa secondario Cdo tat. i: Comando tattico Cdo tp. i: Comando tappa CDP e: Chief of Defence Procurement - e: Combat Development Phase [or Plan, or Process, or Project] - e: Countermeasures Dispenser Pod C.D.P. / • Compagnie de Défense et de Protection - f: Compagnie de diffusion et de production CDPD e: Chemical Defense Planning Document CDPG e: Combat Developments Planning Group CDQCP e: Civil Defense Quality Check Program CDR e: Civil Defense Receiver - e: Close Defence Relations - e: Combat Déployable Radio - e: Command Destruct Receiver - e: Command Distribution Rack

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Command Document Resynchronization - e: Command Document Resynchronize - e: Commander - e: Constant Dose Range - e: Controlled Dynamic Range - f: Centre Divisionnaire de Ravitaillement - f: Comité de Défense de la République - f: Commission des Réparations CDRA e: Civil Defense Research Associates Cd. RadO e: Commissioned Radio Officer CDRAT e: Combat Damage Repair Assessment Team CDRB e: Canadian Defense Research Board CDRBTE e: Canadian Defence [or Defense] Research Board's Telecommunications Establishment CDRC e: Civil Defence Regional Commissioner] CDRD e: Chemical Defence Research Department CDRE e: Chemical Defence [or Defense] Research Establishment C.D.R.M. e: Chatham Division Royal Marines Cd RMG e: Commissioned Royal Marine Gunner C.D.R.O. /• Comité directeur de la recherche opérationnelle CDRPC e: Center for/of Documentation and Research on Peace and Conflict CDRS e: Civil Defence Rescue Service CDS e: Canadian Defense Sector - e: Canadian Defense Staff - e: Chemical Defence System - e: Chief of Defence Staff - e: Chief of [the] Defence Staff - e: Combat Direction System - e: Commander, Destroyer Squadron - e: Commander's Data Summary - f: Centre de détection satellite - f: Commission des Stupéfiants C.D.S. e: Civil Defence Services C.d.S. d: Chef der Sicherheitspolizei CDSD e: Civil Defense Support Detachment C.D.S.I. e: China Defence Supplies Incorporated CDSLA e: Commission for Development Studies in Latin America CDSM e: Consolidated Defense Supply Material CDSO e: Chief Duty Signal Officer Cd. SO e: Commissioned Stores Officer - e: Commissioned Supply Officer CDSO e: Commonwealth Defence Science Organisation [or Organization] CDSS e: Country Development Strategy Statement CDSU e: Coast[al] Defence [or Defense] Signal Unit CDT P: Centralny Dom Towarowy - e: Center for Defense Trade - e: Clearance Diving Team - e: Command Descriptor Table - e: Command Destruct Transmitter - e: Continuous Duty Target - e: Conventional Defense Technology - e: Coordinate Data Transmission Cdt. e: Commandant C.D.T. /• Compagnie Divisionnaire du Train C.D.T.A. f: Centre de Direction Tactique Air CDTC e: Combat Development Test Center CDTCP e: Communication and Data Transmission Control Program[me]


CDTC-V CDTC-V e: Combat Development and Test Center-Vietnam CDTEC e: Combat Development Technical Evaluation Center CDTF /• Comité de Défense des Travailleurs Frontaliers CDTIS e: Components Division Technical Information System CDTM /• Centre de Documentation TiersMonde[-Mission] Cdt. Mid. e: Cadet Midshipman C.D.II, e: Churchmen's Defence Union CDU e: Coastal Defense [Radar] Unit - e: Commander Display Unit CDIIEP e: Civil Defense University Extension Program CDUI e: Command Document User Information CDUP e: Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Prosecuted CD-USA e: Civil Defense, United States of America CDV e: Civil Defence Volunteers C.D.V. e: Civil Defence Volunteers CDVO e: Civilian Defense Volunteer Office CDW e: Carrying a Dangerous Weapon - e: Civil Defense Warning CDWS e: Civil Defense Warning System C.D.W.S. e: Civil Defence Wardens' Service CDX e: Coast Defence Exercise CE e: Combat Exhaustion - e: Command Element - e: Conducted Emission - e: Control Engineer, ship - e: Cooperative Engagement - e: Corps of Engineers - e: Corps of Engineers [command] - e: Office of the Chief Engineer - f: Commission d'Experts - /• Commission Exécutive et de liaison C2E e: Command & Control Element C.E. e: Canadian Engineers - f: Centre d'entraînement - /• Commandant des Étapes - /• Commission d'enquête - f: Compagnie Étrangère - f: Corps expéditionnaire - f: service de contre-espionage - s: Cuerpo de ejército C & E e: Commission and Exchange CEA e: Atomic Energy Commission - e: Cooperative Enforcement Agreement - e: Council for Energy Awareness - e: France's Atomic Energy Commission - f: Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique C.E.A. f: Centre de l'Énergie Atomique - f: Centre d'Entraînement d'Artillerie - f: Centre d'Expériences Aériennes militaires - f: Compagnie d'éclairage et d'appui - /• Compagnie d'engins d'accompagnement CEAA f: Commandement des Écoles de l'Armee de l'Air - f: Communauté Européenne de l'Energie Atomique CEAC e: Commission for European Airspace Coordination - /• Confédération Européenne des Anciens Combattants C.E.A./F.F.A. f: Comptoir de l'Economat de l'Armée des Forces Françaises en Allemagne CEAG e: CONAF [Conceptual Design for the Army in the Field] Evaluation Advisory Group CEAI / · Commission des Églises pour les Affaires Internationales


CEAM /• Centre d'Experimentations Aériennes Militaires CEAT f: Centre d'essais aéronautiques de Toulouse - f: Centre d'études aérodynamiques et thermiques CEB e: CNO [Chief to Naval Operations] Executive Board - e: Combat Engineer Battalion - e: Commander's Evaluation Board C.E.B. / • Centre d'essai biochimique [biologique] - /• Compagnie d'éclairage de brigade CEBA /• Cercle[s] d'Études sur la Bataille des Ardennes CEBAR e: Chemical, Biological and Radiological [Warfare] CEBE e: Combat Equipment Battalion East CEBERENA f: Centre Belge de Recherches Navales CEBMCA e: Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Agency CEBMCO e: Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office CEBRECNA f: Centre Belge de Recherches Navales CEC e: Combat Engineer Conference - e: Combat Equipment Company C.E.C, f: Centre d'Entraînement Commando CECAT e: Combat Enhancing Capability Aviation Team - e: Combat Enhancing Team CECMED f: Commandement en chef pour la Méditerranée CECORE f: Centre de Commandement du Réseau CED f: Communauté Européenne de [la] Défense C.E.D. e: Committee for Economic Defence CEDAM f: Centre d'Entraînement de la Défense Aérienne à la Mer CEDAR f: Centre d'élaboration et de diffusion de l'alerte à la radioactivité CEDC e: Commission for the European Defence Community CEDIC f: Comité d'Études de Défense des Intérêts de la Corse CEDIPAZ e: International Peace Data and Information Centre CEDN f: Centre d'Études de la Défense Nationale CEDOCAR f: Centre de Documentation de l'Armement C.E.D.S. f: Centre d'Étude de Défense Sociale CEDSI f: Centre d'Études de Defense et de Sécurité Internationale C.Edu f: Centre d'Éducation des Forces armées CEE e: Combat Emplacement Excavator - f: Centre des Émissions vers l'Extérieur - f: Commission Économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe - f: Commission économique pour l'Europe CEEA f: Communauté Européenne de l'Énergie Atomique C.E.E.A. f: Centre d'Études et d'Expériences de l'Armée CEED e: Captured Enemy Equipment Depot CEEN /• Centre d'Études et d'Entraînement à la Navigation CEER e: Corps of Engineers Enlisted Reserve CEERS e: Command Excess Equipment Redistribution System

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CEESIM e: Combat Electromagnetic Environment Simulator CEESP e: Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy C.E.E.U.N. / · Commission Économique de Nations Unies pour l'Europe CEF e: Christian Education Fellowship of the Graduates' Fellowship C.E.F. e: Cameroons Expeditionary Force - e: Canadian Expeditionary Force [s] - e: China Expeditionary Force - f: Centre d'entraînement de la Flotte - f: Compagnie d'engins fluviaux - f: Corps des Équipages de la Flotte - f: Corps Expéditionnaire Français C.E.F.E.O. f: Corps expéditionnaire français en extrême-orient CEFI f: Corps Expéditionnaire en Italie CEFO e: Combat Equipment Fighting Order CEFSR e: Committee for Evaluating the Feasibility of Space Rocketry CEG e: Combat Equipment Group, Europe - e: Combat Evaluation Group C.E.G. / · Centre d'études de Gramat - / · Compagnie d'entretien du génie CEGA e: Combustion Engineering/General Atomics CEGE e: Combat Equipment Group, Europe CEGEAC f: Compagnie Générale d'Automobiles et d'Aviation au Congo C.E.G.P.M. f: Centre Électronique de Gestion de la direction du Personnel Militaire CEGS e: Corps of Engineers Guide Specials CEI e: Combat Efficiency Improvement CEIDD e: Committee on the Economic Impact of Defense and Disarmement CEIP e: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - e: Communications-Electronics Implementation Plan CEIPA e: Communications-Electronics Implementation Plan Amendment CE IP A A /• Centre d'Études et d'Instruction Psychologiques des l'Armée de l'Air CEJEDP e: Central Europe Joint Emergency Defence Plan CEL e: Combat Elevation Launch C.E.L. f: Centre d'essai des landes, Biscarosse CELAR f: Centre d'Electronique de l'Armement celnav e: celestial navigation CELTICS e: Commander Extended Link for Thermal Imaging Combat Sight CEM e: Combined Effects Munition[s] - e: Commission on Ecosystem Management - e: Continuous Emission[s] Monitoring - s: Centro de Estudios Militares C.E.M. f: Centre d'essais de la Méditerranée, La Renardière - i: Corpo Equipaggio Marittimo CEMA f: Chef d'État Major de l'Armée C.E.M.A. /• Centre d'essais du matériel aéronautique - f: Centre d'Études Marines Avancées CEMAA f: Chef d'État-Major de l'Armée de l'Air Cemat f: Chef d'état-major de l'armée de terre CEMCB e: Chief Electrian's Mate, Construction Battalion CEMCBC e: Chief Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Communications

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CETRAVIM C E M C B D e: Chief Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Draftsman CEMCBG e: Chief Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, General C E M C B L e: Chief Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Line-and-Station CEMG f: Chef d'Etat-Major General des Armées C E M G A / • Chef d'État-Major Général des Armées C.E.M.M. f: Chef d'État-Major de la Marine - i: Corpo Equipaggio Militari Marittimi C E M O e: Canada Emergency Measures Organization [Civil defense] - e: Combat Equipment Marching Order - e: Command Equipment Management Office CEMSq e: Communications and Electronics Management Squadron C E M S R G e: Chief Electrian's Mate, Ship Repair, General-Electrician C E M S R S e: Chief Electrian's Mate, Ship Repair, Shop-Electrician C E M T e: Command Equipment Management Team C E M T A f : Centre d'étude des méthodes et techniques d'action CENA f : Centre d'Expériementation de la Navigation Aérienne C E / N A V F A C e: Army Corps of Engineers/Naval Facilities Engineering Command C E N C A T S e: Central Pacific Combat Area Transport Service CEND e: Combustion Engineering Nuclear Division C E N E N e: Corps of Engineers National Energy Network C E N F O R N A V f: Centre de Formation Navale CENG f : Commission del'Énergie Nucléaire Général C E N G A X e: Central Germany Area Exchange, Kaiserslautern C E N P A C e: Central Pacific Area C E N P A C F O R e: Central Pacific Forces C.E.N.T. f : Centre d'entraînement C E N T A F e: Central Air Force, Command - e: Central Command Air Force CENTAG e: Central Army Group - e: Central Army Group, Central Europe C E N T C O M e: Central Command C E N T L A N T e: Central Atlantic C E N T P A C B A C O M e: Central Pacific Base Command C E N T U R I O N e: Follow-on to SSN-21 Class Submarine CENUSA 5.· Centrales Nucleares SA CEO e: Casualty Evacuation Officer - e: Chief Education Officer - e: Chief Engineer Officer - e: Chief Executive Officer - e: Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director - e: Command Education Officer - e: Command Entertainments Officer - e: Commissioned Engineer Officer - e: Communications Electronics Officer - e: Corporate Executive Officer - e: Corps Education Officer - e: Customs Enforcement Officer C.E.O. / • Centre d'entraînement apérationelle - f: Corps Expéditionnaire d'Orient CEOI e: Command Electronic Operating Instruction CEOINC e: Civil Engineer, Officer-InChange

CEP e: Central Engineer Park - e: Continuing Evaluation Program C.E.P. / • Centre d'exploitation photographique C.E.P.A. / · Centre d'études des projectiles auto-propulsés CEPA s: Comisión de Estrategia y Planificación Ambientales CEPAC e: Central and Eastern Pacific Panel - s: Centro de Estudios del Pacifico C.E.P.A.N. f : Commission d'Études Pratiques d'Artillerie Navale C.E.P.A.P. f : Commission d'Études Pratiques d'Adaptation des Personnels CEPAS ρ: Centro Portugués dos Actividades Submarinas C.E.P.E. e: Central Experimental and Proving Establishment CEPEM f: Centre [d'Études] Européen pour les Problèmes de l'Environnement Marin CEPENa f : Commission d'Études Pratiques des Engins Navals CEPEX e: Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment CEPG e: Command Execution Planning Group CEPIM i: Centro Preolimpionico Ippico Militare C.E.P.L. / • compagnie d'exploitations des pipelines C.E.P.M. f: Centre d'entraînement physique militaire - f : Comité d'Études Pétrolières Marines CEPMAN f: Centre d'Études Pratiques de Matériel Naval C.E.P.M.L. / • compagnie étrangère parachutiste de mortiers lourds CEPO e: Civilian Establishment and Pay Officer - e: County Emergency Planning Officers Society C.E.P.P. f: Comité d'étude des produits pétroliers CEPRE e: Clothing and Equipment Physiological Research Establishment C.E.P.S.M. f : Commission d'Études Pratiques des Sous-Marins C.E.P.T.A. f : Commission d'Études Pratiques de Tirs d'Artillerie CER e: Certified Emission Reduction - e: Commander's Evaluation Report - e: Cost Estimating Relationship C.E.R. / · Centre d'entraînement des reserves - f : Compagnie d'essence routière CERA e: Commission of Eritrean Refugee Affairs C.E.R.A.M. / · Centre d'Étude et de Recherche Atomique Militaire CERAP e: Combined Center Radar Approach Control C.E.R.B. / · Centre d'études et de recherches de biophysiologie, Toulon [marine] CERF e: Commander Emergency Recovery Force CERFIRO e: Countermeasures Evaluation Infra-Red & Optical CERG e: Commander Emergency Recovery Group CERL e: Central Electromagnetic Radiation Laboratory CERM f : Centre d'Exploitation du Renseignement Militaire CERMA / · Centre d'Études et Réalisations Marines CERN f: Commission Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- s: Organización Europea de Investigaciones Nucleares C.E.R.O. f : Centre d'entraînement des réserves ordinaires C.E.R.P.A.I.R. / • Centre d'Études et de Recherches Psychologiques l'Armée de l'Air CERS e: Commander Emergency Recovery Section Cert.Gen.Av.Med e: Certificate of General Aviation Medicine C.E.R.T.S.M. f : Centre d'Études et de Recherches Techniques Sous-Marine C E R T S U B e: Certain Submarine Cert.Un.Med[RN] e: Certificate of Underwater Medicine of the Royal Navy CERU e: Canadian Engineer Reserve Unit CES e: Civil E n g i n e e r i n g ] Squadron - e: Clearinghouse Enforceability Services - e: Combat Effects Simulator - e: Commission on Epidemiological Survey C.E.S. / · Centre d'entretien spécialisé [armée de l'air] CESA f: Centre d'enseignement supérieur de l'Amrée de l'Air CESAA / • Complexe d'exploitation semiautomatique des renseignements CESAR f: Complexe d'exploitation semiautomatique des renseignements radar CESC e: Communications Equipment Subcommittee CESDA f: Centre d'Experimentation des Systèmes de Defense Aerienne C.E.S.D.I.S. f : Centre d'études supérieures de la distribution internationale des services CESEDEN s: Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defense Nacional CESF e: Commander, Eastern Sea Frontier CESIVI e: Cryptologie Electronic Warfare Support Measures - / ' Centre d'Études de Sociologie Militaire C.E.S.M. f : Centre d'Études Sous-Marines C.E.S.P. f : Centre d'essais semipermanent C&E Sq e: Communications and Electronics Squadron CESSAC e: Church of England Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Club C.E.S.S.A.I. e: Church of England Sailors', Soldiers', and Airmen's Institutefs] C.E.S.S.A.I.A. e: Church of England Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Institutes Association CET e: Combat Engineer Tractor c.e.t. / · compagnie d'engins d'accompagnement et de transmission CETAM f: Centre d'Études Techniques des Armes et Munitions C.E.T.A.P. / • Centre d'entraînement des troupes aéroportées CETC e: Corps of Engineers Technical Committee C.E.T.C.N. / • Centre d'Expérimentation de [du] Tir et de [du] Combat de Nuit CETENA i: Centro di Tecnica Navale CE.TE.NA. i: Centro per gli Studi di Tecnica Navale CETF e: Criticai Evaluation Task Force CETG e: Civil Effects Test Group C.E.T.M. / • Centre d'Entraînement des Tireurs de Missiles - f: College d'enseignement technique maritime, Marseille Cetme s: Centro de Estudios Técnicos de Materiales Especiales CETO e: Civil Effects Test Operations C E T R A V I M / • Centre d'application de plongée industrielle et de travaux immergés


CETRM CETRM e: Combat Effective Training Management CETS e: contractor engineering and technical services C.E.T.S.I. / · compagnie d'exploitation et de transport spécialisés de l'intendance CETT f: Compagnie Européenne de Télécommunication et Télétransmission C.E.T.T.M. / · Centre d'études techniques et tactiques de montagne CETZ e: Central European Tactical Zone CEV e: Combat Engineer Vehicle - / ' Centre d'Essais en Vol. Flight test centre CEVG e: Combat Evaluation Group CEW e: Combined Effects Warhead - e: Continental Early Warning - /• Commission des Échanges de Wagons CEWA e: Combined Economic Warfare Agencies CEWCC e: Combined Electronic Warfare Control Center CEWCSC e: Corps of Engineers Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center CEWI e: Combat Electronic Warfare [and] Intelligence - e: Communications Electronic Warfare Intelligence CEWRM e: Communications Electronics War Readiness Materiel CEWS e: Communications Electronic Warfare System - e: Contractor's Early Warning System CEX e: Civil Effects Experiments CF e: Call Forwarding - e: Canadian Fighter - e: Canadian Forces - e: Carry Flag, Call Forwarding - e: Carry Forward - e: Center [or Centre] Forward - e: Centrifugal Force[s] - e: Chaplain of/to the Forces - e: Command Field - e: Communications Flight - e: Construction Forces - e: Count Forward - e: Counter Force - e: Cover Forward - e: Covering Force - e: Current Force C.F. e: Colonial Forces - f: Corps France CFA e: Canadian Field Artillery - e: Chief of Field Artillery - e: Combined Field Army - e: Commission on Fine Arts C.F.A. f: Centre de Feux d'Armée C.F.A.A. / • Centre de Feux Atomiques de l'Armée CFAC e: Call Forwarding All Calls - e: Combined Forces Air Component CFAD e: Commander Fleet Air Defence - e: Commander Fleet Air Detachment CFADC e: Canadian Forces Air Defence Command CFAE e: Contract[or]-Furnished Aircraft Equipment CFAN f: Commission Forestière pour l'Amérique du Nord CFANS e: Canadian Forces Air Navigation School CFARS e: Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System CFAS / · Commandement de la Force Aérienne Stratégique C-FAST e: Counter-Force Autonomous Surveillance & Targeting programme CFASU e: Canadian Forces Airborne Sensing Unit CFAW e: Commander Fleet Air Wing


CFAWL e: Commander Fleet Air Wings, Atlantic CFAWP e: Commander Fleet Air Wings, Pacific CFB e: Canadian Forces Base - e: Cipher Feedback, Call Forwarding Busy CFBL e: Call Forward Busy Line/Don't Answer CFC e: Combined Forces Command - e: Contract Finance Committee - e: Controlled Force Circulation - e: Counterfire Center [centre] CFCC e: Canadian Forces Communication Command C.F.C.P.G. f: Comité Fédéral des Combattants Prisonniers de Guerre CFCS e: Chief Fire Controlman, Submarines - e: Command & Fire Control System - e: Command Fund Control System CFD d: Christlicher Friedensdienst e.V. Cfd r: civilf CFDB e: Conventional Forces Data Base CFDDH / • Comité Français pour la Défense de Droits de l'Homme CFDI f: Commandement des Forces de Défense de l'Intérieurs CFDS e: Composite Force Requirements and Development System - e: Corps Field Dressing Station CFDSS e: Combat Follow-on Spares Support CFE d: Chef Führung und Einsatz - e: Canadian Forces Europe - e: Central Fighter Establishment - e: Cold Field Emission - e: Combined Forces, Europe - e: Conventional [Armed] Forces in Europe - e: Conventional Forces in Europe C.F.E. e: Central Fighter Establishment CFECR e: Combat Force, Eastern Continental Region C.F.E.H. f: Centre de Formation des Equipages d'Hélicoptères CFEM /• Commission pour une Fédération Européenne et Mondiale CFEWU e: Crop Forecasting and Early Warning Unit CFFA e: Commonwealth Families and Friendship Association C.F.G.O. f: Commandant de Forces de Gendarmerie d'Occupation CFHQ e: Canadian Forces Headquarters CFI e: Central Flight Instructor - e: Certificated Flight Instructor - e: Certified Flight Instructor CFIAM e: Canadian Forces Institute of Aviation Medicine CFI & C e: Cost, Freight, Insurance, and Commission CFIEM e: Canadian Armed Forces Institute of Environmental Medicine CFII e: Certified Flight Instructor IFR C-FIN e: Combat Flight Inspection & Navigation CFIT e: Controlled Flight Into Terrain - f: Centre de formation d'instructeurs de tir CFK d: Christliche Friedenskonferenz CFLO e: Canadian Liaison Officer CFLT e: Courtesy Flight CFM e: Cadet Forces Medal - e: Captain Fleet Maintenance - e: Collision Force Method - e: Combat File Maintenance - e: Covering-Fire Mine - f: Centre de Formation Maritime - / · Commission Fédérale de Maturité

© Κ · G • Saur, München

CFMC e: Canadian Forces Medical Council CFMD e: Coastal Forces Material [or Materiel] Department CFMDOT / · Commandement des Forces Militaires de la Défense Opérationnelle du Territoire CFMO e.· Command Flight Medical Officer CFMS e: Canadian Forces Medical Service - e: Combat Fuels Management System CFMS-FO / · Centre de Formation de Militants Syndicalistes de la CGT-Force Ouvrière CFMII e: Chinese Foreign Missionary Union CFMUA e: Cotton Fire and Marine Underwriters' Association CFN e: Canadian Forces in the Netherlands - e: Canadian Forces Network - e: Check Following Numbers - f: Commission du Fleuve Niger - /• Compagnie Française de Navigation CFO e: Chief Financial Officer - e: Chief Financial Officers Act - e: Chief Fire Officer C.F.O. f: Confédération Force Ouvrière CFO Act e: Chief Financial Officers Act C.F.O.E.M. / · Centre de formation des officiers d'état-major CFOR e: Command Forces CFOSS e: Combat Follow-On Supply System CFP e: Captive Flight Trainer - e: Change Flight Plan - e: Computerized Flight Plan - e: Concentric Flight Plan - e: Conceptual Flight Profile CFPARU e: Canadian Forces Personnel Applied Research Unit CFPC i: Commissione per il Perfezionamento e l'Aggiornamento CFPE e: Conventional/Special Force Planning and Execution C.F.P.F.M. /• Centre de Formation du Personnel de la Marine CFP/FSM e: Computer Flight Pian/Flight Simulation Model CFPI / · Commission de la Fonction Publique International CFPMO e: Canadian Forces Project Management Office CFPO e: Canadian Forces Post Office - /• Commission des Forêts pour le ProcheOrient CFR e: Colorado Front Range - e: Contact Flight Rules CFRC f: Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre CFRDS e: Composite Force Requirements and Deployment System CFRN e: Certified Flight Registered Nurses CFROE f: Commission Française des Régions de l'Ouest Européen CFRs e: Contact Flight Rules CFRV e: Crash-Fire-Rescue Vehicle CFS e: Central Flying School [Royal Air Force] - e: Central Forcecasting Station - e: Chief of Fleet Support - e: Collection and Forwarding System - e: Council of Fleet Specialists CFSA e: California Flyers School of Aeronautics CFSE e: Canadian Forces Support Establishment

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

CHARM CFSME e: Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering CFSO e: Command Flight Safety Officer CFSOA e: College Fraternity Scholarship Officers Association CFSPL e: Canadian Forces Special Projects Laboratory [DREV] CFSS e: Canadian Forces Supply System - e: Combined File Search Strategy CFSSB e: Central Flight Status Selection Board CFST e: Context-Free Syntactical Translator CFT e: Californium Target[s] - e: Composite Force Training - e: Contractor Flight Test - / ' Corps des chemins de fer, télégraphes et téléphones C.F.T. / • Corps Féminin des Transmissions CFTA e: United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement C.F.[T.A.I e : Chaplain to the Forces [Territorial Army] CFTB e: Control Flight Test Bed CFTC e: Central Flying Training Command CFTS e: Computerized Flight Test System - e: Contracted Flight Training & Support CFTSD e: Canadian Forces Technical Services Detachment C.F.T.T. / • Centre de formation technique du train CFUTTH e: Canadian Forces Utility Tactical Transport Helicopter programme CFV e: Clean Fleet Vehicle - e: Conditional Forced Value C.F.V. /• Compagnie de fusiliersvoltigeurs CFWIS e: Central Fighter Weapons Instructors School CFX e: Command Field Exercise CFXE e: Canadian Forces Exchange CG e: Camera Gun - e: Captain of the Gun - e: Chain Gun - e: Chaplain-General - e: Coldstream Guards - e: Combat Group - e: Command Group - e: Command Guidance - e: Commanding General - e: Guided Missile Cruiser - s: Cuartel General C.G. / · Compagnie de garnison - / · Compagnie de Guet [armée de l'air] - f: Corps de Garde - f: Corps du Génie e.g. i: corpo di guardia C.-G. e: Commissioner-General CGA e: Coast Guard Aviation - s: Comandancia General de Aeronáutica C.G.A. f: Commandement du Génie de l'Air - i: Corpo Genio Aeronautico CG/AAF e: Commanding General, Army Air Forces C.G.A.C. f: Confédération Générale de Anciens Combattants CGAD e: Coast Guard Aviation Depot CGADC e: Commanding General Air Defence Command CG/AGF e: Commanding General, Army Ground Forces CGAIRFMFLANT e: Commanding General, Aircraft, Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic CGAIRFMFPAC e: Commanding General, Aircraft, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

C.G.A.P. /• compagnie du génie aéroportée CGC e: Coast Guard Command - e: Command Guidance Computer - e: Coordinating Group for the Composite Observing System for the North Atlantic CGCARC e: Commanding General Continental Army Command CGCC e: Command, Ground Component Command C.G.C.D. e: Citizens Guild for Civil Defence CGCP e: Combined Ground Command Post CGCSS e: Commander & Gunner Crew Station Simulator CGD e: Climate and Global Dynamics Division - e: Columbus General Depot C.G'ds. e: Coldstream Guards CGDUMA /• Commission Générale d'Unifications des Méthodes d'Analyses CGDZ n: Chef Geneeskundige Dienst Zeemacht ege fwd e: carriage forward CGF e: Central Group of Forces - e: Computer Generated Force[s] C.G.F. e: Coast Garrison Force CGFMFLANT e: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic CGFMFPAC e: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific CGFMP e: Commanding General, Frankfurt Military Post C.G.G. e: Canadian Grenadier Guards egg i: cavallegieri CGH e: Guided missile/helicopter Cruiser C.G.H.S. / · Commission de Gouvernement Haute Silésie CGI e: Chief Gunnery Instructor - e: Contact Growing Index CGIS e: Controller General, Inspection Services CGLNO e: Coast Guard Liaison Officer CGL of C e: Commanding General, Lines of Communication CGLORSTA e: Coast Guard LORAN [Long-Range Navigation] transmitting Station CGLS e: Coast Guard LORAN [LongRange Navigation] Station CGM e: Committee on Guided Missiles CGMARBO e: Commanding General, Marianna and Bonin Islands CGMB e: Commanding General, Marine Base CGMCBA e: Chief Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Armorer CGMCBP e: Chief Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Powderman C.G.M.G. f: Commandement du Groupe des Moyens Généraux CGMTA /• Centre de Gestion du Matériel Technique del'Armée CGMTAA f: Constructions Générales de Matériel Technique de l'Armée de l'Air CGN e: Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear powered CG[N] e: Guided Missile Cruiser [Nuclear] CGO e: Chief Gas Officer - e: Coast Guard Officer C.G.O. e: Committee of Good Officers CGOCG i: Commissariato Generale Onoranze Caduti in Guerra CGOS e: Combat Gunnery Officers School C Gp e: Combat Group cgp n: commandogroep CGPC e: Coast Guard Patrol Cutter

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

CGPF e: Church of Good Peace Fellowship CGRM e: Commandant General, Royal Marines CGS d: Chef des Generalstabes C.G.S. d: Chef des Generalstabs des Heeres - e: Central Gunnery School - e: Chief of the General Staff [in the Field] - e: Commissary General of Subsistence - e: Commission on Government Security - e: Crew Gunnery Simulator - n: Chef van de Generale Staf CGSC e: Command and General Staff College CGSOC e: Command & General Staff Officer Course C&GSS e: Command and General Staff School CGSS e: Command & General Staff School CGTHIRDMAW e: Commanding General, Third Marine Air Wing CGTM e: Command Guided Tactical Missile CGTWN e: Coordinating Group for the Tactical Weather Net CGUSACE e: Army Corps of Engineers CGUSACOMZEUR e: Commanding General US Army Communications Zone Europe CGUSAR e: Commanding General, United States Army CGUSAR Pac e: Commanding General, United States Army in the Pacific CGUSCONARC e: Commanding General, United States Continental Army Command CGVT /• Commission Gastronomique, Vinicole et Touristique CGWL e: Controller of Guided Weapons and Electronics CH d: Chef [schwimmende Einheit] - e: Camp Hospital - i: Centro ospedaliero Ch A e: Chinese Army ChA /• Chasseurs ardennais CHAALS e: Communications High Accuracy Airborne Location System chacom e: Chain of Command CHACOM e: Chief of Naval Communications CHACONA f: Chantier de Construction Navale CHAD e: Charleston Army Depot CHADS e: Chicago Air Defense Sector Ch.Af. f: Chasseurs d'Afrique CHAFB e: Chanute Air Force Base Chaffroc e: Chaff-dispensing Rocket CHAMPUS e: Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services CHAMPVA e: Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Administration CHANCOM e: Channel Command CHANSY e: Charleston Naval Shipyard CHAP e: Contractor Held Air Force Property Chap.-Gen. e: Chaplain-General [of the Forces] CHAPS e: Community HIV and AIDS Prevention Strategy Ch.ard. f: Chasseurs ardennais CHARM e: CAA [Civil Aeronautics Administration] High-Altitude Remote Monitoring - e: Canadian High Altitude Research Missile - e: Challenger Chieftain Armament


CHART CHART e: Computerized Hierarchy and Relationship Table CHAS e: Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy CHASE e: Combat History Analysis Study Effort CHASN e: Charleston Shipyard CHASNAVSHIPY e: Charleston Naval Shipyard Chast AFB e: Charleston Air Force Base ChAT d: Chemischer Aufklärungstrupp Chat e: Chatham Division, Royal Marines Ch.A.W. d: Chef des Ausbildungswesens ChB d: Chemisches Bataillon CHB e: Cargo Handling Battalion[s] ChBuAer e: Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics ChBuPers e: Chief of the Bureau of [Naval] Personnel ChBuShips e: Chief of the Bureau of Ships ChBuWeps e: Chief of the Bureau of Weapons ChC e: Chaplain Corps Ch.C. e: Chaplain Corps CHC e: Confederate High Command / · Chasseurs à cheval CHCS e: Computer Hardware Consultants and Services C[H&D] e: Center [Hospital and Domiciliary] Ch.D. e: Chancery Division CHDGP e: Central Highlands Division of General Practice C2 D2 [ARDC] e: Command and Control Development Division Ch.d.Ns.W.d.Lw. d: Chef des Nachschubwesens der Luftwaffe Chd.ST. d: Chef der Schnellen Truppen Ch.d.St. d: Chef des Stabes Ch.d.St.d.F.H. d: Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres Che e: Cheshire Regiment CHE e: Commission on Human Ecology CHEA / • Centre des Hautes Études de l'Armement CHECKMATE e: A Specific High Altitude Nuclear Detonation C.H.E.D.N, f: Centre des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale Chef d.LW. d: Chef der Luftwehr Chefd.N. d: Chef des Nachrichtenwesens ChefEM f: Chef d'état-major Chef H L d: Chef der Heeresleitung Chef HNW/LNA. d: Chef des Heeresnachrichtenwesens/Leitstelle der Nachrichtenaufklärung Chef H.Riist.u.BdE. d: Chef der Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des C h e f H V W . d: Chef des Heeresverbindungswesens Chefkraft d: Chef des Feldkraftfahrwesens Chef Kw.d.Lw. d: Chef des Kraftfahrwesens der Luftwaffe Chef Lfl. d: Chef der Luftflotte Chef MT d: Chef der Marineleitung Chef MND. d: Chef des Marinenachrichtendienstes C h e f N V W . d: Chef des Nachrichtenverbindungswesens Chef TLR d: Chef der Technischen Luftrüstung Chef Trpw. d: Chef des Transportwesens Chef V.St. d: Chef des Verwaltungsstabes Chef W San d: Chef des Wehrmachtsanit Chef ZL. d: Chef des ZivilLuftschutzwesens CHEL e: Chain Home Extra Low


C.H.E.M. /• Centre des Hautes Études Militaires Ch.E.M.G. f: Chef d'état-major général Chem O e: Chemical Officer chemonuc e: chemonuclear Chem War e: Chemical Warfare Chem Warf e: Chemical Warfare C.H.E.Ν. f: Centre des Hautes Études Navales CHENG e: Office of the Chief Engineer of the Navy Che R e: Cheshire Regiment CHESHIRE e: Cheshire Regiment CHESHIRE YEO e: The Cheshire [The Earl of Chester's Yeomanry] Ches R e: Cheshire Regiment Ches Y e: Cheshire Yeomanry Chev.leg. d: Chevaulegers Ch.G.S. n: Chef van de Generale Staf CHH e: Chain Home High Ch.HT. d: Chef der Heeresleitung Ch.H.Rii. d: Chef der Heeresrüstung Ch HRiist u.BdE d: Chef der Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres C.H.I. / · Centre hospitalier de l'intérieur Chi d: Chiffrierstelle [Reichskriegsministerium] Chief Nav Op [Air] e: Chief of Naval Operations [Air] ChiffrB d: Chiffrierbüro [Auswärtiges Amt] Chi-L d: Chirurgisches Lazarett Chim. i: Chimico CHINAVSEC e: Chief US Naval Section Chi.Ob.d.L. d: Chiffrierstelle des Oberbefehlshabers der Luftwaffe CHIPS e: Christian International Peace Service CHJUSMAG e: Chief, Joint United States Military Advisory Group CHL e: Certified Hardware List ChLa d: chemisches Laboratorium CHLOREP e: A Mutual Aid Group Comprised of Shippers and Carriers CHM e: Chemistry Division CHMAAG e: Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group CHMB / • Commission hydrographique de la mer Baltique Ch Med O e: Chief Medical Officer CHMEDT e: Chief, Military Equipment Delivery Team CHMILTAG e: Chief, Military Technical Advisory Group Ch.ML. d: Chef der Marineleitung CHMM f: Centre d'Histoire Militaire et d'Études de Défense Nationale CHMPO e: Chief, Military Planning Office Ch NAB Tra e: Chief, Naval Air Basic Training CHNAVADGRU e: Chief, Naval Advisory Group Ch Nav Air Adv Tra e: Chief, Naval Air Advanced Training Ch Nav Air Basic Tra e: Chief, Naval Air Basic Training CHNAVAIRRESTRA e: Chief, Naval Air Reserve Training Ch Nav Airship Tra e: Chief of Naval Airship Training CHNAVDEV e: Chief of Naval Development CHNAVMAT e: Chief of Naval Material Ch Nav Mis e: Chief of Naval Mission CHNAVMIS e: Chief, U.S. Naval Mission CHNAVPERS e: Chief of Naval Personnel

Κ · G · Saur, München

CHNAVRSCH e: Chief of Naval Research Ch Nav Sec e: Chief Naval Secretary CHNAVSEC e: Chief, Naval Section CHNAVSECMAAG e: Chief, Navy Section, Military Assistance Advisory Group CHNAVTRASUPP e: Chief, Naval Training Support Ch NCO e: Chemical Noncommissioned Officer CHNM e: Marine Channel CHNSY e: Charleston Naval Shipyard CHO e: Chemical hygiene officer - e: Crop Husbandry Officer CHOD e: Chief of Defence [or Defense] CHODs e: Chiefs of Defence Staff CH of F e: Chaplain of the Fleet Ch Off e: Chief Officer Ch. of St.C. e: Chiefs of Staff Committee Ch Pers Div e: Chief, Personnel Division ChPO e: Chief Petty Officer CHPROVMAAGK e: Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group, Korea [Provisional] C.H.P.T. /• Compagnie de haute-parleurs et de tracts CHQ e: Combined Headquarters - e: Command Headquarters - e: Company Headquarters - e: Corps Headquarters C.H.Q. e: Commonwealth Headquarters CHQMCLK e: Chief Quartermaster Clerk C.H.R. / · Compagnie hors rang Ch R e: Cheshire Regiment CHRC e: Canadian Human Rights Commission Ch Res e: Chaplains' Reserve Ch Res Div e: Chief, Reserve Division CHS d: Chef des Hauptstabes CHSA e: Commander Headquarters Support Activities CHSCLK e: Chief Ship's Clerk Ch Sq RE e: Cheshire Field Squadron, Royal Engineers ChSS P: Stowarzyszenie Spoleczne CH SST a: Chef for Soevaernsstaben Ch.St. d: Chiffrierstelle CH SVK α: Chef for Soevaernskommandoen CHUSAOSASF e: Chief, United States Army Overseas Supply Agency, San Francisco CHUSMSI e: Chief, United States Military Supply Mission, India ChllSNavMis e: Chief, United States Naval Mission CHVA e: Contemporary Historical Vehicle Association Ch Y e: Cheshire Yeomanry ChZ d: Chemischer Zug CI d: Verwaltungsabteilung der Marineleitung [Reichswehrministerium] - e: Combat Ineffective - e: Combat Information - e: Combat Interviews - e: Command Information - e: Commander Instructor - e: Corps of Interpreters - e: Counter-intelligence - e: Current-awareness Information - f: Comité International de défense de la civilisation chrétienne - i: Commissione Internazionale C2I e: Command, Control and Intelligence C3I e: Command, Control, Communication, Information - e: Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

C.I.E.S. C3I2 e: Command, Control, Communications Intelligence and Interoperability C4I e: Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Information - e: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence C4I2 e: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence & Information C.I. e: Chemical Inspectorate - / ' Centre d'instruction - / • Compagnie d'infanterie c.i. η: contra-inlichtingen dienst C/I e: Command/Indicate C&I e: Commands and Indications CIA e: Chief Inspector of Armaments - e: Commander's Information Analysis - f: Commission Internationale d'Aérostation - / • Commission Internationale d'Analyse du comité international de la détergence - i: Commissione Italiane d A r m i s t i z i o C.I.A. f: Centre d'Instruction d'Armée - / ' Centre d'Instruction d'Artillerie - / • Compagnie d'infanterie de l'air CIAA i: Consorzio Italiano di Assicurazioni Aeronautiche C.I.A.A. / • Centre d'Incorporation de l'Armée de l'Air C.I.A.A.C. f : Commission Interaméricaine d'Arbitrage Commercial C.I.A.B.C. / • Centre d'instruction de l'arme blindée et de la cavalerie, Carpiagne C . I . A . C . f: Centre d'Instruction d'Artillerie de Campagne CIAC / · Commission Internationale d'Arbitrage Commercial CIACA e: International Amateur-Built Aircraft Committee CIAD e: Counterintelligence Analysis Detachment [Division] CIAF i: Commissione Italiana di Armistizi con la Francia C I A G f : Commission Internationale d'Aviation Générale C . I . A . L . f: Centre d'instruction del' aviation légère C.I.A.L.T.A. / • Commission Internationale de l'Aviation Légère et du Tourisme Aérien CIAM f: Commission Internationale d'Aéromodelisme C.I.A.M.A.C. / • Conférence Internationale des Associations de Mutilés de guerre et Anciens Combattants CIANDE e: Civil Information and Education Section of Allied Headquarters C I A N U f : Centre d'information d'attaques nucléaires CIAP / · Compagnie Ivoirienne d'Armement à la Pêche CIAPG f: Confédération internationale des anciens prisonniers de guerre CIASTR / · Commission Internationale d'Astronautique C.I.A.T. / • Centre d'Instruction d'Artillerie de Tranchée CIAV e: Commission of Support for Verification CIB e: Canadian Infantry Brigade - e: Combat Infantryman's Badge - e: Combat Information Bureau - e: Command Information Bureau - e: Command Input Buffer - e: Counterintelligence Branch C.I.B. / • Centre d'instruction des blindées - f: Centre d'instruction des bombardiers

CIBAD e: Combat Infantryman's Badge CIB/APIC e: Command Information Bureau/Allied Press and Information Centers CIBG e: Canadian Infantry Brigade Group CIC e: Canadian Infantry Corps - e: Combat Information Center [or Centre] - e: Combat Intelligence Center - e: Combat Intercept Control - e: Combined Intelligence Committee - e: Combined Intelligence Course - e: Command Information Center - e: Computing, Information & Communications Division - e: Counter-intelligence Corps - e: Counterintelligence Center - e: Counterintelligence Corps - e: Criminal Investigation Command - e: International Commission for the Study of Communication Problems - / • Commission Internationale du Châtaignier - / • Confédération Internationale [de défense du] Cheval CiC e: Commander-in-Chief C.I.C. / • Centre d'Instruction de Chasse [Armée de l'Air] - f: Commission Internationale de Contrôle [des accords de Genève] [Vietnam] - / • Compagnie d'infanterie coloniale CICA e: Council of International Civil Aviation C I C A A s: Comisión Internacional para la Conservación del Atún del Atlántico CICAD e: Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission Ci/CAF e: Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet CICC e: Clinical Investigation Control Center - e: Commanders-in-Chief Committee CICI / · Commission Internationale de Coopération Intellectuelle CiCI e: Commander-in-Chief, Iraq CICLA s: Comité Internacional de Coordinación para el Combate de la Langosta Centro América C4ICM e: C4I Countermeasures CICO e: Combat Information Center Office C I C O C E D / • Comité intérimaire de la Conférence pour l'organisation de la Communauté européenne de défense CICP e: Coalition for International Cooperation and Peace CiCPF e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet CIC-PT e: Combat Information Centre Procedure Trainer CICRC / · Commission Internationale Contre le Régime Concentrationnaire CICRCL e: Colorado Institute for Conflict Resolution and Creative Leadership CICT e: Commission on International Commodity Trade C.I.C.T. f: Centre d'information sur le commandement territorial C I C W O e: Combat Information Center Watch Officer CID e: Canadian Infantry Division - e: Combat Identification - e: Combat Intelligence Division - e: Command Information Division - e: Commanders Integrated Display - e: Commercial Import Division - e: Commission for International Development - e: Committee for/of Imperial Defence - e: Counterintelligence Detachment

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Criminal Investigation Command - e: Criminal Investigation Division - s: Colegio Interamericano de Defensa C.I.D. e: Committee of Imperial Defence - / ' Centre d'Instruction Divisionnaire - / • Comité d'Information et de Défense CIDA / • Centre d'Information et de Défense des Assurés - / • Commission interministérielle de défense aérienne C.I.D.B, f: Centre d'Instruction de la Défense des Bases - / ' Centre d'Instruction des Divisions Blindées C.I.D.B.C. f: Centre d'instruction de l'arme blindée et cavalerie CIDC e: Criminal Investigation Command CID/ENDS e: Center for Information and Documentation/European Nuclear Documentation System CIDEP / • Commission des Inspecteurs et Directeurs de l'Enseignement Primaire CIDERE e: Civil Defense Report CIDETAF f: Comité Intersyndical pour l'expansion et la Défense du Transport Aérien Français CIDETRA s: Comisión Interministerial entre Defensa y Transporte CIDG e: Civilian Irregular Defence [or Defense] Group C.I.D.M. / · Centre Interarmes de Documentation Militaire CIDNA f: Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne CIDNP e: Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization CIDOM f: Comité Inter-armée du Domaine Militaire CIDOSP / • Commission de l'Information et de la Documentation en matière d'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle CIDP / • Confédération Internationale pour le Désarmament et la Paix CID-lINATI f: Comité d'Information et Défense de l'Union Nationale des Travailleurs Indépendants C2IE e: Command and Control Information Exchange Cie f : compagnie - n: compagnie C.I.E.A.L. / · Centre d'instruction des equipages des avions légères CieAL f: Compagnie d'armes lourdes CIEC f: Commission Internationale de l'État Civile CIEDE / • Comité Interprofessionnel pour l'Étude et la Défense de l'Élevage Cie E.M. f: Compagnie d'état-major CIEES / · Centre interarmées d'essais d'engins spéciaux Cie Fus. f : Compagnie de fusiliers Cie F.V. f : Compagnie de fusiliersvoltigeurs CIEH / · Centre d'Instruction des Équipages d'Hélicopeteres C.I.E.L. / • Centre d'instruction et d'études logistiques Cie Mor f: compagnie de mortiers CIEN i: Commissione Italiana per l'Europa Nucleare - ρ : Comissào Interamericana de Energia Nuclear - s: Comisión Interamericana de Energia Nuclear Cie Ord f : Compagnie d'ordonnance Cie Q.G. f: Compagnie de quartier général Cie Q.M. / • Compagnie de quartier-maître Cie Rèe. / · Compagnie de récupération C.I.E.S. / • Centre Interarmées d'essais d'Engins Spatiaux


CIESS CIESS e: Chief Inspector, Engineer and Signal Stores Cie Sv.G. f : Compagnie des services généraux C.I.E.T. / • Centre d'Instruction des Equipages de Transport [Armée de l'Air] Cie TKS f : Compagnie de tanks Cie Ttr f: Compagnie de Troupes des transmissions CIE [USAI e: United States National Committee of the CIE C.I.F.A.S. f : Centre d'Instruction des Forces Aériennes Stratégiques C.I.F.C. / • Centre d'Instruction des Fusiliers Commandos C . I . F . E f : Compagnie d'Investissement France-Étranger CIFF-SD e: CIFF-Self Defense CIFP e: Cancel IFR [Instrument Flight Rules] Flight Plan C.I.F.R. / • Centre d'Instruction des Formations Radar CIFRR e: Common Instrument Flight Rules Room C4IFTW e: C4I for the Warrior CIFV e: Chief Inspector of Fighting Vehicles CIFW e: Cost, Insurance, Freight, War CIG e: Counterintelligence Group C.I.G. / • Centre d'instruction du génie CIGB f : Commission Internationale des Grands Barrages CIGMA f: Centre Interallié de Gestion du Matériel Atlantic CIGS e: Chief of the Imperial General Staff CIH e: Central India Horse CIHM / · Commission Internationale d'Histoire Maritime C.I.H.ll. e: Canadian Infantry Holding Unit C.I.I. / ' Centre d'instruction d'infanterie C U / • Commission pour les Installations Intérieures C.I.I.A. f: Centre d'Instruction Interarmée CIIC e: Counterintelligence Interrogation Center CIINB f: Commission Interministérielle des Installations Nucléaires de Base C U P S e: Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security C3IIS e: Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Information Systems CIL e: Chief Inspectorate of Electronics [Ministry of Defence] C . I . L i: Corpo Italiano delle Liberazione [1944] CILSA e: Chief Inspector of Land Service Ammunition C I L S M O e: Command Integrated Logistics Management Office C.I.M. e: Channel Islands Militia - e: China Inland Mission CIM e: Coffin launched Intercept Missile - e: Combat Information Message - f: Conseil International des Missions C . I . M . e: Congo Inland Mission - / ' Centre d'instruction de mitrailleuses CIMA / • Commission Internationale de Météorologie Aéronautique CIMAé f: Commission Internationale de Météorologie Aéronautique CIMarE e: Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering, Canada C I M A S e: Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies C I M C e: Commanders' Internal Management Conference


CIMD / · Centre d'Identification des Matériels de la Defense CIME e: Chartered Institute of Marine Engineers CIMEX e: Civil-Military Exercise C I M F M s: Comité Internacional de Medicina y Farmacia Militares CIMIC e: Civil Military Cooperation - e: Civil Military Coordination CIMIREX e: Civil Military Relations Exercise CIMO e: Commission for/on Instrumentation [or Instruments] and Methods of O b s e r v a t i o n ^ ] - f : Commission des Instruments et des Méthodes d'Observation C I M P M / · Comité International de Médecine et de Pharmacie Militaires O M R e: Commander's Internal Management Review CIMRS e: Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies CIMS n: Commissie Internationale Militaire Sportwedstrijden CIMSA / • Compagnie d'Informatique Militaire Spatiale et Aéronautique CIMT e: Chief Inspector, Mechanical Transport C I M T A C e: Committee for International Marine Telecommunications and Aviation Coordination CIN e: Command Information Network - e: Communication Identification Navigation C.I.N. / · Centre d'Instruction Naval CINA f: Commission Internationale de la Navigation Aerienne C.I.N.A. / · Convention Internationale portant réglementation de la Navigation Aérienne CINAV f : Commission Internationale de la Nomenclature Anatomique Vétérinaire CINC e: Commander[s]-in-Chief CINCAC e: Commander-in-Chief, Continental Air Command CINCAD e: Commander-in-Chief, Aerospace Defense Command CINCAF e: Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces - e: Commander-in-Chief, Asiatic Fleet C.-in-C.A.F. e: Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet CINCAFE e: Commander-in-Chief, Air Forces Europe C I N C A F L A N T e: Commander in Chief, United States Air Force[s] Atlantic C I N C A F M E D e: Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Mediterranean C I N C A F P A C e: Commander-in-Chief, Army Forces, Pacific C I N C A F S T R I K E e: Commander-inChief, United States Air Force[s] Strike Command CINCAIR e: Commander-in-Chief, Air Base C I N C A I R C E N T e: Commander-in-Chief, Allied Air Forces, Central Europe CINCAirChan e: Commander-in-Chief, Allied Air Forces, Channel CINCAirEastLant e: Air Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic Area C I N C A I R E A S T L A N T e: Commander-inChief, Allied Air Forces, Eastern Atlantic Area CINCAirWestLant e: Commander-inChief, Allied Air Forces Western Atlantic Area CINCAL e: Commander-in-Chief, Alaskan Command

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CINCALAirCenEur e: Commander-inChief, Allied Air Forces Central Europe CINCALAirCentEur e: Commander-inChief, Allied Air Forces, Central Europe C I N C A R E U R e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces-Europe Command CINCARIB e: Commander-in-Chief, Caribbea[n Command] C I N C A R L A N T e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces, Atlantic C I N C A R P A C e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces, Pacific C I N C A R R E D e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces-Readiness C I N C A R S T R I K E e: Commander-inChief, United States Army Forces, Strike Command C.-in-C. Asiatic e: Commander-in-Chief, Asiatic Fleet C I N C A T L F L T e: Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet CINCAWI e: Commander-in-Chief, American[n] West Indies Station C I N C A & W I e: Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic and West Indies CINC BOMBER C O M M A N D e: Commander-in-Chief, Bomber Command CINCBPF e: Commander-in-Chief, British Pacific Fleet CINCCarib e: CINCarib - e: Commander-in-Chief, Caribbean C I N C C E N T e: Commander-in-Chief, Central Command CINCCFC e: Commander-in-Chief, Combined Forces Command CINCCHAN e: Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces, Channel Command CINC C O A S T A L C O M M A N D e Commander-in-Chief, Coastal Command C I N C C O N A D e: Commander-in-Chief, Continental Air Defense Command C I N C E A S T L A N T e: Commander-inChief, Eastern Atlantic [Area] C I N C E A S T L A N T [Afloat] e: Commander-in-Chief Eastern Atlantic Area [Afloat] CINCEI e: Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Station CINCENT e: Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe C.-in-C. ETOUSA e: Commander-inChief, European Theater of Operations CINCEUR e: Commander-in-Chief, European Command CINCFE e: Commander-in-Chief, Far East CINCFES e: Commander-in-Chief, Far East Station CINCFESta e: Commander-in-Chief, Far East Station CINCFLEET e: Commander-in-Chief, Fleet CINCFOR e: Commander-in-Chief, Forces Command C I N C G E R F L E E T e: Commander-inChief, German Naval Fleet C I N C G E R F L T e: Commander-in-Chief, German Fleet C I N C H A N e: Allied Commander-in-Chief Channel CINChan e: Commander-in-Chief, Channel [and South North Sea] CINCHEF e: Commander-in-Chief, United Kingdom Home Fleet CINCHEL e: Commander-in-Chief, Channel & Eastern Atlantic Areas C-in-C HF e: Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

C.I.Ord. CINCIberLant e: Commander-in-Chief, Iberian Atlantic Area CINCJAPA e: Commander-in-Chief, Japan Area CINCLandCent e: Commander-in-Chief, Allied Land Forces, Central Europe CINCLant e: Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic CINCLANT e: Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Command CINCLANTFLT e: Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet CINCMAIRCHAN e: Allied Maritime Air Commander-in-Chief Channel [and Southern North Sea] CINCMEAF e: Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Air Forces CINCMEAFSA e: Commander-in-Chief, Middle-East Southern Asia and Africa South of the Sahara CINCMED e: Commander in Chief, British Naval Forces in [the] Mediterranean CINCMELF e: Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Land Forces CINC NA e: Commander-in-Chief, Norwegian Army CINCNARAD e: Commander-in-Chief, North American Air Defense CINCNAVBASE e: Commander-in-Chief, Naval Base CINCNAVEASTLANTMED e: Commander-in-Chief, Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean CINCNAVEUR e: Commander-in-Chief, Naval Forces Europe CINCNAVFOREUR e: Commander-inChief, Naval Forces, Europe CINCNAV HOME e: Commander-inChief, Naval Home Command CINCNAVSIIRFLANT e: Commanderin-Chief, Naval Surface Fleet, Atlantic CINCNE e: Commander-in-Chief, Northeast Command CINCNEDE e: Commander-in-Chief, Netherlands Forces in the East CINCNELM e: Commander-in-Chief Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean CINCNET e: Commander-in-Chief Network CINCNETH HOME STATION e: Commander-in-Chief Netherlands Home Station CINCNORAD e: Commander-in-Chief North American Aerospace Defense Command CINCNOREUR e: Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces, Northern Europe CINCNORNAVEUR e: Commander-inChief, Northern Naval Forces in Europe CINCNORTH e: Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces, Northern Europe CINCONAD e: Commander-in-Chief, Continental Air Defense [Command] C-in-C Pac e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific CINCPAC e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command C.-in-C.Pac. e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet CINCPACAF e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Air Force CINCPAC-CINCPOA e: Commander-inChief, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas CINCPACFLT e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet

CINCPACHEDPEARL e: Commanderin-Chief, Pacific Fleet Headquarters, Pearl Harbor CINCPACREP e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Representative CINCPACREPPHIL e: Commander-inChief, Pacific Representative, Philippines CINCPLYMOUTH e: Commander-inChief, Plymouth CINCPOA e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas CINCPOAHEDPEARL e: Commanderin-Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas Headquarters, Pearl Harbor CINCPORTSMOUTH e: Commander-inChief, Portsmouth CINCRDA e: Commander-in-Chief, Royal Danish Army CINCRDAF e: Commander-in-Chief, Royal Danish Air Force CINCRDN e: Commander-in-Chief, Royal Danish Navy CINCRED e: Commander-in-Chief Readiness Command CINC REPORT e: Commander-in-Chief Report CINC RNAF e: Commander-in-Chief, Royal Norwegian Air Force CINCRNOA e: Commander-in-Chief, Royal Norwegian Army CINCRNOAF e: Commander-in-Chief Royal Norway Force CINCRNON e: Commander-in-Chief Royal Norway Navy CINC RNORN e: Commander-in-Chief, Royal Norwegian Navy CinCs e: Commanders-in-Chief CINCSA e: Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic [Station] CINCSAC e: Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command CINCSEURCOM e: Commander-inChief, Southern Europe Command CINCSO e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Southern Command CINCSOC e: Commander-in-Chief, Special Operations Command - e: Commander-in-Chief, [United States] Southern Command CINCSouth e: Commander-in-Chief, [Allied Forces] Southern Europe CINCSOUTH e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Southern Command CINCSowesPac e: Commander-in-Chief, Southwest Pacific CINCSPACE e: Commander-in-Chief, Space Command CINCSPECOMME e: Commander-inChief, Specified Command, Middle East CINCSTRAT e: Commander-in-Chief, [United States] Strategic Command CINCSTRIKE e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Strike Command CINCSWPA e: Commander-in-Chief, Southwest Pacific Area CINCTAC e: Commander-in-Chief, Tactical Air Command CINCTRANS e: Commander-in-Chief, Transportation Command CINCTRANSCOM e: Commander-inChief, US Transportation Command CINCTIIRNAV e: Commander-in-Chief, Turkish Navy CINCUKAIR e: Commander-in-Chief United Kingdom Air Force CINCIINC e: Commander-in-Chief United Nations Command CINCUNCKOREA e: Commander-inChief, United Nations Command Korea

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

CINCUNG e: Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Command CINCUS e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Command - e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Navy CINCIISAFE e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Air Force[s] [in] Europe CINCUSAFLANT e: Commander-inChief, United States Air Force, Atlantic CINCUSAFSTRIKE e: Commander-inChief, United States Air Force Strike [Command] CINCUSAREUR e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Army, Europe CINCUSARPAC e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Army, Pacific CINCUSEUCOM e: Commander-inChief, United States European Command CINCUSNAVEUR e: Commander-inChief, United States Naval Forces, Europe CINCWA e: Commander-in-Chief, Western Approaches [to United Kingdom] CINCWA [to UK] e: Commander-inChief, Western Approaches [to United Kingdom] CINCWESPAC e: Commander-in-Chief, Western Pacific CINCWESTLANT e: Commander-inChief, Western Atlantic [Area] CINDFE e: Commander-in-Chief, Far East CINF / · Commission Intersyndicale de l'instrumentation et de la mesure Nucléaire Française CINFARS e: Command Integrated Financial Accounting and Reporting System CINFOE e: Chief of Information and Education CInfoTopo /• Centre d'information topographique CINO e: Chief Inspector of Naval Ordnance CINP / · Comité International de liaison pour la Navigation de Plaisance CINS e: CENTO [Central Treaty Organization] Institute of Nuclear Science - e: Command Information Network Supplement - e: Commander's Information Network System CINS CENTO e: Institute of Nuclear Science C Int C e: Canadian Intelligence Corps CINTC e: Chief, Intelligence Corps CINWMD e: Committee on Interpretation of the Nation-Wide Marine Definition CIO e: Chief Information Officer C.I.O. e: Chief Information Officer - e: Chief Inspector Officer - e: Combat Intelligence Officer - e: Command Issuing Officer - e: Corporate Information Office[r] C.I.O.A. / • Centre d'instruction des opérations amphibies - i: Centro instruzione operazioni anfibie C.I.O.Β. e: Chief Insurance Officers' Branch CIOM / • Confédération internationale des officiers-médecins CIOO e: Chief Inspecting Ordnance Officer CIOR e: Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers - /• Comité interalliée des Officiers de Réserve C.I.Ord. f: Centre d'instruction d'ordonnance


CIOS CIOS e: Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee CIP e: Combat Intelligence Processor - e: Command Information Program[me] - e: Consolidated Intelligence Program - /• Commission Internationale Permanente pour l'épreuve des armes à feu portatives C2IP e: Command and Control Initiatives Program - e: Command, Control and Intelligence Processor C.I.P. f: Centre d'instruction de parachutistes - / ' Centre d'interprétation photographique C.I.P.A.A. f: Centre d'Interprétation Photographique de l'Armée de l'Air CIPAID /• Civile Immobilière pour l'Aménagement des Industries de la Défense CIPAR e: Commission on International Peace and Reconciliation C.I.P.A.T. /• Centre d'Interprétation Photographique de l'Armée de Terre CIPB f: Commission du Commerce International des Produits de Base CIPHP s: Comisión Internacional de Pesquerías del Hipogloso del Pacífico C.I.P.M. f: Centre d'Instruction de Préparation Militaire C.I.P.N. /• Centre d'instruction des pilotes et des navigatuers CIPPG i: Centro interrogatorio particolareggiato prigionieri di guerra C.I.P.P.S. / · Centre Interarmées du Préparation aux actions de Promotion Sociale CIPR f: Commission Internationale de Protection contre les Radiations CIPRA e: International Commission for the Protection of the Alps C2IPS e: Command and Control Information Processing System CIR e: Coherent Imaging Radar - e: Commission on Intergovernmental Relations - e: Commissioner of Internal Revenue - e: Common IFR [Instrument Flight Rules] Room C.I.R. f: Centre d'instruction rapide CIRA e: Continuity Irish Republican Army CIRAM /• Centre d'Instruction des Réserves de l'Armée de Mer CIRAT f: Centre d'Instruction des Réservistes de l'Armée de Terre CIRCE f: Commission Intercantonale Romande pour la Coordination de l'Enseignement CIRDAP e: Centre for/on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific CIRES e: Chief Inspector of Royal Engineer Stores CIRIS e: Completely Integrated Range Instrumentation System C3/IRM e: Command, Communications and Control/Information Resource Management C.I.R.O. f: Centre Interarmées de Recherche Opérationnelle CIRPES /• Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur la Paix et d'Études Stratégiques CIRRA e: Compagnie Industrielle des Reflecteurs Radar CIRS e: CERC Imaging Radar SystemGround Based Radar CIRSNet e: Climate Impact and Response Strategies Network CIS e: Air Defense Force - e: Cabinet strategy subcommittee on


Intelligence and Security - e: Combat Identification System - e: Command Information System - e: Command Intelligence System - e: Czechoslovak intelligence services C2IS e: Command and Control Information System[s] C.I.S. f: Centre d'instruction des spécialistes CISA e: Centre for International and Strategie Affairs - e: Chief Inspector of Small Arms C.I.S.A.A. / · Centre d'Instruction des Spécialistes de l'Armée de l'Air CISALAT f: Centre d'Instruction des Spécialistes de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre CISA VIA e: Civil Service Aviation Association CISBVA f: Centre d'instruction du service biologique et vétérinaire des armées CISDEG i: Consorzio Italiano Sistemi DEC, Roma CISG e: Combat Information Systems Group C.I.S.G. f: Centre d'instruction des spécialistes du génie CISGA f: Centre d'instruction des spécialistes du génie de l'air, Toul CISI e: Command Inspection System Inspection CISIC e: Command and Intelligence Support Indications Center CIS-ISS e: Combat Identification SystemIndirect Subsystem C2ISM e: Command and Control Information Systems Manager C.I.S.M. /• Centre d'instruction du service du matériel, Montluçon CISM f: Conseil International des Sports Militaires - i: Consiglio Internazionale Sport Militari CISMIL f: Conseil International du Sport Militaire C2ISMO e: Command and Control Information Systems Management Office C.I.S.R. i: Corpo Italiano di Spedizione in Russia CISS e: Combat Information Systems Squadron C.I.S.S. / · Centre d'instruction du service de santé C.I.S.T.C.N. f: Centre d'instruction spécialisé pour le tir et le combat de nuit C.I.S.V.A. f: Centre d'Instruction du Service Vetérinaire de l'Armée CIT e: Command Interface Test - e: Command Interpretation Table C.I.T. f: Centre d'Instruction des Transmissions - f: Centre d'instruction du train C.I.T.B.L. f: Centre d'instruction des troupes lindées C.I.T.C.M. f: Centre d'instruction des troupes coloniales en métropole C.I.T.D.E.M. f: Centre d'instruction technique de détection électromagnétique CITEFA s: Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la Fuerzas Armadas CITEP e: Community Integrated Training and Education Program CITG e: Commander, Initial Training Group C.I.T.P.A. / • Centre d'instruction technique des pompiers de l'Air CITS e: Combat Information Transport System C.I.T.S. /• Centre d'instruction des techniciens de la sécurité

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- f: Centre d'instruction des techniques de sauvetage, Cazaux C.I.T.T. f: Centre d'instruction tout-temps CITT f: Commission Interaméricaine du Thon Tropical C.I.TTR. f: Centre d'Instruction des Troupes de Transmissions CITV e: Commander's Independent Thermal Viewer CIU e: Command Interface Unit C.I.U.D.A. f: Centre d'Instruction des Unités de Défense des Aérodromes CIUP s: Centro de Investigación Universidad del Pacifico CIIJS e: Corps Interim Upgrade System CIUSO e: International Union of Security Officers CIV /• Commission Internationale du Verre C.I.V. e: City Imperial Volunteers CIVACTGP e: Civic Action Group Civ Avn e: Civil Aviation Civ. Def. Bull, e: Civil Defense Bulletin CIVV f: Commission Internationale de Vol à Voile CIW e: Close-In Weapon CIWS e: Close-in Weapon[s] System CJLD e: Congenital Joint Laxity and Dwarfism CJLI e: Command Job Language Interpreter CJM s: Código de Justicia Militar CJO e: Chief Judicial Officer CJS e: Canadian Joint Staff CJSC e: Commonwealth Joint Services Committee CJSW e: Canadian Joint Staff CJTF e: Combined Joint Task Forcefs] - e: Commander [of] Joint Task Force - e: Crossroads Joint Task Force CJW e: Coplanar Joined Wing CJWP e: Committee for a Just World Peace C.K. a: Civilbeskyttelsens Kommandocentrai CKAFS e: Cape Kennedy Air Force Station CKMARNS n: Commandant van het Corps Mariners CKMTA e: Cape Kennedy Missile Test Annex - e: Cape Kennedy Missile Test Area CKMTC e: Cape Kennedy Missile Test Center CKO e: Chief Knowledge Officer CKRSO e: Cape Kennedy Range Safety Officer CL e: Canadian Legion - e: Climatic Laboratory - e: Command Language - e: Command List cl. i: celere C.L. i: Centro logistico CLA e: Civil Lord of the Admiralty - e: Cypriot Liberation Army C.L.A. f: Centre de livraison avancé CLA f: Compagnie de livraison par air CLAA e: Light Anti-Aircraft Cruiser C.L.A.A. / · Compagnie de liaison et d'appui aérien CLAC f: Commission Latinoaméricaine de l'Aviation Civile CLADR e: Class Life Asset Depreciation Range CLAF f: Commission Latino-Américaine des Forêts C.L.A.F.B. e: Classified List of Army Forms and Books CLAM e: Chemical Low Altitude Missile

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

C.Mbl. CLAMP e: Chemical Low Altitude Missile Puny - e: Closed Loop Aeronautical Management Program CLAMS e: Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites CLAMTI e: Clutter-Locked Airborne Moving Target Indicator CLAP /• Commandement de la Lutte Armée Palestinienne CLARA e: Compact Laser Radar CLARET e: Cloud Lidar and Radar Exploratory Test CLARET II e: Cloud Lidar and Radar Exploratory Test CLARK e: Combat Launch and Recovery Kit CLAS e: Combat Logistics Assessment System. Examples - e: Crowd, Lift, Actuate, Swing CLASP e: Computer Language for Aeronautics and Space Programming CLASS e: Closed-Loop Artillery Simulation System - e: Coherent Laser radar Airborne Shear Sensor CLAW e: Close Light Assault Weapon - e: Clustered Atomic Warhead CLAWS e: Camberley Land Air Wargame System - e: Close combat Light Armor Weapon System C.L.B. / • Cavalerie légère blindée CLC e: Task Fleet Command Ship C.L.C, e: Chinese Labour Corps CLCr e: Communications Lieutenant Commander CLD e: Civil Liaison Division C.L.D. e: Council of Labour and Defence - i: Centro Logistico Divisionale C.L.E. / • Compagnie légère d'équipement CLEAN e: Commonwealth Law Enforcement Assistance Network - e: Comprehensive Long-Term Environmental Action, Navy CLEAR e: County Law Enforcement Applied Regionally C.L.E.E.M. / · Centre de Langues et [d']Études Étrangères Militaires CLEM e: Composite Lunar Excursion Vehicle CLEP e: College Levai Examination Program CLES e: Canadian Legion Educational Services CLESID /• Centre Lyonnais d'Études de Sécurité Internationale et de Defense CLF e: Civilian Labor Force - e: Clear Forward - e: Combat Logistic Force - e: Commander Landing Force CLFEX e: Canadian Land Forces Europe Exchange System CLFIC e: Center Launch and Flight Instrumentation Center CLF Line e: Clear Forward Line CLF Signal e: Clear-Forward Signal CLFT Language e: Closed-Loop Flight Test Language CLG e: Commander, Logistics Group - e: Guided Missile Light Cruiser CLGEASTPAC e: CLG Eastern Pacific CLGN e: Guided Missile Light Cruiser, nuclear-powered CLI e: Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry C.L.I. / • Compagnie lourde d'intendance CLICS e: Computer Linked Information for Container Shipping CLIF e: Command Line Input Filter

CLIIP e: Command Logistics Information Improvement Program CLIMS f: Comité de Liaison des organismes Militaires Sociaux CLISP e: Corporate Land Information Strategic Plan CLIST d: Command-Liste[n] - e: Command List[s] CLJ e: Commander, Land-Forces Jutland CLLADS e: Canadian Low-Level Air Defence System C.L.M. f: Colonne Légère de Munitions CLMC e: Combined Loyalist Military Command CLO e: Chapter Liaison Officer - e: Chief Learning Officer - e: Chief Liaison Officer - e: Civil Liaison Officer - e: Communications Liaison Officer - e: Congressional Liaison Officer - e: Country Liaison Officer - e: Logistics & Training Command CLOA e: Chief Leisure Officers Association CLOS e: Command to Line of Sight C.L.R. e: City of London Rifles C.L.R.A. / · Compagnie légère de réparation d'autos - f: Compagnie lourde de réparation autofmobile] CLRC e: Central Labor Relations Commission C.L.R.M. f: Compagnie légère de réparation du matériel - f: Compagnie lourde de réparation du matériel CLRT e: Command Logistics Review Team CLRTX e: Command Logistics Review Teams Expanded C.L.S. f: Compagnie légère de supplétifs CLS i: Commissione Legislativa Speciale i: colonna salmeria per divisione alpina CLSO e: Contingency Landing Support Officer CLSP e: Cooperative [Coordinated] Logistics Support Program CLSS e: Combat Logistics Support Squadron - e: Combat Logistic[s] Support System CLT e: Colonial and Local Troops C.L.T. / • Compagnie Légère des Transmissions CLTU e: Command Link Transmission Unit CLU e: Command Launch Unit - e: Command Line Utility CLUI e: Command Line User Interface CLUS e: Continental Limits of the United States CLUSA e: Continental Limits, United States of America CLV / · Commission Langues Vivantes - η: Comando der Luchtverdediging CLWP e: Committee for Liquidation of German War Potential CLWR e: Commercial Light-Water [nuclear] Reactor C.L.W.S. e: Canadian Legion War Service C.L.Y e: County of London Yeomanry C.M. e: Canadian Militia CM e: Chemical Corps - e: Chief of Mission - e: Countermeasure[s] - e: Cruise Missile - / · Comité Militaire - i: Commissione Mista C&M e: Construction and Maintenance division

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- /• Cabinet Militaire - / ' Cavalerie Motorisée - f: Centre de mobilisation - f: Centre mobilisateur - f: Cercle Militaire - /• Club Militaire - f: Colombier Militaire - f: Colonne de Munitions - f: Colonne Mobile - /• Commissariat de la Marine - f: Commission Militaire - f: compagnie de magasin - /• compagnie de mitrailleuses - /• compagnie de mortiers - f: Compagnie de Munitions - f: Convoi de Munitions - /• Convoi Militaire - /• Cour Martiale - i: Cassa Militare - i: Centro Meteorologico - i: Corte Militare CMA e: Center for Marine Affairs - e: Civil-Military Affairs - e: Coastal Marine Area - e: Controller of Military Accounts - e: Court of Military Appeals - e: Cruise Missile Association - e: Cylindrical Mirror Analyser [or Analyzer] - / · Commandement du Matériel de l'Air - f: Commission Mixte des Aciers C.M.A. e: Controller of military accounts - f: Centrale Mécanographique de l'Air - f: Centre Mobilisateur de l'Air - i: Costruzioni Meccaniche Aeronautiche S.p.Α. c.m.a. i: campo minato di arresto C.M.A.A. /• Centrale Mécanographique de l'Armée de l'Air CMAC e: Capital Military Assistance Command - e: Civilian Military Action Committee CMAG e: Cruise Missile Advanced Guidance CMAH e: CINC Mobile Alternate Headquarters C.M.A.I. i: Comitato Militare Alta Italia CMAIWAC e: Clothing Monetary Allowance Initial Women's Army Corps C-MAN e: Coastal Marine Automated Network CMAO e: Contract Management Assistance Officer CMAPS e: Council for Military Aircraft Propulsion Standards CMAS e: Council for Military Aircraft Standards C.M.A.T. f: Centre Mécanographique de l'Armée de Terre i: Centro materiali da ponte CMATS e: Central Mine Action Training School CMATT e: Combat System Material Assessment Training & Tests CMAWS e: Common Missile Approach Warning System CMB e: Center for Marine Conservation - e: Combat Maneuver Battalion - e: Combat Medicai Badge - e: Combat Mobility Branch - e: Combined Munitions Board - e: Commandant of the Marine Corps - n: Centraal Mobilisatiebeheer c.m.b. / · compagnie de mitrailleuses de brigade C.M.B.C. f: Corps du Matériel et de Bâtiments Coloniaux CMBG e: Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group C.Mbl. i: Centro di mobilitazione


cmbt cmbt e: Combat CMBTC/F/S/G e: Combat Communications Flight/Squadron/Group CMBTCG e: Combat Command Group Cmbt Engr e: Combat Engineer CMC e: Central Military Commission - e: Combined Movement Center - e: Command Module Computer - e: Command Module Comupter - e: Commandant, Marine Corps - e: Commandant of the Marine Corps - e: Common Market Commission - e: Consolidated Maintenance Center - e: Corps Medical Centre - e: County Military Commander - e: Cruise Missile Carrier - / · Cantine Militaire Centrale - f: Centre mécanographique du commissariat de la Marine - η: Centrale Militaire Cantine - s: Centro de Conservación Marina C.M.C. /• Commission Mixte Centrale CMCA e: Cruise Missile Carrier Aircraft C.M.C.A. f: Compagnie Médicale de Corps d'Armée CMCBB e: Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Builder CMCBD e: Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, Draftsman CMCBE e: Carpenter's Mate, Construction Battalion, ExcavationForeman CMCC e: classified matter control center CMCH e: Company of Military Collectors and Historians CMCHS e: Civilian Military Contingency Hospital System CMCM e: Commandant of the Marine Corps Memorandum CMCO e: Classified Material Control Officer CMCPS e: Combined Military Coordination Planning Staff CMCSS e: Cruise Missile Combat Support System CMD e: Capital Military District - e: Central Marine Depot - e: Command - e: Command Paper - e: C o m m a n d i n g ] - e: Configuration Management Division - e: Contracts] Management Division - e: Conventional Munition Disposal - e: Countermeasures Dispenser - e: Countermeasures Duties - e: Cratering Munition Dispenser - f: Comité Ministériel de Défense cmd e: command C.M.d.D. s: Comandancia de Etapas CMD DCDR e: Command Decoder CM DG e: Commanding CMDN f: Centre Médical de la Défense Nationale - r: Chefen för Norrlandskustens Marindistrikt CMDO r: Chefen för Ostkustens Marindistrikt Cmdo e: Commando CMDÖ r: Chefen för Öresunds Marindistrikt CMDR e: Command Reject Cmdr e: Commander CMDS e: Command Manpower Data System - e: Countermeasures Dispenser System - r: Chefen för Sydkustens Marindistrikt CMDSA e: Corps Materiel Direct Support Activity CMDT e: Commandant Cmdt f: Commandement


CMD TN Y e: Commandant, Navy Yard CMDV r: Chefen för Västkustens Marindistrikt CME e: Central Medical Establishment - e: Central Military Establishment - e: Command File - e: Command Message Formulator C.M.E. / • Compagnie mixte des essences CMEA e: Central Medical Establishment, Aviation [air force] C.M.E./C.A. / • Compagnie Mixte des Essences de Corps d'Armée CMED e: central medical equipment depot C.M.E.E. e: Chief Mechanical and Electrical Engineer - f: Centre Militaire d'Études Étrangères CMEF e: Commander, Middle East Force CMES e: Center for Marine and Environmental Studies CMESA e: Canadian Military Electronics Standards Agency CMEST e: Cruise Missile Engagement System Technology CMF e: Canadian Merchant Fleet - e: Canadian Military Forces - e: Central Mediterranean Force[s] - e: Citizen Military Forces - e: Combat Mission Folder - e: Commonwealth Military Forces - e: Conceptual Military Framework C.M.F. e: Ceylon Military Force - e: Colonial Military Forces - e: Commonwealth Military Forces c.m.f. e: Cymomotive Force C.M.F.P. e: Corps of Military Foot Police CMFP f: Centre Militaire de Formation Professonnelle CMG e: Central Machine Gun - e: Chief Marine Gunner - e: Composite Maintenance Group C.M.G. f: Centrale du matériel de genie - f: Compagnie mixte de génie c.m.g. /• établissement central du matériel du genie CMGS e: Cruise Missile Guidance System CMH e: Cambridge Military Hospital - e: Center of Military History - e: Chief of Military History - e: Company of Military Historians - f: Commission de Météorologie Hydrologique - i: Commissione Medica Ospedaliera C.M.H. e: Combined Military Hospital - f : Compagnie magasin de l'habillement CMHQ e: County Military Headquarters CMHq e: Canadian Military Headquarters CM I e: Civilian Military Institute - e: Command Maintenance Inspection - e: Compilation, Mission support, Integration & training facility - e: Cruise Missile Integration - e: Cruise Missile Interface c.m.i. / · compagnie de mitrailleuses d'infanterie CMIA e: Command Management Inventory Accounting CMIC e: Civil Military Interface standing Committee C.M.I.D.O.M. /• Centre Militaire d'Information et de Documentation sur l'Outre-Mer CMIK e: Cruise Missile Integration Kit CMIO e: Countermortar Intelligence Officer CMIS e: Command Management Information System CMISE e: Corps Military Intelligence Support Element Cml e: Chemical Corps C.M.L. f: compagnie de mortiers lourds

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Cml Am e: Chemical Ammunition Cml Ammo e: Chemical Ammunition Cml Ammo Stor Sp e: Chemical Ammunition Storage Specialist Cml Am Tn e: Chemical Ammunition Train Cml C e: Chemical Corps CMLC e: Chemical Corps - e: Civilian/Military Liaison Committee CMLCBL e: Chemical Corps Biological Laboratories CmlCEnCom e: Chemical Corps Engineering Command CMLCENGRCOM e: Chemical Corps Engineering Command Cml C Engr Comd e: Chemical Corps Engineering Command CMLCMATCOM e: Chemical Corps Materiel Command Cml C Mat Comd e: Chemical Corps Materiel Command Cml Co e: chemical company CMLCRDCOM e: Chemical Corps Research and Development Command CMLCRECOM e: Chemical Corps Research and Engineering Command Cml C Res & Dev Comd e: Chemical Corps Research and Development Command Cml C Sch e: Chemical Corps School CMLCSCH e: Chemical Corps School CMLCTNGCOM e: Chemical Corps Training Command Cml C Tng Comd e: Chemical Corps Training Command Cml Decon Co e: Chemical Corps Decontamination Company CMLDEF e: Chemical Defense Cml Dep e: chemical depot Cml Dep Co e: chemical depot company C.M.L.E. f: Compagnie d'infanterie Motorisée de la Légion Étrangère Cml F Lab e: chemical field laboratory Cml Gp e: chemical group CMLHO e: Chemical Corps Historical Office Cml Lab e: chemical laboratory Cml Lab Co e: Chemical Laboratory Company Cml Mtr Bn e: Chemical Mortar Battalion CMLN /• Comité Militaire de la Libération Nationale Cml O e: Chemical Officer CMLO e: Civilian Mixed Labour Organization CMLRECOM e: Chemical Corps Research and Engineering Command CmlRTC e: Chemical Replacement Training Center CMLS e: Conventional Mine Laying System CMLSA e: Commercial Microwave Landing System Avionics Cml Smoke Genr Bn e: Chemical Smoke Generator Battalion Cml Sup Pt e: chemical supply point Cml Wfare e: Chemical Warfare CM M e: Coal Mine Maps - e: Commission for Marine [or Maritime] Meteorology C.M.M. f: Centre Mécanographique Militaire - f: Commissaire de la Marine Marchande - f: Compagnie mixte de mortiers c.m.m. cassa militare mobile C.M.M.A. i: Comando Militare Marittimo Autonomo CMMC e: COMSEC [communications security] Material Management Center - e: Corps Material Management Center

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

CMTR - e: Corps Material [or Materiel] Management Center - e: Corps Materiel Management Center C.M.M.C. f: Commission Mixte Militaire Centrale CMMCA e: Cruise Missile Mission Control Aircraft CMMCBE e: Chief Machinist's Mate, Construction Battalion, EquipmentOperator CMMDA e: Command Module Multiple Docking Assembly CMMI e: Command Maintenance Management Inspection [program] C.M.M.L. e: Christian Missions in Many Lands C.M.M.L.E. /• Compagnie Mixte de Mortiers de la Légion Étrangère Cmmnd e: Command CMMP e: Conventional Munitions Master Plan C.M.M.P. e: Corps of Military Mounted Police CMMP e: International Committee of Military Medicine and Pharmacy CMMS e: Command Munitions Management System - e: Computerized Maintenance Management Software - e: Conceptual Models of the Mission Space C.M.M.T. f: Compagnie Moyenne de Matériel des Transmissions CMN e: Canadian Merchant Navy C.M.N. / · Comité Militaire National - f: Comité militaire national [Résistance] CMN / • Compagnie Malienne de Navigation CMND e: Command CMNDO e: Commando CMNM f: Comité Maghrébin pour la Navigation Maritime CMNPS e: Canadian Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Airspace Cmnr e: Commissioner CMO e: Chief Maintenance Officer - e: Chief Medical Officer - e: Chief of Mission Operations - e: Civil Military Operations - e: Clinical Medical Officer - e: Collection Management Officer - e: Contract Management Officer - e: Controlled Materials Officer - e: Countermortar Officer CMOA e: Career Medical Officers Association CMOC e: Civil Military Operations Center CMOT e: Civil Military Operations Team i: Commissariato di Movimento CMP e: Chief Military Physician - e: Christian Movement for Peace - e: Civilian Marksmanship Program - e: Command Module Pilot - e: Configuration Management Plan [Program] - e: Counter-Military Potential - e: Cruise Missile Project - f: Centre Météorologique Principal - f: Commandement Militaire de Port C.M.P. e: Corps of Military Police - / · Commission Mixte Paritaire - i: Centro Militare de Paracadutismo CMP i: Comando Militare Provinciale CMPCO e: Conventional Mission Planning Concept of Operations CMPD / · Commission MédicoPédagogique Départementale

CMPER e: Corps of Military Police Enlisted Reserve CMPI e: Civilian Marine Personnel Instructions CMPO e.· Chief, SEATO Military Planning Office CMPS e: Combined Military Planning Staff - e: Command Module Procedures Simulator - e: Crooks Micheli Peacock Stewart Pty Ltd. CMR e: Canadian Mounted Rifles - e: Countermortar Radar - e: Court of Military Review - f: Collège Militaire Royal de St. Jean C.M.R. e: Cape Mounted Rifles - e: Cossor Marine Radar - /• Compagnie de mitrailleuses régimentaires - f: Convoi de Munitions et de Ravitaillement CMRA e: Cruise Missile Radar Altimeter C.M.R.A. f: Compagnie moyenne de réparation auto[mobile] - /• Compagnie moyenne de réparation d'armes CMRC e: Crusible Materials Research Center CMRCS e: Command Module Reaction Control System CMRED e: Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development CMREF e: Committee on Marine Research, Education, and Facilities CMREP e: Committee on Marine Research Engineering and Facilities CMRI e: Command Maintenance Readiness Inspection CMRLW e: Cape Mounted Rifles, Left Wing C.M.R.M. f: compagnie moyenne de réparation du matériel CMRN e: Cooperative Meteorological Rocket Network - f: Comité Militaire de Redressement National CMRO e: County Milk Regulations Officer C.M.R.P. i: Comitato Militare Regionale Piemontese CMRPN / · Comité Militaire de Redressement pour le Progrès National CMRRW e: Cape Mounted Rifles, Right Wing CMRS e: Countermeasures Receiver System - e: Countermeasures Receiving System C.M.R.T.S. f: Centre Militaire de Réanimation et de Transfusion Sanguine CMS e.· Central Munitions System - e: Chief Marine Surveyor - e: College of Marine Studies - e: Combat Maintenance System - e: Combat Mapping Squadron - e: Combat Mission Simulator - e: Combat Monitoring System - e: Command Management System - e: Command Module Simulator -e: Common Military Syllabus - e: Condor Missile System - e: Conservation Management Strategy - e: Conventional Munitions System - / ' Corps Mondial de Secours - i: Comando Militare di Stazione - η: Chef van de Marinestaf C2MS e: Command and Control Modernization Methodology C.M.S. e: Combined Marine Surcharge - e: Commissioners of Medical Services - f: Centre mécanographique de la solde

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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CMSA e: Cruise Missile Support Activity CMSAF e.· Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force CMSC e: California Mine and Safety Code - e: Catalina Marine Science Center - e: Chrysler Military Sales Corp. - e: Chrysler Military Sales Corporation - e: Consolidated Mission Support Center - e: Corps of Military Staff Clerks CMSDU e: Commission on Map Use and Spatial Data Use CMSER e: Commission on Marine Science, Engeneering and Resources C.msg. i: Centro messaggi CMSM e: Center Mission Services Manger CM-SM e: Command and Service Modules CMSM e: Committee on Marine Surveying and Mapping - e: Conference of Major Superiors of Men of the United States of America - f: Cercle Militaire des Sports Méchaniques Cmsn e: Commission CMSN / · Comité Militaire du Salut National CMSNC e: China Merchant Steamship Navigation Company CMSQ e: Communications Maintenance Squadron CMSR e: Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair - e: Controller of Merchant Shipbuilding and Repair[s] CMSRB e: Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Boatbuilder-Wood - e: Chief Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Blacksmith CMSRC e: Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Carpenter - e: Chief Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Coppersmith CMSRJ e: Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Joiner CMSRS e: Carpenter's Mate, Ship Repair, Shipwright - e: Chief Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Sheet Metal Worker CMST e: Cruise Missile Surveillance Technology CMT e: Camden Marine Terminals - e: Command Module Technician - e: Committee on Marine Technology - e: Contract Maintenance Team - e: Critical Military Target - e: Critical Mobile Targets - i: Comando Militare Territoriale Cmt /• Commandement C.M.T. f: Compagnie du Matériel des Transmissions - ru: Comandamentul Militar Teritorial CMTC e: Citizens Military Training Camp - e: Citizens Military Training Corps - e: Combat Maneuver Training Center - e: Combined Military Transportation Committee C.M.T.C, e: Citizens' Military Training Camp CMTC-IS e: Combat Maneuver Training Center-Instrumentation System CMTI e.· Celestial Moving-Target Indicator C.M.T.I. f: Commission de Modernisation des Transports Intérieurs CMTQT e: Cruise Missile Tactical Qualification Team CMTR i: Comando Militare Territoriale di Regione


CMU CMU e: Construction and Maintenance Unit - e: Mobile Command Unit C1V1UOS r: Chefen för Marinens Underoficersskola CMU AVA e: Committee on Man's Underwater Activities CMV c: Celostátni Mirovy Vybor - e: Combat Mobility Vehicle C.mvto i: Centrale di movimento C.M.W.C. e: Central Medical War Committee CMWS e: Common Missile Warning System C1V1Z i: Comando Militare di Zona CN d: Chef der Nachrichtentruppen - e: Chinese Navy - e: Cuban Navy - f: Cercle Naval - i: Cantieri Navaltechnica C.N. e: Combat, Naval - e: Confederate Navy - /• Chantier Naval - f: Commission Nationale - f: Compagnie de navigation - / ' Corps Naval - / ' Crédit Naval C & Ν e: Communications and Navigation CNA e: Canadian Nuclear Association - e: Center for Naval Analyses - e: Center for Naval Analysis - e: Certified NetWare Administrator - e: Chief Naval Adviser - e: Chief Naval Architect - e: Chief of Naval Air [or Aviation] - e: Congolese National Army C.N.A. e: Chief Naval Adviser - / · Commission de la Navigation Aérienne - i: Costruzioni Nazionali Aeronautiche CNAA e: Corporation for National Academic Awards - e: Council for National Academic Awards CNAADTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Advanced Training CNAAdvTra e: Chief of Naval Air Advanced Training CNAAT e: Chief of Naval Air Advanced Training CNAATRA e: Chief of Naval Air Advanced Training CNAB e: Commander, Naval Air Bases CNA Basic Tra e: Chief of Naval Air Basic Training CNABaTra e: Chief of Naval Air Basic Training CNABTra e: Chief of Naval Air Basic Training CNAC e: China National Aviation Corporation - /• Confédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants CNACAC f: Confédération Nationale des Associations de Cheminots Anciens Combattants CNAD e: Conference of National Armament[s] Directors - e: Conference of NATO Armaments Directors C.N.A.D.A. / · Comité National d'Action et de Défense des Aviculteurs CNADAL f: Confédération Nationale des Associations de Défense de l'Art Lyrique CNADEV /• Comité National d'Action et de Défense des Volaillers CNADPA f: Confédération Nationale des Associations pour la Défense des Personnes Agées CNAFMC / · Caisse Nationale d'Allocations Familiales de la Marine de Commerce


CNAG e: Chief, Naval Advisory Group - f: Commission Nationale d'Amélioration Génétique CNAINTERMTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Intermediate Training CNAIT e: Chief of Naval Air Intermediate Training CNAL e: Chief of Naval Aviation Logistics - e: Commander Naval Air Force, Atlantic - e: Commander, Naval Air Forces, Atlantic C.Na.L. i: Cantieri Navali del Levante C.N.A.N. /• Compagnie Nationale Algérienne de Navigation CNAOPTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Operational Training CNAOT e: Chief of Naval Air Operational Training CNAP e: Commander, Naval Air Forces, Pacific CNAPIMTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Primary Training CNAPT e: Chief of Naval Air Primary Training CNARESTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Reserve Training CNARF e: Commander Naval Air Reserve Force CNARFSTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Primary Training CNART e: Chief of Naval Air Reserve Training C.N.A.S. e: Chief of Naval Air Services CNAS e: Civil Navigation Aids System C.N.A.S.A. i: Cantieri Navale Apuania S.A. CNASP e.· Chairman's Military Net Assessment for Strategic Planning - e: Chairman's Net Assessment for Strategic Planning CNAT e.· Chief of Naval Air Training C.N.A.T. / · Commission Nationale pour l'Aménagement du Territoire CNATE e: Chief of Naval Airship[s] Training and Experimentation CNATechTr e: Chief of Naval Air Technical Training CNATECHTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Technical Training CNATEC [LTA] e: Commander, Naval Air Technical Training [Lighter Than Air] CNATRA e: Chief of Naval Air Training - e: Chief of Naval Aviation Training CNATT e: Chief of Naval Air Technical Training CNAV e: Canadian Navy Auxiliary Vessel CNAVADTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Advanced Training CNAVAIRRESTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Reserve Training CNAVANTRA e: Chief of Naval Air Advanced Training CNAVRES e: Commander, Naval Reserve CNA[y] e: Commander Naval Activities, Italy CNB e: Canadian Naval Board - e: Chemical warfare tear agent - e: Commander, Naval Base CNBF / · Centre National des Blés de Force CNC e: Chemical warfare tear agent - e: Chemistry/Nuclear Chemistry Division - e: Chief Naval Censor - e: Chief of Naval Communications - f: Chantiers Navale de La Ciotat - f: Commande Numérique par Calculateur - f: Commission Nationale de Conciliation cnc e: central navigation computer

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CNCS e: Central Navigation and Control School - e: Communications Network Control Station C.N.C.V.R. / · Confédération Nationale des Combattants Volontaires de la Résistance CND e: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - e: Captain, Naval Drafting - e: Chief of Naval Development - e: Commission on Narcotic Drugs CNDD /• Conseil National pour la Défense de la Démocratie C.N.D.I.R. f: Commission Nationale des Déportés et Internés Résistants CNDO e: Chief Navy Disbursing Officer CNDR /• Comité National de/pour la Défense de la Révolution CNDRD e: Canadian National Defence Research Department CNDWI e: Critical Nuclear Defense Weapon Information CNE e: Certified Netware Engineers] - e: Certified NetWare Expert C.N.E. i: Cantieri Navale dell'Elba CNEA e: National Atomic Energy Commission - s: Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica CNEAF e: Commander of Northern European Air Forces CNEC f: Centre National d'Entraînement Commando CNEGF e: Commander of Northern European Ground Forces CNEIC e: China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation CNEN e: National Nuclear Energy Commission - i: Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear - i: Comitato Nazionale per l'Energia Nucleare - s: Centro Nacional de Estudios Nucleares - s: Comisión Nacional de Energía Nuclear CNENA ρ: Centro Nacional de Energia Nuclear da Agricultura CNEngO e: Chief Naval Engineering Officer CNEPA e: Certified Netware Engineers Professional Association CNESF e: Commander of Northern European Sea Forces CNET e: Chief of Naval Education and Training - e: Commander Naval Education and Training Command CNETS e: Chief of Naval Education and Training Support CNEUPEN / · Commission Nationale pour l'Étude de l'Utilisation Pacifique del'Énergie Nucléaire CNEWS e: Consolidated Navy Electronic Warfare School CNF e: Commander, Naval Forces CNFB f: Chantiers Navals Franco-Belges CNFG e: Commander Naval Forces Gulf CNFR f: Communauté de Navigation Franco-Rhénane CNG e: California National Guard - e: Canadian Naval Gunboat - e: Chief of Naval Group - e: Commander, Northern Group CN2H e: Conduit Nuit, second generation, Helicopters CNI e: Chief of Naval Information - e: Chief of Naval Intelligence - e: Commissioner for Northern Ireland - e: Committee for Nuclear Information - e: Communication, Navigation, and Identification

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COA - e: Communication, Navigation and Identification system - e: C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Navigation [and] Identification - e: Communications Navigation Instrument - ì: Cantieri Navali Italiani C.N.I, e: Chief of Naval Information [Admiralty] CNIA i: Centro Nazionale per l'Informazione Aeronautica CNIC e: Commander, Naval Intelligence Command CNIE e: National Commission on Space Research C N I I A t o m l n f o r m e: Centre for Public Information on Nuclear Energy CNIIMF e: Central Marine Research and Design Institute CNIL / • Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertes C N I M / • Chantiers Navals et Industriels de la Méditerranée - f: Constructions Navales et Industrielles de la Méditerranée CNIS e: Channel Navigation Information Service CNIIJ e: Communications/Navigation Interface Unit CNJA e: Chairman, Naval Job Analysis CNL / · Commission Nationale de Linguistique C&N LAB e: Communication and Navigation Laboratory C N L O i: Cantieri Navale Luigi Orlando CNM e; Chief of Naval Material - e: Commander Naval Forces, Marianas - / • Compagnie de Navigation Mixte C.N.M. / · Caisse Nationale Militaire CNMA e: Contracting Netherlands Military Agency, Den Haag C N M B e: Central Nuclear Measurements Bureau C N M O e: Canadian Naval Mission Overseas C N M S e: Compaq Netelligent Management Software C.N.M.S.S. f : Caisse Nationale Militaire de Sécurité Sociale C N M S S f: Caisse Nationale Militaire de Sécurité Sociale C.N.M.S.S. f : Caisse nationale militaire de sécurité sociale CNN f : Compagnie Nationale de Navigation CNNAP / • Commission Nationale des Nomenclatures d'Activités et de Produits CNNR e: Conventional Nonnuclear Weapons CNO e: Chief Nursing Officer - e: Chief of Naval Operations - e: Command of Naval Operations C N O B e: Commander Naval Operating Base C N O B O e: Chief of Naval Operations Budget Office C N O C O M e: Chief of Naval Operations Command C N O C O M / M I S e: Chief of Naval Operations Command/Management Information System C N O C S e: Commander, Naval Operations Control systems C N O M e: Chief of Naval Operations Memorandum C N O M / C M C M e: Chief of Naval Operations Memorandum and Commandant of the Marine Corps Memorand

C N O M V i: Cantieri Navali e Officine Meccaniche di Venezia C.N.O.M.V. i: Cantieri Navali e Officine Meccaniche di Venezia S.p.a. C N O / R A A B e: Chief of Naval Operations Reserve Affairs Advisory Board CNP e: Chief of Naval Personnel C.N.P. e: Chief of Naval Personnel [Second Sea Lord - Admiralty] CNP / • Compagnie de Navigation Paquet CNPC f : Commission Nationale Professionnelle Consultative CNPI e: Communication, Navigation & Position Integration Cn Plat e: Cannon Platoon CNPM i: Cassa Nazionale per la Provvidenza Marinara CNPO e: Canadian Naval Post Office CNPS e: Compact Nuclear Power Source CNPII / • Commission Nationale des Plans d'Urbanisme CNR e: Change to Navy Regulations - e: Chief Naval Representative - e: Chief of Naval Research - e: Combat Net Radio - e: Committee for Nuclear Responsibility - e: Conventional Nuclear Weapons - i: Cantieri Navali Riuniti C.N.R. e: Chief Naval Representative CNRA e: Commander Navy Recruiting Area - e: Commission on National and Regional Atlases - e: Committee of Nuclear Regulatory Activities - f : Commission National de Reforme Administrative CNRB e: Company Nuclear Review Board CNRC e: Commander Navy Recruiting Command CNRE e: Combat Net Radio Environment CNRI e: Combat Net Radio Interface CNRL e: Communications and Navigation Research Laboratory CNRM / • Confédération Nationale des Retraités Militaires CNRN i: Comitato Nazionale per le Ricerche Nucleari CNRS f : Commission de Recherche historique pour le bicenteneaire de la révolution française CNRT e: Chief Naval Reserve Training - e: Chief of Naval Air Reserve Training CNRI! f: Commission Nationale de Restructuration des Urgences CNS e: Canadian Naval Service - e: Central Navigation School - e: Chemical warfare tear agent - e: Chief of Naval Staff - e: C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] , Navigation and Surveillance - e: Council for Nuclear Safety - e: Grant Administration Division Congressional [92-500] Notification - f : Commission Nationale des Salaires - f : Corps National de Secours CNSA e: Commodore Naval Ship Acceptance CNS/ATM e: Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management CNSC e: China National Software Corporation CNSG e: Commander Naval Security Group - e: Commander, Naval Surface Group - e: Consolidated Nuclear Steam Generator CNSG M I D P A C e: CNSG Middle Pacific CNSI e: Chemi-Nuclear Systems Inc., Bellevue

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- e: Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations CNSNS s: Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias CNSO e: Chief Naval Signal Officer CNSP e: Commander, Naval Surface Forces Pacific CNSSO e: Chief Naval Supply and Secretariat Officer CNS The Hague e: Chief Navy Staff, Netherlands CNS Turkey e: Chief of Naval Staff, Turkey CNSY e: Charleston Naval Shipyard CNSYD e: Charleston Naval Shipyard CNT e: Celestial Navigation Trainer - e: Chief of Naval Training CNTC e: Commander, Naval Telecommunications Command C N T L D M A T S e: Continental Division, Military Air Transport Service C.N.T.N. / • Compagnie Nationale Tunisienne de Navigation CNTR i: Cantieri Navali del Tirreno e Riuniti CNTS e: Chief of Naval Technical Services - e: Chief of Naval Transportation Service CNTSIS f: Commission Nationale Technique des Services d'Incendie et de Secours CNTT e: Chief o f N a v a l Technical Training CNUDCI / • Commission des Nations Unies pour le Droit Commercial International CNUIP f: Commission des Nations Unies pour l'Inde et le Pakistan cnv.mun. f: convoi de munitions CNVTS e: Central Night Visison Training School CNW e: Commercial Nuclear Waste - / • Compagnie Navale Worms CNWA e: Charleston Naval Weapons Annex C N W D I e: Critical Nuclear Weapon[s] Design Information C N W S e: Center o f N a v a l Warfare Studies C.N.W.T. e: Commander of the Northw e s t Territories CO c: Civilné obrana - e: Camouflage Officer - e: Chain Overseas - e: Chief Officer - e: Classification Officer - e: Clerical Officer - e: Colonial Officer - e: Command O p e r a t i o n ^ ] - e: Command Operator - e: Command Orders - e: Commanding Officer - e: C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Officer - e: Compliance Officer - e: Conservation Officer - e: C o n t r a c t i n g ] Officer - e: Convenience Officer - e: Corps Observation - f : Centre d'opérations Co e: Commander - e: Commanding - e: Corps Co. e: Company C.O. e: Commissioner's Office - f : Centre d'opérations - f : Centre d'organisation COA e: Commanding Officer, Area - e: Commissioned Officers Association - e: Comptroller of the Army - e: Condition on Admission


C.O.A. - / ' Centre opérationnel des armées, SaintGermain C.O.A. e: Certificated Officers' Association - e: College of Aeronautics - e: College of Arms - e: Commanding Officer, Area - e: Controller of ordnance accounting - / ' Centre opérationnel des Armées c.o.a. /• commis et ouvriers d'administration [armée] CO[A] e: Change Order [Aircraft] COAB e: Commanding Officer, Air Base COAC e: Commanding Officer, Atlantic Coast C.O.A.C, f: Commis et ouvriers d'administration coloniaux COAD e: Columbus Army Depot - n: Comité Operationele Automatisering Defensie COADS e: Command and Administrative Data System COAEWRon e: Commander, Air Early Warning Squadron COAIREVACRON e: Commanding Officer, Air Evacuation Squadron COAL n: Commandant Opleidingen en Aanvullingen Landmacht COAMC RI! DESLANTSl! PPG RUCHAR e: Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Atlantic Support Group COAMPS e: U.S. Navy's regional weather model COAP e: Combat Optimization and Analysis Program COARCA i: Comitato di artiglieria contraerea COARS e: Command On-line Accounting and Reporting System COASP e: Company Ammunition Supply Point - e: Coordinated Aircraft/Stores Programfme] COASTA e: Conference of Officers of Affiliated States and Territorial Associations C.O.A.T. e: Conscientious Objectors' Appelate Tribunal co. auto f: convoi automobile COB e: Command Operating Budget - /• Commission des Opérations de la Bourse Co Β e: Commander of Base C 3 0 B e: Command, Control and Communications Order of Battle CO Ba Com e: Commanding Officer, Base Command COBAR i: Consiglio di Base di Rappresentanza COBB e: Combined Operations Bombardment Battery COBENAM f: Compagnie Béninoise de Navigation Maritime COBIS e: COB [Command Operating Budget] Information System COBIS/KL n: Comité bestuurlijke informatiesystemen van de Koninklijke Landmacht COBOEN s: Comisión Boliviana de Energía Nuclear COBRA e: Coastal Battlefield Reconnaissance & Analysis - e: Counter Battery Radar COBRA DANE e: Phased-Array Radar System-Sheyma COBRA JUDY e: Phased-Array Radar System-Shipborne COBRAS e: Cosmic Background Radiation Anisotropy Satellite


COBS e: Command Operating Budget System COC e: CINCPAC [Commander-in-Chief, Pacific] Operation Center - e: Combat Operations Center - e: Combined Operations Command - e: Command and Control - e: Command Operations Center - e: Commissioned Officer Corps C.O.C, e: Commanding Officer's Cabin - e: Corps of Commissioners - f: Centre des Opérations Combinées - f: Centre des Opérations de Combat COC f: Commission Officielle de Contrôle des semences et plants COCA e: Commission of Overseas Chinese Affairs - e: Consent Order and Compliance Agreement - e: Court Order and Compliance Agreement COCAA /• Centre opérationnel combiné d'appui aérien C.O.C.A.T. f: Centre d'Opérations de Commandement Aérienne Tactique COCC e: Central Operations/Command Center COCEE e: Committee on Captured Enemy Electronic Equipment COCEM / · Comité des chefs d'état-major COCER i: Consiglio Centrale di Rappresentanza COCESS e: contractor-operated civil engineering supply store COCI i: Centro Operativo di Comando Interforze COCMAGTF e: Combat Operations Center Marine Air Ground Task Force CO CMO e: Commanding Officer of Commodore Messenger Organisation COCO f: Commission des Constructions COCOAS e: CONARC [Continental Army Command] Class 1 [One] Automatic System COCOM e: Combatant Command Co Com e: Company Commander COCOMAC e: Combined Communications Material Center Co Comdr e: Company Commander Coconuc e: Conservation, coal, nuclear energy COCOPA s: Comisión de Concordia y Pacificación COCOR f: Commission de Coordination pour la nomenclature des produits sidérurgiques COCOS e: Chief of Combined Operations - e: Control Communications Software COCOTAM /• Centre d'Opérations du Commandement du Transport Aérien Militaire COCRON e: Coastal Squadron COCSB n: comité chefs van stafen/bevelhebbers COD e: Central Ordnance Depot - e: Chief of Defense - e: Combat Operations Division - e: Current Operations Division CoD e: Commission on Documentation COD CODA e: Cash or Deferred Arrangement - f: Centre Opérationnelle [d'opérations] de la Défense Aérienne CODAIR f: Commandement de la Défense Aérienne COD Aircraft e: Carrier Onboard Delivery Aircraft CODAR e: Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar

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COD [Branston] e: Central Ordnance Depot [Branston] COD [Chilwell] e: Central Ordnance Depot [Chilwell] CODCOM /• Commandement des Communications CODCOM FC f: Commandement des Communications des Forces Canadiennes CODEBA /• Communauté de Défense et d'Expansion de la Batellerie CODEC e: Combat Development Experimentation Center CODEIN e: Computerized Drawing Electrical Information CODENA / · Comité de liaison des entreprises de Démolition Navale de la CEE CODEP e: Council for a Department of Peace CODEPEF f: Comité de Défense des Petites Entreprises Foraines CODERM e: Committee on Defence Equipment Reliability & Maintainability CODEX e: Codex Alimentarius Commission CODIA e: Council of Defense and Space Industry Associations CODINT f: Commandement de l'Instruction CODIT e: Code Division Testbed CODORAC e: Coded Doppler Radar Command CODORACS e: Coded Doppler Radar Command System CODP e: Coordinator Defense Production Board CODSIA e: Council of Defense Space Industries Associations CODS NORWAY e: Chief of Defence Staff Norway CODSTAT e: Combat Distribution Team Status Report COE e: Army Corps of Engineers - e: Corps of Engineers] COEBG e: Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government CoED e: Computer in Education Division COEEOCA e: Commanders' Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Council C.O.E.F. f: Corps des Officiers des Équipages de la Flotte COEF n: comité economie en financien COEMIS e.· Corps of Engineers Management Information System COEMOD f: Comité d'Études de la Modernisation des moyens et des méthodes de gestion du personnel et du matériel dans la marine C o f A e: Chief of Artillery C of AAF e: Chief of the Army Air Forces C of AC e: Chief of Air Corps CofAFCH e: Chief of Air Force Chaplains COFAM e: Computer Facility for Mine Warfare C. of A.S. e: Chief of Air Service C o f A S e: Chief of Air Staff C.O.F.A.S. / · Centre d'Opérations des Forces Aériennes Stratégiques COFASRON e: Commander Fleet Aircraft Service Squadron COFATAC / · Centre d'Opérations de la Force Aérienne Tactique C of Β e: Commander of Base C.O.F.B.A. / • Comité Français de Bienvenue aux Armées alliées C of C e: Chief of the Corps C of CA e: Chief of Coast Artillery C of CA V e: Chief of Cavalry

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COMANBAT COFCAW e: Combination of Forward Combustion and Waterflooding COFCH e: Chief of Chaplains C of CWS e: Chief of Chemical Warfare Service COFDEN e: Commander, Operational Forces, Denmark COFDM e: Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing C o f E e: Chief of Engineers - e: Corps of Engineers C. of E. e: Company of engineers COFENGRS e: Chief of Engineers C of F e: Chaplain of the Fleet COFF e: Chief of Finance C of FA e: Chief of Field Artillery COFFI e: Commission on Ore-Forming Fluid in Inclusions COFI e: Chief of Information C. of L.Y. e: City of London Yeomanry C of MAir e: Chief of Marine Air COFMOB / · Commandement de la Force Mobile CofN e: Controller of the Navy C of O e: Chief of Ordnance C.O.F.PAC / · Comité de défense des territoires français dans le Pacifique COFR e: Certificate of Flight Readiness COFSA e: Chief of Staff, United States Army COFSAF e: Chief of Staff, United States Air Force COFSPS e: Chief of Special Services COFT e: Commander, Fleet Train COFW e: C e r t i f i c a t i o n of Flight Worthiness COG e: Cleansing Officers' Guild - e: Commander of the Guard - e: Credit Officers Group Cogefag i: Commissariato Generale per la Fabbricazioni di Guerra COGLAD e: Coast Guard LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Assistance Device cogp η: commandogroep COGSC e: Combat-Oriented General Support Center COH e: Clyde Operational Headquarters C.O.H.Q. e: Combined Operations Headquarters COI e: Cooperative for Information C.O.I. /• Centre d'organisation et d'instruction COIC e: Combat Operations Information Centre - e: Combat Operations Intelligence Center COID e: Combat Operations Intelligence Division COIN e: Command Information COINS e: Committee on International Nuclear Standards COIR e: Commanders Operational Intelligence Requirements - i: Consiglio Intermedio di Rappresentanza C.O.I.S.M. / • Centre d'organisation et d'instruction du service du matériel COJACS e: Combat Jamming/Communication Support System COKL n: Centrum voor opleiding Koninklijke Landmacht COL e: Counterintelligence Operational Liaison col n: colonne col. i: colonna COLANFORASCII e: Commanding Officer, Landing Force Air Support Control Unit Col.-Comdt. e: Colonel-Commandant COLD e: Computerization of Law Division

COLDM GDS e: The Coldstream Guards COLED e: Combat Loss and Expenditure Data COLED-V e: Combat Loss and Expenditure Data-Vietnam Coll. e: Royal Naval College Coll Bn e: Collecting Battalion Coll Co e: Collecting Company COLLECT e: Connecticut On-Line LawEnforcement Communications and Teleprocessing Coll Pt PW e: Collecting Point for Prisoners of War Coll Sta e: Collecting Station Colmek TV e: underwater television system coin e: column - / · colonne colo f: troupes coloniales COLOC e: Change of Locations of Command - e: Correlation spectroscopy for Longrange Couplings ColoNG e: Colorado National Guard COLY e: The City of London Yeomanry [Rough Riders] [Territorial Army] COM e: Chinese Overseas Mission - e: Command [er] - e: Commissioned Officers Mess - f: Centre d'opérations maritimes - f: Cercle des Officiers de Marine - i: Centro Operativo Missili - i: Centro Operativo Misto - n: Comité Materieel com e: Commanding Com f: Centre d'opérations maritimes Com. e: Commissioner com. i: comando - i: commissariato COMA e: Court of Military Appeals - f: Commis et Ouvriers Militaires de l'Administration - n: Commissie van Onderzoek naar het Militaire Aankoopbeleid COMAAC e: Commander, Alaskan Air Command COMAAFCE e: Commander, Allied Air Forces, Central Europe COMABC i: Comitato per la Difesa Atomica, Biologica e Chimica COMAC e: Commander Military Airlift Command - f: Comité d'Action Militaire Comad n: Commandant COMADC e: Commander Air Defense Command COMAEGEANBASE e: Commander Aegean Defence Sector COMAEWW e: Commander Airborne Early Warning Wing Com AF e: Commander, Air Force COMAF e: Commodore Amphibious Forces COMAFFOR e: Commander, Air Force Forces COMAFFOR-AK e: Commander, Air Force Forces-Alaska COMAFK e: Commander, Air ForcesKorea COMAFOR e: Commander Air Force Forces COMAFSOC e: Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command COMAFUWFORCE e: Commander Air Force Unconventional Warfare Forces, Europe COMAIR e: Commander, Allied Air Forces COMAIRBALTAP e: Commander Allied Air Forces Baltic Approaches

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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COMAIRBASE e: Commander of Air Base COMAIRCANLANT e: Commander, Allied Air Forces Canadian Atlantic S ubare a COMAIRCENT e: Commander, Allied Air Forces Central Europe COMAIRCENTLANT e: Air Commander, Central Atlantic COMAIRCHAN e: Commander, Maritime Air Channel COMAIREASTLANT e: Commander, Allied Air Forces Eastern Atlantic ComAirFeRon e: Commander, Aircraft Ferry Squadron ComAirLant e: Commander, Air Force, Atlantic Fleet COMAIRLANT e: Commander Allied Air Forces Atlantic COMAIRNON e: Commander Air, Northern Norway ComAirNoreChan e: Air Commander Nore Subarea Channel COMAIRNORLANT e: Commander, Allied Air Forces Northern Atlantic COMAIRNORTH e: Commander, Allied Air Forces Northern Europe ComAirPac e: Commander, Air Force, Pacific Fleet COMAIRPAC e: Commander, Air Forces, Pacific Fleet COMAIRPLYMCHAN e: Commander, Allied Air Forces Plymouth Channel COMAIRSHIPGR e: Commander, Airship Group COMAIRSOLS e: Commander, Air Forces, Solomons COMAIRSONOR e: Commander, Allied Air Forces, South Norway ComAirSoPac e: Commander Air Forces South Pacific Force COMAIRSOUTH e: Commander Allied Air Forces Southern Europe COMAIRTRANS e: Commander, Air Transport COMALAIRC e: Commander Alaskan Air Command ComAIAirNorEur e: Commander Allied Air Forces Northern Europe COMA LA MG RI! e: Commander Alameda Group COMALF e: Commander, Airlift Forces COMALF-E e: Commander, Airlift Forces-Europe ComAlNavNorEur e: Commander Allied Naval Forces Northern Europe COMALSEAFRON e: Commander Alaskan Sea Frontier COMALSEC e: Commander, Alaskan Sector COMAMC e: Commander Air Materiel Command COMAMFfL] e: Commander ACE [Allied Command Europe] Mobile Forces, Land COMAMPHGR e: Commander Amphibious Group ComAmphibGru e: Commander Amphibious Group ComAmphibTra e: Commander, Amphibious Training COMAMPHTGP e: Commander Amphibous Transportation Group COMANATRA f: Compagnie Mauritanienne de Navigation et de Transport COMANAV f: Compagnie Malienne de Navigation - f: Compagnie Marocaine de Navigation COMANBAT e: Combat Maneuver Battalion[s]


COMANR COMANR e: Commander, Alaskan Norad Region COMANSEC e: Computation and Analysis Section [Defence Research Board] COMANTDEFCOM e: Commander, Antilles Defense Command ComAntiSubDefLant e: Commander, Antisubmarine Defense, Atlantic Fleet COMAR e: Coastal and Marine Research - e: Contour Mapping Radar System - f: Commandement Maritime - /• Compagnie Mauritanienne des Armements COMARAF e: Coastal Marine Research and Training in Africa COMARAIRMED e: Commander Maritime Air Forces Mediterranean COMARASP e: Research and Training on Coastal Marine Systems in South-East Asia and the Pacific COMARCARAREA e: Commander, Marshalls-Carolines Area COMAR CASA e: Commander French Maritime Forces Morocco COMAREGRU e: Commander Mare Island Group COMARFOR e: Commander, Army Forces COMARFOR-AK e: Commander, Army Forces-Alaska COMARIS e: Coastal Marine Information System COMARRHIN e: Commander Maritime Rhine - f: Commandant des forces Maritimes du Rhin COMART e: Commander, Marine Corps Air Reserve Training COMARVALLEJOAREA e: Commander Mare Island-Vallejo Area, Naval Base COMAS e: Commander, Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf C.O.M.A.S.A.T. f: Commission Organisation Méthodes Automatisation et Statistiques de l'Armée de Terre Com AS Com e: Commander Air Support Command COMASDEFORLANT e: Commander, Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic [Fleet] COMASDEFORPAC e: Commander Antisubmarine Defense Force Pacific [Fleet] ComASDFLant e: Commander, Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic [Fleet] ComASDFPac e: Commander, Antisubmarine Defense Force, Pacific [Fleet] COMASWFOR e: Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Force COMASWFORLANT e: Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Forces, Atlantic Fleet COMASWFORTHIRDFLT e: Commander, Antisubmarine Warfare Force Third Fleet COMASWGRU e: Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Group COMASWSTRIKFOR e: Commander, ASW Strike Force COMATAF e: Commander Allied Tactical Air Forces COMATF e: Commander Amphibious Task Force COMATKCARAIRWING e: Commander Attack Carrier Air Wing COMATKCARSTRIKEFOR e: Commander Attack Carrier Strike Force


COMATS e: Commander Military Air Transport Service COMAUNAM f: Compagnie Mauritanienne de Navigation Maritime COMAUNAV / · Compagnie Mauritanoalgérienne de Navigation maritime COMAUSPABFOR e: Commander, Australian Patrol Boat Force COMAUXFLOT e: Commander, Auxiliaries Flotilla COMAW e: Commodore Amphibious Warfare Comb, e: Combat COMBALTAP e: Commander, Allied Forces, Baltic Approaches COMBARFORCLANT e: Commander Barrier Forces Atlantic - /• Commandant des Forces de barrière de l'Atlantique COMBARLANT e: Commander Barrier Forces Atlantic COMBARPAC e: Commander Barrier Pacific Com Base For e: Commander, Base Force COMBASFRANCE e: Commander, U.S. Ports and Bases, France COMBAT e: Commander Marine Basic Air Training COMBATCRIILANT e: Commander Battleship-Cruiser Atlantic Fleet COMBATDF e: Combat Directional Finder ComBatDiv e: Commander, Battleship Division ComBatFor e: Commander, Battleship Force COMBATLANT e: Commander, Battleship, Atlantic Fleet COMBATPAC e: Commander, Battleships, Pacific Fleet COMBAT-SIM e: Computerized Battle Simulation COMBATSUS e: Commander, Battleships, United States Fleet COMBELRHINE e: Commander Belgian Naval Rhine Squadron COMBENECHAN e: Commander, Benelux Subarea Channel COM BEX e: Combined Exercise COMBISCLANT e: Commander, Bay of Biscay, Atlantic COMBLACKBASE e: Commander Black Sea Defence Sector COMBOMRON e: Commander, Bombing Squadron COMBOMSQ e: Commander, Bombardment Squadron COMBOSFORT e: Commander Bosphorus Fortifications COMBQUARFOR e. Combined Quarantine Force COMBRAX e: Commodore Royal Canadian Navy Barracks COMBREMGRU e: Commander Bremerton Group COM BRESTCHAN e: Commander Brest Subarea Channel COM BRITELBE e: Commander, British Naval Elbe Squadron - / · Commandant de la flotille Britannique de l'Elbe COMBRITRHINE e: Commander British Naval Rhine Squadron - / · Commandant de la flotille Britannique du Rhin COMBSNGRU e: Commander Boston Group combt e: Combat Comb Ζ e: Combat Zone

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COMC e: Communications Countermeasures COMCAN e: Commonwealth Communication of Army Networks COMCANLANT e: Commander, Canadian Atlantic Subarea - f: Commandant de la sous-zone Canadienne de l'Atlantique ComCarAirGru e: Commander Carrier Air Group COMCARANTISUBAIRGRU e: Commander Carrier Antisubmarine Air Group COMCARDIV e: Commander Carrier Division COMCARGRU e: Commander, Carrier Group ComCaribSeaFron e: Commander, Caribbean Sea Frontier COMCARSTRIKEFOR e: Commander, Carrier Strike Force COMCARSTRIKFOR e: Commander, Carrier Striking Force COMCARSTRIKGRU ONE e: Commander Carrier Striking Group One COMCARSTRIKGRUTWO e: Commander, Carrier Striking Group Two COMCASU e: Commander Carrier Aircraft Service Unit COMCAW e: Commander, Carrier Air Wing COMCBLANT e: Commander, Naval Construction Battalion, Atlantic Fleet COMCBPAC e: Commander, Naval Construction Battalion, Pacific Fleet COMCENAG e: Commander, Central Army Group COMCENPAC e: Commander, Central Pacific COMCENSECT/WESTSEAFRON e: Commander Central Section/Western Sea Frontier COMCENTAG e: Commander, Central Army Group COMCENTLANT e: Commander, Central Atlantic - /• Commandant de la sous-zone Centre de l'Atlantique ComCFECR e: Commander, Combat Force, Eastern Continental Region COMCHASNGRU e: Commander Charleston Group COMCHERCHAN e: Commander Cherbourg Subarea, Channel COMCLYDE e: Commander, Clyde Area COMCM e: Communications Countermeasures COMCOLUMGRU e: Commander Columbia River Group COMCOMRON e: Commander, Composite Squadron COMCON e: Combat Control COMCONS e: Command and Control Reports COMCONSUP e: Combat, Control, Support COMCORTDIV e: Commander Escort Division COMCORTRON e: Commander Escort Squadron COMCOSDIV e: Commander Coastal Division COMCOSRON e: Commander Coastal Squadron COMCOSURVFOR e: Commander Coastal Surveillance Force COMCRUDESFLOT e. Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla COMCRUDESGRU e: Commander, Cruiser-Destroyer Group

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COMFUSNA COMCRUDESLANT e: Commander Cruiser Destroyer Force, Atlantic [Fleet] COMCRUDESLANTSUPPGRU e: Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Atlantic Support Group COMCRUDESLANTSUPPGRUMPT e Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Atlantic Support Group COMCRUDESLANTSUPPGRUNORVA e: Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Atlantic Support Group COMCRUDESPAC e: Commander Cruisers and Destroyers, Pacific [Fleet] ComCruDiv e: Commander, Cruiser Division COMCRUFOR e: Commander Cruiser Force ComCruLant e: Commander, Cruiser Forces, Atlantic [Fleet] COMCRUPAC e: Commander, Cruiser Forces, Pacific Fleet COMCRUSCORON e: Commander, Cruiser Scouting Squadron COMCRUSUS e: Commander, Cruisers United States Fleet COMCUWTF e: Commander, Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force COMCVW e: Commander, Carrier Air Wing C.O.M.D. e: Combined Operations Material Department comd e: command - e: commandant - e: commander Comd. e: Commanding - f: Commandant - f: commandant Comda. s: Comandancia COMDAC e: Command, Display & Control COMDARFORT e: Commander Dardanelles Fortifications Comd C e: Commandants Committee Comd & Con Bn e: Command and Control Battalion COMDEF e: Common Defense Exhibition & Seminar COMDES e: Commander Destroyers COMDESBATFOR e: Commander Destroyer Battle Force ComDesDevGru e: Commander, Destroyer Development Group COMDESDIV e: Commander Destroyer Division COMDESFLOT e: Commander Destroyer Flotilla ComDesFor e: Commander, Destroyer Force COMDESGRU e: Commander Destroyer Group COMDESLANT e: Commander Destroyers, Atlantic Fleet COMDESPAC e: Commander Destroyers, Pacific Fleet COMDESRON e: Commander Destroyer Squadron Comdestr e: Commander, DestroyerForce COMDESTR e: Commander of Destroyer force COMDESUS e: Commander, Destroyers, United States [Fleet] Comdg. e: Commanding COMDGEN e: Commanding General COMDG OF e: Commanding Officer COMDIEGOGRU e: Commander San Diego Group Comd Log / · Commandement Logistique Comd MCG/Intérieur f: Commandant du comdo e: commando

COM Documents e: Working Documents of the Commission Comd Ps e: Commanding Postmaster Comdr e: Commander ComDrillRon e: Commander, Drill Squadron COMDRMATS e: Commander, Military Air Transport Service Comd Sec e: Command Secretary Comdt e: Commandant - f: Commandant - f: Commandement comdt e: commandant comd tk e: Command Tank COMDTMARCORPS e: Commandant, US Marine Corps COMDTNOB e: Commandant, Naval Operating Base Comdt. T.A.P. f: Commandant des Troupes Aéroportées COMDTUSCG e.· Commandant, United States Coast Guard COMDTUSMC e: Commandant, United States Marine Corps COM|D|WA e: Commodore, [Destroyers] Western Approaches COMD WC e: Command Weapon Carrier Comd Wksp e: Command Workshop comeas e: Countermeasure[s] ComEastArea USCG e: Commander, Eastern Area, United States Coast Guard COMEASTCONRADREG e: Commander Eastern Continental Air Defense Region COMEASTFRON e: Commander, Eastern Sea Frontier COMEASTLANT e: Commander Eastern Atlantic Force COMEASTSEAFRON e: Commander Eastern Sea Frontier COMEDBASE e: Commander Mediterranean Defence Sector COMEDCENT e: Commander Central Mediterranean Area COMEDEAST e: Commander, Eastern Mediterranean Area COMEDNOREAST e: Commander, Northeast Mediterranean Area COMEDOC e: Commander, Mediterranean Occidental Area COMEDSOUEAST e: Commander, Southeast Mediterranean Area COMEIGHT e: Commandant, Eighth Naval District COMELEVEN e: Commander, Eleventh Naval District COM EM IS e: Coastal and Marine Environment Management Information System comes e: Countermeasures COMESA e: Committee on Meteorological Effect of Stratospherical Aircraft ComEscortRon e: Commander, Escort Squadron COMET e: Command Evaluation Team - e: Computerized Message Transmission COMEXDIV e: Commander Experimental Division ComFAir e: Commander, Fleet Air Force COMFAIRELM e: Commander Fleet Air Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean ComFAirELM e: Commander, Fleet Air Force, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean COM FAIRHAWAII e: Commander, Fleet Air, Hawaii ComFAirLant e: Commander Fleet Air Force, Atlantic Fleet

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COMFAIRMED e: Commander, Fleet Air Mediterranean ComFAirPac e: Commander, Fleet Air Force, Pacific [Fleet] COMFAIRSOWESTPAC e: Commander, Fleet Air, Southwest Pacific COMFAIRWESTPAC e: Commander, Fleet Air, Western Pacific COMFAIRWING e: Commander Fleet Air Wing COMFAIRWINGLANT e: Commander Fleet Air Wing Atlantic COMFAIRWINGNORLANT e: Commander, Fleet Air Wing Northern Atlantic Area COMFAIRWINGSLANT e: Commander Fleet Air Wings, Atlantic COMFAIRWINGSPAC e: Commander Fleet Air Wings, Pacific ComFAirWng e: Commander, Fleet Air Wing ComFAirWngLant e: Commander, Fleet Air Wing, Atlantic [Fleet] ComFAirWngPac e: Commander, Fleet Air Wing, Pacific [Fleet] COMFEF e: Commander Far East Fleet COMFIGHTRON e: Commander, Fighting Squadron ComFirstFIt e: Commander, First Fleet COMFIVE e: Commandant Fifth Naval District ComFive e: Commander, Fifth Naval District ComFiveATAF e: Commander, Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force COMFIVEATAF e: Commander Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force Southern Europe COMFLAGRU e: Commander, Florida Group COMFLDCOMDASA e: Commander, Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency ComFleet e: Commander of the Fleet COMFLETACSUPPWING e: Commander Fleet Tactical Support Wing COMFLETRAGRU e: Commander Fleet Training Group COMFLETRAGRIILANT e: Commander Fleet Training Group, Atlantic COMFLETRAGRUPAC e. Commander Fleet Training Group, Pacific COMFLETRAGRUWATE e: Commander, Fleet Training Group and Underway Training Element COMFLETRAGRUWESPAC e: Commander Fleet Training Group, Western Pacific COMFLOGWING e: Commander Fleet Logistic Air Wing com.flott.som. i: comando della flottiglia somemrgibili ComFlt e: Commander of the Fleet ComFltActy e: Commander, Fleet Activity COMFLTBASTILLES e: Commander United States Atlantic Fleet Bases Antilles COMFOUR e: Commandant Fourth Naval District ComFourATAF e: Commander, Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force COMFOURATAF e: Commander Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Central Europe COM FOURTEEN e: Commandant Fourteenth Naval District COMFPBFLOT e: Commander, FPB [Fast Patrol Boat] Flotilla COMFUSNA s: Commando de Fusileros Navales


ComFwdArea ComFwdArea e: Commander, Forward Area COMFY LEVI e: Airborne Collection System Comg AF e: Commanding Air Force COMGAR p: Comando Geral do Ar COMGEIM s: Commandancia General de la Infanteria de Marina Com Gen e: Commanding General COMGEN e: Commanding General com.gen. e: commissary general COMGENAFMIDPAC e: Commanding General, Army Forces, Mid-Pacific COMGENEUCOM e: Commanding General European Command COMGENMED e: Commanding General, Mediterranean Theater of Operations COMGENPOA e: Commanding General, Pacific Ocean Areas COMGENSOPAC e: Commanding General, South Pacific Area COMGENTEN e: Commanding General, Tenth Army COMGENTHIRDAIR e: Commanding General Third Air Division COMGENUSAFE e: Commanding General US Air Forces in Europe COMGENUSAFIK e: Commanding General United States Armed Forces in Korea COMGENUSARAL e: Commanding General, United States Army in Alaska COMGENUSARCARIB e: Commanding General United States Army in the Caribbean Sea Area COMGENUSAREUR e: Commanding General United States Army Europe COMGERNORSEA e: Commander, German Naval Forces North Sea Subarea COMGIB e: Naval Commander, Gibraltar - f: Commandant des forces navales, Gibraltar COMGIBLANT e: Commander Atlantic Approaches Gibraltar COMGIBMED e: Commander Gibraltar Mediterranean COMGREPAT e: Commander Greenland Patrol COMGRNORSEA e: Commander, German North Sea ComHawSeaFron e: Commander, Hawaiian Sea Frontier COMHEDRON e: Commander, Headquarters Squadron COMHEDSUPPACT e: Commander Headquarters Support Acitivities COMHELFLEET e: Hellenic Fleet Command COMHUKLANT e: Commander of Hunter-Killer Fleet, Atlantic COMIBERLANT e: Commander Iberian Atlantic Area COMICEASWGRU e: Commander Iceland Antisubmarine Warfare Group COMICEDEFOR e: Commander Iceland Defence Force COMICEDEFOR/COMICEASWGRU e: Commander Iceland Defense Force/Commander Iceland Antisubmarine Warfare Group COMIDEASTFOR e: Commander Middle East Force[s] COMIDF e: Commander Iceland Defense Force COMIFSDIV e: Commander Inshore Fire Support Division COMIL e: Chairman of Military Committee COMILDEP e: Commanding Officer, Military Department


COMILDEPT e: Commanding Officer, Military Departments comilitar i: comando militare territoriale COM IN e: Commander Minecraft C.O.M.I.N. /• Comité organisation méthodes - informatique Com-in-Ch e: Commander-in-Charge - e: Commander-in-Chief cominch e: commander-in-chief COMINCH e: Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet Com-in-Chf e: Commander-in-Chief COMINDIV e: Commander, Mine Division - e: Commander Minecraft Division COMINEWARCOM e: Commander, Mine Warfare Command COMINFLOT e: Commander Mine Flotilla COMINGRP e: Commander Mine Group COMINGRPOK e: Commander Mine Group, Okinawa COMINLANT e: Commander, Mine Force, Atlantic [Fleet] - e: Commander Minecraft, Atlantic COMINPAC e: Commander Minecraft, Pacific Fleet COMINRON e: Commander Mine Squadron COMINTICEPAT e: Commander International Ice Patrol COMINUS e: Commander, Minecraft, United States Fleet COMISH e: United States Military Mission, Congo COMIXAIR f: Comité mixte des transports aériens COMIXCIV / Comité Mixte de défense Civile COMIXMAR f: Comité mixte des transports maritimes COMIXTER /• Comité mixte des transports terrestres COMIXTRAV f: Comité mixte des travaux ComJEF e: Commander, Joint Expeditionary Force COMJSOTF e: Commander, Joint Special Operations Task Force COMJTF e: Commander, Joint Task Force COMJTF-AK e.· Commander, Joint Task Force-Alaska COMJUWATF e: Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force COMJUWTF e.· Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force COM KW ESTE VD ET e: Commander Key West Test and Evaluation Detachment COMKWESTFOR e: Commander Key West Force COMLAND e: Commander Allied Land Forces COMLANDCENT e: Commander, Allied Land Forces, Central Europe COMLANDDENMARK e: Commander, [Allied] Land Forces, Denmark COMLANDENMARK e: Commander Allied Land Forces COMLANDFOR e: Commander, [Allied] Land Forces COMLANDJUT e: Commander Allied Land Forces [Schleswig-Holstein and] Jutland COMLANDNON e: Commander Allied Land Forces North Norway COMLANDNORTH e: Commander, Allied Land Forces, Northern Europe COMLANDNORWAY e: Commander Allied Land Forces Norway

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COMLANDRESFLT e: Commander Atlantic Reserve Fleet COM LANDSCHLESWIG e: Commander Allied Land Forces Schleswig-Holstein COMLANDSONOR e: Commander, Allied Land Forces, South Norway COMLANDSOUTH e: Commander, Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe COMLANDSOUTHEAST e: Commander Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe COMLAND-ZEALAND e: Commander, Allied land Forces, Zealand COMLANSHIPFLOT e: Commander Landing Ships Flotilla COMLANSHIPRON e: Commander Landing Ships Squadron COMLANTFLTWPNRAN e Commander Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range COMLANTRESFLT e: Commander, Atlantic Reserve Fleet COMLBEACHGRU e: Commander Long Beach Group ComLCURon e: Commander Landing Craft Utility Squadron ComLoDef e: Commander, Local Air Defence COMLOG f: Commandement de Logistique opérationnelle COMLOGNET e: Combat Logistics Network COMLOG RCZ e: Commander Logistics Rear Combat Zone COMLOG WESTPAC e: Commander, Logistics Group, Western Pacific COMLSTDIV e: Commander Landing Ship Tank Division ComLSTRon e: Commander Landing Ship Tank Squadron COMM e: Company of Master Mariners COMMA e: Company of Master Mariners of Australia COMMAIRCENTLANT e: Commander, Maritime Art, Central Atlantic COMMAIRCENTRLANT e: Maritime Air Commander Central Atlantic Subarea - /• Commandant des forces aéro-navales[maritimes] de la sous-zone Centre de l'Atlantique COMMAIRCHAN e: Commander Allied Maritime Air Channel COMMAIR [CHEL] e: Commander Maritime Air, [Channel, East Atlantic] COMMAIREASTLANT e: Commander Maritime Air Eastern Atlantic Area COMMAIRGIBLANT e: Commander Maritime Air Gibraltar Subarea COMMAIRNORECHAN e: Commander Maritime Air Nore Subarea Channel COMMAIRNORLANT e: Commander Maritime Air, Northern Atlantic Subarea COMMAIRPLYMCHAN e: Commander Maritime Air Plymouth Subarea COMMAND e: Command Model for Analysis and Design - e: Computer Command Engineer COMMARAIRMED e: Commander Maritime Air Mediterranean COMMARCORSYSCOM e: Commander, Marine Corps System Command COMMARDEZ e: Commander, Maritime Defense Zone COMMARFOR e: Commander, Marine Forces COMMARFORLANT e: Commander, Marine Forces Atlantic COMMARFORPAC e: Commander, Marine Forces Pacific

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COMNAVOPSUPPGRUPAC COMMARIANAS e: Commander, Marianas ComMART e: Commander, Marine Air Reserve Training CommCen e: Communicationfs] center COMMCEN e: Communications Centre COMMCM e: Communications Countermeasures comm cmeas e: Communications Countermeasures comm cmeas op e: Communications Countermeasures Operator COMMCONSTRON e: Communications Construction Squadron COMMDG e: Commanding Commdr. e: Commander Commdt. e: Commandant ComMedSuppAct e: Commander, Mediterranean Support Activities COMMERMARLANT e: Commander, Merchant Marine Atlantic COMMFACMEDME e: Communication Facilities Mediterranean and Middle East COMMIDEASTFOR e: Commander, Mid-East Forces ComMidEastFor e: Commander, Middle East Force i: comando militare Com Mil Aff e: Committee on Military Affairs ComMineDiv e: Commander, Mine Division ComMineLant e: Commander, Mine Forces, Atlantic [Fleet] COMMINEWARFLOT e: Commander, Mine Warfare Flotilla COMMMAINTRON e: Communication Maintenance Squadron Comm O e: Communications Officer COMMOBSUPPUDET e: Commander Mobile Support Unit Detachment Comm OD e: Command Ordnance Depot COMMOD e: Commodities Division COMMODORE e: Command Modular Operation Room Equipment Commr. e: Commissioner COMMRON e: Communications Squadron COM MS e: Communicate Between Forces COMMSC e: Commander, Military Sealift Command Comm Sq e: Communications Squadron commto. i: commissariato mvto i: Commissariato di movimiento str. mob. i: Commissariato stradale mobile sz. i: Commissariato di sezione Comm Ven η: Commanditaire Vennootschap COM MW e: Commander, Mine Warfare/War vessels COMMZ e: Communications Zone [Theater] ComNAB e: Commander, Naval Air Bases COMNADEFLANT e: Commander, North American Defense Force, Atlantic COMNAEWF e: Commander, NATO Airborne Early Warning Force COMNAS[EA] e: Commodore, Naval Air Stations, East Africa COMNATODEFCOL e: Commandant, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defense College COMNATONAVFORLANT e: Commander, NATO Naval Baltic Forces ComNav e: Commander, Naval [Forces] COMNAV e: Navy Command [North American Air Defense Command]

COMNAVACT e: Commander U.S. Naval Activities [Spain] COMNAVACTUK e: Commander, US Naval Activities, United Kingdom COMNAVAIR e: Commander, Naval Air Force COMNAVAIRDIV e: Commander, Naval Air Division COMNAVAIRLANT e: Commander Naval Air Forces, Atlantic [Fleet] COMNAVAIRPAC e: Commander, Naval Air Forces, Pacific [Fleet] COMNAVAIRRES e: Commander Naval Air Reserve COMNAVAIRRESFOR e: Commander Naval Air Reserve Force COMNAVAIRSTA e: Commander, Naval Air Station COMNAVAIRSYSCOM e: Commander Naval Air Systems Command COMNAVAIRSYSCOMHQ e Commander Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters ComNavAirTechTra e: Commander, Naval Air Technical Training ComNavAirTechTraU e: Commander, Naval Air Technical Training Unit ComNavAirTestCen e: Commander, Naval Air Test Center COMNAVAIRTRANSWING e Commander Naval Air Transport Wing COMNAVAIRTRANSWING PAC e: Commander Naval Air Transport Wing, Pacific ComNavAvSafetyCen e: Commander, Naval Aviation Safety Center ComNavB e: Commander, Naval Base COMNAVBALTAP e: Commander Allied Naval Forces Baltic Approaches ComNavBase e: Commander, Naval Base ComNavBeacliGru e: Commander, Naval Beach Group ComNavBLosALBeach e: Commander, Naval Base, Los Angeles and Long Beach ComNavB LosA LBeach e: Commander, Naval, Los Angeles and Long Beach COMNAVBREM e: Commander Bremerhaven Naval Group COMNAVCAG e: Commander Allied Naval Forces Central Army Group Area and Bremerhaven COMNAVCENT e: Commander Allied Naval Forces Central Europe - f: Commandant des forces Navales alliées, Centre Europe COMNAVCOMM e: Commander Naval Communications Command COMNAVCOMTELCOM e: Commander, Naval Computer Telecommunications Command ComNavConstBnLant e: Commander, Naval Construction Battalion, Atlantic Fleet ComNavConstBnPac e: Commander, Naval Construction Battalion, Pacific Fleet COMNAVCRUITAREA e: Commander Navy Recruiting Area COMNAVCRUITCOM e: Commander Navy Recruiting Command COMNAVDEFOREEASTPAC e: Commander, Naval Defense Forces, Eastern Pacific ComNavDis e: Commander, Naval District COMNAVDIV BALT e: Commander, Naval Division Baltic COMNAVDIV NORSEA e: Commander, Naval Division North Sea

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COMNAVEASTLANTMED e: Commander, US Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean COMNAVELEXSYSCOM e: Commander Naval Electronic Systems Command COMNAVELEXSYSCOM HQ e: Commander Naval Electronic Systems Command Headquarters C O M N A V E U e: Commander, Naval Forces Europe COMNAVFACENGCOM e: Commander Naval Facilities Engineering Command COMNAVFACENGCOMHQ e Commander Naval Facilities Engineering Command Headquarters COMNAVFE e: Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Far East COMNAVFOR e: Commander, Naval Forces COMNAVFORAZORES e: Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Azores COMNAVFORCES MARIANAS e: Commander, Naval Forces Marianas COMNAVFORCONAD e: Commander, US Naval Forces, Continental Air Defense Command COMNAVFORGER e: Commander, United States Naval Forces in Germany COMNAVFORICE e: Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Iceland COMNAVFORJAP e: Commander, Naval Forces in Japan COMNAVFORJAPAN e: Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Japan COMNAVFORKOREA e: Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Korea COMNAVFORMARIANAS e: Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Marianas COMNAVFORPHIL e: Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Philippines COMNAVGER e: Commander, Naval Forces in Germany COMNAVGERBALT e: Commander, German Naval Forces, Baltic COMNAVICE e: Commander Naval Forces Iceland COMNAVINSWARLANT e: Commander, Naval Inshore Warfare Command, Atlantic COMNAVINTCOM e: Commander Naval Intelligence Command COMNAVJAP e: Commander, Naval Activities, Japan COMNAVMAR e: Commander Naval Forces Marianas COMNAVMARIANAS e: Commander, [United States] Naval Forces, Marianas COM/NAV/MET e: Communication/Navigation/Meteorologic al COMNAVNAW e: Commander, US Naval Forces, Northwest African Waters COMNAVNON e: Commander Allied Naval Forces North Norway - f: Commandant des forces Navales alliées de la Norvège du Nord COMNAVNORCENT e: Commander Allied Naval Forces Northern Area, Central Europe COMNAVNORTH e: Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Northern Europe COMNAVOPSUPPGRU e: Commander Naval Operations Support Group COMNAVOPSUPPGRIILANT e: Commander Naval Operations Support Group, Atlantic COMNAVOPSUPPGRUPAC e: Commander Naval Operations Support Group, Pacific


COMNAVORDSYSCOM COMNAVORDSYSCOM e: Commander Naval Ordnance Systems Command COMNAVORDSYSCOM HQ e: Commander Naval Ordnance Systems Command Headquarters COMNAVPHIL e: Commander, Naval Forces, Philippines COMNAVRESSECGRU e: Commander Naval Reserve Security Group COMNAVSCAP e: Commander Allied Naval Forces Scandinavian Approaches COMNAVSEASYSCOM e: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command COMNAVSEASYSCOMHQ e Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters COMNAVSECGRU e: Commander Naval Security Group COMNAVSHIPSYSCOM e: Commander Naval Ship Systems Command COMNAVSHIPSYSCOMHQ e Commander Naval Ship Systems Command Headquarters COMNAVSONOR e: Commander, Allied naval Forces, South Norway COMNAVSOUTH e: Commander Naval Forces Southern Europe COMNAVSPACECOM e: Commander, Naval Space Command COMNAVSUPPACT e: Commander, Naval Support Acitivity COMNAVSUPPFOR e: Commander Naval Support Force COMNAVSUPSYSCOM e: Commander Naval Supply Systems Command COMNAVSUPSYSCOM HQ e: Commander Naval Supply Systems Command Headquarters COMNAVSURFLANT e: Commander of the Naval Surface Force, Atlantic fleet COMNAVSURFPAC e: Commander Naval Surface Force, Pacific COMNAVSURFRES e: Commander Naval Surface Reserve Force ComNavTechTra e: Commander, Naval Technical Training ComNavTestCen e: Commander, Naval Test Center COMNAVZOR e: Commander, US Naval Forces, Azores COMNEWLONGRU e: Commander New London Group COMNINE e: Commandant, Ninth Naval District COMNLONTEVDET e: Commander New London Test and Evaluation Detachment COMNMC e: Commander, Naval Missile Center COMNOFRHIN e: Commander Rhine River Naval Group, French II Corps Sector COMNON e: Commander, Northern Norway COMNORASDEFLANT e: Commander, North American Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic COMNORECHAN e: Commander, North Subarea, Channel COMNORLANT e: Commander, North Atlantic Subarea COMNORPAC e: Commander, North Pacific Force COMNORSEACENT e: Commander, Central North Sea Subarea [Centre Europe] COMNORSECT/WESTSEAFRON e: Commander Northern Section/Western Sea Frontier


COMNORTHAG e: Commander, Northern Army Central Europe COMNORVAGRII e: Commander Norfolk Group COMNORVATEVDET e: Commander Norfolk, Va. Test and Evaluation Detachment Comnr. e: Commissioner COMNRPC e: Commander Naval Reserve Personnel Center COMNUPWRTRAGRUPAC e: Commander, Nuclear Power Training Group, Pacific COMNYKGRU e: Commander New York Group COMO e: Combat-Oriented Maintenance Organization ComO e: Communications Officer COMOCEANLANT e: Commander Ocean Subarea Atlantic COMOCEANSYSPAC e: Commander Oceanographic Systems, Pacific COMOCEANSYSTLANT e: Commander Oceanographic Systems, Atlantic COMOCEATLANT e: Commander, Ocean Atlantic Subarea comoff e: Commissioned Officer COMONE e: Commandant, First Naval District COMOPCONCEN e: Commander Operational Control Center COMOPDEVFOR e: Commander Operational Development Force ComOpDevForLant e: Commander, Operational Development Force, Atlantic [Fleet] COMOPTEVFOR e: Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force COMOPTEVFORLANT e: Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force, Atlantic COMOPTEVFORPAC e. Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force, Pacific COMOROCLANT e: Commander Maritime Forces Morocco COMORSEAFRON e: Commander, Moroccan Sea Frontier Force COMORTEXGRU e: Commander Orange, Texas Group, Inactive Reserve Fleet, Atlantic COMP e: Charlotte Ordnance Missile Plant - e: Commanding Officer, Military Police - e: Computation of Rendezvous Targeting - e: Corps Ordnance Maintenance Park compi·] f: compagnie - i: compagnia COMPAC e: Commonwealth Pacific Cable COMPAC Cable e: Commonwealth Pacific Cable COMPACMISRAN e: Commander, Pacific Missile Range COMPACRESFLT e: Commander, Pacific Reserve Fleet COMPAC System e: CommonwealthPacific System Compact e: Computer Predicting and Automatic Course Tracking [Radar] COMPACT Radar «. Computer Predicting and Automatic Course Tracking Radar ComPAF e: Commander, Pacific Air Fleet COMPAF e: Commander, Pacific Air Force COMPASEAFRON e: Commander, Panama Sea Frontier ComPaSect e: Commander, Panama Sector

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COMPASECTCARIBSEAFRON e: Commander Panama Section/Caribbean Sea Frontier ComPaSectCaribSeaFron e: Commander, Panama Sector, Caribbean Sea Frontier COMPASECT/WESTSEAFRON e Commander Panama Section/Western Sea Frontier COMPASS e: Commander Third Fleet Computer Assisted Search - e: Common Operational Modeling Planning And Simulation Strategy COMPASU e: Commander, Patrol Aircraft Service Unit COMPATFOR e: Commander Patrol Force COMPATPLANEREPRONSPAC e: Command Patrol Plane Replacements Squadrons Pacific COMPATRON e: Commander, Patrol Squadron COMPATWINGSLANT e: Commander, Patrol Wings Atlantic comp.c. i: compagnia de comando Comp. Cmd. e: Composite Command comp.f. i: compagnie di fucilieri Comp.Geni, e: comptroller-general COMPHIB e: Commander Amphibious Force COMPHIBEU e.· Commander Amphibious Force, Europe COMPHIBFOR e: Commander Amphibious Force COMPHIBFORLANT e: Commander Amphibious Force, Atlantic COMPHIBFORPAC e: Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific ComPhibGru e: Commander, Amphibious Group ComPhibLant e: Commander, Amphibious Forces, Atlantic COMPHIBNAW e: Commander, US Amphibious Force, Northwest African Waters COMPHIBPAC e: Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet ComPhibPacFlt e: Commander, Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet COMPHIBRON e: Commander, Amphibious Squadron ComPhibTraLant e: Commander, Amphibious Training Command, Atlantic ComPhibTraPac e: Commander, Amphibious Training Forces, Pacific [Fleet] ComPhiGru e: Commander, Amphibious Group COM PHI LAG RU e: Commander Philadelphia Group COMPLYMCHAN e: Commander, Plymouth Subarea, Channel comp.M.P. i: compagnia di mitragliatrici pesanti COMPMR e.· Commander of Pacific Missile Range - e: Commander, Pacific Missile Range COMPORON e: Composite Squadron COMPRESS e: Computer Research, Systems and Software COMPSY e: Computer Support in Military Psychiatry [program] COMPSY Program[me] e: ComputerSupport in Military Psychiatry Program[me] COMPTU e: Composite Training Unit COMPUERTORICOSECT/CARIBSEAF RON e: Commander Puerto Rico Section/Caribbean Sea Frontier Comp- Wg. e: Composite Wing Comr. e: Commissioner

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

COMSUFRHIN COMR e: Court of Military Review COMRASC e: Commander, Rear Area Security COMRAZ e: Communication Range Azimuth COMRCN e: Command Reconnaissance COMRECONATKWING e: Commander Reconnaissance Attack Wing COMREDATKCARAIRWING e: Commander Readiness Attack Carrier Air Wing COMRESDESRON e: Commander Reserve Destroyer Squadron ComResEscortRon e: Commander, Reserve Escort Squadron COMRESFLOT e: Commander, Reserve Flotilla ComResRon e: Commander, Reserve Squadron COMRIVSUPPRON e: Commander River Support Squadron COMROUTE e: Commander-in-Chief, [US Fleet], Convoy and Routing Section COMS e: Conventional Munitions Management System COMSAMAR e: Commander Straits and Marmara Defence Sector COMSANFRANGRU e: Commander San Francisco Group COMSARSOUTH e: Commander Sea Area South COMSC e: Commander, Military Sealift Command COMSCELM e: Commander Military Sealift Command, Eastern Atlantic Mediterranean COMSCFE e: Commander Military Sealift Command, Far East COMSCGULF e: Commander Military Sealift Command, Gulf Port COMSCLANT e: Commander Military Sealift Command, Atlantic COMSCMED e: Commander Military Sealift Command, Mediterranean COMSCORON e: Commander, Scouting Squadron COMSCPAC e: Commander Military Sealift Command, Pacific COMSEAFRON e: Commander, Sea Frontier COMSEC e: Computer Software Exchange Center COMSECOM e: Commander, Security Command COMSECONDFLT e: Commander of the Second Fleet COMSERFORLANT e: Commander Service Force, Atlantic COMSERFORPAC e. Commander Service Force, Pacific COMSERFORPACSUBCOM e: Commander, Service Force, Pacific Subordinate Command COMSERVGRU e: Commander, Service Group COMSERVLANT e: Commander Service Force, Atlantic COMSERVPAC e: Commander Service Force, Pacific COMSERVPACETSCOL e. Commander Service Force, Pacific Petroleum School COMSERVRON e: Commander, Service Squadron COMSERVSOWESPAC e: Commander, Service Force, Southwest Pacific COMSEVEN e: Commandant, Seventh Naval District COMSEVENTHFLT e: Commander, Seventh Fleet

COMSINE II-CP96-82 e: Communication Infrastructure for Inland Navigation in Europe II COMSIX e: Commandant, Sixth Naval District ComSixATAF e: Commander, Sixth Allied Factical Air Force COMSIXATAF e: Commander Sixth Allied Factical Air Force Southeastern Europe COMSIXFLT e: Commander, Sixth Fleet ComSixthFIt e: Commander, Sixth Fleet COMSOC e: Commander, Special Operations Command COMSOEASTPAC e: Commander, Southeast Pacific Force COMSOLANT e: Commander South Atlantic Force COMSONOR e: Commander Allied Forces Southern Norway COMSOPAC e: Commander, South Pacific COMSOSECT e: Commander Southern Section COMSOSECT/WESTSEAFRON e: Commander Southern Section/Western Sea Frontier COMSOTFE e: Commander Support Operations Fask Force Europe COMSOWESPAC e: Commander, Southwest Pacific Force COMSPEC e: Command Specifier COMSQN e: Communications Squadron COMSTAC e: Commission on Standards and Accreditation of Services for the Blind COMSTANAVFORCHAN e: Commander, Standing Naval Force Channel COMSTARC e: Commander, State Area Command COMSTOCKGRU e: Commander Stockton Group COMSTRATRESCENT e: Commander, Strategic Reserve, Allied Land Forces, Central Europe COMSTRIKEFLTLANT e: Commander Strike Fleet, Atlantic COM STRI KFLTLAND e: Commander Striking Fleet Atlantic [Ashore] COMSTRIKFLTLANT e: Commander Striking Fleet Atlantic [Afloat] COMSTRIKFLTLANTREPEUR e: Commander Striking Fleet Atlantic Representative in Europe COMSTRIKFORSOUTH e. Commander Naval Striking and Support Forces Southern Europe COMSTRKFORLANT e: Commander, Strike Force Atlantic COMSTS e: Commander, Military Sea Transportation] Service COMSTSELMAREA e: Commander Military Sea Transportation Service, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Area COMSTSFE e: Commander Military Sea Transport Service, Far East COMSTSGULFSIIBAREA e: Commander Military Sea Transportation Service Gulf Subarea COMSTSLANT e: Commander Military Sea Transportation] Service, Atlantic [Area] COMSTSLANTAREA e: Commander, Military Sea Transportation Service, Atlantic Area COMSTSMIDPACSUBAREA e: Commander Military Sea Transportation Service Mid-Pacific Subarea

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

COMSTSNORPACSUBAREA e: Commander Military Sea Transportation Service Northern Pacific Subarea COMSTSPAC e: Commander Military Sea Transport Service, Pacific COMSTSPACAREA e: Commander Military Sea Transportation Service Pacific Area COMSTSSEA e: Commander Military Sea Transportation Service, Southeast Asia COMSTSWESTPACAREA e: Commander Military Sea Transportation Service West Pacific Area COMSUBACLANT e: Commander, Submarines Allied Command, Atlantic COMSUB [CHELL] e: Commander, Submarines [Channel, East Atlantic] COMSUBCOMNELM e: Commander Subordinate Command, United States Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean COMSUBCOMNELM/COMHEDSUPPA CT e: Commander Subordinate Command, United States Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean/Commander Headquarters Cupport Acitivities COMSUBDEVGRU e: Commander Submarine Development Group COMSUBDIV e: Commander, Submarine Division COMSUBEASTLANT e: Commander Submarine Force, Eastern Atlantic ComSubFIot e: Commander, Submarine Flotilla COMSUBFOR e: Commander Submarine Force COMSUBFRONDEF/DELGRU e: Commander Sub-Frontier Defense/Delaware Group COMSUBFRONDESF e: Commander Sub-Frontier Defense COMSUBGRP e: Commander, Submarine Group ComSubGru e: Commander, Submarine Group COMSUBLANT e: Commander Submarine Forces, Atlantic Fleet COMSUBMED e: Commander, Submarine Forces, Mediterranean COMSUBMEDNOREAST e: Commander Submarines Northeast Mediterranean COMSUBPAC e: Commander, Submarine Forces, Pacific [Fleet] ComSubPacRep e: Commander, Submarine Forces, Pacific Fleet, Representative COMSUBRON e: Commander, Submarine Squadron COMSUBS e: Commander, Submarines COMSUBSLANT e: Commander Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet COMSUBSPAC e: Commander Submarines Force, Pacific Fleet COMSUBSSOWESPAC e: Commander Submarines, Southwest Pacific Force COMSUBTRAFAC e: Commander Submarine Training Facilities COMSUBUS e: Commander, Submarine Forces, United States [Fleet] COMSUBWESTLANT e: Commander Submarine Force, Western Atlantic Area COMSUCOMLANTFLT e: Commander, Subordinate Command, United States Atlantic Fleet COMSUFRHIN e: Commander French Rhine River Squadron


COMSUGBASE COMSUGBASE e: Commander Submarine Base COMSUP e: Combat Support Unit Com.Sup. i: Comando Supremo COMSUPTLANT e: Commodore Superintendent, Atlantic Coast COMSURFPAC e: Commander, Surface Forces, Pacific Fleet comsy e: commissary COMSYSTR e: commissary store COMTAC e: Commander, Tactical Air Command COMTACGRU e: Commander Tactical Air Control Group COMTACRON e: Commander Tactical Air Control Squadron COMTACSUPPWING e: Commander Fleet Tactical Support Wing COMTAF e: Tactical Air Force Commander COMTAFDEN e: Commander Allied Tactical Air Forces Denmark COMTAFNORNOR e: Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, North[ern] Norway COMTAFSONOR e: Commander Allied Tactical Air Forces Southern Norway COMTAIWANDEFCOMD e: Commander, Taiwan Defense Command COMTAIWANPATFOR e: Commander Taiwan Patrol Force COMTASKFORNON e: Commander, Allied Task Force, North[ern] Norway COMTBFLOT e: Commander, Motor Torpedo Boat Flotilla COMTBRON e: Commander, Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron COMTBRONTRACENT e. Commander, Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Training Center COMTEXGRU e: Commander Texas Group COMTHIRDFLT e: Commander, Third Fleet COMTHIRTEEN e: Commandant, Thirteenth Naval District COMTHREE e: Commandant, Third Naval District COMTONGRU e: Commander Tongue Point Group, Inactive Fleet, Pacific Fleet COMTORPRON e: Commander, Torpedo Squadron COMTRAIN f: Commandement du Train COMTRAINCARRONPAC e: Commander Carrier Training Squadron, Pacific Fleet COMTRAIN RON e: Commander Training Squadron ComTraLant e: Commander, Training Force, Atlantic [Fleet] COMTRANSDIV e: Commander, Transport Division COMTRANSGRSOPAC e: Commander, Transport Group, South Pacific Force COMTRANSPHIB e: Commander, Transports, Amphibious Force COMTRANSPHIBLANT e: Commander Transports, Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet COMTRANSPHIBPAC e. Commander Transports, Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet ComTransPhibRon e: Commander, Transport Amphibious Squadron ComTraPac e: Commander, Training Force, Pacific [Fleet] COMTWELVE e: Commandant, Twelfth Naval District COMTWO e: Commandant, Second Naval District


ComTwoATAF e: Commander, Second Allied Tactical Air Force COMTWOATAF e: Commander Second Allied Tactical Air Force Central Europe COMUKADR e: Commander United Kingdom Air Defence Region COMUK TG e: Commander UK Task Group COMUS e: Commander, United States Forces COMUSAFFOR e: Commander, United States Air Force Forces COMUSAFROR e: Commander, United States Army Forces COMUSAFSO e: Commander, United States Air Force Southern Command COMUSAFTF e: Commander, United States Air Force Task Force COMUSARFOR e: Commander, United States Army Forces COMUSARJAPAN e: Commander, United States Army, Japan COMUSARSO e: Commander, United States Army Forces Southern Command COMUSARTF e: Commander, United States Army Task Force COMUSBASFRANCE e: Commander, United States Ports and Bases, France COMUSFAIRWINGMED e: Commander US Fleet Air Wing Mediterranean COMUSFORAZ e: Commander United States Forces, Azores COMUSFORICE e: Commander United States Forces, Iceland COMUSFORJAPAN e: Commander United States Forces, Japan COMUSFORKOREA e: Commander United States Forces, Korea COMUSFORMARIANAS e: Commander United States Forces, Marianas COMUSJ e: Commander, U.S. Forces, Japan COMUSJAP e: Commander, United States Forces, Japan COMUSJAPAN e: Commander United States Forces, Japan COMUSJTF e: Commander, United States Joint Task Force COMUSJUWTF e: Commander, United States Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force COMUSK e.· Commander, U.S. Forces, Korea COMUSKOREA e: Commander, United States Forces, Korea COMUSLANDFOR e: Commander, United States Land Forces COMUSLANT e: Commander, United States Atlantic Subarea COMUSMACEur e: Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Europe COMUSMACLant e: Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Atlantic COMUSMACPac e: Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Pacific COMUSMACThai e: Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Thailand COMUSMACV e: Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam COMUSMARFOR e: Commander, United States Marine Forces COMUSMARFORK e: Commander, USMC Forces, Korea COMUSMARTF e: Commander, United States Marine Task Forces

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COMUSMILGP e: Commander United States Military Group COMUSNAVFOR e: Commander, United States Naval Forces COMUSNAVFORCONAD e Commander United States Naval Forces, Continental Air Defense Command COMUSNAVSO e: Commander United States Naval Forces, Southern Command ComUSNavSuppFor e: Commander United States Naval Support Force COMUSNAVTF e: Commander, United States Naval Task Force COMUSRHIN e: Commander US Rhine River Patrol COMUSSAG e: Commander, United States Special Advisory Group COMUSSEASIA e: Commander United States Forces, Southeast Asia ComUSTaiwanDefCom e: Commander, United States Taiwan Defense Command COMUSTDC e: Commander, United States Taiwan Defense Command COMUTRON e: Commander, Utility Squadron ComUtWing e: Commander, Utility Wing COMUTWINGSERVLANT e Commander, Utility Wing, Service Force, Atlantic COMUTWINGSERVPAC e Commander, Utility Wing, Service Force, Pacific COMVAT e: Combat Vehicles Armament Technology COMVE e: Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions COMWC e: Command Weapon[s] Carrier COMWESTAF e: Commander, Western Transport Air Force ComWestArea IISCG e: Commander, Western Area, United States Coast Guard ComWestSeaFron e: Commander, Western Sea Frontier COMYARD e: Commander of the Dockyard COMZ e: Communications Zone C.O.N, s: Comandante de Operaciones Navales CONA e: Committee on Operational WWW Systems Evaluation for the North Atlantic CONAB e: Commanding Officer, Naval Advanced Base, Commanding Officer, Naval Air Base CONAC e: Continental Air Command CONAD e: Continental Advance Section Con AD e: Continental Air Defense CONAD e: Continental Air Defense Command CONAD M e: Continental Air Defense Command Manual CONAIR e: Commanding Officer, Naval Air Wing - e: Consolidated Aircraft Corporation CONAR e: Continental Army CONARC e: Continental Army Command CONAS e: Combined Nuclear and Steam - e: Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station CONAVRESPROG e: Connection Naval Reserve Program CONBAT e: Converted Battalion AntiTank ConBn e: Construction Battalion CONCNorth e: Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces, Northern Europe CONCOMB e: British Control Commission CONCOR e: Construction Corps of the Philippines

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

COSTEP Con Coy e: Construction Company Con Cp e: Convalescent Camp Con. Cr. e: Constructor Commander COND e: Commanding Officer, Naval Divisions CONDECA e: Central American Defence Council. Latin America - s: Consejo de Defensa Centroamericana, Guatemala CONE e: Career Oriented Nuclear Education CONEDS e: CONARD [Continental Army Command] Education Data System CONELRAD e: Control of Electromagnetic Radiation CO-NEWS e: Communications Naval Electronic Warfare System CONFORM e: Constrained Force Model CONFORMISC s: Etat Major du Commandement des Formations Con. L. Cr. e: Constructor Lieutenant Commander Conn.R. e: Connaught Rangers CONOPPR e: Continental Army Command Operating Program CONOPS e: Continental [United States] Operations CONRAD e: Contour Radar Data CONREP e: CONARC [Continental Army Command] Emergency Relocation Plan CONSD e: Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot CONSTRUNAVES s: Asociación de Constructores Navales Españoles CONT e: Container Ship CONTAC e: Conference on the Atlantic Community - s: Consola Gestion Tactica CONTACCT e: CONUS Tactical Communications Team Conference CONTACT Array e: Conform Tactical Array ContCo e: Contingents Commandant - e: Contingents Commando CONTIC e: CONARC [Continental Army Command] Intelligence Center CONTRO e: Contracting Officer CONUS e: Continental United States CONUSA e: Continental United States Army CONUS OTH e: Continental United States over-the-Horizon CONVDD e: Converted Destroyer Conv Dep e: Convalescent Depot conv./q. i: convalescenziario per quadrupedi COO e: Chief of Ordnance - e: Chief Operating Officer - e: Chief Operation Officer - e: Chief Ordnance Officer COOMO n: Coodinatiestaf Maas Overgangen COP e: Close Observation Platoon - e: Command and Observation Post - e: Command Objective Plan - e: Command Operation Procedure C.O.P.A. / · Centre d'opérations de parachutage et d'atterrissage COPAD e: Commanding Officer, Panama Air Defense COPAN e: Command Post Alerting Network CoPatRon e: Commander, Patrol Squadron COP/B e: Command Operating Program/Budget COPDAF e: Continuity of Operations Plan, Department of the Air Force COPE e: Coordinating Organization for Personal Enrichment, Hahn Air Base

COPF e: Commanding Officer's Position Finder COPOE e: Commanding Officer, Port of Embarkation CO-post n: Commandopost COPP e: Combined Operations Pilotagae Party COPR e: Critical Officer Personnel Requirement COPREC e: Command Post Record Capability Network COPREDAL e: Preparatory Commission for Defense of Latin America COPRL e: Command Operations Priority Requirements List COPS e: Command Post Record Capability copter e: Helicopter C.opv. c/a i: Centro operativo artiglieria controaerei COQC e: Commanding Officers Qualifying Course COR e: Combat Operations Report - e: Commissioner for Refugees - e: Contracting Officer Representative - e: Corps - f: Centre Opérationnel Régional - f : Corps des Officiers de Réserve - i: Centro Operativo di Regione CORA e: Coherent Radar Array CORAD e: Co-ordinated Roland Air Defence - e: Correlation Radar CORADCOM e: Communications Research and Development Command CORAL e: Command Radio Link CORAMI i: Comitato Razzi e Missili CORD e: Commissioned Officer Residency Deferment CORDO e: Chief Ordnance Officer CORDP e: Correlated Radar Data Printout CORDPO e: Correlated Radar Data Printout CORDPO-SORD e: Correlated Radar Data Printout Separation of Radar Data Co RE e: Company of Royal Engineers CORECOM e: Committee on the Reprocessing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels C.O.R.E.M. f: Cours des officiers de réserve d'état-major C.O.R.E.M.S. / · Cours des officiers de réserve d'état-major et spécialistes CORF e: Commanding Officer, Reserve Fleet COR-FD e: Contracting Officer Representative-Fire Department CORG e: Combat Operations Research Group CORM e: Council for Optical Radiation Measurements COROIPAS e: Conference on Research on International Peace and Security CORPS e: Corps of Engineers CORPS ARTY e: Corps Artillery Corps-SAM e: Corps Surface-to-Air Missile Corps Sp Sqn e: Corps Support Squadron CORSCHOPSDET e: Commanding Officer, Research Operations Detachment CORTDIV e: Escort Division CORTRON e: Escort Squadron CORTS e: Convert Range Telemetry System COS e: Combat Operations Section - e: Commanding Officer of Ship - f: Centre d'opérations de secteur C.O.S. e: Chief of Staff - e: Commissary of Subsistence - e: Controller of Ordnance Services

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ • G · Saur, Munich

COSA e: Combat Operational Support Aircraft COS/AF e: Combat Operations Section, Air Force COSAR e: Compression Scanning Array Radar COSAT e: Combat Systems Analysis Tool Cosat f: Centre opérationnel du soutien de l'Armée de terre COSAWR e: Committee on South African War Resistance COSC e: Chiefs of Staff Committee - e: Combat Operations Specialist Course - e: Combined Operational Service Command COSCG i: Commissariato Onoranze Salme Caduti in Guerra COSCOM e: Coastal Command - e: Corps Support Command COSCTRACEN e: Commanding Officer, Submarine Chaser Training Center COSD e: Central Ordnance Supply Depot - e: Chief, Overseas Supply Division - e: Combined Operations Supply Depot C.O.S.D.A. / · Centre d'Opérations de Secteur de Défense Aérienne COSDIV e: Coastal Division COSECTBASE e: Commanding Officer, Section Base COSG e: Combat Operational Support Group COSICOG f: Commission chagée de l'étude de la situation des combattants de guerre COSIROC /• Comité de Défense des Sites et Rochers d'escalade COSLA e: Chief Officers of State Library Agencies COSL/P e: Commander Océanographie Systems, Atlantic/Pacific C.O.S.M. f: compagnie d'ouvriers de service de matériel COSMD e: Combined Operations Signal Maintenance Depot COSMED e: Chiefs of Staff, Mediterranean COSMIC e: Combat Systems Multiformat Information Centre - e: Command Operations Simulation Model with Interrogation Control COSMO e: Combined Operations Signal Maintenance Officer COSMOS e: Coast Survey Marine Observation System - e: Russian nuclear powered satellites COSO e: Combat-Oriented Supply Organization - e: Combined Operations Signal Officer COSOUMAT / · Commandant des forces Sous-Marines [française] COSP e: Commander, Oceanographic Systems, Pacific Cosps e: Coastal Patrol Service COSQ e: Communications Operations Squadron COSSAC e: Chief of Staff to [the] Supreme Allied Commander [Europe] COSSACT e: Command Systems Support Activity COSSEC e: Chiefs of Staff Secretariat COSSS e: Chief Officer, Shore Signal Service C.O.S.S.S. e: Chief Officer, Shore Signal Service COSTAR e: Combat-Service to the Army COSTARMAEREO i: Direzione General delle Costruzioni delle Armi e degli Armamenti Aeironautica e spaziali COSTEP e: Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program


COSTINO COSTIND e: Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense COSIJ e: Combined Operations Scout Unit COSWS e: Chief Officer, Shore Wireless Service CoSyDe f : Conception de Systemes de Defense COSYS e: Combat System COT e: Chief of Transportation - e: Commanding Officer of Troops - f: Centre Opérationnel de l'armée de Terre COTA / · Collège des Techniques d'Armement COTAIR f: Commandement du Transport Aérien COTAM e: Commandement du Transport Aerien Militaire - f: Centre d'Opération du Transport Aérien Militaire COTAR e: Cosine Trajectory Angle and Range COTAWS e: Collision, Obstacle, Terrain, and Warning System COTC e: Canadian Officers' Training Corps - e: Commander Fleet Operational Training Command COTCLANT e: Commander, Fleet Operational Training Command, Atlantic [Fleet] COTCPAC e: Commander, Fleet Operational Training Command, Pacific [Fleet] C O T C P A C S U B C O M e: Commander Fleet Operational Training Command, Pacific Subordinate Command COTES e: Combat Orders, Training and Evaluation System COTI e: Coordinator Operational Technical Investigations [Army] COTIR i: Comitato Tecnico Inteministeriale Rifornimenti COTIT i: Comitato Tecnico Interministeriale Trasporti COTP e: Commanding Officer's Tatical Plan COTR e: Contracting Officers' Technical Representative C.O.T.S. e: Central Officers' Training School COUNAB e: Commanding Officer, US Navy Advanced Base COIINABB e: Commanding Officer, United States Navy Advanced Base Bremerhaven COUSARS e: Commanding Officer, United States Army Radio Station COUSNAB e: Commander United States Naval Advanced Base COUSNAVSUPPFOR e: Commander, United States Naval Supply Force COUSS e: Commanding Officer, United States Ship COUSS[P] e: Commanding Officer, United States Special Forces [Provisional] COUSS[P] e: Commanding Officer, United States Special Forces [Provisional] COV d: Christliche Offizier-Vereinigung e.V. CoV d: Cornelius-Vereinigung COW e: Correlates of War Project coy e: company Coy. e: Company [military] CoyRE e: Company, Royal Engineers C.O.Z. / • Centre d'opérations de zone - f : Centre opérationnel de zone CP e: Camp - e: Coastal Patrol


- e: Command Pilot - e: Command Post C3P2 e: Command, Control, Communications Program Plan Cp z: Cepane Cp. / · Camp cp. i: compagnia C.P. e: Contract and Purchase Department [Navy] - / · Camp des prisonniers - f : Chasseurs Parachutistes - f : Chasseurs à pied - i: Centro materiali da ponte CPA d: Chef des Personellen der Armee - e: Central Pacific Area - e: Central Purchasing Authority - e: Combat Pilots Association - e: Continuous Patrol Aircraft - f : Compagnie de protection en Algérie C.P.A. f : Commando Parachutiste de l'Air C.Pa. f : Compagnie de parachutistes cp.a.a. i: compagnia armi d'accompagnamento cp.acc. i: compagnia armi de accompagnamento CPACS e: Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies C.P.A.F. f: Centre principal d'accueil frontalier cp.afc. i: compagnia artificieri CPAM e: CNO [Chief of Naval Operations] Program Analysis Memorandum cp.avr. i: compagnia aviorifornimenti C.P.B. / • Compagnie de pont Bailey - f : Compagnie pont bateaux CPBC e: Central Pacific Base Command CPC e: Center for Peace through Culture - e: Center for Peaceful Change - e: Christian Peace Conference - e: Control and processing center - / · Commission Permanente Consultative pour les affaires militaires, navales et aériennes C.Pc. f : Compagnie de parc Cp.c. i: Compagnia comando C.P.C, f : Centre de préparation au concours - f : commandos parachutistes coloniaux - f : Corps de Protection Civile i: compagnia carri d'assalto i: compagnia cannonieri Africa i: compagnia cannoni anticarro ì: compagnia cannonieri coloniali cp.c.btg. i: compagnia comando di battaglione i: compagnia carabinieri CPCCD e: Command Postal and Courier Communications Depot btg. i: compagnia Comando di battagione rgt. i: compagnia Comando di reggimento cp.Cdo S. i: compagnia comando e servizi C.P.C.I.T. / • Centre de perfectionnement des cadres et d'instruction des tireurs, Canjuers [Armée de terre] CPC/LAC e: Christian Peace Conference in Latin America and the Caribbean CPCO e: Central Port Call Office i: compagnia carri armati cp.c.rgt. i: compagnia comando de reggimento i: compagnia carri medii i: compagnia carri pesanti CPCS e: Combat Personnel Control System CPD e: Civilian Personnel Division - e: Combat Plans Division

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- e: Committee for the Study of Scientific Problems of Peace and Disarmament - e: Comprehensive Program for Disarmament - e: Comprehensive Program of Disarmament - f : Commission Préparatoire pour la conférence du Désarmement C.P.D. e: Contract and Purchase Department [Admiralty] CPDN f : Comité Permanent de la Défense Nationale CPDS e: Council on Peace, Disarmament and Security i: compagnia discarica e smistamento spiaggia per sbarco materiali CPE e: Chief Polaris Executive [missiles] C.P.E. / • Centre de prospective et d'évaluation, Paris CPE f: Commission Politique Européenne cp.e.l. i: compagnia esercizio linee C Pers e: Chief of Personnel C.P.E.S.Ν. f : Cours Préparatoire à l'Embarquement à bord des Sous-marines Nucléaires CPEx e: Command Post Exercise CPF e: Canadian Patrol Frigate C.P.F. e: Canadian Permanent Force cp.fe.a. ì: compagnia fotoelettricisti artiglieri cp.fuc. i: compagnia fucilieri CPG e: Commander Amphibious Group C.P.G. f: compagnie de parachutistes du génie cp.g. i: compagnia genio i: compagnia genio ferrovieri di armamento C.Ph. / • Compagnie de Phares [Armée de l'Air] CPIC e: Coastal Patrol and Interdiction Craft - e: Combined Photographic Interpretation Center i: compagnia idrografica CPIMCO f: Commission Préparatoire de l'Organisation Intergouvernementale Consultative de la navigation Maritime CPITN i: Commissione Permanente Interministeriale per lo Studio dei Trasporti Nazionali in Guerra CPiW d: Chef Pionierwesen CPJP e: Caribbean Project for Justice and Peace cp.k. i: compagnia truppe chimiche CPL e: Coordinator for Production and Logistics cp.l.aus. ì: compagnia lavoratori ausiliari C.P.L.E. f: Compagnie de passage de la Légion étrangère - f : Compagnie de pionniers de la Légion étrangère - f : Compagnie protée de la Lédagion étrangère cp.lf. i: compagnia lanciafiamme Cpl/Mne e: Corporal Marine cpls.tat. i: complessi tattici CPM e: Civil, Police, Military activities C Pm e: Corps Paymaster CPM / · Centre de Programmation de la Marine - f: Code Pénal Militaire - ì: Codice Penale Militare - s: Código Penal Militar C.P.M. / · compagnie parachutistes de martiers cp.m. i: compagnia mortai cp.mecc. i: compagnia meccanizzata cp.mi.S. i: compagnia mista servizi CPMS e: Defense Civilian Personnel Management Service

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

CRE C P M T e: command personnel management team i: compagnia mitraglieri i: compagnia movieri i: compagnia movieri e smistamento carichi [genio ferrovieri] CPND / • Commission pour les Problèmes Nationaux de Défense cp.nlfm. i: compagnia mista nebbiogeni e lanciafiamome CPO e: Chief Petty Officer - e: Chief Pharmaceutical Officer - e: Chief Privacy Officer - e: Civilian Personnel Officer - e: Command Pay Office[r] - e: Command Pilot Overhaul - e: Command Post Officer - / ' Centre de perfectionnement des officiers C.P.O. f: Centre photo combiné CPOA e: Command Post Officer Assistant C.P.O.R.I. / · Centre de perfectionnement des officiers de réserve interprètes CPP e: Children's Plea for Peace - e: Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific - e: Computer People for Peace - e: Computer Professionals for Peace ì: compagnia parco CPPAA i: Comitato Provinciale Protezione Antiaerea i: compagnia parco campale CPPG e: CNO [Chief of Naval Operations] Policy and Planning Guidance i: compagnia presidiaría CPPS e: Permanent Commission for the South Pacific - / · Commission Permanente du Pacifique Sud - s: Comisión Permanente del Pacifico Sur i: compagnia pontieri ausiliari cp.ptms. i: compagnia ponti metallici scomponibili CPR e: Commander, Amphibious Squadron - e: Committee for Peace Research - e: Covert Penetration Radar - i: Camera di punizione di rigore CPREA e: Canadian Peace Research and Education Association CPRH e: Conference on Peace Research in History - e: Council on Peace Research in History CPRI e: Canadian Peace Research Institute CPRN i: Commissione Provinciale Requisizioni Natanti CPRP e: Civilian Personnel Reduction Plan CPRV i: Commissione Provinciale Requisizione Veicoli C.P.R.W. e: Combined Photographic Reconnaisance Wing CPS e: Civilian Personnel Section - e: Combined Planning Staff - e: Contractor Plant Services - f: Commission du Pacifique Sud C.P.S.A. f: Conseil permanent de la sécurité aérienne [Armée de terre] cp.Serv. i: compagnia mista Servizi i: compagnia smistamento per sbarco materiali CPSP s: Comisión Permanente del Pacifico Sur CPSR e: Cossor Precission Secondary Radar CPT e: Civilian Pilot Training Program C.P.T. /• Compagnie de pare de[s] transmissions

- /• Compagnie parachutiste de[s] transmissions ì: Centro materiali da ponte CPU e: Children's Peace Union - e: Church Peace Union CPUS e: Coalition for the Peaceful Uses of Space CPUSS e: Computer Support Squadron C.P.V.A. d: Chemisch-Physikalische Versuchsanstalt CPW e: Charged Particle Weapon CPX e: Command Post Exercise CPX-FTX e: Command Post ExerciseField Training Exercise CQD e: Chicago Quartermaster Depot C.Q.D. f: compagnie de quartier général CQDN f: Comité des Questions de Défense Nucléaire CQM e: Chief Quartermaster - e: Company Quartermaster - /• Commandant des troupes du quartiermaître CQMC e: Chief Quartermaster Clerk CQMS e: Company Quartermaster Sergeant CR e: Chain Radar - e: Combat Ready - e: Combat Rescue - e: Combat Reserve - e: Command Routine - e: Comptroller Division - e: Constabulary Regiment - e: Office of Chief Financial Officer C r . e: Commander er. i: carristi [unità] C.R. e: Composite Regiment - e: Connaught Rangers - / : Cadre de réserve - / : Cadre du régiment - / : Centre de rassemblement - / : Centre de ravitaillement - f: Centre de réforme [pensions] - / : Centre de renseignements - / : Centre de réparation - / : Colonne de ravitaillement - / : Commission régulatrice - / : Compagnie de ravitaillement - / : Compagnie de réparation - / : Compagnie routière - f: Conseil de révision - / : Corps de réserve - / : Cuisine roulante - r. Centro [di] raccolta C.r. r. Centro radio CRA d: Chef Raketentruppen und Artillerie - e: Commander of the Royal Artillery - e: Composite Research Aircraft C.Ra. v. Centro [di] raccolta C.R.A. / · Centre de Ravitaillement d'Armée - / : Centre de ravitaillement par air - f : Centre de Récupération d'Armée - / : Centre de renseignements avancé - f: Centre de Renseignements dArtillerie - / : Compagnie de ravitaillement par air CRAALAT f: Centre de Réparations et d'Approvisionnement de lAviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre CRAB /• Centre de Recrutement de l'Armée Belge CRAC e: Commander, Royal Armoured Corps - e: Community Relations Advisory Council CRAF e: Civil Reserve Air[craft] Fleet - e: Comrades of the Royal Air Force C.R.A.F.A. e: Comrades of the Royal Air Force Association C.ra.fe. i: Centro raccolta feriti

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

CRAFREP e: Civil Reserve Air Fleet Summary Report CRAFT e: Collaborative Radar Acquisition Field Test - e: Continuous Random Analog[ue] to Frequency Transmission CRAG e: Combat Readiness Air Group C.Ra.I. i: Centro di raccolta di intendenza C.R.A.L.A.T. /• Compagnie de Réparation de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre CRALD e: Central Region Airlift Division C.R.A.L.O.A. f: Compagnie de Réparation d'Avions légers d'Observation d'Artillerie CRAMSHIP e: Complete Round Ammunition Shipment C.R.Α.Ν. f: Centre de réparation d'armes Nord CRAOC e: Commander, Royal Army Ordnance Corps CRAOCA f: Cercle royal des anciens officiers des campagnes d'Afrique CR ARRV e: Challenger Armoured Repair & Recovery Vehicle C.R.A.S. f: Centre de réparation d'armes Sud, Friedrichshafen [Bodensee] C.R.A.S.C. e: Commander, Royal Army Service Corps i: Centro raccolta veicoli inceidentati CRAW e: Carrier Replacement Air Wing - e: Combat Readiness Air Wing erb e: chemical, radiological, biological [warfare] CRB e: Clemency Review Board [for draft dodgers and defectors of Vietnam War] - e: Command Review Board CRBF e: Commanders Radar Bombing Familiarization CRC e: Canadian Retraining Centre - e: Civil Rights Commission - e: Command and Reporting Center - e: COMSEC [communications security] Repair Center - e: concurrent range zone C.R.C, f: Centre de renseignement et de coordination - i: Comando regio corpo CRCASC e: Commander Royal Canadian Army Service Corps CRCAT e: Combat Readiness Categories CRCC e: Central Rural Construction Command CRCP e: Committee of Religious Concern of Peace CRCPD e: Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors CRCS e: Center Range Control Station CRD d: Chef der Rückwärtigen Dienste - e: Communications Research Division C.R.D. e: Central Recruiting Depot, Whitehall - f: Centre de Ravitaillement Divisionnaire - / : Centre de renseignement départemental - / : Compagnie de ravitaillement divisionnaire - f . Compagnie de réparation divisionnaire - / : Compagnie routière divisionnaire C.R.D.B, f: Compagnie de Réparation de Division Blindée C.R.D.I. /• Compagnie de Réparation de Division d'Infanterie CRDM e: Chief Radarman CRE e: Central Reconnaissance Estrablishment - e: Commander of the Royal Engineers - e: Communications Research Establishment - e: Corps of Royal Engineers - f: Commission régulatrice des évacuations


C.R.E. C.R.E. / : Centre de ravitaillement en essence - f . Compagnie de ravitaillement en essence - / : Compagnie régimentaire d'engins CREA / : Compagnie deréparation et d'entretien auto CrEAF e: Commander, East African Forces Cr EAF e: Commander East African Forces C.R.E.Β. f . Compagnie de réparations d'engins blindés C.R.E.C. /• Centre régional d'entraînement de commandos C.rec. i: Centro recuperi C.rec.I. i: Centro recuperi di intendenza CRED / · Conseil des Recherches et Études de Défense C.R.E.E. / : Compagnie de ravitaillement en essence CREGO e: Chief Regulating Officer C.R.E.H. / : Compagnie de ravitaillement et d'entretien d'habillement C.R.E.M. i: Corpo reale equipaggi marittimi - i: Corpo Reale Equipaggi Militare CREME e: Commander Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers CREMP / : Compagnie de ravitaillement en essence, moteurs, pneus C.R.E.P.M. / · Centre Régional d'Entrainement Physique Militaire C.R.E.P.S. f: Centre régimentaire d'entraînement physique et des sports CRESM / · Centre de Recherches et Explorations Sous-Marines CRESO e: Chief Royal Engineers Stores Officer CREST e: Consolidated Reporting & Evaluating Subsystem, Tactical CRF e: Contingency Relief Force CRFA /• Conseil Révolutionnaire des Forces Armées CRFC f: Centre de Recrutement des Forces Canadiennes - / ' Centre de recrutement des Forces canadiennes CRFUSAIC e: Central Records Facility, United States Army Intelligence Center CRFUSAINTC e: Central Record Facility, United States Army Intelligence Center CRG e: Canadian Reinforcement Group - e: Corps Reinforcement Group C.R.G. f: Comité régional de gestion C.R.G.P. / : Compagnie de ravitaillement en essence par gros-porteurs C.R.H. e: Casualty receiving hospital - f: Centre des relations humaines C.R.I. / : Compagnie de ravitaillement de l'intendance C.R.I.N.B.C. / : Centre de renseignement et d'interprétation CRIS e: Coastal Radar Integration System CRISP e: Comprehensive RNSTS [Royal Naval Supply and Transport Service] Inventory System Project C.R.L.E. f: Centre de regroupement de la Légion étrangère CRLIND e.· Civil Rail Lines Important To National Defense CRM i: Commando di Regione Militare C.R.M. f: Comité des Représentants Militaires - /• Comité des représentants militaires - f: Commandant de la Région Militaire - f . Compagnie régionale du matériel - i: Comandante di Regione Militare CRMA e: Combat Rescue Mission Analysis


C.R.M.A.A. / : Compagnie de réparation de matériel antiaérien Cr ME e: Commander, Middle East CRMP e: Computer Resource Management Pian - e: Corps of Royal Military Police C.R.M.P. f . Compagnie de ravitaillement en essence moyens porteurs CRMS e: Close Range Missile System C.R.M.T. / : Compagnie de réparation du matériel des transmissions C.R.N.D.G. f: Centre régulateur des négociations de dommages de guerre CRNL e.· Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories C.R.N.S.S. e: Chief of the Royal Naval Scientific Service CRO e: Canadian War Records Office C.R.O. e: Chief Recruiting Officer CRO e: Countermeasures Response Optimisation C.R.O. f: Centre de renseignements et d'opérations CROF e: Controller of Royal Ordnance Factories C[RO&H] e: Center [Regional Office and Hospital] [Veterans Administration] C[RO&INS] e: Center [Regional Office and Insurance] [Veterans Administration] CROW e: Combined Rocket Warhead CROWCASS e: Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects CROWN e: CAINS Readiness & Overhaul Warranty for the Navy CRP e: Change review panel - e: Clyde River Patrol - e: Combat Reconnaissance Platoon - e: Combat Reporting Post - e: Cooperative Research Program - e: International Commission on Radiological Protection - e: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements C.R.P. f: Centre de regroupement et de passage CRPA e: Canadian Radiation Protection Association C.R.P.G. f: Commission pour le Repatriement des Prisonniers de Guerre CRPPH e: Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health CRR e: Center for Radiation Research - e: Clutter Rejection Radar C.R.R.A. e: Coast Regiment, Royal Artillery CRRB e: Contract Requirements Review Board C.R.R.C, f: Centre de rassemblement de renfort colonial C.r.rcv. i: Centro radio riceventi C.R.R.T. / : Compagnie de réparations et de ravitaillement technique CRS e: Camp reception station [Army] - e: Chain Radar System - e: Component Repair Squadron - e: Corps Rest Station - e: Countermeasures Receiving Set i: Centro ricezione e smistamento materiale C.R.S. /• Centre de recrutement et de sélection - / : Compagnie régimentaire des services CRSFF e.· Central Region SEATO Field Force C.R.S.S. / : Compagnie de ravitaillement du service de santé C.R.S.S.A. /• Centre de Recherches du Service de Santé des Armées CR System e: Chain Radar System

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CRT e: C-Band Radar Transponder - e: Canadian Railway Troops C.R.T. / : Compagnie régionale du train C.R.T.A.P. f: Centre de regroupement des troupes aéroprtées CRTC e: Cavalry Replacement Training Center C.R.T.C, f: Centre de regroupement des troupes coloniales C.R.T.C.M. /• Centre de rassemblement des troupes coloniales en métropole CRTE e: Combat Rescue Training Exercise C.R.T.L.E. /• Centre de regroupement et de transit de la Légion étrangère CRTN i: Commissione interministeriale per lo studio dei rifornimenti e dei traffici nazionali in guerra C.r.trsm. i: Centro radio trasmittenti CRTS e: Controllable Radar Target Simulator C.R.T.V. / : Compagnie de ravitaillement et de transport de viande CRIIBATFOR e: Cruisers, Battle Force CRUDESFLOT e: Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla CruDesFor e: Cruiser-Destroyer Force CRIIDESLANT e: Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Atlantic CRUDESPAC e: Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Pacific CRUDIV e: Cruiser Division CruFor e: Cruiser Force CruForLant e: Cruiser Force, Atlantic Cruit e: Recruiting Office[r] CruitDep e: Recruiting Depot CRIIITNOP e: Navy Recruiting Station and Office of Naval Officer Procurement CRULANT e: Cruiser Forces, Atlantic [Fleet] CRU PAC e: Cruisers, Pacific Fleet CRUSCOFOR e: Cruiser Scouting Force CRUSCORON e: Cruiser Scouting Squadron CRUSUS e: Cruiser, United States Fleet CRV d: Chef der Richtungsverbindung C.R.V. / : Compagnie de ravitaillement en viande ì: Centro raccolta vestiarioequipaggiamento CRW e: Counter Revolutionary Warfare C R W O e: Coding Room Watch Officer - e: Crypto-Room Watch Officer CRYPCEN e: Crypto Centre CS d: Chef des Stabes - e: Cable Ship - e: Careers Service - e: Command Statement - e: Command Structure - e: Command System - e: Cruiser Squadron - e: Defense Construction Supply Center - /• Commission de Sécurité C2S e: Command and Control System - e: Command, Control & Status C2S2 e: Command and Control Subordinate System C3S e: Command, Control and Communications Systems [Directorate] C4S e: Center for Command & Control Communication Systems C/S e: Chief of Staff C.S. e: Corps of Signals - /• Commandement Supérieur - f . Compagnie des services - f . Compagnie saharienne - i: Comandante di sezione - i: Comando superiore - i: Comando supreme - s\ Columna de subsistencia

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

CSOR C.s. i: Comando di settore CSA e: Chief of Staff, United States Army - e: Combat Support Aircraft - e: Combat Surveillance Agency - e: Command Support Aircraft - e: Confederate States Army - e: Corps Storage Areas - e: Corps Supply Area - i: Comando Soccorso Aereo i: Centro sanitario C.S.A. e: Confederate States Army - f: Commandant du Sud d'Algérie - / : Compagnie sanitaire automobile - i: Comando superiore alpini - ì: Corpo Sanitario Aeronautica CSAA / • Centre de Sélection de l'Armée de l'Air - /• Conseil Supérieur de l'Armée de l'Air CSAC e: Canadian Services Armament Committee C.S.A.C, e: Chaplaincy Services Advisory Committee CSAF e: Chief of Staff, United States Air Force - e: Czechoslovakian Air Force CSAG e: Central Scotland Aviation Group - e: Combat Systems Advisory Group C.Sah. / : Compagnie saharienne C.S.Α.M. / • Commission Supérieure d'Allocations Militaires CSAO e: Customer Supply Assistance Office CSARS e: Close Support Artillery Rocket System CSAS e: Canadian Small Arms School - e: Chief Superintendent of Armament Supply - e: Command Stability Augmentation System CSAT /• Conseil Supérieur de l'Armée de Terre CSB e: Civilian Supply Branch [Army Service Forces] - e: Corps Support Brigade C.S.B. / • Commandant du Secteur à Berlin C.S.Β.Α. / • Commandant du secteur à Berlin [Air] C.S.Balon. P: Centralna Szkola Balonowa CSBN e: Captured Steam Bubble Nuclear CSC e: Chiefs of Staff Committee - e: Command & Staff Course C&SC e: Command and Staff College C-SCAN e: Carrier System for Controlled Approach of Naval Aircraft CSCAP e: Council on Security and Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific CSCBS e: Commodore Superintendent Contract Built Ships CSCFM e: Chief of Staff Commander's Flash Message CSCN e: Commander Subordinate Command, United States Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean CSCN/CHSA e: Commander Subordinate Command, United States Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean/Commander Headquarters Support Activities CScO e: Chief Scientific Officer CSCP e: Combat Support Chemical Platoon C.S.C.P. f: Commandement suprème des camps de prisonniers CSCSGE e: Computer System Command Support Group Europe CSCSGL e: Computer Systems Command Support Group, Fort Lee C.S.Czolg. P: Centralna Szkola Czolgow CSD e: Chemical Systems Division - e: Combat Systems Division - e: Command Supply Depot

- e: Commander, Submarine Division - e: Corps Supply Depot - ì: Commissione Suprema di Difesa - i: Consiglio Supremo di Defesa C.S.D.G. / · Commission Supérieure des Dommages de Guerre CSDIC e: Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center, Latimer CSDICNOI e: Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center Nonoperational Intelligence C.S.D.N. f: Conseil Supérieur de la Défense Nationale CSDPP e: Combat Systems Data Processing Project CSDT e: Control for Submarine Discharge Torpedo CSDTS e: Common Shipboard Data Terminal Set CSE e: Central Signals Estabishment C.S.E. e: Combined Services Entertainment - / : Compagnie du service des eaux CSEAF e: Commander of Southern European Air Forces C.S.E.C.I. / · Commandement supérieur des écoles et centres d'instruction CSEGF e: Commander of Southern European Ground Forces C.S.E.M. f: Centre sportif d'équitation militaire CSEM i: Centro Studi ed Esperienze della Motorizzazione CSEN s: Centro Superior de Estudios Nucleares CSESF e: Commander, Southern European Sea Forces CSF e: Camp Strike Force - e: Caribbean Sea Frontier - e: Central Security Force - e: Combat Support Force - e: Combined service forces [China] - e: Commanding Scouting Force C.S.F.A. f: Conseil supérieur des forces armées - i: Consiglio Superiore delle Forze Armate CSFDR e: Crash Survivable Flight Data Recorder CSFF e: Commander, SEATO [Southeast Asia Treaty Organization] Field Forces C.S.FFAA. i: Comando Superiore Forze Armate - i: Consiglio Superiore delle Forze Armate C.S.F.F.S.O.I. f: Commandant Supérieur des Forces Françaises du Sud de l'Océan Indien CSFM f: Conseil Supérieur de la Fonction Militaire CSFMd / · Conseil supérieur de la fonction militaire CSFOD e: Combined Special Forces Operational Detachment CSFPSC e: Commander, Subordinate Command, Service Force Pacific Fleet CSFS e: Canadian-Soviet Friendship Society CSG e: Corps Support Group C.S.G. f: compagnie saharienne du génie - / · Conseil supérieur de la guerre CSGN e: Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear Powered - e: Strike Cruiser Nuclear Propulsion CSGp e: Combat Support Group CSH e: Combat Support Helicopter i: Comando del Sahara libico CSI e: Combat Studies Institute CSICDB e: Czechoslovak Independent Chemical Defence Battalion CSIGC e: Chief, Signal Corps CSigO e: Chief Signal Officer

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

CSIGO e: Chief Signals Officer CS-in-C e: Commanders-in-Chief CSIR i: Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia CSIS e: Center for Strategie [or Strategies] and International Studies CSITE e: Combat System Integrated Training Equipment CSKAE e: Czechoslovak Atomic Energy Commission C.S.Kaw. Ρ: Centralna Szkola Kawalerji C.SkJ.Br. P: Centralny Sklad Broni C.Skl.Sam. P: Centralny Sklad Samochodowy C.SkJ.U. Ρ: Centralny Sklad Uzbrojenia CSL e: Combat Surveillance Laboratory - e: Command Signal Limiter - e: Commander Service Force, Atlantic - e: Light Cargo Ship - r: centralna sjukvârdsledningen CSLA e: Communications Security Logistics Agency CSLU e: COMSEC [communications security] Logistics Support Unit CSM e: Close Support Mission - e: Coffin Strategic Missile - e: Combat Support Module - e: Command Sergeant Major C.S.M. / • Centre Sanitaire Militaire - /• compagnie saharienne du matériel - /• compagnie saharienne motorisée - f: Corps de Santé Militaire - f: Corps de santé militaire i: Centro di smistamento feriti [e malati] C.S.M.L. P: Centralna Szkoechanilów Lotnictwa C.S.M.M. i: Centro Sportivo Marina Militare CSMS e: Corps Support Missile System C.smt. i: centro di smistamento [feriti] CSN e: Confederate States Navy - e: Nuclear Safety Council C.S.N, e: Confederate States Navy CSNI e: Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations C.S.N.M. e: Chief Superintendent Naval Meteorology CSNM f: Chambre Syndicale des constructeurs de Navires et machines Marines CSO e: Central Supply Office - e: Chief Scientific Officer - e: Chief Signal [s] Officer - e: Chief Staff Officer - e: Chief Staff Officer - e: Chief Staff Officer, Reserves - e: Chief Stores Officer - e: Chief Supply Officer - e: Commanding Signal Officer - e: Company Security Officer - e: Complex Safety Officer C.S.O. e: Chief Signal Officer CSO[A] e: Chief Staff Officer [Administration] CSO[E] e: Chief Staff Officer [Engineering] CSOF e: Chief Superintendent of Ordnance Factories CS of A e: Canadian School of Artillery CSOM e: Chief Sonar [Sound Navigation and Ranging] Man CSOMH e: Chief Sonar [Sound Navigation and Ranging] Man, Harbor Defense CSOP e: Commission to Study the Organization of Peace CSOR / · Corps des Sous-Officiers de Réserve - f: Corps des sous-officiers de réserve


CSO[T] CSO[T] e: Chief Staff Officer [Technical] CSP e: Chemical Supply Point - e: Commander Service Force, Pacific - e: Commission on the Study of Peace - e: Corps Supply Point - /• Commission Spéciale pour la Palestine C.S.P. / : Compagnie saharienne portée CSPE e: Communications System Planning Element C.S.P.L. / : Compagnie saharienne portée légère C.S.P.L.E. / • Compagnie Saharienne Portée de la Légion Étrangère CSPP e: Center for the Study of Power and Peace CSPS e: Committee to Save the Peace Symbol CSR e: Combat Surveillance Radar - e: Covert Strike Radar CS[RAF] e: Chief Scientist [Royal Air Force] CSRL e: Common Strategic Rotary Launcher CSRM e: Controlled Solid Rocket Motor[s] CSRO e: Chief Superintendent Range Operationfs] C.S.R.V. e: Civil Service Rifle Volunteers CSS P: Centrum Studiów Strategicznych - e: Chinese Surface-to-Surface missile - e\ Clothing and small stores - e: Clothing sales store - e: Confederate States Ship CSSA e: Central Supply Support Activity - e: Combat Service Support Area CSSD d: Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD [Sicherheitsdienst] - e: Strategie Defense Command CSSE e: Chief Strategie Systems Executive CSSH e: Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters C.S.S.H. e: Chief of Staff Supreme Headquarters CSS-N e: Chinese Surface-to-Surface [Navy] missile CSSO e: Consolidated Surplus Sales Office CSST e: Commander, Submarine Sea Training CST e: Commander, Sea Training C.S.T. e: Chief of Supplies and Transport - f: Commandement supérieur des transmissions [Armée] - /• Commandement supérieur di train - / : Compagnie saharienne du train - / : Compagnie sanitaire de transport - / : Compagnie spécialisée de transport CSTA e: Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition C.S.T.A. / • Commandant Supérieur des Troupes en Algérie CSTAF e: Communications Squadron, Theater Air Forces CS&TAL e: Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition Laboratory C.S.T.A.P. / · Commandant Supérieur des Troupes Aéroportées CSTATC e: Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition Training Command CSTC e: Canadian Signals Training Centre - e: Charleston Submarine Training Center CSTIND e: Commission on Science, Technology & Industry for National Defence CSTO e: Chief Supply and Transport Officer C.S.T.O. / · Commandant Supérieur des Troupes d'Occupation


C.S.T.O.A. / · Commandement Supérieur des Troupes d'Occupation en Allemagne c.str.mb. i: Commissariato stradale mobile CSTS e: Combat Simulation Test System CSTT e: Combat Systems Training Team CSU e: Civilian Service Unit C Sup O e: Chief Supply Officer CSUSA e: Chief of Staff, United States Army CSUSAF e: Chief of Staff, United States Air Force CSV e: Crew Safety Vehicle CS VA d: Volsarmee der CSSR CSW e: Combat Support Wing - e: Conventional Stand-off Weapon CSWG e: Cross Servicing Working Group CSWS e: Corps Support Weapon System C.s/z v. Comando di sottozona r. Commissariato di sezione r. Centro di sezione mobile [Servizio Trasporti] CT e: China Theater - e: Clothing and Textile [Defense Personnel Support Center] - e: Combat Team - e: Contracts division - e: Country Team C.T. e: Corps Troops - / : Centre des transmissions - / : Compagnie des transmissions - f: Corps de Troupe - f: Corps des Transports - r. Centro trasmissioni Comando di tappa c.t. i: centrale telegrafica - i: centrale telfonica - i: centro tiro CTA e: Combined Target Area - / · Commission Temporaire mixte pour la réduction des Armements - ρ : Centro Técnico Aerospacial C.T.A. e: Chaplain Territorial Army - / : Centre de transmissions [avancé] - f: Centre transmission air - / : Compagnie de transport automobile - f: Compagnie des Transmissions Air - / : Corps technique et administratif - r. Centro tecnico addestramento - ρ : Centro Técnico de Aeronautica, Sâo José dos Campos c.t.a. /• convoi à tracteurs automobiles CTAA /• Commandement des Transmissions de l'Armée de l'Air CTAC f: Centre territorial d'administration et de comptabilité CTA Coy e: Corps Troops Ammunition Company CTAF e: Crew Training Air Force CTA-GT e: Case-Telescoped Ammunition Gun Technology CT Amn Coy e: Corps Troops Ammunition Company CT Amn Pk e: Corps Troops Ammunition Park CTAmnSubPk e: Corps Troops Ammunition Subpark CTAN f: Commandement Territorial Allemand Nord CTAPS e.· Contingency TACS [Tactical Air Control System] Automated Planning System C.T.Ar, v. Centro trasmissioni arretrato CTAS / · Commandement Territorial Allemand Sud C.T.Av. r. Centro trasmissioni avanzato CTB e: Comprehensive [nuclear-bomb] Test Ban treaty - f: Centre de tir et de bombardement CTBT e: Comprehensive Nuclear-TestBan Treaty

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- s: Tratado de Prohibición Completa de los Ensayos de Armas Nucleares CTC e: Charleston Training Center - e: Combat Targeting Center - e: Combat Training Center - e: Combined Traffic Center - e: Commando Training Centre - e: Communications, Telemetry, and Command - e: Company Tactics Course - e: Cryptologie Training Committee C.T.C. / : Compagnie des télégraphistes coloniaux CTCC e: Continental Division, Transport Control Center CTCRM e: Commando Training Centre Royal Marines C.T.D. e: Central Training Depot CTD e: Commander, Transportation Division - e: Convalescent Training Depot CTDAS / · Centre Technique de Défense Aérienne du SHAPE C.T.D.E. / : Compagnie technique de dustribution d'essence CTE e: Commander, Task Element C.T.E. / : Compagnie technique des essences Cte a.D. i: Comandante dell'artiglieria Divisionale Cte art Df i: Comandante artiglieria di Divisione di fanteria C.T.E.B. f: Centre de tir des engins blindés C.tec.g. i: Centro tecnico del genio Cte Df i: Comandante Divisione fanteria Cte fant. Df i: Comandante fanteria Divisionale C Tel e: Chief of Telecommunications C.Ter, f: Commandant du Terrain - / : Compagnie de terrain [Armée de l'Air] Cte US i: Comandante Unità Servizi C.T.E.W. e: Chief Technical Examiner of Works C.T.F. e: Central Task Force CTF e: Chaplain to the Territorial Forces - e: Coalition Task Force - e: Combined Task Force - e: Combined Test Force - e: Commander Amphibious Task Force - e: Commander, Task Fleet - e: Commander, Task Force - e: Commanders Task Force C.T.F. e: Chaplain to the Territorial Forces C.T.F.T. / · Centre technique des formations du train CTG e: Commander, Task Group - e: Common Tactical Grid - e: Compact Tank Gun C.T.G.A. / : Compagnie de terrains du génie de l'Air CTI e: Command Technical Inspection - e: Command Technology Initiatives CTIAA f: Centre de Traitement Informatique de l'Armée de l'Air CTIL f: Centre de traitement de l'information logistique, Versailles CTIS e: Command Tactical Info System CTJTF e: Counter-Terrorist Joint Task Force CTL e: Combat Training Launch - e: Command Technical Library - n: Commandant Tactische Luchtmacht - η: Commando Tactische Luchtmacht CTLA d: Chef Truppenluftabwehr C.T.L.E. / • Compagnie de Transport de la Légion Étrangère CTLP e: Cadet Troop Leadership Program

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CVTTS C.T.M. i: Comitato Telecomunicazioni Militari ct.M.d.s. ì: centuria milizia della strade CTMS e: Countermeasures CTMV e: Chief Torpedoman's Mate, Aviation C Tn e: Combat Train CTn e: Combat train CTNF e: Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion CTO e: Central Torpedo Office - e: Central Treaty Organization - e.· Chief Tank Officer - e: Chief Technical Officer[s] - e: Chief Technology Officer - e: Chief Transport Officer - e: Chief Transportation Officer - e: Chief Treasury Officer - e: China Theater of Operations - e: Corps Transportation Officer - / · Commandant du Théâtre d'Opérations CTOC e: Corps Tactical Operations Center [or Centre] CTOCSE e: Corps Tactical Operations Center Support Element CTP e: Central Training Program - e: Combat Training Program C.Tp. / : Compagnie de transports CTPA / • Comité Technique de Programmes d'Armement CTPD e: Crew Training and Procedures Division C.T.P.F.A. f: Comité Technique des Programmes des Forces Armées CTPM /• Centre de transit des personnels et matériels C.t.prin. i: Centro trasmissioni principale Ctps e: Corps troops C.t.Q.G. / : Compagnie de transport et de quartier général CTR e: Canadian Tank Regiment - e: Controlled Thermonuclear Reaction - e: Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor - e: Controlled Thermonuclear Research [Division] - e: Standing Committee for Controlled Thermonuclear Research C.T.R. e: Cambridge Teritorial Regiment - / : Centre de triangulation radio C.Tr. / : Centre des transmissions - / : Compagnie de transit [Légion étrangère] C.T.R.A. / • Centre de TransfusionRéanimation de l'Armée C Train e: Chief of Training C.T.R.G. / · Centre de triangulation radiogoniométrique C.T.R.I. / : Compagnie territoriale de renforcement d'infrastructure CTRP e: Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program CTRs e: Controlled Thermonuclear Reactors C.Trs. / : Chef des transmissions CTS e: Central Tactical System - e: Chief[s], Technical Services - e: Composite Training Squadron - e: Courier Transfer Station CTSA i: Comando Trasporti e Soccorso Aereo C.T.S.B. f: Commandement des Troupes et Services à Berlin CTSC e: Corps troops supply column Ct.S.Et. / : Commandant des services des étapes C.T.S.M. i: Comitato Tecnico Scientifico Militare CTSO e: Chief Technical Services Officer [Royal Canadian Air Force]

CTSP e: Contract technical service personnel C.T.S.T.S. f: Commandant des Troupes et des Services des Territoires du Sud C.t.sus. i: Centro trasmissioni sussidiario CTT e: Cadet Training Team - e: Command Tactical Trainer - e: Command Team Training - e: Commander's Tactical Terminal C.T.T. / : Compagnie de triage et traitement CTTC e: Canadian Troops Training Centre - e: Commander's Tactical Training Course CTTG e: Counter-Targeting CTTO e: Central Tactics and Trials Organization C.T.T.O. /• Centre de transit des troupes d'occupation CTTP e: Central Tactical Processing program C.T.Tr. /• Commandant des Troupes des Transmissions CTT/T e: Commander's Tactical Terminal/TEREC CTU e: Combat Training Unit - e: Commander, Task Unit C.T.U. e: Carrier Trials Unit CTV e: Command Test Vehicle - e: Control Test Vehicle C.T.V. / : Compagnie de transport de viande - i: Corpo Truppe Volontarie CTZ e: Corps Tactical Zone CTZM n: Chef Technische Zaken en Materieel CU e: Communications unit C.U. e: Camouflage unit CUAS e: Cambridge University Air Squadron CUDWR e: Columbia University Division of War Research CUE e: Chemical Underwater Explosive CUES e: Combat Underwater Exploitation System C.U.O.T.C. e: Cambridge University Officers' Training Corps CIJRV e: Controlled Unmanned Recovery Vehicle CUS i: Comando Unità Servizi CUSA e: Council for United States Aid CUSAAF e: Chief of the United States Army Air Force C.U.S. A.A.F. e: Chief of the United States Army Air Force [s] CUSARROTC e: Chief, United States Army Reserve and Reserve Officers Training Corps Affairs CUSP e: Central Unit for Scientific Photography [Royal Aircraft Estabishment] C.U.S.P.M. /• Centre Universitaire et Scolaire de Préparation Militare CUSRPG e: Canada - U.S. Regional Planning Group CUSSR e: Commission on United StatesSoviet Relations CIJTC e: Cambridge University Training Corps, Territorial Army - e: Combat Unit Training Center CUW e: Committee on Undersea Warfare CUWTF e: Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force CV e: Aircraft Carrier [Multi-purpose] - e: Combat Vehicle - e: Command Vehicle - e: Conventional Vehicle - e: Cruise Vehicle - e: Vice Commander - n: Commandant Veldleger

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C2V e: Command & Control Vehicle CVA e: tschechoslowakische Volksarmee - η: Centrale voorraadaministratie c.v.a. f: convoi automobile cv.a /• convoi auxiliaire CVAA e: Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption CVAD. / : Convoi administratif C.V.A.F. f: Corps volontaire auxiliaire féminin CVAM e: Special Air Missions Office CVAN e: Attack aircraft carrier, nuclear powered. CVAST e: Combat Vehicle Armament System Technology CVASWM e: CV Anti-Submarine Warfare Module CVAT e: Combat Vehicle Appended Trainer f: convoi auxiliaire CVB e: Large Aircraft Carrier [attack] - n: Commandant Vliegbasis - r: Centrala ν - se: Centralna vojna bolnica C.vb. i: Compartimento della viabilità CVBF e: Carrier Battle Force CVBG e: Aircraft Carrier Battle Group - e: Carrier Battle Group - e: Fleet carrier Battle Group CVC e: Combat Vehicle Crewman - e: Corps Vehicle Company CVC2 e: Combat Vehicle Command & Control CVD e: Central Vehicle Depot - e: Central Vehicles Depot CVEH e: Combat Vehicle CVF e: Controlled Visual Flight - e: Future Aircraft Carrier CVFDR e: Cockpit Voice & Flight Data Recorder CVFR e: Controlied Visual Flight Rules CVH e: Helicopter Carrier CVHA e: Assault Helicopter Transport CVHE e: Escort Helicopter Aircraft Carrier CVHQ e: Central Volunteer Headquarters CVK e: Combat Vehicle Kill CVK se: Cetnicka vrhovna komanda CVL e: Aircraft Carrier, Small - e: Light aircraft Carrier CVM e: Council for a Volunteer Military CVMP e: Committee on Veterans Medical Problems CVN e: Aircraft Carrier Nuclear Propulsion CV[N] e: Aircraft Carrier [Nuclear] C.V.O. e: Commander of the Royal Victorian Order CVR e: Combat Vehicle Recognition - e: Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance - f: Corps des Volontaires de la République C.V.R. f: Combattants Volontaires de la Résistance CVRDE e: Combat Vehicle Research Development Establishment CVR[T] e: Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance [Tracked] CVR[W] e: Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance [Wheeled] CVS e: Aircraft Carrier - e: ASW Aircraft Carrier CVSG e: Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Air Group CVSGR e: Reserve Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Air Group CVT e: Aircraft Carrier, Training - e: Training Aircraft Carrier Cv.t.q. i: Convalescenziario temporaneo quadrupedi CVTTS e: Combat Vehicle Thermal Targeting System


cvu CVU e: Utility Aircraft Carrier CVV e: Aircraft Carrier, Medium-Sized CVW e: Carrier Air Wing CVWR e: Reserve Carrier Air Wing CVWS e: Combat Vehicle Weapons System CW e: Car Wars - e: Chemical Warfare - e: Chemical Warhead - e: Chemical Weapon - e: Combat Wing - e: Composite Wing - e: Concealed Weapons - e: Cyber Warriors C2W e: Command and Control Warfare C & W e: Caution and Warning - e: Control and Warning CWA e: Caution and Warning Annunciator - e: Chemical warfare agent - e: County Warning Area CWAAF e: Canadian Women's Auxiliary Air Force CWAC e: Canadian Women's Army Corps C.W.A.E.C. e: Country War Agricultural Executive Committee CWAG e: Cold War Activities Group CWAR e: Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar CWBW e: Chemical WarfareBacteriological Warfare cw-bw e: chemical warfarebiological warfare CWC e: Center on War and the Child - e: Central Warning Center - e: Chemical Warfare Committee - e: Chemical Weapon Convention - e: Chemical Weapons Convention - e: Cold War Council - e: Composite Warfare Commander - e: Composite Warfare Concept - e: Container Working Conference - e: Conventional War Capability CWCA e: Civil War Centennial Association CWCC e: Civil War Centennial Commission CWCD e: Chemical Weapons & Civil Defence CWCS e: Common Weapons Control System CWD e: Chemical Warfare Defence - e: Civilian War Dead CWDD e: Chemical Warfare Directional Detector CWDIC e: Cooperative Weapons Data Indexing Committee CWDWD e: Committee for World Development and World Disarmament CWE e: Caution and Warning Electronics - e: Caution and Warning Equipment CWEA e: Caution and Warning Electronics Assembly CWEU e: Caution and Warning Electronics Unit CWGC e: Commonwealth War Graves Commission CWI e: Conventional Weapon Index C.W.I, e: Co-operative War Industry CWILL e: Continuous Wave Illuminating Radar CWIR e: Continuous Wave Illuminator Radar CWKS P: Centralny Wojskowy Klub Sportowy CWL e: Chemical Warfare Laboratory CW Laby e: Chemical Warfare Laboratory CWN e: Certificate of War Necessity


CWO e: Chemical Warfare Officer - e: Chief Warrant Officer - e: Chief Web Officer - e: Communications Watch Officer CWOHC e: Commissioned Warrant Officer Hospital Corps CWP e: Centralised Warning Panel CWPC e: Civil War Press Corps CWPE e: Chemical Warfare Protective Equipment CWPNM e: Center for War, Peace and the News Media CWPRAD e: Civil Works Policy Review and Analysis Division CW/PS e: Center [or Centre] for War Peace CWQDGP e: Central Western Queensland Division Medical Division CWR e: Continuous-wave radar CWRC e: Cargo War Rating Committee CWRD e: Chemical Warfare Research Department CWRes e: Chemical Warfare Reserve CWRTA e: Civil War Round Table Associates CWRTNY e: Civil War Round Table of New York CWRIJ e: Community War Services C.W.S. e: Canadian War Services CWS e: Caution and Warning Status - e: Central Warning Site - e: Chemical Warfare School - e: Chemical Warfare Section - e: Chemical Warfare Service - e: Co-ordination & Warning System - e: Combat Weather System - e: Common Weapon Sight - e: Container Weapon System - e: Crew Weapons Sight - e: Cupola Weapon Station cws e: caution and warning system C.W.S. e: Chemical Warfare Service CWSA e: Chemical Warfare Service, Army CW Sch e: Chemical Warfare School CWSF e: Commander Western Sea Frontier CWSO e: Chemical Warfare Service Officer C&W Sq e: Control and Warning Squadron CWS Res e: Chemical Warfare Service Reserve cwsu e: caution and warning status unit CWT e: Central War Time - e: Chemical Warfare Treaty CWTA e: Captain Weapons Trials Assessment CWTC e: Chemical Warfare Technical Committee - e: Cold Weather Training Center cwtd e: continuous-wave target detector CWTR e: Chemical Warfare Training Regiment CWU e: Caution and Warning Unit CWV e: Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America CWVA e: Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America Ladies Auxiliary CWW e: Cruciform Wing Weapon C.W.W.W. e: Council for Women War Workers CXP / · Centre d'expérimentation des packages CZ e: Combat Zone c.z. / · compagnie de gaz - i: comando di zona CZAT i: Comando Zona Aerea Territoriale

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C.Z.F. e: Canal Zone Forces - e: Canal Zone Forces, Egypt CZMCS e; Combat Zone Mobile Communication System CZMNA n: Commandant der Zeemacht in de Nederlandse Antillen CZMNED n: Commandant der Zeemacht in Nederland czr e: combat zone radius

D D d: Division - d: Divisionsarzt - e: Defence - e: Defense - f: Division - i: Divisione - z: Daire d e: destroyer D-2 e: Armys Special Operations Unit D. d: Depot - e: Depot - e: Royal Dragoons d. Ρ: dewádztwo - Ρ: dywizja - Ρ: dywizjon DA d: Deckungsabteilung - e: Danish Army - e: Defence Act - e: Defence Adviser - e: Defence Attache - e: Defense Agency [Japan] - e: Defense Aid - e: Department of Army - e: Director of Aircraft - e: Director of Army - e: Director of [Army] Artillery - e: Director of Artillery - e: Distributing Authority - e: Division Artillery - r Difesa Aerea - s: Division Acorazada da n: divisie artillerie DA. d: Divisionsarzt D.A. d: Divisionsarzt - e: Divisional Artillery - f: Défense Aérienne - / ' Dépôt d'Armée - / ' Dépôt d'Artillerie - f: Détachement d'Armée - f: Directeur de l'Arriére - / ' Direction de la'Artillerie - / ' Division Aérienne - f: Division d'Artillerie - s: Defensa Aérea - s: Depósito Avanzado DAA e: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics - e: Director of Army Automation - / : Détachement air d'adaptation D.A.A. d: Division-Aufklärungsabteilung d.a.a. f: division d'artillerie d'armée DAA and QMG e: Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter-Master-General D.A.A.C. e: Director of Allied Air Cooperation DAACA e: Department of the Army Allocation Committee, Ammunition DAACCE e: Department of the Army Alternate Command and Control Element DAACM e: Direct Airfield Attack Combined Munition DAAE e: Defense Aid Administration Expenses DAAG e: Deputy Assistant Adjutant General DA AGO e: Department of the Army Adjutant General Office

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DAIP D A - A H E W e: Department of the Army Plan for Assistance to Department of Health, Education and Welfare D A A M P e: Department of the Army Avionics Master Plan D A A P P e: Department of the Army Audiovisual Production Program D A A & Q M G e: Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General D A A S e: Defense Automated Addressing System DAASC e: Defense Automated Addressing System Center D A A S E e: Director of Avionics and Aramament Sub-System Engineering DAASO e: Defense Automated Addressing System Office D A A T C O e: Department of the Army Air Traffic Coordinating Officer DAB e: Defense Acquisition Board - e: Dependents' Allowance Board - e: Destroyer Advisory Board - e: Divisional Administration Bulletin - f: Division d'Avions de Bobardement DABM e: Defence Against Ballistic Missile D A B O A e: Director, Advanced Base Office, Atlantic DABOP e: Director, Advanced Base Office, Pacific D A B S e: Discrete Address Beacon SSR [Secondary Surveillance Radar] DAC e: Danish Army Command - e: Director of Army Contracts - e: Division Ammunition Column - e: Divisional Artillery Commander - e: Douglas Aircraft Corporation - s\ Division acorazada d.a.c. / • division d'avions de combat DACAN e: Military Committee Distribution and Accounting Agency, NATO D A C C e: Department of the Army Communications Center DACCC e: Defense Area Communications Control Center D A C C C - A L e: Defense Area Communications Control Center, Alaska DACCC-CON e: Defense Area Communications Control Center, CONUS [Continental United States] D A C C C E U R e: Defence Area Communications Control Centre Europe D A C C C - P A C e: Defense Area Communications Control Center, Pacific D A C C S e: Department of the Army Command and Control System D Acctg e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Accounting D A C E e: Department of the Army Alternate Command and Control Element - s: Depósito artillero de campaña D . A . C . G . e: Deputy Assistant and Chaplain General D A C M e: Dissimilar Air Combat Maneuvering DACO e: Douglas Aircraft Company [or Corporation] Overseas DACOS v. Difesa aerea costiera D A C O W I T S e: Defense Advisory Committee of W o m e n in the Services DA Coy e: Divisional Ammunition Company D.A.C.R. e: Director of Airfield and Carrier Requirements DACRP e: Department of the Army Communication Resources Plan DACRS e: Department of the Army Classification Review Committee DACS e: Directorate of Aerospace Combat Systems

D A C T e: Directorate of Administrative and Computer Training [Dept of Defence] - e: Dissimilar Aerial Combat Tactics - e: Dissimilar Air Combat Training D A C U e: Defence Arms Control Unit DAD e: Directorate of Armament Development - e: Divisional Ammunition Dump - e: Dockyard Armament Depot D.A.D. e: Deputy Assistant Director d . a . d . f: dépôt d'artillerie divisionnaire D.A.D.A. e: Deputy Assistant Director of Artillery - e: Director of Army Dental Services DADAC e: Department of the Army Distribution/Allocation Comee D.A.D.A.D.S. e: Deputy Assistant Director of Army Dental Service DADAH e: Deputy Assistant Director of Army Health D.A.D.A.P. e: Department of Assistant Director of Army Psychiatry D A D A V S e: Deputy Assistant Director Army Veterinary Services D.A.D.C. e: Deputy Assistant Director of Contracts D A D C A P e: Dawn and Dusk Combat Air Patrol DADCSLOG e: Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics DAD D e: Deep Air Defence D.A.D.D.S. e: Deputy Assistant Director of Dental Services D.A.D.E.S. e: Deputy Assistant Director of Engineer Stores D.A.D.G. e: Deputy Assistant DirectorGeneral D.A.D.G.M.S. e: Deputy Assistant Director-General of Medical Services D.A.D.I.W.T. e: Deputy Assistant Director of Inland Water Transport Service D A D M e: Detailed Air Defense Model DADME e: Deputy Assistant Director of Military Engineering D.A.D.M.S. e: Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services DAD/MSD e: Deputy Assistant Director of Management Support Division [Vietnam] D A D O e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Air Defence Operations D.A.D.O.S. e: Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services D.A.D.O.S.[E.] e: Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services [Engineering] DADP e: Directorate of Air Defence Plans DAD/ΡΕ e: Deputy Assistant Director for Plans and Evaluation [Vietnam] DAD/POD e: Deputy Assistant Director for the Psychological Operations Division DADR e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Air Defence Requirements DADS e: Director of Army Dental Services - e: Division Air Defense System DADSI e: Director of Air Defence Systems Integration DAE e: Department of Atomic Energy - e: Director of Army Education - e: Directorate of Aircraft Engineering D.A.E. e: Director of Air Equipment and Naval Photography d.aé. f: division aérienne DAEC e: Danish Atomic Energy Commission D A E D A R C e: Department of the Army Equipment Data Review Committee

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DAE Κ a: Danmark Atomenergikommissionen DAEM s: Diplomado de Altos Estudios Militares DAEng e: Director of Aircraft Engineering DAEP e: Director of Army Equipment Policy - e: Directorate of Aircraft Equipment Production - e: Division of Atomic Energy Production DAER e: Daily Ammunition Expenditure Rate - e: Department of Aeronautical and Engineering Research D.aert. i: Divisione aerotrasportata D.aetra. i: Divisione aerotrasportata DAF e: Danish Air Force - e: Demonstration Air Force - e: Department of the Air Force - e: Desert Air Force D.A.F. e: Desert Air Force - f: Détachement d'Armée Française DAFA f: Direction pour (Administration des Forces Armées D A F B e: Dyess Air Force Base D A F C C S e: Department of the Air Force Command & Control System DAFCS e: Digital Automatic Flight Control System DAFD e: Dayton Air Force Depot - e: Department of the Army Forward Depot DAF & E e: Defense Aid Facilities and Equipment DAFFD e: Department of the Army Forward Floating Depot DAFIE e: Directorate for Armed Forces Information and Education DAFRA d: Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raketentechnik DAFS e: Director of Air Force Security - e: Duty Air Force Specialty D.A.F.S. e: Director of Army Fire Services DAFSC e: Duty Air Force Specialty Code D.A.F.W. e: Directorate of Air Force Welfare DAG d: Divisionsartilleriegruppe - e: Defence Against Gas - e: Defense Aerial Gunner - e: Deputy Adjutant-General - e: Division Artillery Group D A G M A R e: Drift and Ground-speed Measuring Airborne Radar D A G O e: District Aviation Gas Office Daguet e: French participation in the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq D A H e: Director of Army Hygiene - e: National Society, W o m e n Descendants of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company D A H A C e: Department of the Army Historical Advisory Committee DAI e: Director of Air Intelligence - f : Direction des affaires internationaux D.A.I, e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Aeronautical Inspection DAI/FLO e: Directorate of Air Intelligence [Foreign Liaison Officer] DAIN e: Director of Action Information and Navigation D A I N / A C D B e: Department of the Army Information Network/Army Corporate Data Base DAIO e: Divisional Artillery Intelligence Officer DAIP e: Department of the Army Intelligence Plan


DAIRO DAIRO e: Department of the Army International Rationalization Office DAirS e: Directorate] of Air Services DAIS-1 e: Digital Airborne Imagery System DAIS e: Digital Avionics Integration Systems D.A.I.S. e: Directorate] of Aeronautical Inspection Services DAK d: Deutsche Atomkommission - d: Deutsches Afrika-Korps - e: Director of Army Kinematography DALFA e: Directorate of Air Land Forces Application DALO e: Disaster Area Liaison Officer - e: Divisional Air Liaison Officer D.alp. i: Divisione alpina DALS e: Director of Army Legal Services DALT e: Department of the Army Liaison Team DAM d: Deutsches Armeemuseum - e: Delayfed] Action Mine - e: Direct Action Mission - f: Direction des Applications Militaires - f: Division Aéromobile Dam / : Détachement d'approvisionnement du matériel dam. e: down-range antimissile - s: depòsito de amuniciones D.A.M. / · Défense Aérienne de la Mer - f: Direction des achats de matériel - ì: Posto di distribuzione ed avviamento munizioni DAMARS / : Dames de la marine DAMCONINSTGP e: Damage control instruction group DAME e: Division Air Space Management Element - e: Division Airspace Management Element - s: Dirección de Armas y Municiones Especiales DAMed e: Director of Aviation Medicine D.A.M.G.O. e: Deputy Assistant MasterGeneral of Ordnance DAMIS e: Defense Analysis Modeling Information System - e: Department of the Army Management Information System DAMMO e: Directorate of Ammunition DAMMS e: Department of Armys Movements Management System DAMMS-R e: Department of [the] Army Movements Management SystemRedesigned DAMO e: Department of Army Military Operations DAMO-ZS e: Army Simulation Strategic Planning Office DAMP d: Direktion der Armeemotorfahrzeugparks - e: Department of the Air Member for Personnel - e: Department of the Army Materiel Program - e: Downrange Antimissile Measurement Program[me] DAM PL e: Department of the Army Master Priority List DAMPMT e: Department of the Army Military Personnel Management Team DAM Program e: Down-range AntiMissile Program DAMP/TVPB e: Department of the Army Motion Picture/TV Production Board DAMR e: Director of Aircraft Maintenance and Repair D.A.M.R. e: Director of Aircraft Maintenance and Repair [Navy]


DAMRIP e: Department of the Army Management Review and Improvement Program DAMR[W] e: Director of Aircraft Maintenance and Repair [Washington] DAMS e: Defense Against Missiles System[s] - e: Defense Antimissile System - e: Defensively Armed Merchant Ship - e: Deputy Assistant Military Secretary D/AMS e: Deputy Air Member for Technical Services D.A.M.S.O. e: Department [Deputy] of the Air Member for Supply and Organization D.A.M.T. e: Department of the Air Member for Training Damuka d: Deutsche Armee-, Marineund Kolonialausstellung, Berlin DAMIIT e: Ducted Air Medium Underground Transmission DAMV e: Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles DAMWO e: Department of the Army Modification Work Order DAN e: Defense Activity North Carolina DANN e: Djiboutian National Army DANOSVE a: Danmark, Norge og Sverige DAN Rocket e: Deacon and Nike Rocket DANTES e: Defense Activity [Activities] for Non-Traditional Education Support DanzAZ d: Danzers Armeezeitung DAO e: Defense Administration Office - e: Defense Attache Office - e: District Aviation Officer - e: Division Air Officer - e: Division Ammunition Officer DAOMIS e: Division Ammunition Office Management Information System DAO&OS e: Defense Aid Ordnance and Ordnance Stores DAOSR e: Director Army Operational Science and Research D.A.O.T. e: Director of Air Organisation and Training [Navy] DAP e: Director of Aircraft Production - e: Director of Army Programs - e: Director of Army Psychiatry D.A.P. e: Director of Administrative Planning - e: Director of Army Psychiatry - e: Directorate of Armament Projects - e: Directorate of Army Psychiatry - e: Draft Assembly Point - f: Division Aéroportée DAPAC e: Danger Area[s] in the Pacific DAPATF e: Department of the Army Accountability Task Force DAPC e: Directorate] of Airmen's Postings and Careers DAPCA e: Development and Production Costs for Aircraft DAPD e: Directorate of Aircraft Production and Development DAPE e: Developed Armament Probable Error DAPEP e: Department of the Army Panel on Environmental Psychology DAPFS e: Direct Ascent Powered Flight Simulation D.A.P.H.N.E. e: Dido and Pluto Handmaiden for Nuclear Experiments DAPM e: Deputy [District] Assistant Provost Marshal DAPP e: Directorate] of Air Plans and Programmes DAPS e: Defence Administrative Planning Staff - e: Director of Army Postal Services - e: Directorate] of Air Plans, Strategic

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DAPSRB e: Department of the Army Physical Security Review Board DAP&SS e: Director of Army Printing and Stationery Services DAPTF e: Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force D/AQD e: Director of Aeronautical Quality Assurance Directorate DAQMG e: Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General DAR d: Drohne Anti-Radar - e: Defense Acquisition Radar - e: Defense Acquisition Regulation - e: Detroit Arsenal - e: Digital AIDS [Aircraft Integrated Data System] Recorder - e: Director of Army Recruiting - e: Director of Army Requirements - e: Director of Army Research - e: Director of Atomic Research - e: Directorate of Armament Requirements - e: Directorate of Atomic Research D.A.R. / : Détachement avancé de reconnaissance D.A.R.A.C. e: Director of Auxiliaries, Reserves, and Air Cadets DARC e: Delayed-Action Radar Calibrator - e: Direct Access Radar Channel - e: Division Alarm Recording Center D Arch C e: Directorate of Architectural Construction Dar.Coll. e: Royal Naval College Dartmouth DARCOM e: United States Army Material Development and Readiness Command DARD e: Directorate of Aircraft Research and Development DARE e: Doppler and Range Evaluation DARF e: Defense Atomic Research Facility D Arm D e: Director of Armament Development D Armd e: Directorate of Royal Canadian Armoured Corps DARME e: Directorate] of Armament Engineering D Arm Eng e: Director of Armament Engineering D.Arm.Eng. e: Director of Armament Engineering DARMP e: Defense Automation Resources Management Program DARÒ e: Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office DARP e: Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Program DARPA e: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARR e: Delft Atmospheric Research Radar - e: Department of the Army Regional Representative DARS e: Defense Acquisition Regulatory System DART e: Damage Assessment Reporting Team - e: Director of Army Research and Technology DARTS e: Digital Airborne Radar Threat Simulator - e: Digital Automated Radar Tracking System - e: Dynamic Avionics Real-Time Scheduling D Arty e: Director of Artillery - e: Director of Royal Canadian Artillery DAS e: Defense Atomic Support Agency - e: Defense Attache System - e: Defense Audit Service

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DC - e: Defensive Avionics System - e: Directorate of Armament Supply - e: Divisional armo[u]rers shop - s\ Defensa antisubmarina D.A.S. e: Defect and Analysis Section - e : Director of Armament Supply - f: Direction des armes spéciales DASA e: Defense Atomic Support Agency DASA-DC e: Defense Atomic Support Agency Data Center DASA-TP e: Defense Atomic Support Agency-Technical Publication^] DASC d: Department of the Army System Coordinator - e: Defense Automotive Supply Center, Detroit, Michigan - e: Defense Logistics Agency Administrative Support Center - e: Department of the Army Systems Coordinator - e\ Direct air support center DASD e: Department of the Army Shipping Document - e: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense - e: Director of Army Staff Duties D.A.S.D. e: Director of Army Staff Duties DASE e: Department of Army Scientific & Engineering Cooperative DASEB e: Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board DASF e: Direct Air Support Flight DASH e: Destroyer Antisubmarine Helicopter[s] - e: Display and Sight Helmet - e: Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter[s] DASIAC e: Defense Atomic Support Agency Information and Analysis Center - e: Department of Defense Information & Analysis Center DASM e: Deep Attack Smart Munition - e: Delayed Action Space Missile DA-SM e: Director Anti-Submarine Material D.A./S.M. e: Director Anti-Submarine Material DASMA e: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Application DASN e: Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy DASNM e: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Materials DASN[NUW| e: Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Mine & Undersea Warfare DASO e: Deputy Armament Supply Officer D.A.S.O. e: District Armament Supply Officer DASPO e: Department of Army Special Photographic Office DASPS-E e: Department of the Army Standard Port System[s]-Enhanced DASPS-E SD G e: Department of the Army Standard Port System-Enhanced, System Development Group DASq e: Direct Air Support Squadron DASS e: Director of Air Staff Services DASSO e: Department of the Army Systems Staff Officer DASSO/FMSO e: Data Systems Support Office/Fleet Material Support Office DAST e: Digital Aircraft Systems Trainer - e: Direct Air Support Team - e: Director of Army Supply and Transport - e: Division of Advanced Systems Technology DA Staff e: Department of the Army Staff DASTARD e: Destroyer Anti-Submarine Transportable Array Detector

DASTL e: Defense Atomic Support Agency Technical Letters D.A./S.W. e: Director of Anti-Submarine Warfare DAT e: Director of Army Telegraphs - e: Director of Army Telegraphy - e: Directorate] of Air Training - f: Direction des Armements Terrestres Difesa aerea territoriale - v. Difesa antiaerea del territorio - s: Division aerotransportada D.A.T. / • Défense [Anti-]aérienne du Territoire DATA e: Defense Air Transportation Administration DATAC e: Defense and Tactical Armament Control DATAG e: Department of the Army, The Adjutant General DATAR e: Detection and Tactical Alert of Radar DATARES Difesa aerea territoriale, artiglieria esercito DATARMA i: Difesa Aerea Territoriale, Artiglieria Marina D.A.T.C. e: Director of Air Training Corps DATel e: Directorate] of Airborne Telecommunications DAtF d: Deutsches Atomforum e.V. DATF e: Déployable Air Task Force - e: Desert Air Task Force DATI e: Director of Army Technical Information DATIM η: Depot Allgemeen-Technisch en Intendance-Materieel DAtK d: Deutsche Atomkommission DATM e: Department of the Army Technical Manual DATO e: Disbursing and transportation office DATOC e: Division Artillery Tactical Operations Center DATOR e: Digital data, Auxiliary storage, Track display, Outputs and Radar display DATR e: Directorate] of Ancillary and Telecommunications Requirements D.A.T.S. e: Director of Auxiliary Territorial Service DATSC e: Department of the Army Training and Support Committee DATT e: Defense Attache D.A.II.D. e: Director of Anti-U-Boat Division D.aupor. i: Divisione autoportata - i: Divisione autoportata DAV e: Disabled American Veterans D.av. i: Divisione d'aviosbarco DAVA e: Defense Audiovisual Agency - e: Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary DAV and RS e: Director of Army Veterinary and Remount Services D.Avn e: Divisional Aviation DAV & OW e: Defense Aid Vessels and Other Watercraft D.A.V.R.S. e: Director of Army Veterinary and Remount Services DAVSC e: Defense Audiovisual Steering Committee DAVSF e: Disabled American Veterans Service Foundation DAW d: Divisions-Artilleriewerkstatt - e: Dedicated All-Weather aircraft D.A.W. e: Director of Naval Air Warfare, Naval Staff DAW e: Directorate of Atomic Warfare - e: Dubai Air Wing DAWG e: Dynamic Air War Game DAWNS e: Design of Aircraft Wing Structures

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DAWN SET e: Defence & Early Warning Network, Southeastern Turkey DAWS e: Defense Automated Warning System - e: Director of Army Welfare Services D.A.W.S. e: Director of Army Welfare Services D.A.W.T. e: Director of Naval Air Warfare and Flying Training d.a.z. P: Dywizjon artylerij zenitowej DB e: Day Bomber - e: Director Bomber - e\ Disciplinary barracks - e: Dive Bomber - e: Division Base - f: Division Blindée - s: Division blindada D.B. f: Deuxième Bureau D.B.A. / : Demi-brigade aérienne - f: Direction des bases aériennes DBA-GK e: Supreme Command's Long Range Bomber Arm DBC e: Deputy Brigade Commander - e: District Base Commandant D.B.C. /• Demi-Brigade de Chasseurs D.B.C.A. / : Demi-brigade de chasseurs alpins DBCATA e: Disposable Barrel Cartridge Area Target Ammunition D/B Comd e: Deputy Base Commander D.B.C.P. / : Demi-brigade de chasseurs à pied D.B.D. e: Director of Bomb Disposal - e: Director of Boom Defence DBF d: Deutsche Büro für Friedensfragen D.B.F.A. f: Détachements de Base des Forces Aériennes DBFM e: Defensive Basic Flight Manoeuvres D.B.F.M. / : Demi-brigade de fusiliers marins dbg c: dëlostreleck brigáda DBL. d: Divisionsbetriebsstofflager D.B1. f: Division Blindée D.B.L.E. f: Demi-brigade Légion étragère DBM d: Deutche Bundes Marine - n: Depot Bewapningsmaterieel en Munitie [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] D.B.M. f: Direction des Bâtiments Militaires D/BM e: Directorate of Ballistic Missiles D.B.M.S. e: Director of Boom Defence and Marine Salvage DBO e\ District barracks officer - e\ Divisional burials officer D.B.P. / : Demi-brigade de parachutistes D.B.P.C. / : Demi-brigade de parachutistes coloniaux - / : Demi-brigade de parachutistes de choc DBR e: Directorate of Biosciences Research D.B.R. e: Director of Biological Research D.Br.Tr. d: Divisions-Brückentrain DB Sqn e: Day bomber squadron DBT e: Director of Boys' Training, War Office DC e: Davy Crockett [tactical atomic Weapon] - e: Defence Committee - e: Defence Council - e: Defense Command - e: Defense Committee - e: Defense Counseil - e: Demobilization Centre - e: Dental Corps - e: Department of Command - e\ Direction center [centre] - e: Disarmament Commission - e: Distribution center - e: Division Chief


