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English Pages [36] Year 1984
-43.5 25
الإجتماع الرابع للقيادة المركزية
-63 الخامسة
p12 -49
socialist union
مجلس الشعب القوي امدرمان
Fourth central fifth
meeting ofthe leadership session
- 5 muharam
9 - 30
1405 h
september 1984 m
eople 's hall -
43.5 25
الإجتماع الرابع للقيادة المركزية
۱۶ -۵ التنزه
زهرة عمال
socialist union
مجلس الشعب القوي امدرماز
Fourth central fifth
meeting of the leadership session
- 5 muharam
9 - 30
1405 h
september 1984 m
eople's hall -
43.5 25
الإجتماع الرابع للقيادة المركزية
زهرة عدالت
udanese socialist union
مجلس الشعب القوي امدرمان
Fourth central fifth
meeting of the leadership session
- 5 muharam
9 - 30
1405 h
september 1984 m
eople's hall -
443.5 A25
الإجتماع الرابع للقيادة المركزية الخامسة 5 الدورة
F63 1984
1916 1912 x.39
۱۶ .۵ الفرد
p12 - 49
socialist union
مجلس الشعب القوي امدرمان
meeting of the
central fifth
leadership session
1405 h
4 - 5 muharam 29 - 30
september 1984 m
hall -
HX 443.5 A25
الإجتماعالرابع للقيادةالمركزية الدورة في الخامسة
F63 1984
sudanese socialist union مجلس الشعب القوي امدرمان
fourth central
meeting ofthe
leadership session
4 - 5 muharam
1405 h
29 - 30 september 1984 m People 's hall -
COI LIITTEE 29th - 30th SEPTEMBER , 1984 1 .
( a ) ORGANIZATION ; Between the present period and the last meeting of the Central leaderslip Committee there has been movement in
the direction of progress this has been done in the fase of inany difficulties caused mainly by state of insecurity that has resulted from the activities of the outlaws. Movement tabi people within the Region became risky . with the result that
our Organizational actional activities were slowed down and could not reach the level we had achieved during earlier
periods. The repair of the SSU headquarters that was damaged during student rints in December 1982 has almost been completed .
With the Secretariat and Supporting staff preperly accommodated , it has been possible to organize programmes and meetings.
Durin , this period , the Secretariat carried out a number of activities in the ricional capital , members of the Secretariat also took part in conferences and meetings organized outside the
region ,
With the setting up of a new region in Bahr el Ghazal ,
new village councils and people ' s local courts have been created . This entails th : 1 : 57 . 0 uuring of the SSU base organizations to match the azministrative decentralization Arrangements are
now underway to create new basic and branches . (b )
POLITICAL AFFAIRS AND ORGANIZATION Political Activites : The time between the last meeting
of the Central Leadership and the present one was marked by continued concerted action to implement several directives emanating from the SSU General Secretariat . It can now be said with all satisfaction that our campaign to deepen the philogophy
of Governmental decentralisation has achieved its desired goal . The citizens of Bal
cl Ghazal Region are now fully contented with
the new political dispensation . Time has also been spared to explain the Implemention of Islamic Sharia and its .
2 / .. ..
12/ on diss ^mination of Marxist- Leninist ideas ,
" he Secretariat discussed this new development in acjöche meeting with regional government and the regional security council . A plan of political enlightenment was agreed upon to counter this latest challenge to the security and
peaceful development of the Region . The Security Council affirmed the readiness of the security forces to defend and maintain peace all parts of the region .
And in the light of these hostile activities that
led to the attack by outlaws on the town of Awiel and the destruci. .. uction of the lol River railway bridge , na meetin "; of the 350 p popular and Syndicated Organizations was convened . The meeting condemend the attack of the outlaws on Awiel town and commended
the bravery of our security forces in repelling it . Other meetings were held with members of the SSU
Assembly Body in the poeples Regional Assembly and with the intellectuals respentively . These meetings gtrionad the need to consolidate the internal front and to strengthen cooper ation with organs of the SSU and with the Regional Government
in order to ensure security and peace through out the Region . The efforts made by the Regional Government to airlift essential supply commodities were praised and supported by all the people in
the Region .
