Dictionary of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac 9781463208912

The main Neo-Aramaic-English dictionary for the dialects spoken by the "Eastern Syrians [Assyrians & Chaldeans]

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Dictionary of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac

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First Gorgias Press Edition, 2003. The special contents of this edition are copyright 2003 by Gorgias Press LLC. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States of America by Gorgias Press LLC, New Jersey. This edition is a facsimile reprint of the original edition published by Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1901.

ISBN 1-59333-017-0


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INTRODUCTION THIS dictionary is intended to be a companion volume to the author's Grammar of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac, which was published in 1895, and treats of the language of the Eastern Syrian (Nestorian or Chaldean) Christians, who live on the borders of Persia and Turkey'.. The dialects dealt with may be divided into four main divisions, as follows':— L The Urmi Group, consisting of the dialects of several districts, which do not aspirate Tau and Dalath. 0. (U.) The great plain of Urmi, in the Persian province of Azerbaijan, to the west of the salt lake which takes its name from the plain. b. (Sp.) The north part of the plain, which may be called the Sipurghan district, from the large village of that name, close to the Lake of Urmi; the speech of this division is somewhat affected by the S&l&m&s dialect (Group II), as is also that of the small plain ofGawllan between the two. c. The plain ofSolduz, to the south of the Lake of Urmi. This dialect is almost the same as that of Urmi, except that Azerbaijani-Turkish words are more freely used. In some of the Syrian villages of Solduz, Syriac has almost entirely given way to Turkish. I L The Horthern Group, which is especially noticeable for dropping Tau. а. (Sal) The plain of SSlim&s, in Persia, to the north-west of the Lake of Urmi б. (Q.) QudsMnis or Quchgnis, in Turkey, the village of the Patriarch Mar Shimun, with the neighbouring district, a little south of the Lake of Van. c. (Gaw.) The plain of Gawar, in Turkey, a high tableland to the west of the Perso-Turkish frontier. This plain and the district round Qudshanis are called 'Bayat' or Subject, being entirely under the direct government of the Turks. d, (J.) The district of JUu, a very mountainous region lying a little to the west of Gawar, and geographically belonging to Group III, being Ashirat, but philologically belonging to this group, as the dialect is practically the same as that of Gawar. 1

For an account of the reduction of spoken Syriac to writing, reference may be made to the

Introduction to the Brammar. ' Tho abbreviations given in brackets are those uaed both in the dictionary and in the Grammar



III. The Ashirat Group, consisting of the Ashirat or Tribal (semi-independent) districts of Central Kurdistan, a series of inaccessible mountains and valleys lying between Van and Mosul. Oyer these districts the Turks exercise little more than a nominal sway, and the soldiers seldom penetrate them. The dialects of this group are collectively denoted by the letter K., and are specially noticeable for aspirating Tau and Dalath. a. (Ti.) Upper Tiari, to the north-west of the group; and b. (Ash.) Lower Tiari, to the south-west of the group; with Ashitha for its principal village. Indeed this place may be considered the capital of all the Ashirat districts. The dialect of Lower Tiari differs considerably from that of Upper Tiari, approaching rather those of the fourth group. The language also of the village of Ashitha itself is sometimes not quite the same as that of the surrounding district, although the difference is not great. Tiari is by far the largest Ashirat district. Perhaps the most striking feature in its dialects is the frequent pronunciation of aspirated Tau as Shin. This is not so often done in the village of Ashitha. c. (Tkh.) Tkliuma, a large valley east of Tiari, south-west of Jilu. d. T under for x under Ja, for j^, sonletimes under for » under for a under a, f o r i sometimes under J, for fc sometimes under ?, and «ice versa; and in the case of words from Arabic and other languages using the same character, when they contain Alap as the sign of the broad a, they will usually be found without Alap in their Syriac dress, and with Zqapa only. All second conjugation verbs, whether triliteral or quadriliteral, with their agents and verbal nouns, will be found under Mim. The proper names to be found in this dictionary include:—(a) men's and women's names now used, of which as complete a list as possible is given; (6) New Testament names, and the most important of those in the Old Testament, especially

1 The present participles of verba ending in the letters whioh in Classical Syriac take Pthakha for the last syllable, take Zlama in the vernacular. Thus O S . « N S . (grammar, 81). It is unnecessary to mention this whenever such words occur. l i b ) was • The use of the final He in the third person pronominal afflx of the preterite (as adopted by the Archbishop of Canterbury's Mission, because in reading Classical Syriac the East Syrians always treat final He as Alap and give it no pronunciation. They already have the form ^ l i s in Classical Syriac, and pronounce it brill (or in some districts bréli or brélé), and therefore, when the same form occurs in the vernacular it is spelt in the same way, and is pronounced by the Syrians in the same way. ' The A l dialect frequently has ¡^ where others have and the Turkish termination ^ is usually found in Al. where other dialects have



when the vernacular names differ from the Pshitta use'; (c) the chief geographical names of Persia and Eastern Turkey, though not those of each small village. In the Bible names it has been thought enough to give, as a rule, one reference only. The investigation of the genders of the substantives has given a great deal of difficulty. They often vary in different districts; so that although the author has taken pains to give them as correctly as possible, it will probably be found that the genders printed here are, in many cases, at least incomplete. It may also be noticed that the Syrians' ideas of natural history and natural science are often very hazy; and this will explain why some significations are given for the Syriac words which seem to be etymologically wrong. The value of money, especially in Persia, is constantly fluctuating. Thus the tuman, which a few years ago was worth ten shillings, is now worth little more than half that sum. And there is much confusion owing to the coinage of neighbouring countries, especially of Bussia, Turkey, and India, being in common use, and to names of native coins being transferred to foreign coins of different value. An effort has been made in this dictionary to bring a measure of order out of this chaos, and the approximate value of the coins in British money as at the present date (1901) is given. The attention of the reader is especially called to the large number of regularly formed derivatives which, in order to save space, are omitted in this book. A l l vernacular Syriac verbs without exception form agents and verbal nouns, and all first conjugation (or Fal) verbs, with a very few exceptions which are mentioned, form causatives; also almost all these derivatives are perfectly regular in both structure and meaning. It seems, therefore, to' be unnecessary to give them in full (any more than the various tenses of the verbs), unless there is any irregularity in their formation, or unless they have acquired a secondary meaning. In such cases the derivatives are given; but otherwise they must be understood to be formed from dU verbs in the following manner. F i r s t Conjugation. ¿ V * ¿0fa'K,makes (1) a causative A y t n muqtil, to cause to be killed'; (2) verbal nouns m. 1, f. 6, qt&l&, qt<i, both = killing, the act of lotting; (3) an agent JiSV* q&tl&nft in U. K., but qat&l* (or q&ttli) in Al. Ash., both m. 1, and = one who hills', with feminine A'iS\ii, q&tlanti, qat&lU (or q&-)> both f. 6. [For the meaning of these numerals, see page xxiii.] From & verbs, as Jj^fo reveal, we have or (magl6 K. Al), glft-yi, gl«t& (glSthA K. Al.), g&Iy&nil, ga!4-y& (or g&l&-y&). From A verbs, as ¿¡a to bore a hole (q.v.), we have similarly, J.«»,



I n the vernacular Old Testament many proper name« have been assimilated to the Hebrew.

A s the reference is given in this dictionary, it seems unnecessary to print the Hebrew form in each case.

For the Pshitta names the Urmi edition of the OT. (185a), and the New York edition of the

NT. (1874', both in Nestorian character, have been used. • Not to MUM to WH. B u t the causative of an intransitive verb has a slightly different meaning; thus,


set (as the sun), JiS^p to cause to set.

A n d some verbs (noted in the dictionary) have

causatives irregular in meaning. • A l l these agents are frequently used adjectivally. the masculine plural.

The feminine plural is then the same as

The agents of those first conjugation verbs which in Urmi have a Pthakha

sound in the present participle (as A w ) , retain the Fthaklia sound as b&z&n& (U.). the form

is also found in U. K . ; these are noted separately in the dictionary.

In some caaes



or £¡.13, mabzi (-z, while s h = * ; or to represent 1 when it causes a break. 1

The pronunciation applies to the vernacular only.


Ymr Bmk and Rrnrd, 1898, p. 38.



A hyphen is used to separate syllables where there is any room for d o u b t ; it does not mean that the word in which it occurs is to be pronounced as t w o words. I n order to indicate the pronunciation of the vowels without ambiguity, English diphthongs have been as much as possible avoided, the only exceptions being ai, and the uncommon au and oi; for final aw, iiv, which are not really diphthongs, see the above table. I t will be observed from the pronunciation given that a short vowel before a silent letter is almost always lengthened. A caution is necessary with regard to the final K h w a s a of the Urmi dialect, which in this book is denoted b y an italic j.

I t differs from final A l a p preceded b y

Zlama in being pronounced w i t h a slightly hissing sound, which, however, has but little approximation to a guttural', and is not in reality like the German ch in id). It is formed in the front, not in the middle or at the back of the mouth, and is distinctly sibilant

I t would therefore seem to be misleading to represent the sound

by ' i h ' or ' i h ' as has sometimes been d o n e ; it is better to represent it b y a distinct sign of its own.

\Ylien a termination is added on to a word having this

Khwasa, the sibilant sound drops.


I n Kurdistan and the plain of Mosul it is scarcely

if at all heard, and the final K h w a s a has the ordinary i pronunciation.

I t will be

seen that some of the words w h i c h in Arabic, Persian, or Turkish end in LÍ, are in vernacular Syriac spelt w i t h A l a p and long Z l a m a ; the reason being that the


sound is not sibilant in those words. Accent.

This, unless otherwise noted, is always on the penultimate, even w h e n

the vowel is a short one.

T h u s on £>Vw máhSlá. the accent is on the short a.


that two Syriac words are sometimes pronounced as one, and, for purposes of accent, the penultimate is to be reckoned as if they were one.

I n this case the words are

written as one in the pronunciation given in this book. Double l e t t e r s .

I n the few cases where a doubled consonant is given in the

pronunciation, it is to be pronounced twice, as d is pronounced twice in the English word mid-day; contrast the sound of dd in adding.

W i t h these exceptions the East

Syrians never double letters; for example the second letter of triliteral verbs is not doubled in the pronunciation of the Pa'el conjugation, though the foregoing vowel is sometimes broadened b y w a y of compensation; and the consonant is therefore not written twice in Roman characters in this book. I t is to be observed that the writing of Syriac words in Roman characters i s a matter of much greater difficulty than has been commonly supposed, both because of the great variety of pronunciations in different districts, and even in different villages of the same district, and also because it is impossible exactly to represent the Syriac sounds b y Roman letters, or rather, because to do so is very apt to mislead the European reader.

T h e pronunciations here written are therefore to be taken as

near approximations only. T h i s is especially the case w i t h regard to ü and i (Pthakha and short Zlama) occurring in the same syllable w i t h j or f ( a ,



consonants be properly pronounced, far back in the throat and palate respectively (not in the least like the English h and t), the vowel sounds follow naturally; but the

The Azerbaijan Jews, however, gay ' The termination e has the same sound. 1



a thing.



English signs il and t are only approximations to them. The same thing is true of the vowel sounds which follow a rough breathing ('); they are then pronounced somewhat further back in the throat than the corresponding European vowels. Further, as it is impossible to give the pronunciation of every word in every dialect, one principal dialect is chosen, that of the plain of Urmi; and the pronunciation is always to be taken, unless otherwise stated, as being of that dialect. In the case of words specially marked as belonging to dialects other than that of Urmi, the pronunciation given is that of those other dialects; and if the pronunciation of a word in other dialects is not immediately deducible by the rules which here follow, it is given side by side with that of Urmi. It is to be noted, however, that in second conjugation verbs, and in verbal nouns and agents, the preformative Mim, which is given in brackets, is not pronounced in U. Sal. Sp. Q. Gaw. Az., and seldom in J . ; while in K. Al. Z. Bo. MB. Sh. &c., it is pronounced. The pronunciation of the feminines of adjectives and participles is only given if it is in any way irregular—that is if the feminine is not exactly deduced from the masculine by changing the termination ¿1 (ft) into {i, (t&), or (&-y&) into ( liblfritt U., [often colloq. libawä-t], libä-waths M a Sh., libä-wätha K . Al., jKSa> libiwi (oxytone), or liba-wihi (-hi feeble) Sal. Q. &c. (These variations apply to all the plurals in given below.) a». Substitute ;e>8| JS.8, J So'(or }cii'); as akliftnS, brother, pi.

l e - j akün-

witt &c. 3. Substitute Jfci, 1, l & l (or J$C); as dipnä, title, pi. {£¡4? dipnati &c. [in Az.>s:]. 4. Substitute ¿¡fl, as JbVk guri, noble, pi. JjÜfV, gvkrüni (-lie K. Al.). 5. Substitute J_, the last consonant being doubled and taking ZqäpÄ, as )ni piqn,frog, pi. tf/uf piqilqi (-q6 K. Al.). б. For the sing. term. }k substitute J^,

(or Jyil) as above; as & X . yalikhtä,

kerchief, pi.

yalikhyatl &o.

7. Substitute

¡ U , }So (or Jjw), ib

JÜ9 sipti, lip, pi. l^ÜB) sipwatl &c. 8. Substitute J.n^,

1&&1 (or

bakhtä, woman, pi.


bakhtttt Ac.

9. Substitute ¡ f . , JSU1, (SZ1 (or «C), as dirti, courtyard, pi.

dar&tl Ac.

In this case J is? of sing, becomes Jiwi or )M'(or Jp»'); as pi.

b&-wati &c.

W 4 U , request, The Sal. Q. Qaw. J.

corresponding forms are (if aing.,


as U f i a Wdwii (parox.), pi. l & i b i U ' d w l (oxytone). In the first four forms, if there is no singular termination, the plural endings most be added on. For special rules for the plural, see Grammar, pp. 40, 41. The Mowing are the prinoipal forms: (a) all plurals in Its frequently in U. drop t> while retaining the vowel, as libiwi-i; (6) most disyllables in drop the point of Khwisfl in forming the sixth plural and add an euphonic vowel on the first consonant, as creature, pi. biryutl &c., but ¡¡&i propheteu makes nwlyiti &c.; (e) polysyllables in £ (which in Q. Sal. Qaw. J. are of the form j S j b f a kdsij'4, paroxytone) usually retain the point of Kliwa^i in U. MB. Sh. Sal. Q. Qaw. J., and drop it in K. Al., aB kusitfi, hat, pi. I ^ e f a kdsiy&tt (!&ja>ta kitstyn, oxytone), ¿¿¿»{a kftsyithi; (d) nouns in —J., in forming the first plural, drop the point of Khw&s&, as rd-i, plan, advice: pi. ^ b ' r.vyl; (M idi, turk. M , f , pi. in U. liStf idiliri to sit), f. i, a committee, a meeting, c£ .m^V^vi. (turk. pi, cf. Hi), in Sal. 2, in K. 3 (but the liSSjsee#j. word is rare in K.), an tiland, ide. àjim Al.=jaal.

ta&l idib, arab. turk. v j I , 1) f. good ijmi, arab. turk. ^ L J , f. a mób,cromd. mmnere, propriety. 2) as adj. with or without i P j agini, or ig-, OS, f. i, or J ^ j agiati l&ù, polite, proper. £ good mannare, or Ig-, OS., f. 6, a large pot, howl, trough. tfl} idihin! 8h.=Mi thie. ighisf, az. turk. ^ U l , m. a man's name now used.

a}; idfl Sh, and ^fe}} idòhinl Sh.=a4 no. 2.

agaBtan=ojVjjl no. 2.

adwt (arab. j j y l medicines), pL only,

UkJ igir A l , kurd. aghir, fire, Lidz. 389,

aromatici, ipicei, perfume». iò?! idwi A l , pi. 1, a lot (=sorg).

Lerch 81.

pàfi adflm, OS, Edom, Idvmea, Gen. xxv.

aghr or

agar, agar, or

égar A l ,

t u r k . p e r s . ¿ f f , kurd. ¿ger Qarz. 244, if, em if. ill^iighra, £ 1 , 1 ) abet,

a) obttinacy.

liiVJ aghri K , OS, m. I, fay, prize, reward. tiSj gàrt, OS. lil^J, m. 2, a roof. See bjr. UiVj tjirà, or in Al. 'J- q i r i , arab. i , U , 1) rental, hire, interat.

2) a ham. 3) Al.

fay, reward. igirdig, pers. w^Taz. turk. sJ^ii, f. 1, a round cake. Cf. Sjàràdàr, az. turk. j b jjU.1, m. 1, Uuee, tenant of land.

30, Mk. iii. 8. £»- an Edmtie. adànlyi, OS, m. Adomjah, a name still used, 2 Sam. iii. 4. joìà adftnt biziq RV. = Psh. m. Adombexek, Jud. i. 5. jBfpió^j adànifdiq, OS, m. Adonizedec, Josh. x. 1. adflntqim, m. Adonikam, Ezra ii. 13 (Psh. »¿a,*})). Neh. tìì. 18 (Psh. jvatubj). adùniram, OS, m. Adoniram, 1 Kgs. iv. 6. ^fiiifi or '1) ad&rbéjin, az-, O S . ^ s - , arab. uljfi^il, pers. yl^A^il, the province of Azerbaijan in NW. Persia.




adftr&m, Psh. p f t u p j , m. Aioram, 2 Sam. zx. 24. *pl 1) Al. Mi or &dhi = ?i. 2) U. idi (oxytone)=£ji. adi, also but -?) adi, La. iii. 28, all OS., a man's name, Adai, Adamt, sometimes now used. £pi idiyi, and &pl K. &dih4 (for # Jjit), turn. (See »?>, fa, >?)• 'J ¿¡¿1 Sal. yet. 'l&i to far. 'ipSa^t ago, already. 'ho within a year from time. See . ¡0Ohp2 idyfl, or ¿m. 'l idyd y6m& U. Tkh., or 'l idyll y6ma Ti. Al. (cf. pi above and piu), in Tkh. often in&J, igyd, in Sal. Gaw. iidyiL, to-day. 'J this day week, this time to-morrow. Japi 4tkh& U., rarely for q.v. seeJi>.

]pi\ &h&, 1) OS. Mr, this, m.f. 2) sometimes he, the, it.

£p! idla K., for £> ^¡t, then, causative. ^ Htlfli U., or id 1611 Al. E., or idlal Z. (cf. pi above and AA), to-night. Also 1 ti*, ba 161!, bah4 lilt.

¡ill, ^sodil hiyi, htyimfin, Qaw., imperat of )t>i. See also +¿1.

ftSpi see l?l.

«iSjd & g& K , for 2) again. Cf. iH^it. peri Ahid Z.=tif. miS M =«».

1) now = £»!•

K. AL, m. 1) he. 2) that (iste)

Joojj ih'wi, Psh. lib, Ahava, Ezra viii. ig. poojl ahlld, Psh. W , m. Ehud, Jud. iii. 15. Jjocii &h6-wt, fr.tfi, «4, odd» and endt (lit. this and that). ^ocrj £ 3, or f. 1, ih'wU, -lat, arab. J]j»l, condition, state. &hi Al. Tkh., or ¿Sj\ &-t Ti. 2) that (ista), i.=Ji. o>

1) the.

hlyfi, Jjil hill, Ac. Q. Gaw., for &J, Sc., fr.

•w-i i i i ouri ahtya ish4r Myi, as OS. Ex. iii. 14, transliteration of heb. HVtK "vj>|t fWlK I am that I am.

>>pi adam, OS., m. Adam, a name still used, Gen. ii. 20; a city, Josh. iii. 16, Psh. isi'l. ¿¿pi idmi, Psh. £pi, Admah, Gen. x. 19. J»?g, £*fi, see Jbeiopi adamuB, OS., m. adamant. ¡¿«•¿pi see '»f!. jipj id'S, arab. turk. U3I, f. f, a claim, 'l ,pai to claim.

p i t , diil, see V £hil, f. id., arab.

settled, having

a family, middle-aged, fiq- middle age. yyl ahak, pers. eUl, cement, lime. Ori ih'la, OS., Aholah, Ezek. xxiii. 4. j ^ j ah&lftt*, heb. ribm, aloes, cf. Acjj ah'li, f. id., arab. J«1, practised, aft.

t ^ i 4hali (arab. turk. J U 1 inhabitants, pi. adar, OS., m. March. of Jwkl), a native. ib'p! idri, arab. pers. y t , m. t, the Baghdad ^¡Awj ahali'aw, Psh. m. AhoKab, wre o r ' button.' Ex. xxxi. 6. see '•?:. ah'llwa, OS., Aholibah, Ezek. xxiii. 4. adermlikh, OS., m. Adrammdech, ¡•n^Vj ihlyfimi, OS., f. AhoUbamah, wife 2 Kga. xix. 37. of Esau, Gen. xxxvi. 2. .aoijUob'pj adramintus, OS., Adramyttium, ^ t ^ j ahalim*, heb. lign aloes. Acts xxvii. 2.

¡ii'p: idran&, f. fr. a Baghdad tore. -i-lpj adri-{, Psh. eg see Jl.

li'pi, one afflicted with Edrei, Deut. i. 4.

wi &, 1) inteij., pers. turk. ¥>1 ùzinti Al., f. a window, Lidz. 386. _e!dkh, Ohi

ai i) K. 6 pron. long, 0 (vocative); aas al K., 0 my father! t) U. 6 pron. short, Ohl 3) ow (rare), turk. ¿1, hunting. Joj S-wa U. K., ¡¿1 &-w& Al

{b^uót?! fizmand&r K., az. turk. j U u j j l , m. i, 1) am orator. 2) as adj., eloquent.