DC-1 - e: Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. - e: Drafting Committee - f: Défense Civile - i: Divesa Civile - r: Divisionschef - r: Drivmedelscentralen - s\ División de caballería DC-1 e: Defense Condition- 1 De i: Divisione di cavalleria D.C. d\ Division de cavalerie - d\ Division de croiseurs - e: Depot company - e: Disarmament Conference - e: Divisional cavalry - f . Division cuirassée - f . Division cuirasssée - / : Division de cavalerie - i: Difesa costiera d.c. r. Deposito centrale - v. Divisione celere - s: depòsito centrai DCA e: Defense Cataloging Agency - e: Defense Communications Agency - e: Defense Control Administration - e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration - e: Director of Civil Affairs - f: Défense Contre Aéronefs - f: Défense Contre Avions - / : Défense contre avions - / : Division de chasseurs alpins Dca. r. Deposito centrale automobilistico D.C.A. e: Director of Civil Affairs - / ' Dépôt de Corps d'Armée - /• Direction des constructions aériennes - r. Difesa controaerea - p: Defesa contra ataques aéreos DCAA e: Defense Contract Audit Agency D.C.A.A. / · Direction du Commissariat de l'Armée de l'Air d.c.a.a.b.q. i: difesa controaerea a bassa quota D.C.A.B. /• Direction de la cavalerie et de l'arme blindée D Cadets e: Director of Army Cadets D.Can. e: Director of Canteen Service D.C.A.N. /• Direction des Constructions et Armes Navales DCAOC e: Defense Communications Agency Operations Center DCAP e: Deficiency Corrective Action Program - e: Draft Conventional Armaments Plan DCAPAC e: Defense Communications Agency Pacific Dc.Ar.A. i: Deposito centrale di artiglieria di armata DCAS e: Defense Contract Administration Servicefs] - e: Deputy Chief of Air Staff - e: Director of Costing and Accounting Services DCASD e: Defense Contract Administration Services District DCASEF e: Defense Communications Agency System Engineering Facility DCASO e: Defense Contract Administration Services Office DCASPO e: Defense Contract Administration Services Plant Office DCASPRO e: Defense Contract Administration Services Plant Representative Office [r] DCASQ e: Defense Contract Administration Services Quarters DCASR e: Defense Contract Administration Services Region D Cat e: Directorate of Cataloguing DCB e: Defense Communications Board


D.C.B.D.M. e: Defence Commander, Base Defence Mediterranean DCBRE e: Defence Chemical, Biological and Radiation Establishment DCBRL e: Defence Chemical, Biological, and Radiation Laboratories DCC e: Darmstadt Career Center - e: Defence Communications Centre - e: Defense Concessions Committee - e: Defense Control Center - n: Defensie Computer Centrum DCCA f: Direction Centrale du Commissariat de l'Armée de l'Air DCCAN /• Direction Centrale des Constructions et Armes Navales DCCAO e: Deputy Chief Civil Affairs Officer DCCAT /• Direction Centrale du Commissariat de l'Armee de Terre DCCC e: Defense Communications Control Center - e: Division Central Computer Center DCCD e: Deputy Commissioner for Civil Defence DCCM /• Direction Centrale du Commissariat de la Marine - f: Direction Centrale du Commissariat Militaire DCCS e: Defense Communications Control System DCCVS e: Domestic Council Committee on Veterans Services [Veterans Administration] DCCWS e: Deputy Chief, Chemical Warfare Service DCD e: Defense Communications Department - e: Director of Civil Defense - e: Director of [the] Compass Department [Admiralty] DCDA f: Détachement de Coordination de la Défense Aérienne DCDS e: Deputy Chief of the Defense Staff D.C.D.S.[I.] e: Deputy Chief of Defence Staff [Intelligence] DCE e: Directorate] of CommunicationsEletronics D.C.E. / • Direction centrale des essences DCEA /• Direction Centrale des Essences des Armées DCEC e: Directorate of Construction Engineering Control DCE&ME e: Director of Clothing, Equipment and Manufacturing Establishments DCEO e: Director of Control Environment Operations DCER e: Directorate of Cataloguing and Equipment Requirements DCF e: Division Counterattack Force D.C.F.C. / : Direction des chemins de fer de campagne D.C.F.M.D. e: Director of Coastal Forces Material Department D.C.G. e: Department of the ControllerGeneral - e: Deputy Chaplain-General DCG e: Deputy Commanding General DC/GCI e: Direction Center - Ground Control Intercept DCGO e: District Coast Guard Officer DCGS e: Deputy Chief of the [Imperial] General Staff D Chap [P] e: Directorate of Chaplain Services [Protestant] D Chap [RC] e: Directorate of Chaplain Services [Roman Catholic] D.Ch.d.G. d: Der Chef des Generalstabes

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DCI e: Defense Computer Institute - e: Deputy Chief for Intelligence - f: Direction centrale de l'intendance DCIC e: Defense Ceramic Information Center, Columbus DCIEM e: Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine DCIGS e: Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff D.C.I.M. / · Direction centrale de l'intendance maritime DC-in-C e: Deputy Commander-in-Chief D/CINCENT e: Deputy Commander, Allied Forces Central Europe DCINO e: Deputy Chief Inspector of Naval Ordnance DCL e: Defence Construction [1951] Ltd. D/CLD e: Deputy Chief of Logistics Division D.C.L.E. / • Dépôt Commun de la Légion Étrangère DCLI e: The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, Bodmin, Cornwall DCM e: District Court-Martial - e: Drumhead Court-Martial DCM / · Direction centrale du matériel D.C.M. f: Direction du Commissariat de la Marine DCM s: Division de caballería mecanizada DCMA e: Defense Contract Management Agency DCMAA f: Direction Centrale du Materiel de l'Armee de l'Air DCMAO e.· Defense Contracting Military Assistance Office DCMAT f: Direction Centrale du Materiel de l'Armee de Terre DCMD e: District of Columbia Military District DCMI e: Disclosure of Classified Military Information Dc.m.k. v. Deposito centrale materiale chimico D.C.M.S. e: Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services DCN e: Defence Communications Network D.C.N.A. e: Deputy Chief Naval Adviser DCN A e: Deputy Chief of Naval Adviser DCNG e: District of Columbia National Guard D.C.N. I. e: Department of the Chief of Naval Information DCNM e: Deputy Chief of Naval Management - e: Deputy Chief of Naval Material DCNM[D] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Management [Development] - e: Deputy Chief of Naval Material, Development DCNM[M&F] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Management [Material and Facilities] D C N M [ M & 0 ] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Management [Management and Organization] DCNM[P&FM] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Management [Program and Financial Management] DCNO e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations D.C.N.O. e: Deputy Chief Nursing Officer DCNOA e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Administration] DCNO[AIR] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Air] DCNO[D] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Development] DCNO[FltOp] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Fleet Operations and Readiness]

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DDESB DCNOFOR e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Operations and Readiness DCNO[L] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Logistics] DCNO[M&NR| e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Manpower and Naval Reserve] DCNO[P&NR] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Personnel and Naval Reserve] DCNO[P&P] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Plans and Policies] DCNO[R&D] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Research and Development] DCNOISW] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Submarine Warfare] DCNP e: Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel D.C.N.P.[TM] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel [Training and Manning] D.C.N.P.[TM] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel [Training and Manning] DCNR e: Dental Corps, Naval Reserve D.C.N.S. e: Deputy Chief of Naval Staff DCO e: Defence Communications Office - e: Defense Coordinating Officer - e: Deputy Commander for Operation^] - e: Deputy Commanding Officer - e: Deputy Commissioner for Operations - e: Director Combat Operations - e: Director Control Officer - e: Director of Combat Operations - e: District Camouflage Office[r] - e\ Division classification officer - e: Duke of Cambridge's Own [regiment] - e: Duke of Connaught's Own DCOBE e: Darne Commander Order of the British Empire DCOD e: Director of Combined Operations Division D.C.O.D. e: Director of Combined Operations Division DCOFS e: Deputy Chief of Staff DCOFSADMIN e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration DCOFSPCO e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Combat Operations DCO[I] e: Director of Combined Operations [India] DCOM e: Department of Command D Com e: Directorate of Communications D.C.O.M.D. e: Director Combined Operations Material Department DCO[ME] e: Director of Combined Operations [Middle East] D Comm e: Director of Communications DCOO e: Deputy Chief Ordnance Officer D.C.O.P. e: Director Combined Operations Personnel DCOPO e: Deputy Chief of Personnel Operations DCOR e: Defense Committee on Research D.cor. i: Divisione corazzata D.C.O.S. e: Department of the Controller of Ordnance Services D coy e: D company DCP e: Defense Concept Plan - e: Director of Civilian Personnel - e: Directorate] of Civilian Personnel DCPA e: Defense Civil Preparedness Agency DCPG e: Defense Communications Planning Group DCPO e: Deputy Chief of Staff Plans and Operations - e: Director of Civilian Personnel Office DCPR e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Research

D.C.R. / : Détachement de circulation routière - f : Division Cuirassée DCRB e: Design Change Review Board D.C.R.E. e: Deputy Commandant Royal Engineers DCRO e: Deputy Chief, Royal Ordnance DCS e: Defence and Control System - e: Defence Communications System - e: Defense Communications System - e: Deputy Chief of Staff - e: Destruct Command System - e: Division Combat Support Dc.S. i: Deposito centrale di sanità DCSAIROPNET e: Defense Communications Systems Air Operational Network DCSAS e: Deputy Chief Superintendent of Armament Supply DCSC e: Defense Construction Supply Center, Columbus DCS/C e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller DCSCD e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments DCS/D e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Development DCSEA / • Service des Essences des Armees Direction Centrale DCSFOR e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Force Development DCSI e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence DCSigO e: Deputy Chief Signal Officer DCSLOG e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics DCSLOG-MR e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics - Material Readiness DCSM e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Materiel DC/SMO e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Military Operations DCSO e: Defense Communications System Office DCS/O e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations DCSO] D.C.S.O. e: Deputy Chief Scientific Officer DCSO e: Deputy Chief Signal Officer - e: Deputy Commander for Space Operations DCSOA e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations and Administration DCS/OA] DCSOP e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations DCSP e: Defense Communications Satellite Program DCS/P e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel DCS/P&O e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Operations DCSPR e: Deputy Chief of Staff [for] Plans and Research DCS/P&R e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs and Resources DCSROTC e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Reserve Officers' Training Corps DCSS e: Defense Communications Satellite System D.C.S.S.A. f: Direction Centrale du Service de Santé des Armées DCSSPO e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Security, Plans and Operations DCSSVC e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Services D.C.S.T. e: Deputy Chief of Supplies and Transport Dc.s.v. r. Deposito centrale di sanità e di veterinaria DCSWT e.· Déployable Crew-Served Weapons Trainer

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

DCT / · Direction centrale des transmissions D.C.T. ρ: Defesa Civil do Territòrio DCTM e: Directional Control Test Missile D.C.T.M. / · Direction centrale des travaux maritimes D.C.T.M.I. f: Direction centrale des travaux maritimes et immobiliers DCTN e: Defense Communications Tactical Network DCTSC e: Defense Clothing and Textile Supply Center DCUC e: Defense Credit Union Council DCVD e: Directorate Co-ordinated Valve Development DCVO e: Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer DCw. P: Dywizja cwiczen DCW e: National Society, Daughters of Colonial Wars DCW&S e: Director of Chemical Warfare and Smoke DD e: Decontamination and Decommissioning - e: Department of Defence [or Defense] DD-214 e: Department of Defense Honorable Discharge DD e: Deputy Director - e: Destroyer - e: Destroyer Division - e\ Distribution depot D.D. e: Dockyard Department - f: Dépôt Divisionnaire D&D e: The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment, Exeter DDA e: Deputy Director of Armaments - e: Deputy Director of Artillery DDA E e: Deputy Director of Army Education DDAH e: Deputy Director of Army Health DD[A&HR] e: Deputy Director of Attachés and Human Resources [Defense Intelligence Agency] DDAPS e: Deputy Director of Army Postal Service DDAR e: Division of Defense Air Reports DDAS[ET] e: Deputy Director of Armament Supply [Eastern Theater] D.D.A.T.S. e: Deputy Director of Auxiliary Territorial Service DDC e: Defense Documentation Center DD[C] e: Deputy Director for Collection [Defense Intelligence Agency] DDCA e: Director, Defense Communications Agency D.D.C.A. e: Deputy Director of Civil Affairs DDCFSO e: Defense Documentation Center Field Services Office DDCO[I] e: Deputy Director of Combined Operations [India] DDCP e: Department of Defense Claimant Program DDD e: Defense, Description and Designation - e: Dildo Detonation Division DDDEP e: Defense Development Data Exchange Program D.D.D.S. e: Deputy Director of Dental Services DDE e: Escort Destroyer DD[E] e: Deputy Director of Estimates [Defense Intelligence Agency] DDEF e: Department of Defence DDefS e: Director of Defence Studies DDEL e: Defense Development and Engineering Laboratories DDEP e: Defense Development Exchange Program DDESB e: Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board


D.D.F. D.D.F. f: Défense du Franc DDFO e: Deputy Director of Fighter Operations DDG e: Destroyer Development Group - e: Destroyer with missiles D.D.G.M.S. e: Deputy Director-General of Royal Air Force Medical Service D.D.G.S.E. e: Deputy Director-General of Signals Equipment D.D.G.T.A. e: Deputy Director-General of the Teritorial Army DDGTA e: Deputy Director General of the Territorial Army DDHC e: Division of Defense Housing Coordination D.D.H.P. e: Deputy Director of Hygiene and Pathology DD[I| e: Deputy Director of Intelligence [Defense Intelligence Agency] DD[IS] e: Deputy Director of Information Systems [Defense Intelligence Agency] DDK e: Hunter-Killer Destroyer DdM. d: Dienststelle der Marineleitung DDM e: Deputy Director of Military Survey D.D.&M. e: Dockyards and Maintenance Department DDME e: Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering D.D.M.I. e: Deputy Director of Military Intelligence DDMO e: Deputy Director of Military Operations DDMOI e: Deputy Director of Military Operations and Intelligence D.D.M.O.W. e: Deputy Director of Medical Organization for War DDMP e: Defense Depot, Mechanicsburg, Pa. D.D.M.P. e: Deputy Director of Manpower Planning DDMS e: Department of Defense Manned Spaceflight - e: Deputy Director of Medical Services DDMT e: Defense Depot, Memphis, Tennessee D.D.M.T. e: Deputy Director of Military Training DDMTMA e: Department of Defense Military Traffic Management Agency DDN e: nuclear-powered destroyer DDNC e: Deputy Director of Naval Construction D.D.N.C, e: Deputy Director of Naval Construction D.D.N.I. e: Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence DDNO e: Deputy Director of Naval Ordnance D.D.N.O. e: Deputy Director of Naval Ordnance DDO d: Diätendienstalter Deutscher Offiziere - d: Dienstältester Deutscher Offizier - e: Destroyers, Disbursing Office D.Docks, e: Director of Docks D.D.O.D. e: Deputy Director of Operations Division D.D. of D. e: Deputy Director of Dockyards D.D. of P. e: Deputy Director of Plans D.D. of S. e: Deputy Director of Naval Store Department - e: Deputy Director of Supplies DD of ST e: Deputy Director of Sea Transport DDO/HQ ATAF d: Dienstältester Deutscher Offizier bei Headquarters Allied Tactical Air Force


DDO NCS d: Dienstältester Deutscher Offizier bei NATO Communications School D.D.O.S. e: Deputy Director [of] Ordnance Services DDOU e: Defense Depot, Ogden, Utah DDP e: Defense Dissemination Plan - e: Department of Defense Production - /• Point de Distribution Divisionnaire DDPA e: Deputy Director of Personnel Administration DD[PCD&T] e: Deputy Director for Personnel, Career Development and Training [Defense Intelligence Agency] D.D.P.H.P. e: Deputy Director of PostHostilities Plans D/DP[M] e: Deputy Director of Personnel [Men] D/DP[0] e: Deputy Director of Personnel [Officers] DDPOW e: Deputy Director of Prisoners of War D.D.P.O.W. e: Deputy Director of Prisoners of War D.D.P.S. e: Deputy Director of Personnal Services [Navy] D.D.Q. e: Deputy Director of Quartering DDR e: Radar Picket Destroyer DDRA e: Deputy Director of Royal Artillery D.D.R.A. e: Deputy Director, Royal Artillery DDRAC e: Deputy Director of Royal Armoured Corps D.D.R.A.C. e: Deputy Director of Royal Armoured Corps DDRAE e: Directorate for Defense Research and Engineering DDRB e: Danish Defence Research Board DD R & D e: Department of Defense Research and Development D.D.R.D. e: Deputy Director of Recruiting and Demobilization DDRE e: Danish Defense Research Establishment DDRE e: Director of Defense Research and Engineering, Department of Defense DDR & E e: Defense Development Research and Engineering - e: Directory, Defense Research and Engineering D.D.R.M. e: Deputy Directorate of Repair and Maintenance DDS e: Department of Defense Support - e: Deputy Defense Secretary D.D.S. e: Deputy Director of Science - e: Director of Dental Services DD[S] e: Deputy Director for Support [Defense Intelligence Agency] D.D.S.D. e: Deputy Director of Staff Duties DDSI[A] e: Deputy Director of Service Intelligence [Army] DDSP e: Defense Development Sharing Program D.D.S.P. e: Deputy Director of Selection of Personnel D.d.S.S. f: Direction du service de santé DDST e: Deputy Director of Supplies and Transport - e: Deputy Director of Surface Transport DD[S&TI] e: Deputy Director for Scientific and Technical Intelligence [Defense Intelligence Agency] DDSIIBEX e: Destroyer-Submarine Exercise D.d.T. /• Direction des transmissions DDTA e: Deputy Director, Territorial Army

Κ · G · Saur, München

D.D.T.A. e: Deputy Director, Territorial Army DDTC e: Defense Depot, Tracy, California DDT&E e: Director of Defense, Test & Evaluation D.D.T.I, e: Deputy Director of Tactical Investigation D.D.T.Nav. e: Deputy Director of Flying Training [Navigation] DDTO e: District Domestic Transportation Office[r] DDV e: Destroyer [Next Generation] - e: Destroyer Variant D.D.V.S. e: Deputy Director of Veterinary Services ddw e\ Displaying a deadly weapon D.D.W.F.S.D. e: Deputy Director of Welfare and Fleet Supply Department DDWO e: Deputy Director of War Organization DDWRAC e: Deputy Director of Women's Royal Army Corps D.D.W.R.A.C, e: Deputy Director of Women's Royal Army Corps DE e: Destroyer Escort - e: Devonshire Regiment - e: District Engineer - e: District Establishment - e: Escort Destroyer - i: Direzione Esercitazione D.E. e: The Duke of Edingburgh's Wiltshire Regiment - / · Direction des étapes DEAC e: Defense Economic Analysis Council DEADS e: Detroit Air Defense Sector DEAS d: Datenerfassungs- und Aufbereitungsstelle D.E.B, e: Dental Examining Board DEC e: Control Escort Ship D.E.C, e: Defence Emergency Committee DEC e: Dependents Educational Committee Deca f: Dépôt multi-Produits de Corps d'Armée DECAN e: Distance-Measuring Equipment Command and Navigation DECC e: Defense Commercial Communications Center Decca d: Decca-[Funk-]Navigationssystem DECCO e: Defense Commercial Communications Office, Scott AFB DE&CD e: Directorate of Electrical and Communications Development D.E.C.E. f: Service de la documentation extérieure et de contre-espionnage DECEA e: Defense Communications Engineering Agency DECEO e: Defense Commumications Engineering Office Dechiff.B. d: Dechiffrierbüro DECIDE e: Darmstadt Enterprise for Career and Individual Development DECIEM e: Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine DECL e: Declaration of War/National Emergency DECM e: Defense Electronic Countermeasures System DECON e: Defensive Electronic Countermeasures DED e: Defense Electronics Division - e: Defense Engine Division - e: Director of Engineering Development - e: Directorate of Engineer Development D.E.D. e: Director of Education Department [Admiralty] DEdn e: Director of Education

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

DESDEVDIV DEDO e: Defense Engineering Data Office DEDP e: Detailed Emergency Defense Plan D.E.E. e: Director of Electrical Engineering DEE e: Directorate of Electrical Engineering D.E.E. / · Division d'escorteurs d'escadre DEF e: Defence - e: Defense - e: Disarmed Enemy Forces - e: Ministry of Defence D.E.F.A. /• Direction des Etudes et Fabrications d'Armement DEFCOM e: Defense Command DEFCOMNON e: Defense Command, North Norway DEFCOMNOR e: Defense Command, Norway DEFCOMSONOR e: Defense Command, South Norway DEFCON e: Defence Readiness Condition DEFCORD e: Defense Coordination Network DEFENDER e: Defense Against Ballistic Missiles Def.For. e: Defense Forces DEFGENSUPCEN e: Defense General Supply Center Def Grp e: Defense Group DEFLOWH e: Defense Liaison Officer to the White House DEFPA e: Defence of Ports & Anchorages DEFPLAN e: Defense Plan DEFREPNAMA e: Defense Representative North Atlantic and Mediterranean DEFSATCOM e: Defense Satelitte Communication System DEFSMAC e: Department Special Missile and Astronautic Center DEFWEAPSYSMGMTCEN e: Defense Weapons Systems Management Center D e f W g e: Defense Wing DEG e: Guided Missile Escort Ship DEH e: Destroyer Escort Hydrofoil - e: Directorate of Engineering and Housing DEIMOS e: Development Investigations in Military Orbiting Systems DEIS e: DOD [Department of Defense] Worldwide Energy Information System Dekrov d: Deutsche Kraftfahr-OffizierVereinigung e.V. Deleis d: Deutscher Delegierter bei der internationalen Feldeisenbahnkommission DELEX e: Destroyer Life Extension Programme DELFIC e: Department of Defense Land Fallout Interpretive Code Del.I. i: Delegazione di Intendenza del.I.arr. i: Delegazione di Intendenza arretrata Del.I.av. i: Delegazione di Intendenza avanzata Del.I.ris. i: Delegazione di Intendenza di riserva DELM n: Depot Elektronisch Materieel [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] DelNG e: Delaware National Guard DEM e: Democritus Greek Nuclear Center DEMA /• Délégation Ministérielle à l'Armement DEME e: Directorate] of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering demil e: Demilitarize DEMIZ e: Distance Early Warning Military Identification Zone

Dem.Kom. d: Demobilmachungskommission Demkrav d: Deutsche Militärkraftfahrervereinigung DEMN s: De[l] estado mayor naval DEMNS e: Distributed Explosive Mine Neutralization System D.E.M.S. e: Director of Equipment for Merchant Ships DEMS Org e: Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships Organization DEMT d: Deutscher EisenbahnMilitärtarif DE[N] e: Director of Engineering [Navy] D.E.[N.] e: Director of Engineering [Royal Australian Navy] Den ED e: Dental Equipment Depot DEngC e: Directorate of Engineering Construction Dent C e: Dental Corps Dent Res e: Dental Corps Reserve DEO e: District Engineer Officer - e: Divisional Entertainment Office[r]British Army D.E.O. e: Divisional Education Officer - e: Divisional Entertainments Officer - e: The Duke of Edingurgh's Own [Edinburgh Artillery Militia] DEODS e: Defence Explosive Ordnance Disposal School, Lodge Hill Camp DEOS e: Director of Equipment and Ordnance Servies [Stores] D.E.O.V.R. e: Duke of Edinburgh's Own Volunteer Rifles DEP e: Detailed Experiment Plan Dep e: Depot DEPA e: Defense Electric Power Administration Dep Arm As s\ Depòsito de armamentos y equipos antisubmarinos Dep Art s\ Depósito de armamento de artillería Dep Bn e: Depot Battalion DEPCEA / • Département des études de piles du Commissariat à lénergie atomique DEPCHNAVMAT e: Deputy Chief of Naval Material DEPCHNAVMAT[MAT&FAC] e: Deputy Chief of Naval Material [Material and Facilities] DepCinCLantFlt e: Deputy Commanderin-Chief, Atlantic Fleet DepCofS e: Deputy Chief of Staff DEPCOM e: Deputy Commander e: deputy commissary general DEPCOMLANTNAVFACENGCOM e: Deputy Commander Atlantic Naval Facilities Engineering Command DEPCOMOPTEVFORLANT e: Deputy Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force, Atlantic DEPCOMPACNAVFACENGCOM e Deputy Commander Pacific Naval Facilities Engineering Command DEPCOMSTRIKFORSOUTH e: Deputy Commander Naval Striking and Support Forces Southern Europe DepCQm e: Deputy Chief Quartermaster Dep C Qm e: Deputy Chief Quartermaster DepDefRep e: Department of Defense Representative DepDirPers e: Deputy Director, Personnel Dep Ef Nav s: Depòsito de efectos navales Dep.Esk. d: Depot-Eskadron DEPEX e: Deployment Exercise TNG package [for Active Army Divisions in the continental United States]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

DEP LOG e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics DepMilSec e: Deputy Military Secretary Dep Mil Sec e: Deputy Military Secretary dep.mun. i: deposito munizioni Dep Mun Art s\ Depòsito de municiones de artillería DEPNAV e: Department of the Navy - e: Naval Deputy Dep Ν Sec e: Deputy Naval Secretary Dep Ν Sec [TS] e: Deputy Naval Secretary [Technical Services] Dep PL n: pipeline depot DEPRA e: Defense European and Pacifiic Redistibution Activity - e: Defense Excess Property Redistribution Agency Dep Radar s: Depòsito de radar DEPS e: Depots DEPSAC e: Deputy Supreme Air Commander, Europe DEPSACLANT e: Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic DEPSECDEF e: Deputy Secretary of Defense DepSO e: Departmental Standardization Office Dep Sup Bn e: Depot Supply Battalion Dept. AE e: Department for Atomic Energy DEPTAR e: Department of the Army dep.viv. i: deposito viveri DER e: Destroyer Escort Radar D.E.R. / : Division d'escorteurs rapides DERA e: Defence [or Defense] Evaluation and Research Agency - e: Defense European Redistribution Agency D.E.R.A. e: Director of Engineering Royal Army DERAX e: Detection and Ranging DERBY YEO e: Derbyshire Yeomanry, Royal Artillery Corps, Territorial Army DERD e: Display of Extracted Radar Data DERET / : Détachement de régulationtransport DERL e: Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad DERM e: Delayed Echo Radar Marker D.E.R.M. /• Direction d'établissement régional du matériel DERN e: Director of Engineering Royal Navy D.E.R.N. e: Director of Engineering Royal Navy DERR e: The Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment [Berkshire and Wiltshire], Reading, Berkshire DES e: Director of Engineer Services - e: Director of Engineering Stores - e: Directorate] of Educational Services - f: Direction des étapes et des services Des e: Destroyer DESAIRDEX e: Destroyer and Submarine Forces Air Defense Exercise Des Base e: Destroyer Base DESBATFOR e: Destroy Battle Force DESC e: Defense Electronic Support Center DESC-E e: Defense Electronics Supply Center-Electronics Descodiv e: Destroyer Scouting Division Descoflot e: Destroyer Scouting Flotilla DESCOFOR e: Destroyer Scouting Force Descoron e: Destroyer Scouting Squadron DESCRIIPAC e: Destroyers/Cruisers, Pacific Fleet DESDEVDIV e: Destroyer Development Division


DESDEVGRU DESDEVGRU e: Destroyer Development Group DESDEVRON e: Destroyer Development Squadron DESDIV e: Destroyer Division DESEB e: Defence Shipping Executive Board DESEX e: Deployment Staff Exercise DESFEX e: Destroyer Force Exercise DESFLOT e: Destroyer Flotilla DESIDOC e: Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre Desinf.Abt. d: Desinfektionsabteilung DESLANT e: Destroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet - e: Destroyer Forces Atlantic Des Nav s: Desembarco naval DESNS e: Directorate of Engineering Standards and Naval Specifications DESP e: Directorate of Equipment and Spare Parts DESPAC e: Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet - e: Destroyer Forces Pacifc DESREP e: Destroyer Representative DESRON e: Destroyer Squadron DESS e: Destroyer schoolship D.E.S.S. e: Defective Equipment Sorting Section DESSOWESPAC e: Destroyers, Southwest Pacific Fleet DESSQDN e: Destroyer Squadron Dest e: Destroy[er] desubex e: destroyer/submarine antisubmarine warfare exercise DESUS e: Destroyers, United States Fleet det e: detachment - n: detachement Det 6 e: Special Activity Squadron dét. / · détachement D.E.T. / : Détachement d'exploitation de[s] transmissions DETALAT /• Détachement de l'Aviation Légere de l'Armée de Terre Dét At / : Détachement atomique [service médical] DETC e: Defence Engineering Terminology Committee DETG e: Defense Energy Task Group Dét* / : Détachement Det Just / : Détachement de justice dét.méd. f: détachement médical Det Réan / : Détachement de réanimation DEVCTR e: Development center DEVON e: The Devonshire Regiment DEW e: Director of Electronic Warfare DEWA e: Defence Wall Dewamun. d: Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken DEWD e: Director of Economic Warfare Division D.E.W.D. e: Director of Economic Warfare Division DEWIZ e: Distance Early Warning Identification Zone DEW Line e: Distant Early Warning Line DEWPO e: Distant Early Warning Project Office DEWPOINT e: Directed Energy Weapon Power Integration DEW Radar e: Distant Early Warning Radar DEXAN e: Digital Experimental Airborne Navigator D.Ex-S.M.F. e: Deafened Ex-Servicemen's Fund DezMilHydro d: Dezernat Militärhydrographie DF e: Day Fighter - e: Destroyer Flotilla


D.F. e: Destroyer Flotilla - f: Défense de la France - f: Défense Française - f: Division de Forteresse D[.]f. i: Divisione di fanteria DFA r: Delegationen för Atomenergifrâgor DFADS e: Destroyer/Frigate Air Defence System DFAG d: Divisions-Flakartilleriegruppe DFAS e: Direct Fire Artillery System DFAW e: Direct Fire Antitank Weapon D.F.Btl. d: Deutsches Führungsbataillon DFC e: Digital Flight Control - e: Digital Flight Controller - e: Directorate of Fire Control - e: Divisional Field Code DFCLS e: Digital Flight Control and Landing System D.F.C.R. e: Directorate of Flying Control and Reserve DFCS e: Digital Flight Control System DFD e: Digital Flight Display DFDC e: Defence Force Development Committee [Dept of Defence] DFDR e: Digital Flight Data Recorder DFF e: Directorate of Fire Fighting DFG d: Deutsche FriedensgesellschaftVereinigte Kriegsgegner e.V. DF/GA e: Day Fighter/Ground Attack DFG-IDK d: Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner DFG-VK d: Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner e.V. DFI e: Developmental] Flight Instrumentation - e: Directorate for the Freedom of Information DFILS e: Day Fighter Leaders' School DFK d: Deutsches Friedenskartell D.F.L. f: Division Française Libre D.F.L.S. e: Day Fighter Leaders' School DFM /• Division de Fusiliers Motorisés dfm. i: divisione motorizzata fanteria DFMA e: Director for Military Assistance D.f.mec. i: Divisione di fanteria meccanizzata D.f.mon. ì: Divisione di fanteria da montagna D.f.mot. i: Divisione di fanteria motorizzata DFMR e: Dual Frequency Microwave Radar DFO e: Director of Flight Operations - e: District Field Officefr] - e: District Finance Officer D.F.O. e: Divisional Food Office D.F.P. d: Deutsche Feldpost [Post] DFP d: Deutsche Friedenspartei - e: Divisionai Field Park D.F.P. e: Divisional foot-police D.f. pia[n]. i: Divisione di fanteria di pianura DFR e: Direct Fire Rocket DFRC e: Dryden Flight Research Center DFRIF e: Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet DFR/ME e: Defense Fuel Region/Middle East DFS e: Director of Flight Safety - e: Dynamic Flight Simulator DFSA e: Defense Atomic Support Agency DFSB e: Defense Force Section Base DFSC e: Defence Force Structure Committee [Dept of Defence] - e: Defense Fuel Supply Center DFSP e: Defense Fuel Supply Point

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D.F.S.W.O. e: Department of the Financial Secretary of the War Office DFT e: Director, Fleet Training D.F.T. e: Director of Flying Training DFTT e: Dragon Field Tactical Trainer DFU d: Deutsche Friedens-Union D.F.W, e: Directorate] of Fortifications and Works DFWES e: Direct Fire Weapon Engagement System - e: Direct Fire Weapons Effect Simulator DG e: Defense Grouping - e: Destroyer, Guided missile - e: Detonation Gun - e: Dragoon Guards d.G. d: des Generalstabes D.G. f: détachement de garde DG f: division gazière DGA f: Délégation Générale pour l'Armement d.g.a. f: direction générale de l'artillerie D.G.A.E. e: Director-General of Army Education D.G.A.M. i: Direzione Generale Armi e Munizioni D.G.A.M.S. e: Director-General, Army Medical Services DGAP d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. - e: Director-General, Army Personnel - e: Director General of Aircraft Production DGAR e: Director General of Army Requirements DG Arm e: Directorate-General of Armament DGAT e: Director General, Army Training DGAV e: Director General of Armoured Vehicles D.G.A.V. e: Director-General of Armoured Vehicles DGAVS e: Director General of Army Veterinary Services D.G.C.A. i: Direzione Generale Costruzioni Aeronautiche DGCDE /• Direction générale du contrôle du désarmement et des effectifs DGCISM f: Direction Générale de la Contre-Ingérence et de la Sécurité Militaire DGC1V1A e: Defense and Government Contracts Management Association DGD e: Director Gunnery Division D.G.D. e: Director of Ground Defence - e: Director of Gunnery [and Anti-Aircraft Warfare] Division - i: Direzione Generale Dogane DGDA e: Director General of Defence Accounts D.G.D.&M. e: Director-General, Dockyards and Maintenance DGDO e: Directorate] of Ground Defence Operations DG Docks Admy e: Director-General of Docks, Admiralty DGDQA e: Director General, Defence Quality Assurance DGDS e: Director-General, Dental Services D.G.E. e: Director[ate]-General of Equipment DGEN s: Dirección General de Energia Nuclear D.G.E.S. e: Director-General of Equipment and Stores DGFK d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung e.V. DGGD e: Director General of Ground Defence D.G.G.D. e: Director-General of Ground Defence

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Difna DGGL Ρ: Dowództwo Glówne Gwardii Ludowej D.G.G.R.E. e: Director-General of Graves Registration and Enquiries D.G.H. e: Director-General of Housing D.G.I. /• Direction générale de l'infanterie DGISD e: Director-General of the Intelligence Service Department D.G.J.M. /• Direction de la Géndarmerie et de la Justice Militaire DGJMS e: Director-General, Joint Medical Services DGM e: Directorate of Guided Missiles - e: Dummy Guided Missile - e: Missile Destroyer - f: Documentation Géographique Militaire - i: Documentazione Geografica Militare DGMD e: Director, Guided Missiles Division DGME e: Director General of Military Education d.g.m.e. e: Director-General of Military Education DGMP e: Director-General of Munition Production DGMR e: Director-General, Military Railways D.G.M.S. e: Director-General, [Royal Air Force] Medicai Services DGMS[Air] e: Director-General, Medicai Services [Air] DGMT e: Director-General, Military Training D.G.M.T. / · Direction générale des mouvements et transports DGMW e: Director General of Military Works D.G.M.W, e: Director-General or Military Works DGNO e: Director-General of Naval Ordnance D.G.O. e: Director-General of Organization D.G. of S. e: Directorate-General of Signals d.górska Ρ: dywizja górska D.G.O.S. e: Director-General of Ordnance Survey DGOS e: Director-General, Ordnance Systems D.G.P. e: Director-General of Personnel - / ' Direction générale du personnel D.G.P.G. f: Direction générale des prisonniers du guerre D.G.P.M. of S. e: Directorate of Guided Projectiles, Ministry of Supply DGPO e: Director-General, Plans and Operations D.G.Q.T.F. /• Direction générale des quartiers, travaux et fortifications DGR e: Director of Graves Registration - e: Directorate of Geophysics Research [Air Research and Development Command] D.G.R.A.F.M.S. e: Director[ate]-General of Royal Air Force Medical Service D.G.R.E. f: Direction générale des ravitaillemtns et évacuations D.G.R.M. f: Direction générale de recrutement et de mobilisation DGRR d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt DGS e: Missile Destroyer DGs e: Directorates General of the European Commission D.G.S. e: Directorate-General of Signals - e: Divisional General Survey DGSC e: Defense General Supply Center - e: Defense General Support Center

D.G.S.D. e: Director-General, Supply and Secretariat Department DGSFMM $.· Direccâo General dos Servicos de Fomento Marítimo Marinho DGSM e: Director General, Submarines D.G.S.M. e: Directorate-General of Servicing and Maintenance DGSS e: Director General Surface Ships D.G.S.S. / · Direction générale du service de santé D.G.S.Sp. f: Direction générale des services spéciaux D.G.St. d: Divisiones-Generalstab DGSW [N] e: Director General Surface Weapons DGT e: Directorate] of Ground Training - e: Dragon Gunnery Trainer D.G.T. e: Director-General of Training - f: Direction generale des transports DGTA e: Director-General of the Territorial Army Branch, War Office D.G.T.B1. / · Direction générale des troupes blindées D.G.T.S. e: Director-General of Technical Services DGUW e: Director General Underwater Weapons DGVS e: Director-General of Veterinary Services DGW e: Director General of Weapons D.G.W. e: Director-General of Weapons - e: Director[ate]-General of Works DGW en Τ η: Directeur Gebouwen, Werk en Terreinen D.G.W.I.P. e.· Director-General of Weapons and Instruments Production DGWRD e: Directorate of Guided Weapons Research and Development DGW[S] e: Director General of Weapons [Surface Division] DGW[U] e: Director General of Weapons [Underwater Division] DHA /• Detachement d'Helicopteres Armes D.H.B, d: Deutsche Heeresbücherei, Berlin DHC e: Defense Homes Corporation DHF/BSD n: Dienst Huisvesting Families der Belgische Strijdkrachten in Duitsland D Hgs e: Director of Hirings DHist e: Director of Historical Section D.H.I.Y, e: Devonshire Hussar Imperial Yeomanry D.H.M. d: Deutsche Heeresmission - d: Deutsche Heeresmission DHN p: Diretoria de Hidrografía e Navegaçào DHQ e: District Headquarters - e: Division Headquarters - e: Division Headquarters D.H.Q e: Divisional headquarters DHS d: Diensthabendes System [zur Luftraumaufklärung - e: Destroyer Helicopter System D.I. d: Depot-Inspektion, Wilhelmshaven [Marine] DI e: Defense Information - e: Defense Intelligence - e: Division Instruction - e: Divisional Inspector D.I. e: Director of Infantry - f: Direction de l'infanterie [ministère] - f: Direction d'infrastructure - f: Direction d'instruction - f: Direction d'intendance - f: Division d'Infanterie - i: Delegazione di Intendenza - s: Division de Infantería DIA e: Defense Intelligence Agency - / : Détachement d'intervention air

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

D.I.A. /• Direction de l'infrastructure air - f: Division d'Infanterie Algérienne - f: Division d'Infanterie Alpine DIAC e: Defense Industry Advisory Council - f: Direction Interdépartementale des Anciens Combattants et vicitimes de la guerre DIADC e: Defense Intelligence Agency Dissemination Center DIAGE e: Defense Industry Advisory Group Europe DIALOG e: Direction for Army Logistics D.I.Alp. / · Division d'Infanterie Alpine DIAN e: Decca Integrated Airborne Navigation DIANE e: Digital Integrated Attack and Navigation Equipment - e: Distance Indicating Automatic Navigation Equipment DIANS e: Digital Integrated Attack Navigation System D.I.A.P. f: Division d'Infanterie Aéroportée DI Arm e: Director of Inspection of Armaments DIAT / · Direction Technique des Armements Terrestres Di.Β. f: Division Blindée - r: Divisionsbefälhavare D.I.B. / : Division d'instruction des bases D.I.C. f: Division d'Infanterie Coloniale DICACE e: Detailed Interrogation Center Allied Command Europe DICAS e: Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy[system] DICASS e: Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System D.I.C.A.T. i: Difesa controaerea territoriale DICBM e: Defense Intercontinental Ballistic Missile - e: Detection of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles DICHAM /• Division des Chasseurs de Mines DICORAP e: Directional Controlled Rocket Assisted Projectile DID e: Detailed issue depot - e: Directorate of Interservice Development - e: Divisional Intelligence Detachment DIDA e: Director of Intelligence Division of the Admiralty D.I.D.A. e: Director of Intelligence Division of the Admiralty DI.DRA. f . Division des dragueurs DIECO e: Defense Item Entry Control Office DIECP e: Defense Item Entry Control Program DIEEng/TAD e: Directorate of Instrument and Electrical Engineering, Training Aid Devices DIEFng e: Director of Instrument and Electrical Engineering Dien.Eig. d: Dienststelle für Eignungsuntersuchungen D.I.Ε.O. /• Division d'Infanterie d'Extrême-Orient DIER f: Division d'instructive études et recherches DIET e: Drug Information and Education Team D.I.F. f: Division d'Infanterie de Forteresse DIFAD e: Digitally Integrated Fleet Air Defense Difna d: Divisions-FunknachrichtenAbteilung


DIFWES DIFWES e: Direct Fire Weapons Effect Simulator DIG e: Deputy Inspector-General DIGITAC e: Digital Tactical Airborne Computer - e: Digital Tactical Aircraft Control D.I.H. f: Détachement d'Intervention Hélicoptères - / ' Division d'Instruction Hélicoptère DIIP e: Defense Inactive Item Program DILMC e: Defense International Logistics Management Course DILS e: Doppler Inertial LORAN [LongRange Navigation] System DIM f: Division d'Infanterie Mécanisée - s: Departamento de la Industria Militar - s: Diplomado de Intendencia Militar D.I.M. e: District Inspector of Musketry - f: Détachement d'Infirmiers Militaires - f: Division d'Infanterie Maroccaine - f: Division d'Infanterie Motorisée - f: Division d'Instruction Militaire D.I.Ma f: Division d'Infanterie de Marine - f: Division d'Infanterie Marocaine DIMM s: Division de infantería motomecanizada DIMP e: Defence Industry and Materiel Policy Division DIMS e: Director International Military Staff DIMT e: Deputy Inspector of Mechanized Troops - s: Division de infantería motorizada DIMUS e: Digital Multi-beam Steering System Sonar DIMZ s\ División mecanizada din e: Dinuclear Dina d: Divisions-Nachrichtenabteilung D.I.N.A. /• Division d'Infanterie NordAfricaine DINABOC e: Digital Navigation And Bombing Computer Dinaf. d: Divisionsnachrichtenführer Dinafii d: Divisionsnachrichtenführer - d: Divisionsnachschubführer Dinatru d: Divisionsnachschubtruppen D Inf e: Directorate of Infantry DINFOS e: Defense Information School, Ft. Benjamin, Harrison, Indiana DINS e: Directorate for Inspection Services [Assistant Secretary of Defense for Administration] DIO e: Directorate] of Industrial Operations D.I.[0.] e: Directorate of Intelligence [Operations] DIO e\ District intelligence officer - e\ Divisional intelligence officer - e: Duty intelligence officer DIOC e: Division Intelligence Operations Center DION e: Division Dion d: Division Dions Kav d: Divisions-Kavallerie DIP e: Detached issue park - e: Document Improvement Program DIPA. d: Deutsch-Italiensiche Panzerarmee DIPEC e: Defense Industrial Plant Euqipment Center DIPM f: Division d'Infanterie Partiellement Mécanisée D.I.P.N. / : Division d'instruction de personnel navigant DIPR e: Departmental Industrial Plant Reserve DIPTA e: Defense Intelligence Project for Threat Analysis D.I.Pz.APF. d: Deutsch-Italienischer Panzerarmee-Pionierführer


DIQAP e: Defence Industries Quality Assurance Panel [Ministry of Defence and industry] D.I.[R.J e: Director of Intelligence [Research] DIR s\ Division de infantería regular DIRAFIED e: Director, Armed Forces Information and Education Division Diram f: Direction des applications militaires - f : Direction des applications militaires DIRC e: Defense Intelligence Relay Center - e: Defense Investigative Review Council DIRCAM f: Direction de la Circulation Aérienne Militaire Dircegénie f: Direction centrale de génie Dircen f: Direction des centres d'expérimentations nucléaires DIRCM e: Directed Infrared Countermeasures Direlatex. f: Direction des relations extérieures Dir.Gen. ï. Direzione generale Dirgénint. f: Direction générale d'intendance Dir.Gen.Sa. i: Direzione Generale de Sanità Dirgéntra. f: Direction générale des transports Dirint. /• Direction d'intendance DIRLANTDOCKS e: Director, Atlantic Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks Dir Log Plans Div e: Director, Logistics Planning Division Dirmat. f: Direction du matériel DIRMOBFOR e: Director of Mobility Forces DIRNAVCOM e: Director of Naval Communications DIRNAVPIIBPRINTSERV e: Director, Navy Publications and Printing Service DIRNAVSCOL e: Director, Naval School DIRNAVSECGRULANT e: Director, Naval Security Group, Atlantic DIRNAVSECGRUPAC e: Director, Naval Security Group, Pacific DIROCD e: Director, Office of Civil Defense Dirpersat. f: Direction du personnel de l'armée de terre DIRPOSTALS e: Director of Postal Services Dirsanté f: Direction de santé DIRSO e: Defense Industrial Resources Support Office DIRSP/PROJMGRFBM e: Director, Special Projects/Project Manager Fleet Ballistic Missile DIRSSP e: Director of Strategic Systems Project Dir.Sup.Tra. i: Direzione Superiore Trasporti DirSWDUSCONARC e: Director of Special Weapons Division, United States Continental Army Command Dir.T.Colo. f: Direction des troupes coloniales Dirtra. f: Direction des transports Dir.Tra.I. i: Direzione Trasporti d'Intendenza Dirtrans. f: Direction des transmissions Dir Trav f: Direction des travaux Dirvétér. f: Direction vétérinaire DIRW e: Director of Women Marines DIRWSEG e: Director, Weapons Systems Evaluation Group dirz.atm. i: direzione di arresto automatico Dirz.Gen. i: Direzione Generale

© Κ · G • Saur, München

DIS e: Daily issue store - e: Defence Intelligence Staff - e: Defense Information System - e: Defense Intelligence School - e: Defense Intelligence Service - e: Defense Investigative Service - e: Divisionai Information System - / : Division d'instruction au sol D.I. [S.] e: Directorate of Intelligence [Security] DISA e: Defence Institute of South Africa - e: Defense Institute of Security Assistance disarm e: Disarmament DISC e: Defense Documentation Centre [Eire] - e: Defense Industrial Supply Center - e: Director of Information Services Control - e: Director of Inspection of Stores and Clothing DISC4 e: Director of Information Systems for Command, Control, Communications and Computers DISCC e: Director [District] Information Services Control Command DISCO e: Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office DISCOM e: District C o m m a n d e r ] - e: Division Support Center - e: Division Support Command DISCONSTAFF e: controlling directing staff DISI e: Defense Industrial Security Institute DISM e: Delayed Impact Space Missile - e: Director, In-Service Submarines DISN e: Defense Information Systems Network DISNET e: Defense Integrated Secure Network DISNNT e: Defense Information Systems Network-Near Term DISP e: Defense Industry Studies Program - e: DOD [Department of Defense] Industrial Security Program Disp Comb s: Disposición combativa D.I.S.T. / : Division de l'instruction scientifique et technique distacc. i: distaccamento DISTAFF e: Directing staff Dist.Engr e: District Engineer DISTEX e: Disaster [relief] exercise [Royal Navy] DISTO e: Defense Industrial Security Education and Training Office Distr.Kdtr. d: Distriktskommandantur distrko N: distriktkommando dist.sos.tec. i: distaccamento di sostegno tecnico dist.tatec. i: distaccamento tattico-tecnico D.I.T. / : Défense intérieure du territoire - / : Détachement d'inspection technique - / : Division d'infanterie territoriale - f: Division d'Infanterie Territoriale - f . Division d'instruction technique - i: Delegazione di Intendenza Territoriale DI[TG] s: Division de infantería [tiempo de guerra] DITRAC /• Division des Troupes Aéroportçes et de Choc D.I.U.S. f: Division d'Infanterie Américaine Div d: Division - f: Division - n: Divisie - s: Division div e: division 17 Div e: 17 Division/Malaya District Div. i: Divisione

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

DMA div. r: division DIVAD e: Division Air Defence - e: Division Air Defence Gun - e: Divisional Air Defense Div Ammn Coy e: Divisional Ammunition Company Div Ammn Sub Pk e: Divisional Ammunition Sub-Park Divar. / : Division aérienne DIVART e: Division Artillery DivArtBtl d: Divisionartilleriebataillon DIVARTY e: Division Artillery - e: Divisionally Artillery Organization i: divisione atomica Div.Bl. /: Division blindée - f: Division Blindée Div.Brdbg. d: Division Brandenburg Div.Brtr. d: Divisions-Briickentrain Div.Br.Tr. d: Divisions-Briickentrain divch r: divisionschef DIVCON e: Division Concepts and Force Desgin Study Div Coy e\ Divisional company Div Dp e: Divisional Depot Div Engr Dp e: Divisional engineer depot Divferna d: DivisionsFernsprechabteilung DivFlaFhr d: Divisionsflugabwehrführer Div.Fist, d: Divisions-Feuerleitstelle DivFmFhr d: Divisionsfernmeldefiihrer divförbpl r: divisionsförbandplats Div.Fus. f: Division de Fusiliers Div.Gef.St. d: Divisionsgefechtsstand DIVHED e: Division Headquarters Div.HQ. d: Divisionshauptquartier Div Hq e: Divisional Headquarters Div Hq [Rr] e: Division Headquarters [Rear] Div Hq [Rr| e\ Division headquarters [rear] Div.Inf. f: Division d'Infanterie Diving d: Divisionsingenieur Div JA e\ Division judge advocate Divkaka d: Divisions-Kraftwagenkolonne DivKdo d: Divisionskommando Div.Kdr. d: Divisionskommandeur Divkmdo d: Divisionskommando [Marine] divko N: divisjonskommando Div.-Komm, d: Divisionskommandeur Divkonach d: DivisionsNachrichtenkommandeur Div.K.St. d: Divisions-Kartenstelle Divi Comdr e: Divisional commander Div Loc Bty e: Divisional Locating Battery Div.Méc. /• Division Mécanisée Div.Méc. /: Division mécanisée Div.M.S. d: Divisions-Meßstelle DI VN d: Division Divn d: Divisionen divn e: division Div.Nachr.Schwd. d: DivisionsNachrichtens chwadron Divnl Sigs e: Divisional Signals Divns e\ Divisions DivNschKp d: Divisionsnachschubkompanie Div.N.[tm]6 d: Nachrichtenabteilung [teilmotorisiert] der 6. Division Div.N.[tm]6 d: Nachrichtenabteilung [teilmotorisiert] der 6. Division DIVOO e: Division[al] ordnance officer Div Ord Off e\ Divisional ordnance officer Div.Pet.Coy e: Divisional petrol company Div.Pet.Pk e: Divisional petrol park DivPO d: Divisionspersonaloffizier Div Pro Coy e: Divisional Provost Company DivQm d: Divisionsquartiermeister

DivRdstrDst d: Divisionsrundstrahldienst Div.Res. d: Divisionsreserve Div Res e: Divisional Reserve divres n: divisie reserve Div Rr Ech e\ Divisional rear echelon DivSigO e: Division Signal Officer div sigs e: divisional signals DIVSP e: Division Supply Point Div.St. d: Divisionsstab Div.St.Q. d: Divisionsstabsquartier Div Sup Col e: Divisional supply column DIVTAG e: Division Through Army Group DivTop d: Divisionstopograph DivTr d: Divisionstruppen Div Tr e: Divisional Train DivVersTr d: Divisionsversorgungstruppen Div.Vet. d: Divisionsveterin - d: Divisionsveterinär divvpl n: divisie verdeelplaats DIVWAG e: Division War Game Model Div Wks O e\ Divisional works officer DIW e: Defense Information Warfare DIZ e: Defense Identification Zone DJA se: Dom Jugoslavenske armije D.J.A.G. e: Deputy Judge AdvocateGeneral DJNA se: Dom Jugoslovenske Narodne Armije DJS e: Director Joint Staff DJIIOL e: Daily JUMPS [Joint Uniform Military Pay System] Update Output Listing DK N: Distriktskommando Dk r: Dubbelkommando D.K. d: Divisionskavallerie d.k. P: dywizja kawalerii D.kaw. P: Dywizja kawalerii DKD[M] d: Deutsche Kontroll-Delegation [Mittelmeer] DKL a: Danmarks Lottekorps DK-Iager N\ Distriktskommando lager DK-lege N: Distriktskommandolege DKN N: Distriktskommando Nord-Norge DKO N: Distriktskommando Oppland D K 0 N: Distriktskommando Ostlandet D.Kos, d: Donkosaken DKP d: Divisionskontrollpunkt DKS Ν: Distriktskommando Sorlandet - d: Divisionskartenstelle Dks Coy RE e: Docks Company, Royal Engineers DK-sjef N: Distriktskommandosjef DKT N: Distriktskommando Trondelag DKU n: Depot Kleding en Uitrusting [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] DKV N: Distriktskommando Vestlandet DK Viken N: Distriktskommando Viken DL e: Division Leader - f . Détachement de liaison D.L. e: Director of Labour - f: Division Légère d.i. P: dowództwo lotnictwa DLA e: Defence Land Agent - e: Defense Logistics Agency D.Lab, e: Director of Labour Service DLAO e: Defense Logistics Analysis Office DLAOR e: Directorate Land/Air Operation Research DL/AW e: Director of Land/Air Warfare D.L.C. / · Division Légère de Cavalerie D.L.E. / · Dépôt de la Légion Étrangère D.L.E.M. f: Dépôt de la Légion Étrangère à Marseille D.L.F. a: Dansk Luftv'rnsforening DLFV d: Deutscher Luftflottenverein DLG e: Defense Liaison Group - e: Large Destroyer, Guided Missile

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

DLGH e: Guided Missile Frigate, Helicopter DLGM i: Direzione Lavori Genio Militare DLGN e: Guided Missile Frigate, Nuclearpowered DLI e: Defense Language Institute - e: Durham Light Infantry - f : Division Légère d'Infanterie - f: Division Légère d'Intervention DLIEC e: Defense Language Institute, East Coast Branch DLIEL e: Defense Language Institute, English Language Branch DLIELC e: Defense Language Institute, English Language Center, San Antonio/Lackland DLIFLC e: Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center DLISC-EP e: Defense Language Institute Support Command - El Paso DLISDA e: Defense Language Institute Systems Development Agency DLISW e: Defense Language Institute, Southwest Branch DLIWC e: Defense Language Institute, West Coast Branch DLM e: Department of Legal Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology - e: Director of Liaison and Munitions D.L.M. e: Director of Liaison and Munitions - f: Division Légère Mécanisée - f: Division Légère Motorisée DLMF e: Depot Level Maintenance Facility DLM.i.R. d: Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumänien DLMP e: Depot Level Maintenance Plant DLMTB e: Defense Logistics Management Training Board DLO e: Division Liaison Officer - e: The Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry - f: Détachement de Liaison et d'Observation [d'artillerie] D.L.O. e\ Divisional legal officer DLOY e: The Duke of Lancasters's Own Yeomanry, Warham, Dorset [Territorial Army] DLP e: Defense Language Program DLR e: Doppler Laser Radar DLSA e: Director, Land Service Ammunition DLSIE e: Defense Logistics Studies Information Exchange D/LSM e: Directorate of Logistic Support Management DM e: Defence Minister - e: Destroyer Minelayer - e: Doppler Missile - i: Distretto Militare - η: Departement der Marine in Nederlandsch-Indië - s\ Distrito militar - s\ Division de montaña D.M. e: Defence Minister - f . Division de montagne - f . Division marocaine - / : Division militaire - f: Division Militaire - f: Douane Militaire D.m. i: Divisione motorizzata d.M. d: der Marine DMA e: Defence Manufacturers Association - e: Defense Manpower Administration - e: Defense Mapping Agency - e: Defense Mineral Administration - e: Department of Military Aeronautics - e: Department of Military Affairs


D.M.A. - e: Depot maintenance activity - e: Director of Military Assistance - e: Directory of Military Application - e: Division Of Military Aeronautics - e: Division of Military Application - / ' Délégation Ministérielle à l'Armement D.M.A. / : Détachement motorisé autonome DMAA f: Délégation Ministérielle pour lArmée de l'Air - / ' Dépôt du Matériel de l'Armée de l'Air DMAAC e: Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center DMA-AF e: Defense Message System-Air Force D.M.A.B. n: Dienst Militair Aankoopbeleid - n: Dienst militair Aankoopbeleid DmäZ d: Deutsche militärärztliche Zeitschrift DMAF e: Defence Military Assistance Fund DMAFB e: Davis Monthanfield Air Force Base DMAHTC e: Defence Mapping Agency Hydrographie [Topographic Center DMAM /• Délégation Ministérielle pour l'Armée de Mer D.M.A.M. f: Director du Matériel Aérien Militaire D-man e: Drug-enforcement officer DMAODS e: Defense Mapping Agency Office of Distribution Services DMAPS e: Digital Marine Acquisition and Processing System DMASPOEM e: Defense Mapping Agency Special Program Office for Exploitation Modernization DMASS e: Data Management and Automated Storage Strategy DMAT f: Délégation Ministérielle pour l'Armée de Terre DMATC e: Defense Mapping Agency Topographie Center DMATS e: Defense Metropolitan Area Telephone Service - e: Defense Metropolitan Area Telephone System DMAV e: Dual Mode Air Vehicle DMB d: Deutsche Marinebücherei DMB. d: Deutsche Marinebücherei DMB d: Deutscher Marinebund e.V. DMB. e: Defense Mediation Board D.M.B, e: Defense Mediation Board DMB e: Defense Mobilization Board DMBv d: Deutscher Militärischer Bevollmächtigter DMBv USA/CA d: Deutscher Militärischer Bevollmächtigter USA und Kanada DMC e: Defense Materiel Council - e: Defense Movement Coordinator - e: Deputy Chairman, Military Committee - / ' Détachement Militaire de Coordination DMCC e: Data and Maintenance Control Center - e: Defence Movements Co-ordinating Committee - e: Depot Maintenance Control Center - e: Division Movement Control Center DMCL e: Digital Modem Command Language DMCR e: Director, Marine Corps Reserve DMCT e: Directorate of Missile Captive Test DMD e: Director of Manning Department - e: Director of Mobilization Department DMDC e: Defense Manpower Data Center D.M.D.G. e: Department of the Medical Director-General


DMDGN e: Deputy Medical DirectorGeneral of the Navy DMDSAB e: Defence Medical and Dental Services Advisory Board DME e: Director of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - e: Division of Mechanical Engineering DMEA e: Defense Minerals Exploration Administration DMEC e: Defense Metals Equipment Center D.mecc. i: Divisione meccanizzata DMEDA e: Director of Medical Acitivities DMEF e: Society of Air Force Anestesiologists DMEng e: Director of Maintenance Engineering DMET e: Defense Management Educating and Training - e: Directorate] of Marine Engineering Training - e: Distance Measuring Equipment and TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] DM F f: Département Militaire Fédéral - i: Dipartimento Militare Federale DMG d: Deutscher Militärgeographischer Dienst - e: Defense Marketing Group - e: Deputy Military Governor - e: Distinguished Military Graduate D.M.G. e: Deputy-Master-General - f: Direction du matériel du génie d.m.g.c. i: deposito di munizioni grande calibro DMGO e.· Deputy Master-General of Ordnance - e: Divisional] Machine-Gun Offiicer DMH e: Department of Marine and Harbours DMI a: Dansk Militasrt Idrastsforbund - a: Dansk Milit'rt Idr'tsforbund - d: Deutsches Marine-Institut - e: Director of Missile Intelligence - e: Directorate] of Military Intelligence - e: Division of Manpower Intelligence - / : Division motorisée d'infanterie - f: Division Motorisée d'Infanterie DMIC e: Defense Metals Information Center, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus DMIF e: Depot Maintenance Industrial Fund DMIL e: Military Directorate D Mil S e: Doctor of Military Science DMIP e: Defense Materiel Interservicing Program DMIRR e: Demand Mode Integral Rocket Ramjet DMIS e: DATICO [Digital Automatic Tape Intelligence Checkout] Missile Interface Simulato DMJ d: Deutsche Marine-Jugend DML e: Defence Medal for Leningrad - n: Directoraat Materieel Landmacht D.M.L. / : Détachement mixte de liaison DML/BTTL η: Directoraat Materieel Landmacht, Afdeling Intendance, Bureau Techniek, Textiel en Leder DMLO η: Didactiek Militair Leiderschap en Opleidingen Dml Sqd e: Demolition squad DM Lu n: Directoraat Materieel Luchtmacht DMM e: Defence Medal for Moscow - i: Dipartimento Marina Militare - s: Division motomecanizada D.M.M. / : Division de marche marocaine - / : Division marocaine de montagne DM M Β e: Defense Medical Materiel Board

Κ · G · Saur, München

d.m.m.c. i: deposito di munizioni medio calibro DMMZ d: Deutsche MilitärmusikerZeitung DMO e: Defence Medal for Odessa - e: Defense Mobilization Order - e: Director of Maritime Operations - e: Director of Military Operations - e: Directorate of Military Operations - e: District Marine Officer - e: District Material Officer - e: District Medical Officer DMOC e: Division Medical Operations Center DMO & I e: Director of Military Operations and Intelligence DMOI e: Director of Military Operations and Intelligence DMO&P e: Directorate] of Military Operations and Planning DMOS e: Duty Military Occupational Specialty D.mot. i: Divisione motorizzata DMov e: Directorate] of Movements DMP d: Direktion der Militärflugplätze - d: Divisions-Medizinalpunkt - e: Directorate] of Materiel Procurement - e: Directorate] of Military Personnel D.M.P. e: Director of Manpower Planning DMPA e: Defense Material Procurement Agency [Administration] D.M.[P.P.] e: Director of Manning [Policy and Plans] DMQ e: Director of Movements and Quartering D.M.R. f: Détachement Militaire Régional - / : Division mécanique rapide [Armée] - f: Division Mécanisée Rapide - / : Division mobile rapide - f: Division Mobile Rapide - / : Divison mécanisée de reconnaissance DMRC e: Defence Maintenance and Repair Committee DM/RK d: Deutsches Minenräumkommando SchleswigHolstein DMRL e: Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory DM/RL d: Deutsche Minenr DMS e: Defense Mapping School - e: Defense Marketing Service - e: Defense Missile Systems - e: Department of Medicine and Surgery - e: Department of the Military Secretary [War Office] - e: Deputy Military Secretary - e: Destroyer Minesweeper - e: Director for Mutual Security - e: Director[ate] of Materiel Supply - e: Doctor of Military Science - e: Domestic Military Sales D.M.S. e: Deputy Military Secretary - e: Director of Mine-Sweeping Division - e: Directorate of Microgram Services - e: Director[ate] of Military Survey DMSC e: Defence Material Standardization Committee - e: Defense Medical Supply Center DMSE e: Director of Mobile Support Equipment DMSP e: Defense Meteorological Satellite Program - e: Defense Military Satellite Programme DMSP A e: Defense Mobilization and Support Planning Agency DMSPC e: Defence Materiel Standardization Policy Committee DMSR e: Director of Missile Safety Research

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

DODCI DMSS e: Directorate of Military Satellite Systems DMSSO e: Defense Materiel Specifications and Standards Office DMSV e: Defence Medal for Sevastopol DMT e: Director of Military Transport - e: Directorate of Military Technology D.M.T. e: Director of Mechanical Transport and Marine Craft - e: Directorate] of Military Training - / : Détachement du matériel des transmissions DMTM η: Depot Motortransport Materieel [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] D.M.T.M. "/• Dépôt du Matériel de la Télégraphie Militaire DMTR e: Directorate] of Maritime Tactical and Training Requirements D.M.T.R. f: Direction des mouvements et transports sur la route D.Mu. / · Dépôt de Munitions DMUP e: Defense Materiel Utilization Program DMV d: Deutscher Militärverein - d: Deutscher Militärverlag - d: Direktion der Eidgen - d: Direktion der Eidgenössischen Militärverwaltung D.M.V.K. d: Deutscher MarineVerbindungskommandeur DMV MC/NATO d: Deutscher Militärischer Vertreter im MC/NATO DMV/RZ d: Rechenzentrum der Eidgenössischen Militärverwaltung DMV SHAPE d: Deutscher Militärischer Vertreter bei SHAPE D.M.W.D. e: Director of Miscellaneous Weapons Department DMZ e: De-Militarized Zone D.M.Z. e: Demilitarized Zone D.M.Z.N. / • Dépôt de Munitions de la Zone Nord D.M.Z.S. /• Dépôt de Munitions de la Zone Sud DN d: Diensthabender Nachrichten - e: Department of the Navy - s\ Distrito naval D.N. f: Division Navale - i: Divisione Navale DNA e: Defense Nuclear Agency - e: Deputy for Nuclear Affairs - e: Director of Naval Accounts - e: Directorate of Naval Aviation D.N.A. e: Director of Naval Accounts - / ' Division Nord-Africaine DNA-AEC e: Defence Nuclear AgencyAtomic Energy Commission D.N.A.D. e: Director of Naval Air Division DNAO e: Director of Naval Air Organization DNAR e: Director of Naval Air Radio DN Arch e: Doctor of Naval Architecture D Na S e.· Doctor of Naval Science D Na Se e: Doctor of Naval Science D.N.A.T.O. e: Director of North Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs DNA-TP e: Defense Nuclear Agency Technical Publications DNAV e: Naval Directorate DNAWFT e: Director, Naval Air Warfare and Flying Training DNB e: Departure from Nuclear Boiling DNBC e: Defence Nuclear, Biological and Chemical School DNBCC e: Defence Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Centre DNC e: Director of Naval Communications - e: Director of Naval Construction

DNCCC e: Defense National Communications Control Center DNCCCS e: Defense National Communications Control Center System DNCINST e: Director of Naval Communications Instructions DNCOM e: Directorate of Naval Communication DND e: Department of National Defence - e: Directorate of Navigation and Direction D.N.D. e: Director of Navigation and Direction DNDT e: Department of the Navy, Declassification Team DNE e: Director of Naval Equipment - e: Directorate of Naval Education - e: Doctor of Naval Engineering - e: Dounreay Nuclear Establishment DN Eng e: Doctor of Naval Engineering D.N.E.S. e: Director of Naval Education Service DNET e: Division of Nuclear Education and Training DNF e: Defense Nuclear Facilities - e: Directorate of Naval Finance DNF. d: Divisionsnachschubführer D.N.F. e: Dominion Naval Forces DNFS e: Directorate of Naval Flight Safety DNFSB e: Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board DNFYP e: Department of the Navy Five Year Plan - e: Department of the Navy Future Years Program DN/GFCC f: Délégation Navale du Groupe Français du Conseil de Contrôle DNI e: Directorate] of Naval Intelligence DNINF e: Directorate of Naval Information DNJENER e: Dutch-Norwegian Joint Establishment for Nuclear Energy Research DNK e: Dam Neck, Virginia [guided missile school] DNL e : Director of Naval Laboratories D.N.L. f: Division Navale du Levant DNLD e: Director of Naval Electrical Department DNMM e: Division of Nuclear Materials Management DNMO e: District Naval Material Office DNMOV e: Directorate of Naval Movements D.N.M.S. e: Director of Naval Medical Services DNMS e: Division of Nuclear Materials Safeguards DNO e : Directorate] of Naval Ordnance - e: District Naval Officer[r] D.N.O.[A.A.S.] e: Director of Naval Ordnance [Air Armament Section] DNO[EA] e: Directorate of Naval Ordnance [Establishment and Administration Division] DNO[QCD] e: Directorate of Naval Ordnance [Quality Control Design Service Division] DNOR e: Directorate of Naval Organization DNO[Trails] e: Directorate of Naval Ordnance [Trails Division] DNP e: Division of Nuclear Physics DNPA e: Directorate of Naval Pay Accounting DNPC e: Directorate of Naval Programme Control DNPO e: Directorate of Naval Plans and Operations

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

DNPP e: Director, Naval Program Planning DNPPS e: Director, Navy Publications and Printing Service DNPR e: Director, Navy Petroleum Reserves DNR e: Directorate] of Naval Recruiting - e: Division of Naval Reactors DNRH e: Director of Naval Records and History DNRRC e: Division of Natural Resource[s] Review and Coordination DNRS e: Day/Night Range Sight DNS e: Doppler Navigation System DNSARC e: Department of the Navy Systems Acquisition Review Council DNSC e: Defense National Stockpile Center DNSR e: Directorate of Nuclear Safety Research USAF DNSS e: Defense Navigation Satellite System D.N.S.T. e: Director of Naval Sea Transport DNSTAN e: Directorate of Naval Standardization DNSy e: Director of Naval Security DNT e: Director of Naval Training - e: Directorate of Naval Training D.N.T. e: Director of Naval Training DNTO e: District Naval Transport Officer DNWA e: Director, Naval Warfare Analysis DNWS e: Director of Naval Weather Service, Admiralty DO d: Deckoffizier - e: Defence Order - e: Defense Order - e: Disbursing Officer Do e: Dorsetshire Regiment D.O. d\ Diensthabender Offizier - e: Director of Organization - e: Directorate of Operations - / : Détachement d'observation - / : Détachement opérationnel - f: Division d'Occupation DOA e: Days of Ammunition - e: Disabled Officers Association DoA e: Department of the Army D.O.A. e: Directorate of Officer Appointments DOAE e: Defence Operational Analysis Establishment, West Byfleet, Surrey D.O.A.G.B, e: Director of Organization, Adjutant-General's Branch DOAO[FE] e: Defence Operational Analysis Organisation [Far East] DOAS e: Directorate of Aviation Stores DOB d: Deutscher Offizier-Bund D.Ob.d.L. d: Der Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe DOC e: Defence Operations Centre - e: District Officer in Command DOCA e: Defense Orientation Conference Organization, Washington, DC DOCC e: Defense Communications Agency Operations Center Complex DOD e: Divisional Ordnance Depot DoD e: Department of Defence [or Defense] D.O.D. e: Director of Operations Division [Navy] DODABMA e: Development Operations Division, Army Ballistic Missile Agency DoDAC e: Department of Defense Ammunition Code DODAR e: Director of Drafting and Records, Royal Marines DODCI e: Department of Defense Computer Institute


DOD-CODSIA DOD-CODSIA e: Department of DefenseCouncil of Defense and Space Industry Associations DODCSC e: Department of Defense Computer Security Center DoDD e: Department of Defense Directive DoDDAC e: Department of Defense Damage Assessment Center DODDS e: Department of Defense Dependants [or Dependents] Schools DODDSEUR e: Department of Defense Dependents Schools, European Region DODEA e: Department of Defense Education Activity DODEC e: Department of Defense Environmental Contamination DODEP e: Department of Defense Emergency Plans D.O.D.[F.J e: Director of Operations Division [Foreign] DODFDCO e: Department of Defense Foreign Disclosure Coordinating Office DODGE e: Department of Defense Gravity Experiment DODGE-M e: Department of Defense Gravity Experiment, Multipurpose D.O.D.[H.] e: Director of Operations Division [Home] DoD-HDBK e: Department of Defense Handbook DODHGCSO e: Department of Defense Household Goods Commercial Storage Office DODHGFO e: Department of Defense Household Goods Field Office DODHSNS e: Department of Defense High School Newspaper Service DODI e: Department of Defense Instruction DODIC e: Department of Defense Identification Code DODIER e: Department of Defense Industrial Equipment Reserve DoDIG e: Department of Defense Inspector General DODIIS e: Department of Defense Index of Specifications & Standards - e: Department of Defense Intelligence Information System DODINST e: Department of Defense Instruction DODIP e: Department of Defense Information Program DoDIS e: Department of Defense Index of Specifications & Standards DODISS e: Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards DoD-M e: Department of Defense-Manual DODMERB e: Department of Defense, Medical Examination Review Board DOD MILSO e: Department of Defense Military Standard Logistics Systems Office DODMPAC e: Department of Defense Military Pay and Allowance Committee DODMPRC e: Department of Defense Military Personnel Records Center DOD[N] e: Director of Operations Division [Naval] DOD[N] e: Director of Operations Division [Naval] DODNACC e: Department of Defense National Agency Check Center DoDP e: Department of Defense Programs DODPRO e: Department of Defense, Pacific Research Office DoD-R e: Department of DefenseRegulation DODRE e: Department of Defense Research and Engineering


DODSASP e: Department of Defense Small Arms Serialization Program DODSSP e: Department of Defense Single Stock Point DoDSSP e: Department of Defense Single Stock Point for Specifications and Standards DOD-STD e: Department of Defense Standard DOD-STP e: Department of DefenseStandard Satellite DODX e: Department of Defense-Owned Rail Cars - e: Military Traffic Management Command - e: Military Traffic Management Command [on rail cars] DOE e: Directorate of Organization and Establishment D.O.[Est.J e: Director of Organization [Establishment] DOF e: Date of Flight - e: Direction of Flight - e: Director of Ordnance Factories D of A e: Department of the Army - e: Director of Artillery D. of Arty e: Director of Artillery D. of C.L.I, e: Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry D of D e: Department of Defence DofD e: Department of Defence D. of D. e: Director of Dockyards D. of E. e: Director of Education - e: Director of Equipment D. of E.S.S. e: Director of Engineering Stores Service D. of G.D. e: Director of Gunnery Division D. of H.&R. e: Director of Hygiene and Research D. of I. e: Director of Intelligence D. of I. [Α.] e: Director of Intelligence [Air] DOFL e: Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories D. of L.D. e: Director of Local Defence D. of M. e: Director of Manning - e: Director of Mechanization D. o f M e c z e: Director of Mechanization D. ofM.[P.P.] e: Director of Manning [Policy and Plans] D. of N. e: Director of Navigation D. of N.R. e: Director of Naval Recruiting D. of O. e: Director of Organization [Organisation] D. of O.F. e: Director of Ordnance Factories D. of 0.[F.P.] e: Director of Organization [Forecasting and Planning] D of Ops e: Director of Operations D. of Ops[A.T.] e: Director of Operations [Air Transport] D. of Ops[B.&R.] e: Director of Bomber and Reconnaissance Operations D. of Ops[M.&N.] e: Director of Maritime Operations and Navigation D. of Ops [N.] e: Director of Operations [Navigation] D. of Ops[Tac.& A.T.] e: Director of Tactical and Air Transport Operations D. of P. e: Director of Planes [Admiralty] - e: Director of Plans - e: Director of Postings - e: Director of Press D. of P.D. e: Director of Plans Division [Navy] D. of P.D.[Q.J e: Director of Plans Division [Quartering] D. of Pol.[AS] e: Directorate of Policy [Air Staff]

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D. of R. e: Director of Railways [rrd] - e: Director of Remounts D. of S. e: Director of [Naval] Stores - e: Directorate] of Signals D. of S.D. e: Directorate] of Staff Duties D. of S.&T. e: Directorate] of Supplies and Transport D. o f T . e: Director of Training - e: Directorate] of Transport D of T.D. e: Director of Tactical Division - e: Director of Tactical Division [Navy] D. of W. e: Directorate of Weapons D. of W.[C.A.] e: Director of Works [Civil Aviation] D. of W.[H.] e: Director of Works [Home] D. of W.I. e: Director of Office of War Informations D. of W . [ 0 . ] e: Director of Works [Overseas] D. of W.[P.J e: Director of Works [Planning] d.o.g. P : dowództwo okrçgu generalnego DOGS e: Directorate of General Stores DOHL d: Deutsche Oberste Heeresleitung D.O.K. Ρ: Dowództwo Okrçgu Korpusu DOL e: Director of Logistics D.O.L. / : Détachement d'oberservation et de liaison DOLS e: Directorate of Electrical Stores DOMADIZ e: Domestic Air Defense Identification Zone DOMAR e: Doppler Martin Radar domb. c: domobrana DOME e: Deputy [District] Ordnance Mechanical Engineer DOMS e: Director of Military Support - e: Directorate of Military Support D.O.Mu. / · Dépôt Opérationnel de Munitions DON e: Department of the Navy DONACS e: Department of the Navy Automation and Communication System DonD d: Donaudivision DONOACS e: Department of the Navy Office Automation and Communication System DONPIC e: Department of the Navy Program Information Center DOO e: Directing Ordnance Officer - e: Divisional] Ordnance Officer DOOPO e: Director of Operations, Operational Plans Officer D.O.P. / : Détachement opérationnel de protection - f: Dispositif opérationnel de protection DOPS e: Directorate of Personnel Stores D.Ops.[A.D.] e: Director of Operations [Air Defence] D.Ops.[A.D.] e: Director of Operations [Air Defence] DOR e: Directorate of Operational Requirements [Research] D.O.R.[A.] e: Director of Operation Requirements [Air] doran e: Doppler Range and Navigation DORC e: Defence Operational Requirements Committee [Dept of Defence] - e: Dental Officers Reserve Corps DORCSA e: District Officer for Reserve Communication Supplementary Activities DORE e: Defense Operational Research Establishment - e: DOD [Department of Defense] Officer Record Examination DOrg e: Directorate] of Organisation [Organization] D.O.R.Me.C. v. Distaccamento officina riparazioni mezzi corazzati

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

DQP DORNA s: Dirección de tiro Optronica y Radarica Naval DORS e: Defence Operational Requirements Staff DORS[Air| e: Director of Operational Research Section [Air] DORSET e: Dorsetshire Regiment DORSI e: Dornier Radar Scoring Indication System DOS d: Deckoffizierschule [Marine]e.· Directorate] of Ordnance Services - e: Division of Operational Safety D.O.S. e: Director of Stores [Navy] DOSAFF e: Ali-Union Voluntary Society for Cooperation with the Army, Air Force, and Navy DOSH e: Division of Occupational Safety & Health DOSI e: Directorate of Operational Services and Intelligence D ο Τ e: Defense of the Territory D.O.T. e: Director of Operational Training - / ' Défense Opérationnelle du Territoire DOTIVI e: Director of [Naval] Ordnance, Torpedoes and Mines D.O.T.M. e: Director of Naval Ordnance, Torpedoes and Mines DOUSER e: Doppler Unbeamed Search Radar DOVO n: Dienst voor Opruiming en Vernietiging van Ontploffingstuigen d.o.w. P: dowództwo obozu warownego DOW e: Duration of War D.O.W.B, e: Director of Works and Buildings dow.piech. P: dowództwo piechoty DP-Í e: Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs DP e: Defense Paper - e: Defense Programs - e: Delivery Point - e: Distribution Point - e: DOE Office of the Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs - e: Office of Defense Programs Dp z: Depo D.P. e: Director of Pathology - e: Director of Postings - f: Direction des poudres - f: Division des Parachutistes d.p. P: dywizja piechoty DPA e: Defense Production Act - e: Defense Production Administration - e: Directorate of Personnel Administration DPAG / · Direction des personnels et affaires générales, DPAI / • Direction des programmes et affaires industrielles D.par. i: Divisione paracadutisti dp.aut.C. i: deposito centrale automezzi DPay e: Directorate of Pay DPB e: Defence [or Defense] Production Board D.P.B, e: Defence Purchasing Board DPB e: Defense Policy Board Dp.B. i: Deposito di Brigata DpBtl d: Depotbataillon DPC e: Defence [or Defense] Planning Committee - e: Defence [or Defense] Production Committee - e: Defense Procurement Circular - e: Defense Production Chief - e: Deputy Port Commander - e: Director of Postings and Careers DPCCMAC f: Direction du personnel civil, du contentieux et du matériel de l'administration centrale

dp.cel.g.c. i: Deposito carburanti e lubrificanti di grande capacità dp.cel.m.c. i: Deposito carburanti e lubrificanti di media capacità dp.cel.p.c. i: Deposito carburanti e lubrificanti di piccola capacità DPCM f: Directeur Provinciale] des Constructions Militaires - f: Direction Provincial [e] des Constructions Militaires Dp.D. i: Deposito Divisionale D.P.D. e: Director of Plans Division [Navy] DPDO e: Defense Property Disposal Off) ce [r] DPDP e: Defense Property Disposal Program DPDR-E e: Defense Property Disposal Region-Europe DPDS e: Defense Property Disposal Service [Defense Supply Agency] DPDSE e: Defense Property Disposal Service in Europe DPDSSO e: Defense Property Disposal Ship Sales Office [Defense Logistics Agency] DPers e: Director of Personnel Services DPersP e: Director of Personnel Planning DPET ρ: Directoría de Pesquisas e Ensino Tecnico DPEWS e: Design-to-Price Electronic Warfare System DPF e: Disciples Peace Fellowship DPFC e: Defense Program Field Council DPG e: Defense Planning Guidance D.P.G. f: Direction des prisonniers de guerre D.P.H. / · Détachement Permanent d'Hélicoptères DPhoto e: Directorate of Photography DPIC e: Directorate of Photographic Interpretation Center DPIM e: Director of Programme Implementation Monitoring DpInstBtl d: Depotinstandsetzungsbataillon DPKO e: Department of Peace-keeping Operations DPL e: Director of Pioneers and Labour DPM e: Directorate] of Personnel Manning - f: Direction des Pensions Militaires D.P.M. e: Depot Paymaster - e: Deputy Provost Marshal - f: Dépôt Principal de Munitions D.P.M.A.A. /• Dépôt Principal de Munitions de l'Armée de l'Air D.P.M.A.T. f: Direction des Personnels Militaires de l'Armée de Terre DPMB e: Defense Programs Management Board DPMC e: Director of Personnel, Marine Corps Dp.mi i: Deposito misto DPMM f: Direction des Personnels Militaires de la Marine DPMO e: Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office i: deposito munizioni [a terra] DPNC /• Département de physique nucléaire et de corps DPNE e: Division of Peaceful Nuclear Explosives DPNS f: Département de physique nucléaire et de corps solides DPO e: Defence Press Office - e: Defence Program[me] Operation D.Post, e: Director of Postal Services DPost e: Directorate of Armed Forces Postal Services

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

DPOW e: Directorate of Prisoners of War and Displaced Persons DPP e: Defence Planning and Policy - e: Defense Procurement Program - e: Defense program planning - e: Defense Program Projection - e: Deferred Payment Plan [Program] - e: Directorate] of Personnel Planning - e: Directorate of Publications and Printing DPPG e: Department of Defense Policy Planning Guidance DPPO e: District Publications and Printing Office DPPS e: Department of Defense Project Specification DPPT e: Directorate] of Personnel Procurement and Training DPQ e: Defense Planning Questionnaire DPR e: Defense Performance Review - e: Director of Public Relations - e: Dual Precipitation Radar DPRB e: Defense Planning & Resources Board D.P.R.C. e: Defence Policy and Requirements Committee DPRC e: Defense Program Review Committee dp.ric.A. i: deposito centrale ricambi auto DProgC e: Directorate of Programme Control DPS e: Defence Priorities System - e: Defense Planning Staff - e: Defense Printing Service - e: Defense Priorities System - e: Defense Prioritization System - e: Directorate] of Personnel Services DPSA e: Deep Penetration Strike Aircraft DPSB e: Defense Production Supply Board - e: Defense Program Strategy Board DPSC e: Defense Personnel Supply Center - e: Defense Personnel Support Center DPSCPAC e: Data Processing Service Center Pacific Fleet D.P.S.D. / · Direction de la Protection et de la Sécurité de la Défense DPSO e: Defense Projects Support Office D.P.S.[P.M.] e: Director of Personnel Service [Provost Marshal] D.P.S.S. e: Director of Printing and Stationery Services DPT e: Director of Plans and Training - i: Delegazione Postale e Telegrafica D.P.T.S. e: Director of Physical Training and Sports [Navy] DpUBtl d: Depotumschlagbataillon D.P.U.S.S.W. e: Department of the Permanent Under-Secretary of State for War DpVKdo d: Depotverbindungskommando DPW e: Director of Prisoners of War D.P.W. e: Director of Prisoners of War DPWG e: Defence [or Defense] Planning Working Group DQ e: Director of Quatering DQAB e: Defence Quality Assurance Board DQABE e: Defence Quality Assurance Board Executive DQM e: Divisional Quartermaster DQMG e: Deputy Quartermaster General DQMGO e: Deputy QuartermasterGeneral of Ordnance DQMS e: Deputy Quartermaster Sergeant DQN e: Depot Quartermaster, Norfolk DQOP e: Directorate of Quartering Operations and Planning DQP e: Depot Quartermaster, Philadelphia


DQPH DQPH e: Depot Quartermaster, Pearl Harbor DQQ e: Depot Quartermaster, Quantico DQR e: Depot Quartermaster, Richmond DQrtg e: Directorate of Quartering DQSF e: Depot Quartermaster, San Francisco DR d: Divisionsregister - d: Dragoner-Regiment - e: Defence Regulation^] - e: Defense Research - e: Demolition Rocket - e: Destroyer - e: Detection Radar - e: Discrimination Radar - e: Distant Range - e: Division Register - e: Dressing Station - e: Dynamic Range Dr d: Druckerei Wehrmacht[s]amt [Reichskriegsministerium] dr. i: direzione D.R. d: SS-Division Das Reich - f : Deuxième Réserve - f : Division de Reserve d.R. d: der Reserve DRA e: Defence Research Agency - e: Defense Reorganization Act - e: Defense Research & Applications - e: Doppler Radar - e: Dynamic Range Adjustment - f: Dépôt de Remonte d'Armée D.R.A. e: Directorate] of Royal Artillery DRAAG e: Design Review and Acceptance Group DRAG e: Defense Research Advisory Committee - e: Director of the Royal Armoured Corps D.R.A.C. e: Director, Royal Armoured Corps - f: Ligue des droits des religieux anciens combattants D.Rad.Eng. e: Director of Radio Engineering DRADS e: Degradation of Radar Defense System DRAE e: Defence Research Analysis Establishment Drag.R. d: Dragoner-Regiment Drag Schwd d: Dragoner-Schwadron DRAMI e: Digital Range Measuring Instrument DRAO e: Defense Reconstruction Assistance Office DRA[P] e: Directorate] of Religious Administration [Protestant] DRA[RC] e: Directorate] of Religious Administration [Roman Catholic] DRB e: Defence [or Defense] Research Board - e: Defence Research Board - e: Defense Research Board - e: Defense Resources Board - e: Departmental Records Branch - e: Division Ready Brigade DRBCL e: Defence Research Board Chemical Laboratories DRBH e: Defence Research Board Headquarters DRBn e: Divisional reconnaissance battalion drbrcie n: draagbaar compagnie drbrgp η: draagbaar groep DRC e: Defence Research Committee - e: Defense Research Committee - e: Defense Research Corporation - e: Defense Review Committee - e: Digital Radar Code - e: District Recruiting Command[er]


D.R.C.A. /• Direction régionale du commissariat de l'Air DRCCC e: Defense Regional Communications Control Center DRCCC-FE e: Defense Regional Communications Control Center, Far East DRCCC-SEA e: Defense Regional Communications Control Center, Southeast Asia DRCG e: Discrimination Radar Control Group DRCL e: Defence Research Chemical Laboratories, Ottawa DRD e: Defence Research Directors - e: Differenced-Range Doppler D.R.D. e: Director of Recruiting and Demobilization DRD e: Directorate] of Research and Development - e: Disaster Response Division - e: Documentary Research Division - /• Directeurs nationaux de la Recherche pour la Défense DRDC e: Defence Research and Development Council DRDP e: Director of Radar Data Processing DRDTO e: Detection Radar Data TakeOff System DRE e: Defence [Defense] Research Establishment - e: Digital Radar Extractor - e: Directorate] of Radio Equipment - e: Directorate of Research and Engineering - e: Doppler Radar Equipment D.R.E. e: Directorate of Royal Engineers - e: Divisional Road Engineer DREA e: Defence Research Establishment Atlantic DREC e: Detection Radar Electronic Component DRec e: Directorate of Records DRED e: Detection Radar Environmental Display DREE e: Director of Royal Engineer Equipment DREN e: Department of Defense Research and Education Network DREO e: Defence Research Establishment, Ottawa - e: Defense Research and Engineering Office DREP e: Defence Research Establishment Pacific DREPO e: District Reserve Electronics Program Officer DRES e: Defence Research Establishment, Suffield DRET e: Defence Research Establishment, Toronto D.R.E.T. f: Direction des recherches et des études techniques DRET f: Direction des recherches études et techniques DREV e: Defence Research Establishment Valcartier DRF e: Deliberate Reinforcement Force - e: Disaster Response Force - e: Division Ready Force DRG e: Defence [or Defense] Research Group D.R.G.A. /• Dépôt de Réserve Générale de l'Artillerie D.R.G.M. e: Director-General of Repair and Maintenance D.R./G.W. e: Directorate of Ranges, Guided Weapons D.R.H.O. e: Divisional Road Haulage Officer

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DRI e: Defense Research Institute - e: Defense Research Internet DRIC e: Defence Research Information Center DRILRON e: Drilling Squadron DrinD. d: Drina-Division DRIS e: Defense Retail Interservice Support DRKF d: Dienst für Rüstungskontrolle und Friedenssicherheit DRKL e: Defence Research Kingston Laboratory DRKT d: Deutscher Reichskriegertag 1934 DRL e: Defense Research Laboratories (or Laboratory) - e: Direct Ranging LORAN [Long Range Navigation] DRLM e: Digital Radar Land Mass DRL [M] e: Defense Research Laboratory [Materials] D.R.L.S. e: Despatch Rider Letter Service DRL/UT e: Defense Research Laboratory/University of Texas DRM /• Direction du renseignement militaire DRMA f: Dépôt de Remonte Mobile d'Armée DRMC e: Deputy Regional Military Commander DRME f: Direction des recherches et des moyens d'essais - f: Direction régionale du matériel et engins DRML e: Defence Research Medical Laboratory DRMO e: District Records Management Office [r] DRMU / · Dépôt Régional de Munitions DRN e: Directorate of Radio Navigation DRNL e: Defence Research Northern Laboratory DRO e: Director of Recruiting and Organization D.R.O. e: Divisional Recruiting Officer DRO-LA e: United States Army Element, Defense Research Office, Latin America DRORM e: Draft & Records Officer, Royal Marines DRP e: Directorate of Requirements and Programmes DRPC e: Defence Research Policy Committee - e: Defense Research Policy Committee DRPO e: Defense Resources Planning Operation DRR e: Defense Research Review - f: Direction régionale de recrutement D.R.R. / : Détachement de régulation routière DRRB e: Data Requirements Review Board DRRF e: Division Rapid Reaction Force DRRI e: Defense Race Relations Institute DRRL e: Digital Radar Relay Link D.R.R.S. f: Direction régionale de recrutement et statistique DRS e: Digital Radar Simulator D.R.S. / : Dispositif restreint de sécurité DRSA f: Dépôt de Ravitaillement Sanitaire d'Armée DR/SLF f: Détachement régionaux du SLF DRSR e: Direct Radar Scope Recorder D.R.S.S. f: Direction régionale du Service de santé D.R.S.T. f: Direction régionale des services techniques D.R.T. e: Director of Railway Transport - / : Direction régionale de[s] transmissions - / : Direction régionale des transports

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

DSP DRTE e: Defence Research T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Establishment DRTE Report e: Defence Research Telecommunications Establishment, Report D R T O e: Directorate of Transport and Reconnaissance Operations Druck Tr. d: Druckereitrupp dru\.z. P: druzyna D.R.V.F. / : Détchement régulateur de voie ferrée DRW e: Defence Radio Warfare drw e: defensive r a d i o l o g i c a l ] warfare D R W e: Directorate of Radio Warfare DRy e: Director of Railways DS e: Defense Secretary - e: Defense System - e: Dependents School - e: Destroyer Squadron - e: Directing Staff - e: Doppler sonar - e\ Dressing station D.S. e: Director of Supplies - e: Director of Survey - e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Signals D&S e: Defense and Space DSA e: Defence [or Defense] Shipping Authority - e: Defence Services Academy - e: Defence Services Asia - e: Defence Supply Agency - e: Defence Support Agency - e: Defense Shipping Authority - e: Defense Supply Agency - e: Defense Supply Association - e: Defense Systems Analysis D.S.A. e: Deputy Scientific Adviser - e: Deputy Secretary to the Admiralty DSAA e: Defense Security Assistance Agency DSAC e: Defense Security Assistance Council D S A C A S e: Defense Supply Agency Contract Administration Services DSACEIIR e: Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe DSACS e: Defense Standard Ammunition Computer System DSAG e: Defence Systems Analysis Group DSAH e: Defense Supply Agency Headquarters D S A H B K e: Defense Supply Agency Handbook DSAirP e: Defence Supply Aircraft Panel DSAlat / • Détachement de Soutien d'Aviation Légère de l'armée de terre d.sam. P: dywizjon samochodowy DSAM e: Defense Supply Agency Manual D S A m n P e: Defence Supply Ammunition Panel DSAO e: Data Systems Automation Office, Columbus, Ohio DSAP e: Defense Security Assistance Program - e: Defense Systems Application Program DSAR e: Defense Supply Agency Regulation DSARC e: Defence [or Defense] Systems Acquisitions Review Council D S A r m P e: Defence Supply Armament Panel DSASC e: Defense Supply Agency Administrative Support Center D S A S O e: Deputy Senior Air Staff Officer DSAT e: Defense Satellite DSAW e: Directorate of Surface and Air Warfare DSB d: Deutscher Soldatenbund - e: Defense Science Board - e: Defense Signals Board

D S B C O e: Defense Surplus Bidders Control Office DSBK d: Deutscher Soldatenbund Kyffhäuser D S B S C e: Defense Science Board Subcommittee DSC e: Defence and Security Committee - e: Defence [or Defense] Shipping Council - e: Defence Security Command - e: Defence Situation Centre - e: Defense Space Council - e: Defense Supply Center - e: Defense Supply Corporation D.S.C, e: Defense Supplies Corporation - e: Divisional supply column D & SC e: Defense and Space Center DSCA e: Defense Security Cooperation Agency DSCAEF e: Deputy Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force D.S.C.A.E.F. e: Deputy Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force D S C C e: Division Support Control Center DSCD e: Directorate of Stores and Clothing Development DScMil e: Doctor in Military Sciences D Se Mil e: Doctor of Military Science DSCP e: Defence Supply Construction Panel - e: Defense Satellite Communications Program - e: Division Supply Control Point DSCS e: Defense Satellite C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] System D S C S 2 e: Defense Satellite Communications System, Phase 2 D.S.C.T. / : Direction du service des contr D S C T P e: Defence Supply Clothing and Textile Panel DSCW e: Directorate of Service Conditions and Welfare DSD e: Defence Signals Directorate - e: Defence Support Division - e: Defense Support Division - e: Defense Systems Division - e: Defense Systems Division, General Motors Corp. - e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Staff Duties D.S.D. e: Director of Signal Department - e: Director of Signal Division D S D A R e: Deputy and Scientific Director of Army Research DSDC e: Defence Source Definition Committee DSDE e: Directorate of Seaward Defence Equipment D.S.D.G. e: Department of the Superintendent of Demagnetization DSE e: Director of Systems Evaluation D S E A e: Defense Security Assistance Agency - e: Directorate of Seamanship D S E B e: Defence [or Defense] Shipping Executive Board DSEC e: Director of Security DSEC/DEF e: Deputy Secretary of Defense DSEP e: Defense Science and Engineering Program DSFA e: Defense Solid Fuels Administration DSFLP e: Defense Supply Fuels and Lubricants Panel DSG e: Defense Suppression Group - e: Deputy Surgeon-General - e: Divisional Support Group - e: Divisions' Strategy Group DSGA e: Double-conductor, Shipboard General-use, Armo[ur]ed

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

D S G M s: Dirección del Servicio Geografico Militar DSGSP e: Defence Supply General Stores Panel D.S.Gx. / · Direction des services généraux DSIATP e: Defense Sensor Interpretation and Applications Training Program D Sig Co e: Divisional Signal Company D.Sigs. e: Director of [Army] Signals DSIP d: Dezentralisierter Schiffsinstandsetzungspunkt - e: Development, Support and Integration Program DSIR d: Dezentralisierter Schiffsreparaturpunkt DSIS e: Defense Scientific Information Service DSKBiB d: Deutscher Soldaten- und Kriegerbund in Bayern e.V. DSKiB d: Deutscher Soldaten- und Kriegerbund in Bayern DSL e: Defence Science Laboratory - e: Defence Standards Laboratories - r: Den Svenska Lottan DSLC e: Defense Logistics Services Center DSM e: Defense Standardization Manual - e: Defense Suppression Missile - η: Depot Straalmotoren, Woensdrecht D.S.M. / : Détachement du service de matériel - f : Direction de service de Sécurité Militaire - / · Direction du service du matériel d.s.m. i: dipartimento stato maggiore DSMA e: Defense Supply Management Agency D.S.M.A.A. / • Direction du Service du Matériel de l'Armée de l'Air DSMC e: Defense Systems Management College D.S.M.G. / • Direction du service du matériel du génie DSMGI e: Directorate of Strategie Military Geographie Information D.SMP / • Direction du Service Militaire Postal DSMS e: Defense Systems Management School dsmt e: Disarmament D S M T P e: Defence Supply Mechanical Transport Panel DSNO se: Drzavni sekretarijat za narodnu odbranu DSNS e: Doppler Sonar Navigation System DSO e: Data Security Officer - e: Defense Support Organization - e: District Security Office[r] - e: District Signal Officer - e: District Staff Office[r] - e: Division Security Officer - e: D i v i s i o n a l ] S i g n a l l i n g ] Officer - e: Duty signal officer DSOAU e: Deputy Senior Officer, Assault Unit D S O C e: Defense Space Operations Committee - e: Division Support Operations Center D.S.O.C, e.· Deputy Signal Officer-inChief D/SOC e: Deputy Supply Officer-in-Chief DS of D e: Deputy Secretary of Defense DSO in C e: Deputy Signal Officer-inChief DSOP e: Digital Systems Operations Panel DSP e: Defence Support Program - e: Defense Services Program - e: Defense Standardization Program


D.S.P. - e: Defense Support Program - e: Development Sharing Program [defence] - e: Directorate of Special Projects D.S.P. e: Director of Selection of Personnel DSPC e: Defense Petroleum Supply Center DSPG e: Defense Special Project Group - e: Defense Special Projects Group - e: Defense Systems Planning Group DSPNO se: Drzavni sekretarijat za poslove narodne odbrane DSPO e: Defense Support Project Office DSPSWS e: Defence Support Program Satellite Warning System DSR e: Direct Solar Radiation DSRA e: Directorate of Supplementary Radio Activities D.S.R.D. e: Directorate of Signals Research and Development DSRE e: Defense Subsistence Region, Europe D.S.R.S.M. f: Direction des Services de Renseignements et de Sécurité Militaire DSS e: Defence Signals Staff - e: Defense Security Service - e: Defense Signal Staff - e: Defense Supply Service - e: Directorate of Scientific Services - i: Dirigente del Servizio Sanitario D.S.S. d: Deutscher Sonderstab DSSA e: Defence Subsistence Supply Agency DSSC e: Defense Subsistence and Supply Center DSSCS e: Defense Special Secure Communications System DSSD e: Direct Support Supply Depot DSSFK e: Defense Subsistence Storage Facility, Kaiserslautern DSSG e: Defense Suppression Analysis Evaluation Steering Group DSSO e: Defense Supply Sales Office DSSP e: Direct support supply point DSSR e: Deep Space Surveillance Radar DSS-W e: Defense Supply Service Washington DST e: Defense Suppression Threat - e: Director of Sea Transport - / ' Defense et Sécurité du Territoire - i: Direzione Superiore Trasporti D.S.T. e: Directorate] of Command and Staff Training - e: Directorate] of Supplies and Transport D.S.T.A.M. i: Delegazione servizi tecnico armi e munizioni DStatC e: Directorate of Statistics and Costing D.S.T.G. / : Direction du service des travaux du génie DSTO e: Defence Sciences and Technology Organization [Dept of Defence] - e: Deputy sea transport officer - e: District Sea Transport Officer - e: Divisional sea transport officer DSTP e: Director of Strategic Target Planning D.St.Q. d: Divisionsstabsquartier DSU e: Direct support unit DSU-GSU e: Direct support units - general support units DSV e: Deep Sea Vehicle - e: Deep Submarine Vehicle - e: Deep Submergence Vehicle - e: Defense Suppression Vehicle - e: Director of Special Visits D.S.V.P. e: Director of Small Vessels Pool [Admiralty]


DSvy e: Directorate of [military] Survey DSW e: Director of Special Weapons DSWA e: Defense Special Weapons Agency DSWP[N] e: Director, Surface Weapons Projects DSWS e: Division Support Weapon System D.S.W.V. e: Directorate] of Special Weapons and Vehicles DT e: Department of Tactics - v. Difesa territoriale D.T. e: Director of Training - e: Director of Transportation] - e: Divisional Train - f: Défense du Territoire - / ' Défense Territoriale - / ' Division de Torpilleurs - f: Division Territoriale d.t. f: détachement télégraphique DTA e: Defense Transport Administration - e: Defense Transportation Administration - e: Directorate] of Training Aids - e: Division Tactical Area - / : Détachement terre d'adaptation D.T.A. / : Détachement de[s] transmissions de l'Air Ρ: dywizjon taborów DTAC e: Department of Tactics DTACC e: Deployable Tactical Air Control Center DtA HQ AFCENT d: Deutscher Anteil beim Hauptquartier Allied Forces Central Europe D.T.A.I. /• Direction technique des armes et de l'instruction DtA IMS d: Deutscher Anteil beim [integrierten] Internationalen Militärstab DtA NADC d: Deutscher Anteil NATO Air Defence Committee DT ANCA d: Deutscher Anteil bei Allied Naval Communications Agency DTASW e: Directorate of Torpedo, Antisubmarine and Mine Warfare DTAT / • Direction technique des armements terrestres DTB d: Divisionstagesbefehl - e: Destroyer Tactical Bulletin DTBM e: Depressed Trajectory Ballistic Missile DTC e: Defense Technical Center - e: Defense Trade Controls [office] - e: Division Training Coordinator D.T.C, e: Deputy Theatre Commander - / ' Direction des troupes coloniales D.T.C.A. /• Défense Territoriale ContreAérienne - f: Direction technique de[s] constructions aéronautiques DTCN / · Direction technique des constructions navales DTC Subsystem e: DSI F [Deep Space Instrumentation Facility] Telemetry and Command Subsystem DTD e: Department of Tank Design D.T.D. e: Director of Trade Divisional [Navy] - e: Director of Training Department DTE e: Dental Training Establishment - / ' Direction technique des engins D.T.E. i: Direzione Trasporti Etappe D.Tel.A. d: Divisions-Telegrafenabteilung DTEP e: Digital Transmission Evaluation Project DtF-A HQ NORTHAG d: Deutscher Friedensanteil bei HQ NORTHAG DTG e: Defence Technology Group D.T.G. / : Direction des travaux du génie DTHS e: Director of Treatment and Hospital Services

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D.T.I, e: Director of Tactical Investigation - / · Direction technique et industrielle de l'aeroautique [Délégation ministérielle de l'armement] DTIA /• Direction technique et industrielle de l'aéronautique DtLwAusb-KdolISA d: Deutsches Luftwaffenausbildungskommando USA DtLwBerGrp d: Deutsche Luftwaffenberatergruppe DtLwÜbPIKdo d: Deutsches Luftwaffenübungsplatzkommando DtLwVStab US-Forces d: Deutscher Luftwaffenverbindungsstab zu US-Forces DTM f: Détachement Technique de Munitions - i: Delegazione Trasporti Militare D.T.M. e: Director of Torpedos and Mining Department - f: Direction des travaux maritimes D.T.M.A. /• Direction des Transports Militaires aus Armées D.T.M.I. f: Direction des travaux maritimes et immobilières DtMilVGrp d: Deutsche Militärische Verbindungsgruppe DTMO e: District Traffic Management Office - e: District Transportation Management Office DTMS e: Defense Traffic Management Service D.T.M.V.F. f: Direction des Transports Militaires Voie Ferrée D Τη e: Director of Transportation DTO e: Disbursing and Transportation Officer - e: District Transportation Office [r] D.T.O. / : Détachement de terrain d'opérations - / : Détachement de[s] transmissions opérationnel DTOC e: Division Tactical Operations Center DTOCSE e: Division Tactical Operations Center Support Element d.torp. P: dywizjon torpedowców D Tpt e: Director of transport D.T.R. e: Director of Transport and Remounts DTR e: Directorate of Technical Research [Navy] D.T.R.A. / • Direction des Transports sur Route d'Armée D.Tra.M. i: Delegazione Trasporti Militari DTRE e: Defence [Defense] Telecommunications Research Establishment DTRO e: Director of Transport and Reconnaissance Operations DTS e: Dartmouth Training Squadron - e: Defense Telephone Service - e: Defense Telephone System - e: Defense Transportation System D.T.S. e: Director of Tank Supplies - f: Direction des travaux et services DTSC e: Data Transmission Subcommittee Dtsch.Mil.Miss. d: Deutsche Militärmission Dtsch.Pers.Miss. d: Deutsch-Persische Mission D.T.S.D. e: Director of Training and Staff Duties Division [Navy] DTSD e: Directorate of Tactics and Staff Duties DtStBtl HQ AFCENT d: Deutsches Stabsbataillon bei HQ AFCENT

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DYNA-MOWS DTSW e: Defense Telephone Service Washington DTS-W e: Defense Telephone SystemWashington D.T.T. e: Director of Technical Training - / : Détachement temporaire des travaux d'installations des transmissions DTTC f: Directeur - traduction et terminologe [coordination] e: Director of Translation and Terminology Coordination DtÜbPIKdo d: Deutsches Übungsplatzkommando DtVertrMAS d: Deutsche Vertretung bei Military Agency for Standardization DtV/LO USNA d: Deutscher Verbindungs- und Lehroffizier an der US Naval Academy DtVO ESG d: Deutscher Verbindungsoffizier bei École Supérieure de Guerre DtVStab TrÜbPIK Shilo/CA d: Deutscher Verbindungsstab Truppenübungsplatzkommandantur Shilo/CA DtVStLwUSA d: Deutscher Luftwaffenverbindungsstab USA Dt.Wehrm. d: Deutsche Wehrmacht d-two P: dowództwo DTWP e: Director of Tactical and Weapons Policy D.T.W.P. e: Director of Tactical and Weapons Policy Division DTZ e: Division Tactical Zone DUAD e: Dual Air Defence DUADS e: Duluth Air Defense Sector D.U.B.D. e: Director of Unexploded Bombs Department D.U.B.D.D. e: Director of Unexploded Bombs Disposal Department Dublin Committee e: International Trade Union Committee for Peace and Disarmament DUCC e: Deep Underground Command Center D.Ü.P1. d: Dienstübungsplatz Dulag d: Durchgangslager [für Kriegsgefangene] Dulagluft d: Durchgangslager für Luftwaffenpersonal [Kriegsgefangene] DUM e: Deep Underwater Missile DUMB e: Deep Underground Missile Basing DIINC e: Deep Underwater Nuclear Counter DUNC Device e: Deep Underwater Nuclear Counting Device Durchg.K. d: Durchgangskompanie [Marine] Durh.L.I. e: The Durham Light Infantry D.U.S.A. e: Defense Union of South Africa DUSA e: Deputy of the Army Undersecretary DUSAA e: Davidson United States Army Airfield dusam e: dummy surface-to-air missile DUSC e: Defense Underground Support Center DUSD e: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense DUSD[AR] e: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense [Acquisition Reform] DUSD [AT] e: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense [Advanced Technology] DUSD C3I e: Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Communications, Command, Control and Intelligence DUSDRE e: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering

DUSIVO n: Democratische Unie van Strijders, Invaliden, Verminkten en Oorlogsslachtoffers DUSW e: Director of Undersea Warfare D.U.V.C.W. e: Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War DUW e: Director[ate] of Underwater Weapons D.U.W.M. e: Director of Underwater Weapon Material Department DV e: Division d.V. f: division Voisin DVA. d: Divisionsverpflegungsamt DVA e: Department of Veteran Affairs D.V.A. e: Dunkirk Veterans' Association DVB e: Department of Veterans Benefits DV.-Betr.Kp. d: DurchgangsvermittlungsBetriebskompanie D.Vbst. d: Deutscher Verbindungsstab D/VCAS e: Deputy Vice Chief of the Air Staff DVCC e: Disease Vector Control Center DVD e: Directorate of Vehicle Development DvD η: Departement van Defensie D.V.D.b.d.I.W.St.K. d: Deutsche Verbindungsdelegation bei der Italienischen Waffenstillstandskommission dë c: dëlostrelecky pluk DVES e: DOD [Department of Defense] Value Engineering Services DVESO e: DOD [Department of Defense] Value Engineering Services Office DVFE e: Director, Vehicle and Field Engineering DVFR e: Day Visual Flight Rules - e: Defense Visual Flight Rules DVJ se: Dobrovoljacka vojska Jugoslavie D.V.K, d: Deutsche Verbindungskommission DVL d: Divisionsverpflegungslager D.v.M. n: Departement van Marine DVM n: Depot Vliegtuigmaterieel van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht DVME e: Director of Vehicle and Marine Engineering DVN d: Division - e: Devonshire Regiment dvn e: Division D.v.O. n: Departement van Oorlog DVOP e: Disabled Veterans Outreach Program DVOR e: Doppler VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnidirectional Range DVORTAC e: Doppler VOR [Vertical Omnirange] and TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] DVP d: Divisionsmedizinpunkt - d: Divisionsverbandsplatz - d: Divisionsversorgungspunkt DVPSanMat d: Divisionsversorgungspunkt Sanitätsmaterial DVRP e: Divisional vehicle recovery point DV&RS e: Director of Veterinary and Remounts Services D.V.S. e: Director of Veterinary Services DVVM n: Depot Vliegtuigen en Vliegtuigmaterieel [Koninklijke Luchtmacht] DW e: Dangerous Weapon D.W. e: The Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment D&W e: Detection and Warning DWA e: Deadly Weapons Act - e: Director of War Archives D.W.A.A.F. e: Director of Women's Auxiliary Air Force

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

DWAC e: Director of Women's Army Corps DWBL e: Dismounted Warfighting Battlespace Laboratory DWBM e: Office of Defense Waste Byproducts Management DWBO e: District War Bond Office[r] DWC4 e: Deployable WWMCCS Command, Control and Communications Capability DWD e: Directorate of Weapons Development D.W.D. e: Director of Wreck Dispersal Department [Navy] DWE e: Director of Weapons and Equipment D.W.E.C. e: District War Executive Committee DWER e: Directorate of Weapons and Engineering Research DWF e: Damaged Weapons Facility - e: Directional Warhead Fuze D.W.F.S.D. e: Director of Welfare and Fleet Supply Department DWHQ e: District War Headquarters D.W.I, e: Director of Office and War Information DWIC e: Dutch Weapons Instructors Course D Wks e: Director of Works DWks e: Directorate of Works D.W.M. P: Dowództwo Wybrzeza Morskiego DWM d: Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken dwo e: delta-wing orbiter D.W.O. e: Directorate of War Organization DWOP e: Denver War on Poverty DWPO e: District War Plans Officer DWPS e: Deployable War Planning System DWR e: The Duke of Wellington's Regiment DWRAC e: Director of Women's Royal Army Corps D.W.R.A.F. e: Director of Women's Royal Air Force DWRNS e: Director, Women's Royal Naval Service DWRP e: Dee Weather Radar Project DWS e: Defense Weapons System - e: Disaster Warning Satellite - e: Disaster Warning System - e: Dispenser Weapon System DWSA e: Deputy War Shipping Administrator - e: Director of Weapon Systems Analysis D.W.S.C. e: Director of Welfare and Service Conditions DWSMC e: Defense Weapons Systems Management Center D.W.St, d: Deutscher Wirtschaftsstab DWStK. d: Deutsche Waffenstillstandskommission D.W.St.O. d: Deutscher Wehrmacht [s]standortoffizier DWT d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wehrtechnik e.V. - e: Division-Wing Team DWTS e: Digital Wideband Transmission System DX e: Destroyer Experimental - e: Distance radio reception or transmission - e: Distant Transmission DY e: Dockyard DykO r: Dykofficer DYNA-MOWS e: Dynamic Manned Orbital Weapon System


dyon[.] dyon[.] Ρ: dywizjon dyon.lot P: dywizjon lotniczy dyon.lot.mysl. Ρ: dywizjon lotniczy mysliwski dyon.lot.niszcz. P: dywizjon lotniczy niszczycielski dyon.lot.wywiad. Ρ: dywizjon lotniczowywiadowczy DYRMS e: Duke of York's Royal Military School dyw. P: dywizja dyw.kaw. P: dywizja kawalerii dyw.piech. P: dywizja piechoty DZ e\ Drop zone - f: zone de largage DZCO e: Drop Zone Control Officer DZSO e: Drop Zone Safety Officer

E E d: Emission - e: Early Warning e d: erhöhte Sicherheit E-2 e: Hawkeye airborne earlywarning and fighter-control aircraft EA e: Egyptian Army - e: Enforcement Agreement - e: Engineer Rear-Admiral - e: Enterprise Agreement - e: European Army EA-3 e: Sky Warrior E.A. e: Egyptian Army - e: Engineer Admiral - f: École d'Artillerie E/A e: Enemy aircraft e/a e: experimental aircraft EAA e: East African Artillery - e: Experimental Aviation Association - f: État-Major des Armées E.A.A. /• École d'Artillerie Autiaérienne E.A.A.A. /• École d'Application de l'Armée de l'Air E.A.A.B.C. f: École d'Application de l'Armée Blindée et Cavalerie E.A.A.L.A.T. /• École d'Application de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre EAASC e: East African Army Service Corps EAATS e: Eastern ARNO [Army National Guard] Aviation Training Site EAB e: Engineer Aviation Battalion EABn e: Engineer Aviation Battalion EAC e: East African Command - e: Eastern Air Command - e: Eire Army Corps - e: Engineer Amphibian Command - e: European Atomic Commission E.A.C, e: Eire Air Corps EACC e: Emergency Alternate Command Center EACH e: East African Command Headquarters EA Com e: East African Command EACOS NMR e: Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff for National Military EAD e: Energy and Air Division - e: Escort Air Defence mission - e: Extended Air Defence - e: Extended Air-Defense Testbed EADF e: Eastern Air Defense Force EADGE e: Extended Air Defence Ground Environment EADSIM e: Extended Air Defence Simulation EADTB e: Extended Air Defence [or Defense] Test Bed - e: Extended Air Defense Test Bed EADTF e: Extended Air Defence Task Force


EAEC e: Egyptian Atomic Energy Commission - e: European Atomic Energy Commission - e: European Atomic Energy Committee - e: European Atomic Energy Community EAEG d: Europäische AtomenergieGesellschaft EA-EMA / · École de l'Air et École Militaire de l'Air EAES e: European Atomic Energy Society EAF e: East African Force[s] - e: Egyptian Air Force EAFB e: Edwards Air Force Base - e: Edwards Air Force Base, California - e: Elgin Air Force Base - e: Elison Air Force Base - e: Ellington Air Force Base - e: Ellsworth Air Force Base EAFPEB e: European Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Branch EAFPED e: European Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Division EAG d: Euroäische Atomgemeinschaft EAGN d: einheitliches astronomisch geod EAGV d: Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft EAHC e: East African High Commission EAIR e: Extended Area Instrumentation Radar EAJ e: Editor, Army Journal EAM e: Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean E.A.M. / · École d'Administration de la Marine - f: École d'Administration Militaire - /• École des Apprentis Marins E.A.M.A.A. / · École des Apprentis Mécaniciens de l'Armée de l'Air EAM/AIF e: Expense Appropriation Management/Army Industrial Fund EAMC e: Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Command - e: European Air Materiel Command E.A.M.E.A. / · École d'Application Militaire de l'Énergie Atomique E.A.M.L.S. e: East Africa Military Labour Service EAMTMC e: Eastern Area Military Traffic Management Command EANCO e: Emergency Action Noncommissioned Officer EANDC e: Edgewood Arsenal Nuclear Defense Center - e: European American Nuclear Data Center - e: European American Nuclear Data Committee EANGUS e: Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States EAO e: Emergency Actions Officer - e: Expense Accounts Officer EAOS e: Enhanced Artillery Observer Subsystem - e: Expiration of Active Obligated Service EAOSY e: Emergency Action Officer System eap e: engines, armament, and pyrotechnics EAP e: Experimental Aircraft Project EAPG e: Eastern Atlantic Planning Guidance EAPM e: European South Pacific and Magellan Conference EAPRO e: East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office EAR e: Electronic Array Radar - e: Electronically Agile Radar - e: Experimental Array Radar

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EAREC e: Essential Airborne Radio Equipment Characteristic E.A.R.P.C, e: East African Royal Pioneer Corps EARS e: Electronic Airborne Reaction System - e: Electronically Agile Radar System - e: Elliott Automation Radar System[s] - e: Emergency Airborne Reaction System EAR Set e: Electronically Agile Radar Set EAS d: Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Soldatenbetreuung - e: European Atomic Society - e: Experimental Army Satellite EASAMS e: Elliot Automation Space and Advanced Military System EASE e: Electronic Airborne Systems Evaluator EASSM f: École d'Application du Service de Santé Militaire EAST e: Experimental Army Satellite, Tactical EastLant e: Eastern Atlantic EASTLANT e: Eastern Atlantic Area EASTLANTMEDCOM e Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Command EASTPAC e: Eastern Pacific EASTROLANT e: Eastern Tropical Atlantic EASTROPAC e: Eastern Tropical Pacific EASTT e: Experimental Army Satellite Tactical Terminals] E.A.T. /• École d'Application des Transmissions EAU f: Emirats Arabes Unis - s: Emiratos Arabes Unidos EAV e: Engine Assembly Vehicle EAVE e: Experimental Autonomous Vehicle EAVE-EAST e: Experimental Autonomous Vehicle-East EAWEP e: East Asia and Western Pacific EAWP e: Eastern Atlantic War Plan E-4B e: National Airborne Operations Center EBG e: Electron Beam Gun EC e: Eastern Command - e: Emergency Commission - e: European Command - e: European Commissionfs] - e: Experimentation Command - s: Escuadra de combate ECA e: European Combat Aircraft - e: Experimental Combat Aircraft ECAB e: Executive Committee of the Army Board ECAD e: European Civil Affairs Division ECAE e: European Community of Atomic Energy ECAM e: Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor ECAN /• Etablissement des Constructions et Armes Navales E.C.A.N, f: Établissement des constructions et armes navales, SaintTropez ECAP e: Electronic Combat Action Plan ECARL e: Expendable Cluster Aircraft Rocket Launcher ECAT f: École de Combat et d'Appui Tactique ECATS e: Electronic Combat Airborne Training System E.C.C.A. /• Établissement central du commissariat de l'Air ECCC e: European Command Coordinating Committee ECCCM e: Electronic Counter-CounterCountermeasure[s]

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EGMTR ECCCS e: Emergency Command Control Communications System - e: European Command and Control Communications System - e: European Command and Control Console System ECCFFA / • Escadrille de Commandement Centrale de Forces Francais Allemande E C C M e: Electronic CounterCountermeasurefs] eccmo e: electronic countercountermeasures operation[s] ECD e: East Coast Division - e: Electronic Command Division - e: Electronic Communications Division - e: Electronic Components Division - e: European Communications Division ECDO e: Electronic Combat Duty Officer E.C.D.R.E. e: Engineer-in-Chief and Director of Royal Engineers ECF e: Ex-Communist Forces Echo e: N A T O nickname for Soviet missilecarrying nuclear-powered submarine designated Ε-class ECIP e: Energy Conservation Investment Program ECIUSAF e: Extension Course Institute, United States Air Force Ε-class e: NATO designation for a Soviet class of missile-carrying nuclear-powered submarines also known as Echo E.C.M. / • École du Commissariat de la Marine E C M C e: Electronic Countermeasures Environment ecmd e: electronic countermeasures display E C M E e: Electronic Countermeasures - e: Electronic Countermeasures Environment ECM/ELINT e: Electronic Countermeasures Electronic Intelligence E C M / E O C M e: Electronic Countermeasures/Electro-Optical Countermeasures ecmex e: electronic countermeasures exercise ECMF e: Electronic Combat Mission Folder ECMO e: Electronic Countermeasures Officer E C M O B e: Electronic Countermeasures Observer ECMP e: Electronic Countermeasures Programfme] ECMRITS e: Electronic Countermeasures Resistant Information Transmission System E C M R O N e: Electronic Countermeasures Squadron ECMSN e: Electronic Countermeasures Mission E C M T e: Electronic Combat Maintenance Training e c m t n g e: electronic countermeasures training E C M U e: Electronic Countermeasures Upgrade E C M Unit e: Electronic Controlled Military Unit ECN e: Equipment Category Number E.C.N, f : Escadrille de Chasse de Nuit ECNF e: European Central N O T A M [Notice to Airmen] Facility ECNG e: East Central Nuclear Group ECNOS e: Eastern Atlantic, Channel and North Sea Orders for Ships - f : Règlement maritimes pour l'AtlantiqueEst, la Manche et la Mer du Nord

ECNR e: European Council for Nuclear Research ECO e: Electronic Combat Officer ECOD e: Estimated Cost of Damages E C O M e: United States Army Electronic Command ECP e: Electronic Combat Pilot - e: Electronics and Computing for Peace - e: Emergency Command Precedence - e: Equipment Collecting Point E.C.P.A. f: Établissement Cinématographiques et Photographiques des Armées ECPS e: Executive Committee on Peace and Security ECR e: Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance - e: Electronic Combat/Countermeasures & Reconnaissance - e: Electronic Combat & Reconnaissance - e: Emergency Combat Readiness E Cr e: Engineer Commander ECR e: Engineering Concepts Review ECRS e: East Coast Radar System - e: Economic and Contingency Reserve Stock ECS e: Electronic Combat Squadron - e: Electronic Countermeasures System ECS2 e: Executive Control Subordinate System ECSC e: Electronic Countermeasures Subcommittee ECSE i: Ente per la Sicurrezza delle Comunicazjoni Europee E C T A R e: Electronic Countermeasures Tactical Action Report - e: Electronic Tactical Action Report E C T C e: Engineer Corps Training Center ECTD e: Emission Control Technology Division ECTED e: Electronic Combat Threat Environment Description ECTS e: Electronic Combat Training Seminar ECW e: Electronic Combat Wing ED e: Eastern District [ATSC] EdA s: Ejército del Aire EDC e: Eastern Defense Command - e: Eastern Defense Community - e: European Defense Community E D C C e: Emergency Defence Communications Centre E.D.C.F. e: European Defence Community Forces EDD e: Experimental Destroyer E D D F E C e: Estimated Date of Departure for East Command EDE e: Electronic Defense Evaluator E D E W e: Enhanced Distant Early Warning EDF e: European Defence Force[s] EDI e: European Defense Initiative E D L e: Electronics Defense Laboratory EDO n: Europese Defensie Organisatie EDOMP e: Educational Development of Military Personnel E D O P e: ER-2 Doppler Radar EDOPAC e: Enlisted Personnel Distribution Office Pacifiic Fleet E D O R M e: Ethiopian Democratic Officers Revolutionary Movement EDP e: Emergency Defence Plan - e: Emergency Defense Plan - e: European Defence Plan - e: European Defence Products EDSD e: Electronic Defense Systems Division E D S - L O G - C 3 e: EDS Logistics Command, Control, and Communications EDW e: Edwards Air Force Base

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EEAD e: Extended Air Defence EEC-ACP e: EEC-African, Caribbean and Pacific countries EEF e: Egyptian Expeditionary Force E.E.H. / • Entrep\ A ot des effets d'habillement EEIS e: Enemy Equipment Identification Service EEIST e: Enemy Equipment Intelligence Service Team EEL e: Electromagnetic Effects Laboratory E.E.M. / • École d'état-major E.E.M.A. / · École d'état-major de l'Air Ε . Ε . O . M . f : École des Élèves-Officiers de Marine E.E.O.R. / • École des élèves-officiers de réserve EEP e: East Equatorial Pacific E . E . P . M . f: École d'Entrainement Physique Militaire EES e: European Exchange Service [System] E.E.S.G.A.A. f : École d'Enseignement Général de l'Armée de l'Air E.E.T.A.T. f : École d'Enseignement Technique de l'Armée de Terre EETF e: Electronic Environmental Test Facility E.E.T.V. f : Établissement d'expériences de Versailles EEWT e: Elbit Electronic Warfare Trainer EF e: Expeditionary Force ef e: experimental flight EPA d: Europäische Friedens Aktion - e: European Fighter Aircraft - f: Ecole des Forces Armées EFC e: Escort Force Commander EFCS e: Electronic Flight Control System EFD e: Engineering Field Division - e: Engineering Field Divisions - e: European Force Design E F D A R S e: Expandable Flight Data Acquisition and Recording System EFI e: Electronic Flight Instrument - e: Engineering Flight Test EFID e: Electronic Flight Instrument Display EFINS e: Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies E.F.I.P.N. / · École de formation initiale du personnel navigant EFIS e: Electronic Flight Information System - e: Electronic Flight I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n ] Systemfs] EFISO f : École de formation initiale des sous-officiers EFL d: epidemiologisches Feldlabor EFM e: Enhanced Fighter Manoeuvrability EFP e: Ecoforum for Peace EFRC e: Edwards FlightResearch Center EFS e: Effective Fighting Strength - e: Enhanced Flight Screening - e: Expeditionary Fighter Squadron EFTO e: Encrypted for Transmissions Only EFVS e: Electronic Fighting Vehicle System EG e: Electron Gun EGA e: East German Army - n: Europese Gemeenschap voor Atomenergie EGAF e: East German Air Force EGCM e: Endgame Countermeasures EGG e: Electric Glue Gun E G M I S e: East German Military Intelligence Services EGMTR e: Eglin Gulf Missile Test Range


EGP EGP e: Electron Gun Problem EGPACOM e: Environmental Group, Pacific Command E2GS e: Enhanced Envelope Gun Sight EGTF e: Electron Gun Test Facility EGTR e: Eglin Gulf Test Range EGIIN e: Fast Pulse Electron Gun EGWS e: Enhanced General War System EH /• Escadre d'Helicopteres EHAC / · Escadrille d'Helicopteres AntiChars E.H.A.T. f: École des Hélicoptères de l'Armée de Terre EHL f: Escadrille d'Helicopteres Legers Ε.H.M. / • École de haute montagne, Chamonix EIC-LDA e: Equipment Indentification Code - Lowest Designated Assembly EIDC e: East Indian Defense Commission EIDEBOEWABEW e: Economic Intelligence Division of the Enemy Branch of the Office of Economic Warfare Analysis of the Board of Economic W EIMB e: Electronics Installation and Maintenance Book E.I.M.C. e: East India Military College E.I.M.M. f: École d'Ingénieurs mécaniciens de la Marine Militaire E.I.P.M.F. f: École Interarmées des Personnels Militaire Féminins E.I.P.O. f: École Interarmée de Perfectionnement d'Officiers EIPS e: European Institute for Peace and Security EIRENE d: Internationaler Christlicher Friedensdienst - e: International Christian Service for Peace EIS e: Electronics Installation Squadron - e: Engineering Installation Squadron E.I.S. f: École Interarmée des Sports, Fontainebleau EISAC e: European Imaging Spectroscopy Aircraft Campaign EJCNC e: Engineers Joint Council Nuclear Congress EK d: Einsatzkommando Ekex r: Marinens Underofficersskolans Ekonomiklass ELAFB e: Ellsworth Air Force Base Elarte r\ Eldledarartilleri ELCID e: Electronics Command & Information Display Concept ELCr e: Engineer Lieutenant-Commander ELDORA e: Electra Doppler Radar ELECTRWARFARE e: Electronic Warfare ELEVAR e: Elevated Acquisition Radar ELF/PLF e: Eritrean Liberation Front/Peoples Liberation Forces ELF-PLF e: Eritrean Liberation FrontPopular Liberation Forces ELGMT e: Ejector-Launcher GuidedMissile Transporter Elk Hills e: U.S. Navy's petroleum reserve at Elk Hills, California El. L. Cr. e: Electrical Lieutenant Commander ELM e: Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean EloKaaTr d: Elektronische Kampfführung aller Truppen ELP e: English Language Program - e: Excess Leave Program ELR e: Extra Long Range ELRA d: Elektronisch-steuerbares Radar - d\ Elektronisches Radar - e: Electronic Radar


ELS e: Earnings and Leave Statements - e: Electro-magnetic Launcher System ELSF e: Expeditionary Logistics Support Force E Lt-Cdr e: Engineer LieutenantCommander ELTG e: European Logistics Task Group ELTV e: Ejection Launch Test Vehicle ELV e: Expandable Launch Vehicle - e: Experimental Launch Vehicle ELWAR e: Electronic Warfare E/M e: Electronic Countermeasure[s] Em. e: Emirat EM-60 e: Office of Nuclear Material and Facility Stabilization E.M. f: École Militaire E MA e: Electronic Missile Acquisition - e: Escuela Militar de Aviación E.M.A. f: École Militaire de l'Administration EMAAFA s: Escuela Militar de Aplicación Aerotáctica de la Fuerza Aérea EMALS e: Electro-Magnetic Aircraft Launch System E.M.A.S. / · École Militaire des Armes Spéciales EMATS e: Experimental Message Automatic Transmission System EMATS-AF e: Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System-Air Force EMATS-JCS e: Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System-Joint Chiefs of Staff EMATT e.· Expendable Mobile ASW Training Target EMC e: Engineering Military Circuit - e: European Military Communication EMCB e: Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion EMCBC e: Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Communications EMCBD e.· Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Draftsman EMCBG e.· Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, General EMCBL e: Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion, Line and Station EMCCC e: European Military Communications Co-ordinating Committee EMCCS e: Emergency Medical Command and Communications System EMCMF e: Embarked Mine Counternmeasures Force EMCML e: Electromagnetic Countermeasures Launcher EMCON e: Electromagnetic-emission Control - e: Electronic Emission Control - n: Elektromagnetische uitzendingscontrole E.M.C.T.A. /• École Militaire du Corps Technique et Administratif EMD d: Eidgenössisches Militärdepartement - s\ Estado mayor de division EMDAAL e: East Midlands Division of the Association of Assistant Librarians EMDDOK d: Zentraler Dokumentationsdienst des Eidgenössischen Militärdepartments EMDG e: Euro Missile Dynamics Group EMERCOM e: Russian Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergencies and the Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters EMG e: Electro-Magnetic Gun - e: Externally Mounted Gun EMGUN e: Electromagnetic Gun

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EMHC e: Experimental Mine Hunter, Coastal E.M.H.M. f: École Militaire de Haute Montagne EMIAC / · Ecole Militaire Inter-Armes Camerounaise EMM s: Escuela [militar] de montaña EMMA e: Expert Missile Maintenance Aid EMMPS e: Emergency Military Manpower Procurement System EMOS e: Enhanced Military Operation System - e: Entry Military Occupational Specialty E-motor[s] e: Electric motor[s]-submarine EMPA e: European Military Press Association EMPFA d: Eidgenössische Militärpferdeanstalt EMPR / • École militaire préparatoire de la Réunion EMR s\ Establecimiento militar de reclusión E.M.R. f: École Militaire Royale EMRK d: Europäische Menschenrechtskommission EMS e: Equipment Maintenance Squadron - f: École Militaire Spéciale - f: Enseignement Militaire Supérieur E.M.S. f: École Militaire de Strasbourg EMSA / • École Militaire de Spécialisation Atomique E.M.S.A.T. f: Enseignement Militaire Supérieur de l'Armée de Terre EMSC e: Experimental Mine Sweeper, Coastal EMSEC e: Emanation Security EMSR e: Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair - e: Electronic Material Shipment Request EMSRG e.· Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair, General Electrician EMSRS e: Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair, Shop Electrician E.M.S.S.T. f: Enseignement Militaire Supérieur Scientifique et Technique E.M.S.T. f: Enseignement Militaire Supérieur Scientifique et Technique EMSTT f: École Militaire Supérieure Technique des Transmissions E MT e.· Early Missile Test EMV d: Eidgenössische Militärversicherung EMVO η: Elémentaire Militaire Vlieger Opleiding EMW e: Electromagnetic Warfare EMWDS e: Expanded Missile Warning Display System EMWP e: Esperantist Movement for World Peace EMZ d: Entmilitarisierte Zone E/N e: EURO/NATO ENBOO n: Eerste Nederlandse Bond van Oud-Onderofficieren ENC e: Engineering Command - s: Escuela Naval de Cadetes ENCATT e: Engineering Combined Arms Tactical Trainer ENCEL e: Engineer Cellular Teams END e: European Nuclear Disarmament ENDC e: Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament ENEA d: Europäische Nuklearenergieagentur - e: European Nuclear Energy Agency - e: European Nuclear Energy Agreement - e: European Nuclear Energy Association - i: Energia Nucleare e delle Energie Alternative ENEN i: Ente Nazionale dell'Energia Nucleare, Roma

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ERH E . N . E . P . M . / · École Nationale de l'Éducation Physique Militaire E N E P M f : École Nationale d'Entraînement Physique Militaire E N E W S e: Effectiveness of Navy Electronic Warfare Systems ENF e: European Nuclear Force Eng Avn Bn e: Engineer Aviation Battalion E N G B A T e: Engineer Battalion Eng C Bn e: Engineer Combat Battalion - e: Engineer Construction Battalion Eng C Bn [Div] e: Engineer Constructional Battalion [Divisional] ENGCOM e: Engineer Command E N G C O M D C e: Engineer Commissioner, District of Columbia Eng Div e: Engineering Division EngND e: Engineers for Nuclear Disarmament E N G O R C e: Engineer Officers Reserve Corps Engr Avn Bn e: Engineer Aviation Battalion Engr Avn Cam Bn e: Engineer Aviation Camouflage Battalion Engr Avn Rgt e: Engineer Aviation Regiment Engr Bn e: Engineer Battalion Engr [C] Bn e: Engineer Combat Battalion Engr Regt e: Engineer Regiment Engr Regt [Airfds] e: Engineer Regiment [Airfields] Engr-Res e: Engineer Reserve Corps En. L. Cr. e: Engineer Lieutenant Commander E N M s\ Escuela naval militar E N M C C e: Extended National Military Command Center ENMOD e: ENMOD Convention: Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques ENMR e: Executive for National Military Representatives ENP/A e: Eastern North Pacific/Atlantic ENS e: Ensign [0-1 in PHS, Navy, Coast Guard] - e: Exhibition for National Security ENSA e: Entertainment National Service Association [for British military forces] E.N.S.I.E.T.A. f : École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs des études et techniques de l'armement E.N.S.O.A. f : École Nationale technique des Sous-officiers d'Activé Armées ENSORSEM f: École nationale supérieure des officiers de réserve du service d'étatmajor ENTIS e: Engine Teleguide Anti-Char Automatic Data System for the Army in the Field E.N.T.S.O.A. / · École Nationale Technique des Sous-Officiers d'Activé armées ENUWAR e: Environmental Effects of Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter Ecology Group ENW e: Effect[s] of Nuclear Weapon[s] E N W G S e: Enhanced Naval Warfare Gaming [or Wargame] System EO d: Elektronikoffizier - e: Education Officer - e: Engineer Officer - e: Entertainments Office[r] - e\ Environmental officer - e: Examining Office[r] - e: Executive Officer - e: Experimental Officer - r: Eldledningsofficer

Ε O A R D C e: European Office of the U.S. Air Research and Development Command EOC n: Explosieven Opruimingscommando EOH e: Emergency Operations Headquarters EOMS e: Earth Orbital Military Satellite EONR e: European Organization for Nuclear Research E O O e: Emergency Operations Officer EOOW e: Engineering Officer of the Watch EOP e: Executive Office of the President of the United States EOW e: Electro-Optional Warfare - e: Engine over the Wing EPA e: Economic Price Adjustment - / · École de Pilotage Avancée, Sint Truiden E.P.A.A. f: Équipes de Présentation de l'Armée de l'Air EPAC e: Eastern Pacific Ocean E.P.A.D. / • Établissement Public d'Aménagement de la Défence EPAF e: European Participating Air Force E P A M e: Emergency Priorities and Allocations Manual EPAMS e: Experimental Prototype Automatic Meteorological System EPAN / · Entrep E P A R C S e: Enhanced Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System EPB e: Electronic Preparation of the Battlefield EPC i: Esercitazione/i con i Posti Comando E P D O C O N U S e.· Enlisted Personnel Distribution Office, Continental United States E P D O L A N T e: Enlisted Personnel Distribution Office, Atlantic Fleet E P D O P A C e: Enlisted Personnel Distribution Office, Pacific Fleet EPE / • École de Pilotage Elémentaire EPF e: Episcopal Peace Fellowship E.P.F.A.M. / · École du Personnel Féminin de l'Armée de Mer EPIC e: Evaluating Prolonged Intensive Combat EPIN i: Ente Promozione Industria per la Difesa Navale EPOC e: Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference E P O W e: Enemy Prisoners of War EPPIA e: Ecumenical Peace Program in Asia EPR e: Equipment Performance Report EPSC e: Ethiopian Peace and Solidarity Committee EPSFC e: Ethiopian Peace, Solidarity and Friendship Committee EPT / · École de Pilotage Transitaire, Sint Truiden EPI) e: European University Centre for Peace Studies E.P.V.O. f: Élèves Pilotes à Vocation d'Officier armées d'aij EPW e: Earth-Penetrating Warhead - e: Earth Penetrating Weapon - e: Enemy Prisoner of War EPWIB e: Enemy Prisoner of War Information Bureau E P W S e: Emergency Production Weapons Schedule EQDD e: Equipment density data E.Q.G. f : Escadron de quartier général E Q P A C e: Equatorial Pacific E Q U A L A N T e: Equatorial Atlantic Equa Pac e: Equatorial Pacific

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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ER e: Extended Range ER-2 e: Extended Range U-2 ERA e: Extended Range Ammunition - e: Extended Range ASROC [Antisubmarine Rocket] ERAA e: Equipment Review and Authorization Activity ERAC f : Engin de reconnaissance antichar Eradar r: Eldledningsradar E R A D C O M e: Electronics Research and Development Command ERAFSSO e: Emergency Reaction Air Force Special Security Office E.R.A.L.A. / • Escadrille de Réserve d'Aviation Légère d'Armée ERALA f: Escadrille régionale d'aviation légère d'appui E R A M e: Extende-Range Antiarmor Munition ERAMRAAM e: Extended Range Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile ERASER e: Elevation Radiation Seeker Rocket ER-ATACMS e: Extended-Range Advanced Tactical Missile System - e: Extended-Range Army Tactical Missile System ERATO e: Extended Range Automatic Targeting of Otomat missile E R B M e: Electronic Range/Bearing Marker - e: Extended Range Ballistic Missile ERC e: Engineer Reserve Corps - e: Enlisted Reserve Corps - f: Établissement de Réparation de Corps E.R.C, f : Escadrille de Réception et Convoyage ERCS e: Emergency Rocket Command System - e: Emergency Rocket Communications System ERD e: Eastern Recruiting Division ERDE e: Electronics and Radar Development Establishment ERDS e: Emergency Radiation [or Radiological] Detection System ERE e: Echo Range Equipment - e: Ericsson Radar Electronics ERETS e: Edwards Rocket Engine Test Station E-RETS e: Enhanced Remote Target System ERETS e: Experimental Rocket Engiune Test Station ERF e: Epoxy Resins Formulators Division ERFA e: Conference on Economics of Route Air Navigation Facilities and Airports ERFB e: Extended Range Full Bore ERFB-BB e: Extended Range Full Bore, Base Bleed ERFB BB HE e: Extended Range, Full Bore, Base Bleed, High Explosive ERFB HB HE e: Extended Range, Full Bore, Hollow Base, High Explosive ERFD e: Airborne Particulate and Precipitation Data ErfRadarGer d: Erfassungsradargerät ERG e: Electro-magnetic rail gun ERGFCDS e: Extended Range Gunnery Fire Control Demonstration System ErgKdo d: Ergänzungskommando ERGOMAS e: European Research Group on Military and Society ERGP e: Extended Range Guided Projectile ERH e: Eastern Region Headquarters, Bohemia


ERIR ERIR e: Extended-Range Instrumentation Radar ERM e: Emergency Radiation Monitor - f: Ecole Royale Militaire ERMIS e: Extended Range Modification Integration System ERMISS e: Explosion Resistant Multi Influence Sweep System ERMS e: Electroluminescent Runway Marking System EROPS e: Extended Range Operations EROS e: Engine Repair and Overhaul Squadron ERP e: Enforcement Response Policy - e: Engineering Requirements Plan [for Military Assistance Programs] - e: Extended Range Projectile - e: Extended Range Proximity ERPD e: Electronic Reconnaissance Procurement Division ERR e: Extended Range Rocket E.R.R. /• Escadron de révision retouches ERR / · Escadron de révision-retouches ERRA f: Ensemble de reconnaissance radiologique aérienne ERS e: Edwards Rocket Site - e: Experimental Radar System ERSA e: Extended Range Strike Aircraft ERSC e: Extended Range Sub-Calibre ERSE e: Electronic Airborne Systems Evaluator ERSFF e: Eastern Region SEATO [Southeast Asia Treaty Organization] Field Forces E.R.T. / · Escadron de ravitaillement technique ES e: Enforcement Strategy e. S. d: erhöhte Sicherheit ESA e: Environmental Services Agency [USDOD] - e: Office of Engineering Support Activity, Naval Weapons E.S.A.A. f: Ecole de Spécialisation de l'Artillerie Antiaérienne - f: École de spécialisation de l'artillerie antiaérienne, Nîmes ESACAE e: US Army Contracting Agency Eurupe ESAE e: European Society for Atomic Energy ESAIRA e: Electronically Scanning Airborne Intercept Radar Antenna [or Aerial] ESAM e: Enhanced Surface-to-Air Missile - e: Evolutionary Surface-to-Air Missile ESAMS e: Elliott-Automation's Space and Advanced Military System - e: Enhanced Surface-to-Air Missile Simulation code ESAR e: Electronically Scanned Array Radar - e: Electronically Steerable Array Radar Ε-SAR e: Experimental [Airborne] Synthetic Aperture Radar ESARA e: Electronically Scanned Airborne Intercept Radar ESARTS e: En Route Stand-Alone Radar Training System ESAWC e: Evaluation Staff, Air War College ESBR e: Electronic Stacked Beam Radar ESC e: Air Force Electronic Systems Command - e: Electronic Security Command - e: Electronic Security Command [Texas] - e: Electronic Systems Countermeasure[s] ESCC e: Electrical Standards Coordinating Committee Esc IM s: Escuadra de infantería de marina


ESCO e: Engineer Supply Control Office - e: Equipment Survey Control Office ESCORTDIV e: Escort division ESCRTC e: Eastern Signal Corps Replacement Training Center ESCS e: Enlisted Signal Corps School Esc. Sh. e: Escort Ship ESCSP e: European Society of Corporate and Strategic Planners ESCTC e: Eastern Signal Corps Training Center ESD s: Escalón de seguridad divisionaria ESD TDR e: Electronic Systems Division, Technical Documentary Reports [AFSC] ESEAT f: École Supérieure de l'Électronique de l'Armée de Terre E.S.G.I. /• École Supérieure de Guerre Interarmée ESGM f: École Supérieure du Génie Militaire ESGN f: École Supérieure de Guerre Navale ESI f: École supérieure d'intendance ESIM f: École Supérieure de l'Intendance Militaire E.S.I.M. f: École supérieure de l'intendance militaire ESK d: Europäische Sicherheitskonferenz ESL e: Engineering Services Laboratory - e: Evans Signal Laboratory ESM e: Electronic Warfare Support Measure E.S.M. f: École du Service du Matériel - f: École Spéciale Militaire - f: Ecole Supérieure de la Marine - f: Etablissement Sanitaire Militaire ESMC e: Eastern Space and Missile Center ESM/ECM e: Electronic Support Measures/Electronic Countermeasures ESMF f: Expédition Sousmarine Française E.S.M.G. /• Etablissement Spécial du Matériel du Génie E.S.M.I.A. f: École Spéciale Militaire Interarmes ESMWT e: Engineering, Science and Management War Training ESO e: Embarkation Staff Office[r] E.S.O. f: École des sous-officiers ESOC e: Emergency Supply Operations Center E.S.O.R. /• École des sous-officiers de réserve E.S.O.R.E.M. f: École Supérieure des Officiers de Réserve du Service d'EtatMajor ESPÀWS e: Enhanced Self-Propelled Artillery Weapon System E.S.R. e: East Surrey Regiment - e: Essex Scottish Regiment of Canada ESRP e: European Society for Radiation Protection ESS e: Electronic Security Squadron E.S.S. / · École de service de santé ESSBR e: Electronically Scanned Stocked Beam Radar ESSM e: Enhanced Sea Sparrow Missile - e: Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile - / · École de Service de Santé de la Marine E.S.S.M. /• École du Service de Santé Militaire ESTA e: Electronically Scanned TACAN [Tactical Navigation] Antenna ESTAT e: European Surface-to-air Tactics Analysis Team Estg s: Estrategia ESTRIFF e: Encryptic Secure Tracking Radar Identification Friend or Foe Esu s: Escuadrilla de submarinos

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ESWS e: Earth Satellite Weapon System[s] E.T.A.P. f: École des Troupes Aéroportées, Pau E.T.B. /• École des troupes blindées ETC e: Engineer Training Centre ETD e: Electronic Tactical Display ETE e: Engineer Training Establishment ETEM e: Empresa de Technologia e Equipamento Militar Lda ETF e: Enhanced Tactical Fighter - e: Environmental Task Force ET[IM]R e: Electric Target [Intermediate Marksmanship] Range ETL e: Engineer Topographic Laboratory ETM e: Electrical Tactical Map ETMO e: Education, Training, and Military Operations ETMSR e: Electronic Technician's Mate, Ship Repair E.T.N. /• École technique normale ETN s\ Escuela de tiro naval ETO e: European Theater [or Theatre] of Operations ETOPS e: Extended Range Twin Operations ETOT e: Estimated Time Over Target ETOUSA e: European Theater of Operations, United States Army ETOW e: Eastern Theater of War ETP e: Eastern Tropical Pacific ETPO e: Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean ETR e: Eastern Test Range - e: Electronics Technician, Radar etra e: electronic radar ETROD e: Eastern Test Range Operations Directive ETS d: Eidgen E.T.S.A. / · École Technique Supérieure de l'Armement ETSCAN f: École Technique Supérieure des Constructions et Armes Navales E.T.S.M. /• École Technique Supérieure de la Marine ETW e: Early Threat Warner Euclid e: Military Tractor Eu Com e: European Command EUCOM AIDES e: European Theater Air Command and Control System EUCOR e: European Commissary Region EUCPS e: European University Centre for/of Peace Studies ElIDAC e: European Command Defense Analysis Center - e: European Distribution and Accounting Agency of the Military Committee EUPRA e: European Peace Research Association EURABIA e: European Coordinating Committee of Friendship Societies with the Arab World EURAC e: European Requirements and Army Capabilities EURACS e: European Radar Cross Section EURANP e: European Air Navigation Plan Euratom d: Europäische Gemeinschaft für Atomenergie EURATOM e: European Atomic Energy Commission - f: Communauté Européenne pour l'Énergie Atomique EURCOR e: European Commissary Region Euro Med e: European [NATO] Military Medicine EUROMIL e: European Organization of Military Associations

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F-86 Euromissiles e: European-deployed medium-range nuclear missiles ElIRONAD e: Eurogroup Committee of National Armaments Directors EUS e: Eastern United States EUSA e: Eighth United States Army EUSEC e: European Communications Security and Evaluation Agency of the Military EUTOW e: European Theater of War euw e: engine[s] under wing[s] EV e: Expendable Vehicles EVA e: Engineer Vice Admiral EVC e: Engineer Volunteer Corps EVELYN e: Employment of Very Low Yield Nuclear Weapons EW e: Early Warning - e: Economic Warfare - e: Electronic War[fare] e.w. d: eigene Waffen EWAC e: Early Warning Aircraft EWACS e: Electronic Warfare Analysis Centre EWAD e: Early Warning Air Defense EWAISF e: Electronic Warfare Avionics Integrated Support Facility EW ARC e: Electronic Warfare Area Reprogramming Capability EWARS e: Electronics Warfare Assets Reporting Systems EWAS e: Economic Warfare Analysis Section - e: Electronic Warfare Analysis System EWAU e: Electronic Warfare Avionics Unit EWC e: Electronic Warfare Center - e: Electronic Warfare Commander - e: Electronic Warfare Committee - e: Electronic Warfare Coordinator EW&C e: Early Warning & Control EWCAS e: Early Warning and Control Aircraft System EWCC e: Electronic Warfare Control Centre - e: Electronic Warfare Coordination Center EW/C3CM e: Electronic Warfare Command and Control Communications Countermeasures EWCD e: Electronic Warfare Cover and Deception EWCL e: Electromagnetic Warfare and Communications Laboratory EWCM e: Electronic Warfare Coordination Module EWCS e: Electronic Warfare Combat System - e: Electronic Warfare Concept Study - e: Electronic Warfare Control Ship - e: European Wideband Communication System EWD e: Economic Warfare Division - e: Electronic Warfare Department - e: Electronic Warfare Director - e: Electronic Warfare Division EW/DE e: Electronic Warfare/Directed Energy ewe. e: electronic warfare element EWEDS e: Electronic Warfare Evaluation Display System EWEMIT e: Enhanced Weapon Electromagnetic Mutual Interference Trial EWEP e: Electronic Warfare Evaluation Program EWES e: Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator - e: Electronic Warfare Evaluation System ewex e: electronic warfare exercise ewexipt e: electronic warfare exercise in port

EWF e: Early Warning Fighter - e: Electronic Warfare EWGETS e: Electronic Warfare Ground Environment Threat Simulator EWI e: Electronic Warfare Intelligence ewicb e: electronic-warfare interfaceconnection box EWIOC e: Electronic Warfare and Intelligence Operations Center EWIP e: Electronic Warfare Integrated Programming EWIR e: Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming EWIS e: Electronic Warfare Information system EWITA e: Evaluation of Women in the Army EWITS e: Early Warning Identification Transmission System EWL e: Early Warning Line - e: Electronic Warfare Laboratory EWM e: Electronic Warfare Monitoring EWMS e: Electronic Warfare Management System EWO e: Electronic Warfare Office - e: Electronic Warfare Officer - e: Emergency War Operations - e: Emergency War Order EWOC e: Electronic Warfare Operator's Console ewops e: electronic warfare operations EWOS e: Electronic Warfare Operational System EWOSE e: Electronic Warfare Operational Support Establishment EWOT e: Electronic Warfare Officer Training EWP e: Electronic Warfare Plan - e: Emergency War Plan EWR e: Early Warning Radar EWRL e: Electronic Warfare Reprogrammable Library EW/RSTA e: Electronic Warfare/Reconnaissance and Target Acquisition Center EWS e: Early Warning Signal - e: Early Warning Status - e: Early Warning System - e: Electronic Warfare Support - e: Electronic Warfare System - e: Electronic Weapon System - e: European Wars Survey - e: External Weapon Station ew's e: edge weapons EWSG e: Electronic Warfare Study Group EWSM e: Electronic Warfare Support Measure[s] EWSO e: Electronic Warfare Staff Officer EWSSA e: Electronic Warfare Software Support Acitivity EWT e: Eastern War Time - e: Electronic Warfare Technology - e: Electronic Warfare Trainer EWTD e: Electronic Warfare Training Device EWTES e: Electronic Warfare Tactical Environment Simulation - e: Electronic Warfare Threat Environment Simulation Facility EWTMI e: European Wideband Transmission Media Improvement EWTMI Ρ e: European Wideband Transmission Media Improvement Program EWTR e: Electronic Warfare Test Range EWTS e: Electronic Warfare Training System EWTS-R e: Electronic Warfare Training System-Radar

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

EWTT e: Electronic Warfare Tactics Trainer EWWS e: Electronic Warfare Warning System EX e: Advanced Electronic Combat Aircraft EXCC e: Exercise Control Center EXCDP e: Expedited Combat Developments Plan EXCELS e: Expanded CommunicationsElectronics System EXCG e: Exercise Control Group EXCM e: External Countermeasures Ex Div e: Experimental Division exec e: executive officer EXECO e: Executive Officer Exec Off e: Executive Officer EXFOR e: Expeditionary Forces Ex. Mun. d: Exerziermunition EXNMR e: Executive National Military Representative EX O e: Executive Officer EXPO e: Extended-Range Poseidon expoff r: expeditionsofficer expuoff r: expeditionsunderofficer EXTRADOVAP e: Extended Range Doppler Velocity and Position EZAACMO e: Eastern Zone Army Air Corps Mail Operations EZCO e: Extraction Zone Control Officer EZO e: Extraction Zone Officer EZP e: Exclusion Zone Patrol

F F d: Front - e: Fighter - e: Fitter - e: Flagship - e: Fleet - e: Flight - e: Force f e: final target F - l e: Fury single-engine jet fighterbomber flown from aircraft carriers F-3 e: Demon single-engine supersonic all-weather jet fighter F-4 e: Phantom II twin-engine allweather supersonic jet fighter-bomber F-6 e: Skyray single-engine supersonic all-weather jet fighter F-8 e: Crusader single-engine allweather supersonic jet fighter F-9 e: single-engine single-seat jet fighter aircraft made by the Shen Yang Aircraft Production Complex of the People's Republic of China F-l 1 e: Tiger single-engine supersonic jet fighter F-14 e: swing-wing jet fighter aircraft nicknamed Tomcat and earned on some U.S. naval vessels F-Í5 e: Eagle supersonic-jet fighter aircraft F-18 e: all-weather fighter and attack airplane F-47 e: Republic fighting aircraft developed during World War II and called Thunderbolt F-5Í e: North American fighter aircraft developed during World War II and called Mustang F-80 e: Lockheed Shooting Star jet fighter-bomber F-84 e: Republic Thunderjet fighterbomber F-86 e: North American Sabre singleengine jet fighter aircraft


F-lOO F-lOO e: Super Sabre supersonic turbojet fighter F-10Í e: Voodoo supersonic twinengine turbojet aircraft F-104 e: Starfighter supersonic singleengine turbojet fighter F-105 e: Thunderchief supersonic singleengine turbojet tactical fighter F - l l l e: A twin-engine, supersonic, turbofan, all-weather tactical fighter FA N: Feltartilleriet - d: Feldartillerie - d: Flakartillerie - d: folgende Aufgabe - e: Field Army - e: Field Artillery - e: Fighter Aircraft - e: Fleet Activity - e: Fleet Auxiliary - e: Force Artillery - e: Forced Air - e: Forced-Air-cooled - e: Frankford Arsenal - e: French Army - e: Russian Frontal Aviation - e: Friendship Ambassadors - r: Artilleri flaggadjutant för sjöartilleriet F.A. d: Flakartillerie - d: Fürsorgeabteilung [Reichswehrministerium] - f: Forces Aériennes - f: Forces Armées - f : Forces Atlantiques F-A e: Fighter-attack f/a e: friendly aircraft F-Í8A e: McDonnell-Douglas Hornet strike fighter aircraft F-111A e: variable-geometry supersonic fighter-bomber FAA e: Angolan Armed Forces - e: British Royal Navy Fleet Air Army - e: Forces Administrative Area faa e: field artillery airborne F.A.A. s: Federación Aeronáutica Argentina - s: Fuerzas Aéreas Argentinas FAAA e: First Allied Airborne Army FAA-AV e: Federal Aviation Administration-Office of Aviation Policy and Plans FAABMS e: Forward Area Anti-Ballistic Missile System - e: Forward Army Anti-Ballistic Missile System FAACA e: Force Anti-Air Co-ordination Area F.A.A.C.E. f: Forces Aériennes Alliées Centre Europe FAAD e: Forward Area Air Defense FAADATS e: Forward Area Air Defense Automated Test System FAADC2I e: Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control and Intelligence FAADC3I e: Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control and Intelligence System FAAD-LOS e: Forward Area Air DefenseLine-of-Sight FAAD-LOS [H] e: Forward Area Air Defense-Line-of-Sight Heavy FAAD/PMS e: Forward Area Air Defense/Pedestal Mounted Stinger FAADS e: Field Army Air Defense Systems - e: Forward Air-Defense Area System - e: Forward Area Air Defence Gun System - e: Forward Area Air Defense System - e: Forward Area Antiaircraft Defense System


FAADW e: Forward Area Air Defense Weapon FAA-EE e: Federal Aviation Administration-Office of Environment and Energy FAA-EM e: Federal Aviation Administration-Office of Systems Engineering Management FAA-EQ e: Federal Aviation Administration-Office of Environmental Quality FAAF e: Forney Army Airfield FAA-FS e: Federal Aviation Administration-Flight Standards Service FAA-FS-NFID e: Federal Aviation Administration-Flight Standards ServiceNational Flight Inspection Division FAAG / · Commandement des Forces Aeriennes aux Antilles-Guyane FAAITM e: Fleet Air Arm Information Technology Management FAALS e: Field Artillery Acoustic Locating System - e: Forward Area Armored Logistic System FAAM e: Family of Air-to-Air Missiles FAANE /• Forces aériennes Alliés Nord Europe FAAO e: Field Artillery Aerial Observer - e: Finance and Accounts Office FAAPS e: Field Artillery Ammunition Processing System FAAR d: Vorflächenalarmradar - e: Forward Area Alertfing] Radar FAAS e: Family of Army Aircraft System - e: Forward Area Alerting System FAASE / • Forces aériennes Alliées Sud Europe FAASTU e: Fleet Air Army Service Trials Unit FAASV e: Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle FAAUS e: Field Army Airspace Utilization Study FAAV e: Future Air Attack Vehicle FAAWC e: Fleet Antiair Warfare Coordinator - e: Force Anti-Air Warfare Co-ordinator FAAWF e: Future Anti-Air Warfare Frigate FAAWTC e: Fleet Antiair Warfare Training Center - e: Fleet Antiair Weapon Training Center FAAWTRACEN e: Fleet Antiair Warfare Training Center FAB e: Fast Atom Bombardment - e: Field Artillery Brigade - e: Fleet Air Base - e: Fleet Air Broadcast - e: Forward Air Base - f: Forces Armées du Burundi - ρ: Forca Aerea Brasileira F-5A/B e: Freedom Fighter F.A.B. f: Forces Aériennes Belges - ρ: Força Aerea Brasileira FABA s: Fabrica de Artillería de Bazan Fabatt Feltartilleribatteri FABD e: Field Artillery Board FA BDE e: Field Artillery Brigade FABMDS e: Field Army Ballistic Missile Defense System FABMIDS e: Field Anti-missile Ballistic Missile Defense System - e: Field Army Ballistic Missile Defense System FABMIS e: Forward Area Ballistic Missile Intercept System FABMS e: Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectroscopy Fabn A': Feltartilleribataljon

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FA BN e: Field Artillery Battalion FABU e: Fleet Air Base Unit FAC e: Federated Admiralty Contractors - e: Federated Admiralty Contractors - e: Fleet Activities Command - e: Fleet Air Control - e: Forward Air Controller] - s: Fuerza Aerea Colombiana F.A.C, e: Federated Admiralty Contractors FAC2 e: Field Artillery Command and Control FACA e: Future Attack & Combat Aircraft - s: Futuro Avión de Combate y Ataque FAC/A e: Forward Air Controller/Airborne FAC - A e: Forward Attack CoordinatorAirborne FACAY e: Friendship Among Children and Youth around the World FACC e: Force Associated Control Communications FACCONCEN e: Facilities Control Center FACDAR e: Forward Area Combined Degaussing & Acoustic Range FACE e: Field Artillery Computer Equipment - e: Field Artillery Computing Equipment face, e: forced-air-cooled electronics F.A.C.E. f: Forces Alliées Centre Europe FACE/CARD e: Forecasting Ammunition Consumption Expenditure/Critical Assets Reporting Data Combined Subsystem FAC [G] e: Fast Attack Craft [Gun] Fachof d: Fachoffizier FACIP e: Fighter Avionics/Cockpit Integration Predesign studies FAC [Ml e: Fast Attack Craft [Missile] FAC [PI e: Fast Attack Craft [Patrol] FACP e: Field Artillery Command Post - e: Forward Air Control Party FA Crm e: Field Artillery Crewman FACS e: Fast Attack Class Submarine - e: Field Army Communication System FACSSG e: Forward Area Combat Service Support Group FACT e: Force Anti-Air Warfare Coordination Technology FACTS e: Field Army Calibration Team Support - e: Financial Accounting and Control Techniques for Supply - e: Force Accounting Terminal System FAD e: Fairchild Aircraft Division - e: Field Ammunition Depot - e: Fighter Air Director - e: Fleet Air Defense - e: Fleet Air Detachment - e: Force Activity Designation - e: Forward Ammunition Depot - e: Forward Ammunition Dump F/AD e: Force/Activity Designator FADA e: Fourth Armored Division Association - s: Fuerzas de Acción Armada FADAC e: Field Army Digital Artillery Computer - e: Field Army Digital Automatic Computer - e: Field Artillery Data Computer - e: Field Artillery Digital Atomic Computer - e: Field Atomic Digital Automatic Computer - e: Frankfurt Area Drug Advisory Council FADAC ALT e: FADAC [Field Artillery Data Computer] Automatic Logic Tester FADAP e: Fleet Antisubmarine Data Analysis Program FADC e: Fighter Air Direction Center

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FAS FADIC e: Field Artillery Digital Computer F Adm e: Fleet Admiral FADM e: Fleet Admiral fadsid e: fighter-aircraft-delivered seismic intrusion detector FAE e: Fighter Aircraft Establishment - f: Force Aérienne F Aé Β / • Force Aérienne Belge FAeB s: Fuerza Aérea Boliviano F Aé C f : Force Aérienne congolaise F Ae G s: Fuerza Aérea Guatemalteca FAéL / · Force Aérienne Libanaise F A E S H E D e: Fuel Air Explosive System, Helicopter Delivered FAETII e: Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit FAETUA e: Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit, Atlantic FAETIIDET e: Fleet Airborne Electronic Training Unit Detachment F A E T U L A N T e: Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit, Atlantic FAETIIP e: Fleet Airborne Electronic Training Unit, Pacific FAETUPac e: Fleet Airborne Electronic Training Unit, Pacific FAETUPAC e: Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit, Pacific FAE-Waffen d: Fuel-Air-ExplosiveWaffen FAF e: Federal Armed Forces - e: Finnish Air Force - e: French Air Force - / • Forces Armées Fédérales F.A.F.A. f : Forces Aériennes Françaises en Allemagne F.A.F.A.C. / · Fédération des Associations de Fonctionnaires Anciens Combattants FAFB e: Fairchild Air Force Base FAFDOPS e: Field Artillery Fire Direction Operations F.A.F.L. / · Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres FAFM e: Field Artillery Field Manual F.A.F.M. / • Fédération des Associations des Familles de Militaires FAG d: Fernaufklärung - s: Fuerza Aérea de Guatemala FAGA / • Forces Aériennes Gabonaises F A G L A N T e: Fleet Assistance Group, Atlantic FAGM e: Field Army Guided Missile - e: Field Artillery Guided Missile FAGMS-S e.· Field Army Guided Missile System-Sergeant FAGPAC e: Fleet Assistance Group, Pacific FAGU e: Fleet Air Gunnery Unit F A G U L A N T e: Fleet Air Gunnery Unit, Atlantic FAGUPAC e: Fleet Air Gunnery Unit, Pacific F A & H e: Armed Forces of Haiti FAH e: Future Attack Helicopter FAHMIR f : Force d A s s i s t a n c e Humanitaire Militaire d'Intervention Rapide F A H V f : Force Aérienne de Haute Volta FAIAU e: Fleet Air Intelligence Augmenting Unit FAIF e: First Army in the Field FAIO e: Field Army Issuing Officefr] - e: Field Artillery Intelligence Officer FAir e: Fleet Air FAIRDEX e: Fleet Air Defense Exercise FAIRELM e: Fleet Air Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean FAIRSHIPS e: Fleet Airships FAIRSHIPWING e: Fleet Airship Wing

F A I R W E S T P A C e: Fleet Air Wing, Western Pacific Area FAIRWG e: Fleet Air Wing FAIRWING e: Fleet Air Wing FAIS e: Force Air Intelligence Study FAIT e: Bogus peace organisation FAJ e: Field Artillery Journal FAK d: Feldarmeekorps - d: Fernaufklärung F.A.K, d: Freiwilliges Automobilkorps FAKART d: Karten-Friedensausstattung FALCON e: Air Force missile FALT e: F ADAC [Field Artillery Data Computer] Automatic Logic Tester - e: Field Artillery Logic Tester Fältart r: Fältartilleri Fältrr r: Fältradar F A L W e: Family of Air-Launched Weapons FAM e: Fast Air Mine - e: Field Artillery Missile - e: Fighter Attack Manoeuvring - e: Friendly Aircraft Movements - e: Friendly Aircraft Movements [Net] - e: Fuel Air Munition - s: Fuerza Aérea Mexicana F.A.M. s: Fuerza Aérea Mexicana FAMC e: Fitzsimons Army Medical Center F A M C S e: Field Army Multichannel Communications System FAMECE e: Family of Military Engineer Construction Equipment F A M E T s: Fuerza Aeromóvil del Ejército de Tierra FAMF e: Floating Aircraft Maintenance Facility F A M G e: Field Artillery Missile Group F A M I D e: Field Artillery Mid-Range Concepts and Force Design Study F.A.M.M.A.C. f : Fédération des Mariniers et Marins Anciens Combattants F A M O e: Forward Airfield Maintenance Organization FAMOS e: Flight Acceleration Monitor Only System F A M S e: Family of Anti-air Missile Systems - e: Field Army Messenger Service - e: Field Artillery Mission Support F A M S E G e: Field Artillery Missile Systems Evaluation Group FA Msl e: Field Artillery Missile FAMTIS e: Field Army Mapping and Terrain Information System F A M U e: Fleet Aircraft Maintenance Unit FAMV e: Forward Area Multi-purpose Vehicle FAN e: Fighter Automatic Navigator - e: Forward Air Navigator - f : Force d'Action Navale - f : Forces Armées du Nord - f : Forces Armées Nationales - f : Forces Armées Neutralistes - f : Forces Armées Nigériennes - s: Fuerza Aerea Naval F.A.N, f: Formations Aéro-Navales - s: Fuerzas Aéreas Nacionales Fanazul s: Fabrica Militar Polvoras y Explosivos Azul FANCI f : Forces Armées Nationales de la Côte d'Ivoire F A N K / • Force Armée Nationale Khmèr F A N T f : Forces Armées Nationales du Tchad fantac e: fighter analysis tactical air combat F A N U S i: Federazione f r a le Associazioni Nazionali Ufficiali e Sottufficiali in congedo provenienti dal Servizio effettivo

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

FAO N: Framskutt artilleriobservator - e: Finance and Accounts Office[r] - e: Fleet Administration Office[r] - e: Flight Activities Officer - e: Foreign Area Officer - / • Forces Armées Occidentales F.Α.O. e: Fleet Aviation Officer F A 0 Ν: Feltartilleriets ovingsavdeling F A O M E L U e: Federation of All Okinawan Military Employees' Labor Unions FAP e: Flight Activity Performance - e: Forward Ammunition Point - e: Foundation for the Arts of Peace - e: Frequency Allocation Panel - f: Forces Armées Populaires - s: Fuerza Aérea del Peru F.A.P. p: Forca Aérea Portuguesa FAPA f: Force Area Populaire de Angola FAPLA e: People's Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola FAPO e: Field Army Petroleum Office FAPP e: Field Artillery Projectile Pallet FAPRON e: Fleet Air Photo Squadron FAP USJCEC e: Frequency Allocation Panel, United States Joint Communications Electronics Committee FAR d: Feldartillerieregiment - e: Fighter-Attack-Reconnaissance - e: Finned air rocket - e: Fixed Acoustic Range - e: Fixed Array Radar - f: Force d'Action Rapide - / • Forces Armées du Royaume - / • Forces Armées Royales F.A.R. d: Feldartillerie-Regiment - f: Forces d'Assistance Rapide F.A.R.A.C. / • Fédération des Amicales Régimentaires d'Anciens Combattants FARAMC e: Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps FArBtl d: Feldartilleriebataillon FARC e: Field Artillery Replacement Center - e: Field Artillery Reserve Corporation - e: Field Artillery Reserve Corps F A R D R C R M e: Field Artillery Radar Crewman FARELF e: Far East Land Forces FARF f : Forces Armées pour une République Fédérale F A R K f : Forces Armées Royales Khmeres F.A.R.L. f: Fractions Armées Révolutionnaires Libanaises F A R M A R e: Fighter Attack Reconnaissance Modular Adaptive Radar FARMERS e: Frequency Agility Radar Modifications to Existing Radar Systems F A R M W A G e: Field Army Modernization War Game FARP e: People's Revolutionary Armed Forces FARR e: FAA/Air Force Radar Replacement FARS e: Field Army Replacement System - e: Field Artillery Rocket System - e: Frequency Array Radar System FARt e: Field Artillery Rocket FARTC e: Field Artillery Reserve and Training Center FARV e: Future Ammunition Resupply Vehicle FARV-A e: Future Armored Resupply Vehicle, Artillery FAS d: Flakartillerieschule - e: Field Artillery School - e: Field Artillery Section - e: Foreign Area Specialist - e: Forward Area Sight - e: Frequency Allocation Subcommittee


F.A.S. - /• Force[s] Aérienne[s] Stratégiquefs] - s: Fuerza Aérea Salvadoreña F.A.S. f: Forces Aériennes Stratégiques F A/S s: Fragata antisubmarina FASA e: Field Army Service Area - e: Fleet Airships, Atlantic FASC e: Field Army Support Center - e: Fire and Air Support Center - e: Forward Air Support Center - e: Forward Area Signal Center - e: Forward Area Support Center FASCAM e: Family of Scatterable Mines - e: Field Artillery Scatterable Mines FASCAR e: Forward Area Surveillance Command and Control Antiarmor and Reconnaissance Vehicle FA Sch e: Field Artillery School FASCO e: Forward Area Support Company - e: Forward Area Support Coordination Officefr] - e: Forward Area Support Coordinator FASCOM e: Field Army Strategic Command System - e: Field Army Support Command FA/SD e: Fleet Antisubmarine Duties FASDCC e: Field Army Switched Digital Communications Center FASE e: Field Army Support Evaluation F.A.S.E. i: Forze Alleate del Sud Europa FASO e: Field Aviation Supply Office - e: Fleet Antisubmarine Officer - e: Forward Airfield Supply Office - e: Forward Air[field] Supply Organization F A S 0 N: Feltartilleriets Skole- og Ovingsavdeling FASOC e: Forward Air Support Operations Center FASOR e: Forward Air Sonar Research - e: Forward Area Sonar Research FASOTRAGRULANT e: Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Atlantic FASOTRAGRIIPAC e: Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Pacific FASOTRAGRIIPACFLT e: Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Pacific Fleet FASP e: Fleet Airships, Pacific FASRON e: Fleet Air Service Squadron FASS e: Forward Acquisition Sensor FAST d: FriedensvertragAbrechnungsstelle - e: Field Artillery Survey Team - e: Field Assistance Support Team - e: Fighter Airborne Supply Tank - e: Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team - e: Fleet Assistance Support Team - e: Fleet-sizing Analysis and Sensitivity Technique - e: Flight Advisory Service Test - e: Flight Analyses System - e: Force and Supply Tracking System - e: Forward Air Strike - e: Forward Airborne Surveillance and Tracking - e: Forward Area Shelterized Terminal - e: Forward Area Support Team - e: Future Artillery Systems Technology F.A.S.T. f: Forces Aériennes Stratégiques FASTALS e: Force Analyses Simulation of Theater Administration and Logistic Support - e: Force Analysis Simulation of Theater Administrative and Logistics Support FASTAR e: Family of Army Surveillance & Target Acquisition Requirements


- e: Forward Area Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar - e: Forward Area Surveillance & Target Acquisition System FASTCAV e: Family Area of Subterranean Troop Carrying Vehicle FASTNET e: Fixed Army Strategic Telephone Network FAST Pack e: Fuel and Sensor Tactical Package FASTRACK e: Force Accounting System Track FASTRON e: Fleet Aircraft Service Squadron FASTI) e: Fleet Ammunition Ship Training Unit FASTULANT e: Fleet Ammunition Ship Training Unit, Atlantic FASTIIPAC e: Fleet Ammunition Ship Training Unit, Pacific FASU e: Fleet Air Support Unit FASW e: Fleet Airship Wing FASWC e: Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Command FASWSCHOOL e: Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare School FASX e: Fairbanks Air Service FAT e: Field Artillery Training - e: Flight Test Station - f: Forces Armées Tchadiennes - f: Forces Armées Togolaises - s: Fuerza aérea t ctica - s: Fuerza Aérea Táctica F.A.T. i: Forza Aerea Tactica FATA / · Forces Aériennes Tactiques Alliées FATAB e: Field Artillery Target Acquisition Battalion FATAC / · Commandement des Force Aérienne Tactiques F.A.Tac. f: Force aérienne tactique F.A.TAC /• Force aérienne tactique FATAC / · Force aérienne tactique FATACOP e: Field Artillery Tactical Operations FATAG e: Field Artillery Target Acquisition Group FATC e: Field Artillery Training Camp - e: Field Artillery Training Center - e: Fleet Area Telecommunications Center FATDS e: Field Artillery Tactical Data System FATO f: Forces Aériennes du Théâtre d'Opération FATOC e: Field Army Tactical Operation Center - e: Forward Air Transport Operations Centre F.A.T.O.M.M. / · Forces Aériennes du Théâtre d'Opérations MétropoleMéditerranée FATRACS e: Field Army Tactical Random Access Communications System FATS e: Forward Air Transport Support [net] FATSO e: First Aid Technical Stores Outfit FATSS e: Forward Area Target Surveillance System FATT e: Forward Area Tactical Teletypewriter FATU e: Fleet Air Tactical Unit F.A. Tube e: French Army Tube fau e: forced air unit FAV e: Fast Attack Vehicle - s: Fuerzas Aéreas Venezolanas FAVC e: Flight Attendant Volunteer Corps FAVO e: Fleet Aviation Officer F Αν O e: Fleet Aviation Order

Κ · G · Saur, München

FAVS e: Family of Army Vehicles Study FAW e: Fighter-All Weather - e: Fleet Air Wing - e: Fleet All Weather - e: Forward Area Warning - e: Forward Area Weapons FAWAF e: Fleet Air Wings Atlantic Fleet FAWESP e: Field Activity War and Emergency Support Plan FAWG e: Flight Assignments] Working Group FAWPS e: Flight and Weapons Planning System FAWTC e: Fleet Antiwarfare Training Center FAWTU e: Fleet All-Weather Training Unit FAWTULANT e: Fleet All-Weather Training Unit, Atlantic FAWTU PAC e: Fleet All-Weather Training Unit, Pacific FAZ / · Forces Armées Zaïroises FAZA f: Forces Aérienne Zairoise F.A.Z.S.O.I. f: Forces Armées de la Zone Sud de l'Océan Indien FB d: Frontbasis - e: Fighter - e: Fighter/Bomber F-16B e: two-place fighter/trainer aircraft FB-111 e: Convair strategicbomber version of the F - l l l w i t h variablegeometry wings FBA e: Fighter Aircraft - e: Fighter Bomber Aviation - /• Forces Belges en Allemagne fba e: fighter-bomber aircraft - e: fighter-bomber attack F.B.A. d: Feldbauamt - d: Feldeisenbahnabteilung FB/A e: Fighter Attack FBb d: Feuerbombe FBC e: Fighter-Bomber Clear-weather FBCB2 e: Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-and-Below F.Bekl.A. d: Feldbekleidungsamt FBM e: Fleet Ballistic Missile FBM/IAP e: Fleet Ballistic Missile/Improved Accuracy Program FBMP e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Program - e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Project FBMS e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine - e: Fleet Ballistic Missile System FBMSTLL e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine Tender Load List FBM-Supplement e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapons System Supplement FBMTC e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Training Center FBMTLL e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Tender Load List FBMWS e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapons System FBMWSS e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapons Support System F-Boot d: Fernlenkboot FBP e: Fighter Bomber Program FBS e: Fighter Bomber Squadron - e: Forward-Based System [nuclearcapable] fbs e: fighterbomber strike F.B.S. e: Forces Broadcasting Service FB/S e: Fighter Strike FB Satellite e: Fleet Broadcast Satellite FBSD e: Firing Battery Status Display FBTr d: Fernmeldebautrupp FBTTR d: Flakbatterie F Bty RA e: Field Battery, Royal Army FBV d: Flugbetriebsvorschrift FBW e: Fighter-Bomber Wing

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

FCZ FBYRA e: Field Battery, Royal Army FC d: Fanfarencorps - e: Field Command - e: Field Commander - e: Fighter Command - e: Fighter Controller] - e: Finance Corps - e: Fleet Commander - e: Flight Commander - e: Flight Computer - e: Flight Control - e: Flight Crew - e: Flight Critical - e: Flotilla Commander - e: Fuze Committee - s: Flota de combate F.C. e: Ferry Command - e: Fighter Command - f : France Combattante F/C e: Flight Controller FCA e: Fighter Control Area - e: Flight Control Area - e: Flight Control Assemblies - e: Forward Controller Assembly FCAC e: Forward Control and Analysis Center FCAF e: Flight Crew Accommodations Facility FCAP e: Flight Control Applications Program FCAS e: Frequency Coded Armaments System FCAT e: Flight Composite Acceptance Test FCB e: Flag Command Bureaux - e: Flight Certification Board FCBA e: Future Carrier Borne Aircraft FCBMP e: Fleet Command Battle Management Project FCC e: Fighter Control Center - e: Fleet Command Center - e: Fleet Control Center - e: Flight Communications Center - e: Flight Control Center - e: Flight Control [or Course] Computer - e: Flight Coordination Center - e: Flight Crew Compartment fee e: flight-control console FCCBMP e: Fleet Command Center Battle Management Program FCCC e: Flight Coordination Control Central FC & CE e: Flight Crew and Crew Equipment FCCO e: Flight Change Control Order FCCP e: Friends Coordinating Committee on Peace FCCT e: Flight Controller Confidence Test FCCV e: Future Close Combat Vehicle FCCVS e: Future Close-Combat Vehicle System FCD e: Flight Control Division FCDA e: Federal Civil Defense Administration FC DASA e: Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency FC/DASA e: Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency FCDB e: Flight Control Data Bus FC DC e: Flight Control Data Recorder FCDG e: Federal Civil Defense Guide FCDNA e: Field-Command Defense Nuclear Agency FCDS e: Fleet Consolidated Data Set FCDSTC e: Fleet Combat Direction System Training Center FCDSTCL e: Fleet Combat Direction System Training Center, Atlantic FCDT e: Fleet Clearance Diving Team

FCE e: Fleet Civil Engineer - e: Flight Control Electronics - e: Flight Control Equipment - e: Flight Crew Equipment fee e: Force FCEC e: Fire Control Engagement Controller FCEF e: Flight Crew Equipment Facility f.c.é.m. /• force coatre-électromotrice FCEP e: Flight Control Electronic Package fcept e: flight-control electrical package container FCES e: Flight Control Electronics System FCEU e: Flight Control Electronics Unit FCF e: Flight Critical Forward - e: Forward Control Field FCFM e: Flight Combustion Facility Monitor FCFSE e: Facility Checking FlightService Evaluation FCG e: Fleet Composite Group - e: Flight Control Group FCGC e: Flight Control Gyro Container fcgpc e: flight-control gyro-package container FCH a: Forsvarschefen - e: Flight Controller's Handbook FCHL e: Flight Control Hydraulics Laboratory FCI e: Flight Command Indicator - e: Flight Control Indicator - e: Flight Control Integration - e: Flight Critical Items FCIF e: Flight Crew Information File - r: Försvarsväsendets Civilmilitära Ingenjörers Förbund FCIM e: Flight Control Interface Module FCJ e: Field Command, Johnston Atoll FCL e: Flight Control Laboratory F-class e: NATO designation for a Soviet class of attack submarines also known as Foxtrot F.C.L.O. e: Flying Control Liaison Officer FCM e: Flight Combustion Monitor - e: Flight Confirmation Message - f: Formation civique et morale - f: Fraternité Chrétienne Militaire du Canada - /• Fraternité chrétienne militaire du Canada, Ottawa, Ontario - ì: Forza Combinata Mobile - i: Fronte Clandestino Militare F.C.M. e: Field Court-Martial FCM E e: First Class Marine Engineer FCMT e: Flight Configuration Mode Test FCNP e: Fire Control Navigation Panel FCO e: Ferrying Control Officer - e: Fire Control Officer - e: Flag Communications Officer - e: Fleet Communications Officer - e: Fleet Construction Officer - e: Flight Clearance Office - e: Flight Communications Operator - e: Flight Control Officer - e: Flying Control Officer - e: Forces Courier Office - e: Frequency Control Officer FCOB e: Flight Control Operations Branch FCOD e: Flight Crew Operations Directorate FCOH e: Flight Controllers Operational Handbook F Com e: Fighter Command FCOS e: Flight Control Operating System F Coy[RE] e: Field Company [Royal Engineers]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

FCP e: Field Command Post - e: Fire Control Platoon - e: Flight Control Programmer - e: Flight Correction Proposal - e: Forward Control Post FCPC e: Fleet Computer Programming Center FCPCL e: Fleet Computer Programming Center, Atlantic FCPCLANT e: Fleet Computer Programming Center, Atlantic FCPCP e: Fleet Computer Programming Center Pacific FCPCPAC e: Fleet Computer Programming Center, Pacific FCPO e: Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers - e: Fleet Chief Petty Officer FC-PSM e: Field Command, Plans & Operations Directorate, Stockpile Maintenance FCR e: Fire Control Radar - e: First City Regiment - e: Flight Configuration Release - e: Flight Configuration Review - e: Flight Control Room - e: Flight Control System FCRL e: Flight Control Ready Light FCRLS e: Flight Control Ready Light System FCRS e: Flightcrew Record System FCS e: Fighter Command School - e: Fire Control School - e: Fire Controlman, Submarine - e: Flight Command School - e: Flight Command Subsystem - e: Flight Control Software - e: Flight Control System [Subsystem] - e: Flight Control Systemfs] - e: Flight Crew System F.C.S. e: Fighter Command School - e: Fire Control School FCSC e: Fleet Command Support Center FCSCDG e: Fleet Command Support Center Development Group FCSCWO e: Fleet Command Support Center Watch Officer FC&SCWSL e: Fire Control and Small Caliber Weapon Systems Laboratory FCSD e: Flight Crew Support Division FCSG e: Flight Control Sensor Group FCSM e: Flight Combustion-Stability Monitor FCSO e: Full Career Seaman Officer FCSS e: Flight Control Sight System - e: Flight Control Stabilisation System - e: Flight Control Systems Section FCSTUP e: Fleet Combat Systems Training Unit, Pacific FCT e: Federal Commissioner] of Taxation - e: Flight Control Team - e: Flight Crew Trainer FCTB e: Flight Crew Training Building FCTC e: Fleet Combat Training Center FCTCLANT e: Fleet Combat Training Center Atlantic FCTS e: Flight Controller Training System - e: Flight Crew Trainer Simulator fcts e: flight-control test stand FCU e: Field Communication Unit - e: Fighter Control Unit - e: Flight Command Unit - e: Flight Control Unit FCUSA e: Finance Center, United States Army FCWTC e: Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns FCZ e: Forward Combat Zone


FD FD e: Fighter Direction - e: Fighter Division - e: First Defense - e: Flight Day - e: Flight Deck - e: Flight Director - e: Forward - f: Force Démocratique Fd. d: Fernsprechdienststelle [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] FDA e: Flight Deck Assembly - e: Flight Direction Attitude - e: Force Development and Analysis Division [Ministry of Defence] Fda d: Feldartillerie FDAI e: Flight Director Attitude Indicator FDAMS e: Flight Data Acquisition and Management System FDAS e: Field Depot Aviation Squadron - e: Flight Data Acquisition System fdASO r: förutvarande officer vid artilleristabskâren FDAT e: Final Development Acceptance Test FDATC e: Flying Division, Air Training Command FDAU e: Flight Data Acquisition Unit FDB e: Fighter Dive-Bomber - e: Fleet Data Base - e: Flight Dynamics Branch f.d.b.D.K. d: für den befehlenden Divisionskommandeur FDC e: Fire Direction Center - e: Flight Data Center - e: Flight Director Computer FDCA e: Federal Defense Communications Authority FDCS e: Fighter Direction Control School FDCV e: Fire Direction Centre Vehicle FDD e: Flight Data Document - e: Flight Definition Document - e: Flight Dynamics Division FDDS e: Flight Data Distribution System FDE e: Flight Data Entry FDEP e: Flight Data Entry [and] Printout - e: Flight Data Entry Panel FDE system e: Flight Data Entry system FDET e: Force Development Experimentation Testing FDF e: Flight Data File - e: Flight Dynamics Facility FDFM e: Flight Data and Flow Management Group F.D.F.O. r: Förbund det Frâlsningsarméofficerarnas FD G e: Flight Director Group - e: Flight Dynamics Group f.d.G.K. d: für das Generalkommando FDI d: Flugkommandoanzeige - e: Flight Detector Indicator - e: Flight Direction Indicator - e: Food and Disarmament International - f: Forces de Défense de l'Intérieur FDIO e: Flight Data Input Output FDIU e: Flight Data Interface Unit Fdiv r: Förstärkningsdivision FDL d: Führer der Luft - e: Flight Director Loop FDLH e: Flight Determination Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base FDM e: Flight Data Manager FDMC e: Fiscal Director of the Marine Corps FDMP e: Fault Detection Major Program F.DMS e: Flight Data Management System FDMIJ e: Flight Data Management Unit FDNET e: Fighter Direction Net FDO e: Fighter Director Officer - e: Fighter Duty Officer


- e: Fire Direction Officer - e: Fleet Dental Officer - e: Flight Deck Officer - e: Flight Duty Officer - e: Flight Dynamics Officer FDOR e: Flight Design Operations Review F.D.O.T. s: Fuerzas de Defensa Operativa del Territorio FDP e: Fighter Development Program - e: Forward Defensive Position FDPO e: Field Post Office - e: Foreign Disclosure Policy Office FDPS e: Flight Data Processing System FDR e: Flight Data Recoder FDRD e: Flight Definition and Requirements Document FDRI e: Flight Director Rate Indicator FDRS e: Flight Data Recording System - e: Flight Display Research System FDS d: Flugkommandosystem - e: Field Dressing Station - e: Fighter Data Storage - e: Fighter Director Ship - e: Fleet Dental Surgeon - e: Flight Data Subsystem - e: Flight Director System - e: Flight Dynamics Simulator - e: Flight Dynamics Software - e: Flight Dynamics System - e: Forward Dressing Station FDSC e: Flight Dynamics Simulation Complex - e: Flight Dynamics Situation Complex FDSIS e: Flight Deck System Integration Simulator FDSU e: Flight Data Storage Unit FDT d: Fortbildungsdienst der Truppe - e: Fighter Director Tender - e: Flight Demonstration Team FDU e: Flight Data Unit FDU[A] e: Fleet Diving Unit [Atlantic] FDU [Ρ] e: Fleet Diving Unit [Pacific] FDX e: Full-Duplex Transmission FE d: Feuerstellungsentfernung F/E d: Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten - e: Far East Command - e: Fighter Escort - e: Fleet Engineer - e: Flight Engineering] - e: Flight Examiner FEA e: Fleet Executive Appointments FEAAES e: Far East Army and Air Force Exchange Service FEAF e: Far East Air Force FEAFOC e: Far East Air Force Operations Centre FEAFR e: Far East Air Force Regulation^] FEAFSUP e: Far East Air Force Supplementary FEALOGFOR e: Far East Air Logistical Force FEAMCom e: Far East Air Material Command FEAMCOM e: Far East Air Materiel Command Fe.A.Sch. d: Feldartillerie-Schieß-Schule - d: Feldartillerie-Schieß-Schule FEB e: Flight Evaluation Board - e: Flying Evaluation Board - p : Forca Expedicionaria Brasileira FEC d: Vorwärtsfehlerkorrektur - e: Far East Command - e: French Expeditionary Corps FECB e: Far East Combined Bureau FECES e: Forward Error Control Electronics System FECOM e: Far East Command

Κ · G · Saur, München

FECOMPUTPROGCENPAC e Fleet Computer Programming Center, Pacific FED f: Forces Européennes de Défense - i: Forze Europee di Difesa F.E.D. i: Forze Europee di Difesa FEDN / · Fondation pour les Études de Défense Nationale FEE e: Flight Support System FEEB e: Fleet Electronic Effectiveness Branch FEF e: Far East Fleet - e: French Expeditionary Forces FEFA e: Future European Fighter Aircraft project Fe/Fs- d: Fernsprech/FernschreibFEG e: Field Emission Gun FEID e: Flight Equipment Interface Device FEK d: Funkelektronischer Kampf Feka d: Fernkampfartillerie Felda d: Feldartillerie FELF e: Far East Land Forces feltart N: feltartilleri FEM d: Funkelektronisches Mittel FEMADA f: Fédération des mutuelles des ayants droit de l'Armée FEMR e: Field Equipment Malfunction Report FEMS e: Fleet Exercise Minelaying System FEMW e: Field Engineering and Mine Warfare FEN e: Far Eastern Network, Camp Drake, Tokyo FENG e: Flight Engineer FENO e: Far Eastern Network Okinawa FENOSO n: Federatie van Nederlandse Oudstrijders Organisaties FEO e: Flag Engineering Officer - e: Fleet Engineering] Office[r] FEP e: Flight Evaluation Plan FEpow e: Far East prisoner of war FERA e: February Eighteenth Resistance Army Ferak d: Feststoff-Rakete FErsBtl d: Feldersatzbataillon FES e: Fleet Excercise Section FESA e: Facilities Engineering Support Agency FESPAC e: Far East and South Pacific FeSpTrp d: Fernsprechtrupp Festb.Sch. d: Festungsbauschule Fest.Gef. d: Festungsgef Fest.Sch. d: Festungsbauschule FET e: Field Evaluation Test - e: Field Exercise Test - e: Fleet Evaluation Trial - e: Flight Elapsed Time - e: Flight Engineer in Training FETCH e: Flight Engagement Tactical Cargo Hook FETF e: Flight Engine Test Facility Feuerw. d: Feuerwaffe[n] FEV e: Field Force, Vietnam FEVP d: Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Versuchsprogramm FEW e: Fighter Escort Wing FEWG e: Flight Evaluation Working Group FEWSG e: Fleet Electronics Warfare Support Group FEX e: Fleet Exercise FEZ e: Fighter Aircraft Engagement Zone FF e: Fast Forward - e: Field Forces - e: Fire Fighting - e: Firefinder radar - e: Fleet Fighter - e: Fleet Flag[ship] - e: Fleet Frigate

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

FICEURLANT - e: Flight Forward - e: Force Flagship - e: Free Flight - e: Friendship Force - e: Frontier Force - e: Frontier Force[s] F6F e: Grumman single-seat pistonpowered fighter aircraft named Hellcat F9F-2 e: Grumman Panther single-engine single-seat naval fighting aircraft F9F-6 e: Grumman earner-based transonic fighter aircraft called Cougar F.F. / · Forces Françaises FFA d: Fliegerführer Atlantik - f: Forces Françaises en Allemagne F.F.A. f : Forces Féminines de l'Air - / • Forces Françaises en Allemagne FFAA e: 4th Field Artillery Association F.F.A.A. f: Forces Féminines de l'Armée de l'Air FFAR e: Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket - e: Forward Firing Aerial Rocket - e: Forward-Firing Aircraft Rocket ffar e: forward-fighting aircraft rocket FFAS e: Free Flight Analysis Section F.F.A.S. d: Feldflakartillerieschule FFB / · Forces Françaises de Berlin F.F.C, f : Forces Françaises Combattants F.F.C.I. f: Forces Françaises Combattants de l'Intérieur F.F.C.M. f : Forces Françaises Combattants de la Métropole FFD d: Friedensförderungsdienst - e: FMS [Flight Management System] Flight Data - e: Free Flight Data FFDB e: Friendly Forces Data Base F F D O e: Force Fighter Director Officer F.F.Ε.O. / • Forces Françaises d'ExtrêmeOrient FFF d: Fernfunkfeuer - d: Frauen für den Frieden - e: Fighting French Forces - e: Free French Forces F!FF d: Forum Informatiker für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung FFFF e: Food, Family, Friendship, Freedom FFG e: guided missile frigate. FFGH e: Guided missile Frigate, Helicopter FFH e: Frigate, Helicopter FFI e: Formation Flight Trainer - f : Forces Françaises de l'Intérieur FFID e: Friendly Force Identification FFJF e: Federation of Former Jewish Fighters FFK d: Feldfernkabel - d: Fernfliegerkräfte FFL / · Forces Françaises Libres FFLAV e: Future Family Light Armoured Vehicle programme FFLG e: Guided missile light frigate or corvette FFIt e: Free Flight FFM e: Fire and Forget Missile - e: Fuel Fill to Missile FFMA e: Field Force Maintenance Area FF Model e: Free Flight Model F F M S e: Free Flight Melt Spinning FFN e: Fleet Flash Net - e: nuclear-powered frigate FFO e: Formation Flight Operation - e: Forward Firing Ordnance - f : Fédération Force Ouvrière - f : Forces Françaises de l'Ouest FFOB e: Forward Fighting Operating Base F F O R C E V e: Field Force[s] Vietnam FFOS e: Forward Flying Observation System

FFP e: Fleet Frequency Plan[s] - e: Food for Peace - e: Foundation for Peace - e: Free Flight Plan - e: Fund for Peace FFPS e: Functional Force Planning System FFR a: Forsvarets Forskningsrad - e: Fitted for Radar - e: Fleet Fighter Reconnaissance - e: Four-Frequency Radar - e: Free Flight Rocket F.Fr.H.Q. e: Free French Headquarters FFRR e: Full Frequency Range Record[s] FFS e: Flight Facilities Survey - e: Flight Following Service F.F.S.O.I. / · Forces Françaises du Sud de l'Océan Indien FF Trp d: Flieger- und Fliegerab wehrtruppen FFTV e: Free Flight Test Vehicle FFÜ d: Fernfeuerüberfall FFV e: Field Force, Vietnam ffwd e: fast forward - e: full-speed forward FFWV e: Federation of French War Veterans FG d: Friedensgericht - e: Field Gun - e: Fighter Group - e: Fog Gun F/G e: Flag/General Officer FGA e: Fighter Ground Attack FGC e: Facility Group Control - e: Flight Guidance and Control FGCP e: Flight Guidance Control Panel FGCS e: Flight Guidance and Control System F G G M e: Field general court-martial FGH d: Freiwillige Grenztruppenhelfer - e: Fort Garry Horse fgm e: field guided missile F G M D e: Fairchild Guided Missile Division FGN e: Federal German Navy FGO e: Flag Gunnery Officer - e: Fleet Gunnery Officer Fg Off e: Flying Officer FGOS e: Flag and General Officers Seminar FGR e: Fighter Ground Attack Reconnaissance FGS ά. Fliegender Gefechtsstand - d: Flotillengefechtsstand - e: Flight Guidance System FH e: Field Headquarters - e: Force Headquarters - e: Force Headquarters [Allied Forces] - e: Friendship House FH-1100 e: Fairchild-Hiller observation helicopter FHA e: Flight Hardware Availability FHAG e: Force Headquarters, Adjutant General FHAGM e: Force Headquarters, Adjutant General, Miscellaneous F H A G P e: Force Headquarters, Adjutant General, Personnel F H C e: Flight Half Coupling F H C A O e: Force Headquarters, Chief Administrative Officer FHCCH e: Force Headquarters, Claims and Hirings F H / C D M A e: Frequency-Hopping-Code Division Multiple Access FHCIC e: Force Headquarters, Commander in Chief F H C I V e: Force Headquarters, Civil Affairs Section

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

FHCOS e: Force Headquarters, Chief of Staff FHCW e: Force Headquarters, Chemical Warfare FHD d: Frauenhilfsdienst FHDCC e: Force Headquarters, Deputy Allied Commander-in-Chief FHDCS e: Force Headquarters, Deputy Chief of Staff F H D H C e: Force Headquarters, Director of Harbor Craft FHDMSS e: Force Headquarters, Military Secretary Section FHE e: Forward Headquarters Element FHEFI e: Force Headquarters, Expeditionary Forces Institute FHENG e: Force Headquarters, Engineer F H E N W e: Force Headquarters, Works FH F e: First Horizontal Flight FHFF e: Fleet Hurricane Forecast Facility F H H D C e: Force Headquarters, Headquarters Commandant FH INC e: Force Headquarters, Information and Censorship - e: Force Headquarters, Office of Intelligence and Censorship FHL e: Forward Half-Line FH LIA e: Force Headquarters, Liaison Section F H L T e: Force High Lever Terminal F H M G S e: Force Headquarters, Military Government Section

F.H.M.W. d: Feldhaubitzenmunitionswagen F H O R D e: Force Headquarters, Ordnance FHPET e: Force Headquarters, Petroleum FHPWO e: Force Headquarters, Psychological Warfare Office FHQ e: Forward Headquarters FHR e: Frequency-agile, High-resolution Radar FHS d: Fronthauptstraße FHSGS e: Force Headquarters, Secretary General Staff FHSIG e: Force Headquarters, Signal Officer FHU e: Force Helicopter Unit FHUSN e: Force Headquarters, United States Naval Staff FI e: Fabrication Instructions - e: Factory Installed - e: Fighter Interceptor - e: Flight Identity - e: Flight Instructor - e: Flight Instrumentation - e: Flight I n s t r u m e n t s ] - f: Forces de l'Intérieur - r: Fartygsingenjeur Fi e: Fighter FIA e: Flight Information Area FiA e: Fighter Aviation FIAC e: Flight Information Advisory Committee FIAR e: Failed Item Analysis Report FIAT e: Facility for Independent Acquisition & Tracking - e: Field Information Agency, Technical FIB e: Fleet Installation Budget - e: Fleet torpedo bomber - e: Flight Information Bulletin FI BUA e: Fighting In Built-Up Areas FIC e: Fleet Intelligence Center - e: Fleet Issue Control - e: Flight Information Center FICD e: Fellow of the Institute of Civil Defence FICEUR e: Fleet Intelligence Center, Europe FICEURLANT e: Fleet Intelligence Center-Europe and Atlantic


FICO FICO e: Flight Information and Control of Operationfs] FICON e: Fighter Conveyor FICPAC e: Fleet Intelligence Center Pacific F I C P A C F A C e: Fleet Intelligence Center, Pacific Facility FICV e: Future Infantr Combat Vehicle FID d: Fliegeringenieurdienst - e: Field Intelligence Division F.I.D. d: Freiwillige Internationale Dienste für Frieden und Versöhnung FIDO e: Fighter Interceptor Duty Officer - e: Flight Dynamics Officer - e: Flight Inspection District Office FIDP e: Foreign International Defense Policy FIDS e: Flight Information and Display System FIE e: Flight Instructor Examiner - e: Flight Instrumentation Engineer FIEN i: Forum Italiano dell'Energia Nucleare FIFF d: Forum Informatiker für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung - d: Forum Informatikerinnen für den Frieden e.V. FIFIS e: Fire Fighting Systems FIFO e: Flight Inspection Field Office[r] FIFO-Η e: Flight Inspection Field Office, High Altitude FIFOR e: Flight forecast FIFV e: Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle FIG e: Fighter Intercepter Group - e: Fighter Interceptor Group - e: Flight Inspection Group FIGHTRON e: Fighting Squadron FIH e: Flight Information Handbook FII / · Force Interarmée d'Intervention F.I.I, f: Forces d'Intervention Immédiate - s: Fuerzas de Intervención Immediata FIIC e: Flight Inspector in Charge F U G e: Flight Instructions Indoctrination Group FILA e: Fighting Intruders at Low Altitude FILES e: F A M E C E [Family of Military Engineer Construction Equipment] Integrated Logistics FILFP f : Forum International de Liaison des Forces de la Paix FILL e: Fleet Issue Load List FILS e: Fleet Integrated Logistics Support [reports] FILSCAF e: Family of Improved Lightweight, Secure Storage Containers for the Army in the Field FIM e: Flight Information Manual FIMA e: Future International Military Aircraft FIMATE e: Field-Installed Maintenance Automatic Fest Equipment FIMP e: Fault Isolation Major Program FIMS e: Ferranti Integrated Mine Countermeasures System FinAF e: Finnish Air Force FIND e: Flight Information Display FINDE e: Flight Information Display Electronics FINDER e: Frequency Modulated Infrared C 0 2 Doppler Radar FINE e: Fighter Inertial Navigation System Finek e: Finance and Economic Sections of the military commands FINFO e: Flight Inspection National Field Office FINO e: Finance Officer F.I.N.U.L. / · Force d'Interposition des Nations Unies au Liban


FINUL f : Force intérimaire des Nations Unies au Liban FIO e: Field Intelligence Officer - e: Fleet Information Office - e: Fleet Instruction Officer - e: Fleet Intelligence Officer - e: Flight Information Office[r] - e: Force XXI Integration Office F.I.O.A.C. / • Fédération Internationale des Organisations d'Anciens Combattants FIP e: Fleet Introduction Program - e: Flight Instruction Program FI/P e: Flight Inspection/Permanent FIPS e: Flight Inspection Positioning System FIR Ν: Forsvarets idrettsrâd - e: Fiji Infantry Regiment - e: Flight Information Region - e: Flight Information Report - e: Flight Inspection Report FIRAMS e: Flight Incident Recorder and Aircraft Monitoring System FIRAVF e: First Available Flight FIRB e\ Flight information region boundary FIRE e: Flight in a Radiation Environment - e: Flight Investigation Reentry Environment FIREFINDER e: Mortar [AN/FPQ-36] and Artillery [AN/TPQ-37] Locating Radar System FIREX e: Free-Flying Imaging Radar Experiment FIRFLT e: First Fleet FIRL e: Fleet Issue Requirements List FIR/LIR e: FIR [Flight Information Region]/Lower Information Region FIRM e: Fleet Introduction of Replacement Models FIRMU e: Flight Incident Recorder Memory Unit FIR TI e: Far Infrared Target Indicator FIS e: Family Income Supplement FIS3 e: Ferranti Integrated Submarine Sonar Suite FIS e: Fighter Identification System - e: Fleet Information Service - e: Fleet Introduction Site - e: Flight Identification System - e: Flight Information Section - e: Flight Information Service - e: Force Information System - e: Forces Information Service fis e: Fighter Interceptor Squadron FISAR e: Fleet Information Storage and Retrieval FISARS e: Fleet Information Storage and Retrieval System FIS-B e: Flight Information ServiceBroadcast FISC e: Fleet Intelligence Support Center - e: Flight Instrumentation Signal Converter FISCS e: Ferranti Integrated Submarine Combat Suite FISO e: Force Integration Staff Officer FISq e: Fighter Interceptor Squadron FISSO e: Foreign Intelligence Special Security Office FIST e: Field artillery fire Support Team - e: Field Intelligence Signal Terminal - e: Fire Support Team - e: Fleet Imagery Support Terminal FISTV e: Fire Support Team Vehicle FIT e: Fighter - e: Fleet Introduction Team - e: Flight Instrument Trainer - e: Forward Inspection Team FI/T e: Flight Inspection, Temporary

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FITC e: Fleet Intelligence Training Center F I T C L A N T e: Fleet Intelligence Training Center, Atlantic FITCPAC e: Fleet Intelligence Training Center, Pacific FITD e: Far Infrared Target Detector FITI e: Far Infrared Target Indicator FITRON e: Fighter Squadron F I T W I N G e: Fighter Wing F i l l e: Field Intelligence Unit F.I.II. e: Fighter Interception Unit Fliirak d: Flüssigkeitsrakete FIV r: Flygvapnets centrala intendenturf F I V E A T A F e: Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force Southern Europe FIW e: Fighter Interceptor Wing - e: Flight Input Workstation F.I.W.C. e: Food Industry War Committee FIX e: Fighter Interceptor Experimental FJà d: Fallschirmj FJ e: Fighter Jet F JA d: Forum Jugend und Armee FJgDstKdo d: Feldjägerdienstkommando FJgTr d: Feldjägertruppe FK N: Flykommando - N: Flykommandoren - d: Feldkommandantur - d: Freikorps FKB e: Flight Display Keyboard FKE r: Försvarets Kommandoexpedition F K H S r: Flygkrigsh FKKG d: Flugkörperkommandogerät FKN N: Forsvarskommando Nord-Norge FK Nord-Norge N: Flykommando NordNorge FK Ostlandet N: Flykommando Ostlandet FKR d: Flugkörperrakete FKS N: Forsvarskommando Sor-Norge - d: Funkkommandosender - r: Flygkrigsskolan FK-sjefen A': Flykommandosjefen FK Trendelag N: Flykommando Trondelag FK Vestlandet N: Flykommando Vestlandet FL e: Fight Level - e: Flight Leader - e: Flight Lieutenant - f : Forces Libanaises FI e: Fleet - e: Flight FLA e: First Lord of the Admiralty fia d: Fliegerabwehr FLAB e: Flag Lieutenant to the Admiralty Board Flabo d: Flugabwehroffizier Flabrakete d: Flugzeugabwehrrakete FI. Adm. d: Flottillenadmiral FLAG e: Fleet Locating and Graphics F L A G C E N T e: Flag Officer Central Europe FLAGE e: Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment [missile] Flagruko d: Flakgruppenkommandeur FLAIR e: Field Low Altitude Intermediate-range Radar - e: Fleet Location And Information Reporting F L A I R S e: Fleet Locating and Information Reporting System FLAK d: Flugzeugabwehr Kanone Flak d: Fliegerabwehrkanone Flak.-Art. d: Flugabwehr-Artillerie Flakmust. d: Flakmunitionsausgabestelle Flak-R-Waffe d: FlugabwehrraketenWaffe FLAM e: Forward Launched Aerodynamic Missile[s] Flambo d: Flammenbombe

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

FltAllWeaTraULant FLAME e: Fighter Launched Advanced Materials Experiment FLAMR e: Forward-Looking Advanced Multimode Radar FLAMTI e: Forward-Looking Airborne Moving Target Indication FlAnw d: Fluganwärter FLAP e: Flight Application Software FLAR d: vorausschauendes Bord-Radar - e: Forward Looking Airborne Radar fiar d: Fliegerabwehr-Raketentechnik - d: Fliegerabwehr-Raketentruppen - e: florward-looking airborne radar Fla-R d: Fliegerabwehrrakete - d: Flugzeugabwehrrakete Flarak d: Fliegerabwehrrakete Fla-Rak d: Flugabwehr-Rakete Flarak d: Flugzeugabwehrrakete FlaRakG d: Flugabwehrraketengeschwader FlaRakPz d: Flugabwehrraketenpanzer FLARE e: Florida Lightning and Radar Experiment Fl-Art. d: Flugabwehrartillerie Fla-R-Waffe d: Flugabwehr-Raketenwaffe FLASER e: Forward Looking Infrared Laser Radar Fla-SFL d: Fliegerabwehrselbstfahrlafette Fla-SFL-Bttr d: Fliegerabwehrselbstfahrlafette-Batterie FLASH e: Flame Launched Assault Shoulder or Hip-fired Weapon - e: Folding Light Acoustic System for Helicopters FLAT e: Flight Plan Aided Tracking FLAV e: Family of Light Armoured Vehicles FLAW e: Fleet Logistics Air Wing FlaWa d: Flugabwehr-Waffenanlage FlaWB d: Flammenwerfer-Bataillon FlaWK d: Flammenwerfer-Kompanie FLAWS e: Fault Location Aerial Warning System FLB e: First Line Battleship Fib d: Flugboot fib e: flight-line bunker Fl Bb d: Fliegerbombe flbm e: fleet-launched ballistic missile F1BMD d: Fliegerbeobachtungs- und Meldedienst FLC e: Flag-Lieutenant-Commander - e: Fleet Loading Center - e: Flight Crew - e: Force Level Commander - e: Force Logistics Command flee e: flight-control computer FLCDSSACT e: Fleet Combat Direction System Support Activity FLCO e: Flight information and Control of Operation FLCON e: Flight Control Flcs e: Flight Control System FLCS e: Force Level Control System FLD e: Field [Division] Fldart. d: Feldartillerie FLDARTYGRII e: Field Artillery Group FLDC f: Forces Locales de Defence Civile Fid. Com. e: Field Command FLDCOMDASA e: Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency Fid Com DNA e: Field Command, Defense Nuclear Agency FldCoRE e: Field Company, Royal Engineers F1DEN e: Flight Data Entry FLDK e: Flight Deck FLDMS e: Field Maintenance Shop FIDO e: Flight Dynamics Officer Fid O e: Field Officer Fid Off e: Field Officer

FLDTW e: Field Training Wing FLE e: Flight Engineer FleActy e: Fleet Activity FLEASWSCOL e: Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare School FLEASWTACSCOL e Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Tactical School FLEBALMISUBTRACEN e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine Training Center FLECOMPRON e: Fleet Composite Squadron FLECOMPUTPROGCEN e Fleet Computer Programming Center FLECOMPUTPROGCENLANT e: Fleet Computer Programming Center, Atlantic FLECOMPUTPROGCENPAC e Fleet Computer Programming Center, Pacific FLEETEX e: Fleet Exercise FLEETSATCOM e: Fleet Satellite Communications System FLE/FPL /• Front de Libération Erythréenne/Forces Populaires de Libération FLEMATSUPPO e: Fleet Material Support Office FLEMATSUPPOFAGLANT e: Fleet Material Support Office, Fleet Assistance Group, Atlantic FLEMATSUPPOFAGPAC e: Fleet Material Support Office, Fleet Assistance Group, Pacific FLEOPINTRACEN e: Fleet Operational Intelligence Training Center FLEP e: Funded Legal Education Program FLEREADREP e: Fleet Readiness Representative FLESONARSCOL e: Fleet Sonar School FLESUBTRAFAC e: Fleet Submarine Training Facility FLET e: Forward Line of Enemy Troops FLETACSUPPRON e: Fleet Tactical Support Squadron FLETC e: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center FLETRABASE e: Fleet Training Base FLETRACEN e: Fleet Training Center FLETRAGRU e: Fleet Training Group FLETRAGRUWATE e: Fleet Training Group and Underway Training Element FLEWEACEN e: Fleet Weather Center FLEWEAFAC e: Fleet Weather Facility FLEWORKSTUDYGRULANT e: Fleet Work Study Group, Atlantic FLEX e: Fleet Exercisefs] FLEXAR e: Flexible Adaptive Radar FLF e: Fast Landing Force - e: Friendly Laotian Forces FLG e: Flagship - e: Forward Landing Ground FlgAbwaTr d: Fliegerabwehr aller Truppen FlgFuTrp d: Fliegerfunktrupp FLGK d: Feldluftgaukommando FlgLtTrp d: Fliegerleittrupp Flg. Off. e: Flying Officer FLGT e: Flight FlHKdo d: Fliegerhorstkommando FLI e: Flight Leader Identification - e: Flight Leader Identity - e: Forward Looking Infrared Flibo d: Fliegerbombe Fli Con e: Flight Controller] Fli Con C e: Flight Control Centre FLIDAP e: Flight Data Position FLIDEN e: Flight Data Entry FLIDEN Device e: Flight Data Entry Device FLIDIT e: Flight Line Detection and Isolation Techniques

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

FLIFO e: Flight Information FLIM e: Flight Mechanics Internal Memorandum FLIMAN e: Flight Information Manual FLIOP e: Flight Operations Planner FLIP e: Flight Information Pian - e: Flight Information Publication FLIPCO e: Flight Plan and Coordination FLIPS e: Flight Information Processing System FLIR e: Forward-Looking Infrared [sensor] FLIRAS e: Forward Looking Infrared Attack Set FLIR Radar e: Forward Looking Infrared Radar FLIT e: Fighter Lead-in Training FLITE e: Federal Legal Information Through Electronics - e: Flight Information Test Element Flivo d: Fliegerverbindungsoffizier FLLAR e: Forward Looking Light Attack Radar FLM e: Flight Line Maintenance FLMTS e: Flight Line Maintenance Test Set FLNK /• Force de Libération Nationale Kamerounaise FLO e: Fighter Liaison Officer - e: Film Liaison Officer - e: Foreign Liaison Officefr] FIO e: Flight Officer Fl. O. e: Flying Officer Floba d: Flottenbasis FlobaHS d: Flottenbasishauptstraße FlobaRS d: Flottenbasisreservestraße FLOCCPAC e: Fleet Operational Control Center, Pacific Fl Offr e: Flying Officer FLOG e: Fleet Logistics FLOGAIR e: Fleet Logistics Air Wing FLOGWING e: Fleet Logistics Air Wing FLOGWINGLANT e: Fleet Logistics Air Wing, Atlantic FLOGWINGPAC e: Fleet Logistics Air Wing, Pacific FLOPAC e: Flight Operations Advisory Committee Flopo d: Flugoperationsoffizier FLOPSY e: Fleet Operations Programming System FLORA e: Fire Location Radar FLOT e: Forward Line Own Troops Flottenkdo d: Flottenkommando FlpK d: Flugplatzknoten FLR e: Forward Looking Radar FLS e: Force Level Simulation - e: Forward Look Sonar FIS s: Flotilla de submarinos FLSD e: Fleet Logistics Support Department FISDO e: Flight Standards District Office FLSIP e: Fleet Logistics Support Improvement Program FLSP e: Flight Space Fl.S.S. d: Fliegerschützenschule FLSS r: Flottans sj Fls.Sch. d: Flugsicherungsschule FLSW e: Fleet Logistic Support Wing FLT e: Flight F/Lt e: Flight Lieutenant FLTAC e: Fleet Analysis Center FLTACT e: Fleet Activities FltActy e: Fleet Activity Fit Adm e: Fleet Admiral FltAllWeaTraU e: Fleet All-Weather Training Unit FltAllWeaTraULant e: Fleet All-Weather Training Unit, Atlantic


FltAllWeaTraUPac FltAllWeaTraUPac e: Fleet All-Weather Training Unit, Pacific FLTCAL e: Flight Calibration Procedures FLTCINC e: Fleet Commander-in-Chief fltck e: flight check Fit Cmdr e: Flight Commander Fit Comdr e: Flight Commander FLTCONT e: Flight Control[s] FLTCORGRU e: Fleet Coordinating Group FLT CTL e: Flight Control[s] FLTDECGRII e: Fleet Deception Group FLTDECGRULANT e: Fleet Deception Group Atlantic FLTDEMO e: Fleet Demonstration FLTEX e: Fleet Exercise FLTGUNSCH e: Fleet Gunnery School FLTGUNSCOL e: Fleet Gunnery School FLTL e: Flight Line FLTLOSCAP e: Fleet Liaison Officer, Supreme Commander Allied Powers Fit Lt e: Flight Lieutenant FLT MTNCE e: Fleet Maintenance FLTNBSV e: Fleet Narrowband Secure Voice Fit No. e: Flight Number FLTO e: Flight Officer Fit Off e: Flight Officer Fit Offz. d: Feuerleitoffizier Flt/PG e: Flight Programmer Fit Pin e: Flight Plan FLTSAT e: Fleet Satellite FLTSATCOM e: Fleet Satellite Communication System FLTSERVSCOL e: Fleet Service School FLTSEVO e: Fleet Secure Voice Fit Sgt e: Flight Sergeant Fit Sgt Nav e: Flight Sergeant Navigator FLTSIP e: Fleet Support Improvement Program FLTSOUNDSCOL e: Fleet Sound School FltSubTraFa e: Fleet Submarine Training Facility FLTTACREDGRII e: Fleet Tactical Readiness Group FLTTRACEN e: Fleet Training Center FLTTRACKCEN e: Fleet Tracking Center FLTTRAGRU e: Fleet Training Group FLTWEACEN e: Fleet Weather Center FLTWEPCEN e: Fleet Weapons Center Flugb. d: Flugboot Fluoff r: Flaggunderofficer Fliirak d: Flüssigkeitsrakete Flusi. d: Flugsicherheit FLV e: Family of Launch Vehicles Fl.V.Off. d: Fliegerverbindungsoffizier FIVplS r: Flottans ν FLW e: Fleet Logistics Wing FIWB d: Flugzeugwasserbombe flwop e: forced landing without power Fl. W. S. d: Fliegerwaffentechnische Schule FI.W.S. d: Fliegerwaffentechnische Schule Flybo r: Flygbasomrâde FlygTpDiv r: Flygtransportdivision FlyTAF e: Flying Training Air Force Flßkbt d: Flußkanonenboot FM e: Field Marshal - e: Fighting Method - e: Flight Manual - e: Flight Mechanic - e: Flight Model - e: Force Modernization - / : Force majeure - / : Franchise militaire - s: Fabricaciones Militares F-27M e: Fokker Troopship built in the Netherlands


FMA e: Foreign Military Assistance - e: Forward Maintenance Area - s: F brica Militar de Aviones - s: Fabrica Militar de Aviones F.M.A.C. e: Finance Member of the Army Council FMACC e: Foreign Military Assistance Coordinating Committee FMAD e: Flight Mission Assignments Document FMAG e: Fleet Maintenance Assistance Group FMAGPAC e: Fleet Maintenance Assistance Group, Pacific FMAHTS e: Flight Manifest and Hardware Tracking System FMANTS e: Flight Manifest FMASC e: Foreign Military Assistance Steering Committee FMAW e: First Marine Aircraft Wing - e: Fleet Marine Air Wing fmb e: fast missile boat FMB e: Foreign Materiel Branch FMBA e: 51st Medical Battalion Association FM-Boot d\ Flachgehendes Minensuchboot F MC e: Federal Manufacturers Code - e: Fighter Mission Coordinator - e: Fire Mission Control - e: Fleet Maintenance Council - e: Fleet Management Center - e: Flight management computer - e: Force Missile Coordinator - e: Forces Mobile Command F.M.C, e: Forces Motoring Club FMCCS e: Force Modernization Command and Control System FMCDU e: Flight Management Control and Display Unit FMCMA e: Fraternal and Military Club Managers Association FMCR e: Fleet Marine Corps Reserve FMCS e: Fighter Management Computer System - e: Flight Management Computer System FMCWR e\ Frequency modulated carrier wave radar FMD e: Force Modernization Division - f: Front Militant Départmentaliste FMDA e: 4th Marine Division Association FMD & C e: Flight Mechanics, Dynamics, and Control F.M.D.C. f: Forces Mobiles de Defence Civile FmDStBw d: Fernmeldedienststelle der Bundeswehr FMDZ e: Forward Missile Deployment Zone FMECA e: Failure Modes, Effects & Criteria Analysis FMED e: Forward Medical Equipment Depot FMEO e: Fleet Marine Engineering Officer F.M.E.O. f: Forces Maritimes d'ExtrêmeOrient FMEP e: Foundation for Middle East Peace FMEPS e: Family of Mobile Electric Power Sources FMETO e: Fleet Meteorological Officer FMF e: Fleet Marine Force - e: Foreign Military Financing - e: Foreign Military Funding FMF-A e: Fleet Marine Force-Atlantic - e: Fleet Marine ForceAtlantic FMF-E UCE e: Fleet Marine Force-End User Computing Equipment FMFEIIR e: Fleet Marine Force, Europe

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FMFLANT e: Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic FMFLG d: Funkmeßfeuerleitger FM FM e: Fleet Marine Forces Manual FMF-P e: Fleet Marine Force-Pacific FMFP e: Foreign Military Financing Program FMFPAC e: Fleet Marine Force, Pacific - e: Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Fleet FMFRP e: Fleet Marine Force Reference Publication FMFWESTPAC e: Fleet Marine Force, Western Pacific FMG e: Federal Military Government - e: Fleet Maintenance Group - e: Flight Management Guidance FMG[A] e: Fleet Maintenance Group [Atlantic] FMGEC e: Flight Management Guidance Envelope Computer FMGIS e: Flight Management Geographic Information System FMG[PJ e: Fleet Maintenance Group [Pacific] FMGS e: Flight Management and Guidance System FmHptK d: Fernmeldehauptkommandantur FMI a: Forsvarets Materielintendantur FM/IC e: Fire Mission Information and Control FM ID d: Funkmeßingenieurdienst FMIR e: Frustrated Multiple Internal Reflections FMIS e: Force Management Information System FMK a: Flyvematerielkommandoen F.M.K, d: Freiwilliges Motorboot-Korps FmKpEloKaD d: Fernmeldekompanie für Elektronische Kampfführung der Division FML e: Flight Mechanics Laboratory FMLM f: French Military Liaison Mission FMM e: French Military Mission FMN r: Flyg- och Navalmedicinska Nämnden F.M.N.S.O. /• Fédération Mutualiste Nationale des Sous-Officiers [active et réserve] FMO e: Field Movement Officer - e: Fleet Maintenance Office - e: Fleet Maintenance Office[r] - e: Fleet Medical Officer - e: Flight Management Office F.M.O. e: Fleet Medical Officer FMOCC e: Fleet Mobile Operational Command Center FMOD e: Federal Ministry of Defence FMP d: Fernmarkierungspunkt - e: Fleet Modernization Plan - e: Fleet Modernization Program - e: Flight Mechanics Panel - e: Florida Marine Patrol - e: Force Modernization Program FMPAC e: Fleet Marine Force Pacific FMPMIS e: Fleet Maintenance Program Management Information System - e: Fleet Modernization Program Management Information System F.M.R. / · Forces Maritimes du Rhin FMRAAM e: Future Medium-Range Airto-Air Missile Fm/RadarStBw d: Fernmelde- und Radarstelle der Bundeswehr FMREC e: Force Mobilization Review and Evaluation Committee FMRO e: Fleet Maintenance & Repair Organisation FMS e: Field Maintenance Squadron - e: Fighter Missile System - e: Fleet Management System

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FOLPES - e: Fleet Mine Sweeper - e: Flight Management Systemfs] - e: Foreign Military Sales - e: Foreign Military Service - r: Flottans maskinist FmS d: Fernmeldeschule FMSA e: Future Military Systems Authority FMSAEG e: Fleet Missile Systems Analysis and Evaluation Group FMSAEGA e: Fleet Missile Systems Analysis and Evaluation Group Annex F M S A E L e: Fleet Missile Systems Analysis and Evaluation Laboratory FMSC e: Foreign Military Sales Credit FMSCR e: Foreign Military Sales Credit Financing FMSF e: Foreign Military Sales Financing FMSO e: Fleet Material Supply Office - e: Fleet Material Support Office - e: Foreign Military Sales Order FMSq e: Field Maintenance Squadron FMT e: Full Mission Trainer FMTAG e: Foreign Military Training Affairs Group F M T B e: Force Mobilization Troop Bases F m T O f f z d: Fernmeldetechnischer Offizier FmTr d: Fernmeldetruppe FMTR e: Florida Missile Test Range FMTS e: Field Maintenance Test Station FMTV e: Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles FMU e: Fleet Maintenance Unit FMUSIC e: Federation of Military and United Services Institutes of Canada FMV d: Freier Militärischer Vorunterricht FM-VP d: Funkmeß - Vorposten FN d: Funknavigation - e: French Navy - f: Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre S.A. - s: Fuerzas Navales F.N. f: Force Navale - f: Forces Navales - i: Forza navale FNAC f : Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants F.N.A.C.A. f: Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants d'Algérie F.N.A.C.E. / • Forces Navales Alliées Centre Europe F.N.A.C.F. f: Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants Français F.N.A.C.P.G. / • Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants Prisonniers de Guerre FNACR f : Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants Républicains F.N.A.C.V.G. / · Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre FNAF e: Federal Nigerian Air Force F.N.A.M.C. / • Fédération Nationale des Anciens Militaires de Carrière FNASOR f : Fédération Nationale des Amicales des Sous-Officiers de Réserve - f: Fédération Nationale des Associations de Sous-Officiers de Réserve F.N.C. / • Fédération Nationale des Combattants - f: Front National des Combattants F.N.C.I. / • Fédération Nationale des Combattants Interalliés F.N.C.P.G. f: Fédération Nationale des Combattants Prisonniers de Guerre F.N.C.V. f: Fédération Nationale des Combattants Volontaires FND e: Flinders Naval Depot

F.N.E.O. f : Forces Navales d'ExtrêmeOrient FNFFAM f: Fédération Nationale des Fabricants de Fournitures Administratives et Militaires F.N.F.L. f : Forces Navales Françaises Libres FNH s: Fuerza Naval Hondurena FNI f : Fédération Nationale des Invalides de Guerre - f: Forces Nucléaires à Portée Intermédiaire FNLO e: French Naval Liaison Officefr] F.N.M.A.C.V.G. / · Fédération Nationale des Associations des Mutilés, Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre F.N.M.M.I. / • Fédération Nationale des Militaires, Mutilés et Invalides de Guerre FNO e: Fleet Navigation Officer - e: Following Named Officers FNOA e: Following N a m e d Officers and Airmen FNOC e: Fleet Numerical Oceanographic [or Oceanography] Center - e: Fleet Numerical Operations Center FNOIO e: Fleet Naval Ordnance Inspecting Officer FNP d: Funknavigationspunkt - f: Fonds non Publics FNS / • Force Nationale de Sécurité - / • Force Nucléaire Stratégique F.Ν.S. f: Forces Nationales Stratégiques FNU f : Forces des Nations Unies FNW e: Future of Nuclear Weapons F N W C e: Fleet Numerical Weather Center FNWF e: Fleet Numerical Weather Facilities FNY e: French Navy FO N: Forsvarets Overkommando - d: Friedenserhaltende Operationen - e: Finance Officer - e: First Officer - e: Flag Officer - e: Fleet Order - e: Flight Officer - e: Flight operations - e: Flying Officer - e: Forward Observation - e: Forward Observer - e: Forwarding Order - i: Frontiera Orientale F.O. e: Field Officer - f: Forces Occupantes FOA e: Field Operating Agency - r: Forsvarets Forskningsanstalt, Stockholm FOAC e: Flag Officer, Atlantic Coast F.O.A.C, e: Flag Officer, Aircraft Carriers FOAFB e: Forbes Air Force Base FOAIB e: Flag Officer, Admiralty Interview Board FOAS e: Fleet Operational Analysis Staff FOB e: Forward Observation - e: Forward Observer Bombardment - e: Forward Operating Base - e: Forward Operating [or Operations] Base FOBA f : Forces Belges en Allemagne F O B A A e: Flag Officer British Assault Area FOBM e: Follow-On Ballistic Missile F. Obs. e: Forward Observer F. Obsr e: Forward Observer F O B T S U e: Forward Observer Target Survey Unit FO Bty e: Forward Observation Battery FOC e: Field Officer Commanding - e: Fleet Operations Center - e: Fleet Operations Commitment

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Flight Operations Center - e: Forward Operations Center FOCAF e: Flag Officer, Commander, Her Majesty's Australian Fleet FOCAS e: Flag Officer, Carriers, and Amphibious Ships FOCC e: Fleet Operational [or Operations] Control Center F O C C E U R e: Fleet Operations Control Center, Europe FOCCPAC e: Fleet Operations Control Center, Pacific Fleet FOCE e: Flag Officer, Central Europe FOCEUR / · Forces Canadiennes en Europe FOC/FCC e: Flight Operations Center/Flight Coordination Center FOCS e: Flag Officer's Command System FOCSL e: Fleet Oriented Consolidated Stock List FOCSLE e: Fleet Operational Command System Life Extension FOCT e: Flag Officer Carrier Training FOCWA e: Flag Officer Commanding West A f r i c a FOD d: Französisches Oberkommando in Deutschland - e: Field Officer of the Day - e: Field Operations Division - e: Flag Officer Denmark - e: Flight Operations Department - e: Flight Operations Directorate - e: Follow-on destroyer F O D A A P e: Fleet Operational Data Acquisition and Analysis Program FODADE e: Foreign Defence Assistance and Defence Export FODCCIS e: Flag Officer Denmark Command, Control and Information System FODOF e: Flag Officer Danish Operational Forces FOE e: Functional and Organizational Experimentation - e: Functional & Organizational Evaluation FOF e: Flight Operations Facility - e: Fukuoka Occupation Force FOF3 e: Flag Officer 3rd Flotilla FOFA e: Follow-On Forces Attack FO/FAC e: Forward Observer/Forward Air Controller F.Offr. e: Field Officer - e: Flying Officer F of S e: Foreman of Signals F.O.F.T. e: Flag Officer Flying Training FOG d: Freiburgische Offiziersgesellschaft - e: Flag Officer, Germany - e: Flight Operations Group FOG-M e: Fiber Optic Guided Missile FOGMA e: Flag Officer, Gibraltar Mediterranean Area FOH a: Fœllesorganisationen af Officerer i Hœren FOI e: Fighter Officer Interceptor - e: Fleet Operational Investigation FOIC e: Flag Officer-in-Charge F O I N T R A C E N e: Fleet Operational Intelligence Training Center FOITC e: Fleet Operational Intelligence Training Center FOK N: Flyvâpnets Overkommando - r: Förberedande Officerskurs FOKD d: Französisches Oberkommando in Deutschland FOL e: F o l l o w i n g ] - e: Forward Operating Locations FOLPES e: Foliage Penetration System


FOLTA FOLTA e: Forward Operating Location Training Area FOM e: Fighter Officer for Missiles - f: Feuille Officielle Militaire - /• Forces d'Outre Mer F.O.M. e: Flag Officer, Malta FOMA e: Foreign Military Assistance FOM PAC f: Forces Maritimes du Pacifique FOMR e: Flight Operations Management Room FON e: Flag Officer, Norway FONA e: Flag Officer, Naval Aviation FONAC e: Flag Officer Naval Air Command FONAP e: Flag Officer, Naval Air, Pacific FONF e: Flag Officer Newfoundland FONFT e: Flag Officer Naval Flying Training FONN N: Flyvâpnets Overkommando i Nord-Norge - e: Flag Officer, Northern Norway FONS e: Fleet Operation Needs Statement FOO d: Flugzeugoperationsoffizier - e: Field Ordnance Officer - e: Fire Observation Officer - e: Fleet Operations Officer - e: Flight Operations Officer - e: Forward Observation Officer FOOS e: Field Officer, Ordnance Service FOP e: Fleet Operations Programme - e: Flight Operations Panel - e: Flight Operations Plan - e: Forward Observation Post FOPC e: Flag Officer, Pacific Command FOPG e: Flight Operations Planning Group FOPS e: Flight Operations Planning Schedule FOR e: Flight Operations Review F.O.R.A. e: Flag Officer Reserve Aircraft FORAC e: Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check FORACS e: Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check Site[s] - e: Fleet Operational Readiness and Calibration Systems FO RAF e: Flying Officer, Royal Air Force Förb O r: Förbindelseofficer forcap e: forward combat air patrol FORCE e: Forecast of Conflict Environment FOREWAS e: Force and Weapon Analysis System FORMPATPAC e: Formosa Patrol Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet FORPRONU f: Force de protection des Nations Unies FORR / · Fédération des Officiers de Réserve Républicains For.Rel. e: Foreign Relations of the United States FORRK e: Fiber Optic Radar Remoting Kit FORSCOM e: Army Forces Command FORSIC e: Forces Intelligence Center FORSTAT e: Force Status and Identity Report System FORTAS e: Forward Observer Remote Target Acquisition System fortoff r: fortifikationsofficer Fortofficer r: Fortifikationsofficer Fort Riley e: U.S. Army Correctional Training Facility at Fort Riley, Kansas FORWARD e: Forces Organized Ready for War and Able to Rapidly Deploy FORY e: Flag Officer Royal Yachts FOS e: Flight Operations Segment - e: Flight Operations Support


FOSAMS e: Fleet Optical Scanning Ammo. Marking System FOSAT e: Fleet Outfitting Supply Assistance Team FOSC e: Federal On-Scene Commander FOSCO e: Foreign Officer Supply Course FOSD e: Field Operations and Support Division FOSF e: Flag Officer, Surface Flotillas FOSIC e: Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center FOSIF e: Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Facility - e: Fleet Operational Support Intelligence Facility F.O.S.M. e: Flag Officer, Submarines FOSMEF e: Flag Officer Soviet Middle East Forces FOSNI e: Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland FOSO e: Flight Operations Scheduling Officer FOSP e: Field Operations and Support Division - e: Flight Operations Support Personnel FOSS e: Family of Systems Studies FOSSN e: Follow-On Nuclear Submarine FOST e: Flag Officer Sea Training - e: Flight Operations Support Team - f: Force Oceanique Stratégique FOSWAC e: Family of special weapons atomic contractor FOT e: Flight Observation Team - e: Flight Operations Team - e: Forward Ordnance Team FOTALI e: Flag Officer Taranto and Adriatic and for Liaison FOTARS e: Follow-on Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance System FOTC e: Force Over-the-Horizon Tactical Coordination - e: Force Over the Horizon Track Commander - e: Force Over-the-Horizon Track Coordinator FOTCLANT e: Fleet Operational Training Command, Atlantic FOTCPAC e: Fleet Operational Training Command, Pacific FOTL e: Follow-on to Lance Missile foto d: Fotografie - d: Fotogrammetrie FOTR e: Follow-On Tactical Reconnaissance FOTU N: Forsvarets Overkommandos Tekniske Utvalg FOU a: Foreningen af Oversergenter og Underofficerer F.O.U. e: Forward Observation Unit F.O.U.R.A. e: Forward Observation Unit, Royal Artillery FOIIRATAF e: Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force [Central Europe] FOUSA e: Finance Office[r], United States Army FOV e: Forward Observer Vehicle FOW e: Family of Weapons FOWABPF e: Flag Officer Western Area, British Pacific Fleet FP d: F - e: Firing Platoon - e: Fleet Paymaster - e: Flight Plan - e: Flight Position - e: Flight Programmer F.P. f: Formation Paramilitaire FPA e: Flight Path Analysis - e: Flight Plan Approval - e: Friends of the Peaceful Alternatives

Κ · G · Saur, München

FPAA e: Flight Path Analysis Area - e: Fort Polk Army Airfield FPAC e: Flight Path Analysis and Command FPAD e: Fund for Peaceful Atomic Development FPB e: Fast Patrol Boat - e: Flight Progress Board FPBG e\ Fast patrol boat, guidedmissile FPC e: Fast patrol craft - e: Flight Path Control - e: Friends Peace Committee FPCLANT e: Fleet Programming Center, Atlantic FPCO e: Facilities Procuring Contracting Officer FPCS e: File & Program Catalog System FPE e: Friends Peace Exchange FPI e: Federal Procurement Institute FPJMC e: Four-Power Joint Military Commission FPJMT e: Four-Party Joint Military Team FPL e: Flight Plan - f: Forces Populaires de Libération FPLM e: Mozambique Army fpln e: Flight Plan FPN e: Friends of Peace Now FPO e: Field Post Office - e: Forces Post Office FPOW e: Friendly Prisoner of War F.P.P. d: Feldpostprüfstelle FPP e: Fleet Planning & Programming FPPC e: Flight Plan Processing Center FPPS e: Flight Plan Processing System FPRA e: Finnish Peace Research Association FPS e: Facilities Planning System - e: Flight Power Subsystem - e: Flight Preparation Sheet - e: Forces Postal Service - e: Military Primary Radar FPSO e: Fleet Publication Supply Office F.P.T. e: Fighter Plot Table FPT e: Fleet Project Team - e: Flight Proof Test[ing] FPTP e: Flight Proof Test Plan FPV e: Fast Patrol Vessel FPW e: Firing Port Weapon FQ e: Flight Qualification FQQPRI e: Final Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information FQR e: Formal Qualification Review FQS e: Flight Quality Simulator FR d: Fernrakete FR d: Flüssigkeitsraketenstrahltriebwerk - e: Fighter reconnaissance - e: Fleet Reserve - e: Fleet Reservist - e: Flight Readiness - e: Flight Rule F.R. d: Füsilierregiment FR-172 e: French-built four-place rocketlaunching counterin-surgency aircraft FRA e: Federal Regular Army - e: Fleet Reserve Association FRAA e: Fleet Reserve Association Auxiliary FRABALFREB f: Fraternelle Belge des Anciens Légionaires Français en Belgique F.R.A.C, f: Formation Rationnelle et Accélérée des Conducteurs FRAC f: Formation Rationnelle et Accélérée des Conducteurs FRÄD r: Flygvapnets Räddningsdivision FRADU e: Fleet Requirements and Aircraft Direction Unit FRAM e: Fleet Rehabilitation and Maintenance

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

FSMT - e: Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization - e: Fleet Replacement and Modernization FRAN e: Fleet Readiness Analysis FRAP e: Fleet Readiness Assistance Program FRAS e: Free-Rocket Anti-Submarine - r: Flygvapnets Radarskola - r: Flygvapnets radarskola, H FRB e: Failure Review Board FRC e: Fleet Resources Office - e: Flight Control Room - e: Flight Research Center - e: Flight Rules Computer FRCS e: Forward Reaction Control System FRD e: Field Remount Depot - e: Field Research Division - e: Flight Readiness Demonstration - e: Flight Requirements Document FRDI e: Flight Research and Development Instrumentation Fre Div r: Fregattdivision FREE e: Fellowship for Racial and Economic Equality FREM e: Fleet Readiness Enlisted Maintenance [trainees] FREP e: Fleet Return Evaluation Program FRESCANNAR e: Frequency Scanning Radar FRESH e: Force Readiness Expert System - e: Force Requirement Expert System FRF e: Flight Readiness Firing FRFS e: Fast Reaction Fighting System FRFT e: Flight Readiness Firing Test FRG e: Forward REME [Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers] Group - e: Frigate with missiles FRGDWG e: Federal Republic of Germany Documentation Working Group FRID d: FlaFliegerabwehr-RaketenIngenieurdienst Friko d: Hamburger Friedenskoordination FRIN e: Firing Research Investigation, Navy FRIP e: Fleet Readiness Improvement Plan - e: Fleet Readiness Improvement Program FRISCO e: Fast Reaction Integrated Submarine Control FRJD e: Forward Reaction Jet Driver FRK d: Fla - Raketenkomplex - d: Fliegerabwehr-Raketenkomplex FRL e: Flight Research Laboratory FRLAB e: Front Range Lidar, Aircraft, and Balloon Fr.Leg. d: Fremdenlegion FRL Signal e: Forced Release Signal FRMO e: Fleet Royal Marine Officer FrMR d: Französische Militärregierung FRNS e: Fellow of the Royal Navy School of Architects FRNSA e: Fellow of the Royal Navy School of Architects FRO e: Fleet Records Office - e: Fleet Recreation Officer - e: Fleet Recreational Officer - e: Fleet Recruiting Officer - e: Fleet Resources Office - e: Flight Radio Officer - e: Force Routine Order FROB e: Flash Radar Order of Battle Frog e: Free flight Range Over Ground FROG e: Free Rocket over Ground FROK r: Förberedande reservofficerskurs FROKA e: First Republic of Korea Army FRP e: Fleet Replacement Pilot - e: Flight Release Point FRPTNG e: Fleet Replacement Pilot Training FRR e: Flight Readiness Review

FRRID e: Flight Readiness Review Item Description - e: Flight Readiness Review Item Disposition FRS d: Frontreservestraße - e: Fighter, Reconnaissance, Strike - e: Fleet Readiness Squadron - e: Fleet Repair Service - e: Fleet Replacement Squadron - e: Fleet Replenishment Squadron - e: Forward Ready Signal - e: Fulton Recovery System - e: Future Rifle System - /• Forces Républicaines de Sécurité - r: Flygreservskolan FRSS e: Flight Reference Stabilization System Fr. St. d: Friedensstärke FRT d: Flak-Raketentruppen - d: Fliegerabwehr-Raketen Trupp - e: Fixed Radar Tracking - e: Flight Rating Test - e: Flight Readiness Test - e: Flight Readiness Training - e: Forward Repair Team FRTB d: Flak-Raketentechnische Basis FRU e: Fleet Radio Unit - e: Fleet Requirements Unit FRUMEL e: Fleet Radio Unit, Melbourne FRUPAC e: Fleet Radio Unit, Pacific FRUS e: Foreign Relations of the United States FRV e: Fast Reaction Vehicle frv e: flight-readiness vehicle Fr.Vert. d: Friedensvertrag Frw d: Frühwarnung FrwAnZM d: Freiwilligenannahmezentrale der Marine FRWF d: Feldraketenwerfer FRWG e: Fleet Requirements Working Group Frw.Lab. d: Feuerwerkslaboratorium FrWSys d: Frühwarnsystem Fr.W.W. d: Frontwetterwarte FRY e: Federal Army of Yugoslavia FS d: Flugschnellboot - d: Flußschnellboot - e: Field Security - e: Fighter, Single - e: Fighter Squadron - e: Fleet Surgeon - e: Flight Safety - e: Flight Security - e: Flight Segment - e: Flight Sergeant - e: Flight Service - e: Flight Simulator - e: Flight Standards Service - e: Flight Surgeon - e: Flight System - e: French Ship - e: Frigate Squadron - e: Fuel ship FS3 e: Future Strategic Strategy Study Fs.A. d: Festungsartillerie FSA e: Family Separation Allowance - e: Finance Service-Army FSAA e: Flight Simulator for Advanced Aircraft FSAF e: Future Surface to Air Missile Family FSAP e: Fleet Ships Assistance Program FSAS e: Flight Service Automation System FSAT e: Full Scale Aerial Target FSB e: Field Selection Board - e: Fleet Satellite Broadcast FSBS e: Fixed Submarine Broadcast System - e: Fleet Satellite Broadcast System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

