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2 C22 G27zo 77z/, 所 //77z2 7/: Waters, Fires, Soils, Mietals, Jades, Stones, JMinerals, Salts by Li Shizhen
I6C Century Chinese Encyclopedia of 72z/e7z2 //ezZzcz and Natural 日 istory
The complete Chinese text ttanslated and annotated
by Paul UL Unschuld
27/ C22 Goz7zo /2z,
訖 ///72c //:
Waters, Fires, Soils, IMletals, Jades, Stones, Minerals, Salts by Li Shizhen
The 227z Co Gzzzo 4Zz Series
The complete Chinese text trans]ated and annotated by Paul U. Unschuld Vol
Ch.I 一 4.TIntroduction, History Pharmacology》
Diseases and Suitable Pharmaceutical Drugs Vol_IL
Ch.5 一 ITI. Waters, Fires, Soils, IMIetals, Jades, Stones, JMinerals, Salts
Ch.I2 一 IT4. Mountain 了Herbs, Fragrant Herbs
Vol. IV.
Ch.I5 一 IZ. Marshland Herbs, Poisonous Herbs
Ch. I8 一 25. Creeping 了Herbs,Water Herbs, Herbs Grrowing on Stones, IMlosses, ereals
Vol VL
Ch.26 一 33. Vegetables, Fruits
Ch.34 一 37Z. Woods
Ch.38 一 46.Clothes, Utensils, Worms, Insects, Amphibians, Animals with Scales, Animals With Shells
Ch.47 一 52.Fowls,Domestic & Wild Animals, Human
Tools The 77c/z27727 97 22 227 C22 Gz7zo 472
Chinese Historical Jl]lness ITerminology
Vol LL
Greographical and Administrative Designations
Vol _IIL
Persons and Literary Sources
Vol TV.
Substance ITdentifilcation
27/ C22 Goz7zo /22/, 訖 /Z/72c //: Waters, Fires, Soils, IMletals, Jades, Stones, Minerals, Salts by Li Shizhen
r66 Century Chinese Encyclopedia of 72/e77zz 人 7eZ7zcz and Natural 過 istory
Jhe complete Chinese text translated and annotated
by Paul UL Unschuld
The generous financial support of the 25ez cz2 oz7g zz translation project and of the publication of the resulting volumes by Mr Rong Yumin 宁 傘 民 is gratefully acknowledged.
University of California Press QOakland, California
@ 2o2I by Ihe Regents of the University of California
ataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress. Library of Congress Control Number: 2o2o946743 ISBN 978-o-52o-37989-3 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN 978-o-52o-97697-9 (ebook)
Manufactured in the United States of America
“27 8
26 7
25 65
“24 4
23 3
22 232 I
History of Chinese 7z2/e772 7zezZzcz lterature.
Structure and contents of the 2e7z cz2 goz7zc 2.
Biographical sketch of Li Shizhen (rsI8 一 Is593)
“Notes on the Jranslation.
Wang Shizhens preface of Is9o.
Translation of the 5ez czo ozzzgo zz 本 草
綱目 . Chapters5-I.
Section Waters. Chapter5
Group LT Waters of Heaven
os-oIr 好 9z7z 雨水 ,rain water. / 49 os-oI-or 了 7c2z7/ ) 2z7 立春 雨水 ,rain water at the solar term Spring Begins. / 49 os-oI-o2
7 人 妨 交7 梅雨 水 ,water of plum rain.
多 姑 5z7 液 of fuid [qj.
了 zz2 99z7 涼水 ,puddle water.“/
了 zz7 路 水 ,dew water.“/ zz7cz2 名 z 52z7g 2 和 527 zz
百草 頭上秋 /
露 ,autumn dew from the tips
及 百花 上 路 ,dew from the hundreds offlowers.
為 )2zze 及 柏 上葉
_C72zzge 2z y2z7g 及 濕
了 zzg xzz2 2zz y2zze 和 凌 trumpet creeper. / 54
of the hundreds of herbs. os-o3-o2
雨水 ,water that has rained down during [the period
露 ,dew from platycladus leaves. 浦上 器 ,dew from acorus [leaves].
韭生 上 器 ,dew from leek leaves.
青 花上
/ 53 54
器,dew from the Chinese
7/2e 27
oo-o4_Gzz 及 甘露
Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
_Gzz 及 7 甘露 蜜 ,sweet dew honey
747Zzzge 2z7 明 水 ,luminous water.。/
727e zzzg 冬 ,Winter 箱 frost.
oo-o8 /zzxzz 臘 雪 ,snow ofthe twelfth o5-o9 25z2 和 ,祗 haiL”/ 6I o5-Io” 和六 zz 2zzg 和 夏 冰 ,summer ice. / os-IIS72e7z 9z7 神 水, divine water.。/ o5-I2。 5z7z Zz7z 2 半天 河 , river [water] /
62 64 halfway toward heaven.
族 / 2z 52z7 屋
漏水 , water leaking in ahouse/room.
Grroup 枯 : Waters of the Earth
os-I4 了 之 交 z7 流水 , flowing water. / 67 os-I4-or。O0z27 zz 十里 水 ,water that has flowed athousand os-I4-o2 Do7g 2 2z7z 東 流水 , water flowing eastward. / 67 os-I4-o3。Gzz zz 59z7z 甘
爛 水 ,sweet, worn-out water
alternative name: 民 z2 52z7 勞 水 , exhausted water.“/ 67 os-I4-o4 和 7 52z7z 逆流 水 ,water flowing against [a sloping terrainl]. / (68 o5-I5 7/zze 7zzz zz 井 呆 水 , water from wells and springs. / 7I os-IS-or 7zzg 2zz zz 井 華 水 ,well splendor water. / 73
o5-IT5-o2。 o5-I6
及 zz 元 52z7 新
zz 7 52z7 基 氣
立春 、 清
汲 水 ,newly drawn water.
,水 water endowed with seasonal di.
明 二 委 貯 ,水 謂 之
神水 ,water kept from the two
[solar] terms Spring Begins and Pure Brightness. It is called “divine Water . /
寒露 、 冬 至、 小 寒、 大 寒 四 節 及 臘 日 水 ,water collected during the four [solar] terms Cold Dew Winter Begins Slipght Cold and Grreat Cold, as well as water from days during the fr2th month. / “83 立秋 日 五 更 井 華 水 ,the first water drawn from awellin the early morning on the day of Autumn Begins. / 84 重 午 日午時 水 ,water collected on the fifth day ofthe ffth month during zoz hours (IT:oo 一 IT2:59). / 84
C27zZ727 os-I6-o5
小 、滿 艾 種、 白 露
三 節 內 水 ,water from any of the three [solar]
terms Grain Budding Grain in EEarand White Dew. o5-I7 “了 77zzz 醒 呆 ,sweet-wine spring. / 84 os-I8。
好 7zzge zz 玉井 水 ,water from jade wells.
ARz xze 9z7 乳
os-2o” os-2I。
族 z zzg 溫 湯 , warm and hot water. / 86 雇 227 y2z7z 百 海水, bluish-pgreen sea water.“/
5zzz Z27 52z7 鹽
五 7zze zz 阿
井 水 ,water from the 上 welL
52z7z zz zz7z/ 7227 山
穴 水 ,water from astalactite cave.
膽 ,水 bittern.
宕 果水 ,water of mountain cliff springs.
o5-25Gz 2227g 22o7g 52z7 古 塚 中水 ,Wwaterin an ancient tomb. / o5-26 了 zz7zg yzzg >2o7o 52z7 得 路 中水, water in afood jarr“/ 92
o5-27。CZ2z7 ez.2z7 亦 龍
浴 水 ,water in which ared dragon has bathed.
o5-28CZ2e >2e 227 zz 車
轍 中 水, water from acartrut.
o5-29 777zzzg 地 漿 , earth broth. / 93 o5-3o”Az zzg 熱湯 , hot,boiling water. /
o5-3I。SZ2ezg 9z zz 生 熟 ,湯 fresh and processed hot water“/
7 2z7 莫 水, water used to prepare preserved vegetables.
7/zzze zz 眉 水 , fermented water of foxtail millet.
zzzg 27
7/7 斷
氣 水 ,water [condensed] from qi rising from asteamer,
有 zze 罰 季 zz7 銅 壺 滴漏 水 ,water from acopper clepsydra.
o5-36。Sz7z./Lz x7 Yoz7z zz7 二 households.
2 Zz2 2z7
7zz zz y2z7 浸
家 洗 釦 ,水 water used to rinse the dishes of three
刀 水, water used to sharpen knives.
藍 ,水 water in which [fbrics] have been immersed [to be
dyed with] Chinese indigo plant [water]. o5-39。Z2z czo >2o7ze 2z7 豬 槽
中 水 ,Wwaterinapig trough.
o5-4o。527 ezz zz7z2 272g 2z7z 市 門 湖 坑 水 ,water from public urinary pits. / Io6 o5-4I 六 7 29z >z 52z7 洗手 足 水 , Water used to wash hands and feet. / ”Io7 o5-42。 六 zzy 紀 z 洗 兒 湯 ,hot water in which achild was bathed. / Io7 o5-43Z2z 2z7 yoz Z 諸 有 水 亞 , all types of water that are poisonous. / Io7 Section Fires. Chapter6
o6-ocr o6-o2
交 7e 222 7z 2z2 陽 火 陰火 ,yang fire and yin fire. ASz7z 2z2 熾 ,火 tinder fire. / ITIO9
7/2e 27
Co Gd7zg 47z
5Szzzg 0227 2z2 桑 柴 火 ,mulberry twig fire.
7zz 2z2 如 火 , charcoal fire.
了 7 zz 2z2 楷
o6-o4-o2 2 zz 2z2 灶 刀 o6-o4-o3
瑞 火 ,afirelit With oak wood charcoal.。/
火 ,afire lit with steaming charcoal./
827 zz 白 軸,white charcoal.”/
了 zz 2z2 22z 2z2 席 火
竹 火 ,fireltWwith reeds,fire lt with bamboo.
o6-o6 了 2z2 艾 火 ,fire lt With common mugort leaves。 o6-o6-Aor 多zzg zz 陽 ,yang tinder. / I26 o6-o6-Ao2 7/7z2 >2z 火 珠, fire pearL“/ 1I27
o6-o7 AS2e7 >2zzz 2z2 神 o6-o8 o6-o9
鐵 ,火 divine needle fire.
7zz2 >227z 火 鐵 , fire needle.。“/I28 7Dezg 2z2 燈火 ,lamp fire. / 3I
o6-Io zzg 2zz 燈 花 ,the snu 和 ofalamp Wick.。 o6-II_Z72z zz 燭 燼, candle remains.。/ 35 Sectilon Soils. Chapter 7
o7-or zz 白 聖 , chalk.。 / I42 o7-o2_Gzz Z 甘 士 ,bentonite.“/ I46 o7-o3 C27 zz 赤 士 ,red soiL/ I46 o7-o4 7zzz 有 黃 士 ,yellow soilL / I47 o7-o4-oI Z2z >227g 2zz7zg 紀 鑄 鋰 黃 士 ,loess used to cast abell.”/ I2 o7-o4-o2 Z2z 2zz >z# &ozg 22o7zg 2zz7g / 魯 鏗 角 孔 中 黃 士 ,loess left in the holes of ploughshares and hoes after casting. / I52 o7-o5 oz 27Z 東 壁 ,士 soil ofa wall facing 己ast. / 2 o7-o6 727)z7 色 太 陽 士 ,soilremoved from the ground in relation to the position of the major yang constellation in the nine mansions diagram. / TD6 co7-o6-Aor Z2777 27/ zzzg 52zzg Z 執 日 天 星上 士 ,soil collected ona227 day from alocation deflned by the associated celestial stem and earth branch. / ITI56 o7-o6-Ao2 Z2777 zz gz7 227zg Z 執 日六 有甘 上 士 ,soil from alocation in the North collected ona227day at any of the six gpzz hours. / 57 o7-o6-Ao3 2z 2z7g7ez 7 大 二 月上 王和 日 士 ,soil taken from alocation in the North at any of the yez hours in the second month. / 7 o7-o6-Ao4 _Ozzg zzz2 7 9z 52z7zg zz 清明 日成上 土 ,soil taken from aa locationin the North-West onaclear day / I57
AS2ezz 29z 有 神
后 士 ,soil ofthe Spirit Sovereign.
72z7z 27 刻 zz rz 7 Zx7zz 2 天 子 勵 田 三 推 下 妹 士 ,soil from below the plow pushed three ttimes by the 上Emperorto till the fields. / 8
AS2z 及 #z 紀 社 得 壇 士 ,soil from aplatform erected to worship
thegodofthe land and the godofthe grains. / IT9 _C72z7zz 22 Z 春 牛 士 ,soil from the oxen in spring.“/ IS59
o7-o7-Ao3 o7-o7-Ao4
及 及 富家 士 ,soil from the home ofawealthy 包 mily / To 7zzg 2 x2ozZ 亨 部 中 士 ,soil from the location ofapavilion. / I6o
o7-o8 7Dz2 z2oze zz 弘道 中 熱 土 ,heated soil from aroad. / I6o o7-o8-or _$27 >7 Zz2 y2zze zz 十 字 道上 士 ,soil from acrossroad. / o7-o9_CZe zzzZ Z 車 闌 士 ,soil from chariots and carriages. / I6I o7-Io 27 zzezz Z/ 市 門 士, soil from the gate to the market. / I6I
/zxzzzxzz Z 戶 限
0727z 2z/ 克 7z
下士 ,soil from below the threshold ofadoor
步 ,峰 heaps [of soil accumulated by] one thousand steps.
/ “1I62 o7-13 六 z 季 xzz 鞋底 下 士 ,soil from below the soles of straw sandals. o7-I4Z2zxzz 紀 柱 下 士 ,soil from the bottom of pillars.。 / 1I63
C2zz7g.7zz2 xzz Z 眉 腳下 士 ,soil from the bottom of the legs ofabed. /
o7-I6_SZ2z2 ,27 c2zzg y2z7zg 紀 燒 cremated.
尸 場上 士 ,soil from aplace where corpses are
o7-I7。Z227g y2z7g 色
士 ,soil on atomb.。/
o7-I8_Szzg gez xzz Z 桑 下 根 士 ,soil from below the root of mulberry trees. /“I65
o7-I9 o7-2o
zz yz7z ez Z, soil from the nests of swallows. / I65 27 2z ex2o7c 弘 百 古 寓 中 士 ,soil from the nests ofa “one hundred tongues [bird].
o7-2I zz 士 蜂 寓 ,soilfrom the nests of wasps.“/ 1I68 o7-22。Ozz7 zz 327 oz7z 虹 蝦 轉 ,丸 the pellet rolled by dung beetles.
o7-23Gz7z 5s27 鬼 屎, demons'feces. / IZI o7-24 2z 7zzz 包 鼠 壤 士 ,lipht soil [excavated] by mice/rats. / IZI o7-25。Zz 2z 7zzg zz 噶 鼠 壤 士 ,lipght soil [excavated by] moles. / 172 o7-26 o7-27 o7-28
上放 z ze7 7z27 zz c2ozg c2ez # 屋 內 二 下 晶 塵 士 ,dust and soil left by Wworrms/bugs at the bottom of the walls in ones home.。“/ 12 五 ZzeZ 蟻 十 士 ,soill from an anthill. / 3 27 罰 27 白蟻 泥 ,termit mud.。/ 13
o7-29OQzz yzz 27 蚯蚓 泥 , earthworm mud.
7/2e 27
Co Gd7zg 47z
o7-3o 了 2 527 zz 螺 蜥 ,泥 spiral shell mud/excrements.。 / ITI78 o7-3I。 25z7 22 7 白 魯 泥 ,mud on [the body of] white eels.“/I78 o7-32。Z2z cz2 2zzg goz 儿 豬槽上 垢 士 ,dirtand soil from apig trough. / I78 o7-33OQzz7z zzz2 zz 犬 尿 泥 ,mud from where dogs have urinated.。 / ITI79 o7-34 了了 27zz2 zz 驢 尿 泥 ,mud from where donkeys have urinated.。“ / 79 o7-35
zz2 &eze zz 尿
坑 泥 ,mud from aurine pit.“/
o7-36_/z 7 之 對 坑 底 泥 ,mud from the bottom ofan excrement pit. / 1I79 o7-37。 好 zz Zz x7z 27 詹 滬 下 泥 ,mud from where rain water has dropped down from the eaves. / I8o o7-38 72z7 >2ozge 7z 田中 泥 ,mud from the filelds.。 / ISI o7-39 7zze 字 z7 井 底 泥 ,mud from the bottom ofa welL”/ TI8I o7-4o 縣 Zz77 選 爹 泥 ,catechu.。 / I82 o7-4I
zz 2zzz 古 硬, ancient brick.
o7-5o o7-5I
zz2 煙 膠 ,smoked glue. 2 墨 , ink stick. / 2or
六 772 金 |bottom|.
臍 ,墨 ink/soot from the navel/center ofa cauldrons /
5z7 cz2 v2zz7zg 百
草 ,箱 frost of the hundreds of herbs.
o7-54 了 zz7g zzg c2ez 江上 塵, dust from abeam. / 2I4 o7-55 zz c2ez 門 白塵 ,dust from the mortar base ofa door pivot. / 2I8 o7-56_Gzz /z c2zzzg zz c2ez 紀 劑 婦 煙頭 塵土 ,dust from the end ofawidows bed. / 2I8 o7-57 0Cz 2z 2227g 227 2z7 恣 熙 中 白灰 ,white dust/lime found in aporcelain bowl. / 2I8 o7-58 入 zz7g Z 2z7 香爐 灰 ,ashes in an incense burner. / 219 o7-59 7Dzz7 >z2 2z/7z 鍛寢 灰 , ashes from the furnace ofaforge. / 2I9 o7-6o 7D2zg 7 冬 灰, winter ashes. / 22o o7-6I 527 727z 石 ,棒 stone bittern. / 222
Section JMetals and Stones. Chapter 8 Grroup T: Metals“/
o8-or 7 金 , native gold. / 23o o8-oI-or .7zzz xze 金 屑, gold fragments.。 / 234 o8-oI-o2 .7z7z.7zzzzg 金 漿, gold broth. / 236 o8-o2 yyzzz 銀 , silyer.“/。238 o8-o2-or 五 #z zz 銀 ,屑 silver fragments. / 241I o8-o2-or AS2e7g /z7 生 銀 , native silver.“/ 242 o8-o2-Aor 7zzzg zz 黃 銀 ,yellow silver.“/。”246 o8-o2-Ao2 族 /)zz 馬 銀 ,black silver.“/。246
@7 zz >27 錫 選 脂 , silver ore from Persia.
o8-o4 o8-o5
末 z gzo 銀 膏 , silver paste. /。”248 Z2z 2z yzz 朱砂 ,銀 cinnabar silver mercury produced from cinnabar / “248 o8-o6 C727 /ozg 赤 ,red 銅 copper“/ 249 o8-o6-or C2z zzg xzz 赤 銅 ,red 屑 copper fragments. / 25I o8-o7 Zzzzz 名 7zg 自 然 銅, natural copper.“/。”253
7Zzge zz
7 銅 礦石 ,copper ore.
o8-o9 7Zzge zzg 鋼 青 , verdigris. o8-Io。Ozzz 鈴 , lead. / 262 o8-Io-or
7/Jz7 x7 2z7 黑
錫 灰 ,black tin ashes (made oflead and sulphur).
o8-IIOQzzz y2zz7zg 鈴 ,箱 lead frost.
o8-I2。 zz x7 粉 錫, tin powder. /。274 o8-I3 0Ozzzz Zzz 鈴 丹, lead oxide.。/ 285 o8-I4 27Zz zz2 7 密 陀 僧 ,litharge. / 295 o8-I 及7 錫 ,tin. / 3oo o8-I6_Gz.7zz 古 鏡 ,ancient mirror.“/。”3o3 o8-I6-or 六 7 7g.7zzzg 2 錫 銅 鏡 鼻 ,handle of atin-copper mirror”/ o8-I6-o2 .7zzg x 認 鏡 鏽 ,rust onamirror. / 3o7 o8-I7。 Gz 2e7 布 錶, needle for sewing cloth. / 343 o8-28-Io 7ze >z 鐵 欠 , iron arrowhead. / 344 o8-28-II 7ze 7zz 鐵甲 ,iron armor. / 344 o8-28-I2 7ze yz#2 鐵 鎖 , iron lock.“/ 344 o8-28-I3。
玫 2 527 鑰匙 , [iron] key
7z Zz7zzg 鐵 對 ,ironnail.”/
7yze 2zz 鐵 鑽 , iron spade,ie,aspade.
五 c2zz zz 鐵
娃 狂 尖 , the tip ofan iron coulter ofa plough
o8-28-I7_“C2exzz 車 轄 ,ring on the nave ofawheeL / 346 o8-28-I8_//z xzz7 馬 銜,mouthpiece ofahorse bridle. / 347 o8-28-I9 7Zz zzg 馬 逛, horse stirrup.“/ 347 Grroup 本 : Jades /
o8-29”/ 上玉 , jade.
o8-29-or 玖 xze 玉屑,jade frapments. / 352 o8-29-o2 環 / /zz7z 玉 果 ,jade spring. /”353 o8-3o 527)yz yz7 白玉 髓,white jade marrow.。“/ 358 o8-3:_Ozz姑 青 玉 ,blue jade. / 359 o8-3I-Aor
及 人 壁 玉 ,jade for flat, round disks with ahole in their center
o8-3I-Ao2 好 zz 玉 央 , mirror jade. / 36I o8-3I-Ao3 zz 人 37 合玉 石,sand used to cut and polish jade. o8-32Ozzg /zggzz 青 琅 于, greenish clacking. / 36I o8-33 72z7 2 天 瑚, coral./ 364 o8-34
2z zz 馬 腦 , horse brain.
25z2 77 寶石 , precious stone.
用 五 玻琢 , glass.
367 /
o8-37。52z7.7zzg 水 精, [hardened] essence of water.
o8-37-Aor 7z2 >2z 火 珠 , fre pearL“/ 372 o8-37-Ao2 入 zz7z 527 候 ,jade-like 石 stone.。 /。373 o8-38 了 及 五 琉璃 ,opaque glass ofany color。”/。373 o8-39 zz 2z 雲母 , muscovite. / 374 o8-4o 8227 527 zzg 日 石 ,肉 white stone/mineral bloom quartz.。“/。384 o8-4o-or 族人 五色 石 肉 ,stone/mineral bloom of five colors. o8-4I 2Z7,27 zzg 上 芷 石 ,峽 purple stone/mineral bloom. / 39I o8-42 “7/Pz/sz 527 韻 障 ,buddhas 石 stone. / 395 Section Stones. Chapter 9 Grroup HI: Stones
7Dz7zz 2z 丹 砂, cinnabar.“/
2z7z 7z7/ 水 銀, mercury
52z7 zz 7
銀粉 , mercury powder。/
o9-o4 7 zz7 粉 箱 ,powder frost.”/。444 og-o5 末 z 2z 銀 朱 ,vermilion. / 447 o9-o6
了 zze 2z 靈 砂 ,miraculous sand.
o9-o7 及zozg 2zzzg 本 經, realgar.。“/。457 o9-o7-oI 及 z7 2zzzg 軒 黃 ,fumes yellow
o9-o8 GCz 2zzzg 廬 黃 , orpiment. / 477 o9-o9 AS27 gz2 石膏 , gpypsum. /”484 og-og-Aor
交 2z2527 玉 火
,jade 石 fire stone.。
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 47z o9-o9-Ao2 了 27g 27 ozo 龍 石 富 , dragon stone paste.
og-Io 了 7727 理 ,石 structured stone.“/ 499 og-Io-Aor 57 元527 白肌 ,石 white muscles stone.
og-II_C7z7ge y27 長 石, lengthy stone. o9-I2
7z7g7zz 27 方
解 石, calcsparr“/
5oI 5o4
og-I3 7瑟 zz 7 滑石 , talc./ so6 oo-I4 72z/ 2z7 zz 不 灰 木, asbestos. / 5I6 og-I4-Aor Sozge 527 松石 ,pine stone. / 5I8 og-I。 吏 527227 五色 石 脂 ,stone fat of five colors. / 52o og-I5-ot_OQzze 27 227 青石 ,脂 greenish stone 包t. / 523 o9-I5-o2 7/7zz7zg y27 27 黃石 脂, yellow stone 包t. / 523 og-I5-o3 7z7 27>27 黑石 ,脂 black stone fat.。 / 524 og-I5-o4 527 27 >27 白石 脂,white stone 包t. / 525 oog-I5-o5CG27 527 >27 赤 石 脂 ,red stone fat. / 527 og-I6
7z2 zz 77 桃花
了 z gozz 7 爐
7zzg 7zz7z 27 井呆
縣 / zz 訪 無 名 軋 ,pyrolusite.
,石 peach blossom stone/mineral.”/
甘 ,sweet 石 stone from afurnace.
532 533
石, stones from wells and springs. /
oog-2o 747z7Z#2z7 蜜 栗子 ,akind oflimestone. / 544 o9-2I 27 >2ozge 7z 石 鍾 ,乳 stalactite.”/ 545 o9-22 27g gozg zz 孔 公 鄧, seedling hollow throughout. o9-23 ” 瑟 zz zz 殷 苞 , hidden seedlings. / 56I o9-23-AoIr AS27 c2zz7zg 石 獎 , stone base. / y62 og-23-Ao2 AS27 2zzz 石 花, stone flower.“/ 562 o9-23-Ao3
o9-24 o9-25 og-26 o9-27
27 oz 石 肯 , stone bone.
zz 士 殷 孽, soil [cave] stalactite.。/。564 石 腦, stone brain. / 565 石 ,髓 stone marrow. / 566 yoz 石 腦 油 , petroleum. / 568
o9-27-Aor o9-28 52z zz o9-28-Aor og-29 27 zz
77yoz 地 漫, earth urine. / 57o 石 礁, coal. / 57I 及 zz 527 然 ,burning 石 stone/mineral.。”/ 石灰, lmestone. / 574
zz7zz 22zz7z yoz 527 2z7z 臉 caulking boats.
27 zzzz7z 石 醛, stone flour.
石灰 ,lime from an old tomb. 胎 油 石灰 ,oil-lime putty used for
及 zz 27 zz2 AS2z yz7 27 zz2
o9-29-oI_Gz zz >2o7zce 27 2z7 古划 中
C277/7z7 og-3I
27 浮 ,石 floating stone/mineral“/
oog-3I-Aor og-32
57z 527 曙
,stone/mineral 石 With a halo.
27 >27 石 之, stone/mineral 22z.“/
石 部
Grroup IV: Stones
第 十 卷 Chapter ro: Section of Stones 596
Io-oI 好 zze 727 陽 起 ,石 the stone/mineral that lets the yang rise. Io-o2Cz527 慈 石, magnetite iron oxide. / 6oi
Io-o2-Aor_C7s27 zz2 磁石 毛, magnetite furr“/ ITO-o3 Io-o4
六 zzz7z 527 玄 ,石 dark stone/mineral./ 6og 7z7 >2e 527 代 圭 ,reddish-brown 石 stone/mineral from Dai.
有 zzz 2zz7g 27 玄 黃 ,石 dark-yellow stone/mineralLL”/ 6I8 Iro-o5 好 Z27g 生 餘 ,爛 leftover provisions of Yu. / 6I8 Io-o6 727 加 人 2 Zzzg 太 一 餘 ,銀 leftover provisions of Great Unity,。“/ 624 Io-o7_S27 >2o7zg 2zz7g 7 石 中 黃 子 ,yellow seeds in stones/minerals.。 / 628 Iro-o8 27zg zzg 空 青 ,hollow malachite. / 63o Iro-o9_Cezg zzg 貿 青 ,lamellar malachite.。/ 635 Io-Io 27zzzg 綜 青 ,malachite.。/ 638 Io-II
25zz7 7zzzg 局 青, flat malachite.
2527 2zzg 白 青,white malachite.
Io-I2-Aor 了 2/z 27zzg 綜
診 ,青 green skin malachite.。/
Io-I2-Ao2 該,7 27zzg 百 石 青 ,bluish-green stone/mineral malachite. / 645 Io-I3 527 Zzz 石 膽, stone bile.。/ 645 Io-I4。 到 527 舉 ,石 arsenolite. / 653 Io-I5 科恩 57 特生 譽 石, independently pgrowing arsenolite. / 657 Iro-I6。
旋 zzz 學 3227 握雪 譽
厂 y27 人 楷 ,石 arsenic.
,arsenolite 石 that holds the snow
Io-I8 7 2zzzg 士 黃 , soil yellow. / 67I IO-I9 77z zzz 527 金 星 ,biotite.。 石 / 672 Io-IO-AoI.7z7z/ 527 金 ,石 gold/metal stone/mineral.“/ 674 Io-2o”/ 秒 s#2 527 婆 脆 ,石 green pebbles of foreign origin. / 675 Io-2I。 和 ezg 27 丰 ,石 micacious schist.“/ 676 Io-22。
瑟 zz 7yz
7 花 乳
27 zz 27 日 羊 ,石 stone/mineral from [Mount] Bai yang.“/
zz 放
7zz gz7zg 527 金 剛 石 ,diamond.
金牙石 別
,石 dolomite.。
錄 下 品 ,stone/mineralfrom theJJjnya [rapids].
684 /
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
zz27/ 527 位 ,石 stone probe.
27 zz 石 容, stone arrowtip.
Io-27 yy 之 越 克 , whetstone from Yue. / 69I Io-27-oI 了了 7,27 礦石 , coarse grindstone. / 69I Io-27-o2_ 72 Zz2 zz 磨刀 沁 ,sediment obtained when sharpening knives. /
7zzzg 7 芋 ,石 ginger stone.
77z7 zz 527 麥
飯 ,Wwheat 石 meal stone.
Io-3o。S2z7z >2o7g 2z7 527 水 中 白石 ,white stone in water.“
7/zy2z 河 ,riverbed 砂 sand.
52z22 v2zzg 52z
Io-33 Io-34 Io-35
527 )z7z 石 ,燕 stone swallow.“/ “699 27 xze 石 蟹, stone crabs.。。“/ 7o3 527 y2e 石 ,蛇 stone snake. / 7o5
構上 砂 ,sand ona[rice] ladle/spoon.
Io-36 27 z7z 石 葵 , stone silk worm. / 7o6 Io-37 “27 2zz 石 ,秀 stone turtle. / “7o6 Io-38SZ2e 2zz7g 蛇 黃, snake yellow/bezoar. /
舉 7Z#>2e7 名 歷
了 7 7z2 雷 ,三 thunderclap ink.
左 ,thunderbolt anvil.”/
Sectlon Stones. ChapterII
Grroup V: Salt Stones/JMinerals。”/
II-oI 5S27 )zz 食鹽 列 錄 中 ,品 edible salt.“/ 7I6 II-oI-oIr 2Dz zz 大 鹽, crude salt. / 72o
II-o2。A27g zz 戎 臣 本, salt from the 入 27zg.
Gzzzzg 2z77zg zz 光明 賢 ,lustrous salt.
子 zz
zzg 2z7z 527 疑
水 ,石 the stone that congeals water.“/
太 zz7z 7Z7zo 527 玄
精 ,石 selenite.
買 遷 , native lake salt.”/。
II-o7 2)yzz II-o8。 婦 zz yo2 II-o8-AoIr。” II-o9。 落 xzz2
44 7/
綜 鹽, green salt.“/ 756 賢 爍 ,salt medication. / 758 有 zz y27 懸 ,hanging 石 stone/mineral”/ 和 朴消, crude solver。”/ 759
銜 xzz2 和 朴 消 , crude solver.“/
II-o9-o2 II-og-o3
7Zzzg xz22 亡 消 ,awn solver。“/ “763 2z y)z xzz2 馬 牙 ,消 horse teeth solver.“/
762 764
II-o9-o4 zoo 2zz zzz2 風化 消 ,Wwind transformed solver.“/ II-IO。 及 zz7z zzzzg 7 玄 明 粉 ,lustrous powder。/ 775 II-IIT
六 zz2
7 消
,石 nitrokalite.。/
II-II-OI 有 zz2 527 消 ,nitrokalite. 石 / 789 II-II-O2 Sec7g xzz2 生 消 ,native nitrokalite.。 /。”79o II-I2 AAz2 2z 碳 砂, sal ammoniac.。 / 796 II-I3 zzg 2z 筵 砂, borax. / 8o8 ITI-I4 527 Zz 2zz7g 石 硫 黃 , natural yellow sulphur.“/ 8I4 II-I5 527 Zz c27 石 流 ,amorphous 赤 red sulphur。/ 835 ITI-I6 5S27 Zz 2zzg 石 流 再 ,amorphous greenish sulphur。”/ 837 II-I6-AoI。 子 紉 2zz7g zz7zg 流 黃 香 ,flowing yellow aroma. / 837 II-I7 7z7z 527 礁石 , alum. /。838 IT-I7-or。 和 落 立 2z7 zz 波斯 白 聲 ,white alum from Po si.”/ 843 II-I7-o2。
字 和 zz./z7z 柳
祭 枕 ,willow catkin alum.
了 2 zz 綜 凌 , green vitriol.”/
7zzzg zz 黃
7zzg 277g zz7 zz7 湯 瓶 內
榨 ,yellow [iron] alum.
座 ,asubstance formed on the inside wall of
containers used for boiling water. Appendix
II-AoIr_$27 27 石 ,脾 stone/mineral spleen. / 877 I-Ao2 $2z/7 石 肺, stone/mineral lung. / 878 II-Ao3 27 gzzz 石 ,肛 stone/mineral liver.“/ 879 II-Ao4 527 y2z7z 石 ,臣 stone/mineral kidneys。 / 879 II-Ao5 Zz,27 2zz 茲 石 ,華 purple stone/mineral splendor. /”879 II-Ao6 22z7s27 2zz 日 石 ,華 white stone/mineral splendor. / 879 II-Ao7 7zzzg 27 2zz 黃石 ,華 yellow stone/mineral splendor”/ 88o II-AO8 zz7 27 2z2z black stone/mineral splendor / 88o II-Ao9 了 zzzg 27 陵 ,石 hill stone/mineral. / 88o II-AIo Zoe 527 終 ,石 end stone/mineral./ 88I II-AII。 /7g 27 封 石,mound stone/mineral. / 88I II-AI2。Sz7 s27 錠 ,石 trough stone. / “88I II-AI3。 族 / 姑 37 五 羽 ,石 five feathers stone/mineral. / 882 II-AI4 2Zz7zz 97 紫 佳 ,石 purple beauty stone/mineral./ 882 II-AI” 瑟 z2 yz2 火藥 , pharmaceutical substance to generate fire Grunpowder. / 882
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
II-AI6 27 7 石 ,壹 “/ 883 II-AI7 747z oz7 7 馬 肝 ,石 horse liver stone/mineral.”/ 883 II-AI8。Z2z )z 97 豬 牙 ,pig 石 tooth stone/mineral.”/”883 II-AI9 57xzz 527 彗廁 石 , bluish cloud glow stone/mineral”/ “883 II-A2o 了 2zgx7z27/ 527 龍 涎 ,石 dragon saliva stone/mineral.”/。”884 II-A2I。OQOzzzz gzz7zo 27 鈴 光 ,石 lead luster stone/mineral.“/ 884 II-A22 727 zzzg 527 太 陽 ,石 major yang stone/mineral.“/。”884 II-A23
石)2 朵
梯 ,“/ 牙
II-A24 25z7 27 >7 27 白 獅 子 ,石 White lion stone/mineral”/。884 II-A25。”Z2ez >2z7 Zz y27 鎮 大 宅 石, big stone guarding the house.。 / 886 ITI-A26。SZ2ezz Zzz 神 丹, divine elixir”/ 886 II-A27。” 屯 zz yz2 煙 藥, pharmaceutical substance generating fumes. / 887
Weights and measures.
“JMeasures of capacity“/
JMeasures of weight.
“JMeasures of length./
“Measures of the size of pills.。
“Appendix Pharmaceutical Substances of Plant Origin mentioned in
888 888 888
889 /
BCGM ch5-IIinpassing. By Ulrike Unschuld.
This book offers, together with the original Chinese texb the first complete philological and annotated English translation of chapters5。through IIr of the 5z7z 22 gz7zg zz 本 草 網 日, the If6th_ century Chinese Encyclopedia of 7Zz/eyzz ezZzcz and Natural History by Li Shizhen 李時珍 (TSIS8 一 I593), devoted to fires, Waters, soils, metals and minerals. Jt opens up an almost two-millennia-long panorama
of wide-ranging observations and sophisticated interpretations, ingenious manipulations and practical applications of natural substances for the benefitt of human health. As Prof ZhengJJnsheng 郊 金生 , the pre-eminent ez co2 gz7zg 7zz expert of present day China, has characterized it:
Some of the pharmaceutical substances gathered in this book have already left the platform of their chinical application. Howevep the data associated with
them offer abundant material to study the customs of the people and the cuLture of the past. While he gathered data related to pharmaceutical substances, Li Shizhen never hesitated to extend his investigpations and collection to 4 possible realms. Jhat is, while [the 2e7z czo oz7zg zz4]| appears to be abook on
77zZz77Z2 77zezZ77c2, 1t1S in fact an cncyclopedia of natural science and has becomea treasure house for today's researchers of many filelds of science. !
II History of Chinese 2Z/e77Z2 2zeZzc2z iterature The 5ez co oz7ze zz 1s the culmination of ai6oo-year history of Chinese 多 Z/e7y7Z2 7zeZzcz literature. LThis history began at some time during the Han dynasties wheny between the 2znd century BCUE and the 2nd century CkE, two hitherto in China undocumented genres of medical-therapeutic works appeared.Stimulated by impulses whose origin and nature remain enigmatic today the new therapeutic approach of r
_ZhengJjnsheng 鄭 金生 and Zhang Zhibin 張
志 斌 , 58ez cz2 gzzg zz Zz2 2 本 草綱目
導讀 ,“Guide to Reading the Ben cao gang muy”Beijing, Ke xue chu ban she 科學 社
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
needling 365 holes spread over the human body on the one hand, and afrst detalled description of 365 individual pharmaceutical substances on the othep marked the onset of two traditions of health care. Ihey conceptually remained separate for
one thousand years. Why the number of days in asolar yeap 365 一 rather unusual in the history of Chinese categorization of natural phenomena 一 was chosen as a starting point of both traditions is unclear. Needling therapy or so-called acupuncture, remained an isolated facet of Chinese medical culture until the Ith/I2th century Its seminal texts, the_ Yellow IJhearch classics,% were ceither lost during the frst millennium or survived only through a rather tenuous tradition, supported by afew members of the social clite.: Apparently the Yinyang and Five Phases doctrines of systematic correspondences,Which legitimated and guided needle therapy from its bepinning, failed to achieve the status of a world view widely acknowledged by broad segments of the population. In contrast, pharmaceutical therapy as evidenced by published recipe collections and Works focusing on the description of individual substances, constituted the mainstay of medical practice from the first millennium to the present day Since the early I97os, recipe manuscripts with data on the therapeutic properties of combinations of herbal, mineral and animal substances have been recovered
from late Zhou and early Han 了 era tombs.+ he list of therapeutic indications and ahighly developed pharmaceuticql technology outlined in these texts evidence a long development of pharmaceutical therapy prior to the compilation of works with descriptions of the properties of individual substances. Ihe earliest of these Works known is the 2e7 27zo 2z7z 22 神 農本 草 , “Shen nong'S 72/e7z2 7ze2Z7c2.
Historians agree that it was written at some time between the Ist century BCL and the Ist century Even though at that titme Chinese civilization recognized and documented in biblographies and catalogues individual authorship of literary works, the authors of the seminal texts of both the needling and the pharmaceutical traditions remained anonymous. Iheir oripins were traced to legendary culture heroes, that is, Huang Di 黃帝 , the Yellow Thearch,and Shen Nong 神 2
Including the /7z/z7g
7 7zc7 7
5 0e77 帝 內
,農 the divine husbandman. Shen
經 素 問 , 7//27zo 了 227 /777o 5272/ 帝 內
樞 , and alate sequel, the AWzz 7zzg 難 經 . For philological translations of these classics, see Paul U. Unschuld and Hermann Tessenow, /zz7zg 27 ez.7z7zzg 5z 7
77 /777722Zz/227
7/7y/2Z2972 27 采 /27zg 27577227 C72y5z 2 vols. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles,2oII.PaulU.Unschuld, 號 zzzg 27 MV27.77zg 了 27720527 72z 77zczz7/z Cry 27z /VeeZ/z 72zyz2). University of California Press, Oakland, 2oI6. Paul UL Unschuld, zz 有 7 和 22 Coy7c 27 0777cz// yyzzy. 0akland 2oI6. 3
Paul U. Unschuld, 2oI6, I 一 4.
Donald Harper 和 27 少 C277zeye 和 zzZ7zc2/ 了 7
2z 和 270d7zo2z/7 沁 /e2Z7c2/ 72729c77274.
Kegan Paul Internationalb London and New York, I997.
7 y?/eo277e772
Nongy also known as Yan Di 炎帝 , the Fiery Thearch, was said in the 號 zz7 7z27z 27 淮南 子 to have pitied the suffering of mankind. Hence he tasted all kinds of herbs and discovered roo with poison per day From the very beginning, for a natural substance“to have poison”(yoz 2 有
毒 ) or “to be nonpoisonous”(voz Zz 無 毒)
Was seen as an important criterion for assessing 1ts acute or long-term therapeutic
potential The 52e7z Zzo7ze 2e7z cgzo, closely associated with_ the tripartite world view of Dong Zhongshu 董 仲 舒 (ry79 一 io4) and apolitical structure antagonistic to the hierarchy of the young empire, distinguished among three “ranks”(27z 品 ) of pharmaceutical substances. Ihe upper rank, associated with heaven, included substances identifiled as 7z7/ 妖 , “rulers. These were considered nonpoisonous and capable of helping extend life. Alower rank, associated With the earth, was assigned to substances “With poison.”These were given the status of zz2 佐 and 527 使 ,that is,“helpers"and “messengers,”and they helped eliminate the disease. A middle rank of ce# 選 , “ofcials, associated With mankind, was positioned between the upper and lower ranks. Sorme of these_ofhcials were considered nonpoisonous, while others were known
to“have poison.”Ihey acted as intermediaries between the rulers above and their helpers and messengers below. Ihe substances described, arranged according to a preface into groups of I2o,I2o and I25 respectively? were mostly herbal. Ihis may be the reason behind the naming of the first zze7zz 7zezZzcz Work and henceforth the entire literature genre 2ez co 本 草 ,which possibly meant “based on herbs.” Tao Hongjing 陶 弘 景 (452-536), a Daoist naturalist, was the first author to revise and expand the_original classic, 27z 有 7 本 經 ,as he called the AS7e 727z衝 2ezz cgzo. In a first work, titled S2e7 zoo 2ez czo 7z7zg 伸展
本 草 ,經 “Shen nong%
classic on materia medica,' he retained the oripinal division into three chapters, but added365 “additional records [on pharmaceutical substances recorded earlier
by renownedphysicians,” zz 加 2zzZ 及 明 醫 別錄 .Inasecond workshortly thereafterp the SZ2ez Zoo 2ez cd2.7z7zg 及 2 神 展本 草經 集 注 ,“Various annotations to Shen nongs classic on materia medica,”Tao Hongjing signiflcantly expanded his annotations to the 73o substances listed and divided the text into seven chapters. Tao Hongjing initiated a “main traditionm' of 2Zzz cz9 Works, which would be continued by subsequent authors until the early 13th century. Ihis tradition was 5
The 5Z2e7z 27zg 2e7/ Cz2 Versions accessible today are based on reconstructions by Chinese and Japanese researchers since the I7! century They have identifled I4I substances as “upperrank, ITII substances as “middle rank, and Io3 substances as “lowerrank, totaling
365. 6
For details on the 2ez Zoo 2ez cz2 and the subsequent history of Chinese 7轎 2z/e772 7zeZzcz literature, see_ Paul
萎 Unschuld, 4zZzczzzz 2 C277z2.
Berkeley and Los Angeles,I986.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
characterized by an expansion of the_original classic_ with ever more data on the nature, origin, therapeutic effects and pharmaceutical processing of natural and
man-made substances. Ihis data was often adopted from an increasing number 0f 77z2z/e772z 77zezZ7cz Works published outside of the main tradition whose authors did not feel committed to the structure and contents of the 257 7zg. Ihey focused on repglional knowledge, their own experience, substances used as both medication and food, substances enabling survival in times of famine, pharmaceutical processing and other such special aspects of pharmaceutical lore. In the middle of the seventh century an official named SuJing 人 蘇敬 (fi. 657) suggested that the emperor supportanew cditlon of the “original classic to correct older data reparded since as erroneous, and include more recent knowledge of the therapeutic potential of natural substances.The result, the 及 zz xzz 2ez cd2 新 修本 草 “Newly revised materia medica, of 659, combining 85o substance entries in 54 chapters,
was the first government-sponsored and illustrated 2ez czo work in China. The main tradition came to ahaltin the I3th century for at least two reasons. Jhe lengthy title ofone of the final works of this tradition, published in I249 and describing I746 substances in 3o chapters, offers aclear indication of one of these reasons: C2ozzg x7z >2e7zg 22.7-zg 27 2ezg
7 2 ozg 2ez cdz2 重修 正和 經 史 證 類
備用 本 草 , “Newly revised 2/e7zz 7zezZzcz of the >Z2eze 2 reign period, based on data from the classics and historical annals, based on evidence and ordered on the
basis of groups, prepared for clinical application.”Ihe main tradition was stifled by the abundance of its data and the perpetuation of its claim to be merely extending the original classic. Ihe ]ast works were extremely unwieldy. More recent data was added to previous staterments, Without comments on contradictions or carlier crrors. Readers were left abandoned with ever longer sequences of quotes from a wide range of sources of varying quality Weseeasecond reason for the end of the main traditioninacompletely new pgenre of zzze7zz 7zezZzcz texts initiated by Kou Zongshis 寇 宗 與 5ez cg2 yz 加 本 草 衍 意 ,“EExtended ideas on materia medica,”in III9 and exemplifled by Wang Haogus 王 好 古 7zz&e ) zz 622 湯 液本 旱 ,“//z/eyzz 7zezzcz of decoctions”in the mid IT3th century With the rise of Song Neo-Confucianism, the more than one-millennium-old schism was bridged between the therapeutic approaches of needling and pharmaceutical therapy Needlingy i.e. acupuncture, was based on the Yinyang and Five Phases doctrines of systematlc correspondences. 25e7z (22 hterature and recipe collections were based on empirical knowledge and magic correspondences. Ihe convergence of these two separate approaches resulted in a frst pharmacology of systematic correspondences. Authors committed to this new perspective categorized each pharmaceutical substance according to its pre-
7 y?/eo277e772
sumed association With certain types of fiavor and qi. As these types of fliavor and di were associated in turn, With certain yin and yang qualities,as well as with the Five Phases,alnk appeared possible to pathologies also deflned in terms of yin and yang and the Five Phases. TJhe main tradition was unable to integrate the ideas published by the various authors of theso-called Song本 nm-Yuan epoch of 2e7z cdzoliterature.As aresult, the publication of comprehensive zz/e7z2z 7zezZzcz texts ended. 匕ach of these works claimed to offer 和 available pharmaceutical knowledge,old and new. I]t was only three centuries latep in ther6th century thattwo authors introducedanew structure to the contents of comprehensive 222Z/z772z 7zeZzcz works, leadinp to abrief revival of the tradition. The first result was the Q/ >27 2e7z c22 2777 227 77zo yo2 全 製本 草 品 彙 精要 ,“/7z/e77zz 7zezZzcz, written on imperial order containing essential data arranged in systematic ordep”in Iso5. Ihe second and more successful of these newer 2ez czo Works was the 5ez cz2 gz7zg zz 本 草 網 目 ofI593 compiled by Li Shizhen 李時珍 (rsI8-I593).
I.2 Structure and contents of the 7e7z Czo2 goz7Zze 2222 It is not known whether Li Shizhen saw the / 27 227z CZ2 277/ 27z/7 777zo 2z2 before he set out to compile the 5 22 oz7z 2z. In his own personal interest, Qiu Jun 了 邱 溶 (I42o 一 I495),ascholar oficial, had devised ascheme to overcome the
unwieldy nature of the final texts of the main tradition of 2ez cdzo literature. By restructuring the individual substance monographs, he removed the decisive obstacle to practical use of the 2ez cd texts. He dismissed the idea that newer 2e7 cZo Works were mere emendations of the_“original classic,” With whatever new knowledge had become available being added to the substance of earlier works. Qiu Jun divided each monograph in accordance with I3 characteristics of individual substances that he extracted from former texts.7 As aresult, areader interested in the origin, the pharmaceutical processing or
the therapeutic indications of apartlcular substance found relevant data collected underarespective heading. Io find the information they sought, users of the new text were no longer required to read through all the historical layers that had accrued among the texts of the main tradition of 2ezz czo works. Qiu Jun died when he had finished writing only one chapter.After hectic intrigue and conflicts of interest Liu Wentai 劉
文 泰 (fi. Iso3),an officialin the Imperial Medical Offce and
ateam of collaborators were ordered by EmperorXiao zong 孝 宗 (I47o~-Iso5) in 7
“Paul UL Unschuld, r986,I4o-I4I.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
I5o3 to prepareanew 2ezczoeditionto simplfy the consultationofthese works. Jhey took over the structural proposals of Qiu Jun but expanded the number of
subheadings of each substance monograph ffom I3 to 24. Jhe new work was completed only two years later. Pleased, the emperor personally gave it the title “The 記 ssentials of 472/77zz 7zeZzcz with the Data on Items Arranged According to their Similar Nature, compiled on IJmperial Order.' Soon afterward, the emperor died. Ihe manuscript was never published, possibly because of the exquisite_ color illustrations added to each entry. No technology was available in theI6th century to print such a work. Several manuscript copies were prepared andafew have ended up in libraries in Japan, Rome and Berlin. In I7ol arevised and amended version without the ustrations was prepared, by order 9f Emperor Kang xi 康熙 .It was published by Shanghai Commercial Press in I937. Li Shizhen choseastructure for his zz cdzo oz7o zz cntries similar to that of the 了 之27 227z 22 277/ 27/7 777zp )z2 substance monographs. Howevep rather than separating the data of each entry into 24 categories, he decided to limit their subheadings, where required, to the following ten: %zz2 >2e7zg 校正 :
上 ditorial Correction
27 zzzzg 釋 名:
弓xplanation of Names
詞 /zz 集 解 :
Collected Explanations
%zz >27 償 治 :
Pharmaceutical Preparatlon
2zzz )7 辯 疑 :
Discussion of Uncertain Issues
>2ezg zoz 正 誤 :
orrection of Errors
27 oz7 氣味 :
Qi and Flavor
>%2z 27 主 治:
Jherapeutic Control
大 zzg 發 明 :
紀 xplication
到 名 zg 附 方 :
Added Recipes
Li Shizhen also conceptualized anew order of the entries. Ihe “original classicy Within the three groups of uppep “middle, and lower rank, had sted substances following their identiflcation as mineral, herbal, and animal-human~-i.e.
proceeding from dead and immobile tolving and immobile,and on toliving and mobile substances.A fourth and final group consisted of victuals. Later works of 8
ITIbid., I42-I43.
7 y?/eo277e772
the main tradition omitted the “uppep middle, and lower rank divisions, but
retained the mineral, herbal, and animal-human classifications.
Li Shizhen introduced a different order. Based on the seqduence of the Five Phases, he began, after four introductory chapters, the subsequent 48 chapters With alist of waters. Jhis was followed by fires, soils, metals (including salts and
minerals; chapters 5 through II) and herbal substances (chapters I2 了hrough 37). Separated by chapter 38,listing fabrics and utensils, he then devoted chapters 39 through 5o to animals,ranpging from tiny to larpge, 也 at1s, from insects through fowl to four-legged creatures. Again separated by a chapter on “strange items, he eventually reached the pinnacle of his scale, human substances suitable fora medicinal application.Jn all Li Shizhen wrote down ca.I.9 million characters to describe I892 pharmaceutical substances. Jhe entries in the final 48 chapters were divided into r6 sections,forI3 of which
Li Shizhen identifled subsections. Jhese serve to point out related items within broader groups such as waters, herbs and worms/bugs. For example, the sectlon on worms/bugs is subdivided into those born from eggs, 也 ose generated through transformation, and those oripinating ffom moisture. 弓ach section is introduced by ageneral statement explicating the special nature of the substances grouped in it. 選 ach individual substance is piven a heading stating its earliest name documented in pharmaceutical literature and, if this was the original classic,'the
uppep middle or lower rank it had been assigned to. Where required, Li Shizhen began an entry bypointing out a formerly erroneous listing of the substance in question. Whenever he found identical substances listed in previous 2z7z czo works twice under different names,he justifled the combination of these names in one entry. Jhe length of documented Chinese pharmaceutical history the sheer size of thecountry With its many regional cultures and languages,and the different types of sources quoted by Li Shizhenled him to list and discuss the names of the substances he described. Notinfrequently Li Shizhen sawaneed to explain different names in the North and South of China assigpned to an identical substance. For example,in chapter oo,he went into an extensive discussion to end an apparently millennia-old confusion concerning the substance gypsum. It was known as 527 gz2 石膏 ,“stone fat7 7 五 527 細 理 ,石 “finely structured stone/mineral,”and 2zz7 2z7 y27 寄 水 ,“cold 石 water stone/mineralL”Some authors identifiled it as /zzg 7ze 527 方 解 石, “stone/mineral that splits into rectangular pieces,”and as c2zzzg 527 長 ,“lengthy 石 stone/mineral.”But these names had also been applied to other
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
minerals. Li Shizhen brought all relevant quotes together and eventually offered his conclusion29 Li Shizhen titled the relevant subheading 27 zzzg 釋 ,名 “Explanation of Names,' because he went beyond simply enumerating alternative names. Wherever possible he added philological explanations taking into account, for example, local dialects and the composition of characters. Substances imported from forceign countries often were given names in China transcribing the pronunciation of their original foreign pronunciation. Wherever feasible, Li Shizhen included information on the origin of such names, for example, reflecting a Sanskrit term.
Furthermore, many names were written With characters possibly unfamiliar to the 27 cz2 oz 7zzs readers. Hence Li Shizhen explained their pronunciation by either adducing homophones or resorting to the split-reading approach. And when he_felt at his wits end, he_ freely acknowledged his inability to explain a certaln narme.
Wihile_ this explanation of names suggests an awareness of certain limits 9f understanding among future readers and users of the 5ez cz2 oz7zo zz Li Shizhen rarely explained a central feature of each substance described: its therapeutlic indications. Ihe quotes on the ability of substances to“control' disease are taken from sources spanning more than Ioo years. IJhe 57 22 oz7zg 72z lists more than 45oo key disease terms;by thetimeofLi Shizhen,perhaps mostof them were stil self-explanatory or could be understood by experts from their context. In todays China, many of the disease names referred to in these quotes are no longer easily understood. Similarly for readers of the 2ez cz2 goz7zg 2 outside hina, the therapeutic indications are often given with rather enigpmatlc disease names writteninsingle,unfamiliar characters or using metaphors that are no lonper casily prasped. he first volume of the 77c/z27zz7)2 07 22 57 cdZ2 ez7zg 7 traces each of the 45oo disease terms to its earliest appearance. Tt identifles its meaning in fhat early context and, where applicable,at the time of Li Shizhen.5
Another central feature of descriptions of pharmaceutical substances is their place of origin. From early on it was known among Chinese experts that one and the same herb was endowed with different therapeutic powers depending on where it grewin the country Ihe cliimate and the nature of the soil varied from North to South and from 弓ast to West, and so did the“_qi aplant was exposed to. Tence where considered necessary substance entries of the ez7z cd2 oz7z 22 include related information. Ihis is mostly comparative, that is, Li Shizhen pro9
See og-o9o, 紀 xplanation of Names. BUGCM
See ZhangZhibinand PaulU.Unschuld, 27zc/z27z27 7 上 527z co2 oz722 2 Vol.1: C277zeye 了 75/o77c27 7///zzyy 72777z7z7z2/2o 俯 University of California Press,Oakland, 2oI5.
7 y?/eo277e772
vided aranking of the substances from different regions in accordance with the presumed strength of their therapeutic effects. All the dynasties that followed each other during the imperial age regularly rearranged administrative structures. As a consequence, place names and the names of administrative structures were
assigpned new names. Hardly any location kept one and the same name throughout history Li Shizhen regularly explained the locationin his time of places mentionedin anancient quote underaname no longerin use. Today the current loca~ tion of even more places can no longer be easily identifled by their ancient names. Jhe second volume of the 7zc/z27zz7) 27 2 2527 cd2 oz7zg zz traces each of the place names and those of administrative structures mentioned in the 25e7z cg2 gz72 zz to 了their current location. More importantly, fmhe 27zc/z27zzyy ofers the history of each name and each administrative structure so thata quote from a speciflc timeperiod may be compared to the existence ofaname and administrative structure at that time. Ihis is of particular relevance if one identical name was given to different locations in the course of history or if the borders of an administrative structure were moved to adegree that may have had asigniflcant impact on the climate or nature of soil suggested by its name.r No 放 Z/e772 27ze2Z7cz text prior to the ez7 22 oz7zo zz was based on acomparable range of lterary and non-literary material. Jt should come as no surprise that Li Shizhen exploited the Z2ezg 2 2ez cz2 正和 本 草ofI249,the finalwork ofthe former main tradition of 2ezz czo Works, as his major source. Apparently Li Shizhen intended to continue this tradition,but he wentfar beyondit.Inabibliography at thevery beginning of the 57z cdz2 oz7z 2, he listed more than 868 titles he had consulted. Ihe number of titles quoted or mentioned in passing in the main text by far exceeds these 868 texts. Li Shizhen may not have held all of them in original editions in his hands. Many texts were quoted second- or third-hand from quotes in later encyclopedias. Inadditionto drawing his data from all types of lterary genres,Li Shizhenpersonallytravelled toplacesalloverthecountrywhereheexpectedtoaccess dataavai able nowhere else. Jhis way he also was able to record valuable data on substances not nmentionedin 2e7z czoliterature or publicly documented elsewhere before. For example, yz7z: 27 三 七, identifled today as Gy7zz7z vegezz7z (Lour.) Merr., is one of
themostcommon herbs its therapeutic potential “Ihis medication was in the South useitin
in Chinese medicine.Li Shizhen was thefirstto learn of from_ locals, and introduceditwith the following lines: discovered for the first time only recently. Ihe people their military as an important medication for wounds
II_See Tua Linfu, Paul D. Buelt and Paul UL Unschuld, 7zc/zo7zz7) 27 2 7zz. Vol.
有 zz 22 2927
: Geog72227c27 2772 /7277z77275/72Z02 2vzo7z2Z.o75. University of California Press
Qakland, 2oIZ.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
caused by metal objects/weapons. It is said to have an extraordinary [therapeutic] potential. It is also said: For all injuries resulting from fogging and blows,when stagnating bloodis set free,itshould be cheweduntilit is pappy. Qnce this is applied [to the affected region, the bleeding] ends. Greenish swelling is dissolved. If oneis to be flogged,let him ingest beforehand one or two 2zzz and his blood will not rush to his heart. After a fiopgging it is even more advisable to ingest it. ITo ingest it after a birth is good, too. Generally speaking, this medication has warm qi and asweet and slightly bitter fiavor Henceitis amedication for the blood section oftheyang brilliance and ceasing yin [conduits] and can serve to cure all types of blood diseases, similar to 27 77/ 7 (zz77z27z2792y zzc2 Bl.) and shellac. In this manner the 257z do oz7z2 2 refers to hundreds of texts and their authors,
in addition to individuals (including Li Shizhens own extended family) unassociated with any literary genre. IMany of the persons quoted or referred to as authors,patlents,healers or actors
in some anecdote have remained nameless to posterity. In bibliographical and biographical reference works todays readers of the 5e7z 22 goz7z 2 zz casily find the more prominent book titles, authors and historical personalities encountered
in the 2z7z 2z2 oz7zo 22z. But an identiflcation of numerous titles and many more persons requires extensive research.Jtis here that one wonders how many collaborators Li Shizhen may have had. Wang Shizhen, the author of a preface to the first edition of the 25z7z cdz2 oz7zo zz quotes Li Shizhen verbatim with a statement
that he had rewritten the entire manuscript three times.5 A question arises here whether he had failed to notice numerous inconsistencies in the references to book titles and authors quoted. Not infrequently one book is quoted with either its complete title or several different abbreviations. Similarly, one identical author is quoted by his full name, by his first or ]ast name, by his style, or other poss1ble designations. Such diversity appears plausible if one imagines a larger team around Li Shizhen supplying him with data without prior agreement on how to quote atext or refer to a person. If mis diversity makes it difflcult enough for readers to immediately identify a text or author quoted, the hardship is further apgravated by numerous quotes misleadingly ascribed to source texts they were never part 0f. Not much latep Zhao Xuemin 趙
gzzg zz 527 )7 本 草綱目
學 敏 (ca. I73o 一 I8o5), author of the zz 22
拾遺 ,suggested with the title ofhis book“to make up for
I2。 有 zz co2 gozZg 7zzo og-o9. See also, Zheng Jjnsheng 鄭 金生 and Zhang Zhibin 張 了?z77 22 0722 7
“See below p. 42
2Z22 2 本
綱 目 導讀 ,2oI6, I75 ~- I77.
志斌 ,
7 y?/eo277e772
omissions in the 57z cz2 oz7z zz not only his intention to list pharmaceutically useful substances Li Shizhen had failed to include. He was also the first to point out 3o substantial errors in the description of substances recorded. In recent years, With asteep rise in 27 cg2 oz7zo zz research,Imany more such errors and misleading data have been identifled, as for instance in Mei Quanxis (I962-) 梅 全 喜 5e7
cd2 gz7zg zz 2z >2e7g 本 綱目 草 補 正 , “Supplementing omissions and correcting crrors of the 527z 人zo oz7zg zz.+ A comparison of numerous quotes in the 25ez c22 2z7zg 2 With their original sources often enough shows sipnificant divergence. It is not always clear whether these are intentional modifications, perhaps adapting an ancient wording to usapges preferred at the time of Li Shizhen,or errors due to careless copyingThe third volume of the 77c/z27zz7y 27 上 2 5
22 oz7ze 7zz, devoted to“Per-
sons and Literary Sources, offers biographical and bibliographical data on all the texts and persons encountered in Li Shizhens encyclopedia, With a few exceptions for sources and people hat appear undocumented elsewhere. Ihis volume of the Dictionary includes the different versions of titles and names assigned by Li Shizhen or his collaborators to quotes and anecdotes. Jt also points out where quotes ascribed in the 85z7z cz2 oz7 22z to a specific text or author oripinated, in fact, elseWwhere.5
Eversince Tao Hongjings $2e7z 27 2ezz 2z2.777zg 有 >2zof5oo Cand throughout the _ history of the main tradition, authors introduced their 旋 Z/e772z 77ze2Z7c2 Works not only with at least one preface to inform readers of their motives, aims
and (where relevanD the history of their texts. Ihey also offered more general information associated with_ the origin, pathering, pharmaceutical processing, contra-indications, synerglies and applications of pharmaceutical substances. Here, too, Li Shizhen extended the introductory sections to four voluminous chapters occupying one eighth of the entire text. In chapter one he enumerated 4o earlier 2e7z czo Works With brief commentaries by other authors and himself. Jhis list is followed by anothep already mentioned above, of all the literary sources he had taken into account, divided into two groups: 277 older and more recently publshed medical and pharmaceutical works, and 5gI classics, historical annals and
others. Next, Li Shizhen wentinto more detail informing readers of all carlier 2e7 czo Works he had taken drug descriptions from. Li Shizhen paid homage to the bepginning of the main tradition by quoting the preliminary sectlons of the “original classic,“including commentaries by Tao Hongjing and others. I4 ” 乙hengJlnsheng and Zhang Zhibin, 2oI6,7o. I5
Z/hengJinsheng, Nalini Kirk, Paul D. Buell and Paul UL Unschuld, 7zc/z2zzz7y 27 上 2 5c77 cz2 oz7zzg 2 Vol IT: 放 75o7z5 2772 了 77 Soz7cey, 0akland, 2oI8.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
He eventually switched to the Song-jJin-Yuan understanding of health and pharmaceutical therapy by first quoting a passage from the zz7zo 7 7/c7 777zo 72 zoez 黃帝 內 經 素 concerning 問 the influence of climatic factors on drugs. This is followed by a section on “ITIhe seven ways of compiling arecipe,”Wwith commen~ taries by the legendary Qi Bo 玻 伯 , the 8th century commentator of the Sz oz Wang Bing 王 冰 , and various Song-Jin-Yuan authors. Next is asection on “The effects of the ten kinds of recipes,”with commentaries by Xu Zhicai 徐 之 才 (ca.
5IO 一 59o) several Song-Jn-Yuan authors again and Li Shizhen himself. Ihe first
chapter ends with ten treatises on the medicalL-theoretical teachings of the SongJin-Yuan period. hapter 2 begins with an enumeration of pharmaceutical substances known by up to five alternative names. Tt continues with an enumeration of pharmaceutical substances according to their reciprocal, synergistic effects when ingested togeth~erp an enumeration of foods whose consumption is forbidden during an ingestion of specifilc pharmaceutical substances, an enumeration of substances fbhat must
not be taken by pregnant women, and an enumeration of beverages and foods that must not be consumed together. Also in chapter 2, Li Shizhen quoted from Li Gao 李 呆 (fr8o 一 I25D,one ofthe main authors and theoreticians of the Song-
Jln-Yuan era, whose treatise acknowledged that the treatment of certain inesses escaped theorization. Hence he simply listed certain pathological signs and the pharmaceutical substances suitable for their treatment 一 without reference to tfhe Yin-Yang and Five Phases doctrines of systematic correspondences. ?imilarly, the next treatisec is an“enumeration of all pharmaceutical substances that, according to Chen Cangdqi 陳疙
器 (8th century), are used in the treatment
of depletions. From another core theoretician of the Song 二 nm-Yuan era, Zhang Zihe 張 子和 (rs6-I228),Li Shizhen took over the treatise““Ihe three processes of sweating,vomiting and purging.”Chapter2 ends with a section from a yz2 Zz7z 榮 對 ,awork allegedly predating the “original classic”and the tables of contents of the 5ez.777zg and the 7z7zg 527 2e7zg 7 227 方 22z cdz2 經 史 證 類 備 急本 草 by Tang Shenwei 唐
慎 微 (fl.ro82), one of the final works of the main tradition, Written
between Io8o and IIo7z. hapters 3 and 4 of the ez7z cd2 oz7zp zz include lists of all diseases,and where necessary a detailed description of their pathological conditions, with tfhe appropriate pharmaceutical substances andinformation concerning their pharmacological function, preparation and administration.
Despite their prominence in chapter 2, the references to the Song-1in-Yuan doctrines of pharmacology appear isolated. Further hints at their relevance for pharmaceutical therapy are rarely encounteredin the 25ez cz2 oz7zp 2. Li Shizhen
7 y?/eo277e772
may have_felt it suitable to pay ip service to a development that had lost its creative momentum prior to his ifetime. By the end of the Song-n-Yuan era, several authors had suggested combinations of empirical pharmaceutical know edge with the Yinyang doctrines of systematic correspondences without reaching an agreement on one pharmacology accepted by all. IToo many contradictions remained between the assessmentofthe properties in terms of yin and yang qualities on the one hand and their assumed and observed effects on the human body on the other. Eventually, this development found no further creative naturalists. By thetimeofLi Shizhen carrying through to the very presentastatus quo had emerged within which any author interested in atheoretical foundation of pharmaceutical treatment was free to pick from any of the Song-JIn-Yuan authors, whomever he felt or feels appropriate. Li Shizhens attitude toward atheoretical legitimation of pharmaceutical therapies may be called fragmented. Only in very few instances did he feel compellied to refer to the preference of a speciflc substance to enter one or more of the yin and yang conduits. Li Shizhen did not neglect magic argumentation,and he seerms to have had aspecial inclination toward the number seven. ITt dominates suggestions for the length of periods and number of frequencies of ingestlons as Wel as quantities in which pharmaceutical substances are to be taken.Categorizations of items according to their yin or yang status,or their afhliation with one of theFive Phases, are rarely seen in the 27 cd gpz7zg 2722. 0ccasionally Li Shizhen resorts to aconcept of cozg 27 /7 從 其 類, “group correspondence”to explain correspondences between items and their properties that appear to exist outside the realm of Yinyang and Five Phases correspondences. For example,in chapter 4r entry I6,_cicadas, he writes:
Grenerally speaking, to_cure [diseases affecting」 the long-term depots and short-term repositories, the bodies of cicadas are to be used. lo cure dermal
sores and ulcers, wind and heat, the nymph shells of cicadas are to be used. This is always based on their group correspondences.
?imilarly, in chapter 43, cntry I9-o2, breflcaude pit viper: When poisonous items are used to attack poison diseases, then this is always based on their group correspondences.
Perhaps Li Shizhens reluctance to support his therapeutic advice with theoretica reasoning may be traced back to aperception of himself as primarily being aprac~ titloner not interested in burdening other practitiloners with arequest to indulge in the complicated doctrines of systematic correspondences as a precondition of
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
pharmaceutical therapy. 攻 we are right to assume thata central motivatlon underlying Li Shizhens compilation of the 5ez cdz2 goz7g zz was to offer a handy work toawide public of healers, we then also grasp two more of his encyclopedias great lnnovatlons.
Li Shizhens 有 z7z cdz2 oz7zo 22z 1s the_ first truly inclusive encyclopedia of natural history and pharmacotherapy in China. Nothing comparable existed in the medicalliterature elsewhere. 5ez cdzoliterature had hitherto been dedicated to the description ofindividual substances.Li Shizhen integrated medical case histories. These are meant to 過 ustrate, more vividly than would have been possible with theoretical statements, the therapeutic potential of certain substances. Medical
case histories have been published in China ever since Sima Qian included examples of treatments performed by Chunyu Yi 淳 於 意 (2oo ~-Iso BCE) in the
biography of this physician in his 527 二 史記 of 9o BCE. Beginning with the Yuan dynasty an increasing number of physicians chose to publish characteristic (and successful) examples of their treatments to propagate their own understand-
ing of medicine and health care.* Li Shizhen included case histories from his own medical practlice and others quoted from _earlier collections. In this way, he certainly prevented any suspicion of promoting only his personalinterpretation 9f generally accepted theoretical premises. A common feature of his case histories is the emphasis on fexibility. Ihat is, thefexibility required to sometimes abandon seemingly irrefutable principles and adapt a substances application to the specifc challenge confronting the healer. An example is his own treatment, recorded in chapter 35,of an old woman over 6o years old' who had suffered from viscous outflow, i. e., some form of diarrhea,
for an extended period of ttme. No established therapy had been able to end her suffering. Li Shizhen followed arecommendation by the Tang physician Wang Bing 王 冰 who had traced viscous outflow to an excessive accumulation of cold. He resorted to croton seeds, known in China as 2z Zoz 巴豆 , to counteract the
cold responsible for that partlicular patlients ness. Since antiquity 了 ough, 2z Zoz had been described in Chinese 2e7z cdzo literature not only as an extremely hot substance but also as one of the most violent purgatives. Li Shizhen had also read the Yuan era author Wang Haogu 王 好 古 , who had pointed out, for the first time, that given an appropriate pharmaceutical processing croton seeds can also be applied to stop diarrhea. Hence Li Shizhen counted on the extreme heatof croton seeds to attack theaccumulated cold in the old woman. He treated her with pills prepared with croton seeds and coated with I6_
Christopher Cullen, “Yian (case statements): the origins of a genre of Chinese medical literature, in Elisabeth Hsu (ed.), zooz7zz97 2 C277ere 47eZzcz7z. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2oor, 297-323.
7 y?/eo277e772
beeswax, and achieved a cure.7 Li Shizhen not only offered examples of his own reading of a patients speciflc needs but also provided details of cearlier physicians creative approaches to difficult therapeutic situations. Ihe implicit message underlying most such case histories was to promote Hexibility rather than stubborn adherence to superfilcial principles. Hence he praised previous healers for their ingeniously individualized therapies. Li Shizhen was also the_ first authorin the tradition of comprehensive works to cormbine the genres of 2e7z/ czo and recipe lterature. With very few exceptions, he added to every substance alist of recipes with theinformation he may have considered essential for its application in actual clinical practice. One or more therapeuticindications,mostly down-to-earth without theoretical embellishment or legitimation, are followed by therecipes ingredients with brief data on their raw or processed states. Ihe recipes further include concise data on their prepa~ ration, on the external or internal mode of their application and on the number
and required time span of their applicatlions. A source is given for each recipe. For each lst of recipes added to the entry of aspecific substance, Li Shizhen also specifiles how many of them were recorded in previous recipe collectlions and how many he recorded for the first time. Theperhapsmostnotable innovationintroducedbyLiShizhen wasatransition from earlier ez czo works that had merely propagated alleged facts as statements to an cncyclopedia based on argumentation. Li Shizhen was the first to collect in a 2Z/e77Z2 7zeZzcz Work the statements of earlier authors and systematically discuss them in search of what he considered as facts and truth. 弓 arlier writers had contradicted views they failed to agree with. ButLi Shizhen made this approach his basic principle. Also, simply contradicting cearlier views and statements is not identical with Li Shizhens approach of presenting several points of view. He discussed their origins and shortcomings, and eventually decided who is right and Who is wrongy, or presented his own dissenting perception. Ihis is a ubiquitous principle followed throughout the 5e7z cdz2 gz7 2 It is not the least because 9 this feature of the 57 cz2 oz7zo zz that Li Shizhen deserves amost prominent place in the history of Chinese natural science
I.3 Biographical sketch of Li Shizhen (IT5I8 一 I593) Li Shizhen, style Dongbi 東 壁 ,assumed name Binhu 瀕 湖 , was bornin Qi zhou
匠 州 , todays Qi chun county 細 春 ,縣 province Hu bei 湖北
I7 ” 乙hengJlnsheng and Zhang /hibin, 2oI6,2o2 一 2o6.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
of physicians. His grandfather is known to have practiced as an itinerant healer. His father Li Yanwen 李 言 ,聞 rose to amore respected class of physicians and was engaged for a while as medical secretary 五 2#z 吏 ,in 目 the Imperial Medical O ce. 包 For his therapeutic skills he was praised as Li xian 李 仙
,“immortal Li
He is remembered as author of monographs on ginseng [root] and mugwort, a plant used for moxibustion. He also wrote texts on smallpox and pulse diagnosis. Ti Shizhen was supposed torise even higheron the social scale. He was trained to be an offhcial and entered the sequence of government exams. At the age of I4, having studied the Confucian and other classical texts, he passed the county level exams and was granted the degree of xzz 27 秀才 ,“outstanding talent.” However even 了 hough he continued his studies for the next ten years, he failed to pass exams on the next higherleveland eventually turned to the occupation of his father and grandfather. Over time, based on experience and knowledge learned from his father and his own literate knowledge and dedication to understand the principles underlying natural processes, Li Shizhen became widely known as a cormpetent practitiloner. He was invited to noble and other high ranking families and his successful cures in I543 eventually led to an invitation by the King of Chu 楚 ,Zhu Xianrong 朱 顯 榕,rso6 一 15545,aregional prince, to manage his palace medical office. Details of the following years are unclear. We know that Li Shizhen was offered a position in the lmperial Medical Offhce but returned to his hometown after only ayear. Ihe date of this journey to Beijing and the reasons why he left so soon are not known. From the contents of the ez7z cg2 oz7zg 2
though,it is ob-
vious that he returned from the North having accumulated much new knowledge. In Beijing he also encountered practices he considered highly objectionable. Among the elite,apractice was widespread to cure human 名 s with human substances,”)7z7e7/ 2z 7ez
以人 補 人 .Basedonanotion thatareverse flowofmenstru-
al blood left the body as breast milk, practitioners advocated to knead the breasts of child girls until they released some liquid. Ihis liquid was termed zz Z2 7 蜂 桃 酒, “fat peach wine,”allegedly an elixir granting immortality. Li Shizhen recorded this practlice in chapter 52, entry IT,on human mik, clearly condemning it as deceitful rhetoric to make a profit, aimed at those who are ignorant. It is voiced by fraudulent persons, and punished by royal law. Ihe gentleman is to denounceit. In Beijing he also learned of the use ofopium as an aphrodisiac and considered this as a therapy not to be applied by a proper healer. Back homeyin I552,at the age of 34, Li Shizhen began to compile the 57 cz2 oz7ze zz. 27 years ]aterp in I578,he concluded his manuscript. lo compile a work of I.9 miion characters, based not only on extensive reading of earlier literature but
7 y?/eo277e772
also on the results of repeated short and long distance travelling, is an enormous achievement. Li Shizhen mentions family members and disciples as assistants, but the size of his team is not known. 了His achievementis even more astonishing given that during 了 ese 27 years he wrote and published several books. ITwo of these, the 257zz2z zz7 xze 瀕
湖 朋 學 , 和[Li] Binhus study of vessel movements,”a
book on pulse diagnosis,and the O77zzge 22z 2z27 22 可 經 八 朋 考 ,“Research of the elight extraordinary conduit vessels,' survive to this day. Others, like a collection ofhis medical cases, 5zz2z 7 zz 瀕
湖 醫 案 ,a“collection of [Li] Binhus simple to
use recipes,” 77z2z 二 727 /z7zg 瀕 湖 集 簡 方 ,and an “illustrated study of the five long-term depots, 上 / >z7ze 多 /7
None of these books cormpleted manuscript It took Li Shizhen ten Hu Chenglong 胡 承
五惰 圖
論 ,have been lost as individual texts.
became as influential as the 25e7z cz2 oz7zo 22. Initially, the of the 5z7 go oz7zo zz did not meet enthusiasm either. years, knocking at doors here and there, until eventually 龍 in JJnling 金 陵 , todays Nanjing 南京 , 五angsu province,
agreed to print the text. It was publshed in I593 with a preface by the famous
scholar Wang Shizhen 王 世 頁 (Ifs26-I59o) and supplemented by two chapters of Irog illustrations rather hastily made by his sons Li 本 anyuan 李 建 元 and Li Jijanmu 李 建 木 .WhetherLi Shizhen eversaw this ning editiom'is not known. He died that same year Today eight complete copies of the filrst edition and four fragments are known to cxistin China,in Japan and in the USA.A second edition,supported byalocal government ofce, was published by Xia Liangxian 夏 良 心 and Zhang Dingsi 張 鼎 思 in neighboring Jangxi 江西 province in I6o3. Even though some errors crept into the text, the print and the illustrations were executed excellently Jhe widespread dissemination and the fame of the 25ez cdz2 oz7ze 22 began With this Jangxi edition.5 In 2orr the United Nations 記 ducational, Scientiflc and Cultural Organizatlion (UNESCO)
certifled the inscription of the 57 cz2 oz7e zz on the Memory of
the World International Register.
I8_Ibid.,3 一 7 I9
ITIbid.23o.Foramost detailed scholarlyaccountofLi Shizhenslife andthefurtherhistory ofthe 5ez co oz zz see WangJjan 王 57
2 名 yOO
妨Z277 22
7 7277力/ 李時珍
劍and Mei Quanxi 本 草 綱目 oo 年
梅全 喜 , /7 S27zZ2e7y 527z cgo 大 事 年 譜 ,Li Shizhens 5e7z ezo2
2z7zo 22 一 a Chronicle of related major events of the past 5oo years, Ren min wei sheng chu ban she 人 民 衛 生 出 版 社 Beijing, 2oI8.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
2., Notes on the Translation This translation of chapters 5 一 II of the ez Co gz7zg 7zz is based onamost re-
markable critical edition ofthe text prepared and published by ZhengJlJnsheng 郊 金生and Zhang Zhibin 張 志 斌 . ZhengJlnsheng and Zhang Zhibin have traced all quotes to their original source text. Wherever the first I593 馬 nling print of the 7z7z cg oz7zp zz differed from the original texts because of intentional abbreviations, they have addedanote with the original wording. Divergences interpreted as unintended errors,such as omissions or mistakenly written single characters, as Well as erroneous ascriptions of quotes to original texts and authors,Wwere correctedinthemain text with anote added to explain such modiflcations. Ihe complete text of chapters 5 一 II presented here together with its translation includes these correctlons. Readers interested in all the details, both of the errors corrected and
the original wordings that were abbreviated or otherwise modifled by Li Shizhen and his collaborators, are advised to_ consult the text critical edition by /heng Jinsheng and Zhang Zhibin.“。 Tam most grateful to both of them for supplying me with a pre-publication version of their work.Twish to especially express my thanks to Prof./hengJinsheng for helping me to understand passages and single characters my own research had been unable to clarify Almost all philological notes accompanying my translation are based on the text editilon prepared by 乙hangJtnsheng and Zhang Zhibin.Thave also greatly beneftted from consulting the Japanese translation of the 57z cz2 oz7ze 22z Dublished in I965.7 In particular secondary quotes within primary quotes have been marked based on the Japanese cdition. In 2oo3, Foreign Language Press in Beijing published a frst complete 紀 nglish version of the 5z7z zz2 oz7ze 2z. Ihe approach chosen differed signiflcantly from the one adopted here. Ihis is most obvious in the translation of historical Chinese illness terms. Luo Xiwen 咕 希 文 and his collaborators have attempted to
2o ZhengJlnsheng 鄭 有 Z 2
金生 and Zhang Zhibin 張 志 斌 , 5ezz cdo oz 22 277 0e7z 2 227z 信
27zg 2z 27 52z7 2z2 7
網 日 引文
2z 2 本 草
溯源 一 圖 例 百 病 主 治水 火土
石 部 .Iracing the quotations in the Ben cao gang mu to their sources.VoLr: Legends
to the sections “1herapies for all the hundreds of diseases and waters, flres, soils, metals
研究 集 草 文 cg 本 綱目 and stones/minerals.”A volume of the 5ez cz2 oz7zg 2 2. 成 “Collection ofresearch on the Ben cao gang mu”edited by Zhang Zhibin and Zheng Jinsheng, Ke xue chuban she 科學 出 版 社 Beijing,2oI9. 2I
康 (ed.), Suzuki
太 22Z/)22Z/ /27Z22 人 2Z2/777287Z 新 註
校 定 本 國 草
真 海 (translL), ,S27z7zc2z 及 oz/e7
綱 目 ,譯 吧 translation of the zzz go zz72e
7zz. Newly annotated and checked against the original text.” Shunyoudou Shoten 春陽 店 okyo I965. 堂 書 ,T
7 y?/eo277e772
identify as many diseases, allments and signs of illness as possible encountered in the 527 cd2 oz7zo 72z in terms of modern Western medical concepts.? The 2e7z 2zo oz7ze 7zz is an encyclopedia compiled in the ir6th century based on literary and non-literary data of the preceding I8oo years. It quotes authors of varying expertise and offers todays readers an incormparable view of almost two millennia of the development of pharmaceutical science and related realms of knowledge and more general aspects of culture. Ihe translation of chapters 5 through ir of the Chinese text honors the authors of bygone days not by telling them what they should have said ff they had had the knowledge of the 2oth and 2ISt century but rather by luminating as clearly as possible their toughts and their wisdom as formed by the conceptualb social, cconomic and natural environ-
mentof their time. Ihe translation offered here has resisted atemptation to make ancient views appear modern and agreeable with todays biomedical reality. Such an approach,notinfrequently met in recent renderings of ancient Chinese medical texts in Western languages,is not only asign of disrespect for the intellectual integrity of ancient experts. It is also an obstacle blocking arecognition and appreciation of the never ending historical process of understanding nature and the managerment of human ife as part of nature in China, since antiquity HenceThave pursued here the same approach that has guided my translations of the ancient Chinese medical classics 7了 zz7zg 77 7z27.77720 72 2027z, 號/27zo 7 7ze7 有 Zoe 7 2 and AWz7z.7z7zg. Authors from previous centuries and millenia relied on metaphors and allegories to elucidate their understandings of human physiology and pathology Modern pathology and physiology are no different. Such fields of science need to draw on metaphors and allegories to illustrate their aindings.3 Disease names are a case in point. Ihe 8ez 2z2 ozzg 2 includes quotes with about 45oo core terms to specify all types of pathological conditions. Prior to the translation presented here, Prof. Zhang Zhibin and Ttraced them to their first appearance. VoLTof the 77zcZ272z72 27 2 有 zz cd2 oz7zo 2 sts all of them with an explanation of their original meaning. Ihe translation of chapters 5 through IT provides, where appropriate, the lteral meaning of disease terms. Occasionally ancient single characters keep their meaning secret; in such cases, they are given in pinyin transcription. Notes are added to all occurrences of historical disease terms that are not self-explanatory and readers are led to the relevant pages of VoLTof the 7zc/z27z27涼 22。
C277z2e7727z77/ 07 472/e77zz 47/zZzcz. (527zcz2 Gzzgzz2z). Compiled by Li Shizhen. ITranslated
and Annotated by Luo Xiwen 屁 希 文.Foreign Language Press, Beijing, 2oo3.This edition does notinclude the original Chinese text. “CCynthia Taylorand Bryan M. Dewsbury On the Problem and Promise of Metaphor Use in Science and Science Comrmunication..7 /77zcyo27zo7 用 727 九 Zz/. 2oI8; IO(TD: I9.I.46.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
The heading of each entry repeats the numbers assigned toitin the table of contents, followed by the name,in Chinese characters and pinyin, of the sub-
stance discussed and the title of the earliest work on 7zz/e772 7zeZzcz identlfled as its FE, i. e., “first evidence. The translation of the names offers 上 nglish colloquial
names wherever available, a literal translation where meaningfulb and scientific identiflcations where possible. Place names, designatlons of administrative structures, names of persons and book titles appear in the translation without additional notes. Readers interested in further details should consult volumes land lllof the 77zc/z27zz7y 27 2 5e7z 22 2z7zp zzo which respectively provide information on the geographic and administrative designations and on the persons and literary sources mentioned. A challenging feature of translating an ancient text on 轎 Z/7zz 7zeZzcz is the identiflcation of natural substances recommended formedicinal use. In chapters5 throughIIofthe 5ez7z cdz2.gzzo 2 this applies to substances named metals,minerals,salts and stones - which are discussed in entries of their own - as Well as to nu-
merous herbal substances mentionedin recipesorin passing elsewhere. 紀 uropean scientists have been eager to identify herbal and mineral substances they have encountered in China since the I7th century From the beginning, this has proved to be adifhrcult endeavor. Diferent names were used for identical substances in different parts of the country; diferent pronunciations of an identical name in the dialects of different regions led to different writings. One and the same substance has been recorded With varying names in the course of history An herb listed in an ceighth century zze772 zzzZzcz text mightnothave been available at a later time and was substituted by another herb sold under the same name. Ihe marketing of fakes as substitutes was sufffhciently widespread at any time for Li Shizhen to caution his readers in the filrst chapter of the 57 cd2 oz7zo 72. In his descriptions ofindividual substances he devoted much space to such issues. Ihe fact is, despite al the many attempts published over the past three centuries, an uncertainty rermains as to the true identity of quite afew of the herbs and minerals recorded in historical Chinese 2z/e7zz 7zeZzcz Works. This translation offers 一 With acaveat 一 identiflcations of the substances recordedin chapters5 throughIIofthe ez fz2 oz7ze zz based on the most reliable reference works available today. Ihey include: First, for plants and ferments:
紀 diting commission_ for 4z/7zz ezZzcz of China, bian wei hui 中 本 華 草編 委 會, National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Administration, Guo jia zhong yi yao guan li ju 家 國 醫藥 管理中 局 , 4zzeyzz 7ezZzcz 27C277zz, Z2ozg 2zz 2ez cg 中
本 華 草 ,Io vols. Shanghai If999.
7 y?/eo277e772
Francine Fevre and Georges Metailie, 7c/7277z27Z7e 人 7CC7 2Zer 2/2z7/y Ze C027z7zz. Association Ricci 一 Les Editions du Cerf Paris 2oos.
Hu Shui-yingy 7z 盈 7zz77ze72zZ227 27 C277zevz 記/z/e772z ezZzcz, Ihe Chinese UniVersity Press, Hongkong I98o. Read, Bernard 蕊 ., Chinese Medicinal Plants from the Pen Isao Kang Mu,5
cdition. /Z2Z7zg AVZZz7z7 及 7
1936, repr. Taipei I977.
Smith, 上 Porterp C277zzye 和 zz772 和 ezZzcz ~-
力oz/z2/ 太 77zgzZ27z, revV. by Gr. A.
Stuart, Shanghai I9II. 2"' revised edition Kuling Book House, Taipei I969. Second, for metals and minerals: Hollemann,A. 上 and 紀 gon Wiberg, 也 z27y2zzc2 Ze7-/77z27oz7z7yc227/ C2ezzzz, Wal-
ter De Grruyter &c Co., Berlin, 1964. Needham,Joseph and Lu Grwei-Djen Sczezzcz Z7z27 C707/Z527Z7277 77 C277zz, Vol 5,
part 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge I972. Read, Bernard 弓 .and C.Pak,Chinese Materia Medica, Minerals and Stones.
25 cdition. Te227zg AV2zzz7z/ 及 7
zz///77z 1936, repr. Ku Ting Book House,
Taipei I977. Wang 五ayin 王 嘉 ,蓄 “Historical data on minerals in the 5e7z cdz2 oz7zg 7 zzz co gz7zg zz Z2 Zzz7zg oz 27 /Zz2 本 草 目的 綱 古物 史料 , Shanghai I957. Note: Chinese names of worms/bugs/insects, animals and plants may refer to different species and substances in different geographical regions of China. Also, a species or substance indicated by aname centuries ago may no longer be the species or substance identifled today. Ihe translation offered here provides only the most likely equations. Readers interested in more detailed information are advised to consult the literature listed above. Whereveracommonly known 上 nglish name was available, such as “ginger and“ginseng [rootl, it was used in the translation. All other translations refer to the Latin name of a substance. For a tentative botanica identiflcation of herbs mentioned in recipes and elsewhere in passing,see the list at theend of this volume.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
3. Wang Shizhens preface of Is9o 《 本 草 綱 》目 原 序 紀 稱 望 龍光 知 古 ,劍 硯 寶 氣 辨明 珠。 故 萍 實 商 ,羊 非 明天 英 。洞 厥 後博 陽 君 東 ,壁 一 僅 星 。耳 楚 芽 李 物 稱 ,華 辯 字 稱 ,康 析 實玉 稱 倚 頓, 亦 備 晨 日 過了予 工 山 園 畝 ,予 留 飲 數 。日 了 予 窺 其人 , 暴 然 貌也 , 癇 然 身也 , 雪 津 然 譚 議也 , 真北斗 以 南 一人 。 解 其 獎 無 長 ,物 有 《 本 旱 綱 》目 數 十 卷。 謂 了 予 日: 時 ,珍 荊 楚 盂人 也 。 幼 多 顧 ,疾 質 成 鈍 。椎 長 耽 典 籍, 若 唉 蔗 。館 逐 漁 獵 芯 ,書 控 纖 百 。氏 凡 史子 經 ,傳 聲韻 晨 ,輔 醫 卜 星相 , 樂府 諸家 , 稍 有 得 ,處 輒 著 數 言。 古有 《 本 和 》旱 一 ,書 自 、炎 旦及 漢 、 染 、 唐 、 宋 , 下 師 國 ,朝 註解 思 氏 舊 。吳 第 中其 外 繆 差 講 遺漏 , 不可 枚 ,數 媳 敢 奮 編 摩之 志 , 億 畢 述 之 。權 歲歷 三 十 ,秘 書 考 八 百 餘家 , 稿凡 三 。易 複 者 蕉 之 , 閱 者 緝 ,之 講 者 繩 。之 卻 本 一 千 五 百 一 十 八 種, 今 增 爍 三 百 七 四十 種 , 分 詞 目 一 六十 部, 著 成 五 十 二 。卷 雖 非 集 ,成 亦 向 大 ,備 借 名 日 《 本 草 綱 》, 釋 烏 ,目 正 始 正 烏 ,綱 附 名 卷 玩, 每 藥 標名 願寢 一 ,言 以 託 不 。朽 了 予 開 細 也 。 次 以 集 解、 辯 疑、 正 ,誤 詳 其土產 形狀 。也 次 以 氣味 、 主 、治 附 方 , 著 其 體 用 。也 上 自 墳 ,典 下及 傳奇 , 凡有 相 ,關 靡 不 備 採。 如入 金 谷之 可 園 , 種色 奪 ;目 如 登 龍 君 之宮 , 實 悶 悉 ;陳 如 冰對 電 玉 鑑 , 毛 穎 指數 也 。 了 博 而 不 ,繁 詳 而有 要 , 綜 核 究竟 , 直 突 洲 海。 茲 昱 僅 醫書 以 觀 ,哉 實 君 心 加 惠何 性 理 之 精微 , 格物 之 通 ,典 帝王 之 秘 ,錄 臣民 之 重 實 。也 李 用 勤 哉。 嚎 : 碎 玉 英 ,剖 朱 紫 相 ,傾 敝 也 久 。包 故 辯 專 車 之骨 , 必 竣 魯 儒 ; 州 言 》, 志 博 古如 《 丹 鉛》、《 大 博文 機 之 ,石 必 訪 賣 。卜 了 予 方 著 《 借 尼 言》 後 乏人 也 , 何 幸 觀 繼 集 或。 茲 集也 , 居 之深山 石室 無當 , 相 名 之以 共 天下 後 世味 《 太 》率 如 子 雲者 。 王 頁 拜 撰。 時 萬 曆 歲 庚 寅 春上 元 ,日 借 州 山人 鳳 洲 世 Preface by Wang Shizhen of Is9o Historical annals speak of an ancient double-edged sword that was identifiled for its“ dragon lusterp and ofashiny pearl that was discovered for its precious radiance. Ihat is,[the delicious and auspicious nature of] the fruit ozzge [seen growing
onariverby therulerof Chu] and [the significance of the appearance in the court of the Duke of Qiof]the|[one-legged bird] 2z7zg yz7zg [as an omen ofimminent rain] could not have been recognized [by Confucius] without an enlightenment
bestowed on him_ by heaven. In later ttmes, [Zhang] Hua (232-3oo) who was known for [compiling the encyclopedia] 52 oz [>2 引 [九] Kang (223-262), [the
poet] who is recorded to have carefully chosen the characters he wrote down, and Yi Dun (of the Warring States period), who [was wealthier than his king and]
7 y?/eo277e772
knew how to distinguish [genuine and fake] precious stones, 了 ey were as rare as stars in the morning sky One day Mr. Li Dongbi from Qi [zhou] in Chu came to see mein my seclusion in Shan yuan,and he stayed with me as a guest for sev~ eral days.Isaw aman of gentle disposition with an excessively fthin body What he said was interesting and meaningful. He truly was a unique person south of the dipper! When he opened his bagy it contained nothing valuable, but tens of Volumes of the 5z7z cz2 oz7zg zz. le said to me: [Tam Li| Shizhen,aman from
Jing chu. In my youth Toften suffered from a wasting disease. Despite amodest intelligence,Twas fascinated by reading the ancient canons and various kinds of literature,as ifTwere eating thesweetness of sugarcane. HenceTwent fishing and hunting for all kinds of books,and Tcollected the works of hundreds of authors.
Wherever among all the experts for philosophy and history the classics and biographies,in music and poetry agriculture and gardening, medicine, divination, astronomy and physiognomy and collections of tunes lfound something even of only slight value,Twrote it down in many words. In ancient times there was a 22z cz2 work [on materia medica]. From the times of Yan [di, i.e., Shen nongl]
and Huang [dij through the Han, the _ Liang, the Iang, and the Song [dynasty] down to our present dynasty it has long been commented upon and provided With explanations.HHowevepit was stained by innumerable errors,inconsistencies,
contradictions and omissions. Ifelt encouraged to take the will to study [this feldj andedit [this work],andTexceeded mylegitimate limits whenTengaged in
acompilation based onanew narrative. For more 了han 3o years Thave examined thebooks of more than 8oo authors.Thave rewritten the manuscript three times. Where there were repetitions,Teradicated them. Where there were omissions, Iflled them up. Where there were mistakes,Icorrected them. Ihe old editions included IsI8 kinds [of pharmaceutical substancesj) here now 374 kinds are added.
[Ihe entries] are divided into I6 sections, written up in 52 volumes. 上 ven though
[my work] may not be complete,it is quite comprehensive and henceTdared to give it the title 27 cd2 oz7zo 2z.4Jt is my deepest desire to entrust it to you so thatitwil notbelost. Whenlopened the volumesTwas pleased to see that they Wwere_ written in a meticulous manner. 弓ach pharmaceutical substance is given a name as its ]abel,
市 at is, as its gzzgy to which are added explanations of [this
and additional| names as zz. Ihis is a proper beginning. Next follow collected cxplanatlons, “discussions of ambiguities, “corrections of errors,” and detailed
accounts of the places of origin and physical appearances. Ihis is followed by [data onj “q and favors,“control and therapy”and “added recipes,” indicating 24
LiShizhen may have considered this title daring because he seemed to put his encyclo-
pedia on apar with the, 72zg.7zz7z ozzg zz 周 鑑 網 ,which 目 was compiled by the weltknown song philosopher Zhu Xi 朱 嘉 (rr3o-I2oo)
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
the concrete usage [of the substances named]|- Whether
[these data] had been
gathered from ancient landmark and later canonical texts above,and from legends and unusual sources below, all were relevant and nothing was chosen Without thinking. [Reading these volumes] was like entering the Golden Valley Garden where 3 kinds of colors dazzle ones eyes. It was like entering the palace of the Dragon Sovereign where all types of treasures are displayed. It was like standing in front of acrystal fask and ajade mirror clearly showing each [detail like an individual] hair.[ Ihe contents] are broadly arranged but not overabundant. Ihey are detailed with a focus on what is important. Ihey have summed up the results of careful studies. Ihey allow aview into the depth of the sea. How could anyone consider this as a work dedicated exclusively to medicine! In fact, it offers the essential subtleties of natural principles. Itis acomprehensive work on the investigation of things. Itis a work kept secret by emperors and kings. It is atreasure highly valued by ofhcials and the people. Ihe diligence and the passion devoted to it by Mr Li are extraordinary! Ihe failure to distinguish common stones and jade,and the confusion of red and purple colors, such malpractice has lasted for
long. Hence to debate the reason for the carts loaded with one bone,one had to wait for the scholar [Confucius] from Lu.* Io recognize the stone from below
theloomy有 it was essentialto enquire with afortune teller.Imyself have written the Yz7z 22z >27 )z7z. What a pity that in future only afew people will be as acquainted With antiquity as are the authors of zz 7zzz and /Z27 yz7. So,Iam 3 the more happy to see this collection! Ihis collection must not be stored deep in thermountainsinastone chamber! Tt must be carved/printed to make it available for later generations al over the world like the work 727xzz7z [zz ce. Yang 入iong) on the 敖 去 zz.
by Ziyun [Gi
Date: 記 z Z reign period. Year: Ge zz. On New Years Day Respectfully written by Yan zhou shan ren Wang Shizhen in Feng zhou.
During the Warring States period, when Wu invaded Yue, they took home from the city of Kuaii acollection of huge bones, with one of them flling one cart. Back home they enquired With Confucius about the origin of these bones and the “scholar from Lu explained their origin.
26 Atraveller once brought backastone hehad been given by awoman he had met when he tried to reach the source of a certain river. He approached the famous fortune-teller YanJunping whotold him thatthis was the stone forming the foundation of theloom 9 acelestial fairy
4. 本 草
27 Cz2 Goz7zg
hapters 5-I Translation
草 綱目
277 22 oz7zg 7222
水 部 目錄 Sectilon Waters, Contents,
hapter5 李時珍 :曰 水 ,者 了欣 之 象 。也 其 文 橫 則 詞 ,三 縱則 詞 。山 其 純 。陽 上 則 詞 雨 露 箱 ,雪 下則 詞 海 果 河 井。 流 止 寒 溫、 氣 之 所 不 。同 是 以 音人 分 別 九 州 水 士, 以 辨人 之 淡 鹹 、苦 味 之 入 水 詞 萬 化 之 ,源 士 烏 萬 物 之 。母 飲 資計 水, 食 資 於 。士 飲 食 也 , 而 營 衛 賴 。之 故 :曰 水 則 去 營 ,竭 穀 則 去 衛 。亡 然則 水 疾 衛生 者 所 之 當 漠 心 。也 今 集 水 關於 之 藥 食 ,者 凡 四 十 三 種, 十 種 , 散見 玉石 部 。 類 三 二 舊 水 共 日 天 , 日 。地 人 本
體 純 所 鍾 美 惡 ,者 人 之 性 分
,陰 其 用 既 ;異 甘 壽 。天 蕾 之 命脈 ,味 尤 慎 烏二 類 :
Li Shizhen: Water is the reflection of [the trigram」/z7. In a horizontal display,
its line design is 三 . Its vertical display is 中.Its body is pure yin; its functlon is pure yang. Above it constitutes rain, dew, frost and snow. Below it constitutes the sea rivers, fountains and wells.[Water] may flow or be stagnant,it may be cold or
warm,and these [conditions] are [the results of ] different concentrations of [its] q [Water] may be sweet,bland, salty or bittepand hence the flavorthathave enteredit
are not the same. Ihis is why the ancients distinguished between the [characteristics of local] waters and soils in the nine regions [of China] to discriminate between
the good and malign [character of] the people and whether they may enjoy a long life or die early Ihe fact is, water is the origin of a myriad transformations; soil is
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
the mother of the myriad items. IThe natural endowment acquired through drinking is that of water; the natural cndowment acquired through eating is that of soll EEating and drinking are the life vessels of many the camp and guardian |lqi] depend on them. Henceitis said: Once the water is gone, the camp [qi] will be exhausted.
QOnce the grain is gone, the guardian [qij will be lost. As it is, in the prevention 9f 訓ness and the protection of life the nature and the favor of water are to be taken into consideration. Here now, 了he waters that are brought together as relevant for |the preparation of]medications
and food comprise 43 kinds, separated in two
groups, namely [waters of」heaven and [waters of the] soiL In older versions [of
2ez cdzo works] the group of waters included altogether 32 kinds,and they appeared scattered in the section on jade and stones/minerals.
[Iheitems recorded below are adopted from the following sourcesi 477zg 罷 2 及 名 醫 別 :錄 Titem,during Liang 架 . ez cdz2527 人 本草 抬 遺: 26 items, during Tang 唐 ,by Chen Cangdi 陳 居 器 . zz )oz 2e7z cz2 嘉 祐 本草 : 4 items, during Song 宋 ,by Zhang Yuxi 掌 參 錫.
25ez ez ozzg zz 本 草
綱目:Ir items,during Ming 明 ,by Li Shizhen 李時珍 .
【 附註 】: Additional comments [are based on the following sources上 上:
Wei 魏 [dynast]: Li Dangzhi 李 當和 之 ,$2 有 入藥 錄 WuPu
吳 普, 本 草 5ez ez2
宋 [dynasty]:
雷 蟬 , 嚷 2 x27 炮 炙
齊 [dynasty]:
Xu Zhicai 徐 之 才 ,
2 zz7 藥 對
Tang 唐 [dynasty]: Su Gong 蘇 恭 , 5zz zz2 本 草
Sun Simiao 孫 思 掉 , Ozzz.7zzz 千金 Tang 唐 [dynasty]: Li Xun 李 列 , /z7
2 海 爍
Zhen Quan 甄 權 , 多 2 xzzg 藥性
Yang Sunzhi 楊 損 ,之 $2zz./zz 刪 繁
C02//z27/e7 7
宋 [dynasfy]
MaZhi 馬 志 , Kz7 2z2 開 寶
Su Song 蘇 頌 , 地 7 妥 圖經 Tang Shenwei 唐 慎 ,微 Z2zeze zz 證 類 Kou Zongshi 囍
宗 ,爽 苞 zz 罰 衍 義
Da Ming, Rihua 大明日 華
Jin 金 [dynasty] Zhang Yuansu 張
元 ,系 Z2zz 22z zz 珍珠 訓
Yuan 元 [dynasty]: Li Gao 李 呆 , 世 zzzzzg 法 象 Wang Haogu 王 好 古, 7zzg) 湯 液 Zhu Zhenheng 朱 震 ,亨 2 災
Ming 明 [dynast]: Wang Ying 汪 穎, $27 zoz 食物 Wang 五 汪 機, /z7 2zz7z 會 網 Wang Lun 王 綸, 五)2 集 要
水 之一 Waters
天 水 類 一 十 三種 Waters of Heaven Group, IT3 Kinds os-or 多 9z7 雨水 ,rain watep FE AS 到 罰 抬 遺 o5-o2 了 zz2 92z7 涼水 ,puddle waterp FE 527)7 抬 貴 o5-o3 了 z-52z7z 路 水 ,dew watep FE S27 人 加 拾遺 os-o4 _Gzz 及 甘露 ,sweet dew FE AS2z 罷 拾遺 o5-o5_GzzZ 禾 7 日 路 蜜 ,sweet dew honey FE S2z 人即 抬 遺 o5-o6 7Zzzge52z7z 明 水 ,luminous watep FE AS2z 加 拾遺 o5-o7 2 2zz7g 冬 ,winte 箱 r frost, FE S27)7 拾遺 os-o8
了 zzxze 臘 雪 ,snow ofthe I2W month, FE 7/zz yoz 嘉 祐
/z2 移 ,hail FE S27 公 拾遺
和 zz及 2zzg 夏 冰 ,summerice FE 527 罰 抬 貴
5S2e7/ zz 人 神 水 , divine water FE Gzzzg #z 綱目
zzz Zzz 2 半天 河 ,river [water] halfway toward heaven, FE 5z 及 別 錄
7/2e 27
族 z 52z7 屋
O5 13
Co Gd7zg 47z
漏水 ,water leaking in ahouse/roomy FE $27 人 即 拾遺
一 。
Recipes added to the entries above:
One of old. Three newly |recorded|
水之 二 VMaters
地 水 類 三 十種 VYaters of the karth Grroup,3o Kinds.
了 記 2z7 流水 , flowing watep FE S27 7 拾遺 7/zze 7z27 2z7 井呆 水 ,water from wells and springs, FE./zz )oz 嘉 祐 ./ze 77v2z7 即 氣 水 ,water endowed with seasonal qi, FE Gzzg zz 綱目 /77zzz 醒 呆 ,sweet-wine spring, FE $2z7 邵 拾遺
和 7
及 zxzz 52z7z 乳
o5-I5 os-I6
人 74 玉井 水 ,water from jade wells, FE AS 太7 交 拾遺
穴 水 ,water from astalactite cave, FE $27 7 拾遺
誘z zzzg 溫 湯 ,warm and hot watep FE $2z 罰 拾遺
O5-2o0 O5-21
有 7 2z7 52z7 碧海 水 ,bluish-green sea watep FE 527 如 拾遺
yzz Zzz 52z7z 七
乙 有7
S22z7zz )zz7zz 7z2z7z zz 山如 果 水, water of mountain cli 衝 springs, FE AS2 交
7/7 阿
膽 水 ,bittern, FE 527 )# 拾遺 井 ,水 water from theE well FE Gz7zg zz 綱目
拾遺 O5-25
Gz 之 2272c 之 2272g 727Z/7 古
7272 人 2772c 之2272c
C027 /27zo %7 27/7 赤 龍
777zzz 地 漿 , earth broth, TE 5z 懇 別 錄
Az zz7zg 熱湯
S2e7zo 7 z72 生
了 2z7 慕 水 , water used to prepare preserved vegetables, FE Gzzze 2
家 中 水 , waterin an ancient tomb, FE 27 如 拾遺
2/7 得
之 227zo 527/7 車
帳 中 水 ,waterinafood jap FE AZ27 如 拾遺
浴 水 ,bathwater ofared dragon FE S2z 如 拾遺 轍 水, water from acartrut, F
,hot,boiling watep FE 7
Gzzzg zz 綱目
9z 嘉 祐
熟 湯 ,fresh and processed hot waterp FE $27)z# 抬 遺
目 o5-33
7/zzze 2z7 漿 水 ,fermented water of foxtail millet, FE AS2z 罰 拾遺
C02//z27/e7 7 O5-34。
寢 z7zc 77 27/7 弓
氣 ,水 water [condensed] from qi rising from asteamery
FE 52z 人 2 拾遺 o5-35。
懾 zz 52z7 銅 壺 滴漏 水 ,water from acopper clepsydra, TE Gzzzg
zzz 綱目 o5-36Sz7zz. zz x7 Yoz7z
27 三
委 水, water used to rinse the dishes of three
households,FE $2z 罷 拾遺
74Z2 Zz2 2z7 磨
刀 水 ,water used to sharpen knives, FE Gzzg zz 綱目
zz zz 52z7 浸
藍 ,水 water in which fabrics have been immersed [to be
dyed with] Chinese indigo plant [water], TE Gzzg zz 綱目 o5-39。Z2z cz2 2ozce 52z7 豬 槽
中 水 ,water in apig trough, FE AS2z 人 2 拾遺
27 zz7/ 2zz2 /z72e 2z7 市 門 溺 坑 水 ,water from public urinary pits, FE
727 )7 抬 遺
及 722z zz 2z7 洗手 足 水 ,water used to wash hands and feet, FE Gzzze
7zz 綱目 六 zz zz7g 洗
兒 湯 ,hot water in which a child was bathed, FE Gz7zg 2
綱目 水有 棵 , all types of water that are poisonous, FE AS2 o5-43。Z2z zz)ozZz 諸
右 附 方 舊 一 十八 , 新四 十 七 。 Recipes added to the entries above: I8 of old. 47 newly [recorded
【刀 效】 |Substances] referred to [elsewhere in detail|
zze7zzzg 鐵 漿, iron broth.
czz 52z7 淬 鐵 水 , water used to temper iron. zz2z 玉 呆 ,jade spring37 zz2 yoz 石
腦 油 ,naphta.
及 zz.52z7 箱
潭 水 ,water in which a chrysanthemum was soaked.
玫 7 >2o7zg 2zz7ze 2z7 石 中 黃 水 ,yellow water in stones/minerals. 2z/ 7z2 Z72 灌
麻 ,湯 water in which sesame was soaked.
7 2zz77 2/7 米
江水 , water that was used to wash rice.
酒 , wine.
酪 ,vinegar:
%77zg /z7zg 飲 ,饒 malt-sugar
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 47z
3z 7 c2z
,館 sugar.
恭 , tea.
zzz 蜜 ,honey 2 到27z zz 蚯蚓 zo2 zz
,水 earthworm water
疚zz 蝸牛 水 ,snail water
yo 7 zz7zg 練
絲湯 , silk reeling decoction.
Z2 27 52z7 螺 螂 水, spiral shell water. %z27z 7 zz 蜆 子 ,水 cyclina seashell water. xze 2zzz 27 52z7 蟹
化 漆 ,水 crabs transformed to lacquer water,
xz7z 玉 zzg 燭 雞 ,湯 decoction obtained by reheating chicken. xz7z >2z /z7zg 燒 豬 ,湯 decoction obtained by reheating pork. x7z zz7/ 52z7z 洗 禪 ,水 water obtained by washing underpants.
222 罰 zz 胞
衣 水 ,placenta water.
C02//z27/e7 7
本 和 草 綱目 277 22 oz7zg 72222
水部 Section VWaters
第 五卷 hapter5
水 之 一 天水 類 一 十 三 種 Waters PWaters of Heaven Grroup, 3 kinds os5-oI
了 529, 上 匕 527 罰 Rain water,
【 釋 】【 名 時 之 。
珍 日】 地
氣 升 烏 ,雲 天
氣 降 詞 ,雨
故人 之 ,汗 以
天地 之
Explanation of Names. [Li| Shizhen: When the qi of the earth rise, they become
clouds. When theqtof heaven descend, they become rain. Hence the sweat of man is named after the rain of heaven and earth.
【 氣 】味
平, 無 柚 。
Qi and Flavor. Salty, balanced, nonpoisonous. os-oI-oI 立春
雨水 。 民 7 c27z/77 加 3277.
Rain wateratthe solarterm Spring Begins.
【 主治 】 夫 妻各 飲一 盃, 還 房, 當 獲 有時 子, 神 。效 悶 器。 宜 中 益 氣 藥。 時 珍 。
煎 發 及 散 補
Control. Husband and wife drink one cup each and then withdraw to the chamber.
In due time they will have a child. Divinely effective. [Chen] Canggqi.[Ihis type
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 47z
of Water] is suitable for boiling medications meant to have a dispersing effect, to supplement the center and to boost the qi. [Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 虞 醫學 搏 正傳 :雲 立春 節 雨水 , 其 性 始 是 春 升 發之 氣, 故 可 以 中 章 氣 不 、足 清 氣 不 升 之 。藥 古 婦人 方 無 ,子 是 日夫婦 各 飲 一 人 ,盃 還 房有 孕 , 亦 取 其 資 始 發 育 萬 物 之義也 。 Explication. [|
Shizhen: Yu Tuan in his
兀 xzz >2e7zg 2zzz7z states: “Jhe nature
of rain water of the solar term Spring Begins is endowed with the qi rising and dispersing at the onset of spring.Henceit can beused forboiling medications [suitable for supplementing] insuf 了icient central qi and [for curing] failure of cool qi to risc. Ancient recipes for women who had no children [recommeded to proceed as
follows」]. Husband and Wife were to drink one cup [of rain water] on this very day [of the solar term Spring Begins]j, and withdraw to the chamber to conceive. Ihis is based on the idea that its natural endowment is the first [in the course of a year
causing the myriad items to develop and be broughtup.
o5-oI-o2 梅雨 。水 7e7)z 7 吧 Waterofplum rain.
【 主 】治 洗 瘡 ,導 滅 癜 ,痕 入
雌 易 。熟 天 器 。
Control. It serves to wash sores/wounds and [bodyparts affected by] 7z-iness.? It climinatesscars.Addedtoameatsauce,thecookingisdonemoreeasily[ChenjCangdi.
藏 器 日】 江 準 以 ,南 地 氣 卑濕 , 五 月上 旬 連 旬下 尤 甚。 明 【 發 】【 潤 海 ,著 是 五 中月 氣 。 過 此 節 以 ,後 皆須 曝 書畫 。 梅 雨 沾衣 , 便 時 珍 脫 梅 湯 洗 之 乃 ,脫 餘 並 不 。【 垢如 次 ,汁 有 異他 水。 但 以 葉 或作 往 ,雨 言 其 汕 衣 及 ,物 皆 生 黑 黴 。也 評 種 後 害 王 烏入 梅 , 小 之 ,氣 件電 皆 詞 出 。梅 又 以 三 月 為 迎 梅 ,雨 五 月 烏 送 梅雨 。 此 濕熱 氣 生 ,黴 故此 水 可不 造 酒 氣 生 ,病 物 受 其 則 釀 為 霏 。兩 人 受 其 則 潤 海 署, 乃 六 中月 氣 , 陳氏 之說 誤 吳 。
月令 十 腐 。黑 肖 曰】 梅 雨 暑 後 逢王 軒燕 。酪 其 土
South of the rivers 西ang and Huai, the qi of the earth are poor and moist. Ihis is especially so from the first ten days through the last ten days of the ffth month. Ihe normal condition is one ofhumid soil and sweltering heat,as caused by theqiprevalent during the ffth month.After this seasonal term, 和 1 thepeople dry their books and paintings in the sun. Garments moistened by plum rain casily rot and turn black.[「Ihe water] obtained by washing such dirty [garments」 resembles aliquid dispersion of lime. Tt differs from other types of water. Howevep with a decoction
ofplum leaves,[the dirt] is washed away entirely Ihis is notachieved with any other 25 ./ze-iness 開,vaguely identifilable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol L, 249.
C02//z27/e7 7 [liquid]. [Li] Shizhen:
丸 梅 雨 ,“plum rain is also written zz7 信 黴 雨 ,“mold
rain.”Ihat is to say, garments and other items moistened by it will develop ablack mold. After the solar term Grain in ap the next day associated with yez 王 ,which
is theninth of the Heavenly Stems,is the“entrance to the plum [rain season].” The
next day associated with yez 王 , the ninth of the Heavenly Stems, following the solar term Slight Heab is the “exit from theplum [rain season]. It is also held that
the third month greets the plum rain,while the ffth month sees of the plum rain. Al these are [times of] moist and hot di.[Ihe heat qi] exert pressure from above; [the moist qij rise steaming from below. Iheir interaction generates a permanent
rain. Humans affected by 也hese q wi develop diseases; items affected by these di will develop mold. Hence this water must not be used for brewing wine or preparing vinegar. Ihat the soill is moist while at the same time there is sweltering heat, this is associated with the qiprevalentduring the sixth month.Mr. Chen[Cangdqis statement 1s Wrong-
os-oI-o3 液 雨水 。 玫 如 3 全 Waterthathas rained down during|ltheperiodofjflnaidlqil.
【 主 】治 殺 百 ,吐 宣 骨 殺 日 消 積 之 。藥 時 珍 。 ontrol It kills the hundreds of bugs/worms.Tt is suitable for boiling medications aimed at killing worms/bugs and dissolving accumulations. [Li] Shizhen.
時 珍 曰】 立 冬 後 十 日 烏入 液 , 至 雪小 詞 出 ,液 得 謂雨 之 液 雨, 明 【 發 】【 嗚 起 幫 乃 出也 。 來 廬 日 爍 雨。 百點 飲此 皆 伏 土, 至 春雷 Explication. [Li] Shizhen: Ihe tenth day following [the solar term] Winter Begins is the [day ofj “entering [the period of」 fuid [qj. "When the solar term Slight Snow is reached, this is the “exit from [the period of] fluid [q]. Ihe rain obtained [during this ttmelis called “fuid[qij rain. It is also called “rain for medications.
When the hundreds of worms/bugs drink this, they hide and go into hibernation. By the time of spring, when they hear the sounds of thunderclaps, they will rise from hibernation and come out again.
//2e 527 Cz2 GCz7zg 4
濠 水綢 目 了 22
玫 zz, 上 弓 Gz7zg 2
Puddle water
【 釋 】【 名 時 珍 日】 降 源, 朝 灌 夕 已 除 是矣 。
注 雨 謂水 之 ,濠 又
淫 雨 詞 。濟 韓 退 之 詩 云 潢 濠 無根
Explanation of Names. [Li| Shizhen: Ihe water of the puddles caused by heavy rainfalls is called Zzz2 濠. Also, long-lasting downpours of rain result in puddles, Zz2 涼 . When Han Tuizhi in apoem states: “Floods and puddles have no root. Inundations start in the morning and end at night,” then this is [areference to the
water discussed] here.
【 氣 】味 晶,
平, 無 丕 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 坪 調 脾胃 , 去 漲 熱 之 爍。 時 珍 。 Control. Tt serves to boill medications harmonizing spleen and stomach and removing moisture and heat. [Li] Shizhen.
黃 略 赤小豆 成 無 己 日 】 仲 景 治 傷寒 瘀 熱 在 ,裏 身 發 ,黃 麻 連 明 【 發 】【 ,者 取 其 味 薄 而 不助 濕 氣, 利 熱也 。 用 湯 , 前 涼水 Explication. Cheng Wuyi: [Zhang] Zhongjing [recommends」 to cure harm caused by cold and stagnant heat inside [the body]j,and an effusion of yellow on the body With the “decoction with 2ezZyz [herb],/Z7y) 鄉zz [root] and red mung beans.[Ihis
decoction is] boiled with puddle water of inunadations caused by heavy rainfalls to make use ofits weak favor and [its nature that does] not support the qi ofmoisture.
Tt lets the heat flow away o5-o3
露水 抽 遺 了 zz 5
上 弓 S27 )/
Dew water
而 名 時 珍 日】 露 ,者 陰 氣 之 液 也 , 夜 氣 看 物 潤澤 【 釋 】【
於 道 傍也 。
Explanation of Names. [Li]| Shizhen: Dew is aliquid of yin di. During the night, these di attach themselves to items and generate moisture on the roadside.
【 氣 】味 晶,
平, 無 丕 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.
C02//z27/e7 7
【 主 】治 秋 囂 繁 ,時 以 加 收取 , 恒如 館 , 令 人 延 年 不 。饑 居 氣, 宜 煎 潤 殺肺 峙 之 藥及 調 開 癬 卓 翔 諸 。散 謹 搏。
器。 齊 殺嘲 之
Control Autum is the season of abounding dew. It is collected on trays. When it is boiled it resembles malt sugar. It extends the years [of life] and relieves hunger [Chen] Cangqi. It is endowed with the qi of sternness and killing. It is suitable for
boiling medications that moisturize the lung and Kill ghosts, as well as for mixing 引 types of powders intended for 7Ze-ness7 and xz27z訓ness?, worms/bugs and repudiation記 ness.29 Yu Tuan.
Oo5-o3-oI 百
草 頭上 秋
。露 5ozcgo 2 32927720 272/ 7
Autumn dewfrom thetipsofthehundreds ofherbs.
末 時 晞 收取 , 愈 百 ,疾 止 消 ,馮 令 人 身 輕 不 饑 兌 。澤 別有 化 雲母作 粉 服 法。 藏 。器 八 月 朔 日收取 , 摩 點 墨 太 陽 ,穴 止 頭 ,痛 點 膏 育 ,穴 治 勞 療, 之天 灸。時 珍。 謂 ollected toward the end of dawn,it serves to cure the hundreds of illnesses, ends
melting With thirst5 relieves the body of its weight without hunger and provides ahappy and lustrous complexion. Ihere is also amethod to [use it for] transforming mica and ingest it as a powder [Chen] Cangdqi. It is collected on the first day of the eighth month.[Ihe liquid obtained by] rubbing an ink stick [with autumn dew from the tips of the hundreds of herbs] and dripped on the zz7yz7ze [acupuncture needle insertion] hole, ends headache. Dripped on the gez? 2zzz7g [acupuncture
needle insertionj hole, it serves to cure exhaustion fatigue. Ihis is called “heavenly cauterization. [Li|] Shizhen. o5-o3-o2 百
花 上
露。 5oz7 27z/ 52272o 2
Dewfrom thehundreds of flowers,。
令 人 好 顏色 。 藏 器 。 It lets one have agood complexion.[Chen] Cangdi.
27 ./zz-ilness 六 ,vaguely defined skin ailment.,BCGM Dict L, 249. 28 “及 zzz-ness
癬 ,skin ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
Dict Ps5gL.
29 了 27 并 ,“repudiation-ilness,"mostlikely including cases ofleprosy BCGM DictL, 293.
3o 有zz2 有 消 洶 ,“melting With thirst mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict VolL,567.
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 47z
os-o3-o3 柏
八 d7zo
露 。2
Dew from 2////32//////) leaves,。
o5-o3-o4 浦上 人 莒
C2/27zc 22/ 52272o 7
Dewfrom gdzcoyzs |leaves 上|
能 目, 旦 並 明
旦 洗 。之 時 珍 。
Both [kinds of dewj can clear the eyes.Wash the [eyes with such dew] every morning. [Li] Shizhen.
o5-o3-o5 yes2dzgZ. 露 韭 上 上 。.Zzz Dew from leekleaves,。 去白癜風
塗之 。
It serves to eliminate white patches wind.x Apply this [dew to the affected regionl
every morning. [Li] Shizhen. o5-o3-o6
/ 次 青 花上 sc上
露。 民 zzzex2go 2z2 52d7g 2
Dewfrom the Chinese trumpetcreeper
目 損目 。
Whenit enters the eyes, the eyes wi be injured.
【 發 】【 明 藏 器 日】 薛 用 弱 續 齊 畜 記 :雲 司 農 鄧 ,紹 八 月 朝 入 華山, 見 一 童子, 以 五米 守 盛 取 柏 下 葉 露珠 滿 。囊 紹 問 。之 答 :雲 赤松 先 取生 以明日 也。 今人 八 月 作 朝 露 華 ,圳 象 此 也 。 又 郭 憲 洞 冥 記 :云 灌 武 帝 ,時 有 吉 雲 國, 出 吉 雲 ,暢 食 之 不 。死 日 照之 , 囂 皆 五 。色 東 方 朔 得 、玄 青、 黃 三 路, 各 盛 五 ,合 以 獻 於 。帝 賜 群 臣 服 ,之 病 皆 愈。 朔 :曰 日 初出 ,處 露 皆 串 館, 久 服 不 。饑 咯 氏 秋春 雲: 水 之 美 ,者 有 三 危 之 露 , 如 。館 今 俘 如 最 。 姑 射 神人 吸 風 飲 。串 漢 武 時 珍 日】 秋 串 造 酒 清光 也 烏 水 即 重 於 水 。【 帝作 金 盤 承 ,露 和 玉 屑 服 。食 楊 貴妃 每 晨 吸 花上 串 , 以 止 竟 解 。醒 番 國有 藏 器 日】 凡秋 囂春雨 莉 否 薔項 路, 甚 分 ,香 云 是 花上 露 ,水 未 知 是 。【 ,之 瘡 頓 并不 痛。 乃 中 風 及 毒 ,水 身 必 反 張似 者 草 , 人 素有 瘡及 破 傷 觸犯 角 弓 之 狀。 急 以 鹽 和囊 酚 作 得 ,子 於 瘡上 灸 一 百 ,壯 出 惡 水 數 ,升 乃 知痛 鐘 而 閨也 。 Explication. [Chen] Cangdqi: Xue Yongruo in his 六 z 0O7 zzz 埃 states: “Deng Shao, supervisor of farming,wenton Mount Huashanonemorning in theeighth month. 3I 27 Zzzz./zg 白癜風 ,“white patches wind.”Vaguely defined skin ailment. BCGM Dict T, 46.
C02//z27/e7 7
There he sawaboywho fillledamultt-colored bag with dewpearls that he collected from p/z/yc/zZz leaves. [Deng] Shao asked him [why he did this], and [the bo
responded: Chi song xian sheng resorts to them to clear [his] eyes. When today carly in the morning in the eighth month the people preparea colorful dew bagy then this is areflectionofthis [anecdote].Also,Guo 入ian in his 27zg 2Z7ze 及 states:
“At the time of Han Wu da country named 五 yun guo produced a 方)#7 吉 雲 herb. Ihose who ate it did not die. When it was exposed to sunlight, the dew onit appeared in five colors. Also, “Dongfang Niobtained flve ge each of dark, greenish and yellow dew and presented them to the emperor. | Ihe emperor] gave them to
his ofhcials. Ihey ingested them and all were cured of their diseases. [Dongfangl| Ni said: “Where the sun appears first all dew is as [sweet] as malt sugar. Nowadays
the people boil dew until it resembles malt sugar. Ihey ingest it for long and do not feel hungry. Ihe 2 7 2z7/ 77z states: “Among the most delicious waters is the dew from San wei. Itis watep and yetit is heavier than water. [Li| Shizhen: Wine
produced with autumn dew is thoroughly cold. Gu she shen ren inhaled wind and drank dew. Han Wu di had agolden dish prepared to collect dew, and he ingested and consumed it [as alongevity substance] together with jade fragments. Yang gui fei every morning sucked up the dew from flowers to quench thirst and resolve her hangover. In foreign lands arose dew exists that is extremely fragrant. lt is said to be dew water found on [rose] flowers. But [do not know whether this is true or
not.[Chen] Cangdqi: When persons with sores or open wounds apply autumn dew or spring rain attached to herbs to themy, the sores/wounds will close and they suffer neitherfrom itch nor from pain.Isomeone was struck by wind or poisonous water With his bodybentbackward shapedlikeabow[to cure this] quickly ailabowlwith adough prepared from_[this dew and] fermented soy Place [the bowl/doughj on the sores and perform Ioo cauterizations. [| Ihe patient] will release several y2zzze of
malign watepassociated with asensation ofitch and pain. Ihis then wi be the cure. o5-o4
甘露 拾遺 G27z /z/, 上 已 527 )/7. Sweet dew,
【 釋 】名 膏 露 綱 、目 瑞 露 網 、目 天 云: 甘露, 美 露 。也 神 靈 之 ,精 仁 膏 酒眉 之 。名 晉中 興 書 :云 王者 敬 於 竹 。草 列 星 圖 云: 天 乳 一 明星 潤 , 也 。 呂氏 春秋 雲: 水 之 美 ,者 三 危 拾遺 記 云: 崑崙 之 山有 甘露 , 望 之
酒 綱目 、 神 漿。【 時 珍 日】 按 瑞 應圖 瑞 之 ,澤 其 凝 如 ,脂 其 甘 如 ,館 故 有 上甘 養 音 ,老 則 降 於 松柏 ; 尊 賢 容 ,眾 則 降 則 甘露 。降 已上 諸 說 , 皆 瑞 所氣 感 者 之 露。 和 之 美 ,者 揭夫 之 ,露 其色 紫 ,。 如 ,丹 著 草木則 佼 瑩 如 。雪 山 海 經 雲:
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 47z
統 雲: 雅 州 。 廢 山 諸 沃 之 ,野 搖 山 之民 , 上甘 囂 是 ,飲 不 壽 者 八 百 。歲 一 志 常有 上 甘露 。 已上 諸 說 , 皆 方 域 常 產 者 。也 杜 鎬 :言 甘露 非 瑞也 , 乃 草 木 將 枯 , 精華 頓 發 於 ,外 謂 之 人奪 ,蝕 於 理 甚通 。 Explanation ofNames. Gz2 有 娘 膏 dew”Gz7zg zz. 7727z 7
路 ,“greasy dew,”Gzz 2.
及 7 Z 瑞 路 ,“auspicious
体 ,“celestial Wine,”Gz72 22z. %227 727zg 神 漿 , “divine
broth.”[Li] Shizhen: According to the 及 z7yz7ze Zoo“gz7 和 莫 路 ,sweet dew', is 227
及 美 路 ,'delicious dew'.Itis the essence ofdivine spirituality; it is the luster of humankindness and felicitous omina. When it coagulates it resemble fat its sweetness 1s that of malt sugar. Hence it is given names such as sweet, greasy, Wine,and zz states: “When aking venerates and nourishes the broth. he zz 22o7zc zz aged lmembers of his people,sweet dew] descends on pines and 7/z/yc/zzz/y [trees when he honors the virtuous ones and listens to the masses, [sweet dew] descends
on bamboo and reeds.” Jhe /zz x7z7zg Z/ States: “When the star Zzz 7z is clear and lustrous, sweet dew descends. Al these statements show the effects of propitious di. Jhe 了 527 2z7z 27z states: “Among the most delicious waters is the dew of San wei. Among the most delicious harmonies is the dew found on [MountjJie yu. IGs
color is purple.”Ihe $27 交 霧 states: “On the Kun lun mountains asweet dew occurs which appears to be cinnabar red. When it is attached to herbs and trees,it is clear
and transparentlike snow.”Ihe 2z7z 2z7.777ze states:”Ihe people of Yao shan,where the wilderness is fertile, drink sweet dew. Ihose who do not reach longevity nevertheless survive 8oo years. Jhe 一 “zze >27 states: “In Ya zhou on Mount Meng shen All the statements quoted above suggest that sweetdewisacommonphenomenon. [lsweet dew] is acommon product of many places. Du Gao says: “Sweet dew has no auspicious quality. Rathepwhenherbsandtreeswitheptheyimmediatelyeffuse their cssence to the outside, and this is called “sparrow sugar.”This is quite reasonable.
【 氣 】味 甘 , 大 ,寒 無 毒 。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet, very cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 食 之 潤 五 ,臟 長
年 不 ,饑 神 。仙 天 器 。
Control. Consuming it serves to moisten the flve long-term depots,and lets one not feel hungry forayeap [turning him into a] divine immortal [Chen] Cangdi.
C02//z27/e7 7 O5-oO5
蜜 拾遺
G27z 7 72 上 匕 S27 )7.
Sweet dewhoney.
【 大 罕地 夷人
國 云: 時 珍 曰】 按 方 志 也 集 解 】【 藏 器 日 】 生 巴西 絕 域中 , 狀如 蝕 。【 食 秋國 時 收 ,露 朝陽 曝 ,之 即 成 糖 ,宁 蓋此 物 。也 又 一 志統 雲: 撒馬 兒 在 西 ,番 有 小草叢 生 , 葉細 如 ,藍 秋 路 上 比 其上 , 味如 蜜 , 可 熱 烏蝕 , 呼 烏 達 即 古 ,實 蓋 甘 器 。也 此 與 刺 蜜 相 ,近 又 果見 部 。
ollected Explanations.[Chen] Cangdqi: [Sweet dew honey] originates in Jueyuin Baxi itis shaped like malt-sugar. [Li] Shizhen: According to the 77zg oz 27, “1n
the country of Da shi dew is collected in autumn and dried in the early morning sun to generate sugar-frost.”Ihis is the item [discussed] here.Also, the 五 多 7ze 227 states: “Sa ma er han/Samarkand is a place in the Western foreign regions. Ihere are thickets of small herbs with tender leaves resembling [the leaves of] the Chi-
nese indigo plant. In autumn,dew coagulates on them,Wwith aflavor reminiscent 全 honey When boiled it turns into malt-sugar. Ihe Yipeople call it Z272ez2777 it 1s, in fact,sweet due. Ttis closely related to alhagi-honeyz See also the section on fruit.
【 氣 】味 甘,
平, 無 兩 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 胸 膈 諸 ,熱 明 目 止 。洶 藏 器 。 ontrol. Heat in chest and diaphragm. It clears the eyes and quenches thirst. [Chen] Cangdi. o5-o6
明 水 抬遭 和27
交 2zp 上T 匕 527 籽 .
Luminous water
【 釋 】名 方 諸 。【 水 藏 器 日】 方 ,諸 大 蚌也 。 熟 摩 令 ,熱 疝 取 月 之, 得 水 三 二 ,合 亦如 朝露 。 陽 熾 身 ,日 方 諸 問 ,月 皆 能 致 水 火 。也 周 明禮 諸 承水 時 珍 曰】 明 水 ,者 取 其 清明 純潔 , 敬之 至也 。 也 於 ,月 陳 饑 為 玄 酒 是 。【 周 禮 。” 司 煤氏 : 以夫 熾 明取 火 於 ,日 鑑 取 明 水 於 ,月 以 恭 和 祭祀 。 魏伯 陽參 同 以 火 , 非 日 不 生光 ; 方 諸 非 星 ,月 安 能 得 水 漿。 淮南 子 云 : 契 :雲 陽 熾 取 方 諸 見 ,月 則 津 而 為 。水 注 者 或 以 方 諸 烏 ,石 或 以 烏大 蚌 , 或 以 烏 五 石鍊 成 , 皆 非 。也 按 考 記 工 云: 銅 錫 相半 , 謂 之 錢 之劑 , 是 火 烏 糕、 水 烏鑑 也 。 高 堂 隆 :雲 陽 爐 名 一 陽 ,符 取 火 於 。日 陰 熾 一 名 陰 ,符 取水 於 。月 並 32
0Cz 227 刺 蜜 ,alhagi-honey BCGMy,section “fruit”ch.33-o9.
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 47z
神 云: 金 錫 之 ,性 一 也 。 以 銅作 之, 謂 之 水 火 之 。鏡 此 說 是 。鋒 干 寶 搜 記 子 鑄 , 詞 陰熾 。 日 時 月 ,鑄 鳥 陽 ;熾 十 一 王子 日 午時 月 五 丙午 Explanation of Names. 7z7g 22z zz 方
諸 ,水 “Zzzge 22z water. [Chen] Cangdi:
7/z7zg 2z are big sweet-water mussels/clams.When they are rubbed intensely un they are hot and when then they are exposed to moonlght, one may gather from them _ two to three ez [of /z7zg 22z water] that is similar to morning dew. Io align a[concave] yang tinder [mirror] to the sun,and to align Z7ze 22z to the moon,
these are ways to generate water and fire. Jhis is meant by the statementin the Z22z 友 “By means of zzg 2z 明 諸 , water is obtained from the moony long kept food turns into dark wine. [Li] Shizhen: “Luminous water”is resorted to for its clarity
and purity; it deserves utmost respect. Ihe Z22zZ#lsts a “Mr Sunlight Manager. He applies alconcave] yang tinder [mirror] to obtain luminous filre from the sun, and he uses a [concave tinder| mirror to obtain luminous water from the moon to
be made use of in the sacriflces to the gods. Wei Boyang in his Czzz 名Zoe 27 States: “The [concave] yang tinder [mirror] serves to obtain fire; Without the sun, no rays of light are generated. If zzg 22z were not [exposed to] the stars and the moon,
how could one obtain water thick as broth? The 7zz7 zzz >7 states: “When
>2z are cxposed to moonlighto its liquid [qi] turn into water. “Some commentators
have identifiled 名 7zg 22z as minerals. Others have identifled them as [the concave
shells of」1]arge freshwater mussels/clams, and still others have assumed them to be the outcome of a chemical processing of filve types of minerals. Ihey were a1 Wrong. According to the 太2 go . 訪 a preparation of half copper and half tin is called either mirror or tnder. Ihat is, for [obtainingpj」 fre it is [calledj “tinder for [obtaining」 waterit is [calledj mirror.”Ihe Gz2 z7ze /7zc states: “Yang tinder
[mirrors」are also called yang tallies/talismans. Ihey serve to obtain fire from the sun. Yin tinder [mirrors] are also called yin tallies/talismans. Ihey serve to obtain water from the moon. Both are made from copper; they are called [tinder] mirrors
of Water and fire。” Ihis statement is correct. Gan Bao in his S9z y29z7 7 states: “The nature of gold is identical to that of tin. Yang tinder [mirrors] are cast in the fifth month on aZzzg voz 內 午 day during the double hour perid zoz 午 (ri:oo - IT2:59). Yin tinder [mirrors] are cast in the eleventh month onay7ezxz 王子 day during the double hour period 六 子 (23:oo 一 or:59)
【 氣 】味 甘,
寒, 無 專 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 明 目 定 ,心 去 小 兒 煩 ,熱 止 。竣 居 器 。 Control It clears the eyes and stabilizes the heart. Tt removes unrest with heat Gef children. It quenches thirst.[Chen] Cangdi.
C02//z27/e7 7
冬 福 抬址 97z
交9zg7ao 上 匕 $27 加
【 釋 】【 名 也 。 收 象 沒。 當 降 物 殺而 物, 宁 。【 承
時 占 雲: 而 不 皆 日】 凡
珍 】晶 陰 則 盛 露 凝 為 ,寐 町 殺能 物 而 露 能 滋 ,物 性 隨時 異 天 下 氣 降 而 烏 ,路 清風 薄 之 而 成 。答 町 和 所 以殺 萬 ,物 消 複 ,降 當 殺 物 而 殺不 物, 皆 弛政 而 慢也 。 不當 降 而 ,降 不當 殺 政 急 而 殘 。也 許 說慎 文 :雲 早 箱 日 ,罕 白 寐 蝦日 。 有又 玄 收 ,夭 以 艙 羽 掃 ,之 瓶中 密封 陰 ,處 久 亦 不 壞 。
Explanation of Names. [Li| Shizhen: When yin [qi] abound, dew coagulates and
becomes frost. Frost is able to kill things, while dew is able to nourish things. Ihe nature [of yin qi] changes in response to the seasons. Jhe 07Z7z x7z7ze 2z7/ states:
“When the qi of heaven descend, they become dew. When [dew] is touched by cool winds, it becomes frost. Prost serves to kill the myriad items, and to dissolve What is sinister and poisonous. When [the qi of heaven] should descend but fail to descendy and when [the frosdshould kill theitems but fails to kill the items, then
this is always a case of relaxed and slow policies.$ When [the qi of heaven] should notdescend but do descend,and when [the frost| should not kill the items but does
kill the items,then this is always a case of hectic and destructive policies. 和>u Shen in his S2z2 ozz states: “Early frost is called 227 款 . White frost is called zz 手 。 There is also a “dark frost. [Chen] Cheng: When frost is collected, it is always to be swept With chicken feathers. Ihenitis to be stored inafrmly closed bottle at a shady place. Ihis way it will not decay for along time.
【 氣 】味 甘, 枯 , 無 琳 。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet, cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 食 之 解 酒 ,熱 傷 賽 鼻塞 , 酒 後 諸 熱 面 亦 。者 晟 。器 和 蚌 ,粉 傅 暑 月 悶 瘡 及 腋下 赤 腫, 立 。并 陳 承 。 ontrol. EEating it resolves the heat of wine. Harm caused by cold with astufted nose. All types of heat and red faces following [the drinking of] wine. [Chenl
angqi. When itis applied mixed with freshwater mussel powder to rashes and sores during the months of summerheat and to red swelling below the armpits, an immediate cure will result. Chen Cheng-
“Areference to the doctrine ofzozyz7zZz?7 五 六 運 氣 , “fiveperiodsandsix qb”expounded in Sz voez ch. 67 and 68,
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
方】 新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes.One newly [recorded上|
寒熱 瘡 。疾 秋
後 箱 一 錢半 , 熱 酒 服 。之 集 系方 。
Alternating cold and heat sensations, malaria
訓 ness. Ingest with hot wine one and
ahalf zz7z of frost [collected] in the wake of autumn. 邢 zz7z 7ze
臘雪 宋 了zz
上 匕 Songy.77z ) 交 2.
Snmovw ofthetwelfth month.
【 釋 】【 名 時
珍 日】 按
劉 熙 釋 名 :雲 雪 , 洗 。也 洗
除 痛 章 昌 蟲 也。 凡
入 is 527 7z7Z7zg,“%ze
出, 雪花 六 ,出 陰 之 成 數 。也 冬 至 後 第 三 成 為 ,臘 臘 前 三雪 , 大 宜 菜 麥 , 又殺 蟲 。蝗 臘雪 密 封 陰 ,處 數 十 年 亦 不 壞。 用 水 浸 五 穀 種 , 則 耐 早 不生 日。 酒 幾 席間 , 則 蠅 自 。去 淹 藏 一 果切 食, 不 蛀 嘉。 是 非 除 蝗蟲 之 驗 乎 。 【 藏 器 曰】 春 雪 有 蟲 , 水 亦 易 ,敗 所 以 不收 ,。 Explanation of Names. [Li] Shizhen: According to Liu Snow is zz 洗 , “to wash.”[Snow]
serves to wash away miasmatic epidemics as-
sociated With _worms/bugs and locusts. Snow of the I2th month firmly sealed and kept atashady place will not decay for decades. Ordinary flowers have flve [petals as] extensions; snow flowers/snow fragments have six [corners as] extensions.[Six]
is ayin number The third zoz 戊 [day] following the solar term Winter Begins is the onset of the zz period/twelfth month. Jhe three snowfalls prior to the zz period are most suitable for vegetables and wheat. In addition, they kill worms/bugs and locusts. /z snow frmly sealed and kept at a shady location will not decay for several decades. When its water is used to irrigate the flve types of grain, they wi Withstand a drought and do not generate worms/bugs. A small amount sprinkled on mats w 計 let 得es stay away All types of fruits and food treated with itand stored Will remain free of mothsand otherinsects.So,why should itnot effectively remove worms/bugs? [Chen] Cangdqi: Spring snow is infested With worms/bugs, and its water easily decays. Hence itis not to be stored.
【 氣 】味 甘,
冷 , 無 毒。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 解 一 切 ,毒 治天 行時 氣溫 ,疫 小 兒 熱 癇 狂 唏, 大 人 丹 石 發 ,動 酒 後 暴 ,熱 黃疸 , 仍 小 溫 服 。之 藏 。器 洗 目 赤退 。 張 從 。正 貢 共 章 ,粥 解熱 止 。滲 吱 。瑞 宣 居 傷 寒 曙火 之 ,藥 抹 曾 亦 。恨 時 珍 。
C///z27/e7 7
ontrol. Tt resolves a1 types of poison. It serves to cure seasonal epidemic qi and warrmth epidemics, heat epilepsy and mad crying of children,outbreaks of cinnabar [land other] mineral [poisoningj ofadults,andviolent heat following [the drinking
of wine. Yellow zZz7z崗 ness.* Ingest it warmed. [Chen] Cangdqi. It serves to rinse the eyes to eliminate heat. Zhang Congzheng. Used to boil tea or to cookacongee, it resolves heat and quenches thirst.Wu Rui. It is suituable for boiling medications for harm caused by cold and sunstroke. An application to seething rashes is good, too. [Li| Shizhen.
宗 明 【 發 】【
斌 日】 臘雪 水 , 大
寒 之 水也 , 故
治 已上 諸 病 。
Explication. [Kou] Zongshi. he water of snow of the twelfth month is a water of massSive cold. Hence it serves to cure all the diseases listed above.
室 音 駁 抬遺 go read 2o 上T 匕 $27 ).
【 者, 云: 也 。 詞 容。
釋 】【 名 時 砲 ,也 中 陰包 陽 烏 五 雷 經 :雲 雷 所 ,發 飛 審果 否 。 末
珍 物 ,夠 入 走
曰】 程 子 雲: 視 ,者 陰陽 相 搏 之 ,氣 蓋滲 氣 也 。 或 雲: 入 如 砲 。也 曾 子 :雲 陽之 專 氣 為 ,袍 陰 之 專 氣 為 毆。 陸 展翁 陽包 陰 為 。二 雪 六 出 而 成 ,花 久 三 出 而 成 。實 陰陽之 辯 乃陰陽 不 順 之 氣 結成 。 亦有 頜 龍 魚 甲 之 ,內 寒 生凍 冰 , 蘆 ,落 大 生 者 如 斗 ,升 小 者 如 彈丸 。 又蜥蜴 含水 , 亦 能作
Explanation of Names. [Li] Shizhen: Ihe [brothers] Cheng zistate: “Hail are balls
formedofyinandyang q. The fact is,theyare amixture of [yin andyang] di.Some say: 52z 移 ,“hail is 2z2
砲 ,“[bullets ofa] gun”[Haill strikes itemslike [the bullets
of| agun. Zeng zi states: “Concentrations of yang q form hailLL Concentrations 9f yin qi form graupelL Lu Nongshi states: “When yin [qij] enclose yang [q, this is hail. When yang [qij enclose yin [q, this is graupel. Snow has six [corners as] ex-
tensions and forms flowers/fragments. 本 ail has three extensions and forms asolid mass. Ihis is how yin and yang are distinguished. he 玫 / Z77zzze states: “Hail are nodular accumulations formed ofyin andyang qi appearing outof their appropriate time. It also happens that inside the scales of lazy dragons freeZing cold generates ice. Ihunderclaps let [the ice] effuse and when [the dragons] fiy of [the hail| falls down.Large [balls] reach the size of Zozand vez7ze measures. Small |balls| resemble
bullets and pis. Also, when lizards hold water in their mouth this may become hail. It has not been examined whether this is true.
34 7zzzg Zzz 黃疸 ,mostlikely including cases of jaundice.BCGM Dict L, 225.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
【 氣 】味 鹹 , 冷 , 有 毒 。【 時 珍 日】 按 五 雷 經 雲: 人 食 ,罰 患 疫 大 疾 風 顛 一 升 納 甕中, 即 本還 味 也 。 邪 之 證 【 居 器 日】 熙 味 不 正 ,者 當 時 取 二 Qi and Flavor. Salty cold, poisonous. [Li] Shizhen: According to the 殉 / /z 7
“humans who eat hail will suffer from pathological conditions such as epidemics, massive _wind and peak [過 nessj? eviL [Chen] Cangqi: When ameat sauce has
lost its proper favorp give it With one or two 2zze [of hail| into a fask and the original flavor will return.
和夏 冰 抬 遺 和 7 229 上 匕 27 7
【 謂 傳: 污 不 有
釋 】名 淩 去 。【 聲 時 珍 】晶 冰 者, 太 陰 極 兼 化 。也 故 字 從 ,水 從 公 。 週 :禮 物 反 古 者 日 在北陸 而 藏冰 , 西陸 萌 觀 而 出 寒。 其用 之 也 , 祿 賓 位 客 衷 。宗 郭 顯 :曰 ,用 則 雷 不 發 而 。震 今人 冬 月 藏冰 於 ,害 凝 水 石作 冰 法, 非 真也 。
之 ,精 水 極 似 ,土 變 柔 淩人 掌 冰 , 以 供 祭 祀 。之 其 居 之 也 , 深山 窮 藏冰 以 時 , 則 雷 出 不 登 之 以 覽, 是 。也 準
烏剛 , 所 賓客 。 左 ,谷 酒 陰 ;震 棄 冰 南 萬 畢術
Explanation of Names. 了 zzzg 梁 , read With_falling tone. [Li] Shizhen: Ice is the essence of major yin. When water has reached an extreme it resembles [solid] soil
This is achange from being soft to being hard. Ihis is the so-called “when an item reaches its cxtreme, it at the same time transforms to its opposite.” Hence, the character [2zzg 冰 ,“ice,”] is composed of 52z7 水 ,“watep”and 27zg 公 ,“coagulated
Water.”Z22z 友 “IThe ice-block man handles the ice to supply it for sacriflces and guests. Zz2 2z2z7z: In ancient times,when the sun appeared in thenorthern lands, the people stored ice. When [the sun] appeared in the western land, they took it out.[Jhe ice] was stored deep in the mountains at the far end of valleys, at dry and shady locations of [lasting] cold. Itwas used to pay offhcials, to entertain guests,and to perform mourning sacriflces. Lang Yi: If ice is stored in time, 也 ere may be thunderclaps but there will be no tremor. If ice is discarded rather than used, there will be no thunderclaps,but atremoroccurs nevertheless. Nowadays,in winter the people store ice in cellars, and they coverit With salt. This is correct. The 7瑟 /2z7 7z277 z0z7/ 27 52z has a report on “how to use the mineral that lets water coagulate (calcite), to prepare ice.” This is not true. 35
7Dz/zzg 大 ,風 “massive wind,”may refer to sores caused by a massive intrusion of wind evil and also to conditions of leprosy BCGM Dict L ITr.
7Dzzz I24.
顛 ,“peak[-illness],”also
癲 ,vaguely defined mental derangement.BCGM Dict
C///z27/e7 7
【 氣 】味 甘,
冷, 無 琳 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 去 熱 ,煩 畫 人 乳 石 發 熱 。腫 藏 。器 解 煩 ,洶 消 著 毒。 吳 。瑞 傷 寄 毒。 時 珍 。 解 陽 ,毒 熱 盛 昏迷 者 , 以冰 一 塊 置 於 腦中 , 良。 亦 燒酒 ontrol Itremoves unrest with heat. It is pressed onahotswelling associated With an outbreak of stalactite poisoning. [Chen] Cangdqi. Tt resolves unrest With thirst
it dissolves the poison of summerheat.Wu Rui. In the case of harm caused by cold and yang poisony? and if heat abounds and [the patient] is confused, to place one piece ofice onhis chest center is good.Ttalso serves to resolve the poison of brandy 芽 i] Shizhen.
【 有 瘓 】【 明 藏 器 日】 夏 署 盛 熱 冰 食 冷熱 相 激, 卻 致 諸 疾 。也 食 譜 雲: 當 暫 快, 久 皆 成 不可 食 。之 雖 時 楊 診 。之 介 疾, 國 醫 不 ,效 召 介 因 食冰 , 臣因 以冰凍 此 ,藥 是 治 之 士吳 。
, 應 凡 夏 也 疾 。【 用 大 理 受 病 之
與 氣候 相反 , 便 非 宜人 , 誠 恐入 腹 用冰 , 止可 隱 映 飲食 , 令 氣 捧 爾 , 食 太過, 病脾 時 珍 日 】 宋 徽宗 冰 中 。丸 上 日 : 服 之 屢 。鋒 介 日: 疾 之 愈。 歡 此 , 可謂 活 機 原 。也 服 果
Explication.[Chen] Cangqi]: lo consume ice during the hottest period in summer is「a behavior] in oppositlon to the climate, and this is why it is not suitable for man.[Ihe icel will enter the abdomen where the cold clashes With the heat, and
this will give rise to 和1 types of illness. he $27 oz states: ”Ihe use of ice in summer should be restricted to keeping beverages and food at asecluded place where [the ice] serves to cool the qi [of beverages and food. Ihe ice itself] must not be eaten.
Itmay let one feel comfortable for ashort while but after along ttme it will always cause an 過 ness. [Li| Shizhen: [上 Emperor] Hui zong of the Song ate too much ice
and suffered from aspleen disease. Ihe state physicians failed to cure him. He then ordered YangJle to examine him,and [YangjJie resorted to the “pills to massively
bring back to order the center'”Ihe Emperor said: “| have ingested this several
times already .[YangjJie replied: [Ihe Emperor] suffers from this disease because he consumed ice. lbyourofhcial,will therefore boil this medication with ice [water] to cure the origin of the disease.[Ihek 上 mperor] ingested the lmedication prepared with ice water] and was cured. IThat is, [YangJle] can be said to have been ascholar
who flexibly adapted [his treatment to the special circumstances of an illness|.
37 ” 玫 zgZz 陽 毒 ,“yang poison”1is harm caused by cold resulting in aflourishing ofyang di andadiminution ofyin di.BCGM Dict L 6I6.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
方】 新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes.One newly [recorded上|
滅 開 。痕 以 凍 凌 頻 熨 ,之
良。 千 金方 。
It eliminates scars. Repeatedly press ice blocks on them. Good. 07z27z. 有 zz /7zo Or5-II
水 神 綱目 2e72 522/ 上 匕 Gz7zo 2 Divine water
【 集 解 】【 時 水, 瀝取 烏 爍。
珍 】晶 金 記 門 云: 五
月 五 日 午時有
雨, 急
伐 竹竿 , 中 必 有 神
ollected 上 xplanations. [Li Shizhen: The 7z7z 7zez 太 states: “When rain falls at
noon on the fifth day of the fifth month,quickly fell a bamboo pole. Ihere must be divine water in it.Letittrickle out to serve as medication,
【 氣 】味 甘,
寒, 無 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 心 神 。 時珍 。
腹 積聚及 日 ,病 和 狡
肝 為 九 。服 又
飲 ,之 清熱
化 ,瘓 定
ontrol. Accumulations in the central and abdominal region, and diseases associated with worms/bugs.Mixitwith otterliverand prepare pills to be ingested. Also, drinking it serves to cool heat and to transform phlegm. 1t stabilizes fright and pacifies the spirit. [Li| Shizhen. os5-I2
錄 品 半天 河 別 下 乃 z77 厂 z72 72, 上 紀 肪 zz /z, loWer rank. River[water] halfway toward heaven.
【 釋 】名 上 池水 。【 弘 景 日】 此 竹 離 頭 及 水 空 樹 中穴 水 。【 也 時 珍 日】 戰 國 策 :雲 長 桑 君 飲 扁 鵲 以上 池 之 ,水 能 洞見 臟腑 。 注 雲: 上 池水 , 半天 河 別有 法。 也 。 然 Explanation of Names. $2zzg 27 2z7 上 池水 , “water from elevated ponds.” [Taol]
Hongjing: Ihis is water found in the upper ends of bamboo fences,and also in the holes of hollow trees. [Li] Shizhen: the Z2z7zgzocestates: “Chang Sangjun let Bian Que drink the water from elevatedponds enabling him to clearly see the long-term
C///z27/e7 7
depots and short-term repositories. A comment states: “”Ihe water from elevated ponds is the river halfway toward heaven. Howevepitis won by another method.
【 氣 】味 甘 , 微 寒, 無 專。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet slightly cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 鬼 ,症 狂 邪 ,氣 惡毒 。 別 。錄 洗 諸 。瘡 弘 。景 主 鬆 ,毒 殺 鬼 精 , 恍惚 妄語 , 與 飲 ,之 勿 令 知之 。 甄 。權 槐 間樹 者, 主 諸 及 風 惡 瘡 風癌 導 鎂。 居 器 。 Control. Demon attachment iness? Evil qi of madness. Malign poison. 5ze 用 . It serves to wash all types of sores. [Tao] Hongjing. It controls gzz poison.9 It kills demon essence, craziness and absurd speech. If one wants [a patient] to drink it,
he must not be let known it. Zhen Quan. Ihat collected from yo2227z.727227z7cz trees
controls all types of wind, as well as malign sores,wind itch and 7ze-ilness6 itch.
【 有發明 】【 宗 棵。
素 日】 半
天 河水 ,
在上 天
澤 之 水也 , 故 心病 治
鬼 ,症 狂
Explication. [Kou] Zongshi: he water ofa “river halfway toward heaven is water from the marshlands
of heaven above. Hence
it serves to cure heart disease and
demon attachmentillness,madness evil and malign poison.
Added Recipes. One of old. One newly [recorded
襪 疫。 半天 河水 , 飲 。之 醫林 集 要 ,。 辟 時 To avert seasonal epidemics. Drink water from a “river halfway toward heaven. 琴 /777.77 zz2.
身體 白 。駒 取 方。
樹木 中孔 水 洗 ,之 揭 末桂 ,
仲 急 唾和 傅 ,之 日 再上 。 張 文 備
Z2z 症 , also x2z 注 , attachment-illness,”“influx迪 nesss,”reflects a notion of a foreign
pathogenic agent, originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM Dict 688-695. 39_Gz 胡 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. QOriginally it was assumed to beamost poisonous bug, he only creature in aclosed jar Surviving competition with hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed gez Z 看 專 ,“gez poison(Ging).“" BCGM
Dict LIor.
4o ./ze-illness 開 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol L 249.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Jhe body has white spots. Collect water from holesinatree and wash [the affected reglonj With it. Pound /Zzz7z2z7z27zz77z czyyzz bark to apowdep mix it With saliva and apply this [to the affected region]j. Io be applied several ttmes a day. Zhang Wen~ Zhongy 2 五 7
O5~ 13
所 2 522zp 上 匕 527 )/.
【 氣 】味 辛 、 苦 , 有 毒 。【 李 廷 飛 】晶 水 滴 脯 ,肉 食 ,之 成 癥 ,癥 生 惡 ,菜 亦 有 毒, 不可 食 之 。 下 瘡 。 狼 准 雨滴 Qiand Flavor. Acrid, bitterppoisonous.Li Tingfei: 上 ating preserved meaton which water [leaking through theroofinahouse/room」] has dripped causes concretion-ilness and conglomeration-iliness,and generates malign sores.Also,if rain drips from below the ceaves on vegetables, they, too, Will be poisonous and must not be eaten.
【 主治 】 洗 咬 犬 瘡, 更 傅 丹 毒。 時珍 。
以 水 澆 屋 ,舊 取 滴下 士
傅 ,之
效。 居
器。 塗
月目 ,
ontrol. Tt serves to wash sores/wounds resulting from dog bites.Also,pour [water」 on the eaves of the houseand collect the soilbelow where [the water] dripped down
and apply it [to the affected region]. Effective. [Chen] Cangdqi. Io be applied to wart eyes and cinnabar poison.4
zz 2 丹 毒 ,“cinnabarpoison”askin ailment with red rashes.BCGM Dict LIrI8.
C///z27/e7 7
水部 Section Waters
水 二 之 地
水 類 三 十種
Waters IP Waters of the 上 arth Group,3o kinds. os5-I4
流水 拾遺 字 72 zz
上 匕 $27 對
【 性 水 染
集 解 】【 時 珍 曰】 ,靜 其 質 柔 而 氣剛 ,清 復有 不 同 。玥 ,吊 色各 不 ,同 煮
流 水 ,者 大 江河 而 , 小 而 , 與 湖 澤了熙 超 之 止 水 不 。同 觀濁水流水 之 ,魚 與清水 粥 共 , 味 有亦 異 , 則 其 入 烹
溪 ,洞 皆 流水 。也 其外 動 而 然江河 之 水 ,濁 而 溪 潤之 止 水 之 ,魚 性 色 迥 ,別 淬 劍 ,藥 昱可 無 辨 乎 。
ollected Explanations. [Li] Shizhen: As for flowing watep big rivers and small streams, they 和 have Howing water. Externally it appears to move, but its nature is calm. Tts matter is soft, but its qi are hard. It is not the same as stagnant water in lakes, marshlands and pools. Still, the_ water in rivers is turbid while the water in
mountain streams is clear. hese,tooare different [types ofwater]. Lookatfishes in
turbid water and flowing water and compare them with fishes from clear water and stapgnant water. heir natures and colors are widely different. Jhe colors of swords tempered by dipping them in [one type of water] and of cotton dyed in [another type of] water differ. When [water is used to] boil a congee or to brew atea, their favors will differ too. Ihat is, when [different types of water] are added to amedi-
cation,how could one fail to distinguish among them。? os5-I4-oI
千里 。水 Ozgz/Z.72/7 Waterthathas flowedathousand Z.
o5-I4-o2 東
流水 。 Do7ze 7
Waterflowing eastward os5-I4-o3 甘
爛 水 。 Gzzz zzz 5227.
Sweet, worn-outwater. Alternative name: 勞 水 了 dos2z7, exhausted water
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
平, 無 琳。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 主 】治 病 後 虛弱 , 辣 煮 藥 禁 神 最 。驗 居 器。 主 勞 五 七 傷, 可 虛 欲 奔 。豚 時 珍。 脾 弱 , 陽 盛 陰 ,虛 目 不 能 ,眠 及 槍 亂 吐 ,利 傷寒 後 作 Control. Depletion and weakness following a disease. Ladled amyriad times and used to boilamedicationmit is most effective in banning spirits.[Chen] Cangdi. It
controls the flve types of exhaustion and the seven types of harm, kidney depletion and spleen weakness, yang abundance and yin depletion, an inability to close the eyes,as well as cholera with vomiting and free-flux lness,* and atendency to have running piglets4 following harm caused by cold. [Li] Shizhen.
o5-I4-o4 逆流
。水 7 Zz 2 池
WaterfHowing againstlasloping terrainl|-
【 主 】治 中
風 痊 ,厥 頭 風, 站 疾, 咽喉 諸 ,病 宣 吐 痰 。飲 時 珍。
Control Being struck by wind With sudden loss of consciousness,head wind,4* ma~laria iness,and all types of diseases affecting the throat. Tt serves to drain by [stimulating the patient to] spit outphlegm rheum.$ [Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 藏
器 日】 千
時 水、 東
流水 , 二 水 皆 堪 蕩 滌 邪 穢, 煎 煮 湯 藥, 禁
之 王公 , 況 其 靈 長 者 。哉 本 經 :雲 東 流 水 為 云 可 喲 神 。鬼 潢 沫 行 ,濠 尚 薦 日 】 江 水, 流 蛀 思所 也 用 之, 與 諸 水 不 ,同 即 其 效 。【 母 石 所 。畏 鍊 雲母 贏 之 逆上 流, 用 以 治 ,頭 必 歸 於 下 , 故 治 五 勞 七 傷 弱 遠 涉, 順勢 歸 海 , 不 病 。 苹 爍 宜 以 陳 、蘆 勞 水, 取 其 水 不 、強 火 不 盛 。也 無 江水 , 則 以千里 東 流水 代 之, 如 深 “” 渭 之 。【 類 時 珍 日】 勞 水 即 揚 泛 ,水 張 仲 景 謂 之 甘 爛 水 。 。藥 革 取 高揚之千 萬 過, 有 沸 珠 相 ,逐 乃 前 用 流水 二 ,斗 置大 盆 中 , 以 構 水 性本 鹹而 體重 , 勞 之 則上甘 而 輕, 取 其 不 助 腎 氣 而 益 脾 胃 。也 虞 搏醫 哩 下 陰 證等 藥用 之。 順 流水 , 性 順 而下 傳 雲: 甘 爛 ,水 甘 溫 而 性 ,柔 故 烹 傷寒 流 , 故 治 下 焦 腰 膝 之 證及 通 利 大 小 便 之 藥 用 。之 急 流水 , 瀟 上 峻 急 之水 , 其 性 急速 而 下 達, 故 通 二 便 風 痺 之 藥 用 之。 逆 流水 , 泗 潤 之 ,水 其 性 逆而 性 順 疾 速, 通 膈下 取 宗 刺 日】 東 流水 其 也 倒 上 , 故 發 吐 瘓 飲 之 藥 用 之 。【 張 從 正 日】 昔有 患 小 便 閱 也 關 也 。 個 流水取 基 回 旋 流 止, 上 而 不 下 。【 者 , 眾 工 不 能 。治 令 取 長 川 急流 之 水 風 前 ,藥 一 飲 立 ,漫 則 水可 不 擇 乎 ? 42 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”"adiarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict
252 紀7Z 奔 豚 ,“running piplet,”is an accumulation of di associated with the kidneys and moving upward and downward at irregular intervals. BCVGM Dict 7 44 72z/z2 頭 風 ,“head wind, "is wind evil attacking the head followed by pain,or dizziness, oritching.BCGM Dict 5o9. 45 727 zz 導 飲 ,“phlegm rheumy,"”refers to pathological products that have accumulated in the bodyand that are excreted in the process of changes affecting the depots and palaces. They may block the passage of qi and blood and thereby become pathogenic factors. BCGIM Dict L, 498.
