English - Neo-Aramaic Dictionary: Dialects of the Jews of Zakho, Nerwa, Amidya and Dehok (North-West Kurdistan) 9781463241452

Based on Sabar's 2002 Jewish Neo-Aramaic dictionary, this dictionary serves a functional purpose for readers and sc

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English - Neo-Aramaic Dictionary: Dialects of the Jews of Zakho, Nerwa, Amidya and Dehok (North-West Kurdistan)

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English - Neo-Aramaic Dictionary

Gorgias Handbooks

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English - Neo-Aramaic Dictionary

Dialects of the Jews of Zakho, Nerwa, Amidya and Dehok (North-West Kurdistan)

Yona Sabar

gp 2020

Gorgias Press LLC, 954 River Road, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA www.gorgiaspress.com Copyright © 2020 by Gorgias Press LLC

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ISBN 978-1-4632-4144-5

ISSN 1935-6838

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A Cataloging-In-Publication Record is available from the Library of Congress. Printed in the United States of America

TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents .............................................................................................. v Foreword ......................................................................................................... vii Some Semantic and Lexical Observations ........................................................ ix List of Abbreviations ...................................................................................... xiii

English—Neo-Aramaic Dictionary .................................................................... 1



This dictionary is based on my Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dictionary (JNAD, 2002),

for readers and scholars who would like to know the Neo-Aramaic words. I, my-

self, use it whenever I want to know a Jewish Neo-Aramaic word that I have

forgotten. It is basically for functional purposes, and, therefore, does not include

grammatical details (m., f., pl.; regular and irregular verbal forms, etc.), and se-

mantic details (cognates or loanwords in original scripts, etc., which the inter-

ested user can easily find in JNAD, but I have included the origin of the words, be it native Old Aramaic (OA), and, in the case of loanwords, the original lend-

ing language, Arabic (Ar), Kurdish (K), Persian (P), Turkish (T), etc. (see below List of Abbreviations). The following short introduction mostly includes some discussion of semantic observations, especially vis-à-vis English, that I have no-

ticed while preparing this volume.


SOME SEMANTIC AND LEXICAL OBSERVATIONS 1. I will not repeat grammatical features that I have extensively described in the

Introduction to my JNAD. Instead, I will record below some semantic and lexical observations that I have noticed while preparing this volume.

1.1 English lexemes may have several Neo-Aramaic translations, usually loan-

words from different languages, or dialects, periods, or with different nuances

useful for the culture, or from different, e.g. “arrange” has: ‫צ‬-‫ר‬-‫ ת‬t-r-ṣ (OA); ); -‫ר‬

‫ג‬-‫ד‬-‫ ז‬r-z-d-g (K), ‫ת‬-‫פ‬/‫ב‬-‫ ד‬ḏ-b/p-t (Ar ?), ‫ז‬-‫ר‬-‫ כ‬x-r-z (OA), ‫ר‬-‫ד‬-‫ ס‬s-d-r (NT, OA); and some with latent or obvious nuances such as “arrange nicely”: ‫ק‬-‫ו‬-‫ ז‬z-w-q (Ar); ‫ב‬-‫ת‬-‫ר‬-‫ ת‬t-r-t-b (Ar). 1.2 “Basket” has nine or ten translations, according to shape, size, material from

which it is made, etc.: ‫ זמבילא‬zambīla wicker basket (Ar/K < OA); ‫ טבק‬ṭabaq

shallow basket (Ar); ‫ כושא‬kōša loose dress part that can be used as a basket to carry small things (K “lap”); ‫ כרארא‬xarara basket used by porters (Ar ?); ‫מכבה‬

mıkabbe large and heavy basket made of dry thin tree branches, with a lot of

holes for ventilation, used to cover food on the roof at evening so it will not be

eaten by birds, cats, etc. (Ar); ‫ סלשיר‬sallašir deep basket, carried on the back (KAr); ‫ עולבכתא‬ʿulblkṯa small (wooden) —, H tevah (‫( )תבה‬Ar-K < OS); ‫סלכתא‬/‫צ‬

ṣ/sallıkṯa basket, container (K); ‫ קופא‬qūpa small wicker basket (OA< Ak), cog-

nate of H quppah; huge basket ‫ קרטאלא‬qırṭāla (OS/Ar < Gr); cf. OA ‫קרטליתא‬

qarṭalīṯa small basket.

