119 17 2MB
English Pages [94] Year 1986
Gazankulu (South Africa ) . Legislative Assembly. Sessional Committee on Public Accounts.
Report of the Sessional Committee on Public Accounts .
HJ 82.3 639639A
( South Africa). GAZANKULU ULU
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RULE 144 ( b )
As soon as possible after the beginning of each session the Legislative Assembly shall appoint the following Sessional Committees each consisting of five members including the Chairman thereof : -
(b )
On Public Accounts whose terms of reference shall be to examine and report to the Assembly upon
(i )
the accounts showing the appropriation of the sums granted by the Assembly to meet public expenditure ; and
( ii )
the annual report of the Auditor - General which
shall stand referred to the Sessional Committee ;
and the report of the Sessional Committee shall be laid upon the Table whereupon such report shall be formally consisdered by the Assembly .
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14 MAY 1986
The following Honourable members have been appointed as members of the Sessional Committee on Gazankulu Government Accounts : -
Chief N.C.
Mr G.M.
Mr T.C.
Mr V.M.
Mr M.A.
The Committee has been empowered in terms of Rule 151 to take evidence and call for paper .
14 MAY 1986
Report of the Auditor - General of the Gazankulu
on the Accounts
Government and of the Accounts
of Lower Authorities in the area for the financial year 1984/85 in terms of Rule 144
14 MAY 1986
referred to the Committee
(B) .
Reply of the Treasury to the Resolution of the Report of the Sessional Committee on Gazankulu Accounts ,
1985 ,
tabled .
that it be referred to the Sessional Committee on Gazankulu Accounts 1985 .
- 3 -
N.C. Mathebula
( B)
of the Rules of the Gazankulu
the Committee consisting of Chief
( Chairman ) ,
in terms of Rule 144
Legislative Assembly ,
Mr. V.M.
and Mr. M. A.
Mushwana , Mr. T.C.
Hlayisi ,
Chauke .
Mr. W.M.N.
Senior State Auditor
Mr. M.F. Mdungazi-
Deputy Secretary for Finance
Mr. J.D.
Secretary for the Department
of the Interior
Mr. P.J.
Secretary for the Department of Justice
Mr. S.D.C.
Mr. M.W.
Dr. P.
Du Preez-
Mr. W.B.
Brig .
Mr. A.D.
Secretary for the Department of Works Secretary for the Department of Health & Welfare
Secretary for the Department of Chief Minister and Economic Affairs
van Dyk-
Secretary for the Department of Agriculture and Forestry
D. J.
Mr. G.H.P.
Secretary for the Department of Education
Mr. C.N. Maphophe-
Commissioner ,
Gazankulu Police
Secretary for the Department of Finance Clerk of the Committee Assistant clerk of the Committee
Clerk reads Rule 144 ( B ) of the Procedure of the Gazankulu Legislative Assembly and the speaker of the Legislative Assembly's announcement constituting the committee .
Clerk intimated that the Committee would proceed to the election
of Chairman .
Whereupon the motion of M.A.
That the Chief N.C.
The Chairman
Mathebula be Chairman .
welcomed members and officials . On the motion
of the chairman
That the evidence given before the committee be in English and be recorded verbatim in so far as it is practicable to do so .
The Committee resumed the consideration of the Report of the Auditor - General
Mr. W.M.N.
on Accounts of the Gazankulu Government 1984-85
Erasmus ,
Senior State Auditor ;
Secretary for the Department of the Interior ; Secretary to the Treasury ;
Department of Justice ;
of Education ;
Department of Works ;
of Health and Welfare ;
Mr. P.
Vukela ,
Mativandlela , M.
Mdungazi ,
Secretary for the
Secretary for the
Du Preez ,
Robert, W.B.
Venter ,
Secretary for the
Secretary for the Department
Matthews ,
Secretary for the
Department of the Chief Minister and Economic Affairs ; Mr.
van Dyk ,
& Forestry ; and Mr.
Brig .
Secretary for the Department of Agriculture D. J.
Marais ,
Coetzee ,
Commissioner of Gazankulu Police
Secretary for the Department
of Finance were
examined .
At 10hrs 20 minutes the Chairman announced that the programme had been completed and that the Committee had nothing more to discuss . He thanked the members for their attendance and co - operation and Mr.
Erasmus for his assistance and guidance .
The Committee deleberated
and at 10hrs 25 min .
adjourned sine die .
- 5 -
Committee ,
of the Auditor - General
area for
having taken further
considered on
of the Accounts of Lower
make upon
the Report Gazankulu
Authorities in the
1984-85 referred
evidence which it
herewith ,
it ,
it .
Room ,
Legislative Assembly , unla
Giyani .
14 May 1986
- 6 -
( AT 8hrs 000 )
Unauthorised expenditure Paragraph 4 page 1
Chairman )
Mr. Matthews ,
according to the Report , the
statutory appropriation was exceeded by R113 014 at the close of the financial year .
Could you please explain to
the Committee the circumstances which lead to the excess ? ( Mr
Matthews )
Chairman , the excess of R113 014 on
statutory Appropriation was due to an increase in the salaries of the members of the Legislative Assembly which was back , dated to 1.3.1984 in terms of the Gazankulu Payment and Privileges of Members of the Legislative Assembly Amendment Act ,
1985 ,
which came into operation on the 1st of March 1984 and the Act provided that they get the first increase with effect from 1.3.1984 and the second increase with effect from 1 October 1984.
These two increases were responsible for the
excess of R113 014 .
Bursaries ,
Paragraph 14
Hlayisi )
Mr Matthews ,
it appears that an amount of
R34 401 were owed by students who have not complied with the terms of their agreements .
How many students are involved and
what steps are taken to recover these moneys ? - ( Mr Matthews ) Mr Chairman ,
the total amount of R34 401 was owed by the
students who had not complied with the terms of their bursary loan agreements .
21 students were involved .
are paying back the monies they owe . handed to the State Attorney for legal
Two students
The other cases have been actions .
Appropriation Account .
Mr Chauke ) Mr Matthews ,
under Programme 2- Administrative
expenditure- a saving of R388 811,62 was effected mainly because pension benefits for members of the Legislative Assembly were less than anticipated and the fact that provision for official publications was not fully utilised . however
represents almost
under this main Division . are you refering to ? to is the Hansard .
( Mr
20 % of the total
This amount
amount budgeted for
What type of official publications Matthews ) The publication referred
Lube Recording prints the Hansard in all
- 7 -
three official languages .
As soon as one set
is completed it is delivered and payment
is made at the close of the financial year .
All three sets
had not as yet been completed .
Tribal Levies and Trust Accounts ,
Ngobeni )
Paragraph 25 ( 3 )
It is noticed that
two cases of theft
totalling R689 were discovered during the year .
could you furnish more details in this regard and what the latest position ( Mr
is in regard to the oustanding amounts ? -
Matthews ) Mr.
Chairman , the two cases of theft in respect
of the sum of R689 were the
following :
amount of R594 was
stolen at Gidjana . Tribal Authority and R95 at Khomanani Tribal Authority .
former secretary for
embezzled an amount of R594 , amount of R340 .
Gidjana Tribal Authority
to date he has paid back an
An amount of R254 is still outstanding .
former secretary for Khomanani
embezzled an amount of R95 .
The Tribal Authority has since requested the write - off of the amount
as per Tribal Resolution dated 11 December 1985 .
The Resolution themselves .
is available
for the committee to see
The Tribal Authority failed to locate the
whereabouts of Mr.
Makhubele who emigrated to the Urban
Areas .
) Mr
Matthews ,
according to statement 6 on
page 39 of the Report an amount of R6 926,14 was written off in respect of bursaries during the year .
Could you please
give more details of the circumstances which lead to the write - off ? - ( Mr
The amount of R6 926,14 was
written off in respect of bursaries during the year under review and was made up as follows :
The amount of
was written off in respect of deceased Mr. died in a motor car accident . student at Medunsa .
R4 000
Mushwana who
He was a registered medical
The amount of R400 was written off in
respect of deceased Mr.
D. T.
Mabasa who was a registered
Public Health Student at Shikoane Matlala Technical College .
- 8 -
He died after a long illness .
The amount of R2 526,14
was written off in respect of Mr. at one stage discharged
Mathebula who was
from the Public Service and was
required to pay back the said amount but was subsequently re - employed in the Public Service and is presently serving under the Department of the Chief Minister and Economic Affairs .