C///z27/e7 7
Explication. [Chen] Canggqi: Both water that has flowed a thousand Zand water
flowing castward are suitable for washing away evil and dirt. When used to boil a medication,theywill banandexorcise spirits and demons. ITurbid waterflowinginto puddles can still be offered as provision to kings and dukes. How much more does this apply to [water] that is quick in its movements and has come along way? The 777 states: Mica mineral fears eastward flowing Waterp but it is used to refine mica. In this, it differs from al other types of watep and this is why it is effective. [Sun] Simiao: Ihe water of rivers flows over a long distance. It complies with [the
sloping terrain] and moves toward the sea. It does not go against [a sloping terrainl] to flow upward. When it is used to cure [a disease affecting] the head, it must lead
[the evil] downward. Hence it serves to cure the flve types of exhaustion and seven
types of harm and diseases associated with emaciation and weakness.When boiling armedication, one resorts to old reed and “exhausted water”to use water that is not
strong and filre that is not vigorous. no water from the Yang zi is available, water that has flowed toward the kast for a fmhousand 有 such as from the rivers 本 ng or We may serve as asubstitute.[Li| Shizhen: “Exhausted water is water scooped up and overturned. Zhang Zhongjing calls it “sweet and worn-out water. [1Io prepare itb]fll two Zoz of flowing water into alarge pot and use aladle to scoop it out and let it drop again a thousand and ten thousand times until eventually only bubbles like pearls follow each other. Ihenit can be used to boilmedication. Jhe fact is, the
basic nature of water is salty, and its body weighs heavily Once it is worn-out [by this processj,it assumes asweet favorand is oflight weight only his way it serves not to assist the qi of the kidneys, but to boost [the qi of]spleen and stomach. Yu Tuan in his 交 xzz >Z2ezzg 02zz7z states: “Sweet and worn-out water is sweet, Warm
and ofsoftnature.Henceitis resorted to to boillmedication foryin conditions such as harm caused by cold. Water flowing complying [with asloping terrain] has a complying nature and flows downward. Hence it is used to prepare medication to cure conditions affecting the Lower Burnep the lower back and the knees, and to
freec the passage of defecation and urination. Fast Howing water and rapidly rising, violent water has arapid and fast nature and aims at reaching downward. Hence it is used to prepare medication to free the passage of the two reliefs (urination and defecation) and for wind blockage.“ Water flowing against[a sloping terrain] and Wwhirling and billowing waterp their nature is to go against and to reversely move upward. 了 ence they are used for medication to stimulate spitting out of phlegm rheum7 States: “Tumans are closely related to the soll and ground where they are born. Hence theqdiof mountains generate more males; the qdi of marshlands generate more females. Ihe qi of waters generated more mute [lpeoplej; the q of wind generate more deaf [people]. Ihe qi of forests generate
more protuberance-iness;?” theqiof trees generate more hunchbacks. Qi descending from river banks generate more swelling; theqdiofrocks generate more strength. People born with theqdiofa dangerous terrain often develop goiter; those affected bythedqdiofsummerheatoften die young,Wwhile those affected by cold qi often enjoy longevity Ihe qi of mountain valleys often cause blockage; the qi of graves often cause madness. Ihe qi of wide, open spaces often generate humankindness; the qi of hills often generated greed. Ihe people living on firm soil are tough; the people lving onweaksoilare fragile. People living on clay are tall; people llving on sand are short. People lving on fertile soil are beautiful; people lving in wastelands are ugly [People living onj light soil are mostly swift in their movements.[Ihose living on heavy soill are mostly slow in their movements. Clear water results in alow voice. Turbid water results in a loud voice. Rapid water gives one alight [bodyj; water flowing slowly gives one aheavy [body]. In all cases such relationships are evident. Also, the 7 讓 Az2 Z7 x7z7ze States: ”Ihe nine >2oz all have different characteristics)
Waters and springs do not equal each other as far as the hard and soft [nature of their waters] is concerned. In Qing zhou the musical tones 7#z 角 and 227 徵 are connected. Ihe di there are rapid andlight. Ihe voice of the people is hectic and [the water of] their springs is sour and bitter. In Liang zhou, the musical tones y2zzzg 商 and >x27 徵 are connected. The qi there are hard and bold.The voice of the people is stopped up and [the water of 」their springs is bitter and acrid. In Yan [zhou] and Yu [zhou], the musical tones gozg 宮 and 2z27 /記 二
徵 are concentrated. The qi are bal-
anced and calm. Ihe voice of the people is proper and [the water of]their springs 58_OQOz zzg 氣 癒, “qi protuberance-illness,With an inability to pass urine and a feeling of distension and fullness in the lower abdomen and urinary bladder. BCUGM DictL385.
C02//z27/e7 7 is sweet and bitter. In Yong [zhou] and
五 [zhouj],the musical tones y2z7zg 商 and
羽 are linked together Ihe qi are galloping and violent. IThe voice of the people is triumphantand [the waterof] their springs is salty and acrid. In view of these two staterments,one cannot be careful enough to make the right choice given the extent to which the maintenance of human life depends on water and soil. [Li| Shizhen:
According to the 7 及 zz zz, there once was a woman who had suffered from a disease for years. It was said to be a disease caused by an influx of cold and heat. It was in the eleventh month when Hua Iuo let her sit down inastone trough and in themorning asked someone to pour oo [buckets of]cold water over her.[ Jhat
person] began to pour [the cold water over her] but after 7o [buckets the womanl fcelt cold to an extent that she wished to die. Jhe person pouring [the water over her] was shocked and wanted to stop [the treatment] but [Hua]j Iuo did not agree. WhenSo [buckets] had beenpoured over hepsheemitted steaming hotdqipyrising in turmoil two to three feet. After all the roo [buckets] had been poured over herp he puthephotas fire,to bed,warmly covered with athick quilt and let her sleep. After
quite a long time,she emitted cold sweat. He applied apowder to hep and she was cured.” The AWz7z y2z states: “When general Fang Boyu had ingested more than ten doses of the powder With the five minerals,? he suffered from acold illness. Even
during the summer months he wore doubled clothing. 入 u Sibo examined him and said: “Ihis is hidden heat. It must be effused with _water but this can be done only during he winter months . During the eleventh month,atatime when there was much ice and snowy he asked [Fang] Boyu to take of his clothes and sit naked ona
stone. Ihen he took newly drawn cold water and poured it over himy; altogether 2o buckets.[Jhe patient] experienced clenched jaw and his qq [flow] was interrupted.
His family members cried loudly and begged [the physician] to stop [the treatment. 和Xu] Sibo grasped them to push them back and eventually roo buckets had been poured over [the general. Now [Fang] Boyu was able to move,and on his back he
had [asensation of ] vigorous movements of qi. Suddenly he sat up. He said that he felt an unbearable heat and asked for something cold to drink. [Xu] Sibo let him drink one vez7zeofwaterpand then theilliness was cured. From then on,[the genera]
often effused heat. Even during winter months he wore only a thin, unlined outer garment and his body became fat and strong. [Li] Shizhen say: The inesses of these two persons were both conditions of hidden heat, as are referred to in the A2 zoe7/ as“a11 cases of clenched [teethj, chattering [teeth]j,and shivering are associated
with fire.“Ihe method to cure this is to effuse the clustered fire. he two persons were poured over with cold waterin memorningofaday during the winter months because, following the solar term Winter Begins, the yang di are present in the 59
Ingredients include stalactite, sulphurp quartz, ftlor spar and red halloysite.
7/2e 27
Co Gd7zg 477
interiop and in he _morning is the time when the yang q abound. By inundating them with cold [qj, the clustering and obstruction of heat qi reaches an extreme,
causing them to break out and be resolved through sweating. his is based on the idea that items will not reverse toward their opposite if they have not reached their extreme,and hence [such atherapy stimulates] the effusionofthe [patients heat q.
This is [based on] the statement in the ASz zoezz: “To oppose [a disease] is anormal treatment6i to conform [to it] is atreatment contrary [to norma]]|. While opposing
it, conform to it While conforming to it, oppose it. Once the passage ways are freed the qi are led back to harmony During the months of spring, the yang qi are released [from the interiorj during summer and autumn, the yin qi are present in the interior. 本 ence such a [treatment] must be performed after the beginning of
the eleventh month. he physicians of these two persons may be said to have been of divine [competence」
【 附 方 】人 蕉 八 , 新 二 十 一 。 Added Recipes. 上ightofold.2rnewly [recorded.
九突出 。血 方 見 主 治下 。 Bleeding from the nine orifices. For the recipe,see under ControL
扭 血 不 止。 葉 氏 用 新 汲 ,水 隨左右
洗 足 即 止, 累 用 有 效 。
Unending nosebleed. Mr Ye [recommends to] use newly drawn water to wash [the
patients left or right] foot depending on whether [the nosebleed] is from the left or right [nostri]. Ihis will end [the nosebleed]. Repeated use [of this recipe] has shown effects.
一 方: 用 冷水咯 面 。 Another recipe. Spout cold water [out of your mouth] on [the patients] face.
紙貼 顯 上, 以熨斗 一 方: 冷浸水
熨 ,之 立 止。
Another recipe. Soak paperin cold watep apply it to [the patients」skull, and press
it down with a fat iron.[Jhe nosebleed] will end immediately
一 :方 用 冷水 一 瓶, 淋 射 頂上 及 啞 門上 。 或 以 濕 紙 貼之 。 Anotherrecipe.Sprinkle cold water from abottle on [|the patients] head and the )
7zez「acupuncture needle insertion hole]. Or cover [these regions] with wet paper
C02//z27/e7 7
人 金 瘡 血 出 不 。止 冷水
浸 之 即 止。 延 壽方 。
Unending bleeding from awound caused by ametal object/weapon. Soakitin cold water and it will end. yzzz 92z 多 7z
犬咬 血
。出 以
水 洗 至 血 止, 綿
裏 。之 千
金方 。
Bleeding from adog bite. Wash_ [the wound] With water until the bleeding ends,
and wrap it With sik Hoss. 0727z.77z 7
蠍轉 朮
傷 。 以 水 浸 故 布 揚 ,之 暖 即 。易 千 金方 。
Harm caused by the sting ofascorpion.Soak an old piece of cloth in water and applyit[to the affected region].Whenithas become warm,exchange it. 0727z/-7z. 7
馬 入 汗 瘡, 或馬 毛入 瘡 , 腫 入 腹殺 人 。 以冷水 立 。并 千金 方。
浸 之, 頻 易 ,水 仍 好飲 酒 ,
HIlorse sweat has entered asore/Wwound, or the hair of a horse has entered asore/
wound.Tfaswelling results and [the foreign object] enters the abdomeny that person will be killed. Soak [the affected region] with cold waterp and repeatedly change the water. Also [let the patient] drink good wine. Ihis will result in an immediate
Cure. 0727z.7777 /2779
魚骨 喫 。咽 取
水 一 ,盃 合
口 水 ,氣 喫當 自 。下 肘 後方 。 口 疝 ,水 張 取
Choking on afsh bone. ITake a cup of water and [let the patient] face the water With his mouth closed. Ihen let him open his mouth and inhale the water qi. Jhe
[fish bone responsible for the] choking will move down as aresult. Z2oz 2oz./zzz
中 磯 石 毒。 多 飲 新 汲 井 ,水 得 吐 利 佳。 集
簡方 。
Struck by the poison of arsenic. [Let the patient] drink large quantities of newly drawn well water. Once he vomits and [urination] flows freely this is good.7 727 /7zg.
中 人 烏 吸 毒。 方 同上 。 Struck by aconite poison. Recipe identical to the one above.
中 蒙 汗 毒。 飲 冷水
即 。安 濟
急方 。
Struck by the poison of knock-out drops. [Let the patient] drink cold watep and
this will save him.7 及 Zoe
7/2e 27
中 姑粘
Co Gd7zg 477
以 毒 。 一 時 運 ,倒 不 救殺 人 , 急 清水
灌 。之 唐 殊 經 驗方 。
Struck by poisonous coal [di]. he patient feels vertigo and falls to the ground. I heis not given helpthis will kill him. Quickly forcefeed him with cool water. Tang Yao,.777zg 7 /27z2
服藥 過 劑 。 痊 嘔 不 ,已 飲
新 汲 水 一 升。 肘
後方 。
Having ingested an overdose of medication,with asudden and unending vomitingDrink one y2zzce of newly drawn water. Z22z 22z 7
燒酒 醉 死。 急 以 新 汲 水 浸 其 ,髮 外 以 至 班 乃 。已 瀕 湖 集 簡 方 。 Death resulting from being [patients」 head With newly water and lay it on his chest amounts [of water] until he
故 吊 濕浸 , 貼 其 胸 ,膈 仍細 細 灌 之 ,
intoxicated With brandy. Quickly soak the hair on the drawn water. Externally soak an old piece of cloth in and diaphragm region. In addition, forcefeed him tiny has regained consciousness. 2z7z 2 及 有27z /27zg
飲酒 聞 痛。 井 水 頻 含 漱 。之 直
指方 。
Toothache following the drinking of wine. Repeatedly hold well water in your mouth to rinse [the affected teeth]. Z27 27./27zg.
破傷風 。病 用 火 命婦人 取 無 根 水 一 ,韶 入 百 草 町 ,調 扭作 餅 , 放 患 ,處 三 五 ,換 如 ,神 此 將 亞 香 方 。也 談 野 翁試驗 方 。 Qpen wounds struck by wind disease. Have awoman of afire-|[life-]jmandate fetch
one bowlof “water withoutroots. Add sooth from the bottom ofapotand knead this with your fingers to form aflat pie. Place this on the suffering region, and exchange it three to five times. Divinely [effective]. Ihis is arecipe of 本 ang Yaxiang7/277 Ye70e7zo 527 zz77 /2729.
隧 損 腸 。出 方 見 主 治下 。 Protrusion of the intestines following an injury received because of a fall. For the recipe,see under ”Control
一 寸 。者 以 新 汲 水 灌 漬 睛中 , 數 易 ,之 自 入 。 梅師 方 。 眼睛突出 二 Eyeballs protruding one to two z7z. Rinse the eyes With and soak them in newly drawn [welll watep and exchange [the water] several ttimes. | Ihe eyes] will re-enter
[the sockets] as aresult. zz 27 zze
6o Wateremerging from thebrick wallofawell thathasnotyetdescended[into the bottom of the welll, is called 「waterj without root. "See also os5-15.
C02//z27/e7 7
時 行 火 。眼
患人 每 日 於 井上 , 視 井 旋 匝 三過 , 能 洩 火 。氣 集 玄方
Epidemic fire eye. Each day let the patient assume a position above a well and glance three timesinacircle around the well. This serves to release the fire di. 及 zz 形 /729.
心交 汗 ,出 不 識人 。 新 汲 和水 蜜 飲 ,之 甚 。效 千 金方 。 Heart-pressure with sweating, and an inability to recognize people. [Let the patient] drink newly drawn water mixed with honey Very effective. 0zz7z.7-Z7z zz
陽 厥 卒 死者 。 飲 新 汲 水 三 ,升
佳 。 千 金方 。
Yang[qi] cut-of with vomiting and sudden death. |Let the patient be forcefed to
drink three vezc of newly drawn water. Crood. 07z7z.777z 7
霍亂 吐 。瀉 勿 食 熱 ,物 飲 冷 水 一 ,得 仍 以 水 一 盆 浸 兩 ,足 立 。止 救 良銀 方 。 holera With vomiting and ouflow. Do not eat hot items. Drink one cup of cold Water. Also, soak both feet in abasin with water[Vomiting and outflow] will end
immediately../7z 7 zz 47
厭 襪 癌 。疫 臘 瘟疫 。
日 除 ,夜 以 小 、豆 川 各椒 七 七 ,粒 投
井中 , 勿 人令 知, 能 人
To ward of warmth epidemics. During the night following the Ir2th month, drop seven times seven small beans and Sichuan pepper grains into a well but do not let anyone be aware of this. Jhis can keep away warmth epidemics.
又 :法 元
大 旦 以 麻子
三 七 ,粒 投
井中 。
Another method. On New Years day drop three times seven hemp seeds into the Wel
口氣 昊 惡。 正 旦 含 井 華 水 吐 棄 則下 , 數 度 并即 也。 肘 後方 。 Malodorous and malign qi emitted from ones mouth.On New Years day hold the firstwaterdrawn from awellinthemorninginyourmouth and spitit into alatrine. After several such [spittings]acure will be achieved. Z22z 2oz 多zz
心腹 冷 。痛 男 子 ,病 令 女人 取水 之。 肘 後 方 。
一 盃 飲 ;之
女人 病 , 令
一 金飲
Coldpain in thecentraland abdominalregion.Tfamale has this disease,letawom~an getacup of waterand let him drinkit. 攻 afemale has this disease,letamale get acup of water and have her drink it. /Z22z 292./27z.
/2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
病。 方見 發明 下。 注 熱 寒 Attachment illnessf associated with alternating cold and heat sensations. For the recipe,see under Explication.
火 病 惡 。崎 方 見 發 明下 。 Fire disease with an aversion to cold. For the recipe see under
紀 xplication.
丁 毒 疸 。瘡 凡 手指及 諸 有處 瘡 ,起 發 并, 身 熱 惡 ,寒 或 麻木 , 此 極 毒 之 瘡 也。 急 用 針 刺 ,破 擠 去 惡 ,血 候 血盡 , 口嗆 涼水 吮 ,之 水 溫 再 ,換 吮 至痛 并 皆 住 即 ,愈 此 妙法 。也 保 壽 堂方 。 Sores associated with pin[-iHness] poison and impediment-illness.和 When
cmerge at afinger or any other place,Wwith itch,ahot body and an aversion to cold, or [numbnesslike] hemp and wood,then these are sores of extreme poison.Quickly
pierce them open with aneedle and squeeze out the malign blooduntilall the blood has left. Ihen hold cold water in your mouth and suck [the sores]. When the water
has become warm, exchange it. Continue with the sucking until itch and pain have ended. his is the cure.A wondrous method. 2z2 92z zzze zzz
婦人 將 。產 井 華 水 半服 升 , 不 作 。運 知 金方 。 A woman about to give birth. Have her ingest half asy2zze of the first water drawn from awelin the morning,and she will not suffer from vertigo. 0727z.77z /27zg
初生 不 。啼 取 冷水
灌 ,之 外 共以 白 細蘆 鞭 ,之 即 。啼 全
幼 心鑑 。
A newborn fails to cry Forcefeed it with cold watep and externally slightly whip it With onion stalks. Jhis will letit cry 0Ozz7z 人 zz %777 7277. o5-I6
節氣 水綱目 ,/7e 27 572 上 匕 Gz7zzg 2 Water endowed with seasonalqi
【 集 解】【 時
珍 日】 一
二 年 十四 節氣 , 一
節 主 半月, 水
之 氣味 , 隨
還 , 此 乃 地 天 之 氣候相 感 , 又 非玥 域之 限 。也 月 令 通 僅 :雲 正月 初 一至 十二 日 ,止 一 日 主 一 。月 每 旦 吧 以 瓶 秤 ,水 視 其 輕重 , 重則 十 多, 輕則 雨 少。 觀 此 , 雖 一 日 之 ,內 尚且 不 ,同 凡 一 月 乎 。 6I
Z2z 症 , also x2z 注 , “attachment-illness,/“influx崗 nesss,”reflects anotion of aforeign pathogenic agentp originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM DictL 688-695.
62 有
疸 ,“impediment久 ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 277Z.
C02//z27/e7 7
ollected 上 xplanations. [Li Shizhen: One year comprises the qi of 24 seasonal
periods. One such period ]asts half amonth. Ihe qi and flavors of water change in accordance [with the seasonal qi llhese [changes] occur in correspondence With
the climate of heaven and earth; they are not deflned by regional boundaries. Ihe [ 玫 z zzg 各 zze| Zzz7z states:
匕ach of the first I2 days of the first month stands for
one [ofthe altogetherr2jmonths [ofayear]. Fill abottle with water every morning
[of these I2 days] and weigh it. Eventually compare their weights.If [abottle filled With water of a specific day respresenting aspecifilc month,] is heavy there will be
much rain [in thatmonthj.Titislightthere will belittle rain. Ihis shows that even
among days [the qi of water] are not identical. How much more does this apply to [the qi of water] from month to month! O5-I6-OI
立春 、 清 明 二 節 貯 ,水 謂 之 神 水 。 Waterkeptfrom thetwo [solarj terms Spring Begins and Pure Brightness.Ttis called “divine watery
【 主 】治 宜 浸 造 諸 、風 脾胃 虛
損 諸 丹 丸及 散 藥酒 , 久留
Suitable_ for soaking and preparing clixirs, pills and powders, as well as medical
Wines, for 3 types of wind [diseases] and depletion injury affecting spleen and stomach. Tt can be stored for a long time without decay. o5-I6-o2
寒露 、 冬 、至 小
寒、 大
四 寒 節
及 臘 日水 。
Watercollected duringthefour[solarl terms Cold Dew.Winter Begins. Slipht
Cold and GreatCold, as well as waterfrom days during theI2emonth.
【 主 】治 宜 浸 滋補 造 五 臟 及 痰 火 積聚 、 日 毒 諸 丹 ,丸 並 煮 釀 藥酒 , 與雪 水 同功 。 ontrol Suitable for soaking and preparing al1 types of elixirs and pills to supplement the filve long-term depots and for [curingj phlegm fire, collections and aggregations, and gzc poison.6 Also,it is boiled to brew medicinal wine. Its [therapeutic」
potential is identical to those of snow water.
_Gz 走 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. QOriginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bug, the only creatureinaclosed jar Surviving competition With hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed ez Z 右 專 ,“ez poison(Ging).“ BCGM
Dict LIor.
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 477
立秋 日 五 更 井 華水 。 hefrstwaterdrawnfromawellintheearliymorningon thedayofAutumn Begins.
【 主 】治 長 各幼 飲 一 ,盃 能 卻 丫
痢 百病 。
Control. When adults and young persons all drink one cup, 也 is serves to prevent malaria, free-flux
訓ness* and the hundreds of diseases.
午 日午時 水 。
Watercollectedontheffth dayofthe ffth month during zoz hours (I:oo 一 I23592.
日井 毒諸 丹 丸。 【 主 】治 宜 造 丫 、痢 瘡 瘍 金 瘡、 百 Control. Suitable for preparing all types of elixirs and pills for malaria and free-fiux 訓 ness, sores, ulcers and wounds resulting from metal objects/weapons, as Well as poison of the hundreds of worms/bugs and 2z. o5-I6-o5
小 、滿 芒 種 、 白 露 三 節 內水 。 Waterfrom anyofthe three [solarj terms Grain Buddingpg. Grainin Larand White Dew.
【 主 】治 並有 疾 。 並時 珍 。
毒 。 造 藥, 釀酒 酪 一 應 食物 , 皆 易 敗 壞。 人 飲 ,之 亦 脾胃 生
Control. Ihey are 41 poisonous. When used to prepare medication, to brew wine and vinegar and also to make food they al will decay easily, When humans drink these [kinds of water] they will develop inesses of spleen and stomach. All [data
added by Li| Shizhen. O5~I7
呆 拾遺
了77z/g7z, 上 匕 527 )7.
Sweet-wine spring-
【 者 也 , 元
釋 】名 德 至 味 元 ,年
味 之, 故 。名 出 無 常 ,處 王 時 珍 日】 酸, 薄 酒 ,也 旻 如 果 甘 。【 洲 ,旻 時 代 昇 平, 則 酸果 出 , 可 以 養老。 瑞 應 圖 :雲 酸 呆 , 水 之精 甘 如 ,醒 流 之 所及 , 草木 皆 ,茂 飲 之 人令 多 。壽 東 觀 記 :雲 光武 “中 酸果 出 京師 , 人 飲 之 ,者 瘤 疾 皆 除 。
64 了 7 潭 ,“free-flulx iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment. BCGM DictL3r
C02//z27/e7 7
Explanation of Names. Gzz: zzz 莫 果 ,“sweet spring." [Li] Shizhen: 大
醒 is thin
wine, and the favor of [ordinary] spring [water] is similar. Hence the name. Ihere
is no defilnite place where [such asweet-wine spring] may appear. If the kings virtue reaches into the deepest springs,and if his titme is characterized by peace, then sweet-Wwine springs may appear and serve to nourish the old. he 和 zzz zzz 7 states: Asweet-wine spring provides the essence of water. Tts favor is sweet like that 人 f sweet wine.Where [its water] flows, the growth of herbs and trees is luxurious, and
thepeople who drink it will often enjoy longevity ”Ihe 27zg ezzz. 有 states: In the first year of the 2227ze yzz7z reipgn period (656 一 57) of [Emperor] Guang wu,asweet-
Wine spring appeared in the capital city When thepeople drank [its water]j,all their obstinacy過 nesses6 were cured.
【 氣 】味 甘,
平, 無 兩 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.
【 主治 】 心 腹痛, 症必 鬼 氣 邪 穢 之 ,屬 並 果就 空 胃 霍 亂 為上 , 亦 以 新 汲 者 烏 佳。 疙 器 。
腹 飲 。之 又
止 熱 消 及 竣 反
ontrol. Heart and abdominal pain. Whenit is associated with an attachment i-
ness6 of the hostile, with demon q or evil dirt for all these drink [sweet-winel] spring [water] on an empty stomach. Also it is best to end meltting with _thirst
associated with heat and turned over stomach with cholera. [lo resort to] newly drawn water is good, too. [Chen] Cangdi.
玉井 了/
水 拾遺
坊, 上 匕 527 人 7.
Water from jade wells.
【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日 】 諸有 玉 處山谷 呆水 皆 是 。也 山有 玉 而 草木 ,潤 身有 玉 而毛髮 。黑 玉 既 重 ,寶 水 又 靈 ,長 故有 延生 之 望。 今人 多 壽 ,者 豈非 玉石 士人 得 服 ,之 多 長生 。 津液 之 功 乎。 太 華山有 玉 水 汶 ,下 ollected Explanations. [Chen] Cangdqi. Ihese are 3 the water springs in moun-
tain valleys of jade regions. Where mountains have jade, herbs and trees benefit from it. People with jade in tfhe body have black hair on the head and body How 65
For various kinds of gz
疾 , obstinacy襄ness, see BCGM
Dict LI94.
Z2z 症 , also >2z 注 , “attachment-ilness,7 “influx-illnesss,” reflects anotion ofa foreipn 5
pathogenic agenty originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism. BVGCM Dict L, 688-695.
67 有 zz2 &z 消 VolL567.
洶 ,“melting With thirsb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
7/2e 27
Co Gd7zg 477
could it be that this is not an effect of the liquids of jade? Jade water flows down from Mount Tai hua. Ihe local people there collect and drink it and many of them
live along life.
【 氣 】味 甘,
平, 無 琳 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 和久 服 神仙 , 令 人 體 ,潤 毛 奢 不 。白 藏 器 。 Control. Ingested over along time it turns one into a divine immortal. Tt benefits the human body and prevents hair on head and body from turning white. [Chenl Cangdt. o5~-19
穴 水 拾遺
有 zzzc 522/p 上 糾 527 )/7. Waterfrom astalactite cave,
之 旻 。也 人 多取水 作 飲 釀酒 , 大 有 閱 。 處 【 集 解】【 藏 器 日】 近 乳 穴 流出 於 水, 藤 之上 有 收 ,花 此 真 乳液 也 。 其 水 濃 ,者 秤 之 重 他 Collected Explanations.[Chen] Cangqi: Ihese are springs flowing out of locations near stalactite caves. JMany people take their water to prepare beverages and to make Wine. It massively boosts [the qj. Since their water is so viscous, it weighs heavier
than other types of water. 1f, when itis boiled, small amounts of salt appear on its [surface]j, then this is a genuine stalactite liquid.
【 氣 】味 甘,
溫, 無 毒 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, warm, nonpoisonous.
服 健 人 , 能 食 , 體 潤 不 ,老 與 鍾 乳 同 。功 居 器 。 【 主 】治 入 肥 ontrol Ingested overalong ttme it lets one be fatand strong. Ttis edible and bencflts the body so that it does not age. Tts [therapeutic] potential is identical to that of [water dripping from] stalatites.[Chen] Cangdi. os5-2o
溫 /7z zz
湯 抬遺 上 匕 527 )7.
Warm and hotwater
【 釋 】名 溫打 綱目 、 沸 。【 果 藏 器 日 】 下 有 流 ,黃 即 令 水 ,熱 猶有 流 黃 時珍 也 吳。 流 黃 主 諸 ,瘡 故 水 亦 宣 。然 當 其 熱 ,處 可 人 豬 、羊 熟 從 子 。【 晶 】 溫果 有 處 甚 。多 按 胡 仔 漁 隱 叢 話 :雲 湯果 多作 流 黃 ,氣 浴 之則 和 襲人 肌
C02//z27/e7 7
膚 。 惟 新安” 黃 山 朱砂 是 ,泉 春 時 水 即 紅色 微 , 可 煮 。鞋 長 安” 務 山 奶是 石 果 , 不 甚作 氣 。也 和朱砂 嚷 紅雖 而 不 ,熱 當 是 雄 黃 。爾 有 礙 石 處 亦有 湯 旻, 浴之有 毒。 Explanation of Names. 族 # 7zzz 溫泉 , “warm springs,”Gzzzg 2 /e7 zz7z 沸呆 , boiling springs. [Chenj Cangdi: Underneath it is sulfup and this makes the water hot. It also has the smell of sulfur. Sulphur controls 4 types of sores. Hence this Water is also suitable for such [indications]. hese places are hot enough to reheat
porkandmutton,and toboilchicken eggs.[Li] Shizhen: Ihere are very many places With Warm springs. According to Hu Zis 交 / 77z co zz hot springs often produce sulfur qi.A bath_ [in their water] has an aggressive effect on the skin. Only in 入in an in Huang shan,is acinnabar spring With water that assumes aslightly red color in spring. It can serve to brew tea. In the Li shan mountain of Chang an, is an arsenolite spring which does not produce many [odorous] di. Ihe [water of thel」
cinnabar spring is red, but it is not hot. Presumably [the color is caused by] realgar. There are also warm springs at places With arsenic. Bathing in them is poisonous.
【 氣 】味
熱, 微 琳 。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, hot, slightly poisonous.
【 主 】治 諸 風 骨筋 繼 及 縮 膽皮 頑 ,痺 手足 不 ,逆 無 眉 ,髮 開 癬 諸 ,疾 在 反 膚 上骨節 ,者 入 。浴 浴 ,訖 當 大 虛 ,億 可 隨 病 與 藥, 及 飲食 補養 。 非有 病 人 , 不 宜 輕 。入 藏 器 。 ontrol All types of illnesses such as sinew and bone contraction associated With wind, and stubborn skin blockage, failure of hands and feet to follow [ones willl,
and loss of eyebrows, as well 7ze-iHness6? and xzz7過 ness6. In the case of [illnesses aftectingj theskin,thebonesand thesinews,[patients] enterabath [ofwarm or hot water]. When the bath is finished, [the patients] will experience massive depletion
and fatipue,and they must be given medication in accordance with their disease, as well as supplementing and nourishing beverages and food. People that do not suffer from adisease must notlightheartedly enter [such abath].[Chen] Cangdqi
【 發 】【 明 穎 日】 廬 山有 溫泉 , 方士往往 食 池入 久 ,浴 得 汗 出 乃 ,止 旬 日 自 愈也 。
教 患 開 、癬 風半 、
楊 梅 瘡 ,者 飲
Explication. [Wang」 Ying: On Mount Lu shan are warm springs, and the recipe experts often instruct patients suffering from 7ze崗 ness and xzz7z-1lness, wind re-
68 ./zz-illness 疵 ,vaguely defined skin ailment.BCGM Dict L, 249. 69 有 zzz記 ness Dict
癬 ,skin ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
7/2e 27
Co Gd7zg 477
pudiation訓ness> and red bayberry sores7' to first eat to repletion, then enterapool and batheinitforalong time. Once they sweat, they are to end [the bath]. A cure
Will result within ten days. Oo5-21I
碧海 水 拾遺 27275222 上 匕 S27 )7Z.
【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日】 東 方 朔 十 記 洲 雲: 夜行 海中, 撥 有 之 火星 ,者 鹹水 也。 色 既 ,正 故 晶 碧海 。【 時 珍 日】 海 乃 百 川 之 會。 天地 四 ,方 皆 海水 相 通, 而 地 在 其 。中 其 味 ,鹹 其色 黑, 水 行 之 正也 。 Collected Explanations. [Chen] Cangdqi: Dongfang Shuo in his $27 222z 及 states: “When travelling on the sea at night one stirs the [water] with astick and there appear sparks, this is salt water. H the coloris bluish-green one calls it bluish-green sea. [Li| Shizhen: Ihe sea is where the hundreds of rivers come together. Ihe four
cardinal directions of heaven and earth are al connected by the water of the sea, and the earth lesinits center Hits 和 avoris salty andits coloris black, this is thenormal condition of the phase of water.
【 氣 】味 鹹 , 小 溫, 有 小 毒。 Qiand Flavor. Salty slightly warm, slightly poisonous.
【 主 】治 煮 ,浴 去 風 療 開 。癬 飲 一 ,合 吐下 宿 覓食 脹 。 居 器 。 ontrol. Hot baths eliminate itch, 7ze崗 ness72 and xzz7z-ness2 associated With
wind.Drinkone gztovomitand discharge food that has stayed in thebodyforlong, leading to distension.[Chen] Cangdi. o5-22
鹽 膽 水 拾遺 Yo7z 27z 522p 上 匕 527 擊 Bittern.
【 釋 】名 鹵 。【 水 藏 器 日 】 此 乃 鹽 初 ,熟 槽中 瀝 下 黑 汁 。【 也 時 珍 日】 由 下 瀝水 , 則 味 苦 不 堪 。食 今人 用 此 ,水 收 豆 。腐 獨 孤 滔 :雲 鹽 膽 四煮 黃 , 銲 物。 7o 了 zz 并 ,“repudiation-iness,”"most likely including cases ofleprosy BCGM DictL 293. 7I
玫 zg 2zz7 2zzzg 楊梅 瘡 , “red bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases of syphilis. BCGM Dict L, 293, 294.
72 ./ze-illness 站 ,vaguely defined skin ailments.BCGM Dict L 249. 73。wzzz-iness 癬 ,skin 這ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM Dict LDL59L.
C02//z27/e7 7
Explanation of Names. 玫 z ,2z7 買 水 , “brine water”[Chen]
Cangdi: This is the
black Juice that trickles down in the trough at the beginning of the reflnement of Salt With heat. [Li| Shizhen: Ihe water that trickles down from salt has a bitter fa-
Vor and cannot be consumed. Nowadays the people use this water to preserve bean curd. Dugu Tao states: “Bittern boiled with the four [minerals With the character] 2zz7ze [in their name i.c., x7o7zo 27/Z7ze (Tealpar), (7 2zz7zg (orpiment), 27 zz7zg (arsenic) and //z 2zz7zg (sulphur) is used to firmly connect/solderitems.
【 氣 】味 鹹 , 苦 , 有 大 毒 。 Qi and Flavor. Salty, bittep very poisonous.
【 主 】治 蝕 上謾 站 癬 , 站 疾 蟲 ,咬 及 馬 牛 為 蟲 ,蝕 毒 嘲 入 肉 生 。子 六 冀 飲一 合, 當 時 ,死 人 亦 。然 凡 瘡有 血 ,者 不 可 塗 。之 居 器。 瘓 厥 不省 , 灌 之 取
吐 , 良 。 時珍 。 記Control rosion caused by hidden worms infestation 7 過 ness and xz27znessy7 fistula 過 ness and worm/bug bites, as Well as horses and oxen affected by erosion caused by worms/bugs, and poisonous worms/bugs centering 了he meat and generating ova there. Any of the six domestic animals that drinks one ge [of bitternj will die in due time,and the same goes for humans. It must not be applied to any bleeding sore/wound.[Chen] Cangqi. Forcefeed an unconscious [patient] With phlegm recession/ to make him vomit. Good. [Li| Shizhen.
井 綱目 水
形 及 zze 522 上
已Gz7zzg 2
Waterfrom the 上 well
【 氣 】味 甘 、
平, 無 琳 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, salty, balanced,nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 下 ,膈 疏 ,瘓 止 。吐 時 珍 。 Control It discharges occlusions, drains phlegm and ends vomiting. [Li] Shizhen.
括 云: 明 時 珍 曰】 阿 井 在 今 亮 州 陽殼 縣, 即 古 東 阿 縣 。也 沈 筆談 【 發 】【 古 說 濟 水 伏 流 中地 , 今歷 下凡 發 下地 皆 是 流水。 東 阿 亦 濟 所水 經, 取 井 水 都 謂膠 之 阿膠 。 其 性 趣 ,下 清 且而 重 , 用 攪 濁 則水 清, 故 以 治 淤 濁 及 逆 上 74 ./zz-ilness 六,vaguely defined skin ailment.BCGM DictL, 249. 75。wzzz-iness 癬 ,skin 崗 ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM Dict
7zZ.7zz 疾 厥 ,“phlegm recession.””Various ailments thoughtto be associated with blocked or abounding phlegm.BCGM Dictl, 493.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
之 痰也 。 又 青州 “ 氾公 果 , 亦 濟 水 所 ,注 其 用 水 造 白 丸子 , 利 膈 化 。瘓 管 子 雲: 齊 之 ,水 其 旻 青 ,白 其 人 堅 ,勁 顏 有 導 療, 終 無 病 。醒 水 性 之 不 同如 者 不 知 辨 ,此 是 不 屄 哉 。 此 。 陸 羽 烹 ,茶 辨天 下 之 水 性 美 ,惡 烹 藥 反 Explication. [Li|] Shizhen: Ihe 皆 well is located in Yang gu xian county in Yan Zhou. In ancient times this was Dong exian county Shen Guain his 2 Z7z states: Ancient sayings had it that the river 五 shui flows hidden underground. Nowadays in Li xia, whenever the ground is broken there is flowing water. Dongeis one of the regions passed by theriver 有 五shui. Ihe glue boiled With water from the [EE] wel is called 弓 glue . Its nature is to descend quitckly It is clear and at the same time it is heavy When itis given into turbid waterp [the water] w 訕 become clear. Hence
it serves to cure phlegm thatis stagnant and thick,and [phlegm] rising contrary to its proper directions. Ihe Fan gong spring in Qing zhou is also fed by the river 五 shui. ts water is used to prepare the “white pills7 that free the passage through ob~structions and transform phlegm.”Ihe Gzzz >7 states:”Ihe water in Qi appears in springs that are greenish-white. Ihe people there are strong and sturdy; they rarely have a.7ze-ilness7/ and itch, and they never are affected by a hangover associated With headache.”There is no other water with such nature. Lu Yu when brewing tea distinguished between agood andabad nature of the waters in the world. In contrast to him, those who brew medication do not know how to make such adis-
tinction. How could this not be considered acrime! o5-24
岩 山 泉水 277 7
72/277 5
拾遺 上 弓 527 )/.
Waterofmountain clif springs.
【 出 者 令人 前
釋 曰 為 有 ,雨
時 名 】【 時, 檻 懸 。良 其 有山 疾 額 。【 出 洗 山谷
珍 日】 此 山崖 土石間 所 出 ,旻 流 烏 出 曰 汶 ,時 反 出 曰 湛 。果 其泉源 遠 黑土 毒 石 惡 草 者 不 可 。用 陸 羽 :雲 康 日】 苦 在 泗 ,陽 忽 一 日城中 馬 中 蛇 日 之 ,毒 馬 飲 其 水 然也 。
溪 洞 者 。也 爾 雅 :雲 清冷 , 或 山有 玉石 凡 瀑 涌 漱 汕 之水 , 死 數 。百 詢 ,之 雲:
水正 美 草木 飲之 數 日
Explanation of Names. [Li Shizhen: Ihis is [water of] springs emerging from in
between the soil and rocks of mountain clifs and flowing into mountain streams. The 了 放 states: [Springs withj water emerging straight [from the cliffs] are called threshold springs. [Springs With water] cmerging as a curtain are called “inundating springs. [Springs With] water cmerging from anarrow opening are called 77。
2527 zoz7z 27 白 丸 子 ,“Wwhite pills,”are prepared from 77ze/Zzz [root], zyzyrze7zz roob sichuan
2c27z7/z/77 main tuber and fresh ginger 78 ./ze-illness 站 ,vaguely defined skin ailment.BCGM Dict L 249.
C///z27/e7 7
Weeping springs. Spring water is good that comes from a distant origin and that is clear and cold, and also that [water is good that originates] from mountains With jade minerals and beautiful herbs and trees.[Ihe water of springs originating in regions with] black soil poisonous minerals and bad herbs must not be used. Lu Yu
states: AA 和 waters that are gushing and rapid, as in waterfalls, let those who drink them develop lnesses of the neck. [Wangj Ying: Once in Xun yang city 和 of a sudden within one day several hundred horses died. [My] investigation revealed,
there had been rain afew days ago and it had washed down the poison of snakes and worms/bugs from the mountain valleys. Ihe horses had drunk this water.
平, 無 兩 。
【 氣 】味 甘,
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 槍 ,亂 煩贍 嘔吐, 腹 空轉 筋, 恐 入 ,腹 宣多 服 ,之 名 日 洗 。腸 勿 致 寒, 令 腹 ,空 空則 更 。服 人 皆 刷此 , 然 嘗試 有 效。 但 身 冷 力 弱 ,者 防 臟 當 以 意 消 息 。之 藏 器 。 Control. For cholera,unrest, heart-pressure and vomiting,resultinginanempty abdomen with contorted sinews.VWhen [such adisease]j threatens to enter the abdo-
menitis advisable to ingestlarge quantities of this [water]. Ihis is called “cleansing the intestines. Itis essential to not let the abdomen become empty Hitis empty ingest [the water] again. 紀 verybody fears this [treatment]. But it has been tested and has shown to be effective. Howevep those with a cold body and those who are Wweak must see to it that their long-term depots do not become cold. Ihis is to be avoided with areasonable behavior [Chen] Cangdt. O5-25
塚中水 拾遺 古 Gz ※2o72o 229722 Waterin an ancienttomb.
【 主治 】 有
毒 , 殺人 。 洗
上 弓 527 )/.
諸 瘡 皆 。并 藏 器 。
Control. Poisonous. Kills humans. All sores washed [With this water] will be cured.
[Chen] Cangdt.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4 o5-26
嬰中水 拾遺 糧 了 7g72e 7722 22297252, 上 匕 27 )7.
【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日】 乃 古 塚中 食器 中 水 也, 取 清 澄久遠者 佳。 古 留 餘 ,節 瓜 毒 潰 。尸 言二 物 不 ,爛 餘皆 成 水也 。
文 :曰 工
ollected Explanations. [Chen] Cangqi: Ihis is the water in food jars in ancient tombs. It is best to take [water] that is clear with the dregs having settled over an extended period of ttime. An ancient text7? states: Sugarcane has retained its nodes. The poison of melons has ulcerated the corpse.”Ihat is to say these two items have not rotted.All others have turned to water
【 氣 】味 辛 ,
平 , 有 小 毒。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, balanced, slightly poisonous.
【 主 】治 鬼 氣中 惡 症必 , 心腹 痛, 惡 夢 鬼神 , 殺 農 飲 , 令 人 心 閃。 又 雲: 洗眼 見鬼 , 未 試。 居 器。
日。 進 一 ,合 不可 多
Control. Demon qiy being struck by the malign, attachment-illness”” of the hostile. Painful central and abdominal region. Bad dreams with demons and spirits. It kills roundworms. Ingest one ge. One must not drink much of it lest it let one experience heart-pressure. It is also said: Io wash the eyes [with this water] lets one see
demons. Ihis has not been tested. [Chen] Cangdt.
【 附 方】 新 一 。 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded上|
喳 疾。 古 塚 內 罐 器 中水 , 但 得 飲 之 即 ,愈 Choking
極 有 神 效。 壽 域方 。
山ness.Simply [let the patient| drink water from a [food] jarin an ancient
tomb and he will be cured. Ihis is extremely divinely effective. $2oz zz zzz
79_Gz ozz 古文 : 末 zoozz 7 及 藝 文 類 聚 ch.4, quoting Xie Huilians's 謝 惠連 五 zz 2 ee7z 祭
古 塚 文 has 2e c2zz 22.77c oz2 2722 人 7 %7 蔗
傳 餘 ,節 瓜
文 might be amisleading abbreviation of 及 ez 227g zoez 祭 8o
表 遺 .犀 Hence 2z/ Z0277 古
古 塚文 .
Z2z 症 , also 2z 注 ,“attachment-iness, “infllx-inesss, "reflects a notion of a foreign pathogenic agentp originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM DictL 688-695.
C///z27/e7 7
赤 龍 浴 水 拾遺 C27 /972e 7 2
上 弓 527 籽
Waterin which ared dragonhas bathed.
雨 水 服。 在 者 , 人 或遇 之, 經 取 【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日 】 此 澤間 小果 有 赤 蛇 中 ollected Explanations. [Chen] Cangdqi: Ihis is the water of small springs in the marshlands in which red snakes are present. Humans
sometimes encounter them.
ollect the water following arainfall and ingest it.
【 主 】治 有 小 。毒 主站 結 ,氣 諸
惡 入 腹 及咬 人 生 痕 則
瘡 。者 藏 器。
ontrol Slipghtly poisonous. Jt controls conglomeration-ness with qi forming nodes, and all types of conglomeration記ness with malign worms/bugs entering the abdomen, as well as sores/wounds caused to humans by their bites.[Chenl
angdlt. o5-28
轍 中 綢 水 目
C2e 22e 2972o 52z/5 上 匕 Gz7zg 722
Waterfrom acartrut,
【 釋 名】【 時
珍 日】 轍, 乃 車 行 跡也 。
Explanation of Names. [Li] Shizhen: [ITIhe meaning of] z2z 轍 is: Traces left by a movlng cart.
蹄 水 亦 。可 時 珍 。 日 洗 ,之 甚 。良 牛 中 【 主 】治 翊 瘍 ,風 五月 五 取 Control Pervasion-illness with ulcer wind. Collect_ [this water] on the filfth day
of the ffth month and wash [the affected regions with it|. Very good. Ihe water collected in the [traces left by the] hoofs ofoxen can be [used] too. [Li] Shizhen.
地 漿 列 下 錄 品 77 zzoy 上 弓 有 7 /z, lower rank.
Earth broth.
【 釋 】名 士 漿, 【 弘 景 日】 此 掘 沈 , 少 了項 取 清用 之, 故 日地 漿 , 亦
黃 士 作 地 坎, 深 日 土漿 。
三 ,尺 以
新 汲 水 添入 攪
Explanation of Names. 朋 zzzg 士 漿, “soil broth.” [Tao] Hongjing: This [water is obtained as follows]. Dig a pit three c2z deep, into a ground of yellow soil, pour
newly drawn water into it and and stir [the water] until it is muddy Jhen wait for
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
ashortwhile until it has cleared again,and use it [for therapeutic purposes]. Hence itis called “earth broth. Itis also called “soilbroth.
【 氣 】味 甘,
寒, 無 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, cold, nonpoisonous.
中 及 亂 霍 療 , 毒 菌 諸 物 藥 、 果菜 肉 切 魚 一 解 錄 。 【 主 】治 解中 毒 煩 。悶 別 喝 卒 死者, 飲 一 升 。妙 時 珍 。 Control. Tt resolves poisoning accompanied by unrest and heart-pressure. 5zz 及 . To resolve 3 types of fish, meat fruit, vegetable, medication and mushroom poison,
and to heal cholera and sudden death following asunstroke, to drink one y2ezze w 名 have wondrous effects.
【 天 藏, 增
發 】【 明 弘 景 日】 益 衛 生 寶 鑑 :雲 中 躁則 消亡 , 非 人 陰 之 陰 坎中 , 詞 中
楓 上 菌 食 之 令人 笑 不休 , 飲此 即 解。【 時 珍 日】 按 羅 點 霍亂 , 乃 暑 熱 內 傷, 七 神 迷 亂 所 致 。 陰 氣 則靜 神 漿 於 至 陰 之 氣 不 愈。 坤 烏 ,地 地 屬 ,陰 土 曰 靜 。順 地 作 陽 之 陽也 。 ,陰 能 瀉 中
Explication. [Tao] Hongjing: A mushroom growing on maple trees, When eateny wi cause one to laugh without end. Ihis will be resolved by drinking this [water][Li] Shizhen: According to Luo Tianyis 族 7y2ezg 2z2.77z7z, “sunstroke and cholera
are caused by harm caused internally by summer heat resulting in aconfusion of the seven spirits.As long as theyin qi are calmy, the spirits remain stored. Once [the
yin q] become restless, [the spirits] are lost. Ihis can be cured only With the qi of extremeyin.[Ihe trigram」Zz7z is the earth,and the earth is associated With yin. Soil
is to say quietude and conformity. 世 arth broth forming in holes on theyin side of aWwallis yin in yin,anditcan serve to drain the yang in yang.
【 |
新 六
Added Recipes. One ofold. Six newly [recorded」.
熱馮 煩 。閃 地
漿 一 ,章 飲 。之 聖惠 方 。
Heat With thirst, unrest and heart-pressure. Drink one cup of earth broth. $2e7zg 2z/7 /277g
袍 霍亂 ,病 不 吐 不 ,利 脹 痛 欲 死。 地 四 三 五 意 服 即 愈。 大 Dry cholera abdominall fve cups of a] rice soup
忌 米 。湯 千 金方 。
disease accompanied by neither vomiting nor free-fux, but with [an distension bringing one close to death. |Let the patient] ingest three to earth broth,and this will be cured. [During such atherapy consuming is strictly prohibited. 0zz7zz.7-zz /7zg
C///z27/e7 7
服藥 過 劑 閃 亂 。者 地
漿 飲 。之 肘
後方 。
Jn the case of heart-pressure and confusion following an ingestion of an overdose of medication drink earth broth. /Z22z 29z./7zo
椒 ,毒 吐 白 ,沫 喘 冷 欲 死者 。 地
漿 飲 。之 張 仲 景 金 匱 方 。
Poisoning by mouth closing peppep With vomiting of white foam and the body being cold as if [the patient] were about to die. Let him drink earth broth. Zhang
乙hongjing,.777/ //z/7 /27z2o.
中 野 芋 。毒 土 漿 飲 。之 集 簡 方 。 Taro poisoning. [Let the patient] drink earth broth. 堵 74z7z./z7zg
黃 鱈魚 毒。 食 此 ,魚 犯 琍 ,芥 能 害人 。 服地 真 解 。之 集 簡 方 。 Yellow-head catflsh poison. When this fish is eaten,[consumption of」yc27%27ze/eZz
[spike] is to be avoided. It can harm one. [Let the patient] ingest earth broth to resolve the [poison」]. 博 7Z27z 7
中 磯 箱 毒。 地
槳 欠調 粉 服 ,之 立
解。 集玄 方 。
Arsenic poisoning. Mix earth broth with lead carbonate and [let the patient] ingest
this.[ he poison] will be resolved immediately. 二 xzZ7z./z7z
熱湯 宋 嘉 祐 ec zzzo 上 匕 Songy.77z 交 2.
Hot boiling water
【 釋 】名 百 沸 湯 綱 、目 麻 沸 湯 仲 景、 太 和 湯 。 Explanation of Names. 5z7./7 7 百 沸 湯 ,“hot water boiled to bubbling a hundred times,”Gzzze 2. 和 2z 7 zz 麻 沸 湯 ,“hot water heated to boiling.” [Zhangl] Zhongjing. 727 2 紀 zo 太 和 湯 ,“hot water of supreme harmony”
【 氣 】味 甘, 平 , 無 毒。【 時 珍 曰】 按: 汪 引 雲: 熱湯須 百 沸 者 。佳 若 半 沸 ,者 飲 反之 傷 元 ,氣 作 脹。 或 去熱湯 漱 口 損 。李 病 目人 勿 以熱湯 洗浴 。 煎 服, 損 人 之 刀 。 灌 ,之 能 脫 指甲 。 鋼 瓶 湯 以 凍 僵 人 勿 熱湯 Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous. [Li| Shizhen: According to Wang
Yingy hot water is good when it has been boiled to bubbling one hundred times. Tit was boiled for only half that titme, contrary [to ones intentions] it harms the
original di and causes distension. Elsewhereitis said that rinsing the mouth with hot water w 記 harm the teeth. People with an eye disease must not wash themselves With hot water. People frozen to stifness must not be washed with hot water lest
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
they lose their finger/toe nails. If hot water boiled in acopperjar is ingestedyit w 訓 harm the voice.
【 主 】治 助 陽 ,氣 行 經 。絡 宗 。殉 盡 霍亂 轉 筋入 腹 及 客 性 。死 嘉 祐。 ontrol. It supports the yang qi. Itmoves through the conduits and network [vessels].[Kou] Zongshi. It is used to exert hot pressure on [patients] suffering from
cholera and twisted sinews permeating the abdomen and on those who have died from being visited by the hostile../zz 2
【 縱 】【 明 宗 夷 日】 熱 湯 能 通 經 ,絡 患 風 冷 氣 痺人 , 以 湯 淋 腳 至 上膝 , 厚 覆 取 汗 周身 。 然 別有 藥 , 亦 假 陽 氣 而 行 。爾 四 時 暴 泄 ,痢 四 肘 ,冷 臍 腹 疼, 深 湯 中 ,坐 浸 至 上腹 , 頻頻 作 之。 生 陽 諸 ,藥 無 速 於 。此 虛 寒人 始 坐 湯 中 必 ,顫 仍 常 令人 伺守 之 。【 張 從 正 日 】 凡 傷寒 、 傷 、風 傷 、食 傷 酒 , 初 起 無 ,爍 便 飲太 和 湯委 許 , 或 酸 募 汁 亦可 , 以 手 採 ,肚 覺 恍惚 , 再 飲再 出 已 。【 時 珍 日】 張 仲 景 治 心下 痞, 按 之 濡 , 採, 至 無 所 ,容 探 ,吐 汗 則 關上 艇 有 浮, 大 黃 黃 惠 瀉 心 ,湯 用 麻 沸 湯 煎 ,之 取 其 氣 薄 而 洩 虛 熱 。也 朱 真人 靈 駿 篇 雲: 有 人 患 風 疾 數 ,年 掘 坑 令 坐 坑 ,內 解 衣 , 以熱湯 淋 ,之 恨 推 意, 治 濕寒 加 久 , 以 章 蓋 ,之 汁 出 而 。生 此 亦 通 經 絡 之 法 。也 時 珍 常 此 艾 辟 ,湯 治 風 加虛 五 杖 或 五 加 風 湯 淋 ,洗 覺 效 更 速也 。 Explication. [Kou] Zongshi. Hot water is able to penetrate conduits and network
[vessels]. People suffering from numbness caused by cold qi have their legs steeped With hot water up to their knees, and they are then warmly covered to have their entire body sweat. ]t is also possible to achieve these effects with fmhe yang qq 9 certain medications. [Patients suffering from」 violent outflow and free-flux iness5 associated With any of the four seasons, coldness of the four limbs, and pain in the naveland abdominal region are to be seated deeply in hot water to be soaked up to their abdomen,and such atherapyis to be conducted repeatedly. Ihere are no drugs generating yang [qi] hat act as fast as such[a therapy]|. Persons with a depletion lofyang q] and cold will shudder when they first sit down inhotwater. Ihey must be permanently watched by someone else. Zhang Congzheng: For all instances of harm caused by cold, harm caused by wind, harm caused by food, and harm caused by winein theirvery beginningyino medication is at hand, simply [let the patiend drink a bowl or more of hot watep sour juice of minced pickles will do, too, and
massage his belly With your hands until he is about to faint. Ihen let him drink [hot water] again,and massage [his belly] again until he can no longer tolerate this. Then probe[into his throat] to let him vomit. He will sweatand is then cured. [Li
了 7
痢 ,“free-flux illness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
C///z27/e7 7
之hang /hongjing cures an obstacle-iliness”“ below the heart that turns
soft when pressed, accompanied by a floating [movement in the] vessels, with the “decoction With rhubarb root and co2/zy [rhizome] to drain the heart”that is to be
boiled with hotwater which was heated to boiling, thereby making use of its light qi and its ability to drain depletion heat. /hu zhenren in his zzze 7 2727/ States: “There was aman who had suffered from a wind ness for several years. A pit was dug and [the patient] was asked tositdown in thepitbe with his clothes taken off. He
was thenpoured overwith hotbboiling waterforquite along time while he was covered with astraw mat.When heeffused sweat, he was cured. JIhis, too,is amethod
to penetrate the conduit and network [yessels]. [Li Shizhen regularly suggests to act in accordance With this concept. lo cure cold with dampness, he adds a decoction of common mugwort [leaves]. Io cure wind depletion, he adds the“decoction of five twigs, ora decoction of Zczzz222z7zzxz [root bark] to be poured over [the patient| or to wash him. Ihis way effects will be sensed even faster.
【 附 方】 舊 四, 新 九。 Added Recipes. Four of old. Nine newly [recorded
傷寒 初 。起 取 熱湯
飲 ,之 候 吐 則 止。 陳 居 器本 草 。
Harm causedby coldinits initial stage.QObtain hot waterand [let the patient] drink it. Once he vomits, [the iness] will end. C2z7z Cz7ze27 2e7z 人 Z2.
初 感 風寒 , 頭痛 憎 寄 。者 用 水 七 ,血 燒鍋 令 ,亦 投 水 於 ,內 取 起 再 燒再 投 , 如 此 七 ,次 名 七 沸 湯 , 乘 熱飲 一 ,得 以 衣 被 覆 頭 取 汗, 神 。效 傷 寒總 要 ,。 A beginning sensation of wind cold, With headache and an aversion to cold. Take sevVen cups of water. Ihen heat a pot over fire until it turns red and give the water into it. Ihen remove it heat [the pot again] and give [the waterj into it again. Con-
tinue like this altogether seven times. Ihis is called the “decoction ofsevenboilings. Drinkone bowlas long asitis stil1 hot,with the clothes onand thehead covered to cause sweating. Divinely effective. $2z7zc 22z7z )Z/7z 2.
性 惡 傘 。死 鋼 器 或中 器盛 熱湯 , 隔衣 收 其 腹上 , 冷 草。
即 ,易 立 愈。 陳 居 器 本
了 瑟 痞 ,“obstacle-iness, "afeeling ofuncomfortable fuliness and distension.BCGM Dict 37I.
IThe five twigs are peach tree twigs, willow tree twigs,Japanese pagodatree twigs, jujube twipgs,and mulberry tree twigs.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Sudden death resulting from [being visited by the] hostile and the malign. Fill a copper container or apottery container with hot water and press it separated by a garment,on the [patients]abdomen.Change [the water] whenithas cooled down.
This results in an immediate cure. CZ2ezz Cz7zg27 2e7z cZ2.
盛 贍 之, 仍 槍 亂 轉 筋。 以 器 湯
令 踢 ,器 使 足 底 熱 ,徹 冷 則 易。 嘉 祐本 草 。
holera with contorted sinews. Fill a container with hot water and press it on [the patients abdomen]. Also let [the patient] step on this container until the soles of
his feet have become thoroughly hot.Change [the water] when ithas cooled down. ./7Z 姑 z 2277 22.
署 蝦月
死 。 以 熱湯 徐徐 灌 ,之 小 舉 其 頭, 令 湯 入 ,腹 即 班。 千 金 方
Death following sunstroke during the summerheat months. Slowly forcefeed hot water [to the patient] and slightly lift his head to let the hot water enter his abdomen. Ihis will bring him back to life. 07z7z./7z 7
沃 安, 妙 火 眼 赤 爛。 累 閉 ,目 以 熱湯 沃 ,之 湯 冷 即 ,止 頻 取 薄荷 、 防 風、 鹿 詢, 煎 湯 沃 ,之 亦 妙。 趙 原 陽 濟 急 方 。
在 閉 。目 或 加
Red and festering filre eyes. When the eyes are tigphtly closed, rinse them with hot water until 了 he hotwater has cooled down. Repeat this rinsing until the problem is settled. Ihe effect on closed eyes is wondrous.One may also add mint, ,z22527z22072 root, yc27%27zeoezz「spike] and prepare a decoction to rinse the [affected eyes]. Ihis,
too is wondrous./hao Yuanyangy.77
金 瘡 血 出 不 止 。 以 故 布 薩 熱 湯 僵 之。 延 壽 書 。 Incessantly bleeding wounds caused by metal objects/weapons. Soak apiece of old fabric in hot water and press it on [the affected region」]. 攻 z 292z 2.
指 腫 。痛 麻
沸 湯 漬 之, 即 安。 千 金
Painful swelling associated with filnger Soak [the finger] in hot water heated to boiling,and this will settle the problem. 07zz7z.777z Zoo
北 腫 初 。起 以 熱湯 頻 沃 ,之 即 散 。也 集
簡方 。
When aswelling associated with an obstruction訓ness,* is just beginning to rise. Wash the [affected regionj repeatedly With hot waterp and it w 訕 disperse. 7 7277 zz
多 7g
癱 ,“obstruction-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 64r.
C///z27/e7 7
凍瘡 不 。痣 熱湯
洗 。之 陳 并 器 。
Frostbite sores that fail to heaL Wash them with hot water. Chen Cangdt.
馬 汁入 瘡, 腫 痛 欲 死。 沸
湯 溫 洗 即 。疾 千 金方 。
When sweatofahorse has entered awoundresulting in swelling and pain bringing one close to dying. Wash [the affected region] With hot water boiled to bubbling and this will result in a cure. 0zz7z.777z zz
蠍 黃 赦 。傷 溫 湯 漬 ,之 數 易 , 至 旦 愈。 華 陀 治 彭 城 去人 方。 Harm caused by the stings of scorpions. Soak the [affected regionj in warm or hot watep and frequently exchange [the water]. By dawn of the next day a cure wi have been achieved. Recipe applied by Hua Iuo when he cured the lady from Peng cheng-
繞 不 。解 熱
金方 。
湯 淋 ,之 即 脫。 千
A snake winds around [one person] and cannot be released. Pour hot water on it
and it wi fall of 0727z.77z 7 o5-3I
生 2,e72e 5 Freshandprocessedhotwater
【 釋 】名 陰 陽水 。【 時 今人 謂 之 陰陽水。
熟 湯 抬遺 Zz7zoy 上 弓 27 女
珍 曰】 以 新 汲 、水 百
沸 湯 合 一 章 和 勻 , 故 日生 熟 ,
Explanation of Names. 瑟 z yzzg zz 陰陽 水 ,“yin and yang water” [LI] Shizhen: Because this is an even mixture of newly drawn water and hot water boiled to bubblhing ahundred times,it is called fresh and processed. Nowadays, the people ca it yin and yang Water.
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
鹹, 無 兩。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, salty, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 調 中 消食 。 凡 痰 站 及 宿 食 毒 惡 之 ,物 臟 脹 欲作 霍亂 者, 即 以 鹽投 中 , 進 二 一 升 , 令 盡吐 痰 ,食 便 。愈 藏 器。 凡 霍亂 及 嘔吐 , 不 能 納 食及 爍 , 危 甚 ,者 先 飲 數 口 即定。 時珍 。 Control It adjusts the center and dissolves food. [It serves to cure] all types of phlegm, malaria and [ 訕 nesses caused by] food remaining in the body overnight as Well as poisonous and malign items,evidentin distensionand atendency to develop into cholera. Ioss salt into [the hot,boiling water] and [let the patient] ingest one
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
to two s2ezzg. Ihis will let him throw up the phlegm and the food, and he wil be cured. [Chenj Cangqi. For 和 cases of cholera andvomiting,Wwith an inability to consume food or to ingest medication, When the situation is extremely dangerous, |let the patient」 first drink several mouthfuls and his condition will be stabilized.
Li| Shizhen.
【 和 , 升, 器 物志
發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 上 焦 主 納 , 下 焦 主 。出 三 焦 通 ,利 陰陽 升降 周 流, 則 臟腑 暢 達。 一 失 其 道, 信條 邊際 濁 陰 不降 , 清 陽 不 分 其 陰陽, 使得 其 平 也. 【 藏 之 病。 飲 此 湯 輒 定 ,者 故 發 為 奪 亂 嘔吐 生 湯 沒 有 , 則 湯 皆 詞 酒及 瓜 味。 博 醉 食 瓜 果 過 度 者, 以 夫 日】 紋人 大 及 瓜 五 十 ,枚 至 琉 則 無 限 。也 未 試。 雲: 浸 至 ,腰 食 可
Explication. [Li| Shizhen: Ihe Upper Burner controls intake. Ihe Central Burner [controls] digestion and transformation. Ihe Lower Burner controls emission.
When the Ihree Burners are passable, when yin and yang [qi] are adjusted and in harmony when acirculation of rising and descending [q] flows freely the long-
term depots and the short-term repositories will be working smoothly Tthe WAY is missed in one respecty the two qi [of yin and yang」 will be confused. Ihe turbid yin[qi] fails to descend,and the clear yang [qi] fails to rise. Hence diseases such as
cholera and vomiting result.If this decoction of fresh and processed water is drunk, [the situationj] will be stabilized immediately Ihe yin and yang [qi] will be separated and this leads to their balance.[Chen] Cangqi: Whenever an adult has drunk
to intoxication or has consumed too many melons and other fruits, soak his body in fresh and processed hot water. Ihis water wi then assume the flavor of the wine and of the melons. Ihe 5o voz 27 states: “If ones body is soaked up to the lower backy, he can eat 5o melons.Ifit is soaked up to his neck, there is no limit.” This has not been tested yet. os5-32
犬 綱目 水 了 交 zp 上 匕 Gz7zg 2
Waterused to prepare preservedvegetables.
菜 水 也。 黃 【 集 解 】【 時 珍 晶 】 此 乃 作 慕 ollected Explanations. [Li] Shizhen: Ihis is the water left after preparing yellow preserved vegetables.
【 氣 】味 酸 , 鹹 , 無 專。 Qiand Flavor. Sourp salty nonpoisonous.
C///z27/e7 7
【 主 】治 吐 諸 痰 飲 宿 ,食 酸 苦 涌 泄 烏 陰 。也 時 珍 。 ontrol Vomiting of al types of phlegm rheum? and food that has remained in the body overnight. Sour and bitter [favors cause] fushing outflow; they are yin |flavors]. [Li Shizhen.
O5 33
漿 水 宋 嘉祐 7 92 上 比 Songy.77z 交 . Fermented wateroffoxtail millet.
【 釋 】名 酸 漿。 【 嘉 誤 日 】 漿 , 本 也。 炊 粟米, 熱 味 ,酪 生 白花 , 色 類 ,漿 故 。名 若 浸 至 敗者 , 害 人 。
投 冷水 中 , 浸 六五 日 ,
Explanation of Names. Szzzz.7zzzg 酸 漿 .[Chen] 本amo:./zzz 眉 is zz
酪 ,“vinegar?
ook millet and drop the hotitem into cold water to let it soak there for flve to six
days. Ihenitwill have assumed the fiavorofvinegarand white flowers will form [on its surface|. Its color now resembles thatofstarch,hence its name.Tfitis left to soak
until it has decayedy it w 訓 harm one.
【 氣 】味 甘、 酸 , 微 ,溫 無 毒,【 宗 琴 日】 不 可 李 同 食 , 令 人 霍亂 不 飲 , 令 絕 。產 醉 後 飲 ,之 失 音 。 妊婦 勿 食 , 令 骨兒 瘦。 冰 眉 尤 可
吐利 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, soup slightly warm, nonpoisonous. [Kou] Zongshi: It must
not be caten together With plums,lestit cause cholera with vomiting and free-flux. Pregnant women must not eat it, lest their children develop bone emaciation. Ice-
cold fermented water of foxtail millet in particular must not be drunk ]est it cause
premature termination of pregnancy Ihose who drinkit following an intoxiflcation [With wine] will lose their voice.
【 主 】治 調 中 引 ,氣 宣和 強力 , 通關 胃開 止 ,憑 準 亂 洩 ,利 消 宿 。食 宣 作 粥 , 薄 暮 啜 ,之 解 煩 去 ,睡 調理 腑 。臟 司 令 ,酸 止 另 嘆, 白人 膚 , 體如 縮 吊。 嘉 。祐 利 小 。便 時 珍 。 ontrol It adjusts the center and stimulates the [flow of the] qi. It supports harmony and adds to ones strength. It penetrates joints, opens the stomach and ends thirst. [It serves to cure] cholera With _free-flow, and to dissolve food that has re-
mained [in the body] overnight. It is suitable for preparing congees that are to be caten at dusk, as it resolves unrest and eliminates [ones desire to] sleep. ITt adjusts
and brings back to order the [functioning of the] five long-term depots and six 85
7Zzyz7 導 飲 ,“phlegm rheum,”refers to pathological products that have accumulated in 也 ebody and that are excretedin the process of changes affecting the depots and palaces. They may block the passage of di and blood and thereby become pathogenic factors. BCGM Dict L 498.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
short-term repositories. Boiled until it has assumed asour flavop it will end vomit-
ing andbelching.Itwhitens the skin,and provides the body with an appearancelike silk..7z
zz. Tt frees the flowofurine.[Li] Shizhen.
明 震 亨 日】 髮 水 性 閔 善 ,走 故 解 煩 洶 而 化 滯物 。 【 發 】【 Explication. [Zhu] Zhenheng: Ihe nature of fermented water of foxtail millet is
coob and it moves easily Hence it resolves unrest with thirst and transforms stagnant ltems.
Added Recipes. Five of old. One newly [recorded.
吐下 。 酸
右 水 藤 贅 薑 ,屑 呷 。之 兵 部 手集 。
holera With vomiting and discharge. Boil dried ginger in fermented water of foxtail millet and [let the patientj sip the_ [liquid 2zzg 2 22 元
過 食 脯 ,腊 筋 閃痛 絕。 閒 水 章 ,粥 入 少 鷹 ,屎 和 食。 孫 真人 方 。 Overeating of preserved meat, with painful sinews, heart-pressure and a [possiblel」 interruption of[the movement of]dqi. Use fermented water of foxtail millet to boil
acongee,add asmall amount of eagle droppings,and consume all this together. $z7 之2z7z7e77 /272g.
胎 易 。產 酸 漿 水和 水 少許, 頓 。服 產 宇 。
To smoothen the passage of afetus and make delivery easy Mix sour fermented water of foxtail millet with [ordinary] water and have [the pregnant woman] ingest this all at once. C2z7z 2z2.
手指 腫 。痛 閒 水入 少
鹽, 熱 漬 ,之 冷 即 易 。之 孫 真人 方 。
Painful swelling of fingers.Add alittle salt to fermented water of foxtail millet, heat itand soak the [affected fingerjin it. Once [the liquid has] become cold, replace it [with hot liquid]. $z7z 2e7z7c7z zzz
面上 黑子 。 每 夜 以 燈 漿 水 洗面 , 以 布 指 ,亦 用 白 檀 香 磨 汁 塗 。之 外 臺 秘要 ,。 Black dots on the face. 世 ach night wash it With warm fermented water of foxtail millet and rub it With acloth until it turns red. Ihen apply to it the juice obtained by rubbing sandalwood [in wate」. 放 7 2/ 27 22.
肯 喫 在 。咽 磁 石 刀火 酯 ,淬 陳 橘紅 焙, 多 年 漿 水 腳 ,炒 等 分 為末 , 別 以 漿 水 和腳 丸 詹 子大 , 每 含 嚥 一 。丸 聖 濟 錄 。
C///z27/e7 7
Choking onabonein the throat.[Grind to] a powder equal amounts of calcined
mapgnetite dipped into vinegap old tangerines baked over afire,and roasted dregs of fermented water of foxtail millet that has been kept for years. Again use the dregs of fermented water of foxtail millet to prepare [this powder to] pills the size of 7Z277 seeds. For each treatment [let the patient] keep one pil in his mouth and swallow
[the resulting liquid]. $2ezzg 埃 Z
斷 氣 水 拾遺 之ezze 29752277 上 匕 $27 )7.
Water[lcondensedlfrom qirising from asteamer
【 主 】治 以 器 承取 , 沐 也。 藏 器。 益
,頭 長 毛 ,閉 令 黑 。潤 朝 用 朝 梳 摩 小 兄 ,頭 久
ontrol Io be collected with acontainer. When used to wash the head, it supports the growth of hair and lets it become black and moist. When rubbed onachilds head every morningy, after an extended period of time an improvement w 襄 benoticable.[Chen] Cangdt.
【 | 附 方】 新 一 。 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded.
小 兒 諸 。准 過 吃 或 面上 生 瘡 , 爛 成 孔 ,白 如 大 人 楊梅 瘡。 用 糯米 蒸 時外 篷 四 邊 滴 下 氣 ,水 以 盤 承取 , 掃 瘡上 , 不 數 日 即 。效 百 藥 不 效 ,者 用 之神 妙。 集 章方 。 Al types of oz7加 nesses8 of children, with sores developing al over the body or on the face,and festering resulting in holes,similar to red bayberry sores”7 of adults. ollect the condensed water dripping from the four sides of aglutinous rice steam~er and apply it to the sores. A cure will be achieved after only afew days. Where the hundreds of medications fail to show an effect an application of this [water] is
divinely wondrous..7z7zz7 7
86_Gzz 凍 ,“ozz-iness,”also: “sweets-iness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCGJIM _Dict DI8o-I88. 87。
于 zg zzz c2zzzg 楊梅 瘡, “red bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases 0f syphilis. BCGM Dict
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
o5-35 銅 滴漏 壺 綱目 水 797zc 22/ 2 702 5
上 匕 Gz7z 22.
Waterfrom acopperclepsydra.
【 主 】治 性 ,滑 上 可
至 ,顛 下
可 至 ,旻 宜 四煎 末 之 。藥 虛 搏。
ontrolL Its nature is slippery Above it can reach the peak; below it can reach the spring. It is suitable for boiling medication for the four limbs. Yu luan. o5-36
三家 洗 名 水 拾遺 S277. 有 2 %7 207 52 上 匕 S27 )Z. Waterusedtorinse the dishesofthreehouseholds.
沸 鹽 洗 ,之 不過 三 五 。度 藏 器 。 瘡 不 ,痣 藤 入 【 主 】治 惡 久 Control. Bad sores/wounds that have notbeen cured foralong time. Boilit to bubblingy, add salt and use it to wash [the affected region]. No more than three to flve
[applications required]. [Chen] Cangdi.
磨刀 水 綱目 人79 Zoo zz
上 弓 Goz7zg 222.
Waterusedto sharpen knives.
珍 日】 洗 手 則 生 癬 。
【 氣 】味 鹹 , 寄 , 無 毒。【 時
Qi and Flavor. Salty cold, nonpoisonous. [Li| Shizhen: If it is used to wash the
hands, they will develop xzz7z-ness
【 主 】治 利
小 ,便 消 熱 腫。 時珍 。
ControlL It frees the flow of urine. It dissolves swelling associated with heat. [Li Shizhen.
【 附 方】 新 五 。 Added Recipes. Five newly [recorded.
小 便 不 。通 磨刀 交 股 水 一 ,荔 服 之 。效 集 箇 方 。 Blocked urination. Ingest one cup of water used to sharpen knives and scissors. 紀 fective.. 了 7Zz7z./7zo 88 有 zzz-iHness Dict LP59L.
癬 ,skin 計 ness With itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
C02//z27/e7 7
肛門 腫 ,痛 欲作 痔瘡 。 急取 屠刀 磨 水 ,服 甚 。效 集 簡 方 。 Painful swelling in the anus, leading to a formation of piles sores. Quickly obtain the water used to sharpen abutchers knife and ingest it. Very effective..77.727z 7
角 生 腸 產, 腸四 不 上 者。 以 刀磨 水 少 潤 。腸 風 磁石 好 扁草 方 也 。 上 。 乃
一 ,更 溫 ,服 自 然收
Birth_with a [protruding] twisted intestine, with the intestine having dried and
failinpg to ascend again. Moisten the intestine with water used to sharpen aknife and boil With it magnetite of good quality [Let the patient] ingest one cup warm. This is arecipe of Bian Que.
蛇 咬 毒攻 人入 腹。 以 兩 刀 於 水 中 相 ,摩 飲 其 。汁 救急 方 。 TJhe poison of asnake bite has apggressively entered the abdomen. Rub two knives against each otherin water and drink the resultinp liquid../2 臟 zzg.
Sudden pain in the ears. Drip the iron broth left after sharpening aknife into [the aching ear and the painj will be cured. 及 zz2 yz7z x77z 誠 Zze. o5-38
藍 綱目 水
7777 /7 5 上 匕 Cz7zg 2 Waterin which [fabricsjhave beenimmersedlto be dyed withl Chineseindigo plant[lwaterl.
【 氣 】味
辛、 苦 ,
寒, 無 毒。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, bitterp cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 除 ,熱 解毒 , 殺 罷。 治 誤 吞 星 水 成 ,積 脹 痛 黃 ,瘦 飲 之 下 取 則 愈。 時 。珍 染 布 ,水 療 喘 喉 病 及 喳 ,疾 溫 服 一 鐸 。良 時 珍 。 Control. Itremoves heat,resolves poison and kills worms/bugs. Tt serves to cure accumulations resulting from having inadvertently swallowed leeches, with swelling, pain, yellow [complexion] and emaciation. Drink this until a discharge is caused, and a cure will be achieved. [Li] Shizhen. Water used to dye clothes serves to
heal throat diseases and choking lnesses. Jo ingest one 222zce warm is good. [L Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 藍 水、 染 布 ,水 皆取 藍及 石灰 殺能 田 解毒 之 。義 昔 人 因 醉 飲 田 中 ,水 誤 吞 水 ,星 胸腹脹 ,痛 面 ,黃 過 醫 不 。效 因 宿 中店 渴 飲 水, 大 瀉 數 ,行 平明 視 ,之 水 星 無 ,數 其 病 頓 愈也 。 甚, 誤 此
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
Explication. [Li] Shizhen:[Io apply] Chinese indigo plant water and water used
to dye clothes [for therapeutic purposes] is always based on the idea that indigo and lme are able to kill worms/bugs and to resolve poison. Formerly someone was intoxicated [by wine] and when he drank water from a field he inadvertently
swallowed leeches causing a painful distension of his chest and abdomen, with his face assuming a yellow complexion. No physician was able to effectively cure this. Subsequently when he stayed overnightinashop [engaged in dying clothesj, he was Very thirsty and inadvertently drank this water. Ihis resulted in numerous massive outflows, Which, upon inspection, revealed countless leeches. His disease was
immediately cured.
o5-39 豬 槽 中 水 拾遺 /27Z/ co 22o72c 2
上 糾 527 )7
【 主 】治 胃 專, 服 一 。瘟 又 療 蛇 咬 ,瘡 浸 之 。效 天 器。 ontrol. For gz poison”? ingest one cup. Also, to heal wounds resulting from snake bites,immerse the [affected regionin this water]. 選 ffective.[Chen] Cangdi
市 門 溺 坑水 抬 遭 $727 77zc77 272 Z272 5
上 糾 527 )7,
Waterfrom public urinary pits.
【 主 】治 無 毒。 止 消 ,渴 重
者 服 一 小 ,韻 勿
令 知之 , 三 并度 。
ontrol. Nonpoisonous. It ends melting with thirst.? For severe cases, [let the pa-
tient] ingest one small cup, but do not let him know what it is. A cure will be achieved after three applications.[Chen] Cangdt.
_Gz 旻 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magpic pathogenic agent. Qriginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bugy the only creatureinaclosed jar surviving competition with hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. The resulting disease was termed oz Z
9o zz2 &z 消 VolLp567.
同 專 ,“oz poison(Ging).“ BCGM
Dict LIor.
洶 ,“melting with thirst, "mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
C02//z27/e7 7
足 綱目 水
7529z/ ?2/ 522/罰 上 Waterused to washhands and feet,
【 主 】治 病 後 勞 ,復 或因 梳 ,頭 或食物
已 Goz7zo 2222
復發 , 取 一 合 飲 ,之 效。 聖 惠 。
ontrol. Relapse of a disease because of exhaustion, either because of combing the hair or itis arenewed outbreak tripggered by food. Take one ee [of this water] and drink it. 弓 ffective. S$2e7zo 22/7. o5-42
兒 綱目 湯
和 7e7 zz7zoy 上 糾 Gz7zg 2222. Tlotwaterin which achild was bathed
【 主 】治 胎衣 不 下 , 服 一 ,意 勿
令 知 。之 延 年 秘錄 。
ontrol For failure of the placenta to descend, [have the womanj ingest one cubp, but do notlether know whatit1s. 刀 7z 7277 727 Z.
諸 水有 毒 拾遺 77z/ 522/Z 92 2 上 弓 527 )/7.
All typesofwaterthat are poisonous.
水 府 龍宮 , 不 可 觸犯 。【 藏 器 曰】 水 之 怪 移 ,抵 溫 里 然 犀 照 ,水 詞 所神 憑
是 也。 TJhe dragon palace is a water mansion; it must not be offended. [Chen] Cangdi:
[Ihe activities of ] goblins and monsters in waters are the results of the anger caused
to the spirits by Wen Qiao who burned arhinoceros [horn」 to light up the water |and observe theml」-
水 中有 赤
豹 , 不可 斷 之 。
When there are red vessels in the water; they must not be cut.
井 水 沸 ,深 不可 飲 。【 時 珍 曰】 但 於 三 十 步 ,內 取 青 石 一 塊 投 ,之 即 止 。 When the waterofawWwell boils to the extend that it overflows,one must not drink
it. [Li] Shizhen: The only [way to resolve this] is to gather a greenish stone/min~ eral from within aradius of 3o steps and drop itinto [the welll. Ihis will end [the boiling.
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
古井 智 井 不 可 ,入 有 毒殺 人 。【 時 珍 曰】 夏 月 陰 氣 在下 , 尤 忌 。之 但 以秩 毛 投 ,之 盤旋 而 舞 不 下 ,者 必 有 毒 。也 以 醋 熱 數 斗 投 ,之 則 可 入 。吳 古 塚 廬 然。 Ancient wells and dry wells must not be entered. Jhey have a poison that kills humans. [Li| Shizhen: In particular during the summer months, when yin qi are
present below they are to be avoided.[Io find out whether there is poisonj, simply throw a chicken feather into [the welllL fit circles around and fails to descend, there must be poison. Pour several Zoz of hot vinegar into [the wellj, and it may be
entered. Ihe same applies to ancient tombs.
塞, 令人 盲 聾。 不可井 古 Ancient wells mustnotbe filled lest the person [who does this] turn blind and deaf.
陰地 流果 有
毒, 二 八
月 行人 飲
之 成 痛 ,開 損
腳力 。
AA spring With running waterinashady location has poison. Passers-by who drink from it during the second and the eighth month will develop miasmatic malaria, and the strength of their legs will be harmed.
澤 中 停 ,水 五 六 月有 魚 鈉 ,精 人 飲
之 成 痕病 。
Stapnant water in the marshlands during the ffth and sixth month contains the essence/sperm of flshes and fresh-water turtles. Persons who drink it will develop
conglomeration diseases.
水, 飲之 令人 痞。 中 河 沙 People who drink water from ariverrunning above sand will lose their voice.
兩 山 夾 ,水
其人 多 瘦 。
Jhe people [who drink] water from [al]ake or river] situated between two moun-
tains often suffer from goiter.
聲, 其人多 瘦 。 有 水 流 People [drinkingj water that emits noises often suffer from goiter
花瓶 ,水 飲 之殺人 , 臘 梅 尤 甚 。 To drink water from aflowervase will kill one. Ihis is especially so when |the water comes from a flower vase holding] wintersweet.
C02//z27/e7 7
令 人 成 ;癬 洗 ,腳
湯 洗 ,面 令 人 無 顏色 ; 洗 ,體
令 人 疼痛 生 瘡 。
To wash the face With hot water prepared to cook food lets the face lose its com-
plexion. Tused to wash the body it lets one develop xz27名 ness.:Tf used to wash the leps, it lets one be in pain and develop sores.
銅器 上 汁入 食 中 ,
疸, 發 惡 瘡 。
令人 生
Ifasecretion from the surface of acopper container enters food, this lets one deveT-
op an impediment-illness,> eventually eftusing as malign sores.
沐 ,頭 熱 渦 沐 ,頭 並 成 頭 ,風
女人 尤 忌之 。
Towash theheadwith cold wateprandtowash theheadwith hotwaterinwhich rice
was washed, will equally cause head wind.?” Women in particular are to avoid this.
水 經 宿 面上 有 五色 者 , 有
毒, 不可 洗手 。
Water is poisonous that has been left [in a basin] overnight and now on its surface shows the five colors. Jtmust notbe used to wash the hands.
時病後 浴 冷 水, 損 心 胞。 To bathe in cold water after [arecovery from a] seasonal disease will harm the heart enclosure. 著浴
冷 水,
To bathein cold water during sweltering summer heat generates harm caused by cold.
汗 入 後 冷水 , 數 年 而 死也 。
成骨 痺 。【 時
珍 】晶 顧閃避
行 , 汁 後 渡 ,水 朋 成骨 痺 痿 魘,
To enter cold water after sweating wi cause bone blockage訕ness. [Li] Shizhen:
Gu Min travelled along way. Having sweated he passed through ariver. Subsequently he developed bone blockage-ilness and dysfunction With loss of mobility and he died afew years ]ater.
座 後 洗浴 , 成 姜 ,風 多 死 。 [Women」 takingabath after birth develop spasm wind and often die. gI
及 zzz-iness Dict
癬 ,skin ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
92 及 疸, “impediment-iness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L,277. 93 “72z/zzg 頭 風 ,“head wind,”is wind evilattacking the head followed bypain,or dizziness, or itching. BCUGM Dict
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
酒中 飲 冷 ,水 成 手 巒 。 Drinking cold water while consuming wine will cause the hands to shake.
酒 後 說飲 水, 成 酒 闢 。 Drinking tea after one has drunk wine will cause wine apgrepgation-ness.
睡, 成水 闢。 便水 飲 Drinking water just before going to sleep will cause water apgregation-ness.
小 兒 就 瓢及 瓶 飲 ,水 令 語諷 。 When children drink water from a gourd or bottle, their speech will be slowed down.
以 和夏 月吉 行, 勿 冷水
灌足 。
After moving along distance during summer months, do not wash_ the feet With cold water
冬 加月
以 行, 勿 熱湯
灌 足。
After moving along distance during Winter months,do not wash the feet with hot Watet
草綢 目
7?)277 22 oz720 222
部 目錄
Section Fires, Contents
第六 卷 hapter 6 李時珍 :曰 水 所火 以 養民 , 而 民 賴 辨 ,火 誠 缺 文 或。 火 南方 者 之 ,行 其 也。 其 氣 行 於天, 藏于 地 , 而 用 於人 教民 熟食 , 使 無 腹 。疾 周 官司 鄰 氏 祭祀 。 司 炮 氏 掌 火 之 政令, 四 時 變 之 於 火 先 木, 飲食 必 。時 則 古 聖王 何 ?哉 今 撰 火 之 于切 日 用 灸 炳 凡者 一
以 者 。也 本 章 醫 ,方 皆 知 辨 水 生 文 橫 則 詞 三 ,卦 直 則 詞 火 ,字 炎上 。 太 古 人炒 氏 上 觀下 察, 鑽 取 木 以 取明火 於 ,日 鑑 明取 水 於 ,月 國 火 以 救 時 。疾 曲 禮 :雲 聖王 用 政天 人 之 則 , 用 心 亦 切 ,吳 而 世後 十 一 種, 烏 火 部 云 。
而 不知 之 象 火 , 以供 水 火金 慢之
[Li] Shizhen: Ihe people are nourished by water and fire, and the peoples life de-
pends on them. Still, al the medical recipes recorded in 2ez czo works distinguish between [different types of] waterp but fail to distinguish between [different types
of fire. his is truly a signifcant omission! Fires rage in the South. Ihe character [2z2 火 ,“fre”] when written horizontally is the tripram
三; when written vertically
火 to reflect rising filames.TIhe qi [of fire] move toward heaven; they are deposit-
edin the earth; they are made use of by humans. In High Antiquity a Mr. Tinder [Mirror| Man observed |heaven] above and [the earth]j below. He driled wood to
obtain filre and he taught the people to cook food, so as to avoid abdominal
訓 ness.
Among the oficials of the Zhou a Mr Sunlight resorted to atinder [mirror] to
obtain brilliance fire from the son, and by means of a [tinder] mirror he obtained
brilliance water from themoon forsacrificial usapges.A Mr Sacriflcial Fire Managper handled the administration of [the various types of」 fire. Ihe fires in the country in accordance With their changing nature in the course of the four seasons were used to protect [the people] from seasonal ness. he Oz 五 states: Ihe Sage Kings [9f the past| used waters, fires, metals and wood, and they saw to it that [the prepara~-
tion of beverages and food] corresponded to the seasons. Ihat is, the ancient Sagpe
/2e 27
Cz2 Gz7zg 4
Kings were very careful to handle [the various types of] fire in accordance with the [changing] relationship between heavenand man.Why did later generations fail to pay such respect? Here now altogether eleven kinds of fire as resorted to in daily life and for cauterization have been selected to forma section of fres.
|Iheitems recorded below are adopted from the following sources引 ez cz2527 罰 本 草 拾 遺 ,ritem, during Tang 唐 ,by Chen Cangdi 陳 居 器 ez ez ozzg zz 本 草 綱目,Io items, during Ming 明 ,by [Li] Shizhen 李時珍
【 附註 】: Additional comments [are based on the following source」:
Yuan 元 [dynasty] Zhu Zhenheng 朱 震 亨
一凡 一十一 種 火 之 Fires LP altogetherII kinds o6-or o6-o2 o6-o3 o6-o4
好 zzo 2z2 /zz 2z2 陽 火 陰火 ,yang fire and yin fire, FE Gzzg zz 綱目 5Sz7 2z2 爛 火 ,tinder fire, FE Gzzg zz 綱目 5Sz7zg c2z7 2z2 桑 柴火 ,mulberry twig fire, TE Gzze zz 綱目 7z7z 2z2 克 火 ,charcoal fire, FE Gzzg 2# 綱目
了 z 2z2 22z 2z2 席 火
竹 火 ,firelit with reeds, fire lit with bamboo, FE
Gz7zg zz 綱目
2z2 艾
火 ,fire lit with common mugwort leaves, FE Gzzg #z 綱目
o6-o6-Aor 好 7zg zz 陽 。Yang 炒 tinder. o6-o6-Ao2 7z2 22z 火 珠 。Fire pearl. Crystal burning glass. o6-o7 5Z2ez 2ez 2z2 神 鐵 火 ,divine needle fire, FE Gzzg zz 綱目 o6-o8 7z2 2ez 火 鐵 , fire needle, TE Gzzg zz 綱目 o6-o9 zzg 2z2 燈火 ,lamp fire, FE Gzzg zz 綱目 o6-Io”7Dezg 2zz 燈 花 ,the snuffofalamp Wick, FE AS27 2 拾遺
o6-I_Z2z7zz 燭 燼 , candle remains, FE' Gzzg #z# 綱目
右 附 方 新 一 十三 。 Recipes added to the entries above: I3 newly [recordedl|
C//z2/z7 6
草 綱目
277 (22 oz7zo 7222
火部 Sectlion Fires
hapter 6
十一 種 火 之 凡一 一 Fires PaltogetherIIr kinds. O6-OI
陽 火 陰 綱目 火 Yo7zze 22/9 )777 2z/o, 上 匕 Cz7zzg 722
Yang fre and yin fire.
【 集 解 】【 李 時 珍 】晶 火 ,者 五 行 之 ,一 有 氣 而 無 ,質 造化 兩 ,間 生 殺 萬 物 , 顯 并仁 用, 神 妙 無 ,穹 火 之 用 其 至 吳 。哉 軸 嘗 繹 思而 之 , 五 行 皆 一, 惟 火有 二。 二 者 , 陰火 、 陽 火 。也 其 網凡 三, 其 目 凡 十有 二。 所謂 三 者 , 天 火 ,也 地 火 ,也 人 火 。也 所謂 十有 二 ,者 天 之 火四 , 地 之 火 ,五 人 之 火 三 也 。 試 申 言 ,之 天 之 陽 火二 : 太 陽 , 真 火也 ; 星 ,精 飛 火 。也 赤 物 晤 是 , 降 則 有 穴 , 俗 呼 火 。殃 天 之 陰火 二 : 龍 火 ,也 雷火 。也 龍 口有 火光 , 志 靂 之 ,火 神 火 。也 地 之 陽 火 :三 鑽 木 之 火也 , 擊 石 之 火也 , 晨 金 之火 也。 地 之 陰火 二 : 石油 之 火也 , 見 石 部 石 腦 。油 水 中 之 火 。也 江 湖 河 海 , 夜 動有 火。 或 :雲 水 神 夜 ,出 則 有 火光 。 人 之 陽 火 ,一 丙丁 君 火也 。 心 、 小 腸 , 離 火 。也 人 之 陰火 二 : 命 門 相 火也 , 起 於 北海 , 坎 火也 , 遊行 三 焦 , 寄 位 肝膽 。 三 昧 之 火 。也 純 ,陽 乾 火 。也 合 而 言 ,之 陽 火六 , 陰火 亦 六 , 共 十 二 。藹 諸 陽 遇火 草 而 ,炳 得 木 煙而 , 可 以 濕 伏, 可 以 水 。滅 諸 陰 水 之, 則 光 焰 詣天 , 物 木 而 流 金 ,石 得 濕 愈 ,焰 遇 水 益 。熾 以 折 不 火 芒草 善 於 身 窮 方 ;止 以 火 逐 ,之 以 灰 撲 ,之 則 和 灼 性 自 ,消 光 焰 自 。滅 故 人 之 反 ,理 思 過 半 。吳 此 從 而 駿 於 ,物 則 君 火 相 、火 正 治 治之 者, 上 體 於 天 下 外 又 有 蕭 丘 之 寒 ,火 蕭 丘 在 南海 ,中 上 有 自 然 之 ,火 春生秋 滅 。 生 一 種 木, 但 小 焦黑 。 出 抱 朴子 。 外 篇。 又陸游 :雲 火山 ,車 其地 負 耘 深入 , 則
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
有 烈焰 , 不 妨 種 植。 亦 寒 火 。也 澤 中 之 陽 ,焰 狀 如 火焰, 起 於 水 面。 出 率 問 冰王 註 。 野外 之 鬼 ,糙 其 火 色 ,青 其 狀如 炬 , 或 聚 或 ,散 俗 呼 鬼火。 或 云: 諸 血 之 燒 光也 。 金 銀 之 精 ,氣 凡 金 玉銀 寶, 皆 夜有 火光 。 此 皆 似 火而 人 於 樟腦 、 獨 ,髓 皆 能 中水 發 ;火 樟腦 見 木 ,部 狠 髓 見獸 不 能 菊 物 者 。也 至 部。 濃 酒、 積 ,油 得 熱氣則 火 自 。生 燒 酒、 醇 ,酒 得 火氣則 自 。焚 油 滿百 石 , 則 火 自 。生 油 、紙 油 、衣 油 鐵 , 得 熱 蒸 ,激 皆 自 生 火 。也 南 苑 有 厭 火 之 、民 國 近 黑 顯 ,肉 人 能 食火災。 食 火 之 。獸 原 記 化 云: 禍 斗 ,瞄 狀如 犬 而 食 ,火 痊 復 詞 ,火 能 人燒 屋。 西 戎有 食 火 之 。馬 駝 ,馬 見 禽 。部 火 獨 蝙 見 部 “點 下, 火 鼠 見 獸 部 鼠 蝠, 能 食 焰煙 ; 火 點 火 ,鼠 生 於 火 。地 火 累 介 乎 理 故 。爾 復 有 之 ,常 而 聞乍 者 目 詞 怪 ,異 蓋 未 深 詣 此 行 下。 此 皆 五 物理 至 人 , 入 水 不 ,溺 入 火 不 , 入 金 石 無 ,礙 步 日 月 無 影。 斯人 也 , 與 道合 真, 不 知 其名 , 謂 之 至人 。 蔡 九 峰 止 言 木 、火 石 、火 雷 、火 水 、火 蟲 火 、 而 陽, 靜 而 生 ,陰 陽 動 而 ,變 陰 震 亨 曰】 太 極 動 生 也 燒 ,火 似 盡未 該 。【 靜 而 ,合 而生 水 火 木 金 士, 各 一 其 。性 惟 火有 二 :; 日 君 ,火 人 火 也 ; 日 相 而 陽, 主 乎 動 者也 , 故凡 動 皆 屬 。火 以名 而 ,言 形 火, 天 火也 。 火 內 陰 外 氣 相生 , 配 於 五 ,行 故謂 之 。君 以 位 而 ,言 生 於 虛無 , 守 位 齊 命 , 因 其 動 而可 見 , 故謂 之 。相 天 主 生 ,物 故 恒 於 動。 人 有 此 生 , 亦 恒 於 。動 動 者 , 雷 木 之 ,氣 出 於 海則 水 之 氣 。也 具 於 皆相 火 劑之 也。 見 於 天 ,者 出 於 龍 則 人 絡 火 非 也 ,
東 神 內 測 , 之 子 而人 惟有 言
,者 寄 者 力 之 不 能 生 伏, 龍 波 也,
垣 以 火 烏 元 氣 之 ,賊 與 發 知 。矣 五 性 感 物 而 萬 厥 經 五 火 。也 五 性 陽之 虛 病, 煎熬 真 ,陰 陰 則 ,氣 經 以 火 言 。之 黃 表 以 正 聖人 定之 中 又 :曰 心 每 聽命 。玥 夫 人 心 禪補 造 ,化 以 得 生 生 ,火 未 言及 臟腑 。也 曰:
癮, 皆
如 云: 脾, 也 。 之
者 之 二 部, 肝 木 而 腎 水 。也 膽 肝 於 肝腎 司 醫 之 ,分 ,配 三 焦 以 焦 言, 而下 焦 肝 ,物 人 非此 火 不 能 自 。生 天 之 火 雖 出 非 ,壺 海 非 附 於 ,地 則 不 能 ,嗎 不 能 動 而 烏 火 者 。也 肝 腎 之 ,陰 悉 具 相
屬 於 ;火 諸
逆 上 , 衝
,腑 膀胱 皆 陰 而 於 ,木 而 ,飛 不 能 ,火 人 而
者 腎 之 腑 , 心包 下 者 。也 天 非此 皆 乎 。地 故 雷 本 波 。也 鳴 也, 飛 同 乎 天也 。 然 而
元 氣 不 兩 ,立 一 勝則 一負 者 , 何 ?哉 周子 日 : 物 感 而 ,動 即 事 出。 有 知之 ,後 五 者 之 ,性 烏 所 ,火 與相 火 相 ,扇 則 尤 動 。吳 火 起 於 ,女 變化 莫 絕 死 。 君 火 之 ,氣 經 以 暑 濕與 言 。之 相 火 陰 則 其 雁 悍 酷 烈 甚 於 君 火 。也 故 日相 火 元 氣 之 。賊 周 仁 義 而 主 。靜 朱 子 :曰 必 使 道 心 常 詞 一 身 之主 , 聽命 而 又 主 之 以 ,靜 則 彼 五 火 之 動 皆 中 節 , 相 火 不 筷 之運用 爾, 何 賊 之有 。 或 :曰 內 經 計止 六 氣 由 伯歷 舉 病 機 一 十 九條 , 而 屬 火 者 五。 諸 熱晉 皆
屬 於 ;火 諸
躁 狂 越, 皆
襄 神守 , 皆 屬於 ;火 諸 病 脫 ,腫 疼 酸 歡 ,駭 諸 風 掉 眩 屬於 ,肝 風 火也 ; 諸 氣 肝 鬱屬於 潔 火也 ; 諸 并痛 瘡屬於 ,心 鬱 火 。也 是 以 陳 無 擇 之 通 敏, 猶 以 暖 溫 為 君 火 ++, 日 堀 醫也 。
屬 於 ;火 諸
皆 屬於 ,火 ,肺 燥 火也 ; 皆 火 之 烏 ,病 用 之 火 詞 相
禁 鼓慄 ,
是 。也 劉 河問 諸濕 腫 屬於 滿 者然 於 出 臟腑 ,火 無 怪 乎 後人
C//z2/z7 6
ollected Explanations.Li Shizhen: Fire is one of the Five Phases. Tt consists of di but does not have substance.ltis situated in the context of creation and transformation, it engenders andit kills the myriad items. 1ts humaneness may be obvious, its usefulness may be hidden. Jts divine and wondrous [effects] are inexhaustible. he
applications of fire reach everywhere.Thave given much thought to the followingAll the Five Phase are singular; only the fire has two [kinds]. Ihese two are the yin fre and the yang filre. Ihey are further divided into three classes, and altogether I2 Sub-classes. Ihe so-called three [classes] are heavens fire, the earths fire, and mans
fre. he so-called I2 [sub-classesj include four fires of heaven, flve filres of the earth
and three fires of man. Ihey may be described as follows. ITwo yang fires of heaven are [first] the major yang/the sun. This is a genuine fire.[Second,] the essence of the stars. his is aflying filre.Whenitshows as areditem that falls down [on the earthj,
acatastrophe w 記 happen. Jhis is commonly called “fire disaster”Ihe two yin fires of heaven are the drapgon fire and the thunderclap filre. Rays of flre are seen in the drapgons mouth; the fire associated With thunderbolts is adivine fire. Ihe three yang fres of the earth include the fire generated by drilling wood, the fire generated by striking stones, and the fire generating by tapping metal. Ihe two yin fires of the earth are「first] fire generated by mineral oil. For details see the entry on petroleum (o9-27) in the section on minerals/stones.[Secondj,fire in the waters. When rivers,
]akes, streams and the sea are moved during thenight,a fire appears. Some say: The spirits of water appear at night and hence there are rays of fire. Ihe one yang filre 9f humans: It is 2zze Zzzzg 內 本 ,theruler fire.It is the fire of the heartand small intes-
tine.It is the fire associated with [the trigram] Z#
離 .The two yin fires of man.They
include [first] the minister fire associated with the Gate of Life.Jtemerges from the
Bei hai; it is the fire associated with[the trigram] zz 坎 . It moves through the Triple Burnep and it settles in the liver and the gall bladder. [Second,] the fire of
Samadhi.It is pure yang;it is the fire associated with_[the trigram] 7zz7 補 .To sum this up. Ihere are six yang fires,and there are also six yin fires. Altogether I2. Herbs struck by yang fres will burn; wood affected [by yang fires] will burn, too. [Yang fres] may be brought down with moisture, and they may extinpguished with water All the yin filres do notburn down herbs and wood,but they make metals and minerals How. When [yin fires] are exposed to moisture, they w 訓 fare up; when they are exposed to watep theywill be ablaze.Tf one attempts to break their strength with watep their rays will Hame to lighten the sky and they will end only once the item [burning] has vanished entirely [Yin fires] are to be pursued with fire,and they are
to be attacked with ashes. Jhis way their burning nature will be used up, and their faming rays will be extinguished. hose in ancient times who understood how to counteract [yin fires in] the body they comprehended heaven above and sought an
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
understanding of the items below. Ihis way they grasped alarge part of the principles underlyingruler fire and minister filre,regular treatments and treatments in line With [the nature ofadisease].Inadditionmthere is the cold fire of 入 iao qiu.Xiao qiu
is [an islandj in the Nan hai. A natural fire burns on it. Jt emerges in spring and is cxtinguished in autumn. According to the 52z22z > Nei pian,a certain tree grew there that was small and scorched blacks though. Also, Lu You states: in Huo shan
jJun, when the ground is worked on deeply with a hoe to remove the weeds, [the people uncover] rapging fames. But this does not prevent them from planting. his, too,is a cold fire. Yang fames in the marshlands have the appearance of fiames 9f fire that cmerge from the surface of the watep as is quoted from Wang Bings comments on the ASz vezz. Ihere are 和 ckering demon fires in the wildernis. Such fires are of greenish colop and they are shaped like atorch. Jhey may assemble and then they may disperse again. hey are commonly called “demon fires.” Some say that these are fiickeringrays cmitted by blood. Jhe essence qi of gold and silyer. All gold, silver and jade gems emit fire rays during the night. Ihey look like fire, but they are unable to burn an item. Camphora and the marrow of the 2zz?3 are able to burn in Water. For details on camphora, see the section “woods; for details on the marrow of the 2z/z, see the sectionm “animals. Concentrated wine and viscous oil will burn
spontaneously when they are exposed to heat. Brandy and pure wine/alcohol w 串 burn spontaneously when they are exposed to the qi of fire. When one hundred Z27z of oil are fillled [linto a containerj,afire wi break out spontaneously When oil pa-
pep oiled clothes and oiled iron are exposed to hot steaming, fmhey will catch fire spontaneously In Nan huang are people who hate fire. Iheir country lies close to Hei Kun lun. Ihe people there can eat burning charcoal, and there are animals that consume fire. The 屯 zz 2zz states: The 2z2 Zoz 禍 斗 * are animals are shaped like dogs and they consume fires. Iheir excrements in turn cause fire that can burn down ahouse.In 和irong are birds that consume fire. hese are the ostrichs; for details see thesectiononfowl. Fire crows and bats can eat fames and smoke.Fire tortoises and fire mice/rats live in places under fire. For filre tortoises,see the entry on tortoises in thesection shells. Forfire mice/rats,see the entry on mice/rats in the section animals. All these are regularities based on the principles underlying the items con~ trolled by the Five Phases. 1f one learns of them unexpectedly he must not view 93
“BCGM 5T-38: Collected Explanations. [Lei] Xiao: There are animals in the seas that are called 2zzz.When theirmarrow is giveninto oil the oil can be dissolved in water Whena fire burns in water [prepared this way] itcannot be putout.Itcan only be extinguished by
spraying wine onto it. |t must not be stored under aroof. Hence,whenitis said that flre burns in watep this is notalie thatseems impossible.[Li] Shizhen: Ihis animal fat makes afre burn in water LIhis is identical with camphor Its [medicinal] effects are similar to
those of camphoptoo. This is something thatis no longer known today.
94 Legendary creatures first mentioned in the 52z7z 227.77z委
C//z2/z7 6
them as oddities. Jhe fact is, such aview would be evidence of that person having failed to thoroughly comprehend these principles. Also, there are perfect men who may center water Without the risk of drowntng, who may enter flre Without the risk of being burned and who may center metals and minerals without encountering any obstacles. When they walk under the sun orunder the moon,they have no shadow Such persons have truly become one with the DAO. Iheir names are unknown,and they are called perfect men. CaiJiufeng only spoke of wood fire, stone flre, thunderbolt fire, water fire,Worms/bugs filre,and
綽ckering fire. Apparently this list was
incomplete. [Zhu] Zhenheng: As long as the Supreme Ultimate moves, it engen~ ders yang; When it is quiet, it engenders yin. Ihe movement of yang results in change; the quietude of yin results in agreement [with the situation as is]. Ihe successive emergence of [the Five Phases] water fire, wood, metal and soil brings al-
Ways forth just one singular [phase]j. Only the fire consists of two,namely ruler fire, which is the fre of man, and minister fire, which is the fire of heaven. Fire is yin
inside and yang outside,and this way it controls al movements, because all movements are associated With fire. Io explain this based on the names,physical appearance and qi engender each othep in conformity with [the succession of] theFive Phases. Hence one speaks ofa ruler filre. To explain this on the basis of its position,
itis engendered outof absolute nothingness.ltis endowed with life while it guards its position,and therefore its movements are visible. Hence one speaks ofa minister fire . caven controls the engendering of items; hence there is eternal movement. Humans are born out of this, hence they too, are engaged in eternal movement. AA movements are caused by minister filre. As is apparent [under] heaven, theqof
wood are released by the thunderbolts of dragons,while the qti of water are released by the sea.As is apparent [in man, these movements] dependonthe two sections of liver and kidneys. Ihe liver is [associated with the phase of] wood,and the kidneys are [associated with the phase of] water. Ihe gall bladder is the short-term reposit-
tory attached to theliver. Iheurinary bladderis the short-term repository attached to the kidneys. Ihe heart enclosure is a partner of the kidneys. Speaking of the burning of the Lower Burnerp the Lower Burner serves to manage the section of liver and kidneys. Both are yin [repositories] located in the lower [section of mans
body]. Without this fire, heaven would be unable to engender the items. Without this fire, man himself would not come to life. Ihe fire of heaven may originate in Wood, but it is always based in the earth. Hence, the thunderbolt must be hidden,
drapgons must hibernate, and the sea must cling to the earth, otherwise they are unable to roap to fly and to create waves. lo roap to fly and to create waves are movements associated With_fire. Ihe yin [nature of」 liver and kidneys is entirely based in minister fire. Jhis way man is identical to heaven. Still [Li] Dongyuan
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
held that [ministerj] fire is arobber of the original di. Both [minister] fire and orig-
inal di cannot exist side by side. One will be superior and theother will be defeated. How can this be? Zhou zi: ”Ihe spirit effuses knowledge. Once the items are endowedwith thefve typesofdispositionmthe myriad afairs wilappear.Once knowledpge exists, theitems are affected by the flve types of disposition and they wi move. These are the filve types of fire mentioned in the Ag When the five types of disposition lack the fire of yang, 了hey will be affected by the minister fire,and this is theendofmovement. Once afire fares up without reason,change and transforma-~ tion occur without measure and the true qi will suffer. Ihe yin will be depleted and disease Will result. Once the [flow ofjyin [qi] is cut off, death results. Jhe qi of the
ruler fire are explained in the classics on the basis of summerheat and moisture. The qiof the minister flre are explained in the classics on the basis of fire. This is to say that [minister fire] is much more violent than ruler fire. Henceitis said thatminis-
ter fire is therobberoforiginal qi. Zhou zisays further: “Sages are characterized by being fair and honest, benevolent and righteous, as well emphasizing calmness. 乙hu zisays: Itis essentialto lve in accordance with the DAO as guiding principle of ones entire life,and in ones intentions to always follow its orders. Now, when ones intentions follow the orders [of the DAO]
and in addition emphasize calm~-
ness, the movements of the five fires [in the organism」] w 訓 always remain constrained, and the minister fire Will have no other function than to benefit creatlion
and transformation, thereby unendingly securing the engendering of ife. How could it be arobber [of the original dj It is also said that “the ez 7Zzg speaks of fire only in view of the six di, but not in view of the long-term depots and shortterm repositories. Jt is said: Qi Bo hsted I9o pathological processes, With_ five 9
them being related to fire. All [diseases With] heat causing pressure and spasm, Without exception they are associated with fire. All [cases of qi] countermovement rushingupward,Wwithout exception they are associated with filre.All l[cases of ] over-
excitement and jumping in madness, without exception they are associated with fire. All [cases of」j clenched [teethj, chattering [teeth] and shiveringy, as if [the pa~-
tient| had lost his spirit guard, without exception they are associated with_ fire. Al diseases such as 友 -swelling,? pain, soreness and shock, without exception they are
associated With_fire. Ihis is correct. Liu Hejian states: “All [cases of] swaying and dizziness caused by wind are associated with the liver. Ihis is a wind fire. All cases of rushing and pent-up qi are associated With_ the lung. Ihis is a dryness fire. Al |cases] of swelling and fullness caused by moisture are associated with the spleen. This is amoisture fire. All [cases of] painful and itching sores are associated With 95
玉 2x227z2 脫 L, I79.
胜 “72-swelling," most likely referring to edematose swelling. BCGM Dict
C//z2/z7 6
the heart. Ihis is a pent-up fire. That is, diseases caused by fire originate in the long-term depots and short-term repositories. Chen Wuze was an intelligent [physician] and yet he identifled the warmth [of the human body] as caused by the ruler fire, and he identified the minister filre as the fire active in daily affairs. No Wonder that the people of later times were deaf and blind [when it came to the differentiation of ruler fire and minister fire.
爛 綱目 火 zz2z/o, 上 己 GCz7zg 7272
【 集 解 】【 時 珍 曰】 周 官司 炬 氏 四 時 變 國 火 以 救時 疾, 季 春 出 ,火 季秋 火, 民 威 從 。之 蓋人 之 資計 火 食 ,者 疾病 壽 天 生 薦。 四 時 鑽 ,粹 取 新 烏飲食 之用 , 依 歲 氣 而 使 無 亢 不 ,及 所 以 民 救 之 時 疾 。也 榆 柳 先 百 火 赤。 櫥 夏 之, 其 色 火 青。 杏 提 之 木 赤心 , 故 取 春 之, 其 色 青, 故 取 木 理 白 , 故秋 取 之, 其 色 火 白。 槐 檀 之 木 心 ,黑 故 取 冬 之 , 其 火 色 。黑 相 之 肌 木 黃, 故 季 取 夏 之, 其 火 色 。黃 天 文 大 火 之 ,次 於 星 遍 。心 季
納 火以 木而 檔之 桑 春龍
見於 辰 而 出 ,火 於時 烏 署。 季秋 龍 計伏 成 而 納 ,火 計時 詞 。寒 順 天 道 而百 工 作息 之 因皆 之 , 以 免 水旱災 祥 之 流行 。也 人 後世 寒食 蔡 ,火 乃季 春 改 火 遺
意, 而 俗作 介 推 ,事 刻 。包 道 書 :雲 電 下
灰火 謂 之
伏 龍 ,屎 不可 熱
香 事神 。
ollected Explanations. [Li| Shizhen: A Mr Sacrificial Fire Mianager handled the
fires in the country in accordance with their changing nature in the course of the four seasons to protect [the people] from seasonal iness. In the final month of springy he came forward with fire;in 了he fanal month of autumn,he took the fire in
again. All the people followed him. Ihe fact is, the extent to which the preparation of food is based on fire is related to the [peoples] inesses and diseases and longev-
ity to their dying young and surviving [until a late death]. As long as,in the course of the four seasons, tinder wood is drilled to obtain afresh_ fire which then is used
to prepare beverapges and food, and as long as excesses and shortages are avoided by acting in accordance With the [changing nature of]qiin the course of the four seasons, the people are protected against those 山nesses that are associated with [theqi of| the seasons. Elms and willows turn greenish prior to the hundred [other] trees.
Hence they are resorted to [as firewoodjin springyand the fire [itwith them]jisef
a greenish color. Ihe heart of apricot and date trees is red. Hence they are resorted to [as firewoodj in summep and the fire [lit with them] is ofared color.
and )oz26 梢 wood are white inside. Hence they are resorted to [as firewood] in ITo3 3 The botanical identification of / yoz 樣 wood remains unclear It is described in Chinese lterature as a “tree With softWwood,”
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
autum,and the fire [it With them]jis ofawhite color. So22o7z.7z2o7zzcz「wood] and sandalwood have a black heart. Hence they are resorted to [as firewood] in Wintern andthefire [hitwith them]is ofablack color Mulberry trees and 2zcZz7z trees have
yellow wood. Hence they are resorted to [as firewood] in the lastmonth of summer and the fire [lt with them」is ofayellow color. Ihe sequence of the great filres seen in heaven is based on the [movement of the] stars. In the third month of springy when the dragon was seen at ez
辰,? [the Sacrificial Fire Manapger] came forward
With the fre, and this was the beginning of the season with summerheat. In the third month ofautumn, the dragon hid in xz 成 ,% and [the Sacrificial Fire Manager] tookin the fire. Jhis was the beginning of the season with cold. In their being active and resting, 和 the workers followed the DAO of heaven and thereby they prevented widespread occurrences of filooding and drought disasters. In later times, on [the day of] Cold Food all fires were forbidden. Jhis was to mark the change
of fire [from being takenin to being brought forth]j, but it is commonly assumed that[this dayis to mark] theJje Tui affair.2 Jhat is wrong. Ihe Daoist books state:
“The ashes left from afire below afurnace are called excrements of a dragon lying in hiding. Ihey must not be used to burn incense to serve the gods. o6-o3
桑 上 火 綱目 ASg7zo c2g7 722/z9, 上 弓 Goz7zo 2
Mulberrytwig fre.
【 主 】治 北 疸 發 背 不 ,起 瘀 肉 不 腐, 及 陰 療 瘡 憾 流 ,注 ” 及 瘡頑 瘡 。 然 火吹 諸 切 潰 接 陽 ,氣 去 腐生 肌。 凡 一 補藥 滅, 日炙 二 ,次 未 潰 披 毒 止痛 , 已 補 膏 , 宜 此 火 煎 。之 但 不可 和點 艾 , 傷 。肌 時 珍 。 Control. For effusion on the back of an obstructlon-iness and an impediment--
ness55 that has not risen_yet, stapnant 和 esh that fails to rot, also, sores in the yin 97_C22#
辰 is one of the “earth branches”It is associated with the 3rd month in the lunar
calendap with the hours o7:oo to o8:59, the cardinal direction ES 弓 and the phase so
六 z 成 is one of the “earth branches.”It is associated with the oth month in the lunar calendap with the hours Io:oo to 2o:59, 也 e cardinal direction WWN and the phase so
99 JjJe_[Ziltui 介子 推 served King Wen of the State of 本 nm, 5sth c. BCE. Eventually he withdrew with his motherto the forests. King Wen summoned him to his court to show his gratitude.WhenJlie /ituirefused to appeap the king had the forest set on fire to force him to leave his abode.Jje and his mother diedin the fire in 476 BCE. Ihe king ordered that no fres were allowed on that day in future, and food was to be consumed cold. Hence the name of that day, 2zz 527 寒食 , “cold food.”BCGM Dict IIL 224-225.
7zg 及 癱 ,“obstructilon-illness,impediment-illness.”refers 疸 totwovaguelydistinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against
C/z2/z7 6
[(i.e. genitaD regionj, scrofula, and influx,5 shank sores and stubborn sores, [burn
mulberry hot ends Will serve serves to
twigs] and blow out the fire. Ihen cauterize [the affected region with the of the twigs] twice. As long as [the effusion] has not begun to fester this to draw out the poison and to end the pain. it has begun to festep it supplement the yang qi. Tt removes rotten [flesh] and serves to engen~
der lnew] muscles. All medications that are meant to supplemenb and 和 types 9f
ointments are to be boiled With this particular filre. But [during such therapies] no moxibustion with common mugwort [leaves] must be performed,lest one harm the
[patients] muscles.
【 發 】【 明 震
亨 日】 火
以 暢 ,達 披 引 忻
毒, 此 從治之
法 。【 也 時
珍 日】 柔
腐 新 。 木 能 利 關 ,節 養 津 液。 得 火 則 拔 引 毒氣 , 而 祛 逐 風寒 , 所 以 能 去 生 抱 朴 子 :雲 一 切 仙 藥 , 不 得 桑 煎 不 。服 桑 乃 星之 箕 ,精 能 助 藥 ,力 除 風 寒 不 患風疾 故 也。【 藏 器 日 】 桑 柴火炙 蛇 , 則 足見 。 痺 諸 ,痛 久 服終身 Explication. [Zhu] Zhenheng: Because [the nature of]fire is smooth, it serves to
pull out pent-up poison. Ihis is a treatment method in line with [the nature of the disease]. [Li]| Shizhen: [Medication prepared with] mulberrywood fire eases
the movement of the joints. It nourishes the body fluids. [Medication prepared| With_ such fre will draw out poison qi and eliminate wind and cold. Hence [such
medications] can remove rotten filesh and engender the growth of new |[fleshj]. The 7z22z >7 states: Al] medications of hermits/immortals that have not been boiled
with mulberry [wood firej mustnotbeingested.Mulberry [wood] is the essence of the star Winnowing Basket,
方 箕 . Its [fire] is able to support the strength of med-
ications and to eliminate 和 1 types of pain associated with wind, cold and blockage. This is why after having ingested [medication prepared with mulberry wood fire] for an extended period of time,one will not suffer from wind
life.[Chen] Cangqi:
訓ness for his entire
asnake is roasted With _ fire lit with mulberry wood, its feet
will appear.
了he obstruction may cause alocal swelliing and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L 642.
IoI 了 2 >2z 流 注 ,“influx,”appears to refer here to sores With pus in deep-lying regions of the organism. BCUGCGM DictL,323.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
大 綱目 火 7g77 2zz9 上 匕 Crz7zg 722
Charcoal fire,
【 大 耳。 重,
集 解】【 時 珍 日】 燒 木 為 。買 木久 則 腐 , 而 如 入 士 不 腐 ,者 木有 生 性 , 無 性 家 姑 , 能 使 蟲 蟻 不入 , 竹 木 之 根 自 ,回 亦 緣 其 生 無 性 。也 華 用 生 前 日 , 垂 土 鱗 於 衡 兩 ,端 輕重 令 ,勻 陰 氣 則至 土 古 者 冬至 、 和夏至 二 至 姑 重也 。 陽 氣則
Collected Explanations. [Li| Shizhen: Charcoal is obtained by burning wood. When woodis left foralong ttmeitwill rot, but charcoal even if buriedin the sol Ww 衣 not rot. Ihis is because wood is still alive. Charcoal is not alive. Undertaker use charcoal to prevent bugs/worms and ants from entering [a coffin/corpse] and to turn back the roots of bamboo and trees. Jhis, too,is based on the fact that [char-
coal] is dead. Prior to the two days of Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice, the ancients placed equal weights of soll and charcoal on the two ends of ascale. With thearrivalofyin qb the soil gained weight.With the arrivalof yang qb the charcoal galned weight. 【 主 治】 ontrol.
oO6-o4-OI 機 交火 。 民 7 zz77 22/9.
Afreltwith oakvwood charcoalL
金 爍。 宣 衝 鍊 一 切 石 Itis suitable for calcining andrefining al medications basedonmetals and minerals. o6-o4-o2
灶 殃 。火 及
zz 22/o,
AfrelHtwith steaming charcoal
宣 烹 煎 炙焙 百藥丸 。散 時 珍 。 Tt is suitable for cooking, simmering, and roasting of the hundreds of medications, of p 記ls and of powders. [Li| Shizhen. o6-o4-o3
。閃 Pozz zz7z,
White charcoal,
在 ,腹 燒 紅 , 急 詞末 , 煎 湯 呷 。之 甚 ,者 刊末 三 銀 【 主治 】 誤 吞 金 鋼鐵 錢, 井 水 調 ,服 未 效 再 。服 又 解 水 、銀 輕 粉 毒。 帶火炭 納 水 ,底 能取水 銀 出 。也 上 立 央 帶 ,之 辟邪 惡 鬼 氣。 除 夜 立 之 戶 內, 亦 辟 邪惡 。 時 珍 。
C/z2/z7 6
Control For inadvertently swallowed gold, silyep copper and iron that are now in theabdomenburn [charcoall untilitis hotand immediately |grind it to a] powder Simmer |the powder] to prepare a decoction and [let the patient| sip it. In severe cases, grind three 7zzz [of the charcoall to apowder and [let the patient] ingest it
mixed With well water. If this fails to show an effecty let him ingest it apain. Also, it serves to resolve the poison of mercury and calomel. Place hot charcoal on the bottom of [acontainer Withj water [contaminated with mercury poison] and it w 針
absorb the mercury Charcoal worn on clothes wil ward of evil and malign demon di.0On New Years Eve placed inahomeit will keep away the evil and the malign. Li] Shizhen.
方】 新 六。 【 附 Added Recipes. Six newly [recorded|.
然 咽 。喳 軸
末 蜜 ,丸 含
嚥。 千
金方 。
Sudden choking. [Let the patient] hold in his mouth charcoal pills prepared with
honey and swallow [the resulting liquid]. 0zzz 7
白虎 風痛 , 日 夜 走 ,注 百委 如 。賣 盡 灰 五 ,升 蚯蚓 屎 一 ,升 紅花 七 ,挖 和 互 痛處, 取 。效 聖惠 方 。 敬 , 以 酪 拌 ,之 用 故 布包 二 包 , 更 慰 Painful white tiper wind52 with running infux'53 by day and by night,and asensation in 和 the hundred joints as if they were bitten. Cook in water flve vezg 9 charcoal With one vezg of earthworm excrements and seven pinches of sa 和也 ower and mix [the resulting paste] With vinegar. Ihen prepare with used pieces of cloth
two bags and press them alternately on the painful region until an effect is achieved. Ace7zo 2z/7 /2722.
久 近 腸 風 下 。血 用 緊 火 三 ,錢 相 殼 燒 存 性 五 ,錢 詞 末 。人 每 服 三 ,錢 五 更米 飲 下 一 ,服 天明 再 ,服 當 日 見效。 忌油膩 毒物 。 普 濟 方 。 Intestinal wind with blood discharge that has ]asted for an extended period of time or began only recently [Grind] three 77z7z of solid charcoal and five 7zz7z of bitter orange, burned with their nature retained,to apowder.
匕ach time ingest three 77z27z,
to be sent down with arice beverage in the cearly morning inone dose.Once the sky has lightened up, ingest this asecond time.An effect will be reached the same day Io2 有 2z7 2z./zg 白虎 :風 A pain in the joints that increases during the night. BCGM Dict, 47. Io3 Z2z 2z 走 注 ,“running influx,”indicates pain moving in the limbs and body so that the cxact location of the pain cannot be determined. BCGM Dict PL 7o4.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
[During such atherapy] abstain from oily and greasy food, as well as from poison~Ous items. // 有 尋 /2729
湯 火 灼 。瘡 因 末 , 香油 調 塗。 濟
急方 。
Sores/wounds because of scalding and burns by hot water and filre. Apply charcoal powder mixed with sesame oil [to the affected region]- 五 元 zz
翊 頭 。瘡 白克 燒 紅 , 投
沸 湯中 , 溫
洗 ,之 取
。效 百
一方 。
Head sores associated With white repudiat記ionness.5+ Burn white charcoaluntil it
has turned red and drop itinto boiling water. When it has cooled down to a warm liquid, wash [the affected regionj until an effect is achieved.
2z7 )7 7zg
陰 訓 濕 養 。 麩 、鱗 茲 蘇 ,葉 末 , 撲 。之 經 驗方 。 Moistitch affecting the scrotum.[Grind] charred wheat bran and ezyz/z leaves toa powderand cover the [affected regionj With it.
竹 綱目 火
了 2 72/9, 222z 22/9, 上 弓 G27zg 22
Fireltwith reeds,firelitwith bamboo.
切 【 主 】治 宜加 一 滋補
藥。 時 珍 。
Control. Itis suitable for boiling all types of nourishing and supplementing medication. [Li|] Shizhen.
【 次, 皆 封, 其 緊。
發 】【 明 時 珍 】晶 凡 服 湯 ,藥 雖 水 火 不 ,良 火候 失 ,度 則 藥 亦 係 於 水 火 烹 飪 之 得失 , 即可 推 。吳 新 水 活 ,火 先 武 後 文。 如 法 服 不 ,強 不 損 藥 力也。 桑柴火 取 其 溫 套用 糠及 馬 、屎 牛 屎 ,者 取 其
品 物 專 ,精 修 如 治 法, 無 。功 觀夫 茶 味 之 美 是 以 煎 須 藥 用 小 心 ,之 未 有 不 效 。者 火用 能 助 爍 ,力 焊姑 取 其 暖 而 能 使 藥 力 慰 篇也 。
而 藤 藥 者 九 ,惡 飯 味 之 甘飲 老成 人 , 以 深 陳 廬 枯、 竹 , 力 慢 , 機災 取
莽造 , 罐密 取 其力
Explication. [Li] Shizhen: Whenever one ingests a decoction medication, even 詮
the quality [of the pharmaceutical substances] is exquisite, and even if the processing complies with _ the rules,if when boiling the medication one was careless and hurried, using both unsuitable water and fire,and observing an inadequate duration of the fring, 和 men the medication w remain without strength. Look at the delicious or bad favor of tea, or the sweet or sour favor of food, they all depend on the correct or incorrect application of cooking skills; and the same applies [to the Io4 27 弟 ,“repudiation-illness”most likely including cases of syphilis.BCGM DictL, 293, 294.
C/z2/z7 6
preparation of medication]|. Hence one selects a careful adult of advanced age to boil medication, and he should use a deep pot that is closely sealed, newly drawn water and alively fire that is filerce at first and mild later on. When [amedicationl]
is ingested that has been prepared according to the rules, it will always be effective. lto fuela fre oneis to use old reed and withered bamboo, this is to exploit the weakness of [such afirej; it does not compromise the strength of the medication.I
afreisfred with mulberry firewood,one exploits its ability to support the strength of the medication. [Ifafreis fred with ordinary] charcoal one exploits its releas-
ing its strength only slowly [fafre is fred with] charcoal obtained from burning oak wood, one exploits its concentrated strength. Jo prepare warm and nourishing lmedicationj one resorts to rice chaff, horse dung and ox dungy,and thereby exploits their warmth and ability to evenly send the strength of the medication everywhere. o6-o6
艾 綱目 火 /77 22/9, 上 匕 Gz7zg 22
Fireltwith common mugortleaves.。
【 主 】治 灸 百 。病 若 灸 諸 風 冷 ,疾 入 硫 末黃 少許 , 尤 。良 時 珍 。 ontrol. It serves to cauterize the one hundred diseases.Io cauterize all types of wind cold iness, add asmall amount of sulphur powder and it will be especially good. [Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 凡 灸 艾 火 ,者 宜用 陽 火 珠 承 ,日 取太 陽 真 。火 其 次 燈 , 或 蠟燭 火 , 以 艾 華 燒點 真 則 鑽 槐 取 ,火 烏 。良 右 急 荃 難 ,備 即 用 麻油 於 燒 , 滋潤 人灸 瘡, 至 愈 不 痛 。也 其 自 擊金 石 、 鑽 炒 八 木 之 ,火 皆 不 用可 。 之 火 是 。吳 八 木 者 , 於 邵 子 :雲 火 無 ,體 因 物 以 為 。體 金 石 之 ,火 烈 草木 松 火 難 癢, 柏 火 傷神 多 ,汗 桑 火 傷肌 肉, 枷 火 傷 氣脈 , 座 火 傷 內 吐血 , 橘 傷 失 ,記 竹 火 傷 筋 損 目也 。 南 齊 書 :載 武帝 ,時 有 火傷 營 衛 經 ,絡 槍 火 骨 爭 之, 灸 鑽 資 亦 火 ,來 其 火 赤 於 常 火 而 ,小 去 以 療 ,疾 貴 賦 取 從 沙門 北齊 七 ,燒 多 得 其 。驗 吳 興 楊 道 慶 虛 二 疾 十 ,年 灸 之 即 。閉 威 稱 烏 聖火 , 詔 禁 之 不 。止 不 知 此 ,火 何 物 之 火也 。 Explication. [Li] Shizhen: For all fires fired by common mugwort [leaves] it is adVisable to use a yang tinder fire pearl to catch the sunlight thereby availing oneself of the true fire of major yang/the sun. Secondary to this, flre obtained by drilling yo22o7z 72227zzcz wood is good. In an emergency when such [fires] are diffhcult to obtain, the fire of alamp lt by sesame oil or of a wax candle my be used to light the stalk of the common mugwort and to apply a mild cauterization resulting in an improvement [of the patients situation] without pain. Fire obtained by hitting
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
metalb striking astone or drilling a tinder prepared from any of the eight types of Wood, must not be used. Shao zi states: Fire itself has no physic和ll body; it relies on theitems [burned] to obtain aphysical body Jhis is why fire made with metals and minerals/stones is filercer than filre made With herbs and trees/wood. As for the eight types of wood, [the use of」fire fired with pine wood makes it difhcult to heal [diseases. Ihe use of」 fire fired With 2/z/yc/zZzy wood harms [the patient's
spirit and causes much sweating.[Ihe use of」 fire fired with mulberry wood harms muscles and flesh.[Ihe use of」ZzcZz7z [wood」 filre harms the qi vessels.| Ihe use
of filre fred With Chinese date wood harms the interior and causes blood spitting[Ihe use ofj fire fired With bitter orange wood harms the camp and the guard qi, the conduits and the network [vessels. Ihe use of] fire fired With elm wood harms the bones and causes aloss of mind.[Ihe use ofj fire fired with bamboo harms
the sinews and damages the eyes. Ihe 7AWzz 0Oz 2z records [the following inciden. During thetimeof[Emperorj Wu dbyaBuddhistmonk from North Qicame with
ared fire. Ihe red color of this fire was more intense than that of ordinary fire, and it was smaller. He claimed thatit served to healillness. [Patients] of noble rank and cormmoners, they all strove to make use of it.[Ihe monk] cauterized using seven
Sticks and this often proved effective.In Wuxing, Yang Daoching had suffered from a depletion 過 ness for 2o years. When
he was cauterized [by the monk], he was
cured. Everybody said thatitwasa' Fire of the Sages.An [imperial] order prohibitcd [its further applicationj, but it could not be stopped. It remains unknown what kind of an item was burned to produce such afire.
【 附錄 】 Appendix.
o6-o6-Aor 陽 熾 。 Yog7ze 52/7
【 時 珍 日】 火 鏡 。也 以 鋼 鑄 成, 其 周 禮 司 氏煤 以 火 熾 取 明 火 於 日 是器 。
面 ,凸 摩
熱 疝 ,日 以 艾 承 ,之 則 得 火 。
[Li| Shizhen: Ihese are“fire mirrors.”Ihey are made of copper casted in amold.
Jheir concave surface is rubbeduntilitis hot. Ihenitis directed toward the sun. Jhe [reflected sunlight] is focused on the common mugwort [herb]j, which is thereby
set on fire. Ihis is what is meant by the [statementin the] Z2ozZ 和 “人AA Mr Sunlight IManager applies afire tinderto obtain luminous fire from the sun.
C/z2/z7 6
火 。珠 /#zzo >2z. FirepearL Crystal burning glass.
見 石部 水精 下。 For details, see the entry “crystals (o8-37) in the section “minerals/stones. o6-o7
火 鐵 綱目
AS72e77 27e7/ 2zzo 上 匕 Gz7zg 2Z
Divineneedle fire,
【 主 】治 心 腹 冷 ,痛 風寒 濕 病 所, 甚 效。時 珍 。 直達
痺 , 附骨 陰
疸, 凡 在 筋骨 隱痛 ,者 鐵 ,之 火氣
ontrol. Painful cold in the heartand abdomen. Blockage resulting from [an intrusion of] wind, cold and moisture. Yin impediment-illness'5 attached to the bones. Al sinews and bones with apain hiddenin the depth are to be pierced with anee-
dle [set on firelj. Ihe qi ofthe fire will directly proceed toward the location of the disease. Very effective. [Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 】晶 神 鐵 火 ,者 五 月 五 日取 東引 桃 ,枝 削 五 襯說 患處, 將 鐵 五 寸 , 乾 。之 用 時 以 綿 紙 三 層 大 , 長 六 五 襯 於 患處 , 將 鐵 薩 麻油點 滅 , 乘 熱 針 。之 用 時 以 緝 紙 三 層 艾 一 ,兩 乳香 、 沒 熱 針 。之 又有 雷火 神 針 ,法 用 熟 斬 末 黃、 雄 、黃 草 烏頭 、 川 伺 頭、 桃 樹皮末 各 一 ,錢 麝香 五 ,分 以厚紙 裁 成條 , 鋪 藥 艾 於 ,內 緊 卷如 指 ,大 長 三 四 ,寸 收 七 七 ,日 取出 。 用 ,時 計 燈上 點 ,蕩 吹 滅, 隔 紙 十層 , 乘 氣直 入 病 ,處 其 效 更 速。 並 忌 冷水 。
為 木 ,針 如 薩 麻油點 剷, 看 , 吹 ,滅 藥、 穿 山 甲、 詞末 , 拌艾 貯 瓶 內, 埋地 熱說 鐵 患處,
從子 吹 乘 硫 , 中 熱
Explication. [Li] Shizhen:「Io prepare aj “divine needle fire,”on the ffth day of
the ffth month remove from a peach tree atwig stretching toward the
弓 ast and
carve a wooden needle from it [with its two ends] as wide as a chicken egg and
With alength of five to six cz7z. It is then to be dried. When itis to be used [for a medical therapy] place three to five ]ayers of tissue or paper on the ailing area, dip the [wooden] needle into sesame oil ignite it, and blow out the fire. Ihen pierce
the [ailing area, covered with tissue or papep] with the hot needle. Ihere is also a method [to treat 訕 ness] by means of adivine needle with a “thunderbolt fire. [For
its preparation] use one /zzzg of prepared common mugwort [leaves] from Qin, Io5 及
疸 , “impediment廁ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocalswelling and eventually break 了 rough the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 277.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
One 77z7z cach of frankincense, myrrh,pangoln scales, sulphurp realgap wild aconite tubep aconite main tuber and peach tree bark, as well as five
zz of musk.[Grind 引
these latteringredients to aj|powderandmixitwith thecommonmugwort [leaves|.
Then cutapiece ofthick paperinto anarrow strip,and place the common mugwort [leafj medication into its center. Ihen form aroll as thick as afingep with alength
ofthreeto fourz7z giveitinto abottle and bury [this bottle] underground forseven times seven days. Ihen digitup again.Whenitis time touse it [foramedical therapyJignite itabovealamp and blow out the filre. Place ten layers of paper [on the ailing area] and apply the hot needle to the ailing area. Ihe heat di will enter straight into thelocation of the disease. Ihe effects are even faster |than those achieved with the “divine needle fire]. Forboth these methods applies: abstain from cold water
火 鐵 綱日 77z/9 72,e7z, 上 弓 Gz7zo 222. Firenmeedle,
【 系 滿 冷, 白,
釋 】名 燃 問 所謂 烤 ,瘟 以 燈 則 反 損人 差則 無 功
鐵 、鐵 草 , 。
系 、問 炸 鐵 率 、問 熔 鐵也 , 張 仲 二 七 點莖 燈, 將 且 不 能 去 病 。也
燒 鐵 傷 寒 、論 燭 鐵。【 時 珍 日】 火 鐵者 , 景 謂 之 燒 ,鐵 川 人暫 謂 之 糧 鐵。 其 法: 麻油 鐵 頻 塗 麻 ,油 燈 上 燒 令 通赤用 之。 不 亦 或 其 鐵 須 用 火 番 鐵 造 之 烏 佳。 點 穴 記 墨 要 明
Explanation of Names. /zz >2ez 煙 鐵 , “heated needle,”Az ozz. Czz 2ez 烊 鐵, “fire needle,”Sz 2e7 燒 鐵 , “heated needle,”S72z7zg 2z Zz. 放 7 2e7 爆
鋪 , “heated needle.” [Li] Shizhen: The “fre needle,”2zz2 %2e7z 火 鐵 , is identical to the“heated needle,” zz 2ez 烤 鐵 , and the “fire needle,” zzz >x2e7z 熾 鐵 , mentioned
in the Sz Yozzz. Zhang Zhongjing names them “burned needle," ,?z2 >2ez 燒 鐵 .The people in Chuan and Shu name them “heated needle,”zoe7 ez
糞 錶. Ihe method
[of applying them in amedical therapy is as follows]. Fill a cup with sesame oil Then place two times seven 7Zz7zczy stalks [as lamp wicks into the oil] and light them as a lamp. Dip the needle several times into the sesame oil heat it over the lamp until it has become red,and then use it [for its therapeutic purpose]. Ifitis not red,
or iitis even cold, then, contrary to ones intentions, it wi cause injury and the disease will not be removed. Io be of excellent quality, the needle is to be prepared from iron tempered by fire. Ihe [needle] insertion hole is to be marked with ink to clearly show its position.Tf this is missed, [the treatment] will have no effect.
【 主 】治 風 寒 筋 急 諧 引 痺 ,痛 或 癱 緩 不 仁者, 鐵 下 疾 ,出 急 按 孔 穴 則 疼 止 , 不 按 則 疼 甚。 癥 塊 結 積 冷 病 ,者 鐵 下 慢 ,出 仍 轉 ,動 以 發 出 污濁。 聞
C/z2/z7 6
疸 發 背有 膿 無 頭 ,者 鐵 令 膿 ,潰 勿 按 孔 。穴 凡 用 火 ,鐵 太 則深 傷 經 ,絡 太 淺則 不 能 去 ,病 要 在消息 得 。中 鐵 後 發 熱 惡 寒, 此 中 烏 病 。 凡 面上 及 夏月 濕熱 在 兩 腳時 , 皆 不 可 用 。此 時 珍 。 Control. For al] cases of painful blockage associated with sinew tension and contractlon caused by wind and cold, and for paralysis With numbness,needle the [affected area] and withdraw [the needle] quickly Immediately afterwards, press the insertion hole and the pain will end.Ifno pressure is exerted lon theinsertionholej,
severe pain Will occur. For diseases caused by cold associated with concretion lumps and nodular accumulations, needle「the affected area] and withdraw |the needlel slowly Also, the needle is to be turned for the foul [qi] to come out. For cases 9f
obstruction-lness and impediment記 ness5* with an ceffusion on the back that is flled With pus,Wwith [the pus] not yet being visible,needle [the affected area] to let
the pus flow out. Do not press the insertion hole. To a11 applications of afire needle the following applies. IToo deep an insertion harms the conduits and network lvessels]. A too shallow insertion cannotremove the disease. It is essential to think
about the middle [between too deep and tooshallow].Tf following the insertionofa needle [the patient] effuses heatand has an aversion to cold, this is evidence that the
disease was struck. Jhis therapy must never be applied to the [patients」face and,
during the humid and hot summer months,to his two legs. [Li] Shizhen.
【 和發明 】【 時 珍 日】 素 同 :雲 病 在 ,筋 調 之 ,筋 烤 鐵 劫 刺 病 在骨 , 調 之骨 , 烽 鐵 藥 妹 。之 又 靈 樞 經 敘 二 十 經 筋所 發 在 類 鐵 劫 ,刺 以 知 為 ,度 以 痛 烏 。輸 又 :雲 經 筋 之 ,病 寒 則 弛縱 不 ,收 陰 痿 不 。用 熔 刺 ,者 烊 寒 急 。也 縱 緩 不 收 ,者 此 , 則 鄰 鐵 乃 詞 筋 購 而 急 者 ,設 以 熱 治 ,寒 正治之 法也 。 塊, 亦 火氣 假 以 散 寒 ,酒 而 發 污濁 出 也 。 或 又 以 治 闡 疸 ,者 法 , 潰 泄 其 毒氣 。也 而 昧 者 以 傷寒 治 熱病 , 則 非 。吳 張 寒, 加 溫 必鐵 發 。毆 營 氣 仙 者, 加 燒 則鐵 血 流 不 ,行 更 發 病, 下 之 , 心下 痞 。 表 裹 俱 ,虛 陰陽 俱 ,端 復加 燒 ,鐵 胸 膚 潤 ,者 難治 。 此 用 皆 鐵 者 不 知 往 哲 設 鐵 之 理 而 刻 ,用 以 肝 虛 目 多 昏 淚, 或 赤風 及生 台 膜 頑 ,厚 成病後 生 白 失明 膜 , 溫 宣 ,流 得 熱上 衝 于 目 生 矣 , 並 宣 蛛 烙 之 。法 蓋 氣 血 得 則 其 法 平頭 用 鐵如馬大 小, 燒 赤 , 輕 輕當 匡 中 烙 。之 烙 後 恬 傳點 。
其 及下 筋 急 者 。 諸 痺 ,痛 皆 雲治 則 反 折 筋急 , 熱 無 用 類 。鐵 觀 而 世後 以 鐵 積 則 是 以 治之 從 仲 景 雲: 太 陽 傷 熱 而 煩躁 。 太 陽 ,煩 面色 青 黃 , 致 害人 也 。 又 凡 或 臟 五 虛 勞風 寒則 凝澀 故 也 。 ,破 即 用 除 騎 藥
Io6 7g 及 癱 閏 ,“obstruction-illness,impediment-illness.”referstotwovaguelydistinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against 了he obstruction may cause alocal swelliing and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L 642.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Explication. [Li] Shizhen: Ihe 5z zoezz states: “When the disease is in the sinews,
repulate it through thesinews.With aheated needle apply arobbing them andalso where the sinews are tense. When the disease is in the it through the bones. Apply afire needle and medication poultices.' 72 有 7zy in its discussion of 4 types of blockage pain affecting theI2 always states:”Io achieve a cure, an aggressive piercing with a hot
piercing below bones,regulate Also, the zzz conduit sinews needle is to be
repeated until an effect is seen. Ihe transport [openings to be pierced are at] the
location of the pain. It also states: “When the disease of the conduit sinews was caused by cold,then [the spine] will be arched backward as if broken and the sinews are tense. If [the disease is caused by] heat, then the sinews will relax and can no
longerbe controlled. Ihe yin[(i.e., genital organ」is lame and useless. Ihe application of the filre needle serves to pierce cold [linduced] tensions. If [the sinews relax and cannot be controlled中|, this must not be treated with the fire needle.” In view of these [statementsj, the heated needle is applied to sinews that are tense because
of cold. Ihis is to cure cold by means of heat. Ihis is the method of normal thera~ py In later times, [heated] needles served to pierce accumulations forming lumps,
and their fire q was used to disperse the cold and to dry [moisture]. Ihis way the flthy [qi] were made to leave. Furthermore,when [aheated needle] is used to cure
obstruction-iHiness and impediment-ilnesss7 then this is amethod ofa therapy conforming [with the nature of the disease]. It serves to let the poison qi flow off. Ignorant [practitioners] resort to [the heated needle] to cure harm caused by cold
associated with a heat disease. Ihis is wrong. Zhang Zhongjing states: “In the case of harm caused by cold affecting the major yang [regionj, to apply a warmed needle ww 過 cause [the patient to suffer from] fright.In the case of weak camp qiy to apply aheated needle will obstruct the flow of blood. [Patients] Will effuse heat and ex-
perience unrest and restlessness.Tfin the case ofamajor yang disease, [a treatment is applied] to cause a discharge, then this will result in an obstacle-iliness5? below the heart. When in the case of both inner and outer depletion, and yin and yang |lqi] exhaustion,aburned needle is applied on top of this,andif then the [patient's3」
chest experiences unresty, With_his facial complexion being greenish-yellow and his skin being moist, hen this is df 帛cult to cure. In 和 these cases those who apply the [heated] needle are not aware of the principles underlying the insertion of the needle inconformityWwith therequired knowledge,and hence theyuse them faultily Io7 攻 zg 及 癱 疸, “obstruction-iHness, impediment-iness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BVCGM Dict L, 642.
Io8 號 痞 ,“obstacle-illness,”a feeling ofuncomfortable fullness and distension.BCGM Dict 37L.
C/z2/z7 6
causing harm to the persons [treated|. Also, for all liver depletions associated with dimmed vision and profuse tearflow, or redness [of the eyes] because of wind With the formation of thick shade membranes [in the eyesj, or depletion exhaustion of
the five long-term depots with wind and fire ascending to rush_ to the eyes and causing fhe formation of a shade, or59 if following a disease a white membrane develops With loss of vision, for 和 1 these [conditions] it is appropriate to apply the
method of ironing.” Ihe fact is, when the qi and the blood are warmed, they wi flow freely When they are exposed to cold, they will coagulate and |their passage] Will be rough. Ihe method [is as follows]. Take aneedle with a fiat head the size of the shade [to be treated]- 本 eat it until it has become red, and carefully lower it
on the shade to brand it. Ihis will let the shade break open. Ihen apply medication topically to remove the [remains of the] shade. o6-o9
燈火綱目 De7ze 2zzo, 上 匕 Coz7zzg 722
Lamp fire.
【 主 】治 小 兒 驚 風 昏迷 , 搐 擬 竄 視 諸 。病 又 治 頭 風 盛 ,處 以 燈 心 薩 麻油點 燈 烊 ,之 良。 外 閨 腫 痛 ,者 毒 , 火 能 通 經 。也 小 兒 初生 , 因 軸 寒氣 飲 絕 ,者 勿 胎衣 烘 ,熱 用 燈 灶 於 下臍 往來 燎 ,之 粗 氣 入 腹 ,內 柄, 刀 烙 眼 弦 ,內 去 風 赤退 , 甚 。妙 時 珍 。
脹 ,痛 亦 斷 ,臍 氣
視 烊 。之 急 回 自
頭 額太 陽 絡 采 油 能 去 風解 烘 絮 包之, 將 。甦 又 燒 銅 匙
ontrolL Fright windrs of children with clouding and confusion. All types of conVulsion and scurrying vision _ disease. Also, to cure head windFF with swelling and pain, inspect the major yang network [vessel] on the head and forehead to locate where it is filed, and apply a cauterization there with rushes dipped in sesame oil and lighted With alamp. Ihis is good. Also, cauterize external piles associated with a painful swelling. Ihe oil is capable of removing wind and resolving poison. The fire is capable of penetrating the conduits. When anewborn child because of an attack by cold qi is close to having [the flow of di and blood] cut of, do not sever theumbilicalcordbut quickly wrap it with awarm wadding to warm the [expelled|
placenta. In addition repeatedly move and remove again alamp wick to and from Iog Given the structure of this sentence, the character c2e7g
Writing of 2z2
成 appears to be an erroneous
或, “or
IIO .Zzzzc zz 藤 風 ,“fright wind,”acondition of children characterised by jerking and arched back rigidity eyeballs turned upward, and twitching hands and legs.BCGM Dict L 26r, also 238, 24o.
II_72z/z 頭
風 ,“head wind”is wind evilattacking the head followed bypain,or dizziness,
or itching. BCGM Dict LPL5og.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
below the [childs] navel to apply heat there. Ihe warmth qi will enter the abdomen.
Qnce the q have returned [to the childj it will come to life again. Also, heat the handle of acopper spoon and exert hot pressure to the inside of the margins of the eyes to remove wind and cause the redness to retreat. Very wondrous. [Li| Shizhen.
【 縱 】【 明 時 油 、 諸 禽 盞 、油 病 不 損 ,目 亦 治
珍 日】 凡 燈, 惟胡 麻油 、 蘇 子 油 然 ,者 能明 目 治 。病 其 諸魚 諸 菜 子 、油 棉花子 、油 桐 、油 豆 、油 石 腦 油 諸 煙燈 , 皆 能 也。
Explication. [Li| Shizhen: For all [applications of] lamp_ [fire]j, only those fired by
sesame oiland oe7z//z fruit oil will be capable of clearing the eyes and curing disease. Al the fumes emitted by lamps fired with any type of fsh oil any type of bird or animam1 oilb any type of vegetable oil, cotton seed oil oe7y7zzzczz ol, soybean oil and
naphta will cause injuries to the eyes,and they will not serve to cure a disease.
【 附 方】 新 七 。 Added Recipes. Seven newly [recorded.
攪 腸 沙 。痛 陰 陽 腹痛 , 手足 ,冷 但 身上 有 紅 點 , 以 燈 草 薩 點 油 火, 烊 於點 上 。 濟
急方 。
Painful twisting intestines sand. 選 Presence of both yin and yang [types of cramps] associated with abdominal pain. Cold hands and feet. Red dots covering the body Dip Z7zczyrrushes into [sesame] oiland lightthem overa [lampj filre. Ihen cauterize the [red] dots With them. 博 埃友 7z
小 兒 諸 。驚 仰向後 ,者 燈火 熔 其 贏 、門 兩 眉 齊 之上 下 ; 眼 翻 下 不 者 , 烊其 、心 心 之上 下 ; 手 拳 不 ,開 口 往上 者 , 其 臍 之上 下 ; 不 省 人 事 ,者 熾 手足 其 頂 心、 兩 手心 ; 撮 口 出 白 沫 ,者 烊 其 口上 下、 手 足 。心 小 兒 驚 風 秘訣 。 Al types of frightofchildren.When [their body] is arched backward, use lamp fire to cauterize their fontanel and the region above and below the middle between the two eyebrows. When their eyes are turned upward and fail to come down again, cauterize the region above and below their navel. When they have lost consciousness and fail to recognize one, cauterize the palms of their hands and feet, and the region above and below the heart. When the hands are cramped to fists and do not open, and [the head is bent backward so that the] mouth shows upward, cauterize
thecenter of the top of the head,and the palms of the hands.JIn the case of apursed II2 7z2 2zzg 52z 攪 腸 ,沙 “twisting intestines sand:”A pain in the heart and abdomen, associated with_cold sweat and further extremely uncomfortable conditions. BCUGM Dict L 247Z.
C//2z27/e7 6
mouth releasing white foam, cauterize the region above and below the mouth, and the palms of the hands and the feet. 六 zz2 z7-./7zo /27zo 777e.
百 日 咬 傷。 以燈火
軒 ,之 出 水 。妙 濟 急 方 。
Harm caused by the bites of any of the hundreds of worms/bugs. Steam [the affectcdregionj with the fumes ofalamp fire to cause water to leave.VWondrous. 五 堪/z7zg
楊梅 毒 。瘡 方 廣 心 法 附 餘 欠用 打 結 、砂 銀 原 各 二 ,錢 白花 蛇 一 ,錢 烏 末 , 作 紙 撚 七 。條 初 日 用 三條 , 自 後 日 用 一條 , 香油 點 燈 於 烘 爐中 , 放 被 內 革 點, 勿 透風 。 須 食 ,飽 口 含 椒 ,茶 熱 則 吐 去 再 含 。 Red bayberry poison sores. 糾Fang Guang in his 六 zz 名) [recommends to grindl two 27z7z each of asand generated byareaction of lead with mercuryand vermilion, and one 7zzz of silverbanded krait to apowder and to form seven rolls of paper [to enclose the powder]. On the first day use three such rolls, and thereafter one roll per day Light the rolls as lamp wicks fred by sesame oil place them into an oven [to develop fumes without an open flame]j, and cover [the oven and the patiend| With a quilt while he lies down. He must not be exposed to wind. | Ihe patient」 is to have eaten to repletion,and to hold in his mouth pepper and tea. Once [the tea
leaves] have got hob heis to spit them out and to take「fresh cold leaves] into his
mouth again.
神 作 坐, 以
燈 一 燈 心 用 陳 醬
:法 ,大 鼻 水
用 銀朱 二 ,錢 孩兒 、茶 龍 掛 、香 蝦 角子 各 一 ,錢 烏 末 , 以 紙 卷 長 三 ,寸 每 用 一條 , 安 燈 竟 ,內 香油 浸點 , 置 水 桶中 , 以 被圍 煙吸 嚥 。之 口 含 冷 茶 , 熱 則 吐 。去 日 囊 二 。次 三 日 後 口中 破 反 , 漱之 。
Fumigation method with the “divine lamp.「[Grind] two 7zz7z of vermilion and one
27z7z each_of catechu, incense sticks hung by iron or copper strings, and gzZe2z772 seeds to apowdepand wrap this With paperto form rolls as big as alamp wick, With alength of threecz7z. Foreach applicationuse one suchroll. Giveitinto thebowlef an oil lamp to soak in sesame oiland ignite it. Ihen place [the lamp with the burning Wick] into a water bucket and let the patienty tightly covered With aquilt, sit on it.With his nose heis to inhale the fumes and then swallow 了them. In his mouth he is to hold cold tea. Once [the tea] has got hot, heis to spit it out. Such fumigation
is to be performed twice a day. After three days, the skin in the [patients] mouth Will break open.Itis to be rinsed With long kept fermented water of foxtail millet.
屯 zzg zz c2zz7g 楊梅 瘡 , “red bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases of syphilis. BCGM Dict 293,294.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
神 燈 照 :法 治 楊梅 瘡 久年 破 爛 坑 陷 。者 用 銀 、朱 水 粉、 線 各香 三 ,錢 乳 油 燈 照 ,瘡 日 三 卷 撚, 浸 點 香 、 沒 各藥 五 ,分 片 腦 二 ,分 烏 末 , 以 紙 作 次, 七 日 見效 。 須 先 服 通 聖 散 數 ,貼 臨時 口 含 椒 ,狡 以防毒 氣入 齒 也 。 Ihemethodto“
訓uminate with the divine lamp.”Io cure red bayberry sores, sores
that have ]asted for years, causing [the skin] to break open and decay with holes and indentations.[Grind] three 7zzz cach of vermilion, lead carbonate and slender
incense sticks, flve /z7z each of frankincense and myrrh, and two /z of borneol to apowder Ihis is to be wrapped with ones fingers in paper rolls that are soaked in sesarme oil and ignited as alamp to 訓uminate the sores. Ihis is performed three times a day and after seven days an effect will be visible. Prior to [this therapy, the patient] is to ingest several doses of the“powder to communicate With the sages.呈 When the time [for the treatment] has come, he is to hold pepper and teain his
mouth lest poison qi enter his teeth.
被 點 之。 油 燈, 於 中 年 深 開 ,癬 過 身 胡延 者, 硫 、黃 艾 葉 研 作勻 撚, 浸 點 以 油 塗 口 鼻 耳 ,目 露 。之 集玄 方 。 zz-illness 瑟 and xz/z7z-ness共 that have ]asted for years, and have spread to cover
the entire body Grind sulphur and common mugwort leaves evenly mixed [to a powder] and form, With your fingers,rolls to be soaked in sesame oil and to belit as alamp.[Cover the lamp and the patient] with aquilt to let him be fumigated. Also, apply oil to [the patients] mouth,nose,ears and eyes,and leave them uncovered [so
that they are not exposed to the fumes. o6-IO
花 抬遺
zzz 2772, 上 匕 527 )/7,
Thesnu 和 ofalamp wick.
【 氣 】味 缺 。 Qiand Flavor Missing-
【 主治 】 傅 顆 ,
湯調 ,
金 ,瘡 止血 生 肉。 藏 。器 小 上兒 邪 熱 在 ,心 夜 抹
吮之 。
啼 不 ,止 以二 三
時 珍 。
II4 Ingredients include: $zz2o2y27z22072z Toot, Zooz5zzcz7z「root|, Z7zeeZzcz root, zz27zzz「root, rhubarb root, 2ezz stem/leaf, z22ezzz [herbj], 放 zs) 約zz [root], mirabilite, gypsum, sczZ//z77zz root, 2/z7co2Z27z [root talc, egZycyyy7272z [root], yc27z927z22z/z「spike」|, zz/7zc/y/oZey[rhizZomej oz7ze7zzz [fruid|, fresh ginger
I5 ./ze-illness 開 ,vaguely defined skin ailment.BCGM Dict L 249. II6 及 zz7扣 ness 癬 ,skin 訓ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM Dict LP 59L.
C//2z27/e7 6
ontrol. Applied to wounds caused by metal objects/weapons,it ends bleeding and stimulates the growth of flesh. [Chen] Cangdi. When children incessantly cry at night because of evil heat in their heart, give two or three pieces of snuftf into a decoction of common rushes and smear this on the teats [ofits nursing mother] for the child to suck.
【 則 嗜 爍
貫 燈 燈 丸
】【 明 時 珍 日 】 苦陸 買 言 燈 花 爆 而 百 事 ,喜 漢書 藝 文 有志 回 燈 花 術, 亦 此 義 。乎 我明宗 室 富 順 王 一 孫 , 乙 治 夜 ,啼 其 取 花 固 靈 物 。也 錢 用 ,花 但聞 其 ,氣 即 哭 索 不 已。 時 珍 腳 ,之 曰: 此 癱 。也 以殺 點 治 闢之 ,服 一 料 而 愈。
Explication. [Li| Shizhen: In ancient times, Lu asaid that when the snuff of a lamp wick suddenly bursts out in fire, this means happiness in al respects, and the
section Yi wen Zhiof the /72z7z 29z advises on the techniques of using snuff for divination. That is, snuf is definitely an item with numinous potential. When Qian Yi resorted toitto cure crying [of childrenj during the night, this was based on this understanding. My own [experience is as follows]. A grandson of the Prince of Fu shun,amemberof theimperial clan,was addicted to snuff. He only needed tosmel its di and he began to cryand demand forit without end. [lbLi] Shizhen examined
him,and [said: Ihis is an apgregation名 ness. He was given pis as amedication to _ kill worms/bugs and to cure apgregatlon訓ness. After taking one dose he was cured.
燼 燭 綱目 之22/ 及 7z, 上 匕 Goz7zg 2222 Candle remains。
【 集 解 】【 時 珍 】晶 粹 有 蜜 蠟燭 、 蟲 蠟燭、 柏 燭油 、 牛 脂 燭 , 惟 者, 燼可入 藥。 油
蜜 蠟、 柏
ollected Explanations. [Li| Shizhen: Among candles are candles made of beesWwax, candles made of the wax of bugs/worms, candles made of the oil of the tallow
tree and candles made of the fat of oxen. Only the remains of those made of beeswax and the oill of the tallow tree are to be added to medication.
【 氣 】味 缺 。 Qiand Flavor. Missing-
【 主 】治 丁 ,腫 同 胡麻 、 鐵 砂 等 ,分 烏 ,末 和 酪 傅 。之 治 九 ,漏 同陰乾 馬 齣 葛 等 ,分 烏 末 , 以 消 水 洗 淨, 和 臘 豬 脂 傅 ,之 日 三上 。 時 珍 。
7/2e 27 Cdz2 Gd7zg 477
Control Forpin[-iness 世swellingy [grind candle remains] with sesame seeds and
[iron] needle fragpments to a powdep mix it with vinegar and apply this [to the
affected regionj. Io cure thenine types of leakage [grind it] together with an edqual amount of purslane, dried in ashady location, to a powder. Cleanse [the powder With_waterin which rice was washed and mix it with lard collected in the I2th
month. Apply [the resulting ointment] to [the affected regionj, three times aday [Li| Shizhen.
II7 zze 丁, ?%zz[-ilness] also Zoe 苹 ,“pin-iliness, refers to a deep-reaching and festering hardness in atissue, eventually rising above the skin like apinhead. BCGM Dict L I27I29g.
草綱 目
7還 277 22 zz720 2222
部 目錄
Sectlon Soils, Contents
hapter 7 李時珍 曰: 土 者 五 行 之 ,主 坤 之 體 辨九 州之 土 色, 甘 烏 正 。味 是 以 禹 真 至 柔 而剛, 至 靜有和 常, 兼 五 生 行 萬 則脾胃 應 之, 故 諸 土入 藥 , 皆取 其 部 。 舊本 三 十 九 種, 散見 玉石 部 。
。也 周 物 禪
具 官 而 不 助 戊
色 五 辨 與 己
而 以 黃 十有 二 壤 其 ,能 坤 之 。功 今
詞 之 之 集
正色 , 土 。性 德 其 士 六屬
具 五 味 而以 蓋 其為 德, 至 吳 。哉 在 人 十 一 種 烏土
Li Shizhen: Soillis the chief of the Five Phases; itis the physical embodiment 人 [the trigram」 zzz. It appears in 和 1 the five colors, but yellow is the proper color [of soilL It appears With all the five flavors, but sweet is the proper flavor [of so Hence in the
玖 ozg the colors of the soil of the nine divisions [of our country
are distinguished, and the Z2oz oz27z distinguishes among the natural dispositions of the soill of the I2 regions. Jhe fact is, [soil| is endowed with utmost softness and
hardness, as well as utmost calmness as its repgular feature. It is linked to the Five Phases engendering of the myriad items, but this does not exhaust its potential. It exemplifies the utmost endowment of [feminity as reflected by the trigram] /z7 坤. In manm the spleen and thestomach correspond to it. Hence,whenever soilis added
to medication, this serves always to assist the activities of [the long-term depot and short-term repository associated with] the sth and the 6th of the [ten」 celestial
stems. Here now 6I kinds of soil are brought together to form the section on soils. In older [versions of 2z7z czo Works]39 kinds had been listed scattered in the section on jades and minerals/stones.
[Iheitems recorded below are adopted from the following sources:」 S2e7z z2z 2ez77zg 神 農 本 經 ,2 items,during Liang 染 ,byTao Hongjing 陶 弘 77zzge 7 2 及 名 醫 別 錄 :3 items, during Liang 染 .
7/2e 27 Cdz2 Gd7zg 477
7zzzg 2ez cz2 唐
本 :草 3 items, during Tang 唐 ,by Su Gong 蘇 恭
ez cdz2527 罰 本 草 拾遺 : 2 items, during Tang 唐 ,by Chen Cangdi 陳 居 器 . S7 y2ezg 2ez cz2 四 聲本 草 :Iitem,during Tang 唐 ,by Xiao Bing 和 芒炳
太 2z7 2z2 2ez cz2 開 寶本 草 :Iitemy, during Song 宋 ,by Ma Zhi 馬 志 Z7ezg zz 2ez cz2 證 本 類 草 :Iitemy, during Song,by Tang Shenwei 唐 7 人加到 人加 衍 補 義
遺 : Titem, during Yuan 元 ,by Zhu Zhenheng 朱 震 亨
ez ez ozzg zz 本 草
綱目: zitems, during Ming 明 ,by Li Shizhen 李時珍 .