1) this.

2) he. jbcSoao: yAb&lus, OS., m. Evbvlus, 2 Tim. iv. 21. Uisfl (lbrfc Al. = feote, Lidz. 421.


i}M>l Okhdidé Al. = Jjii dkhai, hurrah I aha I as subB. a joyful shout, Ezek. vii. 7. (ikhch& U. (rather colloq.), perh. turk. ¿1 id. NSld. 165, so, so much, such, so many; ; iS^V/l so great thai See ¿»Ajuj. Jbóa^oj y&tikhùs, OS., m. Sutychus, Acts xx. 9.

tLfl tigfi U., indecl., turk. J o j l , a half-ild', Alas! brother, also 'si JU.J; 'J half-sister; 'J Ju jalpJii à-wébiwàs, water, eggs, and onions step-father ; 'l !±t step-mother. boiled together. fljagh, f. 1, 1) tnrk. kurd. jL-j! Garz. Àti óyùn, pers. turk. yjjjl, f. 1, juggling, 143, lit. a hearth (see hence family, trick, play, game; 't ySiti to juggle. pedigree, tribe, descent, origin; a generation; {(àii^ló-yùmbiìz, persjUjjjl, m. 1, a mounJfcioja '1 low birth, 1 Cor. i. 28. 2) pers. ^ j l , tebank, juggler. a large tomb built like a chapel, in Mussul( m i oimà, az. turk. Ujjl, f. long clothes; a man cemeteries, a small shrine. petticoat, Ac. p^ai 6gdd, tnrk. pers. I, f. 1, àkal, not Psh., Ucal, Prov. xxx. 1. counsel, advice. £991 see 'al. b^al 6ghfir Al., turk.^jijl, good augury, hide ; 'l )f unlucky.

jàaflttchpà,m. sarsapariUa.

&4l Ajakht& U., turk. j L j l , f. 6, a mall open fire-place. See

Ufi ¿li, a kind of weed.

Al., see 'l».

dl&gh, az. turk. m. 1, o beast of >$•> 6d&, 4da Al. K. Q., osm. turk. dyl, f. 1, a roam. In Terg. a room on the ground-floor burden, esp. a horse. only. j & i dlid, arab. turk. j t y , m. 1, descendants, see ¡BO.J1. a family, children. ¿¡^1fid&I&Terg., a hay-stack.

iildiahi Al., turk. (jiljJji, a companion, fellow-traveller, Lidz. 386.

oiolfl, Ohl Ala»I frfei yfihadiya, OS., f. Euodia (A.V. Euodiae), Phil. iv. 2. 90J awu Al. K., or ^al U. = an, he. See


filé A l . = c i ^ ; U., here he is; so fem. qSfi fili, pi. ^ S f i ùlé.


V ^ à l Ùlagh Q., hearts at cards.

•lorC ^¿1 filai, OS., the river PW(=Hydaspes1), Dan. viii. 2. J&l fflltt (cf. S£), OS., f. 6, a lamentation, elegy. In pi. the Lamentations of Jeremiah. •iaiol (llchi, tnrk. m. f . : , a measure, e.g. a charge of gunpowder for a gun. gpafaa ¿ty iwal mrddakh, PbL '^oJ, m. Evil merodaeh, 2 Kgs. xxv. 27.

t^&ftfl ilatàkàr, pers^SLjl, kurd.jtfL>p PS. 346, OBt&kar Oarz. 210, m. 1, an architect; fa-, architecture, skill. Jo! fip U., rare in K. = ^ q.y. OS. K , 1) also. 2) even. Often with g q.y. £ Ml, not even. fipà, arab. a l , az. turk. ojl, f. I, a sort between the knee and hoof of a horse, caused by fluid escaped from the knee.

filing., OS.*, m. 1, affliction. ¿oej oma, pers. Ljl, m. cholera. ikJfol ópir, OS., Ophir, Gen. x. 29, 1 Kgs. i u f l flmba IT., az. turk. L.jl, 1) topsy tuny, ix. 28; and so Psh. in Jer. x. 9, where Am. upside doum (not common). 2) = liU^x, ver. has tifi, Uphaz, endways. 3) m. 1, the top of the lap-bone, (he »s&i, see '«. kip, haunch. abgsi see J^ipoi fimtga, Psh. ok, Otrnga, Eev. xxi. 6. AÓÙM2 ùqyànfis, OS.*, ¿««unir, m. i, ocean. see •^tootofi fimftmun, OS.*, Simpm, an Indian spice from which a costly balsam was prepared, Eev. xviii. 13 (Am. ver. Jjfaeg). a»M9l ftmid Al. Sal., also in Sal. 99-, \ f - , fimud,ftmftt,pers. A J , kurd. m. 1, hope, trust. £$91 Amika Al. (cf. tork. to look for), an eye, Lidz. 387. tJieoi fimana, OS.*, m. 1, a ¿kitted workman. aool iiniir, OS., m. Omar, Gen. xxxvi. 11. fin, OS., On, Aven, Num. xvi. 1, Qen. xli. 45, Hos. x. 8. See &>a. a-w4n, (not Psh.) Aven, Ezek. xxx. 17. ^i.Nlijiol iwangaliyun, OS., f. I, nayytkiav, ^[S^iBl Iw&ngilisti, OS., a • I, tiayycXnn^c, omI finfl, Psh. iifl, Ono, Ezra ii. 33. pjpal yuniqt, OS., f. Eunice, 2 Tim. i. g. f i tfln&n,OS., m. Onan, Qen. xxxviii. 4. iiBiya, OS.*, f. oiaia, substance. ¿ > • 1 tisiy&-yi, f. fr. prec, OS.*, substantial.

éqat, az. turk. o5jT, f. 1, landed property, estate. Ml ùr, 1) OS., Ur, 1 Chr. xi. 35 ; Ws, Ur of tie Chddees, Gen. xi. 28. 2) Sh., f. 3, wood (the material) ; a beam. bei=iji to enter, q.y. laòl à-wàrà, pers. turk. i.jjl, m. 1, a vagabond. Also tiiii. 1&91 Art, OS. wàti), a manger.

(m.), arab. c^l, f. 2 (firè-

.feóiaty ùrbànfis, OS., m. Urban, Bom. xvi.9. \!>i?! ùrdàg, kurd. turk. aljjl, m. f. 1, a duck. ùrdù (rarely J»- ùrdù1"), OS., fr. pers. turk.yjl, f., pi. fyf- ùrdùwl, in Al. Ash. sing, also turk. Uijj\, a camp. Ùridkhà, OS. &Ì9I, f. I, a packing JiXt flrhai, OS., Urhai, Edessa, Urfa. (mioifirh&-y&,f. &r, OS., a native of Urhai. .fta&ai M s , turk. kurd. id., Russia! a Russian.

Jjjotag flrupl, OS., Europe. 4-wiila Al., a reservoir, Lidz. 387. urzft, m. 1, a male, of men or animals; Jtafior f&BfittstaU., or 90! MB., pers. turk. or k j , kurd. b ^ a PS. 346 and jlsJ '1 ¡3} a he-bear. (cf. Al.), m. 1, 2 (pi. rarely ijifiiol tistadi Jiiii?! urzaga, cf. prec., m. pistil, stamen, and in Al. ilstayi) a master-workman, foreman. pith ; the central parts of wood.


.^gkSLSfllfor* \taai\xfl A r a m b u g , £ 1, a tarn-boy, hoiden. firkhi, OS., f. 3, rood, t c a y ; the milky



person = *> »a


to go to meet a ; t'l


}pii &z&t, Az&d, f. id., pers. turk. kurd. jJjT, 1) free.

2) as Bubs., m. 1, a

fizidilta, {.freedom,


a , . ! ' khishli b'ftrkM, he went his

yiii. 40.

'{a ¿ d ,{ryn,,j akhnflkhfin

by a confusion

with ^aoS. i ^ M we

akhl^û, OS., m. Ahitub, 1 Sam. xiy. 3. •iii. 16.

2) K . =


holding all.

u . K . A L akhni, or

akhnan U . (so

rarely OS., Thes. Syr. 1321), or ^ ¿ - j akbntaS U.=OS.

we, m. f.

.¡ifcj-i akhnitun

^ « t » j akhlmelk, OS., m. Ahimeleeh,

akhiman, OS., m. Ahiman, Num.xiii. 22. j y y - l OS., or Ahimaaz,

OS., akhim'is or -âs, m.

1 Sam. xiv. go, 2 Sam. xv. 27.

khyânâyâ, f.

OS.*, of


related. iv. 14. frliri

akhinâd&w, OS., m. Ahinadab,

1 Kgs.

or ¡ai-, akhin'im, -âm, OS., f. Ahinoam,

2 Sam. iii. 2. jftffy.1 akhismakh, OS., m. Ahisamach,


xxxi. 6. akhi'izar RV., or iiî,-j akhi'âzar as Psh, Ahiezer, Num. i. 12. xxii. 12.

akhiqam, OS., m. Ahikam,

^i-i see

1 Sam.

xxi. 2.


Num. i. jg.


2 Sam. xv. 12.

h i âkhâz, OS., m. Ahaz, 2 Kgs. xv. 38. ity


akhish&r, Psh. iv. 6.



xxvi. 38.

b&»! âkhûr, pers. turk. k u r d . ^ 1 , f. 1, 1) a


a man's name

now used, Tob. xiv. 10.

•¿i, Btfi akher, akhir, arab. j j , i) WeU! be ture /

2 )Z.

akhri (for li»), OS. j i i l (see i i i ) , m. human excrement,


khara-yi, f. most.

OS. ' ¿ J , 1) latt,

2) the fem. as adv., JinaUy.

hind3) the

fem. as subs,, the end. m., or



OS., or

f., khin&, khitt U . Sh. Q , f., khrina, khritt Sal. K . as

m., ¿ V

f., khirn&, khirti A L

Tkb. Z., often khinft, khita (so also Sal.) or khini, kliita, [in Al. there is also a fem. pL khirnyath&], 1) other, another. masc. as adv., again,

after (hit;


I n Z.

see i&i».


2) the

well / '1

U., the day before yesterday, or the day 2 Kgs.


at last.

a_l = then.

¿U* after



akhsliirasli, OS., m.Alutauerut, a name »till used, Dau. ix. i, akliti, pors, iii.1, kurd. yakhfa ('jakta,'


Gurz. 109), m. I, 1 ) a

a newly




2) a sajiliny, ull



to U. idi 1« L4-yS, I shall not have yia

iv» £

*»fi (or

time; Idi 14

I cannot afford £ J i j i j ¿S^ idukli ¡pi idati la j-atwa, Hay you be friendless ! 1¡».1 to hare done with a person; -«¡W-fc oCkfSj (or ' ¿ ) upili b'idu, it happened to him or he laid hohl of it; f 'l $ »if fax to jrrosecute or to "}>} eul against or from; ^ Wi? V he cannot interfere in this; tf 'l »iS, to cease to support; lmt ui' ; niiityii ltri qiiini (le machklia)

(or yet) turn tjrans;

cut off. ^ i w j akhtùn U. K. = OS. .¿¡sii; often akhtù in K. Al., .^aoi-j »kliti'ikliiiii, sometimes proparox. U. (by false analogy fr. ^aaS), or

Ifik.i aklitiikh Sal., you,

m. mid f. pi.


used when speaking to ft single individuili. iklitiyàr, 1) arub. turk. kurd. jL^i-1,

1,pleasure, choice, option. 2) turk. id., 111.1, an old man; hcuce an orvrwr, manayer. f.

iklitiliit, mali. turk.

ittixiny together,

f. 1,


A & - J ikhtirà, anil), turk. ^ i . 1 , f. 1, a

trivance, invention, sxiyl



,1 •


i', Atatl,

Gen. 1. 10.

J m ^ j atlìinà, OS.*, iro/iot, Jro/iov, m. I, an

atom. utalyà,




xiv. 25. iiioiVi atrùgà, OS., m. 1,



¡¿ifi idin&, OS. brother, brother-in-law

m. 1, a

&c., by

idma-yuta, fr. prec., f. 6, 9,

relationship Irrother.

of a woman to her

[see £ ¿ ¿ 7 ] ,



often used ¡is

a reproucli.

à-yà Al. Z., 1) = Jqi this. tì óya, 1 ) U. K. = « Ì , f.

2) = -oj she.

2) R V . = Jlj Psh.

and old Am. ver., Ajah, Gen. xxxvi. 24.



kurd. ¿¿>1

Haves. PS.


Hullo! «¡1, Jotail, y*>, yoha Tkh. MB. — ^ no. 2. or j ewa-i, ¿wai = aatl iyii, OS., m. Job,


Job i. 1.


347, f. 1, 1) an arbour. 2) Al., a room with one side open to the courtyard.

Cf. o j .

see 06^1. a^.2 ijid Al., arnb. turk. 2) as adj., f. id.,


2) Lid/.. 3 9 1

ewan, pers. turk. ^Ijil, kurd. '» PS.

da»], 900»! &c., see ¡vi. uuj ébù, iuterj.



gives the pi. (idmyatha Al.) as female 1A.i 61m, jK'if.

- Ì 0 , JKTS. tjl, Ahi

a wife's


*intcr, sister-in-law

loss of is.

m. f.


[dist. ¿ a - i i

isoi.1 idamta, OS. ¿ua>, f. 6,

i Tkli. A nil. S u l . = Ja q.v., pelli, from •J, jd &c. ai, a-yin, Gaw., for ¿si,

(idlii K. Sh. (ef. OS. I?J f), which,


Lidz. 392.

atad, l'sh.

t 'i jus to support, Itelp; S 'i to beyin; (ff) 'l Js&o to yive up, yive in, renounce; '2 JtS^i» to beckon ; 'i p f a at hand; ? 'la I% l>y means o f ; p 'l ^ from. See ^ a , Aft,


ihtisham Al.,



idhawidha K., immediately; M WM U. idfikli bit hi'j-ya, Kill you have time I £


I) a


^ J see iz, turk.^jl, f. i,

Lidz. 382.

izwil, OS., f.

I igàhà (proparox.) K., (for J e ^ ^ l ) ,

suddenly. là.2 idi U. &c. Al. (Sachau 18), but Mini K.,

OS., f. 1, 3, hand. Piiuases: '¡t (St dexterity, mlroilntss ; 'la là»! or làfblà.: ìdhiì b'idlm,

laV.«.! or senger;

a path, track, trace.


2 Kgs. ix. 36.

izgnda, both OS.*, m. 1, a


esp. used of St. John Baptist. izar'il, OS.,

a JesrerXile.


Josh. xvii. 16

10 itó, as OS., but usually

ita in NS.

= tin, then.

iiSOtt* ^Xil PS. 283, but ilun Garz. 246, 56, m. 1, September. 2) Elon (Psh. ^ij), Jud. xii. 12. ilut, Psh. ' i j , Eloth, 1 Kgs. ix. 26.

itùriyà, OS., Ituraea, Lu. iii. i. JÌX-1 italiya, OS., Italy, Acts xxvii. I. See

A j see X l . ^ 2 ilik, turk. elk, f. 1, a waistcoat. Also

itàlici, OS., Italian, Acts x. i.

QtfX ishlik. ¿lchi, turk. pers.

&JÌ K., she — *ói. akh, rarely Skh, iu Al. Ma'l. ékh, OS., also 'a Al. and ^tà q.v., i) as. 2) about, nearly (esp. with numbers). 3) like, according to or as. With affixes ntf àkh diyi &c., ur in Ti. Ash. Al. as OS. cjNòaj akhwàthi (-é); nis'o ' a j unit piNoa khwathé. jà»2 ékà, as OS., or ikà Sal. Q. Gaw. Bud sometimes U., where, interrog. and rei. Before &c. often shortened to Ja, as kél! (in Ti. Ash. chèli), where is he ! So or ' j i lékà or l'ékà, whither! Jà.2» mélià, which Kay, whence Ì yiiS.l ikàbùd, or as RV. foaà.; ékàwud, Fall, iòàó., Ichabod, 1 Sam. iv. 21. j i s b à j ékà-yùtà, fr. place, situation.


i, an

ambassador ; l&f- an embassy. jA,I ilim, Psh. ¡aAi, Elim, Ex. xv. 27. ilana, OS., m. 1, a tree. ^ k V l ilparan, Psh. ^


Gen. xiv. 6. )in\.l ilqana RV., sec 'Vr. ilshadi, OS., m. El Shaddai, God Almiyhty, Gen. xliii. 14. ¡OLj ¿1st, OS., Elatk, Deut. ii. 8, (RV. i V iltha Tkh. (in OS., a branch, dim. of produce, fruit.



¿¿fi ima Ti. = ¡¿.j ¿ma Al. Z. =

f. 6, 9, locality,

imim RV. or

ima-yi old Am. ver.,

Psh. ¡act, Emims, Gen. xiv. 5.

fJS.SiaJ ékiptàsi (see Jeda) sour pounded meat.

¿ « J imiima, OS., m. 1, 1) day (opp. night), 2) in pi. as adv., by day.


3) see

1 ikiligh, az. turk. (jLJol, the two, deuce, at cards.

¿1.2 ¡man, or in Ti. ¡¿.1 inia = OS.

*oa»i see

when 7 p

A.Ì ¿1, turk. JjI, kurd. él PS. 283, also J-c PS. 320, f. 1, a tribe, cf. Ali.. X } il, OS.*, in. XI, God ; A a il, OS.*, my God, Mat. xxvii. 46, (Psh. A j ) . " m élà, OS., 1) m. 1, 3, a hart. 2) Elah, Qen. xxxvi. 41, (RV. ' 4 •V'ita. ^Al

Xl-elohe-Israel, Gen. xxxiii. 20.

which of them 1

lifl ini (kurd. ina now, whereupon, PS. 284), l)but.

2) yet;

.4.* ¿m (for

fa...^although...yet. = foil. i - i 1 f. for m.), OS.

c ' 1' 'El-bethel, ' a noun immediately following.

eee s ó\.l.


2) with


(she, they) who, that (tho»e) which. J - ^ i enii-yuta. OS.* (fr. OS. ji-i), f. 6, 9, gram, a case. iyasun, OS., m. Jason, Rom. xvi. 21.

,)aiui see 'Si.

1 Kga. iv. 3 1 .

¡ ¿ j akha, esp. A l . , or Jii akha, esp. K . Q., or M ; ikha Sal. = O S .


Prov. x x z . 1.

^ 2 see ¡¡ft.

¡ ¿ ¿ J see 'e>

often now used as

a man's name, 1 Chr. ii. 13.

Mat. i. 14.

•a^ai akhish, OS., m. Achish,

1 Sam. xxi. 1 0 ,


^ i b l see £ . 1 . JaaJ and JaxJ q.v. ichkA, ishkfi, by metath. X i B i . 1 ishmail, OS., m. Ishmael, 15, sometimes now used

Qen. xvi.

as a man's


fr. turk. kriji, f. 3, 1) heel. .2) ankle bone. 3) door, sill, threshold,

See ' M .

Hkhil, OS., 1) to eat, consume.

fel it U . , ith K . (isli Ti.), sometimes ith A l . (usually it before S in K.), OS., also

tthin, there is, there are;


¿.1 it li, often in

AL tfkfl itS, he has, or rarely in K. he can; tfrl ith bi (b4 Al.) or v f y l itt, iti, or »is &.J ibi, ibi, all K . A l . he can;

¡ i a i > Jc&ja N.2 ith

b'alahi, liwadha K., God can do.

Cf. ¿»5.

¿¡I m., .Csli f., ayit, ayat A l . •-= M , Lidz. 395.

esp. with jjifa.

2) met.

PHRASES : Jmjk, '2

(U.) or j S ^ ' i ( K . ) or JbSji '2 (K.), to threaten

jk^'2 or


'2 or f i . '2 to take trouble or to

be in trouble (see pension;

; ¡¡¿^ 'i to receive a

'2 to eat one's words;

^ooj 'l

to break a fist

b y eating meat or animal food;



'2 to


(turk. eU>


isub '1 to take bribes (turk. dUj o j ^ ) . £ » 2 or ^>01, iklila, Ukhla, O S . ' j or '2, m. 1,

see Aj.1.



to embezzle,

t 2,

-¿».1 &c., tee ¡vi.

¿¿~i Ti. see ^is..

1) a moth.

2) a bookworm (lit.).

4) itching. see . i ^ ilish w&isli, turk. y l ^ j ,ji!l, trade

Ezek. xxvii. 7. • - - A ' ilijhma, OS., m. Elishama, Num. i. 10,

(retail), peddlery, lit. taking, giving, see A - l .



2) f. a woman's name now used.

ilnatan, Psh. ^ 2 , m. Elnathan, 2 Kgs.

ilisha, OS., m. Elisha, Elishua, used

see foil.

still as a man's name, 2 Kgs. ii. 1. \ i i A 2 ilish&pat, OS., m, Elishaphat, 2 Chr. xxiii. 1.

or'to or Al., in Sal. = OS.

¿¡¿2 ilita, OS., f. 6, a sheep'8 tail.

iltikh, bil-, 111-, all U. K.

'iltikh, in Al. also c ^ 1) below, down.

^ , prep, beneath.


2) followed by

is also downwards, 'l ft

from below.

alkimya, arab. W i l , f. alchemy. aliksan, russ., = foil., Alextrn, used in U. as a man's name. j M i u e ^ j uliksandrus, OS., 111. Alexander, sometimes now used as a man's name.

iltizam, arab. turk.

an under-

taking in writing not to offend again, a bail bond cxacted by a magistrate;

'i Sai to

bind a person over. Lit. uny undertaking.