Chairman )
We have now come to the end of our
consideration of vote 1. you want to leave.-
Matthews you are excused if
( Mr Matthews )
Mr Chairman , I think
I will wait until later because there is a certain annexure which I want to withdraw amongst the answers of vote 3 .
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Agricultural Projects Paragraph 18 ( 1 )
Mr Chairman )
van Dyk ,
according to this paragraph ,
the net loss on agricultural projects amounted to
R1 338 780 for the year .
What was the total income in
respect of each project during the year ? -Mr : van Diyk ) Mr Chairman , Department
the income in respect of each project of the
of Agriculture was as follows :
There was no
income for Utha because this is a project for private farmers and should be excluded from the list of departmental projects .
At Hartbees the income was R6 212.00 .
income derived from bananas ,
At Hom
lucerne and maize was R326 093.00 .
At Thabina ( centre pivot ) there was also no income because no At Thabina ( nursery the
crops were planted due to the drought . income derived Coffee ,
was R316.00 .
At Julesberg the income from
nuts and bixa was R6 425.00 .
At the Rossbach The Sisal projects in
plantation the income was R78 381.00 .
all the district produced an income of R592 247.00 . Berlyn where citrus ,
litchis ,
advocados and mangoes are planted ,
an income of R789 096.00 was derived and lastly at Allandale Citrus and mangoes produced R296 486.00 .
Mr Hlayisi )
Mr van Dyk ,
are you
satisfied that proper
records are kept to reflect the actual cost on these projects ? (Mr van Dyk ) Yes Mr Chairman , ncial
records are kept as prescribed
regulations and the stores administration code ,
are currently being made to introduce additional
by fina-
and arrangements
records to
improve the procedure for the determination of the profits
and losses of projects .
Mr Chauke )
that the project
With reference to the Bixa project , resulted in a net loss of R11
with a net profit of R10 978 the previous year .
I notice
919 compared Mr van Dyk ,
what was the cause for this ? - ( Mr van Dyk ) The loss of R11 919 on the Bixa was caused by the drought during that year .
The drought also caused a disease called phytra in this bixa trees which aggravated the loss .
- 10 -
Mr Ngobeni )
Mr van Dyk ,
what is the purpose of the
nursery project ? - ( Mr van Dyk )
Mr Chairman , the purpose
of the nursery is to keep small fruit trees purchased from nurseries outside Gazankulu before they are transferred to the projects for planting .
Its other purpose is for the
growth of indigenous trees which are planted at Government buildings .
Mr Chairman ) Mr
van Dyk ,
notice that the nursery
resulted in a net loss of R26 849 compared with
considerable net profit the previous year . give reasons for this ? - ( Mr van Byk )
Could you please
Chairman , during
1983-84 the amount of sales included the cash sales of trees as well as the value of fruit trees transferred to government projects and indigenous trees transferred for During 1984-85 the income
planting at Government buildings .
was calculated only from the cash sales of trees which resulted in the lower income figure and which in return resulted in a It may also be mentioned that during
loss during 1984-85 .
1983-84 a large number of coffee trees were grown at the nursery and transferred to Julesberg project for planting . The value of these trees was included in the income for that for the year .
year and contributed to the profit
nursery was not established as a profit- making project but rather for the purpose of rendering a service projects .
The actual
to the other
profits and losses will be reflected
in the accounts of the farming projects .
Mr Hlayisi )
Mr van Dyk ,
could you also give an indication
to the committee of the purpose of the Shangaan cattle scheme Hartbeesfarm and the cattle - breeding scheme , Utha ? - ( Mr van Dyk ) Mr Chairman ,
the Utha scheme is a scheme for private farmers
which is managed on a co - operative basis .
The purpose of the
scheme is to assist the participant farmers to farm on a scientific basis so as to enable them to achieve an economical income .
The Department
render extension and other
supporting services to the farmers . on the contrary is a Departmental
The Hartbees farm
project .
-- 11 -
The purpose of this scheme is research and to breed nguni cattle as well as indigenous sheep and goats and to upgrade the quality of these animals .
The approved progency of these
animals will be sold to Gazankulu farmers at subsidised price for breeding purposes .
The scheme will also serve
a demonstration and educational
Irregularities and losses ,
unit for extension workers .
paragraph 18 ( 2 )
Mr Chauke ) Mr van Dyk ,
to the Report three
cases of theft amounting R1 048 were reported during the year .
Could you please furnish more details ? - ( Mr
Mr Chairman ,
van Dyk )
involved in the three cases the three official s to R1
of theft amountin
048 were found guilty in court and The money has since been
ordered to refund the money . recovere . d
Appropriation Account
14 .
Mr Ngobeni )
Mr van Dyk ,
the Appropriation Account
reflects an overspending on program 5 of R307 319,79 which represents 32 % of the total amount budgeted for . Could you please elaborate further on the main reason as explained in the report ? overspending of R307
( Mr
van Dyk )
Mr Chairman ,
319,79 was mainly due to the new
dispensation for Agricultural officers .
Unfortunately the
provision made in the budget for this dispensation was insufficient .
Mr Chairman )
Mr van Dyk ,
consideration of your vote , - (Mr van Dyk )
we have come to the end of our
you may go if you so wish : -
Thank you Mr Chairman .
- 12 -
Outstanding Revenue ,
Mr Chairman )
Paragraph 10 ( 2 )
Mr Mativandlela ,
I notice from paragraph
10 ( 2 ) on page 3 of the Report that an amount of R548 962 is outstanding .
Could you please explain to the Committee
the nature of the outstanding amount ? - ( Mr Mativandlela ) Mr Chairman , the outstanding amount as stated in the Report balance on the houses sold whose
comprises the following , redemption instalments is R363 513,17 ;
are payable over a specified period ,
total amount outstanding including March for
rentals and services is R118 546,36 ;
outstanding in respect of electricity fees ,
amount for March is R66 902.77 ,
thus all bringing the total to R548 962.40
Mr Mativandlela ,
Mr Hlayisi )
is this amount no t'
extraordinarily high for your Department ?-
( Mr Mativandlela )
No it is not extraordinarily high when considering the following aspects ,
firstly that the average monthly amount
collected for all the Townships for the year under review equalled R150 900.
This implies that the collection for March
1985 which was only paid in April amount reflected in the Report .
1985 could have reduced the Secondly the Regulation
provides that rentals and services ( water ,
electricity and
sanitation ) may be paid until the 7th day of the following
month .
the amount paid after 31 March includes rentals ,
and service charges payable by means of the stop
order arrangements which equalled R11 485,56 . has been reported 31 March 1985.
This amount
as outstanding as at
Thirdly more houses with higher deposits than
usual have been sold during the year .
The rentals and
deposits for these houses were introduced during the year under review and the people could not new tariffs . recovered .
quickly adjust to the
However these outstanding amounts have been Lastly a number of sites were cancelled and
repossessed because the buyers neither developed. nor paid service charges . at Giyani
alone .
A total of 57 sites were cancelled
The average amount
involved for the past
3 years equalled Rll 080 and is being written - off .
- 13-
( Mr Hlayisi )
As a follow up question to what had been said ,
Mr Mativandlela , how long does the Department take to reposses . sites which are bought and not being developed ? - ( Mr Mativandlela ) Mr Chairman ,
the regulation provides for two years .
two years the sites may be repossessed .
Mr Mativandlela ,
Mr Chauke . )
does your Department keep
a tight control over outstanding amounts and could you please give an indication of the system followed by your Department ? - ( Mr Mativandlela ) yes Mr Chairman , my department does keep a tight control over outstanding accounts . by my Department
is as follows :
Firstly accounts are sent
out to tenants on a monthly basis . who do not respond .
Secondly ,
The system followed
Reminders are sent to those
outstanding amounts Mr Chairman
in respect of public servants are deducted directly from their salaries after two months .
Thirdly if a consumer fails
to pay the account for electricity which is the biggest source of revenue , for a period in excess of two months , supply is cut summarily .
Lastly sites which are not developed
for a period in excess of three years are repossessed ,
the resultant outstanding amount written - off .
Mr Ngobeni )
Mr Mativandlela ,
what was the total income
derived from electricity fees for the year under review? - ( Mr Mativandlela )
Mr Chairman ,
the total
income in respect
of electricity charges as at 31 March 1985 was R1 303 549,99 . This amount does not
include the fees for March 1985 which
were paid after 31 March 1985 .