1.3 Similarly, there are several words for (types of) “gift” (distinction — not al-

ways clear): ‫ דיארי‬dıyyari (K < Ar); ‫ הדייה‬hadīye (Ar); ‫ יהותא‬yhōta (OA);

‫ תישתאנא‬teštāna (K); ‫ כלאתא‬xleʾta (Ar); generous ‫ עטאייתא‬ʿaṭāyıta (Ar); great — ‫ פישכש‬pēškıš (K/P); holiday — ‫ אידאנא‬ʾēḏāna (OA); grant a — ‫א‬-‫ל‬-‫ כ‬x-l-ʾ (Ar).

1.4 For types/degrees of “heat”: heat ‫ כמא‬xımma (OA); ‫( כמימותא‬warmth)

xamīmūṯa (OA); ‫ כמתא‬xımta (OA); ‫ שכנות‬šıxnūṯ(a); ‫ להווגֹיתא‬lahwajīṯa (Ar); ix



‫ טפריתא‬ṭapparīṯa (Ar ?); ‫ שלקינא‬šalaqīna (OA); ‫ כלכלתא‬kalkalta (K); excessive sun

— ‫ שרקיתא‬šarraqīṯa (Ar); of noon — ‫ טהרא‬ṭahra (OA).

1.5 Complimenting various honest people: honest ‫ דורוסת‬durust (K); ‫ צאדק‬ṣadıq

(Ar); ‫ צאלח‬ṣālıḥ (Ar); ‫ נקייא‬nıqya (OA); ‫ עאדל‬ʿādıl (Ar); ‫ מהימן‬mhēman (OA);

‫זאדא‬-‫ חלאל‬ḥalāl-zāda (Ar-K/P); ‫ תרוצאנא‬troṣāna (OA); ‫ כשר‬kāšḗr (H); ‫ ראסת‬rāst (K/P); ‫אלחלאל‬-‫ אבן‬ʾıbn-ilḥalāĺ (Ar) ‫אלחלאל‬-‫ ולד‬wıld-ılḥalāl (Ar); ‫ צדיק‬ṣaddīq (H); ‫ צדאקא‬ṣaddāqa (f.). 1.6 Many names and epithets for God, especially in Rabbinical texts, including

Judaic loanwords from Hebrew and Islamic from Arabic: ‫ אילאהא‬ʾilāha (OA);

(live, eternal) ‫ קיים‬qayyām (H); (Name) ‫ שם‬šēm (H); (exalted) ‫ תעאלא‬taʿāla (Ar);

‫ אלה‬ʾaḷḷah (Ar); (maker of wonders) ‫ אואדת עגֹאבה‬ʾawāḏıt ʿajābe (Ar); (merciful) ‫ רחים‬raḥīm (Ar); (merciful and compassionate) ‫ רחום וחנון‬rāḥūm we-ḥannūn (H); (creator) ‫ כלאקא‬xalāqa (Ar); (creator of the world) ‫ בורא עולם‬bōrē ʿōlām (H); (Master of the world) ‫ אסתאד עולם‬ʾıstāḏ ʿōlām (Ar-H); (God of the universes) ‫ אילאהא דעלמין‬ʾilāha dʿalamīn (OA-Ar); (benefactor) ‫ פראאד הווויאתא‬parāʾıd hawuyāṯa (OA-Ar); (Master of Heavens) ‫ רב אל סמאואת‬rabb ıl-samāwāt (Ar); (master of the world) ‫ רבון העולם‬rıbbōn ha-ʿōlām (H); ‫ רב אל עאלמין‬rabb ıl-ʿālamīn (Ar); (my God, my Master) ‫ רבי‬rabbi (Ar); ‫ מולאיי‬mawlāyi (Ar); for God’s sake ‫שם‬ ‫ שמים‬šēm šāmāyim (H); but ‫ מעבוד‬maʿbud “idol” (Ar); or ‫ צנם‬ṣanam; ‫עבודה זרה‬ ʿavōḏa zāṛa (H).

1.7 Types of vessels for preserving liquids, meats: jar ‫ כדונא‬kaddūna (OA); ‫ ביקא‬bīqa (Ar ?); ‫ דנתא‬danta (OA); ‫ כוזא‬kūza (OA/OS);

‫ לאינא‬lʾına (OA/OS); ‫ סכופא‬saxōpa (OA/OS); ‫ קוקתא‬quqta (OS); (large —) ‫קנדלייה‬ qandalīye (K < Ar ?); (large — for carrying water from the river) ‫ תלמא‬talma (OS); (hole in the ground holding the bottom of jars) ‫דאנכה‬-‫ כוזי‬kūzi-dānke (K). 1.8 midwife (old lady) ‫ גֹדכה‬jıddıke (K < Ar); (nanny) ‫ דאיינה‬dāyīne (K); (old mother) ‫ דאפירכה‬dāpīrke (K); (“receiver, welcomer”) ‫ מקבלנתא‬mqablanta (Ar);

‫ קבאלא‬qabāla (Ar); serve as midwife ‫ל‬-‫ב‬-‫ ק‬q-b-l (Ar).

