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English Pages [39] Year 1984
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الإجتماع الرابع للقيادةالمركزية
1984 س)ب اللنمير ۲۰
sudanese socialist union
مجلسالشعب القوي أمدرمان
fourth central fifth
meeting of the leadership session
report of the EQUATORIA 1405 h
4-5 muharam
29 - 30 september 1984 m People's national hall -
الإجتماع الرابع للقيادة المركزية
۱۹۸۳ و إن
۔0-14 الكرة
sudanese socialist union
ا ی م ا ن مجلس الشعب القوي أمدرمان
fourth central
meeting of the leadership session
report of the EQUATORIA
4-5 muharam
1405 h
29 - 30 september 1984 m
People's national assembly hall -
Your ExcellencyIr Presidiatus Fellow Members of the soste.Catral eakership . May I start try report on our political urganization ,
the Sudanese Socialist- Uniona bya - quotation from the Holy Biblea
The Lord Jesus said
tertereryone wbo -says- to me , Lord ,
Lord +will enter the -kingdom of hbareng but only he who does -the will of my -father who is in heaven ..
The Lord bei Cupliauiscs- tie - importance of deeds over words and inceci , TE :ecit, we are here not only to exchange and discuss ideas.. but to assts as
well our - performance- d!ring the last six months . In terms oi' chais , PnPrasidantimindemedes 47 and 48 of the president of the Sudanese Socialist Union about the reorganization of_the popular - ant Syndicated organizations have progressed Willa The Youth Workers and Blomen Uniona have men -reorganized -up to the regional levels and indeed their delegates did attend their respective national
Congresses The Innerschapperstives and -National - Capitalists Urions have all been - reworsamljad ud to provincia . levelschilo wch : is progressing sell on the remaindor . سهرهرو
Mr president , responding to the genuine wishes of the people of Mundri and Ezo for establishing their SSU Area
Secretariats , the SSU Secretary , Equatoria Retion , decreed on May 8 , 1984 the establishment of the two SSU Area Secretariats . The decrees were reciporocated by messages
of appreciation by the people of the two areas .
During the period =under review , the SSU Regional Secertariat had been represented in the meetings of the SSU Qentral . Leadership Specialised Comittees by the respective assistant secretaries ,
Mr President , the Main constraints in our political work during the period under review . are the lack of means of
transport , the rainy season which greatly hampared political enlightement , and lack of funds . Whatever little has been achieved as enumurated above have therefore Been by sheer determination
Inspite of these bottlenecks , the Equatoria Regional Secretariat plans to hold training Courses for political Cadre , hold seminars , exhange inter_regional visitsproduce
political literaturel preferably in English for easier understanding ), and establish a library at the regional level .
Mr P Mr President , our experience is that we will need financial support from the Centre so as to enable us to cope up with our act: activities and facilitate execution of our prograles .
We also
request Central Leaderslip to be r the cost of transporting the uebers of the SSU Central Leadership to attend both the
weetings of the SSU Central Leadershi ) and those of the Speci alised Committees since Our financial situation has not
iaproved .
The 12th and 15th anniversaries of the National Unity Day
and 25th May Revolution respectively wure widely celebrated in the region with the popular and Syndicated Organisation and the masses at large re - affiring their loyalty and support to the May Revolution under the leadership of president Gaffar Mohamed Nimeri . The public in the Regional Capital expressed strongly their conde ratio of the Libyan air - raid on Oandurrian , This was demonstrated in a long procession of the popular and Syndicated Orgnisation to the S.S.U. Regi onal Secretariat to express their indigation against the barbaric air-raid ,
The decree of the Proxident of the Republic ofr introduction of emergency law is tiirely and welcomed in the Region . But
the declaration of the Sharia low in the country is causing
great cencern among the public of Equetoria Region .
The people
of Equatoria Region sincerely believe that the state is for all and religion for individuals . Therefore no religion by booming the basis of rule of law especially in a country lave eith diverse heavenly rgligions and beliefs .