14 il'tma, butter and eggt slightly cooked. jaxt&l iltim&s, arab. turk.

f. i, a


Jiii amini, 1) K. A l . = ] U o U . 0 S . Jfcoj, Amana, Cant. iv. 8.

2) Fsh.

3) AL = * j U .

.caxi amnun, P a h . m . Amnion, 2 Sam. iii. 2.

| i z o x i & l iltim&schi, az. turk. ( ¿ f l j l , m. i ,

»•(•iyjj imini (proparox.), which of them t

a petitioner. j altipat (-fat), arab. turk. uaUsJI, f. i , a compliment, attention paid to a person, ama, Fsh.

Ammah, 2 Sam. ii. 24.

Jui ¡¡¿. * see iT JicJ ima, f. 1, rarely dred;

ma as OS., a hun-

'J 100 men. In letters, JO. PI. J&i amag, turk. eUl, work, toil, eare. amij, arab. pers. gUI, f. 1, aim, mark,

.ta.SiW.1w} or 1 , ampiptilis, am-, OS., Amj&oj\Aioi ampli-As, OS., m. Amplias, Bom.

asl Ti. see itpl.

xvi. 8.

fatal see jawf. fax! imud Al. = xJMl, Lidz. 399.

AIM»! impriyal, m. a Russian gold coin,

^¡ei amun, OS., m. Amon, king of Judah, Dist.

1) properly a corn worth about 32s. j but 2) usually the half imperial, about 16«.

¿aul amfis, OS., m. Amoa, father of Isaiah, Diet. JkoiaL.

JboisSlMl impratfir*, m. 1, an emperor [vernacularly Jalio],

laaaai amura, 1) see W

2) Al., a r a b . I ,

a thing, Lidz. 399.

¿m! ami? U., by metath. for JgJo q.v. i^ii amasya, or as Psh. itfitoi, m, Amaxiah,

J^Eidaei amuri-yi, f. It--, OS., an Amorite, Qen. x. 16. jboy&Nwi amutistus, OS., m. 1, amethyst. amzuk, turk. e}j*li a spcwt, the nipple of a child's bottle.

2 Kgs. xii. 21. Xtwi amaqta, OS., £ 6, the gecko, a kind of lizard, Lev. xi. 30. amir, OS., 1) to say. (with ^ = about).

amin, amina (or 4m-) K. Al. as 1) sure, trustworthy. 2) per-

petual. cf. prec., 1) f. id.,

sure, certain, peaceful.

2) as subs., safety.

3) as adv., or with a , securely, safely. bjoi amir, OS., fr. arab. turk. ^ J , m. i, an Ameer, Emir. m. 1, an

admiral. &malk&, perh. pers. ¿.T, arab. the name of a tree. ^•i am&n, arab. turk. U U , 0 mercy! a cry of distress; lit. respite, delay.

d'amrin ia used in

K. to correct a mistake: Simon, no, I mean John. .. .«£}

¿«¿tttj amtoa-i, pers.

amiral, arab. turk.

2) to mention,

tell. 3) to name, call. 4) esp. K. Al. to speak

aroin, OS., f. Amen, verily. OS., arab.

a depositary, Lidz. 400. phipdis, Acts xvii. 1.

target, lit. and met.

Isa. i. 1.

£j»i amanat, pers. kurd. turk. o i U , arab. i>U, f. 1, a trust, deposit. In K. £ » ! aminti, Lidz. 400. iatviii amanatkir AL, kurd.jUciU, m. 1,

imayi, arith. hundred» of units.

2 Kgs. xxi. 18.

amnat, OS.*, gram, a memoria technica for the letters which are prefixed to roots to make the tenses of verbs.

^ia'lf ^naf Used impersonally,

ts} bit pa-ish mlra ill..., he

shall be called...

In Ti. the pret. is up.»*

mid!, imp. josol mud. tool imir, Fsh. a^ui, limner, Ezra x. 20. =

no. 2, Lidz. 401, arab.y.1.

l«*£asj amrazl, implements of husbandry, ^ffiui amrikhas, az. turk. ^ L s ^ l , m. a man's name now used. amerpil, OS., m. Amraphel, Qen. xiv. I, (RV. jLajuil imeriqana, 1) American, usually £a-

15 in this sense. 2) imported calico, cotton (the and

stuff). Cf. ifcuiip

f i j f l amiti, Pah.

Amtttai, Jon. i. I.

^ an K. Sal. Al., see ^ti. ^g in, OS. and kurd. J

283, 1) i f , whether. K . OS., either ...or. duced by

in both senses PS.

2) K. =

or ;

When the clause intro-

ends in an aposiopeBis

not, H ^ turdy.

••• is


Cf. Iaa. xxii. 14.

¡1), 1) see ft. 2) see

i w i y ! intyAkh, or as Pah. fr>Vi inftakhyl,

Antioch, Acta xi. 26. ¿¿¿¿¿I antylkhi-yi, f. jfc-, OS., a man of Antioch, an Antiochme, Acts vi. 5. Jftaa\»i anflyakhfis, OS., m.

m. avrixpumt, Antichrist, 2 Joh. 7. ftoV^yj xxiii. 3 1 .

J)j ant U. Ti., or

antfp&tr&s, OS., Aniipatris,


- i = j»i. t i t U. K. Al. Z., or

ini, 1) OS. '2, /, m. f. (see ^ t s for ¿a jii &c.). 2) Ash. = foil.

1) these.


liboyajiV.y} an(ikris(d8, or .Ba^b.^-, OS.,

an& Ash. Tkh., m. f.

2) Bometimes, they (=t»i).

i n i AL, also Ni,

an, anihi, they, those, m. f. U i any» E . (not Ash.) AL = Jjj. ^ij aniyA, OS., m. JSneat,

AjaoS&i see 'Mi.

Acts ix. 34.

tyji aniht U., tfuj inyihi, Jj? enzalt, pers. J^il, Enzeli, the port of Resht, on the Caspian Sea. anJtftroiya, (•* amrofiia,

q.v., purpose,


518. ink&r, arab. turk. kurd.jUil (cf, fcaija),

f. 1, denial, refuted. ¿KpM]failfigtyi,anAoyta, f* analogy. iinaligis, o«tXwit, f.* 1 )


2) arith. rule cf three, proportion. Jouj ananqt, OS*., awy«ij, f. necestUy,


ix. 16. ¿ ¿ 4 ) ananqa-ya, f. ]!*-, OS.*, amymoot,


t^iif andam, pers. turk. ^Ijjl, m. 1,

comeliness, form.

V i see V .


JZaXfAfi inislmfts, 1) OS., m. Oneiimue, ir. 9. 2) f. a woman's name now used. .ftittft,»)! anistp&rfis, OS., m. 2 Tim. i. 16.



i&fi&i ing&nftta (fr. arab. ^ L i l a human

being), f., 1) a humane nature.

2) woman-

liness (in a good sense). ^ u j an'am, arab. turk.

f. 1, a g i f t ,

present; a price at school. £»j ampa, m. 1, 1) as OS., the heron, Lev. xi. 19. 2) also used for a wild goose, and a crane. paii) see 'Jl. insap, arab. turk. l istiimklia, OS.*, m. 1 , trriiwx", stomach, 1 Tim. v. 23. ¿ ¿ V & 1 see ' V s . ^•V*!


J ,


« ¿ ¡ a ^ l b i istikhiyfis, OS., m. Stachys, Rom. xvi. 9.

isfla, OS.*, f. 1 , otoXij, a long robe ?ift\,fni iatapana, OS., m. Stephanas,

•a»>iiiy»; istapanus, OS., m. Stephen, still

ntai^ám Al., Sachan


JJiVbl or 'SjsJ, istra, istra, OS.*, m. f. 3, uarijp, 1) a crescent, used esp. in K . . o f the Turkish national symbol.

2) K., a coin.

is^rulugiya, OS., aarpoXvyia, f. I ,

88. 8 7 .

}¿i ása, 1 ) OS., m. 1, myrtle.

2) OS., Asa,

king of Judah, 2 d i r . xiv. 1. tainly,

1 Cor.

i. 1 6 . used as a man's name, A c t s vi. 5.

ati, m. f.


is^ikun, russ., m. 1 , a

tumbler, glass.

or garment,


^Ld^it intiqim Al., or

OS.*, elemental,

sec 'MM.

^¡síi atin U. K., atliin in Tul, m. f. = prcc. urab, turk. « U s j l ,

£ b m V » 2 istiiksa-ya, f. elementary.


f. ut or i t but alb in Tkli., OS.,

In K . Gaw.

pi.), element.


OS., i ) humane,

inshal-lá, anib. turk. pars. ¿1£2 ixi-ut, or usually ¿«lag isút, uz. turk. a á f t j usliáb, arab. u L I , ill. I , 1 ) an instru2) in pi .fire


isñal mbat, 1 ) arab. turk. o U I , f. ¿1 4sar, see •pZai islam, arab. turk. pera. , m. Islam,

iai, OS., rarely y&sir, to bind, join Mohammedanism. together, connect; 1S»£>1 bound to a wife, jiSpi see Jiai. 'l to gird oneself; loa 'i .S.iijiffil ism&'il, arab. J - f L J = N.iw.l, I mad, 1 Cor. vii. 2 J ; to put on eackcloth. Caus. q.v. much used as a man's name. l&bl or sira, syarit, m. t, 1) v. n. of bofti asmar, arab. pers. turk. f. a prec. 2) a girdle. woman's name now used; lit. dark comUttj asara, or is-, m. 1, 1) OS.* (West Syr. plexioned, cf. foil. 'j), a particle, in grammar, esp. a conjunction. t ^ a e j asmiri, f. id., cf. prec., dark com2) Al. Ash., agent of phxioned, auburn. isarkhaddn RV., or sarkhaismargil (fr. arab. pers. turk._^l dum Psh. and old Am. ver., m. Esarhaddon, dark, Jfclay?), m.fim dust applied to the 2 Kgs. xix. 37. bodies of infants. $£fti asr&na U. K., m. 1, 1) agent of £iftf asna-yi, OS.*, the Essenes. hence 2) often with a bookbinder. i j i o j asn&par, Psh. M^Si Asnapper, Ezra ¿ ¿ ¿ i see y . . iy. 10. lp&fci see \ f t ' . bi&i asnat, Psh. ifjai q.v., Asenath, Oen. xli. 45jaaf wis, 1) Al. Tkh., arab. turk. y.L.1, f. 1, foundation. 2) furniture. jjii aeap, OS., m. Asaph, 2 Kgs. xviii. 18. •pio) or ispahan, pers. y l ^ l or ' J , Ispahan, the ancient capital of Persia.

Al. = 'ft, f. 6, mistress, frijai see \ f t . sJi&l istlr, OS., f. Esther, still much used as a woman's name, Esth. ii. 7. ^fcfti see \ a l .

¿fai^ft} or or or '£ftl istambul, Ji^aSal ispfiga, OS.*, aniyyot, f. f , sponge, sta-, sta-, iff-, turk. J^IILJ = tit n/n iriXa, f. Mat. xxvii. 48. Constantinople, Stambul. liLaal see 'to. ^¿^¡Al ¡8timal Al., arab. Jl**£.l, use, adA^UbJ ispanagh, pers. arab. ^liUJ, turk. ministration, Lidz. 403. e)l~J, f. 1, spinach. ii&i astir, arab. turk.^U (fir. arab. to ispaniya, OS., f. Spain, Rom. xv. 24. cover), m. 1, lining of a coat See.


è\cn\^r«' •aóbuMi apaìntùa, OS.*, ttyivAiw, absinth,

lifts»; see \ b l and fcttta*.. MiJjjjiij astarabad, pers.

a city of

wormwood. t ¡toniajj apisqupà, OS.*, m. 1, «nVxoirot,

Persia. jbis^a} liJSj istar istamas, turk.


¿ ¿ s j apsàrà Al., OS., kurd.^Li» PS. 344,

willy niUy, nolens voleiu. Al. =

a bishop. See $oaj. m. i, a bridle.

Lidz. 383.

àpàprùditùs, Psh.'j, m. Epaphro-

t ^ M J ttibar, arab. turk. jUicI, f. trust, confidence;

ditus, Phil. ii. 25.

id. 5 ' 1 l i i a fiduciary,

ijs: apsà, OS., m. 1, gad, gall-nut.

} ^aols^l itubar = prec. Ji ap K . as OS. = Jo: U., alto, even ; i . Jl ^ia &p kh4 minan K . = '$01 U., not one qf us; >Xsi not even. See ^i.

oiài àpàq, OS., Aphek, 1 Sam. iv. 1. Jifisi or }ò-, àprikà, -qà, or as OS. *h-

Jij see V-

apriqi, Africa.

see '». $ see

tA^sj apsàl or af- Al., f. id., arab. J i J l , dear, precious, expensive.

>i.\l} aprim, OS., m. Ephraim, Ephrem,

p f i , aipi, » J t a .

IpoJJ ipflda, OS. ' f , i.i,

a name commonly now used, Jud. v. 14; £à-

an ephod.

.^¿aifi.pfl.lfln,OS.'o&j, Apottyon, Rev. ix. 11. jioioM apfllftniya, OS., Apdlonia,


xvii. 1.

an Ephraimite. jaisì aparim, usually àf-, or 'oi Spàrim Sal., or ' J épàrim K., or '»ì àmpàrim Ti. (all proparox.), pers. kurd. turk. ^ T or

JboScd JKo^i aplyfls purus, OS., Appii Forum, Acts xxviii. ig.

àpràt, OS., Ephrath, Gen. xxxv. 16.

Jbeiioh.»} apiqflrfls, OS., m. Epicurus, Acts xvii. 18;

bravo /

well done!

OS., a» Epicurean.

aperta, OS., Ephrata, Mie. v. 2 ; J&an Ephrathite, 1 Sam. xvii. 12.

apali, OS., 111. ApelUs, Bom. xvi. 10. . ¿ i ^ i apilghun, OS., m. PUegon, Hum. xvi. 14.

is$Ì óshar, or '¿ài hóshàr, az. turk.jliil and jLii», m. 1, an Azerbaijan Mussulman. ¡01 iptà, a rope or leather strap in a plough

&palu, OS., m. Apallos, 1 Cor. i. 12. apin, OS. =

Ji, although, even i f ; often

answered redundantly by


, yet.

afendi K., turk. j j i u l fr. aiBmrn, m. 1, 1) a gentleman. man's name = Mr.

2) as a title after a

i ^ S ! iptikhàr Al., arab.

Jiiii aptapà, pers. w b t , f. 1, a washing-jug. J&^i asakhta, OS., f. 6, a copy of a book Sc., a codex, manuscript.

jB&gigl apintus, OS., in. Epenetus, Rom.

^tk), 1) difficulties.

Sir, my Lord, as turk.


istangi (cf. arab. e l u n a n w , and 2) esp. in a mountain,

a difficult pass or track.

xvi. 5. jw>j

(see aJbo),

boasting, pride, Lidz. 540.

In Al.


3) Sir (vocative).

fixing the ¿oda to the yoke.

apis diumm, Psh. ,Joa>


dammim, 1 Sum. xvii. 1. .3! apsuu, or af-, pers. ^^-jl, f. serpentcharming. J^aiomai apsunclit, af-, az. turk. m. 1, a serpent-charmer. •eoajl apisus, OS., Ephesus, Eph. i. 1 ; OS., an Ephesian.

a j b ^ g i is^angérish, kurd. u & j ^ U J , a mountain in Kurdistan. V j i see '01. tisi, arab. J^l, money lent, jrrincipal. ^ f aslà, arab. kurd. turk. J J , m. 1,nature, origin ; 'i iài of good birth. it¿¡¡.J aslahat, pers.


setting right), f. 1, 1) furniture, often pi.;

19 in sing, a piece of furniture.

2) in pi. also

JOI^JB ^OVB! U. mikhyili zoga,

child]; ¿01 he died;

accoutrements. J^t asli, arab. peri. J J , f. a woman's name a?la-yà, f.


^ u jib; ar'a uiala u., his

foot was blistered ; £cai la ¿LB)

, original, natural,

l'fiqla, to arraign,


traveller, to travel;

inborn. ^¡.j aslàn, az. turk. u 5UI, m. a man's name now used, lit. a lion (for tiXji aslànà-yà, f. lì.- — J ^ i . a class or a trade), m. I, a mechanic,


'l J-i to be a

3 }-» to backbite;

to stand up, rise up ; 'l iSa li? Jt&i

U. to be

See l&i»,

•noSffl aqilils, OS., m. Arpiila, Rom. xvi. 3. sul aqish (making in Ti. pret. and pp. fr. alu, as

q'isha, Gram., p. 120), perh. fr.

OS. a ii* to freeze (cf. l i i NS.), to be cold; OS., see 'at.

8 6 6

in U. of things only, in K. of persons also. JUB

'< &1 '

i^ì àsàr, az. turk.y«l, f. epilepsy, demoniacal

Caus. SOB.

il'j ara, (turk'. 1,1 the midst), f. 1, 1) dealings. 2) a space, interval. 3) area, surface; fti?

possession (cf. arab. ic^o!) ; '1 ¡3» epileptic. Sigi isrà Ti. Al., or as OS. 'al, m. 1, a barn, store-room.


land or suiface-measure.

!5i see &L.

¿òsi iqbàl, arab. turk. pers, JU1, t fortune; 'i ai, pers. J U I j j , misfortune. «.àtjg iqdàkh, carbunch, me«.

iWynrnoii see 'jf.

a rope to tighten it. {¿»dì àqilshqà, az. turlc. siijjf, f. 1, a window, sash cf a window. Hai uqlà (perh. for

OS. ¿¡£j> ; or

perh. jSai, fr. OS. Aai. to twist, Thes. Syr. 2965 ; kurd.jlSl PS. 282, fr. NS.Ì), f. 1, more often 3, 1) afoot, rarely a leg.

2) a plmgh-

3) in numbering, where motion is as J^bi

}£! tili tré iiqli

U., he came twice (K. similar).


|..Stj *s)o\ai iiqlù biplàkhé là, his bowels &a}

- A 4 » to open the bowels;

aij ¿yo^af constipated ; òii*. ¿ A A klìté là, his diarrhoea is cured;

OS., see V .XjJ: erbil, OS., Arbela.

2) a stick placed at the end of


•Xibj see V

Isa. liv. 12, heb.

àqiiltà (or 'i.1), f. 6, 1) a vine cutting for planting.

are open;

libi qishli, he was faint hearted.

See Aj^w.

ispat, see t^BJ.




to lay by the heels; humble.

¿ ì f i asnàp, in Al. asnàf, turk. >_>U*I (pi. of arab.

be uqla k'l

h6-ya, in that way it is possible; 'A J~i mikhi

now used ; lit. well-born, of good family.




Jikiàeù -), 2 Kgs. xv. 25 (Psh. erju (cf. arob. turk. L , request, and gk&ip q.v.), £ 1, 1) a request. 2) great intimacy, friendship. erjwan Al., arab. j l ^ l , pers. = foil.

kurd. erzinit Gara. 80, erzan Lerch 85 (in OS. ^bj = low price of corn), f. id., cheap, inexpensive, cf. ^ j v . t ¿bi arkha U. K. as OS., also ' j or ' j erkhi U. Al., irkha U., m. 1, i)agw»t, lit. a traveller, cf. oh^S '1 to be the guest of, to dim, lodge &c. with. 2) Al., a passenger in a ship. fa- f. 6, 9, a feast. jybj irkhi U., erkht K.=OS, TA. jLs, f. 2, 1) a mill. 2) the game '«act» 0» the mill.' See i&L.

t^ibi erkM-yin, f. id., az. turk. ergwana, OS* (W. Syr. M j ! , TA. (armen. arakhini 'courageous'), confident, se'o^bj), m. purple, red, Acts ivi. 14. cure, sanguine (with ^ = about). erjan Al., perh.=^bj (Lidz- 407). erkh&ligh, or erkhalilij, az. ipj; erda K., arab. ¡jiJ, the floor,JAiz. 40). turk. yll»,!, f. 1, a lined garment. aipb) erdabad, pers. jUTj,!, Ardabad, a city see \ j S . of Persia. «o^bl artyus, OS., m. Aretat, 2 Cor, xi. 32. A^p&j erd&wll, pers. J j j J , Ardabil, a city fix,bl ariimii, OS., m. Artemas, Tit. iii. 12. of Persia. . l a ^ b i arttmis, OS., f. Artemis, Diana, erdakhawik, butter and flour eaten hot. i»*>bj erdashir, pers. m. Ardashir, king of Persia = Artamrxes. $¿¡>1 ardga Al., thick, Lidz. 406. ?ob] arwad, Psh. 9?-, Arvad, Ezek. xxvii. 8; ftibi, OS., sMSxl K. Al., see 'eootel. jisaaxl ishkarta, OS.*, f. 6, an acre. ^si att U., athe K. Al., irreg. verb. (Gram.,

Jat&xj ishlatma, f. id., cf. jn.ySft, az. turk, p. 120; see £xi, and lis), OS., to come; 1,-1^-1 aperient, purgative, cathartic; as subs. iSa 'l U. or 'J K., to fdlow; ^ till U., an aperient. thili K. Al., I am coming, said by a man at .S.yjwi see '*>J. a distance when called. See Jia^ao. For Moil ishmat K,, f. id., az. turk. o»5,1, 1) middling, tolerable. 2) convalescent. out; see ' a . isha-ya, OS., m. Isaiah, a man's name still used, Isa. i. 1.

causatives see under

In Ti. Ash. this

verb is used pleonastically with the historic present in telling a story, aB c^ «¿a? Jsl they seized him. Cf. pga, see aiC.


ieiir/ ithbat AI. = taa, Lidz. 493.

arab. o l ö l , f. proof,

at&nä or at-, as OS., in J. Q. Sal. ¿tfini, as kurd. ^yyl, (etuina P S . 283), m. 1, a


boiJ atdr, OS., Assyria, 2 Kgs. xv. 19; ¿b'-, 03., Assyrian. faAti, (fr. OS. J i i a sign), f. 9, 1) a Utter of the alphabet. psalm, esp. Ps. cxix.