1.9 Nuances of (“manly”) human beings: ‫ אאדמי‬ʾādami (Ar); ‫ענסאן‬/‫ א‬ʾı/ʿnsān

(Ar); ‫ בן אדם‬bēn ʾādam (H); (humans) ‫ בני בשר‬bani-bašar (Ar); ‫ בריה‬bırya (OA);

‫ בר נאשה‬bır nāše (OA); (flesh and blood, weakling) ‫ בשר ודם‬basar wa-dam (H); ‫ נאשא‬nāša (OA). 1.10 Since many Kurdish Jews worked as loggers, they have different words for different shapes and sizes of wood: ‫ ציוה‬ṣīwe (OA); ‫ אילאנה‬ʾilāne (OA, Am); many

trees ‫דארה‬-‫ דארה‬dāre-dāre (K); forest, thicket ‫ דחלה‬daḥle (K); poplars, cedars



‫ ספינדארה‬spındāre (K); box trees ‫ שמשאטה‬šımšāṭe (P); log ‫ רוטא‬rōṭa (Ar); (short

log) ‫ קדא‬qadda (OA/Ar); (thick and twisted) ‫ קורמא‬quṛma (OS < Gr); (thin and long) ‫ ;שקלא‬šaqla (one half of split tree).

1.11 Some worked as loggers-rafters: ‫ טראחה‬ṭarrāḥe (Ar); ‫ כלכבאנה‬kalakvāne (K);

wood-cutters ‫ קטאאד ציוה‬qaṭāʾıd ṣīwe (OA); ‫ כלכ‬kalak raft of logs (IrAr/K < OS

< Akk); raft (similar to kalak) ‫ כרכא‬karxa (OA ?); large barge made of logs tied to inflated ship-skins ‫ עברא‬ʿabṛa (Ar ?).

1.12 Others worked as guards: guard (n) ‫ נטארא‬naṭāra (OA); ‫ נאטורא‬nāṭōra (OA);

market night guard ‫ חסאסא‬ḥasāsa (Ar); watchman ‫ קלאויז‬qalawīz (T); road —

‫ ראהיבן‬rāhivan (K/P); night — ‫ נובדר‬nōbadar (K); police — ‫ קואזא‬qawwāza (Ar); working as — ‫ נאטורותא‬nāṭorūṯa (OA). 1.13 Various ways of eating: — in general ‫ל‬-‫כ‬-‫ א‬ʾ-x-l (OA); — small portions,

have a bite ‫ק‬-‫נ‬-‫ק‬-‫ נ‬n-q-n-q III (IrAr); — the entire dish, “clean” the plate ‫ד‬-‫י‬-‫ ג‬g-

y-d (OS/OA); — fruits from the rind or meat off bone ‫ ֹג‬-‫י‬-‫ ג‬g̣-ỵ-č̣ III (K ?);— vora-

ciously ‫ג‬-‫ה‬-‫ ל‬l-h-g (IrAr ?); — secretly ‫כ‬-‫כ‬-‫ ל‬l-k-x (OS ?).

1.14 Various head covers for men and women: scarf: head — ‫ בוימא‬bōyama (T?); thin — ‫ הברייא‬habrīya (IrAr); plain — ‫ כפייא‬kafīya (Ar); silk — ‫ כסרוון‬kasrawan

(P?); modern — for men ‫ לפאחא‬lıffāḥa (Ar ?); — made of white linen for cover-

ing head and face of children and women ‫ נגוֹכא‬nıččōka (K); see also rope-ring;

cover head with linen scarfe ‫כ‬-‫ ֹג‬-‫ נ‬n-č-k II (K); woman wrapped in head scarf

‫ חגוֹמה‬ḥıjūme (Ar).

1.15 Several Kurdish words to indicate local landscape valley ‫ אאסנא‬ʾāsına (K); ‫ נוהאלא‬nōhāla (K ?); ‫ שיוכייאתא‬šīwıkyāṯa (pl., K); (deep —) ‫ כנדאלא‬kındāla (K); (winding —) ‫ גלי‬gali (K).