【 附註 】: Additional comments [are based on the following sources」:
Wei 魏 [dynast]: Li Dangzhi 李
當 之 ,2 表 爍 錄
吳 普 , 本 草 5ez ez2
宋 [dynasty]:
Lei Xiao 雷 即 , 嚷 2 27 炮 炙
Qi 齊 [dynasty]: 對 藥 z 7 Z 2 $ 才 , 之 徐 i a c i h Xu Z Tang
唐 [dynasty]:
Zhen Quan 郵 權 ,
2 xzzg 皆 性
Sun Simiao 孫 思 邀, Ozzz.7zzz 千金 Tang 唐 [dynasty]: Yang Sunzhi 楊 損 之 ,$2zz./zz 刪 繁 Shu 習 [dynast]: Han Baosheng 韓 Song
保 ,虱 C2ozeg 2z 重 註
宋 [dynasf6y]
, 頌 蘇 g n o S Su
才 圖經
Da Ming, Rihua 大明日 華 Song
宋 [dynasf6y]
Kou Zongshi 寇
宗爽, gz 7z 衍 義
C//,z27/e7 7
Jin 金
Zhang Yuansu 張
元 ,系 Z2zz 2z zz 珍珠 宮
Yuan 元 [dynas6y]: Li Gao 李 呆 , zz xzzzg 法 象
Yuan 元 [dynas6y]: Wang Haogu 王 好 古, 7zzg) 湯 液
Ming 明 [dynast]: Wang 五 三 機, /z7 2zzz 會 編 ChenJ 本 amo 陳
嘉 ,誤 4/ezeg zz7 蒙 笙
士 之凡 一 六 十 一種 Soils L, altogether 6I kinds. o7-or
5z7e 白 聖 ,chalk, FE 5ez.7zze 本 經
o7-o2_Gzz Z 甘 士 ,bentonite, TE 527 如 拾遺
o7-o3_C27 紀 赤 士 ,red soil FE AS27 如 拾遺
7zzz 2 黃 士 ,yellow soil FE 52z 罰 拾遺
o7-o5 o7-o6
2D2z 友 有 東 壁 土 ,soil ofawall facing East, FE 5#z 及 別 錄 727 zz zz 太陽 士 ,soil removed from the ground in relation to the
position of the major yang constellationin the nine mansions diagram, FE Gzzg 2z 綱目 o7-o6-Aor [>2z7#| zz xzzg zz[ 執 日]天 星 土 ,soil [collected onaxz27day] from alocation defilned by the associated celestial stem and earth branch. o7-o6-Ao2 了 pgz7z 52z7zg 六 上笑 士 ,soil from alocationin the North collected onax27day at any of the six ez7 hours. o7-o6-Ao3 AS72z7zg 7ez 77Z7 上 十 日 土 ,soil taken from alocation in the North at any of the yez hours [in the second month. o7-o6-A4 QOzzg zzge zz 52z7g zz 清明 成上 土 ,soil taken froma [olocation in the North-West onaclear day.
o7-o6-A5 52ez 2oz zz 神 後 士, soil taken on the second day ofayear. o7-o7 72z2z 27 雯 Zooz7zvzz 太 77Zx7z 天 子 勵 田 三 推 下 閨 土 ,soil from below the plow pushed three times by the Emperor to till the fields. SE AS277 抬 貴
7/2e 27 Cdz2 Gd7zg 477
AS2z 五 ##z 紀 社 復 壇 士 ,soil from aplatform erected to worship
thegodofthe land and the god of the grains. o7-o7-Ao2_C72z7zz 2 Z 春 牛 土 ,soil from the oxen in spring o7-o7-Ao3 點 7z zz 富家 士 ,soil from the home ofawealthy family o7-o7-Ao4 72ze 2 >2oze 紀 亨 部 中 士 ,soil from the location ofapavillion. o7-o8
72z2 >/227zg 7 Z 道中 熱
土 ,soil from aheated road, FE $27)# 拾遺
o7-o9_C2e zzzz 紀 車 華 士 ,soil from chariots and carriages, FE S27)7 拾遺 o7-Io 527 zzz 市 門 士 ,soil from the gate to the markety FE S27 人 加 拾遺 o7-II 7zxzz7z zz zz 戶 限下 士 ,soil from below the threshold ofa doorp FE $2z 罰 拾遺 O7-I2
0727z 2z/ 7
步 ,峰 heaps [of soil accumulated by] one thousand steps,
FE Gzzge zz 綱目
六 zz 季 zzz 包 鞋 $2z 罰 拾遺
o7-I4Z2zzxzzZ 柱
厂 下 士 ,soil from below the soles of straw sandals, TE 下 土 ,soil from the bottom ofpillars, FE A2z 罰 抬 貴
C2zz7zg7Zzz2 zzz 刀 煙 腳下
士 ,soil from the bottom of the legs ofabed,
FE 527 加 拾遺
5Z2z2 y27 c2zzg 2z7g Z 燒
尸 場上 士 ,soil from aplace where corpses are
cremated, FE Gzzg zz 綱目
o7-I7。Z2ozg 2727 塚上 士 ,soil from atomby FE 2 加 抬 貴 o7-I8。Szzg gez x7z Z/ 桑 下 根 士 ,soil from below the root of mulberry trees, FE $2z 罰 拾遺 o7-I9_/z)zz zz
胡 燕
梨 土 ,soil from the nests ofswallows, FE AS2z 罰 抬 遺
5z7y2z &ex2oze 炙 百
古 中 寓 士 ,soil from the nests ofa “one hundred
tongues”[bird], FE S27 7z 抬 遺 了 /7zo 士 蜂 寓 ,soil from the nests of wasps, FE AS 罰
o7-22Ozzzg zze >2zz7 zz7z 畢 螂 轉 ,丸 pellets rolled by dung beetles, FE 2 丸
o7-23Gz7zs27 鬼 屎, demons'feces, FE $27 )# 拾遺 o7-24 52z 7z7 2 鼠 壤 士 ,lipght soil [excavated] by mice/rats, FE S27 )# 抬 遺 o7-25 ez 52z 7z7 zz 腊 鼠 壤 士 ,lipht soil [excavated] by moles, FE AS2z 媽 拾遺 o7-26” 族 , zez 7z2z x7z c22zge c2zz / 屋 內 埔下 日 塵土 ,dust and soil left by worms/bugs at the bottom of the walls in ones home, FE 527 )z# 拾遺 o7-27 五 ZzZ 蟻 十 土 ,soilfrom an anthill, FE ASZz 罰 抬 貴 o7-28 5z7y777z 白蟻 泥, termite excrements, FE Gzzze z 綱目 o7-29
0 有 zz 7 蚯蚓 泥 ,earthworm mud/excrements, FE Gzzzg zz 綱目
zz2 27 zz 螺 蜥
泥 ,spiral shell mud/excrements, FE Gzze zz 綱目
C//,z27/e7 7
o7-3I。 5z7y2z7/ zz 白 鮮 泥 ,mud on [the body of] white eels, FE Gzzg zz 綱目 o7-32。Z2z cz252zzg goz Z 豬槽上 垢 士 ,dirt and soil from apig troughy FE 527 丸
o7-33OQzz7 zzz2 zz 犬
尿 泥 ,mud from where dogs have urinated, FE Gzzzg 2
綱目 o7-34
72 zzz2 27 驢
尿 泥 ,mud from where donkeys have urinated, FE AS2z 罰 抬
遺 o7-35
zz2 &e7zg zz 尿
坑 泥 ,mud from aurine pit FE' Gzzg zz 綱目
o7-36_/ez ez 居 zz 對 坑
底 泥 ,mud from the bottom ofan excrement pit FE
Gzzzg zz 綱目
好 zz Zzxzz 27 符 泡 下 泥 ,mud from where rain water has dropped down from the eaves, FE Gzzze 2# 綱目
77zzz 227zg zz 田中 泥 ,mud from the fields, FE Gzzg zz 綱目
o7-39 o7-4o o7-4I
了 zz 懾 # 井 底 泥 ,mud from the bottom ofa well, FE Gzzzg zz 綱目 上 旋 ‧Zezz 局 爹 泥 ,catechu, FE Gzzg zz 綱目 zz zozzz Z 彈丸 士 ,soil [used to produce] bullets, FE $2z 人 拾遺 o7-42Zz7zz 2z7z 自 然 ,meerschaumy 灰 FE ASZz 罰 拾遺 o7-43 上 zzg ezz 伏 龍 肝 ,soil from ahearth,FE 5z 有 九 別 錄 o7-44 O7-45
Z有 方士 整 ,calc-sinter [in alime-kiln], FE Gzzeg zz 綱目 “Gz7z 2z2 甘 鋼 , crucible, FE Gzzzg 2#z 綱目
AS2z gz2 砂鍋 ,unglazed pottery FE Gzzg #z# 綱目
o7-47。5z7c777 白 和 瓷器,white porcelain utensil, FE 7z7g 2z 唐 本 o7-48 下 ‧gz zoz 選 古凡 ,old black roof tile, FE 7#zzge ez 唐本 o7-49_Gz >x2zzz 古 磚 ,ancient brick, FE A2z 罰 抬 貴 o7-5o” 聞 zz.7zz2 煙 膠 ,soil inside a chimney ofafurnace used to burn tiles, FE Gzzzg zz 綱目
奔 ,ink stick, FE zz 2z2 開 寶
o7-52/277zz2 釜
臍 墨 ,ink/soot from the navel/center ofa cauldrons [bottomlj,
FE Szy2ezg 四 聲 5z7z2 zz7g 百
草 ,soot 箱 scratched from withinachimneyofa
furnace where all types of herbs had been burned, TE Gzzg z 綱目 O7-54
了 7z7zo 5727z7zg 2277
zz c2e7 門 白 塵, dust from the mortar base ofadoor pivot, TE Gzzzg zz 綱目
梁 上
塵, dust from abeamy FE 727zg 2e7 唐本
2z cez zz 誠 婦
眉頭鹿 士 ,dust from the end ofawidow%
bed, FE ASZz 罰 拾遺
07 2z 2227g 227 2z7 次 bowl FE 527 罷 抬 遺
歡 中 白灰 , white dust/lime found inaporcelain
//2e zz Cz2 GCz7zg 4
o7-58 o7-59
和 zzzg 2z7z 香爐 灰 ,ashes in an incense burnep FE Gzzg zz 綱目 7Dzz7 >z2 2zz 鍛 憲 灰 ,ashes from the furnace ofa forge, FE 5zz 及 別 錄
727zo 27/7 冬 灰 , Winter ashes, TE 5e7
放 本經
o7-6I_527727 石 肯 ,stone bittern FE 及 加 補遺 .
右 附 方 舊 五 十六 , 新 一 百 七 十 五。 Recipes added to the entries above: 56 of old.I75 newly [recorded」.
草 綢目
7?z77 22 927zo 722
士部 Sectlon Soils
第 七卷 hapter 7
士 之 凡 一 六 十 一種 Soils l, altogether 6 kinds. o7-oI
白 聖 音 惡。 本 下經 品 zz eread 上 匕 527z. 有 zz
lower rank.
Chalk, Kaoln,.
【 釋 】名 白 善 土 別 、錄 白 士 粉 衍 、義 畫 粉。【 時 白 者 為 惡色 , 故 名 。聖 後人 諱 之, 呼 烏 白 善 。 Explanation of Names. 5z7,22z/
珍 】晶 土 以
黃 為正色 , 則
日 善 士 ,“white,good soil^ 25zz 及 527
白 士
粉 ,“white soilpowdep” 玫 zz )7. zz /z 畫 粉 ,“powder for drawings” [LI] Shizhen: Since the proper color of soil is yellow white, 2zz
Hence the name [2
日, [soil] is a bad,z
惡 , [so
聖 , [white] bad soiL”In later times, the people placed a
taboo on this [negative desigpnationj and theynamedit“white good [soi,”227 5227 [zz] 白
善 [ 士], instead.
C//,z27/e7 7
【 者, 善。 陸。 白 【
集 解 】【 列 錄 】晶 白 了可 生 部 郭 山谷, 夫 無 。【 時 弘 景 日】 即 甚多 而 ,賤 俗 方 稀 。【 用 頒 日】 胡 居士 :雲 始 興 小 桂縣” 晉 而今 處 處 皆有 之 , 人 家往往 用 以 浣 。衣 西 山 經 :雲 大 次 之 山 , 中 山 經 :雲 葷 聾 之 ,山 其 有中 大 ,谷 多 白 黑 青 黃 聖。 有 五 ,色 宗 爽 日 】 白 善 ,土 京師 謂 之 白 土 ,粉 切 成 方塊 , 賣 於人 耳 者 。【 器 者 。 時 珍 日】 白 土 處 有處 之, 用 燒 白 瓷 坏
畫 今 家 陽 鄉有 其 入 浣衣
用 白 陽多 藥惟 。
ollected Explanations. 5zz Z: Chalk pgrows in the mountain valleys of Han dan. It is collected anyttime. [Tao] Hongjing: Nowadays painters use it. It is available in large quantities, and itis cheap. lt is made use of in ordinary recipes only rarely Su Song: HuJushistates: 弓arly onmy chalk was found inJn yang xiang in 入iao gui xian. Nowadays it can be found everywhere. he people frequently use it to wash their clothes. Jhe 入 2z7z.7Zzzg states: JMuch chalk occurs on the yang/sunny side of Mount Da ci”Jhe Z2o7ze 2z7z.7 有 zz states: “In the Cong long mountains are ]arpe Valleys and there is much chalk of white, blacky, greenish and yellow color. Tt may appearin all five colors,butonlywhite [chalk] is added tomedication.[Kou] Zongshi: Chalk, white,goodsoib is called white soil powder in the capitl. When cut
it forms rectangular pieces that are sold to the people to wash clothes.[Li| Shizhen:
White soil gprows everywhere. It is used for the molds that are burned to produce White porcelain vessels.
【 修 】【 治 禾 日 】 凡 使 , 勿 色用 青。 並 底 白 ,者 揭 篩末 , 以 由 湯 飛過 , 曝 袍 ,用 則 免 結 詐人 腸 。也 每 聖二 兩, 用 鹽 一 分, 【 大 明日 】 入 藥 燒用 , 不 入 湯飲 。 Pharmaceutical Preparation.[Leil Xiao: Forall lmedicinal| applications,do not use [chalkj With agreenish color Pound white [chalk] from the bottom of awell to a
powderand give it through asieve. Ihen process itbysublimation with asalt decoc~ tion dry itin the sun and make use of it. Ihis way one can avoid the formation of nodes causing arough passage in the intestines. For each application use two /z72 of chalk with one /z of salt. Da Ming: Tt is burned to be added to medication. It cannot be drunk in adecoction.
【 氣 】味 苦, 溫 , 無 專。【 別 曰】 甘, 溫 燈 。 權 瘦 贏 。【
錄 曰】 辛 , 無
毒。 不
可 久 ,服 傷 五 ,臟
Qiand Flavor. Bittep warm,nonpoisonous. zz Z: Acrid,nonpoisonous.Itmustnot
be ingested for an extended period of time, lest it harm the flve long-term depots and cause one to suffer from emaciation.[Zhen] Quan: Sweet, Warm.
【 主 】治 女 子 宏 熱 癥 ,疲 月 閉 積聚 。 本 。經 陰 腫 ,痛 漏下 無 ,子 洩 。痢 列 錄。 療 女 子 血 ,結 漲 腸 止 。痢 甄 。權 治 鼻 洪 吐血 , 痔站 洩 ,精 男子 水臟 冷 , 女 子子宮 冷 。 大 。明 合 王 瓜 等 ,分 詞 末 , 湯 點 二 錢 ,服 治 頭 。痛 宗 與。
7/2e 27 Cdz2 Gd7zg 477
ontrol. Alternating cold and heat sensations,and concretion-illness and conglom~cration-ilness of women, With_ blocked menstruation associated with accumula-
tions. 5e7z.7z7zg. Painful swellinp in the yin [ie. genital region]. Leaking discharge [from the vagina] and childlessness. Outflow and free-flux 過 ness.8 2 及. Tt heals
bloodnodes of women,roughens the passage through the intestines and ends freefux 記Iness. Z/hen Quan. It serves to cure massive nosebleed and blood spitting, piles filstula, and uncontrolled outflow of essence/sperm, associated in males with
cold in the water long-term depoband infemales with cold im theuterus.Da Ming|Ground tol apowder together with an equal amount of cucumber gourd, and two
72727z [of this powder] ingested With hot water, it serves to cure headache. [Koul
明 時 珍 日】 諸 【 發 】【
土則 蕭入 氣 分 也。 土 皆 能 勝 濕 補 ,脾 而 白 聖
Explication. [Li] Shizhen: While a1 types of soil are capable of overcoming moisture and supplementing the spleenm chalk, in addition,enters the di section.
【 附 方】 新 九 。 Added Recipes. Nine recently [recorded.
扭 血 不 。止 白 士末 五 錢, 井 華 水 調 ,服 二 服 除 。根 瑞
竹 堂方 。
Unending nosebleed. Mix five 27zzz of chalk with the first water drawn from aweg] in the _morning and ingest this. Ingested twice it will eliminate the root [of the bleeding]. 人 zz 2z zz /7zg
水 泄 不 ,化 日 夜 不 。止 白 聖 、爐 惕 芊 各炮 一 兩, 楮 葉 研二 生 飲下二 十 丸。 普 濟 方 。 丸 綠 豆大 , 每 米
,兩 烏 末 , 糊
Watery outflow of undigested [foodj, not ending during day and night.[Grindl one /zzg each of calcined chalk and dried ginger roasted in a pan, and two /z7zg of fresh paper mulberry leaves to apowdep to be prepared, with dough, to pills the size of mung beans. 斷ach time send down, with arice beverage,2o p 包 s. 上 有 形/Z7Zzg
翻 胃 吐 。食 男婦 皆 。治 白 善 土 赤犽 , 以 米 酯一 升 淬 之, 再 烽 再 ,淬 酪 密 烏 度 , 取 一 兩 ,研 乾 董二 錢半 炮, 詞 末 。人 每 服 一 錢 調 ,下 服 至 一 上斤 以上 訪 妙 。 千 旭金 。 Turned over stomach causing vomitinpg of food. Males and females are all cured 31ike. 0Quench chalk calcined untilit has turned red with one sec of rice vinegar. alcine it again and quench it again until the vinegar is used up. Ihen grind one Zz7ze「[of the chalk] together With two and a half 7zzz of roasted dry ginger to a II8 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux illness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict L3rr.
C//,z27/e7 7
powderp and each time ingest one 7zzzz sent down mixed [with water]. Once more
than one.7zz is ingested, [the effects w 訕 be] wondrous. 07z27z.7Zz 婦
卒 暴 醫 。嗽 白 培 土 粉 一 、兩 白 棱 一 ,兩 詞 末 , 墓 汁 戎 丸 梧 子 ,大 臨 臣 昔 湯
服二 十 。丸 普 當 方,。
Sudden violent cough.[Grind] one /zzge of chalk powder and one /zzg of white
alum to a powder to be prepared, With pginger Juice, to pills the size of zoz seeds. Ingesb at the time you go to bed with pinger decoction 2o ps. 上 及 /27z.
土一 兩, 銅 青 一 ,錢 烏 末 。 每 以 半 錢 泡 方 白 風 赤 爛 ,眼 倒 睫 拳 。毛 華 陀 用 湯 洗。 牙 坤 生意 加 焰 消 半 兩, 詞 末 , 湯 泡 杏仁 和 , 和 丸 昆 子 。大 每 用六 水 一丸 ,
坤 秘靶 。
Red and festering eyes caused by wind. Inverted eyelashes,with the hair contracted like afist. A recipe of Hua Iuo |recommends to grind] one /z7zge of chalk and one
27z7z of verdipris to a powder
比ach time rinse [the affected eyes] with a decoction
ofhalfaz7zzz[ofthis powder| Ihe 0727z /z7z 2
罷 adds half a /Zzzzp of nitrokalite
to the powder. Boil bitter apricot seeds in water and pound them [to apulp]. Mix [the pulp with the powder] and prepare pills the size of ge/2Zz/7zz seeds. For each
application soak one pill in cold water and luse the water] to rinse the eyes. 07z27 /7Z/77 7727 如 77.
石 兩, 烏 末 , 新 水 調 ,塗 錢 乙 小 見方 。 小 兒 熱 。丹 白 土 一 ,分 寒 水 半 Heat cinnabar[-illness]5 of children.[Grind]j one /z of chalk and half a /Zz7zge 0f
calcite to apowdep mix it with newly drawn water and apply [this to the affected repion] Qian Yi, 六 zz2 zz
悶 子 并 。 舊 屋 上染 刊
亦 白聖, 末 , 傳 之。 普
濟方 。
Seething-rash seeds. Scratch red and white chalk from on top of the beams of an old house [and grind it to a] powder to be applied [to the affected region]. 上 /7zo
指 腫 。痛 豬 上 膏 和 白 善 土 傅 。之 肘
後方 。
Finger replacementz。 associated with a painful swelling. Apply lard mixed With chalk to [the affected region]. Z2oz 2oz./z7zg.
II9 Ae Zzz /Zz/7 熱 [丹 毒 」“heat cinnabar [poisonj,^an undefined skil illness affecting children.
I2o 7z7 x27 代 指, "painful finger replacement,”A condition of sores developing at the marpgins of onesfingernails with t了he edges being infHamed,swollen and painful. BCGM Dict LIIZ.
7/2e 27 Cdz2 Gd7zg 477
及 瘡 不 。乾 白 善 土 ,粹 研 末 , 生 油 調 探。 集
玄方 。
Shank sores that do not to dry Calcine chalk, prindit to apowdep mix it With unprocessed oil and apply [this to the affected region」]- 子 zzzZ7z zz
甘 土 拾遺 Gz7z /, 上 匕 $27 ). Bentonmite,
【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日】 草 水 和 塗 衣 , 去 油垢 。
土 出 安西 及東京
“龍門 , 土 底 澄取 之。 洗 膩 服 如 灰 ,
ollected Explanations.[Chen] Cangdi: Bentonite originatesin Anxiandin Long
men in Dong jing. Bentonite from a greater depth [is stirred in water]. One [removes the dirt floating on the surface and] makes use of the clean dregs [that have
settled on the bottom. Bentonite] serves to clean clothes stained with _grease as 放 covered With ashes.Mixitwith waterand applyitto the garments. Ihis will remove oil and dirt.
調末 服 之。 居 器。 藥及諸 菌 毒, 熱湯 【 主 】治 草 ontrol[Io resolve] the poison of herbal medication and all types of fungi, ingest [bentonite] powder mixed with hot boiled water. [Chen] Cangdqlt o7-o3
赤 綱目 士 C27 zz/, 上 弓 Coz7zg 22Z.
Red soilL
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
溫 , 無 毒。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, warm,nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 主
湯 火 ,傷 研
。之 時珍 。 末 塗
ontrol.To control harm caused by scalding and fire,grindittoapowderand apply this [to the affected region]- [Li] Shizhen.
C//,z27/e7 7
方】 新 三。 【 附 Added Recipes. Jhree newly [recorded
牙 宣 閱 。臨 赤
濟方 。
士 、 州 芥 葉 同 ,研 措 之 , 日 三 。次 普
- with hidden worms/bugs. Grind red soil and 崗ness Tooth exposure and sweets yc27Z%27ze2z/zz [spike] leaves [to apowder] and wipe [the affected teethj with it. Jhree
times a day. /z/ 二 /72
風疹 并療 甚 不 能 忍者 。 赤 土 研末 , 空心 溫 酒 服 一 。錢 御 院藥 方 。 Wind papules With an unbearable itch. Gurind red soil to apowder and ingest,on an empty stomach, with warm Wine one 2727z. 7/ zz )/277 /272o.
身 面 印 。文 刺 ,破 以 酪 赤調 士
傅 ,之 牙
又 ,易 以
黑 滅 詞 。度 千
金方 。
Tattoos on the body and the face. Pierce [the skin] to let it break open. Ihen mix redsoilWwith vinegarandapplyit[to the tattoos].Whenithas driedreplace it [with
anew mixture of red soill and vinegar and continue this treatment| until the black [color of the tattoos] has vanished. 0zz7zz.7-7z /z7Zzg o7-o4
777/g72o zz 上 匕 527 )7.
Yellowsoil, loess.
【 釋 】【 名 藏
器 日 】 張司空
:言 三
尺 上以 日 ,荔 三
尺 下以 日
士。 凡用 當 去
令 客 水 。 上 惡 ,物 勿 入 Explanation of Names.[Chen] Cangdqi: Zhang Sikong says: [Earth] aboveadepth of three c27 is dung. [Earth] below a depth of three c27 is soilLL For 和 applications, it is essential to remove the malign items above [the soill, and one must not allow
water from outside to enter[the pit dug to unearth the soil
【 氣 】味 甘, 平 , 無 毒。【 藏 器 日】 土 久 氣 觸, 令人 上 氣 身 。腫 掘 土 犯 神殺 , 令 人 生 腫 毒 。
令 人 面 。黃 掘 土 犯地有 秒 ,
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.[Chen] Cangqi: An exposure to the
dqi of [this] soil lets one acquire a yellow face. If one when digging soil violates the Veins of the earth, this causes that persons qi to rise and results in bodily swellingIfwhen digging soilaspirit terminatorz is ofended, this will cause that person to develop aswelling with poison.
I2I_S2e7z y2z 神殺 , “spirit terminatop”is a mystical entity conceptualized in the 2z >7 yz27 7zzzzg 八字 算命 doctrine of fate forecast as possibly affecting human fate.
7/2e 27 Cdz2 Gd7zg 477
【 主 】治 洩 痢 冷 赤熱 白, 腹 內 熱 毒 絞 結 ,痛 下 ,血 取 乾 ,土 水 煮 三 五沸 , 絞 去 ,洋 暖 服 一 二 升 ,。 又 解 諸 藥 毒, 中 肉 ,毒 合 口 椒 ,毒 野 菌 。琳 尖 器 。 Control.Red and white outflow and free-fux 過nesss With alternating cold and heat sensations, associated with a heat poison in the abdomen causing a twisting pain,and adischarge of blood. Boil dry [yellow] soil in water three to flve times to bubbling.Wringit[wrappedinafabric] to separate it from the dregs and ingest one to two sezge of the warm [liquid]. It also serves to resolve 41 types of medication poison, food poison, the poison of mouth closing peppep and the poison of wild
mushrooms.[Chen] Cangdi.
【 末 對 雲: 以 至, 餘
發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 按 劉 跋 錢 乙 傳 :雲 元 豐中 , 旦 子 儀 公 國 病導 效, 國 醫 宗 見, 問 黃 土 愈 疾 之 狀。 乙 能 ,治 長公主 舉 乙入 , 進黃土 湯 而 。愈 神 如 :日 以 土 勝 ,水 木 得 其 平, 則 風 自 退 。爾 上 人悅 , 欣 太 醫 。銷 又 夷堅 志 吳 少 師 得 ,疾 數 月 消瘦 , 每 日 飲食 入 ,咽 如 萬 蟲 描攻 , 且 并且 ,痛 皆 為 勞 ,療 迎明 醫 張 銳 診 。之 銳 明令 旦 勿 ,食 這 卒 詣 十 里外 , 取 行 路 黃土 以 溫 酒二 升 攪 之 , 投藥 百 。粒 飲 之 , 覺 痛 幾 不 。堪 及 登 ,湯 下馬 蝦 千 宛 ,轉 其半 已困 死 。 吳 亦 憊 ,甚 調理 三 日 乃 。安 因 言 夏 月 出 ,師 燥 渴,
飲油水 一 ,盃 似 有 物 入 ,咽 朋 得 此 。病 銳 :曰 點 入人 臟 , 勢必 茲生 , 饑 則 聚听 精 ,血 飽則 散 處 臟腑 。 苟 殺知 之 而 不 能 掃取 , 終 無 益 。也 是 以 公請 格
腹 以 誘 ,之 蟲久 不 得 土 ,味 又 喜酒 , 故 乘 飢 畢 ,集 一 洗 而 空 。之 公 厚 賂 謝 ,之 以 禮 包送 。
大喜 ,
Explication.[Li]| Shizhen:AccordingtoLiu Qis 07zz7/ 人 >2z27z, during thereign period yzzz./7zoy (Io78 一 Io85) the Duke of the State Yi, son of the 上 mperop suf-
fered from clonic convulsions. Ihe state physicians were unable to cure him. The Eldest Sister [of the Emperor] recommended to invite [Qian] Yi. He applied a “loess decoction and [the patient] was cured. [Emperor] Shen zhong called him to an audience and asked him about the potential of loess to cure an iness.[Qian] Yi
responded: “Since soil overcomes watep [abounding] wood [engendered by water is balanced as aresult. Hence,Wwind retreats. Ihe 上 mperor was pleased and he pro-
moted [Qian Yi to the rank of Imperial Physician,Assistant Offcer Also the 如
7Zz7z >27 States: “Wu Shaoshi once fell 訓 and suffered from increasing emaciation for several months. 紀 very day when beverapges and food entered his throat,it was as ifamyriad worms/bugs had assembled there to attack. HHe felt an itch and he felt pain,and everybody thought that this was an exhaustion consumption. Eventually he met the famous physician 之hang Rui who diagnosed [his disease. Zhang] Rui asked him not to eat anything the next morning. He ordered a servant to walk a road for more than ten 和 to remove red soil [from the road] and to bring it back. I22 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux 過 ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict L 3rr.
C//,z27/e7 7
[「Iheredsoil|l was then mixed with two vezge ofwarm wine.A hundred medication pellets were given into [the liquid] and [the patient was askedj to drink it. He felt an almost unbearable pain and went to the latrine where he defecated more than
a thousand leeches, [half of them」 wripgling; the other half dead. Wu
felt cxtremely tired, but_felt fine apain after having received good care for three days. [Asked for a possible] cause [of his iinessj, he said that during the summer
months,when he was out onamilitary mission, he was thirsty and drankacup of water from amountain stream. He immediately sensed that some item had entered his throatand subsequently acquired this disease.[Zhangj Ruisaid: “When worms/ bugs center ones long-term depots,theyinevitably wi breed offspring there. When they are hungry they will gather and suck [their hosts」 essence and blood. When they are fllled, they scatter and settle in [all the] long-term depots and short-term repositories.Tone only kills them but fails to completely remove them, [a therapy
ww 名 be ofno use. Ihis is why Tasked youy men. Ihe worms/bugs had not eaten soil Hence they 沁 gathered where [you fcelt] medicationj they were 41 wiped out. he
Sip to attract them with an empty abdofor a long time, and they also love wine. hungry and with one dose [of alquid general was very pleased. He expressed
his pgratitude With arich present and had [the physician」 escorted home with 引 due honors,
【 附 方】 舊 二, 新 十。 Added Recipes. ITwo of old. en newly [recorded」.
小 兒 喫 土。 用 乾 黃 土 一 ,塊 研 末 , 濃 恒 黃連 湯 調 。下 救 急 方 。 When
children eat soil. Grind one lump of dry loess to apowdep and [have the
childj] send itdown mixed with aviscous decoction of co2/#y|rhizomel
烏 沙 驚 。 小 兒 驚 ,風 遍 身 都 烏 。者 急 推 向 下 , 將黃土 一 ,得 手 末 , 入 和久 醋 熱包 定妹 之, 引 下 至 ,足 刺 破 為 。妙 小 兒 秘訣 。 一 鍾, 炒 Black sand frigpht. Ihis is when children are affected by fripht wind,s with black [marks] covering the entire body Io quickly push_ this down, pound one bowl of loess to apowdep give this into one cup of long kept vinegap roast it until it is hot, Wwrap it and firmly press it [to the affected region」 to guide [the disease] down to
the feet. Ihen pierce [the black marks] to let them break open. Wondrous. 六 zz2 7 7727 7Z/e.
I23 ./z7zg zzg 藤 風 ,“frightwind,”acondition of children characterised by jerking and arched back rigidity eyeballs turned upward, and twitching hands and legs.BCGM Dict L, 26r, also 238, 24o.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
廳 患 心痛。 畫 作地 五 字 , 撮
取 中 央 士, 水和 一 升 ,服
器 草 。 良。 陳 藏 本
Sudden suffering from heart pain. Draw the character voz 五 on the ground and rermove the soillfrom its center.Mixit with one 2zzcofwaterand ingest this.Grood. C//z7/ Cdz7zo27 2e7z (22.
目 腕 無 。見 黃 士 攪 水中 , 澄清 洗 。之 肘 後 方 。 Sudden loss of eyesight.Stiramixture of loess and watep wait until [the dregs] have settled and rinse the [affected eyes with the liquid]|. Z2oz 2oz./Z7zg
牛馬 肉 毒 肝及 毒 。 取 好 土 三 ,升 水 煮 清 一 升 ,服 即 。愈 一 :方 入 貫 而 出 。也 肘 後方 。 和 ,之 曆 皆 肝
頭 奢 寸截
Poisoning by the meat and the liver of oxen and horses. Boil three y2zzo of good [yellow] soillin water wait until it has cleared and ingest one sezzg. Jhis wi bring the cure. Another recipe: Mix [the liquidj with human hair cut to pieces of one
czzz length. Ihe hair will pass through the liver and [cause the poison to] leave [the body]. Z2oz 2oz./7zzg.
研 泥 , 每 日旋 內 痔 痛 。腫 朝 陽 黃 士、 黃 連 、末 反 各消 一 ,兩 用 豬 膽 汁 同 如 丸 翰大, 納入肛 內 , 過 一 ,夜 隨大 便 去 。之 內服 人己 梅 、 黃連 二 味 丸 。藥 孫 氏 集 效方 。 Internal piles with painful swelling. Grind one /z7ze each of loess facing the sun, c22Zy[rhizome] powder and mirabilite together with the bile of apigtoapulp. EEach day form a pi as big as a Chinese date and insert it into [the patients] anus. After one night it will be discharged again through defecation. [The patient should also] ingest medication in the form of pills preparedfrom the two substances smoked plums and 2,
[rhizome」]. So7ze 527 才 %722 7ze
括 撲 欲 死。 一 切 傷 ,損 從 高 刻 下 及 木石 所 ,四 落馬 撲 ,車 淤血 凝 ,滯 氣 絕 欲 死者 , 亦 。活 用 凈 土 五 升 蒸 ,熱 以 故 布 重 裏 作 二包 , 更 互 妹 。之 勿 大 熱, 恐 破 ,肉 取 痛 止則 已, 神 效 之 。方 孫 真人 千金 方 。 Severe physical injury bringing one close to death. Ihese are all types of injuries, including afall from somewhere high, or being squeezed by atree orastone,ora fall from ahorse, or being hit by a cart With stagnant blood coagulating and the flow of qi being cut ofb bringing one close to death.[Ihis treatment w 訕 guarantee] survivd. Steam _fve vezge of clean_ [yellow] soill until it is hot and wrap it in
old pieces of fabric to form two packages. Press them alternately on [the affected reglion, replacing one that has cooled down with one that is hot]. Ihey must not be overly hoty lest they break open the flesh. Once the pain has ended, [the treatment is] stopped. Jhis is arecipe of divine effects. Sun zhenren, 07z7z.7-7z zz
C/,z27/e7 7
杖 末瘡 破。 劑 黃土 ,未 童 入 尿 從 子 清 ,調 塗 上刷 , 劑 即上 , 隨 以 熱 水洗 去, 復 刷 復 ,洗 數 十 ,次 以 茲 轉 紅 詞 。度 仍 刷 兩 ,胯 以 防 攻血 陰 。也 攝 生 方。 Wounds resulting from caningy With [the skin] not broken open yet. Mix dry loess powderWwith boys urine to which egg white was added,and apply it to [the affected reglionj. Ihen wash it of again with hot watep and apply it again and wash it co 任 again 一 several tens of times, until the purple color has changed to red. Also, apply the[the paste」 to the [patients] two groins to prevent the blood from attacking his yin[(i.e., genitalUD regionl.
湯 火 傷 。灼 醋 調 黃 ,士 塗 。之 談 野 翁 方 。 Harm caused by scalding and fire. Mix vinegar with loess and apply this [to the affected region」]. 727z Yeeoe7zg zz
蜈 芝蛤
傷 。 畫 地作 王 字 , 內取 土 摻 ,之 即 。愈 集
簡方 。
Harm caused by centipede stings. Draw the character“oz7z 十 "on the ground. Remove soil from inside of it and apply it [to the affected region]. Ihis will result in a cure../7.7727 /2722.
蜂 蟻 叮 。芝 反 手 取地 上 土 傅 。之 或入 酯 。調 千 金方 。 Bee/wasp and ant sting. Remove soil from the ground with the hand turned upside down and apply [the soil to the affected region]. Or mix it With vinegar. 0727z 7 /7zg.
曙 人
曙 尿 。瘡 畫 云 :
得 此
地 曙作 螞 疾
,形 以刀 細 六 五
不 愈,
取 腹 中 ,士 或
教 此 法,
唾和 塗 ,之 再 塗 即 。愈 孫 真 遂 闊 。
相 物
感 ,
其 由 。也 千 金方 。 Sores caused by the urine of earwigs. Draw a picture of an ecarwig on the ground. With aknife finely cut outand remove the soilfrom its abdomenmmixitwith saliva and applyit [to the affectedregionj- Ihen apply itagain,andacure will be achieved. Sun zhenren states: lonce acquired this iness,and it could not be cured for flve or
six days. Someone taught me this method, and eventually ITwas healed. Ihat tells us fmhatnobody knows the underlying causes of the interactions among the myriad ltems. 07z77.7777 /2722.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
o7-o4-oI 鑄
鍾 黃 士。 Z72z 297zo 22/z72 zz/, 上 紀 527 )/7 拾遺 。
Loess used to castabelL 【 主 治 】
心痛 9
性 惡氣 9
酒 服 一錢 o
ontrol Sudden heart pain. Attachment gest one 7zz7z with warm wine. 527 翁 .
藏 器 o
訓 nesss4 of the hostile and malign qi. In-
o7-o4-o2 鑄
鋒角 孔
中 黃 士。 拾
遺。 Z72z/ 2z/gz >7z /o7zc 7297zc 27/g72o Z, 上 匕 527 )7
Loess leftin the holes ofploughsharesandhoes after casting-
及 陰 ,汗 細 末 撲 。之 藏 器 。
【 主 】治 丈夫 陰 濕訓 并
Control. Moist itch affecting the scrotum of males, and sweatinp in the yin_[(i.e.,
genita1 regionjJ.[Grind loess to] afinepowderand applyit [to the affected regioml |lChen] Cangdi.
東 壁 土 列 下 錄 品 Do7zo 27 /, 上 弓 及 zz /, lower rank.
Soilofawall facing East.
【 氣 】味 甘,
溫, 無 毒 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, warm, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 下 部 ,瘡 脫肛 。 列 。錄 止 洩 痢 , 鶴 亂 煩 。交 天 器。 溫 ,站 點 目 去 疙 。 同 殼蜆 記 末 , 傳豌豆 。瘡 甄 。權 療 小 兒 風 。臍 弘 景。 摩 、乾 濕 二 癬 , 效。 蘇 恭。 極 ontrol. Sores in the lower body section. Prolapsed anus. 5zz Z. It ends outflow and free-fHux 名 ness85, and cholera with unrest and heart-pressure.[Chen] Cangdi. Warmth malaria. Dripped into the eyes it removes shades. [Ground to] a powder With corbicula it is applied to peal[-size macula] sores.Zhen Quan. It serves to heal
navel wind=6 of children. [Tao] Hongjing. When rubbed on dry as well as moist [regions afected by] xzz7z記 ness, 放 it is most effective. Su GongI24 ZZ2z 症 , also >2z 注 ,“attachment-iness, “influx-inesss, "reflects anotion of a foreipn
pathogenic agent oripinally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism. BCUGCGM Dict
I25 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux illness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr. I26 /ezge 7/ 風 臍 ,722 /2722.
曙 尿 。瘡 蠣 蛤 ,生 水 調 傅 。之 集
玄方 。
Sores caused by earwig urine. Mix acorn earworm nest with water and apply this lto the affected region].
五 xzz7z. 272
蝦 轉 丸 抬遺
07g7ze /722 27222727 z0z72, 上 匕 527 ). Ihepeletrolledbydungbeetles.
消 藏 器 日】 此 螃 【 釋 】名 土 。【
如 人 撿 ,作 綱
所 推 丸 。也 藏 在 土 ,中 掘 地 得 ,之 正 圓
久 者佳 。
Explanation of Names. 也 xzz2 士 消 . [Chen] Cangqi: These are the pellets pushed by dung beetles. Ihey lie hidden in the soilLL Jhey are obtained by digging up earth. TJhey are perfectly round as if formed by humans. Ihe older they are, the better
【 氣 】味 鹹 , 苦, 大
,寒 無 毒 。
Qiand Flavor. Salty bittep very cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 湯 淋 絞 汁 ,服 療傷 時 寒 氣, 黃 治 項 。瘦 塗 一 站切 瘡 。 居 器 。
瘟 煩 熱及 霍亂
吐 。瀉 燒
存 性 酒 服,
Control [Soak it in ahotliquid, strain and wring it to obtain a juice, and ingest this to heal harm caused by cold associated With seasonal di yellow Zzz訓ness% with unrestand heat,and cholera with vomiting and outflow. Ingested burned with its nature retainecdy it serves to cure neck goiter. Jt is applied on 和 types of fitstula sores.[Chen] Cangdi.
I49 號 zzzg Zz7 黃疸
,most likely including cases ofjaundice.BCGM Dict L 225.
C//,z27/e7 7
鬼 屎 拍貴 Gz/z527 上 己 527 )/.
Demons feces. //zoo5e2zzcz (L.)T.HH.Wipg-
【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日 】 生 陰 濕 地 , 如 屎, 亦 如 地 錢 , 黃 色白 。 ollected Explanations. [Chen] Cangdqi: It grows at shady moist locations and resembles feces. It also resembles Asiatic pennyworb and is of yellow-white color
【 主 】治 人 、 馬反 花 ,瘡 刊 ,取 和 油 塗 。之 天 器。 Control. Forreversed-blossom sores5 of humans and horses,gatheritby scraping it [from the groundj,mixitwith oiland apply this [to the affected regionl.
壤 士 拾遺
27 7gz72e Z/, 上 弓 527 )Z
Lightsoil[excavated] by mice/rats.
時 名 【 釋 】【
珍 日】 柔
無 日壤。 而 塊
Explanation of Names. [Li|] Shizhen: Soft [soil] without lumps is called yz7zg 壤 .
【 主 】治 中 風筋骨 不 ,隨 冷 痺骨婦 疼 , 手足 拘 ,急 風 學 ,痛 偏 枯死 ,肌 多 收 曝 ,乾 蒸 熱 袋 ,盛 更 互 妹 。之 藏 器。 小 兒 尿 和 , 涂 丁 腫。 思 站 。 Control Forbeingstruckbywind,Wwith sinews and bones not following ones intentions,painful bone joints associated with cold blockage,hands and feet with cramps and tension clonic pain caused by wind, hemilateral withering and dead muscles, collect ]arge quantities [of rat/mouse loamj, dryitin the sun, steam it until it is hot
and fillitintoabag. Jhis is to be applied with pressure [to the affected region]. Replace it [with ahot compress whenithas cooledj. [Chen] Cangdqi. Mixed with the urine ofachild itis to be applied to pin[-nessJ了 swelling. [Sun] Simiao.
ISO 7z7 2zz c2zz7g 反 花 ,瘡 “reversed-blossom-sores.”Festering ulcer with a flesh-growth resembling aflower BCGM Dict LI49. ISI zzge
丁 , “pin[-ilness],”also Zzzg 療 , “pin[-iness],”refers
to a deep-reaching and
festering hardness in a tissue, eventually rising above the skin llke a pinhead. BCGM Dict L, I27-I29.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
點 鼠 了 ec77 2
壤 士 拾遺
72 Z, 上 匕 527 )7.
Lightsoil lexcavated byj moles.
能 日。 【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日】 此 是 田中 尖 嘴 小 熙 。也 陰 穿地 中 , 不 見 ollected Explanations.[Chen] Cangdqi: Jhese are small rats/mice with a pointed snout living in the fields. Jhey are hidden from light and bore holes in the earth. TJhey cannot stand sunlight.
【 主 】治 鬼 症 氣 ,痛 和 米 消 汁 和 作 餅 , 燒 熱 綿 裏 熨 。之 又 主 腫 專, 和 酷 傅 之 , 極 效。 藏 器。 孕婦 腹 內 鍾 鳴, 研末 二 ,錢 麝香 湯 ,下 立 愈。 時珍。 ontrol. For demon attachment 過 ness52 with q pain, mix it With water that was
used to wash _glutinous millet and form fat cakes. Heat them over filre and wrap them in silk Hoss. Ihis is then applied hot with pressure [to the affected regiom
Also, to control swelling with poisonm mix it With vinegar and apply this [to the
afected region]. Very effective.[Chen] Cangdqi. Forpregnantwomen with bell-like sounds in their abdomen,grind two 7zzz to apowderand have them send this down with a decoction of musk. Immediately effective. [Li] Shizhen. o7-26
屋 內 壩 下 晶 塵 土 濕抬 記 / 7c7 772/277 72 Co972o C227/ 友, 上 糾 527 )Z.
Dustandsoilleftbyworms/bugs atthebottom ofthe walls in oneshome.
【 釋 名】【 時
珍 】晶 壩 音 ,軟 平聲 。 河
邊地 及 垣 下地 , 皆 謂 之 壩 。
Explanation of Names. [Li] Shizhen: ARzzz 二 , read 7zzz 軟 , level tone. Both the earth ofriver banks and the earth at the bottom of walls are called yzzz7z 二 .
瘡久不 乾, 油 【 主治 】 惡
調 傅 。之 藏 器。
ontrol. For malign sores that faill to dry foralong ttme,mix it with oil and apply this [to the affected region]. [Chen] Cangdqlt
I52 ZZ2z 閨 , also 2x2z 注 ,“attachment-iness, “infllx-inesss," reflects anotion of a foreign pathogenic agentp originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM DictL, 688-695.
C//,z27/e7 7 Oo7-27
蟻 坪 土 拾遺 了 zze zzz, 上 匕 27 )/7.
Soilfrom an anthil
【 釋 】名 蟻 封。【 時
珍 日】 坪 音 ,迭 高 起 。也 封 , 聚 土也 。
Explanation of Names. 著 zzg 曦 封 ,“ant heap of soilL” [Li] Shizhen: 2z 夫 , read Zze 夫 , is an elevation. /ezg
封 is aheap of soil
【 主 】治 狐 刺 ,瘡 取 七 粒和醋 盛 ,
出也 。
探。 又
死 胎 在 腹 及 衣 胞 不下, 炒
三 ,升 訓
疙 器 。
ontrol Forsores resulting from fox[urine] piercing,mix seven pellets with vinegar and apply [them to the affected region]. Also, for a dead fetus and for a placenta failing to be discharpged, roast three y2ezg fill them into a bag, and use this to rub the region below the heart.[Ihe dead fetus/the placenta] will be emitted as aresult. [Chen] Cangdt. o7-28
泥 綱目
27 27 7, 上 匕 Goz7zg 222.
Termite mud. Iermite excremecnts。
【 主 】治 惡 瘡 腫 專, 用 松木 上 者, 同 黃 各丹 炒 ,黑 研, 和 香油 塗 ,之 取 愈
乃 止。 時珍 。 Control For malign sores and swelling With poison, Roast [termite excrements」
found on pine trees and minium separately until they have turned black and grind [them toapowder]. Mix it with sesame oil and apply this [to the affected regionl.
End [|the treatmentj whenacure is achieved. [Li| Shizhen.
逝 暐 泥 綱目 07z )77/ zz 上 匕 zz 22 Earthworm mud. Earthworm excrements,。
【 釋 】名 蚓 曙 、 音 。理 六
一泥 。
Explanation of Names.yzz zz 蚓 曙 ,read pz 理 . 了
【 氣 】味 甘 、 酸 , 村 , 無 毒。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet, soup cold, nonpoisonous.
7 27 六
一泥 .
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 主 】治 赤 白久 熱 ,痢 取 一 ,升 炒煙 盡 , 沃 汁半 升, 濾 淨 飲 。之 藏 。器 小 兒 陰 訓 忽 虛 熱 腫 ,痛 以 生 上甘草 汁入 輕 粉末 調 塗 。之 以 覽 研 傅 瘡, 去 熱 毒及 蛇 犬 。傷 日 。華 傅 狂 犬 傷, 出 犬 ,毛 神 。效 蘇 恭 。 ontrol. Forlong-lasting heat with red and white free-flux ness,55 roast one 52e7z until no more fumes are emitted. Give it into water to obtain half a y2ezg of Juice. Strain this to obtain aclear liquid and [let the pattentl drink this.[Chen] Cangdqlt
For children With a painful scrotum caused by sudden depletion heab mix fresh _eZycyy72zzz [root] juice to which was added calomelpowder and apply the affected regionm]- Ground with salt and applied to sores, it removes heat and harm caused by snake and dog [bites]. Rihua. Applied to harm caused
it with this [to poison by mad
dog [bitesj,it serves to emit the dogs hairs. Divinely effective. Su Gong-
【 附 方】 舊 ,五 新 十 七 。 Added Recipes. Five of old.I7 newly [recorded.
斷 截 熱 。開 邵 氏 青 囊 用 方 五 月 五 午時 日 取 蚯 蚓 ,開 以二 和 丸 梧 子 ,大 朱砂 烏 。衣 每 服 三 ,丸 無 根 水 ,下 忌 生 冷, 即 ,止 皆 。效 或加 莒 蒲 、末 獨 頭 訂 同 丸。 To end heat malaria. he 52z2 y27 777zgp zz7zg 7
[recommends to] mix earthworm
excrements collected at noon on the ffth day of the ffth month with wheat flour to form pills the size of zoz seeds, coated With cinnabar. Each time [let the patient|
ingest three pills, to be sent down with“”water without roots . 鄉[During the treatment] raw and cold [beverages/foodj are to be avoided. Ihis will end [the disease」. It is always effective.約 Others [recommend to] add zcoyzy [root] powder and sin-
gle-clove garlic to form ps.
傷寒 詭 。語 蚯 蚓 屎 涼 水 調 。服 簡 便 方 。 Harm caused by cold with uncontrolled speech. [Let the patient] ingest earthworm cxcrerments mixed With cold Water../7z7z 2727z /27z.
小 便 不 。通 蚯 蚓 、半 和 朴 硝 等 ,分 水和 傅 臍下 , 即 。通 皆效 方 。 Blocked urination. Mix equal amounts of earthworm excrements and mirabilite
with water and apply this to the region below the naveL Ihis will free the passage [of urine」]../zz xz22 7 I53 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3r
I4 Water cmerging from the brick wall of a well that has not been let free yet [into the bottom of the welllbis called “[water] without root. See also os-I5.
I55 Ihese two characters may have been misplaced here from the end of this recipe, where they may have referred to its source, the./zzxzz9[/zZg|.
C//,z27/e7 7
小 兒 吐 。乳 取 田中 地 效 。 聖惠 方 。
灶龍 一 ,兩 研 末 , 空心
以 米 湯 半服 錢 , 不 二過 三 服
hildren throwing up their nursing mothers milk. Gurrind one /zzzg of fileld earthworm excrements to apowderand [have the childj ingestwith arice decoction half
a 7727. An efect will be achieved after no more than two to three ingestions. $2e7z 2z/7 /2779-
小 兒 卵 腫。 地 龍 ,闌 以薄荷 汁和 塗 。之 危氏 得 效 方 。 wollen_ testes of children. Mix earthworm excrements with mint juice and apply this |to the affected region」.
婦人 吹 。乳 用
誘7 527 Z xz22 7ze
韭 地 中 蚯蚓 ,尿 研細 篩 過 , 米
愈 。 涼 水 調 亦 。可 藺氏 經 驗方 ,
酷 ,調 厚 ,傅 未則 換 , 三
Jnflated breast of women.5 Grrind the excrements of earthworms from aleek field toafane [powderj give this through asieve, mix it With rice vinegar and apply a
thick layer [to the affected regionm] Once it has dried, replace it [with a moist application]-A cure will be achieved after three [such treatments].Io mix [the excre-
ments] With cold water is possible, too. 7
時 行 腮 腫。 柏 葉 汁 調 蚯 蚓 泥 塗 。之 丹
7 有 7 )27z /7zg
溪方 。
Seasonally active swelling of cheeks. Mix earthworm excrements With 2/z/yc/22z5 leaf juice and apply this [to the affected region]- zz 2 7
一 切 丹 毒。 水和 旦 蝦 傅 。之 外 臺。 AA types of cinnabar poison.錠 Mix earthworm excrements with water and apply this [to the affected region]. 殉 z zz.
腳心 腫 因痛 久 行久 立 致 。者 以 水和 蚯蚓
痊 厚 ,傅 一 夕 即 愈。 永 類 鈴 方 。
Painful swollen soles of the feet resulting from walking along distance or standing foralong time.Apply athick layer of earthworm excrements mixed with water [to the affected regionj and acure will be achieved after one night. 攻 7zg /7z 7727z Z7ze.
耳 後 月 。蝕 燒 蚯蚓 ,煉 豬 和脂 傅。 子 母 秘 錄 。 Lunar echipse5 behind the ears. Burn earthworm excrements, mix them with lard
and apply [this to the affected region]. Zz zz 227 2
I56_C2z7 zzz7 吹 奶 ,also c2z77z 吹 乳 ,“inflated breast.”"A condition ofblocked milk after birth, With the breasts turning red and swelling. BUGM Dict LIor. I57 zz Z 丹 毒 ,“cinnabar poison”askin ailment with red rashes.,BCGM Dict LII8.
I58 zz 9 月
蝕 ,“lunar eclipse,”refers to sores developing at the ear BCGM DictL, 654.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
隊 耳 出 水 成 。瘡 蚯 蚓 闌 烏 末 傅 之, 並 吹入 。 知 金方 。 Shedding ears emitting waterp associated With the formation of sores.[Grindl] earthworm excrements to a powder and apply this [to the affected region]. Also,
blow [the powder] into [the affected cars」]. 0zz7zz.777z /z7zg.
齒 皆 宣 露。 蚯 蚓泥水 和 成 團, 刀 赤 , 研 末 , 臘 豬 脂 調 傅 之 , 日 三。 千 金 方 Teeth and gum exposure. Mix earthworm excrements with water and form aball alcine it until it has turned red and grinditto apowder Mix it with ]ard of the I2th month and apply this [to the affected regionj, three times a day. 07zz7z.7Z7z 万 7ze
咽喉 骨
喫。 五
月 五 日午時 韭 點 中, 面 東 勿 ,語 取 蚯 蚓泥 居
之, 每 用 少許 ,
探 喉 外 , 其肯 自 ,消 名 六 一泥 。 hoking onabone stuckin the throat. Atnoon ofthe ffth day of the ffth month in aleek feld, facing the kast and without saying a word, collect earthworm excrements and store them [for later use]. For each application apply asmall amount
to the outside of the [patients] throat, and the bone will dissolve as aresult.[Ihe excrements applied here] are called 罰 妨 27 六 一 泥 .
蜈蚣 芝 傷 。 蚯 蚓 泥 傅 ,之 效 。 集 效 方 。 Harm caused by centipede stings. Apply earthworm excrements to [the affected region]|. ffective. 二 x7z22 zz
金 瘡 困頓 。 蚯 蚓 末屎 , 水 服 方寸 匕 , 日 三服。 知 金 Wounds caused by metal objects/weapons leaving one aa Ingest with water the amount of earthworm excrements held by asquare zz spoon. Io be ingested three times a day' 0727z.7-7z /27z.
解 剛射
服二 方寸 匕。 千 毒 。 蚯 蚓 末屎 , 井 水
金方 。
To resolve the archers poison.9 [Mix] earthworm excrements With well water and
ingest the amount held by two square ˊz7z spoons. 0727z.777z /27zo.
吐血 不 。止 石 榴 根 下地 龍 冀, 研 末 , 新 汲 水 服 三 。錢 聖 惠 。 Incessantblood spitting.Grind the excrements of earthworms from below the roots of pomegranate trees to a powdep and ingest With newly drawn water three 77z27z. AS2e7zg 27z/7.
反胃 轉 。食 地 龍 冀 一 ,兩 木 香 三錢, 大 黃 七 ,錢 烏 末 , 每 服 五 ,錢 無 根 水調 服 , 忌 辟 、燈 酒 、 酪 、 椒 、 董 、 熱 物, 一 二 服, 其 效 如 神。 人 他 真人 經 驗方 。 I59 S2e gozg 2Zz 射 工 毒 ,here: 2e zozze zz 射 問專 ,reflects an ancient notion of bugs thatlive in waters and shoot their poison at humans,causing disease. BVGM DictL, 432.
C//,z27/e7 7
Turned over stomach and throwing up of food. [Grind] one /z7zge of earthworm cxcrements, three 7727z Of Zzc/27z2772z [root] and seven 7zzz of rhubarb root to a
powder and [let the patient] each time ingest flve 7zz7z, to be ingested mixed with “Water Without roots 6
[During the treatment] boiled and roasted [food] as wesl
as Wine,vinegarp peppep gingerand any hotitem are to be avoided. After oneortwo ingestions a divine effect will be achieved. $2z2 2z7z7e7z.777zo )27z 7
寓 瘡。 韭地 曲 里 ,屎 米 燕 生 之。 摘玄 方。 塗
消 水和 , 和 過 , 入 百
草 町 等 ,分 研 末 , 香油 調
SWallow nest sores. JMIix excrements of earthworms from aleekfield with water that Wwas used to wash rice,calcine ie add an equalamountof soot scratched from within
achimney ofafurnace where all types of herbs had been burned, grind ittoapowder and apply this,mixed with sesame oil, [to the affected region]. Z2z7 xzzZ7z.Z7zg
小 兒 頭 ,熱 鼻塞 不 。通 尖 地 龍 闌 挫 ,餅 貼 顯上 , 日 數 易 。之 聖惠 方 。 A childs head with heat,associated with a stufed nose. Form excrements of earthworms collected from amoist ground to flat cakes and attach them to the [patient'3」 fontanel to be replaced [with fresh applications] several times a day. $2ezzg 2z/7 /z7zg.
足及 爛 。瘡 韭地 蚯蚓 ,泥 乾 ,研 入
輕 ,粉 清 油 調 。傅 便
民 衣 。 圖
Festering sores afecting the shanks. Dry the excrements of earthworms collected from aleek groundandgrind [them toapowderj.Add calomelbmixitwith clearoil and apply [this to the affected region」]- 2727z 222727z 2 之 277.
。瘡 蚯 蚓 二 屎 分 , 綠豆 粉 一 ,分 水 研 塗 ,之 劑 又上 之 。 便民 圖 曙 。
Sores growing on the scrotum. Grind two /zz of earthworm excrerments and one /77 of mung bean powder [to apulpj and apply this [to the affected region]. Once [the applicatiton] has dried, apply [a moist one in exchange」]. 227 2777 厂 / 2277. o7-3o
虹 泥 蜥 綱目 了 9 527 7 上
巳 Gz7z 2
Spiral shell mud/excrements。
【 主治 】 性 。閔 主反胃 吐 ,食 取 螺果 一 火 酒 調 。下 時珍 。
,斗 水
,漫 取 泥
晒乾 , 每
服 一錢 ,
Control Nature: cool. To control turned over stomach with vomiting of food, soak one Zoz of spiral shells in waterp collect the [secreted] mud/excrements
and dry
I6o Water emerging from the brick wall of a well that has not been let free yet [into the bottom of the welllb is called [water] without root.' See also os-I5.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
them in the sun. 紀 ach time [let the patient] ingest one 7zz7z, to be sent down mixed
with brandy [Li| Shizhen. o7-31I
白 鯉 綱目 泥 且 2752g77 22 上 匕 GZ7zo 2222
JMudonlthebodyof] white eels.
洗 泥 炒 ,研 香油 調 。傅 時 珍 。 【 主 】治 火 帶 ,瘡 水 取 ControlL For fire girdle sores,說 wash [the eels] with water collect the mud, roast
itb and grind it [to apowder]. Apply this, mixed with sesame oil, [to the affected region」]. [Li| Shizhen. o7-32
槽上垢 士 拾 遺 豬 之2Z/ Co 52g72o. 2992 /z, 上 匕 527 )/7,
Dirtandsoilfrom apig trough.
【 主 】治 難 ,產 取 一 合和 橋 半 ,升 和局 豆 赤 黑色 , 取 槽 下 泥 傅 ,之 劑 又 上 。 時 珍 。
二 十顆 , 煮 汁 。服 藏 。器 火
焰 丹毒
和icult births, boil one oz mixed with half a y2eze of wheat fiour and ontrol. For di
2o grains of black soybeans,and [have the womanj ingest this.[Chen] Cangdqi. For flaming cinnabar poison'% of red and black colorp apply mud from below a [pigl] trough [to the affected regionj- Once it has dried, apply [moist mud] again. [Li| Shizhen.
o7 33
大 永 綱泥 目 07z/277 7zZ29 2 上 糾 Goz7zo 272 JMudfrom where dogs haveurinated.
【 主 】治 媒 娠 傷 ,硅 令 子 不 ,落 塗 腹上 , 廬 即 。易 時 珍 。 Control. For women with harm caused by cold preventingachild to be born, apply lsuch mud] to their abdomen. Once it has dried replace [it With moist mud]. [Li Shizhen.
I6I 及 z2 Zz7c2zz7g 火 帶 瘡 ,“fire pirdle sores,”is one of several alternative names of 7z c2z27z 熱 瘡 ,“heat sores.” BCGM Dict L, 397 I62 號 z2 yzz Zzz 2 火焰
丹 毒 , 和 aming cinnabarpoison”askin ailment.BCGM DictL 235.
C//,z27/e7 7 O7~-34
尿 泥 拾遺
了 2 779 22 上 己 527 )7
JMudfrom where donkeys have urinated.
【 主 】治 蜂 蛛 ,咬 傅 。之 藏 器 。 ontrol For spider bites,apply it [to the affected region]. [Chen] Cangdqi o7-35
泥 目 坑 綢
AA7go Ze7ze 7 上 匕 Gz7zg 22
【 主 】治 主 蜂 蠍 諸 日 ,咬 取 涂 。之 時 珍 。 Control To control [harm caused by] the stings/bites of wasps/bees, scorpions and al types of worms/bugs, gather [such mud] and apply it [to the affected regioml. Li] Shizhen.
坑 底 綱目 泥
了re77 /e7zo 了 7 上 匕 Godz7zo 2222
Mudfrom thebottom ofan excrementpit.
【 主 】治 發 背 諸 惡 ,瘡 陰 昌 為 ,末 新 水 調 ,傅 其 痛 立 止。 時 珍 。 Control Forall types of malign sores effusing on the back, dry [the mud] atashady place and [grind it to] apowdep to be applied, mixed With newly drawn watep [to the afected regionj. Ihe pain wil end immediately [Li| Shizhen.
方】 新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded.
丁 腫。 對 下 土、 蟬 申 、 全 蠍 等 ,分 揚作 錢 瘡四 圍, 丁 自 出也 。 聖 濟 總錄 。
大 ,餅 香油
辟 ,溢 溫
服。 以
Pin[-illness] swelling. Pound equal amounts of soil from underneath excrements, cicada slough and complete scorpions [to apulp] and prepare flat cakes the size of a
coin. Boil them in sesame oil and ingest them warm. Take the sediment and apply iton all four sides of the sores,and the pin w 訓 come out as aresult. $2z7zc 去 >%27婦 Z. I63 zz7zg 丁 ,“277[-
訕ness], also Zz7zo J,“27z7z-ilness, refers to adeep-reaching and festering
hardness in atissue, eventually rising above the skin like apinhead. BUGIM Dict L, I27I2g.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
o7 37
詹 下 汐 泥綱目 Yg7z 7
7 7上
巳 Go27zg 22
Mudfrom whererain waterhas droppeddownfrom the eaves.
【 主 】治 豬 、咬 蜂 、葡 蟻 、叮 蛇 傷 毒, 並取 塗 。之 又和 羊 ,脂 塗 腫 專、 丹 毒 。 時 珍。 Control. Pig bites,wasp/bee stings,ant bites,harm caused by poisonous snakes 一 for 引 these collect [such mudj and apply it [to the afected region]. Also, mixed With
lamb fatitis to be applied to swelling with poison and [regions affected by] cinna~bar poison.%4 [Li| Shizhen.
方】 新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded上|
蠍對 著 。叮 蠍有 雌雄 , 雄 者 痛 在 一 ,處 以 井 底 泥 封 ,之 牙則 易。 雌 者 痛 牽 諸 ,處 以吧 溝下 泥 封 。之 若 無 ,雨 以 新 汲 ,水 從 屋上 淋 取下 泥。 肘 後 方 。 Scorpion stings. Ihere are female and male scorpions.[Bites by] male [scorpions」 result in pain at one specific location.Coverit with mud from the bottom of a well,
and replace it [with moist mud] once it has dried. [Bites by] female [scorpions]
result in pain involving a wider region. Cover it With mud from below the eaves [where rain water has dropped down]-
there has been no rain, let newly drawn
water pour down from the roof and collect the resulting mud. Z/22z 2oz./7zo Oo7-38
田中 泥 綱 目 77g77 72972c 7 上 匕 Goz7zo 2222
JMudfrom thefields.
【 主 】治 馬 蝗入 人 耳, 取 一 出。時 珍。 和 一 二 升 服, 當 利
盆 枕 耳邊 , 聞
氣 自 出。 人 誤 馬 吞 蝗
入 腹 ,者
Control. When aleech has entered an eap collect one pot lof mud from the fields」
and place it next to the [patients] ear Once [the leechj smells the [muds] quit
will come out. Tf someone inadvertently has swallowed aleech and it has entered his abdomen, mix one or two y2ezg [of such mud| With wine and [let the patient ingestit.[Ihe leechj will be discharged with free-flow [defecation]- [Li] Shizhen.
I64 7zzz Zz 丹 毒 ,“cinnabar poison”askin ailment with red rashes. BCGM
Dict LI8
C//,z27/e7 7
井 旗 泥 證類 72 和 7 上 匕 /2e7zg /97
Mudfrom thebottom ofavwelL
【 主 】治 塗 湯 火 。瘡 證 。類 療妊娠
熱病 , 取 傳 心 下 及 丹田 , 可
護 胎 氣。 時
珍 。 ControlL Jo be applied to sores caused by hot water and filre. Z2ezg /z. ITo heal heat diseases of pregnant women, apply it to the region below the heart and to the cinnabar fileld. Ihis way the fetal qi can be protected. [Li] Shizhen.
方】新 五。 【 附 Added Recipes. Five newly [recorded.
頭 風 熱 。痛 井 底 和泥 大 、黃 芒 ,消 末 , 傅 。之 千 金方 。 Head wind with heat and pain.[Grind] mud from the bottom of a well together With rhubarb rootand mirabilite toapowderandapply this [to the affectedregionl」. 07277.7777 /2722.
大 , 井 華 水 服 即 。下 集 一 胎衣 不 。下 井 底 泥 模子
玄方 。
Failure to discharge the placenta. [Let the patient] ingestmud from the bottom ofa
well, thesizeofachicken egg,Wwith the frstwater drawn from awellin the morning and [the placentaj will be discharged..7#xz27z./7zg.
外 忽 不 。密 勿 以 火 ,照 但 噴痛 其 躍及 足 趾甲 拇 際 , 而多 唾 其 ,面 以 井 底泥 其 便 昌 也。 肘 後方 。 塗 其 ,目 令人 垂 頭入 井 中 , 呼 姓名 When someone who is asleep suddenly fails to wake up again. Do not 訓uminate him with afire.Simply bite him into his heels and at the margin of the nails of his big toes to cause pain, and spit much saliva into his face. In addition, apply mud from the bottom of a well to his eyes,and suspend him in such away that his head hangs down into a well. Ihen shout his name and he will wake up again. Z22z 2o2 /7zo.
小 兒 熱 癬。 井 底 泥 傅 其 四 。圍 談 野 翁 方 。 Heatpimples of children.Apply mud from the bottom ofawell to all four sides [of the affected region」]. 7z7zz Yzozzzg /27zg.
I65 72z/zg 頭 風 ,“head wind,”is wind evil attacking the head followed bypain,or dizziness, or itching. BCUGIM Dict 5o9.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
蜈蚣 蓉人 。 井 底 泥 頻 傅 。之 千 金方 。 Whenacentipede stings ahuman.Repeatedly apply mud from the bottom ofawel |to the affected region]. 0Ozzz. 77z
zz o7-4o
鳥 金 泥綱 目 所 2/ Z7e 7 上 匕 Gz7zg 2
【 釋 】名 局 疊 泥 綱目 、 孩 字 。
時 茶 兒 。【
珍 日】 局 人 金 或 作 局 丁, 皆
番 語, 無 正
Explanation of Names. 縣 Zzz zz 局 協 ,泥 Gz7zg 2z. 及 zz er c2z 孩兒 ,共 “childrens tea.”[Li] Shizhen: 放 . Z 局 爹 is sometimes written 227g 22 釜
月 中疇 , “ink/soot from the center of a
燈 綱 、目 鍋
底 墨。【 時
Cauldron, 57y2e7zg. 7z7zo 222 鐺 墨 ,“ink/soot from asmall cauldron,”Kz7 2z2. 上 2 2227
釜 燥 ,“soot from acauldrony”Gzz 2#. 上 2 7 金 ,抬 “soot from a cauldron,”Gz7z zz Gz2 字 2z2 鋼 底 ,墨 “ink/soot from the bottom of acauldron.” [Li|] Shizhen: Large [cauldrons] are called 包
【 氣 】味
釜 and ez 鍋 ; small [cauldrons] are called zz 炙 .
溫, 無 琳。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, warm, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 中 惡 髓 ,毒 吐血 血 ,運 以 或 酒 水 溫 服二 錢。 亦 塗 金 ,瘡 止血 生 膽 。 開 寶。 消 食 ,積 古 腫, 喉 痺, 口瘡 , 陽 毒 發 。狂 時 珍。 Control For being struck by the malign and ez poison,57 With blood spitting and blood [induced brainj movement ingest two 27z7 Warm with wine or water. It may
also be applied to wounds caused by metal objects/weapons. It ends bleeding and serves to generate muscles. 人 zz72z2.1tdissolves food accumulations,tongue swelling, throat blockage, oral sores,and yang poison弛 effusing as madness. [Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 頒 日】 古 方 治 傷寒 黑 奴 丸, 用 釜 底 墨、 電 突 墨、 染 上 塵 三 物同 相近 耳 。 合 諸 ,藥 烏 其功用 Explication. [Su] Song: Ancient recipes [recommended to] cure harm caused by cold with the“black slaves pills. [For their preparation, prepare] ink/soot from the
bottom of a cauldron, ink/soot from the chimney of a furnace, and dust from the I97 Gz 疇 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced QOriginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bug, 了 Surviving competition With hundreds of other poisonous to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate
to a magic pathogenic agent. e only creatureinaclosed jar bugs. Ihis bug was believed the belongings of others. Ihe
resulting disease was termed ez Z 看 專 ,“gez poison(Ging).“" BCGM
I98 5zg Z
Dict LIor.
陽 專 ,“yang poison?”is harm caused by cold resulting in aflourishing ofyang 中
and adiminution ofyin di. BCGM
DictL 6I6.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
surface of beams. Ihese three items al alike are mixed with a11 types of medication because their [therapeutic] functions are quite similar.
方】 舊 七, 新 六 。 【 附 Added Recipes. Seven ofold. Six newly [recorded.
卒心氣 。痛 鐺 墨二 錢 , 熱 小 便 調 。下 寺 金 方 。 Sudden pain caused by heart di. Send two 7zzzz of ink/soot from [the bottom of」a
small cauldron down mixed with hot urine. 0zz7.7 形 zz Z7z
中 惡 心痛 。 鐺 墨 五 ,錢 覽 一 ,錢 研 色 , 熱 水 一 錢 調 。下 千 金方 。 Being struck by the malign with heart pain. Grind five 7zzz of ink/soot from [the bottom of]| asmall cauldron with one 7zz7z of salt to an evenly mixed [powder] and
|let the patient] send this down mixed with one 27z7z of hot water. 07Zz7zz 有 zz /27zg
轉 筋入 腹。 釜 底 墨 ,末 和 酒 服 一 。錢 肘 後方 。 ontorted sinews entering the abdomen. Mix ink/soot powder from the bottom 9 acauldron With _wine and ingest one 7zz7z. 之 22z 20z zz
霍亂 吐 。下 鍋 底 墨 半煤 錢 , 電 額上 墨半 錢, 百 沸 湯 一 ,韻 急 攪 數 千下 , 以 鋁 覆 ,之 通 口 服 二一 口, 立 。止 經 驗方 。 holera With vomiting and discharge.Boil half a 7zzz of ink-soot from the bottom of acauldron and half a 7zzz of ink/soot from the chimney of a furnaceinasmall cup of water one hundred times to abubbling, and stir this several thousand times. IThen cover [the liquidj With a bowl and ingest through an opening one or two mouthfuls. Ihe [disease] will end immediately../z7zg zz 上 7
吐血 咯血 。 鍋 底 墨 炒過 , 研 細 , 井 華 水 二 服 錢 , 連 進 三 。服 濟
急方 。
Blood spitting and coughingupofblood.Roastink/sootfrom the bottom ofacaudron and grind [the residue] to a fine |powder]|. [Let the patient] ingest two 77Z27
With_ the frst water drawn from a wellin the morning. Io be inserted three times, one after another. 形 及 包zoo
婦人 逆 。產 以手中 取指 釜 下 ,墨 交
畫 兒 足下 , 即 。順 千 金方 。
Women giving birth toachild with a[footling] presentation contrary to normal Remove ink/soot with your middle finger from the bottom of a cauldron and draw the character “cross on the sole of the childs feet. Ihis will bring it into a normal positlon. 07z77.777z /2722.
C//,z27/e7 7
血 不 。下 鍋
服 錢。 生 墨 , 熱 酒 二 底 煙
生 編。
Delivery with a failure to discharge blood. [Have the woman] ingest with hot wine ink-soot from the bottom of a cauldron. 2e7zo 52e7zo 27277.
古 痊 腫 ,大 如 肝豬
治 人 。 釜 和黑 酒 塗 。之 千 金方 。 狀 , 滿口 , 不 殺
Sudden swelling of the tongue with its size increased to thatof apig bladder Tt fils the mouth and wi kill oneifitis not cured.Apply ink/soot from [the bottom of acauldron [to the tongue」]. 07z7z.77z.
鼻 氣 後 。塞 水
服 釜 墨 一 。錢 千
金方 。
Blockage of di flow through the nose. Ingest with _water one 7zzzz of ink/soot from [the bottom of]acauldron. 0zzz 7
鼻中 息 。肉 方 同上 , 三
五 日 。愈 普 濟方 。
Tumorous flesh-growth in the nose. Recipe identical to the one above.A cure wil be achieved after three to five days. /z/ 五Zoo
隊 耳 膿 。血 月 下 灰 吹 滿 ,耳 深入 無 ,苦 即 自 。出 肘 後方 。 Ears shedding pus and blood. Blow the ashes from below a cauldron into the [aftfected ears]. Ihey should enter deeply [into the ears] and this will not cause [additional] discomfort.[Ihe blood and the pus] will leave [the ears] as aresult. Z22z oz /27zg.
兒 口瘡 。 釜 确 ,墨 時
時 探 。之 普
濟方 。
Qral sores of children. Repeatedly apply ink/soot from the bottom of acauldron [to the affected regionm]. 嚷 均 zz
手 的 瘡 腫作 膿 。 用
和 便 方。 鍋 臍 墨 研細 , 清 油 調 探。 商
Sores resulting from scratching with ones hand, with aswelling and the formation of pus.Grind ink/soot from the navel/center of [the bottom of] acauldron toafine
[powderljmixitwith clear oiland apply this [to the affected regionj]..7Zzzzz 2727z./27zg.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
百 7g7cgo
舟 目 草 綱
訖 22729 上 匕 Gz7zg 22
Frostofthehundreds ofherbs. Sootscratchedfrom withinachimneyofafurnace where all types ofherbs had been burned.
【 釋 】名 富 突 墨 綱目 、 電 額 墨。【 時 質 輕 ,細 故謂 之 箱 。
珍 】晶 此 乃
井 額及 煙 爐
中 煙墨 也。 其
Explanation ofNames. Zz2 紀 72 電 突 墨 ,《ink/soot from the chimneyofafurnacey”
Gzzz zz. Zzoz722 電 額
屆 ,“ink/sootfrom the chimneyofafurnace.”[Li] Shizhen:
This is the black soot from the chimney of a furnace and from within astove. Tts material consistencyis liphtand cloudy Henceitis called frost.
【 氣 】味
溫 , 無 毒。
Qi and Flavor Acrid, warm,nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 消 化 積 滯, 入下 食 藥 中 。用 蘇 。頌 止上 下 諸 ,血 婦人 月中 帶 下 、 諸 病 , 傷寒 陽 毒 發 ,狂 黃 ,瘟 站 痢, 嘲 ,膈 咽喉 口 征 一 切 諸 瘡 。 前 胎 產後 時 珍。 ontrol. Tt serves to dissolve accumulations and transform sluggishness. It is used as an additive to medication serving as a purgative. Su Song. It ends all types of bleeding, above and below collapsing center?? from below the belt of women, and 和 types of disease prior to and after delivery harm caused by cold, yang poison25 and ftts of madness. Yellow Zzz崗ness2 malaria and free-flux ness,? gullet oc-
clusion, and all types of diseases affecting the throat, the mouth and the tongue. Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 體質 有 輕 狂 黑 奴 ,丸 從治之 。義 胎 產 諸 ,病
時 珍 虛 結 實 三 者 其 消 雖 是
日】 百 草 、町 釜 底 墨、 梁 上 倒掛 ,塵 皆 者 心肺 之 者 中 下 二 ,焦 輕 入 之 異。 重 歸 並 ,用 而 內有 麻 、黃 大 ,黃 亦 攻是 解 三 膈 痢 諸 病 積 ,滯 亦 是 取 其 從 ,化 故 疸 閥 黑 止 , 亦 不 離 從 化 之理 。 血 見則
煙是 。分 焦 多
氣 古 結 ,熱 用 。之
結成 , 但 其 方 治 陽 毒發 兼取 火化 治 其 失血
Explication. [Li] Shizhen: “Frost of the hundreds of herbs, ink/soot from the bottom of acauldron and dust hanging down from the surface of beams [in a housej,
I99 5ezex2o7 朋 中 ,“collapsing centerp”excessive vapinalbleeding outside ofamenstruation period. BCGM DictL,58.
2oozgeZz 陽 毒 ,“yang poison”is harm caused by cold resulting in aflourishing of yang d andadiminution of yin di. BCGM
2oI /-zz7g Zzz 黃疸
DictL 6I6.
,mostlikely including cases of jaundice.BCGM Dict L 225.
2o2 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
C//,z27/e7 7
they 1 are generated by soot di Still, their physical, material consistency may be ligpht and hollow or bound and solid. Ihose of heavy weight will turn to the two Burners in the center and below. Ihose of light weight wi enter the section 9 heart and lung. Ihe ancient recipe of “black slaves pills”to cure yang poison and fits of madness resorted to 紀 three of them, and [the pills] also included z22e2Zyz
[herb] and rhubarb root as they too, serve to attack and resolve bound heatz? in the
Three Burners.All [these therapies]are basedon the ideaofa therapyconforming [with the nature of the disease] to transform filre. When they are used to dissolve accumulations and sluggishness, his, tooy is [to resort to a “therapy] conforming
[with the nature of the disease] and transforming [fire]. Hence they are often used for
1 types of diseases such as jaundice, occlusion, malaria and free-flux ness.254
When they serve to cure al types of diseases associated with bleeding and birth, even though they are to end once the blood that appears has assumed ablack color this, too, does not leave the principles of [a “therapy] conforming [with the nature
of the disease] and transforming [fire」-
【 附 方】 新
二十 。
Added Recipes.2o newly [recorded.
气 血 不 止。 百 草箱 末 吹 ,之 立 止也 。 Unending nosebleed. Blow “frost of the hundreds of herbs”into [the nostrils. The nosebleed] will end immediately
卹 血 吐血 。 到 長 春 經 駿 方 治 吐血 及 傷 酒食 醉 ,飽 低頭 換 損 肺臟 , 吐血 汁 血 , 口 鼻 婦 行, 但 聲 未 失 。者 用 鄉外 人 家 百 草 夭末 , 糯米 湯 服 二錢。 一 方 : 百 草 霜 五 ,錢 槐 末花 二 兩 , 每 服 二 錢, 茅 葉 湯 下 。 Nosebleed and blood spitting. Liu Changchun in his 7zzg 7 /zzo [recommends toj cure blood spitting and harm caused by intoxifcation With wine and overeating of food, when [the patient] has lowered his head [for too long」j, causing injury to his lung, with blood spitting and blood sweating, and uncontrolled flow [of bloodl from his mouth and nose, but no loss of his voice [as follows. He lets the patient
ingest with adecoctionof glutinous rice two 7zzz of frostof thehundreds of herbs from ahome outside his own home town. Another recipe: [Let the patient] each
time ingest two 27z7z of[「a mixture of」 five 7zz7z of “frost of the hundreds of herbs 2o3.7zz / 結 熱 ,“bound heab”refers to repletion evil brought about by heat that has intruded into the body whereitblocks the qi mechanism or coagulates with other types of evil di. BCGM DictL, 252. 2o477 痢 ,“free-fllx iness,"a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
and two Z27zo of yo2227z 722o7z7c2 和Hower powdep to be sent down With 7zz77c2//z/ 227z7czy [seed] decoction.
齒 縫 出 。血 百 和草 町末 摻 ,之 立 。止 集 簡 方 。 Bleeding from the seams of the teeth. Rub frostof the hundreds of herbs onthem. lIhebleeding] will end immediately.77/zz7z 多zz
婦人 月 中 。 百 草 霜 二 ,錢 狗 膽汁 拌 ,勾 分作 二 ,服 當 包 酒 。下 經 驗方 。 Women with collapsing center255 Mix two 7z2zz of frost of the hundreds of herbs evenly With dog bile and [let the patient] ingest this divided in two portions, to be sent down With Z7zoz/7cz 77z7zy7y root Wine..777zo )27z Z2729.
胎動 下 血 , 或 胎 已 。死 百 草 町 二 ,錢 檻 灰 一 ,錢 伏 龍肝 五 ,錢 烏 末 , 每 服 一二 錢 , 白 入 湯 酒及 童 尿 調 。下 筆 峰 興 雜 方。 Fetal movement [in the abdomen] with blood discharge, or the fetus may already be dead.[Grind] two 7zzzz of “frost of the hundreds of herbs,' one 7zz7z of charred
如 zc2)cz72zy [stipule filber], and five 7zzz of “hidden dragons liver “to
a powder
and each time [have the woman] ingest one or two 7zzz. lo be sent down mixed With wine to which clear hot water was added and boys urine. Bifeng, Zz xz7zg Zoo
虛 ,損 月 候 不 ,調 骨 。中 百 草町 、 前 胎 前 產後 , 逆生 橫生 , 瘦 胎, 產 產後 白芷 等 ,分 詞 末 , 每 服 二 ,錢 童子 小 、便 醋 各 少許 調勻, 熱湯 化 ,服 不 過 服。 杜王 方 。 二 [Diseases] prior to and after delivery women _giving birth to the child in atransVerse position or With a[footling] presentation contrary to normal, cmaciated fetus,
depletion injury prior to and after delivery menstrual irregularity collapsing center. lGrind] equal amounts of “frost of the hundreds of herbs”and zzzgeZzcz [root] to
apowder. ach time [have the woman] ingest two 77z7z, to be evenly mixed With small amounts of boys urine and vinegar. Jhis is to be ingested dissolved in hot water.Jtis not to be ingested more than twice. zz 人 zz /7zo
婦人 白帶 。 百
草 町 一 ,兩 香
墨 兩, 研 末 , 每 金 半
服 三 ,錢 豬 肝 一 葉 ,
開, 入 藥 在 內, 紙 裹 糧 ,熟 細 嚼, 溫 酒 送 。之 永 類方 。 Women with white [discharge from below the」 belt. Grind one Zzzg of frost 人 the hundreds of herbs”and half a /Zzzg of gold [standard] ink stone to a powder:
Each time_ [have the woman] ingest three 77z7z. Open one lobe of apig liver insert the medicationm wrap it with paper and cook this over aslow fre until done. Ihen 2o5 5e7g >x2o72 朋 中 ,“collapsing centep”excessive vaginalbleeding outside ofamenstruation period. BCGM DictL, 58. 2o6 S22/77o7z z 22z7Z, vez o7-7Z7
C//,z27/e7 7
[have the womanj chewthis toafne[pulpj,tobe sentdown with warm wine. 攻 7zze /7 /2772.
毒下 血。 百
草 寐 五 ,錢 以
米 湯 ,調 露 一 ,夜 次
早 空心 。服 邵 真人 經
驗方 。
Poison affecting the long-term depots With blood discharge. Mix flve 7zzz of frost of the hundreds of herbs and rice decoction let it rest in the open for one night,
and ingest this the next morning on an empty stomach. $2zo2 22e7z7z7z.777zc
暴作 瀉 。痢 百
草 末箱 , 米
77 /272o.
飲 調 下 二 。錢 續 全十 方 。
Sudden onset of outflow and free-fiux ness.27 Send two 7zzzz of frost of the hun-
dreds of herbs powder down mixed With arice beverage. 六 z 527 7z27z 722.
痢 初 。起 一 服 如 ,神 名 鐵 刷 。丸 百 草 町 三 ,錢 金 墨 一 ,錢 半 夏 七 一 切 下 十 粒 , 研 勾 , 黃 蠟 三 ,錢 同香油 化 ,開 和 成 劑 。 量 大 小 , 每 分 , 巴豆 煮 四 服 三 五 ,丸 或四 五 十 ,丸 芊 湯 。下 瀟 江 方 。 Al types of free-fHux lness discharges in their very beginning. One ingestion is divinely [effective. Ihe medication] is called “iron brush pills.” Grind three 7zzzz 0f “frost of the hundreds of herbs,”one 7zzz of gold [standard] ink stone, seven /77
of 2z7ze//zz [root], and I4 croton [seeds], boiled in watep to an even [mixture]|. Also,
dissolve three 7zzz of yellow beeswax in sesame oiL Mix all of this to form apreparation [of pills]. Depending on their size, each time ingest three to flve pills, or 4o
to 5o pills,to be sent down with a pinger decoction. 07zz7z.7zz7ze 7
小 兒 積 。痢 駐 車 :丸 用 百 草 箱 二 ,錢 巴豆 燭 去 油 一 ,錢 研 ,色 以 飛 繼 猴糊 和 丸 綠 豆大 。 每 服 三 五 。丸 赤 痢 甘 草 湯下 , 白 痢 米 飲 ,下 紅白 董 湯 。下 全 幼 心鑑 。 Accumulation free-flux 過 ness of children. Ihe “pills that bring a cart to ahalt Grind two 7zzz of “frost of the hundreds of herbs”and one 7zzz of croton [seeds」,
slowly cooked with the oil removed, to an even [mixture], and form with a flne
flour-water paste pills the size of mung beans. 弓ach time |let the patient] ingest three to five pills. For red free-fHux ness to be sent down with 2zZycyyy2zz [rood
decoction. For white free-flux illness to be sent down with arice beverage. For red and white |free-fHux 訕 ness]to be sent down with a ginger decoction. OzzZ7z )z %777 7z272.
挾 熱 下 痢 膿 。血 宮 中突 墨 、 黃連 各 一 ,兩 詞 末 , 每 酒下 二 錢 , 日二 服。 聖 惠 方。 Discharge with free-fux 崗 ness with pus and blood, associated with heat.[Grind| one /z7zg cach of ink/soot from the chimney of a furnace and 22Zy[rhizome] toa 2o7 了 7 痢 ,“free-fux
訕 ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
powder. 斷ach timesend down with wine two 7zzz.Io be ingested twice aday. $2e7ze 2z/7 /2772
疾。 方見鉛 丹 下。 痊 熱 寒 Malaria illness With sensations of cold and heat. For the recipe,see the entry min-
iurm (o8-I3).
壓 糾 卒 死。 鍋 底 墨, 水 灌 二 ,錢 並 吹鼻。 醫 說 。 Sudden death during anightmare. Forcefeed ink/soot from the bottom of acaudron, soaked in two 7zzz of watep [to the patient] and also blow into his nostrils. 》7 zz2.
尸 厥 不 ,醒 脈動 側。 知 金 方。
如 。故 電
突 墨 彈丸, 漿
水和 飲。 仍
針 百 會、 足
大 趾 中 趾甲
Corpse[-like condition because of qi] recession, With a failure to wake up, and a
normal movementin thevessels. Mix bullet size pils ofink/soot from the chimney of afurnace With ferment of water of foxtail millet and |let the patient] drink this. Al]so, pierce aneedle into the 227 2z7 [insertion hole|“”and to the side of the large
toes and the middle toes of [the patients] feet. 0727z.77z /27zg
咽 丸
死。 百 草 ,寐 困 ,塊 不 通 水 ,食 危 欲 中 結 灌下 , 甚 者 不 過 二 ,丸 名 百 靈 。丸 普 濟 方
蜜和 丸
英 子大 , 每
新 汲 水 化一
Lumps formedin the throat blocking the passage of water and food, and leading toacriticalsituation that may resultin death.Form frostof the hundreds of herbs with honeytopills the size of 7zzz seeds. 弓ach time dissolve onepilinnewly drawn water and forcefeed it [to the patient]. Even severe cases do not require more than
two pils. Ihey are called “pils with ahundredfold numinous strength.
度 /7ze
鼻 瘡 膿 昊。 百草 寐末 , 冷水 服 二 。錢 三 因 方 。 Nasal sores with pus and stench. Jngest two 7zzz of frost ofthe hundreds of herbs powder With cold water. Sz7z 27z /27zg
白 禿 頭 。瘡 百 草 和害 豬 脂 塗 。之 簡 便 方 。 White baldness with head sores. Apply frost of the hundreds of herbs' mixed with ]ard [to the affected regionm]..7z7z 2727z zz
頭 瘡 諸 。瘡 以 酯 湯 洗 淨, 百 剖 夭 入 膩 粉 少許 , 生
油 調 ,塗 立 。愈 證 本 類 草 。
Head sores,and all [other] types of sores. Wash them clean with a vinegar decoc~
tion. Add asmall amount of calomelto “frost of the hundreds of herbs'and apply 2o8 (GV-2o WHO
C//,z27/e7 7
this, mixed With fresh oil [to the affected region].A cure will be achieved immedi-
之2e7zg /7 2e7z 22.
療 疸 出 ,汁 剷手足 肩 ,背 累累 如 。米 用 電 突 墨、 電 屋 三 度 。 外 臺 秘要 。 一 斗, 煮 三 ,沸 取 汁 ,洗 日 四
塵、 釜下 土 名研 , 水
Flaming heat impediment-illness35? affecting hands and feet, shoulders and back,
With lnes of pearls like rice. Grind ink/soot from the chimney of a furnace, dust from the kitchen,and soil from below acauldron to an even [mixture]j,and boil this
With one Zoz of water three times to bubbling. Use the juice to wash [the affected regionj, three to four times a day. 殉 7
7 22.
唐 草 梁上 塵 本 了 7g72e 52272e 2e7z, 上 匕 727zo 2e7z Co
Dustfrom abeam,.
【 釋 】名 倒 掛 塵 名伺 龍 尾 綱目 、 煙珠 。 上 xplanation of Names.Dust hanging down [from abeam]is called “black dragons tail,”Gzzzg zz. $zz >2z 煙 珠 ,“pearls/jewelry of piled ashes。
【 修 】【 治 禾 日】 凡 架上 塵, 須 去 煙火 雪大 , 高 堂殿 上 者, 拂 下, 和 飾 淨 末 用 。【 時 珍 日】 凡 用 倒掛 ,塵 燒 令 煙 盡 , 篩取 末 入 。藥 雷 氏 所 說 , 似 是 梁 上 灰塵 , 今人 不 見用 。 Pharmaceutical Preparation.[Leil
入iao: Forall [preparations of ] dust from abeam,
itis essential to collect that which has accumulated on [the beams of | amain hall
far away from asmoking fire. Brush it down and pass it through asieve to obtain aclearpowder that is then ready to be used. [Li| Shizhen: For all applications use
dust hanging down [from abeam in ones home]j, burn it until it emits no more smoke, pass it through asieve to obtain a powder that may then be added to medication. Mr. Lei [Xiao] appears to have referred to dust accumulating on beams. Ihis is no longer resorted to by the people today
【 氣 】味 辛 、 苦 , 微 寒, 無 毒,【 大
明 曰】 平。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, bitterp slightly cold, nonpoisonous. Da Ming: Balanced.
2o9 5zz2 及 六 疸 , 和 aming heatimpediment-illness,”"initially emerges like abean kernel from
which aroot reaches into the depth of the tissue. Ihis is associated with extreme pain. It slowly increases in size and generates severaltips fillled with pus that looklike clusters 0f rice grains. hands and feet. BUCGM DictL, 67.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 主 】治 腹 痛, 喳 膈 , 中 惡, 鼻毛 , 小 兒 軟 。瘡 唐 。本 食 積, 止 金 瘡血 出
齒 斷
時 珍
ontrolLAbdominal pain. ullet occlusion. Being struck by the malign. Nosebleed. Soft sores of children. 7z7ze 2e7z. Food accumulation. It ends bleeding from wounds caused by metal objects/weapons. Bleeding gums. [Li] Shizhen.
【 附 方】 舊 七, 新 十二 。 Added Recipes. Seven of old. fr2 newly recorded.
翻 胃 吐 。食 架 上 塵, 黑 驢 尿 調 服 。之 集
簡方 。
Turned over stomach and vomiting of food. Mix dust from a beam with the urine of black donkeys and ingest this..7z.7zz7z 7
霍亂 吐 。利 屋 下 倒掛 ,鹿 溢 湯 ,泡 澄清 服, 即 止。 衛
生 易 簡方 。
Cholera with vomiting and free-fHux [illness]. Soak dusk hanging from [the beams at| home in boiling watep wait for the dregs to have settled and ingest the clear liquid. Ihis will end [the disease」]. 放 7 2z7ze 加 有 27z 7
便 不 。通 染 上 塵 二 指撮 , 水 服 。之 外
臺 秘要 ,。
Blocked urination. Take apinch of dust from a beam between two fingers and ingest this with water. 克 7 227 227 22.
大 腸 脫肛。 局 龍 ,尾 即 染上 塵 , 同 鼠 屎 煙燒 於 脫 也。 濟 急 。
桶 ,內
坐上 黑 之, 數
次 即不
Anal prolapse from the large intestine. Burnm “black dragons tail i. e., dust from a
beamy, together with the excrements of rats/miceinabucket to develop smoke and [let the patient] sit on it to have [his anal region] fumigated. After several such |sessions] there will be no more prolapse..7z 去
喉 痺 乳 蛾 。 局 龍 、尾 枯 菊 、 豬 牙 顯英以 七炒 黃 , 等 分, 烏 末 , 或 吹 點 或 皆 妙 。 孫 氏 集效 方 。 Throatblockage With nipple moth.2[Grind] equalamounts of “black dragons tailb prepared alum, and small ozzZz/zz [seed], roasted with salt until they have turned
yellow toapowderandeitherblow[this into thethroatl orapply this [to the affect-
cd region. he effects are] always Wondrous. Sz7z 27
五 x722 7ze
2Io 及 zz 乳 蛾 ,“nipple moth,"“mostlikely including cases of acute tonsillitis. BCGM DictL 4Io.
C//,z27/e7 7
牙 疼 嚇 。界
壁上 掃 土 , 用
覽 炒 過 , 詞 末 , 隨左右 嚎 。鼻 普
濟方 。
For toothacheitis to be blown into the nose. Sweep soil from a wall, roast it With
salt [grind it] to apowder.inhale this through the [left orright] nostril depending on whether[the toothachelis on theleft orontheright side. 選 埃 多 7zg
中 筷 。肉 架 鹿 吹 。之 普
濟方 。
Tumorous flesh growth in the nose. Blow dust from abeam into [the nose]-
夜 臥 魘 死。 勿
用 火 ,照 急
取 染 塵 納 鼻中 , 即 。活 瑣
碎錄 。
Death following anightmare during sleep at night. Do not use fire to illuminate [the patient|. Quickly obtain dust from abeam and insertit into his nose. Ihis w 註
bring him back to life. 5zz2 vz7 /.
卒 自 纖 死。 染 上 塵 如 豆大 , 各 納 一 簡 ,中 四 人 同 極力 時 活 。 外 臺 秘要 。
吹 兩 耳 及 鼻中 , 即
Sudden death [of a person] who has hanged himself. Form dust from a beam to
[pils] the size of beans and insert one each into [four] bamboo tubes. Ihen have
four persons simultaneously blow [these pills through the bamboo tubes] with utmost strength into[that persons] two ears and [twoj nostrils. Ihis will bring him back to ife. 恍// 7 27 2.
血 不止 。 烏
龍 尾 炒 煙 直、 放 芥 穗各半 兩, 詞 末 , 每
服 二 錢, 茶 下 。 聖 濟
Unending menstruation.[Grind] half a /Zzzzg each of “black dragons tail,”roasted
untilno more smoke is cmitted, and yc2z%o7zeAezz [spikes] toapowdep and [have the woman] each time ingest two 7zz7z to be sent down With tea. S2e7zg 元
婦人 胎動 , 日 月 未 足 欲 。產
塵 、 電 突 墨 等 ,分 酒 服 方寸 。糾 千 金方 。
JMovement of afetus in a woman, threatening to be born prior to the due date. [Have the woman]j ingest with wine onasquare z7/ spoon equal amounts of dust
from abeam and ink/soot from the chimney of a furnace. 0727z.777z /7zo
逆 。產 架 上 塵, 酒 服 方寸 。匕 子 母 秘 錄 。
Birth inatransverse positionand with a[footling] presentation contrary to normal. [Have the woman」
ingest with wine dust from a beam in the amount held by a
Square (zz spoon. /7 2
727 ///.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
婦人 姑 。乳 醋和 染 上 塵 塗 。之 千 金方 。 Jealousy breast of women.抽 Mix vinegar with dust from abeam and apply this [to the affected region」|. 0zz7z.77z./7zg
石 癱 不 。膿 染上 塵 、灰 葵根莖
灰 等 ,分 用 酯和 傅 。之 知 金方 。
Stone hard obstruction-ilness 鐘 Without pus. Mix equal amounts
of dust from a
beam and ashes of zz/oz root with vinegar and apply this [to the affected regionm」. 0727 7777 /272g.
發 背 腫 。痛 廚 內 倒 弔 ,塵 詞 末 , 以生 敬 換 , 乾則 以 水 潤 。之 瀕 湖 集 簡 方 。
極 嫩 心 同 搗 ,膏 傅
之 留 ,頂 一
弓 fusiononthebackwith apainfulswelling.[Grind] strings of dust hanging down in the kitchen to a powdep pound them together With the softest hearts of fresh onions to a paste and apply this [to the affected regionj leaving the top [of the ef-
fusion/swelling] uncovered. Replace [the applicationj once aday [with fresh paste.
When [the paste] has dried, moisten it with water. 有 zz2z/ 玉 有27z 7
無 名 惡 。瘡 梁 上 倒掛 塵 二條 , 韭地 蚯蚓 方。 起 陰 ,腥 用 蜜 水 ,調 頻 傅 。之 楊 簡便
泥 少 ,許 生
蜜和 ,
Unidentifled malign sores. Mix two strings of dust hanging small amount of the excrements of earthworms from aleek and form_ [this paste] to fiat pies the size of acoin. Dry them them with honey and water and repeatedly apply them [to Yang Qi 2 2277 /272.
小 兒 頭 ,瘡 浸 淫 成 片。 染 上
撿 作 餅 如 錢大 ,
down from beams, a field and fresh honey atashady place, mix the affected regiom」.
塵和 油 瓶下 潑 , 以 英呢 湯 洗 後 塗 。之 子 母 秘 錄 。
Head sores of children,soaked |lwith bloodandpusjand generating fragments. Mix dust from abeam and the dregs from an oil bottle.Wash [the affected regionj with
ag/Zz2z#7zz [seed] decoction and apply [the mixture to it Z7 zz
小 赤兒 丹。 屋 塵和 臘 豬 脂 傅 。之 千
7 /.
金方 。
Redcinnabar [poison]55 of children. Mix dust from withinahomeand lard collect-
edin ther2th month and apply this [to the affected region]|- 0zz7z.77z 7 2I zz
始 ,乳 自ealousy breastb”when milk is blocked following delivery With a painful
swelling.BCUCGM DictLI35. 2I2 玫 7zg
癱 ,“obstruction-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict LP 64r. 213 C27 zzz 赤 丹 ,“red cinnabarp”is the name for red rashes accompanied by heat., BCGM Dict.D 85.
C//,z27/e7 7
年 落 煙火 者, 和 石 、黃 款 冬 、花 婦 人 月 衣經 帶 , 老 呈 不 。止 故 逆 屋上 塵 久 中 燒煙吸 嚥, 無 不 癢 。也 陳 居 器本 草 。 詞 ,末 水 和 人 塗 藉上 , 符 劑, 入 竹筒 Unendingy, chronic cough.[Grind] dust from a thatched home that has been exposed to the smoke ofafre for years With realpar 2vyz/zgo [flower] and agarment or belt stained by a womans menstrual llquid to a powdep mix it With water and apply this to the reed of the thatched roof. Wait until it has dried, insert it into a bamboo tube, burn it and [let the patient] inhale the smoke. Ihere is not asingle case that Will not be cured. C2z7z Cz7zg27 2z7z Co2.
門 昨 綱塵 目 人 7e77
/ ce7z, 上 匕 Gz7zo 2.
e s a b r m a o t r r f o t m s e ofadoorpivot. th Du
毒 ,瘡 切 床 酚 擦 , 至 出 汗 即 。消 時珍。
【 主 】治 止 金 瘡 出 。血 又諸般
ontrol It ends bleeding from wounds caused by metal objects/weapons. Also, for al1 types of sores With poison cut garlic into slices and dip them into [dust from the mortar base of a door pivot]. Rub [the affected region] with them until sweat appears,and [the poison] w 計 be dissolved. [Li] Shizhen.
塵士 拾遺 顏 婦 眉頭 Gzz2 7 022/272e 和 02 ce72 太 上 匕 527 )7
Dustfrom theendofawidows bed.
【 主治 】 耳 上 月
割 瘡, 和 油 塗 。之 藏 器。
Control Moon eclipse sores at the ears. 議 Mix [the dust] with oiland apply this [to the afected regionj]. [Chen] Cangdit.
歡 中 閃白 抬 遺
C7 22 ※2o7zc 22722/ 上 匕 27 7
White dustlmefoundinaporcelain bowl
【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日 】 瓷 器 物 初 燒 ,時 相 隔 皆 以 灰 烏 ,泥 然後 裏 有灰 , 即 收 之備用 。
燒 。之 但
ollected Explanations. [Chen] Cangdqi. When porcelain items are prepared to be fired, they are separated by amud prepared from dust/lime,and it is only then that 2I4 z ge c2zzzg 月
割 瘡 ,*moon eclipse”sores.BCGM DictL 654.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
they are filred. Hence one just looks for such dust/lime in porcelain [warej, collects it and stores it for later use.
【 主 】治 遊 腫 , 酪 摩 傅 。之 晟 器。 Control Forroaming swellingy grind it With vinegar and apply this [to the affected reglion]|. [Chen] Cangdi. o7-58
香爐 雁 綱目 人 7Zg72e 2 22 上 弓 GZ7zo 2 Ashesinanincenseburner
【 主 】治 跌 撲 金 刃 傷 ,損 點 之 , 止血 生 雞 。 香 爐 ,岸 主 辣 瘡。 時珍 。 Control For harm following injuries caused by falls, blows, metal objects and knives, cover [the affected region With such ashes] to end the bleeding and to gen-~ erate muscles. [Ashes that have collected inside] the top edges of an incense burner
serve to control 7ze-ilness sores.3 [Li] Shizhen.
錄 品 祖 灰 別 下
z 7人 z77 7o9 22z7, 上 上
為Zz /z/, lower rank
Ashes from the furnaceofaforgpe.
電中 灰 爾, 兼 得 鐵 力 故也 。 【 集 解 】【 弘 景 晶 】 此 鍛鐵 Collected Explanations.[Tao] Hongjing: Ihese are ashes from within afurnace for
forging iron.[Ihey are used for therapeutic purposes] because they have acquired the strength of iron.
【 主 】治 癥站 堅 積, 去 邪惡 氣。 別 。【 錄 恭 日】 療 暴 癥有 效。 古 方 貳 車 丸 中用 之 。 訓ness with hardened accumuControl For concretion-illness and conglomerationlations, they serve to remove evil and malign q. 5zz 及 . [Su] Gong: Ihey serve to heal sudden concretion-iHness. Ancient recipes have made use of them 和 cfectively in the ps fortwo carts.3
215 ./ze-ilness 開,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol.L, 249. 2I6 吧 2e zozz 嘻
車 丸, arecipe allegedly introduced by Hua Tuo. Ingredients include
Chinese pepper from Sichuan, dried gingep nonglutinous rice, zc27zz/z7z [root tuber] and
ashes from afurnace of aforge.
C//,z27/e7 7
方】 新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded.
產後 陰 。脫 鐵 中爐 紫 麝 、 羊 ,脂 二 和味 勾, 布 炙熱 裏 , 蛛 產 方。
推 納上 。 徐氏 胎
Uterus prolapse following delvery Evenly mix purple dust/ashes from afurnace of an iron [forgej] With sheep fat wrap this in apiece of fabric, roast it until it is hot and press it [on the prolapsed uterus] to push it back upward.
及 zz 27 Z7 C227z./z7z
冬 灰本 經下 品 7o7ze 2zzp, 上 弓 727z. 77 lOwer rank.
【 釋 】【 名 宗 爽 日】 諸 灰 一 熱 而 ,成 其 體 輕 力 ,劣 惟 冬 則 砍 經 四三 月 方 撤 爐, 其 灰 既 曉 夕 燒灼 , 其 全為 燥 玲 而 體 益 重 故也 。 Explanation of Names.[Kou] Zongshi: All ashes are the products of burning. Iheir bodyis oflightweightand theirstrength is weak.Only winter ashes [are different. They are removed from afurnace only after three to four months. Ihese ashes result from fires that have burned from dawn to dusk. Hence they [are different] because
their strength is one of complete dryness and filerceness and their physical body is heavier [than that of other types of ashes1.
【 集 燒 諸 不 真。 肉 。【 必然 。 獨 方 澱 染青
解】【 列 枕 高 積聚 又有 青 時 珍 日】 一 原 本 名 谷 有乃 耶 。
澤 錄 日】 冬 灰, 生 方 谷川 。【 鍊 作 ,之 性 亦 ,烈 族 灰 尤 烈, 高 、灰 檢 ,灰 一作 苓 字 , 乃 冬 灰 乃 冬 電月 中 所 燒 薪 柴 葵 ,灰 生 方 谷 川 ,澤 殊 為 今人 以 灰 淋 ,汁 取 上 賺 浣 衣 ,
灰 爾, 弘 景 日】 此 即 今 浣衣 黃 灰 是 葵 ,灰 餘 草 【 恭 日】 冬 本 燒木葉 。作 並 入 染 家 ,用 亦 蝕 惡 之 欽也 。 專 作指 高共 之 ,灰 亦 未 不 。通 此 灰 既 當不 言 川 ,澤 又 旦 發 梳 ,白 治 瘡 蝕 惡 ,肉 浸 藍
ollected Explanations. 5zz Z: Winter ashes are produced in the rivers and marshlands of Fang gu.姥 [Tao] Hongjing: Ihese are the yellow ashes nowadays used to wash clothes. Ihey are produced by burning all types of heaps of herbs of various kind.有 Tts nature is similarly flerce, and the ashes of certain reeds are of an especially fierce_[nature]. [Suj Gong: “Winter ashes” originally are the ashes obtained by [burning] lambs quarters; [winter ashes from the burning of」other types of 2I7 A geographic region named Fang gu remains unidentifiable. 2I8
成z2 Z# 高 花 does not refer to two specific herbs (2z2
quarters)but to herbs of various kinds.
蒿 , wormwood, and
五 殉 , lambw
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
herbs are not genuine. There are also z7zezz7yzz herb ashes and Zzzg
梗 ashes, also
written With the character Z7zg 冬 , i. e. [ashes] obtained from burning the leaves
of wood. Ihey are both used by experts for dying, and they serve to remove malign fesh. [Li]| Shizhen: “Winter ashes ”are ashes resulting from burning [all types of frewood in afurnace during the winter months. lo specifically refer to the ashes of “herbs of various kinds”is wrong. Ihe original source refers to“ashes of lambs quarters, produced in the rivers and marshlands of Fang gu.”Ihis is most likely a misunderstanding. Ashes cannot be said to_[originate inj “rivers and marshlands.
Also, why should they [originate] from Fang gu only and nowhere else? loday the people pour liquid over the ashes to obtain soda that is used to wash garrments, to let dough rise and give it a light colop and to cure sores With_ erosion and malign fesh.Itis given to fabrics soakedin Chinese indigo plant [water] to dye them with agreenish/bluish color.
【 氣 】味 辛 , 微 溫, 有 坦 。 Qi and Flavor Acrid, slightly warm,poisonous.
【 主 】治 去 黑子 、 肌、 瘟 、肉 疸 蝕 疵 。療 本 。經 煮 豆 ,食 大 下 水 。腫 蘇 恭 。 酯和 熱 ,灰 盡 心 腹 冷 氣 及 痛 血氣 絞 ,痛 冷 即 。易 藏 。器 治 犬咬 , 熱 灰 傅 。之 又 治 溺死 、 凍 ,死 蝕 諸 癱間 惡 。肉 時 珍 。 Control. Ihey remove black spots, warts, tumorous flesh growths, impediment-ill-
ness29 erosion and 7zc崗 ness25 with _itch. 5z7 有 zz Consumed boiled with beans they serve to massively discharge water from aswelling. Su Gong. For pain caused in the centralandabdominalregionbycoldqiand fortwisting pain caused by blood and di press them hot [on the afected regionm]. [Chen] Cangqi. Io cure dog bites, apply hot [winter ashes] to them. Ihey also serve to cure death by drowningy death by freezZing, and erosions associated with a1 types of obstruction-ilness,和 impediment-illness and malign flesh. [Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 古 露 七 ,孔 良久 即 班。 凡 性 暖 而 能 拔 水也 。
2I9 . 秘
方 治人 渴 水 ,死 用 電 中 灰 一 石 埋 ,之 從 頭 至 ,足 惟 螺 溺 水 ,死 試 以 灰 埋 ,之 少 傾 即 便 ,活 甚 驗。 蕾 灰
疸 ,“impediment-iHness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 277Z.
22o.7ze-illness 疵 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol.L, 249. 22I 玫 7zg
癱 ,“obstruction-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict LP 64r.
C//,z27/e7 7
Explication. [Li] Shizhen: Ancient recipes for curing people who died by drowning in water [recommend to] bury themy,from head to feety in one Zz7z of the ashes from
a furnace, only leaving the seven orifilces uncovered. After an extended period 9f time they will come back to ife. ITest [this method] by burying in ashes a fly that has died by drowning.Afterashortwhile it wil come backtolife.Provedtobevery [effective]. Ihe fact is,ashes by their nature are warm and they are able to extract the
water [from aperson that died by drowning.
【 附 方】 新 七 。 Added Recipes. Seven newly [recorded.
死。 方 見上 。 人溺水 A person died by drowning in water. For the recipe see [the text] above.
墮 水 凍死 只 有 微 氣 。者 勿 以 炙火 , 用 眼 ,開 以 溫 酒 與 。之 普 濟 方 。
布袋 盛 熱 ,砍 放 在 心頭 , 冷 即 ,換 竺
Forthose who have died by freezing after falling into watep with only a weak [flow of qi left. Do not heat them with fire. 上F 計 acloth bag with hot ashes and place it on the region of his heart/stomach. Once it has become cold, replace it [with ahot application] for as long as it takes for [that person] to open his eyes. Ihenofferhim Warm Wine. 記 / 二 /2729
陰冷 閃疼 , 冷氣 入 ,腹 腫 滿殺 人 。
酯和 熱 ,灰 頻 妹 。之 知 金方 。
Pain and heart-pressure caused by cold in the yin_[(i. e., genitaD region]. When
the cold q enter the abdomen and cause swelling and afeeling of fullness, this wil Kill one. Mix vinegar with hot ashes and repeatedly press this hot lon the affected region]- 0z27z. 有 zz 7
湯 火 傷 。灼 餅 爐 中 ,灰 麻油 調 ,傅 不 得 看 ,水 仍避 風。 寇氏 衍 義 。 Harm caused by burns resulting from scalding and fire. Mix ashes from afurnace used to prepare fat pies and sesame oil and apply this [to the affected region]. It must not be exposed to watep and [the patient] is to be kept away from wind. 太 2 527 7
犬 咬 傷人 。 苦 酒和 灰 傅之 , 或 熱湯和 之。 千 金方 。 Whendogbites have harmedaperson.Mixbitterwine and ashes,and apply this [to the affected regionj. Ormix it with hot boiling water. 0z27.7-7z /z7zg
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
石 鹼
27Z77Zz72 上 弓 及) Stone bittern. Soda ash.
【 釋 】名 灰 鹼、 花 鹼。【 時 Explanation of Names.
珍 日】 狀如 石 , 類 鹵, 故
號 z7 7zz7 灰 座 ,“ash bittern.” 7zz 7zzz 花 瞪 ,“fHower bittern.”
[Li] Shizhen: It is shaped like astone, 527 zz
亦 得 鹼名 。
石 , and belongs to the group of bitterns,
具 . Hence it too, is named 7z7z 陰 , “bittern.?
【 集 解 】【 時 珍 】晶 石 鹹, 出 山東 濟寧 諸 。處 彼 人 來 高樓之 屬, 開 罕浸 水 , 起 曬 乾 燒 ,雁 以 原 水 淋 汁, 每 引入 石 粉鋪二 三 斤, 久 則 凝 省 如 石 , 以電 灰淋濃 汁 , 亦 去 垢 發 醛 。 連 汁 貨 四之 方 , 漸 衣 發 ,鉻 甚 獲 利 。也 他 處 Collected Explanations.[Li| Shizhen: Stone bittern originates everywhere in Shan dong and 五 ning. Ihe people there gather wormwood and knotweed. Ihey opena pit and soak [the herbs] in water there. Ihen they remove them with a sieve, dry them in the sun and burn them to ashes that are then soaked again in the original water [from the pi For each Zzz, they add two to three 7-z of powdered wheat floup and after along time_[the liquid] congeals and turns as hard as astone. It is then sold, together with_ the liquid,in all four cardinal directions to wash clothes
and to let dough rise. Ihey reap alarge profilt from this. 上 lsewhere viscous liquids are obtained by soaking furnace ashes. Ihey too serve to remove stains and to let dough rise.
【 氣 】味
辛、 苦 ,
溫 , 微琳。
Qi and Flavor Acrid, bittep warm, slightly poisonous.
【 主 】治 去 濕熱 , 止 心痛 , 消 ,痰 磨 積 ,塊 去 食 ,滯 洗滌 垢 ,膩 量虛實 用, 過 服 損人 。 震 。亨 殺 齒 ,蠱 去 目 ,醫 治 喳 膈反胃 。 同石灰 爛 雞 ,肉 潰 癱 疸 療 ,翊 去 瘀 ,肉 點 痣 壓 葡疣 痔 核, 神 。效 時 珍 。 ontrol. Tt removes moisture and heat. It ends heart pain, dissolves phlegm and accumulation lumps, removes sluggish food, and serves to wash dirty and greasy |clothes]. Ihe dosage is to be calculated according to the [degree of ] depletion and repletion [associated with_the disease]. An overdose ingested harms one. [Zhu
/henheng. Itkills tooth bugs/worms. It removes eye shades. Tt serves to cure gullet occlusion and turned over stomach. Iogether With lime it lets muscles and flesh decay opens obstruction名 ness and impediment-ililness,鐘 as well as scrofula, and 222
天 癱 疸 ,“obstruction-illness,impediment-iness”refers totwovaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against
C//,z27/e7 7
removes excessive flesh. Dripped on moles, warts and piles kernels it is a divinely effective [medication|. [Li| Shizhen.
方】 新 六 。 【 附 Added Recipes.Six newly [recorded|.
多 年反胃 。 方 見 鉛下 。 Turned over stomach of many years. For recipes,see underthe entry “lead to8-IoJ.
消 積 破 。氣 石 鹼 三 ,錢 山 查 三 ,兩 阿 末 , 以 阿 魏 化 酷 煮 糊 丸 。服 摘 玄方 。
魏 五 ,錢 半 蝦夏 英
水 過 制 一 ,兩 詞
It dissolves accumulations and breaks open [stagnant| dd. [Grind] three 7zzz of stonc bittern, tree Zz7ze of C7zzzzgzy [fruit|, five 727/ of asafetida, one /7z7ze of 277zz//zz [rootd|, processed With ge/zzZz/7z watep to apowderp boil asafetida in vinegar to
produceapaste,and luse this togetherwith thepowderto] form pills to be ingested. 之2z7 %Z/277 /2772.
一 切 目 。疾 白 鹼 揀 去 黑 碎 ,者 厚紙 七層 , 包 掛 風 ,處 四 日 之。 普 濟方 。 細 , 日 點
十 九 日取 , 研 極
AA types of ailments of the eyes.Wrap white soda, with the black bits removed, in seven ]ayers of thick paper and suspend the package at a windy location. Remove it after 49 days, grind it to avery fine [powder] and drip it [to the affected eyes] day
after day.
拳 毛 倒 。睫 用 刀 微 劃 ,動 以 藥 泥 眼 上胞 , 睫 自 起也 。 石 鹼 一 ,錢 石灰 一 錢 , 酯 調 塗 。之 摘 玄 方 。 Jnverted eyelashes contracted like afist.Grently stroke them with aknife,and apply armedical paste to the eyelids. As aresult, the eyelashes will rise. Ihen mix one 7Z277 of stone bittern and one 27z7z of ime with vinegar and apply this [to the affected region]|- Z227 zz277./z7z
電 牙 疼痛。 花 廉 填 孔 ,內 立 。止 儒 門 事親 。 Painful worm/bug teeth. Fill flower soda into the cavities, and [the pain] will end
八 z/ 7zz7z 527 777z.
the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 642.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
對 腥 琵 。葛 花 上 、 礦 ,灰 以 小 麥 程 灰 汁 二煎 味 令 ,乾 等 分 為林 , 以 針刺 調 之 , 三 日 三上 , 即 去, 人 須 新 破, 水 點
合 乃 。效 聖 濟 錄 。
JMoles and warts. Boil equal amounts of the two substances flower soda and lme
inadecoction of wheat stalks until [the liquid has dried] and [grind the residue to a]| powder Mix it with water and drip this [on the moles and warts]. Ihe mixture
lof soda and llme] must be prepared in time for [the medicationj to be effective. AS2e7zo 7
草 綱目
77 CZo oz72g 72222
石 部 目錄
Sectlon IMetals and Stones/Minerals, Contents
第 八卷
hapter 8 李時珍 :曰 石 ,者 氣 之 ,核 土 之 上骨 也。 大 則 烏 召 嚴, 細則 詞 砂 。鹿 其 精詞 金 為玉 , 其 毒 烏 譽 為 。厂 氣 之 凝 也 , 則 結 而 為 丹青; 氣 之 化也 , 則 液 而 詞 碗 。示 其 變也 : 或 自 柔 而剛 , 乳 貞 成 石 是 也 ; 或 自 動 而 ,靜 草木 成 石 是 。也 飛 走 含 靈 之 烏 ,石 自有 情 而 之 無 情也; 雷震 星 隕 之 烏 ,石 自 無形 而 成有 形 。也 大 塊 資 生 , 潟 鈞 爐 ,蒜 金 石 雖 若 頑 ,物 而 造化 無 窮 。焉 身 家 石 日 玫死 , 而 利用 無 窮 。焉 是 參以 頁 、 周 官 列 其 土 攸 ,賴 財 劑 衛 。養 金 雖 產, 農 、經 軒 典 詳 其 性 ,功 亦 良 、相 良 醫 之 當所 注意 者 。也 通 集 可其 以 濟 百 十 種, 烏 金 石 。部 分 四為 類 : 日 ,金 曰 玉 , 日 ,石 日 九 。 國卻 病 者 一 六 舊本 玉石 部 三 ,品 共 二 百 五 十 三 種。 今 併入 二 十 八 種, 移 三 二 十 種入 水 部, 三 十 九 種入 土 ,部 三 種 入 服 器 ,部 一 種 介入 部, 一 種 信人 部 。 Ti Shizhen: Stones/minerals are qi turned to kernels; they are soil turned to bones. Large ones form cliffs and rocks; fine ones form sand and dust. Iheir essence manifests itself in gold and jade. Jheir poison manifests itself in )#and arsenic.When di coagulate, 了hey conglomerate and appear as red and greenish_ coloring. When di transform, they turn into liquids and appear as alum and mercury As aresult of changes, what was soft becomes hard, such as when stalactites and brine turn
into stones/minerals. What has moved becomes sedentary such as when herbs and trees turn into stones/minerals. When what once has fiown and what once has run With anuminous nature turns into stones/minerals, this is a change from what has feelings to something that has no feelings. When thunderbolts and meteorites turn into stones/minerals, this is a change from something without physical appearance into something with physical appearance. Nature has provided us with metals and minerals. Ihey may be dull items but by means of the pans and bellows [of 223 『z stone, )# 527 譽
,is 石 amineral mentioned in ancient Chinese texts since the 52z7z 227
7/7zg. An identiflcation in modern chemical terms has not been possible.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
the pharmaceutical experts] they can be transformed [to be useful] in innumerable
ways.Individuals and their households relyonthem forprotecting and maintaining their existence.Ihis is why the 殉 goo and the Z2oz gezz7z listed their places of oripin, and why the Wo7o.777zo and the zz7z Z/z7z specifiled in detail their nature and functions, as these are data to be taken into account by good statesmen and by good physicians.In the following |sections] are gathered r6o kinds that are of benefilt to the country and that serve to eliminate disease; they form the _ section on metals and stones/minerals, divided into four groups,namely metals,jade,stones/minerals and salty items. Old versions [of 2Ze7z cdo literature] distinguished in the section of jade and stones/minerals among three ranks, including altogether 253 kinds. Here now 28 kinds are newly included. 32 kinds are removed to the section of waters. 39
kinds are removed to thesection of soils. Ihree kinds are integrated into the section of garrmments and utensils. One variation is integrated into the section of shells. One Variation is integrated into the secion of man.
S2e7 2 2ezz77z 伸展 本 經,4fitems,duringLiang 梁,byTao Hongjing 陶 弘 47zzg 加 2 及 名 醫 別 :錄 32 items, during Liang 四 . 7zzg 2ez cz2 唐本 草 : I4 items, during Tang 唐 ,by Su Gong 蘇 恭 ez cdz2527 罰 本 草 拾遺 :I7 items, during Tang 唐 ,by Chen Cangdi 陳 藏 器 . yz2 xzzg 2ez cz2 藥性 本 草 : ritem, during Tang 唐 ,by Zhen Quan 郵 權. 太 2z7 2z2 2ez cd2 開 寶本 草 :9 items, during Song 宋 ,by MaZmhi 馬 志. ./zz )oz 2ez cz2 嘉 祐 本草 : 8 items; during Song 宋 ,by Zhang Yuxi 掌 即 錫 . 7z7zzg 2ez cz2 圖 經 本 草 :3 items, during Song 宋 ,by Su Song 蘇 頌. 人 7 2zzz 2ez cz2 日 華本 草: 8 items,by aSong person Da Ming 大明 . Z7ezge zz 2ez cz2 證 本 類 草 :Iitemy, during Song,by Tang Shenwei 唐 慎 微 yzz 罰 2 罰 衍 補 義 遺 :Iitem, during Yuan 元 ,by Zhu Zhenheng 朱 震 亨
ez cz2 ozzg zz 本 草 【 附註
綱目: 26 items, during Ming 明 ,by Li Shizhen 李時珍 .
】: Additional comments [are based on the following sources」:
Wei 魏 [dynasty]: Li Dangzhi 李 當和 之, g2 及 藥 錄 Wu Pu 吳 普, 本 草 5ez ezo
宋 [dynasty]:
Lei Xiao 雷
,屆 2z2 x27 炮 炙
Qi 齊 [dynasty]: Xu Zhicai 徐 之 才 ,
2 Z7z 藥 對
C/z2/e7 2
Tang 唐 [dynasty]: Sun Simiao 孫 思 搞 , Ozzz.7zz 千金 LiXun 李 列, /zz)zo 海 爍 Tang 唐 [dynasty]: Yang Sunzhi 楊 損 之 ,$2zz./zz 刪 繁 Xiao Bing 蕭 炳, S7 y2ezg 四 聲 Shu 習 [dynasty]: Han Baosheng 了 韓 保 ,昇 C2ozeg 22z 重 註
Song 宋 [dynasty] Kou Zongshi 寇 宗 爽 ,gz/z 衍 義 Chen Cheng 陳 承, 5z 2 別 說 Jin 金 [dynasty] Zhang Yuansu 張
Yuan 元
元 ,系 Z2zz 2z zz 珍珠 訓
Li Gao 李 呆 , 世 xzzzzg 法 象
Wang Haogu 王 好 古, 7zzg) 湯 液 Zhu Zhenheng 朱 震 ,亨 用 如 補遺 Ming 明 [dynasty]: Wang 五 汪 機, /z7 2zz7z 會 網 Xu Yongcheng 徐用 誠 , 罰 2zz 發 揮
Wang Lun 王 綸, 五 )z2 集 要
金 石 之 一 金 類 二 十八 種 JMetals, Stones/IMinerals P Grroup of Metals, 28 kinds. o8-or
yyzz 銀 , silvep FE 52zz 及 別 錄
及 7 7 227 錫 怯 ,脂 stibnite, FE Gzzg 2z 綱目
7z7/ oz2 銀 膏 , silver amalgamumy FE 7z7zo 2e77 唐本
金 ,native gold, FE 5z 秘 別 錄
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
Z2zs2z zz 朱砂 銀, mercury produced from cinnabar FE 及29zz 日 華
o8-o6 o8-o7
C27 zzg 赤 銅 ,coppep FE Tang ben 唐 本 Zz7zzz 色 7zg 日 然 銅 ,copper pyrites, copper iron sulphides, FE Kz7z 222 開
寶 o8-o8
7Zzg zz
27 銅 礦石 ,copper ore, TE 7#zg 2ez 唐 本
o8-o9 zzge 7zzg 鋼 青 ,basic copper acetate (verdigris), FE 7/zz yoz 嘉 祐 o8-Io_Ozzz 鈴 , lead, FE 及22zz 日 華 o8-II_Ozz7 y?zzzg 鈴 ,箱 lead acetate, FE 人 z2zz 日 華 o8-I2”/ez x7 粉 錫 (/zz/zz 胡 粉 ) basic lead carbonate, FE 5ez.7zzg 本 經 o8-I3。Ozzz Zzz 錐 丹 (7/zzzge Zzz 黃 丹 ) red oxide oflead (minium).
o8-I4 7Zz7 zz2 zz 密 陀 僧 ,lead monoxide (litharge), FE 5e7.7zzzg 本 經 o8-Is” 玟 錫 ,tin,FE ASZz 罰 拾遺 o8-I6_Gz.7zzzg 古 鏡 ,old copper mirrop FE $S27)7# 拾遺 OS-I7 O8-I8
Gz/ Z0e7/ 27277 古文 錢 ,old copper coin, TE 及 2zz 日 華 727zc 7 銅 符 ,牙 copper notch in crossbows, FE 5z 有 入 別 錄
o8-I9”Z2z zzeg 27 諸
銅 器 ,copper ware, TE Gzzg 2 綱目
72zg oz7 銅 盆 , copper pot. (Without entry) 72zg zezg 銅 鉑 , copper steamer. (without entry) 72zg 27 2z7 銅器 汁 ,secretion on copper ware.(without entry)
7z 鐵 ,iron, TE 5ez.7zze 本 經
o8-2I_Gzzg #e 鋼鐵 , steel FE zz 及 別 錄
7z Z2 鐵 落 ,black oxide of irony ferrosoferric oxide, FE 5e7.7zzg 本 經
77ze 肝 7
77e 2z/z /77 鐵
7yzxzz 鐵鏽 ,ferric oxide (rus0, FE AS 罰
7yz7yz 鐵 熱 ,iron fumigatory Residue produced by burning bamboo or
鐵 精 ,black oxide of iron; ferrous oxide, TE 5e7 華 ,粉 ferrous acetate, FE Kz7 2z2 開 寶
peach stones on an ax blade, FE $27)# 拾遺
o8-27 o8-28
“7zz7zzzg 鐵 漿 ,“iron broth.”FE S27)7 抬 遺 Z2z/ze77 諸 鐵器 ,various iron utensils, FE Gzzg zz 綱目
右 附 方 舊 五 十二 , 新 一 百 八 十三 。 Recipes added to the entries above: 52 of old. I83 newly [recorded|.
2 本經
C//z2/e7 2
玉 類 一 十 四 種
JMetals, Stones/JIMinerals LI, Group of Jades,I4 kinds. o8-29”
27) zz 白玉 和 ,髓 chalcedony FE 5zz 及 別 錄
玉 ,nephrite/jade. 弓 zz 及 別 錄
o8-3TIOzzg 姑 青玉,blue jade/sapphire, FE 5z 及 別 錄 o8-3I-AoI 27 )z 壁 玉 ,ancient jade badge of office. o8-3I-Ao2 如 )#zg 玉 典, mirror jade. o8-3I-Ao3 /zyz 27 合 玉石 ,sand used to cut and polish jade o8-32。Ozzg /zg ozz 青 琅 陡 ,malachite/coral, FE 5ez.7zz 本 經
72z7z 2z 天 瑚 , coral, FE 7zzg 27 唐 本
7/z zz22 馬 腦 , agate, FE 7/z )oz 嘉 祐
522 7 寶石 , differently colored precious stones, FE Gzzg 2# 綱目
到 Z# 玻 璨 ,glass, FE AS2z 罰 抬 遺
o8-37。52z7.7zzg 水 精 ,rock crystal FE AS2z 罷 拾遺 o8-37-Aol 瑟 z2 >2z 火 珠, crystal burning glass.
o8-37-Ao2 及 zzzz 527 候 ,jade 石 -like stone. o8-38 o8-39” o8-4o
了 及 Z# 琉璃 ,opaque glass ofany colop FE ASZ# 罰 抬 遺 交 7 zz 雲母 ,muscovite, FE 5e7.77zzg 本 經 5z7y27yzzg 白石 肉 ,milky quartz, FE 5ez.7zzg 本 經
o8-4I。/7.527 )77z 紫
石 英 ,amethyst, FE 7ez 寬 7 婦 本 經
石 ,quartz, FE 有 z2zz 日 華
7/zsz 27 菩陸
右 附 方 舊 一 十 二 , 新 一 十 八。 Recipes added to the entries above: I2 of old. It8 newly [recorded.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
草綢 目
277 (22 2zz772 72222
Section IMetals, Stones/JMinerals
第 八卷 hapter 8 金
石 之 一金 類二 十
八 種
JMetals, Stones/WMinerals P Group of Mietals, 28 kinds.
金 列 中錄 品 zz, T 弓 5
/Z, middle rank.
Native gold.
【 校 正】 併 入 抬 遭 金眉 。 Editorial Correction..7zzz.7zz7zzg 金 漿, “gold broth,7listed separately in the $27 yy 1 included in thepresent entry
【 埋 形。 滔
釋 】名 黃 牙 鏡 、源 太 真。【 時 珍 曰】 按 許慎 說 文 :云 五 金 黃 烏 之 ,長 和久 不 生衣 , 百 鍊 不 ,輕 從革 不 ,違 生 於 ,土 故字 左右 ,注 象 金 在 中土 之 爾 雅 :雲 黃金 謂 之 混 。, 天 有有 胃 之 錠 , 餅 金 謂 之 鈑, 絕 澤 謂 之 銑。 獨 孤 烏太 真。 弘 景 日】 仙 方名 金 羅 梵 書 謂 之 蘇 伐 。【 雲: 天 生 牙 謂 之 黃 。牙
Explanation of Names. 2
好 黃 ,“yellow 牙 tooth/ivory 77zg 227z. 727 2ez 太
真, “superb authenticity”[Li] Shizhen: According to Xu Shens AS2zz2 zoe7z, among the five metals, the yellow [metal ie., gold,] is the chief. Even when buried for a
long time it will not take on alayer [of corrosion]. Even when smelted inafirea hundred ttmes it will not become lighter. It is obedient to any processing. Tt grows in the soil hence its written character [7zz 金 ] has marks on its left and right to reflect the physical appearance of gold in the soiL Ihe 也 ) states: Yellow metal/ gold is called zZzzg 濕 . Beautiful specimens are called Zz 錠 . Gold shaped like a flat pie is called 2zz 鈑 . Gold with asuperb luster is called x7 銑 . Dugu Tao states:
C//z2/e7 2
Natural ivory is called “yellow ivory”In Sanskrit texts it is called ,v#/zZ2 蘇 伐 羅 . [Tao] Hongjing: In the recipes of the hermits/immortals, gold is called zz >2ez 太 真 ,“superb authenticity?”
【 集 解】【 別 錄 曰】 金 屑生 益 ,州 打 無 。【 時 弘 景 曰】 金 之 所生 , 處 處皆 有 。 梁、 益、 寧 三 州 有多 , 出 水 沙 ,中 作 屑, 謂 之生 金。 建 平、 晉 安亦 有 金 ,沙 出 石中 , 燒錠 鼓 鑄 詞 ,碼 雖 被 火 亦 未 ,熟 猶須 更 。鍊 高 、麗 扶 南及 西域 外 國 成 ,器 皆 鍊 熟 可 。【 服 藏 器 曰】 生 金生 嶺南 夷 崗狼 穴 山中 , 如 赤 黑 碎 石、 金 鐵 屎 之 。類 南人 雲: 毒蛇 齒 落 在 石 。中 又 :云 蛇 屎 著 石上 , 及 慷 烏 屎 著 石上 皆 ,碎 取 毒 處 為生 金 , 有 大 ,毒 殺人 。 本 草 言 黃金 有 毒, 全 別 。也 常 見人 取 金, 掘 地 深 丈 餘, 至 紛 子 ,石 石 皆一 與 誤 。僑 生 金 黃金 頭 黑 ,焦 石 下有 金 , 大 者 如 ,指 小 者 猶 麻 豆, 色 如 桑 ,黃 咬時 極 ,軟 即 是 真 金。 夫 匠 竊 而 吞 ,者 不 見有 毒 。 其 麩 金 出 水 沙 ,中 艦上 淘 取 , 或 鵝 鴨腹 中 得 。之 即 打便 成 器 ,物 亦 不 重 。鍊 前 取 金 ,汁 便 堪 鎮 心。【 志 日】 今 醫 內表, 朝 家 所用 , 皆 鍊 熟 金 及薄 以 水 煮 金 取器 汁用 之 , 則 無 毒 。据 皇 收復 据 頌 】晶 今 、饒 信 、 南 詢 訪彼 人 , 並 無 蛇 屎 之說 , 藏 器 傳聞 之 ,言 非 。【 劍 、 登 州 所 ,出 打 亦 多 ,端 或有 若山石 狀 ,者 若 米 豆 粒 ,者 此 類 皆 未經 火, 並 烏生 金 。【 玫 日】 山 海 所經 說 諸 山 出 金 極 ,多 不 能 備 。錄 廣州 記 云 : 大 食 國 出 金 最 多 , 貨 易 用並 金 。錢 異 物 志 :云 金生 麗水 。 又 蔡 瓜子 州 金 , 雲南 出 顆 塊 ,金 在 山石間 采 之。 嚇 、南 遂 、府 吉 州 水 ,中 並 產 麩 金 , 敗表 錄 雲: 五 敗 內 富 州、 實 州、 澄 州、 當 縣江 溪 河 皆 產 金。 居 人 多 養 鵝力 取 ,屎 以淘金 ,片 日 得 一 兩 半或 兩 , 有 終日 不 獲 一 星 。者 其 金 夜明。【 宗 與 日】 顆 塊 ,金 即 穴 山 至 百 十 ,尺 見 伴 金 石, 定 見 金 。也 其 石 褐色 , 一 豆 如火燒 黑 之 狀, 其 色金 深 赤 黃。 來 ,金 即 江在 沙 中水 淘汰 而 ,得 其色 淺 黃。 皆 生是 金, 得 之 皆 當 鑄 。鍊 麵 金 耗 。多 入 藥 當 用 塊 ,金 色 既 ,深 則 金 氣 足 。餘 須 防 藥 制 成及 點 化 ,者 此 等 得有 造化 之 。氣 如 雪紫 之 ,類 用 金 煮 汁, 蓋 假 其 自 然 之 氣 。爾 又東南 金 色 ,深 西南 色金 淡 , 亦 土 地 所 宣也 。 【 時 珍 曰】 金有 山 金、 沙 二金 種 。 其色 七 、青 八 、黃 九 、紫 十 赤 , 以 赤 啟 足 。色 和 銀 者 性 ,柔 試 石則 有 色 。青 和 銅 者 性 硬 , 試 石 有則 聲。 寶 貨 辯 疑 云: 馬蹄 金 象 馬蹄 , 難得 。 橄 櫥 金 出 著、 湖、 崔 。南 胯 子 金 象 帶 ,胯 出 湖 南北 。 瓜 子 金 如大 瓜子 , 麩 金如 來 片, 出 湖南 、 高 。麗 沙 金 細 如 沙 ,屑 出 蜀 。中 葉 子 金 出 雲南 。 地 鏡 圖 :云 黃金 之 赤氣 , 夜有 火光及 白鼠 。 或 云: 山有 蘿 , 下 有 金 。 凡 金 曾 在 塚 慕 及問 為 釵 釗 漫 器 ,者 陶 居隱 謂 之 辱 ,金 不 可 合 。煉 宇 藏 論 :云 金有 二 十 種, 又外 國 五 種 。 還 丹 ,金 出 丹 穴中 , 體 含 丹 ,砂 色 尤赤 , 合 丹 服 ,之 希世 之 宇 。也 麵 金 出 五 、溪 漢 ,江 大 如者 瓜 子, 小 者 如 ,麥 性 平 無 。毒 山 金 交出 廣 。 南 韶 諸 ,山 銜 石 而 。生 馬 蹄 金乃 最 精 ,者 二 蹄 一 。斤 毒 金 生即 金 , 出交 廣 山 石 內, 赤 而有 大 ,毒 殺人 , 鍊 十 餘 ,次 毒 乃 已。 此 五 種 皆 真 金 。也 水 銀 金、 丹 砂 金、 雄 黃金 、 雌 黃金 、 硫 黃金 、 曾 青 金、 石 綠 金、 石 膽 金、 母 砂 金、 白 錫金 、 黑 鈴 ,金 並 藥 制 成
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
者 。 銅 金、 生 鐵 、金 熟 鐵 金、 鑰 石 ,金 並 藥點 成 者。 已上 十 五 種, 皆 假 金 也 , 性 頑 滯有 毒 。 外 國 五 種, 乃 波斯 紫 磨 金、 東 夷 青 金、 林 邑 赤 金 、 西 戎 金 、 右 城 金也 。 Collected Explanations. 52zz 入 : Gold fragments grow in Yi zhou. Jhey can be collected anytime. [Tao] Hongjing: As for the appearance of native gold, it can be found everywhere.Much ofitis presentin thethree 222zofLiang,Yiand Ning.I originates in sand in the waterp and appears as fragments. hey are called “native gold. InJlan ping andJn an too, native gold sand occurs. Tt originates in stones/ minerals.Ttis heated,with the fire strengthened bybellows,and cast to ingots. 上 ven though it was ecxposed to fire,it is still not processed filnally It needs to be refined With heat again.In Gao li, Fu nan and western territories abroad, they [use gold tol]
prepare utensils. Ihe [gold] is refined and processed to such a degree that it can be ingested. [Chen] Cangdqi: Native gold originates in the mountain caves of the Yi and Liao[tribesjin Ling nan. It looks like red and black crushed stones, similar to
metal and iron droppings [left after forging iron]. Ihe people in the South state: TJhese are the teeth of poisonous snakes that have fallen into the stones. It is also stated: When the excrements of snakes attach themselves to the surface of stones/ minerals, and when the droppings of 2e7 焗 birds attach themselves to the surface of stones/minerals,1f 也 ese happen to be poisonous locations, native gold is generated. It is very poisonous and kills humans. Ihe 5e7z cdz2 says: “Yellow metal/gold is poisonous. Ihat is wrong. Native gold and yellow metal/gold are entirely different. One often sees persons obtaining native gold. hey dig up earth more than a 2zzzg deep, until they reach [alayer of]sand-like stones. All these stones have one end
thatis scorched black. Below these size of a finger; small ones are like yellow. When one bites it and itis are craftsmen who secretly swallow signs of their being poisoned. Bran
stones is native gold. Large specimens have the sesame seeds or beans. Their color is mulberry very soft, then this is genuine gold. Now, there [gold to steal it|, but there have never been any gold originates in sand in the waters. It is given
on apiece of felt to be washed,and then [the gold] is removed. It is also possible to
obtain it from the abdomen of geese and ducks.[Such gold] can be struck to form utensils and other items; there is no need to further reflne it with heat. Juice obtained from boiling native gold is good for calming the heart.[Ma] Zhi: Nowadays, when physicians resort to it, 也ey aways process it by heat refinement and they boli gold utensils to obtain ajuice that is then made use of. Ihis way it is nonpoisonous. When our present dynasty recaptured Ling nan, researchers were sent out to question the local population, but they found no reports on the excrements of snakes [turning into gold]|. Ihe information [Chen] Cangqi had received was wrong. [Su
Song: Jhe gold nowadays originating in Rao, 入in, Nan jian and Deng zhou comes
C//z2/e7 2
in many kinds. Some are shaped like mountaitn rocks. Some resemble grains of rice or beans. All these varieties have not been processed with fire yet, and they are native gold allalike.[Li| Xun: When the 522z7z 2277Zzg says that gold in ]arge amounts originates in all the mountains, then this cannot be verifled. Ihe Gzzzzg >22z 7 states: ”Ihe country of Da shi produces very much gold, and gold coins are used there in trade exchanges. The 立 zoz >27 states: “Gold is generated in the river Li shui. Also, Cai zhou [produces」 melon seed gold. Gold nuggets originate in Yun nan; they are found among the rocks in the mountains. Bran gold is brought forth by 和 the waters in Qian nan Sui fu and 五 zhou.”Jhe zz 2zz9 Z states: Al] the streams,rivulets and rivers of Fu zhou, Bin zhou,Dengzhouand Fuxian in Wuling
bring forth native gold. Ihe locals there often raise geese and ducks to obtain their excrerments which they use to wash out bran gold. On asingle day they obtain one /z7zge or half a Zz7zg. But it may also be that at the endof the day they are left without a single bit of gold. Jhis gold shines at night. [Kou] Zongshi: As for gold nuggets,caves [are dug into the]l mountains reaching more thanahundredand tens of c27 [deep]. Once the“stones accompanying gold”appeap it is for sure that gold wi be found. Ihese stones are of brown color; with one of their ends shaped black as if it had been burned by fire. Ihe color of the gold is dark red and yellow. Bran gold is washed outin water from the sands of big streams. ts color is light yellow Al this is native gold. Once obtaineditis to be refined by heat for eventual castingLarge amounts of bran gold are reqduired [to produce meaningful amounts of refned gold]. For being added to medication gold nuggets of a dark color are re~ quired. Ihis shows that they are endowed with more than enough gold qi. When resorting to [gold for a] medication,it is essential to avoid products that are really pharmaceutical preparations and those processed for transformations [to the state
of hermits/immortalsj how could they contain the natural qi [of gold]j? For exam~ple, for [medications] like “purple snow gold is boiled to obtain a juice that con~ tains the natural qi [of gold]. Also, the color of gold from the South紀 ast is dark,
while the color of gold from the South-West is light. Ihis is because of [differences in thelocal] soils and grounds. [Li Shizhen: Gold exists in two kinds, mountain
gold and sand gold. ts color appears in seven greenish_ kinds, eight yellow kinds, nine purple kinds and ten red kinds, with red |gold] being that of standard quality Whenitis mixed with silverit becomes softer It can be examined by [striking with it|astone whereitwill leave a greenish [mark]. Mixed with coppep [gold] becomes harder It can be examined by [striking With it] astone; it will release a [characteristic] sound. Ihe 82z2 2zz2 2z27/ )z/ states: “Torse hoof gold reflects [the shape of」a
horse hoofiitis difhculttoobtain. QOlive gold originates inJing, 了Hu andLing nan. Hip gold reflects [the shape of」abelt worn around the hips; it originates in the
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
South and North of Hu. Melon seed gold has the size of melon seeds. Bran gold resermbles bran fragments. Tt originates in Hu nan and Grao li. Sand gold is as fine as sand crumbs; it originates in Shu. “Leaf gold originates in Yun nan. Jhe 77 zz zz states: he qi of yellow metalgold are red. During the nighe it emits alight 9f fire and lets mice/rats appear white.Ttis also stated: Where shallots are found ona mountain, 了 here will be gold underneath. All gold hat has once beeninatomb or that has been made to hairpins and bracelets, or to urinary containers, is called by Tao Yinju_ “disgraced gold. Tt must not be mixed [with other gold/metals] for a reflnement with heat. Ihe 2z2 >z7zg Z7z states: “There are 2o kinds of gold. In addition, 了here are flve Kinds from abroad. Grold containing cinnabar originates in cinnabar caves. Jt physically includes cinnabar sand and its color is particularly red. Mixed with cinnabar to be ingested,it is a precious item very much sought after. Bran gold originates in Wu xi and the Han jiang river. Large spectmens are as big as melon seeds;small ones resemble wheat. Iheir nature is balanced and nonpoison-
ous. Mountain gold originates in between the rocks of all the Nan shao mountains of 本 ao guang. Horse hoof gold is the most exquisite gold. Two [gold] hoofs weigh one 去z. Poison gold is native gold. It originates in the_ mountain rocks of 本 ao guang. Ttis red and verypoisonous.TC Kills one.Jt must be reflned with heat at least ten times before its poison is eliminated. Ihese five kinds are al genuine gold. Mercury gold, cinnabar gold, realgar gold, orpiment gold, sulphur gold, malachite gold, malachite gold, chalcanthite gold, zzz 52z 母 砂 gold, white tin gold, and black lead gold are 4 produced as pharmaceutical preparations. opper gold, crude iron gold, processed iron gold, and brass gold, 了hey [too] are produced as pharmaceutical
preparations.All these Is kinds listed above are fake gold. Jheir nature is that of an insensate sluggishness,and theyare poisonous. Ihe filve kinds [of gold] from abroad include purple rubbed gold from Po s/Persia, greenish gold from Dong yubred gold from Lin yib gold from 入 irongy,and gold from /Zhan cheng. OS-OI-OI
屑。 7
Grold frapgments.
【 氣 】味 辛 , 平 , 有 毒 。【 大 明日 】 無 。【 末 玫 日 】 生 有者 毒, 熟 者 無 毒 ,【 宗 爽 日】 不 日 金 而 更 加 字 屑 者, 是 已 經 磨 屑 用 可 之 ,義 必須 黑 鍊 鍛 悄 烏 ,薄 方可 入 藥。 金 薄 亦 生 同 金 , 有 毒 , 能 殺人 , 且 難解 。 有 中 其 毒 者, 惟 雇 碼 可肉 解 。之 若 不 經 ,鍛 屑 即 不 可 。用 金 性 惡 ,錫 長 水 ,銀 得 餘 甘 則子 體 ,柔 亦相 感 。【 耳 時 珍 】白 洗 金 以 鹽。 駱 、駝 驢 、 馬 ,脂 皆 能 柔 金。 金遇 夠 則 ,碎 悲 舉 石 能 屑 ,金 亦 物性相 制 。也 金 蛇 能 解生 金 琳, 痹 買 後 飲 金 屑 酒 而 ,死 則 生 金有 毒 可 知 。吳 凡 用 金 ,薄 須 辯 出 鋼 溥。
C//z2/e7 2
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, balanced, poisonous. Da Ming: Nonpoisonous.
入 un:
Native [gold] specimens are poisonous. Processed ones are nonpoisonous. [Koul 之ongshi: When [certain kinds] are not simply called “gold”but have the character xzz
屑, “fragpments,"added [to “gold|, that is to say they have been rubbed to
fragments and can be used [for further processing]. Ihey must be refined with heat and forged, and prepared to thin foils, and can then be added to medication. Jhin gold foils, similar to native gold,are poisonous and can kill one. Also, [their poisonl
is difficult to resolve. Ihe poison they contain can only be resolved with the meat of Chinese francolins. [Gold] fragpments that have not undergone a forging, must not be used. Gold by its nature abhors tin,and it fears mercury it is brought into contact With 22y//z7z2zy fruit, its physical body will become softer. Ihey positively afect each other [Li] Shizhen: Wash gold With salt. Ihe fat of camels, donkeys and
horses, 汕ey all serve to soften gold. When gold is affected by lead, it will break to pieces. With jadeite one can break gold to fragments. Ihis, too, is an example 9f how the natures of items control each other. Golden snakes can resolve the poison of native gold. 紀mpressJ 本laoftheJn dynasty drank wine with gold fragments and died. Jhis lets one know thatnative gold is poisonous.Whenever one uses gold foils, itis essential to exclude copper foils.
【 主 】治 鎮 精神 , 堅骨髓 , 通 利 五 臟 邪 ,氣 服 之 神仙 。 別 。錄 療 小 兒 驚 傷 五 ,臟 風 癇 失志 , 鎮 心安 魂魄 。 甄 權。 癲 癇 風 熱 , 上 氣 腐 ,嗽 傷寒 肺 損吐 血 , 骨 蒸 勞 極作 強 , 並 以 薄 入 丸 散 。服 李 玫。 破 冷氣 , 除 風。 青 霞 子 。 Control Tt presses down the essence spirit. Jt strengthens bones frees the passage of the evil qi to leave the five long-term depots. one become aspirit hermit/immortaL 57zz Z. Jt heals harm caused five long-term depots of childrenm, and wind epilepsy With loss of
and marrow. It Io ingest it lets by fright to the mind. Tt presses
down [the qq of」 the heart and pacifles the 2z7zz-soul and the po-soul. Zhen Quan.
Forpeak-illness24 and epilepsy with wind and heat, forrising di causing cough, for harm caused by cold With lung damage and blood spitting, and for bone steaming with extreme exhaustion causing thirstb add thin [gold] foils to pills and powders to
be ingested [by the patients]. Li Xun. It breaks open cold qi [accumulations] and rermoves Wind. Qingxia Z1.
224 77z7z 赴 ,“peak[-ilness],”also I24.
癲 , vaguely defined mental derangement.BCGM Dict,
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
金 漿 拾遺 。. 吧 27gzg FE S27 他 Grold broth.
【 氣 】味 同 金 。 Qiand Flavor. Identical to gold.
【 主 】治 長 生 神 。仙 人和久 服, 腸中 盡 為 金 。色 藏 器。 Control. Longevity of spirit immortals. Ingested over an extended period of time, the interior of al the intestines wi assume the color of gold. [Chen] Cangdi.
【 發 】【 明 弘 景 日】 生 金 辟 惡 有而 毒, 不 鍊 服 殺人 之 。 仙 經 以 、醯 蜜及 豬 銀 丹 。砂 醫 方 都 無用 者, 肪 、 牡 痢 酒 墓 鍊 人 至 柔軟 , 服 之 成 他, 亦 以 合 水 作 當 是 慮 其有 毒 爾。【 損 之 日 】 生 者 殺人 , 百 鍊 者 乃 堪 ,服 水 銀 合 膏 飲 即不 薄 藥 甚 。便 又古方 金 石 、凌 紅 見 者, 惟作 金 入 鍊 。【 頌 】晶 金 悄 古 方 不 用 時 珍 日】 金 乃 爾 雪、 茲 雪 ,募 皆取 金 銀 塌 汁, 此 通用 經 鍊 ,者 假 其 氣 。【 西方 之 ,行 性 能 制 ,木 故 療 驚 風 癇 熱 , 肝膽 之 。病 而古方 符用 , 惟 服食 家 言 。之 淮南 三 十 六 水 法 亦 化 烏 漿 服 餌。 薰 洪 抱 朴 子 :言 餌黃金 不吐 計 金 牡 酒、 液 。 其 法 用 負永 革 肪、 苦 酒 鍊 之 百 遍 即 ,柔 或 以 皮榴 治之 , 或 以 痢 慈 石 消 之 為 ,水 或 以 雄 、黃 雌 黃 合 ,餌 皆 能 地 。仙 又 :言 丹 砂 化 烏 聖 金 , 言 服 神仙 。 其說 蓋 自 秦 、旦 洛 時武 方士 傳流 服 之 昇 。仙 列 、錄 陳 藏 器 亦 久 物 在腸胃 ?乎 求 之 ,筒 水 穀 為 ,賴 可 能 此堪 金 石 重 墜 之 久 知 而 ,來 昱 血肉 庫 宮 陰 己 之 ,氣 性 剛本 , 服 之 生 而 喪生, 可 謂 愚 也 。矣 故太 清 法 :雲 金 中 傷 損 臟 。肉 儿 東 觀 秘 記 :云 亡 人 以黃金 塞 九 ,鍛 則 戶 不 。朽 此 近雖 於 理 , 然 亦 誨 次 ,吳 狡 若 速 歸化 虛 之 烏 也愈 哉 。 Explication.[Tao] Hongjing: Crude gold wards of the malign and is poisonous. ingested Without prior reflnement by heaty it wi kill one. he classics of the hermits/immortals [recommend to] refine |crude gold] by means of substances such as
vinegaphoneyandlard,and also with 27z/ex egoz7zZ2 Wine to soften it.Tfit is ingested after such [arefinement|itWwill turn oneinto an immortal. Ihis can also be achieved
by mixing [crude goldl with mercury to produce cinnabar. Medical recipes never use this [substance]as itis considered poisonous.[Yang] Sunzhi: Crude [gold] kills
one.[Gold] that has passed through one hundred refinements by heat is suitable to be ingested. fmixed with mercury to prepare asoft paste, it does not have to be refaned with heat.[Su] Song: Gold fragments are not seen in ancient recipes as being resorted to [for therapeutic purposes]. Only gold foils were prepared for convenient use. Also, 4 ancient recipes ofZZz 7 /Z7zgy red snow and “purple snow3科 [recom-
mend to] boil gold and silver to produce a [goldj broth. Jhis was always meant to 225 了 zz y27 Z7zg 金
石 淩, oz zz 紅雪 , z7xzz 紫 雪: substances ofunknown identifilcation.
C//z2/e7 2
make use of their di [for medication] once they had passed through arefinement by heat. [Li] Shizhen: Gold is associated with the phase lmetal] pertaining to the West by its nature it is able to control [the phase] wood. Hence it serves to heal
fright cpilepsy associated with wind and heat, as well as diseases of the liver and the galbladder.Stillin ancientrecipes it was rarely used. Only the specialists in ingesting and consuming [specificlongevity substances] have referred to it. Among the36 aqueous methods listed in the 7zz7 zz7z there is also one “to transform [gold] into abroth for ingestion as food.”Gre Hong in his 8z22z 7 says: “To consume yellow metal/gold as food is notinferiorto [ingesting] gold liquid .He [recommended the followingj method [to prepare it “Fatfrom the skin ofapigs backand bitter wine are used to refine With heat [the gold] one hundred times, and it will become soft
as aresult. Or process it With zz/z72zy bark. Or dissolve it to a watery liquid with 027/ex 7eoz7z2Z2 Wine and magnetite. Or ingest it mixed with realgar and orpiment. All these methods enable one to become an hermit/immortal on earth. It is also said: “innabar is transformed to sage gold .Ingesting it lets one rise to the immortals. IThe 5zz 及 and [Chenj] Canqingy, they too,say: An ingestion over an extended
period of time lets one become aspirit immortalL” All these statements have come down to us from the recipe masters of the times of Qin [shi] huang and Han Wu [di|. How does one know whether the human body depending on water and grain,
can tolerate for an extended period of time in its intestines and stomach an item such as a gold mineral that weighs down heavily? lo seek survival and to lose life, that can be said to be foolisht! Hence the 7z77zzg |[Zz5271/z states: Grold is endowed
With 了匝 eyinofthe polestar Its nature is basically hardy; to ingest it harms muscles and flesh. Also, the 727zg ozz7 727 States: Tf yellow metal is stuffed into the nine oriflces of a deceased persony, the corpse wi not decay This may appear close to reasony but it, too, is a misleading teaching. 本 ow [unfavorably] does this compare
to aquick transformation lof acorpse] and its return into the void
方】新 五。 【 附 Added Recipes. Five newly [recorded.
風 眼 爛 。弦 金 環 燒紅 , 掂上 下
瞪 ,肉 日 數 ,次 甚 。縣 集 簡方 。
Wind eye with festering [eyelid] rim. Heatagold ring until it has turned red and moveitupand downin frontof the flesh of the [affected] eyelid,several timesaday
Very wondrous. 了 27z 7
226 /e7g zz7 風 眼 , “wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to 了he eyes by heat. BCGM Dict LIZL.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
牙 蔭 風 。痛 火 燒 金 釵 針 ,之 立 止。 集 簡 方 。 Toothache associated with wind. Heat a golden hairpin in afre and pierce [the gumj With it.[Ihe pain] wi stop immediately.Z7z7z
齦 。爛 金 器 煮 ,汁 頻頻 後 腫及 瘡 病, 服 輕 粉 口瘡 輕 粉 破 。口 凡 水 殺 粉 專, 以 愈 為 。度 外 臺 秘要 。
含 ,漱 能
When calomel has broken openones mouth.Whenever after one has ingested calomelto treat water swelling and sores diseases, sores develop in the mouth and the gums festepboilagoldenutensilto obtain ajuice,hold [this juice]in themouth and
repeatedly rinse [theaffectedregionj with it. Ihis can kill the poison of the calomeL Continue until a healing is achieved. 族 / 紀 7 7 )z2.
水 銀 入 ,耳 能 人蝕 腦。 以 金 枕 耳邊 , 自 出 。也 張 仲 景方 。 When mercury has centered the ears,it can cause an erosion of the brain. Place a golden pillow next to the ear and [the mercury] will come out as aresult. Recipe of 乙hang 之hongjing-
水 銀 入 ,肉 令 人 筋 。諧 惟 以 金 物 熨 ,之 水 銀當 出蝕 金, 候 用 取 效 , 此 北齊 徐 王 方 。也 本 草 拾遺 。
白色 金 是 也, 頻
When mercury has centered the flesh and causes sinew cramps. Ihe only way [to treat this effectively] is to press some hot golden item on [the affected regionj, and
themercurywil comeoutand erode the gold. Wait unttl the gold has turned white. AA repeated application will have an effect. Ihis is arecipe of Prince Xuof Northern Qi1. 27z cz2 27 人2 O8-oO2
銀 7
FE 2
別 中錄 品 /z, middle rank.
【 校 】正 併入 開 寶 生 銀 。 Editorial Correction. S2ezg zz 生 銀 ,“native silvep”listed separately in the Kzz 2z2,
is included in the present entry
【 釋 】名 白 金 綱目 、 共 。【 時 珍 日 】 耳 雅: 白金 謂 之 銀, 其 美 者 日 。鑰 說 文 雲: 落 , 白金 也。 梵 書 謂 之 阿 路巴 。 Explanation of Names. 5z7 7/z 白金 , “white gold/metal”Gzzzg zz.
z 涂 . [Li
Shizhen: yy)z: White gold/metal is called zz 銀 ,“silver”Beautiful specimens are called Zz2 錄 . The 52z2 ozz states: 放 / 從 is 227.777z 白金 , “white gold/metal.”In Sanskrit texts it is called zz2z 阿 路巴 .
C//z2/e7 2
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 曰】 銀 屑生 永昌 , 打 無 。【 時 弘 景 日】 銀 之 所 出 ,處 亦 與 金 ,同 但 生是 土 中也 。 鍊 餌 法 亦 似 。金 永 昌 屬 益 ,州 今 屬 寧 州。【 恭 日】 銀 與 ,金 生 不 同 ,處 所 在 皆有 , 而 以 號 州 者 為 ,勝 此 外 多 自己 錐 。劣 高 麗 作 貼 ,者 雲 非 銀 印 所 ,出 然色 青 如不 號 州 者。【 志 日】 生 銀 出 饒 州 樂 平諸 坑 銀 印中 , 狀如 硬 ,錫 文 理 粗 錯 自 然 者 真。【 頌 曰】 銀 在 中印 與 銅相 雜, 士人 打 得, 以 鈴 再 三 鍊煎 方 ,成 故 詞 熟 。銀 生 銀 則 生 銀 印 ,中 狀如 硬 錫 。 其 金 坑 中 所 ,得 乃 在 土石中 滲 漏 成條 , 若 絲 髮 狀, 土人 謂 之老翁 ,鬚 極 難 得。 方 書 用 生 ,銀 必得 此 乃 真。【 殭 日】 按 南越 志 : 波斯 國有 天 生 藥銀 , 用 烏 試 藥 指 。環 又 朱燒 粉 旗 ,下 多 年 沉積有 銀 , 號 盃 鉛 ,銀 光 軟 甚 好 , 與 相 ,似 穩 是 難得 。 今 時 燒 鍊家 , 每 一 斤 生 ,鉛 只 得 一 二 。銖 山 銀 波斯 功力 海 經 云, 東北 樂 平 郡 堂 少 山 出 銀 甚 。多 點 生中 銀 體 ,硬 不 入堪 藥 。【 宗 柬 日】 銀 出 於 ,印 須 煎 鍊 成, 故 名 熟 。銀 其生 銀 即 不 自 中印 出 而 特 生然 者 , 又 謂 之老翁 ,鬚 其 入 用 大 。同 世 之 術士 。 以 朱砂 而 ,成 以 末鉛 而 ,成 以 焦 別 時 珍 曰】 閩、 浙 、 銅而 成 ,者 既 無造化 之 ,氣 豈可入 藥 , 不可 不 。【 革 、 、湖 饒、 信、 廣 、 滇 、 貴 州、 交 趾 諸 ,處 山中 皆 產 ,銀 有 印 中 鍊出 者 , 有 沙土 中 鍊 出 。者 其 生 ,銀 俗稱 銀 、從 銀 牙 者 ,也 亦 日 出 山 。銀 獨 孤 滔 丹 房 鏡 所源 謂 鋁 坑 中 出褐色 ,石 形 如 和 ,荃 打 破 即 ,白 名 曰自然 ,牙 日 自 然 ,鉛 亦 生曰 鉛。 此 有 變化 之 ,道 不 堪 服 食 者 是 。也 管 子 雲: 上 有 鉛, 下 有 。銀 地 鏡 圖 云 ; 山有 惹 , 下 有 銀。 銀 之 ,氣 入 夜 正 ,白 流散在 地 , 其 精 變 詞 白 雄 。箕 宇 藏 論 :云 銀 有 十 七 種, 又 外 四國 種 。 天 生 ,牙 生 銀 坑 內 石 縫 中 , 狀 如 亂 ,絲 色 紅 上者 , 入 火 紫 白 草根 如 者 次 。之 銜 黑石 者 最 ,奇 生 樂 平、 嫩 陽 產 鉛 之 ,山 一 名 龍 ,牙 一名 龍 鬚, 是 生正 銀 , 無 ,毒 為 至 藥根 本 。也 生 ,銀 生 石 印 ,中 成 片 ,塊 大 小 不 ,定 狀如 硬 。錫 母 砂 ,銀 生 五 溪 丹 砂 穴 ,中 色 理 紅 。光 黑 鉛 ,銀 得 子 母 之 氣。 此 四 種 鳥 真 。銀 有 水 銀銀 、 草 砂 、銀 曾 青 、銀 石 綠 、銀 雄 黃 、銀 雌 黃 、銀 硫 黃 、銀 膽 馨 、銀 靈 草銀 , 皆 是 以 藥 制 成 。者 丹 陽 、銀 銅 、銀 鐵 、銀 白 錫 ,銀 皆 以 藥 點 化 。者 十 三 種 皆 假 銀 。也 外 四國 種 : 新 羅 、銀 波 斯 、銀 林 邑 、銀 雲 南 ,銀 並 精好 。 ollected Explanations. 2zz Z: Silver fragments grow in Yong chang. Ihey are collected anytime. [Tao] Hongjing: Ihe places of origin of silver are identical to those of gold. Howevep [silyver] grows in the soilL Ihe methods of refinement [of silver]
for ingestion, too, are similar to t了hose of gold. Yong chang once belonged to Yi Zhouynowadays it belongs to Ning zhou.[Su] Gong: Silver and gold are not present at identical locations.[Silver] may be found everywhere, but that from Guo Zhou
is of superior quality [Silver] from other localities is often polluted with lead and
is of inferior quality Ihe_[silver] prepared in Gao li to small plates to be applied [to the skin] is said not to originate in silver mines. Jts color is greenish, and it is not as good as that from Guo zhou. [Ma] Zhi: Native silver originates in the silver
mines of Le ping in Rao zhou. Ttlooks like hard tin. Hithas arough natural line
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
structure it is genuine. [Su] Song: Silver occurs mixed with copper in mines. The
locals collect it and use lead to reftne it With heat two to three ttmes,and this way they prepare processed silver Native silver grows in silver mines. It is shaped like hard tin. IJhat which is obtained from gold/metal pits has leaked into the soil and the rocks as threads and is shaped like the hair of a beard. IThe locals call it “old mans beard. It is very diffhcult to obtain. When the recipe books [recommend to] use native Silver then it is essential to obtain this「old mans beard|, and this
then is genuine. [Li| Xun: According to the zz 六 z 22p “in the country of Po si/ Persia a natural medicinal silver exists that is used to test medications by means of a[silver] finger ring.'” Also, below earthen jars used to burn red lead oxide,a dense accumulation of silver collects.Ttis called “cup lead silyer Ttis shiny soft and very good [for therapeutic applications]. Its [therapeutic functions] are similar to those
of silver from Po si/Persia. Butitis diffhcult to obtain. Nowadays, those experts who refine [minerals] by heat get only one or two >2z from one 7/zz of crude lead. The S227z 227 有 zzg states: In Le ping prefecture in Dong bei, Miount Iang shan brings forth very much silver Ihe native silver from Qian Zhong is hard; it is not suitable for being added to medication. [Kou] Zongshi: Silver originating in mines must be refined by heat. Hence it is called processed silver. Native silver that does not Originate in mines and is present as such is also called old mans beard. Its being added [to medication] and [its therapeutic usages]are ]argely identical [to those of
silver obtained from mines]. Ihose kinds produced by experts of the [chemical] arts
from cinnabap from mercury and from burning coppep they do not possess theqi of natural creation. HIow could they be added to medicationp! Ihey must be distinguished. [Li] Shizhen: Everywhere in Min, Zhe, 本 ng Hu, Rao, 和 in, Guangy, Dian,
Grui Zhou and 馬 ao zhi, the mountains bring forth_ silver Some of it originates in mines Where it is reflned by heat.Some ofit originates out of sand refilned by heat. Native silver is commonly called silver shoots and silver sprouts. Jt is also called “silver originating in the mountains. Dugu Tao in his 7 /zzg 有 7 zz speaks of “stones With a brown color originating in lead mines. Iheir physical appearance resembles bamboo shoots,and they are white [inside] when broken open. Ihey are
called natural lead, and this is crude lead. IThey result from the natural course 人9f changes and transformations.”Ihey are not suited to be ingested as food. The Gzzz7 27 states: “Jf lead is above, silver is below. The 77/Zzp 4 states: ]f there are onions on a mountain, there will be silver underneath. Ihe qi of silver are purely white at nightfall, and they flow into the ground where they disperse. Jhere its essence changes to white roosters.” Jhe 2z2 >z7g Z7z states:”Jhere are I7 kinds of silver. In addition there are four kinds from abroad. Natural bud [silverj]grows in the cracks
ofrocks in native silyver pits.It is shaped like disorderly structured silk threads. Ihat
C//z2/e7 2
ofred coloris best. Ihe_[silverj turning purple-white,like the roots of herbs, when
given into afire is of secondary quality [Silver known as] stones including black is most peculiar. Tt grows in Le ping and Po yang in the mountains that bring forth lead. Other names are dragons teeth and dragons beard.Jhis is pure, native silver Itis nonpoisonous and itserves as the basis of medication. Native silver from amine comes in thin pieces and lumps of various sizes,resembling hard tin. Mothers _ sand Silver _ from the cinnabar caves of Wu xi is of red color and has a shiny structure. Black lead silver is obtained With the qdi of child and mother. hese four kinds are genuine silver. here are also mercury silvep “herb sand silvep malachite silver realgar silvep orpiment silvep sulphur silvep chalcanthite silvep and magic herb silver.
