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English Pages [19] Year 1984
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الإجتماع الرابع للقيادة المركزية
F86 1984
۱۹۸۶ ۳۰ ) إلى
۱۶.۵ زه
الة عد وحدة عيال
udanese socialist union
ی مان
مجلس الشعب القوي أمدرمان
meeting of the leadership
fourth central
port of UPPER NILE
1405 h
1-5 muharam
29 - 30 september 1984 m People's
hall -
A23 F66 1984
الإجتماع الرابع للقيادة المركزية الخامسة الدورة
sudanese socialist union
14.0 فرم
وحدة عدالة نبنا ای
مجلس الشعب القوي أمدرمان
fourth central
meeting of the leadership session
report of UPPER NILE
4-5 muharam
1405 h
29 - 30 september 1984 m People's national ha || -
Sudanese Saaialist Urdan
Central Leadership
Fourth Meeting of the Fifth Session People Assembly Hall
Report of the Upper Nile Region
The central leadership meets at a time, the sudan is faced with difficult problems relating to the destiny of this nation , which demand togetherness and closeness . So that
all of us may assist this country to proceed to wards peace , stability and progress .
The Sudan and its people are still facing conspiracies from certain foreign powers .
However , our unity was and
Still remains the solid rock on which all foreign conspiracies will be shattered .
This unity has become more firm
the Sudan has reached peimanent solutions to the ethnic and cultural problems though decentralization which is an
exemplary achievement for developing countries in their quest to tranfere pawer to the masses .
The Sudanese people have, proven , through different
generations , its togetherness, and to - day it has deploud the conspiracy that is taking place in the south and which is directed against the nation as a whole . To - day , The Sudan is at a Juncture that imposes on all of us the urgenty of unifying our efforts . The national objectives in this respect are clear . National reconstruction is the responsibility of all Sudanese . No one can deny the real economic problem the world is faced with to - day which is the
main obstacle for deyelopment and progress of the developing countries in general , and Africa, in particular . the Sudan as an African Country has been suffering from the impact of the world economy , nevertheless , the will of its people and
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Orcted all erforts
to alleviate the difficulties faced by the people .
The Upper lile recion nes not hesitated since its 11.0ption in bearing the problems that are standing tle € 3 for development . On the area of ho : sing ,
region nos responded to the president's
appeal and assirned
lind plots for tiose people with limited incone who resice
in the resional capital and the towns of Dor and asir The concerned authorities of the department of survey ore
started to work on this project with the sin of completins it as soon as possille , The region cuthorities vill contine its untiris
offo ts to alleviate the suffering of the people . In this respect vie have called upon popular organai - ations including Sudan women Union to nect their regional responsibilitis educating the people in places of vork and production to
hive un to these responsibilities . these efforts had lead to creation of incone sources for the relatively poor ncedy iezilies as well as jobs for working mothers in the field
of puvlic inealth and othez depetti ents of the regional Locument , iurthe more the region was able to estblish small develomental projects
or the purpose of geneeting
áunds. the implinentation of these projects will be ein in the near future ,
The regional Eevernnent has continued to wrok tovads securing transportation within region be it by land or by river , the Eeve : nnent has realized that transportion is
the backbone of " pper lile region vaderway to survey Dor - cienk road
Ifforts are still
· 3
to help in swift deleivery of supply goods at the appropriate time .
The concerned authorities have addressed the issue of
hand craft with the attention it deserves .
Hand craft
Therefore , Association has its role to play in development . these authorities have started to prepare the necessary studies to launch this project next summer .
The regional government has worked towards stabilization af prices of goods and thirough the cooperation of all popular organizations the people are now aware of how to preserve their rights in this area . On the other hand , we have urged the
business conmunity to meet their obligation , towards the People and the revolution . At the same time , the regional government will not hesitate in applying harsh punishment on any person who will attempt to taniper with the regional policies in this
respect . The people of Upper Nile , renew their support and alligance for the leader of this nation Gafaar Mohamed Nimeiri ,
We pledge to remain united to achieve our objectives .
Sudan is a target for conspiracies and plots and this only becouse of its rich potential resources .
These forces are fond
of planting seeds of division and hatred among the people of
our country , specially after the Sudan has become a symbol stability
in Africa .
However , thewill of our people to remain
united is able to frustrate all these , conspiracies . May revolution is for peace and democracy , for dialouge and forgive ness and reconstruction . It is the se principles that have inspired us in the Region to launch a campaign to explain various spects of the general Amnesty .
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