FSC e: Family Services Center - e: Federal Supply Classification - e: Fire Support Center - e: Fire Support Coordinator - e: Fleet Satellite Communications - e: Flight Safety Committee - e: Flight Service Center - e: Foreign Service Commission - e: Forward Scatter FSC2 e: Fire Support Command and Control F.S.C, e: Forces' Study Centre FSCATT e: Fire Support Combined Arms Tactical Trainer FSCC e: Fire Support Coordination Center FS Cen e: Flight Service Center FSC2S e: Fire Support Command & Control System FSCS e: Fleet Satellite Communications System - e: Flight Service Communications System[s] FSCV e: Fire Support Combat Vehicle FSD d: Flugsicherungsdienst - e: Flight Simulation Division - e: Flight Support Detachment - e: Flight Support Division FSDET e: Field System Design Evaluation Test FSDLWG e: Working Group for the Development of a Fundamental Standard for NATO Data Links FSDO e: Flight Safety District Office - e: Flight Standards District Office FSDR e: Functional System Design Requirement FSE e: Field Service Engineer - e: Field Service Engineering - e: Flight Support Equipment FSF d: Forschungsinstitut für Sicherheit und internationale Fragen - e: Fleet Servicing Facility - e: Fleet Sweeping Flotilla FSG e: Federal Stock Group - e: Flight Study Group - e: Forward Support Group F Sgt e: Flight Sergeant FSHPC e: Fort Sam Houston Purchasing and Contracting Office FSI e: Flight Simulator Instructor - e: Forces Services International FSIGBN e: Field Signal Battalion FSIO e: Foreign Service Information Officer FSISWG e: Flight System Interface Working Group FSIWG e: Flight System Interface Working Group FSK r: Flottans skolor i Karlskrona Fsktrp r: Fallskärmtrupp FSL e: Flight Simulation Laboratory - e: Flight Systems Laboratory FSM e: Flight Simulation Monitor - e: Flight Simulator Model - e: Forward Scatter Meter - e: Frequency Shift Modulation [radio] - f: Forces sous Marines F.S.M.A.M.S. e: Field Service Manual for Army Medical Services FSMDB e: Flight Support Maintenance Data Base FSMMS e: Flight Support Maintenance Management System FSMR e: Fixed Simultaneous Multibeam Radar FSMS e: Flight Structural Monitoring System FSMT e: Fleet Service Mine Test - e: Full-Size Maneuverable Target


FSMTC FSMTC e: Full-Size Moving Tank Target Carrier FSO e: Field Security Office[r] - e: Fire Support Officer - e: Flag Ship Organization - e: Fleet Signal Officer - e: Fleet Supply Office[r] - e: Fleet Support Operations - e: Flotilla Staff Officer - e: Force Supply Office[r] - e: Foreign Safety Officer - e: Foreign Service Officer - e: Fuel Supply Office - e: Fuel Supply Officer FSOFC e: Federal Service Overseas Fund Campaign FSOH e: Flight Support Operations Handbook FSORR f: Fédération Syndicale des Sous Officiers de Réserve Républicains FSOTS e: Foreign Service Officers Training School FSP e: Family Services Program - e: Fighter Seaplane - e: Fleet Scheduling Program - e: Flight Screening Program - e: Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific FS/P r: Flygstabens pressektion, Stockholm FSPB e: Forward Support Patrol Base F Sq e: Flying Squadron FSR e: Fighter Strategic Reconnaissance - e: First Surrey Rifles - e: Flight Safety Region - e: Flight Simulation Report - e: Flying Selection Squadron - e: Frequency Scan Radar FSS e: Federal Supply System - e: Field Security Service - e: Field Service Section - e: Fire Support Station - e: Fleet Supply Ship - e: Flight Screening Squadron - e: Flight Service Station - e: Flight Support Station - e: Flight Support Structure - e: Flight Support System - e: Flight Systems Simulator - e: Forward Scatter System - e: Forward Supply System - r: Flygvapnets signalskola, V FSSB e: Fire Support Surveillance Base FSSE e: Forward Service Support Element FSSF e: First Special Service Force FSSG e: Force Service Support Group F.S.S.O. e: Foreign Service Staff Officer FSSP e: Forward Scattering Spectometer Probe FST e: Fire Support Team - e: Forward Support Team FSTA e: Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft FST Avd M r: Försvarsstabens Marinavdelning FSTD e: Flight Simulation Test Data FSTL e: Future Strategic Target List F.St.N. d: Friedensstärkenachweis F.St.N.[H] d: Friedensstärkenachweis [Heer] FSTR d: Fallschirmtruppe[n] FSH e: Fleet Support Unit - e: Forward Support Unit FSUP e: Flight Simulator Update Program FSUSA e: Finance School, United States Army FSV e: Fighting System Vehicle - e: Final Stage Vehicle - e: Final Storage Vehicle - e: Fire Support Vehicle


- e: Future Scout Vehicle - e: Future Support Vehicle FSW e: Forward Swept Wings FSWO e: Financial Secretary to the War Office FSX e: Fighter Aircraft being developed by/for Japanese Air Force - e: Fighter Support Experiment FT e: Field Target - e: Flight Team - e: Flight Test - e: Flight Time - e: Fresh Target Ft e: Fleet - e: Flight FTA. d: Feindliche Truppenansammlung FTA e: Future Transport Aircraft FTAF e: Flying Training Air Force FTB e: Fleet Torpedo Bomber - e: Fort Bragg Range Control Project FTBS e: Forces Travel Booking Service FTC e: Field Training Command - e: Fleet Training Center - e: Flight Crew - e: Flight Test Center - e: Flight Time Capability - e: Flight Training Command FTCA e: Future Tactical Combat Aircraft FTD e: Field Training Detachment - e: First Target Detection - e: Flight Test Diagnostics - e: Flight Test Direction - e: Flight Training Device FTDIP e: Flight Test Division, Internai Project FTDP e: Fighter Technology Demonstration Program FTE e: Flight Technical Error - e: Flight Test Engineer - e: Flight Test Equipment - e: Flight Test Evaluation FTEO e: Flight Test Engineering Order FTG e: Fire Control Technician, Gun - e: Fleet Training Group FTGSE e: Flight Test Ground Support Equipment FTGSVC e: Fleet Training Group Services FTGWP e: Fleet Training Group, Western Pacific FTH e: Fuel Tank Helicopter FTI f: Forces Terrestres d'Intervention FTIS e: Flight Test Instrumentation System FTK e: Forward Track Kill FTL e: Flight Time Limitations FTLO e: False Target Lock-On FTM e: Flexible Theatre Missile - e: Flight Test Memo - e: Flight Test Missile - e: Flight Test[ing] Manual - e: Flight Test[ing] Model F.T.M. / · Forces de Terre et de Mer FTMA e: Future Tank Main Armament FTO d\ Funktechnischer Offizier - e: Field Training Officer - e: Fleet Torpedo Officer - e: Fleet Training Officer - e: Flight Test Operations - e: Flight Test Release Order - e: Flight Training Organisation - e: Foreign Training Officer FTOA e: Field Training Only Aircraft FTOC e: Fleet Tactical Operations Center - e: Fleet Telecommunications Operations Center FTOH e: Flight Team Operations Handbook - e: Flight Test Operations Handbook

Κ · G · Saur, München

FTOS e: Flight Termination Ordnance System FTP e: Flight Test Procedure - e: Flight Test Program FTP & E e: Flight Test Planning and Evaluation FTQU e: Flight Test Qualification Unit FTR e: False Target Rejection - e: Flight Test Report ftr e: fighter FTRAC Vehicle e: Full-Tracked Vehicle FTRB e: Flight Test Review Board FTRF e: Full-Time Recruiting Force FTRFLT e: Fighter Flight FTRFME e: Flight Test Rocket Facilities Mechanical Engineering FTRG e: Fleet Tactical Readiness Group - e: Fleet Training Readiness Group - e: Flight Test Report Guide Ftr-Intcp e: Fighter-Interceptor FTRM e: Flight Test Request Memorandum ftro e: fighter operations FTRO e: Flight Test Release Order ftrp e: fighter plans FTS e: Fighter Training Squadron - e: Flight Telemetry System - e: Flight Termination System - e: Flight Test Station - e: Flight Test Support - e: Flight Test System - e: Flight Training School - e: Flight Training Squadron - e: Flying Target Simulator - e: Flying Training School [Squadron] - e: Flying Training Squadron - r: Flygvapnets tekniska skola, Halmstad FTT e: Field Tactical Trainer - e: Field Training Team - e: Flight Technical Tolerance FTU e: Field Torpedo Unit - e: Field Transfusion Unit - e: Fleet Training Unit - e: Flight Test Unit FTÜ d\ Flugtaktische Übung FTUR e: Flight Test Unsatisfactory Report FTUS r: Flygvapnets Trupputbildningsskola FTV e: Flight Test Vehicle FTW e: Fighter Tactical Wing FTWG e: Flight Test Working Group FTWIAD e: Fort Wingate Army Depot FTWOAD e: Fort Worth Army Depot FU e: Flight Unit F-4U e: Chance-Vought single-engine fighter popular during World War II and called the Corsair FuAB d: Funkaufklärungs-Bataillon Fii Β d: Führungsstab der Bundeswehr FUCCO e/ First USAR [United States Army Reserve] Company Chaplain Office fucm e: full-utility cruise missile FUED e: First Unit Equipped Date FU EWES d: Führungs- und Waffeneinsatzsystem F.Uffz. d: Funkunteroffizier FuFschrTrp d: Funkfernschreibtrupp FuFuTAK d: Funk- und funktechnische Aufklärung FUG d: Feuerunterstützungs-Gruppe FUG-1966 e: Hungarian-built armored vehicle based on Soviet model Fii H d: Führungsstab des Heeres FUI e: Friendly Unit Information Functional Area F.U.J.P.F. / · Forces Unies de la Jeunesse Patriotique Française Fukow d: Funkkommandowagen

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

GADGES Fil L d: Führungsstab der L u f t w a f f e FUM i: Foglio Ufficiale Militare Fii M d: Führungsstab der Marine FuMAZ d: Funkmeßaufklärungszug Fu.M.G.Flak d: Funkmeßgerät der Flakartillerie FuMST d: Funkmeßstation FuMT d: Funkmeßtarnung FuN d: Funknetz FUNA e: Former Uganda National Army FlINC f : Force de l'Union Nationale Cambodge FuNG d: Funknavigationsgerät funk d: Funktechnik FuNS d: Funknavigationsstation - d: Funknavigationsstation FUNU / · Force d'Urgence de Nations Unies F.U.Ν.U. f: Force d'Urgence de Nations Unies FUOf d: Feuerunterstüntzungsoffizier FuR d: Funkrichtung Fil S d: Führungsstab der Streitkräfte FÏIS d: Nukleares Frühwarn- und Überwachungssystem FUS r: Flygvapnets Underofficersskola FUSA e: First United States Army FlISAG e: First United States Army Group FuSchrTr d: Funkschreibtrupp FUSI i: Fronte Unico del Soldato Italiano Fiis.R[eg]. d: Füsilierregiment Fiis.Rgt. d: Füsilierregiment FilST d: Führungsstelle FilSysMHQ d: Führungssystem Marinehauptquartier FUT e: Fleet Utility FuTA d\ Funktechnische Aufklärung FuTAB d: Funktechnisches AufklärungsBataillon FuTAR d: Funktechnisches Aufklärung FuTAZ d: Funktechnischer Aufklärung FuTP d: Funktechnischer Posten FiiTr d: Führungstruppen FuTrp d: Funktrupp FuTT d: Funktechnische Truppen F U V K N: Forsvarets Undervisnings- og Velfrds-Korps FiiWes d: Führungs-/Waffeneinsatzsystem FUWES e: Führungs-und Waffeneinsatzsystem FuZ d: Funkzentrale FiiZM d: Führungszentrum Marine FV d: Friedensvertrag - e: Field Vehicle - e: Fighting - e: Fighting Vehicle - e: Flight Vehicle FVA d: Filterventilationsanlage - e: Fighting Vehicle Armament system FVD e: Forward Vehicle Depot FVFK N: Flyvâpnets Forsyningskommando FV/GCE e: Fighting Vehicle/Gun Control Equipment FVNO η: Federatie van Verenigingen van Nederlands Officieren FVO d: Festungsverwaltungsoffizier FVP d: Luftvorposten FVRDE e: Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment FVS e: Fighting Vehicle System - e: Flight Vehicle Structure FVSC e: Fighting Vehicle Systems Carrier - e: Flight Vehicle System Committee FVT N: Forsvarets velferdstjeneste - d: Flugzeug Versorgungstechnik F W e: Flight Verification Vehicle FW d: Feuerwalze - d: Frühwarnflugzeug

- e: Fighter Wing - e: Foreign War F.W. d: Fliegerwarte FWA e: Fixed Wing Aircraft - e: Fleet Weapon Acceptance - e: Future Weapons Agency F.W.A. e: Free Wales Army FWAD e: Fort Wingate Army Depot F W A F e: Free World Armed Forces F W A M e: Full Width Attack Mine FWAS e: Flight Warning and Analysis System FWC e: Federal Warning Center - e: Fleet Weapons Center - e: Fleet Weather Center - e: Force Weapons Coordinator F W C N G e: Florida West Coast Nuclear Group FWCS e: Flight Watch Control Station FW/DB e: Forward Warning and Deployment Base Fwd BL e: Forward Bomb Line Fwd Ech e: Forward Echelon Fwd Ob e: Forward Observer Fwd Obsvr e: Forward Observer FWD Ρ e: Force Command W W M C C S Development Plan - e: Foreign Weapon Development Program FwdScEndSt d: Forward-ScatterEndstelle FWE e: Foreign Weapons Evaluation FWEO e: Fleet Weapons Engineering Officer FWETE e: Foreign Weapons Equipment Technology Evaluation FWF e: Fleet Weather Facility FWIT e: Fighter Weapons Instructor Training F W K d: Festungswachtkorps FWMA e: Free World Military Assistance FWMAC e: Free World Military Assistance Council F W M A F e: Free World Military Assistance Forces F W M A O e: Free World Military Assistance Organization F W O C e: Fleet Weather & Oceanographic Centre - e: Fleet Weather & Oceanographic Computer - e: Forward Wing Operations Centre. F W O C C E R e: Fleet Weather & Oceanographic Centre Computer Equipment Replacement FWP e: Federal Women's Program - e: Flight Watch Point FWS e: Fighter Weapons School - e: Fighter Weapons School - e: Flight Watch Specialist F.W.S. e: Fighter Weapons School FWSG e: Fleet Work Study Group F W S G L A N T e: Fleet Work Study Group, Atlantic F W S G P A C e: Fleet Work Study Group, Pacific FWTC e: Fighter Weapons Training Command FWTT e: Fixed Wing Tactical Transport FWU e: Flight Watch Unit F W V d: Föderation für Weltfrieden und Vereinigung e.V. FWVA e: Finnish War Veterans in America FWW d: Feldwetterwarte - e: Fighter Weapons Wing FXA e: Fleet Exercise Area FXP e: Fleet Exercise P u b l i c a t i o n ^ ] FYDP e: Five-Year Defense Plan - e: Five Year Defense Program

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Future Years Defense Plan - e: Future Years Defense Program FYFSFP e: Five Year Force Structure and Financial Program F.Y.P. e: Five-Year Plan Fz. d: Feldzeugmeisterei des Preußischen Kriegsministeriums Fz.In. d: Heeresfeldzeuginspektion Fz. Offz. d: Feldzeugoffizier

G G d: Geschwader - e: General Staff Branch - e: Weapons Physics Division G - l e: Group Personnel Officer [or Section] G-2 e: Group Intelligence Officer [or Section] - s: Inteligencia Militar G-3 e: Group Operations Officer [or Section] G4 e: Logistics Officer/Section G-4 e: Group Supply Officer [or Section] G5 e: General Staff, Civil/Military Cooperation G[-]7 e: Group of Seven [leading industrialized nations consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States] G-21 e: Group of 21 nonaligned nations in the Conference on Disarmament GA d: Gefechtsabschnitt G/A e: Air General Staff GA e: Garrison Adjutant - e: Garrison Artillery - e: General of the Air Force - e: General of the Army - e: German Army - e: Grand Admiral - e: Grant Aid - f : Génie de l'Air - s: Grupo de artillería G.A. / · Groupe d'Armées - f : Groupe d'Artillerie - f : Groupe d'Aviation - f : Service Géographique de l'Armée - i: Guerra Atomica GAAA s\ Grupo de artillería antiaérea G.A.A. f : Général de l'Armée Aérienne G A A L s: Grupo de artillería antiaérea ligera GAAP e: Gateway Army Ammunition Plant - e: German Army Assistance Plan G A A T s: Grupo de artillería antitanque G.A.A.U. / · Groupe d'Automatisation Administrative des Unités G.A.A.W.D. e: Gunnery and Anti-Aircraft Warfare Division GAB - 15 d: Stromversorgungsaggregat GAC f : Groupe Aérien du Canada G.A.C, f : Groupe d'Armées Centre GACA s\ Grupo de artillería de campaña G A C C B e: Government Agency Configuration Control Board G A & C S e: Ground Acquisition and Command Station GACS e: Gun Alignment and Control System G A C U e: Ground Avionics Cooling Unit GAD e: Germersheim Army Depot - e: Gießen Army Depot - e: Gießen Army Depot - e: Guards Armoured Division G A D G E S e: German Air Defense Ground Environment System


GAD MAP GADMAP e: GATE Aircraft Data Management Program GAEC e: Ghana Atomic Energy Commission - e: Greek Atomic Energy Commission GAF e: German Air Force - e: Ghana Air Force - e: Government Aircraft Factories - e: Greek Armed Forces GAFADS e: German Air Force Air Defense School GAFB e: George Air Force Base - e: Goodfellow Air Force Base - e: Griffiss Air Force Base GAFIA e: German Armed Forces Intelligence Agency GAFIC e: Ghana All Forces Inner Council GAFLT e: German Air Force Liaison Team GAFP e: German Air Force Planning GAFS e: Gentile Air Force Station GAFSC e: German Air Force Southern Command GAFSSC e: German Air Force Southern Support Command GAFTAC e: German Air Force Tactical Air Command GAGA d: Göttinger Arbeitskreis gegen Atomenergie GAGS e: Greek Army Geographic Service GAI i: Gruppo di Attivazione Inferiore GA I d: Navigationsgefechtsabschnitt GA II d: Artillerie Gefechtsabschnitt GA III d: Sperrgefechtsabschnitt GA IV d: Beobachtungsgefechtsabschnitt GAK d: Grenzaufklärung GÄK d: Gutachter GA - Kommandeur d: Kommandeur des Gefechtsabschnitt GAL d: Gefechtsausbildungslehrgang - f: Groupe d'Aviation Légère - / ' Groupe d'Aviation Légère G.A.L. /• Groupe d'Aviation Légère G.A.L.A.T. f: Groupement de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre G.A.L.A.T. S.T.A. /• Groupement de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre, Section Technique des Armées GAL - Aufgabe d: Aufgabe laut Gefechtsausbildungslehrgang GALC s: Grupo de artillería de lanzacohetes GALGA / • Groupe d'Aviation Legere de Corps d'Armee - / ' Groupement d'Aviation Légère du 1er Corps d'Armée GALDiv f: Groupe d'Aviation Legere de Division GALDIV /• Groupement d'Aviation Légère Divisionnaire GALEA f: Groupement d'Aviation Légère de l'École de l'Air GALREG /• Groupement d'Aviation Légère Régionale GALSTA f: Groupement ALAT de Section Technique de l'Armee de Terre GALTOM f: Groupe d'Aviation Légère des Troupes de Marine GAM e: Air-to-Surface missile - e: GPS-Aided Munitions - e: Ground-to-Air Missile - e: Guided Aircraft Missile - e: Guided Artillery Munition - / ' Groupement d'Approvisionnement du Matériel G.A.M. f: Groupement Aérien Mixte GAM-83B e: Air Force Missile GAMO e: German Army Materiel Office - e: Ground and Amphibious Military Operations


GAN / · Groupe d'Armées Nord GAO e: German Army Office - f: Groupe Aérien d'Observation - s: Grupo [de artillería] de obuses G.A.O. /• Groupe Aérien d'Observation GAOA f: Groupe Aérien d'Observation d'Artillerie GAP e: Grant Air Program GAPA e: Ground-to-Air Pilotless Aircraft GAPFILLER e: Navy Leased Satellite Communication Service GAPSAT e: Tactical Communications Satellite System GAR e: Generic Airborne Radar - e: German Air Force - e: German Army - e: Grand Army of the Republic - e: Guided Aircraft Rocket. Examples - s: Grupo de artillería reactiva GAR. e: Grand Army of the Republic G.A.R. e: Grand Army of the Republic - / ' Groupe d'Armée de Réserve GARDIAN e: General Area Defense Integrated Anti-missile laser weapon GAREX e: Ground Aviation Radio Exchange System GARIM e: Air Group Headquarters Garn.Verw. d: Garnisonverwaltung GARS e: Generic Airborne Radar Simulator GAS i: Gruppo di Attivazione Superiore GASC e: Ground Air Support Command - e: Guggenheim Aviation Supply Control GASCO e: Ground Air Support Command GASM / · Groupe d'Action Sous-Marine GASP d: Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik - f: Groupe d'Armes Spéciales GASSAR[NSSS| e: General Atomic Standard Safety Analysis Report for the Nuclear Steam Supply System GAT d: Gefechtsaufklärungstrupp - / ' Groupement Aérien du Territoire GATAC /• Groupement Aérien Tactique GATL f: Group Aérien de Transport et de Liaison GATO e: Greater Atlantic Treaty Organization GATS e: GPS-Aided Targeting System GAI) e: Aircraft Guns GAV d: Kdr des GAV GA V d: Maschinengefechtsabschnitt G Αν AS Pav s: Grupo de aviación antisubmarina en portaaviones G Αν C Pav s: Grupo de aviación de combate en portaaviones GAW e: Heavy Antitank Weapon GAWS e: Grandmothers of America in War Service GB d: Gefechtsbereitschaft G.B. f: Général de Brigade - f: Groupe de Bombardement GBA d: Grenzboot-Abteilung GBAD e: Ground-Based Air Defence GBC e: Greenland Base Command G.B.D. f: Groupe de Batteries Divisionnaire - f: Groupe de Brancardiers Divisionnaire GBHRG e: Ground-Based Hypervelocity Rail Gun GBIM e: Ground Based Interceptor Missile GBK r: Genomgâtt kurs för Gevärsbesiktningsofficerare GbK r: Göteborgs Kustartilleriförsvar GBMC f: Groupe Brigade Mécanisé du Canada GBMD e: Global Ballistic Missile Defence GBO η: Gemeenschappelijke Basis Opleiding

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G BP A e: Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association GBR e: Ground-Based Radar GBRS f: Groupe Belge de Recherche Sous-Marine GBRT e: Ground-Based Radar Terminal G.b.S. d: Gesellschaft für Biologische Sicherheit GC e: General Command - e: Geneva Convention Relative to Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War - e: Grand Commander - e: Group Command - e: Gun Captain G&C e: Guidance and Command G.C. / · Groupe de Chasseurs GCA e: Ground-Controlled Aircraft - e: Ground Controlled Approach - e: Ground-Controlled Approach [Radar] GCAD e: Granite City Army Depot GCC e: General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel - e: Group Control Centre GCCCOONS e: Geese Command, Control and Communication Operations, Navigation and Security GCCFA / • Général Commandant en Chef Français en Allemagne GCCS e: Global Command and Control System G.C.&C.S. e: Government Code and Cipher School GCCS e: Government Code and Cypher School gcd e: general and complete disarmament GCD e: Gun Commander's Display G.C.D.A. / · Groupe de Chasse et de Défense Aérien GCE e: Ground Combat Element GCEG e: Grid-Controlled Electron Gun GCF /• Groupe de Commandos Frontaliers GCFAP e: Guidance and Control Flight Analysis Program GCG e: Ground Command Guidance - e: Guidance Control Group GCHQ e: Government Communications Headquarter GCI e: Ground Controlled Interception GCI/ADC e: Ground-Controlled Intercept/Air Defense Center GCIS e: Ground Control Interception Squadron GCM e: General Court-Martial G.C.Méca. /• Groupe de Chasseurs Mécanisé GCMED e: Good Conduct Medal GCMP e: General Court-Martial Prisoner GCMS[F]C e: George C. Marshall Space Flight Center G C Ν R e: Gas Core Nuclear Rocket G.C.N.V.F. e: Gold Coast Naval Volunteer Force GCO e: General Commanding Officer - e: Gun[fire] Control Officer - f: Grand Commandement de 1 OTAN GCOC e: Gun Control Officer Console GCom e: Grand Commander GCPCAC e: Gun Groupment Command Post, Coast Artillery Corps GCR e: Ground Control [led] Radar G.C.R. e: The Gold Coast Regiment GCRES e: Ground Combat-Readiness Evaluation Squadron GCRV e: Ground Cruising Recreational Vehicle GCS e: Graphics Capability System - e: Graphics Control System - e: Ground Command System GCSS e: Global Combat Support System

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GGM GCT e: Grande Cadence de Tir. Selfpropelled gun - e: Guidance Command Test GCTF e: Gold Coast Territorial Force GCUS e: Governors' Conference of the United States GD e: Defence Guide - e: General Dispensary - e: Ground Defense - s\ General de división G-D e: Gunnery Division GDA e: Ground Defence Area GdA d: General der Artillerie G.d.A. d: General der Artillerie GDC e: Governmental Defense Council - e: Governmental Defense Council G.D.C, e: Governmental Defense Council GDD e: Graphic Display Device - e: Group Display Device GDEF / • Groupement de Défense de l'Épargne Française GDF e: General Defence Plan - e: Gibraltar Defence Force - e: Ground Defense Forces - e: Ground Diverted Force - e: Guyanese Defense Force G.D.I.C. / · Groupement de Défense des Intérêts des Coloniaux GDID e: General Defense International Division GDIP e: General Defense Intelligence Program GDIPP e: General Defense Intelligence Proposed Program GDMS e: Generalized Data Management System GDO e: Gun Direction Officer GDP e: General Defense Plan - e: Gun Defence Position G.d.Pi. d: General der Pioniere G.D.R. / • Groupe de Divisions de Réserve GDS e: Gun Defense Simulation GDSM e: Gun Defence Simulation Model G.D.T. / • Groupe de Divisions Territoriales GEADGE e: German Air Defense Ground Environment G.E.A.L.A.T. f: Groupement d'Expérimentation de l'Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre GEAS d: Gesellschaft für Europäische Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik Geb AK d: Gebirgsarmeekorps GebArtRgt d: Gebirgsartillerieregiment GebDiv d: Gebirgsdivision GebTr d: Gebirgstruppe GECCMSEF e: Group to Establish Criteria for Certifying Munitions Systems to Electromagnetic Fields G.E.C.O.M. / • Groupe d'Études de Co-t et d'Org-Méthodes G ED e: General Education Development - i: Gruppo Explorante Divisionale GEDAR / · Groupe des Écoles d'Armes GEE e: Radar Navigation System GefFÏIR d: GefechtsfeldÜberwachungsradar GEG e: Gun Evaluation Group geh.Kdos. d: geheime Kommandosache GEHME e: General Electric Heavy Military Electronics [Division] G.E.I.T. f: Groupement d'Équipement et d'Installation des Télécommunications Gekofusta d: Generalkommandofunkstation G ELIS e: Ground Emitter Location Identification System GELME e: General Electric Light Military Electronics GEM e: Guidance Evaluation Missile

G.Ε.M. / · Groupe des Écoles de Mécaniciens G.E.M.A. / • Groupe des Écoles des Missiliers Artillerie GEMAG e: General Electric Mobile Air Defense Gun G EM M e: Generalized Electronics Maintenance Model - e: Generic Missile Model GEMMSS e: Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System GEMPPS f: Groupe d'Études Mathématiques de Problèmes Politiques et Stratégiques GEMS e: Generic Missile Simulation - e: Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System GE-MSD e: General Electric-Missile and Space-vehicle Department GEMSS e: Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System GEMSVD e: General Electric Missile Space Vehicle Department Gen. e: General [military] Gen AF e: General of the Air Force Gen Arm e: Generals of the Army and the Air Force and Admirals of the Navy GENCONV e: Geneva Convention Gen.d.Art. d: General der Artillerie GENDIS e: General Distribution [Pentagon security classification code] Gen Disp e: General Dispensary GENDISP e: General Dispensary Gen.d.Nachsch. d: General der Nachschubtruppen Gen.d.NblTr. d: General der Nebeltruppen Gen.d.Schn.Tr. d: General der schnellen Truppen GenEBH d: General des Erziehungs- und Bildungswesens im Heer GENESIS e: General NORAD [North American Air Defense] Environment Simulation and Subsystem GENEX e: General NORAD [North American Air Defense] Environment Simulation Subsystem Executive Program Gen.Int.d.F.H. d: Generalintendant[ur] des Feldheeres GenKdo d: Generalkommando GenKdtr d: Generalkommandantur Gen.-Kdtr. d: Generalkommandantur GenLwRiist d: General für Luftwaffenangelegenheiten der Rüstung Gen.Ord.Komm. d: Generalordenskommission GenQuBw d: Generalquartiermeister der Bundeswehr Gen.St. d: Generalstab Genstb. d: Generalstab Gen.St.Offz. d: Generalstabsoffizier GenTTr d: General der Technischen Truppen geo d: Geographie GEONDS e: Ground Electromagnetic Pulse & Optical Nuclear Detonation Detection System GeophysBSt d: Geophysikalische Beratungsstelle GEOREF e: Geographical Reference System G.E.R.D.S.M. f: Groupe d'Études et de Recherches de Détection Sous-Marine GERMAC /• Groupe d'Entretien et de Réparation de Matériels Aériens Communs Germac f: Groupe d'Entretien et de Réparation des Matériels Communs [base aérienne]

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GERMAS / · Groupe d'Entretien et de Réparation de Matériels Spécialisés GERMDF e: German Ministry of Defense GERNORSEA e; German Naval Forces North Sea Sub-Area GESAANP/NW e: GE [Gene Electric Co.] Stockholders' Alliance Against Nuclear Power/Nuclear Weapons GESMA / · Groupe d'Études Sous-Marines de l'Atlantique G ESO e: Group Equipment Staff Officer G.E.S.T. / • Groupe d'Études et de Simplification du Travail GETD e: General Equipment Testing Directorate GETT e: German Tactical Truck - e: Gettysburg National Military Park GEW e: Ground Effect Wing GF e: Gunnery Flight GFAC e: Ground Forward Air Controller GFBI e: Grand Fleet Battle Instructions GFbIS e: United States Army, Infantry School, Fort Benning GFBO e: Grand Fleet Battle Orders G.F.C.A. /• Groupement de FusiliersCommandos de l'Air - / ' Groupement de Fusiliers-Commandos de l'Air, Nîmes GFCC e: Gun Fire Control Computer GFD e: Ground Forces Training Devices GFFAR e: Guided Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket GFgC e: United States Army, Civil Affairs School, Fort Gordon GFgS e: United States Army, Special Services Library, Fort Gordon GFgSS e: United States Army, Southeastern Signal School, Fort Gordon GFH /• Groupement de Formation Hélicoptères G.F.Η.Κ. d: Gesellschaft für Heereskunde, Berlin GFIM /• Groupe de Forces Interarmées Multinationales GFM e: Government-Furnished Missile GFmA e: United States Army, Fort McPherson Post Library GFME e: Government-Furnished Missile Equipment GFML e: United States Army, Medical Library, Fort Gordon GFP e: Generations for Peace G.F.P. d: Geheime Feldpolizei GFR. d: Garde-Füsilier-Regiment GFR e: Gap Filier Radar GFRS e: Ground Forces Replacement Service GFSA f: Groupe des Forces Soviétiques en Allemagne G.F.S.A. / · Groupement des Forces Soviétiques en Allemagne GFSS e: Gunfire Support Ship GFT e: Gun-Fired Target GFuAR. d: Garde-Fußartillerie-Regiment - d: Garde-Fußartillerie-Regiment GFV e: Guided Flight Vehicle GfW d: Gesellschaft für Wehrkunde, München GFZ d: Gefechtsführungszentrum GFZFF d: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Zukunfts- und Friedensforschung e.V. GG d: Grundgeschütz - e: Grenadier Guards - e: Ground Gunner - e: Guided Missile Cruiser G.G. e: Grenadier Guards GGC e: Gun Group Commander GGF /• Groupes Géographiques de l'Armée Française GGM e: Ground-to-Ground Missile


GGR GGR e: Ground Gunnery Range GGrR. d: Gardegrenadierregiment GGS d: Gruppengefechtsstation - e: Gyroscopic Gun Sight G Gs e: Grenadier Guards GGV d: Garnisongeb GH e: General Headquarters G.H. e: General Hospital - e: The Gordon Highlanders GhAF e: Ghanaian Air Force - e: Ghanian Air Force G.H.C, e: German High Command GHL /• Groupe d'Helicopteres Legers GHMC e: Good Harvest Marine Company GhN e: Ghana Navy GHQ e: General Headquarters GHQ AATps e: General Headquarters, Antiaircraft Troops GHQAF e: General Headquarters Air Force GHQF e: General Headquarters File GHQ-FEC e: General Headquarters - e: General Headquarters, Far East Command GHS e: Gunner's Helmet Sight Gl e: Gunner Instructor G.I. d: Generalinspektion GIÀ f: Groupe Interforces Antiterroriste GIAB ρ: Grupo Independente de Aviacao de Bombardeamento GI.AD e: Gladiator Fighter Aircraft GIAT / • Groupement Industriel des Armements Terrestres G.I.A.T. /• Groupe d'Instruction de l'Armée de Terre GICLDC e: GI [General Issue] Civil Liberties Defense Committee GIDEP e: Government-Industry Data Exchange Program G.I.d.MV. d: Generalinspektion des Militär-Verkehrswesens GIFA Ν: Generalinspektoren for Feltartilleriet GIG f: Grand Invalide de Guerre GIHA N: Generalinspektoren for Hasrens artilleri GIJNA se: Geografski institut Jugoslovenske narodne armije GIK r: Generalstabskârens idrottsklubb GIKA N: Generalinspektoren for Kystartilleriet GILA N: Generalinspektoren for Luftvernartilleriet G.I.L.E. f: Groupement d'Instruction de la Légion Étrangère GILO e: German Industry Liaison Office GIM e: Ground Influence Mine - e: Guided Missile G Ind A s\ Grupo independiente de artillería G Ind AA s: Grupo independiente de artillería antiaérea G Ind AAT s: Grupo independiente de artillería antitanque GI\OS e: Gun Line of Site GIP e: Gunnery Improvement Program G.I.P. f: Groupement d'Instruction Prémilitaire GIPRI e: Geneva International Peace Research Institute G.I.R. f: Groupement d'Instruction Réciproque GIS d: Gefechtsinformationsstand GISKA Ν: Generalinspektoren og Sjefen for Kystartilleriet GISLA N: Generalinspektorens Stab for Luftvernartilleriet GISMER /• Groupe d'Intervention sous la Mer Gitmo e: Guantánamo Naval Base

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GJä d: Gebirgsjäger GK d: Generalkommando - r: Gotlands Kustartilleriförsvar Gk. d: Gruppenkommando G.K. d: Gardekorps - d: Generalkommando G KA d: Genfer Kriegsgefangenenabkommen GKCA d: Gruppe für Kernstrahlungs- und chemische Aufklärung G.Kdo. d: Generalkommando g.Kdos. d: geheime Kommandosache GKK. d: Geheime Kriegs-Kanzlei g.Kos. d: geheime Kommandosache G KR. d: Garde-Kürassier-Regiment G KS d: Gemeinschaft katholischer Soldaten GL P: Gwardia Ludowa - e: Grenade Launcher - e: Gun Lay[ing] Radar - e: Gunnery Lieutenant G.L. d: Garnisonlazarett - d: Großherzogliche Leibkompagnie GLA e: Guadeloupe Liberation Army - e: Gun Low-Altitude Air Defense System - f: Groupe de Liaison par Air - f: Groupe de Libération Armée de la Guadeloupe G.L.A. / • Groupe de Livraison par Air GLA r: Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt, Stockholm GLAADS e: Gun Low Altitude Air Defence System GLAD e: Gladiator Fighter Aircraft - e: Grenade Launcher Attachment Development GLADS e: Gun Low-Altitude Air Defense System - e: Long-range Gun Low-altitude Air Defence System GLAM / • Groupe des Liaisons Aériennes Ministérielles GLAS H e: Glasgow Highlanders, Territorial Army GLBM e: Ground-Launched Ballistic Missile GLC e: Global LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Chart - s: Grupo Logistico de Combatí GLCM e: Ground-Launched surface-tosurface Cruise Missile GLCM/LCC e: Ground Launched Cruise Missile/Launch Control Center GLFS e: Grenade Launcher Fighting System GLI d: Marine-Gasschutz- und Luftschutzinspektion glickums e: ground-launched cruise missiles GLIDER Ρ e: The Glider Pilot Regiment G.L.M. d: Generalluftzeugmeister G LO e: Ground Liaison Office - e: Ground Liaison Officer - e: Gunfnery] Liaison Officer GLOC e: Ground Line of Communications GLONASS e: Global Orbiting and Navigation Satellite System GLOOP e: Ground Launched Optical Observation Platform GLORIA e: Geological Long-Range Inclined ASDIC [Antisubmarine Detection Investigation Committee] GLOS e: Gun Line of Site GLOSTER H e: The Royal Gloucestershire Hussars GLOTRAC e: Global Tracking [Radar] GLOWATS e: Global War Avoidance Telecommunications System GLRA e: Gun-Launched/Rocket-Assisted

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GL Radar e: Gun Laying Radar GLRAFN e: German Logistic Representative AFNORTH Area GLSECT e: Ground Liaison Section GLW e: Gunnery Lieutenant's Writer GM e: Guided Missile G/M e: Gun/Missile selector GM e: Gunner's Mate - s: Guardia marina GMA e: Guided Missile Ammunition G.M.A. i: Governo Militare Alleato GMAB e: Guided Missile Assembly Building GMAC e: Gaining Major Air Command GMAIC e: Guided Missile and Aerospace Intelligence Committee GMAJCOM e: Gaining Major Command GMAS e: Ground Munitions Analysis Study GMA-TLT i; Governo Militare Alleato del Territorio Libero di Trieste GMB e: Guided Missile Brigade GMC e: General Military Course - e: Georgia Military College - e: Gordon Military College - e: Guided Missile Chart - e: Guided Missile Command - e: Guided Missile Committee - e: Guided Missile Control - e: Guided Missile Council G.M.C, e: General Military Court GMCB e: Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion GMCBA e: Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Armorer GMCBP e: Gunner's Mate, Construction Battalion, Powderman GMCC e: Ground Mobile Command Center GMCF e: Guided Missile Control Facility GMCM e: Guided Missile CounterMeasure[s] - e: Guided Missile Countermeasures Master GMCO e: Guided Missile Control Officer GMCS e: Guided Missile Control System G.M/C.S.O. e: German Minesweeping Central Supply Office GMD e: Global Missile Defense - e: Guided Missile Destroyers - e: Guided Missiles Division GMDD e: Gaided Missile Development Division - e: Guided Missile Development Division GMDEP e: Guided Missile Data Exchange Program GM/DRL e: General Motors Defense Research Laboratories, Santa Barbara, California GMDS e: German Military Documents Section - e: German Military Documents Section, Washington, D.C. GME e: Guided Missile Evaluator GMEVALU e: Guided Missile Evaluation Unit GMF e: Ground Mobile Forces - e: Guided Missile Facilities - n: Gezamenlijke Militaire Fondsen G.M.F.B. / · Gouvernement Militaire Français de Berlin GMFC e: Guided Missile Fire Control GMFCS e: Guided Missile Fire Control System G/MFCS e: Gun/Missele Fire Control System GMFP e: Guided Missile Firing Panel GMFSC e: Ground Mobile Forces Satellite Communications

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

GOCOM GMF/TACSAT e: Ground Mobile Forces/Tactical Satellite Communications GMG e: Grenade-Launching Machine Gun - e: Grenade Machine Gun - e: Guided Missile Group - /• Général Major Général GMGB e: Guards Machine Gun Battalion GMGN e: Guided Missile Group Netherlands GMGO e: German Military Geographical Office GMGR e: Guards Machine Gun Regiment GMGRU e: Guided Missile Group GMGS e: Guided Missile General Support GMH e: Chief of Military History - e: General Military Hospital G.M.H.M. / · Groupe Militaire de Haute Montagne GMI e: General Military Intelligence G.M.I, e: German Military Intelligence GMIA e: Guided Missile Intercept Aerial GMIF d: Grundsätzliche Militärische Infrastrukturforderung GMII e: Ground Moving Target Indication GMiM e: Georgia Military College, Milledgeville GMIS e: Guided Missile Launching System GML e: Guided Missile Laboratory - e: Guided Missile Launcher GMLNO e: Guided Missile Liaison Officer GMLOF e: Guided Missile Line of Flight GMLR e: German Military Logistic Representative G M L S e: Guided Missile Launching System GMM e: Gunner's Mate Missile GMM1 e: Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] First Class GMM2 e: Gunner.s Mate M [Missiles] Second Class GMM3 e: Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] Third Class GMMC e: Chief Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] GMMSA e: Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] Seaman Apprentice GMMSN e: Gunner's Mate M [Missiles] Seaman G.M.M.T.A. /• Groupement de Moyens Militaires de Transport Aérien GM-MVO e: General Motors-Military Vehicles Operation GMNA e: Guided Missile Nitric Acid GMO e: Guided Missile Office - e: Guided Missile Office[r] G.M.O. f: Groupement de main d'oeuvre GMOCU e: Guided Missile Operation and Control Unit GMOD e: German Ministry of Defense GMOO e: Guided Missile Operations Office - e: Guided Missile Operations Office[r ] GMP e: Garrison Military Police - e: German Military Police - e: Ground Mapping Radar - e: Ground Movement Radar - e: Gurkha Military Police - /• Gouverneur Militaire de Paris G.M.P. f: Gouvernement Militaire de Paris GMPN d: Gemeinsame Militärpolizei der NATO GMR d: Generatormikrorechner - e: General Mobilization Reserves - e: German Military Representative - e: Ground Mapping Radar - e: Ground Mobile Radar - e: Ground Movement Radar - f: Groupement des Moyens Régionaux

GMRD e: Guards Motorized Rifle Division - e: Guided Missile Range Division - e: Guided Missile Research and Development - e: Guided Missile Research Division - e: Guided Missiles Range Division GMRMR e: General Mobilization Reserve Materiel Requirement GMRS e: Guided-Missile Vertical Launch System GMRSO e: General Mobilization Reserve Stockage Objective GMRT e: Ground-Mapping Radar Training GMRWG e: Guided Missile Relay Working Group GMS e: General Military Science - e: Guided Missile - e: Guided Missile School - e: Guided Missile Screen - e: Guided Missile Simulator - e: Guided Missile System - f: Groupement de Missiles Stratégiques - f: Groupement de Missiles Stratégiques G.M.S. /• Groupement de Missiles Stratégiques GMSB e: Guided Missile System Branch GMSD e: German Minsweeping Division GMSER e: Guided Missile Service Report GMSF e: German Minesweeper Flotilla GMSIA e: Guided Missile System G/MSL e; Guided Missile GMSO e: German Mine Supplies Organization GMSQUAD e; Guided Missile Squadron GMSR e: Guided Missile - e: Guided Missile Service Record - e: Guided Missile Service Report - e: Gunner's Mate, Ship Repair GMSRON e: Guided Missile Record - e: Guided Missile Service Squadron GMSRP e: Gunner's Mate, Ship Repair, Powderman G MST e: General Military Subjects Instructor - e: General Military Subjects Test GMSTS e: Guided Missile Service Test Station - e: Guided Missile System Test Set - e: Guided Missiles Service Test Station GMSU e: Guided Missile Service Unit GMT e: General Military - e: General Military Training - e: Guided Missile Target - e: Guided Missile Trainer - e: Guided Missile Transporter G.M.T.A. f: Groupement Militaire de Transports Aériens GMTestU e: Guided Missile Test Unit GMTestlJNOTS e: Guided Missile Test Unit, Naval Ordnance Test Station GMTI e: Ground Moving Target Indicator GMTO e: General Military Training Office GMTR e: Guided Missile Test Round GMTRB e: General Military Training Review Board GMTS e: Guided Missile Test Set - e: Guided Missile Test Site G MTU e: Guided Missile Test Unit - e: Guided Missile Training Unit GMU e: Guided Missile Service Report - e: Guided Missile Unit GMVLS e: Guided Missile Vertical Launching System GMWS e: Guided Missile Weapon System G.M.Z.F.O. /• Gouvernement Militaire de la Zone Française d'Occupation G.Ν. e: German Navy

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

GNAA e: German Naval Air Army GNAC e: Guidance, Navigation and Control GNACU e: Guidance & Navigation Avionics Control Unit GNAGS e: Ground Adjutant General Section GNAL e: Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory GNATS e: Guidance and Navigational Tracking Satellite gnc e: general nuclear war GNCS e: Guidance Navigation and Control System GNDACF e: Ground Alternate Command Facility GNDCG e: Ground Forces Commanding General - e: Ground Forees Commanding General GNDRAD e: Groundward Looking Radiometer Stand GNGCS e: Ground Forces Chief of Staff GNGDC e: Ground Forces Deputy Chief of Staff GNGPS e: Ground Forces Plans Section GNGSE e: Ground Forces Secretariat GNMP e: Gettysburg National Military Park GNO e: Group Navigation Officer GNPC e: Global Navigation and Planning Chart GNR e: Gaseous Nuclwar Rocket - e: General Nuclear Response - e: Gunnery GNRY e: Gunnery GNS e: General Naval Staff - e: Goose NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] Sector G.N.S. d: Gasschutz- und Nebelschule G&NS e: Guidance and Navigation System GNSS e: Global Navigation Satellite System[s] GNT e: General Naval Training GNTC e: Girls' Naval Training Corps GNW e: General Nuclear War GNY e: German Navy Gny Sgt e: Gunnery Sergeant GO R: Grazdanskaja Oborona - d: Gasoffizier - d: Generaloberst - d: Group Officer - e: Gas Officer - e: General Office[r] - e: Grand Officer - e: Gunnery Officer - e: Gurkha Officer GOA / : Groupe d'ouvriers d'aviation GOAG e: Government in Occupied Areas, Germany GOAIRNOREUR e: Commander, Allied Air Force, Northern Europe GOAL e: Global Command and Control System GOAR e: Ground Observer Aircraft Recognition GOBC e: Ground Observers Corps GOC e: General Officer Commanding - e: General Officer Commanding-in-Chief - e: Gunnery Officer's Console - n: Genie Opleidingscentrum G.O.C, e: General Officer Commanding GOCC e: General Order of the Commander-in-Chief GOCinC e: General Officer Commandingin-Chief GOCOM e: General Officer Command - e: General Officer Command [US Army Reserve]


GOCRA GOCRA e: General Officer Commanding, Royal Artillery GOCRM e: General Officer Commanding Royal Marines G.O.C.R.M. e: General Officer Commanding Royal Marines GODS e: Global Orbiting Defence System GOES e: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite [NOAA] GOFAT /• Groupe des Officiers des Forces Armées Tchadiennes GOK. d: Generalordenskommission G.O.M. /• Groupement des Officiers Mutilés GÖNS e: Gun Orientation Navigation System GOOS e: Gunnery Officers Ordnance School GOP e: General Defence Plan - e: General Operations Plot G.O.R. /• Groupement des Officiers de Réserve Gord.H. e: The Gordon Highlanders GORD HIGHRS e. The Gordon Highlanders GOSS-IMCC e: Ground Operational Support System- Intergrated Mission Control Center GOT f: Groupement Opérationnel du Territoire GOUMS e: Group Operational Units, Marines GOVS e: Governments Division GOVTLAIRNOREUR e. Commander Allied Air Forces GOW e: Gunnery Officer's Writer GP e: Grandmothers for Peace - e: Ground-penetrating radar surveys GPA e: Guidance Platform Assembly G.P.A.A. f: Grand Parc d'Artillerie d'Armée GPARS e: Generic Phased Array Radar Simulation GPC e: Gandhi Peace Center - e: General-Purpose Carrier Gp Comdr e: Group Commander GPD e: Generals for Peace and Disarmament GPE e: Guided Projectile Establishment GPF e: Gandhi Peace Foundation - e: General-Purpose Forces - e: General Purpose Rocket GPFU e: Gas Particulate Filter Unit GPG e: Gas Plasma Gun GPH n: Groep Helikopters GPHMG e: General Purpose Heavy Machine Gun Gp HQ e: Group Headquarters GPISW e: General Purpose Infantry Support Weapon GPJ e: Great Peace Journey G.P.K, d: Gewehrprüfungskommission - d: Gewehrprüfungskommission G.P.L.E. /• Groupement Porté de la Légion Étrangère GPM e: General-Purpose Missile G.P.M. / · Grand prév - f: Grand Prévôt Militaire GPMFGND e: Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament G Ρ M G e: General Purpose Machine Gun GPMG[SF] e: General Purpose Machine Gun [Sustained Fire] GPMG[T] e: General-Purpose Machine Gun [Turret] GPO e: Gun Position Officer G.P.O. f: Groupe de Planification Opérationnelle [de l'Armée de l'Air] GPOA e: Gun Position Officer's Assistant Gpo Art s: Grupo de artillería


Gp Offr e: Group Officer GPR e: General Purpose Radar - e: Glider Pilot Regiment - e: Ground-Penetrating Radar - e: Ground-Probing Radar - e: The Glider Pilot Regiment GPRF e: General-Purpose Rocket Furnace GPRF-G e: General Purpose Rocket Furnace-Gradient GPRF-I e: General Purpose Rocket Furnace -Isothermal GPS e: Global Position System - e: Global Precision System GPSC e: Ghana Peace and Solidarity Council GPSSM e: General-Purpose Surface-toSurface Missile GPTE e: General-Purpose Test Equipment GPVCC e: General-Purpose Vehicle Coordinating Committee GPWD e: General Political Warfare Department GPWS e: Ground Proximity Warning System GQG f: Grand Quartier-Général G.Q.G. /• Grand Quartier-Général G.Q.G.A. /• Grand Quartier-Général des Armées G.Q.G.T. f: Groupement de Quartier Général et de Transit GQMS e: Garrison QuartermasterSergeant G.Qu.M. d: Generalquartiermeister GR e: Gloucestershire Regiment - e: Gun Control Radar - e: Gunnery Range G.R. d: Grenadier-Regiment - e: Gurkha Rifles GRA e: Garmisch Recreation Area - e: General Research Agency GRACO i: Gruppo Acquiusizione Obiettivi GRADE e: Ground Radar Detector Evaluation GRADS e: Great Falls Air Defense Sector - e: Ground Radar Air Delivery System Gral DIMT s\ General de la division de infantería motorizada Gral Div s: General de división GRAMS e: Ground radiation measurement system G.R.AR, f: Groupement de Ravitaillement Arrière Gr Art s: Grupo de artillería Gr Art AA s: Grupo de artillería antiaérea GRBDS e: Gyroscopes-rate bombdirection system grbm e: Global Range Ballistic Missile GRC e: Ground Radio Communication G.R.C.A. /• Groupement de Reconnaissance de Corps d'Armée Gr Cpt e: Group Captain GRCS e: Gun Rocket Control System GRCU e: Gun Rocket Control Unit GRD d: Gruppe für Rüstungsdienste - f: Groupe de Reconnaissance Divisionnaire - f: Groupe sur la Recherche pour la Défense - f: Groupement de Réparation Divisionnaire Gr de C s: Grupo de combate GRDS e: Generic Radar Display System GRE e: Ground Radar Environment - e: Ground Radar Equipment GRE&E Div e: Graves Registration and Effects Division GREEN e: Marine Corps Appropriations GREEN FLAG e: Electronic Warfare Exercises

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GRegO e: Group Regiment Officer GREN GDS e: The Grenadier Guards grenz d: Grenztruppen G.R.E.O.C.A. f: Groupement de Ravitaillement des Éléments Organiques de Corps d'Armée G.R.E.T. f: Groupes régionaux d'exploitation des transmissions GRET f: Groupes régionaux d'exploitation des Transmissions GRETA e: Ground Radar Emissions Training Aviator - e: Ground Radar Emitter for Training Aviators GRF e: Gun Range Finder GRFO e: Gun Range Finder Operator Gr.G.St. d: Großer Generalstab G.R.I, e: Glasgow Royal Infantry - f: Groupe Renforcé d'Intervention Grkto r. Granatkastartrupp Grl Div s\ General de division Gr Lt e: Gunner Lieutenant GRM e: Global Range Missile - e: Government Request Military G.R.M. / · Garde Républicaine Mobile GRMC / · Groupement de Réparation du Matériel de Corps d'armée GRMCA f: Groupement de réparation du matériel de C.A. - / ' Groupement de Réparation du Matériel de Corps d'Armée G.R.M.C.A. f: Groupement de réparation du matériel de corps d'armée G.R.M.P. e: Gurkha Royal Military Police GRMT e: Government Request Military Tarif GRÒ e: General Routine Order[s] - e: Graves registration officer - f: Groupe de recherche opérationnelle G.R.O.A.A. f: Groupe de Recherche Opérationnelle de l'Arméé de l'Air G.R.O.P. f: Groupe de recherche opérationnelle Paris G.R.O.T. f: Groupe de recherche opérationnelle Toulon Groufumaco f: Groupement des fusuliers marins commandos GROUPES f: Groupe de planification et d'études stratégiques GRP e: Ground Relay Package GrpATV d: Gruppe Auswertung, Truppenversuche Vorschriften Grp Conim O e: Group Communication Officer Grp MSL /• Groupement Missiles GRR e: Ground radio receiver GrReg e: Graves Registration Gr.Reg.Kom. d: GrenzregulierungsKommission GrRzPf. d: Grenadier-Regiment zu Pferde GrR.z.Pf. d: Grenadier-Regiment zu Pferde GRS d: Geschützrichtstation - d: Gesellschaft für Raketen-Systeme - e: Graves Registration Service - e: Ground Radar Set Gr S-Lt e: Gunner Sub-Lieutenant Gr.St.Kdtr. d: Große Standortkommandantur - d: Große Standortkommandantur gr.tat. i: gruppo tattico gr.tat.alp. i: gruppo tattico alpini gr.tat.cor. i: gruppo tattico corazzato gr.tat.f. i: gruppo tattico di fanteria gr.tat.mec. i: gruppo tattico meccanizzato gr. tatt. i: gruppo tattico GRU R: Glavnoe Razvedivatelnoe Upravlenie GRUCOM e: Group Commander Gr.-W. Mun. d: Granatwerfermunition

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

GVD G R W S I M S e: Ground War Simulations GRzF. d: Garderegiment zu Fuß GS d: Gefechtsstand - e: Defense General Supply Center - e: General Service - e: General Staff Officer - e: Guardship - e: Gunnery School - e: Gunnery Sergeant - e: Gunnery support G.S. e: Gunnery School - n: Generale Staf GSA d: Grenzschiff-Abteilung G.S.A. e: Games and Sports in the Army GSAIat f: Groupement de Soutien dAviation légère de l'armée de terre G.S.A.N. / • Groupement de Soutien de l'Artillerie Nucléaire GSA Τ d: Technische Grenzschutzabteilung [Bundesgrenzschutz] GSB r: Garnisonssjukhuset i Boden GSBD d: Gruppe der sowjetischen Besetzungstruppen in Deutschland GSC d: Generalstabschef - e: General Service Commission - e: General Staff Council - e: Gunnery Staff Course G S C A R N G A R P e: General Staff Committees on Army National Guard and Army Reserve Policy GSC/Fd e: Gunnery Staff Course-Field GSC/Loc e: Gunnery Staff CourseLocating GSCW e: General Society of Colonial Wars GSDD e: General System Design Document GSDF e: Ground Self-Defense Force GSDFJ e: Ground Self Defense Force Japan GSE r: Garnisonssjukhuset i Eksj G.S.E.M. / · Groupe de spécialités GSF e: Global Strategy Fund - e: Ground Support Fighter G.S.F. e: Gun and Shell Factory GSFG e: Group of Soviet Forces in Germany GSFIGr d: Grenzschutz-Fliegergruppe GS-FlSt d: Grenzschutzfliegerstaffel [Bundesgrenzschutz] GSGT e: Gunnery Sergeant GSHM f: Groupe Spécialisé de Haute Montagne [armée] GSI e: General Service Infantry GSID e: Ground Seismic Intrusion Detector - e: Ground Seismic Intrusion Device GSigsO e: Group Signals Officer GSIO e: General Staff Interpreter Officer G.S.I.O. e: General Staff Interpreter Officer GSI[S] e: General Staff Intelligence [Security] GSK d: Gesamtstreitkräfte - d: Grenzschutzkommando - r: Garnisonssjukhuset i Karlsborg gsk η: Grondstrijdkracht[en] Gskol r: Flottans skolor i G G S - K o m m a n d e u r d: Kommandeur der Gefechtsstation GSK West d: Grenzschutzkommando West GSL r: Garnisonssjukhuset i Link GSM e: Garrison Sergeant-Major - f: Groupe des services du mandat G S M C e/ Greater Stuttgart Military Community GSNS e: Global Satellite Navigation System

GSO e: General Staff Officer - e: Ground Safety Office[r] - e: Ground Safety Officers Course - e: Ground Support Office[r] G.S.O. d: Gasschutzoffizier - e: General staff officer G SOT e: General Staff Officer 1st grade G S 0 2 e: General Staff Officer 2nd grade G S 0 3 e: General Staff Officer 3rd grade GSoA d: Gruppe Schweiz ohne Armee G S O - I e: General Staff OfficerIntelligence GSO 1[I] e: General Staff Officer, grade 1 [Intelligence] GSO 3LIJ e: General Staff Officer, grade 3 [Intelligence] G S O M I A e: General Security of Military Information Agreement GSO-Ops e: General Staff OfficerOperations GSO l [ O p s ] e: General Staff Officer, grade 1 [Operations] GSO 3[Ops] e: General Staff Officer, grade 3 [Operations] GSP d: automatischer Kampfstoffanzeiger GSP 11 - d: Gebiet der Salvenposition - e: General Strike for Peace - e: General Strike Program G Sp d: Garnisonsspital GSPO e: Ground Systems Project Officer G S R e: Ground Surveillance Radar GS radar e: General Search radar GSRS e: General Support Rocket System - e: Ground Surveillance Radar System GSS e: General supply schedule - e: Gunnery Sighting System GSSD d: Gruppe der sowjetischen Streitkräfte GSSF e: Ground Special Security Forces Gst d: Generalstab GST e.· General Staff Target - e: General Staff with Troops Gst r: Generalstabskâren GS[&]TA e: Ground Surveillance and Target Acquisition Gstb d: Generalstab GSTD d: Gruppe sowjetischer Truppen in Deutschland GSTE e: Gunnery Standard Training Exercise GSTG e: Group Soviet Troops Germany GSU e: Geographically Separated Unit GSUSA e: General Staff, United States Army GSV N: Garnisonen i Sor-Varanger - e: Ground-to-Surface Vessel [Radar] - e: Guided Space Vehicle gsvr e: ground-to-surface vessel radar GSW 1812 e: General Society of the War of 1812 G SWT e: General Staff with Troops GT e: General Transport - e: Gun Target G.T. / • Groupe de transport [armée] - η: Genietroepen g.t. i: Genio trasmissioni GTA d: Gasturbinenanlage - e: Guards Tank Army GTAC e: Ground Tactical Air Controller GTACS e: Ground Target Attack Control System GTAG e: German Training Assistance Group GTAR e: GEG-Thomson Airborne Radar GTC e: German Territorial Command - e: Group Training Command G.T.C, e: Group Training Command GTCNA e: German Territorial Command Northern Area

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

GT coy e: General transport company GTCSA e: German Territorial Command Southern Area GTD e: Ground Target Detection - e: Guard Tank Division GTF e: German Territorial Forces g.tfr. i: Genio teleferisti GTL e: Gun/Target Line GTM e: Ground Test Missile - e: Guidance Test Missile i: Genio trasmissioni marconisti GTMS e: Ground Target Marking System GTNC e: German Territorial Northern Commander] G-to-AGM e: Ground-to-Air Guided Missile GTOC e: Core Tactical Operation Center GTP e: General Test Plan - e: General Transport Platoon - e: Generate Target Position GTPE e: Gun Time Per Engagement G.T.P.S. / • Groupe de travail de pyrotechnie spatiale GTR e: Generic Threat Radar - e: Government Transportation Request - e: Gurkha Transport Regiment - f : Groupement tactique régimentaire G Trg e: General Staff, Training GTRS e: Ground Threat Radar Simulator GTS e: Ground Training Squadron - e: Gunnery Training School GTs e: Grupos Tácticos GTS GTSC e: German Territorial Southern Command[er] GT-SM R: Gusenichnyy Tyagach-Sredniy Modernizirovannyy g.t.stg. i: genio trasmissioni stenditori guardiafili GTT e: Generated Target Tracking G.T.T. / • Groupe de transmission tactique GTTC e: Ground Tactical Training Centre GTU e: Garrison Transport Unit GTV e: Guidance Test Vehicle GII d: Gasschutzunteroffizier GUAS / • Grande unité aérienne spécialisée gu.chm. i: Guerra chimica GIICL e: General Use Consumables List GUCO e: Guilford Courthouse National Military Park gu.conv. i: Guerra convenzionale G.U.el. i: Grande Unità elementare gu.elt. i: Guerra elettronica GlIERREP f: Compte rendu sur les guérillas ennemies C U E V E R A e: Guerrilla Warfare Model GUIDO e: Guidance and Navigation Officer - e: Guidance Officer GUN e: Gunner[y] GUNEG e: Gun Engagement Cycle Analysis GUNEX e: Gunnery Exercise Gun Sgt e: Gunnery Sergeant G U N S G T e: Gunnery Sergeant GUNSS e: Gunnery Schoolship gu.nuc. i: guerra nucleare gu.nucp. i: guerra nucleare potenziale guppy, e: greater underwater propulsivepowered submarine gu.psi. Guerra psicologica GUR. d: Garde-Ulanen-Regiment G.U.Ris. i: Grande Unità in riserva GÜST d: Grenzübergangsstelle gu.svs. i: Guerra sovversiva gu.T. i: Guerra territoriale GUvD d: Gehilfe des Unteroffiziers vom Dienst G.V. / · Groupe Vétérinaire GVD e: Guns and Vehicles Division


gvd gvd η: Gesnenvelde GVDMS e: Ground Vehicle Dispensed Mine System G1VEP e: Guided Missile Data Exchange Program GVerkK d: Grenzverkehrskommandantur gvgp n: Geestelijke Verzorgingsgroep G.V.K, d: Garnison-VerwaltungsKommission GVMDS e: Ground Vehicle Mine Dispensing System GVP n: Gebrevetteerd varend personeel GVS d: Geheime Verschlußsache GSH se: Glavni stab Hrvatske [II svetski rat] GSS se: Glavni stab Slovenije - se: Glavni stab Srbije GSS1 se: Glavni stab Slovenije GVII 80 d: Gesamtverteidigungsübung 1980 gvzg n: Geestelijke verzorgering GW e: Air Force Guide for Writing - e: Guerrilla Warfare - e: Guided Weapon GWBM e: Government War Book Measures G.W.C, e: Greek War Cross GWCS e: Gunnery Weapon Control System gwcswbd e: gunnery weapon-control switchboard GWEF e: Guided Weapon Evaluation Facility GWESF e: Guided Weapons and Electronics Support Facility GWFSF e: Guided Weapons and Electronics Support Facility GWIS e: Global Weapons Information System GWL d: Gesellschaft für Wehrtechnik und Logistik mbH, München GW O e: General Watch Officer GW OA e: Guerrilla Warfare Operational Area GWOB e: Guerrilla Warfare Operating Base GWOTH e: Ground Wave Over-theHorizon Radar GWpSO e: Group Weapons Staff Officer GWR e: General War Reserves - e: Ground Wave Radar GWS e: Gatling Weapon System - e: General War System - e: Guided Weapon Station - e: Guided Weapons System - e: Gun Weapons System GW Ship e: Guided Weapons Ship GWSIP e: Gun Weapon System Improvement Program GWSRP e: Gun Weapon System Replacement Program GWST e: Gabriel Weapon System Trainer gwt n: Gewondentransport G.W.V.A. e: Great War Veterans' Association of Canada GWVI e: Gulf War Veteran's Illnesses GWWBD e: Gunnery Weapon Control Switchboard gy e: gunnery Gy.Sgt. e: Gunnery Sergeant G.Z. d: Zentralabteilung des Generalstabs der Heere

Η H d: Abteilung Haushalt - d: Haushaltsabteilung [Reichs kriegsministerium] - d: Heer


- d: Helikopter - e: Electronic Countermeasures Evaluator - e: Headquarters - e: Helicopter - e: Hussars H-34 e: Troop-transport helicopter H-37 e: Heavy helicopter H-53 e: Heavy Lift Helicopter H-60 e: Army & Navy Utility Tactical Transport Rotorcraft HA A': Hœrens artilleri - e: Headquarters Administration - e: Headquarters Administration Division, Coast Guard - e: Heavy Artillery - e: Helicopter Attack - e: Hellenic Army - e: Housing Allowance - e: USN attack helicopter squadron H.A. e: Horse Artillery - f: Hôpital d'Armée HA-220 e: Jet fighter HAA e: Heavy Anti-Aircraff Artillery haa e: heavy anti-aircraft artillery HAAC e: Heavy Attack Air Commander - e: Helicopter Air-to-Air Combat HAACT e: Heavy Attack Air Commander Training HAAD e: High-Altitude Aircraft Detection HAAF e: Hunter Army Airfield HAAFCE e: Headquarters Allied Air Forces Central Europe HAAFE e: Hawaiian Army and Air Force Exchange HAAFSE e: Headquarters Allied Air Forces Southern Europe HAALS e: High Accuracy Airborne Location System HAAMS e: High Altitude Airdrop Mission Support HAAO e: High-Altitude Airborne Observation HAAP e: Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant - e: Holston Army Ammunition Plant HAA Regt e: Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment H.A.A.S.D.O. e: Honorary Adviser on Army Stores Depots Organization HAATC e: Heavy Antiaircraft Artillery Tactical Control HAAW e: Heavy Anti-Tank Assault Weapon H.Abn.Insp. d: Heeres-AbnahmeInspektion HAC e: Haitian Air Corps - e: Headquarters Advisory Committee - e: Headquarters Area Command - e: Heavy Antitank Convoy - e: Heavy Attack Aircraft Commander - e: Helicopter Aircraft Command - e: Helicopter Aircraft Commander - e: Hines Administrative Center - f: Helicoptere Anti-Char H.A.C, e: Home Air Command - e: Honourable Artillery Company - e: Honourable Artillery Corps HAC Bty [RHA] e: Honourable Artillery Company Battery [Royal Horse Artillery] HACES e: Helicopter Air Combat Engagement Simulation HAC Inf Coy [RHA] «. Honourable Artillery Company Infantry Company [Royal Horse Artillery] HACLCS e: Harpoon Aircraft Command Launch Control System HACLS e: Harpoon-type Aircraft Command and Launch Subsystem Missile HACOM e: Headquarters Area Command HACP e: Heavy Artillery Command Post

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HACR e: Helicopter Active Control Rotor HACS e: Helicopter Armoured Crashworthy Seat H.A.C.T.L. e: Home Air Command Technical Leaflets HACV e: Heavy Armament Combat Vehicle - e: Heavy Armored Combat Vehicle H.A.C.W.O. e: Home Air Command Weekly Orders HAD e: Hawaii Air Defense HADA e: Hawaiian Air Defense Area HADAS e: Helmet Airborne Display and Sight HADD e: Hawaiian Air Defense Division HADIZ e: Hawaiian Air Defense Identification Zone H.Adj.Min. d: Heeres-Adjudantur des Reichskriegsministers HADM e: Heavy Atomic Demolition Munition HAD[N] e: Head of Aircraft Department [Naval] HADR e: Hughes Air Defence Radar HAD Rocket e: High Altitude Density Rocket HADS e: Hawaiian Air Defense System - e: Helicopter Air Data System - e: High Altitude Defense System HAEA e: Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency HAF e: Headquarters Air Force - e: Headquarters, Allied Forces - e: Helicopter Assault Force - e: Helicopter Assault Forces - e: Hellenic Air Force - e: Hellenic Air Forces - e: Hellenic Armed Forces - e: Home Air Force - e: Honduran Air Force HAFB e: Hill Air Force Base - e: Holloman Air Force Base - e: Hollowan Air Force Base - e: Homestead Air Force Base HAFCE e: Headquarters Allied Forces Central Europe HafK d: Hafenkommandantur HafKdt d: Hafenkommandant HAFMED e: Headquarters Allied Forces Mediterranean HAFNE e: Headquarters Allied Forces Northern Europe Ha.Fr.Konf. d: Haager Friedenskonferenz HAFSE e: Headquarters Allied Forces Southern Europe HAFTB e: Holloman Air Force Test Base HAG e: Heavy Artillery Group - e: Helicopter Action Group HAGL e: Hand-Held Grenade Launcher - e: Handheld Grenade-Launcher H.A.H. d: Haushalts-Abteilung Heer [Reichswehrministerium] H.A.H.A. d: Heeres-AbwicklungsHauptamt HAHST e: High Altitude High Speed Target HAI e: Handbook of Artillery Instruments - e: Helicopter Altitude Indicator - e: Helicopter Attitude Indicator HAID e: Hand Acoustic Intrusion Detector HAIG e: Helsinki Agreements Implementation Group HAII e: Human Analysis & Interpretation of Intelligency HAIIS e: Headquarters Administration Issuance Index System HAINS e: High Accuracy Inertial Navigation System

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

HCC HAIR e: High Accuracy Instrumentation Radar HAJC e: Hawaiian Area Joint Committee HAK d: Hohe Alliierte Kommission Hako d: Hafenkommandant - d: Hafenkommandantur Hako. d: Hafenkommandantur HALFCE e: Headquarters Allied Land Forces Central Europe HALFSE e: Headquarters Allied Land Forces Southern Europe - e: Headquarters Land Forces Southern Europe HALFSEE e: Headquarters Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe HALLC e: HARPOON Aircraft Command and Launch Control HALT e: High-Altitude Laser Targeting Ham e: Hampshire Regiment HAM e: High Altitude Missile HAMCO e: HAWK [Homing all the Way Killer] Assembly and Missile Check-Out Hamp e: Hampshire Regiment Hamps e: Hampshire Regiment HAMPS e: Heavy Airborne Multipurpose System HAMPS R e: Hampshire Regiment HAMS e: Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron HAMSDET e: Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron Detachment HAMT e: Heavy Artillery Mechanical Transport HAND e: Hawaii Association for National Defence HANDSID e: Hand Emplaced Seismic Intrusion Detection HANG e: Hawaiian Air National Guard HANHADES e: Hawk & Nike-Hercules Air Defense Effectiveness & Survivability Study HANS e: High-Altitude Navigation System HAOB e: Headquarters Accounting Operations Branch HAP e: Helicopter Assault Primary [Net] - f: Hélicoptères d'Appui Protection HAPDAR e: Hard Point Demonstration Array Radar HAPI e: Helicopter Approach Plate Indicator System HAPS e: Helicopter Airfield Performance Simulator HAR e: Harbor Advisory Radar - e: Helicopter, search-and-rescue H.AR, d: Heeresartillerieregiment HARA e: High-Altitude Radar Altimeter HARC e: High-Altitude Radar Controller HARD e: Helicopter & Airplane Radar Detection - e: High Performance Artillery Rocket HARDEX e: Harbor Defense Exercise HARDMAN e: Military Manpower/Hardware Integration Program HARDMAN II e: Marine Corps Military Manpower/Hardware Integration System II HARDS e: High Altitude Radiation Detection System HARDTS e: High-Accuracy Radar Data Transmission System HARE e: Hydrazine Auxiliary Rocket Engine HARM e: High-speed Anti Radar Missile - e: High-speed antiradar missile - e: High-velocity ARM [anti-radiation missile] HARP e: High Altitude Rocket Probe HARPI e: Height Azimuth Range Position Indicator

HARPOON e: Radar-Guided Anti-Ship ASM HARPS e: Heathrow Airport Radar Processing System HARS e: Heavy Assault Rocket System HART e: High Acceleration Rocket - e: Hyper-velocity Anti-aircraft Rocket Tactical HARVAN e: Harriman and Vance [code name for 1968 Paris peace talks on Vietnam] HAS e: Helicopter, Anti-Submarine - e: Helicopter Assault Secondary [Net] HASAM e: Hardened Aircraft Shelter Attack Munition HASC e: Headquarters Air Service Command - e: Hellenic Air Support Command - e: House Armed Services Committee - e: House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel and Compensation HASINS e: High Accuracy Submersible Inertial Navigation System HASIS e: House Armed Services Investigation Subcommittee [US Congress] HASM e: Hardened Aircraft Shelter Munition HASP e: Houston Automatic Spooling Priority System [data processing] HASPID e: House Armed Services Permanent Investigation Subcommittee [US Congress] HASR e: High Altitude Sounding Rocket HAST e: Harrier Avionics System Trainer - e: High Altitude Supersonic Target HASVR e: High Altitude Space Velocity Radar HAT e: High-Altitude Target HATCP /• Helicoptre Air de Tres Courte Portee HATIS e: Helmet Acquisition and Target Indication System HATLS e: Hostile Artillery Target Locating System HATMD e: High Altitude Tactical Missile Defense - e: High Altitude Theater Missile Defense HAT Rocket e: High-Altitude Testing Rocket HATRON e: Heavy Attack Squadron HATS e: Helicopter Advanced Tactical System - e: Helicopter Antitank Target System - e: Helicopter Attack System - e: Helicopter Attack [Torpedo] System - e: Helicopter Automatic Targeting System HATH e: Heavy Air Training Unit - e: Heavy Attack Training Unit HATW e: Heavy Attack Training Wing HATWING e: Heavy Attack Wing HATWINGLANT e: Heavy Attack Wing, Atlantic Fleet HATWINGPAC e: Heavy Attack Wing, Pacific Fleet HAV e: Heavily Armed Vehicle - e: Heavily Armed Vessel - e: Heavily Armed Vessels HAVCAP e: High Asset Value Combat Air Patrol HAW e: Hawaii-Continental United States Submarine Cable - e: Hawaiian Ammunition Depot - e: Hawaiian Ammunition Depot [Navy] - e: Heavy Anti-Tank Assault Weapon - e: Heavy Antiarmor Weapon - e: Heavy Antiarmo[u]r Weapon - e: Heavy Antitank Weapon - e: Heavy Assault Weapon - e: Helicopter Assault Wave

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

H.A.W.D.F. e: Honorary Adviser to the War Department Fleet Haw Div e: Hawaiian Division HAWK e: Homing-all the-way kill [missile] HAWS e: Heavy Anti-Armor Weapon System HAWSEAFRON e: Hawaiian Sea Frontier HAWTADS e: Helicopter All-Weather Target Acquisition & Destruction System HAX e: Helicopter Armored Experiment HAZ d: Hauptauswertezentrale HB e: Heavy Bomber - e: Hollow Base. Ammunition - e: Horizontal Bomber Hb d: Hauptbüro Wehrmachtsamt [Reichs kriegsministerium] HB. d: Heeresbauamt H.B.A. d: Heeresbauamt - d: Heeresbekleidungsamt - d: Heeresbeschaffungsamt HBA e: Home Base H.Bau.A. d: Heeresbauamt HBD e: Helicopter Battle Damage HBDR e: Helicopter Battle Damage Repair H.B.Dst. d: Heeresbaudienststelle H.Bekl.A. d: Heeresbekleidungsamt HBGM e: Hypersonic Boost-Glide Missile H.Bibl. d: Heeresbibliothek H.Bkl.A. d: Heeresbekleidungsamt H.B.L. d: Heeresbetriebsstofflager HBM e: Heavy Ballistic Missile Hb.Mar. d: Hauptbüro Marine [Reichskriegsministerium] HBMPI e: High Burst/Mean Point of Impact H-Bombe d: Hydrogenium-Bombe HBRA e: Howitzer Battery, Royal Artillery HBRGA e: Howitzer Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery HB Rgt e: Hawke's Bay Regiment H BS d: Hauptbefehlsstand - e: Heavy Bomber Support HBVIS e: Heavy Interdiction Missile System HbW. d: Hauptbüro des OKW [Oberkommando der Wehrmacht] HBw d: Hochschule der Bundeswehr HBZ. d: Heeresbetriebszentralamt HC e: Hard Core. Ammunition - e: Hardware Command - e: Headmaster Commander - e: Headquarters Command - e: Helicopter Combat - e: Helicopter Combat Support Squadron - e: Helicopter Command - e: High Commissioner] - e: Home Command - e: Host Country HC4 e: Helicopter-borne Command and Control Communications Central H.C. e: High Command - e: Home Command - e: Household Cavalry - e: Housing Committee - e: Housing Corporation - e: Hunterian Club HCA e: High Courts of Admiralty HC[A] e: Helicopter Coordinator [Airborne] H.C.A. e: High Court of Admiralty HCAR e: Historic Commands of the American Revolution HCB e: Highland Cyclist Battalion HCC e: Hawaii Control Center [missiles] - e: Helicopter Control Center - e: Helicopter Coordination Center - e: High Commissioner for Canada


HCCG HCCG e: discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, convenience of government HCCM e: discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, convenience of man HCD e: Headquarters Camp Davis HCDC e: House of Commons Defence Committee HCDP e: discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, dependency existing prior to enlistment H.C.E. e: High Commissioner for Eire HCEE e: discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, expiration of enlistment HCF e: Honorary Chaplain to the Forces H C l e: High Commissioner for India Η-class e: Soviet missile-launching nuclear-powered submarines HCM e: Hawaiian Campaign Medal HCMS e: discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, medical survey HCMIJ e: discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, under age of authorized enlistment HCMW e: discharge [from military service] under honorable conditions, minor enlisted without consent, under 18 at time of discharge HCO e: Hangar Control Officer - e: Headquarters Catalog Office - e: Helicopter Control Officer HCOC e: Honorary Colonel of the Corps HCOF e: High Command of Forces H-Com e: High Commissioner HCOR e: Honorary Colonel of the Regiment H.C.P. e: High Commissioner for the Philippines HCRON e: Helicopter Combat Support Squadron HCS e: Combat Search and Rescue Special Warfare Support Helicopter - e: Helicopter Combat Search - e: Helicopter Combat Support - e: Helicopter Control Ship - e: Helicopter Control System - e: Helicopter Coordination Section HCS4 e: Helicopter Combat Support Special Squadron HCSC e: Higher Command and Staff Course HCT e: Helicopter Control Trainer HCTC e: High Commission Territories Corps H.C.U.S.A. e: High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa HD d: Hilfsdienst [m - e: Harbo[u]r Defence [or Defense] - e: Harbo[u]r Defense [Defence] - e: Helicopter Director - e: Highland Division - e: Home Defence H.D. e: Headquarters Department - e: Headquarters Detachment HDA e: Headquarters, Department of the Army H.D.A. e: Hydrographie Department, Admiralty HDAF e: Home Defence Air Force HDB e: Home Defence Brigade HDC e: Harbor Defense Command - e: Harry Diamond Center - e: Hawaiian Defense Command - e: Head of Civil Defense HDCP e: Harbo[u]r Defense [or Defence] Command Post HDDR e: Head-Down Display Radar


HDF e: Home Defence Force Hdfw d: Handfeuerwaffe[n] HDM e: Hellfire Dummy Missile HDMC e: Helicopter Depot Maintenance Center HDML e: Harbor Defense Motor Launch HDNSW e: High-Density Nuclear Shock Wave HDOP e: Harbo[u]r Defense [or Defence] Observation Post HDOTRS e: Headquarters HDPC e: Harbo[u]r Defense [or Defence] Patrol Craft HDQ e: Headquarters HDQAMC e: Headquarters Air Materiel Command Hd.Qrs. e: Headquarters hdqrs e: Headquarters Hd.Qrs. e: Headquarters Hd Qrs e: Headquarters H'd-Qrts e: Headquarters HDQTRS e: Headquarters H.Dr. d: Heeresdruckerei H DR e: High Definition Radar HDRS e: Home Defence Radio System HDS e: Headquarters Distribution System HdSchm e: Head Schoolmaster H.D.S.E. e: Home Defence Security Executive HDT d: Hochdruckturbine - e: Hardware Demonstration Test HDTM e: Heavy-Duty Tank Target Mechanism HDU e: Helmet Display Unit - e: Home Defence Unit H.Dv. d: Heeresdruckvorschriftenverwaltung [Reichskriegsministerium] HDV.g. d: geheime Heeresdruckvorschrift Hdwk d: Handwerker HDX e: Home Defence Exercise HDZwV d: HeeresDienstzweigeverordnung H.E. e: Home Establishment He A. d: Heeresarchiv [Preußen] He-a e: Hepatoma heaa e: high-explosive anti-aircraft HEAA Shell e: High Explosive Antiaircraft Shell HEAD e: High Explosive, Air Defence HEADCOM e: Headquarters Command Head Sigs e: Headquarters Signals Headsigs e: Headquarters Signals HE Ammunition e: High Explosive Ammunition HEAP Rocket e: High Explosive AntiPersonal Rocket HEAT e: Highly Expendable Aerial Target HEAT-TP-T e: High Explosive, AntiTank, Target Practice, Tracer HEAVY GOLD e: War Consumables Computation HEC e: Higher Education Centre HED e: Headquarters HEDCOM e: Headquarters Command HED Comdt e: Headquarters Commandant HEDGE e: Human Factor Evaluation Data for General Equipment - e: Human Factors Engineering Data Guide for Evaluation HEDN /• Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale H.E.D.N. / • Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale HEDN f: Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale HEDNEG / · Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale et de l'Économie de Guerre

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HEDRON e: Headquarters Squadron HEDRONFAIRWING e. Headquarters Squadron Fleet Air Wing HEDSUPPACT e: Headquarters Support Activity HEDUSAFE e: Headquarters, United States Air Force in Europe Heer A. d: Staatsamt für Heereswesen Heer-Mess d: Heeres-Vermessungsstelle [Reichswehrministerium] Hegru d: Heeresgruppe HEICN e: Honourable East India Company Navy Heimo d: Heimatschutz Ost hei e: helicopter HELAIRDET e: Helicopter Air Detachment HELANTISUBRON e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron HELANTISIIBRONDET e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Detachment Hei AS s\ Helicóptero antisubmarino HELASRON e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron HELATKRON e: Helicopter Attack Squadron HELBAT e: Human Engineering Laboratories Battalion Artillery Test[s] HELCAR e: Helicopter Collision Avoidance Radar Hel C I S e: Helicopter Command Instrumentation System HELCOMBSUPPRON e: Helicopter Compat Support Squadron HELD e: Helicopter Laser Designator HelDiv r: Helikopterdivision HELDK e: Helicopter Deck Heli d: Helikopter heli d: Hubschrauber hel [i] e: helicopter HELIK e: Helicopter Killer HELILEX e: Helicopter Landing Exercise HELIOPS e: Helicopter Operations Panel HELIOS e: Helicopter Instrument & Operational Procedures Simulator HELIP e: HAWK [missile] European Limited Improvement Program HELIPAD e: Helicopter Landing Pad Helipl d: Helikopterlandeplatz HELLFIRE e: Heliborne Laser Fire and Forget missile system HELMINERON e: Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron HELMINERONDET e: Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron Detachment HELMOT e: Helicopter Military Operations Technology HELMS e: Helicopter Malfunction System - e: Helicopter Multifunction System HELNAVS e: Helicopter Navigation System HELO e: Helicopter HELOLEX e: Helicopter Landing Exercise HELOPS e: Helicopter Operations HELOPSIIPPFAC e: Helicopter Operational Support Facility HELORADE e: Helicopter Operations in a Selected Radar Environment HELOSCAT e: Helicopter Scatterometer HELOSID e: Helicopter Delivered Seismic Detector - e: Helicopter Delivered Seismic Intrusion Detector HELOTING e: Helicopter Training HELP e: Helicopter Electronic Landing Path HELPS e: Helicopter Protection and Support - e: Helmet-Position Sensing System

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HIMES H E L R A P S e: Heliborne Long-Range Acoustic Path Sonar HELRAS e: Helicopter Long-Range Acoustic Sensor H E L R A T S e: High Energy Laser Radar Acquisition and Tracking System HELRG e: High-Energy Laser Review Group H E L S R O N e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron HELSUPPRON e: Helicopter Combat Support Squadron H E L S U P P R O N D E T e. Helicopter Combat Support Squadron Detachment HELTAD e: Helicopter Tank Destroyer HELTADS e: High Energy Laser Tactical Air Defence System H E L T R A R O N e: Helicopter Training Squadron H E L W E P S e: High Energy Laser Weapon System H E L W S e: High Energy Laser Weapon System HEM f : École des Hautes Études Militaires H E M A T e: Heavy Expanded-Mobility Ammunition Trailer HEMID e: Hand-Emplaced Electromagnetic Intrusion Detector H E M I T e: Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck HEMLAW e\ Helicopter-mounted laser weapon H E M L A W s e: Helicopter Mounted Laser Weapons HEMLOC e: Helicopter Emitter/Locator Countermeasures H E M T T e: Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck HEN / • École des Hautes Études Navales HENILAS e: Helicopter Night Landing System H E O C e: Higher Echelon Operational Concept HEPCAT e: Helicopter Pilot Control and Training Her e: Herefordshire Regiment HERA e: Helicopter Radar - e: High Explosive Rocket Assisted HERALD e: Helicopter Equipment for Radar And Laser Detection H E R C U L E S e: Helicopter Remote Classification and Localization System H E R E F O R D LI e: Herefordshire Light Infantry, Territorial Army HERLIS e: Helicopter Extended Range Laser Illuminating System HERMES d: Heereslogistik durch elektronische Rechner mit Einsatzsicherheit - e: Helicopter Energy and Rotor Management System H E R O S e: German Command and Control System HERTS e: Hertfordshire Regiment, Territorial Army HES e: High Explosive Spotter HESDEP e: Helicopter Sensor Development Program HESID e: Hand-Emplaced Seismic Intrusion Device H.E.St, d: Heeresentlassungsstelle H E W H e: High Explosive Warhead HF e: Hertfordshire Regiment - e: Home Fleet - e: Home Fleet - e: Home Forces H.F. e: Home Fleet - e: Home Forces H/F e: Height Finder Radar

HFA e: Headquarters Field Army - e: Heavy Field Artillery - e: Heavy Field Artillery - e: Hellenic Air Force H.F.A. d: Heeresforstamt - e: Heavy Field Artillery HFAC e: Helicopter Flight Advisory Computer H.F.Aufs.A. d: Heeresforstaufsichtsamt H F C S e: Harpoon Fire Control System [missiles] - e: Helicopter Fire Control System H F C T e: Hydraulic Flight Control Test HFFF e: Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation HFGO e: Home Fleet General Order H.F.I, d: Heeresforstinspektion HFIgWaS d: Heeresfliegerwaffenschule H.Filmst, d: Heeresfilmstelle HFK N: Hœrens Forsyningskommando - d: Heeresflieger Kommando - e: Norwegian Army Materiel Command Hf-Kdtr. d: Hafenkommandantur HFlaS d: Heeresflugabwehrschule HFIaTr d: Heeresflugabwehrtruppe HFlgBtl d: Heeresfliegerbatailion HFlgKdo d: Heeresfiiegerkommando HFIgTr d: Heeresflieger-Truppe HFIgWaS d: Heeresfliegerwaffenschule H F M e: Heavy Force Modernization H F M P e: Heavy Force Modernization Plan H.F.R.A. d: Heeresforstrevieramt HFRG e: High-Frequency Radio Group H.Friko d: Heeresfriedenskommission - d: Heeresfriedenskommission H.F.Sch. d: Heeresfachschule H F S W R e: High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar HFT d: Hubschraubertr HFTE e: Human Factors Test and Evaluation HFU d: Heeresfunkstelle HFWS d: Heeresfliegerwaffenschule H.Fz. d: Heeresfeldzeugmeisterei H.Fzm. d: Heeresfeldzeugmeisterei H.Fz.V. d: Heeresfeldzeugverwaltung HFzVerw. d: Heeresfeldzeugverwaltung HG d: Hubschraubergeschwader - e: Home Guard H.G. e: Home Guard H.G.L. d: Heeresger HGM e: Heavy Guided Missile - e: Hits per Gun per Minute - e: Silo-stored, guided ground-to-ground Missile HGMS e: Helicopter Gravity Measuring System H G R e: Hypervelocity Guided Rocket HGS d: Hauptgefechtsstand H.G.S. d: Heeresgasschutzschule HGSt. d: Heeresgebührnisstelle [Reichskriegsministerium] HH e: Heavy Helicopter HH-53 e: Sea helicopter H+H d: Heer und Haus H.H.A. d: Heereshundeanstalt HH-60A e: Night Hawk Helicopter H.Handw.Sch. d: Heereshandwerkerschule H.Haush. d: Heereshaushalt HHB e: Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion - e: Headquarters and Headquarters Battery HHC e: Headquarters and Headquarters Company HHD e: Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment H.Heer d: Haushaltsabteilung Gruppe Heer [Reichskriegsministerium]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

H H L R e: Hand-Held Laser Range Finder H H L R F e: Hand-Held Laser Range-Finder HHOC e: Headquarters, Headquarter and Operations Company H-hour e: Hour at which a military operation is to begin HHQ e: Headquarters and Headquarters Company - e: Higher HeadQuarters H H R d: Honvedhusarenregiment - e: Hand Held Radar HHS e: Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron - e: Headquarters, Headquarters and Service battery - e: Helicopter Handling System H H T e: Headquarters and Headquarters Troop HHTR e: Hand-Held Tactical Radar HHV e: Help Hospitalized Veterans HI N: Heerens Intendantur - d: Havarieinstandsetzung - d: Hauptinstandsetzung HI AC e: High-Accuracy [Radar] HIADS e: Hawaiian Integrated Air Defense System HIAFSD e: Handbook of Instructions for Air Force Subsystem Designers HIAG d: Hilfsgemeinschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit der Soldaten der ehemaligen W a f f e n - S S HIC e: Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii HICOCOM e: Allied High Control Commission for Germany H I C O G e: High Commissioner for Germany HICOM e: High Command Hi Com e: High Commission[er] Hi Com Ind e: High Commissioner in India H I C O M R Y e: High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Islands H I C O M T E R P A C I S e High Commissioner Trust Territory, Pacific Islands H I C O N e: Higher Echelons Concept Study HID A N e: High Density Air Navigation HIDAS e: Helicopter Integrated Defensive Aids System HIDE e: Helicopter Integrated Direction Equipment - e: High Absorption Integrated Defense Electromagnetic Warfare System HIDES e: High-Absorption Integrated Defense Electromagnetic System HIDS e: Headquarters Information Distribution System HIE e: Helicopter Installed Equipment HIFAR e: High-frequency Fixed Array Radar HIFV e: Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle HIGH GASSER e: High Geographic Aerospace Search Radar H I J R M se: Hidrografski institut Jugoslvenske ratne mornarice H I M A A W S e: High Mobility Armored Assault Weapons System HIMAD e: High Altitude Missile Air Defense - e: High Missile Air Defense HIMADS e: High-to-Medium Altitude Air Defense System H I M A R S e: High Mobility Artillery Rocket System HIMAT e: Highly Manoeuvrable Aircraft Technology programme HIMD e: Handbook of Instructions for Missile Designers H I M E S e: Highly Maneuverable Experimental Space Vehicle


HIMEZ H I M E Z e: High-altitude Missile Engagement Zone - e: High Missile Engagement Zone HIMS e: Heavy Interdiction Missile System - e: Helicopter In-Flight Monitoring System - e: Helicopter Independent Manoeuvring Systems HINS e: Helicopter Integrated Navigation System H Insp d: Heeresinspektorat H I P A A S e: High-Performance Advanced Attack Systems HIPAB e: High-Power Acquisition Radar HIPAD e: High Performance Air Defence HIPAR e: High Intensity Pulse Acquisition Radar - e: High Power Acquisition Radar HIPAS e: High Performance Active Sonar - e: High Performance Armament System H I P C O R e: High-Power Coherent Radar H I P C O R E e: High Power Coherent Radar HIPEBNAS e: High-Performance Navigation System HIPEG e: High-Performance Experimental Gun - e: High Performance External Gun HI PERN AS e: High Performance Navigation System HIPIR e: High Power Illumination Radar HIR e: Helicopter In-flight Refueling - e: Helicopter Instrument Rule[s] - e: Hydrostatic Impact Rocket H I R A M e: H Y C O R Infrared Anti-Missile HIRAN e: High Intensity Radar Aids to Navigator H I R A P e: High Capacity Rocket Assisted Projectile HIRE e: Help through Industry Retraining and Employment HIRES e: Hypersonic In-Flight Refueling System HIRF e: Handbook of Infantry Range Finder H I R N S e: Helicopter Infrared Navigation System HI RS e: Helicopter Infra-Red System - e: High-Impulse Retrorocket System - e: High Infrared Radiation Sounder - e: High-resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder HIRS/smrd e: High-Impulse Retrorocket System/spin-motor rotation detector HIS e: Headquarters Information System - e: Helicopter Illumination System - e: Helicopter Integrated System - e: Historical Division HISA e: Headquarters and Installation Support Activities - e: Headquarters and Installation Support Activity H I S A M e: Surface-to-Air Missile High H I S M O e: Historical Monograph HISOS e: Helicopter Integrated Sonar System HI-SPOT e: High Altitude Surveillance Platform for Over-the-horizon Targeting H I S R A N e: High-Precision Short-Range Navigation HISRE e: Historical Reference Request HISS e: Helicopter Icing Spray System - e: Helicopter Inflight Spray System hist d: historischer oder veralteter Terminus HISU e: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace HIT e: Heavy Tactical Transport - e: High Incidence Target


HITS e: Headquarters Invoice Tracking System - e: Holloman Infrared Target Simulator - e: Hostile Identification/Targeting System HITTS e: Harpoon Interactive Tactical Training System HIVAC e: High Value Asset Control HIWRP e: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace HJ e: Honest John [guided missile] HJL e: Honest John Launcher HJR e: Honest John Rocket HJV a: Hjemmvaern HK d: Hohe Kommission - d: Höheres Kommando - r: Hemsö kustartilleriförsvar H.K. n: Hauptkwartier - n: Hoofdkwartier HKA d: Hauptkadettenanstalt, Berlin H.K.D.F. e: Hong Kong Defence Force H.K.K, d: Heereskleiderkasse - d: Höherer Kavalleriekommandeur - d: Höheres Kavalleriekommando H.K.I. d: Heeres-Kontrollinspektorat Hklk. d: Heereskleiderkasse Η - K M e: Hunter-Killer Missile HK Mar. Paris d: Höherer Kommandeur der Marinedienststellen in Groß-Paris HKMSC e: Hong Kong Military Service Corps H.K.N. d: Höherer Kommandeur der Marine-Nachrichtenstellen H.K.N.F. e: Hong Kong Naval Force H.K.O. d: Höherer Kavallerieoffizier HK 0 K N N: Hovedkvarteret for 0 v e r s t k o m m a n d e r e n d e for Nord-Norge H. K. P. N: Hovedkommando plass H.K.P. d: Heeres-Kraftfahrpark - d: Heimat-Kraftfahrpark HKP d: Hpt Kontrollpunkt Hkp r: Helikopter Hkpf r. Helikopterförare - r\ Helikopterförarutbildning Hkpförb r: Helikopterförband Hkpgrp r: Helikoptergrupp Hkpll r\ Helikopterluftlandsättning Hkpllbrg r: Helikopterluftlandsättningsbrigad Hkpreg r: Helikopterregemente HkpS r: Arméns Helikopterskola Hkpspanare r: Helikopterspanare Hkpta r: Helikoptertransportera HKPTGRP r: Helikopterjägargrupp Hkptp r: Helikoptertransporterad HKS d: Höheres K o m m a n d o der Schiffsartillerieschulen - n: Hogere Krijgsschool H.K.S. d: Heereskraftfahrschule H K S R G A e: Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Carrison Artillery HKT d: Höheres Kommando der Torpedoschulen H K U d: Höheres Kommando der LJBootausbildung HKiistArt d: Heeresküstenartillerie H.Kzl. d: Hauptkanzlei [Reichskriegsministerium] HL. d: Heeresleitung - d: Hohe Luftdetonation - e: Headmaster-Lieutenant - e: Highland Light Infantry H.L. d: Heeresleitung HLA e: Helicopter Landing Area H L A D e: High-Level Air Defence HLA/DZ e: Helicopter Landing Area/Drop Zone H L A / D Z A e: Helicopter Landing Area/Drop Zone Study H.Laz. d: Heereslazarett

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H L C e: Headmaster LieutenantCommander HLC-ATC e: Heavy-Lift Helicopter Advanced Technology Component H L C P T R e: Helicopter H L D e: Hit and Locating Device HLDG e: High Level Defense Group HLH e: Heavy Lift Helicopter H L H / A T C e: Heavy Lift Helicopter/Advanced Technology Component HLHS e: Heavy Lift Helicopter System HLI e: The Highland Light Infantry [City of Glasgow Regiment] HLIC e: Highland Light Infantry of Canada H L M R e: Hunter-Leggitt Military Reservation HLMT e: Helmet HLNW e: High-Level Nuclear Waste H.L.O.U.K. e: Headquarters and Liaison Officer in the United Kingdom HLP e: Helicopter Landing Platform H LR e: Handheld Laser Rangefinder - e: Helicopter Laser Rangefinder - e: Horizontal Long Range HLRA e: Health Labour Relations Association H L R C e: High Latitude Rocket Campaign H L S e: Helicopter Landing Site HLSC e: Helicopter Logistic Support Center H.L.Sclim. d: Heereslehrschmiede H L T e: H A W K [Homing All the Way Killer] Liaison Team H L T / A D O L T e: HAWK [Homing All the Way Killer] Liaison Team/Air Defence Operations Liaison Team H L T F e: High Level Task Force HLTF [R] e: High Level Task Force [Reinforced] H L T / T S C e: High-Level Terminal/Tactical Support Center HLV e: Heavy-lift Launch Vehicle HLVW e: Heavy Logistic Vehicle Wheeled H L W E e: Helicopter Laser Warning Equipment H L W R P e: Hoover Library on War, Revolution and Peace H L Z e: Helicopter Landing Zone HLZL e: Helicopter Landing Zone Locator H M e: Hampshire Regiment - e: Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron - r: Huvudavdelning for marinmateriel H.M. f : Hôpital Militaire H M A e: Marine Attack Helicopter Squadron H.Ma. d: Heeres-Munitionsanstalt H.M.A. d: Hauptmeldeamt - e: Handbook for Military Artificers H.M.A.C. e: House Military Affairs Commission HMAF e: Her [or His] Majesty's Armed Forces H.M.A.F. e: Her [or His] Majesty's Armed Forces H M A K a: H a r e n s Materielkommando HMAV e: His M a j e s t y ' s Army Vessel H.M.B, e: Handbook on Military Bicycles H M B D V e: Her [or His] Majesty's Boom Defence Vessel HM-Boot d: Hilfsminensuchboot HMC e: Heavy Mortar Company H M C I I e: Higher Military Command, Interior and Islands H M C M S e: Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

HQ AFLC HMCN e: Her [or His] Majesty's Canadian Navy H.M.C.N, e: Her [or His] Majesty's Canadian Navy HMD e: Helicopter Mine Dispenser - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Destroyer - e: His [or Her] Majesty's Dockyard HMED e: Heavy Military Electronics Department HMEED e: Heavy Military Electronic Equipment Division - e: Heavy Military Electronic Equipment Division [General Electric Company] HME&O e: Hull, Mechanical, Electrical and Ordnance HMES e: Heavy Military Electronics System H.Mess d: Heeres-Vermessungsstelle [Reichswehrministerium] HMF e: Her [or His] Majesty's Forces H.M.F. e: Her [or His] Majesty's Forces HMF e: His [or Her] Majesty's Forces H.M.F.S.C. e: Her [or His] Majesty's Forces Savings Committee hmg e: heavy machine gun HMG n: Hoog Militair Gerechtshof H.M.G. n: Hoog Militair Gerechtshof HMGB e: Her [or His] Majesty's Gun Boat HMGS e: Hellenic Military Geographical Service HMH e: Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron HMHX e: Marine Heavy Helicopter, Experimental H.M.I.M.F. e: Her [or His] Majesty's Indian Military Forces H.M.I.N, e: Her [or His] Majesty's Indian Navy HMIS e: Headquarters Manufacturing Information System H.M.I.W. e: Handbook of Modern Irregular Warfare HML d: Heeresmunitionslager - e: Hardended Mobile Launcher - e: His [or Her] Majesty's Lieutenant - e: Marine Helicopter Squadron Light - e: Marine Light Helicopter Squadron H.M.L. d: Heeresmunitionslager HMM e: Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron HMMS e: Her [or His] Majesty's Motor Mine Sweeper HMMX e: Marine Medium Helicopter, Experimental HMP e: Heavy Machine-Gun Pod - e: Heidelberg Military Post HMPT e: Hydro Mechanical Power Train HMR e: Marine Helicopter Squadron HMRT e: Heavy Mobile Repair Team vehicle HMS d: Hilfsminensuchboot H&MS e: Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron HMS e: High NATO Military Structure H.M.S. e: Home Missions Society HMSG e: HUGHES Missile Systems Group HMSM e: Her [or His] Majesty's Submarine HMSRR e: Harpoon Missile Select Relay Rack HMT e: His Majesty's Troopship - e: Marine Helicopter Training Squadron HMTR e: Highly Mobile Tactical Radar HMTT e: High Mobility Tactical Truck HMV e: High Velocity Missile HMVS e: Hyper Velocity Medium Support Weapon System HMW e: Hypervelocity Missile Weapon

HMWC e: High-Mobility Weapons Carrier/Combat Suppport Vehile HMWS e: Hypervelocity Missile Weapon System HMX e: Advanced Marine Helicopter Squadron HMY e: His [or Her] Majesty's Yacht HND e: Highways for National Defense - e: Huntsville Nuclear Division [Army Corps of Engineers] HNDICS e: Hellenic National Defence Integrated Communication System H.Neb.Za. d: Heeres-Nebenzeugamt HNET e: Road Net File HNGS e: Hellenic Naval General Staff HNMS e: High NATO Military Structure H.N.O. d: H - d: Höherer Nachrichtenoffizier H.N.P. d: Heeres-Nachrichtenpark H.N.R. d: Heeres-Nachrichtenregiment HNS e: Hellenic Naval Ship H.N.S. d: Hauptnachschubstelle - d: Heeres-Nachrichtenstelle HNVS e: Helicopter Night Vision System HNW d: Heeres-Nachrichtenwesen H.N.W, d: Heeresnachrichtenwesen H.N.Za. d: Heeres-Nebenzeugamt HO d: Hafenoffizier - e: Headquarters Office - e: Observation Helicopter H.O. e: Hydrographie Office, Washington HOA e: Heavy Observation Aircraft HOBE e: Horseshoe Bend National Military Park HOD e: Home on Military H of Ν e: Hydrographer of the Navy Ho.For. e: Home Forces HOG e: Heavy-Ordnance Gunship HöhRadarGer d: Höhenradargerät HOI e: Headquarters Office Instruction^] - e: Headquarters Operating Instruction^] HOIS e: Hostile Intelligence Service H O K N: Harens Overkommando HOLF e: Helicopter Outlying Field HOMS e: Hellfire Optimized Missile System - e: Homing Optical Missile System HON e: Helicopter Operations Net HON AF e: Honorary Admiral of the Fleet HONEST e: Helicopter Operations in a Night Environment Against a Simulated Target HON VA e: Honorary Vice-Admiral HOOS n: Hogere Onderofficiersschool HOP e: Helicopter Operation^] HOPE e: Help Organize Peace Everywhere HOPS e: Helmet Optical Position Sensor HORAD e: Horizontal Radar Display HORIZON / · Helicoptere d'Observation Radar et d'Investigation sur Zone HORSE e: Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer - e: Hydrofoil-Operated Rocket Submarine HOS d: Hauptortungsschirm [Marine] - d: Heeresoffizierschule HOSG e: Helicopter Operations Study Group Hosp Cent Mil [Lomas De Sotelo Mex] Pubi Trimest s: Hospital Central Militar [Lomas De Sotelo, Mexico], Publicación Trimestral Hosp Mtar s: Hospital militar HOT e: Helicopter Operational Trainer HOTAC e: Helicopter Optical Tracking and Control HOTBUN e: Have Not Yet Begun to Fight HOTEF e: Helicopter Operational Test and Evaluation Flight

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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HOTOL e: Horizontal Take-Off and Landing [aircraft] Hough CM e: Hough's Military Law and Courts-Martial HOV e: High Occupancy Vehicle [Lanes] HOVEROC e: Hover Rocket HOV Lane e: High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane HOWLS e: Hostile Weapon Loeating System - e: Hostile Weapons Location System HP e: Headquarters Pamphlet ΗΡΑ d: Heerespersonalamt hpa e: humanpowered aircraft Η PAD e: High-Performance Air Defense Η PAG Rocket e: High Performance Airto-Ground Rocket HPAOA e: High Performance Army Observation Aircraft HPAS e: High Power Airborne System HPC e: Helicopter Plane Commander - e: Home Policy Committee of War Cabinet - e: I-lelicopter Plane Commander HPCA e: Hiroshima Peace Center Association HPD e: Hard Point Defense - f : Haut Pouvoir de Destruction HPDI e: Hard Point Defense Interceptor HPDM e: High Power Destruction Mine HPDR e: High Performance Doppler Radar HPDS e: Hard Point Defense System ΗΡΕ d: Hpt Peilung der Entfaltung H.Pf.Laz. d: Heimat-Pferdelazarett HPG e: High Pressure Gun HPGPM e: Hits per Gun per Minute HPG Radar e: High-Power Ground Radar HPH e: High Performance Helicopter H.Pi.O. d: Höherer Pionieroffizier HPIR e: High Power Illuminating Radar HP Kp d: Heerespolizeikompanie HPL e: Headquarters Pay List H.P.M. d: Heeres-Postmeister HPM d: Hohe Punkte des Militärischen Bereichs - e: Headquarters of Provost Marshal HPR e: High Performance Radar - e: High Power Rocketry HPS e: Antisubmarine Helicopter - n: Handboek Projectrealisatie en systeembeheer HPT d: Handbuch für die Personalbearbeitung in der Truppe - e.· High Payoff Target HptBtsm d: Hauptbootsmann Hptm d: Hauptmann Hptm. d: Hauptmann HptmKurs/RO d: Hauptmannkurs für Reserveoffiziere HptmPrfg d: Hauptmannprüfung HPZ e: Helicopter Protected Zone H.Pz.Brig. d: Heeres-Panzerbrigade H.Pz.O. d: H H.Pz.O[ffz], d: Höherer Panzeroffizier HPz Rak e: Hohl-Panzerrakete HQ d: Hauptquartier - d: Headquarter[s] - e: Headquarter - e: Headquarters Companies HQA e: Headquarters, Army HQAAFCE e: Headquarters Allied Air Forces Central Europe HQAAFV e: Headquarters, Australian Army Forces, Vietnam HQ AFCC e: Headquarters Air Force Communications Command HQ AFLC e: Headquarters Air Force Logistics Command


HQ AFROTC HQ AFROTC e: Headquarters Air Force Reserve Officers HQAMC e: Headquarters Air Mobility Command HQ AMF e: Headquarters Allied Command Europe [ACE] Mobile Force HQASC e: Headquarters, Air Support Command HQ ATC e: Headquarters Air Training Command H.Q.B.A. e: Headquarters Base Area HQBC e: Headquarters Bomber Command HQBN e: Headquarters Battalion HQBTRY e: Headquarters Battery HQC e: Headquarters Command - e: Headquarters Company HQ-CAP e: Headquarters, Civil Air Patrol HQCC e: Headquarters Coastal Command HQCDO e: Headquarters Case Development Officer HQ CDT e: Headquarters Commandant HQCG e: Headquarters, Coast Guard HQCMD e: Headquarters Command Hq CO e: Headquarters Commanding Officer's Hq Co e: Headquarters Company HQCOM e: Headquarters Command HQCOMD e: Headquarters Command HQ Comdt e: Headquarters Commandant HQCOMDUSAF e: Headquarters Command, United States Air Force Hq Com Ζ e: Headquarters, Communications Zone Hq CONARC e: Headquarters, Continental Army Command HQ CST e: Headquarters Command & Staff Training HQ DA e: Headquarters, Department of the Army Hq Det e: Headquarters Detachment HQDM e: Headquarters Data Manager HQDP e: Headquarters, Department of the Pacific HQDSA e: Headquarters, Defense Supply Agency HQDTMS e: Headquarters, Defense Traffic Management Service HQ/DTMS e: Headquarters, Defense Traffic Management Service HQEARC e: Headquarters, Equipment Authorization Review Center HQFC e: Headquarters, Fighter Command Hq FE e: Headquarters, Far East HQG e: Headquarters Garrison HQGRO e: Headquarters Graves Registration Office HQ&HQ Co e: Headquarters and Headquarters Company HQ & HQ Co e: Headquarters and Headquarters Company HQJTF e: Headquarters, Joint Task Force HQ L of CR Sigs e: Headquarters, Lines of Communication Royal Signals HQM s: Hospital quirúrgico militar HQ MAC e: Headquarters Military Airlift Command HQMC e: Headquarters Marine Corps Hq MC e: Headquarters Motor Command Hq ME e: Headquarters, Middle East HQMSS e: Headquarters Mission Support System HQMTMTS e: Headquarters, Military Traffic Management Terminal Service HQNAVMARCOPMATA e: Headquarters, Navy-Marine Corps Military Affiliate Radio System Station HQN[AV]M[AT]C[OM] e: Headquarters, Naval Material Command HQ NI Ops e: Headquarters Northern Ireland Operations


HQNMC e: Headquarters, Naval Material Command HQ PACAF e: Headquarters Paccific Air Force HQS e: Headquarters - e: Headquarters Staff HQ SAC e: Headquarters Strategic Air Command HQ SACLANT e: Headquarters of the Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic HQSBAMA e: Headquarters San Bernardino Air Matériel Area HQSC e: Headquarters, Signal Command - e: Headquarters, Support Command HQSQDN e: Headquarters, Support Squadron HQSQN e: Headquarters Squadron H.Q.S.R.N. e: Headquarters Staff of the Royal Navy HQSTC e: Headquarters, Strike Command HQSVCBN e: Headquarters, Service Battalion HQSVCCO e: Headquarters, Service Company HQ TAC e: Headquarters Tactical Air Command Hq TC e: Headquarters Transport Command HQU e: Headquarters Unit H.Qu, d: Hauptquartier HQu d: Hauptquartier HQUNTAC e: Armed Forces Headquarters H.Qu.OKH d: Hauptquartier Oberkommando des Heeres HQUSACE e: Headquarters, United States Army Corps of Engineers HQ USAF e: Headquarters, United States Air Force HR d: Heeresrechtsabteilung - e: Hand Radar - e: Hierarchical Review - e: High-Range [Radar] HR. d: Husarenregiment - e: The Highland Regiment HRA[R]T e: Hampton Roads Army Terminal HRAT e: Hampton Roads Army Terminal HRAV e: High Resolution Airborne Video H.R.B, d: Heimatreparaturbetrieb HRBTS e: High-Resolution Remote Tracking Sonar HRD e: Human Resources Division HRE e: Hovering Rocket Engine - e: Hydrazine Rocket Engine H Regt RA e: Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery H Rem Insp d: Heeresremontierinspektion HRF e: Height Range Finder HRIS e: High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder HR-KMAG e: Historical Report-Korea Military Advisory Group HR-KMG e: Historical Report-Korea Military Advisory Group HRLR e: High Repetition Laser Rangefinder HRR e: High Resolution Radar HRRTS e: High-Resolution Remote Tracking Sonar HRS e: Hovering Rocket System HRSRASC e: Heavy Repair Shop, Royal Army Service Corps Hrt e: Hertfordshire Regiment HRT e: Highway Regulation Team HRTS e: High-Resolution Target Sonar HRU e: Human Research Unit H.R.Z.A. d: Heeres-Reservezeugamt HS e: Hard Standing - e: Helicopter Squadron

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- e: Helicopter System - e: Helmet Shield - r: Arméhundskolan, Sollefteâ HSA e: Headquarters Support Activity HS[A] e: Helicopter Squadron, Antisubmarine HSAAP e: Holston Army Ammunition Plant HSAR e: Holographic Synthetic Aperture Radar HSAS e: Headquarters Support ActivitySaigon HSBR e: High Speed Bombing Radar HSC e: Headquarters Support Command - e: Helicopter Service Center - e: United States Army Health Services Command HSCC e: High Speed Combat Craft HSchKdo d: Heimatschutzkommando H Schule d: Heeresschule HSCLCS e: Harpoon Shipboard Command and Launch Control Set HSCLS e: Harpoon Shipboard Command and Launch Subsystem HSCS e: Helicopter Sub-Control Ship - e: Helicopter Subcontrol Ship HSCU e: Helicopter Subcontrol Unit HSCW e: Helicopter Sea Control Wing HSD e: Hardsite Defense - e: Higher Anti-Submarine Detector HSDG e: High School Diploma Graduate HSDS e: Hellfire Shore Defence System HSE e: Headquarters Support Element HSF e: High Sea Fleet - e: High Speed Flight - e: Home Service Force - e: Hyderabad State Force HSFF e: High-Speed Force Feed HSFK d: Hessische Stiftung für Friedensund Konfliktforschung HSFS e: High Speed Flight Station HSFV e: High Speed Freight Vehicle HSG e: Headquarter, Support Group [Milita] - e: Headquarters Support Group - e: Hydro-Shift Gun HSGM e: Honorary Sergeant Major of the Regiment HSGT a: H'rens Signaltekniske Tjeneste HSH e: Helicopter Support Ship HSHRSSS e: High-Speed/HighResolutionSide Scan Sonar System HSI e: Headquarters Staff Instruction HSK d: Heimatschutzkommando HSL e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Light HSL ASW e: Helicopter Squadron [Light] HSM e: Hardened Silo Missile - e: Hydro-Shock Munition HSMGC e: Heavy Section Machine Gun Corps HSMS e: High Speed Mine S w e e p i n g ] HSMSR e: Hardsite Missile Site Radar HSM-WA e: Hard Structure Munition Weaponization Analysis HSNH. d: Heereschule für Nachrichtenhelferinnen HSOS e: Helicopter Stabilized Optronic Sight HSP e: Heavy Stressed Platform HSp d: Heeresspital HSR d: Hpt Schlagrichtung - e: Harbo[u]r Surveillance Radar - e: High-Speed Radar H.S.R. e: Helicopter Search and Rescue HSRL e: High Spectral Resolution LidarAirborne Sensor HSS e: Home Sea Service HSSDB e: High-Speed Serial Data Buffer

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ΙΑ H S S 0 Ν: H a r e n s sanitetsskole- og 0vingsavdeling HS&SS e: Headquarters and Service Squadron Η ST e: Head Steward HST e: Helicopter Support Team HSTAR e: Helicopter Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar H.St.D. d: Heeresstreifendienst H.St.O.K. d: Heeresstandortkasse H.St.O.V. d: Heeresstandortverwaltung H.St.O.Verw. d: Heeresstandortverwaltung H.St.O.Verw. Verpfl. d: Heeresstandortverwaltung - Verpflegung HStp d: Hpt Stützpunkt H S T V - L e: High-Survivability Test Vehicle- Lightweight HSV d: Heeressportverband HSW e: Headquarters Support Wing HT e: Height Telling [Radar] - e: Helicopter Training Squadron - e: Horsed Transport HTACC e: Hardened Tactical Air Control Center H T A F e: Hellenic Tactical Air Force H T B d: Heerestechnisches Büro, Berlin HTBW e: Helicopter Targets in Bad Weather H T D M e: Helicopter Team Defense Missile HTF e: How-to-Fight Htf e: The Hertfordshire Regiment H T F M e: How to Fight Manual HTG d: Hubschraubertransportgeschwader HTK N: H a r e n s transportkorps - e: Hard-Target Kill H.T.K, d: Haupttransportkommandantur - d: Haupttransportkommandantur HTk r: Högre teknisk kurs för officerare: Armén H T K P e: Hard-Target Kill Potential HTLD e: High Technology Light Division HTM e: Hardened Target Munitions - e: Hellfire Training Missile - e: High-Trajectory Missiles HTMD e: High-Technology Motorized Division HTNS e: Helicopter Tactical Navigation System H T P e: Hardness Test Army HTPFP e: High Technology Professionals for Peace HTrp d: Horchtrupp H T S e: Hard Target Sensor HTSLw d: H HTSUP e: Height Supervisor [Radar] H T T / · Helicoptere de Troupes H T U e: Helicopter Training Unit HUA d: Heeresunterkunftsamt HUGO e: Hughes NADGE [NATO Air Defense Ground Environment] Consortium H U D W A C e: Head-Up Display and Weapon Aiming Computer H U D W A S S e: Head-Up Display Weapon Aiming Sub-System H U G O e: Helicopter Unit Ground Operations HUK e: Hunter-Killer Force H U K A S W E X e: Hunter-Killer Antisubmarine Warfare Exercise H U K F O R e: Hunter-Killer Force H U K F O R L A N T e: Hunter-Killer Force, Atlantic H U K F O R P A C e: Hunter-Killer Force, Pacific H U K missile e: Hunter-Killer missile HUKS e: Hunter Killer Submarine

Humint e: Human Intelligence H U O S d: Heeresunteroffiziersschule - d: Heeresunteroffiziersschule HUP e: Helicopter Utility HUS d: Heeresunteroffizierschule - e: Helicopter Utility Squadron HUSAFICPA e: Headquarters, United States Army Forces in Central Pacific Area H U S A F M I D P A C e: Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Middle Pacific HuSBW d: Hundeschule der Bundeswehr HUSS e: Helicopter Underslung Spray System - e: Hussars HUT e: Helicopter Undergraduate Training H U T R O N e: Helicopter Utility Squadron H.U.V. d: Heeres-Unterkunftsverwaltung H.U.V.S. d: Heeres-UnteroffizierVorschule HV d: Heeresverwaltung - e: Croatian Army Hv. d: Hausverwaltung [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] H.V. d: Heeresverwaltung HVA d: Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung im MfS [Ministerium für Staatssicherheit] - f : Hôpital Vétérinaire d'Armée H.V.A. d: Heeresverpflegungsamt - d: Heeresverwaltungsamt HVAC e: House Veterans Affairs Committee HVAD e: High Value Asset Defence H V A G L e: High Velocity Automatic Grenade Launcher HVA im MfS d: Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung im Ministerium für Staatssicherheit HVAR e: High Velocity Aircraft Rocket HVAR[HE] e: High-Velocity Aircraft Rocket [High Explosive] H V A T K R O N e: Heavy Attack Squadron HVBP e: High Velocity Ballistic Protection H.V.D. d: HeeresVerpflegungsdienststelle H Verm St d: Heeresvermessungsstelle H.Verpfl.H.A. d: Heeresverpflegungshauptamt H.Vet.Ak. d: Heeresveterin H.Vet.U.A. d: Heeresveterin HVG e: High Velocity Gun HVGL e: High Velocity Grenade Launcher H V G L S e: High-Velocity Grenade Launcher System HVGS e: High Velocity Gun System H V H d: Hausverwaltung OKH [Oberkommando des Heeres] H.V.H.A. d: Heeresverpflegungshauptamt HVK Ν: Heimeverns Kommando HVL e: Hypervelocity Launcher H.V.L. d: Heeresverpflegungslager HVLTDS e: Hypervelocity Launcher Terminal Defense H V M e: High Velocity Missile - e: Hyper Velocity Missile - e: Hypervelocity Munition HV[Mar.] d: Hausverwaltung der Marine [Reichskriegsministerium] HVMS e: Hyper-Velocity Medium Support [weapon system] - e: Hypervelocity Support Weapon HVO d: Heeresverbindungsoffizier - e: Croatian Defence Council HVO. d: Haupt-Verbindungsoffizier Hvofficer r: Hemvärnsofficer H.Vpfl.A. d: Heeresverpflegungsamt

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

H V S d: Hauptverwaltung für [militärische] Schulung HVT e: High Value Target HVTA e: High Value Target Acquisition H.V.U.A. d: Heeresveterin Hvunderofficer r: Hemvärnsunderofficer HVW d: Heeres-Verbindungswesen HVW e: Hyper-Velocity Weapon HvW e: Heavy Weapon[s] H V W L . d: HeeresVerpflegungswartelager HVWP e: Hospitalized Veterans Writing Project H v W p n e: Heavy Weapon[s] HVWS e: Hebrew Veterans of the War with Spain Hvy Regt RA e: Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery Hvy Wpn e: Heavy Weapon[s] HW d: Heimwehr - d: Österreichische Heim[at]wehr - e: Head Wardmaster - e: Heavy Weapon[s] - e: Homing Weapon[s] H W A d: Heereswaffenamt H W A A d: Heereswaffenamt H.Wa.A. d: Heereswaffenamt HWAAP e: Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant H W A D M e: Hypersonic Wide-Area Defense Missile HWCC e: Harpoon Weapon Cantrol Console H W E e: Home War Establishment H W L S e: Hostile Weapons Locating System HWR d: Heißwasserrakete H W R A . d: Heeres-WirtschaftsRechnungamt HWS e: Harassment Weapons System - e: Harpoon Weapons System - e: Helicopter Weapons System H W S P C e: H A W K Weapon System Partnership Committee HWSSG e: Heavy Weapons Special Study Group H W T e: Handbook of Weapon Training HWTR e: Heavy Weapons Testing Range Hw.V. d: HandwaffenVerwaltungsvorschrift H W Z . d: Heereswetterzentrale HX d: Geleitzug Halifax [Neuschottland England] Hy AD Regt e: Heavy Air Defence Regiment Hylo e: Hybrid Loran [Long Range Navigation] Hy RA e: Heavy Battery, Royal Artillery Hy Regt e: Heavy Regiment H Y S A M e: Hypersonic Surface-to-Air Missile HYSCAN Radar System e: Hybrid Scanning Radar System H Y T A M e: Hypersonic Tactical Missile H Y T R E C e: Hydrospace Target Recognition, Evaluation and Control HYVIA e: Hyper-Velocity Interceptor Armament HZA. d: Hauptzeugamt H.Za. d: Heereszeugamt H.Zg.A. d: Heereszeugamt

I IA - e: - e: - e: - e:

e: Indian Army Indian Army Indian Artillery Inspector of Armourers Italian Army


I.A. I.A. e: Indian Army - / ' Inspection de l'Artillerie - f: Inter-Armes, Ecole Speciale Militaire I/A e: Instructor of Artillery IAA e: Indian Army Act - e: Inspector Army Aircraft - e: Intermediate Assembly Area IAADS e: Integrated Anti-Airborne Defense System - e: Interim Automated Air Defense System IAAFA e: Inter-American Air Force Academy IAAP e: Iowa Army Ammunition Plant IAAW e: Interim Airfield Attack Weapon IAAWS e: Infantry Antiarmor Weapon Systems IABM e: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile IABS e: Installation Automated Budget System IAC e: Indian Army Circular - e: Intelligence Analysis Center - e: Interagency Conference - e: Irish Air Corps I.A.C.A.C.S. e: Interdenominational Advisory Committee on Army Chaplaincy Services IACC e: Improved Air crew Chemical warfare defense Coverall IACPWR e: Inter-Allied Committee on Post-War Requirements IACS e: Integrated Area Control System - e: Integrated Armament Control System - e: International Arms-Control Symposium IACSE e: Integrated Advisory Committee on Security Equipment IAD e: Integrated Airbase Defense IADB e: Inter-American Defense Board IADF e: Icelandic Air Defense Force - e: Iraqi Air Defence Forces IADPPNW e: International Architects Designers Planners for the Prevention of Nuclear War IADS e: Iceland Air Defence System - e: Integrated Air Defense System - e: Interim Air Defense System IADT e: Initial Active Duty Training IADWS e: Interim Air Defense Weapon System IADZ e: Inner Air Defense Zone IAE e: Institute of Army Education IAEM e: Institute of Higher Military Studies IAEPO e: International Association of Educational Peace Officers IAEWP e: International Association of Educators for World Peace IAF e: Independent Air Force - e: Indian Air Force - e: Indian Army Form - e: Indian Auxiliary Force - e: Indonesian Air Force - e: Information of the Armed Forces Initial Approach Fix - e: Inter-American Force - e: Interallied Force - e: Tsrael[i] Air Force - e: Italian Air Force - e: Office of Information for the Armed Forces I.A.F. e: Indian Air Force - e: Indian Armoured Formation - e: Indian Auxiliary Force IAFFT e: International Airforce Field Team IAFP e: Inter-American Forces of Peace IAFII e: Improved Assault Fire Units IAFV e: Infantry Armoured Fighting Vehicle - e: Infantry Arnmed Fighting Vehicle


IAG e: Inertial Artillery Goniometer - e: Intelligence Analysis Group IAGAL e: Industry Advisory Group for Air Logistics IAGS e: Inter-American Geodetic Survey [Defense Mapping Agency, USDOD] IALANA e: International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms IAMAM e: International Association of Museums of Arms and Military History IAMB e: International Anti-Militarist Bureau against War and Reaction I.A.M.C. e: Indian Army Medical Corps IAMKK d: Interalliierte Militärkontrollkommission IAMT e: Inter-Allied Military Tribunal I.A.M.V. n: Internationale Antimilitaristische Vereeniging IAMW e: Improved Antimateriel Warhead IAMWH e: Improved Antimateriel Warhead I.A.N. /• Ingénieurs de l'Artillerie Navale IANF e: Interallied Nuclear Force IAO d: Internationale AtomenergieOrganisation - e: Independent Aviation Operators - e: Information Activities Office[r] IAOC e: Indian Army Ordnance Corps I.A.O.C. e: Indian Army Ordnance Corps IAOC e: Indian Army Ordnance Corps IAOS e: Inspector of Army Ordnance Services IAOWS e: Inspector of Army Ordnance Workshop Services IAPC e: Inter-American Peace Committee IAPF e: Inter-American Peacekeeping Force IAPR e: Indian Air Patrol Reserve IA/PT e: Item Acquisition/Production Trade-Off [model] IARM e: Interim Anti-Radiation Missile I.A.R.O. e: Indian Army Reserve of Officers IAS e: Inspector of Army Schools - e: Institute of American Strategy - e: International Army Staff I.A.S.C. e: Indian Army Service Corps IASD e: Instant Ammunition Selection Device IASIW e: Institute for the Advanced Study of Information Warfare ΙΑ/SR e: Intelligence Analysis/Storage and Retrieval IASR e: Intermediate Altitude Sounding Rocket IAS-TFA e: Implementation Air Space Task Force Group A IAS-TFB e: Implementation Air Space Task Force Group Β IAT e: Institute of Armament Technology IATACS e: Improved Army Tactical Communications System IATADS e: Initial Airborne Target Acquisition Designation System IATAS e: Interim Airborne Target Acquisition System IATF e: India Air Task Force - e: Interagency Task Force IATS e: Individual Accession and Training Study I.A.W, d: Inspekteur des Ausbildungswesen IAW e: Improved Antimateriel Warhead IAWH e: Improved Antimateriel Warhead IAWR e: Institute of Air Weapons Research IAWTC e: Integrated Air Warfare Training Complex IAZ d: Informationsauswertezentrale - e: Inner Artillery Zone

© Κ · G • Saur, München

IB d: Infanteriebataillon - d: Instandsetzung nach Befund - e: Infantry Battalion I.B. d: Infanterie-Brigade - d: Infanteriebataillon IBADIZ e: International Boundary Air Defense Identification Zone IBC e: Iceland Base Command IBCC e: Integrated Battlefield Control Concept IBCS e: Integrated Battlefield Control System IBCS/TRICAP e: Integrated Battlefield Communications Systems/Triple Capability-Armoured, Infantry and Air Cavalry IBD e: Infantry Base Depot - e: Interior Ballistic Division I.B.D. e: Infantry Base Depot IBDL e: Intermediate Battery Data Link IBDM e: Interim Bomber Defense Missile IBEA e: Industrial Base Engineering Activity IBERLANT e: Iberian Atlantic Command I.Bg. d: Infanterie-Brigade IBGTT e: Interim Battle Group Tactical Trainer IBI e: Interim Ballistic Instrumentation - e: Interpersonal behavior inventory [Veterans Administration] IBIT e: ICBM [Intercontinental Ballistic Missile] Blast Interference Test IBM e: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile IBMIS e: Improved Ballistic Missile Target System IBMOC e: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Operational Capability IBMT e: Intensive Basic Military Training IBPDSMS e: Improved Basic Point Defense Surface Missile System IBr d: Infantriebrigade IBRAM e: Intermediary Ballistic Range Missile IBS e: Integrated Bridge System IBTU e: Instructors Basic Training Unit IBV e: Intercontinental Ballistic Vehicle IBW e: Infantry Brigade Workshop - e: Ion Beam Weapon IC e: Inspecting Commander - e: Instructor in Cookery IC3 e: Intelligent Command and Control and Communications I.C. f : Infanterie Coloniale - f : Inspection de la Cavalerie ICA e: Integrated Cost Accounting - f: Ingénieur en Chef d'Armement ICAA f: Inspection du Commissariat de l'Armée de l'Air ICAB /• Inspection de la Cavalerie et de l'Arme Blindée I.C.A.B. f: Inspection de la Cavalerie et de l'Armée Blindée ICAC e: Irish Continuity Army Council I.C.A.C. e: International Committee of Anti-Militarist Clergymen ICACE e: Intelligence Center ACE [Allied Command Europe] ICAF e: Industrial College of the Armed Forces ICAP e: Industrial Committee of Ammunition Producers ICAPS e: Integrated [aircraft] carrier acoustic prediction system - e: Integrated carrier anti-submarinewarfare prediction system - e: Integrated Command Anti-Submarine Warfare Precition System ICAT e: Institute for Combat Arms and Tactics ICBM e: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ID[L1 ICBMS e: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile System ICC e: Infantry Combat Command - e: Information Coordination Central - e: Interface Coordinating Committee - e: International Control Commission - e: Inventory Control Company ICCM e: Intercontinental Cruise Missile ICC/MC Functions e: Integration of Communications Center and Message Center Functions ICCOR e: Intercommand Coordination ICCS e: Improved UK Air Defence Ground Environment Command and Control System - e: Integrated Command & Control System - e: International Commission of Control and Supervision ICDL e: Intercenter Data Link ICDO e: International Civil Defense Organization ICD OMG e: Information Control Division of the Office of the Military Government ICDP e: International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace ICE e: Improved Cost Estimate - e: Individual commitment to excellence ICECAP e: Infrared Chemistry Experiments - Coordinated Auroral Program [part of HAES program sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency [USDOD]] ICEDEFOR e: Iceland Defense Force ICEPM e: Internal Combustion Engine Powered Materiel ICES e: Integrated Combat Electronics System ICFATCM e: Individual cleared for access to classified material I C F A T C M U T A I e: Individual cleared for access to classified material up to and including ICFPW e: International Confederation of Former Prisoners of War ICG e: Indicator Control Group - e: International Consultative Group for Peace and Disarmament ICGM e: Intercontinental Guided Missile ICHSWW e: International Committee for/on the History of the Second World War ICI e: Initial capabilities inspection I.C.I, e: Inspector of Catering in India ICJP e: Irish Commission for Justice and Peace I C J U B e: Intercontinental jet unmanned bomber ICM e: Improved Capability Missile - e: Improved Cluster Munition - e: Improved Conventional Ammunition - e: Improved Conventional Munition - e: Intercontinental Missile - e: Interface Civil/Military - s: Instituto Cartografico Militar ICM BB e: Improved Conventional Munition, Base Bleed ICMH e: International Commission of Military History ICMMHS e: Integrated Containerized Movement/Materials-Handling System ICM/MIRV e: Intercontinental missile/multiple independently-guided reentry vehicle ICMMP e: International Committee of Military Medicine and Pharmacy ICMS f: Infanterie Coloniale Mixte Sénégalaise ICMTC e: Interdepartmental Commission on Military-Technical Co-operation

ICMTO e: Independent Carrier Military Traffic Office ICNIA e: Integrated Communication, Navigation and Identification Avionics System ICNICP e: Integrated Communication/Navigation/Identification Control Panel ICNICS e: Integrated Communication/Navigation/Identification Control Set ICNND e: Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense ICNS e: Integrated Communications and Navigation System ICO e: Immediate Commanding Officer - e: Inspecting Chief Officer - e: Inventory Control Officer ICOF e: Integrated Command Operations Facility ICOM e: Improved Conventional Mine [system] ICOMS e: Improved Conventional Mine System ICOPRAPA e: International Conference of Peace Researchers and Peace Activities ICPME e: International Center for Peace in the Middle East ICPOA e: Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas ICRC e: Interagency Classification Review Committee ICRL e: Individual component repair list ICRM e: Intercontinental Reconnaissance Missile I.C.R.O. n: Internationale Confederatie voor Reserve-officieren ICRPG e: Interagency Chemical Rocket Propulsion Group I.C.R.V. e: Inns of Court Rifle Volunteers ICRV e: Inns of Court Rifle Volunteers ICS e: Infrared Countermeasures System - e: Integrated Combat Ship - e: Integrated Combat System - e: Integrated Communications System [Royal Navy] ICSS e: International Center for Strategic Studies ICST e: International Concepts Study Team ICSTF e: Integrated Combat Systems Test Facility ICSUP e: Intercept Control Supervisor ICT e: Intensified Confirmatory Test I.C.T.C. e: Infantry Clerks' Training Centre ICTD e: Individual and Collective Training Development ICTOC e: Independent Corps Tactical Operations Center ICTP e: Individual and Collective Training Plan - e: Integrated Coordinated Test Program - e: Intensified Combat Training Program ICTT e: Improved Commander's Tactical Terminal - e: Intensified Confirmatory Troop Test ICV e: Infantry Combat Vehicle I.C.V.D. e: Inns of Court Volunteer Decoration ICW e: India-China Wing ICWAR e: Improved Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar ICWD e: Interface Control/Weapon Delivery ICWM e: Interdepartmental Committee on Weather Modification ICWO e: Indications Center Watch Officer

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ICWS e: Improved Commander's Weapon Station - e: Institute of Civil War Studies ICXM e: Intercontinental Experimental Missile ID d: Infanteriedivision - e: Identifier Code - e: Infantry Division I.D. d: Infanteriedivision - e: Inniskilling Dragoons - e: Intelligence Department - e: Intelligence Division - /• Infanterie Divisionnaire - / ' Inspecteur Divisionnaire IDA e: Institute for Defense Analysis - e: Institute of Defense Analyses I.d.A. d: Inspekteur der Artillerie IDAC e: Interconnecting Digital-Analog Converter IDADS e: Interactive drafting and digitizing system IDAGAM e: Institute for Defense Analysis Gaming Model IDAID e: International Defense and Internal Development IDB e: Infantry Demonstration Battalion - e: Infrared driving binoculars IDBUG e: Interagency Data Base User Group IDC e: Improved Data Converter - e: Individual Defense Counsel I.D.C. e: Imperial Defence College IDCS e: Initial Defense Communication^] Satellite IDCSC e: Integrated Defense Communications System Control IDCSP e: Initial Defense Communication Satellite Program IDCSP-A e: Initial Defense Communication^] Satellite ProjectAugmented IDCSS e: Initial Defense Communicationfs] Satellite System IDCT e: Integrated Daily Cycle Test I.d.E. d: Inspektion des Eisenbahnwesens IDECM e: Integrated Defensive Electronic Countermeasures Idegahei d: Inspektion des Gasschutzdienstes für das Heimatgebiet Ideis d: Inspektion des Eisenbahnwesens IDES e: Integrated Defense System - e: Interactive Drawing Editing Station IDEX e: Initial defence experiment - e: Initial Defense Experiment IDF e: Iceland Defense Force - e: Indigenous Defense Fighter - e: Instrument Day-Fighter - e: Interceptor Day Fighter - e: Israel Defence Forces - e: Israel Defense Forces - e: Israeli Defense Force I.D.F. e: Israeli Defense Forces I.d.F. d: Inspektion der Fliegertruppen IDF/AF e: Israeli Defense Force/Air Force IDFSS e: Infantry direct-fire simulator system IdG n: Inspectie der Genie IDIA e: Internal Defense Identification Area IDIAD e: Internal Defense and Internai Development I-DIAS e: Improved Defensive Integrated Avionics System IDID e: Internal Defense/Internal Development Idlnt n: Inspecteur der Intendance IDIS e: Intrusion detection and identification system I.d.K. d: Inspektion der Kavallerie ID[L] e: Infantry Division [Light]


ID M IDM e: Initial Draft Manuscript - e: Institute of Defence Management IDMS e: Integrated data management system - e: Integrated Missile Defence System IDO e: Identification Officer - e: International Disarmament Organization I D O F O R e: Improved Definition of the Army Objective Force IDP e: Individual Development Plan - e: Institute for Defence Policy - e: Interactive Display Panel - e: Internal Defense Plans - e: Internal development and production [programs] IDPMN e: Initial Draft Proposed Materiel Need IDR e: Individual Data Record - e: Initial Design Review IDS e: Interactive Display System - e: Interceptor Defence Strike - e: International Defence Systems IDSA e: Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis IDSC e: Initial Defense Satellite Communication - e: Interstate Defense and Security Committee IDSCM e: Initial Defense Satellite Communication IDSCP e: Initial Defense Satellite Communications Program IDSCS e: Initial Defense Satellite Communications System IDSM e: Integrated Direct Support Maintenance - e: Intermediate Direct Support Maintenance IDSOT e: Interim Daily System Operational Test I.D.T.M.O. f: Inspection Divisionnaire du Travail et de la Main-d'Œuvre IDW e: Individual Defence Weapon IDWO e: Intelligence Division, War Office IDZ e: Inner Defense Zone IE /• Instruction Élémentaire I&E e: Information and Editorial [Career Program] IEAF e: Imperial Ethiopian Air Force IEB d: Infanterie-Ersatzbataillon I.E.B, d: Infanterie-Ersatzbataillon IECS e: Intelligence Evaluation Center IED e: Improved Explosive Devices I.E.E.T.A. /• Inspection des Etudes et des Expériences Techniques de l'Artillerie I.E.F. e: Indian Expeditionary Force - e: Italian Expeditionary Force I E M e: Individual Engagement Model - e: Infrared [projector] energy monitor - e: Installation Equipment Management [systems] I E M A T S e: Improved Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System [of AUTODIN] IEMD e: Integrated Environmental Management Division I E M O e: Installation Equipment Management Office I E M S e: Installation Equipment Management System IEN e: Imperial Ethiopian Navy I E P e: Independent Exchange Plan - e: Information Exchange Program - e: Information Exchange Project IEPR e: Initial Exercise Press Release IEPW e: Interim Earth Penetrator Weapon 1ER d: Infanterie-Ersatzregiment - e: Independent Evaluation Report - e: Initial Engagement Range


I.E.R. d: Infanterie-Ersatzregiment I E R C e: Independent Evaluation Review Committee 1ER M a r . d: Infanterie-ExerzierReglement der Marine I E R W e: Initial Entry Rotary Wing [student] I ETA f: Ingénieur des Études et Techniques d'Armement I.E.T.A. / · Ingénieur des Études et Travaux de l'Armement IEW e: Integrated Electronic Warfare - e: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare I & E W e: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare I E W C S e: Intelligence & Electronic Warfare Common Sensors I E W D e: Intelligence & Electronic Warfare Directorate I/EW FOSS e: Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Family of Systems Study I E W S e: Integrated Electronic Warfare System - e: International Electronic Warfare System I E W T D e: Improved Electronic Warfare Training Device - e: Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Test Directorate I E W T P T e: Intelligent Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer IF e: Indian Forces - e: Indian Forces - e: Insular Force - e: Irregular Force I.F. e: Imperial Forces - e: Indian Forces - e: The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers I.F.A. e: International Friendships Association IFAAD e: Intermediate Field Army Air Defense IFAB d: Integrierte Feuerleitmittel für Artillerie Batterie I.F.A.O.M. / • Inspection des Forces Aériennes d'Outre-Mer IFAS e: Institute for American Strategy IFBM e: Improved Fleet Ballistic Missile IFBSS e: Individual flexible barrier shelter systems I F C A S e: Indirect fire casualty assessment/suppression [system] I FCC e: Interim Fleet Command Center IFCE e: Integral fire control equipment I F C S e: Improved Fire Control System - e: Infrared Fire Control System - e: Integrated Fire Control System - e: Integrated Flight Control System IFD e: Inter-fighter director I.F.&D.B.D. e: Inspector of Fortifications and Director of Bomb Disposal IFDES f: Institut Français d'Études Stratégiques IFDS e: Inertial Flight Data System IFF e: Identification Friend or Foe IFF/ATCRBS e: Identification Friend or Foe/Air-Traffic Control Radar Beacon System I F F C e: Integrated Fire and Flight Control I F / F C S e: Integrated Fire/Flight Control System I F F F d: Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit I F F N e: Identification as Friend, Foe, or Neutral IFF/NCTR e: Identification Friend or Foe/Non-Cooperative Target Recognition I F F N J T F e: Identification Friend or Foe, or Neutral Joint Test Force

Κ · G · Saur, München

I F F S A H e: Instrument Formation Flight System for Army Helicopter IFFSH e: Instrument Formation Flight System for Helicopter I F G e: Indian Field Gun I F I d: Internationales Friedensinstitut - e: In-Flight Insertion IFIAS d: Initiative für Frieden, Abrüstung und Sicherheit I F I P e: Integrated Flight Instrument Panel IFIS e: Independent Flight Inspection System - e: Infrared Flight Inspection System - e: Integrated Flight Instrumentation] System IFKWVA e: International Federation of the Korean War Veterans' Associations I F L d: Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit - e: International Friendship League Iflakheim d: Inspektion der Flugzeugabwehr[kanonen] in der Heimat Iflakop d: Inspektion der Flugzeugabwehr[kanonen] im Operationsgebiet I F L F F d: Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit IFM e: Index File Maintenance - f: Ingénieur de Fabrications Militaires I F M I S e: Implementation field microfilm/micrographics information systems IFN e: Items for Negotiation I F O S S e: Intelligence Family of Systems Study IFP e: Indexes of Firepower Potential - e: Interns for Peace I F P M e: In-Flight Performance Monitor I F R e: Instrument Flight Rules - e: Intermediate Frequency Range - e: International Fighter Radar I F R F e: International Federation of Resistance Fighters IFSH d: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg I F S O e: In-Flight Safety Officer IFSS e: Instrumentation Flight Safety System I F T L e: Institute for Friendship through Learning IFTU e: Intensive Flying Trials Unit [Royal Navy] IFV e: Infantry Fighting Vehicle I F V M E e: Inspectorate of Fighting Vehicles and Mechanical Equipment IFVwCM e: Infantry Fighting Vehicle with Integrated Countermeasures I F W e: International Federation of Wargaming I F W E S e: Indirect Fire Weapon Effect Simulation I F W V O e: International Federation of War Veterans Organizations IG e: Instructor of Gunnery - e: Intendant-General - e: Ion Gun - e: Irish Guards - / ' Inspection du Génie I.G. e: Irish Guards - f: Intendant Général IGA e: Ion Gun Assembly I.G.A. / · Ingénieur Général de l'Armement IGAA /• Inspection Générale de l'Armée de l'Air IGAAS e: Integrated Ground/Airborne Avionics System I G A C L S e: Integrated Guidance and Control System IGAS e: Integrated Ground/Air System

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Hüft IGASS e: Integrated Ground/Air Avionics System IGAT f: Inspection Generale de l'Armée de Terre IGB e: Intercontinental glide bomber [unmanned] IGBI d: Interessenverband graduierter Bundeswehr-Ingenieure IGC e: Ion Gun Collector IGCE e: Independent Government Cost Estimate IGD e: Inspector General Division IGDL n: Indische Geneeskundige Dienst Landmacht IGDOD e: Inspector General, Department of Defense I.G.D.O.T. / · Inspecteur Général de Défense Opérationnelle du Territoire I.Gds. e: Irish Guards IGDT /• Inspecteur Général de la Défense du Territoire I.G.D.T. /• Inspecteur Général de la Défense du Territoire IGDT /• Inspecteur Général de la Défense du Territoire I.G.E. i: Intendenza Generale dell'Esercito IGE i: Intendenza Generale dell'Esercito IGESA f: Institut de Gestion Sociale des Armées Françaises I.Ge.S.A. f: Institut de Gestion Sociale des Armées Françaises IGESA f: Institut de Gestion Sociale des Armées Françaises IGF e: Inspector-General of Fortifications - e: Israel Ground Forces I.G.F. e: Inspector General of Fortifications I G F O e: Inspector General Field Office IGFVP e: Interservice Group for Flight Vehicle Power IGH e: Indian General Hospital I.G.H. e: Inspector General of Hospitals IGI /• Instruction Générale sur l'Infrastructure IGM f: Inspection Générale de la Marine - /• Institut Géographique Militaire - i: Istituto Geografico Militare - s: Instituto Geográfico Militar I.G.M. i: Istituto Guerra Marittima IGMB f: Institut Géographique Militaire, Belgique IGMCA e: Imperial German Military Collectors' Association IGMDP e: Integrated Guided Missile Development Program IGME/RG. s: Revista Geográfica. Instituto Geográfico Militar del Ecuador, Departamento Geográfico. Quito IGMI i: Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano I.G.M.P. f: Ingénieurs Général Militaires des Poudres IGM/U. i: L'Universo. Rivista bimestrale dell'Istituto Geografico Militare. Firenze IGO e: Inspector General Officer IGOS e: Integrated Global Observating Strategy IGPA e: Igor-Patrick Air Force Base IGR /• Inspection Générale du Ravitaillement I.G.R.A.F. e: Inspector-General of the Royal Air Force IGS e: Internal Gun System I.G.S.A. / · Institution de Gestion Sociale des Armées IGSC e: Inspector General, Supply Corps IGSIJ e: Improved Gunner's Sight Unit IGT e: Inspector General of Transportation

- e: Inspector-General to the Forces for Training I.G.T. e: Inspector-General of Transportation - e: Inspector-General to the Forces for Training IGTM e: Inertial Guided Tactical Missile IGWS d: Interessengemeinschaft der Waffenl I.G.Z. d: Infanteriegeschütz-Zug IGZg d: Infanteriegeschütz-Zug I&H e: Information and Historical IH e: Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets I.H. /• Inspection de l'Habillement IHA e: Interim housing allowance - f: Institut hydrographique des Forces armées chiliennes IHAAS e: Integrated Helicopter Avionics System IHAS e: Integrated Helicopter Attack System IHCA e: In hands of civil authorities IHCS e: Integrated Helicopter Control System IHDN /• Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale IHE e: Insensitive high explosive IHEDN e: Institut des Hautes Etudes de Defense Nationale I.H.E.D.N. / · Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale IHL e: Imperial Light Horse IHS e: Improved Hawk Simulator IHSC e: International Headquarters & Support Command IHTII e: Interservice Hovercraft Trials Unit IHU e: Interservice Hovercraft Unit II d. Industrielle Instandsetzung I.I. d: Inspektion der Marine-Infanterie IIAF e: Imperial Iranian Air Force - e: Iranian Imperial Air Force IIB e: Independent Infantry Battalion II Bn e: Independent Infantry Battalion IIC e: Intelligence Information Center IICBM e: Intermediate Intercontinental Ballistic Missile I ID e: Infrared Intrusion Detector IIF d: Internationales Institut für den Frieden I IG F e: Imperial Iranian Ground Forces I.I.M. i: Istituto Idrografico della Marina II MAF e: Second Marine Amphibious Force UN e.· Imperial Iranian Navy UNS e: Integrated Inertial Navigation System IIP e: Interceptor Improvement Program - e: Interface Implementation Plan - e: International Institute of Peace IIPE e: International Institute on Peace Education IIPM e: Irish International Peace Movement HPS e: Institute of International Peace Studies IIRM e: Improved Infrared Missile IISS d: Internationales Institut für strategische Studien - e: International Institute for Strategie Studies IISST e: Instrumental Interrogation System and Supporting Techniques I.I.T.E. e: Inspector of Infantry Training Establishments IJA e: Imperial Japanese Army IJAAF e: Imperial Japanese Army Air Force IJABC e: Iwo Jima Air Base Command

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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I J C S e: Integrated Joint Communication System IJCS-PAC e: Integrated Joint Communication System - Pacific IJN e: Imperial Japanese Navy IJNAF e: Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force IJPU e: International Jewish Peace Union IK d: Infanteriekolonne - d: Instandsetzungskompanie - r: Genomgátt intendentenkurs IKA r: Inspektor for Kustartilleriet IKG d: Interessengemeinschaft Ehemaliger Kriegsgefangener IKI e: Incendiary Kit, Improved IKP d: Ingenieur Kdo Punkt I K - r a d a r r: Igenkänningsradar IKS N: Infanterikommandostasjon IKV r: Infantrikanonvagn IKW e: Intercept & Kill Weapon IL e: Instructor-Lieutenant I.L. e: Instructor-Lieutenant - f : Infanterie de Ligne ILAADS e: Interim Low Altitude Air Defense System ILAAS e: Integrated Light Aircraft Attack System ILAAT e: Interlaboratory Air-to-Air Missile Technology ILAW e: Improved Light Assault Weapon ILC e: Instructor Lieutenant-Commander I.L.C. e: Instructor LieutenantCommander I L C O e: Instantaneous launch control officer ILCOP e: International Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace ILD e: Individual Lift Device ILF e: Indian Local Forces - e: International Liaison Forum of Peace Forces I L F O e: International Logistics Field Office ILFP f: Forum International de Liaison des Forces de la Paix ILH e: Imperial Light Horse ILL e: Interlibrary Loan ILMM e: Security Output Main Module ILMS e: Improved Launcher Mechanical System ILN e: International Logistic Negotiations [military export sales] ILO e: Interservice Liaison Office I.L.O. e: Intelligence Liaison Officer ILR d: Infanterie-Lehrregiment I.L.R. d: Infanterie-Lehrregiment - d: Infanterie-Leibregiment ILRC e: Integral Launch and Reentry Vehicle ILRIS e: Intermediate Long-Range Interceptor System ILRRP e: International Long Range Reconnainssance ILRV e: Integral [or Integrated] Launch and Reentry Vehicle ILRVS e: Integral [or Integrated] Launch and Reentry Vehicle System ILS e: Integrated Logistic Support ILSM e: Integrated Logistics Support Manager ILSO e: Integrated Logistic Support Office ILS [Ρ] e: Integrated Logistic Support [Planning] ILSS e: Integrated Logistic Support System ILS/TAC e: Instrument Landing System and TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] I LT e: Infantry Liaison Team Iluft d: Inspektion der Luftschiffertruppen


Iluk Iluk d: Inspektion des Militär-Luft- und Kraftfahrwesens ILW e: Institute of Land Warfare IM e: Inerceptor Missile - e: Insensitive Munition - e: Interceptor] Missile - e: Inventory Manager - s\ Infantería de marina I.M. / · Infanterie de Marine - / ' Infirmières Militaires - f: Intendant Militaire - f: Interprète Militaire - / ' Invalides Militaires I&M e\ Industrial and military IMA d: Internationale MilitariaAusstellung, Hattersheim - e: Important Materiel Actions - e: Indian Military Academy - e: Initial Military Assistance - e: Institute for Military Assistance - e: International Military Archives - i: Ispezione Manutenzione Autoveicoli I.M.A. e: Indian Medical Academy IMAA e: Intelligence Mission Area Analysis I.M.A.A. /• Infirmier Militaire d'Ambulance d'Armée IMAAWS e: Infantry Man-portable Antiarmour/Assault Weapon System IMAO e: International Military Assistance Office IMAPS e: Integrated Military Airlift Planning System IMAT / · Inspection Technique du Matériel de l'Armée de Terre IMATA e: Independent Military Air Transport Association - e: International Marine Animal Trainers Association 1MB e: Independent mixed brigade IMC e: Instrument Meteorological Conditions - e: Interface Military/Civil IMCC e: Integrated Missile Control Center IMCEA e: International Military Club Executives Association - e: International Military Community Executives Association IMCWR e: International Movement of Conscientious War Resisters IMD e: Integrated Missile Defence Patrol IMDA e: Indirect Missile Damage Assessment IMDC e: Interceptor Missile Direction Center IMDO e: Intelligence Material Development Office IMDP e: Integrated Missile Development Programme IME e: Institute on the Military and the Economy - e: Institution of Military Engineers - p : Instituto Militar de Engenharia IMET e: International Military Education and Training IMEWS e: Integrated Missile Early Warning Satellite - e: Integrated Missile Early Warning System IMF d: Infantrieminenfeld IMFRAD e: Integrated Multiple Frequency Radar IMFSS e: Integrated Missile Flight Safety System IMFV r: Inspektor för Marinens Förbindelse-Väsende IMG d: Internationaler Militärgerichtshof IMGCN e: Integrated Missile Ground Control Network


IMGD n: Inspecteur Militaire Geneeskundige Dienst IMH e: International Military Headquarters IMHQ e: International Military Headquarters IMI e: Israel Military Industries [of Ministry of Defence] - e: Israeli Military Intelligence IMICS e: Integrated Mine-hunting Combat System imid e: inadvertent missile ignition detection IMIR e: Interceptor Missile Interrogation Radar IMISSS e: Interceptor Missile Squadron Supervisorry Station IMK d: Internationale Militärkorrespondenz IMKK d: Interalliierte Militär-KontrollKommission IML e: International Munitions List IMLSG e: Interim Mobile Logistic Support Group IMMIRS e: Integrated Maintenance Management Information Retrieval System IMMR e: Initial Manpower and Materiel Requirements IMNS e: Imperial Military Nursing Service I.M.N.S. e: Imperial Military Nursing Service - e: Indian Military Nursing Service IMO e: Installation Maintenance Officer - e: Interim Management Office - e: International Management Organization I.M.O. / · Instruction Militaire Obligatoire IMOP e: Intelligence Master Objectives Program IMP e: Improved Military Rifle - e: Infantry Mine Project - e: Initial Military Program - e: Integrated Maintenance Plan - e: Interface Management Plan - e: International Missile Proliferation I.M.P. f: Ingénieurs Militaires des Poudres IMPA e: International Movement for Peace Action IMPACT e: Integrated Missile Procedure and Control Traîner IMPCM e: Improved Capability Missile IMPDS e: Improved Missile Point Defence System IMPEND Bomb e: Improved Effectiveness Nuclear Depth Bomb IMPG e: Instructional Materiel Plan and Guide IMR e: Improved Military Rifle - e: Insensitive Munition Requirements IMRA e: International Military Recreation Association IMRP e: Integrated Maintencance Requirements Plan IMRS e: Improved Munitions Requirements System IM-RSI e: International Military Rationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability IMS d: Internationaler Militärstab - e: Individual Mobility System - e: Interceptor Missile - e: International Military Services Ltd. [Ministry of Defence] - e: International Military Staff IMSC e: Industry Missile and Space Conference - e: International Military Sports Council

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IMSC&D e: Inventory Manager Stock Control and Distribution IMSCOM e: International Military Staff Communication IMSF e: Indian Marine Special Force IMSM e: International Military Staff Memorandum IMSOC e: Interceptor Missile Squadron Operations Center IMSR e: Improved Missile Site Radar IMSSCE e: Interceptor Missile Squadron and Supervisory Control Equipment IMSSS e: Interceptor Missile Squadron Supervisory Station IMSUM e: International Military Staff Summary IMSWM e: International Military Staff Working Memorandum IMT d: Internationales Militärtribunal - e: Infantry Military Training - e: Inspector of Mechanized Troops - e: International Military Trainer - e: International Military Tribunal I.M.T. e: Inspector of Mechanized Troops IMTA e: Intensive Military Training Area I.M.T.D. e: Inspectors of the Military Training Directorate IMTE e: International Military Tribunal for Europe IMTFE e: International Military Tribunal for the Far East IMTFJ e: International Military Tribunal for Japan I.M.T.S.S.A. / · Institut de Médecine Tropicale du Service de Santé des Armées IMTTP e: Insensitive Munitions Technology Transition Program IMV e: Infantry Mobility Vehicles IMVEC e: International Military Vehicle Engineering Consultants IMWA e: International Mine Water Association IN e: Indian Navy - e: Indian Navy - e: Italian Navy In d: Inspektion I.N. e: Indian Navy - i: Istituto Nautico INA d: Integrierte Navigationsanlage - e: Indian National Army - e: Inspector of Naval Aircraft - e: Integrated Navigation System - f: Infanterie Nord-Africaine Ina d: Infanterie-Nachrichten-Abteilung I.N.A. e: Institute of Naval Architects, London - f: Infanterie Nord-Africaine INAAP e: Indiana Army Ammunition Plant Inach d: Inspektion der Nachrichtentruppen Inachera d: Inspektion der NachrichtenErsatzabteilungen INACTFLTLANT e: Inactive Fleet, Atlantic Fleet INACTFLTPAC e: Inactive Fleet, Pacific Fleet INACTLANT e: Inactive Fleet, Atlantic Fleet INACTPAC e: Inactive Fleet, Pacific Fleet InAF e: Indian Air Force InArtTr d: Inspektion der Artillerietruppen INAS e: Inertial Navigation and Attack System INCA e: Integrated Navigation and Communicationfs], Automatic INCD e: International Convention to Combat Decertification

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Int Cor I N C O e: Instrumentation and Communication Officer INCP e: Inertial Navigation Control Panel INCREP e: Incident Report INDAS e: Integrated Navigation and Data Acquisition System Ind.Div. d: Infanterie-Division INDIGO e: Intelligence Division Gaming Operationfs] In. E.B. d: Inspektion des Erziehungs- und Bildungswesen InEBH d: Inspektion des Erziehungs- und Bildungswesens im Heer INEWAM e: Integrated Electronic Warfare Analysis and Modelling INEWS e: Integrated Electronic Warfare System INF e: Intermediate Nuclear Force - e: Intermediate Nuclear Forces Negotiations - e: Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces - e: International Nuclear Forces Inf.A. d: Infanterie-Abteilung Inf.Abt. d: Infanterie-Abteilung INFANT e: Iroquois Night Fighter and Night Tracker INFANTS e: Iroquois Night Fighter And Night Tracker System Inf Bat e: Infantry Battalion Inf.Batl. d: Infanterie-Bataillon I n f B d e e: Infantry Brigade Inf Bn e: Infantry Battalion Inf.Br. d: Infanterie-Brigade Inf.Brig. d: Infanterie-Brigade Inf Brig e: Infantry Brigade Inf.Btl. d: Infanterie-Bataillon Inf Div e: Infantry Division Inf.Ers.Btl. d: Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon In.Fest. d: Inspektion der Festungen Inf Fach Seh d: Infanteriefachschule Inf/KavOHs r: Infanteriets och Kavalleriets Officershögskola Inf.KoI. d: Infanteriekolonne In.Flak/LS. d: Inspektion der Flak und des Luftschutzes INFLO e: Integrated Flight Optimization Inf.Mil. /• Infirmières Militaires Inf.Mun.Kol. d: InfanterieMunitionskolonne Inf.Nsp. d: Infanterienachspitze INFNT e: Iroquois Night Fighter and Night Tracker Inf.N.Z. d: Infanterienachrichtenzug Inf.Of. d: Infanterie-Offizier InfoHs r: Infanteriets Officershögskola Info O e: Information Officer InfPrcht Regt e: Infantry Parachute Regiment Inf RC e: Infantry Reserve Corps Inf.Regt. d: Infanterieregiment Inf-Res e: Infantry Reserve Inf.Rgt. d: Infanterieregiment Inf.R.Zg. d: Infanterie-Reiterzug InfS d: Infanterieschule Inf.Sch. d: Infanterieschule Inf Sell e: Infantry School Inf.Sp. d: Infanteriespitze InfSS r: Infanteriskjutskolan InFilLw d: Inspektion Führungsdienste der Luftwaffe InFiiSBw d: Schule der Bundeswehr für Innere Führung InFilTr d: Inspektion der Führungstruppen Inf Zukunfts-Friedensforsch d: Information Zukunfts- und Friedensforschung Ing r: Ingenjörtrupper Ing Comb s: Ingeniería de combate Inginsp r: Inspektor för ingenjörtrupperna

IngKAS r: Ingenjörtruppernas Kadett-och Aspirantskola IngKS r: Ingenjörtruppernas Kadettskola f: Ingénieur militaire Ing.O. d: Ingenieuroffizier Ing.Offz.Anw. d: IngenieuroffizierAnwärter Ingos r: Ingenjörofficersskolan IngS r: Ingenjörtruppskolan Ing.Tr. d: Ingenieurtruppen Ingtrp r: Ingenjörtrupper Ing.u.DOS d: Ingenieur- und Deckoffizierschule Ing.u.DO.Sch. d: Ingenieur- und Deckoffizierschule INH e: Improved Nike Hercules [missile] InHFIaTr d: Inspektion der Heeresflugabwehrtruppe INH Missile e: Improved Nike Hercules Missile INICO s: Instrucción individual de combate InKpfTr d: Inspektion der Kampftruppen InKpfVbLw d: Inspektion Kampfverb In.L. e: Instructor-Lieutenant INLA e: Irish National Liberation Army INLAW e: Infantry laser weapon - e: Infantry Laser Weapon[s] In L-Cdr e: Instructor LieutenantCommander In.L.Cr, e: Instructor LieutenantCommander INM e: Inspector of Naval Material - e: Inspector of Naval Material [or Materiel] InMarA d: Inspektion im Marineamt InMarSanDst d: Inspektion Marine Sanitätsdienst InMarVers d: Inspektion Marine Versorgung InMarWa d: Inspektion Marine Waffen InMFii d: Inspektion der MarineFührungsdienste INMID e: Infantry Mid-Range Concepts and Force Design Study InMRiist d: Inspektion für Angelegenheiten der Marinerüstung InMSan d: Inspektion des MarineSanitätsdienstes InMVers d: Inspektion der Marineversorgung InMWa d: Inspektion der Marinewaffen InN e: Indian Navy Innis e: Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers Innis DG e: Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards 5 INNIS DG e: 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards INNL e: Improved non-nuclear LANCE I.N.O. e: Inspectorate of Naval Ordnance In O e: Intelligence Officer In.Ost. d: Inspektor der Landesbefestigung Ost InO/UAusb H d: Inspektion der Offizierund Unteroffizier-Ausbildung im Heer In.P. d: Inspektor des Personalprüfungswesens des Heeres InPiTr d: Inspektion der Pioniertruppen INS e: Indian Naval Ship I.N.S. e: Indian Naval Ship INS e: Indian Navy Ship - e: Institute of Nuclear Studies INSAIR e: Inspector of Naval Aircraft InSanTr d: Inspektion der Sanitätstruppe InScliT d: Inspektion Schiffstechnik INSCOM e: U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command INSCOM U.S. e: Army Intelligence & Security Command

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

INSCRUIT e: Inspector of Navy Recruiting and Naval Officer Procurement INSED f: Institut National Supérieur de Defense et de Desarmement INSGENLANTFLT e: Inspector General, Atlantic Fleet INSGENPAC e: Inspector General, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas INSHOREUNSEAWARDIV e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Division INSHOREIINSEAWARGRII e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Group INSHOREUNSEAWARSURV e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Surveillance Unit INSHOREIINSEAWARSURVU e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Surveillance Unit INSHORUNSEAWARGRU e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Group INSINSTR e: Inspector-Instructor, Naval Reserve In.S.L. e: Instructor Sub-Lieutenant INSMACH e: Inspector of [Naval] Machinery INSMAT e: Inspector of Naval Material INSMATPET e: Inspector of Naval Material Petroleum products INSMATPETMIDEASTAREA e: Inspector of Naval Material Petroleum products, Middle East Area INSORD e: Inspector of [Naval] Ordnance - e: Inspector of Ordnance INSORDINC e: Inspector of Ordnance in Charge INSP e: International Nuclear Safety Program Insp.d.Artl. d: Inspekteur der Artillerie Insp.d.Fest. d: Inspekteur der Festungen Insp.d.FI. d: Inspektion der Fliegertruppen INSPETRES e: Inspector of Petroleum Reserves InspizFJg d: Inspizient der Feldj InspM d: Inspekteur der Marine InspNavMat e: Inspector of Naval Materiel InspNavMedActy e: Inspector, Naval Medical Activity InspOff e: Inspecting Officer Insp of RF Arty e: Inspector of Royal Field Artillery INSS e: Institute for National Strategic Studies InstBtl d: Instandsetzungsbataillon INSTFUAASPERS e: For course of instruction and further assignment by Commander Naval Military Personnel Command InstRgt d: Instandsetzungsregiment Inst.R.N.V.R. e: Instructor of Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve INSURV e: Board of Inspection and Survey INSUWG e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Group INTAAS e: Integrated Aircraft Armament System INTAAW e: Integrated Air-to-Air Weapons INTACS e: Integrated Tactical Communications System INTASGRO e: Interallied Tactical Study Group INTC e: Intelligence Corps Int conciliation, e: International Conciliation. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Division of Intercourse and Education. New York Int Cor e: Intelligence Corps


INT CORPS INT CORPS e: Intelligence Corps INTELCENPAC e: Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas INTELCOM e: Intelligence Command INTEL DIV e: Intelligence Division, SHAPE INTELO e: Intelligence Officer Interarmco e: International Armament Corporation Interarms e: International Armament Corporation INTERDICT e: Interference Detection and Interdiction Countermeasures Team InterMilPol e: International Military Police Intl Cone, e: International Conciliation. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. New York Int.Mil. f: Intendance Militaire INTO e: Intelligence Officer Int organ, e: International Organization. World Peace Foundation. Boston INTPS e: Integrated Navigation & Tactical Plotting System INTREP e: Intelligence Report IntS r: Intendenturf InTTr d: Inspektion der Technischen Truppe Inttrp r: Intendenttrupper Int.Verw. d: Intendantur-Verwaltung INWAS e: Inertial Navigation and Weapons Attack System INWS e: Inertial Navigation and Weapon System - e: Interservice Nuclear Weapons School IO e: Identification Officer - e: Information Officer - e: Inspecting Officefr] - e: Inspection Officefr] - e: Intelligence Office[r] - e: Intercept Office[r] - e: Interpreter Officer IOB e: Information Officer Basic IOBC e: Infantry Officer Basic Course IOBC-RC e: Infrantry Officer Basic Cource-Reserve Component IOC η: Infanterie-Opleidingscentrum IOCC e: Infantry Officer Career Course IOCTL e: Indian Ocean Conventional Target List IOC2W e: Intelligence Operation/Command and Control Warfare IODMM e: International Office of Documentation on Military Medicine I.O.E. e: Inspectorate of Explosives IofA e: Inspector of Artillery I of A e: Instructor of Artillery I of CW e: Inspector of Chemical Warfare IOM e: Inert Operational Missile IOMMD e: International Office of Military Medicine Documentation IONDS e: Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System IOO e: Inspecting Ordnance Officer IOPZ e: Indian Ocean Zone of Peace IORA e: Intelligence Officer, Royal Artillery IOS e: Intelligence Operations Specialist - r: Infanteriofficersskola - r: Infanteriofficersskolan, Stockholm IOTC e: Infantry Officers Training Camp IOVSD n: Initiele opleiding officieren voor speciale dienste IP e: Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center - e: Industrial Participation [civil defense] - e: International Patrol - e: Item Peculiarity - s: Instrucción premilitar IPA e: International Peace Academy


I.P.A. /• Inspection des Parcs d'Automobiles IPAC e: International Peace Academy Committee IPACE e: Intelligence Plan Allied Command Europe IPACS e: Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies IP AR e: Improved Pulse Acquisition Radar IPB e: Intellignence Preparation of the Battlefield - e: International Peace Bureau IPC e: International Peace Campaign - e: Item Peculiarity [IP] Code I.P.C. e: Inspector of Pioneer Corps IPCAPR e: International Peace Conference on the Pacific and Asian Regions IPCC e: International Peace Communication and Coordination Center IPCCC e: International Peace, Communication and Coordination Center IPCS e: International Peace Corps Secretariat IPD e: Improved Point Defense IPDITAS e: Improved Point Defense/Target Acquisition System IPDMS e: Improved Point Defense Missile System - e: Integrated Point Defence Missile System IPDS e: Integrated Point Defense System IPDSMS e: Improved Point Defense Surface Missile System IPD/TAC e: Improved Point Defense/Target Acquisition IPD/TAS e: Improved Point Defense/Target Acquisition System IPDTAS e: Interim Point Defense Target Acquisition System IPEE e: International Peace, Economy and Ecology I.P.E.F.A. f: Instruction Provisoire sur l'Emploi des Forces Aériennes I.P.F. e: International Peace Force IPFA /• Inspection des Programmes et des Fabrications d'Armement I.P.F.A. f: Inspection Permanente des Fabrications d'Artillerie IPG d: Internationale Planungsgruppe [Luftverteidigung, Β, BRD, NL] - e: Induction Plasma Gun - e: International Planning Group [Belgium, Germany, Netherlands] IPIR e: Immediate Photographic Interpretation Report IPJ e: Institute for Peace and Justice IPKF e: Indian Peace Keeping Force IPKO e: International Information Centre on Peace-Keeping Operations IPM e: Inner Peace Movement - s: Instituto de Previsión Militar IPP e: Industrial Preparedness Program IPPNW e: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War IPPP e: Industrial Preparedness Production Planning [program] IPPRI e: International Peace Policy Research Institute IPR e: Institute for Peace Research - e: Interdepartmental Procurement Request IPRA e: International Peace Research Association IPRA Newsletter e: International Peace Research Newsletter IPRI e: Italian Peace Research Institute IPS e: Integral Rocket Ramjet I.P.S. e: International Peace Society

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I.P.S.A. /• Infirmière Parachutiste Secouriste de l'Armée de l'Air IPSC e: Information Processing Standards for Computers IPSHU e: Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University IPSP e: Intelligence Priorities for Strategic Planning IPSS e: Interactive Programming Support System IPT e: Infrared Plume Target IPTM e: Institute of Pathology and Tropical Medicine IPU e: International Peace University IPW e: Interrogation of Prisoners] of War IPWAF e: Initial Postwar Air Force I.P.W.C. e: Inspector of Prisoner of War Camps IPWR e: Institute of Post-War Reconstruction IqAF e: Iraqi Air Force I Qm GS e: Inspector of QuartermasterGeneral's Service IR d: Infanterie-Regiment - e: Illuminator Radar - e: Independent Research - e: Infantry Regiment - r: Infanteriregemente I&R e: Instrumentation and Range IRA e: Inspector of the Royal Artillery - e: Integrated RADOME [Radar Dome] Antenna - e: Intermediate Range Aircraft - e: Irish Republican Army I.R.A. e: Inspector of the Royal Artillery - e: Irish Republican Army IRAA&A e: Increase and Replacement of Armor, Armament and Ammunition IRAAM e: Improved Remote Area AntiArmor Mine - e: Intermediate Range Air-to-Air Missile IRACQ e: Infrared Acquisition Radar - e: Instrumentation Radar and Acquisition IRACQ Panel e: Instrumentation Radar and Acquisition Panel IRACQ Radar e: Infrared Acquisition Radar IRADDS e: Infrared Air Defense Detection System IrAF e: Iraqi Air Force I-RAMS e: Integrated Retractable Aircraft Munition System IRAS e: Integrated RADOME [Radar Dome] Antenna Structure - e: Intelligent Runway Attack Submunition - e: Interdiction Reconnaissance Attack System IRAWS e: Infrared Attack Weapon System IRBM e: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile IRC e: Indications Review Committee - e: Infrared Countermeasure[s] - e: Interservice Recruiting Committee I.R.C. e: Infantry Reserve Corps IRCCM e: Infrared Counter Countermeasure[s] IRCD e: Integrated Radar Communications Development IRCFE e: Infrared Communication Flight Experiment IRCM e: Infra-Red Countermeasures - e: Intermediate Range Cruise Missile I.R.C.S. e: Inspector of the Royal Corps of Signals IRD e: Interactive Report Definition IRDA e: Improved Respiratory Device for Air Crewmen

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ISPE IR&D/B&P e: Independent Research and Development/Bidding and Proposal IRDC e: Improved Radar Data Correlator IRDG e: Inter-Range Documentation Group [White Sands Missile Range] IRDISP e: International Research Institute for Disarmament, Development and Peace IRE Trans Mil Electron e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Military Electronics IRETS e: Infantry Remote Targeting System IREW e: Infrared Electronic Warfare IREWS e: Infra-Red Electronic Warfare System IR&G e: International Relations and Government IR-HVTA e: Infrared-High Value Target Acquisition IRI e: Integrated Range Instrumentation IRIAF e: Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force IRICBM e: Intermediate-Range Intercontinental Ballistic Missile IRIS e: Integrated Radar Imaging System - e: Inter-Range Instrumentation System Irish Sword, e: Irish Sword. Military History Society of Ireland. Dublin IRLR e: Infrared Laser Ranger IRM e: Integrated Range Missile IRMFSG e: Inter-Range Missile Flight Safety Group IRMGSG e: Inter-Range Missile Ground Safety Group IRMLA e: IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Militarv Electronics IRMP e: Industrial Readiness and Mobilization Production Planning - e: Interoperability Requirements Management Plan IR/MRBM e: IntermediateRange/Medium-Range Ballistic Missile IRMWS e: Infra-Red Missile Warning Subsystem programme IROR e: Improved Range-Only Radar IROT e: Infrared on Target IRP e: Interference Reporting Points IRPRL e: Initial Repair Parts Requirements List IRR e: Integral Rocket Ramjet - e: Irish Royal Rifles IRRAD e: Infrared Range and Detection IR-RAP e: Infra-Red/Radar Augmented Projectile Ir RC e: Irish Regiment of Canada IRRMP e: Infrared Radar Measurement Program IRRP e: Improved Rearming Rate Plan IRRSAM e: Integral Rocket Ramjet Surface-to-Air Missile IRR/SSM e: Integral rocket-ramjet surface-to-surface missile IRRTI e: Infrared Reconnaissance Target Imagery System IRRTS e: Infrared Resolution Target System IRRTTM e: Integral Rocket Ramjet Torpedo Tube Missile 1RS d: [Informations]recherche Sys - e: Improved Radar Simulator - e: Infrared Radar Suppressor - e: Instrumentation Radar Set - e: Instrumentation Radar System I&RS e: Instrumentation and Range Safety IRSD f: Institut Royal Supérieur de Defense IRSSTD e: Infrared Search and Target Designation System

IRSTD e: Infrared Search and Target Destination System IRSTDS e: Infra-red Surveillance and Target Designation System IRSTS e: Infrared search and tracking system IRT e: Imaging Radar Technology IRTC e: Infantry Replacement Training Center IRTD e: Infrared Target Detector IRZ d: Informations- und Rechenzentrum IS e: Defense Industrial Supply Center - e: Infantry School I.S. d: Infanterieschule - e: Intelligence Service I&S e: Interchangeability and Substitution ISA e: Indian School of Artillery - e: Institute of Strategic Affairs - r: Inspektor för Sjöartilleriet I.S.A. e: Indian School of Artillery IsAF e: Israeli Air Force ISAFP e: Intelligence Service at the Philippine Armed Forces I.S.A.P. / • Instruction des spécialistes aéroportés ISAS e: Integrated Smart Artillery Synthesis - e: Intelligent Shelter Attack Submunition ISBC e: Infantry Squad Battle Course - e: Interdepartmental Savings Bond Committee ISBIC e: Inter Service Balkan Intelligence Committee ISC e: Improved Submarine Communication - e: Indian Staff Corps - e: Inter-Service Sports Council - e: International Strategy Committee - e: Interservice Support Coordinator - e: Introduction to the Federal Supply Catalog - e: Item Standardization Code - / · Instruction Sociale et Culturelle I.S.C. e: Indian Staff Corps I.Sea. i: Intendenza di Scacchiere IScAF e: United States Air Force, Base Library, Scott AFB IScAF-A e: United States Air Force, Airlift Operations School, Scott Air Force Base IScAF-E e: United States Air Force, Environmental Technical Applications Center, Air Weather Service Technical Library, Scott Air Force Base ISCAM /• Institut Supérieur des Cadres Militaires ISCAS e: Integrated Submarine Communication Antenna System ISCAT e: Integration of Systems in the Combined Arms Team ISCIG e: Interservice Coordinating and Integrating Group ISCII e: International Standard Code for Information Interchange ISCOM e: Island Commander ISCOMADEIRA e: Island Commander Madeira ISCOM AZORES e: Island Commander Azores ISCOMAZORFS e: Island Commander Azores ISCOM BERMUDA e: Island Commander Bermuda ISCOMFAR e: Island Commander, The Faroes ISCOM FA ROES e: Island Commander Faroes ISCOMGREENLAND e: Island Commander Greenland

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ISCOMICE e: Island Commander, Iceland ISCOMICEIAND e: Island Commander Iceland ISCOMICELAND e: Island Commander Iceland I SCO [M] MAD EI RA e: Island Commander Madeira ISCS e: Information Services Control Section - e: Integrated Submarine Combat System - e: Integrated Submarine Communication System ISCSP2 e: Integrated Submarine Communications System Polaris - e: Integrated Submarine Communications System Polaris/Poseidon ISD e: Image Stabilization Device - e: Initial System Description - e: Initial System Design - e: Inspector of Submarine Defences - e: Integrated Strategic Defense ISDP e: Infantry Scout Dog Platoon ISDS e: Improved Self-Defense System - e: Infantry Self-Defense System ISDSMS e: Improved Self Defense Surface Missile System ISEA e: Inservice Engineering Agent ISF d: Institut für nukleare Sicherheitsforschung - e: Indian States Forces - e: Interim Security Facility ISFGW e: International Society of Friendship and Good Will ISG e: Instrumentation Support Group - e: Interchangeable and Substitute Group - e: Interservice Group ISGEUR e: Intelligence and Security Group, Europe ISH e: Interim Scout Helicopter ISHS e: Improved Spartan Homing Sensor ISHU e: Inter-Service Hovercraft Unit ISIB e: Inter-Services Ionosphere Bureau ISIC e: Immediate Superior in Command - e: Intelligence Support and Indications Center ISINC e: Immediate Superior in Command ISIP e: Information Systems Improvement Program ISIS e: Institute of Strategic and International Studies ISL e: Inactive Status List I S-L e: Instructor Sub-Lieutenant ISLS e: Interrogator Side Lobe Suppression ISM e: Improved Sensing Munition - e: Industrial Security Manual - e: Interim Surface Missile - e: Inverse Scan Modulation [Radar] ISMATS e: Integrated Supply, Maintenance, and Transportation Study ISMI i: Istituto Stato Maggiori Interforze ISMMS e: Integrated Stores Monitor and Management System ISMS e: Industrial Standards and Military Specifications - e: Integrated Stores Management Subsystem ISO e: Information Services Officer - e: Information Systems Office ISODARCO e: International School of Disarmament and Research on Conflicts ISPAF e: Intelligence Service of the Philippine Armed Forces ISPAS e: Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society ISPE e: Improved Sonar Processing Equipment


ISPEA ISPEA i: Ispettorato dell'Arma di Artiglieria ISPEABC i: Ispettorato per la difesa ABC ISPEALE i: Ufficio dell'Ispettore dell'Aviazione Leggera dell'Esercito ISPEFAC i: Ispettorato delle Armi di Fanteria e di Cavalleria ISPEG ì: Ispettorato dell'Arma del Genio ISPEL i: Ispettorato Logistico ISPET i: Ispettorato delle Trasmissioni ISPEVET i: Ispettorato Veterinario ISPN e: International Students Peace Network ISPR e: Intelligence Systems Program Review ISR e: Identification Safety Range - e: In-Service Recruiter - e: Incoherent Scatter Radar - e: Individual Soldier's Report - e: Industrial Security Regulations [Department of Defense] - e: Information Service Representative [Veterans Administration] I.S.R.B, e: Inter-Services Research Bureau ISRDB e: Incoherent Scatter Radar Data Base ISS e: Individual Studies School - e: Institute for Strategic Studies - e: Intermediate Service School - e: Interservice Supply Support ISSA e: International Strategic Studies Association I.S.S.B, e: Inter-Services Security Board ISSBN e: Improved Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine ISSC e: Inter-Service Sports Council - e: Inter-Service Supply Support Committee I&SSFR e: Investigation and Security Service Field and Representatives [Veterans Administration] ISS/ISG/ISW e: Information Systems Squadron/Group/Wing ISSM e: Interim Surface-to-Surface Missile ISSMC e: Interim Surface-to-Surface Missile Capability ISSMD e: Imaging Seeker Surface-toSurface Missile Demonstration ISSMS e: Interim Surface-to-Surface Missile System ISSO e: Institute of Strategic and Stability Operations ISSR e: Independent Secondary Surveillance Radar ISSRP e: Army INFOSEC Resource Program ISS/S. e: Survival. The Institute for Strategic Studies. London ISSSA e: International Society for Strategic Studies Africa ISSSC e: Interservice Supply Support Subcommittee ISSSM e: Imaging Seeker Surface-toSurface Missile ISSSMD e: Imaging Seeker Surface-toSurface Missile Demonstration ISSST e: Integrated Submarine Sonar Systems Technician ISST e: Infrared Surveillance of Surface Targets ISSTO e: Integrated Security Systems in a Theater of Operations ISSUP e: Institute for Strategic Studies, University of Pretoria ISSV d: Internationaler Schiffssicherheitsvertrag IST e: Initial Support Team ISTARS e: Integrated System Target Acquisition Reconnaissance Surveillance

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ISTARTLE e: Integrated Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar for Tank Location and Engagement ISTPW e: Impact Signature Training Practice Warhead ISTRA d: Integrale Staustrahlrakete ISIJ e: Italian Service Unit ISUAIC e: Intelligence School, United States Army Intelligence Center ISUM e: Intelligence Summary ISUS e: Integrated Sensor Underwater System ISUSAIC e.· Intelligence School, United States Army Intelligence Center ISW e: Integrated Strike Warfare - e: Intermediate Scale Warfare ISWO e: International Sponsorship of War Orphans ISWWG e: International Special Weapon Working Group IT e: Indian Troops - e: Inner targets - e: Instructional Technique IT3 e: Interactive Tactical Team Trainer ITAA f: Inspection Technique de l'Armée de l'Air ITAADS e.· Installation the Army Authorization Document System - e: Interim Target Acquisition and Designation Systems ITAAS e: Integrated Aircraft Armament System ITAC e: Integrated Tactical Aircraft Control - e: International Target Audience Code - f : Instruction Technique de l'Artillerie de Campagne ITACC e: Incremental Tactical Communications Capability ITACIES e: Interim Tactical Imagery Exploitation System ITACS e: Integrated Tactical Air Control System - e: Integrated Tactical Command System ITADS e: Integrated Tactical Air Control System ITAF e: Italian Air Force ITALD e: Improved Tactical AirLaunched Decoy ITAMVETS e: Italian American War Veterans of the United States ITAS e: Improved Tactical Attack System - e: Improved Target Acquisition System - e: Integrated Tactical Attack System - e: Integrated Tactical Avionics System - e: Integrated Target Acquisition System ITAV e: Individual Tactical Air Vehicle ITAWDS e: Integrated Tactical Amphibious Warfare Data System ITAWS e: Integrated Tactical Amphibious Warfare Data System ITC η: Intermachten Territoriaal Commando I.T.C. e: Infantry Training Centre I.T.C.A. e: Inspector of Training Corps and Cadets ITCM e: Integrated Tactical CounterMeasures I.T.C.R.M. e: Infantry Training CentreRoyal Marines ITCS e: Integrated Target Central System - e: Integrated Target Command System - e: Integrated Target Control System ITD e: Infrared Target Detector I.T.D.A. e: Indirect Target Damage Assessment ITDN e: Integrated Tactical Data Network ITDSS e: Intelligent Target Development Support System

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ITDU e: Infantry Trials and Development Unit - e: Infantry Trials and Development Unit, Warminster ITEG e: Individual Training Evaluation Group ITEM e: Interactive Tactical Engagement Model ITEMS e: Integrated Tactical Environment Modeling System - e: Interactive Tactical Environment Management System ITEWS e: Improved Tactical Electronic Warfare System - e: Integrated Tactical Electronic Warfare System - e: Interim Tactical Electronic Warfare System ITF e: Indian Territorial Force - e: Inian Territorial Force - e: Intelligence Terminal Family ITFCC e: Initial Tactical Flag Command Center ITM e: Interceptor Tactical Missile - s\ Ingeniero transmisiones militares I.T.M. / · Inspection Technique de la Marine ITNS e: Integrated Tactical Navigation System ITO e: Inspecting Torpedo Officer ITOW e: Improved TOW missile ITP d: Ingenieurtechnisches Personal - e: Integrated Test Plan - e: Integrated Training Plan ITRB e: Interservice Training Review Board ITRI e: Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute, Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque ITRO e: Interservice Training Review Organization ITS d: Ingenieurtechnische Sicherstellung [Lehrfach] - e: Integrated Target System ITSBVA f: Inspection Technique du Service Biologique et Vétérinaire de l'Armée ITSS e: Integrated Tactical Surveillance System - e: Integrated Target Sensor Suite ITT e: Individual Technical Training I.T.T.A. / • Inspection Technique des Télécommunications de l'Air ITÜ-NVA d: Inspektion der Technischen Überwachung-Nationale Volksarmee ITÜ-NVA Dresden d: Inspektion der Technischen Überwachung - Nationale Volksarmee Dresden ITUSAF e: Institute of Technology, United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base ITV e: Improved TOW [Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided [Weapon]] Vehicle - e: Independently Targeted Vehicle - e: Instrumented Target Vehicle ITVETS e: Improved TOW [Tubelaunched Optically tracked, Wire-guided [Weapon]] Vehicle Evasive Target Simulator ITVFTT e: Improved TOW Vehicle Field Tactical Trainer ITWA e: International Tug-of War Association ITWAA e: Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack ITW/AA e: Integrated Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment ITWC e: Inland Transport War Council

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JAEIC ITWG e: Interface Technical Working Group iu e: Israel-Syria Demilitarized Zones IUDS e: Independent Variable Depth Sonar I U K A D G E e: Improved United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment IUMDA e: Information Unit on Militarization and Demilitarization in Asia I U M M S e: Integrated Utilization Supply Movement/Materials Handling System IUS e: Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society IUW e: Inshore Undersea Warfare IUWC e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Craft I U W C C e: Inshore Undersea Warefare Control Center IUWD e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Division IUWG e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Group I U W G R U e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Group IUWSU e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Surveillance Unit IV n: Inspecteur van het vervoewezen i.V. d: in Vertretung IVA d: Instruktion über die Verwaltung der Armee im Aktivdienst - e: Intermediate Volatility Agent IVbdD n: Inspectie Verbindingsdienst IVCS e: Integrated Vehicle Communications System IVDS e: Independent Variable Depth Sonar [Sound Navigation and Ranging] IVFRC e: In Visual Flight Rules Conditions I.v.S. η: N.V.-Ingenieurskantoor voor Scheepsbouw, Den Haag IVSL d: Infrastrukturverbindungsstelle Luftwaffe IVSP e: International Voluntary Service for Peace I.V.St, d: Industrieversuchsstelle der Kriegsmarine IW e: Imperial Warlords - e: Individual Weapon - e: Information Warfare - e: Interdiction Weapon iw e: Israel-Jordan Demilitarized Zones I/WAC e: Interface/Weapon Aiming Computer IWALS e: Integrated Weapon And Loading Subsystem I W A R S e: Installation Worldwide Ammunitions Reporting System IWC e: Imperial War Cabinet - e: Individual Weapons Captured - e: Integrated Weapon Complex - e: Integrated Weapon Control IWCP e: Interim Weapon Control Panel IWCS e: Integrated Weapons Control System - e: Interceptor Weapon Control System IWCT e: International War Crimes Tribunal IWD e: Information Warfare Division - e: Integrated Weapons Display - e: Interactive Weapon Display IWDM e: Intermediate Water Depth Mine IWDS e: Integrated Weapons Delivery System IWESS e: Infantry Weapons Effects Simulation System IWF d: Internationale Weltfriedenspartei IWG d: Inspektion für Waffen und Ger - d: Inspektion für W a f f e n und Gerät IWGC e: Imperial War Graves Commission

I.W.G.C. e: Imperial War Graves Commission IWHSD e: Irish War Hospital Supply Depot IWIS e: Interceptor Weapons Instructor School IWM e: Imperial War Museum IWML e: Imperial War Museum Library Iw.Opt. d: Instandsetzungswerkstatt für optisches Ger IWP d: Internationale Weltfriedens Partei - e: Indo-West Pacific IWPS e: Institute of War and Peace Studies IWPIJ e: Interim Weapon Programming Unit I W R M e: Integrated Warfare Requirements Methodology IWRT e: Information Warfare Red Team IWS e: Improved Weapon System - e: Incapacitating Weapons System - e: Individual Weapon Scope - e: Individual Weapon Sight - e: Infra-red Weapon Sight - e: Instrument Workshop - e: Integrated Weapon System IWSD e: Integrated Weapon System Display IWSDB e: Integrated Weapon System Data Base I W S M e: Integrated Weapon Support Management - e: Integrated Weapon System Management I W S O e: Instructor Weapons System Officer IWSP e: Integrated Weapon Secret Panel IWSR e: Integrated Weapon System Representative - e: Integrated Weapon System Review IWSS e: Interim Weapon Support System IWST e: Individual Weapon System Training I.W.St.K. d: Italienische Waffenstillstandskommission IWT/MIL e: Working Group on Inland Water Transport, Military Sub-Group IWTS e: Individual Weapon Thermal Sight - e: Infantry Weapon Training System - e: Infantry Weapons Training Simulator I W V A e: International War Veterans Alliance IWWRD e: Inland Waterways Reconnaissance Device I W Y F e: International World Youth Friendship IXSS e: Unclassified Auxiliary Submarine - e: Unclassified Miscellaneous Submarine IX TAC e: 9th Air Force Tactical Air Command I.Y. e: Imperial Yeomanry IYAP e: Improve Your Army Program IYB e: Imperial Yeomanry Bearer Corps IYPD e: International Year for the Preparation of Disarmament IZ d: Instandsetzungszeit

J J e: Air Force Training Category - e: Field Test[ing Division] - e: Jian Fighter J - l e: personnel section of joint military staff J-2 e: Intelligence section of joint military staff J-3 e: operations and training section of joint military staff

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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J-4 e: logistics section of joint military staff J-5 e: Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate [Joint] J6 e: Director For Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems, Joint Staff J-6 e: Command, Control and Communications Systems Directorate J-8 e: Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate JA e: FRY Armed Forces - e: Joint Air Defense Operation Center - e: Judge Advocate - s: Jefatura de artillería - s: Jefe de artillería JAAC e: Joint Airlift Allocations Committee JAAF e: Japanese Army Air Force - e: Joint Action Armed Forces - e: Joint Army-Air Force JAAFAR e: Joint Army-Air Force Adjustment Regulations J A A F C T B e: Joint Army-Air Force Commercial Traffic Bulletin JAAFPC e: Joint Army-Air Force Procurement Circular J A A M R S e: Joint Air-to-Air Missile Requirement J A A O C e: Joint Antiaircraft Operation Center JAAP e: Joint Airborne Advance Party - e: Joliet Army Ammunition Plant JAART e: Joint Attack of Artillery JAAT e: Joint Air Attack Team J A A T T e: Joint Air Attack Team Tactics J A A W S e: Joint Anti-Armor Weapons System J A A W S C e: Joint Anti-Air Warfare Shore Co-ordination Network JAB e: Joint Amphibious Board J a bo d: Jagdbomber JaboG d: Jagdbombergeschwader JaboStff d: Jagdbomberstaffel JAC e: Joint Aircraft Committee JACC e: Joint Airborne Command Center - e: Joint Airborne Communications Center - e: Joint Alternate Command Center JACC/CP e: Joint Airborne Command Center/Command Post - e: Joint Airborne Communications Center/Command Post J A C C P e: Joint Airborne Communication and Command Post JACE e: Joint Allied Communications Element - s: Jefatura de artillería de cuerpo de ejército J A C K P O T e: Joint Airborne Communications Center and Command Post JACS e: JUMPS Army Coding System JAD s: Jefatura de artillería divisionaria JADB e: Joint Air Defense Board JADC e: Joint Administrative Committee - e: Joint Air Defence Centre JADDIN e: Joint Air Defence Digital Information System JADE e: Japan Area Defence Environment - e: Japanese Air Defense Environment JADF e: Japan Air Defense Force - e: Joint Air Defense Force JADIS e: Joint Air Defense Interoperability Study J A D O e: Joint Air Defense Operations JADO-JEZ e: Joint Air Defense Office/Joint Engagement Zone JAE s\ Jefatura de artillería de ejército JAEIC e: Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Center


JAEW JAEW e: Japanese Airborne Early Warning JAF e: Joint Armed Forces - e: Joint Attack Fighter - e: Jordanian Air Force J.A.F. e: Judge Advocate of the Fleet JAFB e: Johnson Air Force Base JAFC e: Junior Acting Field Captain JAFE e: Joint Advanced Fighter Engine JAFHRO e: Joint Armed Forces Housing Referral Office JAFNA e: Joint Air-Force NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] JAFNC e: Joint Air Force-Navy Committee JAFO e: Junior Acting Field Officer JAFPUB e: Joint Army-Air Force Publication JAFPubl e: Joint Armed Force Publication Jafii d: Jagdführer JAG e: JAG [JudgeAdvocateGeneral, US Air Force] Bulletin - e: Judge Advocate General JAG-A e: Judge Advocate General-Army JAGA e: Judge Advocate General, United States Army JAGAR e: Judge Advocate General Area Representatives JAGC e: Judge Advocate General's Corps JAGD e: Judge Advocate General's Division Jagdiv r: Jagardivision Jageri d: Jagdgeschwader Richthofen JAGJ e: JAG [Judge Advocate General, US Navy] Journal JAG Journal e: Judge Advocate General of the Navy. Journal JAGN e: Judge Advocate General of the Navy JAG-N e: Judge Advocate General of the Navy JAGOS e: Joint Air-Ground Operations Systems JAGS e: Joint Army-Air Force AirGround Study JAGT e: Judge Advocate General, United States Army JAKFORCE e: Jammu and Kashmir Force JAL e: Judge Advocate Library Department of the Navy JAM e: JUMPS [Joint Uniform Military Pay System] Action Memorandum JAMA e: Japan Air Materiel Area JAMAG e: Joint American Military Advisory Group - f: Groupe combiné des conseillers militaires américains JAMC e: Joint Amphibious Mine Countermeasures JAMMAT e: Joint American Military Mission for Aid to Turkey JAMOT e: Julie/Jesebel Airborne Maintenance Operator Training JAMPO e: Joint Allied Military Petroleum Office JAMPS e: JINTACCS [Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems] Automated Message Preparation System JAMTO e: Joint Airlines Military Traffic Office JAN e: Joint Army and Navy - e: Joint Army-Navy [Program] JANAC e: Joint Army-Navy Assessment Committee JANAF e: Joint Army-Navy-Air-Force JANAFPAC e: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force, Pacific General Message


JANAF Panel e: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Panel JANAIA e: Joint Army-Navy Aircraft Instrument Action JANAIC e: Joint Army-Navy Air Intentions-of-the-Enemy Council JANAIR e: Joint Army Navy Aircraft Instrumentation] Research JANALP e: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Logistics Policy - e: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Logistics Publication JANAP e: Joint Army-Navy Acceptance Procedures - e: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Procedure - e: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication^] JANARS e: Joint Army-Navy-Air-Force Radiotelephone System JANAST e: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Sea Transportation JANAST Message e: Joint Army-NavyAir-Force Sea Transportation Message JANBMC e: Joint Army-Navy Ballistic Missile Committee JANC e: Junior Army and Navy Club JANCOM e: Joint Army-Navy Communications JANCWR e: Joint Army and Navy Committee on Welfare and Recreation JANE e: Joint Air Force-Navy Experiment JANET e: Joint Army-Navy Experimental and Testing Board JANF e: Joint Army-Navy Facility - e: Joint Army-Navy Function JANGO e: Junior Army-Navy Guild Organization JANGRID e: Joint Army-Navy Grid System JANIC e: Joint Army-Navy Information Center JANIS e: Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies - e: Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Surveys JANMAT e: Joint Army-Navy Machine Tools Committee - e: Joint Army-Navy Material JANMB e: Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board JANNAF e: Joint Army, Navy, NASA, and Air Force JANNAF-IPC e: Joint Army-NavyNASA-Air Force Interagency Propulsion Committee JANNVSA e: Joint Army-Navy War Shipping Administration JANOT e: Joint Army-Navy Ocean Terminal JANP e: Joint Army-Navy Procedure - e: Joint Army-Navy Publication JANPPA e: Joint Army-Navy Petroleum Purchase Agency JANS e: Joint Army-Navy Specification^] JAN Spec e: Joint Army-Navy Specification^] JANSTD e: Joint Army-Navy Standard JANTAB e: Joint Army and Navy Technical Aeronautical Board JANTB e: Joint Army-Navy Technical Board JANTX e: Joint Army-Navy Tested Extra JANUS e: Joint Army-Navy Uniform Simulation JANWSA e: Joint Army-Navy War Shipping Administration Japanese MT e: Japanese Military Technology. Procedures for Transfers to the United States JAPC e: Joint Air Photo Center

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JAPIB e: Joint Air Photographic Intelligence Board JAPIC e: Joint Air Photo Interpretation Center - e: Joint Air Photographic Intelligence Centre JAPIII e: Joint Air Photo Interpretation Unit JAPS e: Joint Administrative Planning Staff JAPSS e: Joint Automated Planning Support System [JOPS] JAR-AWO e: Joint Aviation Requirements on All Weather Operations JARCC e: Joint Air Reconnaissance Coordination Center JARIB e: Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Board JARIC e: Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre JARIV e: Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre JAS e: Joint Antisubmarine School JASA e: Joint Advanced Strike Aircraft - e: Joint Antisubmarine Action JASAR e: Jittered and Swept Active Radar JASASA e: Joint Air-Surface Antisubmarine Action JASCO e: Joint assault signal company JASDF e: Japan[ese] Air Self-Defence [or Defense] Force JASS e: Joint Anti-Submarine School - e: JUMPS [Joint Uniform Military Pay System] Automated Support System JASS-AC e: JUMPS [Joint Uniform Military Pay System] Automated Supplemental System-Active Component JASSM e: Joint Air to Surface Stand-off Missile JASS-RC e: JUMPS [Joint Uniform Military Pay System] Automated Support System-Reserve Corps Jasta d: Jagdstaffel JATCC e: Joint Air Traffic Control Center JATCCCP e: Joint Advanced Tactical Command, Control and Communications Program JATCCCS e: Joint Advanced Tactical Command, Control, and Communications System JATCRU e: Joint Air Traffic Control Radar Unit JATF e: Joint Amphibious Task Force JATFC e: Joint Amphibious Task Force Commander JATFOR e: Joint Amphibious Task Force JATM e: Joint Antitactical Missile System JATO s\ Jefatura de artillería del teatro de operaciones JATOP e: Army Topographic Service JATT e: Joint Air Attack Team J Aus War M e: Journal. Australian War Memorial JAW e: Joint Analytic Warfare JAWG e: Joint Atomic Demolition Munitions Working Group JAWPB e: Joint Atomic Weapons Publications Board JAWPM e: Joint Atomic Weapons Planning Manual JAWPS e: Joint Atomic Weapons Publications System JAWS e: Jamming and Warning System - e: Joint AAR Warfighting System - e: Joint Advanced Weapons System - e: Joint Air Force Systems Command War Game System - e: Joint Area Weapon Systems - e: Joint Attack Weapon System

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JLF J A W S A T e: Joint Air Force-Weber State College Satellite JB d: Jagdbombenflugzeug - e: Joint Army-Navy Board jb N: j a g e r b o m b e f l y JBD d: Jagdbomberfliegerdivision J B D A A F E S e: Joint Board of Directors, Army-Air Force Exchange Service JBFK d: Jagdbomberfliegerkräfte J B F S A W e: Joint Board on Future Storage of Atomic Weapons JBG d: Jagdbomberfliegergeschwader - d: Jagdbombergeschwader JB MoU e: Joint Ballistic MoU J B M T O e: Joint Bus Military Traffic Office JBN s\ Jefe de la base naval JBS e: Jagdbomberfliegerstaffel JB Subm s: Jefe de la base de submarinos JBIISDC e: Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission J B U S M C e: Joint Brazil-United States Military Commission J C A A D e: Joint Counter Air/Air Defense JCADIS e: Joint Continental Aerospace Defense Integration Staff J C A F B e: James Connally Air Force Base J C C F E e: Joint Coordination Center, Far East J C 3 C M e: Joint Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures JCCR e: Joint Command and Control Requirements JCCRG e: Joint Command and Control Requirements Group JCCSC e: Joint Command and Control Standards Committee JCDSG e: Joint Civil Defense Support Group JCDSIPS e: Joint Continental Defense Systems Integration Planning Staff J C E A G e: Joint Civilian Employee Advisory Group J C E C e: Joint CommunicationsElectronics Committee J C E C P A C e: Joint CommunicationsElectronics Committee, Pacific JCEG e: Joint Concepts and Evaluation Group JCEW e: Joint Communications Electronic Warfare Simulation J C E W S e: Joint Command, Control and Electronic Warfare School - e: Joint Commanders Electronic Warfare Staff JCG e: Joint Commanders Group - e: Joint Coordinating Group J C G R O e: Joint Central Graves Registration Office JCIEABJ e: Joint Commission for the Investigation of the Effects of the Atomic Bomb in Japan J Civ D e: Journal of Civil Defense J C M P O e: Joint Cruise Missile Program - e: Joint Cruise Missile Project Office JCNAAF e: Joint Canadian Navy-ArmyAir Force JCNAF e: Joint Canadian Navy-Army-Air Force JCOC e: Joint Combat Operations Center - e: Joint Command Operations Center JCOCG e: Joint Cadre Operation Control Group JCQD e: Jersey City Quartermaster Depot JCS e: Joint Chiefs of Staff JCS-ACA e: Joint Chiefs of StaffAutomatic Conference Arranger JCS-IDTN e: Joint Chiefs of Staff Interim Data Transmission Network

JCSO e: Joint Chiefs of Staff Organization JCSRG e: Joint Chiefs of Staff Requirements Group JCSS e: Jaffee Centre for Strategic Studies JCTV e: Joint Committee on Tactical Vehicles J C 2 W C e: Joint Command and Control Warfare Center JCWG e: Joint Checklist Working Group J C W T S e: Journal. Civil War Token Society JD d: Jagdfliegerdivision - d: Jägerdivision JDA e: Japan Defence Agency - e: Japan Defense Agency - e: Joint Defense Appeal JDAM e: Joint Deep Area Munitions - e: Joint Direct Attack Munition[s] JDC e: Joint Deployment Community JDCS e: Joint Deputy Chiefs of Staff JDF e: Jamaica Defence Force JDFAA e: Japanese Defense Facilities Administration Agency JDFCG e: Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard JDIS e: Joint Defense/Deployable Intelligence Support - e: Joint Defense Imagery Support JDISS e: Joint Defense Intelligence Support System Jdiv r: Jaktdivision JDL e: Joint Directors of Laboratories JDPC e: Joint Defense Production Committee JDS e: Joint Defense Staff JDSC e: Junior Division Staff College JDSCS e: Joint Defense Space Communications Station JDSFA e: Japan Self-Defense Forces Academy JDT e: Joint Design Team J E A D F e: Joint Eastern Air Defence Force - e: Joint Eastern Air Defense Force JEB e: Joint Economy Board [ArmyNavy] JECEWSI e: Joint Electronic Combat Electronic Warfare Simulation J E C M O S e: Joint Electronic Countermeasures Operation Section - e: Joint Electronic Countermeasures Operation System JEEP e: General Purpose Military Utility Vehicle - e: Joint Effort Evaluation Program - e: Joint Environmental Effects Program JEF e: Joint Expeditionary Force J.E.F. e: Jewish Expeditionary Force - e: Joint Expeditionary Force JEHU e: Joint Experimental Helicopter Unit JEIT e: Joint Equipment Identification Team JEKUP-Satz d: Spezialwerkzeugsatz JEPAP e: Joint Emergency Personnel Augmentation Plan JESS-TACSIM e: Joint Exercise Simulation System-Tactical Simulation JEST e: Jungle Environmental Survival Training - e: Jungle Environmental Survival Training School JEW e: Joint Electronic Warfare J E W C e: Joint Electronic Warfare Center J E W O C e: Joint Electronic Warfare Orientation Course J E W S O C e: Joint Electronic Warfare Staff Officer Course JF e: Jet Fighter

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JFAAD e: Joint Forward-Area Air Defense J F A A D S e: Joint Forward-Area Air Defense System J F A C C e: Joint Forces Air Component Commander JFACSU e: Joint Forward Air Controllers Training and Standards Unit JFC e: Joint Forces Commander JFCC e: Joint Force Fires Coordinator JFC-E e: Joint Force Command[er]-East JFC-N e: Joint Force Command[er]-North JFFSC e: Joint Force Fire Support Coordinator JFHQ e: Joint Forces Headquarters JFI e: Joint Force Integrator JFIDS e: J-5 Force Structure Information Display System JFITL e: Joint Force Integrator Task List JFK d: Jagdfliegerkräfte J F K C T R M A e: John F. Kennedy Center for Military Assistance JFLC e: Joint Force Land Component JFLCC e: Joint Forces Land Component Commander JFN s: Jefe de las fuerzas navales JFP e: Joint Frequency Panel JFPH e: J U M P S [Joint Uniform Military Pay System] Field Procedures Handbook JFSC e: Joint Forces Staff College JFSOCC e: Joint Force[s] Special Operations Component Commander JFSS e: Joint Force Signal Staff JFUB e: Joint Facilities Utilization Board JG d: Jagd[flieger]geschwader - d: Jagdgeschwader J Gpo Art s: Jefe de grupo de artillería J G R U C O s: Jefe de grupo de combate JGS e: Joint General Staff [Vietnam] JGSDF e: Japanese Ground Self Defense Forces J G W T C e: Jungle and Guerilla Warfare Training Center JHC e: Joint High Command JIB e: Joint Intelligence Bureau JIC e: Joint Industrial Company - e: Joint Intelligence Committee JICC e: Joint Interservice Coordinating Committee JICEFA s: Junta de Investigaciones Científicas de la Fuerzas Armadas Argentina J I C M B e: Joint Interface Configuration Management Board JID s: Jefe de infantería divisionaria JIdeD e: Inter-American Defense Board - s: Junta Interamericana de Defensa e: Inter-American Defense Board JIG e: Joint Intelligence Group JINGD s: Jefatura de ingenieros divisionarios J Inst Def Stud Anal e: Journal. Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses JINTACCS e: Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control System JISC e: Joint Implementation Steering Committee JKLF e: Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front J K M A D e: Journal Korea Military Academy J Korea Mil Acad e: Journal. Korea Military Academy JLC e: Japan Logistical Command - e: Joint Logistics Command - e: Joint Logistics C o m m a n d e r s ] - e: Joint Logistics Committee JLCC e: Joint Logistic Co-ordination Centre JLF e: Joint Landing Force


JLFB JLFB e: Joint Landing Force Board JLO d: Jägerleitoffizier JLPG e: Joint Logistics Plans Group JLPPG e: Joint Logistics and Personnel Policy Guidance JLRB e: Joint Logistics Review Board JLRPG e: Joint Long-Range Proving Ground JLRSA e: Joint Long-Range Strategic Appraisal - e: Joint Long-Range Strategic Assessment JLRSE e: Joint Long-Range Strategic Estimatefs] JLRSS e: Joint Long-Range Strategic Study JLST e: Joint Laser Safety Team JM s\ Justicia militar JMA e: Japanese Military Administration - e: Junior Military Aviator JMAAD e: Joint Military Assistance Affairs Division JMAC e: Joint Munitions Allocation Committee JMAHEP e: Joint Military Aircraft Hurricane Evacuation Plan JMC e: Joint Management Committee - e: Joint Maritime Course - e: Joint Military Commission JMCC e: Joint Manoeuvre Control Command - e: Joint Message Co-ordinating Centre - e: Joint Mobile Command Capability JMCIS e: Joint Maritime Command Information System JMCOL e: JUMPS [Joint Uniform Military Payment System] Monthly Compute Output Listing JMD e: Japan Medical Depot JMDC e: Joint Message Distribution Centre JMDR e: Journal of Missile Defense Research J Med Vet Mil f: Journal de Medecine Veterinaire Militaire JMEM e: Joint Munitions Effects Manual JMEM/AS e: Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manuals, Air-to-Surface JMEM-SO e: Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual-Special Operations JMEMTF e: Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual Task Force JMG e: Joint Meteorological Group - e: Joint Monitoring Group [of the Oslo and Paris Commissions] J. Mil. Serv. Inst, e: Journal of the Military Institution J Mil Soc e: Journal of Political and Military Sociology. JMMAT e: Joint Military Mission for Aid to Turkey JMMC e: Joint Military Medical Command - e: Joint Military Monitoring Committee JMNA e: Joint Military Net Assessment JMPA e: Joint Military Passenger Equalization Agreement JMPAB e: Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board JMPC e: Joint Military Procurements Control JMPIC e: Joint Military Packaging Training Center JMPP e: Joint Munitions Production Panel JMPT e: Joint Military Potential Test JMPTC e: Joint Military Packaging Training Center JMRO e: Joint Military Regulating Office JMSDF e: Japanese Maritime SelfDefense Force - e: Japanese Military Self-Defense Force


JMTB e: Joint Military Transportation Board JMTC e: Joint Military Transportation Committee JMTG e: Joint Military Task Group - e: Joint Military Terminology Group - e: Joint Missile Task Group JMUSDC e: Joint Mexico-United States Defense Commission JMVB e: Joint Merchant Vessels Board JNCA e: Junior Naval Cadets of America jni e: jamming radar coverage indicator Jnl Inst Armament Stud e: Journal. Institute of Armament Studies [Poona, India] JNRC e: Joint Nuclear Research Center JNRI e: Joint Nuclear Research Institute JNW e: Joint Committee on New Weapons and Equipment - e: Joint Nuclear Research Institute JNWÖC e: Joint Warfare Operations Center JNWPS e: Joint Nuclear Weapons Publication Systems JOCARG e: Joint Wideband Circuit Allocation and Requirement Group, Thailand JOCC e: Joint Operations Command Centre JOCG e: Joint Ordnance Commanders Group JOCOTAS e: Joint Committee on Tactical Shelters JOD e: Joint Operations Division JOG e: Joint Operations Group JOINTCINCEASTLANT e: Commanderin-Chief Eastern Atlantic Area, Air Commander-in-Chief Eastern Atlantic Area JOINT STARS e: Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System JOMA e: Journal of Military Assistance JOOD e: Junior Officer of the Deck JOOW e: Junior Officer of the Watch JOP e: Junior Officer Pilot JORAC e: Joint Operations Radar Airspace Control JORITDS e: Joint Optical Range Instrumentation Type Designation System JOSDEPS e: Joint Strategic Defense Concept Plan JOTS e: Joint Operational Tactical System JOTS II e: Joint Operational Tactical System Version II JOTT e: Junior Officer Tactics Team jourjagdiv r: jourjagardivision jourubdiv r: jourubâtsdivision JPB e: Joint Procurement Board JPCC e: Joint Pacifc Command Control Network J Pee Sci e: Journal of Peace Science JPCG/D1MM e: Joint Policy Coordinating Group on Defense Integrated Materiel Management J Peace Res. e: Journal of Peace Research. International Peace Research Institute. Oslo J Peace Res[rch] e: Journal of Peace Research JPF e: Jewish Peace Fellowship JPM s: Jefe de la policía militar JPO e: Joint Program Office J Polfit] [and] Mil[itaryl [Sociol] e: Journal of Political and Military Soriology J Polit Mil Sociol. e: Journal of Political & Military Sociology. Northern Illinois Univ., Dept. of Sociology. DeKalb JPPSOWA e: Joint Personal Property Shipping Office, Washington, DC

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JPR. e: Journal of Peace Research. Edited at the International Peace Research Institute. Universitetforlaget. Oslo JPRC e: Joint Personnel Recovery Center JPS e: Joint Planning Staff JPTO e: Jet-Propelled Take-Off JPV e: Japan Peace Volunteers JP VOICE e: Joint Pacific Command Control Voice Network JPWC e: Joint Postwar Committee JP-X e: Jet-Propellant rocket fuel JQD e: Jeffersonville Quartermaster Depot JRA e: Japanese Red Army JRAMA e: Journal. Royal Army Medical Corps J R Army Med Corps e: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps J R Army Vet Corps e: Journal. Royal Army Veterinary Corps JRATA e: Joint Research and Test Agency JRB e: Joint Reconnaissance Board JRC e: Joint Reconnaissance Center JRCC e: Joint Rescue Coordination Center JRCI e: Jamming Radar Coverage Indicator Jrl Def&D e: Journal of Defense and Diplomacy JRM se: Jugosloveska Ratna Mornarica JRMTO e: Joint Rail Military Traffic Office J R Nav Med Serv e: Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service [Alverstoke] JRNMA e: Journal. Royal Naval Medical Service JROTC e: Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps J Royal Military College Aust e: Journal. Royal Military College of Australia J Roy Artil e: Journal of the Royal Artillery J Roy Arty e: Journal of the Royal Artillery JRPG e: Joint Radar Planning Group Jrr r: Jaktledningsradar JRTOC e: Joint Rear Tactical Operations Center JS e: Joint Staff JSAC e: Jet Strategic Airlift Capability - e: Joint State Area Command - e: Joint Strategy and Action Committee JSACT e: Jet Stream AntiCountermeasure[s] Trainer - e: Joint Strategic Air Control Team JSARC e: Joint Search and Rescue Center JSASWE e: Joint Services AntiSubmarine Warfare Establishment JSATC e: Joint Service Air Trooping Centre JSAWC e: Joint Services Amphibious Warfare Centre JSBS e: Joint Strategic Bomber Study JSC e: Joint Service Committee - e: Joint Staff Council - e: Joint Strategic Capablities - e: Joint Strategic Committee JSCCB e: Joint Services Configuration Control Board JSCERDCG e: Joint Service Civil Engineering Research and Development Coordination Group JSCM e: Joint Service Commendation Medal JSCMPO e: Joint Service Cruise Missile Program Office JSCO e: Joint Staff Communications Office JSCP e: Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan

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JUSMAG JSCS e: Joint Strategic Connectivity Staff JSDA e: Japanese Self Defense Agency JSDF e: Japan Self Defense Force - e: Japanese Self-Defense Forces JSDFA e: Japan Self Defence Force Agency - e: Japan Self-Defense Forces Academy JSDOP e: Joint Strategic Defense Operations Plan J-SEAD e: Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses JSESPO e: Joint Surface-Effect Ship Program Office JSF e: Joint Strike Fighter JSGMRAM e: Joint Study Group on Military Resources Allocation Methodology JSGOMRAM e: Joint Study Group on Military Resources Allocation Methodology JSG/TCCS e: Joint Standardization Group for Tactical Communications and Control Systems JSI n: Chef van de Divisie Infrastructuur - n: Divisie Infrastructuur JSIID e: Joint Service Interior Intrusion Detection Devices JSIIDS e: Joint Service Interior Intrusion Detection System JSIPS e: Joint Services Imagery Processing System - e: Joint Strategic Integration Planning Staff JSLGWCM e: Joint Services LaserGuided Weapons Countermeasures JSM e: Joint Staff Mission JSMB e: Joint Sealift Movements Board JSMUG-K e: Joint US Military Affairs Group, Korea JSNPE e: Joint Strategic Nuclear Planning Element JSOACC e: Joint special operations air component commander JSOC e: Joint Strategic Operations Command J Soc Army Hist Res e: Journal. Society for Army Historical Research JSOF e: Joint Special Operations Force JSOP e: Joint Strategic Objectives Plan JSOR e: Joint Services Operational Requirement JSOTF e: Joint special operations task force JSOW e: Joint Stand-Off Weapon JSP e: Joint Strategic Planning JSPC e: Joint Sobe Processing Center - e: Joint Strategic Plans Committee JSPD e: Joint Strategic Planning Document JSPDSA e: Joint Strategic Planning Document Supporting Analyses JSPG e: Joint Strategic Plans Group JSPMRC e: Joint Service Program Management Review Committee JSPOG e: Joint Strategic Plans and Operations Group JSPS e: Joint Strategic Planning System JSRP e: Joint Services Reading Panel JSRT e: Joint Short-Range Technology JSSA e: Joint Stealth Strike Aircraft JSSAM e: Joint Service Small Arms Management Committee JSSAP e: Joint Service Small Arms Panel - e: Joint Service Small Arms Program JSSC e: Joint Strategic Service Committee - e: Joint Strategic Survey Committee - e: Joint Strategic Survey Council JSSL e: Joint Services School of Linguists JSSM e: Joint Services Staff Manual JSST e: Joint Stealthy Strike Fighter

JSTARS e: Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System - e: Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Reconnaissance System JSTASM e: Joint Surveillance/Target Attack Radar System Ground Station Module JSTPA e: Joint Strategic Target Planning Agency JSTPS e: Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff JSTR e: Joinl Systematic Troop Review J.S.T.U. e: Joint Services Trials Unit JSWDL e: Joint Services Weapon Data Link JSWPB e: Joint Special Weapons Publications Board JTA e: Joint Tactical Air JTACC e: Joint Tactical Air Control Center JTACM e: Joint Tactical Missile JTACMIS-A e: Joint Tactical Missile System-Army JTACMS e: Joint Tactical Cruise Missile System JTACMS-A e: Joint Tactical Missile System-Army JTAD e: Joint Theater Air Defense JTAGS e: Joint Tactical Ground Station - e: Joint Tactical Ground System JTAO e: Joint Tactical Air Operations JTARS e: Joint Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance/Surveillance JTARS MISREP e: Joinl Tactical Aerial Reconnaissanee/Surveillance Mission Report JTASB e: Joint Tactical Air Support Board JTAWG e: Joint Targeting and Weapon Guidance JTB e: Joint Targeting Board - e: Joint Transportation Board JTC e: Joint Tactical Centre - e: Joint Targeting Coordination - e: Joint Telecommunications Committee JTC2 e: Joint Tactical Command and Control JTC3A e: Joint Tactical Command, Control and Communications Agency JTCB e: Joint targeting coordination board JTCCCS e: Joint Tactical Command Control and Communications System JTC3-CDBS e: Joint Tactical Command, Control and Communications-Central Data Base System JTCCG e: Joint Technical Configuration Control Group JTCCS e: Joint Tactical Command and Control and Communications System JTCG e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group JTCG[/|ALNNO e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Air Launched Non-Nuclear Ordnance JTCGAS e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Aircraft Survivability JTCG-DLA e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Data Link Acquisitions JTCG-DMI e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Depot Maintenance Interservicing JTCG/EW e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Electronic Warfare JTCG/MD e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Development

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JTCG/ME e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness JTCG/MS e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group on Munitions Survivability JTCGP e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group JTCGP/ME e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness JTCGP-TACS e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Tactical Air Control System JTCTS e: Joint Tactical Combat Training System JTD s: Jefe de transmisiones de la división JTDARMVAL e: Joint Test Directorate Advanced Antiarmor Vehicle Evaluation JTE e: Jamming Tactics Evaluation - e: Joint Targeting Enhancements JTETF e: Joint Test and Evaluatioon Task Force JTF e: Joint Task Force JTF-A e: Joint Task Force-Alaska JTFAK e: Joint Task Force Alaska JTF-AL e: Joint Task Force-Aleutians JTFC e: Joint Task Force Commander JTFEX e: Joint Task Force Exercise JTFHQ e: Joint Task Force Headquarters JTF/LOCE e: Joint Tactical Division/Limited Operational Capability Europe JTFME e: Joint Task Force, Middle East JTFOA e: Joint Task Force Operating Area JTFPMO e: Joint Tactical Fusion Program Management Office JTFREP e: Joint Task Force Report JTG e: Joint Task Group JTIDS e: Joint Tactical Information Distribution System - e: Joint Tactical Integrated Display System JTIG e: Joint Target Intelligence Group JTL e: Joint Target List JTMB e: Joint Transportation Movements Board JTMD e: Joint Theater Missile Defense JTOC e: Joint Tactical Operations Center JTS e: Joint Training Squadron JTSA e: Joint Tactical Support Activity JTSB e: Joint Target Selection Board JTT e: Joint Tactical Terminal JU1V1 s: Jefe de la unidad militar JUMPS e: Joint Uniform Military Pay Service - e: Joint Uniform Military Pay System JUMPS/MMS e: Joint Uniform Military Pay System/Manpower Management System JUMPS-RC e: Joint Uniform Military Pay System-Reserve Components JUM-RC e: Joint Uniform Military Pay System-Reserve Components J US Artillery e: Journal. United States Artillery JUSCADS e: Joint US-Canada Air Defense Study JUSCANZ e: Japan, United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand J-U.S. FC e: Japan-United States Friendship Commission JUSMAAG e: Joint United States Military Assistance Advisory Group JUSMAG e: Joint United States Military Advisory Group - e: Joint United States Military Aid Group to Greece


JUSMAGG J U S M A G G e: Joint United States Military Aid Group Greece J U S M A G P H I L e: Joint United States Military Advisory Group to the Republic of the Philippines J U S M A G P H L e: Joint United States Military Advisory Group to the Republic of the Philippines J U S M A G T H A I e: Joint United States Military Assistance Group, Thailand JUSMAGTHAI e: Joint United States Military Assistance Group Thailand J U S M A P e: Joint United States Military Advisory and Planning Group J U S M A T e: Joint United States Military Assistance, Turkey J U S M G e: Joint United States Military Group JUSMG[P] e: Joint United States Military Group J U S M G P e: Joint United States Military Group J U S M M A T e: Joint United States Military Mission for Aid to Turkey JUSSC e: Joint United States Strategic Committee J U S S C A N N Z e: Japan, the United States, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Norway and New Zealand J U W e: Joint Unconventional Warfare J U W A T e: Joint Unconventional Warfare Assessment Team J U W C e: Joint Unconventional Warfare Command J U W T F e: Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force JUWTFA e: Joint Unconvential Warfare Task Force, Atlantic J U W T F P e: Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Pacific Jvglvto r: Järnvägsluftvärnstrupp JVX e: Joint Service Vertical-Lift Aircraft, Experimental - e: Joint Vertical Lift Aircraft, Experimental JW e: Jamming War J.W. d: Jugendwehr J W A D F e: Joint Western Air Defense Force J W A R S e: Joint Warfare Simulation - e: Joint Warfare System JWC e: Joint Warfare Center - e: Joint Warfare Committee - e: Jungle Warfare Course JWCA e: Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment JWE e: Joint Warfare Establishment JWFC e: Joint Warfighting Center J W G A e: Joint War Games Agency J W G C G e: Joint War Games Control Group JWICA e: Joint Warfighter Capabilities Assessment JWID e: Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration JWL e: Joint Littoral Warfare J W L O e: Joint Warfare Liaison Officer JWPC e: Joint War Plans Committee - e: Joint War Production Committee J W P N N e: Jobs with Peace National Network JWPS e: Joint War Production Staff JWR e: Joint War Room JWRA e: Joint War Room Annex J.W.R.V. e: Jewish War Relief Volunteers JWS e: Joint Warfare Staff JWS/TD e: Jungle Warfare School Trial and Development Wing JWT e: Jungle Warfare Training JWTC e: Jungle Warfare Training Center


J W T D C e: Joint Warfare Tactical Doctrine Committee JWV e: Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America

Κ Κ d: Kanonenboot - d: Kommandeur - d: Kompanie - d: Konmmandeur - d: Korps - d: Marinekonstruktionsamt - e: King's Regiment [Liverpool] - e: Krupp Gun K. a: Kommandor - d: Kommandant Κ- d: KleinkaliberKA A': Kystartilleri - d: Küstenartillerie - r: Kustartilleriet Ka d: Kanzlei [Reichskriegsministerium] Κ.A. d: Kraftfahrabteilung - d: Kriegsakademie - d: Kriegsamt - r: Krigsarkivet K A A P e: Kansas Army Ammunition Plant K A B Ν: Kystartilleriets Befalsskole Kabat r\ Kustartilleribataljon Kabatt r: Kustartilleribatteri Kabrig r: Kustartilleribrigad Kabrigo r: Kustartilleribrigadorder KAC d: Eidgenössische Kommission für AC-Schutz Kadenach d: Kameradschaft der Nachrichtentruppe KADF e: Kuwait Air Defense Force Kadiv r: Kustartilleridivision KAdm. d: Konteradmiral KADS e: Korea[n] Air Defense System K A D W e: Camp Springs/Andrews Air Force Base KAEX e: Alexandria/England Air Force Base [Louisiana] KAF e: Kazakhstan Air Force - e: Kenya Air Force - e: Kuwait Air Force Kaf r: Kustartilleriförsvar K A F A D e: Kuwait Air Force & Air Defence KAFB e: Keesler Air Force Base - e: Kirkland Air Force Base - e: Kirtland Air Force Base K a f f R e: Kaffrarian Rifles Kafstab r. Kustartilleriförsvarsstab Kafunka d: Kavallerie-Funkerabteilung KAG d: Korps Artillerie-Gruppe Kagohl d: Kampfgeschwader der Obersten Heeresleitung K.A.I. d: Inspektion der Küstenartillerie und Minenwesens KAinsp r: Kustartilleriinspektionen - r: Kustartilleriinspektionen, Stockholm K.A.K, d: Kriegsakademie K.A.L.A. d: KüstenartillerieLehrabteilung KAMS e: Korea Ammunition Management System K-Amt d: Hauptamt Kriegsschiffbau Kam.Ver. d: Kameradschaftliche Vereinigung K . A . N . T . d: Kommandeur ArmeeNachschubtruppen KANZIIS e: Korea, Australia New Zealand, and the United States kao r: kustartilleriorder Kaoff r: Kustartilleriofficer KAR e: King's African Rifles - r: Kustartillerireglemente

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K A R O F r: Kustartilleriets Reservofficersförbund Karp.K. d: Karpathenkorps kart d: Kartographie KAS d: Katholische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Soldatenbetreuung e.V. - d: Küstenartillerieschule - r: Kustartilleriets Skjutskola K.A.S. d: Küstenartillerieschule Kasch d: Kampfeinsitzerschule Kasernoff r: Kasernofficer K.A.St. d: Kriegsamtsstelle Kasta. d: Kampfstaffel K A T C e: Korean Army Training Center KATF r: Kungliga Armétygf - r: Taktiska föreskrifter för kustartilleriet K A T U S A e: Korean Attached to the United States Army - e: Korean Augmentation to the United States Army K.A.U.S. d: Kraftfahr-Ausbildungs- und Sammelstelle KAussch. d: Kriegsausschuß Kav.Div. d: Kavallerie-Division Kavferna d: KavallerieFernsprechabteilung KavKS r: Kavalleriets kadettskola, Sk Kav.Rgt. d: Kavallerieregiment Kav.Sch. d: Kavallerieschule Kav.Sch.D. d: Kavallerieschützendivision KB d: Kommandantur Berlin - d: Kontrollboot - d: K y f f h KBAB e: Marysville/Beale Air Force Base KBAD e: Sheveport/Barksdale Air Force Base KBART e: Kings Bay Army Terminal KBB d: Kabelbaubataillon KBD. d: Kriegsbetreuungsdienst KBE d: Kompanie für Bekleidungsentgiftung KBH e: Killed by Helicopter KBIF e: El Paso/Biggs Air Force Base KBK d: Kabelbaukompanie KBL. d: Kriegsbetriebsstofflager KBLV e: Bellerville/Scott Air Force Base K-Bombe d: Kobaltbombe Kbrig Ν Ν: Kystartilleribrigade NordNorge Kbrig 0 N: Kystartilleribrigade Ostlandet Kbrig S Ν: Kystartilleribrigade Sorlandet Kbrig Τ Ν: Kystartilleribrigade Trondelag Kbrig V N: Kystartilleribrigade Vestlandet KBS e: Korea Base Section Kbsrr r: Kustbevakningsstation radar Kbsrrgrp r: Kustbevarningsstation radar grupp Kbt. d: Kanonenboot KBTD e: Knee Board Training Device KBZ d: Kabelbauzug KC d: Kernstrahlungs- und chemische Aufklärung - r: Kommandocentrai KCA d: Kernstrahlungs- und chemische Aufklärung K C A C e: Korean Civil Action Corps - e: Korean Civil Assistance Command KCAG e: Korean Civil Action Group Κ Can H e: King's Canadian Hussars KC-Aufklärungsbataillon d: Bataillon für Kernstrahlungs- und chemische Aufklärung KCB-Beobachtung d: Kernstrahlungs-, chemische u biologische Beobachtung KCBM e: Colombus Air Force Base [Mississippi] KCEF e: Chicopee Falls/Westover Air Force Base [Massachusetts] KCF e: Khalistan Commando Force

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Kk KCGS e: United States Army, Command and General Staff College Library, Fort Leavenwonh KChA d: Kompanie der chemischen Abwehr KCHS e: Charleston/Municipal and Air Force Base [South Carolina] KCLY e: Kent and County of London Yeomanry KCOF e: Cocoa/Patrick Air Force Base [Florida] KCOIC e: Korean Combat Operations Intelligence Center KCOMZ e: Korean Communications Zone KCRC e: Kansas City Records Center KCSS e: Korean Combat Support System KCT n: Korps Commando Troepen K.D. d: Kavallerie-Division KD e: Pilotless Aerial Target KDAR d: Kleindrohne Anti-Radar Kdeur d: Kommandeur KDG e: King's Dragoon Guards KDM a: Kongelige Danske Marine KDMA e: Tucson/Davis Monthan Air Force Base [Arizona] Kdo. d: Kommando KdoA d: Kommandoanlage KdoAS d: Kommando der Amphibischen Streitkräfte Kdo.d.Flg.F. d: Kommando der Fliegerflotte Kdo.d.GS.-Sch. d: Kommando der Grenzschutzschulen KdoDpOrg d: Kommando Depotorganisation KdoE d: Kommandoeinrichtung KDO[F] d: Kommandofahrzeug KDOF-FU d: Kommando- und Funkfahrzeug KdoFlb d: Kommando Flottenbasis KdoFlotte d: Kommando der Flotte KdoFrwAnBw d: Kommando der Freiwilligenannahme der Bundeswehr Kdo FWK d: Kommando Festungswachtkorps Kdo.G. d: Kommando der Geleitboote Kdo. Ger. d: Kommandogerät Kdo GS-Schulen d: Kommando der Grenzschutzschulen Kdo KKF d: Kommandokorpskontrollführer Kdo.L. d: Kommando der Landungsboote Kdo. Lehrg. d: Kommandolehrgang Kdo.L.Sch. d: Kommando der Luftschifferschule KdoM d: Kommando der Minensuchboote KdoMAusb d: Kommando der Marineausbildung KdoMFlg d: Kommando der Marineflieger KdoMFii d: Kommando des Marineführungsdienstes KdoMFuSys d: Kommando Marine Führungssysteme KdoMS d: Kommando der Minenstreitkräfte - d: Kommando der Minenstreitkräfte KdoMSan d: Kommando des Marinesanitätsdienstes KdoMWa d: Kommando der Marinewaffen KdoS d: Kommando der Schnellboote Kdos. d: Kommandosache Kdoschub. d: Kommando der Schiffe und Boote der Luftwaffe Kdo SKS d: Kommando Stabs- und Kommandantenschule KdoSp d: Kommandosperre KdoST d: Kommando der Schiffstechnik KdoTroS d: Kommando der Troßschiffe

KdoTrVsuM d: Kommando für Truppenversuche der Marine KdoTV d: Kommando der Territorialen Verteidigung Kdo.U. d: Kommando der Unterseeboote KDOV e: Dover Air Force Base [Delaware] Kdow d: Kommandowagen KdoZ d: Kommando der Zerstörer KDP d: Kommadodispatcherpunkt - d: Kontrolldurchlaßposten Kdr. d: Kommandeur Kdr.d.Kg. d: Kommandeur der Kriegsgefangenen Kdr.N. d: Kommandeur der Nachrichtentruppen Kdr.Pi. d: Kommandeur der Pioniere KdrSFltl d: Kommandeur der Schnellbootflottille KdrZFltl d: Kommandeur der Zerstörerflottille KDS d: Kommandostufe Kds. d: Kommandosache KdSLw d: Kommando der Schulen der Luftwaffe Kdt. d: Kommandant kdt. d: kommandiert KdtHQ d: Kommandant des Hauptquartiers Kdt.H.Qu. d: Kommandant des Hauptquartiers Kdtr. d: Kommandantur Kdt St d: Kommandantenstaffel KdtStQ d: Kommandant des Stabsquartiers Kdt.St.Qu. d: Kommandant des Stabsquartiers Kdt Stv d: Kommandant Stellvertreter kdt. z. d\ Kommandiert zum - d: Kommandiert zur KDvE d: Kontrolldurchsicht vor dem Einsatz KDX e: Korea Defence Experiment Kea d: Kraftfahr-Ersatzabteilung KEDW e: Edwards Air Force Base KEFD e: Houston/Ellington Air Force Base [Texas] KEH e: King Edward's Horse [regiment] K.E.H. e: King Edward's Horse [regiment] Kek. d: Kampfeinsatzkommando - d: Kampfeinsitzerkommando KEM e: Kinetic Energy Missile KEM-V e: Kinetic Energy Missile Vehicle KEND e: Enid/Vance Air Force Base [Oklahoma] KEOG e: King Edward VII Own Gurkhas KES ά. Künstlicher Endsatellit KEW e: Kinetic Energy Weapons KFA d\ Kurzfristige Aufbewahrung [der Kfz - Technik] KfA d: Kampagne für AbrüstungOstermarsch der Atomwaffengegner K.F.A. d: Kriegsfeuerwerkerei für Artillerie KFAG d: Korps-Flak Artillerie-Gruppe K.F.D. d: Kraftfahrdepot KFD d: Kurier- und Feldpost-Dienst KFFO e: Dayton/Whright-Patterson Air Force Base [Ohio] K.F.G. d: Küstenfliegergruppe KFK a: Kvindeligt Flyvekorps Kfl r: Kustflottan KF1AH e: United States Army Hospital, Fort Leavenworth KFLF d: Kommandeur der Flieger- und Flaktruppen KFLR d: Kurzstrecken-Flak-Lenkrakete KFM d: Kommission für militärische Flugzeugbeschaffung

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Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

KFMH e: Falmouth/Otis Air Force Base [Massachusetts] KFOE e: Topeka/Forbes Air Force Base [Kansas] KFOR e: Kosovo Force KFP e: Korean Fighter Program KFS r: Krigsflygskolan, Ljungbyhed KFTS d: Kompanie der flugplatztechnischen Sicherstellung KFWH e: Fort Worth/Carswell Air Force Base [Texas] kfz d: Kfz Technik Kfz BK d: Kfz-Berge-Kompanie KfzZulSt d: Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstelle KG d: Kampfgeschwader - d: Kampfgruppe KG. d: Kriegsgericht K.G. N: Kommanderende general - d\ Kommandierender General - d: Kreuzergeschwader KGA e: King's German Artillery kgam r: kulsprutegevärsammunition KgB d: Komitee gegen Bombentransporte KGFA e: Great Falls/Malmstrom Air Force Base [Montana] K.G.I.L. d: Kraftfahrger KGM a: Kattegat Marinedistrikt KGO e: King George's Own Regiment K.G.O.H.L. d: Kampfgeschwader der Obersten Heeresleitung K.G.R.I.M.S. e: King George's Royal Indian Military Schools KGRK e: Killeen/Robert Gray Army Air Field [Texas] KGS d: Kommando Generalstabsschule KGSB e: Goldsboro/Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base [North Carolina] KGUS e: Peru/Grisson Air Force Base [Indiana] KGVW e: Grandview/Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base [Missouri] KGWC e: Offutt Air Force Base Omaha [Nebraska] KH e: King's Hussars KHIF e: Ogden/Hill AirForce Base [Utah] K.H.N. d: Kadettenhaus Naumburg KHOP e: Hopkinsville/Campbell Army Air Field [Kentucky] KHST e: Homestead Air Force Base [Florida] KiA d: Kommandant im Abschnitt KIA e: Kachin Independence Army KIAB e: Wichita/McConnell AirForce Base [Kansas] KIACS e: Kenya Independent Armoured Car Squadron KI DA e: Korea Institute for Defence Analyses KIFV e: Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle KIM η: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Marine K.I.M. d: Königlich Italienische Marine - η: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Marine KIMO e: Kings Mountain National Military Park KINGFISH e: A Specific High Altitude Nuclear Detonation KINGS e: The King's Regiment KINGS OWN e: The King's Own Royal Regiment KINS e: Indian Springs Army Air Field [Nevada] KITE e: Kinetic Energy Weapon Integrated Test Experiment KIWI-Α e: Nuclear Rocket Propulsion Experiments KJG d: Kontrolljustierger Kk A': Kanonkommandor


K.K. K.K. d: Kavalleriekorps - d: Korpskommando KKB d: Knallkörperbombe KKBw d: Kleiderkasse der Bundeswehr KKCA d: Kompanie für Kernstrahlungsund chemische AuiMärung KKdt d: Korpskommandant KKF d: Deutsches Komitee der Kämpfer für den Frieden KKI N: Kommando, Kontroll og Inform asjons [system] KKMC e: King Khalid Military City K-Kontrolle d: Kernstrahlungskontrolle KKW e: Kinetic Kill Weapon KL e: King's Liverpool Regiment - n: Koninklijke Landmacht K.L.A. d: Kriegsschiffbau-Lehrabteilung klargto r: klargöringstrupp K.L.A.II. d: KriegsschiffbauLehrabteilung U-Boote KLCK e: Rickenbacker Air Force Base [Ohio] KLFI e: Hampton/Langley Air Force Base [Virginia] KLI e: King's Light Infantry KliMN e: Alamogordo/Holloman Air Force Base [New Mexico] KLIZ e: Limestone/Loring Air Force Base [Maine] KLK d: Kommando Luftbewegliche Kräfte - d: Kriegslastenkommission kl. SplBo d: kleine Splitterbombe KLSV e: Las Vegas/Nellis Air Force Base [Nevada] KLTS e: Altus Air Force Base [Oklahoma] KLu n: Koninklijke Luchtmacht KLUF e: Phoenix/Luke Air Force Base [Arizona] KM d: Kaiserliche Marine - d: Kriegsmarine - d: Kriegsministerium - d: Küstenminenboot - n: Koninklijke Marine K.M. d: Kaiserliche Marine KMA d: Kriegsmarinearsenal - e: Korea Military Academy - e: Royal Military Academy for Army & Air Force - η: Koninklijke Militaire Academie KMAG e: Korea Military Advisory Group KMarns η: Korps Mariniers KM BA d: Katholisches Militärbischofsamt KMBoot d: Küstenminensuchboot KMC e: Korean Marine Corps KMCC e: Sacremento/McClellan Air Force Base [California] KMCF e: Tampa/MacDill Air Force Base [Florida] KMCO e: Orlando/McCoy Air Force Base [Florida] kmd d: kommandierend] Kmd. d: Kommando Kmdo. d: Kommando Kmdr. d: Kommandeur Kmdt. d: Kommandant kmdt. d: kommandiert Kmdtr. d: Kommandantur kmdts. a: kommanditselskab KM ER e: Merced/Castle Air Force Base [California] KMGE e: Marietta/DobbinsAirForce Base [Georgia] KMHR e: Sacramento/Mather Air Force Base [California] KMI e: Kentucky Military Institute KMIB e: Minot Air Force Base [North Dakota]


