Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect: Otherwise called Sahidic and Thebaic 9781463228101

The Sahidic version of the Coptic New Testament, in seven volumes; independent evidence of the early text of the New Tes

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Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect: Otherwise called Sahidic and Thebaic

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Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect

Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature 48

Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature brings back into print book-length standard texts and research monographs on the earliest literature of Christianity. Classic editions of the works of the Fathers of the Church, translations into modern languages, critical monographs on individual texts, and surveys of the ancient literature have all been done; they are often referred to; but many of them are difficult for a modern reader to access, as they moulder in the pages of periodicals of limited circulation or availability.

Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect

Otherwise called Sahidic and Thebaic

Volume 7 Edited by

George William Horner

1 gorgias press 2010

Gorgias Press LLC, 954 River Road, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA Copyright © 2010 by Gorgias Press LLC Originally published in 1911 All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of Gorgias Press LLC. 2010 " ^

1 ISBN 978-1-61719-478-8 Reprinted from the 1911 Oxford edition.

Printed in the United States of America

THE (EPISTLE) OF PETEOS I I- Petros, the apostle of Jesus the Christ, is writing to the chosen (ones) who dwell in the dispersion and the Pontos and the Galateia and the Kappadokia and the Asia and the Bëthania, 2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the spirit, unto the obedience of the faith and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus the Christ : 3 Blessed is the grace to you and the 'peace exceedingly. God the Father of our Lord Jesus the Christ, this (one) who begat us according to his great mercy into a living hope .. ev ayiaa-fua wtn/iaros N &c, V g S y r Ar m .. in the holy spirit E t h ENCWTII SIT. unto the obedience of the faitli] eis vn-aKotjv N &c, V g Ho A r m .. that they should be unto obedience S y r .. that they should hearken E t h .. e i r c u ^ unto a redemption Bo (A by error)



sprinkling] pavncrfiov H &c, V g Bo (oTfnovs.sS lit. a sprinkling) {and unto) Syr (and unto) the sprinkling &c .. add Irene? our Lord Bo (A) N &c



ne^Qc the C l n i s t ]

' r e ^ . the grace] Bo .. xaPl%

nHTn to you] N &c, V g Bo (o) A r m .. trs. shall be multiplied

to you (Bo) Syr Eth

-^piuiH the peace] Bo .. tip-qvrj N &c

exceedingly] Bohairic word .. e v e (ivro-s- K)i.uj&i shall be

ejLi,\ii|o multiplied

Bo (add tiwTeit, see above) -n-XrjQvvO^nq N &c, V g Syr Arm E t h 3

qcAAA.. blessed is] 2 1 31 1, Bo Syr Arm E t h .. etiXoyiyros N &c, V g

IIS'INN. God] 2 1 31


.. iraencrc E ^ the Lord God Bo (GP)


the Father] 2 1 3 1 s , Syr (vg) E t h .. k79 9 46, V g (demid .. vitae eternae tol) ..trs. Jesus Christ unto the hope of life, S y r giTEi &c through the rising (-nxmcj Bo) of Jesus the Christ out of & c ] 2

B o (e£t. g r r e u .. e. s5eii ri'NOST) .. Bi avacrTacrew; iv x" « vcKpwv

S &c, Vg A n n .. in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ unto &o S y r (om . &c lit. they

TeTTjprj/jiivrjvft&c ..which is prepared S y r

g H for you in the heavens] 3 1


Bo S y r . , ev ovpavoiv avacrrpo^iys vain ancestral


that which

to you by your fathers

ro ' l o c u s


is vain



fathers 19



your useless

E t h (of the

c o r r u p t u s ' D i l l m a u n ) . . ex TrjTe,KO ye having been not born from a sowing which &e Bo .. avayeyevvriiJ.evoi(y£voiJ,. 31) OVK


A C ) p a s (jiOapTrji N &c, V g

A r m ( c o m seed).. as men who were regenerated not from seed which decayeth Syr .. as men who were generated 'perfectly not from seed which perisJieth Eth..?/« were generated not from &c E t h ro OTTJOT.