2. At times, English lexeme has several Neo-Aramaic translations, all or most are

loanwords from one language (Arabic, Kurdish, etc.), perhaps suggesting the importance of that term in the life of that culture, e.g.:

2.1 Honor is very important in Kurdish and Arab societies; the origin of the following synonyms is mostly Arabic : ‫ גֹלאלתא‬jalālıta (Ar); ‫ כראמתא‬karāmıta (Ar);

‫ חשמה‬ḥašme (Ar); ‫ קדרא‬qadra (Ar); ‫ עזתא‬ʿızzıta (Ar); ‫ שרף‬šaraf (Ar); usually female’s ‫ ערז‬ʿarz (Ar); However, honoring an elder Jew or a Hakham “Rabbi,” a Hebrew word ‫ כבוד‬kāvṓḏ (H) is used. 2.3 Religious and legal terms are all loanwords from Arabic or Hebrew: law

‫ שריעתא‬šarīʿıta (Ar); ‫ קאנון‬qānun (Ar < Gr); ‫ רסום‬rısūm (Ar); (religious —) ‫שרע‬



šarʿ (Ar); (Jewish —) ‫ הלכה‬halāxa (H); (judgment in Jewish —) ‫ דין‬dīn (H); ‫חוק‬

ḥōq (H); Even Jewish terms may appear in Arabic : kosher ‫ חלאלא‬ḥalāla; unko-

sher ‫ חראמא‬ḥarāma; and bow down (in prayer, etc.) ‫ד‬-‫ ֹג‬-‫ ס‬s-j-d (Ar), and its variants ‫ ֹג‬-‫ד‬-‫ ז‬z-d-j; ‫ ֹג‬-‫י‬-‫ ז‬z-y-j. Price (commerce,- usually from Arabic): value ‫פייה‬ fīye (Ar); ‫ קימה‬qīme (Ar); ‫ תמן‬ṯaman (Ar); ‫ סער‬siʿır (Ar); ‫ חקא‬ḥaqqa (Ar).

2.4 Musical instruments are usually in Kurdish, especially wind instruments

(used in weddings): flute ‫ בלורה‬bıllūre (K); (shrill —) ‫ זרנה‬zıṛne (K); ‫דודכתא‬

dūdıkṯa (T/K); ‫ תותכא‬tūtıka (K, originally “small cucumber”). So are some other

popular instruments such as ‫ דולא‬dōla large wedding drum, ‫ טמבלכה‬ṭımbılke, tambourine hand drum played while sitting in small parties.

2.5 Variety of flowers are in Kurdish: wild flowers in general ‫ ביבונה‬bēbūne (K);

sprout ‫ פשכא‬pıška (K); rose ‫ ורדא‬warda (P/Ar); blossom ‫ רפכא‬rappıka (K); spring flower ‫ גולבהר‬gulbahar (K); wild flower ‫ גולגֹיגֹכא‬gulčičaka (K); lily, Susan ‫סיסנה‬ sīsıne (K); all kinds of flowers in a field ‫הלאלת‬-‫ו‬-‫ סוסנ‬sūsın-u-halālat (K). So are

words for “pasture” ‫ גֹרא‬čara (K); ‫ גֹרואן‬čerwān (K); ‫ כויסתאני‬kwistāne (K); summer — area ‫ זוזן‬zōzan (K).

2.6 Nuances of “destroy” all in Arabic: ‫כ‬-‫ל‬-‫ ה‬h-l-k (Ar), ‫מ‬-‫ ֹג‬-‫ ה‬h-j-m (Ar), ‫ש‬-‫ד‬-‫נ‬-‫פ‬

f-n-d-š III (Ar ?), ‫מ‬-‫ד‬-‫ ע‬ʿ-d-m (Ar), ‫פ‬-‫ל‬-‫ ת‬t-l-f (Ar), ‫י‬-‫נ‬-‫ פ‬f-n-y I (vt), IV (vi) (Ar).




(dialect of) Amidya


Anatolian Arabic


Arabic (usually literary)


Bible translations


dialect of Dihok












Iraqi Arabic (see Woodhead, D.R. - Beene, W.)






Nerwa Texts,


old classical literary (Jewish) Aramaic or (Christian) Syriac


(native) onomatopoetic






Rabbinical texts


Turkish (modern and Ottoman)


dialect of Zakho xiii


A a; an (indefinite article) ‫ כא‬xa: xa

nāša a person; xa baxta a woman.