Mr. Chairman )
electricity fees ,
Mr du Preez ,
concerning the matter of
I understand that your Department is
responsible for the acquiring and distribution of electricity in Gazankulu .
Is the Government the only distributor of this
service or do other instances such as municipalities also supply us with electricity ? - ( Mr du Preez ) Mr Chairman , is the only distributor of electricity in
this Government
Gazankulu ,
buying it from the other institutions as follows : for distribution
and Dwarsloop .
in Mkhuhlu ,
Lulekani ,
Tintswalo ,
· 14 ·
Tzaneen municipality- for distribution in Nkowakowa ,
and Mahwahwa school and also for the Water pump station at N'wamitwa .
Lebows Government for supply at Shiluvani Hospital .
Louis Trichardt municipality for supply at Elim Hospital , Giyani District and Malamulele District .
The present agreement
with Louis Trichardt Municipality expires this year after which electricity will be supplied by Escom directly .
Mr Hlayisi
Mr du Preez ,
at what
tariff do we acquire
this service from Escom ? - ( Mr du Preez ) Mr Chairman , the following are the tariffs at which we acquire this service from Escom :
KVA at R11,80 and KWH units at 2,263 cents .
add on this Mr Chairman ,
also give the tariffs in respect
of electricity supply by the Tzaneen and Louis Trichardt Municipalities .
Tzaneen municipality :
KVA at R10-43 and
KWH units at 3,339 cents and Louis Trichardt municipality KVA at R14-12 and KWH units at 2,5 cents .
Mr chauke )
Mr. Mativandlela ,
it would appear that the
supply of electricity is an important source of revenue . electricity sold at a certain extent ? - ( Mr that the Government extent .
profit or do we subsidise users to a Mativandlela )
is subsidised.
When my Department
Mr. Chairman ,
I can say
the users to a cetain
took over the administration of
electricity from the Department of Works in May 1983 , the users were being charged 1,5c per unit instead of a unit charge of 4,8c as required by Escom .
It was decided that the
unit tariff of 4,8c be introduced in phases over a period
of 3 years . ( small
For the year under review the consumers
scale ) were thus charged 3,5c per unit instead of 4,8c
per unit .
This means that the difference was being subsidised
by the Government .
Mr Ngobeni )
Mr Marais ,
I notice from statement 7 - Revenue
collected during the year- on page 40 of the Report, that no mention is made of electricity as 8 source of revenue .
this source also taken into consideration when the yearly budget is compiled.?- ( Mr Marais ) included in Township fees .
Revenue from Electricity is
15 .
Mr Chairman )
15 C1 ) ,
Mr Mativandles , according to paragraph
105 houses were constructed or taken over during the
year under review .
Are these houses constructed by your
Department only or do you make use of private concerns? · Mr Chairman , my Department only took over
Mr Mativandlela )
the construction of residential houses during the second quarter of the year under review .
The Department of Works had
thus far completed some of the houses which were taken over My Department started
by my Department for distribution .
building new houses towards the end of the year under review . I can therefore say ,
105 houses were
that the
Mr Chairman ,
constructed jointly by my Department and the Department of Works .
Private concerns have not been involved in the
construction of these houses .
Mr Hlayisi )
Mr Mativandlela ,
construction of a house ? -
is the cost for the
( Mr Mativandlela )
Chairman , the
cost for the construction of the various types of houses is as follows :
type 51/9 which has four rooms and 54m²
area is R4 200 ;
type 51 / 9G which has 5 rooms and 73m²
area is R7 125 ;
51 / 9GA which has 5 rooms and 73m²
floor area is R7 800 ;
type LU1 which has 7 rooms and 782
floor area is R9 800 ;
type LU 2 which has 7 rooms and 109m²
floor area is R14 000 ; floor area is R8 800 ; area is Rll 600 ;
type B1 which has 4 rooms and 69m² type B2 which has 4
rooms and 78m²
type B3 which has 5 rooms and 93m²
area is R18 860 and lastly B4 which has 6 rooms and 107m²
26 .
floor area is R23 935 .
Mr Chauke )
Mr Mativandlela ,
does your Department keep
proper records to determine the actual cost of a house ? ( Mr. Mativandlela )
Chairman ,
records of the actual cost labour used .
However ,
my Department does keep
of the cosntruction materials and is not easy to determine the
precise cost of supervision and transport . the cost of constructing
This means that
the various types of houses as
mentioned above are estimations based on the prevailing building rates per square metre .
16 -
Mr Ngobeni
I notice that there is a
) Mr Mativandlela ,
huge increase in respect of outstanding instalments .. do you aɛcribe this increase ? - ( Mr Mativandlela ) , Mr.
To what Chairman ,
taking into consideration my answer in question 17 above , the instalments are not as high as they seem .
The reasons for the
large increase are that more houses were sold by instalments for example the 51/9 houses
at a much higher price than usual-
which had previously been sold for R1 800 was sold for R4 000 and the redemption period telescoped into 3 years instead of 20 years, and the second reason is that the new type of houses for example 51 / 9G ,
51 /9GA ,
and LUII were sold at the un-
usually high average price of R9 650 and the instalments telescoped into 3 years instead of 20 years .
Mr Chairman ) According to the Report it appears that
figures in respect of items Mr.
( i ) were not available .
Erasmus what is the reason for this , was it
not possible
to obtain the necessay information from the Accounting Officer ? - ( Mr
Erasmus ) Mr Chairman ,
at the time of writing this Report ,
it was envisaged that the figure on townships might be
incorrect .
for outstanding revenue An audit survey was carried
out at the townships and it was discovered that
on outstanding revenue does not reflect the amounts outstanding at 31 March 1985 ,
but the amounts which were
apparently outstanding at the time when the information was compiled during the new financial year . the numerous transctions , closed
Mr Chairman ,
due to
the fact that control cards were not
off each year and the urgency in the compilation
of the Report ,
it was not
possible to calculate the amounts
outstanding for six months or longer ,
in such short period
of time .
Mr Hlayisi
From what is said here ,
I understand that control
cards at the townships are not closed off at the end of the year .
Mr Mativandlela ,
would it not be more advantageous
to your Department if control basis ? - ( MB Mr Chairman ,
Mativandlela ) because
cards are closed off on a yearly
Yes ,
it could be advantageous ,
it would be possible to know precisely
how much a tenant owes at the closing of the year .
-- 17 --
It would also
facilitate follow - up on the outstanding amount
immediately in the new financial year .
My Department is
going to implement this efficient method forthwith .
Mr Chauke )
Mr Mativandlela ,
the outstanding amount in
respect of rentals and service charges as reflected in item ( h ) also
reflects a considerable increase .
please comment on this ? - ( Mr
Could you also
Mativandlela ) .
The considerable
increase in respect of the rentals and service charges is due mainly to the following : of houses ,
namely 51 / 9G ,
51 / 9GA , LUI and LUII houses with
comparatively high rentals ; over 100% ;
the increased number of new type
electricity tariffs increased by
rentals for the 51/9 houses increased.. by 80 % ;
rentals for the Public Servants who make use of stop order facilities were paid after 31 March 1985 and the regulation provides that rentals and service charges may be paid until the 7th day of the following month .
The increase ih tariffs
mentioned above were introduced during the year under review . The people could not quickly adjust to the new tariffs and deposits- hence the outstanding amounts .
However these amounts
have been recovered .
Social Pensions ,
Paragraph 15 ( 3 )
Mr Ngobeni )
Mr Mativandlela ,
notice that R13 620 717
was paid to 20 356 beneficiaries in respect of various kinds of social pensions .
Could you please indicate to the
Committee the value of each type of pension ? -
( Mr
The value of each type of pension was as follows :
Mativandlela old age
pension is R53-50 per person per month ;
blind person's
pension is R53-50 per person per month ;
disability and
leprosy allowances is R53-50 per person per month and allowances payable to war veterans are R58-50 per month .
per person
The amounts mentioned above were increased with
effect from 1 October 1984 ,
that those which were at R53-50
were increased to R61-50 and for the war veterans the amount was increased
to R66-50 per
person per month .