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The people of Equatoria also feel that non_ Muslims have not been given the chance in their political organization , the S.S.U. to air their views on the matter , However it
is not too late and it is hopea that such an opportunity will be given to them .
Equatoria Region is calm but of course disturbed by what is happening e the two sisterly regions of Upper Nile and Baher El Ghazal that problems can ve solved peacefully without resorting to
Since March 1984 the Council held 22 meetings and passed 342 resolutions i .
The Directorate of Culture and Information is the chief mouth piece of the Regional
obernment and has
been transfered to the
Governor's office • It It has three main Departments namely Culture , Information and Archives.The period between March and
July 1984 with nessed some considerable achievements . Inspite of
financial constrains it made_head_wayin the following fields . The Department of Culture carried out ethnographic researches
in Juba , Torit , and Kapoeta Districts the result of which have been very encouraging . Cuiruntly
research toan is in Eastern Torit to collect -naterial culture of the area :
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During the serve periodonteDepartment also organisert childrens'arts crafts and music festivals at the Culture
centre which were very successful , in considcral nurber of differe : types of cthnographic materials have be in collecto cudie added to ti. cxisting Collector
oi Juba Regional Ilusel'. A good deal of
renovation has been carried at the Culture Centre and the theatro
in particular looks much better than it has been in the past . The Department of Information has cqually made considerable achievements inspite of its financial difficulties . For
instance a collection of written materials on facts about Iquatoria Region has been compiled and awaits now printing . The film unit had carried public ſilns shows , and photographed e number of development pzojects in the Region cog . Upper Talanga , P.D.U. in Yci Imotong Forestry saw mill Juba town
ship etc. During the same period the unit was also able to complete identity cards for the urban areas . Inspite of the break down of most machines in the Nile printing Press , t10 press has beon able to print examinations and government papers DIRECTORATE OF PIHTACZ & ECONOFIC
The Directorate of Finance and Economi ? Affairs controls and coordinates the dinancies of tie Region . It had ho tever facod a great deal of problem as remittances in Grantin
aid from the contre has been inadognate . Since Marc ?. 1984 ,
tie Region has realised a deficit of Ls . l , C 30,588 . 181m/ ms .
This has riede it impossible to pay the salaries of a sizeablo number of omuloyeus , a situation wlich has created sufferr:1s
and anziety . If tris situation is not corrected , anolitical unrost can occur .
By President Decree No. 437 of 13th June 1982 , powers to issue import and export licences on border trade has been removed from
regional authorities , This has reduced business activities in the Region and has caused shortage in a number of vital condities like foods , agricultural medicines , spare parts and oils and lubricaans to be in terrible shortage ,
The people's Regional '.ssembly having
realised this diffioulty has petitioned the President of the
Republic to review his decision in order to facilitatu troue and resto : powers of issue of import and export licences to the Region as stipulated in ddis Ababa Accord .
I am very hopeful that H.I. The President shall give his consent to this request . It is
however , my duty to see to it that Equatoria Region shall not nisuse this privilages vihen it is restored back to it . Position of supply of essential consumer goods has been
very bad in my Region during this period of the report . Distur bances in the other two Regions of Bahr El Ghazal and Upper hile
made it inpssible to ship supplies by land during the dry season . is such not enough supply has been stored .
Moreover poor rain
fall at the head and along the course of the Nile has made thie river to remain very shallow , thus making it impossible for the steamers to reach ports of Equatoria Region ,
Therefore with the
inadequate rainfall in the Region and poor supply from the North my Region is likely to face problems in sypply .
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The Geological survey done by hunting Geology and
Geophysics Itd in 1980 and Belgian Department for technical cooperation 1979
83 have reported that gold to exist in ,
Equatoria Region in economic value .
Geochemical samples anal
ysed indicated that Nickel , Lead , copper , Cobalt and Uranium
are present mainly in 'estern part of the Region . Gold is available mainly in the East in places like Kapoeta , Kit and Progranme for mining this mineral has already an enormous quantity of marble is also available
Luri near Juba . been drawn .
in Kapoeta .