Al these kinds constitute pharmaceutically produced silver. Dan yang silyep copper silvep iron _ silver and white tin silvep they are a1 transformation products resulting from chemical exposure. All these 3 kinds are fake silver. Ihe four kinds from abroad include Xin luo silvep Po si/Persian silvep Lin yi silver and Yun nan silver. TJhey are allof exquisitely good quality O8-o2-OI
銀 屑。 屯 zz xze.
【 修 也 。【 烏 粉, 【 時 謂 之
】【 治 恭 燒 珍 日】 銀 液。
弘 景 日】 醫 方 鎮 心 丸 用 ,之 不可 正 。服 烏 屑, 當 以 水 曰】 方家 用 銀 屑, 取 見 成 銀 ,薄 以 水 銀 消 之 烏 ,泥 合 消 得 磨取 出 水 ,銀 淘 去 由 石 , 烏 粉 極細 , 用 之 乃 ,佳 不 只 入 藥 只 用 銀 ,薄 易 細 。 若 用 水 銀由 消 制 者, 反有 毒 。吳 又有 錫 可清 偽, 宣 辨 之 。
銀 研 令消 及 石 覽研 屑耳 。 龍 木論
Pharmaceutical Processing.[Tao] Hongjing: [Silver] is used in the“medical recipe for pils to calm the heart。 褲 Tt cannot be ingested as pure [silyer]. ITo prepare [si
Ver] fragments,it is ground and dissolved with mercury [Su] Gong: When the recipe experts resortto silver fragpments,they take thin silver foils and dissolve them in mercury toamud. Ihis is then ground With nitrokalite and salt to prepare apowder. [Ihepowder] is burned toremove the mercuryanditis rinsed with water to remove
the salt. Ihenitis ground toavery finepowdep which is best suited for [medicinal| application.Itis not feasible tosimply grind[thin silyer foils] to obtain [silver] frag-
ments.[ 工 | Shizhen: Only thin silver foils are added to medication they are easily [ground to] afine [powderj. If [for medicinal preparation」 they are dissolved With
mercury contrary to [ones therapeutic intentions] they will be poisonous. Ihe 27z 7 Z/7/ speaks ofa silverliquid. "There are also fake [silver preparations of] thin tin
foils. Ihey should be distinguished. 227 Ingredients include: Mirabilite,ginseng [root], ceZycyy727zzz [rootj| calcite, po7zz, cinnabar borneoland musk.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
【 氣 】味 辛 、 平 , 有
毒 , 【玫
日】 大
,寒 無 毒。 詳
Qiand Flavor Acrid, balanced, poisonous. [Li|
生 銀下 。
入un: Very cold, nonpoisonous. For
details, see under “native Silver
【 主 】治 安 五 ,臟 定 心 ,神 止 驚 。悸 除 邪氣 , 久 服 輕 身 長 年。 列 。錄 定 志 , 去 驚 ,癇 小 兒 癲 疾 狂 。走 甄 。權 破 冷 除 。風 青 起 。子 銀 薄 堅骨 , 鎮 心 明 ,目 去 風 熱 顯 ,癇 入 丸 散 。用 李 殭 。 Control. Ihey pacify he five long-term depots. Ihey stabilize the heartand its spirit. Ihey end fright palpitation. Ihey remove evil di. Ingested for longy they relieve the body ofits weightand extend the years [oflife]. 5zz 2. Ihey stabilize the mind. Jhey eliminate fright epilepsy and peak名 ness有 and mad running of children. 乙 hen Quan. Ihey break open cold [accumulations] and remove wind. Qingxia Z1.
TJhin silver foils strengthen the bones, they calm the heart and they clear the eyes. TJhey remove peak-ililness with epilepsy associated with wind and heat. lo be applied as pills and powder. Li 入 un. O8-o2-OI
生 銀 。 S2e7ze 1772. Native silvyer
【 氣 】味 辛 , 寒, 無 毒。【 獨 孤 滔 雲 】 鉛 甘草 、 飛 廉、 石 亭 、脂 礙 ,石 惡 羊 、血 馬 畏 慈 ,石 惡 ,錫 忌生 血 。【 時 珍 日】和 荷葉 、 肯、 芯 、尾 羅 、殼 生 、匡 地 、黃 慈 ,石 俱 字 銀。
內 銀有 毒 。【 保 昇 日】 硼 黃連 、 大 明日 】 冷, 微 專 。 公 目 毒 。【 芊 灰 能 粉 。銀 羚 羊角、 局 賊魚 能 瘦 。銀 羊 、脂 茲 蘇 子 ,油 皆 能
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, cold, nonpoisonous.Dugu Tao states: Silver from within lead
is poisonous. [Han] Baosheng: [Ingested togethep] it fears c22Z |[rhizomelj, 2,c7722z root cz72Zzzy [root|, red sulphurp and arsenic, and it abhors sheep blood and Zyyoyzzz [roodd].Da Ming: Cold, slightly poisonous. [Ingested togethep」it fears
magnetite anditabhors tin.[Duringatreatmentwith native silver] fresh blood is to be avoided. [Li| Shizhen: With lotus leaves and the ashes of g 記 fungiit is possible to powder silver.Antilope horns,cuttlefish bones,Imouse/rat tails, tortoise plastrons,
fresh gingep Chinese foxglove [rhizome] and magnetite can all erode silver. Sheep fat and the oil of pe77z//z fruit oil can all serve to soften silver.
【 主 】治 熱 狂 驚 ,悸 發 癇 恍惚 , 夜 臣 不 ,安 識 ,語 邪氣 鬼 。峙 服 明之 目 鎮 心 , 安神 定 。志 小 兒 諸 熱 丹 ,毒 並 以 水 磨 服 ,之 功 勝 茲 。雪 開 。寶 小 兒 中 228 zzz I24.
顛 ,“peak[-illness],”also 癲 ,vaguely defined mental derangement. BCGM
C//z2/e7 2
惡, 熱 毒 煩 閃 , 水 磨 服 。之 大 。明 煮 水, 入 炎 白 、 焊 米 作 粥 ,食 治胎動 不 ontrol. Madness and frightpalpitation associated with heat.Fits of epilepsy with absent-mindedness. Inability to lie down at night and sleep calmly Meaningless speaking.Evil qqi and being cursed byademon.To ingestit clears the eyes and press-~ es down [the qiof] the heart.Itpacifies the spirit and stabilizes the mind. Ali types
of heat cinnabar poison229 of children. For 4 these [ailments] ingest it ground with Water. ts effects are superiorto those of purple snow. 2 太 z7 2z2.Forchildren being struck by the malign,and forunrestand heart-pressure associated with heat poison, [let the patients] ingestit ground with water. Da Ming. Boilit in watep add onion stalks and non-glutinous rice to prepare a congee, and [let the patient] eat this to cure afetus that moves restlessly associated With blood leakage. [LI] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 好 古 曰】 白 銀 屬 肺。【 頒 曰】 銀 ,屑 葛 洪 肘 後 方 治 闡 腫 五 石 湯 宗 爽 日】 本 旱 言 銀 屑有 毒, 生 銀 無 ,毒 釋 者 略 漏 不 。言 攻 生 銀 之 中 用 。【 已 發 於 外 , 無 總 件 之 ,氣 故 無 。專 負 銀 總 於 石中 , 凡 結 之 全 氣 未 敷 暢, 故 其 真 , 故 無琳 。 初藤 出如旨 理, 乃 天 時 珍 晶 】 此 說 非 。吳 生 銀 也 有 毒 。【 初 少 銅則 復還 銀 , 而 入 猴 者 投 以 少 ,銅 則 成 絲 文 金 。花 銅 多 則 反 敗 ,銀 去 不 。出 作 偽 者 又 制 以 藥 石 鉛 。錫 且 古 法 用 水 銀 藤 消 制 銀 薄 成 入泥 銅 終 能 爍 , 所 以 銀 屑有毒 。 銀本 無 ,專 其 毒 則 諸 物 之 毒 。也 今人 用 銀器 飲食 , 遇 毒可 徵 吳。 其入 藥, 亦 毒 則 變 。黑 中 毒 死者 , 亦 以 銀 物 探 試 ,之 則 銀 之 無 方六 陰之 ,神 結 精 為 ,質 性 平肝 鎮怯之 。義 故 太 清 服 鍊 書 ,言 銀 譯 西 是 剛 ,屄 服 之 能 傷 ,計 是 。也 抱 朴 子 言 銀 化 水 ,服 可 成 地 仙 者, 亦 方 士刻 殖 日】 凡 使 金 銀 鋼鐵 , 只 可 渾 安 在 藥中 , 信 氣生 藥力 而 信 言 也, 不 足 。【 消人 脂 。 已。 勿入 藥 ,服 能 Explication. [Wang」] Haogu: White silver is associated with the lung. [Su] Song: Grec Hong uses silver fragments in the decoction with flve minerals to cure obstruc廬ness 和 with swelling listed in his Z2oz 2oz/27zg. [Kou] Zongshi: Ihe 8e7z 人 z2 tion-
says: “Silver fragments are poisonous, while native silver is nonpoisonous. [Later] cormmentators have neglected [this contradiction] and have said nothing on it. Ihe
fact is, native silver has already been exposed to the exterior and is free of di densely crushed together. Henceitis nonpoisonous. Silverin mines is densely caughtin the 229 人 ez zZzz [zz] 熱丹[ 毒] “heat cinnabar
[poison],”an undefined skil iness affecting
23o A medication With the following ingredients: gypsumy, calcite, magnetite, talc,rhinoceros horn, antelopes horn, zzz/z [root|, z7z7/z7zz「wood], yyo22z//z772z [root], 777z7c772gz [rhizomej, ge/ycoyyy2zzz roob clove,mirabilite,nitrokalite,musk,cinnabap gold.
23I 玫 7g 洁 ,“obstruction訕ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCGM Dict 64r.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
rocks. Its densely conglomerated qi have not yet spread unhindered. Hence [such silver] is poisonous. [Li Shizhen: Such sayings are wrong. In the beginning, when native silyer is boiled,[qi] are emitted and [the silver moves in waves」 resembling
the structure of thin silk. Jhis is its natural purity and hence [at this stage] it is nonpoisonous. Ihose who melt it drop some copper into it, and this [when heated|
generates thread-like lines and gold flowers. If much copper is added, contrary [to their intentions」 the silver will be spoiled. Once the copper is removed, the sub-
stance returns to be silver again. Howevep the small amount of copper added at the beginning can never again be made to leave. Ihose who prepare fake [products」, they use pharmaceutical minerals to produce lead and tin. Also, in antiquity there was amethod to boill and dissolve thin silver foils in mercury to prepare amud that was thenadded to medication. Because of this,silver fragments are poisonous.Silver basically is nonpoisonous. When it is poisonous, then this is because al the items ladded to it] are poisonous. Nowadays, the people use silver utensils to drink and to eat. When
[these utensill come into contact With poison, they turn black. Victims
who have died of poisoning are tested With asilver item. Jhis is proof that silver itself is nonpoisonous.Whenitisaddedtomedication,this is based on theidea thatit
balances theliver[qij and calms down timidity Hence the 727 777ze
2z7z 2 states:
Silver is endowd with the spirit of acrid [fiavor] and yin of the West. Its substance
matter is conglomerated essence; its nature is tough and rebellious. Ingesting it can indeed harm the liver When the 25z22z >7 states that silver transformed to quickSilver can make one an immortal on the earth, than this is an erroneous teaching of the recipe masters. Jhere is no reason to believe it. [Lei]
入iao: Whenever gold,
silverp copper and iron are applied [for therapeutic purposesj, the only way is to mix them with other medication to use their q to strengthen the medication. One must notingest them without having added them toamedication they can dissolve fat.
【 附 方】 舊 二, 新 四 。 Added Recipes. ITwo of old. Four newly [recorded|
妊娠腰痛 如 折 者。 銀 一 ,兩 水 三 ,升 虱 二 ,升 服 之。 子 母 秘 錄 。 Painful lower back during pregnancy as if fractured. Boil one /z7gp of silver in three y2e7zge of water down to two vs2zze and [have the womenj ingest this. Z7 zz 227
胎動 欲 ,蘆 痛 不 可 。忍 銀 五 ,兩 爭 根 二 兩 , 清酒 一 ,瘟 水 一 大 ,音 風 一 瘟 , 溫 服。 婦 人 良方 。 JMovement of a fetus, threatening a premature birth, with unbearable pain. Five /7z7zg of silver and two Zz7zg of Z/7zc/y/o2Zey |[rhizomel] are boiled in one cup of clear
C//z2/e7 2
Wine and one ]arge cup of water down to one cup,to be ingested warm. /2 7e7z Z272 /7zo.
胎 熱 橫 。閃 生 銀 五 ,兩 盆 白 三 ,寸 阿膠 半炒 兩, 水 一 ,竟 前 。服 亦 入可 糯 米 作 粥 。食 聖惠 方 。 Fetal heat With filerce heart-pressure. Boil five /z7zp of native silver a three z7z long onion stalk and half a /z7zge of roasted ass hide glue in one cup of water and [let the patientj ingest this. 52ezze 227 Zoe
風 牙 疼痛。 文 銀 一 ,兩 燒紅 淬燒酒 一 ,意 熱 ,漱 飲 之 立 。止 集 章方 。 Joothache caused by wind. Heat one /z7zge of high quality silver until it has turned redand dipitinto acup ofbrandy Rinse [the teethj with the hot [liquid] and then drink it.[Ihe painj] will end immediately. 隊 727 7
口 鼻 開 ,蝕 穿 唇 透 頰。 銀 屑 一 ,兩 水 三 ,升 銅器
煎 一 ,升 日 洗 三 四 。次 聖
濟 錄。 Gz7z 世 ness32 - crosion affecting mouth and nose,and piercing through the lips and penetrating the cheeks. One /z7ge of silver frapgments are boiled in three veze of Water in a copper vessel down to one y2ezg to wash [the affected region] three to
five times a day. $2e7z. 霧 2.
喘 赤面 疵。 常 以 銀 描 , 令
熱, 久久 自 。消 知 金 嗣 。
Redblemish-iness affecting bodyand face.Continuously rub [the affected regionl] With silver until it has turned hot, and after a long time [the red blemish-illness」
Will disappear as aresult. 07z7z.777z/ 信 .
232 Gz7z 凍 ,“gzz-iness,”also: “sweets-ness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCVGJIM Dict
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
【 附錄 】 Appendix o8-o2-Aor 黃
銀 抬 遺 。 777/272 )772, 上 匕 527 )
Yellow silver,
【 恭 】晶 黃 ,銀 本 章 不 ,載 俗 云 方 泊勺 宅 編 :雲 黃 銀 出 纏中 , 色 雲: 黃 銀 絕 ,少 這 家 言 鬼 神 畏 。之 鬼神 輻 。之 春秋 運 斗 樞 雲: 人 君 銀, 非 。也 鑰 ,石 即 藥 成 黃 銅也 。
為 器 與 金 六 秉 金
既 無 帖 德
堪 異, 載 而
烏 ,器 明 非 瑞 物。【 時 珍 但 上 石則 白色 。 熊太 古 唐 太 宗 賜 房 玄 齡 帶 :雲 世 ,生 則 黃 銀 。見 世 人 以 鑰
日】 譯 傳 石
按 越集 黃銀 烏黃
[Su] Gong: Yellow silver is not listed in 2ezz cdzo literature.A common saying is: 八 utensil is just good to serve as a utensil.”QObviously it is not an auspicious item. [Li] Shizhen: According to Fang Shaos 52 >2z7 27z7z, “yellow silver originates in Shu zhong. lts coloris identical to that of gold. Howevep when placed on stones/ rocks, it assumes a White color "入 iong Taigu in his 堵 苞 二 states: “Yellow silver is extremely rare. Ihe Daoists say that demon spirits fear it. "According to arecord in the 字 諒
|[ 紀 mperor] Tai zong of the Tang once rewarded Fang Xuanling with a
belt [made of yellow silverj, stating: Tt is transmitted through the ages that demon spirits fear yellow silver. The C2zz7z 77z )z/7z7 2Zoz 2 states: “When aruler emerges with the virtues of gold, yellow silver appears.”Ihere are people who identify brass, 名 2 7 銅 石, as yellow silver That is wrong. 及 z 27 鑰 ,石 is pharmaceutically prepared brass (lit.: “yellow copper2. o8-o2-Ao2
鳥 銀 。 諗/ 27 Blacksilver
【 藏 器 日】 今人 用 硫 黃 惠 ,銀 再 宿 瀉 ,之 則 色 黑 。吳 工人 用 囂 飲 ,之 長 年 襄 惡。 一 丈 ,處 夜 承 醒 以 器 煮 ,藥 兼 於 中庭 高 二
烏 。器 套生 者
[Chenj Cangdi: Nowadays,the people fumigate silver with sulphurand theyrinseit With water after having leftit for one night. hen its color has turned black. Craftsmen resort to it to produce utensils. Ihose striving to nourish_ their life boil their medication with utensils [made of black silver]. Also, they place [these utensils] at
an elevated location in the courtyard, one to two 2227zce high, to prepare sweet wine affected by dew during the nighe and they drink this. It extends the years [of lifel| and wards of the malign.
C//z2/e7 2
飛 綢 脂 目
人 777 227, 上 匕 Goz7zg 2222. Silverore from Persia,
珍 日】 此 乃 波 斯 國 銀 孵 。也 一作 粵 商脂 。
【 集 解】【 時
Collected Explanations. [ 工 ]| Shizhen: his is silver ore from the country of Po si/ Persia. It is also written x7z Z7/ >27 乳
藺脂 .
【 主 】治 目 生 矣 ,膜 用 火燒 銅鐵 輕 點, 乃 三 焦 消 渴 飲 ,水 並 入 丸 藥 。用 時珍 。
傅 ,之 不 。痛 久 主 一 切 風氣 , 及
Control For shade membranes developing on the eyes, heata copper needle with fre and gently prick [the affected eyes]. hen apply the silver ore from Persia.Italso serves to controlall types of wind qb as well as melting with thirst23 affecting the Triple Burner With [an urge] to drink water. It is also added to pills for medicinal use. [Li|] Shizhen.
【 附 方】 新 一 。 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded|
小 兒 天下, 多 涎 , 搐 斤 不 。定 錫 選 脂 一 ,兩 水 淘 黑 汁 令盡 , 水 銀 一 分 , 以 香 , 研 丑, 炸 米 飯 丸 泰 米 。大 每 服三 少 挫 肉 研 不 見 ,星 牛黃 半分 , 射 半分 十 二 丸 , 新 汲 水 下 , 名 保命 。丹 普 濟 方 。 hildrenhauled by heavepn,34Wwith much salivation and occasional convulsions. One /z7zce of silver ore from Persia,washed with water untilno longerablackjuice deveTops, and one /zzz of mercury are ground with asma11 amount of date pulp until individual particles are no longervisible. Jhis is then evenly ground With half a #z of cow bezoar and half a #z of musk, and prepared with nonglutinous rice to pills the size of millet grains. 紀 ach time [let the patient] ingest 32 pills,to be sentdown with
newly 7 drawn water[Ihis medicationj is called “Elixir to P protect life. 7
233 及 zz2 &z 消
洶 ,“melting With thirst”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
VolL567. 234 及 zz2 z7 zzz Zzz2 小 兒
天 中 ,“children hauled by heaven,”refers to acondition of children
whose eyes are turned upward and who experience hand and foot spasms. BVGM Dict 1566.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4 OS8-o4
膏 本唐 草
77 oo 心匕 727zo 2e7z C22. 235 Silverpaste. Silveramalgamum.
【 集 解 】【 恭 提 】 其 法 用 白 和錫 銀 薄 及 水 銀 合 成 ,之 凝 如 硬 銀, 合 鍊 有 家有 銀 脆, 恐 即 此 物也 。 法 。【 時 珍 日】 今 方士 Collected Explanations.[Su] Gong: Ihe method to prepare this is to process thin
foills of white tin and silver with mercury 紀ventually a hard mass coagulates resemblingsilver Ihemixture and thereflnementwith heat followadefinite method.[L
Shizhen: Nowadays, the recipe experts deal With a crisp silver. Perhaps this is the item [referred to by Su Gong]-
【 氣 】味
辛 , 大 寒, 有 毒。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, very cold, poisonous.
【 主 】治 熱 風 , 心虛 毆 ,悸 恍惚 狂 ,走 且 上 熱, 頭 面 熱風 , 衝心上 下, 安 神 定 ,志 鎮 明心 目 , 利水 道, 治 人 心 風 健忘 , 亦補牙 齒 缺 。落 蘇 恭。 Control. Heat wind, with_ heart depletion and fright palpitation, absent-mindedness and mad running. 了Heat above the diaphragm. Heat and wind affecting head and face, moving against the heart from above and below. ITt pacifies the spirit and stabilizes the mind. It presses down [the qi of」the heart and clears the eyes. It
opens the passage through the water paths.Jtserves to cure heart wind causing forgetfulness.Alsoit serves to fill [thelocations where] teeth have fallen out. Su Gong-
朱砂 銀 日華 之 2z/ 52z 2zz, 上 匕 人 7 27z/Z.
innabarsilver. Mercuryproducedfrom cinnabar
【 受 而 陰中
集 解】【 時 珍 日】 此 乃 方 士用 藥 朱砂 合 鍊 制而 成 。者 傘 頂 新 書 雲: 丹 砂 青 陽之 氣 始生印 石 , 二 百 年 成 丹 砂 而 青 女 孕, 三 百 年 而 成 ,鉛 馬 二 百 年 成 ,銀 又二 百 年 復 得 太 和 之 ,氣 化 而 烏 金。 又 :曰 金公 以 丹 砂 烏 ,子 是 之 ,陽 陽 死 陰 ,凝 乃 成 至寶 。
Collected Explanations. [Li| Shizhen: Ihis is something recipe experts produce by refining, With heat, various pharmaceutical substances together with cinnabar. The
7 寢 7zg x727/ states: “When cinnabar is exposed to the di of spring (lt “greenish yang ) it first develops to an ore.2oo years laterp it has become mature cinnabarand 235 Acccording to Z2zzg /7 ch. 4, zz ozo2 銀 膏was mentioned firstina 7zpe 2z)z 唐 本 餘. Li Shizhen erroneously assumed this text to be identical With the 7zzzg 2e7z c22.
C//z2/e7 2
the Greenish Maiden2" is pregnant.3oo years later it turns into lead. Another 2oo years ]ater it turns into silver. St another 2oo years latep when itis exposed to the qiofthe Great Harmonyitwill transform and turns into gold. Ttis also said: “The Grolden Duke has cinnabar as its child. Jhis is yin in yang. Once the yang dies, the yin coagulates,and amost precious gem is created.
Qi and Flavor. Cold, nonpoisonous. Da Ming: [Ingested togethep] it fears red sulphup magnetite and iron.[When used in atreatment] avoid all types of blood.
【 主 】治 延 年 益色 , 鎮 心安 ,神 止 驚 ,悸 辟邪 , 治 憂 忘 虛 劣 。 大明 ,。
中 惡 郁 ,毒 心 熱 煎煩 ,
Control It extends the years [of life] and boosts the complexion it presses down [the qiof]the heartand pacifies the spirit. It ends fright palpitation, wards off evl
and serves to cure being struckby the malign und pgzpoison,補 heartheatand unrest, pgrief and forgetfulness, depletion with degradation.Da Mingo8-o6
赤 銅 本唐 草 。 C27 7zoy 上 匕 727zp 2e7z CZ2.
Red copper Copper
【 釋 】名 紅 鋼 綱 、目 赫 金 弘 景。 屑 名: 銅 、落 銅 、末 銅 花、 鋼 粉、 鋼 砂。 【 時 珍 日】 銅 與 金 ,同 故 字 從 金、 同也。 Explanation of Names. /o7g 名 zg 紅 銅, “red coppep”Gz7zg 2. C27 7777 赤 金 , red
gold/metal” [Tao] Hongjing. Names of [copper] fragments: 72zg Z2 銅 沙 ,“copper
chipsy"” 色 zzz2 銅 末 ,“copperpowder; "7zg 2zz 鋼 花 ,“copperblossomsy 名 27 鋼 粉 ,“copper powdery” 多 7zg 52z 銅 砂 ,“copper sand.”[Li] Shizhen: Copper and gold are identical. Hence the character [zz 鋼 ,“coppep”] is derived from [the characters] 7zzz
金 ,“gold,”and zzg 同 ,“identical”
【 集 解】【 弘 景 日】 銅 烏 赤 金 , 生 熟 皆 赤 , 而本 草 無 。用 今 銅 青 及 大 錢 在下品之 例 也。【 時 珍 日】 銅有 亦 銅、 白鋼 、 是 銅, 應 皆入 方 用 , 並 生 鍊 之。 白 銅出 青銅 。 赤 鋼 出 川、 廣 、 雲 、 貴 諸 處山中 , 土人 穴 山 打 礦 取 236 Ihe Green(ish) Maiden is the goddess of frost. She sends frost on the third day of the ninth month. See also the 7末 z/z7777z77 >7.
237 Gz 走 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. QOriginally it was assumed to beamost poisonous bug, the only creatureinaclosed jar surviving competititon With hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed oz Zz 貼 專 ,“gzpoison(ing).“"BCGM Dict LIor.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
雲南 , 青銅 出 南 。番 人 惟 亦 銅 烏 用 最 ,多 且 可 入 藥。 人 以 爐 甘 石 鍊 烏 黃 銅, 其 色 如 金。 磯 石 鍊 烏 白 ,銅 有 雅 錫 鍊 為 響 銅。 山 海 經 ,言 出 銅 之 四山 百六 十 七, 今則 不 知 其 幾 。也 寶 居 論 雲: 赤 金 一 十 種 。 丹 陽 銅、 武昌 白 慢 銅、 一 生 ,銅 生 銀 ,銅 皆 由不 陶冶 生 而 者, 無 ,毒 宣 作 鼎 。器 激 斯 青銅 , 可 扁 鏡。 新 繼 銅, 可作 鍾。 石 綠、 石 、青 白 青 等 ,銅 並 是 藥 制 成。 鐵 銅 以 苦 膽 水 浸 生 至 赤 煤 , 黎 鍊 成 而 黑 。堅 錫 坑 銅大 軟, 可 點 。化 自 然 銅 見 條本 。 价 頂 新 書 :雲 銅 與 金 銀 同 根源 一 也 , 得 陽之 囚 氣 而 生 ,綠 綠二 百 年 生而 石, 銅 始 生 於中 , 其 齊氣 陽, 故 質 剛 屄。 管 子 雲: 上 有 陵 ,石 下 有 赤 銅 。 地 鏡 圖 :去 山有 慈 石, 下 有 金 若 。銅 晶 莖 黃 ,秀 下 有 鋼 。器 鋼 器 之 ,精 烏馬 詞 僅。 抱 和朴 子 :雲 銅有 牧 。牡 在 中火 尚 亦時 , 令 童 、男 童 女 以 水 灌 ,之 鋼 自 之 江 分 烏 兩 段, 凸 起 者 牡 ,也 凹下 者 物 。也 以 特 詞 雌 ,劍 牡 烏 雄 ,劍 帶 入 湖 , 則 上 龍 水 神 皆 避長 也 。 ollected Explanations. [Tao] Hongjing: Copper is ared metal. Both crude and processed it is red. In 27z cd literature it is not made use of. Verdigris (o8-o9)
and ]arge [copper] coins are added to recipes for [therapeutic] use. Both are crude
copper and should be listed among substances of lower rank. [Li] Shizhen: Copper includes red coppep white copper and greenish copper. Red copper originates in the mountains of many regions in Chuan, Guang, Yun and Gui. Ihe local inhabitants gather [copper] ore in mountain caves and obtain [copper] by processing/refining [theore] with heat.White copper originatesin Yun nany greenish copper originates in foreign regions in the South. Only red copper is very often used [for various purposes] and can be added to medications. he people process it with calamine to
produce yellow copper/brass,which has a color identical to that of gold. Processed With arsenicit turns into white copper Processed mixed With tin it turns into copper used to make sounds (as for instance With musical instruments). he 2z7z 227
7 says: “There are 467 mountains where copperis mined.” Ioday their number is unknown. IThe 2z2 >z7zg //7z states: ” There are ten kinds of red gold/copper: Copper of Dan yang, “white 7zz7z 3 copper of Wu chang, al native39 coppep native silver copper. None of these kinds is produced in a pottery jar. Ihey are nonpoisonous, and fthey are suitable for making sacriflcial vessels and utensils. Greenish copper/ bronze from Po si/Persia can be made to mirrors. Copper from 入in luo can be made to bells/measures. $2z 及 石 ,綜 27 7zz 石 青and 2z7 7z7zzg 白 青 kinds of copper are apharmaceutically produced. When iron and copper are soaked in bitter bile until red soot/rust develops, they are further processed and refined with heat to generate sormething black and hard. he copper from atin pit is very soft and can be transformed [to longevity elixirs] by means of heat.” For “natural copper ”see the respec~ 238 The meaning of 2zz zzz 白 慢 is unclear 239 The meaning of 光 227z 一 生 is unclear
C//z2/e7 2
tive entry (o8-o7). The 7 7ze x77z 52z States:“Copper and gold and silver have one identical origin. When [gold and silver] are exposed to the qi of purple yangya green [substance] forms. Ihis green [substance], 2oo years later brings forth arock
and copper begins to develop inside of it. lts qiis endowed with yang and hence its matteris hard and fierce. The Gzzz >7states: “Where hill stone/minerals are found above,red copperoccurs below. The 77777ze zz states: “When mountains have mag~ netite, there is metal below itresembling copper When herbs with beautiful yellow stalks [are abovej, there will be copper utensils below. Hence the beautiful yellow
cssence of copper utensils,is reflected in [copper] horses or[copper flgurines shaped like a] boy ”The 25z22z >7 states: “Copper may be male and fcemale. When copper is subjected to filre and has turned red, leta young boy or ayoung girl pour water over it. The copper w 計 split into two pieces. Ihose with a convex surface are male; those With a concave surface are female. Female [copper] is made to female swords. Male
[copper] is made to male swords. ]f wearing them one enters ariver or alake, rain and filood dragons and water spirits will all be afraid and are repelled. o8-o6-or
赤 銅 。眉 C727 oz xze. Red copperfragments.
【 修 】【 治 時 珍 曰】 即 打 銅落下 屑也 。 或 紅以 鋼 火 鍛 水 ,淬 亦 落下 自 。 以 水 淘 ,淨 用 好 酒入 沙鍋 內 炒 見 火星 , 取 末研 用 。 Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Li Shizhen: Ihese are fragments falling down when
copper is forged. Or red copper is calcined with fire and then dipped into water This, too, will let them fall down. Ihey are washed cleaninapan with watep and
then given, with good wine, into an earthenware vessel to be roasted until sparkles appear. Ihen they are removed [from the earthenware vessel] and ground toapow~der for [therapeutic] usage.
【 氣 】味 苦, 平, 微 毒。【 時 鋼 , 物性 然 也。 號香 乳
珍 曰】 蒼
術 粉 銅, 巴豆 、 牛
脂 軟 銅,
慈姑 、
Qi and Flavor. Bitterp balanced, slightly poisonous. [Li]| Shizhen: 7z/yzczy/ozey [rhi-
Zome] serves to powder copper. Croton [seeds] and ox fat serve to soften copper Duckweed and frankincense serve to mute copper. Ihis is because of the nature of these items.
【 主 】治 峰 反 風 折 , 鰲 使 極 ,熱 投 納二 斗 中 酒 百 過 , 如 上 服 。之 又 治 有艇 去 ,血 封 ,之 神 。效 唐 。本 明 ,目 痛 。 大 。明 同 五 倍 ,子 能 染 肚 。著 時
酒中 , 服 五 ,合 日 。三 或 以 五 斤 燒 亦, 腋臭 , 以 酪和 如 從 ,飯 袋 ,盛 先 刺 腋下 治 風 ,眼 接骨 銲 ,齡 療 女人 血氣 及 心 珍。
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
Control. Forrobber wind?。 and arched back [spinej, boil [red copper fragments] in water until they are very hot, drop them into wine and ingest five ge [of this wine」,
three times aday Or heat five 7zz [of red copper fragments] until they have turned red, dip them one hundred times into_ two Zoz of wine and ingest [the wine] as
recormmended above. Also, to cure malodorous stench from the armpits, mix [red
copper fragments」 with vinegar and process them in the same way as porphyry (Io-29), fill them into a bag, pierce the armpits to let blood and cover them [with
the bag」]. Divinely effective. 7z7ze 2ez. hey clear the eyes, serve to cure wind [fire」 cyes, 和 reconnect bones, stabilize teeth, and heal heart pain of women associtated
With blood and q [disorders]. Da Ming. Mixed with Chinese sumac gallnuts they are able to dye beard and hair on the head.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 傷 腎。 既 云 傷 腎, 骨 及 六人 畜有 損 者, 痕 , 可 驗。 打 熟 醫 者 取 銅末 和 酒 之也 。
日】 太 清 服 而 又 能接骨 細 研 酒 ,服 用 銅 不 堪 。【 服 ,之 錠 疾。
鍊 法 :雲 , 何 直入 慎 微 及 亡
Explication. [Li] Shizhen: The 7z7z 7z7zg
銅 東方 秉 乙 陰 哉? 【 藏 器 日】 赤 骨 損 ,處 六 畜 死 野人釣 載 雲: 日】 朝 後 十 年 改 ,葬 視 727z
之 氣 結成 , 性 銅 屑 主 折 傷, ,後 取 骨 視 ,之 定 州 崔務 堅 其脛骨 折 ,處
,利 服 之 能 鋰人 猶有 銲 馬折 足 , 猶有 鋼 束
states: “Copper is formed of the
yin qi ofthe second Heavenly Stem section of the 上 ast. By its nature it opens passages. Ingested it harms the kidneys. When itis said it harms the kidneys and also “itcan reconnect bones [that are associated with the kidneys],' how can this be?
[Chen] Cangqi: Red copper fragments control harm caused by fractures, and they are able to mend human bones and injuries of the six types of lifestock. Ground toa fane [powder] and ingested with wine,they directly enter the bones and thelocation of an injury When the bones of lifestock [that has undergone such treatment] are removed to be examined after [such animals] have died, the scars of such amending
ww 過 prove [the effects of this treatment]. Forged, processed copper is not suitable for such ause.[Iangj] Shenwei: he C2z2 ).7zz7 >z7 states: “Cui Wu of Ding zhou fell from his horse and broke aleg. His physician resorted to a mixture of copper powderand wineand had him ingest it. Ihis resulted inacure.When ten years after hehad died his tomb was moved, thelocation where his shin bone had been broken
and was reconnected by the copper was still visible.
24o Ze7 /zzg 賊 風, “robber wind.”Various pathological conditions caused by qi that has invaded the human organism from outside. BVCGM DictT1667. 24I 7e7g zz 風 眼 , “wind eye,”refers to red and festering eyes caused by wind and heat. BCGM
Dict LIZL.
C//z2/e7 2
方】 舊 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One of old.
腋下 狐 。吳 崔 氏 方: 用清水 熱 措 ,之 甚 驗。 外 靈。
洗 ,淨 又用 清 醉 槳 洗 ,淨 微 措 ,破 取
銅 屑和 本
Foxodorunder thearmpits. Czz5277/27zg: [Firsd| wash [the armpits] clean with clear water. hen wash them clean with clear fermented water of foxtail millet. Gently rub「[the armpits] to open [the skin] and then rub them With a mixture of copper
fragments and hot vinegar. Very proved [to be effective」]. 族 7 7 o8-o7
自 然 銅 宋 開實 Z/77z7z zz2o 上 匕 ongy 太 27 222.
Natural copper Pyrite.
記 鉛 【 釋 】名 石 髓 。【
日 】 其色 青 黃 如 ,銅 不 從 礦 鍊 , 故
號 自 然 銅。
Explanation of Names. $27sz72727/ 石 髓 鉛 ,“rock marrow lead.”[Ma] Zhi: Its color is greenish-yellow like that of copper. IJt is not obtained through refinement With heat of an ore. Henceitis called natural copper
【 集 解 】【 志 日】 自 然 銅生 劉 州 山 襄 問 出 鋼 ,處 於 坑 及中 石間 煙 得 , 方圓 不定, 其色 青 黃 如 銅, 【 頒 日】 今 信州 、 火 山 還 鋼 坑 及中 石間 皆 有 之。 信 若 銀 老翁 州 出 一 種如 亂鋼絲 ,狀 雲 在 銅 礦中 , 山 氣 盂 ,蒸 自 然 流出 , 亦 生 重 石, 醫家 謂 之久石 , 塊 銅 而 堅 如 臉 之 ,類 入 藥 最 。好 火 還山 出 ,者 顆 如 用 之 力 。薄 夫 無 時 。 今南方 醫 者說 , 自 然 銅有 兩 三 :體 一 體大 如 麻 ,泰 或 多 方 ,解 桂 眶 相 ,弧 至 如 斗大 者, 色 煜 明煜 爛 如 黃金 、 鑰 石, 入 藥 上最 。 一 體 成 ,塊 大 小 不 ,定 亦 明光 而 。赤 一 體 如 董、 鐵 屎 之 。類 又有 如 不 治而 成 ,者 形 大 小 不 ,定 皆 出 銅 坑中 , 擊 之 易 ,碎 有 黃 ,赤 有 青 ,黑 鍊 乃之 成 銅 。也 其說 分析 頗 ,精 而 未常見 似 亂 絲 。者 又 :雲 今 市人 多 以 鋸 石 為 自 然 焰 硫 黃 者 是 。也 此 有亦 二 三 種: 一 種有 當 如 和邑 餘 ,爛 擊 銅, 燒 之 成 青 如 如 ,鑑 色 黃 類 鑰 石 。也 一 種 青 黃 而有 墻 壁, 成 文 如 束 。針 一 中 破, 其 光明 理 團 砂 。者 皆光明 如 ,銅 色 多 青 白而 赤 少 ,者 燒 之 皆 煙成 焰, 頃刻 種 碎 如 是此 , 而 自 然 銅用 須 火 貨 以 烏 自 然 ,銅 市 中 所 往往 都 盡 。 今 醫家 多 誤 此 鉛 出 獨 孤 滔 捏】 自 然 鋼 信州 也 刀 , 此 乃 長 ,火 不 必 形 ,色 只 此 可 辨 。【 山縣 銀 場 銅 坑中 , 深 處 有 鋼 ,鑄 多 久年 氣 結成 , 似 馬 虱 勃 。也 色 紫 ,重 食 之 有 承 日】 今 辰 州 川 澤中 , 出 吳 苦 汶 者 是 真。 今人 以大 碗 石和 為 自 然 銅, 誤 。【 者 胡桃 , 小 者 如 ,栗 外有 反 , 黑色光 潤 , 一 種 自 然 ,銅 形 圓 似 蛇 ,含 大 如 破 之 錠 與 石 無 ,別 但 比 鉀 石 不作 上 昊 氣 ,耳 入 用 藥 之 殊 。【 駿 敦 日】 石 髓 鉛 即 自 然 銅。 勿用 方 金 ,牙 真相 似, 若 誤 餌 ,之 吐 殺 人 。 石 髓 鉛 似 葛 銀泥 ,
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
味 微 甘 。【 也 時 珍 日】 按 實 藏 論 :雲 自 然 銅生 曾 青、 石 綠 穴中 , 狀 如 寒 林 草根 , 色 紅 膩, 亦 有 墻 壁。 又 一 類 似 丹 ,砂 光明 堅硬有 稜, 中 含 鋼 脈, 礙 佳 。 又 一 種 似 木 ,根 不 紅 膩 , 隨手 碎 為 ,粉 至 烏 精明 , 近 鋼 之 山則 有 之 。 Collected Explanations.[Ma] Zhi: Natural copper grows at locations where copper
originates in the mountain caves of Yong Zhou.Jtis collected in pits or from in between rocks, and its shape may be square or round. Tts color is greenish-yellow like copper [Su] Song: Nowadays it can be found everywhere in copper pits and in betweenrocks.A variation originating in 入 in zhou is shaped like disorderly copper threads.ltis said that when copperore is exposed to the hot fumes of mountain qi natural [copper] will flow out. In this, it resembles the“old mans beard”of native
silver. J]t is the best to be added to medication. Variations originating in Huo shan junare formedlike copperlumps.Jheyare hard and heavylike rocks. Ihe physicians call them“money box rocks. In [therapeutic] applications, their strength is weak.
Jhey are collectedanytime.Todays physicians in the South say: Natural copper may appear in two or three physical bodies. One body has the size of hemp or millet seeds. Ihey may be cracked open many times, and they cling together like strings of pearls. Some of them are as big as a Z2z measure. Ihey are of avery bright color like yellow metal/gold and brass. Ihey are the best for adding [natural copper] toa medication. Another body [of natural copper] is formed as lumps of unequal size. They too are shiny and red. Still another body resembles “ginger [stone] (Ifo-28) and iron droppings [left after forging iron]. In addition, there is [natural copper]
that has formed without arttflcial processing. Tt too, is of unedqual size and always originates in copper pits.When struckiteasily breaks.Itcomes with yellow-red and greenish-black colop and when refined with heat it becomes copper. Such statements are quite detailed analyses, but have not yet seen [natural copper」 resem~ blhng disorderly threads.1tis also said that todays merchants often consider money box rocks to be natural copper. 1f when burned they develop greenish fumes like those of sulphur then these are [money box rocks]. Jhey too, are present in two
or three Kinds. One variation has a shell hke limonite. When
it is broken open,
it shines like a mirror I]tis of yellow colop like that of brass. Another variation is greenish-yellow and has a [surface of] fat walls with aline design like abundle of needles. Still another variation has a fractured structure,as if made of pebbles. Ihey al are shiny like copper. Iheir color is mostly greenish-white. Red specimens are rare. When burned, they a11 develop fumes that are exhausted after a short time. Todays physicians often wrongly assume [money box rocks] to be natural copper Jhose sold on the markets frequently are such [falsely declared money box rocks. Still, there is no need to rely on their physical appearance and color [to distinguish
C/2z2/e7 2
genuine natural copper from money box rocks]. For an application of natural cop-~ peracalcination with _ fire is required. [Money box rocks] fear fire. IThis is all that is reduired to distinguish the two.Dugu Tao: Natural copper originates in silver flelds and copper pits of Qian shan county in 入in zhou. Copper ore grows in the depth; lnatural copper] has formed over many years from the qi of [such copper] ore. It resembles puffball (lit.: “horse fart ) mushrooms. Ihose of deeply purple color and tasting bitter and astringend when caten are genuine. Ihe people of today consider 大
厂 石 * to be natural coppep but that is wrong.[Chen] Cheng: Nowadays,avari-
ation of natural copper originates in the streams and marshlands of Chen zhou. It is round like Klein cinquefoil. Large pieces are as big as walnuts; small ones are of the size of chestnuts. On their outside their skin is black and shiny When broken open they are not any different from the money box rocks. Howevep the money box rocks do not emit malodorous qi. When they are added to amedication, their usages differ [Lei]| 入iao: Rock marrow lead is natural copper. Do not use pyrite instead. Both are truly similar I [the latter] is ingested mistakenly it will cause
Vomiting and eventually kills one. Rock marrow lead resembles dry silver mud. Jts favor is slightly sweet. [Li| Shizhen: According to the 82z2 >z7ze Z7z, natural copper grows in malachite and malachite caves.Jt is shaped like the roots of herbs ina cold forest. Jts coloris red anditis greasy It may also have asurface like fiat walls. There is another type that is reminiscent of cinnabar. It is shiny hard and has edges. Jnternally it has copper veins. It is the best. Another variation resembles the roots of atree.Itis neither red nor greasy It can be broken with ones filngers to apowder. Itis extremely aine and lucid. [Natural copper] occurs in mountains close to copper [caves]. Ihe natural copper commonly in use today is always faked.
【 袍, 升, 凡 飛過
修 治】【 入 白 文 武 修 事 五 用 ,。
敦 日】 米 中 揚了 , 重 中火 大 三 日 ,兩 以 酪 兩
石 得 髓 鉛柜 碎, 徐過 。 以 酯 浸 ,夜 才 廬, 用 鏡 為 度。【 時
同甘草 湯 煮二 伏 時, 至 一 ,宿 至 明, 用六 一 泥泥 銜 蓋 蕾了 , 火 炸 伏 ,時 去 以 沁 酪 淬 珍 】晶 今人 只 火
明滴 ,出 攤 令 盆子, 盛 二 土 研如 粉用 。 七 ,次 研 細 水
Pharmaceutical Preparation.Collect rock marrow lead and poundit to pieces. Ihen boillitWith agZycoyy72zz%z [root] decoction fortwo full days and nights.At dawn,pass
[theliquid] through asieve,remove [the rock marrow lead]|, spread it out and let it
dry Ihen give it into amortar and pound it. Again pass it through asieve and soak itin vinegar overnight. Ihe next morning at dawn,flll two y2zzg into apottery bowl sealed With earthworm excrements and heatit with afire that is mild first and flerce later for three days and nights. When 242 A mineral of unknown identity
[the liquid] is just about to have dried up,
/2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
close [the bowll with a cover and calcine it over afire for two full days and nights. Then remove the soil [from within the bowll grindittoafne powder and use [it for therapeutic purposes]. For all five /z7zge [of rock marrow lead] to be prepared,
add no more than two Zzzg of vinegar. [Li| Shizhen: Ihe people of today simply calcine it with_ fire and dip it into vinegar seven times. Ihen they grindittoafne lpowder] and after an aqueous sublimation they use [it for therapeutic purposes
【 氣 】味 辛 ,
平 , 無 毒,【 大
明 曰】 泊
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, balanced, nonpoisonous. Da Ming: Cool
【 主 】治 折 ,傷 散 血 止痛 , 破 積聚 。 開 。寶 消 瘀 ,血 排 ,膿 續 筋上家 。 治 產 後 血 ,邪 安心 , 止 閣 ,悸 以 酒 摩 。服 大 明 ,。 Control. 了Harm caused byafracture.It disperses blood,ends pain and breaks through accumulations. 太 2z7 2z2. Jt dissolves stagnant blood, removes pus, and serves to reconnect sinews and bones. lo cure blood evil following delivery to pacify the heart and to end fright palpitationm rub it with wine and ingest [the resulting liquid|. Da
【 發 】【 明 宗 與 日】 有 人 以 自 然 銅 飼 折 胡翅 研細 水 飛過 , 同 當 、歸 沒 各 藥 半 ,錢 以 酒 自 然 ,銅 世 以 為接骨 之 ,藥 然此 等 方 儘 ,多 工 惟 在 速效 , 迎合 病人 之 ,意 而 銅 非 不 毒 相 ,扇 挾 香 藥 熱 ,毒 雖有 接骨 之 ,功 燥 珍 】晶 自 然 銅接骨 之 ,功 與 銅 屑 ,同 不 可 便 活血 可 爾 。 即 理氣
座, 調 ,服 大 可 。用 散 之 誣 。也
後 誼 飛 。去 今人 打 撲 損 , 仍 手 摩 病 。【 處 震 亨 日】 抵 補宜 氣 、 補 、血 補 胃 。 俗 右 新 出 火 ,者 其 火 、毒 金 ,禍 甚 刀劍 於 , 戒 。【 之 時 但 接 上骨 之 ,後 不 可和 常服,
Explication.[Kou] Zongshi: Ihere once was aman who used natural copper to raise awild duck with abroken wing. Later [the duck] recovered and flew away Now-~ adays, when someone was injured by a blow they grind [natural copper] toafne lpowder|j, process it With aqueous sublimation,add half a 7zz7z cach of Z7zoe/zcz root
and myrrh,and [letthepatientj ingest this mixed with wine.In addition the region
affected by the disease is massaged by hand. [Zhu] Zhenheng: Everybody believes natural copper to beadrug serving to reconnect bones. And there are very many recipes designed to this effect. In generab they are suitable for supplementing qi, for supplementing blood, and for supplementing the stomach. Common practitloners emphasize quick effects to conform with the sentiments of their patients. But when copper is not calcined it is of no use. When it has just been taken out of a fire, its fire poison and its metal poison incite each other. If then the heat poison of an aromatic drug is added, even though it may Still have its effect of reconnecting bones, a disaster of dryness and dispersion is initiated that is even more serious [than an
C/2z2/e7 2
injury caused byaknife orsword]. Ihisis to beavoided.[Li| Shizhen: Ihe effects of natural copper to reconnect bones are identical to those of copper fragments. One mustnot falsely criticize it. Howevep once the bones are reconnected,it mustnot be
ingested regularly [Medication to] order the qi and to enliven the blood is required.
方】 新 三。 【 附 Added Recipes. Ihree newly |recorded|
心氣 刺 。痛 自 然 銅, 火 刀 醋 淬 九 ,次 研 末 , 醋 調 字 一 服, 即 止。 衛 方。
生 易簡
Piercing pain caused by heart di. Calcine natural copperin afre and dip it into Vinegar nine times. Ihen grind itto apowdep and ingest mixed with vinegarp one
>z. his will end [the pain」]. 族 7 2ezzg 好 727z. 7
項下 氣 。瘦 自 然 銅 貯 水 比 ,中 逐日 飲食 , 皆 用 此 ,水 其 氣 , 久久 吸 ,之 亦 可 。 楊 仁 直齊 指 方 。
瘦 自 。消 或火燒 煙
Qi goiter below the neck. Filnatural copperinto an earthen jar With water and for al drinking and eating, day after day, always use this water. As aresult, the goiter Wi vanish. Or burn [natural copper]inafre to generate fume qi Jo inhale them foralong time will do too. Yan Renzhai, Z27 Z27./27zo.
署 濕 癱 ,瘓 四 肢 不 能 。動 自 然 銅 燒紅 , 酒 浸 一 ,夜 川 己 頭 、炮 五 靈 、脂 巷 術 酒 ,浸 各 一 ,兩 當 歸 二 錢 酒 ,浸 烏 末 , 酒 糊 丸 梧 子 。大 每 服 七 ,丸 酒 德 方。 下 , 覺四 股麻木 即 止。 陸 氏 積 竺 Paralysis and slackening associated with summerheat and moisture. Ihe four extremities are unable to move. Gurind one /zze each of natural copper heated un4l it has turned red and soaked in wine for one night, Sichuan zco7zzzzzz [main tuber|
roasted in a pan, flying squirrel droppings and zz/yzc/y/ozZey |rhizome] soaked in wa~tep as Well as two 77z7z of ZoeZzcz root soaked in wine,to apowder and form, with
wine and dough, p 記s the size of 7 states: “When verdigris is applied to theones feet theywilnot erode in Water
244 Gz7 凍 ,“gzz-i1lness,”also: “sweets訕ness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCVGJIM Dict L I8o-I88.
/2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
【 附 方】 舊 二, 新
十一 。
Added Recipes. ITwo of old. Elevennewly [recordedl
風 瘓 座 。中 碧 琳 :丹 治 瘓漲潮 盛 , 卒中 不 及 語 一 切 風 癱。 用 生 綠二 兩 , 乳 細 , 水 化 去 ,石 慢火 花 ,四 取 辰 日 辰時 辰 位上 修 ,合 再 研入勵 香一 分, 燃 米粉 糊和 丸彈 子 大, 陰乾 。 論 中 者 , 每 作 丸 二 服 , 清 荷 酒 研 。下 餘 風, 打 砂 酒 化 。下 吐 出 青 碧 ,涎 瀉 下 惡 ,物 大效 。 Suddenly being struck by wind and phlegm. Ihe“bluish jade clixir.”serves to treat aprofuse emergence of phlegm and saliva, sudden stroke and an inability to speak With all types of paralysis caused by wind. [|Grind] two /z7zg of verdigris to a fine powder.Dissolveitin waterand remove any stones [thatremain undissolved]. Heat
lthelquidj overamild fire untilit is dry Ihe processing and mixing is to be con~ ducted on ac2e7 day at 2ez hours (o7:oo 一 o8:59) at a c2ez location. Add one /#7 of musk, and form, with glutinous rice powdep ps the size of bullets. Dry them
inashady place. When someone is suddenly struck, each time let him ingest two such pills, to be sent down groundin mint wine. For wind that remains, send [the
pills] down dissolvedin cinnabarwine.[Ihis leads to] avomiting of greenish-bluish saliva, and an outflow discharge of malign items. Very effective.
治 小 ,兄 用 綠 雲 :丹 鋼 綠 不 計 多 ,少 研 粉, 酯 彌 糊 丸 痰 子大 。 每薄荷 酒 化 服 一 ,丸 須 奧 吐 涎 如 膠 , 神 。效 經 驗方 。 To cure children resort to the green cloud elixir'Grind any amount ofverdigris to apowder and form With vinegar and a fiour-water paste pills the size of zz seeds. For each application [let the childj ingest one pill dissolved in mint wine. After a
short whileyit Will vomit saliva that is as viscous as phlegm. Divinely effective../77zg 2) /2722.
弦 風 。眼 鋼 青, 水
塗 底, 以 調 名
艾 惠 ,牙 刊 下, 塗 爛 。處 衛
生 易 簡方 。
Wind eyes 和 With _festering [eyelidj rims. Mix verdigris With water and apply this to the bottom of a bowl. Ihen expose this to the hot fumes of common mugwort [leaves] until it has dried. Scratch it of and apply it to the festering location. 族 ?/ 72e7zg 如.77277 /2729.
赤 髮 禿 。落 油 磨 銅 錢衣 , 塗 之 即生 。 普
濟方 。
Red hair and baldness. Grind the [verdigris] coating of acopper coin in oil, and
apply [theliquid to the affected regionj.- Jhis will let [the hairj grow. 及 元 7
245 /e7g )z7z 風 眼 ,““wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to the eyes by heat. BVGM Dict LIZL.
C/2z2/e7 2
日 勿 洗 ,水 自 。落 厚 ,者
面 慢 黑 。痣 以 草 劃 ,破 銅 末綠 傅 ,之 三 聖 濟錄 。
再上 之 。
Facial black moles. Lacerate [the moles] with some herb and apply verdigris pow-~ der to them.Donotwash them with water for three days,and they will fall of as a result. For those that are thick, add asecond application. $2e7 及 入.
牙 。准 鋼 、青 消 、石 杏 仁 等 ,分 烏末 , 擦 之 立 。愈 人邵 真人 經驗方 。
Running horse dental gzz-ness.4[Grind]
equal amounts of verdigris, talc and
bitter apricot seeds to apowder and rub this [on the affected region] to achieve an
immediate cure. $22z2 22e7z7e7z.777zg )2z7z /27z
口鼻 辣 。瘡 銅 、青 枯 其 等 ,分 研, 傅 之 。 Gz7z訓ness sores affecting mouth and nose. Grind equal amounts of verdigris and prepared alum [to apowder] and apply this [to the affected regioml」. 又
方 :
一錢 ,
三分 ,
研 ,
傅 之 。
An alternative recipe: Gurind one 27z7 of white sediments of human urine and three
/zofverdigris [to apowder] and apply this [to the affected regionml.
楊梅 毒 。瘡 銅 綠 酷 煮 末研 , 燒酒 調 ,探 極 摻。 簡便 方。 分, 研
痛 出 ,水 次
日 即 。袍 或
加 白 棱等
Red bayberry poison sores.狂 Boilverdigris in vinegar and grindittoapowder. Mix itWith brandy and applyit [to the affected regionj]. Ihis will cause an extreme pain and arelease of water. Ihe next day it will be dry Opadd an equal amount of alum, grindit [toapowder] and apply this [to the affected region」]..7zz7z 2727z zz
腰 瘡 頑 。癬 鋼 綠 七 分 ,研 黃 蠟 一 兩 化 ,效 以厚紙 瘡及 點 咬。 筆 峰 雜興 。 治 之, 出 水 。縣 亦 楊梅
拖 ,過 表
裹 別 以 紙 隔貼
Shank sores and stubborn xzz7/訓ness.3 Grrind seven /z7z of verdigris [to apowder|
and dissolve this, with heat,in one Zzzce of yellow beeswax. Ihen soak thick paper in it and place this 一 separated by an additional layer of paper 一 on |the affected region]. Once water is released, [the effects are] wondrous. Ihis also serves to cure
red bayberry sores39 and bites by worms/bugs. Bifeng, Zz x7z7zo 246 Zoz# zz yz gz7 走馬 牙 開 ,“running horse dental ozz- 崗ness,"a dental illness that develops abruptly and turns into a serious condition.BCGM Dict L, 7o4.
學 Zo zz c2zz7zg 楊梅 專 瘡 ,Yred bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases of syphilis. BCGM Dict L,293,294.
248 有 zzzz-ness Dict L, 59L. 249
癬 ,skin ness With itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
殉 zo zzz c2zz7zzg 楊梅 專 瘡 ,Yred bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases of syphilis. BCGM Dict L,293,294.
/2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
腸 風 閨 。站 方 見 密 陀 僧下 。 Jntestinal wind and piles fistula. For the recipe, see the entry on litharge (o8-I4).
諸 蛇 荀 專。 銅 青 傅 。之 千 金方 。 Al types of snake and scorpion poison. Apply verdigris [to the affected region」 07277 7777 /272g.
百 蟲入 耳 。 生 油 調 銅 綠 滴入 。 衛 生 家 寶 方 。 When any of the hundreds of bugs/worms have entered an ear. Mix verdigris With fresh oiland drip this into [the affected ear]. 族 7 2zzze.7zz 222
頭上 生 。虱 銅 、青 明 末薔 摻 。之 摘 玄 方 。 Lice present on the head. Apply verdigris and alum [to the affected region]. Z227 X%Z/272 /2722.
07g7z, 上 蔬 人 7 22//.
【 釋 】名 青
謂 之 。鈴 錫 金。
說 金
文 、 黑 、錫 金公 綱目 、 水中
金。 【 時
珍 】晶 欠 易滲 流 ,
烏 白 ,錫 故此 烏 黑 。錫 而 神 家仙 拆 字 其 遍
金公 , 隱 名 其 鳥
Explanation of Names.
077zg 7
青 金 , “greenish metal,”A2zz2 2o7g7z7zz 水 中 金 ,“gold/metal in water”[Li] Shizhen: Lead, 7/zzz 鈴 , easily flows when melted, )wz 浴 . Hence it is named 7zzz 鈴 . X7 喝 is “white tin,”2z7x7 日 錫 . Hence this is “black tin,”2e7
xz 黑 錫 . The experts in how to achieve a state of divine immortality have broken up the character [7zz7z 鈴 ] into [the two characters] 777/
金, “gold/metal,”and gozzg
公, “duke.”Ihey have disguised this name by calling [lead] y2z7z 2o7zg.7zz 水中 金 , gold/metalin Water.
【 集 解】【 領 日】 鉛 生 蜀和郡 平 ,澤 今有 銀 坑 處 有皆 之 , 燒 礦 曰 】 鉛 生 山 穴 石 ,間 人 挾 油 ,燈 入 至 數 ,旱 隨 采礦 上 曲折 下 毒人 , 若 連 月 不 ,出 則 皮膚 痿 ,黃 腹脹 不 能 ,食 多 致 疾 而 死。 草 青 華 ,亦 其 下 多 。鉛 鉛 錫 之 精 烏 老婦 。 獨 孤 滔 :雲 嘉 州、 鉛, 生 鉛 未 鍛 者 。也 打 破 ,脆 燒 之 如 氣 硫 。黃 紫 背 ,鉛 即 熟 也, 有 變化 , 能 碎 剛 金 鑽。 雅 州 出 銘 腳 ,鉛 形 蝦子 如 ,大 又 色 , 生 山澗 沙中 , 可 玉 示。 盧氏 鉛 粗 惡 力 ,劣 信州 鉛 雜 銅 氣, 州 , 是鋼鐵 之 ,苗 並 不 可用 。 寶 藏 論 :雲 鉛 有 數 種。 波 斯 鉛
而 。【 取 時珍 取 研 之。 其 氣 地 鏡 圖 云: 利 州 出 草節 ,鉛 釦 精華 之 如 蝴 斗 ,子 黑 陰平 鉛 出 劍 堅 ,白 詞 天下
C/2z2/e7 2
第 。一 草 節 鉛 出 筆 ,為 銀 之 精 。也 銜 銀 ,鉛 銀 中坑 之 鉛也 , 內 含 五色 。 並 妙 。 上 饒 。 樂 平 ,鉛 次 於 波斯 、 草 。節 負 版 ,鉛 鐵 苗 ,也 不 可 。用 作 鉛 , 可 勻 。金 土 宿 真 看 本 旱 :雲 鉛 乃 五 金 之 ,祖 故 有 五 金 狩 、首 追 魂使者 之 稱 , 言 其 能 伏 五 金 而 死 八 石 。也 雌 黃 乃 金 之 苗 而中 有 鉛 ,氣 是黃金 之 祖 。矣 銀 坑有 鉛, 是白金 之 祖 。吳 信 鉛 雜 銅, 是 赤 金 之 祖 。矣 與 錫 同 ,氣 是 青 金之 祖 。吳 朱 砂 伏 於 鉛 而 死 於 ,硫 硫 戀 於 鉛 而 伏 於 ,碳 鐵 戀 於 磁 而 死 於 ,鉛 雄 戀計 鉛 而 死 於 五加 。 故 公金 變 化 最 ,多 一 變 而 胡 成 粉 , 再 變 而 成 黃 ,丹 三 變 而 成 密 陀 ,僧 四 變 而 烏 白 。突 雷氏 炮炙 論 :雲 令 鉛 住 ,火 須 仗 修 天 ; 如 要 形 ,堅 量 忘 紫 。痛 註 :雲 修 ,天 補 天 石 。也 紫 ,背 天 葵 也 。 Collected Explanations.[Su] Song: Lead grows in the plains and marshlands of Shujun.Itoccurs in all silver pits that exist today Itis won by heating the ore. [Li Shizhen: Lead grows between the rocks in mountain caves. Ihe people hold oil ]amps and enter [these caves] several Z deep. Ihey follow the course of the [leadl
ore veins as they move winding up and down,and use axes to break them out [of the rocks]. Iheir qi are poisonous for humans.I [the miners] fail to leave [the caves
for several months, their skin slackens and turns yellowy their abdomen is bloated and they cannot eat. his is often accompanied by iness and eventual death. Ihe 77 777zg Z states: “Where greenish herbs with red stalks grow much ]ead will be underneath. Ihe essence of lead and tin brings forth old women. "Dugu Tao states: In 五a zhou and Li zhou,a herb node lead is produced. Itis acalcined powder Gef crude lead. When
strucky it breaks into pieces. When
heated, it develops qi like
sulphur. “Purple back lead is processed lead; it is the essence splendor of lead. It can be transformed [to a hardness] enabling one to cut to pieces diamonds. In Ya
Zhoua hook base lead is produced. ts physical appearanceis of the siZe of o/zzZz/y72 seeds; it may also resemble tadpoles.Jtis of black color and grows in the sand ef mountain streams. It can be [transformed to] mercury Lead from Lu shi is coarse and malign and of lower quality and strength. Lead from 入in zhou comes mixed with copper di.Leadfrom Yin ping originates inJlanzhou.Itisaproduct [resulting from amerger of] copper and iron.All [these kinds] have no use. Ihe 2z2 >z7zg Z/77
states: Lead appears in several kinds. Po si/Persian lead is hard and white. It is the numberonein the world. Herb node lead oritginates in 五an zhou. It is the essence of silver. Lead enclosing silver is lead from silver pits; inside of it all flve colors may appear. All [these kinds] are wondrous.Le ping lead from Shang rao is secondary to [lead from」 Po si/Persiaand herb node [lead]. Lead carryingaplateis an offspring
ofiron.Ttis ofno use. Lead from Wo/Japan can be used to work on gold.'”Ihe 7 5Zz 之 2e7/ 7z/7/ 2e7/ cgzo states: Lead is theancestor of the flve metals. Hence it is called supervisor of the five metals and envoy to pursue the 27z-soul. Ihat is to say it is capable of subduing the flve metals and of killing the eight minerals. Orpiment is
/2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
an ofspring of gold. Jnside it contains lead di. ft is the ancestor of yellow metal gold. Ihe lead found in silver pits is the ancestor of white metal/silver. Lead from XX 及in zhou mixed with [the qi of] copper is the ancestor of red metal/lead. Ihat
which has identical qq With_tin,itis the ancestor of greenitsh metal/tin. Cinnabar is subdued by lead anditis killed by sulphur. Sulphur loves to be combined with lead,and it is subdued by salammoniac. Jron loves to be combined with magnetite, and itis killed by lead. Realgar loves to be combined with lead, and it is killed by zcz7222z7zzxz [root bark]|. Hence, the changes and transformations undergone by lead are very many. One change of it results in lead carbonate.A second change of it results in minium.A third change of it results in litharge.A fourth change of it results in lead acetate. The /z7 ,27 2z2 227 //7/ states: ITf lead is to be made immune to fre, it is mandatory to avail oneself of the mender of heaven. If one wishes to harden its physical appearance,how could heneglegt the purple back? Ihe “mender of heavem' is the “stone to supplement heaven.”Z7 2e/ 蔡 背 ,“purple back,”is zzZog [herb], #zz gz7z 天 葵.
濾 員 時 珍 曰】 凡 用 以 鐵 鈍 溶化 寫 上, 治 【 修 】【 其 黑 錫 ,灰 則 以 鉛 沙 取 黑灰。 白 錫 ,灰 不入 藥 。
去 渣 ,腳 如 此 數
次 收用 ,。
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Li| Shizhen: For all usages, melt itin an iron kettle
and let it flow on atile. Pass it through asieve to remove the dregs. Repeat this several times and store [the lead for later| use. Black tin/lead ashes are black ashes obtained from lead sand.White tin ashes are not added to medication.
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
寒 , 無 專。【 藏 器 日】 小 毒。
Qiand Flavor. Sweet, cold, nonpoisonous.[Chen] Cangdqi: Slightly poisonous.
【 主治 】 鎮 心安 ,神 治 傷寒 毒氣 , 反胃 嘔 嘆, 蛇 蜴 所 咬, 炙 贍 之 。 大 明 ,。 療 瘦 ,瘤 鬼 半氣 性。 錯 烏末 , 和 青木 香, 傅 瘡 腫 惡 毒。 藏 器。 消 療 凝 塑 膈消 渴風 癇, 解 金 石 藥 腫 , 明 目 固 牙, 局 据 ,髮 治 實 ,女 殺 日 堅 ,瘓 治 嘲 毒 。 時珍。 Control. It presses down_ [the qi of」]the heart and pacifiles the spirit. It serves to
cure poison qi associated with harm caused by cold, and turned over stomach with Vomiting and belching. Cauterize locations where a snake or alizard has bitten and press hot [lead] on it. It serves to cure goiter and tumors, demon qi and at-
tachmentillness25 associated with the hostile. Ground toapowderand mixed with 2zcZ/z7z2Z7zz [root] itis to be applied to sores and swelling associated with malign poison.[Chen] Cangdqi. It serves to dissolve scrofula and swelling associated with 25o Z2z 症 , also x2z 注 , “attachment-ilness,/ “influx崗 nesss,”reflects anotion of aforeign
pathogenic agent, oripinally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM DictLp 688-695.
C/2z2/e7 2
obstruction-iHness.和 Tt clears the eyes, stabilizes the teeth,and blackens beard and
hair on the head. ltservesto cure girls with vaginalmalformation, kills worms/bugs,
sends down phlegmy cures gullet occlusionm,melting with thirst= and wind epilepsy: It serves to dissolve the poison of metals,minerals and medication. [Li] Shizhen. OS-IO-OI
錫 。灰 /Jezx7722z
Blacktinashes (made oflead andsulphur)-
【 主 】治 積 ,聚 殺 軒 , 同 檳榔
未 等 ,分 五 更 米 飲 。服 震 亨 。
ontrolL Foraccumulations and collections,and to kill worms/bugs,mix
也em with
an ecqual amount of zyecz [nut] powder and ingest this with arice beverage at the ffth nightwatch. [Zhu] Zhenheng-
【 精, 丹 另 毒, 穿孔 也 。 分, 士
俊 】【 明 好 古 日】 黑 錫 屬 。【 門 時 珍 日】 鉛 秉 北 英 方 水 之 ,氣 陰極 之 其 體重 ,實 其 性 滿 ,滑 其色 黑, 內 于通 剖 , 故 局 方 黑 錫 、丹 宣明 補 真 皆 用 。之 得 示 交 ,感 即 能 治 一 陰陽 切 混淆 , 上 盛 下 ,虛 氣 升 不 ,降 發 為 吐 聊 ,運 喳 膈反胃 , 危 放 諸 ,疾 所 謂 鎮刻 之 劑 , 有 反正 之 。功 但 性 帶 陰 不 可 多 ,服 恐 傷人 心 胃 。耳 鉛 性 又 能 入 肉 , 故 女 子 以 鉛 紅珠 耳 , 即 自 。 實 女 無 罕 ,者 以 鉛 作 ,狂 逐日 給 ,之 久久 自 。開 此 皆 音人 所 未 知者 鉛 變化 詞 胡 粉、 黃 、丹 密 陀 、僧 鉛 白 ,霜 其 功 皆 與 鉛 。同 但胡 粉入 氣 黃 丹 入 血 ,分 密 陀 僧 鎮 卒下 行 , 鉛 白 宁 專 治上 焦 胸 ,膈 此 烏 異 。耳 方 又 鑄 烏 ,梳 梳 磊 鬍 令 光 。黑 或用 藥 煮 ,之 尤 佳 。
Explication.[Wang] Haogu: Black tin/lead is associated with_the kidneys. [Li Shizhen: Lead has the qi of the North, of gz7 笑 銜, and of water. It is the essence
of cxtreme yin. Its body is heavy and solid. Tts nature is moistening and smooth. Its color is black. Internally it penetrates the kidneys. Hence such offhcial recipes as the_ black tin/lead elixir and the elixir to spread clarity and to supplement the genuine, they both make use of it. When it interacts With mercury it can serve to cure al types of yin and yang[qij confusion, when they are plenty above but depleted below when the qi rise but fail to descend, resulting in vomiting, dizziness and [brain] movement in gullet occlusion with turned over stomach and all types of criticalillnesses.Itisaso called [pharmaceutical] preparation to press and weigh 25I zzg 并 , “obstruction崗 ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside thebody Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BVGCM DictL 64L.
252 有 zz2 &e 消 VollL,567.
洶 ,“melting with thirstb7mostlikely including cases of diabetes.BCGM Dict
253 Gzz 美 is the Ioth of the Heavenly Stems. It is associated with the North, similarly to “Water
/2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
down' and has the function of reversing [what is wrong] to what is right. However its nature includes yin poisonm and itmust not be ingested in ]arge quantities, lest it harm heart and stomach. Ihe nature of lead, in addition, is capable of entering the
flesh. Hence,when girls pierce their ears with lead pearls, eventually 也ey will bore holes. When abarren girl has her vagina closed,abarb made of lead is used to pull on it day after day. Eventually after a long time,it wi open. All these are methods unknown to the people in ancient ttimes. When lead is changed and transformed to lead carbonate, to minium, to litharge, and to lead acetate, the [therapeutic] func~ tions of all [these products] are identical to those of lead. However lead carbonate
enters the qisection. Minium enters the blood section. Litharge serves to press and weigh down and moves downward. Lead acetate is especially suitable for curing lilinesses affecting] the Upper Burnep chest and diaphragm. Ihis is where they 糾 differ. Ihe recipe masters cast [lead] to produce combs,and with these combs they
comb beard and hair on the head to give itablack luster. Orit is boiled with pharmaceutical substances to [prepare medication that is] especially good.
【 附 方】 舊 ,四 新 十 七 。 Added Recipes. Four of old. ri7 newly |recordedl
局 宗 明 。目 黑 半鉛 斤 , 鍋 內 鑽 ,汁 旋 入 桑 條 ,灰 柳 木 攪 成 ,沙 牙 目, 黑 肚 。髮 勝 金方 。 措 ,牙 以 水 漱 口 洗 ,目 能 固 明
帥末 。 每 早
To blacken the beard and clear the eyes. Melt half a 7zz of black lead inapot to obtain aliquid, add mulberry twig ashes,and stir this with a piece of willow wood until a sand has formed. Pass it through asieve to obtain apowder. Use this to rub your teeth every morning.Also rinse the mouth with water and wash the eyes. Ihis can stabilize the teeth and clear the eyes. It blackens the beard and the hair on the head. $2e7zc 777z /7zo.
措 牙 局 。需 黑 鉛 消 ,化 以 不 蝦蛀 英寸 日用 措 。牙 摘 去 白 ,贏 黑 者 更 不 白也 。
切 投入 , 炒
成 ,買 入
鹽 少許 , 研 勻 ,
Torub the teeth to blacken the moustache. Melt black lead [to obtain aliquid] to which are added go/ezZz/yzz [seeds], uninfested by worms/bugs and cut into pieces of
one zz length. Ihis is fried untila charcoal has formed.Add asmall amount of salt and grind this evenly [to a powder] and use this to rub the teeth every day. Pluck out white moustache [hair|,and theblack [hairj will not turn white.
又 :方 黑 錫 一 ,斤 炒 ,灰 埋 中地 五 措 ,牙 百 日 。效 普 濟 。
,日 入
升 、麻 細
辛、 訶 子 同 炒 。黑 日 用
C/2z2/e7 2
Another recipe. Fry one 7Zzz of black tin/lead to ashes and bury them underground for five days. Ihen add /777zzc2/gz [Thizome」|, Zvz7z/77 2e/7o2972ey root and /77z7772772
fruit, and fry this until they have turned black. Use this to rub the teeth every day An effect will be achieved within Ioo days. /z 志
方 同上 。 。搖 牙 齡 動 For lose teeth,recipe identical to the one above.
局失 鉛 。梳 鉛 十 ,兩 錫 三 ,兩 婆 龜 得 三 ,個 針 、砂 熟地 黃半 兩, 茵 、根 桃皮 一 兩 , 沒 石子 、 詞 黎 勒上 、友 流 、黃 石 榴 、皮 慈 石、 吳 、志 烏麻油 各 錢 半 , 烏 末 , 先 化 、鉛 錫 , 入末 一 半 , 柳 木 攪 ,勻 傾入 梳 模子 , 印 重 五 。日 每 齒 。 餘末 同 水 煮 ,梳 三 日 三 ,夜 水 耗 加 。之 取 出 , 故 吊 包 皮 襯 手 梳 一 百下 , 須 先 以 呢 雁 水 洗 淨 拭 。贅 普 濟 。
胡 二 成修 以熟
To blacken thebeard with alead comb. [Required are] ten /z7ze of lead. hree /z7zg
of tin. Jhree pieces 2//o2e.34 本 alf a /Zz7ze cach of iron fragments and processed Chinese foxglove |rhizomej, one /zzzp of madder root and walnut peel two and a half 7zzz each of nutga]11s, /777zz7zz/7z fruit, sulphup pomegranate Tind, magnetite,
melanterite,and black sesame oil, ground to apowder. First melt the lead and the tin and thenadd [to theliquid metals] one half of the powder. Stir this with apiece of willow wood, pour [theliquidj intoacomb mold and eventually finely work out
the teeth [ofthe comb]. Ihe comb is then boiled together with theremaining [half of the] powder in water for three days and three nights, permanently refilling the water. Ihen take [the comb out of the water] and tightly wrap it with an old piece of silk for flve days. For each application, wipe the comb with processed leather Ioo times. [Before usingit to comb the beard] it is essential to first wash it clean with
ge2z/zz waterp and then to wipe it dry / 選 埃
醫 臟 氣 發 一 ,兩 射 內 , 覆 ,住 或通氣 即
攻心 , 香 一 竺 愈。 如
面 黑 。錢 先 冷 研, 取 大 便
欲 死, 及 諸 氣 奔 豚 喘 。急 鉛 二 兩 , 石 亭 脂 二 ,兩 木 香 化 鉛 炒 ,諺 入 亭 脂 急 ,炒 焰 起 以酪 噴 之, 傾 地入 坑 丸 子 。大 每 用 二丸 , 熱 酒 化 取服 汁, 或 下, 栗 飯炙 不 ,通 再 用 一 ,丸 入 明率 粉 五 。分 聖 濟錄 。
Qifrom thelong-term depot kidneys eftuses to attack the heart with the face turning black and [the patient beingj close to dying. Also all sorts of running piglet2 di associated With hectic panting. [Reduired are] two /z7ze of lead, two /z7e of red sulphur one Zzzc of zzcZ/z7z2772z [root|j,and one zz7z of musk.Firstmelt the lead and 254 According to Li Shizhens comment in BCGM 35-27 ooZzoze 婆羅 得 is aSanskrit name
meaning reincarnation fruit”ofatree gprowing in Persia. A botanical identification appears impossible. 255 zz Z7z 豚 ,“running piglet, "is an accumulation of di associated with the kidneys and moving upward and downward at irregular intervals. BCGM DictL, 7
/2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
fry it until it has dried. Ihen add the red sulphur and quickly fry this again. Once flames rise, spray vinegar on themy, pour [the mass] into an earth pit and cover it. Wait forit to have cooled down grind it [to a powder] and prepare, With cooked millety pills the size of 7zzz seeds. For cach application use two pils, and |let the patient] ingest them dissolved in hot Wine until he sweats, or has a discharge, or
releases [intestinal| wind. Ihis is evidence thatacure is achieved. Jf defecation re-
mains blocked,apply one more pill with five /ez of exsiccated sodium sulfate. $2e7zg 有 227
。 方 同上 。 痛 婦人 血氣 , 冷 攻心 [Stagnant] blood and qi of women, With cold [qi] causing pain and attacking the heart. Recipe identical to the one above.
風 癇 吐 ,沫 反目 抽 學 , 久 患 。者 黑 、鉛 水 銀 結 ,砂 南星 炮 , 各 一 ,兩 但 末 , 糯 飯 丸 菜豆 。大 一 歲 一 ,丸 乳汁 下 。 普 濟 方 。 For those who have suffered for along ttme_ from wind epilepsy with vomiting foam, reversed eyes and convulsions [of hands and feed|. Grind one /Zzzg each of black lead conglomerated With mercury to a sand, and z7zyzezzz root, roasted in a
pan,toapowder Ihis is to be prepared, With glutinous rice, to pills the size of mung beans. One p 崗 per year [of life of the patient] is to be sent down with a nursing mothers milk sap. 上 二 7
反胃 只 。逆 黑 鉛 化 ,汁 以 柳 木 想 研 成 ,粉 一 ,兩 入米醋 入 蒸 末餅 少許 , 擠 丸 小 豆 。大 人 每 服 一 ,丸 董 湯 。下 聖 濟 。
一 ,升 砂鍋
鰲膏 ,
Turned overstomach with belching and countermovement [of food/qi]- Melt black lead to alhquid and grind itwith awillow wood mallet until a powder has formed. Take one /zzg add one y2zzce ofrice vinegar and simmer this inan earthenware pot to a paste. Add asmall amount of steamed cake powderp pound this and prepare ps the size of small beans. 紀 ach ttme ingest one pill, to be sent down with ginger decoction. $2e7z 太
多 反胃 年 不 。止 茲 背 二 鉛 兩 , 石 亭 脂 二 ,兩 覽 鹵 汁 五 ,兩 燒 ,鉛 以 鹵 汁 淬 盡 , 與 亨 脂 同 炒 焰 ,起 挑計 水上 , 焰 ,止 研 ,丑 蒸 和餅 丸 梧 子 。大 每 服二 十 ,丸 苹 石 、夢 惕 柿 湯 。下 聖 濟 錄 。 Turned over stomach for many years without end.[|Required are] two /z7zge of purple back lead, two /zzg of red sulphur and five /z7zze of brine. Heat the lead and
dip it into the brine until the latter is all used up. Ihen fry [the lead] with the red sulphuruntil smoke rises and coverit with waterto suffocate the smoke. Grind [the
mass] to an evenly mixed [powderj, and form this, with steamed cakes, to pills the
C/2z2/e7 2
size of voz seeds. 弓ach time ingest 2o p 記 s,to be sent down with adecoction of lotus [seeds] and dried persimmon [fruit」|. 52ezzg 去 太
消 導 煩 。閃 黑 、鉛 水
銀 等 ,分 結
如 。泥 常 含 豆 ,許 吞
津。 聖惠 方 。
Melting With thirst,2 unrest and heart-pressure. Bring equal amounts of black lead and mercury together to congeal to something like mud. Regularly hold in your mouth apiece roughly the size of asoybean and swallow the resulting fluid. $2e7 2z/7 /277g.
寸 白 蟲 。病 先 食 豬 肉 一 ,片 乃 以 沙 饒 水 調 黑 釦 灰 四 ,錢 五 更 服 。之 加 畫 下 , 食 白 繼 一 日。 許 學 士 病 嘈雜 , 服 此 下 二 ,罷 一 寸 ,斷 一 長 二 尺 五 寸 , 文 也。 本事 方 。 節 節有 斑 Tapeworm disease.First eat one piece of pork. Ihenmatthe fifth night watch,ingest four 27zz of black lead ashes mixed with sugar water and all the worms will be discharged. 紀 at white congee a11 day long. Scholar Xu suffered from aclamoring [stomach]- He ingestedthis [medication] and discharged two worms.One was only
one cz7z long. Ihe other one was two c2zand flve zzz long. Jt had nodes and amulticolored line design. 5 527 /7zo
水 腫 浮 。滿 局 錫 五 ,兩 呢 三 ,升 即 。消 千 金 嘿。
雁 一 挺 ,灸
酒二 斗 , 煮六 沸。 頻 。服 至
小 便 二出
Waterswelling with floating fuliness.Five //zzg of blacklead and one stick of g/z2Z7/ yzz [bark],roasted, are boiled in two Zozofwine six times to bubbling to be ingested
repeatedly Once two to three vy2zzge of urine are released, [the water swelling] wi
have dissolved. 07zz7z.7z7z/ 籽
小 便 不 。通 黑 鉛 末錯 一 ,兩 生 半 董 兩, 燈 臍。 聖惠 方 。
心 一 ,握 井 水 辟 。服 先 以 炒 葷 貼
Blocked urination. One /zzzze of black lead ground toapowdep half a /Zz7ze of fresh pginger and one handful of rushes are boiled in well water to be ingested. Before [having the patient ingest this] apply roasted onions to his navel. $2e7zg 2z/7 /7zg.
廳 然 醫 。嗽 爐 中 鉛 、屑 桂 鴉。 備急 方。 五 ,丸 忌 Sudden cough.[Grind]
心、 呢
英 等 ,分 詞 末 , 蜜
丸 如 梧 子大 。 每 下飲 十
equal amounts of lead fragments from within a furnace,
cdyyzz bark and ge/zZz/zz[bark] toapowderto be formed,with honey to pills the size
of voz seeds. 紀 ach time send down with abeverage IT5 p 過s. [During the treatment
avoid onions. 27 及 7 256 有 zz2 &e 消 VollL,567.
洶 ,“melting with thirstb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes.BCGM Dict
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
療 翊 結核 。 鉛 三 兩 , 鐵器 炒 取 黑 ,灰 醋和 塗上 , 故 吊 貼 ,之 頻 ,換 去 惡 汁 。 如 此 半月, 不 痛 不 破 , 內 消 為 水 而 愈。 劉 參 錫 信傳 方 。 Scrofula with nodes. Try three /Zzzc of lead in an iron vessel to obtain black [leadl|
ashes. Mix them with vinegap apply this to [the affected region] and cover it with an old piece of silk. Replace it frequently and discard the malign liquid. ff this is continued for half a month, there will be no more pain and no open wound.[Ihe nodes] w 計 have internally dissolved to watep and this is the cure. Liu Yuxi, C2zz27 %777 /2722.
癱間 發 。背 黑 鉛 一 ,斤 甘草
三 兩 微 ,鱗 瓶 盛 酒 一 斗 浸 甘 ,草 乃
中 , 如此 九 ,度 去 塗 飲 酒。 醉覓 即 。愈 經
鑽 鉛 投酒
驗方 。
Qbstruction-iness and impedimentrillness 和 7 with effusion on the back.[Required
are] one 7zzz of black lead and three /z7zge of slightly roasted gzZycyyy27zxz [root]. Soak the gpZycyy7y2zzz [rootlinabottle flled with one Zoz of wine, then melt the lead and
pouritinto the wine.Continue like this nine times. Ihen discard the dregs and [let the patient| drink the wine. Once he is drunk, heis tolie down and will be cured. ./77zg 77 /2729
金 石 藥 毒。 黑 飲。 膀 金 方 。
鉛 一斤 , 鑽 ,化 投
酒 一 ,升 如此 十
餘 ,次 竺
酒半 至 升,
Metalb mineral, medication poison. Melt one 7zz of black lead and pour it into one y2ezg of wine.Continue like this more than ten times. Once the wine has decreased
to half a y2e7ze [let the patientj ingest it 4 at once. S$2e7 寢 zz
取 輕 粉 毒。 出 山 黑 鉛 五 ,斤 打 電 一 ,把 盛燒酒 十 五 ,斤 納 休 士 冬半 斤 , 乳 日 任性 飲 數 盃 。 香 三 ,錢 封 ,固 重 湯 煮 一 日 ,夜 埋 土中 , 出 火 。毒 每 早晚 後 吧用 盆 接 小 ,便 自有 粉 出 烏 。驗 服 至筋骨 不 ,痛 乃 。止 醫 方摘要 。 To eliminate calomel poison. Forge a kettle out of flve 7Zz of mountain black lead and fill it With 5 7/zz of brandy. Add half a 7zzz of glabrous greenbrier rhizome and three 7zzz of frankincense, close [the kettle] tightly and boilitin ahot water bath forone dayandonenight.Buryitinsoilto have the fire qi leave. 紀ach morning and cach evening force yourself to drink several cups. Later collect the resulting urine inaclay tub and once calomel is released [and is visible there」j, this is proof [of an etective therapy]. Ingest [the medication] until sinews and bones do no longer
ache. hen stop. 五 多zze 2227 yo. 257 玫 72 及 癱 疸,“obstruction-ilness,impediment-illness.”refers totwovapguelydistinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through te surface to cause an abscess. BCVGM Dict L, 642.
C//z2/e7 2
解 礙 箱 毒。 煩 躁如 狂 , 心腹 危 方 。 一 得 灌 。之 華 化 病
療 ,痛 四
在 肢 厥 ,冷 命 須
鉛 兩, 磨 水 與。 黑 四
To resolve arsenic poison, accompanied by restlessness as if it were madness, flatu-
lent pain in the central and abdominal region and recession cold in the four imbs, With ifeinacritical stage. Rub four Zoe of black lead in one bowl of water and forcefeed this [to the patient」- 號 zz 7z2 oz7 277zg /27ze
硫 黃 毒。 黑
簡方 。
錫 煎 湯 ,服 即 。解 集
To resolve sulphur poison. Boil black tin/lead in water and ingest this. Ihis will resolve [the poison」]. 形 7Zz7z
欽 霜 日華 07g7z 527Zzg7zoy 上 匕 人 7 2z/2. Lead frost. Lead acetate,
名】 鈴 白 寐 。 【 釋 Explanation of Names. Ozzz 227 2zz7g 鈴
林 White lead frost。 白 ,“
【 修 】【 治 頌 日 】 欽 ,林 用欠 雜 水 銀 十 五 分 之 一 合 作鍊 片 , 置 酪 比 中密 封, 經久 成 。【 箱 時 珍 曰】 以 打鈴 成 ,錢 穿 成 ,串 吧 盆 生 盛 醋 , 以 串 橫盆 中 , 離 酪 三 ,寸 仍 吧以 盆 覆 ,之 置 陰 ,處 候 生 箱 刷下 , 仍 合 住 。 Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Su] Song:[Io produce] lead acetate, mix lead and
mercury in aproportion ofIs toprefine [the mixture] with heat, give it into avin-
egar bottle and close it tightly Ihe frost will form after some extended time. [Li Shizhen: JMIake lead to coins, pierce them to generate astring, ll an earthenware bowl with vinegar and suspend the string in the bowl, three zz7z above the vinegar. Then cover the bowlwith alid and place itatashady location. Wait until frost develops, scrape it of [for later use] and cover [the bowl againl.
【 氣 】味 甘 、 酸 , 也 。
冷 , 無 毒 。,【 宗
日 】 錐 箱 塗 木瓜 , 即失 酸 味 , 金克 木
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, soup cold, nonpoisonous. [Kou] Zongshi: Apply lead acetate
to c2zezz27ze/zy fruit, and it will lose its sour favor. Ihis is [an example of」metal
subduing wood.
【 主 】治 消 ,瘓 止 驚 ,悸 解 酒 ,毒 去 胸 膈 煩 ,交 中 風 瘓 ,實 止 。憑 大 明 ,。 去 膈 熱 涎 塞。 宗 。畝 治 吐 ,逆 鎮 驚 去 ,怯 黑 籲 。髮 時 珍 。 ontrol. Tt dissolves phlegm, ends fright palpitation, resolves the poison of wine, removes unrestand heart-pressure from chest and diaphragm,|[serves to] cure being
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
struck by wind and phlegm repletion,presses down frightand eliminates timidity. It blackens beard and hair on the head.
瘓 嬰 窟 閱 滯 ,爍 今 醫 用家 之 尤多 。 明 頌 日】 欽 寐 性 極 ,冷 治 風 及 【 發 】【 【 時 珍 日 】 鈴 寐 乃 欠 未 之 交氣 感 英 華 所 結, 這 家 謂 之 神 符 白雪 , 其 牙 瘓去 在上 焦 者, 宣 此 清 鎮 。 非久服 常用 之 物 。爾 病 熱 , 定 澡 止 ,瀉 蓋有 奇效 , 但 Explication. [Su] Song: Lead frost/acetate is of extremely cold nature. It is a pharmaceutical drug serving to cure wind phlegm and sluggish [qi] of children caused by fright. Joday physicians resort to it very often. [Li| Shizhen: Lead frost/acetate is the congealed splendor resulting from an interaction of the qi of lead and mercury Ihe Daoists callit “white frostofadivine tally "Since it brings down phlegm and removes heat, settles fright and ends outflow it has extraordinary effects, but it is nothing that can be ingested regularly over along time. When adisease is located in the Upper Burnep lead frost/acetate is suitable for clearing and cooling-
【 附 方】 舊 二, 新 九。 Added Recipes.
ITwo of old. Nine newly [recorded]
黃 半分 , 鐵 小 兒 驚 熱。 心 肺 積 ,熱 夜 臥多 驚 。 錐 箱、 牛 各 每 服 一字 , 竹 瀝 調 。下 聖 濟 錄 。
粉 一 ,分 研 勻 。
Fright associated with heat of children. When heat has accumulated in heart and
lung and [the children] are affected by much fright when they lie down to sleep at nipght. Grrind half a /zz each of lead frost/acetate and bezoar With one /zz of iron
powderto an even [mixture] and each time [let the patient] ingest one > to be sent
down With bamboo stem juice. 52e72 再 2
人 梅 驚 風 癇 ,疾 嗆 閉 牙 。緊 鈴 白 夭 一字 , 蟾 酥 少許 , 詞 末 , 局 藥, 良久 便 。開 普 濟 方 。 吹 措 之, 仍 通關
肉 蔭 藥 於 齦上
了jaw.[Grind] one 2 9 Fright wind有8 With epilepsy ness, throat closure and loc
white lead frost with asmall amount of toad venom to apowder. Dip smoked plum meatinto this medication and rub it on the [patients] gums.Also,blowa“medica~tion to penetrate closures [into the patients nostrils]. After an extended period of
time[the throat| w 記 open. 選
霧 /7ze
258 7z7zzg zzg 藤 風 ,“frightwindy "acondition of children characterised by jerking and arched backrigidity eyeballs turned upward, and twitching hands and legs.BCGM Dict L 26I, also 238, 24o.
C//z2/e7 2
丸 子 。大 綿 ,裹 含 化 嚥 汁 。 消 渴 煩 。熱 欠 白 、舌 枯 白 棱 等 ,分 烏 末 , 蜜 炙 Meltting with thirst,32 accompanied by unrest and heat.[Grind] eqdual amounts of
white lead frost and prepared alum to apowder and form, with honey p 包s the size of 27zz7z seeds. Wrap them into apiece of silk, hold this in the mouth and swallow
theresulting juice.
每 又 :方 鈴 白 箱 一 ,兩 根 、黃 消 各石 一 ,兩 烏 末 。 人 冷水
服 一 。錢 聖 濟 錄 。
Anotherrecipe.[Grind] one Zzzce of white lead frost and one /zzzg each of madder and nitrokalite to a powdep and each time [let the patient] ingest With cold water
Onc 27277. 52e7z 紀 7 /.
喉 痺 腫 。痛 鈴 一 ,丸 立 。效 聖
白 、宁 甘草 上 半 兩, 青
備 一 ,兩 烏 末 , 酯
糊 丸 次 子大 。 每 含 只
濟錄 。
Throat closure with apainful swelling.[Grind] half a zzzge of white lead frost and 7ycyy7727%z [root| with one zzzge of natural indigo to a powder and prepare, with
vinegar and wheat filour p 記s the size of 7zzz seeds. For each application hold one
記in themouth and swallow [the resulting juice]. 52zz 埃 太.
懸 癱 腫 。痛 鈴 白 町 一 ,分 甘草半生 半 炙 一 ,分 詞 末 , 繡 裏 含 嚥。 聖惠 方 。 Hanging obstruction-ilness2 with painful swelling.[Grind] one /z of white lead frost and one /7z of ozZycyyy27zzz [rootd|, half raw half roasted, to apowdep wrap it in
apiece ofsilk,holditin themouth and swallow [theresultingjuice]. 52e7ze 2z7 7ze
口 准 齦 ,爛 氣 昊 血 。出 不 拘大 人 小 。兒 鈴 白 稱、 銅 各 綠 二 錢 , 白 杉 豆許 , 之。 宣明 方。 詞末 掃 QOral gz7-illness潑 With festering gums,malodorous qi and release of blood. Regardless of whether [patients are] adults or children.[Grind] two 7zzz cach of white
lead frostand verdigris with abean-size piece of unprocessed alum to apowder and apply this [to the affected region」]. 六 zz7z 7z27zg 7
參 zz2 &z 消
洶 ,“melting With thirst, “mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
26o 攻 zg 及 癱 疸, “obstruction-illness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BVCGIM Dict L 642. 26I Gzz 開 , “oz7z廬ness, also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCVGJM _Dict
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
鼻 卹 不 止。 鈴 白 末夭 , 新 汲 水 服 一 。字 十
全 博 救方 。
Unending nosebleed. Ingest with newly drawn water one zz of white lead frost. $2 27Z/277 22 77z/ /277.
痔瘡 腫 。痛 釣 白 、霜 白 片 腦 半各 字 , 酒 調 塗 ,之 隨手 見效。 嬰 童 百 問, Piles sores with painful swelling. Mix halfa 2z each of white lead frost and bornedol and apply this [to the affected region]. An effect will be apparent right away 了 zz 謂 7z 27z7 YOe77z.
室 女 經 ,閉 恍惚
地 黃 汁 一 ,合 調 下 , 日 三 。服 聖惠 方 。
箱 兩, 生 煩 熱。 鈴 半
Blocked menstruation of an unmarried woman, With absent-mindedness, unrest
and heat. Have her send down with one se of fresh Chinese foxglove [rhizomel
Juice half a /z7zc of lead frost/acetate. lo be ingested three times a day. SZ2e7zg 27/7 zz
梳疾 令 。黑 錐 包舌 梳 , 日 日 梳 ,之 勝 於 染 。者 普 濟方 。 Toblacken hairon theheadbycombing it.Wrapacomb with lead frost/acetate and comb the [hair] every day Ihis is better than dying it. 嚷 埃Zoe Oo8-I2
粉 錫 本 下經 品 了 ezz xy, 上 弓 Tinpowder. Lead carbonate.
【 釋 】名 解 錫 液 、 光 粉 日 、華 粉 也 , 而謂 之 錫, 故 名 鈴 。錫
27 777zo lower rank,
本 、經 鈴 粉 綱 、目 鈴 華 白 粉 湯 液、 水 粉 綱 、目 粉 ,錫 事 與 今 乖。【 時 釋名 日: 胡 者 餓 ,也 和
白 言 其 。色 俗 呼 吳 越 者 詞 官 ,粉 韶
綱目 、 胡 官 粉。【 晶 鈴、 珍 】 脂 以 餓
州者 記 普
粉 弘 弘 錫 面 。也
景、 定 粉 藥性 、 邑 景 曰】 即 今 化 錐 作所 一 類 ,也 古人 名 鈴 定 、 邑 言 其 ,形 光
粉湯 胡 烏黑 、
粉, 辰 州 者 詞 辰 粉 。
Explanation of Names../e xz 解 錫 , “resolved tin,”7ezz 7-7zge 0O7z7 /zz 鈴 粉, “lead powdep”Gzzzg 2
z zz 胡
粉 , “sticky
xzzg. 欣 光 粉 ,“shiny powderp” 和7 2z/2. 及27 /z 白
zz 凡 粉, 粉 ,“white
Ozzz 2zz 鈴華 , “lead splendop”Gzzzp 2zz.
Hongjing. zzg /z 定 粉, “fixed powdep”2
te powderp 727z ) Gz27zc 7
powdep”7zzzge ye. $2z7z zz 水 粉 ,“watery powder”Gzzz./7 官 粉 ,“offacial powder [Tao] Hongjing:This is the todays“sticky powdep”2/7 胡 粉 ,prepared from lead. It was called /7zz x7 粉 錫 ,“powdered tin”[in the 5ez cz9],but this is something en-
tirely differentfrom [whatis meant by this termj today [Li] Shizhen: Lead and tin
belong to the same group. The ancients named lead “black tin”2e7 x7 黑 錫 . Hence the name tin for lead. The 527 zzzg says:“/7z 胡 is 2 餓 , paste,”because mixed
C//z2/e7 2
With fat it becomes asticky powder. zzzg 定 ,“fixed,”and oz 凡 ,“tile,”are to express the shapes [oflead]. Gzzzzg 光 ,“shiny”and 227
日,“white,"are to describe its color.
In Wuand Yue it is commonly [termed] gzzzz/zz 官 粉, “ofcial powder”In Shao
Zhouitis $2z2/z7 競 粉 ,“powder from Shao,"”andin Chen zhouitis called “powder from Chen。
【 胡 不 英 參 粉 灰,
正 】【 誤 恭 日】 欽 、丹 胡 ,粉 實用 炒 錫 ,造 陶 言 化 錐 誤 。【 吳 震 粉 是 錫 ,粉 非 鈴 粉 。也 古 人 以 錫 為 ,粉 婦人 用 以 附 面 ,者 其色 類 入可 藥 。【 志 日】 粉 、錫 黃 丹 二 ,物 俱 是化 多 為 。之 英 公 。” 李 勤 序 辯 者, 謂 此 也 。 按 李 光含 音 義 :雲 黃 、丹 胡 粉 皆 是 化 ,鈴 未聞 用 同 契 :雲 胡 粉 災投 中 , 色 還 壞 為 。鈴 抱 朴 子 內 篇 雲: 思 人 不信 黃 時 珍 日】 錫 則炒 矣 是 化 鈴 所作 。 蘇 恭 以 二 物 俱 炒 錫 ,作 大誤 。【 量 有 白粉 ? 蘇 恭 已 ,誤 而朱 震 孚 復 忠 其 ,誤 何 哉 ?
亨日 】 脆肉 , 云 鈴錫 錫者 。 、丹 胡 成 黑
Correction of Errors. [Su] Gong: Qzzz zz 鈴 丹 and 2 /z 胡 粉 are practically
producedby frying tin.When Tao [Hongjing」 states that it is transformed lead, he is wrong. [Zhu] Zhenheng: 到 zz /z 胡 粉 is zz 7 錫 粉 ,“tin powdery”it is not 7727 /z 鈴 粉, “lead powder”The ancients prepared atin powder and the women used
itto apply it to their face. Tts color is that of muscle flesh; it must not be added to medication.[Ma] Zhi: zz x7 粉 錫 and 2zz7g Zzz 黃 丹 are two different items,but both are transformation products of lead. When Lil, the Duke of Ying,in apref-
ace states: “Lead and tin are not to be distinguished, then this is meant. According to Li Hanguang in his 77 “both zz7zo 2Z27 and 2z/ /zz are transformed lead; have not heard of tin being made use of.”Ihe Czz 名 zze 27 states: “When 2z /7z is dropped into charcoal, its color decays and is reverted to that of lead.”Ihe 25z272 ?7 /Ve7 27z7/ states:“Jpgnorant people do not believe that 2zzz7zo Z27z and 2z /7z are transformation products of lead. When Su Gong assumes that both are produced by frying tin, thatis a great mistake. [Li] Shizhen: When tin is fried, this results in black ashes; how could this be a white powderP Su Grong already was wrongy and 乙hu /henheng repeated this mistake. But why?
【 集 解 】【 時 珍 曰】 按 墨 子 雲: 參 造 粉。 張 華 博 志物 雲: 對 燒 鈴 作錫 粉 。 則 粉 之 來 吉亦 吳。 今 金 、陵 杭 州、 韶 州、 辰 州 皆 造 ,之 而 辰 粉 尤 ,真 其 色 帶 。青 彼 人 言 造 :法 每欠 百 ,斤 鉻 ,化 削 成 薄片 , 卷 作 ,筒 安 錄木 內 , 廳 封 縫 。 風 爐 安 四火 兩 , 套 一 下、 鉑 中 各 安 酪 一 瓶, 外 以 覽泥 固 ,濟 紙 錄 七, 便 入 掃 水 缸 ,內 依 令 封 。養 次 次 如此 , 錐盡 詞 。度 不 畫 ,者 留 作炒 黃 丹。 每 粉 一 ,斤 入 豆 粉 二 ,兩 蛤 四粉 兩, 水 內 攪 ,勻 澄 去 清水 。 用細 灰 按 成 ,溝 紙 隔 數層 , 赴 粉 於上 , 將 ,腥 截 員成 定 ,形 竺 乾 收 。起 而 泡 成大 處 。之 何 環 中 衡志 言 : 桂林 所 作 錐 粉 最有 名 , 謂 之 桂 ,粉 以 黑 欽 看 糟 比 老化 春 餘 冬 錄 :雲 高 陽 欠產 , 居民 多 胡造 粉 。 其 :法 欽 塊 鬆 酒 和 內 , 封閉 四 十
九 利 毒, 時 不
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
,日 開 之 則 化 烏 粉 。吳 化 不 白者, 炒 記 黃 。丹 黃 丹當 為密陀 甚 。博 其 鈴 氣有 毒 , 工人 必食 肥豬 犬 ,肉 飲酒 及 鐵 胡」以 厭 之。 輒 病人至 死 。 長 幼 烏 惠 蔓 蒸, 多 癥 黃 北 姨 而 。禾 其 法 旨略 不 速化 烏利故 爾。 又 可 見 音人 炒 錫 之 說 。 相 記感 雲: 出 新 ,意 以 蔔合子 蒸 之則 白 。 ,白 以 羅
。僧 三 梅 中腹 ,同 蓋 韶 粉
物收 其 巧者 蒸之
Collected Explanations. [Li]| Shizhen: According to Mo zi, “Yu [the founderof the
入ia dynasty] produced thepowder” Zhang Huainhis 22 27 states: “Zhou [the last ruler of the Shang dynasty] burned lead and tin to produce the powder.”Ihat is, the origin of the [lead carbonate] powder lies far [backin the pasd| Nowadays,
itis produced inJln ling, Hang zhou, Shao zhou and Chen zhou. Ihat from Chen Zhou is particularly genuine;itis abit greenish. Ihe locals inform of the production method as follows. For each preparation melt roo 7Zzz of lead, cut it into fine slices,
rol them to form tubes and place them into awooden jar. Place aflask with vinegar both below and inside the jap seal it tigphtly from the outside with salt mud, and close the jars seams with paper Ihen give four /zzg of fuelintoa “Wind furnacey [place the wooden jar on top of it| and mildly heat it for seven [days]. Sweep [the
dried powderj into a water basin and seal and mildly heat [the wooden jar] again. Repeat this until no more lead is left. If there is [lead] that has not been trans-
formed entirely retain it and fry it to prepare minium. Io each 7zz of the powder add two /z7zoe of soybean powder and four /z7o of clamshell powderp give this into water and stir it to generate an even mixture. 紀 ventually [和 lter it to] obtain the
dregs and to discard the clear water. Now prepare [alayer of]filne ashes and press a groove into it. Cover it with several ]ayers of paper and place the powder on it. Let lthe dregsj] dry thereandthen cutthem into pieces shapedlike tiles. Once they have dried, they can be taken up. Fan Chengda in his 2eze 727 states: Lead powder produced in Gui lin is most famous; it is called Gui powder ,gz/7 /277 桂 粉. Itisa
productresulting from atransformation of black lead fomentedinajarwith distilers grains. Tle Mengchuninhis Yz Zoo states: In song yang they produce lead. The locals often use it to produce lead carbonate. Iheir method is as follows: Ihey suspend pieces of lead in ajar fllled with wine. Ihen they seal it and keep it closed for 49 days. When they open it [the lead] has transformed to the powder [of lead carbonate]|. Ihose parts [of the lead] that have not turned white are fried to make
2zzz7zp 2Zz7. The dregs of 2zZz7g Zz7 are 7 2 vezg 密 陀 ,僧 litharge. Ihese three items serve to reap extreme profits. Ihe lead qi are poisonous. Ihe workers must eat fat pork and dog meat, and they drink wine and iron broth/suspension to suppress [the poisonous qi they are struck by this poison with an empty stomachy, they often fall and eventually die. Older and young workers that are exposed to the poisonous fumes often sufferfrom dysfunction With jaundice,paralysis and cramps,
C//z2/e7 2
and then they die.'Ihe methods applied [to produce lead carbonate] vary The fact is,skilled experts come up With fresh ideas all the time,because the faster the trans-
formation the better the profit. Also it is obviously wrong [to say] that the ancients [produced lead carbonate by] frying tin. IThe 入 7z7zg ez7z Z27 states: “Tf lead acetate from Shao after being steamed fails to become 和 white, steam itin an earthenware Jar With radish addedanditWwill turn white.
【 氣 】味 辛 , 寒 , 無 毒,【 權 日】 甘 、 辛 , 澡 。【 時 珍 日】 胡 粉能 制 硫 黃。 又 雌 黃 胡得 粉 失色 而 , 胡 粉 得 雌 黃 而 色 ,黑 蓋相 惡 。也 又入 酒中 去 酸 味, 收 蟹 不 沙 。 Qi and Flavor. Acrid, cold, nonpoisonous.[Zhen] Quan: Sweet acrid, coolL [Li Shizhen: Lead carbonate is able to check sulphur. Also, when orpiment is brought
together with lead carbonate it w 計 lose its color. Tf lead carbonate is brought together With orpiment its color will turn black. Ihe fact is, they abhor each other Also,i [lead carbonate] is given into wine,[the latter] will lose its sour favor. [了 lead carbonate is used] to preserve crabs, [their meat] will not turn sand-like.
【 別 痕, 治
主 】治 伏 尸 毒 葡, 殺 三 蟲。 本 經。 去 葡 ,導 療 惡 ,瘡 止 小 便利 , 蘆 胎。 。錄 治積聚 不 。消 炒 焦, 止 小 兒 凍 。痢 甄 權。 治 塑 站腫 爛 , 嘔 逆, 療 癥 小 兒 辣 氣。 大 。明 止 泄 、痢 久 積 。痢 宗 。夷 治 食 復 勞 復 , 墜 瘓 消 脹 , 病 癬 狐 ,跨 黑 肚 髮。 時 珍。
Control. Hidden corpse [gq 站 associated with poison bites.Itkills the three worms/
bugs. It removes turtle[-shaped] conglomeration 迪 ness. Jt heals malign sores. It ends free fiow of urine. It induces abortion. 5ze Z. Jt serves to cure accurmulations 訓ness39 and collections that fail to dissolve. Roasted until scorched, it ends gzzz
associated with_free-fux
記Iness?4 of children. /hen Quan. It serves to cure swell-
n- and festering fstula, as well as vomiting 過ness3 ing associated With_ obstructio With[qi] counterflow. It heals concretion-illness and conglomeration-iness, and 2z7-1llness di of children. Da Ming. It ends outflow and free-flux 崗 ness,and longterm accumulation with free-flux 過 ness.[Kou] Zongshi.Tt servesto cure recurrence
|of a disease] because of food, and recurrence [of a disease|] because of exhaustion. 262 上 252z[2 引 伏 [尸 氣 ],“hidden corpse[q],”refers to achronic condition ofheartpain and
hectic panting.BCGM Dict LIZ7Z 263 Gzz 開, “oz7廬ness, also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect chidren and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCVGJM _Dict
264 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3 265 玫 7g
癮 ,“obstruction-iness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocalswelliing and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCGM Dict DL64r.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
Tt brings down phlegm and dissolves distension. Jt serves to cure 7/z過 ness?"” and x%7zz272証ness, 導 as well as fox odor.2 Jt serves to blacken beard and hair on the head.
[Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 弘 胡 粉和 水及鵬
景 日】 胡 粉 色 金 者, 療 尸 日 彌 。【 良 藏 器 日 】 久 痢 并成 者 , 子 白服 , 以 痊 黑 烏 ,度 烏 其 殺 點 而 止痢 。【 也 時 珍 日】 胡
粉 , 即 鈴 之 變 黑 烏 白 者 。也 其 體用 雖 與 鈴 及 黃 丹 ,同 而 無 消 鹽 火燒 之 性, 內有 豆 粉、 蛤 粉 離 ,之 止 能 入 氣 ,分 不 能 入 血 ,分 此 烏 稍 異。 人 服 食之 , 代黃 丹 用 。 壞還詞 鈴 也。 亦 入可 膏藥 則 大 色便 黑 ,者 此 乃 還 其 本 ,質 所 謂 色 Explication. [Tao] Hongjing: Lead carbonate with the color of gold is especially good at healing corpse worms. [Chen] Canggqi: For chronic free-flux 名 ness39 that eventually has turned into gz7zz- 崗 ness?5 [let the patient| ingest lead carbonate
mixed with _water and egg white until his feces has turned black. Ihis is because [lead carbonate] kills worms/bugs and ends free-flux 過 ness. [Li] Shizhen: Lead carbonate is black lead changed to become awhite [itemj]. Its body and application
are identical to those of lead and minium, but it does not have anature affected by dissolved saltand burning fire.Ttis mixed with soybean powderand clamshell powdep and itis capable only of entering the qi section; it is unable to enter the blood section.In this itis slightly different [from lead and minium].-When humans ingest and consume [lead carbonate as an hermit/immortals powder] their feces assumes
ablack color. Ihatis,it returns to its original matter. Ihat is meant by the statement ts color decays and it returns to lead.' Also,it can be added to medical ointments instead of minium,.
266.7ze-ilness 開,vaguely defined skin ailment.BCGM Dict L 249. 267 六 zz7z-iness Dict LP 59L. 268 7zg
癬 ,skin iness With itchingyrelease ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
癱 ,“obstruction-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 64r. 269 了 7 痢 ,“free-fux iness,”"a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3 27o Gzz 凍 ,“ozz-iness,”also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too diftferent to fall into a known disease
category BCUGCM Dict LI8o-I88.
C//z2/e7 2
【 附 方】人舊
十四 , 新
三十 。
Added Recipes.I4 of old.3o newly [recorded|
復食 復欲 死者 。 水 服 胡 粉 少許 。 肘 後 方。 勞 Recurrence
[of an 名 ness] because of exhaustion, and recurrence [of an iness|
because of food, With [the patient] being close to dying. Let him ingest asma1 armount of lead carbonate with water. Z22z 292 7
小 兒 脾 泄 不 止。 紅 提 二 十箇 去 核, 將 官 粉入 內 , 以 真人了 集效 方。 粉 。 每 服 三 ,分 米 湯 。下 孫
陰陽過 焙 翰, 去
Unending spleen outflow of children. Remove the pits from 2o red dates, and 和4 them with lead carbonate. Ihen bake them between two tilles over aslow fire until they have dried, remove the date [meat] and grind it to apowder. 紀 ach time |let the patient] ingest three /zz, to be sent down with arice decoction. Sun zhenren,.7 %722 /2729
赤 白 痢 下 頻 數, 腸 。痛 定 粉 一 ,兩 秩 子 清和 , 炙 焦 烏末 , 冷水 服 一 。錢 肘 後 方。 Frequently repeated red and white free-fux 過 ness2 with intestin和l pain. Mix one /z7zge of lead carbonate With_ egg white, roast it until scorched and [grind it to] a powder. Ingest one 2zzz With cold water. /Z22z 292./7zo.
小 兒 無 億 ,准 下 赤痢 白。 胡
粉 熟 蒸, 鰲 令 色 變 , 以 飲 服 半 錢。 子 母 秘 錄 。
Innocent zz崗 ness23 of children, with red and white discharge and free-flux 名 ness. [Let the patient] ingest With a beverage half a 77z7z of lead carbonate exposed to hot steam firstand then boiled until it has changed its color. Zz 2 227 /.
小 兒 腹脹。 胡
粉 監 熱 色 ,變 以 摩 上腹 。 子 母 秘錄 。
Abdominal distension of children.Boillead carbonate with salt until it has changed its colop and use it then to massage the surface of the abdomen. Z7 zz 7z7 //.
腹皮 青色 , 不 速 ,治 須 奧 。死 方同上 。 When the abdomen has assumed a greenish color If this is not quickly cured, [the
patient| w 記 die soon afterwards. Recipe identical to the one above. 27I This recipe was recorded by Sun Tianren 孫
quoted from his Sz7/ 527 五zzz2.Zz7zg 孫 氏 集
真人 in his 族 z)zze/zzo 萬
應 ,方 ch. 4, as
效 .方 Hence, Sun >z2ez ez 孫
真人 should
be Sun 527 孫 氏.
272 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux
訕ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
273 縣 oz gzz 無 境 ,養 “innocent gzz- 崗ness,”is a goz7- 記 ness accompanied by scrofula affecting the head and theneck.BCGM Dict
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
小 兒 夜 。啼 水 服 胡 粉 三 豆大 , 日 三 。服 子 母 秘 錄 。 Crying of children during the night. Have them ingest with water lead carbonate of the size of three soybeans.lo be ingested three times aday. Z7 zz 27 /.
身 熱 多 。汗 胡
丸 兩, 詞 粉半 斤, 雷 四
末 粉 。身 千
金方 。
A hotbody and profuse sweating.[Grind] half a7z oflead carbonate and four /z7zzg
of 27z22z7Zzz to apowder and apply this to the [patients] body. 0zz7z.7/-Z7z zzz
婦人 心痛 急 。者 好 官 粉 為末 , 鴉 汁和 丸 止 。 粉 能 殺 蠱 , 黎 能 透氣 故 。也 邦真人 方。
小 豆大 , 每
服 七 ,丸 黃酒
送 下即
Women With intense heart pain.[Grind] good quality lead carbonate to a powderp
mix it With onion juice and prepare pills the size of small beans. Each time [let the patient] ingest seven pills, to be sent down with yellow wine. Ihis will end [the pain], because lead carbonate can kill worms/bugs,and onions can free the flowof
dl. 57222 之 2e7z7c77 /2Z72g.
寸 白 器 。晶 胡 粉 炒 燥 方 寸 ,匕 入 肉 胜中 , 空心 服, 大 效。 張 文 仲 備 急方。 Tapeworms. Try as much lead carbonate until it has dried as is held by asquare (z77 spoon giveitinto ameatbroth and ingest this onanemptystomach. Very effective. 乙hang Wenzhong, 5e7 育 72
過 劑 閃 亂 。者 水 和 胡 粉 服 。之 千 金方 。
Heart-pressure and afeeling of disorder caused by an overdose of medication. Ingest lead carbonate mixed With water. 0727z./7z /272o
鼻 帥 不 。止 胡 粉 炒 ,黑 醋 服 一 ,錢 即 止。 聖 惠 方 。 Unending nosebleed. Fry lead carbonate until it has turned black and ingesty With vinegap one 7zz7z. This will end [the nosebleed]. S2ezzg 2z7./z7zg
齒 縫 出 。血 胡 粉半 兩, 麝香 半 錢, 烏 末 , 七 時 措 。牙 聖 濟 錄 。 Bleeding from the seams of the teeth.[Grind] half a /z7zg of lead carbonate and
halfa zzzz ofmusk toapowderand apply this to the teeth at the time youlie down to sleep. $2e72 2
墜 撲 瘀 。血 從 高 落下 , 瘀 安。 肘 後方 。
血 搶 心, 面 青 氣短 欲 。死 胡
粉 一 ,錢 和 水
Stapnant blood resulting from falls and blows. When after a fall from an elevated position stagnant blood attacks the heart. Ihe face is greenish, the [breath] qi are
shortand [the patient」 is close to dying. Let him ingest one 7zz7/ of lead carbonate mixed With waterp and he will be safe. /Z22z 292./27z.
C//z2/e7 2
同 湯 ,
大 效 。
Jo reconnect 同 旺 after a fracture.[Grind] equal amounts of lead carbonate and borax to a powder.
比ach time [let the patient] ingest one 7zz7z to be sent down
mixed with a sappan wood decoction, and also have [the patient] repeatedly drink a sappan wood decoction. Very effective..//zez gz /27zg.
杖 瘡 腫 。痛 水 粉 一 ,兩 赤 石 脂 生 一 ,錢 水 銀 一 ,分 以麻油 貼 。之 肉 消 ,者 填 滿 緊縛 。 救急 方 。
桂 成 ,語 攤 油紙
Sores and painful swelling caused by flogging. Prepare apaste from one /z7o oflead Carbonate, one 7z27z of unprocessed red halloysite, one /zz of mercury and asm 紀
amount of sesame, spread it on oil paper and apply this [to the affected regionm
Where the filesh has dissolved, fill it [with the paste] and tightly bandage it..7zz 及 /7zg.
抓 傷 面反 。 香油 調 欠 粉 探 ,之 一 夕 人生 。 集 簡 方 。 Facial skin injured by scratching. Apply lead carbonate mixed with sesame oil to it. A cure wi be achieved after one night. 地 有27z.7
食 梅 牙迪
粉 指 。之 相 。 韶
記感 。
Toothache caused by a consumption of plums. Apply lead carbonate from Shao to [the affected teeth]. 入 7z7zg goz7z 27.
染 白 宗 。髮 胡 、粉 石 灰 等 ,分 水和 塗 ,之 以 油紙 包 , 烘 令 溫 ,燈 候 燥 未 間 洗 ,去 以 油 潤 ,之 黑 如 漆 。也 博 物 志 。 To dye a white beard and hair on the head. Mix equal amounts of lead carbonate and lime with water and apply this [to the beard and the hair]. Ihen wrap them With oil paper and keep them warm by staying at a warm place. Before [the hair」 has dried, wash_ [the mixture] of and moisten [beard and hair] with oilL Ihey w 往
be black hke lacquer. 22 zz 227.
腋下 胡
三 ,合 和 和 牛 脂 璧 稠 涂 。之 千 金方 。 胡 昊 。 胡 粉 常 粉 。之 或 以 粉
Barbarian malodorous stench from below the armpits. Regularly powder them with lead carbonate,orboilamixture of three ge of lead carbonate and ox fat to a viscous
mass and apply this [to the armpits」]. 07Zz7z.777z /7zg
陰 股 沉 。濕 胡
粉 粉 。之 備急 方 。
Permanent moisture in the private parts. Powder them with lead carbonate. 2e7 7 /7zg.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
瘡。 方 同上 。 乾 濕 癬 Dry and moist xzz7z-iHness34 sores. Recipe identical to the one above.
香 三 ,錢 黃 黃 水 膿 。瘡 官 粉 燉 、黃 松 各 兩, 鰲 膏 傅 。之 邵 真人 方 。
丹 一 ,錢 飛
碗 二 ,錢
烏 末 , 香油 二
Sores with yellow water and pus.[Grind] three 77z7 each oflead carbonate, calcined
until it has assumed ayelow colop and colophony one 7zzz of minium and two /7 of alum processed With water to apowderp boilit With two /z7oe of sesame oil to a
paste and apply this [to the affected region]. 52z2 2e7z7e7zz 7
小 兒 耳 瘡 月 。蝕 胡 粉和 土 , 塗 。之 子 母 秘錄 。 Ear sores and moon eclipse 補of children. Apply lead carbonate mixed with soil [to the affected region]. Z7 zz 227 /.
小 兒 准 。瘡 鰲 胡 粉、 豬 ,脂 和 塗 。 張 文 仲方 。 Gz7z記 ness276 sores of children. Boilamixture of lead carbonate and lard and apply
[this to the affected region]. Z2zzg
兒 舌 。瘡 胡
粉和 豬 骨 骨
族 Zz2%227zg
中 ,髓 日 三 傅 。之 食
醫 心鑑 。
Tongue sores of children. Mix lead carbonate with pig bone marrow and apply this lto the affected regionj three times aday. $ 友 多 x77/ 27
口 吻 。瘡 胡
粉 炒 一 ,分 黃連半 兩, 詞 末 , 傅 。之 普
濟方 。
Swallow mouth lip sores. 字7 [Grind] one /z of roasted lead carbonate with half a
Zz7zge of 92Zoy[rhizome] to apowder and apply this [to the affected region]. 選 文 zz
痘 瘡 疼 ,痕 或 凸 或 凸。 韶 粉 一 ,兩 輕 粉 一 ,定 和 研, 諸 脂 調 。傅 陳 中文 小 兒 方。 Scars ]eft by smallpox sores, either protruding or sunken. Gurind a mixture of one /z7zge of lead carbonate from Shao and one Zzze of calomel [to apowderj mix it with any type of fat and apply [this to the scars]. Chen Wenzhong,
274 六 zz7z詳ness Dict LP 59L.
六zz2 7 7ze
癬 ,skin iness With itchingy,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
275 到 ge [c2zzzg] 月
割 [ 瘡 ],“moon eclipse”[sores].BCGM Dict, 654.
276 Gzz 凍 ,“ozz-iness,”also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too diftferent to fall into a known disease
category BCUGCM Dict LI8o-I88. 277 好 zz &ozc2zz7g 燕 Dict L 6I2.
口瘡 , "swallow mouth sores”", when sores develop onboth sies.BCGM
C//z2/e7 2
始 精 陰 。瘡 欠 粉 二 ,錢 銀杏 毒 , 研 探 。效 集 簡 方 。
仁 箇七 , 銅
鈣 內 炒 至 杏 ,黃 去 取杏 粉 , 出 火
Jealousy spirit sores in theyin[(i.e., genital regionj. Fry two 7zzz of lead carbonate and seven pgingko kernels in acopper kettle until the gingko [kernels] have turned yellow. Remove the gingko [kernels] and collect the lead carbonate. [Wait until the fire qi are released, grind [the lead carbonate to apowder] and apply [this to the
affected regionj]. 己 ffective. 堵 7/z7z. 7
反 花 惡 。瘡 胡 粉 一 ,兩 臟
脂 一 ,兩 為 。末 蘆 湯 洗 淨 傅 之 , 日 五 。次 聖惠 方 。
Malign reversed blossom sores.[Grind] one Zzzg of lead carbonate and one /7z7zg
ofrouge to apowder.Wash [the affected region] with asalt decoction and apply the [powder to it]. Five times a day. $2ezzg 2z7. zzz
瘡 似 蜂 ,寬 愈 而 復發 。 胡
粉、 朱 砂 等 ,分 為 末 ,
蜜和 塗 。之 聖 濟 錄 。
Sores resembling wasp nests that when cured will effuse anew. [Grind] equal amounts of lead carbonate and cinnabar to apowdep mix it with honey and apply this |to the affected region]. $2ezzg 讓
血 風 腰 。瘡 孫氏 集 效 方 用 官 四粉 兩, 水 入 調 名 內 , 以匠 州 艾 葉 煙燒 惠 乾 , 調 隔 紙 ,膏 反覆 貼之 。 入乳香 少許 同 ,研 香油 作 Blood wind?8 associated With shank sores. The ASz7z 527 文 x722 /z7zge [recommends to] mix four Zzzg of lead carbonate with water and give this into a bowl Ihis is to be exposed to hot fumes generated by burning common mugwort [leaves] from Qi zhou until [the liquid] has dried. Ihen add asmall amount of frankincense and grind [this toapowder]. Mix it With sesame oil and prepare an ointment to be ap-
plied [to the affected region] separated by a piece of paper. Repeat the application SeVeral times.
方 官 粉 炒過 , 桐 油 調 作 隔 紙 貼之 。 楊氏 簡便 用 The zoo 272z7z 272z7z./z7zge [recommends tol mix fried lead carbonate With 2e7yz7cZ2 oil and apply this [to the affected region] separated by apiece of paper
小 兒 丹 毒。 唾和 胡
粉 , 從外 至 內 傅 之 。良 知 金方 。
innabar poison22 of children. Mix human saliva with lead carbonate and apply this [to the affected region] starting from outside of it and proceding toward its interior. Grood. 0727z.777z /27zo 278 有 zz /zzg 血 風 ,“blood windy”results from an intrusion of wind evil di into an unbalanced
state of di and blood,mostly in women,BCUGM Dict
279 7zz Zzz 丹 專 ,“cinnabar poisony”a skin ailment with red rashes.BCGM Dict LII8.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
湯 火 燒 。瘡 胡 粉 , 羊 髓和 , 塗 。之 孫 真人 方 。 Sores resulting from scalding with hot water and from burns by filre. Apply amixture of lead carbonate and sheep bone marrow [to the affected region]. zz7z 2c7z7e77 7 紀
瘡 傷 濕水 。 胡
粉、 刀 灰 等 ,分
即 出 。也 千
脂和 塗 孔上 , 水
金方 。
Sores associated with harm caused by water and moisture.Apply amixture of equal amounts of lead carbonate and charcoal ashes With fat to the holes and the water
ww 名 be released. 07z7z.7Z7z 7
曙 尿 瘡。
醉和 胡 粉 塗 。之 知 金方 。
Sores caused by theurine of earwigs.Apply amixture of vinegar and lead carbonate |to the affected region]. 0Ozzz 77z
諸 蛇 丈 。傷 胡
粉和 大 麻 搗 塗。 千 金方 。
Harm caused by the sting ofany snake. Pound lead carbonate with garlic [to apulpl and apply this to [the affected region」]. 07z7z.Z7z
誤 吞 金 銀 及 。錢 胡
万 7ze
粉 一 ,兩 豬 脂 ,調 分 再 ,服 令 消 烊 出 。也 外 臺 秘要 ,。
Having inadvertently swallowed gold, silver and coins. Mix one /zzze of lead carbonate with lard andingest this dividedinto two portions. Ihis will cause [the metal objects] to melt and be discharged. 族 /z 紀 7 27 yo2.
年 目 。醫 胡 粉 塗 。之 聖惠 方 。
An eye shade that has lasted for three years. Apply lead carbonate to it. 2e7zg 2/7 zz
口中 腥 ,燥 煩 憑 無 津。 雄 豬 膽 五 ,枚 酒 章 上反 爛 , 入 聖 方。 大 , 每 含 化 一 丸 嚥 汁。 太 平 惠
定 粉 一 兩 研 ,怕 丸 欽子
Dryness in the mouth, with unrest and thirst and the absence of body fluid [in the mouthj]. Boil five gallbladders of aboar and boil them until their skin has decayed. Then add one Zzzg of lead carbonate and grind this to an even [mixture]. Prepare this to pills the size of 7zzzz seeds.
皆ach time hold onepilinthemouth and swallow
the resulting Juice. 727 277zc 52e7zo 27z7 7
腹中 弗 。癥 胡
粉、 泰 米 淋 汁 溫 ,服 大 。效 衛
生 易 簡方 。
Turtle-shaped conglomeration-iness in the abdomen. Ingest a juice obtained by soaking lead carbonate and millet in water. Very effective. 族 7 52z7zc 好 有27 7
接骨 續 ,筋 止痛 活血 。 定 粉、 當 歸 各 錢, 蘇 木 藤 湯 調 下 , 仍 頻 飲 。湯 同 上 。
一 ,錢 朋 砂 一 錢半 ,
鳥末 。人 每
C/2z2/e7 2
To reconnect bones and to combine sinews, to end the pain and to enliven the
blood.[Grind] one 7zz7 cach of lead carbonate and zzoz/zcz root with one and a half /zzz of borax to apowder.
己ach time [let the patient] ingest one 7zzz to be sent
down mixed with adecoction of sappan wood. In addition,repeatedly let him drink the decoction. [Source] identical to the one above.
發 背 惡 瘡 諸 癱 疸。 好 光 粉 二 ,兩 真麻油 三 ,兩 慢火 ,鰲 以 柳 校 急 攪 , 至 滴 水 成 ,珠 入 白 鵬 末 少 入 許 器 , 水 浸 兩 ,日 油紙 攤 ,貼 名 神 應 。膏 直 指方 。 紀 fusion on the back of malign sores and all types of obstruction-ilness and impediment-ness.?5 Boiltwo /Zzzzeof good quality lead carbonate and three /z7zze of genuine sesame oilloveramild fre and stir this vigorously With awillow twig until the water [scooped up」 forms pearls when dropped. Add asmall amount of white
[deer horn」 glue into the vessel and let it soak in water for two days. 弓ventually spread itonoilpaperand applythis [to the affected regionj. Ihis is called “ointment With a divine response. Z27 >27 7z. OS-1I3
鉤 本 丹 經下 品 O07g7z dd7, 上 己 27z.777zo lower rank,
Leadoxide. JMinium.
丹 弘 景、 丹 粉 唐 、本 朱
【 釋 】名 黃
粉 綱 、目 鈴 華 。
Explanation of Names. 7zzzg Zz7 黃 丹 ,“yellow cinnabap”[Tao] Hongjing. 27
/zz 丹 粉 ,“cinnabar powderp”7zzzge 2 Ozzz 2zz 鈴華 ,“]ead splendor?”
Z2z/zz 朱 粉 ,“brightred powdep”Gz7zg 2
【 正 】誤 見 粉 錫下 。 Correction of 上Errors. See under ”/7z xz. (o8-I2)
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 】晶 鈴 生丹 於 ,鈴 黃 丹也 。 俗 方 稀 ,用 惟仙 經 塗 丹 釜 ,爾 無 別 法 。【 也 宗 夷 日】 釣 作成 之 說 誤 。矣 不 難鳥 辨 , 錫 則 按獨孤 滔 丹 房 針 源 云, 炒 傘 丹 :法 鈴 成 ,汁 下 醋點 之, 溢 沸 時 下 硫 下少許 、消 黃 , 待 詞 ,末 則 成丹 人
出 蜀 郡 平 。【 澤 弘 景 】晶 即 今 鰲 鈴所 作 釜 所須 , 云 化 成 光九 者 , 當謂 九 光 丹 以啟 丹 化 鈴 而 ,成 別 錄 言生 於 ,鈴 則 蘇 恭 炒錫 色 ,黯 欠 則 明白 , 以 此 筷 異 。【 時 珍 日 】 用 鈴 一斤 , 士 流 黃 十 ,兩 消 石 一 。兩 錠 一 ,塊 少 項 下 消 少許 , 沸 定 點再 醋 , 依 前 。鍛 今人 以作 鈴 粉 盡不 者, 用 消 石、 棱 石
28o gg 及 癱 疸 ,“obstruction-iness,impediment-illness.”refers totwovaguelydistinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to 和
cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 642.
//2e 527 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
炒 成 。髓 若 轉 丹 烏 ,鉛 只 連用 撕 人蘊 白 汁 拌 丹 慢 ,藤 和 成 金 汁 傾 ,出 即還 鉛 吳。 貨 多者 以 覽 、消 矽 石 雜 。之 凡 用 , 以 水 漂 去 消 鹽, 飛 去 砂 ,石 澄 覓 ,
微 火 炒 紫色, 地 上 去 火 毒入 藥。 會 典 雲, 黑 鈴 一 ,斤 燒 丹 一 斤 五 錢 三 分也 。
ollected 匕xplanations. 25zz 太 : Minium is made out of leady; it originates in the plains and marshlands of Shu jun. [Tao] Hongjing: This is 2zz7zg zz 黃 丹 , which nowadays is produced by boiling lead. In recipes of the general public it is rarely resorted to. Only the classics of the hermits/immortals require that it is applied to thecauldrons used to prepare their elhixirs. When they claim that through transformation it becomes the “ninefold radiance [elixirj, thatis to say, to prepare the “nine-
fold radiance elixir such acauldron is required. Ihere is no other way to prepare it. [Kou] Zongshi: Minium is produced through atransformation of lead. Ihe 5zz 2
states that it is alead product. Hence when Su Gong states that it is produced by frying tn he is wrong. Ihe two are not difhcult to distinguish.Tinis ofadark colory lead is brilliant-white. Jhatis the difference. [Li] Shizhen: According to Dugu Taos 7z7z./zzo 7
the methodtofry [lead to prepare] minium is as follows.
Required are one 7/7z of lead, ten Zz7g of sulphur one /Zzze of nitrokalite. Melt the lead to ahquid. Drop vinegar on it While it violently bubbles give a piece of sulphur into it. After a short while add asmall amount of the nitrokalite to it. Once the bubbling has ended, again drop vinegar on it, and in the same way as before sma11 amounts of nitrokalite and sulphur. Eventually apowder has formed and tfhis is minium.”Today the people use the substances remaining after the production of lead carbonate. Ihey fry them with nitrokalite and alum to generate minium. 了 minium is to be reversed to become lead againmsimplymix minium with thejuice cf onitons,still With their haip and fry this overamild fire. Once itis calcined,ametal
Juice is generated. Ihis is poured outand thereversal to lead is complete. Merchants often adulterate [miniumj with nitrokalite and sand. Forall applications,give it into water to let the nitrokalite flow away and [drop it while blowing at it to] let the
sand flow away Ihe dregs are dried and then fried overamild fire until they have assumed apurple color. Keep them sprayed on the ground to allow the fire poison to leave and then add them to medication. Ihe 7/7z/7 Zz2z7z states: “By processing one /Zz of black lead, [one obtains] one /Jzz, flve 7zz7z and three /z ofminium.
【 氣 硫。【 正 仲 丹 錐 本
】味 辛, 震 亨 ,冬 急 無 甚
微 ,寒 無 毒 , 日】 一婦 因 多 子 , 服 中理 湯加 附子 ,惠 此 婦 產 後 冬
【 大 明 曰】 微 丹 月 內 服 鉛二 數 十貼 有 為 。安 謂 之 劑 , 其 月 服過
,鹹 閔, 無 毒。 伏 ,礙 制 碳 、 兩, 四 肘 冰冷 , 食 不 入 。口 時 之 源 無 ,專 可 乎? 【 時 珍 日 】 病 宣吳 。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, slightly cold, nonpoisonous. 2z 4777zg: Sightly salty cool nonpoisonous. It brings down
arsenic. It checks ammoniac
and sulphur. [Zhul
C/2z2/e7 2
Z寢 henheng: Ihere was awoman who had many children and [to avoid further pregrnancies] during her monthly period she ingested one /z7ze of minium. As aresult, her four limbs froze to ice, and she was unable to take food into her mouth. Ihis
happened exactly in the middle month of winter. She immediately ingested severa tens of dosages of the“decoction to order the centerp amended with zc27z7zz7z [ac~-
cessory tuber] and was cured. Whenitis said “coolis not poisonous,_how can this be? [Li] Shizhen: Lead oxide itself is not very poisonous. But this woman took an
overdose following delivery during awinter month. Hence her disease was anatura COI1SCULCI1CC。
【 本 用 , 肚。
主 】治 吐 逆 胃反 , 。經 止 小 ,便 除 止痛 生 。膽 甄 及 大 。明 治 瘡 久
化 成 九光 , 熱 氣, 鍊 還 攻 癇 癲 ,疾 除 下 毒 熱 臍 ,諧 金 瘡 血 。溢 別 。錄 警 悸 狂 。權 鎮 心安 ,神 止吐血 及 ,嗽 傅 瘡 長 ,肉 痰 日, 去 怯 除 性 ,惡 止 積 。 宗 。爽 龐 殺
久 服 通 神明 。 ,走 消 。渴 煎 膏 及 湯 火 。瘡 染 痢 明 。目 時 珍 。
ControL It controls vomiting with[qij counterflow and stomach turnover; fright
epilepsy and peak ailment. Tt eliminates heat and discharges q. When it is refilned 訓iant radiance. Ingested over along time it enWith heat, it returns to astate of br ables ones mind to communicate With the spirits. It ends urination. Tt removes poison heat causing cramps in the [abdominal region of the] naveland blood overflow
from wounds caused by metal objects/weapons. zz 和. Tt ends fright palpitation and mad running,and meltting with thirst.和 Applied boiled to a paste,it ends pain and generates muscles. Zhen Quan. Tt calms the heart and pacitfles the spirit. It ends spitting blood and cough. Applied to wounds it generates flesh. And [it serves to cure] sores caused by scalding and fire,and to dye beards. 7z /z7zg. Tt serves to cure malaria and chronic accumulations. [Kou] Zongshi. It brings down phlegm and kills worms/bugs. Itremoves timidity and eliminates the hostile and the malign. It ends free-flux
【 【 走 治 膏藥
訕ness2and clears the eyes. [Li| Shizhen.
成 無 己 】晶 仲 景龍骨 牡 曠 明 發 】【 好 古 日】 海可 去 脫 而 固 氣。【 時 珍 血 分 , 能 導墜 去 ,怯 故 治 毆 癇 顯 、狂 准 、疾 下 、痢 站 疾有 實績 。 能解熱 外 必用 之 物也 。 , 烏 科
湯 中 用 錐 ,丹 曰】 欽 丹 體 吐攝 反 胃 有 拔 ,毒 長 肉
乃 重 而 奇 去 ,瘀
收 欲 神 氣 性 ,沉 味 。功 能 消 故 治 惡
以 肆 殺積 瘡
鎮 敬也 鹽、 鵬 時, 腫 毒及
。 , 故 入
Explication.Cheng Wuyi: [Zhang] Zhongjinginhis “decoction with dragon bones and oyster shells [recommends to] use minium, and this is meant to gather divine
qito suppress fright.[Wang] Haogu: It is astringent and hence can remove [anal/ 28I 參 zz2 &z 消
洶 ,“melting With thirst”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
Voll,567. 282 了 7 痢 ,“free-fllx
訕ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
//2e 527 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
vagina]]| prolapse and stabilize the qi. [Li] Shizhen: Minium has a heavy physical
body and by its nature it sinks into the depth. Tts fiavor combines that of salt and alum, and it runs into the blood section. ft is able to bring down phlegm and to remove timidity. 了Hence it serves to cure, with extraordinary success, fright epilepsy and peak過 ness33 with madness, vomiting with countermovement
[of qi] and a
turned over stomach. It is able to dissolve accumulattions and to kill worms/bugs. Hence it serves to cure, With_ sold achievements, oz7z-ness7 4 ailments, discharge
with free-fux 過 ness, 放 and malaria lness. Tt can resolve heat and extract poison it causes flesh to grow and removes stagnant [blood]. Hence it serves to cure malign sores With swelling and poison,and is added to ointmentmedication.It is an indispensable item of the lmedicall discipline concerned with treatments from outside.
方 】
新二 十
五 。
Added Recipes. 上ight of old. 2 newly [recorded|
渴 煩 。亂 黃 ,丹 新
汲 水 服 一 ,錢 以 蕎麥 粥 壓 。之 聖惠 方 。
Melting with thirst,2 unrest and disorder. Ingest one 7zzz of minium with newly drawn waterp and then |lconsume] a buckwheat congee to force it down. S2e7zg 22/7 zz
烙 紅 , 冷 定 烏末 , 困 米 飯 丸 梧 子 。大 每 服 七 ,丸 酯 湯 。下 集 驗方 。 Unending vomiting with [|qi] counterflow. IJhe_“rosy clouds clixir : Boil four Zz7ze of northern minium in half a vezce of rice vinegar until the liquid has dried. Ihen calcineitin akettle above three c2zzzge of charcoal fire until it has turned red. After it has cooled down and formed astable mass, grind it to apowder and form, With millet,pills the size of vzoz seeds. 弓ach time ingest seven pills,to be sent down with avinegar decoction..77 jg
283 zzz I24.
顛 ,“peak[-ilness],”also
癲 ,vaguely defined mental derangement. BCGM
284 Gz7z 准 ,“ozz-ness,”also: “sweets崗 ness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BVGIM Dict LI8o-I88. 285 了 7 潭 ,“free-flulx 過 ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment BCGM
286 參 zz2 &z 消 Volp567.
洶 ,“melting With thirstb”most likely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
C/2z2/e7 2
署 亂。 水 浸 ,髓 見 木 部 巴豆 下。 伏 槍 Hidden summerheat with cholera. Soak minium in water. [For details,] see under
the entry 2z Zozin thesectionon “woods (35-47).
小 兒 吐 逆 不 止。 宣此 清 ,鎮 燒 針 :丸 用 以 一 ,丸 針 徐 於 上燈 燒 過 , 研 細 , 乳汁 小 兒方 。
黃 丹 末研 , 小 東 肉和 丸 商 子大 , 每 調 。下 一加 朱砂 、 枯 棱 等 。分 謝 氏
Unendingvomiting of children with [|qi] counterflow. Ihe [following recipe] of the
“heated needle pills is suitable_ for clearing and calming down_[qi counterflow|. Grind minium to apowdep mix it with the pulp of small dates and form pills the siZe of 7zz7 seeds. For each applcation pierce one pill with a needle and heat it
aboveafire. Ihen grindittoafne [powderj,and |lhave the childl senditdown with its nursing mothers milk. Another version [of this recipe] adds equal amounts of cinnabar and prepared alum. 六 zz
7 x7Z22 zz
反胃 氣 ,逆 胃 虛 。 鉛 丹 二 ,兩 白 杉 二 ,兩 生 石 亭 脂 半 。兩 以 丹、 棱 入 埋 鍋 ,內 以災 半 秤 燉赤 , 更 套 一 ,夜 出 毒 兩 ,日 入 亭 脂 同 ,研 罵 飲 十 五 。丸 聖 濟錄 。 丸 綠 豆大 , 每 日 米 下
研 勻, 米飯和
Turned over stomach with qi counterflow, associated with stomach depletion. [|Required are」 three /Zz7ze of minium, two /z7zge of alum and half a /Zzzge of unprepared
red sulphur. Grind the minium and the alum to an evenly mixed powder and give this into a crucible. Calcine it above [afre lt with] half ac2ezge of charcoal until it
has turned red and maintain [the fire] for one night. Wait for the [fire] poison to leave Within two days, add the red sulphur and grind [all this|. Mix [the powder|
With cooked millet and form pills the size of mung beans. Every day send rs pills down with water in which rice was cooked. $2e7zg 肌 和 太.
江 瀉 下 赤痢 白。 用 東 肉 搗 ,爛 入 黃 、丹 白 各 榕 皂 子 大 , 糙米 飯 一 團, 和 丸 彈 子大 , 鐵 線 穿 於 上燈 燒 過 , 鳥 末 。 米 飲 服 。之 摘 玄 方 。 Red and white outflow discharge and free-flux 訕 ness.37 Pound date pulp to apaste, add minium and alum,both in amounts equalling the size of o/zzZz/yzz seeds,and one roll of cooked nonglutinous rice,and form pills the size of bullets. Pierce them with an iron thread, heat them above aburning lamp [until they have dried] and [grind them to a] powdep to be ingested with arice beverage. Z2z7 xz/Zz7z /7ze
赤 白 痢 。下 黃 丹 炒 ,紫 黃連 炒 , 等 分 為末 , 以 糊 丸 麻子 。大 人 每 服 五 十丸 , 生 匡 甘 草 湯 。下 普 濟 方 。
287 了 7 痢 ,“free-fllx ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
//2e 527 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
Red and white _ free-fux 過 ness discharge. Gurind equal amounts of minium, fried until it has assumed apurple colop and fried 22/zy[rhizome] to apowder and with
Wwheat flour form ps the size of hemp seeds. 紀 ach time ingest 5o pills, to be sent down with a decoction of fresh ginger and cgZycyyy2zzz [root. 選 朮 上 7
妊娠 較 ,
下 悶痢 痛。 用 人 烏 羅 卵 一 ,個 開 孔 去 白 留 ,黃 入 研 末
二錢 ,
飲下 。
服 愈,
是 男 ;
丹 錐 五 錢 攪 ,勻 泥
服 愈 ,
是 女 。
三 因
方 。
Discharge with free-flux 山ness38 and fatulent pain during pregnancy Take one egg of ablack chicken,openahole to remove the egg white while leaving the yoke, and insert five 7zzz of minium. Stir this to generate an even mixture,wrap [the eggl] in mud and cook it over aslow fire until it has dried. Ihen grind ittoapowder EEach time [have the womanj ingest two 77z7z, to be sent down with arice beverage. Tahealing is achieved With one ingestion [the child] will be male. If ahealing is
achieved with two ingestions,it will be female. Sz7zz )77z 7
醫 。血 黃 ,丹 新 汲 水 服 一 。錢 經 驗方 。
Bloodvomiting,blood spitting,blood cough.Ingestone zzzofminium with newly drawn Water../77zg zz7z Zoo
寒熱 丫 疾 體 虛 汗 多 。者 黃 、丹 百 宁旱 等 ,分 詞 末 。 發 ,日 空心 錢, 不 過 二 服 。愈 或 糊 ,丸 或 礎 ,丸 皆 效 。 Malaria
粹 飲 服三
訓ness with alternating cold and heat sensations,associated with bodily de-
pletion and much sweating.[Grind] equal amounts of minium and soot scratched
from within achimney of afurnace where a1 types of herbs had been burned to apowder. On the day of an outbreak, [let the patient] ingest three 7zzz to be sent
down, on an empty stomach, with arice beverage.A cure will be achieved after no more than two ingestions. It is also possible to prepare p 記ls with wheat flour and With garlic. Ihey are all equally effective.
肘 後 用 方 飛 炒 黃 丹 一 ,兩 恒 末山 三 ,兩 蜜 丸 梧 子大 , 每 下 。 平且 及 未 、發 將 發 ,時 各 一 ,服 無 不效 。
服 五 十 ,丸 溫 酒
The Z2oz 2oz/z7zg |lrecommends to] use one /Zzzze ofminium,sublimated and fried, and threce Zz7zg of Zzc27oz [root] powdep to be formed, With honey to pills the size of voz seeds. 弓ach time_ [let the patient] ingest 5o pis, to be sent down with warm
wine. Io be ingested in the early morning and prior to an outbreak, or when an outbreak is imminent. Always effective.
288 了 7 潭 ,“free-flulx 過 ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment BCGM
C/2z2/e7 2
普 濟 :方 端午 日用黃丹 炒 二 ,兩 獨 床 一 百 ,答 揭 丸 梧 子 。大 每 服 九 ,丸 面 東 。下 二 三 發 後 乃用 , 神 。效 亦 治 痢疾 。 長 心 流水
The 及 去zz Onthe ffth day of the ffth month pound two /Zzzgeofminium and IToo pieces of single clove garlic [to apulp] and form pills the size of 2z 算 飢, “nose sediments”, with major signs ofaswollen, red nose with papules that may when squeezed, release white sediments. BCGM Dict L, 64.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
骨 疸 出骨 , 一 名 骨多 瘡。 不 時 細出 骨 , 乃 母 受 末胎 及 一 ,月 與 六 親骨 肉 交 壽 。 愈 即 之 貼 攤 , 調勻 油 桐 , 僧 末 陀 密 以 名 。 之 骨 多 有 故 氣 , 合, 感 其 精 域 方, Bone impediment-illness,2? with the bones protruding. Another name is “multiple kindred sores. When every now and then afne bone appears, this is because a motherafter having conceived,in her filrst month of pregnancy has had intercourse With any of her six relations, affecting her essence qi. Hence this is called multiple kindred [sores].” Prepare an equal mixture of litharge powder and ze77zzczz oil and
apply this [to the affected region]. 529z 2 友 7ze
血 風有謙 方。
。瘡 密 陀 、僧 香 油 入 粗 得 內 磨 ,化 油紙
攤 ,膏 反覆 貼 。之 和 氏孫 集 效
Blood wind?。。 associated With shank sores. rive litharge and sesame oil into a wide bowland grind them until [the litharge] has dissolved [in the oil|. Spread the paste
on apiece of oil paper and repeatedly apply this [to the affected region]- 5z7z y27 及 %722 /2z722.
陰 汗 濕 并。 密
氏 蛇 陀 末僧 傅 。之 戴 加
霖子 末 ,。
Sweatand moisture in theyin[(t.e.,genitalD regionj,With itch.Applylitharge pow-
der [to the affected region]. Dai shi adds zzZzz7z seeds powder. OS-1I5
錫 拾遺 和 2 上 匕 人 2 Z,
璞注 云: 。【 時 珍 日】 規 雅: 錫 謂 之負 。 郭 名】 白 勻 音臘、 辣 【 釋 白鐵 也 。 方 術 謂家 之 ,賀 蓋 錫 以 臨 貨 出 者 烏 美也 。 Explanation of Na
8277z 太 白鐵 , read 太
臘. 可 z 包 , read )#z 引 . /z 名 . [L
Shizhen: 了 ro: “7 錫 , ttn, is called zz 名. Guo Puin has comment states: “This
is 22z7 zz 白 鑽 .”The experts in the recipe arts/techniques call it 2 tin that originates in Lin he 臨 賀 is very good.
賀 .The fact is, the
【 集 解 】【 列 錄 日】 錫生 桂 陽 山谷 。【 弘 景 日】 今 出 臨 ,貨 猶 是 桂 陽 地 界。 鉛 與 相 錫 似 , 而 入 用 大 異。【 時 珍 晶 】錫 出 雲南 、 衡 州。 許慎 說 文 299. 甩 疸 ,“impediment扣 ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 277Z. 3oo 有 zz/zg 血
風 ,“blood wind”results from an intrusion ofwind evil di into an unbalanced
state of di and blood,mostly in women,BCUGM DictL,594.
C//z2/e7 2
云: 礙, 乃 近 , 獨 刺
錫 太 成 。銀 便 錫 易 加 國
,者 銀 鉛 間之 也 。 土 宿本 草 :雲 錫 太 受 陰 之 氣 而生 , 二 百 年 不 動 成 二 百 年 而 錫 始 。生 錫 齊 陰 ,氣 故 其 質 柔。 二 百 年 不 ,動 遇 太 陽之 氣 今人 置 酒 於 新 錫 器 ,內 浸漬 久日 或 殺人 者, 以 礙 能 化 ,錫 歲 月沿 被 , 其 中 穎 毒 故 。也 又 :曰 礎 乃 錫 。根 銀色 而 鈴 質 , 五 金之 中 采取 藥 烏 五 金 之 ,賊 得 其 藥則 烏 五 金 之 。媒 星 欄 勝 覽 :言 滿 制, 失 其 則 斗 也 。 沙 錫 , 不 假 煎 鍊 成 ,塊 名 日 錫 於 山 中溪 淘 取
ollected Explanations. 5zz 及 : Tin grows in the mountain valleys of Gui yang[Tao] Hongjing: Nowadays, it originates in Lin he,a border region of Gui yangLead and tin are similap but their [therapeutic] usages differ greatly. [Li| Shizhen: Tin originates in Yun nan and Heng zhou. 和Xu Shen in his $2zz2 zoezz states: “Tin is situated between silver and lead.”Ihe zz 2z cgz2 states: “Tin grows endowed with major yin qi. It does not move for 2oo years and then forms arsenic. Arsenic cxists for 2oo years and then tin begins to grow. Tin is endowed with yin qi. Hence its substance is soft. Hit has not moved for 2oo years and is then affected by major yang qib itbecomes silver. loday there are people whoputwineintoanew tinvesseL After [the tin vessel] is soaked [in the wine] foralong time [the wine] may kil
one. Ihis is so because aresenic can transform to tin. If this happened only shortly before the[tin vessel] was obtained, [persons drinking from it] will be struck by the
poison accumulated in it. Ttis also said: “Arsenic is the root of tin. It has the color of silver and the material texture of lead. Among the five metals, only tin is easily reshaped. Hitis wrongly used medicinally it is the robber among the flve metals. Ifitis correctly used medicinally it is the matchmaker among the five metals.” The 有 Zoecz2 ve 7 says: In the countryof Manlajiatin is obtained from mountain rivulets by washing sand in apan. Lumps have formed there without being reflned With heat and smelting. It is called zz 斗 tin。
【 正 】【 誤 恭 曰】 臨 賀 了 者 名 錐, 一名 白 ,鑽 唯此 一 處 資 天 下 。用 其 銀 處皆 有 之。 體相 似 , 而 入 用 大 異。【 時 珍 】晶 蘇 恭 不 識 鉛 ,錫 以 鉛, 以 鉛 烏 。錫 其 謂 黃 、丹 胡 粉 鳥 炒 ,錫 皆由 其 不 識 故 。也 今 正之 。
錫出 錫遍
Correction of Errors. [Su] Gong: The_[tinm] collected in Lin he is called 7zzz 鈴 (“lead?). It is also called 2z7 友 白鐵 . This is the only place from where it is supplied
to the entire country for further use. Tin grows wherever silver is produced. [Tin and silver] are similar in terms of their physical body but their usages are very dif ferent.[Li] Shizhen: Su Gong is not familiar with lead and tin. When he identifles tin as lead, and lead as tinm, and when he says that both minium and lead carbonate
are produced by frying tin, then this is because he does not know better. Jhis is corrected here now-
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
【 氣 】味 甘 , 寒, 微 毒,【 獨 孤 滔 曰】 竣 羊角、 五 靈 、脂 伏 龍 、肝 馬 鞭草 皆 能 縮 賀。 碳、 礙 能 硬 。錫 巴 、豆 荔 、麻 董 汁、 地 黃 能 制 。錫 松 脂 銲錫 。 錫 礦 縮銀 。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet cold, slightly poisonous. Dugu Tao: Antelope horn, flying squirrel droppings, “hidden dragons liver”(soill from a hearth), and 2eyZezzz herb can purify tin. Sal ammoniac and arsenic can harden tin. Croton [seeds], castor
beans, gingerjuice and Chinese foxglove [rhizomej are able to check [thepoisonous effects of] tin. Colophony can firmly connect/solder tin. Tin ore astringes silver
【 主 】治 有 惡 專 風 。瘡 大 明 ,。 Control._ Malign poison wind sores.”' Da Ming-
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 洪划 夷 志 堅 雲 : 澀 人 多 病 。站 地 饒 風沙 , 沙 入 中井 , 飲 其則 水 生 。瘦 故 金、 房 間 人 家 , 以 錫 為 井 ,辣 皆 錫 夾 錢 鎮 之, 或 沉 錫井 免此 患。 中 , 乃 Explication.[Li| Shizhen: Hong Maitin his
五 7zz7z >27 states:”Ihe Rupeople often
suffer from goiter Ihe region where theylive is plagued by wind and sand. Ihe sand cnters the wells. When they drink the water from these [wells] they develop goiter This is why thepeople inJlnand Fang use tin to construct fences around their wells. Jhey are all equipped with tin coins to suppress [the sand and its poison]. Some sink tin into the wells to avoid such suffering.
【 附 方】 新 二。 Added Recipes.
ITwo newly [recorded|
解 礙 夭 毒。 錫 ,器 於 粗 石上 磨 水 服 。之 濟
急方 。
Toresolve the poison of arsenic. Rub atin utensil on arough stone with water and ingest [the resulting liquid 到 去 克zz
楊梅 毒 。瘡 黑 、鉛 廣 錫 各 二 錢半 , 結 ,砂 蜈蚣 二 條 , 油 浸 一 ,夜 點 燈 , 日 照 瘡二 次 , 七 日 見效 。 集 玄 方 。
烏末 , 紙 卷 作 小 撚 ,
Red bayberry poison sores.2。:[Grind] two and a half 7zzzz of black lead and tin, |both] conglomerated to sand, and two centipedes to apowder give this on paper
and twirl this With your fingers to small rolls. Soak them in oil for one nitght and
3oI /ezg c2zzzg 風 瘡 ,“wind sores,”are festering and aching oritching papules brought forth by wind evib moisture and heat. BCGM
3o2 玫 zg zz7[Zz] c2zz7 楊梅
Dict LI6o.
毒 瘡 ,“red bayberry [poison] sores,"most likely including
cases of syphilis. BCGM Dict L, 293, 294.
C//z2/e7 2
lght them with a candle to expose the sores to its shine, twice a day An effect wi be apparent after seven days../7 zz7z /27z戰 o8-I6
古 鏡 抬遺 Gz 有 72gy 上 弓 527 罷 ,
Ancientmirror. Up to the Tang era:acoppeptnandzincalloy During Ming times:acopperandzincalloy
【 校 】正 併 入 本 經 錫 銅鏡 蜀 。 經ditorial Correction. 六 7 Ag7z7o 2 handle of atin-copper mirrop listed separatelyin the 5e7.7z7zzo is included in the present entry
【 釋 】名 鑑 、 照 子。 【 時 珍 日】 鏡 者, 景 也, 有 光景 也。 鑑 者, 監 也 , 監 於 前 。也 軒 點 內 傳言 : 帝 會 王 ,母 鑄 鏡 十二 , 隨 日 用之。 此 鏡 之 始也 。 或 云 始 於 民主 尹 壽 。 Explanation of Names..7zzz 獲 ,“mirror”"Z2z2 2 了 照 子 ,“reflector?” [Li] Shizhen: 7
鏡 ,“mirrop”is 7zzzg 景 ,“view Itmirrors ascenery gzz7ze.7z7zg 光景 ../z7z 鑽 ,“mirrop? is 7zz 監 , “to inspect.”It serves to inspect what lies in front of it. The 及 zz7z)zz2z7z 7 >2zz7z says: “When the _Ihearch met Wang mu, he had fr2 mirrors cast to be used following the course ofthesun. Jhis was the beginningofmirrors.It is also said that they date back to Yin Shou,aminister of Yao.
【 氣 】味
辛, 無 毒。【 大
明 曰】 平, 微 毒。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, nonpoisonous. Da Ming: Balanced, slightly poisonous.
汁和諸 藥 煮 服, 文 字 號 古 者 佳。 晟 器。 【 主 】治 毆 癇 邪氣 , 小 兒 諸 ,惡 煮 襄 一 切 邪 ,魅 女人 鬼 交 , 飛 戶 髮 毒, 催生 , 及 治 暴 心痛 , 並 火燒 淬 酒服 。 轟入 耳鼻 中 , 將 鏡 就 英之 , 即 出。 大 。明 小 兒 癌 氣 腫 ,硬 章 汁 。服 時珍 。 百 Control For fright epilepsy and evil qib and for all types of malign [visitors affectingj children boil [an ancient mirror] to obtain ajuice, boil it mixed with 311 types
of medication and [let the patientj ingest this. hose with characters inscribed on them and dating from ancient times are good.[Chen] Cangdqi. It wards of all types of evil goblins, intercourse of women with demons, and flying corpse_[qij” and
2zz poison.354 Tt speeds up births and serves to cure sudden heart pain. For all these 3o3 /z52z 飛 ,尸 ying corpse_[q]. A condition with sudden outbreaks and changing appearance.BCUGM Dict LT55. 3o4 Gz 鬆 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. QOriginally it was assumed to beamost poisonous bug, he only creatureinaclosed jar Surviving competition With hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
[ailments] heat [an ancient mirror] over a fire, dip itin wine and [let the patient
ingest [the wine]. When any of the hundreds of worms/bugs center ones ears and nose,holdamirrorclose [to the affected earandnose]j,knockatitand [the intrud-
er] will come out. Da Ming. Foraswelling and hardening of elevation-illness35 qi of children boil [an ancient mirror in water] and [let the patient] ingest the juice. |Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 鏡 乃 金 水 之 ,精 內 明 外 。暗 古 如 鏡 古 ,劍 若有 神 明 , 故 辟邪 能 必魅 惡 。 凡 人 家 宣 大 懸 鏡, 可 忌 朱邪 。 劉 根 傳 雲: 人 思 形 狀, 可 以 長 。生 用 九 明鏡 寸 照 ,面 熟 視 令 自 識 己 身 ,形 久則 喘 神 不 ,散 疾患 不 入 。 庚 洪 抱 朴 子 雲: 萬 物 之 老者, 其 精 功 能 託人 形 惑人 , 唯 不 能 易 中鏡 真 形。 故 道士入 山, 以明鏡 徑 九 寸 以上 者 背 ,之 則 有 邪 魅 不 敢近 , 自 見 其形 , 必 卻反 走。 轉 對鏡 之, 視 有 中 者 山神 , 無 中 者 老 魅 。也 群 所 書 載, 古 鏡靈 異, 往往 可 證 , 謾 撮 於 左 方。 龍江 錄 :雲 漢 宣 帝 有 寶 ,鏡 如 八 銖 ,錢 能 妖 ,魅 帝 常 佩 。之 異聞 記 :雲 隋 時 王 有度 一 ,鏡 上 崴 ,疫 令 持 鏡 時詣 中, 有 即 。愈 樵 牧 閑 談 :雲 孟 昶時 張 敵 得 一 古 ,鏡 徑 尺 ,餘 光照 寢室 如 者 疾 照之 燭 , 舉家 無 ,疾 號 無 疾 。鏡 西 京 雜記 雲: 漢 高 祖 得 時始 方 ,鏡 廣四 尺 , 高 五 ,尺 表 裹有 明 , 照之 則 影 倒 。見 以 手 捧 ,心 可 見腸胃 五 。臟 人 疾病 照 之, 則 知 病 之 所 。在 女 子有 有 邪 ,心 則 膽 張 心動 。 丁 陽 雜 仍 :雲 無 勞縣 舞 溪 石罕有 方 ,鏡 徑 ,丈 照人 五 ,臟 云 是 始 骨旺 鏡。 松 窗 錄 :雲 葉 法 善有 一 物 水 。 人 有 疾病 , 照見 居 腑。 宋 史 :雲 秦 寧 縣 夫耕 得 ,鏡 厚 三 鐵 ,鏡 照 如 病 熱 者 照之 , 心骨 生 寒 。 雲仙 錄 云: 輝 寸 , 徑 尺二 , 照見 水 底 , 與 日 爭 。” 前 三 方 事 皆 。見 黃果 將 ,至 照 則 京師 王氏 有 鏡六 鼻, 常有 雲煙 , 照之 左右 之, 兵 如 甲 在 目前 。 筆談 :雲 點 僧 一 ,鏡 照之 知 未來 吉凶 出 。處 又有 火 鏡 取 火 , 水 鏡 取水 , 皆 鏡 之 異 者也 。 Explication. [Li| Shizhen: A mirror is the essence of metal and water. J]t is shiny
on its inner side and it is dark on its outside. Ancient mirrors are comparable to ancient swords. Both possess divine/spirit brilliance. Hence they are able to ward o竺 malign goblins andvisitations by the malign.All households should hang alarge mirror as it is able to ward of evil goblins. he 字 用 Ge 22z27z states: When humans are concerned with their physical appearance,they can extend theirlife.When they iiluminate their face with anine zz7zz Wide brilliant mirror this will enable them to
thoroughly recognize their own bodys physical appearance. After an extended period of time [the result is that] the spirit will not depart from the body and illness to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed oz Z 由 專 ,“oz poison(Ging).” BCGM 3o5 $2zz 導 ,“elevation訕ness,”and 529zz 27 江
Dict L Ior.
氣 ,“elevation iness-di.”A notion ofaforeipn
item 負 at has entered the scrotum, causes pain and may ascend and descend. BCGM Dict L 4I9o.