- 18 -
Irregularities and losses ,
Mr Chairman
Paragraph 15 ( 2 )
Mr Mativandlela ,
I notice that investigations
in regard to this theft has now been completed . kindly furnish full details On
? - ( Mr Mativandlela )
Could you
Mr Chairman
1983 it was discovered that two unused cheque
26 April
forms 60696 and 60697 were missing from the cheque book which was used as a specimen for printing new books . the matter to the Giyani Police on 27 April
We reported
Notice to
stop payment was received and answered by the Giyani Barclays Bank at 11h00 on 28 April 1983. both
The matter was reported to
the Treasury and the Auditor - General in terms of
Treasury Instruction Q
1.3.2 on 20 May 1983.
matter was still under investigation ,
While the
the Police informed us
that they had arrested one official of my department and two others in connection with the theft of the amount of This amount
R181 719.67 .
cheque number 60697 96996.
three cheques ,
and cheque numbers 96 911 ,
96995 and
It was then discovered that the cheque book series
96901-97000 was missing from the Reserve stock storeroom . It was from this cheque book that the other three cheques have been detached .
The three suspects have been arrested and
the hearing continues . Appropriation Account 33.
Mr Hlayisi )
Mr Mativandlela ,
occurred on Programmes 4 , almost 90% ,
5 and 7.
I notice that savings These savings represent
65 % and 80 % respectively of the total amounts
budgeted for.
Could you please elaborate further on the main
reasons for these
savings ? -
( Mr
Mativandlela )
Chairman ,
the saving under programme 4 is due mainly to the additional amount of R151
000 derived from the sale of residential houses
which was erroneously programme 6.
allocated to programme 4 instead of
The amount voted under programme 4 was equal to
R43 100 and the expenditure was equal
to R17 806-60 .
The savings of R12 482-44 on salaries was due mainly to the vacant post of a Senior Official who went on study leave . Savings under programme
5 were due mainly to the posts of
three senior Professional Officials which were advertised but could not be filled as no applications were received .
· 19 --
The savings under programme 7 was due mainly to the amount of R460 000 which had been approved by the Treasury and committed for the erection of two schools at Madras and Calcutta which area had been affected by the clashes between the
Tsongas and the Sothos in the Mhala area .
The buildings
were only completed and handed over for use during the financial year 1985-86 .
- 20 -
Motorvehicles Paragraph 16 ( b )
Mr Chairman )
Mr du Preez ,
notice that the kilometres
covered by Government vehicles have increased tremendously while on the other hand there was a decrease in the kilometres covered by subsidised vehicles .
Could you please explain
this variation to the committee ? -
( Mr du Preez )
Chairman ,
the kilometres travelled by Government vehicles increased as a result
of their increase in number of vehicles .
kilometres covered by subsidized vehicles are less than the preceeding year because the subsidized vehicle scheme has been withdrawn from the officials who are not secretaries of the Departments ,
and were added to Government owned vehicles .
Mr Hlayisi )
Mr du Preez ,
were involved in accidents whilst
that 11 vehicles
irregularly used .
Could you
please furnish more information regarding these cases ? - ( Mr du Preez) Mr Chairman , the required information is as follows : Mr Sibuyi who was driving Gaz 7-750 had an accident on 22/09/1984 while he was unauthorised to use the vehicle ,
an amount of R595-35 as repair cost was recovered from him , and his licence was suspended . Gaz 8-1046 without authority ,
Mr Mathonsi
a valid driver's licence and
who drove without
had an accident on 02/10/1984 which resulted in an
amount of R191,51
recovered from him .
Mr. Chabalala P.D.
drove Gaz 7-850 without authority and had an accident on 10/08/1984 .
An amount of R658,66 as repair cost was
recovered from him .
Mr Chairman ,
Mr Ritshuri M.C.
driver of
Gaz 5-967 on the 17/10/1984 deviated from his authorised route and he met with
an accident ,
the matter is still
pending between us and the Treasury .
Mr Bayana N. who drove
Gaz 5-791 on 22/09/1984 without authority had an accident ,
his case is still pending between us and the Treasury . Mr. Mabasa G.H.
who was the driver of Gaz 7-683 had an
accident on 02/02/1985 .
An amount of R1 394,59 was recovered
from him as he was not authorised to use the vehicle . Mr Chauke K.D.
who was not authorised to drive Gaz 3-1914 had
an accident on 22/11/1984 , repair costs .
R138,99 was recovered from him as
- 21 -
Mr Chauke C.
deviated from his authorised route whilst
driving Gaz 4-429 and had an accident on 18/02/1985 . An amount of R470,15 was recovered from him as repair cost plus an amount of R25.57 for the unauthorised kilometres . Mr.
Masehela M.B.
who was driving Gaz 8-774 on the 17/11/1984
deviated from his authorised route and had an accident ,
amount of R217,60 was recovered from him as repairs cost . Mr Hlungwani
who was not authorised to use Gaz 4-1034
on the 20/12/1984 had an accident and died on the spot , the case was withdrawn and closed as the accused was dead , Mr Hlabangwana M.R.
and Mr Shirinda H.P.
were unauthorised
to use Gaz 7-1012 on the 20/02/1985 when they had an accident ,
and an amount of R131,17 as repair costs was
recovered from both of them .
Mr du Preez ,
Mr Chauke )
suppose that the irregul
after they were only discove vehicle s red ed in acciden . But what about the irregula have been involve ts d r use of the mention
use of Governm
when there were
use of
Were there any cases of irregula
. as acciden ts
were not
during the year under review which
( Mr du Preez ) Mr Chairma , n
in acciden ?ts
no insiden
were discove use of vehicle it is true that the irregula red s r But there were other
in acciden after having been involve t d
by my Transpo which were detecte rt d
cases of irregul ar
ries ,
some were carryin
and in some
were found driving after hours without authori
cases the vehicle
were parked at their homes without lars
present now .
which I would like to the annexur
More particu
. l
routes ,
from their authori
some deviate
some drivers were found driving
In these cases
in the schedul
( Mr Matthews )
is the
which Mr du Preez wants to present ,
I was referin to at the end of the conside g r
my Vote that I want to withdra
. w
on the schedul
are incorre
, ct
the figures
Mr Chairma
for instance ,
it shows that
to My allocat use of vehicle 28 cases of irregul ed ar s ,
were discove
was suspend
, ed
and from the 28 cases one officer
six were warned ,
means that the remaini
and one was made to pay , which .
20 cases were neglect
Mr Chairman ,
I wish to point
out that I am not aware of such
a high number of irregular use ,
for the number of such cases
which I know are far less than the ones indicated on the schedule .
Of all the cases which have been discovered ,
were taken against the responsible officers .
were even made to pay
Some of them
if they exceeded the number of Mr Chairmn ,
kilometres allocated to them for a month . so wish ,
documents be withdrawn ,
and that Mr.
I suggest that this
du Preez should contact I am
various accounting officers for correct information . laying the blame on him ,
for even if you
number of cases under his vote , the
charged .
if you
I may ask my staff to look for documents in this
connection for the Committee to inspect .
consider the
you will notice that out of
I do not think that he would leave the other
22 cases unattended to. What I want to show is that his staff gave him incorrect information .
( Mr Mativandlela )
I wish to support the former accounting afficer , my Department ,
for even in
ther were 18 cases of irregular use of vehicles
according to the schedule , as have dealt with , ( Dr Robert )
Mr Chairman ,
and only four cases are indicated
which is false according to my records .
Mr Chairman ,
also support the last two speakers .
The information potrayed on the schedule
is not correct .
( Mr Chairman )
I wish to close this matter by commenting
as follows : -
I beg all Accounting officers to look for
correct information by contacting each other before anything is laid before the Committee in future . 37.
Mr Ngobeni )
Mr du Preez , from the statement on motor
motor accidents .
It appears that 347 vehicles were involved in accidents , if we compare this figure with the total number
of vehicles on hand during the year it would appear that almost one out of every three vehicles were Is this not extra - ordinary high ? .- ( Mr
involved in accidents . du Preez ) Mr.
Chairman ,
if you look in the attached schedule of the accidents ,
you will
see that on average we have one accident every 55 386 kilometres . If you consider the fact that it
is necessary for many officials
and officers to be on the road for a large their working time ,
proportion of
accidents are almost inevitable .
- 23 -
If you look at the Departments travelling most kilometres , you will notice that their frequency of accidents in terms of kilometres travelled is relatively low .