2)* in pi., an


See h~cxa.


i ^ a u ^ } itipaquta, arab. turk. jlail, f. 6, 9, alliance, union. - ¡ ^ ¡ N ithpatakh, OS.*, Ephphatha, opened, M k . vii. 34 (see — i i ) .

ithkarat K . (for & & pa), this lime U.]. atli, turk.yjl, ra. i, o r i d e r , horseman, horse-soldier. atlita, OS.*, m. 1, ¿Skip-lis, a



2) iu pi. often

hence Jkoi'isji


£ » i i i &tanüs, m. a man's name now in use by E. Syr., not by Mussulmans, perh. Athmceus.

Ju^.1 ich'a Ti. Sh., or '¡M acha Ash., with fem.

icha Ti. or ¿g&j ich! Sh., nine, in




•¡x&t ich'i Ti. Sal. Ash., ninety, m. f., in letters s .



, -xtA.

icha im& Ti., nine hundred,

in letters^.


isar Al., nineteen, m. f., in letters

the month Etha-

ichitnihi Ti., or Athanasius,


(proparox. or oxytone) Ash., all nine of them, See jommo«M» and

they nine, m. f.

bit U „ btth or


afjujtts and 'fitsJ..

mm, 1 Kgs. viii. 2.

a, i. OS., the letter

m. f.,

and ItaihJf.

ichasar Ti. Sh. Ash., or a ^ i f i i ichi-

jaiiijj atinüs, OS., Athens, Acts xvii. 16; £>-, OS., an Athenian, Acts xvii. 21.

Jbajalki atanasiyfis, OS., m. a name still occasionally used.



i ^ t i o icliama Ti., or '#¿>2 ichima Sh., or

p & l ätam, OS., Etham, Ex. xiii. 20.

p^h. itanim, Psh.


Stra U „ fithra K . (as if %), OS., m. 2, rarely £ in N8., 1) country. lutra-w&ti, to go

see Ssil. [ = iäß

¡wis} ita'at, arab. ¡cU>, turk. ]>ers. ofilW, f. obedience,


W ,

a ^ o r ^ ^ a q.v., or in K . J ttjl «¿2 i b i ibid.

bith K . A l , f., pi. 1, in K . M B . 2 , = &; when

— t m h SU kh& l'alia, one of this

aspirated it = to, or it forms a diphthong with


the preceding vowel; but if final and aspirated

or 4Of3

(except after Kwaja), it has an almost whistling

iii. see ta.

» i t a he told it at two pans;

measure; Jxa

-S endless, infinite; still, quiet; i j y or Jji merciless; flox Jy stupid; J ^ i ¡¡f doubtless; and many others, all with f. same as m. Many of these form plurals when used as subs, as if careless people. See t»a. ji ba-ij Baz, see li'j^ bidra, in Al. bid- or bad- (Lidz. 410), f o r f t * ? 1, OS. lb';!, f' 3. " thresUng'fioor. see ' « a . •29 ba-iz K. Al. TA. (cf. «¡nolo), to spill, dud, Matter. c£js baU Ti., arab. »JJb, indeed (lit by God), often with fy.

£kgcr labila, az. turk. «Jb.b, m. a man's name now used. Bible.

bibliyfln*, OS. '3, gk. biblical.


Ji^xf bibilta, f. 6, 1) OS. ga, the pupil of the eye. 2) Sp. the name of a small flat stone. •eaa babasi, az. turk. ^ W j , m. a man's name now used. A.i^ii«« — »juu» iaa babir, pers. a r a b . , m. 1, a tiger. baa see a ) . 3 babat, f. id., pen. e o b , middling, tolerable. bag, beg, bek, turk. el), m. 1, a Bey.

J&t3 see jmp. t jjjfci papi d' Al., through, Lidz. 543. See 01. ila see &a.

p i p see ^ f i . Ja^a bajid, f. id. (pers. b with+arab. earnest), attentive, intent.

or lii^ blri, OS., m. 1, sometimes f. as in OS., a well. Ms bi-ith K. Al. 1) (OS. past the night; hence 2) to «¡ay, tarry. stale, cf. ¡¿a. See

baghdad, OS., arab. pers. jUa>, f. Baghdad. to pas» ^ ^ baghdadt, turk. i j j I j ^ j , m. laths used 3) to be in ceilings.

baba, arab. pers. turk. b.b, m. 2, 1) a father. 2) TJ.=oss no. 2. See e»s. J^jia babagl, pers. e)-J, pi. only, the pupil of the eye. 033 babft K., cf. £3, m. 1) in the phrases my father / 2) a man's name, not baptismal, but commonly given to one who bears the same name as his grandfather. Cf.au. jUoa babflna, dim. of m. 1) a man's name now nsed. 2) a term of respect used in addressing a man. lilaaa see l i J . ¿aa babakhan (proparox.), az. turk. ^lib.lj, m. a man's name now used. li+aa babi-yfitt, fr. fa, f. fatherhood. V^I-I = b&bika, pers. elil), m. 1, 1) a male sparrow (lit. little father). 2) a man's name now used. ¿ m ba-wil, OS., Babylon, Babel, Oen. x. 10.

gabfi baghdayi Al., 'Austrian or Russian money,' Lidz. 413. bagh-dakh-pat, OS.*, a memoria technica for the letters which are capable of aspiration. baghdasar, az. tnrk. j - J . i i , m. a man's name now used. o^a bgo Al., rarely TJ., or ¿ ^ bgu K. J . = a or a^q.v., used sometimes also for indir. obj. With affixes, 1 b'ga-wi, -wi, to.— Also ? < ^ 3 , t vi^a or p ¡ 0 ^ = 0 ^ . bajfija (cf. \-i\-iw), m. 1, a reptile; an ant, an insect. 1 baghwan, pers. yl^ib and ^l^ib, osm. turk. mjj^lt (see m. 1, a gardener. Also {^si^ibighw&nch!, with turk, term.^. bjjw&n Ash., costly, fine, splendid, Lidz. 412. ,V-i bighiz Al., arab.uiii, to hate, Lidz. 412. JSp bagliza Al., arab. LaL>, hatred, ill-will, Sachau 144. 20, Lidz. 413.

25 t j i i ^ or ij- bagzad, -da, f. id., turk. kurd. noble, high born.

In pi., a Kurdish

family ruling in Terg. and Sh.

m. 1, women's trowsers.

see *>a.

^ia badakh Al., perh. = oi£ + 91?. 1cell then/

bagira, ba-, f.

OS., lean, thin.

bghirat K., pers. e ^ c

= tsiijb jb,

rarely 'ca, baghcha, baq-, turk. pers. u f b , kurd.

dim. of


f. 4,

an orchard. b'jeldi =

{ ^

well! see! Lidz. 413. ¿ u badal, 1) az. turk. J j j , ra. a man's name now used.

careless, lazy, Lidz. 4 1 3 .

a garden;

see ' u . JSaaa or ^ b u badishi, az. tferk. ^ y i j j l i ,

baglar bag!, turk.^o^JLSCj, m. 1,

U. a hereditary official, a mayor.

2) usually ? 'io, arab. turk.

pers. J j j , instead of, for the sake of. ¿ J S badil K., arab. J J J , 1) to change; hence 2) to take the place of. 3) to fade as light or colour. 4) to be excelled. See ¿ s a g . j S a i badla, fr. prec., f. 1, 3, 1) a watch of the night; 'a # or 'a» or 'a cS^t K.A1. in the morniiig. 2) Al., arab. iljj. a change of raiment,

xAJa see pea.

lidz. 413.

see Ji^.

pjis, p a s , j j j a

badam, badam, badam,

i i ^ hagir, OS. Ethp., to he or become lean,

1) Al. but, nevertheless. 2) Al. then, therefore.

ilgi bajir, 1 ) verb, cliald. " 1 3 , az. turk.

3) Ti. slowly, gently.

, to grow intr. as flowers; to prosper. See iAptt.

2) sec Sib.

bigra, fr. or

^ n a badimjan (oxytone), pers. ( j l s ' j b and ' « b , f. 1, an eggplant;

m. leanness.

¡taqica 'a a tomato.

{¿uusas badmast, f. id., pers. e^.... »•>>,

baglitan, -tan, OS. m. Bigthan,

Estli. ii. 2i (RV.

drunken. ycoza bidmishk, pers. eLi-O-j (fr. j - j

sa see »a.

willow), spirits made from a kind of willow

2ja badi, 1) OS., to be. delirious, to talk in called sleep, to talk foolishly.

2) K . to lose the road.

3) Ash. to break a promise, with

Lidz. 413.

•Vinlaj badiqbal, pers. J L s l j j , f. misfortune. badwan, pel's, turk. ¿'0.1b, f. 1, 1) a sail(T). 2) a ¡cite (the plaything). tJocjaa bad-hana, f. id., pers.

jiaa Al., see } ^uaa badnam, f. id., pers. p l i j j , infamous. badnos, f. id., pers, u - i i X ; (cf. Jadi), gluttonous, greedy.

)ooaa baduwa, m. 1, 1) a firebrand,


2) a wooden poker.

in?a bidqar, Psh. Sj??»?, Bidkar,

{ ikiaabadzat, f. id., pers. O U J J , bad natured, wicked; as subs, a rascal.

b j s badhir K., OS., 1 ) to scatter as «and with the hand or fingers. 2) to apply medicines.

of a lad

See h>aio. see 'pa.

disposition, of horses. ti^alaa badkheij, f. id., pers.

2 Kgs.

ix. 25.

¡ ! a u badwa-ya, arab. J i j X J , a Bedouin.

badkhfi, f, id., pers.

a wall of a city,


governed, undisciplined. vii. 4.

, | a badan Al., a« overcoat, Lidz. 413. ^aa badan U., arab. turk. kurd. , j J J , m. I,

badri, arab. pers. turk. j j j , m. full u , thrift-

less, extravagant. bidya, fr. las, m. delirium. ¿A? or ¿ » 3 badya, bidlya, pers. IJJLJ, f. 1, 3, a bowl, basin usually of earthenware.

moon. t ^ j t e j i badrang, f. id., pers. sLi^Aj, of a bad colour, faded;


t P f x a ? badshftm, f. id., pers. f ^ M i lucky.





pioti Wram, pers. ¡.Vf!, m. 1) a man's

{bòi*»? badshalwâr, f. id., pere.

name now used; dist. pi*?,


z) the planet


t f , tì, see a

JiSop bah'ranil, bar-, or in A l . b i - , f. £»-,

op bâ, pere, u., good/ well done! Wjân, pers. yU-iJ, m. a mail's name

bright, light, luminous. i k i c p b'harta, f. 6, 1) v. n. of l o p ; hence

now osed (lit. good soul).

2) esp. Al. the dawn.

Al.—*jsopi. iikoop bahûgâr K . Al., or 'cép bôgâr K., or bâ-wigàr Terg., k u r d . ^ L ^ i , az. turk. jiyi, f. i, ¡tona, udnd; in K . esp. a snow-

tupa bahith or bihit Al. 1) as OS. to be ashamed; to shame.

2) as arab. o ^ 1 to be

amazed, with a, Lidz. 414. I^rip or 'iff bahati, baha- Al., f. id., fr. prec.

storm. ; adp bó d', wherein.

1) astonished.

Cf. t Jp and (sça.

bahûrâ, bâ-, Al., f. £i-,=Jjlop.


OS. only of dim light. f - r ó bé d', 1) OS., conj. in that, because. 2) prep, ta^? jdp badlibî, bid-, béd-, o r ^ j . ó t s baddî or bid-dî, I believe, I think. )alp

2) astonishing, Lidz. 414.

Jos ba-wa, f. 1,3, a vineyard m e a s u r e s ^

I900Ç3 see ' o u .


a row in a vineyard. T-'™- or ¡¿- bfibigi, -qa, m. 1, a tassel. a Bee J»aa. $093 biibni U., russ., diamonds at cards. ]0ea. i x a bfld& (cf. pers. tiy, rotten, worn out),



1) report, fame.

)x\ta K., see Jwa.

Cf. a^opa and Sap».

lSop bâh'râ or bârâ U. K. (in OS. only of dim light), or ' j bih'ri Al., m. light.

MosuL •as bftz, OS., m. Buz, Gen. xxii. 91.


Buzite, Job xxxii. 2. l ^ P f a bilzband& AL, f. I, = puats, Lidz. 412. j M f s bOzkh&ni, az. turk. u l i ^ j (fr.j^j ice), f. 1, an icehouse. yns bflzl, OS., m. Buzi, Ezek. i. 3. fefea bflzbiyi K . , a mane of a horse.



27 ¿09 bul, Psh. 1 Kgs. vi. 38.

the month But,

¿Moa btìzmà U., az. turk. «-«¡¿J, f. r, i ) a plait, fiUds in pi. gathers; ¡¿ito gather a dress, with dir. ohj. 2) as adj., f. id. plaited, gathered, kitted. ^ a or bflkh&gh, -Udì, az. turk. jUj-i, m. 1, wider-chin, double-chin, often pi.

£xa bulä, for Hext. 1) m, j, an ear cf corn = iilsut. 2) m. g, a wisp of hair.

bflkhchà, turk. f. I, a bmdle, a wrapper for holding clothes.

bülbäla, OS., m. 1, babbling. Cf.

•SyiSyi bülbül, arab. pers. turk. kurd. J J b , f. 1, a nightingale.

2&A9 or as OS. l i à u bukhS.ra, arab. pera. Wlig, turk. (^JJjj, f. 1, a great comIjW, az. turk. j j , f. 1,1) Bokhara, 2) a Persian pany, a legion, regiment. Hack hat. See ¿-s«s. ?i\Sfti bülgänä, fr. ¿¿ka, m. energy; being ^ a a bukhàri or - i - - bùkhéri Ti. Sh. or busy or occupied; business. mikhflrl MB., az. f Lfii bakhéri Tkh. or bülgär, OS., Bulgaria. turk. (cf- arab.jUi vapour), f. 1, 1) an I ^ i ^ f a bfilftfi, OS.*, gk. ßovXtvrfjt,ra.I, iron Hove. 2) Sal. a fireplace. a counsellor. liiLos lukhranà as OS., usually in NS. bakbrànà, m. 1, examination, starching. ^s.03 biikhtàn, arab. ^ l i j j , f. 1, slander, pi. rare in U., common in Al.; 'a li? to calumniate. }&àik>fa bflkhtànkàr, az. turk. ^UCÌU^j, m. 1, a slanderer.

¿¿03 bum& K., OS., also in K., f. 3, an owl. In Lev. xi. 16 a night hawk. fiaa see ¿mo*. or £ m a bümba K., m. 1, i)='o^ a large mouthful. 2) a blow, a stroke.

•Qatoa blimbüz (fr. pers. ^ base, root+jjj \oa but, turk. , f. 1, a leg of mutton, &c. ; nose), m. i, snout, nuzzle (rare). lit. the thigh of an animal. äftna ba-waeir, properly pi. of arab.jj-.U, tifia bdta, perns virorum (in OS. anus), kurd. 'maiaslr' and 'bavaslr,' Garz. 139, m. 1 see L 'a

J&a&f3 burkta (K. N), OS., f. 9, a Messing.

for the sake of, on account of,

tiAqa burma, m. 1, 1) (turk. 1

mirî = ' » l j oop with regard to what I said,

screw), a cwrl; 'a>



well set hair, Isa.iii. 24.

a) a water-tap, i.e. that which turns.

3) a

»ijol 'a bût

fisqa see JMSoa. ^>aa see ^siaa. ¿>«193 biit-tâ, f. 9, 1) pers. tJfi, a thicket,

thick rough woollen cloak. jpsifa A 1 . = ' M (see Na), Lidz. 566.

bush, shrub, clump of grass.

• ^ a buran, osm. turk. ¡¡yj, az. turk. J\jy %

0 ^ 1 joined together 1) a sleeve. See ¡&19.

(kurd. baran ' r a i n ' Garz. 58, bolior 'storm* Lerch 159), f. 1, etorm, tempest, great rain. $!ifa burana, f.

fr. prec., stormy.

^tiifa bdriini, esp. K., arab.

and i i i ^ ,

f. a dish compounded of tomatoes (or potatoes or pumpkins or beans or beetroot or beetleaves) with garlic, curdled milk, and butter. .ajifs buraq, arab. ¿¿y>, turk. pers. %J}}, kurd. borak Garz. 101, f. borax.


bût dâhâ, dyâhâ, or Jaôr 'a U. or Jjor 'a K. bût

2) (cf. az. turk.

à bâz, OS. (fr. kurd. y. fatï), f. Baz, an E-Syr. Ashiret district in Kurdistan. bâzâ K. MB. Terg., arab. pers. j b and I j b , kurd. bâzî Garz, 142, m. I, a falcon, ¡¡a bizâ OS., m. g, breast, teat. #3 bazâ, k u r d . ^ j , m. 1, cotton thread. i p p bazûni (proparox.), peril. = Jut (cf. Julias Al. s.v. Jia»), 1) last year.


2) next

year. See foil. [Niild. derives fr. kurd. (sâli) chuine = id. Lerch ii. 117.]


inlaws fao

bazárí, f. id., az. turk. u^ljb (lit. of the

bzüni, -Iii K. (perh. lor ( a a at seasons,

i.e. at an indefinite time, cf. prec.), i ) the year before last. 2) the year after riext.—'a JÄ Ti. three years ago, 'a 'a ¡¿1 Ti. four yean ago. 11=0» bazüband, pers. turk. kuid. J-4jjb, f. 1, an armlet. bizodagh?, az. turk. y e ' j j j J , a hill in the plain of Urmi, bordering on the lake.

bazaar), poorly made,' shoddy' opp. ^ a . J j i - j bikhdádé Al., together; see ' - ! . a ¿ j or

bikháw, az. turk. j l i i , m. 1,

a tether, tethering-rope. bakhürim, Psh.

tf^f, Bahurim,

2 Sam. iii. 16. J¿¿»3 bákhÚBhá, m. 1, and l&xóJi bakhiishti,

¡too see Jiao. lio« bazü'ä, fr. Xgs, m. 1, a bradawl, Ex. xxi. 6. ti?

aa. see '«.»a.

± a bäze K., bazi U., OS., to pierce, to lore

bákhish K., OS., to stir.

a hole, often {Ujf 'a, or with dir. obj. of the thing pierced; to break into a house. Jxt) biz'a, OS., m., pi. bazüzä, f.

biz'äzi, a hole.

a present, gift, backsheesh. Also "as Ash. bakht, 1) arab. turk.

-üzta, fr. ¿ p , piercing,

luck, good fortune.

as eyes. •ecr biiziq, OS., Bexek, Jud. i. 4. 'ap ¿t£a= JUSMfl q.r. .op bäziq, OS., to scatter seed, to emu. See xpx.

See x . i u ,

.TtT.,ji bakhshish Al., or fx-, pers. ui-ijr 1 ., f. i,

Also t¿a,

f. fate, and

bákhát, bakhtá, bakhatthá Al. Ash, Lidz. 415. 2) Terg, kurd. id, a pledge, agreement.—'a ^ falling

out (as relations); one viho does not

return an equivalent for a present; returning evU. for good; unlucky.

Ma bazar, turk. kurd. pers.Jjli (Lerch 154), kurd.J»b PS. 284, m. 1, 1) a bazaar, marketplace ; hence 2) Al. trade, profits. i a bäzhir or 'a or äga K., see prec. f. I, a (own, Lidz. 423, Lerch 154. bja bazir, arab. ^jj coijj. 11. to bod, to

or Soiiwji bakhtáwar, f. id., pers. turk. j j l i i i , fortunate, b&khtyárí, pers. u ^ U ^ , the Bakhtiari mountains in Persia. tp} bité Al., (in OS.=sparks), «topa, points, Lidz. 416.

lifaqf bfizra, arab. pers. turk. ^jj (lit. seed), ra. 1, castor oil.



{^¡.ija bazirgan, pers. kurd. turk. ^t^jb, m. 1, a merchant, ft*- f. merchandise. bazirkhana, pers. oil factory.

, f• 1,« castor-

ba^ú-wá, m. bread falling on the ashes when baking. ¡siiig bitwat, (arab. u j í to fast + v


with 1), fasting, not having eaten; so OS. batila, bá-, f.

batilta, bá-, OS.,

idle, disengaged, unused; met. foolish, vain.



•Vyi batil, OS., i) to be idle, 2) to come sense. 2) Ash.= : in, at. 3) Ash.= e>03. a. biyit diyt, &c.; or cjjfts, to destroy = .Vyiv> q. v. b'ldl, b'idû. \ f u j i bédâgh or in Ash. béraq (Lidz. bitl&n& Ti., OS., m. 1, destruction. 411), pers. j l u - i , turk. j l ^ i , f. 1, a flag, bitma, OS., f. 1, a terebinth-tree, to an end, cease, come to nothing. 3) esp. K.With affixes

pbji batman, see 'ea.

bîdyûtâ.bid-, OS. (for'j !), bit«mta, (K. OS., f. f. 6, ink. batin, OS., to conceive (lit.), tr. and intr., Ipfopi bihftdâ, pers. »¿54-0, frivolity, vanity,

to be pregnant.

b&tn& as OS., 1) or ' j bi^na, f. jiregmmi, esp. of cattle, in calf. [i&itV ¡ 8 usually used of women.] 2) m. conception; 'a ff from the womb;

'a a>L to fiddle-faddle.