KMK a: Kvindeligt Marinekorps KMOD e: Kuwait Ministry of Defence KMOR e: Keep Missile on the Rail KMR e: Kwajalein Missile Range KM S d: Kontroll- und Meßstation K.M.S. η: Koninklijke Militaire School K-MSB d: Komandeur eines motorisierten Schützenbataillons K-MSK d: Komandeur einer motorisierten Schützen Kompanie KMSL n: Koninklijke Militaire School Luchtmacht KMTC e: Mount Clemens/Selfridge Air Force Base [Michigan] KM II e: Kit Munition Unit KM HO e: Mountain Home Air Force Base [Idaho] KMV d: Kriegsmaterialverwaltung KMW d: Kriegsmarinewerft KMXF e: Montgomery/Maxwell Air Force Base [Alabama] KMYR e: Myrtle Beach Air Force Base [South Carolina] KN e: Kenya Navy KNBC e: Beaufort Marine Corps Air Station [South Carolina] KNBE e: Dallas/Hensley Field Naval AirStation [Texas] KNBG e: NewOrleans/Alvin Callender Naval Air Station [Louisiana] KNCA e: Jacksonville/NewRiver Marine Corps Air Station KNCO e: Quonset Point Naval Air Station [Rhode Island] KNDO e: Karen National Defense Organization KNEA e: Brunswick/Glynco Naval Air Station [Georgia] KNEL e: Lakehurst Naval Air Station [New Jersey] KNGP e: Corpus Christi Naval Air Station [Texas] KNGU e.· Norfolk Naval Air Station [Virginia] KNGZ e: Alametta Naval Air Station [California] KNHK e: Patuxent River Naval Air Station [Maryland] KNHZ e: Brunswick Naval Air Station [Maryland] KNIL n: Koninklijk Nederlandsch Indisch Leger KNIP e: Jacksonville Naval Air Station [Florida] KNIR e: Beeville/Chase Field Naval Air Station [Texas] KNJK e: El Centro Naval Air Station [California] KNKT e: Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station [North Carolina] KNKX e: Miramar Naval Air Station [California] KNL d\ Kombiniertes Navigations- und Landesystem KNLA e: Karen National Liberation Army KNLC e: Hanford/Lemorre Naval Air Station [California] KNM N: Kongelige Norske Marine - n: Koninklijke Nederlandse Marine KNPA e: Pensacola Naval Air Station [Florida] KNQI e: Kingsville Naval Air Station [Texas] KNQX e: Key West Naval Air Station [Florida] KNRB e: Mayport Naval Station [Florida] KNSM n: Koninklijke Nederlandse Stoomboot Maatschappij KNTB e: Los Alamitos Naval Air Station [California]

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KNTD e\ Point Mugu Naval Air Station [California] KNTIJ e: Virginia Beach Oceana Naval Air Station [Virginia] KNUQ e: Mountain View/Moffett Naval Air Station [California] KNIJW e: Whidbey Island Naval Air Station [Washington] KNXX e: Willow Grove Naval Air Station [Pennsylvania] KNYL e: Yuma/Vincent Marine Corps Air Station [Arizona] KNZJ e: El Torro Marine Corps Air Station [California] KNZW e: South Weymouth Naval Air Station [Massachusetts] KNZY e: San Diego/North Island Naval Air Station [California] KO A': Kommanderende - Ν: Kommando - e: Contracting Officer - e: King's Own - e: King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment ko. N: kommandoplass KOB d: Kriegsoffizier-Bewerber - e: King's Own Scottish Borderers ko. Div. 1 N: kommandoplass av den forste divisjon KOF r: Kompaniofficersförbundet KOFAZ d: Komitee für Frieden, Abrüstung und Zusammenarbeit KOG d: Kantonale Offiziersgesellschaft Kol.A. d: Kolonialarmee Kol.H. d: Kolonialheer K.O.L.I. e: King's Own Light Infantry KOLLR e: The King's Own Loyal Lancaster Regiment Kol.Rgt. d: Kolonialregiment Koluft d: Kommandeur der Luftschiffertruppen - d: Kommandeur der Luftwaffe kom N: kommandor Kom. d: Kommandant - d: Kommando KomAdm d\ Kommandierender Admiral Kom.Adm. d: Kommandierender Admiral KOMAMAFIMI e: Permanent Committee To Support the Military Government komdo. N: kommando Kom dr. d: Kommandeur Komdt. d: Kommandant Komdtr. d: Kommandantur Kom.Gen. d: Kommandierender General kom kapt N: kommandorkaptein Komm, d: Kommandant - d: Kommandantur - d: Kommando komm, d: kommandieren[d] - d: kommandiert KommGen d\ Kommandierender General Komm.Gen. d: Kommandierender General Kompoff r: Kompaniofficer KOMR e: The King's Own Malta Regiment Komut d: Kommandeur der Munitionskolonnen und Trains KONA d: Kriegsorganisation Nordafrika Kon. Adm. d: Konteradmiral KONO d: Kriegsorganisation Naher Osten Kontr. Adm. d: Konteradmiral ko pi Ν: kommandoplass KOR e: King's Own Royal Koramil in: Komando Rayon Militer KorpsKdo d: Korpskommando KORR e: King's Own Royal Regiment Koriick d: Kommandant des rückw Koriick d: Kommandant des rückwärtigen Armeegebietes KOSB e: King's Own Scottish Borderers [Lowland Brigade]

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

L KOSC e: Oscoda/Wunsmith Air Force Base [Michigan] KOT. d: Kriegsorganisation Türkei KOTAR e: Korean Tactical Range KOV d: Komitee der VlassowVereinigungen KoWg d: Kommandowagen KOYLI e: King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry KP d: Kommandoposten Kp d: Kompanie KPA e: Korean People's Army KPAF e: Korean People's Air Force KPAM e: Panama City/Tyndall Air Force Base [Florida] K-PB d: Kdr e-s Pz Btl KPBG e: Plattsburg Air Force Base [New York] KPC e: Koblenz Procurement Center KPF d: Kontroll- und Prüffahrzeug K.Pf.P. d: Korpspferdepark KpfTrS d: Kampftruppenschule Kpl r: Kommandoplats k-plats r: kommandoplats KPNLAF e: Khmer People's National Liberation Armed Forces KPOB e: Fayetteville/Pope Air Force Base [North Caolina] KPRA e: Korean People's Revolutionary Army KPRI e: Kinshasa Peace Research Institute KPS d: Kontroll- und Prüfstation KPSM e: Portsmouth/Pease Air Force Base [New Hampshire] KPUC e: Korean Presidential Unit Citation [award] KPWT d: Demontage- u Montagest KQF Gun d: Krupp Quick Firing Gun KR d: Kürassier-Regiment - e: King's Regiment - e: King's Regulations for the Army and the Army Reserves KR. d: Kavallerieregiment Kr d: Kreuzer K.R. d: Kavallerieregiment - e: Kimberley Regiment - e: King's Regiment - e: The Kenya Regiment Kr.A. d: Kraftfahrabteilung - d: Kriegsarchiv [A, Preußen] K.R.A. d: Kriegsrohstoffabteilung des Preußischen Kriegsministeriums KRA. d: Kriegsrohstoffabteilung des Preußischen Kriegsministeriums KrA r: Kungliga Krigsarkivet KR&AI e: King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions KR Air e: King's Regulations and Orders for the Royal Canadian Air Force Kr.Ak. d: Kriegsakademie Kr.Arch. d: Kriegsarchiv KRAS e: Coherent Radar and Advanced Signal Processing [System] KRC e: Keweenaw Research Center KRCA e: Rapid City/Ellsworth Air Force Base KRCN e: King's Regulations and Orders for the Royal Canadian Navy KRCW d: Kombinierte radiologisch chemische Werkstatt KRD d: Komandeur für Rückwärtige Dienste Krdiv r\ Kryssardivision KRDR e: Red River/Grand Forks Air Force Base KREE e: Lubbock/Reese Air Force Base Krfa.-Abt. d: Kraftfahrabteilung Kr.Fl. d: Kriegsflotte KrG d: Kriegsgericht

Krgs.M. d: Kriegsmarine Krgssch. d: Kriegsschule Κ Rgt e: Kenya Regiment KRIV e: Riverside/March Air Force Base [California] Kr Kdt d: Kreiskommandant KRKO N: Kombinert Regiments Kommando Kr.Laz. d: Kriegslazarett Kr.M. d: Kriegsministerium KRME e: Rome/Griffiss Air Force Base Kr.Min. d: Kriegsministerium Krmin. d: Kriegsministerium KRND e: San Antonio/Randolf Air Force Base KROLOG n: Kring Reserve Officieren van het Logistiek Korps KrPflS d: Krankenpflegeschule KRPI e: Kinshasa Peace Research Institute Kr.Pr.A. d: Kriegspresseamt KRRC e: King's Royal Rifle Corps KRS d: Kontroll- und Reparaturstaffel Kr.Sch. d: Kriegsschule KrsK d: Kreiskommandantur Kr.Ver. d: Kriegerverein K/S a: Kommanditselskab KS d: Kampfsatz - d: Kavallerieschule - d: Kommandostufe - d: Kriegsschule - d: Küstenschnellboot - d: Küstenschutz - r: Krigsskolan K.S. d: Kommando des Südbezirks [Deutsch-Südwestafrika] KSA d: Kroatische Sozialistische Guerilla-Armee - e: Kaiserslautern Support Activity KSAW e: Gwinn/K I Sawyer Air Force Base [Michigan] KSB d: Kompanie für Spezialbehandlung - d: Kradschützen-Bataillon - d: Küstenbeobachtungsstelle KSBD e: San Bernardino/Norton Air Force Base [California] KS-Boot d: Küstenschutzboot - d: Küstenwachboot K.Sch.R. d: Kaiserschützenregiment KSCI e: San d e m e n t e Naval Auxiliary Air Base KSEM e: Selma/Craig Air Force Base [Alabama] KSKA e: Spokane/Fairchild Air Force Base KSKF e: San Antonio/Kelly Air Force Base KSLI e: The King's Shropshire Light Infantry KSM e: Korean Service Medal K.S.M. r: Kungliga Svenska Marinen KSMMP e: Kind Seeking Missing Military Personnel KSP d: Kriegsschauplatz KSPS e: Wichita Falls/Sheppard Air Force Base and Municipal [Texas] kspto r: kulsprutetrupp ksrr r: kustspaningsradar ksrrto r: kustspaningsradartrupp KSSC e: Sumter/Shaw Air Force Base [South Carolina] KS-Schiff d: Küstenschutzschiff KST n: Korps Speciale Troepen KSÜ d: Kommando-Stabsübung KSÜ d: Kommando-Stabsübung KSYM e: Smyrna/Sewart Air Force Base [Tennessee] KSZE d: Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa KSZL e: Knobnoster/Whiteman Air Force Base [Missouri]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

KTA d: Kriegstechnische Abteilung, Bern K.T.A. d: Korps-Telegrafenabteilung KTACS e: Korean Tactical Air Control System KT CM e: Tacoma/McChord Air Force Base KTD d: Kavallerie-Truppen-Division KTE d: Koeffizient der technischen Einsatzbereitschaft KTF e: Kuwait Task Force KTO e: Kuwait Theatre of Operations KTP d: Kraftfahrtechnische Prüfstelle KTR e: Kauai Test Range KTTL e: Korea Tactical Target List KTV d: Kommando der Territorialen Verteidigung KüA d: Küstenartillerie KüE I d: Kücheneinrichtung für Truppenteile KüE II d: Kücheneinrichtung für Stab KUFNCD e: Kampuchean United Front for National Construction and Defence KUJ d: Kriegs-U-Boot-Jäger Kiir.R. d: Kürassier-Regiment K.u.RZA. d: Kraft- und Radfahrzeuganstalt KV e: Kill Vehicle K.V.A. d: Kriegsverpflegungsanstalt KVAD e: Valdosta/MoodyAir Force Base [Georgia] KVAE d: Konferenz über Vertrauens- und sicherheitsbildende Maßnahmen sowie Abrüstung in Europa KVBG e: Lompoc/Vandenberg Air Force Base [California] KVCV e: Victorville/George Air Force Base [California] KVK d: Kraftstoffverbrauchskoeffizient KVMO n: Koninklijke Vereeniging van Marine-Officieren KVOM c: Krajsky Vybor Obrancü Miru KVPS e: Valparaiso/Eglin Air Force Base [Florida] KW e: Korean War K.W.A. d: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Akademie für das militärärztliche Bildungswesen KWA d: Küstenwarnanlage KWCC e: KTACS Warning and Control Center KWD d: Küstenwarndienst KWEA d: Kreiswehrersatzamt KWEM d: Kernwaffeneinsatzmittel KWM e: Korean War Memorial KWN e: Korean Wideband Network KWRB e: Macon/Robins Air Force Base KWRI e: Wrightstown/McGuire Air Force Base [New Jersey] KWS d: Kernwaffenschlag - e: Keweenaw Rocket Launch Site KWSD e: White Sands/Condron Army Air Field [New Mexico] KWSM e: Korean War Service Medal KWVA e: Korean War Veterans Association KY e: Kent Yeomanry KyFc e: United States Army, Fort Campbell Post Library Kyff.Bd. d: Kyffhäuser-Bund KyFkAS e: United States Army Armor School Fort Knox KYLM e: Yuma Marine Corps Air Station [Arizona] KZA d: Kraftzugartillerie KZSPF e: KwaZulu Self-Protection Forces

L L d: Abteilung Landesverteidigung [Wehrmachtamt]


L. -

d: Landsturm d: Landwehr d: Lazarett d: Lehrregiment d: Leibstandarte [SS] d: Luftdetonation e: Countermeasures e: Lancers e: Land Integrated Equipment for Tactical Systems - e: Launcher - e: Lincoln and Welland Regiment - e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] - /• Lanciers - r: Lätt artilleri L. d: Luftwaffe[n-] 9 L e: 9th Queen's Royal Lancers 12 L e: 12th Royal Lancers 16/5 L e: 16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers 17/21 L e: 17th/21st Lancers LA d: Landungsabteilung - d: Luftarmee - d: Luftwaffenausschuss - e: Lieutenant-at-Arms - e: Light Artillery LA. d: Planungsamt [Reichsluftfahrtministerium] L.A. e: Light Artillery L [A] e: Lieutenant [Artillery] LAA e: Light Antiaircraft Artillery - e: Light Army Aircraft LAAB e: Light Armored Assault Battalion LaAbw d: Landungsabwehr LAACC e: Light Anti-Aircraft Control Center LAACV e: Lighter, Amphibious, Air Cushion Vehicle LAAD e: Low Altitude Air Defense LAADS e: Los Angeles Air Defense Sector - e: Low-Altitude Air Defense System - e: Low Altitude Aircraft Detection System LAAF e: Lawson Army Airfield - e: Libby Army Airfield - e: Libyan Arab Air Force LAAFS e: Los Angeles Air Force Station LAAG e: Light Anti-Aircraft Gun LAA Gun e: Light Antiaircraft Gun LAAM e: Light Antiaircraft Missile LAAMBN e: Light Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion LAAMS e: Land Armaments Movement Model LAAP e: Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant - e: Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant LAAR e: Liquid Air Accumulator Rocket LAA Regt e: Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment LAASCA e: Long-Range Antisubmarine Capability Aircraft LAASH e: LITEF Analogue Air data System for Helicopters LAAT e: Laser-Augmented Airborne TOW Sight - e: Laser-Augmented Airborne Track LAAV e: Light Airborne ASW [Antisubmarine Warfare] Vehicle - e: Light Airborne Attack Vehicle LAAW e: Legal Automated Army Wide - e: Light Assault Anti-tank Weapon - e: Lightweight Assault Antitank Weapon - e: Local Antiair Warfare LAAWC e: Local Anti-Air Warfare Coordinator - e: Local Antiair Warfare Commander LAAWS e: Legal Automated Army Wide System


LAB e: Land Air Battle - e: Light Attack Battalion LABCOM e: U.S. Army Laboratory Command LABP e: Lethal Aid for Bomber Penetration LABRV e: Large Advanced Ballistic Reentry Vehicle LABS e: Laser Airborne Bathymetry System - e: Low Altitude Bombing System LAbw d: Luftabwehr LACE e: Landline Air defense Communications Encryption LACM e: Land Attack Cruise Missile LACR e: Low-Altitude Coverage Radar LACV e: Light Armored Combat Vehicle LAD e: Laser Air Defense - e: Liberation Army Daily - e: Light Area Defense - e: Local Air Defence - e: Los Angeles Division [Naval Air Reserve] LADA e: Light Air Defense Artillery - e: London Air Defence Area LAD AR e: Laser Doppler Radar LADIES e: Low-Altitude Air Defense Identification and Engagement Study LADIZ e: Leaving Air Defense Identification Zone LADMS e: Lightweight Air Defense Missile System LADO e: Latin American Defense Organization LADS e: Laser Air Defense System - e: Laser Airborne Depth Sounder - e: Light Air Defense System - e: Light Area Defense System - e: Lightweight Actuator Detector Weapons System - e: Lightweight Air Defense System - e: Limited Attack Defense System LAFB e: Langley Air Force Base - e: Larson Air Force Base - e: Lincoln Air Force Base - e: Lockland Air Force Base - e: Luke Air Force Base LAFC r: Luftvärnsartilleriförsvarscentral LAFTS e: Laser and FLIR [ForwardLooking Infrared] Test Set LAFV e: Light Armoured Fighting Vehicle LAG e: Light Automatic Gun LAGG R: Russian aircraft symbol LAGUMS e: Laser Guided Missile System LA Gun e: Light Automatic Gun L.A.H. d: Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler LAH e: Light Attack Helicopter - e: Lyster Army Hospital LAIR e: Letterman Army Institute of Research LAIRS e: Light Aircraft Reconnaissance System LAK d: Leicht absetzbarer Koffer [Kofferaufbau für LKW] L Akl d: Leiter Aufklärung LALF e: Light Aviation & Land Forces LA1NS e: Low-Altitude Inertial Navigation System LALS e: Linkless Ammunition Loading System LAM a: Langeland Marinedistrikt - d: Luftangriffsmittel - e: Long Aerial Mine - e: Low-Altitude Missile L.A.M. f: Lignes Aériennes Militaires LAMC e: Landstuhl Army Medical Center - e: Letterman Army Medical Center - e: Lima Army Modication Center - e: Lima Army Modification Center

Κ · G · Saur, München

LAMCS e: Latin American Military Communications System LAMM e: Land Armament Manpower and Material Data Base LAMOPH e: Ladies Auxiliary, Military Order of the Purple Heart LAMP e: Laos Ammunition Procedures LAMS e: Lightweight Artillery Meteorological System - e: Local Area Missile System LAMSIM e: Launcher and Missile Simulator LAMS/MFR e: Local Area Missile System/Multi-Functional Radar LAMTS e: Launcher Adapter Missile Test Set LANABS e: Light-Attack Navigation and Bombing System LANAC e: Laminar Air Navigation and Anticollision - e: Lawyers Alliance for Nuclear Arms Control LANARK YEO e: The Lanarkshire Yeomanry LANCE e: Ballistic Missile with Self Contained Guidance Lance Cpl e: Lance Corporal LAND e: League Against Nuclear Dangers LANDCENT e: Allied Land Forces Central Europe - e: Allied Land Forces, Central Region LANDENMARK e: Allied Land Forces Denmark LANDFOR e: Landing Force LANDFORASCU e: Landing Force Air Support Control Unit LANDIS e: Low-Approach Navigation Director System LANDJUT e: Allied Land Forces Schleswig-Holstein and Jutland LANDKOM NORD Ν: Landkommandor Nord-Norge LANDKOM SOR N: Landkommandor Sor-Norge LANDNON e: Allied Land Force North Norway LANDNOR e: Allied Land Forces, North Norway LANDNORTH e: Allied Land Force Northern Europe - e: Land Forces Northern Europe LANDNORWAY e: Allied Land Forces Norway Land Ship Flot e: Landing Ships Flotilla LANDSONOR e: Allied Land Forces South Norway LANDSOIITH e: Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe LANDSOUTHEAST e: Allied Land Forces, Southeastern Europe Landw. d: Landwehr LANDZEALAND e: Allied Land Forces, Zealand LANFLTMATCONOFF e: Atlantic Fleet Material Control Office LANFORTRACOMLANT e: Landing Force Training Command, Atlantic LANFORTRAU e: Landing Force Training Unit LANFUS e: The Lancashire Fusiliers LANFZT e: Latin American Nuclear Free Zone Treaty LANRAC e: Land Army Reunion Association Committee Lan Reg e: Lancashire Regiment LANS e: Lightweight Airborne Navigation System - e: Loran Airborne Navigation System LanShipFlot e: Landing Ships Flotilla LANSHIPRON e: Landing Ship Squadron

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

LC[E] LANT e: Atlantic Area Lant Area e: Atlantic Area LANTCOM e: Atlantic Command LANTCOMINSGEN e: Atlantic Command Insptor General LANTCOMMBPO e: Atlanbc Command Military Blood Program Office LANTCOMOPCONCEN e: Atlantic Command Operational Control Center LANTCOMOPSUPPFAC e: Atlantic Command Operations Support Facility LANTDAC e: Atlantic Command Defense Analysis Center LANTDIS e: Atlantic Command Deployable Intelligence System LANTFAP e: Allied Command Atlantic Frequency Allocation Panel LANTFAST e: Atlantic Forward Area Support Team LANTFLEASWTACSCOL e: Atlantic Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Tactical School LANTFLEASWTASCOL e: Atlantic Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Tactical School LANTFLT e: Atlantic Fleet LANTFLTHEDSUPPACT e Atlantic Fleet Headquarters Support Activity LANTFLTPEB e: Atlantic Fleet Propulsion Examining Board LANTFLTRANSUPPFAC e Atlantic Fleet Training Support Facilities LANTFLTWPNRAN e: Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range LANTFLTWPNTRAFAC e: Atlantic Fleet Weapons Training Facility LANTICOMIS e: LANTCOM Integrated Command and Control Management Information System LANTINCEN e: Atlantic Intelligence Center LANTINTCEN e: Atlantic Intelligence Center LANTIRN e: Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared System for Night LANTNAVFACENGCOM e: Atlantic Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command LANTOPS e: Atlantic Operations Supply Facilities LANTOPSSUPFAC e: Atlantic Operations Supply Facilities LANTREADEX e: Atlantic Readiness Exercise LantResFlt e: Atlantic Reserve Fleet LANTRIN e: Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night LANTSOC e: Atlantic Fleet Signals Security Operations Center LANTWWMCCS e: Atlantic Fleet Worldwide Military Command Control System LAO d: Leiter der Annahmeorganisation - e: Logistics Assistance Office [r] LAOD e: Los Angeles Ordnance District LAP e: Launcher Avionics Package LAPAM e: Low-Altitude Penetrating Attack Missile LAPS e: Launcher Avionics Packages LAR d: Leichter Artillerie-Raketenwerfer - d: Luftwaffen-Ausbildungs-Regiment - e: Laser-Aid Rocket - e: Light Artillery Rocket - e: Liquid Aircraft Rocket - e: Local Acquisition Radar - e: Long-range Aircraft Rocket LAR. d: Leichtes Artillerieregiment LARA e: Light Armed Reconnaissance Aircraft - e: Low-Altitude Radar Altimeter

LARDS e: Low-Accuracy Radar Data Transmission System and Asymptotic Relative Efficiency LARDTS e: Low Accuracy Radar Data Transmission System LARF e: Low-Altitude Radar Fuzing LARIAT e: Laser-Radar IntelligenceAcquisition Technology - e: Long-Range Area Radar for Intrusion Detection and Tracking LARIS e: Low-Altitude Radar Interface System LAR.MIL I: Lares Militares LARRS e: Low Altitude Retro-Rocket System LARS e: Laser Aerial Rocket System - e: Laser-Aided Rocket System - e: Light Artillery Rocket System - e: Low-Altitude Radar System 1. Art. d: leichte Artillerie LArt d: Leiter Artillerie LARTS e: Low-Altitude Radar Tracking and Target Recognition System LARV e: Light Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle LARWS e: Lightweight Airborne Radar Warning System LAS e: Laser Airborne Sensor LA[/]S s: Lancha antisubmarina LASAM e: Laser Semi-Active Missile LASH d: Huckepackverkehr LaSK d: Landstreitkräfte LASM e: Laser Semiactive Missile LASR e: Low-Altitude Surveillance Radar LASRAM e: Low-Altitude Short-Range Attack Missile LASRM e: Low-Altitude Short-Range Missile - e: Low-Altitude-Supersonic Research Missile LASS e: Large Aircraft Start Systems - e: Lighter-than-Air Submarine Simulator LASSO e: Light Anti-Surface Semiautomatic Optical missile LAST e: Low-Altitude Supersonic Target LASW e: Lightweight Anti-Submarine Weapons LAT d: Leichter Artillerieträger - e: Light Artillery Tractor LATAG e: Laser Air-to-Air Gunnery Simulator LATAR e: Laser Augmented Target Acquisition and Recognition LATARS e: Laser-Augmented Target Acquisition and Recognition System LATAS e: Laser-Augmented Target Acquisition System LATH e: Laos and Thailand Military Assistance LATIS e: Lightweight Airborne Thermal Imaging System LATKWEPSOLPAC e: Light Attack Weapons School, Pacific LATN e: Low-Altitude Tactical Navigation LATS e: Low Altitude Target Satellite LATWING e: Light Attack Wing LAI) e: Launcher Aircraft Unit Launch Con Repm e: Launcher Control Repairman LAV e: Light Armored Vehicle LAV-AD e: Light Armoured Vehicle-Air Defence LAV/ADS e: Light Armored Vehicle/Air Defence System LAV-AG e: Light Armoured VehicleAssault Gun LAV-FIST e: Light Armored Vehicle Full-Crew Interactive Simulator Trainer

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

LAVFWUS e: Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States LAVM e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Automatic Vehicle Monitoring LAW e: Left Attack Wing - e: Library, Amphibious Warfare - e: Light Antiarmor Weapon - e: Light Antitank Weapon - e: Light Area Weapon - e: Light Assault Weapon - e: Lightweight Antiarmor Weapon LAWDS e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Aided Weapons Delivery System LAWSO e: Lockheed Antisubmarine Warfare Systems Organization Laz d: Lazarett LB d: Landungsboot - e: Light Battalion - e: Light Bomber LBB d: Leitungsbaubataillon LBC e: Logistical Base Command LBDM e: Laser Ballistic Missile Defense LBH e: Light Battlefield Helicopter LB Horse e: Lothians and Border Horse LBK d: Leitungsbaukompanie LBNSY e: Long Beach Naval Shipyard L-Boot d: Landungsboot Lbr Svc e: Labor Service LBS e: Light Bomber Strike LBSD e: Lightweight Battlefield Surveillance Device LBSR N: Luftforsvarets Befalsskole for Sambands-og Radarpersonell - e: Lightweight Battlefield Surveillance Radar LBSS N: Luftforsvarets Bombe-og Skyteskole - e: Lightweight Battlefield Surveillance System LBTF e: Long Beach Test Facility LBZ d: Leitungsbauzug LC e: Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory] - e: Lance Corporal - e: Lieutenant Commander - e: Logistics Command LC3 e: Logistics Command, Control and Communications LCA e: Launch[er] Control Area - e: Light Combat Aircraft LC[A] e: Lieutenant Colonel [Artillery] L.C.A. /• Laboratoire Central de l'Armement L.C.A.N. f: Laboratoire Central de l'Artillerie Navale LCAR e: Low Coverage Acquisition Radar LCAW e: Low-Cost Anti-Submarine Weapon L.C.Β.T. i: Laboratorio chimico batteriologico tossicologico LCC e: Amphibious Command Ship - e: Launch Command and Control - e: Local Command Centre - e: Logistics Control Center LCCO e: Landing Craft Control Officer LCCS e: Launcher Captain Control System LCCW e: Low-Cost Composite Weapon LCDM e: Low Collateral-Damage Munitions LCDOSEM e: Local Civil Defence Operating Systems Evaluation Model LCDR e: Lieutenant Commander LC[E] e: Lieutenant Commander [Engineer]


LCEMD LCEMD e: Low Cost Expendable Mine Destructor LCEWS e: Lowost Electronic Warfare Suite LCF n: Luchtverdedigings- en Commandofregat LCFF e: Landing Craft, Flotilla Flagship LCG e: Landing Craft Gun - e: Loads Control Group - e: Logistics Control Group LCGL e: Landing Craft, Gun, Large LCGM e: Landing Craft, Gun, Medium LCGS e: Lead Computing Gun Sight LCH e: Landing Craft Headquarters - e: Light Combat Helicopter - f: Laboratoire Central de l'Habillement L.C.H. /• Laboratoire Central de l'Habillement LCHQ e: Local Command Headquarters LCHR e: Launcher LCI e: Launcher Control Indicator LCIA e: Landing Craft, Infantry, Ammunition LCIDIV e: Landing Craft, Infantry, Division LCIM e: Landing Craft, Infantry, Mortar ship LCIR e: Landing Craft, Infantry, Rocket ship LCLM e: Low-Cost Lightweight Missile LCLV e: Low-Cost Launch Vehicle LCM e: Land Combat Missile - e: Laser Countermeasure[s] LCMP e: Launcher Control and Monitoring Panel LCM [RJ e: Landing Craft, Mechanised [Rocket] LCMS e: Laser Countermeasures System LCMSO e: Landing Craft Material Supply Officer LCN e: Landing Craft, Navigation LCNN e: Land Commander Northern Norway LCNR e: Liquid Core Nuclear Rocket LCO e: Landing Craft Officer - e: Launch Control Officer - e: Logistics Control Office LCOA e: Logistics Control Office, Atlantic LCOC e: Launch Control Officer's Console LCOCC e: Atlantic Command Operational Control Center L Col e: Lieutenant Colonel LCOP e: Launch Control Officer's Panel - e: Logistics Control Office, Pacific LCOSS e: Launch Control Officer's Safety System L.C.P. / · Laboratoire central de poudres L Cpl e: Lance Corporal LCPM s: Texto Refundido Legal de Clases Pasivas Militares LCR e: Landing Craft, Rocket - s: Localización [por] radar L Cr e: Lieutenant Commander LCR[R] e: Landing Craft, Rubber [Rocket] Lcrs e: Lancers LCS e: Land Combat System - e: Launch List of Command Signals - e: Light Cruiser Squadron LCSO e: Launch Control Safety Officer LCSR e: Landing Craft, Support, Rocket LCSS e: Land Combat Support Set - e: Land Combat Support System - e: Land Combat System Study LCT[R] e: Landing Craft, Tank [Rocket] LCTr e: Landing Craft, Troops LCV e: Landing Craft, Vehicle LCVP e: Landing Craft Vehicle, Personnel


LCW e: Large Caliber Weapon LCWDS e: Low-Cost Weapon Delivery System LCW M e: List of Changes in War Material LCWSL e: Large Caliber Weapon Systems Laboratory LD d: Landungsdivision - d: Letaldosis - e: Launching Division - e: Left Defense - e: Light Dragoons L.D. d: Landungsdivision - d: Landwehrdivision - e: Light Dragoons - e: London Division LDA e: Local Defence Adviser - e: Lowest Designated Assembly LDC e: Land Defense of CONUS - e: Light Direction Center - e: Local Defense Center - e: Logistics Data Center LdE d: Linie der Entfernungsverbesserungen LDF e: Local Defense Forces LDH e: London District Headquarters LDK. d: Luftdienstkommando LDNA e: Long-Distance Navigation Aid LDNS e: Laser Doppler Navigation System - e: Lightweighl Doppler Navigation System LDO e: Launch Division Officer LDPC e: Logistic Data Processing Centre LDRAC /• Ligue des Droits des Religieux Anciens Combattants L.D.R.A.C, f: Ligue des Droits des Religieux Anciens Combattants LDRS e: Laser Discrimination Radar System LdS d: Linie der Seitenverbesserungen LDSO e: Logistics Doctrine and Systems Office Ldst d: Landsturm LDTM e: Light-Duty Tank Target Mechanism LDTOF e: Laser Desorption Time-of Flight LDTR e: Long Dwell Time Radar LDU e: Launcher Display Unit LDUS e: Local Defense Unit Personnel LDV d: Luftwaffen-Dienstvorschrift LDv d: Luftwaffen-Druckschrift LDV e: Local Defence Volunteers Ldw d: Landwehr LDWSS e: Laser Designator Weapon System Simulation LDY e: Leicestershire and Derbyshire Yeomanry LE d: Nachschubamt [Reichsluftfahrtministerium] L.E. / • Légion Étrangère LEA d: Linie der Erfüllung der Aufgabe - e: Long-Endurance Aircraft LEAP e: Leading Edge Airborne PANAR [Panoramic Radar] LEGD d: Empf Leic e: Leicestershire Regiment Leicesters e: Leicestershire Regiment LEICESTER YEO e: The Leicester Yeomanry [Prince Albert's Own] LEINS R e: Leinster Regiment Leit. San. Offz. d\ Leitender Sanitätsoffizier LEM e: Launcher Electronic Module - e: Logistics Element Manager LEM[AW] e: Leading Electrical Mechanic [Air Weapon] LEO n: Laboratorium Elektronische Ontwikkelingen [Koninklijke Marine]

Κ · G · Saur, München

LER e: Launcher Equipment Room LES e: Leave and Earnings Statements LEU e: Launcher Electronic Unit LEV e: Launch Escape Vehicle - e: Low Emissions Vehicle LEWDD e: Lightweight Early Warning Detection Device LEWWG e: Land Electronic Warfare Working Group LF e: Fighter Aircraft Fitted with Engine Rated for Low-Altitude Performance - e: Land Forces - e: Landing Force - e: Land[ing] Forces - e: Launch Forward - e: League of Friendship - e: Lebanese Forces - e: Local Force [Viet Cong combat force] - e: Low-altitude Fighter - e: [The] Lancashire Fusiliers L.F. d: Luftflotte LFA N-. Lett feltartilleriet - e: Land Force Adriatic - e: Land Force, Airmobility - e: Landing Force Aviation - e: Light Field Artillery LFAAV e: Landing Force Assault Amphibious Vehicle LFACS e: Light Future Armored Combat System LF Arty e: Light Field Artillery LFAS d: Luftgau-Flakartillerieschule L.F.A.S. d: Luftgau-Flakartillerieschule LFAS e: Low Frequency Active Sonar LFATDS e.· Light Field Artillery Tactical Data System LFC e: Lafayette Flying Corps - e: Light Fighter Course L.F.C. / · Légion Française des Combattants LFD e: Launch and Flight Division - e: Launch and Flight Division [Ballistic Research Laboratory] LFF e: Liberian Frontier Force LFFEZ e: Large Force Fighter Employment Zone LFIC e: Landing Force Intelligence Center LFICS e: Landing Force Integrated Communications System LFK N: Luftforsvarets Forsyningskommando LFLA e: Landing Force Logistics Afloat LF LORAN e: Low Frequency LORAN [Long Range Navigation] LFLR d: Langstrecken-FliegerabwehrRakete LFLWP e: Land Forces Logistics Working Party LFM e: Landing Force Manual L.F.N, f: Ligue Navale Française LFNGFT e: Landing Force Naval Gunfire Team LFNS e: Low-Frequency Navigation System LfO r: Luftförsvarsofficer LFOC e: Landing Force Operations Center LFORM e: Landing Forces Operational Reserve Material LFOS e: Launch and Flight Operations System LFPAG e: Live Firing Program Analysis Group LFR e: Live-Fire Range - e: Low-Frequency Range LFRR e: Low Frequency Radio Range LFS e: Landing Force Support LFSP e: Landing Force Support Party LFSS e: Landing Force Support Ship

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

L.M.D.C. L.F.St, d: Luftwaffenführungsstab LFSV e: Landing Force Support Vehicle LFSW e: Landing Force Support Weapon LFT e: Light Fire Team LFTC e: Landing Force Training Command LFTCPAC e: Landing Force Training Command, Pacific LFTU e: Landing Force Training Unit Lftw d: Luftwaffe LFV e: Light Forces Vehicle LG e: Launcher Group - e: Lewis Gun - e: Light Gun - e: The Life Guards Lg d: Luftwaffengerät L.G. d: Luftgau - e: The Life Guards LGA e: Light-Gun Amplifier LGAF e: Light Ground Attack Fighter LGDM e: Laser Guided Dispenser Munition L.G'ds e: The Life Guards L-Gen e: Lieutenant General LGG e: Light Gas Gun - e: Light-Gun Pulse Generator L.G.H.R. d: Leibgarde-Husarenregiment L.G.I.O.M. e: Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Man LGK d: Luftgaukommando LGKdo d: Luftgaukommando LGM e: Laser Guided Missiles - e: Laser-Guided Munition - e: Silo-launched, guided Ground-toground Missile LGMS e: Laser Guided Missile System LGP d: Luftgaupostamt L.G.P.A. d: Luftgaupostamt Lgpa d: Luftgaupostamt L.G's e: The Life Guards LGVS e: Laser-Guided Weapons Systems LGW e: Laser-Guided Weapon LGW/CAS e: Laser Guided Weapons in Close Air Support LGWS e: Laser Guided Weapons Systemfs] LHA e: Amphibious Assault Carrier - e: Amphibious Assault Ship - e: Landing [ship] Helicopter Assault - e: Light Helicopter, Attack - e: Lord High Admiral LHAAP e: Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant L.H.A.O. e: The Lord High Admiral's Office LHAWS e: Laser Homing and Warning System L.H.B.Bekl. d: Hauptstelle für Beschaffung von Bekleidung und Ausrüstung der Luftwaffe LHD e: Landing Helicopter Dock - e: Multipurpose Amphibious Assault Ship LHKP r. Lätt helikopter LHME e: Laser Hellfire Missile Evaluation LHP e: Launcher Handling Procedure LHQ e: Allied Land Headquarters L.H.R. d: Landwehrhusarenregiment LHTR e: Low Height Torpedo Range LHW e: Laser-Homing Weapon LHX e: Light Helicopter, Experimental LI d\ Laufende Instandsetzung LIASAR e: Laser Inertial Aided Synthetic Aperture Radar LIB e: Liberator Bomber Aircraft L.I.B, e: London Infantry Brigade LIBMISH e: United States Military Mission, Liberia LIC e: Launcher Interchange Circuit

LICALM e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Inertial Command AirLaunched Missile LICAS e: Low Intensity Conflict Aircraft System LICGS e: Lighitweight Intermediate Caliber Gun System LICND e: Life Insurance Committee for a Nuclear Disarmament LICNWF e: Life Insurance Committee for a Nuclear Weapons Freeze LID e: Laser Irradiation Detector - e: Library Issue Document - e: Light Infantry Division LIDAR e: Laser Infrared Radar LIDS e: Laser Infrared Countermeasures Demonstration System LIEP e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Integrated Engineering Program LIETS e: Land Integrated Equipment for Tactical Systems Lieut e: Lieutenant Lieut Col e: Lieutenant Colonel Lieut. Comdr. e: Lieutenant Commander Lieut Comdr e: Lieutenant Commander Lieut Gen e: Lieutenant General Lieut Gov e: Lieutenant Governor LIFESTA e: Lifeboat Station LIFT e: Lead-in Fighter Training LIG d: Lage- und Informationsgruppe LIIG e: Logistics Item Identification Guide LIIR e: Italian Agency for Air Navigation Services Lim DN s: Limite entre los distritos navales Lim SN s: Límite entre los sectores navales L. In. d: Luftwaffeninspekteur Lin e: Lincolnshire Regiment LINAS e: Laser Inertial Navigation Attack System LINS e: Laser-gyro Inertial Navigation System - e: Laser Inertial Navigation System - e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Inertial System LIODD e: Laser In-Flight Obstacle Detection Device liq f rkt e: liquid-fuel rocket LIR. d: Landwehrinfanterieregiment L.I.R. d: Lehrinfanterieregiment LIR e: The London Irish Rifles [Territorial Army] LIRA e: Low Intensity Reconnaissance Aircraft LIRD e: Laser & Infra-red Irradiation Detector LIROD e: Lightweight Radar Optronic Director LI RS e: Laser Imaging Radar Sensor LISDP e: LOAD [Low-Altitude Defense] Interceptor Subsystem Development Plan LIS/KL η: Logistieke Informatie Systemen voor de Koninklijke Landmacht LISS e: London Institute of Strategic Studies LITACS e: Lightweight Integrated Tactical Artillery Command & Control System LITD d: LandwehrinfanterieTruppendivision LITE e: Laser Illuminator Target Equipment LIV e: Light Infantry Volunteers LI[V] e: Light Infantry Volunteers LIVPL SCOT e: The Liverpool Scottish [Territorial Army] LIW e: Light-weight Individual Weapon

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

LIWA e: Land Information Warfare Activity LJ e: Little John [Rocket] LJL e: Little John Launcher LJLV e: Little Joe Launch Vehicle LJR e: Little John Rocket LK N: Luftkommando - d: Landwehrkavallerie - d: Landwehrkorps LKA d: Luftkriegsakademie - e: Amphibious attack Cargo Ship LKdo d: Luftflottenkommando LKE r: LantfOrsvarets Kommandoexpedition L.K.K, d: Luftkreiskommando LKN Ν: Luftkommandor Nord-Norge L K 0 N: Luftkommando Ostlandet L.Kr.Ak. d: Luftkriegsakademie L.Kr.Sch. d: Luftkriegsschule LKS N: Luftkommandor Sor-Norge L.K.S. d: Luftkriegsschule LK-sjef N: Luftkommandosjef LKT N: Luftkommando Trondelag LKV N: Luftkommando Vestlandet LL e: Land Locomotion Laboratory - e: Lord Lieutenant LLA d: Luftlandearmee - e: Lesotho Liberation Army LLAD e: Low-Level Air Defence - e: Low Level Air Defense LLADS e: Low Level Air Defense System LLD d: Luftlandedivision LLDiv d: Luftlandedivision Lldiv r\ Luftlandsättningsdivision LLDR e: Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder LLDV e: Luc-Luong Dac-Viet [Vietnamese special forces] LLE d: Luftlandeeinheit LLEIS e: Lower Level End Item Subdivision LLG. d: Luftlandegeschwader LLH e: Light Liaison Helicopter LLI e: Lord Lieutenant of Ireland LLK d: Lichtleiterkabel LLL e: Land Locomotion Laboratory LL/LTS d: Luftlande- und L ufttran sportschule LLM e: Launcher Loader Module LLS d: Luftlandeschule LLSAGW e: Low-Level Surface-to-Air Guided Weapon LLT d: Luftlandetruppen LLTD e: Lightweight Laser Target Designator LItrp r: Luftlandsättningstrupper LLV e: Large Launch Vehicle Planning Group LLVPG e: Large Launch Vehicle Planning Group LLWD e: Low-Level Weapons Delivery LM e: Land Mine - e: Legion of Merit LMAB e: London Munitions Assignments Board LMAFS e: Lookout Mountain Air Force Station LMAW e: Light Multi-purpose Assault Weapon LMC e: Logistic Movement Center LMCA e: Logistics Management Course for Auditors - e: Logistics Material Control Activity LMCN e: Launch Missile Control Network LMD e: Lead Military Department - e: Limited Missile Defense L.M.D.C. e: Lawyers Military Defense Committee


LMDC L M D C e: Lawyers Military Defense Committee - e: Leadership Management Development Course LM/DUP e: Launch Module/Defense Unit Platform LMED e: Light Military Electronics Department LMEE e: Light Military Electronics Equipment LMEED e: Light Military Electronics Equipment Department - e: Light Military Electronics Equipment Department [General Electric Company] IMG d: leichtes Maschinengewehr LMG e: Light Machine Gun LMIB e: Light Motorized Infantry Battalion L.MIL I: Lares Militares LMK d: Landesmilitärkommando - e: Launcher Mobility Kit LML e: Lightweight Multiple Launcher LML [N] e: Lightweight Multiple Launcher [Naval] LML [V] e: Lightweight Multiple Launcher [Vehicle] L M M F e: Local Maintenance and Management of Facilities LMMS e: Lightweight Multipurpose Missile System L M N A e: Land-Based Multimission Naval Aircraft LMOTS e: Launcher Maintenance & Operational Training System LMP e: Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System LMRS e: London Military Radar Services L M S e: Local Missile Selector - n: Lokaal materieel beheersingssysteem LMSD e: Lockheed Missile System Division L M T C e: Launcher Maintenance Trainer Course LMTD d: Leiter des milit - d: Leiter des militärtopographischen Dienstes LMTR e: Laser Marker and Target Ranger LMTV e: Light Medium Tactical Vehicle LMTVT e: Light Medium Tactical Vehicle Trailer LN d: Leiter Nachrichten LNA d: Leitstelle der Nachrichtenaufklärung - e: Local Navy Authority LNAC e: Librarians for Nuclear Arms Control LNC e: Local Naval Commander LNCH[R] e: Launch[er] LND e: Lawyers for Nuclear Disarmament LNF e: Local National Forces L.N.I, i: Lega Navale Italiana L.N.L. e: Loyal North Lancashire Regiment LNPF e: Lebanese National Patriotic Forces LNR d: Luftnachrichten-Regiment e: Air forces signal regiment Ln.Rgt. d: Luftnachrichtenregiment L.N.Rgt. d: Luftnachrichtenregiment L.N.S. d: Luftnachrichtenschule LNS e: Land Navigation System L.N.T. d: Luftnachrichtentruppe Ln. Tr. d: Luftnachrichtentruppe [n] LNZ d: Leiter der Nachrichtenzentrale LO e: Landing Officer - e: Logistics Officer Lo e: London Regiment LOA e: Light Observation Aircraft LOAD e: Low-Altitude Defense LOADS e: Low-Altitude Defense System


LOBAR e: Long Baseline Radar L O C A A S e: Low-Cost Anti-Armor Submunition programme - e: Low Cost Autonomous Attack Submunition LOCAP e: Low[-Altitude] Combat Air Patrol LOCAT e: Low-Cost Air Target - e: Low Cost Artillery Trainer LO-CATE e: L O R A N [Long Range Navigation] Omega Course and Track Equipment LOCC e: Logistical Operations Control Center LOCO TAC e: Low-Cost Tactical Radar LOCP e: Launcher Operation Control Panel LOD e: Launch Operations Division - e: Lines of Defense LODC e: Local Defense District Craft LODE e: Large Optics Demonstration Experiment LODISNAV e: Long-Distance Navigation LOF e: Line-of Flight LOFAAD e: Low-altitude Forward Area Air Defense L O F A A D S e: Lo-Altitude Forward Area Air Defense System LOFAT e: Low-Flying Aerial Target LOFT e: Launch Operations Flight Test L.O.G. d: Landwehroffiziersgemeinschaft LOG d: Luftschutz-Offiziersgesellschaft - d: Luftschutz-Offiziersgesellschaft, CH9043 Trogen Logair e: United States Air Force Logistics Command LOGAN e: Low Grazing Angle Radar Experiment L O G B A L N E T e: Logistics Ballistic Missile Network LOGC e: Logistics Center LOG-C3 e: Logistics Command, Control and Communications LOG-C31 e: Logistics Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence L O G C A B e: Logistics Center Advisory Board LOGC-AMIP e: Logistics Center Involvement in Army Model Improvement Program L O G C A P e: Logistics Command Assessment of Projects LOGCCIS e: Logistics Command Central Information System - e: Logistics Command & Control Information System LOG-C3I e: Logistics Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence L O G C M D e: Logistical Command LOGDIV e: Logistics Division [Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe] L O G F O R e: Logistics Force Log Mgt Cen e: Logistical Management Center LOGSAT e: Logistics Support Assistance Team LogSBw d: Logistikschule der Bundeswehr L O G S V C e: Logistics Service L O G W A R S e: Logistic Wartime Automated Readiness System LOH e: Light Observation Helicopter L O H A P e: Light Observation Helicopter Avionics Package LOHTADS e: Light Observation Helicopter Target Acquisition Designation System L O K Ν: Luftforsvarets Overkommando - Ρ: L i g a O b r o n y Kraju

Κ · G · Saur, München

L 0 K N O R G E ΛΓ Landoverstkommanderende I Norge LOLA e: Light Observation Lightarmo[u]red Aircraft L O L A D e: Low-Altitude Laser Air Defense System LOM e: Legion of Merit LOMAD e: Low-to-Medium-Altitude Air Defense L O M A D S e: Low Altitude Missile Air Defence System LOMEZ e: Low-altitude Missile Engagement Zone LOND SCOT e: The London Scottish [Territorial Army] LONGRAM e: Long-Range Artillery Missile LOOP e: Long-range Open Ocean Patrol LOPAR e: Low-Power Acquisition Radar LOPPLAR e: Laser Doppler Radar LOPT e: Lynx Helicopter Observer Procedure Trainer LOR e: Low-frequency Omni-Range LORA e: Long-Range Adaption LORAAS e: Long-Range Airborne ASW [Antisubmarine Warfare] System L O R A C e: Long-Range Accuracy [Radar] LORAC System e: Long-Range Accuracy System LORAD e: Long-Range Active Detection - e: Long-Range Air Defense LORADS e: Long Range Radar & Display System L O R A H e: Long Range Area Homing L O R A - H O J e: Long-Range-Home on Jam LORAIL e: Long-Range Area Homing LORAINE e: Long-Range Air Intercept Experiment L O R A M e: Level of Repair for Aeronautical Material LORAN e: Long Range Navigation L O R A N - C e: Long Range [aid to] Navigation-C-Band LORAN D e: Long-Range Navigation Doppler Inertial L O R A N DM e: Long-Range Navigation Double Master LORAN DS e: Long-Range Navigation Double Slave L O R A N M e: Long-Range Navigation Master L O R A N S e: Long-Range Navigation Slave LORAN System e: Long Range Navigational System L O R A P H e: Long-Range Passive Homing LORAPHS e: Long-Range Passive Homing System LORAS e: Long-Range Airborne Surveillance - e: Low-Range Airspeed System LORAX e: Long Range Alarm System LORBI e: Locked-On Radar Bearing Indicator LORD e: Long-Range and Detection Radar L O R E e: Land Ordnance Engineering Branch LOREC e: Long-Range Earth Current Communications LORELEI e: Long-Range Echo Level Indicator L O R E O R S e: Long Range Electrooptical Reconnaissance System LORES e: Long-Range Environmental Studies Lorets e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Retransmission System LORIDS e: Long-Range Iranian Detection System

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

LRPGD LORINE e: Limited Range Imagery Networks Elements LORIS e: Long-Range Infra-red System LORMODS e: Long-Range Metal Object Detection System LORMONSTA e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Monitor Station LOROC e: Long-Range Offboard Chaff - e: Long-Range Optical Camera LOROP e: Long-Range Oblique Photography LOROPS e: Long-Range Oblique Optical System LORPGAC e: Long-Range Proving Ground Automatic Computer LORROS e: Long-Range Reconnaissance & Observation System LORS e: Long-Range Sonar [Sound Navigation and Ranging] LORSA e: Long Range Steerable Antenna [or Aerial] LORSAC e: Long-Range Submarine Communications LORSTA e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Station LORSU e: Long-Range Special Unit LORTAN e: Long-Range and Tactical Navigation System LORV e: Low-Observability Reentry Vehicle LOS e: Launcher Operation Station - r: Landstormsofficerss - r: Landstormsofficerssällskap LOSACA e: Liaison Officer to the Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic LOS-AD e: Line-of Sight-Air Defense LOSAM e: Low-Altitude Surface-to-Air Missiles LOS-F e: Line-of Sight-Forward LOS-FH e: Line-of Sight-Forward Heavy LOS-FL e: Line of Sight-Forward Light L.O.S.R. r: Landstormsofficerssällskapens i Sverige Riksförbund L.O.S.S. r: Landstormsofficerssällskapet i Stockholm LOT e: Lock on Target - / · Commission Logistique Organisation Terre - Air - Mer LOTA f: Commission Logistique Organisation Terre - Air - Mer Armement LOTADS e: Long Term Worldwide Air Defense Study LOTH R e: Lotharian Regiment LOTS e: LORAN [Long Range Navigation] Operational Training School LOTV e: Launch Operation^] and Test Vehicle LOUH e: Light Observation Utility Helicopter LOW e: Launch on Warning LOW AT e: Low-Observable Weapon Airframe Technology LOW CAT e: Low Cost Air Target LOYALS e: The Loyal Regiment [North Lancashire] LP d: Liegeplatz - e: Launching Platoon - e: Liquid Propellant [Missile] L.P. d: Luftwaffen-Personalamt LPAR e: Large Phased Array Radar LPC e: Liberia Peace Council LPF e: Lesotho Paramilitary Force - e: Lutheran Peace Fellowship LPG e: Liquid Propellant Gun LPH e: Amphibious assault ship, helicopter LPICBM e: Liquid-Propellant Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

LPIR e: Low Probability of Intercept Radar LPiW d: Leiter Pionierwesen LPLA e: Lao Peoples Liberation Army LPLWS e: Launch Pad Lightning Warning System LPM s: Ley Procesal Militar LP Missile e: Liquid Propellant Missile LPR d: Reserveliegeplatz - e: Liquid Propellant Rocket - e: Liquid Propulsion Rocket LPRE e: Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine LPRL e: Lentz Peace Research Laboratory LPRM e: Low Power Range Monitor LPSS e: Amphibious Transport Submarine LPSU e: Launcher Power Supply Unit LPV e: Landing Pontoon Vehicle LQRR e: Laser Qualitative Research Requirements LR e: Landing Radar - e: Large Range - e: Leicestershire Regiment - e: Liquid Rocket - e: Long Range - e: Loyal Regiment L.R. d: Luftwaffen-Rechtsabteilung - e: Leicestershire Regiment - e: Liaison Regiment - e: Loyal Regiment - e: The London Regiment LRA e: Launcher Relay Assembly - e: Long-Range Aircraft - e: Lords Resistance Army LRAA e: Long-Range Air Army LRAACA e: Long-Range Air Antisubmarine Capability Aircraft - e: Long Range Air ASW Combat Aircraft LRAAM e: Long-Range Air-to-Air Missile LRAAS e: Long-Range Airborne ASW System LRACS e: Long Range Area Communications Scheme LRAD e: Long-Range Alpha Detector LRAF e: Long Range Air Force LRAFB e: Little Rock Air Force Base LRALS e: Long-Range Approach and Landing System LRAMRP e: Long-Range Army Materiel Requirements Plan LRAOP e: Long-Range Aerospace Observation Platform LRARFS e: Long-Range Airlift Requirements Forecast System LRAS3 e: Long-Range Advanced Scout Surveillance System LRASV e: Long Range Air-to-Surface Vessel LRASV Radar e: Long-Range Air-toSurface Vessel Radar LRAT e: Large Radar Array Technology - e: Long-Range Anti-Tank LRATGW e: Long-Range Anti-Tank Guided Weapon LRB e: Liquid Rocket Booster - e: London Rifle Brigade - e: Long Range Bomber L.R.B, d: Lehrregiment Brandenburg - e: London Rifle Brigade L.R.B.A. / · Laboratoire de recherches balistiques et aérodynamiques LRBM e: Long-Range Ballistic Missile LRBR e: Long-Range Ballistic Rocket LRB/RANGERS e: London Rifle Brigade/Rangers [Territorial Army] LRC e: Long-Range Correlation - e: Long-Range Cruise LRCA e: Long Range Combat Aircraft LRCCM e: Long-Range Conventional Cruise Missile

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

LRCR e: Long-Range Chaff Rocket LRCS e: Laser Radar Cross Section - e: Long-Range Communications System - e: Low Radar Cross-Section L R C S [ 0 ] W e: Long-Range Conventional Stand-Off Weapon LRCSW e: Long-Range Conventional Stand-off Weapon LRD d: Leiter der Rückwärtigen Dienste - e: Labelled Radar Display - e: Laser Rangefinder/Designator - e: Liquid Rocket Division Rocket Propulsion Laboratory - e: Long Range Data L.R.D. e: London Recruiting Depot LRDG e: Long Range Desert Group LRDMM e: Long-Range Dual-Mission Missile LRDP e: Long Range Development Plan LRE e: Laser Ranger Experiment - e: Liquid Rocket Engine L.Reg, d: Leibregiment L-RERP e: Long-Range Effects Research Program LRES e: Linear Rocket Engine System - e: Long-Range Earth Sensor LREW e: Long Range Early Warning LRF e: Laser Range Finder - e: Liquid Rocket Fuel - e: Long Range Facility - e: Long-Range Fighter - e: Long-Range Force[s] LRF/D e: Laser Rangefinder/Designator LRFS e: Long Range Forecasting System LRG e: Logistic Review Group - e: Long-Range LRGB e: Long-Range Glide Bomb LRHB e: Long-Range, Hollow Base LRI N: Luftforsvarets radarinspeksjon - e: Long Range Inspector - e: Long Range Interception - e: Long-Range International - e: Long-range Radar Input LRIM e: Long-Range Input Monitor LRINF e: Long-Range Intermediate Nuclear Forces LR-IST e: Long-Range Infra-Red Search & Track LRIX e: Long-Range Interceptor Experimental LRKS N: Luftforsvarets Radarkontrollorskole LRL e: Lightweight Rocket Launcher LRM e: Liquid Rocket Motor - e: Long-Range air-to-air Missile LRMG e: Lockless Rifle Machine Gun LRML e: Long-Range Missile Launcher LRMTR e: Laser Ranger and Marked Target Receiver LRMTS e: Laser Range Meter and Target Seeker - e: Laser Ranger and Marked Target Seeker LRN e: Long-Range Navigation LRNA e: Laws Relating to the Navy Annotated LRNAV e: Long Range Navigation LRO d: Rohstoffstelle der Luftwaffe - e: Laboratory Review Office LRP e: Long-Range Plan[s] LRPA e: Long-Range Patrol Aircraft LRPDS e: Long-Range Position Determining System LRPF e: Liberal Religious Peace Fellowship LRPG e: Long-Range Penetration Group - e: Long-Range Proving Ground LRPGD e: Long Range Proving Ground Division


LRPL LRPL e: Liquid Rocket Propulsion Laboratory LRPS e: Long-Range Positioning System LRR e: Long-Range Radar - e: Long-Range Rocket - /• Laboratoire Radio-Radar - s: Radar de Largo alcance LRRDA e: Long Range Research & Development Acquisition LRRDAP e: Long Range Research Development and Acquisition Plan LRRS e: Limited Remaining Radiation Service [Unit] - e: Long-Range Radar Station LRS e: Light Radiation Sensor - e: Lightweight Radar Set - e: Long-Range Search LRSAGW e: Long-Range Surface-to-Air Guided Weapon LRSAM e: Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile L.&R.Sc.Rgt. e: Lanark and Renfrew Scottish Regiment LRSOM e: Long-Range Standoff Missile LRSU e: Long Range Sensor Unit - e: Long-Range Surveillance Unit LRT e: Laser Range-finder Theodolite LRTG e: Logistics Reassignment Task Group LRTIA e: Long-Range Scientific and Technical Intelligence Assessment LRTNF e: Long-Range Theater Nuclear Force - e: Long-Range Theatre Nuclear Forces LRTPP e: Long-Range Scientific Technical Planning Program LRTS e: Laser Range-finder Theodolite System - e: Laser Range Tracking System L.R.W, d: Lehr- und Reparaturwerkstatt [Marine] LRWE e: Long-Range Weapons Establishment LRWES e: Long Range Weapons Experimental Station LRWRE e: Long-Range Weapons Research Establishment LS d: Landesschützeneinheit - d: Landungsschiff - d\ Leichtes Schnellboot - e: Labor Service - e: Landing Ship - e: London Scottish [Army regiment] L.S. e: London Scottish Regiment LSA d: Landungsschiffabteilung - e: Light Strike Aircraft LSB e: Landing Ship, Bombardment - e: Launcher Support Building LSBr d: Landungsschiffbrigade LSC e: Library Service Center L.Sch.K. d: Landesschützenkorps LSC1V1 e: Logistic Support Coordination Meeting LSCo e: Labor Service Company LSD e: Launch Support Division LSEED e: Launch Support EquipmentEngineering Division LSET e: Logistics Supportability Evaluation Team LSF e: Lightweight Strike Fighter - e: Lock Security Force LSFF e: Landing Ship, Flotilla Flagship LSFFAR e: Low-Speed Folding-Fin Aircraft Rocket LSG e: Landing Ship, Gantry LS & GCM e: Long Service and Good Conduct Medal L Sgt e: Lance Sargeant LSH e: Landing Ship, Headquarters


L.S.H. e: Lord Strathcona's [Canadian] Horse LSHL e: Landing Ship, Headquarters, Large LSHS e: Landing Ship, Headquarters, Small LSI e: Landing Ship, Infantry LSIG e: Landing Ship, Infantry, Gunboat LSIL e: Landing Ship, Infantry, Large LSIM e: Landing Ship, Infantry, Medium LSIS e: Landing Ship, Infantry, Small LSK d: Landstreitkräfte - d: Lotsenkommando- und Seezeichenamt der Kriegsmarine - d: Luftstreitkräfte - n: Luchtstrijdkrachten LSK/LV e: Luftstreitkräfte/Landesverteidigung LSL e: Landing Ship, Logistic LSM e: Landing Ship, Medium, rockets - e: Littoral Sea Mine LSMR e: Landing Ship, Medium, Rocket LSMSO e: Landing Ship, Material Supply Officer LS Mun d: Leuchtspurmunition LSO d\ Leitender Sanitätsoffizier - e: Landing Safety Officer - e: Landing Signal Officer - e: Landing Support Officer - e: Launch Safety Officer - e: Limited Strategic Option LSOT e: Landing Signal Officer Trainer LSP e: Landing Ship, Personnel LSPAFRO e: Lump Sum Payment to Air Force Reserve Officers LSR e: Line Source Range L.S.R. e: The London Scottish Regiment [Territorial Army] LSRF e: Laser Submarine Range Finder L.S.Rgt e: Lake Superior Regiment LSRI e: Large Screen Radar Indicator Lsrr r: Luftspaningsradar LSRS N: Luftforsvarets Sambands-og Radarskole LSRV e: London and Scottish Rifle Volunteers LSS e: Launcher Status Summarizer - e: Logistic Support Squadron LSSF e: Land Special Security Force LSSL e: Landing Ship, Support, Large Lst d: Landsturm LST e: Landing Ship, Tank LSTA e: Landing Ship, Tank, Assault LSTB e: Limited Strategic Test Ban LSTC e: Landing Ship, Tank, Carrier LST[H] e: Landing Ship Tank [Helicopter] Lst.HD. d: Landsturm-Husaren-Division LSTO d. Leitender schiffstechnischer Offizier LSTT e: Labor Service Transportation Truck LSTW d: Luftstrahltriebwerk LSU e: Labor Service Unit - e: Landing Ship, Utility - e: Launcher Switching Unit - e: Logistics Support Unit L.S.II, e: Labour Service Unit LSUN e: Labor Service Unit Navy LSUS e: Landing Ship, Utility, Support LSV e: Landing Ship, Vehicle - e: Light Strike Vehicle LSvCo e: Labor Service Company LSvRwyMPCo e: Labor Service Railway Military Police Company LSW e: Light Support Weapon LSWarnV d: LuftschutzwarndienstVerordnung LSX e: Landing Ship Experimental

Κ · G · Saur, München

LT e: Launcher Test - e: Long-range [microwave] Transmitter - e: Low Target Lt e: Lieutenant Lt AA e: Light Antiaircraft LTACFIRE e: Light Tactical Fire LTAG e: Liaison Training and Advisory Group Lt Arty e: Light Artillery LTBT e: Limited Test Ban Treaty LTC e: Launch Vehicle Test Conductor Lt Cdr e: Lieutenant Commander Lt Cmdr e: Lieutenant Commander Lt Col e: Lieutenant Colonel Lt-Comm e: Lieutenant-Commander LTD e: Language Training Detachment [Defense Language Institute] - e: Laser Target Designation - e: Last Target Detection LTDNS e: Launch Environment, Mission, Type, Design Number and Series [Missiles] LTDP e: Long Term Defense Plan - e: Long-Term Defense Program LTD/R e: Laser Target Designator/Ranger LTDR e: Laser Target Designator Receiver LTDS e: Laser Target Designation System LTG d: Lufttransportgeschwader Lt Gen e: Lieutenant General Lt Gov e: Lieutenant Governor LTH e: Light Training Helicopter LTID e: Laser Target Interface Device Lt Inf e: Light Infantry Lt JG e: Lieutenant Junior Grade LTK d: Lufttransportkommando LTKdo d: Lufttransportkommando LTLA d: Leiter Truppenluftabwehr LTM e: Laser Target Marker - e: Low-Trajectory Missile LTMO e: Laser Target Marking Operator LTM-R e: Laser Target Marker-Ranger LTMR e: Laser Target Marker & Receiver Ltn. d: Leutnant LTO d\ Leitender Transportoffizier - e: Leading Torpedo Operator LTR e: Laser Tank Range-finder LTr d: Landungstransporter Ltr. d: Leiter LTRF e: Laser Tank Range Finder Lt. RN e: Lieutenant, Royal Navy LTRS e: Laser Target Recognition System LTS-Boot d. Leichtes TorpedoSchnellboot LTSBw d: Lufttransportschule der Bundeswehr LTSCP e: Long Term Ship Communication Plan LTT e: Laser Target Tracker - e: Light Tactical Transport LTTAS e: Light Tactical Transport Aircraft System LTTV e: Launch Transient Test Vehicle LTV e: Launch Test Vehicle[s] LUE e: Local Unit Establishment LUF e: Luke Air Force Base special upper-air observing site LUFTKOM NORD Ν: Luftkommandor Nord-Norge LUFTKOM S 0 R N: Luftkommandor SorNorge Luft.Sp.S. d: Marineluftsperrschule Lug d: Luftwaffengerät LÜH e: Light Utility Helicopter LUMF e: Lockheed Underwater Missile Facilities L. und S. Mun. d: Leucht-und Signalmunition LUR d: Landwehr-Ulanen-Regiment LUS d: Landungsunterstützungsschiff

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

MAAD LuSK. d: Luftstreitkräfte LV d: Landesverteidigung - d: Luftverteidigung - e: Landing Vehicle L/V e: Launch[er] Vehicle LVA N: Luftvernartilleri - d: Luftverteidigungsarmee - e: Landing Vehicle Assault - e: Large Vertical Aperture radar - e: Launch Vehicle Availability Lva r. Luftvärnsartilleri LVABF N: Luftvernartilleriets Befalsforbund Lvam r: Luftvärnsammunition LVAMA N: Luftvernartilleriets materiellavdeling LVAN N: Luftvernartillerigruppe NordNorge L V A 0 N: Luftvernartillerigruppe 0stlandet LVA-offiser N\ Luftvernartilleri offiser LVAR e: Launch Vehicle Assessment Report - e: Launch Vehicle Assessment Review Lvart r: Luftvärnsartilleri LVAS e: Launch Vehicle Alarm System LVASA N: Luftvernartilleriets skoleavdeling LVAT N: Luftvernartillerigruppe Tr0ndelag

LVAV N: Luftvernartillerigruppe Vestlandet LVBI d: Luftwaffenverordnungsblatt LVD d: Luftverteidigungsdivision LVDA e: Launch Vehicle Data Adapter - e: Launch Vehicle Deployment Assembly LVDC e: Launch Vehicle Data Center - e: Launch Vehicle Digital Computer LVDC/DA e: Launch Vehicle Digital Computer/Data Adapter LVDiv d: Luftverteidigungsdivision Lvdiv r\ Luftvärnsdivision LVE e: Launch Vehicle Engine LVECC e: Light Vehicles Energy Consumption Committee L.Vert. d: Landesverteidigung LVFC e: Launch Vehicle Flight Control LVGSE e: Launch Vehicle Ground Support Equipment LVH e: Landing Vehicle, Hydrofoil LVK d: Landesverteidigungskommission - d: Luftverteidigungskommando LVKdo d: Luftverteidigungskommando L.V.Kdo. d: Luftverteidigungskommando LVLA d: Leichtverwundetenlazarett der Armee LVM d: Landesverteidigungsministerium - e: Launch Vehicle Monitor - e: Light Vehicle Mine LVMP e: Launch Vehicle Mission Peculiar LVO e: Launch Vehicle Operation^] LvOHs r: Luftvärnets Officershögskola och Tekniska Skola LVOR e: Low Power VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnidirectional Range LvOS r: Luftvärnsofficersskola, Stockholm LVP e: Launch Vehicle Program LV&P e: Launch Vehicles and Propulsion LVPD e: Launch Vehicle Pressure Display LVPG e: Launch Vehicle Planning Group LVPP e: Launch Vehicle and Propulsion Program Lvradar r: Luftvärnsradar LVRS e: Launch Vehicle Recovery System LVS e: Launch Vehicle Simulator - e: Launch Vehicle System LVSE e: Launch Vehicle Systems Engineer

LVSSTS e: Launch Vehicle Safety System Test Set LVT e: Landing Vehicle, Tracked LVTA e: Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Armo[u]red LVTC e: Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Command - e: Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Covered - e: Launch Vehicle Test Conductor LVTH e: Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Howitzer LVTP e: Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel LVTR e: Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Recovery Lvtroppää r: Luftvärnstrupp LVTU e: Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Unarmo[u]red LVTIIX e: Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Unit, Experimental LVW e: Landing Vehicle, Wheeled LW e: Land Warfare - e: Limited Warfare Lw d: Luftwaffe Lw. d: Landwacht - d: Landwehr LWA e: Large Warfighting Aircraft - e: Laser Warning Analyser LwA d: Luftwaffenamt LWADS e: Lightweight Air Defense System LWASV e: Lightweight Aircraft-toSurface Vessel LwAusbRgt d: Luftwaffenausbildungsregiment LWAW e: Light Weight Aircraft Warning LWC e: Limited War Capability LW-COIN e: Limited War-CounterInsurgency LWCS e: Limited War Capabilities Study LWD e: Laser Warning Device - e: Littoral Warfare Data LWDR e: Lightweight Designator/Rangefinder LWF e: Lightweight Fighter LwFlaRgt d: Luftwaffenflugabwehrregiment Lw.Fii.St. d: Luftwaffen-Führungsstab Lw.Fii.Stb. d: Luftwaffen-Führungsstab Lwfw d: Lenkwaffenwerfer LWG e: Lightweight Gun LWGM e: Light Weight Gun Mount LWIRC e: Limited Warfare Intelligence Reduction Complex LWL e: Land Warfare Laboratory - e: Light-Weight Launcher - e: Lightweight Weapon Launch system - e: Limited War Laboratory LWM e: Light All-Weather Missile L.W.M. e: Lloyd's War Medal LWML e: Light Weight Multiple Launcher LWP e: Limited War Plan LwPiRgt d: Luftwaffenpionierregiment LwPkRgt d: Luftwaffenparkregiment Lw.Pro.Zug d: LuftwaffenPropagandazug LWR d: Luftwaffenring - e: Laser Warning Receiver - e: Longwave Radiation LW Radar e: Late Warning Radar LWRS e: Lightweight Weather Radar Set LWRU e: Light-Weight Radar Unit LWS e: Laser Warning System - e: Lightning Warning Set - e: Lightning Warning System LWSF e: Light-Weight Strike Fighter LWSR e: Light-Weight Search Radar LWTC e: Littoral Warfare Training Center

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Lw.Tr.Rgt. d: Luftwaffen-TransportRegiment LWII e: Land Warfare University LwVersRgt d: Luftwaffenversorgungsregiment LWW e: Lightweight Weapon LWWS e: Lightweight Weapons Sight LWZ d: Luftschutzwarnzentrale LY e: Light Yeomanry Lz. d: Lazarett - d: Luftzeugamt L.Z.A. d: Luftzeugamt LZCO e: Landing Zone Control Officer LZS. d: Luftzeugstab

M M d: Militär- d: Tag der Mobilmachung - e: Marine - e: Military - e: Missile[s] - e: Munition [s] - r\ Marin - s\ Marina M. d: Munition - e: Medical Service M l e: The Standard infantry gun for US soldiers M16 e: The standard gun for US infantry M-42 e: Duster [antiaircraft weapon] M-60 e: tank, combat MA N: Marinens artilleri - d: Marineakademie - d: Marineartillerie - d: Medizinal-Abteilung - d: Militäramtsblatt - d: Militärattache - d: Ministeramt [Reichswehrministerium] - d: Munitionsanstalt - e: Division of Military Application - e: Medium Artillery - e: Military Academy - e: Military Adviser - e: Military Applications - e: Military Assistant - e: Military Attaché - e: Military Aviation - e: Military Aviator - e: Missile Airframe - e: Mission Abort - e: Mission Area - /• Musée de l'Armée - η: Militaire Academie - r: Militärapoteket M48A3 e: tank, combat Ma d: Munitionsanstalt - e: Manchester Regiment Ma. d: Militärarrestanstalt - d: Munitionsanstalt M.A. d: Militär-Akademie - d: Munitionsanstalt - e: Military Academy - e: Mountain Artillery - /• Ministère des Armées MAA d: Marineartillerieabteilung - e: Master Army Aviator - e: Medium Antiaircraft Artillery - e: Mission Area Analysis M.A.A. d: Matrosen-Artillerie-Abteilung - d: Militärische Stelle der Nachrichtenabteilung des Auswärtigen Amts MAAC e: Military Assistance Advisory Committee - e: Military Assistance Advisory Course MAACP e: Mediterranean-African Airlift Command Post MAAD e: Manual of Antiaircraft Defense


MAAF MAAF e: Mediterranean Allied Air Force - e: Mediterranean Allied Air Forces - e: Mediterranean Army Air Forces MAAG e: Military Assistance Advisory Group MAAG-J e: Military Assistance Advisory Group, Japan MAAGS e: Military Assistants Advisory Groups MAAM e: Medium Antiaircraft Missile M.A.A.M.C. e: Motor Aircraft and Allied Manufacturing Companies MAAR e: Mojave Antiaircraft Range MAARM e: Memory-Aided AntiRadiation Missile MAAT e: MAC [McDonnell Aircraft Corporation] Acquisition and Attack Trainer MAATC e: Mobile Antiaircraft Training Center MAAW e: Medium Antitank Assault Weapon MAB d: Militärische Abnahmebestimmungen - e: Marine Air Base - e: Marine Amphibious Brigade - e: Missile Assembly Building - e: Munitions Assignment Board M.A.B, e: Munitions Assignment Board MABDG e: Marine Aircraft Base Defense Group MABDW e: Marine Air Base Defense Wing Ma.Bn e: Maori Battalion M.Abn.I. d: Marineabnahmeinspektion M.Abn.ZK. d: Marineabnahmezentralamt [Kriegsschiffbau] MABPD e: Military Assistance Basic Planning Document MABRON e: Marine Air Base Squadron MABS e: Marine Air Base Squadron - e: Marine Automation-Bridge System - e: Mixed Air Battle Simulation MABW e: Munitions Assignment Board [Washington] MABX e: Military Automatic Branch Exchange MAC e: Major Air Command - e: Maneuver Analysis and Command - e: Maneuver Area Command - e: Marine Affairs Council - e: Marine Amphibious Corps - e: Maritime Air Command - e: Medical Administrative Corps - e: Mediterranean Air Command - e: Mediterranean Air Company - e: Military Affairs Committee - e: Military Aid to the Community - e: Military Aircraft Command - e: Military Airlift Command - e: Military/Allied Commission - e: Military and Administrative Committee - e: Military Armistice Commission - e: Military Assistance Command - e: Missile Advisory Committee - e: MIUW [Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare] Attack Craft - e: Mixed Armistice Commission - e: Munitions Assignments Committee - n: Materialen Advies Commissie MACA e: Military Air[lift] Clearance Authority MAC[A] e: Munitions Assignments Committee [Air] MACAF e: Mediterranean Allied Coastal Air Forces - e: Military Airlift Command Numbered Air Force MACAIR e: Munitions Assignments Committee Air


MACALT e: Military Airlift Command Alternate Headquarters MACAM e: Military Airlift Command Automated Management MACARMS e: Military Airlift Command Aircrew Resources Management System MACARNET e: Military Airlift Command Airlift Recovery Network MACAWS e: Multi-center Airborne Coherent Atmospheric Wind Sensor MACB e: Missile Assembly Control Building MACC e: Military Aid to the Civilian Community - e: Military Area Control Centre MACC2 e: Military Airlift Command/Command & Control MACCONNET e: Military Airlift Command Contingency Network MACCS e: Marine Air Command and Control System - e: Marine Corps Air Command Control System - e: Mobile Adaptable Communications Countermeasures System MACCSU e: Military Airlift Command Accelerated Command Center System Upgrade MACDC e: Military Assistance Command Director of Construction MACDD e: Marine and Coastal Data Directory of Australia MACDIS e: Military Assistance for Civil Disturbances MACE e: Military Air Cargo Export - e: Military Airlift Capability Estimator - e: Military Airlift Center [or Centre] Europe - e: Military and Computer Electronics Corp. - e: Missile and Control Equipment MACEN e: Air Defense Command & First Air Region MACE Subsystem e: Military Air Cargo Export Subsystem MACG e: Maneuver Analysis and Command Group - e: Marine Air Control Group - e: Marshaling Area Control Group MAC[G] e: Munitions Assignments Committee [Ground] MACHA e: Military Armistice Commission Headquarters Area MACI e: Military Adaption of Commercial Items MACIMS e: Military Airlift Command Integrated Management System MACIPS e: Military Airlift Command Information Processing System MACISIN e: Military Airlift Command Information Systems Internetting MAC[K] e: Military Armistice Commission [Korea] MACLO e: Military Airlift Command Liaison Officer MACLOGFOR e: Military Airlift Command Logistics Force Packing System MACLOS e: Manually Commanded to Line-of-Sight MACMA e: Military Airlift Command Minicomputer Acquisition - e: Military and Aerospace Connector Manufacturers Association MACMIP e: Military Airlift Command Mainframe Internetting Project MAC[N] e: Munitions Assignments Committee [Navy] MACNW e: Military Airlift Command Northwest

© Κ · G • Saur, München

MACO e: Marshalling Area Control Officer MACOI e: Military Assistance Command's Office of Information [South Vietnam] MACOM e: Major Army Command - s: Mando Aero de Combate MACOPS e: Military Airlift Command Operational Phone Systems MACOV e: Mechanized and Army Combat Operations Vietnam MACP e: Military Aid to the Civil Power MACP MACP e: Military Aid to the Civil Power MACR e: Military Airlift Command Regulation MACREC e: Military Airlift Command Technical Services Company MACRICO i: Magazzino Centrale Ricambi per Mezzi da Combattimento MACRO e: Military Airlift Command Resource Optimization MACS e: Military Aeronautical Communications Service - e: Military Airlift Command Service - e: Missile Air-Conditioning System MACSAM e: Military Airlift Command System Architecture Modernization MACSEA e: Military Assistance Command Southeast Asia MACSF / · Ministère des Anciens Combattants et victimes de la guerre MACSO e: Military Airlift Command Support Office MACSOG e: Military Assistance Command Studies and Observation Group MACTEC e: Military Airlift Command Technical Services Company MACTELNET e: Military Airlift Command Teletype Network MACTHAI e: Military Assistance Command Thailand MACTRAC e: Military Aircraft Command Traffic Reporting and Control MACTRAS System e: Military Aircraft Command Traffic Reporting and Control System MACTU e: Mines and Countermeasures Tactical Unit MACV e: Military Assistance Command in Vietnam MAC/V e: Military Assistance Command, Vietnam MACV e: Military Assistance Command, Vietnam - e: Multipurpose Airmobile Combatsupport Vehicle MACVFR e: Make Altitude Changes Visual Flight Rules MACVG /• Ministère des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre MACWACC e: Military Airlift Command Washington Area Computer Center MAD d: Militärischer Abschirmdienst - e: Magnetic Airborne Detection - e: Magnetic Anti-submarine Detector - e: Marine Air Detachment - e: Military Assistance Division - e: Mine Assembly Depot MADAEC e: Military Application Division of the Atomic Energy Commission MADGE e: Malaysian Air Defence Ground Environment - e: Military Aircraft Digital Guidance Equipment MADLS e: Mobile Air Defence Launching System MADS e: Military Advanced Disk System - e: Missile Attitude Determination System

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

MAR - e: Mobile Air Defense System - e: Mobile Airborne Defense Station - e: Modified Air Defence System - e: Modular Army Demonstration System - e: MPS Air Defence Simulator MADS Concept e: Mobile Airborne Defense Station Concept MADW e: Military Air Defense Warning MADWN e: Military Air Defense Warning Network MAE e: Missile Airborne Equipment - e: Missile Assembly Equipment MAEC e: Missile Attack Emergency Conference MAEE e: Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment MAEL e: Marine Aircraft Experimental Laboratory MAERU e: Mobile Ammunition Evaluation and Reconditioning Unit MAEWR e: Mid-Atlantic Electronic Warfare Range MAF e: Malaysian Armed Forces - e: Marine Amphibious Force - e: Minister of Armed Forces - e: Missile Assembly Facility - e: Mobile Air Force MAFATDS e: Multiservice Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System MAFB e: Malmstrom Air Force Base - e: Mitchell Air Force Base MAFC e: Major Army Field Command MAFE Equipment e: Maintenance of Air/FMF [Fleet Marine Force] Expeditionary Equipment MAFLIR e: Modified Advanced Forward Looking Infrared Radar MAFS e: Mobilization Air Force Specialty MAFSC e: Mobilization Air Force Specialty Code MAFTEP e: Method for Analysis of Fleet Tactical Effectiveness Performance MAFVA e: Miniature Armoured Fighting Vehicles Association MAG e: Marine Aircraft [or Aviation] Group - e: Military Advisers Group - e: Military Advisory Group - e: Military Airlift Group - e: Military Assistance Group - / · Mitrailleuse a Gaz - / · Mitrailleuse d'Appui Generale MAGARLM e: Military Assistance Advisory Group, Army Branch, LogisticsMedical MAGDARR e: Magnavox Doppler and Ranging Radar MAGIC e: Marine Corps Air-Ground Intelligence Center - e: Military Advisory Group in China MAGIIC e: Mobile Army Ground Imagery Interpretation Center - e: Mobile Army Ground Interpretation Center MAGIS e: Marine Air Ground Intelligence System MAGISIAC e: Marine Air Ground Intelligence System Intelligence Analysis Center MAGLAD e: Marksman and Gunnery Laser Device MAGp e: Military Airlift Group MAGROCV e: Military Advisory Group, Government of the Republic of China, Vietnam MAGTEC e: Marine Air-Ground Training & Education Center MAGTF e: Marine Air-Ground Task Force

MAGTRAC e: Magnetic Amplifier, Transistorized, Automatic Target Tracker MAI N: Marinens Artilleriinspeksjon - e: Military Assistance Institute - e: Ministry of Armament Industry MAIN e: Military Authority Index Number - e: Military Authorization Identification Number MAINS e: Marine Aided Inertial Navigation System - e: Minehunting Action Information & Navigation System MAIR e: Modular Airborne Intercept Radar MAIREASTLANT e: Maritime Air, Eastern Atlantic Command MAIRMED e: Maritime Air Forces Mediterranean Command MAIRS e: Military Airlift Integrated Reporting System MAIRU e: Mobile Aircraft Instrument Repair Unit MAIS e: Military Airlift Intelligence System MAISAC e: Middle Atlantic Inter-Service Athletic Conference Maj e: Major Maj Com e: Major [Air] Command MAJCOM e: Major [Air] Command - e: Major Command Maj Gen e: Major General M.Ak. d: Marineakademie - d: Militärärztliche Akademie M.Akad. d: Marineakademie M.A.Kdo. d: Marineabnahmekommando - d: Marineabschnittskommando MAL d: Marineartillerieleichter - e: Monthly Army List M.A.L. d: Marineausrüstungslager MALAY e: The Malay Regiment MALE e: Military Airlift Estimator MAIlg d: Allgemeine Abteilung [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] MALODES e: Modem Army Logistics Data Exchange System MALOR e: Mortar and Artillery Locating Radar MALR e: Mortar/Artillery Locating Radar[s] MALS e: Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron MALSC e: Marine Aviation Logistics Support Concept MALT e: Military Adviser's Language Text - e: Military Assistance Language Training M.A.L.T. e: Military Administration of Liberated Territory MAM e: Medium Altitude Missile - e: Military Air Movement - e: Military Assistance Manual - e: Missile Acceptance Meeting - e: Missile Alarm Monitor - e: Missile Assembly and Maintenance - e: Munitions Assessment Model MAMA e: Middletown Air Materiel Area MAMB e: Military Advisory MissionBrazil - e: Missile Assembly and Maintenance Building MAMBA e: Marconi Artillery & Mortar Ballistic Aide - e: Martin Armored Main Battle Aircraft MA/ML e: Missile Active/Missile Launch MAM Number e: Military Air Movement Number MAMP e: Michigan Army Missile Plant MAMS e: Military Aircraft Marshalling System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Military Airspace Management System - e: Missile Assembly and Maintenance Shop - e: Missile Assistance Maintenance Structure - e: Mobile Air Movement Squadron - e: Modern Army Maintenance System MAMTC e: Main Administration for Military-Technical Co-operation MAN e: Magnetic Automatic Navigation - e: Manchester Regiment - e: Microwave Aerospace Navigation - e: Military Aviation Notice MANAV Project e: Maneuvering and Navigation Project MANCH e: The Manchester Regiment MANCLOS e: Manual Command to LineOf-Sight M and S e: Munition and Supply Manit.Dns e: Manitoba Dragoons Man.O. e: Maneuvering Officer ManO r: Manöverofficer MANPAD e: Man-Portable Air Defense MANPADS e: Man-Portable Air Defense System MANRRDC e: Manpower Resources Research and Development Center MANS d: Marineartillerienachrichtenschule - d: Marineartillerienachrichtenschule MAN's e: Military Aviation Notices MANS e: Missile and Nudet Surveillance M.A.Nza. d: MarineartillerieNebenzeugamt MAOT e: Military Assistance Observer Team - e: Missile Auxiliary Output Tester MAOV e: Mobile Artillery Observation Vehicle MAP e: Military Aid Program - e: Military Airport Plan - e: Military Assistance Program - e: Military Association of Podiatrists - e: Missile Application Propulsion - e: Missile Assignment Program - e: Mission Area Plan - e: Moral Alliance for Peace MAPAD e: Military Assistance Program Address Directory MAPAG e: Military Assistance Program Advisory Group MAPCC e: Military Assistance Program Country Code MAP/CIO e: Military Assistance Program/Common Item Order MAPETT e: Military Assistance Program Evaluation Team, Thailand MAPOM e: Military Assistance Program Owned Materiel MAPP e: Missile Accident Prevention Program MAPR e: Marine Airborne Patrol Radar - e: Multi-Angle Profiling Radar - e: Multiple Antenna Profiler Radar MAPRC e: Mediterranean Allied Photographic Reconnaissance Command MAPS e: Military Academy Preparatory School - e: Military Airlift Command Automated Planning System - e: Military Products and Systems - e: Missile Application Propulsion Study MAPSAD e: Military Assistance Property Sales and Disposal MAPT e: Military Assistance Program Training MAQ e: Military Allowance for Quarters MAR d: Marineartillerieregiment - e: Malfunction Array Radar - e: Maximum Average Range


mar - e: Medium-range Artillery Rocket - e: Minimally Attended Radar - e: Multifunction Array Radar - e: Multiple Array Radar mar d: Schiffahrt - d: Seestreitkräfte Mar. d: Marine M.A.R. d: Matrosen-Artillerie-Regiment MARA e: Multimode Airborne Radar Altimeter MARAAWEX e: Marine Antiair Warfare Exercise MARAD Program e: Maritime Administration Program MARAIRMED e: Maritime Air Forces, Mediterranean MarAMA e: Marianas Air Materiel Area Mar.Ärztl.Ak. d: Marineärztliche Akademie MARBASSCOL e: Marine Corps Basic School MARC e: Matador Automatic Radar Command - e: Materiel Acquisition Resource Committee - e: Military Airlift Command ALCE Reactions Communications MarCad e: Marine Cadet MARCAD e: Marine Corps Aviation Cadet MARCAMP e: Marine Corps Accrued Military Pay System MARCE e: Military Assets Redistribution Center MARCENT e: Marine Corps, Central Command MARCOM e: Maritime Command - e: Microwave Airborne Communications Relay MARCOMM e: Maritime Commission MARCOMNAVADGRU e: Marine Corps Component Navy Advisory Group MARCONFOR e: Maritime Contingency Force MARCONFORLANT e: Maritime Contingency Forces, Atlantic MARCOR e: Marine Corps MARCORB e: Marine Corps Base MARCORDISBOF e: Marine Corps Disbursing Office MARCORESTRACEN e: Marine Corps Reserve Training Center MARCORMAN e: Marine Corps Manual MARCORMEMO e: Marine Corps Memorandum MARCORPERSMAN e: Marine Corps Personnel Manual MARCORPS e: Marine Corps MARCORPSGENORD e: Marine Corps General Order MARCORSUPDEP e: Marine Corps Supply Depot MARCORSYSCOM e: Marine Corps Systems Command MARCORTNGBUL e: Marine Corps Training Bulletin MARCOT e: Maritime Command Operational Team Training MARCS e: Multispectral Airborne Reference-Aided Calibrated Scanner MARD e: Marine Assessment Research Division - e: Military Aeronautical Research and Development MARDEZ e: Maritime Defense Zone[s] MARDIS e: Modernized Army Research and Development Information System MARDIV e: Marine Division MARDS e: Medium Artillery Delivered Sensor[s]


MAREC Radar e: Maritime Reconnaissance Radar MAREQ e: Military Assistance Requirement MARES e: Marine Corps Automated Readiness Evaluation System MARES/FORSTAT e: Marine Corps Automated Readiness Evaluation System/Status of Forces MARESTNG e: Marine Corps Reserve Training MARFOR e: Marine Forces MARFORLANT e: Marine Forces Atlantic MARFORPAC e: Marine Forces Pacific MARG e: Marine Amphibious Ready Group - e: Mediterranean Amphibious Ready Group MarGebSt d: Marinegebührnisstelle [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] MarHKzl d: Marinehauptkanzlei [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] MarHv d: Marinehausverwaltung [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine Marininfreg r\ Marininfanteriregemente Marintoff r: Marinintendenturofficer Mar.-K. d: Marine-Korps Mar.K. d: Marinekanone MARKAR e: Mapping & Reconnaissance Ku-band Airborne Radar Mark-IVB e: A satellite data system developed by the U.S. Air Force Mar.Kü.Art. d: Marine-Küstenartillerie Marlag d: Marinelager [Kriegsgefangenenlager für Marineangehörige] Mar. Laz. d: Marinelazarett MARLF e: Middle Atlantic Regional Library Federation MarLK r: Marinläkarkurs Mar.Mi. d: Marineministerium MarMv d: Marinenmaterialienverwaltung [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] MARNAVCOR e: Marine Navy Corps MARNET e: Military Area Radio Network MarO d: Marineordnung MARO e: Maritime Air Radio Organization MARPA e: Mini Automatic Radar Plotting Aid MARPAC e: Maritime Forces, Pacific MARRES e: Manual Radar Reconnaissance Exploitation Systems MARRESFOR e: Marine Reserve Forces Mar.Riist. d: Chef der Kriegsmarinerüstung Mar.Riist. d: Chef der Kriegsmarinerüstung MARS e: Man-Hour Accounting and Reporting System - e: Marine Aircraft Repair Squadron - e: Marine Corps Ammunition Reporting System - e: Materiel Acquisition Resource System - e: Military Affiliate Radio Service - e: Military Affiliated Radio System - e: Military Airborne Radar System - e: Military Amateur Radio Service - e: Military Amateur Radio System - e: Military Amphibious Reconnaissance System - e: Military Archive & Research Services - e: Minimally Attended Radar Station - e: Modular Adaptable Radar Simulator - e: Modular Attack Radar System - e: Multiple Artillery Rocket System MArs d: Marinearsenal MARs e: Multiple Assault Rockets

© Κ · G • Saur, München

MARSA e: Military Accepts Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft Mar. Stat, d: Marinestation MARTC e: Marine Air Reserve Training Command MARTCOM e: Marine Air Reserve Training Command MARTD e: Marine Air Reserve Training Detachment - e: Marine Corps Aviation Reserve Training Depot MARTEL e: Missile Anti-Radar and Television MARTHA / · Maillage Anti-aerien des Radars Tactiques contre Helicopteres et Aerriennes MArtS d: Marineartillerieschule - d: Marineartillerieschule MARTS e: Master Radar Tracking Station MArtVsuSt d: Marineartillerieversuchsstelle M.A.R.U. e: Mobile Aircraft Repair Unit MARUNITNG e: Marine Unit Training MARV e: Maneuverable Anti Radar Vehicle MaRV e: Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle MARV e: Mobile Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle MARVA n: Marine Vrouwen Afdeling MarVBl d: Marine-Verordnungsblatt Mar.Verpíl.Lag. d: Marine Verpflegungslager MaRVs e: Maneuverable Reentry Vehicles Mar.W. d: Marinewerft MarZahl d: Marinezahlstelle [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] MAS d: Marineartillerieschule - d: Marineartillerieschule - e: Manual of Artillery Survey - e: Military Agency for Standardization - e: Military Airlift Squadron - e: Military Alert System - e: Military Area Services - e: Military Assistance Sales - e: Mine Avoidance Sonar - e: Ministry of Aviation Supply - e: Missile Alignment Set - e: Missile Assembly Site - e: Missile Auxiliaries System - e: Mission Area Strategies - e: Modern Army Supply - e: Modern Army System - e: Modified Armament System - f: Mission dAménagement du fleuve Sénégal M.A.S. d: Marine-Ausrüstungsstelle - d: Marineartillerieschule MASA e: Military Accessories Service Association - e: Military Automotive Supply Agency MASAF e: Mediterranean Allied Strategic Air Force ΜΑ/SB e: Motor Antisubmarine Boat MASC e: Manpower Authorization Standards and Criteria - e: Middletown Air Service Command - e: Military Automotive Supply Center MASCDC e: Military Aircraft Storage and Disposition Center MASCU e: Marine Air Support Control Unit MASD e: Machine Aids to SAM [Surfaceto-Air Missile] Development - e: Mobile Air & Space Defense MASDC e: Military Aircraft Storage and Disposition Center MASER e: Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation MASF e: Military Assistance Service Fund

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

MBC MASG e: Marine Air Support Group - e: Missile Auxiliary Signal Generator MASGP e: Military Airlift Support Group MASH e: Manned Antisubmarine Helicopter - e: Mobile Army Surgical Hospital MASHs e: Manned Antisubmarine Helicopters MASI Ν: Marinens asdic-inspeksjon MASIS e: Management and Scientific Information System MASL e: Military Assistance Articles and Services List MASO e: Munition-Accountable Supply Office[r] MASR e: Multiple Antenna Surveillance Radar MASRT e: Marine Air Support Radar Team[s] MASRU e: Marine Air Support Radar Unit MASS e: Marine Air Support Squadron - e: Maritime Anti-stranding Sonar System - e: Military Agency for Supply and Service - e: Military Airlift Support Squadron - e: Military Airlift Survivability Study - e: Military Approach and Surveillance System - e: Modern Army Supply System MASSAR e: Multimode Airborne Solid State Array Radar MASSq e: Military Airlift Support Squadron MASSTER e: Mobile Army Sensor Systems Test and Evaluation and Review MAST e: Military Antishock Trousers - e: Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic - e: Missile Automatic Supply Technique MASt d: Marineausrüstungsstelle M.A.St, d: Marineausrüstungsstelle MASTACS e: Maneuverability Augmentation System for Tactical Air Combat Simulation MASTARAV e: Master Army Aviator Mast Ar Αν Bad e: Master Army Aviator Badge MASTER e: Military Aircraft Satcoms Terminal - e: Miniaturized Sink-rate Telemetering Radar MASTT e: MPS Action Speed Tactical Trainer MASTU e: Mobile Antisubmarine Training Unit MASU e: Mobile Army Surgical Unit MASWSPO e: Manager, Antisubmarine Warfare Systems Project Office MASWT e: Mobile Antisubmarine Warfare Target - e: MPS Anti-Submarine Warfare Trainer MAT d: Mechanisierung und Automatisierung der Truppenführung - e: Military Air Transport - e: Military Aircraft Type[s] - e: Missile Acceptance Team - e: Missile Acceptance Test - e: Missile Adapter Tester - e: Missile Anti-Tank - e: Mobile Aerial Target MATA e: Military Air Transport Association - e: Military Assistance Training Advisor MATABE e: Multiple-weapon Automatic Target and Battery Evaluation MatABw d: Materialamt der Bundeswehr MATADOR e: Mobile and Three-dimensional Air Defense Operations Radar MATAF e: Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force

MatAH d: Materialamt des Heeres MatALw d: Materialamt der Luftwaffe MatAM d: Materialamt der Marine MATB e: Military Air Transport Board - e: Missile Auxiliary Test Bench M A & T B e: Missile Assembly and Test Building MATC e: Military Air Traffic Center - e: Military Air Transport Command - e: Missile Auxiliaries Test Console - e: Mobilization Army Training Center - e: Mountain Artillery Training Centre MATCALS e: Marine Air Traffic Control Automatic Landing System MATCen e: Military Air Traffic Center MATCH e: Manned Anti-submarine Troop-Carrying Helicopter - e: Manned Attack Torpedo Carrying Helicopter - e: Medium Anti-submarine Torpedo Carrying Helicopter - e: MTMC [Military Traffic Management Command] Automated Transportation Scheduler MATCO e: Military Air Traffic Coordinating Office MATCOM e: Materiel Command MATCOMEUR e: Materiel Command, Europe MATCOMTELNET e: MATS [Military Air Transport Service] Command Teletype Network MATCon e: Military Air Traffic Control MATCONOFF e: Material Control Officer MatCo-Ord[N] e: Material Co-Ordination Division [Naval] MATCU e: Marine Air Tactical Control Unit MATE e: MICOM [Missile Command] Automated Test Equipment - e: Missile/Aircraft Test Equipment MATES e: Medium Attack Tactical Employment School - e: Multi-band Anti-ship Tactical Electronic warfare System MATHP e: Medium Artillery Terminal Homing Projectile MatHptDp d: Materialhauptdepot MATMU e: Mobile Aircraft Torpedo Maintenance Unit M.A.T.M.U. e: Mobile Aircraft Torpedo Maintenance Unit MATO e: Military Air Traffic Operations MATP e: Military Assistance Training Program - e: Missile Auxiliary Test Position - e: Mobilization Assignment Training Plan Mat.Pr.A. d: Materialprüfungsamt MatPrfStBw d: Materialprüfungsstelle der Bundeswehr MATRAC e: Military Air Traffic Control Radar Center - e: Military Air Traffic Control System MatRgt d: Materialregiment MAT Rocket e: Manned Anti-Tank Rocket MATS e: Midcourse Airborne Target Signatures - e: Military Air Transport Service - e: Military Aircraft Target System - e: Missile Auxiliaries Test Set - e: Model Aircraft Target System - e: Motorway, Aircraft, Trains Sufferance MATSC e: Middletown Air Technical Service Command MATSCOMNET e: Military Air Transport Service Communications Net[work] MATSE e: Military Air Transport Service in Europe

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

MATSR e: Military Air Transport Service Regulation MATT e: Multimission Advanced Tactical Terminal MATTS e: Multiple Airborne Target Trajectory System MATZ e: Military Air Traffic Zone MAH e: Marine Amphibious Unit - e: Military Adjustment Unit MAU/ATU e: Marine Amphibious Unit/Amphibious Task Unit M.Au.Re.B. d: Marineausrüstungs- und Reparaturbetrieb Maureb. d: Marineausrüstungs- und Reparaturbetrieb MAusbRgt d: Marineausbildungsregiment MAU[SOC] e: Marine Amphibious Unit [Special Operations Capable] MAVÌ e: Microwave Automatic Vehicle Identification MAVWC e: Military Aircraft Voice Weather Code MAW d: Minenabwehr - e: Marine Aircraft Wing - e: Marine Corps Air Wing - e: Medium Antiarmo[u]r-assault Weapon - e: Military Airlift Wing - e: Missile Approach Warning system - e: Mission Adaptive Wing - e: Mountain & Arctic Warfare MAWA e: Missile Attack Warning and Assessment MAWC e: Marine Air West Coast MAWCS e: Mobile Air Weapons Control System MA/WD e: Material Annex/Weapons Dictionary MAWg e: Military Airlift Wing MAWLOGS e: Models of the Army Worldwide Logistics System MAWP e: Marine Air Wing Pacific MAWS e: Marine Air Warning Squadron - e: Missile Approach Warning System MAW-Schiff d: Minenabwehrschiff MAWTS e: Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron MAWTS-1 e: Marine Aviation Weapons & Tactics Squadron-One MAWTII e: Marine Air Weapons Training Unit MAXMAR e: Maximum Mobile Army M.A.Za. d: Marineartilleriezeugamt - d: Marineartilleriezeugamt Maza, d: Marineartilleriezeugamt M A Z H e: Missile Azimuth Heading MAZO e: Missile Azimuth Orientation MB d: Militärbezirk - d: Minenbombe - e: Marine Base - e: Mechanized Battalion - e: Medical Battalion - e: Medium Bomber - e: Missile Bomber - e: Munitions Board - r: Militärbefälhavare MBA d: Marinebauamt - e: Main Battle Area - e: Military Benefit Association MBAR e: Multiple Beam Acquisition Radar MBAV e: Multi-purpose Base Armoured Vehicle MBAWS e: Marine Base Air Warning System M B B r: Militärbefälhavare-Bergen MBBA d: Marinebaubewirtschaftungsabteilung MBC e: Military Budget Committee - e: Missile Boresight Correlator - e: Missile Borne Computer


MBCA MBCA e: Munitions Board Cataloging Agency MBCP e: Missile Base Communications Processor MBD d: Ministerialbürodirektor M Bd e: Munitions Board MBDG e: Marine Base Defense Group MBDL e: Missile Battery Data Link MBdW d: Militärische Benutzung der Wasserstraßen MBE e: Missile-Borne Equipment M.Bekl.A. d: Marinebekleidungsamt M.Bekl.Mag. d: Marinebekleidungsmagazin MBF d: Militärbefehlshaber - e: Military Banking Facility - e: Missile Beacon Filter MBFR e: Mutual Balanced [Armed] Force[s] Reduction[s] MBGE e: Missile-Borne Guidance Equipment MBGS e: Missile-Borne Guidance Set MBGTS e: Missile-Borne Guidance Test Set MBK d: Marinebefehlshaber Kanalküste MBK. d: Marinebefehlshaber Kanalküste MBL d: Marine-Betriebsstofflager M.B.L. d: Marine-Betriebsstofflager MBL d: Musterprüfstelle der Bundeswehr für Luftfahrtgerät [oder Luftwaffengerät] - e: Main Battie Line MBN d: Marinebefehlshaber Nord M.B.N. d: Marinebefehlshaber Nord MBNAD e: Marine Barracks, Naval Ammunition Depot MBNAS e: Marine Barracks, Naval Air Station MBNMD e: Marine Barracks, Naval Mine Depot MB NN r: MilitärbefälhavareNordnorrland MBNOB e: Marine Barracks, Naval Operating Base MBNQA e: Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award MBNS e: Marine Barracks, Naval Station MBNYD e: Marine Barracks, Navy Yard M BÖ, MB Ö r: Militärbefälhavare-Öst MB ÖN r: Militärbefälhavare-Östnorrland M-Boot d: Minenräumboot - d: Minensuchboot MBOS e: Missile Base Operations Supervisor M BP d: Minenbeobachtungsposten MBPA e: Military Blood Program Agency MBPC e: Munitions Board Petroleum Committee MBPO e: Military Blood Program Office [r] MBR R: Mezkontenental'naja Ballisticeskaja Raketa M Br d: Mechanisierte Brigade MBR e: Military Basic Requirement MBRDL e: Medical Bioengineering Research and Development Laboratory MBRG d: Man MBRLS e: Multi-Barrel Rocket Launching System MBRRGChIN R: Mezkontenental'naja Ballisticeskaja Raketa Razdel'ajuchimij Golovnym Castjami Indiviual'nogo Navedenija MBRV e: Maneuverable Ballistic Reentry Vehicle MBS e: Mediterranean Base Section M B S r: Militärbefälhavare-Söder MBSA e: Munitions Board Standards Agency MBSB e: Marine Barracks, Submarine Base


M.B.S.K, d: Marine-Bergungs- und Seenotdienstkommando MBTS e: Missile Battery Test Set MBV d: Marinebaubevollmächtigter - e: Mexican Border Veterans MB V r: Militärbefälhavare-Väst M.B.W, d: Marinebefehlshaber Westküste MBWO e: Microwave Backward Wave Oscillator MC e: Marine Corps - e: Marketing Center [Veterans Administration] - e: Master Commander - e: Materiel Center [Command] - e: Materiel Command - e: Medical Corps - e: Military Channel [s] - e: Military Charcteristics - e: Military Code - e: Military College - e: Military Committee - e: Military Community - e: Military Computer - e: Military Construction - e: Military Correspondent - e: Military Cross - e: Missile Car - e: Missile Checkout - e: Missile Code - e: Missile Command - e: Missile Compartment - e: Missile Container - e: Missile Control - e: Missile Controller - e: Missile Crew - e: Munitions Command M.C. e: Maintenance Command - e: Royal Military College MCA e: Marine Coastguard Agency - e: Marine Corps Association - e: Military Chaplains Association - e: Military Construction Appropriation - e: Military Construction, Army - e: Military Construction Authorization - e: Military Coordinating Activity MCAA e: Marine Corps Aviation Association - e: Military Civil Affairs Administration MCAAF e: Marine Corps Auxiliary Air Facility MCAAS e: Marine Corps Auxiliary Air Station MCAB e: Marine Corps Air Base MCAC e: Military Common Area Control MCAD e: Marine Corps Air Depot - e: Military Contracts Administration Department MCAF e: Marine Corps Air Facility - e: Marine Corps Air Field - e: Military Construction, Air Force MCAFB e: McConnell Air Force Base MCAGCC e: Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center MCAGCTC e: Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Training Center MCALF e: Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field MC/A/N/AF/M e: Military Construction, Army/Navy/Air Force/USMC MCANW e: Medical Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons M CAP e: Military Construction Authorized Program MCAR e: Military Construction, Army Reserve MCARNG e: Military Construction, Army National Guard MCAS e: Marine Corps Air Station MCAS Cher. Pt. e: Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point

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MCAS[H] e: Marine Corps Air Station [Helicopter] MCAT e: Military Committee Atlantic MCATF e: Mechanized Combined Arms Task Force MCATS e: Marine Corps Aviation Technical School MCATT e: Multi-weapon Combined Arms Tactical Trainer MCAUSA e: Military Chaplain's Association of the United States of America MC Aux. Air Sta. e: Marine Corps Auxiliary Air Station MCB e: Marine Corps Base M.C.B, e: Medicai Consultative Board MCBETH e: Military Computer Basic Environment for Test Handling MCBM e: Marine Corps Brevet Medal MCC e: Manual Combat Center - e: Marine Corps Commandant - e: Marine Corps Commander - e: Materials Characterization Center - e: Metrology and Calibration Center - e: Metropolitan Correctional Center - e: Military Climb Corridor - e: Military Co-operation Community - e: Military Co-ordination Centre - e: Military Committee - e: Military Committee [Chiefs of Staff] - e: Military Communication Control - e: Military Communications Center, Inc. - e: Military Complements Committee - e: Military Control Center - e: Military Cooperation Committee - e: Military Coordinating Committee - e: Military Coordination Committee - e: Ministerial Committee on Military Coordination - e: Missile Checkout Console - e: Missile Command Coder - e: Missile Compensating Control - e: Missile Control Center - e: Missile Control Console - e: Mobile Command Center - e: Movement Control Center - e: Munitions Carriers Conference MCCB e: Minuteman Change Commitment Board MCCC e: Marine Corps Command Center - e: Missile Combat Crew Commander MCCCA e: Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association MCCD e: Marine Corps Clothing Depot MCCDC e: Marine Corps Combat Development Command MCC-DoD e: Mission Control CenterDepartment of Defense MCCISWG e: Military Command, Control and Information Systems Working Group MCCM e: Military Council of Catholic Men MC CO-OP e: Military Committee in Cooperation MCCP e: Marine Corps Campaign Plan - e: Military Consolidated Command Post MCCRES e: Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System - e: Marine Corps Combat Readiness Training MCCRTG e: Marine Corps Combat Readiness Training Group MCCS e: Military Committee in Chiefs of Staff Session - e: Mine Countermeasures Control System MC/CS e: Military Committee [Chiefs of Staff] MCCSS e: Mobile Command Center Strategic System

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

M.C.S. MCCUSCUSRPG e: Military Coordinating Committee, United States Element, Canada-United States Regional Planning Group MCCW e: Military Council of Catholic Women MCD e: Mine warfare & Clearance Diving M.C.D. e: Minister for Coordination of Defence MCDC e: Marine Corps Development Center MCDEC e: Marine Corps Development and Education Command - e: Marine Corps School MCDF e: MIDAS [Missile Defense Alarm System] Control and Display Facilities MCDN e: Marine Corps Data Network MCDV e: Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel MCE e: Military Characteristics Equipment - e: Military Corrective Establishment - e: Missile Compensating Equipment MCEAC e: Marine Corps Emergency Actions Center MCEAMS e: Marine Corps Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Shelter MCEB e: Marine Corps Equipment Board - e: Military Communications Electronic Board - e: Military Communications Electronics Board MCEC e: Marine Corps Education Center MCEM e: Military Committee Emergency Memorandum MCEMS e: Marine Corps Environmentally Controlled Medical System MCES e: Marine Corps Exchange System MCESS e: Marine Corps Expeditionary Shelter System MCEWG e: Military Communications Electronics Working Group MCF e: Marine Commando Force - e: Military Christian Fellowship of Canada - e: Military Computer Facility - e: Military Computer Family M.C.F. e: Mine-Clearing Force MCF e: Missile Compatibility Firing MCFMIS e: Marine Corps Food Management Information System MCFO e: Marine Corps Freight Office MCFSS e: Marine Corps Fire Support System MCG e: Mobile Command Guidance - e: Movement Control Group MCGCM e: Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal MCGS e: Microwave Command Guidance System MCHC e: Marine Corps Historical Center MCHQ e: Marine Corps Headquarters MCI e: Marine Corps Institute MCIA e: Marine Corps Intelligence Activity MCIC e: Marine Corps Intelligence Center MCIFRS e: Marine Corps Industrial Fund Reporting System MCJR e: Multichannel Jezebel [Sonobuoy System] Relay MCKEES e: Marine Corps Key Experiences Evaluation System MCL e: Marine Corps League - e: Missile Continuity Loop MCLA e: Marine Corps League Auxiliary MCLB e: Marine Corps Logistics Base MCLBA e: Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany

MCLFDC e: Marine Corps Landing Force Development Center MCLLS e: Marine Corps Lessons Learned System MCLOS e: Manual Command to Line of Sight MCLP e: Military Committee Representative Liaison Paper to the International Staff MCLSBLANT e: Marine Corps Logistic Support Base, Atlantic MCLSBPAC e: Marine Corps Logistic Support Base, Pacific MCLV e: Missile Control & Launch Vehicle MCLWG e: Major Caliber Lightweight Gun MCM e: Marine Corps Manual - e: Military Characteristics Motor - e: Military Committee Memoranda - e: Mine Countermeasures Ship - e: Missile Carrying Missile - e: Missile Coordination Meeting MCMC e: Marine Corps Memorial Commission - e: Midwest Committee for Military Counseling MCMCC e: Marine Corps Manpower Control Center MCMG e: Military Committee Meteorological Group - f : Groupe Météorologique du Comité Militaire MCMGRUCOM e: Mine Countermeasures Group Command MCMP e: Marine Corps Master Plan MCMR e: Medical Corps, Merchant Marine, General Service MCMSIS e: Marine Corps Modeling & Simulation Investment Strategy MCMSMO e/ Marine Corps Modeling & Simulation Management Office MCMSMP e: Marine Corps Modeling & Simulation Master Plan MCMSWG e: Marine Corps Modeling & Simulation Working Group MCMV e: Mine Countermeasures Vessel MCM Vehicles e: Military Characteristics Motor Vehicles MCMWTC e: Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center MCN e: Military Construction, Navy MCNL e: Military Committee of National Liberation MCNR e: Military Construction, Navy Reserve MCNRF e: Military Construction, Naval Reserve Facilities MCO e: Marine Corps Officer - e: Marine Corps Order - e: Mine Clearing Officer - e: Missile Checkout - e: Missile Control Officer MCOAG e: Marine Corps Operations Analysis Group MCOHM e: Military Community Oral Health Managers MCOLF e: Marine Corps Outlying Landing Field MCOM e: Mobility Command MCON e: Military Construction, Navy MCOP e: Marine Corps Ordnance Publication MC/ORB e: Maritime Command Operational Research Branch MC/ORD e: Military Command Operational Research Division MCOT e: Missile Checkout Trailer - e: Missile Control Officer, Trainer

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

MCOTEA e: Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity - e: Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Agency MCOY e: Military Citizen of the Year MCP e: Marine Corps Capabilities Plan - e: Military Construction Plan - e: Military Construction Program - e: Military Construction Project - e: Missile Control Panel MCPAC e: Military Construction Programs Advisory Committee MCPD e: Marine Corps Procurement District MCPDM e: Marine Corps Program Decision Meeting MCPI e: Materiel Command Procurement Inspection MCPL e: Member of the Congress for Peace through Law MCPO e: Master Chief Petty Officer - e: Military Committee Representative Communication to the Private Office of the NATO Secretary General MCPOC e: Master Chief Petty Officer of Command MCPON e: Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy MCPS e: Military Committee in Permanent Session MC/PS /• Comité Militaire en Session Permanente MCR e: Marine Corps Reserve - e: Military Census Report - e: Military Communications Representative - e: Military Compact Reactor MCRB e: Military Cost Review Board MCRC e: Marine Corps Recruiting Command MCRD e: Marine Corps Recruit Depot MCRDAC e: Marine Corps Research, Development, and Acquisition Command MCRDEP e: Marine Corps Recruit Depot MCRep e: Military Committee Representative to the North Atlantic Council MCROA e: Marine Corps Reserve Officers Association MCROC e: Marine Corps Recruit Option Center MCR[PP] e: Military Compact Reactor Program MCRR e: Marine Corps Reserve Ribbon MCRRD e: Marine Corps Reserve/Recruitment District MCRS e: Marine Corps Recruiting Station - e: Military Command Research System MCRSC e: Marine Corps Reserve Support Center MCRSCMS e: Marine Corps Reserve Support Center Management System MCRSS e: Marine Corps Recruiting Substation MCS e: Marine Corps Schools - e: Marine Corps Station - e: Medical Corps, Special Service - e: Military College of Science - e: Military Communications Station[s] - e: Military Communications Systems - e: Mine Countermeasure[s] Ship - e: Mine Countermeasure[s] Support - e: Missile Calibration Station - e: Missile Checkout Set - e: Missile Checkout Station - e: Missile Commit Sequence - e: Missile Compensating System - e: Missile Control System MC's e: Military Charcteristics M.C.S. e: Military College of Science


MC SA MCSA e: Marine Corps Supply Activity - e: Military Construction Supply Agency MCSC e: Marine Corps Supply Center - e: Military College of South Carolina MCSD e: Marine Corps Supply Depot MCSF e: Marine Corps Security Forces - e: Marine Corps Stock Fund MCSL e: Marine Corps Stock List - e: Marine Corps Supply List MCSS e: Military Communications Satellite System - e: Mine Countermeasures Support Ship - e: Missile Checkout System Selector MCSSC2 e: Marine Combat Service Support Command & Control MCSSG e: Military Committee Special Study Group MCSTSC e: Military Communications System Technical Standards Committee MCT e: Medium Combat Truck - e: Military Combat Thrust - e: Military Command Technology - e: Missile Compensating Tank - e: Mobile Contact Teams MCTACCS e: Marine Corps Tactical Command & Control System MCTAS e: Military/Commercial Transport Aircraft Simulation MCTC e: Military Corrective Training Centre MCTFIST e: Marine Corps Tank FullCrew Interactive Simulation Trainer MCTL e: Military Critical Technologies List MCTSA e: Military Clothing and Textile Supply Agency MCTSSA e: Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity MCU e: Missile Control Unit MCUB e: Marine Corps Uniform Board MCUG e: Military Computers Users Group MCV e: Maritime Commission, Victory Ship - e: Mechanised Combat Vehicle - e: Missile Corvette - e: Multipoint Command Visualization M.C.V.G. f: Mutilés, Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre MCWA e: Malaria Control in War Areas MCWG e.· Materiel Center Work Group MCWM e: Military Committee Working Memorandum MC'WR e: Marine Corps Women's Reserve MCWS e: Minor Caliber Weapon Station MCWU e: Military Committee of Western European Union MCX e: Marine Corps Exchange MD d\ Mechanisierte Division - d: Militärdienst - d: Militärischer Dienst - e: Maritime Defense - e: Material Division - e: Medical Department - e: Meteorological Department - e: Military Department - e: Military District - e: Ministry of Defence - e: Missile Defense - e: Missile Division - r: Marindistrikt M.D. d: Mannschafts depot - d: Matrosendivision - d: Militärbefehlshaber in Dänemark - e: Military District - e: Mobilization Department M+D d: Eidgenössisches Munitionsdepot MDA e: Military Damage Assessment - e: Missile Defense Act


- e: Mutual Defence Assistance - e: Mutual Defense Agency - e: Mutual Defense Assistance - i: Ministero della Difesa-Aeronautica MDAA e: Mutual Defense Assistance Act MDAC e: Mutual Defense AssistanceChina area M.D.A.C, e: Mutual Defense Assistance Committee MDAGT e: Mutual Defense Assistance, Greece and Turkey MDAIKP e: Mutual Defense Assistance, Iran Republic of Korea and Philippines MDA-MP e: Mutual Defense AssistanceMaterial Program MdAN e: United States Naval Academy, Annapolis MDANAA e: Mutual Defense Assistance, North Atlantic Area MdANE e: United States Navy, Naval Ship Research and Development Laboratory, Annapolis MDA-OSP e: Mutual Defense AssistanceOffshore Procurement MDA-OSP Program e: Mutual Defense Assistance-Offshore Procurement Program MDAP e: Major Defense Acquisition Program - e: Military Defense Aid Program - e: Military Defense Assistance Program - e: Mutual Defense Assistance Pact - e: Mutual Defense Assistance Program MdApg e: United States Army, Technical Library, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen MdApgC e: United States Army, Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen MdApgP e: United States Army, Post Library, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen MDARC /• Medecine et Armees MDARNG e: Maryland Army National Guard MDARS e: Military Damage Assessment Reporting System MDA-TR e: Mutual Defense AssistanceTraining MDB e: Munitions Demilitarization Building - e: Mutual Defense Board MdBAE e: United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Baltimore MdBb e: United States Naval Training Center, Bainbridge MDC e: Military District Court - e: Missile Development Center - e: Missile Direction Center - e: Missile Display Conference - e: Mobile Defence Corps - r: Marinens Dykericentrum M.D.C. / · Mouvement de Défense des Contribuables MDDC e: Military Dependents Dental Clinic MDE e: Missile Display Equipment - e: Mission Dependent Elements - e: Mission Dependent Equipment - e: Mission Dependent Experiment M.D.E. i: Ministero della Difesa-Esercito MDEC e: Marine Corps Development and Education Command MDep e: Missile Depot MDF e: Main Defence Force[s] - e: Mobile Defense [Defence] Force[s] - e: Mobile Defense [or Defence] Force[s] m.d.F.b. d: mit der Führung beauftragt MDFMR e: M-Day Force Materiel Requirement

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M.D.G.M. /• Mission de Documentation de Géographie Militaire MDI e: Missile Distance Indicator MDICAT i: Milizia Difesa Contraerea Territoriale MDIN /• Mouvement de la Défence des Intérêts Nationaux MDiv d: Marinedivision MDL e: Main Defense Line - e: Mine Defense Laboratory MDLC e: Materiel Development and Logistic Command MDM e: Movement for a Democratic Military - i: Ministero della Difesa-Marina Md.Mil.Dist. e: Maryland Military District MDMS e: Multiple Delivery Mine System MDN f: Ministère de la Défense Nationale M.D.N, f: Ministère de la Défense Nationale - i: Ministero Difesa Nazionale MDN i: Ministero Difesa Nazionale MDP d: Militärdienstpflicht MDPA e: Mutual Defense Procurement Authority MDPC e: Mount Diablo Peace Center MDPL e: Movement for Disarmament, Peace and Liberty - / · Mouvement pour le Désarmement, la Paix et la Liberté MDPR e: Military District Puerto Rico MDR e: Missile Deviation Report MDRAF e: Mekong Delta Riverine Assault Force MDSR e: Malaya District Signal Regiment MDT e: Mutual Defense Treaty MDU e.· Missile Design Unit MDv d: Marine-Dienstvorschrift - d: Marinedruckvorschriftenverwaltung [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] MDV e.· Mine Destruction Vehicle - e: Mine Detection Vehicle MDW e: Mass Destruction Weapon[s] - e: Military Defense Works - e: Military District of Washington MDWP e: Mutual Defense Weapons Program MDWS e.· Missile Detection & Warning System MD/WT e: Marine Division/Wing Team MDX e: Middlesex Regiment MDZ d: Militärische Dokumentationszentrale - e: Maritime Defense Zone - e: Missile Danger Zone MDZL e: Maritime Defense Zone Atlantic MDZP e: Maritime Defense Zone Pacific ME e: Military Education - e: Military Electronics - e: Military Engineer - e: Military Engineering - e: Missile Electrician MEA e: Munitions Effect[ivenes]s Assessment MEACE e: Military Engineering Applications of Commercial Explosives [Project] MEAD e: Memphis Army Depot MEAF e: Mediterranean Expeditionary Allied Forces - e: Middle East[ern] Air Force[s] M.E.A.F. e: Middle Eastern Air Forces MEAS e: Middle East Air Staff Mebe d: Militäreisenbahnbetriebsstelle MEBFEX e: Marine Expeditionary Brigade Field Exercise MEC e: Marine Expeditionary Corps - e: Middle East Command - e: Military Essentiality Class

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Meßtr.Kw. - e: Military Essentially Code - e: Missile Event Conference M.E.C. e: Middle East Command MECA e: Military Educators and Counselors Association - e: Missiles Electronics and Computer Assembly MECHBAT e: Mechanized Battalion MECOBO e: Military Export Cargo Offering and Booking Office MECOM e: Middle East Command MED d: Kommando des Militäreisenbahndienstes - d: Militäreisenbahndienst - e: Manhattan Engineering District - e: Military Electronics Division M.E.D. d: Militär-Eisenbahn-Direktion MEDA e: Military Emergency Diversion Airfield MEDAC e: Military Electronic Data Advisory Committee [of NATO] MEDAL e: Mine warfare Environmental Decision Air Library MEDALS e: Military Engineering Data Asset Locator Med. Arty, e: Medium Artillery MEDBN e: Medical Battalion Med Bull [US Army] e: Medical Bulletin [United States Army] Med Bull US Army [Eur] e: Medical Bulletin. US Army [Europe] Med C e: Medical Corps MEDCAP e: Medical Civic Action Program MEDCEN e: United States Army Medical Center MEDCENT e: Allied Forces, Central Mediterranean MEDCOM e: Medical Command - e: Mediterranean Communications MEDCORPS e: Medical Corps MEDCOS e: Mediterranean Chiefs of Staff MEDE e: Military Electronics Defense Exhibition MEDEAST e: Allied Forces, Southern Europe, Mediterranean East MEDI e: Missile Error Data Integration MEDIA e: Missile Error Data Integration Analysis MEDIHC e: Military Experience Directed into Health Careers MEDIUM e: Missile Era Data IntegrationUltimate Method Med J Armed For [India] e: Medical Journal. Armed Forces [India] MEDNOREAST e: Allied Forces, Southern Europe, Mediterranean North East MEDO e: Middle East Defense Organization MEDOC e: Allied Forces, Southern Europe, Mediterranean West MEDOFCOM e: Medical Officer-inCommand Med.R.C. e: Medical Reserve Corps Med Res C e: Medical Reserve Corps MEDSOUTHEAST e: Allied Forces, Southern Europe, Mediterranean South East MEDSPECC e: Medical Specialist Corps MEDSUPDEP e: Medical Supply Depot MEDSUPPACT e: Mediterranean Support Activity MEDT e: Military Equipment Delivery Team Med War e: Medicine and War MED-WRAP e: Medical War Reserve Automated Process

MEE e: Military Engineering Establishment MEECN e: Minimal Essential Emergency Communications Network MEF e: Mediterranean Expeditionary Force - e: Mesopotanian Expeditionary Force - e: Middle East Forces - e: Munitions Equipment Facility MEG e: Multipactor Electron Gun MEGA e: Military Evaluation of Geographic Areas MEGS e: Missile End-Game Scoring MEH e: Multi-Engined Helicopter MEIC e: Middle East Intelligence Center MEIDS e: Military Electronic Information Delivery System MEIS e: Military Entomology Information Service - e: Multispectral Electrooptical Imaging Sensor MEL e: Military Education Level - e: Military Electronics Laboratories - e: Missile Ejector Launcher - e: Mobile Erector Launcher MELA e: Munition Export License Application MELDI e: Master Equipment List Drawing Index MELF e: Middle East Land Forces MELH e: Missile Elevation Heading MELVA e: Military Electronic Light Valve MEM e: Missile Engagement Mechanism Mem Artillerie Fr f: Memorial de l'Artillerie Française Mem Artillerie Fr Sci Tech Armement f: Memorial de l'Artillerie Française. Sciens et Techniques de l'Armement MEMS e: Missile Equipment Maintenance Sets MEND e: Medical Education for National Defense MEO d: Militäreisenbahnordnung - e: Military Electronics Office MEOSAB e: Missile Explosive Ordnance Safety Advisory Board MEOWS e: Multimode Electro-Optical Weapon System MEP e: Military Entry Permit MEPCOM e: Military Entrance Processing Command MEPP e: Middle East Peace Process MEPS e: Military Entrance Processing Stations - e: Military Express and Passenger Bus Service MER e: Manpower Evaluation Report - e: Multi-Element Radar MERA e: Molecular Electronics for Radar Application - e: Molecular Electronics Radar Arrays MERDC e: United States Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center MERGV e: Martian Exploratory Rocket Glide Vehicle MERIT e: Military Exploitation Of Reconnaissance and Intelligence Technology MERM e: Material Evaluation Rocket Motor MERVS e: Mobile Emergency Response Vehicles MES e: Military Engineering] Services - e: Missile Electrical Simulator M.E.S. e: Military Engineer Services MESAR e: Multi-function Electronically Scanned Adaptive Radar

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

MESO e: Military Embarkation Staff Officer MESROM e: Materials-Evaluation Subcaliber Rocket Motor MESS e: Military Equipment Support Subsystem MEST e: Missile Electrical System Test MESTS e: Missile Electric System Test Set MET e: Missile Electrical Technician - e: Missile Escort Team META e: U.S. Army Management Engineering Training Agency METAL e: Militarily Signifcant Emergent Technologies Awareness List M ETC e: Military Equipment Test Center meteo d: Meteorologie METG e: Military Effects Test Group MET/M e: Missile Engine Technician/Mechanic METMF e: Marine Corps Meteorological Mobile Facility METO e: Mediterranean Treaty Organization - e: Middle East Treaty Organization ΜΕΤΟΧΙ e: Military Effectiveness in a Toxin Environment METRA e: Metal Radar METRI e: Military Essentiality Through Readiness Indices METRRA e: Metal-Re-Radiation Radar MET/S e: Missile Electrical Technician/Specialist METS e: Missile Environmental Testing Study - e: Multi-Engine Training Squadron METSII/ACI e: Military Export Traffic System II-Enhanced/Automated Carrier Interface METT e: Manned, Evasive Target Tank - e: Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Troops METTT e: Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops and Time METT&T e: Mission, Enemy, Troops, Terrain & Time METW e: Military Emergency Travel Warrant M.E.V.A. d: Militär-EisenbahnVerkehrsamt MEW e: Marine Early Warning - e: Marine Expeditionary Wing - e: Maritime Expeditionary Warfare - e: Microwave Early Warning Radar - e: Military Early Warning - e: Mobile Early Warning MEWD e: Missile Electronic Warfare Division [White Sands Missile Range] MEWPP e: Modular Electronic Warfare Pre-Processor MEWS e: Missile Early Warning Station - e: Missile Early Warning System - e: Missile Electronic Warfare System - e: Mission-Essential Weapon System - e: Modular Electronic Warfare Simulator MEWSG e: Maritime Electronic Warfare Support Group - e: Multi-Service Electronic Warfare Support Group - e: Multinational Electronic Warfare Support Group MEWSS e: Mobile Electronic Warfare Support System MEWTA e: Missile Electronic Warfare Technical Area MEX e: Military Exchange MEXE e: Military Engineering Experimental Establishment MEZ e: Missile Engagement Zone Meßtr.Kw. d: Meßtruppkraftwagen


MF MF d: Marinefunker - d\ Massiertes Feuer - e: Main Force - e: Missile Failure[s] - r: Marinförvaltning - r: Marinförvaltningen M.F. d: Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich - e: Mediterranean Fleet - /• Marine Française M+F d: Eidgenössische Munitionsfabrik M FA Ν: Middeltung feltartilleriet - d: Eidgenössische Munitionsfabrik Altdorf - e: Malta Fencible Artillery - e: Manual of Field Artillery - e: Military Flying Area - e: Military Functions Appropriation - / · Mouvement des Forces Armées - ρ : Moviemento das Forças Armadas - ρ : Movimento das Forças Armadas M.F.A. / · Ministère des Forces Armées MFAbn N: Middeltung feltartilleribataljon M FAR e: Multi-Function Array Radar M.F.A.R. d: Marine-FeldartillerieRegiment MFC e: Military Forces of the Crown - e: Military Frequency Changer - e: Missile Fire Control MFCC e: Missile Flight Caution Corridor MFCS e: Missile Fire Control System - e: Missile Flight Control System MFCSB e: Missile Fire Control Status Board MFD d: Militärischer Frauendienst - e: Military First Destination MFE e: Military Field Engineering M.F.E. e: Military Forwarding Establishment MFENET e: Defense data Network MFF e: Military Free Fall - e: Mixed Fighter Force MFFC e: Mixed Fighter Force Concept MFFO e: Mixed Force Fighter Operations MFG d: Marinefliegergeschwader MFH e: Military Families' Hospital - e: Military Family Housing - e: Military Field Hospital MFHC e: Missile Flight Hazard Corridor MFHS e: Mobile Fuel Handling Squadron MFIC e: Military Flight Information Center - e: Missile Flight Information Center MFIT e: Modified Flight Intersection Tape MFL e: Missile Firing Laboratory MFIgH d: Marinefliegerhorst MFIgKdo d: Marinefliegerkommando MFmAbsch. d: Marinefernmeldeabschnitt MFmKdo d: Marinefernmeldekommando MFmS d: Marinefernmeldeschule MFMS e: Military Flight Management System MFmVsuSt d: Marinefernmeldeversuchsstelle MfNV d: Ministerium für Nationale Verteidigungg MFO e: Military Forwarding Officer - e: Military Forwarding Organization - e: Missile Field Office - e: Missile Flight Office - e: Multinational Force and Observers MFOM e: MLRS Family of Munitions MFOTS e: Military Fiber-Optic Transmission System MFP d: Marinefährprahm - e: Military Foot Police MFPG e: Mechanical Failures Prevention Group M.F.Pi. d: Marine-Festungspioniere


MFR d: Militärischer Führungsrat - e: Military Force Reduction^] - e: Missile Firing Range - e: Multi-Function Radar MFS d: Marinefernmeldeschule - d: Marinefunkstelle - d: Militärische Führungsschule - d: Militärluftfahrzeug-Führerschein - e: Military Flight Service - e: Missile Firing Station MFSC e: Missile Flight Safety Center MFSG e: Missile Firing Safety Group MFSO e: Missile Flight Safety Officer MFSOA e: Missile Flight Safety Officer Assistant MFSOC e: Missile Flight Safety Officer Console MFSOP e: Missile Flight Safety Operations Plan MFSS e: Missile Flight Safety System[s] MFT d: Eidgenössische Munitionsfabrik Thun - e: Missile Facilities Technician MFT/S e: Missile Facilities Technician/Specialist MFu e: The Royal Munster Fusiliers MF V e: Materiel Division, Western Military Region Command MFV e: Motor Fleet Vessel MFVSt d: Marinefernmeldeversuchsstelle MFWG e: Mechanical Failures Working Group MFZ e: Missile Firing Zone MG d: Militärgericht - d: Militärgesetz - e: Machine Gun - e: Marine Gunner - e: Military Government - e: Missile Guidance M.G. d: Militärbefehlshaber im Generalgouvernement - / · Marine de Guerre - / · Marraines de Guerre - / • Ministère de Guerre - f: Mutilés de Guerre - s: Ministerio de la Guerra M.G.A. e: Military Government Association M.G.A.A. e: Major-General, Anti-Aircraft Artillery MGACG e: Missile Guidance Alignment Checkout Group MGARJS e: Mobile Ground-to-Air Radar Jamming System MGB e: Machine-Gun Belt - e: Missile Gunboat - e: Machine Gun Corps - e: Major General Commandant - e: Marriage Guidance Council - e: Marriage Guidance Counsellor - e: Missile Guidance and Control - e: Missile Guidance Computer M.G.B, e: Motor Gun Boat MGCC e: Missile Guidance and Control Computer MGC[orps] e: Machine Gun Corps MGCS e: Missile Guidance & Control System MGD d: Militärgeographische Dokumentation - e: Military Geographic Documentation - n: Militair-Geneeskundige Dienst MGE e: Machine Gun Emplacement - e: Missile Ground Equipment - e: Missile Guidance Element MGFA d: Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt MGFA/DZ d: Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt/Dokumentenzentrale

Κ · G · Saur, München

MGG e: Military Government for Germany - e: Missile Guidance Group MGI e: Military Geographic Information - e: Military Geographic Intelligence - n: Militair Geografisch Instituut M.G.I, n: Militair Geografisch Instituut MGID e: Military Geographic Information and Documentation MGIS e: Military Geographic Information System MGM d: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen - e: Mobile Guided Missile MGMC e: Multiple Gun Motor Carriage MG/MGI e: Mapping, Geodesy and Military Geographic Intelligence MGO e: Machine-Gun Officer - e: Military Government Officer MGOTS e: Machine-Gun Officers' Training School M.Govt e: Military Government MGPA ρ: Marinha de Guerra Popular de Angola MGPCU e: Missile Ground Power Control Unit MGR e: Mobile Guided Rocket MGRA e: Major-General, Royal Artillery MGRM e: Major General Royal Marines MGRMTRSF e: MGRM Training, Reserve & Special Forces MGRS e: Military Grid Reference System MGS d: Militärgesetzsammlung - d: Morsegeber mit Schreibteil - e: Machine Gun School - e: Machine Gun System - e: Missile Guidance Section - e: Missile Guidance Set - e: Missile Guidance System MGSA e: Military General Supply Agency MGSC e: Missile Guidance Set Control MGsch e: Machine Gun School MGSE e: Missile Ground Support Equipment MGSGT e: Master Gunnery Sergeant MGST e: Military Geography Specialist Team MGSTS e: Missile Guidance System Test Set MGT e: Machine-Gun Training MGU e: Military Government Unit MGUN e: Marine Gunner M Gun Sgt e: Master Gunnery Sergeant MGVP e: Military Government Vehicle Permit MGYSGT e: Master Gunnery Sergeant MH e: Military History - e: Military Hospital M.H. / · Médecin des Hôpitaux Militaires MHA e: Munitions Handling Area MHB e: Master Horizontal Bomber - e: Munitions Holding Building MHC e: Mine Countermeasures Ship MHCO e: Mine-Hunting Control Office[r] MHD d: Munitions-Hauptdepot - e: Military History Detachment M&HDA e: Medical and Hospital Department, U.S. Army MHE e: Missile Handling Equipment - e: Munitions Handling Equipment MHEA d: MarinehelferinnenErsatzabteilung MHEL d: Militärhaupteisenbahnlinie MHFR e: Military Height-Finder Radar MHHLS e: Multiple Helicopter Heavy Lift System MHI e: Military History Institute - e: Munitions Holding Igloo MHIP e: Missile Homing Improvement Program

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Mil.-Dek. MHJ d: Marine-Hitlerjugend M H K e: Military History of Korea Μ.Η.Κ. d: Hochschulkommando der Marine M H K P r. Medeltung helikopter MHO d: Militärhandelsorganisation MHQ d: Marinehauptquartier - e: Maritime Headquarters - e: Mediterranean Headquarters - e: Military HeadQuarters MHQI d: Marine-HauptquartierInformationssystem MHR e: Microwave Hologram Radar - e: Mile High Radar MHR Resistor e: Microminiature High Range Resistor MHS d: Militärhauptstraße - e: Military Health System - e: Military Historical Society - e: Mine Hunting Sonar - e: Missile Hazard Space - r: Militarhogskolan M.H.S. e: Military Heraldry Society - e: Military Historical Society MHSA e: Military Historical Society of Australia M H S A A K r: Militärhögskolans allmänna kurs MHS ROK r: Militärhögskolans reservofficerskurs M H S S e: Military Health Service System - e: Military Health Services System MHSV e: Multi-purpose High Speed Vehicle MHSz H: Magyar Honvédelmi Sz MHT e: Missile Handling Trailer - e: Munitions Handling Trailer M H V a: Marinehjemmevaernet MI d: Militärinternierter - d. Mittlere Instandsetzung - e: Middlesex Regiment - e: Military Intelligence - e: Military Internee - e: Military Interpreter - e: Missile Industry - e: Mounted Infantry - i: Marina Italiana M.1.5 e: Military Intelligence Department [War Office] M.I.6 e: Military Intelligence [Foreign Office] M.I. i: Marina Italiana MIA e: Military Inspection Agency - e: Military Intelligence Agency - e: Missile Intelligence Agency - f : Agence Militaire d'Inspection MIADS e: Minot Air Defense Sector MIAPD e: Mid-Central Air Procurement District MIAR e: MIDAS [Missile Defense Alarm System] Intercept Assembly Register MIB d: Marineinfantriebataillon - e: Military industrial base - e: Military Intelligence Board - e: Military Intelligence Branch - e: Military Intelligence Bureau - e: Missile Interceptor Base MIBAR e: Multi-channel In-band Airborne Relay M I B A R S e: Military Intelligence Battalion MI [BN] e: Military Intelligence [Battalion] MI [BN] [CO] e: Military Intelligence [Battalion] [Company] MI Br d: Marineinfantriebrigade MIC e: Maintenance Information Chart - e: Military Information Center - e: Military Intelligence Corps M-I-C e: Military-Industrial-Commercial

M-IC e: Military-Industrial Complex MICA / · Missile d'Interception et de Combat Aerien MICAS e: Military Intelligence Company M I C B M e: Mobile Intercontinental Ballistic Missile MICC e: Military Information Control Committee M I C C S e: Minuteman Integrated Command and Control System MICL e: Missile In-Commission Level MICNS e: Modular Integrated Communications and Navigation System M I C o e: Military Intelligence Company MICOM e: Missile C o m m a n d e r ] MICON e: Military Construction Program M I C O R E e: Management Improvement/Cost Reduction Program MICP e: Military Inventory Control Point M-I-C Products e: Military-IndustrialCommercial Products MICS e: Military Industrial Complex Salesman - e: Military Integrated Communications System - e: Missile Inspection Completion Sheet M.I.C.U.M. / Mission Interalliée de Contrôle des Usines et des Mines MIC U N E S C O - I O C / M I C e: Marine Information Centre M I C V e: Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle MID d: Marineinfantriedivision - d: Militärische Infrastrukturdienststelle - d: Militärischer Identitätsdienst - e: Military Information Division - e: Military Intelligence Department - e: Military Intelligence Detachment - e: Military Intelligence Division - n: Militaire Inlichtingendienst MIDA e: Major Item Data Agency M I D A R e: Motion Indicating Radar M I D A S e: M I C O M [Missile Command] Digital Analysis Code - e: Military Defense Alarm System - e: Missile Defense Alarm System - e: Missile Defense Alert Satellite - e: Missile Defense Alert System - e: Missile Detection and Alarm System - e: Missile Detection and Surveillance - e: Missile Detection Anti-Surveillance - e: Missile Intercept Data Acquisition System MIDCRU e: Midshipman Cruise M I D E A S T F O R e: Middle East Force MIDES e: Missile Detection System MIDONAS d: Militärisches DokumentNachweis-System M I D O P e: Missile Doppler M I D U e: Missile Ignition Delay Unit MIE e: Military Industrial Establishment - e: Military Information Environment MIEC e: Military Intelligence Exchange Center MIER e: Military Intelligence Enlisted Reserve MIF d: Militärische Infrastrukturförderung - e: Maritime Interception Force MIFASS e: Marine Integrated Fire and Air Support System MIFI e: Missile Flight Indicator MIFR e: Master International Frequency Register MIFSA e: Missile In-Flight Safety Approval MIFV e: Mechanised Infantry Fighting Vehicle MIG d: Marine-Informations-Gruppe - e: Fighter plane

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

MiG e: Mikoyan-Gurevich Aircraft MIG e: Military Intelligence Group MIGB e: Millinery Institute of Great Britain M i G C A P e: MiGMiG [Mikojan Gurevic] Combat Air Patrol M i l e: Military Intelligence Interpreter - e: Military Intelligence Interrogation M U D S e: Military Integrated Intelligence Data System - e: Military Intelligence Integrated Data System MIIDS/IDB e: Military Intelligence Integrated Data System/Integrated Database MIJO e: Missile Joint Optimization M I K d: Marineinfantriekompanie MIL e: Military - e: Military Instrumentation List - e: Missile Industry Liaison Mil d: Militär - d: Militarismus - d: Militarist mil d: militärisch - d: militaristisch Mil. e: Military usage M I L A D G O V T e: Military Advisory Government MilAdGru e: Military Advisory Group Mil.-Ak. d: Militär[technische]-Akademie M I L A N / • Missile d'Infantrie Leger Antichar MILAS f : Missile de Lutte Anti-Sousmarine Milassist r: Militärassistent MilATCC e: Military Air Traffic Control Centre MilAtt d: Militârattaché Mil. Att. e: Military Attaché Mil. Auth. e: Military Authority Mil. Av. e: Military Aviator Mil.-Bef. d: Militärbefehl Milbef r: Militärbefälhavare m i l b e f f 1 milo r: militärbefälhavare för 1 militäromrädet Mil.-Befh. d: Militärbefehlshaber milbefstab r: militärbefälhavarens stab Mil.-Bez. d: Militärbezirk MilBGrp d: Militärische Beratergruppe MILCAP e: Military Civic Action Program - e: Military Civil Action Plan[ning] - e: Military Contract Administration Procedure[s] - e: Military Standard Contract Administration Procedures MILCAPSYS e: Measuring Military Capability & Constraints Information System M I L C A S E e: Military Career Awareness Course for Educators MILCEST e: Military Communications Electronic System Technology Mil.Coll. e: Military College MILCOM e: Military Committee - e: Military Committee Communication Milcom 82 e: Military Communications Conference M I L C O M / · Message du Comité Militaire M I L C O M S A T e: Military Communications Satellites MILCON e: Military Construction - e: Military Construction Program MILD A T e: Military Damage Assessment Team MILDD e: Military-Industry Logistics Data Development M I L D D U e: Military-Industry Logistics Data Development Unit Mil.-Dek. e: Militärdekan


MILDEP MILDEP e: Military Department - e: Military Deputy MILDEPS e: Military Departments Mil.Diet, e: Military Dictionary MILDIP e: Military Industry Logistics Data Interchange Procedure Mil.Dist. e: Military District Mil.-Distr. d: Militärdistrikt Mil.E. e: Military Education MIL-E-CON e: Military Electronics Conference MILES e: Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System MILFAC e: Military Facilities File MILFAX r: Militär faximilöverföring MilFR d: Militärischer Führungsrat Mil G d: Militärgericht MilGDek d: Militärgeneraldekan Mil.-Gef. d: Militärgefangener - d: Militärgefängnis Mil.-Geistl. d: Militärgeistlicher Mil. Geo. e: Military Geography MilGeoA d: Militärgeographisches Amt MilGeoDSt d: Militärgeographische Dienststelle Mil.-Ger. d: Militärgericht Mil.-Ges. d: Militärgesetz Mil GO d: Militärgerichtsordnung MILGOV e: Military Government Mil.-Govt. e: Military Government Mil Govt e: Military Government MILGP e: Military Group MilGVik d: Militärgeneralvikar Mil-Hdbk e: Military Handbook Mil-Hndbk e: Military Handbook Mil-Hndbok e: Military Handbook MilHydroDSt d: Militärhydrographische Dienststelle MILID e: Military Intelligence Department [Division] MILIMETS e: Military Meteorological System Mil. Intel, e: Military Intelligence milit. d: militärisch - d: militaristisch Milit. e: Military militar, d: militärisch Militärmed. d: Militärmedizin Militärwiss. d: Militärwissenschaft Milit.L.R. e: Military Law Review Mil.Kab. d: Militär-Kabinett Mil Kass G d: Militärkassationsgericht Mil. Med. e: Military Medicine Mil. & Nav. e: Military and Naval MILNET e: Military [Packet] Network MILO e: Military Intelligence Liaison Officer Milo r: Militäromrade Mil. Ob. e: Military Observer milo Β r: Bergslagens militäromrade milobef r: militäromradebefälhavare Mil. Obs. e: Military Observer MILOC e: Military Oceanography Mil OG d: Militärstrafsenat des Obersten Gerichts milolvoff r: militäromrädesluftvärnsofficer Milo M r: Mellersta Militaromradet milo NN r: Militäromrade Nordnorrland milo Ö r: Militäromrade Ost milo ÖN r: militäromrade Östnorrland Mil.-OPf. d: Militäroberpfarrer MIL OPS e: Military Operations milo S r: Militäromrade Syd Milo S r: Sodra Militaromradet milosambandsoff r: militäromradesambandsofficer milotygoff r: militäromrädestygofficer milo V r: Militäromrade Väst Milo V r: Vastra Militaromradet


MIL Ρ e: Military Police MILPAY e: Military Pay MILPERCEN e: Military Personnel Center [Europe] MILPERS e: Military Personnel MILPERSINS e: Military Personnel Information System Mil.-Pf. d: Militärpfarrer MILPHAP e: Military Provincial Health Assistance Program MILPO e: Military Personnel Office MILPOL d: Militärpolitik Mil. Pris, e: Military Prison Mil Prot d: Militärprotokoll MilR d: Militärregierung MilReg d: Militärregierung MILREP e: Military Representative [for Military Assistance in Europe] MILREPC e: Military Representatives Committee MILS e: Military Standard Logistic System - e: Missile Impact Location System - e: Missile Intercept-Late Scramble - e: Missile Location System Mil.San. d: Militär-Sanatorium MILSAT e: Military Satellite MILSATCOM e: Military Satellite Communications MILSCAP e: Military Standard Contract Administration Procedure Mil.-Seels, d: Militärseelsorge[r] Mil Sich d: Militärische Sicherheit - d: Untergruppe Operationen im Generalstab, Sektion Militärpolizei MILSIMDS e: Military Standard Item Management Data System MILSIMS e: Military Standard Inventory Management System MILSO e: Military Standard Logistics Systems Office MILS/PAC e: Missile Impact Location System/Pacific MIL[-]SPEC e: Military-Specification[s] MILSPETS e: Military Standard Petroleum System MILSPOT e: Military Standard Purchase Operating Technique MILSTAAD e: Military Standard Activity Address Directory MILSTAM e: International Military Staff Memorandum MILSTAMP e: Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures - e: Military Standard Transportation & Movement Procedures MILSTAN e: Military Agency for Standardization - e: Military Standard MILSTAR e: Military Strategic and Tactical Relay Satellite MILSTD e: Military Standard MILSTEP e: Military Standard Evaluation Procedure - e: Military Supply and Transportation Evaluation Procedures MilStG d: Militärstrafgesetz MilStGB d: Militärstrafgesetzbuch MilStGO d: Militärstrafgerichtsordnung MILSTICCS e: Military Standard Item Characteristics Coding Structure MILSTIICS e: Military Standard Item Identification Coding System MILSTRAMP e: Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedure MILSTRAP e: Military Standard Requisitioning and Accounting Procedures - e: Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures

© Κ · G • Saur, München

MILSTRIP e: Military Standard Requisitionfing] and Issue [or Issuing] Procedure[s] MILSVC e: Military Services MilT d: Militärtarif MILTAG e: Military Technical Assistance Group Mil.T.Anst. d: Militär-Turnanstalt miltechn. d: militärtechnisch MILTOSS e: Military Transportation of Small Shipments MIL TRA e: Military Training MILTRACS e: Military Air Traffic Control System Mil Trib e: Military Tribunal MILD e: Missile Interface & Logic Unit MILVA n: Militaire Vrouwen Afdeling MILVAN e: Military-owned demountable container - e: Military Van Mil.-Ver.-A. d: Militär-Versuchsamt Mil.Vers.A. d: Militär-Versuchsamt Mil.V.Ger, d: Militärversorgungsgericht MIL VIG e: Military Vigilance Mily e: Military MIM e: Military Iranian Mission - e: Mobile-launched surface-to-air Missile MIMAA f: Mission Militaire pour les Affaires Allemandes MIMI e: Ministry of Industry & Military Industrialization - e: Missile Intensive Maintenance Item MIMMS e: Marine Corps [and] Integrated Maintenance Management System MIMS e: Multiple Independently Maneuvering Submunitions MIMSO e: Military Indoctrination for Medical Service Officers min d: Minenabwehr - d: Minen[einsatz] MINAC e: Minuteman Action Committee MINBATFOR e: Minecraft Battle Force, Pacific Fleet MINDEF e: Ministry of Defence mindiv r: mindivision MINEC e: Military Necessity MINEDEFLAB e: Mine Defense Laboratory MINELANT e: Mine Force, Atlantic Fleet MINEPAC e: Mine Force, Pacific Fleet MINEVDET e: Mine Warfare Evaluation Detachment MINEWARCOM e: Mine Warfare Command MINEWARFOR e: Mine Warfare Force M.Inf, d: Marine-Infanterie MIngK r: Mariningenj Ming Κ r: Mariningenjörkär MIngK r: Mariningenjörkaren MINLANT e: Mine Warfare Forces, Atlantic MinO r: Minofficer MINPAC e: Mine Warfare Forces, Pacific MINRON e: Mine Squadron M INS e: Marine Integrated Navigation System - e: Miniature Inertial Navigation System Minspärrto r: Minspärrtrupp Minsvepdiv r\ Minsvepardivision M.Int. d: Marine-Intendant[ur] MIntK r: Marinintendenturkâr - r: Marinintendenturkâren MINTSS e: Military Airlift Command Intelligence Support System MINUS e: Minecraft of the United States MINVDEF n: Ministerie van Defensie Min.v.Def. n: Ministerie van Defensie MINWARCOM e: Mine Warfare Command MinWehr. d: Wehrministerium

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

MLäkK MIO e: Military Industrial Organization - e: Military Intelligence Officer - e: Mobile Issuing Office M.I.O. e: Military Interviewing Officer MIÖF d: Medieninstitut für Ökologie und Frieden MIP e: Mechanized Infantry Program - e: Military Improvement Program - e: Military Interdepartmental Purchase - e: Military International Police - e: Missile Impact Prediction - e: Missile Impact Predictor MIP/A/N/AF e: Missile Procurement, Army/Navy/Air Force MIPE e: Modular Information Processing Equipment MIPIR e: Missile Precision Instrumentation Radar Mipo d: Militärpolizei MIPR e: Military Interagency Procurement Requisition - e: Military Interagency Purchase Request - e: Military Interdepartmental] Purchase Request MI PROG li ERRA i: Ministero per la Produzione Bellica MIPS e: Military Information Processing System - e: Missile Impact Prediction Set - e: Missile Impact Prediction System - e: Missile Impact Predictor Set - e: Missile Information Processing System MIR d: Marineinfantrieregiment - e: Missile Intelligence Report - e: Multiple-target Instrumentation Radar - r: Marininfanteriregemente M.I.R. d: Marine-Infanterie-Regiment MIRADCOM e: Missile Research and Development Command MIRAGE e: Military Requirements Analysis-Generation MIRAN e: Missile Ranging MIRC e: Missile In-Range Computer MIRCOM e: Missile Research Command MIRLAN e: Mid-Range Local Area Network MIRP e: Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request MIRS e: Military Intelligence Research Section - e: Military Intelligence Research Service M.I.R.S. e: Military Intelligence Reserve Society MIRV e: Multiple Independently-targeted Reentry Vehicle MIS e: Military Information System - e: Military Intelligence School - e: Military Intelligence Services - e: Military Interim Specification - e: Military Interpreter Service - e: Mine Issuing Ship - e: Missile Squadron - r: Militär Idrotts Stockholmsdistrikt M.I.S. e: Military Intelligence School MISA e: Military Industrial Supply Agency MisAirTestCen e: Missile Air Test Center MISC e: Military Intelligence Service Center MISHAP e: Missile High-Speed Assembly Program MISL e: Military Intelligence Service Language - e: Missile MISLS e: Military Intelligence Service Language MISMA e: Major Item Supply Management Agency MISMAC e: Missile and Munitions Materiel Center

MISO e: Maintenance Interservice Office - e: Military Intelligence Service Organization MISP e: Maintenance Integrated Support Plan MISRAN e: Missile Range MISREP e: Joint Tactical Air Reconnaissance/Surveillance Mission Report - e: Mission Report MISS e: Missile Intercept Scoring System - e: Missile Intercept Simulation System MISSA e: Management Information System Support Agency MISSILEX e: Missile Firing Exercise Miss & Roc e: Missiles and Rockets MISST e: Missile-Supersonic Transport MisTestCen e: Missile Test Center MISTIC e: Missile System Target Illuminator Controlled MISTIGRI e: Mobile Integrated Surveillance of Tactical Information Gathered MISTRAM e: Missile Trajectory Measurement MISTRAM Computer e. Missile Trajectory Measurement Computer MISTRAM System e: Missile Trajectory Measurement System MISTRAY e: Missile Trajectory MISTRAY Measurement e. Missile Trajectory Measurement MIT e: Military Intelligence Translator MITAC e: Micro TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] MITAN e: Microwave Technology as Applied to Air Navigation MITB e: Missile Interface Test Bench M I T E e: Missile Integration Terminal Equipment MITM e: Military-Industry Technical Manual MITMA e: Military Traffic Management Agency MITMS e: Military-Industry Technical Manual Specifications MITOC e: Missile Instrumentation Technical Operations Communications MITOCS e: Missile Technical Operations Communications System MITS e: Military Airlift Command IntraTheater Transmission System - e: Missile Ignition Test Simulator - e: Missile Interface Test Set - e: Mobile Independent Target System MITT e: Mobile Imagery Tactical Terminal - e: Mobile Integrated Tactical Terminal MIU e: Missile Interface Unit MIUTC e: Military Intelligence Unit Training Center MIUW e: Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare MIUWS e: Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Surveillance MIUWSII e: Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Surveillance Unit MIUW-SU e: Mobile Inshore & Undersea Warfare System Upgrade MIVA-America e: Missionary Vehicle Association of America MIW e: Mine Warfare - e: Missile Wing MIWACS e: Modular Integrated Weapon Aiming & Control System MIWG e: Military Airlift Command Interoperability Working Group MIWS e: Multi-purpose Individual Weapon System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

MIZ d: Marineinfantriezug - d: Materialinformationszentrum der Marine GmbH MJ d: Marinejugend - d: Militärjustiz - e: Marine Jet - e: Military Judge MJB e: Missile Junction Box MJC e: Military Junior College MJCOM e: Major Command MJP e: Military Justice Procedure MJT e: Military Judge Team MK N: Marinekommando - d: Marinekabel - d: Marinekameradschaft - d: Munitionskolonne - r: Marinkommando MKA d: Marine-Küstenartillerie M.K.A. d: Marine-Küstenartillerie MKA d: Marinekommandiertenabteilung [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] - d: Marinekraftfahrabteilung MKB r: Marinens kustbevakning MKEA d: Marinekraftfahrersatzabteilung MKF d: Militärkraftfahrer MKFL d: Militärkraftfahrschulleiter MKfPark d: Marinekraftfahrpark M KG d: Militär-und Kriegsgeschichte - r: Gotlands Militärkommando M KL d: Militärkraftfahrlehrer MKN Ν: Marinekommando Nord-Norge - d: Marinekommando Nord - r: Marinkommando Nord M K 0 N: Marinekommando Ostlandet MKO d: Marinekommando Ost M K Ö r: Marinens krigsövningar - r: Marinkommando Öst MKP d: Marineküstenpolizei - d: Militärkraftfahrprüfer M.Kr.Ak. d: Marine-Kriegsakademie MKS N: Marinekommando Sorlandet - d: Marine-Kriegsschule - d: Marinekommando Süd - d: Marinekriegschule - d: Militärkraftfahrsachverständiger - r: Marinkommando Syd - r: Marinkompaniskola MKSF r: Marinkommando Syds förvaltningar MK-sjef N: Marinekommando-sjef MKT Ν: Marinekommando Trondelag MKiiDstS d: Marineküstendienstschule MKiiDstS d: Marineküstendienstschule MKV N: Marinekommando Vestlandet - e: Miniature kill vehicle - r: Marinkommando V - r: Marinkommando Väst M KW d: Marinekommando West - d: Munitionskraftwagen - e: Military Knight of Windsor M KZ d: Materialkontrollzentrum ML d: Militär-Literaturzeitung - d: Minenleger - e: Marine Limit - e: Materials Laboratory - e: Military Laws - e: Military Leave - e: Military Liaison - e: Minelayer [ship] - e: Missile Launcher - e: Missile Liner M.L. d: Marineleitung M/L e: Missile Lift - e: Mobile Launcher MLA d: Marinelehrabteilung - d: Militärischer Leistungsausweis - e: Military Liaison Assistant Mläk r: Marinläkare MLäk Κ r: Marinläkarkar MLäkK r: Marinläkarkaren


MLAT MLAT e: Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty MLaz d: Marinelazarett M.L.B. d: Militär-Lehrschmiede Berlin MLBM e: Modem Large Ballistic Missile MLC e: Marine Landing Cutter - e: Military Landing Craft - e: Military Liaison Committee - e: Military Load Classification - e: Missile Launch Car MLCAEC e: Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission MLCB e: Missile Launch Control Blockhouse MLCG e: Missile Launcher Control Group MLD e: Military Liaison Department - e: Missile Launching] Detection - e: Mixed Liaison Detachment - n: Marine Luchtvaartdienst - n: Militaire Luchtvaartdienst MLE e: Missile Launch Envelope - e: Mobile Launcher Equipment MLEV e: Manned Lifting Entry Vehicle MLF e: Mobile Land Forcefs] - e: Mobile Launcher Facility - e: Multi-Lateral Fleet - e: Multi-Lateral Force - e: Multi-Lateral [nuclear] Force - e: Multilateral Force MLG e: Mission Liaison Group MLI e: Marine Light Infantry M.L.I, e: Marine Light Infantry MLK r: Militärläkarkurs MLLV e: Medium-Lift Launch Vehicle MLM n: Militair Luchtvaart Museum MLMS e: Multipurpose Lightweight Missile System M LO e: Military Landing Officer - e: Military Liaison Officer - e: Missile Launch Officer - e: Missile Lift-Off - r: Marinkommando Ost MLP e: Mobile Launcher Platform ML PED e: Mobile Launcher Pedestal MLPNPP e: Mobile Low-Power Nuclear Power Plant MLR d: Marine-Lehrregiment - e: Mobile Laser Radar MLR-Boot d: Minenleg-und Räumboot MLRG e: Muzzle-Loading Rifled Gun MLRP e: Marine Corps Long Range Plan - e: Minuteman Long Range Plan MLRS e: Manual Launch-Radar Search - e: Multiple Launching] Rocket System MLRS FDS e: Mobile Launch Rocket System Fire Direction System MLS e: Military Labor Service - e: Missile Launching System - e: Missile Lift System Mis r: Militär lotsstation M.L.S. d: Militär-Lehrschmiede - e: Military Labour Service MLSA d: Marinelandesschützenabteilung - e: Modified Launch Services Agreement MLSC e: Missile Launching System Control MLSDS e: Missile Launch Site Data Sheet MLSF e: Mobile Logistics Support Force MLSS e: Missile Launch Surveillance System MLT d: Mechanisierte und Leichte Truppen - e: Missile Loader Transport MLTG e: Missile Launch Tube Group MLTS e: Military Land Transportation Service MLUS e: Military Laws of the United States MLV e: Medium Launch Vehicle - e: Mobile Launch Vehicle MLW d: Marine-Lehrwerkstatt


MM N: Marinens Minevesen - e: Military Management - e: Military Medal - e: Military Medicine - e: Military Message - e: Minister of Munitions - e: Minuteman series ballistic missile - e: Missile Master - i: Marina Militare - s: Medalla Militar M.M. e: Military Mission - e: Ministry of Munitions - e: Monmouthshire Regiment - / · Ministère de la Marine - f: Mission Militaire MMA e: Massachusetts Military Academy - e: Material Management Activity - e: Merchant Marine Academy - e: Missile Maintenance Area - e: Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft MMAA / · Mission Militaire pour les Affaires Allemandes M.M.A.C.W. e: Manual of Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare MMAI N: Marinens Maskininspeksjon MMAT e: Mobile Mine Assembly Team MMatDep d: Marinematerialdepot MMB e: Master Menu Board M M BA e: Multimission Multiuser Broadband Antenna MMBat e: Main Missile Battery MMBC e: Modular Missile Borne Computer MMBP e: Military Medical Benefits Property MMC e: Materiel Management Center - e: Missile Maintenance Crew - e: Missile Measurements Center - e: Missile Motion Computer - e: Mission Monitoring Center M.M.C, e: Malaya Military College - e: Manual of Military Cooking and Dietary MMCL e: Major Missile Component Listfing] MMCMP e: Mobilization, Military and Civilian Manpower Program MMCS e: Missile and Munitions Center and School MMDTSA e: Memoranda on Military Diseases in Tropical and Subtropical Areas MME e: Manual of Military Engineering - e: Material Military Establishment - e: Military Message Experiment - e: Missile Maintenance Equipment MMEF e: Mobile Missile Emplacement Facility MMFO e: Maintenance Management Field Office MMH e: Manual of Military Hygiene M.M.H.G. f: Mutilés Militaires - / · Mutilés Militaires "Hors Guerre" MMHS e: Military Message Handling System MMI i: Marina Militare Italiana - s: Mapa militar itinerario M Mil e: Master of Military Science M.Mil. / · Marine Militaire MMIRA e: Multi-Mission Intermeshing Rotor Aircraft MMIS e: Maintenance Management Information System MML e: Manual of Military Law M.M.L.A. f: Mission Militaire de Liaison Administrative MMLEC e: Munitions Management and Labour Efficiency Committee MMLSA e: Military Microwave Landing Systems Avionics

Κ · G · Saur, München

MMM e: Member of the Order of Military Merit - e: Military Medical Manual - e: Military Medical Mobilization - e: Missile Maintenance Mechanic - /• Membre de l'Ordre du Mérite Militaire M.M.M. f: Membre de l'Ordre du Mérite Militaire e: Member of the Order of Military Merit MMMEP e: Military Manpower Management Evaluation Project MMMF e: Multinational-Mixed Manned Force MMMR e: Medical Material Mission Reserve MMMS e: Maintenance and Material Management System - e: Militarized Multimission Modular Spacecraft MMOB e: Military Money Order Branch MMP e: Military Mounted Police - e: Munich Military Post M.M.P. e: Military Mounted Police MMPF e: Master Military Pay File MMPR e: Missile Manufacturer's Planning Report MMPVS e: Modified Military Pay Voucher System MMR e: Minimum Military Requirement - e: Mobilization Materiel Requirement - e: Multi-Mode Radar - n: Ministerie van Defensie Materieelraad M M RA e: Mobilization Material Requirement Adjustment MMRBM e: Mobile Medium Range Ballistic Missile MMRP e: Missile Master Replacement Program MMRR e: Military Manpower Requirements Report MMRS e: Manned Military Recovery System MMR&S e: Military Medical Research and Services Program M MRT e: Missile Motor Railcar Transporter MMS d: Marinemeldestelle - d: Militärmedizinische Sektion - e: Magnetic Mine Sweeping - e: Manpower Management System [Marine Corps] - e: Missile Management System - e: Missile Mix Study - e: Missile Monitoring] System - e: Multi-Mission Shipfs] - e: Munitions Maintenance Squadron - f: Mission Militaire Soviétique M.M.S. f: Mission militaire soviétique MMSA e: Military Medical Supply Agency - e: Multi-Mode Sonar [Sound Navigation and Ranging] Console - e: Multiple-Mission Support Area MMSCV e: Manned Military System Capability Vehicle MMSRE e: Machinist's Mate, Ship Repair, Engine-operator MMSRI e: Machinist's Mate, Ship Repair, Instrument-maker MMSRO e: Machinist's Mate, Ship Repair, Outside-machinist MMSS e: Missile Motion Subsystem - e: MPS Multi-beam Sonar Simulator MMSTP e: Master Missile System Training Program MMT e: Miniature Mobile Target - e: Missile Maintenance Technician - e: Multiple Mirror Telescope MMTC e: Materiel Management Training Center

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M.Ops. MMTD e: Miniaturized Munition Technology Demonstration MMTS e: Manned Military Test Station MMU e: Missile Motion Unit MMUC r: Militärmedicinsk Undersökningscentral MMunDep d: Marinemunitionsdepot MMV e: Modular Military Vehicle MMWCS e: Multimission Weapons Control System MMWG e: Military Mobilization Working Group MMWR e: Millimetric Wave Radar MMY e: Military Man-Years MN N: Marinens Navigasjonsvesen Mil, e: Munitions MNA d: Marinenachrichtenabteilung MNAM e: Military North African Mission M.N.Ars. d: MarineNachrichtenmittel arsenal MNArs d: Marinenachrichtenmittelarsenal MNAS e: Military Navigational Aids System M Ν AU e: Mobile Naval Airfield Unit MNB d: Marine-Nachrichtenmittelbetrieb - d: Marinenachrichtenmittelbetrieb MNBDO e: Mobile Naval Base Defence Organization M.N.B.D.O. e: Mobile Naval Base Defence Organization MNC e: Major NATO Command - e: Major NATO Commander MND d: Marinenachrichtendienst - e: Minister of National Defence - e: Ministry of National Defence - e: Multi-National Division M.N.D. e: Ministry of National Defence MND[C] e: Multi-National Division [Central] MND-C e: Multi-National Division, Centre MND-S e: Multi-National Division, South MND[SW] e: Multi-National Division [South West] MNF e: Maritime Nuclear Forces - e: Multi-National Force - e: Multi-National Force [Lebanon] - e: Multilateral Nuclear Force - e: Multinational Peace-Keeping Force MNFE e: Missile not Fully Equipped MNFP e: Multi-National Fighter Program M.N.I, e: Madras Native Infantry MN Inst d: MarineNachrichtengeräteinstandsetzung MNK / · Marine Nationale Khmer MNL d: Marinenachschubleichter - e: Marine Navigating Light - e: Marine Navigation Levy M.N.L.A. e: Malayan National Liberation Army MNLager d: Marinenachrichtenmittel lager MNLS e: Marine Navigating Light System MNM e: Military Necessity Modification M.N.M. f: Mutuelle Nationale Militaire MNO d: Marinenachrichtenoffizier Mno r: Marinorder MNOR e: Missile not Operationally Ready MNORM e: Missile not Operationally Ready for lack of Maintenance MNORP e: Missile not Operationally Ready for lack of Parts MNPD e: Missile and Nuclear Programming Data MNR d: Munitionsnachschubrate M.Ν.S. d: Marine-Nachrichtenschule - d: Marine-Nachrichtenstelle MNS d: Marinenachrichtenstelle

MNV e: Mine Neutralization Vehicle - e: Modular Nuclear Vehicle MNza d: Marineartillerie-Nebenzeugamt MO d: Militärorganisation - e: Marine Operations - e: Military Observer - e: Military Operation^] - e: Mining Officer - e: Missile Officer - e: The Monmouthshire Regiment - r: Militäromräde - r: Militieombudsman - r: Ministerstvo Oborony MOA e: MAP [Military Assistance Program] Order Amendment - e: Medium Observation Aircraft - e: Military Operations Area MOAbschn. d: Marineortungsabschnitt MOADS e: Maneuver Oriented Ammunition Distribution System - e: Montgomery Air Defense Sector MOAMA e: Mobile Air Materiel Area MOARS e: Mobilization Assignment Reserve Section MOAT e: Minewarfare Operational Analysis Tool - e: Missile on Aircraft Test MOB e: Military Order of Battle - e: Missile Order of Battle Mob e: National Mobilization Committee to end the War in Viet-Nam -mob d: Mobilmachung MOBAT e: Modified Battalion Anti-Tank MOBC2 e: Mobilization Command and Control MOBCOM e: Mobile Command moboff[icer] r: mobiliseringsofficer MOBSS e: Mobile Support Squadron MOBTB e: Mobilization Troop Basis MOC e: Maintenance Operations Center mot e: marine operation center MOC e: Military Occupational Classification - e: Missile Operation Center - e: Missile Operation Control MOCM e: Missile Out of Commission for Maintenance MOCO e: Missile Operations Control Officer MOCOM e: Mobile Command - e: Mobility Command MOCP e: Missile Out of Commission for Parts M.O.C.S. e: Möns Officer Cadet School MOD d: Militärökonomiedepartement [Preußisches Kriegsministerium] - e: Marine Operations Division - e: Military Airlift Command Operational Directive - e: Ministry of Defence Μ o D e: Ministry of Defence MÖD r: Marinöverdirektör MODA e: Ministry of Defense and Aviation MODASM e: Modular Air-to-Surface Missile MODB e: Military Occupational Data Bank MOD CIS e: Ministry of Defense Communication Information System MODC-USA e: United States Army Modification Center MOD [DSI] e: Ministry of Defense [DSIDefense Security Installation] MODE C e: Altitude Reporting Mode of Secondary Radar MODELS e: Modernization of the Defense Logistics Standard System MODEST e: Missile Optical Destruction Technique

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

MOD[N] e: Ministry of Defence [Navy Department] MODOR e: Molecularized Doppler Radar MOD [+/or DSI] e: Ministry of Defense [DSI- Defense Security Installation] MOD [PTS1 e: Ministry of Defence Police Training School MODS e: Military Orbital Development Station - e: Military Orbital Development System - e: Missile Offense/Defense System MODUK e: Ministry of Defence United Kingdom MOFA e: Multi-Option Fuze Artillery M of D e: Ministry of Defence M~of~M e: Ministry of Munitions M of the RAF e: Marshal of the Royal Air Force MOFW e: Military Order of Foreign Wars MOG d: Militärisches Oberstes Gericht - e: Maximum [Aircraft] On the Ground MOGUL e: Modular Gun Laying System MOH d: Marine-Offizier-Hilfe e.V. MÖI r: Marinöverintendent MOIC e: Military Oceanographic Information Center MOK N: Marinens Overkommando M.O.K, d: Marine-Oberkommando MOKlk d: Marineoffizierkleiderkasse [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] MÖL r: Marinöverläkare MOLAR e: Mortar/Artillery Locating Radar MOLLUSA e: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States of America MOM e: Military Official Mail - e: Military Ordinary Mail - e: Missile Operations Manager - e: Modified Operational Missile - e: Multirole OTO Munition M.O.M. e: Ministry of Munitions MOMAC e: Monkey Mountain Advisory Center MOMAG e: Mobile Mine Assembly Group MOMAR e: Modern Mechanized Army - e: Modern Mobile Army MOMCOM e: Mobile Mine Countermeasures Command MOMIMTS e: Military and Orchestral Musical Instrument Makers' Trade Society MOMMSR e: Motor Machinist's Mate, Ship Repair MOMS e: Missile Operate Mode Simulator MON Ρ: Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej - e: The Monmouthshire Regiment M O N A B e: Mobile Naval Advanced Base - e: Mobile Operating Naval Air Base MOO e: Missile Operations Officer MOOTW e: Military Operations Other Than War MÖP d: Arbeits- und Forschungsstelle "Militär, Ökologie und Planung" MOPAD e: Movement for Peace and Democracy MOPAR e: Master Oscillator Power Amplifier Radar M O P H e: Military Order of the Purple Heart MOPMS e: Modular Pack Mine System MopÖ r: Marin operativ övning MOPS e: Military Operation Phone System - e: Military Operations Phone System - e: Missile Operating Phone Set - e: Missile Operations Paging System - e: Missile Operations System M.Ops. e: Military Operations


MOR MOR e: Military Operational Requirement - e: Military Operations Research - e: Missile Operationally Ready MORD e: Military Operations Research Department MOROCLANT e: Maritime Forces Morocco MORS e: Military Operations Research Society - e: Military Operations Research Symposium MORT e: Missile Operational] Readiness Testfs] - e: Missile Ordnance Readiness Testfing] MORU e: Military Operational Research Unit MOS d: Marineortungsschule - e: Marine Observation Satellite - e: Military Occupational Skill - e: Military Occupational Specialty - e: Military Oceanography Subcommittee - e: Missile on Site - e: Missile on Stand - e: Missile Operation Station MOs e: Military Observers MOSAIC e: Mobile System for Accurate ICBM [Intercontinental Ballistic Missile] Control MOSAR e: Modulation Scan Array Radar MOSAW e: Medium Operating Speed Automatic Weapon[s] MOSB e: Military Order of the Stars and Bars MOSC e: Military Occupational Specialty Code - e: Military Oil Subcommittee [of North African Economic Board] MOSD e: Military Occupational Specialty Division MOS/FSMEIT d: Marineortungsschule und Fachschule der Marine für Elektrotechnik MOSS e: Military Operational Satellite System - e: Military Overseas Shelter Survey MOT e: Middle of Target - e: Military Ocean Terminal MOTA e: Mid-Ocean Target Array MOTBA e: Military Ocean Terminal Bay Area MOTBY e: Military Ocean Terminal, Bayonne MOTEC e: Maritime Operations Tactical Evaluation Centre MOTG e: Marine Operational Training Group MOTKI e: Military Ocean Terminal, King's Bay MOTR e: Multiple Object Tracking Radar MOTSU e: Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point MOUT e: Military Operations in Urbanized Terrain M.O.V. d: Marine-Offizier-Verband MOV d: Marine-Offizier-Vereinigung MOVEO η: Meer ontspanning voor ernstige Oorlogsslachtoffers MOVP e: Military-Owned Vehicle Plan MOVS e: Military-Owned Vehicle Service MoVsuSt d: Marineortungsversuchsstelle MOW e: Mission Operations Wing MOWAM e: Mobile Water Mine MOWS e: Manned Orbital Weapon[s] Station - e: Manned Orbital Weapon[s] System Μ o WT e: Minister of War Transport MOWW e: Military Order of the World Wars MOZL e: Military Order of the Zouave Legion of the United States


MP d: Militärpolizei - e: Military Pay - e: Military Personnel - e: Military Police - e: Military Policefman] - e: Military Post - e: Military Procurement - e: Missile Platform - e: Missile Positioning - n: Militaire Politie M.P. f: Municipalité Parisienne MPA d: Marineoffizierpersonalabteilung [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] - d: Marinepersonalamt - e: Man Powered Aircraft - e: Manpower and Personnel Administration - e: Marine Protected Area - e: Maritime Patrol Aircraft - e: Military Pay Area - e: Military Personnel Appropriation - e: Military Personnel, Army - e: Military Police Association - e: Modern Professional Army - e: Multi-Purpose Aircraft MPAB e: Military Petroleum Advisory Board M.P.A.B.A. e: Malayan People's AntiBritish Army MPAC e: Military Pay and Allowance Committee MPAI e: Master Plan for Army Intelligence MP AJA e: Malayan People's AntiJapanese Army MP/A/N/AF/M e: Military Personnel, Army/Navy/Air Force/USMC MPASS e: Multi-Purpose Amphibious Support Ship M PB e: Military Personnel Branch MPBMA e: Munitions Production Base Modernization Agency MPC e: Manpower and Personnel Council - e: Military Payment Certificate - e: Military Personnel Center - e: Military Pioneer Corps - e: Military Police Corps - e: Missile Practice Camp - e: Missile Production Center M PC AG e: Military Parts Control Advisory Group MPCB e: Minuteman Parts Control Board MPCI e: Military Police Criminal Investigation MP CID e: Military Police Criminal Investigation Detachment MPCO e: Military Police Company MPCP e: Missile Power Control Panel MPCSW e: Multipurpose Close Support Weapon MPD e: Military Pay Division - e: Military Personnel Division - e: Missile Pulse Detector - e: Missile Purchase Description MP & DB e: Military Prison and Detention Barracks MPDR e: Mono-Pulse Doppler Radar MPE e: Missile Positioning Equipment MPEG e: Military Police Escort Guard MPersD r: Marinens personaldelegation MPF e: Methodist Peace Fellowship - e: Military Personnel Flight - e: Missile Pressure Fuel MPFF e: Multi-Purpose Fighter Facility MPFW e: Multi-Shot Portable Flame Weapon MPG d: Militärpensionsgesetz - e: Military Products Group - e: Mobile Protected Gun MPGS e: Mobile Protected Gun System

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MPH e: Military Public Health MPHP e: Military Police Highway Patrol MPHT e: Missile Potential Hazard Team MPI e: Military Police Investigator - e: Military Procurement Instruction - e: Missile Periodic Inspection - r: Militärpsykologiska Institutet MPIM e: Multi-Purpose Individual Munition MPIR e: Missile Precision Instrumentation Radar MPIW e: Multi-Purpose Individual Weapon MPL e: Multi-Platform Launcher - e: Multiple Payload Launcher MPLEJ e: Military Police Law Enforcement Journal MPLH e: Multi-Purpose Light Helicopters MPLO e: Military Postal Liaison Office MPLR e: Medium Power Loop Range MPM e: Missile Power Monitor - e: Multi-Purpose Missile MPMC e: Military Personnel, Marine Corps MPMIS e: Military Personnel Management Information System - e: Military Police Management Information System MPMS e: Missile Performance Measurement System - e: Missile Performance Monitoring System MPMs e: Missile Power Monitors MPMUL e: Military Production Master Urgency List MPN e: Manpower Personnel, Navy - e: Military Pay, Navy - e: Military Personnel, Navy MPNS d: Marinepeilnebenstelle MPN-XX e: Next Generation Mobile Ground Radar MPO e: Military Pay Order - e: Military Permit Office - e: Military Permit Officer - e: Military Personnel Office - e: Military Planning Office - e: Military Police Officer - e: Military Post Office MPOIS e: Military Police Operations and Information System Mpol r: Marinpolis Mpolgrp r: Marinpolisgrupp MPOLL e: Military Post Office Location Listfing] Mpolplut r: Marinpolispluton MPP e: Missile Power Panel MPPC e: Military Pay Procedure Committee MPPD e: Military Personnel Procurement Division MPPO e: Military Personnel Procurement Officer MPPS e: Military Personnel Procurement Service MPPWCOM e: Military Police Prisoner of War Command MPR e: Medium Power Radar - e: Military Pay Record - e: Military Personnel Record - e: Military Power Reserve - e: Multi-band Pulsed Radar M PRC e: Military Personnel Records Center MPRG e: Military Police Railway Guard MPRJ e: Military Personnel Records Jacket MPRL e: Manpower and Personnel Research Laboratory [Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences]

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MS - e: Military Physics Research Laboratory [University of Texas] MP-RTIP e: Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program MPRT/R e: Missile Pneudraulic Repair Technician/Repairman MPS e: Military Police Station - e: Military Postal Service - e: Military Postal System - e: Military Production Specifications - e: Multi-Purpose Ship[s] MPSA e: Military Petroleum Supply Agency - e: Military Postal Service Agency - e: Military Production Supply Agency MPSB e: Military Production and Supply Board MPSB-PWS e: Permanent Working Staff of the Military Production and Supply Board MPSC e: Military Personnel Security Committee - e: Military Provost Staff Corps MPSCOA e: Military Pay Service Center Overseas Areas MPS/MMS e: Multi-Purpose Ship[s]/Multi-Mission Ship[s] MPSP e: Military Personnel Security Program MPSR e: Military Petroleum Stocks Report MPSTWG e: Mission Planning System Test Working Group MPSU e: Missile Pressure Status Unit MPT e: Manpower Target - e: Military Potential Test - e: Missile Preflight Tester - e: Missile Procedurefs] Trainer MPTAO e: Military Personnel and Transportation Assistance Office MPTR e: Mobile Position Tracking Radar MP[TSWG] e: Military Police Tripartite Standing Working Group M PU e: Missile Power Unit MPUL e: Military Production Urgencies List MPUS e: Military Production Urgencies System MPV e: Military Pay Voucher MPVO R: Mestnaia Protivovozdushnaia Oborona e: Local Anti-Air Defense MPVSCS e: Military Pay Voucher Summary and Certification Sheet MPWG e: Minute-Man Parts Working Group MPWS e: Mobile Protected Weapon System MQP e: Military Qualification Program MQS e: Military Qualification Standards - e: Military Quarantine Station MQT e: Military Qualifications Test MR d: Marinerechtsabteilung [Oberkomando der Kaiserlichen Marine] - d: Militärregierung - e: Marine Radar - e: Military Railroad - e: Military Readiness - e: Military Region - e: Military Regulation^] - e: Military Representative - e: Military Requirements] - e: Military Review - e: The Duke of Cambridge's Own Middlesex Regiment - e: The Malay Regiment M.R. d: Matrosen-Regiment - e: Manchester Regiment - e: Midland's Regiment - e: Military Representative M/R e: Missiles and Rockets

MRA e: Medium-powered Radio Range - e: Military Research Associatefs] M.R.A. e: Maritime Royal Artillery MRAALS e: Marine Remote Area Automatic Landing System MRAAM e: Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile M RA F e: Marshal of the Royal Air Force MRAI N: Marinens Radarinspeksjon Mrakw d: Mehrfachraketenwerfer M RAM e: Multimission Redeye Airlaunched Missile MRAPCON e: Mobile Radar Approach Control MRASM e: Medium-Range Air-to-Surface Missile M.-Raum d: Munitionsraum MRB e: Materiel Review Board - e: Missile Review Board - e: Mobile Radio Broadcasting - e: Multi-Role Bomber MRBef. d: Militärregierungsbefehl MRBM e: Medium Range Ballistic Missile MRC e: Military Representatives Committee - e: Military Reunions Council - e: Military Revolutionary Council - e: Movement Report Center MRCA e: Multiple Role Combat Aircraft MRCC e: Movement Report Control Center MRC F e: Missile Recycle Facility MRCLOS e: Missile Reference Command-to-Line-Of-Sight MRCP e: Mobile Radar Control Post MRC PA e: Mobilization Reserve Components Program of the Army MRCS e: Missile Range Calibration Satellite MRCV e: Multi-Role Combat Vehicle MRD e: Master Requirements Directory - e: Military Reference Data - e: Military Requirements Determination - e: Motorized Rifle Division MRDC e: Military Requirement and Development Committee - e: Military Research and Development Center - e: Module Radar Display Console MRD EC e: Missile Research Development and Engineering Center MRE e: Malayan Royal Engineers - e: Microrocket Engine - e: Missile Recycle Equipment - e: Monopropellant Rocket Engine MREL d: Militärreserveeisenbahnlinie MRF d: Marineraketenflieger - e: Missile Recycle Facility - e: Mobile Reaction Force - e: Multi-Role Fighter MRFK d: Marineraketenfliegerkräfte MRFU e: Multiple Rocket Firing Unit MRG d: Militärregierungsgesetz - e: Military Research Group MRI e: MILSTRIP [Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure] Routing Identifi - e: Miscellaneous Radar Input MRICC e: Missile and Rocket Inventory Control Center M RIS e: Missile Range Instrumentation Ship MRIT e: Marine Radar InterrogatorTransponder MRL e: Missile Reference Line - e: Modular Rocket Launcher - e: Multiple Rocket Launcher MRLS e: Multiple Rocket Launcher System

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MRM e: Medium-Range Missile MRML e: Medium-Range Missile Launcher MRNS e: Marine Radar & Navigation Simulator MRO e: Mandatory Requirements Office - e: Mechanized Radar Observer - e: Movement Report Office MRoEL d: Militärrochadeeisenbahnlinie Mröjdiv r: Minröjningsdivision MRoS d: Militärrochadestraße MRP e: Military Rated Power MRR e: Medium-Range Radar - e: Military Railroad - e: Missile Reliability Restoration - e: Multi-Role Radar MRRB e: Maintenance Requirements Review Board - e: Materiel Release Review Board - e: Materiel Requirements Review Board - e: Military Requirements Review Board MRRC e: Materiel Requirements Review Committee MRRD e: Marine Resources Research Division MRRS e: Military Route Reconnaissance Staff - e: Multi-Rail Rocket System MRRV e: Manoeuvring Re-entry Research Vehicle MRS e: Marconi Radar Systems - e: Master Radar Station - e: Military Railway Service - e: Military Requirement Schedule - e: Multiple Rocket System MRSA e: Military Radar Service Area MRSAM e: Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile MRSR e: Multiple Role Survivable Radar MRSV e: Military Railway Service Veterans MRT e: Military Rated Thrust - e: Military Review Team - e: Missile Round Trainer - e: Mobile Radar Target - e: Multi-Radar Tracking - e: Munitions Railway Transport MRT A F e: Marshal of the Royal Air Force MRTC e: Marine Corps Reserve Training Center - e: Medical Replacement Training Center - e: Military Real Time Computer - e: Military Rest Time Computer MRT Missile e: Medium-Range Typhon Missile MRTP e: Military Reliable Tube Program MRTS e: Master Radar Tracking Station MRU e: Military Radar Unit MRV d: Marine-Regatta-Verein - e: Mars Roving Vehicle - e: Missile Recovery Vessel - e: Missile Reentry Vehicle MRVA e: Minimum Radar Vector Altitude MRVerwAnw. d: Militärregierungsverwal tungsanweisung MRVO d: Militärregierungsverordnung MS d: Marineschule - d: Munitionssatz - e: Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Department of the Navy - e: Master Sergeant - e: Military Science - e: Military Secretary - e: Military Service - e: Military Service Act - e: Military Specification - e: Military Staff - e: Military Standard[s]


M3S - e: Military Status Committee - e: Military Survivors - e: Minesweeper [ship] - e: Minesweeping Squadron - e: Missile Simulator - e: Missile Station - e: Missile Support - e: Missile System - r\ Marinstab M3S e: Marine Corps Standard Supply System M.S. d: Marineschule M & S e: Munition and Supply MSA d: Militärisches Sicherheitsamt - d: Militärsanitätsanstalt - e: Medical Statistics Agency - e: Military Service Act - e: Military Subsistence Agency - e: Military Subsistence Agency [merged with Defense Supply Agency] - e: Missile Systems Analyst MSAAB e: Military Services Ammunition Allocation Board MSAC e: Missile System Analyst Console MSACs e: Missile System Analyst Consoles MS Act e: Military Service Act MS/Adm r: Chef for Marinstabadministration MSAM e: Medium-range Surface-to-Air Missile - e: Mobile Surface-to-Air Missile MSAP e: Military Security Assistance Program MSAT e: Missile Systems Analyst Technician - e: Multi-Sensor Aided Targeting Aircraft MSAT-Air e: Multi-Sensor Aided Targeting-Airborne MSB d: Minensuchboot - d: Motorisiertes Schützenbataillon - d: Schützenbataillon - e: Main Support Battalion - e: Military Security Board - e: Missile Storage Bunker - e: Missile Support Base - e: Mission Status Board - e: Modem Strategie Bomb MSBA e: Military School Band Association MSBI Ν: Marinens Sambandsinspeksjon MS-Boot d: Motorsturmboot MSBr d: Schützenbrigade MSBR e: Military Strength Balance Report MSBS / · Mer-Sol Balistique Stratégique MSC e: Materiel Status Committee - e: Medical Service Corps - e: Medical Specialist Corps - e: Military Sealift Command - e: Military Service Committee - e: Military Staff Committee - e: Military Status Committee - e: Military Studies Center - e: Missile and Space Council - e: Missile Sequence Charts - e: Missile System Checkout - e: Missionarii Sanctii Caroli Borromei MSCA e: Military Support for Civil Authorities - e: Missile Site Construction Agency - e: Multisite Cooperative Agreement MSCB e: Missile Site Control Building MSCC e: Missile Site Control Center MSCD e: Military Support of Civil Defense M.-Sch. d: Marineschule M.Sch. d: Marineschule M Sci Mil e: Master of Military Science


MSC-IMIS e: Military Sealift Command Integrated Management Information System MSCL e: Master Ships Configuration List MSCOP e: Missile Systems Checkout Program M SC Ρ e: Missile Systems Checkout Programmer MSCS e: Merchant Ship Control Service MSC [UN] e: Military Staff Committee of the United Nations MSC[IIN] e: Military Staff Committee of the United Nations MSD d: Motorisierte Schützendivision - e: Missile Support Days - e: Missile Systems Development - e: Munitions Systems Division - n: Marine-Stoomvaartdienst M.S.D. e: Mine Sweeping Division MSDF e: Maritime Self-Defense Force MSDP e: Missile Site Data Processor MSDPS e: Missile Site Data Processing System MSDPSS e: Missile Site Data Processing Subsystem MSDS e: Missile Static Development Site - e: Missile System Development Stand MSE e: Military Stressful Era - e: Missile Support Equipment M.-Seels, d: Militärseelsorge [r] MSeelsG d: Militärseelsorgegesetz MSEF e: Missile Systems Evaluation Flight MSEG e: Missile Systems Evaluation Group MSF e: Militarily Significant Fallout - e: Mine Sweeping Flotilla - e: Minesweeper, Fleet - e: Minesweeping Flotilla - e: Mobile Strike Force - e: Mobile Striking Force - e: Munitions Storage Facility M.S. & F.A. e: Military Sanitation and First Aid MSG d: Marine-Schiffstechnik PlanungsGesellschaft mbH - d: Schützengruppe - e: Missile Systems Group MSGC e: Military Services Grants Committee M.S.G.C. e: Military Services Grants Committee MSGL e: Multi-Salvo Grenade Launcher MSGp e: Mobile Support Group MSGR e: Mobile Support Group M Sgt e: Master Sergeant M.S.H.C, e: Military Service Hardship Committee MSI e: Military Static Inverter - e: Missile Subsystem Integration MSIC e: Missile and Space Intelligence Center MSignSt d: Marinesignalstelle MSIIP e: Missile System Installation Interrupted for Parts MS/Info r: Chef för Marinstabinformation MSISR e: Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar MSIUS e: Military Service Institution of the United States MSK d: Militärsportkurs - d: Schützenregiment MSL e: Military Shipping Label - e: Missile - e: Missile Sea Level - e: Munitions Supply Laboratories MSLC e: Missile Sites Labor Commission MslCen e: Missile Center MslCom e: Missile Command MSLCOMD e: Missile Command

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MSLG e: Maintenance Support Logistics Group MslRg e: Missile Range MSLRN e: Missile Range MSLS e: Military Standard Logistics Systems MSLT e: Military Solid Logic Technology MSM P: Mlodziezowa Spóldzielnia Mieszkaniowa - d: Marineschule Mürwik - e: Missile Standards Manual MSMC e: Military Subsistence Market Center MSMS e: Mutual Security Military Sales MSN e: Military Serial Number MSO d: Meldesammeloffizier - e: Maintenance Support Office - e: Military Satellite Organization - e: Military Service Obligation - e: Military Supply Officer - e: Missile Safety Officer - e: Mixed Service Organization M SOD e: Military Service Obligation Date MSOINST e: Maintenance Support Office Instructions MSOR e: Missile Systems Operational Report M SOW e: Modular Stand Off Weapons MSP e: Military Space Program - e: Military Support Program MSPO e: Military Support Planning Officer - e: Mission System Project Office M.Sp.S. d: Marinesportschule Mspto r: Minspärrtrupp MSQT e: Missile Ship Qualification Test MSR d: Küstenminensucher - d: Minensuch- u R - d: Motorisiertes Schützenregiment - e: Military Service Register - e: Minesweeper, Patrol - e: Missile Sight Radar - e: Missile Simulation Round - e: Missile Site Radar - e: Missile Site Range - e: Mixed Signals Regiment - e: Modular Survivable Radar - e: Multi-beam [or mode] Surveillance Radar - e: The Malaya Signal Regiment M & SR e: Missile and Surface Radar MSRD e: Mobile Service and Repair Detachment MSRDPS e: Missile Site Radar Data Processing System MSRP e: Missile, Space and Range Pioneers Msrr r: Minspaningsradar MSRS e: Missile Strike Reporting System MSS d: Marinesignalstelle - e: Military Security Service - e: Military Supply Standards - e: Missile Safety Set - e: Missile Stabilization System - e: Missile Station Select - e: Missile Subsystem - e: Missile Support Subsystem - e: Multistatic Sonar System MSSA e: Military Subsistence Supply Agency - e: Multi-Sensor Surveillance Aircraft MSSAtl e: Military Sealift Service Atlantic MSSB e: Missile Servicing and Storage Building MSSC e: Military Standards and Specification Committee MSSCC e: Military Space Surveillance Control Center

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MTMS M&SSD e: Missile & Space System Division MSSE e: Missile System Support Equipment MSSG d: Minen- Such- Schlag- Grp MSSInd e: Military Sealift Service Indian MSSMS e: Munition Section Strategic Missile Squadron MSSPac e: Military Sealift Service Pacific MSSR e: Mobility Support Services Resource/Study Group MSSS e: Missile Service Support System MSSTM e: Military Space Systems Technology Model MST Ν: Marinens Skipstilsyn - e: Military Science Training - e: Military Shipping Tag - e: Military Support Team - e: Missile Surveillance Technology mst e: missile systems test M.-St. d: Militärstation MS & Τ e: Military Science and Tactics MSTAR e: Manportable Surveillance & Target Acquisition Radar - e: Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition MSTART e: Missile System to Attack Relocatable Targets MStG d: Militärstrafgesetz MStGB d: Militärstrafgesetzbuch MStGO d: Militärstrafgerichtsordnung M.St.Kdo. d: Marinestationskommando MSTM e: Military Standard Transportation and Movement - e: Missile Service Test Model MStP d: Militärstrafprozess MStpKdo d: Marinestützpunktkommando - d: Marinestützpunktkommando M.St.R. d: Marine-Stammregiment MSTRP e: Military, Strategic, Tactical and Relay Program MSTS N: Marinens Stabsskole - e: Military Sea Transportation Service - e: Missile Static Test Site - e: Multi-Source Tactical Systems MSTSELM e: Military Sea Transportation Service, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean MSTSFE e: Military Sea Transport Service, Far East MSTSO e: Military Sea Transportation Service Officer MSTSOV e: Military Sea Transportation Service Office Vietnam MSTSPACOM e: Mediterranean Military Sea Transportation Service Space Assignment Committee MSTTE e: Mobile Systems Target Tracking Emitterfs] MSTU e: Military Sea Transport Union MStV d: Marinestandortverwaltung MSTV e: Manned Supersonic Test Vehicle MS/und r: Marinstabens underrättelseavdelning msv art r: medelsvart artilleri MSVD e: Missile and Space Vehicle Department MSVO e: Missile and Space Vehicle Office msvpdiv r: minsvepningsdivision M.S.W, d: Marineschule Wesermünde - d: Militärsanitätswesen MSWD e: Multi-System Weapon Delivery MSWG e: Military Strategy Working Group 3-M System e: Standard Navy Maintenance Material Management System MSZ d: Schützenzug

MT Ν: Marinens Telekommunikasjonsvesen - e: Mediterranean Theater - e: Military Task - e: Military Training - e: Military Transportation] - e: Missile Target - e: Missile Technician - e: Missile Technology - e: Missile Test - e: Mobile Target mt d: Militärtechnik MTA d: Militärtechnische Akademie - e: MAC [Military Airlift Command] Transportation Authorization - e: Military Testing Association - e: Military Training Act - e: Military Training Area - e: Missile Transfer Area - e: Missile Tube Air M.T.A. / · Bureau des méthodes et techniques d'action MTAB e: Military Technical Acceptance Board MTACC e: Modular Tactical Air Control Centre MTACCS e: Marine Tactical Command and Control System MTACS e: Marine Tactical Air Control System MTAF e: Mediterranean Tactical Air Force MTAL e: Military Technology and Arms Limitation Programme M-TAP e: Multi-Function Target Acquisition Processor Mtar s: Militar MTAS e: Modular Target Acquisition System - e: Multi-Sensor Target Acquisition System MTB d: Militärisches Tagebuch - e: Medium Tank Battalion - e: Missile Torpedo Boat Mtbdiv r: Motortorpedbâtsdivision MTBRON e: Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron MTBSP e: Mobilization Troop Basis Stationing Plan MTBSTC e: Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron's Training Center MTC e: Mechanical Transport Corps - e: Medical Training Center - e: Military Training Cadets - e: Military Transportation Committee - e: Missile Test Center - e: Missile Threat Conference - e: Missile Transfer Car - e: Missile Tube Control - e: Mobile Target Carrier - e: Motor Transport Corps - e: Mountain Training Center MTCA e: Military Terminal Control Area - e: Military Training Camp Association MTCAUS e: Military Training Camps Association of the United States MTCC e: Military Air Transport Service - e: Military Air Transport Service, Transport Control Center - e: Modular Tactical Communications Center - e: Modular Tactical Control Center MTCCS e: Marine Tactical Command and Control System MTCF e: Missile Tube Comparator Fixture MTCR e: Missile Technology Control Regime MTD d: Militärtopographischer Dienst - e: Material Test Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Microwave Target Designator - e: Military Training Department - e: Military Training Directorate - e: Missile Technology Demonstration - e: Moving Target Detection - e: Multiple Target Detection MTDA e: Modified Table of Distribution and Allowances MTDE e: Maintenance Technique Development Establishment MTDF e: Maritime Tactical Development Forum MTDS e: Missile Trajectory Data System MTDv d: Marine-technische Dienstvorschrift MTE e: Mechanical Training Establishment - e: Missile Targeting Equipment - e: Missile Test Engineer - e: Missile Test Equipment MTEC e: Missile Technology Export Committee - e: Missile Technology Export Control Group MTF e: Modernization Task Force MTFK d: Minen - Torpedo - Fliegerkräfte MTG e: Multipurpose Target Generator MTGAS e: Military Transport Gasoline MTH d: Militärtechnische Hefte - e: Medium Transport Helicopter MTI e: Military Training Instructor - e: Moving Target Indication [or Indicator] - e: Multiple Target Interception mti e: Moving Target Information M.T.I.A. /• Mission Technique et Industrielle d'Armement MTIC e: Moving Target Indicator Coherent MTI CFAR e: Moving Target Indicator Constant False Alarm Rate MTK e: Masked Target Kill MTL e: Master Target List - e: Materials Division - e: Motivation and Training Laboratory MTLCCS e: Mediterranean Tactical Logistic Command and Control System MTLV e: Missile Transport & Loading Vehicle MTM e: Moving Target Mechanism MTMA e: Military Terminal Manoeuvring Area - e: Military Traffic Management Agency MTMB e: Military Traffic Management Bulletin MTMC e: Military Traffic Management Command - e: Military Transportation Management Command MTMC [-1E A e.· Military Traffic Management Command Eastern Area MTMCTEA e: Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Engineering Agency MTMCTTC e: Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Terminal Command, Europe MTMC-TTCE e: Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Terminal Command Europe MTMCTTU e.· Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Terminal Unit MTMCWA e: Military Traffic Management Command Western Area MTMI N: Marinens Torpedo- og Mineinspeksjon MTMR e: Military Traffic Management Regulation MTMS e: Military Traffic Management Service


MTMT M T M T e: Multiple Target & Missile Tracker MTMTS e: Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service MTM[WD] e: Moving Target Mechanism [Winch Driven] MTN d: Sektion MTN [Militärisches Transport- und Nachrichtenwesen], Hochschule für Verkehrswesen "Friedrich List" MTO e: Mediterranian Theatre of Operations - e: Military Ticket Office - e: Military Transport Officer - e: Missile Test Operator - e: Mission, Task, Objective MTOE e: Modification Table of Organization and Equipment MTOUSA e: Mediterranean Theater of Operations, United States Army MTP e: Military Training Pamphlet - e: Missile Transfer Panel - e: Missile Tube Pressurization - e: Mobilization Troop Program MTPII e: Missile Tank Pressurization Unit MTR e: Military Technical Revolution - e: Military Temperature Range - e: Military Training Route - e: Missile T r a c k i n g ] Radar - e: Moving Target Reactor - e: Multiple T r a c k i n g ] Radar M.T.R.D. e: Mechanical Transport Reserve Depot MTRE e: Missile Test and Readiness Equipment - e: Missile Test and Readiness Evaluation MTRI e: Missile Test Range Instrumentation MTS e: Marine Tactical System - e: Maritime Tactical School [Royal Navy] - e: Marked Target Seeker - e: Military Tactical Systems - e: Military Test Satellite - e: Military Traffic Service - e: Missile Test Station - e: Missile Tracking Station - e: Missile Tracking System - e: Missile Training Squadron - e: Missile Tube Supply - e: Modular Tactical Switch - e: Moving Target Simulator MTSO e: Motor Transport Supply Officer MTSS e: Military Test Space Station - e: Mine Warfare Tactical Support System MTT e: Medium Tactical Transport - e: Medium Tactical Truck - e: Military Training Team - e: Moving Turning Target - e: Multiple Target Tracking MTTR e: Multi-Target Tracking Radar MTTS e: Mobile Target Tracking System MTU e: Missile Training Unit MTV e: Missile Test Vehicle - e: Munition Test Vehicle MTW d: Militärtransportwesen MTWP e: Maritime Tactical Working Party MTWS e: Marine Air Ground Task Force Tactical Warfare Simulation MTX e: Military Traffic Expediting Service MUA e: Munitions Unpack Area MUCOM e: Munitions Command MUDTA e: Multiuse Data Terminal Assembly MUF e: Marksmanship Under Fire MuFAR e: Multi-target Field Artillery Radar


MUFLNG /• Mouvement pour l'Unification des Forces de Libération Nationale de la Guadeloupe MUG d: Marine-UnterwasserregelanlagenPlanungsgesellschaft Mulag d: Munitionslager Muldiv r: Minutläggningsdivision MULTAM e: Multiple Target Assessment Model MULTEWS e: Multiple-Target Electronic-Warfare System MUMMS e.· Marine Corps Unified Material [or Materiel] Management System Mun. d: Munition mun d: Munition Muna d: Munitionsanstalt Mun.Anst. d: Munitionsanstalt Munast d: Munitionsausgabestelle Mun.Ausr. d: Munitionsausrüstung Mun Bd e: Munitions Board Mun.Bed. d: Munitionsbedarf MUNC e: Munitions Command MunDp d: Munitionsdepot Mun.Erg. d: Munitionsergänzung Mun.Ers. d: Munitionsersatz MUNEX e: Munitions Allocation and Expenditure Tracking System Mun.F. d: Munitionsfabrik MUNIREP e: Air Munitions Report MUNIRER e: Munitions Report Mun.Kast. d: Munitionskasten Mun O e: Munitions Officer Mun.P. d: Munitionspark MUNSS e: Munition Storage Site - e: Munition[s] Support Squadron MUNSTOR e: Munitions Storage Facilities Mun.Verb. d: Munitionsverbrauch Mun.Wag. d: Munitionswagen MHOS r: Marinens Underofficersskola MUPL e: Military Urgency Planning List MURFAAM e: Mutual Reduction of Forces and Armaments and Associated Measures MURFAAMCE e: Mutual Reduction of Forces and Armaments and Associated Measures in Central Europe M IIS d: Marineunteroffizierschule MUSARC e: Major U.S. Army Reserve Command MUSIC e: Military, University-union, Science, Industrial Complex MUSS e: Missile Unit Support System MUST e: Mobile Underwater Surveillance Teams - e: Mobile Underwater Test vehicle - r: Militär Underrättelse- och Säkerhetstjänst MUSTRACS e: Multiple SimultaneousTarget Steerable Telemetry-Tracking System MUSTRS e.· Multi-Sensor Target Recognition System MUTT e: Military Utility Tactical Truck MUVK d: Militärische Unfallverhütungskommission M.U.V.S. d: MarineUnteroffiziervorschule MUVS d: Marineunteroffiziervorschule MUWS d: Marineunterwasserwaffenschule MV d: Militärverlag - d: Militärversicherung - e: Military Vigilance - r: Militär Väderlekstjänst Mv. d: Materialverwaltung [Reichskriegsministerium] M.V. d: Militärverwaltung MVA e: Modern Volunteer Army

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M.V.A. d: Marine-Verpflegungsamt - d: Marineverwaltungsamt MVAP e: Modern Volunteer Army Program MVBl. d: Marineverordnungsblatt MVC e: Military and Veterans Code - e: Motor Volunteer Corps - r: Militär Väderlekscentral MVCC e: Military Vehicle Collectors Club MVEE e: Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment M.Verm.A. d: MarineVermessungsabteilung MVF e: Missile Verification Firing MVFR e: Maintain Visual Flight Rules - e: Marginal VFR [Visual Flight Rules] MVG d: Militärversorgungsgericht - d: Militärversorgungsgesetz - η: Militaire Verdediging van het Grondgebied M.V.i.R. d: Militärverwaltung in Rumänien MVK d: Minenversuchskommission MVKV η: Marinevliegkamp Valkenburg MVM d: Massenvernichtungsmittel - d: MVM-Schutzanlage MvM n: Ministerie van Marine MVM-Schutz d: Schutz vor Massenvernichtungsmittel MVO d: Marineverbindungsoffizier - e: Military Vehicles Operation MvO η: Ministerie van Oorlog MvO/HHD η: Ministerie van Oorlog/Huishoudelijke Dienst MVP d: Militärische Verkehrspolizei - e: Military VME Processor MVPA e: Military Vehicle Preservation Association MVR e: Muzzle Velocity Radar MVS d: Marineversorgungsschule - e: Missile Velocity Servo MVSt d: Motorisierter Versorgungsstützpunkt MVW d: Massenvernichtungswaffe[n] - e: Missile Viewing Window MVWDU e: Missile Viewing Window Deicing Unit MW e: Military Works - e: Mine Warfare - e: Mine Warning - e: Missile Warning - e: Missile Wing - e: Multipurpose Weapon MW- d: MittelwellenM.W. d: Munitionswagen MWa d: Marinewaffenamt [Oberkommando der Marine] MWA e: Minimum Warning Attack - e: Multiple Weapons Adapter - e: Munitions of War Act MW/AA e: Missile Warning/Attack Assessment M.W.A.B. d: Marine-Waffen- und Ausrüstungsbetrieb MWAC e: Air Command Headquarters, Canadian Forces Base, Westwin, Manitoba MWALw d: Mobile Werbeausstellung der Luftwaffe MWAP e: Minimum Warning Attack Plan MWARS e: MACOM Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System - e: Maneuver Warfare Analytical & Research System MWB d: Marinewaffenbetrieb - d: Militärwochenblatt - e: Military War Book M.W.B, d: Marine-Waffenbetrieb

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ΝΑΒΡΟ M W B L e: Mounted Warfighting Battiespace Lab M W B P e: Missile Warning Bypass MWC e: Minister for [or Ministry of] War Communications - e: Missile Warning Center - e: Missile Weapons Control - e: Multi-Warfare Control M W C S e: Marine Wing Communication Squadron - e: Missile Weapons Control System - e: Mobile Weapons Control System M W C S S e: Mine Warfare Command Support System MWD e: Military Working Dogs - e: Military Works Department - e: Mutual Weapons Development M.W.D. e: Military Works Development M.W.D.D. e: Miscellaneous Weapons Development Department M W D D E A e: Mutual Weapons Development Data Exchange Agreement M W D D E P e: Mutual Weapons Development Data Exchange Procedures - e: Mutual Weapons Development Data Exehange Program M W D O e: Minewarfare Tactical Development Group MWDP e: Mutual Weapons Development Program M W D S e: Missile Warning and Display System M W D T e: Mutual Weapons Development Team M W E E e: Mechanised Warfare Experimental Establishment MWEM e: Mine Warfare Evaluation Model M - W e r f t d: Marinewerft MWF e: Military Works Force M W F C S e: Multi-Weapon Fire Control System M W F O P S e: Mine Warfare Operations MWFS e: Marine Wing Facilities Squadron - e: Maritime Warfare School M W G e: Missile-Warning Group M & WH e: Missile and Warhead Magazines MWHG e: Marine Wing Headquarters Group M W H Q e: Mobile War Headquarters MWHS e: Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron MWI e: Ministry of War Information M W O e: Missile Warning Office MWP e: Missile Warning Position MWPO e: Mine Warfare Project Office M W R e: Millimeter-Wave Radar - e: Mine Watching Radar - e: Missile-Warning Receiver M W R M Q A S e: Medical War Reserve Materiel Quality Assurance Subsystem M W R T e: Mobile Wing Reconnaissance Technical MWS e: Magnetic Weapon Sensor - e: Major Weapon System - e: Manned Weapon Station - e: Mini Weapon Sight - e: Missile Warning Set - e: Missile Warning Squadron - e: Missile Warning System - e: Missile Weapon System - e: Mobile Weapon System - e: Modular Weapons System M.W.S. e: Military Works Service MWSC e: Mine Warfare Support Centre - e: Mine Warfare Systems Centre - e: Missile Warning Systems Conference MWSG e: Marine Wing Support Group

M W S G R e: Marine Wing Staff Ground M W S O C e: Missile Warning and Space Operations Center MWSS e: Marine Wing Support Squadron M W S T e: Missile Warning System Test M.W.T. e: Ministry of War Transportation MWT e: Mountain War Time M W T C e: Ministry of War Time Communications M W T E e: Modern Weapons Training Exercises M W T T Y e: Missile Warning Teletypewriter M W V e: Mexican War Veteran - e: Minor War Vessels - e: Multifit Weapons Vehicle M W V P e: Minor War Vessels Programme M W V S e: Mission Weapon Visionics System M W W C e: Military Weather Warning Center M W W I I e: Mothers of World War II M W W P e: Mine Warfare Working Party MWWII e: Marine Wing Weapon Unit MX e: Missile Experimental - e: Peacekeeper Missile - e: The Middlesex Regiment [Duke of Cambridge's Own] M-X/RES e: M-X [Missile] Renewable Energy System MXS e: Missile Experimental System M X V R C e: Middlesex Volunteer Rifle Corps Mya-4 e: Soviet heavy bomber MYC e: Military Youth Corps MYDW e: Multiple Yield Defense Weapon M Y M D e: New York Military District M Y M M e: Mayaguana Auxiliary Air Force Base, Mayaguana Island [Bahamas] MYR e: Myrtle Beach [South Carolina] Myrtle Air Force Base M Y W e: Multiple Yield Weapon MZ d: Militärtelefonzentrale Μ . Ζ . d: Chef des Stabes der Marineleitung, Zentralgruppe [Reichswehrministerium] M.Za. d: Marinezeugamt M.Za[A] d: Marineartilleriezeugamt M.Za[A] d: Marineartilleriezeugamt M Z A D e: Mains Army Depot M.Za.fSp.] d: Marinesperrzeugamt M.Za.[Sp[r]] d: Marinesperrzeugamt M.Za.[Spr] d: Marinesperrzeugamt M.Z.Dv. d: MarineZentral druckschriftenverw al tung MZGebSt d: Gebührnisstelle der Zentralgruppe der Marineleitung [Reichswehrministerium]

Ν Ν e: Department of the Navy - e: Navy - e: Nuclear[-powered] - e: Nuclear Propelled - e: Nuclear Rocket Propulsion Division N.l d: Nachrichtenabteilung 1 N8 e: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Resources, Warfare Requirements, and Assessment N85 e: Director, Expeditionary Warfare Division N86 e: Director, Surface Warfare Division NA e: National Army - e: Naval Academy - e: Naval Air Systems Command Manual - e: Naval Aircraft - e: Naval Attaché

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- e: Navy Aircraft - e: Nuclear assessment N.A. d: Nachrichtenabteilung - d: Nachrichtenaufklärung - d: Nebelabteilung - e: National Army - e: Naval Academy - e: North Atlantic n/a e: navigation and attack N A A e: National Artillery Association - e: Naval Attaché for Air - e: North Atlantic Alliance NAABCV e: National Association of American Balloon Corps Veterans N A A D e: N a v a j o Army Depot - e: North American Air Defense N A A D C e: North American Air Defense Command N A A D M e: North American Air Defense Modernization NAAF e: North African Air Force - e: Northwest African Air Force N.A.A.F. e: Netherlands Army Air Force NAAFI e: Navy, Army and Air Force Institute N A A F W e: National Association of Air Forces W o m e n N A A G e: N A T O Army Advisory Group - e: NATO Army Armaments Group NAAGE e: North African Adjutant General, Personnel Division N A A G G e: North African Adjutant General, Executive Division N A A G O e: North African Adjutant General, Operations Division N A A G P e: North African Adjutant General, Postal Division N A A G S e: North African Adjutant General, Statistical Division N A A L S e: Navigational Aids and Landing Systems NAAN e: Nuclear Arms Alert Network N A A O e: Navy Area Audit Office [London] N A A P e: Newport Army Ammunition Plant N A A R D e: North American Aviation Rocketdyne Division N A A S L A N T e: Navy Auxiliary Air Stations, Atlantic N A A S P A C e: Navy Auxiliary Air Stations, Pacific NAATC e: Naval Air Advanced Training Center - e: Naval Air Advanced Training Command N A A V e: National Association of Atomic Veterans N A A W F S e: Naval Air All Weather Flight Squadron N A A W S e: N A T O Anti-Air Warfare System - e: N O R A D [North American Air Defense Command] Automatic Attack Warning System N A A W T e: National Action Against War Toys N A B e: Naval Air Base - e: Naval Amphibious Base - e: Navigational Aid to Bombing - e: Navy Air Base - e: North Atlantic Base - e: Nuclear Air Burst NABA e: Naval Amphibious Base Annex N A B A T R A e: Naval Air Basic Training Center N A B A T R A C O M e: Naval Air Basic Training Command N A B E e: Nuclear Air Burst Effect N A B P O e: N A T O Bullpup Production Office[r]


NABS NABS e: NATO Airborne SATCOM [Satellite Communications] - e: Nuclear-Armed Bombardment Satellite NABSE e: Norwegian Artillery Battery Survey Equipment NABS/GMF e: NATO Airbase Satellite/Ground Mobile Force NABSTP e: Navy Adult Basic Skills Training Program N.Abt, d: Nachrichtenabteilung NABTC e: Naval Air Base Training Command NABUCA e: Nation Building Contributions of the Army NAC e: Naval Academy - e: Naval Administrative Command - e: Naval Air Center - e: Naval Air Command - e: Naval Aircraft Carrier - e: NMCS [Nuclear Material Control System] Automatic Control - e: Northeast Air Command - e: Northern Area Command NACAC e: Norlh African Antiaircraft Section NACAF e: Northwest African Coastal Air Force NACAL e: Navy Air Cooperation and Liaison Committee NACAS e: North African Antiaircraft Section NACB e: Navy and Army Canteen Board NACC e: North Atlantic Cooperation Council NACCCSA e: NATO Air Command and Control System Agency N.A.C.D. e: National Association for Civil Defence NACDEPS e: North Atlantic Treaty Council Deputies NAC/DPC e: North Atlantic Council/Defense Planning Committee NACE e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Automated Control Executive - e: NMCSSC [National Military Command System Support Center] Automated Control Executive NACF e: Navy Air Combat Fighter NACG e: North African Commanding General nachr d: Nachrichtenwesen Nachr.A. d: Nachrichtenabteilung Nachr.Abt. d: Nachrichtenabteilung Nachr.D. d: Nachrichtendienst Nachr.Tr. d: Nachrichtentruppe Nachsch.D. d: Nachschubdienst Nachsch.Dst. d: Nachschubdienst Nacht-Bo. d: Nachtbomber NACIO e: Naval Air Combat Information Officer NACL e: Navy/ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency] Chemical Laser NACMA e: NATO Air Command & Control System Management Agency NACMIS e: Navy Automated Civilian Management Information System NACNCO e: National Association of Career Noncommissioned Officers NACO e: Navy Acquisition-Contracting Officer - e: Navy Coolant [Gunpowder] NACO Gunpowder e: Navy Cool Gunpowder NACOM e: Northern Area Command NACP e: Navy Acoustical Communication Program - e: NORAD/CONAD Airborne Command Post


NACPC e: North American Christian Peace Conference NACTAC e: Navy Antenna Computer Tracking and Command NACTS e: Nellis Air Combat Training System NACTII e: Night Attack Combat Training Unit NACWS e: North African Chemical Warfare Section NAD e: National Armament Director - e: NATO Air Doctrine - e: Navajo Army Depot - e: Naval Air Defense - e: Naval Air Department - e: Naval Air Depot - e: Naval Air Detachment - e: Naval Air Detail - e: Naval Air Development Center - e: Naval Air Division - e: Naval Ammunition Depot - e: Naval Armament Depot - e: Night Air Defence N.A.D. d: Neben-Artilleriedepot NADA e: National Defense Aircraft - e: Navajo Army Depot Activity NADAC e: National Defense Advisory Committee - e: Naval ASW [Antisubmarine Warfare] Data Center - e: Pacific Command, North Vietnam Air Defense Analysis and Coordinating Group NADACS e: National Air Defence & Airspace Control System NADC e: NATO Air Defence [or Defense] Committee - e: NATO Air Defense Command - e: NATO Defense College - e: Naval Air Development Center - e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Concord - e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane - e: Nuclear Affairs Defence Council NADCAP e: National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Procedures NADC-AR e: Naval Air Development Center-Aviation Armament Laboratory NADC-ASW e: Naval Air Development Center-Antisubmarine Warfare Laboratory NADC-AW e: Naval Air Development Center-Air Warfare Research Department NAD-CO e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Concord NAD-CR e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane NADC-WR e: Naval Air Development Center-Air Warfare Research Department NADEC e: Navy Decision Center - e: Navy Development Center Nadecol e: NATO Defence College NADEEC e: NATO Air Defense Electronic Environment Committee NaDefCol e: NATO Defense College NADEP e: Naval Aircraft Depot - e: Naval Aviation Depot NADEVCEN e: Naval Air Development Center NADEX e: National Defense Electronics and Aerospace Exposition NADGE e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Air Defense Ground Environment NADGECO e: NATO Air Defense Ground Environment Consortium - e: NATO Air Defense Ground Environment Corporation NADGEMO e: NATO Air Defence Ground Environment Management Office

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- e: NATO Air Defense Ground Environment Management Organization NADH e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Hawaii NADI e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Indiana NADIB e: North American Defense Industrial Base NADIS e: NATO Defense Information System NADL e: Navy Authorized Data List - e: Navy Avionics Development Laboratory NADM e: Naval Administration NADMC e: Naval Air Development and Material Center NADOP e: North American Defense Operation Plan NADP e: NAVAIR [Naval Air Systems Command] Advanced Development Plan NADPB e: North Atlantic Defense Production Board NADREP e: National Armament Director Representative NADS e: National Armament Directors - e: NATO Air Defense System - e: Naval Air Development Station - e: North Atlantic Defense System NADTC e: North Atlantic Air Defense Technical Center NAEGIS e: NATO Airborne Early Warning and Ground Control Integration Segment - e: NATO Airborne Early-warning Ground Environment Integration System N.A.E.R.S.S.A. e: National Association for Employment of Regular Sailors, Soldiers, and Airmen NAES e: North African Army Exchange Service NAESDI e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] ASI [Advanced Science Institutes] Series. Series E. Applied Sciences NAEW e: NATO Airborne Early Warning [and Control Force] NAEW&C e: NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control System NAEWCSPMO e: NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control System Program Management Organization NAEWF e: NATO Airborne Early Warning Force NAEWS e: NATO Airborne Early Warning System NAEWTF e: NATO Aircrew Electronic Warfare Tactics Facility NAF e: Naval Air Force - e: Naval Assault Force - e: Netherlands Air Force - e: Nigerian Air Force - e: Non-Appropriated Fund - e: Northern Attack Force - e: Norwegian Air Force - e: Numbered Air Force N.A.F. e: Naval Aircraft Factory NAFAG e: NATO Air Force Advisory Group - e: NATO Air Force Armament Group NAFB e: Nellis Air Force Base - e: Norton Air Force Base NAFBR e: Nellis Air Force Bombing Range NAFC e: Naval Air Ferry Command - e: Navy Accounting and Finance Center - e: Northern Attack Force Commander NAFD e: National Air Forwarding Division N.A.F.D.U. e: Naval Air Fighting Development Unit

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NAPALM NAFFI e: Navy, Army & Air Force Institutes NAFFMB e: Nonappropriated Fund Financial Management Board NAFI e: Naval Air Fighting Instructions - e: Naval Avionics Facility, Indianapolis NAFIS e: Navaids Flight Inspection System - e: Naval Forces Intelligence Study NAFLANT e: Naval Air Facilities, Atlantic NAFM e: National Armed Forces Museum NAFMA e: NATO European Fighter Management Agency NAFMAB e: National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board NAFMW e: National Action for Former Military Wives N.A.F.P. e: New Armed Forces of the Philippines NAFPAC e: Naval Air Facilities, Pacific NAFR e: Nellis Air Force Range NAFS e: Naval Air Fighter School - e: Newark Air Force Station NAFSFERRY e: Naval Air Transport Service, Ferry Command N.A.F.S.L. e: Naval Assistant to the First Sea Lord NAFTOC e: NORAD Automated Forward Tell Output to Canada NAFTS e: Naval Air Fighter Training School NAG e: Naval Advisory Group [Army] - e: Navigation and Guidance - e: NERVA [Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application] Advisory Group - e: Northern Army Group NAGARD e: NATO Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development NAGC e: Naval Armed Guard Center NAGCO e: Naval Air Ground Center NAGE e: NATO Air Defense Group Environment N-age e: Nuclear age NAGIM e: North American Gunnery Instruction Monitor NAGMC e: North Atlantic Council and Military Committee NAGS e: Naval Air Gunners School NAHEMA e: NATO Helicopter Management Agency NAHICUS e: Nuclear Attack Hazards in the United States NAI e: No Airborne Intercept NAIC e: Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps NAICC e: Nuclear Accident and Incident Control Center NAICO e: Nuclear Accident and Incident Control Officer NAICOM/MIS e: Navy-Integrated Command Management Information System NAIDS e: North Atlantic Institute for Defense Studies NAILS e: National Liaison Staffs - e: Naval Aviation Integrated Logistics Support Task Force - e: NCAR Airborne Infrared Lidar System NAIPS e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Automated Input Processing System NAIR e: Naval Air Systems Command headquarters NAIT e: Naval Air Intermediate Training NAIT[C] e: Naval Air Intermediate Training [Command] NAJRC e: North African Joint Rearmament Committee

NAK r: Nordisk Atomkoordineringskomite Naka d: Nahkampfartillerie Nakafii d: Nahkampfartillerieführer NALC e: Naval Aviation Logistics Center - e: Naval Aviation Logistics Command - e: Navy Ammunition Logistics Code NALCO e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office NALCOEURREP e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office European Representative NALCOLANT e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office Atlantic NALCOM e: Naval Logistics Command NALCOMIS e: Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System NALCOP e: NORAD Alternate Command Post NALCOPAC e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office Pacific NALCOPACREP e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office Pacific Representative NALCOREP e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office Representative NALF e: Naval Auxiliary Landing Field NALLADS e: Norwegian Army Low Level Air Defence System NALO e: Naval Air Liaison Officer NALSDJ e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] ASI [Advanced Science Institutes] Series. Series A. Life Sciences NAM e: National Army Museum - e: Naval Armaments Model ΝΑΜΑ e: Northern Air Materiel Area NAMAE e: Northern Air Materiel Area Europe N A M A P e: Northern Air Materiel Area, Pacific NAMAPUS e: Naval Assistant to the Military Aide to the President of the United States NAMATCEN e: Naval Air Materiel Center ÑAMATE e: Naval Air Material Command NAMB e: Naval Amphibious Base NAMBAD e: Non-Atomic Military Research and Development NAMC e: Naval Air Materiel Center - e: Naval Air Materiel Command - e: North Atlantic Military Committee NAMD e: Naval Ammunition Depot - e: Newsletter of the Army Medical Department NAMDDU e: Naval Air Mine Defense Development Unit NAME e: Missile and Munitions Evaluation NAMFI e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Missile Firing Installation^] NAMILCOM e: North Atlantic Military Committee NAMILPO e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Military Posture NAMILREPCOM e: North Atlantic Military Representatives Committee NAMINDEFDEVU e: Naval Mine Defense Development Unit NAMIS e: Nitride-Barrier Avalanche Injection Missile NAMISCEN e: Naval Missile Center NAMISTESTCEN e: Naval Air Missile Test Center NAMM e: North African Military Mission N A M M A e: NATO MRCA [Multi-Role Combat Aircraft] Development and Production Management Agency

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NAMMIS e: Navy Aviation Maintenance and Material Support System N A M M O e: NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development and Production Management Organization NAMMOS e: Navy Manpower Mobilization System NAMMS e: Navy Aviation Maintenance and Material Support System NAMPA e: NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft Agency Ν Amph Bse e: Naval Amphibious Base NAMPMW e: Vietnam Prisoners of War NAMPS e: Navy Manpower Planning System NAMRAD e: Non-Atomic Military Research and Development [Subcommittee] NAMS e: Nurses and Army Medical Specialists NAMSO e: Navy Maintenance Support Office NAMSOINST e: Navy Maintenance Support Office Instruction N A M T e: Naval Aircraft Maintenance Trainer - e: Naval Aircraft Mobile Trainer NAMTC e: Naval Air Missile Test Center NAMTD e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Devices NAMTG e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Group NAMTM e: Naval Air Mobile Training Maintenance NAMTRADET e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Detachment NAMTRAGRU e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Group NAMW e: National Association of Military Widows NANCF e: North Atlantic Naval Coastal Frontier NAND e: Naval Ammunition and Net Depot NANEP e: Naval Air Navigation Electronics Project NANFAC e: Naval Air Navigation Facility Advisory Committee NANS e: Night Attack Navigation System Na.O. d: Nachrichtenoffizier NAOB e: Naval Aviation Observer Bombardier NAOC e: National Airborne Operations Center - e: Naval Aviation Observer Controller N.A.O.D. e: Naval Air Organization Division ΝΑΟΙ e: Naval Aviation Observer Intercept NAOMIS e: Navy Materiel Transportation Office Operations and Management Information System NAON e: Naval Aviation Observer Navigator NAOR e: Naval Aviation Observer Radar NAOT e: Naval Air Operational Training NAOTC e: Naval Air Operational Training Command NAP e: Naval Air Plan - e: Naval Air Priorities - e: Naval Auxiliary Patrol - e: Naval Aviation Plan - e: Navigation Analysis Program - e: Nonnuclear Armament Plan - e: North Atlantic Pact NAPALM e: National ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Program[me] for AMC [Army Material [or Materiel] Command] Logistics Management


NAPBOS NAPBOS e: North Atlantic Treaty Planning Board on Ocean Shipping NAPE e: Nuclear Attack Preparedness Evaluation NAPEC e: Naval Ammunition Production Engineering Center NAPF e: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation NAPMA e: NATO AEWC [Airborne Early Warning and Control] Program Management Agency NAPMO e: NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Programme Management Organization NAPNW e: Nurses Alliance for the Prevention of Nuclear War NAPO e: NATO Airborne Early Warning Program Office NAPOE e: New York Port of Embarkation NAPPS e: Navy Automated Publishing and Printing System NAPR e: NATO Armaments Planning Review NAPSAC e: Naval Atomic Planning, Support and Capabilities Report NAPT e: Naval Air Primary Training NAPTC e: Naval Air Primary Training Command NAPTCRO e: Naval Air Primary Training Command Regional Office NAR e: Naval Air Reserve - e: Naval Auxiliary Reserve - e: Naval Research and Development - e: Navy Ammunition Reclassification - e: Nominal Acceleration Radar - e: Notice of Ammunition Reclassification NARADCOM e: Natick Research and Development Command NARATE e: Navy Advanced Radar Automatic Test Equipment - e: Navy Automatic Radar Test Equipment - e: Northrop Automatic Radar Test System NARC e: National Army Revolutionary Committee [or Council] NARDAC e: Navy Regional Data Automation Center NARDIC e: Navy Acquisition Research & Development Information Center NARDIS e: Navy Automated Research and Development Information System NARDIV e: Naval Air Reserve Divisions NARF e: Naval Air Reserve Force N.A.R.I.U. e: Naval Air Radio Installation Unit NARL e: Naval Aeronautical Rocket Laboratory N-armed e: Nuclear-armed NARMIC e: National Action/Research on the Military Industrial Complex N-arm[s] e : Nuclear armament[s] - e \ Nuclear arms N-arms control e: Nuclear arms control N-arms race e: Nuclear arms race NARMU e: Naval Air Reserve Maintenance Units NAROCTESTSTA e: Naval Air Rocket Test Station NARP e: Nuclear Weapons Accident Report Procedures NART e: Naval Air Reserve Training NARTC e: Naval Air Research Training Command - e: Naval Air Rocket Test Center NARTS e: Naval Air Rocket Test Station NARTU e: Naval Air Reserve Training Unit NARU e: Naval Air Reserve Unit NAS e: Naval Air Service - e: Naval Air Squadron - e: Naval Air Systems Command - e: New Attack Submarine


NASAF e: Northeast African Strategic Air Force - e: Northwest African Strategic Air Force NASAMS e: Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System NASARR e: North American Search and Range Radar NASC e: Navy Air Systems Command - e: Navy Aviation Safety Center NASCCEN e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Central NASCDD e: National Association of State Civil Defense Directors NASCLANT e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Atlantic NASCOM e: Naval Air Station Communication - e: Naval Air Systems Command NASCOM IS e: Naval Air Station/Command Management Information System NASCPAC e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Pacific NASCPNCLA e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Naval Air Training Command, Pensacola NASCRL e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Atlantic NASCRP e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative-Pacific NASD e: Naval Air Supply Depot - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Applications Software Description NASEDC e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institutes Series. Series E. Applied Science NASF e: Navigation & Attack Systems Flight NASGEJ e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] ASI [Advanced Science Institutes] Series. Series G. Ecological Sciences NASID e: National Association of the Sixth Infantry Division NASIMD e: National Association of the Sixth Infantry/Motorized Division NA ÍSL e: Naval Assistant to the First Sea Lord NA2SL e: Naval Assistant to the Second Sea Lord NASM e: National Air and Space [Warfare] Model NASMO e: NATO Starfighter Management Office NASPO e: NATO Starfighter Production Organization NASPWFAC e: Naval Aviation Special Weapons Facility NASRR e: North American Search and Ranging Radar NASS e: Naval Air Signal School N.A.S.S. e: Naval Air Signal School NASS e: Naval Anti-Submarine School NASSC e: National Air and Sea Systems Command NASSDK e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institutes Series. Series A. Life Sciences NAST e: Naval & Air Staff Target - e: Navigation/Attack Systems Trainer N.A.S.W.D.U. e: Naval Air/Sea Warfare Development Unit NASWF e: Naval Air Special Weapons Facility NAT e: Naval Air Training - e: North African Theater - e: North Atlantic Treaty - e: Not ARTS [Automated Radar Terminal System] Tracked

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N.A.T. N: Norsk Artillerie Tidskrift NATA e: North Atlantic Treaty Alliance NATACMS e: Navy Tactical Missile System NATAF e: Northwest African Tactical Air Force NATAR e: NATO Transatlantic Advanced Radar NATB e: Naval Air Training Base NATBASE e: Naval Air Training Base NATBF e: Northwest African Tactical Bomber Force NATBM e: Navy Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile NATC e: Naval Air Test[ing] Center - e: Naval Air Training Center - e: Naval Air Training Command - e: North Atlantic Treaty Council - e: Northwest African Training Command NATCC e: Northwest African Troop Carrier Command NATDEFSM e: National Defense Service Medal NATDS e: Naval Air Tactical Data System NATEC e: Naval Air Training and Experimental Command NATESTCEN e: Naval Air Test Center NATF e: Navy Advanced Tactical Fighter NATINADS e: NATO Intgrated Air Defense System NATIS e: Naval Air Training Information System - e: North Atlantic Treaty Information Service NATIV e: North American Test Instrument Vehicle NATIVE e: North American Test Instrument Vehicle Natl Def e: National Defense NATMILCOMSYS e: National Military Command System NAT-NE e: North Atlantic Treaty Northern European Regional Planning Group NATO d: NATO - Terminus NATO 16 e: NATO's Sixteen Nations. North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO e: North African Theater of Operations - e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO Adv Study Inst Ser Β e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institutes. Series B. Physics NATO Adv Study Inst Ser Β Physics e NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institutes. Series B. Physics NATO Adv Study Inst Ser C e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institutes. Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences NATO Adv Study Inst Ser D e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institutes. Series D. Behavioural and Social Sciences NATO Adv Study Inst Ser E e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institutes. Series E. Applied Sciences NATO Adv Study Inst Ser Ser A Life Sci e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institutes Series. Series A. Life Sciences NATO Adv Study Inst Ser Ser E Appi Sci e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Advanced Study Institutes Series. Series E. Applied Science NATO-AEW e: NATO Airborne Early Warning

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NAVBMC - e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Airborne Early Warning NATO-AGARD e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Advisory Group for Aeronautial Research and Development NATO ARW e: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Advanced Research Workshop NATO-ARW e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advanced Research Workshop NATO ASI [Adv Sei Inst] Ser Ser A Life Sci e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] ASI [Advanced Science Institutes] Series. Series A. Life Sciences NATO ASI [Adv Sei Inst] Ser Ser E Appi Sci e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] ASI [Advanced Science Institutes] Series. Series E. Applied Sciences NATO ASI [Adv Sci Inst] Ser Ser G Ecol Sci e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] ASI [Advanced Science Institutes] Series. Series G. Ecological Sciences NATO/CCMS Air Pollut e: NATO/CCMS [North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society] Air Pollution NATO Comm Challenges Mod Soc Air Pollut e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization]/Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society. Air Pollution NATODC e: NATO Defense College - e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defense College NATODEFCOL e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defense College NATOELLA e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization-European Long Lines Agency NATO Letter e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Letter NATO-LRSS e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization]-Long Range Scientific Studies NATOMILOCGRP e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Military Oceanography Group NATOPS e: Naval Aeronautical Tactical Operations - e: Naval Air Training and Operating [or Operational] Procedures Standardization - e: Naval Air Training Operating Practices NATO-RDPP e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization]-Research and Development Production Program NATOSC e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Supply Classification NATO SOFA e: NATO Status of Forces Agreement NATOUSA e: North African Theater of Operations, United States Army NATO War Ρ e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] and the Warsaw Pact Force Comparisons N A T O - Z A B K d: Zusatzabkommen zu dem Abkommen der Parteien des Nordatlantikvertrags über die Rechtstellung ihrer Truppen [NATOTruppenstatut] NATRA e: Naval Air Training Command NATraCom e: Naval Air Training Command NATRACOM e: Naval Air Training Command NATRI e: Navy Training Requirements Information

NAT-RPG e: North Atlantic Treaty Regional Planning Group NATS e: Naval Air Test Station - e: Naval Tactical-data System - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Autodin Terminal Subsystem NATSAA e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Air Traffic Service Advisory Agency NAT-SEWM e: North Atlantic Treaty Southern Europe, Western Mediterranean Regional Planning Group NATSFERRY e: Naval Air Transport Service, Ferry Command NAT-SG e: North Atlantic Treaty Standing Group NATSLANT e.· Naval Air Transport Service, Atlantic Wing NATSPAC e: Naval Air Transport Service, Pacific Wing NATSPG e: North Atlantic Systems Planning Group NATT e: Naval Air Technical Training N-attack e: Nuclear attack NATTC e: Naval Air Technical Training Center NATTCL e: Naval Air Technical Training Center, Lakehurst NATTU e: Naval Air Tactical Test Unit - e: Naval Air Technical Training Unit NATU e: Naval Aircraft Torpedo Unit - e: Naval Amphibious Training Unit - e: Naval Aviation Training Unit NATUS e: US message dealing with NATO subject matter NATIISA e: North African Theater, United States Army NATW e: National War College - e: Naval Air Transport Wing NATWF e: North American Tug of War Federation NATWP e: Naval Air Transport Wing, Pacific NAU e: Noise Augmentation Unit NAUS e: National Association for Uniformed Services, Inc. NAUWS e: Naval Advanced Undersea Weapons School NAV e: National American Veterans - e: Naval Artillery Volunteers - e: Next Generation Advanced Vehicle nav d: Navigation NAVACT e: Naval Activities NAVACTS e: Naval Acts NAVADCOM e: Naval Administrative Command NAVADGP e: Naval Advisory Group NAVADGRU e: Naval Advisory Group - e: Navy Administrative Group NAVADUSEAWPNSCOL e: Naval Advanced Underseas Weapons School NavAdvTechTraCom e: Naval Advanced Technical Training Command NAVADVUSEAWPNSCOL e Naval Advanced Undersea Weapons School NAVAF e: Navy-Air Force NAVAGLOBE e: Long-Distance Navigation System, Global NAVAIR e: Navy Air System Command NavAirAdvTraComActy e: Naval Air Advanced Training Command Activity NAVAIRBASICTRACOM e: Naval Air Basic Training Command Ν AVAIRE SFORRON e: Naval Air Reserve Force Squadron NAVAIRLANT e: Naval Air Forces, Atlantic Fleet NAVAIRMAINTRAGRU e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Group

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NAVAIRMINDEFDEVU e: Naval Air Mine Defense Development Unit NAVAIRMINEDEFDEVU e: Naval Air Mine Defense Development Unit NavAirMisTestCen e: Naval Air Missile Test Center NAVAIRPAC e: Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet NAVAIRRES e: Naval Air Reserve NavAirResFa e: Naval Air Reserve Facility NavAirResTraCen e: Naval Air Reserve Training Center NavAirSpecWpnsFa e: Naval Air Special Weapons Facility NavAirSplWpnsFa e: Naval Air Special Weapons Facility NAVAIRSYSCO e: Naval Air Systems Command NAVAIRSYSCOMFELSUPREPCEN e: Naval Air Systems Command Fleet Supply Representative Center NAVAIRSYSCOMFLEREADREP e: Naval Air Systems Command Fleet Readiness Representative NAVAIRSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters NAVAIRSYSCOMREP e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative NAVAIRSYSCOMREPAC e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Pacific NAVAIRSYSCOMREPCENT e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Central NAVAIRSYSCOMREPLANT e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Atlantic NAVAIRSYSCOMREP PNCLA e Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Naval Air Training Command, Pensacola NAVAIRTESTCENT e: Naval Air Test Center NAVAIRTORPU e: Naval Aircraft Torpedo Unit Naval F e: Naval Forces NAVAMDEP e: Naval Ammunition Depot NAVAMMDEP e: Naval Ammunition Depot NAVANTRA e: Naval Air Advanced Training Center NAVANTRACOM e: Naval Air Advanced Training Command - e: Naval Aviation Training Command NAVANTRACOMACTY e Naval Aviation Training Command Activity NAVAR e: Navigation Air Radar NAVASCOPE e: NAVAR Airborne Radars cope NAVASCREEN e: Navigation Radar Screen NAVASDATACEN e: Navy Antisubmarine Warfare Data Center NAVASWDATACEN e: Navy Antisubmarine Warfare Data Center NAVAIITH e: Naval Authority NAVAVNDEPOTS e: Naval Aviation Depots NAVAVNWEPSFAC e: Naval Aviation Weapons Facilities NavB e: Naval Base NAVBALTAP e: Naval Forces, Baltic Approaches NAVBASE e: Naval Base NAVBASECOM e: Naval Base Command NAVBASELANT e: Naval Bases Atlantic NAVBASEPAC e: Naval Bases Pacific NAVBM e: Navy Ballistic Missile NAVBMC e: Navy Ballistic Missile Committee


NAVCAG NAVCAG e: Allied Naval Forces Central Army Group NAVCAP e: Naval Combat Air Patrol NAVCENT e: Allied Naval Forces Central Europe - e: Navy, Central Command NavCICScol e: Naval Counterintelligence Corps School NAVCINTSUPPACT e Navy Counterintelligence Support Activity NAVCINTSIIPPCEN e: Navy Counterintelligence Support Center NAVCINTSUPPGRU e Navy Counterintelligence Support Group NAVCINTSIIPPU e: Navy Counterintelligence Support Unit NAVCM e: Navigation Countermeasures NAVCOM e: Naval Air Advanced Fraining Command NavCom e: Naval Command NAVCOM e: Naval Communication NAVCOMCEN e: Naval Communications Center NAVCOMCOM e: Naval Communications Command NAVCOMM e: Naval Communications [System] NAVCOMMAREA e: Naval Communications Area NAVCOMMCOM e Naval Communications Command NAVCOMMDET e: Naval Communications Detachment NAVCOMMHQ e: Naval Communications Headquarters NAVCOMMSTA e: Navy Communications Station NAVCOMMSYS e: Naval Communications System NAVCOMMSYSHQ e: Naval Communications System Headquarters NAVCOMMSYSSUPPACT e Naval Communications Systems Support Activity NAVCOMMTRACEN e: Naval Communications Fraining Center NAVCOMMU e: Naval Communications Unit NAVCOMMU NR e: Naval Communications Unit, Naval Reserve NAVCOMPT e: Comptroller of the Navy NAVCOMSTA e: Naval Communications Station NAVCOMSYSSUPPACT e: Naval Command Systems Support Activity NAVCOMSYSSUPPCEN e. Naval Command Systems Support Center NAVCON e: Naval Countermeasures NAVCOSSACT e: Naval Command Systems Support Activity NAVCOSSCEN e: Naval Command Systems Support Center NAVDAMCONTCEN e: Naval Damage Control Center NAVDAMCONTRACEN e: Navy Damage Control Training Center NAVDAR e: Naval Defense Acquisition Regulations NAVDEFEASTPAC e: Naval Defense Forces, Eastern Pacific NAVDEPCENT e: Naval Deputy to Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces, Central Europe NAVDEPT e: Navy Department NAVDESCOL e: Naval Destroyer School NAVDESSCOL e: Naval Destroyer School NAVDOCKS e: US Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks


NAVEAMS e: Navigational Warning East Atlantic and Mediterranean NAVEDTRASUPPCEN e: Naval Education and Fraining Support Center NAVEDTRASUPPCENLANT e Naval Education and Fraining Support Center, Atlantic NAVELECSYSCOM e: Naval Electronics Systems Command NAVELECSYSCOMCENLANTDIV e Naval Electronics Systems Command, Central Atlantic Division NAVELECSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Headquarters NAVELECSYSCOMNEDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Northeast Division NAVELECSYSCOMSEDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Southeast Division NAVELECSYSCOMWESTDIV e Naval Electronics Systems Command, Western Division NAVELEXSYSCOM e: Naval Electronics Systems Command NAVELEXSYSCOMDIV e Naval Electronic Systems Command Division NAVELEXSYSCOMMIDWESTDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Midwest Division NAVELEXSYSCOMSEDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Southeast Division NAVELEXSYSCOMSOWESTDIV e Naval Electronics Systems Command, Southwest Division NAVEODFAC e: Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facility NAVEU e: Naval Forces in European Waters NAVEUR e: Naval Forces, Europe NAVFACENG e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command NAVFACENGCOM e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command NAVFACENGCOMHQ e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Headquarters NAVFACENGRCOM e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command NAVFACENGRCOM HQ e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Headquarters NAVFACENGRCOMLANTDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic NAVFACENGRCOMNORDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northern Division NAVFACENGRCOMPACDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific Division NAVFACENGRCOMSODIV e Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southern Division NAVFACENGRCOMWESDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Western Division NAVFACENGSYSCOM e Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command NAVFACENSYSCOM e: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command NAVFACLANTDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic Division NAVFACLANT/PAC e: Naval Facilities Atlantic/Pacific NAVFACNORDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northern Division

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NAVFACPACDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific Division NAVFACSODIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southern Division NAVFACSYSCOM e: Naval Facilities Systems Command NAVFACWESDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Western Division NAVFE e: Naval Forces, Far East NAVFLIGHTPREPSCOL e: Naval Flight Preparatory School NAVFOR e: Naval Force NAVFORCONAD e: Naval Forces Continental Air Defense NAVFOREU e: Naval Forces, Europe NAVFORGER e: Naval Forces, Germany NAVFORJAP e: Naval Forces, Japan NAVFORKOR e: Naval Forces, Korea NAVFORNORAD e: Naval Forces, North American Air Defense Command NAVFORSTAT e: Navy Force Status NAVFORV e: Naval Forces, Vietnam NAVGEN e: Navy General NAVGMSCHOL e: Navy Guided Missile School NAVGMSCOL e: Navy Guided Missile School NAVGMII e: Naval Guided Missile Unit NAVGRA e: The Navy and Vickers Gearing Research Association [of MOD and civilian firms] NAVGUN e: Naval Gun NavHarDefU e: Naval Harbor Defense Unit NAVHOME e: Naval Home Command NAVI e: Nuclear Arms Verification Instrument NAVIC e: Naval [or Navy] Information Center NavInsGen e: Naval Inspector General NAVINTCOM e: Naval Intelligence Command NAVINTCOM INST e: Naval Intelligence Command Instructions NAVINTCOMM e: Naval Intelligence Command NAVINTEL e: Naval Intelligence Nav Int O e: Naval Intelligence Officer NAVINTSUPPCEN e: Naval Intelligence Support Center Navis r: Navigationssällskapet, Stockholm NAVJAP e: Naval Forces, Japan NAVLIS e: Navy Logistics Information System NavLOff e: Naval Logistics Officer NAVMAC e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center NAVMACLANT e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center, Atlantic NAVMACPAC e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center, Pacific NAVMACS e: Naval Modular-Automated Communications Systems NAVMAP e: Navy Missile Analysis Program NAVMAR e: Naval Forces, Marianas NAVMARCORESTRACEN e: Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Fraining Center NAVMARCORRESCEN e: Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center NAVMARCOR[R]ESTRACEN e: Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Fraining Center NAVMAT e: Naval Materiel - e: Naval Materiel Command NAVMATCOM e: Naval Material Command NAVMATCOMSUPPACT e: Naval Material Command Support Activity

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NAVSHIPREPFAC NAVMATINST e: Naval Materiel Command Instruction - e: Navy Materiel Instruction NAVMATMOCON e: Navy Material Movement Control Plan - e: Navy Materiel Movement Control NAVMC e: Navy Marine Corps NAVMED e: Naval Forces, Mediterranean NAVMGTSYSCEN e: Navy Management Systems Center NAVMIC e: Naval Military Intelligence Center NAVMILPERSCOM e: Naval Military Personnel Command NavMinBase e: Naval Minecraft Base Ν A VM INCOIVI E ASTA e: Navy Mine Countermeasures Station NAVMINDEFLAB e: Navy Mine Defense Laboratory NAVMINDEP e: Naval Mine Depot NAVMINEDEFLAB e: Navy Mine Defense Laboratory NAVMINEDEP e: Naval Mine Depot NAVMINENGRFAC e: Naval Mine Engineering Facility NAVMINWARTRACEN e: Naval Mine Warfare Training Center NAVMISCEN e: Naval Missile Center NAVMISFAC e: Naval Missile Facility NavMisTestCen e: Naval Missile Test Center NAVMMAC e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center NAVMMACLANT e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center, Atlantic NAVMMACPAC e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center, Pacific NAVMOBCONSTBN e: Naval Mobile Construction Battalion NAVMTO e: Naval Military Transportation Office NAVMTONORVA e: Naval Military Transportation Office, Norfolk, Virginia NAVNAW e: Naval Forces, Northwest African Waters NAVNON e: Naval Forces, Northern Norway NAVNORCENT e: Allied Naval Forces Northern Area, Central Europe NAVNORSOLS e: Naval Forces, Northern Solomons NAVNORTH e: Allied Naval Forces Northern Europe NAVNUPWRTRAII e: Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit NAVNUPWRU e: Naval Nuclear Power Unit NAVNZ e: Naval Forces, New Zealand NAVO d: Nationale Volksarmee Nav O e: Navigation Officer NAVOBSYFLAGSTAFFSTA e: Naval Observatory Flagstaff [Arizona] Station NAVOCFORMED e: Naval On-Call Force, Mediterranean Nav Opns e: Naval Operations NAVOPSIIPPGRU e: Naval Operations Support Group NAVOPSUPPGRULANT e: Naval Operations Support Group, Atlantic NAVOPSUPPGRUPAC e Naval Operations Support Group, Pacific NAVORD e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command NAVORD Command e: Naval Ordnance Command NAVORD ILS/MIS e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command Integrated Logistics Support/Management Information System NAVORD INST e: Naval Ordnance Instruction

- e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command Instruction NAVORDMISTESTFAC e: Naval Ordnance Missile Test Facility NAVORDSTA e: Naval Ordnance Station NAVORD-SWOP e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command, Special Weapons Ordnance Publication NAVORDSYSCO e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command NAVORDSYSCOM e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command NAVORDSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command Headquarters NAVORDSYSCOMREP e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command Representative NAVORDSYSSUPPO e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office NAVORDSYSUPPOLANT e Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office, Atlantic NAVORDSYSUPPOPAC e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office, Pacific NAVOROUS e: Naval Order of the United States NAVP e: Naval Petroleum Reserves Office NAVPAOEASCO e: Naval Public Afiairs Office, East Coast NAVPAOMWEST e: Naval Public Affairs Office, Midwest NAVPAOWESCO e: Naval Public Affairs Office, West Coast NAVPEP e: Navy Program Evaluation Procedures NAVPERSRANDLAB e: Naval Personnel Research and Development Laboratory NAVPERSRSCHFLDACTY e: Naval Personnel Research Field Activity NAVPETRES e: Naval Petroleum Reserves NAVPHIBASE e: Naval Amphibious Base NAVPHIBASELANT e Naval Amphibious Base Atlanlic NAVPHIBSCOL e: Naval Amphibious School NavPhibTraULant e: Naval Amphibious Training Unit, Atlantic NAVPHIL e: Naval Forces, Philippines NAVPORCO e: Naval Port Control Officer NAVPORCOF e: Naval Port Control Officer NAVPRIS e: Naval Prison NAVRADLDEFLAB e: Navy Radiological Defense Laboratory NAVRDSATCOMMGRU e: Naval Research and Development Satellite Communications Group NAVRECONTACSUPPCEN e: Navy Reconnaissance and Tactical Support Center NAVRECONTECHSUPPCEN e: Naval Reconnaissance and Technical Support Center NAVRECONTECHSUPPCENLANT e Naval Reconnaissance and Technical Support Center, Atlantic NAVRECONTECHSUPPCENPAC e: Naval Reconnaissance and Technical Support Center, Pacific NAVRES e: Naval Reserve NAVRESEARCH DARTMOUTH e: Naval Research Establishment, Dartmouth Nav Reserv e: Naval Reservist NAVRESFAC e: Naval Reserve Facility

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NAVRESFOR e: Naval Reserve Force NAVRESMANPOWERCEN e Naval Reserve Manpower Center NAVRESMANPWRCEN e: Naval Reserve Manpower Center NAVRESOREACT e: Naval Reserve Officer Recording Activity NAVRESREDCOM e: Naval Reserve Readiness Command NAVRESTC e: Navy Reserve Training Center NavResTraCen e: Navy Reserve Training Center NavResTraCom e: Naval Reserve Training Command NAVRESTRAFAC e: Naval Reserve Training Facility NAVRETRAINCOM e: Naval Retraining Command NAVRYUKYUS e: Naval Forces, Ryukyus NAVSAFECEN e: Navy Safety Center NAVSAT e: Navy Satellite System NAVSATCOM-21 e: Naval Space Communications Architecture-21 st Century NAVSATCOMFAC e: Naval Satellite Communications Facility NAVSCAP e: Naval Forces, Scandinavian Approaches NAVSCIENTECHINTELCEN e Navy Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center NAVSCIENTECHINTELCENLANT e Navy Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center, Atlantic NAVSCIENTECHINTELCEN PAC e: Navy Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center, Pacific NAVSCOLMINWAR e: Naval School of Mine Warfare NAVSCOLMINWARFARE e: Naval Mine Warfare School NAVSEA e: Naval Sea Systems Command NAVSEACENTLANT e: Naval Sea Support Center-Atlantic NAVSEACENTPAC e: Naval Sea Support Center-Pacific NAVSEASYSCOM e: Naval Sea Systems Command NAVSECGRU e: Navy Security Group NAVSECGRUACT e: Navy Security Group Activity NAVSECGRUCOM e: Naval Security Group Command NAVSECGRUDET e: Naval Security Group Detachment NAVSECGRU HQ e: Navy Security Group Headquarters NAVSECSTA e: Naval Security Station NAVSEEACT e: Naval Shore Electronics Engineering Activity NAVSEEACTLANT e: Naval Shore Electronics Engineering Activity, Atlantic NAVSEEACTPAC e: Naval Shore Electronics Engineering Activity, Pacific NAVSEEC e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Headquarters NAVSEG e: Navigation Satellite Executive Steering Group NAVSEP e: Navigation and Separation of Aircrafts NAVSHIPCOM e: Naval Ship Systems Command NAVSHIPMISYSENGSTA e: Naval Ship Missile Systems Engineering Station NAVSHIPMISYSENGSYS e: Naval Ships Missile System Engineering System NAVSHIPREPFAC e: Naval Ship Repair Facility


NAVSHIPRSCHDEVCEN NAVSHIPRSCHDEVCEN e. Naval Ship Research and Development Center NAVSHIPRSCHDEVCEN ANN A e: Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Annapolis Division NAVSHIPS e: Naval Ship Systems Command - e: Naval Ships Systems Command NAVSHIPSINST e: Naval Ship Systems Command Instruction NAVSHIPSYSCOM e: Naval Ship Systems Command NAVSHIPSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Ship Systems Command Headquarters NAVSHORELECENGACT e: Navy Shore Electronics Engineering Activity NAVSHORELECENGACTLANT e: Navy Shore Electronics Engineering Activity, Atlantic NAVSHORELECENGACTPAC e: Navy Shore Electronics Engineering Activity, Pacific NAVSO e: Naval Supply Office - e: Navy Staff Offices NAVSOC e: Naval special warfare special operations component NAVSOF e: Naval Special Warfare Forces NAVSONOR e: Allied Naval Forces, South Norway NAVSOUTH e: Allied Naval Forces Southern Europe NAVSPACECOM e: Navel Space Command NAVSPASUR e: Naval Space Surveillance System NAVSPASYSACT e: Navy Space Systems Activity NAVSPECWARCOM e: Navy Special Warfare Command NAVSPECWARGP e: Naval Special Warfare Group NAVSPECWARGRU e: Naval Special Warfare Group - e: Navy Special Warfare Group NAVSTA e: Naval Station NAVSTALANT e: Naval Stations Atlantic NAVSTAPAC e: Naval Stations Pacific NAVSTAR e: Navigation Satellite Tracking and Ranging NAVSTAR-GPS e: Navigational Satellite Timing and Ranging-Global Positioning System NAVSTIC e: Naval Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center NAVSTKWARCEN e: Naval Strike Warfare Center NavSubBase e: Naval Submarine Base NAVSUBSCOL e: Naval Submarine School NAVSUBSUPPFAC e: Navy Submarine Support Facility NAVSIIBTRACENPAC e: Naval Submarine Training Center, Pacific NAVSUPACT e: Naval Support Activity NavSupCen e: Naval Supply Center NAVSUPDEP e: Naval Supply Depot NAVSUPDEPT e: Naval Supply Department NAVSUPFAC e: Naval Supply Facility NAVSUPFORANT e: Naval Support Forces, Antarctia NAVSUPGRU e: Naval Support Group NAVSUPINST e: Naval Supply Systems Command Instruction NAVSUPORANT e: Naval Support Forces, Antarctica NAVSUPPACT e: Navy Support Activity NAVSUPPACTDET e: Navy Support Activity Detachment NavSuppActy e: Naval Support Activity


NAVSUPPFOR e: Naval Support Force NAVSUPPFORANTARCTIC e: Naval Support Forces, Antarctic NAVSUPSYSCOM e: Naval Supply Systems Command NAVSUPSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Supply System Command Headquarters NAVSIIRFLANT e: Naval Surface Force, Atlantic NAVSURFPAC e: Naval Surface Force, Pacific NAVSURFWPNCEN e: Naval Surface Weapons Center NAVSURMISYS e: Naval Surface Missile Systems NAVSURPAC e: Naval Surface Force, Pacific NAVSWC e: Naval Surface Warfare Center - e: Naval Surface Weapons Center NAVSWC-OIS e: Naval Surface Weapons Center-Optical Instrumentation Services NAVSWOP e: Naval Special Weapons Ordnance Publication NAVTACSTANS e: Naval Tactical Standards NAVTACSUPPACT e: Navy Tactical Support Activity NAVTAG e: Navy Tactical Action Game NAVTECHJAP e: Naval Technical Mission to Japan NAVTECHMISEU e: Naval Technical Mission in Europe NAVTECHMISJAP e: Naval Technical Mission to Japan NAVTECHREP e: Naval Technical Representative NAVTECHTRA e: Naval Technical Training NAVTECHTRACEN e: Naval Air Technical Training Center - e: Naval Technical Training Center NAVTECMISEU e: Naval Technical Mission in Europe NAVTELCOM e: Naval Telecommunications Command NavTestCen e: Naval Test Center NAVTIS ADS e: Naval Training Information System with Automated Data Systems NavtjL r\ Navigationstjänstledare NAVTNGSq e: NavigatorTraining Squadron NAVTORPSTA e: Naval Torpedo Station NAVTRA e: Naval Training - e: Naval Training Command NAVTRACEN e: Naval Training Center N A V T R A Q O M ] e: Naval Training Command NAVTRACTR e: Naval Training Center NAVTRADEV e: Naval Training Device Center NAVTRADEVCEN e: Naval Training Device Center NAVTRADEVICECEN e: Naval Training Device Center NAVTRADEVSUPCEN e: Navy Training Device Supply Center NAVTRADISTCEN e: Naval Training and Distribution Center NAVTRA EQUI PC e: Naval Training Equipment Center NAVTRAEQUIPCEN e: Naval Training Equipment Center NAVTRA I DSC EN e: Naval Training Aids Center NAVTRAINST e: Naval Training Support Command Instruction NAVTRASYSCEN e: Naval Training Systems Center

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NavTrngCen e: Naval Training Center NavTrngCtr e: Naval Training Center NAVUARCMLSCOL e: Navy Unit, Army Chemical School NavUnderwaterOrdnSta e: Naval Underwater Ordnance Station NAVIISEARANDCEN e: Naval Undersea Research and Development Center NAVUSEARESDEVCEN e: Naval Undersea Research and Development Center NAVUSEAWARCEN e: Naval Undersea Warfare Center NAVUWSEC e: Naval Underwater Weapons System Engineering Center NAVUWSFS e: Naval Underwater Systems Engineering Center NAVUWSOUNDLAB e: Naval Underwater Sound Laboratory NAVUWTRSOUNDREFLAB e: Navy Underwater Sound Reference Laboratory NAVWAG e: Naval Warfare Analysis Group NAVWARCOL e: Naval War College Nav War Col Rev e: Naval War College. Review Nav War C Rev e: Naval War College. Review NAVWAS e: Navigation and WeaponAiming System NAVWASS e: Navigation and WeaponAiming Sub-System NAVWEASERV e: Naval Weather Service Command NAVWEASERVCOM e: Navy Weather Service Command NAVWEASERVCOMREP e: Naval Weather Service Command Representative NAVWEASERVCOMREPEUR/MED e: Naval Weather Service Command Representative, Europe and Mediterranean NAVWEASERVCOMREPLANT e: Naval Weather Service Command Representative, Atlantic NAVWEASERVCOMREPPAC e Naval Weather Service Command Representative, Pacific NAVWEPEVALFAC e: Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility NAVWEPS e: Bureau of Naval Weapons NAVWEPSO e: Naval Weapons Services Office NAVWESA e: Naval Weapons Engineering Support Activity NAVWESPAC e: Naval Forces, Western Pacific NAVWPNCEN e: Naval Weapons Center NAVWPNEVALFAC e: Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility NAVWPNLAB e: Naval Weapons Laboratory NAVWPNQAO e: Naval Weapons Quality Assurance Office NAVWPNQIIALASSURO e: Naval Weapons Quality Assurance Office NAVWPNSCEN e: Naval Weapons Center NAVWPNSERVO e: Naval Weapons Services Office NAVWPNSTA e: Naval Weapons Station NAVWPNSTRACEN e: Naval Weapons Training Center NAVWPNSUPPACT e: Naval Weapons Support Activity NAVWPNSUPPCEN e: Naval Weapons Supply Center NAVWPNSYSANALO e: Naval Weapons Systems Analysis Office

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NCDU NAVY e: Department of the Navy Navy Dep RAN Rep e: Department of the Navy. RAN [Royal Australian Navy] Reports NaWAF e: Navy with Air Force NAWAR e: Navy with Army NAWARCOL e: Naval War College NAWAS e: National Air Warning Service - e: National Attack Warning System NAWC e: Naval Air Warfare Center - e: Naval War College NAWC-AD e: Naval Air Warfare CenterAircraft Division NAWC-TSD e: Naval Air Warfare CenterTraining Systems Division NAWC-WD e: Naval Air Warfare Center Wespons Division NAWC-WPNS e: Naval Air Warfare Center-Weapons Division NAWESA e: Naval Weapons Engineering Support Activity NAWM e: Naval Air Weapons Meet NAWMP e: Naval Aviation Weapons Maintenance Program NAWPC e: National Aircraft War Production Council NAWS e: NORAD Attack Warning System [MCD] - e: North African War Shipping NAWST e: Night Attack Weapon Systems Trainer NAWTP e: Naval All-Weather Testing Program NAXSTA e: Naval Air Experimental Station NAYJIT e: Naval Jet Instrument Trainer NaZA. d: Nachrichtenzeugamt NB d: Nachrichtenbataillon - e: Naval Base - e: Night Bomber N.B. d: Nachrichtenbetriebsabteilung [Reichswehrministerium] NBAD e: Naval Bases Air Defense Ν BA E e: NATO Book of Army Equipment NBAWADU e: National Black Anti-War Anti-Draft Union NBC e: Navy Beach Commando - e: Newfoundland Base Command - e: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical - e: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare NB[2]C e: Nuclear, Biological, Ballistic Missile & Chemical N.B.C, e: Naval Barracks, Chatham NBC-ACAC e: National Research Council Army Countermine Advisory Committee NBCC e: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Contamination - e: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Conventional nbccw e: nuclear, biological, chemical, conventional warfare NBCD e: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical [Warfare] Defense - e: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Damage [Control Unit] NBCDC3 e: NBCD Command, Control & Communications NBCDCE e: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Control Element NBCDC3T e: NBC defence & Damage C3 Trainer NBC defense e: Nuclear defense, biological defense and chemical defense NBCDX e: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Exercise NBCF e: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical & Fire NBCFD e: Naval Base Consolidated Fire Department

NBCPC e: Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Protective Cover NBCRS e: Nuclear Biological Chemical Reconnaissance System NBCS n: Nucleaire, Biologische en Chemische School NBCSS e: Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Shelter System NBCW e: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare NBCWRS e: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare Reporting System N.B.D. e: Naval Barracks, Devenport NBDC e: Naval Book Distribution Centre N.B.Dns e: New Brunswick Dragoons N.B.D.O. e: Naval Base Defense Officer NBDS e: Nuclear Burst Detection Systems NBG e: Naval Beach Group NBGACF e: Canadian Forces Base, Gagetown, New Brunswick NBI e: Nuclear Burst Indicator NBL e: Nuclear Bomb Line NBM e: Nuclear Ballistic Missile NBMB e: National Bus Military Bureau NBMG e: Navigation Bombing and Missile Guidance NBMGS e: Navigation Bombing and Missile Guidance System NBMR e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Basic Military Requirements] NBMT e: NATO Basic Military Techniques NBO d: Nachrichtenbeschaffungsoffizier - e: Navy Bureau of Ordnance N-bomb e: Nuclear bomb N.B.P. e: Naval Barracks, Portsmouth NBPA e: Navy Board for Production Awards NBPC e: National Border Patrol Council NBQ s\ Nuclear, biològico y químico NBr d: Nachrichtenbrigade [NATO: Fernmeldebrigade] NBS e: Navigational Bombing System NBSAP e: National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NBT e: Near-Ballistic Transport NBuA e: Allied Corp., Specialty Chemicals Division, Buffalo NBV Ad e: New Brunswick Vice Admiralty Reports NBWROP e: Naval Bureau of Weapons Reserve Ordnance Plant NC e: Naval Cadet - e: Naval Communications - e: Naval Construction - e: Naval Correspondence - e: Navy Cross - e: Northern Command - e: Nuclear Capability N.C. e: Northern Command NCA e: National Command Authorities - e: Naval Command Assistant - e: Naval Communications Annex - e: Navy Contract Administrator - e: Noncombat Aircraft - e: Nuclear and Chemical Agency NC3A e: NATO Command, Control & Consultation Agency NCAA e: National Command Authority Aircraft NcAbMR e: North Carolina Marine Resources Center, Bogue Banks Library, Atlantic Beach, NC NCAC e: Northern Combat Area Command [Burma] NCAF e: National Chinese Air Force NCA/JCS e: National Command Authorities and Joint Chiefs of Staff NCAP e: Night Combat Air Patrol

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

NCAPC e: NATO Conventional Armaments Planning Committee NCAR e: Navy Center for Acquisition Research NCARAI e: Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence NCARC e: NATO Conventional Armament Review Committee N-carrier[s] e: Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier[s] NCAWRR e: National Committee Against War, Racism, and Repression NCB e: Naval Communications Board - e: Naval Construction Battalion NCBC e: Naval Construction Battalion Center NCC e: National Cadet Corps - e: National Command Center - e: National Communications Command - e: Navy Command Center - e: Noncombatant Corps - e: NORAD [North American Air Defense] Control Center NcCaLM e: United States Naval Medical Field Research Laboratory, Camp Lejeune NcCaLMC e: United States Marine Corps, Marine Corps Base General Library, Camp Lejeune NcCaLNM e: United States Navy, Naval Regional Medical Center, Library, Camp Lejeune NCCCC e: Naval Command, Control, and Communications Center NCCCLC e: Naval Command Control Communications Laboratory Center NCCDPC e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Command, Control and Information Systems and ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Committee NCCEWV e: National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam NCCIP e: Nordic Cooperation Committee for International Politics, Including Conflict and Peace Research NCCIS e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Command, Control and Information Syste NCCOSC e: Naval Command, Control & Ocean Surveillance Center NCCP e: NATO Commanders Communications Publication NcCpM e: United States Marine Corps, Air Station, Cherry Point NCCS e: Naval Command and Control System - e: NORAD Command and Control System - e: Nuclear Command and Control System NCCS-A e: Navy Command and Control System-Ashore N.C.D. e: Naval Construction Department NCD e: Naval Construction Depot - e: North Central Division NCDAC e: National Civil Defense Advisory Council NCDC e: National Civil Defence Corps NCDCF e: National Civil Defense Computer Facility NCDRS e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Crisis Data Retrieval System NCDS e: Naval Combat Data System - e: Navy Combat Direction System N.C.D.S. e: National Civil Defence Services NCDT & E e: Naval Combat Demolition Training and Experimental Base NCDT & EBASE e: Naval Combat Demolition Training and Experimental Base NCDU e: Naval Combat Demolition Unit


NCE NCE e: Navy Calibration Equipment List - e: Navy Combat Edge - e: Nuclear/Chemical Environment NCEB e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Communications Electronics Board NCEC e: Navy Civil Engineering Corps NCECD e: National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament NCEL e: Naval Council Engineering Laboratory NCF e: NATO Composite Force - e: Naval Communications Facility - e: Naval Construction Forces - e: Naval Contingency Force - e: Nuclear Capable Forces NcFb e: United States Army, Special Services Library System, Fort Bragg NcFbH e: United States Army, Womack Army Hospital, Fort Bragg NcFbIM e: United States Army, Institute for Military Assistance, Marquat Memorial Library, Fort Bragg NCFSD e: NORAD [North American Air Defense] Cost Factors and System Data NCFSU e: Naval Construction Force Support Unit NCI e: Naval Cost Inspection - e: Naval Counter-intelligence - e: Neutral Countries Intelligence [of Ministry of Economic Warfare] - e: Nuclear Capability Inspection - e: Nuclear Control Institute NCICA e: National Counter Intelligence Corps Association NCIS e: Navy Cost Information System - e: Nuclear Criticality Information System NCISC e: Naval Counterintelligence Support Center NcJaMC e: United States Marine Corps, Marine Corps Air Station, Special Services for Station Library, New River Base, Jacksonville NcKbMR e: North Carolina Marine Resources Center, Fort Fisher, Kure Beach, NC NCKWM e: National Committee for the Korean War Memorial NCL e: Navy Code Logistic Nel s\ Nuclear NCLC e: Non-Combatant Labour Corps NCMAF e: National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces NCMC e: NORAD [North American Air Defense [Command]] Cheyenne Mountain Complex NCMO e: NAVAIDS [Navigational Aids] Communications Management Office NCN e: Navy Control Number N/CNO e: Navy/Chief of Naval Operations NCO e: Non-Commissioned Officer NCOA e: Non-commissioned Officers Academy NCOBQ e: Non-Commissioned Officer Bachelor Quarters NCOC e: NORAD [North American Air Defense [Command]] Combat Operations Center NCOES e: Noncommissioned Officer Education System NCOIC e: Non-Commissioned Officer-inCharge N/COM e: Navy/Chief of Naval Operations N.Comd. e: Northern Command NCOMM e: Naval Communications Command NCOOM e: Non-Commissioned Officers' Open Mess


NCP e: NORAD Command Post NCPCA e: National Committee for Peace in Central America NCPNFUNW e: National Coalition for a Policy of No-First-Use of Nuclear Weapons NcPo e: United States Air Force, Pope Air Force Base, Base Library, Pope AFB NCPS e: Nuclear Contingency Planning System NCPTF e: National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund NCPW e: National Council for the Prevention of War NCR e: Naval Construction Regiment - e: Navy Code Room - e: Nuclear NCRC e: National Defense Research Committee NCRE e: Naval Construction Research Establishment NCS e: Naval Combat System - e: Naval Communication Station - e: Naval Communications System - e: NMIC [National Military Intelligence Center] Control Subsystem N.C.S. e: Naval Canteen Service NCSABMT e: National Campaign to Save the ABM [Antiballistic missile] Treaty NCS/DCA-OC e: National Communications System/Defense Communications Agency-Operations Center NCS/DISA-GOSC e: National Communications System/Defense Information Systems Agency-Global Operations Security Center NcSj e: United States Air Force, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Base Library, Seymour Johnson AFB NCSL e: Naval Code and Signal Laboratory NCSNE e: Naval Control of Shipping in Northern European Command Area NCSO e: Naval Control Service Office NCSS e: Naval Combat Surveillance Systems - e: Naval Command Systems Support Activity NCSSA e: Naval Command Systems Support Activity NCSSC e: Naval Command Systems Support Center NCSW e: Naval Control of Shipping in War NCSW-ECO e: Naval Warfare Center, East Coast Operations NCTAF e: Nuclear Communications Task Force NCTC e: Naval Communications Training Center - e: Naval Computer & Telecommunications Command - e: Naval Construction Training Center NCTD e: Naval Computer & Telecommunications Detachment NCTI e: Non-Co-operative Target Identification NCTI/R e: Non-Cooperative Target Identification /Recognition NCTO e: Naval Central Torpedo Office NCTR e: Non-Cooperative Target Recognition NCTT e: Nuclear Certification Test Team NCU e: Naval Communications Unit NCUSCR e: National Committee on United States-China Relations NCW e \ Naval coastal warfare - e: Nose Cone Warhead NCW A e: NATO Civil Wartime Agency

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NCWAS e: NATO Civil Wartime Agencies NCWC e: Naval Coastal Warfare Commander NCWPTF e: National Council for a World Peace Tax Fund NCWTF e: Naval Commander Western Task Force Ν CYC BN e: Northern Cyclist Battalion ND d: Nachrichtendienst - e: National Defence [or Defense] - e: Naval District - e: Navigation and Aircraft Direction - e: Navy Department - e: Nuclear Detonation - e: Nuclear Device N.D. e: Navy Department NDA e: National Defense Academy - e: National Defense Act - e: National Defense Area - e: Nigerian Defense Academy NDAA e: National Defense Authorization Act NDAC e: National Defense Advisory Commission - e: National Defense Advisory Committee - e: National Defense Advisory Council - e: Nuclear Defence [or Defense] Affairs Committee ND Act e: National Defense Act NDB e: Navy Data Base - e: Nuclear Depth Bomb NDC e: National Defence College - e: National Defence Committee [Ghana] - e: National Defence Company - e: National Defence Contribution - e: National Defence Corps - e: National Defence [or Defense] Committee - e: National Defence [or Defense] Contribution - e: National Defence [or Defense] Corps - e: National Defence [or Defense] Council - e: NATO Defence College - e: Naval Data Center - e: Naval Doctrine Command - e: NORAD [North American Air Defense] Direction Center - e: Nuclear Data Committee - e: Nuclear Design Calculalions - e: Nuclear Design & Construction - e: Nuclear Detector Circuit N.D.C, e: National Defence Corps NDCC e: National Defense Cadet Corps - e: National Defense Command Center Canada NDCCC e: National Defense Communications Control Center NDCF e: National Defense Council Foundation NDCO e: Naval Disarmament Control Office NDColl e: National Defence College NDD e: Net Defence Department - e: Nuclear Detection Device N.D.D. e: Net Defence Department N.D.D.C. e: National Docks Defence Committee NDDC e: NORAD Division Direction Center NDDN e: Norwegian Defence Digital Network NDDP e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Defense Data Program NDE e: National Defense Education - e: National Defense Emergency - e: Navy Department Establishments NDEA e: National Defense Education Act - e: National Defense Emergency Authorization

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

NEL N-defense e: Nuclear defense NDEI e: National Defense Education Institute NDER e: National Defense Executive Reserve NDERR e: National Defense Executive Reserve Roster NDEW e: Nuclear-Driven DirectedEnergy Weapon NDEWT e: Nuclear Directed Energy Weapon Technology programme NDF e: Namibian Defense Force - e: National Defense Features - e: Naval Defence Force NDFRS e: Nuclear Detonation and Fallout Reporting System NDFYP e: Navy Department Five Year Plan NDGE e: NATO Air Defense Ground Environment NDGO e: Navy Department General Order NDGS e: National Defense General Staff NDH e: National Defense Headquarters NDHC e: National Defense Headquarters, Canada NDHQ e: National Defence Headquarters - e: National Defence [or Defense] Headquarters NDIC e: National Defence Industries Council - e: National Defense Intelligence Center - e: NATO Defense Information Complex - e: Nuclear Data Information Center - e: Nuclear Desalination Information Center NDIMC e: NATO Defense Information Management Committee NDL e: National Defence Headquarters Library - e: Nuclear Data Link System - e: Nuclear Defense Laboratory NDM e: Nondeployed Missile NDMB e: National Defense Mediation Board N.D.M.B, e: National Defense Mediation Board NDMC e: National Defence [or Defense] Medical Center [or Centre] - e: NATO Defense Manpower Committee NdMinAF e: United States Air Force, Base Library, Minot AFB NdMinIT e: United States Air Force Institute of Technology, Minot AFB NDMSP e: Navy Department Mobilization Security Plan NDMTB e: Nondeployment Mobilization Troop Basis NDO d: Nationalverband Deutscher Offiziere N.D.O. d: Nationalverband Deutscher Offiziere NDOC e: National Defense Operations Center NDOS e: National Defense Operations Section NDP e: National Disclosure Policy - e: Nuclear Disarmament Party NDPC e: National [Military Information] Disclosure Policy Committee NDPIC e: National Defence Public Interest Committee NDPO e: National Defence Programme Outline NDPP n: Nederlandse defensieplanningsproces NDPR e: NATO Defense Planning Review NDPRP e: National Defense Project Rating Plan NDRC e: National Defence Research Council - e: National Defense Research Committee

NDRE e: National Defense Research Establishment - e: Norwegian Defense Research Establishment NDRF e: National Defence [or Defense] Reserve Fleet NDRG e: NATO Defense Research Group NDRI e: National Defense Research Institute NDRS e: Nuclear Defnition and Reporting System NDS e: National Defense Stockpile - e: Navy Directive System - e: Navy Display System - e: Nuclear Data Sheets - e: Nuclear Detection Satellite - e: Nuclear Detection Sensor - e: Nuclear Detection System - e: Nuclear Detonation Detection System - e: Nuclear Detonation System NDSC e: National Defense and Security Council NDSEG e: National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate NDSF e: National Defense Sealift Fund NDSL e: National Defense Student Loan NDSM e: National Defense Service Medal NDSs e: Nuclear Delivery Systems NDSTC e: National Defence Science & Technology Commission NDSTIC e: National Defence Science Technology & Industry Commission NDT d: Niederdruckturbine - e: Nuclear Defense Laboratory - e: Nuclear Detection Test NDTA e: National Defense Transportation Association NDTC e: Naval Device Training Center NDTM e: National Defense Transportation Model NDTP e: Nuclear Data Tape Program NDTSB e: Nuclear Data Sheets NDU e: National Defense University - e: Nuclear Data Unit NDUL e: Nuclear Dual Use List NDUSTA e: New Duty Station NDV e: Nuclear Delivery Vehicle NDW e: Naval District Washington NE d: einfache Wetterbedingungen bei Nacht - d: Normenstelle Elektrotechnik - e: Naval Engineer - e: Navy Evaluation - e: Nuclear Equipment - e: Nuclear Explosive ΝΕΑ e: Nuclear Enegy Act N.E.A. d: Nachrichten-Ersatz-Abteilung NEAC e: North-East Air Command - e: Northeast Air Command NEADS e: North East Air Defense Sector NEAF e: Near East Air Force - e: North East Air Force NEANMCC e: Navy Element Alternate National Military Command Center NEARELF e: Near East Land Forces NEARNAVDIST e: Nearest Naval District NEAS e: North-East Atlantic States N E A T O e: North East Asian Treaty Organization NEAWS e: NORAD/ADCOM Emergency Airborne Warning System NEB e: Nuclear, Electronic, Biological - e: Nuclear Envelope Breakdown - e: Nuclear Exoatmospheric Burst NeB d: Nebelbataillon NEBD e: Nuclear Envelope Breakdown NEBMA d: Neben-Munitionsanstalt Neb.Ma. d: Neben-Munitionsanstalt Neb Mil Dist e: Nebraska Military District

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

NEC e: Naval Examining Center - e: Naval Exercise Coordinator - e: Naval Exhibit Center - e: Navy Enlisted Classification - e: Navy Enlisted Code - e: Northern European Command NECBAT e: Netherlands/Canadian Battalion NEC CCIS e: Northern European Command, Command & Control System NECIR e: Northern European Command Intelligence Room NECOS e: North European Command Operations Center NECPA e: National Emergency Command Post Afloat NECS e: Navy Embedded Computer System NECTA e: Naval Environmental Command Tactical Aid NED e: Naval Equipment Department N.E.D. e: Naval Equipment Depot NEDA e: National Emergency Defense Airlift NEDAM e: Nuclear Effects Damage Assessment Methodologies NEDD e: NATO & European Defence Directorate NEDETS e: Nuclear Detection System NEDM e: Nuclear Event Detonation Monitoring Ned Mil Geneeskd Tijdschr n: Nederlands Militair Geneeskundig Tijdschrift NEDS e: National Emissions Data System - e: Naval Environmental Display System [for weather forcast] NEDTRA e: Naval Education and Training Command NEDII e: Naval Experimental Diving Unit NEEC e: Nuclear Explosion Effects Center N E E P e: Nuclear Electronic Effects Program NEES e: Naval Engineering Experimental] Station NEESA e: Naval Energy and Environmental Support Activity NEETS e: Naval Electronics Environmental Training System NEEWSSOP e: NATO-Europe EarlyWarning-System Standard Operating Procedures NEF e: Naval Emergency Fund - e: Naval Expeditionary Force NEFARS e: Nuclear Effects from Analysis of Residual Signatures NEFC e: NATO Electronic Warfare Fusion Cell NEFMO e: NATO European Fighter Aircraft Development, Production and Logistics Management Organization NEGDEF e: Navy Enlisted Ground Defense Emergency Force NEGDF e: Naval Emergency Ground Defense Forces NEH e: Nuclear Effects Handbook NEIAF e: Netherlands East Indies Air Force NEIT e: New Equipment Introductory Team NEJWMC e: North Eastern Jewish War Memorial Centre NeK d: Nebelkompanie N.E.K, d: Nachrichtenmittelerprobungskommando NEL e: Naval Command Control Communications Laboratory Center - e: Naval Electronics Laboratory - e: Nuclear Electronics Laboratory


NELA - e: Nuclear Energy Laboratory - e: Nuclear Engineering Laboratory NELA e: Nuclear-Explosive-Like Assembly NELAT e: Naval Electronics Laboratory Assembly Tester NELC e: Naval Electronics Laboratory Center NELEX e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Headquarters NELM e: Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean NELOS e: Navy Electronics Laboratory Operating System NELS e: Nuclear Effects Link Simulator NEM e: Navy Expeditionary Medal NEMI e: Nuclear Electromagnetic Interference NEMP d: Nuklearer elektromagnetischer Puls N - E M P e: Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse N-energy e: Nuclear energy Ν Eng e: Naval Engineering] N-engine[s] e: Nuclear engine[s] NEO e: Naval Embarkation Officer - e: Noncombatant Evacuation Operations - e: Noncombatant Evacuation Order - e: Noncombatant Evacuation Overseas NEOCS e: Navy Enlisted Occupational Classification System NEODF e: Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facility NEODTC e: Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technical Center NEOP e: Nuclear Explosive Operating Procedure ΝΕΡΑ e: Nuclear Energy Powered Aircraft - e: Nuclear Energy Propulsion of Aircraft - e: Nuclear Environmental Protection Agency NEPE e: National Emergency Planning Establishment NEPR e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Electronic Parts Recommendation^] - e: Nuclear Explosion Pulse Reaction NEPSTP e: Nuclear Energy Propulsion Space Test Program NER e: Nuclear Electric Resonance NERC e: Nuclear Energy Research Center NERCP e: Naval European Research Contract Program NERO e: Nuclear Effects Rocket Operations NERV e: Nuclear Emulsion Recovery Vehicle - e: Nuclear Energy Research Vehicle - e: Nuclear Engine Recovery Vehicle NERVA e: Nuclear Energy for Rocket Vehicle Applications - e: Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Applications NES e: Naval Experimental Station NESC e: Naval Electronic Systems Command NESCC e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Headquarters NESEA e: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Activity NESEAD e: Naval Electrionic Systems Engineers Activity Detachment NESEC e: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center NESIP e: Naval Explosive Safety Improvement Program NESO e: Naval Electronics Supply Office NESP e: Navy EHF [Extremely High Frequency] Satellite Program NESS e: Naval Engineering Support System


- e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Environmental Support System - e: Nuclear Explosives Safety Study NEST e: National Emergency Survivable Troop System - e: Naval Experimental Satellite Terminal - e: Nuclear Effects Support Team - e: Nuclear Explosive Simulation Technique Nest e: Nuclear Emergency Search Team NESTED e: Naval Electronic Systems Test and Evaluation Detachment NESTEF e: Naval Electronic Systems Test and Evaluation Facility NESTEV e: Naval Electronics System Test and Evaluation nestk. N: nestkommanderende NET e: Nuclear Effects Test - e: Nuclear Emergency Teams - e: Nuclear Energy Team NETC e: Naval Education and Training Center [or Command] NETF e: Naval Expeditionary Task Force - e: Nuclear Engineering Test[ing] Facility NETG e: Naval Expeditionary Task Group NETMA e: NATO Eurofighter/Tornado Management Agency NETMO e: NATO Eurofighter/Tornado Management Organization NET/NETOPS e: Nuclear Emergency Team/Nuclear Emergency Team Operations NETOPS e: Nuclear Emergency Team Operations NETPDC e: Naval Education and Training Program Development Center NETPMSA e: Naval Education and Training Program Management Support Activity NETR e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Electronic Technical Recommendation NETSC e: Naval Education and Training Support Center NETT e: New Equipment Training Team NEUS e: North-Eastern United States NEV e: National Emergency Volunteers NEVIS e: Nuclear detonation Verification & Intelligence System NEW e: Navy Early Warning NEWAC e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Electronic Warfare Advisory Committee NEWLC e: NATO Electronic Warfare Liaison Committee NEWMAG e: NATO Electronic Warfare Management Assessment Group NEWOT e: Naval Electronic Warfare Operator Trainer [or Training] NEWPIL e: NADGE [NATO Air Defense Ground Environment] Early Warning Program Information Leaflet NEWRADS e: Nuclear Explosion Warning and Radiological Data System NEWS e: Naval Electronic[s] Warfare Simulator NEWSA e: Naval Weapons Engineering Support NEWTS e: Naval Electronic Warfare Training System NEX e: Navy Exchange N-explosion[s] e: Nuclear explosion[s] NEXRAD e: Next-generation Radar NEXT e: NATO Experimental Tactics NF e: Naval Facility - e: Night Fighter - e: Nuclear Factor - e: Royal Northumberland Fusiliers N.F. e: Northumberland Fusiliers - e: Nyasaland Force

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NFA e: Naga Federal Army - e: Natal Field Artillery - e: New Fighter Aircraft - e: Night Fighter Association - e: Nuclear Free America NFAA e: Navy Fighter Attack Aircraft NFAC e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Headquarters NFAD e: Nuclear Forces Analysis Division NFAF e: Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force N-fallout e: Nuclear fallout NFAP e: Nuclear Free Australia Party NFARS e: NORAD Forward Automated Reporting System NFATS e: Naval Force Aircraft Test Squadron NFB e: Naval Frontier Base NFBC e: Newfoundland Base Command NFC e: Numbered Fleet Commander NFCDA e: National Federation of Civil Defence Associations of Great Britain and the Commonwealth NFCS e: Nuclear Forces Communications Satellite NFD e: Naval Fuel Depot NFE e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command - e: Night Fighting Equipment NFEC e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command NFESC e: Naval Facilities Engineering Support Center NFF e: Natal Field Force - e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Review - e: Naval Fuel Facility - e: Numbered Fleet Flagship NFGF e: Naval Flying Grading Flight NFH e: NATO Frigate Helicopter NFIB e: National Foreign Intelligence Board NFIS e: Naval Fighting Instruction School NFMS e: Navy Fleet Material Support NFMSAEG e: Naval Fleet Missile System Analysis and Evaluation Group NFMSAEGA e: Naval Fleet Missile System Analysis and Evaluation Group Annex NFO e: NATO FORACS [Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check Site] Office - e: Naval Flight Officer NFOIO e: Naval Field Operational Intelligence Office [r] NFOO e: Naval Forward Observing Officer NFOSG e: Naval Field Operations Support Group NFP e: Nuclear Fire Plan NFPC e: Navy Forms and Publications Center NFPDB e: NATO Force Planning Data Base NFPE e: NATO Force Planning Exercise NFPEX e: NATO Force Planning Exercise NFPM e: Nuclear Flight Propulsion Module NFPPE e: Nuclear Force Policy, Planning and Execution NFPS e: Naval Flight Preparatory School - e: Naval Future Policy Staff - e: Navy Field Purchase Systems - e: Nuclear Flight Propulsion System NFS e: Naval Flying Station - e: New Fighter Squadron - e: Night Fighter Squadron - e: Nonfriendly Submarines - e: Nuclear Facility Safety N.F.S. e: Naval Flying Station

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

NIW NFSA e: Navy Field Safety Association NFSL e: Nucleus Fleet Sealift NFSO e: Navy Fuel Supply Office NFST e: Nuclear Effects Support Team NFT e: Navy Flight Test NFTB e: Naval Fleet Training Base - e: Nuclear Flight Test Base NFTS e: Naval Flight Training School NFTUS e: NATO Flying Training in the United States NFU e: Non First Use [of nuclear weapons] NFWS e: Naval Fighter Weapons School NFZ d: Nachrichten- und Flugsicherungszentrale - e: Nuclear Weapons Free Zone NFZR e: Nuclear Free Zone Registry NG e: National Guard - e: Navy General NGA e: Naval Gunfire Assistant - e: Northern Group of Armies NGAC e: National Guard Air Corps NGARP e: National Guard and Army Reserve Policy NGAS e: Naval Gunfire Air Spotting - e: Naval Gunfire Air Spotting [Net] NGASR e: Naval, General, and Air Staff Requirement NGAST e: Navy, Army & Air Staff Target NGC e: Naval Gunfire Control - e: Naval Gunfire Control [Net] N.G.D.II.A. e: Nerve Gas Disposal Unit of the Army NGF e: Naval Gun Factory - e: Naval Gun Fire - e: New Guinea Force - e: Northern Group Force - e: Northern Group of Forces NGFEX e: Naval Gunfire Exercise NGFLO e: Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer NGFLT e: Naval Gunfire Liaison Team NGFO e: Naval Gunfire Officer NGFS e: Naval Gunfire Support NGFT e: Naval Gunfire Liaison Team NGF WASHDC e: Naval Gun Factory, Washington, District of Columbia NGLO e: Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer NGM e: Naval General Message NGMH e: New Generation Military Hospital N.G.N.Y. e: National Guard of New York State NGO e: Naval Gunfire Officer - e: Navy Guidance Officer NGOC e: Naval Gunfire Operations Centre NGOCS e: National Guard Officer Candidate School NGPA e: National Guard Personnel, Army NGRVA e: Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Applications NGS e: Naval General Staff - e: Naval Gun Support - e: Naval Gunfire Spotters - e: Naval Gunfire Support N.G.S. e: Naval General Staff - e: Naval Gunnery School NGSFO e: Naval Gunfire Support Forward Observer NGSLO e: Naval Gunfire Support Liaison Officer NGSSLO e: Naval Gunfire Support Senior Liaison Officer NGSSO e: Naval Gunfire Support Staff Officer NGTA e: Next Generation Trainer Aircraft NGUS e: National Guard of the United States NGVR e: New Guinea Volunteer Reserve NGW e: Nuclear Gravity Weapon

NH e: The Northumberland Hussars [Territorial Army] N.H. e: Naval Hospital NHBS e: Navy Headquarters Budgeting System NHCD e: New Hampshire Civil Defense N.H.D.V.S. e: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers N-head[s] e: Nuclear warhead[s] NhHaCR e: United States Army, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover NHI e: NATO Helicopter Industries NHMILCOM e: NATO HAWK [Homing All-the-Way Killer] Military Committee NHP e: Nuclear Heart Pacer NHPE e: Nuclear Hardening Evaluation Procedures NHQ e: Naval Headquarters - e: Navy Headquarters NHTU e: Naval Hovercraft Trials Unit NI e: Naval Infantry - e: Naval Instructor - e: Naval Intelligence - e: Nuclear Instrumentation N.I. e: Native Infantry NIAAP e: Indian Army Ammunition Plant NIAC e: Naval Intelligence Automation Center NIBC e: Northern Ireland Base Command NIC e: National Interrogation Center - e: Naval Information Center - e: Naval Intelligence Code - e: Naval Intelligence Command - e: Navy Information Center NICO e: Navy Inventory Control Office NICRAD e: Navy/Industry Cooperative Research and Development NICS e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Integrated Communications System NICSRAD e: National Integrated Communications Security Research and Development Plan NIC-TRANS e: Naval Intelligence Command-Translation Division NICWM e: National Information Center on Women and the Military NID e: Naval Intelligence Database - e: Naval Intelligence Department - e: Naval Intelligence Division N.I.D. e: Naval Intelligence Department NIDCC e: National Internal Defense Coordination Center NIDMS e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Information for Decision Makers System NIDN e: Navy Intelligence Data Network NIDS e: National Institute for Defense Studies - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Information [and] Display System NIE e: National Intelligence Estimate NIFARP e: Netherlands Indicated Fighter Aircraft Replacement Platform NIG e: Naval Inspector General NIH e: North Irish Horse NILO e: Naval Intelligence Liaison Officer NIM e: Naval Inspector of Machinery - e: Night Intruder Mission - e: North Irish Militia NIMCSSC e: National Military Command Systems Support Center NIMIC e: NATO Insensitive Munitions Information Centre NIMIS e: National Insensitive Munitions Information System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

nimm e: nuclear-induced missile malfunction NIMR e: Navy Industrial Management Reviews NIMRS e: Navy Integrated Message Reporting System NIMS e: Nuclear Instrumentation Modular System Ν Ι Ο e: NATO Information Officers Committee - e: Naval Inspector of Ordnance - e: Naval Intelligence Officer NIP e: NADGE [NATO Ait Defense Ground Environment] Improvement Plan NIPF e: Northern Ireland Peace Forum NIPS e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Information Processing System NIPSS e: National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies NIPSSA e: Naval Intelligence Processing Systems Support Activity NIRAP e: Naval Industrial Reserve Aircraft Plant NIRO e: Nike-Iroquois Rocket NIROP e: Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant N.I.R.Sig. e: Northern Ireland Royal Corps of Signals NIS e: Naval Intelligence School - e: Naval Intelligence Service - e: Naval Intelligence Survey - e: Naval Investigative Service - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Information System - e: Nonconsumable Item Subgroup - e: Nuclear Instrumentation System N.I.S. e: Naval Intelligence Service NISBS e: NATO Interoperable Submarine Broadcast System NISC e: Naval Intelligence Support Center NISC-TRANS e: Naval Intelligence Support Center Translation Division NISG e: Navy Installation Survey Group NISHQ e: Naval Investigative Service Headquarters NISMC e: Naval Information Systems Management Center NISMF e: Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility NISO e: Naval Investigative Service Office[r] NISP e: Navy Integrated Space Program - e: NUWEP [Nuclear Weapon] Intelligence Support Plan NISRA e: Naval Investigative Service Resident Agent NISSM e: Navy Interim Surface Ship Model NISSOL e: NAVAIR [Naval Air Systems Command] Initial Supply Support Outfitting List NISW e: Naval Inshore Warfare NIT e: Nuclear Irradiation Test NITADS e: NATO Interoperability of Tactical Automated Data Systems N I T A T e: North Ireland Tactical Training NITEDEVRON e: Night Development Squadron NITES e: Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental Subsystem - e: NTCS-A/Navy Integrated Tactical Environmental NITEWOG e: Naval Integrated Test and Evaluation Working Group NITF e: Nuclear Instrument Test Facilities N i l i e: Naval Intelligence Unit NIW e: Naval Information Warfare - e: Naval Inshore Warfare Project


NIWC NIWC e: Naval Inshore Warfare Command NIW Project e: Naval Inshore Warfare Project NIWS e: Missile Warning Squadron NIWTU e: Naval Inshore Warfare Task Unit NJCEC e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Joint CommunicationsElectronics Committee NjDPA e: United States Army, Armament Research and Development Command, Science and Technical Library, Dover Site Dover NJFA e: NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement NjFdA e: United States Army, Special Services Post Library, Fort Dix NjFmE-TD e: United States Army, Electronics Command, Technical Documents Branch, Fort Monmouth NjFmS e: United States Army, Signal School, Fort Monmouth NjMclISAF e: United States Air Force, Base Library, McGuire Air Force Base NJMDC e: NORAD [North American Air Defense] Joint Manual Direction Center NJPMB e: Navy Jet-Propelled-Missile Board NJWPC e: National Jobs with Peace Campaign NK e: Nuclear Kill - r: Norrlands kustartilleriförsvar Nk. N: Nestkommanderende NKA e: North Korean Army NKAF e: North Korean Air Force NKEW e: Nuclear Kinetic Energy Weapon N.K.F.V. N: Norske Kvinners Frivillige Verneplikt NKN e: North Korean Navy N.K. Naomi e: code for chemical and biological warfare NKPA e: North Korean People's Army NKZ e: Nuclear Killing Zone NL d: Netzleger - d\ Niedrige Luftdetonation - e: Naval Lighter - e: The North Lancashire Regiment N.L. e: Native Levies NLA e: National Liberation Army NLABS e: Natick Laboratories NLC e: NADGE [NATO Air Defense Ground Environment] Logistics Committee - e: National Leadership Committee NLCP e: Navy Logistics Capabilities Plan NLCWC e: National Lincoln-Civil War Council NLDF e: Naval Local Defense Forces NLF e: North Luzon Force N.L.F. N: Norges Lotteforbund NLGAWVA e: National Legion of GreekAmerican War Veterans in America NLGPDC e: National Lawyer's Guild Peace and Disarmament Committee NLGPDS e: National Lawyer's Guild Peace and Disarmament Subcommittee NLIS e: Navy Logistics Information System NLM e: Nuclear Level Mixing NLO e: Naval Liaison Officer NLOGM e: Navy Liaison Office for Guided Missiles NLOS-AT/AD e: Nonline-of-Sight Antitank/Air Defense Vehicle NL POW/MIA F e: National League of Prisoner-of-War/Missing-in-Action Families NLR e: Neodymium Laser Range-Finder


NLRG e: Navy Long-Range Guidance NLRP e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Long-Range Plan NLRSS e: Navy Long-Range Strategic Study NLS e: Nuclear Localization Signal - e: Nuclear Location Sequence N.L.S. d: Nachschubleitstelle NLSF e: Navy Logistics Support Force NLW e: Non-Lethal Weapons NM e: Chief of Naval Material, Department of the Navy - e: Navy Mines - e: Nuclear Material - e: Nuclear Measurement - e: Nuclear Model NMA e: National Military Authority - e: NATO Military Authorities - e: Netherlands Military Administration N.M.A. d: Nachrichtenmittelabteilung NmAAF e: United States Air Force, Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque NmAAM e: United States Army, Medical Library, Sandia Base, Albuquerque NMAC e: Naval Missile and Astronautics Center NMACT e: Nuclear Materials Accounting Control Team NMAP e: Navy Military Assistance Program NMARC e: Navy and Marine Corps Acquisition Review Committee Ν MAS e: NATO Military Authorities N-materials e : Nuclear materials N M A T P e: Navy Military Assistance Training Program N M B d: Neue Militärische Blätter - e: National Marine Board - e: Naval Minecraft Base - e: Naval Model Basin NMBR e: NATO Military Basic Requirement N.M.B.S. e: Naval and Military Bible Society NMBT e: New Main Battle Tank NMC e: Marine Corps Publications - e: National Marine Center - e: National Military Council - e: Naval Material Command - e: Naval Materials Command - e: Naval Medical Command - e: Naval Missile Center - e: Naval Missile Center, Point Mugu, California - e: Naval Mission Center - e: Nuclear Material Convention - e: Nuclear Materials Control Ν & MC e: Navy and Marine Corps NM CA e: National Military Command Authority NMC&A e: Nuclear Material Control and Accountability NMCAF e: Nuclear Material Control and Accountability Handbook NMCB e: National Munitions Control Board - e: Naval Mobile Construction Battalion NMCC e: National Military Command Center - e: Navy-Marine Corps Council NMCCIS e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Military Command and Control and Information System NMCCS e: National Military Command and Control System - e: Navy Manpower Configuration Control System NMCEC e: Navy-Marine Corps Exhibit Center

© Κ · G • Saur, München

NMCGRF e: Navy-Marine Corps-Coast Guard Residence Foundation NMCJS e: Naval Member Canadian Joint Staff NMCL e: Naval Missile Center Laboratory NMCLA e: Bethesda Military Librarians Group NmCIA e: United States Air Force, Cannon Air Force Base, Clovis Ν & MCM e: Navy and Marine Corps Medal NMCO e: Navy Material Cataloging Office NMCOM e: Naval Material Command NMCRB e: Navy Military Construction Review Board NMCRC e: Navy Marine Corp Reserve Center NMCRL e: Navy Material Cross Reference List NMCRTC e: Navy [and] Marine Corps Reserve Training Center NMCS e: National Military Command System - e: Navy Mine Countermeasures Station - e: Nuclear Materials Control System NMCSA e: Navy Material Command Support Activity NMCSS e: National Military Command System Standards - e: National Military Command System Support NMCSSC e: National Military Command System Support Center NMD e: National Missile Defence [or Defense] - e: Naval Mine Depot NMDF e: Navy Management Data File NMDL e: Naval Mine Defense Laboratory - e: Navy Management Data List - e: Navy Material Data List - e: Navy Mine Defense Laboratory NMDRP e: National Military Discharge Review Project NMDS e: National Missile Defense System - e: Naval Mine Disposal School NMDZ e: NATO Maritime Defense Zone NME e: National Military Establishment - e: Navy Materiel Establishment NMEF e: Naval Mine Engineering Facility NMEL e: Navy Marine Engineering Laboratory - e: Nuclear Mechano-Electronic Laboratory N M E P e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Management Engineering Plan NMES e: Naval Marine Engineering Station NM Est e: National Military Establishment N M E T e: Naval Mobile Environmental Team N.Mex.Mil.Dist. e: New Mexico Military District NMF e: Naval Missile Facility - e: Navy Management Fund NMFA e: National Military Family Association NM FH AW AREA e: Naval Missile Facility, Hawaiian Area NMFO e: Navy Maintenance Field Office NMFPO e: Naval Missile Facility, Point Arguello [California] NMFS e: Night Missile Flash Simulator - e: Nuclear Materials Faclities Stabilization Ν M FT e: New Material Flight Tests

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

NNerAIS NMFWA e: National Military Fish and Wildlife Association NMG e: Navy Military Government NMGA e: National Military Guidance Association NMGTA n: Nederlands Militair Geneeskundig Tijdschrift NmHORA e: United States Air Force, Office of Research Analyses, Technical Library, Holloman AFB, Albuquerque NMI e: New-Mexico Military Institute - e: Nuclear Materials Information NMIA e: National Military Intelligence Association NMIC e: National Military Information Center - e: National Military Intelligence Center - e: National Missile Industry Conference - e: Navy Management Information System NMICC e: National Military Intelligence Collection Center N[MIC]SS e: NMIC [National Military Information Center] Support System NM IPC e: National Military Intelligence Production Center NMIRO e: Naval Material Industrial Resources Office NMIS e: National Military Indications System - e: Naval Manpower Information System - e: Nuclear Materials Information System - e: Nuclear Materials Inspection and Storage - e: Nuclear Materials Inventory System NMISC e: National Military Intelligence Support Center N-missile[s] e: Nuclear missile[s] NMIST e: National Military Intelligence Support Team NM ITC e: Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center NMJIC e: National Military Joint Intelligence Center NML e: Naval Multiple Launcher - e: Navy Management List NMM e: New Mexico Military Institute, Roswell, NM - e: Nuclear Materials Management NMMA e: NATO MRCA [Multirole Combat Aircraft] Management Agency NMMD e: Nuclear Materials Management Department NMMFO e: Navy Maintenance Management Field Office NMMFO [E] e: Naval Maintenance Management Field Office [East] NMMI e: New Mexico Military Institute NMMIS e: Naval Materiel Management Information System NMMM e: Navy Maintenance and Material Management NMMMS e: Navy Maintenance and Material Management System NMMPS e: National Military Message Processor System NMMS e: Navy Mast Mounted Sight NMMSS e: Nuclear Material Management Safeguards System - e: Nuclear Materials Management Special Sources NMND e: Naval Magazine and Net Depot NMNFO e: Navy Maintenance Field Office NMO e: National Military Objectives - e: Navy Management Office NMOSAW e: Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-American War NMOSII e: Naval Mobile Ordnance Service Unit NMP d: Nahmarkierungspunkt - e: National Military Command System

Master Plan e: National Military Park e: Naval Management Program e: Naval Message Processing e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Master Plan - e: Nuclear Materials Production - e: Nürnberg Military Post NMP A e: NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft NMPASC e: NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft Steering Committee Ν M PC e: Naval Military Personnel Command NMPD e: Nuclear Materials Production Division NMPG e: New Mexico Proving Ground N M P & M e: Nuclear Materials Production and Manufacturing NMPS e: Nuclear Materials Plant Support NMPX e: Naval Motion Picture Exchange NMR e: Natal Mounted Rifles - e: National Military Representatives with SHAPE - e: National Missile Range - e: NATO Military Representative - e: Naval Missile Range - e: New Mobile Radar NMRA e: National Mine Rescue Association NMRAS e: Nuclear Materials Report and Analysis System NMRC e: Navy Material Redistribution Center NMR & DA e: Navy Material Redistribution and Disposition Administration NMR&DO e: Naval Material Redistribution and Disposal Officefr] NMRG e: Navy Mid-Range Guidance NMR IT e: National Military Representative Italy NmRM e: New Mexico Military Institute, Roswell, NM NMRO e: Navy Mid-Range Objectives NMR[S] e: National Military Representatives [SHAPE] NMRS e: Navy Manpower Requirement System NMR[SHAPE] e: National Military Representatives [SHAPE] NMRT e: Nuclear Materials Reconfiguration Technology NMRTC e: Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Training Center - e: Navy and Marine Corps Training Center NMS e: National Military Strategy - e: Naval Meteorological Service - e: Navy Mid-Range Study - e: Nuclear Materials Safeguards NMSA e: New Mission Support Aircraft - e: Non-nuclear Munitions Storage Area NMSB e: Navy Manpower Survey Board NMSC e: National Marine Safety Council - e: Navy Management Systems Center - e: Non-Military Supplies Committee NMSCS e: Nuclear Materials Safeguards Control System NMSD e: National Military Strategy Document NMSE e: Naval Material Support Establishment NMSF e: Nuclear Materials Storage Facility NMSL e: Nuclear Materials Safety Limits NMSM e: Nuclear Materials and Stockpile Management NMSO e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Maintenance and Support Operation -

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Naval Manpower Survey Office [r] - e: Nuclear Missile Safety Office - e: Nuclear Missile Safety Office[r] NMSS e: NASCOM [Naval Air Systems Command] Manual Scheduling System - e: Nuclear Materials Safeguards System - e: [Office of] Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards NMSSS e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Maintenance Supply Services System NMSST e: Naval Manpower Shore Survey Team NMSTG e: Nuclear Materials Stabilization Task Group NmSuAF e: United States Air Force, Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot NMT e: Nuclear Materials Technology Division - e: [Office of] Nuclear & Missile Technology Controls - r: Ny Militär Tidskrift N.M.T. N: Norsk Militaert Tidskrift NMTC e: Naval Mine Testing Center - e: Naval Missile Test Center - e: Naval Missile Testing Center NMTD e: Nuclear Materials Transfer Document NMTF e: Naval Mine Test Facility NMTLM e: Nuclear Materials Transportation Logistics Model NMTO e: Navy Material Transportation Office NMTR e: Nuclear Materials Transfer Report NMTS e: Navy Military Technical Specialist NMTSP e: NATO Military Terminology Standardization Programme N.-Mun. d: Nebelmunition NMVCA e: National Military Vehicle Collectors Association NMVP e: Navy Manpower Validation Program NMVSA e: Navy Manpower Validation Support Activity NMWA e: National Military Wives Association NMWEA e: Naval Mine Warfare Engineering Activity NmWM e: White Sands Missile Range Library, White Sands Missile Range, NM NMWS e: Naval Meroka Weapon System - e: Naval Mine Warfare School NMWTC e: Naval Mine Warfare Training Center NMWTS e: Naval Mine Warfare Test Station - e: Naval Mine Warfare Training School NN e: Nigerian Navy - e: Non-Nuclear Lance NNAG e: NATO Naval Advisory Group - e: NATO Naval Armaments Group NNAP e: NAVAIR [Naval Air Systems Command] Naval Aviation Plan NNAPS e: Night Navigation and Pilotage System N/NAVEXOS e: Navy/Executive Offices NNC e: Non-Noise Certified Aircraft N.N.C.C. e: National Naval Cadet Corps NNCE e: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, New York NND e: Naval Net Depot NNDC e: National Nuclear Data Center NNDEW e: Nonnuclear Directed Energy Weapons NNDT e: Nonnuclear Defense Technology NNerAIS e: United States Army, Information School, Fort Slocum, New Rochelle


NNEU NNEU e: Naval Nuclear Evaluation Unit NNFU e: Nuclear Nonfirst Use NNI e: Non-Nuclear Instrumentation NNIS e: Nonnuclear Instrumentation System NNK e: Non-Nuclear Kill NNKRAS e: Non-Nuclear Kill Requirements and Applications Study NNL e: Non-Nuclear Lance NNM e: Non-Nuclear Manufacturing NNMSB e: Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Board NNMSCP e: Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Control Program NNMSG e: Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Group NNMSGP e: Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Group NNOR e: Nonnuclear Ordnance Requirements NNPA e: Nuclear Nonproliferation Act NNPI e: Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information NNPP e: Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program NNPT e: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty NNRC e: National Nuclear Research Centre NNRDC e: National Nuclear Rocket Development Center NNRDF e: National Nuclear Rocket Development Facility NNS e: Navy Navigation Satellite - e: Nonnuclear Safety NNSC e: Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission - e: Non-Nuclear Strategic Capabilities NNSS e: Navy Navigation Satellite System - e: Navy Navigational Satellite System NNSTWG e: Nonnuclear Survivability Technology Working Group NNS/VPP e: Non-Nuclear Survivability/ Vulnerability Program Plan NNSW e: Nonnuclear Strategic Warfane NNTP e: National Nuclear Test Plan NNTRP e: National Nuclear Test Readiness Program NNTS e: Navy Navigation Technology Satellite NNWB e: Navy Nuclear Weapons Bulletin NNWC e: Nonnuclear Weapons Country NNWDB e: National Nuclear Weapons Data Base NNWH e: Nonnuclear Warhead NNWS e: Non-nuclear weapons states NO d: Navigationsoffizier - e: Naval Observatory - e: Naval Officer - e: Naval Operation^] - e: Naval Ordnance - e: Navigation Officer - e: Nuclear Operator N.O. d: Nachrichtenoffizier NOA e: Non-Operational Aircraft NOAA e: Nonoperating Aircraft Authorization NOAC e: Nuclear Operations Analysis Center NOACTLANT e: Naval Ordnance Activities, Atlantic NOACTPAC e: Naval Ordnance Activities, Pacific NOAG e: Naval Objectives Analysis Group NOAH e: Norwegian Adapted HAWK [Hughes Aircraft Co.] NOAM e: Nuclear Ordnance Air Force Materiel NOAO e: Navy Officers, Accounts Office


NOART e: New Orleans Army Terminal NOAS d: Neuorganisation des ArmeeSanitätsdienstes NOB e: Naval Operating Base - e: Naval Order of Battle - e: Naval Ordnance Bulletin - e: Nuclear Order of Battle N.O.B, e: Naval Ordnance Barracks NOBC e: National Order of Battlefield Commissions - e: Naval Officer Billet Classifications [or Code] NOBDUCHAR e: Naval Operating Base, Dutch Harbor NOBFRAN e: Naval Operating Base, San Francisco NOBNEWT e: Naval Operating Base, Newport NOBS e: Naval Observatory - e: Naval Operations Bases System NOBSOLO e: Naval Operating Base, Coco Solo NOBSY e: Naval Observatory NOBTRIN e: Naval Operating Base, Trinidad NOC e: Naval Officer Commanding - e: Naval Operations Center - e: Nuclear Operations Center - e: Nuclear Ordnance Commission NOC II e: Nuclear Operations Concept II NOCM e: Nuclear Ordnance Commodity Management [or Manager] NOCO e: Nuclear Ordnance Cataloging Officer NOCOPS e: NORAD Combat Operations System NOCUS e: North Continental United States NOD e: Naval Ordnance Department - e: Naval Ordnance Depot - e: Navy Operational Deception - e: Night Observation Device - e: Non-Offensive Defence NÖDA e: Naval Ordinance Disposal Area NODAC e: Naval Ordnance Data Automatic [or Automation] Center NODC e: Naval Operating Development Center NODECA e: Norwegian Defense Communications Agency NODLR e: Night Observation Device, Long-Range NODMR e: Night Observation Dence, Medium-Range N.O.d.Regt. d: Nachrichtenoffizier des Regiments ΝΟΕΙ) e: Naval Ordnance Experimental Unit NOEV e: NORAD [North American Air Defense] Operational Evaluation NOF e: Naval Operating Facility - e: Naval Ordnance Facility - e: Naval Ordnance Factory Nof d: Nachrichtenoffizier NOFOA e: Naval Office for Occupied Areas NOG e: Naval Officer's Guidebook - e: Nuclear Ordnance Group NOGET i: Norme generali delle trasmissioni NOGS e: Night Observation Gun Ship NOH e: Night Observation Helicopter NOIC e: Naval Officer in Charge - e: Naval Operational Information Center - e: Naval Operational Intelligence Center - e: Navy Opportunity Information Center NOIE e: Naval Ordnance Inspection Establishment NOIL e: Naval Ordnance Inspection Laboratory

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NOIO e: Naval Ordnance Inspecting Officer NOKW d: NAZI Oberkommando der Wehrmacht NOL e: Naval Ordnance Laboratory NOLC e: Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona [California] NOL-MDI e: Naval Ordnance Laboratory Miss-Distance Indicator NOLS e: Nuclear Ordnance Logistics Systems NOLSS e: Nuclear Ordnance Logistics Support System NOLTF e: Naval Ordnance Laboratory Test Facility NOL/WO e: Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak NOMA i: Nucleo Operativo Mobile di Aeroscalo NOMAD e: Navy Océanographie and Meteorological Automatic Device NOMADS e: Night Operations Movement and Detection System NOMS e: Nuclear Operations Monitoring Systems NOMTF e: Naval Ordnance Missile Test Facility NOMTS e: Naval Ordnance Missile Test Station NONCOMECM e: Noncommunications Electronics Countermeasures N/ONI e: Navy/Office of Naval Intelligence NON-MTI e: Non-Moving Target Indicator N/ONR e: Navy/Office of Naval Research NONSIIB e: Non-Submarine NOO e: Navy Oceanographic Office NO-OP e: Flight Not Operating NOP e: Naval Officer Procurement - e: Naval Ordnance Plant - e: Navy Objectives Plan - e: Nuclear Operating [or Operations] Plan - e: Nuclear Operations Plan - e: Nuclear Ordnance Platoon - e: Office of the Chief of Navy Operations NOPF e: Naval Ordnance Plant, Forest Park NOPI e: Naval Ordnance Plant Institute NOPL e: Naval Ordnance Plant, Louisville NOpns e: Naval Operations NOP Region e: North Pacific Region NOPT e: Naval Organisation Project Team NOR e: Notice of Revision NORAD e: North America[n] Aerospace [or Air] Defence [or Defense] Command [or Region] NORADCOC e: NORAD [North American Air Defense] Combat Operations Center NORADCRII e: North American Air Defense Orientation Cruise NORADEX e: NORAD [North American Air Defense] Exercise NORAG e: Northern Army Group NORASDEFLANT e: North American Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic NORBAT e: Nordic Battalion NORC e: Naval Ordnance Research Calculator [or Computer] - e: Nuclear Ordnance Record Card NORCALSEC e: Northern California Section, Western Sea Frontier NORCOM e: Northern Command NORD e: Naval Ordnance NOrd e: Navy Department, Bureau of Ordnance NORDA e: Naval Ocean Research and Development Agency

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

NPRO NORDIST e: Northumbrian District Nordkdo Ν: Nordkommandoen NORDSAMEN e: Joint Nordic Committee for Military UN Matters NOREASTNAVFACENGCOM e: Northeast Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command NORIP e: NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] Intelligence Plan NORLANT e: Northern Sub-Area Eastern Atlantic Command NORLANTEX e: North Atlantic-Training Exercise NorLantMedArea e: North Atlantic and Mediterranean Area NORM e: Nuclear Operational Readiness Maneuver - e: Nuclear Ordnance Readiness Manpower NORMCIE n: Normalisatie Commissie Koninklijke Marine NOROEC e: NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] Operational Employment Condepartment NORQR e: NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] Qualitative Requirement NORRS e: Naval Operational Readiness Reporting System NORSE e: Nuclear Optical and Radar System Effects NORSECA e: Northern Seas Environmental Control Agency NORT e: Nuclear Ordnance Readiness Test NOR TAC e: NORAD HQ ADC Tactical Telephone Network NORTAG e: Northern Army Group NORTHAG e: North European Army Group - e: Northern Army Group - e: Northern Army Group Central Europe NORTHAMPTONS e: The Northamptonshire Regiment NORTHANTS YEO e: The Northamptonshire Yeomanry [Territorial Army] NOR WARN e: NORAD Warning Network NORWESTNAVFACENGCOM e: Northwest Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command NOS e: Naval Ordnance Station NOSC e: Naval Ordnance System Command - e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command NOSG e: Naval Operations Support Group NOSGLANT e: Naval Operations Support Group, Atlantic NOSGPAC e: Naval Operations Support Group, Pacific NOSIC e: Naval Operations Support Information Center NOSIH e: Naval Ordnance Station, Indian Head NOSL e: Naval Ordnance Station, Louisville NOSL-QA e: Naval Ordnance Station, Louisville Quality Assurance Department NOSO e: Naval Ordnance Store Officer - e: Naval Ordnance Supply Office NOSP e: Naval Ordnance Special Projects NOSSO e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office NOSSOLANT e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office, Atlantic NOSSOPAC e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office, Pacific NOST e: Nuclear Operational Systems Test

NOTAP e: Navy Occupational Task Analysis Program NOTC e: Naval Ordnance Test Center NOTS e: Naval Ordnance Test Station - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Operations Team Support Subsystem NOTI) e: Naval Operational Training Unit - e: Naval Ordnance Test Unit NOU e: Naval Ordnance Unit NOVICE e: Night Operational Vision and the Individual Combat Engineer NOVOS r: Norrländska Officerskârernas Vandringsprisförening för Orienteringslöping pâ Skidor NOWR e: Nuclear Ordnance War Reserve NOWRAD e: Nowra Radar [Radio Delection and Ranging] NOWWN e: National Organization of World War Nurses NP e: Naval Patrol - e: Naval Prison - e: Nonpropelled - e: Nuclear Nonproliferation - e: Nuclear Power - e: Nuclear Propulsion NPA e: National Peace Academy - e: Naval Procurement Account - e: Navy Purchasing Activity - e: New Production Aircraft - e: Nuclear Plant Analyzer N.P.A.A.F. e: Non-Permanent Active Air Force of Canada NPAB e: Nuclear Power Advisory Board N-PAC e: National Peace Academy Campaign NPAC e: National Peace Action Coalition - e: Navy Procurement Assignment Committee NPACC e: Nominated Primary Alternate Command Centre NPAF e: National Peace Academy Foundation NPAM e: Non-Permanent Active Militia NPB e: NADGE [NATO Air Defense Ground Environment] Policy Board - e: Nuclear Powered Bomber NPBSV e: Neutral Particle Beam Space Vehicle NPC e: National Peace Council - e: Navy Policy Council - e: Navy Procurement Circular N.P.C, e: Naval Personnel Committee NPCP e: Nuclear Production Contingency Plan NPC Papers e: National Peace Council Papers NPCSD e: North Pacific Co-operative Security Dialog NP-CT e: Naval Personnel Conversion Tables NPD e: Naval Products Division - e: Navy [or Naval] Procurement Directive[s] - e: Navy Procurement Directives - e: Night Perimeter Defense - e: Nuclear Power Demonstration - e: Nuclear Power Development NPDC e: National Peace Day Celebration NPDM e: Navy Program Decision Meeting NPDS e: National Military Command System Processing and Display System - e: Nuclear Particle Detection System NPE e: Naval Pilot Evaluation - e: Naval Preliminary Examination N-peace e: Nuclear peace NPED e: Nuclear Powered Energy Depot NPF e: National Powder Factory - e: Naval Parachute Facility

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Naval Powder Factory - e: Naval Procurement Fund - e: Nicaragua Peace Fleet - e: Non Public Funds - e: Nuclear Power Facility - e: Nuclear Problems Forum NPFAO e: Non-Public Funds Accounting Officer NPFL e: National Patriotic Forces of Liberia NPFO e: Nuclear Power Field Office NPFS e: Naval Pre-Flight School NPG d: Nukleare Planungsgruppe - e: National Peace Garden - e: Naval Proving Ground - e: Nuclear Planning Group - e: Nuclear Power Group NPGPA e: Non-Powder Gun Products Association NPI e: New Partnership Initiative - e: Nuclear Propulsion Initiative NPIF e: National Peace Institute Foundation NPIW e: North Pacific Intermediate Water NPM e: Naval Provost Marshal - e: Navy Programming Manual NPMTC e: Navy Pacific Missile Test Center - e: Nuclear Propulsion Mobile Training Team NPO e: Navy Program Objectives - e: Navy Purchasing Office - e: Navy Purchasing Officer - e: Nuclear Power Operator - e: Nuclear Process Operator - e: Nuclear Propulsion Office - e: Strategic Systems Project Office, Washington, DC NP&OSR e: Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserve N-power e: Nuclear power NPP e: Naval Propellant Plant - e: Nuclear Power Plant NPP 435 e: Namibian Peace Plan Group 435 NPPC e: Navy Programming Planning Council NPPE e: Nuclear Power Propulsion Evaluation NPPI e: Navy Program Progress Item NPPO e: Navy Program and Planning Office NPP/QAS e: Naval Propellant Plant Quality Assurance Department NPPR e: Navy Program Progress Report NPPS e: Navy Planning and Programming System NPPTS e: Nuclear Power Plant Training Simulator NPR e: Naval Petroleum Reserve - e: Naval Plant Representative - e: Navy Procurement Regulation - e: Nuclear Pulse Rocket NPRA e: Naval Personnel Research Activity Ν PRC [MPR] e: National Personnel Records Center [Military Personnel Records] NPRD e: Nuclear Plant Reliability Data NPRDC e: Navy Personnel Research and Development Center NPRDL e: Naval Personnel Research and Development Laboratory NPRDR e: Navy Property Redistribution and Disposal Regulation NPRIS e: Nuclear Planning & Resource Information System NPRO e: Naval Petroleum Reserves Office - e: Navy Plant Representative Officer


N-projeet N-project e: Nuclear-power project N-propulsion e\Nuclear propulsion NPR & OSR e: Naval Petroleum Reserves and Oil Shale Reserves NPS e: Navy Personnel Survey - e: Navy Primary Standards - e: Nuclear Power Source - e: Nuclear Power Station - e: Nuclear Power System - e: Nuclear-Powered Ship NPSC e: Naval Personnel Separation Center NPSS e: National Planning/Strategic System NPT e: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty NPTC e: Office of Nonproliferation Controls and Treaty Compliance NPTF e: Nuclear Power Task Force - e: Nuclear Proof Test Facility NPTG e: Nuclear Power Task Group NPTR e: National Parachute Test Range NPTRC e: Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference NPTRL e: Naval Personnel and Training Research Laboratory NPU e: Naval Parachute Unit NR d: Nachrichtenregiment - e: Naval Representative - e: Naval Reserve - e: Navy Regulations - e: NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] Region - e: Nuclear Reaction - e: Nuclear Research Submarine Nr e: Naval Training N.R. d: Nachrichtenregiment - e: Nigeria Regiment - e: Northamptonshire Regiment NRA e: National Resistance Army - e: Nuclear Reaction Analysis NRAB e: Naval Reserve Aviation Base NRAC e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Requirements and Criteria - e: Naval Research Advisory Committee NRACCO e: Navy Regional Air Cargo Control Office [r] NRAD e: Naval Research & Development Center NRaD [NCCOSCJ e: Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center Research, Development, Test and Evaluation [RDT&E] Division NRAF e: Naval Reserve Auxiliary Field - e: Navy Recruiting Aids Facility NRAG e: Naval Research Advisory Group NRALD e: Northern Region Airlift Division NRAO e: Navy Regional Accounts Office NRAS e: Navy Readiness Analysis Section - e: Navy Readiness Analysis System - e: Nuclear Release Authentication System NRATSC e: Northern Regional Air Traffic Service Centre NRB e: Naval Repair Base - e: Naval Repair Board - e: Navy Recruiting Bureau - e: Navy Reservation Bureau NRC e: Naval Research CompanyReserves - e: Naval Retraining Command - e: Navy Reconnaissance Center - e: Navy Reserve Centers - e: Nuclear Regulatory Commission - e: Nuclear Research Council NRC-ACAC e: National Research Council Army Countermine Advisory Committee NRCC e: Naval Regional Contracting Center - e: NORAD Region Combat Center


NRCPS e: National Research Council on Peace Strategy NR Crit e: Nuclear Rocket Critical NRD e: National Recruiting Department - e: Naval Recruiting Department - e: Naval Research and Development - e: Navy Recruiting Depot - e: Navy Recruiting District - e: Nuclear Radiation Detector N.R.D. e: Naval Recruiting Department - e: Naval Reserves Department NRDC e: Natick Research and Development Center - e: National Resource [s] Defence [or Defense] Council - e: National Resources Defense Agency - e: Navy Research and Development Committee NRDS e: Nuclear Rocket Detection System - e: Nuclear Rocket Development Station NRD SC G e: Naval Research and Development Satellite Communications Group NRDU-V e: Navy Research and Development Unit-Vietnam NRE e: Naval Research Establishment - e: Nuclear Radiation Effect[s] - e: Nuclear Rocket Engine NREB e: Navy Reserve Evaluation Board NREDC e: National Rocket Engine Development Complex NREF e: North Russia Expeditionary Force NRES e: Naval Receiving Station NRF e: Naval Repair Facility - e: Naval Reserve Fleet [or Force] NRG e: Naval Research Group NRHQ e: Northern Region Headquarters NRI e: Naval Research Laboratory NRIC e: Nuclear Research Information Center NRIP e: Navy Reserve Intelligence Program NRL e: Naval Research Laboratories [or Laboratory] NRL/SVIC e: Naval Research Laboratory Shock and Vibration Information Center NRM/A e: National Resistance Movement/Army NRMC e: Naval Reserve Manpower Center NRMCAS e: New River Marine Corps Air Station NRMTF e: Naval Reserve Maintenance Facility NRO e: National Range Operations - e: National Reconnaissance Office - e: National Reconnaissance Organization - e: Naval Regional Officer NRomAF e: United States Air Force, Base Library, Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome NRomAF-R e: United States Air Force, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss NROTC e: Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps NRR e: Naval Raid Reporting [Net] - e: Naval Reserve Requirement - e: The Northern Rhodesia Regiment NRRC e: Naval Research Reserve Company - e: Naval Reserve Readiness Command NRRS e: No Remaining Radiation Service NRS e: Naval Recruiting Station - e: Navy Records Society - e: Nuclear Radiation Shield - e: Nuclear Regulatory System - e: Nuclear Rocket Shuttle NRS CO e: Navy Recruiting Station Commanding Officer

© Κ · G · Saur, München

NRT e: Navy Reserve Training NRTB e: Naval Reserve Training Branch NRTC e: Naval Reserve Training Center NRTCOMD e: Naval Reserve Training Command NRTF e: Naval Reserve Training Facility NRTIPT e: Naval Reserve Training in Port NRV e: Northamptonshire Rifle Volunteer Corps NRVN e: Navy of the Republic of Viet Nam NRWATS e: Naval Rotary Wing Aircraft Test Squadron NRWM n: Nationale Raad Welzijn Militairen NRX e: Nuclear Rocket Experiment NS d: schwierige Wetterbedingungen bei Nacht - e: Graduate of the Royal Naval Staff College, Greenwich - e: Naval Station - e: Naval Store Department - e: Nuclear Safety - e: Nuclear Ship - e: Nuclear Shuttle - e: Nuclear Submarine - e: The Prince of Wales's NorthStaffordshire Regiment N.S. d: Nachrichtenschule NSA e: National Security Agency - e: Naval Small Arms - e: Naval Support Activity - e: Nuclear Systems Analysis NSAC e: Nuclear Safety Advisory Committee, Canada - e: Nuclear Safety Analysis Center NSACG e: Nuclear Strike Alternate Control Group NSAD e: Nuclear Safety Analysis Document NSAFA e: National Service Armed Forces Act NSALO e: National Security Agency Liaison Officer NSAM e: National Security Action Memorandum NSAP e: National Strategic Acquisition Plan NSAPAC e: National Security Agency Pacific NSARC e: Navy Systems Acquisition Review Council NSAS e: Near Infrared Spectral Analysis Software NSATS e: Naval Strike Aircraft Test Squadron NSB e: Naval Standardization Board - e: Naval Studies Board - e: Naval Submarine Base - e: Naval Supply Base N.S.B, η: Nationale Strijdersbond NSBNL e: Naval Submarine Base-New London NSBT e: National Swiss Battle Tank NSBY e: North Somerset and Bristol Yeomanry NSC e: National Security Command - e: National Security Council - e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Science Committee - e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Supply Center - e: Naval Coastal Systems Center - e: Naval Safety Center - e: Naval School Command - e: Naval Space Command - e: Naval Supply Center N-SCATT e: Navy Scatterometer NSCC e: Naval Sea Cadet Corps

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

N-study NSCCF e: Canadian Forces Base, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia NSCCFE e: Ensign, Canadian Forces Base, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia NschSLw d: Nachschubschule der Luftwaffe NSCIC e: National Security Council Intelligence Committee NSCID e: National Security Council Intelligence Directive NSCN e: Navy Satellite Control Network NSCO e: Naval Security Control Office - e: Naval Shipping Control Officer - e: Navy Supply Center, Oakland NSCS e: Naval Strategic Communications Simulator - e: Navy Supply Corps School NSD e: National Security and Defense - e: Naval Stores Department - e: Naval Supply Depot - e: Naval Support Data - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Support Division NSDA e: Naval Supply Depot Annex - e: Non-Self Deployment Aircraft NSDAB e: Non-Self Deployable Aircraft and Boats NSDC e: NORAD [North American Air Defense] Section Direction Center NSDCM e: NORAD [North American Air Defense] Section Direction Center Manual NSDD e: National Security Decision Directive - e: National Security Defense Directive NSDFB d: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkämpfer NSDLANT/PAC e: Naval Supply Depots, Atlantic/Pacific NSDMB d: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Marine-Bund NSDR e: National Ships Destination Room NSDS e: Navy Source Data System NSE e: National Support Elements - e: Naval Store Establishment - e: Naval Support Equipment - e: Nuclear Support Equipment - e: Nuclear Systems Engineering NSEC e: Naval Ship Engineering Center NSECINST e: Naval Ship Engineering Center Instruction NSEEC e: Naval Shore Electronics Engineering Center NSEF e: Navy Security Engineering Facility NSF e: National Strike Force - e: Naval Stock Fund - e: Naval Support Force - e: Navy Strike Fighter - e: Nuclear Strategic Forces NSFA e: Naval Support Force Antarctica NSFC e: Naval Shore Fire Control NSFCC e: National Strike Force Coordination Center NSFN e: Non-Strategic Nuclear Forces NSFO d: Nationalsozialistischer Führungsoffizier NSFS e: Naval surface fire support NSG d: Nachtsichtger - e: National Supply Group - e: Naval Security Group - e: Nuclear Suppliers Group - e: Nuclear Suppliers Guidelines NSGA e: Naval Security Group Activity NSGC e: Naval Security Group Command NSGCFA e: Aurora\Canadian Forces Base, Greenwood, Nova Scotia NSGCH e: Naval Security Group Command Headquarters

NSGCHQ e: Naval Security Group Command Headquarters NSGIB e: NAVSHIPS [Naval Ship Systems Command] General Information Book NSHC e: Cambridge Military Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHCFM e: Maritime Command Museum, Canadian Forces Base, Halifax, Nova Scotia N-ship[s] e: Nuclear-powered ship[s] NSHN e: Defence Research Establishment Atlantic, Canada Department of National Defence Dartmouth, Nova Scotia NSHND e: Reference and Recreational Library [Stadacona], Canada Department of National Defence Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHNS e: Ships Recreational Library, Canadian Forces Base Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHO e: Naval Service Headquarters, Ottawa NSHQ e: Naval Staff Headquarters N.Sh.Rgt e: North Shore Regiment NSI e: Nuclear Safety Inspection - e: Nuclear Safety Institute - e: Nuclear Surety Inspection NSIC e: National Strategy Information Center - e: Naval Security and Investigative Command - e: Next Senior in Command - e: Nuclear Strike Information Center NSICC e: North Sea International Chart Commission NSIDH e: National System of Interstate and Defense Highways NSIS e: New Submarine Intercept Sonar NSL e: Naval Supersonic Laboratory - e: Navy Standards Laboratory - e: Navy Stock List NSLCD e: Naval Sea Logistics Center, Detachment NSM e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Simulation Model NSMATCC e: NATO Small Arms Test Control Commission NSMDO e: Naval Systems Management & Development Office NSM FA e: North Sea Mine Force Association NSMG e: Naval School of Military Government NSMG&A e: Naval School of Military Government and Administration NSMO e: Navigation Satellite Management Office NS&MP e: Navy Support and Mobilization Plan NSMRTS e: Nuclear Submarine Maneuvering Room Training Simulator NSMS e: NATO Seasparrow Missile System NSMSES e: Naval Ship Missile Systems Engineering Station - e: Navy Surface Missile Systems Engineering Station NSMSESDETLANT e: Naval Ship Missile Systems Engineering Station Detachment, Atlantic NSMW e: Naval Schools Mine Warfare NSN e: Military Sealift Command, Washington, DC - e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Stock Number NSNF e: Nonstrategic Nuclear Forces NSO e: Naval Staff Officer - e: Naval Store Officer - e: Naval Supply Office - e: Navy Subsistence Officer - e: Nuclear Safety Office [or Officer]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

NSOA e: Nuclear Safety Operational Analysis NSOC e: National Service Officer Cadet - e: Navy Satellite Operations Center NSOF e: Naval Status of Forces - e: Navy Special Operations Force NSOR e: NORAD [North American Air Defense [Command]] Statement of Operational Requirement NSP e: Non-Self Propelled - e: Nuclear Strike Plan NSPA e: Naval Shore Patrol Administration NSPIC e: Nuclear Standards Program Information Center NSPO e: Navy Special Projects Office NS-POG e: NAVSHIPS [Naval Ship Systems Command] Propulsion Operating Guides NSPS e: Nuclear Safety Protection System - e: Nuclear Strike Planning System NSR e: Naval Staff Requirement N.S.R. e: North-Shore Regiment NSRF e: Naval Strategic Reserve Fleet Nsrr r: Närspaningsradar NSS e: Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC - e: Naval Security Station - e: Naval Strategic Study - e: Naval Supply System - e: NMIC [National Military Information Center] Support System NSSC e: Naval Sea Systems Command - e: Naval Supply Systems Command NSSF e: Navy Submarine Support Facility NSSHCF e: Canadian Forces Base Barrington, Stone Horse, Nova Scotia NSSMS e: NATO Seasparrow Surface Missile System NSSN e: Navy Standard Stock Number - e: New Attack Submarine NSSNF e: Naval Strategic Systems Navigation Facility NSSOPAC e: Naval Ordnance System Support Pacific NSSS e: Naval Space Surveillance System - e: Nuclear Steam Supply System NSSSS e: Nuclear Steam Supply Shut off System NST e: NATO Staff Target - e: Naval Staff Target N.St. e: North Staffordshire Regiment NS & Τ e: Naval Science and Tactics NS-TAB e: NAVSHIPS [Naval Ship Systems Command] Training Aid Bulletins N.Staf e: North Staffordshire Regiment N.Stafford e: North Staffordshire Regiment Ν STAFFS e: North Staffordshire Regiment [The Prince of Wales's] NSTAP e: National Strategic Acquisition Plan - e: National Strategic Targeting and Attack Policy NSTARS e: Navy Standard Tracking and Retrieval System NSTDB e: National Strategic Target Data Base NSTIC e: Naval Science [and] Technical Information Center [or Centre] NSTIS e: Navy Standard Technical Information System NSTL e: National Strategic Target List NSTM e: Navy Standard Test Model NSTR e: Naval Sea Systems Command Technical Representative NSTS e: NCC [Navy Command Center] Security Test System N-study e: Nuclear Study


N-Sub. N-Sub. e: Nuclear Submarine NSUP e: Naval Supply Systems Command Headquarters NSUPSC e: Naval Supply Systems Command NSV e: National Strategic Vision - e: Nuclear Service Vessel NSW e: National Warning Staff - e: Naval Special Warfare - e: People for Nuclear Disarmament NSWC e: Naval Surface Warfare [or Weapons] Center NSWCAF e: Naval Surface Weapons Center Acoustic Facility NSWCDD e: Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division NSWC/DL e: Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren Laboratory NSWCWOD e; Naval Surface Warfare Center, White Oak Division NSWC/WOL e: Naval Surface Weapons Center, White Oak Laboratory NSWG e: NATO Shipping Working Group - e: Naval Special Warfare Group NSWL e: Naval Surface Weapons Laboratory NSWP d: Nicht-Sowjetische WarschauerPakt[-Staaten] - e: Non-Soviet Warsaw Pact [Forces] NSWSES e: Naval Ship Weapon Systems Engineering Station NSWTE e: Naval special warfare task element NSWTG e: Naval Special Warfare Task Group NSWTG/TU e: Naval Special Warfare Task Group/Unit NSWTU e: Naval special warfare task unit NSWII e: Naval Special Warfare Unit NSY e: Naval shipyard - e: The North Somerset Yeomanry [Territorial Army] NSyAF e: United States Air Force, Hancock Air Base Library, Syracuse NSyoF e: Fairchild Space and Defense System, Syosset, NY NT e: Naval Training - e: Navy Type - e: Nuclear Test NTA e: Navy Technician Authorization - e: Negotiated Testing Agreement - e: Not in Target Area - e: Nuclear Target Analysis - e: Nuclear Test Aircraft NTACMS e: Navy Tactical Missile System NTACNO e: Naval Technical Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations NTAP e: National Targeting and Attack Policy NTAS e: NORAD Tactical Automatic Voice Network System NTB e: National Target Base - e: Nuclear Test Ban - e: Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in outer Space, and under Water NTBWG e: Nuclear Test Ban Working Group NTC e: National Training Center - e: Naval Training Center - e: Naval Training Command - e: Netherlands Territorial Command NTCC e: Naval Tactical Communications Center NTCCS e: Naval Tactical Command & Control System NTCOC e: Naval Telecommunications Command Operations Center


NTCSA e: Navy Tactical Command System Afloat NTCSD e: Naval Training Center, San Diego NTCSOC e: Naval Telecommunications Command Satellite Operations Center NTCSS e: Navy Tactical Command and Support System NTCT e: Naval Tactics & Command Trainer NTD e: Naval Training Department - s: Nùcleo de tropas divisionarias N.T.D. e: Naval Torpedo Depot NTDA e: Navy Tactical Doctrine Activity NTDC e: Naval Device Training Center - e: Naval Tactical Data System NT & DC e: Naval Training and Distribution Center NTDC e: Naval Training Devices Center NTDDPA e: Navy Tactical Doctrine Development and Production Activity NTDE e: Naval Tactical Display Emulator NTDI e: NATO Target Data Inventory NTDS e: Naval [or Navy] Tactical Display System - e: Naval Tactical Data System - e: Naval Tactical Display System - e: Naval Tactical Distribution System - e: Naval Technical Data System NTDS-B e: Navy Tactical Data System Type Β NTDSC e: Nondestructive Testing Data Support Center NTDS-E e: Navy Tactical Data System Type E ΝΤΕ e: Naval Technical Evaluator - e: Navy Technical Evaluation - e: Nontactical Equipment NTEC e: Naval Technical Equipment Center - e: Naval Training Electronics Center[s] - e: Naval Training Equipment Center N-tec e: Nuclear Technology NTECPE e: Naval Training Equipment Center, Project Engineer N T E / I O T E e: Navy Technical Evaluation/Initial Operational Test and Evaluation N-terror[ism][ist] e: Nuclear terrorism - e: Nuclear terrorist Ν Test e: Nuclear Test[ing] NTF e: National Tactical Force - e: National Test Facility - e: Naval Task Force - e: Navy Technological Forecast - e: Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty - f: Force Tactique Nationale N.T.F. e: Northern Task Force NTFC e: NATO Tactical Fighter Center NTFMRS e: Navy Total Force Manpower Requirements System NTFWTC e: NATO Tactical Fighter & Weapons Training Centre NTH e: New Training Helicopter Nth country e: Next country of a series acquiring nuclear power NTIC e: Navy Tactical Intelligence Center NTIPP e: Navy Technical Information Presentation Program NTIPS e: Navy Technical Information Presentation System NTISA e: Naval Tactical Interoperability Support Activity NTLDO e: Navy Terminal Leave Disbursing Office NTLF e: Northern Troops and Landing Force NTM e: No Target Model NTME e: Naval Technical Mission in Europe

Κ · G · Saur, München

NTMJ e: Naval Technical Missions in Japan NTMP e: Nike Target Measurements Program - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Technical Management Plan NTN e: Navy Tactical Network ΝΤΟ e: Naval Technology Office - e: Naval Transport Officer NTORS e: Naval Torpedo Station NTP e: Navy Training Plan - e: Nuclear Target Planning - e: Nuclear Test Plant NTPF e: Near Term Prepositioning Forces NTPR e: Nuclear Test Personnel Review Program NTR e: Navy Technical Representative - e: Northern Test Range - e: Nuclear Thermal Rocket NTRAK e: Nuclear Material Tracking System NTRB e: Nuclear Technology Reference Book NTRE e: Naval Tropical Research Establishment NTRL e: Naval Training Research Laboratory NTS e: Naval Tactical School - e: Naval Target Subdivision - e: Naval Telecommunications System - e: Naval Torpedo Station - e: Naval Training Station - e: Navigator Training Squadron - e: Night Targeting System NTSA e: Navy Tactical Support Activity office NTSB i: Nucleo Tecnico Speciale Base NTSC e: Naval Training Systems Center NTSE e: Naval Telecommunications System Engineer - e: Non-Tactical Support Equipment - i: Nucleo Tecnico Speciale Esercito NTSMP e: Naval Telecommunications System Master Pian NTTC e: Naval Technical Training Center NTTR e: Naval Torpedo Testing Range - e: Non-Tactical Telecommunications Requirements NTTS e: NATO Terrestrial Transmission System NTU e: Naval Training Unit NTV e: Non-Tactical Vehicle Nil d: Nachrichtenunteroffizier - e: Naval Unit nu e: nuclear NUAPA e: Nuclear Applications NUATA e: Nuclear Applications and Technology NUBIC e: Nuclear Bunkered Instrumentation Center NUBICWOPS e: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare Operations NUC e: Not Under Command - e: Nuclear NUCAP e: Nuclear Cannon Projectile - e: Nuclear Capabilities Data Base - e: Nuclear Capability - e: Nuclear Capability Report NUCD e: Nuclear Deployment NUCDEF e: Nuclear Defense NUCDETS e: Nuclear Detonation Detection and Reporting System NUCDORE e: Nuclear Doctrine, Organization, and Equipment NUCEWA e: Nuclear Weapons Availability Nuclear Shu e: Nuclear Shuttle NUCLEX e: Nuclear Loadout Exercise Nucl Issues e: Nuclear Issues Nucl Pow e: Nuclear Power

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

NWC/CAR Nucí Power Eng e: Nuclear Power Engineering Nucí Ships e: Nuclear Ships NUCMIIN e: Nuclear Munitions NUCPWR e: Nuclear Powered NUCPWRD e: Nuclear Powered NUCSAM e: Nuclear Surface-to-Air Missile NUCWA e: Nuclear Weapons Accounting NUCWAL e: Nuclear Weapons Allocation Logistics NUCWAR e; Nuclear War NUCWEP e: Nuclear Weapons NUCWPN e: Nuclear Weapon NUCWPNSTRACEN e: Nuclear Weapons Training Center NUDAC e: Nuclear Data Center [or Centre] NIIDAP e: Nuclear Detonation Data Point Ν II D ET e: Nuclear Detection - e: Nuclear Detonation - e: Nuclear Detonation Evaluation Technique - e: Nuclear Detonation Report NIIDET Rpt e: Nuclear Detonation Report NUDETS e: Nuclear Detection and Reporting System - e: Nuclear Detonation Detection & reporting System - e: Nuclear Detonation Reporting System NUDORE e: Nuclear Doctrine Organization and Equipment NUFAC e: Nuclear Weapons Planning Factors for Land Combat Forces NUHADI e: Nuclear Helicopter Air Density Indicating NUIS e: Navy Unit Identification System Nukl Waf d: Nuklearwaffe NULAC e: Nuclear Liquid Air Cycle Engine Numak. d: Nachrichten- und Minenauskunftsteile NUMARC e: Nuclear Management and Resources Council NIIMARCOM e: Nuclear Power for Marine Purposes Committee NUMEC e: Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation ΝIIMS e: Nuclear Materials Security NUOR e: Nuclear Ordnance NUOS e: Naval Underwater Ordnance Station NUPAD e: Nuclear-Powered Active Detection NUPEC e: Nuclear Power Engineering Test Center NUPLEX e: Nuclear Complex NUPOC e: Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate NUREG e: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREQ e: Nuclear Requirements NURO n: Nationale Unie van ReserveOfficieren van België NUROO n: Nationale Unie der ReserveOnderofficieren van België NURSEDETS e: Nurse Detachments [Army] NUS e: Nuclear Utility Service nus e: nuclear upper stage NUSA e: Ninth United States Army nusar e: nuclear sweep and radar NUSC e: Naval Underwater Systems Center - e: Naval Underwater Systems Command NUSCAT e: New Airborne Scatterometer NUSC/NL e: Naval Undersea System Center, New London Laboratory NUSC/NPT e: Naval Underwater Systems Center, Newport

NUSCOT e: Nuclear Submarine Simulator Complex NUSEC e: Naval Underwater Systems Engineering Center NUSIC e: Nuclear Strike Information Center N/USL e: Naval [or Navy] Underwater Sound Laboratory NUSLUM e: Nuclear Detonation Summary NUSOS e: Nuclear Underwater Sound Source NUSRL e: Naval [or Navy] Underwater Sound Reference Laboratory NUSS e: Nuclear Safety Standards NUSTF e: Navy UHF Communications Test Facility N.U.T.C. e: Nottingham University Training Corps nu-tec e: nuclear detection NUTEX e: Nuclear Tactical Exercise NUTRAT e: Nuclear Uses Technology Reaction Analysis Team NUWAR e: Nuclear War - e: Nuclear Warfare NUWAX e: Nuclear Weapon Accident NUWAX-81 e: Nuclear Weapon Accident Exercise NUWAX e: Nuclear Weapons Accident Exercises NUWC e: Naval Undersea Warfare Center NUWEDS e: Nuclear Weapons Deniel System - e: Nuclear Weapons Emergency Destruction System NUWEP e: Nuclear Weapon Employment Policy - e: Nuclear Weapons Effect Planning - e: Nuclear Weapons Employment Plan - e: Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy - e: Nuclear Weapons Employment Procedures NUWES e: Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station - e: Naval Underwater Weapons Evaluation Station NUWFS e: Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station - e: Naval Underwater Weapons Evaluation Station NUWPN[S]TRACEN e: Nuclear Weapons Training Center NUWPNSUPANX e: Nuclear Weapons Supply Annex NUWPNTRACEN e: Nuclear Weapons Training Center NUWPNTRACENLANT e: Nuclear Weapons Training Center, Atlantic NUWPNTRACENPAC e Nuclear Weapons Training Center, Pacific NUWRES e: Naval Underwater Weapons Research and Engineering Station NUWS e: Naval Underwater Weapons Station - e: US Naval Underwater Weapons Research and Engineering Station NIJWSEC e: Naval Underwater Weapons Systems Engineering Center N/V e: Nuclear Vessel N.V.A. d: Nachrichtenmittel Versuchsanstalt der Marine NVA d: Nationale Volksarmee - d: Nationale Volksarmee e: National People's Army - e: North Vietnamese Army - e: North Vietnamese Army N.V.A. e: North Vietnamese Army NVAC e: North Vietnamese Army Captured

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

NVAF e: North Vietnamese Air Force NVAFB e: North Vandenberg Air Force Base NVAS e: North Vietnamese Army Suspect NVASS e: Night Vision Airborne Surveillance System NVA/VM d: Nationale Volksarmee/Volksmarine N.V.B, e: National Volunteer Brigade NVB e: National Volunteer Brigade NVDA e: National Volunteer Defense Army N.V.K, d: Nachrichtenmittelversuchskommando NVNAF e: North Vietnamese Air Force NVNN e: North Vietnamese Navy NVO d: Nachrichtenverbindungsoffizier - e: Nonvessel Operator [Shipping] NVOC e: Nonvessel-Owning Carrier [Shipping] NVOCC e: Nonvessel Operating Common Carrier [Shipping] N.V.O.I. n: Nationaal Verbond van Oorlogsinvaliden NVP e: Night Visibility Plan N.V.R. e: Naval Volunteer Reserve NVst d: Nachschub-Verbindungsstelle [Reichskriegsministerium] NV Vertrag d: Nichtverbreitungsvertrag [von Kernwaffen] N.V.V.O.S. n: Nieuw Verbond van Vlaamse Oudstrijders NW e: Nat-War Alliance - e: Naval Air Systems Command - e: Naval Warfare - e: Nuclear Warfare - e: Nuclear Weapon - e: Nuclear Weapons Council NWA e: Naval Warfare Analysis - e: Naval Weapons Annex - e: Nuclear Weapon Accident NWAAF e: Northwest African Air Forces NWAC e: Netherlands Women's Army Corps - e: Northwestern Area Command N-Waffen d: Neutronenwaffen NWAG e: Naval Warfare Analysis Group NWAI e: Nuclear Weapons Acceptance Inspection NWAIB e: Nuclear Weapon Accident Investigation Board NWAP e: Nuclear Weapons Applications & Planning - e: Nuclear Weapons Archival Project N-war e: Nuclear war[fare] NWARC e: Navy Weapons Assessment Research Centre NWar Coll e: Naval War College NWAT e: Nuclear Weapon Assist Team NWB e: Naval Weapons Bulletin NWBHI e: Nuclear Weapon Burst Height Indicator NWC e: National War College - e: National Weapons Center - e: Naval Command College - e: Naval War College - e: Naval Weapons Center - e: Navy War College - e: Nuclear War Capability - e: Nuclear Weapons Center - e: Nuclear Weapons Complex - e: Nuclear Weapons Council NWCAA e: National War College Alumni Association NWC/ARP e: Naval War College Advanced Research Program NWCCA e: Naval Weapons Center, Corona Annex, California NWC/CAR e: Naval War College Center for Advanced Research


NWCCL NWCCL e: Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, California - e: Naval Weapons Center, Corona Laboratories NWCCS e: Naval Worldwide Command and Control System NWCF e: Naval War College Foundation NWCG e: Nuclear Weapons Coordinating Group NWCME e: National Winter Convention on Military Electronics [IEEE] NWCMTF e: Nuclear Weapons Complex Modernization Task Force NWCnet e: Nuclear Weapons Complex network NWCR e: Nuclear Weapons Correction Report NWCRB e: Navy War Contracts Relief Board NWCS e: Nuclear Weapons Control System NWCSC e: Nuclear Weapons Council Standing Committee NWD e: Naval Weapons Directory - e: Nuclear Weapon Data - e: Nuclear Weapon Disposal NWDC/S e: Navigation/Weapons Delivery Computer/System NWDP e: Nuclear Weapons Development Project NWDS e: Navigation/Weapons Delivery System NWE e: Nuclear Weapons Effects N-weapon[ry] e: Nuclear w e a p o n r y ] N-weapon[s] e: Nuclear weaponfs] NWEB e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Resarch NWEC e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Course - e: Nuclear Weapon[s] Employment Course NWED e: Nuclear Weapon Effects Development NWEF e: Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility - e: Naval Weapons Evaluation Force - e: North Western Expeditionary Force - e: Nuclear Weapons Education Fund - e: Nuclear Weapons Evaluation Facilities NWEL e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Laboratory NWEO e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Office - e: Nuclear Weapon[s] Employment Officer NWEP e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Panel NWER e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Research NWERT e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Research and Test NWER/T e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Research and Testing NWES e: Naval Weapons Engineering Support activity office - e: Nuclear Weapons Electronic Specialist NWESA e: Naval Weapons Engineering Support Activity NWET e: Nuclear Weapon[s] Effects Test NWF e: National War Formulary - e: National War Fund - e: Naval Weapons Factory NWFC e: Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign NWFP e: Nuclear Weapons Fire Planning NWFZ e: Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone - e: Nuclear Weapons-free Zones NWGP e: Nuclear War Graphics Project NWGS e: Naval Warfare Gaming System NWHC e: Naval Weapons Handling Center NWHL e: Naval Weapons Handling Laboratory


NWIP e: Naval Warfare Information Publication - e: Naval Warfare Instruction Publication - e: Naval Warfare Intercept Procedures NWIRP e: Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant NWIS e: Naval Weaponeering Information Sheet NWL e: National Weapons Laboratory - e: Naval Weapons Laboratory NWLB e: National War Labor Board NWLE e: Nuclear Weapons Logistical Element NWM e: National War Memorial - e: Nuclear Weapons Maintenance - e: United States Military Academy, West Point NWMF e: Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Foreman NWMP e: Nuclear Weapons Master Plan NWMS e: Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Specialist NW&MTA e: Nuclear Weapons and Materials Technical Area NWO e: Nuclear Weapons Officer NWOA e: Nuclear Weapons Orientation Advanced Course NWOO e: NATO Wartime Oil Organization NWP e: NATO and Warsaw Pact - e: Naval War Pamphlet - e: Naval Warfare Procedures - e: Naval Warfare Publication - e: Naval Warfare Publications - e: Naval Weapons Plant - e: Naval Weapons Publications - e: Nuclear Waste Project - e: Nuclear Weapons Program Office - e: Nuclear Weapons Program[s] NWPAG e: NATO Wartime Preliminary Analysis Group NWPCB e: Naval Warfare Planning Chart Bases NWPL e: Naval Warfare Publications Library NWPPA e: Nuclear Weapons Production and Planning Analysis NWPW e: Naval Weapons Plant, Washington NWQA e: Non-Weapons Quality Assurance NWQAO e: Naval Weapons Quality Assurance Office NWR e: Navy Weapons Requirement - e: Nuclear Weapons Report NWRC e: Naval Warfare Research Center - e: Naval Weapons Research Center NWR&D e: Nuclear Weapons Research and Development NWRP e: Nuclear Weapons Release Procedures NWRP&T e: Nuclear Weapons Research, Development, and Testing NWRS e: Nuclear Weapons Requirements Study NWS e: Naval Weapons Station - e: Nuclear Weapons State - e: Nuclear Weapons Storage NWSA e: Naval Weapons Support Activity - e: Nuclear Weapons Supply Annex NWSAP e: Naval Weapons Station Acceptance Program NWSB e: Nuclear Warfare Status Branch NWSC e: Naval Weapons Support Center NWSCC e: Nuclear Weapons System Control Console NWSC/CR e: Naval Weapons Support Center, Crane

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NWSF e: Northwest Sea Frontier - e: Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility NWSG e: Nuclear War Study Group - e: Nuclear Weapon-systems Surety Group NWSM e: Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Memorandum NWSO e: Naval Weapons Services Office - e: Naval Weapons System Office NWSP e: Nuclear Weapon Stockpile Plan NWSS e: Navy WWMCCS [World-Wide Military Command and Control System] Standardization Software - e: Nuclear Weapon Subsystem - e: Nuclear Weapons Support Section NWSSC e: Nuclear Weapons Systems Safety Committee NWSSG e: Nuclear Weapon System Safety Group - e: Nuclear Weapons System Safety Group - e: Nuclear Weapons System Satellite Group - e: Nuclear Weapon[s] Systemfs] Safety Group NWSSGP e: Nuclear Weapons System Safety Group NWSSTP e: Nuclear Weapons Subsystem Test Plan NWSY e: Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown NWT e: Nuclear Weapons Technology Programs NWTC e: Naval Weapon Test Center [China Lake, California] - e: Northern Warfare Training Center - e: Nuclear Weapons Training Center NWTDB e: Naval Warfare Tactical Data Base NWTI e: Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspections NWTP e: NMCS [National Military Command System] WWMCCS Transition Plan NWTRCC e: National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee NWTS e: Naval Weapons Test Station NWT/S e: Nuclear Weapons Technician/Specialist NYADC e: New York Air Defense Center NYADS e: New York Air Defense Sector NYAL e: National Yugoslav Army of Liberation NYNG e: New York National Guard NYPE e: New York Port of Embarkation NYPFO e: New York Air Force Procurement Field Office NYR e: Nuclear Yield Requirement N.Z. d: Nachrichtenmittelzentrale [Reichs wehrministerium] NZ d: Nachrichtenzentrale - e: Nuclear Zone Nza d: Nebenzeugamt N.Za. d: Nebenzeugamt NZA e: New Zealand Artillery NZAAC e: New Zealand Army Air Corps NZAEC e: New Zealand Army Educational Corps N.Z.A.F. e: New Zealand Air Force NZAFB e: New Zealand Air Force Base NZAMC e: New Zealand Army Medical Corps NZANS e: New Zealand Army Nursing Service NZAOC e: New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps N.Z.A.O.C. e: New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps NZAPC e: New Zealand Army Pay Corps N.Z.A.S.C. e: New Zealand Army Service Corps NZCF e: New Zealand Cadet Forces

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

OAST NZDF e: New Zealand Defence Force NZDSU[SEA| e: New Zealand Defence Support Unit [South East Asia] NZEF e: New Zealand Expeditionary Force NZFA e: New Zealand Field Artillery NZGA e: New Zealand Garrison Artillery NZMF e: New Zealand Military Forces NZMGC e: New Zealand Machine Gun Corps NZMGS e: New Zealand Machine Gun Section N-Z Missile e: Nike-Zeus Missile NZMP e: New Zealand Military Police NZNB e: New Zealand Naval Board NZPC e: New Zealand Peace Council NZR e: New Zealand Rifles NZRR e: New Zealand Rough Riders N.Z.R.S.A. e: New Zealand Returned Services Association N.Z.S.C. e: New Zealand Service Corps NZSM e: New Zealand Submarine Mining Volunteers NZTF e: New Zealand Territorial Force[s] NZTJWG e: Nike-Zeus Target Joint Working Group NZTV e: Nike-Zeus Target Vehicle N.Z.V.C, e: New Zealand Veterinary Corps NZWRAC e: New Zealand Women's Royal Army Corps

O 0 d: Oberkommando - d: Ordonnanzoffizier - e: Observation Aircraft - e: Officer - e: Ordnance - e: Ordnance Division - e: Organized Naval Reserve O. d: Offizier 01 e: Organized Naval Reserve Seagoing 0 2 e: Organized Naval Reserve Aviation 0 4 e: Lieutenant Commander 0 5 e: Commander 0 8 e: Rear Admiral 0 9 e: Vice Admiral 0 1 0 e: Admiral OA d: Offiziersanwärter - e: Obligation Authority [Army] - e: Operating Aircraft - e: Operations Analysis - i: Operazioni e Addestramento O/A e: Omnirange Aerial OAA e: Office of Aviation Affairs O.A.A. d: Offizier-Anwärter-Abteilung OA & AFR e: Official Army and Air Force Register OAAS e: Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army - e: Omnibus Army Aircraft Survivability Study OAASA e: Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army OAASN e: Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy OAB e: Outer Air Battle O.AB. d: Ortsausbesserungsanstalt OAC e: Officer Advanced Course - e: Ordnance Ammunition Command - e: Orleans Area Command O.A.C, f: Organisation d'Anciens Combattants OACM e: Offboard Active Countermeasures - e: Offensive Air Combat Manoeuvre OAC of S e: Office of the Assistant of Staff

OACR e: Office of the Admiral Commanding Reserves OACS e: Office of Assistant Chief of Staff OACSFOR e: Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development OAD e: Operations Analysis Division OADAB e: Office of the Assistant Director of the Army Budget OAE e: Officer of Arms Extraordinary O.A.E.A. f: Officiers d'activé des écoles d'armes O.A.E.S. / · Officiers d'activé des écoles de service OAF e: Objective Award Fee - e: Occupational Air Force - e.· Oversea Air Force OAFB e: Offutt Air Force Base OAFC e: Office of Air Force Chaplains OAFD e: Orbiter Air Flight Deck OAFIE e: Office of Armed Forces Information and Education OAFSC e: Other Air Force Speciality Code OAG e: Office of the Adjutant General OAIM /• Organisme Arabe pour l'Industrialisation Militaire OAL d: Offiziersanwärterlehrgang - e: Ordnance Aerophysics Laboratory OAM e: Open-Air Mission OAMN e: Operations and Maintenance, Navy OAMP e: Optical Airborne Measurement Platform OAN e: Ocean Aids to Navigation O and E e: Officers and Employers O and MA e: Operations and Maintenance-Army O and MN e: Operations and Maintenance-Navy OANDT e: Organization and Training Division OANDT [DIVI e: Organization and Training Division [SHAPE] OAN FE e: Operational Aircraft Not Fully Equipped OA/NWOB e: Open Allotments/NavyWide Operating Budgets OAO e: Office of Aircraft Operations OAOAF e: Operations Analysis Office, Air Force OAOAFLC e: Operations Analysis Office, Air Force Logistics Command OAP e: Office of Aircraft Production - e: Office of Atomic Programs OAR e: Office of Air and Radiation - e: Officers' Appointment and Record Office - e: Operational Analysis Research - e: Ordalt Accomplishment Requirement - e: Ordnance Alteration Requirement OARB e: Oakland Army Base OARCTA e: 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team Association OARE Officina Autobilistica Riparazioni Esercito OAR-N e: Office of Analysis and ReviewNavy OART e: Oakland Army Terminal OAS e: Occupied Areas Section - e: Occupied Areas Section [Military Government] - e: Offensive Avionics System - e: Ordinary Ammunition Storage - / ' Organisation de l'Armee Secrete - f: Organisation de l'Armée Secrète e: Organization of the Secret Army OASAF e: Office of Assistant Secretary of Air Force OASA [FM] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army [Financial Management]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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OASA [I & L] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army [Installations and Logistics] OASA[M&RA] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army [Manpower and Reserve Affairs] OASA [R & D] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army [Research and Development] OASA[RDA] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army [Research, Development & Acquisition] OASC e: Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre OASD e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense OASD[AE] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Applications Engineer] OASD-C e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense-Comptroller OASD/IL e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense/Installations and Logistics OASD/ISA e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense/International Security Affairs OASD/ISP e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy OASD[MRA] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower and Reserve Affairs] OASD [MRA & L] e: Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower-Reserve Affairs and Logistics] OASD [PA] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Public Affairs] OASD[R & D] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Research and Development] OASD[SA] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Systems Analysis] OASD[S&L] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Supply and Logistics] OASD[T] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Telecommunications] OASIS e: Operational Analysis Strategic Interaction Simulator - e: Operational Automated Ship's Information System OASMA e: Offensive Air Support Mission Analysis OASMS e: Ordnance Ammunition Surveillance and Maintenance School OASN e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy OASN[FM] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Management OASN[I&L] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Installations and Logistics OASN[M/RA/L] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics OASN[P&RF] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Personnel and Reserve Force OASN[R & D] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research and Development OASN [RD&A] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition OASR e: Office of Aeronautical and Space Research OAST e: Office of Aeronautical and Space Technology


OASW - e: Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology OASW e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of War OATC e: Officer's Advanced Training Course OATP e: On-Aircraft Test Procedure OATS e: Optimum Aerial Target Sensor OAV e: Operational Aerospace Vehicle OAVC of SA e: Office of the Assistant Vice Chief of Staff, Army OAVCSA e: Office of the Assistant Vice Chief of Staff Army OAVs e: Operational Aerospace Vehicles OAWC e: Overseas Air Weapons Control OAWCS e: Overseas Air Weapons Control System OAWRMR e: Other Acquisition War Reserve Material Requirements OB d: Offiziersbewerber - e: Olive Branch IFR [Instrument Flight Rules] Military Training Route - e: Order of Battle - e: Ordnance Battalion - f: Ordre de Bataille O.B. e: Ordnance Board OBA d: Oberbefehlshaber der Armee O.B.A. d: Oberbauamt [Marine] OBAT i: Ordine base delle trasmissioni OBAWS e: On-Board Aircraft Weighing System OBB e: Old Battleship ObBerKomm. d: Oberberufungskommission Obbootsm. d: Oberbootsmann OBBSD n: Opperbevelhebber van de Belgische Strijdkrachten in Duitsland ObBtsm d: Oberbootsmannsmaat ObBtsmt e: Oberbootsmannsmaat OBC e: Officer Basic Course - e: Old Boys' Corps O.B.C, e: Old Boys' Club ObChdSMA d: Oberster Chef der Sowjetischen Militäradministration Ob.d.H. d: Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres OBDIF e: Order of Battie Data Interchange Format Ob.d.K. d: Oberbefehlshaber der Küstenverteidigung Ob.d.L. d: Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe Ob.d.M. d: Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine - d: Oberbefehlshaber der Marine Ob.d.W. d: Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht O.B.E. d: Offizier im besonderen Einsatz - e: Officer of the British Empire Oberost d: Oberbefehlshaber im Osten Oberstltn. d: Oberstleutnant OBEWS e: On-Board Electronic Warfare Simulation OBF d: Oberbefehlshaber der Front OBFM e: Offensive Basic Flight Manoeuvres Ob.Fw.Seh. d: Oberfeuerwerkerschule Ob.Fz.Stb. d: Oberfeldzeugstab OBGS e: On-Board Gunnery Simulator OBI e: Obligated Involuntary Officer OBIFCO e: On-Board In-Flight Checkout OBJ e: Operation Buster-Jangle [atomic weapons testing] OBI KB e: Order of Battle Version 1 Knowledge Based Ob.Kdo.d.H.Gr. d: Oberkommando der Heeresgruppe Ob.Kom d: Oberkommando Ob.Kr.Ger. d: Oberkriegsgericht OBLI e: Oxford and Birmingham Light Infantry - e: Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry


O.B.L.I, e: Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry OBMC e: Officers Basic Military Corps Ob MOK e: Oberbefehlshaber der MarineOberkommandos OBN e: On-Board Navigation OBO e: Orbital Bomber Oboe e: Navigation system OBOE Radar e: Observed Bombing of Enemy Radar OBOF e: Old Buffer over Forty Ob.Ost d: Oberbefehlshaber im Osten OBRC e: Operating Budget Review Committee O'Bri ML e: O'Brien's Military Law OBS. d: Oberbefehlshaber Süd OBSN FL e: Observation Flight OBSO. d: Oberbefehlshaber Südost OBS PAT e: Observation Patrol OBSRON e: Observation Squadron OBSS e: Ocean Bottom Scanning Sonar Obstabsbootsm. d: Oberstabsbootsmann OBSUM e: Order of Battle Summary OBtsm d: Oberbootsmann OBTVR e: Office for Battlefield Technical Vulnerability Reduction OBU e: Operative Bootmakers Union OBV e: Obligated Volunteer Officer O-BWO e: Type-0 Backward Wave Oscillator OC e: Observer Corps - e: Observer Corps - e: Office of Censorship - e: Officer Candidate - e: Officer Commanding - e: Officer of the Order of Canada - e: Officers' Cook - e: Operation Crossroads [atomic weapons testing] - e: Operational Command - e: Operations Center - e: Operator Command - e: Orderly Corporal - e: Ordnance College - e: Ordnance Corps - e: Overseas Command O.C. e: Observer Corps - e: Operational Command O/C e: Officer Cadet - e: Officer-in-Charge OCA e: Office, Comptroller of the Army - e: Officer of Controllers' Accounts - e: Officers' Caterer - n: Opleidingscentrum Algemeen OCAA e: Organization of Central American Armies OCAAF e: Office of the Chief of the Army Air Forces - e: Order of the Chief of the Army Air Forces OCAAT n: Opleidingscentrum Aan- en Afvoerttroepen OCAC e: Office of the Chief of Air Corps - e: Officer Commanding, Administrative Centre OCADA e: Office of the Chief Air Defense Artillery OCADS e: Oklahoma City Air Defense Sector OCAE e: United States Army Engineer Division, Ohio River, Technical Library, Cincinnati OCAFF e: Office, Chief of Army Field Forces OCAHO e: Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer OCAN e: Officer Candidate Airman OCAO e: Officer Candidate Advisory Officer OCAR e: Office of the Chief Army Reserve

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OCAS e: Office, Coordinator of Army Studies - e: Officer-in-Charge of Armament Supply - e: Ordnance Configuration Accounting System [Navy] OCB e: Officers' Cadet Battalion - e: Operations Coordination Board [National Security Council] OCBSD e: Officer Commanding, Base Supply Depot OCC e: Objed Class Code [Military] - e: Occupied Command Center - e: Office of the Director of Command, Control, and Communications - e: Officer Candidate Class - e: Officer Commanding, Camp - e: Officers' Country Club - e: Operator Control Command - e: Ordnance Command Converter - n: Opleidingscentrum Cavalerie OCCA e: Officer-in-Charge of Civilian Affairs Oc C Cm O e: Office of the Chief Chemical Officer OCCE e: Operational Clothing and Combat Equipment OCCGERMDL e: Army of Occupation of Germany Medal OCCIS e: Operational Command and Control Intelligence System - e: Operations Command and Control Information System OCCM e: Optical CounterCountermeasures OCCMDL e: Army of Occupation Medal OCCMLC e: Office of the Chief of the Chemical Corps OCCMLO e: Office of the Chief Chemical Officer OCCMS e: Occupational Measurement Squadron OCCO e: Office of the Chief Chemical Officer OCCS e: Officer Career Counseling System - e: Operational Command and Control System OCCWC e: Office of Chief of Counsel for War Crimes OCCWS e: Office of the Chief of Chemical Warfare Service OCD e: Central Office for General Defense - e: Office of Civilian] Defence [or Defense] OCDA e: Officer Commanding, Divisional Artillery - e: Ordnance Corps Detroit Arsenal OCDE e: Officer Commanding, Divisional Engineers OCDM e: Office of Civil Defense and Mobilization - e: Office of Civil Defense Management OCDO e: Office, Chief Disbursing Officer OCDP e: Officer Career Development Program OCDS e: Officer Commanding, Divisional Signals - e: Overseas College of Defence [or Defense] Studies O/Cdt e: Officer-Cadet OCdt e: Officer-Commandant OCE e: Officer Corps Engineers - e: OMGUS [Office of Military Government, United States] Civilian Employees Association OCEANAV e: Naval Oceanography Command - e: Oceanographer of the U.S. Navy OCEC e: Office of the Commissioner for Employees Compensation

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

OERP OC Eng e: Officer Commanding Engineering OCF e: Officiating Chaplain to the Forces OC Fg e: Officer Commanding Flying OCG e: Office of the Commanding General OCGLS n: Opleidingscentrum GrondLucht Samenwerking OCI e: Office, Chief of Information - η: Opleidingscentrum Infanterie OCIC e: Officer Commanding in Charge OCInt n: Opleidingscentrum Intendance OCIRE i: Organo Centrale Interministeriale per le Riparazioni di Emergenza OCM e: Optical Countermeasures O.C.M. / · Organisation Civile et Militaire OCMA n: Opleidingscentrum Militaire Administratie OCMGD n: Opleidingscentrum Militair Geneeskundige Dienst OCMH e: Office of the Chief of Military History O.C.M.H. e: Officer Commanding, Military Hospital OCMI e: Officer-in-Charge, United States Coast Guard Marine Inspection Office OCMilva n: Opleidingscentrum Militaire Vrouwenafdeling O.C.M.J. /• Organisation Civile et Militaire des Jeunes OCMM-N e: Office of Civilian Manpower Management-Navy OCMS e: Ordnance Command Management System OCMSq e: Occupational Measurement Squadron OCMTC e: Officer Commanding Motor Transport Company OCN e: Office of the Commissioner of Namibia OC-N e: Office of the Comptroller of the Navy OCNAV e: Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy O C N G A e: Officer in Change of National Guard's Affairs OCNO e: Office, Chief of Naval Operations OCNPR e: Operation and Conservation of Naval Petroleum Reserves - e: Operation and Conversion of Naval Petroleum Reserves OCNR e: Office of the Chief of Naval Research OCNS e: Oklahoma City NORAD [North American Air Defense] Sector OCO e: Ordnance Corps Order OC [of| AC e: Office of the Chief of Air Corps OC of AC e: Office of the Chief of Air Corps OC of AS e: Office of the Chief of Air Staff OCofCh e: Office, Chief of Chaplains OC of SA e: Office, Chief of Staff, Army OC Ops Wg e: Officer Commanding Operations Wing OCOSD n: Opleidingscentrum officieren speciale diensten OCOT e: Office, Chief of Transportation OCP e: Officer Candidate Program - e: Operating Control Procedure - e: Operational Capability Plan OCPA e: Office of the Chief, Public Affairs OCPD e: Officer-in-Charge Police District OCQM e: Office of Chief Quartermaster OCRA e: Officer Commanding, Royal Artillery

OCRASC e: Officer Commanding, Royal Army Service Corps OCRD e: Office Chief of Research and Development United States Army OCRE e: Officer Commanding, Royal Engineers OCRMI e: Officer Commanding Royal Marines OCS e: Officer Cadet School - e: Officer Candidate School - e: Officer[s] Candidate School - e: Officers Command School - e: Original Combat System OCSA e: Office of the Chief of Staff, Army OCSigO e: Office of the Chief Signal Officer OCSO e: Office of the Chief Signal Officer OCSOT e: Overall Combat Systems Operability Test OCSPWAR e: Office of the Chief of Special Warfare OCT e: Officer Candidate Test - e: Officer Classification Test OCTD n: Opleidingscentrum Technische Dienst OCTI e: Ordnance Corps Technical Instruction OCT/RR e: Off Course Target/Remote Reference Display OCTU e: Officer-Cadet Training Unit - e: Officer Cadets' Training Unit - e: Officers Candidates Training Unit OCV e: Old Aircraft Carrier OCWC e: Officers and Civilians Wives' Club OD e: Officer of the Day - e: Officer of the Deck - e: Operations Division - e: Ordnance Corps - e: Ordnance Department [or Division] - e: Ordnance Depot O.D. e: Operations Division ODA e: Office of the Defense Attaché - f: Opérations de Défense Aérienne O.D.A.C.V.G. /• Office Départemental des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre ODAR e: Omnidirectional Airborne Radar ODASD e: Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense ODC e: Office for Defense Cooperation - e: Office of Defense Cooperation - e: Office of Defense Coordination - e: Overseas Defence Committee ODCM e: Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization ODC of S e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff ODCS e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff ODCSCD e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Combat Developments ODCSOPS e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans ODD e: Old Destroyer ODDR&E e: Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering ODF e: Operational Deployment Force - e: Operational Development Force ODI e: Office of Defense Investigation - e: Office of Director of Intelligence - f: Organisation Interaméricaine de Défense ODIR e: Omnirange Digital Radar O Div e: Ontario Division O.d.K. d: Oberkommando der Küstenverteidigung

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ODL e.· Office of Defense Lending - n: Opvoedingsdienst van het Leger ODLRO e: Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order ODM e: Office of Defense [and Civilian] Mobilization - e: Office of Defense Manpower - e: Office of Defense Mobilization OD MA e: Office of the Director of Military Assistance ODMO e: Office of Defense Management and Organization ODMT e: Office of the Director of Military Training O.D.N.S. e: Operations Division of Naval Staff ODO e: Offensive Duty Officer - e: Operations Duty Officer O.d.O. d: Oberbefehlshaber der Ostseestreitkräfte ODP e.· Office of Defence Production - e: Office of Defense Planning ODPI e: Office of Director of Public Information ODQM e: Office of the Division Quartermaster ODR e: Office of Defense Resources - e: Officer of Defense Resources - e: Omni-Directional Range - e: Overland Downlook Radar O.d.R. d: Ordensgemeinschaft der Ritterkreuzträger ODRE e: Office of Defense Research and Engineering ODRI e: Office of United States Defense Representative, India ODRP e: Office of Defense Representative, Pakistan ODSAD e: Office of Director, Special Activities Division ODSAS e: Officer Dual Specialty Allocation System ODT e: Office of Defense Transportation - e: Omni-Directional Transmission - e: Optical Data Transmission ODTACCS e: Office of the Director, Telecommunications and Command and Control Systems ODTC e: Office of Defense Trade Controls ODUSN e: Office, Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy ODWSA e: Office of the Directorate of Weapon Systems Analysis ODZ e: Outer Defense Zone OE e: Ship's Ordnance Engineer OEA e: Ordnance Electrical Artificer OEC e: Operational Evaluation Command OED /• Organisation Européenne de Défense OEDO e: Ordnance Engineering Duty Officer OEG e: Operations Evaluation Group OEGOSC e: Organization Effectiveness General Officer Steering Committee ÖHSV d: Österreichischer Heeressportverband ÖHW d: Österreichische Heim[at]wehr OEJ d: Offiziersergänzungsjahrgang OENCO e: Organizational Effectiveness Noncommissioned Officer OEO e: Officers' Eyes Only - e: Operational Equipment Objective - e: Ordnance Executive Officer OER e: Officer Effectiveness Report - e: Officer Efficiency Report - e: Officer Engineering Reserve - e: Officer Evaluation Report OERP e: Overseas Expenditure Reduction Program


OES OES e: Officer Education System - e: Officer Evaluation System - e: Operations and Engineering Squadron OESO e: Organizational Effectiveness Staff Officer OEST e: Outline European Staff Target OET e: Office of Emergency Transportation [of Department of Transportation] OE & TB e: Officer Education and Training Branch OEW e: Offensive Electronic Warfare - e: Office of Economic Warfare OEWG e: Operation and Evaluation Wartime Group OEZED i: Organizzazione di Emergenza di Zone Eccezionalmente Danneggiate OF e: Operating Forces Of d: Offizier O.F. e: Officers' Federation O/F e: Orbital Flight OfA d: Offizier für Abwehrangelegenheiten OFA e: Office of Flight Assurance OFART e: Federai Office of Artillery OFC e: Operational Flight Control OFCE e: Officefr] OFCOFASSTSECNAV e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy OFCOFASSTSECNAV [FINMGMT] e Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Financial Management] OFCOFASSTSECNAV [INST&LOG] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Installation and Logistics] OFCOFASSTSECNAV [PERS&RESFOR] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Personnel and Reserve Force] OFCOFASSTSECNAV [RSCH&DEV] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Research and Development] Ofcr e: Officer OFCS e: Operational Flight Control System OFD e: Office, Fiscal Director - e: Optical [gun] Fire Director - e: Ordnance Field Depot OFDA e: Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDAP e: Office of the Field Directorate of Ammunition Plants OFE e: Optical Flight Evaluation - e: Order for Engagement OFEA e: Officer Front End Analysis OFF e: Office of Facts and Figures Off e: Officer Off. d: Offizier OFFNAVHIST e: Office of Naval History OFFNAVWEASERV e: Office of Naval Weather Service Off Qrs e: Officers Quarters OFFR e: Officer Off.-Sch. d: O f f i z i e r s s c h u l e Off-Stellv. d: Offizierstellvertreter Offz. d: Offizier Offz.-Anw. d: Offiziersanwärter Offz.-Prf. d: Offiziersprüfung OFI e: Operational Flight Instrumentation OFIR e: Oceanic Flight Information Region OFIS e: Officers Training School - e: Operational Flight Information Service OFISP e: Operational Flight Information Service Panel OFK d: Oberfeldkommandantur - e: Optical Flight Kit O.F.K, d: Oberfeldkommandantur Oflag d: Offizierlager


OFM e: Office of Foreign Missions - e: Oxygen Fill to Missile O & FN e: Ordnance and Facilities-Navy OFO e: Office of Flight Operations OFP e: Operating Force Plan - e: Operational Flight Profile - e: Operational Flight Program - e: Ordnance Field Park - e: Original Flight Plan OFPA e: Federal Office of Armament Production OFR e: Officer Fitness Report - e: Operational Fleet Requirements Ofri d: Osnabrücker Friedensinitiative OFS e: Operational Flight Simulator O&FS e: Operations and Flight Support OFSAN e: Federal Office of Military Health Service - f: Office Federal des Affaires Sanitaires de l'armée OFSB e: Ordnance Field Service Bulletin OFSC e: Ordnance Field Service Circular OFSM e: Operational Flight Safety Monitor OFSOC e: Organizational Effectiveness Staff Officer Course OFST e: Office of the Secretary of the Air Force - e: Operational Flight Simulator Trainer OFT e: Operational Flight Trainer OFTML e: Federal Office of Armoured & Light Troops OFTS e: Officers' Training School - e: Operational Flight and Tactics Simulator - e: Optical Fiber Transmission System OFTs e: Operational Flight Trainers OFTT e: Federal Office of Transport Troops - e: Operational Fighter Technical Trainer - e: Operational Flight and Tactics Trainer OF/WST e: Operational Flight/Weapons System Trainer OG d: Operative Gruppe - e: Officer of the Guard - e: Operation Greenhouse [atomic weapons testing] - i: Organico di guerra O.G. d: Offiziersgesellschaft OGA d: Offiziersgesellschaft der Adjutanten OGAMA e: Ogden Air Materiel Area OGC-N e: Office of the General Counsel, Navy OGLA e: Officers Grade Limitation Action OGM e: Office of Guided Missiles OGMA ρ: Oficinas Gérais de Material Aeron utico OGMC e: Ordnance Guided Missile Center OGMS e: Ordnance Guided Missile School OGO e: Officer Grade Objectives OGPA e: Office of the General Purchasing Agent OGR e: Ordnance, Gunnery and Readiness Division OGRA e: Russian thermonuclear device, very large in size OGVpl/StOV d: Organisations- und Gesch OH e: Observation Helicopter O/H e: Over-the-Horizon Transmission OHARNG e: Ohio Army National Guard O.H.C.I. e: Office of the High Commissioner for India OHD-B e: Over-the-Horizon Detection Radar-Backscatter OHF e: Ordnance Historical Files

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OH/FH e: Operating Hour/Flight Hour OHK n: Oorlogsherinneringskruis O.H.L. d: Oberste Heeresleitung OHL d: Oberste Heeresleitung OHMP e: United States Army Oral Health Maintenance Program OHP e: Operational Hit Probabilities OHQ e: Originating Headquarters - e: Overseas Headquarters OHR e: Over-the-Horizon Radar OHS d: Offiziershochschule der Landstreitkräfte - r: Officershögskolan O/H Transmission e: Over-the-Horizon Transmission OHWS e: Offensive Handgun Weapon System O.I.A. s: Oficina de Información de Artillería OIAF e: Office of Information for the Armed Forces OIAUS e: 164th Infantry Association of the United States 0 - i - C e: Officer-in-Charge O.I.C. e: Operational Intelligence Centre OICC e: Officer-in-Charge of Construction OICCFE e: Officer-in-Charge of Construction, Far East OICCSW e: Objective Individual Combat & Crew Served Weapon OICMATCU e: Officer-in-Charge, Marine Air Traffic Control Unit OICW e: Objective Individual Combat Weapon OID f: Organisation Interaméricaine de Défense - f: Organisation Internationale de Désarmement OIDMM f: Office International de Documentation de Médecine Militaire OIDP e: Oversea Internal Defense Policy OIFCRD e: Ordnance Integrated Fire Control Repair Detachment OIL e: Ordnance Investigation Laboratory OILSAR e: Ocean-Ice-Land Synthetic Aperture Radar 01-N e: Office of Information Navy O in C e: Officer-in-Charge OINCABCCTC e: Officer-in-Charge, Advanced Base Combat Communication Training Center ΟΙΟ e: Operations Integration Officer OIPM f: Organisation Internationale du Pentathlon Militaire OIRA e: Official Irish Republican Army OIR-N e: Office of Industrial Relations, Navy OIS e: Officer of Information Service O i Τ e: Officer in Training OITC e: Officer-In-Tactical Command OITDS e: Operations and Intelligence Tactical Data Systems OIW e: Order of the Indian Wars OJCS e: Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff OJTA e: Officer Job/Task Analysis OK d: Oberkommando - d: Ortskommandant - d: Ortskommandantur Ok r: Officerskurs OKA d: Organisation in Kursen der Armee OKAF e: Kuwait Air Force Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn j: Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japónica OKB e: Missile design bureau OKC e: Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics, Kingston, Ontario Okdo d: Oberkommando

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ONMPC OkFsAGM e: United States Army, Artillery and Guided Missile School, Fort Sill OKH d: Oberkommando des Heeres OKK d: Oberkriegskommissariat - d: Offizierskleiderkasse OKL d: Oberkommando der Luftwaffe Okla Mil Dist e: Oklahoma Military District OKM d: Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine - d: Oberkommando der Marine OKR e: Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario OKrG d: Oberkriegsgericht OKrGer. d: Oberkriegsgericht OKW d: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht OL e: Ordnance Lieutenant OLA e: Ogaden Liberation Army O-Lager d: Offizierslager OLA-N e: Office of Legislative Affairs, Navy OLBM e: Orbital-Launched Ballistic Missile OLCPR e: Canadian Peace Research Institute, London, Ontario O L Cr e: Ordnance LieutenantCommander OLCR e: Ordnance Lieutenant-Commander OLDFOS e: Old Established Forces OLI e: Oxfordshire Light Infantry OLK d: Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte OLM e: Office for Laboratory Management OLPAR e: Other Large Phased-Array Radar O&LPWP e: Operational and Logistical Procedures Working Party Oltn. d: Oberleutnant OLV a: Orlogsvaerftet ÖLV d: Österreichische Landesverteidigung OM e: Operating Manuals - e: Operating Material - e: Ordnance Mission - s: Oficina militar O.M. / · Officiers Mécaniciens - f: Opérations Militaires OMA e: Office of Military Applications - e: Office of Military Assistance - e: Office of Mine Awareness - e.· Office of the Military Attaché - e: Oklahoma Military Academy O & MA e: Operations and MaintenanceArmy O.M.A. /• Opérations Militaires Amphibies - f: Organisation Métropolitaine de l'Armée OMAF e: Operations and Maintenance, Air Force OM/A/N/AF/M e: Operation and Maintenance, Army/Navy/Air Force/USMC OMANG e: Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard OMAO e: Office of Marine and Aviation Operations ΟΜΑΡ e: Office of Military Assistance Programs OMAR e: Operations and Maintenance, Army Reserve OMARNG e: Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard OMB e: Office of Management and Budget OMC e: Office of Military Cooperation - e: Office of Munitions Control - e: One Man Control - e: Ordnance Missile Command - e: Oxford Military College

O.M.C, e: Oxford Military College OMCR e: Organized Marine Corps Reserve O&M-DA e: Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies Omega e: Long-range navigation aid OMEGA e: Operation Model Evaluation Group, Air Force - e: Optimal Missile Engagement Guidance Algorithm O-Messe d: Offiziersmesse OMEW e: Office of Missile Electronic Warfare OM&F e: Organization, Mission and Functions Manual O.M.F. f: Occupation Militaire Française OMFC e: Overseas Military Forces of Canada OMG e: Office of Military Government OMGB e: Office of Military Government for Bavaria OMGBS e: Office of Military Government for Berlin Sector OMGBW e: Office of Military Government for Baden-Württemberg OMGG[US] e: Office of Military Government for Germany, United States OMGG[US] e: Office of Military Government for Germany, United States OMGH e: Office of Military Government for Hesse OMGLB e: Office of Military Government for Land Bremen OMGT e: Overall Missile Guidance Tests OMGUS e: Office of Military Government, United States OMGIISZ e: Office of Military Government, United States Zone OMGWB e: Office of Military Government for Wuerttemberg-Baden OMI i: Ordinario Militare per l'Italia OMIPRA f: Opération Militaire de Production Agricole OMIRE i: Organo Misto Interministeriale per le Riparazioni di Emergenza Omit f: Organisation militaire interarmées de transmissions OMIT f: Organisation Mondiale Interarmees du Haut Commandement Francais OML e: Orbiting Military Laboratory - e: Ordnance Missile Laboratories - e: Organizational Maintenance Level OMLA e: Organizational Maintenance Level Activity OMM e: Office of Marine Minerals - e: Officer of the Order of Military Merit - e: Omnirange O.M.M. e: Officer of the Order of Military Merit - / · Officier de l'Ordre du Mérite Militaire OMMC e: Officer Messenger Mail Center O&M, MC e: Operations and Maintenance, Marine Corps O&MMCR e: Operation & Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve OMMS e: Organizational Missile Maintenance Squadron OMMSC e: Officer Messenger Mail Sub Center O & MN e: Operation and Maintenance, Navy - e: Overhaul and Maintenance, Navy omni e: omnirange OMNIRANGE e: Omnidirectional Radio Range OMNIS f: Office Militaire National pour les Industries Stratégiques OMNITENNA e: Omnirange Antenna 0 & MNR e: Operation and Maintenance, Naval Reserve

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

OMO e: Office of Marine Operations OMOB e: Offensive Missile Order of Battle i: Ordine di movimento i: Ordine di movimento per ferrovia i: Ordine di movimento per via ordinaria OMPC e: Overseas Military Personnel Charter OMPF e: Official Military Personnel File - e: Official Military Police File OMPUS e: Official Munitions Production United States OMRO e: Ordnance Materials Research Officer OMRW e: Optical MASER [Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation] Radiation Weapon OMS e: Optical MASER [Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation] System - e: Organizational Maintenance Squadron - f: Office Militaire de Sécurité OMSLMSq e: Organizational Missile Maintenance Squadron OMSRADS e: Optimum Mix of ShortRange Air Defense Systems OMT e: Officiating Minister to the Troops - e: Old Merchant Taylors - e: Other Military Targets - f: Organisation Militante des Travailleurs O.M.T. e: Officiating Minister to the Troops OMTE e: Organizational Maintenance Test Equipment O.M.T.E. f: Organisation Militaire Territoriale Européenne OMTF e: Officers Master Tape File - e: Overall Missile Test Facility OMTN e: Other Military Teletype Network ONAC / · Office national des anciens combattants - f: Œuvre Nationale des Anciens Combattants O.N.A.C.V.G. / Office National des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre O.N.A.G. f: Œuvre nationale des anciens combattants et victimes de la guerre - f: Œuvre Nationale des Anciens combattants et victimes de la Guerre ONATA e: Office of North Atlantic Treaty Affairs O-NAV e: Onboard Navigation ONBOSIIB e: On Board a Submarine ONC e: Operational Navigational Chart[s] - e: Overall NATO Command O.N.C. /• Office National des Combattants - i: Opera Nazionale Combattenti ONCO e: Operations Non-Commissioned Officer ONF e: Offensive Nuclear Forces O.N.F. f: Occupation Navale Française ON H e: Office of Naval History ONI e: Office of Naval Intelligence ONIG i: Opera Nazionale Invalidi di Guerra ONIO e: Office of Naval Inspectors of Ordnance ONL e: Outer Nuclear Layer ONM e: Office of Naval Material ONMINST e: Office of Naval Material Publication Type Instruction ON Μ Ρ e: Office of Nuclear Materials Processing - e: Office of Nuclear Materials Production ONMPC e: Office of Naval MaterialPermanent Cadre


ONMSS ONMSS e: Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards O N O e: Office of Naval Operations ONOP e: Office of Naval Officer Procurement ONPG e: Operations Nuclear Planning Group ONPOSR e: Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves ONR e: Office of Naval Research - e: Operational NonRadar Directed Flights ONR/BO e: Office of Naval Research/Branch Office ONRBRO e: Office of Naval Research Branch Research Office ONRC e: Office of Naval Research, Chicago ONRL e: Office of Naval Research, London ONRR e: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research ONS e: Omega Navigation System ONSIDIV e: On-Sight Surveys Division ONSOD e: Omega Navigation System Operations Detail ONST e: Outline NATO Staff Target Ont.R. e: Ontario Regiment ONW e: Office of Naval Weapons OO e: Observation Officer - e: Operations Officer - e: Orderly Officer - e: Ordnance Officer O.O. d: Ordonnanzoffizier OOB e: Order of Battle - e: Ordnance Office Bulletin OOCFB e: Canadian Forces Base, Ottawa, Ontario OOCIIPS e: Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security Ottawa, Ontario OOD e: Officer of the Day - e: Officer of the Deck OODRC e: Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, Department of National Defence Ontario OOD/W e: Officer of the Day/Watch OOF e: Offensive Only Fighter OOf e: Ordnance Officer O of Β e: Order of Battle O. Offr. e: Orderly Officer OOG e: Officer of the Guard OOLHMD e: Optimized Optical-Link Helmet-Mounted Display OOND e: Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDAT e: Air Technical Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDC e: Communications and Electronics Engineering Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDCP e: Chief, Construction and Properties, Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDCS e: Communications Security Establishment, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDH e: Directorate of History, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDIS e: Directorate of Information Services, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDJ e: Judge Advocate General, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDLT e: Land Technical Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario


OONDM e: National Defence Medical Centre, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDMC e: Mapping and Charting Establishment, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDMT e: Maritime Technical Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDORAE e: Operational Research and Analysis Establishment, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDT e: Secretary of State Library at National Defence, Ottawa, Ontario OONMC e: Canadian War Museum Ottawa, Ontario OOQ e: Officer of the Quarters OOQA e: Director-General, Quality Assurance Library, Department of National Defence, Ottawa, Ontario OOTW e: Operations Other Than War OOW e: Office of Operations and Weapons - e: Officer of the Watch Ö O W d: Österreichische Ortswehr[en] OP d: Orientierungspunkt OPA e: Other Procurement, Army OPAAS e: Optimum Aircraft Armament System Op. A/C e: Operational Aircraft OP/A/N/AF e: Other Procurement, Army/Navy/Air Force OPANAL e: Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean - s: Organismo para la Proscripción de las Armas Nucleares en la America Latina y el Caribe O.P.C. /• Office postal centralisateur OPCC e: Offutt Air Force Base Processing and Correlation Center Op CCCG e: Opinion, Chief Counsel, United States Coast Guard OPCOM e: Operational Command OPCOMCTR e: Operational Command Center OPCW e: Office of Petroleum Coordination for War - e: Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPD e: Operations Division - e: Operations Planning Division OpD d\ Operativer Diensthabender OPDAR e: Optical Radar OPDC e: Overseas Policy Defence Committee OpDevFor e: Operational Development Force, Atlantic Fleet OPD WDGS e: Operations Division, War Department General Staff OPENAH e: Operational Evaluation of Armed Helicopters OPERSCRS e: Officer Personnel Course OPF e: Operations Flight OPFAD e: Outer-Perimeter Fleet Air Defense OPFOR e: Opposing Forces OPICND e: Office of Petroleum Industry Coordinator for National Defense OPM s: Organización Politico-Militar O.P.M. e: Office, Provost Marshal OPMAC e: Operations for Military Aid to the Community OPMACC e: Operations for Military Aid to the Civilian Community OPMARV e: Operational Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle OPMD e: Office for Production and Management of Defense

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- e: Officer Personnel Management Directorate OPMOR e: Operations Materiel and Organization Review OPMS e: Officer Personnel Management Systems OPN e: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations - e: Optimised-Profile Navigation - e: Other Procurement, Navy OPNAV e: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OPNAVINST e: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instructions OPNAVO e: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OPNSEVAL & TNGSq e: Operational Evaluation and Training Squadron ΟΡΟ e: Office of the Personnel Officer Op. Offr. e: Operations Officer OPR e: Office of Primary Responsibility - e: Officer Performance Report OPRA e: Observation Post Royal Artillery OPRRB e: Officer Personnel Record Review Board OPRUCA s: Oficina de Planeacción Regional Universitaria de la Costa Atlántica OPS e: Ocean Patrol Ship - e: Operations Division - e: Operations Officer - e: Operations Squadron - e: Operations Staff OP[S]ARMYJAG e: Opinion[s] of the Army Judge Advocate General Ops Atts Gen e: Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the United States OPS DIV e: Operations Division Ops JAG e: Opinions of the Judge Advocate General, United States Army OP-Skizze d: Orientierungspunktskizze OPSR e: Ordnance Provision System Regulations opt d: Optik OPTADS e: Operations Tactical Data Systems OPTAN e: Operations Target Analysis OPTAR e: Operating Target OPTEC e: Operational Test and Evaluation Command Optevfor e: Operational Test and Evaluation Force OPTEVFOR e: Operational Test and Evaluation Force, Norfolk, Va. OPTIPARES e: Optical Processing of Airborne Remote Sensing Optran e: Optical Transmission O-Punkt d: Orientierungspunkt OPUS e: Officer Planning Utilization System OPV e: Offshore Patrol Vessel OPZ d: Offizierbewerberprüfzentrale OpZ d: Operationszentrale OQ e: Officers' Quarters OQM e: Office of the Quartermaster OQM-G e: Office of the QuartermasterGeneral OQR e: Officer's Qualification Record OQT e: Officer Qualification Test O.Qu, d: Oberquartiermeister OQuBw d: Oberquartiermeister der Bundeswehr OR e: Bureau of Ordnance - e: Officer of Reserve - e: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion - e: Omnidirectional Range - e: Ordnance Corps - e: Ordnance Requirement - e: Organized Reserve

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OSFCW O/R e: Ordnance Requirement ORA e: Operational Radar Directed Flights - i: Officina Riparazioni Automezzi O.R.A. e: Officiai Records of the Admiralty - f: Organisation de la Résistance de l'Armée ORAAP e: Outstanding Reserve Airman Appointment Program ORad e: Officer Radar O.R.A.F. f: Office de Renseignements et d'Aide aux Familles de Militaires O.R.A.I.G. f: Office de Renseignements et d'Aide aux Invalides de Guerre ORALFORE e: Opposed Rates of Advance of Large Forces in Europe ORATMS e: Off-Route Antitank Mine System ORBAT e; Order of Battle - e: Order of Battle Report ORBATTOA e: Order of Battle-Transfer of Authority ORC e: Officers' Reserve Corps - e: Orderly Room Corporal - e: Ordnance Rocket Center - e: Organized Reserve Corps - e: Outbound Radar Control O.R.C, e: Officers' Reserve Corps - e: Orderly Room Corporal ORCEN e: Overseas Records Center ORCRE i: Organo Regionale di Coordinamento per le Riparazioni di Emergenza ORD e: Off-Range Distance - e: Officers' Replacement Depot - e: Operational Research Division - e: Ordnance [Corps] Ord e: Ordinary Seaman ORDA e: Oceanographic Research for Defense Application Ord Β e: Ordnance Board Ord. Bd. e: Ordnance Board ORDBN e: Ordnance Battalion OrdBrd e: Ordnance Board ORDC e: Army Ordnance Corps OrdC e: Ordnance Corps ORDC e: Ordnance Research and Development Center [Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland] ORDCORPS e: Ordnance Corps ORDENG e: Ordnance Engineering ORDFAC e: Ordnance Facility ORDHAC e: Ordnance Systems Command Hydroballistics Advisory Committee Ord HAM Co e: Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance Company ORDIR e: Omni-Range Digital Radar ORDM e: Ordnance Corps Manual Ord Maint Bn e: Ordnance Maintenance Battalion OrdMslComd e: Ordnance Missile Command OrdO e: Ordnance Officer OrdRC e: Ordnance Reserve Corps Ord Ree & C Co e: Ordnance Recovery & Combat Company Ord.Sch. e: Ordnance School Ord Sgt e: Ordnance Sergeant ORDSYSCOM e: Ordnance Systems Command OrdWpnComd e: Ordnance Weapons Command OrdzOffz d: Ordonnanzoffizier ORETAC e: Organization and Employment of the Tank Battalion ORF e: Operational Readiness Fleet - e: Optical Rangefinder

ORG d: Offiziersreitgesellschaft Zürich - i: Officina Riparazioni [materiali] del Genio Organization e: Pan African Students International Peace and Voluntary Services OrgRes d: Organisation für Betreuung und Weiterbildung der Reservisten der Bundeswehr ORI e: Orders and Requests for Information ORIN e: Orleans Installation O.R.I.N.D. e: Office of Research and Inventions of the Navy Department ORK d: Oberste Rückstellungskommission ORL e: Observed Range Limit ORLA e: Optimum Repair Level Analysis ORM e: Off-Route Mine ORMA e: Office for Relation with Military and Occupation Authorities OR/MC e: Operational Requirements/Military Characteristics ORMEC i: Officina Riparazioni Mezzi Corazzati ORMI e: Oak Ridge Military Institute ORMOA e: Office for Relations with Military and Occupation Authorities ORNL e: Ordnance Navy Laboratory ORO e: Operational Research Organization [US Army] - e: Operations Research Office ORP e: Operational Readiness Platform - / · Officier de relations publiques ORPS e: Overseas Return Placement System ORPSU e: Organized Reserve Port Security Unit ORR e: Omnidirectional Radar Range - e: Operational Radar Replacement ORRB e: Organic Radio Review Board ORRV e: Off-Road Recreation Vehicle ORS e: Offensive Radar System - e: Operational Research Station [Section] - e: Orderly Room Sergeant - e: Over Range Station ors e: omnidirectional range station ORSA / • Officier de réserve en situation d'activité ORS[BC] e: Operational Research Section [Bomber Command] O.R.S.E. f: Officiers de réserve admis au stage d'épreuve ORSEM f: Officier de réserve du service d'état-major ORSMC e: Off/Route Smart Mine Clearance ORS[S] e: Operational Research Section [Singapore] ORT e: Overland Radar Technology - i: Officina Riparazioni [materiali] delle Trasmissioni ORTE i: Officina Riparazioni Trattori dell'Esercito Orts Kdt d: Ortskommandant ORTI) e: Other Ranks Training Unit ORVs e: Ocean Range Vessels ORWP e: Optical Radiation Weapon Program ORZ e: Omni-Range Zero - e: Omnirange Zone - e: Outer Radiation Zone OS d: Offiziersschule - e: Observation Squadron - e: Observer School - e: Office of Standardization [Army Aviation] - e: Officers' Steward - e: Operation Sandstone [atomic weapons testing]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Operation Snapper [atomic weapons testing] - e: Ordnance Services - f: Organisation Spéciale [de Combat] OSA Ρ: Oficerska Szkola Artylerii - d: Organisation in Schulen der Armee - e: Office of the Secretary of the Army - e: Operational Support Aircraft Osa e: Soviet guided-missile patrol boats OSA [ABCMR] e: Office, Secretary of the Army [Army Board for Correction of Military Records OSAF e: Office of the Secretary of the Air Force OSALSAA e: Office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Army Aircraft OSALSTC e: Office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Tactical Communications OSAPL P: Oficerska Szkola Artylerii Przeciwlotniczej OSASN e: Office of Special Assistant, Secretary of the Navy OSB d: Oberstabsbootsmann - e: Officer Selection Board - e: Officer Selection Brief - e: Operational Stations Book OSBPiWS P: Oficerska Szkola Broni Pancernej i Wojsk Samochodowych OSC e: Operating System Command - e: Ordnance Service Corps - e: Ordnance Systems Command O's C e: Officers Commanding O.S.C, e: Ordnance Service Corps OSCAR e: Optical Submarine Communications by Aerospace Relay OSCR e: Ocean Surface Current Radar O.S.C.S.A. e: Ordnance Survey Civil Staff Association OSD e: Office [of the] Secretary of Defense - e: Operational Support Directive - e: Ordnance Store Department - e: Overseas Supply Division O.S.D. e: Ordnance Store Department - e: Ordnance Survey Department OSDAA e: Ordnance Supply Demand Analysis Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, N.J. OSD [AE] e: Office of the Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy OSD BMC e: Office of the Secretary of Defense Ballistic Missile Committee OSD[C] e: Office of the Secretary of Defense [Comptroller] OSD/DSAA e: Office of the Secretary of Defense, Defense Security Assistance Agency OSDIdentBad e: Office of the Secretary of Defense Identification Badge OSD/I&L e: Office of the Secretary of Defense/Installations and Logistics OSD/ISA e: Office of the Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs OSDiv e: Oversea Supply Division OSDOC e: O f f s h o r e Discharge of Container OSD[PA&E] e: Office of the Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation OSD[PA & E] e: Office of the Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation OSDSA e: Office of the Secretary of Defense Systems Analysis OSDSAC e: Office of the Secretary of Defense-Scientific Advisory Committee OSF e: Organizational Status File OSFCW e: Office of Solid Fuels Coordinator for War


OSI OSI e: Office of Strategie Information - e: Operating Space Item OSIGO e: Office of the Chief Signal Officer OSIS e: Ocean Surveillance Information System ÖSK d: Österreichisches Schwarzes Kreuz OSKBW Ρ: Oficerska Szkoía Korpus Bezpieczenstwa Wewçtrznego OSL Ρ: Oficerska Szkoía Lotnicza - d: Offiziersschule der Luftwaffe OSLw d: Offizierschule der Luftwaffe OSM e: Ordnance Safety Manual OSMW P: Oficerska Szkola Marynarki Wojennej OSN e: Office of the Secretary of the Navy OSO e: Ordnance Supply Office [r] OSODS e: Office of Strategic Offensive and Defensive Systems OSOR e: Operational Standoff Range OSP P: Oficerska Szkola Piechoty - e: Objective and Strategies Plan - e: Operational Survival Plan [Civil Defense] - e: Operations Support Plan - e: Outfitting Stock Point OSPA e: Overseas Pensioners' Association O.S.P.A. e: Overseas Service Pensioners' Association OSPI e: Office of Strategic Planning and Integration OSPRD Board e: Officers Selection, Promotion, Reclassification, and Disposal Board OSR e: Office of Scientific Research, Air Force - e: Office of Strategic Research - e: Official Visitors Spot Report - e: Output Signal Range - f: Organisation des Secours rapides OSS Ρ: Oficerska Szkola Amochodowa - e: Office of Strategic Services - e: Old submarine - e: Operational Support Squadron OSSA e: Ordnance Service and Supplies, Army OSSNSS e: Ordnance Supply Segment of the Navy Supply System OSST e: Operational Site System Test O.-St. d: Offizierstellvertreter OST d: Organisation der St - d: Organisation der Stäbe und Truppen - e: Objectives, Strategies and Tactics - e: Operational Sea Training OStBtsm d: Oberstabsbootsmann OSI) Ρ: Oficerska Szkola Uzbrojenia - e: Ordnance Support Unit OSW e: Office of Secretary of War - e: Operational Weapon Satellite - e: Operations Support Wing - e: Orbital Weapon System - e: Ordnance Weapon Systems - e: The Office of Secretary of War OSWAC e: Ordnance Special Weapons Ammunition Command OSWC e: Ordnance Special Weapons Command OSWChem P: Oficerska Szkola Wojsk Chemicznych OSWD e: Office of Special Weapons Development OSWR e: Office of Scientific & Weapons Research OSWS e: Ordnance Special Weapons Supply OSZE d: Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa OT e: Observer-Target - e: Operating Theatre


- e: Opportunity Target - e: Organization and Training Division - n: Opleiding & training O.T. f: Officiers Techniciens O&T e: Operations and Training OTAD / · Office des Travaux de l'Armée Démobilisée OTADL e: Outer Target Azimuth Datum Line OTAN p: Organizaçâo do Tratado do Atlántico Norte - s: Organización del Tratado Atlántico Norte OTAS e: Observers Target Acquisition System OTASE f: Organisation du Traité de défense pour l'Asie du Sud-Est O-TAWCS e: Okinawa-Tactical Air Weapons Control System OTB e: Ordnance and Terminal Ballistics OTC e: Officer in Tactical Command - e: Officers' Training Camp - e: Officers' Training College - e: Officers' Training Corps - e: Operational Training Command - e: Ordnance Training Command O.T.C, e: Officers' Transit Camp - e: Operational Training Command OTCIXS e: Office-in-Tactical Command Information Exchange Subsystem OTCM e: Ordnance Technical Committee Minutes OTCSigO e: Office of the Theater Chief Signal Officer OTDC e: Optical Target Designation Computer OTDD e: Optical Target Detecting Device OTEC e: Operational Test & Evaluation Command OTEF e: Overseas Troops Entertainment Fund OTEP e: Operational Test and Evaluation Plan OTES e: Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron OTP d: Organisation der Truppenkörper und Formationen OTFE e: Optical Terminal Flight Evaluation OTG e: OPTEVFOR Tactics Guide OTH e: Over-The-Horizon [Backscatter] Radar OTHAAC2 e: Over-the-Horizon Amphibious Assault Command & Control OTH[-]B e: Over The HorizonBackscatter [radar] OTHB Radar e: Over-the-Horizon Backscatter Radar OTH-B WCRS e: Over-the-Horizon Backscatter West Coast Radar System OTHDT e: Over-The-Horizon Detection & Targeting othf e: over-the-horizon forward scatter OTHR e: Over-the-Horizon Radar OTHSAR e: Over the Hhorizon/Synthetic Aperture Radar OTH-T e: Over-the-Horizon-Targeting OTHT-G e: Over the Horizon Targeting Gold OTIS e: Operational Test Instrumentation Ship O.T.M. f: Officier Technicien de la Marine OTPEC e: Officer Training Program Examining Center OTPM e: Office of the Theater Provost Marshal OTQMG e: Office of the Quartermaster General

Κ · G · Saur, München

OTR d: Operativ-taktische Rakete - e: Operating Temperature Range - e: Oxford Territorial Regiment OTRA e: Other than Regular Army O.tra.frv. i: Ordine di trasporto per ferrovia OTRAN e: Ocean Test Ranges and Instrumentation Conference OTRAR e: Other than Regular Army O.tra.v.o. i: Ordine di trasporto per via ordinaria OTS e: Officer Training School - e: Officers' Training School - e: Operational Training Squadron O.T.S. e: Officers' Training School OTSC e: Officials Treaty Strategy Committee OTT e: Operator Tactics Trainer - e: Optional Team Targeting OTTER e: Operational Training, Test and Evaluation Radar OTU e: Officers' Training Unit - e: Operational Training Unit O.T.U. e: Officers' Training Unit [R.A.F.] OTUH e: Operational Training Unit, Helicopter OTV e: Operational Test Vehicle OTW e: Over the Wing OHAS e: Oxford University Air Squadron OUK e: Operation Upshot-Knothole [atomic weapons testing] O.U.O.T.C, e: Oxford University Officers' Training Corps OUSA e: Office, Undersecretary of Army OUSAF e: Office, Undersecretary of Air Force OUSAIRA e: Office of the United States Air Attaché OUSARMA e: Office of the United States Army Attaché OUSD e: Office of the Under-Secretary of Defense OUSD [Al e: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense [Acquisition] OUSD[A&T] e: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense [Acquisition and Technology] OUSD[P] e: Office of the Under-Secretary of Defense [Policy] OUSDRE e: Office of the Under-Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering OUSDR[&]E e: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering OUSN e: Office of the Undersecretary of Navy OUSOFA e: Office of the Undersecretary of the Army OUSW e: Office of the Undersecretary of War OUTBOARD e: Organizational Unit Tactical Baseline Ops Area Range Detection OUTC e: Ordnance Unit Training Center OUTUS e: Outside the United States OVA e: Office of Veterans' Affairs O.v.B. d: Offizier vom Bereitschaftsdienst Ov.Comd. e: Overseas Command O.v.D. d: Offizier vom Dienst OVER e: Optimum Vehicle for Effective Reconnaissance OVR e: Operable Vehicle Rate OvSt d: Offizier vom Standortdienst OVSVA A: Oranje Vrystaatse Veld Artillerie OvWa d: Offizier vom Wachdienst OW e: Ordinary Warfare - η: Oorlogswoekeraar OWC e: Officers' Wives Club - e: Ordnance Weapons Command

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

PAMDS O.W.C, e: Office of War Cabinet OWDM e: Originai Water Depth Mine OWG d: Offizier-Wohlfahrtsgemeinschaft O.W.H. e: Organization of Wartime Hospitals OWI e: Office of War Information OWI-MIS e: Office of War Information, Military Intelligence Section OWI-PWD e: Office of War Information, Prisoners of War Division OWL/D e: Optical Warning, Location & Detection OWM e: Office of War Mobilization OWMR e: Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion OWP e: Office of Weapons Production OWR e: Obligated War Reserves OWRM e: Other War Reserve Material OWRMR e: Other War Reserve Materiel Requirements OWS e: Operational Weapon Satellite - e: Ordnance Weapon System - e: Overhead Weapon Station OWTL e: Open-Wire Transmission Line o w n e: Office of War Utilities OXF BUCKS e: The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Oxf. & Bucks L.I. e: Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry OZARC e: Ozone ARCAS [All-purpose Rocket for Collecting Atmospheric Soundings] O.z.b.V. d: Offizier zur besonderen Verwendung OzFStBw d: Ozeanographische Forschungsstelle der Bundeswehr

Ρ Ρ d: Abteilung Personal - e: Patrol - e: Platoon Ρ e: Bureau of Naval Personnel P-2 e: Lockheed Neptune antisubmarine and reconnaisance naval aircraft P-3 e: Lockheed Orion antisubmarine and patrol aircraft P-5 e: Marlin twin-engine allweahter seaplane for longrange antisubmarine patrol and electronic reconnaissance PA d: Panzerarmee - d: Personalamt [OKH] - d: Polnische Armee - e: Military Preparing Activity - e: Pacific Army - e: Pakistan Army - e: Philippine Army Pa d: Patrouillenboot PA. d: Panzerarmee - d: Personalamt [OKH] P.A. d: Personalamt [OKH] - f: Partisans Armés P/A e: Pilotless Aircraft Ρ & A e: Pioneer and Ammunition PAA. d: Panzerabwehrabteilung - d: Propaganda-Ausbildungsabteilung PAACS e: Prior Active Army Commissioned Service PAAD e: Project Army Aviation Data P.A.A.D.C. e: Principal Air Aide-de-Camp PAAES e: Prior Active Army Enlisted Service PAAFCS e: Prior Active Air Force Commissioned Service PAAFES e: Prior Active Air Force Enlisted Service PAAMS e: Primary Anti-Air Missile System

PA/A/N/AF e: Procurement of Ammunition, Army/Navy/Air Force PAAP e: Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact PAAR e: Precision Approach Airfield Radar PAAWS e: Principal Anit-Air Warfare System PAB d: Prüf- und Abstimmbasis - e: Patrick Air Force Base PAC e: Pacific Air Command - e: Pacific Airmotive Corporation, Burbank, California - e: Pacific Area Command - e: Peace Action Center - e: People's Army Congress - e: Program Advisory Committee - e: Programmable Armament Control P.A.C. / · Prêtres Anciens Combattants, Paris PACADV e: Pacific Fleet Advance Headquarters [Guam] PACAF e: Pacific Air Command Air Forces - e: Pacific Air Force PACAFBASECOM e: Pacific Air Forces Base Command PACC e: Production Administration Contract Control PACCOM e: Pacific Command - e: Pacific Fleet Communications Instructions PACCS e: Post-Attack Command and Control System PACCS-ADA e: Post-Attack Command and Control System-Airborne Data Automation PacD e: Pacific Division PACD e: Plan of Action to Combat Desertification PACDIV e: Pacific Division PACE-LV e: Preflight Acceptance Checkout Equipment for Launch Vehicle PACEX e: Pacific Exchange System PACFLT e: Pacific Fleet PACFLTCOM e: Pacific Fleet Command PACHEDPEARL e: Pacific Headquarters, Pearl Harbor PACMISRAN e: Pacific Missile Range PACMISRANFAC e: Pacific Missile Range Facility PACMISTESTCEN e: Pacific Missile Test Center PACOM e: Pacific Command PACOMEW e: Pacific Command Electronic Warfare PACOMINTS e: Pacific Command Intelligence School PACREP e: Pan African Centre for Research and/on Peace, Development and Human Rights PACRESFLT e: Pacific Reserve Fleet PACRPF e: Pacific Area CommandRehabilitation Project Force PACS e: Pacific Area Communications System - e: Paris American Committee to Stop war - e: Programmable Armament Control Set P.A.C.S. e: Provisional Army of the Confederate States PACUSA e: Pacific Air Command, United States Army PACV e: Patrol Air-Cushioned Vehicle PAD e: Panama Air Depot - e: Passive Air Defence - e: Petroleum Administration for Defense - e: Point Air Defence - e: Port Air Defense - e: Public Affairs Division - e: Pueblo Army Depot

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

PADAF e: Pacific Command Air Defense Analysis Facility PADAR e: Passive [Airborne] Detection and Ranging PADD e: Petroleum Administration for Defense District PADFAR e: Program for Air Defense Forward Area PADGERC e: PACOM [Pacific Area Command] Air Defense Ground Environment Requirements Committee PADLOC e: Passive Detection and Location of Countermeasures PADLOCC e: Passive-Active Detection and Location Countermeasures PADO e: Passive Air Defence Officer PADRA e: Pass to Air Defense Radar PADS e: Parametric Array Doppler Sonar - e: Position Attack Defence System PADS System e: Parametric Array Doppler Sonar System PADT e: Point Air Defence Trainer PAEWCC e: Peace Activists East and West Coordinating Committee PAF e: Pacific Air Force[s] - e: Pakistan Air Force - e: Philippine Air Force - e: Polish Air Force - e: Portuguese Air Force PAFB e: Patrick Air Force Base PAFC2N e: PACAF Command and Control Network PAFDEF e: PACAF Defense Network PAFS e: Primary Air Force Specialty PAFSC e: Primary Air Force Specialty Code PAFTA e: Pacific Area Free Trade Area PAFVA e: Polish Air Force Veterans Association PAFVONET e: PACAF Command and Control Voice Network P.A.G. e: Peace Aims Group PAIC e: Persia and Iraq Command PAIF e: Persia and Iraq Force PAINT e: Post Attack Intelligence PAIRC e: Pacific Air Command Pak d: Pz Abw Kanone PAL P: Polska Armia Ludowa PALCC e: Pacific Airlift Control Center PALE e: Popular Army for the Liberation of Eritrea PALI e: Prince Albert's Light Infantry PALIS e: Polarized Airborne Laser Imaging Sensor PALR d: Panzerabwehr-Lenkrakete - e: Permissive Action Link Report [Army] PALR-A d: Panzerabwehr LenkraketenAbteilung PALR-Bttr d: Panzerabwehr LenkraketenBatterie PAM e: People's Anti-war Mobilization - e: Permanent Active Militia - e: Phoenix Airborne Missile - e: Procurement Aircraft and Missiles - / · Programme d'Aide Militaire - / · Programme d'Assistance Militaire - s\ Piloto de aviación militar - s: Plan de ayuda militar PAMC e: Pakistan Army Medical Corps - e: Progressive Aircraft Maintenance Concept PAMCCS e: Prior Active Marine Corps Commissioned Service PAMCES e: Prior Active Marine Corps Enlisted Service PAMCS e: Phoenix Airborne Missile Control System PAMDS e: Price and Management Data Section


PAME PAME e: Meteorological Conversion Process PAMIR e: Passive Airborne Modular Infra-Red PAMN e: Procurement Aircraft and Missiles, Navy PAMO e: Port Air Materiel Office PAMPA e: Pacific Area Movement Priority Agency PAMS e: Point Anti-Missile System PAMIISA e: Post-Attack Mobilization of the United States Army PAN e: Peace Action Network PANASCO e: Pan African Students International Peace and Voluntary Services Organization PAND e: Performing Artists for Nuclear Disarmament Ρ and A e: Pioneer and Ammunition PAND International e: Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament International PANDP e: Plans and Policy Division [SHAPE] PANES e: Prior Active Navy Enlisted Service PANGCS e: Prior Active National Guard Commissioned Service PANS e: Position and Navigation System Pansarinsp r: Inspektor för pansartrupperna PAO e: Prince Albert's Own PAOC e: Pacific Air Operations Center PAOCCS 2 e: Portuguese Air Command & Control Systems 2 PAP e: Patrol Amphibian Plane PAR d: Präzisions-Anflug-Radar - d: Pz Abw Raum - e: Peacetime Airborne Reconnaissance - e: Perimeter Acquisition Radar - e: Perimeter Array Radar - e: Phased Array Radar - e: Precision Approach Radar - e: Production, Augmentation, and Reliability - e: Provisioning Allowance Record - e: Pulse Acquisition Radar - s: Radar para Aproximación de Precisión PARA e: The Parachute Regiment parabat e: parachute battalion PARADE e: Passive-Active Range Determination PARADISE e: Phased Array Radar and Diverse Integrated Semiconductor Elementfs] PARB e: Perimeter Acquisition Radar Building PARC e: Pacific Air Rescue Center - e: Pacific Air Rescue Command - e: Polarimetrie Active Radar Calibrator PARCS e: Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System PARD e: Phased Array Radar Detection/Track PARes d: Panzerabwehr-Reserve PARES e: Passive Radar ESM System - e: Preprocessing of Airborne Remote Sensing Data PARM e: Precision Anti-Radiation Missile PAROS e: Passive Ranging of Submarines PARPRO e: Peacetime Aerial Reconnaissance Program PARRAS e: Prototype Army Rapid Reprogramming System PARRC e: Pacific Air Rescue Center PARU e: Personnel Applied Research Unit PAS e: Port Auxiliary Service - s\ Portaaviones antisubmarino


PASACO e: Pacific and Asian Affairs Council PASARS e: Podded Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System PASC e: Pacific Air Service Command - e: Palestine Armed Struggle Command - e: Panama Area Service Command PASGT e: Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops PA/SO e: Port Antisubmarine Officer PASS e: Passive Aircraft Surveillance System - e: Prototype Artillery Sub-System PAST e: Pacific/Asian Strategy for Tomorrow PASWEPS e: Passive Anti-Submarine Warfare Environmental Protection System PAT e: Patrick Air Force Base - e: Pre-Admission Testing Pat e: Patrol [s] PAT/ARM e: Passive Angle Tracking/Anti-Radiation Missile system PATASWDEVGRII e: Patrol Antisubmarine Warfare Development Group PATBOMRON e: Patrol Bombing Squadron Pat.Bt. e: Patrol Boat PATF e: Program Activation Task Force - e: Property Accountability Task Force PATFOR e: Patrol Force PATI e: Passive Airborne Time-difference Interception] PATMRG e: PACOM [Pacific Area Command] Air Target Materials Review Group Patr. e: Patrol PATRIOT e: Air Defense SAM System PATRON e: Patrol Squadron PATS e: Personnel Assistance Teams - e: Preacademic Training Student - e: Proliferation of Antitank Systems - e: Prototype Automatic Target Screener PATWING e: Patrol Wing PATWINGLANTFLT e: Patrol Wing Atlantic Fleet PATWINGSCOFOR e: Patrol Wing Scouting Force PAU e: Pacific Command Frequency Allocation and Uses PAVA e: Polish Army Veterans Association [of America] PAVAA e: Polish Army Veterans Association of America PAv As s: Portaviones antisubmarino PAVE-PAWS e: Phased-Array Radars PAVN e: People's Army of Vietnam PAVO e: Prince Albert Victor's Own PAVPAWS e: Precision Acquisition of Vehicle-Entry Phased-Array Warning System PAVUS e: Post Attack Viability of the US PAW e: Petroleum Administration for War PAWS e: Program for Avionics & Weapon Systems Pay Cmdr e: Paymaster-Commander PB d: Panzerbataillon - e: Pacific Brigade - e: Patrol Boat - e: Patrol bomber - e: Pilotless Bomber PBA d: Politisch Beratender Ausschuß [des Warschauer Paktes] PBAFB e: Palm Beach Air Force Base P-BAMS e: Programming—Budgeting and Accounting Management System PBAPS e: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station PBATS e: Portable Battlefield Attack System

© Κ · G • Saur, München

PBB d: Panzerbergebataillon PB[C] e: Patrol Boat [Coastal] PBF e: fast patrol boat - e: Patriotic Burmese Forces PBFG e: guided missile fast patrol boat PBI e: Peace Brigades International PBK d: Panzerbergekompanie PBL e: Protection Ballistic Limit PBM e: Patrol Bomber PBMR e: Provisional Basic Military Requirements P-boat e: Patrol Boat PBR e: Patrol Boat Reconaissance - e: Patrol Boat, River - e: Pencil Beam Radar - e: Precision Bombing Range - e: Pressurized Ballistic Range PBr d: Panzerbrigade PBt e: Patrol Boat PBU e: Peripheral Buffer Unit PBV e: Post-Boost Vehicle PBW e: Particle Beam Weapons PBY e: Patrol Bomber PC e: Patrol Carrier - e: Patrol-Coastal - e: Patrol Commander - e: Patrol Corvette - e: Patrol Craft - e: Paymaster-Captain - e: Paymaster-Commander - e: Peace Commissioner - e: Peace Corps - e: Pioneer Corps - e: Platoon Commander - e: Power Control - s: Preparación combativa P-333C e: Lockheed antisubmarine patrol plane P.C. e: Pay Corps - e: Pioneer Corps - e: Prophylactic Center PCA e: Pacific Communications Area P.C.A. / · Pharmacie Centrale de l'Armée PCAD e: Panama Coast Artillery District PCADist e: Panama Coast Artillery District PCAFB e: Pinecastle Air Force Base PCAU e: Parachute Course Administrative Unit PCBC e: Platoon Commander Battle Course PCBW e: Provisional Combat Bomber Wing PCC e: President of the Canteen Committee PCCS e: PACOM Command and Control System - e: Personnel Command and Control System PCD e: Panama Canal Defense Ρ Cdr e: Paymaster-Commander PCE e: Patrol Craft Escort - e: Patrol Craft, River PCEC e: Patrol Craft Escort Control PCE[R] e: Patrol Craft, Escort [Rescue] PCF d: Prager Christliche Friedenskonferenz - e: Patrol Craft Fast - e: Peace Centers Foundation - e: Pentagon Counterintelligence Force PCFIS e: PACAF Combat Fuels Information System PCFlot e: Patrol Craft Flotilla PCG e: Guided-missile coastal-escort vessel - e: Power Converter Group - e: Pulsed Coaxial Gun PCH e: Patrol Craft Hydrofoil PCIA f: Poste de Commande d'Intervention Air

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

P.F.A.A. PCITF e: Positive Combat Identification Task Force PCLGp e: Pioneer Civil Labour Group PCLT e: Portable Coded Laser Target PCM e: Passive Countermeasures - e: President's Certificate of Merit Ρ MC M e: Private First Class Marine PCMC e: President's Commission on Military Compensation PCMCM e: Permanent Chairman Military Committee Memo PCMH f: Poste de Commandement des Mouvements d'Hélicoptères PCMS e: Passive Countermeasures System PCNAC e: Professionals Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control PCNF e: Pacific Central NOTAM [Notice to Airmen] Facility PCNS e: Polar Coordinate Navigation System PCO e: Port Convoy Officer - e: Prince Consort's Own - e: Principal Coast Officer Ρ & CO e: Plans and Combat Operations P.Corps e: Pioneer Corps PCP e: Peace Corps Physician - ì: Posto Comando Principale PCR e: Polar Cap Radar - e: Prestressed Ceramic RADOME [Radar Dome] - e: Pulse Compression Radar PCS e: Pacific Command Ship - e: Patrol Craft, Submarine - e: Patrol Craft, Submarine-chaser - e: Patrol Craft Sweeper PCSH e: Submarine Chaser [Hydrofoil] PCSMS e: PACAF Combat Supplies Management Subsystem PC TELEC f: Poste Central de Télécommunications PCV e: Peace Corps Volunteer[s] PCW e: Princess Charlotte of Wales P.C.W.R.C. e: Permanent Chairman of the War Relief Council PCX e: Peripheral Channel Exchange - e: Peripheral Computer Exchange Unit PD d: Panzerdivision - d: Panzerdurchschlagbombe - e: Passive Defense - e: Pay Deaprtment PDA e: Population Drainage Area [Civil Defense] - e: Port Defence Area - e: Procurement Defense Agency PDAB e: Physical Disability Appeals Board PDARS e: Pulsed Doppler Acoustic Radar System PDASD e: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense PDASN e: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy PDC e: Pacific Defense College - e: Petroleum Distribution Command [of Communication Zones] - e: Prosthetic Distribution Center - e: Publications Distribution Center PDCE e: Parametric Design/Cost Effectiveness PDCSTBL e: Peripheral Device Control and Status Table PDD s: Posición defensiva divisionaria PDF e: Panama Defense Forces - e: Peace Development Fund - e: Post Defense Force PDFSR e: Proposed Detailed Functional System Requirement PDG e: Passive Defense Group

PDGW e: Principal Director of Guided Weapons PDH e: Passive Defense Handbook Pdiv r: Pansardivision PDM e: Point Defence Missile - e: Program Decision Memo [Navy] - e: Publication Distribution Manager - e: Pursuit Deterrent Mine PDMS e: Point Defense Missile System - e: Point-Defense [or Defense] Missile System PDNS e: Plans Division of Naval Staff PDO e: Property Disposal Office - e: Property Disposal Officer P.D.O. e: Passive Defence Officer PDR e: Periscope Detection Radar - e: Pulse Doppler Radar PDRE e: Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine - f: Peloton de dépannage, de réparation, d'évacuation PDRF e: Passive Defense Recovery Force PDRJ e: Pulse-Doppler Radar Jammer PDRS e: Pulse Doppler Radar Simulation PDS e: Passive Defense System - e: Protection and Defence Systems PDSMS e: Point-Defense Surface Missile System PDSTT e: Pulse Doppler Single Target Track PDTATAC e: Per Diem, Transportation and Travel Allowances Committee PDU e: Power Distribution Unit - e: Programmable Diagnostic Unit PDVOR e: Precision Doppler VHF [Very High Frequency] Omni-Range PDW e: Personal Defense Weapon PE e: Patrol vessel - e: Peace Establishment P.E.A. d: Propagandaersatzabteilung PEACE e: Planning for the Employment of the Army in a Conflict-free Environment PEARL e: Pearl Harbor Shipyard PEARLNAVSHIPYD e: Pearl Harbour Naval Shipyard ΡΕ Β e: Professional Entertainment Branch [of the Armed Forces] PEBU e: Peripheral Equipment Buffer Unit PEC s\ Patrulla de exploración combativa PECM e: Passive Electronics Countermeasures PEDS e: Packaging Engineering Data System PEER e: Price Escalation Estimated Rates PEFTOK e: Philippine Expeditionary Force to Korea PEM e: Procurement Equipment and Missiles ΡΕΜΑ e: Procurement of Equipment and Missiles, Army - e: Procurement of Equipment and Munitions, Appropriations - e: Production Equipment and MissilesArmy PEMARS e: Procurement of Equipment and Missiles, Army Management and Accounting Reporting System Pem.Yeo. e: Pembroke Yeomanry Penguin e: Norwegian surface-to-surface missile Penn Mil Dist e: Pennsylvania Military District penrad e: penetration radar PENS e: Provisions of Engineer Support PEO e: International Peace and Educational Organization - e: Patrol emergency officer - e: Patrol Emergency Operator

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

PEO[CU] e: Program Executive Officer, Cruise Missile Project & UAV Joint Project PEO[IEW] e: Program Executive Officer, Intelligence & Electronic Warfare PEO[MIW] e: Program Executive Officer, Mine Warfare PEO-SD e: Program Executive OfficerShip Defense PEO[T] e: Program Executive Officer, Tactical Aircraft Programs PEP e: Promoting Enduring Peace PEQUA e: Production Equipment Agency Per s: Periscopio [de submarino] PERC e: Peace on Earth Research Center PERCOM e: Personnel Command PER FA ATK SYS ANAL e: Perform Field Artillery Attack System Analysis PER FA PERS CNTRL e: Perform Field Artillery Personnel Control PER FA SPL CNTRL e: Perform Field Artillery Supply Control PERG e: Production Equipment Redistribution Group PERI e: Pea Ridge National Military Park PERMARS e: MACOM Military Personnel Management Reports System PERME e: Propellants, Explosives, and Rocket Motors Establishment PER MVMT C2 e: Perform field artillery Movement Control and Coordination PersA d: Personalamt PERS and TRACOMD e: Personnel and Training Command PERSCO e: Personnel Support of Contingency Operations PERSCOM e: Personnel Command PERSINSCOM e: Personnel Information Systems Command PERSO e: Personnel Officer PERSOF e: Personnel Officer PERSTAT e: Personnel Status Report PERSTATREP e: Personnel Status Report PERS & TRACOMD e: Personnel and Training Command PERS&TRACOMD e: Personnel and Training Command PET e: Parent Effectiveness Training [a course of study] PETRESO e: Petroleum Reserves Office[r] PETSEC e: Petroleum Section [Allied Force Headquarters] P.E.V.A. /• Point d'embarquement par voie ferrée - f: Point d'évacuation voie aérienne P.E.V.E. f: Point d'évacuation voie ferrée P.E.V.F. f: Point d'embarquement par voie ferrée PEVI e: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial National Monument PEW e: Passive Electronics Warfare PEWD e: Platoon Early Warning Device PEWS e: Platoon Early Warning System PF e: frigate-patrol escort vessel - e: Patrol Frigate - e: Permanent Force[s] - e: Police Forces - e: Popular Force - e: Powered Flight - e: Pre-Flight - e: Principles of Flight - e: Protective Force P/F e: Peace and Freedom P.F. e: Permanent Force[s] PFA e: Participating Field Activity - e: Post Flight Analysis P.F.A.A. /• Personnel Féminin de l'Armée de l'Air


P.F.A.M. P.F.A.M. / • Personnel Féminin de l'Armée de Mer PFAR e: Popular Front for Armed Resistance PFAS e: Planar Flank Array Sonar P F A T e: Pre-Flight Acceptance Test P.F.A.T. f : Personnel Féminin de l'Armée de Terre P F B M E e: Polaris Fleet Ballistic Missile Force PFBMF e: Polaris Fleet Ballistic Missile Force PFC e: Police Forces - e: Primary Flight Control PFCD e: Primary Flight Control Display PFCS e: Primary Flight Control System Pf.D. d: Pferdedepot PFD e: Primary Flight Display PFDA e: Post Flight Data Analysis PFDAR e: Post-Flight Data Analysis Review PFE e: Post Flight Evaluation P F E T e: Prototype Flight Evaluation Tests PFF e: Pathfinder Force PFGM e: guided missile patrol escort vessel PFL d: Pharmazeutisches Feldlabor Pf.Laz. d: Pferdelazarett PFLP-GC e: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command PFLP-SC e: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special Command PFMAA f : Personnel Féminin Médical de l'Armée de l'Air P.F.M.A.A. / • Personnel féminin médical de l'armée de l'air PFMDS e: PACAF Force Management Display System P F N S e: Position Firing and Navigation System - e: Position Fixing Navigation System P F N T U e: Pathfinder Navigation Training Unit PFO e: Physical Fitness Officer - e: Procurement Field Officer PFP e: Publishers for Peace PfP e: Partnership for Peace PFQ e: Preflight Qualification PFQT e: Preliminary Flight Qualification Test PFR e: Preflight Review P F R T e: Performance Flight-Rating Test - e: Pre-Flight Rating Test - e: Preliminary Flight-Rating Test - e: Preliminary Flight Readiness Test P F R X e: Preflight Relmat PFS d: Probleme des Friedens und des Sozialismus - e: Personal and Family Survival [Civil Defense] - e: Primary Flight System - e: Primary Flying Squadron PFT e: Preflight Team P F T M e: Preliminary Flight Test Memorandum] PFTR e: Preliminary Flight Test Report PFIJ d: Partei für Frieden und Umweltschutz PFV e: Philippine Forces, Vietnam PG e: Patrol Combatant ship - e: Patrol Gunboat - e: Pivot Gun PGA d: Personalgutachterausschuß - e: Production Go-Ahead PGB d: Panzergrenadierbatallion - e: Patrol Gunboat PGBr d: Panzergrenadierbrigade P G C e: Persian Gulf Command - e: Persian Gulf Command PGD d: Panzergrenadierdivision


PGH e: Patrol Gunboat, Hydrofoil PGI e: Pilot Gunnery Instructor PGK d: Panzergrenadierkompanie PGM e: Patrol Gunboat, Missile - e: Patrol Vessel, Motor-Gunboat - e: PGM-11 Redstone Missile - e: Precision Guided Missile - e: Precision Guided Munitions - i: Procuratore Generale Militare P.G.M.I.G. / Plus Grands Mutilés et Invalides de Guerre P G M I L e: Professional Group on Military Electronics P G M I L E e: Professional Group on Military Electronics PGNC e: Payload Guidance Navigation and Control P G N C S e: Primary Guidance, Navigation and Control System PGNS e: Primary Guidance and Navigation System P G R V e: Precision Guided Re-entry Vehicle PGS e: Platoon Gunnery Simulator - e: Precision Gunnery System P G S C e: Persian Gulf Service Command P G T e: Precision Gunnery Training PGTE e: Precision Gunnery Training Equipment P G T S e: Precision Gunnery Training System PGW e: Persian Gulf War PGZ d: Pz Gren Zug [BRD] P H A D S e: Phoenix Air Defense Sector P H A R O S e: Phased Array Radar for Overland Surveillance - e: Phased Array Radar Operational Simulation - e: Plan Handling and Radar Operating System PHASE 1-7 e: Weapon development phases PhibComd e: Amphibious Forces Command PHIBLANT e: Amphibious ForcesAtlantic PhibLEx e: Amphibious Landing Exercise PHIBNAW e: Amphibious Forces-North West African Waters PhibOps e: Amphibious Operations P H I B P A C e: Amphibious Forces-Pacific PhibRfT e: Amphibious Refresher Training PhibsTraLant e: Amphibious Forces Training Command, Atlantic Fleet PhibsTraPac e: Amphibious Forces Training Command, Pacific Fleet Phibtra e: Amphibious Training PhibTraLant e: Amphibious Training Command, Atlantic P H I L A N S Y e: Philadelphia Naval Shipyard PHLS e: Portable Helicopter Lighting Set P H M e: Hydrofoil Patrol Craft, Medium - e: Patrol Combatant Missile ship PHMS e: Patrol Hydrofoil Missile Ship[s] - e: Polish Historical Military Society PHNSY e: Pearl Habor Naval Shipyard - e: Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard P H N Y e: Pearl Harbor Navy Yard Photo Eng e: Photographic Engineering P H O T O X E e: Pathfinder and Helicopter Operation in a Toxic Environment PHP e: Peace and Happiness through Prosperity P H Q e: Patrol Headquarters - e: Peacetime Headquarters - e: Port Headquarters PHR e: Passive Homing Radar

Κ · G · Saur, München

Ph Ree Sq e: Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron PHTab e: President's Hundred Tab [military decoration] P H T K e: Prompt Hard Target Kill PHV d: Politische Hauptverwaltung [Nationale Volksarmee] PI e: Patrol Inspector - e: Photographic Interpretation - e: Plotter and Radar Instructor - e: Personnel Inventory Analysis PiA d: Pionieraufklärung PIACS e: Pacific Integrated Automatic Communications Systems PiAG d: Pionieraufklärung PiAT d: Pionier-Aufklärung - d: Pionier-Aufklärungstrupp P.I.A.T. / • Programme immobilier de l'Armée de Terre PIB e: Papuan Infantry Battalion - e: Parachute Infantry Battalion PiBAF d: Pionierbatallion zum Ausbau von Führungsstellen PIBL e: ΡΕΜΑ [Procurement of Equipment and Missiles] Item Baseline List PiBP d: Pionierbeobachtungsposten PIC e: Photo Interpretation Center - e: Pilot in Command PICA e: Preliminary Inventory Control Afloat PICPSA e: Permanent International Commission for the Proof of Small Arms PICV e: Protected Infantry Combat Vehicle PIE e: Position Indicating Equipment PIF / • Pilotage en Force Piffer e: Member of the Punjab Irregular Frontier Force PiK d: Pionierkompanie PiKAF d: Pionierkompanie zum Ausbau von Führungsstellen Piko d: Pionierkommandeur PiLB d: Pionierlandungsboot PIM e: Position and Intended Movement P I M O e: Presentation of Information for Maintenance and Operation PIN e: Precision Inertial Navigation Pinellas e: Florida location of weapon component/neutron device plant pio d: Pionierwesen PIP e: Program Implementation Plan PIPACE e: Peacetime Intelligence Plan, Allied Central Europe PIR e: Pacific Islands Regiments - e: Parachute Infantry Regiment - e: Precision Instrumentation Radar PIRA e: Positive Identification and Radar Advisory - e: Provisional Irish Republican Army PIRATE e: Passive Infra-Red Airborne Track Equipment PIRAZ e: Positive Identification Radar Advisory Zone PiRgt d: Pionierregiment PIRR e: PWRS [Prepositioned War Reserve Stock] Interrogation and Readiness Reporting - e: Pyrogen Identifier Rapid Response PISA d: Personalinformationssystem der Armee Pi.Sch. d: Pionierschule PiSchuIe d: Pionierschule PISWP e: Product Improvement Special Working Party PIT e: Product Improvement Test PITS e: Passive Identification & Targeting System - e: Position Interrogation and Transmission System

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

PM ITTS PIVADS e: Product Improved Vulcan Air Defense System P.I.W. e: Petroleum Industry War Council PIWC e: Petroleum Industry War Council PiWIE d: Pionierwartungs- und Instandsetzungseinrichtung PiZ d: Pionierzug PJà d: Panzerj PJA d: Panzerj PJBD e: Permanent Joint Board on Defense PJHQ e: Permanent Joint Headquarters PJSOR e: Proposed Joint Services Operational Requirement PJSS e: PACAF [Pacific Air Forces] Jungle Survival School PJST e: Peace & Justice Studies PK d: Panzerkompanie - d: Propaganda-Kompanie - e: Peacekeeper Pk. d: Propaganda-Kompanie P.K. d: Propaganda-Kompanie P.-Κ. d: Pionierkommandeur PKAD e: Accumulated Dose Special Process PkAF e: Pakistani Air Force PKAS r: Pansartruppernas Kadett- och Aspirantskola PKB d: Punkt des Kurvenbeginns PKI d\ Planm PKO e: Peacekeeping Operations PKS r: Pansartruppernas Kadettskola PKW d: Personenkraftwagen PL e: Paymaster-Lieutenant - e: Princess Louise's Sutherland and Argyll Highlanders - e: Project Lighthawk P&L e: Pioneer and Labour [Service] pi e: Platoon PLA e: Pakistan Liberation Army - e: Palestine Liberation Army - e: Patriotic Liberation Army - e: People's Liberation Army - e: Prescribed Load Allowance PLAAF e: People's Liberation Army/Air Force PLAAR e: Packaged Liquid AirAugmented Rocket PLACE e: Position Location and Aircraft Communication Equipment - e: Position Location and Aircraft Equipment PLADS e: Pulsed Laser Airborne Depth Sounding - e: Pulsed Light Airborne Depth Sounder PLADS System e: Pulsed Laser Airborne Depth Sounding System PLAFB e: Plattsburgh Air Force Base PLAM e: People's Liberation Army of Malawi PL/AMOS e: Phillips Laboratory Air Force Maui Optical Station PLAN e: People's Liberation Army/Navy - e: People's Liberation Army of Namibia - e: Positive Locator Aid to Navigation Plan A e: North Atlantic Treaty Reginal Planning Group PLANAT e: North Atlantic Treaty Regional Planning Group [London] and the North Atlantic Treaty Regional Planning Subgroup [Paris] PLANS e: Position Location and Navigation System PLAP R: Atomnaya Protivolodochnaya Podlodka PLARB R: Atomnaya Podlodka Raketnaya Ballisticheskaya PLARK R: Atomnaya podlodka raketnaya krilataya PLAST e: Pre-Engineered Logistical and Administrative Structures

PLASTEC e: Plastics Technical Center PLAT e: Platoon Plat.Com. e: Platoon Commander Plat Ldr e: Platoon Leader Plat.Sgt. e: Platoon Sergeant PLC e: Paymaster-Lieutenant-Commander - e: Platoon Leaders Class PL.Comd. e: Platoon Commander PLDMD e: Platoon Leader's Digital Message Device PLD-PACOM e: Petroleum Logistical Data-Pacific Area Command PLENAPS e: Plans for the Employment of Naval and Air Forces in the Eastern Theater in the Event of War with Japan PLF e: People's Liberation Forces PLFA s: Plan de fuegos de artillería PLI DIV e: Production, Logistics, and Infrastructure Division PLK e: Princess Louise's South Kensington Regiment PLL e: Parts Load List PLLRC e: Public Land Law Review Commission PLM e: Packaged Liquid Missile PLO e: Pacific Launch Operations - e: Payload Officer - e: Plans Office[r] - e: Port Liaison Officer PLOCSA e: Personal Liaison Officer, Chief of Staff, Army PLOO e: Pacific Launch Operations Office PLR e: Portable Laser Range-finder PLRACTA e: Position Location, Reporting and Control of Tactical Aircraft PLRS e: Position Locating and Reporting System PLS e: Patrol Locator System PI Sgt e: Platoon Sergeant PLSS e: Precision Location/Strike System PLT e: Platoon PLtCr e: Paymaster Lieutenant Commander Plt.Off. e: Pilot Officer Pit. Sgt. e: Platoon Sergeant PLU e: Platoon Leaders Unit PLUS e: Procedures for Long Supply Assets Utilization Screening P L W P e: Programmed Labor Work Performed PLYMCHAN e: Plymouth Sub-Area Command Headquarters PLYWD e: Precision Low-Yield Weapons Design PM e: Patrol Missile Boat - e: Peace Museum - f: Police Militaire - s: Policía militar PMA e: Pakistan Military Academy - e: Philippine Military Academy - e: Politico Military Affairs - e: Project Military Adviser - s: Policía Militar Ambulante PMAC e: Preliminary Maintenance Allocation Charts - e: Provisional Military Administrative Council PMAF e: POLARIS Missile Assembly Facility PMAFS e: Public Members Association of the Foreign Service PMAG e: Provisional Military Advisory Group PMAPS e: Predirected Munitions Automated Planning System PMAR e: Aerial Reading Data Conversion Special Process P-MARP e: Peacetime Manpower Allocation/Requirements Plan

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

PM-ASE e: Project Manager, Aircraft Survivability Equipment PM-ASH e: Project Manager, Advanced Scout Helicopter PMB e: Program Management Board PMC e: Military Committee in Permanent Session - e: Pacific Marine Center - e: Pacific Missile Center - e: Pennsylvania Military Academy - e: Pennsylvania Military College - e: Performance Measurement Criteria - e: President of the Mess Committee - e: Procurement, Marine Corps - e: Program Management Course - e: Project Management Course PMCA e: Provisional Military Administrative Council PM-CAWS e: Project Manager for Cannon Artillery Weapon Systems PMCR / · Poste Mobile de Controle Radar PMD d: Polizei- und Militärdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt - e: Psychiatric Military Duty - s: Puesto médico de división PMDAMT e: Pacific Mobile Depot Activity Maintenance Team PMDG e: Permanent Military Deputies Group PMDP e: Prototype Model Design Pian PMDS e: Projected Map Display Set [a navigation aid] PME e: Caltech Political Military Exercise - e: Peace Movement of Ethiopia - e: Political Military Exercise - e: Professional Military Education PMEC e: Professional Military Education Centre PMEL e: Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory PMEM /• Préparation Militaire et Élémentaire PME School e: Professional Military Education School PMF d: Panzerminenfeld - e: Panama Military Force - e: Permanent Military Force - e: Polaris Missile Facility - f: Personnel Militaire Féminin - /• Processeur Militaire Français P.M.F. /• Personnel Militaire Féminin PMFAA f: Personnel Militaire Féminin de l'Armée de l'Air PM FATDS e: Program Manager, Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems PMF-PAC e: Polaris Missile Facility, Pacific PMG e: Provisional Military Government Pm G D e: Paymaster-General's Department PMGO e: Office of the Provost Marshal General PMGSE e: Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia PMH e: Patrol Missile Hydrofoil PMHSA e: Polish Military History Society of America PMI /• Pension Militaire d'Invalidité P.M.I. /• Police Militaire Internationale PMIG e: Political-Military Interdepartmental Group PMIO e: Program Management Integration Office PMIS e: Personnel Marking and Identification System PM ITTS e: Program Manager, Instrumentation, Targets, and Threat Simulators


PmL P m L d: Musterprüfstelle militärisches Luftfahrtgerät PMLO e: Principal Military Landing Officer P M M e: Military Morale Division - e: Peace Mission Movement P M M O f : Police Militaire Mixte OTAN PMMP e: Project Manager's Master Plan P M N e: Proposed Material Need P M O e: Polaris Material Office - e: Provost Marshal's Office - e: Psychiatric Military Officer P M O G e: Philippine Marine Officers Guild P M O L A N T e: Polaris Material Office, Atlantic Fleet P M O P A C e: Polaris Material Office, Pacific Fleet PMOS e: Primary Military Occupational Specialty P M O S C e: Primary Military Occupational Code P M R e: Pacific Missile Range - e: Portable Multiparameter Radar - e: Potential Military Relationship - / • Pension militaire de retraite Pmr e: Paymaster P M R A F N S e: Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service P M R D E T e: Pacific Missile Range Detachment PMRF e: Pacific Missile Range Facility P M R F A C e.· Pacific Missile Range Facility P M R R e: Pacific Missile Range Representative PMRSG e: Pacific Missile Range Study Group P M R T F e.· Pacific Missile Range Tracking Facility PMS e: PACOM Munitions Storage - e: Phoenix Missile System - e: Planned Missile System - e: Polaris Missile System - e: Professor of Military Science - e: Provost Marshal School P M S A e: Office of the Project Manager Selected Ammunition PMS/DOD e: Performance Measurement System/Department of Defense P M S O e: Port Mine Sweeping Officer P M S S e: Personnel Mobility Support System PMS/SMS e: Planned Maintenance System for Surface Missile Ships P M S [ & ] T e: Professor of Military Science and Tactics PMS&T e: Professor of Military Science and Tactics P M S T e: Professor of Military Science and Tactics PMTC e: Pacific Missile Test Center P M T O e: Project Manager Test Offices P M T S e: Passive Multi-target Tracking System - e: Precision Missile Tracking System P M W S e: Pedestal-Mounted Weapons System P M Z d: Permanente Militärtelefonzentrale PN e: Pakistan N a v y P.N. e: Pakistan Navy PN e: Philippine Navy - s: Puesto naval PNAF e: Primary Nuclear Airlift Force PND e: Passive Navigation Device PNDC e: Provisional National Defense Council P N G D F e: Papua N e w Guinea Defence Force PNI e: Punjab Native Infantry


P N I M I C e: Pilot N A T O Insensitive Munitions Information Center PNNCF e: Pacific Northern Naval Coastal Frontier PNR e: Primary Navigation Reference P N R C e: Potomac Naval River Command PNS e: Pacific Navigation System - e: Pakistan Naval Ship - e: PeaceNet Sweden - e: Philadelphia Naval Shipyard - e: Portsmouth Naval Shipyard - e: Portuguese Naval Ship PNSY e: Portsmouth Naval Shipyard PNTBT e: Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty PNWA e: Prevention of Nuclear War Agreement PNY e: Portuguese Navy PO Ρ: Przysposobienie Obronne - e: Personnel Officer - e: Petty Officer - e: Port Officer P O I e: Petty Officer, First Class PO 1/2 e: Petty Officer lst/2nd Class P 0 2 e: Petty Officer Second Class P 0 3 e: Petty Officer Third Class P / O e.· Pilot Officer P o A C C S Ph II e: Portuguese Air Command & Control System Phase II POADS e: Portland Air Defense Sector P O A H E D P E A R L e: Pacific Ocean Areas Headquarters Pearl Harbor POASP e: Plans and Operations Automated Storage Program P O A T S C e: Pacific Overseas Air Technical Service Command POC e: Patrol Operations Center P O I C e: Petty Officer First Class PO 2/C e.· Petty Officer, Second Class PO 3/C e.· Petty Officer Third Class P O I C L e; Petty Officer 1st Class P 0 2 C L e; Petty Officer 2nd Class P 0 3 C L e.· Petty Officer 3rd Class P O C O e: Proposed Operational Capability Objective POD e: Preflight Operations Division - e: Pulse Omission Detector P & O Div e: Planning and Operations Division POE e: Peace on Earth POG e: Project Officers Group - e: Provisional Ordnance Group POGT e: Power-Operated Gun Turret P O H W A R O e: Pulsated Overheated [Hot] Water Rocket POIC e.· Petty Officer in Charge POL e: Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants POLARIS e: Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapons System P O L C e: Petty Officers Leadership Course P O L D I R A D e: Polarimetrie Diversity [Doppler] Radar polit d: politische Arbeit Pol M s: Policía militar POL/MIL e: Political/Military POLO e: Pacific Command Operations Liaison Office P O L W A R e: Political Warfare POMA e: Petty Officer's Military Academy P O M A L S e: Pedestal Operated MultiAmmunition Launching System POMAS e: Procurement Office for Military Automotive Supplies P O M F e: Polaris Missile Facility P O M F L A N T e: Polaris Missile Facility, Atlantic Fleet POMFPAC e: Polaris Missile Facility, Pacific Fleet P O M M e: Preliminary Operating and Maintenance Manual

Κ · G · Saur, München

P O M P A C e: Polaris Missile Facility, Pacific pom-pom e: antiaircraft gun POMSEE e: Performance, Operational and Maintenance Standards for Electronic Equipment Pon Co Mtz e: Pontoon Company Motorized POO e: Port Ordnance Officer P.O.O. e: Principal Ordnance Officer POOD e: Permanent Officer of the Day - e: Permanent Officer of the Deck P O o W e: Petty Officer of the Watch POP e: Preflight Operations Procedures POR e: Post Office Rifles PORI e: Polaris Operational Readiness Instrumentation POS e: Peacetime Operating Stocks - r: Pansarofficersskola P O S D C O R B e: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting POS LV 220 e: Position and Orientation System for Land Vehicles 220 POSNAV e: Position/Navigation P O S S U B e: Possible Submarine P O S T e: Polaris Operations Support Task Group POT e: Preproduction Operational Test POTel e: Petty Officer Telegraphist POTS e.· Petty Officer Telegraphist Special POTUS e: President of the United States P O W e: Petty Officer of the Watch - e: P r i s o n e r s ] of War P O W C e: Prisoners of War Camp POWER e: Programmed Operational Warshot Evaluation and Review P O W / M I A e: Prisoner of War/Missing In Action P O W / M P e: Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel P.O.W.R.A. e: Prisoners of War Relatives Association PO Wren e: Petty Officer WREN [Women's Royal Naval Service] PP e: Patrol Vessels - e: Princess Pat's P&P e: Peace and Prosperity Issue PPA e: Popski's Private Army P P A C E e: United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District Library, Custom House, Philadelphia PPC e: Pace Peace Center - e: Patrol Plane Commander - e: Peace Promotion Code - e: Protected Personnel Carrier P.P.Can.L.I. e: Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry PPCLI e: Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry PPCP e: People to People Contact for Peace PPCR e: Preliminary Program Change Request PPDB e: Point Positioning Data Base PPF e: Pacific Peace Fund - e: Peacetime Planning Factors - e: Presbyterian Peace Fellowship P P F R T e: Prototype Preliminary Flight Rating Test PPI e: Pensioners for Peace International - s: Radar Panoràmico PPL e: Pneumatic Projectile Launcher PPLI e: Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry PPLL e: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, [Civil] War Library and Museum Philadelphia PPM e: Pilot Pulse Missile

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

PRU PPNW e: Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War PPOW e: Psychologists for the Prevention of War PPP e: Pacific Peacemaker Project PP1P e: Patrol Plane 1st Pilot ' PPP e: People for Planetary Peace PPPP e: People's Peace and Prosperity Party PPR e: Proprietary Procurement Request PPRC e: Polish Peace Research Committee - e: Prepositioned Receipt Cards PPRI e: P A C O M [Pacific Area Command] Priority Number PPRNS e: Pulse-Phased Radio Navigation System P.Priif. d: Personalprüfstelle des Heeres PPS e: Panoramic Passive Sonar PPU e: Peace Pledge Union P P U N A e: United States Naval Aircraft Factory, Philadelphia PPV e: Preprogrammed Vehicles PPWR e: Prepositioned War Reserves PPWRS e: Prepositioned War Reserve Stocks P & Q e: Peace and Quiet PQD e: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot PQMC e: Philadelphia Quartermaster Center P Q M D e: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot PQT e: Preliminary Qualification Test PR d: Panzerregiment - d: Primärradar - d: Pulverraketenstahltriebwerk - e: Patrol Report - e: Patrol Vessel, River Gunboat - e: Pershing Rifles - e: Planetary Radar - e: Plotting and Radar - e: Plyrating-prismary Radar - e: Primary Radar - e: Princess Royal's P.R. d: Pionierregiment - e: Pretoria Regiment - e: The Parachute Regiment PRA e: Paymaster-Rear-Admiral - e: People's Revolutionary Army - e: Popular Resistance Army PrA. d: Proviantamt P.R.A. e: Parachute Regimental Association PRADOR e: PRF [Pulse Repetition Frequency] Ranging Doppler Radar P R A D S e: Parachute Retrorocket Airdrop System Pr.A.Gds. e: Prince Alfred's Guards P R A I R E e: Polarization Radar Illinois Rainfall Experiments PRAM e: Propelled Rapid Ascent Mine - e: Rocket-Propelled Rising Mine P R A N G e: Puerto Rico Air National Guard PRAP e: Passive Radar-Augmented Projectile P R A R E e: Precise Range and Range Rate Equipment P R A R E E e: Precise Range and Range Rate Equipment, Extended Version PRAT e: Predicted Range Against Target Pratt e: Pratt's Contraband of War Cases PRBA e: Personnel Research Board of the Army PRBA[AG] e: Personnel Research Board of the Army, Adjutant General PRC e: Peace Research Centre, Nijmegen - e: Permanent Regular Commissions - e: Physical Review Council - e: Pitch Rate Command

- e: Portable Radio Communication - e: Programmable Radar Controller - e: Pyrotechnic Rocket Container P R & C e: Purchase Request and Commitment PRCA e: People's Republic of China Army Pr. Ca. e: Great War Prize Cases P R C A F e: People's Republic of China Air Force PRCM e: Passive Radiation Countermeasure P R C N e: People's Republic of China Navy Pr. Cont. e: Pratt on Contraband of War PRD e: Power Range Detector - e: Primary Radar Data - e: Prime Radar Digitizer P R D G e: Princess Royal's Dragoon Guards PREAG e: Photographic Reconnaissance Equipment Advisory Group P R E F L T e: Preflight PREG e: Program Review Evaluation Group PRELORT e: Precision Long-Range Tracking Radar P R E O S e: Performance and Range of Electro-Optical Systems PREP e: Peace Research and Education Project - e: Peacetime Requirements and Procedures - e: Predischarge Educational Program P R E S A G E e: Programme to Realistically Evaluate Strategic Anti-Ballistic Missile Gaming Effectiveness P R E S N A V W A R C O L e: Naval War College PRESS e: Peace Research and European Security Studies PRESSAR e: Presentation Equipment for Slow Scan Radar P R E S S R A e: Presentation Equipment for Slow Scan Radar PRESTO e: Personnel Response and Evaluation System for Target Obscuration PRF / • Poste de Radio Future PRFI e: Portable RangeFinder/Illuminator PRG R: Ruchnoy Protivotankovyy Granatomyet PRI e: Peace Research Institute PRIA e: Peace Research Institute, Alicante P R I A M e: Precision Range Information Analysis for Missiles PRI-D e: Peace Research Institute, Dundas PRIDE e: Personalized Recruiting for Immediate and Delayed Entry - e: Pulse Radar Intelligent Diagnostic Environment PRIEA e: Priority Issues Requiring Experimentation and Analysis PRIF e: Peace Research Institute Frankfurt PRI-FLY e: Primary Flight Control PRIMAS e: Precipitation Radar Image Management System PRIME e: International Peace Research Institute Meigaku PRIMES e: Preflight Integration of Munitions and Electrronic Systems PRIN e: Peace Research Institute of Nigeria PRIO e: International Peace Research Institute [or Institution], Oslo PRIP e: PSP Radar Improvement Program PR/ISC e: Public Relations — Information Services Control [British]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

PRISIC e: Photographic Reconnaissance Interpretation Squadron Intelligence Center PRISM e: Passive Radar Identification System Pr.Kr.Min. d: Preußisches Kriegsministerium PRL e: Peace Research Laboratory - e: Publication Requirements List Pr.L.Kr.V. d: Preußischer Landeskriegerverband Pr.Louise's D.Gds. e: Princess Louise's Dragoon Guards PRLP e: Planetary Rocket Launcher Platform PRM e: Posigrade Rocket Motor PR/M1PR e: Purchase Request/Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request PRN e: Peace Research Network - e: Pulse Range Navigation P R O e: Photographic Reconnaissance Officer - e: Public Relations Office[r] PROBLIS n: Projektbureau Logistieke Informatie Systemen P R O B S U B e: Probable Submarine P R O C e: Proposed Required Operational Capability PROCO e: Procurement Officer - e: Projects for Continental Operations P R O C Ò M e: Protective Work for Combat Areas PROCURE e: Command Procurement System Prodwi d: Produktiv-Werkst PROF e: Peace Research Organization Fund P r O f f z d: Presseoffizier P R O F I N E e: Proximity Fuze Intercept and Analysis Equipment PROFIT e: Propulsion Flight Control Integration Technology - e: Propulsion/Flight Control Technology Pr.of W.O.Rgt. e: Prince of Wales' Own Regiment P R O G O e: Program Guidance and Objectives P R O J M G R A S W S e: Project Manager, Antisubmarine Warfare Systems PROJMGRFBM e: Project Manager, Fleet Ballistic Missile P R O J M G R S M S e: Project Manager, Surface Missile Systems PROM e: Passive Range of Motion P R O P e: Planetary Rocket Ocean Platform P R O R M e: Pay and Records Office-Royal Marines PROS e: Procurement Squadron Prov.Ldw. d: Provinzial-Landwehr P R O V M A A G e: Provisional Military Assistance Advisory Group P R O V M A A G - K e: Provisional Military Assistance Advisory Group, Korea PRP e: Peace Resource Project PRPL e: PACOM [Pacific Command] Reconnaissance Priority List PRR e: Passive Ranging Radar - e: Practise Rocket - e: Pulse Radar Repair - e: The Puerto Rico Regiment PRS e: Parachute Rocket System - e: Passive Radar Surveillance - e: Passive Ranging Sonar - e: Programmed Radar Simulator - e: Public Relations Service [British] PRSM e: Parachute Rocket System Modified PRT e: Pulsed Radar Transmitter PRU e: Provincial Reconnaissance Unit


Priif.Nord. Priif.Nord. d: Dienststelle für Eignungsprüfungen beim Marineoberkommando Nordsee Priif.Ost. d: Dienststelle für Eignungsprüfungen beim Marineoberkommando Ostsee PRW e: Passive Radar Warning PS e: Prototype Ship - r: Pansartruppskolan, Sk - r: Pansartruppskolan, Skövede P.S. d: Pionier-Schule - e: Permanent Staff - e: Pioneer School PSA e: Peace and Solidarity Alliance - e: Peace Studies Association - f: Poste de Selection d'Armement p.s.a. e: Graduate of Royal Air Force Staff College PSABw d: Personalstammamt der Bundeswehr PSAJ e: Peace Studies Association of Japan PSB d: Platz für Spezialbehandlung PSBC e: Platoon Sergeants' Battle Course p.s.c. e: Graduate of Military [or Naval] Staff College PSC e: Peacetime Subcontract - e: Postal Subcommittee [Allied Control Authority] PSCS e: Pacific Scatter Communications System PSD e: Philadelphia Signal Depot P.S.D. e: Personnel [Personal] Services Department PSDF e: Popular Self-Defense Force PSFC e: Provisional Special Forces Company PSG d: Passiv Sonar Gerät - e: Platoon Sergeant PSGT e: Platoon Sergeant PSI e: Permanent Staff Instructor PSKSBw d: Schule der Bundeswehr für Psychologische Kampfführung PSL e: Paymaster-Sub-Lieutenant PSLV e: Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSM e: Platoon Sergeant Major PSMM e: Patrol Ship Multi-Mission PSO e: Personal Staff Officer - e: Personnel Security Officer - e: Personnel Selection Officer - e: Product Support Organization PSOC e: Principal Staff Officers Committee PSP e: Patrol Seaplane - e: Peace Shield Program PSPEN e: Primary/Secondary Peace Education Network PSR e: Passive Ranging Sonar - e: Point Source Range - e: Primary Surveillance Radar PSS e: Peace Science Society PSSI e: Peace Science Society International PSSM e: Patrol Ship Multi-Mission PSSW e: Parliamentary Secretary of State for War PSTO[N] e: Principal Supply & Transport Officer [Naval] PSTS e: Passive Sonar Tracking System PSVSBw d: Schule der Bundeswehr für Psychologische Verteidigung PSVTr d: Truppe für Psychologische Verteidigung PSWHQ e: Primary Static War Headquarters - e: Primary Subordinate War Headquarters PSWO e: Princess of Wales' Own PSYWAR e: Psychological Warfare PSYWPN e: Psychological Weapon


PT e: Patrol Torpedo - e: Primary Target - e: Patrol Training Academy - e: Pilotless Target Aircraft - e: Primary Target Area - e: Procrustes Target Analysis - e: Proton Target Area PT-76 e: Soviet Amphibious tank PTAG e: Portable Tactical Aircraft Guidance - e: Portable Tactical Approach Guidance PTAS e: Pilotless Target Aircraft Squadron PTB e: Partial Test Ban Treaty - e: Patrol Torpedo Boat PT Boat e: Patrol Torpedo Boat PTBT e: Partial Test Ban Treaty PTC e: Patrol vessel - e: Peace Through Confrontation - e: Positive Target Control - e: Primary Training Centre PTCAD e: Provisional Troop Carrier Airborne Division PTCCS e: Polaris Target Card Computing System PTD e: Provisional Technical Documentation PTDA e: Passive Target Data Analysis PTDB e: Point Target Data Base PT-Div e: Patrol Torpedo Boat Division P&T Div e: Plans and Training Division PTDP e: Preliminary Technical Development Plan PTDS e: Photo Target Detection System Pte Mtar s: Puente militar PTF e: Patrol Torpedoboat, Fast PT-For e: Patrol Torpedo Boat Force PTG e: Polaris Task Group - e: Port Task Group - e: Pulse Target Generator - e: Torpedo Boat, guided missile armament PTGT e: Primary Target PTIWG e: Pershing Test Integration Working Group PTL e: Primary Target Line PTLEF e: Peace through Law Education Fund PTM e: Missile-armed Torpedo Boat - e: Pilot Training Missile - e: Polaris Tactical Missile - ì: Postale e Telegrafico Militare [Servizio] PTMA e: Passive Target Motion Analysis PTMC e: Polaris Tender Management Computer PTN e: Peace Through NATO PTO e: Pacific Theater of Operations PTOE e: Planned Table of Organization and Equipment PTOL e: Peacetime Operating Level Pton IM s\ Pelotón de infantería de marina PTOS e: Peacetime Operating Stock PTP e: Periodic Tasker Process - e: Preferred Target Point - e: Primary Target Point PT Plane e: Patrol Torpedo Plane PTR e: Pacific Test Range - e: Position Track Radar - e: Primary Tactical Reconnaissance PTRF e: Peacetime Rate Factor[s] Ptrp r: Pansartrupper PTRT e: Part Task Radar Trainer PTS e: Parachute Training School - e: Photogrammetric Target System - e: Pilot Training Squadron - e: Pneumatic Target System P.T.S. e: Portsmouth Torpedo School P.T.S.D. e: Physical Training and Sports Department

Κ · G · Saur, München

P.T.S.D. [N.] e: Physical Training and Sports Department [Naval] PTSMH e: Portsmouth Shipyard PTSS e: Personnel Target Subsystem - e: Photon Target Scoring System PTTI e: Precise Time and Time Interval PTTMC e: PACOM [Pacific Area Command] Tactical Target Materials Catalog PTU e: Portable Test Unit PTV e: Parachute Test Vehicle - e: Pathfinder Test Vehicle - e: Propulsion Test Vehicle PTVA e: Propulsion Test Vehicle Assembly PTW e: Point Target Weapon PU e: Participating Units PUAD e: Pueblo Army Depot PUBSAT e: Publications Ship Assistance Team PUDN e: Perpetuation of Unit Document Number PUDS e: Propulsion Unit Data Sheet PUE e: Presidential Unit Emblem PUFFS e: Passive Underwater Fire-control Feasibility Study PUIWP e: People for a United India and World Peace PUK e: Pivotal Unknowables [Key Uncertainties Warranting Further Study] PUMA e: PACAF Unit Munitions Allocation System PUMF e: Peaceful Uses of Military Forces pums e: permanently unfit for military service PUN e: Precision Underwater Navigation PURA e: PACOM [Pacific Area Command] Utilization and Redistribution Agency PURS e: Program Usage Replenishment System PUS e: Permanent Under-Secretary of State - e: President of the United States PUSO e: Principal Unit Security Officer PUSSW e: Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for War PUT e: Pop-Up Test of missiles PUVEP e: Propellant-Utilization Vehicleborne Electronic Package PuW d: Prüfanstalt und Werft der Fliegertruppe - d: Prüfanstalt und Werft der Fliegertruppe, Adlershof PV e: Patrol vessel - e: Princess Victoria's Royal Irish Fusiliers PVA d: Polnische Volksarmee - e: Paralyzed Veterans Association - e: Paralyzed Veterans of America P.V.M. s: Patrulleros de Vigilancia Maritima PVOR e: Precision VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnidirectional Range PVT e: Preflight Verification Test PVU se: Pehotno Vojno Ucilisce PW e: Port Wing - e: Post-War - e: Prince of Wales' - e: Prisoner of War - e: Psychological Warfare PWA e: Professors World Peace Academy P.W.A.A.C. e: Polish Women's Auxiliary Air Corps P.W.A.C. e: Post-War Advisory Council PWB e: Psychological Warfare Branch PWC e: Pacific War Council - e: Post-War Credit[s] - e: Prisoner of War Camp - e: Prisoner of War Command - e: Prisoner of War Convention

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

QMl P W C C e: Political Warfare Coordination Committee PW/CI IC e: Prisoner of War/Civilian Internee Information Center PW Coll Pt e: Prisoners of War Collecting Point PWD e: Petroleum Warfare Department - e: Practice Weapon Dispenser - e\ Programmed warhead detonation - e: Psychological Warfare Department - e: Psychological Warfare Division PWDC e: Philippine War Damage Commission P W D G e: Prince of Wales' Dragoon Guards PWDR e: Preliminary Weapon Development Report PWE e: Police War Reserve - e: Political Warfare Executive - e: Prisoner of War Enclosure P W G e: Preparatory Working Group P W H A e: Peace/War Headquarters P W H C e: Primary War Headquarters PWHQ e: Peace War Headquarters - e: Primary War Headquarters PWI e: Pilot Warning Indicator - e: Pilot Warning Instrument - e: Prisoner of War Interrogation PWIB e: Prisoner of War Information Bureau PWIC e: Prisoner of War Information Center PWIEG e: Plutonium Weapons Information Exchange Group PWIN e: Prototype W W M C C S [WorldWide Military Command and Control System] Intercomputer PWIS e: Prisoners of War Information System PWI System e: Pilot Warning Indicator System P W / M S F e: Prairie Warrior/Mobile Strike Force PWN e: Peacenet World News PWO e: Prince of Wales' Own Regiment of Yorkshire - e: Principal Warfare Officer - e: Principal Weapons Officer - e: Principle Warfare Officer PWOR e: Prince of Wales' Own Royal P W P e: Postwar Planning P.-W.P.A. e: Post-War Policy Association PWPA e: Professors World Peace Academy P.-W.P.C. e: Post-War Problems Committee PWR e: Passive Warning Radar - e: Passive Warning Receiver - e: Police War Reserve - e: Prepositioned War Reserve - e: Prince of Wales' Royal P.W.R. e: Post-War Reconstruction P W R C B e: President's War Relief Control Board PWRMR e: Pre-positioned War Reserve Materiel Requirement P W R M S e: Pre-Positioned War Reserve Materiel Stocks P W R R e: RsieWaiigRalrRiòfl· - e: Prepositioned War Reserve Requirement P W R R - M F e: Prepositioned War Reserve Requirements for Medical Facilities P W R S e: Pacific War Research Society - e: Prepositioned War Reserve Stock - e: Prepositioned War Reserve Stocks - e: Programmable Weapons Release System P W R S - M F e: Prepositioned War Reserve Stocks for Medical Facilities

P W S e: Phoenix Weapons System - e: Psychological Warfare Service - e: Psychological Warfare Society pw's e: prisoners of war PWs e: Professional Warriors P W S C e: Preferred Weapon System Concept PWSO e: Pilot Weapons System Officer PWSS e: Port War Signal Station P W T V A e: Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Vehicles, Army PWV e: Prince of Wales' Volunteers P W V A e: Pacific War Veterans of America P.W.V.S. e: Prince of Wales' Volunteer Service P W V S e: Prince of Wales' Volunteer Service PWW e: Planar Wing Weapon, a canceled alternative for CWW P W W C e: Post War World Council P W X e: Prisoner of War Executive PX e: Post Exchange - e: Production Executive of the War Cabinet pxl e: patrol experimental land-based aircraft PXL Aircraft e: Patrol, Experimental Landbased Aircraft PZ d: Panzerzug - d: Portlandzement pz d: Panzertruppen PZ-6Í e: Swiss medium tank armed with a 105mm gun Pz.A.A. d: Panzeraufklärung PzAbwLRak d: Panzerabwehrlenkrakete PzAbwS d: Panzerabwehrschule Pz A Ger Pk d: Panzerarmeegerätepark PzArt d: Panzerartillerie PzArtBtl d: Panzerartillerie-Batallion PzArtBttr d: Panzerartilleriebatterie Pz.Br. d: Panzerbrigade PzBrig d: Panzerbrigade PzBTl d: Panzerbataillon PZD d: Pionierzeug[s]depot Pz.D. d: Panzerdivision P.Z.D. d: Pionier-Zwischendepot PzDiv d: Panzerdivision PZDV d: Panzerdivision PzFu d: Panzerfunker PzGrDiv d: Panzergrenadierdivision PzGr[en]Div d: Panzergrenadierdivision PzGrenDiv d: Panzergrenadierdivision Pz.-HWt. d: Panzerhauptwart PZJA se: Pevski Zbor Jugoslovanske Armade Pz.K. d: Panzerkorps Pz.-Kdr. d: Panzerkommandeur Pz.-OWt. d: Panzeroberwart Pz.R. d: Panzerregiment Pz.Rgt. d: Panzerregiment PzTrS d: Panzertruppenschule Pz.-Wt. d: Panzerwart

Q Q e: Quartermaster - e: Quartermaster General's Branch - e: Semi-Interquartile Range - e: Sonar - e: target or drone Q. d: Quartiermeister QAAF e: Qatari Amiri Air Force QAC e: Quadrant Aimable Charge Warhead - e: Quadripartite Agreements Committee Q A D C e: Queen's Aide-de-Camp QAF e: Qatar Armed Forces - e: Quality Air Force

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

QAFA e: Quality Air Force Assessment QAIMNS e: Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service QAIMNSR e: Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve Q A M D O e: Quadripartite Agreed Materiel Development Objective QAMR e: Quadripartite Agreed Materiel Requirement Q.A.O. e: Queen Alexandra's Own QAPED e: Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Engineering Design QAPET e: Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Engineering Tests QAPST e: Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Service Tests Q A R A F N S e: Queen Alexandra's Royal Air Force Nursing Service Q.A.R.A.N.C. e: Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps Q.A.R.N.N.S. e: Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval [or Navy] Nursing Service Q A R N N S R e: Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service Reserve QASAS e: Quality Assurance Specialist, Ammunition Surveillance QASC e: Quadripartite Armaments Standardization Committee Q.B. e: The Queen's Bays QBA e: Quadrilateral Ballistics Agreement QBD e: Queen's Bench Division QBO e: Quick Battle Orders QC e: Quantitative Command - e: Quartering Commandant - e: Quartermaster Corps QCA e: Quick Change Assembly Q C C B e: Queen's College Cadet Battalion Q C M T / · Commissaire Militaire aux Transports QCSC e: Quadripartite Chemical, Biological, Radiological Standardization Committee Q Dept e: Department of Quartermaster QDG e: Queen's Dragoon Guards QFA e: Quick Firing Ammunition Q F A m m n e: Quick Firing Ammunition QFC e: Quantitative Flight Characteristics QFG e: Quick Firing Gun QFGn e: Quick Firing Gun QFI e: Qualified Flight Instructor QG e: Qualified in Gunnery - e: Quartermaster General - f: Quartier Général - i: Quartire Generale Q.G. p: Quartel-General Q.G.A. f : Quartier Général d'Armée qgb e: searchlight sonar Q G D N / • Quartier Général de la Défense Nationale QGE e: Queen's Gurkha Engineers Q.G.F.A. / • Quartier Général des Forces Atlantiques QGG e: War Headquarter QGO e: Queen's Gurkha Officer Q G R E N O R f : Quartier général de la région du nord QHU e: Quiet Heavy Vehicle QI e: Quartermaster Instructor QL e: Queen's Lancers Q L O U e: Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Ltd., Longueuil Quebec QLR e: The Queen's Lancashire Regiment QLRO e: Quasi-Long-Range Order Q L T Y C O N O e: Quality Control Officer QM e: Quartermaster [Department] - e: Quartermaster, Maintenance Qm d: Quartiermeister Q.M. e: Quartermaster Q1V1Í e: Quartermaster, First Class


QM2 QM2 e: Quartermaster, Second Class QM3 e: Quartermaster, Third Class QMA e: Qualified Military Available - e: Quartermasters' Association Q.M.A.A.C. e: Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Q[Maint] e: Quartermaster Maintenance QMBD e: Quartermaster Base Depot QMC e: Chief Quartermaster - e: Quadripartite Materiel Committee - e: Quartermaster Clerk - e: Quartermaster[s] Corps Q.M.C, e: Quartermaster Corps Motor Transport School - e: Quartermasters Corps QMCLK e: Quartermaster Clerk QMCM e: Master Chief Quartermaster - e: Quartermaster Corporal-Major Qm Co e: Quartermaster Company QMCR e: Quartermaster Corps Regulations QMCS e: Senior Chief Quartermaster QMC&SO e: Quartermaster Cataloging and Standardization Office QMCTC e: Quartermaster Corps Technical Committee QMD e: Quartermaster's Department QMDEP e: Quartermaster Depot Qm Dep Co e: Quartermaster Depot Company QMDO e: Qualified Military Development Objective QMDPC e: Quartermaster Data Processing Center QMEPCC e: Quartermaster Equipment and Parts Commodity Center QMG e: Quartermaster General Q.M.G.B. e: Quartermaster-General's Branch QM Gen e: Quartermaster General Q.M.G.F. e: Quartermaster-General of the Forces QMGF e: Quartermaster-General to the Forces QMGMC e: Quartermaster-General of the Marine Corps QMGO e: Quartermaster-General's Office QMIA e: Quartermaster Intelligence Agency Q M I C C e: Quartermaster Inventory Control Center QMIS e: Quartermaster Inspection Standards QMM e: Quartermaster's Manual QMMB e: Quartermaster Motor Base QMMMM e: Montreal Military and Maritime Museum, Quebec Qm O e: Quartermaster Office QMO e: Quartermaster, Operations QMORC e: Quartermaster Officers' Reserve Corps QMov e: Quartermaster, Movement QMPCUSA e: Quartermaster Petroleum Center, United States Army QMPDC e: Quartermaster Petroleum Distribution Command QMR e: Qualified Military Requirement - e: Quartermaster QMRC e: Quartermaster Reserve Corps - e: Royal Canadian Air Force Montreal, Quebec QMRDC e: Quartermaster Research and Development Command QMR&E e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering QMR&EC e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering Command QMRECOMD e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering Command


QMREFEA e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering Field Evaluation Agency Qm Res e: Quartermaster Corps Reserve Qm.Rev. e: Quartermaster Review QMRTC e: Quartermaster Replacement Training Center QMS e: Quartermaster Sergeant QMs e: Quartermasters QMSCC e: Queen Mary's School Cadet Corps QMSch e: Quartermaster School QM Segt e: Quartermaster-Sergeant Qm Sgt e: Quartermaster Sergeant QMSI e: Quartermaster-Sergeant Instructor QMSO e: Quartermaster Supply Office[r] QMSS e: QUBIT Mine Surveillance System Qm St O e: Quartermaster's Staff Officer Qmstr. d: Quartiermeister QMTC e: Quartermaster Training Center - e: Quartermaster Training Command QMTrS d: Quartiermeistertruppenschule QNMC e: Quadripartite Nonmateriel Committee QO e: Otrag Range Air Service - e: Quartermaster, Operation^] - e: Quarters Officer - e: Queen's Own Q.O. e: The Queen's Own Regiment QOCG e: Queen's Own Corps of Guides QOCH e: Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders QOH e: Queen's Own Hussars QOIC e: Quarantine Officer in Charge QOMY e: Queen's Own Mercian Yeomanry Q[Ops| e: Quartermaster Operations QOR e: Queen's Own Rifles - e: Queen's Own Royal QORC e: Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Q.O.R.G.L.W.L.Y. e: Queen's Own Royal Glasgow and Lower Ward of Lanarkshire Yeomanry QORGY e: The Queen's Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry QORWKR e: The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment QOWVR e: The Queen's Own Westminster Volunteer Rifles QP e: Quest for Peace Q.P.M. e: Queen's Police Medal QPS e: Quaker Peace and Service QQMA e: Quality Qualified Military Availability QQSC e: Quadripartite Quartermaster Standardization Committee QR e: Queen's Regulations for the Army and the Royal Army Reserve - e: Queen's Royal - e: Quiet Radar QRA e: Quick Reaction Aircraft QR&AI e: Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions QR Air e: Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Royal Canadian Air Force QRCC e: Quadripartite Research Coordination Committee - e: Quick Reaction Combat Capability QRC CAC e: Quick Reaction Center Combat Analysis Center QRCN e: Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Royal Canadian Navy QRDC e: Quartermaster Research and Development Center - e: Quartermaster Research and Development Command QRDEA e: Quartermaster Research and Development Evaluation Agency