During the period covered by this report so far 15 industrial licences have been issued to private sector and a few of them have established their plants and are operational . others are in their process .
( a)
The Department of Administration
As a coordinating unit in the whole Directorate the Department called Luditors to audit the ..ccount of the Direc
torate which led to the arrest of some Book-keepers who are now waiting trial . Inspite of financial constrains for the purchase of office furniture the Department did all it could in replaceing basic furniture and office equipment for each office after the transfer of all furniture to Banr El Ghazal
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( by
The Department of Istab ish zent. Budget and Training .
With the suspension of appointiient and promotion , this Department was only left with the resettling of Equatoria erployees returning from the other two Regions .
It supervised the assimilation of emloyees into tien
salary structure , processed annual increments , looked into 10 cases of dismissed officeals organised short cources for
clerk and bock -keepers at the M.T.C. and assisted also in the preparation of chapter I Budget .
This Department also assis : students soing for in service courses and secure for scholarsi fron international organisation for the civil servants . So
far two labour offices have beon establitshed in Juba and Yoric ,
Your Excellency Mr.
President Tellow menbers of
Central Leadership , Regarding agriculture tho main objective as icon and still are increasing food , and cash crop production and improvenent of the qu -lity of the the S.S.U.
local livestock .
The stratsies adopted to achieve these gools incluilo the provisoon of Technical advice and production imputs , culi ? coment and the mobilisation of the farmers into
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liale coopinatives , posting stoclmen to rural areas to advise livestock overs and availin
improved bulls
and cock rils to farmers and a hordable proces , Discaso Control and vaccination is also programnei .
Forestry resources conservation and citilization is being pursued through regulated felling ,replanting and afforostation . Quality tree speciis are beirs exploited for production of timber through the installation of dawnills ,
For profitable exploitation of fiscrios SourcOS
to bring
the fishermen into cooperatives and providing
then with irproved fishing gear and more the use of
motorised boats is being impleuiented . Sone agricultural hard tools and improved socis have been distributed .
with injection of us
300,000 and Sudan Govori :cuit
contribution of ls . 68,000 , farm is progressing well . Labout 16,174 and 1,440 heads of cattle have been vaccinati against rinderpost and hacmorrhagic supticaemia respetivoly .
Total vaccinations for the 1983/84 p.:riod ir : ri ...r ;
135,281 , hacrorrhagic septicemia 5,340 and CBPP
2,000 :
of cattle .
In rural water development thirton wells hav , be!!! drilled , ninc crrectod , 59 maintained and 103 sites for
new wells surveyed . International voluntary charitablo
organizations have up to date drilled 1065 bulls in lon's and kapoeta district .
fice Departient of cooperativos develoment lias establisliod 149 and 39 cooperative societijs in lastern and testern Equatoria provinces respectively .
The departreni oi community development particiinted
in the cstabli shmont of 4 selfheln primary schools , 2 community ontres and
women's grops .
Du ..1118 the same period , in the saw nills 1,024 lors woro
folled , fron which 2,170 piecus of ti:bur wire provucul, 46,7313 of saimn tinbor ? S vell as 300ieces of furniture . Revonus realized during the period armounted to ls.42,084.23017/ rı
Tluc directorate of Tisheries sincu redivision of the sout 113r: Sude has establislied offices at ricucella, inulo , l'orit, Yoi and liaridi , Current stafi strong
stond t 21 technically
Roveruo during the period und :r review onounced to 13.2,622.500m/ns .
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iajor constraints incluw lock of K Dve tra :'; vort facili ties , lack of fun is for service Sexecution om lovalo jent ojects. Delcys in payrent of selries and waites eseci !!!! in rural areas , lick of truined porio nel and accu olabion r . also bottlenecks .
In terms of randering so.n2 health services during the period under review both human anl 120l drugs were distri buted to arcas .
Turenty five stul2.105 of widwifery school
were enrolled in Mid slay this yeer'in June , Inel'itio ! rcfrosin
courses in various fields of humail and 2211al care .