C//z2/e7 2
and suffering wnot enter it. Ge Hong in his 25z22z >7 states: When the myriad human beings have become old, they may use their essence to manipulate their physical appearance so as to mislead others. But they are unable to alter their true physical appearance as it is reflected in amirror. Hence,whena Master of the Dao
centers the mountains, he carries With him on his back ashiny mirror with a diamcter of at least nine /z7z. Jhis lets evil goblins not dare to approach him. When they see 了heir own physical appearance, they will inevitably turn around and run away When [the Masterof the Daoj turns around With his mirror to face them,if he sees
that they have feet with heels, then these are mountain spirits.1f they have no feet With heels, they are old goblins. As is documented in so many books, ancient mirrors have supranatural, astonishing [effects]. Ihis has been proved again and again. Some are quoted here as follows. Jhe /.2zog7z7e 2 states: Han [Emperor] Xuan di
possessed aprecious mirrop as big as acoin weighing eight 22z, and it enabled him to observe evil goblins. Ihe 上Emperor aways wore it on his garment. Ihe 立 zoz7z 7 states: During the Sui dynasty a Mr. Wang Du possessedamirror In years with an epidemic, he held the mirror and visited the lanes. When he came across apatient, heilluminated him with the shine [of the mirror] and [that person] was cured. Ihe
O07z22 zz x7z27 zz States: At the ttme of Meng Chang, Zhang Di got hold of an ancient mirrop with a diameter of more than ac2z.Itiluminated his bedroom like
alamp. Henceforth, his entire family remained free from
山ness. Ihey named [the
mirror] “freeing of iiness mirror”The 和 777zg 2Z2 二 states: Han |[emperor] Gao zu obtained asquare mirror from [Qin] Shi Huang. It was four c27 wide and five 27
high. It was shiny both outside and inside. Anything reflected on it would appear upsize down.When [aperson thus reflected] held his hand on his heart, his intes-
tines, his stomach and his flve long-term depots became visible. With his illnesses and diseases illuminated and reflected, he could know the location of the disease. Whenawoman has an evil heart/intention, [hermirrorimagpge reveals that] her gall-
bladder is enlarged and her heart is in motion. Jhe 放 zz yzzze 2.Z states: In Wu lao countyinacave inVWuxiu there was asquare mirrop With a diameter of one 2x2z7zzg-
It iiuminated and reflected ones five long-term depots, and it was claimed to be [Qin] Shi huangs “bone [reflectingj mirror.” The So7zg c2zz7zg /Z states: Ye Fashan
possessed an iron mirror that was able to iiuminate and reflect items as clearly as Water. When someone had an 訓ness or adiseaseitvisibly 山uminated and reflected his long-term depots and short-term repositories. Ihe So7zg v27 states: A peasant tilling his land in Qin ning county obtained amirror that was three cz7z thick and two c27 in diameter. Itilluminated and reflected the bottom of waters, and its bril-
hance competed with that of the sun.
someone with a heat disease had himseff
illuminated and reflected, [it became apparent that] there was cold in his heart and
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
bones. IThe 學 zz xzzz 及 states: Mr Wang in the capital city had amirror with six handles.Itwas always surrounded by clouds and fumes.When heiluminated them [with his mirrorj, everything in the three directions to the left, to the right and in
front of him became apparent. When the army of Huang Chao approached [the capital|j, he uminated them [with his mirror and the mirror] reflected the soldiers
and their armor as 放 they were rightin front of him. Jhe 及 7 states: A Buddhist monkWuhadamirror uminating and reflecting locations from where auspicious and inauspicious events were to originate in future. Also, there are “fre mirrors to obtain filre,and “water mirrors to obtain water. All these are examples of the aston-
ishing [potentials] of mirrors.
方】新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded]
小 兄 夜 咩。 明 鑑 掛 霖 腳上 。 聖惠 方 。 rying ofchildren during the night.Hangashiny mirrorat thefootofthe [child's」 bed. $72e7zo 2z/7 /272寢 o8-I6-oI
銅 鏡 鼻 本經
下 。品 玉 zoze7ze 27FE 5ez.77zg lowerrank.
Handle ofatin-coppermirror
【 釋 】【 名 弘 景 日】 此 物 胡與 粉 異類 共而 條 ,者 古 之, 即 今 破 古 鋼 鏡鼻 了 。爾 用 當之 燒 赤 納 酒 。中 若 也 。【 記 日 】 凡 鑄 鏡 皆 用 ,錫 不 爾 即 不 明白 , 故 言 勝 。【 時 珍 】晶 錫 銅相 和 , 得 水 洲 之 極 ,硬 故 鑄 鏡 半 , 謂 之 鑑 燈 劑之 是 也 。
無 醯 錫 用
純銅作 鏡, 皆用 錫 雜 中 入 出 百 遍 , 乃 可揭 銅 鏡 ,鼻 今 廣 陵 者 烏 。之 考 記工 云 金 錫相
Explanation of Names. [Tao] Hongjing. his item is of a different kind than lead carbonate, but both are listed in the same entry. In ancient times, mirrors Were not produced of pure copper; [the copper] was always mixed with tin. Ihese here are
handles of broken ancient copper mirrors available today. For [therapeutic] use they areto be heated until they have turned redand are then to be given into wine. After they are dipped into [the wine] and taken out again one hundred times, they can be pounded [to generate apowder for therapeutic applications]. [Ma] Zhi: All mirrors
are cast With [a mixture of copper and] tin.ITfno [tin is added,amirror] will not be
shiny. 本 ence one speaks of “handles of tin-copper mirrors. Nowadays, those from Gruangling are superior. [Li| Shizhen: A combination of tin and copper that is then sprinkled with_ water results in an extremely hard substance. Hence this is resorted
C//z2/e7 2
to when mirrors are cast. When the 人 z2 go
五states: Half and half of gold and tin
are called apreparation of amirror 和 int, then this is what is meant here.
【 氣 】味 酸 ,
日】 微 寒。【 藥
平 , 無 毒。【 權
訣 日】 冷 , 無 毒 。
Qi and Flavor. Soup balanced, nonpoisonous.[Zhen] Quan. Slightly cold. %2 7ze:
old, nonpoisonous.
【 主治 】 女 子 血 閉 癥 ,站 伏 腸 絕 孕。 本 。經 伏 尸 邪 氣。 別 。錄 產 後 餘 疹刺 可 當歸 、 芍 藥 購 。服 甄 權 。 酪 鰲 , 呷 。之 亦 入 十 候, 取 七 枚 投 中 痛, 三 六 ontrol.
bleeding. Concretion-illness
and conglomera-~
tion由ness of women.[Heatj hiddenintheintestines and infertility. 57.77zze. Hid-
den corpse_[qdilP evil q. 2 有. For macule-ilness With apiercing pain remaining after delivery and for the 36 [associated 過 ness] signs, simmer seven handles in
vinegar and [let the patient] sip the liquid. It is also possible to boil them together
With_Z7zgzZzcz root and 2zeozzzz [root| and [let the patient] ingest [this decoctiom」.
乙hen Quan.
方】 新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded|
小 兒 必客 , 面 青 和 驚 。痛 銅 照 子 鼻 燒 ,赤 少 酒 淬過 , 與 兄 。飲 聖惠 方 。 hildren visited by the hostile,with agreenish face, fright and pain. 本 eatacopper refectors handle untilit has turned red,dipitintoasmall amountof wine and have the child drink this. $2e7zc 22/7 /272
鏡 鏽 ./7722 >724. Rustonaimirror,
即 鏡 上 綠 也 , 俗名 楊 妃垢 。 This is the green [rusdonamirrorA common nameis “Yang [guilfeis th.
【 主 】治 腋 昊。 又 下療 准 ,瘡 同 五 倍子 末 等 ,分 米 消 洗 後 傅 。之 時 珍 。 ontrol. Malodorous stench from the armpits. Also to heal oz7z-nessx7 sores in thelowerbodyparts,wash [the afected parts] with waterin which rice was washed 3o6 及 5z[2 引 伏 尸 [
氣 ],“hidden corpse [qi],”refers to achronic condition of heartpain and
hectic panting.BCGM Dict LIZ7Z 3o7 Gzz 開 ,“gz7-iness,”also: “sweets-iness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCVGJIM _ Dict DI8o-I88.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
and then apply [a powder mixture of] equal amounts of [this drug and] Chinese sumac gallnuts.[Li] Shizhen.
古文 錢 日 華 Gz/ 0e77 2727z, 上 上 人 7 27Z//Z.
QOld coinwith ascript. Coppep leadandtinalloy Later: copperandzincalloy
【 山 方, 云: 血
釋 】名 點、 孔 方 、兄 上 之 金 鑄 ,幣 以 救人 困 , 輕重 以 ,銖 周 四流 烏世 神 ,寶 親愛 如 塗 子 母 ,錢 見 晶 部。
清 童 子 綱目 、 青 此 錢 之 始 。也 至 方 , 有 旻 之 ,象 故 ,兄 字 曰 孔 。方 又
。【 時 時 周 公立 太 曰 。旻 後 昔有 錢 ,精
珍 】晶 管 子 :言 邑 歷以 九 府 泉 ,法 泉 圓 體 含 轉 烏 。錢 魯 褒 錢 神論 自 稱上 清 童 。子 青 蜂
Explanation of Names. Ozzz 打 , “spring.” Ko7zg 有 zzo xzo7g 筷 方 ,兄 “elder brother with asquare hole.”S2z7zg zz 名 ze 7 上 清 童子,“boy of supreme clarity”Gzzzg 2 Ozzg 友 青 遇 ,“greenish water-beetle.”[Li] Shizhen:The Gzzz 27says:“Yu castmoney With gold from Mount Li shan to help his people in diffiaculties. his was the beginning of money By the time of the Zhou Duke Tai introduced the law of “springs, 72zz7z 打 ,in the nine prefectures.” The Springs/coins were to have around body With asquare [hole] left in its center. Their different weights were measured as >2z
|Ihese coins] were distributed in all four cardinal directions. Ihey were shaped like
a'spring. Hence they were called 7zzz 時 ,'Sspring.This [name] was later changed to 727zz7 錢
”Lu Bao in his 0Ozz7z 2ez 2 states: [Coins] are worldwide divine treasures.
They are as close to one and loved as an elder brother[Iheir name] is written &o7z 大 /
孔 方 ,,Square hole”Also,in former times there was a “coin spiritb”7727z 有 2
精 . It called itself y2zze 2zzzg
px7 上 清
章 子 ,“boy of supreme clarity”Ihe blood of
Water-Dbeetles, 277zo 2272 青 時 ,is smeared on coins [and they will return likel achild to
its mother [For details] see the section on “worms/bugs. (4o-o.
【 是 其 果 四 但 詞 婦 。 鑄 也 。
集 解 】【 頒 日 】 凡 鑄 銅 之 ,物 多 和 以 。錫 。也 藥用 古文 、錢 鋼 徐 牙 之 ,類 皆 有 錫 , 銅 焦 亦 有 毒, 能 腐蝕 壞 ,肉 非 特 烏有 錫 十 寶 ,貨 秦 半 ,兩 漢 英 、錢 大 小 五 五 及 銖、 二 ,銖 及 梁四 柱、 北 齊 常 平 五 銖 之 得 五 百 年 之 外 者 即 可用 , 而 唐 高 所 祖 鑄 古 今 所 。重 葵 氏母 錢 神 論 雲: 黃金 為 ,父 其 性 堅剛 , 須 水 終 。始 體 圓 應 ,天 孔 ,錢 其 汁 不 ,清 俗名 爐 。凍 黃 火 烈 金 。也
考 記工 云攻 金 之 ,工 金有 六 劑 故 其 用 近 之。【 宗 爽 日】 古 錢 。也 此 說 非 。是 但 取 周 景 王 時大 ,銖 二 大 旻 五 、百 大 當錢 千 , 宋 時 珍 日】 古 文錢 用 ,類 方 可 。【 開 元 通 ,寶 得 輕重 大 小 之中 , 尤 白銀 為 母。 鈴 扁 長 ,男 錫 詞 適 方 效 。地 此 乃 鑄 錢 之 法 。也 三 伏 唐 人 端午 江於 心 鑄 ,鏡 亦此 意
C//z2/e7 2
ollected Explanations. [Su] Song: Whenever items are cast from coppep tin is
added mostoften. Jhis is meant by the 大z2.go7zg 趣 whenitstates: “Craftsmen working with metalb they produce six preparations of metalL Items like medicinally used ancient coins With ascript and triggers of copper crossbows, they 4 include tin. Hence their [therapeutic] usages are similar.[Kou] Zongshi: When the copper 0f ancient coins is scorched until it has turned red, it is poisonous and can cause rot-
ting and decay of flesh. Jhis is not because [the coins] contain tin. Io say so is Wrong. Only the large 5o [units] coins of KingJing of the Zhou,and the“treasure Wares [also of the Zhouj, the half a /Zz7ze [coins] of the Qin, the “pod coins and the flve 22z [coins] of various sizes of the Han, the large 5oo [units] coins and the large coins”equivalent to Irooo [units] of Wuy the four and the two 22z [coins] of the Song,as well as the“four column [shaped coins] of the Liang,and the flve 2%2z
[coins of」] “permanentpeace”of Northern Qi, they all may be used [for therapeutlc purposes」]. [Li] Shizhen: Only those old coins With ascript that are older then soo
years may be used [for therapeutic purposesj. Ihe money cast during the /z27 277 reign period (7D3 一 74D of [emperor] Gao zu of the Tang had the right weight and
size, and has been especially highly valued from ancient times to today Mr. Qimus O0727z y2z7z //7z states: Yellow gold is the father. White silver is the mother. Lead is the elder son. Tin is the daughter-in-law. Jhe nature [of ancient coins] is very
hard and [when they are processed for medical use] water is required from the beginning to the end. ITheir body is round to reflect heaven. Iheir hole is square to reflect the earth. Ihis is the law on which the casting of coins is based. Coins cast during the three ten-day periods of the hottest season of a year produce a juice [when processed」] thatis not clear. It is commonly called furnace jelly. Ihe fact is, fre overcomes metal. During the Tang dynasty the people on the fifth day of the ffth month cast mirrors in thhe middle of ariver. This was based on the same idea.
【 氣 】味 辛 ,
平 , 有 毒。【 時
珍 】晶 同 胡桃 嚇 即 ,碎 相 制 也 。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, balanced, poisonous. [Li| Shizhen: When [ancient coins] are
chewed together with walnuts, they burst to pieces. Ihis is because the latter check the former
【 主 】治 疾 障, 明 ,目 療 風 赤 眼, 鹽 畔 浸 。用 婦 人 生 產 橫 ,逆 心腹 痛 , 月 膈 五 ,淋 燒 以 酪 淬 。用 大 。明 太 青 錢 煮 汁 ,服 通 五 。淋 磨入 目 , 主 盲 障 膚 亦 。 和 章 以 根 煮 ,服 止 心腹 。痛 藏 器。 Control. [Eye] shades and screens. [Ancient coins] clear the eyes. lo heal red eyes caused by wind, use them soaked in brine. For women _giving birth toachid in a transverse or footling presentation, With painful central and abdominal region,
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
blocked menstruation and the five types of dripping [urine] 2, heat [the coinsj, dip them into vinegap and then use them [for therapeutic purposes]. Da Ming. To
ingest the juice obtained by boiling large, greenish coins frees the passage of the flve types of dripping [urine]. Rubbedinto the eyes,it controls blinding membranes and red skin. Jo ingest [the juice] obtained by boiling [the coins] With cozx roots ends heart and abdominal pain. [Chen] Cangdi.
【 發 】【 明 宗 爽 日】 古 有錢 毒 , 治 目 中 障 ,瘀 腐蝕 壞 淋 , 多用 之。 了 予 少 時 常 赤患 目 腫 痛 , 數 日 不 能 。開 客有 淨 去 ,皮 以 青銅 古 錢 刊 汁點 之, 初 甚 ,苦 熱淚 歲 ,面 者 , 教之 , 往往 疑惑 。 信 士 點 之, 無 不 一 肯點 愈, 更 不 可 用 。【 也 時 珍 日】 以 胡桃 同只 食二 三 枚, 能 消 便 木也 。
,肉 婦人 橫 逆 ,產 五 教 以生 芋一 塊, 洗 然 終 無 。損 後有 患 不 須 。再 但 作 瘡 者 , 。毒 便 毒 屬肝 , 金 伐
Explication. [Kou] Zongshi: Ancient coins are poisonous. Ihey are often used to
cure screens and stagnant blood in the eyes, decaying and rotting filesh, women piving birth toachildin atransverse and footling presentation, and the five types of dripping [urine]j. In my youth,Toften suffered from red eyes accompanied by a painfulswelling.Twas unable to open [the eyes] forseveral days.Avisitor instructed me to use apiece of fresh pingep wash it clean and discard its skin, scrape it With an ancient greenish coin to obtain ajuice and drip this [into the affected eyes」]. In the beginning, this was very painful and hot tears covered my face. But in the end, there was no harm left. In later times when there were patients suffering [from this ailment ]] instructed them [to use this treatmentd|, but often they doubted [and refused itd|. hose who believed in it dropped [the juice into their eyes], and there
Wwas not a single case where after just one application acure was not achieved. It never needed to be repeated. Howevep once sores have formed,itmust not be used.
[Li] Shizhen: When two or three [coins] are chewed together with walnuts, they
are able to dissolve poison affecting the [region of urination and defecation] relief. Such poison affecting the [region of urination and defecation] relief is associated With the liver Metal fells wood.
3o8 族 zz 五 淋 ,the “five typesofdripping urine”include:77 7 氣 淋 (qi dripping7), zz Z7 淋(pasty dripping), 血 淋 (“blood dripping),,2z Zz 石 ,淋 (stone dripping), go Zzz 膏 and zz?2Zzz 勞 淋 (“exhaustion dripping).BCGM Dict L54r.
C/z2Ze7 人
【 附 方】 舊 ,一 新二 十 一 。 Added Recipes. One of old. 2zr newly [recorded
時 氣 欲 死。 大 下 , 愈。 肘 後 方 。
錢 百 ,文 水
三 分, 稍 一 斗 煮 八 ,升 入 麝末香
至 盡 , 或吐 或 飲
[Affection by] seasonal qi, bringing one close to dying. Boil roo ]arge coins in one 2Z2z of water down to ceight y2e7zey add three /zzofmuskpowderand |let the patient
drink this little by little unttl nothing is left. He may vomit or he may have adischarpe,and this is the cure. Z22z 29z 7
時 氣溫 病。 頭痛壯 熱矯 大, 始 得 一 日者。 比 輪 錢 一 百 五 十 七 文, 水 一斗, 水 升 投中 , 合 得三 汁。須 與 復 以 水 五 ,升 更 意 一 升, 以 二 意取 七 ,升 服 升, 出 錢 飲 ,汁 當 吐 毒 出 。也 肘 後方 。 Warmth disease caused by seasonal qi. When on the first day of being affected [patients suffer from] headache, strong heat and a massive [movement in the] vessels.
Boil 7 wheel-size coins 25? in one Zoz of water down to seven 2e7g and let them ingest the Juice. A little later boil [the coins] again in five y2zzge of water down to one 52e7zg. Add two vezc of water to have altogether three y2ezzg. Remove the coins and [let the patients] drink the juice. Ihey will vomit and this serves to release the polson.
之22z 22z /27zg.
心 煩腹 滿及 胸腸痛 後 方。
欲 死者 。 比 輪 二 錢 十 枚, 水 五 升, 煮
三 升, 分
三 。服 肘
Unrestandasensationoffulliness in the central and abdominal region,andapain in chest and flanks bringing one close to dying. Boill 27 wheel-size coins in flve +2e72 of water down to three y2ezg and [let the patient] ingest them divided into three
portlons. /22z 2oz /Z7zg.
急 心 氣 。痛 古 文 錢 一 ,個 打 碎, 大 核桃 三 個, 同 炒 熱 , 入 醋 一 釗 各 服。 誠 經 驗方 。
Acute pain caused by heart qi. Fry one ancient coin With ascripty struck to pieces, and three big walnuts, give them hotinto abowlofvinegar and ingest [the liquid. Yang Chengy.777zo )27z 7
惟 亂 轉 筋。 青 銅錢四 十 九 ,枚 木瓜 服。 聖 濟 錄 。
一 ,兩 烏梅 炒 五 枚, 水二 韶 , 恒
3o9 肪 Zz 72z 比 輪 錢 ,“wheel-size coins,”refers to rather large and heavy coins in use under Emperor Yuan di 元 帝 (3 一 322) during the Jin 晉 dynasty
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
holera with contorted sinews.Fry 49 greenish copper coins,one //z7zg Of c2ze7z27ze/y fruit and five fried smoked plums in two bowls of water and [let the patiend
ingest this warm, divided into several portions. $2e7zc 及 包 7
慢 小, 中 , 須
脾 驚 。風 利 痰 奇效 , 用 以 一 放個 鐵 匙上 , 詹 作 一 ,服 以 南 木 香 湯 以 木 香 佐 。之 楊 仁 直齋 指
開 元 通 寶 錢 背後 上 下 有 兩 月 痕 ,者 其色 淡 ,黑 頗 火 四燒 圍上 下 , 各 出 珠子 , 取出 候 ,冷 傾入 章 送下 , 或人 參 湯 亦可 。 錢 雖 利 ,痰 非胃 家 所 好 , 方。
Slow spleen fright wind.: Io open the passage for phlegm most effectively resort toacoin from the /27 zz7z reigpn period (7D3 一 74D that has both on its front and back side,above and below,moon-shape scars.1ts coloroughttobeapale black,and
itshould be relatively small. Placeitonan iron spoonand heatitoveracharcoal flre from above and below and on all for sides. Pearls will appear everywhere. Remove them, wait until they have cooled down, pour them into asmall cup and [let the patient] ingest them in one drafty to be sent down with an zzcZ/z7zZz2z [root] decoc-
tion.A ginseng [root] decoction will do too. Even though coins free the passage 0f phlegm, they are not good for the stomach. 本 ence they must be accompanied by 2zcA/2z7z2Zz2z [roo 趾 Yang Renzai, Z27 727 /z7zgo
下 血 不 止。 大 古 四錢 百 ,文 酒 三 ,升 煮二 升, 分 三 。服 普
濟方 。
Unending discharge with blood. Boil 4oo big ancient coins in three vezze of wine down to two ez and ingest this divided into three portions. / 五 7
赤 白 帶 。下 銅 四錢 十 ,文 酒四 升 , 煮 取 二 ,升 分 三 。服 千 金方 。 Red and white discharge from below the belt. Boill 4o copper coins in four y2z7zce of Wine down to two y2ezzoy and ingest this divided into three portions. 0727z.777z /272.
便 氣 。淋 比 輪 錢 三 百 ,文 水 一 ,斗 章取 三 ,升 溫 。服 千
金方 。
Urineandqidripping.Boil3oo wheel-size cotins inone Zo2zofwater down to three y2ezzc and ingest this warm. 0727z.777z /272.
沙 石 淋 。痛 古 文 錢 煮 汁 。服 普
濟方 。
Painful dripping [of urine] With sand and stones. Boil ancient coins with ascript
and ingest the Juice. 呈 / 育 7
3Io Zoe 擎 風 ,“fright wind,”a condition of children characterised by jerking and arched back rigidity eyeballs turned upward, and twitching hands and legs.BCGM Dict 26r, also 238, 24o.
C//z2/e7 2
傷 水 喘 ,急 因 年 少 飲 冷 水 驚恐 所 致 。者 古 文 錢 七 枚 洗 ,淨 白梅 七 ,個 水 一 鋰 , 同 浸 三 ,宿 空心 一 ,呷 良久 得 ,吐 效。 仁存 方 。 Harm caused by water associated with panting and hectic [breathingj, if this was
caused in onesyouth by drinking cold water and being frightened. Wash seven old coins With a script clean,and soak them together with seven pickled plums in one handleless cup of water forthree nights.Sip [theliquidj onan empty stomach. Ihis wi result after quite along timeinvomiting.
唇 腫 黑 ,痛 鐘 不可 忍。 四 文 大 說錢 新 書。
弓 ffective. 人 27zcz7z Zoo
石上 磨 豬 脂 汁 塗 ,之 不
過 過 數 愈。 幼 幼
Lips that are swollen and blacky, with a pain and unbearable itch. Grind four big coins With lard onastone and apply the [resulting paste to the affected region].A cure wi be achieved after only afew applications. 7z )z %77z 2.
口 內 熱 。瘡 青 二錢 十 ,文 燒 赤 投 中 酒 服 ,之 立 癢。 陳 藏 本 器 草 。 Heatsores in the mouth. Heat2o greenish coins until they are red, drop them into wine and ingest the [liquid]. Immediately effective. C2z7z Cz7ze77 2e7z 人 2z2.
眼 赤 生 ,瘡 連 年 不 。愈 古 錢 一 ,文 生 墓 石 一 ,個 洗 ,淨 以 計錢 石上 磨 蜜 , 取 濃 汁 四三 滴 在 ,意 覆 兄上 , 以 艾 灸 吳 內 七 ,壯 惠 ,蜜 取 點 ,之 效。 普 濟 方。 Sores developing onred eyes that have not been cured for coin and one piece of unprocessed gravel, washed clean. of gravel and rub it with the coin to collect three to four acup. ITurn the cup upside down onatile. Fumigate the
several years. One ancient Apply honey to the piece drops of aviscous Juice in honey |[juice drops in the
cupj on the tile With seven cones of common mugwort [leavesj, remove [the juicel]
and drop it [into the affected region]- 弓 ffective. / 去 zz
赤 目 浮 。莉 古 錢 一 ,文 了 方寸 ,匕 治 點篩 之。 千 金 方 。 Red eyes with a floating shade.[Grind] one ancient coin and the amount of salt held by asquare zz spoon [to apowderj, give this through asieve and drop |the
resulting fine powder on the affected region]. Ozz7z.777z 7
目 論 不見。 錢 於 石上 磨 ,汁 注
紫中 。 普
濟方 。
When the eyes suddenly are unable to see. Grind coins onastone [with water] to
obtain ajuice and pour this into the canthi. 上 及 /7zg
目生 珠 及 管 膚 。醫 銅 錢 青 一 ,兩 細 半 墨 兩, 烏 末 , 醋 化 之。 聖惠 方 。 丸, 乳汁 、 新 汲 各水 少許 , 浸 點
丸 白 豆大 。 每
3I4 When
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z the eyes develop a tube of pearls 盾 and skin shades.[Grind] one /z7zg 9f
Verdipgris from acopper coin and half a /zzc of fine ink toapowder and form pils, With vinegap the size of white beans. 紀 ach titme soak onepill in small amounts each of a nursing mothers milk sap and newly drawn water until it has dissolved and drop [the resulting liquid on the affected region]. S2ezzg 2z7 /z7zg.
腋下 胡 上 昊。 古 文 錢 十 ,文 鐵
線 串 ,燒 酪 淬 十 ,次 入
勵 香 末研 調 塗 。 應急 良
方。 Barbarian stench under the armpits. Use an iron _ thread to form astring of ten ancient coins With ascripb heat this and dip it into vinegar ten times. Add musk ground to apowdep and apply this mixture [of musk and vinegar to the armpits」 777 /7272g /272g.
跌 撲 傷 。損 半 兩 錢 五 ,個 火沁 酪 四淬 十 九 ,次 甜瓜 末 。人 每 服 一字 , 好 酒 。調 隨上 下 食 前 後。 青 訓 。
子 五 ,錢 真 二 珠 錢, 研
Harm and injuries resulting from tumbling and falls. Calcine flve coins weitghing half a Zzzge overafire and dip them into vinegar 49 times. hen add [to theliquid]
five 772z7z of musk-melon seeds and two 7zzz of genuine pearls ground to apowder. 紀 ach time ingestone >zo mixed with good wine,before or after meals depending on whether[the injury] aftects the upperor the lower body parts. 0zzzg 7z27.
誤 吞 鐵 。錢 古 文銅錢
十 ,個 白梅 肉 十 ,個 淹
過 即 爛 搗 丸 綠 豆大 , 每
丸 , 流水 吞 下, 即 吐出 。 聖 濟 錄 。 When someone has inadvertently swallowed an iron coin. Submerge ten ancient copper coins with ascript and the meat of ten pickled plums in water until a pulp has formed,pound this toapaste and form pills the size of mung beans. 紀 ach time [have] the patient] ingest one pill, to be swallowed with flowing water. He ww 六 vomit and throw up [the coin]. $2ezzg 埃 和
百點 入 。耳 青 錢 四十 文, 辟 豬 膏 二 ,合 少少 滴 。之 聖 濟錄 。 When any of the hundreds of worms/bugs have entered the ears. Fry I4 greenish coins in two gzoflard and drop the [lardj insmall amounts into [the affected ears. AS2e7zo 7
便 毒 初 。起 方 見 發 明下 。 Poison affecting the [region of urination and defecation] relief. For the recipe, see under
3TI _Z2z.gzzz 珠 ,“pearls 管 in atubey"atumor-ilness on the eye, with acrystal clear color reminiscent of pearls in a tube.BCVGM DictL 69r.
C/2z2/e7 2 O8-IS8
銅 797zo 7 上
錄 品 弩 牙 別 下 巳 有 7Zz /z9 lower rank
oppernotchin crossbows.
【 釋 】【 名 時 珍 曰】 黃 帝 始 作 。花 劉 熙 釋 名 :雲 和 ,花 怒 ,也 有 怒 勢 。也 其 柄 日 臂, 似人 臂 。也 鉤 絃 者 曰 ,牙 似人 牙 。也 牙 外 曰 郭 ,。 下 曰 髦 。刀 合 名 之 曰 機 , 【 頌 日】 藥用 銅 稚 ,牙 以 其有 錫 也 。 Explanation of Names.[Li| Shizhen: Huang Diwas the first to construe crossbows.
Liu Xiin his 5 到 zzg states: “AAz 舉 ,'crossbowo is 2z 怒 ,anger.[Crossbows] have
the strength ofanger.'The haft [ofacrossbow] is called 2 臂 ; it resembles a human 籽
牙; it resembles a human tooth,
牙 .The surrounding of the “tooth' is called gz2
郭, outer wall. The part below
臂 .The hook holding the string is called
arm, 到
knife.All this together is called 方 機, 刀 [the “tooth'] is called xzz7z zz2 鬆 ,'hanging
key mechanism/trigger. [Su] Song: For pharmaceutical application the “teeth of copper crossbows are resorted to because they include tin. 【
平 》
毒 o
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, slightly poisonous.
【 主 】治 婦 人 難產 , 血 ,閉 月 水 不 ,通 陰陽 隔 。塞 列 錄 。 ontrolLWomenwith difhcult birth,blood blockage,and with an obstruction of the
passage of the monthly water. Blocked up movement ofyin and yang [dqi]. 2zz Z.
【 發 】【 明 弘 景 日】 銅 符 牙 治 諸 ,病 燒 赤 納 中 酒 飲 ,汁 古 者 彌 勝。【 劉 完 其 而 為 使也 。 系 日】 符 牙 速 ,產 以 機 發 而 不 ,括 因 用 Explication.[TIao] Hongjing: Ihe“teeth'of copper crossbows serve to cure 和 1 types of diseases.Heatthem until they have turnedred, give them into wine and drink the juice. Ihe older they are the better.Liu Wansu: Crossbow “teeth ”speed up delivery QOne makes use of the triggers function to release,rather then to contract. Jhis is an application based on the actual usage [of an item」-
方】 舊 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One of old.
誤 吞 珠 ,錢 嘎 在 咽 。者 鋼 輸 牙 燒赤 , 納 水中 , 冷飲 ,汁 立 。愈 聖惠 方 。 When someone has inadvertently swallowed apearloracoin resulting in athroat obstruction. Heat the “tooth'_ ofacopper crossbow until it has turned red and give
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 47z
it into water. When it has cooled down [let the patient| drink the Juice. This w 半 result in an immediate cure. $72e7zo 2z/7 /27zg. OS-IO
諸 銅器綱目 之2z/ A7zc 97 上 匕 Goz7zg 22
All types ofcopperutensils.
【 氣 】 味 有 毒 。【 時 聲 。【 藏 器 日】 銅 器上
珍 日】 銅 器 飲食 盛 於 ,酒 經 夜有 毒 。 煎湯 飲, 汁有 毒, 令 人 發 惡 瘡 內 疸 。
Qi and Flavor. Poisonous. [Li| Shizhen: When beverages, food, tea and wine are left in copper utensils overnight, they are poisonous. When
[copper utensils] are
used to fry something and to prepare a decoction, this will harm the voice of the people_ [who eat or drink this]. [Chen] Cangdi: he sweat formed on the surface
of copper utensils is poisonous. It lets one effuse malign sores and internal impediment-illness.災
【 主 】治 槍 亂 轉 ,筋 問 堂 及 臍 下 症 ,痛 並炙 器 衣隔 盡 其 臍 腹 芝腎 。大 明 ,。 古 鋼 器 謾 ,之 辣 凡邪 。 時 珍 。 ontrol. For cholera With contorted sinews, and for painful attachment 名 ness5
affecting the kidney region and the region below the navel roast such utensils and press them hoty separated by [the patients」 clothes, on the region of the navel, the
abdomen and the kidneys. Da Ming. When
[domestic animals are] raised with
[foodfrom」jancientcopperutensils,this will keep evilinfluences away [Li| Shizhen.
魅 歷年 代 , 故 能 烏 邪崇 。 時 珍 曰】 趙 希 寓 洞天 錄 雲: 山 精 水 多 明 【 發 】【 八 之, 所 以 能 辟 峙也 。 三 代 鍾 鼎 碗 ,器 歷年 過 Explication. [ 工
Shizhen: hao
入ihuin his 2zg 4z7z 和 states: Mountain spirits
and water goblins have existed for many years. Hence they can exert cevil influences. Vessels and sacrificial utensils [handed down by at least] three generations are older [than mountain spirits and water goblins]. Hence they are able to repudiate such infiluences.
3I2 .甩
疸 , “impediment-ilness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 277Z. 313 Z2z 症 ,also x2z 注 ,“attachment-illness,7“influx迪 nesss,”"reflects anotion ofaforeipn
pathogenic agent originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM Dict LP 688-695.
C/2z2/e7 2 OS-IO-OI
銅 鉆 鎧。 272zggz zz 一 作 鉆 ,鱗 與 斗也 。 Copperflatiron.Also written gz zz 鉆 魯 , zz Zoz 恕 斗.
【 主 】治 折 傷 接骨 , 臍 腹 冷 。痛 時 珍。
搗末 研 ,飛 和 少 酒 ,服 不過 二 方寸 。匕 又 盛 灰 ,火 納
ontrol It serves to reconnect fractured bones. Poundittoapowdeprefineit with sublimation and [let the patient] ingestit mixed With alittle wine. No more than
is held by two square cz7z spoons. Also, fill it With hot ashes and press it on [the patients] navel and abdomen where he feels cold and pain. [Li| Shizhen. Oo8-I9-o2
秤 錘 。 及 zzgc2ezze 2 吧
【 主 】治 產 難 橫生 , 燒 赤 淬 酒 。服 大明 ,。 ontrol Difhcult delivery and transverse presentation. 本 eat it until it has turned red dip itin wine and [have the womanjingest [theliquid]. Da MingOS8-IO-O3
匙柄 。 727ze C27 2772o
Handle ofacopperspoonm.
【 主 】治 風 眼 赤 爛 及 風 赤熱 眼疾 ,膜 燒 熱 烙 ,之 頻 用 。妙 時 珍 。 ontrol Por red and festering wind eyes74 and red eyes caused by wind and heat With ashademembrane,heat[thehandlejuntilitis hotand press it [on the affected region]. Repeated application will result in awondrous [effect|. [Li] Shizhen. o8-2o
本 下 經 品
77e, 上 弓 227777zo lower rank. jron,
【 校 】正 併 入 別 錄 生 、鐵 抬 遭 勞 鐵 。 Editorial Correction.Pig ironlisted separately in the 5zz 有 and wornoutiron listed separately in the $27 )# are included in the present entry.
【 釋 】名 黑 說 金 日黑金 。 水, 故
文 、人 烏
金。【 時
珍 】晶 鐵 ,
截 ,也 剛 可
截 物 。也 於
五 金屬
3I4 Zoe 7 風 眼 ,“wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to the eyes by heat. BCGM Dict LIZL.
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 47z
Explanation of Names. 7z7 7
,“black metal” AS2z2 zoezz.
克2 有 zz 局
,“black 金
metaL? [Li] Shizhen: 7z 鐵 is 7 截 ,“to cut.” It is unyielding and enables one to cut items.Among the five metals,it is the one associated with water. Hence it is called black metaL
【 集 解】【 列 錄 日】 鐵 牧羊 出 平 及澤 應 ,城 或析 城 , 米 無 。【 時 弘 景日】 生 鐵 是 不 破 鏽、 鑰 、 金 之 。類 鋼 鐵是 有 雜 鍊 生 鏽, 作 、刀 鐮 。者 鏽 , 音 柔 。 【 頒 日】 鐵 江南 今 、 西 轉有 爐 冶 處 皆有 之。 初 鍊 去 ,礦 用 以 鑄 瀉 器 物者 , 詞 生 。鐵 再 銷三 拍, 可 以作 忽 者 烏 鏽 ,鐵 亦 謂 之 熟 。鐵 以 生 柔相 有 雜和 , 用 砧上 打 細下 反 屑 ,者 烏 鐵沙 。 以作 刀 劍 鋒 刃 者 烏 鋼鐵。 鍛家 燒 鐵 赤 沸, 鍛 憲 中 飛 出 如 ,塵 紫色 而 輕 ,虛 可 以 勞 磨銅器 者 烏 鐵 。精 作 鐵 家 磨 細急 末 出 以 染 吳 者 為 鐵漿 。 者, 謂 之 鐵 。砂 取 諸 計鐵 器中 水 浸 ,之 經久 色 青 沫 可 以 鐵 作拍 片 ,段 置 酪 糟 中 積久 衣 生 刮取 者 烏 鐵 華 粉。 入 火 飛 鍊 者 為 鐵 粉 。 又馬 銜 、 秤 鍾、 車 及 轄 鋸 、 枯、 刀、 并 , 並 俗 有用 效 。。【 時 珍 日】 鐵 皆 取 礦 士 炒 成。 秦、 佃、 淮、 茜、 湖 、南 交、 廣 諸山中 皆 產 ,鐵 以 廣 鐵 烏 良。 甘 噶土 錠 鐵色 黑 性 ,堅 宣作 刀劍 。 西 番 出 賓 鐵 尤 勝。 它 居 論 雲: 鐵 有 五 種: 放 鐵 當出 陽 , 色 花 而 堅 ,利 上 饒 鐵 次 。之 賓 鐵 出 波斯 , 堅 可 利 切 金 玉 。 太 、原 居 山 之 鐵 頑 。滯 剛 鐵 西南 生 癌 海中 山石 上 , 狀如 紫 石 ,英 水 火 不 能 ,壞 穿 珠 切 玉 如 士 。也 土 宿本 草 :雲 鐵 太 受 陽之 氣。 始生 之 ,初 鹵 石 產 。焉 一 百 五 十 年 而 成 慈 ,石 二 百 年 孕 而 成 ,鐵 又二 百 年 不 及經 鍊 而成 銅, 銅 復 化 為 白金 , 白金 化 為 黃金 , 是 鐵 與 金 銀 同 根源 一 也 。 今取 慈 石碎 之, 內有 鐵 ,片 可 又 。吳 鐵 齊 陽之 太 氣 而 陰 氣 不交 , 故 燥 而 不 。潔 性 與錫 相 。得 管 子 雲: 上 有 著 , 下 有 鐵 ,。 ollected Explanations. 57zz /: Jron originates in the plains and marshlands of MIu yang and Fang cheng, or Xi cheng. Itis collected anytime. [Tao] Hongjing: Pig iron is unforged iron, yoz 鍵 , [as is used to prepare objects] such as tripods and
cauldrons. Steel is refined and forged yoz 欠 irony it is used to produce knives and sickles. 欠 is read yoz 柔. [Su] Song: Nowadays, iron originates in all the places in 本 ang nan and Xu shu where furnaces exist that smelt [iron ore]. In afrststep 0f refinement, the ore is removed and [the liquid iron] is cast and poured to produce
utensils and other items. Ihis is the pig iron. With two or three further meltings and hammerings metal sheets are produced that are wrought iron. Tt is also called processed iron. When pig iron and wrought iron are mixed, they can be used to produce blades of knives and swords,and this is steeL When smithsinaforge heat iron untilit is read and boils, and hammerit on an anvil, fine pieces and fragments fall down. Ihese are the iron fragments. Ihat which 了 ies like dust from the furnace in aforge,is of purple color and fine without solid mattep and can be used to rub and polish_copper utensils, this is“iron essence.” The fine powder resulting from
C/2z2/e7 2
the rubbing and flling performed by those who prepare needles,it is called “needle sand. When any type of iron is soaked inavesselin water and assumes,after along time,agreenish color and turns into afoam,and can be used for dying, 了hen this is ron broth/suspension. When iron is hammered to pieces that are given into vinegar With distillers grains,afteralong ttmeacoating w 訕 develop that can be scraped o 任and constitutes iron splendor powdep (ferrous acetate). When it is exposed to
fire and refilned through sublimation, it becomes iron powder. Also, mouthpieces of the bridles of horses,Wweights,rings on thenaves of wheels,as well as saws,pestles,
swords and axes 一 和 theseare commonitems in widespread use.[Li| Shizhen: Iron
is always generated by frying iron ore. Iron is produced everywhere in the mountains of Qin, 五 my Huai, Chu, Hu nan, Min and Guang. Iron from Gruang is good. So 上 ingot iron _ from Gran suis ofblack color and has a hard nature; it is suitable
for producing knives and swords. “Guest iron_ from Western countries is superior to 3 Ihe 2z2 >z7zg Z7z states: Ihere are flve kinds of iron. “說 /ex iron originates in Dang yang. lts color is purple,and itis hard and sharp. Iron from Shang rao is second toit. “Guestiron originates in Po si/Persia.Ttis hard and sharp,and with it one can cut through gold and jade. Iron from Tai yuan and Shu shan is blunt and dull Unyielding ironm _grows on the_ mountaitn rocks in Zhang hai in Xi nan. ]t is shaped like fuor spap and neither water nor filre can harm it. It can pierce through pearls and cut jade as if they were soiL he 7z zz 2ez cdz2 states: Iron is endowed with the qdiof the major yang/sun. Whenitdevelops in its very first stage, it brings forth asalt mineral. After ISo years it evolves to mapgnetite. After 2oo years it brings forth_iron. 1f it is not collected and refined for another 2oo years, it evolves to copper Copperin turn transforms to White metal, and white metal transforms to
yellow metal/gold. Ihatis,iron and gold and silyver have one identical source.When nowadays magnetite rocks are broken to fragments, inside of it are iron pieces. Jhat is the evidence. Iron is endowed With the q of major yangy, but it has not been affected by yin di. Henceitis dryand lacks the spotless purity [of gold and silyer]. By its nature it pets along With tin.”Ihe Gzzz >7 states: Tf hematite grows above iron Will be present beloWw. O8-2o-ol
本 。經 7ye FE 5ezz.7Zzz
是 此 柔 【 恭 】
鐵也 , 即
鐵 熟 。【
藏 器 日】 經
,者 日 用 辛苦
勞 鐵 ,。
[Su] Gong: Jhis is wrought iron i. e., processed iron. [Chen] Cangqi: Ihe Classic [recommends to] use thatwhich is acrid and bitter. Itis called “worn outiron2
【 日】 矽 尤
/2e zz Czo Gz7zg 4
氣 】味 辛 , 平 , 有 毒。【 大 明 曰】 畏 慈 石、 火 , 能 制 石 亭 脂 毒。【 施 鐵 遇 神 ,砂 如 泥 似 粉 。【 時 珍 日】 鐵 畏 昆 、英 豬 犬 、脂 乳 、香 朴 硝 、 、砂 鹽 、圍 蘊 。枝 覓 食 鐵 而 曠 龍 長 。鐵 凡 諸 草 木 藥 皆 忌 鐵器, 而補 醫 藥 忌 ,之 否則反 消 肝腎 , 上 肝 傷 氣, 母 氣 愈 虛矣 。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, balanced, poisonous. Da Ming: [If ingested togethep] it fears
magnetite and burning charcoal. It is able to check the poison of red sulphur. [Lei Xiao: When iron meets cinnabap it becomes amud-like powder. [Li| Shizhen.Iron fears g/z2z7zz [seeds], the fat of pigs and dogs, frankincense, mirabilite, sal ammo-
niac, brine and lychee. Tapirs eat iron; flood dragons fear iron. In [the preparation of
41和 types of medication produced from herbs and trees, iron utensils are to be
avoided. And this is especially so in view of medication aimed at supplementing the Kidneys,lestit dissolve liver and kidneys.Tf theliver qi are harmed above, their motherdqi (Le,the kidney qi) will be increasingly depleted.
【 主 】治 堅 雞 耐 。痛 本 經。 人 勞鐵: 療 賊 ,風 燒 亦 投 酒 中 。飲 藏 器。 ontrol. It hardens the muscles so thatthey can stand pain.
7z.777zo. VWorn out iron
serves to heal robber wind. 玫 Heat it until it has turned red, drop it into wine and
drink this.[Chen] Cangdi o8-2o-o2 生
錄 品 。 $2e7zc 鐵 別 中
go T 弓 7 /, middle rank,
【 氣 】味 辛 , 微 寒, 微 毒。 見 鐵下 。 Qiand FlavorAcrid, slightly cold, slightly poisonous. See under “iron.
【 主治 】 下
疵, 蜂
部 及 脫肛 。 別 。錄 鎮 心安
蛛 ,咬 齊 磨, 生
五 ,臟 治
癇 ,疾 黑
抱 。髮 治
癬 及惡 瘡
油 調 。傅 大 。明 散 瘀 ,血 消 丹 毒。 時珍 。
Control. [Diseases affecting] thelowerbodyparts and anal prolapse. 5ze Z. It presses down [the qofj]theheartand pacifies the five long-term depots.Io cure epilep記 ness3 and malign sy llness, to blacken beard and hair on the head, to cure xz27z-
sores With_ Zeness, 玉as well as spider bites, grind [pig iron」 with garlic, mix [the
resulting paste] with_ fresh oil and apply [this to the affected region]- Da Ming. It serves to disperse stagnant blood and to dissolve cinnabar poison.且 [Li] Shizhen. 315 Zez/zg 賊 風 ,“robber wind.”Various pathological conditions caused by di that has invaded the human organism from outside. BCGM DictT667/. 3I6 及zzz軸 ness 癬 ,skin 計 ness with itchingy release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM Dict LP 59gL. 317 ./ze-illness 站 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol.L, 249.
3I8 zz Zz 丹 , “cinnabar poison,”askin ailment with red rashes.BCGM Dict LIr8
C/2z2/e7 2
【 發 】【 明 恭 】下 諸 鐵 療 ,病 並 不入 丸 ,散 皆 意 取 汁 用 。【 之 藏 器 日】 鐵 時 珍 日】 鐵 於 五 ,金 色 黑 配 ,水 而 其 則性 制 木 , 散 砂、 鐵 ,精 並 入 丸 。【 故 癇 疾 宣 。之 素 問 治 陽 氣太 盛 , 病 狂 善 怒 ,者 用生 鐵 ,落 正取 伐木 之義 。
日 華 子 言 其 鎮 心 安 五 ,臟 明 其 然 哉。 本 乃 肝 字 之誤 。
載 清 服 食 ,法 言 服 鐵 傷 肺 者 , 草太
Explication.[Su] Gong: Whenever iron [is resorted to to] heal a disease, it cannot
be added to pils and powders. It is always to be boiled, and the resulting Juice is then used [for therapeutic purposes」]. [Chen] Cangdi: Iron sand and iron essence are both added to pils and powder [Li| Shizhen: Among the five metals, iron is of
black color and it is associated With water. By its nature it checks wood. Hence it is suitable for [curing] epilepsy 山ness. For a cure of excessive abundance of yang di with [the patient] suftering from madness and atendency to be angry the ASz 2z 注 , attachment-illness,”“influx迪 nesss,”reflects a notion of a foreign
pathogenic agent, originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM Dict 688-695. 33o Zez /zg 賊 ,風 “robber wind.”Various pathological conditions caused by qi that has invaded the human organism from outside. BCGM DictT667Z.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
問 文 。也 吊 嘗 釋 之 :云 陽 氣 憶 凰 而 不 得 疏 越 , 鐵 落 ,者 下 氣 疾 。也 此 素 本 少 陽 膽 木 挾 三 焦 少 陽 相 、火 已 陽 陰火 上 行, 故 使人 易 怒 如 狂 , 其 巨 、陽 少 陽之 動 ,須 可 診 之 。也 奪 其 ,食 不 胃使 火 復 助 其 邪 。也 飲 以 生 鐵落 , 金 以 制 木 。也 木 平 則 火 降 , 故 曰下 氣 疾 ,速 氣 即 火 。也 又李 仲 南 永 類 方 雲: 腫 爍 用 鐵 蛾及 鐵 砂 丸子 入 ,者 一生 須 斷 鹽。 蓋 鹽 性 濡 ,潤 腫 若 再 ,作 不可 詞 矣。 制 :法 用 上 等 酯 煮半日 , 去 鐵 ,蛾 取 酯和 , 蒸 餅 為 。丸 每 董 湯 服三 四 十 ,丸 以 效 為 。度 亦 只 億 鐵 氣 ,爾 故 日 華 子 崗雲 汁 服 。之 不 留 滯 於 臟腑 , 借 鐵 虎 之 氣 以 制肝 木, 使 不 能 筍 脾 ,土 土 不 受 邪則 水 自 消 。矣 鐵 、精 鐵 同 意 。 粉 、 鐵 華 粉、 鐵 、砂 鐵 ,漿 入 藥 皆 此 Explication. [Li| Shizhen: According to the ASz 2e7zz, 下
Gz7z 72
Needle forsewingcloth.
枚 赤 淬 酒 七 ,蝦 服 。 時珍 。 【 主 】治 婦 人 橫 ,產 取二 七 燒 ontrol. For women giving birth toachild with transverse presentation, heat two times seven [needles] until they are red, dip them into wine seven times,and [have the womanjingest [theliquid]. [Li] Shizhen.
【 附 方】 新 一 。 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded|
眼 生 偷 。鐵 布 呆 醫說 。
鐵 一 ,個 對 井上 蜆 ,視 已 而折 烏兩 段, 投
井中 , 勿 令人 見。 上張
The eyes grow ahordeolum.[Ihe patient] is to look through aneedle for sewing cloth from adistance toward awellL Ihen breakitinto two ends and drop them into thewel.Letno one see this. Zhang Gao, 豆 交 z2.
345 ./zzzc 7 擎 風 ,“fright wind,”a condition of children characterised by jerking and arched back rigidity eyeballs turned upward, and twitching hands and legs.BCGM Dict 26r, also 238, 24o.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Gz7Zzg 7772
皺 網 日 。72#exz, 玉
Iron arrowhead
【 主 】治 胃
熱 紀 ,逆 用
七 十 二 個, 風
湯 啜 。之 時珍 。
ontrol. Stomach heat associated with hiccough and |qi] counterflow. Boil 72 [iron
arrowheads] and sip the hotwater. [Li] Shizhen. OS-2S-II
網 日 。7yze7zg,FE Gzzze 2
jronm armor
【 主治 】 憂 鬱結
,滯 善 怒 狂 ,易 入
藥 煎 服。 時 珍 。
Control. Grief with pentr-up_[qj, nodular and sluggish |qij, with a tendency to be anpgry and to easily behave like mad. Add medication [to an iron armorj, boilit [in water] and ingest[thelquid|. [Li] Shizhen. O8-28-I2
鐵 鎖 網 日 。72eszo, Iron lock,
王 Gz7zg 222
不 【 主 】治 和還 鼻 聞香
昊, 磨
石上 取 末 , 和 豬
脂 繡 裏 塞 ,之 經
日 肉 ,出
疾 。
普濟 。
Control. Nasal congestion With an inability to smell aroma and stench. Gurind it on arock to obtain apowder. Mix itWith lard, wrap it in silk Hoss and insert this into
[the nostrils」]. After one day [tumorous] flesh will come out, and this is the cure. 了 二 o8-28-I3
鑰匙 日 。華 ”oos2z,FE Rihua. Ironj key
【 主 】治 婦 人 血 服 。 大 明 ,。
咪 失 音 衝 惡 , 以生 暮 、
酷、 小
便 同 煎 。服 弱 房人 亦可 虱
ontrol For women with blood lockjaw loss of voice and surging malign |[qij, boil [an iron key] With fresh pingepvinegar and urine and |have them」 ingest this. Men with weak bedroom performance can also ingest such adecoction. Da Ming-
346 及zz 7z 血 ,只 “blood lockjaw”,a condition of women having lost their voice with a clenched mouth following delivery BCGM dict 596.
C/2z2/e7 2
鐵 釘 拾 遺。72ezZzzgeFE AS 友7 因 , Tronnail.
【 主 】治 酒 醉 齡 ,漏 出 血 不 ,止 燒 赤 注
孔 中 即 止。 時
珍 。,【 藏
器 日】 有
罪 ,者 遇 恩 赦免 , 取 析 上 鐵 及 釘 等 收 。之 後 入 官 帶 ,之 得 除 免 。 Control [Blood] leaking from _the teeth following intoxifcation With wine, With
the bleeding failing to end. Heat [anail] until it is red and insert it into the holes [between the teethj,and [the bleedingj wi end. [Li Shizhen.[Chen] Cangdqt: HM
acriminal is pardoned, he should remove iron items and nails from his cangue and keep them With him. Laterif he is once again brought to in front of a magistrate and shows them,he will be spared [anew imprisonmentin acangue」 O8-28-I5
鐸 即 甸 也。 綱
目。 7ze zz,FE Gzzze 22z
Tron spade,i. e.,,aspade.
【 主 】治 心 虛 風 ,邪 精神恍惚 健忘 , 以久 使者 四 ,斤 燒赤 投 中酪 七 ,次 打 成 ,塊 水 二 ,斗 浸二 七 ,日 每食後 服 一 小 。韶 時 珍 。 Control For heart depletion and wind evil, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, heat four7zzz [of aspade] thathas beenin use foralong time until it is red and drop
itinto vinegar seven times. Ihen hammeritto pieces and soakitin two Zozof water fortwo times seven days. 紀 ach time ingesty after meals,a small cup. [Li] Shizhen.
【 附 方】 新 三 。 Added Recipes. Ihree newly [recorded|
小 兒 傷寒 , 百 日 內 患 壯 熱。 用 鐵 鏗 一 上 ,斤 燒 赤 , 水二 斗, 淬 三 七 ,次 煎 一 半 , 入 柳葉 七 ,片 浴 。之 聖 濟錄 。 Harm caused by cold of children if within ioo days they suffer from strong heat. Heatone7Zzz ofan iron spade untilitis red, dip it into two Zoz of water three times seven times,boil [the water] down to one half,add sevenpieces of willow leaves,and
bathe the [child with the liquid」|. $2ezzg 元 Z
積 弛年 鹽 。人 舊 鐵 鏗 頭 一 ,覆 詹 火 燒 ,亦 挫 硫 黃 一 ,分 豬 脂 一 ,分 沸。 以 包綁 柳 杖 氛 ,爍 熱 烙 齒 ,縫 數 次 。愈 普 濟方 。
於 上 人鰲
Teeth infested With hidden worms for years. Heat the tip ofan old iron spade over acharcoal filre until it is red, give one zz of sulphur and one /zz of lard on it and ]et them boil until they bubble. Wrap a piece of willow wood in sikk fioss, dip it into
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
the [sulphur and lard] medication and apply it hot to the seams of the teeth.After
several such applications acure w 過 be achieved. 選 埃 zz
灌頂 油 。法 治 中腦 熱 毒 ,風 除 中目 醫 障, 鎮 心明 目。 生 油 二 斤 , 故 鐵 鏗 五 石 兩, 寒 水 石 一 ,兩 馬 牙 消 半 兩, 曾 青 一 ,兩 綿 裹 入 油 中 兩 , 打 碎, 硝 半 錢 頂上 摩 之, 及 滴 少許 入 鼻 ,內 甚 。妙 此 大 食 國 胡 商 方 。 以 每 一 浸 七 。日 Methodtoirrigate the head with oil. Ihis serves to cure heat poisonand wind in the brain. Iteliminates screens and shades from the eyes.It presses down [the qi of] the
heart and clears the eyes. Take two/Zz offresh oiland wrap in silk fioss five /z7zg of an old iron spade hammered to pieces,half a Z2z7ze of nitrokalite,one /z7zg of calcite,
half a zzoe mirabilite and one /Zzzze of malachite and let it soak in the oil for seven days.For each application rub one 7zzz [of the oill on the top of the [patients] head and drip asmall amountinto his nostrils. Very wondrous.A recipe of Hu Shang of the Da shi country. 2e7zg 2z/7 Zoo o8-28-I6
鐵 犁 狗 尖 日 。華 72eZ#c2g7z 有 zzz, TE 及 29z2, Ihetipofaniron coulterofaplough share.
【 主 】治 得 水, 制朱砂 、 水 銀、 石 亭 脂 毒。 大 明 。 ontrol Together with wateritserves to check the poisonofcinnabar mercury and red sulphur. Da Ming-
車 轄 即 車 軸 鐵 鋪 頭 , 一 名 車 。缸 宋 開 。寶 CZ2ezzg,FE Songy, 2z7 222, RingonthenaveofawheelL Ihisis thetipoftheironlinchpinofacart. Anothernameis“cartvVat,
【 主治 】 嗚 痺及 喉中 熱 塞, 燒 赤 , 投 酒中 熱飲 。 開 寶。 主 燒 赤 , 淬 水 。服 時珍 。
小 大 兒 便
下血 ,
ControlL For throat blockapge, and heat closure in the throat, heat it until it is red,
drop it into wine and [let the patient| drink the hot [liquid]|.
大z7 2z2. Io control
bloody defecation of children heat it untilit is hoty dip it into water and [have the childrenj ingest [theliquid]. [Li] Shizhen.
C/2z2/e7 2
Added Recipes. One of old. One newly [recorded|
小 兒 下 。血 方 見上 。 Blood discharge of children. For the recipe, see above.
菇 。嗽 車 缸 一 ,枚 燒 赤 投 酒中 , 冷飲 。 聖惠 方 。
Cough during pregnancy Heatonelinchpinuntilitis red,drop itinto wine and |let the patient| drink the cold [liquid]|. 52z7zze 2 7
注 氣 。痛 車
缸 赤燒 , 濕 布 裏 熨 病上 。 千
金方 。
Painful running infux37 di. 了Heatalnchpin untilit is red,wrap it into amoist piece of cloth and press it hot on the [location of the] disease. 0727z.777z 7 o8-28-IS
馬 衝 即 馬 勒 口 鐵 。也 7 zzgzz. JMouthpieceofahorsebridle. Ihisis thepieceofiron stuck through ahorses mouth.
【 大 明日 】 古 人 舊 者好 , 亦 可 作 醫 工 鐵 。也 宋 開寶 。 Da Ming. Ancient and old ones are good. Ihey can also be used for preparing nee-~ dles for medical usage. Songy 太 2z7 2z2.
【 主 】治 小 兒 ,癇 婦人 難產 , 臨時 持 ,之 並 煮 汁, 服 一 。竟 開 。寶 治馬 喉 痺 , 腫連 頰 , 吐血 氣 ,數 風水 服 。之 聖 惠 。 ontrol. 己pilepsy of children. Women with diffhcult birth are to hold it when the due date has come. Also, boil it to obtain a juice and have them ingest one bowl. 太 2z7 2z2. lo cure throat blockage of horses With aswelling encompassing the cheeks, vomiting ofbloodand frequent qi[breathingj,boilitin waterand [have the anima] ingest the [liquid]|. $2e7zg 2 Oo8-28-IO9
馬 鎧
綱目 。 77 dezgy FE Gz7zg 2
Horse stirrup.
【 主 】治 田 野 糙 ,火 人 血 所 ,化 或 出 或 ,沒 來 逼 奪人 精 ,氣 但 馬 以 逛相 而 作 聲 即 。滅 故 張 華 :雲 金 乘 一 ,振 遊光 欲 。色 時 珍 。 ontrol Flickering fre onfelds andinthewilderness is transformed human blood. Sormetimes it appears, sometimes it does not. Tt approaches humans to steal their essence q. Howevepif one gently taps a horse stirrup,it will go out. Hence /hang 347 Zoz 2z 走 注 ,“running influx,”indicates pain moving around in thelimbs and body so that the exact location of the pain cannot be determined.BCGM Dict 7o4.
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
Hua states: “As soon as gold [leaves] are shaken,aroaming ligpht withdraws its col-
or. [LI] Shizhen.
石 之二 玉 類 一 十 四 種 Stones/JMlinerals 1], Group of Jades, I4 kinds Oo8-29
玉 別錄上 品 李 , 上 己 zz /z, upper rank.
Jade. Nephrite.
【 校 】正 併 入 別 錄 玉 屑 。 Editorial Correction. Jade fragments listed separately in the 5zz 色 are included in the present entry
【 以 折, 真
釋 】名 床 真。【 溫, 仁 也 ; 艋 田也 ; 銳 廉 者, 玉 之 別名 也
時 珍 日 】 按 許慎說 文 雲: 玉 乃 石 之 美 者。 有 五 德: 潤澤 理 自 可外 以 知中 , 義也 ; 其 聲 舒 揚 聞遠 , 智也 ; 不 撓而 而 不 技, 潔 。也 其 字 象 三 玉 連 貫 之 。形 葛 洪 抱 朴 子 :云 玄 令人 喘飛輕 舉。 故 日 服 玄 真 ,者 其 命 不 極 。 , 服 之
Explanation of Names. 和zzz >2ez 玄 真 ,“translucentperfection.””[Li] Shizhen: Ac-
cording to 入u Shens A2z/z2 zoe7z, “jades are the most beautiful stones. Ihey have five virtues. Ihey moisten and thereby give warmth,that is their benevolence. From the outside it is possible to recognize their inner structure, that is their righteousness. Their sounds spread softly and can be heard far away 了 at is their wisdom. Ihey do not yield, even when they are broken. Ihat is their bravery. Ihey are sharp and honestand include no tricks, that is their purity The character[
學 玉 ,] is to reflect
astring of three pieces of jade.” Gre Hong in his 5z22z 27 states: “translucent perfection is an alternative name of jade. When humans ingest it, their body loses its weightandrises to fly ot. Henceitis said: "Ihose who ingest translucent perfection, theirlife is endless
【 出 善。 以 凡 頌
集 解 】【 別 錄 日】 玉 、果 玉 ,屑 生 藍田 山谷, 打 無 。【 時 弘 景 日】 好 玉 藍田及 南陽 徐 善 亭 部 界中 , 日 、南 盧 容 水中 , 外 國 於 、導 跳 勒 諸 處皆 潔白 如 豬 ,膏 叩 之 鳴 者 是 真 。也 其 比 類 ,者 甚 多 相 似, 宜 精 別 。之 所 燕 石入 筍 , 下 氏 長 號 。【 也 列 日】 異 志物 云 : 玉 出 顯 。肉 別 寶 經 云 也 石 燈 看 ,之 內有 紅 ,光 明如 初出 日, 便 有知 玉 ,【 石 輕玉 , 但 將 映 】晶 今 藍田 、 南 、陽 日 南 不聞 有 玉 , 惟計 六 國 出 。之 晉 粱 膩 卿 張 匡 鄰 使
C/2z2/e7 2
於 園, 作 行 程記 , 載
其 及國 玉
之 地 雲 玉 河, 在
於 閩 城 。外 其
源 出 崑山 , 西
流 一 生 三 百 ,旱 至 於半 界牛頭 山。 乃 疏 烏 三 :河 一 曰 玉日 河 , 在 城東 三十 旱 ; 二 曰 綠 玉 河 , 在 城西二 十 里; 三 曰 局 玉 河, 在 綠 玉 河西 七 。里 其 源 月 水 暴漲 , 則 玉 隨 流 其 不 。同 每 歲 五 六 大 一, 而 其 玉 隨地 而 變, 故 色 雖 而 至。 玉 多之 誠 , 由 水 大 之 小。 七 八 月 水 退 乃 可取 , 彼 人 謂 之 撈 玉 。 其 國 載玉 之 色 中 有 蔡 , 右 用 服 ,食 往往 用 玉。 中 國 有所 , 亦 自 彼來。 王 和 逸 玉 論 日: 赤 如 從 ,冠 黃如 蒸 ,栗 白如 截 ,肪 黑 如 純 ,漆 謂 之 玉 符。 而 青玉 獨 無 說 。太 今 青 白 者 常有 , 黑 者時 有 , 黃 亦 者 絕 無。 雖 禮 六之 器, 亦 不 能 得其 栗 色, 彼人 謂 之 栗 玉 , 或 雲 亦 黃 玉 之 類, 但 真 者。 今 儀 州 出 一 種 石, 如 蒸 少 潤澤 , 聲 不 清 ,越 烏 及 不 也 。 然 服 食 者 惟 貴 純白, 他 色 亦 取 不 廊 。【 承 日 】 儀 州 栗 玉 , 乃 黃 石 之 光瑩 者, 非 玉 也 。 玉
刃 不可 傷。 此 堅 而有 理 , 火
石 刀小 便可 雕刻 , 與 階 州 白 石 同 體 而異色 。【 爾 時 珍 日】 按 太 平 御 覽 云: 出 , 夫 餘 出 亦玉 , 挹 理 出青玉 , 大 秦 出 玉菜 , 西暫 出 黑玉 。 藍 田 交 州 白玉 出 美 ,玉 色 如 ,藍 故 曰 藍田 。 淮南 子 :雲 鍾 山 之 玉 , 炊 以 爐 ,鱗 三 日 三 夜 而色澤 不 變, 得 地天 之 精 。也 觀此 諸 說 , 則 產 玉 之 處 亦 多 。吳 而 今 不出 者, 地 方 恐 為 害 。也 故 獨 以 敝於 玉 為 貴 。焉 古 玄 禮 于 蒼 ,壁 黃 琮 亦 ,璋 白 琥 玄 ,璜 以 象 天 地 四 時 而 名 立 爾。 禮 記 云 : 石 玉線 則 氣如 白 虹 , 精神 見於 山川 。也 博 志物 雲 : 山有 穀 者 生 。玉 尸 子 雲: 水 圓 折 有者 珠 , 方 折 者 有 玉 。 地 鏡 圖 :雲 二 月山中 旱 木 生 光 下 垂 者有 玉 , 玉 之 精 如 美 。女 玉 書 云: 玉 有 山 玄 文、 水 蕉 ,文 生 於 山 而 木 ,潤 產 於 水 而 流芳 , 飛 說 璞 而 文 米 露 於 外 。 觀 諸 此 說 , 則 玉 有 山 、產 水 二產 種 。 中 國 之玉多 在 山, 於六 之 玉 則 在 河 。也 其 石 似玉 者, 玩 、 于、 現、 天、 殉 、 環 。也 北 方有 罐子 玉 , 雪白 有 氣 ,眼 乃 藥 燒 成 ,者 不可 不 辨, 然 皆 無 溫潤。 種 官 載 玉火 色 赤 可 黑 鼎 , 暖 玉 可 辟 ,寒 寒玉 可 尾 ,署 香 玉 有 香, 軟 玉 錦 ,柔 觀 玉日 洞 見 中 日 宮 闕, 此 宗 爽 日】 燕玉 出 燕 ,北 體 柔 ,脆 如 和油 粉色 , 不 入 藥用 。 也 皆 世希 之 寶 。【 ollected Explanations. 5zz /. Jade springs and jade frapgments mountain valleys of Lan tian. Ihey are collected anytime.[Iao] Jade originates in Lan tian, from the border region of Nan yang [Jade] from all places such as the waters in Rinan and Lu rongy
are present in the Hongjing: Good and 和Xu shan tingas well as Yu tian
and Shulein foreign countries, is good [too]. [Jade] that is clean and white like
lard, and that gives of a sound like the cry of abird when knocked, is genuine. [Jade] exists in many kinds that seem to be quite similar. Hence it is advisable
to carefully distinguish among them. Ihis is why Mr. Bian wept extensively when stones from Yan were placed into abasket [together with other kinds of jade]. [Li
Xun: Ihe zoz >27 states: Jade oripinates in the Kun lun mountains.”Ihe 25ze 222 7 states: Whenastone includes jade, one only needs to hold the stone apainst alamp to observe the reflection. If there is ared lpght as clear as the sun that has just arisen in the_ morning then one knows thatit is jade. [Su] Song. Nowadays it
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
is unheard of that jade prows in Lan tian, Nan yang and Rinan. It originates only in the country of Tian. During theJin dynasty Zhang Kuangye, Chief Director of Dependencies,was sentto [the countryof] Tian,and wrotea “Record ofaJourney”
listing the localities of that country where jade was collected. He says:”Ihe Yu he/ Jade Riveris located outside of Yu tian city. It springs in the Kun [lun] mountains
and fiows westward for I3oo
untill it arrives at Niu tou shan/ox head mountain
that borders on Yu tian. Ihere it branches into three rivers. One is named “white jade river5 3o Zeast of the city Ihe second is named “green jade river; 2o Z west ofthe city Ihe third is named black jade river; seven Zfrom the green jade river toward he West.ELven though they have one identical origin, their jade changes in response to the ground [over which the threerivers flow].Hence their colors differ EEach yearin theffth andsixth month the waterrises strongly andit brings the jade with it. Ihe quantity of the jade depends on the level of the water. When it retreats in the seventh and eighth month, [the jade] can be collected. Ihe local people cal it scooping up jade from the water.[Ihe further processing of the jade] in that country is subject to_ certain prohibitions. Utensils for ingesting and consuming llongevity substances] are often made of jade. All the |jade] presentin China is brought here from there. Wang Yiin his 交/ Z7z records the colors of jade as follows: Redlkeacocks comb. Yellow like steamed milletL White like animal fat just severed. Black like pure lacquer And he speaks of auspicious jade tokens. Still, the only one he fails to mention is blue jade. Nowadays, blue and white [jades] are at handallthetime. Black [jade]occurs everynowand then. Yellow and red |jades] are not available at 4. Even if six containers filled with precious gifts [are presented|
it is di 了 cult to obtain real items [in returnm]. Nowadays, from Yi zhou avariation
of stones originates with acolor like steamed millet. Ihe locals callit “millet jade. Some say fmatitis akind of yellow jade. Howevepitis of only aslightly moist and lustrous appearance and the sound [it emits when tapped] is neither clear nor of a high pitch.Ihatis,it doesnotreach [the quality of true jade]. Ihe fact is, 了hose who
ingestand consume [longevity substances]j,theyvalue onlypurely white [jadej; they do not resort to other kinds.[Chen] Cheng: Ihe “millet jade”of Yi zhouisashiny jade-like yellow stone.Itis not ajade.Jade is hard and has [line] structures; neither fire nor ablade can do it any harm. Ihese stones, though, can easily be carved With asma11 knife. Ihey have the same physical body as white stones from 入ie zhou, but their colors differ. [Li| Shizhen: According to the 7z7777zp )z /z7z a White jade oripinates in 五ao zhou; ared jade ortginates in Fu yu a blue jade originates in Yilou; a jade green like vegetables originates in Da qin; ablack jade originates in 入 i shu. AA beautiful jade originates in Lan tian. Its color resembles that of Chinese indigo plant, zz
藍 ,[water]. Hence [the region] is called Lan tian 藍田
,'fields ofindigo'。
C/2z2/e7 2
The 7zz7 zz 27 states: “When the jade from Mount Zhong shan is cooked ina furnace overacharcoal fire for three days and three nights, neither its color nor its luster will change. lt is endowed with the essence of heaven and earth .In view of all these statements, the places where jade was produced are numerous. Ihose places where no jade originates today may have been subjected to some calamity Hence it is only the jade from Yu tian thatis considered valuable now. In ancient ritual ceremonies, names such as xzz7z gz7 玄 于 ,“translucent jade tablets (conferred upon of-
ficials as asign of dipgnity),”czzze 27 營 壁 ,“greenish-bluish round, flat pieces of jade (with ahole in the middle used for ceremonial purposes),”7zzz7zg Co7z 黃 琮 ,“yellow
long and hollow pieces of jade with rectangular sides,”c2z 2z7zg 赤o 璋 , “red jade tablets,”227 2z 白 琥 ,“white amberp”and zz27 2zz7zg 率 璜 ,“translucentsemi-anular
jade-pendant” were introduced to reflect heaven and earth and the four seasons. The 字 元 states: “When stones include jade,their dis thatofawhite rainbow; their essence spirit appears in mountain rivers.”Ihe 52 zz 227 states: “Mountains With prain produce jade.”Ihe AS27 >7 states: “Pearls are found in waters that roll over ina circular mannery jade occurs [in waters that] roll over in a directional manner.'”Ihe
77 77zo Z states: JMountains where in the second month herbs and trees become shiny and bow [their head|, they have jade. Ihe essence of jade is like a beautiful woman.”Ihe 如 y2z states: Jade has a dark ]ine [design] in mountains, and a
greenish-bluish lne [design] in water. When itgrows in amountain, the trees there are justrous. When itis brought forth by watep its How will be frapgrant. When it is hidden in uncut rocks, its line design will be visible on their outside. In view of al these statements, there are two kinds: Jade produced by mountains and that produced by waters. Most of Chinas jade occurs in mountains; the jade of Yu tian occurs in rivers. Stones similar to jade are oz 玩 , 歷 玩 , &zz現 , zz 形 , cozg 殉 and
zz 環 . In the North there is a“jug jade,”gzzz >7 人 zz 罐子 玉 .Itis as white as snow and has qi [enclosures like] eyes. Itis a product of pharmaceutical processing and must be distinguished from [true jade]. Still, none of these [stones and products
similar to jade] has the ]atters warm and lustrous appearance. InofHfcial and offhcial records refertoa fire jade ofred color thatcan be used to heatancient cookingvessels,a warm jade_ that is able to ward of cold,a cold jade 了 at is able to ward of summer heaba fraprantjade_ thatis frapgrant,anda soft jade of pliable substance. When the sun is observerd through a tube of jade, palaces and watchtowers are visible. All these are rare treasures in the world.[Kou] Zongshi: “Yan jade originates in 也 e North of Yan. lts physical body is soft and brittle,and its color is reminiscent of pink oiL Itis not used for medicinal purposes.
/2e 27 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
屑 別 。錄 于 rze,FT 紀
zz 選 ,
Jade fragpments.
【 米粒 及 臟腑
修 治】【 弘 景 日】 玉 屑 是 , 乃 以 苦 酒 輩 消 令 如 泥, 索 玉中 璞 。【 恭 曰】 餌 玉 和當 穢 完 出 。也 儿 烏 , 淬 當
以 玉 烏 ,屑 非 別 一 物 。也 仙 經 亦 有 合 烏 漿 。者 凡 服 玉 , 皆 以 消 作 水 者 烏 佳。 屑 如 麻 ,豆 粉 服 ,者 即使人淋 。雍 屑 如 麻
胃服 玉, 有 揭 如 不 用 得 已 成 器物 服 取 者 其 精潤 ,豆 其 義 殊 深 。
化 水 ,法 在 淮南 三 十 六 水 法中 。 Pharmaceutical Preparation.[Taoj Hongjing:Jade frapments are jade made to frap~ ments. Ihey do notconstitute aseparate item. he classics of the hermits/immortals |recommending toj ingestjade for grain,have [jade] pounded to grains like rice and dissolved in bitter wine or other such liquids to form amud-like substance. It may also be combined with starch. Whenever jadeis to be ingested, 了 hat which has been processed tovessels and jade tablets recovered from within atomb mustnotbeused. [Su] Gong: When one intends to consume jade,it is best to dissolve it to prepare
a watery liquid. When [jade] fragments similar to hemp [seeds] and soybeans are ingested, 了 his serves to avail oneself of their essence to moisten the long-term depots and short-term repositories. heir dregs wil be entirely discharged [from the body through defecationm]. Also, when consumed as a powderp it will cause one to
suffer from dripping [urine] and obstructionl-illness]. Ihe meaning of [processing
jade to] fragpments like hemp [seeds] and soybeans is remarkably profound. The method to transform [jade] to a watery liquid occurs in the 7瑟 zz7 zz7z, as one of the 36 methods to produce watery liquids.
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
丹 砂,
平 , 無 毒。【 列 日】
寒 , 無 毒。【 時
Qiand Flavor. Sweet, balanced,nonpoisonous. [Li|
珍 】晶 惡
鹿角 , 養
入un: Salty, cold,nonpoisonous.
[Li] Shizhen: [If ingested together jade fragments] abhor deer horn and nourish cinnabar,
【 主 】治 除 中胃 熱, 喘息 煩 ,滿 止 竣, 屑如 麻 豆 服 ,之 久 服 輕 身 長 。年 列 錄 。 潤 心肺 , 助 聲 ,喉 滋 毛 ,髮 大 明 。 滋 套 五 ,臟 止 煩躁 , 宜共 金 、 銀 、 麥 門 冬 等 同 轉服, 有 益。 李列 。 ontrol. [Jade fragpments] remove heat from within the stomach, pant-breathing
With unrest and afeeling of fulliness. Ihey end thirst. When |jade] frapments reminiscent of sesame [seeds] and soybeans are ingested, if they are ingested for along time, they relieve the body of its weight and extend the years [of life]. 5zz 2. Ihey moisten heartand lung, theysupportvoice and throat and they nourish hair on the
C/2z2/e7 2
body and on the head. Da Ming. Ihey nourish the five long-term depots, they end unrest and restlessness, and they are suitable for being fried and ingested together With gold, silver and 2227zo22oo7/ root. Ihis is beneficial. Li Xun. 【 附 方】 新 三 。 Added Recipes. Ihree newly [recorded|
小 兒 驚 。啼 白玉 二
石 兩, 錢半 , 寒 水 半
烏 末 , 水 調 塗 心 。下 聖惠 方 。
For children crying because of fright [prindj two and ahalf /zzz of white jade and half a /Zzzge of calcite to apowdep mix it with water and apply this to the region below the heart. $2e7zo 2z7 7
閃 癌 鬼 ,氣 往來疼痛 及 心下 不 可 忍者 。 不 拘大 人 小 ,兒 白玉 、 赤 詞 末 , 糊 丸 梧 子 大 , 每 服 三 十 ,丸 董 湯 。下 聖惠 方 。
玉 等分 ,
- associated with demon q and unbearably String崗ness and apgregatlon 記 ness painful temporary attacks below the heart. For [patients] regardless of whether they are adults or children,[grind] equalamounts of white jade and red jade toapowder form pills, with wheat flour the size of 2z 青 珠 ,“greenish pearL” [Li] Shizhen: zzggzz 超 耳
352 有 zz2 2 消 洶 ,“melting With thirstb mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict VolL567.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
is to reflect the [clacking] sound itemits [when tapped]. It can be polished to look like apearl >2z 珠 . Hence it was named >x2z 珠 ,“pearl”
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 日】 青 于琅 生 蜀 郡 平 ,澤 有打 無 。【 時 弘 景 日】 此 蜀 都 賤所 恭 日】 名 稱 青 珠 黃 環 者 。也 琅于 亦 是 顯 肉 山上 樹 ,名 又 九 真 經 中 大 丹 。【 琅于 有 數 種 ,色 以 青 者 入 藥 烏 ,勝 是琉璃 之 ,類 火 齊 寶也 。 今 出 肉 州以 西 烏 白 蠻中 及 於 閩 ,國 【 藏 器 日】 石 闌 干 大生 海底 , 高 尺 ,餘 如 樹, 有 華 上 有 孔, 如 物 點 之。 漁 人 以 網 醫 得 之, 初 從 水 出 微紅 , 後 漸 青 。 根 舉, 【 頌 日】 今秘書 中有 異 魚 ,圖 載 琅了王 青 ,色 生 海中。 云 海人 以 網 於 海底 取 之, 初出 水紅色 , 和久而 青 ,黑 枝 柯 似 珊瑚 , 而上 有 孔 ,竅 如加 蛀, 擊 之 有 金 石 之 ,聲 乃 珊瑚 與 相 。類 其說 與 別 錄 生 蜀和郡 平 及 澤 蘇 恭所 云 不 ,同 人 莫 能 的 。識 謹 按 尚 :書 比 州 厥 ,頁 球 琳 琅 。王 爾 雅 :云 西北 之 美 ,者 有 崑崙 石之似珠 者。 而 山海 經 云 以 墟 之 、殲 琳 、 琅 于。 孔 安 、國 郭 璞 ,注 皆 烏 之 而 狀 森 植爾 。 大 抵 古 人 崑 論 有山 事 于 , 若 ,然 是 石 之 美 ,者 明 瑩 若 珠 色 雅謂琉 璃、 瑚 瑚 皆 烏 珠 是也。 己上 所 說 , 皆 出 謂 石 之 美 ,者 多 謂 之 ,珠 廣 西北 山中 , 而 今 圖 乃 海底 云 得 之。 蓋珍貴 之物 , 山海 或 俱 產 。焉 今 醫家 亦 域 云, 天 宗 爽 日】 書 雲: 比 州 厥 ,真 球 琳 琅 。于 西 記 也 以 難得 而 稀 用 。【 竺 國 正 此 出 物。 蘇 恭 ,雲 是琉璃 之 。類 琉 璃 乃 火 成 之 ,物 琅 亞 非 火 成 者, 時 珍 日】 按許慎 說 文 :雲 琅 亞 , 石 之 似 玉 者 。 孔 安 國 :雲 石 類 安 得 同 。【 之 似 珠 。者 總點 雲 : 生 南海 說石 間 , 狀 如 筍 , 質 似 。玉 玉 冊 :雲 生 南海 岩 赤 列 子 雲: 僑 萊 之 ,山 珠 陡 之 樹叢 之 氣 而 ,成 似 珠 而 。 感 石 ,內 自 然 陰陽 生。 據 諸 ,說 則 琅于 生 於西北 山中 及海山 座 。間 其 雲生 於 海底 網取 者, 是 需 ,瑚 非 琅 亞 。也 在 山 烏 于琅 , 在 水 烏 珊 瑚 , 瑚 瑚 有亦 正色 。者 今 回回 地 方 出 一 種 青 ,珠 與 碧 壹 相 ,似 恐 是 琅 亞 作者 所 。也 山 海 經 :雲 開明山 北 見 有 珠 。樹 淮 南 子 :雲 曾 城 九 ,重 有 珠 樹 在 其 西。 珠 樹 即 于琅 也。 餘 珊瑚 下 。 ollected Explanations. 2zz /: 077o /7zo oz7z prows in the plains and marshland of Shu jun. It is collected anytime.[Iao] Hongjing: Ihis is [the item」 called “green~ish pearl and yellow ring in the 52z Z /. 了 zzp oz 1s also the name of atree on Mount Kun lun, anditis the name of a major cinnabar clixir listed in the 77z >2e7z. 有 zzg. [Su] Gong: zz 2z7z appears With many different colors. Greenish[/z7zg 2z7z」 is the best for use as medication. Itis a type of glazed glass;a gem prepared With fire. Nowadays it originates in the region of the Wu bai man tribes west of Xi Zhou up to Yu tian guo.[Chen] Cangdi: “27 /z7z oz prows on the bottom of the ocean. Itis more than ac27tall, and lilke atreeithas arootand astem,with holes
on the stem, as if punctured by some item. Ihe fishermen harvest them with their nets. When they have just come out of the water they are slightly red. Later they gradually turn greenish.「Su] Song: Nowadays there is asecret book 義 刀 .1t has
C//z2/e7 2
arecord of /zzo oz7z of preenish colorp growing in the sea. Tt states:”Ihe people of thesearemoveitwith their nets from the bottom of the sea.Whenithas just come out of the wateritis of red color. After along ttmeit turns to greenish-black. With its branches and the stalk it resembples corals, but it has holes on it, as if infested
With worms/bugs.When struck it emits a sound like metal or stones. [his iteml
belongs to the group of corals,and this statement differs from the [statementin] the zz 太 [0O77zg /z7zg oz pgrows in the plains and marshland of Shu jun' and also from Su Gongs statement. No one can know what [/z7zg ezzz] really is. According to the SZ2z7zg
zz,“tributes excavated in Yong Zhou [to be sent to the authorities] include
22 球 and Z7z 琳 [jade/precious stones] as well as /zg gzz 琅 陡 > 有 The 雇 ) states: “Beautiful [jades/precious stones] from the North-West include 7zz 珍 , Z# 琳 and
Zze gzz 超 填 from the Kun lun [mountains].” Kong Anguo and Guo Pu in their comments both express their belief that these are stones resembling pearls. But the 5S2z7z 227. 有 7zo states: JMount Kun lun has /z7ze oz7z. 1f this is so, these are beautiful stones with abriliant luster resembling the color of pearls and shaped like plants
pgrowing in a forest. In general, when the people in antiquity spoke of beautiful stones, they often named them “pearls.”Ihe Gzzzze )z speaks of opaqdue glass and corals as “pearls.” Based on the sayings quoted above,[/zze oz7 always originates in the mountains in the North-West, but in the [secret book
琶 )#]
itis said to be
harvested from the bottom of the sea. Ihe fact is, precious objects may be brought forth by mountains and by the sea. For todays physicians[7z7zg /z7ze oz is difhcult to obtain,and they rarely use it [for therapeutic purposes]. [Kou] Zongshi: Ihe 52z states: “Tributes excavated in Yong Zhou [to be sent to the authorities] include 7zz
球 and Z# 琳 [jade/precious stones] as well as zz7zg gzz 琅 填 >”The 玟 他方 states: “These items originate in Tian zhu guo/India.” Su Gong states: “It is atype 0f opaque glass. Opaque glass is an item produced With fire. zooz7z is not produced with fire.How can they beofthe same type? [Li Shizhen: According to Xu Shens 727z/z2 2z gzz 珠 十 trees grow. Given all these statements, /7 oz7z prows both in the_ mountains 9 the North-Westand onthe mountain cliffs of the sea.Whenitis said that they are harvested with nets from the bottom of the sea, then these are corals, not /z7ze zz7z. In the mountains, these are /z7zg oz7. In the water these are corals. Corals, too, may
be of green color Nowadays a' greenish pearl variation originates in the Islamic
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
reglion.It is similar to green-bluish [pearls]. Maybe it is made out of /zzg ez7z. The S227z 227.7z7zg states: North of Mount Kai ming shan are pearl trees. The 及 zz7 7z277 >7 states: Pearl trees are presentin theWestof the city of /eng cheng built on nine ]ayers. Pearl trees are /zzzg oz7z. See under the entry “corals. (o8-33)
【 氣 】味
辛 , 平 , 無 毒。【 之
才 日】 殺 錫
毒, 得 水 銀 ,良 畏
牧骨 。
Qiand FlavorAcrid,balanced,nonpoisonous.[Xuj Zhicai: Ttkills the poisonoftin.
To be brought together with mercury is good for it. [IT ingested togethep] it fears chicken bones.
【 主 】治 身 ,并 火 瘡 癱 ,瘍 開 療 死 。雞 本 。經 白 禿, 浸 淫 皮膚 在 中, 煮鍊 服 之, 起 陰 ,氣 可 化 烏 。丹 列 。錄 療手足 逆 膿。 弘 景。 石 辣 :干 主 石 淋 , 破 血, 產後 惡 ,血 磨 服, 或 煮 ,服 亦 火燒 投 酒 中 服。 藏 器。 ontrol. Body itch. Fire sores/wounds,obstruction-ilness55 and ulcers../ze-iness39 with itching and dead muscles. zz.7zzg. Forwhite baldness and askin soaked [|with pus and bloodj, boiland refine it with heat and ingest this. It will make yin di ascend and can be transformed to a ctinnabar chixir. zz //. Tt serves to heal inverted skin of hands and feet.[「Iao] Hongjing. $27 //7z gpz7z: Tt controls stone dripping [of urine]j,breaks openblood [accumulations] and malign blood [stagnating inawom~ans body] after delivery [Let the patient] ingest it rubbed [to apowder] or boiled [in water]. It is also possible to heat it over a fire, drop it into wine and [let the patient] ingest [the wine]. [Chen] Cangdi.
o8-33 天 瑚 本唐 草 27
22/, 上 匕 727zo 2e7z C2o.
【 釋 】名 負
擺 姿福羅 梵 書。
Explanation of Names. 5o2zz22//2z 負 擺
【 集 解 】【 恭 曰】 珊 瑚 生 亦有 , 云生 海底 作 枝柯 狀, 者 更 難得 , 煙 無 。時 謹 按 而 生, 上 崴 高 三 二 ,尺 有 校 者 。 不 知 今 取之 者果 爾 ?否 上 有 四 六百 十條 , 云 南越 是
姿 福 ,纖 Sanskrit text.
南海 , 又 從 波斯 國及師子國 來, 【 頒 日】 今 廣州 明 潤 紅玉 如 , 中 有多 孔 , 亦有 無 孔 ,者 梳 柯 多 海 中 經 雲: 取 珊 ,瑚 先作 鐵 網沉水 識 , 珊瑚 貫 中 無 ,葉 因 絞 網 出 ,之 皆 摧 折 在 網中 , 故 難 得 完好 漢 ” 積 梁 池 中, 有 珊瑚 高一 丈二 尺, 一 本 三柯 , 王 趙佢所 獻, 夜有 光景 。 曾 石點 家 有 珊瑚高 六
353 0z7 7 氣 效 ,“qi protuberance-illness,”Wwith an inability to pass urine and afeeling of distension and fullness in the lower abdomen andurinary bladder. BCGM DictL385.
354 7ze-ness 站 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol L, 249.
C//z2/e7 2
文 愛 。 七 。尺 今 並 不聞 有 此 高大 者 。【 宗 與 日】 珊 有瑚 紅 油 色 ,者 細 縱 可 有 欠如 丹色 者, 無 縮 ,文 烏 下 。品 入 藥 用 紅 油 色 。者 波 斯 國 海中 有 天 瑚 監 網 水 取底 之。 珊 瑚初生 髓 石上, 白 如 ,菌 一 歲 而 黃 , 洲, 海人 乘 大 舶 鐵 幹 , 高 三 四 。尺 人 沒 水 以 鐵 發 其 ,根 繫 網 上加 , 絞 而出 二 歲 變 ,亦 枝 交錯 之, 失 時 不 取 則 腐 。【 讀 時 珍 曰】 珊 生 瑚 海底 , 五 七 株 成林 , 謂 之 珊珊 化謂 之火 樹 是 林。 居 水 直中 而 ,軟 見 風 日 則 曲 而 ,硬 變紅 色 者 為上 , 澳 超 也。 亦 有 黑色 者, 不 ,佳 原色 者 亦 。良 昔人 謂 碧 者 烏 青 琅 ,亞 俱 作可 珠 。 許慎 說 文 :雲 珊瑚 色 赤 , 亦生 於 ,海 或生 於 。山 據此 說 , 則生 於 海 者 烏珊 瑚, 生 於 山 者 烏 琅 ,亞 尤可 徵 。吳 互 見 琅 亞下 。 Collected Explanations. [Su] Gong: Corals grow in the Nan hai. Ihey are also brought here from Po si guo/Persia and Shi zi guo/Srilanka. [Su] Song: Nowadays they are also available in Guang zhou. Ttis said that they grow on the bottom of the sea with astalk and branches, and With a brilliant luster resembling red jade. Many of them have holes, but there are also those without holes. Ihose with many stalks and branches are particularly difcult to obtain. Ihey are collected anytime. According to the /Z7 >227zo 有 zz
corals are to be gathered, an iron net is
to be lowered onto the bottom of the sea first. Corals will penetrate it and grow in [the netj. Within one year they reach a height of two to three c2z. Ihey have branches, but they have no leaves. Because they are entangled in the net they can be removed With it. Ihey all are broken to pieces in the netyand hence it is difficult to obtain complete specimens. ITdo not know whether today they are still collected in the same manner. During the Han dynasty in the 五 cui lake there was a coral one 7227zo two c27 tall, With one stem and three stalks and 46o branches.It is said
to be agift presented by King Zhao Iuo of Nan Yue. During the night it emitted lght. During the Jin dynasty Shi Chong in his house had acoral six to seven 27 tall. Nowadays such tall and big [corals] are no longer heard of. [Kou] Zongshi
Among corals are those with ared, oily color and a fine, amiable lengthwise line design. Ihere are others with a color reminiscent of minium and without lengthWise line design. Ihey are of low rank. For medication, those of ared, oily color are resorted to. In the Po si/Persian sea is a coral bank. Ihe people on the sea use large oceangoing ships and lowerironnets to thebottom of the seato gather[the corals. When corals first grow on big rocks, their color is white like that of mushrooms. Within one year they become yellow. Within two years [their color] changes to red, and their branches and trunks intertwine. hey are three to four 27 tall. Ihe people dive into the water and with some iron [utensil they lay free the roots [of the
corals」]. Ihey attach anet to the ship and pull the entangled [corals] with it out [of the water]-H[the severed corals] are not collected right away they will roty as they are infested by some wood-borerbug. [Li Shizhen: Corals grow on thebottom of
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
the sea. Five to seven stems form a foresty called “coral forest. As long as tey are situated in a waterp they are straight and soft. Once they are exposed to wind and the light of the sun, they bend and harden. Ihose changing toared color are best. They are the ones called during the Han dynasty by Zhao Iuo “fire trees.' Ihere are also black specimens,they are notgood. Ihose with acolorlike bluish jade are good, too. In ancient times those with a color like bluish jade were called by the people 7277zo /z7zo oz7z. They are suitable for the production of jewelry 入u Shen in his $2z2 zoe7z States: “Corals of ared color may grow in theseaand they may also grow in the mountains. Based on these statements, those that grow in the sea are the corals. Those that grow in the mountains, they are the /z7zg oz7z. Ihat is ecvident. See also under the entry /z7ze goz7z/ (o8-32.
【 氣 】味 甘 。 平 , 無 毒。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 去 中目 醫 , 消 宿 。血 詞末 吹 ,鼻 止 鼻 卹。 唐 。本 明 日 鎮 ,心 止 歡 癇 。 大 。明 點 眼, 去 飛 。絲 時 珍。 Control Iheyremove shades from within the eyes,and they dissolve residual blood. |Ground to] apowder and blown into the nostrils, they end nosebleed. 7zzzgp 2e7zz.
IThey clear the eyes and calm the heart. Ihey end fright epilepsy Da Ming. Dripped into the eyes they remove flying si threads.[Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 列 日】 珊 瑚 主 治 與 金相 似。【 宗 畝 日】 今人 用 詞 點 眼 筋, 治 目 醫 。【 藏 器 日 】 珊 瑚 刺 ,之 汁 流 如 。血 以 金 投 之 烏丸 名金 漿, 以玉 投 之師 玉 ,髓 久 服 長生 。 Explication.[Li| 和 un: Ihe [diseases] controlled and curedare similar to those [con-
trolled and curedj by gold. [Kou] Zongshi: Nowadays the people use them as tools to apply eye drops and to cure eye shades.[Chen] Cangdqi: When corals are pierced, ajuice like blood flows out of them. Pills formed by dropping gold into [the bloodlike juice flowing out of corals] are called“gold broth/suspension. When jade is dropped into [this liquid」]j, jade marrow results. Ingested over a long time, it extends the years [of life」-
C//z2/e7 2
【 | 附 方 】 舊 一。 Added Recipes. One of old.
小 上兒 麩 醫 未 。堅 不可 亂 ,藥 宣 珊瑚 以 如 研 粉, 日少少 點 之 , 三 日 。愈 錢 相 公 中位 方 。 Bran shades in the eyes of achild that have not hardened yet. Do not give medication casily It is advisable to grind corals to apowder and to drip asmall amount ofit [into they eyes] every day A cure will be achieved after three days. Qian xiang gongy 0zz 2/227/2729.
馬 腦 宋 問祐 和 7 zzo 上 弓 Songy./772z )2.
Horse brain. Agate.
【 釋 】名 瑪 、瑙 文 石、 摩 羅 迎 隸 佛 書。 【 藏 器 】晶 赤 爛 紅色 , 似馬 之 腦 , 故 。名 亦 云 馬 腦 。珠 胡 人 云 馬 是 口 吐 出 ,者 刻 言 。【 也 時 珍 日】 按 增韻 雲: 玉 屬也 。 文理 交錯 , 有 似 馬 ,腦 因 以名 之。 抬 記 遭 云 是 鬼 血 所 ,化 更 刻。 Explanation of Names. 4z 22 瑪瑙 , ozz 527 文
stone," 2/z27zz7/ 摩 石 ,“line
膨 , Buddhist texts.[Chen] Cangdi: It is of dark red, and glittering light red color similar to the brain of horses. Hence its name. It is also called zz zz2 2z 馬 腦 珠 ,“horse brain pearl/jewelry”TIhe Hu-people say it is vomited out of the horses mouth. Such asaying is wrong. [Li| Shizhen: According to the Zz7ze 7z, [agatel belongs to the group of jades. With its crisscross line design [agate] resembles a its name. Ihe 人 7 侈 瑞 states: [Agate] is atransformation prod了 horses brain. Hence
uct of demon blood.” That is especially wrong-
【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日 】 馬 腦 生 西 玉石 國 間 , 亦 美 石 之 ,類 重 寶也 。 來中 國 者, 皆 以 為 。器 又 出 日本 國 。 用 研 木 不 熱 者 烏上 , 熱 者 非 真 。【 也 宗 與 日】 馬 腦 非玉 非 石, 自 是 一 。類 有 紅、 白 、 黑 三 種 , 亦有 文如 纏 絲 。者 西 諸 ,國 云 得自 出 玩 之 ,物 大 者 碾 烏 器。【 時 珍 曰】 馬 腦 西南 人 以 小 者 詞 好 然 灰 即 ,軟 可 刻 也 。 曹 昭 格 古 論 :雲 多 出 北 、地 南 、番 西 番, 非 石 非玉 , 堅 且 而 脆, 刀 刮 不動, 其 中 有 人 物 僻 獸 形 者 最 。貴 顧 文 負薦 暄 錄 :雲 馬 腦 產 食 品 類 甚 ,多 出 有產 南北 。 大 者 如 ,斗 其 質 堅 ,硬 碾 造 費 。工 南馬 腦 大 者 青 ,黑 寧夏 、 瓜、 沙 、 羌地 砂 礦 等 ,國 色 紅正 無 瑕, 可 作 杯 。圖 西 北 色 視 若 胎 腦 , 正視 瑩 ,白 側 則 中 得 者 尤 奇。 有 柏 枝 馬 ,腦 花 如 柏 。枝 有 夾 馬 凝血 , 一 物 二 色也 。 截 子 馬 ,腦 黑白 相 。則 合 馬 子 腦 , 漆黑 中 有 一白線 問 之。 炙 紅 馬 ,腦 其 色 如 。錦 纏 絲 馬 ,腦 紅白 如 。絲 此 引皆 品。 問 馬水 腦 ,
有 淡水 。花 腦 出 和 州, 馬 腦, 出 玩 耳。 試
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
引 土 淮 ,右 馬腦
斑 馬 腦, 有 紫紅 花。 曲 里 馬 腦, 粉紅 花。 皆 價 。低 又 紫雲 慰 馬 腦 出 山東 沂 州, 亦有 紅色 雲 頭、 纏 絲、 胡 桃花 。者 馬 竹葉 花 如 竹 。葉 並 可 作曲 面、 屏 。風 金 陵” 雨 花 臺 小 馬 腦 止可 充 ,法 以 研 ,木 不 熱 為 真 。
Collected Explanations.[Chen] Cangdqi: Agate grows in the jade rocks of Western countries. It belongs to the group of beautiful stones and is valued as a treasure. That brought to China is always processed to utensils. [Agate] also originates in Ri ben/Japan. [Agate] that does not get hot when rubbed with wood is best; that
which gets hot is not genuine.[Kou] Zongshi: Agate is neither jade nor astone;y it forms a group ofits ownincluding three kinds: red, white and black. Ihere are also specimens with aline design of intertwined silk threads. Ihe people in the West use small pieces as toys, and they process large pieces to utensils. [Li|] Shizhen: Agate originates in various countries in the South-West. It is said that exposed to JMeerschaum it softens and can be carved. Cao 之hao in his Gz 2z Z7z states: [LAgate] mostly originates in regions in the North, from southern foreign lands and from western foreign ]ands. It is neither a stone nor jade. It is hard and at the sarmmetimebristle.Whenscratched with aknife,no mark Will be left. Ihose are most
precious that seem toinclude the physical appearance of humans,birds or animals. Gu Wenjian in his 上 xz27 太 states: “IThere are very many different agate items, produced in the South andin the North. Some are as big as a Zoz measure; their substance is hard and solid,and to process them requires hard work. Southern agate is produced in countries like Da shi. Itis of apure red color without any fiaws, and can be processed to cups of various sizes. [Agate] from the North-West is of greenish-black color. Ihat which comes from the sand deserts in the regions of Ning xia, Gua, Sha and Qiang is especially noteworthy Jhere is a 2/z/yc/z2Zzy twig apate. Its design is reminiscent of 2/z/yc/z2Zzy twipgs. here is afetus cnclosing agate.Tflooked at from in frontyit is transparent white.
looked at from the side,itresembles con-
gealed blood. Jhat is, one item, two colors. Cut up agate has alternating black and white sections. Combined agate has one single white ine within alacquer black environment. Ihe colorof brocade red agate is that of brocade. Jangled silk thread agate is red and white like [tangled] silk threads. All these are precious items. Fermented water of foxtail millet agate has a pale water pattern. JMieat sauce speckled agate has a purple-red pattern. “Bent earthworm agate has a pink pattern. Ihey 引 are of low value. Also,a purple cloud agate_ originates in He zhou. A soil agate originates in Yi zhouin Shan dong.And there is a red cloud [agate],a tangled sikk
thread [agate], and a “walnut pattern [agate], Furthermore,a bamboo leaf agate
originates in Huai you With marks like bamboo leaves. It can be processed to tabletops and screens. Ihe small agate pieces from Yu hua tai inJinling can be used for
C//z2/e7 2
toys only Ihemethodtoverify theauthenticity of agate: Ifwhenrubbed with wood it does not get hotyit is genutne.
【 氣 】味 辛 , 套 , 無 琳。 Qi and Flavor. Acrid, cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 辟 ,惡 贍 目 赤 爛。 并 器。 主 生目 障 ,葉 詞末 日 。點 時 珍 。 ControlL It wards of the malign. It is pressed hot on red, festering eyes. [Chenl
Cangqi. lo control screens and shades developing in the eyes, grindittoapowder and drip [this into the affected eyes] every day [Li] Shizhen. O8-35
賣 綱目 石 go 5 上 匕 Gz7必 22 Precious stone,
【 之。 黃 色 , 打 石。
集 解】【 時 有 紅、 綠 、 者 名 木 難 ,珠 皆 其 類 。也 石 即 寶石 。也 鑲 以 首飾
珍 曰】 寶 石 出 西 、番 回 碧 、 茲 數色 : 紅 者 名 系 者 名 蠟 。子 又有 獨家 山 海 經 :言 馬 山 玉多 , 原 ,者 唐人 謂 之 瑟瑟 。 者 指頭 , 小 器 ,物 大 如
峽 地 方 諸 坑 井 ,內 雲南 刺 ,子 碧 者 名 杉 ,子 舉 石 、 猶 精 、石 石 榴 、子 淒 水 出 ,焉 西 注 於 海, 紅 ,者 宋 人 謂 之軸 熙。 者 如 豆 ,粒 皆 碾 成 珠
、 境 東亦 有 者 馬名 價 珠 , 紅 選 豆 等名 中多 及 石 。 今 通 呼 烏實 狀。 張 勃 吳錄
云 越 、售 雲 南 中河 出 碧 ,珠 須 祭 取而 之, 有 斷 、百 綠 。碧 此 即 色碧 宇 石
也 ,。 Collected Explanation. [Li| Shizhen: Precious stones originate in various pits and
wells in foreign lands in the West and in Hui he. Ihey are also presentin Yun nan and Liao dong. Ihey appear in various colors: red, green, bluish green and purple. A red [precious stone] is called “the unruly”A bluish one is called“the indigo. merald green ones are called “pearls/jewelry worth ahorse. Ayellow one is called 和 pearLjewelry hard like wood. Purple ones are called“the waxen ones. Also, there are names and colors such as “crow and falcon stones,“cat essence/sperm stones, “pomegranates, and “fatred beans, all these types. Ihe 52z7z 2277zc states:
Mount Kuishan has much jade.Itis carried away by the Qishuiriver.It flows into the seain the West. Many stones are gathered from it.”Ihe stones gathered from it are precious stones. Ihose of bluish color were called “the rustling ones by the people during the Tang dynasty Red ones were called “Tunguses by the people during the Song dynasty Nowadays, fmhey al alike are called precious stones. When they are used as inlays for ornaments/jewelry and other objects, large ones are of the size of afinger tip;small ones are like beans. Ihey all are processed to apearl shape.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Zhang Boin his 殉 / 勾 states: “ITo remove the bluish pearls brought forth by the rivers of Yue sui and Yun nan,asacriflcial ritual must be performed. Ihere are indistinct bluish and green bluish ones. All these are precious stones of bluish color
【 主 】治 去 明刁
日, 入
點 藥 用 。之 灰 記入 目 , 以 珠 拭 拂 即 。去 時 珍 。
Control.lo remove shades and clear the eyes,add them to medication to be dripped [into the affected eyes]. For ashes or dust that has centered the eyes, wipe_[the affected eyes] With an [agate] pearb and [the foreign objects] will be removed. [Li Shizhen.
玻 瑪 拓廬 2o Z, 上 匕 527 )/7,
【 釋 】名 頗
黎 綱目 、 水玉 拾 遺。【 時
珍 日】 本
作 頗 。黎 頗 ,黎 國
名也 。 其
瑩如 水, 其 堅如 玉 , 故名 水 玉 , 與 水 精 同名 。 Explanation of Names. 和 落 Z# 頗 黎 , Gzzze zz. 52z7)yz 水 玉 ,“water and jade,”or: “wa-
tery jade。””S27)2z. [Li] Shizhen: Originally it was written 22Z# 頗 黎 . 產 Z# 頗 禁 is the name ofacountry It is as transparent as Watery 2z7 水 ,and it is as hard as jade,
玉.Henceitis called 2z7z
水玉,“water and jade.” This is also the name of crystals.
【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日 】 玻 ,璨 西 國 之 寶也 。 玉 石 之 ,類 生 土 中 。 或 所 ,化 亦 未 必然 。【 時 珍 】晶 出 南 。番 有 酒色 、 紫 、色 白 色 , 瑩 相 ,似 碾 有開 雨點 花 者 為 真。 外 丹 家 亦 用 。之 藥 燒 者有 氣 眼 而 。輕 雲 : 大 秦 國 有 五色 頗 ,黎 以紅色 烏 。貴 染 公四 記 :云 扶 南 人 來 鏡, 廣 一 尺半 , 重四 十 斤 , 內外 拉 潔 , 疝明 視 ,之 不 見 其 。質 府條 庫有 玻璃 ,母 乃 大 食 所 ,真 狀如 鐵 ,洋 和 之 但 作 珂 子 狀, 青 、 紅、 數色 。
雲 歲 千 澈 與 玄中 賣 碧 雲: 黃、
冰 水精 記 頗黎 御 白
Collected Explanations.[Chen] Cangdqi: Glass is aprecious item of Western coun-
tries. Tt belongs to the group of jade stones, and grows in the soilL Some say that it is atransformation product of ice that is a thousand years old. But this is not necessarily so. [Li| Shizhen: It originates in Nan fan.Itmay be of the color of wine,ef purple colorand ofwhite color. Ttis as transparentand lucid as crystaL It is genuine [glass]if whenitis brokenit forms fragments like rain drops. he experts of external [life prolongingj elixirs resort to it too.[Glas] produced with heat by means 0f
apharmaceutical process has qi eyes/bubbles initand is of light weight. Ihe 及 zz7 >2o7zg7 去 states: “The country Dadin has glass in 4 flve colors,Wwith thatofred color being considered valuable.”The 7z7ze y7 go states: “People from Fu nan come
C//z2/e7 2
here to sell bluish glass mirrors. Ihey are one and ahalf c2z wide,and they weigh 4o 7 Iheir inside and their outside are bright and clear. If one looks at their bright side,one does not see their substance. "Cai Tao states:”Ihe Imperial Treasury holds a mother of glass.Itis apresent submitted by [the country] Da shi. [Mother of glass」] consists of [kernels] shaped like iron sediment. Howevep by means of calci-
nation they are processed to something llke ahorses bridle ornament usually made of apate, in greenish,red, yellow and white colors.
【 氣 】味 辛 , 套 , 無 琳。 Qi and Flavor. Acrid, cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 驚 悸 心 ,熱 能 安心明 目, 去赤 眼 , 盡 熱 腫。 悶 器。 摩 刁 。障 大 明 ,。 ontrol Fright palpitation and heat in the heart. It is able to pacify the heart and to clear the eyes. It removes redness from the eyes. Tt is pressed hot onaswelling[Chen] Cangdqi. It serves to rub [eyes with] ashade or screen. Da Ming-
o8-37 水 精 抬遺 $72z/Z 729 上 匕 527 )/7, lHardenedj essenceofvwater. Crystal
【 釋 】名 水
英, 會
晶 綱 、目 水
、目 石 英。【 時
珍 曰】 瑩
澈 品 ,光 如 水
雅謂之 石 典。 經謂 之 水 玉 , 廣 意也 。 山 海
Explanation of Names. $2z7z 7/zzge 水 踢, “watery glittep”Gzzzg 2
52z7 )z 水玉,
“watery jade,”Gzz 4. 527 )zzg 石 崗 ,“stone bloom.” [Li] Shizhen: Itis transparent and lucid, With abrilliant shine,as if it were the [hardenedlj essence of water. | he
name 52z7.7zzg 水 精 ] combines these meanings.The S2z7zz 2o77z7ze calls it 52z7 yz 水 玉 ,“watery jade.” The Gzzzge zz calls it 27 2 石 典 ,“stone bloom-
【 集 解】【 時 珍 晶 】 水 精 亦 頗 黎 之 ,屬 有 黑 、 白 二色 。 作 國 多 水 精 南 水 精 ,白 北 水 精 ,黑 信州 、 武 昌 水 精 。濁 人 性 堅 而 ,脆 刀 刮 不動, 色 果 , 清明 而 ,瑩 置 中水 無 取 和 、 不 見 珠 者 佳。 古 語 雲水 ,化 論 言 。也 者有 氣 眼, 謂 之 硝子 , 一名 海水 精。 抱 朴 子 ,言 交 ” 廣人 作假 水 精 成 此 。
第一 。 澈 如 藥燒 ,得 是
Collected Explanations. [Li| Shizhen: Crystal, too, belongs to the group of glasses. It may be of black and of white color Ihe majority of crystal comes from Japan. rystal from the South is white.Crystalfrom the North is black. Crystal from 入 in Zhou and Wu chang is turbid. By its nature it is hard and brittle. When scratched 355 “IThe meaning of 孜 is not clear It has been read as xzz 瑕 ,“fHawsinapiece ofjade."While this makes sense, the justiflcation of such areading is not known.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
With aknife, no _ mark is ]eft. Its color is as clear as spring [water]. It is brilliant
and transparent. Whenitis placed into water and neither cracks nor pearls appeap this is good [quality crysta 戰 An ancient saying is 了 at [crystal] is a transformation product of water Ihat is wrong. [Crystal produced with heat through pharma~ceutical processing has qi eyes/bubbles. It is called xzzo 7z 硝子 ; another name is “sea Water cssence.”Jhe 25z22z >7 says:”The people of 本 ao and Guang produce fake crystal bowls. Ihis is meant [by crystalproduced with heat through pharmaceutical processing] alluded to above.
【 氣 】味
辛 , 寄 , 無 毒。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, cold, nonpoisonous.
尖 藏 器。 亦 入 點 目 。藥 穿 串 大 咽 中 , 推 引 諸 【 主 】治 引 目, 除 熱 。 時 珍。
喫物 。
Control. Pressed hot on [affected] eyes it serves to remove heat with tearflow [Chen] Cangdqi. It too, is addedto eye drop medication. When tied toastring and
gulped down into the throat, it serves to push down any type of items stuck there. Li| Shizhen.
【 附錄 】 Appendix
火 。珠 /#zo 22z. Fire pearL Crystal burning glass.
【 有 和 承 云:
時 珍 日】 記 文 謂 之 火 齊 。珠 漢 書謂 之玫瑰 , 音 羅 譚 ,國 出 火 齊 ,珠 大 者 如 詣 ,卵 狀 類 水 ,精 灶不 傷人 。 今 占 城 國有 之, 名 灸 之 則 得 ,火 用 艾 精之 訛, 正 乃 哀 牢 夷 出 火 、精 琉 璃, 則 火 齊 火
枚 。回 唐 書 :雲 東南 海中 圓 ,白 照 數 。尺 日中 以 艾 大火 珠。 又 續漢書 朝霞 與 水 精對 。
[Li Shizhen: Ihe 572zz2 zoe7z calls it “pearl equivalent with fire. The /z7z 2z calls it
zze7 2z7 玫瑰 , read zz7 2zz 枚 回 .The 7z7zg 2z states: In Dong nan hai is the country Luo cha. Pearls cequivalent with filre originate in there. Large ones are as big as chicken eggs. Iheir shape is reminiscent of crystalL Ihey are round and white, and their shine extends over several c2z. When at noon/in sunlight they are held above cormmon mugwort [leavesj, [the common mugwort leaves] will catch fire.If this is then used for cauterization, persons [so treated] wil not be harmed. Nowadays they
are found in the country /han cheng,and they are called “big filre pearls of the rosy dawn.” Also, the 及 z 及 zz zz states: [Ihe country] Ai lao yi exports “fire essence
C//z2/e7 2
and colored opaque glass.”” That is, 2z2 27 火 齊, |lpearls] equivalent With fire”is an erroneous writing of 2z2.7zzzg 火 精, [hardened] essence of fire,”the counterpart of
27z7.7zzzg 水 精 ,“[hardened] essence of water?
o8-37-Ao2 而 石 。 及 zzg7z 527, read 7yzz27z Jade-like stone.
【 時 珍 日】 出 座 。門 石 次 於玉 , 白色 石, 禮 云 士 佩 玫碘 是 也 。
如冰 ,
亦有 赤 者。 山 海 經 雲 北 多山 碩
[Li] Shizhen: It originates in Yan men.Itis astone secondary to jade. It is of white color like ice. Ihere are also red ones. Ihe AS72z7ze 2z7 //7zg states: “On Mount Bei shan there are many 7z277 27z. IThe 7states “JMales wear on their garments 7zz27z 722e7 碘
玫 .”Ihese are the [7yzzzz 7 碘
]石 listed here.
硫 玉 抬 遺 了 2 和, 比 S27 2 Opaque glass ofany color
【 釋 】名 火 。【 齊 時 同名。
珍 曰】 灌 作 書 流 ,離 言 流光 其
陛 離 。也 火 齊 , 與
Explanation of Names. /z2 77 火 齊 , “fre equivalent.” [Li| Shizhen: The 7z7z 2 writes 到 流離 , stating that “the flow (zz 流 ) ofits shine leaves (7 離) the land。” 7z/2 77 火 齊 ,“fire equivalent,”is identical to 2z2 %2z 火 珠 ,“fire pearl?
【 質 訟 銀 之 虛 燈, 重 此
集 解】【 藏 器 日 】 韻 集 :雲 琉璃 , 火 齊 珠 。也 南 州 異 志物 去: 琉璃 本 不 釋 。 佛 經 謂所 七 寶者 , 得 則 可 次 可 烏 ,器 石 不 此 是 ,石 以 自 然 治之 時 珍 曰】 按 魏 略 云: 大 秦 國 出金 也 璃、 車 渠、 馬 、腦 玻 璃、 真 珠 是 。【 琉璃 , 有 赤、 白 、 黃 、 黑、 青 、 綠 、 綠 、 維 、 紅、 茲 十 種 。 此 乃 自 然 ,物 澤 潤 光 米 , 蹦 於 玉眾 。 今 俗 所用 , 皆銷 冶 石 ,汁 以 眾 藥 灌 而 詞之 , 脆 不 。頁 格 古 論 :云 石琉璃 出 高 ,麗 刀 刮 不動 , 色白 , 厚 半 寸 ,許 可 點 物 雲: 南天 竺 諸 國 出 火 ,齊 狀如 雲母 , 色 如 茲 金 , 者。 異 志 明 於 牛角 之 薄 蟬如 齊 , 積 之 乃 如 紗 。穀 亦 琉璃 、 雲 母 之 類 。也 按 : 理 可 ,開 拆 則 石 今人 以作 燈 ,球 明 勞 而 ,堅 耐久 。 蘇 頌 言 族可 入 ,藥 未 見 用 者 。
Collected Explanations.[Chen] Cangqi: “The 到 zz 諺 (Le., 了 二 )zz) states: “Opadue
glass is the pearleqduivalent With fire. Jhe AVz7z 222z 2 oz >27 states: “The original Substance of opaque glass is stone. When processed with meerschaum it can be made to utensils. If the stone is not exposed to [meerschaum」
it cannot be dis-
solved.”The seven precious items referred to in Buddhist classics include opadque
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
glass,Wwheelruts,agate,glass and genuine pearls.[Li| Shizhen: According to the 旅 ?/ /Zzz,“the country Da din exports gold, silver and opaque glass.[Ihe latter appears] in ten Kinds: red, white, yellowy blacky, greenish, green indistinct, dark purple, light
red and purple.”Ihese are natural products. Iheir gloss and shine exceeds all types of jade.[Opaque glass] commonly used today is always a product of melting stones to prepare aliquid to which are then added all types of medicinal substances. It is brittle and not solid. Ihe Gz,gz 和 states: “Stone/ceramic opaque glass originates in Grao li (Korea). When scratched With a knife,no marks will remain. Itis of white color and more than half aczz thick. It can be lighted [like acandle and its fire is
more brilliant than thatof [burned]j ox horns. The 如 zoz >27 states: “All the countries of Nan tian zhu India) export fire equivalent' shaped like muscovite, With a
color resembling purple gold. When [opaque glass] is piled up in multiple layers, it may break. It can be torn apart to generate shices as thin as cicada wings. When put togetherit looks like tulle or crepe. Opaque glass and muscovite form one group. Comment: IToday the people use this stone to produce lamp globes. Ihey are briliant, transparent and hard,and they are very durable.SuSong says, they can also be added to medication, but this [1] have not seen yet.
【 主 】治 身
熱 目 ,亦 以 水 浸 冷 熨 。之 藏 器 。
Control. Forbody heatand red eyes,soakitin watep letit cooland then press it [to
the affected region]. [Chen] Cangdt.
本 經上 品 雲母 到 7 22, 上 比 及 27 772g upper rank. JMuscovite。
【 五色 處, 此 , 云:
釋 】名 雲 、華 雲 、珠 雲 、央 雲 液、 雲 砂 本 、經 磷 石。【 時 南 雲: 華容 ” 方 臺 山 出 雲母 , 土人 見 文。 按 州 志 立名 , 詳 下 尺 烏 屏 風 ,者 但 掘 時 於下 掘 取 , 無 不 大 ,獲 有 長 五 六 可 則 此 石 乃 雲 之 ,根 故 得 雲母 之 。名 而 雲母 之 ,根 則 陽 起 服 雲母 十 ,年 雲 氣 常 覆 其上 。 服 其 母 以 致 其 ,子 理 自 然也 。
珍 日】 候 忌 作 石 。也
雲 母以 雲所 出 之 聲 。也 遞 抱 朴子
Explanation of Names. yzz 2zz 雲 華 ,“cloud splendor”yzz >2z 雲 珠 ,“cloud pearl/
jewelry” 馮 zz)
雲 ,央 “cloud bloom
雲 液, “cloud liquid.” 交 zz y2z
砂 , “cloud sand,”7zzz 有 7zg. 了 7 27 礦石 , “stone with phosphorescent shine.” [Li
Shizhen: Ihe names of muscovite are based on its appearance in all flve colors. For details see the text further down.According to the.7zzzy zz 2z, JMlount Fang tai in Hua rong produces muscovite. Ihe locals examine wherefrom clouds emerge, and below [that regionin the sky] they dig into the earth to remove [the muscovite」
C/2z2/e7 2
It never happens that they do not have arich yield. Ihere are ]arge pieces of five to six c27 that are then made to screens, but it is essential, when digpging for them,not to make any sound.”Ihis is evidence that these stones are the root of the clouds. Hence they are named “mother of clouds.”Ihe root of the“mother of clouds in turn is“the stone from which yang[qij rise, (it. ce. actinolite). Ihe 2z22z >7 states:
“Whensomeone has ingested motherof clouds for tenyears,cloud diwill regularly accumulate above him. Io ingest the mother to have her child' come by that is a natural principle.
間, 二 定 【 集 解 】【 列 錄 日】 雲 母生 太 山 山谷 、 齊 山、 廬 山 及 超 瑯” 北 山石 液色多 白, 雲 砂色 青 月 及 之。 雲 華 五 色具 , 雲 肉色 多 ,青 雲 珠 色 多赤 , 雲 有八 種。 同 日 視 ,之 色 青 白多 弘 景 日 】 按 們 經 , 雲母 白 黃 , 磷 石 色 正 。【 者名 雲 珠, 如 冰 囂 乍 黃 乍 白多 青 者名 雲 ,過 色 青 白 多亦 墨 者 名 雲母 , 色 黃 白 者 名 雲 有 縣, 蝦 白 品 品 者 名 雲 液, 拉 然純白 明 澈 者 名 磷 。石 此 六 種 並 好, 如鐵 者 名 雲 膽, 色 雜 黑 而 強 肥 者 名 地 服 各 有 時 。月 其 黑 黯 純 、黑 有 文 斑斑 汪 , 此 二 種 並 不 可 服, 鍊 之有 法 , 宜 精細 。 不 爾, 入 腹 大 害人 。 今 江東 惟 長 領 日】 今 充 州 “ 雲 用 廬山 者 烏 ,膀 青州 者 亦好 , 以 沙土 養 ,之 歲 月 生 。【 越間 亦有 之, 生 土石 。問 作 片 成 層 可析 , 明 滑光 白 夢 山 及 江 州 、 淳 州、 杭 者 上詞 。 六 片有 絕 信 而 鮭 潔者 , 今人 以 飾 燈 ,龍 亦 古 扇 屏 之 遺 意 。也 江 南 生 者 多 青 ,黑 不 堪 入 。藥 謹 按: 方 書 用 雲母 , 皆 以 白澤 者 烏 。貴 惟 中 山 簡 有五 種, 而 人 不 能 五色具 者。 哆 洪 抱 朴 子 :雲 雲母 叔 卿 單 服 ,法 用 雲母 雜 也 。 五色 並 具 而多 青 者 名 雲英, 生 別 , 和當 舉 以 疝 日 看 ,之 陰地 不 見 色 服 之。 五色 並具 而 赤多 名 雲珠, 宜 夏 服 。之 五 色並 具 而 多 白 者 名 雲 液, 名 砂 者名 雲母 , 宜 冬 服 。之 但 有 青 黃 色二 者 雲 秋 服 。之 五 色 並 具 而 多 黑 宜 季和夏服 之。 唱 純 品 白 者名磷 石 , 四 時 可 服 也 。 人 然 修鍊 損 之 曰】 青 、 赤、 黃 、 、茲 白 者 並 也 節度 , 恐 非 文 字 可 詳, 不 可 輕 餌 。【 堪 服 , 白色 輕薄 通 透 者 烏上 。 黑 者 不 任用, 令 人 淋 瀝 發 瘡 。 ollected Explanafions. 27 及 : Muscovite grows in the valleys of Mount Tai shan, Mount Qi shan, and Mount Lu shan and among the rocks of Mount Bei ding shan in Lang ye. Itis collected in the second month.“ Cloud splendor appears in athe fve colors. Cloud bloom is mostly of greenitsh color“ Cloud pearPjewelry is mostly of red color Cloud liquid is mostly of white color “Cloud sand iscef greenish-yellow color. Phosphoresent ligpht stones are pure white.[Iao] Hongjing: According to the classics of the hermits/immortals,“muscovite appears in eight kinds. When observed held against the sun, those of a greenish-white color With much black [color interspersed] are called mother of clouds. Ihose of yellow-white color with _ much greenish [color interspersed] are called cloud bloom. Ihose 9f greenish-white_ color with much red [color interspersed] are called cloud pearl/
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 477
jewelry. Ihose resembling ice or dew With some being yellow others being white, they are called cloud sand. Ihese six kinds are 311 suitable [for therapeutic use]. To ingest them,aspecifilc time is to be observed for each of them. Ihose of a gloomy pure black colop with aline design full of spots like iron, are called cloud gallbladder. Ihose thatare blackandmixed [with other colorsj,and that are unyielding and large,they are called ground drip. Ihese two kinds must not be ingested. "But there are methods to process them with heat, to be performed with great care lest they enter ones abdomen and cause massive harm. Nowadays, only [muscovite] from
Mount Lu shan is used as the best. hat from Qing Zhou is good, too. Jt is nourished by sandy soil and grows over the months and years. [Su] Song: Nowadays, lmuscovite] is also found on Mount Yun meng shan in Yan zhou,as well as in Jang
Zhou, Chun zhou,and theregionofHangand Yue.Itgrows between soilland rocks. Layers of slices can be separated. Ihose thatare brilliant,smooth and shining white are best. Ihose of huge slices and being transparent and lucid are used by todays people to decorate lanterns. Ihis ties in with the ancient idea of [using muscovite to decorate] fans and screens.[Muscovite] fromJang nan is mostly greenish-black and is not suitable for being added to medication. My careful comment: When the recipe books [recommend to] use muscovite, they always advise one to resort to white and shiny ones as the mostvaluable. Only Wei Shuqing of /hong shan with his method of ingesting single [substances recommended to] use muscovite of 和 the flve colors. Ge Hong in his 52z22z 27 states: JMuscovite appears in filve kinds, and the people are unable to distinguish them. One must ]ift them and observe them holding them against the sun. Ihe different colors will not be discernable ona shady ground. Ihose appearing in all the filve colors,but mostly being greenish, they are called cloud bloom. Itis advisable to ingest them in spring. Ihose appearing in 和 tfmhefve colors,but mostly being red,theyare called cloud pearl/jewelry .]tis advisable to ingest them in summer. Ihose appearing in 包 the five colors,but mostly beinpg white,theyare called cloud liquid.Itis advisable to ingest them in autumm. Those appearing in all the five colors, but mostly being black, they are called cloud mother. It is advisable to ingest them in winter Ihose appearing in only the two colors of greenish and yellow they are called cloud sand.It is advisable to ingest them in the final month of summer Ihose of alustrous white are called phosphorescent light stones. Ihey may be ingested during 和 four seasons. Ancient recipes Very often |recommended to] ingest all five of these cloud' variants. But processing byrefinement with heatrequires one to follow strict rules,anditis to be feared that the [ancient] texts are not detailed enough on this. Hence they must not be con~ sumed lightly [Yang] Sunzhi: Greenish, red, yellow purple and white |kinds] are
aeqdually suitable foringestion.White ones are best because theyarelightand thin
C/2z2/e7 2
and reach everywhere. Black ones oughtnot to be used. Ihey cause urinary dripping and the outbreak of sores.
【 修 】【 治 禾 日 】 凡 使, 黃 黑 、者 厚 而頑 赤 色 、者 經 婦人 手 把 ,者 並 不中 、 上 小 膽 、旱 紫 背 天 、葵 生 甘草 用。 須 要 光 勞 冰如 色 者 烏上 。 每 一 ,斤 用 地 地 黃 各 汁 一 ,鐺 乾 細 者 到 , 濕 者取 汁了 , 於 瓷 中珊 安置 , 下 池水 天 三錠 , 成 問 在 培 。碑 卻 以天 池水 猛 看 火 章 七 日 ,夜 水 火 勿 令 失 ,度 雲母 自 然 碧玉 投 其中 , 攪 ,之 浮 如 蝸 涎 者 即 去 。之 如 此 三 ,度 淘 。淨 取沉香 一 兩 搗作 辟 沉 香 湯 二 升 以 ,來 分 為 三 ,度 再 淘 雲 母 漿了 , 日 晒 任用 。 天 末 , 以 池水 【 村子 抱 曰】 服 五 雲 之 法 : 或 以 桂 菩 玉水 化 之 烏 ,水 或 以 計露 鐵器 中 以 原 水 鰲 之 為 ,水 或 以 消 石 合 於 中筒 埋 之 烏 ,水 或 以蜜 濕 為 ,酪 或 秋以 串 漬之 百 ,日 韋 訓 挺 以 烏 ,粉 或 以 無 顛 、草 楞 血 合 餌 。之 服 至 一 年 百 病 ,除 三 年 反 老 成 ,童 五 年 役 使 鬼神 。【 胡 演 曰】 鍊 粉 :法 八 九 間月 取 雲母 , 以雁 石 拌 ,習 入 甩 罐 內, 封口 , 三 伏 時 則 自 柔軟 , 去 。炊 次 ,日 取 和 百 草 頭上 露水 漬 。之 百 ,日 蛋 廚 挺 以 為 粉。【 時 珍 日】 道 書 :言 鹽湯 煮 雲母 , 可 詞 粉 。 又 :雲 雲母 一 ,斤 七 一 斗 漬 ,之 銅器 中 蒸 一 ,日 白中 揭 成 粉。 又 雲: 雲母 一 斤 , 白 覽 一 ,升 同 揚 ,細 入 重 布 袋 按 ,之 沃 令 鹽 味盡 , 懸 高 處 風吹 , 自 然 成粉。 Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Lei] 入iao: For all [medicinal] applications of yeTlow-black [muscovite|, those that are thick and of adull red colorp and have been
held in her hand by a woman,must not be used. Ihose that are shiny and transparenty with acolor like ice, they are the best. For each
zz [of muscovite] use one 學
each of sma]| z/z22zz7z 多 2zy herb, purple back zzzZoz [herbj|, fresh geZycyyy27zz [root and Chinese foxglove [rhizome] juice, cut those [of these substances] that are dry
to filne pieces, and take the juice of those that are moist and place everything into aporcelain pot. Pour three 2 of “heavenly pond water [into the pot] and boil it for seven days and nights. Neither the water must be exhausted nor the fire must be extinguished during that time. Ihe muscovite will by itself form as a jasper suspension on the bottom of the pot. Ihen forcefully pour additional “heavenly pond water into[the potj,stir[theliquidj and something like snail saliva will collect on
its surface. Remove it and repeat the process three times until the liquid is clear Now pound one /z7zg of Z2z7/z7zz「wood] to apowder and boil this in“heavenly pond water until two y2zzze ofan 2z7/z77z [wood] decoction have become available.
Divide [the decoction] into three portions and use them to again [three times]
Wwash_ clean the muscovite suspension. Eventually dry itin the sun and itis then ready to be used [for medicinal purposes」]. 5z22z 27: Miethods to ingest muscovite. 356 Ihemeaningof“heavenlypond waterp” zz 2752z7 大 池水 ,is not clear.It has been identified as waterfrom high mountains,as water from the oceans (since these are“ponds not created by humans but by “heaven'),and as ponds in the heavenly realm of immortals.
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 477
Qne is to dissolve_ [muscovite] With 77z7zZ77z2777277/ CZyy72z bark, onions and glass or
crystal to a watery liquid. Or give it together with dew into an iron vessel and boll it with the original [decoctionj water until it is dissolved to a watery liquid. Or 如
it with nitrokalite into a bamboo tube and bury ituntil it has turned into a watery liquid. Orsoakitin honeyuntilit forms ajunket.Orsoakitin autumn dew forone hundred days, give it into aleather pouch and squeeze it [to crush its contents] to apowder. OreatitmixeditWwith veczo herb and zz/z72zy blood. 銷 [any of these preparations」 is ingested for one yeap all the hundreds of diseases will be kept away lf ingested for three years, aping will be reverted to boyhood. After flve years one will be able to take demons and spirits into his service. Hu Yan: Method to refine apowder Collect muscovite in the eighth orninth month and mix it evenly With alum. Ihen give this into an earthenware pot, seal the opening and wait for three days and nights until [the muscovite] has softened. Remove the alum and the next day soak [the muscovite]in dew gatheredfrom the tips ofIoo herbs.AfterIoo days, give it into aleather pouch and sqdueezeit to [form its contents to] apowder [L廬
Shizhen: der. Itis a copper also said:
Ihe Daoist books say: “Muscovite boiled in brine can be made to apow~also said: “Soak one 7Zzz of muscovite in one Zoz ofbrine and steam this in vessel for one day Ihen pound itinamortar to generate apowder'.It is Pound one.7zzz of muscovite together With one y2z7c of white salt to afilne
lpowderj, give this into a bag made of heavy cloth, beat this and rinse it in water
until all the salt flavor has gone. Ihen hang itup high so that the wind can blow at it and a [muscovite] powder wi form as aresult.
【 氣 】味 甘 , 平 , 無 毒, 【 權 日】 有 小 ,毒 惡 徐 長 ,卿 忌 羊 。【 血 之 才 日】 澤 當 為 之 使, 長 能 甲 及 流水 。【 弘 景 日】 鍊 之用 有軟 則 柔爛 , 亦 相 是 長 獨 孤 滔 日】 制 夭, 者 也。 百 草 上 露 乃 勝 東 流水 。 亦有 用 五 月 羲 屋 溜 水 。【
伏 丹砂。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.[Zhen]
Quan: Slightly poisonous.
[Ingested togethepjitabhors cyyzzzzc2z7z [herb].[DuringatherapyWwith muscovite」 sheep bloodis to be avoided. [Xu] Zhicao: 7//yzzz [tuber] serves as its guiding sub-
stance. [Ingested togethep] it fears alligpator scales and flowing water. [Tao] Hong~Jing: ForrefiningitWwith heatusealum anditwill become soft. Ihis, too,is[evidence of two substances] fearing each other. Dew on the hundreds of herbs is better than water fiowing eastward. ltalso happens thatwater is used which has dripped from aa thatchedroofduring the ffth month.Dugu Tao:It checks [the effects of ] mercury and disciplines cinnabar.
357 C2zxze 查 血 ,“zz/z72zy blood,”a Daoist designation ofasubstance unidentifiable today
C/2z2/e7 2
【 明 氣, 冷。
主 】治 喘 皮 死 ,臟 中 風寒 ,熱 如 在 車 船上 , 除 邪 ,氣 安 五 ,臟 益 子精 , 絕 中 , 療 五 勞 七 傷, 虛 損少 。目 人和久 服 輕 身 延 年。 本 。經 下 氣 堅 ,臟 續 補 止 。痢 久和 服 愧 澤 不 ,老 耐寒 ,姥 志高 神 。仙 別 。錄 主 下 痢 腸 ,灌 補腎 甄 權。
Control Dead muscles in the bodys skin. Being struck by wind, and alternating cold and heat sensations, as 放 [the patient] had travelled onacartoronaboat. It
puards against cevil di, pacifiles the flve long-term depots, boosts the essence/sperm for [fathering] children, and clears the eyes. Ingested over a long timey, it relieves the body of its weight and extends the years [of life]. 57 ./Zzzg. IJt sends down di and hardens muscles.ltreconnects what was cut off, and supplements the center. lt serves to heal the five types of exhaustion and the seven types of harm,depletion in-
Juryand shortness of qdi.Itends free-flux llness. Ingested overalong time,it gives one ahappy and glossy complexion and prevents aping. Tt lets one endure cold and summerheat. 了His mental potential will be raised and he turns into a spirit hermit/ immortal. 5zz Z. Tt controls discharge with free-fux 過 ness, and intestinal fiush. 1t supplements the kidneys [and warms them when they are] cold. Zhen Quan.
【 發 】【 明 保 昇 】晶 雲 母 屬 ,金 故色白 而 主 肺。【 宗 爽 日】 古 雖 有 服 鍊 法, 今人 服 者 至 ,少 謹 之 至 。也 人 惟 合 雲母 ,膏 治 一 切 闡 毒 瘡 ,等 方 和見 劑 局 方。【 慎 微 日】 明 旦 雜 錄 :雲 開 元中 , 名 醫 紀朋 , 觀人 顏色 談笑 , 知 病 淺 ,深 不 竺 腳 。朋 帝 入 召 掂 ,庭 看 一宮 人 , 每 日 則 詳 笑 歌 啼 號 若 狂疾 , 而 於 而 。然 乃 飲 雲 母 足 不 能 有 履 。地 朋 視 之 :曰 此 必 因 食 飽 而 大 促 ,力 頓 仆 地 湯 , 熟選 而 失 所 。苦 問 ,之 乃 言太 華公 主 載 ,誕 某當 主 ,謂 違 聲 不 能清 長, 因 嗅 犯 蹄 ,美 飽 而 歌 大 。曲 唱 ,參 覺 中胸 甚 ,熱 戲 於 砌 ,臺 因 堅 下 , 丈人 觀 主 康 道 ,豐 治 百 病 雲 久 而 方 班, 逐 病 此也 。 又 經 效 方 :雲 青城山 入 瓶 ,內 榮 ,實 上 浣 水 銀 一 兩 封 固 , 以 母 粉 方: 用 雲母 一 ,斤 拆 ,開 擦 大 十 斤 頂 刀火 赤。 取 ,出 卻 拌 香 、番 茲連 焰 草 二 ,件 合 揭 如 。泥 後 以 夾絹 揭 粉 。 以 木 盤 一面 , 重 取 添 袋 盛, 於大 水 盆 內 搖取 粉 , 餘涂 未 盡 , 再 草藥 於 上灰 印 一 淺 ,坑 鋪 紙, 傾 粉 在 ,內 候劑 焙 ,之 以 橋 糊 丸 梧 子 。大 遇 有 病 ,者 服 之 無 不 。效 知 成 都 府 辛 諫 議 曾 患 大 ,風 眾 醫 不 ,愈 道 豐 進此 , 服 之 神 。【 驗 抱 朴 子 日】 他 物 埋 之 即 ,朽 看 火 即 ,焦 而 五 雲入 猛 中火 經時 不 焦, 埋 之 不 。腐 故 服 之 者 長 ,生 入 水 不 ,濡 入 火 不 ,燒 踐 棘 不 傷。【 時 珍 日 】 昔 人 言 雲母 雍 ,尸 亡 人 不 。朽 次 馮發 貴人 家 , 形 貌 如 ,生 因 共 女 之 。 幽 , 百 戶 縱 ,橫 及 衣服 皆 如 人生 。 中 並有 雲母 雍 之 故也 。 發 曾 公家 Explication. [Han] Baosheng: Muscovite belongs to [the phase] metal. Hence its color is white and it controls the lung. [Kou] Zongshi: Even though in ancient times there were methods to ingest [muscovite] refined with heat nowadays only 358 了7 痢 ,“free-flux ness,”"adiarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 477
Very fcew people ingest it Ihey are very cautious. Only a muscovite ointment is prepared to cure a和 1 types of obstruction-illness3? and poison sores. For the recipe see_ the /z 有 及 多 zze.[Iang」| Shenwei: The 77zzg 2zz7e zz 太 states: “During the /27 2zz7/ reipn period (7I3 一 74TD, the famous physician 五 Peng observed a patient's complexion and how he talked and laughed and knew whether his disease was light or serious. He did not need to examine [the patients movement in] the vessels. Ihe
弓mperor ordered him to come into the palace and examine one of his concubines. Every afternoonm [this girl] laughed and sang, and shouted like mad, and she was unable to tread the ground with_her feet. [五 ] Peng observed her and said: “Ihe
cause of her present condition is that once she ate to repletion and this diminished her physical strength with the result that she fell to the ground. Ihen he had her drink a muscovite decoction. She fell into a deep sleep and all her problems were gone.[Ihe physician then] asked her [what had happened before she fell 記 | and
she told him that “when Princess Tai hua had celebrated her birthday she had been ordered to be the main singer. As she was afraid her voice might not be clear and loud enough, she drank athick soup made of apigs trotters. She had eaten to her fil and sang along tune. When she had filnished singing, she felt an extreme heat in her chest. She had performed on an elevated platform and now she fell down from it regaininpg her consciousness after only along ttme,and remained as 過 as he had observed. Also the.7zzze x72z2 zzze states:“ Kang Daofeng, abbot of the Zhang ren guan monastery on Mount Qing cheng shan, cured the hundreds of diseases With amuscovite powder. Ihe recipe is as follows. He broke one 7ZZzz of muscovite to pieces and fllled them,with pressure,into an earthenware pot which he placed ona
solid structure. hen hepoured one /z7zge ofmercury on [the muscovite] and tightly sealed [thepotj. He calcined lthepotjl with afire lit with ten7Zzzz [of frewood] until it had turned red and then removed the [muscovite from the pot]. He mixed it
With aromatic onions and purple /7y) 交 zz herb and pounded this to apulp which he fillled into adouble-layered tough silk bag. Ihis he pave into a large water basin, shookitto and fro and removed the powder. As long as there continued to be such sediments, he added more of the herbal medication, pounded [the mixture] again,
and removed thepowder [from the water basin]. Ihen he took aflatwooden board,
formed with [hot] ashes ashallow depression which he layed out with papep and gave the powder into [the depression]. He waited until it had dried, baked it overa
slow fire and With a filour-water paste formed pills the size of vzoz seeds. Whenever he encountered a patient With a disease, he had him ingest [these pills| and there was not asingle failure.A Remonstrator Xin,administrator of Cheng du,once suf359 zzg 并 ,“obstruction-iness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L 64r.
C/2z2/e7 2
fered from massive wind,3%。 and no physician was able to cure him.[Kang] Daofeng gave him _these [pills], and when he ingested them they were divinely effective.
7z22z zz Otheritems whenburied willrot when setafire they will be scorched. But muscovite in all five [colors] may be given into a filerce fire for quite some time and it will not be scorched, and when buried it will not rot. Hence those who ingest it Will enjoy alonglife.When they enterawatep they wilnotbe affected by moisture, and when they enterafire they will not burn. Treading on thorns they will not be harmed. [Li] Shizhen: In former times the people said that corpses covered With
muscovite wii not rot. Once robbers opened the tomb of anoble woman named Feng. Herphysicalappearance was thatofaliving person. 了Hence they all raped her When the tomb of Duke You of 五n was opened, roo corpses ]ay there in all directions,Wwith their clothes theylooked asiftheywere still alive. Ihe reason was that 刀 of them had been covered with muscovite.
【 附 方】 舊 七 , 新 七。 Added Recipes. Seven of old. Seven newly [recorded|
服 食 雲 母, 上 白雲 二 母 十 斤 薄 擘, 以露水 八 斗作 湯 , 分半 淘 二 洗 二 斗作 湯 , 納 芯 消 十 ,斤 木器 中 二 漬 十 ,日 取出 , 絹 袋 ,盛 懸 風 ,日 令 。燥 以 皮鹿 人 烏 訓 採 ,之 從 旦 至 ,午 篩 淬 復 ,揉 得好 粉 棄 。之 以 粉 一 斗 納 岩 蜜二 斤 , 攪 ,糊 入 竹筒 中 , 薄 削 封口 漆 ,固 說 ,下 入地 六 尺 , 覆 士。 春 四夏 十 日、 秋 冬 三 十 日 出 ,之 當 成 不 ,消 更 埋 三 十 日。 此 水 能 治 萬 病 及 勞 氣 風 。疼 人 每 以 溫 水 一 合和 三 服。十 日小 便當 變 ,黃 二 十 日 中 腹 寒灌 消, 三 十 日 周 齡 更 ,生 畏 風 ,寒 五 十 日 諸 病 皆 ,愈 顏色 日 ,少 長 生 神 。仙 千 金方 。
次。 又 取 上屋 , 勿 見 五 ,斗 餘 者 埋 北 垣南 。水 若 洞 洞 服 之, 日 四 十 日不
To ingest muscovite as food. Break 2o 有 zz of best quality white muscovite to thin pieces and prepare a decoction of eight Zoz of dew water. Divide [this decoctionl
into two halves and rinse [the muscovite plates] with them twice. Ihen take two
2Zoz [of dew water] again to prepare another decoction. Add ten 7zz of mirabilite and [the muscovite] and let them soakin awooden vessel for 2o days. Ihen remove
[the muscovitej fillitinto asilk pouch and suspend [the pouch] from the top of a room.Itmustnotbe exposed towind and thesun.When [the muscovite] has dried,
fll it into a pouch made of deer hide and rub it from dawn to noon [to eventually obtain apowder] thatis to be given through asieve,only to be rubbed [in the deer hide pouchj again until flve Zoz ofagoodpowder are obtained. Remainders are to be discarded. lo one Zoz of [muscovite] powder add two 7zz of cliff honey stir this 36o 2z /zg 大 ,風 “massive wind,”may refer to sores caused by a massive intrusion of wind evil and also to conditions of leprosy BCVGIM Dict LIr.
/2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
to apaste and fil itinto a bamboo tube. Cut this tube into small sections, seal the openings with ]acqduer and bury [the tubes」 six c2z deep in the ground and covered With soillat the bottom ofawall facingnorth,orofaclif facing south.In spring and surmmer after 4o days,in autumn and winter after 3o days, dig them out again.[ Ihe contents of the tubej will have becomeawateryliquid.Ifnot all the contents of the various tubes have dissolved, bury them again for 3o days. Jhis watery liquid can cure amyriad diseases, as well as qi exhaustion and wind pain. For each application ingest one oz mixed With warm water. lo be ingested three times a day After ten days, the urine should assume ayellow color After 2o days, cold will be washed out of the abdomen.After 3o days, decayed teeth will be replaced by new [teeth]. After 4o days,one will fearneither wind norcold. After 5o days, all diseases will be cured. Ones complexion and facial appearance will look younger every day and along life of aspirit hermit/immortal results. 07z7z.777z 7
瘓 飲 頭痛 , 往來 寒熱 。 雲 母 粉 二 兩 鍊過 , 恒 服 吐。 忌 生 、敬 生 。菜 深師 方 。 湯 取
山 一 ,兩 烏 。末 每
服 方寸 匕 ,
Phlegm rheum and headache,with recurring sensations of cold and heat.[Grind] two Zz7zge of heat refined muscovite_ with one /z7zg of Z7c2yoz [root] to apowder
紀ach time [let the patient] ingest the amount held by a square zzz spoon. Io be ingested with hot waterto stimulate vomiting.[During such atherapy] fresh onions and fresh vegetables are to be avoided. $2e7z 527 /7zg
特 閥 多 。寒 雲 母 二燒 日 ,夜 龍骨 、 民 漆 燒 去 ,腥 等 分 為 。散 示 發 ,前 漿 水 服半 錢。 仲 景 四金 方 。 Female type malaria with [sensations of] mostly cold.[Grind] equal amounts 9f
muscovite, heated for two days and ntghts, and drapgon bones and Zzc2yoz leaves, heated until it has lost its smell to apowder. Prior to an outbreak |let the patiend
ingest With fermented water of foxtail millet half a 7zzz. [Zhang| Zhongjing,.777 /2/7 /2722.
小 下兒 痢赤 白 及 水 。痢 雲 母 粉半 兩, 煮白粥 調 食 。之 食 醫 心鑑 。 Discharge with red and white free-fHux
訓ness and watery free-flux illness of chil-
dren. [Let thepatientj eat halfa /zz7zge of muscovite powder boiled With white [ricel]
Congee. 527 人 7 %772.77272. 36I 72z )zz 瘓 飲 ,“phlegm rheumy”refers to pathologicalproducts that have accumulated in thebody and that are excreted in the process of changes affecting the depots and palaces. They may block the passage of qi and blood and thereby become pathogenic factors. BCGIM Dict L, 498.
362 了 7 痢 , “free-fux
訕 ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict DL3
C/2z2/e7 2
赤 久白 痢, 積 年 不 。愈 飲 調 雲母 粉 方寸 匕 ,服 二 服 立 見 神 。效 千 金田 。 Long-lasting red and white free-fux 過ness that has not been cured for severa years. [Have」 the patient ingest mixed with a beverage muscovite powder of the amountheld byasquare cz7/ spoon.After two ingestions an immediate divine effect Will be obvious. 07z27. 77 罰 .
帶 。下
水和 雲母
粉 方寸 匕 ,服 立 見 神 。效 千
金方 。
Womens [diseases] below the belt. [Letthepatient] ingest, mixed with watep mus-
covite powder of the amount held by a square /z7z spoon. A divine effect will be obvious immediately. 0zz7z.777z 7
小 便 淋 。疾 溫 水和 雲母 ,粉 服 三 。錢 千 金方 。 Dripping urine illness.Ingestthree zzzofmuscovite mixed With warm water. 0727 7777 /722紀
粉 兩, 溫 酒 調 ,服 入 口 即 ,產 不 順 者 即順 , 婦人 難產 , 經 日 不 。生 雲 母 半 萬 不 失 。一 陸 氏 :雲 此 是 何 德 揚 方 也 , 已 救 三 五 十人 。 積德 堂方 。 Women with diffrcultbirth,Wwith [achild] remaining unborn forseveral days.[ 了 Have
the woman] ingest half a /z7zge of muscovite powder mixed With warm wine. Once this has entered her mouth,she will give birth [to the child]. Ihose [children] that
have not beeninacorrectposition, they will assume a correct position, and there Will be notasingle failure in amyriad cases. Mr. Lu states: Ihis isarecipe of He Deyang.Tt has saved 35 persons. 了 ZZ 蕊 7 7
粉 洋 面 。點 雲母 粉、 杏 仁 等 分 為末 , 黃牛 乳 拌, 略 ,蒸 夜 塗 旦 。洗 聖 濟 錄 。 Drepgs and facial gloom. [Grind] equal amounts of muscovite powder and apricot seeds toapowdepmixitwith mik ofayellow cow and steam this forashort while. Jo be applied [to the affected region] at nightand to be washed of at dawn. $Z2e7zg 諷 和
服 錢, 風 癮蝦 身, 百計 不 愈。 和 雲 母 粉, 清水 調 二
良。 千 金方 。
Wind rash affecting the entire body remaining without cure despite a hundred different [therapy] plans. [Let the patient| ingest two 7zz7z of calcined muscovite
mixed With clear water. Good. 0zz7z.77z 7
一 切 惡 瘡。 雲母 粉 便 。之 千 金 方 。 Al types of malign sores. Apply muscovite powder to them. 0727z.7-Z7z /27zg.
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 477
火 瘡 敗壞 。 雲 母 粉和 生
羊 髓 塗 。之 聖惠 方 。
Rotting sores caused by fire. Mix muscovite powder with fresh sheep marrow and apply this [to the affected region」]. 52ezzg 2z7 zz
金 瘡 出 。血 雲 母 粉 傅 ,之 絕妙 。 事林 廣 記 。 Bleeding wounds caused by metal objects/weapons. Apply muscovite powder to them. 527 /7/ oz/z7z2o 7
風 熱 汗 。出 水和 雲母 粉 服 三 ,錢 不過 再 ,服 立 。愈 千
金翼 。
Wind heat [affectionj] with sweating. Ingest three 7zzz of muscovite mixed with water. Ihere will be no need to ingest this twice. A cure is reached immediately 07277.777z 罰 . o8-4o
白石 英本 經上 品 7 5627 )Z72o 上 弓 有 27 777zoy upper Tank. White stone/mineral bloom. Quartz.
【 釋 】【 名 時 珍 日】 徐 錯 :雲 壁 者。 似玉 而有 光 Explanation of Names.
英, 亦作 瑛 , 玉 光 也 。 今 五 種 石 ,喘 皆 石之
Shizhen: Xu Kai states: yzzg 央 , also written 人 7
瑛 , is thebloom of jade. Nowadays there are five kinds of quartz. All of them are stones/minerals that resemble jade and are lustrous.
【 集 解 】【 列 錄 日】 白 央 石 生 華 陰 山 谷 及 太 ,山 大 如 ,指 長二 三 ,寸 六 面 五 寸 者 彌 佳。 其 黃 端 白 稜, 名黃石 ;英 赤 端 白 稜, 如 ,前 白 澈有 光 , 長 六 名 赤 石 ;肉 青 端 亦 ,稜 名 青石 ;英 黑 有澤 光 , 名黑石 。英 二 月 ,煙 亦 無 時。【 弘 景 日】 今 醫家 用 新 安 所 ,出 極細 長 白 澈 。者 壽 陽 八公 山 大多 者 , 正 之。 仙 經 大 小 並有 用 , 惟須 精 白 無 瑕 苑 。者 如 此 ,說 則 大 者 烏 佳 。 不 用 其 色 四 崗 今 不 復 用。 【 恭 日】 白 石 ,峽 所 在 皆有 , 今 澤 州、 號 州、 洛 州 山中 俱 。出 號 州 者大 , 徑 三 四 ,寸 長 五 六 。寸 今 通 以 澤 州 者 為 。【 膀 宗 爽 日】 白 央 石 狀如 茲 石 ,峽 但 差大 而六 稜, 白色 若 水 。【 精 時 珍 日】 澤 州有 央 ,秩 食 石英 , 性 最 。補 見 禽部 。 ollected Explanations. 5zz Z: 0Quartz grows in the mountain valleys of Hua yin and also on Mount Tai shan. Large pieces are of the size of a finger; they reach a length of two to three cz7z. Ihey have six fat surfaces as if artiflcially cut. Ihey are white,limpid and shiny [Quartz pieces] ofalength of flve to six cz7z are best. Ihose
with yellow ends and white edges are called “yellow quartz.”Ihose with red ends and white edges are called “red quartz.”Ihose with greenish ends and red edges
C/2z2/e7 2
are called“greenish_ quartz.”Ihose with a glossy shine are called“black quartz. [Quartz] is collected in the second month,or at anytime.[Tao] Hongjing: Nowadays, physicians use「[quartzj originating in Xin an that is extremely fine, long and
limpid.[Quartz pieces」 found on Mount Ba gong shan in Shou yang are often bigy but they are not suitable for [medicinal] use. According to the classics of the her-
mits/immortals, large and small pieces are 41和 of use. Ihe only requirement is that they are fine white and without flaws. Based on this statement, large [pieces」 are
better. Ihose With a shine of four colors are no longer resorted to nowadays. [Su Grong: Quartz can be found everywhere. Nowadays,[quartz] originates in all the mountains of Ze zhou, Guo zhou and Luo zhou.[Quartz pieces] from Guo zhou
are big. Ihey measure three to four zz in diametep and they reach alength of five to six 人 z7z. Today, 4 [the people] consider [quartz] from Ze zhou to be superior [Kou] Zongshi: Quartz is shapedlike fluor spap but [quartz] is bigger and [consists
ofcubesjwith six edges.Itis as white as crystal. [Li| Shizhen: In Ze zhouare quartz chicken. Ihey feed on quartz. By their nature they have an extreme supplementing potential. See the sectionon foWl
【 氣 】味 甘 , 微 溫, 無 毒,【 別 錄 】晶 辛 。【 普 日】 神 晨: 甘 。 岐 、伯 黃 帝、 雷 、公 扁 :鵲 無 毒,【 之 才 日】 惡馬 目 毒公 。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet slightly warm, nonpoisonous. 58zz 勾 : Acrid.[Wu] Pu: Shen nong: Sweet.Qi Bo,THuang di, Leigongand Bien Que:nonpoisonous.[Xu] Zhicai:
[Ingested togethepjitabhors
力yoyzzz [roo 鋪
【 主 】治 消 洶, 陰 導 不 ,足 菇 逆, 胸 膈間久 寒, 閱 氣 , 除 風 濕 痺 。 久 服 輕 身長 年。 本 經。 療 肺 ,北 下 氣, 利 小 ,便 補 五 ,臟 通 日 月光 , 耐寒 熱。 列 錄 。 治 肺癌 吐 ,膿 菇 逆上 氣, 疸 黃。 甄 權。 實 大 。腸 好 古。 ControlL Melting With thirst. Dysfunction and insufficiency of the yin[(it.e. genital) organ|- Cough with countermovement [of di Long-lasting cold in the region of chestand diaphragm. It boosts the qq and removes blockage caused by wind and moisture. Ingested overalong time it takes the weight of the body and extends the years [of life]j. It serves to heal lung dysfunctionm brings down qi, frees the flow of urine, supplements the five long-term depots, lets「the body appear] permeated by the ligpht of sun and moon, and makes one tolerate cold and heat. 5zz /. Tt serves to cure lung obstructionr-illness* With vomiting of phlegm,cough and counterflow ofrising qi.Jaundice.Zhen Quan.Itsolidifiles the large intestine.[|Wang] Haogu. 363
六zz2 消 Voll,567.
渴 ,“melttng with thirst,"most likely including cases of diabetes.BCGM Dict
364 攻 zg 癱 ,“obstruction崗 ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocalswelling and eventually break
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 477
五色 石
。英 起 /se527 2722
Stone/mineralbloom offive colors. Quartz of all five colors,。
【 主治 】 心 腹 邪 氣, 女 人 心腹 ,痛 鎮 ,心 胃中 冷氣 , 益 毛 ,髮 悅 顏色 , 治 驚 ,悸 安 魂 定 ,魄 壯陽 道, 下 。乳 隨 臟 而 :治 青 治肝 , 赤 治 ,心 黃 治脾 , 白 治 ,肺 黑 治 腎。 大 明 ,。 ontrol. Evil qq affecting the central and abdominal region. Painful central and abdominalregionofwomen.Itpresses down [theqiofjtheheartand cold qiin the
stormach.Itboosts hair on thebodyand on the head,and improves facial appearance and complexion. Tt serves to cure fright palpitation, pacifles the zz7-soul, stabilizes the po-soul,boosts theyangpath (i.e.,male sexual strength) and lets down anursing
mothers milk. Cures adapted to an affected long-term depot are as follows. Gurreenish[quartz] serves to cure [diseases affecting」 the liver. Red [quartz] serves to cure |diseases affecting] the heart. Yellow [quartz] serves to cure [diseases affecting] the spleen. White [quartz] serves to cure [diseases affecting] the lung. Black |quartzl
serves to cure [diseases affectingj the kidneys. Da Ming-
【 貫 】【 明 藏 器 日】 尖 可 去枯 , 白石 、英 茲 石 喘 之 屬 是 。【 也 時 珍 日】 白 石英 , 手 太 、陰 陽明 氣 分 爍 也 , 治 痿 痺肺癌 枯燥 之 。病 但 係 石 ,類 止 可 暫 用 , 不 宣 久 。【 服 領 日】 古人 服 ,食 惟 白 央石 詞 。重 寂 石英 入 但 五 石飲 。 其 、黃 赤、 青 、 黑四 種 , 本 草雖 有 名 而 家方 都 不 見 用 。者 乳 石 論 以 鍾 乳 烏 乳, 以白石 英 為 ,石 是 英之 六 ,貴 惟 白 石 。也 儿 :曰 乳 者 中陽 之 陰 , 石 者 中陰 之 。陽 故 陽 生 十 一 月 甲子 後 服 ,乳 陰生 五 月 甲子 後 服 。石 然 相 而 反 畏 ,惡 動則 為 害 不 。淺 故 乳 石 之 發 , 方 治 雖多 , 而 罕有 濟 ,者 誠 不可 輕 餌 也 。【 宗 爽 日】 茲、 白二 石英 , 攻 疾 可 暫 煮 汁 ,用 未聞 久 服 之 。益 張 仲 景 為 末 , 昱 無 意焉 ? 若久 服, 宜 詳 審之 。 只 令 哆 ,咀 不 細 Explication. [Chenj Cangdi: Moisture is able to eliminate withering. Quartz and fuoride are such substances. [Li] Shizhen: Quartz is a pharmaceutical substance
focusing on theqisection of the hand major yin and yang brilliance [conduitsj. It serves to cure diseases including dysfunction and blockage, lung obstruction-iness35 and witherinpg and dryness. Howevep since it belongs to the group of stones/ minerals,it can be used for only a short duration,and is not suitable for long-term ingestion. [Su] Song: When the people in ancient times ingested [minerals] for food, they only considered quartz, “white stone/mineral bloom,” worth [to be ingested]|. Fluor spap purple stone bloom, was added only to the “beverage with flve through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L 64r. 365 zzg
癱 ,“obstruction-iness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L 64r.
C/2z2/e7 2
stones/minerals.”The four kinds of yellow red, greenish and black |quartz] were named in 2ez cdzo literature, but the recipe experts did not take notice of them. Ihe 和 zz 27 //7z repards stalatites, concentrated milk, as mik and quartz,“ white stone/ mineral bloom, as astone/mineral. Ihatis,only the“white stone/mineral [bloom上上 is valued among the “six [stone/mineral] splendors. It is also said: “Stalactities are
the yin in yangy quartz is the yang in yin. Hence stalactites are ingested on the 7z2 27 甲子 day following the eleventh month when yang [qi] reemerge. Quartz is ingested on the 7zz 字 甲子 day following the ffth month when yin [qi] reemerge。?” Sti, as there exist mutual opposition, fear and abhorrence [among substancesj|, 六 [such aversions] are stimulated, the harm they cause will not be minor. Hence there
may be many recipes to cure outbreaks of [diseases caused by] stalactites and quartz, but there are only very few that are of real help. Hence they must not be consumed lightly [Kou] Zongshi: Fluor spar and quartz, these two “stone blooms, "are boiled to obtain ajuice thatmay beused forashortwhile to attack illnesses. Butlhave not heard of any benefit derived from along-term ingestion. When Zhang Zhongjing recommended “only to chew [these substances] rather than [to ingest] afinepow-~
derp how could this not have been meaningfulp 1 they are to be ingested for along timeit is advisable to carefully examine [the individual circumstances」].
【 附 方】 舊 二, 新 七。 Added Recipes. Iwo of old. Seven newly [recorded].
盆 和 沮 ,砂 看 水 掙 服 石 英法。 白石英 一 ,斤 打 成 豆大 , 於 砂 中 洗 淨 又 ,按 仍 安 柳 供 ,中 入 高 葉 少 ,許 同 水 熟 掙 至 光 ,淨 即 以 門 上 。 每 日 未 梳 ,前 以 水 或 酒 吞 七 粒, 用 飯二 匙 下 壓 小 。腹 一 和 則 新 石 推 出 陳 ,石 石 常 所 ,者 皆 不 。忌 久 酒、 牛 肉 , 石 家 忌 暖 , 則 氣息 調和 , 經 脈 通 ,達 腰 避 堅 ,強 百 病 自 。除 石 若 得 止 。 靈 不 得 ,力 十 斤 須亦 服 。 此 物 光 ,滑 既 無 浮 碎 人牙 腸胃 作 發作諸 病 也。 氣
二 繡 切 在 ,力 ,瘡
三 千下 袋 ,盛 穢 惡、 小 腹 一 又
懸 白 內溫 片即 無石
The method of ingesting quartz. Pound one 7zz of quartz to bean-size pieces and mix them with coarse sandinaceramic basin. Add water and rub [the quartz with the sand] two to three thousand times. Ihen rinse [the quartz] and rub it once again. Now place it into a winnow basked made of willow [twigs], add asmall amount of common mugwort leaves, pour boiled water on it and rub [the quartz]
untilit is shiny and clean. Ihen fllitinto asilk pouch 紀ach day before combing the hair swallow, with water press them down into thelowerabdomen by eating two and malign items,white wine and beef thatare tabooed
and hang it above the gate. or wine, seven kernels and spoonfuls of rice. Any foul by those who are experts in
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 477
[ingesting quartz] minerals,are notprohibited here.After along time,new [quartzl] mineral will push outold [|quartzj] mineral. When the [quartz] mineral stays in the
lower abdomen foralong time and generates warmth there,the di will reach aharrmonious balance. Ihe conduit-vessels will be open for passage, the lower back and thekidneys will be strengthened,and al the hundreds of diseases will be eliminated as aresult. If the [quartz] mineral has gained strength,one may end [the treatment after having ingested] one 7zz. it has not gained such strength, it is advisable to ingest ten 7 Ihis item is shiny and smooth, its pieces will not stick to the surface of ones intestines and stomach and cause sores, and there are no [quartz] mineral
qi that could effuse and cause all types of diseases.
無 盞 ,者 打 小 豆大 , 去細 者 , 水 淘 ,淨 袋 盛 , 又 法 : 澤 州 白 石英, 光 淨 點 懸 鐺 ,內 清水 五大 升, 意 汁 一 升, 澄清 , 平 早 。服 以 汁 煮 瘋 更 。佳 服 後飲 袋 煮二 十 。度 如 三 金 , 可 行 百 。步 一 可 酒 二 日 又堪 用 也 ,。 內, 百
無 ,力 以 布 裏 埋 南 墻下 三
Another method: Pound quartz from Ze zhou that is shiny clean and flawless to pieces of the size of small beans. Remove the finest particles and rinse them clean With water 上衣 tem into a pouch and hang this into a tripod used for warming food.Add five large y2ezge ofwaterand let [the pouchj soakin it. Ihen boil the juice
down to one vezgo let the dregs settle to obtain aclear liquid and ingest this every morning.Tfthejuice is used to boilacongee, this will be even better.Tf after ingesting this [apatient] drinks three orjust two cups of wine,he will be able to walk one
hundred steps.One pouch can be boiled 2o times.QOnceithas lostits strength,Wwrap itinapiece ofcloth and buryit three c2z deepin the soill at the footofawall facing South. After Ioo days it can be used apgain. 石
一兩 ,
三 斗,
升 ,
一 片,
同 黎
鹽 、 豉 ,煮 以 汁作 閏 食 。
Ihemethodtoboillquartz] mineralwith pork.Fill one /z7geofduartz into apouch
and boilitin three Zoz of water down to four ve7g. Boil these With one 7Zzz of pork together With onions,peppep salt and fermented beans to prepare a thick soup and eat 1t,
石 蒸 羊 肉 :法 白石 英 三 ,兩 打 作 小 ,塊 精 羊肉 一 包 斤 之, 荷葉 裹 ,之 計 一 石米飯 中 蒸 ,熟 取出 去 ,石 切 肉 黎 椒 作 小 蝕 飾, 煮 。熟 每 旦 空 腹 冷 漿水 壓 。之 百 無 所 ,忌 永 不 發 動 。 以 吞 一 百 ,個 後 冷飯 The method to steam[quartz] minerd with mutton. Pound three /zzg of quartzZ to sm 和 | pieces and wrap them with fine mutton, which in turn is wrapped with lotus leaves. Ihis is to be steamed in one Zz7/ of cooked rice until it is well done.