&c lit. out of an uncorrupted] 14

7 1.. ¿ e n

.. O I T H

OVJUL€T».tt&ko from an {'»corruption

N &c, Y g Arm ..from

e&. gii




B o .. aQOatfyrov

that which decayeth not S y r E t h (perisheth not)

giTii &c through the word] 14 ( 7 ' ) Bo (K) eho\



Bo .. 81a Xoyov N &c, Y g .. in the word Syr .. in the commandment




*5n«oTTe eTong wo* eTgjoon. u n e e noir^opToc. coot hiju. Rt^.t £pnpe


neqgpripe ujooti



uja>. e n e g .

m j



juLuoq UHTll. II. gi








HIA*. Alii ngenujHpe






n a j ^ e ne

hiju. cto






Sh^ki*. hiju. g i


m u

MIX1. JUH KiwTevTV.&.X ' .liS. ujhjul e v y x n o o i r Tenoir





14 se] •xeo-ym Bo nee] Bo (fiaGP.. ^qlxfy. r &o .. 2 5 AqepSxtJj. K.. A) (3) 14 1 14 P gi] twice.. neA*. Bo 2 14(13') 24

junnoirre &c of .. Arm has by the living everlasting word of God God w ' ho liveth] 14, Bo .. ¡tTe^ otoo eTons5 of God, both who liveth Bo (rNOT).. £o>vtos Otov H &c, Syr (word living of 6od)..dei vivi Vg .. om who liveth and Eth evTio eTujoon and who abideth] 14, Bo, NABC 13, Vg (fu demid liarl) Syr (h) .. add i) (13 1 ) Bo .. WA EV UVTOJ auir/$7?Tt H &c (ix^LwOrjT€ 31 38) Vg Syr Arm Eth, Isaiah cttot's&i riHTn unto a salvation for you] 14 13 1 . . egomi eition"sa,J into the salvation Bo .. cis au)TT]piav N &c, V g Syr Arm Eth .. om L al sat mu, Isaiah 3 euj-xe if] ¡i &c, Bo, ei N * A B , Syr Arm ..ump &c, si tamea V g .. and behold Eth .. in this Eth ro «.Terirai^ne ye tasted] t-5 &o, V g Bo Arm Eth .. ye perceived Arm od tasted and ye saw Syr .. ye tasted and ye knew Eth ro ° 1! '5CP H ( I i4)c-roc(j£pc /3 11 1 13 ') ne iraoeic lit. a kind (one) is the Lord] Bo (ovp^pc) . . x p w T O i 0 Kvpios N & c . . xpi°"i"09 &c K .. dulcis est dominus V g Arm .. good is the Lord S y r . . good (sweet ro) the Lord Eth * e. Aine iii0T0i(ei /?) &c this (one) toward whom ye come up] fi &c, N* &c (77/009 oi') V g (ad quem accedentes) Bo eTeTettKHOT g&poq) Syr (corns near).. to whom ye have drawn near Arm .. and to him (is) your return Eth Titone eTOttg lit. the stone which liveth] [i 3 &c, Bo A r m . . XiOov £ § at 14 § f 1 §

not the freedom become to you as form of the malice] (9 ?) 14 (pref. and).. iiTAiiiT. &c gfcc (¿el) not &c as covering of the malice a .. OIROG (om O. F S ) epe (om epe A) ^ju.eTpe.U.$>E STCH »HHOIT iicJjpH^aii noTK&X'J'JU.JU.e. nTe ^muKie. and (om y s) having the freedom not as a covering &c Bo .. ko.L ¡irj ms en-LKa\vjj./j.a e^ovres TTJS Ka/cias rr/v eXevtfepiav N &c, Vg Arm (of malice having).. and not as men to whom is made their freedom the covering of their malice S y r . . and not as those who have error which is of (om Eth) evil Eth &c lit. but as servant of God] a 14 .. s.. iicJjpH^ ng&ne&i&iK &c but as servants &c Bo, A L F &c, m Y g Syr .. hut (Se) ye as (om ro) servants of God Eth .. a. ws 6tov SovXoi N B C K, Arm 17 iiTeTnT&j(ei a i4)e &e (see) that ye honour all] MiT&ie o r o n Jufeen honour all Bo .. 7ravras(es ri^a-are N &c, Vg Syr (all men) Arm Eth nTcrnju.. &c that ye love one another] 1 4 . . ST. iie riicivHT that &c your brothers a . . ^Jue-nut&icoK jmeupiTc lit. the fraternity love it Bo ..rqv aStX^or^ra aya-n-are H &c, Vg Arm .. your brothers love ye Syr .. and your neighbour also love Eth itTeTnp (ep 14) g. &c lit. that ye fear before God] sSsagh fear before God Bo .. rov 6aw o/3tio-8e N &c, Arm .. and from God fear S y r . . a„d God also fear him Eth fiTeTTrrs.i ( « 1 4 ) 6 i\p. tkvt ye honour the king] n. honour &c B o . , TOP fiacnXai ri/xare H &c, Vg Arm (kings) .. and the king honour Syr .. and the king also honour him Eth 18