Κ · G · Saur, München

QREC e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering Center - e: Quartermaster Research and Engineering Command QRF e: Quick Reaction Force QRIH e: Queen's Royal Irish Hussars QRMC e: Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation QRMF e: Quick-Reacting Mobile Force - e: Quick Reaction, Mobile Force Qr Mr e: Quartermaster Qrmr e: Quartermaster QR&O [Can] e: Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Army QRP e: Quick Reaction Program QRPA e: Quartermaster Radiation Planning Agency QRPE e: Quarterly Report of Planned Expenditure QRR e: Qualitative Research Requirement for Nuclear Weapons Effects Information - e: Queen's Royal Regiment - e: Queen's Royal Rifles QRs e: Queen's Regulations Q.R.R. e: Queen's Royal Regiment - e: Queen's Royal Rifles QRT e: Quick Reaction Team qrtmstr e: quartermaster QRTP e: Quick Response Targeting Program QS e: Quartermaster Sergeant QSA e: Quartermaster Service, Army Q-ship e: decoy ship QSM Ship e: Quadruple Screw Motorship QSOP e: Quadripartite Standing Operating Procedure[s] QSS e: Quadrupole Screw Ship QSTAG e: Quadripartite Standardization Agreement QSTHUM e; Headquarters Mobile Command, Canada Department of National Defence St-Hubert, Quebec QSTJ / · College Militaire Royal de SaintJean, Quebec QSTJCF e: Canadian Forces Base St. Jean, Quebec QTF e: Quiet Task Force QTO e: Qualified Testing Officer QTPC e: Quadripartite Technical Procedures Committee QTV e: Qualification Test Vehicle QTY BULK e: Bulk Quantity Supply Issues QTYSH e: Quantity Shipped QU e: Quartermaster Qu. d: Quartiermeister - e: Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment Quad Anat Prat i: Quaderni di Anatomia Pratica QUADRADAR e: Four-Way Radar Surveillance QUARTM e: Quartermaster QUEENS e: The Queen's Regiment QUH e: Queen's University Highland Battalion QUICK e: Quick Reacting General War Gaming System QUICKTRANS e: Navy's Contract Airlift Service Q.V.R. e: Queen Victoria's Rifles QW e: The Queen's Westminsters [The King's Royal Rifle Corps] QWG e: Quadripartite Working Group QWG/CD e: Quadripartite Working Group on Combat Developments QWGCD e: Quadripartite Working Group on Combat Developments QWG/ENG e: Quadripartite Working Group on Engineering

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

Ra [Conspic] QWG/EW e: Quadripartite Working Group on Electronic Warfare QWG/LOG e: Quadripartite Working Group on Logistics QWG/PIQA e: Quadripartite Working Group on Proofing Inspection Quality Assurance QWG/STANO e: Quadripartite Working Group on Surveillance and Target Acquisition/Night Observation QWI e: Qualified Weapons Instructor

R R d: Radfahrabteilung - d: Radfahrer-Bataillon - d: Rakete - d: Räumboot - d: Regiment - e: RACON [Radar Beacon] - e: Radar - e: Rangefinder - e: Rocket - e: Roeketdyne Division of North American Aviation - e: Rotary Wing - e: Ship - / · Recommandé r i.• reggimento RA d: Radioaktivität - d: Raketenabteilung - d: Raketenartilleriebataillon - e: Coast Radar Station - e: Radar Altimeter - e: Range Area - e: Rear Admiral - e: Rear Artillery - e: Reconnaissance Aviation - e: Regular Army - e: Regular Army - e: Rocket Assisted - e: Royal Army - e: Royal Artillery - e: Royal Regiment of Artillery - e: The Royal Regiment of Artillery Ra e: Radar Station ra d: radioaktiv - i: reggimento artiglieria R.A. e: Regular Army - e: Royal Air Force - e: Royal Army - e: Royal Arsenal - e: Royal Artillery - / ' Régiment d'Artillerie - i: Regia Aeronautica r.A. d: rückwärtiges Armeegebiet RAA d: Radfahrer-Aufklärung - e: Radar Aircraft Altitude - e: Rear Admiral, Aircraft - e: Royal Australian Artillery - e: Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery RA[A] e: Rear Admiral [Aircraft Carriers] R.A.A. d: Reiter-Aufklärung - e: Royal Artillery Association - e: Royal Australian Army - f: Régiment d'Artillerie Antiaérienne - / ' Régiment d'Artillerie d'Afrique - / ' Régiment d'Artillerie de l'Armée - /• Réserve de l'Armée Active RAABF e: Royal Artillery Association Benevolent Fund RAAC e: Rhodesian Air Askari Corps - e: Rome Allied Area Command - e: Royal Australian Armoured Corps R.A.A.C, f: Régiment d'Artillerie Antiaérienne Coloniale RAA Calculator e: Radar Aircraft Altitude Calculator

RAACEF e: Rear Admiral Aircraft Carriers, Eastern Fleet RAAD e: Radford Army Ammunition Depot - e: Restructured Air Assault Division RAADC e: Royal Australian Army Dental Corps RAADES e: Relative Antiair Defense Effectiveness Simulation RAAEC e: Royal Australian Army Educational Corps RAAECNletter e: Royal Australian Army. Educational Corps. Newsletter RA[A]EF e: Rear-Admiral [Administration] Eastern Fleet RA[A]EF e: Rear Admiral [Administration] Eastern Fleet RAAF e: Redstone Army Airfeld - e: Royal Afghan Air Force - e: Royal Afghan Air Force - e: Royal Australian Air Force - e: Royal Auxiliary Air Force R.A.A.F. e: Royal Afghan Air Force RAAFA e: Royal Australian Air Force Association R.A.A.F.M.O. e: Royal Australian Air Force Medical Officer R.A.A.F.M.S. e: Royal Australian Air Force Medical Service RAAFNS e: Royal Australian Air Force Nursing Service RAAFPO e: Royal Australian Air Force Post Office RAAF Reserve e: Royal Australian Air Force Reserve. Magazine RAALC e: Royal Australian Anny Legal Corps RAAM e: Remote Anti-Armour Mine - e: Rifle-launched Anti-Armour Munition - e: Royal Alderney Artillery Militia R.A.A.M.C. e: Royal Australian Army Medical Corps RAAMS e: Remote Anti-Armor Mine System RAAN e: Repair Activity Accounting Number RAANC e: Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps RAANDM e: Regular Army and Militia RAANS e: Royal Australian Army Nursing Service RAAOC e: Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps RAAP e: Radford Army Ammunition Plant RAASC e: Royal Australian Army Service Corps RAASP e: Releasable Abrasive and Additive Sabotage Pack RAAWS e: Radar Altimeter and Altitude Warning System - e: Ranger Anti-Armour Anti-Personnel Weapon System RAB d: Raketenartilleriebataillon - d: Raketenabteilung - d: Raketenartilleriebataillon - d: Reihenabwurfbombe - e: Royal Artillery Band R.A.B. /• Régiment d'Artillerie de [la] Brigade RABAR e: Raytheon Advanced Battery Acquisition Radar RABDART e.· Rapid Aircraft BattleDamage Augmentation Repair Team RABET e: Radar Beacon Transponder RABFAC e: Radar Beacon, Forward Air Control RABFAC-TDC e: Radar Beacon Forward Air Controller-Target Data Communicator RABID e: Radar Action Buffer Input Data

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

RABS e: Rapid Armament Boresighting System - e: Remote Air Battle Station RABT r: Rederiaktiebolaget Transatlantic RABVAL e: Radar Bomb Evaluation RAbw d: Raketenabwehr RAC e: Radar-Absorbing Chaff - e: Radar-Absorbing Coatings - e: Radar Action Counter - e: Radar Address Counter - e: Radar Alert Correlation - e: Radar Area Correlation - e: Radar Area Correlator - e: Radar Azimuth Converter - e: Rangefinder with Automatic Compensator - e: Rear-Admiral Commanding - e: Research Analysis Corporation - e: Royal Armoured Corps - e: Royal Artillery Committee - e: Royal Artillery Corps R&AC e: Radar and Air Communications R.A.C, e: Rhine Army College - e: Royal Armoured Corps - e: Royal Artillery Charities - e: Royal Artillery Commando - e: Royal Artillery Corps - f : Régiment antichars - f: Régiment d'Artillerie Coloniale RACAAS /• Radar Aeroporte de Combat Aerien et d'Appui au Sol R.A.C.B.D. e: Royal Armoured Corps Base Depot RACC e: Research Aviation Coordinating Committee - e: Royal Armoured Corps Centre R.A.C.C. e: Royal Army Catering Corps RACD e: Royal Armoured Corps Depot RACD e: Royal Army Chaplains' Department - e: Royal Army Clothing Department - e: Royal Army Clothing Depot R.A.C.D. e: Royal Army Chaplains' Department - e: Royal Army Clothing Department [Depot] - e: Royal Army Clothing Depot RACE e: Restoration of Aircraft to Combat Effectivity RACEWS e: Racal Automated Communications Electronic Warfare System RACF e: Royal Army Clothing Factory - e: Royal Artillery Charitable Fund racfire e: tactical fire-direction RACGS e: Radar Area Correlation Guidance System RAChD e: Royal Army Chaplains Department RACHEL f: Reperage Acoustique d'Helicopteres Rachl e: Roeketdyne advance chemical laser RACIC e: Remote Area Conflict Information Center [Battelle Memorial Institute] RACIS e: Radar Computer Interaction Simulator R.A.C.M. /• Régiment d'Artillerie Coloniale de Marche RACMD e: Radio Countermeasures and Detection RACO e: Radar-Absorbing Coating - e: Radar Video Converter RACOB[WA] e: Rear Admiral Commanding Combined Operational Bases [Western Approaches] RACON e: Radar Transponder Beacon Ra [Conspic] e: Radar Conspicuous Object


RACOV RACOV e: Riverine Area Combat Operations Vietnam R.A.C.P. f: Régiment d'Artillerie de Campagne Porté RACPAS e: Radar Coverage Penetration Analysis RACS e: Royal Australian Corps of Signals RACSA e: Reexamination and Analysis of the US Collective Security Arrangements RACT e: Royal Australian Corps of Transport RACTC e: Royal Armoured Corps Training Centre R.A.C.II. e: Royal Armoured Car Unit RAD e: Radar Augmentation Device - e: Radford Army Ammunition Plant - e: Radiation Detector - e: Radiation Dosage - e: Radio and Radar Radiation Hazards Rad. d: Radar RA[D] e: Rear-Admiral [Destroyers] R.A.D. /• Régiment dArtillerie Divisionnaire RADAC e: Radar Analog/Digital Data and Control - e: Radar Area Correlation RADADS e: Research Aircraft Data Acquisition and Display System RADAG e: Radar Area Correlation Guidance RADAMS e: Rapidly Deployed AntiAircraft Missile System RADAN e: Radar Analysis System - e: Radar Doppler Automatic Navigator RADANT e: RADOME [Radar Dome] Antenna radar d: Funkmeßtechnik RadarAufkl d: Radaraufklärung RADARC e: Radially Distributed Annular Rocket [Combustion] Chamber RADAREVALSq e: Radar Evaluation Squadron RadarFIM/LtKp d: Radarflugmelde- und Leitkompanie RadarFriihwKp d: Radarfriihwarnkompanie RadarFiiDst d: Radarführungsdienst RadarGer d: Radargerät RadarGrpArt d: Radargruppe Artillerie RadarGrpGefF d: Radargruppe Gefechtsfeld RadarLtZg d: Radarleitzug RadarS r: Arméns Radarskola RADARSAT e: Radar Satellite RADAT e: Radar Alignment Designation Accuracy Test RADATA e: Radar Automatic Data Transmission Assembly RADATS e: Radar Data-Transmission System - e: Radar Test Set RADBN e: Radio Battalion RAD[BPF] e: Rear Admiral Commanding Destroyers RADC e: Radar Countermeasure[s] and Deception - e: Regiment Air Defense Center - e: Regional Air Defence Center - e: Royal Army Dental Corps Rad Cal Fit e: Radar Calibration Flight RADCAS e: Radiation Casualty RADCAT e: Radar Calibration Target RADCC e: Radiation Control Center RADCM e: Radar Countermeasures RADCMD e: Radar Countermeasure[s] and Deception RADCOM e: Radar & Communications - e: Research and Development Command


RADCON e: Radar Control - e: Radar Data Converter RadCon e: Radiation Control [manual] RADCS e: Radar Control Squadron - e: Radar Diagnostic Control System RADDAC e: Radar Analog[ue] Digital Data and Control RADDEF e: Radiological Defense RADDS e: Radar Display & Distribution System RADEC e: Radiation Detection Capability RADEF e: Radiological Defense RADEFF e: Radiation Effects RADEP e: Radar Departure RadEq e: Radar Equation RADES e: Radar Evaluation Squadron - e: Realistic Air Defense Engagement System RADEX e: Radar Data Extractor - e: Radar Exercise - e: Radar Experiment RADFS e: Radar Evaluation Squadron Radiat Eff e: Radiation Effects Radiat Res e: Radiation Research RADICORD e: Radar Digitizer and Recorder RADINT e: Radar Intelligence RADIRS e: Rapid Deployment Integrated Rocket System RADIS e: Research and Development Investment Strategy RADIST e: Radar Distance RADIST Indicator e: Radar Distance Indicator RADLDEF e: Radiological Defense RADLDEFLAB e: Radiological Defense Laboratory RadLO d: Radarleitoffizier RADLO e: Radar Liaison Officer - e: Radiological Defense Officer - e: Radiological Officer RADLSO e: Radiological Survey Officer RADLWAR e: Radiological Warfare RADM e: Radar Model - e: Rear Admiral R Adm e: Rear Admiral RAD M [LH] e: Rear Admiral-Lower Half RADM [UH] e: Rear Admiral-Upper Half RADNAV e: Radio Navigation RADNET e: Radar Interconnection Network RADOBS e: Radar Intrusion Detection Sensor RADOC e: Regional Air Defence Operations Center Radome e: Radar Dome RADON e: Radar Beacon RADOP d: Radar Doppler radop e: radar operator RADOP e: Radar Optical fire control system RADOPWEAP e: Radar Optical Weapons RADOT e: Radar Operator Trainer - e: Real-time Automatic Digital Optical Radar RADRELRON e: Radio Relay Squadron RADRON e: Radar Squadron - e: Radio Squadron RADRONMOB e: Radio Squadron, Mobile RADS e: Radar Alphanumeric Display Subsystem - e: Radar and Algorithm Display Model - e: Regional Air Defence Sectors - e: Ryukyu Air Defense System RADSIM e: Radar Simulator RADSS e: Radar Alphanumeric-Display Subsystem RADTEL e: Radar Telescope

Κ · G · Saur, München

RADU e: Radar Analysis and Detection Unit - e: Radar Analysis and Development Unit Radule e: Radar Module radvs e: radar altimeter and doppler velocity sensor RADWAR e: Radiological Warfare RAE e: Radar Altimeter Equipment - e: Range Azimuth [and] Elevation - e: Royal Aeronautical Establishment - e: Royal Aircraft Establishment RAEC e: Royal Army Educational Corps RAEDOT e: Range, Azimuth and Elevation Detection of Optical Targets RAEDP e: Research and Exploratory Development Plan RAET e: Range, Azimuth, Elevation and Time RAETU e: Reserve Airborne Electronics Training Unit RAF e: Regular Air Force - e: Royal Air Force - e: Royal Aircraft Factory R.A.F. e: Royal Air Force - / ' Régiment d'Artillerie de Forteresse RAFA e: Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act - e: Royal Air Force Association - e: Royal Australian Field Artillery R.A.F.A. e: Royal Australian Field Artillery R.A.F.A.C.S. e: Royal Air Force Airfield Construction Service RAF ADAT e: Royal Air Force Air Defence Advisory Team RAfAF e: Royal Afghanistan Air Force RAFA Journal e: Royal Air Forces Association Journal RAFAN e: Royal Air Force Airmove Network RAFAR e: Radar-Automated Facsimile Reproduction RAFASC e: Royal Air Force Association Stamp Club R.A.F.A.Tr. e: Royal Air Force Air Transport RAFAX e: Radar Facsimile RAFB e: Ramey Air Force Base - e: Randolph Air Force Base - e: Rickenbacker Air Force Base - e: Royal Air Force Base R.A.F.B.F. e: Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund RAFBU e: Royal Air Force Balloon Unit RAFC e: Royal Air Force Club - e: Royal Air Force College R.A.F.C. e: Rear Air Freight Centre [Royal Air Force] - e: Royal Air Force Club - e: Royal Air Force College R.A.F.C.C, e: Royal Air Force Coastal Command R.A.F.C.F. e: Royal Air Force Comforts Fund RAFD e: Rome Air Force Depot RAFEOER e: Royal Air Force ExOfficers Emergency Reserve RAFES e: Royal Air Force Educational Service - e: Royal Air Force-Escaping Society R.A.F.E.S. e: Royal Air Force Educational Service RAFF e: Redstone Army Airfield RAFFC e: Royal Air Force Ferry Command - e: Royal Air Force Fighter Command - e: Royal Air Force Flying College R.A.F.F.C. e: Royal Air Force Ferry Command

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

RAMP - e: Royal Air Force Fighter Command - e: Royal Air Force Flying College RAFFR e: Royal Air Force Flying Review RAFG e: Royal Air Force Germany RAF G[ERMANY| e: Royal Air Force Germany RAF GERMANY e: Royal Air Force Germany RAFGSA e: Royal Air Force Gliding and Soaring Association RAFH e: Royal Air Force Historical Society RAFHOS e: Royal Air Force Hospital R.A.F.Hosp. e: Royal Air Force Hospital R.A.F.I. e: Royal Air Force in Iraq R.A.F.I.A.M. e: Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine RAF ICM e: Royal Air Force Institute of Community Medicine RAF IDHT e: Royal Air Force Institute of Dental Health & Training RAFIO e: Royal Air Force Intelligence Officer RAFLO e: Royal Air Force Landing Officer - e: Royal Air Force Liaison Officer RAFMF e: Royal Air Force Memory Fund R.A.F.M.S. e: Royal Air Force Medical Services R.A.F.N.S. e: Royal Air Force Nursing Service RAFO e: Reserve Air Force Officers - e: Reserve of Air Force Officers - e: Royal Air Force of Oman rafos e: long-range navigation system RAFOS e: Royal Air Force Ornithological Society - e: SOFAR spelled backwards RAFP e: Ryukyuan Armed Forces Police R.A.F.P. e: Royal Air Force Police RAFR e: Royal Air Force Regiment -e: Royal Air Force Regiment R.A.F.R. e: Royal Air Force Regiment - e: Royal Air Force Reserve RAFRC e: Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Republic of Cuba R.A.F.Regt. e: Royal Air Force Regiment R.A.F.R.O. e: Royal Air Force Reserve of Officers R.A.F.R.W. e: Royal Air Force Regiment Wing RAFS e: Regulations for Army Fire Services - e: Royal Air Force Station RAFSA e: Royal Air Force Sailing Association R.A.F.S.A. e: Royal Air Force Sailing Association - e: Royal Air Force Small Arms Association RAFSAA e: Royal Air Force Small Arms Association RAFSC e: Royal Air Force Staff College - e: Royal Air Force Support Command R.A.F.S.C. e: Royal Air Force Staff College RAFSCOC e: Royal Air Force Support Command Operational Centre RAFSE e: Royal Air Force School of Education RAFSEE e: Royal Air Force Signals Engineering Establishment R.A.F.S.O. e: Royal Air Force Signal Officer R.A.F.S.P. e: Royal Air Force Service Police RAFS[W] e: Royal Air Force Staff [Washington] RAFSWA e: Royal Air Force Ski and Winter Sports Association

RAFT e: Radar Action Formatted Table - e: Rear Admiral Fleet Train [British Pacific Fleet] - e: Regional Accounting and Finance Test RAF-T e: Reconnaissance Attack FighterTrainer RAFTC e: Royal Air Force Technical College - e: Royal Air Force Transport Command R.A.F.T.C, e: Royal Air Force Transport Command RAFTEC e: Real-time Aircraft Flight Test Evaluation Centre R.A.F.T.O. e: Royal Air Force Transport Officer RAFTS e: Reconnaissance Attack Fighter Training System RaFiiDst d: Radarführungsdienst R.A.F.V.R. e: Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve RAG d: Regimentsartilleriegruppe - d: Reservistenarbeitsgemeinschaft - e: Regimental Artillery Group - e: Replacement Air Group - e: Returned Ammunition Group - e: Review Advisory Group r.A.G. d: rückwärtiges Armeegebiet R.A.G.A. e: Royal Australian Garrison Artillery RAGE e: Range and Guidance Equipment RAG/RO d: Reservistenarbeitsgemeinschaft für Reserveoffiziere RAGS e: Regular Airborne Guidance Section RAGTE e: Royal Artillery Gunnery Training Establishment RAHq e: Royal Artillery Headquarters RAI e: Radar Altimeter Indicator - e: Range Azimuth Indicator - e: Royal Artillery Institute - e: Royal Australian Infantry R.A.I, e: Royal Artillery Institute RAIC e: Royal Australian Infantry Corps RAID e: Radar Identification and Direction - e: Recallable Airborne Infrared Display RAIDS e: Radar Airborne Intrusion Detection System - e: Rapid Air Defense System - e: Rapid ASM Integrated Defense System RAIF e: Royal Australian Imperial Force RAIL e: Radar Action Input Lists RAINPAL e: Recursive Aided Inertial Navigation for Precision Approach and Landing RAIR e: Ram-Augmented Interstellar Rocket RA JAM e: Radar Jamming Rak d: Rakete rak d: Raketentechnik - d: Raketentruppen R.A.K, d: Reserve-Armeekorps RakAr d: Raketenartillerie RakArt d: Raketenartillerie RAKE e: Rocket-Assisted Kinetic Energy RakGK d: Raketengefechtskopf RakJgdPz d: Raketen-Jagdpanzer RakLeit d: Raketenleitwerk RAKMOT d: Raketenmotor Rakp d: Raketenpistole Rak Rohr d: Raketenrohr RakS d: Raketenschule RakSArt d: Raketenschule der Artillerie RakSH d: Raketenschule des Heeres RakS[H] d: Raketenschule des Heeres RakSLw d: Raketenschule der Luftwaffe RakTrg d: Raketenträger RakTwk d: Raketentriebwerk RAKÜBK d: Raketenübungskopf

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Rakw d: Raketenwerfer RakZ d: Raketenzünder RAL e: Radiation level alarm - e: Rear Admiral Alexandria R.A.L. /• Régiment d'Artillerie Lourde RALAC e: Radar Altimeter Low-Altitude Control RALACS e: Radar Altimeter LowAltitude Control System R.A.L.Ap. / · Régiment d'Artillerie Légère Aéroporté RALC f: Regiment d'Artillerie Legere du Canada R.A.L.D. /• Régiment d'Artillerie Lourde Divisionnaire R.A.L.P. f: Régiment d'Artillerie Légère Parachutiste RALS e: Robotic Ammunition Landing System RALT e: Radar Altimeter - e: Ranging Airborne Laser Tracker R.A.L.V.F. /• Régiment d'Artillerie Lourde sur Voie Ferrée RAM d: Radioaktivitätsmeßnetz - d: Schiff-Luft-Flugkörper mit kombiniertem Radarempfangs- und IRSuchkopf - e: Radar Absorbent [or Absorbing, or Absorption] Material - e: Radar Action Message - e: Radiation Area Monitor - e: Raid-Assessment Mode for radar - e: Ramenskoye Flight Test Centre - e: Raytheon Airborne Microwave - e: Red Artillery Model - e: Redeye Air Missile - e: Reentry Antimissile - e: Reform the Armed Forces Movement - e: Regular Army and Militia - e: Repeating Antipersonnel Mine - e: Rocket and Missile System - e: Rocket Assisted Motor - e: Rolling Airframe Missile - e: Royal Ark Mariners - e: Royal Artillery Museum R.A.M. e: Royal Artillery Museum - f: Régiment d'Artillerie de Montagne - f: Régiment d'automitrailleuses R.A.Ma. f: Régiment d'Artillerie de Marine RAMAB e: Ready Afloat Marine Amphibious Brigade RAMB e: Redstone Arsenal Military Base RAMC e: Royal Army Medical College - e: Royal Army Medical Corps RA/MCC e: Restricted Area/Military Climb Corridor RAMCD e: Royal Army Medical Corps Depot RAMCT e: Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorials RAMD e: Receiving Agency Material Division R.A.M.E. e: Royal Australian Mechanical Engineers RAMF e: Royal Australian Military [or Militia] Forces RAMICS e: Rapid Anti-Mine Clearance System RAMNAC e: Radio Aids to Marine Navigation Application Committee - e: Radio Aids to Marine Navigation Committee RAMO e: Rear Airfield Maintenance Organization RAMP e: Radar Masking Parameters - e: Radar Modernization Program - e: Radar Modernization Project - e: Radar Modification Program


RAMPLAN - e: Radiation Airborne Measurement Program - e: Recovered Allied Military Personnel RAMPLAN e: Rock Mechanics Applied to Mine Planning RAMPS e: Rapid Military Problem Solver - e: Repatriated American Military Personnel RAMP-V e: Rapid Multi-Purpose Vehicle RAMR e: Royal Artillery Marine Regiment RAMS e: Radiation Alarm Monitoring System - e: Rapid Assembly of Munitions System - e: Rocket And Missile System R.A.M.S. e: Royal Army Medical Service RAMTAC e: Reentry Analysis and Modeling of Target Characteristics RAMVAN e: Reconnaissance Aircraft Maintenance Van RAN e: Regional Air Navigation - e: Royal Australian Navy R.A.N, e: Royal Australian Navy R.A.N, e: Royal Australian Navy RANAS e: Rear Admiral, Naval Air Stations - e: Royal Australian Naval Air Squadron RANC e: Radar Absorption Noise and Clutter - e: Royal Australian Naval College R.A.N.C. e: Royal Australian Naval College RANCA e: Retired Army Nurse Corps Association RAND e: Research and Development Corporation R and AC e: Radar and Air Communications RAN[E| e: Royal Australian Navy RAN EL e: Royal Asutralian Navy Experimental Laboratory RANFR e: Royal Australian Naval Fleet Reserve RANKIN e: Retrieval & Analysis of Navy Classified Information RANNS e: Royal Australian Naval Nursing Service R.A.N.R. e: Royal Australian Naval Reserve RAN/RAWS e: Royal Australian Navy/Role Adaptable Weapons System RANRL e: Royal Australian Navy Research Laboratory RANR[S] e: Royal Australian Naval Reserve RANS e: Range Squadron RANSAC e: Range Surveillance Aircraft RAN[V]R e: Royal Australian Naval [Volunteer] Reserve RANVR e: Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve RANVR[S] e: Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve [Seagoing] RANXPE e: Resident Army Nike-X Project Engineer RAO e: Radar Operator - e: Royal Army of Oman RAOC e: Rear Area Operations Center - e: Regional Air Operations Centre - e: Royal Army Ordnance Corps R.A.O.D. e: Royal Army Ordnance Depot RA Offs e: Regular Army Officers raomp e: report of accrued obligationsmilitary pay RAOO e: Royal Artillery Operations Orders RAOS e: Regulations for Army Ordnance Services R&A OSS e: Research and Analysis Branch, Office of Strategic Services


RAP e: Radar-Absorbent Paint - e: Regimental Aid Post - e: Regression Analysis Program - e: Rocket-Assisted Projectile[s] - e: Royal Army Post RAPC e: Royal Army Pay Corps R.A.P.C. e: Royal Army Police Corps RAPCAP e: Radar Picket Combat Air Patrol RAPCC e: Radar Approach Control Center R.A.P.C.M.O. e: Registry of the Admiralty and Prize Courts and Marshal's Office RAPCON e: Radar Approach and Control RAPCON Center e: Radar Approach Control Center R.A.P.D. e: Royal Army Pay Department rapec e: rocket-assisted personnel ejection catapult RAPID e: Real-Time Acquisition and Processing of Inflight Data - e: Retrorocket-Assisted Parachute in Flight Delivery - e: Rocketdyne Automatic Processing of Integrated Data RAPIDS e: Rapid Automated Problem Identification System RAPO e: Royal Air Force Record and Pay Office RAPR e: Reduced Range Practise Rocket - e: Rhine Army Public Relations RAPS e: Radar-Absorbing Primary Structure - e: Radar Automatic Plotting System - e: Radar Predication System - e: Radar Proficiency Simulator - e: Radar Protection System - e: Reliable Acoustic Path Sonar - e: Retired Army Personnel System rap's e: rocket-assisted projectiles RAPT e: Radar Procedures Trainer RAPTOR e: Respons[iv]e Aircraft Program for Theater Operations RAPWI e: Organization for the Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees RAR e: Radar Arrival Route - e: Radar Augmentation Reliability - e: Real Aperture Radar - e: Reflect Array Radar - e: Regular Army Reserve - e: Request Radar Blip Identification Message - e: Royal Army Reserve - e: Royal Australian Rifles - e: The Rhodesian African Rifles - e: The Royal Australian Regiment R.A.R. e: Royal Australian Rifles r.A.R. d: reitendes Artillerie-Regiment RARAD e: Radar Advisory R.A.R.D.E. e: Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment RARDEN e: Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment at Enfield RARE e: Ram Air Rocket Engine Ra Ref e: Radar Reflector Ra Refi, e: Radar reflector RAREP e: Radar Report R.A.Repr. e: Royal Artillery Representative RARF e: RADOME [Radar Dome], Antenna and Radio Frequency RARI e: Regular Army Recruiting Instructions R.A.R.I.[C.D.&A.A.] e: Royal Artillery Regiment Instructions [Coast Defence and Anti-Aircraft] R.A.R.I.[Fd] e: Royal Artillery Regiment Instructions [Field]

Κ · G · Saur, München

R.A.R.O. e: Regular Army Reserve of Officers RArt e: Royal Artillery R.Art, e: Royal Artillery R.Arty e: Royal Artillery RAS d: Radarabstandswarnsystem - e: Radar-Absorbing Structures - e: Radar Advisory Service - e: Radar Altimeter Selector - e: Radar Altimeter Set - e: Radar Augmentation System - e: RADOME [Radar Dome] Antenna Structure - e: Remote Army Set - e: River Assault Squadron R.A.S. f: Régiment d'Artillerie de Siège RASAT e: Radar and Sonar Alignment Target RASAU e: Reserve Antisubmarine Warfare Systems Analysis [Mobilization] Unit RASC e: Rear Army Security Command - e: Rome Air Service Command - e: Royal Army Service Corps - e: Royal Artillery Saddle Club - e: Royal Australian Staff Corps - e: Royal Australian Survey Corps R.A.S.C. e: Royal Army Service Corp - e: Royal Army Service Corps RASC/EFI e: Royal Army Service Corps, Expeditionary Force Institute RASC/RCT e: Royal Army Service Corps/Royal Corps of Transport RASER e: Research and Seeker Emulation Radar RASG e: Radar Antenna System Group RASI e: Radar And Navigational Air Simulator - e: Radar-Simulator RASIF d: Radarsimulator Flugsicherung RaSigma d: Radar-Signatur-Mess- und Analyseanlage RASIT e: Field Artillery Target Aquisition Radar - f : RAdar de Surveillance des Intervalles R.A.S.O. e: Royal Air Force Senior Officer RASP e: Radar Applications Specialist Panel - e: Range and Airframe Separation Programmer RASPE e: Resident Army SENSCOM [Sentinel Systems Command] Project Engineer RASR e: Regular Army Special Reserve RASS e: Radar Acoustic Sounding System - e: Radar Analysis Support System - e: Radar Attitude Sensing System - e: Ruggedized Airborne Seeker Simulator RASSAN e: Radar Sea State Analyser [or Analyzer] RAST e: Radar Absorbing Structures Technology - e: Radar-Augmented Sub-Target RASTR e: Recorded Acoustic Signal Target Repeater RASU f: Radar de surveillance complémentaire RASUR f: Radar de surveillance à courte portée RASV e: Reusable Aerodynamic Space Vehicle - e: Reusable Aerospace Vehicle RASVY e: Royal Australian Survey Corps RASWP e: Replenishment at Sea Working Party RAT e: Radar Action Table - e: Ranges, Ammunition and Targets - e: Rocket-Assisted Torpedo

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

RCCS - e: Rocket-launched Anti-submarine Torpedo - f: Resistance Armee Tunisienne R.A.T. f: Réserve de lArmée Territoriale RATAC e: Radar Analogfue] Target Acquisition Computer - e: Remote AirborneTelevision Display of Ground Radar Coverage via TACAN - /• Radar de Tir de l'Artillérie Campagne RATAN e: Radar and Television Aid to Navigation RATAV e: Radar Terrain Avoidance RATC e: Radar Air Traffic Control - e: Royal Artillery Training Centre R.A.T.C, e: Royal Artillery Training Center RATCC e: Radar Air Traffic Control Center [or Centre] RATC F e: Radar Air Traffic Control Facilities RATCON e: Radar Target Concealment - e: Radar Terminal Control RATD e: Radar Automatic Target Detection RA-TFR e: Radar Altimeter-Terrain Following Radar RATM e: Military Topographic Support Array RATO e: Rocket Assisted Take-Off RATOG e: Rocket Assisted Take-Off Gear - e: Rocket Assisted Take-Off Unit RATS e: Radar Acquisition and Tracking System - e: Radar Action Time Scheduler program - e: Radar Altimeter Target Simulator - e: Ranger Anti-Tank System - e: Real-time Aircraft Tracking System - e: Reconnaissance and Tactical Security - e: Remote Alarm Transmission System - e: Remote Area Tactical System - e: Rescue Advanced Tactics School RATSC e: Rome Air Technical Service Command RATSCAT e: Radar Target Scatter RATT e: Radio Airborne Teletype RATTS e: Radar Telephone Transmission System RA li e: Royal Artillery Units RA IIΚ e: Rear Admiral of the United Kingdom RAUS e: Regular Army of the United States - e: Retired Association for the Uniformed Services R.Aux.A.F. e: Royal Auxiliary Air Force RAV e: Remotely Augmented Vehicle - e: Robotic Air Vehicle - e: Royal Air Force RAVAM e: Retarded Acustic Vertical Attack Mine - e: Retarded Acustic Vertical Attack Munition RAVC e: Royal Army Veterinary Corps RAVE e: Radar Acquisition Visualtracking Equipment - e: Research Aircraft for the Visual Environment RAVEC e: Radar Vector Raven e: Rocketborne sounding vehicle RA Verstr d: Radioaktive Verstrahlung RAVES e: Rapid Aerospace Vehicle Evaluation System RAVIR e: Radar Video Recording RAVS e: Regulations for Army Veterinary Services - e: Royal Army Veterinary School RAW d: Regiments-Artilleriewerkstatt - e: Radar Warning - e: Reconnaissance Attack Wing

- e: Research and Analysis Wing - e: Rifleman's Assault Weapon - e: Right Attack Wing RAWARC e: Radar and Warning Coordination System RAWIN e: Radar Wind sounding RAWINDS e: Radar Wind Sounding RAWINSONDE e: Radar Wind Sounding and Radiosonde RAWPI e: Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees - e: Rescue of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees RAWS e: Radar Altimeter Warning Set - e: Radar Altimeter Warning System - e: Radar Altitude Warning System - e: Radar Attack & Warning System - e: Remote Automatic Weather Station - e: Role Adaptable Weapons System RAZPE e: Resident ARGMA [Army Rocket and Guided Missile Agency] Zeus Project Engineer RB e: Reconnaissance Bomber - e: Rifle Brigade - e: Rocket Branch - e: The Rifle Brigade [Prince Consort's Own] R.B. d: Reiterbrigade R/B e: Radar Beacon Rb-08 e: Saab surface-to-surface missile RBA e: Radar Beacon Antenna - e: Ranger Battalions Association - e: Royal Bhutan Army RBAAP e: Riverbank Army Ammunition Plant RBAF e: Royal Belgian Air Force - e: Royal Brunei Armed Forces RBA WWII e: Ranger Battalions Association World War II RBA WW II e: Ranger Battalions Association World War II RBD e: Radar Beacon Digitizer RBDE e: Radar Bright-Display Equipment RBDF e: Royal Bahamas Defence Force RBDP e: Rocket Booster Development Program RBDS e: Radar Bomb Directing Systems RB.e.K. d: Reichsbund ehemaliger Kadetten R BERKS e: The Royal Berkshire Regiment [Princess Charlotte of Wales's] R.B.F.M. /• Régiment Blindé de Fusiliers Marins RBFWI e: Rocket-Borne Field Widened Interferometer R.Bg. d: Reiterbrigade RBI e: Radar Bearing Indicator - e: Radar Blip Identification - e: Range Bearing Indicator - e: Rocket-Borne Instrumentation RBK d: Reichsverband der Baltikumk RBL e: Range and Bearing launch - e: Royal British Legion RB&L Bn e: Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Battalion RBL Bn e: Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Battalion RBLC e: Royal British Legion Club RB&L Gp e: Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Group R-Boot d: Räumboot RBP e: Rocket Branch Panel RBr d: Raketenbrigade RBR e: Radar Boresight Range - e: Rotor Blade Radar RBS d: Reservebefehlsstand [Schiff] - d: Rundblickstation - e: Radar Beacon Sequencer - e: Radar Beacon Station - e: Radar Beacon System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Radar Bomb Scoring - e: Radar Bombardment System - e: Radar Bombsight RBSC e: Radar Bomb Scoring Central RBSE e: Radar Beam Sharpening ELement RBSt d: Reservebeobachtungsstelle RBSII e: Radar Bomb Scoring Unit RBSWM d: Regelung zur Bearbeitung der Software in Waffensystemen der Marine RBTL e: Radar Beacon Tracking Level RBYC e: Royal Berkshire Yeomanry Cavalry RC e: Radar Control - e: Recruiting Center - e: Regional Commandant - e: Reserve Corps R.C. e: Recruiting Centre - e: Reserve Corps - f: Régiment de cavalerie [chasse] [chasseurs] [colonial] RCA e: Radar Controlled Approach - e: Royal Canadian Army - e: Royal Canadian Artillery R.C.A. f: Régiment de Chasseurs Alpine - / ' Régiment de Chasseurs d'Afrique - /• Réserve de Corps d'Armée RCAC e: Royal Canadian Armoured Corps - e: Royal Canadian Army Cadets RCACC e: Royal Canadian Air Force RCACS e: USREDCOM [United States Readiness Command] R.C.A.F. e: Royal Canadian Air Force RCAFA e: Royal Canadian Air Force Association RCAFM e: Royal Canadian Air Force Museum RCAF[WD] e: Royal Canadian Air Force, Women's Division RCAF[WD] e: Royal Canadian Air Force [Women's Division] RCAM e: Royal Canadian Artillery Museum - f: Regiment de Combat Aeromobile RCAMC e: Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps RCAMP e: Royal Canadian Army Medical Personnel RCAPC e: Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps R.C.Arty e: Royal Canadian Artillery RCAS e: USREDCOM Command & Control System RCASC e: Royal Canadian Army Service Corps RCAT e: Radio-Controlled Aerial Target - e: Remote-Controlled Aerial Target RCA VC e: Royal Canadian Army Veterinary Corps RCB e: Radiation Control Board RCC e: Radar Control Console - e: Rescue Co-ordination Centre - e: Rescue Crew Commander - e: Reservist Command Course - e: Road Construction Company - n: Regionaal Commandocentrum R.C.C, f: Régiment de Chars de Combat RCCO e: Radar Control Console Operator R.C.C.of S. e: Royal Canadian Corps of Signals RCCOFS e: Royal Canadian Corps of Signals R.C.C.of S. e: Royal Canadian Corps of Signals RCCP e: Regiment Command and Control Post R.C.C.R.E. e: Railway Construction Company of Royal Engineers RCCS e: Royal Canadian Corps of Signals


RCD RCD e: Royal Canadian Dragoons - e: Rural Civil Defense RCDC e: Radar Course Directing Control - e: Royal Civil Defence Corps RCDCB e: Regional Civil Defense Coordination Board RCDEP e: Rural Civil Defense Education Program RCDMB e: Regional Civil and Defense Mobilization Board RCDNA e: Radar Cloud Detection Report Not Available RCDNE e: Radar Cloud Detection Report No Echoes Observed RCDNO e: Radar Cloud Detector Inoperative Due to Breakdown Until RCD Report e: Radar Cloud Detection Report RCDS e: Royal College of Defence Studies RCDs e: Royal Canadian Dragoons RCFA e: Royal Canadian Field Artillery R.C.F.O.D.S. e: Royal Cambridge Fund for Old and Disabled Soldiers RCFR e: Royal Canadian Fleet Reserve RCG e: Radiation Concentration Guide - e: Radio Command Guidance - e: Radio Command Guided RCGA e: Royal Canadian Garrison Artillery RCGS e: Radar Correlation Guidance Study RChA d: Regiment der chemischen Abwehr RCHA e: Royal Canadian Horse Artillery RCHQ e: Rear Corps Headquarters R.C.H.S.W. e: Royal Cambridge Home for Soldiers' Widows RCHV e: Reserve Cargo Handling Battalion RCI e: Radar Coverage Indication RCIC e: Royal Canadian Infantry Corps RCIV e: Remote Controlled Identification Vehicle RCK n: Recherche Commandokamer RCKT e: Rocket RCL e: Recoilles Launcher RCLG e: Recoilless Gun RCM e: Aviation Radio and Radar Countermeasures Technician - e: Radar Coded Message - e: Radar Counter-Measures - e: Radar, Countermeasures, Missiles - e: Radio-Controlled Mine - e: Regimental Corporal-Major - e: Regimental Court Martial RCMA e: Royal Canadian Military Institute RCMAT e: Radio-Controlled Miniature Aerial Target RCMATS e: Radio-Controlled Miniature Aerial Target System RCMF e: Royal Commonwealth Military Forces RCMG e: Rifle-Calibre Machine Gun RCMU e: Remote Communications Monitoring Unit RCN e: Republic of China Navy - e: Royal Canadian Navy R.C.N, e: Royal Canadian Navy RCNAS e: Royal Canadian Naval Air Station RCNC e: Royal Canadian Naval College - e: Royal Corps of Naval Constructors R.C.N.C, e: Royal Corps of Naval Constructors Ren Co e: Reconnaissance Company RCNCOA e: Reserve Component Non Commissioned Officer Academy RCNR e: Royal Canadian Naval Reserve


RCNV e: Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve R.C.N.V.R. e: Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve RCO e: Radar Control Officer - e: Radiation Control Officer - e: Range Control Officer - e: Reclamation Control Officer - e: Regional Communications Officer - e: Reports Control Officer - e: Requisition Control Office RCOC e: Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps R.C.of Sigs e: Royal Corps of Signals R.C.O.S. e: Royal Corps of Signals RCP e: Radar Control Panel - e: Radar Conversion Program - e: Regimental Command Post R.C.P. / · Régiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes RCPA e: Reserve Components Program of the Army RCPM s: Reglamento de Clases Pasivas Militares RCPV e: Riot Control Patrol Vehicle RCR e: Radar Control Room - e: Rändle Cliff Radar - e: Royal Canadian Rifles - e: The Royal Canadian Regiment R.C.R. e: Royal Canadian Rifles RCRIP e: Reserve Component Readiness Improvement Package RC/RP e: Radar Control/Radar Plot RCS e: Radar Calibration Sphere - e: Radar Collimator System - e: Radar Control Ship - e: Radio Command System - e: Range Control Station - e: Range Control System - e: Royal Corps of Signals res e: radar cross-section R.C.S. e: Royal Corps of Signals RCSC e: Royal Canadian Sea Cadets - e: Royal Canadian Signal Corps R.C.S.C, e: Royal Canadian Sea Cadets RCSCC e: Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps RC Sigs S e: Royal Corps of Signals School RCSR e: Royal Canadian Signals Regiment RCSS P: Rzadowe Centrum Studiów Strategicznych RCT e: Radar Control Trailer - e: Radar Crew Trainer - e: Radiation Control Technician - e: Radiometric Calibration Target - e: Regimental Combat Team[s] - e: Regional Command Team - e: Road Clearance Time - e: Royal Corps of Transport R.C.T. f: Régiment de Commandement et de Transmissions RCTB e: Reserve Components Troop Basis R.C.T.C. i: Regio Corpo Truppe Coloniali RCTD e: Rate Constrained Target Detection RCTP e: Reserve Component Troop Program RCU e: Radar Calibration Unit - e: Radar Control Unit - e: Rocket Countermeasure[s] Unit RCV e: Radar Control Van - e: Reconnaissance Combat Vehicle R.C.W.F. e: Red Cross War Fund R.Cy.N. e: Royal Ceylon Navy RCZ e: Radiation Control Zone - e: Rear Combat Zone RD R: Raketniya Diviziya - d: Rückwärtige Dienste

Κ · G · Saur, München

- e: Radar Data - e: Radar Display - e: Radiation Detection - e: Radiation Dose - e: Radiological Defense - e: Replacement Depot - e: Rocketdyne - e: The Royal Dragoons RDI e: Radarman, First Class RD2 e: Radarman, Second Class RD3 e: Radarman, Third Class R.D. d: Rekrutendepot - d: Reservedivision - e: Royal Dockyard - e: Royal Dragoons R&D e: Research and Development RDA e: Radar Data Acquisition - e: Research and Development, Army - e: Research, Development, and Acquisition - e: Royal Danish Arny - e: Royal Defence Academy R.D.A. e: Research and Development Air - e: Royal Docks Association R&DA e: Research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems RDAA e: Range-Doppler-Angle-Angle RDAC e: Radar Area Correlator RDAF e: Royal Danish Air Force RDAG e: RADar Area Guidance RDAM e: Radar Data Access and Management format RDARDCREP e: Radar Exploitation Report R.d'art, f: Revue d'artillerie [Paris] R&DAT e: Research and Development Acceptance Test RDB e: Radar Decoy Balloon RDC e: Radar Design Corporation - e: Radar Display Console - e: Radiation Density Constant - e: Research and Development Command - e: Royal Defence Corps R2DC3 e: Rapid Reaction Deployable Command and Control Center - e: Rapid Reaction Deployable Command, Control and Communications RDD e: Rapid Demolition Device RDDC e: Radar Data Distribution Controller RDDP e: Radarsat Data Development Project RDE e: Radar Data Extractor - e: Radar Display Equipment RDemobA. d: Reichsdemobilmachungsamt RD Equipment e: Radiological Defense Equipment RDF e: Radar Direction Finding - e: Rapid Deployment Force - e: Royal Dublin Fusiliers RdF e: Reserve Defense Fleet RDF-A e: Rapid Deployment Force-Army RDF/LT e: Rapid Deployment Force/Light Tank RDFIJ e: Research and Development Field Unit RDFU-V e: Research and Development Field Unit-Vietnam RDI e: Radar Data Integration - e: Radar Doppler Impulsion - /• Radar Doppler à Impulsions RDIF e: Radar Data Interchange Format R.D.1.1, f: Renseignements Déterminants d'Intérêt Immédiat RD&J e: Radar Deception & Jamming RDJTF e: Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

RESG RDL e: Radiological Defense Laboratory - e: Rocket Development Laboratory R.D.L.I. e: Royal Durban Light Infantry RDLI e: Royal Durban Light Infantry RdL. u. Ob.d.L. d: Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe RDM e: Radar Doppler Multifunction - e: Remote Demolition Mine - e: Remotely Delivered Mine Rd M e: Radarman Rdm 3c e: Radarman, third class RDME e: Range and Distance Measuring Equipment RDMS e: Range Data Management System - e: Range Data Measurement System RDN e: Research and Development Naval - e: Research and Development, Navy - e: Royal Danish Navy - /• Revue de Défense Nationale R.Dns e: Royal Dragoons RDO d: Reichsbund Deutscher Offiziere - d: Reichsverband Deutscher Offiziere - e: Radar Deployment Order - e: Radiological Defense Officer - e: Reconnaissance Duty Officer RDP e: Radar Data Processing - e: Radar Development Project RDPC e: Radar Data Processing Center RDP Equipment e: Radar Data Processing Equipment RDPS e: Radar Data Processing System R.D.Q.N. e: Research and Development Equipment Naval RDR e: Radar - e: Radar Departure Route - e: Radar Development Range - e: Radar Diagnostic Report - e: Radar Display Room - e: Radar Relay - e: Reliability Data Report - e: Rhodesia Defence Regiment RDRBCN e: Radar Beacon RDRINT e: Radar Intermittent rdr rei e: radar relay rdrsmtr e: radar transmitter RDR XMTR e: Radar Transmitter RDS d: Reichsverband der Soldaten e.V. - d: Ring Deutscher Soldatenverb - e: Radar Distribution Switchboard - e: Range Destruct System - e: Rocketdyne Digital Simulator RDSS e: Radar Deployable Surveillance System - e: Radar Determination Satellite System RDSIJ e: Radar Display Sub Unit RDT e: Remote Data Terminal RDU e: Radar Display Unit RDW e: Right Defense Wing RDWS e: Radiological Defense Warning System RDZ e: Radiation Danger Zone[s] RE e: Peacetime Establishment - e: Radar Echo - e: Radiation Effects - e: Radio Technician - e: Rocket Engine - e: Royal Engineers - e: Ship's Radio Engineer R.E. e: Royal Engineers - i: Regio Esercito REA e: Radar Echoing Area - e: Radar Equivalent Area - e: Radio Electrical Artificer - e: Rocket Engine Assembly REACT e: Rapid Execution and Combat Targeting - e: Realistic Engagement And Combat Training

REAC/TS e: Radiation [or Radiological] Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site READ e: Radar Echo Augmentation Device READI e: Rocket Engine Analysis and Decision Instrumentation READS e: Reno Air Defense Sector R.E.A.F. e: Royal Egyptian Air Force R.E.A.N. e: Royal East African Navy REAP e: Rocket Engine Advancement Program Rear Adm e: Rear Admiral REB e: Radar Evaluation Branch - e: Rocket Engine Band REC e: Radio Electronic Combat - e: Reserve Equalization Committee R.E.C. / · Régiment Etranger de Cavalerie RECAT e: Remotely Controlled Agile Target Ree Bn e: Reconnaissance Battalion RECC e: Rhine Evacuation and Control Command RECSQIIAD e: Reconnaissance Squadron REDCOM e: Readiness Command REDECORE e: Realistic Deterrence and Force Planning Concepts and Relations for the US and NATO REDEPBN e: Royal Engineers Depot Battalion R.E.Dep.Bn e: Royal Engineers Depot Battalion REDO e: Radar Engineering Design Objectives REDOPS e: Ready for Operations REED e: Rocket Exhaust Effluent Diffusion REEDA e: Rocket Exhaust Effluent Diffusion Analysis R.E.F. e: Royal Engineer Force REFAVIC s: Refugios para Aviones de Combate REFC e: Royal Engineers Flying Club REFORGER e: Redeployment of Forces to Germany REFORM e: Relationship of Firepower of Rifles and Machineguns REFT e: Release for Experimental Flight Test REG e: Regiment Reg. e: Regiment reg. ρ: regimentó - s: regimiento rég. f: Régiment RegAF e: Regular Air Force REGAL e: Range and Elevation Guidance for Approach and Landing REGNAP e: Regional Factors Affecting Conflict and Land Force Requirements for North America and Periphery Regt, d: Regiment Régt. f: Régiment Regtl Comm O e: Regimental Communication Officer R.E.I, f: Régiment Etranger d'Infanterie REIC e: Radiation Effects Information Center REINS e: Radar-Equipped Inertial Naval System - e: Radar-Equipped Inertial Navigation System REIV e: Rocket Engine Injector Valve R.E.K.Y. e: Royal East Kent Yeomanry REL e: Radiation Evaluation Loop RELACS e: Radar Emission Location Attack Control System REM e: Range Evaluation Missile - e: Rocket Engine Module Rem.A. d: Remonteamt

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

REMARCS e: Resource Management Accounting Reporting and Control System REMDEG e: Reliable Military Data Exchange Guide REME e: Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers R.E.M.E. e: Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers R.E.M.E.[T.A.] e: Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers [Territorial Army] REMIL d: Rechnungen für militärische Bedarfsträger REML e: Radiation Effects Mobile Laboratory REMO e: Remote Radar Operator REMRO e: Remote Radar Operator RENE e: Rocket-Engine Nozzle Ejector RENO e: Reduction of Noise Level of Operational Aircraft REN RAD e: Rendezvous Radar RENS e: Reconnaissance Electronic Warfare and Naval Intelligence System RENTWA d: Radarentwicklungsmodell für Luft- und Seeziele R/EO e: Radar/Electro-Optical REO e: Rocket Engine Operations - e: Royal Engineer Office[r] REON e: Rocket Engine OperationsNuclear REP e: Radar Evaluation Pad - e: Range Error Probable - e: Rocket Engine Processor - f: Régiment Étranger Parachutiste R.E.P. /• Régiment étranger parachutiste REPAG d: Raketen-Einstell-Prüf- und Abfeuergerät REPC e: Research and Engineering Policy Council REPCOMDESPAC e: Representative of Commander Destroyers, Pacific Fleet REPFORMAINT e: Representative of Maintenance Force REPI e: Radio for Peace International REPIS e: Reserve Personnel Management Information System Rep.-K[o]. d: Reparationskommission REPORTER e: Radar Equipment Providing Omnidirectional Reporting of Targets at Extended Ranges REPS e: Radar Echo Pulse Simulator Rep Sh Co e: Repair Shop Company REQADEX e: Request for Small Scale Air Defence Exercise RER e: Radar Effects Reactor - e: Radar Electrical Rack REREQ e: Resupply Requirements for the Army in the Field R.E.R.O. e: Royal Engineers Reserve of Officers RES e: Radar Echo Simulation - e: Radar Emitter Simulator - e: Radar Environment Simulation - e: Radar Evaluation Squadron R.E.&S. e: Royal Engineers and Signals Res.A. d: Reserve-Armee ResAF e: Reserve of the Air Force Res.-ALB d: Reservearmeelazarettbasis RESC e: Royal Engineers and Signal Corps R.E.&S.C. e: Royal Engineers and Signal Corps ResCAP e: Rescue Combat Air Patrol RESCU e: Rocket-Ejection Seat Catapult Upward Res EM e: Reserve of Enlisted Men RESER e: Reentry System Evaluation Radar RESG e: Research Engineering Standing Group


Res.Κ. Res.Κ. d: Reservekorps R.E.S.O. e: Royal Engineers Stores Officer RESS e: Radar Echo-Simulation Study - e: Radar Echo-Simulation System - e: Radar Environmental Simulator System REST e: Radar Electronic-Scan Technique - e: Radar Electronic Scan Test RESTA e: Reconnaissance, Security and Target Acquisition R.E.Svy Bn e: Royal Engineers Survey Battalion RET e: Radar Evaluation Track R.Et.C. / · Régiment Etranger de Cavalerie RETF e: Rocket Engine Test Facility R.Et.I. f: Régiment Etranger d'Infanterie RETL e: Rocket Engine Test Laboratory RETO e: Review of Education and Training of Officers [study group] RETP e: Reserve Entry Training Plan RETRO e: Retrofire Officer Retro e: Retrorocket RETS e: Remote Engagement Target System - e: Remote Target System REV e: Rotor Entry Vehicle REVISE e: Research Vehicle for In-flight Submunition Ejection REVS e: Rotor-Entry Vehicle System REW e: Radio Electronic Warfare Rewa d: Reichswehrwirtschaftsausschuß REWS e: Radar Early Warning System - e: Radio Electronic Warfare Service - e: Range Electronic Warfare Simulator - e: Range Electronics Warfare System REWSON e: Reconnaissance, Electronic Warfare, Special Operations & Naval Intelligence Processing System REWSONIP e: Reconnaissance Electronic Warfare Special Operation and Naval Intelligence Processing REWST e: Reprogrammable Electronic Warfare System Test REWTS e: Responsive Electronic Warfare Training System REX e: Range Extension RF e: Radar Frequency - e: Radar unit Fault summary - e: Radiation Filter - e: Radiation Frequency - e: Range Finder - e: Range Finding - e: Re-Flight - e: Reaction Forces - e: Reconnaissance Fighter - e: Reconnaissance Force - e: Recovery Forces - e: Regional Forces - e: Reliability of missile Flight - e: Reserve Fleet - e: Reserve Force [Naval] - e: Royal Fusiliers R.F. e: Regular Forces - e: Reserve Force - f : Régiment de forteresse R/F e: Reserve Forces RFA e: Radar Filter Assembly - e: Reserve Forces Act - e: Royal Field Artillery - e: Royal Fleet Auxiliary R.F.A. e: Royal Field Artillery - e: Royal Fleet Auxiliary RFAF e: Request for Additional File - e: Request for Additional Fires RF[Air] e: Reaction Forces [Air] RFAM e: Radio Frequency Attack Munition RFASIX e: Reserve Forces Act, Six Months Trainee


RFATHREE e: Reserve Forces Act, Three Months Trainee RFB d\ Rückwärtige Frontbasis - e: Regimental Funds Board RFBG d: Radarfernbedienungsgerät RFC e: Radar Fire Control - e: Request for Contract - e: Royal Flying Corps - e: Royal Flying Corps - / · Réseau des Forces Canadiennes R.F.C, e: Royal Flying Corps RFCG e: Radio Frequency Command Generator RFCM e: Radio Frequency Countermeasures R.F.C.N.W. e: Royal Flying Corps Naval Wing RFCO e: Radio Facilities Control Officer - e: Range Facilities Control Officer RFCR e: Reaction Forces for Crisis Response RFCS e: Reconfigurable Flight Control System RFCT e: Rapid Fire Crossing Target RFD e: Radiation Flux Density - e: Reentry Flight Demonstration RFDR e: Range Finder RFDSAM e: Rapid Fire Direct-Support Artillery Weapon RFE e: Radio Frequency Emissions RFEA e: Regular Forces Employment Association [the Services' own employment agency] RFED e: Research Facilities and Equipment Division RFF d: Radio Frieden und Freundschaft - e: Random Force Field - e: Rate Feed Forward - e: Ready Fighter Force - e: Research Flight Facility - e: Rocket Fabrication Facility RFFH e: Radar's Far-Field Hemisphere R.F.F. Rifles e: Rajput Frontier Force Rifles RFG d. Rückwärtige Führungsgruppe [taktisch] - e: Radar Field Gradient - e: Rapid-Fire Gun RFHCO e: Rocket Fuel Handler Clothing Outfit RFI e: Radar Frequency Interferometer RF-IR e: Radar Frequency-Infrared RFL e: Requested Flight Level - e: Rocket Flare Launcher R.Fl, d: Räumbootflotille R.F.M. /• Régiment de Fusiliers Marine RFME / • Réductions des Forces Mutuelles et Équilibrées RFMF e: Royal Fiji Military Forces - e: Royal Fiji Military Forces. Army RFMP e: Radio Frequency Mission Planner RF NOTAM e: Royal Flight Notice to Airmen RFO e: Regional Field Officer - e: Reserve Fleet Officer - e: Retrofire Officer RFOFM e: Records for Our Fighting Men RFORM e: Records for Our Fighting Men RFPB e: Reserve Forces Policy Board RF/PF e: Regional Forces-Popular Forces RFPI e: Radio for Peace International RFPMG e: Radar Fixed Point Minigraphic RFPNLOS e: Rapid Force Projection Non-Line-Of-Sight RFR d: Raketenführungsradar - e: Radio-Frequency Radiation - e: Royal Fleet Reserve R.F.R. e: Royal Fleet Reserve

Κ · G · Saur, München

RFRC e: Reliability Flight Readiness Center RFS d: Rückwärtige Führungsstaffel - e: Reference Flight System - e: Report Forwarding System - e: Rotational Flight Simulator - e: Rover Flight Safety RFSB e: Regional Forward Scatter Branch RFS/ECMS e: Radio Frequency Surveillance/Electronic Countermeasures Subsystem RFSS e: Radar Frequency Simulator System RFT e: Rapid Fire Target - e: Residual Flight Time - e: Rocket Firing Table RFTDS e: RF Target Designation System Rft Gp e: Reinforcement Group RFuK d: Richtfunkkompanie R.Fus. e: Royal Fusiliers RFV e: Radar Film Viewer RFW e: Radio Frequency Weapon - e: Request for Waiver RFWDF e: Radio Frequency Warning and Direction Finder RG e: Radar Group - e: Radar Guidance - e: Range - e: Ranging Gun - e: Refitting Group [Submarines] R/G e: Radiation Guidance R.G. f: Régiment de gendarmerie - f: Régiment du génie - f: Réserve générale Rg. s: Regimiento RGA e: Royal Garrison Artillery - e: Royal Guernsey Artillery R.G.A. e: Royal Guernsey Artillery RGAP /• Régiment du génie aéroporté RGD e: Radiation Generating Device R.G.D. d: Regiment Großdeutschland RGEM e: Radar Group Equipment Monitor R.G.F. e: Royal Gun Factory RGFC e: Republican Guard Forces Command RGFCS e: Radar Gunfire Control System RGFD e: Remote Gun Flash Detection R.G.G. e: Royal Grenadier Guards RGH e: Royal Gloucestershire Hussars RGI e: Rocket Gas Ingestion RGJ e: Royal Green Jackets RGJLond e: Royal Green Jackets, London RGJTAVR e: Royal Green Jackets Territorial and Army Volunteer Reserve RGK r: Reserv Glavnogo Komandovaniia RGL e: Radar Gun-Laying RGM e: Radar Guided Missile - e: Royal Guernsey Militia - e: Ship-launched, Guided ground-toground Missile R.G.M. / • Règlement Général de Manœuvre RGn e: Recoilles Gun RGO d: Regimentsgasoffizier - e: Regimental Gas Officer R.G.O. e: Regimental Gas Officer RGP e: Radar Glider Positioning RGPD e: Range-Gated Pulse Doppler R Gp's e: Reconnaissance Group of Officers RGR e: Range Gated Receiver - e: Royal Garrison Regiment RGS d: Reservegefechtsstand - e: Radar Ground Stabilization - e: Rocket Guidance System Rgs M.S.A. e: Regulations for Medical Services of the Army Rgt d: Regiment Rgt.-Kdr. d: Regimentskommandeur

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

R.I.Regt RGV e: Rail Guided Vehicle RGW e: Radar Gate Width RGWS e: Radar-Guided Warning System - e: Radar-Guided Weapon System RH d: Reichsheer - e: Regional Headquarters - e: Rocket Head - e: Royal Highlanders - e: The Royal Highland Regiment [Black Watch] - e: The Royal Hussars [Prince of Wales' Own] R.H. e: Royal Highlanders r.H. d: rückwärtiges Heeresgebiet RHA e: Regiment of the Royal Horse Artillery - e: Royal Hellenic Army - e: Royal Horse Artillery R.H.A. e: Royal Horse Artillery 1RHA e: 1st Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery RHAF e: Royal Hellenic Air Force R Hamps e: The Royal Hampshire Regiment Rh.A.R. e: Rhodesian African Rifles R.H.A.Rgt e: Royal Horse Artillery Regiment RHAW e: Radar Homing and Warning RHAWR e: Radar Homing and Warning Receiver RHA WS e: Radar Homing and Warning System RH Β e: Radar Homing Beacon - e: Radar Homing Bomb RHC e: Royal Highlanders of Canada - f: Régiment d'Hélicoptères de Combat R.H.C. / • Régiment d'Hélicoptères de Combat RHCMS /• Regiment d'Helicopteres de Commandement de Manoeuvre et de Soutien RHD e: Radar Horizon Distance RHF e: Radar Height Finding - e: Royal Highland Fusiliers [Princess Margret's Own Glasgow and Ayrshire Regiment] RHFS e: Radar Height Find Selector R.H.G. e: Royal Horse Guards RHG1D e: The Blues and Royals [Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons] RH HOLD e: Radar Height Hold RHI e: Radar Height Indicator RHINO e: Range Height Indicator Not Operating RHKAAF e: Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force RHKDF e: Royal Hong Kong Defence Force RHKR e: Royal Hong Kong Regiment RHLI e: Robert Hamilton Light Infantry RH MS e: Royal Hibernian Military School RHN e: Royal Hellenic Navy RHO e: Railhead Officer RHOGI e: Radar Homing Guidance - e: Radar Homing Guidance Investigation RHOGUI e: Radar Homing Guidance RHP e: Rural Health Program RHPS e: Radiation-Hardened Power Supply RHQ e: Rear Headquarter[s] - e: Regimental Headquarters RHR e: Radio Horizon Range - e: Royal Highland Regiment R.H.R. e: Royal Highland Regiment RHS e: Rocketdyne Hybrid Simulator RHU e: Regimental [Reinforcement] Holding Unit rh&w e: radar homing and warning

RHWR e: Radar Homing and Warning Receiver RHWS e: Radar Homing and Warning System RI d: Remonte-Inspektion - e: Radar Index - e: Radar Input - e: Radar Intercept - e: Radiation Indicator - e: Range Instrumentation - e: Royal Irish R.I. f: Régiment d'infanterie RIA e: Radiation Indicator Alarm R.I.A. /• Régiment d'infanterie alpine - f: Régiment d'information alpine R.I.A.C. f: Rassemblement International des Anciens Combattants RIADS e: Rapid Antiship Missile Integrated Defense System RIAF e: Royal Indian Air Force - e: Royal Iranian Air Force - e: Royal Iraqi Air Force - e: Royal Iraqui Air Force RIAL e: Revised Individual Allowance List R.I.A.M. / · Régiment interarmes malgache R.I.A.O.-M. / · Régiment interarmes d'outre-mer RIAS e: Radiation Indicator Alarm Switch R.I.A.S.C. e: Royal Indian Army Service Corps R.I.Bg. d: Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade RIBS e: Restructured Infantry Battalion System RIC e: Radar Indicating Console - e: Radar Input Control - e: Radar Intercept Control - e: Radar Intercept Officer - e: Record Identification Code [Navy] - e: Resident Inspector in Charge R.I.C. f: Régiment d'Infanterie Coloniale RICA i: Rappresentanza Italiana presso il Consiglio Atlantico RICE e: Radar Interface and Control Equipment R.I.C.M. /• Régiment d'Information de Chars de Marine RICMO e: Radar Input Countermeasures Officer RICMT e: Radar Input Countermeasures Technician - e: Radar Inputs Countermeasures Technique RICS e: Range Instrumentation and Control System RID d: Raketen Ing Dst - d: Raketeningenieurdienst - e: Radar Input Drum - e: Range Instrumentation Division - e: Range Instruments Development - e: Regulatory Integration Division R.I.D. d: Reserve-Infanterie-Division RIDD e: Range Instrumentation Development Division RIDDS e: Radar Interface and Data Distribution System R.I.D.G. e: Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards RIE e: Radar Intercept Event - e: Radar Interface Equipment - e: Royal Indian Engineers RIEDAC e: Research in International Economics of Disarmament and Arms Control RIF e: Radar Identification - e: Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers R.I.F. e: Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers - e: Royal Irish Fusiliers - f: Régiment d'infanterie de forteresse RIF e: Royal Irish Fusiliers

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

Rif.Brig. e: Rifle Brigade RIFC e: Radio In-Flight Correction R.I.F.T. / • Régiment d'Infanterie des Forces du Territoire RIFT/S e: Reaction-in-Flight Test/System R.I.Fus. e: Royal Irish Fusiliers RifuTrp d: Richtfunktrupp R.I.G.F.A. e: Recognition and Identification between Ground Forces and Aircraft RIGHT e: Rhodesian Independence GungHo Troops RIGM /• Rassemblement International contre la Guerre et le Militarisme RII e: Radar Intelligence Information RIM e: Radar Input Mapper - e: Radar Input Monitor - e: Radar Intelligence Map - e: Royal Indian Marine - η: Rechtstreeks Instromend in Mobiiisabele r.i.m. /• régiment d'infanterie marocain R.I.M. f: Régiment d'infanterie motorisé RIMa. f: Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine RIME e: Radio Inertial Missile Equipment R.I.Méca / ' Régiment d'infanterie mécanisé RIMMS e: RVNAF [Republic of Vietnam Air Force] Improvement and Modernization Management System RIMS d: Rationalisierung der Informationsübermittlung in militärischen Stäben - e: Radar-in-Flight Monitoring System - e: Radiation Intensity Measuring System RIN e: Royal Indian Navy RINA e: Resident Inspector of Naval Aircraft RIND e: Research Institute of National Defense RINM e: Resident Inspector of Naval Material R INNISKS e: The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers RINSMAT e: Resident Inspector of Naval Stores and Materiel RINSORD e: Resident Naval Inspector of Ordnance RINSPOW e: Resident Naval Inspector of Powder R.Inst.N.A. e: Royal Institution of Naval Architects RINT e: Radar Intermittent - e: Radiation Interference R.I.N.V.R. e: Royal Indian Navy Volunteer Reserve RIO e: Radar-Intercept Officer - e: Radar Intercept Operator - e: Regimental Intelligence Officer - e: Resident Inspector of Ordnance RIP e: Radar Identification Point - e: Radar Improvement Plan - e: Reduction Implementation Panel - e: Rocket Impelled Projectile - f: Régiment infanterie parachutiste RIPER e: Remotely Initiated Illuminating Perimeter Rocket R.I.P.M. f: Régiment d'infanterie partiellement mécanisé [motorisé] R.I.P.Ma. / · Régiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine RIPOSTE e: Rapid Integration and Processing of Sensor Test Evaluation RIPS e: Radar Impact Prediction System - e: Research Institute for Peace & Security RIR e: Range Illumination Radar Rir. e: Royal Irish Rifles R.I.R. d: Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment - f: Régiment d'infanterie de réserve R.I.Regt e: Royal Irish Regiment


RIrF R l r F e: Royal Irish Fusiliers [Princess Victoria's] R.Ir.Fus. e: Royal Irish Fusiliers [Princess Victoria's] R IRISH e: Royal Irish Rangers RIRP e: Retractable In-flight Refuelling Probe R.Ir.R. e: Royal Irish Rifles RIS e: Radar Information Service - e: Range Information System - e: Range Instrumentation Ship - e: Range Instrumentation Station - e: Range Instrumentation System - e: Royal Infantry Society R.I.S. f: Régiment d'infanterie de sécurité RISC e: Radar Interface and Scheduling Control RISE e: Radiation Induced Surface Effect - e: Reliability Improvement of Selected Equipment RI/SH e: Radar Intelligence/Surface Height RISH e: Radiation Indicator-Switch High RISO e: Range Instrumentation Systems Office [White Sands Missile Range] RISS e: Russia's Institute of Strategic Studies RIST e: Radar Installed System Fester RISTA e: Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance & Target Acquisition RIT e: Radar Input Fest - e: Rocket Interferometer Fracking R.I.T. f: Régiment d'Infanterie Ferritoriale RITA e: Resistance in the Army RITA Vehicle e: Reusable Interplanetary Fransport Approach Vehicle RITOP e: Red Integrated Factical Operational Plan RITS e: Reconnaissance Intelligence Technical Squadron R.I.T.S. f: Régiment d'infanterie type spécial R i l l e: Radar Interrogation Unit RIV e: Rapid Intervention Vehicle RIVCO e: River Crossing Operations R.J. n: Regiment Jägers R.J.A. e: Royal Jersey Artillery RJAF e: Royal Jordanian Air Force R.J.F. d: Reichsbund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten RJLI e: Royal Jersey Light Infantry R.J.L.I. e: Royal Jersey Light Infantry R.J.M. e: Royal Jersey Militia RJP e: Rocket Jet Plume RJTV e: Ramjet Test Vehicle RK d: Reservistenkameradschaft - d: Rückstellungskommission Rk. d: Rakete R.K. d: Reservekorps RKAF e: Royal Khmer Air Force - e: Royal Khmer Air Force [Cambodia] RKD e: Rocketdyne RKF d: Rüstungskontrolle und Friedenssicherung RKG d: Reichskriegsgericht RKKA R: Raboche-Krest'ianskaia Krasnaia Armiia R.K.M. d: Reichskriegsminister[ium] RKMuObdW d: Reichskriegsminister und Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht RKN e: Republic of Korea Navy R.-Ko. d: Regimentskommandeur RKr d: Raketenkreuzer R.Kr.M. d: Reichskriegsministerium RkrU d: Richtkreisunteroffizier rKS d: radioaktiver Kampfstoff Rkt d: Rakete RKT e: Rocket RKT GNR e: Rocket Gunner RKTR e: Rocketeer


Rkt Sta e: Rocket Station RL e: Radiation Laboratory - e: Radiation Length - e: Reliability of missile Launch R&L e: Recruiting and Liaison R/L e: Rocket Launcher RLA e: Royal Lao Army - e: Royal Lao Army [Laos] RLADD e: Radar Low-Angle Drogue Delivery RLAF e: Royal Laotian Air Force - e: Royal Libyan Air Force RLB d: Rückwärtige Lazarettbasis - e: Radar Locating Battery RLBM e: Rearward-Launched Ballistic Missile[s] R1C e: Radar Input Control RLCC e: Regimental Logistical Control Center R.Lcrs e: Royal Lancers RLCS e: Rocket Launch Control System RLD d: RadarLeitdienst - e: Radar Laydown Delivery RLDS e: Rotary Launcher Drive Subsystem R LEICESTERS e: Fhe Royal Leicestershire Regiment RLF e: Royal Laotian Forces RLG e: Regimental Landing Group RLI e: Radiation Level Indicator - e: Rand Light Infantry Regiment - e: Rhodesian Light Infantry R LINCOLNS e: The Royal Lincolnshire Regiment RI Innis.Fus. e: Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers RLL e: Rocket Launcher Locator RLM e: Rearward Launched Missile - e: Royal London Militia RLMs e: Rearward Launched Missiles R.L.M.u.Ob.d.L. d: Reichsluftfahrtminister und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe RLO e: Radar Lock-on - e: Regional Liaison Office[r] R.L.O. e: Regional Liaison Office[r] R-LOS e: Radar Line-of Sight RLPG e: Regenerative Liquid Propellant Gun RLS d: Raketenleitstation - e: Radar Line-of-Sight - e: Rocket Launching System RLT e: Radionavigation Land Test - e: Regimental Landing Team RLVS e: Recoverable Launch Vehicle Structure RLW e: Rules of Land Warfare RM d: Reichsmarine - e: Deputy Commander for Resources - e: Radar Mapper - e: Radar Missile - e: Radiation Measurement - e: Radiation Monitorfing] - e: Rocket Motor - e: Royal Marine - e: Royal Marines - f: Region Militaire RM. d: Reichsmarine R.M. d: Reichsmarine - e: Royal Marines - f: Régiment de matériel - i: Regia Marina RMA d: Reichsmarineamt - e: Rear Maintenance Area - e: Reserve Military Airman - e: Reserve Military Aviator - e: Royal Malaysian Air Force - e: Royal Malta Artillery - e: Royal Malta Artillery - e: Royal Marine Academy

Κ · G · Saur, München

- e: Royal Marine Artillery - e: Royal Military Academy - e: Royal Military Academy - e: Royal Military Asylum - e: Royal Moroccan Air Force Rm.A. d: Remonteamt R.M.A. e: Royal Malta Artillery - e: Royal Marine Artillery - e: Royal Marine Asylum - e: Royal Marines Association - e: Royal Military Academy - e: Royal Military Asylum - η: Regiment Motorartillerie RMAB e: Royal Military Academy Band RMAD f: Régiment Mixte d'Artillerie Divisionnaire RMAE /• Revue Militaire des Armées Étrangères RMAF e: Royal Malayan Air Force - e: Royal Malaysian Air Force - e: Royal Moroccan Air Force RMAFVR e: Royal Malaysian Air Force Voluntary Reserve RMALAN e: Royal Malaysian Navy RMAM e: Removable Media Auxiliary Memory - e: Royal Military Academy Museum R.Mar.A. d: Reichsmarineamt RMarA d: Reichsmarineamt R.Mar.A. d: Reichsmarineamt - e: Royal Marines Artillery R.M.Arty e: Royal Marines Artillery RMAS e: Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst RMB e: Royal Marine Barracks - e: Royal Marine Brigade R.M.B.F. e: Royal Military Benevolent Fund RMBPD e: Royal Marine Boom Patrol Detachment RMC e: Captain of Royal Marines - e: Real Military Compensation - e: Regional Military Commander - e: Regular Military Compensation - e: Representative in Medical Council - e: Required Military Characteristics - e: Revolutionary Military Council - e: Rocket Motor Case - e: Royal Marine Commandos - e: Royal Marine Corps - e: Royal Marines Captain - e: Royal Military College [of Canada] R.M.C, e: Royal Marine Commandos - e: Royal Marine Corps - e: Royal Military College, Sandhurst - f: Régiment mixte colonial RMCB e: Reserve Mobile Construction Battalion - e: Royal Marine Commando Brigade R.M.C.B. e: Royal Marine Commando Brigade RMCC e: Royal Military College of Canada RMCDE e: Radar Message Conversion and Distribution Equipment R.M.C.S. e: Royal Military College of Science RMD e: Reaction Motors Division R.M.D. d: Reichsmarinedienststelle RMdLuObdL d: Reichsluftfahrtminister und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe RME e: Radiation Monitoring Equipment - e: Radiation Monitoring Experiment - e: Rocket Motor Executive - e: Royal Marine Engineers RM EC e: Regional Military Emergency Coordinator R.M.Eng. e: Royal Marine Engineers RM/ER e: Requirements Management/Expense Reporting

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

RNFC RMF e: Royal Munster Fusiliers R.M.F. e: Royal Munster Fusiliers R.M.F.U. e: Royal Marine Fortress Unit RMFVR e: Royal Marine Forces, Volunteer Reserves RMG d: Reichsmilitärgericht - d: Reichsmilitärgesetz - e: Radar Mapper Gapfiller - e: Radar Monitoring Group - e: Ranging Machine Gun - e: Royal Marine Gunner RMGO e: Regimental Machine Gun Officer - e: Regional Military Government Officer RMHQ e: Regional Military Headquarters RMI e: Radiation Monitoring Instructions - e: Rocket Motor Igniter - i: Rivista Militare Italiana R.M.I.C. f: Régiment de Mitrailleurs d'Infanterie Coloniale RMICBM e: Road-Mobile Intercontinental Ballistic Missile RMID e: Road Mine Detector RMiLG d: Reichsmilitärgericht R.Mil.Sch. e: Royal Military School RML e: Radar Mapper Longrange R.M.L.E. / · Régiment de Marche de la Légion Étrangère RM LI e: Royal Marine Light Infantry R.M.L.I. e: Royal Marine Light Infantry RMLuObdL d: Reichsluftfahrtminister und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe RMM e: Radar Map Matching RMMP e: Royal Mounted Military Police R.M.M.S. e: Royal Marine Military School RMMU e: Removable Media Memory Unit RMN e: Reserve Material Navy - e: Royal Malaysian Navy - f: Représentant Militaire National RMO e: Radar Management Officer - e: Radar Master Oscillator - e: Radar Material Office[r] - e: Recruitment and Manning Organization - e: Regimental Munitions Officer - e: Rocket Management Office - e: Royal Marine Office - e: Royal Marine Office R.M.O. e: Royal Marine Office R MON e: Royal Monmouthshire Regiment R MON RE[M] e: Fhe Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers [Militia] R/M o w e e: Rhein-Main Officers Wives' Club RMP e: Rhine Military Post - e: Rocket & Machine gun Pod - e: Rocket Motor Plume - e: Rocket Motor Propellant - e: Royal Marine Police - e: Fhe Corps of Royal Military Police R.M.P. e: Royal Marine Police - e: Royal Military Police RMPA e: Replacement Maritime Patrol Aircraft R.M.P.C. e: Royal Military Police Corps RMR e: Royal Marine Reserve - e: Royal Marines Reserve - e: Royal Maritime Regiment - e: Royal Montreal Regiment R.M.R. e: Royal Montreal Regiment R.M.R.A. e: Royal Marines Rifle Association RM RA e: Royal Marines Rifle Association RMRT e: Required Mission Response Times RMS e: Radar Maintenance Spare [s] - e: Radar Mapper, Short-Range

- e: Radar Mapping Set - e: Radar Mapping System - e: Radiation Monitoring System - e: Range Measurement System - e: Recruiting Main Station - e: Regional Military Separatism - e: Rocket Management System - f: Revue Militaire Suisse RMSA e: Regulations of the Medical Services of the Army R.M.S.A.S. e: Royal Marine Small Arms School R.M.Sch.Mus. e: Royal Marines School of Music RMSH e: Regional Maritime Safety Headquarter RMSI e: Royal Marine Signalling Instructor RMSL e: Range Fime to Missile RMSM e: Royal Marines Sergeant Major - e: Royal Military School of Music R.M.S.M. e: Royal Military School of Music R.M.S.Regt. e: Royal Marine Siege Regiment RMSSM e: Royal Marines Staff Sergeant Major R.M.S.S.M. e: Staff Sergeant-Major, Royal Marines RMT e: Remotely Measured Target - e: Rocket Motor Technology R.M.T. /• Régiment de Marche du Tchad RMTC e: Regional Military Training Center RMTF e: Ready Missile Test Facility R.M.T.Gp. e: Royal Marine Fraining Group RMTL /• Remorque Militaire de Transport Logistique RMTR e: Redesigned Missile Tracking Radar R.M.Tr.Gp. e: Royal Marine Training Group R-Munition d: Rauchmunition R.M.V.E. f: Régiment de Marche des Volontaires Étrangers RMW e: Regulations for Magazine and War Matériel - e: Royal Malaysian Navy RMWO e: Warrant Officer, Royal Marines RMWR e: Religious, Morale, Welfare, and Recreation RN e: Radar Navigation - e.· Radar Navigator - e: Radio Navigation - e: Royal Navy R.N. e: Royal Navy - e.· Royal Norwegian Navy RNA e: Royal Naval Academy - e: Royal Naval Association - e: Royal Netherlands Army - e: Royal Norwegian Army R/NAA e: Rocketdyne-North America Aviation R.N.A.A.F. e: Royal Norwegian Army and Air Force RNAD e: Royal Naval Armament Depot - e: Royal Navy Armament Depot R.N.A.D. e: Royal Navy Air Division RNADC e: Royal Netherlands Air Defense Command RNAF e: Royal Naval Air Force - e: Royal Naval Air Force - e: Royal Netherlands Air Force - e: Royal Norwegian Air Force R.N.A.F. e: Royal Naval Air Force RNAFF e.· Royal Netherlands Aircraft Factories Fokker

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

R.N.A.H. e: Royal Naval Auxiliary Hospital RNAMY e: Royal Naval Aircraft Maintenance Yard RNAS e: Relative Navigation & Analytic Simulator - e: Royal Naval Air Service - e: Royal Naval Air Station R.N.A.S. e: Royal Naval Air Service - e: Royal Naval Air Station R.N.A.S.A.A.C. e: Royal Naval Air Service Anti-Aircraft Corps R.N.A.S.B.R. e: Royal Naval Auxiliary Sick Birth Reserve RNASOCA e: Royal Naval Air Service Old Comrades' Association R.N.A.T.E. e: Royal Naval Air Training Establishment RNATE e: Royal Naval Air Training Establishment RNAV e: Remote Area Navigation - e: Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers R.N.A.V. e: Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers - e: Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers R/NAV e: Radio Navigation R.Nav.Res. e: Royal Naval Reserve R.N.A.W. e: Royal Naval Aircraft Workshop R.N.A.W.R. e: Royal Naval Auxiliary Wireless Reserve R.N.A.Y, e: Royal Naval Aircraft Yard R.N.B, e: Royal Naval Barracks RNBC e: Royal Naval Beach Command - e: Royal Naval Beach Commando RNBM e: Royal Navy Ballistic Missile R.N.B.S. e: Royal Naval Benevolent Society R.N.B.T. e: Royal Naval Benevolent Trust RNC e: Raster Navigational Chart - e: Royal Naval College - e: Royal Naval Command - e: Royal Navy College R.N.C, e: Royal Naval College R.N.C.B. e; Royal Naval College of the Blind R.N.C.C. e: Royal Naval College of Canada R.N.C.F. e: Royal Naval Cordite Factory R.N.Coll. e: Royal Naval College R.N.C.V. e: Royal Naval Coast Volunteers RNCVR e: Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve RND e: Railroads for National Defense - e: Royal Naval Division RND E S e: Range NTDS Display Emulator System RNDQs e: Royal Naval Detention Quarters RNEC e: Royal Naval Engineering College RNEC[oll] e: Royal Naval Engineering College RNEE e: Royal Naval Equipment Exhibition - e: Royal Navy Equipment Exhibition RNEFTS e: Royal Navy Elementary Flying Training Squadron R.N.E.I.A.F. e: Royal Netherlands East Indies Air Force R.N.E.I.N, e: Royal Netherlands East Indies Navy RNES e: Royal Naval Engineering Service RNETAF e: Royal Netherlands Air force RNethN e: Royal Netherlands Navy RNF e: Radio Navigation Facilities - e: Royal Northumberland Fusiliers R.N.F. e: Royal Naval Fund - e: The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers RNFC e: Royal Naval Film Corporation


R.N.F.C. R.N.F.C. e: Royal Navy Film Corporation - e: Royal Navy Flying Club rnfp e: radar not functioning properly RNG e: Radio Range RNGHQ e: Royal Navy General Headquarters RNGT e: Radar Navigator Ground Trainer RNH e: Royal Naval Hospital R.N.H.D. e: Royal Naval Hydrographie Department RNHF e: Royal Navy Historical Flight RNI e: Resident Navy Inspector RNIA e: Royal Netherlands Army - e: Royal Netherlands Indies Army RNIMC e: Royal Netherlands Marine Corps RNIN e: Royal Netherlands Navy RNIO e: Resident Naval Inspector of Ordnance RNISC e: Royal Naval Initial Staff Course RNISORD e: Resident Naval Inspector of Ordnance RNISPOW e: Resident Naval Inspector of Powder RNLA e: Royal Netherlands Army RNLAF e: Royal Netherland Air Force - e: Royal Netherlands Air Force RNIMC e: Royal Netherlands Marine Corps RNLN e: Royal Netherlands Navy RNIN n: Koninklijke Marine RNLO e: Royal Naval Liaison Office[r] R.N.L.R.S. e: Royal Naval Lay Readers' Society RNM e: Radio-Navigation Mobile R.N.M.B.R. e: Royal Naval Motor Boat Reserve RNMC e: Royal Netherlands Marine Corps R.N.M.C. e: Royal Navy Medical Corps RNMD e: Royal Naval Mine Depot R.N.M.O.H. e: Royal Naval and Marine Orphan Home RNMS e: Royal Naval Medical Service RNMWS e: Royal Naval Minewatching Service RNN e: Royal Netherlands Navy - e: Royal Nigerian Navy - e: Royal Norwegian Navy R.N.N.A.S. e: Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service RNNPTE e: Royal Naval Nuclear Propulsion Test and Training Establishment RNO e: Regional Nuclear Option - e: Regional Nursing Officer - e: Resident Naval Officer - e: Royal Navy of Oman R.N.O. e: Royal Naval Officer RNOA e: Royal Norwegian Army RNoAF e: Royal Norwegian Air Force RNOC e: Royal Naval Officers' Club R.N.O.C.A. e: Royal Naval Old Comrades' Association RNON e: Royal Norwegian Navy RNORA e: Royal Norwegian Army R NORFOLK e: The Royal Norfolk Regiment R.Norf.R. e: The Royal Norfolk Regiment RNORN e: Royal Norwegian Navy RNP e: Radio Navigation Plan - e: Required Navigation Performance - e: Royal Naval Personnel Research Committee RNPC e: Required Navigation Performance Capability RNPL e: Royal Naval Physiological Laboratory RNPRC e: Royal Naval Personnel Research Committee


RNPS e: Royal Naval Patrol Service - e: Royal Navy Polaris School RNR e: Resonant nuclear reaction - e: Royal Navy Reserve R.N.R. e: Royal Naval Reserve R.N.R.A. e: Royal Naval Rifle Association R.N.R.A.C, e: Royal Naval Reserve Advisory Committee R.N.R.M.C.H. e: Royal Naval and Royal Marine Children's Home RNR RA e: Royal Naval Reserve Rifle Association R.N.R.R.A. e: Royal Naval Reserve Rifle Association R.N.R.S. e: Royal Naval Reserve of Skippers R.N.R. [T.l e: Royal Naval Reserve Trawler Section RNS e: Radar Netting Station - e: Radionavigation Service - e: Reusable Nuclear Shuttle - e: Royal Naval School R.N.S. e: Royal Naval Service RNSA e: Royal Naval Sailing Association R.N.S.A. e: Royal Naval Sailing Association RNSC e: Rocket/Nimbus Sounder Comparison - e: Royal Naval Staff College R.N.S.C. e: Royal Naval Staff College RNSC e: Royal Naval Staff College RNSD e: Royal Naval Stores Depot RNSH e: Royal Navy Sub-Harpoon RNSMS e: Royal Navy Submarine School R.N.S. of M. e: Royal Naval School of Mines - e: Royal Naval School of Music RNSQ e: Royal Naval Sick Quarters R.N.S.R. e: Royal Naval Special Reserve - e: Royal Nova Scotia Regiment RNSS e: Radio Navigation Satellite Services - e: Royal Naval Scientific Service RNSTS e: Royal Naval Supply and Transport Service RNTD e: Royal Naval Torpedo Depot R.N.T.E. e: Royal Naval Training Establishment R.N.T.F. e: Royal Naval Torpedo Factory RNTO e: Royal Navy Transport Officer RNTS e: Royal Naval Transport Service R.N.T.S. e: Royal Naval Temperance Society R.N.T.S.H. e: Royal Naval Temperance Society Headquarters R.N.T.II. e: Royal Naval Training Unit RNII e: Radar Netting Unit RNV e: Replacement Naval Vessels - e: Reusable Nuclear Vehicle R.N.V. e: Royal Naval Volunteers RNVCS e: Royal Navy Versatile Console System RNVD e: Royal Naval Victualling Depot R.N.V.P.R. e: Royal Naval Volunteer Postal Reserve R.N.V.R. e: Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve R.N.V.R.A.A.C. e: Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Anti-Aircraft Corps R.N.V.R.P.S. e: Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Pigeon Service R.N.V.S.R. e: Royal Naval Volunteer Supplementary Reserve RNVU e: Royal Navy Vetting Unit RNVWR e: Royal Naval Volunteer Wireless Reserve R.N.V.W.R. e: Royal Naval Volunteer Wireless Reserve RNW e: Radio Navigational Warning

Κ · G · Saur, München

R.N.W.A.R. e: Royal Naval Wireless Auxiliary Reserve R.N.W.C. e: Royal Naval War College RNWL e: Royal Naval War Library R.N.W.L. e: Royal Naval War Libraries RNXS e: Royal Naval Auxiliary Service - e: Royal Navy Auxiliary Services RNY e: Royal Navy RNZ d: Reservenachrichtenzentrale - d: Rückwärtige Nachrichtenzentrale R.N.Ζ.A. e: Royal New Zealand Army RNZAC e: Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps RNZAEC e: Royal New Zealand Army Education Corps R.N..Z.A.F. e: Royal New Zealand Air Force R.N.Z.A.M.C. e: Royal New Zealand Army Medical Corps RNZAOC e: Royal New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps R.N.Z.Arty e: Royal New Zealand Artillery RNZASC e: Royal New Zealand Army Service Corps RNZC Sigs e: Royal New Zealand Corps of Signallers RNZ Inf e: Royal New Zealand Infantry Corps RNZIR e: Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment R.N.Z.N. e: Royal New Zealand Navy RNZNR e: Royal New Zealand Naval Reserve RNZNVR e: Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve RNZPC e: Royal New Zealand Provost Corps RO d: Radionavigation Mobile Station - d: Reserveoffizier - e: Radar Observer - e: Radar Operator - e: Range Operation - e: Reconnaissance Officer - e: Recruiting Officer - e: Regional Officer - e: Reserve of Officers - e: Reserve Officer - e: Retired Officer ROA R: Russkaya Osvoboditelnaya Armya - d: Reserveoffizieranwärter - η: Reserve officier algemeen ROAD e: Re-Organize Army Division - e: Reorganization Objective Army Division ROAL e: Reserve Officers' Association Ladies ROAR e: Re-evaluation of Army Organization ROB d: Reichsoffiziersbund - d: Reserveoffizierbewerber - e: Radar Order of Battle - e: Radar Out of Battle ROBARV e: Army's Robotic Resupply Vehicle ROBAT e: Royal Ordnance Battle ROBO e: Rocket Bomber - e: Rocket Orbital Bomber ROC e: Regional Operational Command - e: Reserve Officer Candidate - e: Royal Observer Corps - e: Royal Ordnance Corps ROCA e: Republic of China Army ROCAD e: Reorganization of the Current Armored Division ROCAF e: Republic of China Air Force ROCAT e: Rocket Catapult ROCC e: Radar Operations Control Center - e: Royal Observer Corps Centre

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

RPRS R.O.C.C. e: Royal Observer Corps Club ROCID e: Reorganization of Combat Infantry Division - e: Reorganization of the Current Infantry Division ROCKEX e: Rocket Exercise ROCKOON e: Rocket Balloon ROCLANT e: Regional Operations Center Atlantic R.O.C.L.O. e: Royal Observer Corps Liaison Officer ROCMAGV e: Republic of China, Military Assistance Group, Vietnam ROCMC e: Republic of China Marine Corps ROCN e: Republic of China Navy ROCP e: Radar Out of Commission for Parts ROC Program e: Reserve Officer Candidate Program R.O.D. e: Royal Ordnance Department RODAC e: Reorganization Objectives Army Division, Army & Corps RODAR e: Road Radar - e: Rotor Blade Helicopter Search Radar RODEO / · Radar d'Observation et de Designation d'Objectifs R.O.F. e: Royal Ordnance Factory ROF e: Royal Ordnance Factory ROFB e: Radar Operating Frequency Bandwith R. of O. e: Reserve of Officers ROFs e: Royal Ordnance Factories ROFT e: Radar of Target R.O.F.W. e: Royal Ordnance Factories Worktakers' Association ROI e: Range Operations [or Operating] Instruction^] ROIC e: Resident Officer-in-Charge ROICC e: Resident Officer-in-Charge of Construction RO in C e: Ranking Officer-in-Charge - e: Resident Officer-in-Charge ROINST e: Range Operations Instructions ROJ e: Range of Jamming ROKA e: Republic of Korea Army ROKAF e: Republic of Korea Air Force ROKAMS e: Republic of Korea Army Map Service ROKDTF e: Republic of Korea Division Task Force ROKF e: Republic of Korea Forces ROKFV e: Republic of Korea Forces in Vietnam ROKMC e: Republic of Korea Marine Corps ROKN e: Republic of Korea Navy - e: Repulic of Korea Navy roksonde e: rocket sounding ROKUSCFC e: Republic of Korea and United States Combined Forces Command ROL e: Radar Observer License ROLS e: Readiness Oriented Logistics System ROM e: Radar Operator Mechanic ROMANS e: Range-Only Multiple Aircraft Navigation System[s] ROMP e: Report of Obligation Military Pay RONAG e: Reserve Officers Naval Architecture Group RONS e: Reserve Officers of the National Service - e: Reserve Officers of the Naval Service RONT e: Radar On Target ROO e: Range Operations Officer - e: Reserve of Officers R.O.O. e: Reserve of Officers ROPA e: Reserve Officers Personnel Act

ROPB e: Reserve Officers Promotion Board ROPMA e: Reserve Officer Personnel Management Act ROPRA e: Reserve Officer Performance Recording Activity ROR e: Radar Off Target - e: Range-Only Radar - e: Rotor Rocket RORA e: Reliable Operate Radar Altimeter - e: Reserve Officer Recording Activity ROS e: Radar Distribution Switch - e: Range Operation Station ROs e: Range Operations ROSC e: Reserve Officers' Sanitary Corps R.O.S.C. e: Reserve Officers' Sanitary Corps RöSchbTrpBw d: Röntgenschirmbildtrupp der Bundeswehr ROSIS r: Reservofficerssällskapet i Stockholm ROSR e: Regulations for Officers of the Supplementary Reserve of Officers and for the Supplementary Reserve ROST e: Radar Operator Training System R&O Sup Mgt e: Repair and Overhaul Supply Management ROT e: Radar on Target - e: Reserve Officer Training - e: Right Observer Target ROTA e: Royal Ordnance Training Ammunition ROT ABCCC e: Rotational Airborne Command and Control Center ROTAD e: Reorganization of the Airborne Division ROTC e: Regulations for the Officers Training Corps - e: Reserve Officer Training Corps - e: Reserve Officer Training Corps Program - e: Reserve Officers' Training Camp ROTCM e: Reserve Officers' Training Corps Manual ROTCR e: Reserve Officers' Training Corps Region ROTE AREFS e: Rotating Air Refueling Squadron ROT FIS e: Rotating Fighter Interceptor Squadron ROT FIS DET e: Rotating Fighter Interceptor Squadron Detachment ROTHR e: Relocatable Over-The-Horizon Radar ROTP e: Regular Officer Training Plan - e: Regular Officer Training Program ROTS e: Radar Observer Testing System - e: Range on Target Signal ROT TAS e: Rotational Tactical Assault Squadron ROT TBS e: Rotational Tactical Bomber Squadron ROT TCS e: Rotational Troop Carrier Squadron ROV e: Remotely-Operated Vehicle RO VIS e: Royal Ordnance Vehicle Intercom System ROVWR e: Remotely Operated Control Vehicle Weapon Recovery ROW e: Risk of War Rowe. e: Rowe's Interesting Parliamentary and Military Cases ROX e: Right on Target ROYALS e: 1st The Royal Dragoons RP d: Regulierungspunkt - e: Radar Performance - e: Radiation Pressure - e: Radiation Protection - e: Ranchers for Peace

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Reconnaissance Platoon - e: Regimental Police - e: Rocket Pod - e: Rocket Projector - e: Rocket Propelled - e: Rocket Propulsion rp e: rocket projectile - e: rocket propellant R.P. / ' Régiment de Pionniers RPA e: Forest and rangeland renewable Resources Planning Act - e: Radar Performance Analyzer - e: Reserve Personnel, Army RPAC e: Regional Personnel Area Center RPAE e: Regulations for Preservation of Artillery Equipment RPB e: Radar Plotting Board - f: Réformés pour Blessures RPC e: Radar Planning Chart - e: Radar Prediction Centre - e: Radar Prediction Conference - e: Radar Processing Center - e: Records Processing Center [Veterans Administration] - e: Report[ing] to Commander - e: Royal Pioneer Corps - e: The Royal Pioneer Corps RPCV e: Returned Peace Corps Volunteer RPCVCCA e: Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Committee on Central America RPD e: Radar Planning Device - e: Radar Prediction Device - e: Rocket Propulsion Department - e: Rocket Propulsion Division RPDT e: Radar Prediction Data Table RPE e: Rocket Propulsion Establishment RPF e: Radar Performance Figure RPG e: Radar Product Generator - e: Radiation Protection Guide - e: Rocket-Propelled Grenade RPGP e: Radar Performance Growth Programme RPGT e: Radar Procedures Ground Trainer RPH e: Remotely-Piloted Helicopter RPI e: Radar Position Indication R.P.I.Ma. f: Régiment [de] Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine RPIS e: Rapid Personnel Identification System RPK e: Regiment President Kruger RPL e: Rocket Propulsion Laboratory RPLV e: Reentry Payload Launch Vehicle RPM e: Office of NATO and Atlantic Political-Military Affairs - e: Radar Performance Monitor RPMC e: Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps RPMD e: Resources Planning and Mobilization Division RPM F e: Radiation Pattern Measurement Facility RPN e: Reserve Personnel, Navy RPO e: Radiation Protection Officer - e: Regional Personnel Officer - e: Regulating Petty Officer RPOSF e: Reposition Forward RPP e: Radar Power Program - e: Radar Processing Plant - e: Radiation Protection Program - e: Rocket Propellant Plant RPPA e: Republican Postwar Policy Association RPPG e: Radar Planning and Policy Group RPPP e: Repair Parts Program Plan RPRA e: Remotely Piloted Research Aircraft RPRS e: Random-Pulse Radar System


RPRV RPRV e: Remotely-Piloted Research Vehicle RPS e: Radar Plotting Sheet - e: Radar Position Symbol - e: Radiation Protection Standard - e: Radiation Protection Supervisor - s: Símbolo de Posición Radar RPT e: Radar Plotting Trainer - e: Radiation Protection Technician [or Technologist] - e: Rocket-Powered Target - e: Rocket Propulsion Technician RPTO e: RadarSAT Program Technical Office RPH e: Radar Prediction Uncertainty - e: Remote Power Unit RPV e: Remote Pilotless Vehicle - e\ Remotely piloted vehicles RPVIO e: Registered Publication Van Issuing Office RPVX e: Remote-Piloted Vehicle Experiment RPW e: Rapid Protective Works R.P.W.A.C. e: Republican Post-War Advisory Council R.P.W.P.A. e: Republican Post-War Policy Association RPWR e: Radar Passive Warning Receiver RPzB d: Raketenpanzerbüchse RPzBGr d: Raketenpanzerbüchsengranate RQC e: Radar Quality Control RQM e: Regimental Quartermaster RQMC e: Regimental QuartermasterCorporal RQMD e: Richmond Quartermaster Depot RQMS e: Regimental QuartermasterSergeant RQP e: Request Flight Plan RQS d: Radarrückstrahlquerschnitt - e: Request Supplementary Flight Plan - e: Rescue Squadron RQW e: Rescue Wing RQYS e: Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron RR d: Raketenregiment - e: Radar Ranging - e: Range Rate - e: Rendezvous Radar - e: Retro-Rocket - e: Rocket Research - e: Royal Air Force Regiment rr e: radio range R.R. d: Reiter-Regiment R/R e: Radio/Radar RRA e: Radar Recording and Analysis - e: Radio Relay Aircraft - e: Ranger Regimental Association - e: The Royal Regiment of Artillery R.R.A. e: Rhodesia Republican Army RRAD e: Red River Army Depot RRAE e: Radar Recording and Analysis Equipment RRAF e: Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces - e: Royal Rhodesian Air Force R.R.A.F. e: Royal Rhodesian Air Force RRAFC f: Réseau Radio Affilié des Forces Canadiennes RRB e: Radar Reflective Balloon - e: Radio Range Beacon RRC e: Radar Reflectivity Characteristic - e: Radar Return Code - e: Radiation Resistance Cable - e: Rapid Reaction Corps - e: The Royal Regiment of Canada - n: Regionaal Recherche-Commando RRCS e: Reentry Radar Cross Section RRD e: Restricted Radiation Devices


R.R.D.E. e: Radar Research and Development Establishment RRDR e: Raw Radar Data Recorder RRE e: Radar Research Establishment R.Regt.C. e: Royal Regiment of Canada RRF e: Rapid Reaction Force - e: Rapid Reinforcement Force - e: Ready Reaction Force - e: Ready Reserve Fleet - e: Ready Reserve Force - e: Regional Response Force - e: Royal Regiment of Fusiliers R.R.F.A. e: Royal Regiment of Field Artillery RRG d: Radarrundsuchgerät - e: Radar Range Gate - e: Radar Receiver Group R.R.G.A. e: Royal Regiment of Garrison Artillery RRGH e: Royal Regiment of Gloucestershire and Hampshire R.Rgt. d: Reiter-Regiment RRH e: Remote Radar Head RRI e: Range-Rate Indicator - e: Rendezvous Radar Indicator - e: Rocket Research Institute R.R.I. /• Régiment Régional d'Infanterie RRIC e: Radar Repeater Indicator Console RRIS e: Remote Radar Integrating Station RRL e: Radar Relay Link - e: Radar Relay [station] - e: Radar Research Laboratory - e: Rocket Research Laboratories RRLG e: Rocket, Radio, Longitudinal, Generator-powered RRM e: Radar Reflectivity Measurement - e: Radar Response Message RRMC e: Royal Roads Military College, Victoria, British Columbia RRM F e: Radar Reflectivity Measuring Facility RRN e: Rapid Reinforcement of NATO R.R.N.R. e: Registrars of Royal Naval Reserve RRO e: Radiation Resistant Operator - e: Regimental Reserve Officer R.R.of Tor.Grs e: Royal Regiment of Toronto Grenadiers R&ROTC e: Reserve & Reserve Officers' Training Corps RRPC e: Reserve Reinforcement Processing Center RRPL e: Recommended Repair Parts List RRPR e: Reduced Range Practice Rocket R.R.P.W.P.A. e: Regional Republican Post-War Policy Association RRRA e: Regulations for Recruiting of the Regular Army RRRE e: Radar Range-Rate Error RRS e: Radar Ranging System - e: Regional Reinforcement Squadron - e: Rendezvous Radar System - e: Retrograde Rocket System RRSC e: Russian Railway Service Corps RRSRE e: Royal Signals and Radar Establishment RRSTRAF e: Ready Reserve Strategic Army Forces RRT e: Radar Range Track - e: Radar Reporting Trainer - e: Rendezvous Radar Transducer - e: Rendezvous Radar Transponder RRT/CE e: [Working Group on] Railroad Transport, Military Sub-Group for Central Europe RRT/NE e: [Working Group on] Railroad Transport, Military Sub-Group for Northern Europe RRTR e: Reduced Range Training Round

Κ · G · Saur, München

RRTS e: Remote Radar Tracking Station - e: Remote Radar Tracking System RRÏ! d: Rückwärtiger Rand der Überwachung RRV d: Rückwärtiger Rand des Verteidigungsraumes - e: Remote Reconnaissance Vehicle - e: Rotor Reentry Vehicle RRW e: Radiation Resistant Wire - e: The Royal Regiment of Wales RRZ e: Radar Regulation Zone RS R: Raketa Strategichnaya - d: Raketenschiff - d: Raketenschnellboote - d: Rekrutenschule - d: Religionssoziologie - e: Radar Scan - e: Radar Set - e: Radar Shelter - e: Radar Simulator - e: Radar Start - e: Recruiting Service - e: Rocket System - e: Royal Scots R&S e: Reconnaissance and Surveillance R.S. e: Recruiting Service - e: Rocket station - e: Royal Corps of Signals - e: Royal Scots - e: Royal Sussex Regiment - f: Régiment de Spahis RSA e: Radar Service Area - e: Radar Signature Analysis - e: Royal School of Artillery R.S.A. /• Régiment de Spahis Algériens RSAA e: Rotor System Research Aircraft RSAAF e: Royal South African Air Force RSAC e: Radar Significance Analysis Code RSADF e: Royal Saudi Air Defense Force RSAF e: Republic of Singapore Air Force - e: Royal Saudi Air Force - e: Royal Siamese Air Force - e: Royal Small Arms Factory - e: Royal Swedish Air Force R.S.A.F. e: Royal Small Arms Factory RSAR e: Rotor Systems Research Aircraft RSAS e: RAND Strategie Assessment System RSAT e: RadarSAT Project RSB d: Raketenschnellboot - d: Raum für Spezialbehandlung - e: Reconnaissance Strike Bomber rsb e: range safety beacon RSBA d: Raketenschnellboot-Abteilung RSBBr d: Raketenschnellbootsbrigade RS-Boot d: Raketenschnellboot RS-Boot-Brigade d: Raketenschnellbootsbrigade RSBS e: Radar Safety Beacon System RSC e: Radar Scattering Camouflage - e: Radar Sea Clutter - e: Radar Set Control - e: Radar Sight Controller - e: Regional Service Center - e: Replacement and School Command RSc e: The Royal Scots R&SC e: Replacement and School Command R.S.C, e: Royal Signal Corps RSCP e: Radar Set Control Panel - e: Radar Signal and Control Processor RSCS e: Range Safety Command System RSCSS e: Range Safety Command Shutdown System RSD e: Radar Signal Discrimination - e: Radar System Development RSDG e: Royal Scots Dragoon Guards R.S.D.H. e: Royal Soldiers' Daughters' Home

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

RTMC R.S.D.O.A. e: Royal School for Daughters of Officers of the Army RSDS e: Radar System Design Section - e: Royal Soldiers' Daughters School RSDT e: Remote System Data Terminal RSDU e: Radar/Sonar Display Unit - e: Radar Storm Detection Unit RSE e: Radar Search Equipment RSEP e: RPV [Remotely Piloted Vehicle] Simulation Evaluation Program[me] RSF d: Radarsonde für Freilandüberwachung - e: Rocket Sled Facility - e: Royal Scots Fusiliers - e: Russian Socialist Forces - e: Russian Soviet Forces R.S.F. e: Royal Scots Fusiliers RSFPP e: Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan RSG d: Raketenstartgerüst - d: Räumbootsuchgerät - d: Rundsichtger - e: Rear Support Command - e: Resident Study Group - e: Royal Scots Greys R.S.G. e: Royal Scots Greys RSHA d: Reichssicherheitshauptamt R.S.I, e: Royal Signals Institution RSIC e: Radiation Shielding Information Center - e: Radiation Standards Information Center - e: Responding Superior in Command R.Sig. e: The Royal Corps of Signals R Sig G e: Rocket Signal, Green R.Signals e: The Royal Corps of Signals R Sig R e: Rocket Signal, Red R.Sig[s|. e: Royal Corps of Signals R.Sigs. e: The Royal Corps of Signals R S I G S e: The Royal Corps of Signals RskN n: Reserve Strijdkrachten NOORD RskZ n: Reserve Strijdkrachten ZUID RSL e: Range Safety Launch R.S.L. e: Returned Soldiers League RSL e: Returned Soldiers League RSLA e: Range Safety Launch Approval RS LAM e: Remotely operated Standoff Lightweight Antiarmor Munition RSLC e: Radar Searchlight Control RSLF e: Royal Saudi Land Forces RSLFAAC e: Royal Saudi Land Forces Army Aviation Command R.S.L.O. e: Regional Security Liaison Officer RSLP e: Rocket System Launch Program RSM R: Raketa Strategichnaya Morskaya - e: Radiation Signature Measurement - e: Radio Squadron, Mobile - e: Reconnaissance Strategic Missile - e: Regimental Sergeant Major - e: Royal School of Musketry R.S.M. / • Régiment de spahis marocains RS ME e: Royal School of Military Engineering RSN e: Royal Siamese Navy RSNF e: Royal Saudi Naval Forces R.S.N.M.O.D. e: Royal School for Naval and Marine Officers' Daughters RS O e: Radiation Safety Office [r] - e: Reconnaissance and Survey Officer - e: Reconnaissance System Officer - e: Regimental Signal Officer - e: Regimental Supply Officer - e: Regimental Survey Officer - e: Regional Safety Officer - e: Regional Security Officer - e: Reserve Supplement Officer R.S.O.D. e: Royal School for Officers' Daughters

RSOR e: Range Safety Operations Requirement RSP e: Range Solar Panel RSPE e: Radar Signal Processing Equipment RSPL e: Radar Signal Processing Laboratory - e: Radar Significant Power Line R-Sprenggranate d: RaketenSprenggr anate RSR e: Raiding Support Regiment - e: Rocket Stabilized Rod - e: Route Surveillance Radar R.S.R. e: Royal Sussex Regiment RSR e: Royal Sussex Regiment - s: Radar de vigilancia de Ruta RSRA e: Rotor System Research Aircraft RSRE e: Radar and Signals and Radar Establishment - e: Radar and Signals Research Establishment - e: Royal Signals and Radar Establishment R.S.Regt e: Royal Sussex Regiment RSRM e: Redesigned Solid Rocket Motor RSS e: Radar Signal Simulator - e: Radar Simulation System - e: Radar Subsystem - e: Receive Sonar System - e: Regional Strategic Strike R.S.S.A.I.L.A. e: Returned Sailors, Soldiers, and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia RSSC e: Radar Sonar Surveillance Center RSSP e: Radar Systems Specialist Panel RSSR e: The Royal South-Saskatchewan Regiment RST e: Radar Systems Technician RSTA e: Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition RSTER e: Radar Surveillance Technology Experimental Radar RSTM e: Reactive Sub-munition Training Model RStp d: Reservestützpunkt RSTS e: Radar System Test Set RSU e: Ram Screw Unscrewing R SUSSEX e: The Royal Sussex Regiment RSV e: Research Safety Vehicle R.S.V.D.C. e: Returned Soldiers' Volunteer Defence Corps RSweN e: Royal Swedish Navy RSWG e: Response Strategies Working Group RSWGSC e: Response Strategies Working Group Steering Committee R Sw Ν e: Royal Swedish Navy RSwN e: Royal Swedish Navy R.Sx e: The Royal Sussex Regiment RT e: Radar Tracking - e: Radar Transmitter - e: Radiation Therapy - e: Radiation Transmitter - e: Radius of Target - e: Range-to-Target - e: Relocatable Target - e: Rocket Target - e: Rocket Technology R.T. e: Regimental Transport - / ' Régie de Transport - / ' Régiment de tirailleurs - f: Régiment des Transmissions - f: Régiment territorial r/t e: radar trigger RTA d: Raketentechnische Abteilung - d: Raketentransportanhänger - d: Raketentruppen und Artillerie - e: Radar Terrain Analysis - e: Rotation Target Altitude - e: Royal Thai Army

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

R.T.A. /• Régiment des tirailleurs algériens RTADs e: Royal Thai Air Defence System RTAF e: Report to Armed Forces - e: Royal Thai Air Force R.T.A.F. e: Royal Thai Air Force RTAFB e: Royal Thai Air Force Base RTAFCONV e: Royal Thai Air Force Contingent, Vietnam RTAG e: Range Technical Advisory Group RTARF e: Royal Thai Armed Forces RTASS e: Remote Tactical Airborne Signals System RTB d: Raketentechnische Basis - d: Reichstreubund ehemaliger Berufssoldaten im Soldatenbund, Berlin - e: Range and True Bearing - e: Reinforced Tank Battalion - e: Rocket Test Base RTBM e: Recoverable Test Bed Missile RTC e: Radar Tracking Center - e: Radar Tracking Control - e: Radio-Transmission Control - e: Railway Training Centre, Longmoor - e: Railway Transport Corps - e: Range Telemetry Center - e: Recruit Training Center - e: Recruit Training Centre - e: Recruit Training Command - e: Replacement Training Center - e: Reserve Training Corps - e: Rocket Technique Committee - e: Royal Tank Corps r.t.c. / · régiment de tirailleurs coloniaux RTCCS e: Radar Tracking Command & Control System RTCM e: Badio Technical Commission for Marines r.t.c.m. f: régiment de tirailleurs coloniaux marocains RTCP e: Radio Transmission Control Panel RTD e: Radar Target Designator control RTDC e: Rocket Thrown Depth Charge RTDM / · Réseau de Transmission de Données de la Marine RTDS e: Radar Track Discriminator System RTE e: RADOME [Radar Dome] Test Equipment RTF e: Reconnaissance Task Force - e: Release to the Fleet - e: Resistance Task Force - e: Rocket Test Facility - e: Royal Thai Air Force RTFV e: Radar Target Follower Viewer RTG d: Raketentauchgeschoß - e: Radar Transmitter Group - e: Range to Ground R.T.I. / • Régiment de Tirailleurs Indigènes RTIM e: Radar Technology Identification Methodology RTIP e: Radar Target Identification Point RTIS e: Radar Test Instrumentation System RTK d: Reservetruppenkommandeur - e: Royal Tank Corps R.Tks e: Royal Tank Corps RTLO e: Regional Training Liaison Officer RTLS e: Rapid Target Location System RTM e: Radar Target Materiel - e: Radar Transmitting Material - e: Reconnaissance Tactical Missile R.T.M. f: Régiment de tirailleurs marocains RTMAGV e: Royal Thai Military Assistance Group, Vietnam RTMC e: Royal Thai Marine Corps


RTMO RTMO e: Regional Transportation Movements Office RTMS e: Radar Target Measuring System - e: Rocket Thrust Measuring System RTN e: Royal Thai Navy RTO e: Railway Traffic Officer - e: Railway Transportation Officer RTOL Aircraft e: Reduced Takeoff and Landing Aircraft RTOT e: Range Track on Target RTP e: Reinforced Theatre Plan RTR e: Royal Tank Regiment 2RTR e: 2nd Royal Tank Regiment R.T.R. e: Royal Tank Regiment R Traf O e: Railway Traffic Officer RTS e: Radar Target Simulation - e: Radar Test Set - e: Radar Test Station - e: Radar Tracking Station - e: Radar Tracking System - e: Readiness Training Squadron - e: Reconnaissance Technical Squadron - e: Replacement Training Squadron - e: Research and Technical Services - e: Robot Target System R.T.S. / · Régiment de tirailleurs sénégalais RTSA e: Radar Target Signature Analysis RTSC e: Replacement and Training School Command RTSq e: Reconnaissance Technical Squadron RTT e: Radiation Therapy Technician - e: Radio Technical Troop - e: Rocket-Thrown Torpedo R.T.T. f: Régiment de Tirailleurs Tunisiens RTTB d: Raketen-Torpedotechnische Basis RTTIAS e: Radio Teletype Interference Analysis System RTTL e: Range Target-Towing Launch RTTS e: Robotic Target Training System RTTV e: Research Target and Test Vehicle RTU e: Radar Timing Unit RTV e: Recovery Test Vehicle - e: Reentry Test Vehicle - e: Research Test Vehicle - e: Rocket Test Vehicle RTVs e: Research Test Vehicles R.T.W. e: Recruits Training Wing RTYPE e: Radar Message Type RU d: Reserveunteroffizier - e: Radar Unit - e: Range Unit RUA d: Reserveunteroffizieranwärter RiiA d: Rüstungsamt RuAF e: Russian Air Force RilAmt d: Rüstungsamt RUD e: Radar Unit Diagnostics Rii.In. d: Rüstungsinspektion RUMIC e: Remote Underwater Mine Countermeasures RUPA e: Remote Unit Power Assembly RUR e: The Royal Ulster Rifles R.U.R. e: The Royal Ulster Rifles RUR-5A e: Antisubmarine rocket R.U.Rif. e: The Royal Ulster Rifles RUSI e: Royal United Service Institute for Defence Studies R.U.S.I. e: Royal United Service Institution RUSNO e: Resident United States Naval Officer RUT e: Rocket Under Test RUWS e: Remote Underwater System RV e: Radar Vector - e: Re-Entry Vehicle - e: Reconnaissance Vehicle


- e: Recovery Vehicle - e: Recreation Vehicle - e: Recreational Vehicle - e: Remote Vehicle - e: Research Vehicle - e: Rifle Volunteerfs] - e: Roving Vehicle r/v e: reentry vehicle RVA R: Raketnyye Voyska i Artilleriya - d: Revolutionäre Volksarmee - e: Radar Vectoring Area - e: Regular Veterans' Association of the United States R.V.A. n: Regiment Veldartillerie RVAS e: Radar Vulnerability Analysis System rvb e: radar video buffer R.V.C, e: Rifle Volunteer Corps RVCM e: Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal RVCP e: Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol RVD d: Rückwärtiger Versorgungsdienst - e: Radar Video Digitizer RVDU e: Radar Video Distribution Unit RVE e: Radar Video Extractor RVG e: Radar Video Generator RVGC e: Reentry Vehicle and Ground Control RVGK R: Reservyy VerkhovnoGlavnokommanduyushchevo RvH n: Regiment van Hentsz RVNAF e: Republic of Vietnam Air Force - e: Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces RVNCM e: Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal RVNF e: Republic of Vietnam Forces RVNMC e: Republic of Vietnam Marine Corps RVNN e: Republic of Vietnam Navy RVP d: Regiments- Med.- Punkt - e: Radar Verification Programme - e: Radar Video Pre-processor RVR e: Rear-View Radar RVRU e: Radar Video Recorder Unit RVSN R: Rakentyje Voiska Strategicesko Naznacenija RVST d: Rückwärtige Versorgungsstaffel RVStp d: Rückwärtiger Versorgungsstützpunkt RVTR e: Radar Video-Tape Recorder RV/WH e: Re-entry Vehicle/Warhead RW d: Raketenwerfer - d: Reichswehr - e: Radiation Weapon - e: Radiological Warfare - e: Radiological Weapon - e: Reconnaissance Wing - e: Rotary Wing - e: Royal Welsh R.W. e: Royal Warwickshire Regiment - n: Regiment wielrijders RWA e: Rotary-Wing Aircraft RWAFF e: Royal West African Frontier Force R.W.A.F.F. e: Royal West African Frontier Force RW Aircraft e: Rotary Wing Aircraft R War R e: Royal Warwick Regiment R.War.R. e: The Royal Warwickshire Regiment R.War.Regt e: The Royal Warwickshire Regiment R WARWICK e: The Royal Warwickshire Regiment RWB d: Raketen Wasserbombe RWBAg d: RaketenwasserbombenAbschußgerät RWC e: Royal War College RWCIU e: Radar/Weapons Control Interface Unit

© Κ · G • Saur, München

RWE e: Radar Warning Equipment RWehrM d: Reichswehrminister[ium] RWeM d: Reichswehrminister[ium] RWf d: Raketenwerfer RWF e: Royal Welsh Fusiliers RWI e: Radar Warning Installation R Wilts Yeo e: Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry R WILTS YEO e: The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry RWK e: Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment - e: Royal West Kent - e: The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment RWLB e: Regional War Labor Board RWM d: Reichswehrminister[ium] Rw.M. d: Reichswehrminister[ium] RwMin. d: Reichswehrminister[ium] RwMinHLtg. d: Reichswehrministerium, Heeresleitung RWO e: Reconnaissance Watch Officer RWP e: Rifle and Weapons Platoon RWR e: Rear Warning Radar R.W.R. e: Royal Warwickshire Regiment R.W.Regt, e: Royal Warwickshire Regiment RWS e: Radar Warning System - e: Royal West Surrey - e: Royal West Sussex RWSR e: The Royal West Surrey Regiment R.W.S.R. e: Royal West Sussex Regiment RWT e: Radar Warning Trainer RWY e: Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry RX Aircraft e: ReconnaissanceExperimental Aircraft RXO e: Regimental Executive Officer rxs e: radar cross-section Ry R e: Railway Regiment Ry Regt e: Railway Regiment RZ e: Radiation Zone R.Z. / · Régiment de Zouaves RZBw d: Rechenzentrum der Bundeswehr R.Z.Ζ. Ρ: Rejonowy Zaklad Zywonosciowy

S S -

d: Schnellboot d: Sicherheitsgrad d: Stabsoffizier e: Antisubmarine e: Range Bearing e: Selected Ammunition e: Ship e: Simultaneous Transmission of Range Signals and Voice - e: Sonar - e: Special Air Mission - e: Squadron - e: Submarine 51 d: Stabsoffizier[stelle] bei Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine für Personalwesen - e: Personnel Officer S - l e: Squadron Personnel Officer - e: Squadron Personnel Section 52 d: Stabsoffizierfstelle] bei Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine für Militärisches Nachrichtenwesen - e: Intelligence Officer S-2 e: Grumman Tracker antisubmarine search-and-attack aircraft - e: Squadron Intelligence Officer - e: Squadron Intelligence Section 53 d: Stabsoffizier[stelle] bei Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine für Führung Organisation, Ausbildung - e: Operations Officer - e: Semi-Submerged Ship

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

SACM S-3 e: Squadron Operations Officer - e: Squadron Operations Section S4 d: Stabsoffizier[stelle] bei Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine für Logistik - e: Logistics Officer - e: Standard Submarine Sonar System S-4 e: Squadron Supply Officer - e: Squadron Supply Section SA d: schwere Artillerie - e: Secretary of the Army - e: Security Agreement - e: Ship Abstracts - e: Ship to Aircraft - e: Shipping Annual Data - e: Shipping Authority - e: Shipyard Agreement - e: Shipyard Availability - e: Shock Army - e: Strategic Aviation - e: Surface Aviation weather report - e: Surface-to-Air Missile SA-2 e: Soviet surface-to-air missile called Guideline by NATO SA-3 e: Soviet air-defense missile system nicknamed Goa by NATO SA-4 e: Soviet missile system nicknamed Ganef by NATO SA-5 e: Soviet surface-to-air missile called Griffon by NATO SA-6 e: Soviet air-defense missile system nicknamed Gainful by NATO SA-7 e: Soviet shoulder-fired surface-toair missile called Grail by NATO SA-8 e: Soviet missile system nicknamed Guideline by NATO SA-9 e: Soviet air-defense missile system nicknamed Gaskin by NATO S.A. /• Section Administrative S/A e: Ship Alteration - e: Shiped Assembled SAA e: Security Assessment Agreement - e: Senior Army Advisor - e: Small Arms Ammunition - e: South Australian Artillery - e: Soviet Strategic Aviation S.A.A. e: South African Army SA-A e: Scientific Adviser-Army SAAAB e: Santa Ana Army Air Base SAAARNG e: Senior Army Advisor, Army National Guard SAAC e: Scientific Adviser to the Army Council - e: Simulator for Air-to-Air Combat S.A.A.C. e: South African Army Corps SA/AC e: Scientific Adviser to the Army Council SAACONS e: Standard Army Automated Contracting System SAAD e: Sacramento Army Depot - e: School of Anti-Aircraft Defence - e: Small-Arms Ammunition Depot - e: Sperry Air Arm Division SAAF e: Saudi Arabian Air Force - e: Sherman Army Airfield - e: South African Air Force SAAFR e: Standard use Army Aircraft Flight Route SA/AIDS e: Special Assistant for Army Information and Data Systems SAAM e: Small Arms Ammunition - e: Sol-Air Anti Missile - e: Special Air Force Airlift Mission - e: Special-Assignment Airlift Mission - / ' Système naval dAudtodefense AntiMissile - f: Système naval dAutodefense Moyen portee SAAM/I e: Sol-Air Anti-Missile/Italy SAAMS e: Special Airlift Assignment Missions

S AAP e: Saranton Army Ammunition Plant SAARF e: Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force SAARP e: Small Arms Ammunition Refilling Point SAAS e: Special Ammunition and Analysis Section - e: Standard Army Ammunition System SAASC e: San Antonio Air Service Command S.A.A.Sigs e: South African Army Signals SAAUSAR e: Senior Army Advisor, United States Army Reserve SA/AW e: Small Arms/Automatic Weapons SAAWC e: Sector Anti-Air Warfare Coordinator - e: Sector Antiair Warfare Coordinator Center - e: Shore Anti-Aircraft Weapon Control SAB e: Secretary Army Board - e: Singapore Armor Battalion SABA e: Small Agile Battlefield Aircraft SABAR e: Satellites, Balloons and Rockets SABDRES e: Small Battlefield Realistic Engagement Simulator SABER e: SECNAV [Secretary of the Navy] Advisory Board on Educational Requirements SABET e: Secretary of the Navy's Advisory Board on Education and Training SA/BM e: Systems Analysis and Battle Management SA/BM/C3 e: System Analysis, Battle Management, Command Control & Communications SABMIS e: Sea-Based Antiballistic Missile Intercept System - e: Ship-Launched Antiballistic Missile Intercept System - e: Surface-to-Air Ballistic Missile Interception System SABMS e: Safeguard Anti-Ballistic Missile System SABRE e: Secure Airborne Bombing Radar Equipment SABRES e: Small Arms Battlefield Realistic Engagement Simulator SAC e: Scene of Action Commander - e: School of Army Co-Operation - e: Seine Area Command - e: Senior Aircraftsman - e: Ships Air Coordinator - e: Southern Area Command - e: Standard Aircraft Characteristics - e: Standing Armaments Committee - e: Strategic Advisory Committee - e: Strategic Air Command - e: Supreme Allied Command[er] Scuola di Aerocooperazione S.A.C, e: School of Army Co-operation [Royal Air Force] - e: Small Arms Committee SACA e: Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic - i: Scuola Artiglieria Controaerei S.A.C.A. / · Service Administratif du Commissariat de l'Air SAC-A e: Supporting Air CoordinatorAirborne SACACCS e: Strategic Air Command Automated Command Control System SACACS e: Sonar Accuracy Calibration and Alignment Ceck System SACAD e: Strategic Air Command Addressee Designator SACADVON e: Strategic Air Command Advanced Echelon

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

SACAO e: Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic Ocean SACA Y e: SECNAV [Secretary of the Navy] Advisory Commission on Youth SACC e: Secondary Alternative Command Centre - e: Shore ASW Command Center - e: Supporting Arms Co-ordination Centre SACCA e: Strategic Air Command Communications Area SACCEI e: Strategic Air Command Communications-Electronics Instruction SACCHAN e: Supreme Allied Commander Channel SACCOM e: Strategic Air Command Communications SACCOMNE e: Strategic Air Command Communications Network SACCOMNET e: Strategic Air Command Communications Network SACCON e: Strategic Air Command Command Control Network SACCOP e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Continuity of Operations Plan SACCP e: Strategic Air Cammand Command Post SACCS e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Automated Command and Control System - e: Ship's Automated Communications Control System - e: Strategic Air Command Communications System - e: Strategic Air Command Control System SACCS-DPS e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Automated Command Control System-Data Processing System S.A.C.D.C. e: South African Coastal Defence Corps SACDEF e: Strategic Avionics Crewstation Design Evaluation Facility SACDIN e: Strategic Air Command Digital Information Network SAC[DP] e: Scientifc Advisory Committee, Defence Services Panel SACEUR e: Supreme Allied Command, Europe - e: Supreme Allied Commander Europe SACEIIREP e: SACEUR [Supreme Allied Command Europe] Representative SACEURREP e: SACEUR Representative to the Military Committee SACHQ e: Strategic Air Command Headquarters SACINTNET e: Strategic Air Command Intelligence Network SACLAMP e: Strategic Air Command Low-Altitude Missile Program SACLANCTEN e: SACLANT Antisubmarine Warfare Research Centre SACLANT e: Strategic Air Command, Atlantic - e: Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic SACLANT [-] CEN e: NATO SACLANT [Subreme Allied Commander, Atlantic] Anti-Submarine [or Undersea[s]] Warfare Research Center SACLANTREPEUR e: Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic, Representative in Europe SACLO e: Strategic Air Command Liaison Officer SACLOS e: Semi-Automatic Command to Line-of-Sight SACM e: Simulated Aerial Combat Maneuver - e: South African Corps of Marines - e: Strategic Air Command Manual - e: Strategic Air Command Missiles - e: Strategic Air & Cruise Missile


SACME SACME e: Supreme Allied Command for the Middle East SACMED e: Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean SAC/MEP e: Strategic Air Command/Minuteman Education Program SACMP e: South African Corps of Military Policy SA/CNS e: Scientific Adviser to the Chief of the Naval Staff SACOM e: SECNAV [Secretary of the Navy] Advisory Commission on Manpower - e: Senior Aircraft Communicator - e: Ships Advanced Communications Operational Model - e: Southern Area Command - e: Surveillance for Aircraft and Cruise Missile SACOP e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Continuity of Operations Plan SACOPS e: Strategic Air Command Operational Planning System SACOS e: Strategic Air Combat Operations Staff SACP e: Strategic Air Command Project Office SACPD e: Secretary of the Army, Civilian Personnel Division SACR e: Strategic Air Command Regulations S.A.C.R. e: Short Range Chaff Rocket SACRA f: Système Automatique du Commandement et de Renseigement de l'Avant SACRIN e: Strategic Air Command Readiness Information Network SACS e: Satellite Control Squadron - e: Small Air-Capable Ship - e: Sonar Accuracy Check Site - e: South African Corps of Signals - e: Submarine Advanced Combat System SACSEA e: Supreme Allied Command, Southeast Asia - e: Supreme Allied C o m m a n d e r ] , Southeast Asia SACSO e: Strategic Air Command Security Office SAC/SSW e: Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff for Special Warfare SACSVS e: Strategic Air Command Secure Voice System SACT e: Seabed Arms Control Treaty SACTELNET e: Strategic Air Command Telephone Network SACTIS e: Submarine Action Information System SACTTYNET e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Teletypefwriter] Network SACVT e: Society of Air Cushion Vehicle Technicians SACW e: Senior Aircraftwoman SACWARNS e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Warning Systems SACZ e: South Atlantic Convergence Zone SAD d: Schweizerischer Aufklärung - e: Semi-Automated Air Defence System - e: Single atom detection - e: Site Air Defence - e: South Atlantic Division - e: Soviet Air Defense - e: Soviet Air Demonstration - e: Special Activities Division - e: Strategic air defense - e: Submarine Anomaly Detection S.A.D. e: School of Aircraft Direction SADA e: Semi-Automated Air Defence System - e: Singapore Air Defence Artillery


SADARL /• Systeme d'Auto Defense Rapprochée Antiaerien Leger SADARM e: Search and Destroy Armor Missile - e: Search and Destroy Armor Munition - e: Selected Armor Defeating Artillery Munition - e: Sense and Destroy Armor Munition - e: Surface to Air Defensive AntiRadiation Missile SADA System e: Sperry Airborne Data Acquisition System SADC e: Sector Air Defense Commander - e: Singapore Air Defence Command - e: Singapore Air Defense Command - e: Sneak Attack Defense Coordinator SADF e: South African Defence Forces - e: South African Defense Forces - e: Soviet Air Defence Forces - e: Special Aerial Spray Flight S.A.D.F. e: South African Defence Force SADIE e: Semiautomatic Defense Intercept Environment SADM e: Secretary of the Army Decision Memorandum - e: Small Atomic Demolition Munition - e: Special Atomic Demolition Munitions SADMG e: Special Artifcer, Special Devices, Machine Gun Trainer SADO e: Senior Air Defense Officer SADOC e: SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe] Air Defense Operations Center - e: Standby Air Defence Operations Centre - i: Sistema Automatico per la Direzione delle Operazioni di Combattimento - i: Sistema Automazione Dati Operativi Combattimento SADOPS e: Ships Angle Tracking and Doppler System SADR e: Six-Hundred-Megacycles Air Defense Kadar SADRAC e: South African Defence Research Advisory Committee SADRAD e: Synthetic Aperture Dual Frequency Radar SADRAL / · Système d'Autodefense Rapproche Anti-Aerien Leger SADRAM e: Search and Destroy Radar Attack Modification - e: Seek and Destroy Radar-Assisted Mission - e: Sense & Destroy Radar-Assisted Mission SADRG e: Semi-Active Doppler Radar Guidance SADS e: Semi-Automatic Defense System - e: Simulated Air Defense System - e: Submarine Active Detection Sonar - e: Submarine Active Detection System - e: Sudan Air Defence System - e: Swiss Air Defense System SADSAC e: Small Acoustic Device Simulating Aircraft Carrier SADS-TG e: Submarine Active Detection System-Transmit Group SADTC e: SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe] Air Defence Technical Center SAE /• Société d'Armement d'Études SAEB e: Special Army Evaluation Board SAEC e: South Africa Army, Engineer Corps SAEDA e: Subversion and Espionage Directed Against United States Army [and Deliberate Security Violations] SAEFAA e: Standard Avionics Equipment for Army Aircraft SAEO e: Staff Air Engineering Officer

© Κ · G • Saur, München

SAES e: Special Assistant for Environmental Services SAEUR e: Strategic Analysis of Europe SAEW e: Ship Advanced Electronic Warfare SAEWS e: Ship's Advanced Electronic Warfare System SAF e: School of Aerial Fighting - e: Secretary of the Air Force - e: Security Assistance Force - e: Singapore Air Force - e: Singapore Armed Forces - e: Southern Attack Force - e: Soviet Air Force - e: Spanish Air Force - e: Special Action Force - e: Strategic Air Force - e: Strategic Alert Forces - e: Strategic Alert Forces - e: Strategic Army Force - e: Sultan's Armed Forces - e: Surgeon of the Air Force - e: Swedish Air Force - e: Swiss Air Force - e: Syrian Air Force S.A.F. e: South African Forces - e: Strategic Alert Forces SAFA e: Soviet-African Friendship Association - /• Service d'Aide aux Forces Alliees SAFAA e: Secretary of the Air Force, Administrative Assistant SAFAD e: Small Arms for Air Defense SAFAF e: South Arabian Federal Air Force SAF/AL e: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force SAF/AQS e: Secretary of the Air Force, Director of Space & SDI Programs SAF/AQT e: Secretary of the Air Force/Director of Science & Technology SAF/AQV e: Secretary of the Air Force/Director of Testing & Evaluation SAFASIA e: Special Action Force Asia SAFB e: Scott Air Force Base - e: Shaw Air Force Base - e: Sheppard Air Force Base - e: Stead Air Force Base SAFCA e: Safeguard Communications Agency SAFCB e: Secretary of the Air Force Correction Board SAFCMD e: United States Army Safeguard Command SAFCOM e: Safeguard System Command SAFCS e: Standard Automatic Flight Control System SAFE d: Space and Flight Equipment - e: Safe Action in Flight Emergency - e: Soil Airfield Fighter Environment - e: Strategy and Force Evaluation - e: System for Automated Flight Efficiency S.A.F.F. e: South African Field Force SAFFIRE e: Synthetic Aperture Fully Focused Imaging Radar Equipment SAFFM e: Secretary of the Air Force, Financial Management SAF/FMD e: Deputy Assistant Secretary Air Force [Information Systems Management] SAFGC e: Secretary of the Air Force General Counsel SAFI e: Semi-Automatic Flight Inspection - e: Senior Air Force Instructor SAFIE e: Secretary of the Air Force, Special Assistant for Installations SAFIL e: Secretary of the Air Force, Installation and Logistics

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

SAMAR SAFIN e: Secretary of the Air Force, Special Assistant for Installations - e: Secretary of the Air Force, Special Assistant for Intelligence SAFIS e: Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Information Services SAFLL e: Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Legislative Liaison SAFLOC e: Safeguard Logistics Command SAFLOG e: Safeguard Logistics Command SAFIS e: Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Information Services SAFMA e: Secretary of the Air Force, Materiel SAF/MI e: Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Installations SAFMP e: Secretary of the Air Force, Manpower and Personnel SAFMR e: Secretary of the Air Force, Manpower and Reserve Affairs S A F M S C e: Safeguard Material Support Command SAFMSS e: Secretary of the Air Force for Missile and Satellite Systems SAFO e: Secretary of the Air Force Order - e: Senior Acting Field Officer - e: Senior Air Force Officer SAFOI e: Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Information SAFOS e: Office of the Secretary of the Air Force SAF/PA e: Secretary of the Air Force/Office of Public Affairs SAFPC e: Secretary of the Air Force Personnel Council S A F P L A N e: Submarine Area Frequency Plan SAFR e: Senior Air Force Representative - r: Svenska Arméns och Flygvapnets Reservofficersförbund SAFRD e: Secretary of the Air Force for Research and Development SAFRICA / • Société Africaine d'Armement SAFRR e: Secretary of the Air Force, Requirements Review SAFS e: Secondary Air Force Specialty - e: Sonar and Fire Control System SAFSC-D e: Safeguard System CommandRDT & E Directorate SAFSCOM e: Safeguard System Command S A F S I M e: Semi-Automated Forces Simulation SAFSL e: Secretary of the Air Force Space Liaison SAFSO e: Safeguard System Officer SAFSP e: Secretary of the Air Force, Special Projects SAFSTA e: Semi-Automated Forces Station SAFTCP e: Safeguard Tactical Communications Plan SAFTCS e: Safeguard Tactical Communications System SAFTI e: Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute SAFUS e: Secretary of the Air Force, United States - e: Under Secretary of the Air Force S A F W O S e: SAF Warrant Officer School SAG e: Seismic Air Gun - e: Southern Army Group [American, French, Luxembourg forces in Europe] - e: Southern Army Group [Europe] - e: Submarine Analysis Group - e: Surface Action Group

SAGA e: Studies, Analysis, and Gaming Agency S.A.G.A. f: Société Anonyme de Gérance et d'Armement SAGE e: Scientific Advisory Group on Effects - e: Semi-Automatic Ground Environment Sage f : Système automatique de guerre électronique S A G G B S e: Salvation Army Guides and Guards, Brownies and Sunbeams S.A.G.I. e: South African Garrisons Institutes SAGMI e: Surface Attack Guided Missile S.A.G.&Pt.School e: Small Arms Gunning and Pointing School SAGW e: Surface-to-air-Guided Weapon SAH e: Supreme Allied Headquarters SAHARA e: Synthetic Aperture HighAccuracy Radar Antenna SAHEL / • Systeme Anti-Helicoptre SAHQ e: Supreme Allied Headquarters - e: Surpeme Allied Headquarters SAHR e: Secondary Attitude and Heading Radar - e: Society for Army Historical Research - e: Society of Army Historical Research SAI e: Senior Armament Instructor - e: Senior Army Instructor - e: South African Infantry - e: Special Access Intelligence SAIAS e: Ship Aircraft Inertial Alignment System SAIC e: Special Access Intelligence Capability SAID e: Supplementary Aviation Information Display SAIF e: Standardised Avionics integrated Fusing - e: Status of Aircraft Instrumentation File SA III VC e: 3rd Sussex Artillery Volunteer Corps SAIL e: Ship's Armament Inventory List SAILS e: Shipborne Aircraft Landing System - e: Simplified Aircraft Instrument Landing System - e: Standard Army Installation Logistics System - e: Standard Army Intermediate Level Supply Subsystem - e: Standard Army Intermediate Logistics System SAILS-ABX e: Standard Army Intermediate Level Supply SubsystemExpanded SAIMS e: Supersonic Airborne Infrared Measurement System SAINT e: Sonar Analysis Initial Trainer SAIP e: Submarine Antenna Improvement Program SAIS e: Shipboard Automated Interconnect System SAISAC e: Ship's Aircraft Inertial System Alignment Console S A J M M C e: San Antonio Joint Military Medical Command SAL e: Ship Authorized Level - e: Special Ammunition Load - e: Strategic Air Launch Cruise Missile Launcher - e: Strategic Arms Limitation - e: Submarine Alerting and Loading System SALA e: Strategic Analysis of Latin America - s: Sistema de Artillería de Largo Alcance S.Alberta R. e: South Alberta Regiment SALC e: Secret Army for the Liberation of Corsica

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

SALE e: Special Ammunition Logistic Element - e: Special Ammunition Logistical Element SALES e: Ship Aircraft Locating Equipment SALF e: Saudi Arabian Land Forces SAILS e: Standard Army Intermediate Level Supply System SALM-R e: Small Lightweight Airborne Multi-mission Radar SALO e: Senior Air Liaison Officer S A L O / U K S L S e: Senior Air Liaison Officer to United Kingdom Service Liaison Staff SALR e: Standard Army Logistics System - e: Synthetic Aperture Laser Radar SALS e: Shipborne Aircraft Landing System - e: Standard Army Logistics System SALS-K e: Single Ammunition Logistics System-Korea SALT e: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - e: Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty S A L T H Q e: Strike Command Alternate Headquasters SALT-I e: Strategic Arms Limitations Agreements-Round I SALT-II e: Strategic Arms Limitations Agreements-Round II salut e: sea-air-landand- underwater targets SALW e: Small Arms and Light Weapons S A L W I S e: Shipboard Air-Launched Weapons Installation System SAM d: Schweizerisches Ausbildungszentrum Militärmusik - e: Evolutionary Surface-to-Air Missile - e: Sea Air Mariner - e: Self-propelled Acoustic-magnetic Mine-countermeasures vehicle - e: Semi-autonomous Acoustic/Magnetic vehicle - e: Soldier, Sailor, Aiman, Marine - e: Special Air Missions squadron - e: Special Aircraft Modification - e: Special Airlift Mission - e: Standard Avionics Module - e: Storage of Aircraft - e: Strela Antiaircraft Missiles - e: Supply of Armaments Material - e: Surface-to-Air Missile - r: Selpropelled Remotely Operated Acoustic Magnetic Minesweep S.A.M. / · Service d'Approvisionnement des Marins SAMA e: Sacramento Air Materiel Area - e: Southern Air Materiel Area - e: Supply and Maintenance Agency S A M A A e: Special Assistant for Military Assistance Affairs S A M A C e: Scientific and Management Advisory Committee [Army Computer Systems Command] SAMAE e: Southern Air Materiel Area, Europe S A M A H E / · Système d'Aide à la Manutention d'Hélicoptère Embarqué S.A.M.A.N. / · Service d'Approvisionnement en Matériels de l'Aéronautique Navale SAM and R e: Ship Activation, Maintenance and Repair S A M A P e: Southern Air Materiel Area, Pacific SAMAR e: Ship Activation, Maintenance and Repair - e: Surface-to-Air Missile Availability Report


SAMB SAMB e: School of Aviation Medicine Brooks Air Force Base - e: Secondary Aircraft Maintenance Base SAMBO e: Strategic Anti-Missile Barrage Objects SAMBUD e: System for Automation of Materiel Plan for Army Materiel/Budget SAMC e: South African Marine Corporation SAMCAP e: Surface-to-Air Missile Capability SAMCOS e: Senior Army Materiel Command Orientation Seminar SAMCU e: Special Airborne Medical Care Unit SAM-D e: Surface to Air Missile Development SAME e: Society of American Military Engineers SAMEX e: Surface-to-Air Missile Exercise SAMF e: Seaborne Army Maintenance Facilities - e: Seaborne Army Materiel Facilities SAMGS e: Small Arms and Machine-Gun School SA&MGS e: Small Arms and Machine Gun School SAMHADS e: Submarine Automated Message Handling and Distribution System SAMID e: Ship Anti-Missile Integrated Defense [Program] - e: Surface-to-Air Missile Intercept Development SAMIDS e: Ship Anti-Missile Integrated Defense System SAM II e: Swedish-American Minecountermeasures vehicle SAM IS e: Standard Army Management Information System SAML e: Standard Army Management Language SAMNS e: South African Military Nursing Service SAMOC e: Surface-to-Air Missile Operations Center SAMOD e: Secretary of the Army's Mobility, Opportunity and Development Program SAMODEAD e: Support of Airmobile Operations Through Destruction of Enemy Air Defense Systems SAMOS e: Satellite and Missile Observation Station - e: Satellite and Missile Observation System - e: Satellite-Missile Observation Satellite - e: Surveillance and Missile Observation Satellite - f: SAGEM Anti-Missile Optronic System SAMPAM e: System for Automation of Materiel Plans for Army Material SAMP/N e: Surface-to-Air Missile Platform/Naval SAMP/T f: Sol-Air Moyenne Portee/Terrestre - f: Systeme dAutodefense Moyen Portee SAM&R e: Ship Activation, Maintenance and Repair S.A.M.R. f: Service des achats et mise en réparation SAMRAAM e: Surface-to-Air-Launched Medium Range Anti-Air Missile SAMRAF e: South African Military Refugee Aid Fund SAMRO f: Satellite Militaire de la Reconniassance Orbitale SAMS e: Sandia Air Force Material Study - e: School of Advanced Military Studies


- e: Space and Missile Systems - e: Special Air Mission Squadron - e: Standard Army Maintenance System - e: Surface-to-Air Missile System SAMSA e: Standard Army Management System-Supply Support Arrangement SAM-SAC e: Specialized Aircraft Maintenance-Strategic Air Command SAMSAT e: Surface-to-Air Missile Servicing, Assembly and Test SAMSEM e: Ship Antimissile System Engagement Model SAMSIM e: Surface-to-Air Missile Simulation Model SAMS/MAMS e: Special Airspace Management System/Military Airspace Management System SAMSON e: Special Avionics Mission Strap-On Now - e: Strategic Automated Message Switching Operational Network SAMSOR e: Space and Missile Systems Organization Regulation SAMSq e: Special Air Mission Squadron SAMT e: Simulated Aircraft Maintenance Trainer SAMTEC e: Space snd Missile Test and Evaluation Center SAMTEC/DET e: Space and Missile Test Center Detachment 1 SAMTECM e: Space and MissileTest Center Manual SAMTO e: Space and Missile Test Organization SAN e: Semi-Autonomous Navigation - e: South African Navy - e: South Australian Navy SA-N e: Surface-to-Air, Navy, missile SANA e: Scientists against Nuclear Arms - e: State Department, Army, Navy, Air[force] SANACC e: State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee SANASI A e: Strategic Analysis of North Asia Sanbtl d: Sanitätsbataillon San.C. e: Sanitary Corps SAND e: Sampling Aerospace Nuclear Debris SandA e: Bureau of Supplies and Accounts S and CM e: Strategic and Critical Materials SANDF e: South African National Defence Force SANDS e: Surveillance Accident Nuclear Detection System SANESA e: Strategic Analysis for Near East and South Asia SANF e: South African Naval Forces SANGB e: Selfridge Army/Air National Guard Base SanKdo d: Sanitätskommando SANO e: Special Assistant for Night Operations San-Offz d: Sanitätsoffizier SANRAS e: Seventh Army Nuclear Release Authentication System SANS e: South African Naval Service - e: South African Naval Ship - e: Students Against Nuclear Suicide - e: Swimmer and Navigation System SANWFZ e: South Asia Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone SAO e: Secret Army Organization - e: Soviet Army Operation - e: Squadron Accountant Officer - e: Staff Administration Office - e: Submarine Approach Officer - e: Surface Aviation Observation - e: Survival Assistance Officer

Κ · G · Saur, München

S.A.O. / · Service d'Approvisionnement des Ordinateurs SAOAS e: Secretary of the Army, Office of the Assistant Secretary S.A.O.C. e: South African Ordnance Corps SAOCS e: Submarine/Aircraft Optical Communications System SAOT e: Semiactive on Target SAP e: Seaborne Aircraft Platform - e: Security Alert Police - e: Shipboard Antenna Pedestal - e: Strategic Action Programme - e: Strategic Advantages Profile SAPA e: Society of Army Physician Assistants S.A.P.F. e: South African Pioneer Force SAPPMA e: San Antonio Procurement and Production Materiel Area SAQC e: Subarea Quartering Commandant SAR d: Selbständiges Artillerieregiment - d: Semi-Active Radar - e: Senior Army Representative - e: Stand-Alone Radar - e: Submarine Advanced Reactor - e: Synthetic Antenna Radar - e: Synthetic Aperture Radar - e: Synthetic Array Radar - e: System Array Radar - /• Sonar Acoustique Remorque - r: Svenska Arméns Reservofficersf - r: Svenska Arméns Reservofficersförbund SARA e: Silent Attack Radar Altimeter SARAC e: Steerable Array for Radar and Communications SARAH e: Search and Range Homing - e: Semi-Active Radar Alternate Head - e: Semi-Automatic Range, Azimuth and Height SARC e: Secure Airborne Radar Control SARCALM e: Synthetic Array Radar Command Air-Launched Missile SARCAP e: Search and Rescue Combat Air Patrol SARD e: Simulated Aircaft Radar Data SARDA e: Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition - e: State and Regional Defense Airlift Plan SARDPF e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Processing Facility SARDPO e: San Antonio Research and Development Procurement Office SARFS e: Subordinate Army Field Services SAR/FTI e: Synthetic Aperture Radar/Fixed Target Indicator SARG e: Semi-Active Radar Guidance SARGUN e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Gun SARH e: Semi-Active Radar Homing SARI e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging SARIE e: Selective Automatic-RadarIdentification Equipment - e: Semi-Automatic Radar Identification Equipment SARIHHWP e: Serendipity Association for Research and Implementation of Holistic Health and World Peace SARIS e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Interpretation System SARMCS e: Synthetic Aperture Radar Motion Compensation System SARP e: Semi-Automatic Radar Plotting - e: Signal Automatic Radar-Data Processing System - e: Sophisticated Automatic Radar Processing

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

SAWOB SARPSIM e: Signal Automstic Radar Processing Simulator SARS e: Secondary Attitude Defence System - e: Secretary of the Army Research and Study - e: Semi-Active Radar Set - e: Standard Attitude Defence System - e: Synthetic Array Radar System SARS S e: Standard Army Retail Supply System SARSS-O e: Standard Army Retail Supply System-Objective SART e: Search And Rescue Radar Transponder - e: Seattle Army Terminal - e: Self-Activating Reactive Target - e: Semi-active Artificial Radar Target - e: Strategic Arms Reduction Talks S.A.R.T. e: South African Railway Troops sartac e: search radar device SARTACK e: Search Anti-Radar Tactical Aircraft, K-band sArtRakSys d: Schweres ArtillerieRaketen-System SARTS e: Self-Activating Reactive Target System - e: Small Arms Remote Target System SAS d: Schiffsartillerieschule - d: Schutzbau-Angriffs-Submunition - d: Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik - e: Small Arms Strategy - e: Special Activities Squadron - e: Special Air Service [special forces] - e: Special Ammunition Section - e: Special Ammunition Site - e: Special Ammunition Stockage - e: Special Ammunition Storage - e: Special Army Squadron - e: Strategic Area Study - i: Scuola Allievi Sottufficiali SASA d: Schiessausbildungs-, Schiesssicherheits- und Schiessaus werteanlage - e: Special Ammunition Storage Area - e: Special Ammunition Supply Activity - i: Scuola di Applicazione del Servizio Automobilistico SASAC e: Seventh Army Service Area Command SASAR e: Segmented Aperture-Synthetic Aperture Radar SASAT e: Shipboard Anti-Submarine Attack Teacher SASC e: Small Arms School Corps - e: South African Staff Corps SASCOM e: Special Ammunition Support Command SASD e: Strategies and Air Standards Division SASEA e: Strategic Analysis of Southeast Asia SASF e: Special Aerial Spray Flight SASLAR e: Synthetic Aperture SideLooking Airborne Radar SASM e: Special Assistant for Strategic Mobility - e: Supersonic Antiship Missile SASMS e: Special Assistant for Surface Missile System SASN e: Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy SASO e: Senior Air Staff Officer - e: Soviet Army Studies Office - e: Superintendent Ammunition Supply Officer - e: Superintending Armament Supply Officer

SASP e: Special Ammunition Supply Point - e: Submarine Analytic Search Frogram SASPs e: Special Ammunition Supply Points SASq e: Strategic Aerospace Squadron S.A.S.R. e: Special Air Service Regiment SASRM e: Small Arms School, Royal Marines SASS e: SAC Aircraft Security System - e: Special Army Signal Service - e: Standard Army Supply System - e: Strategic Airborne Surveillance System - e: Strategic Alertfing] Sound System SASSA e: Strategic Analysis of SubSaharan Africa SASSO e: Senior Air Staff Officer SASUEE e: Strategic Analysis of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe SASIIREC e: SACLANT [Subreme Allied Commander, Atlantic] Submarine Research Center SASWC e: SACLANT [Subreme Allied Commander, Atlantic] Anti-Submarine Warfare Center SASWCS e: Surface Anti-Submarine Warfare Control System SASWRC e: SACLANT [Subreme Allied Commander, Atlantic] Anti-Submarine Warfare Research Center SASWREC e: SACLANT [Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic] Antisubmarine Warfare Research Center SAT d: Schwerer Artillerieträger - d\ Selbständiger Aufklärungstrupp - e: Seattle Army Terminal - e: Service Acceptance Trial - e: Submarine Attack Teacher - e: Subsonic Aerial Target - e: Surface Airborne Technology - e: Sustained Airborne Training S.A.T. r: Svensk Artillerie Tidskrift SATAID e: Sonar Auto-detection and Tracking, AI and Data fusion SATAN e: Selfcontained Automatic Tactical Air Navigation - e: Sensor for Airborne Tactical Air Navigation - e: Sensor for Airborne Terrain Analysis - e: Strobes Against Troops at Night - / ' Systems Autonome Toute-temps d'Auto defence Naval SATC e: Ship Autamatic Torpedo Countermeasures - e: Shipboard Air Traffic Control - e: Students Army Training Corps S.A.T.C, e: South African Tank Corps SATCAMS e: Semiautomatic Tactical Control and Airspace Management System SATCOM e: U.S. Army Satellite Communications Agency SATD e: Seattle Army Terminal Detachment - e: Strike Aircraft Test Directorate SATE e: Study of Army Test and Evaluation SATELCOMM e: Satellite Telecommunications Subdivision SATF e: Site Aviation Task Force - e: Strike and Terrain-Following radar - e: Substituted Anilines Task Force SATFOR e: Special Air Task Force SATI e: Selective Access to Tactical Information SATIN e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Automated Total Information Network SATIR d: System zur Auswertung taktischer Informationen auf Raketenzerstörern

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: System for Evaluation of Tactial Information on Missile Destroyers SATLCONO e: Satellite Control Officer SATM e: Scatterable Anti-tank Mine SA.TMI / · Systeme d'Attaque avec Tete Militaire Inerte SATNAV e: Satellite Navigation SATO e: Senior Ammunition Technical Officer - e: South African Treaty Organization - e: South Atlantic Treaty Organization SATOC e: Seventh Army Tactical Operations Center SATP e: Small Arms Target Practice SATS e: Short Airfield and Tactical Support - e: Small Airfield for Tactical Support - e: Small Arms Target System - e: Small Arms Training Strategy - e: Standard Army Training System SATSIM e: Saturation Countermeasures Simulator SATSLAM e: Satellite-Tracked Submarine-Launched Antimissile SATSS e: Seventh Army Tactical Switching System SATT e: Small Aircraft Training Target SATURN e: Second Generation of Antijam Tactical UHF Radios for NATO SAU e: Self-propelled Assault Unit SAUSA i: Scuola Allievi Ufficiali e Sottufficiali di Artiglieria SAV e: Space-Air Vehicle SAVA e: Standard Army Vectronics Architecture SAVAN e: Stabilised Aiming, Vertical sensing and Navigation SAVBOND e: War Savings Bond SAVES e: Sizing of Aerospace Vehicle Structures SAVOIR e: Small Aerial Vehicle for Observation, Intelligence & Reconnaissance SAVR e: Special Army Voluntary Reserve - e: Special Army Volunteer Reserve SAW e: Section Automatic Weapon - e: Short-range stand-off Attack Weapon - e: Signal Air[craft] Warning - e: Small Arms Weapon - e: Special Air Warfare - e: Squad Attack Weapon - e: Squad Automatic Weapon - e: Stand-Off Attack Weapon - e: Surface Acoustic Warfare SAWC e: Special Air Warfare Center SAWE e: Simulated Aerea Weapon Effect SAWE/MILES e: Special Area Weapons Effects/Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System SAWE-NBC e: Simulated Area Weapons Effects-Nuclear, Biological & Chemical SAWE-RF e: Small Arms Weapons Effects, Radio Frequency SAWES e: Small Arms Weapon Effect System - e: Small Arms Weapons Effect Simulator SAWF e: Special Air Warfare Forces SAWG e: Special Air Warfare Group SAWg e: Strategic Aerospace Wing SAWHQ e: SHAPE Alternative War Headquarters SAWID e: Shipboard Acoustic Warfare Integrated Defense SAWMARCS e: Standard Aircraft Weapon Monitor and Release Control System - e: Standard Aircraft Weapons Management and Release Control System SAWOB e: Special Air Warfare Operating Base


SAWS SAWS e: Satellite Attack Warning System - e: Silent Attack Warning System - e: Small Arms Weapon Study - e: Small Arms Weapon System - e: Squad Automatic Weapon[s] System - e: Strategic Attack Weapon System - e: Subacoustic Warfare System - e: Submarine Acoustic Warning System - e: Submarine Acoustical Warfare System SAWT e: Special Weapons and Tactics SAWVA e: South African War Veterans' Association SAYA e: Security Administration of the Army of Yugoslavia SB d: Schnellboot - d: Schützenbataillon - d: Stabsbootsmann - e: Scout Bomber - e: Signal Battalion - e: Submarine Base - e: Submarine Boat - e: Support Battalion - se: Savez Boraca SBA d: Stichtagsbestandsaufnahme - e: Standing British Army - e: Survivable Battlefield Antenna SBACS e: San Bernardino Air Service Command SB Aircraft e: Scouting Bombing Aircraft SBAM e: Space-Based Antimissile SBASC e: San Bernardino Air Service Command SBATBM e: Ship Based Anti-Theater Ballistic Missile SBC e: Sonar Breakout Cable SBCO e: Surplus Bidders Control Office, San Antonio, Texas SBE e: Strategic Bomber Enhancement SBG e: Smooth Bore Gun - e: Strategic Bomber Group SBGP e: Strategic Bomber Group SBHRG e: Space-Based Hypervelocity Rail Gun S.B.K, d: Seenotbereichskommando SBKEW e: Space-Based Kinetic Energy Weapon SBKEWS e: Space-Based Kinetic Energy Weapon System SBKKV e: Space-Based Kinetic Kill Vehicle SBKP in: Serikat Buruh Kementerian Pertahanan SBKV e: Space Based Kill Vehicle SBL/BMD e: Space-Based Laser/Ballistic Missile Defense SBM e: Shallow Burst Munition S.B.M. / • Société Française de Secours aux Blessés Militaires SBNB e: Subie Bay Naval Base SBNL e: Submarine Base, New London SBNO e: Senior British Naval Officer SBNOR se: Savez Boraca Narodnooslobodilackog Rata SBNORJ se: Savez Boraca Narodnooslobodilackog Rata Jugoslavie SBNOWA e: Senior British Naval Officer, Western Atlantic SBO d: Sprengbombe - e: Senior British Officer S-Boot d: Schnellboot SBR e: Seat Back Rocket - e: Sonar Buoy Range - e: Special Based Radar - e: Special Boat Squadron SBr d: Schützenbrigade - d: Sicherungsbrigade SBRAM e: Structural/Ballistic Risk Assessment programme SBR/IR e.· Space-Based Radar/Infra-Red SBRV e: Small Ballistic Reentry Vehicle


SBS e: Short Baseline Sonar - e: Special Boat Section - e: Special Boat Squadron - e: Strategic Bombing Survey - e: Submarine Broadcast System SBS Apparatus e: Submarine Signalling Apparatus SBTS e: Strategic Bombardment Training Squadron SBU e: Small Battle Unit SBW e: Single-engine scout bomber - e: Submarine Warfare S.B.W, d: Seebefehlshaber West SBWA e: 2nd Bomb Wing Association SBWG e: Strategic Bomb Wing SBZ d: Selektion beweglicher Ziele SbZ d: Selektion beweglicher Ziele [Funkortung] SC d: Stabschef - e: Cruiser Submarine - e: Search Command - e: Section Commander - e: Sector Commander - e: Signal Corps - e: Small submarine reactor prototype - e: Sonar Channel - e: Southern Command - e: Squadron Commander - e: Staff Corps - e: Station Commander - e: Strike Command - e: Submarine Chaser - e: Summary Court - e: Supply Corps - e: Supreme Command[er] - e: Surface Command SC3 e: Surveillance, Command, Control, and Communications S.C. e: School Command - e: Signal Corps - e: Staff College - e: Staff Corps - f: Sapeurs Coloniaux S/C e: Second in Command - e: Submarine Coxswain SCA e: Sea Coast Artillery - e: Signal Communication in the Army - e: Signal Corps Administration - e: Small Calibre Ammunition - e: Sonar Class Association - e: Supersonic Cruise Aircraft - i: Scuola di Artiglieria S.C.Α. / • Service Cinématographique de l'Armée SCAAS e: Strategic Communication And Alerting System SCAC e: Combat Support Aviation Corps - e: Safety Critical Armament Controller SCACS e: Strategic Command and Control System SCAD e: Schenectady Army Depot - e: Strategic Bomber Penetration Decoy - e: Subsonic Cruise Missile Armed Decoy SCADCOM e: Short Close Air Defense Combat Model SCADOA f: Service Commun d'Armements Desservant l'Ouest Africain SCADS e: Shipboard Containerized Air Defence System - e: Sioux City Air Defense Sector SCAEC e: Submarine Contact Analysis and Evaluation Center SCAEF e: Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Forces - e: Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Forces [wartime title of General Eisenhower] SCAF e: Supersonic Cruise Attack Fighter - e: Supreme Commander of Allied Forces

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SCAFB e: Schilling Air Force Base - e: Suffolk County Air Force Base SCAFP e: Supreme Commander Allied Forces Pacific SCAGF e: Supreme Commander, American Ground Force SCAJAP e: Supreme Commander Allied Forces Japan SCAM e: Subsonic Cruise Armed Missile - i: Scuola dei Servizi di Commissariato ed Amministrazione Militare SCAM/D e: Subsonic Cruise Arrmed Missile/Decoy SCAMP e.· Self Propelled Crane for Aircraft Maintenance and Positioning - e: Small Caliber Ammunition Modernization Program - e: Submarine Cold-weather and Arctic Material Program - e: Supersonic Cruise Aircraft Modification Program SCAMPERS e: Standard Corps-ArmyMACOM [Major Army Command] Personnel System SCAMS e: Submarine Communications and Management Study SCAN e: Self-Correcting Automatic Navigation - e: Shipboard Communications Area Network SCANS e: Stanford [University] Computer for Analysis of Nuclear Structure SCANSAR e: Scanning Synthetic Aperture Radar SCAP e: Supreme Command[er], Allied Powers - e: Surface combat air patrol SCAPJAP e: Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in Japan SCAR e: Subcaliber Aircraft Rocket - e: Supersonic Cruise Aircraft [or Airplane] Research - s: Sistemi de Control de Armamento SCARE e: Sensor-Control Anti-AntiRadiation-Missile Radar Evaluation SCARF e: Santa Cruz Acoustic Range Facility SCARS e: SACEUR [Supreme Allied Commander Europe] Command Alerting Reporting System SCARWAF e: Special Category Army with the Air Force SCAS e: Signal Corps Aviation School - e: Stability and Control Augmentation System S.C.A.S.A. /• Service Central de l'Action Sociale des Armées SCASG e: Sonar Calibration and Alignment Steering Group SCa.SM i: Sottocapo di Stato Maggiore SCASS e: Signal Corps Aircraft Signal Service SCAT e: Radar Scatterometer - e: Scout/Attack Helicopter - e: Service Command Air Transportation - e: South Pacific Combat Air Transport - e: Submarine Classification and Tracking scat, e: speed-control attitude range SCATS e: Surface Combatant Airborne Tactical System SCAUT/KL n: Souschef Automatisering van de Koninklijke Landmacht SCB e: Staff Coordination Briefing SCBD e: Signal Corps Base Depot SCC e: SCSI Controller Commands - e: Sea Cadet Corps - e: Sea Cadet Corps - e: SHAPE Command Center - e: Ship Control Center - e: Squadron Control Center

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SDC ScC e: Scottish Command S.C.C, e: Sea Cadet Corps SCIC] e: Submarine Chaser [Control] S C C - A C O e: Strategic Communications Command Advanced Concepts Office SCCB e: Software Configuration Control Board - e: System Configuration Control Board SCCEA e: Strategic Communications Command Equipment Applications SCCEA Directorate e: Strategic Communications Command Equipment Applications Directorate SCCN e: Secure Command and Control Net SCCO e: Security Classification Control Officer S C C O A / • Système de Commandement et de Conduite des Operations Aeriennes. SCCS e: SAC [Strategie Air Command] Command Conference System - e: Ship Command and Control System - e: S T R I C O M [Strike Command] Command and Control System - e: Submarine Combat Control System SCC-TED e: Strategic Communications Command-Test and Evaluation Directorate SCD e: Signal Command Decoder - e: Special Committee on Civil Defence - e: State Civil Defense - e: Stock Control Division - e: Strategic Communications Division SCDA e: SEATO [Southeast Asia Treaty Organization] Central Distribution Agency SCDC e: Strategic Concepts Development Center S C D C N e: Second Generation Defence Communications Network SCDL e: Ship Configuration Detail List S C D - O C [ o f | S A e: Staff Communications Division-Office, Chief of Staff US Army SCEA e: Service Children Education Authority SCEAND e: Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defense SCEB e: SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe] Communications Electronics Board SCEL e: Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories SCF e: Selective Call-Forwarding S.C.F. f : Service complémentaire féminin suisse SCFRS e: Surface Combatant Force Requirements Study SCG e: Secondary Command Group S C G D L e: Signal Corps General Development Laboratory SCG F e: Soviet Central Group of Forces S C G R L e: Signal Corps General Research Laboratory SCGSA e: Signal Corps Ground Signal Agency SCGSS e: Signal Corps Ground Signal Service SCGTR e: Scene Correlation Guidance and Target Recognition SCH e: Shelter Complex Headquarters S.C.H. / • Service Central Hydrographique Sch.B. d: Schützenbrigade Sch.B.K. d: Schiffsbesichtigungskommission Sch.Br. d: Schützenbrigade Sch.Brig. d: Schützenbrigade Sch.D. d: Schützendivision Sch.Geschw. d: Schulgeschwader [Marine] SCH LA e: School for Latin America

SchlSO d: Schlüsselsicherheitsoffizier S.C.H.M. / • Service Central Hydrographique de la Marine Sch of AA Def e: School of Anti-Aircraft Defence Sch.P.K. d: Schiffsprüfungskommission Sch.R. d: Schützenregiment Sch.Rgt. d: Schützenregiment Sch.Tr. d: Schutztruppe Schtr. d: Schutztruppe SchtzReg. d: Schützenregiment Schtz.Rgt. d: Schützenregiment Schußw. d: Schußwaffe[n] Schw.R.R. d: Schweres Reiterregiment SCI e: Senior Course Instructor - e: Ship Control and Interception SCIA e: Signal Corps Intelligence Agency SCIEM e: Software Configuration Impace Evaluation Model SCIMITAR e: System for Countering Interdiction Missiles & Target Acquisition Radars SCIO e: Staff Counterintelligence Officer SCIP e: Shipboard Countermeasures Interface Package SCI Radar e: Ship Controlled Intercept Radar SCISD e: Signal Corps Intermediate Supply Depot S.C.L.E. / • Service Commun de la Légion Etrangère SCLEC e: Signal Corps Logistics Evaluation Committee SCLI e: Somerset and Cornwall Light Infantry SCM e: Seff-Contained Munitions - e: Specific Change Memorandum - e: Strategic Cruise Missile - / · Service Cinématographique Militaire SCMC e: Strategic Cruise Missile Garrier SCML n: Studiecentrum voor Militair Leiderschap SCMS e: Strategic Cruise Missile Carrier - e: Submarine Communication Management System S C N A W A F e: Special Category Navy with Air Force S.C.N.N, f: Service de contr SCNO e: Senior Canadian Naval Officer S.C.N.O. e: Senior Canadian Naval Officer SCNO e: Senior Canadian Naval Officer SCNR e: Solid Core Nuclear Rocket SCNS e: Self-Contained Navigation System SCO e: Squadron Command Officer - e: Staff Communications Officer SCOC e: Support Command Operations Center SCOOT e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Cooperative Testing SCOPE e: Radarscope SCOR e: Self-Calibrating Omni-Range SCORE e: Surface Coastal Radar Equipment SCORES e: Scenario Oriented Recurring Evaluation System SCOT HORSE e: The Scottish Horse [Territorial Army] SCOTS G R E Y S e: The Royal Scots Greys [2nd Dragoons] S C O T T e: Submarine Combat Team Trainer SCOUT e: Small Combat Operations Utility Transport SCPO e: Senior Chief Petty Officer - e: Supply Chief Petty Officer SC-Propeller d: Superaktivierender Propeller SCR e: System Capability Requirement

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

S.C.R. / • Section de la centralisation de renseignements SCRA e: Second Commander of the Royal Artillery S C R A M e: Selective Combat Range Artillery Missile - e: Special Criteria for Retrograde Army Materiel - e: Supersonic Combustion Ramjet Missile SCRAP e: Super-Caliber Rocket-Assisted Projectile SCRB e: Software Configuration Review Board SCRC e: Software Change Review Committee SCRDE e: Stores and Clothing Research and Development Establishment Sc.Rif. e: The Scottish Rifles [The Cameronians] SCRL e: Signal Corps Radar Laboratory - e: Signal Corps Radio Laboratory SCRTC e: Signal Corps Replacement Training Center SCS e: Side Scan Sonar - e: Sonar Calibration Set - e: Sonar Communications Set - e: Submarine Control Simulator SCSM e: Small Caliber Smart Munitions SCT e: Sensor Communication Terminal SCTC e: Signal Corps Training Center - e: Submarine Chaser Training Center SCTRACEN e: Submarine Chaser Training Center SCTT e: Ship Control Team Trainer SCU e: Scud missile SCUD e: Soviet Short-Range Surface/Surface Missile SCUSAM i: Scuola di Sanità Militare - i: Scuola di Sanità Militare SCUTG e: Signal Corps Unit Training Group S.C.W, e: Society of Colonial Wars S e W S e: Space Combat Weapon System SD d: Schiffsstammdivision - d: Schützendivision - d: Sicherungsdivision - e: Sanitary Department [Depot] - e: Second Defense - e: Secretary of Defense - e: Security Division - e: Signal Department - e: Strategic Defense - e: Submarine Detector - f: Secret Defense S.D. P: Sluzba D e f e n z y w n a - e: Salvage Depot - e: Stores Department [Depot] - e: Submarine Department S/D e: Secretary of Defense S&D e: Space & defense SDA d: Sicherheitsdienst der Armee - e: Strategie Defence Architecture SDAA e: Servicemen's Dependents' Allowance Act SDADS e: Self Dsfence Air Defence System SDAR e: Segment Design Analysis Report SdArt d: Sonderartillerie S-day e : Submarine-deployment day SDB d: Straßendienstbataillon - d: Straßen Dst Btl - e: Seaward Defence Boat - e: Service Detention Barracks, Edmonton SDBr d: Straßen Dst Brig SDC e: Self Defense Capability - e: Self-Defense Corps - e: Space Defense Center - e: Space Defense Command - e: Space Defense Corporation - e: State Defense Council


S.D.C.M. - e: Strategie Defense Command - e: Strategic Direction Center - e: Supreme Defence Council - f: Systemes Defense et Controle S.D.C.M. / · Service de documentation sur les carrières de la marine SDCIJ e: Surveillance Display and Control Unit SDD e: Strategie Defense Device - e: Strategie Defense Division SDDM e: Secretary of Defense Decision Memorandum SDDS e: Strategic Defence Development System SDE e: Statement on the Defence Estimates SDF e: Self-Defense Force - e: State Defense Forces - e: Strategic Defenses Facility - e: Strategic Defensive Forces - e: Strategic Deterrent Forces - e: Sudan Defence Force - e: Swedish Defense Forces S.D.F. e: Sudan Defence Force SDFA e: State Defense Forces Association SDFAUS e: State Defense Forces Association of the United States SDFN e: Sonar Dome Flow Noise SDFS f: Sous-Direction Flotte en Service SDFT e: System Demonstration Flight Tests SDG e: Strategic Decisions Group SDH d: Stammdienststelle des Heeres SDÌ e: Space Defense Initiative - e: Strategie Defense Initiative SDIAC e: Strategie Defense Initiative Advisory Council SDIAE e: Strategic Defense Initiative Acquisition Executive SDIARC e: Strategic Defense Initiative Acquisition Review Council SDIC e: Strategic Defense Initiative Command S di G T. i: Scuola di Guerra in Torino SDII e: Strategie Defense Initiative Institute SDIO e: Strategie Defense Iniative Organization - e: Strategie Defense Initiative Office - e: Strategie Defense Initiative Organization SDIP e: Strategie Defense Initiative Program SDIPO e: Strategie Defence Iniative Participation Office of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence SDIT e: Ship Draft Indicator Transmitter SDIZ e: Submarine Defense Identification Zone SDJAP se: Sportsko Drustvo Jugoslovenske Armije „Partizan" SDK d: Straßendienstkompanie - se: Srpski Dobrovoljacki Korpus SDL d: Stammdienststelle der Luftwaffe - e: Standard Distribution List SDLO e: State, Defense Liaison Office SDM d: Stammdienststelle der Marine - e: Scatter-Drop Mine/Munition - e: Ship Defense Missile - e: Site Defense of Minuteman [missiles] S[-]DMICC e: State-Defense Military Information Control Committee SDM ICC e: State Defense Military Information Control Committee sdml e: seaward defense motor launch SDMS e: Shipboard Data Multiplex System - e: Support Defence Missile System SdMunLgr d: Sondermunitionslager SdMunVers-Raum d: Sondermunitionsversorgungsraum


SDN d: Schiffsstammdivision der Nordsee SDO d: Schiffsstammdivision der Ostsee - e: Schedules Duty Officer - e: Securities Division Order - e: Senior Duty Officer - e: Signal Dispatch Officer - e: Squadron Duty Office[r] - e: Staff Duty Officer - e: Station Duty Officer - e: Supply Depot Officer - e: Supply Duty Officer S.D.O.A. n: School voor dienstplichtige onderofficieren-administrateurs SDOC e: Space Defense Operations Center SDPD e: Special Defense Projects Department SDPO e: Site Defense Project Office[r] - e: Space Defense Project Office SDR e: Sonar Data Recorder - e: Special Dispatch Rider - e: Strategic Defense Response sdr e: splash-detection radar SDRS e: Splash Detection Radar System SDS e: Seaward Defence Squadron - e: Self Defense System - e: Ship Defense System - e: Signal Dispatch Service - e: Space Defense System - e: Strategic Defense System SDSC e: Strategic and Defence Studies Centre SDSMS e: Self-Defence Surface Missile System SDSP e: Space Defense System Program SDSTA / • Section Technique de l'Armée, Documentation Technique et Scientifique SDT e: Shipboard Data Terminal - e: Strategic Defense Triad - e: Strategy Determination Table SDV e: Self-Directed Vehicle SD/YVV e: SD/Launch Base Division SE d: Seitenverbesserung für Entfernungsver - e: Strategic ELINT S/E e: Single-Engined aircraft SEA e: Naval Sea Systems Command identifier - f: Service d'Éducation à l'Armée - f: Service d'Éducation à l'Armée - f: Service des Essence de l'Armee SEAAC e: South-East Asia Air Command SEABEES e: Naval Construction Battalion Personnel SEAC e: Single-engined aircraft - e: South-East Asia Command - e: Submarine Exercise Area Controller SEACAPS e: Seventh Army Card Processor System SEACASS e: Ships Electronic Audio Control and Selection System SEACATT e: Sea Combined Arms Tactical Trainer SEACDT e: South-East Asia Collective Defense Treaty SEAD e: Seneca Army Depot - e: Suppression of Enemy Air Defences [or Defense] - e: Survivable Electronic Air Defense SEADEC e: Seaward Defence Exercise SEADO e: South-East Asian Defence Organization SEADS e: Seattle Air Defense Sector - e: Survivable and Effective Air Defense System SEAFAC e: Systems Engineering Avionics Facility of the Areonautical Systems Division's Directorate of Avionic Engineering of the U.S. Department of the Air Force

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SEAFAR e: Search and Automatic Track Fixed Array Radar SEAFORTH e: Seaforth Highlanders [Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's] SEAGUARD e: Close-in weapon system [Plessey search radar, the 25 mm Oerlikon gun and the Siemens-Albis target tracking radar] SEAITACS e: Southeast Asia Integrated Tactical Air Control System SEAL e: Sea-Air-Land [Special Warfare Forces] SEALANCE e: Submarine-Launched Stand-Off Anti-Submarine Weapon SEALF e: South-East Asia Land Forces SEALS e: Severe Environmental Air Launch Study SEAMARF e: South-East Asia Military Air Reservation Facility SEANC e: South-East Asia NOTAM [Notice to Airmen] Center SEAPACS e: Submarine Engagement Automated Planning and Control System SEARAM e: Semi-Active Radar Missile SEASAR e: Synthetic Aperture Radar for Sea Studies SEASTAG e: SEATO [South-East Asia Treaty Organization] Standardization Agreements SEASTRAT e: Sealift Strategic Contingency Planning System SEATAG e: Sea Control Tactical Analysis Game SEATDA e: Sonar Environmental & Acoustic Tactical Decision Aid SEATO e: South-East Asia Treaty Organisation [or Organization] SeaWiFS e: Sea-viewing Wide Field-ofview Sensor SEB d: Schützen-Ersatzbataillon - e: Single Engine[d] Bomber SEBA e: Submarine Escape Breathing Apparatus SEBARS e: Secure Battlefield Resupply System SEBRAS e: Secure Battlefield Resupply System SEC e: South-Eastern Command - e: South European Command - e: Special Equipment Vehicle - e: Submarine Element Co-ordinator - e: United States Securities and Exchange Commission SecA e: Secretary of the Army SECAF e: Secretary of the Air Force Sec Air e: Secretary of the Air Force SECAN e: Military Committee Communications Security and Evaluation Agency SECAP e: Standard External Configuration Ammunition Package SECAR e: Secondary Radar SECC e: Survivable Enduring Command Center SECDEF e: Secretary of Defense SecDef e: Secretary of State for Defense SECFLT e: Second Fleet [Atlantic] Sec/HQUKLF e: Command Secretary/Headquarters, United Kingdom Land Forces SECNAV e: Secretary of the Navy SECNAVINST e: Secretary of the Navy Instruction SECO e: Securities and Exchange Commission SECOM e: Sector Commander - e: Security Command SECOMACS e: Sector Commander Alascan Communications System SECOMD e: South Eastern Command

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SFOMS S.E.Comd. e: South Eastern Command SECOMSAT e: Sistema Español de Comunicaciones Militares por Satelite SECOR e: Sequential Correlation Range SECOR/DME e: Sequential Collation of Range/Distance-Measuring Equipment SECRA e: Secondary Radar SECT e: Simulator for Electronic Combat Training - e: Submarine Emergency Communication[s] Transmitter - f: Service des équipements des champs de tir SECTASKFLT e: Second Task Fleet SecWar e: Secretary of War S.E.D. e: Signal Equipment Depot SEDA e: State Emergency Defense Airlift SEDAR e: Shipborne Electronic Deflection Array Radar SEDEMAR s: Secretaría de Marina SEDM e: Sonar Evaluation Demonstration Model SEE e: School of Electronic Engineering S.E.E. e: Signals Experimental Establishment SEEP e: Sixth Fleet Escort Evaluation Program SEER e: Submarine Explosive Echo Ranging S.E.F.A. /• Secrétariat d'État aux Forces Armées SEFIC e: Seventh Fleet Intelligence Center SEFIS e: Simulated Electronic Flight Instruments System SEFT e: Single Engine Flight Training - f: Section d'études et de fabrication des télécommunications SEFX e: Single Engine Fighter Exterimental SEH e: Single Engine Helicopter SEIE e: Submarine Escape Immersion Equipment seis e: submarine emergency identification signal SELF PROP e: Self-Propelled SELV e: Small Expandable Launch Vehicle SEM d: Sanitarische Eintrittsmusterung - e: Strategic Enterprise Management - e: System Engineering Management SEMA e: Soviet Economic Military Analysis - e: Special Electronic Mission Aircraft SEMAR s: Secretaría de Marina SEMA-X e: Special Electronic Mission Aircraft SE-MCMC e: Surface Effect Mine Countermeasures Catamaran SEME e: School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering SEMP e: Socio-Economic Military Program - e: System Engineering Management Procedures SEN e: Southern European Network SendBtl d: Senderbataillon SENIT / • Système d'exploitation navale des informations tactiques SENLOG e: Sentinel Logistics Command, Huntsville, Alabama Sen Wt O e: Senior Warrant Officer SEO d: Schiffseinsatzoffizier - e: Squadron Engineer Officer SEOCO e: Senior Engineer Officer, Combined Operations SEP e: Sonar Evaluation Program SEPACFOR e: South-East Pacific Force SEPAZ e: Secretariat for Peace

SEPECAT /• Société Européenne de Production de l'Avion d'École de Combat et d'Appui Tactique S.E.P.R. f: Service de l'entraînement préparatoire et des réserves S.E.R. d: Schützen-Ersatzregiment SER e: The Singapore Engineer Regiment SERDI n: Selectie- en Recruteringsdienst van de Luchtmacht SERFORSOPACSUBCOM e: Service Force South Pacific Subordinate Command SERL e: Services Electronics Research Laboratory SERLANT e: Service Forces, Atlantic SEROS e: SEMMERZAKE Radar Operating System SERPAC e: Service Forces, Pacific SERPLANT e: Service Forces, Atlantic SERT e: Satellite for Electric Rocket Test - e: Ship Electronic Readiness Team SERVCOMD e: Service Command SERVCOMFMFPAC e: Service Command, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific SERVFOR e: Service Force SERVLANT e: Commander Service Force, Atlantic Fleet - e: Service Force, Atlantic Fleet SERVLANTSUBORD-COMD e: Service Force, Atlantic Fleet, Subordinate Command SERVPAC e: Service Force, Pacific Fleet SERVRON e: Service Squadron SERVSOWESPAC e: Service Force, Southwest Pacific Fleet SERWP e: Submarine Escape and Rescue Working Party SES e: Sonar Echo Simulator - e: Surface Effectfs] Ship[s] SeS d: Selbstschutzschule sesco e: secure submarine communications SESO e: Senior Equipment Staff Officer - e: Ship Environmental Support Office [r] SESPO e: Surface Effect Ships Project Office S.E.S.T.A. e: Safety Equipment and Survival Training School SESTAGEM ì: Sezione Staccata Lavori del Genio Militare SESTAR i: Sezione Staccata di Artglieria S.E.S.T.S. e: Safety Equipment and Survival Training School SETAC e: Sector Tactical Air Navigation SETAF e: Southern European Task Force SETC e: South-Eastern Theatre Conference SETS e: Squad Engagement Training System setsim e: saturation countermeasures simulator SETT e: Submarine Escape Training Tank S.E.T.T. / • Service d'exploitation des transmissions territoriales S.Ε.T.T.M. /• Section d'études techniques et tactiques de montagne SEV e: Scout Evaluation Vehicle SEVA e: Submarine Expendable Vertical Array SEVENATAF e: Seventh Allied Tactical Air Force SEVFLT e: Seventh Fleet, Pacific SEW d: Schiffselektkronische Werkstatt - e: Air Force Safety Agency - e: Shipboard Electronics Warfare - e: Sonar Early Warning - e: Space and Electronic Warfare SEWACO e: Sensor, Weapon Control and Command System SEWC e: Space and Electronic Warfare Commander

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

S/EWCC e: Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Coordination Center SEW/I e: Space & Electronic Warfare/Intelligence SEWS e: Shipborne Early Warning System - e: Shipborne Electronic Warfare SEWSIM e: Space & Electronic Warfare Simulation SEWT e: Simulator for Electronic Warfare Training SF d: Sperrfeuer - e: Scouting Force - e: Security Force[s] - e: Special Forces - e: Store and Forward - e: Syrian Forces SFA e: Short Field Aircraft - e: Simulated Flight-Automatic - e: Slow Flying Aircraft - e: Soviet Frontal Aviation SFAW e: Solid Fuels Administrator for War - e: Swiss Federal Armament Works SFB d: Schweizerische Friedensbewegung - d: Stahlhelm-Frauenbund SFBNS e: San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard SFC e: Secure Flight Communication - e: Ship Fire Control - e: Soldier Fighting Cover Sfc e: Sergeant First Class SFCES e: Survivable Flight Control Electronic Set SFCRS e: STIR Fire-Control Radar System SFCS e: Secondary Flight Control System - e: Submarine Fire Control System - e: Surveyor Flight Control Section - e: Survivable Flight Control System - e: Survival Flight Control System SFD d: Sozialer Friedensdienst SFDS e: Standby Fighter Director Ship - e: Strike Force Data System SFERT e: Spinning-satellite for Electric Rocket Test S.F.F. f: Service féminin de la Flotte SFG e: Special Forces Group SFGA e: Special Forces Group, Airborne SFI e: Strategic Facilities Initiative SFIR e: Specific Force Integrating Receiver SFIRR e: Solid Fuel Integral Rocket/Ramjet SFK d: Fliegerkräfte - d: Seefliegerkräfte S.F.K, d: Serbisches Freiwilligen-Korps SFltl d: Schnellbootflottille SFM d: Sensor Fuzed Munition - d: Spezialbauamt für das französische Militärwesen - e: Sector Fighter Marshal - e: Self-Forging Munition - e: Sensor Fuzed Munitions - e: Simulated Flight Manual - f: Société Française de Munitions sFMBtrbBtl d: Schweres Fernlmeldebetriebsbataillon SFMG e: Sustained Fire Machine Gun SFMW d: Spezialfachliche militärische Weiterbildung SFN e: San Francisco Naval Shipyard SFNSY e: San Francisco Naval Shipyard SFO e: Submarine Fog Oscillator SFOB e: Special Forces Operational Base SFOD e: Special Forces Operational Detachment SFOMS e: Ships Force Overhaul Maintenance Systems


SFP SFP e: Science for Peace SFP-ANGS e: Standardization Field Panel for Artillery and Naval Gunfire Support sfpd e: Selfpropelled SFPV e: Special Forces Patrol Vehicle SFR d: Schweizerischer Friedensrat - e: Safety of Flight Requirement - e: Submarine Fleet Reactor SFRO r: Svenska Flottans Reservofficersf - r: Svenska Flottans Reservofficersförbund SFs e: Special Forces S&FSD[A] e: Sea and Foreign Service Duty [Aviation] S&FSD[S] e: Sea and Foreign Service Duty [Submarine] SFSM e: Sensor Fuzed Submunition SFSO e: Station Flight-Safety Officer SFSS e: Spartan Flight Support Structure SFT e: Scheduled Flight Time - e: Simulated Flight Test - e: Stockpile Flight Test SFTIP e: Special Flight Test Instrumentation Pool SFTR e: Summary Flight Test Report SFUP e: Strategic Facilities Utilization Program SFV e: Stinger Fighting Vehicle SFW e: Self-Forging Warhead - e: Sensor-Fused [or Fuzed] Weapon[s] SFWD e: Slow Forward SG e: Shell Gun - e: Spin Gun - e: Squadron Group - e: Strategic Group - e: Sunset Gun - ì: Scuola di Guerra SIG /• Système informatique de commandement de 1 Generation SGA / • Secrétariat General pour l'Administration - /• Service Géographique de l'Armée - /• Service Géographique de l'Armée Scuola di Guerra Aerea S.G.A. f: Service Géographique de l'Armée SGAC / · Service de Gestion et Approvisionnements Centralisés SGAD e: Safeguard Army Depot S.G.A.F. / • Section Géographique de l'Armée Française SGAW e: Subgroup on Assessment of Weapons SGC e: Surface Gun Controle SGCE e: Ship Gyrocompass Equipment SGDCN e: Second-Generation Defence Communications Network S.G.D.N, f: Scrétariat Général de la Défense Nationale SGDSO e: Senior Ground Defence Staff Officer SGEA f: Systèmes de Guerre Electronique de l'Avant SGEP i: Scuola Genio Pionieri SGF e: Southern Group of Forces - e: Soviet Ground Forces SGFFA / · Service Géographique, Forces Françaises en Allemagne SGM e: Ship-to-Ground Missile - e: Strategie Guidance Memo - s: Servicio Geografico Militar S.G.M. / • Service Géographique Militaire SGMS e: Shipboard Gravity Measuring System SGN d: Spezielles geod - e: Surgeon General of the Navy SGO e: Squadron Gunnery Officer SGOMMT d: Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Offiziere der motorisierten und mechanisierten Truppen


SGOMT d: Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Offiziere der Motortruppe SGOS d: Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Offiziere der Sanitätstruppen SGP e: Secondary Gun Pointer - i: Scuola Genio Pionieri S.G.P.D.N, f: Secrétariat Général Permanent de la Défense Nationale SGPW e: Secretary-General for Prisoners of War S.G.P.W. e: Secretary-General for Prisoners of War Sg RA e: Surgeon Rear-Admiral SGS e: Squadron Ground Station SGschw d: Schnellbootgeschwader SGSO e: Senior General Staff Officer SGT d: Südgruppe der Truppen Sgt Maj e: Sergeant-Major SGU e: Single Gun Unit SGUs e: Special Guerrilla Units Sg VA e: Surgeon Vice Admiral SH e: Scottish Horse - e: Support Helicopter S.H.A. / • Service Historique de l'Armée S.H.A.A. / • Service Historique de l'Armée de l'Air SHACE e: Supreme Headquarters Allied Command Europe SHAD e: Sharpe Army Depot SHADO e: Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense Organization SHADOW e: Subsonic Hovering Armament Direction & Observation Window S.H.A.E.F. e: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces SHAFB e: Sheppard Air Force Base SHANE e: Steerable Hydrophone Army, Nonlinear Element SHANICLE e: Short Range Navigation Vehicle - e: Short-Range Navigation Vehicle Shank SHAPE e: Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe SHAPEX e: SHAPE Annual Command Exercise SHAREM e: Ship ASW [Antisubmarine Warfare] Readiness Effectiveness Measuring Program SHARK e: Silent Hard Kill Weapon SHARP e: Ships Analysis and Retrieval Project SHAWL e: Special Hard target Assault Weapon, Lightweight Shb. Regt e: Sherbrooke Regiment SHC e: Supreme High Command - e: Surveillance Helicopter Company SHCOS e: Supreme Headquarters, Chief of Staff SHDS d: SHD - Schiff SHEWS e: SHAPE Early Warning System SHFS e: Supportable Hybrid Fighter Structures SHHADOW e: SIKORSKY Helicopter Advanced Demonstrator of Operator Workload SHIELD e: Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage Law Enforcement Division SHIELDS e: Ships Highpower Electronic Defense System SHIL e: Shiloh National Military Park SHINCOM e: Ship Integrated Communications System SHINMACS e: Ship Integrated Machinery Control System SHINPADS e: Shipboard Integrated Processing and Display System SHIPDAFOL e: Shipping Data Follows SHIPDES e: Ship Description

Κ · G · Saur, München

SHIPS e: Bureau of Ships, Washington SHIPSYSCOMHQ e: Ship Systems Command Headquarter SHIRAN e: S-Band High-Accuracy Ranging and Navigation SHK d: Sowjetische Hohe Kommission SHOC e: SF¡APE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe] Operations Center [or Centre] - e: Supreme Headquarters Operations Centre SHODOP e: Short range Doppler SHOL e: Ship/Helicopter Operation Limits SHOM f: Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine SHOMADS e: Short-to-Medium-Range Air Defense System SHOPAT e: Shore Patrol SHORAD e: Short Range Air Defense SHORAD C2 e: Short Range Air Defense Command and Control SHORADOC e: Short Range Air Defencs Operations Center SHORADS e: Short-Range Air Defense System SHORAN e: Short-Range Aid to Navigation SHORAR e: Short-Range Acquisition Radar SHORDIS e: Short Range Air Defense Information Distribution System SHORGUT e: Short Range Gun Training SHORSTAS e: Short-Range Surveillance and Target Acquisition System SHORT e: SEA HARRIER Operational and Radar Trainer SHQ e: Squadron Headquarters - e: Station Headquarters - e: Supreme Headquarters SHRAM e: Short-Range Air-to-Surface Missile SHRIKE e: Anti-Radiation Missile SHRIT e: Small Radar Homing Intercept Technology Shrops.L.I. e: Shropshire Light Infantry SHROPS YEO e: The Shropshire Yeomanry [Territorial Army] SHS d: Schweizerischer Heimatschutz - e: Ship Handling Simulator SHSAC e: Supreme Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander SHSGS e: Supreme Headquarters, Secretary General Staff SHSTF e: Scout Helicopter Special Task Force ShVAK R: Shpitalny-Vladimirov Aviatsionnaya Krupno-Kalibernaya SHW d: Soldatenhilfswerk der Bundeswehr eV S Hy Regt e: Super Heavy Regiment SI e: Sergeant Instructor - e: Shipping Instruction^] S.I. d: Sperrwaffeninspektion [Marine] SIAC e: Submarine Integrated Attack Center SIAD e: Sierra Army Depot SIAF e: Small Independent Action Force SIAM e: Self-Initiated Anti-aircraft Missile - e: Self-Initiated Anti-aircraft Munition[s] SIANM e: Special Inspection Army Nuclear Matters S.I.A.R. /• Service de Surveillance Industrielle de l'Armement SIAS e: Submarine Integrated Antenna System SIASS e: Submarine Integrated Attack and Surveillance Sonar SI.AT e: Supersonic Low-Altitude Target

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

SIRA SIB e: Special Investigation Branch - e: Submarine Indicator Buoy SIC e: Second Pilot in Command - e: Secret Intelligence Command - e: Security Intelligence Corps - e: Sonar Information Center - e: Survey Information Center SiC e: Second in Command SICAS e: Ship Installed Chemical Alarm System SICBM e: Single-Warhead Intercontinental Ballistic Missile - e: Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile - e: Super Intercontinental Ballistic Missile SICC f : Systeme d'Information, de Commandement et de Controle SICF / • Système d'Information et de Communication Sich.Div. d: Sicherungsdivision SICIS e: Strategie Issue Competitive Information System SICM e: Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile SICS e: Ship Integrated Communications System - e: Submarine Integrated Combat System SICV e: Soviet Infantry Combat Vehicle SID e: Information Service, Ministry of National Defense - e: Special Intelligence Detachment - i: Servizio Informazioni della Difesa SIDA e: 7th Infantry Division Association SIDAC e: Socialist International Disarmament Advisory Council SIDC e: Strategy for International Development and Cooperation - e: Support Issue Development Committee S I D E A R M e: SIDEWINDER AntiRadiation Missile SIDM e: Shipboard Identification Demolition Model SIDS e: Ships Integrated Defense System SIE i: Servizio Informazioni Esercito SIECA f: Service d'information, d'études et de cinématographie des armées SIES e: Ships Integrated Electronics System SIESTA e: Silent Energy Sources for Tactical Applications SI/EWCC e: Signal Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Coordination Center SI EWS e: Shipboard Integrated Electronic Warfare System SIF e: Safety In Flights tests - e: Switched In-Flight SIFAEMA / • Société Industrielle de Fabrication des Attributs d'Équipement Militaires et Administratifs SiFB d: Sicherungs- und Fernmeldebataillon SiFK d: Sicherungs- und Fernmeldekompanie SIG e: Special Investigative Group - e: Strategie Integration Group Sig e: Signal Corps S I G A I R D E F E N G R A G C Y e: Signal Air Defense Engineering Agency S I G A V N C O e: Signal Aviation Company SIGBAT e: Signal Battalion SIG BN e: Signal Battalion SIGC e: Signal Corps SIGCO e: Sigal Company - e: Signal Corps Officer SIGCOA e: Signal Company, Airline S I G C O C e: Signal Company, Cable SIGCONSBN e: Signal Construction Battalion SIGCOR e: Signal Corps SIGCOW e: Signal Company, Wireless

S I G C O W G e: Signal Company, Wing SIGCOY e: Signal Company Sig Div e: Signal Division SIG-DP e: Senior Interagency GroupDefence Policy SIGEL e: Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories SIGHT e: SIGNAAL General Purpose High resolution Tactical S I G H V C O N S T B N e: Signal Heavy Construction Battalion S I G I N T E L A G C Y e: Signal Intelligence Agency SIGINT/EW e: Signal Intelligence/Electronic Warfare SIGL e: Signal Lieutenant Sig L e: Signal Lieutenant sigligun e: signal-light gun SIGMA e: Force Level and Maneuver Control System - e: Stabilized, Integrated Gun Missile Array - e: Synergistic Innovation to Gain Military Advantage S I G M S L S P T A G C Y e: Signal Missile Support Agency SignKS r: Signaltruppernas SIGNO e: Signal Officer SignOS r: Signalofficersskolan SignS r: Arméns Signalskola Sig O e: Signal Officer SIGO e: Signal Officer SIGO[FFR] e: Signal Officer SIGOFFR e: Signal Officer SIGOPNBN e: Signal Operation Battalion S I G R E P C O e: Signal Repair Company SIGRES e: Signal-corps Reserve Sig Res e: Signal Reserve SIGSCH e: Signal School Sig Sell e: Signal School SIGSPTBN e: Signal Support Battalion SIGSUPBN e.· Signal Supply Battalion S I G S V C B N e: Signal Service Battalion SIGTC e: Signal Training Center SIH e: The South Irish Horse SIIRCM e: Suite of Integrated Infrared Countermeasures SILAT f: Société Industrielle d'Aviation Latécoère S.I.L.E. / • Service d'Information de la Légion Etrangère SILLACS e: Siemens Low Level Air defence Control System SILLADS e: Siemens Low Level Air Defence System SILO e: Security Intelligence Liaison Office [Central Mediterranean Forces] SILOS e: Side Looking Sonar SILS e: Shipboard Impact Locator System SIM e: SAM Intercept Missile - e: Surface-to-air-missile Intercept Missile - i: Servizio di Informazioni Militari - s: Sección de Investigaciones Militares - s: Servicio de Inteligencia Militar - s: Servicio de Investigación Militar - s: Servicio Inteligencia Militar S.I.M. e: Secret Intelligence, Military - f : Section d'Infirmiers Militaires SIMAS e: Sonar In-Situ Mode Assessment System SIMBAD f : Simulateur Balistique Attaque Defense S I M B A M e: Simulation for Battle Management SIMM d: Schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft für militärische Mittel SIMNI i: Servizio Informazioni Militari Nord-Italia SIMNS e: Simulated Navigation System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

SIMOS e: Space Imbalanced Military Occupational Specialty SIMP e: Shipboard Integrated Maintenance Program SIMS e: Strategic Integrated Management System - e: Surface-to-Air Intercept Missile System SIMTASS e: Simulation of the Theater Army Supply System SIMTOS e: Simulated Tactical Operations System S I M T R A C C e: Simulator Trainer Command and Control SIMIIGUN e: Simulation Gun SINADIMID i: Sindacato Nazionale Dipendenti Ministero Difesa S IN AD S e: Shipboard Integrated Navigation and Display System SINBADS e: Submarine Integrated Battle and Data System S I N C G A R S e: Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System SINCGARS-V e: Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System, Very High Frequency SINCOS e: Ship's Integrated Communication System S I N E W S e: Ship Integrated Electronic Warfare System SINM e: Supervising Inspector, Navy Material SINS e: Shipboard Inertial Navigation System - e: Submarine Inertial Navigation System SINSS e: Shipboard Ice Navigation Support System SINTAC / • Système Integre d'Identification, de Navigation, de Controle du Traffic, d'Anticollosion et de Communications S I N T R A N e: Synchronous Transmission SIO e: Senior Information Officer - e: Senior Intelligence Officer - e: Shipping Intelligence Officer - e: Signal Intelligence Officer - e: Special Inquiry Officer - e: Staff Intelligence Officer - e: Strategie Integrated Operating Plan SIOC e: Strategic Information and Operations Center SIOP e: Strategic Integrated Operational Plan SIOS i: Servizio Informazioni Operativo Situazione SIP e: Service Improvement Program - e: Sisterhood for International Peace - e: Sonar Instrumentation Probe - e: Standardization Instructor Pilot SIPA e: Simbabwe People's Army SIPG d: Schutzleiter- und Isolationsprüfger SIPOL d: Sicherheitspolitik SIPRI e: Stockholm International Peace Research Initiative - e: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPS e: SAC [Strategie Air Command] Intelligence Processing System - e: Sonar Image Processing System - e: Submarine Integrated Platform System SIR e: Search and Interrogation Radar - e: Shuttle Imaging Radar - e: Single Imaging Radar - e: Strategic Information Review. - e: Subsurface Intedace Radar - e: Supersonic Infantry Rocket - e: Synthetic-aperture Imaging Radar SIRA e: Strategic Intelligence Research and Analysis


SIRAS SIRAS e: Surveillance and IFF Radar Simulator SIRCS e: Ship Intermediate Range Combat System - e: Shipboard Intermediate Range Combat System SIREWS e: Shipboard Infrared Electronic Warfare System SIRFC e: Suite of Integrated Radar Frequency Countermeasures S.I.R.P.A. f: Service d'Informations et de Relations Publiques des Armées SIRPA/MER /• Service d'Informations et de Relations Publiques des Armées/Mer SIRR e: Small Integral Rocket/Ramjet - e: Solid Integral Rocket Ramjet SIRS e: Shipboard Inertial Reference System SIS e: Naval Intelligence Service - e: Singles in Service [an organization] - e: Soviet Intelligence Service - e: Special Investigation Section - e: Strategic Information System - e: Strategic Intelligence School - e: Submarine, Fleet Ballistic Missile [SSBN] Indications and Warning Support - e: Submarine Integrated Sonar - e: Submarine Integrated System - i: Servizio di Informazioni Sanitarie S.I.S. i: Servizio di Informazioni Sanitarie SISMAS e: Sonar In-Situ Mode Assessment System SISMS e: Standard Integrated Support Management System [Joint Chiefs of Staff] SISO e: Senior Infantry Safety Officer SISS e: Submarine Integrated Sonar System SIST e: Self Inflating Surface Target SIT e: Satellite Inspector Target - e: Silicon Intensifier Target - e: Strategic Implementation Team SITA e: Selected Image Target Area SITAD e: Systematic Integration of Training and Doctrine SITAN e: SANDIA Inertial Terrain-Aided Navigation SITE e: Shipboard Information, Training and Education SITP e: Suitability for Issue Test Program - e: System Integration Test Program SIT/RFS IDEN e: Situation/Ready for Sea, Identification SITS e: SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment] Intercept Target Simulation - e: Securities Instruction Transmission System SIU e: Small Infantry Unit SIW e: Strategic Intelligence Wing SI Wg e: Special Investigation Wing SIXATAF e: Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southeastern Europe Six-Day e: Six-Day War SIXFLT e: Sixth Fleet [Atlantic] SIXTHFLT e: Sixth Fleet SIY e: South of Ireland Yeomanry - e: Staffordshire Imperial Yeomanry - e: Sussex Imperial Yeomanry SJART e: San Jacinto Army Terminal SJMC e: Signed Judgments of the Military Courts in the Administered Territories SJS e: Secretary, Joint Staff SjvS r: Sjukvardsstyrelse SJWVUSÀ e: Sons of Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America SK d: Gruppe für Seekonferenzen [OKM] - d: Schützenkompanie - d: Streitkräfte - e: end of transmission - e: Sikorsky Aircraft Division


SK. d: Seenotkommando - d: Soldatenkonzentrationslager - d: Sonderkonzentrationslager S/KA e: Submarine Kit Allowance SKC e: Services Kinema Corporation SKCATL e: South Korea Conventional Air Target List SKDA d: Sportkomitee der befreundeten Armeen S.Kdo. d: Sonderkommando SKE r: Sjöförsvarets Kommandoexpedition SKF d: Seekriegsflotte SKFV d: Südtiroler Kriegsopfer- und Frontkämpfer SKG d: Schweizerische Kriegstechnische Gesellschaft SKG. d: Schnellkampfgeschwader SKIP Systems e: Skills Inventory Personnel Systems SKK d: Sowjetische Kontrollkommission SKKD d: Sowjetische Kontrollkommission in Deutschland Ski. d: Seekriegsleitung [OKM] SKOP e: Support Kit Overhead Protection SKOrg d: Streitkräfte SKP d: Start Kdo Punkt SKR e: Station Keeping Radar Sk Regt e: Suffolk Regiment SKS d: Stabs- und Kommandantenschulen - e: Sound Air Aviation - e: Station Keeping Ship SKYCAV e: Sky Cavalry [aerial surveillance unit] SL e: Second Lieutenant - e: Sourco Level of active sonar - e: Space Launcher - e: Squadron Leader - e: Sub-Lieutenant S.L. e: South Lancashire Regiment SLA e: South Lebanese Army - e: South Lebanon Army - e: Strategic Logistics Agency S.L.A. e: South Lebanon Army SLAAP e: St. Louis Army Ammunition Plant SLAAS e: Supersonic Low-Altitude Attack Aircraft System SLAB e: Subsonic Low Altitude Bomber SLAF e: Sri Lanka Air Force SLAM e: Sea-Launched Air Missile - e: Selectable Lightweight Attack Missile - e: Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition - e: Ship-Launched Anti-aircraft Missile - e: Space-Launched Air Missile - e: Stand-off Land Attack Missile - e: Strategic Low Altitude Missile - e: Submarine Launched Airflight Missile - e: Supersonic Low Altitude Missile - e: Surface Launched Anti-Ship Missile - e: Surface Look-Alike Mine SLAMEX e: Submarine-Launched Assault Missile Exercise SLAMMR e: Side-Looking Airborne Modulated Multi Mission Radar - e: Side-Looking Airborne Multi-Mission Radar SLAMS e: Surface Look-Alike Mine System S.Lan.R. e: South Lancashire Regiment S LAN R e: South Lancashire Regiment SLAR e: Side Locking Airborne Radar - e: Side Looking Array Radar - e: Sideways-Looking Airborne Radar - f: Station Legere d'Alerte Radar SLARR e: Side-Looking Airborne Reconnaissance Radar SLASH e: Small Light Antisubmarine Helicopter

© Κ · G • Saur, München

SLASM / · Système de Lutte Anti-SousMarine SLAST e: Submarine Launched Antisurface Ship Torpedo - e: Submarine-Launched Antiship Torpedo SLAT e: Ship-Launched Air Target - e: Slow, Low, Airborne Target - e: Supersonic Low Activities Target - e: Supersonic Low-Altitude Target - e: Surface Launcher Air-Targeted - f: Système de Lutte Anti-Torpilles SLATE e: Ship-Launched ASW Two-Way Expendable SLATEC e: Sandia-Los Alamos Air Force Weapons Laboratory Technical Exchange Committee SLAW e: School of Land Air Warfare - e: Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon SLB d: Start- u Landebahn SLBM e: Sea-Launched Ballistic Missile - e: Ship-Launched Ballistic Missile - e: Space-Launched Ballistic Missile - e: Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile SLBMDS e: Sea-Launched Ballistic Missile Detection System SLBMDW e: Sea-Launched Ballistic Missile Dstection and Warning SLBMDWS e: Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile Detection and Warning System SLBMW e: Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile Warning SLC e: Sea-Launched Cruise Missile - e: Signals Landing Corps - e: Strategic Laser Communications - e: Submarine Laser Communications programme - e: Systems and Logistics Command SLCAIR e: Submarine Laser Communications-Airborne SLCM e: Sea-Launched Cruise Missile - e: Ship-Launched Cruise Missile - e: Submarine Launched Cruise Missile - e: Surface Launch Cruise Missile SLCMs e: Submarine-Launched Cruise Missiles SLCSAT e: Strategic Laser Communications Satellite - e: Submarine Laser Communications Satellite SLD e: Sea Landing Division S.L.D. d: Schnellbootlehrdivision SLDAA e: SACLANT [Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic] Distributing and Accounting Agency SLDF e: Sierra Leone Defense Force S[/]Ldr e: Squadron Leader S/Ldr e: Squadron Leader S Ldr e: Squadron Leader SLDTF e: State and Local Documents Task Force SLEE i: Scuola Lingue Estere dell'Esercito SLEKE e: Sabot Launched Electric-gun Kinetic Energy SLEW e: Shipboard Lightweight Electronic Warfare System Sl/EW e: Special Intelligence/Electronic Warfare SLEWC e: Standby Local Early Warning and Control SLEWS e: Shipboard Lightweight Electronic Warfare System SLF e: South Luzon Force - e: Special Landing Forces SLFO-EAMTMTS e: St. Louis Field Office-Eastern Area, Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service SLGM e: Surface-Launched Guided Missile

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

SMCS SLI e: Shropshire Light Infantry - e: Sikh Local Infantry - e: Somerset Light Infantry S.L.I, e: Somerset Light Infantry SLIC e: Strategic Logistics Information Components SLICB e: Sea-Launched Intercontinental Ballistic Missile SLICBM e: Sea-Launched Intercontinental Ballistic Missile slickums e: sea-launched cruise missiles S.L.I.F. f: Service de Liaison et d'Information aux Familles SLIM e: Slewed-Launch Interceptor Missile - e: Submarine-Launched Inertial Missile - e: Surface-Launched Interceptor Missile SLINS e: Ships Laser Inertial Navigation System SLIRBM e: Sea-Launched Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile S.L.K, r: Svenska Landstormskvinnor SLM e: Ship-Launched anti-aircraft Missile - e: Surrey Local Militia SLMAB e: Single Line Missile Assembly Building SLMD[RA] e: Searchlight Militia Depot [Royal Artillery] SLMF e: Sierra Leone Military Forces SLMM e: Sea-Launched Mobile Mine - e: Submarine-Launched Mobile Mine SLMS e: Ship-based Long-range Missile System SLMV e: Sea-Launched Maneuvering Vehicle SLN e: Sri Lanka Navy SLNS e: Sri Lanka Naval Ship SLO e: Searchlight Operator - e: Senior Landing Officer - e: Senior Liaison Officer - e: Ship Liaison Officer - e: Squadron Liaison Officer - e: State Liaison Officer - e: Submarine, Laser Communication - e: Submarine Liaison Officer SLOB e: Strategie Low-Orbit Bomber SLOC e: Strategie Lines of Communication SLOG d: Schweizerische LuftschutzOffiziergesellschaft SLOS e: Stabilized Long-Range Observation System SLOT e: Submarine-Launched One-Way Tactical SLOTTS e: Surface Launch Organic Tactical Training System SLP e: Strategic Locations Planning - e: Strategic Logistic Program SLPS e: Sonobuoy Launcher Pneumatic System SLPW e: Sloop-of War SLR e: Sidefways] Looking Radar - e: South Lancashire Regiment - e: The Sierra Leone Regiment SLRA e: Sierra Leone Royal Artillery - e: Soviet Long-Range Air SLRAP e: Standard Low Frequency Range Approach si rd e: searchlight radar SL RNG e: Slope Range SL Rocket e: Skylark Rocket slrp e: strategic long-range planning SLRR e: Sideways-Looking Reconnaissance Radar SLRV e: South London Regiment of Volunteers SLS e: Side-Lobe Suppression Radar - e: Side Looking Sonar

SLSA e: Shuttle Logistics Support Aircraft SLSAR e: Side-Looking SyntheticAperture Radar SLSSM e: Submerged Launched Surfaceto-Surface Missile SLT e: Simulated Laser Target SLt e: Sub-Lieutenant SLUFAE e: Surface-Launched Unit, FuelAir Explosive Mine Neutralizer SLUMINE e: Surface-Launched Unit, Mine Layer SLUTT e: Ship Launched Underwater Transponder Target - e: Surface Launched Underwater Transponder Target SLV e: Satellite Launching Vehicle - e: Simulated Launch Vehicle - e: Standardized] Launch Vehicle SLVG e: Special Launch Vehicle Group SLW e: Space-Based Laser Weapon SLWPG e: Senior Level Weapons Protection Group SM d: Schweizerisches Munitionsunternehmen - d: See-Mine - d: Sensorgezündete Munition - e: Deputy Commander for Maintenance and Modification - e: Ground-to-ground Missile - e: mine-laying submarine - e: Scatterable Mine - e: Seamen - e: Sergeant-Major - e: Simulated Missile - e: Standard Missile - e: State Militia - e: Strategic Missile - e: Strip Mine - e: Submarine, Mine-Laying - e: Surface Missile - /• Sous-Marin S.M. e: State Militia - f: École d'Infanterie de Saint-Maixent - f: Service du Matériel - i: Stato maggiore S/M e: Submarine - e: Submunition SMA d: Sammelband des Militär am tsblattes - d: Schweizerisches Militäramtsblatt - d: Sowjetische Militäradministration in Deutschland - e: Senior Marine Advisor - e: Senior Military Attaché - e: Sergeant-Major of the Army - e: Soviet Military Administration - e: Squadron Maintenance Area - e: Staunton Military Academy - e: Strategic Mobility Analysis - e: Supply Management Agency - f: Service Militaire Adapté - i: Scuola Militare Alpina - i: Scuola Militare Alpina - i: Stato Maggiore Aeronautica S.M.A. i: Scuola Militare Alpina SMAA e: Submarine Movement Advisory Authority S.M.A.A. f: Service du Matériel de l'Armée de l'Air SMABL f: Sous-Munition Anti-Blinde Leger SMAC e: Senate Military Affairs Committee SMAD d: Sowjetische Militäradministration in Deutschland SMAF e: Special Mission Aircraft Flights SMAG e: Simulator Missile Airborne and Ground SMAJ e: Sergeant-Major

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

SMALP i: Scuola Militare Alpina SMAM i: Stato Maggiore Aeronautica Militare SMAMA e: Sacramento Air Materiel Area, Sacramento, California - e: San Marino Air Material Area SMAP / • Sous Munition Anti Piste smarea e: squadron maintenance area SMARINA s: Secretaría de Marina SMART d: Submunition Artillerie - e: Sensor Fuzed Munition for Artillery - e: Signaal Multi-beam Acquisition Radar for Targeting - e: Strategy for Mobile Advanced Radio Telecommunications - e: Supersonic Military Air[craft] Research Track - e: Supersonic Missile and Rocket Track SMARTS e: Submarine Advanced Reactive Tactical Training System SMART-T e: Secure Mobile Anti-Jam Reliable Tactical Terminal SMASF e: Servicemen's Mutual Aid and Savings Fund [South Vietnam] SMASH e: Southeast Asia Multisensor Armament System, Helicopter - e: Southeast Asia Multisensor Armed Surveillance Helicopter SMASHER e: Standard Missile Autonomous Strike Homing Round SMASHR e: Standard Missile Autonomous Strike Homing Round SMAT e: Sub-Missile Anti-Tank S.M.A.T. /• Service Mécanographique de l'Armée de Terre SMAW e: Second Marine Aircraft Wing - e: Short-Range Man Portable Antitank Weapon - e: Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon SMAW-D e: Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, Disposable SMAWT e: Short-Range Man Portable Antitank Weapon Technology S.M.B.C. f: Service de Mobilisation des Bâtiments de Commerce SMBoot d: Schnelles Minensuchboot SMBttr d: Schallmeßbatterie SMC e: Space and Missile Systems Center - e: Strategic Military Council - e: Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam - e: Supreme Military Council - e: Synchronized Maneuver Countermeasures Model SMCA e: Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition - f: Service Militaire de la Circulation Aérienne SMCAC-EST e: U.S. Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety SMCAF e: Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed Forces SMCC e: SAC Missile Combat Competition SMCCI f: Système militaire de commandement, de contrôle et d'information SMCD e: Scatterable Mine Clearance Device S.M.C.D. e: Supreme Military Council Decree SMCF /• Service Militaire des Chemins de Fer SMCM e: Surface Mine Countermeasures S/MCO e: Submarine Commanding Officer SMCR e: Selected Marine Corps Reserve SMCS e: Scatterable Mine Clearance System


SMCSG - e: Signal Modular Combat System - e: Submarine Command System SMCSG e: Special Military Construction Study Group SMCTG e: Standard Missile Correlation Task Group - e: Surface Missile Compatibility Test Group SMD d: Schiffsmeldedienst der Marine - e: Strategic Missile Defense - e: Structural Materials Division - e: Structures and Mechanics Division - e: Sub Munition Dispenser - e: Submarine Mine Depot - e: Superintendent of Mine Design - e: Supply Management Division S/MD e: Submarine Detector SMDA e: Sixth Marine Division Association SME e: School of Military Engineering - e: Society of Military Engineers - e: Spartan Missile Equipment SMEC e: Strategic Missile Evaluation Committee SMEDAL e: STAG [Strategy and Tactics Analysis Group] Monotone Experimental Design Algorithmic Language SMEF i: Scuola Militare di Educazione Fisica SMEO e: Staff Marine Engineering Officer SM ER e: Submarine Escape and Rescue sm-er e: surface missile-extended range SMERE e: SPRINT [Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept] Missile Electromagnetic Radiation Evaluation SMES e: Strategic Missile Evaluation Squadron SME/SC e: SPRINT [Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept] Missile Engineering/Service Course SMET e: Submissile Ejection Time SMF e: South Moluccan Force S.M.F. e: Singapore Military Forces - f: Service Militaire Féminin S.M.F.E.L.E. /• Service du moral et foyer d'entraide de la Légion étrangère SMFWP e: Standardized Message Formats Working Party SMG e: School of Military Government - e: Senior Master Sergeant - e: Sub-Machine Gun sMG d: schweres Maschinengewehr SMghZ d: Submunition gegen harte Ziele SMGO e: Senior Military Government Officer SMGP e: Strategie Missile Group SMI e: School of Military Intelligence - e: Sergeant-Major Instructor - e: Service at Military Installations - e: Ship Missile Interface - e: South Moluccan Force S.M.I, r: Sveriges Militara Idrottsförbund SMIAT e: Special Military Intelligence Activities Team SMIC e: Special Material Identification Code smicbm e: semi-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile SMIG e: Sergeant-Major Instructor of Gunnery SMILE e: Safe Military Infrared Laser Equipment SMILS e: Sonobuoy Missile Impact Location System S Mine e: Shrapnel-filled Mine SMIPAR i: Scuola Militare di Paracadutismo SMIS e: Ship Management Information System


S/MISD e: Small/Medium Information Systems Division SMKBoot d: Schnelles Minenkampfboot SMKdo d: Schiffsmaschinenkommando SMLM e: Soviet Military Liaison Mission SMLO e: Senior Military Liaison Officer - e: Spanish Military Liaison Office SMLT e: Submissile Lost Time SMM d: Sowjetische Militärmission - e: Saigon Military Mission - e: Submarine Miners - s: Servicio Meteorologico Militar S.M.M.F. r: Svenska Militärmusikdirektörsföreningen SMMIP e: Strategie Material Management Information Program SM-MR e: Surface Missile, Medium Range SMMT e: Strategie Missiles Materials Technology SMN e: Seaman - s: Servicio Meteorològico Militar SMO e: Sovereign Military Order - e: Special Military Operation - s: Servicio Militar Obligatorio SMOA e: Ships Material Office, Atlantic S.M.O.L.E. /• Service de Moral et des Œuvres de la Légion Étrangère SMOS e: Secondary Military Occupational Specialty SMOSC e: Secondary Military Occupational Specialty Code S.M.O.W. d: Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Offiziere aller Waffen SMP e: Soviet Military Power - e: Standard Military Pattern - e: Submarine Modernization Program - e: Surface Mine Plough - /• Service Militaire Postal S.M.P. f: Service Militaire Préparatoire SMPD e: Surface Missile Processing Description SMPE /• Service Militaire des Ports et [transports par] Eau SMPI e: Surface Missile Proficiency Inspection SMPO e: SEATO [Southeast Asia Treaty Organization] Military Planning Office SMPP e: Secure Military Power Plant SMPS e: Special Mobile Provost Section S MPT e: School of Military Packing Technology SMR e: Saskatchewan Mounted Rifles - e: Side-looking Mapping Radar - e: Simulated Missile Round - e: Small Missile Range - e: Stinger Missile Round - e: Surface Movement Radar - s: Radar de Movimiento en la Superficie S.M.R.C. e: Special Military Revisory Court SMRIS e: Soviet Missile Range Instrumented Ship S.M.R.M. i: Stato Maggiore Reggia Marina SMRP e: Strategie Mobilization Requirements and Program SMRV e: South Middlesex Rifle Volunteers SMS e: Marine Service Squadron - e: Scatterable Mine System - e: Ship Management System - e: Ship's Missile System - e: Signal Missile Support - e: Strategic Missile Squadron - e: Strategic Missile System - e: Surface Missile Ship - e: Surface Missile System SMSA e: Shop Missile Assembly and Maintenance

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- e: Signal Missile Support Agency - e: Strategic Missile Support Area SMSAE e: Surface Missile System Availability Evaluation SMSB e: Strategic Missile Support Base SMSD e: Ship Magnetic Submarine Detector SMSF e: Strategic Missile Support Facility SMSgt e: Senior Master Sergeant SMSIP e: Surface Missile Ship Improvement Program SMSMS e: Strategic Missile Squadron Munitions Section SMSP e: Security Military Space Program SMSq e: Strategic Missile Squadron SMSV d: Schweizerischer MilitärSanitätsverein SMT d: Sowjetisches Militärtribunal - e: Ship Maintenance Test - e: Surface Missile Test SMTC e: Space & Missiles Test Center SMTD e: Submarine Torpedo Defense SMTI e: Selective Moving Target Indication [or Indicator] SMTO e: Senior Mechanical Transport Officer SMIID e: Standoff Munitions Disruptor SMV d: Sowjetische Militärverwaltung - d: Sowjetische Mineral - e: Slow Moving Vehicle SMW e: Society of Military Widows - e: Strategie Missile Wing - η: Straalmotorenwerkplaats van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht, Woensdrecht SMWG e: Strategie Missile Wing SMZ d: Schallmeßzug S.M.Z. d: Schweizerische Militärzeitung SN e: Secretary of the Navy - e: Sergeant Navigator S/N e: Shipping Number SNA e: Somali National Army - e: Soviet Naval Aviation - f: Sous-Marins d'Attaque - f: Systeme pour Navigation et Attaque SNAC e: Sonar Automatic Controller SNACS e: Single Nuclear Attack Case Study S.N.Aé. f: Service de Navigation Aérienne SNAF e: Soviet Naval Air Force - e: Standing NATO Atlantic Force SNAP e: Senior Naval Aviator Present - e: Small Nuclear Adapted Power Source - e: Small Nuclear Auxiliary Power - e: Soviet Nuclear Artillery Projectile - e: Standard Navy Accounting Procedures - e: Subsystem for Nuclear Auxiliary Power - e: Summary of Navy Approved Programs - e: Synchronous Nuclear Array Processor - e: System of Nuclear Auxiliary Power SNAPPS e: Short-Term Nuclear Annual Power Production Simulation Model SNAPS e: Ships Navigation and Tactical Plotting System SNAP/TIP e: System for Nuclear Auxiliary Power/Thermionic Isotope Power SNAPTRAN e: Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power Transient SNAR R: Stantsiya Nazemnoy Artilleriyskoy Razvedki - / ' Systeme de Navigation d' Attaque et de Reconnaissance SNARP e: SHAPE Nuclear Assessment and Request Procedure SNAS e: Ship Navigation Alarm System SNAW e: School of Naval Air Warfare SNBK. d: Seenotbereichskommando

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

SOCOM SNBw d: Schule für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr SNC e: Standard NATO Corps - e: Submarine Net Controller SNCO e: Senior Non-commissioned Officer SNCP e: Special Navy Control Program SND d: Strategischer Nachrichtendienst S.N.D. d: Seenotdienst SNDC e: Serbian National Defense Council SNDL e: Stock Number Distribution List SNDV e: Strategie Nuclear Delivery Vehicles SNEL e: Special Nuclear Effects Laboratory SNF e: Safety Nuclear Facility Appraisal [or Audit] - e: Short-range Nuclear Force - e: Standing Naval Force SNFA e: Standing Naval Force, Atlantic SNFC e: Standing Naval Force Channel SNFL e: Standing Naval Force, Atlantic SNCF e: Soviet Northern Group of Forces SNGOD e: Special NGO Committee on Disarmament SNH e: South Nottinghamshire Hussars SNHFA / • Service National Hors Forces Armées SNI e: Soviet Naval Infantry SNIP e: Single Net Information and Position Reporting SNIPE e: Soviet Naval Interdiction Possibilities, Europe SNIRFAL /• Syndicat National des Industries Réparateurs et Fournisseurs de l'Aviation Légère S.N.I.W.B. e: Scottish National Institute for War-Blinded SNLA e: Scottish National Liberation Army SNLE / · Sous-marines Nucleaire Lanceur d'Engins balistique SNLE-NG f: Sous-marin Nucleaire LanceEngins, Nouvelle Generation SNLF e: Special Naval Landing Force SNLO e: Senior Naval Liaison Officer snlv e: strategic nuclear launch vehicle SNM e: Satellite Navigation Map - e: Special Nuclear Materials] - e: Spent Nuclear Material - e: Strategic Nuclear Material S.N.M.M. f: Société Nationale des Médaillés Militaires SNMMMIS e: Standard Navy Maintenance and Material Management Information System SNMMMS e: Standard Navy Maintenance and Material Management System SNMMS e: Standard Navy Maintenance and Material Management System SNNC e: Strategic Non-Nuclear Capability SNO e: Senior Naval Officer - e: Senior Navigation Officer - e: Special Naval Operations - e: Squadron Navigation Officer - e: Staff Navigating Officer SNO[A] e: Senior Naval Officer [Afloat] SNOAD e: Senior Naval Officer, Adriatic SNOB e: Senior Naval Officer on Board SNOCO e: Senior Naval Officer, Combined Operations SNOE e: Southeast Asia Night Operations Operational Evaluation SNOL e: Senior Naval Officer, Landing[s] SNOME e: Senior Naval Officer Middle East SNOOPE e: System for Nuclear Observation of Possible Explosives

SNOP e: Senior Naval Officer Present SNOPG e: Senior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf SNORT e: Supersonic Naval Ordnance Rocket Track SNOWCAT e: Support of Nuclear Operations with Conventional Air Tactics SNOWI e: Senior Naval Officer, West Indies SNOW-TIME e: SAC-NORAD [Strategic Air Command-North American Air Defense] Operational Weapons Test Involving Military Electronics SNP e: Submarine Nuclear Propulsion SNPM e: Standard and Nuclear Propulsion Module SNPS e: Shoreham Nuclear Power Station SNR e: Senior National Representatives for Management in the Armament Field - e: Sonar snr e: sonar control room SNRC e: Severn Naval River Command SNS e: Small Nuclear Stage SNSB e: Senior Navy Steering Board SNSL e: Standard Navy Stock List SNSN e: Standard Navy Stock Number SNSO e: Superintending Naval Store Officer SNTF e: Special Navy Task Force SNTFC e: Senior Naval Task Force Commander SNTF[SMS] e: Special Navy Task Force for Surface Missile Systems SNUPP e: Standardized Nuclear Unit Power Plant SNUPPS e: Standardized Nuclear Unit Power Plant System SNW e: Strategic Nuclear Weapon SNWS e: Shipboard Nuclear Weapon Security SNWSC e: Space and Naval Warfare System Command SNY e: Spanish Navy SNYC e: South Nottinghamshire Yeomanry Cavalry SNZ d: Stütznachrichtenzentrale SO d: Sanitätsoffizier - d: Signaloffizier - e: Safety Officer - e: Section Officer - e: Security Officer - e: Senior Officer - e: Signal Officer - e: Sonarman - e: Specialist Officer - e: Staff Officer - e: Strategic Objective - e: Strategic Offensive - e: Strategic Outline Chart - e: Supply Office [r] - e: Surveillance Officer 5 0 1 e: Sonarman First Class 5 0 2 e: Sonarman Second Class 5 0 3 e: Sonarman Third Class S.O. e: Signal Office - e: Submarine oscillator S/O e: Station Officer SOA d: Sowjetarmee - e: School of Artillery - e: Senior Officer, Administration - e: Ship Operating Automation - e: Special Operations Aircraft - e: Staff Officer, Administration - e: Staff Officer in Charge of Administration SOAA e: Staff Officers Association of America SOACMS e: Special Operations Aviation Combat Mission Simulator

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ • G · Saur, Munich

SOAD e: Spectrometric Oil Analysis Device - e: Standoff Outside Area Defense S.O.A.D. e: Staff Officer, Air Defence SoAF e: Soviet Air Force SOAF e: Sultanate of Oman Air Force SOAG e: Senior Officer, Artillery Group - e: Special Operations Aviation Group SO [Air] e: Staff Officer Air SOA-JASU e: State-Of-the-Art Jet Aircraft Start Unit SOAP e: Ship Overhaul Assistance Program - e: Staff Officer, Air Personnel SOAR e: Special Operations Aviation Regiment SOARDS e: Stand-Off Airborne Radar Demonstrator System SOARG e: Squadron Operations Automation Review Group SOARS e: Satellite Onboard Attack Warning System SOAS e: Special Operations Aviation Support - e: Submarine Operational Automation System SOASC e: Senior Officer Assault Ships and Craft SOASC [I] e: Senior Officer Assault Ships and Craft [India] S O AU e: Senior Officer, Assault Unit SOB d: Sanitätsoffizierbewerber - e: Shipped on Board - e: Space Orbital Bomber SOBA e: System of Operational Buoys in the North Atlantic - e: 605th Ordnance Battalion Association SOBS e: Scanning Ocean Bottom Sonar SOC e: Chief Sonarman - e: Servicemen's Opportunity Colleges - e: Signal Officer, Commanding - e: Society of Commissioned Officers - e: Special Operations Command - e: Squadron Officer Course - e: Squadron Operations Center - e: Supply Officer-in-Charge SOCA e: Staff Officer for Civil Affairs SOCALSEC e: Southern California Sector, Western Sea Frontier SOCAR e: Special Operations Carrier Study Soc Army Hist Research Jour e: Society for Army Historical Research. Journal SOCATS e: Scenario Oriented Corps Area Training System SOCAU e: Senior Officer, Commando Assault Unit SOCC e: Satellite Operation Command and Control - e: Submarine Operations Command Center - e: Submarine Operations Control Center - e: Subordinate Operations/Command Center SOCCEN e: Special Operations Command, Central Command SOCCT e: Special Operations Combat Control Team SOCEUR e: Special Operations Command Europe SOCHINAFOR e: South China Force SOCM e: Master Chief Sonarman - e: Stand off Cluster Munitions SOCMC e: Special Order of the Commandant of the Marine Corps SOCM Ell e: Special Operations Capable Marine Expeditionaty Unit SOCOM e: Southern Command - e: Special Operations Command


SOCPAC SOCPAC e: Special Operations Center, Pacific Command SOCPO e: Society of Chief Personnel Officers in Local Government SOCRATES e: Special Operations Command Research, Analysis and Threat Evaluation System SOCS e: Senior Chief Sonarman SOCUS e: South Continental United States SOD e: Secretary of Defense - e: Special Operations Division - e: Staff Operations Division - e: Surgical Officer of the Day SODA e: System for Observation & artillery Data Acquisition SODEPAX e: Exploratory Committee on Society, Development, and Peace of the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches SODO e: Senior Operations Duty Officer SODTICIOAP e: Special Ordnance Depot Tool Identification, Classification, Inventory, and Obsolescense Analysis Program [populary called SOE e: Senior Officer Escort - e: Special Operations Executive SOEASTPAC e: Southeast Pacific Command - e: Southeast-Pacific Force SOEMC e: Senior Officer Executive Management Course SO Eng e: Staff Officer in charge of Engineering SOEP e: Staff Officer, Engineering Personnel SOES e: Station Operations and Engineering Squadron SOF e: Special Operations Force - e: Special Operations Forces - e: Status of Forces Agreement [international treaty] - e: Strategic Offensive Force - r: Svenska Officersförbundet SOf e: Signal Officer S of A e: School of Artillery SOFAG e: Special-Operations Force Assistance Group SOFARR e: Supply of Forward Area Refueling and Rearming Locations SOFAS e: Survivable Optical Forward Acquisition Sensor - e: Survivable Optical Forward Acquisition System SOFATS e: Special Operations Forces Aircrew Training System SofBedTr d: Sofortbedarf der Truppe SOFCS e: Self-Organizing Flight Control System S of G e: School of Gunnery S of I e: School of Infantry - e: Superintendent of Instruction S-of-L e: Ship-of-the-Line SOFLAM e: Special Operations Force Laser Marker S. of L./A.W. e: School of Land-Air Warfare S. of M. e: School of Musketry SOFM e: Staff Officers' Field Manual S.O.F.M.A. /• Société Française de Matériels d'Armement S of NC e: School of Naval Cooperation SOFPAC e: Special Operating Forces, Pacific SOFPARS e: Special Operations Force[s] Planning and Rehearsal System SOFREMAS f: Société Française d'Exportation de Matériels et Systèmes d'Armement


SOFRESA /• Société Française d'Exportation de Systèmes d'Armement SOFREXAM f: Société Française d'Exportation de Matériels Naval et Militaires S of RT e: School of Recruit Training S of S e: School of Signals, Catterick - e: Secretary of State for Defence SOFT e: Safety Of Flight Test - e: Space Operations and Flight Techniques - e: Special Operational Forces Taiwan - e: Status of Forces Treaty S of TT e: School of Technical Training SOG d: Schweizerische Offiziersgesellschaft - e: Studies and Observation Group [Army Special Forces] SOGIMA f: Société de Gestion Immobilière pour les Armées et les Administrations SOGV d: Schweizerische Offiziersgesellschaft der Versorgungstruppen SOH e: Special Operations Helicopter SOHR e: Solar Hydrogen Rocket Engine SOI e: Senior Officer, Intelligence - e: Signal Operating Instruction - e: Staff Officer-Intelligence SO [I] e: Staff Officer [Intelligence] SOIC e: Supply Officer in Command SOINC e: Signal Officer-in-Charge - e: Signal Officer-in-Chief - e: Supply Officer-in-Charge SO-in-C e: Signal Officer-in-Chief SOinQAJ e: Signal Officer-in-Chief [Army] SOIP e: Ship Overhaul Improvement Program SOIS e: Ship Operating Information System SO JIM e: Standoff Jammer Interceptor Missile SOJSM e: Standotf Jammer Suppression Missile SOK a: Soevaernets Operative Kommando - d: Serbisches Oberkommando SOL e: Swimout Launcher SOLANT e: South Atlantic Force SOLANTFOR e: South Atlantic Force SOLF e: Sultan of Oman's Land Force SOLMC e: Senior Officer Logistics Management Course SOLO e: Senior Officer Legal Orientation SOM e: Sonarman - e: Stand-off Missile S.O.M.A.A.T. f: Section Organisation Méthodes et Automatisation de l'Armée de Terre SOMH e: Sonarman Harbor Defense SOM LI e: The Somerset Light Infantry SOM LI e: The Somerset Light Infantry [Prince Albert's] SOMM e: Stand-off Modular Missile SOMO e: Senior Officer Management Office SOMRB e: Senior Officers Materiel Review Board SOMS e: Senior Officer, Minesweepers SOM SCOUTS e: The Somaliland Scouts SOMSS e: Submarine Offboard Mine Search System SOMTO e: Subversive Operations, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations S.O.M.U.A. f: Société d'Outillage Mécanique et d'Usinage d'Artillerie SON e: Sultan of Oman's Navy SONA e: Senior Officer, Naval Assault SONAC e: Senior Officers Nuclear Accident Course

© Κ · G • Saur, München

SONAR e: Sound, Navigation and Radar - e: Sound Navigation and Ranging S.O.N.A.U. e: Senior Officer Naval Assault Unit SONCM e: Sonar Countermeasure[s] SONCR e: Sonar Control Room SOND e: Secretary's Office, Navy Department SONMET e: Special Operations Naval Mobile Environment Team SONOR e: Allied Forces Southern Norway SONWEC e: Senior Officer Nuclear Weapon Employment Course SOO e: Senior Operation Officer - e: Senior Ordnance Officer - e: Staff Officer for Operations - e: Staff Operations Officer SO [O] e: Staff Officer [Operations] S.O.O. n: School Onderofficieren SOOM e: Saigon Officers Open Mess SOOP e: Staff Officer, Ordnance Personnel SOP e: Senior Officer Present - e: Staff Officer of Pensioners - e: Strategic Objectives Plan - e: Submarine Operational Programme SOPA e: Senior Officer Present Afloat SOP[A] e: Senior Officer Present [Ashore] SOPAC e: South Pacifc Command - e: South Pacific Area Force/Command - e: South Pacific Command - e: Southern Pacific Company SOPACBACOM e: South Pacific Base Command SOPD e: Standoff Outside Point Defense SOPLC e: Senior Officer Preventive Logistics Course SOPM e: Senior Officer Preventive Maintenance Course SOPR e: Special Officer Personnel Requirements - e: Staff Officer, Personnel Research SOPS e: Staff Officer, Personnel Selection SOPT e: Senior Officer of Physical Training SOPUS e: Senior Officer Present, United States Navy SOR e: Sandia Optical Range - e: Squadron Operational Report - e: Staff Officer, Recruiting - e: Standoff Range - e: Starfire Optical Range S.O.R.A. e: Senior Officer, Royal Artillery SORAP e: Standard Omni Range Approach SORAS e: Satellite On-board Attack Warning System SORAT e: Submarine Operational Readiness Assessment and Training S.O.R.C, e: Signal Officers' Reserve Corps SORCS e: Shipboard Ordnance Requiremenl Computer System SORD e: Separation of Radar Data - e: Special Operations and Research Division S.O.R.E. e: Senior Officer, Royal Engineers SORF e: Senior Officer, Reserve Fleet SORG e: Submarine Operations Research Group SORI e: Staff Officer Radio Instructor SORNE e: Senior Officer, Royal Naval Establishment SORNE [I] e: Senior Officer, Royal Naval Establishment [India] SORR e: Submarine Operations Research Report

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

S.P.D.C. SORS e: Senior Officer Reserve Ships - e: Shipboard Operational Readiness System SORT e: Senior Officer Refresher Training - e: Ship's Operational Readiness Testfing] - e: Simulated Optical Range Target - e: Simulated Optical Range Tester SOS e: Ships Ordnance Summary - e: Special Operations Squadron - e: SPRINT [Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept] Operations Shelter - e: Squadron Officers School - e: Squadron Operational Support - e: Strategic Orbital System - e: Supervisor of Shipbuilding - r: Sjöofficerssällskapet i Stockholm S.O.S. e: Senior Officers' School - e: Service Observer School SO[S] e: Supply Officer [Stores] SOS se: Sanitetska Oficirska Skola SOSG e: Senior Officer Steering Group SOSK e: Squadron Operational Support Kit SOSM d: Schweizerische OffiziersSkimeisterschaft SOSMP e: Staff Officer, Seamen Personnel SOSQ e: Special Operations Squadron SOSS e: Strategic Orbital System Study SOSUP e: Staff Officer, Supply Personnel SOSUS e: Sonar Surveillance System - e: Sound Surveillance Underwater System - e: Sound System for Underwater Surveillance - e: Submarine Ocean Systems Underwater Surveillance SOTA e: Secretary of the Army SOTAF e: Secretary of the Air Force SOTARSS e: Standoff Target Acquisition Reconnaissance Surveillance System SOTAS e: Stand off Target Acquisition System - e: Standoff Target Attack System SOTAS/BDS e: Stand-Off Target Acquisition System/Battlefield Data system SOTASS e: Standoff Target Acquisition and Surveillance System SOTF e: Special Operations Task Force SOTFA e: Special Operations Task Force Atlantic SOTFE e: Special Operations Task Force Europe SOTIM e: Sonic [or Sound] Observation of the Trajectory and Impact of Missiles SOTN e: Secretary of the Navy SOTR e: Single Object Tracking Radar SOTS e: Special Operation Teams SOUP e: Submarine Operational Update Program SOUSAFE e: Status of United States Air Force Equipment SOUTHAG e: Southern Army Group SOUTHCOM e: Southern Command SOV e: Simulated Operational Vehicle - e: Single Occupancy Vehicle - e: Special Operations Vehicle - e: Staff Officer's Visit SOVD e: Stabilized Optical Viewing Device S.O.V.F. e: Special Operational Volunteer Force SOVINDRON e: Soviet Indian Ocean Squadron SOVMEDRON e: Soviet Mediterranean Squadron SOVMIS e: Soviet Military Mission SOVPACFLT e: Soviet Pacific Fleet