All in all I don't
believe that our accident rate is too bad .
That is not to say
It can be improved and every
that it cannot be improved .
effort needs to be made by people who have control
over our
vehicles to encourage good driving habits and to eliminate unnecessary use of vehicles .
38 .
Mr Chairman )
Mr du Preez ,
is it
possible that you
could furnish us with a make - up per Department of the 347 vehicles which were involved in accidents ? Mr Chairman ,
( Mr du Preez )
the make - up per Department of the vehicles which
were involved in accidents is as indicated in the schedule which I tabled here before .
Mr Hlayisi )
Mr du Preez ,
notice that R7 254 Could you
were paid in respect of damages and injuries . please give details of the cases involved ? -
( Mr du Preez )
Mr Chairman ,
the details of the cases are as follows : -
Accident Gaz
1-640 driven by Mr S.K.
damaged GY 14 and the owner claimed
Khosa on the 25/02/1982 R2
The driver of
Government vehicle was found guilty by the court of law and made to pay the repair costs of the two vehicles .
second accident
causing damage
involved Gaz to Mr.
1-897 driven by M.A.
Booth's vehicle 0. Me 13420 and
the latter claimed R934,00 being repair costs to his vehicle . In this case Mr Mathabela was acquitted and the third accident
an accident with HNY 960T while driven by Mr P. owner of vehicle HNY . sum of R3 400
9601 ,
Chuma .
in The
Panorama Bookshop claimed the
repair costs .
Added together the three amounts
totalled R7 254 .
40 .
Mr chauke )
Mr du Preez ,
programmes 4 and 6 reflects
savings of approximately 40 % and 45% respectively which appears to be extra - ordinarily high .
Could you please
elaborate further on the main reasons for this ? - ( Mr
du Preez )
- 24-·
Mr Chairman ,
the following are explanations regarding these
savings : - Under programmer 4 the savings were due mainly to the projects which could not be completed during the year . The Bural water pipeline E - Giyani NW which was 98 % complete ; Thulamahashe sewerage reticulation which was 95 % completed ; Thulamahashe water reticulation which was 85 % complete ; Thulamahashe sewerage purification plant which was 60% complete ;
Dwarsloop water reticulation which was 85%
complete ;
Mkhuhlu water supply which was 90 % complete ,
Continuation of Mhinga pipeline which was 85% complete ; Malamulele extension water and sewerage reticulation which was 50 % complete and Nkowankowa B water and sewerage reticulation which was 55% complete .
The above projects have since been
completed during the 1985/86 financial year except those that are of a perenial nature .
The savings under programme 6
were due mainly to the following projects which could not be completed during the year : Central
power reticulation for Giyani
business area which was 99 % complete ;
Office complex
for nature conservation which was not yet started with ; diagnostic centre phase 2 which was 85% completed ; Lemana high school which was 85 % completed ; centre which was 28% completed ; 0% completed ;
fencing of
Dzumeri health
Tiyani post office which was
Okkernootboom school which was 40% completed ;
Mkhuhlu post office which was 0 % completed and Ximhungwe post office which was also 0% completed .
The above projects have
since been completed during the 1985/86 financial year except for the office for nature conservation ,
Tiyani and Ximhungwe
post office .
Mr Ngobeni )
electricity fees ,
Mr du Preez , I
concerning the matter of
understand that your Department is
responsible for the acquiring and distribution of electricity in Gazankulu .
Is the Government the only distributor of this
service or do other instances such as municipalities also supply us with electricity ? - ( Mr du Preez )
Mr Chairman ,
Government is the only distributor of electricity in Gazankulu ,
after buying electricity from the institutions
as follows : -
- 25 ·
Escom ,
for distribution at Mkhuhlu , Lulekani Tintswalo ,
Thulamahashe and Dwarsloop , at Nkowankowa ,
Tzaneen municipality for distribution
Berlyn and Mahwahwa school .
We buy
electricity from Lebowa Government for supply at Shiluvani Hospital and from Louis Trichardt municipality for supply at Elim Hospital ,
Giyani district and Malamulele district
the present agreement with Louis Trichardt municipality expires this year after which electricity will be supplied by Escom directly .
42 .
Mr Chair
) man
this servi
at what
from Escom ? - ( Mr du Preez )
do we acqui re
Mr Chair ma
, as n already indicated during the consideration of vote 2ce
I have ,
Mr du Preez ,
Interior ,
the following are the tariffs at which we acquire
this service from Escom : 2,263 cents .
KVA at R11.80 and KWN units at
To add on this Mr Chairman ,
I also give the
tariffs in respect of electricity supply by the Tzaneen and Louis Trichardt Municipalities .
Tzaneen municipality ,
at R10,43 and KWH units at 3,339 cents and Louis Trichardt municipality KVA at R14,12 and KWH units at 2,5 cents .
945 43
22,3 %
Withdrawn 12
guilty 15 Withdrawn 25
Minister Chief
754 61
23,6 % 50613
474 24
68 24,2 %
37,9 %
4261006 25
288 1265327
33 34817-34
prosecuted 9 guilty 3 Withdrawn 17 42017
31,5 %
guilty 3
guilty 1
declined 25
discharged 2
31,4 %
33,1 %
58,9 %
45 %
45,4 %
/ CM
- 27 .
Mr Chairman )
Brigadier Coetzee ,
a compensation payment
of R200 was paid in respect of an unlawful arrest and detention . Could you please give more information regarding this matter ? ( Brigadier Coetzee )
Mr Chairman ,
this Department paid an
amount of R200 to the plaintiff ( Joseph Davhane ) from the voted funds ( allocation no . allowances ) .
09 586 102 201- subsistence and travelling
Treasury Authority no .
F9 /6 /2 dated May 21
refers .
On 1983 July 31 the plaintiff Joseph Davhane was arrested detained as a suspect at Ritavi
Police station for stock theft .
He was released on 1983 August 01 without having been charged . He made a civil
case against the then
of Justice
and Police of the Gazankulu Government in which he claimed R200 for unlawful arrest and detention .
The State Attorney
who represented the responded ( Minister of Justice and police of the Gazankulu Government ) came to an agreement with lawyers representing the plaintiff ( Joseph Davhane ) for payment of the paintiff's settlement amount of R200
for damages he
suffered for unlawful arrest and detention .
44 .
Mr Hlayisi )
Brigadier Coetzee ,
I also notice that a large
saving of R784 246-36 which represents approximately 40% of the total amount budgeted for , 2.
occurred under Programme
Could you please elaborate further on the main reasons given
in the Report ? -
( Brigadier Cotzee ) Apart from the
already indicated
in my main
report dated 1985 September 16 ,
I should also like to indicate the following , financial year , under program 2.
in the 1984/85
only R350 000 was budgeted for salaries When the revised additional estimates of
expenditure were made towards the end of the 1984/85 financial year ,
an amount of R1
005 000 was given to this Department for
payment of salaries under Program 2.
The receipt of R1 005 000
towards the end of 1984/85 financial year as an additional estimates of expenditure for salaries under program 2 could be regarded as another cause of a large saving of R784 246-36 .
- 28 -
Mr Chairman )
Mr Vukela ,
according to the footnote to
the Appropriation Account on page 18 of the Report ,
an amoure
of R3 191.90 appears to be in a suspense account which may be chargeable to your Vote . information in this
Could you please give more
regard to the Committee ? - ( Mr vukela )
Mr Chairman , the firm Tzaneen Pest Control approached and convinced schools to employ their pest spraying services without the approval of the Department of Education . Afterwards they submitted invoices and demanded immediate payment authority . Department
The Tender Board referred the matter to the
of Health for checking whether the service has The Department of Health has
been satisfactorily rendered .
of Justice for
referred the matter to the Department
actions as they are not satisfied with the manner in
which the matter was handled .
Mr Chairman ,
I don't know if there are any follow - up questions .
However I wish to make the following information available to the meeting :
As a Department we
issued a circular to all
our school advising them no longer to use the services of the firm in question .
We were suprised when a representative of
the firm came to submit other invoices claiming services rendered .
We refused to honour the claims ,
threatened to take us to court . proceed if he against us .
payment for
so wished ,
and he
We adviced that he could
up to now no action has been taken
I must end by indicating Mr Chairman that the
suspense account has not yet been cleared .