C/2z2/e7 2
Then remove the[quartz] mineral, cut the mutton into pieces and form them with
onions and pepper to small dumplings. Boil them until they are well done. 匕 very morning swallow onan empty stomach with cold fermented water of foxtail millet one hundred dumplings. Ihen press them down with cold cooked rice. Notasingle of the hundreds of taboos is to be observed,and there will never again be astlimulus for an outbreak [of a disease
三 升, 酒三 升, 同 藤 至 石 煮 牛 乳 :法 白石 肉 五 ,兩 揭 碎, 密 絹 ,盛 以牛乳 四 升, 去 石, 以 瓶 收 。之 每 食 前 暖 服 三 。合 治 虛 損 勞 ,瘦 上反 燥 陰 ,送 腳 弱 煩疼 。 Themethod to boil[quartzj mineral With cow milk. Pound five /Zzzge of duartz to
smalt pieces, fi
hem into atightly woven sik pouch and boil this together With
three y2ezzge of cow mik and three y2ezge of wine down to four y2ezzg. Remove the [quartz] mineral and keep [the liquidl in abottle. Prior to each meal ingest three
2 Warm. Ihis serves to cure depletion injury and exhaustion-emaciation, dryness of the skin and dysfunction of the yin_[(i. e., genital) member], weakness of legs and unrest with pain.
石 飼 特 牛 :法 白石 英 三 ,斤 揚 飾。 取 十 歲 以上 咎 逢 特 牛 一 ,隻 每 日和豆 與 食 , 經 七 ,日 即可 收 。乳 每 旦 熱 服 一 升, 餘 者 粥 作 。食 百 無 所 忌。 潤 養 臟 腑, 悅 澤 雞肉 , 令 人 體 健 。 Themethodtoraise cows With [quartz] mineral. Pound three.7zz of quartz and [give
服 石 並 忌 芥 、菜 醞 菁、 蕪
尼 、 葵 、菜
the pieces」 through asieve. Ihen select acow of ten years or older that has given birth toacalf and feed it [with the quartz] mixed with soybeans every day. After sevVen days one may take its milk and every morning ingest hot one '2ezzg. Of the rest prepare acongee to be eaten. None of the hundreds of taboos is to be observed. This serves to moisten andnourish the long-term depots and the short-term repositories. It gives one a happy and glossy appearance and [strengthens] muscles and flesh. Itlets the body become strong-
善 ,莽 宣
食 冬瓜 、 龍 ,葵 壓
石氣 。
孫 真人千金 四 Whenever [quartz] mineral is ingested, mustard stem/leaf, turnip, elm seed, zz7oz herb and zzZez222o7z [root] are forbidden, while it is advisable to cat winter melons
and so/z7zz7z [herb] to press down the[quartzj mineral qi. Sun zhenren, 0z27z.777z 加
風 虛 冷 ,痺 諸
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
陽 不及 足 腎虛
淬 三 ,次 入 瓶中 密封 , 勿
耳 。尊 閱 精 保 。神 白 石英
三 ,兩 堤
鍋 內 火 施酒
洩氣 。 每 早 溫 服 一 ,鍾 以 少 飯 壓之 。
Blockage caused by wind that has entered astate of depletion and cold |qi accumur~ lationj, with athe yang [qi] being insufhcient, kidney depletion and deaf ears. It
boosts the essence/sperm and protects the spirit. Calcine three /zzzg of quartZ in a crucible and dipitinto wine three times. Ihen giveitinto abottle and tightly seal it lestits qi are released. 紀 very morning ingest warm one small cup,and press it down With alittle cooked rice.
一 法 : 磁石 火 沁 酪 淬 五 ,次 白石 各英 五 ,兩 絹 袋 ,盛 浸 一 升 中酒 五六 日 , 溫 。服 將 盡 , 更 添 酒。 知 金哄 。 Anothermethod. 上 記 five Zz7ze each of magnetite,calcinedinafreand dipped into vinegar five times, and quartz into a silk pouch and have this soak in one y2ezge of Wine for flve to six days.Ingest this warm.Whenitis about to be used up,add more Wine to 1t. 0727 777z 較 .
擎 悸 善 ,忘 心臟 不 ,安 上 膈 風 熱。 化 瘓 安神 。 白石英 服 錢 , 食後 煎 金 銀 湯 。下 簡要 濟 困 方 。 散。 每 半
一 ,兩 朱砂 一 ,兩 但
Fright palpitations and forgetfulness, with the heart long-term depot not at peace, and wind and heat being present above the diaphragm. It transforms phlegm and pacifies the spirit.[Grind] one Zzzzeofquartz and one /Zzzgeofcinnabar toapowder Each time [let the patient] ingest halfa 7zzzz, to be sent down,after meals,boiled in
a gold and silver decoction..77z7z yo 二 2227z2 Zoo
盛 酒二 斗 浸 ,之 以 泥重 石 水 腹 堅 脹 。滿 用白石 英 十 ,兩 極 豆大 , 瓷瓶 好 封 , 將馬 痊及 糠火燒 ,之 常 令 小 ,沸 從 卯 人至 重 住 。火 次 日 暖 中一 竟 飲之 , 日 三 。度 酒盡 可 再 燒 一 。度 聖惠 方 。 tone water with a hardened and bloated abdomen andafeeling of fullness. Pound ten /2z7ze of quartz to pieces the size of soybeans and soak them in aporcelain bottle flled with two Zozof wine,and closely sealed with mud. Ihis is then heated above afrelt with horse manure and rice chaff, with the liquid bubbling a little all the time. Ihe fire is to last from _ morning to noon. Ihe next day warm as much as fills amedium size cup and drink this. Ihree ttimes aday When all the wine is used up, [add more wine and] heat [the bottle] once again. $2ezzg 2z7
C//z2/e7 2
紫 石本 英 經上 品 Z7527 7Z7zoy 上 弓 有 27/.7772o upper rank.
Purple stone/mineralbloom.Amethyst.Fluorspar
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 曰】 茲 石 碳 生 太 山 山谷, 打 無 。【 時 普 曰】 生 太 山 或會 弘 景 日】 今 第 一 用 太 山石 , 色 重 者 令 前, 紫色 達 頭如 楞 薄 。【 稽, 欲 如 流下 有 根。 次 出 視 零 ,山 亦 。好 儿有 南城 ,石 無 。根 又有 青 綿 ,石 色 亦重 物 眼 。 噴 興 ,石 四 面 有纖 他 色 , 黑 、 不 明 澈。 又有 林 邑 ,石 腹 裏 有必 一 如 惟 太 山 最 。勝 仙 無光澤 。 會 稽 諸 暨 ,石 形 如色 石榴 。子 先 時 並 雜 用 , 今 打 經 不 正用 , 而 俗 方 重 。【 之 吧 錫 曰】 按 領表 錄 :雲 瀧 州山中多 仔 石央 , 其 色 淡 ,紫 其 質 瑩 ,澈 隨 其 大 小 皆 五 ,稜 兩 如 頭 箭欠 。 章 水 飲 ,之 暖 而 無 宗 爽 日 】 毗 石英明 澈如 水 ,精 但色 繁 吳 毒 , 比 之 中北 白石 ,峽 其 力 倍 。【 時 珍 】晶 按太 平 御 覽 :雲 自 大 呢 至 太 ,山 皆有 茲 石英 。 太 所山 勻 而 不 。【 出, 甚 環 。刑 平 氏 陽 山縣 所 ,出 色 深 特 。好 局 程 縣 北 壟 山 所 ,出 其 光明, 但 小 。黑 東 吝 縣 爆 山 所 ,出 人 舊 以 真 獻。 江 夏 腳 山 亦 出 。之 永 嘉 固 村陶 小 山所 出, 芯 角 甚好 , 但 小 清痊 。 ollected Explanations. 2zz Z: Fluor spar grows in the mountain valleys of Mount Taishan.Itis collected anytime.[Wuj Pu: It grows on Mount Tai shan and in Kuai
症 Jhose appearing as Martificially cut, With their purple color reaching to their tips and resembling dice used in gamblingy3 are most sought after. [ITao] Hongjing: Nowadays, the number one [fiuor spar] mineral used is that from Mount Tai shan.
Below its dense, clear color it has a root. Ihe next best originates in Mount Bao ling. It toois good. Ihere is also a [fiuorsparj mineralin Nan cheng.It has no root. There is also a “greenish sikk floss [fuor spar] mineral. Its color too, is dense and
blacky butit is not clear Ihen thereisaLinyi[fuor spar] mineral. It inevitably includes aforeign item reminiscentofan eye.Wuxing [fuorspar] mineral is of purely purple color onallfoursides,butitis neithershiny nor glossy With its physical appearance and colop all the[fluor spar] quartz from Kuai ji resembles pomegranade seeds. In former times al of [these quartz kinds] were used indiscriminately. Now-~ adays only that from Mount Tai shan is resorted to as superior. he classics of the hermits/1mmortals do not consider its use to be correct. But commonly used recitpes highly value it.[「Zhangj Yuxi: According to the zzzg 222z2 Z,“there is much fuor spar in Long Zhou, with apale,purple color and of a transparent substance matter
Regardless of whether these are big or small pieces, they | have flve edges, and their two tips resemble arrowheads. When that is boiled in water and [the water]
is drunky it is warming and nonpoisonous. Compared with quartz from the North, its[therapeutic potential] is several times stronger. [Kou] Zongshi: Fluor spar is 366 C2z zz 枷 漬 wooden dice were rounded at their two ends.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
clear and transparent like crystal. But its color is purple and not evenly distributed. [Li] Shizhen: According to the 727z zzg )2 /7z 1 和 uor spar prows everywhere from Daxian to Mount Tai shan.[Fluorspar] originating in Mount Tai shan is the most precious. Ihat originating in Ping shi and Yang shan xian is of deep color and especially good. Ihat originating in Mount Long shan north of Wu cheng xian is very lustrous, but it is smaller and black. Ihat originating in Mount Bao shan in Dong guan xian was submitted as tribute [to the throne]in formertimes.[Fluor spar] also
originates in Mount Fan shan in 五ang xia. Ihat originating in Gu tao cun in Yong jia is very good in terms of luster and shape,but pieces are small and thin.
【 修 治】【 時
珍 】晶 凡
入 丸 ,散 用 火 沁 酯 淬 七 ,次 研 末 , 水 飛過 , 晒 政入
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Li| Shizhen: For all applications as pills and powders,
calcinc it With_fire, dip it into vinegar seven times, and then grind it to apowder Following an aqueous sublimation processing dry itin the sun and then add it to medication.
【 平。 使。 氣。 良 。
氣 】味 甘 , 溫, 李 當 之: 大 畏 扁 、青 附 得 天 、雄 介
無 毒。【 列 錄 日】 辛 , 【 寒。 雷 公 : 大 。溫 岐 伯 : 上 ,甘 。子 惡 能 甲、 黃 、連 麥 句 ,浦 療 槍 。【 亂 時 珍 日】 服
普 日】 神 展、 無 毒,【 之 。董 得 伏 、芝 人 食 繁 石 ,峽 乍
扁 草: 味 甘, 才 日】 長 石 烏之 參 , 療 心中 結 寒 乍 熱 者 , 飲酒
Qiand Flavor Sweet, warm,nonpoisonous.5zz Z: Acrid.[Wu] Pu: Shen nongy, Bian
Que: Flavor sweet, balanced. Li Dangzhi: Very cold. Lei gong: Very warm. Qi Bo: Sweet, nonpoisonous. [Xu] Zhicai: Anhydrite serves as its guiding substance. [Ingested togethep] it fears fiat malachite and Zc27z7zz/zz [accessory tuber],and it abhors alligator scales, Co2Zr「rhizome] and zz7/eyzz7z「[herb]. ITogether With 2o7zz and ginseng [rootlp it heals qi nodes in the heart. Together With zco7z7zz/7z [accessory tuber| and zcoyzy [rootjitserves to healcholera.[Li] Shizhen: When those whoingest fuor
spar for food alternately feel sensations of cold and heat, to drink wine is good.
【 主 】治 心 腹 溫 中, 輕 喘 延 和 擎 ,悸 安 魂 ,暈 錄 。 套 肺 ,氣 治
歎 逆 邪 ,氣 補 不 ,足 女 子風寒 在 子宮 , 絕 孕 十 年 無 。子 私服 年。 本 經。 療 上 氣 心腹 ,痛 大 熱 邪氣 結 ,氣 補 心 氣 不 ,足 定 填 下 脆 , 止 消 ,洶 除 胃 中 久 ,寒 散 癱 ,腫 令 人 悅 澤。 列 驚 ,癇 蝕 膿。 甄 權。
Control. Cough and countermovement of evil di affecting the central and abdominal region. Tt supplements insufhciency Wind and cold in the womb of women ending pregnancies and letting them have no children for ten years already. Ingested for long it warms the centep relieves the body of its weight and extends the years
C//z2/e7 2
[of ife]. 5 777zg. It serves to heal heart and abdominal pain caused by rising di alternating cold and heat sensations, evil qi and bound qi nodes. It supplements insuffhcient heart di stabilizes fright palpitation, pacifies the 2z/7z-soul and the posoulb fills in the lower [of the Ihree] Burners,ends melting with thirst,36 eliminates
long-lasting cold from within the stomach, disperses swelling associated with an obstruction名 ness,:” and lets one have a happy and lustrous appearance. 5ze Z. It nourishes the lung qi, and serves to cure fright epilepsy and festering erosions. 乙hen Quan.
【 發 】【 明 好 安 ,者 宜
古 日】 茲
石英 , 入
手 少 、陰 足厥陰
加 用 。之 女 子 服 之有 子 。【 頒 日】 乳
經。 【 權
日】 虛
而 徹 悸不
石 論 無 單 服 茲 石 ,者 惟
方 多 散 中 用 。之 張 文 仲 備 急 方有 鎮 心 單 茲服 石 煮 水 。法 胡 洽及 千金 則 治 人 及 心病 , 時 有 使者 。【 時 珍 日】 茲 石央 , 手 少 和 爍 同用 。 今 方 婦 厥陰 血 分 藥 。也 上 能 鎮 ,心 重 以 去 怯 。也 下 能 益肝 , 濕 以 枯去 也 。 血, 肝 悶 血, 其 性 粗 而補 , 故 心神 不 ,安 肝 血 不 及 足 女 子 血 海 虛 寒 宣 。之 列 錄 言 補其 心 氣、 飄 權 言 其 養 肺 ,者 殊 昧 氣 陽 血 陰 營 衛 之 。別 經所 言 諸 ,證 其 此得 理 。
有 雜諸 、陰 足 心生 不 孕者 惟本
Explication.[Wang] Haogu: Fluor spar enters the hand minoryin and foot ceasing yin conduits.[Zhen] Quan: [Patients] suffering from depletionm With fright palpitatlion and restlessness, should resort to itin addition [to their other medicationl|.
When women ingestit they will have children. [Su] Song: Ihe 及 z y27 用 zz has no [advice at] ingesting fluor spar as a single substance; it is used there only in the powder With_ the five stones/minerals. Zhang Wenzhong in his 57 序 多 7zoe has amethod to boil fuoride in water and ingest it as a single substance to calm the heart. Hu Qia and the 0zzz.7zz./zzg freqduently [recommend] its use together with 中 types of further medication. Nowadays, recipes occasionally apply it for curing Women and heart disease. [Li| Shizhen: Fluor spar is a medication for the hand
minoryin and foot ceasing yin blood section. Above it is capable of calming down the heart. With its heavy weight it removes timidity Below it can boost the liver [qiL With its moisture it removes withering. Ihe heart generates the blood; the liver stores the blood. As [fiuor spar] by its nature is warming and supplementing, it is suitable for [curing] restlessness of the heart spirit insufficient liver blood, and
depletion cold in awomans sea of blood preventing her from becoming pregnant. the 52zz 2 speaks of its [potential of」 supplementing heart qi, and when
367 有 zz2 肥 消 洶 ,“melting With thirstb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict VolL567. 368
癱 ,“obstruction崗ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCGM Dict DL64r.
72ez 25zzz Cz2 Gz7zo 7z
乙hen Quan speaks ofits [potential ofjnourishing thelung,they knowverylittle of the differences between the yang nature of qib the yin nature of blood,and the camp and guardian [gqi.Only 和 the pathological conditions listed |lwith forspar]in the 7z7/.7z7zg are most reasonable.
【 附 方】 舊 二 新 一 。 Added Recipes. ITwo of old. One newly [recorded
虛 勞 驚 。悸 補 虛 止 ,散 令 人 能 。食 花 石央 五 兩, 打 如 豆大 , 水 淘 一過 , 以 水 一 ,斗 煮取 三 ,升 細 細 服。 或 煮 粥 ,食 水盡 可 再 轉 。之 張 文 仲 方 。 Depletion-exhaustion with fright palpitation. Tt supplements depletion and ends fripght. Tt enables one to eat. Pound five //z7o of fiuor spar to pieces the size of soybeans, wash them once and boil them in one Zoz of water down to three y2ezg to be ingested in small portions. Or boil [the fiuor spar] to acongee and eat it. When
the water is used up, [refill it| and boil [the fluor spar] again. Z2z7zg
族 7z2o7zg /27zg.
疵 沒 癇 癮 。疾 茲 石英 、 白 石英 、 寄 水 石 、 風 熱 導 疵。 風 引 湯 : 治 風 熱 癮 及 石膏 、 敢 薑、 大 黃、 龍 厄、 牡 蠣、 上 甘草 、 滑 石 等 ,分 哆 咀, 水 一 ,升 哀 去 三 分, 食後 溫 ,呷 無 不 效 。者 仲 景 芷金 方 。 lonic spasms caused by wind and heat. Ihe“decoction to guide wind.” Tt serves to cure clonic spasms caused by wind and heat, and fright epilepsy associated With clonic spasms. Chew equal amounts of fuor spap quartz, calcite, gypsum, dried gingep rfhubarb root dragon teeth,oyster shells, gZycyyy2zzz [root] and talc and boil
them in one ve7ze of water until three parts [out of ten] have vanished. [Let the
patient| sip [the remaining liquid] warm after meals. Always effective. [Zhang 之hongjingy.777z /z/7 /27zg
癱 腫 專 氣。 紫 石過 火燒 酯 ,淬 詞 末 , 生 薑、 米 酪 ,風 傅 之, 摩 亦 。得 日 華 本草 。 Welling with poitson qq associated With an obstruction訓ness.? Heat fluor spar in afreand dipitintovinegar[Grind]ittoapowdepboilitwith fresh gingerandrice vinegap and apply this [to the affected region]. 及 22zz 2e7z co.
369 zzg
癱 ,“obstruction崗 ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 64r.
C//z2/e7 2
菩了 石
2 552 上上 己 入 29Z//7,
Buddhas stone,
【 釋 】名 放
光石 、 陰 精 石 綱目 。 鋪
見下 。
Explanation of Names. /zzegzzzg527 放 光
,“stone 石 emittinglipht. "yyzz.7zze.27 陰
essence stoney?” Gz7zo zz. For ameaning see below 石 ,“Yin
【 上 峨眉 打 五
集 饒 、 微 金
解】【 宗 爽 日】 嘉 水 精 之類 , 日 中 五 臺、 匡 廬 宮 ,蕊 有 小如 机 珠 , 三 黃匱 。
白 澈, ,石 色 瑩 明 出 州。 峨眉山 菩薩 照之 有 五 色 , 如 佛 頂 圓光 , 因 以 名 大 東 ,栗 其色 質 稜, 或 如 實 。間 其 六 則 五 色 上加 然可 喜 , 亦 石英 之 類 。也
若太 山 狼和牙石 。【 之 時 珍 曰】 日 瑩 ,潔 映 則 丹 爐家 和 制 ,
、 出 光 作
ollected Explanations. [Kou] Zongshi: Mount 上 mei shan in 五a zhou produces Buddhas stone. Its color is lucid white and transparent, similar to “wolf teeth
stone/mineral'”of_ Mount Tai shan and crystal from Shang rao. Whenitis exposed to sunlightitshines With flve colors,like the halo around theheadof Buddha.Hence its name. [Li| Shizhen: It origpinates in rock caves of [Mount] Emeiy [Mount] Wu
tai, and [Mount] Kuang lu. Its substance matter has six edges. Some [pieces」 are
as big as dates and chestnuts, with a jade-like clean color.
弓xposed to sunlight
they are somewhat lustrous. Ihen there are small [pieces] of the size of cherries
and beads, and they shine nicely in 和1 five colors. Ihey too, belong to the group of “stone blooms (such as “white stone bloorm'/quartz and “purple stone bloom'/ fuor spar). 紀 xperts operating clixir furnaces calcine and process [Buddhas stonel] as one of the five types of metals and three [substances with the characterj “yellow
[in their names] used for preparing the encasements [required for the preparating oflongevity elixirs].?
【 氣 】味 甘,
平, 無 兩 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous. 37o The “five types of metals”, zoz zz 五 金, may refer to the entirety of metals and minerals, or to the five core metals/minerals as include gold, silvep coppep iron and tin. In the present passage,pu sa shiis referred to as one of “the flve types of metals in the sense 9f as one of “a11 the metals/minerals.”Ihe three substances with the character “yellow in their names, szz 2zzzg 三 黃, include sulphur 太 2zzzg 硫 黃 , realgar xzozg 2zz7g 雄 黃, and orpiment, cf# 2zzzg 雌 黃 . Kz7 貢 ,“encasement,”is amethod used by ancient Chinese
alchemists whereby certain substances (i.e., the“fve tpyes of metals/minerals”and the “three substances With the character yellow in their names ) are used to prepare asheath or coffer gzz
櫃 ,surrounding oneormore substances thatare tobemodifed to eventually
become alongevity elixir.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 主 】治 解 藥 毒、 胃 毒及 金 石 爍 發 動作 癱間 潟 ,疾 消 撲 損 瘀 ,血 止 熱 狂 敬 癇, 通 月 ,經 解 風 ,腫 除 淋, 並 水 磨 。服 蛇 、 昌 、 、蜂 蠍 、 狠 、 犬 、 毒 前 等 傷 , 並末 傅 。之 大 。明 明 目 去 。時 時 珍。 ontrol. Tt resolves the poison of medication, oz poisony7/'and obstruction-ilness,
impediment-illness7 and thirst 訓ness caused by metal- and mineral-based medication. Tt dissolves stagnant blood resulting from injuries caused by attacks, ends madness with heatand fright epilepsy frees the flow ofmenstruation,resolves wind swelling, and eliminates dripping [of urine]. For all these rub it With water and
llet the patient] ingest [theliquid]. For [bites of」snakes, bugs/worms, bees/wasps, scorpions, Wolves and dogs and for [wounds caused by] poisonous arrows [grind it
to a|1powderand apply this [to the affected region].- Da Ming. It clears the eyes and removes [eye] shades. [Li| Shizhen
37I Gz 旻 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. Qriginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bugy the only creatureinaclosed jar surviving competition with_ hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. The resulting disease was termed oz Z 同 專 ,“oz poison(Ging).“" BCGM
Dict LIor.
372 玫 7g 及 癱 閏 ,“obstruction-illness,impediment-iness. "refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swellingand eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCUGCM DictD 64r.
草綱 目
77 CZo oz72g 72222
部 目錄
Sectlon Stones/Minerals, Contents
hapter 9
石 之 三 石 上類 三
十 二 種
Stones/JMlinerals ll Group of Stones/JMinerals, Ist, 32 Kinds. o9-or
zz 2z 丹 砂 ,cinnabap FE 5e7.7zzzg 本 經
o9-o2 o9-o3
2z7yz7z 水 銀 , mercury FE 5ez.7zz 本 經 2z7yz7z./zz 水 銀粉 , FE /zz yoz 嘉 祐 1.e., 777zg7
經 粉
/ez zzzg 粉 ,sublimed 箱 calomel FE Gzze zz 綱目
五 zz2z 銀朱 ,vermilion, FE Gzzzg #z 綱目
了 zzgs2z 靈 砂 ,sulfide of mercury FE Z2ezg zz 證 類
及zozg 2zz7zg 雄 黃 ,realgarp FE 5e7.7zzzg 本 經
C7 2zzz7zc 姑 黃 , orpiment, 上 弓 5e7z 7-7z 本 經
527 gz2 石膏 ,gypsum, FE 5ez.7zzg 本 經 i.e., 2zzz/ 9z7 y27 宗
Appendix 附錄 oog-og-Aor 2z2 7 玉 火石 o9-o9-Ao2 了 27g 27 gezo2 龍 石党
727 理 ,fibrous 石 gypsum, FE 5e7.7zzzg 本 經
Appendix 附錄 og-Io-Aor 25z7 方 527 白肌 和 石
o9-II_C7z7zg 27 長 ,feldspar; 石 anhydrite, FE 5ez.7zzg 本 經 og-I2/2z&g7zz 7 方
解 ,calcspap 石 FE 5z 及 別 錄
7zz 527 滑石 , talc, TE 5e7z.77zze 本 經
72zz 2z/z zz 不
灰 木 ,asbestos, FE zz 2z2 開 它
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Appendix 附錄
og-I4-Aor Soze 527 松石 o9-T5。 放 s27227 五色 石 o9-I6
7z2 2zz 527 桃花
zz.ozzce 527 爐
脂 ,silicious clays, TE 5ezz和 本 經 石 armor (red and white), FE' 7z7zpe 2z 唐 本 ,m
甘 ,c 石 alamine, TE Gzze zz 綱目 777zo 7Z/277 527 井噴 石,stones from wells and springs, FE ./zz )oz 嘉 祐
放 / zz 加 無
名 異 ,pyrolysite, FE Kz7 2z2 開 寶
o9-2o 747/Z#2z7 蜜 栗子 ,a kind oflimestone,FE Gzze zz 綱目 o9-2I_S27 >2ozge 7z 石 鐸 乳 ,stalactite, FE 5ez.7zz 本 經 o9-22 2zg goze zz 孔 公 葵 ,hollow tube stalactite, TE ez 本經 o9-23 ” 末 zz zz 殷 艾, stalapmite; root part of stalactites, TE 5ez.7zz 本 經 Appendix 附錄 o9-23-AoIA27 >2zz7zg 石 狀, stalacmite. og-23-Ao227 2zzz 石 花, stalacmite. o9-23-Ao3627 goz 石 肯 ,“stone bone. o9-24 Z有 2#z zz 士 殷 蕊 ,soil [cave] stalactite, FE 5z 懇 別 錄 o9-25 527 zz2 石 ,腦 globular masses of haematite, FE 5z 及 別 錄 o9-26
$2z zz 石
,髓 calcarious mud deposit FE 527)# 拾遺
o9-27_$2z zz2 yoz 石 腦 油 ,petroleumy, FE 7/zz yoz 嘉 祐 Appendix 附錄
7s9z 地 洩 , chalybeate deposit.
27 zz 石 Appendix 附錄
,災 coal, FE Gzzeg zz 綱目
og-28-Aor” 和 zzz y27 然 ,f石 和 int. o9-29 527 2z7 石灰 ,limestone;lime,FE 5ez.7z 本 經
5727 zzz7z 石
開 ,dolomite powdep FE Gzzg zz 綱目
og-3I” 玟 527 浮 ,p 石 umice, FE Rihua 日 華 Appendix 附錄 og-3I-Aor 當 石,special type of pumice o9-32_$27 >27 石和之 , coral fossil, FE Gzzze 2z 綱目
舊 十 九, 新 三 百 一 十 七。 右 附 方 六 Recipes added to the entries above: 69 of old.3r7 newly [recorded]-
C//z27/e7 9
草 目 本 綱 77 CZo oz72g 72222
石部 Sectlon Metals and Stones/JMinerals,
第 九卷 hapter 9
石 之 三 石 類 上 三 二十 種 Stones/JMlinerals ll
Group of Stones/JMinerals, Ist, 32 Kinds. og-ol
丹 砂 本經上 品 27 5
上 弓 527z.777zo upper rank
【 釋 】名 和朱砂 。【 時 珍 日】 丹 乃 石 ,名 其 字 從 井中 一 點, 象 。 呼 形 , 義 出 許慎 說 。文 後人 以 劑丹 朱 色 之名 , 故 朱砂 Explanation of Names. Z2z y2z 朱砂
,“bright red sand.”[Li| Shizhen: zz
thename ofastone/mineral. Ihe character Zzzz 井 , to reflect the presence of Zz7 offered by
丹 在 中井 之 丹 is
方 is based onastrokeinawell 7-yzze
丹 [stones/minerals] in a welL'This is the meaning
入u Shen in his 52zz2 zoezz. Later people have adopted [the character] 2Z27
to sipgnify the color >2z 朱 , “bright red.” Hence [cinnabar] is called >x2z y2z 朱 砂 ,“bright red sand.”
【 集 解 】【 列 錄 日】 諒 生砂 符 陵 山 ,谷 打 無 。時 光 色 如 雲母 , 可 拆 者良 , 弘 景 日】 即 朱今 砂 。也 俗 醫 取別 武 都“ 仇池 雄 黃 廬夾 黃 者 , 朱 作末 名 真 。【 名 烏 丹 ,砂 用 之 刻 。吳 符 陵 是 沙 州 接 巴 和 郡 ,南 今 無 采復 者。 乃 出 武陵 、 西川 諸 蠻 夷中 , 皆 通 屬 巴地 , 故 謂 之 巴 。砂 仙 經 用亦 越 ,砂 即 出 上 廣州” 臨 漳 。者 此 二 處 並好 , 惟 光明 須 瑩 澈 為 佳。 如 雲母 片 ,者 謂 之 雲母 。砂 如 楞 浦 、子 紫 石英 形 ,者 謂 之 馬 聞 砂, 亦 。好 如 大 小 豆 及 大 塊 圓 滑 ,者 謂 之 豆 。砂 細 末 碎 ,者 謂 之末 砂 。 此 二 種 ,粗 不入 藥 ,用 但 畫可 用 。爾 采 砂 坎 數 丈 。許 雖 同 出 一 郡 ,縣 亦有 好 。惡 地 有 水 ,井 膀 火 井也 。 仙 皆 砰 入 砂 略 二 種 , 有 土砂 、 石 。砂 其 土 恭 日】 丹 大 寶 長 之 。【 方 鍊 ,餌 最 烏 生 而 黃 ,黑 不 任 ,畫 用 療 瘡 凍 亦好 , 但 不入 砂, 復有 塊 、砂 末 砂, 體 並 重 色 心腹 之 。藥 然可 燒 ,之 出 水 銀 乃 多也 。 其 石 有砂 十 數 ,品 最上 者 光 烏 明
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
列 一 石 龕 內, 大 者如 和梭 卵 , 小 者 如 挫 栗 , 形似 芙蓉 , 破 之如 砂。 云 一 顆 生 雲母 , 光明 照 ,徹 在 中龕 石 上靈 生。 得此 者 帶 之 襄 惡, 為上 。 其 次 或 出 石 中 , 或 出 水 ,內 形 塊 大 者 如 拇指 , 小 者 如 杏仁 , 光明 無 ,離 名 馬 牙 砂 , 一 名 無 重 ,砂 入 藥及 畫 俱 ,善 俗間 亦 少 有 之。 其 磨 篷、 新 、井 列 、井 水 井 、 頗 似 。 入 藥及 畫 , 當 擇 去其 火 、井 芙 、容 石 、末 石 、堆 豆 末 等 ,砂 形 類 相 雜 土石 , 便 可 用 。吳 別有 越 ,砂 大 者 如 ,拳 小 者 如 鷹 鴨 ,卵 形 雖大 , 其 雜 士 ,石 不 細如 而 明 凈 。者 經 末言 之 名 朱真 者, 刻 ,吳 旻 有 一 物 全 以 末 殊 名 乎 。【 青 日】 砂凡 百 ,等 不 可 一 一 。論 有 妙 硫 ,砂 如 拳 許 大 , 或 重一 錠 , 有 十 四 ,面 面如 鏡 , 若遇 陰 沉 天 ,雨 即 鏡面 上 有 紅 漿 汁 出。 有 梅 柏 ,砂 如 夜有 光 生 , 照見 一 。室 有 白 庭 ,砂 如 帝 珠 子 許 ,大 面上 有 小 星 梅子 許 ,大 現 。 有 神 座 、砂 金 座 、砂 玉 座 ,砂 不 經 電丹 服 之 而 自延壽 命 。 次有 白金 砂 、 澄 水 、砂 陰 成 、矽 辰 鍋 、砂 其 容 、砂 鏡 面 、砂 重 灸 、砂 曹末 砂 、 士 頒 日】 今 出 辰 州、 也 一 述 。【 砂、 金 星 、砂 平 面 、砂 神 末 砂 ,等 不 可 一 細 宣 州、 階 ,州 而 辰 砂 為 。最 生深山 石 褒間 , 士人 采 之, 穴地 數 十 尺 始 見其 苗 , 乃 白 ,石 謂 之 朱砂 。漿 砂 生 石上 , 其 大 塊 者如 有從 子, 小 如者 石榴 子 , 狀各 芙蓉 頭、 箭久 。 連 霖 者 紫 黯 若 鐵 色 光明 而 勞 ,澈 碎 之 甸 岩作 境 ,壁 又 似 雲 母 片可 拆 ,者 真 辰 砂也 , 無 石 者 彌 佳。 過 此 , 皆 淘 土石中 得 ,之 非 生 於 石 霖 。者 宜 矽 絕有 大 塊 ,者 碎 之 作 亦 增 ,壁 但 罕有 類 物 狀, 而色 亦 深 亦, 烏用 不 及 辰 。砂 蓋 出 土石 間 , 非 白 石 霖 所 生也 。 然近 宣 州 地鄰 春 州 、 融 州 皆有 砂 , 故 其 盡 水 赤 。 每煙 馭 凰 蒸 之 ,氣 亦 赤 黃 色 , 士人 謂 之 朱砂 氣, 尤 能 作 痛 ,馮 為人 患 。也 階 砂 又 次 之 , 都 不 入 堪 藥 , 惟 畫可 色 。爾 凡 絕 者, 詞 光 明 ,砂 其 謂次 之 顆 ,塊 其 謂次 之鹿 委 , 其 謂下 之 末 砂 。 砂 之 好 惟 明光 砂入 藥, 餘 並 不 。【 用 宗 柬 日】 丹 砂 今人 謂 之朱砂 。 辰 州 多 砂 出 蠻 啊, 包 州 界 猜 狼 啊、 老 獨 ,井 其 深廣 井 數 十 ,丈 先 聚 薪 於 井 蒂 。之 其青石 壁 進 玖 處, 即 有 小 。谷 龕 中 自有 白石 ,霖 其 石 如 。玉 漿上 乃 生 ,砂 小 如者 稍 欠 , 大 者 如 芙蓉 , 光明 可 ,鑑 研 之 鮮紅。 砂 滬 霖 大 者 , 重 七 八 兩 至 十 兩。 哆 州所 出 形 如 箇 久 帶 石 ,者 得 自 土中 , 非 此 比 。【 也 承 曰】 金 州、 商 州亦 以 藥, 出 一 種 ,砂 色 微 ,黃 作 土 氣, 陝西 、 河 、東 河 、北 汪 、東 汪 西 並 入 長 、安 轎 州 研 代 以 銀朱 作 漆 。器 又 信州近年 出 一 種 ,砂 極有 大 ,者 光 亡 增 ,壁 略 類 宜 州 所 ,產 然有 磯 ,氣 破 之 多 作 生 太 。色 若 入 藥 ,用 見 火恐 殺 時 珍 日 】 丹 砂 以 辰、 負 者 為 最 。 審 人 。 今 中浙 市肆 往 往 貨 ,之 不可 不 。【 麻 陽 即 古 錦州 。地 佳 者 為 久前 砂, 結 不 實 者 烏 肺 ,砂 細 者 示烏 砂。 色 紫不 染 紙 者 烏 舊 坑 ,砂 烏上 品; 色 鮮 染 紙 者 烏 新 坑 ,砂 次 。之 蘇 、頌 陳 所承 謂 階 州、 金 、 商 州 砂 ,者 肪 陶 弘 景所 謂 武 都 雄 ,黃 非 丹 矽 。也 范 成大 桂 海 忘 山 連 。 大牙 相 雲: 本 草 以 辰 砂 為上 , 宜 砂 次 。之 然 宜 州 出 砂 ,處 與湖北 北 為 辰 ,砂 南 烏 宜 ,砂 地 有瞬 不 ,殊 無 甚 分 ,別 老者 亦 出 白石直上 。 蘇頌 乃 云, 宜 砂 出 土石 間 , 非 直 石 所 生 , 是 未 識 此 。也 列 有 一 種色 紅 人 錦 嫩 ,者 名 士 坑 砂 , 乃 土 間石 者, 不 甚 耐 。火 鋼 州 亦有 砂, 大 者 數 十 百 ,兩 作 塊 黑
C//z27/e7 9
首, 少 墻 ,壁 不 入堪 藥, 惟 以 取水 燒 。銀 頒 雲 融 州 亦有 , 今 融 州 無 砂 , 乃 吧 州 之 訛 。也 肌 仙 庚 玉 辛 冊 :雲 丹 砂 石 以 五 溪 朵山 中 產 ,者 得 正 南 之 氣 為 上 。 麻 陽 諸 山 與 五 相 溪 接 者 次 。之 雲 、南 波 、斯 西胡 砂, 並光潔 可 。用 柳 土 砂, 呢 , 不 入 藥 。用 商 州、 點 州 丹 州 一 種 ,砂 全 似 辰 ,砂 惟 塊 圓 如 角子 宣、 信 州 ,砂 皆 內 含 毒氣及 金 銀 鋼 鉛 ,氣 不可 服。 張果 丹 要砂 訣 :雲 丹 砂 者, 萬 靈 之 ,主 居 之 南方 。 或 赤 龍 以 建 ,號 或打 全 以 為 。名 上 品生 於 辰 、 錦州 石 ,六 中 生品 於 、交 桂, 下 生品 於 衡、 人 。部 名 有 數 種 , 清 濁 體 ,異 真 敘 不 。同 辰 、 負 上 品 ,砂 生白石 霖 之上 , 十二 枚 為 一 ,座 色如 未 開 蓮花 , 光明 耀 日。 亦有 九 枚 詞 一 。座 七 、枚 五 枚 者 次 。之 每 座 有中 大 者 詞 ,主 四 一 斗 抱 。之 中 有 芙蓉 頭 宁成 者, 亦 入 上 品 。 圍 小 者 烏 選 朝 ,護 四 面 雜 砂 二 又有 如 馬 光明 牙 者, 烏上 品; 白光大 雲母 , 為 中 。品 又有 紫 靈 ,砂 圓 長似 矯 紅 而 紫, 烏上 品; 石 片稜角 生 青 ,光 詞 下 。品 交、 桂 所 ,出 但 是 座上 及 打 石 ,得 形似 芙蓉、 頭 面 光 明 ,者 亦 入 上 品。 顆粒 而通明 者, 詞 中 。品 片 石 者, 亦 下 品也 。 段 明不 澈 ,者 烏下 品。 衡 、 人 部 所 出 雖 是 繁 ,砂 得 之 砂 中 石 雜, 故 不入 上 品 , 有 溪 ,砂 生 溪 州 砂 石 之中 ; 士 ,砂 生 土 穴 之中 。 士 相 不可 服 餌。 唐 ” 李 德 裕 黃 痊 論 雲: 光明 砂 ,者 天 地 自 然 之 ,寶 在 石室 間之 , 生 雪 漿 之上 。 如 初生 芙蓉 , 紅 芭 未 。拆 細 者 環 ,拱 大 者 處 ,中 有 辰屆 之 象 , 有 君臣 之 ,位 光明 外 。徹 米 之 ,者 尋 石 脈 而 求, 此 造化 之 所 鑄也 。 【 士 宿 真 君 日】 丹 砂 受 陽之 青 ,氣 始生 鋪 石, 二 百 年 成 丹 砂 而 青 女 ,孕 又 二 百 年 而 成 ,鈴 又二 百 年 成 ,銀 又二 百 年 復 得 和太 之 ,氣 化 而 詞 金, 故 諸 金 皆 不 若 丹 砂 金 為上 也 。 ollected Explanations. 5zcz Z: Cinnabar prows in the mountain valleys of Fu lingIt is collected anytime. Its shiny color resembles that of muscovite. Ihat which can be broken is good. Whenitis [ground to a] powdepit is called “genuine bright red
[sand]j/cinnabar”” [Tao] Hongjing: This is todays 22z 52z 朱砂 , “bright red sand。”
Vulgar physicians acquire realgar mixed with orpiment from Qiu chiin Wu du and name this“cinnabar. To use this [for therapeutic purposes」 is wrong. Fulng lies at the border of Fu zhouy south of Ba jun. Ioday, [cinnabar] is no longer collected there. Instead itoriginates in all the regions of the_ Man and the YiinWulng and 入 ichuan. All these [places] are located in the region of Ba. Hence [the cinnabar
originating in there]is called “sand from Ba.”Ihe classics of the hermits/immortals, too, [recommend to] use“sand from_Yue.” Ihis is [cinnabar] originatingp in Lin
Zhang in Guang zhou.[Cinnabar] from both these places is good. But those that are lustrous and clearlike jade are best. Ihose reminiscent of muscovite pieces are called “mother of clouds/muscovite sand/cinnabar.'”Ihose with a physical appearance resembling Chinese toona seeds and fiuor spap they are called “horse tooth sand/ cinnabar.'”Ihey are good,too. Ihose sizedlike small or big beans,and big pieces that are round and smooth, they are called“soybean sand/cinnabar.”1hose broken to a
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
fne powderp they are called “powder sand/cinnabar.'”Ihese two kinds are crude and are notadded to medication for [therapeutic] use.But they can be used forpainting-
[To obtain] cinnabar a pit several 22z7zg deep is dug. Even though [different types of cinnabar] may originates in one identical prefecture and county there may still be goodandbad [kinds].- Where [cinnabar] is obtained from a water well, this is superior to [that obtained fromjafre well.7 In recipes of the immortals [recommending substances] for refinement by heat and ingestion,[cinnabar] is the most trea~
sured substance to achieve longevity [Su] Gong: Generally speaking, there are two kinds of cinnabar: soil sand/cinnabar and stone/mineral sand/cinnabar Ihe si sand/cinnabap in turn, includes lump sand/cinnabar and powder sand/cinnabar,
Theirphysicalbody is heavy and their coloris yellow-black. Ihey are not suitable for painting. Ihey are equally good for healing sores and 7ze崗 ness. 色 But they must not be added to medication for the central and abdominal region. Ihey can be heated and will release much mercury Stone/mineral sand/cinnabar appears in more than ten grades. Ihe top grade is the“brilliant shine sand/cinnabar' It is said that only one kernel is present in one stone cave. Large ones resemble chicken eggs; sm 紀 ones resemble dates and chestnuts. Iheir physical appearance is reminiscent of lotus [buds].When theyare broken,they resemble muscovite. Ihey are of abrilliant shine
and lustep andinacave they grow on stone platforms. ITo obtain them and to wear them on the body serves to keep away the malign. Ihey are the best. Ihe next grade originates etther from within stones/minerals or from within water. Lumps may be as big as a thumb, or as small as apricot seeds. Iheir shine has no flaws; they are called horse tooth sand/cinnabar and with another name weightless sand/cinnabar'”Ihey are equally well suited to be used as paint or as medication. Ihe common people rarely have access to them. 442 人 z, 六 new well, separate well, water well fire well lotus, stone powdep stone heap, and bean powder kinds of cinnabar are 和
sormewhat similar in their physical appearance. Ihey can be used for medication and paint once the soil and the stones they are contaminated with are discarded. Jhere is also a Yue sand/cinnabar. Big pieces reach the size of aflst small ones are as big as chicken and duck eggs. Even though they are big, since they are contaminated With soill and stones, they are not as good as those that are filne and brightand clean. When the classic says “the name of the powder is genuine bright red [sand]/cinna~bap thenthis is wrong.How coulditbe that the complete body and thepowderef one identical item have two different names? [Leil] Xiao: [Bright red] sand/cinna~
bar cxists in Ioo kinds; it is impossible to discuss them one by one. Ihere is the 373 A “fre well is an outletin the ground of natural gas that can be burned.
374 ./ze-iness 疵 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol. 1 249. 375 Unidentiflable meaning,
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“Wondrous sulphur sand/cinnabarp about the size ofafst,sometimes weighing one 如 .Tt has I4 surfaces,and these surfaces are like mirrors.On cloudy days with rain,a redsuspensionjuice willbeemittedonits mirror-like surfaces.Ihereisa “plum-z/z7z)c/zzZzy [seed] sand/cinnabap ”about the size of aplum.Atnightit emits light, suff-
cient to light up aroom. Ihereisa “white courtyard sand/cinnabar”about the size of the emperors pearlb With small stars appearing on its surface. Ihere are also a Spirit seat sand/cinnabap a gold seat sand/cinnabarp anda jade seat sand/cinnabar'”Ihey are ingested without having been processedin an clixir furnace,and w 針 prolong ones life to longevity Next [in quality] are “white gold sand/cinnabar “clear water sand/cinnabap “sand/cinnbar formed by yin [q]j,“sand/cinnabar as brightas the celestial bodies, “lotus sand/cinnabap mirror surface sand/cinnabap metal arrowhead sand/cinnabap “Caos powder sand/cinnabarp “soil sand/cinnabap “golden star sand/cinnabarp “fat surface sand/cinnabarp and “spirit powder
sand/cinnabar.”Ihey cannot be discussed here in detail one by one. [Su] Song: Nowadays,[cinnabar] originates in Chen zhouy Yi zhou andJje zhouy with “sand/
cinnabar from Chen [zhouj being the best. Tt grows deep in the mountains between rocks, where local people collect it. Ihey dig holes in the ground several tens of c27 deep and then they first see its outcrop. Ihese are white stones, called “cinna~ bar bed.”Ihe cinnabar grows on these stones, and large pieces reach the size of a chicken egg. Small ones are as big as pomegranade seeds. Ihey are shaped like Indian lotus flowers or like metal arrowheads. As long as they are attached to the “cinnabar bed [stones] they are of a dark purple color that is shiny and clear like
jade. When they are broken from their rock base, [the pieces] have flat wall-like
surfaces. Ihere are also some thatlooklike muscovite when they are broken to piec~ es. Ihey are the genuine Chen [zhou] sand/cinnabar. Ihey are even better when they are not attached to stones. Beyond this [layer several tens of c27 deepy, further cinna~bar pieces] are found among soil and stones that are washed inapan. Ihese [cinna~bar pieces] have not grown on a “stone bed.”Ihese should be very ]arge pieces. When they are broken, the pieces too, have fat wall-like surfaces. But they rarely
are shapedlike comparable items,and their coloris adeep red. Hence their [medicinal] application does notequal thatof Chen [zhou] sand/cinnabar. Ihe fact is, they originate in between soilland rocks; they have not grown on the white stone bed. In Chun zhouand Rongzhou,near theregionof Yizhou,there is cinnabarp too. Hence 了 the waters there are entirely red. Whenever there are smoke,fog or steam qlb they too, are red-yellow and the localpeople call them “cinnabar qi.” Ihey are particular-
ly able to cause miasmatic epidemics, and let the people suffer.J
西e [zhou] sand/
cinnabar is of still an inferior quality None of these may be added to medication. They can only serve as paint. Ihe very best cinnabar is“brilliant sand/cinnabar.
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Nextis“chunk[cinnabar| Andnextto thisis “deerthicket|[cinnabar|.「Cinnabar|
below this quality is called powdersand/cinnabar._ Only the “briliant sand/cinnabar] is addedtomedication.All the others are notresorted to.[Kou] Zongshi: 2z7
s2z 丹 砂 is nowadays called z2z s2z 朱砂 . Chen zhou sand/cinnabar mostly originates in caves in the regionofthe Man [people] and from theJie liao caves and the Lao yao well near 西n zhou. Ihis well is several tens of >2zz deep and wide.[Ihe people」 first gather firewoodin the welland burn it. Where the greenish rock walls burstopensmall niches appeapandin these niches the “white stone beds are found. These stones resemble jade. Cinnabar grows on the“[white stone] beds.” Small [pieces] are as big as arrowheads. Large ones are of the size of lotus [buds]. Iheir shine is strong enough to be reflected. When they are ground, they are of afresh red |color]. Large pieces of cinnabar clinging to the [white stone] beds weigh seven to ceight /zz7zgy or even ten Zzzg.[「Cinnabar] from Huang zhou is shaped like metal
arroWwheads and is contaminated with stones. It is obtained from within soil and
cannot be compared with the [ecinnabar discussed] here. [Chen] Cheng: 本 n zhou
and Shang zhou too,bring forth acinnabarvariation.Ttis of aslightly yellow color and emits sollqi.Ttis added to medicationin Shaan xi, He dong, He bei, Bian dong
and Bian xi. In Chang an and Shu zhou they grind it and use is as a substitute for vermilion in the fabrication of lacquerware. Also, in recent years a variation of cinnabar has originated in 入in zhou. [Its pieces]」are very big. Ihey are shiny and have fat wall-like surfaces. Io acertain degree they resemble_[cinnabar] produced inYi
Zhou but they include the q ofarsenic,and when they are broken they often show the color of arsenic.When [Xin zhou cinnabar] is added to medication for [thera-
peutic] usage and exposed to_[the heat of」 fire, it may kill one. It is often traded
todayonthemarkets of Zhezhong.Itis essentialto closely examineit.[Li] Shizhen: innabar from ChenandJinis the best.Mayangis the region ofancientJin zhou. Grood is“arrowhead sand/cinnabar'”Ihat which is bound and not solid is“]ung sand/cinnabar”Fine [kinds] are“powder sand/cinnabar.”Jhat of purple color that
fails to dye paper is“old pit sand/cinnabar' "Tt occupies the top rank. Ihat with a fresh color and dyes paperis “new pit sand/cinnabar Ttis next in quality Ihe cinnabar kinds from 入 ie zhouyJln and Shang zhou, referred to by Su Song and Chen hengy they are the realgar from Wu du mentioned by Tao Hongjing. Ihey are not cinnabar. Fan Chengdain his Gz/z 227 >27 states: “The 257 cdzoconsiders Chen [zhoul sand/cinnabar as the besty followed by Yi [zhou] sand/cinnabar. Howeverp the plac-
es in Yizhou where cinnabar originates in are near Mount DayashaninHubei.In the North itis Chen [zhouj sand/cinnabar;in the South itis Yi [zhou] sand/cinna-
bar. Ihe veins in the ground are identical: Hence there is no reason to distinguish between the two. Old [ctinnabar|, too, originates in “white stone beds. When
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Song states: “Yi [zhou] sand/cinnabar originates in among soil and stones, it has not grown on stone beds,”then he was unaware of these [facts]. Jhere is an addi-
tional variation of red color and tender substance matter. It is called “soil pit sand/ cinnabar”Now |[cinnabar] from between soill and rocks does not stand much fire. Yong Zhou too, has cinnabar. Large pieces weigh tens if not hundreds of /z7zg-
These pieces are of ablack, dull colorp they have few fat wall-like surfaces and they are not suitable for being added to medication. Ihey only serve to be heated to ob~ tain mercury [Su] Song states that [cinnabar] is also found in Rong zhou. But there
is no cinnabar in todays Rong Zhou.So,this is a writing error for Yong Zhou. Quxians Gezzg x77/ zz ce states: “The cinnabar that is brought forth in the mountain caves of Wuxiandhas obtained the qiofthe true South is best. Ihat from all the Mayang mountains and from regions adjacent to Wu xi is second. All [kinds of] cinnabar from Yun nan, Po si/Persia and Xi hu that are shiny and clean can be used [for therapeutic purposes]. A variation of cinnabar from Liu zhou that as a complete lump resembles
cinnabarp while its pieces are round like gzzZ77772
[seedsj, is not added to medication for [therapeutic] use. Cinnabar from the soil of
Shang zhou and Qian zhou and from Yiand 入in zhou includes poison qi and the qi of gold, silyep copper and lead. (must not be ingested. Zhang Gao in his 7/z7 52z yz2.7zz states: “CCinnabaris the head of the myriad miraculous [items]. Tt resides
in the South.Some callit red dragonmothers name it red phoenix. Ihatof top rank grows in therockcavesof ChenandJnzhou. Jhatofmiddle rank grows inao and Gui. Ihatof lower rank grows in Heng and Shao. Ihere are many names [of cinna~ barj,and the physical body differs in thatit may be clearor turbid, genuine or fake. Top rank cinnabar from _ Chen and Jijn grows on “white stone beds. ITwelve pieces form aseat, With acolor resembling that of unopened Indian lotus flowers. Ihey are shiny lustrous. Ihere are also those [kinds] where nine pieces form aseat, followed
by 了hose of seven or five pieces. 紀 ach seat includes one large piece as its ruler. Sma pieces surrounding it on al sides constitute ministerp courtiers and guards. On four sides they are enclosed by one or two Zoz of contaminated sand/cinnabar. Ihose With a kernelin their center like an Indian lotus flower can also be counted among those of upper rank. Ihere are also those of aradiance of horse teeth; they too, are of top rank. Ihose of white shine like muscovite, are of middle rank. Ihere is also a
purple miraculous sand/cinnabar .1ts round,lengthy shape reminds one of bamboo shoots ofared-purple color Itis of top rank.[Cinnabar] slaps with sharp edges and generating a greenish light are of low rank. Ihose from Jao and Gui, that are obtaincd from the top of aseat and from breaking away stones, with their physical appearance resemblinglotus [buds] andashiny top and surface, they too, are added
to first rank. Ihose coming as transparent kernels are of middle rank. Slaps without
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Juster are of lower rank. Cinnabar from Heng and Shao may be purple, but if it is obtained from between sand and rocks, it too,is of lower rank. Ihere is aXi|zhoul|
sand/cinnabar that gprows among the cinnabar that grows in soil caves.Ttis fore is not added to upper rank and dynasty in his 7zZz7zo ) 7 States: heaven and earth.Jt occurs in rooms
sand and rocks of Xi zhou. And asoil sand/ contaminated with soill and stones,and theremust not be ingested. Li Diyu of the Tang Briliant sand/cinnabar is a natural gem 9f of rock, and grows on beds of snow. It resem~-
bles lotus [buds] that have just come to life; with their red color not yet lost. Fine
pieces form adevout ringy big ones are situated in the center. Like constellations of celestial bodies, they occupy positions of ruler and ministers, with their splendor reaching toward the outside. Ihose who collect themy they search for the veins in therocks and follow them. Ihis was forged by creation.”Iu su zhenjun:“Cinnabar has received greenish_ yang (i. e. spring) qi. At first, it grows as an ore. 2oo years ]aterit forms red sand/cinnabar and the greenish girl becomes pregnant.?“ Another 2oo years ]ater it becomes lead. Another 2oo years later it becomes silyer. Another 2oo years ]ater it again receives the qt of the Great Harmony?7 so that it transforms to gold. Hence of all the gold [kinds] there is none that reaches the superiority 0f cinnabar gold.
【 葛, 紫 爍, 之, 蜜 次 淋 埋
修 】【 治 敦 日】 凡 修 朱事 砂, 靜 室 焚 香 齋 沐 ,後 取 砂 香水 以 浴崗 , 拼 碎 揭 ,之 缽中 更 研 三 伏 。時 取 一 次 鍋子 , 每朱砂 一 ,兩 同甘草 二 兩 , 煮 三 伏時 , 勿 令 水 。闕 去 東 背 天 葵 一 ,鎰 五 方 草 一 ,鎰 著 砂上 , 以 流水 研 粉 , 用 小 瓷瓶入 青芝 旱、 山 失 草半 兩 貳 淘 ,淨 就 。赦 又 如 東 以 流水 下 十 ,片 火 ,刀 從 已 子 至 方 ,歐 候 冷 取出, 細 研 。用 如 要 ,服 則 以 鰲 時 珍 曰】 今 法 惟 好取 砂 研末 , 以流水 飛三 丸 丸 麻子 大 , 空腹 服 一 。【 細 。用 其 末 砂多 雜 石 、末 鐵 ,屑 不 入 堪 藥 。 又 :法 以 絹 袋 盛 ,砂 用 藻 麥 灰 三 時 取出, 流水 浸 洗過 , 研 粉 飛 晰 。用 又 丹 砂 以 石 膽、 消 石和 ,汁 章 休 士 ,中 可 化 為 水。
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Lei] 入iao. For
pharmaceutical preparations of cin-
nabarp burn incense inaquietroomy,purge bodyandmind,and wash yourhair. Only then wash cinnabar clean with aromatic watep wipe it dry and grind and pound it. Repeatedly grind itinamortar for three days and nights. Ihen give it into a porcelain bowl and for cach /z7ge of cinnabar place two /z7zg of oZycyyy27z [root,
one 人 宛 of purple back zz/oz [herbj and one 罷 of purslane on top of the cinnabar to be boiled with_eastward flowing water for three days and nights. Do not allow the water to be exhausted. hen remove the medicationm rinse [the cinnabar| clean
With_zzy/eoz72Z/Zo707zo Watep dryitin the sun and grind it to apowder. 上
this into
376 Ihe “greenish girl is mentioned in the Huainan zi as the goddess of frost and snow 377 “Great Harmony is supposed to have been the origin of all items/being-
C//z27/e/ 9
asmall porcelain bottle together with half a //z7zo Of oz7z22e77772 /Z/72gz7 and 7227z %2 czoy7?and close the [bottle]. Calcine it above afire fired With ten 7zz [of frewoodl,
from y7 [hours,ogo:oo 一 Io:59] to 27 [hours,23:oo 一 oo:59].Wait forit to cool and remove [the cinnabarpowderfrom the bottle].Grind iteven finerand thenitis ready
for [medicinal] applications. Whenitis to be ingested, form, with hot honey ps the size of filne sesame seeds and ingest one on an empty stomach. [Li|] Shizhen:
Todays methodis to just obtain good cinnabarp grindit to apowdep process it with an aqueous sublimation three ttmes and then apply it. Powder cinnabar is often contaminated with sand of stones and iron fragments,and is not suitable for being added to medication. Another method: 上 還 asik pouch with cinnabarp and pour
water through buckwheat ashes. Boil [the pouch in the resulting liquidj for three days and nights and remove [the cinnabar]- Cleanse it in running water grind it to apowderp process this with sublimationm dry itin the sun and use it [for therapeutic purposes]. Also when cinnabap mixed with chalcanthite and nitrokalite, is buried
in soib it will transform to a watery liquid.
【 氣 】味 甘 , 微 寒, 無 毒,【 普 日】 神 嵌: 甘 。 賤 伯 : 天 , 有 毒。 扁 草: 苦 。 李當 之: 大 寒。【 權 】 晶 有 大 毒。 【 大 明 曰】 舟 , 微 琳。【 之才 日 】 惡 慈 ,石 長 鹹水 , 忌 一 切 血。【 時 珍 曰】 丹 砂, 別 錄 雲 無 ,毒 岐 、伯 飄 權 言有 毒, 似 相 戚 。盾 按 何 亞 春 餘 冬 錄 :雲 丹 砂 性 寒 而 無 毒, 入 火 則 熱 而 有 毒, 能 殺人 , 物性 逐 火 而 變。 此 說 是 。也 丹 砂 之 長 慈 石、 嶄 水 ,者 水 克 火 也 。【 屆 日】 鐵 遇 神 ,砂 如 泥 似 粉。【 士 宿 真 君 日 】 丹 砂用 陰地 厥、 地 骨 皮、 車 前 、草 馬 鞭 、草 皂 莢、 石 、看 決 、明 暴 麥、 南 星、 白 附子 、 人烏頭 、 三角 酸 、 藕 荷、 桑 棋、 地 、栓 紫 河 車、 地 丁, 皆 可 伏 。制 而 公金 以 砂 為 子 , 有 相生 之 ,這 可 變化 。 Qiand Flavor. Sweet slightly cold, nonpoisonous.[Wu] Pu: Shennong: Sweet. Qi
Bo: Bittep poisonous. Bian Que: Bitter. Li Dangzhi: Very cold. [|Zhen] Quan: Very poisonous. Da Ming: Cool slightly poisonous. [Xu] Zhicai: [Ingested togetherp it abhors magnetite and fears brine. [During acinnabar therapy] all sorts of blood are to be avoided. [Li]| Shizhen: Of cinnabar the 5zz 紀 states“nonpoisonous. Qi
Bo and Zhen Quan say: “poisonous.” Ihey seem to contradict each other. Now He Mengchun in his 2 Zoo 有 states: CCinnabar is of cold nature, and it is nonpoisonous.Whenitis giveninto fire, [its nature] becomes hot it is poisonous,and can
kill one. Ihe nature of [this] item changes in correspondence With the impact 0f
fire.”This statement is correct. Ihat cinnabar fears magnetite and brine is because Water overcormes fire. [Leill Xiao: Wheniron meets with “divine sand/cinnabar it
turns into something like mud,or resembles apowder. Iu su zhen jun: All the fol378 S2zzz zz co 山 髮 草 ,lit. “mountain whiskers herb.”Botanical identification uncertain.
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lowing [substances] are able to check [the effects of ] cinnabar: Moonwort zz77 root bark, 2/z7z/zzgo herb, 2ey2zzzz 2/ezZz7z[seed 2yy7oyzz [leaf」j, csyzz leaf, Z7277 2 [herb」| zzysdze7zz roob [Sichuan」zc277zzz7z [main tuber」|, zco7z7/z7z [accessory tuber」,
Indian sorrelb Indian lotus leaves lying upon the water mulberry fruit vz7zozz7y2722 root oz77zy root, and 2zo/z herb and root. Lead considers cinnabar to be its child. Based on the principle of mutual generation, [lead] is able to change and transform
【 服 面, 甄 丫,
主 】治 喘 體 五 臟 百 ,病 通 明神 不 。老 能 化 為示 除中 惡 腹痛 , 毒氣 站 。權 潤 心肺 , 治 瘡 痴 能 發 。汗 時 珍。
養 精 ,神 。 本 。經 站 諸 。瘡 忌 ,肉 並
安 通 輕 塗 。之
魂 ,晃 交 氣明 目 血 ,月 止 煩 滿 身 神 。仙 別 。錄 大明。 治 毆
, 殺 精 魅 消 ,洶 益 精 鎮 ,心 主 ,癇 解 胎 毒
邪惡 。鬼 久 ,神 愧 澤 人 戶 抽症 風 。 痘 ,毒 驅邪
Control. Ihe hundreds of diseases affecting the [human] body and its flve longterm depots.ltnourishes essence and spirit.Itpacifies the 2zzz-soul and the 2-soul. Ttboosts theqdiand clears the eyes.ICKills spirit seduction-specters:?and evil as well as malign demons. Ingested over along time it frees the passage of spirit briliance and prevents aging.Jt can be transformed to mercury. 5e7z 7/zzo. ]t frees the passage of blood through the vessels. It ends unrest,sensations of fullness and melting with thirst.?。 Jt boosts essence and spirit. Jt makes ones face appear happy and glossy It ends abdominalpaitn resulting from being struck by the malign, and removes a 加 ness 症and fstula, caused by poisonous q. Tt takes the types of sores, such as 7zeweightof the bodyand turns one into aspirit immortal. 8zz 及 . It presses down [the qi of]the heart and controls corpse attachment 崗lness2? with wind convulsions. Z寢 hen Quan. lo moistens heart and lungy,and to cure sores with acrust and tumorous fesh _growth,applyit[to the affected region]. Da Ming. Tt serves to cure fright cpilepsy resolves fetalpoison and smallpoxpoisonm,and drives away evil [qij malaria. It can cause sweating. [Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 保 昇 日】 朱 砂 法 ,火 色 赤 而 主 心。【 呆 曰】 丹 砂 純 ,陰 納 浮 溜 之 火 而 安神 明 , 凡 心 熱 者 非此 不 能 除 ,。【 好 古 日】 乃 心經 血 分 主 ,藥 主 命 門有 餘 。【 青起子 日 】 丹 砂 包外 八 ,石 內 含 金 。精 齊 氣 於 ,甲 受氣 於 內, 379 ./zze zz 精 魅 ,“spirit seduction-specterp”anotion ofdemonic pathogenic agents.BCGM Dict
38o 六zz2 2 消
洶 ,“melting with thirstb mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
38I 7zz-iness 站 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol L, 249. 82 Z72z 症 , also >2z 注 , attachment-illness,7 “influx記 nesss,”reflects a notion ofa foreign 3 5
pathogenic agent, originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM DictL 688-695.
C//z27/e/ 9
出 胎 見 ,王 結 塊 成 ,庚 增光歸 戊 。 陰 陽 升降 , 各 本 其 ,原 自 然 不 死。 若 以 竭 枯 , 八 石 之 ,功 稍 能 添 。益 璐 欲 長 生 久 ,視 保命 安神 , 氣 吝 血 ,改 體 骨 須 餌 髓 。砂 且 丹 石 見 ,火 悉 成 灰燼; 丹 砂 伏 ,火 化 烏 黃 。銀 能 重 能 輕, 能 族 火, 輕 速上 黑 ,白 能 暗 能 。明 一 舺人 擎, 力 難 升 ;舉 萬 遇 神 能 ,靈 能 能 砂 於炎 方 , 齊 離 火 之 氣 而 成 , 時 珍 日】 丹 生 在 騰。 鬼 神 尋求 , 莫 知 所 。【 體 陽 而 性 ,陰 故外 顯 色 丹 而 內 含 真 。求 其 氣 不 熱 而 寒, 離 中 有 陰 。也 其 味 不 苦 而 ,甘 火 中 有 土 。也 是 以 同 遠志、 龍骨 之 ,類 則 養 心 ;氣 同當 歸、 丹 參 之 ,類 則 春心 ;血 同 枸杞 、 地 黃 之 ,類 則 養 ;腎 同 厚 、朴 川 椒 之 ,類 則 養 ;脾 同 南星 、 川 局 之 ,類 則 祛 。風 可 明以 目, 可 以 安 ,胎 可 以 解毒 , 可 以 發 ,汗 隨 佐 使 而 見 ,功 無 所 往 而 不 。可 夏 子 益 奇 疾 方 雲: 凡人 自 本 覺 形 作 兩 人 , 並 行 並 ,臣 不 辨 真 假 ,者 離 魂 病 。也 用 辰 、砂 人 參、 伏 ,令 濃 煎 日 ,飲 真 者 氣 ,爽 假 者 化 。也 類 編 云: 錢 丕 少 卿 夜多 惡 ,夢 通宵 不寐 , 自 慮 非 。吉 遇 和 鄧 州 推 官 胡 用 之 :曰 昔 常 如 。此 有 這 士 教 戴 辰 砂 如 久簡 者, 小 警 一 穎 圳 貴之 。 即 夕 無 ,夢 神 魂 安靜 。 旬 即 ,驗 四 五 年 不 復有 夢。 因 解 中 道 謂書 丹 砂 辟 惡 安 ,魂 觀此 二 可 事 徵 。【 吳 抱 朴 子 曰】 臨 沅縣 。” 廖氏家 , 世 世 壽 。考 後 徙 ,去 子孫 多 天 。折 他 人 拓 其 故 ,宅 復多 壽 。考 疑 其 井水 赤 , 乃 掘 ,之 得 古人 埋 丹 砂 數 十 解 。也 飲 此 水 而 得 ,壽 況 鍊 服 者 乎 , 【 頒 日 】 鄭 康 成 注 周 ,禮 以 丹 、砂 石 膽、 雄 、黃 舉 石、 慈 石 烏 五 毒。 古人 惟 攻以 瘡 瘍, 而本 經 以 丹 砂 烏 無 ,毒 故多 鍊 治 服 ,食 鮮有 不 烏 藥 患者 , 旺 五 毒之 說 勝 乎? 當 以 烏 。【 戒 宗 夷 日 】 和朱砂 春心 鎮 ,神 但 生 宣 使 。 若 鍊 ,服 少 有 不 作 疾 。者 一 醫 ,疾 服 伏 火 者 數 ,粒 一 大 旦 熱, 數 夕 而 斃。 沈 中 存 云: 表 兄 李 善 勝 朱砂 鍊 劑 丹, 歲 ,餘 沐 砂 再 入 ,鼎 誤 遺 一 。塊 其 徒 丸 服 ,之 了 發 懵 詐, 一 夕 而 。牙 夫 生 原 ,砂 初生 小 兒 可 便 服 。 因 火力 所 ,變 除 能殺人 , 不 可 不 。【 謹 陳 文 中 曰】 小 兒 初生 , 便服 朱砂 、 輕 粉、 白 蜜、 黃連 水, 欲 下 胎 毒。 此 皆 傷 脾 陽之 敗 。藥 輕 粉下 疾 損 ,心 朱砂 下 涎 損 ,神 上兒 實 者 服 之軟 時 珍 曰】 葉 石林 避 哮 錄 :載 林 彥 振 、 也 弱, 弱者 服 之 易 傷, 變生 諸 病 。【 謝 伯 任 皆 服 伏 火 丹 ,砂 俱 病 腦 疸 死。 張呆 醫記載 : 張 謎 服 食 丹 ,砂 病中 消 數 ,年 發 譽 疸 而 死。 皆 可 詞 服 丹 之 。戒 而周密 野 語 :載 臨 川“ 周 推 官 平生 羽 弱, 多 服 丹 、砂 局 、 附 ,藥 晚年 發 背 疸。 醫 歸悉 罪 丹 ,石 服 解毒 藥 不效 。 瘍 醫 老 祝 腳 脈 :日 此 乃 極 陰 證, 正當 多 服 伏 火 諒 及 砂 三 建 。湯 乃 用 劑小 試 作 劑 , 三 日 後用 膏 敷 ,貼 半月 而 瘡 平, 凡 服 三 建 湯 一 百 五 十 服 。 之, 復 大 此 又 與 前 諸 說 。異 蓋人 之臟腑 齊 受 萬 ,殊 在 智者 辨 陰陽 其 朋 證 , 不 以 先入 妙 精微 ,者 不 能 企此 。 烏 。主 非 入 Explication.[ 了Han] Baosheng: Cinnabar emulates fire.Its coloris red and it controls
the heart. [Li| Gao: Cinnabar is pure yin. Once it is impacted by the floating and swWift nature of fire it wil pacify ones spirit brilliance. Heart heat can only be eliminated with this [substance]. [Wang] Haogu: Ihis is amedication to control the
heart conduit and blood section. Jt serves to control surplus at the Grate of Life.
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Qinpxia Zi: Cinnabar on the outside is wrapped by etight stones/minerals;?? inside it includes the essence of gold. Itis endowed with the qi of7zz 甲 .Itaccepts the qiof
內. Its fetal stage is visible in 7yez 王 . It forms nodes and lumps at gezg 庚 . It is
enriched with lipht and returns to _7: JMembers of the Liao family in Tin yuan enjoyed along ]ife, generation after generation. Later they moved somewhere else und many of their children and grandchildren succumbed to an early death. Otherpeople movedinto their old house and they again, enjoyed along ife. They wondered why the waterin their well was red and went to dig up its ground. There,people in ancient times had buried tens of 2z of cinnabar. Jf longevity is obtainced by drinking such watep how much more should this be true for ingesting [ecinnabarj reflned with heat? [Su] Song: When Zheng Kangcheng annotated the
Z2oz /z, he identifled cinnabar chalcanthite,realpgarp arsenolite and magnetite as the five poisons. In ancient times, the people used them only to attack sores and ulcers. Then the 5.7Zzzg identifled cinnabar as nonpoisonous, and hence it was often refned with heat and processed to be ingested for food. Only rarely [people who ingested it| did not suffer because of such medication.Why should the statement [in the zzze]| that |cinnabar] is nonpoisonous be accepted as superiorP It is essential to be carefuL [Kou] Zongshi: Cinnabar presses down and nourishes the spirit of the heart, but it is advisable to resorttoitin its raw [unrefined] state.Tf ingested reflned
With heat this wi only rarely not cause an iness.A physician feel 名 and ingested several grains of a “hidden fire [medication]. Jhe next morning he was very hot, and after severalnights he died. Shen Cunzhong states: Li Shansheng,amale cous-~ in, prepared an elixir by refining cinnabar With heat. After a year was ovep he once again washed [the cinnabar] and gave it back into the cauldronm inadvertently missing one piece. One of his disciples took it formed it to ap 記 and ingested it. He subsequently lost his consciousness and died within one night. Ihat is, as long as cinnabar is unprocessed evenanewborn child may ingest it. But when its strength is changed by the impact of fire, it is able to kill one. One must be careful. Chen
4I2 Wenzhong: When
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4 anewborn child is given cinnabarp calomelb white honey and
c22ZZy[rhizome] to ingest, this is meant to have it discharge fetal poison. hese are
和 pharmaceutical substances thatharm the spleenand spoil the yang [gq]j. Calomel serves to discharge phlegm and it injures the heart. CVinnabar serves to discharge saliva and it injures the spirit. When achild of solid [healthj ingests it it will be-
come feeble.Whenachild of feeble [healthj ingests it it may easily be harmed and develop 4 types of diseases.[ 工 | Shizhen: Ye Shilin in his 57 2z 2has the follow-
ing record. Lin Yanzhen and 入ie Renbo both ingested hidden fire cinnabar . Both fc 和 With an impediment-ness3 in their brain and died. Zhang Gao inhis 郊 32z2 has the following record: Zhang Que ingested cinnabar for food,and for several years he suffered from melting in his center. Lventually he developed an impediment崗ness in his temples and died.”All these [records] may serve as warnings against an ingestion of cinnabar/elixirs. But then Zhou Miin his y# zhas recorded the following. “A prefectural judge ZhouinLin chuan had been of frail health 沁 his ife. He frequently ingested cinnabar and aconite root and zc27z7/z77 [root tuber|
as medication. In his old age he developed an impediment-ilness on his back. Al the physicians consulted blamed [his iness] on the cinnabar/elixir mineral and had
him ingestmedication to resolve poison, but none of them had an effect. Eventuallyold Zhu,aphysician specialized in ulcers, said: “his is an extreme yin condition. For a proper [treatment the patient] must eat much hidden fire cinnabar and the
decoction for athreefold rebuilding'. Ihen he at filrst resorted to asmall dose to test this,and later prepared alarge dose. Ihree days later he applied an ointment to [the affected region].- After half amonth,the sore was levelled.[ Ihe patient] had ingest-
cd altogether Iso doses of the decoction for a threefold rebuilding'.”TIhis account differs from 筷 the records quoted above. Ihe fact is, the long-term depots and short-term repositories of humans are endowed with_[qi] and have received |[qij in
amyriad diferent ways.Itis essential that knowledgable [healers] when they exam~ine the yin and yang [movements in the] vessels and further pathological signs do not cling to their first [fandings」 as aguideline [for a therapy]. Ihose who do not apply utmost sensibility will not be able to favorably end such [acase」.
385 . 及 音 ,“impediment崗 ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCGM Dict 277Z.
C//z27/e/ 9
【 附 方】 舊 八, 新 二 十六 。 Added Recipes. 紀ight of old.26 newly [recorded
真人 鍊舟 服 食 丹 。砂 三 星 盛 以 銅盤 , 置 高 閣上 , 勿 飛 之。 盡 酒 三 ,斗 乃 曝 ,之 大 , 常 以 平 旦 向 日 理 三 。丸 神人 至 。 太 上 玄 變經 。
方: 丹 婦令 女 三 百 一 月
砂 。見 當日 三
一 ,斤 研末 重 燥 則復 以 酒 紫色 。 齋 戒 獸 ,出 半年 諸
,篩 ,汰 沐 病
酒沃 之如泥 狀。 以 醇 令 如 泥, 陰雨 疾風 則 浴 七 ,日 靜 室 飯 麻子 丸 ,疾 一 年 挫 髮 ,黑 三 年
To ingest cinnabar for food. A recipe of the Three Perfected Primordial Sovereigns: Grrind one 7/Zz of cinnabar to a powder and repeatedly give it through asieve. Let it soak in unmixed wine untilit has turned into amud-like mass,and fill this ona
copper plate to be placed on an elevated shelf. Do not allow the women to see it. QOnce it has dried letit soak in wine again until it has turned into a mud, and store this at ashady place where it rains and where winds are swWift. After three Zoz 9 wine are used up this way dry itin the sun. After 3oo days it w 訓 have assumed a purple color. Abstain from meat, wine etc.and bathe hair and body for seven days, and inaquiet room prepare「the cinnabar] With cooked rice to pills the size 0f
hemp seeds. Ihen regularly in the early morning hours face the sun and swallow three pills.Within one month three bugs/worms will leave [the body].- After half a yearp 和 types of diseases will have been cured. Within one yearp beard and hair on the head will be black. After three years the status of aspirit man will have been reached. 727 ,22z7zco %7Z/277 27277.77720.
蜜 斤 , 攪 合 日 ,曝 至 可 ,丸 丸 麻 子 大 , 每 旦 小 神 丹 。方 真 末丹 三 ,斤 白 六 服 十 。丸 一 年 白 髮 反 ,黑 鹵 落 更 生 , 身體 潤澤, 老翁 成 少。 抱 朴 子 內 篇 。 Small recipe for a divine cinnabar/elixir. Mix three 7zzz of genuine cinnabar powder With six 7z of white honey and dry this in the sun until pills can be formed. Ihe pills are of the size of hemp seeds. 紀 ach morning ingest ten pills. Within one year White hair on the head will have turned black again,and where the teeth had fallen out, they grow anew. Ihe entire body will be moistened,andold men will be young apaln. 25222Z/ 27 /Ve7 27277.
明 目 輕 ,身 去 三 戶, 除 瘡 。資 美 酒 五 ,升 浸 朱 砂 五 ,兩 五 宿, 日 乾 研 末 , 蜜 丸 小 豆 。大 每 服 二 十 ,丸 白 湯 ,下 久 服 見效。 衛 生 易 筒 方 。 To clear the eyes and take the weightofthebody loremove the three corpse [bugs/ Worms]. To eliminate sores and repudiation-iliness. 約 Soak five Z/z7zge of cinnabar 386 ASzz 527 二
廠 ,“three corpse
an ancient notion of microorganisms
that may have been acquired through contact With a corpse and cause various diseases. BCGM
DictL, 4I4.
387 27 開 ,“repudiation-illness,”mostlikely including cases ofleprosy BCGM Dict LI, 293
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
in flve y2zzo of good wine for five days and nights. Dryitin the sun grind it toa powderand form with honeypils the size of small beans. 紀ach time ingest 2o pills, to be sent down with_ clear hot water. When this is ingested for a long time, the effects wi become apparent. 族 7 2e7 廊 加 27z. 7
神 注 丹 。方 白 伏 四冬 兩, 糯米 酒 意 ,軟 竹刀 切片 , 陰乾 詞末 , 入 朱砂 末 二 錢 , 以乳香 打 水 糊 丸 梧 子 ,大 朱砂 末 二 錢 詞 。衣 陽 日 二 ,丸 陰 日 一 。丸 要 氣 精, 溫 酒 。下 並 空心 。 王好 古 醫 由 元 戎 。 秘 ,精 新 汲 水 下 ; 要 逆 過 Recipe for the_cinnabar/ehixir With a spirit attached to it. Boil four /z7zge of white 2o7zz in wine made from glutinous rice untilit has become softand cutit with abamboo knife into pieces. Dry them in the shade and [grind them to a] powder Add two 2727z of cinnabar powderand prepare,With apaste obtained by dissolving frankincense in Waterpp 選 s the size of zoz seeds,to be coated with two 7zzz of cinnabarpowder. On yang days [ingest] two pills,onyin days one pil.L Hitis meant to constrain [ones lust by decreasing] essence/spermysend [the pillsj] down with newly drawn water If it is meant to cause counterflow qi to increase the essence/sperm, send them down with
warm Wine.Always on an empty stomach.Wang 了Haoguy
五 7 27z 7o72
局 丰 變 。白 小 雌 有從 二 ,隻 只 與 局 油 麻 一 ,件 同 水 飼 。之 放 卵 ,時 收取 先 放 者 打 和 ,竅 以朱砂 末 填 入 糊 ,定 同困 卵 抱 出 ,從 取出 , 其 藥 自 然 結實 , 研 粉, 蒸 和餅 丸 綠 豆 。大 每 酒下 五 七 。丸 不 惟 變 ,白 亦且 愈 。疾 張 浪 方 。 When ablack moustache has turned white. Feed to small hens nothing but black sesarme seeds and water. When eggs are laid take the one laid first and bore ahole into it. 上 ll it With cinnabar powder and close it again with dough. Ihen have it hatched togetherwith al the other eggs until chicks come out of them,and remove it. Ihe medicated leggj will have hardenedandis ground toapowderto be prepared With steamed cakes to pills the size of mung beans. 弓ach titme send with wine down five to seven pills. Ihey do not only [serve to blacken amoustache that has] turned white; they also serve to cure 山nesses. Z2z7 Z/27zo.
小 兒初生 六 日, 解 胎 ,毒 溫 腸胃 , 壯 氣 。血 朱 調 與 吮 ,之 一 日 令畫 。 姚和 眾 宇至 方 。
砂 豆大 , 細 研 , 蜜 旨一 大 ,
To resolve fetal poison of a newborn child of six days, to warm its intestines and stormach, and to strengthen its qi and blood. Grind cinnabar the size of a soybean,
toafane [powder]- Mix it With honey the size of a date,and [have the child] suck
this.lt should be used up Within one day. Yao Hezhong, Z27 22z2 /Z7zgo.
預 解 痘 毒。 初 時 發 或 未 出時 , 以 朱砂 末 半 ,錢 蜜 水 調 。服 多 可 ,無 重 者 可 輕 。也 丹 溪 方 。
者 可少 , 少 者
C//z27/e/ 9
To preventively resolve smallpox poison. [Let the patient] either when [the small-
pox] has just broken out or before it has broken out ingest half a 7zz7# of cinnabar powdermixed with honeyand water.Tf manypox have erupted, this will keep their numbersmallL. ffew have erupted this can climinate them 紀 . Serious cases can be
mitipated. 7z7zx7 /27zg
兒 。驚 月 內 驚 風 欲 死, 朱砂 磨 新 汲 水 塗 五 ,心 最 。又 斗門 方 。
itis affected by fright Wind8 within its first month, Frightofanewborn child. coming close to death, apply cinnabar mixed with newly drawn water to the five “hearts.3 92 227 /7z2o.
小 兒 驚 ,熱 夜 下。 普濟 方。 調
臣 多 。啼 和朱砂 半 兩, 牛黃
一 ,分 詞 末 。人 每
服 一字 , 犀角
Fright heat of children,when they cryalotin bed during the night.[Grind] half a /zz7zge of cinnabar and one /zz of cow bezoartoapowder. 紀 ach time [have the child|
ingest one > to be sent down With waterin which rhinoceros horn was rubbed. /
形 /729.
急 驚 搐 。擇 丹 砂 半 ,兩 天南星 一 個 一 兩 重 ,者 炮 裂 酒 ,浸 大 末 。 每 服 一字 , 薄荷 湯 。下 聖 濟 錄 。
蠍 三 ,個
Acute fright with convulsions.[Grind] half a /z7zge of cinnabar, one z7zvze7z |root
With a weight of one /zzg that has been roasted in apan until it cracked open and was then soaked in wine,and three large scorpions to apowder. 紀 ach time |let the patient] ingest one > to be sent down with mint decoction. $2ez 諷 入.
擎 屜 不 。語 打 撲 驚必 , 血入 心 ,竊 不 麻子 大 , 每 從 湯 下 七 。丸 直 指 方 。
能 言語 。 朱
砂 烏末 , 以 雄 豬 心血 和 丸
Frightenedbyahostility With aninability to speak.[Injuryfrom aa] blow with fright caused by the hostile, when blood has entered the heart aperture resulting in an inability to speak.[Grindj cinnabar to apowdep mix it with blood from the heart ofaroosterand form pils the size of hemp seeds. Each time [let the patient] ingest
seven pills with a date decoction. Z27 227 /27zgo.
388 7zzc/ezg 擎 風 ,“fripht wind,”acondition of children characterised by jerking and arched back rigidity eyeballs turned upward, and twitching hands and legs.BCUCGM Dict 26r, also 238, 24o. 389 Ihe “five hearts include the heartin the chest the two“heart centers of the palms and the two “heart _ centers of the soles.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
客 必 卒 死。 真 丹 方寸 ,匕 蜜 三 合和 , 灌 。之 肘 後方 。 Visited by the hostile with sudden death. Mix as much genuine cinnabar as is held on asquare zz spoon With three ez of honey and forcefeed this [to the patient 之22z 22z/ /27zg
顯 肝 取 十
癇 狂 。亂 世 神 :丹 治 一 切 驚 思憂 慮 多 豬 心 二 ,個 切 , 入大 朱砂 二 、兩 燈 心 砂 末烏 , 以 伏 末神 二 ,兩 酒打 薄 糊 丸 五 ,丸 麥 門 冬 湯下 。 甚 ,者 乳香 人 參 湯
忘, 及 一 切 心氣 不足 , 癲 癇 狂亂 。 三 兩 在 ,內 麻 ,扎 石器 煮 一 伏時 , 梧 子大 。 每 服 九 丸 至 十 五 、丸 任 二 。下 百 選一 方 。
Peak-ilness9。 with epilepsy madness and confusion. Ihe “clixir to cause the spirit to return. Tt serves to cure 和 types of fright, sorrow, pondering and advanced forgetfulness, as well as al insufhciencies of heart qi, peak-illness with epilepsy madness and confusion. Cut open two hearts of castrated boars and fill them with two //z7o of larpge cinnabar pieces and three /Zzze ofrushes. Wrap them with hemp and boil this in astone vessel for one day and one night. Remove the cinnabar and lgrindit to alpowder.Add two Zzzge of oo7zz powderand wine,knead this toathin
paste and form pills the size of voz seeds. 上 ach time_ [let the patient] ingest from nine pills up to IT pills, or even up to 25 pills, to be sent down With 222z22ogoz root decoction. In severe cases, to be sent down with a frankincense and ginseng [rootl
decoction. 27 7 %z/277 /2720.
產後 癲狂 。 敗 及 血 邪氣 入 心 , 如 見 崇 ,物 顛 。狂 用 過 , 用 飲 乳汁 兒 四 三 茶匙 濕調 , 以 紫 地 項 龍一 條 入 地 龍 不 ,用 入 無 灰 酒 一 ,音 分作 三四 次 。服 何 氏 方 。
大 辰 砂 一 二 ,錢 研細 飛 ,藥 滾 三 ,溢 刊 ,淨 去
Peak-iness with madness following delivery Spoiled blood and evil di have entered the heart, resulting in peak- 崗 ness with madness as if [the patient] had seen an cevil being. Grind one ortwo 77z7/ of ]arge cinnabar pieces to aflne [powder]j,process
it with sublhimationm mix it With as much nursing mothers milk drunk by achild as fllls three to four tea spoons and add one earthworm with a purple neck. Let it
wriggle in the medication three times and then scrape [the medication of ]. Set the earthworm freeitis of no furtheruse. 上 過 [themedication] into asmall cup of ashfree wine,and have [the patient] ingest this in three to four portions. 呈 z 27 /7zze
心虛 四 。精 儿 心 一 ,個 批 片相 連 , 以 過飛 朱砂 末 摻 入 , 線 ,縛 白水章 熟食 珞經驗方 。 之。 唐 Heartdeplettion with involuntary loss of essence/sperm. Cut one heart of apig into [two] pieces that remain united and fillitwith cinnabar powder processed through 39o zz I24.
顛 ,“peak[-illness],”also
癲 ,vaguely defined mental derangement. BCGM
C//z27/e/ 9
Sublimation. Bindit with acotton thread, boilitin clear water until itis done and
eat this. Tang Yao,.7Z7zg )27z./27zg
離 魂 異 。病 方 見 發明 。 “Separated 2z/7-soulb astrange disease. Forarecipe,see Explhcation.
夜 多 惡 。夢 方 見 發明 。 Many malign dreams atnight. Forarecipe,see_ Explication.
男婦 心 。痛 和朱砂 、 明
馨枯 等 ,分
烏末 , 沸
湯 調 。服 摘
玄方 。
Heart pain affecting males and females.[「Grind] equal amounts of cinnabar and
prepared alum to apowdep and [let the patient] ingest itmixed with boiled water 之2z7 %Z/277 /2772.
心腹 宿 癥及 卒 得 。癥 和朱砂 研細 , 搜 ,飯 以 雄 羅 一 ,隻 餓 二 ,日 以 飯 飼之 , 收 開 曝 燥 烏末 , 溫 酒 服 方寸 號, 日 三 。服 服盡 更 作 , 愈 乃 止。 外 臺 秘要 。 Abiding concretion-illness and acute concretion-iliness affecting the central and abdominal region. Grind cinnabar to a ane [powderj, search for cooked rice and
feed With it arooster that has been left hungry for two days. Collect its excrements, dry them in the sun and grind them toapowder. Ingest with warm wine theamount held by asquare zzz spoon. Io be ingested three times aday Once the cntire dose is used up, prepare it again. Stop [the treatment when the disease is] cured.
z7 /7 27 zz.
翟亂 轉 ,筋 身 ,冷 心下 微 溫 。者 朱砂 和 研二 ,兩 蠟 三 兩和 丸, 牙 火 中龍 黑 之, 周圍 厚 ,覆 勿 煙令 洩 , 兼 眉 下 看 ,火 令 腹 微 ,燈 良久 和當 汁 出 而 班。 外 臺 秘要 。 holera With twisted sinews,a cold body and aslight sensation of warmth below the heart. Grind two /Zzzzgeofcinnabar[to apowderj and mix it With three Zz7ge of
beeswax to prepare ps. Place them into abox overafire to steam the [patient with the fumes]. Cover him thickly on all sides lest any fumes are lost. Also, ligpht a fire [under the patients] bed tolethim feelslightly warm in his abdomen. After along time he w 訓 sweat and rise again. /7 Z7 2 2.
服 錢, 溫 蜜 湯 。下 聖 濟錄 。 辟 闡 正陽 。 丹 砂 三 ,兩 水 。飛 每 半 To ward of miasma and correct the yang[qi]. Process three /Zz7zge of cinnabar With aqueous sublimation and each time ingest half a 7zzz, to be sent down with warm honey decoction. $2e7z 太
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
傷 崎 發 。汗 外 靈 要 秘 治 傷寒時 氣溫 ,疫 頭痛 壯 熱 有矯 盛 , 始 得 二一 日 ,者 取 被 汁。 忌 生 血物 。 真 丹 一 ,兩 水 一 ,斗 電 一 ,升 頓 ,服 覆 取 Harm caused by cold, with sweating. Ihe 殉 7 zz7727 2z29「[suggests to] cure harm caused by cold and warmth epidemics caused by seasonal qi, headache, strong heat and full vessels,when this has just begun foroneortwo days,as follows. Boil one /z27zce of genuine cinnabarin one Zozof water down to one y2zzg and [let the patient|
ingest this at once.Heis to be covered to induce sweating. [During the therapy the consumption of] raw and bleeding items is forbidden. 肘
末酒 調 ,
身 塗之 ,
火坐 ,
汗 愈 。
The Z2oz 22z [recommends to] mix cinnabar powder with wine and apply this to the [patients] entire body Ihen heis to sit facing a fire. Once he sweats he wi be cured.
吝 襪 溫 。疫 上 品朱砂 一 ,兩 細 研 , 蜜和 丸 麻 子大 , 和 常 太以 崴 日 平 ,旦 一 家 大 小 勿 食 諸 ,物 向東各 吞 三 七 ,丸 勿 令 近 ,齒 永 無 溫 。疫 外 臺。 To ward of and avert warmth cpidemics. Grind one /z7zge of best quality cinnabar to afne [powderl and mix it with honey to prepare pills the size of hemp seeds.
Each yearin the early morningofaday [associated with the star/spirit] 7zvz7 太 歲 , the entire family old and youngy, must not eat anything. 弓ach lmember] is to face East and swallow three times seven pills that must not touch the teeth. Ihey will never be affected by awarmth epidemic. 族 z zz.
服 錢 。 吐血 。 和朱砂 、 蛤 粉 等 ,分 詞 末 , 酒 二
All types of bloodvomiting.[Grind] equalamounts of cinnabar and clamshell powder to apowder and ingest with wine two 7727z.
又 :方 丹 半 砂 兩 , 金 四薄 丸。 聖 濟錄 。
片 , 蚯蚓
三條 , 同 ,研 丸
小豆 。大 每
冷 酒下 二
Another recipe: Grind together half a Zz7zze of cinnabarp four thin gold foils and three earthworms [to apowder] to prepare pills the size of small beans. Each time
send down with cold wine two pills. $2e7z
妊婦 胎動 。 朱 砂末 一 ,錢 和 有 鷹 子 白 三 ,枚 攪 安。 普 濟 方 。
勻 頓 。服 胎 死 即 ,出 未
A pregnant woman with afetal movement [threatening miscarriage]. Evenly mix one 7zz7z of cinnabar powder with the egg white of three chicken eggs and |have the Woman] ingest this as one dose.Tfthe fetus has died,it will be released.Ifit has not yet diedy it w 訓 be pacifed. 叫 / 雯 克 2
C//z27/e/ 9
子 死 中腹 不 。出 和朱砂 一 ,兩 水 煮 數 ,沸 烏 。末 酒 服 立 。出 十
全 博 救方 。
A dead fetus is not released from the abdomen. Boil one Zz7ze of cinnabar in Water several times to bubbling and [lgrindit to a]| powder [Have the woman] ingest this and [the dead fetus] will be released immediately $27 7zz7z 儿 有 zz zz
目生 障 。盞 生 方。
辰 砂 一 塊 , 日 日 擦 ,之 自 。退 王
居 雲 病此 , 用 如 之 故。 普 濟
Screens and shades developing on the eyes, Every day rub the [eyes] with alump of unprocessed cinnabap and they will recede.When Wang Juyun was affected by this disease, he applied this [therapy] and returned to acondition as before. /zz 載 多 zze
目 膜 息肉。 丹 砂 一 兩 , 五 月 五 日 研 ,色 銅器 中 以 水 槳 一意 , 臘 水 一 ,韶 浸 七 ,日 胡 腥, 銅刀 刊 ,下 再 研 瓶 。收 每點 少許 虹 上 。 聖 濟 錄 。 Eye membrane and tumorous fesh_growth. On the ffth day of the ffth month prind one Zz7zge of cinnabar to an even [powder|- Give it into a copper vessel with one bowl of watery starch and one bowl of water collected in the I2th month. Let [the cinnabar] soak in there for seven days and then dry itin the sun. Scrape [the cinnabar] with a copper knife of [the coppervessel|l,grind it again and store itina bottle. 弓ach time drip asmall amount on the [affected] canthi. S$2ezzg 霧 Z.
目生 連 肉及 珠 。管 真 、丹 貝
母 等 ,分 烏 末 , 點 注 , 日 四三 度。 肘 後方 。
Tumorous flesh-growth andatube ofpearls' developing in the eyes.[Grind] equal amounts of genuine cinnabar and 方
/z7zz [root] to apowder and drip this [into
the affected eyesj, up to three or four times a day. Z2oz 2oz
面上 邊 。四 有詹 子 一 枚 去 ,黃 朱砂 末 一 ,兩 入 艙 子 內 封 ,固 入 白 廬伏 下 , 抱 至 雛 ,出 取 塗 面 即 。去 不過 五 ,度 面白 如 。玉 此 乃 陳 朝 貴妃 張 常用 方, 出 枕中 方。外 臺 秘 要。 西王母 Dermal dark speckles on the face. Remove the yolk from achicken eggy, 和ll it With one Zz7zge of cinnabar and seal it tightly Ihenletawhite hensit onittogether with other eggs until they are hatched. Remove [the contents of the eggj, apply them to [the patients」face and [the speckles] will disappear. After no more than five
applications the face will be as white as jade. Ihis is arecipe regularly used by the imperial concubine /hang of the Chen dynasty Tt originates in the 六 zz oz7z 22 之 2e77 之 227z 7/272o. 所 27 7 27 2
39I Z2z gzz7z 珠 管, “pearls in atube,”atumor-illness on the eye, With acrystal clear color reminiscent of pearls in atube. BVCGM Dict L, 69r.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
蜂 叮 。蜀 朱 砂 末 , 水 塗 。之 摘
玄方 。
Sand wasp/bee sting.[Grind] cinnabar to apowdep [mix it with] water and apply
this [to the affected region」]. Z2z7 xz27z./z7zo
木星 瘡 。專 南方 多 雨 , 有 物 曰 木星 , 大 類 鼻涕 , 生 於 古木 之上 , 朵 人 氣 則 閃閃 而 動。 人 過 其下 , 蘆人 體 間 , 即立成 ,瘡 久 則 遍 。體 惟 朱砂 以 、 麝香 塗 ,之 即 。愈 張呆 醫 說 。 Sores with poison caused by a wood leech. Ihere is much rain in the South, and there are items called“wood leeches.” IThey roughly belong to the group of nasal mucus,and they growonold trees.When theysmelltheqofahuman they sparkle and move. When that person passes by below them, they fal on his body and he wi develop sores immediately After along time, they w 遍 have spread all over his body Ihis can be cured onlyby applying cinnabarund musk[to theaffectedregiom. 乙hang Grao, 問 9zo2.
舌 出 不 。收 丹 砂 傅 之 , 暗 擲 盆 作蔓 臣 地 聲 敬 之, 即 自 。收 集 簡 。
When _ following delivery the tongue, that is stretched out wil not return [into
the womans mouth again]. Apply cinnabar to it and secretly throw abasin on the ground to cause noise that w 記 frighten [the patient|[Ihe tongue] will be drawn in again as aresult..77 7z2z7z. og9-o2
水 銀本 經中 品 27z/7 )zz/, 上T 紀 527z.7z7o middle rank.
【 釋 】名 未 銀, 改名 水 以 通 草 詞 ,糙 液 。【 頒 曰】
別 、錄 瀕示 同 、 靈 液 綱目 、 姓 。銀 瀕 ,者 流動 。貌 方 家 術 以 照 於有 金 寶 ,處 即 知 金 銀 廣 :雅 水 謂銀 之 ,瀕 丹電 家
女 藥性 。【 時 珍 】晶 其 狀如 水 似 水 和銀 牛 、 羊 、 銷 三 脂 楔 成膏, 鋼 鐵 錐、 玉 點 蛇 妖 ,怪 故謂 之 靈 通 耳 。 名 ,末 其 字 亦 用
Explanation of Names. Gozg 未 , 5zz Z, identical to 2zg gozg 瀕 未 and Zzzge) 靈 液 ,“miraculous liquid,”Gzzzg 2z. C2z 7 姓 女 , “beautiful maideny” 玫 2 zzzzo. [L Shizhen: It is shaped like watep 52z7z 水 , resembling silvep )zz 銀 . Hence its name
“water and silyep” zz )7z 水 銀. 7ozg
瀕 is its “manner of being on the move.” The
recipe experts pestle mercury [inamortar] with the three types of fat of oxen,sheep
and pigs to a paste and use it with #/z2z7zx pith to form candles serving them to illuminate places where gold and treasures lie hidden. Ihis helps them to know the whereabouts of gold, silvep coppep iron and lead, and of jade, tortoises, snakes and
goblins,and hence [mercury] is called Zzzge ) 靈 液 ,“miraculous liquid.”[Su] Song:
C//z27/e7 9
The Gzz7e)z has: “Mercury is called 2oze 瀕 .“ The experts operating elixir furnaces call it go7zg 未 . These characters are used interchangeably
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 曰】 水 生 銀 符 陵 平 ,士 出 於 丹 。【 砂 弘 景 日】 今 水 銀有 生 熟 。 此 去 生 符 陵 平 土 ,者 是 朱砂 出 腹 。中 亦有 別 出 沙 地 ,者 青 白色 , 最 能 所 ,得 色 小 白濁, 不 及 生 。者 甚 消化 和 勝。 出 於 丹 砂 ,者 是 今 燒 粗末 朱砂 金 ,銀 使 成 ,泥 人 以 鍍 物 是 。也 燒 時 飛 看 金上 灰, 名 未 ,粉 俗 呼 烏 水銀 於 , 皆因 熱氣 , 未 聞 和朱砂 中腹 自 出之 灰 , 最 能 去 蝨。【 恭 】白 水 銀 出 朱砂 者。 火 燒 飛 ,取 人 皆 解 。法 南 人 蒸取 之 , 得 水 銀 雖 ,少 而 和朱砂 不 ,損 但 色 少 變 黑 。【 爾 頒 日】 今 出 秦 州、 商 州、 道 州、 邵 武 ,還 而 秦 州 乃 來 自 西 羌 界。 經 雲 出 於 丹 砂 ,者 乃 是 山石中 夫 粗 朱砂 次 , 作 爐 , 置 砂 於 ,中 下 承以 水 , 上 覆 以 ,盆 器 外 加 火 燉 ,養 則煙 飛 於上 , 水 銀 溜 於 ,下 其色 小 白濁 。 沙 者 青 白色 , 今 不聞 有 此。 西 羌人 亦 去 如 此 燒取 , 但 其山 陶氏 言 列 出 地 中 所 生 極多 , 至 於 一 山 自 拆 ,裂 人 來 得 砂 ,石 皆 大 塊 如 升 ,斗 碎 之 可乃 燒 刀 , 故 西 來 水 銀 多極 於南方 。者 又取 草 未 :法 用細 葉 馬 齣 葛 乾 ,之 十斤 得 水 銀 八 兩 或 十 。兩 先 以 槐 木 想 ,之 加 日東 作 架果 之, 三二 日 即 。牙 如 經 年 久 , 燒 存 ,性 盛 入 瓦 比 內, 封口 , 埋 土 坑 四中 十 九 ,日 取出 自 成 。【 吳 時 珍 日】 示 出 於 砂 為 真示 。 雷加 言有 和 暢 。示 陶 弘 景 言有 沙 地 。未 準 南 子 言 弱 不 有 之。 按 陳 霆 墨 談 云: 氣 白 譽 ,石 譽 石生 白 。瀕 蘇 頌 言 說陶 者 聞 士 之 生 拂林 國當 日 沒 之 ,處 地 有 水 銀 ,海 周圍 四 五 十 。里 國人 取 ,之 近海 十里 許, 掘 坑 井 數 ,十 乃 使 健 夫 駿馬 , 皆 貼 金 ,薄 行近海 邊 。 日 照 金 光 哆 耀 , 則 水 銀 滾 ,沸 如 潮 而 ,來 其 勢 若 粘 裏。 其 人 即 馬 回 疾 ,馳 水 銀 隨 趕。 若 行 緩 , 則 人 馬 俱 撲滅 。也 人 馬 行 ,速 則 水 銀 勢 捐 力 ,微 遇 坑 點 而 溜 積 於中 。 然後 取 之, 用 香草 同 ,買 則 成 花 ,銀 此 與 中 所 國 產 不 。同 按 此 說 似 與 陶氏 沙 地 所 出 相 ,合 又 與 陳 藏 器 言人 服 水 銀 病 拘 ,諧 但 炙 金 尋物 之, 則 水 必銀 出 蝕 金說 之 相 。符 蓋 外 番 多 丹 ,砂 其 液 自 流 烏 水 ,銀 不 獨 鍊 取 砂 出, 信 雲: 取 砂 未 法, 用 瓷瓶 朱盛 砂, 不 拘 多 ,少 以 紙 封口 , 爍 吳。 胡 演 丹 秘訣 香 湯 煮 一 伏 ,時 取入 水 火 鼎 ,內 姑 塞 ,口 鐵 盤 闔 。定 擊 地 一 ,孔 放 得 一個 盛 ,水 連 盤 覆 鼎 於 費上 , 鹽 泥 固 ,縫 周圍 加 火 之, 竺 取 冷 出, 未 自流入 得 。吳 色 州 崗溪 燒 取 極 ,易 以 百 兩 烏 一 ,針 鋪 之 制 似 豬 ,朋 外 糊 厚 紙數 重, 貯 之 即 不 走 。漏 右 攏 失 在地 , 但 以 椒 川 末 或說 末 收 。之 或 以 真 金及 鑰 嘉 誤 日 】 取 去 未 之 殼砂 , 名 天 ,流 可 點化 。 上 石引 之 即 。【 ollected Explanations. 2zz /: Mercury grows in te Hat land of Fuling, it evolves from cinnabar. [Tao] Hongjing: Ioday mercury is available unprocessed and processed. Ihe [mercury] said here [in the 25zz 及 | to be presentin Fu lingy it evolves from within the abdomen of cinnabar. Ihere is also another [variation] originating
in sandy ground. It is of a greenish-white color and is the absolutely best. Ihat which originates in cinnabar is the [mercury] obtained by heating acrude cinnabar
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
powder. Jts color is somewhat white and turbid; it is not as good as unprocessed lmercury].Itis best suited for dissolving and transforming gold and silver to amud used by the people to plate items. During the heating, ashes flying to the top of the cauldron are called “mercury powder A popular name is “mercury ashes. They are best suited to eliminate lice. [Su] Gong: Mercury originates in cinnabar, and this is always stimulated by heat qi.Jhave never heard that it is spontaneously released from the abdomen of cinnabar. ITo obtain it through asublimation caused by heating [ctinnabar] with fire, such amethod is understood by everyone. Ihe South-
erners obtain it by steaming [cinnabar]. Ihe mercury obtained this way is of smal amounts,but the cinnabar is not affected negatively except for asligpht change of its colortoward black.[Su] Song: Nowadays, [mercury] originates in Qin zhou, Shang
Zhou, Dao zhou and Shao wu jun. Ihat from Qin zhou comes from the border regionofXiqiang. Ihe lmercury] said by the Classic to originate in cinnabar [is obtained as follows|. First collect coarse cinnabar from within mountain rocks. Build afurnace and place the cinnabar into it with water as areceptacle underneath. On top [of the furnace] place a basin turned upside down,and outside this implement
ligphtafre to haveit calcined. Ihis will cause fumes to rise,Wwhile the mercury glides down. Its color is slightly white and turbid. Mr Tao [Hongjing」speaks of aseparate [variation of mercury of] greenish-white color originating in sandy ground, but nowadays this has not been heard of. Ihe Xi qiang people also state that they obtain [mercury] by heating it this way. But there is very much [ceinnabar] in their mountains. When one of these mountains cracks by itself, the people go there to collect cinnabar rocks. Ihese are always big pieces,like avy2ezg or Z2z measure. Ihey break them to pieces that can then be heated and calcined. Hence mercury entering [China] comes mostly from the West rather than from the South. Ihe method to
obtain “herb mercury is as follows. Dry purslane with fine leaves in the sun. Out Of ten 有 zz one can obtain ceight Zoe or ten Zoe of mercury First pound them With avo22o7z.7z227z7cz wood mallet. Ihen dry them on arack facing the sun. After three ortwo days they wil be dry 了 itis supposed to last for years, heat it With its nature retainecd, fi it into an earthenware jap seal its opening and buryitinasol pit for 49 days. When itis then removed it will be ready [for use]. [Li| Shizhen:
Mercury originating in cinnabar is genuine mercury Lei 入iao speaks ofan “herbal mercury Tao Hongjing speaks ofa “sandy ground mercury”The 瑟 /zZ7 7z27z 7 sayS: “The qi of weak soil generate white arsenolite,and arsenolite generates white mercury Su Song says: “[ 和H never heard of what Tao [Hongjing] said.”According to Chen Tings 4Z2 zz, “in the country of Fu ling is a location abundantly exposed to sunshine, With asea of mercury on its land. Tts circumference measures 4o to 5o Zz. When the people of that country remove [mercury from id|, they go about Io Z
C//z27/e7 9
near that sea and dig out tens of pits or wells. Ihen they let healthy men ride their horses, all of them plated With thin gold foils, close to the_ margin of the [mercu-
ry] sea. luminated by the sun, the gold shine is dazzling. As aresult the mercury boils to bubbling and approaches [the horses and their riders] like a wave, as if it
intended to glue and wrap them. Iheriders then quickly let their horses return and the mercury follows them. 本 也 ey were to move slowly riders and horses would be extinguished. When riders and horses move quickly, the force of the mercury decreases the further it has moved away [from the sea]. 上Eventually it comes across the pits and moats and glides down into them to collect there. Ihen [the peoplel rermoveitandsimmerittogether With fragrant herbs to generate “flower silver. his is different from the [mercury] produced in China. IJhis saying seems to agree With what Mr ITao [Hongjing] says about [mercury] originating in asandy ground.Also, it agrees With Chen Cangqis statement:“ When humans ingest mercury and they suffer from cramps and contraction, the only way [to cure them」is to roast some
gold item and press it hot lon the affected regionj. Ihis will cause the mercury to come outand erode the gold.”Ihe fact is,in the outer foreign regions there is much cinnabar and it flows naturally and turns into mercury [Mercury] is not obtained solely by arefinement ofcinnabar with heat. Ihis is true. Hu Yanin his 7z7z ))z2 77z7 7zcz states: ”Ihe method to obtain mercury out of cinnabar is as follows. 上 訓 aporcelain bottle with any amount of cinnabar and closely seal its opening with paper Then boilitinadecoction of aromatic [herbs] for one day and one night, remove [the cinnabar from the bottle] and give it into a cauldron of [two compartments, one for] water [above] and [one for] fire [below]. Stuff the opening [of the caul-
dronj with charcoaland frmly coveritwith an iron plate. Dig ahole in the ground and place abowl filled With_ waterin it,place the cauldron with its iron plate cover on top of thebowl [with the water] and tightly close the seams with salt mud. Ihen calcine it on all four sides with fire,and remove [the cauldron] after it has cooled
down again. Ihe mercury will have flowed into the bowlby itself. Ihe removal with heat [of mercury] from the region of mountain streams and caves of Yong Zhou is Very casy. A kettle is 和illed with ioo /zzzgy and the kettle is designed in the shape of a pig bladder. Jt is enclosed by pasting several layers of thick paper around it lest any [of its contents] leak during storage.Tf any [mercury] is spilled on the ground, it can only be collected with Sichuan pepper powder or tea leaves powder. Another methodis to attract and raise it with genuine gold and arsenolite. [Chen] Jiamo: CCinnabar husks remaining after mercury is removed are called “heavens flow It can serve to prepare_[elixirs] for transformations [to hermits/immortals.
【 修 】【 治 禾 日】 凡 使 勿用 和 暢示 , 並 人蕉 朱 漆 中 ,者 經 別 藥 制過 者, 在 中戶 貯 之, 免 遺失 。 用 中 水 銀色 微 紅 , 收 得 後 吉慶 過 者, 半生 半死 。者 其 和朱砂
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
背 葵 先 以 紫 天
並 夜交 有藤 自 然 汁二 味
同 煮 一 伏 ,時 其
毒 自 。退 若
修 十 兩,
二 各 汁 七鎊。 Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Lei|
入iao: For all lmedicinal| applications, do not
resort to herbal mercury and also[ avoid mercury stored] in old red lacquer |con~
tainers], [mercury] that already has been processed for medicinal usage, [mercury that has been with acorpse,and lmercury] that is half alive and half dead. Mercury
of aslightly red colop obtained out of cinnabap is to be storedinabottle gourd to avoid losses because of leakage. Hitis first boiled for one day and one night with the natural juice of purple back 2z/oz [herb] and 2o/ygo7zz77 [root|, its poison wil
have faded as aresult. For processing ten /zzgeseven 罷 of each of the two Juices are required.
【 畏 法刀 鐵 藉 金 姑 ,
氣 】味 慈 石、 烏 置 其上 死 水 星 、草 皆
辛 , 寒 , 有 毒 。【 權 日 】 有 大 毒 。 【 大 明日 】 無 毒 。 【 之才 日 】 克 和 。【 窒 宗 與 日】 水 銀 得 則 鈴 凝, 得 則 硫 結, 位 挫 肉 則研 散。 列 膩 粉、 粉 ,夭 唾 研 之 死 。蝨 鋼 得 之 則明 , 灌 戶中 則 後 ,腐 以 金 銀 鋼 則 ,浮 得 毗 河 車 則 ,伏 得 川 則 椒 收。 可 以 勾 ,金 可 詞 果涌 匱, 蓋 土 宿 真 君 日】 荷 、菜 松 、葉 松 、脂 穀 精 、講 萱 草 、 也 銀 之 氣 。【 吳 、松 夏枯草 、 吃 、冬 苹 療 、子 腳 來 、紅 馬 蹄 、香 獨 腳 蓮、 水 慈 能 制夭 。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, cold, poisonous. [Zhen] Quan: Very poisonous. Da Ming: Nonpoisonous. [Xu] Zhicai: [Ingested togethep] it fears magnetite and arsenic.
[Kou] Zongshi: When mercury is brought together With lead, it coagulates. When itis broughttogether with sulphupitforms nodes.Grround together with date pulp, it turns into a powder. Other methods are to calcine it to generate calomel and sublimated, purihed calomel. Ground together With human saliva it serves to kil lice. Brought together with copper it gains in briiance. When it is poured into a corpse, decomposition will be delayed. Guold, silyerp copper and iron placed on top of mercury will floatonit[rather than sink down into it|. When brought together With a dried human placenta its [poisonj will be subdued.When brought together
With Sichuan peppepitwillshrink.Itcan amalgeamate with gold,anditcan be used for gushing spring encasements [designed to store longevity elixirs], as this is to make use of the qi of dead mercury. Iu su zhen jun: Lotus leaves, pine leaves, pine resinc, zyZoczz/z77 Hower daylilies, 22y77z2 名 2y7 herb, 2yoy/zc22y herb, 7zz7ze//z [fruit
sp 永 ce」, /o7zzce7z herb, henbane seed, z7zz7z7z2z [herb」j, Zyd7z77z leaf, yoyzz2z [root
and duckweed 一 they all are able to check [the poison of ] mercury:
【 主 】治 凍 ,站 痴 瘍 白 ,先 殺 皮 中 膚 蝨, 堅 ,胎 除 ,熱 殺 金 銀 鋼 錫 。毒 錠 化還 復 為 ,丹 久 服 仙 神 不 ,死 本 。經 以 傅 男 子 ,陰 陰 消 無 。氣 別 。錄 利 水 道 , 去 熱 毒。 藏 。器 主 天 行 熱 ,疾 除 ,風 安神 鎮 ,心 治 惡 瘡 痛 ,開 殺 點 ,
C//z27/e7 9
催生 , 下 珍。
死 。胎 大 明 。 治 小 兒 驚 熱 涎 。淹 宗 。爽 鎮刻 瘓 ,逆 嘔吐 反胃 。 時
ontrolL 7zz崗 ness22 and fistula, crust ulcers and white baldness. Jt kills llce in the skin, causes abortion, removes heat, kills the poison of gold, silyer copper and tin.
When smelted and transformed it returns to the state of cinnabar-elixir. Ingested over a long ttme it lets one become a divine hermit/immortal who will never die. 27 7 Applied to the male yin [Ge genital organj], this organ will vanish for lack of qi. 5zz 有 入.]topens the passage through water paths,and itremoves heat poison.[Chen] Cangqi. It controls epidemic heat illnesses, removes wind, pacifies the spirit and presses down [the qi ofjthe heart.Itserves to cure malign sores, lair-訓ness39 and 7zc-iness.Jt kills worms/bugs,speeds up delivery and helps to discharge a dead fetus. Da Ming. It serves to cure children with fright heat and floods 人 saliva.[Kou] Zongshi. It presses down phlegm and [qij counterflow, vomiting and aturned over stomach. [Li] Shizhen.
【 緒 】【 明 弘 景 日】 還 復 為 ,丹 事 仙 出 經。 酒和 日 ,暴 服 之 長 。【 生 權 日 】 水 銀有 大 ,毒 朱砂 中 液 。也 乃 還 丹 之 元 ,母 神仙 不 死 之 ,藥 能 伏鍊 五 金 烏 。【 泥 抱 朴 子 曰】 丹 砂 燒 之 成 水 ,銀 積 變 還又 成 丹 ,砂 其 凡去 晶 木加 吳, 故 能 人令 長 生 。 金 未 在 九 ,窗 則 匈 人 詞 之 不 ,朽 她 服 食 乎 ? 【 藏 器 日】 水 銀 入 耳 能 人食 腦 至 ,盡 入 肉 令 百 節 諧 ,縮 倒 陰 絕 。陽 人 患 瘡 ,疵 多 以 水 銀 塗 。之 人 性 滑 ,重 直入 ,肉 宜 謹 。之 頭 瘡 切 不 可用 , 蕉 入 經 ,絡 必 緩筋骨 , 百 藥 不 治 。【 也 宗 學 日】 水 銀 入 ,藥 雖 各 有 法, 極 須 審 ,謹 有 毒 故 。也 婦 人 多 服 絕 。娠 今有 水 銀 燒 成 丹 ,砂 醫 人 不 曉 誤用 , 韓愈 :雲 太 學 士李 干遇 方士 柳池 , 能 燒 水 銀 為 不 死 藥 , 不可 不 。謹 唐 封 際 , 燒 烏 丹 。砂 服 下之 血 , 以 鈴 滿 一 ,鼎 按中 為 空, 實 以 水 ,銀 蓋 四 四 年 病 益 ,急 乃 。死 佘 不 知 服 說食 自 何 世 ,起 殺人 不 計可 , 而世 取 尚 之 益 ,至 此 其 惑也 。 在 文 書 所 、記 耳聞 者 不說 , 今直 取 目 ,見 親 與 之 游而 烏 誠。 工 部 尚書歸 登 , 自 說 服 水 銀 得 ,病 有 若 燒 以 藥 敗 六者 七 公 , 以 世 鐵 杖 自 顛 貫 其下 , 摧 而 烏 ,火 射 竅 婦 以 ,出 狂 痛呼號 泣 。絕 其 袖 席 得水 銀, 發且 止, 唾 血 十 數 年 此以 。 殿 中 史御 李 虛中 , 疸 發 其 背 。死 刑 部尚 書李 必 謂 余 :日 我 為 爍 。誤 逐 死。 刑 部 侍郎李 建 , 一 旦 無 病死 。 工 部 尚 書 亞 ,簡 邀 我 於 萬 州, 屏 人 日 : 我 得 秘 ,藥 不可 獨 不 ,死 今 遺 子 一 器 , 可 用 齋 肉烏丸 服 。之 列 一 年 而 。病 後有 人 任, 訊 ,之 日: 前所 服藥 誕 , 方 下且 之, 下則 平 。吳 病 二 歲 。倫 東川 節度 御 史 夫大 盧 ,坦 溺 ,血 肉 痛 將 李 這 ,古 以 柳 泌 得 ,罪 食 泌 ,藥 五 十 死海 上 。 不可 忍, 寢 死。 金 吾 軍 此 皆可 人 烏 戒 者 。也 芽 不 ,死 乃 速 得 ,死 謂 之 智, 可 不 可也 ? 五 穀 三牲 , 392.7ze-iness 站,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol L, 249. 393 Gz?2 [2zzzg] 痛 瘡 ,“lair-iness [sores],”a vaguely defined skin ailment associated with
pain itch and agradual cxtension. BVGM Dict
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
夫 全
鹽 果 醯 懼 , 人 所 常 。御 人 相 厚 ,勉 必 日 強 。食 今 惑 者 皆 :日 五 穀 令 人 天 , 三 牲 皆殺人 , 當和 務 減 。節 一 筵 之 ,饑 蔡 忌 十 之 二 。三 不 信和常 道 而 務 鬼怪 , 臨死 乃 悔。 後 之好 者乂 曰: 彼 死者 皆不 得其 道 也, 我 則 不 。然 始 動, 日: 藥 動 故 ,病 病 去 藥 ,行 乃 不 死久 。 及且 死 又 。悔 嗎 呼! 可 哀也 已 。【 時 珍 日】 水 銀 乃 至 陰 之 ,精 齊 春之 沉 。性 得凡 火 沁 煉, 則 飛騰 靈 變 ; 得人 氣 惠 蒸 , 則 入 骨 鑽 筋。 絕 陽 蝕 ,腦 陰 毒 之 物 無 似 之者。 而大 明 長 之 言 其還 丹元 母, 抱 櫥 子 以 烏 生 言 其久 服 神 仙, 杜 權 言 其 無 ,琳 本 經 以下 貪生 者服 食, 致 成 放廢 而 喪 厥 ,驅 不 知 若 干人 吳 。 方 士固 爍。 六 朝 可 尤言 哉! 水 銀 但 不 可 服 食 ,爾 而 其 治 病 之 ,功 不可 掩 草 不 足 ,道 本 其 黑欠 結 砂, 則 鎮 牙 瘓 ;省 同 硫 黃 結 ,砂 則 拯救 危 。病 此 乃 應 變之 也 。 同 突 靈 砂下 。 兵 , 在用 者 能 得 背 鸞 而 執 其 樞機 葡 。爾 餘 見 鈴 白 及
Explication. [Tao] Hongjing: [When smelted and transformed,] it returns to the
State of cinnabar-elixir, is based on the classics of hermits/immortals. Ingested mixed with wine and dried in the sun it extends ones life.[Zhen] Quan: Mercury
is very poisonous.Itis aliquid inside of cinnabar. It is the primordial mother of a return to the state of cinnabar-elixir 一 a pharmaceutical substance [transforming one] to an hermit/immortal who will never die. Jt is able to make, through arefinement with heat, the flve metals succurmb as aimud. 5z22z 2z: When cinnabar is
heated it becomes mercury. Jhrough combined changes it can be made to cinnabar again, and this distances it greatly from herbs and woods. Hence it is able to extend human life. Gold and mercury in the nine orifilces of a dead person will prevent its decomposition. How much more is this true for [living persons] who ingest it for food?! [Chen] Cangqdi: When mercury enters ones ears it wi eat away this persons entire brain. Whenitenters his flesh it wi letall his sinews contract and shrink. It turns theyin |[qil upside down and cuts of the flow of yang [gq].When people suffer from sores and 7ze訓ness, they often apply mercury [to the affected regionj]. 6s nature is smooth and heavy and hence it moves straight into the fiesh.Tt should be applied only with great care. Itmust not be used for treating sores on the head lest it enter the conduits and network [vessels] and inevitably relax sinews and bones 一
[problems」 none of the hundreds of medications are able to cure. [Kou] Zongshi:
When mercury is added to medication, this is always based on some well-defined method. But utrmost circumspection is required nevertheless because of its poison. When womeningestmuch ofibitwill interrupt their [ability to become] pregnant. When nowadays mercury is heated to generate cinnabar physicians who are not entirely familiar With it may make mistakes in its [therapeuttc] application. One must be very careful. Han Yu of the Tang dynasty states: “Li Gan,ascholar at the Imperial Academy met with Liu Mi, an expert of [longevity] recipes. He [claimed
to be] able to heat mercury and prepare a pharmaceutical substance for eternal life.
C//z27/e7 9
He flled acauldron with lead. left an empty space in its center and filleditin with mercury. Ihen he sealediton all four sides and heated it to prepare cinnabar. When [Li Gan] ingested it he discharged blood. Within four years his disease turned
ecver more acute. Eventually he died.Thave no idea where the talk about ingesting [cinnabar] for food may have come from. It has killed innumerable people, and yet more and more people like it. Ihey are truly deluded. Ihe records in books and what they hear about [such unfortunate outcomes] are not discussed.Thave been a
personal eyewitness.Jhave travelled to six or seven men who had been destroyed by such medication. Ihey should serve as a warning for everyone. Gui Dengy, Minister of Public Works, himself told of how he ingested mercury and fell 過. It was as if a hotiron canec had pierced him from the top of his head down.Tt broke in parts and caused afire which eventually shotout of his oriflces. He feltamaddening pain and screamed and was unable to weep. Mercury was found on his mat. Outbreaks [of his disease] alternated with periods of remission. For tens of years he spit saliva with blooduntil eventually he died. Li 入uzhong, Palace Censop had an impediment-ness34 that broke out on his back,and he died. Li
和Xun, Minister of Justice, told me:
Tmistakenly took[cinnabar] as amedication. Ihen hedied.LiJian,Vice-Minister
ofJustice,died one morning without having been 記 . MengJitan, Minister of Commerce,invited me to Wan zhou and secretly informed me: have acquiredasecret medication. Tt is impossible thatTam the only one to gain eternal life. Here now give you one package, and you may use date pulp to prepare pills and ingest them. The next year he fell 山 . Later someone came and told me about this. He said: ”Ihe medication [you] ingested some time ago was 訓 usionary Here is arecipe to discharge it. Onceitis discharged, health will be restored. [MengJlan] died two years after he had fallen 崗 . Lu Tan, military commissioner in Dong chuan, discharged blood with his urine, and suffered from unbearable pain in his fiesh. Eventually he died. Li Daogu, General of 本 nm wu, was accused because of [his dealings] With Liu Mi. He ate asecretmedication and died, aged 54, at sea. Ai these cases should
serve as Warnings.[A saying is:| When someone shielded from death soon dies, this is called Wit! Is this possible? Ihe five types of grain and the three types of dormestic animals, salt and vinegap fruits and vegetables, they keep humans goingNowadays, there are those who are misled, and they say: Ihe filve types of grain let humans die young. Ihe three types of domestic animals kill humans. Iheir intake must be decreased. Ihis way from an ordinary banquet, two or three elements out of ten are strictly forbidden. [Such persons] do not believe in the eternal WAY,
and rather are engaged in demonic oddities. Only when they are close to dyingy 394 zz7z I24.
顛 , “peak[-ilness],”also
癲 , vaguely defined mental derangement. BCGM
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
they regret their doings. Fans [of such doings] surviving them say: ”Ihat they died is simply because they did not follow the right WAY.JTam different. When [the clixir] causes first reactions they say: “Ihis reaction is amedicinal effect on my discases. Once the diseases are eliminated, and the medication works,ITwill not have
to die. Only when they are about to die, they regret. Alas! Ihis is truly saddeningr [Li] Shizhen: Mercury is the essence of utmost yinmy it is endowed with anature of
sinking and adhering. Whenitis exposedtoafre for calcination and reflnement, it fies upward and undergoes miraculous changes.Whenitis exposed to the steaming qi of humans, it centers their bones and pierces through their sinews. It cuts off the flow of yang [qi] and erodes the brain. Among all the items with yin poison, there
is nothing that comes close to it. Still, Da Ming says it is nonpoisonous. Ihe 527 7 says ingesting it foralong time lets one becomeadivine immortal. /hen Quan says it is the primordial mother ofareturn to the cinnabar-clixir. And the 2z22z/ 27 identifles it as a medication to extend life. Ihose who since the six dynasties have been hungry forlife and have ingested [such elixirs] for food, who were disabled as
aresult and eventually died, no one knows how many people these were. Of course, the experts of [immortality] recipes lack knowledge of the WAY, but how can it
be that 2/zz czo works include such absurd sayings! Miercury cannot be ingested for food, but its therapeutic effects must not be hidden. Cinnabar brought together with black lead and congealed to sand presses down phlegm and saliva. Cinnabar brought together with sulphur and congealed to sand offers emergency rescue from serious diseases. Ihese are soldiers flexibly responding to changing requirements. When using them it is essential to get to the heart of the matter and to grasp the key to the problem at hand. For further details, see under lead acetate (o8-II) and
“miraculous sand (o9-o6).
【 附 方】 舊 ,五 新
二 四 ,。 十
Added Recipes. Five of old.24 newly [recorded|
物 麻 豆 。許 用 初生 不 ,乳 咽 中 有 嗡 如
水 銀 米 粒大 與 ,之 下
咽 即 愈。 聖惠 方 。
A newborn child does not suck because its throat is blocked by some item of the size of hemp seeds. Feed [the childj with mercury the size of rice grains. When it has moved down the throat, this is the cure. 52e7zg 2z7 7
小 兒 癇 。疾 能 壓 一 切 ,熱 水 銀 小 豆 ,許 安 仰 兒 ,頭 恐 入 腦 。也 聖濟 方 。
殘中 , 沉
湯 內 煮 一 食 頃 與 。服 勿
C//z27/e7 9
Peak-illness33 of children.Jt can press down all types of heat. Place mercury about as much as asmall bean,into a cupy,boilit with water for as long as it takes to have amealandhave [the childj ingestthis. Do notlet the childs head lie back and look
upward lest [the medication] center its brain. $2ezzg 埃
急 驚 堅 涎。 水 半銀 兩, 生 南星 一 ,兩 麝香 半分 , 烏 末 , 入 石 腦 油 同 ,揭 和 丸 綠 豆 。大 每 服 一 ,丸 薄荷 湯下 。 Acute fright with profuse drooling.[Grind] half a /zzge of mercury one /z7zg 0f unprocessed z77yzezzz rooty and half a /zz of musk to a powder and pound all this With naphta[to a paste]. Form this to pills the size of mung beans. 紀 ach time [let the patient] ingest one pil, to be sent down with mint decoction.
失 心 風 。疾 水 銀 一 ,兩 藕 刀 水下 , 一 二 。服 經 驗方 。 Loss-of-heart wind?
節 八 ,個 研
成 砂 ,子 丸
如 英子 大 , 每
服 二丸 ,
訓 ness. Grind one /z7ze of mercury with eight lotus root seg-
ments to a sand and form pils the size of 7zz7z seeds.
弓 ach time [let the patient
ingest two pills, to be sent down with water used to sharpen knives. lo be ingested once or tWice../77zg 2777 /2729.
精 魅 鬼 。病 水 銀 一 ,兩 漿 水 一 ,升 淡 火 煎 減 三 。分 取水 銀 一 豆 ,許 神 符 裹 吞 ,之 晚 又 ,服 一二 日 止。 廣 濟方 。 ?pirit seduction-specter?7 demon disease. Boil one /zzzze of mercury With of fermented water of foxtail millet over a charcoal fire down to three ten]. Remove about a soybean size amount of the mercury wrap itin an talisman and swallow this. Io be ingested again atnight. After one ortwo disease] wi end. Gzz7ze 去 7
one y2z7z parts [9f exorcistic days [the
反胃 吐 ,食 水 不 能 。停 黑 、鈴 水 各銀 一 錢半 , 結 ,砂 舶 硫 黃 五 ,錢 官桂 一 錢, 詞 末 , 每 服 六 ,錢 一半 米 ,湯 一半 自 然 芋 汁, 調作 一 處 。服 聖 濟錄 。 Turnedoverstomach with vomiting of food,andanunending [urge to drink] water. Letone andahalf 7zzz each of black lead and mercury conglomerate to asand, and [lgrind it together withj five 7zzz of sulphur imported from overseas and zzyyzz bark toapowder. 弓ach time ingest six 7zz7. Io be ingested with amixture of one half of water in which rice was washed and onehalf of unprocessed gingerjuice. 52e7 395 zzz
顛 , “peak[-ilness],”also
癲 , vaguely defined mental derangement. BCGM
396 $2z7 xz7 zzg 和失 心
風 ,“loss of heart wind,”refers to mental ailments that are also referred
to as “peak-ilness. BCGM DictL 457.
397 .7zzg Dict
7 精 魅 ,“spirit seduction-spectep”anotion of demonic pathogenic agents.BCGM PL265.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
消馮 煩 熱。 水 銀 一 ,兩 鈴 一 ,兩 結 ,砂 呢 服 錢 , 白 湯 。下 聖 濟錄 。 每 半
芮 一 挺 酥 ,灸
一 ,錢
烏末 。
Melting With_thirst,9 unrest and heat. Let one /z7o of mercury and one /7z72 of lead conglomerate to a sand, and [grind it together withj one stick of ge/z2Z7z772 [bark], roasted in vinegap and one 7zzzz of musk to apowder. EEach time ingest half
a 7727z, to be sent down with cleap hot water. S2e7z 元 和
膽 熱舞 ,炙 血上 尤 行。 水 、銀 朱 砂 、 春 香 等 ,分 烏 末 , 每 半 服 錢, 新 汲水 下 。 宣明方 。 Grallbladder heat and nosebleed, With blood wildly moving upward. [Grind] equal armounts of mercury cinnabar and musk to apowder. 斷ach time ingest half a 77Z27z, to be sent down With newly drawn water. 之 zz27z 27z77z2 722
不 。止 方同上。
Unending blood sweat. Recipe identical to the one above.
妊婦 胎動 , 母 欲 ,死 子 尚 ,在 以 此 下 。之 水 、銀 朱 矽 膝半 兩, 水 五 大 ,章 央 汁 , 入 蜜 調 半服 匙 。 聖惠 方 。
各 半 ,兩 研 ,膏 以 牛
Movingofafetus in apregnantwoman,with themotherclose to dying.IHf the child is Still presenty this will serve to bring it down. Grind half a /zzgp each of mercury and cinnabar to apaste and boilit with half a /z7zge of Zzc2y7zz2ey root] in five large cups of water to obtain a juice. Add honey and [let the patientj ingest as much of this mixture as fills half a spoon. 52e7zo 27z7 7
婦人 難產 。 水 銀 二 ,兩 先 煮 後 ,服 立 。出 梅師 方 。 Women with_ diffhcult birth. First boil two zzge of mercury and then have [the women] ingestit.[Ihe childj will be released immediately. 47z7 ,27 /7ze
台 死 腹中 , 其 母 欲 死。 水 銀 二 兩 吞 ,之 立 。出 梅
師方 。
A fetus has died in the abdomen,and themotheris about to die. Have her swallow
two /zzzge of mercury and the [dead fetus] will be cejected immediately.
婦人 斷 。產 水 方。
銀 麻油 以
7 ,27./27zg.
辟 一 ,日 空心 服 座 大 一 ,丸 永 ,斷 不 損人 。 婦 人 良
Sterilization of women. Boil mercury with sesame oil for one day and have [the Woman] ingesty on an empty stomach,one pi the size ofa Chinese date. She will
never again become pregnant.[Ihis methodjis not harmful. /z 7z7z /27zg 7
398 有 zz2 &z 消 VolPp567.
洶 ,“melting with thirsb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes.BCGM Dict
C//z27/e7 9
解 金 銀 毒。 水 銀 一 ,兩 服 之 即 。出 千
金方 。
Jo resolve the poison of gold and silver. Ingest one /z7zge of mercury and [the poison] will be cejected immediately. 07zz7z.77z 7
誤 吞 金 銀 及 鉀 、子 釵 。子 以 半泉 兩 知之 , 再 服 即 。出 聖 惠 方 。 If one has inadvertently swallowed gold, silyep a metal ring or ahairpin. [Let the
patient| swallow half a Zzzzge of mercury After ingesting itasecond time, [the forceign object| wi be cejected. $2e7ze 2z7 7
百點 入 。耳 水 銀 豆 ,許 傾 入 耳中 , 以 腦 , 非急切 勿 。用 聖 濟 錄 。
耳 疝 ,下 擊 銅
物 數 聲 即 。出 能 食人
Any one of the hundreds of bugs/worms has entered an ear. Pour mercury roughly as much as the size of a soybean, into the [affected ear]|, then turn the ear to face downward, strike apgainst a copper item several times to generate sounds, and [the
worm/bugj will come out.[Ihemercury] is able to eat away ones brain if this is not an urgent case, it must not be applied. 52e7 豬 太 .
頭上 生 。辟 水 銀 和 蠟燭 油 指 ,之 一 夜 皆 死。 摘 玄方 。 Lice on the head. Rub the [affected region] with amixture of mercury and candle ol. Within one night all [the lice] will have died. Z2z7 zz2Z7z./z7zg
腋 下 胡 上 昊。 水 銀、 胡 粉 等 ,分 以 面 脂 和 , 頻 摻 。之 千 金方 。 Barbarian stench under the armpits. Mix equal amounts of mercury and lead carbonate with facial creme and repeatedly apply this [to the armpits」]. 0727z.7zz Zoe
少年 面 。廬 水 銀、 胡 粉 等 ,分 研 , 臘 豬 脂 和 , 夜 塗 旦 拭 , 勿 見 ,水 三 度 疾 。 肘 後方 。 Facial blisters affecting one in his youth. Gurind equalamounts of mercury and lead carbonate and mix this with lard collected in the I2th month. Apply this overnight [to the affected region] and wipe it away in the morning. Do not use water. After three applications acure will be achieved. Z22z 2oz 7
老 小 口瘡 。 水 和
銀 一 ,分 黃連六 分, 水 二 ,升 煮 五 ,合 含 之, 日 十 次。 普 濟
QOral sores of old and young persons alike. Boil one /zz of mercury and six /zz 0f c92Zor[rhizomelin two vezzeof water down to five gz and [let the patient] hold this
in his mouth, ten times a day. 六
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
并。 水 銀 數 拭 ,之 即 。消 知 金方 。
White patches wind?? with itch. Rub [the affected region」 with mercury several times. Jhis will dissolve [the patches」]. 07z7z.777z 7
趣 癬 療 。并 水 、銀 胡
粉 等 ,分 研 。傅 久 水銀 、 蕪
美, 和 酥 傅 。之 外 臺 秘要 。
Bug xzz7z-iness45 With itch. Grind equal amounts of mercury and lead acetate [to apaste]and apply [this to the affected regionj]. Alternatively mix mercury and elm seeds with butter and apply this [to the affected region」]- 謠 / 記 7 7 22.
痔 蟲作 立。 水 、銀 棗 膏 二各 兩 同 ,研 綿 裏 下納 部 , 明日 蟲 。出 梅 師 方 。 Itch caused by piles with worms/bugs. Grind two /z7e each of mercury and date paste,Wwrap this in sikk Hossandinsertitinto the [patients」bottom part. Ihe worms/ bugs wil come out the next day. 47e7 7 zoo.
惡 肉 毒 。瘡 一 女 年 十四 , 腕 軟 處 生 如 物 黃豆 ,大 半 在 肉中 , 紅 紫色 , 痛 甚, 諸 藥 不 。效 一 方士 以 水 四銀 兩 , 白紙 二 張 採 ,熟 薩 銀 擦 ,之 三 日 自落 樓怪 證 方。 而 。愈 李 Sores With malign flesh poison.A girlofI4 years grew atasoftlocation of her wrist something as big as a soybean. One half was in her flesh,and it was of ared-purple color. Jt was very painful and all types of medication remained without effect. One specialist in [longevity] recipes took four Zzzge of mercury He rubbed two sheets of paper against each other until they had softened, dipped them into the mercury and wiped [the affected regionj. After three days [the flesh growth] fell of as aresult and [the girl]| was cured. Li Lou, Gzz >2zzzg 7zg.
一 切 惡 。瘡 水 、銀 黃 、連 胡 後 方。
赦 粉 黃, 各 一 ,兩 研
勾 傅 ,之 乾則 以 唾 。調 肘
All types of malign sores. Grind one Zzzze each of mercury co2/zy |[rhizomelj, and lead acetate, simmered to a yellow paste, to an even mixture and apply this [to the
affected region]- Once it has dried, add human saliva [to moisten it again]. Z22z 22z /27z
楊梅 毒 。瘡 水 、銀 黑 各鈴 一 錢 結 ,砂 黃 丹 一 ,錢 乳香 、 沒 各藥 五 ,分 末 。 以 紙 卷作 小 ,撚 染 點油 燈 , 日 照 瘡 三 ,次 七 日 見效 。
399 527 Zzzz./zg 白癜風 ,“white patches wind.”Vaguely defined skin ailment. BCGM Dict L 46.
4oowXzzz-ness Dict LP 59gL.
癬 ,skin 所 ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
C//z27/e7 9
Red bayberry poison sores.4' Have one 7zzzz each of mercury and black lead conmglomerate to asand and[grind it| with one 7zzz of lead oxide, and five /e7z each of frankincense and myrrh to apowder. Ihen form With your fingers small paper rolls [to wrap 了he powderj, dip them into oil and light them up to
山uminate the sores
three times aday An effect w 記 be obvious within seven days.
方 廣 附 餘: 用 水 、銀 黑欠 結 、砂 銀朱 各 二 ,錢 白花 蛇 一 ,錢 烏 末 , 作 紙 反 七 條 , 頭 日 用 三條 , 自 後 日用 一 條 , 香油 點 燈 於 爐中 , 放 被 內 盂 ,之 勿 透 風 。 頭上 有 瘡 , 連 頭 蓋 之。 The 及 罰 by Fang Guang: [Grind] two 7zzz each of mercury and black lead, conglomerated to a sand, and vermilion (o9-o5) with one 7zz7z of little silver-banded
krait to apowderand wrap itin seven paperrolls. On the first day use three rolls,on subsequent days one roll. Dip 了hem in sesame oil and light them inastove. Cover [the stove and the patient] and expose him to the fumes. He must not be exposed to wind.
ff the sores are on the head, cover also the head.
一 :方 水 銀 一 錢 二 ,分 黑 、鈴 白 各錫 八 ,分 共 結 砂 , 黃 丹 四 ,分 朱砂 六 分, 烏 末 , 分 作 二十 紙 ,撚 以香油 浸 燈 瘟 ,內 點 於 小 桶中 。 以 被 圍 病人 坐 鼻 細 吸煙 , 三 日 後 口 出 惡 物 為效 。 之, 以 細 Another recipe. Let one 7z27z and two /zz of mercury and ceight /zz each of black lead and white tin conglomerate to a sand,and [grindj it together With four /7z of lead oxide and six /zz of cinnabar to a powder. Divide it into twelve portions to be wrapped in paper rolls, dip them in sesame oil and light them inasmall tub. Let thepatient sit on this tub,covered on asides to carefully inhale the fumes With his nose. After three days,he wi release from his mouth some malign item,and this is |evidence of ] the effect
, 日 後 問 。 水 銀 一 ,錢 號 丹 五 ,錢 研 作 六 ,丸 埋 鍋 糊 ,定 火 燉 一 取出 痘 生 薄 綁 裏 。之 左 莉 塞 右 ,耳 右 痢 塞 左 ,耳 自 然 摩 。下 危氏 方。 A shade in the eye developing following a smallpox disease. Grind one 77z7z of mercury With five 7zzz of cinnabarand form six pills. Give them into acrucible and frmly [close it With a]| paste. Calcine [the crucible] with fire for one day and then remove[the pills].-Wrap them in thin silk floss and stuff them into the right ear 註
the shade is in the left eye,and into the left earifitis in the right eye.[Jhe shadel wi drop down as aresult. 記 7 27 /27zo.
贅 zg zz c2zzzg 楊梅 syphilis. BCGM Dict
專 ,瘡 “red bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases of 293,294.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z og9-o3
宋 嘉祐
$27z/z )77 /e7y 上 匕 Song.77z 人 2 Mercurypowder CalomeL
【 釋 】名 汞 粉、 輕 粉 拾遺 、 峭 粉 日 、華 膩 粉。【 時 珍 日 】 輕 言 其 ,質 峭 言 與 般公 鍊 飛 雲 ,丹 第 一 轉 乃 輕 ,粉 即 此 ,。 其 ,狀 膩 言 其 。性 音 藹 史 秦 Explanation ofNames. Gozg/z 示 粉 ,“mercury powder;"7zze/ez 輕 粉 ,“lightpowder”A2z 好 0zz2 zz 哨 粉 ,“angular powdep” 人 7 2zz. 7 zz 膩 粉, “pgreasy powder? [Li] Shizhen: Ozzg 輕 ,“1ighty”refers to its substance matter. 0Ozz2 峭 ,“angulap”refers to its shape. Az 膩 ,“greasyy”refers to its nature. In antiquity, Xiao Shi and Duke Muof Qin prepared through arefinement with heat the “clixir of flying clouds. AA first transformation resultedina“lightpowderp ”the [calomel discussed] here.
【 研 以 升 法: 兩, 和 了 根,
修 治】【 不 見 ,星 炭 打 二 粉 八 。錢 先 以 白 鵬 能 鹽 制 是 暫以
時 鋪 于 炸 香 又 吳 榨 二 ,錢 水 銀 制
珍 曰】 升 鍊 輕 粉 :法 用 水 銀 一 ,兩 白胡 二 ,兩 食鹽 一 ,兩 鐵器 ,內 以 小 局 盆 覆 。之 篩夫 灰, 鹽水 和 , 封 固 盆 口 。 取 ,開 則 粉 升 於 盆上 矣。 其 白 雪如 , 輕盈 可 。愛 一 兩 ,汞 :法 水 銀 一 ,兩 呢 胡 七 ,錢 白 覽 五 ,錢 同 ,研 如 上 升 。鍊 四 ,兩 覽 一 ,兩 焰 硝 五 ,錢 共 炒 黃 詞 。棱 水 銀 一 ,兩 又 研 ,句 如 上 升 。鍊 海 客 論 :雲 諸 髮 不 與 水 銀 相 ,合 而 成 ,粉 何 也 ? 蓋 水 銀 者 金 之 魂 ,魄 綠胡 者 鐵 之 精華 , 二 成 粉。 無由 則色 不 白 。
可 又 柳二 綠棱 氣同
Pharmaceutical Preparation.[Li| Shizhen: Ihe methodtoprepare calomelbymeans
of rising and heat reflnement.Grind one /z7o ofmercury two /z7ze of unprocessed alum and one Zz7zge of table salt so that no [mercury] “stars'remain visible. Give
this into an iron vesseland coveritWwith an overturned small, black basin. Now pass the ashes from afurnace through asieve, mix them with brine and [use this paste to] tightly seal the opening of the basin. 本 eat [the iron vessel] on acharcoal fire as long as it takes for two incense sticks to burn down,and open [the basin] again.
A powder w 襄 have risen to the basin. Itis as white as snow, and lovably gracefuL From one /zzze of mercury eight 7zzz of powder may rise.Another method. Grind one /z7zge of mercury With seven 77z7z of melanterite and flve 7zzzz of white salt and conduct the same sublimation (lit.: rising and heat refinement ) as outlined above.
Anothermethod.Firstfry four /z7zo ofmelanterite,one Zz7ze of salt and flve 7Zz7z 0f nitrokalite togetheruntil a yellow yeast has formed. Ihen grind one /Zz7zge of mercury two 2z7zc of the yeast,and two 2zzz of unprocessed alum to an even mixture and conduct the same sublimation (lit.: rising and heat refinement ) as outlined above.
The /z7 zz 和 zz states: “7727 需 , alum, cannot be brought together with mercury to generate a composite. But green /7 腳 , melanterite, together with salt can check
C//z27/e/ 9
mercury and generate apowder. Why is this? Ihe fact is, mercury constitutes both the 2zz7z-soul and the oo-soul of metal. Mielanterite is the essence splendor of iron.
Jheqiofthe two have the same root.Hence [the former] quickly checks [mercury]
and generates apowder.
no salt is added the color wil not be white.
【 氣 】味 辛, 冷, 無 毒,【 大 明 曰】 畏 慈 石、 石 、黃 忌 一 切 ,血 本 出 於丹 砂 故 。【 也 時 珍 日 】 溫 有燥 毒 , 升 也 , 浮 。也 黃 、連 士 伏 、冬 陳 、醫 黑 漿, 可 制 其 替 。 鈴、 鐵 Qi and Flavor. Acrid, cold, nonpoisonous. Da Ming: [Ingested togethep] it fears magnetite and realgar [During its application] all types of blood are prohibited because it originates in cinnabar. [Li| Shizhen: Warmy, dry poisonous. It rises and floats. C22Zy[rhizomej」, glabrous greenbrier rhizome, long kept meat sauce, black
lead and iron broth/suspension can check its poison.
【 主 】治 通 大 ,腸 轉 小 兒 辣 並 療 ,居 殺 瘡 病 癬 唱 及 鼻上 酒 ,靈 風 瘡痊 并 。 居 。器 治 瘓 涎 積 ,滯 水 腫 訓 ,脹 毒 瘡。 時 珍 。 ontrol Tt frees the passage through the large intestine. Tt serves to reverse goz7z記ness42 of children and scrofula. Tt kills worms/bugs associated With sores, 7zZc-山ness453 and xzz277-11lness,44 and Wine sediments455 on the nose. [It serves to cure|
Wind sores46 with itch. [Chen] Cangdqi. It serves to cure accumulations and stagnations of phlegm and saliva,water swelling with drum-like distension,and poison sores. [Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 過 ,多 多 裏 ,虛 驚 銀粉 能 傷 水 穀 既 不 日】 水 銀 黃 升 而 為
宗 爽 】晶 水 則 人損 。 若 兼 氣入 心 不 可 。治 弛牙 。 蓋上 下 膀 其 ,毒 則 毒 乃 至 陰 毒物 , 因 朱銀 , 輕 飛 靈
銀粉下 膈 涎 並 小 兒 涎潮 導 疾 藥 則 警 危 , 須 審 。之 貳 毆 心氣 為 其人 本 ,虛 更須 蔡 此 , 慎之 ,經 毒氣 感 陽 蔭 齦 屬 手 足 明之 即 循 經上 行, 而 至 齡 齦 嫩 薄 火 燉 諒 砂 而 ,出 加 以 豔、 蓉 ,變 化 純 陰 為 燥 。烈 其 性 走 而
多用 。 然 可不 常服 及 不 ,足 不 可 。下 下 之 劉 完 系日 】 也 至 。【 於 腸胃 , 而精神 氣血 之 分 為 害 。【 也 時珍 鍊 而 為 輕 ,粉 加 以 硫 守不 , 善 劫 瘓 ,省 消
4o2 G2z 并 ,“gz7z崗 ness,”also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCGJIM Dict LI8o-I88.
4o3./ze-illness 開 ,vaguely defined skin ailment. BCGM Dict L,249. 4o4 有 zzz訓ness 癬 ,skin ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM Dict
4o5.7zz >2z 酒 敬 , “wined sediments,”refers to a swollen, red nose with papules presumably caused by excessively drinking wine.BCGM Dict L, 275.
4o6 /e7zce c2zzzg 風 瘡 ,“wind sores,”are festering and aching oritching papules brought forth by wind evil moisture and heat. BCGM Dict LI6o.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
積 滯。 故 水 腫 風 、瘓 濕 熱 毒 瘡 被 ,劫 涎 齒齦 從 而 ,出 邪 鬱 為 暫之 開 , 而 之 劑 , 或 不 得 ,法 則 毒氣 被 ,燕 竄入 經 絡 筋骨 , 匡 之 疾因 之 亦 。愈 若 服 過 能 。出 痰 涎 既 ,去 血液 耗 ,亡 筋 所失 養, 營 衛 不 。從 變 為 繼 筋 骨 ,痛 發 烏 北 腫 辣 ,漏 或手足 隊 裂 , 蟲 癬 頑 ,痺 經 年 累 ,月 朋 成 廢 ,瘤 其 害 無 窮。 觀 丹 客 升 鍊 水 、銀 輕 ,粉 鼎 器 失稍 固 ,濟 鐵石 扼 ,透 況 人 之 筋骨 皮肉 ?乎 陳 文中 言 輕 粉下 痰 而 損 心 ,氣 小 兒 可不 輕 用 , 傷 脾 敗 ,陽 必 變 他 ,證 初生 侯 宜 慎 。之 而 演 氏山 謂 小 兄 在 ,胎 受 飲食 母 熱 毒 之 ,氣 畜 在 胸 ,膈 故 下生 個 個 發 ,警 宣 三 日 之 內 與黃連 去 ,熱 膩 粉 散 毒, 又 與人 參 朱 砂 蜜 ,湯 解 清 心 肺 , 積 毒 既 ,化 兒 可 免 此 患。 二 說 不 ,同 各有 所 。見 一謂 無 胎 毒 ,者 不 可 還 ;服 一謂 有 胎 毒 ,者 宜 預 解 。之 用 者 宜審 。 Explication. [Kou] Zongshi: Calomelis an often used medication to discharge sa-
lva from the diaphragm and waves of saliva together with convulsions of children. Howevep it must not be ingested regularly or in excessive dosages. loo much is harmful to a person.Tf [achildj in addition suffers from fright [aa treatment With
calomellis risky. One must carefully considerit. Ihe fact is,fright is an insufciency ofheart di. Ihey mustnotbe discharged even furtherTf there is such adischarge,an inner depletion results. he fright qi will enter the heart and [the resulting diseasel] cannot be cured. For persons who have a depletion already this [treatment With
calomel] is even more forbidden. Extreme caution is required. Liu Wansu: Calomel can harm the teeth. Ihe fact is, the upper and the lower teeth are associated
with the hand and foot yang brilliance conduits. When poison qi has affected the intestines and the stomach, and if the essence spirit, di and blood, and water and grain [of that person] are unable to overcome the poison, then the poison will foT-
low these conduits and move upward. When it has reached the teeth this powdep tender and delicate as it is, will cause their destruction. [Li] Shizhen: Mercury is a
poisonous item of extreme yin [quality]. Itis aproduct of a calcination of cinna~ bar with filre. Ihrough a heat reinement With salt and alum it turns into calomeL When sulphur is added anditis made to rise it becomes vermilion. It is light and fies and undergoes miraculous changes.It transforms [asubstance of ] pure yin toa dry and violent [substance]. Tts nature is to run and not to be stationary It is good at climinating phlegm and saliva, and at dissolving accumulations and stagnations. Hence itremoves water swelling and wind phlegm,moisture with heat and malign sores. [It ends] saliva coming out of the teeth and gums, quickly opens thickets of
evil[qi|, and associated inesses will be cured, too. Tit is ingested in an overdose,
or not according to the correct method, the poison qi will be steamed and scurries into the conduits and network [vesselsj, the sinews and the bones, from where they
Will never come out again. When phlegm and saliva are gone and the blood liquid is lost, the sinews lose their nourishment, and the camp and guardian qi no longer
C//z27/e/ 9
follow [their paths]. Changes to sineWw contraction and aching bones ensue, and this leads to outbreaks of obstruction-ilness457 swelling, oz7z-ness4' and leakage. In some cases [patients suffer from] chapped hands and feet, zz7z-ness45? caused
by bugs/worms, persistent blockage, continuing for years and months until eventually disablement and an obstinacy~ilness45 result. IThe harm is infinite. I]t has been observed when specialists of preparing [longevity] clixirs apply a heat refinement With sublimation involving mercury and calomel, if the pots and vessels used are nottightly sealed iron and stone [implements] will be moved and penetrated.How much more should this apply to sinews and bones,skin and flesh of humansP Chen Wenzhong says: “Calomel serves to discharge phlegm and it hurts the heart di. It must not be used lightly to cure children. Tt harms the spleen and destroys yang [qi] and inevitably causes changes to further signs ofillness. Newborns in particular require caution." On the other hand, Mr Yanshan says: As long as achild is in the uterus it receives theqiof heat poison of beverages and food consumed by its mother[lhese qi]j accumulate in its chestand diaphragm region and this is why 沁 [chidren] after birth develop fright.It is advisable within three days to give them Co7Z |rhizome] to eliminate the heat and calomel to disperse the poison,and also to give
them adecoctionofginseng [rootj,cinnabarand honeyto resolve [heat poison]j and
cool heartand lung. Poison accumulations will be transformed and the child will be spared such suffering.”Ihese two statements differ;each of them is based onits own perspective. One says thatif [achild] is not affected by fetal poison, [calomelj must
notbe ingestedlightly Iheothersays thatif [achild] is affected by fetal poison,it is advisable to prevent [later suffering and by means of calomell resolve this [poisoml」. Jhose who apply [calomelj should carefully examine [each case individually.
4o7 攻 zg 癱 ,“obstruction-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCGM Dict DL 64r. 4o8 Gzz 准 , “ozz由 ness,”also: “sweets-illness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCGJIM Dict LI8o-I88. 4o9 參 zzz襄ness Dict
癬 ,skin ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
4Io For various kinds of oz
疾 , “obstinacy記 ness, see BCGM
Dict LI94.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 附 方】 舊 三, 新 三 十二 。 Added Recipes. Jhree of old.32 newly [recordedl
小 兒 初生。 浴 湯 入中 監 少許, 拭 ,乾 以 膩 粉 少 許 摩 其 ,身 既 不 長 ,風 又 散 氣。 全幼 心 針 。 諸 Newborns. Bathe them in clear hot water with alittle salt added, wipe them dry
and rub their body with a small amount of calomel. Ihis will eliminate all fear 9f their being struck by wind, and also disperses all types of [fetal poison] qi. 0OzzZ7 2
初生 鎖 。肚 證 由 中胎 熱 ,毒 結 於肛門 。 兒 生 之 ,後 閉 而 不 通 三 日 ,者 急 令 粉 錢, 蜜 少許 , 溫 水化 婦人 呈 兒 前 後 、心 手 足 心 並 臍 七 四處 五 ,次 以 輕 半 開, 時 時 與 少許 , 以 通 為 。度 全 幼 心鑑 。 Locked belly of newborns. Jhis is a pathological sign of [children] being struck by heat poison while they are still in the uterus, With nodular [heat poisonj conglom~eration [blocking] the anus. When afterachild was born [the anus remains] closed
and no flow [of fecal matter] occurs for three days, quickly let the woman suck seven regions of the child i.e., the frontal and back heart region, the soles of hands and feet and the navel four to filve times.Also, [the child] should repeatedly be fed
with small amounts of asolution of halfa 7zzz of calomeland honey in warm water until [the anus] opens. 0Oz2Z7z )z/ 77z 77277.
小 兒 喘 涎 服 藥 不 退 。者 用 無 雄 艙 子 一 取 個 清, 入 輕 粉 抄 十 錢 拌和 , 銀器 盛, 軒 湯 瓶上 蒸 。熟 三 歲 兒 畫 ,食 當 吐 痰 或 泄 而 。愈 氣 實 者 乃 可 。用 演 山 活 幼 口議 。 Saliva panting of children that cannot be ended by having them ingest medication. Remove from an unfertilized chicken egg the clear contents and mix them with ten 77z7z of calomeL Fi this into asilver vesseb placeitonabottle flled with hot water
and have it steameduntil done.Whenathree years old child has eaten this cntirely it Will either vomit phlegm or have an outflow, and is then cured. Ihis [treatmend| can only be applied to [childrenj with qi repletion. Yanshan,
幼兒 跑 乳 不 。止 服 此 立 。效 膩 粉 一 ,錢 覽 每 服 三 ,丸 痢 香 湯 。下 活 幼 口議 。
號 z2 yoz Zo2 好
豉 七 ,粒 去皮 研 ,色 丸麻子 大,
Unending vomiting of their nursing mothers milk by infants. lo let them ingest this will have an immediate effect. Grind one 7zz7z of calomel and seven salted fermented beans, peeled, to an evenly lmixed pulp] and form pills the size of hemp seeds.
弓ach_ time_[let the child] ingest three pills, to be sent down with zgozyzzc2e
twip and leaf decoction. /z2 )z 《22 加
C//z27/e/ 9
小 兒 喫及 泥 彩 。肚 用 膩 粉 一 ,分 沙 糖和 丸 麻 子大 , 空心 米 飲 下 一 ,丸 良久 泄 出 泥土 , 并。 經 驗方 。 hildren who eat soil and have abloated belly Mix one /zz of calomel with sugap form pills the size of hemp seeds and |have the child] send down one pill on an
empty stomach with arice beverage.After quite along time the soil will be released With an outflowy and this is the cure..7z7z 272
大 小 便 ,閉 脹交 欲 ,死 二 心服 。 聖 惠 方 。 Blocked
三 日 則殺人 。 膩 粉 一 ,錢 生 麻油 一 ,合 相 和 , and
relief, with_bloating
heart-pressure bringing one close to death. Ihis will kill a person Within two or three days. Mix one 7zzzz of calomel With one gz of fresh sesame oil and ingest this on an empty stomach. $2e7zg 2z/7 /272紀
大 便 後 。結 膩 半 粉 錢 , 沙 糖 一 彈丸 , 研 , 丸 梧 子大 。 每 服 五 ,丸 臨 臣 溫 水 下 。 又 :方 膩 粉二 錢, 黃 丹 一 ,錢 詞 末 , 每 米 飲 服 一 。錢 普 濟 方 。 Blocked major (defecation) relief with nodular conglomeration. Grind half a 7Z277
of calomel and apiece of sugar the size of a bullet, and form pills the siZe of zoz seeds. 紀 ach time [let the patient] ingest five pils,to be sent down With warm water
When going to bed. Another recipe: [Grind] two 7zzz of calomel and one 7zz7: 0f lead oxide to apowder and each time ingest With arice beverage, one 7727z. 7 77 /7zg.
血 痢 腹痛。 膩 粉 五 ,錢 定 粉 三 ,錢 同 ,研 水 浸 蒸 餅 心 少 ,許 和 丸 綠 豆大 , 七 或 十 ,丸 艾 一 ,枚 水 一 ,瘟 恒 湯下 。 秘 寶方 。 每 服 丸 Bloody free-flux iness和 with abdominal pain. Gurind flve 7zzz of calomeland three 27z7z of lead carbonate togethep mix this with asmall amount of steamed cake centers soaked in water to pills the size of mung beans and each time [let the patiend
ingest seven orten pils,to besentdown with adecoction ofone common mugwort [leaf」in one small cup of water. 477 2z2 /7zg.
消 中 嗜 。食 多 外因 傷 痺 ,熱 內 積 憂思 , 吹 食 贓物及 棱 , 致脾胃 廬 燥 , 飲食 音 ,常 不 肌肉 生 , 大 便 反 ,堅 小 便 無 。度 輕 粉 一 錢 烏末 , 墓 汁 拌 ,慰 長 流 水 下 , 聞 浮 是 。效 後 服 豬 肚 補 丸 之。 危氏 得 效 方 。 Melting center with an urge to eat. Jhis is often caused by an external harm by heat resulting in asolitary [head
訓ness, 和名 With an internal accumulation of grief
and pondering. [Patients] crave for salty food and noodles until their spleen and 4
,“free-fux 州 iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
4I2 7z7 怕 , Solitary [heat] iness,”identical with /z
熱 , “heat." BCGM Dict LII8.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
stomach have dried up. IThey drink and eat much more than normal but do not generate muscles and flesh. Jheir major (defecation) relief hardens,and their small (urination) relief is unlimited.[Grind] one 7zzz of calomeltoapowdepmix it With
ginger Juice and send it down with water that has flowed along distance. When [the patients] teeth lose their stability the effect has set in. After this [let the pa~-
tient] ingest pig belly pills for supplementation. 放 7 527 Z x7Z22 z7z
一 切 虛 。風 不二 散: 用 膩 粉 一 ,兩 湯 藤 五 如 度 麻 ,腳 慢火 兩, 細 研。 每 服 一字 , 溫 水 調 。下 孫 和用 秘寶 方 。
焙 ,乾 勵
All types of wind that have availed themselves of a depletion. Ihe“powderof which no second exists.” One /z7zg of calomel resembling the_[greasy] tea grounds [coLlected on the bottom of atea cup after the tea]|, has been brewed five times, over
aslow fre until it has dried up. Add half a /z7zg of musk and grind this toafne lpowder]. Each time ingest one xy to be sent down mixed with warm water. Sun
Yonghe, 477 2z2 /7z.
水 氣 腫 。滿 示 粉 一 ,錢 局 雞 子 去 ,黃 盛 ,粉 蒸 餅包 , 蒸 取出 熟 , 苦 葛 藤炒 一 ,錢 同 蒸 餅 楔 丸 綠豆 大 , 每 車 前 湯 下 三 五 ,丸 日 三 ,服 神 。效 醫由 元 戎 。 Water qi causing swelling and asensation of fullness. Remove the yolk from an egg of ablack chicken and fi it With one 7zzzz of calomel. Wrap itin asteamed cake and steam it until done. Ihen remove it pound it With one 7zzz of roasted bitter
pepperweed seeds and steamed cakes [to a pulp] and form pills the size of mung beans.
斷ach time send down with a 2/zzzzgo [herb] decoction three to five pills. Jo
be ingested three times aday Divinely effective.
豆 /7 zz7 7o72.
瘡 醫。 輕 粉、 黃 丹 等 ,分 烏 末 , 左 目 患 吹 右 ,耳 右 目 吹 左 ,耳 即 退 。 痘 生 王氏 痘疹 方 。 Smallpox sores generating shades in the eyes.[Grind] equal amounts of calomel and lead oxide to apowder. ff the left is afected, blow it into the right ear. H tfhe right eye is afected, blow it into the left ear. Jhis will cause [the shades] to recede. Wang shi, /2z >2z7z zzz
嘗: 輕 粉、 滑 、石 杏 仁 去皮 , 等 ,分 詞 末 , 燕 過 , 入 真 女人 面 。脂 太 紅玉 如 。 半 疾 事宜 。 腦、 塵 少許 , 以 艙 子 清 調勻 , 洗面 畢 傅 ,之 旬 日 後, 色 紅玉 Facial creme for women. Ihe “redjade ointmentofhighestsincerety [Grind] equal amounts of calomel, talc and peeled apricot seeds to apowderp steam it add smal
amounts of borneol and musk and mix this evenly with the clear contents of a chicken egg. Wash the face and apply this. After ten days,[the face] will have as-
sumed the color of red jade. Gzz. ge 527 怒 .