Aaron (p.n.) ‫ הארון‬hārun (Ar­H).

abstinence ‫( פארז‬K/P); see also diet. abundance ‫ סואא‬sūʾa (OA); ‫זידהי‬

zēdahi (Ar­K); ‫ ארזאני‬ʾarzāni (K).

abundant ‫ פריהא‬frīha; ‫ ארזן‬ʾarzan; be

— ‫ה‬-‫ר‬-‫ פ‬p/f­r­h (BT); ‫פ‬-‫ח‬-‫ ז‬z­ḥ­f (Ar).

ability ‫ כאר‬kār (K); ‫ קודרתא‬qudrıta

abuse; be abused (thing) ‫מ‬-‫ד‬-‫ ע‬ʿ­d­m;

able (adj); skillful ‫ אוולא‬ʾawla (Ar);

abyss ‫ תהום‬tíhom (H); ‫ עומקה‬ʿumqe


be able ‫י‬-‫צ‬-‫ מ‬m­ṣ­y (OA); la­mṣın

ʾaxlın I cannot eat; ‫ל‬-‫ה‬-‫ כ‬k­h­l

(OA) lıbbi lak kāhıl maġvannu I (f) cannot bring myself to talk to them.

abomination ‫ מוכרוהותא‬mukrohūṯa (Ar); ‫ פחש‬faḥıš (Ar); ‫ כרת‬kırıt

(Ar); ‫ כריתותא‬kıretūṯa (Ar); ‫שקץ‬

šeqeṣ (H); pl. ‫ פשחתיאתא‬fašḥıtyāṯa


about; approximately ‫ ניזיכד‬nezīkıd (K); ‫ אל‬ʾıl (speak) about (prep)

(OA); regarding ‫ ענד ;ען‬ʿan; ʿannıd


above (adv) ‫ אלאיל‬ʾılʾēl. (OA).

Abraham ‫ אברהם‬ʾavṛāham; ʾavṛo; ʾaṿṿo (H).

abroad ‫ברת אל‬/‫ דיד בלד‬barrat ʾıl/did balad. (Ar).

abscess ‫ פרצנתא‬pırṣınta (OS/OA).

absolute(ly not) (‫ קטעי)ין‬qaṭʿi(yan). (Ar).

absolve ‫י‬-‫ר‬-‫ ש‬š­r­y (NT; OA). abstain ‫ר‬-‫ז‬-‫ נ‬n­z­r (BT) (H).

(humans) ‫ל‬-‫ז‬-‫ ר‬ṛ­z­l II. (Ar). (Ar)

Abyssinia ‫ כוש‬kūš (BT); ‫ חבש‬ḥabaš (Ar); Abyssinians ‫חבשאייה‬ ḥabašāye.

acacia ‫ שמשט‬šımšaṭ (P).

accept ‫ל‬-‫ב‬-‫ ק‬q­b­l; accept as just ‫ק‬-‫ד‬-‫ צ‬ṣ­d­q II (Ar­OA).

acceptable ‫ קבילא‬qbīla (OA­Ar).

accident; tragic — ‫ מקדר‬maqaddar (Ar).

accommodation ‫ ארכותא‬ʾarxūṯa (OA).

accommodate ‫י‬-‫ו‬-‫ ח‬ḥ­w­y (Ar). according to ‫מוגב‬ ֗ mūjıb (Ar). account ‫ חסאב‬ḥısab (Ar).

accursed ‫ ליטא‬līṭa (NT; OA); ‫מלוענא‬ mluʿna (Ar); ‫ וזכרו‬wazıxro (H);

‫ מקוטמנא‬mquṭmına (OA).

accusation (false) ‫ תשקלתא‬tašqalta (K; IrAr).

accuse ‫מ‬-‫ה‬-‫ ת‬t­h­m (Ar); — (falsely) ‫ל‬-‫ק‬-‫ש‬-‫ ת‬t­š­q­l III (IrAr).

accuser ‫ מקטרג‬maqaṭrḗġ (H); false — saxtači (T).

3 accustom ‫ד‬-‫ו‬-‫ ע‬ʿ­w­d II (Ar); ‫ז‬-‫ר‬-‫ש‬ š­ṛ­z (K); ‫פ‬-‫י‬-‫ ל‬l­y­p IV (OA).

advice ‫ר‬-‫ו‬-‫ ש‬š­w­r II (Ar); ‫ר‬-‫ב‬-‫ג‬-‫ת‬

t­g­b­r III (Ar).

accustomed ‫ ליפא‬līpa (OA).

advocate; good speaker ‫אבוקאט‬

ache (n) ‫ מראא‬marʾa (OA); ‫מראותא‬

affair ‫ כלמתא‬xılmıta (K< Ar); ‫קצתא‬

ache (v) ‫א‬-‫ר‬-‫ מ‬m­r­ʾ (OA). marʾūṯa (OA).

achieve ‫ב‬-‫ס‬-‫ כ‬k­s­b (Ar).