POLITICAL ORGANIZATION In compliance with Decrees Number 41 , 42, 47 and 48 , the reactivation and reorganization of popular and syndicated organizations started in earnest as earlier as the closing ::
months of 1983 . Although the level of our activities has been reduced , intense efforts are still being made to finalize the formation of all the organizations before the current year runs out. POPULAR ORGANIZATIONS AA
The formation of popular organizations all the seven Area Councils comprising the Bahr el Ghazal Region has been complered .
esses .
What reinain , now is to convene the Regional congr
This could not be done in the past period due to asute
shortage of fuel in
the region for transporting delegates to
the capital , Vau . 3.! . . . .
mes .
/21 on diss^mination of Marxist- Leninist ideas ,
Che Secretariat discussed this new development in
aëjögat meeting with regional government and the regional security
council .
A plan of political enlightenment was agreed
upon to counter this latest challenge to the security and peaceful development of the Region .
The Security Council affirmed the readiness of the security forces to defend and maintain peace all parts of the
region .
And in the light of these hostile activities that
led to the attack by outlaws on the town of Awiel and the destruction
uction of the lol River railway bridge , za meetin “; of the 350 p popular and Syndicated Organizations was convened . The meeting condemend the attack of the outlaws on Awiel town and comended
the bravery of our security forces in repelling it. Other meetings were held with members of the SSU
Assembly Body in the poeples Regional Assembly and with the . intellectuals respectively .
These meetings straoad the need
to consolidate the internal front and to strengthen cooper ation with organs of the SSU and with the Regional Government
in order to ensure security and peace through out the Region . The efforts made by the Regional Government to airlift essential supply commodities were praised and supported by all the people in the Region .
POLITICAL ORGANIZATION In compliance with Decrees Number 41, 42 , 47 and 48 , the reactivation and reorganization of popular and syndicated
organizations started in earnest as earlier as the closing :: months of 1983. Although the level of our activities has been reduced , intense efforts are still being made to finalize the
formation of all the organizations before the current year runs out .
The formation of popular organizations all the seven
Area Councils comprising the Bahr el Ghazal Region has been
complered . That reinain , now is to convene the Regional congr esses . This could not be done in the past period due to acute shortage of fuel in the region for transporting delegates to
the capital , Wau . 3! . ..
131 SYNDICATED ORGANIZATIONS Substantial progress has also been made in the form ation of syndicated organizations . With the exception of the
Union of professionals and Technicians , the formation of the other organizations has been made up to regis .val - level and only
waiting for the formation of the regional organs.
The congr
esses will be called as soon as stransport facilities are made available .
ACTIVITIES OF ORGANIZATIONS SUDAN WOMEN UNION The women of wau town have succeeded , on self -help
basis , in converting part of wau Cultural Centre into an office where they organize their activities. They have now co - ordinated their activities with youth training centre , where women are trained in knitting , From this office they organized an exhib ition during the Eid of Ramadan to which members of the public were invited .
SUDAN YOUTH UNION The Youth of Bahr el Ghazal organized a youth work
om where they burnt two hunderd thousand bricks in seventy days. The time spent on this work should have been only fourty - five days but work was held up for days due to lack of transport facilities .
This quantity of bricks will be used to
construct a Youth hall and for extending the administrative
offices of the Department of Youth and Sports. The Youth of "Tau town have also been planning to rehabilitate the youth fruit and vegetable farm
that stopped production due to neglect
during the previous years . The Youth of Western Bahr el Ghazal Province also
participated in development activities of the new province , Besides engaging in brickburning for a short time, their cont ribution was greatly felt in the construction of the road that
links Raga town with the Western railway station of El Dein . This road became the life blood of Bahr el Ghazal Region
following the closure of the railway line to Vau which was the only means of bringing sufficient quantitis of essential
commodities to the Regional Capital of Wau . 47. . . .
131 SYNDICATED ORGANIZATIONS Substantial progress has also been made in the form ation of syndicated organizations .
With the exception of the
Union of professionals and Technicians, the formation of the other organizations has been made up to regista
level and only
waiting for the formation of the regional organs.
The congr
esses will be called as soon as stransport facilities are made available .
ACTIVITIES OF ORGANIZATIONS SUDAN WOMEN UNION The women of wau town have succeeded , on self-help
basis , in converting part of wau Cultural Centre into an office where they organize their activities. They have now co -ordinated their activities with youth training centre , where women are trained in knitting ,
From this office they organized an exhib
ition during the Eid of Ramadan to which members of the public were invited .