- 29 -·
Outstanding Revenue Paragraph 10 ( 2 )
Mr Chairman )
Mr venter ,
I notice that revenue amounting
to R74 570 was outstanding at the end of the year .
you please give an indication to the Committee of the nature of the outstanding amount .
( Mr Venter )
The nature of the
outstanding amount of R74 570 was made up as follows : Trading licences were R728-60 , R48 805-84 and Provisional
motor vehicle licences were
tax amounted to R25 036-41 ,
thus bringing the total to R74 570 .
Mr Hlayisi )
Mr Venter ,
are you satisfied that outstanding
amounts are being followed up regularly ? - ( Mr Venter ) I am satisfied that outstanding amounts are being followed up regularly and that the said amounts are being collected in the normal course of duties .
Mr Chauke )
Mr Venter ,
money amounting to R32
notice that theft of Government
553 was reported during the year .
you please give more information in this regard ? - ( Mr Venter) The case of theft of Government money amounting to R32 553 reported during the period under review was committed by Mr. Maswanganyi of the Magistrate Giyani .
This amount was for sales
tax which the Magistrate office collects on behalf of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue- Pretoria .
The matter has been
duly reported to the Police and Mr Maswanganyi had been convicted by the Regional Court .
Concerning the amount
embezzled a court order has been made that Mr. must refund the amount .
Regular payments at R650 per
month are being effected by Maswanganyi ,
and the necessary
steps are also being taken by the Magistrate Giyani to transfer all payments made by Mr Maswanganyi to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue- Pretoria .
Mr Mawanganyi has been since
dismissed from the Public Service .
49 .
Mr Ngobe
ni )
Mr Marai
paid over to the RSA , by the Gazan ku
, s
sales tax is
it mean that no loss is sust a
? - ( Mr Marai ) s
due to the fact that
Mr Chair m
the loss throu
, the
an this theft .
- 30 -
50 .
Mr Chairman ) Mr Venter , what is the total amount recovered
from the accused ? - ( Mr Venter ) Mr Chairman ,
the total amount
recovered from the accused to date is R9 150,01 .
Mr Hlayisi )
committed ?
Mr Venter ,
over what period was the offence
( Mr Venter ) Mr Chairman ,
information ,
according to the available
the offence was committed during the period
between 1979 and 1983 .
is a proper checking system being
Mr Chauke ) Mr Venter ,
followed in that office and
if so , was it not possible to
detect the irregularity at an early stage ? - ( Mr Venter ) Mr Chairman , office .
proper checking system is being followed
It was not possible to detect the irregularity at an
early stage ,
because the amounts appearing on the duplicate
receipts which were analysed total
in that
in the cash book agreed with the
collected and banked .
To clarify the committee
more on what happened is that Tax payers used to request accounts officers attached to the Magistrate to complete assessment forms on their behalf .
The Tax payer was then
requested to pay certain amount as assessed , was reflected on the original
and that amount
issued to the Tax payer .
The officer then reflected a lesser amount on the duplicate receipts and on the assessment forms .
The above - mentioned made
it difficult for the office to discover the irregularity at an early stage .
Mr Ngobeni )
Mr Venter ,
were any steps taken to ensure
that incidents of this nature will not occur in the future ? - ( Mr Venter ) Mr Chairman ,
steps have been taken to ensure
that incidents of this nature should not occur in the future , for instance , forms
( V.B.
if sales tax payers did not receive assessment from Pietersburg ,
given to sales tax payers .
blank V.B.5 forms are not
All sales tax payers must complete
their own or their book - keepers should complete the forms for them .
Officers of my Department or those attached to
Magistrate offices are not allowed , to assist the payers to complete V.B.5 assessment
forms .
sales tax
- 31 -
Officers attached to the three months .
revenue office are rotated
(Chairman ) we have come to the end of
vote 6- Justice and we will now continue with vote 7 - Health and Welfare .
-32 .
Outstanding Revenue paragraph 10 ( 2 )
Mr Chairman )
Robert ,
it appears that revenue
amounting to R67 413 was outstanding at 31 March 1985 in respect of your Department . outstanding amount ? - ( Dr Mr Chairman ,
Robert )
the outstanding revenue of R67 413 is made
up of W.C.A cases , 911 hospitals .
in- and outpatients fees in respect of
A large part of the outstanding revenue is in
respect of W.C.A.
cases .
statement Mr Chairman , concerning W.C.A.
What is the nature of the
is that
additional information
cases has been given in my reply to question
Robert ,
Mr Hlayisi )
Particulars to substantiate this
could you please give an
indication to the committee of the outstanding amount for every hospital ? - ( Dr Robert ) The outstanding amount for every hospital is as follows, Mr Chairman at Elim hospital we have an outstanding amount of R26 506,60 ; R22 987,00 ;
at Letaba it amounts to
at Malamulele Hospital the outstanding amount
amounted to R3 293,50 ;
at Nkhensani hospital there was an
outstanding amount of R4 290,75 ;
at Shiluvane hospital the
outstanding amount was P.2 077,30 and for Tintswalo hospital an amount of R8 258,00
Mr Chauke )
is outstanding .
Robert ,
are you satisfied that steps were
taken regularly to follow - up outstanding amounts ? - ( Dr Robert ) Mr Chairman ,
is my wish that all outstanding revenue ,
especially W.C.A.
cases which form a large part of the
outstanding revenue , be recovered before the end of the financial year , before payment
but channels through which these cases go is received are rather lengthy .
On admission ,
an Employer's Report is completed and a copy thereof 13 kept in the patient's bedletter whilst the employer retains the original for transmission Commissioner .
to the workmen's compensation
On receipt of
first medical report ,
the report ,
for an example ,
the workmen's compensation commissioner
then assesses the case and pays the hospital account .
56 .
- 33 -
You will realise Mr Chairman , above make
that the channels indicated
impossible for my Department to recover the
outstanding amounts in good time .
You will notice from
my reply to question 55 that Elim hospital and Letaba hospital had outstanding amounts of R26 506,60 and R22 987,00 The reason
respectively as compared to the other hospitals . thereof can be ascribed to
industries and firms situated near
these hosptials and whose
injured employees are treated at
these hospitals .
Allow me Mr Chairman ,
Committee that my Department
inform the
takes the necessary steps to
recover the outstanding revenue by way of written reminders in as far as W.C.A.
cases and also for in - and outpatient
accounts are concerned .
It is also my wish that in - and
outpatients pay the prescribed fees before being treated ,
this is practically impossible to implement due to the fact that it would be contrary to the ethics of the medical profession .
As a result ,
some accounts under this category
of patients remain unpaid for a long time .
Some reminders
are even returned unclaimed from the post office . Mr
Chaiman ,
I wish to
report to the committee that the amounts
indicated hereunder were year .
However ,
recovered during the 1985-86 financial
Elim hospital had an outstanding amount of R26 506,60 ,
and an amount of R11
888,00 has since been recovered .
hospital had an outstanding amount of R22 987,00
and an amount
of R17 877,00 was recovered during 1985-86 financial year . Malamulele hospital had an amount of R3 293,50 outstanding and an amount of R353,50 has since been recovered .
hospital had an outstanding amount of R2 077,30 and out of this an amount of R425,00 was recovered .
Lastly , Tintswalo
hospital had an outstnaing amount of R8 258,00 and an amount of R1 204,00 has since been recovered .
Mr Chairman
I wish to
conclude by saying that my Department is making all efforts possible to recover these outstanding amounts .
Irregularities and losses paragraph 20
57 .
Mr Ngobeni )
moneys totalling R36
Robert ,
255,60 were
notice that theft of Government reported during the year .
34 .
Could you please furnish more details ?
Mr Chairman ,
(Dr_robert )
or about June 1984 , when checking payments
registers against the daily cashbook , Division of my Department
the Head of the Accounts
noticed that payments which had no
bearing on the activities of my department were made . All these fraudulent payments were made through general payment vouchers which are commonly called L 3's . the relevant vouchers were sought
for ,
Mr Chairman ,
but could not be found ,
except for one which was recovered from the Computer Section attached to the Department of Finance . the voucher that Mr Mabunda , Division of my Department ,
It was noticed from
a clerk attached to the Accounts
had prepared ,
approved and
submitted such fraudulent vouchers for payment . the Accounts Division then made transaction list
22nd of June
photo - copies of the batch header ,
and voucher and locked up same
The original documents 1984 ,
in the safe .
were left on Mr Mabunda's table .
at about 07hrs
30 min . ,
Accounts Division of my Department Mr.