C//z27/e/ 9
抓 破 面 。皮 生
汁 輕 粉末 探 ,之 更 無 痕 。斑 救急 方 。 墓 自 然 調
Scratched facial skin. Apply a mixture of an unprocessed juice of fresh ginger With calomel [to the affected regionj and there will be no scars left../zz 元 /7ze
牙齒 疼痛。 輕 粉 一 ,錢 大 麻 一 瓣, 椅 ,餅 安 骨膈 前 陷中 。 先 用 殼蜆 黃 定 扎 住, 一 宿 愈。 左 疼 安 ,右 右 疼 安 。左 摘 玄 方 。
隔了 ,
Toothache. Pound one 7zzz of calomel with one piece of garlic to a [paste]j, form a fat, round cake, place this into the depression in front of the diaphragm bone and coverit With acopper coin. Ihis in turn is covered with acorbicula shell, that is fastened [lest it move away].-A cure will be achieved within one night. If the [toothl ache is on the left, place [the cakel on the right side. Jf the [toothjache is on the
right, placeit on the left side. Z2z7 xz27z 7zg
風 蠱 牙 ,辣 膿 血有
日 。 輕 粉 一 ,錢 黃連 一 ,兩 烏末 摻 。之 普
濟方 。
Dental ozz-iHlness453 caused by wind and worms/bugs. With pus and blood including worms/bugs.[Grind] one 7zzz of calomeland one /z7zg of 22Z[rhizome] toa
powder and apply this [to the affected region]- 選 有 去多 Zze
小 兒 耳 。爛 輕 粉、 褒 子 灰 等 ,分
研, 油 調 。傅 摘 玄方 。
Festering ears of children. Grind equal amounts of calomel and ashes of dates [to a powderj| and apply it mixed with oil [to the affected region]Z227 xzz7z./27zg
底 耳 腫 ,痛 汁 水 不 。絕 輕 粉 一 ,錢 勵 香 一 ,分 烏末 摻 。之 簡
便方 。
Painful swellingatthebottom of an eapwith ajuice and watery liquid released continuously [Grind] one 7zzz of calomel and one /z of musk to apowder and apply this [to the affected region]..7z7z 2227z zz
爛 弦 風 。眼 膩 粉末 , 口 津和 , 點
大紫 , 日二 三 。次 聖惠 方 。
Wind eyes44 With _festering [eyelidl rims. Mix calomel powder with human saliva and drip this into the outer canthus |of the affected eyes]. ITwo to three timesaday Ace7zc 2z/7 /2722.
小 兒 頭 。瘡 敬 汁 調 膩 粉 塗 。之 又 :方 艙 子 黃 炒 出 ,油 入 之。 集 簡 方 。
麻油及 膩 粉末 ,
4I3 Gzz 并 , “zz-illness, also:“sweets崗 ness, "involves several complaints thataffectchildren andadults,with causes and conditions too different to fallinto aknown disease category BCGM
DictL IS8o-I88.
4I4 /ze yz 風 眼, “wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to the eyes by heat. BCGM Dict LIZL.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
Sores on the head of children. Mix onion juice with calomel and apply this [to the affected region]. Another recipe. Roast egg yolk until it releases an oil. Add sesame oil and calomel powdep and apply this [to the affected region」]. 邢 727z Z72e
小 兒 生 。癬 豬 脂和 輕 粉 抹 。之 直
指方 。
有 zzz 加 ness和5 of children. Apply a mixture of lard and calomel [to the affected region]|. Z27 27 /z7zzg.
牛皮 惡 。癬 五 更 炙食 牛肉
一 ,片 少
粉 錢 , 溫 酒 調 。下 直 指 方 。 刻 以 輕 半
崗 ness. [In the early morning」 at the fifth night watch eat a piece QOx-hide zzz7zof roasted beef, and alittle while later [ingest] half a zz7z of calomel, to be washed down mixed With warm wine. Z27 27 /27zo.
楊梅 瘡 。癬 領 南衛生 方用 示
粉 、 大 風 子 肉 等 ,分 烏 末 , 塗 之 即 愈。
Red bayberry sores 和 5 and xzz7z加 ness. Jhe Zzzg 27z Yoe7 2e7zg 7 [recommends to grind] edualamounts of calomeland chaulmoogra fruitmeattoapowderand apply this [to the affected region]- Jhis will result in acure.
醫 方 摘 玄 用 輕 二 粉 錢 , 杏仁 四 十二 個 去皮 , 洗 瘡 拭 乾 探 ,之 不過 三 愈。 吉 則 以 歡 膽 汁調 。
The 豆 zoo x227 xz27/「[recommends to grind] two 7zzz of calomel and 42 peeled apricot seeds and apply this to the sores after washing them and wiping them dry After no more than three applications acure will be achieved. When [the medica-
tion] has dried up,mix it with goose bile.
楊梅 毒 瘡。 醫 學 旨統 用 輕 粉 一 ,錢 雄 、黃 丹 各 砂 二 錢半 , 槐 花 、炒 點 版 炙 各 一 ,兩 詞 末 , 糊 丸 梧 子 大 , 每 服 一 ,錢 冷茶 下 , 日二 服, 七 日 愈。 Red bayberry poison sores. The 琶 xzz 名 Zoe >27 [recommends to grind] one 7zzz 9f calomel two and ahalf 7zzzz each of realgar and cinnabap as well as one /zzzze each of fried yo22o7z.72227z7cz Hower and roasted tortoise plastrons to apowder to form with dough pills the size of zoz seeds. 弓ach time ingest one 7zz7z, to be sent down with cold tea. Jo be ingested twice aday A cure will be achieved within seven days.
楊誠 經 驗方用 輕 、粉 胡 桃仁 、 槐 花 炒 、研 紅 東 肉 各 二 ,錢 揚 丸 , 分作 三 日 落 。 日 下 , 三 日 服盡 , 五 日 瘡 乾 , 七 疾 服。 初 日 羅 湯下 , 二 日 酒 下 , 三 卻 Yang Cheng in his 7
)zz. 7ze |recommends to] pound two 7zzz each of calomel,
Walnut kernels, yo22o7z.72227z7cz Howers, roasted and ground, and red date meat [to 415 六 zz7-iness Dict 59L.
癬 ,skin 迪 ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
4I6 多 zg ez c2zzzg 楊梅
毒 ,瘡 “red bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases of
syphilis.BCGM Dict L, 293, 294.
C//z27/e/ 9
a pulp] and form pills, to be ingested in three portions. On the first day they are to be ingested with chicken broth. On the second day 和hey are to be ingested with Wine. On the third day they are to be ingested With tea.On the third day all [pills」 are to be used up. On the ffth day the sores wi have dried. On the seventh day thescabs will fall of
一 :方 用肝 豬 腎 一 ,對 去 膜 批 ,開 各 摻 輕 粉 一 錢 扎 ,定 麻油 食 , 不 破 口 腫 。牙 仍 服 金 銀 花藥 。
二 兩 爍 ,熟
Anotherrecipe. Take apair of kidneys of a castrated pig, fill each of them with one 77z7zz of calomel, bind them firmly fry them in two /z7zge of sesame oil and [let the patient] eat this 4 at once. Ihis will not break open the mouth and cause swelling at the teeth. In addition_ [let the patient] ingest /zzczyz flower medication.
一 方: 用 大 鷹 卵 一 ,個 去 黃 留 ,白 入 輕 粉 一 錢 攪 ,勻 紙 糊, 飯 上 燕 熟食 。 Another recipe. Remove out of abig chicken egg the yolk and retain the eggwhite. Add one 7zz7z of calomel and stir this to an even mixture. Paste paper around [to enclose id|, steam it above cooked rice until done and eat this.
開 陰 。瘡 輕 粉末 乾
摻 ,之 即 結 魘 而 。愈 萬 表 積善 堂 方 。
Gz7廬zness 和 位 affecting the lower body parts and sores in the yin_[(i. e., genita1)
region]|. Apply dry calomelpowderto the [affected region]. Ihis will cause a forma~ tion of crusts,and this is the cure. Wan biao 有 Zy2z7 7 7
及 瘡 不 。合 以 輩 汁 溫 洗 拭乾, 用
汁調輕 粉傅 之。 敬
Shank sores that fail to close. Wash them with warm juice of minced pickles and wipe them dry again. Ihen apply amixture of onion juice and calomel
一 方 : 輕 粉 五 ,分 黃 蠟 一 ,兩 以 粉 摻 紙上 , 以 蠟 鋪 之, 縛 在 瘡上 , 黃 即 愈。 永 類 方 。
Another recipe. [Required are] five /zz of calomel and one /z7ge of yellow beeswax. Spread the calomel on papep cover it With beeswax and fasten [the paper]j to the sores. Once ayelow watery liquid is released,ahealing is achieved. yozze /7 7
杉 二 癱 疸 惡 ,瘡 楊梅 諸 。瘡 水銀 一 ,兩 朱砂 、和 雄 黃各 二 錢 半 , 白 、杉 綠 各 兩 半 , 研 勻 罐 ,盛 燈 音 蓋 ,定 鹽泥 固 ,濟 文 武 火 鍊 ,升 罐 口 掃 。收 每 以三 膏上 貼 之, 絕 。效 名 日 五 寶町 。 藥各 五 分, 酒太 乙 錢 , 入 乳香 、 沒
4I7 Gzz 准 ,“gozz崗 ness,” also: “sweets-iness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCVGJM Dict LI8o-I88.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Malign sores associated with_obstruction-ilness and impediment-illness.和名 Al types of red bayberry sores.49 Grrind one /zzzge of mercury two and ahalt 7zz7 each of cinnabar and realgapandtwo andahalf /zzc each ofwhite alum and melanterite evenly and fill this into ajar Cover [the jar with alamp bowl and seal this firmly With saltmud.Heat [thejar] with aslowfire firstandthenwith awild fire forasub-
limation (lit.: heat refinement and rising). Brush [the resulting powder] from the
opening of the jar and store it. For each application take three 7zz7z,add five /7z each of frankincense and myrrh, give it on the “Tai yi ointment with wine 4 and apply [this to the affected region]. Definitely effective.Jtis called “frost of five gems. og-o4
粉 綱目 舟 了 77 7Z/g729 上 匕 GZz7zo 22.
PowderTFrosty Sublimed,purifled Calomel
【 粉 日 仙
釋 。突 乃 為
】名 水 銀 抱 朴 子 成。 要 足 玄 ,壺 在 人
時 珍 曰】 以 和汞 粉 轉 升 成 ,町 故 日 砂 、町 白雪 綱 、目 白 靈 。【 :雲 白雪 , 粉 突 。也 以 海 較為 ,芽 蓋 以 土 ,鼎 勿 洩 精華 , 七 陽 ,氣 不 烏 陰 。侵 惟 芊、 藕 、 地 、丁 河 車可 以 煉 之 點 。化 在 詞 精 ,原 在 丹 烏 木 ,精 在 造化 為 白雪 , 在 天 記 甘 器 。
Explanation of Names..$2z7yzz 2zz7zg 水
snow”Gz7 2
52z7 Z7zg y2z
銀 ,“mercury 箱 frost”2z7xze 日
雪 ,“white
日 吉 砂 , “white miraculous sand.”[Li|] Shizhen: This
is a frost generated by atransformation, by means of sublimation, of calomel, go /7 未 粉, “mercury powder”Hence the name 7
2zZ7zo 粉 箱 ,“[mercury] powder
frost.”Jhe 25z22z >7 states: “White snow is [mercury] powder frost. Place it with sea salt into a box,and closely coverit with an earthenware container lest its essence splendor is released. After seven days [the product] is generated. It is important that it receives su 了 了cient yang di to guard it against being soaked with yin [gq Further heat refinement to achieve transformations is possible only With gingerp lotus rhizome, 2z2/z herb and root and human placenta. Pertaining to hermits/immortals「[purified, sublimated calomell is the “dark pot . Pertaining to humans, it
4I8 多 7ze 及 癱 疸 ,“obstruction-iness,impediment-illness.”refers totwovaguelydistinguished obstructlons/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCVGM Dict L, 642.
殉 zg zz c2zzzg 楊梅
毒 瘡, red bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases of
syphilis.BCGM Dict L, 293, 294. 42o Ihe ingredients of this ointmentinclude: scyo22zz/z7zz [root|, zzoeZcz [roodd|, scraped bark Of czyyzz, zz27zzz [root], rhubarb [rootj, unprocessed Chinese fox glove rhizome, sesame oil and lead oxide.
C//z27/e/ 9
is fthe 了 source of essence. Pertaining to cinnabar-elixirs it is the essence of wood. Pertaining to creationmitis White snow .Pertaining to heavenmitis sweet deWw.
【 曜 擦, 臺 朮 成 分, 一 入 轉。
修 治】【 時 珍 日】 升 鍊 :法 用 示真 粉 一 ,兩 入吧 罐 內 令 。尺 以 燈 竟 仰 蓋 ,口 臣 泥 塗 。縫 先 以 軸小 火鋪 摧 四底 圍, 以 水 濕 紙, 不 住手 在 燈 音內 勿 間斷 令 。 逐 漸 加 火 至 罐 ,頸 住 ,火 冷 定 取出 , 即 成 如 夭 白蠟 。 按 外 要秘 載 古 方 氏崔 造 水 銀 寐 法 :雲 用 水 銀 十 兩 , 石 硫 黃 十 ,兩 各 以 一 名 。之 良久 銀 熱 黃 ,消 急 傾 為 一 ,鐺 少 組 即 不 相入 , 仍 急 攪 。之 良久 硫 ,灰 銀 不 ,見 乃下 伏 龍肝 末 十 ,兩 夏末 一 ,兩 攪 。之 別 以 由 末 鋪 錨 底一 入 藥 在上 , 又 以 鹽末 蓋 面 一 ,分 以吧 盆 覆 ,之 監 土和 泥 塗 ,縫 姑 火 和 伏時, 先 文 後 ,武 開 盆 掃下 , 凡 一 。轉 人 後 分 舊 土 四烏 分 , 以 一 分 箱 , 末堅 二 ,兩 如 前 法 飛 之 訖。 又 以 土 一 ,分 鹽末 二 ,兩 和 飛 如 ,前 凡 四 夭 之。 此 法 後人 年 。知 故 計附 此 云。 土 畫 更 用 新 士。 如 此 七 ,轉 乃 成 用
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Li]| Shizhen: Ihe method of sublimation (lit.: rising
and heat refinement). Give one /z7g of genuine calomel into a pottery jar in Way thatit is evenly distributed. Close the opening of the jar With a lamp bowl with its face directed upward and close the seam [where the bowl borders on the jar With salt mud. hen lightasmall charcoal fire on all sides at the bottom of the jar JMoisten a piece of paper and continuously wipe with your hand the inside of the lamp bowlL Donotinterrupt this for any moment. Gradually increase the fire until it reaches the neck of the jar IThen end the fire, let [the jar] cool and remove [the bowll|.A frost will have been generated [on its bottom] resembling white beeswax.
The 殉 7 zz7z7)7z21ists an ancient recipe With Mr Cuis method of generating merCury frost. It states: “Boil ten Zoe of mercury and ten /z7ze of sulphur separately in two cookpots. After quite a long time when the mercury has got hot and the sulphur has dissolved, quickly pour them into one separate cookpot. If this were done slowly they would not penetrate each other. Ihen stir [the mixture] forcefully and after along time the sulphur will have become ashes,and the mercury will no longer be visible. Ihen add ten /zzce of hidden dragons liver (soil from ahearth) and one /zz7ze of salt powder and stir this. Also, place one /zz of salt powder on the
bottom of another cookpot, place the medication on top of it and give one
zz of
salt powder on top [of the medication]. Close [the cookpotj with apottery pot and
seal the seams With salt mud. Calcine this with a charcoal filre for one day and one night.[Ihe filre] should be slow at the beginning and strong later on. Eventually, open the potand scrape of [the sublimated,purifled calomelfrom its bottom]. Ihis is the first of several processes to be completed. Latep divide the original [calomel soill into four parts. Mix one part With the [sublimated, refined] calomel add two
/zz7zge of salt powdep and apply the same method as before to prepare asublimation
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
product. Ihen take another part of the [original calomel| soil, add two /Zzzzge of salt
powder and apply the same sublimation method to this mixture as before. Altogethep this process is to be carried out four times. Once the [calomel] soil is used
up, use new [calomell soiL Procede like this seven times. Ihis then will result in a [sublimated, purifled] calomel that is ready to be used.” Ihis method was known to
only afew people in later times. Hence it is added here.
【 氣 】味 辛 ,
珍 日】 畏
溫 , 有 毒。【 時
菁 麥 程 、灰 硫 頁。
Qi and Flavor Acrid, warmy, poisonous. [Li| Shizhen: [Ingested togethep」it fears buckwheat straw ashes and sulphur
【 主 】治 下
痰 ,省 消 積 ,滯 利水 , 與 輕 粉 同 。功 時珍 。
ontrol. Tt serves to discharge phlegm and saliva, to dissolve accumulations and stapgnations,and to free the passage of water. Its「[therapeutic] potential is identical to thatof calomelL [Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 元 系 日】 粉 、舌 輕 ,粉 亦 能 潔淨 ,府 去 膀 脫 中 垢 ,膩 既 毒 而損 時 珍 日】 其 功過 與 輕 粉同 。 之 齒 , 宣 少 用 。【 Explication. [Zhang」 Yuansu: Sublimated, purifiled calomel and ordinary calomel
are both able to cleanse the short-term repositories,and to eliminate fllth and grease from within the urinary bladder. But it is poisonous and harms the teeth. Hence it is to beusedonlyrarely [Li] Shizhen: Its [therapeutic] potential and [possible] side
effects are identical to those of ordinary calomeL
【 附 方】 新 六 。 Added Recipes. Six newly [recordedl
小 上兒 急 ,驚 搐 拷 涎 盛。 粉 町 二 錢 , 白 牽 牛 、炒 輕 各 粉 一 ,錢 字 , 薄荷 湯 ,下 吐 涎 為 。效 全 嬰方 。
烏末 , 每
Acute fright of children, with convulsions and profuse salivation. [|Grind] two 7727
of sublimated, purifled calomel with one 7zz7z each of fried morning glory seeds and ordinary calomel to a powder.
七ach time [let the patient] ingest one >p, to be
sent down With mint decoction. Once [the childj vomits saliva, [the treatment is|
cfective. 和 0z/z7z 77z 7
小 兒 躁 。洶 粉 箱 一 ,字 大 半兒 錢 , 蓮花 湯 調 。下 冬 月 用 蓮 。肉 保 幼 全大 。 Restlessness and thirst of children. Have them send down one >7 of sublimated,
purifled calomel~- children of a higher ape take half a 77z7z 一 With an Indian lotus flower decoction. During the winter months use an Indian lotus seed [decoctiom」.
C//z27/e/ 9
風 熱 驚 。狂 人 神 白 :丹 治 傷寒 積 熱及 風生 毆 擠 , 或 如 狂 ,病 諸 藥 不 。效 粉 宁 一 兩, 以 白 酚 六 ,錢 和 作 餅 ,子 炙 熟 同 ,研 輕 半 粉 兩, 鈴 白宁二 錢 半, 詞 末 , 滴水 丸 梧 子大 , 每 服 十 丸 至 十 五 ,丸 米 飲 。下 宣明 方 。 Fright and madness caused by wind and heat. Ihe“divine, white clixir.' It serves to cure harm caused by cold with_heat accumulation and fright With convulsions caused by wind,in some cases resembling amadness disease,with all types of medication remaininpg Without effect. Mix one Zoe of sublimated, purifled calomel With_ six 27z7z of white flour and prepare cakes. Roast them until they are done and grind them together with half a /z7c of ordinary calomeland two and a half 7727 of lead acetate to a powder. Drop some water on it and form pills the sizZe of zoz seeds. 斷ach time_[let the patient] ingest ten to
pills, to be sent down with arice
beverage. 及 zz7z 7z77z /72.
效 生疹 醫。 粉 突 八 ,分 朱砂 一 ,錢 詞 末 。 水 調 少 ,許 傾 入 耳 。內 粱 飛 集 。 Macule-illness and papules科 causing the development of shades [in the eye [Grind] eight /z of sublimated, purifiled calomel and one 7zzz of cinnabar to a powdep mix it with asmall amount of water and pour this into [the patients」ears.
/727zg /27 霧
腋 下 胡 上 臭。 粉 、害 水 銀 等 ,分 以 面 脂 和 涂 之。 聖 濟 錄 。 Barbarian stench under the armpits. Mix equal amounts of sublimated, purified calomeland mercury With facial creme and apply this [to the armpits」]. 52ezzg 均 和
楊梅 惡 。瘡 粉 町 一 味 搽 。之 集 簡 方 。 Malign red bayberry sores.儿 Apply nothing but sublimated, purifled calomel [to the affected regionm」]. 了 7z7z Z7ze o9-o5
銀 朱 綱目 27 222z, 上 匕 Gz7zze 24 Vermilion.
【 釋 】名 狙 、紅 茲 粉 。【 突 時 者 , 即 此 。也 名 亦 由 此 。
珍 日】 昔人 謂 水 銀 出 於 丹 ,砂 錠 化 還 復為 朱
Explanation of Names. 和 zzzg 2ozg 猩 紅, “orangutan red,”“scarlet”; zzz 2zzzzg 紫
粉 箱 ,“purple sublimated, purified calomel” [LI] Shizhen: When the ancients said 42I zz ez 閘 疹 , “macule-illness and papules,”an eye afdxiction identical with smallpox sores. BCCGIM Dict L, 52.
422 殉 zg zzez 62zzzg 楊梅 毒 瘡 ,“red bayberry [poison] sores,"”most likely including cases of syphilis. BCGM Dict L, 293, 294.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
that mercury originates in cinnabap and that if [mercury] is melted and returned to its bright-red [substance matter]j, then this is the item discussed here. Hence the name lso reflects this.
【 集 解】【 時 珍 日】 胡 演 丹 藥 秘訣 雲: 升 鍊 銀 朱 鑽 化, 次 下 水 銀 一 ,斤 炒作 青 砂 ,頭 炒 不 見 。星 冷 出, 貼 線 縛 ,定 鹽 泥 固 ,濟 大 火 刀 之。 竺 取 砂 。 今人 多 以 黃 丹及 棱 紅有雜 之, 其色 黃 ,黯 宜 十四 兩八 分, 次朱 三 兩 五錢 。 水 銀 一 ,斤 燒朱 一
, 用 石 亭 二 脂 片, 新 鍋內 研 末 罐 ,盛 石 版 蓋 ,住 鐵 罐 者 烏 朱銀 , 貼 口 者 烏丹 辨 。之 真 者 謂 之 水華 朱 。
states: “ITo 2 27 7 Collected Explanations. [Li Shizhen: Hu _ Yan in his zz prepare through sublimation (lit.: rising and heat refinement) vermilion, melt two
7zzofred sulphurinanew pot.Add one 7Zzzofmercury and fry this until a greenish sand has formed. Roast it until no more [mercury] stars are visible. Ihen grind it,
fitinto ajap coverit With astone slab and fasten this securely with an iron wire. Tightly sealitwith saltmudandcalcineitWwith astrong fre.Waituntilit has cooled down again and remove [the contents from within the jar]. Ihe coating attached to the jar is vermilion; that attached to the [stone slab covering the] opening is cinnabar. Nowadays, people often mix it with lead oxide and prepared alum. Tt is of a dark yellow colop and it is important to distinguish the one from the other Grenuine vermilion is called brightredness of water splendor. 弓ach titme from one 7/7z of mercury I4 /z7zoy elght/z7z of heated vermilion and three /7z7zgoy flve 272z7 ofa
secondary vermilion are obtained.
【 氣 】味
溫, 有 琳 。
Qi and Flavor Acrid, warm, poisonous.
【 主 】治 破 積 ,滯 劫 疾 ,涎 散 結 ,胸 療 首 癬 惡 ,瘡 殺 昌 時珍 。
及 ,虱 功 同 粉夭 。
ontrol. Tt breaks open accumulations and stagnations. It removes [blockages by] 訓ness43 and phlegm and saliva. Tt disperses a bound chest. It serves to heal 7/c%z272-11ness44 associated with malign sores.Itkills worms/bugs and lice. Its [thera~peutic] potential is identical to that of sublimated,purifled calomel
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 銀 和朱 乃 硫 黃 示同 升 鍊 而 ,成 其 性 燥 ,烈 亦 能 供 ,饑 宜 去之 。 之 筋 , 其 功過 與 輕 粉 同 。也 今 屆 人 往往 以 染色
爛 廳繼
Explication. [Li Shizhen: Vermilion is produced through asublimation (lit.: rising
and heatrefinement) of sulphurtogetherwith mercury Its nature is dry and violent. 423 ./ze-ilness 六 , vaguely defined skin ailments. BCGM Dict L, 249. 424 六 zz7名 ness 癬 ,skin 這ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM Dict
C//z27/e/ 9
It is able to let the gums rot and to contract the sinews. Its [therapeutic] potential and side effects are identical to those of calomel. Nowadays it is often used by cooks to ofer colored meals. Jhis should be abolished.
方】 新二 十。 【 附 Attached Recipes.2o newly [recorded
小 兒 內 ,釣 多 。啼 銀朱 半 ,錢 乳香 、 糞 湯 下。 心 鑑 。 歲 五 ,丸 薄荷
麻 各 一 ,錢
烏 末 , 研 丸 和 泰 米 。大 半
Children internally pulled up by a hook and crying alot.[Grind] half a 7zzz 09f Vermilion and one 7zzz each of frankincense and garlic, cooked over aslow fire, to
apowder and form pills the size of glutinous millet.[A child of] half a year is [to ingest] flve pils, to be sent down with a mint decoction. 及 zz zz.
男女 陰 毒。 銀 、朱 輕 各 粉 一 ,錢 用 五 日 獨 森 一 ,枚 揚和 作 ,餅 貼 手心 , 男 微有 氣 , 即活 。 左 女 ,右 兩 手 合定, 放 陰 下 , 頃 問 氣 回 汗 出 即愈。 但 口中 唐 玫 經驗方 。 Yin poison affecting males and females. Pound one 7zzz each of vermilion and calomel with a “five/ffth day4 single clove garlic to form acake. Attach this to the center of the palm of the left [hand] of males and of the right [|handj of females. Jhen let [the patients] join both their hands and move them down to below their
yin (i. e.genital region.After ashortwhile,the qi will return,sweat is released and this is the cure.As long as there is aslight [movementof] di through the [patient's
mouth,he/she will survive. ang Yao,.77zg )z7z 友 7ze
疾 明 胡 真 明
氣 結 。胸 一 ,兩 蒜 董 入 砍 化 ,瘓
蕉 頂 丹 : 不 問 陰陽 虛實 , 妙 過 陷 、胸 沈 心 等 。爍 用 銀朱 半 了兩 , 同 碾。 以販 斗 盛 ,火 員 這 盛 藥, 鉻 化, 急 刮 搓 丸 , 每 服 一錢 , 有 聲, 結 胸 自 。散 不 動 臟 ,腑 不 傷 真 氣 , 汁 少 許 服 。之 心上 隱隱 銀 朱 破 積 故 。也 曾世 綿 活 幼 心 書 。
Bound chest With phlegm qi. Ihe“crown on the head ofacrane clixir.” Regardless of whetheritis ayin or yang [condition ora condition of ] depletion or repletion, itis much better than the sunken chest_ and draining heart medications. Gurind together half a /Zz7zce ofvermilion and one /z7zc of alum. 上 計afatiron with fire and fll a pottery vase with the medication to let it melt and transform. Jhen quickly scrape [the transformed coating] of生 andrub it With your hands to form pills. 己 ach time [let the patient] ingest one 7zz7z, to be ingested with genuine tea to which was
added asmall amount of ginger juice. Above the heartb in the depth [of the chest 425 The meaning of zoz7z 五
日is not clear
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
there will be sounds and chest.[Ihis therapy] does ries,and it does not harm Vermilion breaks open an
this is the dispersion of the [phlegm qi causing 3]| bound not affect the long-term depots and short-term repositothe true di, because alum serves to transform phlegm and accumulation. Zeng Shirong, 號 zz2 )2z X777 5722.
,病 大 便利 。者 銀朱 半 了 兩, 硫 刀黃 四 ,兩 詞 末 , 猴
飲下 三 十 。丸 普 濟方 。
糊 丸 梧 子大 ,
Grenuine waterswelling disease,with afree flowofmajor(defecation) relief.[Grindl] half a /zzgp of vermilion and four /z7zg of calcined sulphur to apowder and form With a Hour-water paste pills the size of zoz seeds. 紀 ach time send down with a
beverage 3o ps. 六 及 7
疼痛。 銀 朱 、 海 螺 末蝟 等 ,分 吹 之 取 。涎 救急 方 。
Painful throat. Blow a mixture of equal amounts of vermilion and cuttleflsh bone
into the [throat] to remove saliva../z 再 友 7z2
火焰 丹 毒。 銀朱 調 從 子 清 塗 。之 李 樓 怪 症方 。 innabar poisoning4red like faming. Apply vermilion mixed with the clear con~tents of a chicken egg to the [affected region]. Li Lou, Gzz7 2e7zg /Z7zg
火 灼傷 。 銀朱 研 細 , 菜
油 調 ,傅 二 次 。愈 多 能
一事 。
Burns and harm caused by scalding and fire. Grind vermilion to a fane [powderj,
mix it with vegetable oil and apply [this to the affected region]. ITwo applications Will result in a cure. 7 訪 zz2 7ze7zo 27 5)27.
疸 瘡 發 。背 銀 、朱 白 馨 等 ,分 藤 效 。 救急 方。 甚
湯 溫 ,洗 卻 用
桑 柴 火 遠 遠久之 , 日 三次 ,
Sores associated with an impediment記 ness47 了 at has broken out on the back.
Boil equal amounts of vermilion and alum and wash [the sores] with the resulting decoction. Ihen roast the [sores] from adistance With fire lit with mulberry wood.
Three times a day. Very effective../z 有 五友 7ze
魚 臍 丁 瘡, 四 面 ,赤 中 央 。黑 銀 朱 , 水和 丸。 每 服 一 ,丸 溫 酒 。下 名 走馬 丹。 普 濟 方 。 426 zz Zz 丹 毒 ,“cinnabar poison”askin ailment with red rashes.BCGM Dict L, ri8
427.Z 疸 ,“impediment-iness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCGM Dict 277Z.
C//z27/e/ 9
Fish belly pin sores,4 With redness on all four sides and ablack spotin the center
Form vermilion with water to pills. 紀 ach ttme ingest one pil, to be sent down with Warm wine. Jhis is called the “running horse elixir. 有 二 7
楊梅 毒 。瘡 銀 、朱 官 香 等 ,分 烏 末 , 以 紙 卷作 撚 , 點 燈 置 桶中 , 以 煙 , 一 日 一作 , 七 日 愈。
Red bayberrypoison sores.42[Grind] equal amounts of vermilion and incense sticks
to apowdep and fit With your fingers into paper rolls. Light them like alamp, Place them into abucketand have [the patient] inhale the fumes. Io be performed
once aday A cure will be achieved after seven days.
又 :方 銀朱 二 錢 , 孩兒 用 ,。
茶 一 ,錢 龍 掛 香 一 ,錢 呢角子
一 ,錢 烏 ,末 如 上 法
Another recipe.[「Grind] two 727z7z of vermilion, one 77z7z of catechu, one 7272z7z 0f
incense Sticks, and one 7727/ Of oz/ezZz/yzz seeds to apowderp to be applied the same Way as outlined above.
粉 一 ,錢 黃 又 :方 銀 、朱 輕 各 瘡 痴 自 脫也 。
油 一 ,兩 化 和開 收 , 以油紙 、蠟 清 各
攤貼 ,
Another recipe. Dissolve one 7zzz each of vermilion and calomelin one /zz7zg each of yellow beeswax and clear oiland store [theresulting medication.When required|
spread it on oil paper and attach it [to the affected region]. Ihe sores and any crust Wl fall o 全 as aresult
筋骨 疼痛 。 猩紅 三 ,錢 枯 棱 四 ,錢 烏 末 , 作 三 紙 。撚 每 惠 ,臍 被 覆 臣 ,之 取 汗。 濛要 奇 方 。
旦 以 一 撚 薩 油 點火
Painfulsinews and bones.[Grind] three 7zzz ofvermilion and four 77z7/ of prepared alum to apowderand this into three paperrolls.Everymorning dip oneroll into oil light it and fumigate [the patients] naveL The patient is to lie down covered until he sweats. Zz27z zz2 77 7
日久 頑 瘡 不 收 。者 銀朱 一 ,錢 千年 下地 石灰 詞 。末 化 攤 上紙 貼 。之 應 急 良 方 。
五 ,分 松香
五 ,錢 香油
一兩 ,
428 六 27[Zzzg] 62zzzg 魚 [臍 本 ] 瘡 , 和 fsh belly [pin] sores,”resembling the long and narrow shape ofafsh belly, BCGM Dict 429
殉 zg zzez 62zzzg 楊梅 專 ,瘡 “red bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases of syphilis. BCGM Dict L, 293,294.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
Stubborn sores that fail to close al day long. [|Grind] one 7zzz of vermilion, flve /7 oflime that has been underground for rooo years,45 flve 7zz7z of colophony and one /z7zge of sesame oil to a powderp spread itonapiece of paper and apply this [to the affected region]- 義 ze 去 /Zz7zg Z72e
腰 瘡 不 。欲 方同上 。 Shank sores that fail to close. Recipe identical to the one above.
血 及風 瘡 。 生 胸 股上 , 乃 漲 毒 成 風 。也 黃 蠟 一 兩 溶化 , 入 銀朱 一 ,兩 攪 攤 紙上 , 刺 孔 貼 。之 商 便 方 。 Blood wind4' associated with shank sores. Ihey develop on legs and thighs, after rmoisture poison has generated wind. Melt one /z7ze of yellow beeswax and add one /z7zge of vermilion. Spread this onapiece of papep pierce ahole [into the sores] and
attach the [paper to it|..7zz7z 222z7z /27zg
瘡。 銀 、朱 鹽 梅, 和 揭 傅 。之 集 么 方 。
Moist sores releasing a yellow watery liquid. Pound vermilion together with salted plums to a paste and apply this [to the affected region]. 二 xz27z./7z戰
癬 瘡有 點。 銀 、朱 牛骨髓 、 桐 油 調 。探 醫 方摘要 。 六 zz7-illness432 sores With_ worms/bugs. Mix vermilion with ox bone marrow and 2e77zzczz oil and apply [this to the affected region]- 五 zzg 2227 zoo.p
頭上 生 。虱 銀 朱 浸 ,醋 日 日 梳頭 。 包 朱銀 紙 以 得 覆 燒 ,之 共 清 洗 煙下 子, 採 ,之 包頭 一 ,夜 至 旦 盡虱 死 。 積 德 堂方 。 Lice present on the head. Soak vermilion in vinegar and every day comb the hair [with acomb soaked in that liquid]. Cover paper that had been used to wrap ver-
milion with an overturned bowl burn [the paper underneath of] it.Wash the soot
of [the bowl and rub_ [the resulting liquidj on [the lice infested head]. Wrap the
head for one night. Ihe next morning
thelice wil have died.
五 zz
43o Lime that has been undergroundforIooo years refers to lime recovered from an ancient tormb. 43I 及 zz/zg 血 ,風 “blood wind”results from an intrusion ofwindevil qi into an unbalanced state of di and blood,mostly in women,BCUGM DictL, 594. 432 及 zz7加 ness Dict L 59L.
癬 ,skin 崗 ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
C//z27/e/ 9
og-o6 可取 華夏 二
砂 證類
了 772e 52 上 弓 之2c7z 27.
Miraculous sand. Sulphide ofmercury
【 釋 】名 二 氣 。【 砂 慎 人 微 日 】 六 字 客 話 ,載 以 靈 砂 胡 餌 孫 、 鸚 、肉 鼠 、 犬 等 , 變 其 ,心 輒 會人 言 , 丹 之 通 為 靈 。【 者 時 珍 曰】 此 以 至 陽 銘 至 ,陰 脫 曰靈 砂。 陰反 陽 , 故 Explanation of Names. 記 7 y2z 二 氣 砂, “double qi sand.”[Tang] Shenwei: The
和 72z2 47ze ec 2zz has the following record. When one feeds it to macaques, parrots, rats/mice and dogs, fhis will change their mind and they will be able to speak the language of humans. Ihis is an elixir enabling one to communicate with themiraculous. [Li| Shizhen: Ihis is an example of extreme yang restraining extreme yin. Ihe yin is dropped and reverts to yang. 本 ence this is called miraculous sand.
【 入 云: 化, 見 瘟 未 行, 有 者, 桑
修 治】【 慎 微 日】 靈 ,砂 用 水 銀 一 ,兩 硫 黃 六 銖, 細 研 炒作 青 砂 ,頭 後 水 火 既 濟 ,爐 抽 之如 束 鐵 紋 ,者 成 就 。【 也 時 珍 】晶 按胡 演 丹 藥 秘訣 升 靈 砂 :法 用 新 鍋 安 遙 道 爐 上 , 蜜 措 鍋 ,底 文 下 火 燒, 入 硫 二 黃 兩 溶 攪 青 砂 頭。 如 有 焰 ,起 噴 醋 解 。之 竺 未不 銀 斤, 以 鐵 匙 急 作 投 水半 ,星 取出 細 研, 盛入 水 火 鼎 ,內 鹽 泥 固 ,濟 下 以 自 然 火 升 ,之 乾 水 二十 烏 ,度 取出 如 束 鐵 紋 ,者 成 。吳 庚 辛玉 冊 :雲 靈 砂 ,者 至 神 之 物 。也 硫 天 造化 之 ,功 竺陰陽 不 測 之 。妙 可 以變化 五 制 而 成 ,形 謂 之 丹 。基 奪 地 鍊 成 九還 。 其 未 升 鼎 ,者 謂 之 青 金 丹 頭。 已 升 鼎 ,者 乃 日 靈 。砂 靈 砂 周 火而 成 三;: 以 一 伏 時 周 天 火 而 成 ,者 謂 之 金 鼎 靈 ;砂 以 九 抽度 添 用 天 謂 之 九 轉 靈 ;砂 以地 數 三 十 日 炒 煉 而 成 ,者 謂 之 醫家 老 火 靈 。砂 並 宜 灰 淋 醋 煮 公 過用 , 乃 良 。
[Io prepare]
grind one /Zz7zeofmercuryand six 22zofsulphurtoafne[powderj,and fryituntil
a greenish sand has formed. Jhen give it into a furnace with equal chambers for water (above) and fire (below) and eventually remove from it asubstance patterned like abunch of needles. Jhis is it. [Li| Shizhen: According to Hu Yans zzz )/z2
7z7.7zzz, the_ method to prepare miraculous sand through sublimation is as follows. Take anew pot and place it onafree and unfettered furnace. Smear the bottom
of the pot with honey and heat it from below with a mild fire. Add two /Zzzge 9 sulphur and let it melt. Drop half aZZz of mercury [into the pot] and With an iron spoon vigorously stir [its contents] until a greenish sand has formed.When flames rise, spray them with vinegar to cxtinguish them. Once no more mercury stars are discernable,remove [the contents from the pot] and grind them toafine [powder. Fillitinto afurnace With eqdual chambers for water (above) and filre (below), seal it
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
closely With salt mud,and sublimeitwith anatural fire from below until r2 bowls of water are dried up. Now remove asubstance patterned like abunch of needles, and the[production of miraculous sand is finished. The Gezzze x77z )z/ ce States: “JMirac-
ulous sand is an item of extreme divinity. ]t is prepared from sulphur and mercury and is called foundation of elixirs. It has seized the [therapeutic] potential of the
creation ruled by heaven and earth,andithas acquired the unfathomably wondrous nature of yin and yang.Itis able to change and transform the five phases,and it has undergone nine turns in the course of arefinement with heat. Ihat [in aprocess 9f
sublimation] which has not riseninatripod |but has remained at the bottom」is
called greenish gold elixir sand. Ihat which has risen is called *miraculous sand-. There are three kinds of miraculous sand. Ihat which is generated within one day and one night with anatural filre is called miraculous sand from agolden tripod. That which is generated with a natural filre being extracted and added again nine times,it is called miraculous sand of nine turns. Ihat which is generated through frying and heatreflnement over3o days,reflecting 也 henumberof the earth,is called miraculous sand from a medical experts ongoing fire. All kinds alike are to be boiled, and [their poison is to be] subduedina decoction of mulberry twig ashes and vinegar prior to their [therapeutic] application. Only then theyare good.
【 氣 】味 甘,
溫, 無 毒 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, warm,nonpoisonous.
【 殺 虛, 調和 珍。
主 】治 精 魅 痰 五
五 臟 百 ,病 惡 鬼 。氣 久 省 雍 ,盛 頭 ,臟 輔助 元
套 神 安 魂 ,蜆 益 明 氣 目, 服 通 神明 , 不 老 輕 身 神仙 , 亂 , 心腹 旋 吐 ,逆 槍 反胃 氣。 研 末 , 糯 糊 烏丸 , 挫
通 令人 冷 ,痛 湯 ,服
血 ,矯 止 煩 心靈 。 慎 升降 陰陽 , 最 能 廬鎮 ,
,滿 益 精神 , 微。 主 上 盛 下 既 濟 水火 , 神 丹 。也 時
Control. Ihe hundreds of diseases affecting the five long-term depots. It nourishes the spirit and pacifies the 2z/z-soul and the po-soul. Tt boosts the di and clears the eyes. Tt frees the passage through the blood vessels. It ends unrest and afeeling of fuliness. It boosts the essence-spirit. It kis the qi of spirit seduction-specters4 and malign demons. Ingested over along ttme,it lets one communicate with spirit-brilliance. Tt prevents apingy takes the weight of the body and turns one into a spirit-immortal. It lets the heart acquire miraculous abilities.[Tang] Shenwei. It controls abundance in the upper and depletion in the lower [body parts], obstruc-
tion caused by phlegm and saliva abundance. Vertigo with vomiting and [|qij counterflow. Cholera and turned over stomach. Cold pain in the central and abdominal 433 ./zzg zz 精 Dict LP 265.
魅 ,“spirit seduction-spectep”anotionofdemonicpathogenic agents.BCGM
C//z27/e/ 9
region. [It stimulates] the rise and descend ofyin [qi] and yang [gqij,and it supports
water and fire. Itmediates among the five long-term depots and supports the original qi. Grind it to apowder prepare with glutinous [cereals] a paste and form pills
to be ingested with a decoction of Chinese dates. Ihis is a divine elixir With an utmostability to press down [counterflow qi]. [Li Shizhen.
【 這, 扶 逆,
發 】【 明 純 陰 危 拯 急 小 兒
時 純 ,陽 之 神 驚 ,吐
珍 曰】 硫 ,黃 二 體 合 。壁 ,丹 但 不 可 效 神, 其 如
陽 精也 ; 水 ,銀 陰 精 。也 以 相 之 配, 故 能 奪 造 化 之 ,縣 而 升降 陰陽 , 既 濟 治 患反胃及 久 服 。爾 蘇 東 坡 :言 此 藥 久 有 配合陰陽 之 縣 故 。也 時 珍和當 以陰陽
夫婦 水火 , 一 水 送之
之 但 切吐 ,
尤 妙。
Explication. [Li|] Shizhen: Sulphur is the essence of yang. Mercury is the essence of yin. lo combine the two is the WAY of husband and wife. ITwo bodies, one Gf
pure yin and one of pure yangy are united to form acovenant. Hence it enables one to seize the wondrous potential of creation,and [it sttimulates] therise and descend
ofyin[qij and yang [gqi|, supporting water and filre.Itis adivine elixir assisting one
in times of crisis and offering help where it is required urgently St山, it must not be ingested for long. Su Dongpo says: “”Ihis medication serves to cure long-lasting suffering from aturned over stomach with al types of vomiting and counterflow [gqij as well as vomiting of children caused by fright. Its effects are divine because
it combines the wondrous nature of yin and yang. [Li] Shizhen has always sent it down with yin-yang water;44 this is particularly wondrous.
方】新 七。 【 附 Added Recipes. Sevennewly [recorded.
伏 熱 吐 。瀉 陰 陽 :丸 用 硫 黃 半 ,兩 水 銀 一 ,錢 研 ,黑 董 汁 糊 丸 小 豆 。大 三 歲 三 ,丸 冷水 。下 大 人 三 四 十 。丸 鄭 氏 小 兒 方 。 Vomiting and outflow caused by hidden heat. Ihe “yin yangp
名 ls. Grind half aZz7ze
of sulphur and one 7zzz of mercuryuntilablack [mass has formed]. Form this with
ginger juice and dough to pills the size of small beans and have [children of ] three years of age send down _ three pills with_ cold water Adults [ingest] 3o to 4o pills. 乙heng shi, zz2 zzz
逆。 方 同上。 吐般 諸 All types of vomiting and counterflow [q]. Recipe identical to the one above. 434 Yin yang wateris amixture of one half of cold water and one half of hot water boiled to bubbling-
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
霍亂 吐 。逆 不 問 虛 實 冷 ,熱 二 氣 ,散 一名 青 金 。丹 用 一 至半 錢 , 生 董 湯 調 。下 錢氏 小 兒 方 。 不 見 。星 每 服 字
水 、銀 硫
黃 等 ,分 研
Cholera With vomiting and counterflow [qj, regardless of whether it is acondition of depletion or repletion, of cold or heat. Ihe“double di powderp”also named
greenish gold chixir” Grind equal amounts of mercury and sulphur until no more lmercury」 "stars are visible.
弓ach time ingest one >7 to half a 7zz7z, to be sent down
mixed with fresh ginger decoction. Qian shi, zz2 zzz
脾 反胃 疼 。 靈 矽 一 ,兩 蚌 粉 一 ,兩 同 炒 ,赤 丁香 、 胡 各椒 四 十 九 ,粒 詞 末 , 自 然 芋 汁 ,意 半 夏 粉 糊 丸 梧 子大 , 每 董 湯 下 二 十 。丸 普 濟方 。 Painful spleenand turned over stomach.[Grind] one Zzzcof miraculous sand and
one /z7zge of fresh water clams, both fried togetheruntil they have turned red, With 49 grains each of clove and black pepper to apowder. Boilit in natural ginger Juice and form With zzz//zz [root] powderand dough pils the size of zoz seeds,with each
time 2o pills to be sent down with ginger decoction. 選 元 7
冷氣 心痛 。 靈 砂 三 ,分 五 靈 脂 一 ,分 烏 末 , 稀 糊 丸 麻 子大 , 每 二 服 十丸 , 食 前 石 莒 浦、 生 昔 湯 。下 直 指方 。 Heart pain caused by cold qi. [Grind] three /zz of “miraculous sand'”and one /#7
of flying squirrel droppings to a powder and form, with a watery dough, pills the size of hemp seeds. Each time ingest 2o pills, to be sent down before meals with a decoction of zco7yzs [root] and fresh ginger. Z27 227./z7zzg
九 竊 出 ,血 因 暴 驚 而 ,得 其 脈 虛 。者 靈 砂 三 十 粒, 人 參 湯下 , 三 服 。愈 此 熱 流, 女用 沖 藥 誤事 。 楊 仁 直齋 指 方 。 認 血 得 則 證 不 可 錯作 Bleeding out of the nine oriflces, caused by asudden fright, with adepleted lmovement in the] vessels. Send down 3o grains of “miraculous sand”with a ginseng [root] decoction.A cure will be achieved after three ingestions. Ihis pathological condition must not erroneously be identifled as bleeding resulting from blood heat, and it would be wrong to apply cold medication. Yang Renzhai, Z27 227./27zo.
谷伯 陽 方 。也 卻 有 邪 輔 ,正 助 陽 接 真 。 養 正 。丹 又 交名 泰 ,丹 乃 寶 林 真人 治 元 氣 虧 ,虛 陰 交邪 蕩 , 上 盛下 虛 , 氣 不 升降 , 呼吸 不 ,足 頭 旋 氣 ,短 心 怯 驚 ,悸 虛 煩 狂言 , 次 ,汗 腹痛 腰痛 , 反胃 吐 ,食 霍亂 轉 ,筋 醫 。逆 又 治 中 風 省 ,潮 不 人省 事 , 陽 氣 欲 ,脫 四 肌 厭 。冷 傷 寒 陰 盛 自 ,汗 唇 青 豹沉 。 婦人 產後 月 候 不 ,慰 帶下 腹痛 。 用 黑 竟 一 隻, 入 黑 鉛 溶 ,汁 次 下 水 ,銀 次 下 朱砂 末 , 炒 不 見 ,星 少 希 下乃 硫 末黃 , 急 。攪 有 焰, 酒 酪 解 。之 取 出研 末 , 燃 粉 意 糊 丸 綠豆 大 。 每 二 服 十 ,丸 覽 湯 。下 四 味 皆 等 ,分 此 藥 升 降陰 陽, 既 濟 避心 , 神 效 不 可 具 。述 和 劑 局方 。
C//z27/e/ 9
Jhe “elixir to nourish the proper [dj also named “elixir delivering contentment.
A recipe of Gu Boyang, te Perfect one from the Forest of Treasures. It eliminates evil[qij and supports proper[qijiitassists theyang,and connects with the true [qi
It serves to cure deflciency and depletion of original qib, with yin qi wreaking havoc. Abundance above and depletion below. Failure of qi to rise and descend. Insuffhcient[qi]j for breathing. Vertigo With shortness of [breath] qi. Heart timidity and fright palpitation. Depletion unrest and mad talking. Robber sweat. 黎 Abdomina pain and lower back pain. lurned over stomach andvomiting of food. Cholera with contorted sinews. Cough with counterflow [qi]. Also, it serves to cure being struck
bywindand waves of saliva,Wwith an inability to recognize other people,an impending loss of yang qiy and the four limbs cold with [their yang qi] receding. Harm 了 caused by cold with yin [gqi] abundance and spontaneous sweatingy greenish lips and adeep [movementin thej vessels.Trregular menstruation of women aftera delivery With abdominal pain below the belt. 上 過 black lead into asmall cup and melt it to obtain ajuice. Ihen add mercury and after this add cinnabar powder. Fry this until no more [mercury」 “stars are visible. Ihen,after ashort while,add sulphur powder and stir 員 this vigorously Tf there are fames, spray wine and/or vinegar on them to distinguish them. Remove [the contents of the cup] and dry them to apowder
boil them with glutinous rice powder to prepare a dough and form pills the size of mung beans. 世 ach time ingest 2o pills, to be sent down with asalt decoction. Ihe four substances should be of equal amounts. his medication [stimulates] rise and
descend of yin and yang [q, and it supports heart and kidneys. Its divine effects are more than can be told With_words. /z 有 五 及 zoo
本 中經 品 人 7o7zo 2z/g72o 上 匕 5e7z.7z7zo middle rank.
Realgar. Arsenic disulphide.
【 釋 】名 黃 金 石 本 、經 石 黃 唐 、本 副 。【 黃 普 曰】 雄 生 黃 山 之 ,陽 是 丹之 雄, 所 名以 雄 黃 。【 也 恭 】提 出 石門 名者 石 ,黃 亦 是 雄 ,黃 而 名通 黃金 石, 石門 者 烏 劣 。爾 惡 者 名 黑 ,黃 止用 惠 瘡 ,准 故 名 。【 之 藏 器 日】 今 人 敵取 石 中黃 精明 者 烏 雄 ,黃 外 黑 者 烏 惠 。黃 雄 黃 燒 之 不 ,昊 點 黃 燒 之則 權 】晶 雄 黃 , 金 之 苗也 。 故 南方近 金 冶 處時 有 之 , 但 不 別 臭, 以此 分 。【 及 西 來 者 真 好 。【 爾 宗 瑟 日】 非 金 苗 。也 有 金 窟 處 無 雄 。【 黃 時 珍 日】 雄 黃 點入 化 黃金 ,用 故名 黃金 ,石 非 金 苗也 。 435 zz2 zz 盜 汁 ,“robber sweat,"aprofuse sweating during sleep that ends when one wakes up.BCGM Dict LI22.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Explanation of Names. /7zz7zg7zz 27 黃金 $27 2zz7zg
,“yellow 石 gold stone/mineral,”5e7z./ 有 7
石 黃 , “yellow from Shi [men],”Tang ben. 和 zzz 2zz7g 惠 黃 , “fumes yel-
low [Wu] Pu: Realgar grows on the yang side of mountains. ftis amale elixir Hence it is called xzo7zg 2zzzg 雄 黃 ,“male yellow Su] Gong: That originating in Shi men 石門
is called 527 2zzzg 石 ,黃 “yellow from Shi [men].” It is also called
“male yellowy”xzo7zg 2zzzzg 雄 黃 , With the most popular name being 2zZz7g 7 227 gold stone/mineralL” [Realgar] from Shi men is of inferior quality 石 黃金 ,“yellow That ofbad quality is named xz7z 2zz7g 黑 黃 ,“fumes yellow.”It is used for nothing but to expose sores and Zeness4to its fumes. Hence this name.[Chen] Cangdqit
Nowadays, fmhepeople crush_stone/mineralyelow andremove from its interior the essence bright part that is the“male yellow [realgar]. Jhe black part surrounding it on the outside is the “fumes yellow [realgar]. When “male yellow [realgar] is heated, it develops no odor. When “fumes yellow [realgar] is heated, it develops
an odor Ihis is how the two are distinguished.[Zhen] Quan: Realgar is the shoot of gold. Hence in the South it is often found at places where gold is processed. Howevepit is not as genuine and good as [realgar] coming from the West. [Koul Z選 ongshi: [Realgar] is not the shoot ofgold. Ihere is no realgar where gold occurs in caves. [Li| Shizhen: Realgar is used in processes to transform yellow gold. Hence it is called “yellow gold stone/mineraL ltis not the shoot of gold.
【 武 來 實。 明 以 黃 深 者, 無 之。 黃, 之 宮中 小 尤 丹 次
集 解 】【 別 錄 日】 雄 生黃 武 都 山谷 、 燉煌 山 之 ,陽 打 無 。【 時 弘 景 日】 ,都 氏 羌 ,也 是 烏 仇 。池 罕昌 亦 有 之, 小 劣。 燉 煜 在 源 州 西 數 千里, 近 之 者 。耳 涯 州 黃 好 者 作 艙 冠色 , 不 昊 而 堅 紛擾 , 皆用 石門 、 始 興 石 黃 好 恭 日】 宕 、昌 武 都 者 烏 ,佳 塊 方 數 寸 , 也 其 黯 黑 及 虛 軟 ,者 不 好 。【 澈如 有秩 冠, 或 以 為 ,枕 服 之 辟 。惡 其 青 黑 堅 ,者 不 入 藥 。用 貞觀 年中, 邑 錫 日】 水 經 注 云 : 耳 宕 州 新 出有 得 方 數 尺 ,者 但 重 脆 不 全可 致 之 。【 水 出 零 陵 縣 西北 , 連 巫 山 ,溪 出 雄 ,黃 頗 有 神 。異 常 以 冬 月 祭祀 , 苹 石 數丈 , 方煙 得 之 , 故 溪水 取 名 。玥 又 抱 朴 子 :雲 雄 當黃 得 武 都 所山 出 、 欣 純 而 無 ,雜 其赤 如 秩 冠, 光明 曄 曄 ,者 乃 可 。用 其 但 純 黃 似 黃色 光 ,者 不 任 仙作 藥 , 可 合理 病 藥 耳, 【 頒 日】 今 階 州 即 古 武 ,都 山中 有 形 塊 如 丹 ,矽 明 澈 不 夾 ,石 其 色 如 鵬 冠 者 真。 有 青 色 黑 而 堅 者 名黑 有 形 色 似 真 而 氣 臭 名 者 臭 ,黃 並 入 不 服 ,食 只 可 療 瘡 。導 其 臭 以 醣洗 便 ,去 足以 亂真 , 尤 宣 辨。 又 階 州 接 西 戎 ,界 出 一 種 水 窟 雄 ,黃 生 於山 者 胡桃 , 有 水 流 。處 其 石 名 煙青 石 、 白 鮮 石。 和雄 黃 出 其中 , 其 塊 大 如 如 者 栗 ,豆 上 有 孔 ,竅 其色 深紅 而 微 ,紫 體 極 輕 虛 功用 而 更 ,膀 丹 窟家 時 珍 日】 武 都 水 祝 雄 ,黃 北 人 以 充 丹 ,砂 但 細研 色 帶 黃 爾 。 之 貴 重 。【 房 鑑 源 :雲 雄 千年 黃 化 烏 黃金 。 武 都 者上 , 西 番 次 。之 鐵 色 上者 , 有艙 冠 。之 以 沉 水 銀 腳 末 鐵 上 拼 了 , 旋有 黃 衣 生 者 為 真。 一 :云 駿 可 之 以 燭
436.7ze-ilness 開 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment. BCGM Dict Vol L, 249.
C//z27/e/ 9
電 , 死者 黃 ,
烏 真。 細 只 , 黑
雞黃 ,
真 雄 ,黃 似 嘆 看馬 肝
口中 含
如 人 烏雞
湯 不 臭 辣 者 次 。【 之 和 敦 日】 凡 使 勿用 : 頻 頭 ;
黃 ,
重黃 ,
重 石。
堪用 。
色 者為上。
ollected Explanations. 5zz /Z: Realgar grows in the mountain valleys of Wu du, and on the yang side of Mount Dun huang. It is collected anytime. [Tao] HongJing: Wu du is the region of the Di and the Qiang [people]-[Ihe place where it occurs] is Chou chi. Jhere is also [realgar] in Dang chang, but of low occurrence
andinferior quality Dun huang les several thousand miles west of Liang Zhou,and there was turmoil there recently So it is aways the good quality of realgar from Shi men and from Shi xing 了 at is resorted to. Good realgar from Liang Zhou is red likeacocks comb; it has no odor and is hard and solid. Dark and black specimens as Well as those that are hollow and pliable, they are not good. [Su] Gong: [Realgar] from Dang chang and Wu du is excellent. These are rectangular pieces of sevVeral 人 z7z. Ihey are as lustrous as a cocks comb. Some people use them as pillows; ingesting them serves to ward of the malign. Greenish, black and hard specimens are not added to medication. During the >2ezz ozz7z Teign period (627 一 649), in
Dang Zhou apiece of several c27 was discovered. But it was heavy and brittle and could not be transported in one piece. [Zhangj Yuxi: he 52z/7.7zzge Z2z states: “The
[river」 Yellow Water springs in the North-West of Ling ling xian. It combines the mountain streams of Mount Wu shan, and the realgar brought forth by it is of a divinely special nature.[Ihe peoplej there perform sacriflcial rituals in winter. hen
they dig holes into the stones/rocks several %2z7ze deep where they obtain it. Hence it is named after the mountain stream waters. Also, the 52z22z >7 states: “Realgar should be the one brought forth by the mountains of Wu du. lt is pure and has no faws.Whenits redness is thatofacocks combybrilliant and lustrous, then it can be
used. 玫 itis of purely yellow colop reminiscent of orpiment,and does not shiney, it is not suited for preparing hermit/immortal medication. Jt may be combined with medication serving to cure diseases. [Su] Song: Nowadays [realgar] occurs in the mountains ofJie Zhou the ancient Wu du.Ttappears in pieces like cinnabar. Tts lusteris different from [ordinary] stones/minerals,and those pieces with the color ofa
cocks comb are genuine. hose that are hard and of a greenish, black colorp they are named “fumes yellow”Ihose that from their physical appearance resemble genuine [realgar] but have an odorous di, tey are called“odorous yellow.”Neither of these must be used for ingestion as food; they only serve to heal sores and 7ze-ilness. he odor can be completely eliminated by washing them with vinegar. With this it is even more necessary to distinguish them from genuine [realgar]. Also, where Jie Zhou borders on the territoryof the Xi Rong,a” water cave realgar is brought forth. It grows in the cliffs where water Hows from within the mountains. Such stones/
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
minerals are called greenish smoke stones/minerals, and “white freshness stones/ minerals.”Ihe realgar brought forth there comes in big pieces the size of walnuts and in small pieces the size of millet seeds. Ihere are holes on their surface and their coloris deep red and slightly purple. Iheir physicalbody is extremely lightand holTlow and their [therapeutic] potential is superior. Ihe experts operating [longevity] elixir furnaces value them highly [Li] Shizhen: he people in the North use realgar from Wu du as a substitute for cinnabar. 了Howevep when it is ground to afne lpowder] its color has some yellow. Jhe 7z7zz 包 7ze7Z7z )zz27z states: After rooo years,
realgar transforms to yellow gold. Ihat from Wu foreign ]ands is of secondary quality Ihose with with the color of jacocks comb are of secondary iron with the sediments generated by [a mixture
du is best; that from the Western the color of iron are best, [those quality. Tone rubs the surface of in water of realgar and] mercury
and ithenayellow coating appears [ontheironmj,this is genuine ware. 選 lsewhereit
is stated:【[Whetherit is fake or genuine] can be tested by [heating it and] exposing worms/bugs [to its fumes]j. When they die, it is genuine [realgar]. [Realgar] that
when finely chewed with its juice held in the mouth fails to develop an odor and has no peppery fiavop is of secondary quality [Lei| 入iao: Whenever [realgar] is to beapplied lin medical therapy]|, the following variations must not be used. Odorous
yellow [realgar] with odorous qi. Black chicken yellow [realgar] with a color like the head of black chicken. Enclosing grease yellow [realgar]j, With one layer yellow |realgar] and one layer stone/rock. None of them is suitable for [therapeutic] usage. [Realgar] With acolor reminiscent of that of the Chinese francolin is best.
【 修 】【 治 敏 日】 每 雄 黃 三 ,兩 以 甘草 、 花 背 天 、葵 地 、膽 碧 稜花 各 五 兩, 細 到 , 東 流水 入 聲 鍋中 , 煮 三 伏時 , 滴 ,出 揭如 粉 , 水 ,飛 澄 去黑 者, 顆 充 再 研 。用 其 內有 劫 鐵 ,石 又 號 赴 矢 ,黃 能 劫 於 鐵 , 並 不 入 藥用 。 【 思 邀 日】 凡 服 ,食 用 武 都 雄 ,黃 須 居油 九 日 九 ,夜 乃 可 入 。藥 不 爾 有 毒 , 慎 勿 生 。【 用 時 珍 】晶 一 :法 用 米 酯 入 羅 蔔 汁 煮 著 用 。【 良 抱 朴子 日 】 餌 :法 或 以 蒸煮 , 或 以 消石化 烏 ,水 或 以 豬 脂 裏 蒸 之於 赤 士 下 , 或 以 松 脂 和 之 , 或 以 三 物 鍊 ,之 引 之 如 ,布 白如 冰 。 服 之 令人 長 生 , 除 百病 , 殺 三 。旱 伏 火 ,者 可 點 銅 成 ,金 變銀 成 金 。 Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Lei| Xiao:
弓ach time give three Zzzg of realgar to-
gether With flve Zzzg each of finely cut oZycyyy27zz [root]j,purple back 7zz/oz [herbj, c/e272z7/ 儿2zy [herb」 and 2 /7zg 2zz247 and water flowing ecastward into a crucible
and boil this for three days and three nights. Filter this to remove [the liquid] and pound [the rest| toapowder Ihis is to be processed with aqueous sublimation and then the black dregs that have settled on the bottom are to be removed. Dry them 437 雇 /7zg 2zz 百
稜 花 ,lit: “bluish cube flower”Botanical identification unclear
C//z27/e/ 9
in the sun and grind them anew for [therapeutic] use. When it includes “plundering iron stones/minerals,”also called “|[stones/minerals] hastening to miss out on
yellow it may have plundered iron and must not be added to medication. [Sunl Simiao: Whenever [realgar] is ingested for food, realgar from Wu duisto be used. Itmust be boiled in oilfornine days and nine nitghts,and only thenitcan be added to medication.Tfitis not [prepared] this way it is poisonous. One must be careful
not to use raw [realgar]- [Li] Shizhen: Another method. Boil [realgar] with rice
vinegar and radish rootjuice until all the liquid has dried. It may then be used [for therapeutic purposes] and is good. Ihe 5z22z >7 states: “JMethods|to prepare realgar for ingestion as] food. Jt may be steamed and boiled. It may be transformed With nitrokalite to a watery liquid. ]t may be steamed, wrapped in ]ard, and covered by red soiL ltmay be mixed With colophony Itmay be refined with heat together with the three substances [mentioned above]. Jtmay be stretched like a piece of cloth and being white like ice. When this is ingested, it lets one live longy eliminates the hundreds of diseases,and kills the three types of worms/bugs.With hidden heat it lets gold be formed out of coppep anditlets silver change to gold.
【 氣 】味 苦 , 毒 。【 大
寒 , 有 毒。【 別
明 曰】 微 專, 【 土
錄 日】 甘 , 大 溫。【 權 曰】
宿 真 君 日 】 南 星、 地
、黃 邁 苣、
車 、 地 、榆 五 葉 、藤 黃 、蕉 白 、芷 當 歸、 地 錦、 鵝腸 巷 不 食 、草 圓 桑、 猴 ,脂 皆可 制 雄黃 。
、草 艙
辛, 有 大
五 加反 、 紫河
腸草 、 革 參 ,
Qi and Flavor. Bitter balanced, poisonous. 5zz Z: Sweet,very warm.[Zhen] Quan:
Acrid, very poisonous. Da Ming: Slightly poisonous. Iu su zhen jun: All the following substances are able to check [the effects of
realpar: /7/zvzezzz root Chinese
foxpglove_[rhizomej, /zczzzcz [herb」, Zzcz7z222z7zzxz [root bark|, dried human placenta, 57zgz7r2722z Tootb 20z 他 多 24
ve//z77Zz roob zzzozZzcz [roo| zz22o72zz [herb」
2/z772z Z222Zcz herb, 7Zoo7z2Zr herb, yo22o7z [root|, small zz/Zoe2Z2z [herb」|, )#Z77
yzZgy439 and hedgehog fat.
【 主 治】寄 ,熱 鼠 站惡 ,瘡 疸 痔 死 ,雞 殺 精 物 惡 ,鬼 邪氣 百 日 兵。 鍊 食 之 , 輕 身 神 。仙 本 。經 療 疵 日 堅 ,瘡 目 ,痛 暢中 息肉 , 及 骨 , 百 節 中 大 ,風 積聚 闢 氣, 中 惡 腹 ,痛 上鬼 症, 殺 諸 蛇 恤 ,毒 解 芝 悅 澤 人 面。 餌 服 之 ,者 皆 飛 入 腦中 , 勝 鬼 ,神 延年益壽 , 保中 不 可作 金 。 別 。錄 主 開 癬 風邪 , 癲癇 風 ,痛 一 切 蟲 獸 傷 。 大 明 。 搜 肝 ,風 消 涎 積。好 古。 治 站 疾 寒熱 , 伏 暑 泄 ,痢 酒 飲 成 ,闢 毆 ,癇 運, 化 腹 中 瘀 ,血 殺 勞 日准 日。時 珍。 438
zz 五
葉 滕 ,]it. “five leaves vine.”Botanical identification unclear.
439 六 zz yz7zg 圓 桑 ,lit.“circular mulberry”Botanical identification unclear
,毒 勝 五 絕 筋破 鹿 毒, 。饑 得 銅 肝氣 , 瀉 頭 風上
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
Control. Alternating cold and heat sensations. Miouse fistula44 and malign sores. impediment-illness,44 piles, and dead muscles. It kills essence items and malign demons, evil qi and the poison of the hundreds of worms/bugs. It [helps to] over-
come [wounds caused by] the five types of weapons. Reflned with heat and con~ sumed it takes the weight of the body and lets one become aspirit immortal. 5e77 go. Tt serves to he 7zz加 ness44 with worms/bugs and sores With hidden worms/ bugs, painful eyes, tumorous flesh growths in the nose,and severed sinews as well as broken bones. Ihe hundreds of joints severely struck by wind, accumulations and aggregation-illness qb being struck by the malign with abdominal pain, demon attachment ness.438 Tt kills the poison of all types of poisonous snakes and it resolves the poison of dezzz/yrzzz [root].Itmakes the face appear happy and lustrous.When it
is ingested for foodyit 生 es into the brain and helps to overcome demons and spirits. It extends the years [oflife] and boosts longevity. It protects the center and prevents hunger. Matched with copperit can become gold. 5zz 色 . It controls 7zz訓ness, xz272証ness444 and wind evil peak-iness45 with epilepsy and miasma, as well as 沾
types of harm caused by bugs/worms and domestic animals. Da Ming. It collects theliverdqb drains liver wind,and dissolves accumulations of saliva.[Wang] Haogu: Tt serves to cure malaria 訓ness with alternating cold and heat sensations. Hidden summerheat with_outflow and free-fux 名 ness.46 Aggregatlon-ness caused by drinking wine. Fright epilepsy Head wind47 with dizziness and [brain] movement.
Tt transforms stagnant blood in the abdomen. It kills exhaustion bugs/worms and 2gz7z由 ness44 bugs/worms. [Li| Shizhen. 44o $2z /z 鼠 ,“mouse 站 fistula,”identical With /z 石 BVCGM Dict L, 466. 44I./z
療 翊 ,“scrofula with pervasion這ness,
疸 ,“impediment-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCGM Dict 277Z.
442.7ze-iness 開 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment. BCGM Dict Vol L, 249. 443 Z2z
症 ,also >2z 注 ,“attachment-iness,/“influx-ilnesss," reflects anotion of aforeign
pathogenic agentp originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM Dict 1 688-695. 444.7zz-1ness 開 ,vaguely defined skin ailment. BCGM 445
zz I24.
顛 , “peak[-iHness],”also
Dict L 249.
癲 ,vaguely defined mental derangement.BCGM DictT,
446 了 7 痢 , “free-flulx 抽 ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3 447 72z/z 頭 風, “head wind”is wind evil attacking the head followed bypain,or dizziness, or itching. BCGM Dict 5o9. 448 Gzz 凋 , '@z7z-ness, also:“sWweets-iness, involves severalcomplaints that affect children
and adults,Wwith causes and conditlons too different to fall into a known disease category: BCGM
Dict LI8o-I8S.
C//z27/e/ 9
【 發 】【 明 權 日】 雄 黃 殺能 百 ,毒 局 百 ,邪 殺 胡 毒 。 人 佩 ,之 鬼神 不敢 近。 入 山林 , 虎 狠 。公 涉 川 ,水 毒物 不 敢 傷, 【 抱 朴 子 日】 帶 雄 入 黃 山 林 , 即 不 畏 。蛇 卅 蛇中 人 , 以少許 傅 ,之 登 時 。愈 吳 楚 之 ,地 暑 潔 鬱 蒸 , 多 毒 蟲及 射 、工 沙 虱 之 ,類 但 以 雄 、黃 大 床 等 ,分 合 搗 一 丸 佩 。之 或 已中 者, 涂 之 亦 。【 良 宗 夷 曰】 芒 ,之 蛇 皆 遠 。去 治 蛇 咬 ,方 見 五 靈 脂 。下 唐 書 :雲 甄 立 言 究 習 方 ,書 烏太 常 。未 有 尼 六 年 十 ,餘 患 心 腹 鼓 ,脹 身體 贏 瘦 己 二 。年 立 言 脫 之 , 日: 腹 內有 日, 當 是 誤 食 髮 而 。然 令 餌 雄 黃一 劑 , 須 吐出 奧 一 ,蛇 如 拇指 , 無 ,目 燒 之 猶有 髮 ,氣 乃 。愈 又明 呈 有 雜 錄 雲: 有 黃 門 奉 使交” 廣 。回 太 醫 周 顧 日: 此 人 腹 中 有 蚊 龍。 上 驚 , 問 黃 門有 疾 否 ? 日: 臣 馳 馬 大 庚 ,領 熱困 且 ,效 逐 飲 澗 ,水 竟 腹 中 堅 如 痞 石。 周 了 以 消 石 、 雄 黃 煮 服 。之 立 吐 一 ,物 長 數 寸, 大 如 ,指 視 之 角 甲 皆 。具 此 殺皆 郁 毒 之 驗 。【 也 頒 日】 雄 黃 治 瘡 瘍 尚 。据 周 :禮 瘍 ,醫 療 瘍 以 五 攻 毒 之。 鄭 康成 注 :雲 今 醫 方有 五 毒 之 ,藥 作 之, 合 黃 ,敘 置 石 膽、 丹 、砂 雄 、黃 舉 石 、 慈 石 其中 , 燒 之 三 日 三 ,夜 其煙 上 剷 , 脂 羽 取掃 以 注 ,瘡 惡 肉 骨 破 則 載 : 楊 顆 少 ,時 有 瘍生 計 頰 , 連 齒 輔 車, 外 腫 歡 覆 區, 億 畫 出 。也 楊 筆記 內 潰 出 膿 ,血 痛楚 難 ,忍 百 療 彌 年 不 。疾 人 令 依 和 鄭 法 燒 藥 注 ,之 少 希 , 朽 骨 連 牙 潰 ,出 遂 。愈 信 古方攻 病 之 速 。也 黃 ,全 音 ,武 即 今有 蓋員 合 也 。 【 時 珍 日】 五 毒 爍, 當 汪 東 陽 方 變 鳥 飛 黃 ,散 治 緩 疸 惡 ,瘡 蝕 惡 。肉 其 法 取 瓦 盆 一 ,個 安 雌 說 黃 中, 丹 居 砂 南。 慈 居 石 北 , 曾 青 居 ,東 白石 居英 西 , 奶 石居 上 , 石膏 次 ,之 鍾 乳 居下 , 雄 黃 覆 ,之 雲母 布 於下 , 各 二 了 兩, 末 。 以 一 盆 貳 ,之 羊毛 泥 固 ,濟 作 三 隅 ,宣 以 陳 幕 燒 一 ,日 取 其 飛 用黃 入 經 氣 ,分 故肝 風 肝氣 、 擎 癇 瘓 涎 、 要 藥 ,也 而 肝 瘡 之。 夫 雄 黃 乃 治 殺毒 頭痛 眩 、運 哮 閥 泄 、痢 和 積聚 諸 ,病 用 之有 殊 。功 又 能 化 血 烏 。水 而方士 乃 鍊 治 服 ,餌 神 異 其說 , 被 其 毒 者 多 。矣 按 洪 邁 夷 志 堅 雲: 虞 公 雍 '“ 允 文 感暑 痢, 連 月 不 。疾 忽 夢 至 一 ,處 見 一人 如仙 官 , 延 之 坐。 壁 間 有 藥方 , 其 辭 云 : 暑 毒 在 ,脾 濕 氣連 腳, 不 則 泄 痢, 不 則 痢 丫。 獨 鍊 雄 ,黃 蒸 和餅 藥 。 別作 治療 , 醫家 大 。錯 公 依 ,方 用 雄 黃 水 飛 九 ,度 竹筒 ,盛 蒸 七 ,次 研 末 , 蒸 和餅 丸 梧 子 。大 每甘草 下 湯 七 ,丸 日 三 。服 果 。愈 太 平 記載 廣 成都 長 之 誰 , 方士 言 ,耳 不 信可 。 琅 無名 服 雄 黃 生 Explication.[Zhen] Quan: Realgar is able to kill the hundreds of poisons, to ward o 侍the hundreds of evils, and to kill the poison of oz.49 When aperson wears it on
his garments,demon spirits Will not dare to approach him.Whenhe enters aforest, tigers and wolves will go into hiding. When he wades through river water, poisonous beings will not dare to harm him. 25z229z 2z: When [a person] wears realgar on 449 Gz 四 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. QOripginally it was assumed to beamost poisonous bugy, the only creature in aclosed jar Surviving competition with hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed oz Zz 看 毒, %z poison(ing)”
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
his garments and centers a forest, he must not be afraid of snakes. When aperson is struck by a snake, heis to apply asmall amount [of realgar] to the [location of the bite], and he will be cured immediately In the regions of Wu and Chu, sum~
merheat and moisture cause asteaming atmosphere,and there are many poisonous Worms/bugs, archers,4。 and sand lice. [To protect oneself] all that is necessary is to
pound equal amounts of realgar and large garlic cloves [to a pulp], form one Pp 針 and wear it on the garments. If he was struck already to apply this [pulp] to the [affected regionj wi be good too.[Kou] Zongshi: Burn itand all snakes will move
far away. For recipes to cure snake bites, see under “flying squirrel excrements. (4823)Ihe 7zzze zz states: “Zhen Liyan, an expert in recipe literature and officer for ceremonial affairs, had [as his patient] anun of more than 6o years. She suffered
from drum-like bloating of her central and abdominal region, with her body being affected by emaciation for two years already. [Zhen] Liyan examined her and said: There are worms/bugs in herabdomen. Ihis is so because she must have eaten hair by mistake . He had her consume aremedy with realgar and after ashort while she vVomited a snake. Tt resembled a thumb and had no eyes. When it was burnedy it smelled like the qi of [burned] hair[Ihe nun] was cured. "Also, the /Z7zzg 2z/Z7zg 2
Zz states: “An Imperial Gatekeeper had returned from an official mission toJiao and
Gruang andthe Imperial physician Zhou Gu said: his person has in his abdomena flood dragon (43-o3). Ihe Emperor was scared and asked the Imperial Gatekeeper whether he felt 過 or not. He responded: Your subordinate rode a horse in the Da yulng mountain range.lfelt distressed by the heat and was thirsty HenceTdrank water from amountain rivulet. A little later had afeeling of a hard obstacle-iness4' in my abdomen, as if there were astone.Zhou[Gu] then had him ingest a
decoction of nitrokalite and realgarp and he immediately vomited some creature. 1t Wwas several cz7z longy and as big as a thumb. A close inspection showed that it was fully covered by scales.”All these [cases] are evidence of [the potential of realgarl|
to kill the poison of oz [Su] Song: Realgar is a valuable substance to cure sores and ulcers. Ihe Z22zZ#|[states:]“Ulcer physicians healulcers by attacking them with the flve poisons. Zheng Kangchengin his comment states: “The recipes of todays 45o $2e goze zz 射 工 ,毒 also: y2e zozzge 2Zz 射 問 , reflects an ancient notion of bugs that live in waters and shoot their poison at humans,causing disease. BVGM DictL, 432. 45I
了 瑟 痞 ,“obstacle-iness,"afeeling ofuncomfortable fullness and distension.BCGM Dict 37L.
452 Gz 走 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magpic pathogenic agent. Qriginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bugy, the only creatureinaclosed jar surviving competition with hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed gez Z 看 兩, wzpoison(Gng).“BCGM Dict LIor.
C//z27/e/ 9
physicians include amedication with five poisons. ITo prepare it give chalcanthite, cinnabar realgar arsenolite and magnetite into a yellow earthenware pot and heat them for three days and three nights. Ihe smoke rises and attaches itself [as a kind of soot to the lid of the pot]. Scrape it of with a chicken feather and apply it [to cure] sores,Imalign fesh,and broken bones. Yang Yiin his personal notes recorded
the following. In his youth, Yang Yu developed an ulcer on his cheek,involving his teeth,cheekbones and gums.On the outside aswelling appeared like abowl turned upside down. Inside it festered With pus and excreted blood. Ihe pain was hard to bear. Hundreds of cures for several years brought no cure. Eventually someone let him treat this according to Zheng [Kangchengs] method of heating [five poisons」 to prepare a medication. After a short while, the decayed bone and the adjacent teeth were excreted, and this brought the cure. Ihis is trustworthy evidence of the speedy [successes] reached by attacking diseases With ancient recipes. 7zz7zg Yoz 黃 翁 ,read zoz
武 ,“yellow earthenware potb”is today's earthenware pot with acover.
[Li] Shizhen: A “medication With five poisons is referred toin Fan Wang's 27ze
)7z2 zz with a changed lname and indication] as the“powder With the flying realgar. lt serves to cure chronic impediment-ness人9 and malign sores, as wg as erosions of malign fiesh. Ihe method to prepare it is as follows. Take a pottery basin and place orpimentinto its centep then cinnabar south of it magnetite north of it, malachite east of it, quartz west of it and arsenolite on top of it followed by
gypsum [to be placed on top again of the 學 作 . Stalactite is placed underneath [the orpiment All this is covered With realgar and lies on a layer of muscovite. EEach of the ingredients is entered as a powdep weighing two /z7zg.[Ihe basin] is
to be covered with asecond basin, and the rims are tightly sealed with amud with sheep hair. Now build a triangular furnace, [place the two basins on top of it] and
burninitlong kept reed stems for one day Ihen remove the “flying realgar [from the inside of the upper basinj, and it may be used [for therapeutic purposes]. Now
realgar is an important medication to cure sores and to kill poison; it enters the di section of the liver conduit. Hence it is resorted to with remarkable therapeutic successes for 和 types of diseases such as liver windand lver qiy fright epilepsy with phlegm and saliva [blockages], headache and dizziness with vertigo, summerheat malaria and outflow With_free-Hux ness,4
as Well as accumulations. Also, it is
able to transform blood into water. But the recipe masters propagate the effects 人
453 . 秘 疸 ,“impediment-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 277. 454 了 7 痢 , “free-flux
訕 ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
ingesting it after a heat reflnement as miraculous, and as a result there are many cases of people being poisoned by it. According to Hong Maiin his 五 7 227 Yu Yunwen, Duke of Yong, was aftected by asummerheat free-flux iness,and he
was not cured for several months. Ihen all of a suddeninadream he went somewhere where he saw a person who looked like an hermit/immortal.[Ihat personl invited him to sit down with him. On a wall a pharmaceutical recipe was written,
stating: Summerheat poison is in the spleen. Moisture q aftect the legs. If they are not discharged this will result in free-fux iness.Tf there is no free-fHux 訓 ness, it Will result in malaria. Ihe only way [to cure this] is to mix realgar and steamed cakes to amedication.Tf aphysician conducts a different therapy he commits abig mistake. Ihe Duke followed the advice of the recipe. He processed realgar With aqueous sublimation nine times and illed 和 it into a bamboo tube. Ihis he steamed seven times, and then he groundittoapowder and mixed it with steamed cakes to prepare pills the size of voz seeds. For each application he sent down seven ps With agZycyzy27z%z [root] decoction, With three ingestions a day. 紀 ventually he was cured. Jhe 727 77zg.gzz7ze 有 has arecord of Liu Wuming from Cheng du ingesting realgar and achieving longevity Such sayings of recipe masters are not trustworthy
【 附 方】 舊 十 ,三 新四 十 九 。 Added Recipes.I3 ofold. 49 newly [recorded
卒中 邪魔 。 雄 末黃 吹 鼻中 。 集 驗方 。 Suddenly being struckby evil goblins. Blow realgar powderinto the [patients] nose. ./7 )7 /2722
上鬼 擊 成 ,病 腹 真人 千金 方。
中 煩 滿 欲 。絕 雄
黃 粉 酒 服 刀 一 圭 , 日 三 ,服 化
血 為 水 。也
Diseases caused byademon attack,Wwith unrest,afeeling of fullness in the abdomen
and [the flowofqij threatenedtobe cut.[Letthe patientj ingest with wine as much
realgar as is held by a knife-shaped tablet of jade. lo be ingested three times aday This is a transformation of blood into water. Sun zhenren, 0O7Zz7zz. 吉 zz /7zg.
C//z27/e/ 9
辟 補 魘 。魔 以 雄 黃 帶 頭上 , 或 以 東 芭許 左 腋 下 , 終身 不 。魘 張 文 仲方 。 To ward of goblins and monsters. Carry some realgar on top of your head. Or hold as much as ahinese date underneath the armpits and you will be spared of goblins for your entire life. Z2z7zg 放 7z2227zg Zoe
家 有 邪氣 。 用
真 雄 黃 三 ,錢 水 一 ,句 以東南
見 知。 集簡 方。 婦女
桃 校 邑 酒 滿 ,屋 則
絕 。性 勿 令
Evilqiinahouse.Grive three 7zzz of realparinto abowlofwater recite an exorcistic prayer and with peach twigs that have grown toward the South-East spray [the liquid] throughoutthe entire house. Ihis will eliminate all traces [of the evil dij. Do notallow women to observe and get to know this..7z7z7 7
女人 兩, 之, 末 ,
物 , 獨 言 獨 ,笑 悲思 恍惚 。者 雄 黃 一 ,兩 松 脂二 病 。邪 女人 與 邪 交通 溶化 , 以 虎 爪 攪 ,之 丸如 彈 。子 夜 燒 於 籠中 , 令 女 坐 上其 , 以 被 蒙 露 頭 在外 , 不 過 劑三 自 。斷 仍 以 雄 、黃 人 又、 防 、風 五 味 子 等 分詞 每 旦 井 水 服 方寸 ,匕 取 。愈 肘 後方 。
Women with a disease involving the evilL When women communicate With evl beings, talk to themselves and laugh at themselves, are saddened and ponder and are absent-minded. Melt one /zzoe of realpgar With two Z/z7zo of colophony and stir this With atiger claw. Ihen form pills the size of a bullet. At night, burn them in abox, have the woman sit on it, with her entire body covered, except for her head
that remains outside. After no more than three applications, she will desist [from herstrange behavior|.Also,[grind] equalamounts ofrealgap ginseng [rood」|, 222572-
7220z2z root and vc2zvz7zZ7z [fruit| to apowderand every morning at dawn have her ingest with _water from a well as much as is held by asquare zz spoon. Ihis w 斑 result in a cure.
之22z 2oz./7zg.
小 丹 服 。法 雄 黃、 柏 子 仁 各 二斤 , 松 脂 煉 過 十 ,斤 合 搗 鳥 ,丸 每 旦 北向 服 五 。丸 百 日 後 拘 魂 制 覓, 與 神人 交 。見 太 上 玄 變經 。 Themethodofhowtoingestaminor elixir. ITwo.7z7z cach of realgar and 2/z/yr/zZz/y seed kernels and ten //Zz of colophony reflned with heat are pounded together to form pills. 弓very morning at dawn, facing north,ingest five pills.Ioo days ]ater the 2zz7z-soul w 訓 be restrained and the po-soul will be checked, and avisible exchange With spirit-persons w 訓 be reached. 727 52z7zo %7/277 27277.77720.
轉 女 為 。男 婦 人 覺有 妊 , 以 雄 黃 一 ,兩 絆 守 盛 ,之 養 ,胎 轉 女 成 ,男 取 陽 於 產 也 。 知 金方 。 精 之 全 地 Toturnafemale into amale. Whenawoman senses that she is pregnant filll adeepred pouch With one /zzeofrealgar. When this is used to nourish the fetus,this w 囊
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
turn afemale into a male. Ihis is to avail oneself of yang essence entirely brought forth by the earth. 07z7z.7/zz Z7z
小 兒 諸 癇。 雄 、黃 和朱砂 等 分 烏末 , 每 服 一 ,錢 豬 心 血 入 募 水 調 。下 直
指方 。
Ali types of epilepsy of children.[Grind] equal amounts of realgar and cinnabar to apowder
弓ach time [let the patient] ingest one 7zz7, to be sent down mixed with
blood from apigs heartand the water left after preparing preserved vegetables. Z2 之27 /2722
骨 蒸 發 。熱 雄 末黃 一 ,兩 入 小 便 一 ,升 研 如 ,粉 乃取 黃 理 石 一 ,朴 方圓 一 尺 ,者 姑 火 燒 之 三 食頃 , 瀑 淋 汁計 石上 。 置 薄 氈 於上 , 患人 脫衣 坐 ,之 衣 被 圍 ,住 勿 令 洩氣 , 三 五 度 。疾 外 臺 秘要 ,。 Bone steaming with heat effusion. Gurive one /z7ze of realpgar powder into one y2e7z ofurine and grind it there toapowder. Ihen take apiece of yellow mineral gypsum With acircumference of one c27and heatitaboveacharcoal fire for as long as it takes to have three meals. Pour the thick [realgarinurine]juice over [the gypsum piece」.
Place athin felt blanket above it and let the patient sit on it with a1 his clothes taken off. 有His clothes and the blanket should completely cover him lest any qi can leak. After three to flve such applications,a cure w 崗 be achieved. 族 /
傷寒 妊 。逆 服 藥 無 ,效 雄 黃 二 錢 , 酒 一 ,謂 風 活人 書 。
7 yo2.
七 ,分 乘 熱 嗅 其 ,氣 即 止 。
Harm caused by cold with cough and counterflow [q|. When ingesting medications has remained Without effect. Boiltwo 7zzz of realgarin one cup of wine down to seventy percentand [let the patient| smell the qi as long as they are hot. Ihis w 斑 end [the disease]. 號 zz2 7ye7z 2
黃 兩, 燒 於 瓶 ,中 點 其下 部。 聖 惠 蝕 部, 痛并 不 止。 雄 半 傷 寄 狐 ,惑 日 下 方。 Harm caused by cold. Fox and delusion.科 When worms/bugs cause erosion in the lower (ic. genital) body parts, With unending pain and itch. Heat half a zzzge 0f
realgarin a bottle and expose the lower body parts to the fumes. $72e7zg 2z/7 /27zg
偏 頭 風 。病 至 靈 :散 用 右 痛 吹 。左 博 濟 方 。
一 吹 鼻, 左 雄 、黃 細 辛 等 分 烏末 , 每 以 字
痛 吹右 ,
455 瑟 z 2z2 儿 惑, “fox and delusion.”A condition of putrid flesh and festering ulcers in the throatand private parts brought forth by moisture,heatand bug poison. BVCGM Dict, 220,
C//z27/e/ 9 Unilateral head wind4
disease. Ihe“most
469 miraculous
armounts of realpar and zZvz7z/77 2e/z7o2o72Zeyroot to apowder.
弓ach time blow one 7
into [the patientsj nose.Hfthepainisontheleftblowitinto the right [nostril the pain is on theright,blow itinto the left [nostri. 2 到
五 尸 注 。病 發則 痛 變 無 ,常 昏 恍 沉 ,重 纏 結 臟腑 , 上 衝 心 ,腸 即 中身 戶 鬼 接引 為 害 。也 和 雄 、黃 大 訂 各 一 ,兩 柚 丸 彈 子大 , 每 熱 酒 服 一 。丸 肘 後方 。 Thefive typesof corpse[qilinflux diseases.When theybreakout,the [locations of the] pain change and are nowhere permanently Ihis goes along with severe clouding and absent-mindedness,infficting the long-term depots and short-term repositories.[Ihese qi] rush upward against heart and flanks. Ihese are corpse-demons
attracted by the human body where they cause destruction. Pound one /z7zg each of realgar and large garlic cloves [to apulpj and form pills the size of bullets. 上 ach time ingest With hot wine one p 包 . Z2oz 2oz 7
腹 腸 痞 。塊 雄 黃 一 ,兩 白 其 一 ,兩 烏末 , 麵糊 調 膏 攤 ,貼 即 見 功 。效 未 效 再 ,貼 符大 便 數 斤百 之 狀 乃 ,愈 秘方 。也 集 玄 方 。 Qbstinacy-ness 和 位 lumps in abdomen and flanks.[Grind] one /z7ze of realgar and
one /Zz7zofwhite alum toapowder Mix it with wheat flour to prepare apaste and apply this to_[the affected region]. he effect will be obvious. Tf there is no effect, apply itasecond time.Once [the patient] defecates feces seemingly weighing hundreds of 7/7z, his cure is achieved. A secret recipe..7Z zz7z 7zg.
腸 六下 悶 及 傷 飲 。食 煮 黃 :丸 用 和雄 黃 一 ,兩 巴豆 五 ,錢 同 ,研 入 白 橋二 兩, 滴水 烏丸 梧 子大 , 每 二 服 十 四丸 , 四 水 煮 三 十 ,沸 入 冷 漿 水 沉 冷 吞 下 , 以 利 烏 ,度 如 。神 保 命 集 。 String-iness4 with aggregation-illness below the flanks. Ihe“pills with boiled realgar.” Grind one /z7ze of realgar together with five 7zz7z of croton |seeds]. Add two /z7zge of white flourp drip some water into it and prepare pills the size of x27 脂 ,“fat.” The
present item has asticky nature and itis extremely good when used to firmly seal furnaces and cooking vessels. Ihat is, this designation combines references to its physical substance matter and to its usage.
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 】晶 五色 石 脂 南山 生 之 陽 山谷 。中 騷 曰: 青石 脂生齊 區 山 及 海 。涯 黃 石脂生 高 高 ,山 色 如 黎 。雅 黑 石 脂 生 緞 川 。 陽 城。 白 石 脂 生太 山 之 。陰 赤 石 脂 生 濟南 、 射 陽, 又太 山 之 。陰 並 打 無 。【 時 普 日】 五色 石 符 高 ,山 色 如 獨 腦 座 。雛 黑 符生 符 南山 或 海 。涯 黃 生 一名 五色 符。 青 生 脂 洛 西 山 空 。地 白 符 生 少 、室 天 婁 山 或 太 。山 赤 符生 少 室 或太 山, 色 引 , 滑 出 郡, 亦 出 武陵 、 建 惟 赤 石 、 白 石 二 脂 。 好 者 志和 如 脂。【 弘 景 】晶 今 俗 用 平 、 義 陽。 義 陽 者 出 距 縣 界 東 八 十 ,里 狀 如 獨 。腦 赤 者 鮮紅 可 愛, 隨 煙 復 生 。 餘 色 三 石 脂 無 正 ,用 但黑石 脂入畫用 耳。【 恭 】晶 角 陽 即 申 ,州 所 出 乃 桃 花 ,石 非 石 脂 。也 白 石 脂 今 出 慈 州 諸 ,山 勝 於 餘 處 。者 赤 石 脂 今 出 號 州 瞄 氏 縣、 澤 州 陵 川 ,縣 又 慈 州 呂 鄉 縣、 宣 州 諸 山 有亦 , 並 色 理 鮮 膩 為 佳 。 二 脂太 山 不 聞有 之, 人 舊 出 蘇州 、 餘 杭山 , 今 不 收 。【 米 承 日】 今 蘇州 石 取之。 所 出最 良, 揭 兩 中 見 赤頁 白 二 石脂, 但 入 藥 不 甚 。佳 惟 延 州山中 【 頒 日】 白 石 、脂 赤 石 ,脂 今 惟 濫 州 出 ,之 活 與 慈 州 相 近 。【 也 宗 爽 日】 脂四 方 皆有, 以 理 膩 粘 磊 綴 唇 者 為上 。 亦 、 白石
C//z27/e7 9
ollected xplanations. 5zez /Z: Stone fat of flve colors/halloysite grows in the mountain valleys on the yang/sunny side of Mount Nan shan.Tt is also said: Greenish stone fat grows in t了 he mountain regions and at the seaside of Qi. Yellow stone fat prows on the highest mountatns. Black stone fat grows in Yang chengy,in Ying chuan. White stone fat grows on the yin/shady side of Mount Tai shan. Red stone fat prows in 五nan and She yang,and also on theyin/shady side of Mount Tai shan. Al of them are collected anytime. [Wu] Pu: Stone fat of flve colors is also called
“tally of five colors. he greenish tally [variety] grows on Mount Nan shan orat the seaside. he yellow tally grows on Mount Song shan. Its color resembles that of a piglets brain orthefledglings of wild geese. Ihe black tally grows in the open spaces of Mount Luo xi shan. he white tally grows on [Mount] Shao shi, Mount Tian
lou and on Mount Tai shan. Ihe red tally grows on [Mount] Shao shi and Mount Tai shan. Itis ofa deep-red color and smooth like fat.[Iao] Hongjing: Nowa-
days only red [stone/minera1] fat and white [stone/minera1] fat are in common use.[Halloysite] of good quality originates in Wu jun,and also from Wu lngy, 末 an ping and Yi yang. [Halloysite] from Yi yang is from 8o miles east of the border of Meng xian; it is shaped like the brain of piglets. Red |lhalloysite] has alovely fresh red color. Once it is collected, it grows anew. Ihe remaining three color kinds are not normally used [for therapeutic purposes」].- Only black [halloysite] is resorted to
by painters.[Su] Gong: Yi yang is Shen zhou. Ihe item originating in there is the “peach blossom stone /marmor(og-I6)itis not “stone fat_(i.e.,halloysite). White
stone fat nowadays originates in 和 the mountains of Ci zhou.Ttis better than that from otherlocations.Red stone fat nowadays originates in Lu shixian in Gruo Zhou and from Ling chuan xian in Ze zhou. Also it occurs in Lu xiang xianin ezhou andin al themountains of Yizhou. From at 了 hese places those specimens are good thatin colorand structure equal abrightly shining fat.It has not been heard of that thetwo [white andredkinds of stone/mineral| fatare foundon Mount ITai shan. In
earlier times, they originated in Mount Yu hang shan in Su zhou, but they are not collected there today [Chen] Cheng. Nowadays, Su zhou submits as a tribute the two red and white [stone/mineral| fat kinds. But they are not very good for being added to medication. Ihe only one really good variety is that originating in the mountains of Yan Zhou. Itis enclosed by other minerals and needs to be brought to ligpht firstto collectit [for furtheruse]. [Su] Song: White stone fat and red stone
fat nowadays originate only from Lu zhou.Lu [zhouj and Ci zhoulie close to each other. [Kou] Zongshi: Red and white stone fat are present everywhere in the four
cardinal directions. Ihose with agreasystructure,thatstick to the tongue and attach themselves to the lips, they are best.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
【 修 】【 治 怪 日 】 凡 使赤 脂, 研如 粉 , 新 飛 者。 日 】 亦有 火 刀 水
汲 水過 飛 三 ,度 晒
乾 。【 用 時珍
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Leil| 入iao: For 媽 [medicinal] applications of red [stone] fa grinditto apowdep subject it three times to aqueous sublimation, and
dryitin the sun before making use ofit. [Li] Shizhen: It it also subjected to calcination before an aqueous sublimation.
【 氣 】味 五 種 石 ,脂 並 、匡
平, 【大
明 曰】 並 ,溫 無 毒。 畏 黃 今、 大 黃 、
官 桂。 Qi and Flavor Ihe five stone fat kinds are all sweet and balanced. Da Ming: Ihey are all warm and nonpoisonous. [Ingested togethep] they fear vcz/z/z7zz root,rhubarb root and unscraped bark of cinnamom.
【 主 】治 黃 疸, 瘍 開 。癌 入 服 臟 。 本 經。 治 筋骨 , 補 虛 。損
洩 補髓 洩 ,痢 久和 服
痢 腸 灌 膿 ,血 陰 蝕 下 赤血 白 , 邪氣 癱 ,腫 疸 痔 惡 ,瘡 頭 石 脂各 隨 五 色, 補 五 益 ,氣 肥 健 不 ,饑 輕 身 延 。年 五 和扯 血, 注 精 淋 ,瀝 除 煩, 療 驚 ,悸 壯 血 崩 帶 ,下 吐血 悅 。色 治 瘡 疾 痔 ,漏 排 肌 。大 明 。
Control. Yellow zzz-ness.
Outflow and free-fux
山ness55 and intestinal fsh
With pus and blood. Discharge of blood and red and white [liquids] from erosions
afecting the yin[G. e
genital regionj. Evil qi causing obstruction-iness5 With
swellingy impediment-ilnessy7and piles associated with malign sores. Head ulcers, 過 ness88 and itch. Ingested over a long time [the five kinds of halloysite] sup7
plement marrow and boost the di. [Halloysite] makes one strong and eliminates hunger. It frees the body of its weight and extends the years [of life]. Each of the five[kinds] of stone fat serves to supplement one of the five long-term depots corresponding to its color. 5z7///zg. [Halloysite] serves to cure outflow with free-flux ness, blood collapse?。 with discharge from below the belt [of womenj,vomiting of blood and nosebleed, rough [passage of」essence/sperm and dripping [urine]. It
eliminates unrest, heals fright palpitation, strengthens sinews and bones, and sup5I4 瑟 zzzg Zz7 黃疸 , most likely including cases ofjaundice. BCGM Dict L, 225. 5I5 了 7 ,“free-flux 痢 illness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
5I6 zzg 癌 , “obstruction-illness,”refers to a vaguely distinguished obstruction of vessels or otherducts inside thebody Qirushing against theobstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict PL 64I/642. 5I7 有 疸 ,“impediment-iness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 277Z.
5I8 7/ze-ilness 站 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol L, 249. 5I9 了7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
52o 及 zz 2ezg 血 ,“blood 朋 collapse”is excessive vaginal bleeding.BCGM Dict L,594.
C//z27/e7 9
plements in the case of depletion injury Jngested over along time, it lets one have a happy complexion. Jt serves to cure sores and pimples, and leaking piles, and to discharge pus. Da Mingog-I5-oI
青石 脂。 Ozzes27xz/7. Grreenish stone fat. Greenish halloysite.
【 氣 】味 酸 , 平 , 無 毒,【 普 君 : 辛 , 無 毒。 李 當 之 : 小 寄 。
日】 青 :符 神 :農
甘。 雷 公 :
酸, 無
Qi and Flavor. Sourp balanced, nonpoisonous. [Wu] Pu: As for the greenish tally,
Shen nong: Sweet. Lei gong: Soup nonpoisonous. Iong jun: acrid, nonpoisonous. Li Dangzhi: Slightly cold.
【 主 】治 養肝膽 氣, 明 目, 療 黃疸 , 洩 痢 腸 ,泊 女 子 帶下 百 ,病 及 瘡 。 和久 服補 髓 益 ,氣 不 饑 延 年。 列 錄 。
疸 痔惡
Control [Halloysite] nourishes the qi of the liver and gallbladder. It clears the eyes. It serves to heal yellow Zzzz-illnessy 并outflow with free-fHux 崗 ness and intestinal fush, the hundreds of diseases of women below the belt, and also malign sores associated with impediment-ilinessy3 and piles. Ingested over along time, it serves to supplement marrow and boosts the di. Tt prevents hunger and cxtends the years [of life|. 8zz 和
oog-I5-o2 黃石 脂。
5 /77/27zo
Yellow stone fat. Yellowhalloysite.
【 氣 】味 苦, 平 , 無 毒,【 普 日 】 黃 :符 雷公 : 苦 。 李 才 日】 曾 青 烏 之 使, 惡細 辛 , 長 募 、旻 黃 、連 上 甘草 。【 兒
當 :之 小 寒。【 之 日】 服 之 忌 卵味 。
Qi and Flavor. Bitter balanced, nonpoisonous.[Wuj Pu: As for yellow halloysite,
Leigong: Bitter. Li Dangzhi: Slightly cold. [Xu] Zhicai: Lamellar malachite serves as its guiding substance. [Ingested togethep] it abhors Zyz7z7z 2e/7o2272ey root and
fears cockroaches 22Zy[rhizome]j and gZycyyy2z2z [root [Lel]| Xiao: While this is
ingested, eggs are prohibited.
52I 瑟/zzg Zz7 黃疸 , most likely including cases of jaundice. BCGM Dict L, 225. 522 了7
州,“free-fllx illness,”"a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
523 .Z
疸 , “impediment-ilHlness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 277.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
【 主 】治 養 脾氣 , 安 五 ,臟 調 。中 大 人 小 黃疸 鐘 疸 。吐 久 服 輕 身 延 年。 別 錄 。
兒 洩 痢 腸 洲 下 膿 ,血 去 白 ,昌 除
Control. Itnourishes the spleen qb pacifies the flve long-term depots,and regulates the center [Itserves to cure] outflow With_free-flx iness?+ of adults and children
alike, intestinal fiush and discharge of pus and blood. It removes the hundreds of Wworms/bugs and eliminates yellow zZz7zz-iHness, 褲 and obstruction-illness and im記 nessy associated with worms/bugs. Ingested over a long period, 1t pedimenttakes the weight of the body and extends the years [oflife]. 58z 入. o9 15 O3
石 。脂 7z7527x27.
Blackstone fat. Blackhalloysite.
【 別 錄 日】 一名 石墨 , 一名 石 涅。【 時 珍 日】 此 乃 石 脂 之 黑 ,者 亦可 詞 墨 , 其 性 粘 ,古 與 炙石 不 。同 南人 謂 之畫 眉 。石 許氏 說 文 雲: 籃 , 畫 眉 石 也。 zz 及 : Alternative name: $27 2z9 石墨 , “stone “stone sludge. [Li Shizhen: Ihis is the black as ink. By its nature it sticks to the tongue; it South call it “eyebrow liner stone” Xu Shi in black pigment] used to line eyebrows. 【
氣味 】
平 ,
無 課 。
閱 口】
黑 符 :
inky”alternative name 527 zz 石 涅, variety of stone fat. It can also serve differs from coal. Ihe people in the his $2z2 oz states: “zz 找 is [the
君 :
甘 ,
毒 。
Qiand Flavor. Salty, balanced,nonpoisonous.[Wuj Pu: As for the black tally, Tong jun: Sweet, nonpoisonous.
【 主治 】 養 腎 ,氣 強 ,陰 主 氣 , 不 饑 延 年。 列 錄 。
陰 蝕 ,瘡 止 泊腸 洩 ,痢 療
口 瘡 咽 。痛 久和 服 益
Control Itnourishes the kidney qiystifens theyin[(i.e.,genital) memberj, controls erosion sores in theyin[.e,genital regionj,ends intestinal lush and outflow with
訓ness,and serves to heal oral sores and painful throat. Ingested overalong
period, it boosts the qib prevents hunger and extends the years [of life]. 2zz Z.
524 了 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr. 525 瑟 zzzg Zz7 黃疸 , most likely including cases ofjaundice. BCGM Dict L, 225. 526 zzg 及 癱 疸, “obstruction-ilness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM
Dict L, 642.
C//z27/e/ 9
og-I5-o4 白石 。脂 5o7527 27. White stone fat. White halloysite.
【 無 呆 畏
氣 】味 甘 、 酸 , 平 , 無 毒。【 普 曰】 白 符, 毒。 桐 君: 甘 , 無 毒。 扁 :鵲 辛 。 李 當 :之 曰】 溫 。【 之 才 曰】 得 厚 ,朴 米 汁 ,飲 止 頒 日】 長黃連 、 甘 草、 飛 廉、 馬 目 巷 黃 。【
一名 隨 。 央 伯、 雷 公 : 酸 , 。【 小 寒。【 權 日】 甘 、 辛 便 膿。 燕 屎 為 之 ,使 惡 松 脂 , 毒公 。
Qiand Flavor. Sweet, sourp balanced,nonpoisonous.[Wuj Pu: As for white tally an
alternative name is yz7 隨 . Qi Bo, Lei gong: Soup nonpoisonous. Tong jun: Sweet, nonpoisonous. Bian Que: Acrid. Li Dangzhi: Slightly cold.[Zhen] Quan: Sweet, acrid. [ 工 ]| Gao: Warm. [Au] Zhicai: Drunk together with 2zoz2/7z bark and wa~-
ter in which rice was cooked it ends urination/defecation with pus. Droppings of sWallows serve as its guiding substance. [Ingested togethep」it abhors colophony and it fears yczz//z7zz root.[Su]| Song: [Ingested togethep] it fears c22Zoy[rhizome」, 57Zycy7722z [rootlb cdz7zzzy [rood|and Zysoyzzz [root.
水, 小 腸 泊 熱 , 瀉 便 膿 ,血 女 骨 子 中 漏下 赤 白 瀛, 排 癱 疸 瘡 痔。 久和 服 不 饑, 輕 身 長 。年 別 。錄 注 大 腸 。 甄 權 。
ontrol Tt nourishes the lung qb adds to the thickness of the intestines, supplements bone marrow and serves to heal [qij insufhciency in the five long-term de-
pots associated With_fright palpitation, as well as unrest below the heart. It ends abdominal pain and discharges watep [it serves to cure] small intestinal flush with
heat, viscous urination/defecation with pus and blood, and collapsing centerf57 cf wormen with leaking discharge of red and white foam. Tt forces sores and piles associated With obstruction-illness and impediment訓ness?' to open. Ingested overa long ttme it pacifies the heart and prevents hunger Tt takes the weight of the body and extends the years [of life」|. 2zz 及 . Tt roughens [the passages through] the large intestine. Zhen Quan.
527 eze xo7g 朋 中 ,“collapsing centep”excessive vaginalbleeding outside ofamenstruation period. BCGM Dictl,58.
528 yozg 及 癱 疸, “obstruction-ilness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BVCGIM Dict L, 642.
//2e 527 Cz2 Gz7zg 4 【
方 】
舊 四
Added Recipes. Four of old. ITwo newly [recorded.
小 兒 水 ,痢 形 ,顧 不 勝 湯 。藥 白 石 半脂 兩 研 粉, 和 白粥 錄。
空 肚 食 。之 子 母秘
Watery free-fHux 訕nessy29 of children, with an emaciation that cannot be overcome by decoction medication. Grind half a /Zzze of white halloysite to apowder and [have the child] eat this with a white rice congee on an empty abdomen. Z7 zz 77 /7/.
兒 滑 泄。 白 龍 :丸 白石
木瓜 、 茲
蘇 湯 。下 全
、脂 白 龍骨 等 分 為末 , 水
丸 泰 米大 , 每 量大 小,
幼 心鑑 。
Smooth outflow of children. Ihe“white dragon pills.[Grind] equal amounts of
white halloysite and white dragon bones to apowder and form pills the size of mi let grains, to be sent down With a decoction of c2zz7zo7zz/zy fruit and ez//z「[herbj,
With the amount corresponding to the age [of the child|. Ozz7z
久 泄久 痢 。 白石 脂、 乾 董 等 ,分 大 , 每 米 下飲 三 十 。丸 斗門 方 。
zz X77z.7277.
研 , 百 沸湯 和 烽 銜為 糊 搜 ,之 併 手 丸 梧子
Long-lasting outflow; long-lasting free-fux 訂 ness. Grind equal amounts of white halloysite and dried ginger [to a powderj, give it into a mixture of bubbling hot water and noodle dough and form with your hands pills the size of vzoz seeds. 己ach time[let the patient| send down With arice beverage 3o Pills. 2z 7ze7z Z7ze
兒 臍 汁 赤出
腫。 白 石 末脂 鰲 ,溫 撲 ,之 日 三 ,度 勿 揭 動。 違 宙 獨 行方 。
A liquid released by achilds navel, accompanied by redness and swelling. Simmer white halloysite to a warm paste,and apply it to the [affected region]. Ihree timesa day Do not take off[an earlier applicationj.- Wei zhou,
zz x77zg zzz
兒 臍 血 ,出 多 啼。 方 同上 。 寇氏 衍 義 。 Bleeding from achilds naveb With much wailing [of the patient]. Recipe identtcal to theone above.Kou shi, Yz7zz 罷 .
粉 洋 面 。軒 白 石 脂 六 ,兩 白合 十 二 ,兩 烏 末 , 界 錄。
子 和白 , 夜 且塗 洗。 聖 濟
Facial dregs and facial gloom.[Grind] six /Zz7zg of white halloysite and I2 Zz7zg 0f 27z2ez/22yzy [root] to apowdep mix it with egg white, apply this to the [affected region] at night,and wash it of in the morning. 52ezzg 序 甩 .
529 了 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
C//z27/e/ 9
赤 石 脂。 CZ27527 77 Redstone fat. Redhalloysite.
【 氣 】味 甘 、 酸 、 辛 , 大 溫, 無 毒 ,。【 普 曰】 赤 符: 神 、農 雷 公 : 甘 。 黃 帝 、 扁 鵲: 無 毒。 李當 之: 小 寒。【 之 才 曰】 畏 充 ,花 惡 大 、黃 松 脂 。【 頌 日】 古人 亦 單 服 ,食 云 發 則 心痛 , 飲 熱 酒 不 。解 用 匕 裏 色、 豉, 剖 水飲 之 。 Qiand Flavor. Sweet,sourp acrid,verywarm,nonpoisonous.[Wuj Pu: As forred tal-
ly Shennongand Leigong: Sweet.Bian Que: Nonpoisonous.Li Dangzhi: Slightly cold. [Xu] Zhicai: [Ingested togethep] it fears daphne [flower] and abhors rhubarb
root and colophony [Su] Song: People in ancient times ingested [this substance] alone for food,and itis said that it caused heart pain that could not be resolved by drinking hotwine.Rathep theyboiled |red halloysite] wrappedin silk floss together With onions and fermented beans,and drank this.
【 痔, 身 收
主 】治 養 心氣 , 明 目 益 ,精 療 腹痛 腸 ,洲 下 赤痢 白, 小 便利 , 及 癮 疸 瘡 子朋中 漏 下, 產 難, 胞衣 不 。出 和久 服補 髓 , 好 顏色 , 益 人 箔 不 ,饑 輕 女 延 年。 別 錄。 補 五 臟 虛 。乏 甄 權。 補 心血 , 生肌肉 , 厚 腸胃 , 除 水 濕 , 脫 。肛 時珍 。
Control It nourishes the heart di, clears the eyes, boosts essence/sperm, heals ab-
dominal pain and intestinal fush, red and white discharge With free-fux ness55 andfree [uncontrolled| flowofurine,as well as sores associated with obstruction記-
ness and impediment-illness and piles, collapsing center?* of women with aleaking discharge, di 了 cult delivery and failure of the placenta to be released. Ingested over a long time, it serves to supplement the marrowy improves the complexion,
boosts intelligence and prevents hunger takes the weight of the body and extends the years [of life]- 5zz 及 . It supplements depletion and exhaustion of the five long~
term depots. Z/hen Quan. Tt supplements the blood in the heart, generates muscles and Hesh, makes the walls of the intestines and the stomach thicker eliminates water and moisture,and retracts aprolapsed anus. [Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 弘 景 日】 五色 石 ,脂 本 經 療 體 亦 相 似, 別 錄 分 具條 載 , 今 俗惟 用 、赤 白 二 脂 斷 下 痢耳。【 元 素 曰】 赤 、 白 石 脂 俱 、甘 酸 , 陽中 之 陰 , 53o 了 7 痢 ,“free-fllx iness,”"a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
53I ozg 及 癱 疸 ,“obstruction訕 ness,impediment-illness.”refers totwovaguelydistinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 642.
532 85ezex2o7g 朋 中 ,“collapsing centerp”excessive vaglinalbleeding outside ofamenstruation period. BCGM Dictl,58.
固 無 【 潛 胃 抵 主 分, 重 溫,
//2e 527 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
。【 脫 呆 曰】 降 也 , 陽 中 陰 。也 其 有用 二 : 固 推 蕩 之 峻。 【 好 古 】晶 沈 可 去 ,脫 石 脂 為 收 欲 皆 陽明 藥 。也 其 味 ,甘 其 時 珍 曰】 五 石 脂 手足 而 重 , 故 能 尖收 止 血 而 固 下 ; 上甘 而 ,溫 故 能 黃 肌肉 , 和 毆 黃疸 悸 是 ;也 下 ,者 腸 灌 泄 ,痢 月 帶 相 。同 故本 經 不 條分 目 , 但 各云 隨 色 五 補 五 。臟 治 亦 不 甚 相 ,逼 但 以 五 味 配 色 五 烏 ,異 亦 是 強 湯 治 用 一入 血 。分 故 用時 尚 。之 張 仲 景 桃花 ,潛 入 下 焦 血 分 而 固 ;脫 乾 董 之 辛 ,溫 暖下 焦 佐 石 脂、 收 董 而 潤 胃腸 也 。
腸胃 有 收 癸 之 劑之 , 赤 入 ,丙 氣溫 , 其 體重 , 氣生 肌 而 調 。中 失 精 是也 。 五 別 錄 雖 分 五 分 。爾 赤 白二 下 痢 便 膿 。血 取 氣 分 補而 虛;
,能 下 胎 衣 白 入庚 。 其 性潛 。 中 ,者 腸 種 主 ,療 大 種, 而 性味 種 , 一入 氣 赤 石 脂之 韶 米 之甘
Explication.[Iao] Hongjing: According to the 5zz.7Zzo the five differently colored kinds of halloysite are similar in their curative [potential] and physical substance.
The 5zz 及 has devoted a separate entry to each of them. Nowadays only the two kinds of red and white halloysite are used for ending discharge with free-flux 山 ness. 史 [Zhang] Yuansu: Red and white halloysite are both sweet, sour and yin in yang. hey solidify what is affected by evanescence. [Li] Gao: It sinks. Itis yin in yang.Ithas two usages.[Firsbj With its ability to gather and collecty it solidifies the intestines and the stomach. [Second,] it serves to discharge the placenta without
pushingitoutthe hard way [Wang] Haogu: With its ability to roughen |[a passage」 it eliminates emanescences. Halloysite is a [therapeutic] preparation that gathers and collects. Red [halloysite] enters the heart; white [halloysite] enters the lung[LI] Shizhen: All the five kinds of halloysite are medications associated with the
handand footyang brilliiance [conduits]. Iheir flavoris sweet,and theirqiare warm. Their physical substance is heavy and their nature is roughening.As they are roughening and heavy they are able to gather moisture, to stop bleeding and to solidify where there is discharge.As they are sweet and warm, they are able to boost the qu generate muscles and regulate the center. Ihe “center' comprises the intestines, the stormach and fesby fright palpitation and jaundice. “Discharge is intestinal fush and outflow with free-fux 訓 ness,collapsing belt?4 and loss of essence/semen. Controlloverillness] and curative [potentiall of the five kinds [of halloysite] are identi-
cal. Hence the 5e7.7/7zoe has not devoted separate entries to them. All it states is that they serve to supplement one of the five long-term depots in accordance with their [correspondingj color Ihe 2z 和 懇 treats the five kinds [of halloysite] separately but in terms of their nature,flavop controland curative [potential]l they are not far apart
from each other Ihe only difference lies in the association of the five substances 533 了 7 ,“free-flux 痢 illness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
534 8ezg 2Z27 朋 帶 ,“collapsing belt"” acombined designation of 2e7e >x2oze 朋 中 ,"collapsing centep”and Zzzxzz 宙 下 , "discharge from below the belt." BCGM
C//z27/e/ 9
With their respective colors,Wwhich is a forced distinction. Of the two red and white
kinds, one enters the qi often preferred for use. With peach blossoms to tion) relief with pus and weight and roughening
section, the other enters the blood section. Hence they are Zhang Zhongjing [recommended to] use the“decoction cure discharge with free-flux illness and (defecation/urinablood. Ihis [decoction] makes use of red halloysites heavy nature that lets it center the blood section of the Lower
Burner and solidify what is affected by emanescence. he acrid [fiavor] and warm
lnature] of dried ginger serve to warm the qi section of the Lower Burner and to supplement depletions. Ihe sweet [fiavor] and warm [nature] of non-glutinous
rice assists the halloysite and the dried ginger and moistens the intestines and the stormach.
【 附 方】 舊 五, 新 七。 Added Recipes. Five of old. Seven newly [recorded
小 兒 辣 。瀉 赤 石 脂末 , 米 飲 調 服 半 錢 , 立 。疾 加 京 芎 等分, 更 妙。 斗 門 方 。 nesss5 with outflow of children. |Let the patient] ingest half a 7zzz of red 崗zGzz halloysite mixed With water in which rice was cooked and this will result in an immediate cure.With an identical amount of /Zezy/zzc7z [root] added,|the effects wi be] even more wondrous. 2z 2e7z./zZzg
大 腸 寒 ,滑 小 便 精 。出 赤 石 、脂 敢 各董 一 ,兩 胡椒 半 ,兩 烏末 , 酯 糊 丸梧 子 大, 每 空心 米 飲下 五 七十 丸。 有 人 病 此 , 熱 藥 服 至 一 斗二 升, 不 。效 或 教 服 此 , 終 四 劑 而 。息 寇 氏 衍 義 。 Smooth [passage through thel] large intestine resulting from cold, with arelease of urine and essence/sperm.[Grind] one /z7e each of red halloysite and dried ginger With half a Zz7zoe of black pepper to apowder and form with vinegar and flour pills the size of voz seeds. 紀 ach time [let the patient] ingestonanempty stomach with a
rice beverage 5o to 7o pills. Once there was aperson who suffered from this disease. He ingested of ahot medication as much as one Zoz and two y2z7zo Without an e+ffect. Ihen someone taught him to ingest this [medication] and acure was achieved
after [ingestingjno more than four preparations. Kou shib yz7zz 怒 .
535 Gzz 開,“gz7-iness,”also: “sweets-iness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCGJM Dict L IS8o-I88.
7/2e 5z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
赤 白 下 。痢 赤 石 脂末 , 飲 服 一 。錢 普 Redand white discharge with free-fHux red halloysite powder. / 壇 zz
濟方 。 訓 ness.5 Ingest with a beverage one 7z2zZz 0f
冷 痢 腹痛 , 下 白 凍 如 魚 。腦 桃 花 :丸 赤 石 脂 ,刀 乾 和 丸, 量 大 小 ,服 日 三 。服 和 劑 局方 。
芋 ,炮 等 分 為末 , 蒸 餅
Cold free-fiux 崗 ness With abdominal pain and a discharge of white matter resem~bling fsh brain. Ihe“pills With peach blossoms. [Grind] equal amounts of red
halloysite, calcined, and dried gingep roasted in a pan,to apowder and form with steamed cakes pills. Ihe amount to be ingested is to be adapted to the [patients」 age/weight. Jo be ingested three times a day. z 再 及 多 Zze
老人 氣 痢 虛 。冷 赤 石 脂 五 兩 水 ,飛 白 籤 六 ,兩 水 心 食, 三 四次 即 。愈 養 老 方 。
煮 熟, 入交 、
醬作 腫 ,
Free-flux ness of [intestinal fatus] qi of old people with depletion and afeeling of cold. Boil flve /z7zo of red halloysite, processed with aqueous sublimation, and
six /Zz7ce of white flour in water until done.Add onions and meat sauce to preparea broth and [let the patient] eat this on an empty stomach. After three to four times
acure will be achieved. yz7zzg /z2 /27zgo.
傷寒 下 ,痢 便 膿 血 不 止。 桃 花 湯 主 。之 赤 石 脂 一 ,斤 一 半 全用 , 一半 末 用, 乾 董 一 ,兩 濕 米 半 ,升 水 七 ,升 煮 米 熟 去 ,淬 每 服 七 。合 內末 方 寸 匕 , 日 三 ,服 愈 乃 止 。 張仲景 方。 Harm caused by cold and discharge with_free-flux 訓 ness, and unending (defecation/urination) relief_ with pus and blood. Ihis is controlled by the“decoction With_peach blossoms. Boil one 7Zz of red halloysite, one half complete, one haltf as powdep and one /z7o of dried pinger and half a y2zzo of nonglutinous rice in seven y2ezg of water until the rice is done and remove the dregs. 紀ach time [let the patient] ingest seven ez.Add [halloysite] powder as much as is held by a square 7z/77 spoon, to be ingested three times a day End the [treatment] once [the patient] is Cured.
痢 後 脫肛。 赤
之227zo777 7
龍肝 為 末, 傅 之。 一 加 白 馨。 錢 石 、脂 伏
氏 小兒 方 。
Anal prolapse following a free-fux iness.[Grind] red halloysite and soil from a
furnace to apowder and apply this to the [affected region]. Another [recipe] adds
alum. Qian shi, 六 zz2 zz
反胃 吐 。食 絕 好 赤 石 脂 為末 , 蜜 丸 梧 子大 , 每空腹 董 湯下 一二 十 丸。 先 以 巴豆 仁 一 ,枚 勿 令 ,破 以 津 吞之, 後 為 服藥 。 聖 惠 方 。 536 了7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
C//z27/e/ 9
Turned overstomach with vomiting of food.[Grind]j top quality red halloysite toa powder and form with honey pills the size of voz seeds. 紀ach time [let the patiend send down on an empty stomach ten to twenty pils with a ginger decoction. But before this, [the patient] is to swallow with his [saliva body] liquid one croton seed
that must not be broken open. Only then he is to ingest the medication. Sec7zo 27/7 /7zo
瘓 飲 吐 水 無 時 節 。者 其 因原 冷 飲 過 ,度 逐 令 胃脾 氣 ,弱 不 消化 能 飲食。 飲 食 胃入 , 皆變成 冷水 , 反 吐 不 ,停 赤 石 脂 散 主 。之 赤 石 脂 一 ,斤 揭 ,篩 服 方寸 ,經 酒 飲 自 ,任 稍加 至 三 。匕 服盡 一 ,片 則終身 不 吐 痰 ,水 又 不下 痢 。 補 五 藏, 令人 肥 。健 有 人 痰 ,飲 服 諸 藥 不 ,效 用 此 了 愈 。 千 金 翼 方 。 Phlegm rheums7 With every now and then avomiting of water, caused by an excessive drinking of cold beverages resulting in weakened spleen and stomach qi so that beverages and food can no longer be digested. When beverages and food have entered the stomacb, they change to become cold water resulting in an unending vomiting. Ihe“powder with red halloysite”serves to control tis. Pound one 7 of red halloysite through asieve and [let the patient] ingest the amount held by a square z7/ spoon drinking it With as much wine as he wishes. Slowly increase the amount to as much as is held by three such spoons. Once one.7zz of [red halloysitel」 is used up [the patient| will never again,for his entire life,vomit phlegm and watern
and he will never again be affected by discharge with free-fiux 過 ness.2 Tt supplements the five long-term depots and lets one become fat and strong. Ihere was a man who suffered from phlegm-rheum. He ingested medication but it remained without effect. 紀 ventually he resorted to this [medication] and was cured. O727z 7-77 如
心痛 徹 。背 赤 石 、脂 乾 薑、 蜀 各椒 四 ,分 附子 二 炮 分, 局 頭 炮 一 ,分 記 末 , 蜜 丸 梧 子 ,大 先 食 服 一 。丸 不 ,知 稍 增 。之 張仲景 歡金 方 。 Heart pain extending into ones back.[Grind] four /#z each of red halloysite, dried ginger and Sichuan peppep two /7z of Zco7z7/z77z [accessory tuber|, roasted in a pan, and one
zz of Zco77zz/77「main tuberj, roasted in a pan, to apowder and form with
honeyp 記 s the size of zoz seeds.First eat prior to amealone pill. fitremains without effect, slowly increase [the amound Zhang Zhongjingy.7Zzz 2 /27zg
537 7zz zz 疾 飲 ,“phlegm rheumy,"refers to pathological products that have accumulated in the body and that are excreted in the process of changes affecting the depots and palaces. Ihey may block the passage of qi and blood and thereby become pathogenic factors. BCGIM Dict L, 498. 538 了 7 痢 ,“free-fllx illness,”"a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3r.
//2e 527 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
經 水 過 。多 赤 石 、脂 破 故 各紙 一 ,兩 烏 末 。 人 每 服 二 ,錢 米 飲 。下 普
濟方 。
Excessive menstruation.[Grind] one /zz7zg each of red halloysite and yoyz/ez fruit toapowder. 世 ach time [let the patient] ingest two 7z2z, to be sent down with arice
beverage. /z/ 及 /27z.
小便 不 。禁 赤
石 脂 ,刀 牡蠣 沁 , 各 三 ,兩 鹽 一 ,兩
路 下湯 十 五 。丸 普 濟 方,
烏末 , 糊
丸 梧 子大 ,
Uncontrollable flow of urine.[「Grind] three /Zzzg each of red halloysite, calcined, and oyster shells, calcined, with one /z7zgp of salt to a powder and form with flour
pills the size of voz seeds. 己ach time send down with asalt decoction 5 p 過ls. 霹 壇 zz
桃花 72o 722 5
石本 唐 草 上 弓 /Zz7zg 2e7z cZ2.
Peach blossom stone/mineral. Marmor(redand white), Calcium carbonate,
【 集 解】【 恭 】晶 桃 花 石 出 申 州 。 鐸 山縣, 似 赤 石 ,脂 但
彼 之 不 看 古 者是
也 。【 列 日】 其 狀 亦 紫似 石 ,英 色 若 桃花 , 光 潤 而 ,重 目 可 之 愛 。【 頒 日 】 今 信州 有 之 , 形 塊 赤似 石 、脂 茲 央 石 募 , 米 無 。時 陶 弘 景 赤言 石 脂出 義 陽 ,者 狀 如 獨 ,腦 鮮紅 可 。愛 蘇 恭 非 ,之 云 是桃花 ,石 久 服肥 人 。 今 十 人 以 療 ,痢 功用 亦 不 相 遠。【 宗 爽 日 】 桃 花 石有 赤、 白 二 等, 有 赤 地 淡白 點 如桃花 片 ,者 有 淡 白 赤地 點 如桃花 片 。者 人 往往欠 磨 為 器 ,用 人 亦 年服 之 。【 時 珍 】晶 此 即 赤 白 石 脂 之 不 粘 、舌 堅 而有 花點 者, 非 列 一 物也 , 故 其 氣味 功用 皆 同 石 。脂 昔 張 仲 景 治 用 痢 赤 石 名 脂 桃花 ,湯 和 劑 局 方 治 冷 痢 有 桃花 ,丸 皆 即 此 物耳 。 ollected Explanations. [Su] Gong: Marmor originates in Zhong shan xian in Shen Zhou. Itlooks like red stone fat, but when one licks it it does not stick to the
入un: Its shape is reminiscent of thatoffluorspapandits coloris that0f
peach blossoms. Itis shiny and glossy and heavy' Tts appearance is easy on the eyes. [Su] Song: Nowadays it occurs in 入in zhou. Jhe physical appearance of its pieces is similar to that ofred stone fat,and of fluor spar. It is collected anytime. Tao Hongjing says: Red stone fat oripinatesin Yiyang and is shapedlike the brain of apiglet, with alovely fresh red color. Su Gong contradicts him, stating: Ihese are“peach blossom stones. Ingested over along time they let one become fat. Nowadays, the locals use them for healing free-fux 過 ness.39 Iheir [therapeutic] potentials are not far apart from each other [Kou] Zongshi. Peach blossom stone occurs in two kinds,
red and white. Jhere are those with ared ground and pale-white dots resembling 539 了7 痢 ,“free-flux illness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
C//z27/e/ 9
peach blossom petals. And there are those with a pale white ground and black dots resembling peach blossom petals. Ihe people often use them to carve and rub utensils, but occasionally they are also ingested by the people. [Li| Shizhen: Ihis is red and white stone fat that does not stick to the tongue. It is hard and has dots like blossoms.Ttis not an item different from red halloysite. Hence its qi and flavor and [therapeutic] potential are identical to those of halloysite. In antiquity Zhang hongjing cured free-fHux 過 ness with red halloysite and named it peach blossom decoction.” The 7 去 及 zoo [recommends to] cure free-fHux 名 ness caused by cold with the pills with peach blossoms. All these are the item discussed here.
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
溫, 無 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, warm, nonpoisonous.
令人肥 悅能 食。 唐本。 【 主 】治 大 腸 中 冷 膿 血 。痢 和久 服 ontrol Cold in the large intestine with pus and bloody free-fiux ness. Ingested over along time, it lets a person become fat and happy and be able to eat. 7z7ze 2e7z.
石 日 甘 綱
了 27 2 上 己 GZz7z 2 2
Sweetstone from afurnace. Calamine. Zincspar
【 釋 】名 爐 先 。【 生 土 宿 真 君 日 】 此 物點 化 為 神 藥 絕 ,闊 九 天 三 清 俱 尊之 時 珍 曰】 爐 火 所 ,重 其 味 ,甘 故 名 。 也 日 爐 先生 , 非 小 藥 。【 Explanation of Names. 民 zz xzzzz y2ezg 爐 先 生 ,“Mr' Furnace.”Tu su zhen jun: This item is transformed in alchemical processes to a divine medication of decidedly wondrous [effects].In the nine heavens and three clarities it is reveredly called “Mr
Furnace.”Ihis is not an insignifcant medication! [Li| Shizhen:[Ihose who use]
freinafurnace [to prepare longevity elixirsj, they hold itin high esteem. Its flavor 1s swWeet. Hence its name.
【 澤 一, 銀 黃 十 云: 鑰
石 在 坑 治 處 集 解 】【 時 珍 曰】 爐 甘 所 州、 陽 城、 高 平、 靈 、丘 融 縣 及雲南 狀 似 羊 ,腦 鬆如 石 ,脂 亦 粘 。古 產 坑 ,者 其色白 , 或 帶 ,青 或 帶 ,綠 或 :雲 爐 化 ,銅 皆此 物點 化 。也 造 指南 年 方 能 結成 。 以大 穢 及 浸 礙 煮過 , 皆 用 鋼 一 片, 爐 甘 石 一 ,斤 鍊 之 即 成 石 波斯 , 如 黃金 , 燒 之 赤 而 不黑 。 生
有皆 , 川暫 、 湘 東 最多 , 而太 原 、 者 烏 ,勝 金 銀 之 苗 。也 其 大 塊 小不 於 金 坑 ,者 其色 微 ,黃 為上 。 產 於 粉紅。 赤 銅 得 ,之 即 變 為 ,黃 今 之 甘 石 受 黃金 、 白 銀 之 氣 惠 ,陶 三 可 點 ,化 不 晟 三 。黃 人 崔 暈 外 本 丹 草 鑰 石 一 斤半 。 非 中 石 物取 出 乎? 真
7/2e 5z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
ollected Explanations. [Li| Shizhen: Locations to prepare calamine are found
everywhere at the mines and foundries, most often in Chuan shu and 入iang dongThat from Tai yuan,Ze zhou Yang chengy, Gao ping Ling qiu, Yong xian and Yun nan is best. It is the outcrop of gold and silver. Ihe size of its pieces varies. Ihey are shaped like asheep brain,and softlike halloysite. Ihey too, stick to the tongue. Those kinds originating in gold pits are of aslightly yellow color. Ihey are the best. Ihose kinds originating in silver pits are of white colop sometimes with some greenish or green traces, or pink. When they are brought together with red coppep they change to assume a yellow color Iodays yellow copper is always atransformation by means of an alchemical processing of these items. Ihe Zz2 2zz 227 277 states: “When calamine is exposed to the q of yellow gold and white silver in a potteryjar for3o years,it will become [a divine medication]. Soaked in manure and heated With arsenic it is transformed |to amedication] that is not inferior to the three [substances realgap orpimentand sulphur that have in their names the char-
acterj] yellow. Cui Fang in his 77772727 cd2 states: “When one 7Zzz of copper and one 7zz of calamine are refined with heat, they become one 7-zz and a half of brass. Then, [brass] is not an item obtained from Within rocks? Genuine brass grows in
Po si (Persia). It looks like yellow gold. When heated it turns red,not black.
【 修 治】【 時 珍 曰】 凡 用 淨 , 研 ,粉 水 飛過 , 晒 用 。
爐 甘 ,石 以災 火
燉紅 , 童子
小 便 淬 七 ,次 水 洗
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Li| Shizhen: For al] applications of calamine, calcine
it with a charcoal filre until it has assumed ared colop dip it into boys urine seven times, wash it cleanm grind it to apowdep process it with aqueous sublimation and
dryitin the sun before using it [for therapeutic purposes」
【 氣 】味 甘,
溫, 無 毒 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, warm,nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 止 ,血 消 腫 毒, 生 肌 , 明 目中 一 切 諸 。病 時 珍 。
目 去 醫 赤退 , 收濕 除 。爛 同 龍 腦點 , 治
Control. It ends bleeding, dissolves swelling with poison, generates muscles, clears the eyes, removes shades [from the eyesj, removes redness [from the eyesj, with-
draws moisture and eliminates festering. Dripped [into the eyes] together with borneolit serves to cure all types of ailments affecting the eyes. [Li] Shizhen.
【 藥。 甚
發 】【 明 時 珍 】晶 爐 甘 ,石 陽明 經 藥 。也 受 金 銀 之 ,氣 故 治 目 病 烏要 時 珍 常用 爐 甘 刀石 淬 、 海 螺 、峭 硼 各砂 一 ,兩 烏細 末 , 以點 諸 目病 , 。妙 入 朱砂 五 ,錢 則 性 不 粘也 。
C//z27/e/ 9
Explication. [Li] Shizhen: Calamine is a medication for the yang brilliance conduits. Tt has acquired the qi of gold and silver. Henceitis an important medication to cure eye diseases.[Lb Li| Shizhen regularly use one /zzzg each of calamine, cal-
cined and dipped [into boys urinej, cuttlefish bone and borax, [have them ground to]afine powdepto be dripped into the eyes for all types of diseases with very won~ drous [effects|.- When five 7zzz of cinnabar are added, it will lose its sticky nature.
方】 新十 五。 【 附 Added Recipes.I newly [recorded.
目暴 赤 院 方。
腫 。 爐 上甘 石 火 燉 尿 ,淬 風化
消 等 ,分 為 末 , 新 水 化 一 栗 點 。之 御 爍
Eyes suddenly a 負 icted byredness andswelling.[Grind] eqdualamounts of calamine, calcined over afire and dipped into urine, and mirabilite to a powder. Dissolve as
much as the size of amillet seed in newly drawn water and drip this [into the af fected eyes」]- 苞 yo2 z27z./7zg
諸般 殿 膜。 爐 甘 石、 青 、志 朴 洗 , 日 三 。次 宣 明 方 。
消 等 ,分 人 烏末 ,
每 用 一字 , 沸
湯 化 ,開
All types ofshades and membranes [developing in the eyes].[Grind] eqdualamounts
of calamine, greenish alum and mirabilite to apowder.
斷ach time dissolve one zz in
hot water boiled to bubbling and wash [the affected eyesj with the warm [liquid」.
Three times a day. 參 z/Zz7z 7zZ7zg Z7ze
一 切 目 。疾 真 爐 甘 半 石 斤, 用 黃連 四 ,兩 到 豆大 , 銀 石 器 ,內 水二 介 , 章 二 伏 ,時 去 黃連 , 詞 ,末 入 片 腦 二 錢半 , 研 勻 罐 。收 每 點 少許 , 頻 取用 效 。 Al types of ailments of the eyes.Boil half a 7zzz of genuine calamine With four /z7zo of 92/zy |rhizomej, cut into pieces the size of beans,inasilver or stone vesselin two
bowls of water for two days and two nights. Ihen remove the co2/#y |rhizome] and [lgrind the calamine] to apowder Add two and a half 7zz7z of borneol grind this evenly [to a powder] and store it in asmall vase. Each time drip asmall amount
[into the affected eyes]. Repeated applications will be effective.
又 :方 爐
甘 石 煉 ,錢 盆 消 一 ,錢 烏 末 , 熱湯
泡洗 。
Another recipe.[Grind] one 7zz7z of calcined calamine and one 7zzz of mirabilite to
apowdep soak them in hot water and [use the liquid to] wash [the aftected eyes.
目 中 諸 。病 石連 光明 散 : 治 眼中 五 輪 八 廓 諸 ,證 神 。效 爐 甘 石半 上 ,斤 取 如 羊 、腦 鴨 色 頭 者, 以 桑 柴 灰 一 ,斗 火刀 赤 末研 , 用 雅 州黃連 各 四 ,兩 切
7/2e 5z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
水* 浸 過 , 炒 之。 和 雄黃 以 二連 片 , 煎 水 浸 ,石 澄 取 粉 , 晒 乾。 從 生 人 黃 分 , 片 腦 半 ,分 研 ,色 點 眼 甚 妙 。 研 末 。 每 用 甘 石、 鉛 粉 各三 ,分 雄 一 張 氏 方 。 All types of ailments in the eyes. Ihe“powder with calamine and c22Zoy[rhizomel Ttserves to cure all types of 訓 ness signs in the flve wheels/spheresand eightboundaries [of the eyes]jf With divine effects. Calcine With fire until it has assumed ared
color and grind to apowder half a.7zz of calamine 一 select specimens colored like asheep brain or the head of aduck 一 with one Zoz of ashes of mulberry firewood. Then cut four Zz7ze of 92Zry[rhizome] from Yao zhou into pieces, boil them [in water] and add the calamine to soak [in the liquid]- Filter the liquid, remove the powder and dryitin the sun. Also, soak two Zoe of lead carbonate in the「[2zz7zg]|
/7z7z water and fry it. Gurrind realpgar to a powder. For each application use three /7 each of the calamine and of the lead carbonate, one /ez of the realgar and half a /77 ofthe borneolandgrindthem evenly [toapowder] to be dripped into the [affected|
eyes. Very Wondrous.
目 各 爍, 易簡
之2Zz7zg 527 /27zo.
暗 昏 。花 爐 甘 石 火 燉、 重 尿 淬 七 ,次 代 趟 石 火 酪 淬 七 ,次 黃 丹 水飛 , 四 ,兩 詞 末 。 白 沙 蜜半 斤 , 以 銅 錨 鍊 去 白 ,沫 更 清水 添 五六 得 , 敬 沸 下 器 收 ,之 頻點 日 。用 衛 生 入 武火 鰲至 一 ,得 滴水 不 ,散 以 夾 紙 濾 移 文 方。
Dim vision and clouding With flowery vision.[Grind] four /z7ze each of calamine, calcined overafire and dipped into boys urine seven times, hematite, calcined over afreand dipped into vinegar seven times, and lead oxide, processed with aqueous sublimation, to apowder. Also,refine with heatinacoppervessel half a zz of white
granulated honey and remove the white foam.Add flve to six bowls of clear watep heat this until bubbling and add the medication. Simmer this with a mild fire first and amore violent fire afterwards down to one bowl to generate a paste. Water dripped into it must no longer disperse. Filter [the paste] through two layers 0f paper into aporcelain vessel for storage.Drip it [into the affected eyes] several times aday 記 / 52e7z 罷 .727z 7
石 兩, 火 燉 童 尿 淬 七 爛 弦 風 。眼 劉 長 春 :方 治 風 眼 流 ,汽 爛 。弦 白 爐 甘 四 次 , 地 上 出 毒 三 ,日 細 研。 每用 椒 湯 洗 目 ,後 臨 臣 點 三 四 次, 次 早 以 於 湯 洗 去, 甚 妙 。 54o As there is only one pharmaceutical substance with the character /z2zz 連 in its name, ie., co2/zy [rhizome] 黃連 , the phrase 二
連 水 may be an ancient error for 黃連 水.
54I For the concepts of the _zoz Z有 2z 2z /z2 五 輪 八 廓, “the five wheels/spheres and eight boundaries,” in historical Chinese ophthalmology see Jrgen Kovacs and Paul 刷 . Unschuld, 甩 yyz7z/z/ zz2//Zz/zzy 27z 2 S7ZZoz7 Sez. The 兀 7z 227.7772g 0z7 7 C277zzyse C/zyyzc 277 O7227z/7z2/2g人 Univ. of California Press, Berkeley Los Angeles, London,I998,134-I37.
C//z27/e/ 9
Wind eyes with_festering [eyelid] rims. Recipe of Liu Changchun: It serves to cure wind eyes with tearflow and festering [eyelid] rims. Calcine over a fire four /z7zge of white calamine and dip it into boys urine seven times. Ihen let itremain on the ground for three days to release its poison and grind ittoafine [powder]|. Each time when going to bed, after washing [the eyes] with [sichuan] pepper decoction,
drip [thepowderinto the affected eyes] three to four times. Ihe next morning wash it of with adecoction of tea [leaves]. Very wondrous.
又 :方 爐
甘 石 一 斤 火 ,刀 黃連
四 兩 煎 水 淬 七 ,次 詞 末 , 入 片 ,腦 每 點用 目 。
Alternative Recipe.[Grind] one 7zzz of calamine, calcined over a filre, and four /7z7zg
of co2Z「[rhizome], boiled in water and dipped [into boyss urine] seven times,toa powdep add borneoland for each [therapeutic] application drip it into the [affect-
ed] eyes.
宣明 眼科 方: 用 爐 甘 石、 石 各 少許 , 收點。
膏 各 一 ,錢 海螺
蝟 三 ,分 詞 末 , 入 片 、腦 麝 香
及 2z7z 77z777g zz7z Zc /z7zo:[Grind] one 7zz7z each of calamine and gypsum and three cuttleflsh bones to apowdep addsmall amounts each of borneoland muskand store
this for dripping [into the affected eyes.
尿 章 再 鰲, 下 朴 消一 石 兩, 以 黃連 一 兩 買 ,水 入 章 半 方 爐 甘 二 衛生 易 簡 用 兩 又 鰲 成。 以 刀火 石 淬 七 ,次 洗 淨 為末 , 入 密 陀 末僧 一 兩 研 ,怕 收點 之 。 The 放 752zzze 如 27./z7zg [recommends to] boiltwo /z7zce of calamine and one /7z7zg of c22Zy[rhizome] in watep add half a small cup of boys' urine and simmer this
anew. Ihen add one /Zzzzeofmirabilite and simmer this again. Calcine the calamine over fire and dip it [into boys urine] seven times, wash it clean and |[grind it to a|
powderAdd one /z7zge oflitharge and grind it evenly [to apowder|- Store this and drip it [into the affected eyes when needed.
隊 耳 出 汁。 爐 上甘 石 、 著 各 石 二 ,錢 臟 半 脂 錢, 之。 普 濟方 。
少許 , 烏 末 , 繳
Purulent ears releasing aliquid.[Grind] two 7zz7z each of calamine and alum,half a
27z7z of rouge and asmall amount ofmusk toapowder. Clean [the affected ear] and blow the [powderinto it 上 埃 克 7
542 /7zg )7 風 眼 , “wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to the eyes by heat. BCGM Dict LIZL.
齒 久
7/2e 5z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
疏 陷 。物 爐 甘 石 、粹 寒 自 。密 集 玄 方 。
水 石 等 ,分 詞 末 ,
每 用 少許 擦 ,牙 忌
用 刷牙 , 和久
Dental scarcity with sunken in matter[Grind] equal amounts of calcined calamine and calcite to apowder.
弓ach time rub asmall amount on the teeth, but do not use
it to brush the teeth. After avery long time, [the teeth] will move closer together
apaln../7 %z/277 /2772.
漏 瘡 不 。合 章 尿 制 爐 甘 石、 牡 曠 粉, 外
服 塞 。之 內 滋補
。藥 雜 病 治 例 。
Leaking sores that fail to close. Use calamine processed with boys urine and oyster shellpowderto close [the opensores]from the outside. Internally ingest nourishing and supplementing medication. Zz 2z7ze 27 Z7.
下 痞 陰 瘡。 爐 甘 石 火 碾 醋 淬 五 次 一 ,兩 孩兒 茶 三 ,錢 為 ,末 麻油 調 傅, 愈。 通 妙 邵 真人 方 。 Gz7z-ness%3 affecting the lower [body part| with sores in the yin [(i. e., geni-
tal) region]-[Grind] one /z7zg of calamine, calcined over a fire and dripped into
vinegar seven times, and three 7zzz of catechu to apowder and apply this, mixed with sesame oil to the [affected region]. Immediately effective. 727zo7z72z2 5222 之 2e777e77 /2z722.
陰 汗濕 養
。 燼 上甘 石一 ,分 真 蚌 粉 半分, 研 粉撲 。之 直 指 方 。
Sweating in the yin W ec. genital) region] with moisture and itch. Grind one /z of calamine and half a zz of genuine clamshel powder to apowder and apply this to the [affected region]. Z27 >27 zzg
旻 石 宋 嘉祐
ee 22 52 ongy.772z )2.
Stones from wells and springs.
寒如 井 果 , 故名。 【 釋 名】【 時 珍 日】 性 Explanation of Names. [Li| Shizhen: Iheir nature is cold, lilke [water from」wells
and springs. Hence the name.
【 集 解 】【 邑 錫 日】 井呆 石 , 近 這 處 處 有 之 , 入 出 廁 放 生 首 旋 入, 生田野 中 間 , 穿 地 深 丈 餘 得 。之 形 如 士色 , 圓 方 長 短 大 小不 ,等 內 實 而 外 圓 , 重 543 Gzz 并 , “ozz-iness, also: “sweets崗 ness,” involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCUGCM Dict LI8o-I88.
C//z27/e/ 9
重 相 人 ,協 采 無 。時 儿 一 種如 董 石 ,者 時 人 多 深 州 城西二 十 里 , 劇 家 村 出之 。
指 為 井 旻 ,石 非 是。【 信
ollected Explanations. [Zhang」 Yuxi: Stones from wells and springs are found
everywhere. Ihose from Rao yang jun are best. Ihey develop in the filelds in the Wilderness. Ihey are obtained by digging a >2z7e or deeper into the ground. Iheir physical appearance has the color of soil and they may be round or rectangularp long or short large or small. hey may be solid internally and round outside; and they may be piled in layers above each other. Ihey are collected anytime. Ihere is one variety reminiscent of “pinger stones. (gravel ro-28). Occasionally the people identify them as stones from wells and springs, but that is wrong. [Su] Song: Ihey originate in Ju jia cun,2o Zeast of Shen zhou city
【 修 治】【 吧
錫 日 】 凡 ,用 細 研 水 飛過 。 不 ,爾
令人 淋 。
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Zhang Yuxi: For all applications, grind them to a fane [powder] and process them through aqueous sublimation. If this is not done,
they will cause [urinary] dripping-
【 氣 】味 甘 , 大
,寒 無 兩 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, very cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 諸 ,熱 解 心臟 熱 。結 熱 ,嗽 小 兒 熱 ,辣 爸 目 青 ,盲 眼赤 腫 ,痛 消 腫 毒。 得 決 、明 菊 ,花 療 小 兒 眼 辣 生 壁 膜 。 得 大 、黃 尼 ,子 治 眼 瞪 腫 亦 。 嘉 祐。 ControlLAll types of heat. Iheyresolve bound[q
(because of heatin the heart de-
pot. Heat cough. Heat oz7z崗ness%5 of children. Sparrow eyes and Red, swollen and painful eyes. Combined with cdyyzz 名 7z seeds mum, they serve to heal ozz-ness affecting the eyes of children, membranes. Combined with rhubarb root and >27 >z, they serve and redness of eyelids../zz )z.
green blindness. and chrysanthewith shades and to cure swelling
544./zz 7 結 氣 ,“bound qb”refers to pathological di halttng and congealing atany place in the human body BCGM Dict L, 24o. 545 Gzzz 聞 , zzz崗 ness,” also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCGJIM _Dict LI8o-I88.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 附 方】 新 四 。 Added Recipes. Four newly [recorded.
膀 腕 熱 ,閉 小 便 不 。快 井 旻 、石 海 金 、沙 車 前 、子 滑 石 各 一 ,兩 詞末, 服 二 錢, 蜜 湯 。下 聖 濟錄 。 losure of the urinary bladder caused by heat, with urine failing to pass quickly |Grind] one //z7zge cach of stones from wells and springs, 乃 go27z77 Spores, 2/z7z/zgo
seeds,andtalc toapowder. decoction. $2e7z 埃
弓ach timeingesttwo 7zz7,to be sent down with ahoney
焙 兩、 穀 精 草 一 ,兩 豉 焙 一 ,合 詞 末 , 石 兩, 井中 台 半 風 毒 亦 。目 井 嚷 半 每 服 二 錢 , 空心 井 華 水 。服 聖 濟錄 。 Red eyes caused by wind and poison.[Grind] half a /z7zge of stones from wells and springs, half a //z7o of baked mosses from Within a Well, one /z7zo Of c77Zoc22//7/777
flower and one ge of fermented soybeans to apowder. 弓ach time ingest two 77Z27z. Tobe ingested onan empty stomach with the first water drawn from a well in the morning. 2e7zg 入.
產後 搐 。斤 俗 一 兩 ,
下, 出
人 又 、
名 酚 爪 。風 舒 筋 :散 用 呆井 石四 兩 另 ,研 天 川 航 、
官 桂 、
丁香 各 半 兩,
服 三錢 ,
麻 酒 漫、 木 香 各 大
汗 即 。愈 宣 明 方 。
Convulsions following a delivery Ihis is commonly called “chicken claw wind.”Ihe “powder to relax the sinews. Grrind four /z7ze of stones from wells and springs, already ground separately one /z7ze each of ozy/yo2Zzz「tuber|, soaked in wine, and
2ZzcA/2z7zZzz [roodd|, and half a Zzzg each of pinseng [rood| Zzy/2cz7z [root], cassia bark and cloves to apowder. 世 ach time |let the patient] ingest three 7zz7z,to be sent
down mixed with wine prepared from black soybeans. Once [the patient] sweats, she Will be cured. 六 zz7z 227zg 7
瘋 療 。鎂 井
石 三 兩, 寒 旻 生
燉 兩, 腦子 水 石 四
Acne with seething rash_ and itch.[Grind」
半 錢, 烏末 撲 。之 聖
濟錄 。
three /zzge of stones from wells and
springs, four //z7g of calcined calcite and half a /z7g of camphoratoapowder and apply this to the [affected region]. 52ezz 序 友.
C//z27/e7 9 O9 19
無 名 異 宋 開寶 所 2/ zz7zc
上 糾 太 77 222.
Pyrolusite. Manganese dioxide.
時 名 【 釋 】【
詞也 。
珍 日】 無 名 ,異 廈
Explanation of Names. [Li] Shizhen:
放 : 2zzg 因 無
名 異, “nameless alian,”is a
【 集 解 】【 記 日 】 無 名 異 出大 食 ,國 生 於 頒 日】 今 廣州山石 蝕 如 莫 ,石 嚼 之 如 。【 之。 黑 褐色, 大 者 如 彈丸 , 小 者 如 墨 石子 , 時 珍 曰】 生 川、 廣深山 中 , 列 石名 , 味 。【 黑石 子也 , 似 蛇 黃 而 色 ,黑 近 處山中 亦 時 有 桐 ,油 收 水 氣。 塗 剪 剪 ,燈 則 燈 自 斷也 。
石上 , 狀 黑石 如 。災 番 人 以 油鍊 中 及 宣 州 南 八 里 龍 濟山中 亦 有 打 無 。【 時 敦 日】 無名 異形 似 而桂林 極 ,多 一包 數 百 ,枚 小 之。 用 以 煮 ,蟹 殺 腥 。氣 煎 煉
Collected Explanations.[Ma] Zhi: Pyrolusite originates in the country Da shi; it grows on rocks. It is shaped like black charcoalL Ihe foreigners refine it with oil and heat to something like 好 stone which, when chewed, tastes like malt-sugar. [Su
Song: Nowadays it is present everywhere in the mountain rocks of Gruang Zhou and on Mount Long ji eight Zsouth of Yi zhou. Ttis of black-brown color. Large pieces are of the size of bullets; small ones are of the size of ink pebbles. Ihey are collected anytime. [Lei] Xiao: Ihe physical appearance of pyrolusite resembles that of coal, but the favor is different. [Li|] Shizhen: [Pyrolusite] grows deep in the
mountains of Chuan and uuang,and there is especially much in Guilin.One location encompasses several hundred pieces; these are small, black pebbles. Ihey look like limonite, but are black. In mountains nearby too, they are found occasionally Jheyserve toboilcrabs to kill their fshy qi.When boiled together With 2eyyzzzczz oil [pyrolusite] absorbs its water qi. When it is smeared on scissors and these scissors are used to cutalamp Wick the lamp wick will be [easily] severed as aresult.
【 氣 】味 甘,
平, 無 毒
日】 鹹 ,
寒 。 伏 硫黃 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet balanced, nonpoisonous. [Su] Song: Salty, cold. It subdues
[the effects of ] sulphur
【 主 】治 金 折瘡 傷 內 ,損 止痛 , 生肌肉 。 開 。寶 消 腫 毒 闡 ,疸 酪 摩 傅 之 。 蘇 。頌 收 濕 氣 。 時 珍 。 Control. Wounds caused by metal objects/weapons,fracture harm and internalinjuries. Tt ends pain.Tt stimulates the growth of muscles and fiesh. 太 2z7 22z2. Tt dissolves
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
swelling with poison associated with obstruction-illness and impediment名 ness. 玫 Rub itwith vinegarand apply the [resultting liquid to the affected region]. Su SongIt collects moisture qi. [Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 按 雷 敦 炮 鱗論。 序 雲: 無 名 止 ,茜 截 指 而 似 去 甲毛。 崔 暈 外 丹 本 草 :雲 無 名 異, 陽 石 。也 昔人 見 山 界 被 網 損 其 ,足 脫 ,去 御 一 石 摩 其 損 ,處 錠 愈 而 。去 乃取 其 石 理 傷 ,折 大 ,效 人 因 傳之 。 Explication. [Li| Shizhen: According to the Preface to Lei
入iaos /2 227 和 zz,“py-
rolusite ends pain. When a finger is severed, this w 訓 feel just like aremoval of a naill or hair._ Cui Fang in his /7 2Z27 227z cdzo States: Pyrolusite is a yang stone. Jn ancient ttmes, someone saw a chicken that was caughtinanet with its foot hurt. It managed to free itself and rubbed the [injured] foot onastone whereupon [the foot] was cured and [the chicken was able to] leave. [hat person」j took that stone
and applied it to cure fractures With great success. Hence the people have passed this [method|on。
方】 新 十。 【 附 Added Recipes. ITen newly [recorded]
打 傷 腫 。痛 無名 異 烏末 , 酒 ,服
趕下 四 股 末之 , 血 皆 散 。吳 集 驗方 。
Swelling and pain caused by a blow. [Grind] pyrolusite to a powder and ingest it with wine.Apply amassage toward the ends of the four limbs. Ihis will disperse 和 the blood.7# zzz
藥 一 ,錢 詞 末 , 每 服 五 損傷 接骨 。 無 名 異、 甜瓜子 各 一 兩, 乳香 、 沒 各 錢 , 熱 酒 調 ,服 小 兒 三 。錢 服 畢 , 以 黃 米 粥 塗 紙上 , 摻 左 顧 牡蠣末 裹 之 , 竹 侈 夾 住。 多 能 鄙 事 。 For reconnecting [fractured] bones associated With an injury[Grind]
one Zz7zg
each of pyrolusite and muskmelon seeds and one 7zzz each of frankincense and myrrh to a powder. 皆ach time_ [let the patient] ingest five 7zz7z. Io be ingested mixed with hot wine.Children [ingest] three 7zzz.After [the patient] has ingested
[the medicationmj, apply yellow millet gruel to papep apply powder of oysters With left-winding spirals to [the gruel|l, wrap [the paper] around [the injured bones] and fasten it With bamboo strips. zz2 7e7zc 27 5727.
7zg 及 闡 疸, “obstruction-iness, impediment訕ness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM
Dict L, 642.
C//z27/e7 9
杖 預 。服 無 名 異末 , 臨時
效方 。
溫 服 三 五 ,錢 則 杖
不 甚 ,痛 亦 不 甚 。傷 談 楚 翁
Precautionary ingestion when facing a flogging. Ingest with warm [water] three to five 27z7z of pyrolusite shortly prior to |a flogging] and the flogging will not be very painful. Also it will not cause severe harm. 727z Yeezoz7ze 527 %722./2z72o
。 方 便 簡 消 。 立 塗 調 汁 菩 末 , 異 名 無 。 毒 赤 瘤丹 Red tumorand cinnabar poison. Apply pyrolusite powder mixed with onion juice to the [affected region. Ihe tumorj will be dissolved immediately../7z7z 27Zz7z zz
痔 漏 腫 。痛 無 名 異 炭 火 刀 紅 , 米醋 淬 七 ,次 詞 末細 , 以 溫 水 洗 ,瘡 匕
頭 末填 入 瘡 ,口 數 次 愈。 簡便 方。 Leaking piles with painful swelling.[Grind] pyrolusite, calcined over fire until it has turned red and dipped into rice vinegar seven times,toafinepowder. Wash the sores with _warm water. Wrap the tip of achopstick with sikk fioss and use this to insert the powderinto the open sores.A cure will be achieved after several applicatlons../7777 27277 /2722.
天泡 濕
瘡。 無 名 異末 , 井 華 水 調 服 。之 普
濟方 。
Moist celestial blister sores. Ingest pyrolusite powder mixed with the frst water drawn from awell in the morning. / 五Zoo
丹 研, 清 油 調 ,探 濕 則 乾 探 。之 濟 急 方 。 腰 瘡 潰爛 。 無 名 異、 號 細 Festering shank sores. Gurind pyrolusite and cinnabar to a fine powdep mix it With clear oiland apply this to the [affected regionj.When [theaffected region] is moist, apply the [powderj dry [without the oi. 形 去zz
股 并陰 翊 能 鄙事 。
。 無名 異 二 錢 , 麝香 一 字 , 研, 酒半
,名 午後 空腹 ,服 立 。效 多
Scrofula pervasion-illness affecting the thighs and the yin_[(G. e., genital regionl」 Grind two 7zzz of pyrolusite and one 2 of musk [to a powder] and ingest it With half a bowl of wine on an empty abdomen after noon. Immediately effective. 7z2 7e7zg 27 77.
毛 倒 。睫 無 名 異末 , 紙
吹 盂 ,之 睫 卷 作 ,撚 點 燈 殺
自 。起 保命 集 。
Inverted eyelashes. Prepare rolls of paper wrapped around pyrolusite. Ignite them over a lamp fire, blow out [the flame] and expose [the affected eyes] to the fumes.
The eyelashes will straighten up again as aresult. 5z2 77zzZ7ze 罰 . 547
7zz 2
丹 毒 ,“cinnabar poison”askin ailment with red rashes.BCGM Dict LIr8
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
消交 引 。飲 無 名 異 一 ,兩 黃連二 兩, 烏 末 , 蒸 餅 丸 綠 豆大 , 每 服 百 ,丸 以 茄 根、 還 繭 辟 湯 送 。下 聖 濟 錄 。 Melting With thirst4 and an urge to drink.[Grind] one Zzzze of pyrolusite and two Z/z7zge of co2Zy[rhizome] to apowder and form With steamed cakes pilis the size of
mung beans. 弓ach time ingest IToo p 包s, to be sent down with a decoction of eggplant root and silk cocoon. 2e7z 埃
痛楚。 無名 異 末 , 化 牛皮 腔調 塗 ,之 頻 換。 衛
生 易 簡方 。
Leg qiwith pain. Mix pyrolusite powder With dissolved ox hide glue and apply this to the [affected region]- Renew [the application] frequently. 族 7 52e7ze 如 27z Z7ze
蜜栗子 綱目 477 7, 上 匕 Gz7zg 22.
Akindoflmestone,. Calcium carbonate,
【 集 解 】【 時 珍 曰】 蜜 栗子 生 川 、 廣 、 江 、 浙 金 坑中 , 狀如 蛇 黃 有而 刺 , 匱 藥, 制 三黃 。 五 上 有 金 線 弦 ,之 色 紫 ,褐 亦 無名 異 之 類 。也 丹 爐 家 采 作 金 Collected Jang and Surface; it perts who any of the
Explanations. [Li Shizhen: 47ZzZz7grows in gold pits in Chuan, Guangy Zhe.Ttis shaped like limonite,but has thorns. Grold threads wind on its is of purple-brown color. Tt belongs to the same group as pyrolusite. 紀 xprepare clixirs in furnaces collectit to prepare encasements consisting of flve types of metals as pharmaceutical substances to check the [effects of
the three [substances with the characterj “yellow [in their names]. 聞
【 主 】治 金 瘡 折 傷 , 有 效。 時 珍。 Control. Wounds and fractures caused by metal objects/weapons. Shizhen.
弓 ffective. [Li
548 六 zz2 消光, “melting with thirstb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes.BCGM Dict Volp567. 549 The three substances with the character “yellow”in their names, 7 2zzzg 二 黃 ,include sulphur Zz 2zzzg 硫 黃 ,realpar xzozgo 2zz7 雄 黃 ,and orpimenb zz 2zzzg 帷 黃 .The “five
types of metals”, wu jin 五
金, may refer to the entirety of metals and minerals, or to the
five core metals/minerals as include gold, silver copper iron and tin. 有 z7 點, “encase-
ment is amethod used by ancient Chinese alchemists whereby certain substances are used to prepare asheath or coffep gzz 櫃 , surrounding oneormore substances thatare to be modifed to eventually become alongevity elixir
C//z27/e7 9
鍾 乳 本 經上 品
$27 7297ze 7z, 上 巳 277 777zo upper rank. Stalactite. Calcium carbonate.
【 釋 】名 留公 乳 別 、錄 虛 石 砂 藥性 。【 時 珍 曰】 石 與 其 ,管 象 其空中 之 狀也 。
中 吳 、普 蘆 之 津 ,氣 鍾
石 別 、錄 扶 聚 成 ,乳 滴
管 石 綱 、目 夏 石 別 、錄 黃 溜 成 ,石 故名 石 鍾 。乳 蘆
Explanation of Names. 了 zz ooze 7z 留 公 乳 , 5z 及 . 六 zz 2o7zg 虛 中 ,“hollow center?
Wu Pu. /z 7 鹿
,“reed 石 stone,”5ze 用. 秘 gzz7z 527 措
管 石, “goose feather quil
stone,”Gzzge zz. 馮 zz 27 和 夏 ,“summerstoney 石 ”5zzZ. 病 zz7zgy27y2z 黃石 砂 ,“yellow stone sand,”yz2 xzzzg. [Li|] Shizhen: The fllid qi ofstones concentrate,>2ozg 鍾 ,and
collect to form “teats, "7z 乳 . As they drip down they become stones, 27 their name: 527 2o7g 7z 石 and zz/Zz77 巷
石 . Hence
鋰 ,乳 “teats of collected stone [fiuids]. 7z 席 , “reedy
,“goose 管 featherquill,”are to reflect their shape with ahollow center.