iigUg&X lit. the servants] N &c, Bo, servi Vg Arm ..and ye servants E t h . . and those servants who are among you Syr

I P E T E R I I 17-30 to you as form of the malice, 17


but (is.) as servants of God.

(See) that ye honour all, that ye love one another, that ye

fear God, that ye honour the king.


Servants obey your

masters in all fear; not only the good and the fair, but (&.) the others also who are perverse. 19 For this is acceptable, if because of conscience of God there is one (who) will bear griefs suffering wrongfully. 20 For what is your glory, if ye

ciotH nc«> obey] epeTena'no S'stoTen being


(add estote

A r m . , obedient

except am fu) .. obedient


Bo, N &c, V g be


iiem^. &c your masters in all Arm cdd.. be subject Syr Eth fear] Bo .. om all Syr.. tv wavri o/3m rots (Wttotcus A &c, Vg Arm .. ev &c Scott, vfiwv K, V g (harl tol) .. your masters

while ye fear

&c but the others also who are perverse]


ueii niKe-

9(hoothi eTKioX« but also the others See B o . . o.XXa KUI (om 31) TOU (TKOXIOIS


H &c, Vg Syr Arm .. but (and ro) to the evil also Eth

n&i &c lit. for this is a grace] 14, Bo, haec est enim gratia


even (om cdd) this true (om cdd) grace

X'J.pis ^ &c .. add tt apa tw 6eu> C 13, m ..for before God Syr (vg h*) ..for for this is the honour

V g .. yap

of God is Arm .. TOVTO to those there is

the grace of God is given


to him &c Eth ..

which is given to him whose work is good E t h ro

euj'xe (add •a.e a b " f s ) CT&e oircirne«'2».H(cHiv5" i4)cic nTe nnorre lit. if because of a conscience of God] 14 f 1 , Bo, H A ' B K L P &c, Vg

(Eth ro) .. €t Sia (rvveiBrjcriv ayaOr/v C, Arm (Eth) .. ei 8. n epoq iigpm ;Seii g&tiJtxK&Tg ilgHT lit. there is one (who) will receive (receiveth patient

B a r s ) to him in griefs under

patient Eth ro


Bo .. are patient

Eth .. to him

who is patient

under griefs under

Syr .. is



equjn(en 14) g. &c suffering wrongfully] 14 f i ,

H &c, V g Arm .. eqs'HOir fi xoiic. wrong being done to him Bo .. which come upon

them with injustice

S y r . . being pained

with injustice


(pief. and ro) 20 &uj &c for what is your glory, if ye should sin] f J . . & u j &c eTCTnepnoAe what is your glory,


14 .. a.uj

(om b» &C)

lie mtyouujOT)' i c s e Te'renepiiofei for what is the praise Bo (but if k) .. 7roLov yap kXeos, ei apapTavovres

kai N &c (add KaKOjroiowrcs 31*)



neTiieooT eTeTnuj^npnofce.




egj-se T e r n e i p e



nnoTTTC. gioioq oseiuc








aot. n c q t u o

" (a §) 14 f 1

Hita^pS . K p m e

a 14 f 1






ne en^i.