The Head of
the Head of the
demanded an explantion from
Mabunda as to what the payment was ,
for it had no
bearing on the activities of my Department .
He denied knowledge
thereof and the matter was reported to the Gazankulu He was subsequently arrested and three cheques
R13 043,68 were payment .
On the
Police .
recovered before being presented for
Further investigations
totalling R23 211,92
revealed that cheques
issued in favour of suppliers some of
whom had no contract with the Department were made .
fraudulent cheques were banked with Standard Bank Tzaneen except for one for R699,60 which was cashed at Frasers Giyani .
In their investigations the Police
cheques in the amount of R22
discovered that
512,32 were deposited into a
fictitious account through one and the same teller .
officer was subsequently tried by the court and found guilty of fraud on one account .
The Gazankulu police are still
investigating the case involving fraudulent 92. amount of R23 211,9
My Department will only be able to know
what course of action to case has been
received .
payments in the
take when the police Report on this
- 35 .-
Mr Chairman ,
I wish to add here that my department is amazed
to find out that the investigation time .
Up to now ,
is taking such a long
Mr Mabunda is not yet brought to the court
of law to be tried for these outstanding amounts .
Mr Hlayisi )
according to your view , do you
Dr. Robert ,
think it was only Mr.
Mabunda who was involved in these
activities in your Department ? - ( Dr Robert ) far as I know in our department
Mr Chairman ,
it was only him involved
but there are some people involved outside our department , such as the teller at Standard Bank Tzaneen . be other people involved ,
There might
but I am not in possession of all
the facts .
Appropriation Account
59 .
Mr Chairman )
Robert ,
programme 4 amounted to R142
I notice
342,29 which represents
approximately 26 % of the total reason for the saving
that the saving on
budgeted for .
The main
is ascribed to subsidies to the
Evuxakeni hospital which could not be fully utilized . what extent do the Government ( Dr Robert) Mr Chairman ,
subsidise this institution ? -
my Department entered into an
agreement with the Smith Mitchell organisation whereby the latter was allowed to erect a in Giyani .
500 bed psychiatric hospital
The agreement stipulates inter - alia the following : -
That the organisation will provide
services to the patients
in the hospital at a tariff agreed upon by the two parties ; that there shall be an annual revision of the tariff on the first day of April
in each year equal to 10 % which will be
adjusted upwards or downwards on the basis of the Consumer Price Index or on negotiable basis on presentation of financial statements by the organisation and that the Department will be entitled to a reduction equal to
10% on reimbursement
for services , should the occupancy of the hospital 90% of full capacity.
Mr Chairman ,
signed on the 24th of April assured my Department
fall below
the agreement was eventually
1984 and the organisation
that the hospital would be erected
within six months from the date of signing of the agreement ,
- 36 -
but due to unforseen circumstances ,
the hospital was only
completed towards the end of December
As a result
the hospital started admitting patients on the first January 1985.
It may also be mentioned ,
experience for Gazankulu
Mr Chairman ,
to have such a hospital ,
as first my department
could not know exactly whether the 500 beds would be filled immediately . Occupancy
Over and above that Mr Chairman ,
the hospital
was below 90 % of full occupancy during January ,
February and March 1985 hence the total set aside for the reimbursement
amount of R400 000
for services rendered by
the organisation could not be fully utilised .
Mr Hlayisi )
Robert ,
notice that the saving on
programme 5 represent 34% of the total Could you please elaborate saving of R245 277,45 ? -
amount budgeted for .
further on the main
reason for the
( Dr Robert ) Mr Chairman ,
in this
programme provision is made for salaries for officers and employees seconded to the Letaba
for the
Handicapped and Aftercare Centre and the Rivoni for the blind . also made
Over and above that Mr Chairman ,
for the poor
relief .
Society provision is
Allow me Mr Chairman ,
bring to the notice of the Committee the following : My department has since establishment been responsible for subsidising the
Institution and Aftercare Centre at Letaba
as well as making provision for salaries for staff seconded to this also
institution .
involved ,
As the Department
my department
of Education was
requested the Public Service
Commission to conduct an investigation so as to determine the extent of my department's involment in the to the removal of the uneducable hospital .
In other words ,
Institution due
inmates to the Evuxakeni
the saving of a quarter of a
million Rand is directly related to the opening of Evuxakeni hospital . Institution
Through the opening of Evuxakeni hospital , lost many of its inmates ,
the reduction of a subsidy to the number of staff .
the Letaba
and this involved
Institution and also in the
· 37 -
It was also noticed from the Report published by the Public Service Commission that my department
should only be
responsible for subsidy to the Aftercare Centre as well as The Institution was as a
salaries for seconded staff .
result of these findings splitted into two namely , the Letaba school for the Handicapped and the Aftercare Centre which was placed under the Department respectively .
of Education and my department
The posts were also splitted ;
those to be
attached to the Department of Education were abolished from the staff establishment of my Department and created in the establishment of the Department of Education , considerable saving .
hence a
The saving on salaries Mr.
due mainly to the arrangement mentioned above ,
Chairman ,
as also to the
fact that suitable staff to fill the approved vacant posts could not
be obtained .
an amount of R213
Mr Chairman ,
under transfer payments ,
122,00 of a total of R275 540,00 in
of subsidy was utilised during the year under review . me to inform the Committee , R59 940 was set
Mr Chairman ,
respect Allow
that an amount of
for subsidy to the Aftercare Centre .
As the Aftercare Centre was part and parcel of the Institution , my Department
realised that the subsidy already approved
was adequate to cover their expenditure , R62 428,00 .
hence the saving of
It sounds more complicated and complex ,
make it more simple Mr Chairman , Centre was not increased ,
the subsidy to the Aftercare
it was maintained at low level ,
because it now maintained a less number of inmates as some were transfered to Evuxakeni
hospital .
The reduction
of inmates was not anticipated for when the original budget was made hence a large saving .
- 38 -
Revenue Fund Paragraph 5
Mr Chairman ) I notice from the statement
balance of R2 593,59 as at R2 805 896,93 as at
perhaps comment
1/04/1984 has increased to From this it would appear
31/03/1985 .
that the Revenue Fund
Could the Treasury
is weakening .
on this ? -
true that the position
that the debit
( Mr Mdungazi )
Mr Chairman ,
is mainly due
to the impact
of unauthorised expenditure has made in the past during the
expenditure amounting
of the Revenue Fund is weakening .
weak position of the Revenue
Mr Chairman ,
to R3 417 286,90 ,
to R4 622 898,73 and in 1983/84
few years .
year we had unauthorised
1982/83 it
amounted to
It is clear from the aforementioned figures of unauthorised expenditure that the Revenue Fund had to provide for funds not budgeted for , I wish to
thus its position
indicate that
is being weakening .
during 1984/85 financial year ,
departments tried their level best of their voted funds ,
to stay within the limits
and as already indicated before ,
seems during the 1984/85 they tried to take heed of the Treasury's request .
I then want
to take this opportunity to thank them
for trying by all means to stay within the limits of their voted amounts .
State debt ,
Paragraph 6
Mr Hlayisi ) According to this paragraph ,
increased by R12 725 000. the purpose for these
which amount
Could the Treasury perhaps explain
loans ? -
according to the Report ,
the state debt
( Mr Mdungazi )
the state debt
Mr Chairman ,
increased by R12
725 000 ,
acrued from loans raised to finance part of the
estimates of expenditure of R167 258 000 for the financial year 1984/85 .
Two loans were
raised on the 8th of June 1984 ,
particulars of which are as follows : raised on the 8th June
1984 ,
A loan of R10 000 000
bearing an interest
rate of
is 19 years ,
and a loan
of R2 725 000 raised on the 8th of June 1984 ,
bearing an
16,35% and its term of repayment
rate of 16,55 % and its term of payment is 9 years .