Joo see •¡a biz, turk.j-o, 1) m. 1, an awl, bradawl.

the children of my womb 2) as adj., f. id., sharp, pointed.

(my[mother's]womb), Jobxix, 17. 3) Ecbatane, •¡a see «là. the old name of Hamadan, Tobit xiv. 12. kurd. bizi Garz. 98, $ & a bicliâ, turk. { batar Al., cf. foil., arab.^k>, ungodly, m. 1, 1) a bastard; hence 2) self-sown earn impious, Lidz. 416. See £3. butra, f. lb- btttrt, arab.^k>, well fed, biktn& Al., a matt fireplace. high spirited, wild (of an animal); cf. -^V?«; bil, sometimes btl, for i = OS. ^ ; also of a man, in high spirits. or f i , ^3 or bén, bin, bé Al., arab. Jf W, 1) see ¿4. 2) see A j . 3) Eee fJp. chald. heb. P?; or ^ bénâth Al., OS.; or bi, 1) see a. 2) see if. fuji or béni, blnî Al.= OS. j^fr, among, ^f and compounds, see between, including, notwithstanding, in spite of. (a, 1) see 2) a $a or *a £» [or'AM] With affixes bill, {, m. 1, wrist. bibiyt K.=&fo, ¿ W béldâr, az. turk.^ljJj (fr. turk. J j p a b6yab&n, pers. turk. kurd. ^JU.Uj. PS. a spade), m. 1, a digger. 288, m. 1, a desert, wilderness. JLs/ K., Bee !&> «ee

^ a bijan, m. 1) see in a vineyard. 9*3 bi-yit=OS.

¡sua bim, OS., gk. )%, t 1) the bema, a raised space between the sanctuary wall of 2) a watercoursea church and the nave, nearly = gk. ); not ¡ ^ OS., Betltsaida, Mat. xi. 2 1 ; ^ used by itself.— COMPOUNDS: S*»bit fin, OS., f w n or li'- or l^a'iaji also xj, Bethaven, Hos. ir. 1 5 ; A j bit il, OS., Bethel, (S-aBethelite; E^, OS.*, prison; m. a graveyard; Jxjaa ^ a , OS.*, a sanctuary, ber&sh! *a home; ¡¡Lap *s the place where cattle are holy place (and see above); cdBectei before being sent out to feed; Na (proparox.) U. m. 2°, 4 (pi. also l}ox- biraahbiramashi K . m. f. 2 s , 3, the or K. Al. eyebrow, brow of a hill; wani) or evening, or as adv. in the evening; *f Ti. (oo^N?, OS.*, m. a refuge; J ^ OS.* or birishta Ti. f. 6, a pillow; £>«l'a, or ¡xf»a 'a, OS.* (see also below), a recess m. 1 (rare) or in the north side of the sanctuary of a church j a u ^ hit shmish, OS., Bethshemesh, Josh. xix. ty, OS.*, the baptistery of a church; for the sacred vessels; £ i \ -a Ti. the west; 22; Bethshan, 1 Sam. see above; «¡p or as O S . n ^ i K., ^ ^ a bit shin, or as Fsh. the Epiphany; ¿J Al. (or i f t j ¿a Lidz. xxxi. 1 0 ; Jai. -a or ^ o i , ^3 K . f. a hem at the 447) with pi. 2, steps, a staircase; fait Ti. topoftrowsersipeej&ti.); the east; N.a, OS.*, prison; ^ s , ride of the sanctuary of a church. See also OS.*, the south side of the sanctuary of a lips, I w a J . ^ see e>j3. church; also the mercy seat in the Temple; = jioia.

32 }i»a b&-ynt U., f. id., turk. is>Lo, stale.

i^sj bits, OS. (iv K. but iv in OS.), in Q. £a biya, in Ti. bish&, m., pi. ^ a bati, alBO in U.

¿ a a bachil Biiz, Bee A a i . *aaa bakhrt, OS., m. Bichri, 2 Sam. xx. 1 (RV.;?).

or 'a batwati, bet- (rarely ba-wa-i), or J&a bkata, OS., Baca, Ps. lxxxiv, 6. in Q. jui biyfi.nl, or Qk? bitani, 1) a house. jkaa bakbta, esp. U., (probably for fem. 2) home. 3) a room with an oven, in the floor, pres. part, of OS. tsoa to spin; cf. OS. jisbaa often j i t t ) 'a in this sense, opp. q.v. an hired spinster), f. 8, a married woman, wife. 4) the pi. }S& = a collection of buildings in a I&iiiai bakhtflnta ('j Ash.), dim. of prec., courtyard, a complete house, whereas the sing, f. 6, little wife, a term of endearment; a little often denotes one of the buildings, or as no. 3. woman; a girl. 5) as OS.*, jKa = part of an anthem answering bakhta-ya, f. effeminate, womanish. to the Verse in English cathedral music. Ifet Al. or j v f f w ? 'a K. a prison (see ¿ a bal Al., arab. J j , but. under Qua); 'a a cage.—betuta, f. 1 s e e iXa. furniture. j\a bla, arab. turk. il> (Ma'l. bills, Farisot or bitun or eia bitd, turk. y y - i , xi. 499), without; also Ha ^ ; in Sal. lab'; complete, whole, esp. of numbers. In nrith. often in OS. JSa fl.—With affixes ofe? £La bla diyi Sc. redundantly, as 'a ¿no* five.

Ha bala, OS., m. front, mind, memory, attention, heart; 'a »oso (as OS. 'a jiJaj) or in Wta-ya, OS.*, m. i , one of the house- K. 'a a&o to pay attention, set the face or mind, to resolve, purpose resolutely with A i or infin.; hold. in Al. also with affixes, as osj^a '»; in K. also { i i k j betal, arab. turk. JUjj, m. i, a veterin'a ¡no» to pay attention to him. ary surgeon, a horse-doctor. bala, arab. turk. iU, f. 1, judgement, J A a J ^ (i>) bitilmal U. Tkh. or Ti. or iisot«? see b*a.

betilmana K. Q. or hi- betilmar U. or Ji»bitilmari U , f. id., arab. JU.I0.1 (lit. property without heirs, so unfortunate), 1) desolate, ownerless. 2) self-willed, iU-controlled.

turk. g o ,

a sucker of grass, shoot of a tree, a bough torn off by the hand. 2) cf. Jfct3, corn that springs from

self-sown corn ~ OS.

is», Isa.

xxxvii. 30. iJoooa bakhuwa, for £oaa, fr. Jaa, m. 1, a crying child. Aeaa bakua, OS., m. Bacchus a man's name now used. liiaa bakura Al., m. 1, a stick, rod, Sachau 21 n.

Qy. 'ta, cf. chald. T P to beat 1

Jo? bikhya, OS., m. weeping, crying. t ^ a j bikir, arab. tnrk._ / C, f. i, « virgin, maiden.

J^a bali. OS., 1) to wear out iutr., to decay; to grow old, in U. esp. of things, rarely as in K. of men. 2) K. to be languid as an old or sick man. Dist. A a . ¿fr bali, 1) f. a white sheep in a black flock.

¡aa bakhi, OS., to weep, cry. Jaa bacba, m. 1, 1) pers.

calamity, ruin, mi/fortune. See ]3a.

2) see A a . £>a bila, 1) Al. a door, an outer door; a gate, Lidz. 417.

2) U. m. a fool (slang) = A a l batt-us K., kurd. ^ j J b PS. 285,

m. 1, 1) a consul. 2) an European gentleman. tifbi

balbata,= OS. fig and


\aXiie), m. 1, a spark. • V A j A s h . = . V i \ a i , Lidz. 418. balbali (perh. = pers. JJ bad + arab. Jl> heart), pi., mean acts, meanness. .noNiVi balbaluq, f. 1, a Nock cherry. b&laban (fr. pers. ybMi high; in osm. turk. it is ' a large drum,' Redhouse), f. 1, a malt drum.


33 •AJ, ¡¿kg Ti. Al., see 'u* under

} >QiW bfU&binchi, fr. prec., m. i , a drummer.

jAa bala-ya, esp. K . Al., arab. turk. b i b

b&lig, to be buty, or engaged=Arab, j i ? , conj. iii I balgi, f. i , trace, track of something

(pi. of 5b), f. i = j S , . JsA? balibi K., kurd. •

lost, a elnt.

^A¡r bilyun, (mod.), europ., m. 1, a billion.

j o i ^ i balgh&m, arab. pers. turk. kurd, ^Ab,

q e ^ i o see

I phlegm, catarrh.

A i A j bilya-'al, not Psh., m. Belial.

balad Al. Asli., arab. jJb, a town, city, Lidz. 418. f p X s balad, balat, f. id., pers. turk. i b , acquainted, skilled. bildid, OS., m. Bildad, Job ii. i t . i-rjaSar b&ladchi, az. turk. ^ i b ,

m. 1,

a guide (lit. one who is acquninted). balha, OS., f. Jlilhah, Gen. xxix. 29 (RV/?). jia\abalu'a,b&l-, or

baluwa, b51-U.,

ra. 1, and J ^ u A s Wtlutha esp. K . but b&lfi'ti. Al., f. 6, f r . A i , 1) the throat; ' a j

¿ A ? bilit, french billet (through russ.), f. 1, 1) a passport.

the uvula.

2) (first form) AL a phial, Lidz. 417. jUSftNir haluw&ni, b&l-, m. 1, a glutton. see ) y v \ i bloqe Al., cf. o i l s , staring, Lidz. 418. ^ v a A ? bilflqti, or A m ^ P hilbuliiqti Sp., cf. JA^Ai^o, ,HJV,»I, f. 6, a loop, button-hole, noose = OS. liuqazi?. bfal bilfir, arab, turk. ^ j i b , m. 1, crystal. bilwisM Ti., m. 1, a flght=$&i q.v.

of Afghanistan. balich, 1)

o i j j i A j or ' j balkh6dh arab.


nuts, Lidz. 418. { • j ^ i i ? bandiiqchi, kurd. ^ y i n , cf. foil., m. 1, an arquebussier. , i t a f p ? bandttqti, kurd. eljJ-iJ, f. 6, an arquebuss, mall gun.

see »¿9. A ? baiti, turk, J«Jb, f. 1, a» asse, chopper. A f bilti A l , f. evil (sabs.), Lidz. 418. or ^ bam, bim, pen. «j 1) f. 1, ban, in music; a lete sound.

2) met, as adj.,

f. id., torpid. i^accf, j à t q ,

(¿tpiji bandftbiz, pers. j b j j j j , m. 1, on acrobat.

bandar, arab. p e r a . y j j , f. 1, a harbour, seaport; i f f 'a b. bftahir, p e r s . ^ y . jliJ., Buskin, J&ai 'a b. 'ibis, pers. ^.L^e Bandarabbas, both on the Persian Oulf. e & j f a bandirgi, pers. i l ^ l i j , f.=prec. aaaia bini-wfish, f. id., knrd. benefsha Garz.

see 'ia.

114, see & & dark red, violet Hue.

Jar bint, 1) OS. to build, a) met to edify, ^aaia, bnfiki, bnfikln, Z , also 'no, t) in profit. 3) to took. 4) U.,=)jpi to number. the morning. 2) tomorrow. Seejji». li'aij binflri U., pers. ; jbj, f. 1, a foundation. ¡0 bini, per«, ^ j b , f. i ) a lady, 2) a ¿ia aee i?. woman's name now used. £ a bni-yi, OS., m. Benaiah, 2 Sam.xxiii. 22. bfini, arab. UL>, m. 1, a bricklayer, mown, t & bani-yi or bi-, m. 1, bantti, bi-, btni, (perb. fr. pers. kurd. ^ see+ # 1 or tf lo ! Nold. 169 ! or fr. I m q.v,), f. 6, 1) U. K. agent of Jia no. 3, a cook. 2) t) here I am, a polite answer wben a person is called, a) tchatf a polite answer wben a person does not hear. 3) see Jwp. ^lil $ binùni, Pah.

4?, Bertoni, Qen.

Al. Ash. TA. agent of Jjor no. 1, a builder. binyimln, OS., m. Benjamin, a man's name now commonly used, Oen. xxxv. 18. jMjbiny&na,OS.,m.i,i) a building. 2) met edification, profit.

XXIV. 18.

bambùli, m. i, i) an idde.

a) the

¡»iy.vi see under

tpout of a Tessei, jog, &c.

fyfotf see «»a.

ttoduqi bimbishl K., tark. ^ I j C j , kard. U.L*!, m. 1, a major in tbe army.

•o^fi Ja see i f .

Pixf bangi, kurd. iXli PS. 287, m. 1, a bank, declivity, unmen ground.

i ^ f binyat U. K., pers. turk. ¿Li*, kurd. beniit Garz. 199, f. 1, a foundation. j i J ? see ¿¡7.

banka, europ., (mod.), a bank (money), t ^ N hiniji, (fr. az. tnrk. a place of joj. $ bin'&mi, Psh. Jaj. i?, Ben amrni, (lit living), m. 1, a lettler, one who lives in a place son of my people), Qen. xix. 38. bat is not a native of it. ¡¡txg bimpir, m. 1, a croon. Cf. "if»?«, band, pers. turk. J^j, f. 1, 1) band, or oBjj? bandshi, ban-, OS. fr. pers. bond. 2) as adj., f. id., stringent, urgent. turk. kurd. irf.iii (cf. sooia), OS. also id, f. 1, 1) a violet. 2) a ttqlft band Hi, A« is conetipated. 4) in pi. fr. arab. twaddling clothes, i e ! to twaddle, 5) K. woman's name now used. for q.v. esp. K. Z , esp. U. Q. bn6shl, bandi, so pers. tnrk. j j j , cf. prec., f. i, 1) a dam. 2) the frame al a loom (?).

-i, -fi, (cf. OS. Az.

soul, self), by himeelf,

alone. So the other persons.



i k j banti, az. turk. tsj, f. 6 (sic), a sleeve, Haf bismi, OS., (TA. '*) m., usuaUy pi., 1) pi. 1, incense. 2) pi. 1 and 4, spices, i&a see fais. bas, i ) U., pert. turk. kurd. ^ » , then 'at thyine wood, Rev. xviii. 12. Juiay, -am«?, see 'yp. causative, therefore, not so emphatic as fcfa oi&ipaf bismil-U, arab. ¿1 , turk. kurd. aL_> familiar, friendly (with a=with), cf. JtjwjM. PS. 286, m. 1, a lock of hair, a tuft, •Viso? bistig, the iron axle of millstones in a water-mill. .OWfW bisiltyds, OS., m. BatU. t&a; bisti, az. turk. j j - j , pers,. o...;, m. i, basaliql, or 'a; OS.*, gk. an iron bar for an earth oven. 0am\iKoi, the Royal Anthem said 111 the festival evening service. i f f J k a g bieti-ydta, fr. jksj, f. familiarity, » 9 9 baeim, OS., 1) U. impers. to be ¡Heated,friendship. as feaa bsimli 1! b', I was pleated with, bastaki K., kurd. bU-j, bedding, so all the tenses; »qija nllsh! Lidz. 419. d'bibsami 1! biyi, men of good will, Lu. ii. 14; bistim K., slowly, gently. yfc tiaa yl in baamalukh, if you please, so see V other persons, and so pi.; ^ ¡ a u U. b&smi Jjp see ikiq. ginfikh, bravo I (lit. may it please yourself) =J$>a,®? j&nukh basimta Ti. 2) to be Jja see foil. healed or cured, 3) K. Al., as OS. Ethpa, Jia ba'i K. Al. as OS. or fya ba-yt U. Wyi to enjoy; to be pleatant. See Ash., irreg. v. (Qnun. 121) forming all tenses

^ a



RV. with from Jla, but the i often throws back its vowel, ^wVw b'il m'fln, Psh. Baalmeon, Ezek. xxv. 9. as £ia for £ia; the fern. v. n. is rarely byitii; the pp. (abs. st.) is often used in K. &aiAga b'il p'ur, OS., RV. with Xij, m. Al. as a present, as Jia b'i, ta, he wishes, Baalpeor, Num. xxv. 3. ija bit, b'it for AS} Jia thou wishest, Jiaa kb6, b'il prasim, Psh. '9, RV. with Al. = JfU la U. he wishes &c.; in Tkh. the Baal perazim, 2 Sam. v. 20. pres. is often ia., Jiau yipi, yip'a &c. (Az. ±¡1); «¿dgVy. b'il sp4n, OS., RV. with Ai?, Baal l) to wish, desire, wishfor,seek for, sometimes zephon, Ex. xiv. 2. with s, usually with dir. obj., or with ; and baalabaliBha, Psh. laau^^^M, Bad subjoined clause. 2) to ask, pray. fUo a shalisha, 2 Kgs. iv. 42. ^ to ask a personfora Hang. 3) esp. i»&i9 b'il tamar, OS., RV. with Baal Al. to love. Caus. Jia» q.v. See JJa. b&'ij Baz, see tamar, Jud. xx. 33. iia and Ifiii ba'-id, bad4 Al, arab. Juo, yet, J11? ba'na, OS., m. Baanah, 2 Sam. iv. 6. £19 ba'sh&, OS., m. Baasha, 1 Kgs. xvL 1. = q.v. ituj bit&, OS., f., pi. (aB OS.) M't, «* egg; 'a K. a mail [see JjA.]; ifSif ¡¡j ciSoia see ¡>¿13 b'fir, OS., m. Bear, Gen. xxxvi. 32. spawn, roe. ltaa b'ure Al., arab.^xj, dung, Lidz. 410. jhs bapi (fr. arab. pers. Uj good faith 1), f. 1, Jkaia ba'uta, OS., f. 9, 1) a petition, request; gratitude, appreciation of a Itenefit. a desire, wish. 2) a Rogation, a short fust of (¡¿Hi) b6sa, az. turk. uJo, m. 1, 1) a three days, esp. JTiu? '9 the Rogation of thewooden ring, used in stables. 2) a stick bent Ninevites, three weeks before Lent. into a circle fastened to the yoke of a plough and to the beam. »13 ba'az, OS., m. Boaz, Ruth ii. 19. iiijbiya, 1) f. bit&, pp. of fla (Az. £l3j). SfXfa&ji baprushir, by metath. fr.pers , 2) Al. m. 1, a friend; {¿>9- Al., love, friend- milk and mow mixed. ship. ¿iki^ii'H b'priahuthA Al., adv. apart Sachau 38. See Be 8 i}»¿la bapta, (pers. oJb interwoven ?), m. 1, baya-a Al. Ash., agent of }la = Jilla braid on the border of a coat &c. bi-yani U. K. J^j bisa Al., coal. {Jifls see ¡a^a.

Ji^^a bisur, (cf. i^s), disgraced; '9 to b'ilta as Fsh., o>V> bula RV., heb. do despite to, to dishonour, to revile, with dir. nbiva, Beulah i.e. married, Isa. lxii. 4. obj. f. shame, disgrace. fUa see under £»a. JlaOji bftsura, ba- U., or Al. as OS. I$g9, Hi? bala, OS., m. 1, Baal, i.e. lord, 2 Kgs. f. little, less, inferior, wanting, small, mean. iii. 2; in pi. Baalim, Jud. viii. 33. Al? ball Psh. Aii, Baali, i.e. my Lord, Hos. ii. 16. iLf- inferiority, indignity, shame; J&oS^ii/br the worse. 6*15X13 b'il b'lrit, Psh. J&a 'a, RV. with bisla, OS., m. 1, an oWon. ba al, m. Baal berith, Jud. viii. 33. 13 b'il hamun, not Psh., RV. with Ai?, .S.liN^Ti basli-il, OS,, in. Bezaieel, Ex. xxxi. 2. Baal hamon, Cant. viii. 11. biipma, turk. pers. >**b, f. 1, a printingto print a book. b'il zwH, OS., so also RV., m. press; '3 Beelzebub, Baakebui, 2 Kgs. i. 2. ji-a^i bSsmakhaiia, turk. pers. , f. 1, a printing-office. b&'lis, OS., m. Baalis, Jer. xl. 14.

37 bfipnichi, tark. (¿»u-li, m. i , a

yit! and (t) D p i biqtt; or £ a b&q& Q. Tkh.

•printer. Al. as OS., m. 1, a gnat, sandfly, mosquito. U i i g see 'tos.

la Mr, 1) pen. kurd. turk, j b , f. fruit.

hg bäfiir, OS., to be insufficient, to be wanting, to grow less, to wane. See bgW and b^&p.

, m. tide, Lidz. 420.

1) kurd

min Al. outside, prep.



See also iSa, l&a.

hjp bar (Al. also tq bir or ; &j), constr.

Dist. Mara, OS., arab. i ^ , Bosra or Bostoni,

st. of OS. Hia, m., pi. i j a bn4, son of, esp. in phrases and compounds, as

a city near the mouth of the Tigris, fcS^a btaarat, cf. h j i , pers. u ^ L u , f. I,


adversity, a reverse, fit

j t a see )&£a. Jaj bäqa AI., arab. ¡ja,

now, then, to,

Lidz. 420. i t a baqi, arab. turk. J i b , 1) or ^


in arrears. 2) Al. m. remainder, rest, Lidz. 420. fhJea Mq6t&, (cf. arab. l i b a pile, mass 1), f. 6, a turban,

K.), contemporary, f. id.; so (so K . with $¿¡5.) three years old;

t JiW i f • fiUow-eountrynum of; a home-bam person, opp.

i g f i kji p ¿04

namesake of, see ^Hxi? below; p ¡¡¡a L? OS.*, ¿poowtoc, fomvbstantial with, of one tubstance with;

3a, either an inhabitant of Tabriz

or inhabitant! of Tabriz, esp. U. (in K . local adjectives are used), so with any town or

t j j a see

village; qfi^Sa

l^oif bilqal, arab. turk. JtXi, m. 1, i ) a

Lam. iii. 13.

fruit-setter, grocer, chandler; 'at ik^ats avoirdupois weight, see


bar shlttL, slittA, OIK year old, f. id., (OS. similar);

2) a tenant of vineyard»

met. the shafts of his quiver,


barab& OS.,

m. Barabbas, Mat. xxvii. 1 6 ; 2iXj M> barig&ri Ti., a lunatic (lit. son of a roof), but I d'bar ig&rl, 08.*, demoniacs, Mat. iv. 24;

and orchards.