SOW e: Special Operations Wing - e: Special Order Weapon - e: Stand-Off Weapon SOWC e: Senior Officers War Course SOWESPAC e: Southwest Pacific Command SOWg e: Special Operations Wing SOWP e: Society of Prayer for World Peace SOWRBALL e: Southwest Radar Balloon SOXMIS e: Soviet Military Mission SP d: Sperrwaffen - e: Self Propelled - e: Service Police - e: Soldiers for Peace - e: Special Police - e: Strategic Planfning] - e: Strategy Plan - e: Sub Post - e: Submarine Patrol S.P. e: School of Photography [R.A.F.] - e: Service Police [R.A.F.] s.-p. e: selfpropelled S&P e: Strategy and Policy Group [War Department] SPA e: Ship Performance Analyzer - e: Special-Purpose Aircraft - e: Strategic Posture Analysis - e: Strategy and Policy Assessment - e: Submarine Patrol Area - e: Surface Vehicle Power Adapter S.P.A. / • Section de Parc d'Artillerie - f: Section de Protection Aérienne - / · Section Photographique de l'armée - / · Service de la poste aux armées Sp.A. f: Spahis Algériens SPAAA e: Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Artillery S.P.A.A. / · Service du Personnel de l'Armée de l'Air SPAAG e: Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun SPAAM e: Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Missile SPACECMD e: Air Force Space Command SPACECOM e: Space Command SPACETAC e: Space and Tactical System Corporation SPACETRACK e: USAF [United States Air Force] Space Tracking System SPAD e: Satellite Protection for Area Defense - e: Space Patrol Active Defense - e: Space Patrol Antimissile Defense - e: Space Patrol for Air Defense - e: SPRINT [Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept [Missile]] Air-directed Defense - e: Submarine Patrol Area Definition SPADS e: Self-Propelled Air Defense System SP/ADS e: Self-Protection/Air Defence Suppression System SPAF d: Sammelplatz für ausgefallene Fahrzeuge SP-AF e: Air Force Support Office SPAG e: Self-Propelled Assault Gun SPAIN e: Submarine Piloting and Navigational SPAL e: Stabilized Platform Airborne Laser SPAM d: Sammelplatz für ausgefallene Maschien - e: Ship Position and Attitude Measurement - e: Shop Portable Aircraft Maintenance - e: Special Air Mission SPAMA e: Spanish Air Materiel Area SPAMS e: Ship Position and Altitude Measurement System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

SPAN e: Submarine Piloting and Navigation SPANDAR e: Space and Range Radar SPANRAD e: Superimposed Panoramic Radar Display SPANS e: Sealift Procurement and National Security [study] SPAR e: SAC [Strategic Air Command] Peacetime Airborne Reconnaissance - e: Satellite Position Adjusting Rocket - e: Solid-state Phased Array Radar - e: Space Processing Applications Rocket - e: Strategic Postures Applied Research - e: Super-Precision Approach Radar - e: Surveillance and Precision Approach Radar SPARC e: Spare Parts Provisioning for Combat SPARE e: System for Projecting Ammunition Repairable End Items SPARM e: Solid-Propellant Augmented Rocket Motor - e: Sparrow Anti-Radiation Missile SPARR e: Selfcontained Perspective Approach Rotorblade Radar SPART e: Southport Army Terminal - e: Sunny Point Army Terminal SPARTA e: Special Antimissile Research Tests in Australia SPARTIATE /• Systeme Polyvalent d'Atterissage, Receuil, Telecommunications, Identification de Γ Armee de Terre SPAS e: Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society SPASAI e: South Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions SPASM e: Self-Propelled Air-to-Surface Missile SPASUR e: Space Surveillance Facility, Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren SPAT d: Sammelplatz für ausgefallene Technik - e: Self-Propelled Acoustic Target - e: Self-Propelled Anti-Tank - e: Submarine Processing Action Team SPATG e: Self-Propelled Anti-Tank Gun SPAW e: Self-Propelled Artillery Weapon SPAWAR e\ Naval SpAce and Warfare command - e: Space and Naval Warfare Systems SPAWAR/30 e: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command-Naval Warfare Systems Architecture & Engineering SPAWARCOM e: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command SPAWARS e: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command SPAWARSYSCOM e: Space & naval Warfare Systems Command SPB e: Strategie Planning Board SPBC e: South Pacific Base Command SPBF e: Scientific Peace Builders Foundation SPBS-R e: Standard Army Property Book System-Redesign SPC e: Seaward patrol craft SPCC e: Ships Parts Control Center - e: Southern Pacific Communications Company - e: Spill Control and Countermeasures SPCCP e: Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan SPCMWOMJ e: Special Court-Martial Without a Military Judge SPCW e: Specialist, Chemical Warfare SPD e: Seaplane Depot [Ship] - e: South Pacific Division S.P.D.C, e: Spare Parts Distributing Centre


SPDF SPDF e: Swedish Post Defense Forces SPDO e: Space Defense Project Office SPDR e: Ship Point Defence Rocket SPDRS e: Ship Point Defence Rocket System SpE d: Spitzeneinheit SPEAR e: Space Power Experiments Aboard Rocket - e: Special Project Evaluation & Antiwarfare Research SPEC e: Staff of the Production Executive Committee [of the War Production Board] - e: Staff of the Production Executive - e: Strategic Planning and Evaluation Committee. SPECCOM e: Specified Command SPECM e: Spectrally Pure Electronic Countermeasures SPECOM e: Special Command SPECOMMDIV e: Special Communications Division SPECOMME e: Specified Command Middle East SPECOPNSSq e: Special Operations Squadron SPECOR e: Spectral Correlation Radar SPECWAR e: Special Warfare SPENAVO e: Special Naval Observer sperr d: Sperrwesen Sperza d: Sperrzeugamt [Marine] SPESH e: Special Ship SPEW e: Small Platform Electronic Warfare system Spewo. d: Sperrwachkommando [Marine] SpezDp d: Spezialdepot SPF e: Special Purpose Force SPFMS e: Sonar Performance Figure Measurement System SPFPAD e: Spacecraft Performance and Flight Path Analysis Directorate SPG R: Stankovij Protiotankovji Granatomet - e: Self-Propelled Gun - e: Specialist, Gunnery SPGN e: Specialist, Gunnery, Antiaircraft Gunnery Instructor SPGPM e: Shots per Gun per Minute SpgTrp d: Sprengtrupp SP Gun e: Single Purpose Gun SPH e: Self-Propelled Howitzer - e: Single Pilot Helicopter SPHECC /• Système Pousseur d'Hélicoptère Embarqué sur Corvettes et Croiseurs SPHL e: Self Propelled Hyperbaric Lifeboat SPHQ e: Shore Patrol Headquarters SPI e: Strategic Planning Initiative - e: Strategic Planning Institute sPiBt d: schweres Pionierbataillon sPiBtl d: schweres Pionierbataillon SPIDER e: Systematic Planning for the Integration of Defense Engineering and Research SPIL e: Ships Parts Integrated List S.P.I.M. f: Service des Prévisions lonospériques Militaires SPIN e: Science for Peace International Network SPINE e: Simulated Program for Investigation of Nuclear Effects SPINS e: Ship Passive Integrated Navigation System SPINTAC e: Special Interest Aircraft SPINVESWG e: Special Investigation Wing SPIRAL e: Sperry Inertial Radar Altimeter SPIRBM e: Solid-Propellant Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile


SPIRIT e: Spectral Infra-red Rocketborne Interferometer Telescope SPIW e: Special Purpose Individual Weapon - e: Special-Purpose Infantry Weapon SPK P: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantów SPL e: Self-Propelled Launcher - e: Supplementary Flight Plan - e: Supplementary Flight Plan Message - e: Support Platoon Leader SPLA e: Sudan People's Liberation Army - e: Sudanese People's Liberation Army splad e: self-propelled light air-defense gun SPLAD Gun e: Self-Propelled Light Air Defense Gun SPLASH e: Shipboard Platforms for Landing and Servicing Helicopters SPLL e: Self-Propelled Loader Launcher SPLLATM e: Special Purpose Low Lethality Anti-Terrorists Munitions SplRak d: Splitterrakete SPL WPN e: Special Weapons SPM e: Security Program Manager - e: Strategic Planning Methodology Sp.M. f: Spahis Marocains SPMAGTF e: Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force SP Missile e: Solid Propellant Missile SPMR e: Southern Provinces Mounted Rifles SPMS e: Strategic Planning and Management System SPN e: Seychelles People's Navy SPNSO e: Special-Purpose Nuclear Systems Operation SPO e: Safety Petty Officer - e: Senior Patrol Officer - e: Specialist, Inspector of Naval Material - e: Staff Planning Office[r] - e: Strategic Planning Objective SPOAV e: Specialist, Inspector of Aviation Material SPOC e: SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe] Peace Operations Center SPODAC e: SITS [SAGE Intercept Target Simulation] Probability of Detection and Conversion sport d: Sport SPORTFOR e: Support Force SPOS d: Seepolizeioffiziersschule SPP e: Peace Corps School Partnership Program SpPiB d: Sperrpionierbataillon SpPiK d: Sperrpionierkompanie SPPR e: Special Peacetime Program Requirements SPR e: S-Band Planetary Radar - e: Secretary of the Air Force Program Review - e: Short Pulse Radar - e: Siemens Plessey Radar - e: Solid Propellant Rocket - e: Special Purpose Radar - e: Strategic Petroleum Reserve - e: Strategic Petroleum Reserve Project Office SPRA e: Special-Purpose Reconnaissance Aircraft SPRAT e: Small Portable Radar Torch SpRB d: Sperrenr - d: Sperrenräumbataillon SPRC e: Self Propelled Robot Craft SPRE e: Solid-Propellant Rocket Engine SPREE e: Solid Propellant Rocket Exhaust Effects SPRINT e: Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept Missile - e: Sorted Position Radar Interpolator

Κ · G · Saur, München

SPRITE e: Solid Propellant Rocket Ignition Test and Evaluation - e: Surveillance, Patrol, Reconnaissance, Intelligence Gathering, Target Designation and Electronic Warfare SpRK d: Sperrenr Spr.-M. d: Sprengmunition SPRN e: Special Projects, Royal Navy SPRO e: Services Public Relations Office - e: Strategic Petroleum Reserve Office S.P.R.O. e: Services Public Relations Office Spr.S. d: Sperrschule [Marine] SprSBw d: Sprachenschule der Bundeswehr SpRTrp d: Sperräumtrupp Spr. Verb, d: Sperrverband [Marine] SPS d: Seepolizeischule - e: Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships - e: Sonar Phase Shifter - e: Strategic Planning Section - e: Strategic Planning Staff - e: Strategical Planning Section - e: Support Platoon Set SpS e: Special Services SPSAM e: Self-Propelled Surface-to-Air Missile SPSAR e: Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar SPSDS e: Shipboard Passive Surveillance & Detection System SPSM d: Sensorgezündete Panzerabwehr Submunition SPSO e: Senior Personnel Staff Officer SPT e: School of Physical Training SpT d: Spitzentrupp S.P.T. e: School of Physical Training Sp.T. / · Spahis Tunisiens SPT-B e: Selectable-Performance Target, Ballistic SPTEA e: Special Purpose Test Equipment Avionics SPTI e: Senior Physical Training Instructor SpTrp d: Spähtrupp Sp Trs e: Special Troops SPTS[q] e: Support Squadron SPTV e: Supersonic Parachute Test Vehicle SPU e: Self-Propelled Underwater - e: Strategic Planning Unit - e: Student Peace Union SPU Missile e: Self-Propelled Underwater Missile SPURT e: Spinning Unguided Rocket Trajectory SPV e: Special Purpose Vehicle SPW e: Self-Protect Weapon - e: Special Warfare SpW e: Special Weapon SPWAR e: Special Warfare SpWaVsuBoot d: Sperrwaffenversuchsboot SPWP e: Society of Prayers for World Peace SpWpn e: Special Weapon SPWPSSUPDEP e: Special Weapons Supply Depot SPWSM e: Spanish War Service Medal SPWW III e: Society for the Prevention of World War III .spx e: Screen Peace Extension SPXBL e: Specialist, Ballistics SPXNC e: Specialist, Naval Correspondent SPXRS e: Specialist, Armed Forces Radio Service and Special Naval Radio Units SPXST e: Specialist, Strategic Services SPZ e: Submarine Patrol Zone

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

SRINF SQ e: Sick Quarters - e: Squadron - e: Staff Qualified SQAP e: Supplemental Quality Assurance Provisions SQD e: Squadron SQD LDR e: Squadron Leader SQDN e: Squadron Sqdn Ldr e: Squadron Leader SqLdr e: Squadron Leader SQMC e: Squadron QuartermasterCorporal SQMS e: Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant - e: Staff Quartermaster Sergeant SQN e: Squadron SQNA e: Squadron Airfield SQN LDR e: Squadron Leader Sqn Obs e: Squadron Observer Sqn Offr e: Squadron-Officer SQNQMS e: Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant SQNSM e: Squadron Sergeant Major SQO e: Senior Quarters Officer Sq O e: Squadron Office[r] SQO e: Squadron Officer SQ OC e: Squadron Operations Center SQP e: Secret Pass Mine SqSigO e: Squadron Signal Officer Sqs SM e: Squadron Sergeant-Major SQ-Strategie d: Status-quo-Strategie SQT e: Ship Qualification Test SQTNG e: Squadron Training SQTT e: Ship Qualification Trial Team SQUAD e: Squadron SQUADEX e: Squadron Exercises SQUO e: Squadron-Officer SQUOFF e: Squadron Officer SR d: Sammelraum - d: Schützen-Regiment - d: Sekundärradar -d: Suchradar - e: Air Search Radar Receiver - e: Scottish Rifles - e: Seaplane Reconnaissance Aircraft - e: Search Radar - e: Secondary Radar - e: Ship Repair Ratings - e: Ship-to-Shore Radar - e: Shipment Request - e: Shipping Request - e: Ships Records - e: Short-range [microwave] Receiver - e: Solid Rocket - e: Sounding Rocket - e: Station Radar - e: Strategic Radar - e: Strategic Reconnaissance - e: Strategic Research - e: Strategic Reserve - e: Submarine Recorder - e: Surveillance Radar S.R. d: Schützenregiment - d: Sicherheitsrat - e: Special Regulation, U.S. Army - e: Suffolk Regiment - e: The Sarawak Rangers - e: The Sherwood Rangers - / · Service de Ravitaillement s.r. e: shipping receipt S/R e: Shipper/Receiver SRA e: Scanning radar altimeter - e: Short-Range Acquisition - e: Short Range Aids - e: Simultaneous Range Adcock Antenna - e: Southern Rhodesia Artillery - e: Strategic Result Area - e: Surgeon Rear-Admiral - e: Surveillance Radar Approach

- e: Surveillance & Reconnaissance Aircraft - s: Aproximación con Radar de vigilancia S.R.A. e: Singapore Royal Artillery - / · Service de Renseignements de l'Armée - / · Service de renseignements de l'armée [l'artillerie] - f: Service de Renseignements de l'Artillerie - / · Service de Repérage de l'Artillerie SR&A e: Strategy, Research & Action SRAA e: Senior Army Advisor SRAAG e: Senior Army Advisor, Army National Guard SRAAM e: Short Range Air-to-Air Missile SRAAR e: Senior Army Advisor, Army Reserve SRAAW e: Short-Range Anti-Air Warfare - e: Short-Range Anti-Armor Weapon SRAAWH e: Short-Range Anti-Armor Weapon, Heavy SRAAWL e: Short-Range Anti-Armor Weapon, Light SRAAWS e: Short-Range Anti-Air Warfare System - e: Short Range Anti-Air Weapon System SRACCMB e: Senior Aircraft Crewman Badge SrAcftCrmnBad e: Senior Aircraft Crewman Badge SRACR e: Southern Rhodesia Armoured Car Regiment SRAD e: Surveillance Radar S RADS e: Short Range Air Defence System SRAF e: Standby Reserve of the Armed Forces SRAFO e: Senior Royal Air Force Officer SRAG e: Semiactive Radar Antiair Guidance System SRAG System e: Semiactive Radar Antiair Guidance System SR Aircraft e: Seaplane Reconnaissance Aircraft SRAM e: Short-Range Air-launched Missile - e: Short Range Attack Missile S RAMS e: Short-Range Attack Missile System SRAM-Τ e: Short-Range Attack MissileTactical SRAN e: Short-Range Aids to Navigation SRARAV e: Senior Army Aviator SRARAVB e: Senior Army Aviator Badge Sr Ar Αν Bad e: Senior Army Aviator Badge SRARM e: Short Range Anti-Radiation Missile SRASM e: Short-Range Air-to-Surface Missile SRAT e: Search Radar Alignment Test SRATSC e: Southern Regional Air Traffic Service Centre SRAW e: Short-Range Anti-Armour Weapon - e: Short Range Assault Weapon SRB e: Solid fuel Rocket Booster SRBAB e: Solid-Rocket Booster Assembly Building SRBDM e: Short-Range Bomber Defense Missile SRBM e: Short-Range Ballistic Missile SRBMD e: Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense SRBPF e: Solid Rocket Booster Processing Facility SRC e: Sanitary Reserve Corps - e: Sensitivity in Range Control - e: Signal Reserve Corps

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Special Regular Commissions - e: Strategic Reconnaissance Center - e: Strategic Review Committee - e: Submarine Refit Centre - e: Submarine Refit Complex - e: Submarine Rescue Chamber - e: Synchronous Receiver Console S.R.C, e: Signal Reserve Corps S.R.C.A. / · Service de Renseignements du Corps d'Armée SRCMP e: Southern Rhodesia Corps of Military Police SRCP e: Short Range Construction Program SRCR e: Short Range Chaff Rocket - e: Sonar Control Room S.R.C.T. / · Service de Réception et de Contr - f: Service des Recherches et du Contr SRD e: Selective Radiation Detector - e: Short Range Device - e: Sonar Research and Development - e: Statistical Research Division - e: Supply Reserve Depot SRDA e: Search Radar Designation Alignment S.R.D.C.M. f: Secteur régional de documentation sur les carrières de la marine SRDE e: Search Radar Data Extractor SRDL e: Signal Research and Development Laboratory - e: Signals Research & Development Establishment SRD/MG e.· Short Range Device Maintenance Group SRE e: Send Reference Equivalent, Search Radar - e: Special Representative in Europe - e: Standard Radar Environment - e: Surveillance Radar Element - e: Surveillance Radar Equipment SR&ED e: Scientific Research and Experiment Department SRE-LL e: Surveillance Radar Equipment Long-range/Long-range SRE[V] e: Singapore Royal Engineers [Volunteers] SRF e: Secure Reserve Forces - e: Selected Reserve Force - e: Service Response Force - e: Strategic Reserve Forces - e: Strategic Retaliatory Forces - e: Strategic Rocket Forces - e: Submarine Repair Facility - e: Systematic Reconnaissance Flights SRFCS e: Self-Repairing Flight Control System SRFLS e: Self-Repairing Flight Control System SRFTL e: Secure Resource Force Target List SRG e: Short Range SRGM e: Super Rapid Gun Mounting SRGR e: Short Range Guided Rocket SRHIT e: Short-Range Hit-to-kill missile - e: Short-Range Homing Intercept Technology SR-HIT e: Small Radar-Homing Intercept Technology SRHQ e: Subregional Headquarters SRI e: Short-Range Insert - e: Short-Range International SRIB e: Strike Route Information Book [Strategic Air Command] SRID e: Search Radar Input Device SRIM e: Short-Range Intercept Missile - e: Simulated Radar Image SRINF e: Short Range Intermediate Nuclear Forces


SRIY - e: Shorter Range Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force SRIY e: Sherwood Rangers Imperial Yeomanry SRL e: Single-Rail Launcher SRLCDF e: Short Range Lightning Counter and Direction Finder SRLD e: Small Rocket Lift Device SRM d: Suchradarmodul - e: Search Radar Module - e: Short Range Missile - e: Smokeless Rocket Motor - e: Solid Rocket Motor - e: Source Range Monitoring - e: Strategic Reconnaissance Missile SRML e: Short-Range Missile Launcher SRMP e: Sounding Rocket Measurement Program SRMU e: Signal Radar Maintenance Unit - e: Solid Rocket Motor Upgrade SRM-X e: Short Range MissileExperimental SR NC e: Severn River Naval Command SRO e: S-Band Radar Operational - e: Senior Range Officer - e: Senior Recruit Officer - e: Short-Range Order - e: Squadron Recreation Officer - e: Superintendent of Range Operations - e: Supervisor of Range Operations - e: Supplementary Reserve of Officers - f: Section de Recherche Opérationnelle de l'Armée de Terre S.R.O. /• Section de la Recherche Opérationnelle - f: Section de Recherche Opérationnelle de l'Armée de Terre - / · Service de Renseignement en Opérations S.R.O.A.T. f: Section de Recherche Opérationnelle de l'Armée de Terre SROB e: Short-Range Omni-directional Beacon SROKA e: Second Republic of Korea Army SROMA η: School voor ReserveOfficieren van de Militaire Administratie SROTC e: Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps SRR e: Search and Range Radar - e: Short-Range Radar - e: Short Range Recovery - e: Strategic Ready Reserve - e: Supplementary Reserve Regulations of the Army S.R.R. e: Southern Rhodesia Regiment SRS e: Satellite Radar Station - e: Secondary Radar System - e: Secure Range Safety - e: Shipboard Radar System - e: Side-Looking Radar System - e: Sounding Rocket System - e: Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron - e: Surveillance Radar Station S-RS e: Short-Range Search SRSAGW e: Short-Range Surface-to-Air Guided Weapon SR SATSIM e: Search Radar Satellite Simulation SRSE e: Strategic Reserve Support Echelon SRSG e: Search Radar Simulation Group SRSOM e: Short Range Stand Off-Missile SR Sq e: Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron SRT e: Search Radar Terminal - e: Security Response Team - e: Silica RADOME [Radar Dome] Technique - e: Strategic Red Team


- e: Strategic Relocatable Target - e: Strategic Rocket Troops - e: Strategically Relocatable Target - e: Subcaliber Rocket Trainer - e: Systems Readiness Test SRTA e: Short Range Training Ammunition SR/ΤΑ e: Supplementary Reserve, Territorial Army SRTC e: Search Radar Terrain Clearance - e: Signal Replacement Training Center - e: Southern Rhodesia Transport Corps SRTF e: Short-Range Task Force SRTGM e: Short Range Terminally Guided Munition SRTNF e: Short Range Technical Nuclear Forces SRTS e: Scaled Range Target System - e: Short Range Thermal Sight - e: Strategic Reconnaissance Training Squadron - e: Surveillance Radar Test Set SRTVM e: Short-Range Track via Missile SRI! e: Strategic Radar Update - e: Submarine Repair Unit - r: Svenska Reservunderofficers-f - r: Svenska Reservunderofficersförbundet SR[-]UAV e: Short Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle SRV e: Short Range Vehicle - e: Short-Range Viewer - e: Society of Russian Veterans of the World War - e: Submerged Research Vehicle SRVEILOPS e: Surveillance Operations SRVI se: Savez Ratnih Vojnih Invalida SRVIJ se: Savez Ratnih Vojnih Invalida Jugoslavie SRW e: Silenced Reconnaissance Weapon - e: Strategic Reconnaissance Wing SRWBR e: Short-Range Wideband Radio SRWg e: Strategic Reconnaissance Wing SRY e: Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry - e: The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry, Territorial Army SRZ e: Surveillance Radar Zone SS d: Schulschiff der Bundesmarine - e: Attack Submarine - e: Service Squadron - e: Ship Station - e: Special Services - e: Staff Sergeant - e: Staff Specialist - e: Strategie Squadron - e: Strategie Study - e: Submarine - e: Submarine Studies - e: Supply Ship - e: Surface Ship - e: System Software - r: Skjutskolan SS-4 e: Soviet medium-range ballistic missile called Sandal by NATO SS-5 e: Soviet intermediate-range ballistic missile called Skean by NATO SS-6 e: Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile nicknamed Sapwood by NATO SS-7 e: Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile called Saddler by NATO SS-8 e: Soviet two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile named Sasin by NATO SS-9 e: Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile called Scarp by NATO and capable of releasing warheads below early-warning radar SS-10 e: Soviet three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile named Scrag by NATO SS-11 e: Nord antitank missile built in France where its airlaunched version is called AS-11

Κ · G · Saur, München

SS-12 e: Nord antitank missile with greater range than the SS-11 SS-13 e: Soviet three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile codenamed Savage by NATO SS-14 e: Soviet two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile code-named Scapegoat by NATO SS-18 e: Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile SS-20 e: intermediate-range nuclear missile developed by the USSR SS-21 e: tactical nuclear missile developed by the USSR S.S. e: Somaliland Scouts - f: Service des subsistances s-s e: surface-to-surface missiles SSA e: Shan State Army - e: Shuttle Simulation Aircraft - e: Signal Security Agency - e: Soviet Strategic Aviation - e: Submarine Selected Reserve Availability - f: Service de Santé de l'Armée S.S.A. f: Service Social de l'Armée S.S.A.A. f: Services Sociaux de l'Armée de l'Air SSAC d: Dieselelektrisches Fuehrungs-UBoot - e: Soldiers', Sailors', and Airmen's Club SSACCS e: Surface Ship Automatic Communications Control System SSACV e: Semi-Submerged Air Cushion Vehicle SSAFA e: Soldier's, Sailor's, and Airman's Families Association - e: Soldiers', Sailors', and Airmen's Families Association S.S.&A.F.A. e: Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association SSAG e: Auxiliary Submarine - e: Strategic Studies Advisory Group S.S.A.H.S. e: Soldiers', Sailors', and Airmen's Help Society SSALT e: Solid-State radar Altimeter SSAM e: Surface-to-Surface Anti Missile SSAN e: Auxiliary Nuclear Powered Submarine SSAR e: Spin-Stabilized Aircraft Rocket - e: Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar SSAS e: Strategic Airborne Surveillance System SSAT e: Sweep Stop Alarm Target SSATDS e: Surface Ship Anti-Torpedo Defence System SSAU e: Submarine Search Attack Unit SSAV e: Self-Sealing Aerospace Vehicle SSAW e: Social Scientists Against Nuclear War SSAWS e: Single Seat Attack Weapon System - e: Surface Ship Acoustic Warfare System SSAWV e: Sons of Spanish American War Veterans SSB e: Conventional-Powered ballistic Missile Submarine - e: Fleet Ballistic Submarine - e: Selective Service Board - e: Selective Service Bureau - e: Single-Sideband [transmission] - e: Special Service Battalion - e: Submarine, Ballistic Missile - e: System Software Backup S.S.B.M. / · Société de Secours aux Blessés Militaires SSBN e: Nuclear Powered Polaris Submarine - e: Ships Submersible Ballistic Nuclear SSB[N] e: Submarine Ballistic Missile [Nuclear]

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

SSPN SSBN e: Submarine Submersible Ballistic Nuclear SSBS e: Surface-to-surface Strategie Ballistic-missile System - /• Missile Sol/sol, Balistique et Stratégique SSBS S-2 e: French intermediaterange ballistic missile launched from an underground silo SSBT / · Sol-Sol Balistique Tactique. Surface-to-surface tactical missile SSC e: Cruiser Submarine - e: Safeguard System Command - e: Sea Systems Command - e: Ships Systems Command - e: Short Service Commission - e: Single-Stage Command - e: Soldier Support Center - e: Squadron Support Center - e: Strategic Studies Center - e: Strategic Systems Committee - e: Submarine Supply Center - e: Surface-to-Surface Cruise missile SSCDS e: Small Ship Combat Direction System SSCN e: Nuclear Cruise Missile Submarine SSCND e: Senate Special Committee on National Defence SSCP e: Small Shipment Consolidation Point SSC RA e: Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act SSCS e: Shipboard Satellite Communications System - e: Southern Signal Corps School - e: Submarine Sonar Calibration Set - e: Submarine Steering Control System - e: Surface Ship Command System - e: Surface Ship Control Systems SSCSMP e: Surface Ship Combat System Master Plan SSCT e: Shipboard Communications Terminal SSD e: Ship Self-Defence - e: Space Systems Division, Los Angeles SSDC e: Space and Strategic Defense Command SSDMIC e: Secretariat State-Defense Military Information Control Committee SSDNA /• Service de Sécurité de la Défense Nationale et des Armées SSDO e: Supply Systems Design Office SSDP e: Soviet Strategic Defence Programme SSDR e: Species Specific Defense Reaction SSDS e: Ship Self-Defense System - e: Supply Squadron Depot Special SSDSG e: Special State Defense Study Group SSE e: Submarine Scout Experimental - e: Submarine Signal Ejector SSEC e: Silent Solid-state Environmental Control System SSEF e: Support Squadron Eastern Flank SSEP e: Submarine Surveillance Equipment Program SSES e: Shipboard Signal Exploration System SSF d: Studienkommission für strategische Fragen - e: Service Storage Facility - e: Service Support Force - e: Ship's Service Force - e: Single-Seated Fighter - e: Special Security Forces - e: Special Service Force - e: Special Strike Force - e: STOVL Strike Fighter

S.S.F. e: Special Service Force S.S.F.A. e: Soldiers and Sailors' Families' Association - f: Service de la Sécurité aux Forces Armées SSFDR e: Solid-State Flight Data Recorder SSFM e: Steered Sensor Fuzed Munition SSFSS e: Soviet Space Event Support Ships SSFTC e: Sary Shagan Flight Test Center SS-FZA. d: SS-Feldzeugamt SSG d: Dieselelektrisches MFK-U-Boot - d: Schiffsschlag Grp - e: Guided missile submarine - e: Signal Service [Support] Group - e: Single Shot Gun - e: Special Studies Group [Joint Chiefs of Staff] - e: Strategic Studies Group SSG F e: Soviet Southern Group of Forces SSGM e: Strategic Scene Generation Model SSGN e: Nuclear-Powered Guided Missile Submarine SSGW e: Surface-to-Surface Guided Weapon SSHD e: Single Silo Hardsite Defense SSI e: Staff Sergeant Instructor - e: Strategic Simulation Initiative - e: Strategic Studies Institute SSIA e: Southern Sudan Independence Army SSICM e: Spin-Stabilized Impulsively Controlled Missile SSIP e: Ship Support Improvement Program SSIX e: Submarine Satellite Information Exchange SSIXS e: Submarine Satellite Information Exchange System SSK d: Seestreitkräfte - e: Antisubmarine Submarine - e: Conventional Submarine - e: Hunter-Killer Submarine SSK. d: Seestreitkräfte SSKN e: Hunter-Killer Submarine, Nuclear powered S.S.L.O.A. e: Second Sea Lord's Office for Appointments SSLV e: Standard Small Launch Vehicle SSM e: Sea Skimmer Missile - e: Ship Simulation Model - e: Ship-to-Ship Missile - e: Squadron Sergeant Major - e: Staff Sergeant-Major - e: Staff Squadron Major - e: Surface-to-Surface Missile - i: Servizio di Stato Maggiore sSM d: schwere Spitzmunition S.S.M. /• Sécurité Sociale Militaire - f: Service de Santé de la Marine - f: Service de Santé Militaire - i: Servizio de Stato Maggiore SSMA e: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen SSM&AC e: Solders', Sailors', Marines', and Airmen's Club SSMCS e: Synchronous Satellite Military Communication System SSMD e: Surface Ship Missile Defense SSMIF&G e: Squadron Sergeant-Major Instructor in Fencing and Gymnastics SSMIF & G e: Squadron Sergeant-Major Instructor in Fencing and Gymnastics SSMOB e: Surface-to-Surface Missile Order of Battle SSMRS e: Surface-to-Surface Missile Rocket System SSMS e: Submarine Safety Monitoring System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

SSMSN e: Surface-to-Surface Mission SSMT e: Steamship, Military Transport SSMZ d: Sensorgezündete Submunition gegen Mobile Ziele SSN d: Simultane Stabilisierung Navigation - e: Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine - e: Submarine in Direct Support - e: Submarine Ship, Nuclear - e: Submersible Ship Nuclear S.S.N, d: Schiffstammabteilung der Nordsee SS-N e: Surface-to-Surface-Naval - e: Surface-to-Surface [Navy] missile SS-N.A. d: SS-Nachrichtenabteilung SSNM e: Source and Special Nuclear Material - e: Strategic Special Nuclear Material SSNMH e: Scipio Society of Naval and Military History SS-N-[number] e: US Designation for Soviet Naval Surface-to-Surface & Submarine-to-Surface Missiles SSNPP e: Small Size Nuclear Power Plant SSNTD e: Solid-State Nuclear Track Detector SSNW e: Social Scientists Against Nuclear War SSO d: Schiffssicherungsoffizier - e: Safety/Security Officer - e: Senior Safety Officer - e: Senior Signal Officer - e: Senior Staff Officer - e: Senior Supply Officer - e: Ship Safety Officer - e: Ship Security Officer - e: Signal Staff Officer - e: Site Safety Officer - e: Special Security Officefr] - e: Special Service Officer - e: Squadron Signal Officer - e: Squadron Signals Officer - e: Staff Security Officer - e: Staff Signal Officer - e: Staff Signals Officer - e: Staff Supply Officer - e: Station Staff Officer - e: Strategic Support Objective - e: Submarine Supply Office - e: Subsistence Support Officer - e: System Security Officer - e: System Staff Office[r] S.S.O. d: Schiffstammabteilung der Ostsee SSOA e: Submarine Operating Area SSOCA e: Senior Staff Officer for Civil Affairs SSOD e: Special Session on Disarmament SSODIA e: Special Security Office, Defense Intelligence Agency SSOO e: Satellite Supply Operations Officer SSOR e: Ship Systems Operational Requirements SSORT e: Ship's Systems Operational Readiness Test - e: Ships Systems Operational Requirements SSOTC e: Skinner's School Officers Training Corps SSOTF e: Space Station Operations Task Force SSP e: SACEUR [Supreme Allied Commander, Europe] Schedule Program - e: Site Strategic Planning - e: Sonar Signal Processor - e: Special Session of Peace - e: Strategic Systems Programs - e: Strategic Systems Project - e: Submarine Scout Patrol SSPN e: Satellite System for Precise Navigation


SSPO SSPO e: Strategie Systems Program Office - e: Strategie Systems Project Office SSPs e: Ship Security Plans sSpTrp d: schwerer Spähtrupp SSPTS e: Security Support Squadron SSR e: Radar Picket Submarine - e: SACEUR [Supreme Allied C o m m a n d e r ] , Europe] Strategie Reserve - e: Second SSRACary Surveillance Radar - e: Secondary Surveillance Radar - e: Seek-Storm Radar - e: Shipbuilding and Ship Repair - e: Solid State Radar - e: South Staffordshire Regiment - e: Spin Stabilized Rocket - e: Surface Search Radar - s: Radar Secundario de vigilancia S.S.R. e: South Saskatchewan Regiment - e: South Staffordshire Regiment SSR-A e: Secondary Surveillance Radar Providing Coded Aircraft Identity SSRC e: Secondary Surveillance Radar Providing Coded Aircraft Altitude SSR-CAS e: Secondary Surveillance Radar-Collision Avoidance System SSRD e: Secondary Surveillance Radar Digitzer SSRF e: Small-Scale Raiding Force S.S.Rgt e: South Staffordshire Regiment SSR/IFF e: Secondary Surveillance Radar/Identification Friend or Foe SSRM e: Second Stage Rocket Motor SSRN e: Radar Picket Submarine, nuclear powered SSR/RPG e: Secondary Surveillance Radar/Regional Planning Group SSRS e: Submarine Sand Recovery System SSR-S e: Secondary Surveillance Radar with Selective Interrogation Capability SSRT e: Single Stage Rocket Technology SSS e: Shipboard Survey Subsystem - e: Shipborne Sonar Simulator - e: Side Scan Sonar - e: Sonar Signal Simulator - e: Special Security Squadron - e: Strategic Satellite System - e: Strategic Studies Staff - e: Strategic Support Squadron - e: Strike Support Ship - e: Super Subsea Submarine - e: Survivable Strategic Satellite SSSA e: Site Safeguards and Security Agreement - e: Submarine Sonar Subjective Analysis SSSAG e: Source Selection Senior Advisory Group SSSC e: Self-Service Supply Center SSSG e: Surface Ship Survivability Group SSSM e: Standard Surface-to-Surface Missile SSSM Ρ e: Surface Ship Sonar Moderization Program SSSO e: Specialized Surplus Sales Office SSSR e: Strategic Rocket Forces SSSS e: Space Systems Support Squadron - e: Standard Submarine Sonar System SSSST e: Subscale Subsonic Targets SSST e: Solid-State Silicon Target - e: Supersonic Sea-Skimming Target S&SSTD e: Submarine & Surface Ship Undersea Weapons Defense SSSW e: Surface/Subsurface Warfare SST a: Soevaernsstaben - d: Dieselelektrisches Zieldarstellungs UBoot - e: Single-Sideband Transmission - e: Smart Submunition Technology - e: Sonar Signaling - e: Special Surface-target Torpedo


- e: Submarine Scout Twin-Type - e: Submarine Supply Center - e: System Survey Team - e: Target and Training Submarine SStA d: Schiffsstammabteilung SSTA e: Selective Service and Training Act - f: Service technique des télécommunications de l'air S.Sta.Abt. d: Schiffsstammabteilung SSTADS e: Small Ship Typhoon Air Defense System S.Staffs R. e: South Staffordshire Regiment S-STAR e: Airborne SHORAD Target Acquisition Radar SSTD e: Surface Ship Torpedo Defense SS.T.Div. d: SS-Totenkopfdivision SSTDS e: Small Ship Tactical Data System SSTIXS e: Small Ship Teletype Information Exchange System SSTLA e: Strip Shunt Transmission Line Antenna SStLtSt d: Schiffsstammleitstelle SSTM e: SAGE System Training Mission S&STNF e: Survivability & Security of Theater Nuclear Forces SSTO e: Superintending Sea Transport Officer S.St.R. d: Schiffsstammregiment S.St.Rgt.O. d: Schiffstammregiment der Ostsee SSTV e: Sea Skimming Test Vehicle - e: Submarine Shock Test Vehicle SSU e: Special Service Unit - e: Squadron Service Unit SSupO e: Senior Supply Officer SSURADS e: Shipboard Surveillance Radar System SSUSA e: Special Staff United States Army SSUS-A e: Special Staff United States for Atlas-Centaur Class Spacecraft SSUSA e: Special Staff U.S. Army SSUS-D e: Special Staff United States for Delta Class Spacecraft SSV e: Ship-to-Surface Vessel - e: Space Shuttle Vehicle - e: Submarine Support Vessel - e: Supersonic Test Vehicles SSVC e: The Services Sound and Vision Corporation SS-Verf.Tr. d: Verfügungstruppe der Schutzstaffel SSVF e: Straits Settlements Volunteer Force SSV/GC & Ν e: Space Shuttle Vehicle/Guidance, Control and Navigation SSV Radar e: Ship-to-Surface Radar SSVS e: Super Smart Vehicle System SSW. d: Schiffsstammabteilung Wesermünde SSW e: Secretary of State for War - e: Surface Strike Warfare - e: Surface-to-Surface Warfare SSWC e: Surface/Subsurface Warfare Coordinator SSWS e: Ski and Snow Warfare School SSWWS e: Seismic Sea-Wave Warning System SSX e: Submarines, Experimental SSXBT e: Submarine-launched Expendable Bathythermograph SSXSV e: Submarine-launched Expendable Sound Velocity system S & Sx Yeo e: Surrey and Sussex Yeomanry

© Κ · G • Saur, München

SSY e: Sharpshooters Yeomanry - e: South Somerset Yeomanry ST d: Seitentrupp - e: Seaman Torpedoman - e: Short-range [microwave] Transmitter - e: Sleeve Target - e: Sonar Technician - e: Source level of targets - e: Staff Target - e: Stenographer - e: Strategic Transport - e: Surface Target STI e: Sonar Technician, First Class ST2 e: Sonar Technician, Second Class ST3 e: Sonar Technician, Third Class STA e: Shipboard Transmitting Antenna - e: Single Target Attack - e: Small Tactical Airlifter - e: Strategic Transportation Analysis - e: Surveillance and Target Acquisition - e: Survival in Target Area - / · Service Technique Acheteur Sta d: Stahlhelm [Verband] S.T.A. f: Section Technique de l'Armée - / · Section Technique de l'Artillerie - / · Service Technique de l'Aéronautique - f: Service Technique de l'Armée s.t.a. f: Service topographique de l'armée - i: Servizio tecnico automobilistico STAA e: Soldiers' Total Abstinence Association STAAF f: Section des terres australes et antarctiques françaises STAAG e: Standard Tachymetric AntiAircraft Gun STAAR e: Sector Transportable All Arms Range STAARS e: Standard Army After Action Review System Staart d: Stabsoffizier der Artillerie STAAS e: Surveillance and Target Acquisition Aircraft System STAB e: Squadron Tactical Analysis Board Stabia d: Stabsbildabteilung Stabila d: Staatliche Bildungsanstalt Lichterfelde [früher: Hauptkadettenanstalt] Stab Kdt LW d: Stab Kommandant Luftwaffe STABO d: Startbahnbombe STAC e: Submarine-to-Aircraft Communications - e: Surface Target Attack Comparison Model STACCS e: Standard Theater Army Command & Control System STACOM e: Standard Army Commissary Operating Manual STACOS e: Signaal Tactical Command System - e: Surveillance and Target Acquisition Command and Control System STACSR e: Structuring of Active Component Strategic Reserve STADC e: SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe] Technical Air Defence Centre STADD e: Ship-Towed Acoustic Deception Device STADELEN f: Station de détection et de localisation d'explosions nucléaires STADES e: Standard Army Data Elements Systems STADIN e: Standing Administrative Instruction for Army Attaches STADSS e: Strategic Transportation Analysis Decision Support System S.T.Aé. f: Service Technique de l'Aéronautique

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

STC-AL STAF e: Scientific Working Group on Coordinating of Signal Plans - e: Strategic [and Tactical] Air Force STAFF e: Smart Target-Activated Fire and Forget Staff Coll. e: Royal Naval Staff College STAFFORDS e: The Staffordshire Regiment [The Prince of Wales's] Staff P.R.T.I. e: Staff Physical and Recreational Training Instructor STAFFS YEO e: The Staffordshire Yeomanry [Queen's Own Royal Regiment] STAFS e: Supportable Technology for Affordable Fighter Structures STAG e: Smart Tactical Autonomous Guidance - e: Strategic Tactical Analysis Group - e: Submarine-Rocket Technical Advisory Group STAGE e: Simulated Total Atomic Global Exchange STAGS e: Simulated Tank and Antiarmor Gunnery System STAGS-D e: Simulated Tank Antiarmor Gunnery System-Dragon S.T.A.I.A.T. / · Service du Traitement Automatique de l'Information de l'Armée de Terre StAkBw d: Stabsakademie der Bundeswehr Stalag d: Stammlager [für kriegsgefangene Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften] STAM e: Submarine Tactical Advanced Missile - e: Submarine Tactical Attack Missile - e: Surface Target Acquisition Model S.T.A.M. i: Servizio tecnico armi e munizioni STAM IS e: Standard Army Management Information System STAMMIS e: Standard Army Multicommand Management Information System STAMP e: Small Tactical Aerial Mobility Platform - e: Standard Air Munitions Package STAMPS e: Strategic/Tactical Automated Mission Planning System STANAG e: Standardization] NATO Agreement STANAVFORCHAN e: Standing Naval Force, Channel STANAV-FORLANT e: Standing Naval Force Atlantic STANAVFORMED e: Standing Naval Force, Mediterranean STANAV-SFORLANT e: Standing Naval Force Atlantic STANCIB e: State-Army-Navy Communications Intelligence Board STANCTB e: State-Army-Navy Communications Intelligence Board Standg. d: Standgericht StandGer. d: Standgericht STANMAP e: Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Observation Master Plan - e: Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Operations Master Plan STANO e: Surveillance Target Acquisition and Night Observation STANOC e: Surveillance, Target Acquisition, Night Observation and Counter-Surveillance STANOPP e: Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Operations Program Plan

STANS e: Soviet Tactical Nuclear Study - e: Standard Aircraft Navigation System - e: Standard Army Nonappropriated System STANSM e: Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Observation Systems Manager [Department of the Army] STANSO e: Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Operations Systems Office STAP e: Standard Tactical Avionics Program - e: Surveillance & Target Acquisition Plan STAPAT e: Specific Thermal Analyzer Program for Aircraft Transparencies STAR e: Self-Test Antenna Radiation - e: Simulation of Tactical Alternative Responses - e: Simultaneous Transmission and Reception Radar - e: Special Tactics and Response - e: Specialized Training for Army Readiness - e: Steerable Array Radar - e: Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery - e: Submarine Target - e: Submarine Test and Research - e: Supersonic Tactical Anti-Radar - e: Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance - e: Swedish Tactical Attack Radar - e: Synthetic Aperture Radar - f: Supersonic Tactique Anti-Radiation - f : Système Tactique d' Access Radio de combat STARC e: State Area Command - e: State Army Reserve Center STARCIPS e: Standard Army Civilian Payroll System STARCIPS-R e: Standard Army Civilian Pay System Redesign STARCOM e: Strategic Army Command - e: Strategic Army Communications STARCOM System e: Strategic Army Communications System STARFIARS e: Standard Army Financial Inventory and Reporting System STARFISH A e: Specific High Altitude Nuclear Detonation STARLO e: Special Test Army Reserve Limited Objective STARNET e: Standard Army Network - e: Sustaining Base Army Network STARPAC e: Stuttgart Area Personnel Actions Center - e: Stuttgart Army Regional Personnel and Administration Center STARPEX e: Static Radar Performance Exerciser STARPIIBS e: Standard Army Publications System STARR e: Study Techniques for Advanced Radar Requirements STAR Returns e: Statistical Treatment of Radar Returns STARR-Net e: Strategic Armed Forces Radio Relay Net STARS e: Silent Tactical Attack [and] Reconnaissance System - e: Strategic Targeting Activities Reporting System - e: Study of Tactical Airborne Radar System - e: Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System - e: Surveillance, Target Acquisition Reconnaissance Study

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Surveillance Target Attack Radar System STARSFIARS e: Standard Army Supply, Finance & Accounting Reporting System START e: Strategic Arms Reduction Talks - e: Strategic Arms Reduction Talks [or Treaty] START I e: Strategic Arms Reduction Talks I Treaty START II e: Strategic Arms Reduction Talks II Protocol STARTLE e: Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar for Tank Location and Engagement START-SC START e: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Standing Committee STASAR e: Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Operations Survey and Review STASO e: Senior Torpedo and Antisubmarine Officer - e: Staff Torpedo and Anti-Submarine Officer STASS e: Special Tactical Air Surveillance System - e: Submarine Tactical Array Sonar System - e: Submarine Towed Array Sonar System - e: Submarine-Towed Array Surveillance System - e: Surveillance Target Acquisition Support System STAT /• Section Technique de Γ Armee de Terre - f: Service Technique de l'Armee de Terre Stat.K. d: Stationskasse [Marine] STATS e: Specialist Training And Tactical Services - e: Stationary Tank Automatic Target System - e: Strategic/Tactical Area Test System STATTS e: Stationary Automatic Tank Target System STAVRA e: Supreme High Command of the Soviet Armed Forces StBA d: Stahlhelm-Bundesamt STBATSAT e: Strategic Satellite Stboot d: Sturmboot St.-Btsm. d: Stabsbootsmann StBttr d: Startbatterie STC e: Chief Sonar Technician - e: School and Training Command - e: Sea Transit Centre - e: Senior Training Corps - e: SHAPE [Supreme Headquarter Allied Powers Europe] Technical Center - e: Ship Technical Control system - e: Signal Training Camp - e: Signal Training Center - e: Signal Training Centre - e: Sound Transmission Class - e: Standard tansmission code - e: Strategic Training Center - e: Strike Command - e: Support Tank Command - f: Services Techniques Centraux S.T.C, e: Sea Training Corps - e: Senior Training Corps - e: Students' Training Corps - f: Section de Topographie et de Controle STCA f: Section Topographique du Corps d'Armée - f: Service Télégraphique du Corps d'Armée STC-AL f: Simulateur de Tir de Combat pour les Armes Legeres d'infantrie - f: Simulateur de Tir pour les Armees Legeres d'Infanterie


S.T.C.A.N. S.T.C.A.N. / · Service Technique de Construction et d'Armes Navales STCCS e: Strategic Theater Command and Control System STCICS e: Strike Command Integrated Communications System STCM e: Master Chief Sonar Technician - e: Supersonic Tactical Cruise Missile STCS e: Senior Chief Sonar Technician STD e: Ship Training Detachment STDC e: Strategic Tactics Development Center STDDS e: Submarine Tactical Data Display Subsystem STDF e: Slovene Territorial Defence Force STDL e: Submarine Tactical Data Link STDMSL e: Standard Missile STDN-4 e: Secure Tactical Data Network4 StDoDDivKdo d: Stabsdienstordnung für das Divisionskommando STDP e: Short Term Defense Program - e: Strategie Technical Development Program STDS e: Submarine Tactical Data System ST&E e: Security Testing and Evaluation STEA i: Servizio Tecnico di Artiglieria STEAADS e: Standard Equipment Authorization and Asset Data System STEAM e: Sensor Technology as Applied to the Marine Corps - e: Standard Towing Equipment for Aircraft Maintenance STEARS e: Stand-off Tactical Electronic Airborne Reconnaissance System STEBIC e: Scanning Transmission Electron Beam Induced Current STECR e: Ships Tactical Environmental Control Receiver STEG i: Servizio Tecnico del Genio STEGEO i: Servizio Tecnico Geografico STELA i: Scuola Tecnici Elettronici di Artiglieria STEM e: SHAPE Tactical Evaluation Manual - e: Social, Technological, Economic, Military - e: Special Telemetry Equipped Missile - i: Servizio Tecnico della Motorizzazione STEMS e: Small Terminal Evasive Missile System STENS e: Standard Terrestrial Navigation System STEP e: Standardized Tactical Entry Point STEPS d: Strategisches Evaluierungs-und Planungssystem - e: Strategy Evaluation and Planning System STET i: Servizio Tecnico della Trasmissioni STEWS e: Shipboard Tactical Electronic Warfare System STF d: Schlauchtrupp-Führer - e: Special Task Force STFAS e: Support to Total Force Analysis STFF e: Safeguard Tactical Field Force ST.FF.AA. i: Scuola Telecomunicazioni Force Armate STFG e: Staffing Guides [Department of the Army] STFPC e: Office of Strategie Trade and Foreign Policy Controls STG d: Seetransportgruppe - e: Sonar Technician Ground - e: Strategic Technologies Group S.T.G. f: Service technique du génie STGR e: Search, Track & Guidance Radar STGT e: Secondary Target


STI e: Scientific and Technical Information - e: Stationery Target Indicator - e: Surface Targets of Interest S.T.I, e: Special Technical Instruction - / · Service du Traitement de l'Information STIC e: Defense Technical Information Center - e: Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center STICAR f: Système de Transmission des Informations Codées des Armées STICIS e: Strike Command Integrated Communication System STINFO e: Scientific and Technical Information STING e: Signaal Two-aerial Integrated Naval Guidance STINGRAY e: Tactical Directed Energy Weapon STIR e: Separate Track and Illuminating Radar - e: Signal Track and Illuminating Radar - e: Surveillance and Target Indication Radar STIZ e: Submarine Transit Identification Zones StK d: Stellvertreter des Kommandeurs St.Kdtr. d: Stadtkommandantur StKdtr d: Standortkommandantur St.K.F.S. d: Sturzkampffliegerschule St.K.G. d: Sturzkampfgeschwader STKG d: Sturzkampfgeschwader StKPA d: Stellvertretender Kommandant für Politische Angelegenheiten StKRD d: Stellvertreter des Komandeurs für Rückwärtige Dienste StKTA d: Stellvertreter des Kommandeurs für technische Ausrüstungen StKtB d: Sellvertretender Kommandeur für Technik STL e: Secondary Target Line - e: Sound Transmission Loss ST[L] e: Staff Target [Land] STLC FF.AA. i: Scuola Telecomunicazioni delle Forze Armate STLF e: Southern Troops and Landing Force STLM e: Safeguard Tactical Logistics Management STLO e: Scientific Technical Liaison Office STM d: Schlauchtrupp-Mann - e: Safety Test Missile - e: Self-Transporting Munition - e: Special Test Missile - e: Stand-off Tactical Missile - e: Stationary Target Mission - e: Supersonic Tactical Missile - e: Surface-to-Target-to-Missile - e: Synchronous Transmission Mode - e: System Test Missile - e: Systems Test Missile - / · Service Technique Militaire s.t.m. i: servizio telegrafico militare S.T.M.M. / • Service des Transport Militaires par Mer STMP e: Ship Test Management Pian - e: Space Target Measurement Program StMusKorpsBw d: Stabsmusikkorps der Bundeswehr St.N. d: Kommando der Marinestation der Nordsee STN d\ Staatliches trigonometrisches Netz - e: SAC [Strategie Air Command] Telephone Network S.T.N.Aé. /• Services Techniques de la Navigation Aérienne StNATOÜb d: Stab für NATO-Übungen

Κ · G · Saur, München

S&TNF e: Strategie & Theater Nuclear Forces STO d: Schiffstechnischer Offizier - e: Senior Technical Officer - e.· Soft Target of Opportunity - e: Squadron Torpedo Officer - e: Strategic Technology Office StO d: Stabsoffizier St.O. d: Kommando der Marinestation Ostsee - d: Standort Stoart d: Stabsoffizier der Artillerie STOC e: Special Tactical Operations Center - e: Standard Tactical Operating Condition STOCQ e: Signal, Transportations, Ordnance, Chemicals, Quartermaster Study S/TODS e: Strategic/Tactical Optical Disk System Stoeis d: Stabsoffizier der Eisenbahntruppen Stofeld d: Stabsoffizier der Feldartillerie StOffz d: Standortoffizier Stofl d: Stabsoffizier der Flieger Stofla d: Stabsoffizier der Flugabwehr STOIAC e: Strategie Technology Office Information Analysis Center StOK d: Standortkammandantur - d: Standortkommandantur StOKa d: Standortkasse StOKdn d: Standortkommando StOKdo d: Standortkommando Stokraft d: Stabsoffizier für Kraftfahrwesen STOL e: Short Takeoff and Landing Aircraft STOLAND e: STOL Navigation and Landing System St.O.Lohnst, d: Standortlohnstelle Stoluft d: Stabsoffizier der Luftwaffe STOM e: Safe Transport of Munitions Stonach d: Stabsoffizier für Nachrichtenverbindung STOP e: Ship Technical Operation Protective - e: Ship's Toxicological Protective System - e: Single Integrated Operations Plan - e: Strategic Talks on Prevention - e: Student/Teacher Organization to Prevent Nuclear War Stopi d: Stabsoffizier der Pioniertruppen STOPS e: Shipboard Toxicological Operational Protective System STORADS e: Site Tactical Optimized Range Air Defense System STORM e: Safe Transport of Munitions Project - e: Sector Tactical Operations Range Modules - e: Sensor, Tank, Off Route Mine - e: Sensored Tactical Off-Road Mine STORMS e: Sense, Tank Off-Route Mine System STO STO d: Schiffstechnischer Offizier STOT e: Scheduled Time over Target - e: Stockpile-to-Target StOV d: Standortverwaltung St.O.V. d: Standortverwaltung StoVerm d: Stabsoffizier des Vermessungs wesens STOW-E e: Synthetic Theater of WarEurope Stp d: Stützpunkt STP e: Systems Technology Radar STPP e: Situation Target Proposal Priority - e: Strategie Technology Protection Program St.Q. d: Stabsquartier St.Qu. d: Stabsquartier

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

sub STR e: Sea Test Range - e: Search and Track Radar - e: Sonar Transmit/Receive - e: Southern Test Range - e: Strategie Training Range - e: Super Transportable Radar - e: Systems Technology Radar Str. d: Streitkräfte STRA e: Supply and Training Mission STRAAD e: Special Techniques for Repair and Analysis of Airborne Damage STRABAD e: Strategic Base Air Defense STRAC e: Standards for Training Requirements & Ammunition Committee - e: Strategic Air Command - e: Strategic Army Command - e: Strategic Army Corps STRACOS e: Strategic Air Combat Operations Staff STRAD e: Strategic Air Division STRADA e: Standardization of Traffic Data Transmission and Management STRADS e: Strategic Deployment System STRAF e: Strategic Army Force - e: Strategic Army Force[s] STRAFIP e: Strategic Army Forces Readiness Improvement Program STRAFPOA e: Strategic Air Force, Pacific Ocean Area STRAIRPOA e: Strategic Air Force, Pacific Ocean Area StRak d: Startrakete STRANGE e: SAGE [Semiautomatic Ground Environment] Tracking and Guidance Evaluation System STRAP e: Simplified Transient Radiation Analysis Program - e: Star Tracking Rocket Attitude Positioning - e: Strategic Actions Planner STRAP System e: Star Tracking Rocket Attitude Positioning System Strat. d: Strategie strat d: strategisch - e: Strategic STRAT e: Strategist Strat e: Strategy STRATAD e: Strategic Aerospace Division Strat Air e: Strategic Air Command STRATCO e: Strategic Army Command STRATCOM e: Strategic Air Command - e: Strategic Command - e: Strategic Communications - e: Strategic Communications Command STRATCOM MEX e: Strategic Communications Military Exchange STRATEMES f: Systèmes de Traitment et de Transmissions d'Application Generales pour l'Exploitation Militaire en Environment Severe STRAT FAX e: Strategie Facsimile Network STRATMAS g : Strategie Mobility - e: Strategie Mobility Analysis System STRATMID e: Strategic Military Intelligence Detachment STRATMOB e: Strategic Mobility Support System STRATMOBEX e: Strategic Mobility Exercise STRATOPS e: Strategic Operations STRATPLAN d: Strategische Planung STRATPRO e: Strategic Programs STRATR e: Strategical Reconnaissance STRATRAD e: Strategic Management of Research and Development STRATRCN e: Strategical Reconnaissance STRATRES e: Strategic Reserve

STRATSAT e: Strategic Forces Communications Satellite - e: Strategic Satellite System STRATUS e: Strategic Mobility Support System STRAT-X e: Strategic Exercise STRAW e: Strategic War Str.B.Tr. d: Straßenbautruppe STRC e: Strategic Target Range Complex - e: Strategic Training Range Complex STRE e: Specialist Team Royal Engineers STREBO d: Streubombe S-TRED e: Standard Tactical Receive Equipment Display STRESSA f: Section Technique de Recherches et d'Études des Services de Santé des Armées St. Rgt. d: Sturmregiment STRI e: Stones River National Battlefield STRI BAD e: Strike Base Defense STRICOM e: Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command - e: Strike Command - e: Strike Force Command & Control - e: System, Training & Instrumentation Command Strida f: Système de traitement d'information de la défense aérienne STRIDA f: Systeme de Traitement et de visualisation des Donnees de la Defense Aerienne - f: Système de Transmission d'Information de Défense Aérienne STRIKEFLTLANT e: Striking Fleet Atlantic STRIKEFOR-SOUTH e: Naval Striking and Support Forces, Southern Europe STRIKEX e: Naval Strike Exercise STRIKFLANT e: Strike Fleet Atlantic STRIKFLANTREPEUR e: Striking Fleet Atlantic Representative in Europe STRIKFLT-LANT e: Striking Fleet Atlantic STRIKFLTREPEUR e: Striking Fleet Atlantic Representative in Europe STRIKFORSOUTH e: Naval Striking and Support Forces Southern Europe STRIKFTLANTREPEUR e: Striking Fleet Atlantic Representative in Europe STRINKEX e: Striking Force Exercise STRIP e: Spatial and Temporal Research in Information Processing - e: Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures - e: Strategic Intermediate Planner Str.Kr. d: Streitkräfte STRMD e: Strategic Missile Division STROP e: Strategic Optimizing Planner STRR e: Statistical Treatment of Radar Returns sTrspBtl d: schweres Transportbataillon STS e: Sonar Technician Submarine - e: Sonar Test System - e: Special Task Stores - e: Stockpile-to Target Sequence - e: Strategic Terrain Study - e: Strategic Training Squadron - e: Submarine Training School - e: Supersonic Target System ST3S / · Service Technique des Systèmes Stratégiques et Spatiaux St.S. d: Steuermannsschule STSA e: Seaman Apprentice, Sonar Technician, Striker STSC e: Software Technical Support Contract STSCC e: Surface Transport and Shipping Coordinating Centre STSM e: Surface-to-Target-to-Surface-toMissile

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

STSMT /• Service Technique des Systèmes de Missiles Tactiques STSN e: Seaman, Sonar Technician, Striker STSO e: Senior Technical Staff Officer - e: Senior Technical Support Officer STSW e: Sniper Team Support Weapon STT d: Schule der Technischen Truppen - e: Saigon Transportation Terminal Command - e: School of Technical Training - e: Single Target Tracking - e: Small Tactical Terminal - e: Special Tactics Team S.T.T. e: School of Tank Technology - e: School of Technical Training [R.A.F.] STTF e: Sonar Test Tower Facility - e: Special Tank Task Force STTOT e: Single Target Track on Target STTP e: Small Target Test Program STTR e: Single Target Tracking Radar STTr d: Schule der Technischen Truppe STTrl/FSHT d: Schule Technische Truppe 1 und Fachschule des Heeres für Technik STTS e: Shipboard Target Tracking System STTT e: Surface Tactical Team Trainer S.T.II, e: Service Trials Unit STU e: Service Trials Unit - e: Submarine Test Unit StuBoot d: Sturmboot Stud.Komm.f.d.Kr.Sch. d: Studienkommission für die Kriegsschulen Stuffz d: Stabsunteroffizier STU-II M e: Secure Terminal Unit-II Militarized STUMIK η: Stuurgroep Maatschappelijke Invloeden in de Krijgsmacht STÜP d: Schieß-und Truppenübungsplatz Stu.Rgt. d: Sturmregiment STV e: Special Test Vehicle - e: Standard Tactical Vehicle - e: Standardized] Test Vehicle - e: Structural Test Vehicle - e: Submarine Target Vessel - e: Supersonic Test Vehicle - e: Surface Transport Vehicle Stv.Gk. d: Stellvertretendes Generalkommando StvOvWa d: Stellvertretender Offizier vom Wachdienst c: streleck skola STVTS e: Submarine Tactical Visual Training System STW e: Special-to-Weapon Equipment - e: Strike Warfare ST. WAPNIACL e: State, Treasury, War, Attorney General, Postmaster General, Navy, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor STWC e: Strike Warfare Commander STWS e: Shipborne Torpedo Weapon System - e: Standard Torpedo Weapon System Stzbomb. d: Sturzbomber SU d: Sowjetische Streitkräfte - d: Stabsunteroffizier - e: Service Unit - e: Signals Unit Su. e: The Suffolk Regiment SUA e: Shan United Army - e: Standard Unit of Armament SUAEWICS e: Soviet Union Airborne Early Warning and Interceptor Control System SUAWACS e: Soviet Union Airborne Warning and Control System sub e: submarine


SUBACLANT SUBACLANT e: Submarine Allied Command Atlantic Sub ACS e: Submarine Advanced Combat System SUBACS e: Submarine Advanced Control System SII BAD e: Submarine Air Defense - e: Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet Administration SUBADMI e: Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet Administration, Mare Island SUBASE e: Submarine Base SUBASELANT e: Submarine Bases, Atlantic SUBASEPAC e: Submarine Bases, Pacific SUBASWEX e: Submarine-Antisubmarine Warfare Exercise Sub Base e: Submarine Base SUBCAP e: Submarine Combat Air Patrol SUBCOM e: Subordinate Command, Service Force, Pacific Fleet SUBCOMNELM e: Subordinate Command, Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean SUBDEVGRUONE e: Submarine Development Group One SUBDEVGRUTWO e: Submarine Development Group Two SUBDIV e: Submarine Division SUBDIZ e: Submarine Defense Identification Zone SUBEASTLANT e: Submarine Forces, Eastern Atlantic Command SUBED e: Submarine Electromagnetic Deception System SUBEX e: Submarine Exercise SUBFLOT e: Submarine Flotilla Sub. Fog Sig e\ Submarine fog signal SUBGRU e: Submarine Group SUBGRULANT e: Submarine Group, Atlantic SUBIC e: Submarine Integrated Control Systems SUBIRS e: Submarine Installed RADIAC [Radiation Detection, Identification and Computation SUBLANT e: Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet SUBLOOK e: Submarine Look Sub-Lt e: Sub-Lieutenant SUBM e: Submarine SUBMACOM e: Major Army Subcommand submc e: submarine rocket SubMDep e: Submarine Mine Depot SUBMED e: Submarine Force, Mediterranean SUBMEDNOREAST e: Submarines Northeast Mediterranean SUBMISS e: Submarine Missing message SUBMIS/SUBSUNK e: Submarine Missing/Presumed Sunk SUBMO e: Submarine Motion SUBNOR se: Savez Udruzenja Boraca Narodnooslebodilackog Rata SUBNOTE e: Submarine Note message Sub Of d: Subalternoffizier SUBOPAIITH e: Submarine Operating Authority SUBORCOM e: Subordinate Command SUBORCOMDSERVLANT e: Subordinate Command, Service Force, Atlantic Fleet SUBORCOMDSERVPAC e: Subordinate Command, Service Force, Pacific fleet SUB-OSC e: Submarine Oscillator SUBPA e: Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Submarine Patrol Area - e: Submarine Patrol Area


SUBPAC e: Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet SUBPACAD e: Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, Administrative Command SUBPACSUBORDCOM e: Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, Subordinate Command SUBPZ e: Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Submarine Patrol Zone - e: Submarine Patrol Zone SUBRAP e: Submarine Range Prediction System SUBROC e: Submarine Launched Rocket - e: Submarine Rocket Subron e: Submarine Squadron SUBRU e: Submarine Repair Unit SUBSAFE e: Submarine Safe message SUBSAFECEN e: Submarine Safety Center SUBSCAPE e: Submarine Escape SUBSCOFOR e: Submarines Scouting Force [Pacific Fleet] SubScol e: Submarine School SUBSLANT e: Submarines, Atlantic Fleet SUBSPAC e: Submarines, Pacific Fleet SUBSS e: Submarine Schoolship SUBSSOWESPAC e: Submarines, Southwest Pacific Force SUBSUNK e: Submarine Sunk message SUBTACGRU e.· Submarine Tactical Group SUBTACS e: Submarine Tactical Communication System SUBTAG e: Submarine Tactics Analysis Group SUBTASS e: Submarine Towed Array Sonar System Sub-TDS e: Submarine Tactical Data System Sub. Tel. e: Submarine Telegraph SUBTEL e: Submarine Telephone SUBTIP e: Submarine Torpedo Improvement Program - e: Submarine Torpedo Improvement Program [US, CDN, NL, N] SUBTRAFAC e: Submarine Training Facility Sub Vol e: Submarine Volcano SUBWESTLANT e: Submarine Forces, Western Atlantic Command SUCAP e: Surface-Combat Air Patrol - e: Surveillance Combat Air Patrol SUCCESS e: Subsonic Aircraft Control and Cloud Effects Special Study SUCCESSOR e: Submarine Ship Command & Control Evolutionary System - e: Surface Ship Command & Control Evolutionary System SUCOC e: Succession of Command SUCOMLANTFLT e: Subordinate Command, Atlantic Fleet SUDS e: Submarine Detecting System SUES d: Simulator Ueberwasserwaffen Schiessverfahren SUFFOLK e: The Suffolk Regiment SIJFPAC e: Surface Force Pacific SUFSW e: Small Unit Fire Support Weapon SUGW e: Surface-launched Underwater Guided Weapon SUIT e: Sight Unit, Infantry, Trilux SUK se: Srpski Udarni Korpus SUM a: Sund Marinedisktrikt - e: Shallow Underwater Missile - e: Surface-to-Underwater Missile SUMS e: Shallow Underwater Missile System - e: Standard USAREUR Munitions System

© Κ · G • Saur, München

SUNS e: Small Unit Navigation System - e: Sonic Underwater Navigation System SUNSPOT e: Study of Unitized Systems, Policies, and Techniques/ALMC Study S.U.O. e: Senior Under-Officer [Royal Military Academy] SUOF r: Svenska Underofficersf - r: Svenska Underofficersförbundet SUOV d: Schweizerischer Unteroffiziersverband SUPADS e: Suppression of Air Defense System SUPCOM e: Support Command - e: Supreme Command SUPERDARN e: Super Dual Auroral Radar Network SUPFID e: Supplementary Flight Information Document SUPINSMAT e: Supervising Inspector of Naval Material SUPINTREP e: Supplementary Intelligence Report Sup O e: Supply Office[r] SUPPFLT e: Support Flight SupPO e: Supply Petty Officer SUPS e: Supply Squadron SUPSALV e: Supervisor of Salvage SUPSYSCOM e: Supply System Command Supt Wks e: Superintendent of Works Supv Eng e: Supervising Engineer SUPYARD e: Superintendent of the Dockyard SUR e: Sydney University Regiment Sur Cdr e: Surgeon Commander SURF e: Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Surface Patrol Ship SURFPA e: Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Surface Patrol Area - e: Surface Patrol Area SURFPZ e: Antisubmarine Warfare Barrier Surface Patrol Zone SURFWARDEVGRU e: Surface Warfare Development Group SURIC e: Surface Ship Integrated Control SURREYS e: The East Surrey Regiment SURS e: Surveillance Squadron SURTAC e: NORAD Surveillance and Tactical Network - e: Surveillance and Tactical Warning Network - e: Surveillance Tactical SURTAC TTY e: Surveillance and Tactical Action Teletype SURTASS e: Surveillance Towed Array Sonar System SURV e: Radar Surveillance Program SUS e: Signal Underwater Sound - e: Sound Underwater Source SUSA e: Seventh United States Army SUSAC e: Soviet Union Strategic Air Command SUSIE e: Surface Ship Intercept Equipment - e: Surface-Underwater Ship Intercept Equipment SUSLO e: Senior United States Liaison Officer SUSMOP e: Senior United States Military Observer Palestine SUSNO e: Senior United States Naval Officer SUSREP e: Senior United States Representative to Defense Production Board SUSREP-DPB e: Senior United States Representative to Defence Production Board SUSREP-NADPB e: Senior United States Representative-North Atlantic Defense Production Board

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

SWOP S U S R E P - N A D P [ R O | B e: Senior United States Representative-North Atlantic Defense Production Board S l I S R E P - N A D P R O B e: Senior United States Representative — North Atlantic Defense Production Board SUSS e: Sound Underwater Signal Source - e: Submarine Schoolship SUSV e: Small Unit Support Vehicle SUT e: Surface and Underwater Target SUTT e: Small Unit Training Team SII VAC e: Scientific Ultra-high Velocity Launcher S U V C W e: Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War SUW e: Surface Warfare S U W A C S e: Soviet Union Advanced Warning and Control System S U W C e: Surface Warfare Coordinator SUW-N e: Sureface-to-Underwater-Naval SUWN-1 e: Surface to Underwater Missile Launcher SV F: Saniteetivarikon S.V. e: Sons of Veterans SVA e: Seabee Veterans of America - e: Singapore Volunteer Artillery - se: Sovjetska Vojna Administracija SVAC e: Singapore Volunteer Artillery Corps SVAD e: Savanna Army Depot SVADA e: Savanna Army Depot Activity SVAFB e: South Vandenberg Air Force Base SVC e: Singapore Volunteer Corps S.V.C, e: Singapore Volunteer Corps S.V.D. e: Salvage Department SVFR e: Special Visual Flight Rules Conditions SVI Ν: Skyte- og Vinterskolen for Infanteriet - e: Singapore Volunteer Infantry SVK a: Soevaernskommando S.V.K, d: Sperrversuchskommando [Kiel] [Marine] SVLH e: Surma Valley Light Horse S V M L e: Standard Vehicle Mounted Launcher S V M L T d: Schweizerischer Verband Mechanisierter und Leichter Truppen SVN e: Small Vehicle Navigation SVNRF e: State of Vietnam Ribbon of Friendship [decoration] SVO d: Schiffsversorgungsoffizier der Bundesmarine - e: Senior Veterinary Officer - e: Special Vehicle Operations SVOD e: Soviet Aircraft Navigation and Landing System SVP e: Security Vehicle Patrol SVR e: Singapore Volunteer Rifles SVS e: Services Squadron SvS e: Service School SVSO e: Superintending Victualling Store Officer SVTC e: Surrey Volunteer Training Corps SVTL e: Services Valve Test Laboratory SVIJ e: Surface Vehicle Unit - se: Saveznicka Vojna Uprava SvyO d: Survey Officer SW d: Schweizerische Unternehmung für Waffensysteme - e: Secretary of War - e: Smart Weapon - e: Space Weapon - e: Special Warfare - e: Special Weapon - e: Strategic Warning - e: Strategic Wing - e: Surface Warfare SWa d: Schiffswaffen

S W A A R M e: Smart Weapon Anti-Armour SWAD e: Special Warfare Aviation Detachment S W A F T e: South West African Territory Force SWAP P: Stowarzyszenie Weteranów Armii Polskiej S W A R M S e: Small Warhead and Reentry Maneuverable System - e: Small Warhead and Reentry Multiple System SWAS e: Small Arms Weapons Study - e: Small Arms Weapons System SWASG e: Submarine Sensor to Weapon Alignment Steering Group SWASP e: Special Weapons Ammunitions Supply Point S W A S W e: Shallow Water AntiSubmarine Warfare SWAT e: Service Weapons Acceptability Tests - e: Software for Anti-armor Tests - e: Special Warfare Armoured Transporter - e: Special Weapon Assault Team - e: Special Weapons and Tactics - e: Special Weapons Assault Team - e: Squad Weapon Analytical Trainer SWATF e: South West Africa Territory Force S W A T H E e: Smart Weapon Anti-armour Thorn Hunting Engineering SWATM e: Shallow Water Anti-Traffic Mine SWATS e: Stand-Off Weapons Active Training Simulator S W A T T e: Simulator for Antitank Tactical Training - e: Simulator for Wire-guided Anti-Tank Tactical Training SWB d: Schwierige Wetterbedingungen - e: The South Wales Borderers SWC e: Service Women's Club - e: Ship Weapon Coordinator - e: Signals Warfare Center - e: Space Warfare Center - e: Special Warfare Center - e: Special Warfare Craft - e: Special Weapon Controller - e: Special Weapons Center - e: Special Weapons Command - e: Strategic Warfare Center - e: Supreme War Council - e: Surface Warfare Coordinator - e: Surface Weapons Control - e: Surface Weapons Coordinator - e: System Weapons Coordinator S W C C e: Surface Warfare Commanders' Conference S W C L e: Seafox Special Warfare CraftLight SWCM e: Special Warfare Craft-Medium S W C P e: Society of the War of 1812 in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania S W C S e: Special Weapons Control System SWD e: Senior Weapon Director - e: Signals Warfare Directorates - e: Special Weapons Depot S W D B e: Special Weapons Development Board S W D C A P e: Social Welfare and Development Centre for Asia and the Pacific SWDG e: Surface Warfare Development Group SWE d: Sozialistische Wehrerziehung S.W.E.C. e: State War Executive Committee S W E F C O e: Special Weapons Ferry Control Office [or Officer]

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

SWeFCO e: Special Weapons Ferry Control Officefr] SWEL e: Special Weapons Equipment List S W E L S T R A e: Special Weapons Equipment List Single Theater Requisitioning Agency SWEO e: Staff Weapon Electrical Officer - e: Staff Weapon Engineer Officer SWESS e: Special Weapons Emergency Separation System SWETTU e: Special Weapons Experimental Tactical Test Unit SWF e: Special Weapons Facility SWFC e: Surface Weapons Fire Control SWFPS e: Surface Weapons Firing Procedure Simulator SWG e: Special Wireless Group S W H Q e: Static War Headquarters SWIFT e: Signals Warfare Integrated Facilities Testbed SWIM e: Sea Warfare Interim Model - e: Ship Weapons Installation Manual - e: Switch Tail Interceptor Missile SWIMS e: Serialized Weapons Information Management System - e: Ship Weapon Installation Manuals SWInstBw d: Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der Bundeswehr SWIO e: SACLANT War Intelligence Organization SWIP e: System Weapons Integration Program - e: Systems Weapons Improvement Programme SWIPE e: Simulated Weapon Impact Predicting Equipment SWIR e: Special Weapons Inspection Report SWJB e: Special Weapon Junction Box SWL e: Signals Warfare Laboratory - e: Special Weapon Panel - e: Strategic Weapons Launcher S.W.L.S. e: Sea War Library Service SWM e: Special Warfare Mission S W M A e: Society of W o m e n in Military Aviation SWMCM e: Shallow Water Mine Countermeasures S W M O V E X e: Special Weapons Movement Exercise S W N C C e: State, War, N a v y Coordinating Committee SWND e: Social Workers for Nuclear Disarmament S W N R A C e: Surface Warfare Naval Reserve Advisory Committee SWO d: Schiffswaffenoffizier - e: Senior Watch Officer - e: Signal Wireless Officer - e: Squadron Wireless Officer - e: Staff Watch Officer - e: Station Warrant Officer - e: Surface Warfare Office - e: Surface Warfare Officer SWOC e: Special Weapons Operation Center SWOCS e: Surface Warfare Officer Command School SWOD e: Special Weapons Ordnance Devices S W O E e: Smart Weapons Operational Enhancement SWOG e: Special Weapons Overflight Guide SWOP e: Service Weapons Operational Procedures - e: Special Weapons Ordnance Pamphlet - e: Special Weapons Ordnance Publication


SWORD SWORD e: Small Wars Operational Research Division - e: Small Warship Operational Reconnaissance and Decoy System - e: Strike and Weapon Ordnance Delivery SWOS e: Surface War Officer's School - e: Surface Warfare Officer's School SWOSCOLCOM e: Surface Warfare Officer's School Command SWP e: Sowjet Warsaw Pact - e: Special Weapon Panel - e: Special Weapons Project - e: Surface Warfare Plan SWPA e: Surplus War Property Administration SWPB e: Surplus War Property Board SWPC e: Smaller War Plants Committee - e: Smaller War Plants Corporation - e: South-West Pacific Command SWPD e: Smaller War Plants Division SWPF e: Southwest Pacific Force SWPS e: Stabilized Weapons Platform System - e: Strategic War Planning System SWPT e: Service Weapons Test SWR e: Special Wireless Regiment - e: Stinger Weapon Round SWS e: Shallow Water Sonar - e: Shore Wireless Service - e: Smart Weapons Systems - e: Sniper Weapon Sight - e: Sniper Weapon System - e: Space Weapon System[s] - e: Special Weapon System[s] - e: Standard Weapon Station - e: Strategic Weapon School - e: Strategic Weapon System - e: Submarine Warfare System SWSA e: Ships Weapon System Authority S & W S C e: Space and Warfare Systems Command SWSC e: Submarine Warfare Systems Centre SWSD e: Special Weapons Supply Depot SWSIR e: Ship Weapons System Integration Requirements SWSM e: Special Weapons Supply Memorandum SWSS e: Special Weapons Storage Site SWT e: Special Weapons Test SWTA e: Special Weapons Training Allowance SWTC e: Special Weapons Technical Command SWTI e: Special Weapons Technical Instructions S.W.T.M. e: School of Weapon Training and Mechanization SW.Tr d: Schlauchwagen mit Truppbesatzung SWTTEU e: Special Weapons Test and Tactical Evaluation Unit SWU e: Special Warfare Unit SWUP e: Submarine Weapons Update Program SWVA e: Scottish War Veterans of America SWW e: Support Weapon Wing S WW IAH e: Society of World War I Aero Historians SWWS d: Systembeauftragter für das Waffensystem Sx. e: Royal Sussex Regiment SXAD e: Sioux Army Depot SXO e: Squadron Executive Officer Sxy. e: Sussex Yeomanry SY e: Shipyard - e: Shropshire Yeomanry - e: Sussex Yeomanry Sy. e: Shropshire Yeomanry


SyAF e: Syrian Air Force Sycomore f: Système d'aide au commandement pour les opérations et le renseignement SYCRA / · Systeme de Restitution du Combat Aerien SYD e: Shipyard SYDP e: Six Year Defense Plan SYMWAR e: System for Estimating Wartime Attrition and Replacement Requirements SYMWARR e: System for Estimating Wartime Attrition and Replacement Requirements SYNADEX e: Synthetic Air Defence Exercise SYNMAS e: Synchronous Missile Alarm System S-Yperit d: Schwefelyperit Sy PO e: Supply Petty Officer SYRA /• Systeme de Restitution de Combat Aerien SYSCOM e: Systems Commander SYSIC f: Système automatique d'Information et de Commandement SysOffz d: Systemoffizier SYSTO e: System Staff Office [or Officer] - e: Systems Officer SZ d: Schützenzug SZE d: Sicherheits- u Zündeinrichtung SZF d: Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Friedensarbeit Szk.Br.Chem. Ρ: Szkola Broni Chemicznej Szt.Gen. P: Sztab Generalny SZW e: Single Zone Warfare

Τ Τ d: Beginn der Operatin - e: Military Sealift Command Ship e: Tactical Organization - e: Target - e: Tentative Target - e: Transportation Corps - e: Troop t e: tactical T1 d: Heeres-Abteilung des Truppenamtes [Reichswehr] T. d: Torpedo[boot] TA d\ Technische Abteilung - d: Transportabteilung - d: Truppenamt - e: TACAN [Tactical Navigation Approach] - e: Tactical Air - e: Tactical Air Missile - e: Tactical Aircraft - e: Tank Army - e: Target - e: Target Acquisition - e: Target Aircraft - e: Target Alert - e: Target Analysis - e: Targeted Assistance - e: Targeting Agent - e: Telescoped Ammunition - e: Territorial Army - e: Territorial Army- e: Toward - e: Track Arrangement - e: Tractor Artillery - e: Trinidad Artillery - e: Turkish Army T2A e: Total Terrain Avionics ta e: target area T.A. e: Territorial Army - f: Tirailleurs Algériens T/A e: Tactical Airlift

© Κ · G • Saur, München

TAA e: Tactical Air Army - e: Tactical Army Automation - e: Target Area Acquisition - e: Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association - e: Territorial Army Action - e: Territorial Army Association - e: Total Active Aircraft Authorization - e: Total Aircraft Authorized - e: Total Army Analysis T.A.A. e: Territorial Army Association TAAA e: Total Active Aircraft Authorization TAABS e: The Automated Army Budget System TAAC e: Target Area Advisory Council - e: Training Ammunition Authorization Committee TAAC of S e: Theater Army Assistant Chief of Staff TAACOM e: Tank Automotive and Armament Command - e: Theater Army Area Command TAACS e: Tactical Airlift Accomplishments and Commitments System TAAD e: Theater Area Air Defense TAADC e: Theater Army Air Defense Command TAADCOM e: Theater Army Air Defense Command TAADS e: The Army Authorizations Documentation System TAADS-R e: The Army Authorization Document System-Redesign[ed] TAAED e: Towed Advanced Airborne Expendable Decoy TAAF e: Tactical Allied Air Force TAAFA e: Territorial Army and Air Force Association TAAFd e: Topeka Army Airfield TAAFFEE e: Tactical Air Against First and Following Enemy Echelons TAAG e: Textbook of Antiaircraft Gunnery TAAI e: Total Active Aircraft Inventory TAAIS e: Judge Advocate General Automated Army Digital Legal System TAALODS e: Army Automated Logistic Data System TAALS e: Tactical Army Aircraft Landing System - e: The Judge Advocate General Automated Army Legal System TAAM e: Tactical Airfield Attack Missile - e: Tomahawk Air Field Attack Missile T-AAM e: TOMAHAWK Airfield Attack System TAAM e: Transportation Army Aviation Maintenance TAAN e: Tactical Aircrew Alert Net TAAR e: Target Area Analysis Radar - e: Target Area Analysis-Repair TAARS e: The Army Ammunition Reporting System TAAS e: Tactical Air Armament Study TAAs e: Tactical Air Armies TAAS e: Target Acquisition Aid system TA ATD e: Target Acquisition ATD TAATRS e: Tactical Army Air Traffic Regulations System TAATS e: Target Acquisition and Analysis Training System TAB e: Airborne Tanker, Boom - e: Tactical Air Base - e: Target Acquisition Batiery - e: Target Acquisition Battalion - e: Target Acquisition Battery - e: Transatlantic Broadcasting. Company

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

TACDS TABBSS e: Tactical Bare Base Support Study TABCAS e: Tactical Air Beacon Command and Surveillance system TABCASS e: Tactical Air Beacon Command and Surveillance System TABM e: Tactical Antiballistic Missile TABMS e: Tactical Air Battle Management System TABO d: Tiefabwurfbombe TABS e: Tactical Airborne Beacon System - e: Theater Air Base Survivability TABSAC e: Targets and Backgrounds Signature Analysis Center TABSS e: Theater Air Base Survivability Study TABSTONE e: Target and Background Signal-To-Noise Emission - e: Target and Background Signal-toNoise Evaluation - e: Target and Background Signal-toNoise Experiments] TA BTRY CP e: Target Acquisition Battery Command Post TABU e: Typical Army Ball-Up TABV e: Theater Air Base Vulnerability - e: Theatre Airbase Vulnerability TAB-VEE e: Hardened Aircraft Shelter Half-Round Steel/Concrete TABVEE e: Theater Air Base Low Level Attack Study TAB VEE e: Theater Air Base Vulnerability TABWAG e: Tank Battle War Game TABWDS e: Tactical Air Base Weather Dissemination System TABWE e: Tactical Air Base Weather Element TABWS e: Tactical Air Base Weather System - e: Tactical Airborne Weather Stations TABWX e: Tactical Air Base Weather TAC e: Tactical - e: Tactical Action Officer - e: Tactical Advanced Computer - e: Tactical Air Command - e: Tactical Air Control - e: Tactical Air Controller - e: Tactical Air Coordinator - e: Tactical Air Corps - e: Tactical Air Cycles - e: Tactical Airlift Center - e: Tactical Airlift Command - e: Tactical Assignment Console - e: Tactical Atomic Command - e: Tactical Command Post - e: Tactical Computer - e: Tactical Coordinator - e: Tactical Headquarter - e: Tank and Armament Command - e: Target Acquisition Center - e: Target Acquisition Console - e: Target Attack Center - e: Targeted Amortization-Class Bond - e: Telemetry and Command - e: Transport Air Command - i: Comando Tattico Avanzato TAC2 e: Theater Army Command and Control tac e: tactic - e: tactician - e: tactics TACA e: Tactical Air Coordinator, Airborne - e: Tactical Airborne Controller Aircraft TAC[A] e: Tactical Aircontrol [Airborne] TACAC e: Theater Army Civil Affairs Command TACACCIS e: Tactical Air Control Coordinator Automated Command and Control Information System

- e: Tactical Airlift Command Coordinator Automated Command & Control Information System TACAComd e: Theater Army Civil Affairs Command TACACPS e: Theater Army Construction Automated Planning System TACACS e: Tactical Air Command Access Control System - e: Tactical Air Control Access Control System TAC-ACT e: Tactical Action TACAD e: Tactical Advisory TA CADS e: Tactical Automated Data processing System TAC/AFSC e: Tactical Air Command/Air Force Systems Command TACAID e: Tactical Airborne Information Document TACAIR e: Tactical Air - e: Tactical Air Force - e: Tactical Aircraft TACAIRCG e: Tactical Air Control Group TACAIRLIFTSq e: Tactical Airlift Squadron TACAIRLIFTTNGSq e: Tactical Airlift Training Squadron TACAIR TED e: Tactical Air Threat Environment Description TACALS e: Tactical Air Command Command and Control Alerting System - e: Tactical Air Control and Landing System - e: Tactical Air Control Command and Control Alerting System TACAN e: Tactical Aid to Navigation - e: Tactical Air Command and Navigation System - e: Tactical Air Control and Navigation - e: Tactical Air Navigation - e: Tactical Communications and Navigation - e: Tactical Control and Navigation TACAN-DME e: Tactical Air Navigation Distance Measuring Equipment TACAP e: Tactical Air Command Aircraft Profiler - e: Tactical Air Command Aircraft Profiler Capability TACAPS e: Theater Army Construction Automated Planning System TACAV e: Tactical Aviation Model TACAWS e: Tactical Army Counter Air Weapon System - e: The Army Combined Arms Weapon System TACBE e: Tactical Beacon Equipment, lightweight TACBEAMS e: TAC [Tactical Air Command] Base Engineering Automated Management System TacBL e: Tactical Bombline TACBOMBSq e: Tactical Bomb Squadron TACBUOY e: Tactical Communications Buoy TACBUS e: Tactical Asynchronous Control Bus system TACC e: Tactical Air Command and Control - e: Tactical Air Command Center - e: Tactical Air Control Center - e: Tactical Air Control Center [or Centre] - e: Tactical Air Coordination Center - e: Total Army Career Counselor TACCA e: Tactical Communications Area TACCAR e: Time Average[d] Clutter Coherent Airborne Radar TACCATS e: Tactical Air Crew Combat Assessment Training Squadron

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

TAC CBITS e: TAC [Tactical Airlift Command] Computer-Based Instruction Training System TACCIMS e: Theater Army Command and Control Information Management System - e: Theater Automated Command and Control Information Management System TACCO e: Tactical Air Control Coordinator - e: Tactical Commander - e: Tactical Control Officer - e: Tactical Coordinator TACCOM e: Tactical Communication TACCOMSAT e: Tactical Communication Satellite TACCOMSIM e: Tactical Communications Simulator TACCON e: Tactical Control - e: Tactical Systems Management Control Procedures Tac Con Gr e: Tactical Control Group TACCONSq e: Tactical Control Squadron TACCOPS e: Tactical Air Control Center Operations TAC COUNT e: Tactical Countermeasure TACCP e: Tactical Command Post TACCR e: Time-Averaged Clutter Coherent Airborne Radar TACCS e: Tactical Air Command & Control Specialist - e: Tactical Air Command Control System - e: Tactical Air Control Center Squadron - e: Tactical Airborne Command & Control & Surveillance - e: Tactical Army Combat Service Support System - e: Tactical Command and Control System - e: Theater Automated Command and Control System TACCSF e: Theater Air Command and Control Simulation Facility - e: Theatre Command and Control Simulation Facility TACCS-K e: Tactical Army Command and Control System-Korea - e: Theater Automated Command and Control System-Korea TACCTA e: Tactical Air Commander's Terrain Analysis - e: Tactical Commander's Terrain Analysis TAC-D e: Tactical Deception TACD e: Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialog TACDA e: The American Civil Defense Association TACDACS e: Target Acquisition and Data Collection System TACDAS e: Target Acquisition and Data Collection System TACD & E e: Tactical Development and Evaluation TACDEN e: Tactical Data Entry TACDEN Device e: Tactical Data Entry Device TACDEW e: Tactical Advance Combat Direction and Electronic Warfare Center - e: Tactical Advanced Combat Direction and Electronic Warfare - e: Tactical Directed Energy Weapon TACDEW/EGCS e: Tactical Advanced Combat Direction and Electronie Warfare Environmental Generation Control System TACDIS e: Tactical Computerized Divisional Integrated System TACDM e: Tactical Decision Making TACDO e: Technical Air Command's Director of Operations TACDS e: Threat Adaptive Countermeasures Dispensing System


TACE TACE e: Tactical Air Coordination Element - e: Tactical Communications Electric Warfare - e: Transmission Alarm and Control Equipment TAC-Ε e: Tactical Emergency TACELINT e: Tactical ELINT TACELIS e: Tactical Automated Communications Emittier Location and Identification System TACELRON e: Tactical Electronic TACES e: Tactical Electronics Squadron TACEST e: Tactical Test[ing] TACEVAL e: Tactical Evaluation TACEX e: Tactical Excercise TACF e: Tactical Air Control Flight - e: Tactical Communicatinns Control Facility - e: Tactical Fire TACFAST e: Tactical Forward Analyst Support System TACFAX e: Tactical Digital Facsimile Equipment TACFDC e: Tactical Fire Direction Center TACFIRE e: Tactical Artillery Fire Control Tac Fire e: Tactical Fire TACFIRE e: Tactical Fire Direction System TACFO e: TASAMS [The Army Supply and Maintenance System] Coordination Field Office TAC FOM e: Tactical Follow-On Missile TACFTRRSq e: Tactical Fighter Replacement Squadron TACG e: Tactical Air Command Guard - e: Tactical Air Control Group - e: Tactical Group TACGP e: Tactical Air Control Group TACGRU e: Tactical Air Control Group TACHOSP e: Tactical Hospital TACHQ e: Tactical Headquarters TACI e: Tactical Initialization Software TACIDN e: Tactical Information Distribution Network TACIES e: Tactical Imagery Exploitation System - e: Tactical Intelligence Information Exchange Subsystem TACIMPS e: Tactical Integrated Mission Planning Station TACINTEL e: Tactical Intelligence TAC2IS e: Theater Army Command and Control Information System TACISYS e: Tactical Information System TACIT e: Time Authenticated Cryptographic Identity Transmission TACIT RAINBOW e: Joint Airborne Defense Suppression Missile tacjam e: tactical jammer - e: tactical jamming TACJAM e: Tactical Jamming System TACJS e: Tactical Automatic Communication Jamming System TACL e: Tactical Air Command Letter TACLAN e: Tactical Landing TACLAND e: Tactical Landing TACLAN System e: Tactical Landing System TACLERON e: Tacticial Eletronic Warfare Squadron TACLINC e: Tactical Communications, Location, Identification, Navigation & Control system TACLO e: Tactical Air Command Liaison Officer TACLOG e: Tactical-Logistical - e: Tactical-Logistical Group


TACTOG GP e: Tactical-Logistics Control Group TACM e: Tactical Air Command Manual - e: Tactical Missiles TACMAN e: Tactical Manuals TACMAR e: Tactical Multifunction Array Radar TACM ASS e: Tactical Manoeuvre Simulation System TACMEMO e: Tactical Memo TACMET e: Tactical Air Control Forces Control Management System - e: Tactical Airlift Command Forces Control Management System TACM IS e: Tactical Management Information System TACMOD e: Tactical Modular Display TACMR e: Tactical Multifunction Array Radar TACMS e: Tactical Missile System TACNAV e: Tactical Navigation - e: Tactical Navigator TACNAVMOD e: Tactical Navigation Modification - e: Tactical/Navigational Modernization TACNET e: Tactical Air Command Force Control Management Network - e: Tactical Area Communications Network TACNOTE e: Tactical Notice tacnuc e: tactical nuclear TACO e: Tactical Air Control Officer - e: Tactical Communications - e: Tactical Communications Protocol - e: Tactical Coordinator TAC-OA e: Tactical Air Command Office of Operations Analysis TacObs e: Tactical Obstacle TACOC e: Tactical Air Control Operation Center TACODA e: Target Coordinate Data TACOM e: Tactical Area Communications System - e: Tactical [Army] Command - e: Tactical Command - e: Tactical Communications - e: Tank and Armaments Command - e: Tank [and] Automotive Command - e: Tank-automotive and Armament[s] Command - e: Tank Automotive Command - e: Theater Army Command TACOM-ACALA e: Tank Automotive & Armaments Command-Armament and Chemical Acquisition and Logistic Activity TACOMAP e: Tactical Communications Master Plan TACOM-EWS e: Tactical Communications Electronic Warfare System TACOMM e: Tactical Communications TACOMPTAN e: Tactical Communications Plan TACOMS e: Tactical Communications Systems for the Land Combat Zone Tacomsat e: Tactical Communications Satellite TACON e: Tactical Control TACOPNSSq e: Tactical Operations Squadron TACOPS e: Tactical Air Combat Operations - e: Tactical Air Combat Operations Staff - e: Tactical Organization Paperless Service System TACOS e: Tactical Air Combat Operations Staff - e: Tactical Air Combat Simulation - e: Tactical Air Command Simulation

© Κ · G • Saur, München

- e: Tactical Air defense Computer Simulation Model - e: Tactical Air Operations System - e: Tactical Airborne Countermeasures of Strike - e: Tactical Communications System TACOSS e: Tactical Container Shelter System TACP e: Tactical Air Combat Party - e: Tactical Air Command Pamphlet - e: Tactical Air Command Post - e: Tactical Air Control Party - e: Tactical Air Control Point - e: Tactical Air Control Post - e: Theater Ammunition Control Point - e: Theatre Air Control Party TA&CP e: Technology Assessment and Control Plan [Department of Defense Intelligence Information System] TACPACS e: Tactical Packet Switching System TA&CP DODIIS e: Technology Assessment and Control Plan Department of Defense Intelligence Information System TACPLAN e: Tactical Plan Generation TACPOL e: Tactical Procedure Oriented Language TACPRO e: Tactical Procedures Performance Analysis TACR e: Tactical Air Command Regulation - e: Tactical Airfield Crash Rescue TAC/R e: Tactical Reconnaissance TAC/RA e: TACAN Radar Altimeter TACRAC e: Tactical Warfare Research Advisory Committee TACRAPS e: Tactical Range Prediction System TACRCN e: Tactical Reconnaissance TACREACT e: Tactical Reconnaissance Reaction Aircraft TACRECCE e: Tactical Reconnaissance Tac Recce e: Tactical Reconnaissance Aircraft TACRECON e: Tactical Reconnaissance TACREECCE e: Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance TACREP e: Tactical Report TAC RISE e: Tactical Reconnaissance Intelligence System Enhancement TACRON e: Tactical Air Control Squadron TAC-RRS e: Tacticai Remote Receiving System - e: Tactical Remote Receiving System TACRV e: Track[ed] Air Cushion Research Vehicle TACS e: Tactical Air Control Squadron - e: Tactical Air Control System - e: Tactical Area Communication System - e: Target Acquisition and Control System - e: Telemetry and Command System - e: Theater Air Control System - e: Theater Area Communication^] System - e: Theater Army Communications System T-ACS e: Auxiliary Crane Ship TACSAO e: Tactical Air Command Security Assistance Office TACSAT e: Tactical Communications Satellite TACSATCOM e: Tactical Satellite Communication[s] Tac Sch e: Tactical School TAC SCHOOL e: Tactical Air Command's School [Florida] TACSI e: Tactical Air Communications System Improvements

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

TAERS TACSIIP e: Tactical Systems Inter/Intraoperability Program TACSIM e: Tactical Simulation [or Simulator] TACSIT e: Tactical Simulation for Site Defense - e: Tactical Situation TACSIV e: Target Acquisition and Combat Surveillance in Vietnam TACSM e: Tactical Air Combat Simulation Model TACSMACS e: Tactical Systems Management Control System TACSOF e: Tactical Air Command, Special Operation Forces TACSOP e: Tactical Standing Operating Procedure TACSQ e: Tactical Air Control Squadron TACSS e: Tactical Schoolship TACSSCS e: Tactical Army Combat Service Support Computer System TACS/TADS e: Tactical Air Control System/Tactical Air Defense System [TriService Program] TACSYR e: Tactical Communications Systems Requirements TACT e: Tactical - e: Tactical Air Control Training - e: Tactical Aviation Control Team - e: Tactical system - e: Tactical Transport - e: Transonic Aircraft Technology TAC/TADS e: Tactical Air Control/Tactical Air Defense System TACTAN e: Tactical Air Control and Navigation TACTAS e: Tactical Towed Acoustic Sensor System - e: Tactical Towed Array Sensor - e: Tactical Towed Array Sonar - e: Tactical Towed Array System TACTASS e: Tactical Tone and Acoustic Surveillance System - e: Tactical Towed Acoustic Sensor System - e: Tactical Towed Array Surveillance System - e: Tactical Towed Array System TACTCM e: Tactical Communication TACTEC e: Tactical Technology Information Analysis Center TACTED e: Tactical Trunk Encryption Device TACTERM e: Tactical Terminal TACTESS e: Tactical Training, Evaluations and Standardaisation Squadron TACTIC e: Tactical Information Console Tacticom e: Tactical Communications TACTICOS e: Tactical Information and Command System TACTICS e: Tactical Information Control System TACTIFS e: Tactical Integrated Flight System tactl e: Tactical TACTLASS e: Tactical Towed Array Surveillance System TACTMR e: Tactical Transport Medium Range TACTRAGRU e: Tactical Training Group TACTRAGRULANT e: Tactical Training Group, Atlantic TACTS e: Tactical Air Combat Training System TACTS/ACM I e: Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System/Air Combar Maneuvering Instrumentation TACTSR e: Tactical Transport Short Range

TACV e: Tracked Air-Cushion[ed] Vehicle TACVA/CEWIS e: Tactical Communications Vulnerability Assessment Combat Electronics Warfare Intelligence System TACV-LIM e: Tracked Air-Cushion[ed] Vehicle-Linear Induction Motor TACW e: Tactical Air Control Wing - e: Tactical Air Warfare Center TACWE e: Tactical Weather System TACWS e: Tactical Air Weapons Control System TAC WSEP e: Tactical Air Command Weapons System Evaluation Program TACWX e: Tactical Weather TAD e: Airborne Tanker, Drogue - e: Tactical Action Display - e: Tactical Air Defence [or Defense] - e: Tactical Air Direction - e: Tactical Atomic Demolition - e: Target Acquisition Data - e: Target Acquisition & Designation - e: Target Activation Date - e: Target Area Designator [or Designation] - e: Target Assembly Data - e: Target Audience Description - e: Task Assignment Drawing - e: Theater Air Defense - e: Tooele Army Depot - e: Training Aids Division - f : Transmission Automatique des Données TAD AR e: Tactical Area Defense Alterting Radar - e: Target Acquisition Designation Aerial Reconnaissance - e: Target Acquisition, Designation and Aerial Reconnaissance TADARS e: Target Acquisition, Designation, Reconnaissance and Surveillance TADAS e: Tactical Air Defense Alerting System TADC e: Tactical Air Direction Center - e: Tactical Air Direction Common TADCS e: Tactical Airborne Digital Camera System TADD e: Target Alert Data Display Set TADDS e: Tactical Air Data Display Set - e: Target Alert Data Display Set - e: Target Alert Display Data Set TADG e: Test Anti-radiation missile Decoy Group TADGC e: Tactical Air Designation Grid System TADGE e: Taiwan Air Defence Ground Environment TADGS e: Tactical Air Designation Grid System TADIES e: Tactical Automated Data Information Exchange System TADIL e: Tactical Automated Data Information Link - e: Tactical Data Information Link - e: Tactical Digital Information Link - e: Tactical Digital Interchange Link TADIL-A e: Tactical [Automated] Data Information Link-A TADIL-B e: Tactical [Automated] Data Information Link-B TADIL-J e: Tactical [Automated] Data Information Link-J TADIS e: Tactical Data Exchange System TADIX e: Tactical Date Information Exchange System TADIXS e: Tactical Data Information Exchange System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

TADIXS-B e: Tactical Data Information Exchange System-Broadcast TADL e: Tactical Reconnaissance Data Link TADM e: Tactical Air Operations Module - e: Tactical Atomic Demolition Munitions TAD NET e: Tactical Air Direction Net TADO e: Tactical Airlift Duty Officer TADOC e: Transportable Air Defence Operations Centre TADP e: Tactical Air Direction Post - e: Toronto Anti-Draft Programme TADPOLE e: Target Acquisition and Designation on a Pole TADPS e: Tactical Army Data Processing System TADR e: Tactical Defense Alert Radar TADREPS e: Tactical Data Replay System TADRIK e: Tactical Air Defense Requirement in Korea TADRS e: Target Acquisition/Designation Reconnaissance System TADS e: Tactical Advanced Digital Control System - e: Tactical Air Defence [or Defense] System - e: Tactical Air Defense Sight - e: Tactical Air Defense System - e: Tactical Automatic Digital Switchfing] - e: Target Acquisition and Data System - e: Target Acquisition and Designation Sight - e: Target Acquisition and Designation System - e: Target Acquisition and Detection System - e: Target Acquisition Designation Sight - e: Target Acquisition & Designation System - e: Target & Activity Display System - e: Target Adaptive Dispenser System - e: Target and Activity Display System - e: Target Designation System - e: Thailand Air Defense System TADSIM e: Tactical Air Defense Simulation TADSO e: Tactical Digital Systems Office TADS/PNVS e: Target Acquisition Designation System/Pilot Night Vision System - e: Target Acquisition Designation System/Pilot's Night Vision System TADSS e: Tactical Air Defense System - e: Tactical Automatic Digital Switching System TADSTAND e: Tactical Digital Standards TADWT e: Tactical Air Defence Weapons Trainer TAE e: Ammunition Ship - e: Tactical Aeromed Evacuation - e: Tactical Aircraft Establishment - e: Technical Aeronautical Engineering T.A.E. e: Training and Miscellaneous Aircraft Establishment TAEAS e: Tactical ASW TAEC e: Thailand Atomic Energy Commission for Peace TAEDP e: Total Army Equipment Distribution Plan - e: Total Army Equipment Distribution Program TAEDP MOD e: Total Army Equipment Distribution Plan Modernization TAEDS e: Total Army Equipment Distribution System TAERS e: Tactical Aircrew Eye Respiratory System - e: The Army Equipment Record System


TAES - e: Transportation Army Equipment Record System TAES e: Tactical Aeromedicai Evacuation System TAF e: Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Force Station - e: Tactical Area Files - e: Taiwan Air Force - e\ Target aim function - e: Third Air Force - e: Tunisian Air Force - e: Turkish Air Force - e: Turkish Armed Forces - e: Twelfth Air Force T.A.F. e: Tactical Air Force TAFA e: Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association T. & A.F.A. e: Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association TAFAD e: Task Force Air Defense TAFB e: Tinker Air Force Base - e: Travis Air Force Base - e: Tyndall Air Force Base TAFC e: Tactical Air Force Command - e: Turkish Air Force Command TAFCOM e: Tactical Fighter Combat Operations Model TAFCS e: Total Active Federal Commissioned Service TAFDS e: Tactical Airfield Fuel Dispensing System Tafern d: Technische Abteilung für Fernsprechger TAFFE e: Tactical Air Against First and Follow-On Escheion TAFFS e: Army Functional Files System TAFFTS e: Army Functional Files Test System TAFHQ e: Tactical Air Force Headquarters TAFHUG e: Tactical Air Forces Tactical Host Upgrade TAFICS e: Turkish Air Force Integrated Communication System - e: Turkish Armed Forces Integrated Communications System TAFIES e: Tactical Air Force Intelligence Exploitation System TAFIG e: Tactical Air Forces Interoperability Group TAFIIS e: Tactical Air Force Integrated Information System TAFIN e: Tactical Air Force Initiative TAFMM e: Tactical Air Force Maintenance Management TAFMSD e: Total Active Federal Military Service to Date TAFNORNOR e: Allied Tactical Air Force, Northern Norway TAFO e: Theater Accounting and Finance Officer TAFROC e: Tactical Air Force Required Operational Capability TAFS e: Combat Stores Ship TAFSEG e: Tactical Air Force Systems Engineering Group TAFSM e: Target Acquisition Fire Support Model TAFSONOR e: Tactical Air Force, Southern Norway TAFSUS e: Turkish American Friendship Society of the United States TAFT e: Today's Aircraft Flying Tomorrow TAFTRAMS e: Tactical Air Command Automated Flying Training Management System Tafunk d: Technische Abteilung für Funkger


TAF WCCS e: Tactical Air Force Wing Command & Control System TAFWG e: Tactical Air Force Working Group TAG e: Airborne Tanker, General - e: Tactical Ada Guidance - e: Tactical Air Group - e: Tactical Airlift Group - e: Tactical Analysis Group - e: Target Adaptive Guidance - e: Target Adaptive Guidance circuit - e: Target Attaching Globulin - e: Target Attitude Group - e: Targeted Assistance Grant - e: Telegraphist Air Gunner - e: Telescoped-Ammunition Gun - e: The Adjudant General - e: Transport Air Group [Joint Army, Navy, and Marine Corps] - e: Troop Action Guidance TAGA e: Telegraphist Air Gunner's Association [British Royal Navy] TAGBDIISA e: The Adjutant General's Board, United States Army TAGEM e: Tactical Air-to-Ground Effectiveness Model TAGL e: Territorial Army General List TAGM e: Military Sealift Command Missile Range Instrumentation Ship - e: Range Instrumentation Ship T-AGOS e: Military Sealift Command Auxiliary General Ocean Surveillance TAGOS e: Military Sealift Command Oceanographic Research Ship TAGRDCUSA e: The Adjutant General's Research and Development Command, United States Army TAGS e: Surveying Ship - e: Tactical Aircraft Guidance System - e: The Atlantic Groundfish Strategy - e: Theater Air-Ground Warfare Simulation TAGSUSA e: The Adjutant General's School, United States Army TAHOE e: TOW Against Helicopter Operational Equipment TAHOP e: Tank/Attack Helicopter Operational Performance TAHQ e: Theater Army Headquarters TAI e.· Tactical Area of Interest - e: Target[ed] Area of Interest - e: Total Aircraft Inventory TAICOS e: Tactical Action Information and Command System TAIDHS e: Tactical Air Intelligence Data Handling System TAILRATS e: Tail Radar Acquisition and Tracking System TAILS e: Tactical Automatic Landing System TAIN e: Tactical Air Information Net TAINS e: Tercom Assisted Inertial Navigation System TAIR e: Terminal Area Instrumentation Radar TAIRCF e: Tactical Air Control Flight TAIRCG e: Tactical Air Control Group TAIRCS e: Tactical Air Control Squadron TAIRCW e: Tactical Air Control Wing TAIS e: Tactical Air Intelligence System - e: Tactical Airspace Integration System - e: Total Aircraft Information System TAITC e: Total Army Instructor Training Course TAkLw d: Technische Akademie der Luftwaffe TAKR e: Vehicle Cargo Ship TAKRX e: Fast Sealift Ship TaktRifuN FlottenKdo d: Taktisches Richtfunknetz des Flottenkommandos

Κ · G · Saur, München

TAKV e: Cargo Ship and Aircraft Ferry TAL d: Technische Akademie der Luftwaffe - e: Target Acquisition Laboratory - e: Target analyte list - e: Trans-Atlantic Landing - e: Transatlantic Landing T.A.L. d: Technische Akademie der Luftwaffe - e: Trans-Atlantic League TALA e: Tactical Landing Approach TALAR e: Tactical Approach [and] Landing Radar - e: Tactical Landing Aid Radar - e: Tactical Landing Approach Radio [or Radar] Talbot H e: Talbot House TALC e: Tactical Airborne Laser Communications - e: Tactical Airlift Center - e: Tank Automotive Logistics Command TALCE e: Tactical Airlift Control Element TALCM e: Tactical Air-Launched Cruise Missile - e: Tomhawk Air Launched Cruise Missile TALC-OA e: Tactical Airlift Center Office of Operations Analysis TALD e: Tactical Air Launched Decoy - e: Tactical Airborne Laser Designator TALI e: Tactical Analysis Logistics Information TALISSI e: Tactical Light Shot Simulation - e: Tactical Light Shot Simulator TALM e: Tactical Air-Launched Missile TALO e: Tactical Airlift Liaison Officer TALOG e: Theater Army Logistical Command TALON e: Tactical Air-Land Operations - e: Theater Applications Launch on Notice TALONS e: Tactical Airborne LORAN [Long Range Navigation] System - e: Tactical Avionics Low Level Navigation and Strike TALOP e: Terminology, Administrative, Logistical, and Operational Procedures TALP e: Temporary Aircraft Landing Permit TALS e: The Army Language School TALSO e: Theater Army Logistics System Office TALT e: Tactical Arms Limitations Talks ΤΑΜ e: Military Air Trasport - e: Tactical Aerodynamic Missile - e: Tactical Air Management - e: Tactical Air Meet[ing] - e: Tactical Air Mission - e: Tactical Air Mobility - e: Tactical Air Movement - e: Tactical Airbreathing Missile - e: Tactical Airlift Model - e: Tactical Airlift Modernization - e: Tactical Missile - e: Target Acquisition Model - e: Target Activated Munition - e: Technical Ammunition - e: Theater Airlift Manager - / ' Transport Aérien Militaire tam e: tactical air missile T.A.M. s: Transportes Aéreos Militares TAMA e: Territorial Army and Militia Act TAMC e: Tripler Army Medical Center TAMCA e: Theater Army Movement Control Agency TAMCO e: Theater Army Movement Control Center TAMD e: Theater Air & Missile Defense TAME e: Tactical Air-to-Air Mission Evaluation

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

TARN - e: Tactical Missile Encounter - s: Transportes Aéreos Militares Ecuatorianos ΤΑΜ F e: Tactical Automated Maintenance Facility TAMIR e: Target Adaptive Matched Illumination Radar TAMIRAD e: Tactical Mid-Range Air Defense TAMIRADS e: Tactical Mid-Range Air Defense Study TAMIS e: Training Ammunition Management Information System TAMMC e: Theater Air Material [or Materiel] Management Center ΤΑΜ M IS e: Theater Army Medical Management Information System TAMMIS-D e: Theater Army Medical Management Information SystemDivision TAMMS e: The Army Maintenance Management System TAMP e: Tactical Air Missile Program - e: Tactical Anti-missile Measurement Program - e: Tactical Armament Master Plan - e: Thailand Ammunition Manufacturing Plant - e: Theater Army Maintenance Program - e: Theater Aviation Maintenance Program - e: Trainer Aircraft Master Plan TAMPA e: Tender Assist Minimum Platform Arrangement TAMPS e: Tactical Aircraft Mission Planning System - e: Tactical [Automated] Mission Planning System TAMRC e: Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness Command TAMS e: Tactical Air Movement Section - e: Tactical Avionics Maintenance Simulation - e: Tank Anti-Missile System - e: Target Activated Munitions System - e: Theater Airlift Management System - e: Total Active Military Service - e: Training Ammunition Management Study - e: Training Ammunition Management System TAMSS e: Target Area Meteorological Sensor System TAMT e: The American Mime Theatre TAMIJ s: Transportes Aéreas Militares Uruguayes TAN e: Tactical Air Navigational Aid TANCAV e: Tactical Navigation and Collision Avoidance TANDEM e: Tactical Nuclear Damage Evaluation Model TANKBAT e: Tank Battalion TANREM e: Tactical Nuclear Weapons Requirements Methodology TANS e: Tactical Air Navigation System - e: Tactical Navigation System - e: Terminal Area Navigation System - e: Territorial Army Nursing Service - e: Trimble Advanced Navigation Sensor TANWERE e: Tactical Nuclear Weapons Requirements TAO d: Abteilung Technologie und Arbeitsorganisation - e.· TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] Only - e: Tactical Action Observer - e: Tactical Action Officer - e: Tactical Air Observation - e: Tactical Air Observer - e: Tactical Air Office [r] - e: Tactical Air Operations

- e: Tactical Air Operations System - e: Top Secret Control Agency Assistance Office[r] TAOC e: Tactical Air Operations Center - e: Tactical Air Operationfs] Centerfs] - e: The Army Operations Center TAOCC e: Tactical Air Operations Control Center TAOI e: Tactical Area of Interest TAOM e: Tactical Air Operations Central and Air Force Modular Control Equipment - e: Tactical Air Operations Module TAOM/MCE e: Tactical Air Operations Module/Modular Control Equipment TAON f: Telemetrie d'Artillerie Optroniquee pour Navire TAOO e: Tactical Air Operations Officer TAOR e: Tactical Area of Responsibility TAP P: Tajna Armia Polska - e: Tactical Action Program - e: Tactical Air Party - e: Tactical Area Positioning - e: Tactical Armament Plan - e: Target Advisory Panel - e: Target Aim Points - e: Target Analysis and Planning - e: Target Angular Position - e: Target Approach Point - e: Target Assignment Panel - e: The Army Plan T.A.P. f: Troupes aéroportées TAPA e: Total Army Personnel Activity - e: Total Army Personnel Agency TAPATS e: Threat Artillery Preparation Against Thermal Sights TAPC e: Total Army Personnel Center TAPCD e: Tennessee Air Pollution Control Division TAPC-PLM e: Total Army Personnel Command TAPDB e: The Army Personnel Data Base - e: Total Army Personnel Data Base TAPDB-AE e: Total Army Personnel Data Base-Active Enlisted TAPDB-AO e: Total Army Personnel Data Base-Active Officer TAPDB-MOB e: Total Army Personnel Data Base-Mobilization Data Base TAPE e: Tactical Air Power Evaluation - e: Target Profile Examination - e: Target Profile Examination Technique TAPER e: The Army Personnel Roll-Up System - e: The Army Plan for Equipment Records - e: Theater Army Personnel TAPES e: Tactical Automated Planning and Engineering System - e: Total Army Performance Evaluation System - e: Total Army Personnel Evaluation System TAPFOR e: The Army Portion of Force Status and Identify TAPIT e: Tactical Photographic Image Transmission - e: Tactical Photographic Image Transmission System TAPITS e: Tactical Airborne Processing, Interpretation, and Transmission System - e: Tactical Photographic Image Transmission System TAPM e: Tactical Aircraft Penetration Model TAPOC e: Theater Army Personnel Operations Center TAPP e: Tactical Assault Personnel Parachute TAPR e: Tactical Automation Program Review

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

TAPRE e: Tracking in an Active and Passive Radar Environment TAPRI e: Tampere Peace Research Institute TAPS e: Tactical Area Positioning System - e: Tactical Protective Structures - e: Target Accuracy Prediction System - e: Target Analysis and Planning System TAPSYS e: Total Army Personnel System TAQ e: Total Army Quality TAR e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance - e: Tactical Air Request - e: Tactical Aircraft Recovery - e: Tactical Attack Radar - e: Target - e: Target Acquisition Radar - e: Terminal Area [Sureveillance] Radar - e: Terrain Avoidance Radar - e: Territorial Army Regulation^] - e: Territorial Army Reserve - e: Thrust-Augmented Rocket - e: Towed Array Radar - e: Transportable Acoustic Range - s: Radar de vigilancia de Área Terminal TARA e: Tanzanian Resistance Army - e: Technical Assistant Royal Artillery - e: Terrain Avoidance Radar - e: Territorial Army Rifle Association - e: Territorial Army Rifle Association T.A.R.A. e: Territorial Army Rifle Association TARABS e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance and Aerial Battlefield Surveillance System TARADCOM e: Tank Automotive Research and Development Command TARAN e: Tactical Attack Radar and Navigation [or Navigator] TARASS e: Tactical Attack and Missile Defense Scenario TARC e: Military Sealift Command Cable Repairing Ship - e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance Center - e: The Army Research Council - e: Theater Army Replacement Command TARCAP e: Target Combat Air Patrol - e: Target Combat Aircraft Practice TARC-OA e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance Center Office of Operations Analysis TARCOM e: Tank-Automotive Material [or Materiel] Readiness Command TARCOMSA e: Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness Command, Selfridge Activity TARDC e: Tank-Automotive Research and Development Command TARES e: Tactical Reconnaissance Evaluation System TAREWS e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Support - e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance & Electronic Warfare Support TAREX e: Target Exploitation TARG e: Telescoped Ammunition Revolver Gun targ e: target TARIF e: Tactical Air Range Instrumentation Facility TARK d: System für die Teilautomatisierung der Radarkontrolle TARLOCS e: Target Locating System TARMAC e: Terminal Area Radar Moving Aircraft TARMOCS e: Tactical Army Operations Center System - e: The Army Operations Center System TARMOS e: Tactical Radio Monitoring System TARN e: Tactical Air Request Net


TARO TARO e: Territorial Army Reserve of Officers - e: Terrtorial Army Reserve Office[r][s] TARP e: Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod - e: Tactical Airborne Recording Package - e: Theater Army Rebuild Program - e: Theater Army Repair Program - e: Total Army Requirements Program TARPI e: Tampere Peace Research Institute TARPS e: Tactical Air Radar Signal Processor - e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pod System - e: Tactical Aircraft Reconnaissance Pod System TARRRS e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance Results Reporting System TARRS e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance Results Reporting System TARS e: Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance Needs - e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance School - e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance/Surveillance - e: Tactical Air Reconnaissance System - e: Tactical Air Research and Survey Office - e: Target Acquisition Radar System - e: Terminal Automated Radar Services - e: Terrain Analog[ue] Radar Simulator - e: Terrain Avoidance Radar System - e: Tethered Aerostat Radar System - e: Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System - e: Theater Army Replacement System TARSC e: Terrain Avoidance Radar Scan Converter TART e: Tactical Antiradiation Tracker - e: Theodore Army Terminal - e: Transonic Armament Technology TARTA e: Tactical Radar Target Analysis TArtBttr d: Technische Artilleriebatterie TARTC e: Theater Army Replacement and Training Command TARTS e: Target Aircraft Recognition Training System TAS e: Tactical Acoustic System - e: Tactical Advisory Service - e: Tactical Air Support - e: Tactical Air Surveillance - e: Tactical Airborne Segment - e: Tactical Airlift Squadron - e: Tactical Analysis System - e: Tactical Area Switching - e: Tactical Automated System - e: Tactical Automatic Switch - e: Tank Assault Ship - e: Target Acquisition System - e: Targeted Assistance School - e: Targeting Avionics Sensor - e: The Army Staff - e: The Artillery School - e: Torpedo and Antisubmarine - e: Towed Array Sonar - e: Training Agressor Squadron - e: Troop Airlift Squadron TAS3 e: Transportation Aviation Supply Support System TASA e: Tactical Air Support Aircraft - e: The Aircraft Service Association - e: The Assistant Secretary of the Army - e: Total Aircraft Status Accounting [System] TASAG e: TACOM [Tank Automotive Command] Scientific Advisory Group TASAMS e: The Army Supply and Maintenance System


TASAP e: The Army Scientific Advisory Panel TASAPS e: The Army Security Assistance Program Study Group TASC e: Tactical Air Support Center - e: Tactical Air Support Command - e: Tactical Articulated Swimmable Carrier TASC e: Target Area Sequential Correlator TASCAM e: Tactical Airlift System Comparative Analysis Model TASCC e: Tactical Air Support Coordination Center TaSchulboot d: Taucherschulboot TASCO e: Tactical Automatic Switch Control Officefr] - e: TASCOM Area Support Coordinating Office TASCOM e: Theater Army Support Command TASCS e: Tactical Air Support Control System TASD e: Tactical Action Situation Display - e: Target Acquisition for Ship Defense - e: Technical and Administrative Support Division TASDA e: Tactical Airborne Sonar Decision Aid TASDAC e: Tactical Secure Data Communications system TASE e: Tactical Air Strike Force - e: Tactical Air Support Element - e: Tactical Support Equipment taser e: taser gun TASES e: Tactical Airborne Signal Exploitation Space - e: Tactical Airborne Signal Exploitation System TASF e: Tactical Air Strike Force TASFMA e: Target Acquisition Systems Force Mix Analysis TASFMEA e: Target Acquisition Systems Force Mix Evaluation Analysis TASG e: Tactical Air Support Group TASI e: Torpedo and Anti-Submarine Instructor TASIG e: Target and Simulation Image Generator TASIMD e: Terminal Area Simulation Considering the Aircraft Dynamics TASIP e: Tailored Analytic intelligence Support to Individual electronic warfare and command and control warfare Projects TASKAM d: Taktischer Ausbildungssimulator Kampftruppenschule Task Force e: Consumer Education Advisory Task Force TASKFORNON e: Task Force Northerth Norway TASLO e: Tactical Air Support of Land Operations TASM e: Tactical Air-to-Surface Missile - e: Tactical Air-to-Surface Munition - e: Tactical Anti-Ship Missile - e: Tomahawk Anti-Ship Cruise Missile - e: Training Air-to-Surface Missile TASMA e: TASCOM Area Support Management Agency TASMGS e: Tomahawk Antiship Missile Guidance Set TASMO e: Tactical Air-Support for Maritime Operation TASMOL e: Tactical Aircraft Support Model TASMUS e: Tactical Area Combat Systems

Κ · G · Saur, München

TASO e: Terminal Area Security Officer - e: Terminal Area Security Officer[s] - e: Training and Audiovisual Support Officer TASOS e: Towed Array Sonar System TASOSC e: Theater Army Special Operations Support Command TASP e: Tactical Advanced Signal Processor. - e: Target Antisubmarine Patrol - e: The Army Studies Program TAS-PAC e: Tactical Analysis System for Production, Accounting and Control TASQ e: Tactical Airlift Squadron TASR e: Tactical Air Surveillance Radar - e: Terminal Air Surveillance Radar - e: Terminal Area Surveillance Radar TASROCO e: Tactical Aerial Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operational Capability Objectives TASS e: Tactical Air Support Section - e: Tactical Air Support Squadron - e: Tactical Air-to-Surface System - e: Tactical Air-to-Surface Systems - e: Tactical Analysis Support System - e: Tactical Automated Security System - e: Tactical Automatic Switching System - e: Tactical Avionics System[s] Simulator - e: Tactical Signal Simulator - e: Test Automation System Software - e: The Army Study System - e: Theater Army Signal System - e: Total Army School System - e: Towed Array Sonar [or Surveillance] System - e: Transport Aircraft Servicing Specialist TASSA e: The Army Signal Supply Agency TA/SSB e: Test Assembly/Shipping Strongback TASSCA e: Total Army School System Coordinating Activity TASSI e: Tactical Airborne SIGINT Support Improvement Acquisition Plan TASSO e: Tactical Special Security Office [r] - e: Transatlantic Air Safety Service Organization TASSq e: Tactical Air Support Squadron TASSRAP e: Towed Array Surveillance Range Prediction TAST e: Tactical Assault Supply Transport TASTA e: The Administrative Support Theater[s] Army TASTG e: Tactical Air Support Training Group TASTNGSq e: Tactical Air Support Training Squadron TASTS e: Tactical Air Support Training Squadron TASUMA e: Target And Surveillance UnManned Aircraft TASVAL e: Tactical Aircraft Effectiveness and Survivability Evaluation - e: Tactical Aircraft Survivability Against Armour programme TASWD e: Torpedo, Anti-Submarine and Mine Warfare Division TASWIT e: Tactical Advanced Simulated Warfare Integrated Trainer - e: Tactical Anti-Submarine Warfare Interim Trainer TASWM e: Test ASW Missile TAT e: Tactical Analysis Team - e: Tactical Armament Turret - e: Target Abilities Test - e: Target Aircraft Transmitter - e: Total Aircraft Time

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

TCC - e: Transportation and Ammunition Tracking TATACS e: Tactical Towed Array Sonar System TATAWS e: Tank, Antitank and Assault Weapons Study - e: Tank, Antitank and Assault Weapons System TATB e: Theater Air Transportation Board TATC e: Tactical Air Traffic Control TATCO e: Tactical Automatic Telephone Central Office TATE e: Tank Arrangement. Thermal Efficiency TATG e: Tactical Airlift Training Group TATR e: Tactical Air Target Recommender TATS e: Tactical Aerial Target System - e: Tactical Aerial Targets Squadron - e: Tactical Aircraft Training System - e: Tactical Airlift Training Squadron - e: Tactical Armament Turret System - e: Tactical Assessment Teams - e: Tactical Transmission System - e: Target Acquisition and Track System - e: Total Army Training System TATSA e: Transportation Aircraft Test and Support Activity - e: Transportation Aviation Test and Support TATSS e: Tactical Automatic Switching System TATSU e: Transportation Aviation Test and Support TATTE e: Talos Tactical Test Equipment TAD e: Tactical Air Unit - e: Target Acquisition and tracking Unit tauch d: Taucherwesen TAVR e: Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve TAVRA e: Territorial Army Volunteer Reserve Association - e: Territorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Reserve Association TAW e: Tactical Airfcraft] Wing - e: Tactical Assault Weapon - e: Troop Airlift Wing TAWACS e: Army Counter-Air Weapon System - e: Tactical Airborne Warning and Control System TAWAR e: Tactical All Weather Attack Requirements TAWC e: Tactical Air Command Warfare Center - e: Tactical Air Warfare Center - e: Tactical Air Warfare Center, Eglin AFB, Fla. - e: Tactical Armored Weapons Carrier TAWCS e: Tactical Air Weapons Control System TAWDS e: Tactical Acquisition and Weapon Delivery System - e: Tactical Air Force Weather Service - e: Tactical Automated Weather Distribution System - e: Target Acquisition Weapons Delivery System - e: Terminal Area Weapon Delivery Simulator TAWE System e: Tactical Weather System TAWG e: Tactical Air Warfare Group - e: Target Acquisition Working Group TAWS e: Tactical Air Command's Tactical Air Warfare Center - e: Tactical Area Weather Sensor - e: Tactical Automatic Weather Station - e: Tactical Warfare Center

- e: Theatre Air Wargame System - e: Total Airborne Weapon Systems - e: Total Armament Weapons System TAX e: Tactical Air Exercise TAZ e: Tactical Alert Zone TB d: Torpedo Bomber - e: Tank Battalion - e: Target Bar - e: Target Bombing - e: Training Battalion - e: Troop Basis T/B e: Target/Blanket TBA e: Test Bed Aircraft - e: Theater Battle Arena - e: Training Basic Armament TBAWRBA e: Travel by Military Aircraft, Military and/or Naval Water Carrier, Commercial Rail and/or Bus Is Authorized TBC e: Tactical Bombing Competition - e: Taiwan Base Command - e: Trinidad Base Command TBD e: Tactical Battle Drill - e: Target Bearing Designator - e: Terminal Bomber Defense - e: Torpedo Boat Destroyer TBF e: Torpedo Bomber Fighter T.B.F. e: Tactical Bomber Force TBGP e: Tactical Bomb Group TBI e: Target Bearing Indicator - e: Trial Board Item TBIP e: Tomahawk Baseline Improvement Program TBIRD e: Tactical Bistatic Imaging Radar TBL e: Tactical Bomb Line TBM e: Tactical Ballistic Missile - e: Theatre and Battle Management TBMAA e: Travel by Military Aircraft Authorized TBMD e: Tactical Ballistic Missile Defense - e: Terminal Ballistic Missile Defense - e: Theatre Ballistic Missile Defense programme TBME e: Tactical Ballistic Missile Experiment TBMEWS e: Tactical Ballistic Missile Early Warning System TBMS e: Tactical Battle Management Station TBMX e: Tactical Ballistic Missile Experiment TBMXs e: Tactical Ballistic Missile Experiments TBO d: Truppenbestandsübersicht - d: Typenbegleitoffizier - n: Territoriale Bevelhebber Oost TBOIP e: Tentative Basis of Issue Plan T-Boot d: Torpedoboot TBR e: Torpedo-Bomber Reconnaissance T.B.R.E. e: Training Battalion, Royal Engineers TBRL e: Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory TBS e: Tactical Bomb Squadron - e: Talk Between Ships - e: The Basic School - e: Training and Battle Simulation TBSR e: Team Battle Shooting Range TBT e: Target Bearing Transmitter - e: Terminal Ballistic Track - e: Test Ban Treaty TBttr d: Technische Bttr TBÜ d: Truppenbestandsübersicht TBW n: Territoriale Bevelhebber West TBWG e: Tactical Bomb Wing TBX e: Tactical Ballistic Missile Experiment - e: Tactical [-range] Ballistic-missile Experimental

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

TBZ n: Territoriale Bevelhebber Zuid TC e: Tactical Command - e: Tactical Computer - e: Tactical Control - e: Tactical Controller - e: Tank Commander - e: Tank Corps - e: Target Complete - e: Target Concentration - e: Target Control - e: Temporary Chaplain - e: Torpedo Coxswain - e: Training Camp - e: Training Center - e: Training Command - e: Training Command - e: Training Corps - e: Transport Command - e: Transportation Corps - e\ Troop carrier - e: Truck Commander - e: Weapons Activity fund type code T2C3 e: Tactical Command, Control, and Communications TC2-21 e: 21st Century Tactical Command and Control Study TC3 e: Tactical Command, Control, and Communications - e: Telecommunications, Command, Control, and Computer System - e: Theater Command, Control, and Communications - e: Transportable Command and Control Computer Center T.C. e: [Royal] Tank Corps - e: Training Command - e: Transport Command [Royal Air Force] - / ' Transmissions Coloniales T/C e: Tactical Coordinator t/c e: Ration of the Thickness of a wing or surface to its Chord Τ & C e: Targeting and Control - e: Telemetry and Command TCA e: Tactical Combat Aircraft - e: Tactical Communications Area - e: Target Class Assessment - e: Target Class Assignment - e: Theater Commander's Approval - e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Contracting Activity TCAAP e: Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant TCAC e: Tactical Collection and Analysis Center - e: Tactical Command & Control - e: Tactical Control & Analysis Center - e: Technical Control and Analysis Center TCAC-D e: Technical Control and Analysis Center — Division TCA/DATE e: Type Classification Standard A and Date of Classification TCAFO e: Transportation Corps, Aviation Field Office TCAP e: Tactical Channel Assignment Panel TCATA e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Combined Arms Test Activity - e: Training Combined Army Test Activity TCBG e: Training Centre Brigade of Gurkhas TCBM e: Transcontinental Ballistic Missile TCC e: Tactical Co-ordination Console - e: Tactical Command Center - e: Tactical Command Complex - e: Tactical Command Control - e: Tactical Communications Center - e: Tactical Communications Controller - e: Tactical Control Center


TCC[A] -

e: Tactical Control Computer e: Tactical Control Console e: Telecommunications Center e: Theater Communications Center e: Theater Communications Command e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Commander's Conference - e: Troop Carrier Command TCC[A| e: Theater Communications Command [Army] TCCAUS e: Textile Color Card Association of the United States TCCC e: Tactical Command, Control, and Communications - e: Theater Communications Control Center TCCCS e: Tactical Command and Control Communications System - e: Tactical Command, Control and Communication System[s] - e: Tactical Command, Control and Communications System TCCCS/IRIS e: Tactical Command, Control & Communications System/Integrated - e: Tactical Command, Control & Communications System/Integrated Radio Intercommunication System - e: Tactical Command, Control & Communications System/Integrated Realtime Information System TCCF e: Tactical Command & Communications Facility - e: Tactical Communications Control Facility TCCP e: Take Command Control Panel - e: Telecommunications Command Control Program - e: Torrejon Consolidated Command Post TCCPSWG e: Tactical Command and Control Procedures Standardization Working Group TCCS e: Tactical Command & Control System - e: Tactical Communications and Control Systems - e: Tank Command & Control System - e: Theater Command and Control System - e: Tomahawk Command and Control Subsystem TCCT e: Tactical Communications Control Terminal TCD e: Tactical Communications Division - e: Tactical Control Director - e: Tactical Cover and Deception - e: Target Center Display - e: Technology & Concepts Directorate, United States Army Training & Doctrine Command - e: Telemetry and Command Data TCDA e: Texas Civil Defense Agency TCDC e: Tactical Commanders' Development Course TCDF e: Temporary Container Discharge Facility TCDII e: Target Data Checking and Distribution Unit - e: Transport Command Development Unit TCE e: Telemetry and Command Equipment - e: TOW Control Equipment - e: TOW [Tube-Launched, Optrilly Tracked, Wire-Guided [Weapon] Crew Evaluator TCED / · Traité de Communauté Européenne de Défense TCF e: Tactical Combat Force - e: Tactical Control Flight - e: Temporary Chaplain to the Forces - e: Territorial Cadet Force - e: Troop Carrier Forces


TCFlt e: Tactical Control Flight TCG e: Tactical Control Group - e: Target Constant Generation - e: Theatre Communications Group - e: Transverse Center of Gravity - e: Troop Carrier Group TCGp. e: Tactical Control Group TCGp e: Troop Carrier Group TCHOS e: Technical Operations Squadron TCHQ e: Training Command Headquarters TCHTS e: Technical Training Squadron TCHTW e: Technical Training Wing TCI e: Target Class Identification - e: Tomahawk Command Information TCIM e: Tactical Communication^] Interface Module TCIN e: Tactical Communications Information Network TCIP e: Technical Control Improvement Program TCJ e: Tactical Communications Jamming TCJS e: Tactical Communications Jammer System TCLS e: Tactical Control & Landing System TCLSC e: Theater COMSEC [Communications Security] Logistic[s] Support Center TCLSC-E e: Theater COMSEC [Communications Security] Logistics Support Center-Europe TCM e: Tactical Conventional Missile - e: Tactical Countermeasures - e: Tactical Cruise Missile - e: Torpedo Countermeasures - e: Troop Corporal-Major TCMA e: Theater Container Management Agency TCM/A e: Toxic Chemical Munitions/Agents TCMD e: Tactical Cruise Missile Defense TCMG e: Transportable Countermeasures Group TCMS e: Tactical Communications Management System TCN e: Territorial Command Network TCNC e: Technology Center for Nuclear Control TCNCO e: Test Control Noncommissioned Officer TCO e: Tactical Combat Operations - e: Tactical Command and Operations - e: Tactical Control Officer - e: Technical Cooperation Officer - e: Telemetry and Command Subsystem - e: Test Control Office[r] - e: Torpedo Control Officer - e: Train Conducting Officer TCOT e: Tactical Control Operations Teams TCP e: Tactical Control Panel - e: Tactical Cryptologie Program - e: Transport Command Police TCQC e: Tank Commanders Qualification Course TCQM e: The Chief Quartermaster TCR e: Tactical Control Radar - e: Terrain Clearance Radar TCRAF e: Transport Command, Royal Air Force TCRN e: Temporary Chaplain to the Royal Navy TCRP e: Tactical Command Readiness Program TCS e: Tactical Command System - e: Tactical Control Squadron - e: Tactical Control System - e: Target Control System - e: Target Control Unit

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- e: Theater Communications System - e: Troop Carrier Squadron TCSM e: Terminally Corrected Submunition TCSOLA e: Tactical Control Squadron, Outlying Location Agency TCSP e: Tactical Communications Satellite Programme TCSq e: Troop Carrier Squadron TCSS e: Tactical Command and Sensor System - e: Tactical Control Surveillance System - e: Torpedo Control System, Submarines TCSTS e: Tactical Communications Systems Technical Standards TCT e: Tactical Command Training - e: Tactical Commander's Terminal - e: Tactical Communications Terminal - e: Tactical Computer Terminal - e: Target Centred Tracker - e: Time Critical Target TCTL e: Tactical TCTP e: Tactical Combat Training Program TCTS e: Tactical Combat Training System - e: Tactical Communications Systems Technical Standards TCU e: Tactical Control Unit - e: Target Control Unit - e: Transport Conversion Unit TCV e: Tracked Combat Vehicle TCW e: Tactical Control Wing - e: Troop Carrier Wing TCWG e: Tactical Communications Working Group TCWg e: Troop Carrier Wing TD e: Tactical Director - e: Tactical Division - e: Tactical Doctrine - e: Tank Destroyer - e: Tank Division - e: Target Designator - e: Target Discrimination - e: Target Drone - e: Territorial Defense - e: Third Defense - e: Torpedo Defense - e: Torpedo Dive Bomber Aircraft - e: Tyne Division T.D. e: Torpedo Depot TDA e: Tactical Decision Aid[s] - e: Test Development Agency - e: Traffic Dispatch Advice TDAMTB e: TDA [Tables of Distribution and Allowances] Mobilization Troop Basis TDAR e: Tactical Defense Alerting Radar TDATS e: Target Detection, Acquisition and Tracking System T-Day e: Termination-of-war Day TDB e: Theater Defense Brigades TDBMS e: Tactical Data Base Management System TDC e: Tactical Data Converter - e: Tactical Digital Computer - e: Tactical Display Console - e: Tactical Document Copier - e: Taiwan Defense Command - e: Tank Destroyer Center - e: Target Data Collection - e: Target Data Control - e: Target Designator Control TDCA e: Tactical Deployment & Control Aircraft - e: Tactical Deployment Coordination Aircraft - e: Technical Documentation Center for the Army TDCC e: Tactical Data Communications Center

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

TELINT T D C K η: Technisch Dokumentatie Centrum voor de Krijgsmacht TDCR e: Technical Data Contract Requirement TDCS e: Tactical Deployment and Control Squadron - e: Tactical Deployment Control Squadron - e: Tank Driver Command System - e: Target Detection-Conversion Sensor TDCSP e: Tactical Defense Communications Satellite Program TDCU e: Target Data Control Unit - e: Target Designator Control Unit TDD e: Tactical Data Display - e: Tactical Display Device - e: Target Detecting Device - e: Target Detection Device - e: Technical Documentation Division [Naval Air Systems Command] TDDM e: Training Device Development Management TDDn e: Tank Destroyers Division TDDS e: Tactical Data Display System TD&E e: Tactics Development and Evaluation TDE e: Target Data Extractor TDECC e: Tactical Display & Engagement Control Console TDES e: Tactical Data Encryption System - e: Tactical Data Entry System TDF e: Tactical Digital Facsimile - e: Target Development Facility - e: Territorial Defence Force - e: Tonga Defence Force TDF/FC e: Tank Destroyer Tactical and Firing Center TDG d: Truppendienstgericht - e: Tactical Development Group - e: Tactical Drone Group TDH e: Tactical Data Handling TDHS e: Tactical Data Handling System TDI e: TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] Distance Indicator - e: Tactical Defence Initiative - e: Target Data Inventory - e: Target Doppler Indicator - e: Training Developments Institute TDIB e: Training Development Integration Board TDIC e: Target Data Input Computer TDIL e: Target Detection, Identification and Location TDIU e: Target Data Input Unit TDK d: Truppendienstkammer T D L e: Tactical Data Link - e: Target Data Link - e: Target Detection Limit TDLPS e: Tactical Data Link Processing System TDLS e: Tactical Delta Loop System TDLWG e: Tactical Data Link Working Group T D M e: Tactical Munition Dispenser - e: Tank Destroyer Armed with Missiles - e: Terminal Defense Munition T D M S e: Tactical Data Management System - e: Transmission Distortion Measuring Set T D M T B e: Tables of Distribution Mobilization Troop Basis TDN e: Tactical Data Network T D N - E B B e: Tactical Data NetworkEchelons Below Battalion TDO e: Tactical Deception Officer - e: Training Development Officer TDP e: Tactical Defense Plan - e: Target Data Panel - e: Trainee Discharge Program TDPA e: Tactical Deception Planning Analyzer

TDPB e: Tactical Display Plotting Board T D P C O N e: Tactical Data Processor Control [1er] TDPS e: Tactical Data Processing System TDR e: Tank Delivery Regiment - e: Target Data Receiver - e: Target Detection and Recognition - e: Target Discrimination Radar TDRTC e: Tank Destroyer Replacement Training Center TDS e: Tactical Data Station - e: Tactical Data System[s] - e: Tactical Display System - e: Tactical Drone Squadron - e: Tactical Situation Display - e: Target Data Sheet - e: Target Designation Sight - e: Target Designation System - e: Target Detector System - e: Training Depot Station - e: Tunnel Detection Systems TDSDT e: Tactical Data System Development Testbed T D S M O e: Tactical Data Systems Management Office TDSP e: Technical Data and Standardization Policy TDSS e: Tactical Decision Support Subsystem TDStBWBFiiSys d: Technische Dienststelle des Bundesamtes für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung für Führungssysteme T D T e: Tactical Data Terminal - e: Target Designation Transmitter - e: Target Destination Transmitter - e: Turret Director Trainer TDT and CU e: Target Designation Transmitter and Control Unit TDT/FC e: Tank Destroyer Tactical and Firing Center TDTS e: Tactical Data Terminal Set - e: Tactical Data Transfer System TDU e: Tactical Deception Unit - e: Tactical Display Unit - e: Target Detection Unit - e: Torpedo Development Unit tdu d: truppendienstuntauglich TDW e: Tactical Display Workstation TDZ d: Technische Dst Zone TE d: einfache Wetterbedingungen am Tag - d: Truppeneinheit - e: Tactical ELINT - e: Tactical Employment - e: Tactical Evaluation - e: Target Extraction - e: Training Establishment - e: Troop Education T/E e: Tactical Emergency TEAC e: Test and Evaluation Advisory Council T E A C H e: Training and Education Activities Clearing House TEAD e: Toole Army Depot T E A L e: Tactics, Equipment and Logistics TEAS e: Test and Evaluation, Aircraft Survivability TEB e: Tactical Exploitation Battalion - e: Tactical Exploitation Brigade - e: Twin Engined Bomber TEC e: Tactical Exercise Controller - e: Target Engagement Console - e: Target Entry Console - e: Test, Evaluation, and Control - e: Test Evaluation Command TECCE e: Tactical Exploitation Collection and Coordination Element TECG e: Test Evaluation and Control Group

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

tech d: Technik Tech Rep A F A P L TR Air Force Aero Propul Lab e: Technical Report. AFAPL-TR. Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory Tech Rep A F F D L TR Air Force Flight Dyn Lab e: Technical Report. AFFDLTR. Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory Tech Rep A F M L TR Air Force Mater Lab e: Technical Report. AFML TR. Air Force Materials Laboratory Tech Rep A F N V A L - T R US Air Force Wright Aeronaut Lab e: Technical Report. AFWAL-TR. United States Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Tech Rep Aust Weapons Res Estabi e: Technical Report. Australia Weapons Research Establishment Tech Rep Off Nav Res «. Technical Report. Office of Naval Research Tech Rep US A r m y Eng Waterw Exp Stn e: Technical Report. United States Army Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station T E C H T A F e: Technical Training Air Force T E C H T N G S q e: Technical Training Squadron T E C M I L s; Technologie Militar T E C M U S e: Tactical Electronic Countermeasures Upgrade System TECO e: Test and Evaluation Coordination Office[r] T E C O M e: Test and Evaluation Command - e: Training and Education Command TECSTAR e: Technical Career Structure of the Army TED e: Tactical Evaluation Display - e: Test and Evaluation Division - e: Troop Exercise Director TEDS e: Tactical Electronic Decoy System - e: Tactical Expendable Drone System - e: Target Effluent Detection System TEE e: Tactical Effectiveness Evaluation - e: Torpedo Experimental Establishment, Greenock T.E.E. e: Torpedo Experimental Establishment, Greenock TEED e: Tactical End-to-End Encryption Device T E E V A L e: Tactic and Engagement Evaluator - e: Tactics and Equipment Evaluator T & E - E W e: Test and EvaluationElectronic Warfare TEF e: Test and Evaluation Flight - e: Total Environmental Facility TEG d: Tornisterentgiftungsger - e: Tactical Electronics Group - e: Tactical Employment Guide - e: Tactical Exploitation Group TEGG e: Thermogrip Electric Glue Gun T E G S e: Target Electronic Counter Measures Generation System TEH e: Twin-Engined Helicopter TEK d: Truppenentgiftungskompanie T E L A C System e: Tunnel Explorer Locator and Communicator System TELATS e: Tactical Electronic Locating and Targeting System T E L C O M e: Worldwide Military Command and Control System Site Telecommunications Configuration System TELER e: Telecommunications Requirement T E L E R A N e: Television, Radar and Air Navigation TELINT e: Telemetry From Missile Test


TelR TelR d: Telegraphenregiment TELSATCOM e: Tactical Satellite Communications TelZA d: Telegrafenzeuganstalt T E M e: Target Engagement Message - e: Target Evaluation Maintenance TEMAW e: Tactical Effectiveness of Minefields in Antiarmor Warfare TEMAWS e: Tactical Effectiveness of Minefelds in Antiarmor Warfare Systems TEMO e: Training, Exercises, and Military Operations TEMPER e: Technological, Economic, Military and Political Evaluation Routine TEMPO e: Tactical Military Planning Operation - e: Technical Military Planning Operation TEMS e: Technical, Economic, and Military Factors Study - e: Test and Evaluation Mission Simulator TENCAP e: Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities [or Capability] Programfme] TEOB e: Tactical Electronic Order of Battle TEORS e: Tactical Electro-Optical Reconnaissance System TEOSS e: Tactical Emitter Operational Support System TEOTA e: Eyes of the Army TEP d: Truppenentstrahlungs-, Truppenentgiftungs-, Truppenentseuchungsplatz - e: Tactical Electronic Plot TEPE e: Target Engagement Proficiency Exercise TEPI e: Training Equipment Planning Information Ter Div d: Territorialdivision TERF e: Terrain [following] Flight TERI e: Torpedo Effective Range Indicator TerKdo d: Territorialkommando TERLS e: Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station TERN e: Tactically Expendable Remote Navigator TERPE e: Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Processing and Evaluation TERPES e: Tactical [Air Command] Electronic Reconnaissance Processing Evaluation System - e: Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Processing and Evaluation System Terr.A. e: Territorial Army TerrKdo d: Territorialkommando TerrKdoBer d: Territorialkommandobereich TerrKdoS-H/DBvBer d: Territorialkommando SchleswigHolstein/-Deutscher Bevollmächtigter im Bereich AFNORTH TerrKo d: Territorialkommando TerrOrg d: Territoriale Organisation Terrorilla e: Terrorism and Guerrilla Warfare TerrRes d: Territorialreserve TERS e: Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance System - e: Tactical Event Reporting System TES e: Tactical Engagement Simulation - e: Tactical Engagement System - e: Tactical Environment Simulation - e: Tactical Environment Study - e: Tactical Environment System - e: Tactical Evaluation Squadron - e: Tactical Exploitation System - e: Tacticlal Equipment Simulation - e: Target Engagement Simulator


- e: Target Engagement System - e: Test and Evaluation Squadron - e: Test Squadron - e: The Engineer School TESAC e: Training and Evaluation System for Active Countermeasures TESE e: Tactical Exercise Simulation and Evaluation TESG e: Target Echo Signature Generator TESKA e: The Engineer School, Korean Army TESR e: Tactical Environment Satellite Readout TESS e: Tactical and Environmental Support System - e: Tactical Engagement Simulation System - e: Tactical Environmental] Support System TESTCOMDNA e: Test Command Defense Nuclear Agency TESTFACS e: Test Facilities [or Facility] Register [Army] TESTS e: Test Squadron TESTW e: Test Wing TET e: Troop Evaluation Tests T E T A M e: Tactical Effectiveness Testing of Antitank Guided Missiles TEU e: Technical Escort Unit - e: Tropical Experimental Unit TEVAL e: Target Engagement Evaluation TEVROC e: Tailored Exhaust Velocity Rocket TEVROK e: Tailored Exhaust Velocity Rocket TEW e: Tactical Early Warning - e: Tactical Electronic Warfare TEWA e: Target Evaluation and Weapon Assignment - e: Threat Evaluation and Weapon Allocation - e: Threat Evaluation and Weapon Assignment - e: Threat Evaluation and Weapons Assignment TEWASA e: Threat Evaluation, Weapon and Sensor Assignment TEWDS e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Deception System - e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Defense System TEWES e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Environment Simulator TEWG e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Group - e: Test and Evaluation Work Group TEWGp e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Group TEWS e: Tactical Effectiveness of Weapons System - e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Set - e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron - e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Suite - e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Support - e: Tactical Electronic Warfare System - e: Tactical Electronic Warning System - e: Threat Evaluation and Weapon Selection TEWSq e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron TEWT e: Tactical Exercise without Troops - e: Training Exercise without Troops TEWTS e: Tactical Electronic Warfare Training Squadron TEX e: Target Excitation TEXCOM FABD e: Test and Experimentation Command Field Artillery Board TexMilDist e: Texas Military District

© Κ · G • Saur, München

TEXS e: Tactical Explosive System TF d: Torpedofangboot - d: Truppenführung - d: Truppführer - e: Tactical Fighter - e: Task Force - e: Terrain Following - e: Territorial Force - e: Territorial Force [s] - e: Test Flight - e: Time of Flight - e: Torpedo Fighter - e: Trainer Fighter - e: Training Flight - f : Travaux Forcés T.F. e: Territorial Force[s] - f: Troupes de Forteresse T/F e: Task Force TFA e: Target Factor Analysis - e: Task Force Alpha - e: Technical Feasibility Analysis - e: Territorial Forces Association TFANP e: Task Force Against Nuclear Pollution TFB d: Tragflächenboot TFBoot d: Torpedofangboot TF-Boot d: Tragflächenboot TFC e: Tactical Fire Control - e: Tactical Flag Commander - e: Tactical Flight Control - e: Tactical Fusion Center [or Centre] - e: Task Force Commander - e: Terminal Flight Control - e: Terrain-Following Computer - e: Training Fighting Compartment TFCC e: Tactical Flag Command Center - e: Tactical Flag Communication Center - e: Tactical Fleet Control - e: Tank Fire Combat Computer - e: Task Force Command Center TFCC/FDDS e: Tactical Flag Command Center/Flag Data Display System TFCCS e: Tactical Flag Command Center System TFC I CA e: Task Force Counterintelligence Coordinating Authority TFCMA e: Treaty of Friedship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance TFCNN e: Task Force CommanderNorthern Norway TFCS e: Tactical Flight Combat Suit - e: Triplex Flight Control System TFD d: Transportfliegerdivision - e: Tactical Fighter Dispenser - e: Tactical Fusion Division - e: Terrain Following Device - e: Terrain Following Display TFDC e: Test Flight & Development Centre TFDM e: Tactical Fighter Dispensing Munition TFDS e: Tactical Fighter Display Systems - e: Tactical Flag Data System TFDTB e: Tactical Fighter Dispenser Test Bed TFE e: Tactical Field Exchange - e: Tactical Field Exercise - e: Tactical Firing Evaluation - e: Terminal Flight Evaluation - e: Terrain Following E-Scope - e: Terrain-Following Evaluator - e: Trainer Flight Equipment TFEC e: Tactical Fighter Electronic Combat TFECIC e: Tactical Fighter Electronic Combat Instructor Course TFECS e: Theater Force Evaluation by Combat Simulation

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

TIE TFF d: Trigonometrisches F e s t p u n k t f e l d - e: Tactical Fighter Force - e: Terrain-Following Flight T F F C e: Tactical Feedback Feed Control T F F E e: Terrain-Following Flight Evaluator TFFG e: Task Force Planning Group TFG e: Tactical Fighter Group - e: Threat Forecast Group T F G M e: Tank-Fired Guided Missile T F G P e: Tactical Fighter Group T.F.Grnck. e: Torpedo Factory, Greenock T F I G e: Task Force I m p l e m e n t a t i o n Group TFK d: Transport-Fliegerkräfte TFM e: Tactical Fighter Meet - e: Tactical Flight M a n a g e m e n t T F M G e: T a n k Force M a n a g e m e n t Group T F M O e: Tank Forces M a n a g e m e n t O f f i c e T F N Z e: New Zealand Territorial Force T F O P S e: Task Force Operations TFP e: Teachers for Peace - e: The Fund for Peace TFPG e: Task Force Planning Group T F P L e: Training Film Production Laboratory TFR e: T e m p o r a r y Flight Restriction - e: Terrain Following Radar - e: Territorial Force Reserve T.F.R. e: Territorial Force Reserve TF/R d: R e c h t s g r u n d l a g e n f ü r die Truppen T F R C P e: Terrain-Following Radar Control Panel TFS e: Tactical Fighter Squadron - e: Tactical Fuel System - e: Terrain-Following System - e: Time-of Flight SIMS - e: Trainer Fighter Simulator T F S Q e: Tactical Fighter Squadron T F / T A e: Terrain Following T F . T A 2 e: Terrain Following/Terrain and Threat A v o i d a n c e T F / T A e: Terrain-Following/TerrainAvoidance T F T A S e: Tactical Fighter Training A g g r e s s o r Squadron - e: Tactical Training Agressor Squadron T F T A S q e: Tactical Fighter Training Aggressor Squadron T F T G e: Tactical Fighter Training Group T F T N G S q e: Tactical Fighter Training Squadron T F T S e: Tactical Fighter Training Squadron T F T W e: Tactical Fighter Training Wing T F U e: Tactical Forecast Unit TFW e: Tactical Fighter Weaponry exercise - e: Tactical Fighter Wing T F W C e: Tactical Fighter W e a p o n [ s ] Center[s] T F W C R G e: Tactical Fighter Weapons Center R a n g e Group T F W G e: Tactical Fighter Wing T F W S e: Tactical Fighter Weapon School TFX e: Tactical Field Exercise - e: Tactical Fighter Experiment - e: Tactical Fighter Experimental T F X - N e: Tactical Fighter ExperimentalNavy T F X - O e: Tactical Fighter ExperimentalOffensive T F X - R e: Tactical Fighter ExperimentalReconnaissance TG d: T r a n s p o r t [ f l i e g e r ] g e s c h w a d e r - d: T r a n s p o r t g e s c h w a d e r - e: Task Group - e: T e x t b o o k of Gunnery - e: Torpedo Group Tg e: Target

T - G A M e: Training Guided A i r c r a f t Missile T G A P e: Terminally-Guided Artillery Projectile T G A S e: T A C A N [Tactical Air N a v i g a t i o n ] Guidance A u g m e n t a t i o n System T g B d: T a g b o m b e r T g B o d: T a g b o m b e r T G C e: Task Group C o m m a n d e r - e: Theater Ground C o m m a n d - e: Theater Ground C o m m a n d e r T G C o m e: Training C o m m a n d T G E d\ Topographisch - geod T G E T e: Target G r o u n d Elapsed Time TGI e: Target Intensifier T G M e: Terminal Guided Munitions - e: Terminally Guided Munition - e: Training Guided Missile T G M T S e: Tank Gunnery and Missile Tracking System - e: T a n k Gunnery & Missile Target System T G P S G e: Tactical Global Positioning System Guidance T G S e: Tactical Ground Support - e: T a n k Gun Sight - e: Target Generating System - e: Turret Gun System T G S M e: Terminally Guided Sub-Missile - e: Terminally Guided Submunition T G S S e: Tactical Ground Sensor System T G S S / U G S e: Tactical G r o u n d Sensor System/Unattended Ground Sensor T G T e: Target - e: Tow Gunnery Trainer - e: Turret Gunnery Trainer T G T R e: Tank G u n Training R o u n d T G T S e: T a n k Gunnery Training Simulator T G W e: Terminally Guided Warhead - e: Terminally Guided W e a p o n T G W S S e: Tank W e a p o n Gunnery Simulation System TH e: Talbot House T H A e: Transvaal Horse Artillery T H A A D e: Theater A r e a Air D e f e n s e - e: Theater High Altitude Air Defense - e: Theater High Altitude Area Defense T H A I S e: Type C o m m a n d e r ' s Headquarters A u t o m a t e d I n f o r m a t i o n Systemfs] T H A M A e: Theater Air Material Area T H A P e: Tactical High-Altitude Penetration - e: Tactical High-Altitude Penetrator T H A R T e: Theodore A r m y Terminal T H A W e: Theatre Acoustic Warfare T H A W S e: Tactical H o m i n g and W a r n i n g System T H C e: Target Homing Correlator ThD e: Theater Defense T h D A e: Theater D e f e n s e Architecture T - h D T e: Theater D e f e n s e Level T h e r M i l A k d: Theresianische Militärakademie thermon. d: t h e r m o n u k l e a r T H E R M O N U C e: T h e r m o n u c l e a r T H E T I S e: Threat Evaluation and Tactical I n f o r m a t i o n System T H F e: Target Height Finding THG e: Tactical Helicopter Group T H G K L u n: Tactische Helikopter Groep T H I W R P e: H o o v e r Institution on War, Revolution and Peace T H L / • Tourelle Helicoptere Leger T H M P e: Terminal Homing Munitions Projectile T H M T e: Tactical H i g h Mobility Terminal

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

T H M T G e: Target Holding M e c h a n i s m T h o r e: m e d i u m - r a n g e ballistic missile T - H O S T e: W o r l d w i d e Military C o m m a n d and Control System Transportable Host T H Q e: Theater [or Theatre] H e a d q u a r t e r s - e: Theater [Theatre] Headquarters - e: Troop Headquarters T H R e: Target Heart Rate T H S e: Target H o m i n g System T H T D e: Transportation H i g h w a y Transport Division T H U M B e: Tiny Humans Underground Military Bureau TI e: Target identifcation - e: Target Identifier - e: Target Indication - e: Torpedo Instructor - e: Troop I n f o r m a t i o n T.I. / • Tirailleurs Indigènes t/i e: target identification - e: target indicator TIA e: Tactical Identification and Acquisition - e: Target Identification and Acquisition - e: Transparency in A r m a m e n t s T I A L D e: Thermal Imaging, A i r b o r n e Laser Designator T I A R A e: Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities - e: Target Illumination and Recovery Aid T I A R R A e: Target Identification & Recognition Radar T I A S e: Target Identification and Acquisition System TIB e: Tactical I n f o r m a t i o n Base - e: Target Indicator Bomb - e: Tasmanien Imperial Bushmen TIBS e: Tactical I n f o r m a t i o n Broadcast Service - e: Tactical Information Broadcast System TIC e: Tactical Information Center - e: Tactical Intercom Systems - e: Target I n f o r m a t i o n Center - e: Target Insertion Controller - e: Target Integration Center - e: Technical Intelligence Composite Company - e: Troops in Contact - f : Transmission des Informations Codees T I C A C E e: Technical Intelligence Center Allied C o m m a n d Europe T I C A F e: [The] Industrial College of the A r m e d Forces T I C C S e: Target Information C o m m a n d & Control System T I C T e: Tactical Intelligence Collection Team TID d: T r u p p e n i n f o r m a t i o n s d i e n s t - e: Tactical I n f o r m a t i o n Display - e: Tactical Intrusion Detectors - e: Target Identification Device - e: Target Identifier - e: Target I n f o r m a t i o n Display T I D A e: 30th Infantry Division Association T I D A R e: Time Delay Array Radar T I D E e: Tactical Information Data Exchange - e: Transition I n f o r m a t i o n Distribution Experiment T I D P e: Technical Interface Design Plan T I D S e: Tactical Information Distribution Systems Tidskr Mil H a l s o v r: T i d s k r i f t i Militar Halsovard [Sweden] T I E d: T r u p p e n i n s t a n d s e t z u n g s einrichtung - e: Target Identification E q u i p m e n t - e: T e m p o r a r y Indefinite E m e r g e n c y Appointment


TI & E TI & E e: Troop Information and Education TIED e: Troop Information and Education Division TIES e: Tactical Information Exchange System TIF e: Tactical Interface Facility - e: Target Intelligence File - e: Task Initiation Force TIFS e: Total In-Flight Simulation - e: Total In-Flight Simulator TIG e: Tactical Intelligence Group - e: The Inspector General TIGER e: Terrifically Insensitive to Ground Effect Radar TIGRTP e: Tactical Intelligence Guide to Regional Threat Platforms TIGS e: Thermal Imaging Gun Sight TIIDAR e: Time Delay Array Radar TIIF e: Tactical Image Interpretation Facility TIIS e: Tactical Instrument Landing System TIK e: Target Indicator Kit TIKKO d: Türkische Arbeiter- und Bauernbefreiungsarmee TIT e: Temporary Instructor Lieutenant TILCAR e: Tactical Infantry Load Carrier - e: Tactical Infantry Load Carrier Amphibious Remote TITF e: Tactical Integrity Loss Factor TILS e: Tactical Instrument Landing System TIM e: Tactical Instrumental Missile - e: Target Identification Markers - e: Target Information Module - e: Target Intelligence Material - e: Test Instrumented Missile TIMP e: Tactical Information Management System TIMS e: Tactical Incapacitating Munitions System - e: Tactical Information Management System - e: Tailored Inspection Maintenance System - e: Technology Integration of Missile Subsystem TINDER e: Tactical Information Deposit Retrieval Systems TINR e: Target Identification Navigation Radar TINS e: Thermal Imaging Navigation System TINT e: Target Intercept Timer TINTS e: Tactical Intelligence Transfer System TIO e: Target Indication Officer - e: Target Intelligence Officer - e: Technical Information Officer - e: Troop Information Officer TIOH[,J USA e: The Institute of Heraldry, United States Army TIOP e: Tactical Interface Operational Procedures TIOS e: Tactical Information Organization System TIOT e: Tactical Integrated Ocean Surveillance TIP e: Tactical Image Processing - e: Tactical Improvement Program - e: Tactical Information Presentation - e: Tactical Integration Plan - e: Target Identification Point - e: Target Impact Point - e: Target Impact Prediction - e: Target Input Panel - e: Troop Information Programfs] TIPI e: Tactical Image Processing Interpretation


- e: Tactical Information Processing and Interpretation TIPI II e: Tactical Information Processing Interpretation Imagery Interpretation Segment TIPI-IIS e: Tactical Information Processing and Interpretation-Imagery Interpretation Segment TIPI System e: Tactical Information Processing and Interpretation System TIPITEF e: Tactical Information Processing and Interpretation Total Environment Facility TIPL e: Tactical Information Processing Laboratory TIPR e: Tactical Inertial Performance Requirements - e: Tactics Inspection Procedures Report TIPRE e: Tactical Inertial Performance Requirements TIPRS e: Tomahawk In-Flight Position Reporting System TIPS e: Tactical Imagery Processing Set - e: Tactical Information Processing System - e: Tactical Infrared Projection System - e: Tactical Intelligence Processing System - e: Total Integrated Planning System TIR e: Target Illuminating Radar - e: Target Illumination Radar - e: Target Indication Room - e: Target Instruction Register - e: Technical Information Review - e: Terminal Imaging Radar - e: Thermal Imaging Radar - e: Tracking and Illumination Radar - e: Transmission Infrared TIRC e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Instrumentation Review Committee Tir.Col. /• Tirailleurs Coloniaux TIRP e: Terminal Instrumentation Radar Procedure TIRR e: Tactics Inspection Results Report TIRS e: Tactical Information Recording System TIRSS e: Theatre Intelligence, Reconnaissance & Surveillance Study TIRT e: Target Identification & Recognition Trainer TIS e: TAC [Tactical Air Command] Information System - e: Tactical Input Segment - e: Tactical Intelligence Squadron - e: Tactical Intelligence Squadron - e: Tactical Intelligence Support - e: Target Identification Software - e: Target Image Simulator - e: Target Information Sheet - e: Target Information System - e: Technical Information Service - e: The Infantry School - e: Transponder Interrogation Sonar T.I.S. e: Technical Information Service [National Research Council of Canada] TISA e: TAC [Tactical Air Command] Information Systems Architecture - e: Troop Issue Subsistence Activity - e: Troop Issue Support Agency TISAL e: Tactical Instrument Steep Approach and Landing System TISC e: Treasury Inter-Services Committee TISD e: Tactical Information Systems Division TISEO e: Target Identification Set, Electro-Optical - e: Target Identification System, ElectroOptical

© Κ · G • Saur, München

TISL e: Target Identification Set, Laser TISO e: Target Identification System Electro-Optical - e: Threat Integrated Staff Officer - e: Troop Issue Subsistence Officer TISq e: Tactical Intelligence Squadron TISS e: Tactical Infrared Staring System - e: Tactical Intelligence Support Systems - e: Tactical Intermediate Support System - e: Troop Issue Subsistence System - e: Troop Issue Support System TIT e: Time to Target TITO e: Troops In, Troops Out T i l l e: Target Identification Unit - e: Target Indication Unit TIV e: Target Intensifier Vidicon TIVS e: Thermal Imager Vehicle Sight TIW e: Tactical Intelligence Wing - e: Transnational Infrastructure Warfare T.I.W. d: TrainIns tandsetzungswerk[statt] TJA e: Turbojet Aircraft TJADC e: Theater Joint Air Defense Command T.J.F.F. e: Trans-Jordan Frontier Force TJgR d: Tiroler J TJNR e: Roosevelt Roads Naval Air Station TJOC e: Theater Joint Operations Center TJP e: Tactical Jamming Pod TJR e: Tactical Jammer TJS e: Tactical Jamming System - e: Target Jamming System TJT e: Tactical Jamming Transmitter TK d: Transportkommandantur TKBN e: Tank Battalion TkDtyr e: Tank Destroyer TKG d: Torpedokommandogerät TKP d: Technischer Kontrollpunkt TKTF e: Tanker Task Force TKW d: Transportkommandantur West T.K.W, d: Transportkommandantur West TL d: Torpedolaboratorium - e: Tactical Landing - e: Target Label - e: Target Length - e: Target Loss - e: Telegraphist-Lieutenant - e: Torpedo Lieutenant - e: Towed Launcher TLA d: Taktische Luftarmee - d: Truppenluftabwehr [Bereich des Stabes] - d: Truppenluftabwehr [der Landstreitkräfte] - e: Theater [or Theatre] Library Association TLACV e: Track-Laying Air-Cushion Vehicle TLAM e.· Tactical Land Attack Missile - e: Tomahawk Land Attack Missile TLAM-C e: Tomahawk Land Attack Missile, Conventional TLAM-D e: Tomahawk Land Attack Missile, sub-munitions warhead TLAM-N e: Tomahawk Land Attack Missile, Nuclear TLAMS e: Tomahawk Land Attack Missile System TIARA e: Tactical Intelligence & Related Activities TLAS e: Tactical, Logical and Air Stimulation TLAT e: TOW Light Antitank Battalion TLBR e: Tactical Laser Beam Recorder TLBV e: Tactical Load Bearing Vest TLC e: Tactical Leadership Course TLE e: Target Location Error TLF d: Transport-Ladefahrzeug TLFC e: Turkish Land Forces Command

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

TMWS TLI e: Trinidad Light Infantry TLLF e: Tactical Low-Level Flying TLM e: Tube-Launched Missile TLOS e: Troop List for Operations and Supply TLP e: Tactical Leadership Program - e: Troop-Leading Procedure TLR d: Truppenleerer Raum - e: Tank Laser Rangefinder TIR e: Target Instruction Register TLRG e: Target List Review Group TLRP e: TRADOC Long Range Plan TLRTP e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Long-range Training Plan TLS e: Tactical Landing System - e: Tactical Logistics System - e: Tank Landing Ship - e: Target Level of Safety - e: Target Location System TLV e: Target Launch Vehicle - e: Test Launch Vehicle - e: Troop Landing Vessel TLWR e: Top Level Warfare Requirements TLWS e: Terrier Land Weapon System TLZ e: Target Launch Zone TM R: Tankovaya Mine - d: Truppmann - e: Tactical Manager - e: Tactical Missile - e: Tactical Monitor - e: Target Mechanism - e: Theatre Missile - e: Town Major - e: Training Missions - s: Tecnologia Militar T . M . e: Technical Manual, U.S. Army - / · Tirailleurs Marocains - f : Tribunal Militaire TMA e: Target Motion Analysis - e: Target Motion Analyzer - e: Terminal Maneuvering Area - e: Time of Missile Away - e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Management Activity - e: Training Mission Area tma e: total military assets T M A B e: Temporary Missile Assembly Building Τ MAC e: Thailand Mine Action Center T M A D e: Tank Main Armament Development - e: Target Marker Air Droppable - e: Target Marker and Dispenser - e: Target Motion Analyses Display T M A D W G e: Tank Main Armament Development Working Group T M A M e: Training and Doctrine Command Mission Area Manager T M A O e: Troop Movement Action Officer - e: Troop Movement Assignment Order T M A P e: Tactical Multipurpose Automated Platform - e: Technical Material Acquisition Plan T.M.A.P.C. / • Transports Militaires Automobiles pour les Populations Civiles T M A S e: Tank Main Armament System T M B K d: Transport-, Montage- und Beladekonzeption fuer die fliegenden Waffensysteme der L u f t w a f f e und Marine T M C e: Tactical and Missile Control - e: Tactical Medical Center - e: Titan Missile Contractor T M C L e: Target Map Coordinate Locator T M C P e: Theater Munitions Control Point T M C S e: Tactical Maintenance Control System

T M D d: Tiefflieger-Meldedienst - e: Tactical Missile Defense - e: Tactical Mission Data - e: Tactical Munitions Dispenser - e: Theater Missile Defense - e: Torpedo and Mining Department T.&M.D. e: Torpedo and Mining Department T M D AS e.· Theater Missile Defense Architecture Study T M D / E X J A M e: Tactical Munitions Dispenser Expendable Jammer T M D G B R e: Theatre Missile Defence Ground-Based Radar TMDI e: Tactical Missile Defense Initiative - e: Theater Missile Defense Initiative T M D L e: Technical Manual Data List T M D P S e: Tactical Mission Data Planning System T M D S e: Theater Missile Defense System T M D S A e: Theater Missile Defense Survivability Analysis TMDSIM e: Tactical Missile Defense Simulation T M D S T F e: Tactical Missile Defense Special Task Force T/MDV e: Towing/Mine Detection Vehicle T M E C e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Materiel Evaluation Committee T M E M C e: Test and Measuring Equipment for Maintenance Calibration TMES e: Tactical Missile Electrical Simulator T M F L e: Time of Flight TMG e: Tactical Missile Group TMGS e: Terminally Guided Submunitions T M G T D S e: Tactical Moving Ground Target Detection System TMH e: Texas Military History - e: Tomahawk Resources TMHA e: The Military Housing Association TMHF e: Transit Missile Hold Facility TMI d: Inspektion des Torpedo- und Minenwesens - e: Turkish Military Institute - e: Turkish Military Intelligence tmil d: teilmilitarisiert [Kraftfahrzeug] T M I M I S e: Technical Manual Integrated Management Information System T M i N A e: United States Naval Air Station Library, Millington TMiNH e: United States Naval Hospital, Millington T M L S e: Tactical Microwave Landing System T M M - 3 d: Schwere mechanisierte Begleitbrücke TMM - 3 T M M e: Target Materials Management T M M C e: Theater Material [or Materiel] Management Center T M M D e: Tactical Moving Map Display T M M S e: Tactical Missile Maintenance Squadron - e: Tactical Mission Management System T M M T e: Technical Manual Management Team T M O e: Targets Management Office - e: Theater of Military Operations - e: Training and Military Operation - e: Transportation Movements Office[r] - e: Troops Movement Officer T M O P E S e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Mobilization, Planning, and Execution System

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

T M O P S e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Mobilization and Operations Plan T M O T e: Target [or Total] Maximum Operating Time TMP e.· TAC [Tactical Air Command] Mission Processor - e: Tactical Machine Pistol - e: Target Master Plan - e: Target Materials Program - e: Technical Manual Plan - e: Theater Munitions Program T M P C e: Theater Mission Planning Center TMPC[U] e: Theater Mission Planning Center [Upgrade] TMPI e: Target Material Production Instruction TMPS e: Theater Mission Planning System T M P T e: Tactical Marine Petroleum Terminal TMPU e: Theatre Mission Planning Upgrade TMR e: Tactical Microwave Radio - e: Tactical Missile Receiver - e: True motion radar - p: Tribunal Militar Revolucionario T M R B M e: Transportable Medium-Range Ballistic Missile T M R C e: Turkish Mobile Radar Complex T M R S e: Target-Moderator-ReflectorShield - e: Transportation Military Railroad Service T M R T e: Total Mission Response Time T M R V D P e: Terminal-Modifed Radar Video Data Processor TMS d: Technische Marineschule - e: Tactical Message System - e: Tactical Missile Squadron - e: Tactical Missile Systems - e: Target Marking System - e: Target Materials Squadron - e: Tartar Missile System - e: TOW Missile System - / ' Thomson Composants Militaires et Spatiaux TMSA e: Trainer Mission Simulator Aircraft TMSD e: Total Military Service Date - e: Total Military Service to Date TMSM e: Shiloh Military Trail Library, Memphis, TN TMSPC e: Texas Military Strategie Planning Commission TMSq e: Tactical Missile Squadron TMSS e: Technical Munition Safety Study T M S V C S e: TOW Missile Sight Video Camera System TMT e: Tactical Marine Terminal - e: Theater Missile Tracker - e: Total Mission Time - e: TOW Missile Transporter TMTG e: Tactical Missile Training Group TMTS e: Tactical Missile Training Squadron - e: Turning & Moving Target System - / • Tete Militaire pour Tir Statique TMU e: Tactical Mobile Unit TMun e: Trench Munition T M U S A E e: United States Army Engineers Library, Memphis T M V e: Torpedoman's Mate, Aviation TMW e: Tactical Missile Wing T M W C e: Trial of the Major War Criminals T M W R E G e: Tactical Missile Wing Regulation [s] T M W S e: Target Material Workstation


TMX TMX e: Tactical Missile, Experimental TMY e: Technical Man-Years tn e: thermonuclear TNA e: Tactical Network Analysis and Planning System Plus - e: Tank Navigation Apparatus - e: Thermal Nuclear Analyzer T.N.A. d: Truppen-Nachrichtenabteilung TNAE e: United States Army Engineer District, Nashville TNAPS e: Tactical Network Analysis and Planning System TNB e: Tuas Naval Base TNC e: Tactical Navigation Chart - e: Theater Naval Commander - e: Tripartite Naval Commission [Allied German Occupation Forces] TNCD e: Ten Nations Committee on Disarmament TND e: Teachers for Nuclear Disarmament TNDS e: Tactical Navigational Display System TNF e: Tactical Nuclear Force - e: Tactical Nuclear Forces - e: Theater Nuclear Forces TNFC3 e: Tactical Nuclear Force Command, Control, and Communications TNFC e: Turkish Naval Forces Command TNFIP e: Theater Nuclear Forces Improvement Plan TNF/S e: Theater Nuclear Forces Security TNF3S e: Theater Nuclear Forces Survivability, Security and Safety [program] TNFS e: Theater Nuclear Forces Survivability TNFS3 e: Theater [or Theatre] Nuclear Forces, Survivability, Security, and Safety TNFSS e: Theater Nuclear Forces Survivability and Security Tng Sqn e: Training Squadron TNHQ e: Theater Navy Headquarters TNI in: Tentara Negara Indonesia TNI-AL e: [Indonesian Navy] TNI-AU e: [Indonesian Air Force] TNL e: Target Nomination List TNM e: Tactical Navigation Modification - e: Tactical Nuclear Missile TNPG e: The Nuclear Power Group TNR e: Non-Radar Transfer of Control Message - e: Thermonuclear Reaction TNS d: Torpedo- und Nachrichtenschule, Flensburg-Mürwik - e: Tactical Name Server - e: Thermal Imaging Vehicle Sight - e: Turkish Naval Ship TNT d: Trinitrotoluol Trotyl - e: Target Network Television - e: Theater Network Television - e: Transient Nuclear Test TNTAO e: Troop Movement Action Officer TN TMCL e: Target Map Coordinate Locator TNW d: Taktische Nuklearwaffen - e: Tactical Nuclear Warfare - e: Tactical Nuclear Weapon - e: Theater Nuclear War - e: Theater Nuclear Weapon TNW/CW e: Tactical Nuclear Warfare/Chemical Warfare TNWEP e: Thermonuclear Weapon TNWS e: Tactical Nuclear Weapons TO d: Technischer Offizier - d: Territoriale Organisation - d: Torpedooffizier - d: Transportoffizier


- d: Truppenordnung - e: Tactical Observer - e: Tactical Officer - e: Tactical Order - e: Tank Officer - e: Technical Officer - e: Theater of Operations - e: Torpedo Officer - e: Training Officer - e: Transport Office - e: Transportation Officer T/O e: Target of Opportunity TOA e: Terms of Agreement T.O.A. /• Troupes d'Occupation en Allemagne TOAD e: Tobyhanna Army Depot TOAMAC e: [The] Optimum Army Materiel Command TOB e: Target Observation Battery TOBWE e: Tactical Observing WeatherElement TOC e: Tactical Air Forces Operations Center - e: Tactical Operations Center - e: Target Optimization Control - e: Theater of Operations Command - e: Theater of Operations Command[er] - e: Turn-On Command TOCA e: Tactical Operations Center Automated System TOCC e: Tactical Operations Control Center [or Centre] TOC/CP e: Tactical Operations Center/Command Post TOCCWE e: Tactical Operations Control Center Weather Element TOCEX e: Tactical Operation Control Exercise TOCSE e: Tactical Operations Center Support Element TOD e: Theater-Oriented Depot - e: Tokyo Ordnance Depot TODC e: Theater-Oriented Depot Complex TODO e: Technical Order Distribution Office[r] TODS e: Tactical Optical Disk System TOE e: Target of Evaluation T.O.E. f: Théâtres des Opérations Extérieures TOEMTB e: Tables of Organization and Equipment Mobilization Troop Basis TOF e: Time-Of-Flight TOffz d: Technischer Offizier Τ ofOPNS e: Theater of Operations TOG e: Target-Observer-Gun TOGS e: Thermal Observation and Gunnery Sight - e: Thermal Observation & Gunnery System TOI e: Tactical Operation Initialization - e: Target of Interest TO in C e: Tank Officer in Charge TOIO e: Torpedo Ordnance Inspection Officer T.O.I.O. e: Torpedo Ordnance Inspection Officer TOL e: Tactical Operating Location TOM e: Tactical Optronic Mast - e: Test-set, Overall, Missile - e: Training, Outdoor, Military - e: Troops Out Movement TOMCAT e: Theater of Operations Missile Continuous-Wave Antitank Weapon TOMMS e: Terminal Operations and Movements Management System TOMT e: Target Organizational Maintenance Trainer

© Κ · G • Saur, München

TONAC e\ Total navigation control system TOO e: Target of Opportunity TOP e: Tactical Operations Planner - e: Tactical Operations Plot TOPAT e: Towed Passive Torpedo Target TOPCOM e: Topographic Command topo d: Topographie TOPOCOM e: Topographic Command TOPS e: Tactical Optical Projection System TOPSCENE e: Tactical Operation Preview Scene TOPSTAR e: [The] Officer Personnel System, The Army Reserve TOR e: Tactical Operational Requirement - e: Tactical Operations Room TORMS e: TAC [Tactical Air Command] Operations Resources Management System torp d: Torpedoabwehr - d: Torpedoeinsatz - d: Torpedos TORPCM e: Torpedo Countermeasures and Deception TORPRON e: Torpedo Squadron TorpTaBoot d: Torpedotaucherboot TorpWaAnl d: Torpedowaffenanlage TorpWaLtAnl d: Torpedowaffenleitanlage Tor. Scot. Rgt. e: Toronto Scottish Regiment TORT e: Tactical Operational Readiness Trainer TOS d: Tactical Operations System Taktisches Operationssystem - e: Tactical Offense Subsystem - e: Tactical Operating System - e: Tactical Operation Simulator - e: Tactical Operations Simulation - e: Tactical Operations Squadron - e: Tactical Operations Support - e: Tactical Operations System - e: Tactical Optical Sensor - e: Tactical Optical Surveillance - e: Technical Operations Squadron - r: Trängofficersskolan TOS2 e: Tactical Operations System Operable Segment TOSC e: Tactical Ocean Surveillance Coordinator - e: Theater-Oriented Supply Center TOS/OITDS e: Tactical Operations System/Operations and Intelligence Tactical Data Systems TOSS e: Tactical Operational Scoring System - e: Tactical Operations Support System TOSWL P: Techniczna Oficerska Szkola Wojsk Lotniczych TOT e: Time on Target TOTEM e: Theater Operations and Tactical Evaluation Model - e: Tomahawk Test Missile TOW e: Target on Wire - e: Top Antitank Weapon - e: Tube launched, Optical[ly]-tracked Wire-guided missile tow. e: tug of war TOWA e: Tug-of War Association TOW CAP e: TOW [Tube-launched Optically Tracked, Wire-Guided] Cover Artillery Protection TOWS e: Tactical Oceanographic Warfare Support programme TP e: Tactical Plot - e: Target and Penetration - e: Target Point - e: Troop - e: Troop Program

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

TRADE T.P. / · Troupes Parachutées T P A e: Target Planning Aide - e: Target Position Analyzer - e: Target Practice Ammunition - e: Target Prioritization Aid - e: TASS [Towed Array Sonar System] Probability Area - e: Turkish Peace Association TP AR e: Tactical Penetration Aids Rocket Tpbt. d: Torpedoboot TPC e: Tactical Pilotage Chart - e: The Peace Corps TPD e: Target Parameter Display - e: Torpedo-boat Destroyer TPDF e: Tanzanian People's Defence Forces TPE e: Tactical Performance Evaluation TPEM e: Tactical Peripheral Equipment Monitors TPER e: Target Practice, Extended Range TPEW e: Technology Panel for Electronic Warfare TPF e: Tactical Patrol Force - e: T O M A H A W K Production Facility TP-FL e: Target Practice, Flash TP-FP e: Target Practice Frangible Projectile TPFSDS-T e: Target Practice, FinStabilised, Discarding Sabot, Tracer - e: Target Practise Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot-Tracer TPG e: Troop Program Guidance TPGID e: Tank Precision Gunnery Inbore Device TPHSG e: Troop Housing TPI e: Target Position Indicator TPiBtl d: Technisches Pionierbataillon TPICK e: Telecommunication Plan for Improvement of Command in Korea ΤΡΙΟ e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Program Integration Office[r] TPIO-STE e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Program Integration Office for the Synthetic Training Environment TPIO-TD e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Program Integration Office-Terrain Digitization TPL e: Target Position Location - e: Troop Program List TPLA e: Turkish People's Liberation Army TPLAF e: Thai People's Liberation Armed Forces T P M e: Target Practice Marker T.P.M. f : Tribunal des Pensions Militaires TPMG e: The Provost Marshal General TPO e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Project Office[r] - e: Training Plans Officer TPO C O N S T R U C T I V E e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Project Office for Constructive Synthetic Training Environment TPO LIVE e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Project Office for Live Training Environment TPOM e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Program Objective Memorandum TPO O N E S A F e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Project Office for One Semi-Automated Force TPO S T O W e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Project Office for Synthetic Theater of War TPO V I R T U A L e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Project Office for Virtual Synthetic Training Environment

TPO W A R S I M e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Project Office Warfighter 2000 Simulations TPPX e: Target Practice, Proximity-fuzed TPQ-36 e: Fire Finder Radar at Battalion TPQ-37 e: Fire Finder Radar at Division Tpr e: Trooper TPRC e: Thermophysical Properties Research Center, West Lafayette, Indiana TPRG e: Tubingen Peace Research Group TPRISM e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Plan for Reengineering Information Systems Modernization TPS e: Tactical Paint Scheme - e: Tandem Propeller Submarine - e: Target Processing Section - e: T O M A H A W K Planning System TPSN e: Troop Program Sequence Number TPSO e: Theater Precision Strike Operations TPSS e: Target Prioritization and Selection Sub-System TPT e: Target Practice [Ammunition] with Tracer TPTD e: Test Pilot Training Division TPTP e: Target Practice Tracer Projectile TPU e: Troop Program Unit TPW e: Tactical Planning Workstation TPWIC e: Theater Prisoner of War Information Center T P W O e: Theater Psychological War Officer T Q M e: Technical Quartermaster - e: T r a n s p o r t a t i o n ] Quartermaster TQMG e: The Quartermaster General T Q M S e: Technical Quartermaster Sergeant - e: Troop Quartermaster-Sergeant TQT e: Theatre Qualification Training TR d:: Tank Regiment - e: Tactical Radar - e: Tactical Reconnaissance - e: Target Rate - e: Target Recognition - e: Territorial Reserve - e: Theater [or Theatre] Reserve - e: Torpedo Range - e: Torpedo Reconnaissance Aircraft - e: Total Radiation - e: Tracking Radar - e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Regulation - e: Transponder Radar - e: Troop Tr. d: Trupp - d: Truppe [n] - e: Treaty Tr d: Truppe T.R. d:: Tank Regiment - f: Troupes Régulières TR-1 e: Tactical Reconnaissance Aircraft TrA d: Truppenamt TRA e: Radar Transfer of Control Message - e: Tactical Response Association - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] T R A A D S e: Technical Review of Army Air Defense Study TRABFS e: Tables of Regulations, Army Books and Forms and Stationary T R A B O T e: Terrier Radar and Beacon Orientation Test TRAC e: DTIC [Defense Technical Information Center] Technical Awareness Circular - e: Tactical Radar Correlator - e: Target Research and Analysis Center

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Technical Expertise T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Analysis Command - e: Total Radiation Aperture Control - e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Analysis Center - e: Training and Analysis Command - e: Training and Doctrine Command Analysis Center T R A C A e: Total Radar Aperture-Control Antenna TRAC-A e: Total Radiation Aperture Control Antenna T R A C A B e: Terminal Radar Approach Control Cab T R A C A D e: Training for [US Military Academy] Cadets T R A C C e: Target Review and Adjustment for Continuous Control T R A C C S e: Training Centre for Commanders & Staffs T R A C E e: Tactical Readiness and Checkout Equipment - e: Tactical Reporting and Command Equipment - e: Tactical Resources and Combat Effectiveness Model - e: Test Radar Assembly and Check-out Assembly T R A C E R e: Tactical Reconnaissance Armoured Combat Equipment Requirement T R A C 2 E S e: T R A N S C O M 's Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System TRAC-F e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Analysis CommandFort Leavenworth T R A C I R e: Tracking Air with Circularly Polarized Radar T R A C K - M T R Y e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Analysis Command-Monterey T R A C K S T A R e: Tracked Search and Target Acquisition Radar T R A C O M e: Training and Doctrine Command T R A C O M D L A N T e: Training Command, Atlantic Fleet T R A C O M D P A C e: Training Command, Pacific Fleet T R A C O M D S U B P A C e: Training Command, Submarines, Pacific Fleet T R A C O M D W E S T C O A S T e: Training Command, West Coast T R A C O M P A C e: Training Command, Pacific T R A C O N e: Terminal Radar Approach Control - e: Terminal Radar Control - e: Transmission Controller T R A C S e: Telemetry Receiver Acoustic Command System - e: Terminal Radar and Control System - e: Transportable Radar and Communications Simulator T R A C S V A N e: Transpnrtable Radar and Communication Simulation Van T R A C - W S M R e: T R A D O C [Training and Doctrine Command] Analysis CommandWhite Sands Missile Range - e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Requirements Analysis Center-White Sands Missile Range T R A D e: Terminal Radar T R A D C O M e: Transportation Corps Research and Development Command T R A D E e: Tracking Radar Angle Deception Equipment


TRADEC TRADEC e: Tank-Automotive Command Research, Development & Engineering Center TRADEX e: Target Resolution and Discrimination Experiment - e: Tracking Radar Experiment TRADOC e: Training and Doctrine Command TRADOC PAM e: Training and Doctrine Command Pamphlet TRADOC-R e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Regulation TRAIL e: Tactical Reconnaissance Airborne Imaging Laser TRAINBASEFOR e: Training Base Force, Pacific Fleet TRAINDIV e: Training Division TRAINLANT e: Training Atlantic Fleet TRAINPACHO e: Training Group Pacific Headquarters TRAINRON e: Training Squadron TRAINS e: Threat Radar Analysis & Indicator System Trako d: Transportkommandantur Trako. d: Transportkommandantur TRALANT e: Fleet Training Command, Atlantic TRALINET e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Library Information Network TRAM e: Target Recognition and Attack Multisensor - e: Tracking Radar Automatic Monitoring TRAMAR e: Tropical Rainfall Mapping Radar TRAMEA e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Management Engineering Activity TRAMID e: Training for Midshipmen [US Naval Academy, Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps] TRAMIS e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Management Information System TRAMMS e: Transportation All Modes Movement Management System TRAMP e: Target Radiation Measurement Program TRAMPS e: Temperature Regulator And Missile Power Supply TRAMS e: United States Army in Europe Command and Control Information System Transportation and Movement Subsystem TrängKS r: Trängtruppernas Kadettskola, Linköping Transar e: Transistorized Marine Radar TRANSCOM e: Transportation Command TRANSDEC e: Sonar Transducer Test and Evaluation Center, Naval Electronics Laboratory TRANSDIV e: Transport Division TRANSFLTNG e: Transitional Flight Training TRANSFORNT e: Trade-Off AnalysisSystems/Force Mix Analysis TRANSGRPPHIBFOR e: Transportation Group, Amphibious Forces TRANSGRPSOPAC e: Transportation] Group, South Pacific Force TRANSIT e: Satellite Navigation System TRANSLANT e: Transports, Atlantic Fleet Trans MIL e: Transactions on Military Electronics Trans. Off. e: Transportation Officer transp d: Trsp Wesen TRANSPHIBLANT e: Transports, Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet


TRANSPHIBPAC e: Transports, Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet TRANSRA e: Transistorized Radar TRANSRON e: Transport Squadron TRAP e: Tactical Receive Application Protocol - e: Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel - e: Tactical Related Applications - e: Target Radar Augmented Projectile - e: Terminal Radiation Airborne Program TRAPAC e: Fleet Training Command, Pacific TRAPC e: Fleet Training Command, Pacific TRAPCON e: Transportable Radar Approach Control TRAPPS e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Long-Range Planning and Programming System TRAPS e: Tactical Rapid Access Processing System - e: Transportable Reliable Acoustic Path Sonar - e: Troop Reaction and Posture Sequence TRAR e: Total Radiation Absolute Radiometer TRARON e: Training Squadron TrArzt d: Truppenarzt TrAs d: Truppenausbildung TRASANA e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Systems Analysis Activity - e: TRADOC [Training andDoctrine Command] Systems Analysis Agency TRASCOM e: Troop Support Command TRASO e: TRADOC Systems Staff Officer TRASSO e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] System[s] Staff Office[r] TRASTO e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] System Training Officer TRAT e: Torpedo Readiness Assistance Team TrAusstg d: Truppenausstattung TRAVEL e: Transportable Vertical Erectable Launcher TRAWING e: Training Air Wing TRB e: Tactical Review Board - e: Troop Basis - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Engineering School Library and Learning Resource Center, Fort Beivoir TRC e: Tactical Radio Communication - e: Tactical Reconnaissance Center - e: Tactical Reconnaissance Command - e: Tracking, Radar-Input, and Correlation - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] TrCarr e: Troop Carrier TRCC e: Tactical Record Communications Center - e: Tracking Radar Central Control TRCCC e: Tracking Radar Central Control Console TRCE e: Tactical Radio Communications Equipment TRCO e: Transportation Research Command Tr.Col. /• Troupes Coloniales TRCS e: Tactical Radio Communication System - e: Tactical Radio Communications System - e: Techniques for Determining Radar Cross Section

© Κ · G • Saur, München

TRD e: Target-Recognizing Domain - e: Towed Radar Decoy - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] TrD d: Traindivision - d: Truppendienst TRDL e: Tactical Reconnaissance Data Link TRDM e: Tactical Reconnaissance Data Marking TRDTO e: Tracking Radar Data Takeoff TRE e: Tactical Receive Equipment - e: Tactical Reserve Equipment - e: Target-Rich Environment TREADS e: Training Resourced for Early Availability and Deployment Study TREAT e: Tactical Receive Equipment Advanced Terminal TREC e: Tracking Radar Echoes by Correlation - e: Tracking Radar Electronic Component T/Recce e: Tactical Reconnaissance TRECOM e: Transportation Research and Engineering Command TRED e: Tactical Receive Equipment Display TREDS e: Tactical Reconnaissance Exploitation and Dissemination System - e: Tactical Reconnaissance Exploitation Demonstration System - e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Education[al] Data System TREDS-NR1 e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Educational Data System-Nonresident Instuction TREE e: Transient Radiation Effect on Electronic TREES e: Transient Radiation Effects on Electronic Systems TREESS e: Tactical Reflected and Emitted Energy Suppression System TREF e: Transient Radiation Effects Facility TREOG e: Transportation Environmental Operations Group TRES e: Tactical Radar Electronic Support - e: Tactical Radar & ESM System TRESI e: Target Resolution Extraction of Statistical Invariances TRETS e: Transportation, Energy, and Troop Support TREWS e: Training Range EW Simulator TRF e: Tactical Reconnaissance Fighter - e: Tactical Replay Facility - e: Tank Range-Finder - e: Thermal Radiation at Microwave Frequencies - e: Threat Radar Frequency - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort McClellan TRFA e: Territorial and Reserve Forces Act TRFCS e: Temperature Rate Flight Control System TrFmTE d: Truppenfernmeldeteileinheit TR Form e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Form TrFT d: Trsp Flz Tr TRG e: Tactical Reconnaissance Group - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Benning Post and Infantry School Library TrgA e: Target Area Trg and Repl Cmd e: Training and Replacement Command TrgGpRM e: Training Group, Royal Marines TRGP e: Tactical Reconnaissance Group

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

TRX TRIGS/TREDS e: TR-1 Ground Station/Tactical Reconnaissance Exploitation Demonstration System TRGT e: Target TrGtg d: Truppengattung TRGT INV e: Target Inventory TRH e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Benjamin Hamson Library System TRI e: Tactical Reconnaissance/Intelligence T.R.I, in: Tentara Republik Indonesia TRIA e: Telemetry Range Instrumentation Aircraft - e: Tracking Range Instrumented Aircraft triad e: air, sea, and land defense TRIAD e: Target Resolving Information Augmentation Device - e: Technique for Realising an Integrated Air Defence - e: Triple Air Defence TRIADS e: Technique for Reading an Integrated Air Defence System TRIC e: Tracking Radar Input and Correlation TRICS e: Threat Reactive Integrated Combat System TRIE e: Tactical Reconnaissance Imagery and Exploitation TRIGAT e: Third Generation Anti-Tank Guided Weapon TRIGS e: Tactical Reconnaissance Information Ground Station TRIM e: Target Radiant Intensity Measurement TRIMILSATCOM e: Tri-National Military Satellite Communications project TRIMM e: Triple Missile Mount TRIMMS e: Total Refinement and Integration of Maintenance Management Systems TRI-MNC e: Three Major NATOCommanders Trinsth d: Truppeninstandhaltung TRIPAD e: Department of Defense Standard Patient Administration System Triple-A e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery TRISAT e: Target Recognition through Integrated Spectral Analysis Techniques TRISS e: Tactical Reconnaissance Intelligence Support Squadron TRI-TAC e: Joint Army, Navy, Air Force Tactical Communications System - e: Tri-service Tactical Communications TRITAN s: Tratamiento de la Información Táctico Naval TRI-TRO e: Tactical Reconnaissance Infrared/Optical TRIXS e: Tactical Reconnaissance Intelligence Exchange Service - e: Tactical Reconnaissance Intelligence Exchange System TRK e: Tank Rangefinder Kit TRKAALO e: Third Republic of Korea Army Air Liaison Office TRL e: Target Recommendation List TrLgr d: Truppenlager Trinsth d: Truppeninstandhaltung Tr.-Lsch. d: Truppenluftschutz TRLU e: TISEO Radar Logic Unit TRLV e: Tracked RAPIER Launch Vehicle TRM e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Review of Manpower - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Monroe Post Library and Headquarters Technical Library TRMAP e: Theater Rate Mapping Data File

TRMDT e: Transmission Date TRME e: Theater Readiness Monitoring Equipment TRM F e: Theater Readiness Monitoring Facility TRML e: Telefunken Radar Mobil Low TRMP e: Target Radiation Measurement Program TRMS d: Tiefflieger-Radar-Melde-System TRN e: Terrain Referenced Navigation TRNGRS e: Training Readiness Squadron T&RNP e: Transportation and Recruiting Naval Personnel TRNS e: Terrain-Referenced Navigation System - e: Transportation Squadron TRNSPOPS e: Transportation Operations Squadron TRNSPS e: Transportation Squadron TRN/TF e: Terrain-Referenced Navigation/Terrain Following TRO e: Target Reliance Office - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Sill Post Library TROA e: The Retired Officers Association TROC e: Tactical Relay Operations Center TROSCOM e: Troop Support Command TROSS e: Tactical and Rear Operation Support System TRP e: Target Reference Point - e: Target Reporting Parameters Trp d: Trupp - e: Troop Trp Carr e: Troop Carrier TrpConc e: Troop Concentration TRPCSq e: Troop Carrier Squadron Trp Gat d: Truppengattung Trp Kdt d: Truppenkommandanten Trp Kö d: Truppenkörper TRPS e: Target Range Projection System TRQ e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Ord, CDEC Library TRR e: Tactical Range Recorder - e: Tactical Reaction Reconnaissance - e: Target Range Radar - e: Target Ranging - e: Target Ranging Radar - e: Tethered Radar Reflector - e: Training Rocket - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Rucker Post Library and Aviation School Library T.R.R. e: Three Rivers Regiment TRRL e: Tactical Radio Link TRRS e: Tactical Reconnaissance Reaction Study TRS e: Tactical Radar System - e: Tactical Radio Set - e: Tactical Reconnaissance Sensor - e: Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron - e: Tactical Reconnaissance System - e: Target Range Servo - e: Thermal Radiation Simulator - e: Training Squadron TRSA e: Terminal Radar Service Area TRS ANA e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Systems Analysis Activity TRSG e: Track Radar Simulation Group TrSlw d: Truppenschule der Luftwaffe TrspBtl d: Transportbataillon TrspDStSeeBw d: Transportdienststelle See der Bundeswehr TrspK d: Transportkommandantur TrspK[dtr] d: Transportkommandantur TrspKdtr d: Transportkommandantur

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

TRSq e: Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron TRSR e: Taxi and Runway Surveillance Radar TRSS e: Tactical Remote Sensor System - e: Training Support Squadron TRSSGM e: Tactical Range Sulface-toSulface Guided Missile TRSSM e: Tactical Range Ship-to-Shore Missile - e: Tactical Range Surface-to-Surface Missile TRSTA e: Tactical Surveillance, Reconnaissance & Target Acquisition TRT e: Tactical Research Team - e: Tactical Response Team - e: Torpedo Rocket Thrown - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Bliss, Fort Bliss TrT d: Truppenteil TRTC e: Tactical Record Traffic Center TRTF e: Tactical Reconnaissance Task Force TRTG e: Tactical Radar Threat Generator TrTrsp d: Truppentransport - d: Truppentransporter TRTS e: Tactical Reconnaissance Training Squadron - e: Tactical Reconnaissance Training Squadron - e: Track Radar Test Set TRI) e: Tactical Response Unit - e: Tomahawk Receiver Unit TrÜbPl d: Truppenübungsplatz TrÜbPIK d: Truppenübungsplatzkommandantur TRUG e: Tactical Recovery Storage Unit Generation program TRUMP e: Target Radiation Measurement Program - e: Target Radiation Ultraviolet Measurement Program - e: Target Radiometrie Ultraviolet Measuring Program - e: Threat Reaction Upgrade Modernization Program - e: Total Revision and Upgrading of Marine Corps Program TruppVtr. d: Truppenvertrag TrÜPV d: Truppenübungsplatzvorschrift TRUST e: Trieste United States Troops TRUVERS d: Truppenversuch TruVtr d: Vertrag über die Rechte und Pflichten ausländischer Streitkräfte und ihrer Mitglieder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Truppenvertrag] TruZG d: Truppenzollgesetz TruZO d: Truppenzollordnung TRV e: Tactical Reconnaissance Vehicle - e: Tank Recovery Vehicle - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Lee Post, Logistic Center, Logistic, Quartermaster TrV d: Truppenvertrag - d: Truppenverwaltung TrVPI d: Truppenverbandplatz TrVsu d: Truppenversuch TRW e: Tactical Reconnaissance Wing - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Leonard Wood Post Library TRWAR[M] e: Troop Carrier TRWC e: Threat Responsive Weapon Control TRWG e: Tactical Reconnaissance Wing TRX e: Tactical Reconnaissance All Weather aircraft


TRY - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Ordnance and Chemical School Library Aberdeen Proving Ground TRY e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], TRADOC System Analysis, White Sands Range TRYVY e: Computer People for Peace TRZ e: United States Army Intelligence Center and School Library, Fort Huachuca TrZ d: Truppenzeichen TrZD d: Train-Zeugsdepot TrZG d: Truppenzollgesetz TS d. Schwierige Wetterbedingungen am Tag - d: Torpedoschnellboote - d: Truppenführerschule - e: Tactical School - e: Tactical Systems - e: Target Seeker - e: Target Spotting - e: Target Strength - e: Target System - e: Test Squadron - e: Trained Soldier - e: Training Ship - e: Training Squadron - e: Transport Ship - e: Transport Squadron - e: Transportation Support - e: Turbine Ship - e: Tyneside Scottish - n: Technisch Specialist T.S. d: Torpedoschule - d: Truppenführerschule - / · Tirailleurs Sénégalais T/S d: Treib- u Schmierstoffe TSA e: Tactical System Analyzer - e: Target Service Agent - e: Target Signature Analysis - e: Target Software Agentfs] - e: Torpedo Sonar Array - e: Transportation Service, Army - e: Transportation Standardization Agency [Department of Defense] - e: Troop Support Agency TSABF e: Troop Support Agency Bagger Fund TSAC e: Target Signature Analysis Center tsac e: time scanned array radar TSAD e: Theater Strategic Air Defense TSAE e: Troop Support Agency Europe TSA-EURFO e: Troop Support AgencyEuropean Field Office TSAF e: Transportation Service for the Army in the Field TSAM e: Theatre Surface-to-Air Missile - e: Training Surface-to-Air Missile TSAR e: Throttleable Solid Augmented Rocket - e: Timed Scanned Array Radar - e: Tracking Synthetic Aperture Radar - e: Transmission Security Analysis Report TSARCOM e: Troop Support and Aviation Materiel Readiness Command TSARS e: Tactical Situation Assessment and Response Strategy TSASS e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Security Assistance Supporting System TSAW e: Tactics & Small Arms Wing TSAZ e: Target Seeker-Azimuth - e: Target Selector-Azimuth TSB d: Torpedoschnellboot - e: Tactical Surveillance Buoy - e: Towed Sonar Body TSBA d: Torpedoschnellboots-Abteilung TSBBr d: Torpedoschnellbootsbrigade


TSC e: Passed a Territorial Army Course in Staff Duties - e: Tactical Signal Corps - e: Tactical Support Center - e: Target Selection Console - e: Targeted Selection Criteria - e: Theater Support Command - e: Training and Support Command - e: Transportation Support Command - e: Tri-Service Support Center - e: Troop Support Command TSCA e: Tactical Satellite Communications System - e: Target Satellite Controlled Approach - e: Theater Signal Command TSCD e: Targeting Station Control and Display TSCG e: Technical Security Countermeasures Group TschVA d: Tschechoslowakische Volksarmee TSCIP e: Tri-Service Combat Identification System Program TSCIXS e: Tactical Support Center Information Exchange Subsystem - e: Tactical Support Center Information Exchange System TSCM e: Technical Surveillance Countermeasures - e: Tomahawk Strike Coordination Module TSCO e: Target Selection Confusion of Operator - e: Technical Surveillance Countermeasure Officer - e: Top Secret Control Officer TSCP e: Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Program TSCPU e: Tactical Sweep Coverage & Planning Unit TSCS e: Tactical Satellite Communications System TSCT e: Tactical Support Center TSD d: Truppensonderdienst - e: Tactical and Staff Duties - e: Tactical Simulation Division - e: Tactical Situation Display - e: Tactical Systems Division - e: TARAN [Tactical Attack Radar and Navigation] System Data - e: Target System Data File - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Devens TSD-CIA e: Technical Services DivisionCentral Intelligence Agency TSDF e: Target System Data File TSDI e: Tactical Situation Display Indicator TSDP e: Tactical Standards Development Plan TSDU e: Target System Data Update TSE e: Tactical operations center Support Element - e: Tactical Support Element - e: Tactical Support Equipment - e: Target State Estimator - e: Target Support Element TSEC e: Terminal Secondary Radar Beacon - e: Transmission Security TSEG e: Tactical Satellite Communications Executive Steering Group TS-EL e: Target Selector-Elevation TsENTROSPAS e: Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters [Russian Federation] TSEP e: Tactical System Evaluation and Plans

Κ · G · Saur, München

TSES e: Tactical Signals Exploitation System - e: Target Symptom Evaluation Scale TSESG e: Tactical Satellite Executive Steering Group TSF e: Tactical Strike Fighter - e: Technical Supply Flight - e: Two-Seater Fighter TSFC e: Tactical Support Functional Components TSFET e: Theater Service Forces, European Theater TSG d: Tiefensteuergerät - e: Target Set Group - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Fort Gordon, United States Army Signal School and Fort Gordon T.S.G. e: Tactical Systems Group Western Division TSGAD e: Tri-Service Group on Air Defence [or Defense] TSGMS e: Test Set Guided Missile Set [or System] TSGT e: Technical Sergeant TSH e: Target Sleeve Housing TSI e: Tactical System Interface - e: Target Signature Investigation TSIF e: Target Servicing, Indirect Fires TSK d: Teilstreitkraft TSL d: Torpedo-Sonarleitgerät - d: Truppenschule - e: Tactical Surveillance Laboratory - e: Troop Safety Line - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Defense Language Institute, Presidio of Monterey T.S.L. /• Troupes Spéciales du Levant T.S.L.C. e: Third Sea Lord and Controller [Admiralty] TSLw d: Technische Schule der Luftwaffe TSM e: Target Servicing Indirect Fire - e: Target Signature Measurement - e: Target Signature Model - e: Target-to-Surface-to-Missile Path - e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] System[s] Manager - e: Troop Sergeant-Major - i: Tribunale Supremo Militare TSMA e: Theater [or Theatre] of Strategic Military Action TSM ASAS e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] System Manager-All Source Analysis System TSMG e: Thompson Submachine Gun TSM GBCS e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] System ManagerGround Based Common Sensor TSM JSTARS e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] System ManagerJoint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System TSMO e: TACSATCOM [Tactical Satellite Communications] Management Office TSMS e: Test Scheduling and Management System TSM-S[DR] e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Systems Management-Soldier TSMT FES e: Trident Sonar Maintenance Trainer Front End Simulator TSM UAV e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] System ManagerUnmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems TSN e: United States Anny TRADOC, Fon Wadswonh, Chaplains Center Library, Fort Wadsworth, NY

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

τ.τ.υ. TSO e: Tactical Surveillance Officer - e: Target Systems Office - e: Theater [or Theatre] of Strategic Operations TSOP e: Tactical Standing Operating Procedure TSOT e: Trident Sonar Operator Trainer TSP e: Tactical Strike Program - e: Technology, Strategy and Planning - e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Study Program - e: Troop Structure Program - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle Barracks TSPSD e: Tactical Systems Programming Support Division TSR e: Tactical Sonar Range - e: Tactical Strike [or Support] and Reconnaissance - e: Tactical Studies Rules - e: Towed Sonar Response - e: Trade Study Report - e: TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command] Status Report - e: United States Army TRADOC [Training and Doctrine Command], Redstone Arsenal, USAMMCS TSRAM e: Tactical Short-Range Attack Missile TSRTA e: Tactical Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Target Acquisition TSS e: Tactical Shelter System [program] - e: Tactical Strike System - e: Tactical Surveillance Sonobuoy - e: Tactical Surveillance System - e: Tactical System Simulation - e: Tank Surveillance Service - e: Target Selection Standards - e: Target Selector Switch - e: Targeted Search System - e: Trident Submarine System TSSAM e: Tri-Service Standoff Attack Missile TSSCS e: Tactical Synchronous Satellite Communication System TSSE e: Tactical Security Support Equipment TSSM e: Tactical Surface-to-Surface Missile TSSP e: Tactical Satellite Signal Processor TSS-1R e: Tethered Satellite System Reflight Mission TSSTS e: Tactical SIGINT System Training Simulator T.St, d: Totenkopfstandarte TSTD e: Tactical Systems Test Division TSTE e: Target Source Term Experiments - e: Twin Stationary Target Equipment TSTS e: Tomahawk System Test Set T.S.V. d: Troßschiffverband TSV e: Tactical Support Variant TSVMS e: Tactical Secure Voice Management System TSVP e: Tactical Secure Voice Program TSVRATF e: Tactical Scale Vehicle Reverberant Acoustic Test Facility TSW e: Tactical Supply Wing TT e: Tactical Training - e: Tactical Transport - e: Target Time - e: Towed Target - e: Troop Test TT. e: Target Towing Aircraft - f: Tirailleurs Tunisiens TTA e: Test Target Array TTAC e: Telemetry, Tracking And Command

TTADB e: Tactical Situation Assessment Analysis Data Base - e: Tactical Terrain Analysis Database TTAF e: Technical Training Air Force TTASDAC e: Tactical Secure Data Communications TTB e: Tanker, Transport, Bomber - e: Transportable Tracking Range - e: Troop Transport Boat TTBT e: Tanker-Transporter-Bomber Trainer - e: Threshold Test Ban Treaty TTBTS e: Tanker-Transport-BomberTraining System TTC e: Tactical Tank Corporation - e: Tactical Telecommunications Centre - e: Tactical Telephone Central - e: Tactical Training Center - e: Tactical Training Center [or Centre] - e: Tactical Transport Command - e: Tactical Transportation] Command - e: Tank Training Center - e: Target Tracking Console - e: Technical Training Command - e: Transportation Terminal Command - e: Tropical Test Center T.T.C, e: Tank Training Center - e: Technical Training Camp - e: Technical Training Command TT & C e: Tracking, Telemetry, and Command [or Control] - f : Telemesure, Télécommandé et Controle TTCA e: Transportation Terminal Command, Atlantic - e: Transportation Terminal Command, Atlantic f: Autorite de coordination de transport et de transit TTCCV e: Tracking, Telemetry, Command, and Voice TTCE e: Transportation Terminal Command Europe TTCFO e: Theater Type Corps Forces Objective TTC & M e: Telemetry, Tracking, Command, and Monitoring TTCP e: Transportation Terminal Command, Pacific TTCS e: Tactical Terminal Control Station - e: Tactical Terminal Control System - e: Target Tracking and Control Station - e: Target Tracking and Control System TTCV e: Tracking, Telemetry, Command, and Voice TTD d\ Taktisch - technische Daten - e: Tactical Terrain Data - e: Target Transit Del ay/Temporary Text Delay TTDT e: Tactical Test Data Translator TTE e: Tactical Training Equipment TTEP e: Tactical Torpedo Evaluation Program TTES e: Team Target Engagement Simulator TTF d\ Taktisch - technische Forderungen - e: Tactical Task Force - e: Tactical Training Flight - e: Tanker Task Force - e: Target Towing Flight - e: Technical Training Facility - e: Training Task Force TTFA e: Target Transformation Factor Analysis TTFC e: Tactical and Technical Fire Control - e: Technical and Tactical Fire Control TTFE e: Transportation Terminal Command Far East TTFTC e: Tyuratam Flight Test Centre

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

TTG e: Tactical Training Group - e: Test Target Generator - e: Travel with Troops Going TTGP e: Tactical Training Group Pacific TTH e: Tactical Transport Helicopter TTI e: Tactical Target Identification - e: Tactical Target Illustration - e: Terminal Transmission Identification TTISMM e: Transit Time Information System for Military Mail TTI e: Tactical Target Illustration TTL e: TRADOC Troop List - /• Telemesure, Télécommandé et Localisation TTLE e: Total Target Location Error TTM e: Tactical Target Materials - e: Tactical Telemetry - e: TESS Training Missile - e: Torpedo Tube Missile TTMC e: Tactical Target Materials Catalogue TTMCFC e: Theater-Type Mobilization Corps Force Capabilities TTMCFO e: Theater-Type Mobilization Corps Force Objective TTMP e: Tactical Targets Materials Program TTNS e: TOW [Tube-Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire-Guided [Weapon]] Thermal Night Sight TTO e: Tactical Technology Office - e: Tactical Training Officer - e: Telecommunications Technical Officer TTP e: Tactical Targeting Program - e: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures - e: Turn Toward Peace [organization] ttp e: target-tracking radar TTPH e: Team Trainer, Pearl Harbor TTR e: Tactical Technical Requirements - e: Target-Track[ing] Radar - e: Target Tracking Receiver - e: Travel with Troops Returning TTr d: Technische Truppe TTRG e: Tactical Threat Radar Generator TTRP e: Tactical Training Ranges Program TTrS d: Technische Truppenschule TTrS[H] d: Technische Truppenschule des Heeres TTrS[H] d: Technische Truppenschule des Heeres TTrS/H d: Technische Truppenschule/Heer TTRT e: Target Token Rotation Time[r] TTS e: Tactical Test Set - e: Tactical Training Simulator - e: Tactical Training Squadron - e: Target Tracking System - e: Target Trajectory Sensor - e: Target Tug Squadron - e: Technical Training School - e: Tomahawk Transmitting Systems TTSA e: Tactical Traffic and System Analysis - e: Transition Training Squadron, Atlantic - e: Transitional Training School, Atlantic TTSch e: Technical Training School TTSP e: Transition Training Squadron, Pacifc - e: Transitional Training School, Pacific TTT e: Tactical Training Team - e: Time to Target TTTE e: Tri-National Tornado Training Establishment TTU e: Target Transfer Unit - e: Technical Training Unit - e: Transportable Air Defence Training Unit T.T.U. e: Technical Training Unit


TTVB TTVB e: Tank Transport Vehicle Battalion TTW e: Tactical Training Wing - e: Transition to War T&TW e: Test and Training Wing TTWS e: Terminal Threat Warning System TTZ e: Tactical-Technical Assignment Tu-4 e: Soviet Tupolev bomber inspired by the Boeing B-29 Superfortress aircraft Tu-16 e: Soviet Tupolev bomber codenamed Badger by NATO Tu-20 e: Soviet Tupolev heavy bomber named Bear by NATO TlI-22 e: Soviet Tupolev bomber named Blinder by NATO Tu-28 e: Soviet Tupolev longrange interceptor aircraft named Fiddler by NATO TlI-104 e: Soviet Tupolev medium-range transport aircraft called Camel by NATO Tu-114 e: Soviet Tupolev longrange transport plane named Cleat by NATO TlI-124 e: Soviet Tupolev jettransport aircraft named Cookpot by NATO TuAF e: Turkish Air Force TUB e: Troop Unit Basis TUCR e: Troop Unit Change Request TUER d: Tieffliegerüberwachungsradar TUF e: Tactical Undercover Function TUffz d: Technischer Unteroffizier TUFMIS e: Tactical Unit Financial Management Information System TUH e: Tactical Utility Helicopter TUHTKP e: Time Urgent Hard Target Kill Potential TU LACS e: Tactical Unit Location and Communication System - e: Tactical Unit Location and Control System TULO e: Tank Unit Landing Officer TÜ-NVA d: Technische Überwachung der Nationalen Volksarmee TUOC e: Tactical Unit Operations Center TUPE e: Tupelo National Battlefield TÜR d: Tieffliegerüberwachungsradargerät TURBO e: Thermal Unit with Rangefinder for Battlefieid Observation TURBOCOPTER e: Turbine-powered Helicopter TURBOPROP e: Turbine Propelled TIJRCC e: TOS User Requirements Coordinating Committee TUS d\ Technische Unteroffiziersschule - e: Tactical Unmanned System TUSA e: Third United States Army TUSAB e: The United States Army Band TUSAC e: [The] United States Army Chorus TIJSAFG e: The United States Air Force Group [American Mission for Aid to Turkey] TUSAG e: Turkey United States Army Group TUSAS e: The United States Air Force Group, American Mission for Aid to Turkey TUSLOG e: The United States Logistic Group - e: The United States Logistics Group - e: Turkish-United States Logistic Group TUSNG e: Turkey United States Navy Group TUT e: Tactical Unit Terminal - e: Technical Unification Test TUWS e: Towed Acoustic Tactical Underwater Warning System TV d: Territorial Vtdg - d: Territoriale Verteidigung


- d: Territorialverteidigung - d: Totenkopfverband - d: Truppentransportvorschrift - d: Truppenvertrag - e: Target Valve - e: Target Vehicle - e: Target Velocity - e: Target Vulnerability - e: Test Vehicle - e: Theater of War - e: Trinidad Volunteers T.V. d: Truppenvermessungsdienst TVA e: Target Value Analysis - e: Target Vector Actuation - e: Target Vector Analysis T.V.A. d: Torpedoversuchsanstalt TV&A e: Terrain Visual Analysis TVATP e: Tactical Vulnerability Assessment Training Program TVC e: Tientsin Volunteer Corps TVCC e: Tactical Vehicle Coordinating Committee TVD e: Theater of Military Operations TVDR e: Terminal VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range TVDS e: Tactical Video Distribution System TVEL e: Target Velocity TVFS e: Tactical Vehicle Fleet Simulation T-VIT e: Tactical Video Imaging Terminal T.V.K, d: Torpedoversuchskommando TVK e: Target Value Kills T.V.Kdo d: Torpedoversuchskommando TVM e: Tactical Video Mapping - e: Target-via-Missile - e: Transmission via Missile TVN e: Target Velocity, North TVO d: Transportverbindungsoffizier TVOR e: Terminal VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnidirectional] Range TVP d: Truppenverbandsplatz - e: Transport Vehicle Park TVR e: Track-Via-missile Radar guidance - e: Trajectory Velocity Radar TVRB e: Tactical Vehicle Review Board TVRS e: Tactical Video Receiving System TVS d: Tages[verpflegungs]satz - e: Tactical Vehicle Simulator - e: Tactical VOCODER [Voice Coder] System TVT e: Target Verification Test TVX e: Target Vehicle Experimental TW e: Tactical Warning - e: Tail Warning [Radar] - e: Test Wing - e: Training Wing T&W e: Targeting and Weaponeering TW/AA e: Threat-Warning and Attack Assessment TWAC e: Tactical Weather Analysis Center TW/AC e: Tactical Warning/Attack Characterization TWACN e: Theatre-Wide Area Communications Network TWAES e: Tactical Warfare Analysis and Evaluation System TWAP e: Target-Weapon Association Program TW/AR e: Threat Warning/Attack Reporting TWC e: Theater Weather Central - e: Trials of War Criminals TWC IVI e: Theater Wartime Construction Manager TWCS e: Tactical and Weapon Control System - e: Tomahawk Weapon[s] Control System

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TWCU e: Tactical Weapons Conversion Unit - e: TORNADO Weapons Conversion Unit TWD e: Tactical Weapons Delivery TWDR e: Terminal Weather Doppler Radar TWEFA e: Thick Wing European Fighter Aircraft study TWFA e: Tibetan Women's Free Army TWFS e: Tactical Weather Forecast Station TWG e: Target Working Group - e: Technical Working Group [of the Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests] - e: Terminally Guided Munition TWGC e: Treatment of War Gas Casualties TWGSS e: Tank Weapon Gunnery Simulation System - e: Tank Weapon Gunnery Simulator System TWI e: Tactical Weather Intelligence TWICE e: Test Ware In-Circuit Emulator TWIDS e: Threat Warning Information Display System TWIF e: Tug of War International Federation TWIG e: Tandem Wing in Sound Effect T.W.L. n: Territoriale Wacht van de Luchtafweer TWN-D e: TOMAHAWK Land Attack Missile-Dispensing TWOATAF e: Second Allied Tactical Air Force, Central Europe TW/OT e: Travel without Troops TWP e: Tactical Warfare Program - e: Technological War Plan T.W.P.D. e: Tactical and Weapons Policy Division TWR e: Tactical Weather Radar - e: Theater War Reserves - e: Threat Warning Radar - e: Torpedo Weapons Receiver - e: Torpedo Weapons Retriever TW Radar e: Tail Warning Radar TWS e: Tactical Warning System - e: Tactical Weapon System - e: Tactical Weather Station - e: Tactical Weather System - e: Tartar Weapons System - e: Terrier Weapons System - e: Thermal Weapon Sight - e: Thermal Weapon Site - e: Thermal Weapon System - e: Tomahawk Weapon System TW/SD e: Tactical Warning and Space Defense TWSEAS e: Tactical Warfare Simulation, Evaluation, and Analysis System TWSH e: Tactical Weapon System Highway TWSO e: Tactical Weapon Systems Operation TWSP e: Tactical Warfare Simulation Program TWSR e: Track-while-Scan Radar TWSS e: Tow Weapon Subsystem TWT e: Travel with Troops TWTA e: Tactical Warning and Tactical Assessment System TWTTY e: Tactical Warning Teletypewriter TWU e: Tactical Weapons Unit TWV e: Tactical Wheeled Vehicle TWVMP e: Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Modernisation Plan TWVRMO e: Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Requirements Management Office TWX e: Theater [or Theatre] War Exercise

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UDACS TXC e: Transmission control TxEWB e: United States Army, William Beaumont General Hospital, Medical and Technical Library, El Paso TxFbAD e: United States Army, Air Defense School, Fort Bliss TxFhH e: Darnell Army Hospital, Medical Library, Fort Hood, TX TxGA e: United States Army, Army Engineering District, Office of Administrative Services, Galveston TxHE e: United States Air Force, Base Library, Ellington AFB, Houston TxHE-NA e: United States Air Force, National Aerospace Education Library, Ellington AFB, Houston TxLaH e: United States Air Force, Base Library, Lackland Air Force Base TxLaM e: United States Air Force, Wilford Hall Medicall Center, Lackland AFB TXP e: Transmission packet - e: Transmission Problem TxSaBAM e: United States Air Force, School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio TxSaBHR e: United States Air Force, Human Resources Laboratory Library, Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio TxShpM e: United States Air Force, Regional Hospital, Medical Library, Sheppard AFB TY e: Territorial Yeomanry TYAD e: Tobyhanna Army Depot TZ d: Truppenzollgesetz - e: Tactical Zone TZG d: Truppenzollgesetz - e: Thermofit Zap Gun

u U d: Unteroffizier - d: Unterseeboot U-2 e: Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft UA d: Unteroffiziersanwärter U.A. f: Unité administrative UAA. d: Unterseebootausbildungsabteilung UAAF e: United Action Armed Forces UAAP e: United States Army in Europe Automation Architecture Plan U A C e: Ulster Army Council - e: Unified Arab Command - e: Union Army of Commemoration UAD e: Underwater Acoustic Decoupler - e: Unit Air Defense U A E A F e: United Arab Emirates Air Force UAERA e: United States. Air Force. School of Aerospace Medicine. Technical Report UAF e: Uganda Air Force - e: United Armed Forces U A F S C e: Utilization Air Force Specialty Code UAG. d: Unterseebootsabnahmegruppe U.A.G. / • Union des Aveugles de Guerre UAK d: Unterseebootsabnahmekommando UAK. d: U-Bootsabnahmekommando U A L d: Unteroffiziersanwärter - d: Unteroffiziersanwärterlehrgang UAM e: Underwater-to-Air Missile U.A.P.G. f: Union des Associations des Prisonniers de Guerre UAR e: Unattended Radar - e: Unguided Aerial [or Aircraft] Rocket UARAF e: United Arab Republic Air Force

UARG e: USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Augmentation Readiness Group UARS e.· Unattended Radar Station - e: Underwater Acoustic Receiving System UARV e: Unmanned Air Reconnaissance Vehicle U.A.S. d: U-Boot[s] abwehrschule, Kiel - d: Unterseebootabwehrschule, Kiel - e: University Air Squadron UASCS e: United States Army Signal Center and School U.A.S.R.C, f : Union des anciens soldats du Roi-Chevalier UASTAS e: Unmanned Airborne Surveillance and Target-Acquisition System UATU e: Underwater-to-Air-toUnderwater U A T U M e: Underwater-to-Air-toUnderwater Missile UAU e: Underwater-to-Air-to-Underwater U A U M e: Underwater-to-Air-toUnderwater Missile UAV e: Unmanned Air Vehicle - e: Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle IJAV-CM e: UAV-Cruise Missile U A V G S M e: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ground Station Module UAV-JPO e: Unmanned Aerial [or Air] Vehicle-Joint Project Office U A V - M e: Unmanned Air VehicleManoeuvre UAVS e: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Surveillance UAV-SR e: Unmanned Aerial VehicleShort Range UAW d: U-Boot-Abwehr - d: U-Boot-Abwehrschiffe - d: Unterseebootabwehr UAW-Fliegerbombe d: U-BootAbwehrfliegerbombe UAW-Fliegerkräfte d: UnterseebootAbwehrfliegerkräfte UAW-Hubschrauber d: UnterseebootAbwehrhubschrauber UAW-Kreuzer d: UnterseebootAbwehrkreuzer UAW-Lenkwaffe[n] d: U-BootAbwehrlenkwaffe[n] UAW-Lenkwaffe[n] d: UnterseebootAbwehrlenkwaffe [n] UAW-Rakete d: UnterseebootAbwehrrakete UAW-Schiff d: UnterseebootAbwehrschiff UAW-U-Boot d: Unterseeboot-AbwehrUnterseeboot UAW-U-Schiff d: U-Boot-AbwehrUnterwasserkampfschiff UB d: Unterseeboot - e: Underwater Battery Üb d: Übung [militärische] UBA d: U - Boot - Altig - d: Unterseebootabteilung UBDI e: Underwater Battery Director Indicator U.B.D.P. / · Union Belge pour la Défense de la Paix UBF e: United Brothers of Friendship U B F C e: Underwater Battery Fire Control U B F C S e: Underwater Battery Fire Control System UBI e: Universal Battlefield Identification U B K J V se: Udruzenje Boraca Kraljevske Jugoslovenske Vojske UBNOR se: Udruzenje boraca narodnooslobodilackog rata U - b o m b e: Uranium-cased atomic or hydrogen bomb

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U-Boot d: Unterseeboot UBP e: Underwater Battery Plot U B P L O T e: Underwater Battery Plotting Room IIBr d: Unterseebootbrigade UC e: Underwater Communications - e: Unified Command UC1 e: Underwater Control Rating 1st Class UC2 e: Underwater Control Rating 2nd Class U.C. / · Unités Combattantes U/C e: Under Command UCA e: Ulster Citizen Army U C A I R J e: Universal Countermeasures Airborne Infrared Jammer UCAV e: Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle - e: Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle UCC e: Unified Combatant Command UCCIS e: United States Army in Europe Command and Control Information System U C C R S e: Underwater Coded Command Release System UCCS e: United States European Command Command Center System U C D S e: Unit Chemical Defense Study U C D W R e: University of California Division of War Research UCIB e: USAFE Command Intelligence Brief U C K n: Uniformdienst-Commandokamer IICMD e: Unified Command[s] U.C.M.I. i: Ufficio Codificazione Materiali Interforze U C M J e.· Uniform Code of Military Justice IICML e: Unit Committed Munitions List U C M R s: Unidad de Construcciones Militares de Reserva UCMS e: Underwater Long-Range Missile System UCN e: Unit Command Net UCNI e: Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information - e: Unified Communications Navigation Identification U-CNI e: Unifed-Communications, Navigation, Identification UCOFT e: Unit Combat Fire Trainer U C O M e: Unified Command U C O M I i: Ufficio Codificazione Materiali Interforze, R o m a UCOS e: Unit Commander Observation System U C P e: Unified Command Plan UCPF e: United Church Peace Fellowship UCS e: Underwater Combat System - e: Underwater Communications System - e: United States Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento, Sacramento UCSM e: Utility Control Strategy Model UCT e: Underwater Construction Team U.C.V. e: United Confederate Veterans U C W E e: Underwater Countermeasures and Weapons Establishment U C W R E e: Underwater Countermeasures and Weapons Research Establishment UD e: Underwater Demolition U D A e: Ulster Defence Association U D A c: Ustredni D û m Armády UDAAV s: Unidad de Defensa Atómica Activa U.D.A.C. / · Union Départementale des Anciens Combattants UDACIM f: Union Démocratique des Anciens Combattants, Invalides, Mutilés U D A C S e: Underwater Detection and Classification System


ÜDBw Ü D B w d: Übersetzerdienst der Bundeswehr UDCIM f: Union Démocratique des Combattants, Invalides, Mutilés et Victimes de Guerre UDE e: Underwater Detection Establishment - i: Unione della Difesa Europea U.D.E. i: Unione della Difesa Europea U D F e: Ulster Defence Force - e: Ulster Defence Force - e: Union Defence Force U.D.F. e: Ulster Defence Force UDFI e: Union Defence Force Institute UDÌ e: Undersecretariat for Defence Industries UDIR e: U S A R E U R [United States Army in Europe] Daily Intelligence Report udiv r: underst UDLP e: United Defense Limited Partnership - e: United Defense Logistic Partner U D M s: Unión Democr tica Militar - s: Unión Democrática Militar UDN e: Underwater Doppler Navigation UDR e: Ulster Defence Regiment U.D.R. e: Ulster Defence Regiment UDT e: Underwater Destruction Team U D T P H I B S P A C e: Underwater Demolition Teams, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet UDII e: Underwater Demolition Unit UEAC e: Unit Equipment Aircraft UebRak d: Übungsrakete U E D N / · Union des Employés de la Défense Nationale UERD e: Underwater Explosions Research Division U E R D C e: Underwater Explosion Research and Development Center UES e: United States Army in Europe Command and Control Information System Engineer Subsystem UF d: UF - Ausrüstung - d: Unterwasserfahrtausrüstung - e: Unified Forces U.F. e: Underground Forces UFA e: Uganda Freedom Army U.F.A.C, f: Union des Fraternelles de 1 A r m é e de Campagne 1914-1918 - / ' Union des Fraternelles des Anciens Combattants - f: Union Fédérative d A n c i e n s Combattants - / ' Union Française des Associations de Combattants et Victime de Guerre UFAS e: Unified Flight Analysis System - f: Union des Fraternelles de l A r m é e Secrète U.F.Β.G. / • Union Fraternelle des Blessés de Guerre UFC e: United Flight Classification U.F.C, f : Union Fédérale des associations françaises d'anciens Combattants et de victime de la guerre UFCC e: Underwater Fire Control Computer UFCG e: Underwater Fire Control Group UFCS e: Underwater Fire-Control System U.F.C.V.G. / • Union Fédérale des Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre UFF e: Uganda Freedom Fighters - e: Ulster Freedom Fighters Uff. d: Unteroffizier Uff.M.I.S. ì: Ufficio Militare Imbarchi e Sbarchi Uff.P.T.M. i: Ufficio postale e telegrafico militare U f f z d: Unteroffizier Uffz d.R. d: Unteroffizier der Reserve


Uffz.-Sch. d: Unteroffizierschule Uffz.Sch. d: Unteroffizierschule UffzSLw d: Unteroffizierschule der Luftwaffe U f f z V S c h d: Unteroffiziervorschule Uffz.V.Sch. d: Unteroffiziervorschule UFG d: U-Boot-Abwehr[flugzeug]träger UFKR d: Ungelenkte Rakete UFLA e: Unmanned Fighter Aircraft UFltl d: Ubootflottille UFM e: United States Air Force in Europe Forms Mode UFO e: Unit Families Officer UFT d: U-Boot-Abwehr[flugzeug]träger UFÜ d: Marine-Führungssystem U-BootFührung UFU e: Utility Flight Unit UFue d: Unterseeboot-Führung UG ì: Ufficiale di giornata UGC[EGM] i: Ufficio del Genio Civile [e del Genio Militare] U G H e: User Guidance Handbook UGL d: Unteroffiziersgrundlehrgang IIGM e: Underwater Guided Missile IIGML e: Universal Guided Missile Launcher U G N C O e: Unit Gas Noncommissioned Officer UGOV e: United States Government UG Pers A d: Untergruppe Personelles der Armee im Generalstab UGR e: United Gun Resources UG Sanität, militärärztlicher Dienst d: Untergruppe Sanität im Generalstab, Sektion Militärärztlicher Dienst UGT e: Underground nuclear Tests UGV e: Unmanned Ground Vehicle UGV/S JPO e: Unmanned Ground Vehicles/System Joint Project Office UGWS e: Upgunned Weapon Station - e: Upgunned Weapon Systems UH e: Utility Helicopter - s: Unidad de Helicópteros UH-1 e: Bell 204B Iroquois military helicopter UHCA e: Ultra High Capacity Aircraft UHD s: Unidad de Helicópteros Divisionaria U H F d: Ultrahochfrequenz I I H M S e: Ultrasonic Helmet Mounted Sight UHPT e: Undergraduate Helicopter Pilot Training UHR e: Ultra High resolution Radar uhrn e: ultra-high radio navigation UHT e: Undergraduate Helicopter Training U H T V e: Unmanned Hypersonic Test Vehicle UICIO e: Unit Identification Code Information Officer UIDG e: United States Army Europe Integrated Data Base U I D M M i: Ufficio Internazionale di Documentazione di Medicina Militare UIFA ì: Ufficiale interprete di fotografie aeree UIM i: Ufficio Informazioni Militare UIR e: Upper Flight Information Region U.I.S.C. / • Unité d'Instruction de Sécurité civile UISV e: Unmanned Launch Space Vehicle U I W V e: United Indian War Veterans, USA U-Jäger d: Unterseebootjäger U J Boot d: Unterseejagdboot UKA d: Unterkunftsabteilung - e: Ulster King-at-Arms UKAD e: United Kingdom Air Defence

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U K A D G E e: United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment U K A D R e: United Kingdom Air Defence Region U K A D S e: United Kingdom Air Defence System U K A F e: United Kingdom Air Force U K A I P e: United Kingdom Aeronautical Information Publication UKAIR e: United Kingdom Air Forces UKAIRCCIS e: United Kingdom Air Command and Control Information System - e: United Kingdom Air Forces Command, Control, and Information System U K A L M e: United Kingdom Air Liaison Mission U K A M A e: United Kingdom Air Mission in America UK At Energy Auth At Weapons Res Establ Lib Bibliogr e: United Kingdom. Atomic Energy Authority. Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. Library Bibliography U K At Energy Auth At W e a p o n s Res Establ Rep e: United Kingdom. Atomic Energy Authority. Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. Report UK At Energy Auth At Weapons Res Establ Rep Ser NR e: United Kingdom. Atomic Energy Authority. Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. Report. Series NR U K At Energy Auth At W e a p o n s Res Establ Rep Ser O e: United Kingdom. Atomic Energy Authority. Atomic Weapons Research Establishment: Report. Series O U K At Energy Auth At W e a p o n s Res Establ Rep Ser R e: United Kingdom. Atomic Energy Authority. Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. Report. Series R U K A W E e: Atomic Weapons Establishment U K A W R E e: United Kingdom Weapons Research Alder Establishment - e: United Kingdom Weapons Research Alder Establishment, Maston, Foulness U K B e: United Kingdom Base U K B C e: United Kingdom Bomber Command U K B S e: United Kingdom Base Section U K C C A e: United Kingdom Central Codification Authority U.K.C.C.A. e: United Kingdom Central Codification Authority U K C I C C e: United Kingdom Commanders-in-Chiefs' Committee U K C R e: United Kingdom Communication Region [Air Force] U K C S B e: United Kingdom Combat Support Boat U K D C A e: United Kingdom Defence Codification Authority UKLF e: United Kingdom Land Force - e: United Kingdom Land Forces UKLF AMIS e: United Kingdom Land Forces Automated Management Information System UK M A M S e: United Kingdom Military Air Movements Squadron U K M A M S e: United Kingdom Mobile Air Movements Squadron UKMCCIS e: United Kingdom Marines Command, Control & Information System U K M F e: United Kingdom Mobile Force U K M F [ A ] e: United Kingdom Mobile Force [Air]

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UNICOM UKMF[L] e: United Kingdom Mobile Force [Land] UKMILREP HQ NATO e: United Kingdom Military Representative, HQ NATO UKMSCS e: United Kingdom Military Satellite Communications System IJKMWDS e: United Kingdom Missile Warning Distribution System UKMWO e: United Kingdom Warning & Monitoring Organisation UK-NII e: United Kingdom Nuclear Installation Inspectorate UK/NLAF e: United Kingdom/Netherlands Amphibious Force υ KIN MR SHAPE e: United Kingdom National Military Representative, SHAPE UKREP e: United Kingdom Representative UKSTC e: United Kingdom Strike Command UKSUBCAMS e: United Kingdom Submarine Communications System UKW Μ O e.· United Kingdom Warning and Monitoring Organisation ULA e: Ultralight Aircraft ULAIDS e: Universal Locator Airborne Integrated Data System ULB e: Underwater Locator Beacon ULCER e: Underwater Launch Control Energy Requirements - e: Underwater Launch Current and Energy Recorder U.L.D. d: U-Bootslehrdivision - d: Unterseebootslehrdivision ULEA e: Ultra-Long-Endurance Aircraft ULehrGrp d: Ubootlehrgruppe ULEV e: Ultra Low Emission Vehicles - e: Unmanned Long-Endurance Vehicle ULIA e: Unattached List, Indian Army ULM e: Undersea Long-range Missile - e: Underwater Launch Missile ULMS e: Undersea-Launch Missile System - e: Undersea [or Underwater] Long-range Missile System ULO e: Unit Landing Officer ULOTC e: University of London Officer Training Corps ULPR e: Ultralow-Pressure Rocket ULR e: USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Logistics Review ULS e: Upward-Looking Sonar ULSAS e: Upward Looking Sonar Array System ULSP e: USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Logistics Support Plan ULSS e: Underwater Laser Surveying System ULSV e: Unmanned Launch Space Vehicles ULTDS e: Unit Level Tactical Data Switch ULTRAV e: Ultra Light Armoured Vehicle ULW e: Unsafe Landing Warning UM e: Universal Machine Gun - i: Unione Militare - s: Unidad Militar u.m. i: ufficio militare DMA e: Unmanned Aircraft - e: Unusual Military Activities UMAD e: Umatilla Army Depot UMAP s: Unidades Militaries de Ayuda a la Producción UMB e: Universal Missile Building umb gun e: umbrella gun UMC e: Underwater Maintenance Company - e: Unit Mobility Center