ʾabuqāṭ́ (AnAr < T < It).

qıṣta (K/P < Ar); ‫ שולא‬šūla

(OA/Ar); ‫ דעוייה‬daʿwiye (Ar).

acne ‫ שלוקא‬šlōqa (OA); one suffering

affection ‫ חבה‬ḥıbbe; ‫ מוחבה‬muḥıbbe

acorn ‫ בלוטא‬balūṭa (OA).

afflict ‫ב‬-‫ר‬-‫ ֗צ‬ẓ­r-b (Ar); be afflicted

from severe — ‫ שלוקאנא‬šlōqāna.

acquire ‫כ‬-‫ל‬-‫ מ‬m­l­k (Ar).

acrobat ‫ פאלבן‬p̣āḷavan (K/P). acrobatics ‫ פאלבנותא‬p̣aḷavanūṯa.

action ‫ חרכא‬ḥaraka (Ar); mostly in

ḥaraka baraka action is blessing.

additional ‫ זודאנא‬zodāna (Ar).

adherent ‫ מלאזם‬mlāzım (NT; Ar).

adorn ‫פ‬-‫ת‬-‫פ‬-‫ ת‬t­f­t­f III (H?); ‫ל‬-‫ק‬-‫ס‬

s­q­l II (OA/OS); ‫נ‬-‫י‬-‫ ז‬z­y­n II (NT;

Ar); — a bride ‫ל‬-‫מ‬-‫ כ‬x­m­l II (K).

adornment ‫ סוקאלי‬sōqāli (OA/OS).


‫צ‬-‫ק‬-‫צ‬-‫ ק‬q­ṣ­q­ṣ (OA); ‫מ‬-‫י‬-‫ ש‬š­y­m


affliction ‫ ֗ציקתא‬ẓēqıta (Ar); ‫צודאע‬ ṣudāʿ (Ar); ‫ צרות‬ṣārōṯ (H); ‫אדיי‬ ʾaḏīye (Ar); see also harm.

affluence ‫ כיר‬xēr (Ar).

afford ‫ד‬-‫ע‬-‫ צ‬ṣ­ʿ­d (‘go up’) with mʾīḏ­ from hand of (NT; Ar).

after ‫ בתר‬baṯır; after all ‫ הר‬har (K/P). after­growth ‫ כוארסתי‬xwaristi (K); ‫ בכייתא‬bıxyāṯa (< ?).

adoption ‫ כודאני‬xudāni (K); adopt

aftershave lotion; lavender ‫לאוונטא‬

adulterer ‫ מקחבאנא ;זנאיא‬zanāya

afterwards ‫ בתר האדך‬baṯır hādax

adultery ‫ זנה‬zıne (Ar); ‫ זנות‬zınuṯ (H);

again ‫פיבא‬-‫ ז׳נו‬žnu­pēva (K).

‫ד כודאני‬-‫ו‬-‫א‬.

(OA); mqaḥbāna (Ar).

(T < It).


‫ קחבותא‬qaḥbūṯa (H); ‫רשעותא‬

against ‫ מקאבל‬nıqābıl (Ar).


agency ‫ וכילותא‬wakīlūṯa (Ar).

rıšʿūṯa (H); commit — ‫י‬-‫נ‬-‫ ז‬z­n­y

advice ‫ תגביר‬tagbir (K/A);


šīrıta (K/Ar); ‫ נציחתא‬naṣīḥıta (Ar);

‫ משוורא‬mašwara (Ar); ‫ כברא‬xabra


advise ‫ח‬-‫צ‬-‫ נ‬n­ṣ­ḥ (Ar); give/seek

age ‫ עומר‬ʿumır (Ar); ‫ חין‬ḥīn (Ar). agent ‫ וכיל‬wakil (Ar).

aggression ‫ ג׳ ֗צב‬ġaẓab (Ar); ‫כלויתא‬

kallawīṯa (< k­l­w ‘behave like a

dog’); ‫ סרכיתא‬sarraxīṯa (OA ‫)?סרח‬.