AL a crupper (Lidz. 420); ¿¿Sep bp

Eee l i t S t a .

bar bahKU, OS., m. a celebrated lexicographer

Ixt&tt? büql&sh&, m. 1, a ¡¡ebble; in pi.

and grammarian: his own name was ¿ a ^ ;


4? or Uia? ii, m. a steer (two years old), bliqlita, rare, f. 6, coll. pi.


a bullock, 'a 'a Qfiic a young buttock;

(common), or in Al. J^ija (Lidz. 420), arab.

bar d» mkhi

b., on the omt hand; 'a oops mo b., on the other hand;

9 'a ot& 16 b. d' Al. on that side of;

? 'a

iia b&rl, 1) as OS. to create.

2) K . to be 3) K . to leave

o f f , to have done with, to let alone with j f . impers. to be possible or fitting; ¿ia


$ TJ.

(rare), K . or 'aa # Al., 14 b&ryi, likb&ryft, it it impossible. 5) K . Al. to happen;

l i a s J»

m& b'bari min, what will become of. 6) K . with to rain, snow &c. See ij&p.

^pia bardan, pers. ^b^b (fr.^U a load), m. 1, u load of cotton. tpy&j berham, f. id., pers. ^»y,, confused, in 'a

to entangle.

j]say biru'a, OS., Berea, Acts xvii. 10. joia or is- b&rfid, b&rflt, arab. i }J \}, turk. uuj^b., m. 1, gunpowder, saltpetre. -bildan, Psh.

o r ^ 'a br&dakh baladan(RV.), in. Berodach baladan,

2 Kgs. xx. 12. | l t u bai'&za. U., f. dry, withered.

2) cf.

bariizta, 1) fr. stubborn.

f i o ^ , see 'ioia.


bardya, OS., m. i, creator.

ISflita see «¿a. t^lS? bara'it (oxytone), OS.*,

See isia.

f t i f i f i f Ash., see e*ia.

confusion; annulled.

Al. on tit« side of.

born; or to be, become, to grow.

ifijf bird& Terg., f. lj-, OS. 'a, speckled. berda, OS., m. 1, hail.

iS? bara K., OS., m. 1, the outside. See channel.

f i a barid = j i i to rub.


llom. ii. 28. ¡3^3 berba, (cf. kurd. j b ^ wind), m. 1, refuse of corn, straw &c. on the threshing-floor. faiia barabu, f. a collection, gathering, for the poor. \aaijp berb&g, kurd. a f ^ j , (pers.yj over, by, bride), f. 1, guardian of the bride,

, OS.

lit?, m. 1 (f. in A l . Ash.), 1) a desert, wilderntss; 'at wild, of trees &e.

a) subs, f., with pi. ^ i f

creation, the universe, the world; a creature. 3) the book demerit.

see 1?.

barkhflrd&r, f. id., az. t u r k . ^ b ^ j , amiable; frugal;

$ t < * brita, all as OS., 1) f. pp. of l i s (see (.if),

t b j or't/ birz&, birzfl, fr. «jka, m. dry land. Urn-,

b&r&fi, f. 6, pegs placed in the ground for stretching cotton thread before wearing.

stubborn, obstinate, pigheaded.



may your journey be Netted, said

may your feast be Netted, said esp. at Christmas

a sunflower.


often 'a^

^ 'a outride, prep.

Kurdistan inhabited by E. Syr., one near



l i t i s baiidi, kurd. i j j ^ i , m. 1, a deep

cloak or overcoat.


2). AL Ash.,

agent of >&s, creator = M b .

1) Al. mainland, Lidz.

3) AL open flM*. barft-yi, U - , f. J 1 )


¡¿Q . . c i o a a ^ birktkfl kilyt ni, he

it tired out. see J a l « . brakh'II, Pah.

OS. outer,

Job xxxii. 2.

m. Baraehtl,


40 ¿alja brakhyi, OB., m. Barachias,


q. v.), usually foil, by t, opposite, over


xxiii. 35.

against; cf. 'ijf.

f. opposition, of place.

birakald, arab. ¿ 1 a)jl>, WiU done I




birlflgh&n, az. turk.

f. i,

a whirlpool. t lab

br&qt&, f. 6, a tonsil (fr. una no. 2 1). ¡ ¿ i j Ash., see

^ bir lakhai rd-i, Psh. - i t .

birehwa, OS,, Beersheba, Gen. xxi. 33.

Beer lahai roi, Gen. xvi, 14. bermlll Al., arab.

or fSxia see kji.

a barrel,

Lidz. 423.

b'rashit, OS.* (W. Syr. '*,*»)> heb. n i f t r a , in the beginning, Gen. i. 1.

berm&l U., pert. J U ^ . , m. 1, a coarte rug = pig,


see fcb.

iii?r bershfc, OS., m. Birsha, Gen. xiv. 2.

used for covering beds when they

j i i ? bb£n&, kurd. ^ ¿ j , m. 1 , a ram four Or

? pers.^j, m. 1, brass.

fffiQa barandfiz, pers.jjjujl>, a river in the S. part of the Urmi plain.

fcui? berniql, OS., f. Berenice, Acts xxv. 13. J u i ? see OS., human.

¿!ia Mr&, OS., m. Beta, Oen. xiv. 2. barilt Ti. AL (proparox.), fr. la, upwards, vp.




2) S-Sa is used only in f. 1, 3, (pi. in Ash.

tfs&Jia brdtatha), a glove;

'a or 13-, f.

quartz [ = 9 p i j IJKJI Ash.]; ii?> 'a, f. a bolt'a

a peg in the yoke of a plough to keep the All Tkh.,f. a halo round the moon; a l s o = ¡ i o i i Jjf U. (see

J % ' a = OS. %

1, f. a

thimble; li'j^ 'a a breastplate, Ex. xxv. 7 R V . (see under a?); ¿us 'a, ( = O S . 'a *»?), {., pi. ]J|kB &Sa an echo, a sound: a report, Bom. x. 16 old ver.;

'a, f. a halo round the sun.

iJfa b&rat, turk. o j / . , f. 1, a cheque, note of hand, order, 's f j i to negotiate a cheque.

see fi&j. a f U i f berpr&sh, pers. y i j ^ b , a city in Persia. us^a biriq, 1 ) OS., to flash, Kghtm {lightning). 2) met. to have a sudden pain, to have a stiff neck, cf. Jeeia, 941^.

Or perh. we should write simply

from slipping (there are two such); l&iib 'a

£ 1.

barniUh&-ya, f.

& i ? a g i r l one month

socket; jSai 'a, f. a halo round the sun1

fal&f birnot, az. turk. uijijy., kurd. o ^ J PS. «86, arab.


m. for the f. (see i i ) .

Lailfa see fcaia. birinj, turk.

bar, b r a = O S . ¡¡vkji constr. st. (see &Xa), used as follows:

1) & a? of age, as

£¿¡¡9 or ' i & j A s h . = ' k a (see fca). years old and over.

and of OS.

have been rolled up for the day.

See J^SIS.

b&riq, OS., m. Barak, Jud. iv. 6. j i i y or ? as OS., birqa, berq&, m. 1, light-

brat&, sometime in Al. £ 39 b&thft or tfsiq birta (Lidz. 422)=OS. I with pi. bnati U. ^sa bn&th& K. Al., rurely ^ J u bney&tl U., 1 ) o daughter, a girl. 2) U. the queen at cards. fewf&a

bartakht! Ti. Al. (proparox.), fr. ia,

downwards, down. Xj 1) Bee J^a or «98.

ning. J & a birq&, OS.*, m. carbuncle (or emerald I),

a noun, as ^ b p aa chief merchant.

Ex. xxviii. i j EV. birqfl, 1 ) (perh. fr. arab. oneself) vain (used of women).

to adorn 2) (fr. jt^r)

f. a shooting pain, a trick in the neck. berqfll (perh. pers.

2) = foil,

«a Al. A s h . = f B , but usually preceding

at + OS.

$or baehi K., turk. y l b , m. head, summit, fief bashfl, f. id., having a white patch (on the forehead), of animals. AXws see ¿»a.

41 bisb^d Al., (cf. ay or .»fa and ti,), Utter, adj. and adv., Lidz. 422. f a Mshi, turk. j j i b , a t e r m . = c h ' e f ; e.g. 'a «kxj head cook. lH^qi bashila, fr. foil., f. 1, a musk melon, so called because it 1b ripened by being buried in hot earth while still growing. •Iga basbil K., 08., 1) to be cooked. 2) to be ripe, to ripen. 3) met. to be warm; pp. met. hardened, hardy. See . W »Sua bshala, m. 1, 1) v. n. of prec. =&ua.

2) Al.

Oaf bishla, m. flour, water, and butter cooked together. ^ j a bishligh, turk. jdiib., f. 1, 1) a hood. 2) K. Jive piastres=^ q.y. bashmagh, turk. j . > , perB. j L - i J , f. 1, a »hoe, boot.

AJM.&IS X . f f i a btu'il, OS., m. Bethvd, Qen.xxiL 22. btùlà, OS., m. 1, virgin (rare); J&9-, f. virginity, i&àf btilltà, OS., f. 6,9, a virgin, maiden, ^tif eee

ÌMtff bitàniyà, OS., Biihytna, Acts xvi. 7. Jijòlsy and 'là see A»» ¡¡a or ^e- btakhmin, -in, arab. (lit. at a guess), cf. ^oJjs 1) in my opinion, probably (so kurd. J J j u Lerch 81). 2) by chance. Not common. batiyà Al., arab. JL), a garment, cloak, Lidz. 416. Jàisy see under &Sij bash&r&t Al., arab. ¡^Lsj, good Lidz. 423.


often with ^ prefixed or following, b&a dib'Sa (or'a iS&à) bàri bàr U. always after, always i f hit, in K. Al. often pg bid, in Al. Z. (even behind, intensified form.—With affixes ei^à with ft and J verbs) and sometimes U. K. bàthrì K. &c., .«rfb&à bàri U. &c. after him; a h', ( = ? ¿la it is wished that, or perh. ; {¡a so other persons. In Ti. ? 4b'4>à bàthrà d', after. (or bàr hàdà, hàdàklU.=$jór » ¿ 9 he wishes to), the sign of the future tense, as 2*4 b&thar dàkh (dikh), afterwards, ^¡1 or ftp or ¿ ¡ b he will go. It is an Al. (or invariable particle. It is seldom used in Ti.; after this; 'a £4.) ithyà bàthar Al., fallen in Ash. f alone is used before 1 or e.g. ^¡¡i; behind; &cìf iji&à bàrdé d'yòmà (sic) Ash., d'iiil he will go; so often Ti. Z. Az. [in TA. next day, Lidz. 416 ; » £ bjjà Al. after that, ^ is used, in Az. JjVJ. See Grammar, 82, coiij. 112; and see also Jia, >>}a. lb>à bàthrà K. &o., iSSà bàrà U. &c., se» 49 bat, heb.n?*, m. f. i, a bath, the Hebrew prec., m. the back of a thing, measure. t^b'&à bàrà-i, backwards. .19*49 batsliwà, PbH. «jufckp, f. Bathsheba, }£a pi. of ¿»a; add: divisions of a chest &c. 2 Sam, xi. 3, a name (till used (now '(9). oig see


i. the letter iii^gamal, OS., f. i , in K. MB. 2 , = g in goi

when aspirated = gh, a


ijS, ga-ir Al., (OS. past &£J, to commit adultery,

soft guttural somewhat like arab. ^ hut in MB.Ti. often nearly = . . ; with Majliyana(_) it becomes

jämal = j (English).

Aramaic words

In non-

and \ a r e interchanged with

jb. In numbering \ = 3.

11. - \ = 1) aS^Az.

2)}» Az. Al. \ j £ j ä - i g AL, to approach, Lidz. 424. ja-id Al., arab. j*., to strive. as

OS. or \

giügräpiyS,, ji-, gk.

ytuypatpta, f . geography. iVjiofl^or

glulugiya, ji-, gk. ytuAayia,

I geology. OS. or \g!ümitrtyä, gk. yral»rpia, f. geometry. »¡ijä-iz Al., arab.jl«., to be allowed orfitting, Lidz. 424.

Cans. ¿ £ q . v . see



¿nifO. gä-iyüs, OS., m. Gaius, Acts xx. 4. $J!j4-ik AI., to prod, thrust in, Lidz. 424. ¿ ¿ ^ gä-il K., (in OS. to be in motion, past AS^and

to boil, intr.


2) K.

Ib'lS^gira, 1) as OS., m. 1, an arrow;


i J?-


aspirated \ frequently drops; cf. In Ti. \ often becomes

b^ja-ir, 1) arab. =

Cf. arab. J i 1

see ' i ^ . 2) Al., a yard, about = an European märe. 3) U., a lineal measure = 2 ftjpr = ^


4) OS., also ¿¡ü^in NS., Gera, Jud. iii. ig. g)* heb. mt3, f. i, a weight, a gerah, Ex. xxx. 13. a ^ Sh., in the phrases: \ Ja; ikh& jib = p QjÜ on this tide o f ; ajge rajib = p tQ^tf instead of. Jai^gibä, in Ti. Sh. 'i^jiba, tn. 4, usually in K . Sh. götä q. y , f. = OS. for J&4, (Az. also Jisy, ride (the first two forms not of a man or animal except in the following phrases, see jiäj). p ^ U. K., instead of, concerning, also lit. on the ride of. In Al. Az. j ^ (or j U . = p Jfe^ K. Sh., to ( = ghap Mai., Farisot xi. 499; so ^aaj^ gibkhun Az., to you), > fy^i K. Sh. (or ; beside, by the ride of, so p or ; from, from betide; J i ^ ajj& l&gibä (proparox.), on this tide; logiba (pro-

parox.), on the other ride, over there, aleo abroad; (these two also prepositions when foil. by p, the latter also when foil, by ; (journey, ride), Sachau 23,67. Caus. ¿¿jp q.v. to and fro. Used after nouns thus: \ ^eUl ft ^Ai^giliyiln, OS., m, Galtio, Acts xviii. 12. from the neighbourhood of Urmi, or concerning ^J^gilan, pers. & province of Persia Urmi. bordering on the Caspian Sea. Ü^jibä U., f. 3, j i b i K. Al., m. 3, arab. turk. ¡D&Ja-im Al. = >13!, Sachau 23, 53. 1) pocket. 2) (rare) pttrse. See prec. ¿¿¡i^gtoiä AI. = OS. or &a


M. 1 ,



jsy^GAGA, M. 1, a wooden SPUD, FOR WEEDING.

they fight. DIAT. IOSK,.

\ ^ G I J I G , AS. TURK. EU^, {.jealousy,

¿G£JABIL ASH., ARAB. J * ® . , = PREC. ^ . G W A L , Gebal, PS. LXXXIII. 7 (NOT PSH.), EZEK. XXVII. 9 (PSH. ^ J V J ¿A£JABAL, ARAB. J * » . , F. 1, R) a



1) natural forest; a reed-bed.




oi^gigil = iaa daddy. J&TT^GAGHIILTA, OS., F. Golgotha, Calvary, MAT ZXYII. 3 3 .

JSSL^ JABLA, ARAB. J * » , F. 1 , a drove OF CATTLE,

a company OF MEN. CF.




to be angry, to be sorry, to grieve. } SAS^ G&BANA AL., KUNL. ^IJLFAND

J S I ^ , ¿ ¡ A ^ , SEE JEJF

(GAVAN LERCH. 106), a shepherd, cowherd, LIDZ. 428.

SEE ,9«»-

IA\ GWA, OS., Geba, 1 KGS. XV. 22; Gibeah, JUD. XIZ. 1 4 . ^OI^GYUUN, OS., Gibeon, JOSH. X. 2.

OS., a Gibeoniie, 1 SAM. XXI. 1. KS&.SEESOS,


^GIJIL.Fjealousy. CF. I ^ .


Y F T Y J T J I - , KURD. JIJIM, M. 1 , a carpet OF A SMALL AND THIN KIND.


m 1

1) fem. pp. of «Vt,; hence flg**. -') turk.jC. oi f t * } , the liver, often with Aofa. a) with li&im, 2) os OS., subs., f. 6, anything twined or t u r k . j i l j l , the lung. 3) both these = liver braided, a chain. or lung disease. \ >&» venturesome. ji.aV.gadisha, or Al. as OS. m. 1, a ttack, i&^jigir and a S i ^ j i g r i Al. K , S ^ g i j i r heap, stook, shock, haycock. U. (cf. arab. , f. anger, wrath. ¿¿S^ gadil, 1) as OS., to wave, tie, braid, • ^ j S j ' r f i n , f. = i ^ + J s - o i a . icreathe. 2) K. met. to wrestle. See ¿¿^a. f&S^jighiti, pers. j U » , a river on the {¿SiJ^gadila, ga-, fr. prec., m. i, a braider. east of the Lake of ITrmi. ¿¡i^gidla, fr. m. 1 , 1 ) braid, braiding, weaving, intertwining; a wreath. 2) a lath#£>gid, 1) OS., m. Gad, Gen. xxx. 1 1 . a Gadite. 2) PBh. 15^, the god of fortune, Isa. and-plaster wall. lxv. 1 1 ; 111 Al. lji^(Lidz. 429), luck, fortune, j S ^ g d & l i , OS., m. i, 1) v.n. of ¿ X Sachau 89.88. 3) Al., see 2) string, thread, cotton. 3) the thread of a ?Sj»d, arab. tnrk. S»., m. 1, an ancestor. screw; J \ a shoelace; Asp \ yarn, aj^jid, foil, by or in K. (pers. Ij» [See l??\.] apart), 1) besides. 2) except; £ ¡»¿Jid A^k OS., m. Gedaliah, 2 Kgs. min d'b'mili, except in verbs. XXV. 24. f

gadim, OS.*, gram, to abbreviate. i » ^ gdama, OS.*, m. 1, 1) v.n. of prec. ij^jada, arab. turk. pers. u U , m. 1, 2, 2) gram, an abbreviation. 3) gram, the abtth lute state and the construct state; the latter ii a highway, a road. called \ g. d'maiatl The E. Syr. la£Jid&, pers. U*, f. 2, 3, a spear. Jj^gidl, (perh. fr. i ? ^ ! ) , to be dirty. See take the definite as the normal Btate, and the others as abbreviations. They call the noun in the definite state simply fax. ikiS^gadaga, pers. ajSfm. 1, a male buffalo ^^ghadin Al., arab. JiiS, to turn, intr. calf. [Seeji>5i£J gadsim&n, OS., Gethsemaru, Hat. l})^ gdhiidha K. AL, OS., m. 1, t) string, xxvi. 36. yarn, thread, cotton. 2) thread of a screw. ^.^gid'&n, OS, m. Gideon, Jud. vi. 1 1 . PI. in Ash. lj$^(Lidz. 429). »&A1., see fS^.

• & J i d 6 , pen. la», f. 1) the tore back of a horse. 2) a Hunt few/«.

gidip, as OS. Pa., 1) to blaspheme. 2) to calumniate, speak evil i f , revile. Also

\ a ^ o r f - gidflg, gfidflk, turk. aJjf (lit. a notch), f. i, 1) a mountain pass. 2) a breach river in the plain of Solduz,flowinginto the south end of the lake in a wall, a gap. &M^g&d(iaht&, f. 6, (pers. gJe&jj milking of Urmi. + ilfressel 1 or arab. y j l J , «Jo t ), a miliringveisel, with narrow bottom and wide month. ghid&7& Al., arab. ., kurd. jo-ah'r Garz. 152, jewahir Lerch. 119, pers. 1, a pearl, 'j^j

Al. a jewel, Lidz.

427. &qa£J6har, arab. t u r k . ^ j » , cf. prec., m. 1, essence of a fruit &c. jShardar, f. id., az. turk. j l j y ^ » , polished. J o ^ jd-wi, pers. turk. i ^ . , kurd. juwa Lerch. 120, m. quicksilver, mercury. Garz. 235, jewab Lerch. 119, juab id. 120, m. 1 (f. in Ash.), 1) on mower, reply, response. 2) an account rendered of a duty performed; f

excuse, Bom. ii. 1 ;

to give account for. 3) K., a saying,


•»oi^ga-wikh Al. = -«a», to cry, scream. ¡»¿a^Juljada AL, (see

m. 1, quarrel-

ling, strife. tjioK.ga-waya, f. fc'oS^Al. = foil. no. 1 ; i-oS^ ga-wa-S or wardly ; or

OS., interior, inner; foil. no. 2.

fr. 1) within! inff within, or from within.

also = to the inside, into (it); } prep. 2) as subs., the interior.