The Youth of Bahr el Ghazal organized a youth work om where they burnt two hunderd thousand bricks in seventy days. The time spent on this work should have been only fourty - five days but work was held up for days due to lack of transport facilities. This quantity of bricks will be used to construct a Youth hall and for extending the administrative
offices of the Department of Youth and Sports. The Youth of lau town have also been planning to rehabilitate the youth : fruit and vegetable farm that stopped production due to neglect
during the previous years. The Youth of Western Bahr el Ghazal Province also participated in development activities of the new province , - . . bestales engaging in brickburning for a short time , their conta ribution was greatly felt in the construction of the road that links Raga town with the Western railway station of El Dein .
This road became the life blood of Bahr el Ghazal Region
following the closure of the railway line to Vau which was the only means of bringing sufficient quantitis of essential commodities to
the Regional Capital of Wau ,
4/ ....
SUPPLY OF COM IODITIES Following th . cl ,surf th , railway linu t , wu, a Duting was called attended by uburs i the Lical Cha bur ' . vſ Cmerce and wurs of condurcial vehicles . Thu u . tins , which was called , on the initiativu ji thu Regional Sucr tariat
disoussed alturnative cans and ways of bringing condities to wau and ther stricken areas . The business en expressed their readiness to cooperate with the Regional Governent in Overcoming
rising prices and the consequences of Railway line closure ,
-started inediately to channel suplius from the railway station
of El Dein to Raga and eventually to Wau .
A comitte
a representative of the SSU , police , Businession , and local
administration was set u to onitor the movement of vehicles carrying supplies . Although the concerned authorities allowed traders to charge the full cost of transport the consumers , it was agreed tacitly that such prices need not be exorbitant,
The meeting also agreed to combat blackmarketing . FARMING
The closure of the railway line meant that the amount of commodities brought into the region would be greatly reduced for many months. It was therefore felt that the region , barring
insufficient rainfall , should produce envygh food crops to make istself self- sufficient . A campaiga was therefore launched in "Tau town urging everybody to cultivate , The Regional Governnant
made Saturday a cultivation day throughout the Region . Fortuna tely , the anount of rains this year is slightly above the average, ... which angurs a heavy harvest . Already , those who heeded the call in lau are feeding on groundnuts , maize , Pupkins and other
quick - ripening, crops from their garden . The same story is told of other areas . This means that the worst time of famine may have faded away .
Another fact brught to light by the clesure of the railway line and the tenorary shortage of essential com 100
ities , was the availability of enough dura and other crus in
the villages, a surplus which was not brought to the market
during past years.
Naturally , entrepreneurs brought these
commodities to the towns where they fetched good prices .
other words, enough commodities that could feed the torms are produced in the contruside but due to lack of organization
and transport , they never reach the markets .
This is a field
that will be given adequate study to the benefit of both the village producer and the town consumer . 51 . . .
15 / 22 .
The security situation in the Region has been nornal .
Nobody is joining the outlaws any longer .
The few cases tiat
occur consist of forced recuritment and they happen far away
in the countryside . ORGANIZED FORCES (POLICE , PRISONS , AND GAME ) There has been a training programme for the organ ized forces. In may , a police batch of 330 was graduated . They have been distributed to the provinces to increase the
level of police manpower . ided by the
Arms and annunttion have been prov
ontral Government and paid for by the Regional
Government . The supply of modern weapons has encouraged the pol ice to stand firm in protecting the citizens; Desertion from
the ranks of the police cased a long time ago .
The police
have also been provided with uniform all over the Region .
only important thing lacking are radio - telephone sets for quick
and easy communication .
Transport vehicles were secured early
this year for the police but they need to be increased as their duties at the present require a lot of mobility .
The forces of Wildlife and National parks have also been provided with uniform , arms and ammunition and are carrying
out their activities satisfactorily .
The prison forces have
not been able to engage in their usual production of vegetables, grain , simsim
and groundnuts due to lack of essential in puts.
Efforts are now under way to secure farm implements so that the prisoners provide their needs and to some extend those of the public .