UMCC e: USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Movement Control Center UMCCCA e: United States Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association UMD s: Unión Militar Demócrata UME s: Unión Militar Española U.M.E. s: Unión Militar Española UMF e: Unconventional Military Forces UMG e: Universal Machine Gun UMH e: Unmanned Maritime Helicopter UMI i: Unità mobile di interrogatorio UMINF e: United Movement of Iranian National Forces UMIPS e: Uniform Material Issue Priority System UMIS i: Ufficio Militare Imbarchi e Sbarchi [Servizio Trasporti] UMMIS e: UCCIS [United States Army in Europe Command and Control Information System] Medicai Management Information Subsystem UMN e: Underwater Mine - e: Universal Mine Neutralizer LIMO e: Unconventional Military Operations UMP i: Ufficio Militare Provinciale UMPR e: Uniform Military Personnel Record U M P V J N A se: Uprava za MoralnoPoliticko Vaspitanje, Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija UMS e: Underwater Monitoring System - e: Universal Military Service UMT e: Unit Ministry Team - e: Universal Military Training UMTA e: Urban Mass Transit Agency UMTS e: Universal Military Training [and] Service - e: Universal Military Training Service - e: Universal Military Training System UMT & SA e: Universal Military Training and Service Act UMVF e: Unmanned Vertical Flight UMVs e: Unmanned vehicles UNA e: United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD UNAAF e: Unified Action Armed Forces UNAB e: United Nations Austrian Battalion UNAC f: Union Nationale des Anciens Combattants UN A/C e: United Nations Aircraft UNACE e: Universal Aircraft Command/Naval Evaluation UNACOM e: Universal Army Communication System U.N.A.C.P.G. f: Union Nationale des Amicales de Camps de Prisonniers de Guerre U.N.A.C.R. / · Union Nationale des Anciens Combattants de le Résistance UNAF e: Universities National Antiwar Fund UNAMET e: United Nations Mission in East Timor UNAMIC e: United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia UNAMIR e: United Nations Assistance Mission for/in Rwanda UNAMSIL e: United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone UNAO f: Union Nationale de TArmée d'Occupation U.N.A.O.-F.B.A. /• Union Nationale des Anciens des Armées d'Occupation et des Forces Belges en Allemagne UNAVEM e: United Nations Verification Mission for Angola UNAVEM II e: United Nations Angola Verification Mission II

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UNAVEM III e: United Nations Angola Verification Mission III unb e: universal navigation beacon UNBC i: Ufficiale addetto alla difesa NBC UNBRITFOR e: United Nations British contingency Force UNC e: United Nations Command - f: Union Nationale des Combattants U.N.C, f: Union Nationale des Combattants UNCAFN f: Union Nationale des Combattants dAfrique du Nord UNCAIRCOMP e: United Nations Command Air Component UNCD e: United Nations Centre for Disarmament UNCIWC e: United Nations Commission for [the] Investigation of War Criminals [or Crimes] UNCMAC e: United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission UNCMD e: United Nations Command UNCOPUOS e: United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space UNCPUOS e: United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space UNCR e: United Nations Command - e: United Nations Command Rear U.N.C.R.P. / · Union Nationale des Combattants de la Région Parisienne UNCRP f: Union Nationale des Combattants de la Région Parisienne UNCSF e: United Nations Command Security Force UNC/USFK e: United Nations Command/United States Forces Korea UND e: University of National Defense U.N.D.A. f: Union Nationale pour la Défense Aérienne UNDC e: United Nations Disarmament Commission UNDE e: Union of National Defense Employees UNDERSECNAV e: Under Secretary of the Navy Under Sec Nay Nav e: Under Secretary of the Navy UNDEX e: Underwater Explosion UNDOF e: United Nations Disengagement Observation Force - e: United Nations Disengagement Observer Force UNDPKO e: United Nations Department for Peacekeeping Operations UNE e: Underground Nuclear Explosion UNEF e: United Nations Emergency Force UNF e: United Nations Forces U.N.F.F.I. /• Union Nationale des Forces Françaises de l'Intérieur UNFFI f: Union Nationale des Forces Françaises de l'Intérieur UNFICYP e.· United Nations Forces in Cyprus - e: United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus UNFMS e: Universal Navigation Flight Management System UNFO e.· Undergraduate [Naval] Flight Officer UNGOMAP e: United Nations Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan UNGOMIP e: United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan U.N.I.C.I. i: Unione Nazionale Ufficiali in Congedo d'Italia UNICOM e: Unit Computing for the Army - e: Universal Integrated Communications System


UNICYP UNICYP e: United Nations International Force, Cyprus UNIDIR e: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research UNIFICYP e: United Nations Interim Force in Cyprus UNIFIL e: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon UNIFLOTE e: Universal Unit Flotation System UNIFOR e: Unified Forces U M F O R C E e: United Defense Force UNI FREDI e: Universal Flight Range and Endurance Data Indicator UNIIMOG e: United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group UNIKOM e: United Nations Iraq/Kuwait Observation Mission UNILOG e: Unified Logistical System UNUVIOG e: United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group UNIMOZ e: United Nations mission in Mozambique UNIPA e: United Nations Peace Action UNIPOM e: United Nations IndiaPakistan Observation Mission UNISET e: Unified Tactical Communication System UMSPACE e: United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space UNITAF e: Unified Task Force UNITAR e: United International Antisubmarine Warfare exercise UNITAS e: United International Antisubmarine Warfare Universo/Florence, i: L'Universo. Institúto Geografico Militare. Florence, Italy. UNJBS e: United Nations Joint Board of Strategy UNLA e: Uganda National Liberation Army UNMAC e: United Nations Mine Action Center [or Centre] - e: United Nations Mixed Armistice Commission UNMAS e: United Nations Mine Action Services UN MC e: United Nations Mediterranean Command UNMEE e: United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea UNMEM e: United Nations Middle East Mission UNMIBH e: United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNMIF e: United Nations Multinational Interception Force UNMIH e: United Nations Mission in Haiti UNMIK e: United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo UNMO e: United Nations Military Observer UNMOC e: United Nations Military Observers Course UNMOG e: United Nations Military Observers in Greece UNMOGIP e: United Nations Militaly Observer Group for India and Pakistan - e: United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan UNMOP e: United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka UNMOT e: United Nations Military Observers in Tajikistan - e: United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan


UNMR e: Unsatisfactory New Materiel Report U.N.M.R.A.C. f: Union Nationale des Mutiles, Reformes et Anciens Combattants UNMS se: Uprava narodne milice za Slovenijo UNMSC e: United Nations Military Staff Committee UNO e: United Nations Observer Corps UNOIG f: Union Nationale des Officiers Invalides de Guerre U.N.O.I.G. / · Union Nationale des Officiers Invalides de Guerre UNOMIG d: Beobachtermission der Vereinten Nationen in Georgien - e: United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia UNOMIL e: United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia UNOMSIL e: United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone UNOMUR e: United Nations Observer Mission in Uganda-Rwanda UNOR /• Union Nationale des Officiers de Réserve UNOSAL e: United Nations Observer mission, El Salvador UNPIK e: United Nations Partisan Infantry Korea UNPKO e: United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations UNPOC e: United Nations Peace Observation Commission UNPREDEP e.· United Nations Preventive Deployment force [in Macedonia] UNPROFOR d: Schutztruppe der Vereinten Nationen [BosnienHerzegowina] - e: United Nations Protection Force [Croatia] UNS e: Under Secretary of the Navy - e: Underwater New Submarine System UNSCEAR e: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation UNSCOB e: United Nations Special Commission on the Balkans UNSCOM e: United Nations Special Commission [for the Elimination of Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction] UNSCOP e: United Nations Special Commission on Palestine UNSEANAVWEPCEN e: Undersea Naval Weapons Center UNSECNAV e: Under Secretary of the Navy UNSFH e: United Nations Security Forces, Hollandia UNSMA e: United Nations Special Mission to Afghanistan UN SMDP e: United Nations and Related Agencies Staff Movement for/of Disarmament and Peace UNSMIH e: United Nations Support Mission in Haiti IJNSO e: United Nations Office to Combat Desertification and Drought UNSOC e: United Nations Staff Officers Course UNSOR f: Union Nationale des SousOfficiers de Réserve de Belgique U.N.S.O.R. /• Union Nationale des SousOfficiers en Retraite UNSSOD e: United Nations Special Session on Disarmament UNSWR e: University of New South Wales Regiment UNT e: Underground Nuclear Test

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UNTCOK e: United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea UNTD e: University Naval Training Division UNTG e: Utility Nuclear Transportation Group Untoffz. d: Unteroffizier UNTS e: Undergraduate Navigator [or Navigation] Training System UMJC e: United Nations Unified Command UNUMO e: Universal Underwater Mobile UNWC e: Undersea Naval Weapons Center UNWCC e: United Nations War Crimes Commission UNWDC e: United Nations World Disarmament Campaign UNWMK e: Underwatermarked UNX e: Underground Nuclear Explosion UNYOM e: United Nations Yemen Observation Mission UO d: Unteroffizier - i: Ufficiale osservatore UOA i: Ufficiale osservatore avanzato UODG e: Underwater Ordnance Development Group Uof d: Unteroffizier U-Offz. d: Unteroffizier UOG d: Unteroffiziersgesellschaft UOGT d: Unteroffiziersgesellschaft Tirol - d: Unteroffiziersgesellschaft Tirol UOIS e: Underwater Object Location and Search Operations uol e: underwater object locator UOLS Operation e: Underwater Object Location and Search Operation UOS d: Unteroffiziersschule - e: Underwater Ordnance Station U.O.S. d: Unteroffizierschule UOTC e: University Officers Training Corps UOV d: Unteroffiziersverband UP e: University for Peace UPA e: Uganda Peoples Army UPCDA e: Uganda Peoples Christian Democratic Army UPD e: Underwater Propulsion Device UPDA e: Ugandan People's Democratic Army UPDF e: Uganda Peoples Defense Forces U.P.M.K.O. e: United Pasol-Momogun Kadazan Organization, Kota Kinabalu UPR e: Ultraportable Radar UPS e: Under Secretary of the Army UPSCR e: Unit Personnel Status Change Report UPSN e: University Peace Studies Network UPSTART e: Universal Parachute Support Tactical and Research Target UPTAS e: Utility Practical Transport Aircraft System UPT-H e: Undergraduate Pilot TrainingHelicopter Upt Mar W e: Upton on Maritime Warfare and Prize UQP e: Universities and the Quest for Peace UQQPRI e: Updated Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information UR d: Ulanenregiment - e: Uganda Rifles - e: Ullage Rocket ÜR d: Überwachungsradargerät URA e: United Red Army URARRED e: United States Army Readiness Command

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USAATC URAV e: Unmanned Reconnaissance Aerial Vehicle URBM e: Ultimate Range Ballistic Missile URC e: USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Adjutant General Publications and Records Center URCS e: Ultrareliable Communications System URG e: Underway Replenishment Group URI se: Udruzenje ratnih invalida URM e: Underground radiation material URN e: Ultrahigh Radio Navigation URO e: Unit Routine Order - se: Udruzenje rezervnik oficina UROIR se: Udruzenje Rezervnih Oficira i Ratnika URO J se: Udruzenje Rezervnih Oficira Jugoslavie UROP se: Udruzenje rezervnih oficira i podoficira UROPJ se: Udruzenje rezervnih oficira i podoficira Jugoslavije URR e: Ultra Reliable Radar URSP e: Universal Radar Signal Processor URT e: Universal Radar Tracker URV e: Undersea Rescue Vehicle US d: Unterseebootschule - e: Military Airlift Command - e: NGO Committee on Disarmament NGOCD - e: Underwater-to-Surface - i: Ufficio Servizio - r: Arméns Underhâllskola U.S. d: Unteroffizierschule [Unterseebootsschule] - e: United Services U & S e: Unified and Strategic Command USA e: Under Secretary of the Army - e: United States Army USAA e: United States Academy of Arms - e: United States Air Attaché - e: United States Arctic Army USAAA e: United States Army Audit Agency USAAAVS e: United States Army Agency for Aviation Safety USAAAWR e: United States Army Audit Agency, Washington Region USAAB e: United States Army Aviation Board USAABBNSOTBD e: United States Army Airborne and Special Operations Test Board USAABELCTBD e: United States Army Airborne and Electronics Board USAABMDA e: United States Army Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency USAABMU e: United States Army Aircraft Base Maintenance Unit USAAB[NA]ELCTBD e: United States Army Airborne and Electronics Board USAABNSOTBD e: United States Army Airborne and Special Operations Test Board IJSAAC e: United States Army Administration Center - e: United States Army Air Corps - e: United States Army Ambulance Corps - e: United States Army Aviation Center U.S.A.A.C. e: United States Army Air Corps USAACDA e: United States Army Aviation Combat Development Agency USAACEBD e: United States Army Airborne Communications and Electronics Board USAACFBH e: United States Army Administration Center and Fort Benjamin Harrison

USAAD e: United States Army Air Defense - e: United States Army Airmobile Division USAADAC e: United States Army Air Defense Artillery Center USAADACENFB e: United States Army Air Defense Artillery Center Fort Bliss USAA-DASCH e: United States Army Air Defense and Artillery School Fort Bliss USAADB e: United States Army Air Defense Board USAADC e: United States Army Air Defense Center USAADCEN e: United States Army Air Defense Center USAADCENFB e: United States Army Air Defense Center and Fort Bliss USAADCS e: United States Army Air Defense Center and School USAADEA e: United States Army Air Defense Engineering Agency USAADMAC e: United States Army Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Center USAADS e: United States Army Air Defense School USAADTA e: United States Army Aircraft Development Test Activity USAADTC e: United States Army Armor and Desert Training Center USAADVCOM e: United States Army Advance Command USAAE e: United States Army Acquisition Executive USAAEFA e: United States Army Aviation Engineering Flight Activity USAAESWBD e: United States Army Airborne, Electronics, and Special Warfare Board USAAF e: United States Army Air Force USAAF-GL e: United States Army Air Force-Geophysics Laboratory USAAFGOS e: United States Army Air Force Ground Operations School USAAFIME e: United States Army Air Forces in the Middle East USAAFINO e: United States Army Aviation Flight Information and Navigation Aids Office USAAFIO e: United States Army Aviation Flight Information Office USAAFO e: United States Army Avionics Field Office USAAFUK e: United States Army Air Forces in the United Kingdom USAAG e: United States Army Artillery Group USAAGAR e: United States Army Advisor Group-Army Reserve USAAGDPSC e: United States Army Adjutant General Data Processing Service Center USAAGNG e: United States Army Advisory Group [National Guard] USAAGPC e: United States Army Adjutant General Publications Center USAAGS e: United States Army Adjutant General's School USAAHRU e: United States Army Armor Human Research Unit USAAIC e: United States Army Artificial Intelligence Center USAALS e: United States Army Aviation Logistic School USAAMA e: United States Army Advent Management Agency USAAMAC e: United States Army Aviation Maintenance Center USAAMC e: United States Army Aeromedicai Center

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- e: United States Army Artillery and Missile Center USAAMCA e: United States Army Advanced Materiel Concepts Agency USAAML e: United States Army Aviation Material [or Materiel] Laboratories USAAMRDC e: United States Army Air Mobility Research and Development Center USAAMR[&]DL e: United States Army Air Mobility Research and Development Laboratory USAAMS e: United States Army Artillery and Missile School USAAPA e: United States Amateur Air Pilots' Association USAAPDT e: United States Army Aviation Precision Demonstration Team USAAPSA e: United States Army Ammunition Procurement and Supply Agency USAARC e: United States Anti-Aircraft Replacement Center USAARCOM e: United States Army Armament Command USAARDC e: United States Army Aberdeen Research and Development Center USAARENBD e: United States Army Armor and Engineer Board USAARL e: United States Army Aeromedicai Research Laboratory USAARMA e: United States Assistant Army Attaché USAARMBD e: United States Army Armor Board USAARMC e: United States Army Armor Center USAARMHRU e: United States Army Armor Human Research Unit USAARMS e: United States Army Armor School USAARTYBD e: United States Army Artillery Board USAARU e: United States Army Aeromedicai Research Unit USAAS e: United States Army Air Services - e: United States Army Ambulance Service - e: United States Army Armor Signals - e: United States Army Aviation School USAASA e: United States Army Aeronauticals Services Ageny USAASC e: United States Army Air Service Command - e: United States Army Airlift Support Command USAASCFBH e: United States Army Administrative School Center and Fort Benjamin Harrison USAÀSD e: United States Army Aeronautical Service Detachment USAASD-E e: United States Army Aeronautical Services DetachmentEurope USAASD-LA e: United States Army Aeronautical Services Detachment, Latin America USAASD-PAC e: United States Army Aeronautical Services Detachment-Pacific USAASL e: United States Army Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory USAASO e: United States Army Aeronautical Services Office USAASTA e: United States Army Aviation Systems Test Activity USAATBD e: United States Army Arctic Test Board USAATC e: United States Army Arctic Test Center


USAATCA USAATCA e: United States Army Air Traffic Control Activity USAATCO e: United States Army Air Traffic Coordinating Office[r] USAATMS e: United States Army Air Traffic Management System USAAVA e: United States Army AudioVisual Agency USAAVC e: United States Army Aviation Center USAAVCOM e: United States Army Aviation Materiel Command USAAVLABS e: United States Army Aviation Materiel Laboratories USAAVMCOM e: United States Army Aviation Materiel Command USAAVMLABS e: United States Army Aviation Materiel Laboratories USAAVNBD e: United States Army Aviation Board USAAVNC e: United States Army Aviation [or Avionics] Center USAAVNCEN e: United States Army Avionics Center USAAVNDTA e: United States Army Aviation Development Test Activity USAAVNHRU e: United States Army Aviation Human Research Unit USAAVNS e: United States Army Aviation School USAAVNTA e: United States Army Aviation Test Activity USAAVNTBD e: United States Army Aviation Test Board USAAVRADCOM e: United States Army Aviation Research and Development Command USAAVS e: United States Agency for Aviation Safety USAAVSCOM e: United States Army Aviation Systems Command USAB e: United States Air Base - e: United States Army Barracks - e: United States Army, Berlin USABAAR e: United States Army Board for Aviation Accident Research USABESRL e: United States Army Behavioral Science Research Laboratory USABIOLABS e: United States Army Biological Laboratories USABMD e: United States Army Ballistic Missile Defense agency USABRDL e: United States Army Biological Research and Development Laboratory USABRL e: United States Army Ballistic Research Laboratories USABVAPAC e: United States Army Broadcasting and Visual Activities, Pacific USAC e: United States Air Corps - e: United States Aircraft Carrier - e: United States Army Commission - e: United States Army Corps U.S.A.C. e: United States Air Corps IISACA e: United States Allied Commission Austria - e: United States Allied Council of Austria - e: United States Army Communications Agency - e: United States Army-Division Catamaran Association USACAA e: United States Army Concepts Analysis Agency USACAC e: United States Army Combined Arms Center - e: United States Army Combined Arms Command USACACFL e: United States Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth


USACAE e: United States Army Construction Agency, Europe - e: United States Army Contracting Agency, Europe USACAF e: United States Army Construction Agency, France USACAK e: United States Army Construction Agency, Korea USACARA e: United States Army Civilian Appellate Review Agency USACARIB e: United States Army Caribbean, Fort Amador, Canal Zone USACARMSCDA e: United States Army Combined Arms Combat Developments Agency USACARO e: United States Army Civilian Appelate Review Office USACAS e: United States Army Civil Affairs School USACASCOM e: United States Army Combined Arms Support Command USACAT e: United States Army Culinary Arts Team USACATB e: United States Army Combat Arms Training Board USACBRWOC e: United States Army Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Weapons Orientation Course [or Court] USACBRWOCAAB e: United States Army Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Weapons Orientation Course Academic Advisory Board USACC e: United States Army Communications Command USACC-A e: United States Army Communications Command-Alaska USACCA e: United States Army Congressional Correspondence Agency USACCAL e: United States Army Coating and Chemical Laboratory USACC-AMC e: United States Army Communications Command-Army Materiel Command USACC COMMAGCY-HSC e: United States Army Communications Command Communications Agency-Health Services Command USACC COMMAGCY-MTMC e: United States Army Communications Command Communications Agency-Military Traffic Management Command USACC COMMAGCY-USACIDC e: United States Army Communications Command Communications AgencyUnited States Army Criminal Investigation Division Command USACC COMMAGCY-USAINTC e: United States Army Communications Command Communications AgencyUnited States Army Intelligence Center USACC-CONUS e: United States Army Communications Command-Continental United States USACC-EUR e: United States Army Communications Command-Europe USACC-FORCES e: United States Army Communications Command-Forces USACC-HSC e: United States Army Communications Command-Health Services Command USACCIA e: United States Army Chemical Corps Intelligence Agency USACCL e: United States Army Coating and Chemical Laboratory USACCLA e: United States Army Coating and Chemical Laboratory USACC-MTMC e: United States Army Communications Command-Military Traffic Management Command

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USACCO United States Army Commercial Communications Office USACC-PAC e: United States Army Communications Command-Pacific USACC-R/FMD e: United States Army Communications Command Radio and Frequency Management Division IJSACCS e: United States Army Chemical Center and School USACCSA e.· United States Army Command and Control Support Agency USACC-SAFCA e: United States Army Communications Command-Safeguard Communications Agency USACCSD e: United States Army Command and Control Support Detachment U S A C C H S I G GP e: United States Army Communications Command Signal Group USACC-SO e: United States Army Communications Command-South USACC-T e: United States Army Communications Command-Thailand USACCTC e: United States Army Chemical Corps Technical Committee USACC-TRADOC e: United States Army Communications Command-Training and Doctrine Command USACC-USACICD e: United States Army Communications Command-United States Army Criminal Investigation Command USACC-USACIDC e: United States Army Communications Command-United States Army Criminal Investigation Command USACDA e: United States Army Catalog Data Agency USAC DC e: United States Army Combat Developments] Command USACDCADA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Air Defense Agency USACDCAGA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Adjutant General Agency US AC DC ARM A e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Armor Agency USACDCARTYA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Artillery Agency USACDCAVNA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Aviation Agency USACDCCA e: United States Army Combat Development Command Combined Arms Agency USACDCCAA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Civil Affairs Agency USACDCCAG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Combat Army Group USACDCCA RM SA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Combat Arms Agency USACDCCBRA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Chemical-Biological-Radiological Agency USACDCCEA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Communications-Electronics Agency USACDCCHA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Chaplain Agency USACDCCOMSG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Combat Systems Group USACDCCONFG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Concept and Force Design Group

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USACMLCSCH USACDCCRA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Chemical-Biological-Radiological Agency USACDCCSG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Combat Support Group USACDCCSSG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Combat Service Support Group USACDCDPFO e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Data Processing Field Office USACDCEA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Engineer Agency USACDCEC e: United States Army Combat Development Command Experimentation Command - e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Experimentation Center USACDCENA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Engineer Agency USACDCFAA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Field Artillery Agency USACDCFINA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Finance Agency USACDCIA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Infantry Agency USACDCIAS e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Institute of Advanced Studies USACDCICAS e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Institute of Combined Arms and Support USACDCIDDFO e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Internal Defense and Development Field Office USACDCILC e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Institute of Land Combat USACDCINA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Infantry Agency USACDCINCSG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Intelligence and Control Systems Group USACDCINS e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Institute of Nuclear Studies USACDCINTA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Intelligence Agency USACDCISA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Institute of Systems Analysis USACDCISS e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Institute of Special Studies USACDCISSO e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Institute of Strategic and Stability Operations USACDCJAA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Judge Advocate Agency USACDCICAS e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Institute of Combined Arms and Support USACDCMA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Maintenance Agency USACDCMPA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Military Police Agency

USACDCMSA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Medical Service Agency USACDCNG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Nuclear Group USACDCNUA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Nuclear Agency USACDCOA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Ordnance Agency USACDCPALSG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Personnel and Logistics Systems Group USACDCPASA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Personnel and Administrative Services Agency USACDCQA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Quartermaster Agency USACDCSA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Supply Agency USACDCSAG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Systems Analysis Group USACDCSOA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Special Operations Agency USACDCSSI e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Strategic Studies Institute USACDCSUA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Supply Agency USACDCSWA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Special Warfare Agency USACDCSWCAG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Special Warfare and Civil Affairs Group USACDCSWG e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Special Warfare Group USACDCTA e: United States Army Combat Developments Command Transportation Agency USACDEC e: United States Army Combat Developments Experimental [or Experimentation] Command - e: United States Army Combat Developments Experimentation Center USACE e: United States Army Corps of Engineers USACEAC e: United States Army Cost and Economic Analysis Center [or Centre] USACEBD e: United States Army Airborne Communications and Electronics Board USACECDA e: United States Army Communications-Electronics Combat Developments Agency USACECOM e: United States Army Communication^] and Electronic[s] Command USACEEIA e: United States Army Communications Electronics Engineering Installation Agency USACE EI Α-CON IIS e: United States Army Communications Engineering Electronics Installation AgencyContinental United States USACE EI A-PAC e: United States Army Communications-Electronics Engineering Installation Agency-Pacific USACEEIA-WH e: United States Army Communications-Electronics Engineering Installation Agency-Western Hemisphere

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USACEGE e: United States Army Combat Equipment Group, Europe USACEIBN e: United States Army Communications-Electronics Installation Battalion USACE INET e: United States Army Corps of Engineers Information Network USACENCDCSA e: United States Army Corps of Engineers National Civil Defense Computer Support Agency IJSACERL e: United States Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory USACESSEC e: United States Army Computer Systems Support and Evaluation Command USACFSC e: United States Army Community and Family Support Center IJSACGSC e: United States Army Command and General Staff College USACHB e: United States Army Chaplain Board USACHPPM e: United States Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventitive Medicine USACHS e: United States Army Chaplain School USAChSch e: United States Army Chaplain School USACI e: United States Advisory Commission on Information USACIC e: United States Army Criminal Investigation Command USACICD e: United States Army Criminal Investigation Command USACIDA e: United States Army Criminal Investigation Division Agency USACIDC e: United States Army Criminal Investigation^] [or Investigative] Command USACIECA e: United States Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs USACIL e: United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory USACIMMC e: United States Army CECOM Intelligence Materiel Management Center USACINPAC e: United States Army Commander-in-Chief, Pacific USACIR e: United States Army Criminal Investigation Repository USACISO e: United States Army Counterinsurgency Support Office, Okinawa USACIU e: United States Army Command Information Unit USACIDA e: United States Army Criminal Investigation Division Agency USACLMS e: United States Army Chemical School USACIU e: United States Army Command Information Unit USACM e: United States Association for Computational Mechanics USACMA e: United States Army Club Management Agency USACMLARS e: United States Army Chemical Arsenal USACMLC e: United States Army Chemical Center USACMLCB e: United States Army Chemical Corps Board USACMLCEN e: United States Army Chemical Center USACMLCS e: United States Army Chemical Center and School USACMLCSCH e: United States Army Chemical Corps School


USACMLPRGR USACMLPRGR e: United States Army Chemical Proving Ground USACMLRDL e: United States Army Chemical Research and Development Laboratories USACMLS e: United States Army Chemical School USACMR e: United States Army Court of Military Review USACMS e: United States Army Command Management School USACOE e: United States Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense USACOM e: United States Atlantic Command USACOMISA e: United States Army Communications Management Information Systems Activity USACOMZEUR e: United States Army Communications Zone, Europe USACPEA e: United States Army Civilian Personnel Evaluation Agency USACPEB e: United States Army Central Physical Evaluation Board USACRAPAC e: United States Army Command Reconnaissance Aclivities, Pacific Command USACRC e: United States Army Crime Records Center USACRF e: United States Army Counterintelligence Records Facility USACRR e: United States Army Crime Records Repository USACRREL e: United States Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory USAC/RS e: United States Amateur Confederation of Roller Skating USACRTC e: United States Army Cold Regions Test Center IISACS e: United States Army Chief-ofStaff - e: United States Army Combat Surveillance Agency - e: United States Army Courier Service USACSA e: United States Army Combat Surveillance Agency - e: United States Army Communications System[s] Agency IISACSC e: United States Army Computer Service Center - e: United States Army Computer Systems Command USACSEC e: United States Army Computer Systems Evaluation Command USACSG e.· United States Army CINPAC Support Group - e: United States Army Command Support Group USACSLA e: United States Army Communications Security Logistics Activity - e: United States Army Communications Security Logistics Agency IJSACSR e: United States Air Corps Specialist Reserve USACSS e: United States Army Chief of Support Services - e: United States Army Combat Surveillance School USACSSAA e: United States Army Computer Systems Selection and Acquisition Agency USACSSC e.· United States Army Computer Systems Support and Evaluation Command USACSSEA e: United States Army Computer Systems Support and Evaluation Agency


USACSSEC e: United States Army Computer Systems Support and Evaluation Command USACSTA e: United States Army Combat Systems Test Activity - e: United States Army Courier Station USACSTATC e: United States Army Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition Training Command USACT e: United States Army Chartered Transport USACTA e: United States Army Central Test Activity - e: United States Army Central TMDE [Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment] Activity USACTC e: United States Army Clothing and Textile Center USACTES e: United States Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety USACTMC e.· United States Army Clothing and Textile Materiel Center USACWL e: United States Army Chemical Warfare Laboratory USACWMS e.· United States Army Cold Weather and Mountain School USAD e: United States Air Defense - e: United States Army Dispensary USADAC e: United States Army Divison Aviation Command USADACS e: United States Army Defense Ammunition Center and School USADAOA e: United States Army Drug and Alcohol Operations Agency USADARCOM e: United States Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command USADART e: United States Army Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Training USADATCOM e: United States Army Data Support Command USADATT e: United States Army Alcohol and Drug Abuse Team Training USADC e: United States Army Air Defense Command - e: United States Army Data Support Command - e: United States Army Dental Clinic USADCJ e: United States Army Depot Command Japan USADEG e: United States Army Departments' Education Group USADEP e: United States Army Dependents Education Group USADIP e: United States Army Deserter Information Point USA Disp e: United States Army Dispensary USADJ e: United States Army Depot, Japan USADO e: United States Defense Attaché Office USADOFL e: United States Army Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratory IJSADPC e: United States Army Data Processing Center USADRB e: United States Army Discharge Review Board USADRD e: United States Army Dental Research Detachment USADSAC e: United States Army Data Services and Administrative Systems Command USADSC e: United States Army Data Services [and Administrative Systems] Command - e: United States Army Data Services Command USADSF e: United States of Amercia Deaf Sports Federation

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USADSMA e: United States Army Decision System Management Agency USADTC e: United States Army Armor and Desert Training Center USADWSP e: United States Army Drinking Water Surveillance Program USA E e: United States Army Engineer - e: United States Army, Europe USAEACE e: United States Army Elements, Allied Command Europe USAEAGSC e: United States Army, Europe, Adjutant General Support Center USAEARA e: United States Army Equipment Authorization Review Activity USAEARC e: United States Army Equipment Authorizations Review Center USAEB e: United States Army Engineer Board USAEC e: United States Army Electronics Command - e: United States Army Engineer Command - e: United States Army Engineer Corps - e: United States Army Environmental Center - e: United States Atomic Energy Commission USAECA e: United States Army Electronics Command Computation Agency - e: United States Army Engineer Construction Agency USAECAV e: United States Army Engineers' Construction Agency Vietnam USAECBDE e: United States Army Engineer Center Brigade USAECCA e: United States Army Electronics Command Computation Agency USAECFB e: United States Army Engineer Center and Fort Belvoir USAECLRA e: United States Army Electronics Command Logistics Research Agency USAECOM e: United States Army Electronics Command USAECR e: United States Army Engineer Center Regiment USAEC Rep e: United States Atomic Energy Commission. Report USAEC&S e: United States Army Engineer Center and School USAECV e: United States Army Engineer Command, Vietnam USAED e: United States Army Engineer District - e: United States Army Engineer Division USAEDC e: United States Army Engineer Division-Caribbean USAEDE e: United States Army Engineer Division, Europe USAEDH e: United States Army Engineer Division, Huntsville USAEDLMV e: United States Army Engineer Division, Lower Mississippi Valley USAEDM e: United States Army Engineer Division, Mediterranean USAEDMR e: United States Army Engineer Division, Missouri River USAEDNA e: United States Army Engineer Division, North Atlantic USAEDNC e: United States Army Engineer Division, North Central USAEDNE e: United States Army Engineer Division, New England USAEDNP e: United States Army Engineer Division, North Pacific USAEDOR e: United States Army Engineer Division, Ohio River

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USAFBS USAEDPO e: United States Army Engineer Division, Pacific Ocean USAEDS e: United States Atomic Energy Detection System USAEDSA e: United States Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic USAEDSP e: United States Army Engineer Division, South Pacific USAEDSW e: United States Army Engineer Division-Southwest - e: United States Army Engineer Division, Southwestern USAEEA e: United States Army Enlistment Eligibility Activity USAEEC e: United States Army Enlisted Evaluation Center USAEFMA e: United States Army Electronics Command Financial Management Agency USAEGD e: United States Army Engineer, Gulf District USAEGIMRADA e: United States Army Engineer, Geodesy, Intelligence, and Mapping Research and Development Agency USAEHA e: United States Army Environmental Hygiene Agency USAEHL e: United States Army Environmental Health Laboratory USAEHSC e: United States Army Engineering and Housing Support Center USAEIGHT e: Eighth United States Army USAEIS e: United States Army Electronic Intelligence and Security USAEL e: United States Army Electronic[s] Laboratories USAELCTPG e: United States Army Electronic Proving Ground USAELECPRGR e: United States Army Electronic Proving Ground USAELRDL e: United States Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratories [or Laboratory] USAELRO e: United States Army Electronics Logistics Research Office USAELRU e: United States Army Electronics Research Unit USAEMA e: United States Army Electronics Material [or Materiel] Agency USAEMAFHPO e: United States Army Electronics Materiel Agency, Fort Huachuca Procurement Office USAEMAFMPO e: United States Army Electronics Materiel Agency, Fort Monmouth Procurement Office USAEMAPICO e: United States Army Electronics Materiel Agency, Plant Inventory Control Office USAEMAWPO e: United States Army Electronics Materiel Agency, Washington Procurement Office USAEMCA e: United States Army Engineer Mathematical Computation Agency USAEMRA e: United States Army Electronics Materiel Readiness Activity USAEMSA e: United States Army Electronics Materiel Support Agency USAENGCOM e: United States Army Engineer Command USAENGCOM EUR e: United States Army Engineer Command, Europe USAENGRCEN e: United States Army Engineer Center USAENPG e: United States Army Engineer Power Group USAENPG-ED e: United States Army Engineer Power Group-Engineering Division

USAEPA e: United States Army Electronics Command Patent Agency USAEPG e: United States Army Electronic Proving Ground USAEPMARA e: United States Army, Europe, Personnel Management and Replacement Activity USAEPOC e: United States Army Engineer Procurement Office, Chicago USAERA e: United States Army Electronics Command Logistics Research Agency - e: United States Army Electronic Command Research Agency - e: United States Army Electronics Command Logistics Research Agency USAERADCOM e: United States Army Electronics Research and Development Command USAERC e: United States Army Enlisted Records Center USAERDA e: United States Army Electronic Research and Development Agency - e: United States Army Electronics Research and Development Activity USAERDAA e: United States Army Electronics Research and Development Activity, Fort Huachuca - e: United States Army Electronics Research and Development Agency Activity USAERDAW e: United States Army Electronics Research and Development Activity, White Sands USAERDL e: United States Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory - e: United States Army Engineering] Research and Development Laboratories USAEREC e: United States Army Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center USAERG e: United States Army Engineer Reactor Group USAERLO e: United States Army Electronics Regional Labor Office USAES e: United States Army Engineer School USAESC e: United States Army Electronics Support Command - e: United States Army Engineer Studies Center USAESEIA e: United States Army Electronic Systems Engineering and Installation Activity - e: United States Army Electronic Systems Engineering Installation Agency USAESOM e: United States Army Element School of Music USAESS e: United States Army Southeastern Signal School USAETDC e: United States Army Engineer, Topographic Data Center USAET&DL e: United States Army Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory USAET & DL [ECOM] e.· United States Army Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory [Electronics Command] USAETL e: United States Army Engineer[ing] Topographic[al] Laboratories USAEU e: United States Army Exhibit Unit USAEUCOM e: United States Army European Command USAEUR e: United States Army, Europe USAEWES e: United States Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station

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USAF e: United States Air Force - e: United States Army Forces USAFA e: United States Air Force Academy USAFAAA e: United States Air Force Academy Athletic Association USAFABD e: United States Army Field Artillery Board USAFAC e: United States Army Field Artillery Center - e: United States Army Finance and Accounting Center USAFACEUR e: United States Army Finance and Accounting Center Europe USAFACFS e: United States Army Field Artillery Center and Fort Sill USAFACIS e: United States Air Force Aeronautical Chart and Information Service USAFACP e: United States Air Force Ammunition Control Point USAFACS e: United States Air Force Air Crew School USAFAD e: United States Army Field Artillery Detachment USAFADS e: United States Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron USAFADWC e: United States Air Force Air Defense Weapons Center USAF AFHRL e: United States. Air Force. Human Resources Laboratory USAFAG e: United States Air Force Auditor General USAFAGOS e: United States Air Force Air Ground Operations School USAFAH e: United States Air Force Academy Hospital USAFALCENT e: United States Air Force Airlift Center USAFAMEDS e: United States Air Force Aerospace Medical School USAFA MID e: United States Air Force Academy Micros in the Dormitory USAFAMS e: United States Air Force Air Mobility School USAFAMWC e: United States Air Force Air Mobility Warfare Center USAFAPC e: United States Air Force Airframe Production Contract USAFAPS e: United States Air Force Academy Prep School - e: United States Air Force Air Police School USAFAS e: United States Air Force Acquisition Strategy - e: United States Army Field Artillery School USAFAS/MSL e: United States Army Field Artillery School Morris Swett Technical Library Division USAFAVLO e: United States Air Force Audiovisual Liaison Office USAFAWC e: United States Air Force Air Warfare Center USAFB e: United States Air Force Band - e: United States Air Force Base - e: United States Army Field Band USAFBF e: United States Air Force Band of Flight USAFBI e: United States Army Forces in [the] British Isles USAFBL e: United States Air Force Band of Liberty USAFBMD e: United States Air Force Ballistic Missile Division USAFBMS e: United States Air Force Basic Military School USAFBS e: United States Air Force Bandsman School


USAFBTC - e: United States Air Force Bombardment School USAFBTC e: United States Air Force Battlestaff Training School USAFBU e: United States Air Force Base Unit USAFC e: United States Army Forces Command USAFCBI e: United States Army Forces, China, Burma, India USAFCC e: United States Army Forces in Central Canada USAFCED e: United States Air Force[s] Communications-Eletronics Doctrine USA FC H e: United States Air Force Contingency Hospital USAF CMR e: United States Air Force Court of Military Review USAFCO e: United States Air Force, Southern Command USAFCRL e: United States Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories USAFCRS e: United States Air Force Combat Rescue School USAFCS e: United States Air Force Comptroller School USAFCSI e: United States Air Force Chaplain Service Institute USAFCSSO e: United States Air Force Contingency Supply Support Office USAFD e: United States Air Force Dictionary - e: United States Air Force Dispensary USAFDISP e: United States Air Force Dispensary USAFE e: United States Air Force Europe USAFEAPS e: United States Air Forces in Europe Air Postal Squadron USAFEC e: United States Air Force Extension Course - e: United States Army Forces in Eastern Canada USAFECES e: United States Air Forces in Europe Civil Engineering Squadron USAFECI e: United States Air Force Extension Course Institute USAFECON e: United States Air Forces in Europe Contracting Squadron USAFECSS e: United States Air Forces in Europe Computer Systems Squadron USAFE Fit Svc e: United States Air Forces in Europe Flight Service USAFEHL e: United States Air Force Environmental Health Laboratory USAFEISC e: United States Air Forces in Europe Inspection and Safety Center IISAFEJSS e: United States Air Forces in Europe Joint Support Squadron USAFEL e: United States Air Force Epidemiological Laboratory USAFEMEF e: United States Air Forces in Europe Management Engineering Flight USAFEP e: United States Air Forces Europe Pamphlet USAFE/PACAF e: United States Air Force in Europe/Pacific Air Force USAFEPC e: United States Air Forces in Europe Personnel Center USAFEPF e: United States Air Forces in Europe Printing Flight USAFEPRC e: United States Air Forces in Europe Personnel Readiness Center USAFESA e: United States Army Facilities Engineering Support Agency USAFESA-ED e: United States Army Facilities Engineering Support Agency Engineering Division USAFESA-RT e: United States Army Facilities Engineering Support AgencyResearch and Technology Division


USAFESA-RTD e: United States Army Facilities Engineering Support AgencyResearch and Technology Division USAFESA-T e: United States Army Facilities Engineering Support AgencyTechnology Support Division USAFESA-TS e: United States Army Facilities Engineering Support AgencyTechnology Support Division USAFESA-TSD e: United States Army Facilities Engineering Support AgencyTechnology Support Division USAFE-T e: United States Air Forces in Europe-Turkey USAFETAC e: United States Air Force Environmental Technical Application[s] Center USAFETC e: United States Air Force Environmental Technical Application Center USAFETO e: United States Army Forces, European Theater of Operations USAFETPS e: United States Air Force Experimental Test Pilot School USAFEUR e: United States Air Forces in Europe USAFEURPC e: United States Air Force European Postal and Courier Region USAFEIIRPCR e: United States Air Force European Postal and Courier Region USAFEWPC e: United States Air Forces in Europe Warrior Preparation Center USAFF e: United States of America Film Festival USAFFACG e: United States Air Force Field Activity Group USAFFACS e: United States Air Force Field Activity Squadron USAFFE e: United States Air Forces in the Far East - e: United States Army Forces, Far East USAFFGS e: United States Air Force Flexible Gunnery School - e: US Air Force Flexible Gunnery School USAFFSA-RTD e: United States Army Forces Facilities Engineering Support Agency-Research and Technology Division USAFFSR e: United States Air Force Flight Safety Research USAFGL e: United States Air Force Geophysical Laboratory USAFH e: United States Air Force Hospital USAFHA e: United States of America Field Hockey Association USAFHD e: United States Air Force Historical Division USAFHG e: United States Air Force Honor Guard USAFHRC e: United States Air Force Historical Research Center USAFI e: United States Air Forces Institute - e: United States Armed Forces Institute USAFIA e: United States Air Forces in Austria - e: United States Army Forces in Australia USAFIB e: United States Army Aviation Flight Information Bulletin - e: United States Army Flight Information Bulletin USAFIC e: United States Association of Firearm Instructors and Coaches USAFICA e: United States Army Forces in Central Africa USAFICPA e: United States Army Forces in Central Pacific Area USAFIE e: United States Air Force in Europe

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USAFIFC e: United States Air Force Instrument Flight Center USAFIGED e: United States Armed Forces Institute Tests of General Educational Development USAFIK e: United States Army Forces in Korea USAFIL e: United States Army Forces in Liberia USAFIME e: United States Army Forces in the Middle East USAFINCISCOM e: United States Army Finance and Comptroller Information Systems Command USAFINCOM e: United States Army Finance Command USAF Instructors Journal e: United States Air Force Instructors Journal USAFINTEL e: United States Air Force Intelligence Publication USAFINZ e: United States Army Forces in New Zealand USAFIP e: United States Army Forces in the Philippines USAFIP[NL] e: United States Army Forces in the Philippines [Northern Luzon] USAFISA e: United States Army Force Integration Support Agency USAFISPA e: United States Army Forces in the South Pacific Area USAFIT e: United States Air Force Institute of Technology USAFIWS e: United States Air Force Interceptor Weapons School USAFJADC e: United States Air Force Judiciary Area Defense Counsel USAFJEC e: United States Air Force Judiciary European Circuit USAFJPC e: United States Air Force Judiciary Pacific Circuit USAFLANT e: United States Air Force Atlantic Command USAFIGED e: United States Armed Forces Institute Tests of General Educational Development USAFIT e: United States Air Force Institute of Technology USA FM e: United States Air Force Museum USAFMC e: United States Air Force Mobility Center USAFMD e: United States Army Frequency Management Directorate USAFME e: United States Air Forces, Middle East USAFMEPCR e: United States Air Force Middle-East Postal and Courier Region USAFMEPCS e: United States Air Force Mideast Postal and Courier Service USAFMIDPAC e: United States Army Forces, Middle Pacific USAFMPC e: United States Air Force Military Personnel Center USAFMPCR e: United States Air Force Mideast Postal and Courier Region USAF/MP EAB e: United States Air Force Manpower Personnel Emergency Actions Book USAFMS e: United States Air Force Medical Service - e: United States Air Force Museum System USAFMSA e: United States Army Force Management Support Activity USAFMTC e: United States Air Force Marksmanship Training Center USAFMTEC e: United States Air Force Mobility Test and Evaluation Center

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USAGSC USAFMTO e: United States Army Forces, Mediterranean Theater of Operations USA F NR e: United States. Air Force. News Release USAF/NRD e: United States Air Force, National Range Division USAFNS e: United States Air Force Navigation School USAF Nucl Saf e: United States Air Force Nuclear Safety USAFNWSSG e: United States Air Force Nuclear Weapon System Safety Group USAFNZ e: United States Army Forces in New Zealand USAFO e: United States Army Field Office USAFOCA e: United States Army Field Operating Cost Agency USAFOCS e: United States Air Force Officer Candidate School USAFOEHL e: United States Air Force Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory USAFO F e: United States Army Flight Operations Facility USAFOMC e: United States Air Force Occupational Measurement Center USAFOSR e: United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research USAFPAC e: United States Air Forces, Pacific IISAFPACPCR e: United States Air Force Pacific Postal and Courier Region USAFPACPCS e: United States Air Force Pacific Postal and Courier Service IISAFPCS e: United States Air Force Postal and Courier Service USAFPCS Eur-Me Rgn e: United States Air Force Postal and Courier Service, Europe-Mideast Region IISAFPCS LA Rgn e: United States Air Force Postal and Courier Service, Latin America Region IISAFPCS Pac Rgn e: United States Air Force Postal and Courier Service, Pacific Region USAFPCS US Rgn e: United States Air Force Postal and Courier Service, United States Region USAFPDC e: United States Air Force Personnel Development Center USAFPEB e: United States Air Force Physical Evaluation Board USAFPI e: United States Air Forces in the Philippine Islands USAFPLREP e: United States Air Force Plant Representative Office USAFPOA e: United States Army Force, Pacific Ocean Areas USAFPP e: United States Air Force Personnel Plan USAFPRO e: United States Air Force Plant Representative Office USAFPS e: United States Air Force Pilot School USAFR e: United States Air Force Regulation - e: United States Air Force Representative - e: United States Air Force Reserve USAFRD e: United States Air Force Recruiting Detachment USAFRED e: United States Air Force Forces, Readiness Command - e: United States Air Forces, Readiness Command USAFRes e: United States Air Force Reserve USAFRG e: United States Air Force Recruiting Group

USAFRHL e: United States Air Force Radiological Health Laboratory USAFRO e: United States Air Force Recruiting Office USAFROTC e: United States Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps USAFRR e: United States Air Force Resident Representative USAFRS e: United States Air Force Recruiting Service USAFRSQ e: United States Air Force Recruiting Squadron USAFS e: United States Army Finance School USAFSA e: United States Army Finance Support Agency - e: United States Army Forces in South America - e: United States Army Forces, South Atlantic USAFSAAS e: United States Air Force School of Applied Aerospace Sciences USAFSAB e: United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board USAFSACS e: United States Air Force School of Applied Cryptologie Sciences USAFSAG e: United States Air Force Special Activities Group USAFSAM e: United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine USAFSAS e: United States Air Force Special Activities Squadron USAFSAWC e: United States Air Force Special Air Warfare Center USAFSBASS e: United States Air Force Standard Base Supply System USAFSBL e: United States Air Force Space Biological Laboratory USAFSBSS e: United States Air Force Standard Base Supply System USAFSC e: United States Air Force Systems Command - e: United States Army Engineer Studies Center - e: United States Army Food Service Center USAFSCHCS e: United States Air Force School of Health Care Science USAFSE e: United States Air Force Supervisory Examination] - e: United States Air Forces Southern Europe USAFSG e: United States Air Field Support Group - e: United States Air Force Surgeon General - e: United States Army Field Support Group USAFSHCS e: United States Air Force School of Health Care Science USAF SL e: United States Air Force Stock List Department USAFSO e: United States Air Force Southern Air Division - e: United States Air Force Southern Command USAFSOC e: United States Air Force Special Operations Center - e: United States Air Forces, United States Special Operations Command USAFSOF e: United States Air Force Special Operations Force USAFSOS e: United States Air Force Special Operations School USAF-SP e: United States Air ForceSpace Division USAFSPA e: United States Air Force Security Policy Academy USAFSRA e: United States Air Force Special Reporting Agency

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USAFSS e: United States Air Force Security Service USAFSS-ESC e: United States Air Force Security Service-Electronic Security Command USAFSTC e: United States Air Force Special Treatment Center - e: United States Army Foreign Science and Technology Center USAFSTDS e: United States Army-Air Force Standards USAFSTRIKE e: United States Air Forces Strike Command USAFT e: United States Army Forces, Taiwan USAFTAC e: United States Air Force Technical Applications Center USAFTACPCR e: United States Air Force Pacific Postal and Courier Region USAFTALC e: United States Air Force Tactical Airlift Center USAFTARC e: United States Air Force Tactical Air Reconnaissance Center USAFTAWC e: United States Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center USAF TESTPLTSCH e: United States Air Force Test Pilot School U SA FT FW C e: United States Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center USAFTMCP e: United States Air Force Tactical Missile Control Point USAF T.O. e: United States Air Force Technical Order USAFTPS e: United States Air Force Test Pilot School USAFTS e: United States Air Force Technical School USAFTTC e: United States Air Force Technical Training Center USAFTTS e: United States Air Force Technical Training School USAF-USPCR e: United States Air ForceUnited States Postal Courier Region USAFWPLO e: United States Air Force Water Port Logistics Office USAFWPO e: United States Air Force Water Port Liaison Office USA FW S e: United States Air Force Weapons School USAFWTC e: United States Air Force Weapons and Tactics Center USAG e: United States Advisory Group - e: United States Army Garrison - e: United States Army Group - e: United States Army in Greece USA GAR e: United States Army Garrison USAGD e: United States Army General Depot USAGDUK e: United States Army General Depot-United Kingdom USAGETA e: United States Army General Equipment Test Activity - e: United States Army General Equipment Test Activity, Fort Lee USAGF e: United States Army Ground Forces USAGG e: United States Army Group, American Mission for Aid to Greece USAGIMRADA e: United States Army Geodesy Intelligence and Mapping Research and Development Agency USAGMPA e: United States Army General Materiel and Petroleum Activity USAGMPC e: United States Army General Materiel and Parts Center USAGSC e: United States Army General Supplies Commodity Center - e: United States Army Glessen Support Center


USAGSCC U S A G S C C e: United States Army General Supplies Commodity Center USAH e: United States Army Hospital USAHAC e: United States Army Headquarters Area Command U S A H C e: United States Army Health Clinic USAHDS e: United States Army HIV Data System U S A H E L e: United States Army Human Engineering Laboratories USAHI e: United States Army History Institute U S A H O M E e: United States Army Homes USAHS e: United States Army Hospital Ship U S A H S C e: United States Army Health Service Command USAHSDSA e: United States Army Health Services Data Systems Agency U S A H T N e: United States Army Hometown News Center USAI e: United States Army Intelligence USAIA e: United States Army Institute of Administration - e: United States Army Intelligence Agency USAIB e: United States Army Infantry Board U S A I C e: United States Army Infantry Center - e: United States Army Intelligence Center - e: United States Army Intelligence Command - e: United States Army Intelligence Corps USAICA e: United States Army Interagency Communications Agency U S A I C & F H e: United States Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca USAICS e: United States Army Intelligence Center and School USAID e: United Kingdom Ministry of Defence US-AID e: United States Agency for International Development USAID e: United States Aid for International Development USAIDR e: United States Army Institute of Dental Research USAIDSC e: United States Army Information and Data Systems Command USAIDAV e: United States Agency for International Development, Washington USAIG e: United States Army Inspector General U S A I G A e: United States Army Inspector General Agency USAI IA e: United States Army Imagery Interception Agency USAIIC e: United States Army Imagery Interpretation Center USAIIG e: United States Army Imagery Interpretation Group USAILC e: United States Army International Logistics Center USAILCOM e: United States Army International Logistics Command USAILG e: United States Army International Logistics Group U S A I M A e: United States Army Institute for Military Assistance USAI MC e: United States Army Inventory Management Center U S A I M S e: United States Army Institute for Military Systems USAIN e: United States Agricultural Information Network U S A I N F C E N e: United States Army Infantry Center


U S A I N F H R U e: United States Army Infantry Human Research Unit USAINIC e: United States Army Intelligence Center U S A I N S B e: United States Army Intelligence [and] Security Board USAINSBD e: United States Army Intelligence and Security Board U S A I N S C O M e: United States Army Intelligence and Security Command USAINTA e: United States Army Intelligence Agency U S A I N T B e: United States Army Intelligence Board USAINTC e: United States Army Intelligence Center - e: United States Army Intelligence Command USAINTCA e: United States Army Intelligence Corps Agency U S A I N T C S e: United States Army Intelligence Center and School USAINTELMDA e: United States Army Intelligence Materiel D e v e l o p m e n t s ] Agency USAINTS e: United States Army Intelligence School USAIPSG e: United States Army Industrial and Personnel Security Group USAirA e: United States Air Attaché U S A I R C e: United States Army Ionizing Radiation Center USAIRE e: United States of America Aerospace Industries Representatives in Europe US Air Force Acad e: United States Air Force Academy US Air Force Acad Tech Rep e: United States Air Force Academy. Technical Report US Air Force Aeronaut Syst Div Tech Note e: United States. Air Force. Aeronautical Systems. Division Technical Note US Air Force Aeronaut Syst Div Tech Rep e: United States Air Force. Aeronautical Systems. Division Technical Report US Air Force Cambridge Res Lab Instrum Pap e: United States. Air Force. Cambridge Research Laboratories. Instrumentation Papers US Air Force Cambridge Res Lab Phy Sci Res Pap e: United States. Air Force. Cambridge Research Laboratories. Physical Sciences Research Papers US Air Force Hum Resour Lab Tech Rep e: United States Air Force. Human Resources Laboratory. Technical Report US Air Force Syst Command Air Force Flight Dyn Lab Tech Rep e: United States. Air Force. Systems Command Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory. Technical Report US Air Force Syst Command Air Force Mater Lab Tech Rep A F M L «. United States. Air Force. Systems Command Air Force Materials Laboratory. Technical Report A F M L US Air Force Syst Command Res Technol Div Tech Doc Rep ASD e: United States. Air Force. Systems Command Research and Technology Division. Technical Documentary Report. A S D US Air Force Tech Doc Rep e: United States. Air Force. Technical Documentary Report US Air Force W A D C Tech Rep e: United States. Air Force. Wright Air Development Center. Technical Report

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US Air Force W e a p o n s Lab Tech Rep e: United States. Air Force. Weapons Laboratory Technical Report IIS Air Force Wright Air Dev Cent Tech Notes e: United States Air Force. Wright Air Development Center. Technical Notes IIS Air Force Wright Air Dev Cent Tech Rep e: United States Air Force. Wright Air Development Center. Technical Report USAIRILO e: United States Air Liaison Officer U S A I R L O e: United States Air Liaison Officer USAir MilComUN e: United States Air Force Representative, UN Military Staff Committee U S A I R O e: United States Army Inventory Research Office USAIRR e: United States Army Investigative Records Repository USAIS e.· United States Army Infantry School USAISC e: United States Army Information Systems Center - e: United States Army Information System[s] Command - e: United States Army Intelligence and Security Command USAISC-A e: United States Army Information Systems Command-Alaska IJSAISC-AMC e: United States Army Information Systems Command-Army Materiel Command USAISC-CIDC e: United States Army Information Systems Command-CIDC USAISC-FORSCOM e: United States Army Information Systems CommandForces Command USAISC-HSC e: United States Army Information Systems Command-Health Services Command U S A I S C - I N S C O M e: United States Army Information Systems CommandIntelligence and Security Command U S A I S C - M T M C e: United States Army Information Systems Command-Military Traffic Management Command USAISC-SO e: United States Army Information Systems Command-South USAISC-5th Sig Cmd e: United States Army Information Systems Command5th Signal Command U S A I S C - T R A D O C e: United States Army Information Systems Command-Training and Doctrine Command U S A I S C - W E S T C O M e: United States Army Information Systems CommandWestern Command USAISD e: United States Army Intelligence School, Fort Devens USAISEC e: United States Army Information Systems Engineering Center - e: United States Army Information Systems Engineering Command USAISESA e: United States Army Information Systems Engineering Support Activity U S A I S M A e: United States Army Information Systems Management Activity USAISR e: United States Army Institute of Surgical Research USAISSAA e: United States Army Information Systems Selection and Acquisition Activity - e: United States Army Information Systems Selection and Acquisition Agency

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USAMP USAISSDCL e: United States Army Information Systems Software CenterSoftware Development Center, Fort Lee USAISSSC e: United States Army Information Systems Software Support Command USAITAC e: United States Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center USAITC e: United States Army Intelligence Training Center USAITFG e: United States Army Intelligence Threats and Forecasts Group USAJ e: United States Army, Japan USAJFKCENMA e: United States Army John Fitzgerald Kennedy Center for Military Assistance USAJFKCENSPWAR e: United States Army John Fitzgerald Kennedy Center for Special Warfare USAJFKSWCS e: United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School USAJHGSOWA e: United States Army Joint Household Goods Shipping Office of the Armed Forces USAJPG e: United States Army Jefferson Proving Ground USAJSC e: United States Army Joint Support Command USAKA e: United States Army, Kwajalein Atoll Complex USAKORSCOM e: United States Army Korea Support Command USALangSch e: United States Army Language School USALAPA e: United States Army Los Angeles Procurement Agency USALC e: United States Army Logistics Center USALCA e: United States Army Logistic[s] Control Activity USALCJ e: United States Army Logistical Center, Japan USALDC e: United States Army Logistics Data Center USALDJ e: United States Army Logistics Depot, Japan USALDRHRU e: United States Army Leadership Human Research Unit USALDSRA e: United States Army Logistics Doctrine, Systems, and Readiness Agency USALEA e: United States Army Logistics Evaluation Agency USALGPM e: United States Army Liaison Group, Project Michigan IJSA1IC e: United States Army Imagery Interpretation Center USALMC e: United States Army Logistics Management Center li SA LOG C e: United States Army Logistics Center USALS e: United States Army Language School USALSA e: United States Army Legal Services Agency USALWL e: United States Army Limited War Laboratory USAM e: United States Army Mothers Organization, National USAMA e: United States Army Mothers Association USAMAA e: United States Army Memorial Affairs Agency USAMAAE e: United States Army Memorial Affairs Activity, Europe USAMANRRDC e: United States Army Manpower Resources Research and Development Center

USAMAPLA e: United States Army Military Assistance Program Logistics Agency USAMAPS e: United States Army Military Academy Preparatory School USAMARDA e: United States Army Manpower Requirements and Documentation Agency USAMB e: United States Army Maintenance Board USAMBRDL e: United States Army Medical Bioengineering Research and Development Laboratory USAMBRL e: United States Army Medical Biochemical Research Laboratory - e: United States Army Medical Biomechanical Research Laboratory USA MC e: United States Army Materiel Command - e: United States Army Medical Corps - e: United States Army Missile Command - e: United States Army Mobility Command - e: United States Army Munitions Command USAMCALMSA e: United States Army Materiel Command Automated Logistics Management Systems Agency USAMCC e: United States Army Meteorology and Calibration Center USAMCFG e: United States Army Medical Center, Fort Gordon USAMCFO e: United States Army Materiel Command Field Office USAMCFSA e: United States Army Materiel Command Field Safety Agency USAMC-IRO e: United States Army Materiel Command Inventory Research Office USAMCI&SA e: United States Army Materiel Command Installations and Service Agency USAMC-ITC e: United States Army Materiel Command-Interim Training Center USAMCLDC e: United States Army Materiel Command Logistics Data Center USAMC-IRO e: United States Army Materiel Command Inventory Research Office USAMCLSSA e: United States Army Materiel Command Logistic Systems Support Agency USAMC-ITC e: United States Army Materiel Command-Interim Training Center USAMCSFO e: United States Army Materiel Command Surety Field Office USAMD e: United States Army Missile Detachment USAMDAR e: United States Army Medical Depot Activity, Ryukyu Island USAMDPC e: United States Army Maintenance Data Processing Center USAMDRC e: United States Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command USAMDW e: United States Army Military District of Washington USAMEAF e: United States Army Middle East Air Forces USAMEC e: United States Army Mobility Equipment Command USAMECOM e: United States Army Mobility Equipment Command USAMEDCOM e: United States Army Medical Command USAMEDCOM EUR e: United States Arm Medical Command, Europe

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

USAMEDDBD e: United States Army Medical Department Board USAMEDLAB e: United States Army Medical Laboratory USAMEDS e: United States Army Medical Service USAMEDSVS e: United States Army Medical Service Veterinary School USAMEDTC e: United States Army Medical Training Center USAMEERU e: United States Army Medical Environmental Engineering Research Unit USAMEOS e: United States Army Medical Equipment and Optical School USAMERCC e: United States Army Middle East Regional Communications Command USAMERDC e: United States Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center USAMERDL e: United States Army Medical Equipment Research and Development Laboratory USAMETA e: United States Army Management Engineering Training Activity - e: United States Army Military Engineering Training Agency USAMFSS e: United States Army Medical Field Service School USAMGIK e: United States Army Military Government in Korea USAMHRC e: United States Army Military History Research Collection USAMICOM e: United States Army Missile Command USAMIDA e: United States Army Major Item Data Agency USAMIIA e: United States Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency USAML e: United States Army Medical Laboratory USAMMA e: United States Army Medical Material [or Materiel] Agency USAMMAE e: United States Army Materiel Management Agency, Europe USAMMAPAC e: United States Army Medical Materiel Agency, Pacific USAMMC e: United States Army Maintenance Management Center - e: United States Army Medical Materiel Center USAMMCE e: United States Army Medical Materiel Center-Europe - e: United States Army Medical Materiel Command Europe USAMMCS e: United States Army Missile and Munitions Center and School - e: United States Army Missile and Munitions Center School USA-MMDA e: United States Army Medical Materiel Development Activity USAMMT e: United States Army Military Mail Terminal USAMN e: United States Army Mothers, National USAMO e: United States Army Mothers Organization USAMOAMA e: United States Army Medical Optical and Maintenance Activity USAMOCOM e: United States Army Mobility Command USAMOMA e: United States Army Medical Optical and Maintenance Agency USAMP e: United States Army Maintenance Plant - e: United States Army Mine Planter


USAMP&CS/TCTFM USAMP&CS/TCTFM e: United States Army Military Police and Chemical Schools/Training Center and Fort McClellan USAMPHIBFOR e: United States Amphibious Forces USAMPS e: United States Army Military Police School - e: United States Army Motion Pictures Service USAMPTAO e: United States Army Military Personnel and Transportation Assistance Office USAMRAA e: United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Agency USAMRDAL e: United States Army Medical Research, Development, Acquisition, and Logistics USAMRDC e: United States Army Medical Research and Development Command USAMRICD e: United States Army Medical Research Institute for Chemical Defense USAMRIID e: United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infection [or Infectious] Diseases - e: United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases USAMRL e: United States Army Medical Research Laboratory USAMRMC e: United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command USAMRN e: United States Army Medical Research and Nutrition USAMRNL e: United States Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory USAMRRDC e: United States Army Manpower Resources Research and Development Center USAMRSA e: United States Army Material [or Materiel] Readiness Support Activity USA MRU e: United States Army Medical Research Unit U S A M R U H E e: United States Army Medical Research Unit-Europe USAMS e: United States Army Management School USAMSAA e: United States Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency USAMSMADHS e: United States Army Medical Service Meat and Dairy Hygiene School USAMSS e: United States Army Medical Service School USAMSSA e: United States Army Management Systems Support Agency USAM & TTC e: United States Army Mechanical and Technical Training Center USAMTU e: United States Army Marksmanship Training Unit USAMI) e: United States Army Marksmanship Unit - e: United States Army Medical Unit USAMUCOM e: United States Army Munitions Command USAMUFD e: United States Army Medical Unit, Fort Detrick USANA e: United States Army Nuclear Agency USANAFBA e: United States Army, Navy, and Air Force Bandsmen's Association USANAVEUR e: United States Navy, Europe US[A]NAVSO e: United States Naval Forces Southern Command


USANC e: United States Army Nurse Corps USANCA e: United States Army Nuclear [and] Chemical Agency USANCG e: United States Army Nuclear Catering Group USANCSG e: United States Army Nuclear and Chemical Surety Group USANDL e: United States Army Nuclear Defense Laboratory USANF e: United States Auxiliary Naval Force USANG e: United States Air National Guard - e: United States Army National Guard USANIBC e: United States Army Northern Ireland Base Command USANIF e: United States Army Northern Ireland Force USA-NLABS e: United States Army Natick Laboratories USANWCG e: United States Army Nuclear Weapon Coordination Group USANWSG e: United States Army Nuclear Weapon[s] Surety Group USANWTC e: United States Army Northern Warfare Training Center USAOAC e: United States Army Ordnance Ammunition Command USAOCBRL e: United States Army Ordnance Corps Ballistic Research Laboratory USAOCCCL e: United States Army Ordnance Corps Coating and Chemical Laboratory USAOCCS e: United States Army Ordnance-Chemical Center and School USAOCDPS e: United States Army Ordnance Corps Development and Proof Services USAOC&S e: United States Army Ordnance Center and School USAOD e: United States Army Ordnance Depot - e: United States Army Ordnance District USAOEC e: United States Army Officer Evaluation Center USAOGMS e: United States Army Ordnance Guided Missile School USAOMC e: United States Army Ordnance Missile Command USAOMMCS e: United States Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions Center and School USAOMSA e: United States Army Ordnance Missile Support Agency USAOPTEC e: United States Army Operational Test and Evaluation Command USAORDARS e: United States Army Ordnance Arsenal USAORDCORPS e: United States Army Ordnance Corps USAORDGMSCH e: United States Army Ordnance Guided Missile School USAORDPRGR e: United States Army Ordnance Proving Ground USAORDSCH e: United States Army Ordnance School USAORP e: United States Army Oversea Research Program USAORRF e: United States Army Ordnance Rocket Research Facility USAOSA e: United States Army Oversea[s] Supply Agency USAOSANO e: United States Army Overseas Supply Agency, New Orleans USAOSANY e: United States Army Oversea[s] Supply Agency, New York

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USAOSASF e: United States Army Overseas Supply Agency, San Francisco USAOSREPLSTA e: United States Army Oversea Replacement Station USAOSWAC e: United States Army Ordnance Special Weapons-Ammunition Command USAOTEA e: United States Army Operational Test and Evaluation Agency USAOWC e: United States Army Ordnance Weapons Command USAP e: United States Antarctic Program U.S. Ap. e: United States Appeals Reports USAPA e: United States Army Photographic Agency - e: United States Army Procurement Agency - e: United States Army Publishing Agency USAPACDA e: United States Army Personnel and Administration Combat Development Activity USAPAE e: United States Army Procurement Agency, Europe USAPATACE e: United States Army Publications and Training Aids Center, Europe USAPAV e: United States Army Procurement Agency, Vietnam USAPB e: United States Aircraft Production Board USAPC e: United States Argos Processing Center - e: United States Army Petroleum Center - e: United States Army Pictorial Center - e: United States Army Publishing Agency USAPCC e: United States Army Personnel Coordination Center USAPDA e: United States Army Physical Disability Agency USAPDC e: United States Army Petroleum Distribution Center - e: United States Army Petroleum Distribution Command - e: United States Army Property Disposal Center - e: United States Army Publications Distribution Center USAPDCE e: United States Army Petroleum Distribution Command, Europe USAPDSC e: United States Army Personnel Data Support Center USAPDSK e: United States Army Petroleum Distribution System, Korea USAPEB e: United States Army Physical Evaluation Board USAPEQUA e: United States Army Production Equipment Agency USAPERCEN e: United States Army Personnel Center USAPG e: United States Army Participation Group USAPHC e: United States Army Primary Helicopter Center USAPHS e: United States Army Primary Helicopter School USAPIA e: United States Army Personnel Information Activity USAPIC e: United States Army Personnel Integrating Command - e: United States Army Photointerpretation Center USAPMGSCH e: United States Army Provost Marshal General's School USAPOP e: United States Army Port Operations, Pusan USAPPC e: United States Army Publications and Printing Command USAPRC e: United States Army Physical Review Council

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

USARNG USAPRDC e: United States Army Polar Research and Development Center USAPRO e: United States Army Personnel Research Office USAPROCEN e: United States Army Procurement Center USAPSG e: United States Army Personnel Security Group USAPT e: United States Army Parachute Team USAQMC e: United States Army Quartermaster Corps USAQMCENFL e: United States Army Quartermaster Center and Fort Lee USAQMD e: United States Army Quartermaster Depot USAQMS e: United States Army Quartermaster School USAQMTC e: United States Army Quartermaster Training Command USAR e: United States Army - e: United States Army Reserve USARA e: United States Army Ranger Association - e: United States Army Reserve Affairs USARAC e: United States Army Reserve Command USARACS e: United States Army Alaska Communications Center - e: United States Army Assistant Chief of Staff USARADABD e: United States Army Air Defense Artillery Board USARADBD e: United States Army Air Defense Board USARADCEN e: United States Army Air Defense Center USARADCOM e: United States Army Air Defense Command USARADSCH e: United States Army Air Defense School - e: United States Army Research and Development School USARAE e: United States Army Reserve Affairs, Europe USARAL e: United States Army, Alaska USARB e: United States Army Recruiting Brigade - e: United States Army Retraining Brigade USARBCO e: United States Army Base Command - e: United States Army Base Command, Okinawa USARC e: United States Arctic Research Commission - e: United States Army Recruiting Command - e: United States Army Reserve Center - e: United States Army Reserve Command USA/RC e: United States of America Registration Committee USARCARIB e: United States Army, Caribbean USARCCO e: United States Army Commercial Communications Office [United States Army Communications Command] USARCEN e: United States Army Records Center USARCENT e: United States Army Forces, Central Command - e: United States Army Forces, United States Central Command USARCPAC e: United States Army Reserve Components Personnel and Administration Center IJSARCPC e: United States Army Reserve Components Personnel Center USARCS e: United States Army Claims Service

USARCSWIS e: United States Army Claims Service Worldwide Information System USARctBad e: United States Army Recruiter Badge USARDA e: United States Army Regional Dental Activity USARDAISA e: United States Army Research, Development, and Acquisition Information Systems Agency USARDL e: United States Army Research and Development Laboratories USARDORAG e: United States Army Research and Development Operational Research Advisory Group USARDSG e: United States Army Research, Development and Standardization Group USARDSG-GE e: United States Army Research, Development, and Standardization Group-Germany USAREC e: United States Army Recruiting Command USARECSTA e: United States Army Reception Station USARED Command e: United States Army Readiness Command USARENBD e: United States Army Armor and Engineer Board USAREPG e: United States Army Electronic Proving Ground USARet e: United States Army, Retired USARET-RSGSTA e: United States Army Resource-Reassignment Station - e: United States Army ReturneeReassignment Station USAREUR e: United States Army, Europe USAREURAGLO e: United States Army, Europe, Adjutant General Liaison Office USAREURCSTC e: United States Army, Europe, Combat Support Training Center USAREURMATCOM e: United States Army, Europe, Materiel Command USAREURORDCOM e: United States Army European Ordnance Command USARE e: United States Army Reserve Forces USARFANT e: United States Army Forces. Antilles USARFEO e: United States Army Frequency Engineering Office USARET e: United States Army Forces, Taiwan USARGE e: United States Army Restationing Group, Europe USARHAW e: United States Army, Hawaii USARIA e: United States Army Rock Island Arsenal USARIBSS e: United States Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences USARIEM e: United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine USARIS e: United States Army Information School USARJ e: United States Army, Japan USARK e: United States Army, Korea USARL e: United States Army Aeromedicai Research Laboratory - e: United States Army Research Laboratory USARLANT e: United States Army Forces, Atlantic - e: United States Army Forces, United States Atlantic Command USARLT e: United States Army Reserve Losses Tally USARMA e: United States Army Attaché

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

USARMAV e: United States Army Aviation USARMCOM e: United States Army Armament Command US Armed Forces Food Container Inst Libr Bull e: United States. Armed Forces Food and Container Institute. Library Bulletin US Armed Forc[es| Med J e: United States Armed Forces. Medical Journal USARMIS e: United States Army Mission USARMLO e: United States Army Liaison Officer US Army Armament Res Dev Command Tech Rep e: United States Army. Armament Research and Development Command. Technical Report US Army Behav Sei Res Lab Tech Res Note e: United States Army. Behavioral Science Research Laboratory. Technical Research Note US Army Behav Syst Res Lab Tech Res Note e: United States. Army. Behavior and Systems Research Laboratory. Technical Research Note US Army Behav Syst Res Lab Tech Res Rep e: United States. Army. Behavior and Systems Research Laboratory. Technical Research Report US Army Coastal Eng Res Cent Mise Pap e: United States. Army. Coastal Engineering Research Center. Miscellaneous Paper US Army Coastal Eng Res Cent Tech Memo e: United States Army. Coastal Engineering Research Center. Technical Memorandum US Army Corps Eng Cold Reg Res Eng Lab Res Rep e: United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Research Report US Army Corps Eng Cold Reg Res Eng Lab Tech Rep e: United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Technical Report US Army Corps Engineers Waterways Expt Sta Mise Paper e: United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station. Miscellaneous Paper US Army Corps Engineers Waterways Expt Sta Tech Rept e: United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station. Technical Report US Army Corps of Engineers Comm Tidal Hydraulics Rept e: United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Committee on Tidal Hydraulics. Report US Army Diamond Ord Fuze Lab Tech Rep e: United States Army. Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories. Technical Report US Army Diamond Ordnance Fuze Lab Tech Rep e: United States. Army. Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories. Technical Report US Army Eng Waterw Exp Stn Tech Rep e: United States Army Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station. Technical Report US Army Med Res Lab Rep e: United States. Army. Medical Research Laboratory. Report US Army Natick Lab Tech Rep Microbiol Ser e: United States Army. Natick Laboratories. Technical Report. Microbiology Series USARNG e: United States Army National Guard


USARO USARO e: United States Army Research Office USAROD e: United States Army Research Office [Durham] USAROTC e: United States Army Reserve Officer Training Corps USAROTCR e: United States Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps Region US ARPA e: United States Army Publications Agency - e: United States Army Radio Propagation Agency USARPAC e: United States Army, Pacific USARPACINTS e: United States Army Pacific Intelligence School USARPERCEN e: United States Army Personnel Center - e: United States Army Reserve Personnel Center USARR e: United States Army Readiness Regions USARRACL e: United States Army Reserve Report Activity Control List USARRADCOM e: United States Army Armament Research and Development Command USARRED e: United States Army Forces, Readiness Command USARS e: United States Army Regimental System USARSA e: United States Army School of the Americas USARSCV e: United States Army Support Command, Vietnam USARSG e: United States Army Standardization Group USARSO e: United States Army [Forces], Southfern Command] - e: United States Army, Southern Command USARSO-PR e: United States Army Forces, Southern Command-Puerto Rico USARSOUTHCOM e: United States Army Forces Southern Command USARSPACE e: United States Army Space Command USARSSO e: United States Army Safeguard Systems Office USARSTRIKE e: United States Army Forces Strike Command USARSUPTHAI e: United States Army Support, Thailand USARTL e: United States Army Research and Technical Laboratories USARTLS e: United States Army Reserve Troop List by State USARUCU e: United States Army Reserve Unit Commander Unit USARUER e: Commander United States Army Europe USARV e: United States Army, Vietnam USARYIS e: United States Army, Ryukyu Islands USAS e: United States Air Service[s] - e: United States Army South - e: United States Army Standard - i: Ufficiale superiore addetto ai servizi reggimentali US ASA e: United States Army School of the Americas USASA e: United States Army Security Agency USASAALA e: United States Army Security Assistance Agency, Latin America USASAC e: United States Army Security Affairs Command - e: United States Army Security Assistance Center - e: United States Army Security Assistance Command


USASACDA e: United States Army Security Agency Combat Development Activity USASACDSA e: United States Army Security Agency Command Data Systems Activity USASAC-NC e: United State Army Security Assistance Command, New Cumberland USASADEA e: United States Army Signal Air Defense Engineering Agency USASAE e: United States Army Security Agency, Europe USASAFLOG e: United States Army Safeguard Logistics Command USASAFO e: United States Army Signal Avionics Field Office USASAFS e: United States Army Security Agency Field Station USASAFSCOM e: United States Army Safeguard System Command USASAM e: United States Army School of Aviation Medicine USASAPAC e: United States Army Security Agency, Pacific USASASA e: United States Army Security Agency Systems Activity - e: United States Army Small Arms Systems Agency USASASSA e: United States Army Security Agency Signal Security Activity USASAT e: Unified Systems for Attack of Surface and Airborne Targets USASATCOM e: United States Army Satellite Communicationfs] USASATCOMA e: United States Army Satellite Communications Agency USASATEC e: United States Army Security Agency Test and Evaluation Center USASATSA e: United States Army Signal Aviation Test Support Activity USASC e: United States Army Safety Center - e: United States Army Signal Command - e: United States Army Signal Corps - e: United States Army, Southern Command-Caribbean - e: United States Army Subsistence Center - e: United States Army Support Center USASCA e: United States Army Safeguard Communications Agency - e: United States Army Satellite Communications Agency USASCAF e: United States Army Service Center for Armed Forces - e: United States Army Service Center for the Armed Forces USASCC e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command - e: United States Army Supply Control Center USASC & FG e: United States Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon USASCH e: United States Army Support Command, Hawaii USASCHEUR e: United States Army School, Europe USASCR e: United States Army Support Center, Richmond IJSASCS e: United States Army Signal Center and School - e: United States Army Signal Corps School IJSASCSA e: United States Army Signal Communications Security Agency USASCSOCR e: United States Army Standard Character Set for Optical Character Recognition

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USASCV e: United States Army Support Command, Vietnam USASD e: United States Army Student Detachment USASDC e: United States Army Strategic Defense Command USASEA e: United States Army Signal Engineering Agency USASEL e: United States Army Signal Engineering Laboratory USASESA e: United States Army Signal Equipment Support Agency USASESS e: United States Army Southeastern Signal School USASETAF e: United States Army Southern European Task Force USASEUR e: United States Army School, Europe USASEXC e: United States Armed Services Exploitation Center USASF e: United States Army Special Forces USASFG e: United States Army Special Forces Group USASFGV e: United States Army Special Forces Group, Vietnam USASFV e: United States Army Special Forces, Vietnam USASG e: United States Army Standardization Group USASG [AUS] e: United States Army Standardization Group [Australia] USASG [CA] e: United States Army Standardization Group [Canada] USASG[UK] e: United States Army Standardization Group [United Kingdom] USASGV e: United States Army Support Group, Vietnam USASI e: United States Air Staff Intelligence USASigC e: United States Army Signal Corps USASIGENGLAB e: United States Army Signal Engineering Laboratory USASIGRSCHUNIT e: United States Army Signal Research Unit USASIGS e: United States Army Signal School USASIGTC e: United States Army Signal Training Center USASIMSA e: United States Army Signal Materiel Support Agency USASIS e: United States Army Strategic Intelligence School USASISSDCL e: United States Army Information Systems Software Development Center-Lee USASMA e: United States Army Sergeant Major Academy USASMC e: United States Army Sergeants Major Course - e: United States Army Supply and Maintenance Command USASMCOM e: United States Army Supply and Maintenance Command USASMSA e: United States Army Signal Corps Material Support Agency - e: United States Army Signal Materiel Support Agency - e: United States Army Signal Missile Support Agency USASMSG e: United States Army Signal Missile Support Group USASOC e: United States Army Special Operations Command USASOF e: United States Air Force Special Operations Force USASOPAC e: United States Army Support Office, Pacific

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USATMC USASOS e: United States Army Services of Supply USASPO e: United States Army Space Program Office USASPSAE e: United States Army Special Services Agency, Europe USASPTAP e: United States Army Support Activity, Philadelphia USASPTC e: United States Army Support Center USASPTCC e: United States Army Support Command, Chicago USASPTCM e: United States Army Support Center, Memphis USASPTCP e: United States Army Support Center, Philadelphia USASPTCR e: United States Army Support Center, Richmond USASRDL e: United States Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory USASRDL Technical Report e: United States Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory Technical Report USASRIJ e: United States Army Surgical Research Unit USASS e: United States Army Signal School USASSA e: United States Army Signal Supply Agency USASSAFMPO e: United States Army Signal Supply Agency, Fort Monmouth Procurement Office USASSAMRO e: United States Army Signal Supply Agency, Midwestern Regional Office USASSAUSAEPGPO e: United States Army Signal Supply Agency, United States Army Electronic Proving Ground Procurement Office USASSAWPO e: United States Army Signal Supply Agency, Washington Procurement Office USASSAWRO e: United States Army Signal Supply Agency, Western Regional Office USASSC e: United States Army Soldier Support Center - e: United States Army Space & Strategic Command USASSC & FBH e: United States Army Soldier Support Center and Fort Benjamin Harrison USASSD e: United States Army Special Security Detachment USASSDC e: United States Army Space and Strategic Defense Command USASSG e: United States Army Special Security Group USASSI e: United States Army Soldier Support Instituts USASTAF e: United States Army Southern European Task Force - e: United States Army Strategic Air Forces in the Pacific IISASTC e: United States Army Signal Training Center - e: United States Army Signal Training Center, Fort Gordon, Georgia USASTCEN e: United States Army Signal Training Center USAS/TC&FG e: United States Army School/Training Center and Fort Gordon USASTCFM e: United States Army Signal Training Command and Fort Monmouth USASTRAT[-]COM e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command

USASTRATCOM-A e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command, Alaska USASTRATCOM-CONUS e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command-Continental United States USASTRATCOM-EUR e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command-Europe USASTRATCOMFORCES e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command-Forces USASTRATCOM-PAC e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command-Pacific USASTRATCOMSAFCA e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command Safeguard Communications Agency USASTRATCOM SIG GP e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command Signal Group USASTRATCOM-SIGGP-T e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command Signal Group-Thailand USASTRATCOM-SO e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command-South USASTRATCOM-T e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command-Thailand USASTRATCOM-TRADOC e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command-Training and Doctrine Command USASTRATCOM-V e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command-Vietnam USASUPCOM-CRB e: United States Army Support Command-Cam Ranh Bay USASUPCOM-QN e: United States Army Support Command-Qui Nhon USASUPCOM-SGN e: United States Army Support Command-Saigon USASWL e: United States Army Signals Warfare Laboratory USASWS e: United States Army Special Warfare School USAT e: United States Army Transport USATA e: United States Army Transportation Agency - e: United States Army Transportation Aviation USATAC e: United States Army Terrain Analysis Center - e: United States Army Training Center, Engineer - e: United States Army Training Center, Engineer, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri USATACOM e: United States Army Tank Automotive Command USATAFO e: United States Army Transportation Aviation Field Office USATALS e: United States Army Transportation and Aviation Logistics Schools USATATSA e: United States Army Transportation Aircraft Test and Support Activity USATA [WH] e: United States Army Transportation Agency [White House] USATB e: United States Army Training Board USATC e: United States Air Transport Command - e: United States Army Topographic Command - e: United States Army Traffic Command - e: United States Army Training Center

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

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- e: United States Army Transportation Center and School - e: United States Assault Training Center USATCA e: United States Army Terminal Command, Atlantic - e: United States Army Training Center, Armor USATCAAA e: United States Army Training Center, Anti-aircraft Artillery USATC AD e: United States Army Training Center, Air Defense USATC ARMOR e: United States Army Training Center, Armor USATCBASIC e: United States Army Training Center, Basic IJSATCC e: United States Army Training Center, Caribbean USATCD e: United States Army Training Center, Air Defense USATCEFLW e: United States Army Training Center, Engineer, Fort Leonard Wood USATCENGR e: United States Army Training Center, Engineer USATCES e: United States Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety USATCEUR e: United States Army Terminal Command, Europe USATC FA e: United States Army Training Center, Field Artillery USATCFE e: United States Army Transportation Center and Fort Eustis USATCFLW e: United States Army Training Center and Fort Leonard Wood USATCG e: United States Army Terminal Command, Gulf USATC Inf e: United States Army Training Center, Infantry USATCO e: United States Air Traffic Controllers Organization USATCOMA e: United States of America Satellite Communications Agency USATCP e: United States Army Terminal Command, Pacific USATCRTSA e: United States Army Transportation Corps Road Test Support Activity USATDA e: United States Army Training Device Agency USATDC e: United States Army Training and Doctrine Command USATDGL e: United States Army Terminal Detachment, Great Lakes USATEA e: United States Army Transportation Engineering Agency USATEC e: United States Army Test and Evaluation Command - e: United States Army Topographic Engineering Center USATECOM e: United States Army Test and Evaluation Command USATESAE e: United States Army Test Equipment Support Agency USATHAMA e: United States Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials] Agency USATIA e: United States Army Transportation Intelligence Agency USATIC e: United States Army Technology Integration Center USATISI! e: United States Army Troop Information Support Unit USATL e: United States Army Technical Library USATMACE e: United States Army Traffic Management Agency, Central Europe USATMC e: United States Army Training Medical Center - e: United States Army Transportation Materiel Command


USATOPOCOM - e: United States Army Troop Medical Clinic USATOPOCOM e: United States Army Topographical] Command USATRADOC e: United States Army Training and Doctrine Command - e: United States of America Training and Doctrine Command USATRANSCOM e: United States Army Transportation Command USATRANSCOM EUR e: United States Army Transportation Command Europe USATRASANA e: United States Army TRADOC Systems Analysis Activity USATRATCOM e: United States Army Strategic Communications Command USATRC e: United States Army Transportation Research Command USATRECOM e: United States Army Transportation Research [and Engineering] Command USATREOG e: United States Army Transportation Environmental Operations Group USATRFSTA e: United States Army Transfer Station USATRML e: United States Army Tropical Research Medical Laboratory USATROSCOM e: United States Army Troop Support Command USATSA e: United States Army Technical Support Activity - e: United States Army Troop Support Agency USATSACTV e: United States Army Technical Support Activity USATSARCOM e: United States Army Troop Support and Aviation Materiel Readiness Command USATSC e: United States Army Terrestrial Sciences Center - e: United States Army Training Support Center USATSCH e: United States Army Transportation School - e: United States Army Transportation School, Fort Eustis USATSG e: United States Army TMDE [Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment] Support Group USATTAY e: United States Army Transportation Test Activity, Yuma USATTB e: United States Army Transportation Terminal, Brooklyn USATTC e: United States Army Transportation Training Command - e: United States Army Tropic Test Center USATTCA e: United States Army Transportation Terminal Command, Atlantic USATTCARC e: United States Army Transportation Terminal Command, Arctic USATTCG e: United States Army Transportation Terminal Command, Gulf USATTCP e: United States Army Transportation Terminal Command, Pacific USATTU e.· United States Army Transportation Terminal Unit USATUC e: United States Army Terminal Unit, Canaveral USAUD3 e: United States Air Force Academy. Technical Report USAVCBIT e: United States Forces, China, Burma, India Theater USAVETS e: United States Army Veterinary School USAW e: Underwater Security Advance Warnings


USAWC e: United States Army War College - e: United States Army Weapons Command USAWECOM e: United States Army Weapons Command USAWES e: United States Army Waterways Experiment Station USAWOA e: United States Army Warrant Officers Association USAYPG e: United States Army Yuma Proving Ground USB e: United States Bases USBER e: United States Mission, Berlin USC e: Underwater Systems Center - e: United States Congress USCA e: Uniformed Services Contingency Act USCAA e: United States Coast Artillery Association USCAC e: United States Continental Army Command USCAL e: University of South California Aeronautical Laboratory USCANW e: United States Committee Against Nuclear War USCARA e: United States Army Civilian Appellate Review Agency USCDC e: United States Civil Defense Council USCE e: United States Army Corps of Engineers USCEEIA e: United States Army Communications-Electronics Engineering Installation Agency USCE/NPD e: United States Army, Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division USCENTAF e: United States Central Command-Air Forces - e: United States Central Command [Tactical] Air Force[s] USCENTCOM e: United States Central Command USC G e: United States Coast Guard USCGA e: United States Coast Guard Academy - e: United States Coast Guard Auxiliary USCGAD e: United States Coast Guard Air Detachment USCGAS e: United States Coast Guard Air Station USCGASB e: United States Coast Guard Aircraft and Supply Base USC G Aux e: United States Coast Guard, Auxiliary USCGB e: United States Coast Guard Base USCG-B e: United States Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety USCGC e: United States Coast Guard Cutter USCG-C e: United States Coast Guard Office of Chief of Staff USCGD e: United States Coast Guard Depot USCG-E e: United States Coast Guard Naval Engineering Division USCGI e: United States Coast Guard Institute USCG-M e: United States Coast Guard Office of Merchant Marine Safety USCG-MFSRS e: United States Coast Guard Marine Fire and Safety Research Staff USCGMSC e: United States Coast Guard Marine Safety Council USCG-N e: United States Coast Guard Office of Navigation USCGR e: United States Coast Guard Reserve

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USCGRC e: United States Coast Guard Receiving Center USCGR[T] e: United States Coast Guard, Reserve [Temporary] USCGR[W] e: United States Coast Guard, Reserve [Women] USCGSCF e: United States Coast Guard Shore Communication Facilities USCGTS e: United States Coast Guard Training Station USch d: Unteroffizierschule U.Sch. d: Unteroffizierschule U.S.C.H.A. e: United States Colored Troops Heavy Artillery U-Schiff d: kernkraftgetriebenes U - Boot USCINC e: United States Commander-inChief USCINCACOM e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Command USCINCAFRED e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Air Force Forces, Readiness Command USCINCARRED e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Army Forces, Readiness Command USCINCCENT e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Central Command USCINCCEUR e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Europe USCINCEUR e: United States Commander-in-Chief Europe - e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Europe[an Command] USCINCLANT e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Command - e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Forces USCINCMEAFSA e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Middle East, Africa South of the Sahara and Southern Asia USCINCPAC e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command - e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Forces USCINCRED e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Readiness Command USCINCSCO e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Southern Command USCINCSO e: United States Commanderin-Chief, Southern Command USCINCSOC e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Special Operations Command USCINCSOUTH e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Southern Command USCINCSPACE e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Space Command USCINCSTRAT e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Command USCINCTRANS e: United States Commander-in-Chief, Transportation Command USCINSO e: United States Commanderin-Chief, Southern Command USCINSOC e: United States Commanderin-Chief Special Operations Command USCM e: Unit Simulated Combat Mission USCMA e: Official Reports, United States Court of Military Appeals - e: United States Court of Military Appeals USCMA Adv Op e: United States Court of Military Appeals, Advance Opinions USCND e: United States Council of National Defense USCNO e: United States Chief of Naval Operations

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USMCB U S C O B e: United States Commander, Berlin US Col e: United States Colonel U S C O M E A S T e; United States Commander, Eastern Atlantic U S C O M E A S T L A N T e: United States Commander, Eastern Atlantic - e: United States Commander, Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic U S C O M E U R e: United States Commander, Europe U S C O M S U B G R U E A S T L A N T e: United States Commander, Submarines Group, Eastern Atlantic U S C O N A R C e: United States Continental Army Command U S C - P M e: United Somali CongressPeace Movement USCS e: United States Chief of Staff U.S.C.S. e: United States Chief of Staff U S C S B e: United States Communications Security Board U S C T e: United States Colored Troops IJSCWC e: United States Chemical Warfare Committee USD e: Under Seas Defense - e: Under Secretary of Defense USDA e: Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition - e: United States Department of the Army - e: United States Disarmament Administration - e: United States Disarmament Agency U S D A O e: United States Defense Attaché Office - e: United States Defense Attaché Office[r] U S D A & T e: Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology U S D A T & L e: Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics U S D B e: United States Disciplinary Barracks USDC e: Under Secretary of Defense for Comptroller - e: United States Defense Committee USDCFO e: United States Defence C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Field Office USDD e: United States Department of Defense U S D E L M R e: United States Army Engineer Division, Missouri River U S D E L M V e: United States Army Engineer Division, Lower Mississippi Valley USDELNA e: United States Army Engineer Division, North Atlantic U S D E L N C e: United States Army Engineer Division, North Control USDELNE e: United States Army Engineer Division, New England U S D E L N P e: United States Army Engineer Division, North Pacific IISDELOR e: United States Army Engineer Division, Ohio River U S D E L P O e: United States Army Engineer Division, Pacific Ocean USDELSA e: United States Army Engineer Division, South America IISDELSP e: United States Army Engineer Division, South Pacific U S D E L S W e: United States Army Engineer Division, Southwestern USDN e: United States Department of the Navy IISDOD e: United States Department of Defense U S D O N e: United States Department of the Navy

USDP e: Under Secretary of Defence for Policy USDR e: United States Defense Representative U S D R E e: Office of the Under-Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering USecA d: Under Secretary of the Army USECOM e: United States Army Electronics Command USecWar e: Under-Secretary of War USEF e: United States Expeditionary Forces U S E U C O M e: United States, European Command USF ά. Unbewegliches Sperrfeuer U.S.F. e: United Service Fund USF e: United States Fleet - e: United States Forces USFA e: United States Forces in Austria USFAA e: United States Field Artillery Association U S F A D T C e: United States Fleet Air Defense Training Center U S F A I R W I N G M E D e: United States Fleet Air Wing, Mediterranean USFBI e: United States Forces in the British Isles USFC e: United Service Flying Club USFCT e: United States Forces, China Theater U S F E T e: United States Forces European Theater USFF e: United States Forces in Japan USFIA e: United States Forces in Australia USFIK e: United States Forces in Korea USFIP e: United States Forces in the Philippines USFJ e: United States Forces, Japan USFJ/5AF e: United States Forces Japan & 5th Air Force U S F K e: United States Force[s] Korea U S F M T O e: United States Forces, Mediterranean Theater of Operations USFOA e: United States Forces, Occupation Austria USFOR e: United States Forces USFORAZ e: United States Forces in Azores USForAz e: United States Forces in the Azores U S F O R A Z O R E S e: United States Forces Azores U S F O R C A R I B e: United States Forces Caribbean USFPS e: United States Forces, Police Squadron USFR e: United States Fleet Reserve U S F S P T D I S T e: United States Forces Support District USFV e: United States Forces, Vietnam USG e: Underwater Systems Group - e: United States Government U S G F e: United States Ground Forces USGW e: Undersea Guided Weapon - e: Underwater-to-Surface Guided Weapon IJSHG e: United States Home Guard U.S.H.G. e: United States Home Guard U S H G e: United States Home Guard USI e: United Services Institution USIA e: United States Infantry Association USIB e: United States Intelligence Board USIDF e: United States Icelandic Defense Forces USILO SACA e: United States Liaison Officer to Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic USIP e: United States Institute of Peace USK e: United States Forces, Korea

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U S K O R E A e: United States Forces Korea USL e: Universal Sonar Limited USLANT e: United States Atlantic Subarea, New York, N.Y. U S L A N T C O M e: United States Atlantic Command USLANTFLT e: United States Atlantic Fleet U S L O e: United States Liaison Office - e: United States Liaison Officer USLO SACA e: United States Liaison Officer to Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic U S L O [SACLANT] e: United States Liaison Officer, Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic U S M e: Underwater-to-Surface-Missile - e: United States Marine - e: United States Marines U.S.M. e: United States Marines USM e: United States Minutemen - e: United States Representative to the Military Committee Memorandum - e: User Security Matrix USMA e: United States Military Academy - e: United States Military Attaché U S M A C e: United States Marine Air Corps - e: United States Military Assistance Command U S M A C S V e: United States Military Assistance Command for South Vietnam - e: United States Military Assistance Command, South Vietnam U S M A C T H A I e: United States Military Assistance Command, Thailand USMAC/V e: United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam U S M A C V e: United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam USMAC/V e: United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam U S M A / E S G S e: United States Military Academy Department of Earth, Space, and Graphic Sciences U S M A G e: United States Military Advisory Group USMAPS e: United States Military Academy Preparatory School USMAPU e: United States Military Academy Preparatory Unit U S M A R F O R C E N T e: United States Marine Component, United States Central Command U S M A R F O R L A N T e: United States Marine Component, United States Atlantic Command U S M A R F O R P A C e: United States Marine Component, United States Pacific Command U S M A R F O R S O U T H e: United States Marine Component, United States Southern Command U S M A T e: United States Military Aid for Turkey USMATS e: United States Military Air Transport Service USMBER e: United States Mission, Berlin U S M C e: United States Marine Corps U S M C A e: United States Marine Corps Aviation USMCAM e: United States Military Community Activity, Mannheim U S M C A S e: United States Marine Corps Air Station USMCAV e: United States Military Community Activity Vicenza [Italy] U S M C B e: United States Marine Corps Base


USMCCA USMCCA e: United States Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association USMCCCA e: United States Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association USMCDIA e: United States Marine Corps Drill Instructors Association USMCEB e: United States Military Communication[s] Electronic[s] Board USMCMG e: United States Mine Countermeasures Group USMCP e: United States Military Construction Program USMCR e: United States Marine Corps Reserve USMCR[AF] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Aviation Fleet] USMCR[AO] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Aviation, Organized] USMCR[AV] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Aviation, Volunteer] USMCR[F] e.· United States Marine Corps Reserve [Fleet] USMCR [LS] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Limited Service] USMCR[NAV] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Naval Aviators] USMCR[NAVO] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Graduate Aviation Cadets, Volunteer] USMCR [NA VT] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Aviation Specialist Transport Pilot, Volunteer] USMCR[0] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Organized] USMCRTC e: United States Marine Corps Reserve Training Center USMCR[V] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Volunteer] USMCR[VS] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Volunteer Specialists] USMCR[W] e: United States Marine Corps Reserve [Women] USMCSS e: United States Marine Corps Selective Service USMCSSV e: United States Marine Corps Selective Service Volunteer USMC[W] e: United States Marine Corps [Women] IISMCWR e: United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve USMDAR e: United States Army Medical Depot Activity, Ryukyu Islands USMeMilComllN e: United States Military Members, United Nations Military Staff Committee USMeMilComUN e: United States Members, United Nations Military Staff Committee USMEPC e: United States Military Enlistment Processing Command USMEPCOM e: United States Military Entrance Processing Command USMG e: United States Military Government USMI e: United States Military Intelligence USMICC e: United States Military Information Control Committee USMIIADREP e: United States Military Advisor's Representative US Mil e: United States Military USMILADREP e: United States Military Advisor's Representative USMILADREPSMPO e: United States Military Advisor's Representative, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, Military Planning Office USMILATTACHÉ e: United States Military Attaché USMILATTACHÉ e: United States Military Attaché


USMilComUN e: United States Delegation, United Nations Military Staff Committee USMilCom UN e: United States Delegation, United Nations Military Staff Committee USMILCOMUN e: United States Delegation, United Nations Military Staff Committee USMILGP e: United States Military Group USMILLIAS e: United States Military Liaison Office USMILREP e: United States Military Representative USMILTAG e: United States Military Technical Advisory Group USML e: United States Munitions [Control] Lists USMILLIAS e: United States Military Liaison Office USMLM e: United States Military Liaison Mission USMLMCINCGSFG e: United States Military Liaison Mission to Commanderin-Chief Group Soviet Forces, Germany USMLO e: United States Military Liaison Office USMMVETS WW2 e: US Merchant Marine Veterans of World War II USMNAM e: United States Military North African Mission USMOG e: United States Military Observer Group USMP e: United States Military Police USMPC e: United States Military Pay Certificate USMR e: United States Military Representative USMR ACC e: United States Military Representative, Allied Control Commission USMSMI e: United States Military Supply Mission to India USMSR e: United States Military Specification Requirement - e: United States Military Specifications Requirements USMT e: United States Military Transport USMTM e: United States Military Training Mission - e: United States Military Training Mission to Saudi Arabia USMTMSA e: United States Military Training Mission to Saudi Arabia USMTO e: United States Military Ticket Office USN e: Under Secretary of the Navy U.S.N, e: United States Navy USNA e: United States National Army U.S.N.A. e: United States National Army USNA e: United States Naval Academy - e: United States Naval Aircraft - e: United States Naval Archives - e: United States Naval Attaché - e: United States Naval Aviation USNAA e: United States Naval Air Arm USNAAA e: United States Naval Academy Alumni Association USNA ANNA e: United States Naval Academy, Annapolis USNAAS e: United States Naval Auxiliary Air Station USN AB e: United States Naval Advanced Base - e: United States Naval Air Base - e: United States Naval Amphibious Base USNAC e: United States Naval Administrative Command - e: United States Naval Air Corps

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U.S.N.A.C. e: United States Naval Air Corps USNAC e: United States Naval Air Corps IISNACC e: United States Naval Member of the Allied Control Commission USN ADC e: United States Naval Air Development Center IISNA-EPRD e: United States Naval Academy Energy-Environment Study Group and Development Team USNA-EW e: United States Naval Academy Division of Engineering and Weapons USNAF e: United States Naval Avionics Facility USNAHALO e: United States NATO Hawk Liaison Office USNAM e: United States Naval Academy Museum USNAMTC e: United States Naval Air Missile Test Center USNAS e: United States Naval Air Service U.S.N.A.S. e: United States Naval Air Service USNAS e: United States Naval Air Station - e: United States Naval Amphibious School USNATC e: United States Naval Air Training Center USNATO e: United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization USNATRA e: United States Naval Training US Nav Aerosp Med Inst e: United States Naval Aerospace Medical Institute US Nav Aerosp Med Inst Monogr e: United States Naval Aerospace Medical Institute. Monograph US Nav Aerosp Med Res Lab e: United States Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory US Nav Aerosp Med Res Lab Spec Rep e: United States Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory. Special Report US Nav Air Dev Cent e: United States Naval Air Development Center US Naval Aerospace Med Inst e: United States Naval Aerospace Medical Institute US Navlal] Med Bull e: United States Naval Medical Bulletin US Naval Ordnance Test Sta NAVORD Report e: United States. Naval Ordnance Test Station. NAVORD Report US Naval Res Lab e: United States Naval Research Laboratories US Naval Res Lab Shock Vib Bull e United States. Naval Research Laboratories. Shock and Vibration Bulletin US Naval Submar Med Cent e: United States Naval Submarine Medical Center US Naval Submar Med Cent Rep e: United States Naval Submarine Medical Center. Report USNAVCENT e: United States Naval Forces Central Command US Nav Civ Eng Lab Tech Rep e: United States. Department of the Navy. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. Technical Report USNAVCOM e: United States Naval Command USNAVEUR e: United States Naval Forces Europe USNAVFAC e: United States Naval Facility US Nav Inst e: United States Naval Institute US Nav Inst Proc e: United States Naval Institute. Proceedings

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USNTPS US Nav Med Res Lab e\ United States Naval Medical Research Laboratory US Nav Med Res Lab Rep e: United States Naval Medical Research Laboratory. Report USNAVMINDEFLAB e: United States Navy Mine Defense Laboratory US Nav Oceanogr Off Spec Pubi e: United States Naval Oceanographic Office. Special Publication US Nav Postgrad Sch Tech Rep/Res Paper e: United States. Naval Postgraduate School. Technical Report/Research Paper USNAVPRO e: United States Navy Plan Representative Office US Nav Sch Aviat Med e: United States Naval School of Aviation Medicine US Nav Sch Aviat Med Monogr e: United States Naval School of Aviation Medicine. Monograph US Nav Sch Aviat Med Res Rep e: United States Naval School of Aviation Medicine. Research Report US Nav Ship Eng Cent Ship Struct Com Rep e: United States. Department of the Navy. Naval Ship Engineering Center. Ship Structure Committee. Report US Nav Ship Res Dev Cent Rep e: United States. Naval Ship Research and Development Center. Report - e: United States. Naval Ship Research and Development Center. Report USNAVSO e: United States Navy Forces Southern Command USNAVSOUTHC e: United States Navy Southern Command USNAVSOUTHCOM e: United States Navy Southern Command US Nav Submar Med Cent «. United States Naval Submarine Medical Center US Nav Submar Med Cent Memo Rep e: United States Naval Submarine Medical Center. Memorandum Report US Nav Submar Med Cent Rep e: United States. Naval Submarine Medical Center. Report US Nav Submar Med Res Lab Memo Rep e: United States. Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory. Memorandum Report US Nav Submar Med Res Lab Rep e: United States Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory. Report USNAVSUPACT e: United States Naval Supply Activity USNAVWEASERV e: United States Naval Weather Service US Navy Electronics Lab Rept e: United States. Navy Electronics Laboratory. Report US Navy Med e: United States Navy Medicine USNAVYMILCOMUN e: United States Naval Representative, United Nations Military Staff Committee USNAWF e: United States Naval Aviation Weapons Facility USNB e: United States Naval Base USNCB e: United States Naval Construction Battalion IJSNCC e: United States Naval Correction Center USNCEREL e: United States Naval Civil Engineering Research and Evaluation Laboratory USND e: United States Navy Department USNDD e: United States Naval Drydocks USNDRC e: United States Navy Drug Rehabilitation Center

USNEC e: United States North Eastern Command USNEDS e: United States Navy Experimental Diving Station USNEL e: United States Naval Electronics Laboratory - e: United States Naval [or Navy] Electronics Laboratory USNELM e: United States Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean USNF e: United States Naval Forces USNFE e: United States Naval Forces, Europe USNFP e: United States Nicaragua Friendship Project USNFPN e: United States Nuclear Free Pacific Network USNFR e: United States Naval Fleet Reserve USNG e: United States National Guard USNH e: United States Naval Harbor - e: United States Naval Hospital USNI e: United States Naval Institute USN-I e: United States Navy-Inductee USN-I-CB e: United States NavyInductee-Construction Battalion US Ν Inst e: United States Naval Institute US Ν Inst Proc e: United States. Naval Institute. Proceedings USNIP e: United States. Naval Institute. Proceedings USNIS e: United States Naval Investigative Service USN[I][SA| e: United States Navy [Inductee] [Special Assignment] USNL e: United States Navy League USNLO e: United States Naval [or Navy] Liaison Office USNM e: United States Naval Militia - e: United States Naval Museum - e: United States Navy Memorial USNMDL e: United States Navy Mine Defense Laboratory USNMF e: United States Naval Missile Facility - e: United States Navy Memorial Foundation USNMR e: United States National Military Representative USNMSC e: United States Navy Medical Service Corps USNMTC e: United States Naval Missile Test Center USNMTG e: United States North Atlantic Treaty Organization Military Terminology Group USNO e: United States Naval Observatory USNOADS e: United States Naval Observatory Automated Data Service USNOB e: United States Naval Observer USNOBSY e: United States Naval Operating Bases System USNOO e: United States Naval Oceanographic Office USNORDA e: United States Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity USNO-TS e: United States Naval Observatory Time Service Division USNOTS e: United States Naval Ordnance Test Station USNP e: United States Naval Prison USNPACMISTESCEN e: United States Navy Pacific Missile Test Center USNPC e: United States Naval Photographic Center USNPG e: United States Naval Proving Ground USNPGS e: United States Naval Postgraduate School - e: United States Navy Postgraduate School

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USNPP e: United States Naval Propellant Plant USNPS e: United States Naval Postgraduate School USNR e: United States Naval Research - e: United States Naval Reserve - e: United States Navy Regulations USNRB e: United States Naval Repair Base USNRDL e: United States Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory - e: United States Navy Research and Development Laboratory - e: United States Radiological Defense Laboratory USN[Ret] e: United States Navy [Retired] USNRF e: United States Naval Reserve Force USNRL e: United States Naval Research Laboratory USNRO e: United States Navy Routing Office - e: United States Organized Naval Reserve U S N R 0 2 e: United States Organized Naval Reserve Aviation USNRO 1 e: United States Organized Naval Reserve Seagoing USN-ROTC e: United States NavyReserve Officers Training Corps USNR-R e: United States Naval Reserves USNRS e: United States Navy Recruiting Station USNR&SL e: United States Navy Radio and Sound Laboratory USNRSV e: United States Naval Reserve, Selective Volunteer USNRTC e: United States Naval Reserve Training Center USNRV e: United States Naval Reserve, Volunteer USNR[W] e: United States Naval Reserve [Women's Reserve] USNS e: United States Naval Ship - e: United States Naval Station USNSC e: United States National Security Council - e: United States Naval Safety Code - e: United States Naval Space Command USNSCF e: United States Naval Shore Communication Facilities [or Facility] USNSMC e: United States Naval Submarine Medical Center USNSMSES e: United States Naval [or Navy] Ship Missile[s] System[s] Engineering Station USNSO e: United States Navy Southern Command USNSTN e: United States Naval School, Transportation Management USN-SV e: United States [Regular] Navy Selective Volunteer USNT e: United States Navy Transport USNTAF e: United States Navy Training Aids Facility USNTC e: United States Naval Training Center USNTDC e: United States Naval Training Device Center USNTI e: United States Navy Travel Instructions USNTIS e: United States National Technical Information Service US NTIS AD Rep e: United States. National Technical Information Service. AD Report USNTIS PB Rep e: United States. National Technical Information Service. PB Report USNTPS e: United States Naval [or Navy] Test Pilot School


USNTS USNTS e: United States Naval Torpedo Station - e: United States Naval Training School USNUSL e; United States Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory USNWC e: United States Naval War College USO e: Unidentified Submarine Object - e: United Service Organization USOFA e: Under-Secretary of the Army US of A e: United States of America US of AF e: Under-Secretary of the Air Force USOID e: United States Oversea[s] Internal Defense USOM e: United States Operations Mission USOMC e: United States Ordnance Missile Command USONR e: United States Organized Naval Reserve USORL /• Union des Sous-Officiers de Réserve Luxembourgeois USOWI e: United States Office of War Information USPA e: United States Petroleum Administration for Defence USPACAF e; United States Air Forces, Pacific Command USPACFLT e: United States Pacific Fleet US Pacific RR Expl e: United States War Department. Pacific Railroad Explorations USPACOM e: United States Pacific Command USPC e: United States Peace Corps - e: United States Peace Council U.spe. i: Ufficiale in servizio permanente effettivo USPF e: United States Pacific Fleet USPHT e: United States Precision Helicopter Team USPM e: United States Provost Marshal U.S.P.M. e: United States Provost Marshal US Posture e: United States Military Posture USPWIC e: United States Prisoner of War Information Center USPWIC [Br] e: United States Prisoner of War Information Center [Branch] USQMC e: United States Quartermaster Corps USR d: Umschlagraum - e: Ultra Short Range - e: Ultrasonic Radiation USRA e: United States Regular Army USRC e: United States Reserve Corps U.S.R.C, e: United States Reserve Corps USRCPAC e: United States Reserve Components and Personnel Administration Center USREDCOM e: United States Readiness Command USREPMC e: United States Representative to the Military Committee USREPMILCOMLO e: United States Representative to the Military Committee Liaison Office USREPMILCOMUN e: United States Representative, Military Staff Committee, United Nations USREPOF e: United States Navy Reporting Office USRL e: Underwater Sound Reference Laboratory USRNMC e: United States Representative to NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Military Committee USRO e: United States Mission to [the] NATO [North Atlantic Treaty


Organization] and European Regional Organizations USRSG e: United States Representative, Standing Group USS e: Underwater Sound Source - e: United States Naval Vessel - e: United States Ship - e: USAF [United States Air Force] Security Service - e: USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Support System LISSA e: United States Security Authority for NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Affairs USSAC e: United States Army Ambulance Service Association - e: United States Security Authority for CENTO [Central Treaty Organization] Affairs USSAF e: United States Strategic Air Force USSAFE e: United States Strategic Air Forces in Europe IJSSAN e: United States Security Authority for NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Affairs - e: United States Security Authority, Navy LISSAS e: United States Security Authority for SEATO [South-East Asia Treaty Organizatio] Affairs LISSBS e: United States Strategic Bombing Survey USSC e: United States Strike Command USSECMILCOMLIN e: The Secretary, United States Delegation United Nations Staff Committee USSF e: Ulster Special Service Force - e: United States Special Forces - e: United States Striking Force USSF[P] e: United States Special Forces [Provisional] LISSG d: U - Boot - Such - Schlag - Grp LISSGREP e: United States Standing Group Representative USSH e: United States Soldiers' Home LISSI e: United States Strategic Institute LISSOC e: United States Special Operations Command USSOCOM e; United States Special Operations Command USSOUTHAF e: United States Air Forces, United States Southern Command USSOUTHCOM e: United States Southern Command USSPACECOM e: United States Space Command USSRN e: Under Secretary of State for the Royal Navy LISSS e: United States Signals Intelligence System USSSM e: United States Sinai Support Mission USSSTRICOM e: United States Strike Command USSTAF e: United States Second Tactical Air Force - e: United States Strategic Air Force USSTAFE e; United States Strategic Tactical Air Force, Europe LISSTRATCOM e: United States Strategic Command USSTRICOM e: United States Strike Command U.S.S.W. e: United States Secretary for War LIST e: United States Air Force in Europe Sortie Tables - e: United States Treaties [and other International Agreements]

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USTAF e: United States/Thai Forces USTC e: United States Transportation Command USTDC e: United States Forces, Taiwan Defense Command USTF e: Uniformed Services Treatment Facility USTRANSCOM e: United States Transportation Command USTRATCOM e: United States Strategic Command USTRC e: United States Transportation Research Command USTV e: Unmanned Supersonic Test Vehicle USU e: Uniformed Services University USUHS e: Uniformed Service University of the Health Services USUN e: United States Mission to the United Nations - e: United States United Nations Delegation USUTC e: United States Unified Transportation Command USV e: United States Volunteers - e: Unmanned Strike Vehicle USV A e: United States Veterans' Administration USVAC e: United States Veterans' Assistance Center U.S.V.B, e: United States Veterans Bureau USVB e: United States Veterans Bureau USVH e: United States Veterans Hospital U.S.W. e: Under-Secretary for War USW e: Under-Secretary of War - e: Undersea Warfare usw e: underwater submarine warfare US War Dp e: United States War Department US War Dp Chief Eng An Rp e. United States. War Department. Chief of Engineers. Annual Report USWBC e.· United States War Ballot Commission USWD e: Undersurface Warfare Division - e: United States War Department USWV e: United Spanish War Veterans UT i: Ufficiale addetto alle Trasmissioni U.T. i: Ufficio permanente di tappa UTACCS e.· USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Tactical [Automated] Command and Control System LITAD e: Utah Army Depot UTAIN e: USAFE [United States Air Force in Europe] Tactical Air Intelligence Network LITAIS e: USAFE [United States Air Force in Europe] Tactical Air Intelligence System UTARS e: Utility Aircraft Requirements Study UTAS e: UnderwaterTarget-Activated Sensor Utas e: Utility Tactical Aircraft System UTC e: Unified Transportation] Command - e: Unit Training Center U.T.C, e: University Training Corps UTF e: Underwater Tank Facility - e: Underwater Test Facility UTH e: USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Transportable Host UTIC e.· USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Tactical Intelligence Center - e: USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Theater Intelligence Center UTIPS e: Upgraded Tactical Information Processing System UTOC e: Unit Task Organization Pending Change File

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

VAP U T O F e: Unit Task Organization File UTP e: Upper Thames Patrol - e: USAREUR [United States Army in Europe] Theater Plan U T P I M d: Uboots- und Taucherpsychologisches Institut der Marine UTR e: Underwater Tracking Range U T R O A A e: Units to Round Out the Active Army UTRON e: Utility Squadron U T R O N F W D A R E A e: Utility Squadron, Forward Area U T R P e: Underwater Tactical Range, Pacific ÜtrTrp d: Übertragungstrupp U T T e: Utility Tactical Transport U T T A S e: Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System UTTCo e: Utility Tactical Transport Helicopter Company U T T H e: Utility Tactical Transport Helicopter UTTMDS e: Upper Tier Tactical Missile Defense System U T T R e: Utah Test and Training Range UTTS e: Universal Target Tracking Station UTV e: Universal Tactical Vehicle[s] U T W I N G e: Utility Wing U T W I N G S E R V L A N T e: Utility Wing, Service Force, Atlantic U T W I N G S E R V P A C e: Utility Wing, Service Force, Pacific U U G W e: Underwater-to-Underwater Guided Weapon UUM e: Underwater-launched Underwater Attack Missile U U V e: Unmanned Undersea Vehicle UV e: Underwater Vehicle - e: Unmanned Vehicle U V A d: Ungarische Volksarmee U V A S e: Unmanned Vehicle for Aerial Surveillance U.V.Co, e: United Veterans' Council UvD d: U f f z vom Dst - d: Unteroffizier vom Dienst UVF e: Ulster Volunteer Force - e: Ulster Volunteer Force - e: Unmanned Vertical Flight U.V.F. e: Ulster Volunteer Force U.V.G.A.C. / • Union des Victimes de la Guerre et Anciens Combattants UVI e: Ultraviolet Irradiation - se: Udruzenje vojnih invalidov Ü V P d: Übersetz Vbd Platz UVR e: Ultraviolet Radiation - e: Ultraviolet Rocket U V S e: Unmanned Vehicle System UVsch. d: Unteroffiziersvorschule - d: Unteroffiziervorschule UVT e: Ultraviolet Transmission U V V O e: United Vietnam Veterans Organization IJW e: Ultimate Weapon uw e: unconventional warfare IJW e: Underwater Weapons IJWAL e: Underwater Wide Angle Lens U W a R l o d: Unterwasserwaffenelektronik U W A T S e: Universal Weapons Assembly Test Standard UWAVM e: Underwater Antivehicle Mine U W C e: Underwater Communications U W C E e: Underwater Weapons and Countermeasures Establishment UWCS e: Underwater Weapons Control System U W C S S e: Universal Weapon Control Stabilization System

UWD e: Undersea Warfare Division - e: Underwater Weapons Department UWDD e: Undersea Warfare Development Division - e: Underwater Warfare Development Division UWE e: Underwater Equipment UWFC e: Underwater Fire Control U W F C S e: Underwater Fire Control System UWK d: Unterwasserkräfte ÜWK d: Überwasserkräfte U W L e: Underwater Launch U W O e: Undersea Warfare Office UWOA e: Unconventional Warfare Operating [or Operational] Area U W O r t B o d: Unterwasserortungsbombe UWS e: Undersea Warfare System - e: Undersea Weapon System - e: Upgunned Weapon Station - e: Upgunned Weapons System. One-man turret ÜWS d: Überwasserschiff U W S D D M S e: Underwater Weapons System Design Disclosure Management System U W S R D e: Underwater Weapons Systems Reliability Data UWTR e: Underwater Targets & Ranges Group U W T U e: Underwater Training Unit UWW e: Underwater Weapons i'lwWa d: Überwasserwaffen Ü w W a E l o d: Überwasserwaffenelektronik U W W T e: Under Water Weapons Training UWZBo d: Unterwasserzielbombe UWZRAK d: Unterwasserzielrakete UXAA e: Unexploded Antiaircraft U X M e: Unexploded Mine UXPM e: Unexploded Parachuted Mine UXTGM e: Unexploded Type G Mine UYC e: Uxbridge Yeomanry Cavalry UZ d: Unterseebootzerstörer UZF d: Universitätszentrum für Friedensforschung UZO d: Unterseebootzieloptik

V V d: V - Kampfstoff - d: Versuchsabteilung - d: Vorpostenboot - e: Fixed-Wing Aircraft - e: V3 London Gun - e: Vehicle VA d: Vizeadmiral - d: Volksarmee - d: Vorausabteilung - e: N a v y Attack Squadron - e: Veterans Administration - e: Vice-Admiral - e: Vickers Armstrong Gun - e: Volunteer Artillery - se: Vojna Akademija V.A. d: Vermessungsabteilung - e: Volunteer Artillery V A A C e: Vectored Thrust Advanced Aircraft - e: Vectored thrust Aircraft Advanced flight Control V A A F B e: Vandenberg Air Force Base VAAP e: Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant V A B e: Vandenberg Air Force Base V A B P F e: Vice Admiral British Pacific Fleet VAC e: Fifth Amphibious Corps - e: Valiant Air Command - e: Veterans Administration Center

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: Veterans Affairs Canada - e: Vice-Admiral Commanding - e: Vice-Admiralty Court - e: Volunteer Adviser [or Advisor] Corps V A C A B e: Veterans Administration Contract Appeals Board V A C O S e: Vice Assistant Chief of Staff VACR e: Visual Aircraft Recognition VAd e: Veterans Administration VAD e: Veterinary Army Department - e: Vice Admiral, Destroyers - e: Vulcan Air Defense VADA e: VFR [Visual Flight Rules] Arrival Delay Advisory V A D A R / • Véhiculé Autonome de Defense Antiaérienne Rapproche VADF e: Vietnamese Air Defense Force V Adm. d: Vizeadmiral V A D M e: Vice Admiral VAdml e: Vice Admiral VADS e: Vulcan Air Defence [or Defense] System - e: Vulcan Air Defence System VAE e: Vice Admiral, Engineering VAF e: Department of Veterans Affairs - e: Vietnamese Air Force V A F A M I L n: Vakantie Faciliteiten Militairen VAFB e: Vandenberg Air Force Base - e: Vincent Air Force Base V A F P e: Various Air Force Publications VA Gun e: Vickers Armstrong Gun VAH e: Heavy Attack Squadron VA [HM] e: Attack Squadron [Mining] V A K d: Volksartilleriekorps - e: Tactical Aerial Refueling Squadron V A K - M u n d: Versorgungsartikeikatalog Sonderausgabe Munition VAKSt d: Verkehrs- und Abrechnungskontrollstelle vaktt r: vakttrupp VAL e: Light Attack Aircraft - e: Light Attack Squadron - e: Variable Angle Launcher - e: Veterans Administration Library VALF e: Vice Admiral, Light Forces VALOR e: Variable Locale and Resolution Model V A L U E e: Validated Aircraft Logistics Utilization Evaluation VAM d: Verschiessbarkeit Aller Munition - e: Medium Attack Aircraft - e: Two-stage Anti-runway Submunition - e: Vault Air [radiation] Monitor - e: Vehicle Alarm Module - e: Very Awkward Maneouvre VaMilDist e: Virginia Military District V A M O S e: Verified Additional Military Occupational Specialty V A M P e: Vietnam Ammunition Program V A M S e: Vehicle Automated Management System - e: Versatile Anstiship Missile System V A M T e: Vertical Assault Medium Transportation Vang e: Vickers-Armstrong Vanguard [aircraft] V A N G U A R D S e: World Alliance of NGOs for Disarmament, Development and Security V A N S e: Vehicle Austere Night Sight V A O e: Veterans Administration Office - e: Veterans Affairs Office VAOR e: VHF [Very High Frequency] Aural Omni-Range V A O S e: Vocabulary of Army Ordnance Stores VAP e: Reconaissance/ Attack Aircraft - e: Various Army Publications - e: Vehicle Antenna Position


VAPC VAPC e: Veterans Administration Prosthetics Center VAPS e: Victorian Association for Peace Studies - e: Virtual Avionics Prototyping System VAQ e: Electronic Attack Squadron - e: USN Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron VAR e: Corps of Volunteers Artillery Regiment - e: VHF Aural Range - e: Video-Audio Range - e: Visual and Aural Range - e: Visual-Aural Range var e: vertical air rocket varad e: varying radiation VARAN / · Veille Aeroporte Radar AntiNavire VAREC e: Veterans Administration Rehabilitation Engineering Center VARES e: Vega [Laboratories Incorporated] Aircraft Radar Enhancing System VARO e: Veterans Administration Regional Office VARPC e: Veterans Administration Records Processing Center varr e: variable-range reflector VARR e: Visual Aural Radio Range VARRV e: Vickers Armoured Repair & Recovery Vehicle VARV e: VICKERS Armoured Recovery Vehicle VAS d: Verband der Arbeiter- und Soldatensportvereine Österreichs, Wien - i: Volontario Allievo Specializzato VASI e: Volunteer Ambulance School of Instruction VASRD e: Veterans Administration Schedule for Rating Disabilities VASS e: Visiting Aircraft Servicing Squadron VAST e: Versatile Avionics Ship Test - e: Versatile Avionics System Tester VATAS e: Visual Airborne Target Acquisition System VATLS e: Versatile Automatic Target Locating System - e: Visual Airborne Target Locator [or Location] System VATR e: Variable Aperture Target Recognition VATS e: Vehicle Automatic Test System - e: Vertical-lift Airfeld for Tactical Support VAUB e: Vehicle Authorization Utilization Board VADO e: Vehicle Authorization Utilization Officer VAUSSI e: Veteran's Association of the United States Ship Iowa VAVS e: Veterans Administration Volunteer Service VAW e: Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron VAWS e: Vehicle Automatic Weapons System VAX e: Heavy Attack Aircraft, Experimental VAX-L e: Aircraft Attack, ExperimentalLight VB e: Dive Bomber Squadron - e: Navy bomber - e: Volunteer Battalion V.B. e: Volunteer Battalion VBA d: Volksbefreiungsarmee - e: Veterans Benefits Administration VBB d: Verband der Beamten der Bundeswehr e.V.


VBBV d: Verband der Beamten der Bundeswehrverwaltung e.V. VBC e: Veterans Benefit Counselor - f: Véhiculé Blinde de Combat VbdKdoH d: Verbindungskommando Heer VBF e: Bomber-Fighter Squadron - e: Bombing-Fighting Aircraft - e: United States Navy fighter-bomber squadron VBGH e: Volunteer Battalion Gordon Highlanders VBITS e: Video Based Information Transmission System VBK d: Verteidigungsbereichskommando - d: Verteidigungsbezirkskommando V.Bn. e: Volunteer Battalion VBO e: Veterans Benefit Office VBOD e: Vehicle Base Ordnance Depot V-Boot d: Verbindungsboot - d: Verkehrsboot VBW e: Vertical Ballistic Weapon VC e: United States Navy composite squadron VC e: Veterinary Corps - e: Volunteer Corps - s\ Vehículo de combate V.C. e: Veterinary Corps VCA e: Vehicle Checkout Area - e: Veteran Corps of Artillery - / · Véhiculé de Combat Aeromobile - s: Vehículo de combate acorazado VCAC f: Véhiculé de Combat Anti-Char VCARE e: Veterans Council for American Rights and Equality VCAS e: Vice-Chief of the Air Staff VCASS e: Visually Coupled Airborne Systems Simulator VCATS e: Visually Coupled Acquisition and Targeting System VCAW e: Movement Against War and Fascism, Victorian Council VCB e: Construction Battalion VCBG e: Carrier Battle Group VCC e: Vehicle Collecting Center - e: Vehicle Crew Chief - e: Verification and Control Commission - i: Veicolo Corazzato del Combattimento V.C.C, e: Vehicle Collecting Centre - e: Volunteer Cadet Corps VCDS e: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff VCDS[P & L] e: Vice Chief of Defence Staff Personnel and Logistics VCE e: Vehicle Condition Evaluation Vce-Adm e: Vice-Admiral VCF e: Vehicle Control Function VCFS e: Visually Coupled Flight System VCG e: Vehicle Control Group - e: Vertical Center of Gravity - / · Véhiculé de Combat du Genie V.C.G. f: Victimes Civiles de la Guerre VCGS e: Vice-Chief of the General Staff VCI /• Véhiculé de Combat d'Infanterie - s: Vehículo de Combate de la Infanteria VCIGS e: Vice-Chief of the Imperial General Staff VCIM / · Véhiculé de Combat d'Infanterie Mecanisee VC/L e: Vehicle Container/Launcher VCLC s: Vehículo de Combate Lanza Cohetes VCM e: Vehicle Control Module - e: Visual Countermeasures VCNM e: Vice Chief of Naval Material Command VCNO e: Vice-Chief of Naval Operations VCNOG e: Vice Chairman, Nuclear Operations Group V.C.N.S. e: Vice-Chief of the Naval Staff

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VC/NVA e: Vietcong/North Vietnamese Army VCO e: Vehicle Control Officer - e: Viceroy's Commissioned Officer VC of S e: Vice Chief of Staff VCofSA e: Vice-Chief of Staff, United States Army V-COFT e: Vehicle-Conduct Of Fire Trainer VCOM /• Véhiculés de Combat d'OutreMer VCOS e: Vehicle Control and Operating System - e: Vice-Chiefs of Staff VCOT e: VFR [Visual Flight Rules] Conditions on Top VCP e: Vehicle Check Point - e: Vehicle Control Point - e: Vehicle Control Program VCPC s: Vehículo de combate puesto comando VC PW e: Vietcong Prisoner of War VCR f: Véhiculé de Combat a Rouen VCRI e: Verification Cross Reference Index VCR/IS / Véhiculé de Combat à Roues/Intervention Sanitaire VCR/PC f: Véhiculé de Combat a Roues/Poste de Commandement VCRT s: Vehículo de Combate, Recuperador de Tanques VCR/ΤΗ f: Véhiculé de Combat a Roues/Tourelle HOT VCR/TT / Véhiculé de Combat a Roues/Transport de Troupes VCS e: Cruiser-Scouting Aircraft Squadron - e: Vehicle Control System - e: Veterans Canteen Service VCSA e: Vice Chief of Staff of the Army VCSAF e: Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force VCSFO e: Veterans Canteen Service Field Office [Veterans Administration] VCT f: Véhiculé de Commandement du Tir VCTIS e: Vehicle Command & Tactical Information System VCTM f: Véhiculé de Combate Transporte de Mortero VCTP /• Véhiculé de Combat Transporte de Personel - s: Vehículo de Combate Transporte de Personal VCV e: Vietnam Combat Veterans VCZ s: Vehículos de Combate de Zapadores VD e: Fleet Air Photographic Squadron V.D. e: Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Decoration - e: Victualling Department [Navy] - e: Volunteer [Officer's] Decoration VDA e: Vehicle Dynamics Area - /• Véhiculé de Defense Anti-aerienne VDAA f: Véhiculé d'Auto-Defense Antiaerienne - f: Véhiculé de Defense Anti-Aerienne VDAS e: Vehicle Data and Acquisition System VDC e: Volunteer Defence [or Defense] Corps - e: Volunteer Defense Corps - e: Volunteer Development Corps V.D.C, e: Volunteer Defence Corps VDD e: Vehicle Detection Device VDECS e: Vehicle Detector and Cueing System VDF e: Vulcan Display Flight VDM e: Vehicle Deadlined for Maintenance

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ViAlDL V D N C O A e: Veterans Division of the N o n - C o m m i s s i o n e d O f f i c e r s Association of the USA V D P e: Vehicle Deadlined for Parts V D S d: V e r b a n d Deutscher Soldaten - e: Variable-depth sonar - e: Vehicle Dynamics Simulator VdS d: Verband Deutscher Soldaten e.V., Bonn V d S O d: [Deutsche G e s e l l s c h a f t f ü r Wehrmedizin und W e h r p h a r m a z i e e.V.]Vereinigung ehemaliger Sanitätsoffiziere V D S S e: Variable Depth Sonar System V D T e: Vehicle D a t a Table V D T S e: Vehicle Data Transmission System V d U d: V e r b a n d deutscher U - B o o t f a h r e r im D e u t s c h e n M a r i n e b u n d - d: Verband deutscher Unterseebootfahrer im Deutschen Marinebund V E e: Vehicle Experimental V E A e: Vehicle Engineering Analysis - e: Vehicles Excise Act V E B A L d: Vertikal-Ballistisches Waffensystem - e: Vertical Ballistic V E C A R D S e: Vehicle CharacteristicsRequirements Determinations System VECI e: Vehicle Emission Control Information V E C O S e: Vehicle Checkout Set V E C T R e: V T O L Effectiveness in Combat/Tactical Regimes V E D E S e: Vehicle Exhaust Dust Ejection System V E D S e: Vehicle Emergency Detection System V E E A e: V i e t n a m Essential Elements of Analysis V E E N A F e: [South] Vietnamese Air Force V.e.F. d: Verband ehemaliger Fliegerkorpsangeh V e F d: V e r b a n d ehemaliger Fliegerkorpsangeh V E H D E P e: Vehicle Depot V E H I D e: Vehicle Identification V.e.J.u.S. d: V e r e i n i g u n g ehemaliger J V E L A e: Very-Long Endurance Aircraft V E L O R T e: Very Long Range Tracking V E M e: Versatile Exercise Mine V E M A S D e: Vehicle M a g n e t i c Signature Duplicator V E M S e: Versatile Exercise Mine System V E O e: Visual Emission Observation V E R e: Veterans E m p l o y m e n t Representative V E R D E P e: Vehicle Reception [or Repair] Depot V E R D I e: Vehicle Electronics Research D e f e n c e Initiative Verf.Tr. d: V e r f ü g u n g s t r u p p e V e r k K d: V e r k e h r s k o m m a n d a n t u r V E R L O R T e: Very L o n g R a n g e Tracking Radar V E R N A V e: Vertical Navigation System Verpriiko d: Verkehrstechnische Prüfungskommission Vers.Beh. d: Versorgungsbeh Vers.Bst. d: V e r s u c h s b a u s t a b V e r s B t l d: V e r s o r g u n g s b a t a i l l o n V e r s G s c h w d: V e r s o r g u n g s g e s c h w a d e r [Marine] V e r s . K d o . d: V e r s u c h s k o m m a n d o V e r s O r g d: V e r s o r g u n g s o r g a n i s a t i o n [Marine] Vers.St. d: Versuchsstelle V E R T A R e: VersatileTest Analysis Radar V E S e: Vehicle E n g a g e m e n t Simulator - e: Veterans E m p l o y m e n t Service

V E S A R M d: Verein für die Errichtung eines Schweizerischen A r m e e m u s e u m s V E S C e: Vehicle Equipment Safety Commision V E S T e: Vehicle Electrical System Test Vet A d m i n e: Veterans A d m i n i s t r a t i o n V E T M I S e: Vehicle Technical M a n a g e m e n t Information System V e t . O f f . d: Veterinary O f f i c e r V e t . - O f f z . d: V e t e r i n ä r o f f i z i e r

Vet.-Offz.-Anw. d: Veterinäroffiziersanwärter V E T R A S e: Vehicle T r a f f i c Simulator V E T R O N I C S e: Vehicle Electronics V E T S e: Vehicle Electrical Test System - e: Veterans' E m p l o y m e n t and Training Service Vets A d m n e: Veterans Administration Vet Stars e: Vets Stars and Stripes for Peace V e t U S t d: Veterin V E V E R P e: V i e t n a m Era Veteran Recruitment Program VEVLI e: Vietnam Era Veterans Life Insurance V E W S e: Very Early W a r n i n g System V F e: Fighter Plane - e: United States Navy Fighter Squadron - e: Vertical Flight - e: Visual Flight V.F. / • Volontaires Français [Combattants] VFA e: Strike Fighter Squadron - e: Visual Flight Attachment V F A W e: Fighter Squadron-All Weather V F A X e: Heavier-than-Air Fighter/Attack/Experimental - e: Next-Generation Carrier-Based Navy Fighter-Attack A i r c r a f t V F B d\ Vordere Frontbasis - e: Fighter B o m b i n g Plane V F C e: United States Navy Fighter Composite Squadron V FC e: 5th Air Force Fighter C o m m a n d V F C S e: Vehicle Flight Control System V F D R e: Variable-Flow Directed Rocket V F E R e: Veterans Federal E m p l o y m e n t Representative [Civil Service Commission] V F F d: Volksbund für Frieden und Freiheit V F G e.· Visual Flight Guide V f g T r d: V e r f ü g u n g s t r u p p e n V f g T r K d o d: V e r f ü g u n g s t r u p p e n Kommando V F I e: Verification Flight Instrumentation V F M d: Jahresberichte über die Veränderungen und Fortschritte im Militärwesen V F [ M ] e: Fighter Plane V F M e: Vehicle Fleet Maintenance - e: Vertical Flight Maneuver VFM ED e: Variable Format Message Entry Device V F M F d: Verein der Freunde des Museums der schweizerischen Fliegertruppen V F M J C e: Valley Forge Military Junior College V F M P e: Vehicle Fleet M a n a g e m e n t Program VF[N] e: Night Fighter Squadrons V F O N e: Volunteer Flight O f f i c e r s Network V F P e: Fighter Squadron, Photo - e: United States Navy Photoreconnaissance squadron - e: Veterans for Peace - e: Volunteers for Peace V F P C e: Vertical Flight P e r f o r m a n c e Criterma

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

V F P R e: V i a Flight Planned Route V F R e: Vehicle Flight Readiness - e: Visual Flight Regulations - e: Visual Flight Rules. V F R C T S e: Visual Flight Rules Control Tower Simulator VFRG e: Visual Flight Rules Group V F R S A e: VFR [Visual Flight Rules] Restrictions Still A p p l y V F S d: Vereinigung f ü r Frieden und soziale Sicherheit - e: Vehicle Fighting System - e: Veterinary Field Services - e: Visual Flight Simulator V F T e: Verification Flight Test - e: Vertical Flight Test V F W e: Veterans of Foreign Wars of the USA - e: Veterans of Future Wars [facetious organization formed by Princeton students] V f W e: Veterans of Future Wars VG d: V e r b i n d u n g s f l i e g e r g e s c h w a d e r - d: Volksgrenadier - e: Volunteer Guards V G A T e: Visual General Aviation Trainer V G B e: V a n d e n b e r g Air Force Base V G D d: Volksgrenadierdivision V G e d: Versorgungsgebiet V.gew.J.u.S. d: V e r e i n i g u n g gewesener J V G F e: Escort Fighter Sqadron V G H e: Veterinary General Hospital VGI se: Vojno-geografski institut V G K e: Supreme High C o m m a n d V G L I e: Veterans' Group L i f e Insurance V G M S d: V e r ö f f e n t l i c h u n g e n aus dem Gebiete des Militär-Sanitätswesens V G O R e: Vehicle Ground Operation Requirements V G P e: Vehicle Ground Point - se: V o j n o - G r a d e v i n s k o Preduzece V G S d: V o r g e s c h o b e n e r G e f e c h t s s t a n d - e: Escort-Scouting Squadron - e: Vehicle Generating System V G T e: Vehicle Ground Test V H e: A i r - S e a Rescue Squadron - e: Rescue Squadrons V H A . d: V e r p f l e g u n g s h a u p t a m t V H B e: Very Heavy Bomber V H F C C A w a r d e: V H F [Very H i g h F r e q u e n c y ] Cross Country A w a r d V H F C N e: Vietnam Helicopter Flight Crew Network. V H F / D F e: Vehicle High Frequency Direction Finder V H F - E R e: Very High F r e q u e n c y Extended Range VHFI e: Vehicle Hostile Fire Indicator V H F O R e: V e r y H i g h Frequency Omnirange VHI e: Vehicle Heading Indicator V.H.L. e: Veterans' Housing League V H L H e: Very Heavy L i f t Helicopter V H P A e: V i e t n a m Helicopter Pilots Association V H R R e: Very High Resolution Radar V H S I C e: Very High Speed Integrated Circuit V h T H d: V i e r t e l j a h r e s h e f t e für T r u p p e n f ü h r u n g und H e e r e s k u n d e V H Z d: Vereinigte Haupt-Zentrale V I A C e: Vienna Allied C o m m a n d V i A l A e: United States A r m y Material C o m m a n d Headquarters, Technical Library, Alexandria ViAID e: Defense Technical Information Center, C a m e r o n Station, Alexandria, V A V i A l D L e: D e f e n s e Logistics A g e n c y , Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA


VIAS VIAS e: Voice Interference Analysis System VIATLS e: Visual Airborne Target Locator System VIB e: Volunteer Infantry Brigade VIC s: Vehículo de Combate de Infanteria Vic Adm e: Vice Admiral ViCAF e: United States Army, Foreign Science and Technical Center, Charlottesville VICDS e: Vehicle Integrated Communications & information Distribution System Vice-Adm e: Vice-Admiral VICK e: Vicksburg National Military Park VIGORE e: Visual Conceptual Reading VICS e: Vehicle Information and Communications System Vict. Admr. e: Victorian Admiralty VIDD e: Vehicle Intrusion Detection Device VIDS e: Vehicle Integrated Defense System ViFbE e: United States Army Engineer School, Fort Belvoir ViFbEM e: United States Army, Engineer Museum, Fort Belvoir VIFC e: VTOL [Vertical Takeoff and Landing] Integrated Flight Control VIFC S e: VTOL [Vertical Takeoff and Landing] Integrated Flight Control System ViFeAM e: United States Army, Air Mobility Research and Development Laboratory, Fort Eustis ViFeAT e: United States Army Transportation School, Fort Eustis VIFF e: Vectoring in Forward Flight ViFIL e: United States Army Logistics Management Center, Fort Lee ViFmTD e: United States Army, Training and Doctrine Command Library, Fort Monroe ViFmTS e: United States Army Tralinet Systems Center, Fort Monroe ViFmUS e: United States Army Field Forces Library, Fort Monroe ViFmyA e: United States Army, Fort Meyer Post Library, Fort Meyer VIFSC e: VTOL [Vertical Takeoff and Landing] Integrated Flight System Control vigilant, e: visually guided infantry light antitank [missile] VIGS e: Video desk Integrated Gunnery Simulator - e: Video Disc Gunnery Simulator - e: Video Interactive Gunnery System VII se: Vojno-Istorijski Institut, Beograd VIII BC e: 8th Air Force Bomber Command VIIJA se: Vojno-Istorijski Institut Jugoslovenske Armije VIIJNA se: Vojno-Istorijski Institut Jugoslovenske Narodne Armije ViLanAF e: United States Air Force, Langley Air Force Base Library, Langley AFB ViLxV e: Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA VIM e: Vehicle Identification Number - e: Vehicle Interdiction Mine VIMS e: Vehicle Integrated Management System VIn d: Veterin VIN e: Vehicle Identification Number VINACS e: Vehicle Integrated Navigation & Command System Vine. /• École Militaire d'Administration de Vincennes


VINS e: Vehicle Integrated Navigator System ViNSC e: United States Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk VINT2 e: Vehicle Integrated Intelligence VIP e: Vehicle Improvement Programme VIPS e: Veterans in Public Service Act ViQM e: United States Marine Corps Schools, Quantico ViQM-E e: United States Marine Corps Schools, Educational Center, Quantico VIR e: Visible Infrared Radar VIRAD e: Virtual Radar Defense VIRCS e: Vehicle Intercommunication & Radio Control System VIRNS e: Velocity Inertia Radar Navigation System VIS e: Vehicle Indicator Section - e: Vehicle Information System - e: Vehicle Intercommunications System VISAUTRONICS e: Audio-Visual Systems for the Army in the Field V.l.Sea. i: Vice Intendenza di Scchiere VISIT e: Visual Survey of Infantry Troops VISIT e: Vehicle Internal Systems Investigative Team VISTA e: Variable Stability In-Flight Simulator Test Aircraft - e: Varied Intelligent System Target Acquisition - e: Very Intelligent Surveillance and Target Acquisition - e: Visual Intelligence Surveillance and Target Acquisition VISTRAC e: Visual Target Reconnaissance and Acquisition VIT e: Virtual Interactive Target VITAS e: Visual Target Acquisition System VITT e: Vehicle Integration Test Team Vili e: Vehicle in Use VIVA e: Visually Impaired Veterans of America - se: Visa Intendantska Vojna Akademija ViWarUS e: United States Army, Post Library Vint Hill Farms Station, Warrenton ViYNW e: United States Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown VIZ se: Vojni Izdavacki Zavod VJSW e: Voice Jamming Simulator, Weapons Vkdo d: Verbindungskommando VKdo d: Vorkommando VKdoLw d: Verbindungskommando der Luftwaffe VKdoMat d: Verbindungskommando Material VKK d: Verteidigungskreiskommando VKR c: Vojensk Kontrarozvëdka, Praha VL e: Vertical Launch[er] - e: Vice Lieutenant VLA d: Verteidigungslasten - d: Verteidigungslastenamt - e: Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine - e: Vertical-Launched Antisubmarine Rocket - e: Very Large Aircraft - e: Very Light Aircraft VLAC e: Vertical Lift Aircraft Council VLAN e: VMS Strategic Land Trust VLAPA e: Vietnam Laboratory Assistance Program, Army VLASROC e: Vertical Launch AntiSubmarine Rocket VLAST e: Video-based Live Aircraft Stinger Trainer VLBTI e: Very Long-Burning Target Indicator VLC f: Véhiculé Leger de Combat

Κ · G · Saur, München

VLCF e: Vectored Lift Cannon Fighter VLCHV e: Very Low-Cost Harrassment Vehicle VLE e: Visible Light Emission VLEA e: Very-Long-Endurance Aircraft VLEASS e: Very Long Endurance Acoustic Submarine Simulator vlf e: vectored lift fighter VIFC e: VTOL Integrated Flight Control VLG e: Vertical Load Gun VLGM e: Vertical Loading Gun Mount VLGS e: Vertical Load Gun System VLHV e: Very-Low-Cost Harassment Vehicle VLLR e: Very Light Laser Rangefinder VLM e: Vehicle Launched Missile VLO e: Vehicle Landing Officer VLR e: Vertical-Looking Radar - e: Very Long Range - e: Very Low Range VLRSF e: Very Long Range Strategic Forecast VLS e: Vehicle Location System[s] VLSM e: Vertical Launch Standard Missile - e: Vertical Launched Standard Missile VLSMS e: Vehicle Launched Scatterable Mine System VM d: Volksmarine - e: Vehicle Mechanic VMA e: United States Marine Corps attack squadron - e: Vehicle Maintenance Area VMA [AW] e: Marine Attack Squadron [All-Weather] V-MAN e: Vehicle Management VMAPD e: VOUGHT Missiles and Advanced Programs Division VMAQ e: Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron VMAT e: USMC [United States Marine Corps] Attack Training squadron VMA VA e: Verdun-Meuse-Argonne Veterans Association VMB e: Marine Medium and Heavy Patrol Bomber Squadron - e: USMC [United States Marine Corps] Bombardment Squadron - e: Virtual Machine Boot VMBF e: Marine Fighter Bomber Squadron VMCJ e: USMC [United States Marine Corps] electronic warfare squadron VMCR e: Volunteer Marine Corps Reserve VMD e: Marine Photographic Squadron VMDA e: Vehicle-Mounted Decontamination Apparatus VMEC e: Vehicle Mounted Explosive Container VMF e: USMC [United States Marine Corps] Fighter Squadron. Examples VMF A e: USMC [United States Marine Corps] Fighter-Attack squadron VMFA [AW] e: Marine All Weather Fighter Attack Squadron VMFAT e: Fighter-attack training squadron of the United States Marine Corps VMF [AW] e: Marine Fighter Squadron [All-Weather] VMF[N] e: Marine Night Fighter Squadron VMFT e: Marine Strike Fighter Training Squadron VMG e: Vickers Machine Gun VMGR e: Marine Aerial Refueling Transport Squadron VMGSE e: Vehicle Measuring Ground Support Equipment

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

VQMG VMHI e: Victorian Military History Institute VMI e: Virginia Military Academy. - e: Virginia Military Institute V.M.I, e: Virginia Military Institute VMIRL e: Virginia Military Institute Research Laboratories VMJ e: Marine Utility Squadron VML e: Marine Glider Squadron VMM e: Vehicle Maintenance Monitor - e: Vehicle Model Movement VMMPS e: Vehicle Management and Mission Planning System VMMT e: Marine Medium Vertical Tiltrotor Training Squadron VMO e: Marine Observation Squadron - e: LJSMC [United States Marine Corps] Observation squadron - n: Vereniging van Marine-Officieren V.M.O. n: Vereniging van MarineOfficieren VMO[AS] e: Marine Observation Squadron [Artillery Spotting] VMOD e: Vehicle-Mounted Ordnance Detector VMOW e: Vice Minister of War VMP e: Vehicles on Mobilization Plan VMR e: Marine Transport Squadron - e: Victorian Mounted Rifles, Territorial Army VMRMDS e: Vehicle-Mounted Road Mine Detector System VMS e: Vehicle Monitoring System - e: Vehicle Motion Sensor - e: Victorian Military Society VMSB e: Marine Scout Bombing Squadron VMSEA e: Vehicle Monitoring System Electronics Assembly VMT e: Vehicle Manoeuvring Trainer VMTB e: Marine Torpedo Bomber Squadron VMV d: Verein Marinejugend Vaterland VMWWI e: Victory Medal World War I VMWW II e: Victory Medal World War II VN e: Civil aircraft marking [Vietnam] - e: Victorian Navy VNA e: Vietnamese National Army VNAF e: Vietnam Air Force - e: Vietnam Armed Forces VNAF I&M e: Vietnam Air Force Improvement and Modernization Program VNAS e: Vehicle Navigation Aid System VNAV e: Vertical Navigation Mode VNETF e: Vietnam Expediting Task Force VNIS e: Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems VNL e: Vertical Navy Launcher VNMC e: Vietnam Marine Corps VNN e: Vietnam Navy VNPA e: Vietnam People's Army VNS e: Vehicle Navigation System VNSF e: Vietnamese Special Forces VNZ d: Vorgeschobene Nachrichtenzentrale VO d: Verbindungsoffizier - d: Vernehmungsoffizier - d: Verpflegungsoffizier - d: Verwaltungsoffizier - d: Veterinäroffizier - e: Battleship Observation Squadron - e: Observation Squadron - e: Vehicle Operations - e: Veterinary Officer vo r: vakthavande officer VOA e: Artillery Observation Vehicle - f: Véhiculé d'Observation d'Artillerie VOC e: Vehicle Observer Corps - e: Verbal Orderfs] of the Commander

- e: Visual Optical Countermeasures - e: Volunteer Officer Candidate VOCG e: Verbal Orders of Commanding General VOCINC e: Verbal Order[s] of the Commander-in-Chief VOCO e: Verbal Order[s] of the Commanding Officer VOF d: Verbündete Ostseeflotten - e: Observation Fighter Squadron - e: Volunteer Observing Fleets - r: Värnpliktiga Officerares Förening VOFS r: Värnpliktiga Officerares Förening i Stockholm VOFTZ d: Verbindungsoffizier zum Fernmeldetechnischen Zentralamt VOG e: Observation Plane Squadron VOI e: Vehicle Ordnance Installation VOK d: Vereinigtes Oberkommando VOL e: Variable Orientation Launcher VOL/A d: Verdingungsordnung für Leistungen/Armee VOLAR e: Volunteer Army VOLCAN f: Viseur Optronique Leger pour Conduite d'Arme Navale VOLMET d: VOLMET - Ausstrahlung [A. meteorologischer Informationen f Luftfahrzeuge] VOLS d: Verbindungsoffizier des Luftschutzes VOLSCAN Radar e: Volumetrie Scanning Radar VOO e: Vehicle Operation^] Officer VOP e: Veterans Opportunity Project VOPNAV e: Vice Chief of Naval' Operations VOQ e: Visiting Officers' Quarters VOR e: Variable Omnirange - e: Vehicle Occupancy Rate - e: VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnidirectional Range VORAD e: Vehicle Onboard Radar VORDAC e: VHF Omnidirectional Range/Distance-Measuring for Air Coverage - e: VOR [VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnidirectional Range] and DME [Distance Measuring] VOR-DME e: Variable Omni-Range Distance Measuring Equipment - e: VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnirange-Distance Measuring Equipment VOR-DMET e: VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnirange-Distance Measuring Equipment compatible wit VOR/ILS e: VHF Omni-Range/lnstrument Landing System Vorkdo d: Vorkommando VORLOC e: VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnidirectional Range Localizer VORMIDS e: Vehicle Off-Road Mine Detection System VorpBoot d: Vorpostenboot VorsdMdRV d: Vorsitzender des Ministerrats für die Reichsverteidigung VORTAC e: VHF [Very High Frequency] Omni-Range Tactical Communications - e: VHF [Very High Frequency] Omnirange TACAN [Tactical Air Navigation] VORTAC Radar e: Visual Omnidirectional Range Tactical Radar VORTAL e: Vertical Omnirange Takeoff, Approach, and Landing VORTAL System e: Vertical Omnirange Takeoff, Approach, and Landing System VORTAN e: Visual Omnirange/Tactical Air Navigation VOR/VORTAC e: Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Radio Range

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

VOS e: Vehicle Operating System - e: Vehicle Operations Superintendent - e: Vertical Obstacle Sonar - e: Voluntary Observing Ship VOSA e: Verbal Orders of Secretary of the Army VOSAF e: Verbal Order[s] of Secretary of the Air Force VOT e: VHF Omnirange Test - e: Visual Omnirange Test - e: VOR [Visual Omnirange] Test VOX e: Voice-Operated Transmission [or Transmitter] VP d: Versorgungspunkt - d: Versorgungspunkt [militar.] - e: Patrol Plane - e: Patrol Squadron - e: Vehicle Park - se: Varsavski Pakt - se: Vojna Posta VPA e: Vehicle Power Adapter - se: Vojno-pomorska akademija VPAF e: Vietnamese People's Air Force VPB e: Patrol Squadron [Bombing] VPB[HL] e: Patrol Bomber, Four-Engine, Landplane VPB[HS] e: Patrol Bomber, Four-Engine, Seaplane VPB[ML] e: Patrol Bomber, Two-Engine, Landplane VPB[MS] e: Patrol Bomber, Two-Engine, Seaplane Vp.-Boot d: Vorpostenboot VPC e: Volunteers for Peaceful Change VPCA e: Video Prelaunch Command Amplifier VPCDS e: Video Prelaunch Command Data System VPD e: Vehicle Performance Data - e: Vehicle Propulsion Directorate - se: Vojno planinsko dobro - se: Vojno preduzece drvne industrije VPE e: Vehicle Positioning Equipment VPF e: Vehicle Protection Factor Vpfl.A. d: Verpflegungsamt Vpfl.-O. d: Verpflegungsoffizier VPH e: Veterans of Pearl Harbor VPK e: Vehicles with Protection Kits VP[L] e: Navy Patrol Squadron [Land] VPLCC e: Vehicle Propellant Loading Control Center VPM e: Vehicle Project Manager VP MAH e: Patrol Squadron Master Augment Unit VPMOS e: Verified Primary Military Occupational Specialty VPN e: Vietnamese People's Navy VPR e: Valveless Pulse Rocket VPR-NMP e: Virtual PPI [Plan-Position Indicator] Reflectoscope with Navigational Microfilm VPRON e: Navy Patrol Squadron VP[S] e: Navy Patrol Squadron VPS e: Vehicle Power Supply VPSA e: Vehicle Power Supply Adaptor VPSB e: Veterans Placement Service Board VPSt d: Vorprüfungsstelle [Haushalt] VPT e: Patrol Torpedo Plane VPTAR e: Variable Parameter TerrainAvoidance Radar VPH e: Special Projects Squadron VPW e: Patrol Squadron [Airborne Early Warning] VPW PU e: SAFE Four Echelon Wartime Casualty System VQ e: Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron - e: Shore Based Recon Aircraft VQMG e: Vice-Quarter-Master-General - e: Vice-Quartermaster-General


VR VR d: Abteilung Verwaltung und Recht - e: Fixed-wing transport airplane - e: Fleet Tactical Support - e: Logistics Squadron - e: Transport Squadron - e: Vehicle Recovery - e: Vehicle Representative - e: VFR [Visual Flight Rules] military training Route - e: Volunteer Regiment V.R. e: Voluntary Reserve V-R e: VERLORT [Very-Long-Range Tracking] Range VRA e: Vertical Rising Aircraft - e: Veterans Readjustment Authority VRB e: Vehicle Retaining Board - e: Veterans' Relief Board - e: Veterans' Review Board VRBM e: Variable Range Ballistic Missile VRC e: Fleet Tactical Support Squadron Carrier - e: Vehicle Radio Communication - e: Victoria Rifles of Canada - e: Volunteer Rifle Corps VRCAMS e: Vehicle/Road Compatibility Analysis and Modification System VRCCC e: Vandenberg Range Communications Control Center VRCS e: Viewing Reference Coordinate System VRD e: Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Officers' Decoration - e: Vehicle Reception Depot - e: Vehicle Repair [or Reserve] Depot VRD E e: Vehicle Research & Development Establishment VRDII e: Variable Range Delay Unit VRECS e: Variable Radiated Emission Control System V.Regt. d: Versorgungsregiment VRF e: Aircraft Ferry Squadron - e: United States Navy transport wing VRFWS e: Vehicle Rapid Fire Weapon System VRFWSS e: Vehicle Rapid-Fire Weapons System Successor Vrgr batj N: Varanger bataljon VRH e: Variable-Range Hopping. VRHMU e: Visor Rectical Helmet Mounted Unit VRM d: Verfahrensregelung Marinerüstung - e: Variable Range Marker VRO e: Volunteer Reserve Officer VRP e: Vertical Radiation Pattern - e: Viewing Reference Point VRPM e: Visible Radiation Polarization Monitor VRR e: Visual Radio Range VRRAA e: Voice Recognition & Response for Army A/C VRRC e: Vehicle Radio Remote Control VRS e: Veterinary and Remount Service VRSS e: Vehicular Radar Safety System VRTC e: Vehicle Research and Test Center VRTS e: Volunteer Reserve Training School VRV d: Vorderer Rand der Verteidigung [militar.] - e: Visual Range Visibility VS R: Voyennaya Strategiya - d: Verbindungsfliegerstaffel - d: Verschlußsache - e: Air Antisubmarine Squadron - e: Sea Control Squadron - e: Shore-Based Search Squadron - e: United States Navy submarine warfare Squadron - e: Vehicle Station - se: Varnosti Svet


VSA e: Variable Stability Aircraft - e: Vessel-sharing arrangement V-SAC e: Vehicle Speed Activated Converter V/SAF e: Vulnerability and Survivability of the Armed Forces VSAP e: Vehicle Structure Analysis Program VSAR e: Versatile Synthetic Aperture Radar VSB e: Vestigial Sideband [transmission] - n: Vereniging voor Strategische Beleidsvorming VSBM d: Vertrauens- und Sicherheitsbildende Massnahmen VSC e: Vanguard Service Corps - e: Vehicle Sectoring Code - e: Vehicle System Control - e: Vendor Shipping Configuration - e: Volunteer Staff Corps V.S.C, e: Volunteer Staff Corps VSD e: Vehicle Sub-Depot - e: Vehicle Systems Dynamics VSF e: Antisubmarine Fighter Squadron VSFI e: Vertical-Scale Flight Instrument VSGLS e: Vehicle Space Ground Link Subsystem VSHORAD e: Very Short Range Air Defence VSLI e: Veterans Special Life Insurance [Veterans Administration] VSM e: Vietnam Service Medal - f: Véhiculé Sous-Marin VSMOS e: Verified Secondary Military Occupational Specialty VSN e: Vehicle Serial Number VSO e: Very Senior Officer - e: Victualling Stores Officer - r: Vakthavande sambandsofficer VSP e: Vehicle Scheduling Program VSPG e: Vehicle Speed Pulse Generator VSPM e: Vehicle System Program Manager VSPX e: Vehicle Scheduling Program Extended VSQ n: Vliegtuigsquadron VSR e: Very Short Range - e: Visual Security Range - e: Volume Surveillance Radar. VSRA e: V/STOL Research Aircraft VSRAD e: Very Short-Range Air Defence VSRADS e: Very Short Range Air Defence System - e: Very-Short-Range Air Defense Weapon System VSRADWS e: Very-Short-Range Air Defence Weapon System VSRBM e: Very Short Range Ballistic Missile VSRF e: Very Short-Range Forecasting VSRGSR e: Very-Short-Range Ground Surveillance Radar VSRR e: Very Short Range Radio VSS e: V/STOL [Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing] Support Ship - e: Variable Sonar System - e: Vehicle Speed Sensor - e: Vehicle Stability System - e: Vehicle Support System - e: Vehicle Surveillance System - e: Vehicle System Simulator - e: Volume Search Sonar VSSA e: Variable-Stability Simulator Aircraft VST e: Variable Speed Transmission VSTAR e: Variable Search and Track Air Defense Radar VStBw d: Verbindungsstab der Bundeswehr

Κ · G · Saur, München

VStBwBFS d: Verbindungsstelle der Bundeswehr zur Bundesanstalt für Flugsicherung VSTFE e: Variable Sweep Transition Flight Experiment V[/lSTOL e: Vertical Short Take-Off and Landing [aircraft] VSTPT e: Vulcan-Stinger Troop Proficiency Trainer VStS d: Verbindungsstelle der Streitkräfte VSTSP e: Visit Ship in Port VSTT e: Variable Speed Tactical Trainer - e: Variable Speed Training Target VsuTrT d: Versuchstruppenteil VSW e: Variable Sweep Wing VSWE e: Virtual Strike Warfare Environment VSX e: Navy Submarine Attack AirplaneExperimental VT d: Verfügungstruppe [η] - e: Target-on-Threshold Speed - e: Training Squadron - e: United States Navy Training squadron - e: Variable Transmission - e: Velocity, Target VTA e: Vehicle Test Area VTAADS e: Vertical TAADS [The Army Authorization Documents System] - e: Vertical, The Army Authorization Document System VTAJX e: Navy Trainer Advanced JetExperimental VTAS e: Visual Target Acquisition System VTC e: Volunteer Training Corps VTCE e: Vehicle Team Combat Exercise VTCS e: Vega Target Control System VTF e: Vertical Test Flight - e: Vertical Tracking Force - e: Vicinity Target Fuze VTFS e: Visual Technology Flight Simulator VTFT e: Value Task Force Team VT/FT e: Verification Test/Flight Test VTH e: Ventilated Tank Helmet VTIP e: Visual Target Identification Point VTL e: Vacuum-Tube Launcher - e: Validated Target Level - e: Vehicle Tactical Logistic VTM e: Vehicle Test Meter VT-MOS d: Verfahrentrainer der Marineortungsschule VT[N] e: Night Torpedo Bomber Squadron VTO e: Visiting Technical Officer - e: Visual Training Officer VTOS se: Visa Tehnicka Oficirska Skola, Zagreb VTP e: Valid Target Presentation - e: Vehicle Test Plan VTR e: Vehicle Track Recovery - e: Vehicle Tracking Receiver - e: Vertical Test Range V Tr e: Veterinary Troop VTRPS e: Video Target Range Projection System VTRR e: Visual Target Radar Ranging VTRZ se: Vojno-Tehnicki Remontni Zavod VTS e: Video Target Simulator - e: VOUGHT Target System VTT e: Video Target Trainer VTTA e: Veterans Time Trial Association VTX e: Next generation naval trainer VTXTS e: Navy Jet Trainer VTZ se: Vojno-Tehnicki Zavod VU e: Utility Squadron - e: Vehicle Unit - e: Vehicle Utility - se: Vojna Uprava

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

WADM VUJA STT se: Vojna Uprava Jugoslovenske Armije Slobodne Teritorije Trsta [Zona B] VUJNA se: Vojna Uprava Jugoslovenske Narodne Armije VUNC e: Voice of United Nations Command V-U V-2 e: Rockets launched by the Germans in World War II VVA e: Vietnam Veterans of America VVAA e: Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia VVAC e: VICKERS Versatile Aircraft Carrier W A G e: Vietnam Veterans Arts Group VVAOVI e: Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Victims VVAW e: Vietnam Veterans Against the War VVAW/WSO e: Vietnam Veterans Against War/Winter Soldier Organization W D e: Valid Verifiable Defense W D M n: Vereniging van dienstplichtige Militairen VVI e: Vietnam Veterans, Incorporated - e: Vietnam Veterans Institute W I C e: Vietnam Era Veterans in Congress W I R A e: Vietnam Veterans Institute for Research and Advocacy W I T A e: Vietnam Veterans Inter-Tribal Association W M F e: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund W n W e: Veterans of the Vietnam War W R e: War Reserve - e: Weapon Radius - e: Weapon Round W R M e: Vortex Valve Rocket Motor W S d: Vertrauliche Verschlußsache - d: VS-Dokument, Verschlußsache VW e: Airborne Early Warning Squadron V-Waffen d: Vergeltungswaffen VwDMV d: Bundeswehrverwaltungsstelle beim Deutschen milit - d: Bundeswehrverwaltungsstelle beim Deutschen militärischen Vertreter VWOA e: Veteran Wireless Operators Association VWP e: Visualize World Peace VWS e: Voice Warning System VWWI e: Veterans of World War I of United States of America VWZ d: Vorwarnzeit VX d: VX - Kampfstoff - e: Air Development Squadron - e: Air Test and Evaluation Squadron - e: Experimental Squadron - e: United States Navy test unit VX-1 e: OPTEVFOR AirTest and Evaluation Squadron One, Naval Air Slation, Patuxent River, MD VX-4 e: OPTEVFOR Air Test and Evaluation Squadron Four, Naval Air Station, Pt. Mugu, CA VX-5 e: OPTEVFOR Air Test and Evaluation Squadron Five, Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA VXE e: United States Navy development squadron VYNPS e: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station V.Z.H. d: Verwaltung für Zentralaufgaben des Heeres

w W d: Sonderstab W [Angeh - d: Wachregiment Berlin

- d: Waffe [n] - d: Wehrmachtsabteilung - d: Wehrschaft [Verband] - e: Coast Guard Ship - e: Underwater - e: Warhead - e: Warrior - e: Weapon - e: Weapons Engineering Division - e: Wing W-70 e: Lance missile warhead W-79 e: Artillery shell warhead W-82 e: Howitzer shell warhead W-84 e: GLCM warhead W-87 e: MX warhead w e: war W. e: Weyburn Regiment WA d: Waffenanlage - d: Warschauer Abkommen - d: Wehrmachtsamt - d: weitere Aufgabe - e: War Aims - e: Weapon Armourer - e: Weapons Analyst - e: Weapons Assembly - e: Weapons Assignment - e: Weapons Assistant - e: Woolwich Armstrong [Gun] Wa d: Waffenamt - d: Waffenanweisung - e: The Warwickshire Regiment - e: Warwickshire Regiment Wa. d: Heereswaffenamt - d: Wachregiment - d: Waffe [n] W.A. e: War Administration - e: Woolwich Arsenal WAA e: War Assets Administration - e: Wartime Aircraft Activity WaA d: Heeres-Waffenamt W.A.A. e: West African Army - e: West African Artillery WAAAF e: Women's Auxiliary Australian Air Force W.A.A.C, e: War Artists' Advisory Committee - e: Women's Army Auxiliary Corps WAACS e: Wartime Aircraft Activity Capability System WAAD e: Westinghouse Air Arm Division WAADS e: Washington Air Defense Sector WAAF e: Women's Auxiliary Air Force WAAFB e: Walker Air Force Base WAAFOS e: Women's Auxiliary Air Force Officers School WAAFS e: Women's Auxiliary Air Force Service W.A.A.F.[S.] e: Women's Auxiliary Air Force [Services] WAAM e: Wide Area Anti-Armour Munitions - e: Worldwide Military Command and Control System Allocation and Assessment Model WaAnp d: Waffenanpassung WAAPM e: Wide-Area Antipersonnel Mine WAAR e: Wartime Aircraft Activity Reporting WAA RET e: Wartime Aircraft Activity Reporting System Retrievals WAARS e: Wartime Aircraft Activity Reporting System WAAS e: Warning and Attack Assessment - e: Women's Auxiliary Army Service WAASC e: Women's Auxiliary Army Service Corps WAB d: Waffenabwurfbehälter

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

WABCO e: When Authorized by Commander WAbk. d: Warschauer Abkommen Wabo d: Wasserbombe WaBrNP e: United States Navy, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Engineering Library, Bremerton WaBrNR e: United States Navy, Naval Regional Medical Center, Bremerton WaBrNS e: United States Navy, Naval Submarine Base, Bangor Library, Bremerton WABTOC e: When Authorized by the Oversea Commander WAC e: War Agricultural Committee - e: War Assets Corporation - e: Weapon Arming Computer - e: Weapons Assignment Console - e: Western African Command - e: Western Area Command - e: Womens Air Corps - e: Women's Armny Corps - e: Women's Army Corps - e: Women's Auxiliary Corps - e: World Affairs Center [for the United States] WACB e: Women's Army Classification Battery WachBtl d: Wachbataillon WachBtlBmVg d: Wachbataillon beim Bundesministerium der Verteidigung W.A.C.I. e: Women's Army Corps of India WACLP e: Women's Action Committee for Lasting Peace WACMS e: WWMCCS/WIS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System Information System] Automated Configuration Management System WACO e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Contracting Officer WACom e: Western Area Command WACOS e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Continuity of Service WACR e: Weapon Assembly and Check Room WACRES e: Women's Army Corps Reserve WACSM e: Women's Army Corps Service Medal WACVA e: Women's Army Corps Veterans Association WAD e: Weapon Assignment Display - e: Weapons Alert Designator - e: Weapons Assignment Display - e: World Wide Military Command Control System Automated Data Processing - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Architecture Division - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Directorate WADAAA e: Washington District Army Audit Agency WADC e: Western Air Defense Command WADD e: Westinghouse Air Army Division WADDS e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Directory of Databases and Systems WADF e: Western Air Defense Force W.Adm. e: War Administration WADM e: Wide-Area Defense Missile


WADS WADS e: Washington Air Defense Sector - e: Weapons Access Delays System - e: Western Air Defense Sector WAE e: Weapon Aiming Error WAEC e: War Agricultural Executive Committee WAEPA e: War Agencies Employees Protective Association WAF e: West African Forces - e: West African Forces - e: Woman [or Women] in the Air Force - e: Women's Auxiliary Force W.A.F. e: West African Forces - e: Women's Air Force WAFB e: Warren Air Force Base - e: Westover Air Force Base - e: Wright Air Force Base WAFDS e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Fiscal Data Systems WAFE e: Wives of the Armed Forces, Emeritus WAFF e: Wartime Fuel Factors - e: West African Frontier Force W.A.F.F. e: West African Frontier Force Waffm. d: Waffenmeister Waff.-Pl. d: Waffenplatz Wafm d: Waffenmechaniker WAFR e: Wrap-Around Fin Rocket W.Afr.R. e: West African Regiment W.A.F.S. e: West African Ferrying Squadron WAFS e: Women's Air Force Services - e: Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Service - e: Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron - e: Women's Auxiliary Fire Service W.A.F.S. e: Women's Auxiliary Fire Service WafSyst d: Waffensystem WAFTD e: Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Training Division WaFtl e: United States Army, Fort Lewis Library System, Grandstaff WAG e: Warfare Analysis Group - e: Wireless Air Gunner - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Action Group WAGB e: United States Coast Guard: Icebreaker WAGCOM e: War Game Comparison WAGE e: Weapons Aerospace Ground Equipment WAGL e: United States Coast Guard: Lighthouse Tender WAGS e: Wireless Air Gunners School WA Gun e: Woolwich Armstrong Gun WAH e: Womack Army Hospital Medical Library, Fort Bragg, NC WAHS e: Weapon Aiming Mode Selector WAIFS e: Welfare for Animals in the Forces Society WAkBw d: Wehrakademie der Bundeswehr WAKo d: Waffenausbildungskommando WAL e: Watertown Arsenal Laboratory WALLOP e: Weapons Allocation Program WALOPT e: Weapons Allocation and Desired Ground Zero Optimizer WALP e: Weapon[s] Assignment Linear Program WAM e: Warfare Area Management - e: Wide Area Mine - e: Wide Area Munitions - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automated Data Processing] Modernization Program


WAMC e: Wide Area Mine Clearing System - e: Womac Army Medical Center WAMCATS e: Washington-Alaska Military Communication Army Telegraph System WAMM e: Women Against Military Madness WAMOC e: Women's Auxiliary to the Military Order of the Cootie WAM PMO e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automated Data Processing] Modernization Program Program Management Office WAMPUM e: Wartime Availability of Medical Personnel upon Mobilization WAMS e: Wartime Adaptation of Merchant Ships - e: Weapon Aiming and Mode Selector - e: Weapon Aiming Mode Selector - e: Weapon[s] Aiming Mode Selector - e: World Association of Military Surgeons WaMst d: Waffenmeister WAMSTAS e: Wide-Area Mine Seismic Target Acquisition Sensor WAMTMTS e: Western Area, Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service WAN e: Women's Royal Australian Naval Service WAND e: Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament WANTO e: Weapons Agencies Nondestructive Testing Organization WAO e: Weapons Assignment Officer - e: Wing Artillery Officer W.A.O. e: Wing Artillery Officer WAP e: Weapon Appraisal Process - e: Weapons Alternate Processor WAPME e: Writers and Artists for Peace in the Middle East WAPR e: Weapon Assembly Product Record WAPS e: Weighted Airman Promotion System WAR e: West African Regiment WaR d: Warteraum War e: The Warwickshire Regiment - e: War Department Wa.R. d: Wachregiment W.A.R. e: The West African Regiment WARBIICS e: Web Army RDA Budget Update Computer System WARCAD e: War Department-Civil Affairs Division WARCONFAC e: War Consumables Consumption Factor WARCOR e: War Correspondent WARD e: Weapon Assessment & Realtime Diagnostics system War Dept BCA e: United States War Department, Decisions of Board of Contract Adjustment warf e: warfare WARFAC e: War Game Facility W.A.Rgt. e: West African Regiment warhd e: warhead WARI e: Wartime Atlantic Routing Instructions WARIE e: Wartime Atlantic Routing Instructions, Emergency WARLOCE e: Wartime Lines of Communication, Europe WARLOG e: Wartime Logistics [Concept] WARM e: Wartime Reserve Modes - e: Weapons Assignment Research Model

© Κ · G • Saur, München

WARMAPS e: Wartime Manpower Planning System - e: Wartime Manpower Progam System - e: Wartime Mobilization Planning System WARMARS e: Wartime Manpower Requirements System WARP e: Weather and Radar Processor - e: Worldwide Ammunition Reporting Program WARPAC e: Warsaw Pact WARS e: Warfare Analysis and Research System - e: Wartime Assessment and Requirements System - e: Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System - e: Worldwide Ammunition Requirement Status WARSAMS e: WARSAW SAM Missile Simulation System WarschAbk. d: Warschauer Abkommen WARSIL e: Wartime Skill Program WARSIM e: War Simulation - e: Warfighter Simulation WARSL e: War Reserve Stockage List Wartime EX.C1. e: Wartime extension clause War Trade Reg. e: War Trade Regulations [U.S.] WARWICK YEO e: The Warwickshire Yeomanry [Territorial Army] WAS e: War-at-Sea - e: War Authorized Strength - e: Weapon Aiming System - e: Weapon Assessment System - e: Weapons Alert System WaS d: Waffenschule WASAC e: Working Group of Army Study Advisory Committee WASAR e: Wide-Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar WASBE d: Waffensystembearbeiter WASCO e: War Safety Council WASHMIC e: Washington Military Industrial Complex Wa-Signal d: Warnsignal WaSLw d: Waffenschule der Luftwaffe WAS/MTI e: Wide Area Surveillance/Moving Target Indicator WASO e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automated Data Processing] Security Office[r] WASP e: War Air Service Pattern - e: War Air Service Program - e: Women's Air Force Service Pilots W.A.S.P. e: Women Auxiliary Service Pilots WASPM e: Wide-Area Side-Penetrating Mine WASPS e: Women's Auxiliary Service Platoons WASS e: Weapon Aiming Sub-System - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] System Security WASSM e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] System Security Manager WASSO e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] System Security Officer WASt. d: Wehrmachtauskunftstelle für Kriegsverluste und Kriegsgefangene, Berlin [nach WK2] WAST e: Wide Area SurveillanceVTracking and Targeting

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

WDC WaStA d: Waffenstabilisierungsanlage Wastiko. d: Waffenstillstandkommando WASYPROJ d: Waffensystem-Projekt WaSys d: Waffensystem WAT P: Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warszawa - e: Weapons Assignment Technician WaT d: Waffentechnik WATASO e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Terminal Area Security Officer Waterton e: Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park on the AlbertaMontana border or Waterton Lakes National Park in the same area WATPL e: Wartime Traffic Priority List W.Ausk.St. d: Wehrmachtauskunftstelle WAIIXCP e: West Auxiliary Airborne Command Post WAVELL e: United Kingdom command and control system WAVES e: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service - e: Women's Auxiliary Voluntary Emergency Service WAWAS e: Washington Area Warning System WAWC e: West Africa War Council wax. e: weapon assignment and target extermination WB d: Wasserbombe - d: Wehrbereich - e: Wage Board — Civilian Employees - e: Weather Bomber WB. d: Wehrbezirk - d: Wehrmachtbefehlshaber W.B.A. d: Wehrmachtbeschaffungsamt WBA FLGT W/T e: Weight and Balance Flight Working Team WBAMC e: William Beaumont Army Medical Center WBAN e: Weather Bureau, Air Force and Navy WBAWS e: Weather, Briefing, Advisory, and Warning System WBB d: Wehrbereichsbibliothek WBBekIA d: Wehrbereichsbekleidungsamt WBDTS e: Wide Band Data Transmission System W.Bez. d: Wehrbezirk W.Bez.Kdo. d: Wehrbezirkskommando WBezV d: Wehrbezirksverwaltung WBGA d: Wehrbereichsgebiihrnisamt W.Bhf. d: Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber WBK d: Wehrbereichskommando W.B.K, d: Wehrbezirkskommando WBKdo d: Wehrbezirkskommando W.B.Kdo d: Wehrbezirkskommando W.B.N. d: Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Norwegen W.B.Ndl. d: Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Niederlande WBO d: Wehrbezirksoffizier WBOQ e: Women Bachelor Officers' Quarters WBP e: Wartime Basic Plan WBSC e: Work Breakdown Structure Code WBSO. d: Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Südosten WBSt d: Wechselbeobachtungsstelle WBT e: Wait Before Transmission WBTE e: Weapon[s] Battery Terminal Equipment WBtO d: Wehrbetreuungsoffizier WBTS e: War Between the States - e: Wideband Transmission System

W.B.U. d: Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Ukraine WBV d: Wehrbereichsverwaltung W.B.V. d: Wehrmacht-Bahnverwaltung - d: Wehrmacht-Betreuungsverwaltung WBVpflA d: Wehrbereichsverpflegungsamt WBW d: Wasserbombenwerfer WB/WAAS e: Wartime Beddown/Wartime Aircraft Activity System WC e: Wadcutter. Ammunition - e: War Cabinet - e: War College - e: War Communications - e: War Correspondent - e: War Credits - e: Weapon Control - e: Weapon[s] Carrier - e: Weapons Command - e: Western Command - e: Wing Commander WC3 e: Warning, Command, Control and Communications wc e: weapon carrier W.C. e: War Cabinet [College] - e: War Council - e: Western Command W/C e: Weapons Controller WCAC e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Crisis Alerting Capability WCACTC e: West Coast Air Corps Training Center WCAM/NCSA e: World Campain Against Military and Nuclear Collaborating with South Africa WCAN e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Crisis Alerting Network WCB e: War Communications Board WCC e: War Crimes Commission - e: War Crimes Court - e: Warfare Commander's Conference - e: Warfare Commander's Course - e: Weapon Control Computer - e: Weapon Controle Console - e: Weapons Control Computer - e: Wiesbaden Crisis Center WCCK e: Weapons Control Check WCCMORS e: West Coast Classified Military Operations Research Symposium WCCS e: Wing Command and Control System WCD e: Weapon Code - e: Weapon Control Display - e: Weapons Classification Defects WCDC e: War Crimes Documentation Center WCDO e: War[time] Consumable Distribution Objective WCDOS e: Warftime] Consumable Distribution Objectives System WCDPC e: War Control Data Processing Center WCDR e: War Consumables Distribution Requirements W/Cdr e: Wing Commander WCDT n: Wachtcommandant WCE e: Weapon Control Equipment - e: Weapons Controller Element WCG e: War Crimes Group - e: Weapon Control Group WCIU e: War Crimes Investigation Unit WCIY e: Westmorland and Cumberland Imperial Yeomanry WCL e: Weapons Custody List WCM e: Wartime Construction Management - e: Weapon Control Module - e: Weapons Countermeasures and Mines

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

WCMS e: Weapons Control & Management System WCNS e: Weapon Control & Navigation System WCO e: War Cabinet Office - e: Warrant Communication Officer - e: Weapons Control Office[r] W Comm e: Wing Commander WCP e: War Criminals Prison - e: Weapon Control Panel - e: Weapon Control Plan - e: Wing Command Post - e: World Council of Peace WCPAB e: War Control Price Adjustment Board WCR e: Weapons Complex Reconfiguration - e: Wyoming Cloud Radar W.C.Rgt e: West Coast Regiment WCRP e: World Conference on Religion and Peace - e: World Council of Religion for Peace WCRP/USA e: World Conference in Religion and Peace, USA Section WCRS e: War Consumable Reporting System WCS e: Weapons Control Station - e: Weapons Control Status - e: Weapon[s] Control System - e: Wing Center [or Centre] Section W.C.S.A.C, e: War Cabinet Scientific Advisory Committee wesb e: weapon control switchboard wese e: weapon control system console WCSC e: Weapons Control System Coordinator WCSD e: Wargamming & Combat Simulation Division WCSG e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Council Support Group WCSI e: Weapon Control System Improvement WCSS e: Weapons Control System Simulator WCTS e: Weapons Controller Training Squadron WCU e: Weapon Control Unit - e: Weapon Conversion Unit WCV e: Weapons Control Volume WCYC e: Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry Cavalry WCYMSC e: World Council of Young Men's Service Clubs WD e: War Damage - e: War Department - e: War Diary - e: Warning Display - e: Weapon Data - e: Weapon Delivery - e: Weapon Director - e: Weapons Director - e: Westminster Dragoons WDA e: Weapons Defended Area WDACU e: Weapons Delivery Avionics Control Unit WDAF e: Western Desert Air Force WDAGO e: War Department, Adjudant Generals' Office WDAMS e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Information System Data Base Management System WDAU e: Weapon-Dispenser Arming Device WDC e: War Damage Commission - e: War Damage Contribution - e: War Damage Corporation - e: War Department Constabulary - e: War Department Constabulary


W.D.C. - e: Weapon Data Converter - e: Weapon Delivery Computer - e: Weapons Depreciation Costs - e: Weapons Development Committee - e: Western Defense Command - e: Westinghouse Defense Center W.D.C, e: War Department Constabulary WDCir d: War Department Circular WDCMC e: War Department Classified Message Center WDCR e: Weapon Design Cost Report WDCSA e: War Department, Chief of Staff, Army WDD e: Weapon Delivery Demonstration - e: Western Development Division [Air Material Command] WDE e: Weapon Direction Equipment, naval - e: Weapon[s] Direction Equipment - e: Weapon[s] Direction Evaluation WDEL e: Weaponfs] Development and Engineering Laboratory - e: Weapons Development Effectiveness Laboratory WDF e: Weapon Defense Facility - e: Western Desert Force W.D.F.O.A. e: War Department Fleet Officers' Association WDGF e: War Department Ground Forces W DGNS e: Westminster Dragoons [Territorial Army] WDGO e: War Department General Order WDGS e: War Department General Staff WDHCB e: War Department Hardship Claims Board WD Hist e: War Department Historical Division WDI e: War Department Intelligence - e: Warhead Detection Indicator - e: Weapon Data Index WDICC e: War Department Intelligence Collection Committee WDICPC e: War Department Intelligence Collection Planning Committee WDID e: Warfighting Development Integration Division - e: Weapons Diagnostic Instrumentation and Development WDIP e: Weapon Data Input Panel WDJ e: War Division of Justice WDL e: Western Defense Laboratories WDLMSt d: Warndienstleitmeßstelle WDM e: Weapon Delivery Manual - e: Weapon Delivery Model WDMB e: War Department Manpower Board W.D.M.C. e: War Department Map Collection WDNS e: Weapons Delivery and Navigation System WD OPD e: War Department Operations Division WDP e: War Department Pamphlet - e: Weapons Direction Program WDPam e: War Department Pamphlet WDPMG-ID e: War Department Provost Marshal General, Investigation Division WDRC e: Women's Defence Relief Corps WDRG e: Washington Defense Research Group Wdr L e: Wardmaster Lieutenant WDS d: Wehrdienstsenat - e: Weapon Direction System - e: Weapon Display Subsystem - e: Weapons Delivery System - e: Weapons Designation Systems - e: Weapons Direction System - e: Western Defense System WDSP e: Weapons Design Standardization Panel


WDSS e: War Department Services of Supply - e: War Department Special Staff WDStH. d: Wehrmachtdienststrafhof WDT e: Weapons Director Technician WDTC e: Western Defense Tactical Command WDTS e: War Dog Training School WDTU e: War Dog Training Unit WDU e: Weapons Director Unit WDV e: War Department Vehicle WdW d: Waffenring der Wehrtechniker e.V. - d: Waffenring der Wehrtechniker eV, 2 Hamburg WD WPD e: War Department War Plans Division WE e: War Establishment - e: Wartime Establishment - e: Weapon Engineer - e: Weapon Engineering - e: Weapons and Electrical Engineering We e: Welsh Regiment WEA d: Waffeneigene Einsatzausbildung - d: Wehrersatzamt Wea e: Weapon[s] WEA e: Weapons Expenditures Authorization WEADES e: Western Electric Air Defense Engineering Service WEAG e: Western European Armaments Group Weap. e: Weapons and firearms WEB e: War Engineering Board - e: Weapon Effects Buoy WeBBw d: Wetterberatung der Bundeswehr W.E.Bez. d: Wehrersatzbezirk webrock e: weather buoy rocket WEBS e: Weapons Effectiveness Buoy System WEC e: Warhead Electrical Connector - e: Wartime Emergency Committee - e: Women's Emergency Corps W.E.C, e: Women's Emergency Corps WECAFC e: Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission WECB e: Weapons Evaluation and Control Bureau WECOM e: Weapons Command WED e: Weapons Engineering Duty WEDGE e: Weapon Development Glide Entry WEDS e: Weapon[s] Effect Display System WEF e: War Emergency Formula WEG e: Weapons Evaluation Group weg e: war emergency grant WEH d: Weapons Employment Handbook W.E.H. d: Wehrmacht-Erholungsheim WehrAk d: Wehrakademie Wehrm.AK. d: Wehrmachtakademie WehrSta d: Wehrstahlhelm [Verband] W.E.I, d: Wehrersatzinspektion Weiterl.St. d: Weiterleitungsstelle WEK e: Weapons Equipment List WEL e: Weapon[s] Effect Laboratory - e: Weapons/Equipment List WEL. d: Wehrertüchtigungslager [HitlerJugend] WE-Lager d: Wehrertüchtigungslager [Hitler-Jugend] WELCH e: The Welch Regiment Well.R. e: Wellington Regiment WELSH e: The Welsh Volunteers WEM e: West Essex Militia WEMSB e: Western European Military Supply Board WEND e: World Electronic Navigation Database

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WEO e: Weapons Engineer Officer - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Evaluation Office WEOW e: Weapons Engineer Officer's Writer WEP e: War Emergency Power - e: Weapon Effect Planning - e: Weapons Effect Planning - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Evaluation Program WEPC e: Weapons and Equipment Policy Committee WEPCOSE e: Weapon Control Systems Engineering wepex e: weapons exercise WEPH e: Weapon Phenomenology W.E.P.I, e: War Emergency Pipelines, Incorporated WEPIMS e: Weapons Planning Information Management System WEPSO e: Weapons Services Office WEPTAC e: Weapons and Tactics Analysis Center WEPTRAEX e: Weapons Training Exercise WEPTU e: Weapons Reserve Training Units WEq e: War Equipment WEqT e: War Equipment Table[s] WERS e: War Emergency Radio Service - e: Wing Equipment Repair Squadron Wertubo n: Bureau Werktuigbouw van de Koninklijke Marine WES e: War Equipment Scale - e: Waterways Experimental Station, Vicksburg, Miss. - e: Weapons Effect Simulation - e: Worldwide Military Command and Control System Entry System WESCOM e: Weapon System Cost Model - e: Weapons Effects on Satellite Communications - e: Weapons System Cost Model - e: Western Command WESED e: Weapon Systems Evaluation Division WESEG e: Weapon Systems Evaluation Group WESIAC e: Weapons Effectiveness Systems Industry Advisory Committee WESO e: Weapons Engineering Service Office - e: Weapons Engineering Standardization Office - e: Worldwide Military Command & Control Systems Engineering Organization WESP e: War and Emergency Support Plan WESREP e: Weapon Engineering Station Representative WESS e: Weapon System Status - e: Weapons Effect Signature Simulator - e: Weapons Effects Simulator System - e: Weapons Engagement Scoring System - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Environmental Support System WESSEX e: The Wessex Volunteers WEST e: Weapon Effectiveness Simulated Threat - e: Weapons Effect Simulation Training WESTAF e: Western Transport, Air Force WESTAR e: Waterways Experiment Station Terrain-Analyzer Radar WESTCO e: Western Command WESTCOM e: United States Army Western Command [Pacific]

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

WIS JPM WESTE e: Weapons Effectiveness and System Test Environment WESTLANT e: Western Atlantic Area WESTSEAFRON e: Western Sea Frontier WESTT e: Weapon System Tactical Tester WESYP e: Weapons System Plan WET e: Weapons Effectiveness Testing - e: Weapons Engineering Tritium WETEM/TACC e: Weather Team/Tactical Air Control Center WETF e: Weapons Engineering Tritium Facility WEU e: Warning Electronic Unit WEV d: Wehrersatzverwaltung WEWO e: Wing Electronic Warfare Officer WEZ e: Weapons Engagement Zone WF e: The Welch Fusiliers - e: Western Fleet W+F d: Eidgenössische Waffenfabrik WFA e: War Food Administration WFARE e: Warfare WFBJ d: Weltfriedensbund der Jugend WFC e: War Finance Committee - e: War Finance Corporation - e: Women's Forage Corps Wl l) d: Weltfriedensdienst e.V. - e: War Finance Division WFF e: Western Frontier Force - e: World Friendship Federation Wffm. d: Waffenmeister WffSch d: Waffenschule Wff.Sch. d: Waffenschule WFI e: Worldwide Friendship International WFLA e: War Fighting Len Analysis WFLStab d: Wissenschaftlicher Forschungs- und Lehrstab W.F.M. d: Wissenschaftlicher Führungsstab der Marine WFN e: Weapons and Facilities, Navy WFO d: Wehrmachtsführsorgeoffizier - e: Washington Field Office [Security Assistance Training Field Activity, United States Army] - e: Wing Field Order from Fighter Command WFP e: World Peace Foundation - e: Worldwide Fast for Peace WFR d: Weltfriedensrat WFS d: Wasserfilterstation W.F.S.C, e: War Food Supply Commission W.F.Sch. d: Wehrmacht-Fachschule WFSI e: War for Southern Independence WFSt d: Wehrmachtführungsstab W.F.St, d: Wehrmachtführungsstab WFSV e: Wheeled Fire Support Vehicle WFTC e: Western Flying Training Command WFTD e: Women's Flying Training Detachment W.F.V.A. d: Wehrmacht-Fürsorge- und Versorgungsamt WFX e: War-Fighter Exercise WFZ e: Weapon Free Zone - e: Weapons Fire Zone WG e: War Government - e: Wartime Guidance - e: Weapon Grade - e: Welsh Guards WGAF e: West Germany Air Force WGC e: War Graves Commission Wg Cdr e: Wing Commander WG/CDR e: Wing Commander Wg Cmdr e: Wing Commander Wg-Comdr e: Wing-Commander Wg Cr e: Wing Commander WGD e: War Game Department

W.Gds. e: Welsh Guards WGF e: Western Group of Forces WgHq e: Wing Headquarters WGL e: Weapons Guidance Laboratory WGM e: Wire Guided Missile WG/NGWR e: Working Group for NextGeneration Weather Radar WGO d: Wehrmacht-Gräberoffizier Wg O e: Wing Officer Wg Offr e: Wing Officer WGPu e: Weapons-Grade Plutonium WGR e: War Guidance Requirements Wg & Rgn Comdr e: Wing and Regional Commander WGS d: Wechselgefechtsstand WGSC e: War Gaming and Simulation Center WGSF e: Western Group of Soviet Forces WGT e: Weapons Guiding and Tracking WGWPC e: World Goverment World Peace Centre WH d: Abteilung Wehrmachthaushalt [Wehrmachtamt] - d: Wehrmacht-Heer - e: Welsh Horse Wh e: Warhead WHA e: Weapon Holding Area W.H.A. e: Women's Home Army WHASA e: White House Army Signal Agency WHCA e: War Hazard Compensation Act WHD e: Warhead - e: Western Hemisphere Defense WHDE e: Weapon Handling & Discharge Equipment WHDS e: Warhead Section - e: Weapon Handling and Discharge Systems WHEC e: United States Coast Guard: High Endurance Cutter WHERES e: Warning and Homing on Enemy Radio Emissions Sets W.H.G.A. e: Women's Home Guard Auxiliary WHIDDS e: War Headquarters Information Display and Dissemination System - e: War Headquarters Information Dissemination and Display System WHMO e: White House Military Office WHN e: Wartime Host Nation WHNRS e: Wartime Host-Nation Religious Support WHNS e: Wartime Host Nation Support WHNSIMS e: Wartime Host Nation Support Information Management System WHNSW e: Wartime Host Nation Support WHQ e: War Headquarters - e: Wartime Headquarter WHQEX e: War Headquarters Exercise Whrkdo d: Wehrkreiskommando WHS e: Warhead Section - e: Warhead Structure WHSA e: Weapons Head Support Assembly WI e: Warsaw Initiative - e: Weapon Initiator Wi. e: Wiltshire Regiment WIAC e: Weapons Integration and Control WIAP e: Wartime Individual Augmentation Program WIB e: War Industries Board - e: Wartime Information Board - e: Wounded in Battle WIC e: Weapon Instructor Course - e: Weapon Interface Cabinet WICR e: Wilson's Creek Battlefield National Park WID e: War Information Department

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

WIDU e: Wireless Intelligence and Development Unit WIG e: Wing-in-Ground [aircraft] WIGE e: Wing-in-Ground Effect WILPF e: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom WILS e: Weapons Information Locator System WILTS e: Wiltshire Regiment Wilts R. e: Wiltshire Regiment WIM d: Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut für Materialuntersuchungen WIMM e: Weaponfs] Integrated Material [or Materiel] Manager - e: Weapons Integrated Materiel Manager WIMMS e.· Weapons Integrated Material [or Materiel] Management System WIMR e: Woolmer Instructional Military Railway WIN e: Warfighter Information Network - e: Weapons Interception - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Information Network - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Intercomputer Network WINA e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Information Needs Analysis WINCS e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Intercomputer Network Communications Subsystem WIND e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Intercomputer Network Director Wing Cdr e: Wing Commander WINS e: Weapons and Integrated Navigation System WINSTATS e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Information Network Statistics Systems WIN-T e: Warfighter Information Network-Terrestrial WINTEX/CIMEX e: Winter Exercise/Civilian-Military Exercise WIP e: Wartime Intelligence Plan - e: Weapon Integrated [or Integration] Plan - e: Weapons Installation Plan WIPACE e: Wartime Intelligence Plan, Allied Command Europe WIR e: Weapon Information Report - e: Weapon[s] Inspection Report - e: West India Regiment W.I.R. e: West India Regiment WIRE e: Weapons Interference Reduction Effort WIRGA e: West Indian Royal Garrison Artillery WiRii. d: Wirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt WIS e: Weapon Information System - e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Information System WISA e: Wholesale Interservice Supply Agreement WIS CMS e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Information System Configuration Management System WISDIM e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Dictionary for Information Management WISE e: Weapon Installation System Engineering WIS JPM e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Information System Joint Program Manager


WISJPMO WISJPMO e: Worldwide Military Command and Control Information WISNAS e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Information System Network Authentication Service WISP e: Wartime Information Security Program - e: Women in Strike for Peace WISRA e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Information System Requirements Analysis WISS e: Weapons Impact Scoring Sets WISSA e: Wholesale Interservice Supply Support Agreements WIS SPO e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Information System Systems Program Office WITA e: Wing Tank - e: Women in the Army WiTrT d: Wirtschaftstruppenteil WITS e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Standard Graphics Terminal Intelligent Terminal System WITU e: Military institute of armament technology WIU e: Weapon Interface Unit WIWP e: World Institute for World Peace WK d: Wehrkreiskommando] WK. d: Wehrkreiskommando] WKCA d: Werkstatt f KC - Aufklärung W.Kdo. d: Wehrkreiskommando WKK d: Wehrkreiskommando WKK. d: Wehrkreiskommando W.K.Kdo. d: Wehrkreiskommando Wkr. d: Wehrkreis W.Kr.Kdo. d: Wehrkreiskommando WK-Schweißen d: Wärmekontaktschweißen WL d: Wehrmacht-Luftwaffe - e: Weapons Laboratory wl e: wing length WLA e: Women's Land Army W.L.A. e: Women's Land Army WLB e: United States Coast Guard: Seagoing Buoy Tender - e: War Labor Board - e: Weapons Logbook WLBD e: War Labor Board Directives WLC e: Weapons Launch Console - e: Western Land Command WLD e: War Load Displacement - e: Weapon Loading Director W.L.F.A. e: West Lancashire Field Artillery WLM e: United States Coast Guard: Coastal Buoy Tender - e: Weapon Loading Manual WLO e: Weapons Liaison Officer WLP e: Weapons Launch Panel WLPB e: War Labor Policies Board WLR e: United States Coast Guard: River Buoy Tender - e: Weapon Loading Rig - e: Weapon Locating Radar W.L.R. d: Werfer-Lehr-Regiment WLSA e: Wartime Logistics Support Assessment WLSt d: Wehrleitstelle WLSt[M] d: Wehrleitstelle [Marine] WLStSeeBw d: Weiterleitungsstelle See der Bundeswehr WLT e: Weapons Load Training WLU e: Weapon Locating Unit WM d: Waffen- und Munitionstechnik - d: Wehrmacht-Marine - e: Warrant Mechanician


- e: Weapon Mechanician - e: Weapons and Ammunition - e: Women Marines W & M e: War and Marine WMA e: War Measures Act - e: Warfare Mission Area - e: Wentworth Military Academy [Missouri] - e: Women Marines Association W.M.A. d: Wehrmeldeamt WMAA e: Warrant Master-at-Arms WMB e: War Meat Board - e: War Mobilization Board W.M.Bez. d: Wehrmeldebezirk WMC e: War Manpower Commission - e: Weapons and Mobility Command - e: Weapons Monitorfing] Center - e: Weapons Monitoring Console WMD e: War Mobilization Director - e: Weapon[s] of Mass Destruction - e: Westinghouse Marine Division WMEAT e: World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfer WMEC e: United States Coast Guard: Medium Endurance Cutter - e: Western Military Electronics Center WMFSt. d: Wehrmachtführungsstab [OKW] WMG e: Wire Metallizing Gun WMI e: War Materials, Incorporated W.Mld.A. d: Wehrmeldeamt WMM e: Weapon Material Management - e: Weapon Materials and Manufacturing WMO e: Wing Maintenance Officer WMP e: War and Mobilization Plan - e: War [and] Mobilization Plan[ning] - e: Wartime Movement Program - e: Women and the Military Project WMP A e: Women's Military Pilots Association WMPC e: War Man-Power Commission - e: War Materiel Production Capability WMPCES e: War Manpower Commission Employment Stabilization WMPCESP e: War Manpower Commission Employment Stabilization Plan WMPRT e: Wartime Manpower and Personnel Readiness Team WMR e: War Maintenance Reserve - e: War Materiel Requirement WMRC e: War Minerals Relief Commission WMRS e: Westinghouse Minehunting Reconnaissance Sonar WMS d: Wehr- und Militärsoziologie - e: Wartime Materiel Support - e: Weapon[s] Monitoring System - n: Wet Militaire Strafsechtsspraak W.M.S.I, e: War Medical Society of India WMSL e: Wichita Mountains Seismological Laboratory WMU e: Weapon Main Unit WMV e: War Munition Volunteers WNA d: Waffennachführanlage WNC e: Weapons/Navigation Computer WnE d: Wartung nach dem Einsatz WNFE e: Worldwide Military Command and Control System Network Front-End W.N.L.C. e: Women's National Land Corps WNLSC e: Women's National Land Service Corps WNR e: Weapons Neutron Research - e: Western NORAD [North American Air Defense] Region WNS e: Weapons Navigation Subsystem - e: Worldwide Navigation System W.N.Sc.R. e: West Nova Scotia Regiment

Κ · G · Saur, München

WNV. d: Wehrmacht-Nachrichtenverbindungen [Amtsgruppe im OKW] WO d: Wachhabender Offizier [bei der Marine] - d: Wachoffizier - d: Waffenoffizier - e: War Office - e: War Orientation - e: Welfare Officer - e: Writer Officer Wo. e: Worcestershire Regiment W.O. e: War Office WOA e: Warrant Officers Association - e: Wartime Operating Airfield - e: Weapons Orientation Advanced WOC e: War Office Code - e: Weapons Operating Costs - e: Wing Operation Center W.O.C.B. e: War Office Casualty Branch WOCC e: War Office Car Company - e: War Office Casuality Code W.O.C.C.I. e: War Office Central Card Index WOCL e: War Office Casualty List WOCS e: Women Officer Candidate School WOCT e: WAC [Women's Army Corps] Officer Candidate Test WOCU e: War on Community Ugliness WOD e: War Office Directorate WODD e: War Office Design Department WOE e: War Office Exercise - e: Weapons Optical Effect W-Offizier d: Waffenoffizier WOGS e: War Office General Stores W.O.H.L. e: War Office Honours List WOJG e: Warrant Officer Junior Grade WOKR P: Warszawski Okregowy Komitet Robotniczy WOL d: Weapons Output Makeup - e: War Office Letter - e: War Office Library WOMEN e: Weapon Operation Mission Elements Notice WOO e: War Office Order - e: Warrant Ordnance Officer WOP e: Wing Operation Plan - e: Wing Outer Panel WOPR e: War Operations Planned Response WOQ e: Wave Officers' Quarters WORAM e: Word-Oriented Random Access Memory WORC e: The Worcestershire Regiment WORC H e: The Queen's Own Worcestershire Hussars [Territorial Army] WORC R e: The Worcestershire Regiment W.O.Rgt. e: Western Ontario Regiment World Aff. e: World Affairs. The American Peace Society. Washington WORSAM e: Worldwide Organizational Structure for Army Medical Support WORSAMS e: Worldwide Organizational] Structure for Army Medical Support WOS e: War Office Staff W.O.S. e: War Office Staff WOS e: War Office Staff - e: Women Officer School WOSA P: Wyzsza Oficerska Szkola Artylerii WOSArt P: Wyzsza Oficerska Szkola Artylerii W.O.S.B. e: War Office Selection Board WOSB e: War Operations Selection Board W.O.S.B, e: Warrant Officers Selection Board WOSD e: Weapon Operational Systems Development

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

WRMR W O S L Ρ: W y z s z a O f i c e r s k a Szkola Lotnicza W O S T L P: W y z s z a O f i c e r s k a Szkola Techniczno-Lotnicza W O S U P: W y z s z a O f i c e r s k a Szkola Urbrojenia W P d: W a r s c h a u e r Pakt - d: Wartungspunkt - e: War and Peace Foundation - e: War Plan[s] - e: Warsaw Pact - e: Weapon Practice - e: W e a p o n s P r o c u r e m e n t - e: W i n g Profile - e: World Peacemakers - e: Writers for Peace W P A e: War Projects A d m i n i s t r a t i o n - e: W o m e n ' s Peace A r m y W . P . A . d: Wehrpolitisches A m t [ N S D A P ] W P / A e: Weapons Procurement [appropriation], A r m y W P / A F e: W e a p o n s P r o c u r e m e n t [appropriation], Air Force W P A F B e: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base W P A L e: W a r t i m e Personnel A l l o w a n c e List W P / A / N / A F / M e: Weapons Procurement [Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines] W P A R R e: War Plans Additive R e q u i r e m e n t s Report W P B e: United States Coast Guard: Large Patrol Boat - e: W a r Plan Basic - e: W a r Production Board - e: War Propaganda Bureau - e: World Peace Brigade W . P . B , e: War Production Bulletin W P B C e: W e s t e r n P a c i f i c Base C o m m a n d W P B R L e: Warsaw Pact/Ballistic Research Laboratory W P C e: War Pensions C o m m i t t e e - e: W a r P r o b l e m s C o m m i t t e e - e: Warrior Preparation Center - e: Warrior Preparation Centre - e: W a r s a w Pact Countries - e: W e a p o n s Programs Control - e: Word Processing Center - e: World Peace Congress - e: World Peace Council W P D e: War Plans Division - e: W e a p o n Production Division - e: Weapon Program Description W . P . D . e: War Plans Division W P D D e: W e a p o n P r o g r a m Definition Document W P E e: War Production Establishment W P E C e: Weapons Production Engineering Center W P E N e: W e a p o n s E f f e c t s Phenomenology Code W P F e: War Production Fund - e: War Purposes Fund - e: World Peace F o u n d a t i o n W P F A e: War Planning Systems Directorate W P F M B T e: W a r s a w Pact Future Main Battle Tank W P G e: West Point Graduate W p l d: W a f f e n p l a t z WP1 e: War Plan[s] W P L e: Weapons Propulsion Laboratory W P M e: War Mobilization Plan - e: War Plan, M i d r a n g e - e: War Planning M e m o r a n d u m W P / M e: Weapons Procurement [appropriation], Marines W P M E e: W o m e n for Peace in the Middle East wpn e: weapon

W P N e: W e a p o n Procurement, N a v y W P / N e: W e a p o n s P r o c u r e m e n t [appropriation], Navy W P N e: Weapons Procurement, Navy W P N T C L A N T e: W e a p o n s Training Center, Atlantic W P N T C P A C e: Weapons Training Center, Pacific W P N T S e: War Plan N a v a l Transportation Service W P O d: Warschauer-Pakt-Organisation - e: War Plan Orange - e: W a r s a w Pact Organization - e: Water for Peace O f f i c e [Department of State] W P P e: Weapon Position Preparation - e: W e a p o n Production P r o g r a m W P R e: War Powers Resolution - e: Wartime Personnel Requirements - e: Weapon Product Record - e: W e a p o n System Report W P R B e: W e a p o n s Personnel Research Branch W P R E Q e: Request for nuclear reserve weapons W P R I e: W a r t i m e P a c i f i c Routing Instructions W P R I E e: Wartime Pacific Routing Instructions, Emergency W P R S e: War Powers Reporting System W P S e: W a r Plan, Shortrange - e: Weapon Preload Software W P S A d: Werkstatt f Schutzausrüstung W P S C e: Shipping Control War Plan W P S E e: W e a p o n Peculiar Support Equipment W P & T e: War Plans and Training W P T e: W e a p o n Preload Tester W P T B e: W a r t i m e Prices and Trade Board W P T F e: World Peace Tax Fund W P T L e: World Peace Through Law Center W P T L C e: World Peace Through L a w Center - e: World Peace Through Law C o n f e r e n c e W P T N G e: W e a p o n s Training W P U e: W e a p o n P r o g r a m m i n g Unit W P W P e: War Public Works Program W Q E A e: Weapon Quality Surveillance Activity W R d: W e h r m a c h t r e c h t s a b t e i l u n g [Wehrmachtamt] - e: Reserve Weapon - e: War Reserve - e: W a r t i m e Report - e: W a r t i m e Requirements - e: Weapon Radius - e: Weapon Range - e: W e a p o n R e q u i r e m e n t - e: W e a p o n s R e q u i r e m e n t - e: Weather Radar - e: Weight Report W R . d: W e r f e r - R e g i m e n t W . R . e: W a r Risk - e: Welsh Regiment - e: Wentworth Regiment W . R . 1/2 e: War Risk clauses land 2 W R A d: W a f f e n r i c h t a n l a g e - e: War Relocation Authority - e: War Reserve Allowance - e: Ward Room Attendant - e: Weapons Replaceable Assemblies [or Assembly] W . R . A . A . C . e: W o m e n ' s Royal Australian Army Corps W . R . A . A . F . e: Women's Royal Australian Air Force W R A A N C e: W o m e n ' s Royal Australian A r m y N u r s i n g Corps W R A C e: Women's Royal Army Corps

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

W R A F e: W o m e n ' s Auxiliary Air Force - e: W o m e n ' s Royal Air Force W R A F V R e: W o m e n ' s Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve W R A I R e: Walter Reed A r m y Institute of Research W R A I S e: Wide Range Analog[ue] Input System W R A M A e: W a r n e r - R o b i n s Air Material [or Materiel] A r e a W R A M C e: Walter Reed Army Medical Center W R A N S e: W o m e n ' s Royal Australian N a v a l Service W R A P e: War Reserve Automated Process - e: Warfighting Rapid Acquisition Program. - e: W e a p o n s Readiness Analysis P r o g r a m - e: Weapons Records Archiving and Preservation W R A T e: W i d e - R a n g e A c h i e v e m e n t Test W R B e: War R e f u g e e Board W R C e: War Resources Council - e: Wartime Consumption Rate - e: Weapons Release C o m p u t e r - e: W e a p o n s Release Controller W R C B e: War Relief Control Board W R C N S e: W o m e n ' s Royal Canadian Naval Service W R C P e: World C o n f e r e n c e on Religion and Peace W R C S e: Weapon Release C o m p u t e r Set - e: Weapons Release Control System W R D e: War Reserve D r o p - t a n k W R D & T e: W e a p o n research, development and testing W R E e: Weapons Research Establishment - e: W e a p o n s Research Establishment [Department of Supply] W R E C I S S e: Weapon[s] Research Establishment C a m e r a Interception Single Shot W R E C S e: W e a p o n Radiation E f f e c t s on C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Systems W R E D A C e: Weapon[s] Research Establishment Digital A u t o m a t i c Computer W R E N e: Women's Royal Naval Service W R E N S e: Women's Royal Naval Service W R E S A T e: Weapons Research Establishment Satellite W R F C G e: War Reserve Functional Coordinating Group W R F F e: World Relief Friendship Foundation W . R g t e: Westminster R e g i m e n t W R I e: War Resisters' International - e: War Risks Insurance W . R . I , e: War Risks Insurance W . R . I . A . e: War Risks Insurance Act W R I N S e: W o m e n ' s Royal Indian Naval Service W . R . I . O . e: War Risks Insurance O f f i c e W R L e: War Readiness Material - e: War Resistors' League W R M e: War Readiness Material - e: W a r Reserve Material [or Materiel] W R M C M R e: War Reserve Material Control and M a n a g e m e n t Reporting W R M L R S S L e: War Reserve Material Lists Requirements and Spares Supply List W R M M e: War Reserve Materiel M a n a g e r W R M N C O e: War Reserve Materiel N C O W R M O e: War Reserve Materiel O f f i c e r W R M P M e: War Reserve Materiel Program Manager W R M R e: War Reserve Materiel Requirement


WRMRS WRMRS e: War Reserve Material Rating System WRMS e: War Reserve Materiel Stock WRMSTAT e: War Readiness Materiel Status WRN e: War Relief for Nicaraguans WRNI e: Wide Range Nuclear Instrument WRNR e: West Riding National Reserve - e: Women's Royal Naval Reserve W.R.N.R. e: Women's Royal Naval Reserve W.R.N.S. e: Women's Royal Naval Service WRNSR e: Women's Royal Naval Service Reserve - e: Women's Royal Naval Supplementary Reserve W.R.N.V.R. e: Women's Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve WRO e: War Records Office - e: War Risks Only - e: Weapons Release Programmer WROL e: War Risks on Land WRP e: Weapon Reference Point - e: Weapons Retirement Program WRPSM e: War Reserve Publication Shipment Memorandum WRR e: The West Riding Regiment WRS e: War Relief Services - e: War Reserve Stock - e: Weapon Response Simulator - e: Weather Radar Set - e: Weather Radar System - e: Wide Range Sensor WRSA d: Waffenricht- und Stabilisierungsanlage - e: War Reserve Stocks for Allies WRSK e: War-Readiness Supply Kit - e: War Reserve Spares Kits - e: War Reserve Support Kit WRTS e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Real Time Communications System wr|w| e: war reserve [weapon] WRWC e: Wartime Requirements for War Consumables WS d: Waffenmeisterschule - d: Waffensystem - e: War Scale - e: War Strength - e: Weapon Science - e: Weapon Sight - e: Weapon Standardization - e: Weapon Station - e: Weapon System - e: Weaponfs] Specification - e: Women's Services WS3 e: Weapon Storage and Security System WSA d: Waffenstabilisierungsanlage - e: War Shipping Administration - e: War Supplies Agency - e: Warfare Systemfs] Architect - e: Warfare Systems Architecture - e: Weapon Storage Area - e: Weapon[s] System Automation - e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] System Architecture wsa e: weapons system analysis W.S.A. e: War Shipping Act WSAB e: Weapon System Assessment Briefing WSAD e: Weapon System Analysis Division WSA&E e: Warfare Systems Architecture & Engineering WSAM e: Weapon System Assessment Model - e: Weapon Systems Acquisition Manager


WSAO e: Weapon System Analysis Office WSAP e: Weapon System Acquisition Process WSAR e: Weekly Significant Action Report WSAS e: Weapon System Acceptance Schedule - e: Worldwide Military Command and Control System Standard Application Software WSAT e: Warfare Capability - e: Weapon System Accuracy Trials - e: Weapon Systems Acceptance Trials WSATO e: War Shipping Administration Training Organization WSAWD e: White Sands Air Weather Detachment WSB d: Der Wehrtechnische Studienbeauftragte - e: Weapons Services Branch WSBSA e: Weapons System Base Support Activity WSC e: War Support Center - e: Warfighting Support Center - e: Warhead Safety Committee - e: Weapon System Code - e: Weaponfs] Systemfs] Contractors] - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Controller^] - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Costing - e: Wing Security Control - e: WWMCCS [World Wide Military Command and Control System] Intercomputer Network [WIN] Site Coordinator wsc e: weapon system contractor W.S.C, e: War Savings Certificate WSCC e: Weapon System Configuration Control WSCCM e: Weapon[s] System[s] Configuration Control Manual WSCD e: Welfare and Service Conditions Department WSCE e: Weapons System Control Element WSCMB e: Weapon System Configuration Management Board WSCP e: Weapon Station Control Panel - e: Weapons System Control Point WSCS e: Weapon System Communications System - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Communications System WSCSR e: Weapon[s] System[s] Contract Status Report WSD e: Warfare Systems Directorate - e: Weapon Support Definition - e: Weapon Support Detachment - e: Weapon System Designator - e: Weapon Systems Director - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Director WSDA d: Waffensystem Datenausgabeeingeit - e: Weapon System Data Acquisition unit WSDC e: Weapon System Designator Code - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Design Criteria WSDD e: Weapons Status Digital Display WSDL e: Weapon Systems Data Link - e: Weapons System Development Laboratory - e: Weapons Systems Development Laboratory WSDP e: Weapon Source Data Package - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Development Plan WSD-TD e: Weapon System Demonstration-Test Directive WSE e: Warfare System[s] E n g i n e e r s ] - e: Weapon System Efficiency - e: Weapons and Support Equipment

© Κ · G • Saur, München

- e: Weapon[s] System[s] Engineering - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Systems Engineer WSECL e: Weapon[s] System[s] Equipment Component List wsed e: weapon system electrical diagram[s] WSED e: Weapon Systems Evaluation Division WSEG e: Weapon System Evaluation Group - e: Weapon Systems Evaluation Group WSEIAC e: Weapon Systems Effectiveness Industry Advisomy Committee - e: Weapon Systems Effectiveness Industry Advisory Committee WSEL e: Weapon Systems Engineering Laboratory - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Engineering Laboratory WSEM e: Weapon[s] System[s] Evaluation [or Evaluator] Missile WSEO e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] System Engineering Office - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] System Engineering Organization WSEP e: Weapon System Evaluation Program WSES e: United States Coast Guard: Surface Effect Ship - e: Weapon Systems Engineering Service - e: Weapon Systems Evaluation Squadron WSESRB e: Weapon System Explosive Safety Review Board WSET e: Weapon[s] System[s] Evaluation Test wsev e: winged surface-effect vehicle WSF e: Weapon Storage Flight - e: Weapons Systems Fill - e: Weather Support Force - e: Women's Strike for Peace WSG e: War Service Grant - e: Weapon[s] Spectrum Generator - e: Worthiest Soldier in the Group WSGT e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Standard Graphics Terminal WSHC e: Weapon Station Hand Controller WSHCI e: Weapon System Human Computer Interface WSI e: War Service Indefinite WSIA e: Weapons System Integration Authority WSIAO e: Weapon Support, Improvements and Analysis Office - e: Weapon System Improvement and Analysis Office WSIG e: Weapon[s] Support Improvement Group WSII e: Weapon System Intelligence Integration WSIIO e: Weapon System Integration Intelligence Officer WSIP e: Weapon Systems Improvement Program WSIR e: White Sands Integrated Range - e: Wide Swath Imaging Radar WSIS e: Weapon System Information Subsystem WSIY e: West Somerset Imperial Yeomanry WSL e: War Substantive Lieutenant - e: War Substantive Lieutenant - e: Weapon System Level - e: Weapons Subsystems Laboratory - e: Weapons Survivability Laboratory

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

WTK W.S.L. e: War Substantive Lieutenant WSLC e: Weapon System Life Cycle WSLO e: Weapon[s] System[s] Logistics Officer WSLR e: Weapon[s] System[s] Logistic Reviews WSM e: Warfighter System Modeling - e: Weapon Safety Manager - e: Weapon Support Manager - e: Weapon System Management - e: Weapon System Manager - e: Weapon System Manual - e: Weapon System Model WSMAC e: Weapon System Maintenance Action Center - e: Weapon Systems Maintenance Action Center WSMAT e: Weapon System Management Team WSMC e: Weapons Systems Management Codes - e: Western Space and Missile Center WSMD e: Weapon System Management Directorate WSMIS e: Weapon System Management Information System WSMO e: Weapon System Material Office[r] - e: Weapon Systems Managers Office[s] - e: Weapon Systems Material Officer WSMP e: Weapon System Master Plan WSMR e: White Sands Missile Range - e: White Sands Missile Test Center WSMTT e: White Star Mobile Training Teams WSN e: Weapon Serial Number WSO d: Waffensammeloffizier - e: Warrant Supply Officer - e: Weapon Safety Officer - e: Weapon System Officer - e: Weapon System Operator - e: Weapon System[s] Operator - e: White Sands [Missile] Operations - e: WRAF [Women's Royal Naval Air Force] Staff Officer WSOC e: Weaponfs] System[s] Operational Concept WSOWCh P: Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Wojsk Chemicznych WSOWI P: Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Wojsk Inzynieryjnych WSOWL P: Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Wojsk L^cznosci WSOWOPL P: Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Wojsk Obrony Przeciwlotniczej WSOWOPLot P: Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Wojsk Obrony Przeciwlotniczej WSOWP P: Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Wojsk Pancernych WSOWRiA P: Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Wojsk Rakietowych i Artylerii WSOWZ P: Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Wojsk Zmechanizowanych WSP e: Weapon System Partnership Commitiee - e: Weapons Support Processor - e: Weapons System Pouch - e: Women Strike for Peace WSPACS e: Weapon System Program and Control System - e: Weapon Systems Planning and Control System - e: Weapon Systems Programming and Control System WSPAR e: Weapon System Program Assessment Review WSPC e: Weapon Systems Partnership Committee WSPD e: Weapon System Planning Data

WSPG e: Weapon Systems Phasing Group - e: Weapon Systems Purchasing Group WSPGL e: Weapon[s] System[s] Program Guide List WSPO e: Weapon System Project Office - e: Weapon System Project Officer WSPOP e: Weapon System Phase-Out Procedure WSPRS e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Information Network SCF Performance Reporting System WSPS e: Weapon System Physics Section - e: Weapon Systems Pouch Service WSpT d: Werkstatt für Spezialtechnik WSR e: War Service Regulation - e: Warren & Saline River Railroad Company - e: Weapon System Review - e: Weapon[s] Spares Report - e: Weapon[s] Status Report - e: Weapon[s] Systems Reliability - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Requirement - e: Weather Search Radar - e: Weather Surveillance Radar wsr e: weapon system reliability WSR Dept e: War Service Recruiting Department WSRL e: Weapon Systems Research Laboratory WSRO e: Weapon Systems Replacement Operations WSS P: Wojskowy S^d Specjaln - e: War Savings Staff - e: Warfare Support System - e: Warfare Systems School - e: Weapon Storage Site - e: Weapons System Security - e: Weaponfs] System[s] Specification - e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Standard System y W.SS. d: Waffen-SS W-SS d: Waffen-SS WSSA e: Weapon Systems Support Activities - e: White Sands Signal Agency WSSC e: Weapon System Service Center - e: Weapon System Simulation Center - e: Weapon System Support Center - e: Weapon Systems Simulation Centre - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Support Code WSSCA e: White Sands Signal Corps Agency WSSCL e: Weapon Systems Stock Control List WSSD e: Weapon System Support Development - e: Weapons Status Situation Display WSSF e: Weapons Systems Support Facility WSSG e: Weapon Systems Support Group WSSIB e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Standard System Information Base WSSL e: Weapon[s] Support Stock List - e: Weapons Systems Stockage List WSSM e: Weapon System Support Model - e: Weapon System[s] Staff Manager - e: Weapon Systems Supply Management - e: Weapon Systems Support Manager WSSO e: Weapon System[s] Support Officer WSSP e: Weapon System Support Plan - e: Weapon System Support Program WSSS e: Weapon Storage & Security System - e: Weapon System Storage Site - e: Work Scheduling and Status Subsystem

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

- e: WWMCCS [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Standard System Software WSST e: Weapon System Specification Tree WSSU e: Weapons Software Support Unit WST e: Weapon System Trainer - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Test WSTA e: Weapon System Testability Analyzer - e: Weapons System Technical Architecture - e: Weapon[s] System[s] Task Analysis WSTAWG e: Weapon System Technical Architecture Working Group WStb d: Wehrwirtschaftsstab [Wehrmachtamt] WSTC e: Weapon[s] System[s] Total Complex WSTIAC e: Weapon Systems Technology Information Analysis Center WSTIF e: Weapon System Test and Integration Facility W.St.K. d: Waffenstillstandskommission - d: Waffenstillstandskommission WSTL e: Weapon Systems Test Laboratory W.St.O.Ä. d: Wehrmacht-Standort WSTP e: Weapon[s] System[s] Test Program WStr e: War Strength WSTR e: Weapon System Training Rig WSTS e: Weapon System Test Set - e: Weapon System Training Set WSU d: Weitsonaranalge Unterseeboote - e: Weapon System Upgrade WSW e: Weapon System Warranty WSWA e: Weapon Systems Warranty Act WSWL e: Warheads and Special Weapons Laboratory WSWP e: Weapon System Warranty Plan WSY e: West Somerset Yeomanry WSYC e: West Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry WT d: Waffentechnik - e: War Tax - e: Warrant Telegraphist - e: Wartime - e: Weapon Testing - e: Weapon Training - e: Weapons Technician - e: Weapon[s] Test - e: Weapon[s] Tight wt. d: waffentechnisch WTA e: Weapon to Target Assignment WTB e: War Trade Board - e: War Transportation Board W.T.B.R. e: War Trade Board Rulings WTC e: War Transport Council - e: Weapon and Tactic Center[s] WTCV e: Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicle - e: Wheeled Tactical & Combat Vehicle WTD e: War Trade Department - e: Weapons Technology Directorate - e: Weapons Training Detachment WTDOS e: Weapon Training Detachment Operating Spare wte e: wartime extension WTEC e: Weapon Test and Evaluation Center W.T.E.CI. e: wartime extension clause W Tel e: Warrant Telegraphist WTF d: Wassertrupp-Führer WTFAA e: Washington Task Force on African Affairs WTG e: Working Task Group WTI e: Weapons and Tactics Instructor WTK d: WehrmachtTransportkommandantur


WTK. W T K . d: WehrmachtTransportkommandantur WTL. d: Wehrmacht-Transportleitung W.T.L. e: War Trade List W T M e: W W M C C S [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Technical Manual W.T.M. e: War Transportation Ministry W T O e: Weapons Training Officer W T P e: Weapon/Tarrget Pairing - e: Weapons Testing Program WTR e: War Tax Resistance [organization] - e: Wartime Training Requirement W T R C e: Weapon Test Reports Committee W T S d: waffentechnische Schule - e: War Training Service [of the Civil Aeronautics Administration] - e: Wartime Task Standard W.T.S. d: Waffentechnische Schule W.T.Sch. e: Weapon Training School Wt.S.O. e: Warrant Supply Officer WTT-6 d: [Nachrichtenger W T T e: Weapon and Tactics Trainer - e: Weapons Tactical Trainer W T Z d: Wohnungstauschzentrale [beim BMVA] WlIA e: Weapon Utility Analysis W U A A e: Wartime Unit Aircraft Activity W U D e: Weapon Control Computer Unit Diagnostics W U D O e: Western Union Defence [or Defense] Organization W u F Z d: Warn- und Führungszentrum WIIG d: Wehrmacht-Untersuchungsgef - e: W W M C C S / W I S [Worldwide Military Command and Control System Information System] Users Group WuG d: Waffen und Gerät WuM d: Waffen und Munition W u m b a d: W a f f e n - und Munitionsbeschaffungsamt W U P O e: World Union of Peace Organizations W.U.S. d: Wehrmacht-Umschlagstelle Wust, d: Wehrmacht-Umschlagstelle W.U.V. d: WehrmachtUnterkunftsverwaltung W V . d: Wehrkreisverwaltung W.V. d: Wehrkreisverwaltung W V . d: Wehrmacht-Vermittlung - d: Wehrmacht-Verpflegungsstelle WVA e: War Veterans Administration W.V.A. d: Wehrkreis-Verwaltungsamt W V A B e: War Veterans Allowance Board W.V.D. d: Wehrmacht-Verkehrsdirektion W V D F e: Wolverhampton Volunteer Defence Force W V E d: Wert der Ver W V F e: World Veterans Federation - e: World Veterans Fund W V L e: Warfare Vision Laboratory W V O d: Warschauer Vertragsorganisation W.V.P. d: Wehrmacht-Verkehrspolizei W V R e: Wakefield Volunteer Rifles - e: Wellington Volunteer Rifles - e: Women's Volunteer Reserve W V R C e: Wolverhampton Volunteer Rifle Corps W V S d: Wert der Ver W V T F e: Western Visayan Task Force W W e: World War W w d: Waffenwerkstatt W w . d: Wehrkreiswaffenmeisterei W.W.I e: World War One W W 2 e: World War Two W.W.A.C. e: Women's War Agricultural Committee


W W A G B e: War Widows' Association of Great Britain W W C C e: Wiesbaden Women's Crisis Center [Germany] W W C C S e: World-Wide Command and Control System W W C S e: World-Wide Command and Control System W W C U S e: World without War Council of the United States W W D e: Women for World Disarmament W W D M S e: W W M C C S [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Data Management System WWG e: War Widows' Guild - e: Weapons Working Group W W I e: World War One. W W I I e: World War Two. WWIII e: World War Three. W W I I V M e: World War II Victory Medal W W I M S e: Worldwide Warning [and] Indicator Monitoring System WW I VM e: World War I Victory Medal W W M e: Wing Weapon[s] Manager W W M C C C S e: Worldwide Military Command Control Computer System W W M C C S e: World Wide Military Command and Control System WW M CCS/AW IS e: Worldwide Military Command and Control System/Army W W M C C S Information System W W M C C S D P C E e: Worldwide Military Command and Control System Data Processing Center, Europe W W M C S e: Worldwide Military Communication System W W N W S e: World-Wide Navigational Warning Service W W O e: Warrant Writer Officer - e: Wing Warrant Officer W W P P e: World Women Parliamentarians for Peace W W P U e: Waste Water Purification Unit W W R e: War Wastage Reserves - e: Wind-Wave Radar W W S e: W W M C C S / W I S [Worldwide Military Command and Control System Information System] Workstation W W S A e: Women's War Service Auxiliary W.W.S.B. e: Women's War Service Bureau W W S D e: Women's War Savings Division W W S S e: Warfare and Warfare Support System W W T C A e: World War Tank Corps Association W W T C C S e: Worldwide Tactical Command and Control Study W W W e: World Without Wars W W W C e: World Without War Council W W W I e: Widows of World War I W W W T T U T W T U e: We Won't Write to Them until They Write to Us [a servicemen's club] W W W V e: Women World War Veterans W W Y e: Queen's Own Warwickshire and Worcestershire Yeomanry W X e: Airborne Weather Radar W Y e: Warwickshire Yeomanry W Y F L e: World Youth Friendship League W.York R. e: The West Yorkshire Regiment [The Prince of Wales' Own] W Y O R K S e: The West Yorkshire Regiment [The Prince of Wales' Own] W.Y.R. e: The West Yorkshire Regiment [The Prince of Wales' Own] W.Z.K, d: Wehrmacht-Zentralkasse

Κ · G · Saur, München

X X-15 e: Rocket-propelled research aircraft X e: X-Axis of Solid Rocket Booster xaam e: experimental air-to-air missile XAE e: merchant ammunition ship X A G M e: Experimental Air-To-Ground Missile XAIM e: Experimental Air Intercept Missile xasm e: experimental air-to-surface missile XAS Weapon e: Experimental Air Specification Weapon XB e: Experimental Bomber XBR e: Cross-Band Radar X-craft e: midget submarines XDR e: Extended Dynamic Range X D S e: Exoatmospheric Defense System XF e: experimental fighter xgam e: experimental guided air missile XGAM e: Experimental Guided Aircraft Missile XH e: Experimental Helicopter XHFR e: Experimental High-Frequency Radar XLR e: Experimental Liquid Rocket X M d: Truppenversuchsmodell Χ Μ - 7 2 3 e: cavalry of infantry fighting vehicle XM e: Experimental Missile XM-1 e: main battle tank X M D e: Excused from Military Duties XMGM e: Experimental Mobile-launched surface attack Guided Missile X - M I L e: Extra Military Expense X O e: Executive Officer XOFF e: Transmission Off XON e: Transmission On X P M e: Experimental Prototype Missile X P W e: American Ex-Prisoners of War XQ e: Experimental Target Drone xrb e: X-band radar beacon xrl e: extended-range lance X R L M e: Extended Range Lance Missile XRR e: Extended Range Radar XSAM e: Experimental Surface-to-Air Missile xsm e: experimental strategic missile XSM e: Experimental Surface Missile xspv e: experimental solid-propellant vehicle xsr e: X-band scatterometer radar XSS e: Expendable Sonar Sensor XSSM e: Experimental Surface-to-Surface Missile XST e: Experimental, Stealth, Tactical X S T A T e: Expendable Submarine Tactical Transceiver XUV e: Expendable Unmanned Vehicle XVIII A B C e: 18'th Airborne Corps xw e: experimental warhead XWS e: Experimental Weapon System - e: Experimental Weapon[s] Specification

Y Y e: Y-Axis of Solid Rocket Booster - e: Yield of Weapon YA e: Army of Yugoslavia YAF e: Yemen Air Force - e: Yugoslav[ian] Air Force YAGR e: Ocean Radar-Station Ship Yak-25 e: Soviet Yakovlev allweather interceptor fighter aircraft named Flashlight by N A T O Yak-28 e: Soviet Yakovlev tactical bomber aircraft named Brewer by NATO

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k

ZOPFAN Yak-26 e: Soviet Yakovlev tactical reconnaissance aircraft named Mangrove by NATO YAK e: Yakovlev aircraft Y and L e: The York and Lancaster Regiment Y. and L.R. e: The York and Lancaster Regiment YANGPAT e: Yangtze Patrol, Asiatic Fleet YAP e: Youth Action for Peace YAWF e: Youth Against War and Facism YC e \ Non-selfpropelled open lighter - e: Yeomanry Cavalry YCF e: Non-selfpropelled car float YCND e: Youth Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament YCU e: aircraft transportation lighter YCV e: Non-selfpropelled aircraft transportation lighter - e: Young Citizens Volunteers YD e: Yorkshire Dragoons YE e: aircraft homing system YF e: Non-selfpropelled covered lighter YFN e: Non-selfpropelled covered lighter YFP e: Non-selfpropelled floating power barge YFR e: Self-propelled refrigerated covered lighter YFRN e: Refrigerated covered lighter, nonself-propelled YG e: Selfpropelled garbage lighter YGN e: Non-selfpropelled garbage lighter Y-gun e: Y-shaped gun used aboard ships for firing depth charges YH e: Yorkshire Hussars YHIY e: Yorkshire Hussars Imperial Yeomanry YHLC e: Son-selfpropelled salvage lifting craft YIPME e: Youth Institute for Peace in the Middle East yj e: radar homing beacon yk e: radar beacon Y. & L. e: The York and Lancaster Regiment Y.La. e: The York and Lancaster Regiment YLI e: Yorkshire Light Infantry Y.&L.R. e: The York and Lancaster Regiment YLR e: YAG [Yttrium Aluminium Garnet] Laser Rangefinder YM e: Prototype Missile - e\ Selfpropelled dredgefr] YMRL e: Yugoslav Multiple Rocket Launcher YMRS e: Yugoslav Multiple Rocket System YO e: Selfpropelled fuel oil barge - e: Young Officer Y of S e: Yeoman of Signals Y O G e: gasoline barge selfpropelled Y O G N e: gasoline barge, nonselfpropelled YON e: fuel-oil barge, nonself-propelled YORKS e: The Yorkshire Volunteers YORKS DGNS e: The Queen's Own Yorkshire Dragoons [Territorial Army] YORKS H e: The Yorkshire Hussars [Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own] [Territorial Army] Y.O.T.C. e: Young Officers' Training Corps YP e: Harbour Patrol craft YPA e: Yugoslavian] People's Army YPD e: Non-selfpropelled floating pile driver YPG e: Yuma Proving Ground [Arizona] YPND e: Young People for Nuclear Disarmament

YR e: Non-selfpropelled floating workshop YRB e: Submarine repair and berthing barge YRBM e: Submarine repair-berthing and messing barge YRC e: Submarine rescue chambor YRD e: Submarine repair and berthing vessel YS e: Yacht Service Y.S.B, e: Young Soldiers' Battalion YSM e: Prototype Strategic Missile YSP e: Yugoslavia Institute for Philosophy of Science and Peace YSR e: Non-selfpropelled sludge removal barge YUDEF e: Yugoslav Defence Force YVF e: Young Volunteer Force YVT e: Youth Visiting Team YW e: Selfpropelled water barge YWN e: Non-selfpropelled water barge

Ζ Ζ d: Zentralabteilung - d: Zerstörer - e: lighter-than-air aircraft - e: Ordnance Division - e: Z-Axis of Solid Rocket Booster ZA d: Zentralabteilung [Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung] - d: Zerstörerabteilung - d: Zeugamt ZACTS e: Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System ZAD / · Zone Aerienne de Defense ZADCC e: Zone Air Defense Control Center ZAG d: zeitweilige Arbeitsgruppe ZANLA e: Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army ZAO se: Zagrebacka Armijska Oblast ZAP e: Zero Antiaircraft Potential ZA-PVO R: Zenitnaya Artilleriya-PVO zar e: zeus acquisition radar Z.A.S.I. ì: Zona Avanzata dei Servizi di Intendenza ZASK d: Zentraler Armee-Sportklub ZAV[H] d: Zentrale Arbeitsgruppe Vorschriften [Heer] ZB d: ZB - System - d: Zentralbatterie Sys - se: Zveza Borcev ZBeklaABw d: Zentralbekleidungsamt der Bundeswehr ZBO e: Zone of British Occupation ZBr d: Zerstörerbrigade z.b.V. d: zur besonderen Verwendung ZC e: Zone Constabulary - e: Zouave Corps - s: zona de combate ZChA d: Zug der chemischen Abwehr ZD d: Zentral-Departement - f: Zone de Defense ZDA d: Zentrale Datenbanken der Armeeführung - /• Zone de Defence Aerienne - s: zona de despliegue de artillería ZDAN s: zona de defensas accesorias navales ZdB d: Zentralverband deutscher Berufsunteroffiziere ZDC e: Zeus Defense Center ZDCM e: Zeus Defense Center Tape and Buffer System ZDF e: Zimbabwe Defence [or Defense] Force ZDN s: zona de defensa naval ZDR e: Zeus Diserimination Radar

A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d A c r o n y m s in D i s a r m a m e n t , P e a c e , M i l i t a r y P o l i c y

Ο Κ · G · Saur, Munich

ZD RA Κ d: Zieldarstellungarakete ZDVP d: Zentrale Deutsche Verbindungsstelle in Portugal zel e: zero-length launcher ZEloFm d: Zentralstelle für Elektronik und Fernmeldebetriebsunterlagen ZEMTR e: Zeus Early Missile Test Radar ZES s: Zona marina especialmente sensible ZEV e: Zero Emissions Vehicle ZF d: zusammengefaßtes Feuer ZFIS d: Zeitschrift für Innere Sicherheit in Deutschland und Europa ZFR d: Zielfolgeradar ZG d: Zerstörergeleit zg e: zap gun ZGE d: Zug für Geleit ZG KS d: Zentrale Gebirgskampfschule ZGS d: zentraler Gefechtsstand ZGschw d: Zerstörergeschwader [Marine] ZGT d: Zentralgruppe der Truppen Z-gun e: anti-aircraft rocket gun ZGV d: Zentralstelle für Gesamtverteidigung ZH d: Zentrale Planung und Haushalt - e: lighter-than-air search and rescue aircraft [naval symbol] ZHQ e: Zone Headquarters ZHW d: Zeitschrift für Historische Waffenkunde ZHZ s: Control de Transito Areo de Helicópteros ZIEE s: Zona de Interes Estrategico Esencial zim e: zonal interdiction missile ZIMI d: Zivile Infrastruktur von Militärischem Interesse ZIPA e: Zimbabwe People's Army ZIPRA e: Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army ziv d: Ausdruck aus dem nichtmilit Ziv. d: Zivilist, nicht zum Militär gehörende Person ZKCA d: Zug für Kernstrahlungs- und chemische Aufklärung ZKF d: Ziviler Kantonaler Führungsstab ZLP d: Zielzuweisungs- u Leitpunkt ZIVI i: Zona Militare - s: zona militar Z.M. n: Zeemacht ZMAR e: Zeus Malfunction Array Radar - e: Zeus Multifunction [or Multiple] Array Radar ZMAR/MAR e: Zeus Multifunction Array Radar/Multifunction Array Radar ZMC e: Zone Military Commander ZMD d: Zentrale Marinedienststelle ZmFS d: Zentralstelle für militärische Flugsicherung ZMilDBw d: Zentrale militärische Dienststelle der Bundeswehr Ζ Militärmed e: Zeitschrift für Militärmedizin ZMK d: Zentrale Militärkraftfahrstelle ZMKdo d: Zentrales Marinekommando ZMo d: Deutsche Kommission ZMR d: zentraler Mikrorechner Z M Z d: Zivil-Militärische Zusammenarbeit ZNA e: Zimbabwean National Army ZNWVA e: Zimbabwe National War Veterans Association Z O A d: Zeitoffizieranwärter ZOCOM e: Zweibrücken Officers' and Civilians' Open Mess ZODIAC e: Zone Defense Integrated Active Capability ZOP e: Zone of Peace ZOPFAN e: Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality Declaration


ZOR ZOR Ρ: Zwi^zek Oficerów Rezerwy - d: Zentrale Operations-Research-Stelle Z P e: lighter-than-air patrol and escort aircraft ZPAR e: Zeus Phased Array Radar ZPI e: Zone Position Indicator radar ZPrASK d: Zentrum für Programmierte Ausbildung in den Streitkräfte ZRadarBVlw d: Zentrale für Radarbildvorhersage der Luftwaffe ZRO se: Zveza Rzervnih Oficirjev ZROP se: Zdruzenje Rezervnih Oficirjev in Podoficirjev ZRR /• Zone de Regulation Radar ZRTS d: Zug f raketentechnische Sicherstellung - d: Zug Raketentechnische Sicherstellung ZRü d: Zentrale Rüstungsangelegenheiten ZSO d: Zugeteilter Stabsoffizier ZSprMGrp d: Zentrale Sprachmittlergruppe


ZStS d: Zentralstelle Sicherheit ZT e: lighter-than-air training aircraft Z T B d: Zentraler Truppenbestandsbericht ZTBIIEAR d: Zentrale Truppenbestandsübersicht der Luftwaffe-Abgesetzter Rechner ZTE d: Zukunftstechnik Elektronik ZTFA d: Zentralstelle für technische Funkaufklärung ZTJWG e: Zeus Target Joint Working Group ZTL-Triebwerk d: Zweistrom Turbinenluftstrahltriebwerk ZTO e: Zone Transportation Officefr] ZTrKW d: Zugtruppkraftwagen Ztsch Militärärzte [Tokyo] e: Zeitschrift für Militärärzte [Tokyo] ZU e: lighter-than-air utility aircraft Zulu e: Soviet Z-class attack submarines ZUR d: zeitweiliger Umladeraum

Κ · G · Saur, München

ZIJRF e: Zeus Up-Range Facility ZIJSR d: zeitweiliger Umschlagraum [an der Küste u auf See] ZUTRON e: Airship Utility Squadron ZuT.St.A. d: Zerstörer- und Torpedoboots-Stammabteilung ZV d: Zivil Verteidigung ZVU se: Zevezniska Vojaska Uprava ZVVI se: Zveza Vojaskih Vojnih Invalidov ZwBMVtdg d: Zwischenunterbringung des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums Z.W.D. d: Zentrale Wetterdienstgruppe ZwDp d: Zweigdepot ZWGS d: zentraler Wechselgefechtsstand ZZB NOV se: Zveza Zdruzenj Borcev Narodnoosvobodilne Vojne ZZR d: Zielzuweisungsradar ZzRadar d: Zielzuweisungsradargerät

A b k ü r z u n g e n u n d A k r o n y m e in A b r ü s t u n g , F r i e d e n , M i l i t ä r p o l i t i k