^¡taS^gi-wiUin, f. an important village which gives its name to a plain north of Ursfi. Goim,

Nations, Gen. xiv. 1 RV. (so Az. i^t^natians). v a^,jwin

Al., (fr. kurd. ¡ ¿ j * together)),

pi. 1, a troop, band, Lidz. 426. {¿oqV^guchma, or jia^jflkma,both U. Tkh., or J 4 A g 4 j i m 4 Ti., (cf. «¡St.), the jut; also a Now with thefist; to hit out. A < g 6 1 , t u r k . j / f . 1 , 2 , a pond; a lake;

¿iio^Al. =

a puddle ; i.e. a piece of water of any size.

i)soV,see Ja*. f.


mercurial ;

containing mercury. looS. ga-wdr or go-ur, turk. j j i , kurd. T PS. 331, Giaour, infidel, a term of great jM^gftzi, OS., 1) m. 1, a walnut, sometimes a nut generally; ¡uji? \

a nutmeg (lit.

(MBjW^gSzabast, (fr. prec. + pers. o - j ? ) ,

to reject!), to

reject food, to be fastidious about. Diet. AjX.. £9!^. or a

gula, gfll-la, pen. turk. j j f canmom-baU. 2) a bullet.

3) Al.

f. 1 = J k ^ q . v . }Sf^j con-

•sj^aS^Q&toV, gwiri gu gam K., he was pleased


with himself.

to condemn, with dir. obj.;

guilt, condemnation.

See i j V ? , and dist.

ioijjor, arab. t u r k . ^ . , f. 1, oppression.

£if!^gilnkh&, OS., m. confution.

li'o^i)pl., see'»^.

j i i ^ jw&n!y& K . (cf. pera. ,jJj». youth, and

2) see i S l ^ .

3) Al.,

m. a buck, a he-goat, Lidz. 429.

}n»40> m' I| 0 colt, foal.

Ib'oS^gora, 1) f. id., kurd.ghawer Garz. 158, £ioV,giinya, 08., turk. i j f , ywvia, m. 1, 1) grey. 2) turk. prep., according to, in

an angle. 2), also (mod.)

a right angle.

t£»4£4gi-w4-n&-yi, f. ft.-, OS., universal. t&gdfVtgttny&bir, az. turk-ji^f,

at right

proportion to. As in turk. it follows the noun. t ¡¿'o^gflra U. K , 1) adj., f. J4.-, kurd. i j j j f great, large, big ; of age, old, elder.

2) subs.,

m. r, 4, a great man, a nobleman, a ruler. Jji'o\ the Mf

¿¡»fiiijwiniktha K-> f. 6, fern, of J * ^ . ptfioifV^ gilnraiizd, az. turk. sj^yi a day'»



size ; authority, rule ; Jis?!^

wagei. I ij}»$ei^gttnmUzd-dar, az. tuvk.^bj^jjiT m. 1, a journeyman. }JnoJ^ jwanqa, fr. pen. turk. kurd, with kurd. term. \l, Nold. 384, (cf. )i,>\gzirta Al. =

¡¿aV^ gûshâ, pers. turk. w ^ m . 4, a corner,


gzùrtà esp. K., as OS., f. circum-

liL«^ giziri, az. turk. n . 1,

a deformed person, a monster.

\word by 1cord.

¡iifiiX^ gàzàwandà, (cf. az. turk. ^Ij^f a complainant), m. 1, a complaint against an equal. cision.

¡¿t^ili!^ gdrsatmâ, az. turk.

buffalo calf.

gizgizi, onomat. (cf. kurd. j f i f f the whiz of an arrow, PS. 332), f. 1, a top.

a native ofGawar

jSïeS, g6rânâ-yâ, f. ¿fc-, fr. li'oS^, greyish, somewhat grey.


to be angry,

to be enraged; {pp. angry.

'S\. g&zandai, az. turk.

f. the

name of a round and large white grape.


( 1


666 laA,.

pi, fr.

bii^gazir K , OS, i) to cireumcue. z) to cut down wood &c. See Ib't^gizra, fr. prec, m. i, a pile, heap. Ib'fi^gizaii, pers.jjjfm. i, a carrot. gazerU, OS., f. 6, pi. also gizr&tl, an island. Bare in U. i ^ o r J&jS^, gazet, gazeta K., europ., f. i, a newspaper, gazette. i & ^ g f e U , (cf. OS. £ > shear, OS. j i ^ wool), f. 9, a sheep, ewe, three years old. J ^ seeing. gakhuka (OS. -ukha), m. i, lit. one who laughs; hence i) a sea-gull. 2) a dimple. gafchzi, OS., m. Gehazi, 2 Kgs. iv. 12. ^ g a k h i k , but in Ti. as OS. gakhikh, to laugh, with a or .i = ai / to deride. See Ja^gikhki, OS. m. i, laughter. Ji-^see f k j i Ash. = )», Lidz. 424. Al. =

Lidz. 424.

name Btill much used, rf. Al, see ij^jiyaz, arab.jl^

m. 1, dowry.

^-\,gikhun, OS, Gihon, Qen. ii. 13. see flj,. giehag, az. turk. el^JT osm - turk. f. 1, a ford. jilidqa, az. turk. >*jJL. perh. from fr. gilet through russ., f. 1, a waistcoat. ¿¡¿.see gllanar, az. turk.jUJfm. 1, a black cherry. ieX^gilasta, f. with coll. pi. gllist, rarely 6; or in Q. K. gilaaa, m. 1 ; kurd. gelas (an acid cherry) and karas Gars. n o , az. turk. y-WTturk. ¿¿'and a white cherry (dist. prec.); with pi. 6, a cherry-tree. J»4^g6ma, . 1, l ^ i ^ f - 6, giy&ri, giyirti, AL as OS, agent of an adulterer, adultereu.

f ^ g t r d Sh. = fbpi Gaw. = aaC^of K , at a t l b ' ^ g i y M O S . * , m. 1, 1) a proselyte (lit. a stranger). 2) a 'farting,' or verie inter- lou, at a etandstUl. Cf. bu. calated in psalms, canticles, ftc.

«I jiran, turk. y l ^ , f. i, a deer, gazelle. ¡S^j^ta, for ' ^ o r ' - i ^ . Jb'oi^,


t - s ^ A l . Ash. = '9. ghalbana, 1) agent of


i f ^ galij, (cf. OS. ^ i \ t o uncover, or OS.

J i ^ A l , eee i i ^ g l l , pers.

i) clay.

2) rare, chalk.

¿ ^ J t l , m. i ) = p r e c . no. 1.

2) slate-pencil.

stretch 1), 1) to open wide the mouth of a vessel or Bkin.

gala,gale, m. 2 = ASs.-

J J ^ g a l i K., 1) alas!

[esp. in the phrase

Jicta J ^ K . , an expression used by women on hearing bad jiews] =

galu Sh. Al.

(perh. fr. pers. ¿ T lamentation).

2) Al. Ash.

(Lidz. 432), ' a vocative particle,' while o ^ is an ' interrogative particle,' but is also used in affirmative sentences nearly tf^Jala,

az. turk. iL., m. 1, a flagstaff,

a meat; a pole for knocking down walnuts &c. gait, OS., 1) to reveal, disclose, teU. 2) to uncover; xi rishfl gilya, bareheaded. See j ! ^ » . 4 $ J a l i , 1) to wear out, intr., to be threadbare, to fade. 2) K . = a i ^ q . v . 3) Al., arab. 3L., to cleanse, wipe, Lidz. 432. See J ^ j a . AL, kurd. JU., i. a grave, Lidz. 432. ¿ i k g' 1 ». OS., m. 1, 3, 4, s, 1 ) grass, hay. 2) any herb. 4) in Q.

3) esp. with »a;, tea, tea-leaves. >tacked hay.

J i b J ^ j a t o nfini Ti., fr. ^ no. 2, m. a teamvan (lit. fish-snatcher) = i j ^ U , ^ (see i ^ . , and j&liw Al. K., arab. i^l», to prey on, seize, plunder, match. ¿ ^ g h a l i b TJ. Al. TA. = ¿ ¿ £ K., arab. OS.

to conquer, overcome.

sS£Jal&b, (cf. tfs&J, f. 1, a flock, herd of sheep or cattle brought for sale. } £ ^ g h a l a b & , gha- Al., 1) agent of hence 2) invincible, Lidz. 432. .uwfry glabfl, OS., Gilboa, 1 Sam. xzviii. 4 (Psh. xxxi. 1.

2) met. to be talkative.

^ A l . = i ^ n o . 2, Lidz. 432.

¿¡J^gala, az. turk. i t f f m . 1, a wedge ; a peg, a wooden nail. tf&Terg.,


2)prosperous, Lidz. 432.


or ¡ ^ jalig, jalij Al. Ash., to cut o f f , Lidz. 432. &|M^jalgh&, az. turk. ulL-, m. 1, 1) an appendage.

2) a wig. f. 1 , a round

£ ¡ 0 ! ^ . galg61a, cf.

plaything (!) Stod.; a cotton red. galgal, whirling, Ezek. x. 13. Cf. foil. }\V>V,gaIgaIa, 1) OS., also in NS. Gilgal, 2 Kgs. ii. 1. 2) (cf. OS. to whirl) whirling duet, Isa. xvii. 13. ¿ • S \ \ ^ g a 1 g a M Al., kurd. j t f f l f i n d J U c , cf.

f. 6, noise, tumult, Lidz. 432. a ^ j i l d , arab. turk. j L , m. 1, a volume,

book. Also 1 3 ^ . { »S^Jalad, arab. turk. ¿Si»., m. 1, 0» executioner, properly of a lower grade [see «a«>g>]; IJl^ j the captain of the guard, 2 Kgs. xxv. 15. };AV.Jeld, cf. foil., quick. t f c l $ J e l d l , or i ^ a , pers. j J L , 1) quickly, toon. 2) early. Often repeated, i,?^. • \ & lon9 "9° [dist. ft \ quicker than]; ) quickly. l ^ ^ g i l d a , OS., m. 1, skin;


l i ^ s e e aVJ^. f^eee'Viv o i & J i l o , kurd.

PS. 293, m. 1 (jil6wt),

a bridle. f ^ J M , a tribal district SW. of Oawar. The dialect is akin to that of Gawar, Salamas, and Qudshanis, and not to that of the other tribal districts.

jilwaya, a native of


ghalibita, or in K . k h a l i b u t h a , perh. for ' a e V ^ , fr. a ^ , 2) a prize.

f. 6, 1) victory.

¿4. \ \ax to conquer, tr.

J i ^ A ^ j a l b u t h a Al., cf. foil. f. splendour.

)oS£j&tt-w&, m. 1, a string in a water-mill, to lift or lower the lower end of the $ ( f f , so as to regulate the descent of the corn.

52 gil^ji, az. turk. ^ f .

a icy the; a large siMe.

| tff^V, gl&la, i) adj., with f. A - gliilta, OS.


\ g i l a n d i , gal-, pers. JolTt m. 1,

i, a coil of

carded cotton or wool.


2) as subs., m. 1, a baU,

globe. 3) in pi., prepared wheat- 4) the masc. and the fem. as subs., m, 1, £ 6, a bowl, 1 Kgs. vii. 42; a round lump, Zech. v. } BV. marg. f.

fr. prec., round,

jWil^see a & ^ o r \ g i l ' a d , gal-, OS., Gileed, Gikad, Gen. xxxi. 47. £J-, OS., a GOeadite, Jud. x. 3. dtA^ghaliq Al. = q . v .

orbed, somewhat round, oval.

J e ^ T k h . , see

l i ' i ^ A l . = 'a (Lidz. 555), miUet. jiva^galuta.OS.*, f. captivity,Hzehi. 1 BV. -AjJJalikh, (cf. - j ^ ? ) , to bark the skin or a tree (cf. Az. oi^&to tear).

gilispid, pers. JJU j C m - *>


Jni^see ^

¡aS.gham, gham Al. (and ^ K . T A .

Lidz. 433) =


* 4 J i m a Al. = s Lidz. 433; see fu..

i ^ g h i l i t ; Al. = q . v .

ja£Jam&, 1) m. 1, pi. also

j i ^ g A l a t i y i i , OS., Galatia, Gal. i. 2.

a twin.

gilata-yi, OS., a Galatian.

2) a pair.


3) in pi. Castor and

Pollux (Psh. J»K\), Acts xxviii. 1 1 ; esp. aB one of the signs of the Zodiac. 4) Didymus

J ^ g a l i y a , kurd. j / f m . 1, 1) U. K.J.(see a valley, esp. if large and open and affording spring paBtnre.

2) Al., a mountain

pass, Lidz. 432.

(Fsh. J»U), Job. xi. 16.

to cut 1), to fall doum as a new wall. See AaS^. aaJ^gamidh K., OS., to squeeze tight.

oAi^galyu, OS., Giloh, 2 Sam. xv. 12. £»OS., a Gilonite, ib.

laMj^girada, 1) f. id., great, big, large. 2) m. body, substance, size. Jis- strong.

f. id., wild, undisciplined in conduct

{¿ifojsa^ jamhfiriya, arab.


OS., Galilee, Mat. ii. 22.


fcnoxii^ gamtista, (perh. fr. arab. Xffuit!), f. dysentery, diarrhoea.

gilyana, OS., m. 1, 1) a revelation, 2) the Apocalypse.

3) the Transfigu-

ration, esp. the festival, August 6. 4) a man's name now used. f


j . » . , f. 1,

a republic.

OS., a Galilcean. oracle.

5) Bee

JyK.gimi K., gimi U., (conn, with OS.

^ galy&nft, turk.

a mountain in

giltsha, az. turk. ¡ J . J l f f l i t . long), m. 1, a long onion; a leek. AX^jalal, arab. J V , m. 1, ghty, esp. of God, honour shown to a person. J^see&K. gal-li, bread baked with beam in it for the fast. Ash, valleys (1), Lidz. 433. j i l i l i U., rarely A " , kurd. J 5 L


gurimtba Tkh., f. 6, coll. pi. I j i » ^ gttmrt, a live coal.


Garz. 94, m. 1, a robber.

rarely as OS.'aV,, gimurta, gmurta, 1) or J & ^ a ^ gumertha Ti., or by metath. 2) met. as OS.*, an

Eucharistic loaf. ghamit Al., arab. ¡ejs 1 to sink or fall into with a, Lidz. 434. garni, sometimes turk. kurd.

gamiya in Al.,

kurd. u j Garz. 98, f. 1, a

vessel, ship, large boat.


a yacht,

pleasure-boat. y L Q jam£d&n, kurd.

a river in

Kurdistan. } .a.n^gamicM, turk.

m.i, a tailor,

boatman. ajoi^Ti. Al. or \ T k h . Gaw, garnish, garnish, •mish, OS.

m. 1, a buffalo bvM. [SeejSi*]



sometimes gyana, in J . gtaa, turk. kurd. pers. j j L (Lerch it8), kurd. iiLf gyane Garz. 90, f. 3 , 1 ) self; -S^gani, myself; ^ o r JS^seeJ^ganan, ganatan, ourselves; ^iS^^gan gani, my very self; aiS^p my 01on; ¿¡Hp or in Ti. gamli-il, OS., m. Gamaliel, Acts •dip or .J*? I myself; cij^ 34Ash. he wandered at random. 2) soul; •Uoijjani, arab. turk. m. i, sum, addition, at the point cf death; ? \ Ani to annoy total; in interest, the amount. usually, greatly ; Wjanikh Ti. Ash., an admostly, on the whole, on an average. juration, by thy send 1 [or cf. ; \ iiojjami K., jimt U., arab. to assemble, unanimous. 3) a person. 4) life. intr. SeeAgj». J ^ g a n i , turk. a sheep-tick. gamiehta U. K., fr. prec., f. 6, a buffalo cow.

iip!£Jam6 Al., arab. Lidz. 433.

cf. prec., a mosque,

AjjJ^game K., 1) as OS., to sink, intr. 2) (or perh. ¡¡oS^fr. OS. heb. WM) to indent, to press in a convex surface. 3) to swallow a large mouthful. Jia^see ¿ a ^ . jama at, also Al. Jiaai^ jama a (Lidz. 433)i arab. i c U > , turk. p . « . » . , both f. 1, 1) an assembly, congregation, a multitude. 2) Al., people, men. taS^gamir, (in OS. to complete), 1) to fM cloth. 2) to tan skin; hence 3) to be horny as the hand. 4) K., to strike, 5) Al. K. (cf. OS.), to reach the highest point, Lidz. 434; pp. perfect. ii^gamar, OS., Gamer, Gen. x. 2.

^ jant, arab. ¡ 1 » , f., no pl., a quilt placed over the knees of persons sitting round an oven (ib'uts). JjJ^gani, 1) OS., to lean, recline, rest oneself. 2) to set as the sun. Jj^jint, f. id., fr.




ajjt, jamb, arab. vjU., f., as a title, Excellency, with affixes of 2 and 3 pers. ajik, giniw, OS., to steal; pp. as adv. by ttedUh, often



to steel

away from, intr. see Jiiijambi, pers. (lit. that which creeps or moves), m. 1, a raft. gniwi, m. 1, 1) v.n. of hence 2) Al., a thing done in secret, esp. a secret sin.

{Ja^glnawa U. K. or \gan&w& or ga- Al. Ash. Az. as OS., m. 1, a thief. 'J^J-A to steal ; because swift), m. t, an active beast of burden, ¡ f i ^ » ¿.ifl the milky way (see |ui,). }i.p-, one quick on the road. f. = prec. in both senses. £i«!k,gmary&, OS.,m.Gmariah, Jer.xxix.3, Ja^ginwai, m, secret, secrecy. secretly. see OfiaS^. ginw! Ash., softly, secretly, Lidz. 434. «jj^gtaieh (cf. chald. E^Qi to curve, bend 1). &.} gimbli akhrl, (perh. for 'l 1) to squeeze, wring. 2) to hold tight in the wallowers in dung), a beetle. hand. 3) to take a handful. 4) K,, to butt. gambilin, the name of a kind of Cf. grass. gimshi, fr. prec. (cf. Jao»V.). m. 1, t iSaft, gabiri, OS., m. I, a giant, a strong a handful. or great man, a hero. 2) as adj., f. ¡kiHansen gigantic, strong. 3) Orion, Job ix. 9 ; in pl. *Jkj' n > »"»!>• ¿ i . uW. m - 1 . (pl. in Al. £ ) , constellations, Isa. xiii. 10, f. strength. a jinn, sprite; pl. Genii. Cf. fcai^, used only in the adv. min ginwit, iSla^gimra, pers. »J^f(lit. loser of the road,

see foil, and prec. Ji&,gtn&, or in Ti. Ash. S ^ j i n i , in Al. Ash.

(= secret.

cf. toii &c.), fr.

secretly, m




¿¿¡¡Jang U. or % Bhang K., pers. turk. elij, kurd. shenk Oarz. 93, 237, m. 1, rust. ¿Sji&jangM, pers. J J u » , 1 1 , forest, jungle, wood, thicket. ^ ¡ ^ j a n g a l i g h , az. turk. j i i S ^ f , fr. prec, f. t, wooded country, woodlands. JiS^janganA, f. ¿1-, fr.


j k j ^ ganjapa, pers. lisJ^m. card.

1, a playing-

to play cardi.

Wl.BB^ •jS^Ti. or tp> U. Tkh. ganiz, qa-, (arab. j X OS. «i!^, lit. to hide), 1) to gather a dress, a) to crouch, shrink. 3) to be cramped. }t-»i^gnazta Ti., f. 6 , 1 ) v.n. of prec.

a) the

gathers of a dress. gnaya, v.n. of

See i»a.

gniwi = k A . I ' V ¡¡aa. J ^ g n g yum!, or J a b »i\gni yoma Al. as OS., m. the west, lit. sunset. v »,i^janiman,

az. turk. ^UiU., f. 1, a donee

with a song. ^ J a n i n A l , in U. (rare) j&nin, arab. ¿J».,

f i i ^ J a n g & r i , f. id., (fr. turk. ^liS;, pers. verdigria), blue colour, colour of verdigris. i > a cesspool.

9 ^ g a n d a w , pers.

jandag, -4k, az. turk. elJ^-i f. 1,

1) to lament wildly, to wail,

i) U., to rage,

to be mad, to be in a great hurry. Jii^see {jM^Jins, arab. pers. y-J»., J) U. A l , f.id., »tee, agreeable, pleasant, esp. of things. 2) Al.

a carcass, dead tody of an animal.

= foil, no. 1, Liilz. 435.

AViu^ganddla (cf. OS. l i A f a lump of earth, a clod.

ball), m. 1,

¿¿4s, ginsa, OS.*, lat. genus, yeW, m. 1, 1) kind, form, genus (rare). 2) gram, gender.

}£p4Jindaya Ash. Al., f.

arab. kurd.


jansflltin, turk. pers.


a womau's name now used.

J x » , beautiful, gentle, Lidz. 435.

ginsana-ya, f.

pers. l i j ^ az. turk. ¿ x f ,

generic; gram, of gender ; \

m. I, tbe name of an edible herb.

OS.*, general, tax, gram, a

common noun. ^a^gandan, pers.

t&si^jindar, az. turk.jlji», see a wizard.

S^jS^ginisar, OS, Gemesaret, Lu. v. 1.

f. toil, care. m. 1,

f. sorcery.

ib'ii^Jindaiii, pers. gnah&, or in Sal.

j£i£Janta, turk. tluU. and ci\a., f. 6 (sic),

m. lean meat. gna, pers. kurd.

ibjff.I,fault,sin,crime; \ l i i faulty, sinful; a

to sin against; Af. J&V-h??

up a fault against.


a t


In Sal. ^a\gnan — our

faults. jinfi, (fr. arab. U . to pluck 1 or peril, fr.

t) to seize, match. 2) to abduct,

dope with.