4 aggressive ‫ סריכא‬srīxa; ‫ כליוא‬klīwa; ‫ תקופה‬taqūfa (< H ‫ ;)תקף‬be — ‫כ‬-‫ר‬-‫ ס‬s­r­x; ‫ו‬-‫ל‬-‫ כ‬k­l­w.

agile ‫ ֗גלנג‬čalang (K).

agony ‫ בזף‬bızaf (K); a­w­ḏ —; ‫ט‬-‫פ‬-‫ר‬-‫פ‬

p­r­p­ṭ (OA ‫ )? פרפר‬to agonize; be restless.

agree ‫ק‬-‫פ‬-‫ ו‬w­f­q II (Ar); ‫ל‬-‫ב‬-‫ ק‬q­b­l (OA/Ar).

agreeable ‫ קבילא‬qbīla (OA/Ar). agreement (oral) ‫ קול‬qōl (Ar).


Alexandria ‫ אסכנדרייא‬ʾiskandariya (Ar < Gr)

alien ‫ נוכראיא‬nuxrāya (OA).

alienation ‫ נוכריותא‬nuxrayūṯa (OA). alight (at an inn) ‫י‬-‫ר‬-‫ ש‬š­r­y (OA) alighted ‫ שריא‬šırya (p.p.).

alimony ‫ נפקא‬nafaqa (Ar). alive ‫ צאך‬ṣāx (IrAr < T).

all (‫ כול)ו‬kull(u); ‫ ֗גמיע‬jamīʿ (Ar); (not)

at all ‫ קט‬qaṭ (Ar); ‫יגגאר‬ ֗ yıgjār (K).

agriculture ‫ בדאנותא‬bıḏānūṯa (OA

alley ‫ כולאנא‬kolāna (K); ‫ כלייא‬kalīya

ahead ‫ פישייה‬pēšīye (K); ‫קמאייה‬

allotment ‫ קסטא‬qısṭa (Ar); ‫ אפרז‬ʾıfraz

aid (military) ‫ האנא‬hāna (K); see also

alloy ‫רצץ‬-‫ גו‬gu rıṣaṣ (K).

ailment ‫ דרד‬dard (K/P); ‫ יסורין‬yıssūrīń

Almighty ‫ שדי‬šadday (H).

‫ ;)פדנא‬see plow. qamāye (OA).


(H; NT).

aim (gun) ‫נ‬-‫י‬-‫ ע‬ʿ­y­n (Ar); (intend) ‫ד‬-‫צ‬-‫ ק‬q­ṣ­d (Ar).

air ‫ פוכא‬pōxa (OA); ‫ הווא‬hawa (Ar). air­hole ‫ כאוא‬kāwa (Z; OA); kahwa (OA; NT); pl. ‫ כוואווי‬kawāwe.

airplane ‫( טייארא‬Ar).

airy ‫ פיוכא‬payūxa (OA).

alarm; be alarmed ‫ע‬-‫ב‬-‫ר‬-‫ ב‬b­r­b­ʿ III (Ar ?).

alas ‫ תהא‬tıha; ‫ תחא‬taḥa’ (K ?). alderman ‫ כדכודא‬kadxuda (K).

alert (adj) ‫פישגאב‬ ֗ peščāv; ‫השיאר‬ hıšyār (K); ‫ השר‬hıššar (Z).

alertness ‫ השיארותא‬hıšyārūṯa (K)

Alexander ‫ אלכסנדרוס‬aleksandros

(Ar ?).

(Ar; NT); ‫ תעין‬taʿ(y)īn (Ar; NT).

allusion ‫ רמז‬remez (H; Rab). almond (dry) ‫שאדה‬-‫ בו‬bo­šeʾḏe (OA); (fresh green) ‫שאדה ראדה‬

šeʾḏe­reʾḏe; Jordan almonds ‫מלבס‬

mlabbıs (Ar).

alone btıne (K).

Alphabet ‫ אלף בית‬ʾālef be(th) (H). Alqosh (a Christian village;

traditional site of Prophet Naum)

‫ עלקוש‬ʿalquš.

already ‫ פיש‬pīš (OA); ‫ מדריש‬mıdreš (OA).

also ‫ אפ‬ʾap / ‫ אופ‬ʾup (OA); ‫ שי‬ši (usually enclitic) (K); ‫ הם‬ham (K/P).

altar ‫ מדבח‬maḏbaḥ; (pagan) — ‫במה‬ bāma (H; BT).

5 alum ‫ שבה‬šabbe (Ar).

aluminum ‫ פאפון‬fāfōn (IrAr).

always ‫ דאים‬dāyım (Ar); ‫ הר‬har (K).