AREA COUNCILS There are seven area Councils in the whole Region . They have all been elected and functioning . These Councils depend for finances on grant- in - aid to them by the Regional
Government .
The Councils have not been able to collect local
taxes due to the prevailing insecurity in most areas .
means that the local councils have not been able to provide
sufficient services to the citizens.
The Councils, except
Aweil and Gogrial have all been able to elect their represen tatives to the Regional Assembly in Vau ,
6 / .. ..
Commodities have not been flowing to the Region in enough quantities due to the destruction of the railway bridgey over River Lol .
Arrangements were made to ship supplies from
El Dein through Raga .
This operated for only a few crucial
months in May and June . The centre of operation has now been shifted to Ariath north of River Lol , which has temporarily became the terminal for the Southern railway system . Goods are taken by ferry across the river and then by cars to lau .
The Ferry across river Lol has now been repaired and the vol ume of traffic to Vau is uxpectadiovihastase . c & rkeshonadigsty . -
Attompts have also been made to ship goods through
the port of Shambe on the White Nile to the districts of the Lakes province. It has also been proposed to transport goods from Kosti to Juba and then by road to the region .
air transport served in the first days of the crisis , this
has now been sealed down due to great expenses involved . Since the present crisis has proved that the railway
is the lifeblood for the economic well being of Bahr el Ghazal Region , the Regional Government calls for the speedy mainten ance of the railway bridge over river Lol so that the Region
does not run into the same difficulties in 1985 .
SALARIES There were difficulties in the last financial year
in paying officials of the Regional. This situation has impro oved to osmeistocirct, BreProvs1 ilt was a programa.lt67 Gaypy: thu area councils and former cmployees of Corporations left in
The Central Ministry of Finance has approved the grant
in - aid for the Area Councils .
All employees of the Regional
Government are now getting their salaries , any arrears .
There are no longer
The only problem that is likely to come up is
what to do with employees of the foreign - financed agencies that are tempmarony scaling down their agtivities in the region . . COMMUNICATIONS NUL
Attempts have been made to major roads passable during
the rainy season .
This is why it is still possible at this time
of the year to transport goods and people from the port of 7./ .. .
17 / Shambe to the districts of Lakes Province - Yirol , Rumbek , and Tonj much could not be done due to non - availability of spare for essential maintenance facilities ,
As a result of the railway closure and the suspen sion of Sudan Airways flights to lau lots of potential passe ngers have been stranded at both ends in Khartoum and bau . This is causing difficulties to the citizens and there is need
for the concerned authorities in Sudan Railway and Sudan Airways to alleviate this situation . AGRICULTURE LA
This year , Aweil Rice Scheme came out with a good
yield for the Regional Government.
Ever cince the railway sezoni
stopped operation , the Region de pended mainly on rice from Aweil .
Tenants are making efforts to plough more rice this
year .
During this farming season , many people , including those in the towns , have tried hard to cultivate available
aand for the production of food crops . Once more tractors are acquered , the Region is likely to produce enough food to make it self- sufficient .
FORESTRY The Region produces wood and sawn timber for sale outside the Region .
Recently , some of the sawmills have
suspended their activities as a result of threats and intimi dation to' i workers by outlaws . They will resume their opera tons as soon as this menance is removed .
VETERINARY SERVICES The Bahr el Ghazal Region contains one of the largest cattle population upon which a majority of the people generator their livelihood . This makes it obligatory for government to secure animal vaccines and drugs. So far , there has been no outreak of major diseases due to adequate preventive measures
taken by the Regional Government. EDUCATION
Schools at all levels have opened and are functioning normally .
The UNICEF has solved a greater part of the problems
by providing school books and equionet. We look forward to more stability in the schools during this academic year . 8 /....
18 /
It is hoped that performance in schools will continue
to improve during the year . HEALTH SERVICES There has been a steady improvement in the state of health services in Bahr el Ghazal since the formation of the R Regional Government : Drugs and medicines have been reaching
the Regioni: in time and quantites that makes it possible to : supply most the Hospitals and rural dispensaries .
United Nations agencies and foreign agencies like the German Medical Team have also been rendering valuble i services in the field of health .
Just last week , a plane was
hired to take essential medical supplies that were held up at
the railway station of Babanousa .
These will carry the region
through a time of the year when the level of diseases tend to riwe. rise .