JaSJ^jiuaqa, az. turk. j U » , m. 1, a collarbone, esp. with lS>jjp. a wallet, bag, knapsack. j&^gantha Ti. Al. as OS. (rare in U.), or \ g i n t h a Tkh, f , pi. JSi^, a garden. «Sk.gas, europ, mod, m. 1, gas. JeS.gasi, OS, to be sick, to romit, tr. and intr. ¿¿¡^ gisa, 1) OS, m. 1, 5, side, ham, buttock (see

2) pi, see

J Joooj^. jasusa, arab. turk. kurd.

3) to pursue. Ib'ftuS^uS^g&nflginqfir^the name of a grape, m. 1, a spy. ti*e$j&8ur A l , arab.j^-», bold, Lidz. 435. gnuna, OS., m. I, a bride-chamber. ^ g i s i t A , f. 6, l ) = J * i , . • ) frJiii^janwana, m. 1, agent of hence vomit. a robber. Jio^see lai$jana-war, pers. turk^JjiU, kurd. jena'ur jisis K , arab. JL»., to spy, examine. Lerch 1 1 8 , m. 1, 1) a beast, a living creature. 2) a strange thing.


55 iib^J&sir, arab.^t., to venture, to be bold. M l gista. f„ pi. Jji&gisi, i) OS. fltece.

2) a kid.



See flstHj

ga'6 K . as OS., or ^

ga-yi U., or

Jus qa'4 Ti. as OS., 1) to cry out, esp. in prayer or for help (rare).

JjSJi'i K . or ^ j i - y i U. or

Ti., (in Al.

Jj&q.v.), heb. S3J, (cf. arab.

to be tired,

via, I am tired.


limara, I mat tired of laying. «&A1. =

lii^Jira, pers.

3) alimony given

after a judicial separation.

'J^ A a i to receive

a pension, &c. as OS., or ' i ^ U . Al., garwa, girwa, m. 1, 1) leprosy.

2) scab, mange; used for

any skin disease.


J j a ^ g i r w * 1) see prec. fr. pers.

middle or crisis or most busy part of an affair.

Jii^see J*«^.

griwa, m. 1, coarse cotton material

i ^ j a p a U. or '&jap4 Tkh., (fr. arab. U>. illtreatment t), m. 1, labour, trouble.


Lidz. 436.

J^,gap! K. Sh., pi. only, az. turk. udTcf. (OS. Pa. to dig), or fr. OS.

J&i*!^, m. 1, 1) a cave. 2) a ravine, cleft. 3) i esee e

1) gerbya-ya, f.

OS., northern.

2) gherbya-ya Al., (cf. a3^0), Zephyr, the tout wind, Lidz. 436. lifl'^

oaj^. JMk-

girwita, f. 6, a sock, stocking, with

coll. pi. J y i ^ (see

f ^ g i p l t a , see

f. 6, a cave.

i^t^japU, (arab. JiU. quick), in adv.

pairs of socks;

with sixth pi. odd socks. t & i ^ K . OS., or

A l , garwana, gir-,

fr. J ? ^ , 1) m. i, a leper.

Al., suddenly. ¡¿Sikjipiia, arab. hi*-, f. 3, a buading-tray

2) as adj., f. Jti-,

leprous, mangy. garag U. or 'i^ gerek Al., turk. iri^

of wood. ¿S^gipti, OS.

rt. ^V,, f. 6, a vine.

gisa K. = OS. and TA. J^ot4sj£qujaK.,kurd.gyU.,

m. 1, a knife,

Lidz. 436. jar, pers.^U, f. I, a proclamation. garJ, 1) kurd. / P S . 331 = 2) ¿J «-J \

Jjii^gerbya, OS., i the north.

to threaten.

Al., a ¡/rave, Lidz. 435. iiA

(whitish). j S ^ g h r a b i Al., (cf. a ^ ) , the left hand,

take trouble, to strive.

JS^gipa, rt.


jisj^girbi, m. 1, body; a large body; the

Lidz. 424.


2) = OS.

t (sing, in K. only), a sock,



arab. ¿ 1 f t , f. 1,1) a ration.

2) a pension, an annuity.

2) to Heat. Caus. Ji\ai>,



iSi&.see sii!^,

g. d'khfahib, kurd. ^ - i j i . ^ f ,

a mountain in Kurdistan.

3) K., kurd. ^ j f

(urn (lat. vices), Lidz. 438.

1) impers. verb, must, ¿Tiif without

must go, also

rarely ' ¡ j e>i>'t

See jwS. 2) ought,

where there is no moral obligation (see ai^o), as ji£> 0iH »0¿if \ garag d'hawiwa lakha, they ought to have been here, I should have expected they would be here.

3) as adj., f. id.,

with first pi., necessary; not as an epithet. . Jiki^jerga, az. turk. nij*., m. 1, 1) a line; 'IpjtZ?

to do line by line. 2) a verse of poetry,

or of a chapter.

¿i^see Ib^and

¡»aViV.Al. = 'ioV,.

j££Jara Al. = i S j .

¿ ¿ f V ^ a s OS. or £x-, gergusa-ya, -shayi, f.

iS^ghara Al. Ash. = l i ^ , Lidz. 436. iS^gira Ash., h a i . J = J a a L i d z . 436. l i S J a r l , arab. uj*, gutter as a candle.

1) to flow. 2) K., to

3) to float, t Jiia \ A 1 . ,

met. to happen to a person.

Gergashxte, Gergasene, Qen. x. 15. See »Aj^aj^ jarjankt Al., kurd. e l J » ^ , on to

draw), f. 1, a threshing-machine, a Bort of

i gledge drawn by horses, buffaloes, or oxen, round and round the pile of corn-sheaves, and fitted with knives which cut up the straw. i££l&£Jeij&r& J. = lii&^k, Socin 124. 7. gergari Al., (fr. Ib'aVJ, nMea, Lidz.

rix-oii^ gerdlla, (cf. turk. J j / ' a bucket)), m. 1, a wide-mouthed jar used for storing cheese, treacle &c. Also ¿^iij^gerdilta, f. 6 (dim.). )»?»£, gardana, m. 1, 1) agent of 2) one who works a gouge (a>iij.

43Vgirdaiii Al., t\jrk. ¡ j i ^ pers. I^jf >j£Jarid, arab. i j ? , cf. foil., 1) to strip off leaves. 2) to scrape, ruh hard. 3) Ash., to neck, throat, Lidz. 437. See foil. undo, loose a string, Lidz. 437. gerdambagh, az. turk. ^j^jf cf. jjJ^ garid, OS., 1) to scrape. 2) to efface, prec., m. 1, a necklace. rub out, erase. iji^Jrada, m. 1, 1) v.n. of j i ^ . 2) = foil, no. 2, eo called from the manner of weaving. 3) K., met. a band of raiders. ijaSJerdi, m.,pl.id., i) a frame for weaving carpets. 2) a carpet woven on a frame; see

{«iSiJara, arab. turk.kurd. ^ f , cf. m. 1 (jarahi), a surgeon. «iS^giriw, to starve, intr.


oaJ^garu, f., pi. {Jo-, a wtazel.

girfi U., pers. j/Tf., pi. fcS-, 1) pledge, prec. pawn. to lend on security. 2) earnestjJ&^Jirdha Al., arab. '¡j*, a rat, Lidz. 437. money, arks ( = JiaiS^K.). Ija^gerdu, eBp. in U., m. i, 1) a net, netsee IP!\. work. \ ll? to cast a net. a) a cobweb. l^oi^gardda = oji^no. 2. or 'aa jarda sail, chi-, Al., f. id. (pers. fourteen + JL. year), fourteen • s ^ s e e ¿iS^. years old. see 'siV,. tts&J|^\W. a fault, to trespass. JIB IS^ GAM, OS.*, M. 1, an adder, basilisk. F & S J A R I Y I A L , ARAB. hj*., F. 1, a girl, JFTA^SEE ¡fri^. maiden, female slave, LIDZ. 4 3 6 . MONEY WORTH ABOUT 6D., LIDZ. 4 3 7 .


CF. J A I ^ . .




stranger =

' I U Q.V.



F. 1, a fine, penally. JARYFI.NFH M. 1, 1 ) AGENT OF

2 ) IN

\>\. floods,

IP&^AL. = ^



ISA. XLIV. 3 .


a Gergesene,


fci to scratch;

MET to be rapacious.

F. 6 ,


dried split pea; IN P I . split pease. £ $ B ^ G I R S I K & , M. 1, A wild pear. I I I , GAli K , G&RF U , O S , 1) to shave. 2) to shear.


GARIP, O S , 1 )

LIDZ. 4 3 6 . GARICH, -IJ, =

M . 1,



GIRSITI, (FR. J S J ^ I ) ,


¿ « F I I J A R I M A OR J&-, ARAB. TURK, KURD. U I F * , CF-


to shovel away, whelm.

to sweep off


J J J ^ J S R I P , (ARAB.


2 ) MET.

to over-


the castor AND 1) U. K, to slide, dip. 2) K , to oil plant; lit? castor oil. rake away, «Bp. MUD. { . G B ^ J & R C B I , AZ. TURK. ^ U , FR. M . 1, JJ^I\GRFTPINGA, RUSS, M. 1 , a glass jug. a trier, herald. LIVSI\GRIPTAR, F. I D , PERS. turk.Jni^taken * ^ G & R I M , 1 ) (IN O S . TO CUT OFF), to be with, afflicted with A DISEASE. silent, STOD. GR. 1 8 0 . 2 ) K , to roll DOUGH JOIIKJIRQSL U . OR I O ^ J I L I Q A , T K H , AZ. TURK. \SI^GERCHAG, AZ. TURK. E U ^ F F . 1,


a bout; \ backbone; BOX •ETYA^GERMD AHOR, an outcast, one whose hospitality none wiU accept. JA&XS,GERMA, O S . , M . 1,


a little bone,


LIDZ. 4 3 8 .


new musk melon, GREEN






CF. . » B ^ . GEN. XX. 1.

LL^NO. 3 .

i)to draw, pull. 2) to last, to prolong. 3 ) to distil. PHRASES : fl i f f i \to withdraw support from ; l&a? \ to take pleasure, ECCLES. IL 3 ; be angry; *oi»i!i^\lo draw bade, resign; fij \ (OR't A^I) to have a chronic pain, to suffer; ¡SB> \to suffer from a wound; \ T O sign JT^GARIAH, O S . ,


» a i i ^


a deed; p f ^ o i \lo attack; ^ (Lei \ o r


\ i o take one's fancy, captivate ;

ijfUf \to

travail, to be tn labour;


to take an account from a steward &c.; to be luxurious; H^\to

iS^gj^ gizhiigizh (proparox.), bubbling, purl-

\ < o yearn

for; b ¡Hcoti \totaketroubU, take pahw(see^l);



to mount guard;

step aside, to keep out of;

j la.1 ^ \to

put up with;



boii^ gäsliür, OS., Geshur, 2 Sam. xiii. 37 ; but jiÜ^A^gshüräyä, a Geslmrite, Josh. xiii. 13. } ¡¿j^ghashimä AI., f. kurd. ^ii,

^ g i s h ä n , OS., Goshen, Gen. xlvi. 29.


{¡»ji^ or ^

a disease (so any specific illness); Ji^i. \ t o take time (e. g. i&ii) £Ss> \to \

to be zealous; Saaija \ U . or \


So la» J

in); jiS^f

: .iX, black pepper.

smoke U. and eome-

despair (i. e. giving

reserve (Lidz. 438); ¿xaX,

^ x a ^ , P f * ^ girshun, -um, both OS., m.

liut^ gishra, as Western OS., (Eastern OS. \ ) , m. 1, but 2 in Ti., a bridge, large or Also i^ixj^gibhirti, esp. Ti., f. 6.

* (sijk.gashti, recreation, pleasure. ¿O^gät AI., arab. ¿if, almost, Lidz. 431.

Gershom, Gershon, Ex. ii. 22, vi. 16. •aaxa^ girshunl Al., OS., Carshunie, i.e. Arabic written in Syriac letters.

iii^gashir, OS., to bridge, rare. Dist. bib^s.


jakip a comma (written | in Syriac).


¡sJ^gat, OS., Gath, 1 Sam. xxi. 10. OS., a Gittite.

^-Svi^girtikhana Ash., kurd. ¿ U - i / f . I, a prison, Lidz. 437. jislijish, kurd. gesh, Garz. 257, 258,

^IsV.gttt*, not Psh., heb. ri'Pä, Gittilh, Ps. viii. title. b&S^gitar, OS., m. Gether, Gen. x. 23.

m. 1, a fool.

1. the letter

gishnishi Tkh., pi. only, osnt. turk.

to take

times Q. K. (so all words for pipes; see J^x). See aa^p.

gizhana, f. Iii-, cf. gäge and

take three hours);

i i a a i o K. to mount guard ; a photograph; *isb> \to

ghashimta, arab.

foolish, stupid, dull, Sachau 13.

dalat, OS., f. t, in K .

mint didhi, - i in Ti. Al. TA., [in K. Al. often

Ml). 2, = d; when aspirated, dh (as th in thin)

pleonastically, as ci^j bjja after him; so with

but it is never aspirated in U. J. Sal. Q. Gaw.

all preps.; and after subs, as


of his hunger].

f falls in many words, e.g.

compounds, J.?«,


cvlSj ^ because

The 2 pi. in Ti. is oa»^.?

didhekhu or aaa»} didhkliu.


; frequently becomes », eBp. in Al. Z. (Gram.

In some com-

pound preps, t is pron. t, esp. in U., ta t oji»

— ? is

minit=^p, f c C i i 'filit(Al. ilit) = A i , f q u f o

sometimes pron. t, esp. at the end of some non-

q a m i t = ) » i B ; and in Az. in all combinations

Aramaic words, as ft! azad or azat; in a few


words it is replaced b y \ ; in Az. it replaces

f is used redundantly to enable several preps,

in ljl = {6>i to come. In numbering ? = 4 . —

to form affixes, as

11. d', OS., olten f p esp. in Sal, an inseparable

between all preps, (except a, i , and sometimes

particle, 1) prep., (also in Z. a?? diilh, before

in K. Al. others) and dem. prons., as {qlp ^f

nouns), of, but often omitted as J^Sj tip\ i .

&kh dah&, like this.

a pair of shots.

than to m e . — « 4 (f-

338); in Az. it sometimes becomes

Used also in dates, as Jtip

J? c^oba brdnit il-ha — feiHi? ifoaa.— like me; and also

So in ¿ 1 ? & l?oi more «4) au diyan (ai d.),

With affixes

he (she) of ours is used by a wife (husband) in

•It? diyt U. K., tyt di4 Al. Ash., sometimes

speaking of her (his) consort, as it is not


in the year 100 [see A],

» a i i ^


a deed; p f ^ o i \lo attack; ^ (Lei \ o r


\ i o take one's fancy, captivate ;

ijfUf \to

travail, to be tn labour;


to take an account from a steward &c.; to be luxurious; H^\to

iS^gj^ gizhiigizh (proparox.), bubbling, purl-

\ < o yearn

for; b ¡Hcoti \totaketroubU, take pahw(see^l);



to mount guard;

step aside, to keep out of;

j la.1 ^ \to

put up with;



boii^ gäsliür, OS., Geshur, 2 Sam. xiii. 37 ; but jiÜ^A^gshüräyä, a Geslmrite, Josh. xiii. 13. } ¡¿j^ghashimä AI., f. kurd. ^ii,

^ g i s h ä n , OS., Goshen, Gen. xlvi. 29.


{¡»ji^ or ^

a disease (so any specific illness); Ji^i. \ t o take time (e. g. i&ii) £Ss> \to \

to be zealous; Saaija \ U . or \


So la» J

in); jiS^f

: .iX, black pepper.

smoke U. and eome-

despair (i. e. giving

reserve (Lidz. 438); ¿xaX,

^ x a ^ , P f * ^ girshun, -um, both OS., m.

liut^ gishra, as Western OS., (Eastern OS. \ ) , m. 1, but 2 in Ti., a bridge, large or Also i^ixj^gibhirti, esp. Ti., f. 6.

* (sijk.gashti, recreation, pleasure. ¿O^gät AI., arab. ¿if, almost, Lidz. 431.

Gershom, Gershon, Ex. ii. 22, vi. 16. •aaxa^ girshunl Al., OS., Carshunie, i.e. Arabic written in Syriac letters.

iii^gashir, OS., to bridge, rare. Dist. bib^s.


jakip a comma (written | in Syriac).


¡sJ^gat, OS., Gath, 1 Sam. xxi. 10. OS., a Gittite.

^-Svi^girtikhana Ash., kurd. ¿ U - i / f . I, a prison, Lidz. 437. jislijish, kurd. gesh, Garz. 257, 258,

^IsV.gttt*, not Psh., heb. ri'Pä, Gittilh, Ps. viii. title. b&S^gitar, OS., m. Gether, Gen. x. 23.

m. 1, a fool.

1. the letter

gishnishi Tkh., pi. only, osnt. turk.

to take

times Q. K. (so all words for pipes; see J^x). See aa^p.

gizhana, f. Iii-, cf. gäge and

take three hours);

i i a a i o K. to mount guard ; a photograph; *isb> \to

ghashimta, arab.

foolish, stupid, dull, Sachau 13.

dalat, OS., f. t, in K .

mint didhi, - i in Ti. Al. TA., [in K. Al. often

Ml). 2, = d; when aspirated, dh (as th in thin)

pleonastically, as ci^j bjja after him; so with

but it is never aspirated in U. J. Sal. Q. Gaw.

all preps.; and after subs, as


of his hunger].

f falls in many words, e.g.

compounds, J.?«,


cvlSj ^ because

The 2 pi. in Ti. is oa»^.?

didhekhu or aaa»} didhkliu.


; frequently becomes », eBp. in Al. Z. (Gram.

In some com-

pound preps, t is pron. t, esp. in U., ta t oji»

— ? is

minit=^p, f c C i i 'filit(Al. ilit) = A i , f q u f o

sometimes pron. t, esp. at the end of some non-

q a m i t = ) » i B ; and in Az. in all combinations

Aramaic words, as ft! azad or azat; in a few


words it is replaced b y \ ; in Az. it replaces

f is used redundantly to enable several preps,

in ljl = {6>i to come. In numbering ? = 4 . —

to form affixes, as

11. d', OS., olten f p esp. in Sal, an inseparable

between all preps, (except a, i , and sometimes

particle, 1) prep., (also in Z. a?? diilh, before

in K. Al. others) and dem. prons., as {qlp ^f

nouns), of, but often omitted as J^Sj tip\ i .

&kh dah&, like this.

a pair of shots.

than to m e . — « 4 (f-

338); in Az. it sometimes becomes

Used also in dates, as Jtip

J? c^oba brdnit il-ha — feiHi? ifoaa.— like me; and also

So in ¿ 1 ? & l?oi more «4) au diyan (ai d.),

With affixes

he (she) of ours is used by a wife (husband) in

•It? diyt U. K., tyt di4 Al. Ash., sometimes

speaking of her (his) consort, as it is not


in the year 100 [see A],



customary for married people to ufe names dima, OS., m. Demos, Col. iv. 14. either in addressing or in speaking of one da-in, 1) OS., to judge. 2) to go to lam, another; they use a periphrasis such as the (also jùp No caus.; dist. ^pà. above, or .»i.'w..? ¿it/la. S»£a, or often Jbiì dà-is Al., arab. ^ b , to transgress fr. simply «4, £i&c. 2) rel. pron., who, that, which, (lit. to trample). whom, the other cases being expressed by affixes 41? da-iq, (OS. past jj>), i ) to make fine, to added to the noun, a s » n o ^ S ; o4 au d'rigu grind to powder, beai small. 2) Al. to thresh. iwin, he whose servant I am. 3) conj., that, in 3) to knock, beat. Cf. 91?, .aaaaJo. order that; often used redundantly to introduce a! 3 da-ir, (arab.^b to go lonnd), 1) to tarn oratiorecta; because (esp. Al.). 4) Ash.Ti.Z. = In the first three of these senses, p is intr., return, with i or l i = to. 2) met. to be converted, to repent. First pres. il?, ib'2? Al. replaced in Az. by Sh., lil^Ash.n«i
».p. remain, to be prolonged.

Also t-a^à? dabàghchi, az. turk. ^ ^ b j .

2) K. Al., verb, to

¿Laasp diburtà, -rità, f. 6. Jioaj dabushà, f. &t-, fr. B p , sticky.


Jtaa ^

I. da-wikh, OS., to sacrifice. n. dabikh

K., srab.


¿Sub BÌiyà dwìqà, sorely afflicted with

illness ; liil ¿toMW

j, to cut up animals.

¡¿a; dyukha, m . I, and


dyflkhta, f. 6,

dwiqtu shàtà, sick (f.) of

a fiver. See ¿ig». Jìù?? dòqànà, m. 1, 1) agent of prec.

both OS., a sacrifice, an offering.

2) ^ a ? 't d. d'kill, A l m i g h t y 3 ) arith.

dhabit Al., see Nap, \=»Jctaj dablqa, f. jia- dabiqta, OS.*, gram. intransitive, opp. l&fr.

ia&t afa 'p the least common

multiple. ajp 1. dàbir K. 1) as arab.

£ a j dibits, fr. Jap, f. 6, a she-bear. % p diwili, OS. ¿Xjp, f., often pi.

a multiple;

to live,

survive, Lidz. 442. 2) to feed-, to eat one's Jill. dibli

See u u .

as OS., a cake of honey, eggs, flour, and butter.

11. dàwir, to lock, bolt.

Dist. b£p.

iSaj, fr. prec., I. dSbrà Al. K . f. food,