Amadiya (local town) ‫ עמדייא‬ʿamıdya (Ar); ‫ עמדנאייא‬ʿamıdnāya.

anemia ‫ כימאיי‬kēmāyi (K).

anesthetic ‫פנג‬ ֗ p̣anč (IrAr). angel ‫ מלאך‬malʾax; (pl.) ‫מלאכינה‬

malʾaxīne (H); ‫ רוחאניית‬rūḥāniyat

(pl.; Ar); Angel of death ‫מלכלמות‬

amazed: be — ­‫ב‬-‫ ֗ג‬-‫ ע‬ʿ­j­b II (Ar);

malkılmot (Ar); ‫ מלאך המוות‬malʾax

amber (perfume) ‫ ענבר‬ʿanbar (Ar).

(H; NT); ‫ סמאל‬sammaʾēl (H).

‫ר‬-‫ה‬-‫נ‬-‫ ז‬z­n­h­r (Ar/P).

ambush ‫ כמין‬kamin (Ar)

amen (response in prayer) ‫ אמן‬ʾāmēn (H).

amicable ‫ כיפכווש‬kēfxwaš (K).

amity ‫ כיפכוושותא‬kēfxwašūṯa (K). Ammonite ‫( עמונאיא‬BT). amnesty ‫ עפו‬ʿafu (Ar).

among ‫ביני‬-‫ מא‬ma­bayni (Ar); ‫נאבייאן‬ navian (K); ‫ גו‬go (­‫ גאוד‬gāwıd­) (OA).

amount ‫ מוקדר‬muqdar (Ar); huge — ‫ קנטר‬qınṭar (Ar).

amputate ‫ ֗ג‬-‫י‬-‫ ק‬q­y­č (< OA ‫)? קצץ‬. amulet ‫ באזבנדא‬bāzbanda (K/P);

ha­mmáweṯ (H; NT); ‫ פלוני‬palōni

anger ‫ ֗גגרא‬jıgṛa (P); ‫ ג׳ ֗צב‬ġaẓab (Ar); ‫ ג׳ ֗צבותא‬ġaẓabūṯa; ‫ גריתא‬gırrıta (K);

‫ כורמיסכה‬kormıske (K); ‫ כרבא‬karba

(Ar); (excessive) — ‫כרביתא‬

karrabīṯa (NT); ‫ רוגזא‬rugza (NT).

angrily ‫ באבאכי‬bābāki (K).

angry ‫ סימא‬sīma (Ar); ‫ כריבא‬krība

(OA); (one prone to get —) ‫כרובא‬

karōba; ‫ כראבא‬karāba; be — ‫ב‬-‫ ֗צ‬-‫ג׳‬ ġ­ẓ­b (Ar); ‫ר‬-‫ג‬-‫ ֗ג‬j­g­r (Ar); ‫ב‬-‫ר‬-‫כ‬ k­r­b; ‫מ‬-‫י‬-‫ ס‬s­y­m (Ar); (become

very —) ‫ר‬-‫פ‬-‫ כ‬k­p­r (OA); ‫ד‬-‫מ‬-‫ש‬

š­ṃ­ḏ II (H); ‫מ‬-‫מ‬-‫ ס‬s­m­m II2 (OA).

‫ חורזא‬ḥurza (Ar); ‫ טליסם‬ṭıllēsım (Ar

anguish ‫ אגר‬ʾagar (K); ‫ סכרא‬sakaṛṛa

‫ שדייכא‬šadday(ika) (H).

animal ‫ בהמה‬bahēma (H); ‫דהבא‬

< Gr); ‫ כתותא‬kṯūta (OA); ‫;שדי‬

analogy ‫ ראיה‬raʾāya (H; Rab).

anchor (wood at river’s bank) ‫י‬-‫פ‬-‫ק‬ q­f­y (Ar).

(Ar ?).

dahba (Ar); ‫ דוארא‬dawāra (T); ‫חיון‬

ḥēwan (Ar); house/riding — ‫ קניאנא‬qıınyāna (OA).

ancient ‫ קדים‬qadīm (Ar); ‫קמאיא‬

anise (fresh) ‫חליא‬-‫ בר‬bır­ḥalya

and ­‫ ו‬u­; cf. too.

ankle ‫ גוזכא‬gōzaka (K/P).

qamāya (OA); ‫ אתיקא‬atīqa (OA).

anecdote ‫ סרהאתיכה‬sarhātīke (K);

‫ סממנה‬sammımāne (NT/Rab < H

?); (humorous) — ‫ פואה‬pōʾe (OS).


anklebone ‫ כבאא‬kabʾa (K< Ar).

anklet ‫חגולכא‬ ֗ ḥıjulka (Ar­K); ‫כלכאלא‬ xalxāla (K/Ar).

6 annihilate ‫מ‬-‫י‬-‫ ת‬t­y­m (OA).

apprentice ‫ שאגרדא‬šāgırda (T/K