During this period also , the sudan ver an hedical Team ( 5.G. 14.1 . ) has completed reconstruction of the restro el veris of Juba teaching hosɔital , ?ei and Kijokeji hospitals with financial assistanco from the JHCR .
The reconstruction and
upgrading of Torit hospital as continued to progress with assistance from SCAMP and UNIC!. The wudan Council oſ crur
ches ( S.c.c. ) is anosti: aced walls
with to roconstruction or the dar ?.
et Lui hospital .
It is to ever inportant to
note here that in this fields of Health 'lanting , ' raiiin : 2 : 1 Laboratory scrvices, r'rogres : has been registered during üe Quriod in question mainly with assistanco îro
cies and non governnental organisations . ( 1003 ) . Sulan yitirar of the gorian persone ? 19.j seriously affected t2 triling and other programmes .
EDUCATION The education rear hegn 1 ta for primary and inter regiate Schools in Area Council due to del 5 in princ salaries of teacliers and forcers . Doarlin's second ry 30 : 9 : 11: ruined closer due to lack ofunds for
uyi ?
fresh rations ,
English translation of arabic text books have been prepared for primiry and I. 1.cirools in the folloin
subjects :
History , Georgrawny & !'iatenatice .
In - service cours
and jorkshops for prilary and Intern diute teachers have been .
72 '...
organized and funded by UNHCR , ACRO5 , and NCR in various parts o î the region .
Primary and Intermediate al examinations 1983/84 were marked as scheduled . results vere generally poor with
passing percentage of about 45 .
Sudan School certificate
Exa ninations results were also oor , average of 41% poss . The period uniler rivier
1995 also witnessed a lot
of activities in tlie field of roligions cffairs .
students conference was held in Torit attend d by two hundred
Two Bishops were conserrated by his ürace , Archbi shop winana ilga ; ainm , archbishop of the Episcopal Church of students .
the Sudan .
The Bishops are : Rt Rev.
of Yambio Diocesse and Rt .
Daniel lindo as Bishop
Joseph kiarona as Assistant
bishop of Yambio Diocesse . A joint workshop on Christian Dducation Sullobus was held in collaboration with church leaders . YOUTH AND SPORTS
Youth and Sports activities (iring Harch 193 '+ to June 1934 included matched in fotboll., boxing and Karate ,
Tirese activities culninated with üle final matches on the ocean. occasion of 25th lay Celeberations , idi Ramadan and the energing of El IVRIEK football tea : as champion to participate in the National interclub tournament here in Whartou .
of the
Your Excellency , lr . Prosiúent Colleaues le ...bers S.S.U. Central Leadership , During the period under r
raviow , the Equatoria Region peoples Assembly expressin ; the ; i. vises of people of Douatoria Region , deliberated 0.02 on ?
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r solutions on many major issues along which were regtorino overs of issuing Border Trade Licences to Douatoria Region. 2 .
the Libyan - soviet - sthipan attack an Oulu
rman .
the President or the Republic to seriously
consider the petotoon oi ing soseml ; passed in its Lesoluotion Ito .
4,1933 of the Cedoni Sessi n on 15th .
November , 1333 ;
Visa - Vis tive uliaria Laws ,
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Rejectis 50 pzopc002 oct to the permanentcionstitution , 1973 ,
5_ Pullifying the bagreement between the former Southern Region and Islamic Dawa Organization regarding the Sabbah Chldren's Hospital in Juba and , 6. Probing into the various aspects affecting the overall na Agro Industrial Complex performance of Anzara In conclusion Your Excellency the president of the
s ,s.v . and dear brothers , this has been the account on the activities of our Political, executive and Legislative organs of our system during the last six months .
With all the hardships before us , you will agree with your brother and sisscrs in Equatoria Region that efforts have been excerted to achieve something . Our cronic problem continues to be shortage in remittance from the Centre Grand_in aid to the region for boch s ? l rios and
, lovelopment projects . This has affected the government machinerar : very badly . My appeal to you is there . for rescue .
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