CTeSnqpttofee. 23







^WMiuc] a 14 ..

-OC 15 .. -OCC f 1 quae eni-m gloria est, si peccantes et V g . . and what is your praise if ivhile sinning Eth (but if ro) ..but those who because of their faults are patient under afflictions, what glory is to them S y r . . for what kindness may it be Arm

iicegi. &c lit. that they beat you, and ye abide]

o-irog e-s-^-Keg viwreii TeTenwo-s- ngHT and they are buffeting you ye are long-suffering Bo .. (jievtTf.



Ko\ai£op.evoi («oXa^o/xei-oi


&c, V g (sufferlis).. ye are patient (in) your beating

E t h (even in your ro) .. Syr, see above should be tortured and ye should be patient A r m


the good, they beat you and ye abide]

f ' ) &c lit. but if ye do e p e r e u j p i &c but doing

the good and taking pain ye hold on vdth you Bo (TeTeitajuumi ii ieii OH h o t ) a XX ei aya0o7roiovvrcs km (Arm cdd) ira cr^ovres virop-eveire (jxevere 31)

&c, V g (sustinetis) Arm (ye should suffer and be patient)

..but when ye do that which is good and they afflict you and ye are patient S y r .. but while good ye do if ye are patient (in) your Eth


n&i this] Bo, N &c, V g (Syr) Arm E t h ..add yap A 13, Bo


orgJUOT ne it(om 14)11. n. lit. a grace is with God] est

gratia apud deum V g . . o-s-gixoT ne efeoX giTen

a grace is from

(or by) God B o . . ^ a p i s 7rapa Beta N &c, A r m (add is) ..this is your praise with God E t h .. then increaseth your glory with God S y r

nTa>D-(€iwir Bo a)t. &c (eTATOigCJU oh hot ..



yap (add xat 7 al) ye &c Eth

ckX/j^tc nex.^

lit. for they called you unto this] a &c, he was called l>\s)..

«s rovto

&c, V g Syr A r m .. and because of this

the Christ] a &c, Bo, N a l . . om o A See

gwtocj also] a 14, Bo, N &c, V g Syr A r m E t h . . o m f 1 , A , Syr (h)






should sin, and be beaten, and abide (it) ? but (&) if ye do the good, (and) ye are beaten, and abide it, this is acceptable with God. 21 For ye were called unto this: because the Christ also suffered for you, leaving to you an example, that ye should follow his ways: 22 this (one) who sinned not, nor was found subtlety in his mouth: 23 this (one) being reviled, reviled not; suffering, he is not being angry; but he was committing it to him who will judge righteously: &qajngice suffered] a &c, A &c, V g Bo Eth .. a-rredavcv Arm

Syr (vg)

g&pWTn-riHTii for you-to you] (a?) f 1 , w e p (irepi A )


vfiiv t ^ A B C 31 al, Y g (am &c) S y r (h) A r m E t h (because of


suffered &c) .. v-n-cp fifLuiv-rjfjuy 2 al, Bo Syr ( v g ) . . g ^ p o u - n i n n for to you f 1 , K L P 13 al, V g (fu)

he left) relinquens vobis V g .. e q c w x n leaving Bo (u a he left Bo

( A F K N P S


equio it. leaving to you] a f 1 (ACJ

18) .. etjKw eop&t e putting

(rjfiiv) viroXifiTrayivv N &c ..and

T O O T )


down for

e,qcwsn 14 .. v/uv

he left to us S y r . . that (om Eth) he

might leave to you Eth .. and to you he left, A r m example] a &c, Bo (ovgimofpisju.uju, o n

B T N O T )



V g (exemplum) ..

this type Syr (translit.) A r m .. sign (lit. seal) Eth


that ye should follow] (a) &c, itTCTenxiouji See Bo (0).. ii-reu that we &c Bo

n e q g i o o T e lit. his roads]


&c ..



avrov X &c, V g

Bo Syr Arm E t h (footstep) e-re(om I 4 ) i i n q (eTCTJiinq a .. - n e q 14 f ' ) p . lit. this who did

22 not


B o

(CJJH) S y r

A r m

he did not commit sin

.. os