The total
state debt then amounted to R29 075 000 as at
31 March 1985.
The purpose
for the raising of the above-
mentioned two loans was to finance the following projects which were included in the estimates of expenditure for Vote 3 -Works and Vote 5-
Agriculture and Forestry :
Under Vote
3 -Works the following projects were undertaken : complex Giyani is R120 000 ;
Hoxani pumpstation is R30 000 ;
Veterinary diagnostic centre is R100 000 ; cork and Allandale is R25 000 ; the Handicaped ,
School ,
for these here is R1 381 000 ;
for Letaba School for High School ,
Bankuna High School ,
Letaba Hospital and Nkhensani
is R120 000 ;
Electricity supply-
Akani High School , Nahwahwa
Shingwedzi High School ,
Ripambeta High
Hospital ,
the whole amount
Office complex Mhala ,
the amount
Magistrate Offices Malamulele is R80 500 ;
buildings ,
R105 000 ;
Hlomela road and Malamulele
Bridges for Thomo- Gawula-
road ,
R143 600 ;
Hudson Ntsanwisi
dam water purification works ,
R100 000 ;
R269 000 ;
Mhala R125 000 ;
Electricity supply ,
supply , Malamulele , subsidised and
R90 000 ;
Water supply ,
Purchase of additional ,
replacement of Government vehicles ,
Government Headquarters ,
Ritavi ,
phase II and III ,
R2 013 000 ;
R3 565 000 ;
Purchase of additional and replacement of government major equipment , machines ,
R1 600 000 ;
Purchase of replacement
R400 000 and the total amount
3 being R12
Under vote 5-
the following projects were loans : Ntlhaveni dam Bend - Hlaneki - Homu and the total Mr Chairman ,
allocated under vote
Agriculture and Forestry
financed from the above mentioned
( Pongolo River ) ,
scheme ,
trucks &
R500 000 ;
R19 900 ;
Coffee ,
Contractors ,
Ritavi ,
R103 000
amount allocated under vote 5 being R622 900 . an amount of R12 102
100 allocated under Vote
3- Works plus an amount of R622 900 allocated under Vote 5Agriculture and Forestry amount to R12 725 000 which is the total amount of loans
Outstanding revenue ,
Mr Chauke )
raised during the 1984/85 financial year .
Paragraph 10 ( 2 )
I notice from paragraph 10 ( 2 )
to the amount of R1 008 813 was outstanding at
31 March 1985 .
- 40 -
Mr Marais ,
according to the Report this figure does not
arreas in respect of special tax and dipping and grazing fees . Could you kindly give a reason for this ? in respect
( Mr.
Marais ) Arrears
of special tax and dipping and grazing fees are
not included in the outstanding revenue of R1
008 813 due to
a technical error committed when producing computer print - outs from special tax file .
A step which produces a list of
outstanding revenue from special tax and dipping and grazing fees was omitted . as the file
This step could no longer be carried out
is updated immediately each and every step is done .
This computer programmes were however adjusted so that no step can be omitted in the procedure .
The computer will immediately
a signal when a step is omitted .
Mr Ngobeni ) Mr Marais ,
is your Department in the position over the collection
to exercise completed control special taxes ? -
( Mr Marais )
of the those
the Miagistrates
Mr Chairman ,
offices , Tribal Chiefs and headmen collect
taxes on
behalf of the Department of Finance on urgency basis . The Magistrate officers
frequently undertake tax tours as
follow - up of outstanding special
tax .
They work , in co - ordination
with Tribal Chiefs and headmen who ensure that eligible taxpayers are assembled in one place when the tax tour group from Magistrate offices arrive . work in the urban areas the collected special cards .
tribal chiefs and headmen
tax when the worker renew their calling
Special tax is also deducted annually during June
from salaries of public Revenue .
As regard tax payers who
servants and paid over to Inland
The Department of Finance maintains
a special tax
master file in the computer which updates payments of each and every individual
taxpayer .
A computer printout
is then
produced at the end of the tax year to enlighten the Department of the taxpayers who are in arrear with their payments so that this Department is in the position to exercise complete control over the collection
Mr Chairman ) Mr Marais ,
of special taxes .
are you satisfied that all
relevant tax payers are being reached ? -
( Mr Marais )
-- 41 -
concerning special tax please refer to my reply in paragraph 64 above .
Income Tax this Department has two Assessing
subsection falling under inland Revenue Section . sub section :
This sub section ensures that all people who
are having trading licences are
registred for tax
purposes .
They obtain inputs of new trading licence holders from Magistrate Offices . salary I.T.R.
Concerning Public servants who earn
1 forms are sent to all unregistered salary
cases for personal particulars every year with a view of registering
- them if their annual
qualifies .
subsection : This subsection deals specifically with employees tax . P.A.Y.E.
This subsection
inspection ,
that P.A.Y.E.
frequently undertakes
more especially with business ,
to ensure
is correctly deducted from employers and paid
over to Receiver of Revenue .
tax ,
as you are aware is
still controlled by the Receiver of Revenue of the Republican Government who has an inspection team ,
for that
purpose .
collection is however paid over to the Receiver of Gazankulu .
66. ·
Mr Hlayisi ) Mr Marais ,
( Mr Marais )
Mr Chairman ,
is this tax collected and controlled ? Special
tax and dipping and
grazing fees are collected in the manner detailed in paragraph 64 above .
Concerning Income Tax the Assessing subsection
mentioned above raise assessments for all individual at the end of every tax year with effect of assessment .
tax payers
from the 1985 year
An assessment form ( IT 34 )
is issued and sent
to all taxpayers to inform them whether the results show a debit or a credit .
In the case of a credit
and in the case of a debit off .
For sales tax
67 Mr Chauke )
a refund is made
a taxpayer is requested to pay it
refer you to paragraph 65 above .
Mr Marais ,
how do you deal with defaulters- is
it through the Office of the magistrate or at Head Office level ? level
( Mr Marais ) The defaulters are dealt with at head office in co - ordination with the Magistrate offices .
If the
tax payer fails to pay the tax due by due date a final demand for payment of tax is fowarded to such a tax payer . is still no reaction a summon
If there
is issued whereby a tax payer
will be required to appear before court and be prosecuted .
- 42 ·
The tax payer will under such circumstances be required to Pay a fine and penalties over and above the tax due .
Mr Ngobeni )
Mr Marais ,
what is the nature of the outstanding
amount of R317 627 ? - ( Mr Marais ) Mr Chairman , amount of R317 627 is provisional as follows :
Giyani- R143 989 ;
and Malamulele- R11
the outstanding
tax which is made up
R73 867 ;
R88 282 ,
489 and thus bringing the total to R317 627 .
Mr chairman ) Mr Marais ,
duty it is to carry out
do you have a specific team whose
provisional tax is paid correctly ? - ( Mr.
to ensure that
Marais ) Mr Chairman
the assessing sub section mentioned in paragraph 65 above is responsible for amongst others , Financial statements are of every tax year .
business assessing .
fowarded to this office at the end
Assessments based on financial statements
are raised to ensure that correct provisional tax is paid , failing which interest and penalties are assessor
is not
imposed .
satisfied with the financial
submitted by the tax payer ,
an inspection
If an
is carried out on
such a tax payer's business to verify or determine the net result for the tax year as well as the true state of affairs of the business with a view of taxing the tax payer correctly with penalties if necessary .
Mr Hlayisi )
Mr Marais ,
are you
satisfied that sufficient
control measures exist
for the follow - up of outstanding
revenue ?
Mr Chairman ,
( Mr Marais )
with regard to sufficient
control measures for the follow - up of outstanding I would like to mention team ( The Revenue
that this Department have a special
Inspectors ) with the specific duty of making
a follow - up or outstanding
revenue .
This team carries out
revenue inspection and compiles a report of the nature of the outstanding revenue after each and every inspection carried out .
Such a report
also serves as a request
concerned to make a follow - up on such outstanding
revenue .
- 43 -
NO .
Your Committee
amounting to
R9 011 503,89 specified in paragraph 4 , page 2 , of the Report of the Auditor - General on the Appropriation Accounts for 1983-84 ( G.R. 1985 ) are unauthorised and require to be voted . Your Committee , having made enquiry into the circumstances , recommends the above sum for specific appropriation by the Legislative Assembly , apportioned
as follows :
On Revenue Services-
R3 619
Vote 5-
Vote 7-
34-42 ,
The recommended
R3 134 752,54
and Forestry . Welfare . ·
257 528,51
93-96 )
appropriation of the
503,89 was disposed
Gazankulu Unauthorised Expenditure no . 3 of 1985 ) during the 1985 session
of by the passing ( 1983/84 ) Act , 1985 ( Act of the Legislative Assembly .
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