【 集 解 】【 列 錄 】晶 石 鐸 生 乳 少 室 山 谷 及 太 ,山 霖 無 時 ,。【 普 日 】 生 太山 山谷 陰 處 岸 ,下 溜 汁所 成 , 如 乳汁 , 黃 白色 , 空中 相 ,通 二 月 三 打月 , 陰 著 。【 弘 景 日】 第 一 出 始 ,興 而江陵 及 東 境 山石 名 洞 亦 皆有 。 人 惟 中通 輕薄 如 鵝 翎 ,管 碎 之 如 爪 ,甲 中 無 雁 、齡 光 明 者 烏 善。 長 挺 乃有 一 二 尺 。者 色 黃 , 以 苦 洗刷 酒 則 白。 仙 經 少用 , 而 俗 方 所 。【 重 恭 日】 第 一 始興 , 其 次 廣、 連、 沸 、 朗、 樣 等 州 者, 雖 厚 而 光 潤 可 ,愛 餌 之 並 佳。 今 峽 州、 青 溪、 房 州 三 洞 出 ,者 亞 於 始 。興 自 餘 非 其 土地 , 不 可 輕 。服 多 發 淋 ,導 止 思 也 可 揚 ,篩 白 練 裹 ,之 合 諸 藥 草 浸 酒 服 。之 陶 雲有 一 二 尺 ,者 刻 說 。【 土地 清白 光 潤 , 和 繼 、紋 旺 、碘 蟬 嘿 一 切 皆 ,成 白 者 可用 ,。 石 六 日】 乳 必須 其 非土地 者, 慎 勿 服 ,之 殺人 芙 於 鳩 專, 【 志 】晶 別 本 注 :雲 凡 生乳 於 深 洞 幽六 , 皆 龍 蛇 潛伏 , 或 龍 蛇 毒氣 , 或 洞口陰陽 不 ,均 或通風 ,氣 座 齣 潛, 或 黃 或 ,亦 乳 潤澤 無 , 或 煎 鍊 色 火 不 ,調 一 己煎 後 不 易 ,水 則 生火 毒 , 服 即 令人 發 。淋 又 有乳 三 種: 石 乳 ,者 其 山洞 純 ,石 以 石 圭 相 ,滋 陰 陽交 備, 蟬 謂 紋 ,成 其 性 ;溫 竹 乳 ,者 其 山洞蝦 生 小 ,竹 以 竹 津 相 ,滋 乳 如 竹” 狀 , 其 性 ;平 茅山 之 乳 ,者 其 山 有 土石 相 ,雜 遍生 疤 ,講 以 疤 津相 滋 詞 ,乳 乳 色 稍 黑 而 滑潤, 其 性 微 寒。 一 種 之 ,中 有 上 中 下色 , 皆 光澤 以 詞 好 。 餘 處 亦有 , 不可 輕信 。【 炳 日】 如 蟬 媽 者上 , 爪 甲 者 ,次 從 管 者下 。 明白 而 薄 可 者 服 。【 頒 日】 今 這 州“ 江 華 縣 及 、連 英、 韶、 階 、 峽 州山中 皆 有 。之 生 品 穴 陰 ,處 溜 山 液 而 ,成 空中 相 通 , 長 六者 七 寸, 如 從 令 管狀 , 色白 微 。紅 唐 “” 李 神 郊 鍊 乳 法 :雲 取 韶 州 鍾 ,乳 無 問 厚 ,薄 但 顏色 令 明 凈 光澤 ,者 即 入 堪 鍊 , 惟 、黃 赤 二色 不 任用。 柳 宗 元 書 亦 :雲 取 色其 之 美而 必 上 所說 數 種也 。 ,者 不 如 在 已, 不必 惟 土 之信 。 是 此 藥 所 ,重 惟 明白 今 醫家 但 以 巷 中管 空 者 烏 。最 儿 本 中經 品 載 殷 肇 :雲 鍾 乳 根 。也 孔公 孽,
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
殷 孽 根也 。 石 、花 石 霖 醫家 亦 銜復 用, 但 用 鍾 桂林 接 、宜 融 山洞 穴中 , 雪 , 石 液 融 結 成 。者 乳 端輕薄 中 空如 挫 。令 乳
並 與 披 爾 乳 。【 鐸 乳 霖 下 ,垂 水 滴 瀝
蕊 。同 又有 石 ,腦 亦 種乳 之 。類 凡 此 五 種 , 時 珍 日】 按 范 成大 桂 海志 所 說 甚 詳 。明 云 豹 起 ,處 即有 乳 ,眉 白如 玉 甚 。多 仰 視 石 涌 如 倒數 峰 小 ,山 峰 端 漸 且銳 長 冰如 柱 , 柱 不 已, 且 滴且 凝 , 此 乳 之 最 精 ,者 以 竹 管 仰
承 取 。之 鍊 家治 又 巷以 管 之 ,端 尤 輕 明 如 雲母 爪 甲 者 為 勝 。 ollected Explanations. zz /Z: Stalactites grow in the valleys of Mount Shao shi shan and at Mount _ Tai shan. Ihey are collected anytime. [Wu] Pu: Ihey develop below the cliffs at shady places in the valleys of Mount Tai shan. Ihey are formed by dripping Juice similar to milk juice. Ihey are of yellow-white color and hollow inside. Ihey are collected in the second and third months,to be dried in the shade. [Tao] Hongjing: Ihe number one [quality of stalactites] originates in Shi xing, but they are presentalso inJianglng andin the stone caverns of the famous mountains in the 上 ast. Only those are good that are as hollow light and thin as goose feather qu 負 s, 了 at are as brittle as claws, have no wild geese teeth[-like surface] inside,
and that are shiny Long ones reach alength of one to two c2z. hey are of yellow color and when they are washed with wine and scrubbed, they turn white. Ihey are rarely resorted to in the classics of the hermits/immortals, but they are highly valuedin commonrecipes.[Suj] Gong: Numberone [quality originates in] Shi xingJhose of secondary [quality] originate in Guangy Lian, Li, Lang and Chen. Ihey are thick, but they are of alovely glossiness and can all be ingested. Ihose nowadays originating in the three caves of 入ia zhou, Qing xi and Fang Zhou are inferior to those from Shixing. All the others that do not come from these regions must not be ingestedlightly Ihey often cause dripping [urine] and thirst. All that is possible is to pound them through asieve and wrap them in white silk. Jhis is then soaked togetherwith all types ofmedication herbs in wine,and [the wine] is then ingested.
When Tao [Hongjing] states that [stalactites] reach alength of one to two 2z, he is wrong.[Sun] Simiao: Stalactites must [come from the right] place, they must be
clear white and of orcicada wings.If that do not [come ingested. Ihey are
shiny glossiness,and With anet-like lne design,like bird feathers theyare white,they can be used [for therapeutic purposes]. Ihose from the right] place must be handled carefully and cannot be more deadly for humans then the poison of the (legendary) >2e7
妃 bird. [Ma] Zhi: A commentary in anothervolume states: To all stalactites devel-
oping in deep caves and dark holes the following applies. Ihese are locations where dragons and snakes lie hidden and they may be affected by poison qi of dragons and snakes or by an unbalanced presence ofyin andyang[qi] at the opening ofacave, or byawind draughtpassing through.Iheymayberough like wild goose teeth,orthey are yellow or red, and the milk [stone」 lacks glossiness, or after being reflned over
C//z27/e7 9
fire their color may be unequal. ]f after a first boiling the water is not exchanged, fire poison is generated and when ingested lets one have dripping [urine]. Also there are three kinds of stalactites.[First] “stone teat”stalactites.[Ihey develop where there are only stones in mountain caves and [the “stone teats ] are nourished
by the fuids of these stones.[ Stone teat ”stalactites] are alternately equipped with yin and yang [gqi] and have aline design like cicada wings. ITheir nature is warm. [Second,]“bamboo teat”stalactites. When small bamboo grows all over in mountain caves[the“bamboo teat stalactites] are nourished by the filuid of these bamboo
growths. Ihese stalactites are shaped like bamboo. Iheir nature is balanced.[IhirdJ| the“spear mountain teat”stalactites.[Ihey develop」 where on mountains soil and
stones are interspersed, and zz/eyzzz herbs grow everywhere. Ihese stalactites are nourished bythe fiuid of zzz2eyzzz herb. Jheir coloris slightly black and glossy. Jheir nature is shightly cold. Within each of these kinds there are top,middle and inferior color grades. All [stalactites] with a glossy appearance are good. Ihere are claims that[stalactites] are presentin other places,too,but theymustnot be trusted lightly
[iao] Bing: Ihose [with astructure] resembling cicada wings are best. Ihose [with
astructure] reminiscent of claws and nails are of secondary rank. Ihose resembling goose feather quills are of low rank. hose that are shiny white and thin can be ingested.[Su] Song Nowadays [stalactites] are found in
五ang hua xian of Dao zhouy
and in themountainsofLian,Ying,Shao,Jle andX 入ia. hey develop inyin/shady 1ocations in rock caves and are formed byliquids dripping in the mountains. Ihey are hollow inside and their length reaches six to seven 《z#7z. Ihey are shaped like goose feather quills,and their color is white to slightly red. Ihe Tang writer Li Buque in his 了 27 7./ states: Stalactites obtained from Shao zhou,no matter whether they are thick or thin,as long as their coloris shiny clean and glossy they are suitable for arefinement. Only those of the two colors yellow and red are not suitable for such applications." Liu Zongyuan too in his writings states: “The only criterion that counts is their colory [their quality] doesnot dependonthesoil[ltheyoriginate in
Thatis, the value of this medication lies solely in its shiny white [color]- It is wrong that there are numerous kinds,as the statements quoted above suggest. IToday's physicians consider only those as best that resemble goose feather quills and are hollow Also, the 257.7zzein its section “middle rank sts yzzz zz (o9-23) stating: “Tt is the root of stalactites. 太 27zg go7zg 7ZzZe (o9-22) is the root of )Z7z 7
人 27 2zzz (o9-23-o2)
and 527 c2zzz7ze (o9-23-o1 are identical to zz zze. Furthermore, there is 7 zz9 (og-
25). It too, belongs to the same group as stalactites. Physician rarely make use of any of these five kinds.TIhey onlyresort to 2o7zg7z 鋰 乳 ,“stalactites。 [Li] Shizhen: The
statements by Fan Chengdain his Gz/7 22z7>27 are very detailed and clear. He states: “IThere are many stalactites in the caves of Mount Yiand Mount Rongnear Guilin.
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When youlook upward you see locations where stone veins protrude. Ihese are the teat beds. Ihey are as white as jade and snowand they are formed by theliquids of melting stones. Ihe teat beds hang down from above like numerous inverted peaks of small mountains. he tips of these peaks are gradually pointed and longy like icicles. he tipsofthe columns are thin and hollow like goose feather quills. Ihe water from these teats drips continuously and parts of it drop down,others congeal. Ihese are the filnest stalactites. Ihey are removed by reaching up with a bamboo tube to take hold of them. Experts in refining with heat [substances to produce longevity clixirs] consider those to be the best that resemble goose feather quills and are as heghtand shiny Hike muscovite and claws.
【 大 有 香、 伏 粉, 飛 太 自
修 治】【 敦 日】 凡 使 勿 用 頭 粗 厚 並 大 尾 者, 詞 公孔 石, 不 。用 色 及 黑 經 火警 崗 , 並久 在 地 上 收 ,者 曾經藥物 制 ,者 並 不 得 。用 有須要 鮮明、 薄 而 光 潤 ,者 似 塢 僵 筒 子 為上 , 有 長 五 六 寸 。者 凡 修 事 :法 鍾 乳 八 ,兩 用 沈 零 陵 、香 養 、香 上 甘 、松 白 聞 各 一 ,兩 水 章過 , 再 意 ,汁 方用 堆 ,乳 一 時 滴 。出 以 甘草 、 茲 背 天 各葵 二 兩 同 ,意 出 拭 ,劑 緩 火 焙 ,之 入白 机 篩 過 入 負 。中 令 有 力少壯 者 二 三 人 不 住 ,研 三 日 三 夜 勿 。歇 然 後 以水 慎 微日】 之 澄過 , 絹 龍 於 日 中 晒 ,贅 入 銖 再研二 萬蝦 , 乃 以 移 盒 收 。【 中 , 即 一 片 密 ,蓋 勿 令 洩氣 , 蒸 之 , 金 清 經 鍊 鍾 乳 :法 取 細好 末 和 置 銀器 化 水 。也 李 補 闕 鍊 乳 法 見 後 。 然 作
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Lei]
入iao: For all [therapeutic]
applications, one
must not use those With acrude, thick tip and alarge “tail.”Jhese are the /o7ze go7zg stones. hose, too, must not be used that are black and have been “frightened”by
alarge flre, that have been stored on the ground for along time,or that have been processed as amedication before.Jt is essential to select as top_ [quality] those with afresh and shiny appearance, that are thin and glossy and resemble goose feather qu記ls. Ihey may be five to six zzz long. For 和 pharmaceutical preparations, the following method applies. Boil one Z/z7ze each of z2z7/z77z [wood], frapgrant loosestrife
[herbj zoozyzzc2ztwig and leaf, zz7zZoyzzc2)y [root] and zz2eyzzz [root] in water. hen
boil again the juice only [without the herbs」], give ceight /z7zg of stalactites into it and boil this for one day and one night. Filterit [to remove the stalactites],add two
/z7zg cach of geZycyyr7y27zzz [root] and purple back zzz7oz [herb], boil [the stalactites together With these two substances」j,faiter[this to again remove the stalactites], and
wipe them dry Bake them overasmall fire,give them into amortap grind them toa powderp pass it through asieve and store itin an earthen bowl. Ihe grinding is to be done by two or three strong,young able-bodied men, for three days and three nights without pause. hen process the powder with aqueous sublimation, pass it through thin silk into a basket and dry itin the sun. Give it into an earthen bowl, grind it
C//z27/e7 9
again 2o ooo times and store [the resulting powderjinaporcelain jar. [Tang] ShenWei: Ihe method to refine with heat stalactites according to the 727 777zce 777ze is as follows. Take avery fine powder and give it into a gold or silver container covered byatile so thatno qimay be released. Steam [the containerj] and [its contents] w 鑄 transform to a water by themselves. For the method to reflne With heat stalactites [recommended] by Li Buque, see below
【 氣 】味 甘 , 溫, 無 鵲: 甘, 無 毒,【 權 石 、。 砰紫 石 、英 羲 術, 犯 者 多 死。【 士 五 。金 零 門 、冬 獨 、礎
毒。【 普 日】 有 大 。草 忌 羊 宿 真 君 日】 韭 、實 胡
日】 神 展: 辛 。 桐 君、 黃 帝、 醫 和 : 上 。甘 毒。 【 之 才 日】 蛇 狀 為 之 。使 惡 牡丹 、 血。【 時 珍 】晶 相 志感 去: 服 乳 ,石 忌 人 又 鍾 乳 產 於 陽 洞 之 ,內 陽 氣 所 ,結 伏 可之 、色 胡 、共 猶 兒 眼 ,廬 皆可 伏 之 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, warm, nonpoisonous.[Wuj
扁 率 、 地
Pu: As for Shen nong: Acrid;
Tongjun,THuang di, Physician He: Sweet Bian Que: Sweet,nonpoisonous.[Zhenl
Quan: Very poisonous. [入ul]| Zhicai: C7z727zz7z [seed] serves as its guiding substance. [Ingested togethep] it abhors zzo7zzz root bark and magnetic as well as non-mag~
netic iron oxide (Io-o2,Io-o3).Ttfears fluorsparand Japanese ginger [leaf |.[|During atreatment with stalactites] sheep blood is forbidden. [Li| Shizhen: Ihe 及 zzzz 2z7z Z27 states: During [atreatment with] stalactites, pinseng [root] and zz/7yzc/y/oZey /72727ze/ are forbidden. Ihose who violate [this tabooj often die. Iusuzhen jun:
Stalactites develop in yang caves; they are conglomerations of yang q. When their [fire/poison effects are] subdued, they can serve to soften the five types of metals.
OZ727zo2ooo7z root, single clove garlic, Chinese chives, shallots, small zz/ZzoezZz [herbl
and sun spurge are all able to subdue them.
【 經。 色, 益
主 】治 醫 逆上 氣, 明 目 益 精, 安 五 ,臟 通 百 ,節 利 九 ,竊 下 乳汁 。 本 益 氣 , 補 虛 ,損 療 腳 弱 疼 冷, 下 焦 傷 ,章 強 陰。 和久 服 延年益壽 , 好 顏 不 老, 令人 有 子。 不 鍊 服 ,之 令人 淋 。 列 。錄 主 泄 精 寒 ,嗽 壯 元 氣 , 陽 ,事 通 聲。 杜 。權 補 五 勞 七 傷。 大 明 。 補 髓, 治 消 洶 引 飲。 青 骰子 。
ControlL Cough with_ counterflow [ie] rising di. [Stalactites] clear the eyes and
boost the essence/sperm. Ihey pacify the five long-term depots. Ihey penetrate the hundreds ofjoints. Iheyopen the passage through thenine orifilces. Ihey serve to let downanursing mothers mik sap. 5ezz.7zg. Ihey boost the qiy,supplement depletion injuries,and heal weak,painfuland cold legs,as well as harm and exhaustion affect-
ing the Lower Burner hey strengthen the yin_[(i. e. genital potential]. Ingested
over along time,they extend ones years [loflife] and boostlongevity Ihey improve the complexion,prevent apging and letone have children.Tf one ingests them without prior refinement by heat, they cause_[urinary] dripping. 5zz Z. Ihey control uncontrolled outflow of essence/sperm and cough caused by cold. Ihey strengthen
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
the originaldi,boosttheyang (i.e.,sexual) activity and free onesvoice.Zhen Quan. Jhey supplement situations of flve types of exhaustion and seven types of harm. Da Ming. Ihey boost the marrow and serve to cure melting with thirst,5。 with an urge to drink. Qingxia Z1.
【 貫 】【 明 慎 微 日】 柳 宗 元 與 連 崔 州 書 :雲 草木 生 之 也 依 於 士, 有 居 山之 陰陽 , 或近 木, 或 附 ,石 其 性 移 。玥 況 石 鍾 直乳 產 於 ,石 石 之 精 粗 疏密 , 尋 尺 特 異, 而 穴 之上 下 , 十 之 厚薄 , 石 之 高下 不 可 ,知 則 其 依 而 產 ,者 回 不 一 。性 然 由 精密 其 而 出 ,者 則 油然而 ,清 炯然而 ,輝 其 竅 滑 以 ,夷 其 肌 廉 以 。微 食 之 使人 榮華 溫柔 , 其 氣 宣 ,流 生 胃 通 ,腸 壽 考 康寧 。 其 粗 疏而 下 ,者 則 奔 突 澀結 , 乍大 乍 ,小 色 枯如 骨 , 或 類 死 ,灰 淹 頓 不 ,發 開 齡 積 類, 重 沈 頑 。璞 食 之 使人 假 窄 雍 ,凰 泄 火 生 ,風 戟 并喉 肺 , 幽 關 不 ,聰 心 煩 喜 ,怒 肝 舉 氣剛 , 不 能 平和 。 故 君子 取慎 其色 之 ,美 而 必不 惟 土 之信 , 以 求 其 至 ,精 凡 為此 也 。【 震 亨 日】 石 鍾 乳 烏 憬 悍 劑之 。 內 經 :雲 石 藥之 氣 ,悍 仁 哉 言 。也 凡 藥 氣 之 偏 ,者 可用 於暫 而 不 可久 , 去 石 藥 又 偏 之 甚者 也 。 自 唐 太時 平日 久 , 膏 梁 家之 惑 於 方士 服 食 致 生 長 之 說 , 以 石 藥 體 厚氣 能 而 厚, 習 以 成 ,俗 師 宋 至 今, 猶 未 已 。也 斯 民 何 ,境 受此 氣 悍 之 禍 英之 其 服 延 年 之 ,功 柳 子 鋪厚 從 而 述 美 ,之 予 不 得 不 深 言 救 , 訊 !或 本 旱 讚 久 也 。【 時 珍 曰】 石 乳 鋰 乃 明陽 經 氣 分 藥也 , 其 氣 憬 ,疾 令 陽 氣 暴 ,充 飲食 音 ,進 而形體 壯 盛。 昧 者 此 得 自 ,慶 益 肆 淫 ,泊 精 氣 暗 ,損 石 氣 獨 ,存 孤 陽 愈 。熾 久之 人 營 衛 不 ,從 發 烏 淋 ,潟 變 烏 癱 龍。 是果 乳 石 過 之 耶? 抑 人 之 自取 耶 ? 凡人 陽明 氣 ,吝 用 此 合 諺 藥 以 救 其 ,鹿 疾 平 則 止, 夫 何 不可 ? 五 肉 嗜 不 已, 猶有 偏 絕 之 ,敝 況 石 藥 ?乎 種 樹 書 :雲 凡果樹 作 穴 , 穀 五久 納 鍾 末乳 少許 固 ,密 則 多子 而 味美 。 納少許 於 老 樹 根 間皮 , 則 樹 復 茂 。 信 ,然 則 鍾 乳 益 氣、 令人 有 子 之說 , 亦 可 類 。推 但 恐 嗜 欲 者 未 獲 其 ,福 而 先 受 其 禍 。也 然有 齊 賦 異常 之人 , 又 可不 執 一 而 。論 張呆 醫記載: 武 帥 雷 世 買 多 侍 ,妾 常 餌 、砂 母 、 鍾 ,乳 日 夜 煎 ,鍊 以 濟 其 。欲 其 妾 父 苦 寄 泄不 嗜 ,食 求 丹 十 粒 服 ,之 即 覺 臍 腹 如 ,火 少 廊 熱 ,狂 投 井中 , 救出 , 過 身發 茲 ,泡 數 日 而 。死 而世 買 服 餌 千 ,計 了 無 病 ,惱 異 !哉 沈 筆談 括 :載 和夏 英 公 性 豪 ,侈 而 齊 賦 異 於人 。 縱 睡 即 身 冷 而 便 如 死者 , 常服 仙 茅、 鍾 乳、 硫 黃, 英 紀 知 極 。 每 晨 以 鍾 乳 粉入 粥 食 。之 有 小 吏 罕 ,食 上疹 發 疸 死。 此 與終 喘 附子 服 無 讀者 , 同 一 例 。也 沈 括 騷 :雲 醫 之 烏 ,術 苟 非得 之 於 ,心 未 見 能 臻 其 縣 。也 如 服 鍾 ,乳 當 終身 忌 ,術 術 能 動 鐸 乳 。也 然有 藥 勢 不 能 蒸 , 之 烏 害。 盛 鼓 反 億 喜之 而 後 ,發 火 則 。者 正 如 火 少 必 風氣 而 須要 其 動 激發 此 自 然 之 理 。也 凡 服 諸 ,藥 皆 宜 做 。此 又 十 便 良 方 雲: 凡 服 乳人 , 服 乳 三 日, 即 三 補 日 之; 服 乳 十 ,日 即 十 補 日 之。 欲 飽食 , 以 、牛 羊 、 塵 、 鹿 等 上骨 煎 ,汁 任意 作 美 食 。之 勿 食 倉 、米 頻 ,肉 及 犯 房 。事 一 月 後 精 氣 滿 盛, 55o 有 zz2 媽 消 Volp567.
洶 ,“melting With thirstb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
C//z27/e7 9
百 脈 流 ,通 身體 覺 ,熱 選 臍 肉 ,起 此 爍 氣 頓 ,端 織 更 害人 , 戒 之 慎之 。 名 配,
與凡 石 迥 ,殊 故
為 得 。力 可 稍 近 房事 , 不 得 頻 數, 令 之 詞 乳, 以 其 狀人 之 乳 。也 與 神 丹 相
乳 稱 石。 語 雲: 上 士
服 石 服 其 ,精 下 士
服 石 服 其淬 。
和當 審 。 淬 之 與 ,精 其 力 遠 。也 此 說 雖 明快 , 然 須 真病 命 門 火 哀 者 宜 ,之 否則 Explication. [Tang] Shenwei: Liu Zongyuan in his 交 / Cz7z 了 727/ Z222z y2z States:
Herbs and trees rely on the soil they grow in tmhey may exist on the yin/shady or yang/sSunny side of mountains, either close to trees or adjacent to rocks, and their nature differs accordingly 了How much more does this apply to stalactites that directly develop from stones.Whether these stones are filne orrough,porous or dense,and What their diferent sizes are,Wwhether the caves are located above or below whether
the soilis thick or thin, and what heights the stones have reached, 3 this is unknown,anditis therefore that [the stalactites] that develop relying on these [differ-
cnt facets] are not of one identical nature. Ihat is, those originating in fine and dense [stonesj, they may be oily and cleap shiny and lustrous. heir apertures are smooth and their muscles are fine. Ihose who eat them will appear flourishing, gentle and soft. heir qq wil flowsmoothly Ihey will generate stomach |qi] and the passage through their intestines w 記 remain open. Ihey will enjoy a healthy and peaceful long ife. [Stalactites hanging] down from rough and porous [stones] appearlike hasty unsmooth congregations. Some are big, some are small. Iheir color is that of withered bones, sometimes reminding one of dead ashes, submerged and haggard, unable to open up again. heir surface is like athicket of assembled teeth. Theyare heavy turbid andresemble uncutjade. Ihose who eatthem will be disabled and obstructed. Jhey will have their fire let out and generate winds. In their throat [those whohave ingested themj will feelastabbingsensationin theirlung theyw 註 feelan itch. hey will be dull and lose their faculty of hearing. Ihey will be affected byheartunrestandatendencytoanger Iheirliver di will be raised and indomitable. TJhey cannot live in peace and harmony. Hence, when the gentleman carefully selects [stalactites] on the basis of their colors beauty rather than solely trusting the
soil [they originate in]j, he searches for the most exquisite specimens, and this is
because of these [facts]. [Zhu] Zhenheng: Stalactites are filerce and violent prepa-
rations. The We7.ZZzzg states: “”Ihe qi of mineral drugs are fierce.”Jhis is amost reliable statementt! All medications with unilaterally pronounced qi must be used only temporarily not for a long time. Now
[the qi of] mineral drugs are particularly
unilaterally pronounced. Since the long-lasting era of great peace during the Tang times, families able to afford rich food are misled by sayings of recipe masters that to eat [such medication」 for food will guarantee a long life. A tradition became
popular to assume that the dense physical body of mineral drugs also meant densityoftheir di[Ihis tradition] has continued through the Songand has not ended to
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
this day. How could the people be blamed? Ihey meet the disaster resulting from the filerceness of these qiy and there is no way to rescue them. So sad! Ihe 8e7 cz2 praises their potential of “extending the years [of life] by ingesting them over long periods of time, "and Liu Zihou follows [the 5ez czo] and relates how much he is
pleased by them. Hence Thad to make this encompassing statement here. [L廬 Shizhen: Stalactites are amedication for the di section of the yang brilliance con~duits. Iheir qi are filerce and swift they cause a sudden surge of yang di. [Persons ingesting them」will increase their intake of beverages and food, and their physical appearance will be strong and vigorous. When people without understanding ob~tain such results, they will congratulate themselves. Iheir lust is boosted and their licentiousness will be excessive. Ihis damages their own hidden supplies of essence dib and eventually they solely have to rely onthe qiofthe stalactites,Wwith their yang di alone faming up ever stronger. After along time, their camp and guardian qi no longerfollow. Ihey develop dripping [urine] and thirst,and this changes to obstruc-
tion記 ness and impediment-illness.補 ]s this the fault of stalactitesP Or was it not called for by these people themselves》 Whenever someone experiences a weakness of yang brilliance qi and resorts to this [drug] together with 粘 types of further medication to relieve him of this weakness, and when he ends the [therapy] once
the disease is cured, why should this not be allowed? When one is addicted to any of the flve types of grain or filve types of meat without restraint, this, too, Will result
in harm caused by onesidedness,and howmuch moreis this true formineral drugs5! The Z2o7e zz states: “Whenasmall amount of stalactite powder is given into the hole in the ground where fruit trees are planted, and [this hole] is then tightly closed, [the tree] will bear many fruits and their filavor will be delicious. Ifasmall
amount is inserted into the bark of the roots of old trees, 了hese trees will flourish
again. This is true,and sayings that stalactites boost the di andletone have children may be inferred from this.Howevepitis to be feared that those whobecome addicted to [stalactites to increase their] lust rather than enjoy their benefits will first experience their disastrous effects. St山, there are people With unusual endowments,
andasweepingjudgmentis inappropriate./Zhang Gaoin his 效 z2 has the followingrecord. LeiShixian,amilitary commandep had many concubines.THle regularly ingested elixirs prepared from cinnabarp muscovite and stalactites. Ihey were boiled and reflned with heat day andnightto help him carryout his lust.When the father of one of the concubines suffered from outflow caused by cold and lost appetite, he reduested to obtain ten grains of [the commanders」 elixir and ingested them. He 55I
7zg 及 癱 疸, “obstruction-illness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM
Dict L, 642.
C//z27/e7 9
sensed afeeling of filre in his navel and abdomen. Within ashort moment he became hot and mad and threw himself into a well. When he was rescued and removed [from the welll his entire body was covered by purple blisters, and he died Within several days. But [Lei| Shixian had consumed athousand dosages [of this
sarme elixir] and he never experienced any discomfort. Ihis is truly remarkabler Shen Kuain his 27 zz has the following record. Duke 入ia of Ying was aman of cxtraordinary powers and extravagant nature. His natural endowment differed from thatof ordinary people. When he fell asleep, his body became cold and stiff as if he had died. He regularly consumed zz7cz/Zzgo [rood|, stalactites and sulphur without
ecver noting down how much. Every morning he had stalactites added to his grueL Once an offcial of low rank stole [his stalactites] and consumed them. As aresult,
he developed an impedimentr-illness寢 and died.”Ihis is identical to the example of sormeone who ingested zco7z7zz/77z [accessory tuber] 4 his life and never suffered from any ailment.Shen Kua also states: “The wondrous potential of the art of medicine can be attained only by those who devote to it their innermost attention. For cxarmple, those who ingest stalactites must abstain from zz/yzc/y/o2Zey |[rhizome] for
their cntire life because zz/7zc/y/22Zer [rhizome] is able to excite [the potential of
stalactites. But it happens that the force of amedication fails to steam and then it is essential to stimulate such an excitement. Jhis is just like when there is asmall fire that w 訓 blaze only after the wind qiofabellows have agitated it.Tfafreis strong in the first place, to use a bellows, contrary to ones intentions, will result in harm. This is aprinciple in nature.Whenever medication is ingested, this [principle] is to
be observed. Also,the 527 272z7z /2z7z./z7zg states: For al people who ingest stalactites [the following applies]. When stalactites are ingested for three days, asupplementing [medication is to be ingested] the following three days. When stalactites are ingested for ten days,asupplementing [medicationis to be ingested] the following ten days. If [such persons] wish to eat to repletion, the bones of oxen, sheepy, roe-
bucks or deershould be boiled to obtain ajuice and they oughtto consume as much as theylike ofathick soup [prepared from this juice]. Jhey must not eat rice from a granary malodorous meat, and engage in sexual intercourse. A month later their essence/sperm q w 訕 abound again. Ihe hundreds of [blood] vessels will be freely
passable. heir body will feel hob Hesh will rise around their umbilicus and their strength will be restored. Ihey may resume sexual intercourse, but not too often. When theqiofamedication is fully exhausted this wi harm one. Beware and be carefull [Stalactites] are named /z 乳 , teat", because they are shaped like the teats,
7 乳 ,of humans.When [stalactites,y27>2o7zg7z 石 552 . 甩
鋰 ]乳 are combined with divine
疸 ,“impediment-iHness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break 了 rough the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 277Z.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
clixirs, they are vastly different from all other ordinary stones. Hence these stones, 527 石,are called “teats, 之 .乳 A saying goes: “When ascholar of upper rank ingests mineral [drugsj, he ingests their essence. When scholars of an inferior rank ingest
mineral [drugs|, they ingest their dregs. Ihe strengths of the dregs and of the essence lie far apart from each other This saying may be straightforward. Still it only applies to those who suffer from areal disease associated with a weakness of fire in their Gate of Life.Tf this is not the case one must be most careful [in his decisions
to ingest stalactites or no
方】 新十 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. 上Eleven newly [recorded.
五 七 ,傷 醫 上逆 氣 , 治 寒 ,嗽 通 音 ,聲 明 目 益精 , 李補 闕 服 乳 。法 主 勞 安 五 ,臟 通 委百 , 利 九 ,竅 下 乳汁 , 益 ,氣 補 虛 ,損 療 腳 弱 疼 ,冷 下 焦 傷 ,竭 強 。陰 和久 服 延 交年 壽 不 ,老 令人 有 子。 取 韶 州 鍾 ,乳 無 問 厚 薄 , 但 顏色明 淨光澤 者 即 入 堪 鍊 , 惟 赤黃 二色 不 任用。 置 於 銀器 金 ,中 大 鐺著 水, 沉 器 煮 ,之 令 如 魚 眼 ,沸 水 減 即 。添 乳 少 三 日 三 ,夜 乳多 七 日 七 夜, 候 ,腥 色 變 黃 白 即 。熟 如 疑 ,生 更 剖 滿 十 日 最 佳。 取 ,出 去 ,水 更 清水 以 水 清 不 變 即 止, 乳 無 毒 。吳 入 次 缽中 , 玉 柜 看 水 研 。之 覺 乾 章 半日 , 其 色 潛, 即 添 ,水 常 如 令 稀 米 滑 狀。 研 四至 五 ,日 措 之 光 ,膩 如 中書 白 ,魚 便 以 水 洗 。之 不 隨 水 落 者 即 ,熟 落 者 更 ,研 乃 取 澄 暴 。劑 每 用 一 錢半 , 溫 酒 空腹 調下 , 妾和 丸 散 。用 其 煮 乳 黃 沈 ,水 切 勿 。服 服 之 人損 喘 喉 , 傷 肺 , 令 人 頭痛 , 或下 利 不 止。 其有 犯 ,者 但 食 豬 肉 解 。之 孫 真人 千金 方 。 Li Buques method of ingesting stalactites. hey serve to control the five types 0f exhaustion and seven types of harm, and cough with countermovement of rising di. Jhey serve to cure cough caused by cold, and free the passage of ones voice. TJhey clear the eyes, boost essence/sperm, pacify the five long-term depots, free the passage through the hundreds of joints, open the nine oriftces, let down a nursing mothers milk sap,boost the qbyand supplementin the case of depletion injury Ihey serve to heal painful weakness of legs with _ cold, and harm caused to the Lower Burner associated With thirst. Iheystiffen theyin[(i.e.,genitalD memberof males|. Ingested over an extended period of time, they extend the years [of life], boost
longevity and prevent apging. Ihey let one have children. Take stalactites from Shao Zhou regardless of whethertheyare thickorthin. Iheysimplyneed to have ashiny clear and glossy color to be suitable for a refinement with heat. Only 也 ose of the two colors yellow and red must not be used. Place them into agold or silver vessel and fillitwith water.Heatthevesseltoboilthe wateruntil bubbles form resembling fsh eyes. When the water is reduced, add [new water]j. In the case of only sm 下
C//z27/e/ 9
amounts of stalactites, [continue the boilingj for three days and three nights. In the case of large amounts, [continue it] for seven days and seven nights until the water
has dried up. When the color [of the stalactites] has changed to yellow-white they are done.Tfyouare not sure [whether theyare done] continue the boiling foratotal length of ten days,and this will yield the best results. Remove [the stalactites from the vessel] and discard any remaining water. Ihen boil them apgain in clear water for half a day Once the color of the water remains clear and does not change, end [the boiling]. Ihe stalactites are no longer poisonous now. Then give them into a porcelain or earthenware bowl, add alittle water and pound them with a jade pestle. Whenever they appear dry and rough,add some water until it looks like water in which rice was washed. Continue the grinding for four to five days, wipe [the powderj untilit is shiny and greasy just like white fish described in literature, and thenwashitwith water.H the powder doesnotfow away with the watep itis done. TitfHows away [with the water] itis to be ground again. Eventually the dregs are dried in the sun. 紀ach time ingest one and ahalf 7zz7z, to be sent down mixed with warm wine onan empty abdomen.At the same time [the stalactites] are to be used
as pills and powder. Ihe yellow turbid water left after boiling stalactites must not be ingested. Ingesting it injures ones throat, harms the lung and causes headache. In some cases it causes unending discharge with free-flux 過 ness.5 Ihose who have violated this prohibition need to eat pork to resolve [the poison of that water]. Sun
Zhenren, 07Z27z.777z /27zg.
鍾 練 不 灌
乳 藤。 治 風 虛 勞 ,損 腰 腳 無 ,力 補益 強壯 。 用 一 升, 煎 減 三 之 ,一 去 袋 飲 ,乳 袋 盛 ,之 牛乳 大 袋可 煮三十 度, 即 力盡 ,利 虛 冷人 微 濟 無苦。 一 滸和 鉻餵 鴉, 生 子 食 。之 此 人崔 尚 淨, 令 通 氣。 其
鋰 乳 粉 鍊 成 者 三 ,兩 分 二 服 , 日 一 。作 , 別 作 。袋 每 煎 真人千金 書 方 。也 孫
以夾 不吐 訖, 須 雖。
Stalactite_decoction. Jt serves to cure depletion and exhaustion injury caused by Wwind and loss of strength in the lower back and legs. Tt supplements, boosts, and
strengthens.Till a double-layered silk bag with three /Zz7zoe of stalactite powder refned with heat. Add one large y2zzge of cow milk and boil this down to one third. Remove the bag and drink the milk, divided into two portions,in the course of one
day Ihis will not cause vomiting and free-flux 名 ness. People affected by depletion and cold will have slightly viscous bowel movements, but they will not suffer from it. One such bag can be boiled 3o times until its strength is exhausted. Ihenanew bapgis to be prepared. After each boiling itis to be washed clean to remain permehe dregs are mixed with flourand fed to chicken. able for the qi [of the stalactites]. Eat their eggs. Jhis is arecipe of Minister Cui. Sun zhenren, 0zz7zz.777z 罷 . 553 了 7 放 , “free-flux iness,”adiarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
鋰 乳 。酒 安 五 ,臟 通 百 ,節 利 九 ,突 主 風 ,虛 補 下 脆 , 敬 明精 目。 鐸 乳鍊 成 粉 五 ,兩 以 夾 練 袋 盛 ,之 清酒 六 升 , 瓶 ,封 湯 內 意 減 三 之 ,二 取出 添 滿, 封 七 ,日 日 飲 三 。合 忌 房事 、 敬 、 豉 、 生 、食 硬 。食 外 臺 秘要 ,。 Stalactite_ wine. It pacifles the flve long-term depots, frees the passage through the hundreds of joints, opens the nine orifilces,controls depletion associated With wind,
supplements the Lower Burnerp boosts essence/sperm and clears the eyes. 上 ii a double-layered silk bag With five Zz7zc of stalactite powder reflned with heat,add six y2e7zge of clear wine and give this into a jar that is then closely sealed. Boil [the jar With the winelin water down to two thirds,remove [the jar] and add lwine] to fi
it up again. Keep it sealed for seven days and [let the patient] drink three gezaday [During such atherapy] sexual intercourse is forbidden,and also onions,fermented beans,raw food and hard food. 族 7 /z7 27 jo.
鋰 長 兩, 旋 等 功,
乳 。丸 治丈夫 哀 ,老 陽 絕 肢 ,冷 少 氣 減 ,食 腰 疼 腳 痺, 下 氣 消食 , 舺 一 ,兩 轍示現 湯 泡 七 。肌 鐸 乳 粉二 兩, 兔 絲 子 酒 浸 、焙 石 各 烏 末 , 煉 蜜和 丸 梧 子大 。 每 服 七 ,丸 空心 溫 酒 或 米 湯下 , 日 二 食 點 行 數 百 ,步 覺 胸 口 ,熱 稍 ,定 即 食 乾 、飯 豆 。器 忌 食 粗 昊 惡 及 氣。 初 服 七 ,日 勿 烏 陽 ,事 過 七 日 可乃 行, 不 宣 傷 。多 服過 半 劑 , 乃 續 。服 此 公曹 早 方 。也 和 劑 局方 。
和 中 次炒 半 。服 服 戶 穢 覺有
Stalactite pills. Ihey serve to cure weakness and apging of husbands,when their yang [pathj is cut ofand their limbs are cold,when they have diminished qi and eat less,
With pain in the lower back and blockage in the legs. Ihey serve to discharge di and digest food. Ihey harmonize the center and serve to grow muscles. Grind two /7z7zoe of stalactite powderp one /z7e each of dodderp soaked in wine and baked over
aslow fire,and ZezzzZ7yo27z7z「stemj,and half a Zz7zzge of oozZzz [fruitd|, boiled in water
seven times and fried, to apowdep to be formed with reflned honey to pills the size of 27 石和 之, “stone fungus,”Gzzzge 2z. zz gozg 7 化公 石 ,“Hua gongs stone.” [Li] Shizhen: It
looks like a bound brain, zz2 腦 . Hence the name. In ancient times, Hua gong 化 公 ingested it. Hence it is also named “Hua gongs stone,” 7zz gozg 527 化公 石 。
【 集 解 】【 列 錄 】晶 石 腦生名山 土 中, 煙 無 。【 時 弘 景 日】 此 石 亦 鐸 乳 之 山 並有 之, 擊 土 東 西平 類 , 形 如 曾 青 而 白色 , 黑 斑 而 ,軟 易 破。 今 茅山 及 合 取 。【 出 恭 曰】 出 徐州 。 宋 里山 , 初 在 爛 石 ,中 入 土 一 丈 以 下 得 之, 大
C//z27/e/ 9
烏 握雪 譽 石, 云 從 ,卵 或如 挫 ,許 觸 看 即 散 如 鉻, 黃 白 。色 士人 號 時 珍 日】 按 抱 朴 子 吳 保 昇 日】 蘇 引恭 握 雪 譽 石和 為 ,注 非 。【 生 。【 石 芝腦 生滑石 中 , 亦如 石中 黃 子 ,狀 但 不 有皆 耳 。 打 破 滑石 大 千計 可 得 一 。枚 初 破 ,之 在 中石 五色光 明 而 自 ,得 服 一 升 得 長生 , 乃 列 所 錄 謂 石 腦 及 仙諸 服 ,食 當 是此 物 。也 蘇 恭所 說 本 是 石 ,腦 而 石上之 液, 與 此 不 。同 見 後 本 條 ,。 雪握 譽 ,石 誤 吳。 握雪乃
如 長 云: 乃 也 。 注
服之 內篇 , 石之 又以
ollected Explanations.25zz /z: Stone brain grows in the soilof famous mountains. Itis collected anytime.[Iao] Hongjing: Jhis stone, too, belongs to the same group as stalactites. Tts physical appearance resembles that of lamellar malachite, but it is White with black dots. ft is soft and easy to break. Nowadays, it occurs both on Mount Mao shan and Mount Xi ping. Holes are dug in the soil to obtain it. [Su Crong: Jt originates in Mount Song li shan in 和 u zhou and basically occurs amidst decayed rocks. One has to enter the soil as deep as one 2z7ze to obtain it. Large pieces are of the size of chicken cggs, others resemble the size of dates. When [stone brains ] are touched, they disperse like flour. Jhey are of yellow-white color The locals call them zoo zz zz527 握雪 奶
holding snow7”(Io-I6).They 石 ,“)zstones
state that ingesting them prolongs life. [Han] Baosheng: Su Gongs reference to the zoo xwze zz 527 握 雪 奶
,石 “zz stones holding snow”in his comment is wrong. [L
Shizhen: According to the 2z22z?z, TAVz727z7z Stone brain fungus5 pgrows inside of 子(Io-I7). But it is not talc,and it is shaped similar to the y27 >2o7g 2zz7ze 2 石 中 黃 found in all [deposits of talc]. About a thousand pieces of talc need to be crushed
to obtain one piece [of stone brain fungusj]. Initially when removed after breaking open_ [the talc, stone brain fungus」shines in all flve colors. Jo ingest one zzz
serves to lengthen oneslife.”Ihis “stone [brain] fungus may be the item referred to in the 5zz zzas stone brain_ that is ingested for food by all the hermits/immortals. Su rong says 了 at this is “stone brain, and in his comment he identifles it as zoo xze yz 527 握雪 譽 .This 石 is wrong. 旋 zz 握 雪 is aliquid found on stones.This is something different from the item discussed here. Foran entry devoted to「x2zz7 連 十
、針 一
片 。鐵 刀
亦 被媽 轉 。
其 以 日】 玄
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
而 純黑 者, 玄 石也 , 不 能 ,拓 療 體 亦 劣玫 慈 石。【 領 日】 今 北番 無 孔 光澤 時珍 用 慈 石 作 禮 物, 其 多塊 光澤 , 吸 鐵 無 ,力 疑 即 此 玄 石 。也 醫 方 罕 。【 慈 生 石 山 之 陰有 鐵 ,處 玄 生 石 山 之陽 有 銅 ,處 雖 形 相 似 , 性 則 不 ,同 故 石 不 能 吸鐵 ,。
ollected Explanations. 5zz /: Dark stone/mineral grows on the yang/sunny side of Mount Tai shan. Copper occurs on the yin/shady side of the mountain. Copper is female. Iron is male.「Iao] Hongjing: In the 257 77 magnetite is also called “dark stone/mineralL The zz 及 also refers to“dark stone/mineral' With an alternative name c2z y27 處
石 , a stone/mineral that directs others.”The names [of these
substances] are identical, and their therapeutic [potential] as well as their physical body are quite similap too. Howevep they difer in their cold and warm [nature」,
and With regard to what they fear and abhor [when ingested together with] copper and iron. In recipes of common physicians,[ “dark stone/mineral ] is not used, and
there is nobody who is familiar With it.Jt is not even known whether it belongs to the same group as magnetitte,or not.[Suj Gong: Jhis item is liquid iron. Magnetite has fine holes. Ihe color inside of these holes is yellow-red. When [magnetite of good quality has just been broken open it picks up iron, and it absorbs iron. Those without holes and with a purely black gloss, they are“dark stones/minerals. They are unable to pick up [iron] and their therapeutic effects are inferior to those of magnetite. [Su] Song: Nowadays,in the foreign ]ands in the North, magnetite
serves as a gift. Its pieces are often glossy and they lack the strength to attract iron. Presumably this is dark stone/mineral Tt is rarely resorted to in medical rectpes. [Li Shizhen: Magnetite grows on the yin/shady side of mountains at places where iron occurs. Dark stone/mineral grows on the yang/sunny side of mountains at places where copper occurs. Even though their physical appearances are similarp their nature is not identical. Hence dark stone/mineral is unable to attract iron.
【 氣 】味 鹹 , 溫 , 無 毒,【 之
才 曰】 惡 松 、脂 柏 實、 菌 桂。
Qi and Flavor. Salty, warm, nonpoisonous. [Xu] Zhicai: [Ingested togethep] it abhors colophony cypress fruib and 2yzzz72zy [flower」
【 主 】治 大 人 小 兒 驚 ,癇 女 子 絕 ,孕 小 子。 和 列 錄 。
腹 冷 ,痛 少
精 喘 。重 服 之 人令 有
Control_ Fright epilepsy of adults and children. It ends a womans pregnancy [It cures] cold and pain in ones abdomen,diminished essence/sperm and aheavy body Ingesting it lets one have children. 58zz 及
C/2z2/7 7o
經 品 趟 石 本 下
77z7 252, 上 弓 有 27 lower rank. Reddish-brovwn stone/mineral from Dai. Hematite. Iron oxide,。
【 代 烏 其
釋 】名 須 丸 本 、經 血 師 別 、錄 士朱 綱 、目 鐵 。【 朱 別 錄 日】 出 代 和 郡 者名 ,芷 出姑 幕 名 者 須 丸 。【 時 珍 曰】 圭, 赤色 。也 代 , 即 座 門也 。 今 俗 呼 土 、朱 鐵 朱 。 管 子 :雲 山上 有 圭 , 其 下 有 鐵。 鐵朱 之名 或 緣此 , 不 獨 因 形 也 ,。 色
Explanation of Names. 和 zzozz 須 九 ,“turnip pills,”5e7.7zzg. Xz 527 血 師 , “blood division”5zz 太 7 z27
朱 ,“soil red,”Gzzg zz. 7zz z2z 鐵
朱 ,“iron red.” 5
Whenitoriginates in Daijun it is called zz7>2z 代 ,“Daired."When 芷 it originates in Gu muitis named xz zoz7z 須 丸 . [Li] Shizhen: Z2z 著 is the color red. Dai 代
is Yan men. Nowadays, [hematite] is commonly called 包 x2z 士 朱 and zze 22z 鐵 朱 .The Gzzz >7 states: “When there is hematite on a mountain, there will be iron
underneath.” Ihis is the origin of [hematite] being named “iron red. [Ihename] is
based not only on its physical appearance and color
【 集 解 】【 列 錄 日】 代 生未 齊 國 山谷, 赤紅 青色, 如 雞冠 有 澤, 染 爪 甲不 渝 者 。良 米 無 。【 時 弘 景 日】 是 代和 郡 城門下 赤 士 。也 江 久 東 絕, 俗用 乃 恭 曰】 此 石多 從 代 州 來, 須 疏 , 而 仙烏 方 之要 , 與 戎 鹽 、 買 鹹 皆 是 急 。【 雲山 中 煙 得, 非 城門下 士 。也 今 齊 州。 亭 山 出 亦 ,石 其 色 有 弈紅 青 。者 其 赤 者 亦 如 雞冠且 潤澤 , 土人 惟煙 以 丹 柚 ,柱 而紫色且 暗, 與 代 州 出 相者 似 , 古來 用 之。 今靈 州 。 鳴 沙 縣 界 河 ,北 平地 掘 四深 五 尺 得 ,者 皮 上 赤 滑, 中 紫 如 雞 ,肝 大 膀 、齊 代 所 出 。【 者 頒 日】 今 河東 、 京 東山 中 亦 有 之 。 古方 緊 丸 治 小用 兄 代 ,赫 云 無 ,真 以 左 顧 牡 曠 代 ,使 乃 知 真 者 難得 。 今 醫家 所 頭 芷 。 北 山經 用, 多 擇 取 大 ,塊 其上 文 頭有 如 浮 溫 耳 者 烏 ,勝 謂 之 丁 代 雲: 少 陽 之 ,山 中 多 美 。款 西 山 經 :雲 石 脆 之 ,山 灌水 出 。焉 中 有 流 趟 , 以 塗 馬牛 無 。病 郭 璞 注 :云 蒜, 赤 士 。也 今人 以 塗 牛角 , 云 辟 惡,【 時 珍 日 】 芷 石 處 處 山中 有 之, 以西北 出 者 為 。良 宋 時 虔 歲 州 真 萬 。斤 人 崔明 外 丹 之 朱 色 , 可 點 書, 並 山 峽中 。 研 作 本 草 :雲 代 ,芷 陽 石 。也 與太 乙 餘 紉 生 華 赤 士 拭 寶 ,劍 倍 益 精明 , 即 也此 。 又可 老 金益 色 赤 。 張 以 ollected 匕 xplanations. 52zz Z: Hematite grows in the mountain valleys of the country of Qi. Itis of aglossy red-greenitsh_ color similar to the combs of cocks. When
[hematite is used to] dye nails and does not change_[its colorj, it is good.
It is collected anyttme. [Tao] Hongjing: Ihis is red soil from below the city gates of Dai jun. [Supplies] from Jang dong have been cut of for along time. It is only rarely used by common [physicians], but it is considered essential in the recipes for becoming an hermit/immortal. Together With halite, salt from the region of the
//2e 27
Rongy and bittern salt, 及 zz27 畔
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
,諾 it is required in emergency [medication]. [Su]
Grong: Jhis stone/mineral comes mostly from Dai zhou.Itis said to be collected in the mountains, not from the soil below acity gate. Nowadays,ared stone/mineral originates in Mount Ting shan in Qi zhou. Its color is red-greenish. Ihis red is similar to the red of cockscombs,anditis glossy Ihe local people gatherit to paint the columns of their halls. With its dark purple color it is similar to [hematitel originating in Dai zhou. It has been used since ancient times.Nowadays, [hematite]
is undug from adepth of four to flve c2zin the plains of aregion north of ariver in Ming sha xian in Ling zhou, with ared and smooth surface,and a purple interi-
op reminiscent of [the color of jachicken liver It is by far superior to [hematite] originating in Qi [zhou] and Dai [zhoul. [Su] Song: Nowadays, [hematite] is also
found in the mountain valleys of ng dong and He dong. Ancient recipes of “purple ps
[with an advice to] use hematite to cure children state that “if no genuine
|hematite] is available,it can be substituted with oyster shells with leftward spirals.
Qbviously genuine [hematite] was dificult to obtain. When physicians of today make use of it they mostly select large pieces with a surface of solid nail [head| bulges on top of it as superiop and they call it “nail head hematite.”The 57 y22z7 7Z7ze states: “JMuch beautiful hematite is found in the mountains of Shao yan.”The 及 722z7z.7Z7zg states: “Where the Guan shui [river] leaves the mountains of Shi cui,
hematite flows with [the water]. It is applied to oxen and horses to prevent disease.
Guo Puinacommentstates: Hematite is ared soil. Nowadays,thepeople applyit to the horns of oxen.Itis said to keep away the malign. [Li| Shizhen: Hematite oc~ curs in he mountains everywhere,With that originated from the North-West being good.During the Song era, Qian Zhou submittedIo ooo7Zzzayear as tribute [to the court]. Cui Fang in his 7 77 2e7z cgz2 states: “lematite is ayang stone/mineral It grows in mountain valleys together with”Tai yis leftover provisions (Io-o6). When itis ground itbecomesacinnabar-red color that can be used for painting. It can also be used to deepen the red color of gold. When Zhang Hua used red soil to wipe his double-edged sword,boosting its sapgacity it was the [hematite discussed] here.
【 俏 治】【 敦 日】 凡 使 之 。 乃 用 細 人 於 腳湯 煮 一 一 兩, 待 化 , 投 新 汲 水 人 惟 炎 , 以 醋 淬 三 次 引用 。也 相 志感 雲: 代 趟
研細 , 術時, 省 ,之 或 七 以
以 臘 重重 水 飛過 , 水 面上 有 赤色 如薄 雲 者 去 取出 研一 又 萬 。四 以 淨 鐵 鐺 燒 ,亦 下 白 蜜 蠟 再 煮 一 二 十 ,沸 取出 晒 乾 。【 用 時 珍 曰】 今 次, 研 , 水 飛 過用 , 取 其 相 制 , 並 詞 肝 經 血分 酒 酯 意 ,之 插 鐵 釘 於 ,內 扇 之 成污 。
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Lei] Xiao: For 3 applications [of hematitej, grind it
toafane [powder] and repeatedly process it with sublimation using water collected in theI2th month. Once athin cloud of red color has formed on the surface of the
C/2z27/e7 7oO
watep it may be removed. Ihen boil it with a decoction of fine tea grounds for one day and onenightyremoveit[from the liquid] and grinditIio ooo times. Next heat itinaclean iron pan until it has assumedared colopadd one /zzzeof white beeswax
and wait untilit has transformed [into the wax]- Pour newly drawn water into [the
pan] and boilit again tenor2o times to bubbling. Remove it dry itin the sun and itis ready to be used. [Li]| Shizhen: Nowadays, the people only calcine ituntil it has
turned red. Ihey dip itinto vinegarp three or seven times. Iheygrind it [toapowder| and process it With aqueous sublimation. Ihen it is ready to be used. Availing oneself ofits ability to check other [substancesj,it is used together with them to affect
the blood section of the liver conduits. Ihe 入 zz7zg ez7z 27 states: “Boil hematite in wine and vinegar. Insert an iron nail into itb and stiritup to generate ajuice.
【 氣 】味 苦 寒, 無 毒。【 別
雄 、 附 。子 乾
錄 】 晶 甘 。【 權 日】 甘 , 平 , 【 之
才 日】 畏 天
昔 烏 之使 。
Qi and Flavor. Bitter cold, nonpoisonous. 5ze 2: Sweet.[Zhen] Quan: Sweet, bal-
anced. [Xu] Zhicai: [Ingested togethep] it fears Zc27z77z/77/ [root tuber] and Zzc27777z/777
[accessory tuber]. Dried ginger serves as its guiding substance.
【 經。 瘀, 扭, 肉,
主 】治 昌 症 賊 風 鬆 ,毒 殺 精 物 惡 ,鬼 腹 中 毒 邪氣 , 帶下 百 ,病 產 難 胞 不 ,出 堅 胎, 養 血 ,氣 除 五 大人 小 兒 驚 氣入 腹, 及 陰 竣 不 。起 列 。錄 安 胎 月 經 不 ,止 腸 風 痔 痕 , 瀉 痢 膨 ,精 遺 溺 夜 ,多 小 辟 鬼 。魅 大明 ,。
女 臟 血采 建 ,脾 兒 驚
子 亦 沃 中 熱, 止 反 癇 辣 ,疾
漏 。下 血 胃吐 金
本 痺血 血鼻 瘡長
ontrol. Demon attachment ]ness,/53 robber wind,5+ pzz poison."55 It kills essence
beings and malign demons,as well as abdominal poison and evil di. Profuse leakape of red liquid of women. 57 //zg. Ihe hundreds of diseases below the belt. Diffcult delivery and failure to release the placenta. It causes abortion. Jt nourishes blood and di. It eliminates heat from within the flve long-term depots and blood Vessels, blood blockage and stagnant blood. Fright qi of adults and children that have entered the abdomen. Failure of the yin[(i.e.,genital) member] to rise. 5z 和 6o3 Z2z 症 , also >2z 注 , “attachment-ness,” “influx-nesss,”reflects anotion of a foreign
pathogenic agent, originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM Dict 688-695. 6o4 Zez/zzg 賊 風 ,“robber wind.”Various pathological conditions caused by di 了 at has invaded the human organism from outside. BCGM DictT667Z. 6o5 Gz 走 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. Qriginally it was assumed to beamost poisonous bug, the only creature in aclosed jar Surviving competition with hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed gez Zz 貼 專 ,“gz poison(ing).“BCGM Dict LIor.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
It pacifles the embryo and strengthens the spleen. It ends vomiting of blood and nosebleed associated With aturned overstomach,unending menstruation,intestinal wind and piles fistula, outflow with_free-fHux ness“*
and [uncontrolled] loss of
essence/sperm. Frequent loss of urine during the night. Tright epilepsy and gez7zz記ness6o7 of children. [It serves to cure] wounds caused by metal objects/weapons and stimulates the growth of flesh. It keeps away demons and goblins. Da Ming-
明 好 【 貫 】【 代 未 之 ,重 以 旋 覆 代 赫 湯 主 草 三 ,兩 半 夏 服 一 ,升 日 三 二 經 血 分 之 。病 醫 :曰 此 慢 肝 下, 果 愈。 調
古 日】 代 趟 鎮 虛 。逆 故 。之 用 旋 覆 半 ,斤 大 眾 。服 【 時 珍 昔有 小 兒 驚 風也 , 宣
入 手 少 、陰 足厥陰 。經 怯則 氣 ,浮 重所 以 鎮 之。 張 仲 景 治 傷 崎 汗 下吐 後 心下 痞 革 , 啼 氣 不 除者 , 花 三 ,兩 代 芷 石 一 ,兩 人 參 二 ,兩 生 董 五 ,兩 上甘 十 二 。枚 水 一 ,斗 煮六 升 , 去 ,淬 再 出 三 ,升 溫 曰】 代 未 有旋 肝 與包絡 二 經 血 分 藥也 , 故所 主 治皆 瀉 後 眼上 , 三 日 不 ,乳 目 如 黃 金, 氣 將 絕。 有 名 服 錢 , 冬瓜 仁 藤湯 飛 未 石末 , 每 半 治 。肝 用 水 代
Explication.[Wang] Haogu: Hematite enters the hand minor yin and foot ceasing yin conduits. In the case of timidity ones qi float and they are to be pressed down With something of heavy weight. Ihe weight of hematite serves to press down [dqi countermovement associated with a state of depletion. Hence /hang /hongjing resorted to the “decoction With 77z/2 722277cz Hower and hematite_to control a condition when following a cure of harm caused by cold by means of sweating, vomiting and discharge alump developed below the heart, and [patients suffered from] unending belching. He [recommended toj] use [the following substances」.
Three Zz7ze Of 7772/2 7222777cz Hower one Zz7zg of hematite, two Zz7zg of pinseng [rootj, five Zzzc offresh pingepthree /zzzc of eZycyy727x2 [rood|, half a 7 of 277ze//72 |root] and twelve ]arge dates.[Jhese substances] are to be boiled in one Zoz of water down to six y2zzg. Remove the dregs and boil lthe liquid] down to three vezg. [Let
the patient] ingest one y2ezzge. Jo be ingested three times aday. [Li] Shizhen: Hematite is amedication associated With the two conduits of theliver and the [heart|
enclosing network. Hence the diseases it controls are all those of the blood of these two conduits. Once there was achild that following an outflow had turned upward. For three days it did not suck its nursing mothers mik, and assumedayellow colorlike gold. Eventually its [flow of ] di was about to be
section its eyes its eyes cut of.
6o6 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”"a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict L3r 6o7 Gzzz 養 , “oz7z崗 ness also: “sweets-iness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCUGCIM Dict LI8o-I88.
C0/z2/7 7o
A famous physician said: Ihis is acase of aslow liver fright wind.6 A cure must be focused on the liver. He [had the child] each time ingest a dose of half a 7z7277 of hematite powdep processed with aqueous sublimation, and sent down with a decoction of winter melon kernels. As aresult,a cure was achieved.
【 附 方】 舊 ,二 新
一 四十 ,。
Added Recipes. ITwo of old.I4 newly [recorded.
一 服。 普 濟 方 。 哮 有呷 聲, 芒 睡 不 。得 士朱 末 , 米 酪 ,調 時 時 進 二 Heavy and noisy breathing, With an inability to lie down and sleep. Mix hematite powder with rice vinegar and have [the patient] ingest it once or twice whenevera need arises. /zz 五 2
傷 崎 無 汁。 代 芷 石、 劑 芋 等 分 為末 , 熱 酪 調 塗 兩 手心 , 合掌 腿 內 ,側 溫 覆 汗 出 乃 。愈 傷 寒 穎要 。
握 ,定
夾計 大
Harm caused by cold without sweating.[Grind] equal amounts of hematite and dried ginger to a powdep mix it with _ hot vinegar and apply it to the [patients」 palms of both hands. [Let him] lay his hands firmly together and place them between the inner sides of his thighs. Cover [the patient] warmly. Once he sweats a healing is achieved. 52z7zc 22z77 )z/7z 2.
嬰兒 閥 ,疾 無計 可 。施 代 未 石 五 衣枚 紅 酪 ,淬 朱砂 五 ,分 磯 寐 一 豆大 , 同 以 包 紙 七 ,重 打 濕 糞 ,乾 入 麝香少許 烏末 。 香 油 調 一 ,字 塗鼻尖 上 及 眉 心 、
四 肢 ,
應 。
幼 全 大 。
Malaria lness of children, With_ al attempts [at curing it] having remained unsuccessfulL Wrap togetherin seven layers of paper flve pieces of hematite, calcined until they have turned red and dipped into vinegap five /zz of cinnabar and as much arsenic as equals the size of a bean. Pound this to remove the moisture and bake it overasmall fire. Ihenaddalttle musk and [lgrindittoaj powder Mix it with one >7 of sesame oil and apply it to the tip of thenose, the eyebrows and the four limbs. Divine reactions. zzo 人 6 2Z2 7Z2272.
急 慢 驚 。風 店 眼 撮 ,口 搐 括 不 。定 代 未 石 火 燒 酯 淬 十 ,次 細 研 水飛 , 日 充 , 每 服 一 ,錢 或 半 ,錢 恒 真 金 湯 調 ,下 連 進 三 。服 兒 腳 脛上 有 赤 ,斑 即 不 治。 直 指 方 。 是 驚 氣 已 ,出 病當 安 。也 無 斑點 者 可 6o8.7zzze/zg 彷 風 ,“fright wind,”a condititon of children characterised by jerking and arched back rigidity eyeballs turned upward, and twitching hands and legs.BCGM Dict L, 26r, also 238, 24o.
//2e 227 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
Acute and chronic fright wind,*? with hauled eyes, pursed mouth and convulsions thatcannot be stabilized. Heathematite overafilre and dipitinto vinegar ten times. Then grindittoafne [powderj, process it With aqueous sublimation and dry it in the sun. 己ach time [let the patient] ingest one 77z7z, or half a 7zz7z, to be sent down
mixed with a genuine gold decoction. Io be ingested three timesinarow. As soon as red macules develop on the legs and shins of the child, the fright di are released and the diseasec is pacifiled. If no such macule dots appeap the disease is incurable. 之 /27 之27 /2772-
慢肝 擎 。風 方
見 發明 ,。
hronic lver fright wind. Forarecipe,see Explication.
腸 疝 。氣 代 未
石 火 醋 ,淬 烏 末 , 每
白 湯 服 二 。錢 壽
域方 。
Small intestinal elevation qi.《5[Grind] hematite, calcined over fire and dipped into vinegap to apowder and each time ingest, With_ clearp boiled water, two 7727z. $222 放 7
腸 風 下 。血 血 師 一 ,兩 火 白 湯 。下 斗 門 。
,刀 米醋
,淬 盡 醋 一 ,升 揭 羅 如 ,酚 每 服 一錢 ,
Blood discharge associated with intestinal wind. Calcine one /zzge of hematite over fire and dip it into rice vinegap [and repeat this] until one y2ezg of vinegar is used
up. Ihen pound it through asieve to achieve [a powder as filne as] flour. EEach time ingest one 7zz7z, to be sent down With clearp boiled water. /2z 2ze7z.
吐 和手血 血。 方 同 。 Vomiting of blood and nosebleed. Recipe identical [with the one abovel.
下 血 不 。止 代
圭 末石 一 ,錢 生
汁 間 調, 日 三 五 ,次 以 癢 烏 度 。 地 黃 半
聖 濟錄 。 Unending bleeding following an artiflcial or spontaneous abortion. Mix one 7zzz 0f hematite powder with halfa cup of fresh Chinese foxglove [rhizomej] juice,and |let
the patient ingest this] three to five times a day until a healing is achieved. S2ezze 博克
6o97Zzc 7 芒 風 ,“frightwind,”a condition of children characterised by jerking and arched back rigidity eyeballs turned upward, and twitching hands and legs.BCGM Dict L, 26r, also 238, 24o.
6Io S2zz 儿 ,“elevation-iness,”and zz 2 疝氣 ,“elevation 崗 ness-di.”A notion ofa foreign item fthat has entered the scrotum, causes pain and may ascend and descend. BVCGM Dict L 4Io.
C0/z2/7 7o
婦人 血 骨 。 茵 石火 刀 醣 淬 七 ,次 烏 末 , 白 湯 服 二 。錢 普 濟 方 。 Blood collapse6F of woman.[Grind] hematite, calcined overa fire and dipped into vinegar seven times,toapowderand [let the patient] ingest with cleap boiled water
twWo 727272. 和 有 /2779.
赤 眼 腫 。閉 士朱 二 分 , 石膏 指 方。
及 陽 。穴 直 一 ,分 烏 末 , 新 汲 水 調 傅 眼 頭 尾 太
Red eyes,closed by aswelling.[Grind] two /z of hematite and one /7z of gypsum toapowderand apply it mixed with newly drawn watep to head and tail (i. e., the two corners) of the eyes,as well as the /#7yz7ze [acupuncture needle insertion] holes
lon both sides of the head]. Z27 27 /z7zg
喉 痺 腫 。痛 紫朱 煮 汁 。飲 普
濟方 。
Throatclosure with apainfulswelling.Boilhematite [in water] and [let the patient
drink the juice. / 壇 7
牙 有宣 臨 。 土 、朱 放 共同 ,研 措
之 三 。日 普
濟方 。
Tooth exposure With hidden worms. Grind hematite and 2zzo7ze2ezz [spikes] together[toapowder] and apply this [to the affected teeth] for three days.
芥 一 ,錢 詞 末 , 每 各 錢, 滑石 、 州 各 諸 丹 熱 毒。 土 、朱 青 黛 二 蜜 水 調 ,下 仍 外 傅 。之 直 指 方 。
選zz 及 /zg
服 一 錢半 ,
All types of cinnabar poisone@5 with heat.[Grind] two 7zzz each of hematite and
indigo and one 7zzz each of talc and yc2z%27ze/oezz [spikes] toapowderand each time ingest one and a half 7zz7z, to be sent down mixed with honey water. In addition apply this externally. Z27 >27 Z7z.
一 切 瘡 。疾 土 、朱 號 、丹 牛皮 膠 渣 傅 ,之 乾 再上 。 朱 氏 集 駿 方 。
等 ,分 詞 末 , 好
酒 一 得 首 之, 澄清
,服 以
All types of sores With pimples.[Grind] equal amounts of hematite, lead oxide and
ox hide glue to a powder. Pour one cup of good wine over it Wait for the dregs to settle and ingestthe clearliquid.Apply the dregs to the [affectedregionj. Once they have dried apply them again. Zhi shi,.7z zz 7
百 合 病 ,發 已 下汗 復發 。者 百 合 七 個 擘 ,破 旻 水 浸 一 ,宿 芷 一 ,兩 滑石 三 兩, 景 水 二 ,鍾 評 一 鍾, 入 百 合 ,汁 再 ,藤 一 鍾 溫 。服 傷 寒 穎要 ,。
6II 有 zz 2ezg 血 ,“blood 朋 collapse,”is excessive vaginal bleeding.BCGM Dict
6I2 zz Zz 丹 毒 ,“cinnabar poisony”askin ailment with red rashes.BCGM Dict LII8
//2e 227 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
Outbreaks of the disease of the one hundred convergences5,recurring after [ather-
apy of」sweating and discharge [has remained without success」]. Break open seven ly bulbs andletthem soakin spring water for one night. Boilone /z7zgof hematite and three Zzzze of talc in two cups of spring water down to one cup. Add the lily bulb juice and boil it again. Ingest one 7227zce Warm. 2z7zc 22z7z )Z/7z 2.
【 附錄 】 Appendix
黃石 。
入 2/277 2z/272o 527
Dark-yellowstone/mineral. Hematite. Ironoxide,
【 呼 熱 效
藏 器 日】 出 洶 川、 北 海山 谷 土石 ,中 如 赤 土 、 代 頑 之 ,類 士人 以當 朱 , 赤烏 石 , 一名 零 ,陵 人 恐 代 是 未 之 。類 味 ,甘 平 、 溫, 無 毒。 主 驚 ,難 喘 邪氣 , 鎮 心。 久 服 人令 眼 明 悅 。【 澤 時 珍 】晶 此 亦 他 代 方 趟 ,耳 故 其功 不 甚相 加 也 。
[Chen] Cangdi: It originates in the soil and rocks in the mountain valleys of Zi chuan and Bei hai. It resembles red soil (o7-o3) and is atype of hematite. Ihe local people consider it to be cinnabar and the call it c27 y27 赤 ,石 “red stone/mineral? An alternative name is /zze Z7zg 零 陵 ,“odd mount. "Presumably this is atype ofhematite. ts fiavor is sweet. It is balanced, warm and nonpoisonous. Tt controls fright
and feap and body heat With evil qi. It calms the heart. Ingested over a long time, it clears the eyes and lets [ones face] appear happy and glossy [Li| Shizhen: Ihis is something used elsewhere instead of hematite. Hence its [therapeutic] potential is
not very diferent [from thatof hematite」. IO-O5
電 餘本 嚨 經上 品 了
zz Zz7zoy 上 弓 52277779 upper rank.
Leftoverprovisions of Yu. Limonite. Hydratedferric oxide.
【 釋 】名 白 餘 ,箭 【 時 承 下 餘 。料 見 太 一 。【 者本 詞此 兩。 餘 Explanation
of Names.
珍 日】 石 有中 細 粉 如 ,猴 故 日 餘 ,爛 俗 呼 烏太 一 到 曰】 會 稽 中山 出 者 甚 。多 彼 人 云 音 大 禿 會 稽 於此,
527 /z Z2zg
餘 ,料 “white leftover provisions.” [Li
Shizhen: Ihis is a fine powder within stones/minerals resembling flour. Hence it 6I3 52z7 2e 2zzg 百 合 病 ,“disease ofahundred convergences.”A condition ofamental disease thatmay appearin many diferent combinations of symptoms.BCGM Dict L, 46.
C0/z2/7 7o
is called “leftover provision. Itis cormmonly called the“Great Unitys and Yus leftover provisions,”727 罰 玉 yz Zoe 太 螞一 餘 .箭 See under“7z7 罰 太 一 .”[Chenl
Cheng: Very much of it originates in Mount Hui ji. Ihe local people say that in ancient times the Great Yu gave a banquet there and that the leftover provisions form the basis of this [stone/mineral.
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 曰】 咒 餘 生爛 東海 池 澤, 及山島 中 或 池 澤 。【 中 弘 景 日】 今多 出 東陽, 形 如 其 鳴 ,卵 外 有 殼 重 輻, 中 有 黃 細 末 如 浦 ,黃 無 沙 者 佳 。 近年 逆 山 擊 地 大得 ,之 極 精 好 , 狀如 牛黃 , 重重 甲 。錯 其 佳 處 乃 紫 色 靡 靡 如 ,酚 只 之 無 復 礎, 仙 經 服食用 。之 南人 又 呼 平 中澤 一 種 滕, 葉 如 捧 共 , 根 作 塊有 節 , 似 拓 葛 而 色 亦 , 根 形 似 薯 ,預 謂 詞 台 餘 ,箭 此 與 生 池 澤 者 復 頒 日】 今 惟 澤 州、 尖州有 之。 人 舊 說 形 如 也 有 仿佛。 或 疑 今 石 即 是太 一 。【 挫 鴨 ,卵 外 有 殼 。 今 圖上 者全 是山石 之 形, 都 不作卵 狀, 與 舊 說 小 。異 除 無 。時 張 博 華 物 記 言: 扶 海 洲上有 和共 旱, 其 實 食 之 如大 有 ,稚 名 自 然 ,穀 亦 名 咒 餘 ,狼 世 傅 咒 治 水 棄 所其 餘 食 計 江中 而 為 藥 。 則 功 草 與此 異物 同名 , 餘 乃 中石 黃 粉, 生 於 池 澤; 其生 山 與生池 澤 者 同 種 乎? 【 時 珍 曰】 珊 糧 抑 合 者, 烏太 一 餘 。銀 本 文 明白。 陶 引 懇 生 邑 餘 ,紉 蘇 引 草 生吧 餘 狼, 雖 名 同 而 實 不 ,同 殊 為 固 。還 詳太 一 餘 得下 。 ollected Explanations. 5zz Z: Yus Limonite grows in the ponds and marshlands of Dong hai, and also in some ponds and marshlands on islands. [Tao] Hongjing: Nowadays, [limonite] mostly originates in Dong yang. It is shaped like goose or duck eggs. On the outside it has a shell of several layers. Inside it has a fine, yellow powderp resembling cattail pollen. 1 it does not include sand, it is fine. In recent years ]arge quantities of an extremely fine quality are obtained from mines on Mount Mao shan. It is shaped like cow-bezoap With several ]ayers of interlocking shells. Its best part is the [powder] of purple color that can be blown away like
flour When itis chewed, it does not cause a gritty sensation. he classics of hermits/immortals [recommend it to] be used for ingestion as food. Ihe people in the South call a type of vine[ Yus leftover provisions]. Jt has leaves resembling those Of v7zz7/zx [root]. Its roots are lumps With nodular intersections, resembling those
Of y7zzz/zx [roodd|, but of red color. he physical appearance of its roots is like that of
2ZZz2yco7ez root. hey callit “Yus leftover provisions. Itis very similar to [the limonite] growing in ponds and marshlands. Some wonder whetherit is todays “Great Unitys [leftover provisions 上1 [Su] Song: Nowadays, [limonite] occurs only in Ze
Zhou and Luzhou.Jn ancient descriptions its physical appearance is compared With thatof goose and duck eggs,With an external shell. Nowadays it is depicted in illustrations always with the physical appearance of astone/mineral, never shaped like eggs. Ihat is asmall difference to older descriptions. It is collected anytime. Zhang
//2e 227 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
Hua in his 52 zoz 2Z27 says: In Fu hai zhou zzex sedge is found. When its fruits are eaten, they [taste] like barley It is called natural grain. It is also named “Yu's
leftover provisions. Legend has it that when Yu regulated the waters he discarded his leftover provisions into the river where they became amedication. Ihat is, fd7ex sedge and [limonite] are different items with the same name. Or maybe it is the
same variety as that growing in ponds and marshlands? [Li| Shizhen: Limonite/ Yus leftover provisions is a yellow powder found inside stones/minerals. lt grows in ponds and marshlands. Ihat which grows in mountain valleys is“Grreat Unitys leftover provisions.”Ihe original text is clear about this. Tao [Hongjing」referred to “Yus leftover provisions ”growing as avine. Su [Song] referred to “Yus leftover provisions”growing as an herb. Ihe names may be identical, but the items are not. They are very differentt For details, see under “leftover provisions of Great Unity 【
修 】【 治 弘
日】 見
景 日】 凡 ,用 細 研
水 ,涉 取 汁
澄 ,之 勿 令有沙土 也。【
太 一下 。
Pharmaceutical Preparation.[TIao] Hongjing: For aapplications, clean it with wa-
ter. Wait for the dregs to settle and take the [clear] juice. ITtmust not [be polluted| with sand orsoiL [Lei] Xiao: See under“72z 罷 太 一
【 氣 】味 甘 , 寒, 無 毒。【 列 之 使。 伏 五 ,金 制 三黃 。
錄 日】 平 。【 權 日】 嶄 。【 之
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, cold, nonpoisonous. 5zz Z: Balanced.[Zhen]
才 日 】 牡丹 扁 Quan: Salty
[Ku] Zhicai: 六 zzzz root bark serves as its guiding substance. It subdues the five types of metal, and controls the three [substances realgap orpiment and sulphur bearing in their name the characterj “yellow6
【 主 】治 醫 逆, 寒熱 煩 ,滿 下 亦 ,白 血 閉 癥 門, 大 熱。 鍊 餌 服 ,之 不 飢 輕 身 延 年。 本 經。 療 腹痛 小 結 煩 。疼 列 錄。 主 朋中 。 甄 。權 治 邪氣及 骨 委 疼 , 四 股 不 ,仁 痔站 等 。疾 和久 服 耐寒 署。 大 明 。 催 生, 固 大腸。 時 珍。 Control Cough with [qi] counterflow. Alternating cold and heat sensations, With unrest and afeeling of fuliness. Red and white discharge. Blood closure with concretion訓ness and conglomeration-iHness. Ingested reflned with heat, it prevents hungep relieves the body of its weight and extends the years [of life|- 57.7Z7zg. It serves to heal pain in the lower abdomen, and pain with unrest caused by bound
6I4 The three substances with the character “yellow”in their names, zz 2zz7g 三 黃 ,include sulphur Zz 2zz7g 令 黃 ,realgar xzo7z2 2zzzg 雄 黃 ,and orpiment zz 2zzzg 帷 黃.
C0/z2/7 7o
dl.人5 57 入. Tt controls a collapsing center.” Zhen Quan. Tt serves to cure evil di and painful bones and joints, numbness in the four limbs and illnesses such as piles fistula. Ingested overalong ttme,itlets one endure cold and summerheat.Da MingIt speeds up the birth and stabilizes the large intestine. [Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 成 紉 陽明 參 餘 手足 焦有 病人難 下 令人多 氣力 , 後
無 己 】晶 重 可 血 分 重劑 也 。 會, 須用 餘 鐘、 負擔 避 行 , 身
去 ,怯 吧 餘 紉 之 ,重 烏鎮 固 之 劑。【 時 珍 日 】 後諸 。病 李 知 先 詩日: 其 性 ,潛 故 主 下 焦 前 赤 石 。脂 抱 朴 子 :雲 參 餘 爛 丸 日 再服, 三 日 輕 不 。極 其 方藥多 不 錄。
Explication. Cheng Wuyi: [Substances of] heavy weight serve to eliminate timidity, Because of its weight llmonite is a preparation that serves to press down and stabilize. [Li]| Shizhen: Limonite is a heavy preparation associated with the blood section of the handand footyang brilliance [conduits]. Byits nature it is astringent. Hence it controls 4 types of diseases in front and behind the Lower Burner Li Zhixianinapoem states: Diseases in the Lower Burner are di 了 cult to come by for humans. One must make use of limonite and red halloysite.”TIhe 2z22z 27 states: “Toingest [one] pil with lmonite twice every day will increase the strength of qi Within three days. When [someone who has ingested these pills] takes aload and Walks along distance,his bodywil notfeelits weightandhewill notbe exhausted. This recipe is rarely recorded [in recipe literaturel.
【 附 方】 舊 三, 新六 。 Added Recipes. Ihree of old. Six newly [recorded]-
大 腸 菇 ,嗽 醫 則 遺失 者。 赤 石 參脂 餘 爛 湯 主 。之 方 同 。下 潔 家古 珍 。 Cough associated With the large intestine. When [the patient] coughs he will defecate at the same time. Ihis is controlled by adecoction of red halloysite and limonite. For an identical recipe, see below..7z pz.77z 22e7z.
冷 勞 腸 泄 不 止。 神 效 太 一 :諒 禹 餘 爛 四 ,兩 火 刀 酪 ,淬 烏頭 一 ,兩 冷水 浸 一 夜, 去 皮 臍 ,焙 詞 末 , 酯 糊 丸 梧 子大 , 每 食 前 溫 水下 五 。丸 聖 惠 方 。 Unending intestinal outflow associated with cold and exhaustion. “Divinely effective clixir of Great Unity [|[Grind] four Zzzge of limonite, calcined overa fire and dipped into vinegap and one /7z7ze of zc27z7zz/77z [root tuber],soaked in cold water for
one night, with peelandumbilicus removed,and bakedoveraslow fire,toapowder 6I5 7/zz 7 結 氣 ,~ boundqb refers to pathological q halting and congealing atany place in the human body BCGM Dict 24o. "系 士 和舉
6I6 ezpx2o7zg2 朋 中 ,“collapsing centerp”excessive vaginalbleeding outside ofamenstruation period. BCGM Dictl,58.
//2e 227 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
Form With avinegar paste p 記ls the size of zoz seeds. 弓ach time send down before meals with warm water flve pills. $2e7zg 2z7 7
傷寒 下 痢 不 ,止 心下 痞 ,鞭 利 在 下 焦 。者 赤 石 蟬脂 餘 爛 湯 主 。之 赤 石 脂 、 禹 餘 各銀 一 斤 , 並 碎 ,之 水六 升, 煮取 二 ,升 去 淬, 分 再 。服 仲 景 守傷 論 要 。 Unending discharge with free-fHux ness77 associated with harm caused by cold, with a hardening below the heart and the free flow situated in the Lower Burner. This is controlled by a decoction of red halloysite and limonite. Break one 7-Zzz each of red halloysite and limonite to pieces and boil them in six eg of water down to two v2z7g. Discard the dregs and ingest [the liquid] divided into two portions. [Zhang] Zhongjingy $2z7zzg 227z 和 7 )z2.
赤 白 帶 。下 禹 餘 狼 刀火 酪 ,淬 牙 芋 等 ,分 赤 下 乾 董 減半 , 詞 末 , 空心 服二 匕。 勝金 方。 錢 Red and white discharge from below the belt.[Grind] equal amounts of limonite,
calcined over afire and dipped into vinegap and dried ginger 一 in the case of [only] red discharge reduce the dried ginger to one half 一 to apowderand |let the patient ingest onan empty stomach the amount held by atwo 7zz7z spoon. 2e7zo 77z /27zg.
朋 中 漏下 , 青 赤黃 白, 使人 無 。子 邑 餘 料 燉 ,研 赤 石 脂 研, 牡 曠 燉研 , 龍 炒, 桂 ,心 竺 分 為末 , 溫 酒 服 方寸 ,匕 日 二 。服 選 急 、 局 賊骨 , 伏 肝 仲 急 方。 麻。 張 文 備 ollapsing center@8 with leaking discharge, colored greenish, yellow red or white,
letting one have no children.[Grind]
edual amounts
of limonite, calcined and
ground, halloysite, calcined and ground, oyster shells, calcined and ground, sepia bones, soil from afurnace, fried, and shaved cinnamom bark to a powder and |let
the patient] ingest with _warm wine the amount held by a square zz spoon. To be ingested twice a day [During this treatment] onions and garlic are forbidden. 乙hang Wenzhong, 5e7. 地 /27zg.
育 生
腸 氣 ,痛 婦人 少 易 簡方 。
腹 。痛 邑 餘 料 烏末 , 每
米 飲 服 二 ,錢 日 二 ,服 極 。效 衛
Painful birth intestine qib painful lower abdomen of women.[Grind] limonite to
apowder. ach time_|let the patient] ingest With arice beverage two 7zz7z. lo be ingested twice a day. Extremely effective. 放 7 2z7必 人 暫 727z 4 6I7 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux ness,”"a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3 6I8 5ezgx2o7g 朋 中 ,“collapsing centep”excessive vaginal bleeding outside ofamenstruation period. BCGM DictL, 58.
C0/z2/7 7o
一 緊生, 有刀 灰 一斤 和 之 。 座 後 煩躁 。 邑 餘 狼 一 ,朴 狀如 酸 餡 ,者 入 地 埋 半 濕 才土 一 宿, 打 破, 去外 面 ,石 取 裹 細面 者 ,研 水 淘 五 七 ,度 日 ,乾 再 研 萬 。過 用甘草
湯 服 二 ,錢 一 服 立 。效 經
驗方 。
Unrest and restlessness following delivery Bury one half of shapedlikeasour steamedstuffed bunin theground |lwith the ing above the groundj and batter it frmly Ihen calcine it With Coverit With moist soil for one night and then break it open.
a piece of limonite, second half remainone 7zz of charcoal Remove the stonel[-
like layer] from the outside and take the fine [powder-like] substance that is inside.
Grind itand washitinapan filve to seven times. Ihen dryitin thesun,and grind it apgain Io ooo times. [Let the patient] ingest with agozZycyyy2zzz |root] decoction two 2727z. One ingestion will show an immediate effect../77zg )z7z 7
喘 面 癜 。痕 邑 餘科、半 夏 等 ,分 詞 末 , 雞 子 黃和 傅。 先 以 布 拭 ,亦 勿 見 風 , 日 。三 十 ,日 十 年 者 亦 滅。 聖 濟 錄 。 Scars on the body and the face.[Grind] equal amounts of limonite and 7/77ze//7/
[rootl to apowder Mix it With egg yok and apply this to [the scars]. Before this, rub [the scars] with acloth until they turn red. Ihey must not be exposed to wind. Three [applications] a day.[Scars] of ten days and ten years alike will be removed. AS/2e7zc.77 /2.
大 風 瘓 ,疾 眉 曆 蘆 ,落 過 身 頑 。痺 參 餘 料 二 片, 白 柳 一 ,斤 青 鹽 一 ,斤 為 末 。 罐子 固 ,濟 詹 火 一 秤 之, 從 辰 至 成。 候 冷 研 ,粉 埋 土中 三 取出 日 。 熟 末 三 。兩 每 服 二 ,錢 州 芥 茶下 , 日 二 。服 聖 每 一 ,兩 入 九 蒸 九 暴 炒 胡麻 惠 方。 Massive wind"9 epidemicillness,with loss of eyebrows and haip and the entire body being afected by numbness.[Grind] two 7zz of limonite, one 7-Zz of alum and one 7/z of greenish salt to apowder. Give it into apottery jap close it frmly and calcine it With one c2ezoc of charcoal for 24 hours. Wait until it has cooled down and grind ittoapowder Ihen buryitin soil for three days and remove it again. For each application use one /z7zc and add three /zzgeofsesame powder that has been steamed nine times and violently fried nine times until done. 上 ach time [let the patiend|
ingest two 7zz7z, to be sent down With yc27z27eoezz tea. lo be ingested twice a day 2e7zc 2z/7 /2722.
6I9 zzg 大 ,風 “massive wind,”may refer to sores caused by a massive intrusion of wind evil and also to conditions of leprosy BCVGM Dict LIr.
//2e 227 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
太 餘 一 料本 經上 品 727 人 7) Zz7zoy 上 弓 有 27/.7Z729 upper rank
Leftoverprovisions of Great Unity. Taiyis leftoverprovisions. Brownhematite. Ferric oxide,
【 釋 】名 石 、腦 本 。經 副 大 也, 一 者 道 。也 大 疾 之 一 之 。名 張司空 :雲 還 魂 名 ,鞭 出 餘 。紉 土人 掘 ,之 量 非太 一 乎 ?
哀。 吳 ,師 即 石 中 黃 以 物
Explanation of Names. $27 zz 石
Wu Pu. [Chen] Cangqi: 77 較 7z2. 7
。【 普 藏 器 日 】 太 一 ,者 道 理化 神 ,君 禹 之 師 。也 孔 嘗 ,子 昂 物禽獸 守之 , 不 可 女 請 ,買 所 有請 數 , 依 數 必得 。
之 宗 。源 太 服 ,之 故有 。得 會 稽有 此 猶有 神
者 太 地 ,
腦 ,“stone brain,”5e7z.77zo. 2/ 27 二 哀 ,“Yus grief?”
太一 , the Great Unity is the revered origin of the
太 means 了 大 , “great 7 一 , “one,”is the 7z2.The teacher of the great
Ihe Divine Lord was the 7z2 was the Divine Lord, the [master of transformation.
teacherof Yu. Ihe teacherregularly ingested the leftover provisions of Great Unity Thus the designation [zz7 罷 2 Zz7zg includes the expressionj “Great Unity "Zhang si kong states: ”Ihe yellow seeds in the stone that let the 2zzzz-soul return are guarded by demons, fowl and animals. It is impossible to acquire them easily In Kuail aplace is called Liao, and “leftover provisions originates in there. Ihe local people unearth it and offer to sell it as a commodity Jhere are numerous requests, and as numerous as they are, they must be met. So, there seems to be aspirit involved. Could this not be Taiyi2
普 日】 生 太 。山 上 采 餘 狼生太 山山谷 , 九 月 。【 【 集 解 】【 列 錄 日】 太 一 有 ,甲 甲 中 有 白 , 白 中 有 貢 , 如 雞 黃色 子 。 采 無 。【 時 弘 景 日】 本 草有 太 一 餘 、鐘 參 餘 狼 兩 種, 治 體 相 。同 而 今世 惟有 邑 餘 ,煞 不 復 太 識 一。 登 轉 訣: 長 生 四 鎮 丸 雲, 太 一 咒 餘 , 定 六 ,府 鎮 五 。臟 合 其 二名 , 英 辨 何 者 的 ?是 今人 亦 總 呼 烏太 一 融 餘 。料 有 人 於 鋼 官 米 空青 計 石 ,坎 大 得黃 赤色 ,石 極 似 今 之 餘 ,狼 而 色 過 弈好 , 疑此 是 太 一 。也 彼人 呼 烏 雌 ,黃 塗 物 正如 雄 。【 色 恭 日】 太 一 餘 及 料 策 餘 ,料 乃 一 物 而 以 精 粗 名 烏 除。 其 殼 若 ,恣 方圓 不 。定 初 殼在 中 未 凝結 , 猶 是 黃 ,水 名 石 中 黃 。子 和久 凝 乃有 數 色 , 或 青 或 ,白 或赤 或 。黃 年多 變赤 , 因 亦 漸 。茲 茲 及 亦 ,者 俱 名 太 一 。 其 諸 色 謂通 即 餘 。狼 今 太 山 不 采見 得, 而 會 、稽 王 、屋 澤、 活 州 諸 山皆 有 。 陶 云 赤色 苹 , 疑 是 太 。一 然 殼無 裹, 殊 非 的 稱。【 敦 日】 凡 使 , 勿 誤 用 中石 黃 卵石 並 ,黃 二 石 真相 似。 其 中石 黃 向 赤裏 黑 ,黃 味 淡 微 。距 卵石 黃 味 。酸 人 箇 箇 如 卵, 內有 子 一 塊 , 不 堪 。用 若 誤 餌 ,之 令人 腸 。乾 太 一 餘 看 如 即 石, 輕 敲 便 碎 如 ,粉 兼 重重如 葉子 雌 黃 。【 也 宗 與 】晶 太 一 餘 , 是用 其殼 也 , 故入 藥須 火燒 酯 。淬 石中 黃 是 錠 中 乾 及 者 細 末 者。 石 中 黃 ,水 是 未 成 餘 銀 濁水 黃 。【 也 時 珍 日】 按 別 錄 ,言 咒 餘 生 東海池 澤
C0/z2/7 7o
及 山島, 太 一 餘 料 生 太 山 山谷, 石 中 黃 出 餘 料 有處 濁水 。也 據 則此 三 者 一 物 。也 生 池於 澤 者 烏 昂 餘 磋, 其中 水 黃 濁 者 為 中石 黃 ,水 其 凝結 如 粉 者 為 黃。 其 說 明本 , 而 注 者 膀 ,度 反 致 義 晦。 馮 。 宋 產, 故 通 呼 島 太 台一 餘 。料 而 蘇 恭 復 以 繁 亦 色 者 旨 由 未 加 詳 本究 文 。也 完 宗 爽及 醫 方 用乃 石 殼 為 黃 濁 水 之 文 。也 其 殼 粗 頑 不 入 。藥 庚 玉 辛 冊 :雲 太 在有 之。 片 層片 妃 , 深 紫 。色 中 有 黃土 , 名 曰 石 磋 ,處 其 雪 先 。消 雲林 石 譜 :雲 鼎 州“ 祈交 山 出 ,石 一 餘 。料 色 茲 ,黑 友 塊 大 小 圓 扁, 外 多 粘 組 碎 ,石 水 烏 硯 。滴 丹方針 源 :雲 五色 餘 及 中 石 黃, 皆 可
之 , 乃 殼 中未成 餘 紉黃 ,銀 生 計 山 谷 者 為太 一 餘 餘 ,銀 凝 如 牙 石 者 烏石 中 以 ,來 不 分 山谷 、 池 澤 所 烏太 一, 諸色 烏台 餘 爛 。 禿 餘 ,銀 殊 不 察 未 成 餘狼 一台 餘 ,爛 陰 石也 , 所 。黃 其 性 最 ,熱 冬 月有 餘 石 中 有 黃 ,士 目 之 詞太 滌 去 黃 ,士 即 空虛可 迪 乾 ,未 出 金色 。
Collected 上 xplanations. 52zz Z: Ihe “leftoverprovision of Great Unity grows in the mountain valleys of Mount Taishan.Itis collectedintheninth month.[Wuj Pu: It
grows on Mount Taishan.On topithas ashell Inside of this shellit is white.Inside ofthe white partitis as yellow as the colorof egg yolk. Itis collected anytime.[Iao] Hongjing: Ihe 2ez cgz2 lsts two kinds,“]eftover provisions of Great Unity”and
“leftoverprovisions of Yu.”Iheir therapeutic |potential] and physicalbody are identicalL. Still, nowadays only the “leftover provisions of Yu ”are available; the “|[leftover provisions of] Great Unity are no longer known. 六 zze 2e7z 罷 7z.7z: Ihe [prescriptionofthe] pils extendinglife byafourfold calming down' states: “Leftover provisions of Great Unity and Yu stabilize the six short-term repositories and calm down the flve long-term depots. As [this statement] combines the two names [of Yu and
Great Unityj] it is impossible to distinguish which is which. Nowadays the people, too, surmmarily speak of “leftover provisions of Great Unity and Yu.”There was a man who collected malachite from astone/mineral pitin Tong guan. He 了 obtained a large amount of stones/minerals of yellow-red colopverymuch like todays leftover provisions,” but the color was of an even better red. Ihese may have been [leftover provisions of] Great Unity”Ihe people there call it “female yellow”(orpiment. Whenitis applied [as paint] on items, it assumes the true color of “male [yellow
(realgar). [Su] Gong: Leftover provisions of Great Unity and “leftover provisions of Yu are one identical item, with their [different] names reflecting their |different
degrees of] being coarse or fine. Iheir shell is like porcelain. Ihey may be formed as sqduare or round [piecesj. In the beginningy, the contents of the shell have not
coagulated to a bound substance yeti they are like yellow water. It is called yellow seeds in astone/mineral. In the course ofalong time [the yellow water] coagulates and assumes various colors. It may be greenish or white,red or yellow. After many years [the color] changes to red, and from red it gradually changes to purple. Both the purple and the red [kinds] are called “leftover provisions of」] Great Unity
The [kinds of]
//2e 227 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
the other colors are called “leftover provisions of Yu. Nowadays,
it is no longer seen obtained from Mount Tai shan, whereas it is still found in 引 the _mountains of Kuai ji, Wang wu, Ze and Lu zhou. Iao [Hongjing」 states that
the color is yellow-red. Presumably he referred to “|「leftover provisions of」Great Unity Buthe does not mention an outer shell and so his statement is quite wrong[Lei| Xiao: For al] applications,one must not erroneously use y27 2o7zg 2zzz7zgy “the
yellow in astone/mineral, (Io-o7) and /zz7zz 27 2z/z7zgy the yellowin an egg. Ihese two stones/minerals are very similar [to“]eftover provisions of Great Unity]. 27 227zo 2zz27zc toward its interior is red, black and yellow. Its filavor is bland and weak. The favor of Zz7z 527 2zzz7zp is sour and each piece resembles an egg. Inside it has aseed-like piece and it is not to be used [for therapeutic purposes]. It if is erroneously ingested, it causes dryness in that persons intestines. Ihe “leftover provisions of Great Unity looks like stones/minerals.Ttis of ligpht weightb and when struck it ecasily disperses like apowder. Tt resembles orpiment consisting of many leaf-like layers. [Kou] Zongshi: Of the “leftover provisions of Great Unity”the shells are used. Hence,Wwhenitistobeadded tomedication,itmust be heated overafire and
dipped into vinegar. $27 227zo 2z/z7zge is the dry and fine powder inside the shells cf stones/minerals. Ihe yellow water inside of stones/minerals is ayellowy turbid water that has not yet become “leftover provisions. [Li| Shizhen: According to the 5z
/, the leftover provisions of Yu grows in t了he ponds and marshlands and on the islands of Dong hai. Ihe leftover provisions of Great Unity grows in the mountain valleys of Mount Tai shan. $27 Z2o7ze 2zzz7g oripinates in the locations of ]eftover provisions [of Yuand GreatUnityj.Itis the yellow turbid water inside of the shells that has not yet formed “leftover provisions. Jhat is,all three are one and the same item. Ihose growing in ponds and marshlands are the “leftover provisions of Yu Those growing in mountain valleys are the “leftover provisions of Great Unity”TIhe water inside of them is the “yellow water inside of stones/minerals. When it has coagulated and bound to form something like apowdepitis leftover provisions. Ifithas coagulated and dried to form something like astone/mineral it is 7 >227z 2z/z7zgy “the yellow inside stones/minerals.”Ihe original statements are quite clearp but later commentators have added their own views and contrary to [what they intended] themeaning was obscured. 紀 ver since theJJn and Song [dynastiesj, no difference was made between[ leftoverprovisions ] broughtforth in mountain valleys
and in ponds and marshlands. Hence they were all alike called leftover provisions of Great Unity and Yu.”Ihen Su Gong identifiled [leftover provisions ]ofpurple color as “「leftover provisions of」] Great Unity and those of all other colors as “left-
over provisions of Yu. All of this came up because the original text was not studied carefully. Kou Zongshiand medical recipes [recommend to] use the shells of lthese]
C0/z2/7 7o
stones/minerals as“leftover provisions of Yu.”Ihey certainly have failed to consult the text on the yellow turbid water that has not formed leftover provisions yet. These shells are coarse and tough and are not added to medication. Ihe Gezzg x7Z77 De states: “The leftover provisions of Great Unity and Yu is ayin stone/mineral. It can be found everywhere. Tt consists of several layers, one upon the othep and is
ofadeep purple color Inside it has a yellow soil that is called y27 2zzz7zg 石 黃 ,'Stone yellow .Byits nature it is very hot.In wintep locations of leftover provisions are the firstwhere thesnow melts. Ihe 玫 7z Z7z 272z states: “In Ding zhou,astone/mineral originates in MIount Qi ge shanm and inside of this stone/mineral is a yellow soil. 1t is regarded to be leftover provisions of Great Unity.1It is of purple-black colop and consists of pearl-like pieces, some big, some small, some round, some fat. On its
outside many crushed stones are stuck.Whentheyellow soil[inside ofit] is washed of it is hollow may be filled with water and serves as asmall container for adding
Water to an inkstone.”Jhe zz 7 有27z yzz7z States: “Both leftover provisions in five colors and y27 z227g 2zz7g 石 中 黃 can be used to dry mercury and to release the color of gold [on otheritems|
【 修 治】【 敦 日】 凡 修 ,事 用 黑豆 五 ,合 黃 精 五 ,合 水 二 ,斗 章取 五 升 。 四 瓷 鍋中 , 下 餘 四紉 兩 煮 。之 旋 添, 汁盡 為 ,度 其 藥 氣 自 然 香 如 新 米 , 揭 了 , 久 研 一 萬枯 , 方 用。 Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Lei] Xiao: For
紀1 preparations, boil flve ge of black
soybean seeds and five gz of 227y,ego7zZzzzz77z「root] in two Zoz of water down to five
y2e7zg. Pour [the liquid] into a porcelain potb add four Z/z7zge of “leftover provisions andboilthis.[Inittally theliquidlis tobe increased |in the porcelain pot] gradually
Continue untilall theliquid has dried up. Ihe fragrance ofthe qiof the medicatton is now reminiscent of neWw rice. Pound it grind it again Io ooo times and itmay be used [for therapeutic purposes.
【 氣 】味 草 , 平, 無 毒。【 普 日】 神 畢、 岐 、伯 雷 公 : 甘 , 平 。 李 當 之 : 小 寒。 扁 葛: 甘 , 無 毒,【 之 才 日 】 杜 仲 為 之 使。 砰 貝 母、 人 莒浦、 鐵 落。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous. [Wu] Pu: Shen nong, Qi Bo, Lei
gong: Sweet balanced. Li Dangzhi: Slipghtly cold. Bian Que: Sweet,nonpoisonous. [Xu] Zhicai: 和 zzco77z77z7z2z [bark] serves as its puiding substance. |Ingested togethenp」 it fears 方 //z7zz [rood|, Zco7zy [root] and iron frapgments.
【 主 】治 醫 逆上 氣, 癥 疲 血 閉 漏 下 , 除 邪 ,氣 肢 委 不 。利 和久 服 耐寒 署不 飢 , 輕 身 飛行 千里, 神 他。 本 。經 治大 飽 絕 力 身 。重 列 錄。 益 ,脾 安 臟 氣 。 雷 。慰 定 六 腑, 鎮 五 。臟 弘 景。
//2e 227 Cz2 Gz7zg 4
Control Cough with rising di. Concretion-illness, conglomeration-ilness, [men-
strual| blood blockage,leaking discharge.Iteliminates malign qi,andimmobility of the joints of the imbs. Ingested over along period of ttime, it lets one endure cold and summerheatand prevents hunger ITtrelieves the body of its weight, enables one to fiy forIooo Zand lets one becomeaspirit-immortal. 57.7z7g. Tt stabilizes the six short-term repositories and calms down the five long-term depots.[Iao] Hongjing-
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 吧 餘 、箭 太 一 餘 、箭 石中 黃 ,水 性 功用 味 皆 同, 但 入 爍有 精 粗 之 等 。爾 故 服 家食 以 黃 水 烏上 , 太 一 次 ,之 參 餘 磋 又 次 。之 列 仙 傳言 巴 戎 赤 芥 上 華山 , 餌螞 餘 ,爛 即 此 。 Explication. [Li] Shizhen: Ihe nature, the favop the [therapeutic] potential and
theusage ofthe leftoverprovisions of Yu, the leftoverprovisions of Great Unity and the yellow water in stones/minerals_are all identical. Howevep when they are added to medication, they are ranked according to their fine or coarse [substance matter]|. Hence the experts of ingesting [elixirs] for food consider the “yellow water
[in stones/minerals] as the best, followed by [leftover provisions of] Great Unity”
that is followed again by Yus leftover provisions. When the 了 zz x7Z277 (2zz277 SayS Chifu of Ba rong chimbed Mount Hua shan and consumed Yus leftover provisions, "then this refers to the [item discussed| here. ITO-o7
石中 黃
子本 唐 草
$77 297zo 2z/g72g 補, 上 匕 72z7zo 2e7z 22.
Yellow seedsin stones/minerals. Conglomerate masses of ferric oxide.
【 釋 】【 名 宗
爽 日】 子
當 作 。水 既 云 黃 濁水 , 焉 名 得 子 ?
Explanation of Names. [Kou] Zongshi: [The character] 2
子 should be 2z7 水 ,
Water Thatis to say: “Yellow turbid water [in stones/minerals]. How could any-
body name this “seeds”, 27z 子 ?
【 集 解】【 恭 曰】 此 吧 殺餘 殼 中 未 成 餘 銀 黃 洶 水 。也 出 餘 狼 有處 之 。【 頒 曰】 今 惟 河 中 府。 中條 山谷 出 。之 其 石 如 形 橋 劑 , 紫 黑色 。 石皮 內 黃色 者 , 謂 之 中 。黃 吹 洪 抱 朴 子 :雲 石中 黃 子 所 在有 之 , 沁 水 山 尤 。多 在大 石 中, 常 濕 不 。燥 打 其 石有 數 十 ,重 見 之 亦 黃 溶 ,溶 如 雞 子 之 殼在 中 也 。 其 石 潤 即當 末了 時 堅 飲 。之 不 爾 , 便 漸 堅 北 如 ,石 不 中 服也 。 破 一 石 ,中 多 者 有 一 升, 少 者 數 ,合 可 頓 服 之。【 機 曰】 石 中 乾 者 細及 末 者, 當 名 餘 ,爛 不 當 名 中 石 黃 。 詳本 文 未 成 餘 紉 四 字 可 。【 見 時 珍 日】 餘磋 乃 中 石 已 細凝 粉 也 , 石中 黃則 堅 凝如 石 者也 。 石中 黃 則 水 未 凝 者 。也 故 加雷 云 , 用 餘爛 勿 石中 黃, 是 有吳 。 用
C0/z2/7 7o
ollected Explanations.[Suj Gong: Ihis is the yellow turbid water inside the shells of leftover provisions of Yu 了that has not forrmed leftover provisions yet. It occurs at locations where “leftover provisions originates in.[Su] Song: Nowadays it orig~ inates only in the valleys of Mount Zhong tiao shanin He nan fu. Ihe physical appearance of this stone/mineral resembles adough preparationitis ofapurple-black color. Ihe yellow matter inside the outer skin of the stone/mineral is called “central yellow. Ge Hong in his 52z22z 27 states: Jt occurs at locations of “yellow seeds in stones/minerals”and there is especially much of itin the mountains of Qin shui. It is present in ]arge stones/minerals and these stones/minerals often appear moist, rather than dry When these stones/minerals are broken open, several layers are found that appear as ared-yellow solution, similar to the contents inside the shells of chicken eggs.[Ihe liquidj must be drunk before it gets hard. Otherwise it gradually hardens and coagulates to something like astone that cannot be ingested. When astone/mineral is broken open there may be as much as one y2ezzge [of lidquid] inside of it or at least several sz that may be drunk at once.[Wang」] 石 : Ihe dry contents in the stone/mineraland thefine powdep they ought to be called leftover provisions.”They should not be called “yellow in the stones/minerals.” For details see the original text where the four characters not have formed leftover provisitons appear. [Li| Shizhen: “Leftover provisions is the fine powder in the stones/minerals that has coagulated. Ihe “yellow in the stones/minerals”is ahard coagulation product similar to a stone. Ihe “yellow water in the stones/minerals”is [the liquid|
that has not yet coagulated. Hence Lei 入iao states: “Use leftover provisions, do not use the yellow in the stone/mineralL”Ihat is correct.
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
平, 無 兩。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.
不 老。 唐本 ,。 延 【 主 】治 入 服 輕 身 年 ontrol. Ingested over a long time it relieves the body of its weight, extends the years [of life] and prevents aping. 7Z7zg 2e7z.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z IO-o8
空 青 本 經上 品 大?7zo 27720y 上 己 5e7z. 77zoy upper rank, Holowmalachite. JMalachite,alarge,hollow variety. Basic coppercarbonate.
青 時 珍 曰】 空 言 ,質 青 言色 , 楊梅 言 似也 。 【 釋 】名 楊 梅 。【 Explanation
of Names.
Shizhen: Kozg
楊梅 青, “red bayberry malachite.”[L
空 ,“hollow”refers to its substance matter. 077zg 青 , “greenish/mal-
achite,”refers to its color. |red bayberries」.
苞 zzge
7 楊梅 ,“red bayberry”refers to its similarity With
黑 生 空 青 否 州 山谷 , 及 越 崙 山有 鋼 。處 鋼 精 則 【 集 解 】【 別 錄 日】 空 生 鉛 錫 作 金。【 弘 景 日】 越 過 化 青, 其 腹 中空 。 三 中月 煙 , 亦 無 。時 能 鋼鐵 屬 益 。州 益 州 諸 郡 無 復有 , 恐久 不 了 之 故 。也 今 出 鋼 官 色者 最 鮮 ,深 出 台 興 者 弗 如。閔 州 。 西平 郡有 空 青山 亦 甚 。多 今 空 青 但 圓 如 實 鐵 珠 無空腹 者, 皆 輻 士 石 取中 之 , 而 以 合 ,丹 成 則 化 鉛 烏 金。 諺 石 藥中 , 惟此 最 貴 。 烏 惜 。【 恭 日】 出 銅 處 兼有 諸 ,青 但 空 醫 方 乃 稀 用 ,之 而 多 充 色畫 , 殊 可 青 烏 難得 。 今 出 芷 州、 蘭 州、 宣 州、 梓 州。 宣 州 者 最好 , 塊 段細 , 時 有 腹 實 鐵珠 中 空 。者 居 州 、 蘭 州 者 片 塊 ,大 色 極 ,深 無 空腹 。者 陶 氏 謂所 圓 如 青 者 如 詣 ,子 小 者 如 相 思 ,子 其 青 厚如 大 明日 】 空 大 也 者, 乃 白 青 。【 荔枝 殼 , 其 內有 漿 , 酸 甜。【 藏 器 日 】 銅 之 精華 , 大 者 即 空 ,綠 次 即 空 頌 日】 今 、饒 信 州 亦時 有 之 , 狀 若 楊梅 , 故名 楊梅 。青 其 腹 中 也 青 。【 空 、 破 之有 漿 ,者 絕 難得 。【 宗 琴 日】 真 宗 常 詔取 空 青中 有 水 ,者 久 而 方 得。 其 楊梅 ,青 信州 祥 山 而取 , 極 難得 , 治必 極有 功 , 中 亦 或有 水 者 , 時 珍 日】 張果 玉 洞要 訣 :雲 空 青 似 楊梅 , 爾 用 與 空 青 ,同 第有 優劣 。【 受 赤 金 之 ,精 甲乙 陰 靈 之 ,氣 近 旻 而生 , 久 而 含 。潤 新 從 坎 中 ,出 鑽 破 中 有 ,水 久 即劑 如 ,珠 金 星 燦燦。 庚 玉辛 冊 :雲 空 ,青 陰 石 。也 產上 饒 , 似 廠 道及 北 代 ,山 生 金 坎中 , 生 生 出 鋰 乳 者 ,佳 大 片 含 茲色 有 光 煙 。 次 暫 大 卵 形 ,者 中 空有 水 如 ,油 治 盲 立 。效 出 銅 不 ,已 故 青 烏 之 。丹 有 如 拳 及 坑 者 亦 ,佳 堪 。畫 又有 楊梅 、青 石 ,青 旨 是 一 ,體 而 氣有 精 。粗 點 化 以曾 而 綠, 之 氣生 得 :雲 鋼 紫陽 化 青鳥 上, 空 青 次 ,之 楊梅 青 又 次 。之 造 指南 綠二 百 年 生 而 石 ,綠 鋼 始 生 其 中 。焉 曾、 空二 青, 則 石 綠 之 得 道 ,者 均 謂 ,氣 化 烏 鑰 。石 觀 此 諸 ,說 則 空 青有 金 、坑 銅 坑 青 之 。鑽 儿 二 百 年 得 陽之 大 拳 、 卵 , 小如 豆 ,粒 或 成 片塊 , 或 若 楊梅 。 雖 有 精 粗 之 異 , 二 種, 或 如 皆 以有 漿 為上 , 不 空 無 漿 者 烏下 也 。 方家 以 藥 塗 銅 物 生 ,青 刊下 敘作 空 青 者, 終 是 銅 ,青 非 石 綠 之 得 道 者也 。 ollected Explanations. 25zz /: Hollow malachite grows in the mountain valleys 9f Yizhou,and also on Mount Yue xi shan where copper occurs. 了Hollow malachite is
generated by steaming copper Ttis hollow inside.lTtis collected in the third month,
C/2z27/e7 7oO
or at anytime. It can be used to transform coppep iron lead and tin to gold.[Jao]
Hongjing: Yue xi belongs to Yi zhou.Ttis no longer found in the prefectures of Yi Zhou, and the reason may be that it has not been collected there for a long time. Nowadays,[hollow malachite] originating in ITong guan has the deepest color; that
originating in Shi xing does not come close to it In 入 i ping jun of Liang Zhou, too, hollow malachite occurs in the mountains in ]arge quantities. Nowadays, 1t only [appears in pieces that are] round and solid like iron beads; there is no hollow [malachite]. Ttis always dug up and removed from within soil and rocks. Tt is used to prepare elixirs,and as such it serves to transform lead to gold. Among al mineral medications,this is the only most expensive one.Ttis rarely used in medical recipes; it mostly serves as paint. This is very sad. [Su] Gong: Where copper occurs, 和 the Various malachite minerals are found, too.QOnly hollow malachite is diffhcult to obtain. Nowadays, it originates in Wei zhou, Lan zhou,Xuan zhou and Zi zhou. Ihat from 入uan Zhou is the very best. It is available in small pieces, and often enough they are hollow. [Malachite] from Wei zhouand Lan zhou forms intensely colored,
large, Hat pieces that are not hollow. Mr Iao [Hongjing] mentions a variety of round and solid [pieces] resembling iron beads. Jhis is white malachite. Da Ming: Holow malachite pieces may be as ]arge as chicken eggs, or as small as rosary peas. Ihey are of greenish color and have a thick [shellj like the peel of litchis, and inside of them is aviscous Juice of sour-sweet favor. [Chen] Cangdqi: [Malachite] is the essence splendor of copper. Large pieces are malachite, &o7 太 空 組 (Io-Io), smaller ones are hollow malachite, &oze zzzg 空 .[Su] 青 Song: Nowadays, [a vari-
ety of malachite] is occasionally found in Rao and 入in zhou too. It is shaped like red bayberries, and hence it is called red bayberry malachite. 了Hollow spectmens that when broken open have aviscous Juice inside are extremely difhcult to obtain. [Kou] Zongshi: [Emperor] Zhen zong once issued an edict to collect [for himl]
hollow malachite With water inside. Tt took along time to obtain it. Red bayberry malachite is collected from mountatn caves in 入in zhouyit is extremely difhcult to obtain. Tt is extremely effective in the treatmentof eye shades.Sometimes it has water inside. Tts usage is identical to that of hollow malachite. Jhe quality may differ [Li] Shizhen:Zhang Gaoinhis 贅 Zoe yo7zz states: “Hollow malachite resembles
red bayberries. It is endowed with the essence of red gold and the moonlhght qiof spring. It grows close to springs.After along time itincludes moisture.When ithas just comeoutofamine and is broken openitincludes water.After along time,|[the
water] dries up and assumes the shape of beads that are as brilliant as Venus.”The Ge7zx77/ )z ce states: Hollow malachite is ayin stone/mineraloriginating in Shang rao. Ihat which resembles stalactites is good. Large pieces are of purple, lustrous color. he next [lower quality] originates in Yan da in Shu and from Mount Bei dai
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
shan. It grows in gold mines,and its growth never ends. Hence [hollow] malachite is prepared to elixirs.Ttmaybeas big as afilstanditmay be shapedlke an egg. In its hollow space inside it has awatery liquid hke oil thatis immediately effective when used to cure blindness.[Malachitej originating in copper mines is good, too.Itmay be used for painting. In addition there is red bayberry malachite and stone/mineral malachite. AA] these have the same physicalbody; their qi may be fine or coarse. For alchemical transformation [to longevity elixirs], lamellar malachite is best. Hollow malachite is next, followed apgain by red bayberry malachite.”The Zz2 2z/z 27 Z277 states: “When copper is endowed with the qi of purple yang it turns green. his green [substance] after 2oo years evolves into 52z 太 石
綜 ,malachite. Among them,
copperis the first to grow. Lamellar malachite and hollow malachite appear when malachite is endowed with their DAO. All these substances alike are called mineras. When they are ecxposed to the qdi of greenish yang for another 2oo years, they transform to brass. Inviewofall these statements, there are two kinds of malachite.
TJhat from gold mines and that from copper mines. Ihey may be as big as afist or an eggy or as small as a bean. Ihey may form fat pieces or resemble red bayberries. Even though they may differ in terms of having a fine or coarse [surface|, those containing a viscous juice are always the best. Jhose that are not hollow and have no viscous Jjuice inside are of inferior value. Recipe experts apply a medication on copper items to let them develop agreenish [coating]. Ihey scrape it oand falsely declareitto be malachite. But this is always verdigris.Ithas not been endowed with the Dao of malachite.
【 氣 】味 甘 、 酸 , 寄 , 無 毒。【 列 酪 拌 制過 , 乃 可 變化 。
錄 日】 大 寒。【 權 日】 畏 兔 絲 。子 酒 浸
Qi and Flavor. Sweet soup cold, nonpoisonous. 5zz 2: Very cold. [Zhen] Quan:
[Ingested togethep] it fears czyczzz [seeds]. Once it has been processed by being
soaked in wine and exposed to vinegap it will have changed and transformed [to a longevity elixir上|
【 延 堅 物。 中
主 】治 青 盲 耳 ,聲 明 目 , 利 九 ,竅 通 血脈 , 養 精 ,神 益肝 氣 。 和久 服 年。 本 經。 療 目 赤 痛, 去 膚 ,選 止 淚 ,出 利水 這 , 下 乳汁 , 通關 委 , 積。 令 人 不 ,忘 志高 神 。仙 別 。錄 治 頭 ,風 鎮 。肝 瞳 人 破 ,者 得 飄 。權 鑽 取孔 漿 , 點多 年 青 盲 內 障 必 膜 , 養 精 氣。 其 殼 摩 。矣 大明 風口 唄 不正, 以 豆 許 含 ,嚥 甚 效。 時 珍, 出 范 汪 方 。
輕身 破 再見 。
Control. Green blindness and deafness.Tt clears the eyes,opens the passage through the nine orifilces, frees the passage through the blood vessels, nourishes the essence spirit and boosts the liver qi. Ingested over along ttme it relieves the body of its weight and extends the years [of ]ife]|. 5 777ze. It serves to cure red and painful
C/2z27/e7 7oO
eyes. It removes dermal shades, ends tearflow, opens the passage through the water paths, lets down anursing mothers milk sap, frees the passage through the joints and breaks open hardenings and accumulations. Tt prevents forgetfulness,and raises ones awareness to that of spirit-hermits/1mmortals. 5zz Z. It serves to cure head Wind"。 and guards the liver. In the case of a broken pupil it enables one to once again see things./Zhen Quan.Boreaholeintoittoremove the sap and drip this into eyes that have been affected for many years already by green blindness, an interna screen and ashade membrane. It nourishes ones essence di. Tts outer shell serves to rub [eye] shades. Da Ming. In the case of being struck by wind, with a wry mouth 了 at fails to return to its proper position, [let the patient] hold an amount the size cf
abean in his mouth and swallow [the resulting liquid]. Very effective. [Li| Shizhen,
quoted from 727 放7z zz
【 發 】【 明 保 昇 日】 空 之 藥。【 時 珍 日】 東 方 汁 , 開 竅 於目 , 而 五 臟 氣 所生 , 青 昏 。 銅 亦 陽之 漿 , 猶 膽汁 。也 其 烏 治 日, 自有 漿 水。 五
青 法 ,木 故色 青 而 主 。【 肝 頌 日】 治 眼 矣 障 烏最 要 甲乙 , 是 生 肝膽 , 其 氣 之 清 者 烏有寺 血, 其精英 烏 膽 之 英 因而 皆 注 之 烏 。神 膽 汁 則 充 目 ,明 汁 則減 目 空 之 其 氣 之 清 者 烏 綠, 猶肝 血 也 ; 其精英 詞 青 類 感應 。耳 石中 空 ,者 埋 中土 三 目 神 ,藥 蓋 亦 以 相
Explication. [Han] Baosheng: Hollow malachite corresponds to wood. Hence its color is greenish and it controls the liver. [Su] Song: Itis amost important med-
ication to cure eye shades and screens. [Li] Shizhen: Jhe
上East is [associated with
the celestial stems] 7zz and ) it lets the liver and the gall bladder grow. Tts clear di constitute the liver blood. Tts essence splendor constitutes the gall liquid. Tts orifices are the eyes. Hence al the splendor that flows into the filve long-term depots constitutes their splendor When the bile is plentifulb the eyes are clear When it is diminished,the eyesightis dimmed. Coppeptoo,evolves from greenish yang di. Ihose of its di that are cleap they are green, just like the liver blood. Tts essence splendor is a suspension of malachite, just like bile. ftis adivine medication for curing the eyes because of [the principle of ] items within one group affecting each other. If the stones/minerals are cmpty inside, bury them in the soil for three to flve days and a viscous liquid will appear-
62o 72z/zzg 頭
風 ,“head wind,”is wind evilattacking the head followed bypain,or dizziness,
or itching. BCGM Dict
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 附 方】 人 舊二, 新 三。 Added Recipes. ITwo of old. Ihree newly [recorded」.
丹 凰 不 。明 空 青 少 ,許 漬 路 一 宿, 點 。之 千 金 方
Blurred vision. Let asmall amount of hollow malachite soak in dew for one night and drip [the liquid into the affected eye」]. Ozz7z.77z 7
黑 射覆 瞳。 空 青、 棱 石 各燒 一 ,兩 貝 四子 枚, 研 細 , 日 。點 聖 濟 錄 。 Black shades covering the pupils. Grind one /zzg each of hollow malachite,burned alum and four cyprae shells toafine [powder] and drip this [into the affected eyes]
daily $2e7 瑞 2
去 一 ,兩 片 腦 三 ,錢 細 研 , 日 。點 聖 濟 錄 。 膚馬 昏暗 。 空 青 二 錢, 凋 仁 皮 Dim vision because of amembrane shade. Grind two 7zzz of hollow malachite, one /7z7zo of 2777zye272z kernels and three 7zzz of borneoltoafne [powder] and drip this
linto the affected eyes] daily $2e7zg 序 有
一 切 目 。疾 人 省 目 、 赤 目、 青 盲、 內 楊梅 青 洗 淨, 胡 黃 連 洗 , 各 二 錢半; 內 , 垂說 天、 月 二德 方 , 候補 , 勿 一 密 字 。收 每 臥時 , 漱 口 仰 ,頭 吹
外障 、騎 風 槐芽, 日 見 雞 ,犬 烏 末 一入 字 兩四 內
眼 用此 , 覺 目 中涯 冷 為驗 。 未 出 時 勿 語 打 之, 入青竹 簡 , 一 錢半 。 詞 ,末 入 龍 腦 便 ,睡 隔夜 便 用。 聖 濟錄 。
All types of eye 崗 nesses.Itis used for sparrow eyes, red eyes, green blindness, inner and outer obstructive shades,and wind _ eyes. As soon as [the patient] senses cold
in his eyes, it has proven effective. Insert two and a half 7zzz each of red bayberry malachite, washed clean, and pzcyo72z%z [rhizome]j, washed, With yo22o7z 2o7z7c2
flower buds, silently collected before sunrise, into a greenish bamboo tube. Hang [the tube] ataplace where itis exposed to thevirtues of both the [daylight] sky and the moon.Waituntilit has dried and [grinditto a] powder without showing it to chicken or dogs. Take one and ahalf /zzz and add one 2z of borneol. Store this ina tightly sealed container. Every night at bed time, [let the patient] rinse his mouth and raise his head. Ihen blow one zz into his nose and he will sleep immediately Apply this every second night. S$2e7zg 元 友.
見 主 治。 員。口 風
Wrymouth caused by being struck by wind. See under Control
62I /ezg 7 風 眼, “wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to the eyes by heat. BCVGM Dict LIZL.
C/2z27/e7 7oO
曾 青 本 經上 品 Ce7zo 2772oy 上 弓 5e7z 7Z7zoy upper Tank.
Lamelarmalachite. Stratifled variety of malachite. Basic copper carbonate.
時 珍 日】 曾, 音 。層 其 名 【 釋 】【 空 , 從 空 至層 , 故 曾 日 青
青 層 層 而生 , 故 名 。 或
其 從 雲 生
Explanation of Names. [Li] Shizhen: Cezg 遙 is read ezg 層 . Its greenish_[colorl,
27zg 青 , grows layer after layerp cezg ce7g 層 層 . Hence the name.Some say: “It grows from solid to hollow and from hollow to layers, cezg 層 .”Hence the name zz 2772
曾青 .
【 集 解 】【 列 錄 】晶 曾 青 民生 中山谷 及 越 。崙 夫 無 。時 能 化 金 銅。【 普 日 】 生 怕 和 郡 石山 。 其 山 有 鋼 ,處 曾 青 出 其 。陽 青 者 銅 之 。【 精 弘 景 日】 儲 說 與 空 青 同 ,山 療 體 亦 相似。 今 銅 官 更 無 曾 ,青 惟 出 始 。興 形累累 如 黃連 相 ,綴 色 理 相 類 空 ,青 甚難得 而 ,貴 仙 經 少 用 。之 化 金 之 ,事 法 同 空青 。 【 恭 】暢 出 尉 州 者好 , 鄂 州 者 次之 , 餘 州 並 不 任用。【 時 珍 曰】 但 出鋼 處 , 年 古 即 。生 形 黃連 如 相 組, 又如 蚯蚓 屎 , 方 ,稜 色 深 波斯 如 青 ,鑑 層 :雲 層 青生 銅 礦中 , 乃 石 綠 之 得 道 化 之 金 聲 者 為 真。 造 指南 層 而生 , 打 如 者。 肌 膚 東方 得 正色 , 可 以 合 鍊 大 ,丹 點 化 與 三 黃 齊 。驅 衡 記 山 云: 山 有 層 青 ,岡 出層 青, 可 合仙 藥 。 ollected Explanations. 5ze /: Lamellar malachite grows in the mountain valleys of Shu and in Yue xi. It is collected anyttime. It is able to transform gold and copper [Wuj Pu: It grows in the rocky mountains of Shu jun. Ihese mountains have sites where copper occurs. Lamellar malachite originates in the yang/sunny [side of these mountains」]. Malachites are the essence of copper.[TIao] Hongjing: In ancient records it is said that [lamellar malachitel occurs in the same mountains as hollow
malachite. Iheir therapeutic [potential] and their physical body are similar. Nowadays, there is no more lamellar malachite leftin Tong guan. It originates only in Shi xin.Its physical appearance is astring of pearls,like asequence of coptis [rhizomes」.
Tts colorandits material structure are similar to those of hollow malachite. Itis very dificult to obtain and it is expensive. Ihe classics of the hermits/immortals rarely resort to it. Ihat it transforms gold is based on the same principle as [the effects of 和| hollow malachite. [Su] Gong: [Lamellar malachite] originating in Wei zhou is
good. Ihat from
zhou comes next. All those [kinds] from other 229z must not
be used [for therapeutic purposes]. [Li| Shizhen: It originates only in places where
copper occurs. When [copper] turns old [lamellar malachite] grows. Its physical appearance resembles a sequence of coptis [rhizomes]j, and it also looks like earth-
Worm excrements. It has edges and its color is as intense as 了bat of Persian indigo.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Tt grows ]ayer after ]ayep and it is genuine f when struck it sounds like gold/metal The Zz2 2zz >27 zz7 states: “Lamellar malachite grows within copper minerals. It is malachite that has been exposed to the DAO. Once its skin has obtained the true color of the 上 asb it can be used for preparing With heat amajor elixir. hrough chemical transformation and together With the three [substances realgarp orpiment and sulphur that have in their names the character] yellow it lets ones talents and
strength be equivalent to ones intentions.”The /cz7ze zzz 霧 states:”JIhe mountain has alamellar malachite ridge.Lamellar malachite originates in there;it can be used to prepare amedication used by hermits/immortqls.
全 人 【 吾 日】 凡 使 勿 夾 用 石及 鋼 青。 生 兩 要 紫 背 天 葵、 上 甘草 、 青 芝 三 件 , 劑 濕 各 一 鎰, 細 和 到, 放 恣二 內 , 安 計青 中。 東 流水 二 鏡 , 緩 緩 煮 之
書 夜, 勿
令 水 火 失 。時 取 出 以
東 流水 浴 蝦 , 研
乳 如 粉用 。
Pharmacedutical Preparation.[LeilXiao: Forallapplications,do notuse thatwhich is held by other stones/minerals and verdigris. For each [preparation] of one Zz7zg
[lamellar malachite proceed as follows]. Purple back zzzZoz [herbj, geZycyy7y27zxz [root| and goz7z22e777z2 Z7zgz5 one 罷 of 和 three substances with their moisture dried, are
cut to flne pieces and given into a porcelain crucible. Place the lamellar malachite into the centerand heat this slowly with two 罷 of water that has flowed to the East for five days and nights. See to it that neither the water dries up nor the fire goes out.Remove [thelamellarmalachite from the cruciblej,wash itwater flowing to the
上 ast grinditto apowder and use [it for therapeutic purposes-
【 氣 】味 酸。 小 寒 , 無 毒。【 之 才 曰】 畏 兔絲 子。【 獨 孤 滔 云】 曾 青 住火 用 葛 洪 】曰 曾 成 ,膏 可 結 ,泵 制 丹 砂 , 蓋 含 金 氣 生所 也。 須 酒 醋漬 煮 。【 青 塗 ,鐵 色 赤 如 銅,。 Qi and Flavor. Soup slightly cold, nonpoisonous. [Xu] Zhicai: [Ingested togethenl it fears czycz/z [seeds」]|. Dugu Tao states: Lamellar malachite exposed to fire can be
made to a paste hat is able to bind mercury and to check cinnabar. he fact is, it has grown including gold qi. Itmust be soaked and boiled in wine and vinegar prior to being used [for therapeutic purposes]. Ge Hong: When lamellar malachite is applied to iron, the latter will assume acolor reminiscent of copper
【 主 】治 目 ,痛 止 派出 , 風 痺, 利 關節 , 通 九 ,竅 破 癥 堅 積聚 。 久 服 輕 身 不 老。 本 經。 養 肝膽 , 除于 熱 , 殺 白 ,蟲 療 頭 風 腦 中 ,寒 止 煩 洶 , 補 不 足 , 盛 陰 氣。 別 錄 。 ontrol. Painful eyes. It ends tearflow and wind blockage.“* lt opens the passage through thejoints.ltfrees thepassage through thenine oriflces.Tt breaks open con622 /zg 27 風 痺 ,“wind blockage,”diseases resulting mostly from an intrusion of
C/2z27/e7 7oO
cretion-illness hardness, accumulations and collections. Ingested over a long time, it relieves the body of its weight and prevents aping. 5e7.7z7g. lt serves to nourish liverand gallbladder.Tteliminates alternating cold and heatsensations.TtKills white worms/bugs. Tt serves to heal head wind3 with cold in ones brain. It ends unrest and thirst, supplements insufHfirciencies and boosts yin qi. 5zz 肥
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 曾 青 治 ,目 角 同 空 。青 古 方 辟 邪太 乙 神 精髓 用 ,之 錄 驗 ,方 藥多 不 錄 。 見 留 飲有 層 青 ,丸 並 古今 治 鵲 積聚
Explication. [Li] Shizhen: Lamellar malachite serves to cure the eyes. Jhis is based
on the same idea as [the application of」ZA7ze 777zg/7malachite. In ancient Wwas used for preparing the“_divine essence elxir of Great Unity to ward Bian Que used pills with lamellar malachite_”to cure accumulations with ingrheum. For 3 this consult the Gz7Zzz 太 )z. 7zg. his medication has
recipes it of evll stagnatnot been
recorded often [in recipe literaturel.
方】 新 三。 【 附 Added Recipes. Jhree newly [recorded上
瘡 目 不 退 。者 曾 班 入 濟 錄。
砂 錢 , 詞 末 , 暗時 五 ,枚 搗 青 一 ,錢 丹 二
汁和 點。
Macule sores that have entered the eyes and fail to recede.[Grind] one 7zzzz 0f
lamellar malachite and two 2zzz of cinnabartoapowder. Pound five grubs to ajuice, mix [it with thepowder] and drip this into the [affected eyes」]. $2e7zg 二
風 熱 目 。病 曾 青 :散 治 一 切 風 熱 毒 氣上 攻 , 目 赤 或 ,爛 怕 日 董明 , 隱 潛上 汽 , 或并 或 。痛 曾 青 四 ,兩 胡 痢 二 子 兩, 白 芋 、炮 防 各風 一 ,兩 詞 末 , 每 以少許 搐 鼻 ,中 立 有 功效 。 和 劑 局方 。 Eye disease caused by wind and heat. he“powder With lamellar malachite.” It serves to cure 4 types of wind, heatand poison qi having risen to attack [the eyes|. TJhe eyes are red or fester. hey are shy of the sun and avoid light. hey feel rough inside and tears flow, sometimes With an itch, sometimes with pain.[Grind] four /z7zg of lamellar malachite, two Zzzg of 2zzex [fruit|, white pinger roasted in apan,
and vz22y27z822zz root to apowder.
比ach time insert a small amount into the [pa-
tients] nose. Jhis will have an immediate effect. /z 肛 及 zz
耳 內 惡 。瘡 曾 青 五 ,錢 雄 黃 七 錢半 , 黃 人蕉 二 錢 五 ,分 詞 ,示 傅 。之 衛 馳。 623 72z/zzg 頭
風 ,“head wind,”is wind evilattacking the head followed bypain,or dizziness,
or itching. BCGM Dict
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Malign sores in the ears.[Grind] five 7zzz of lamellar malachite, seven and a half
272z7z of realpgap and two 7z27 and five /z7zz of ycz/z//z7zz root to a powder and apply this to [the affected region」- 放 7 2e7ze 222.7277.
綠 青本 經 @*上 品 了 27729 上 匕 及 27z. 7 upper rank. Malachite, Fine, granularvariety, Basic copper carbonate,
。 綠 【 釋 】名 石 綠 唐 、本 大 綱目 Explanation of Names. 527 太 石
組, “stone/mineral green,”727zg 2e7z. 2
及 大 斷,
“great green,”Gz7zc 2
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 日】 絲 生 青 山 之 陰 穴中 , 色 青 。【 白 弘 景 日】 此 即 畫用 斷 色 ,者 亦 出 空 青 ,中 相 挾 。帶 今 畫 工 呼 烏 碧 ,青 而 呼 空 作 青 綠 ,青 正相 反 吳 。【 恭 】晶 綠 青 即 扁 青 ,也 畫 工 呼 烏 石 綠。 其 碧 青 即 白 青 ,也 不 入 畫 用 。【 頌 曰】 舊 不 著 所 出 州 ,土 但 去 生 出 之 陰 穴中 。 次 空 青條 上 雲, 生 閱 谷 越 崙 山有 銅 ,處 此 當物 是生 其 山 之 陰 。爾 今 出 韶 州、 信 。州 其 色 州 山 及 青 ,白 畫 用 工 烏 綠色 。者 極有 大 ,塊 其中 青白花 文可 愛, 信州 人 琢 烏 腰帶 物 婦人 服飾 。 其入 藥 , 當 用 顆 如塊 乳香 者 佳 , 【 宗 爽 日】 其色 黑 綠色 器 及 之 得 者 佳。【 時 珍 曰】 石 綠, 陰 石 。也 生 鋼 坑中 , 乃 銅 之 祖 氣 。也 鋼 紫陽 氣 而 生 ,綠 綠久 則 成 ,石 謂 之 石 綠。 而 銅生 於 中 , 與 空 、青 曾 青 同 根源 一 也 。 今人 呼 鳥大 綠 。 范 成大 桂 志 海 雲: 石 綠, 銅 之 苗也 , 出 廣西 右 江 有 鋼 處。 生 石中 , 質如 石 ,者 名 石 。綠 一 種 脆 爛 如 碎 土 ,者 名 泥 ,綠 品 最下 。 大明 會 典 :雲 青綠 石 礦 一 ,片 淘 淨 綠 一 十 一 兩 四 。錢 暗色 綠 石 礦 一斤 , 淘 淨 綠 一 十 兩 八 。錢 碳 砂 一 片, 燒 造 碳 砂 綠 一 十 五 兩 五錢 。 ollected Explanations. 27zz /: Malachite grows in shady mountain caves. Its color is greenish-white.[Iao] Hongjing: Jhis [item] is used by painters as green color. It too originates in hollow malachite. Ihe two exist closely connected. Today the painters call it “bluish-green malachite, and they call hollow malachite “greenish malachite." It should be exactly the other way round. [Su] Gong: Green malachite is fat malachite. he painters call it “stone green.”Ihe “bluish-green malachite ”is white malachite. It is not used for painting.[Su] Song: In the ancient [5zz 2 the
>22z and the locality where it originates in are not mentioned. Tt simply states: lt grows in shady mountain caves. In the following entry on hollow malachite it states: It grows in mountatn valleys of Yi zhou and on Mount Yue xi shan at places where copperoccurs. So this item must grow on the yin/shady side of these 624 According to Z2ezg zz ch.3, 及 7 to the 5e7.7zze is erroneous.
,was 青 first listed in the 5zz Z.The reference here
C/2z27/e7 7oO
mountains. Nowadays it originates in Shao zhou and Xin zhou. Tts color is greenish-white. Painters use it as green color Ttis available in extremely large pieces With an amiable greenish-white floral design inside. Ihe people in Xin zhou carve it for items to be applied to their belts and forjewelry for women. For use as medication, Pieces the size of frankincense are fine.[Kou] Zongshi: Ihose of ablack-green color are fine.[Li]| Shizhen: Malachite is ayin stone/mineral. It grows in copper mines. In factb it is theancestral qi of copper. When copper is endowed with theqiofpurple
yang it grows a green. Ihe green afteralong time becomes astone/mineral which is called stone green. Copper grows amidstit.It has the same origin as hollow malachite and lamellar malachite. Nowadays the people callit great green. Fan Chengda in his Gz7z 22z7 27 states: Stone green/malachite is the outgrowth of copper. It originates in You jiang in Guang Xi, in locations where copper occurs. As it grows amidst stones/minerals, and as its substance resembles stones/minerals, it is called
Stone green.A variety that is amorph and decayed as if soil had been crushed is called mud green.Itis ofaverylowrank. Jhe 7z 4777zg 2z7. 77277 states: “One 去z of greenish malachite ore will yield I Zz7zg four 7zz7/ of pure [stone] green/malachite. One 7/z of dark colored malachite ore will yield IS8 /z7zgy ceight 77z7z of pure [stonel]
green/malachite.O0One7zzz of salammoniac heated will yield IT Zz7zoy flve 7z2z7z ofa sa ammoniac-malachite [compound 上上
【 氣 味】【 時 珍 日】 有 小 毒 。 Qiand Flavor. [Li| Shizhen: Slightly poisonous.
【 主 】治 益
,氣 止 洩 ,痢
療 和請 鼻。 別 。錄 吐
風 痰 甚 。效 蘇 頌 。
ontrol. It boosts the qi. It ends outflow and free-flux iness.和 Tt heals nosebleed.
257zz 2 For [having apatient| vomit wind phlegmy,it is very effective. $zz So7zg
【 發 】【 明 頒 日】 今 醫家 多 用 吐 風 。痰 其 法 上揀 色 精 好 者 研 ,篩 水 研 。 如 風 瘓 眩 ,閃 取 二 三 錢 同 生 龍 腦 三 四 豆 許 研 ,勻 以 薄荷 生 汁 合 酒 服 。之 盆 須 臥 與, 涎 自口角 流出 乃 。愈 不 嘔吐 , 其 功 速說 他 ,藥 今人 用 比 比 皆 ,效 故 著 。【 之 宗 爽 日】 同 碳 砂 作 上吐 涎 ,藥 驗則 驗 ,矣 亦 心 。【 時 珍 日】 痰 在上 宜 吐 ,之 在 下 宜 利之 , 亦須 觀人 之虛實 強弱 而 脈, 乃可 投 。之 初 虞世 有 金 、虎 醬 霞 之 ,戒 正此 意 。也 金 虎 丹 治風 導 , 粉諸 藥 者。 天 、雄 膩
飛再 溫調 之 能損 察其 用
Explication. [Su] Song: Iodays physicians often use it to [have patients] vomit wind phlegm. Ihemethod[toapplyitis as follows].Select [malachite] of top qualityWwith afineandgoodcolopgrindit[toapowder] and pass it through asieve. Ihen
process it with aqueous sublimation and grind it again. 1f the wind phlegm goes 625 了 7 痢 ,“free-fllx 崗 ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict L3r
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
along With dizziness and heart-pressure, prind two or three 7zzz [of the malachite
powder] together with three or four bean-size pieces of borneolband [let the patient
ingestit mixed with fresh mint juice and warm wine. Let [the patient] lie flat on his back forashortwhile until saliva wil flow from the corners of his mouth,and hewill
be cured. Jhis is achieved without vomiting. Ihe effects [of this therapy] are faster than those of other medication. Nowadays, the people resort to it often, always with good results. Hence it is recorded [here]. [Kou] Zongshi: When it is prepared With salammoniacas amedication to [have patients]vomitorlet saliva rise, thenitis truly
effective.Butitcan also harm the heart.[Li| Shizhen:When phlegm has risen,itis to
be eliminated by means of vomiting. Whenitisin the lower [body parts],it is to be eliminated by means of defecation.Also, it is essential to flrst considera patients con~ dition of depletion or repletionm of strength or weakness and to study [the movement in] his vessels and only then lethim ingest [this medication].-When Chu Yushi warns
against the “golden tiper [elixir| and the “bluish-green cloud glow [elixir|,” then this is based on the same idea. IThe “golden tiper elixir”serves to cure wind phlegm. Ituses such medicatton as zco7zzzz/77z/ [root tuber| and calomel
方】 新 四 。 【 附 Added Recipes. Four newly [recorded」.
急 服
驚昏迷 , 不 省 人 事。 石 四綠 兩, 輕 粉 一 ,錢 ,
烏 末 , 薄荷 汁入 酒 調 一字
嬰方 。
Acute fright with clouding and confusion. [Patients] fail to recognize their environment.[Grind] four /z7zze of malachite and one 7zzz of calomel to apowder [Let
the patientj ingest one zz mixed with mint juice and wine to let him vomit. 0zzZz7
罰 竹 克弛 風 痰 迷 。交 碧 起 :丹 用 石 綠 十 ,兩 馬頭 、尖 附 子 、尖 蠍 各稍 七 十 和 側 , 詞 末 , 糊 丸 夾 子大 , 每 服 一 ,丸 薄荷 汁入 酒半 合 化 下 , 須 吐出 與 瘓 涎。 和 和 劑 局 方。 Wind phlegm with confusion and heart-pressure. Ihe “elixir of bluish-green cloud glow.[Grind] ten /z7zceofmalachite and 7o pieces each of Sichuan zco77zz7z [main tuber] tips, zc27zz/z7z [accessory tuber] tips and scorpion pincers to apowder to pre-
pare with dough pills the size of 7zzz seeds. 比ach time [let the patient] ingest one pl, to be sent down dissolvedinamixture of mint juice and half a ge of wine.After ashort time,he will vomit to release phlegm and saliva. /z 一 及 zoo
小 兒 准 。瘡 問 、辣 暢 、辣 頭 瘡、 耳 瘡久 不并 者。 石 綠、 白 正 等 分 為末 。 先 淨 之 , 一 日 愈。 集 玄方 。 以 甘 旱 水 洗 ,瘡 拭 傅
C/2z27/e7 7oO
Gz7z-1lness" sores of children. Kidney oz7z-ness, nose oz7z訓ness, head sores, ear sores 了hat have not been cured foralong time.[Grind] equal amounts of malachite
and z7zge/zcz [rootd|ltoapowder First wash the sores With water in which gZycyy7y27%2
[root] was cooked. Ihen wipe them clean and apply the [powderj. A cure will be
achieved within one day..7Zxz2z7z./27zo.
腋下 胡 上 臭。 石
綠 三 ,錢 輕
粉 一 ,錢 濃
醋 調 塗, 五
次 斷 。根 集
玄方 。
Barbarian stench under the armpits. Mix three 7zzz of malachite and one 7z2z 9
calomel with viscous vinegar and apply this [to the armpits]. After flve [applications] the root [of the stenchj will be cut..7z xzzZ7z./z7zg
本 經上 品
有 7g7/ 27Z72oy) 上 弓 有 277 777zo upper rank.
Flatmalachite.I. Coppercarbonate.2.Cobaltoxide.
【 釋 】名 石 青 綱目 、 大 青。【 時
珍 日】 扁 以 形名 。
Explanation of Names. Shi qing 石 ,青 “stone/mineral malachite,”Gzzzg 2. 27z2 大 青 ,“Major malachite.”[Li] Shizhen: It is named Z2zzz
扁 ,“flat”because of
its physical appearance.
【 集 解】【 別 錄 曰】 扁 生 青 朱 說 山谷 、 武 都、 朱 提 , 采 無 時 。,【 弘 景 日 】 朱 提 , 音 殊 ,匙 在 南海 。中 仙 、經 俗 方 都 無用 者 。【 普 日】 生 習 郡。【 恭 日 】 此 即 綠 青 。也 朱 硅 己 及 南 林 、邑 扶 南般 上 來 ,者 形 塊 大 如 拳, 其色 又 青, 腹 中 亦時 有 空 。者 武昌 者 , 片 塊 小 而 色 更 佳。 簡 州、 樣 州 ,者 形 扁作 片 而 色 淺 。【 時 珍 】晶 蘇 恭 言 即 綠 青 ,者 非 也, 今 之 石 青 是 。吳 繪 畫 家 用 之 , 其 色 青 以 不 ,渝 俗 呼 鳥大 青, 楚 、 蜀 諸 處 有亦 之。 而 今 貨 石 青 ,者 有 天 、青 大 、青 西 夷 回 回 、青 佛 頭 ,青 種 種 不 ,同 而 回 青 尤 。貴 本 所 草 載 扁 青、 層 青、正 青、 白 ,青 皆 其 類 耳 。 ollected Explanations.5zz/: Flatmalachite grows in the mountain valleys of Zhu ya, and also in Wu du and Shu shi.Ttis collected anytime. [Tao] Hongjing: 52z 527 朱 提 is read y?z 527 殊 匙 . It is located in Nan hai. Neither the classics of hermits/ immortals nor common recipes make [medicinalj use of it [Wuj Pu: It grows in
Shujun.[Suj Gong: Ihis is “green malachite.”Ihatoriginating south of Zhu yaand imported from LinyiandFunan comes in pieces the size of fists.1ts color is greenish,and occasionally [the pieces] are hollow. Ihat originating in Wu chang consists of small, fiat pieces with an even finer color. Ihat from Jan zhou and Zi zhou con~ 626 Gz7 養 , “oz7z廬ness also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCGJIM Dict LI8o-I88.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
sists of Hat lightly colored pieces. [Li| Shizhen: When Su Gong says “this is green malachite, he is wrong. Itis todays stone malachite. Painters use it. Tts color is greenish-emerald greenmyand doesnotfade.Itis commonlycalled majormalachite. It is also found everywhere in Chu and Shu. IJhe“stone malachite”on the market today includes heavens malachite, “major malachite,“muslim malachite of the Yi people in the Westb and “Buddhas head malachite.” All these are different kinds, with 了he “muslim malachite”being especially expensive. Ihe“flatmalachite,“”]amel]ar malachite,“bluish-green malachite_and white malachite_listed in the 5e7 czo2 they 4 belong to this same group
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
平 , 無 毒, 【 普 曰】 神 農、 雷 公 : 小 寒, 無 毒
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous.【[Wu]
Pu: Shen nong, Lei gong:
Slipghtly cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 上 日 明痛 目 , 折 跌 闡 ,腫 金 瘡 不 ,悶 破 積聚 , 解毒 氣, 利 精 。神 久 服 輕 身 不 。老 本 。經 去 寒熱 風 痺, 及 丈夫 藹中百 病, 益 精。 列 錄。 治丈夫 內 絕, 令人 有 子。 吳 普。 吐 風 痰 癲癇 , 平 。計 時珍 。 Control. Painful eyes. It clears the eyes. [It serves to cure] obstruction-illness@
swelling associated With_fractures and falls, and wounds caused by metal objects/ Wweapons that fail to heal. It breaks open accumulations and collections, resolves
poison q and frees the passage of the essence spirit. Ingested over a long timey 1t relieves the body ofits weightand prevents aping. 5z7z.777zo. Tt eliminates lternating cold and heat sensations,and wind blockage,@
as well as the hundreds of diseases in
the penis of males.lt boosts essence/sperm. 5zz Z. Ttserves to cure internalcutofof |the essence/sperm of] males,and lets one have children.[Wuj Pu. Ttlets [patients」 vomit wind phlegm,and [serves to cure] peak-iness%9 and epilepsy [Li] Shizhen.
627 zzg 癱 ,“obstruction-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 64r. 628 /zg 27 風 痺 ,“wind blockage,” diseases resulting mostly from an intrusion of wind evil BCGM Dict 629 zz I24.
需 , “peak[-ilIness],”also
癲, vaguely defined mental derangement. BCGM
C/2z27/e7 7oO
方】 新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded.
頑 瘓 不 。化 石 青 一 ,兩 石 半 綠 兩, 並 水 飛 烏末 , 攀 丸, 溫 水 。下 吐 去 痰 一 二 ,頒 不 損人 。 瑞 竹 堂方 。
糊 丸 綠 豆大 , 每
Stubborn phlegm that fails to transform. Process both one //zzg of flat malachite and half a /z7zge of malachite with aqueous sublimation and [grind them to a] pow-~
der to be formed With _flour to pills the size of mung beans. Each time ingest ten pils, to be sent down With warm water. his will [let the patient] vomit one or two
bowls of phlegm without harming him. 和 zzz 727z/ 7zg Zoo IO-I2
本 經上 品
zz 77729 上 匕 5c7z.7z7zgy upper Tank. White malachite. Coppercarbonate,
【 釋 】名 碧 青 唐 、本 魚 目青 。 Explanation of Names. 2 7772 碧 青 ,“bluish-green malachitey” 727zo 2e7z. 7 7 7772
eye malachite。 青 目 ,“fish
【 【 法, 者 魚 屬, 弘
青 豫 章 山谷, 打 無 。時 可 消 烏 銅 ,劍 辟 五兵 。 集 解 】【 別 錄 】晶 白 生 弘 景 日】 醫 方 不用 , 市 無 賣 ,者 仙 經 三 六十 水 方 中時 有 有須 處。 銅 劍之 而 腹 不空 珠 在 九 元 子 術中。【 恭 】掉 此 即 陶 氏 所 云 空 ,青 圓如 鐵 色白 亦 之, 名 如 ,原 亦 謂 之 碧 ,青 不 入 畫用 。 無 空 青 時 用 之 是 。也 研 色白 石 之 時 珍 日】 此 即 青 好 目 ,青 以形似 魚 目 故也 。 今 出 簡 州、 梓 州 者 。【 色 深 者 烏 石 ,青 淡 者 烏 碧 青 。也 今 繪 彩 家 亦 。用 范 計子 然 :云 白 青出 、展 豫 、章 新 ,浴 青色 者 善。 淮 南 萬 畢 術 :雲 白 青 得 ,鐵 即 化 為 也銅 。
ollected Explanations. 2zz 友 : White malachite grows in the mountain valleys 人 Yu zhang. It is collected anytime. Dissolved it can be used in the manufacturing of copper swords. It serves to ward of the flve weapons.[Iao] Hongjing: It is not resorted to in medicalrectpes,anditis notsold on the market.In the classics of her-
mits/immortals it occasionally appears in the recipes for the 36 waters. Ihe method to manufacture copper swords is part of the technique ofJiuyuan zb the_Master of the Nine Origins. [Su] Gong: Jhis is the item described by Mr Tao [了Hongjingl as “hollow malachite, round like iron beads,of white color and not hollow inside.
When itis ground its color is white, resembling a bluish-green [semi-precious stonejy it is also called“bluish-green malachite. It is not used for painting. If no hollow malachite is available it too, may be used [as asubstitute]. It is called “fish
eye malachite”because its physical appearance is reminiscent of flsh eyes. Nowa-
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
days, that which originates in Jan zhou and Ze zhou is good. [Li] Shizhen: Ihis item belongs to the group of stone/mineral malachites.When the coloris intense it is “stone/mineral malachite. When the coloris lghtitis bluitsh-pgreen malachite. Todays painters use it. [The records of」7z7z 27 and 7 7zZz state: White malachite
oripginates in Hong nongy Yu zhang and 入in gang. Ihat with a greenish color is good. The zz7 7z27/ 說 2 zz states: “When white malachite is processed with iron it will transform to copper
【 氣 】味 甘 、 酸 、 鹹 , 毒。
平 , 無 毒 , 【 普 日】 神 農: 甘 , 平 。 雷 公 : 鹹 ,
Qi and Flavor. Sweet soup salty, balanced, nonpoisonous. [Wu] Pu: Shen nong:
Weet, balanced. Lei gong: Salty nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 明 目 , 利 九 ,竅 耳 ,闌 心 下 邪氣 , 令 人 吐, 殺 諸 毒 三 日。 和久 服 通 神 明 輕 。身 本 經。 Control. Tt clears the eyes and frees the passage through the nine orifilces. [It serves to cure] deafness and [removes] evil qi from below the heart. It lets one vomit. It
kills 4 poisons and the three worms/bugs. Ingested over along time, it frees ones spirit brilliance and relieves the body of its Weight. 5e7z.7Z7z.
【 附錄 】 Appendix
膚 。青 了 2 厂 727
Green skin malachite,
【 別 錄 日】 味 辛、 鹹 , 平, 無 毒。 主時 毒及 蛇 萊 肉 諸 毒 惡 瘡。 不 可 和久 服, 令 人 瘦。 一名 推 ,青 一名 推 石。 生 益 州 山谷 。【 弘 景 日】 俗 方、 仙 經 無 用 , 人 亦 不識 ,。 27zz /: Flavor acrid, salty, balanced,nonpoisonous.Tt controls worm/bug poison and malign sores caused by all types of poison of snakes, vegetables and meat. It must not be ingested for along time lest it cause emaciation. Alternative name: 7Z/7 777zg 青 ; alternative name zz7527 推 .石 It grows in the mountain valleys of Yi zhou. [Tao] Hongjing: Itis not used in common recipes and itis not [recommended im] the classics of hermits/immortals. he people simply do not know it.
C0/z2/7 7o
Io-I2-Ao2 百 石 。青 雇 52777zgBluish-green stone/mineralmalachite,
【 別 錄 日】 味 ,甘 無 毒。 主明 目 益 ,精 去 白 ,癬 延 年 。 zz //: Flavor: Sweet, nonpoisonous. Control: Tt clears the eyes and boosts essence/ sperm. Tt eliminates white zzzzz崗 ness6。 and extends the years [of life1. IO-I3
石 膽本 經上 品 27 727z, 上 巳 有 7z 7z7zo upper rank. Stone bile, Chalcanthite. Watersoluble coppersulphate.
【 釋 】名 膽 砍 綱 、目 黑 石 本 、經 畢 石本 經 、 君 當 石 之、 鋼 以 味 命 ,名 俗因 其 似 ,馨 呼詞 膽 榨 。 石 。【 時 珍 曰】 膽 色 Explanation of Names. zz zz 膽 馨, “bile alumy” Gzzzg 2z. 及 stone/mineral,”2e7z 7/zg. 57 527 娃
527 末
,“Final 石 stone/mineral,”5e7z.77zzg. 7
“the lords stone/mineral”[Li] Dangzhi. 72zgZz [Li] Shizhen: The name Zzz
勒 吳 並、 立 制 石, “black 527 姑 石 ,
銅 勒,Wu Pu. Li zhi shi 立 制 石 .
膽,“bile,”refers to its color and flavor. It is commonly
called zz zz 膽 馨 ,“bile alum,”because it resembles alum, zz 坎 .
【 集 解】【 別 錄 曰】 石 生 膽 秦 州 。 羌 這 山谷 大 石 間 , 或 羌 里 句 青山。 二 月 庚 、子 辛 娃 日 。煙 其 為 石 ,也 青色多 白文 , 易 ,破 狀 似 空 。青 能 化 鐵 為 銅, 弘 景 日】 仙 經 時用 , 俗 方 甚 ,少 此 藥 殆 。絕 今人 時 有 夫 者 , 銀 合成 金 。【 薔 以 其色 青 ,綠 狀如 琉璃 而有 白文 , 易 破折 。 梁 州、 信 都 無 復有 , 俗 乃 青色 當 ,之 殊 無 仿佛 。, 【 恭 日】 此 物 出 銅 有處 之 , 形似 曾 ,衣 兼 綠相 則 , 味 極酸 窟 二 集 祝 ,中 有 塊 鐵 銅 ,色 此 是 真 。者 出 浦 州“上席 鄉 縣” 東 亨 谷 及 苦, 磨 作 ,者 乃 胡絆 也, 比 來人 亦 以 充 。之 又 以 酯 採 青棱 似 如 雞 卵 者 詞 。真 陶 云 琉璃 吳 頒 曰】 今 惟 信 州“ 鉛 山縣 有 之。 生 於 鋼 坑中 , 打 得 煎 鍊而 詞 ,之 並 敘 。【 成 。 又 有 自 然 生 ,者 尤 烏 珍貴 。 並 深 碧色 。 今南方 醫人 多 使 。之 又 著其 說 者 桃 ,栗 擊 之縱橫 ,解 皆 成 霹 ,文 色 云: 石 膽 最上 出 浦 州, 大 者 如 ,拳 小 如 青, 見 風 則久 綠 , 擊破 , 其中 亦 。青 其 次 出上 饒 、 曲江 鋼 間坑 者 , 粒 細 有 廉 稜, 如 釵 股 米 粒。 本 草 言 偽 者 以 酯 採 青 次 詞 ,之 全 不 。然 但 取 粗 惡 石 膽 , 合 消 銷石 溜 而 成 。之 塊 色大 淺 , 渾 渾 無 脈 ,理 擊 之則 碎 無 廉 稜 者 是 。也 亦 時 珍 日】 石 也 膽 ,霖 浪 造 時 投 消 石中 , 及 凝 相則 看 。【 前 有 挾 石 ,者 乃 取石 膽 出 浦 州 山 穴中 , 鴨 落 色 者 烏上 , 俗 呼 膽 ;縮 出 羌 里 ,者 色 少 黑 次 ;之 信州 之 成 汁 ,者 必 以 者 又 次 。之 此 物 乃 生 於 ,石 其 經 煎 鍊 ,者 即 多 敘 。也 但 火燒 敘 。也 塗 於 鐵 及 銅上 燒 紅之 者 , 真 。也 又 以銅器 盛 ,水 投 少許 入中 , 及 不青 州 條 岳 浦 中 洞 訣 :雲 石 ,膽 陽 石 。也 出 高 及 碧 , 數 日 不 異 ,者 真 。也 玉 要 63o 有 zzz-ness Dict
癬 ,skin 過 ness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
/2e 7z7 Czo Gz7zg 4
山 。 齊 靈 石 異 ,氣 形 如 功 功 , 其 性 流通 , 精 感入 石, 能 化 五 ,金 變化 無 密 。 沈 括 筆談 :載 鉛 山有 苦 旻, 流 為 ,洞 挹 水 蔡 ,之 則 成 膽 馨。 所 鰲 之 ,釜 久 亦 化 為 銅 。也 此旋轉 熬作 敘 , 非 真 石 膽 ,也 不 入可 藥 。 ollected Explanations. 5zz Z: Chalcanthite Qiang dao in Qin zhouy among the big rocks, qing shan. It is collected in the second month, days. Ihis is a stone/mineral of greenish color
_grows in the mountain and also in Qiang hi, on on gezg 27 庚 子 and xzz with a white line design.
valleys 9 Mount 選 c2oz 辛 刁 It is easily
broken open and its shape is similar to that of hollow malachite. It can be used to
transform iron to coppep and to compound gold and silver [Tao] Hongjing: Ihe classics of hermits/imrmortals occasionally make use of it andin cornmmon recipes it is [recommended] very seldom. It is an outdated medication. Ihe people today sometirmes collect it. Tts color is greenish_ to green. Tt is shaped like opaque glass With a white line design, and itis easily broken. In Liang Zhou and 入in dou it is no longer presenty and itis commonly replaced by alum of greenish colop but this is definitely something very diferent.[Su] Gong: Ihis item originates in locations Where copper is present. Tts physic和 appearance resembles that of lamellar malachite, With some green interspersed. Tts fiavor is extremely sour and bitter. When it is rubbed against iron and assumes the color of coppep it is genuine [chalcanthite」.
When thatoriginating in the Dong ting gu cave and in the 入ue ji cavein Yu qing xian of Pu zhou comes in pieces like chicken eggs,it is genuine. Ihat of which Tao [Hongjing」states that it resembles opaque glass, is prepared alum. Some people arrive here to ofer it instead [of chalcanthitej, or they soften greenish alum with
vinegar. Al these are fake products. [Su] Song: Ioday [chalcanthite] occurs only
in Qian shan xian of Xin Zhou. Tt grows in copper mines. It is collected there and processed with_boiling to prepare it [for further use]. Some of it grows naturally and is especially expensive. All [kinds] are of bluish-green color Nowadays, the
physicians in the South often apply it. Also, someone has recorded the following staterment: Chalcanthite of top quality originates in Pu zhou. Pieces may be as large as fists. Sma] pieces are of the size of walnuts or chestnuts. When they are struck, they breakinto horizontaland verticallayers,with al of them showing multiple line design. Ihey are of greenish color which changes to green when they are exposed to wind. When they are struck open, their interior is red too.[Chalcanthite of ] an
inferior quality originates in the copper mines in Shang rao and Qu jiang. Ihese are fne grains With distinct edges,or hairpin-type rice grains.According to the 2 cz2, fake [chalanthide] is prepared by softening greenish alum with vinegar. But this is not so today Ihey take coarse and bad quality chalcanthite and melt it with nitrokalite to prepare [whatis to appearlike good quality chalcanthite]. [Such fake chalcanthite appears as」 big pieces with alight color Iheir surface is muddy and lacks a
C0/z2/7 7o
Vesselstructure.Whenitis struckand breaks into pieces that have no distinct edges, thenthis is「fake chalcanthite|.Jhereis also [chalcanthite] that is attached torocks. [To produce chalcanthite, the people] cut and remove the [rocks forming the] base
of chalcanthite. Ihey process [the mineral by heating it| with water to which they add nitrokalite.When this coagulates it attaches itself [to the walls of the crucible」.
[Li] Shizhen: Chalcanthite originates in mountain caves in Pu zhou. Ihat colored
likeaducks beak is best.Ttis commonly called “bile alum.”Ihatwhich originates in QianglHiandis ofaslghtly black coloris inferior to it. Ihat from 入in Zhou is even more inferior his item _grows onrocks. Ihatwhich is refined with heat and boiling is often fake. But when it turns into ajuice when heated With _fire,it is definitely fake.Whenitis applied to iron and copperand turns red when heated,it is genuine. Also,[to test whetheritis fake or genuine] fl acoppervessel with water and give a small amount [of theitem in question] into it. Ifit does not assume agreenish-blu-
ish-green color and if it does not alter its appearance for several days, it is genuine. The 贅 Zoo 2.7zz states: “Chalcanthite is a yang stone/mineral. It originates in Songyue andin MountZ/hong tiao shan in Pu zhou.Ttis endowed with the abnormal qi ofnuminous stones/minerals,and its physical appearance is as if something Were twisted. By nature it flows and opens passages, and its essence feelings center stones. It is able to transform gold/metals, and cause unlimited change and transformation. Shen Kuain his 27 #z records: On Mount Qian shan is aspring 9f bitter [water] that flows into a ravine.[Ihe local people] scoop up the water and boilit to produce chalcanthite. Ihe cauldrons used forboiling [the water|, tey too,
after along time become copper Actually this is faked [chalcanthite] prepared by boilingy itis not genuine chalcanthite. It must not be added to medication.
【 氣 】味 酸 、 辛 , 寒 , 有 毒。【 普 曰】 神 農: 酸 , 小 寒。 李當 之 : 大 寒。 桐 :君 辛 , 有 毒 。 扁 鵲 : 苦, 無 毒,【 大 明 曰】 酸 、 注 , 無 毒。【 權 日 】 有 大 毒。【 之 才 曰】 水崗 烏 之 使。 畏 牡 、桂 菌 、桂 芭 花 、 辛 、夷 白 微 。 QiandFlavor Soupacrid,cold,poisonous.[Wu] Pu: Shennong: Soup slightly cold.
Li Dangzhi: Very cold. ITong jun: Acrid, poisonous. Bian Que: Bitterp nonpoisonous. Da Ming: Soup astringent,nonpoisonous.[Zhen] Quan: Very poisonous. [Xu
乙 hicai: Ozzzz7z2z herb serves as its guiding substance. [Ingested togethep] it fears unscraped bark of old cinnamom trees, 2y7zz7z2zy[bark|, daphne [flower], 2zg7z2/72 flower and cyzzz7zc2zzz [roo鈣
【 諸 積, 白,
主 】治 明 日 目 ,痛 金 瘡, 諸 癇 ,姜 女 子 陰 蝕 ,痛 石 淋 寒熱 , 骨 中下 血 , 邪 毒氣 , 令人 有 子。 鍊 餌 服 ,之 不 老。 久 服, 增 壽 神 。仙 本 經。 散 導 醫攝 上 ,氣 及 鼠 站惡 瘡。 別 錄。 治 日 ,牙 鼻 內 息肉 。 大 。明 帶下 赤 風導 藥最 快。 蘇頌 。 面 黃 , 女 子 臟 。急 蘇 恭。 入 吐
/2e 7z7 Czo Gz7zg 4
Control. It clears the eyes and [|serves to cure] pain in the eyes,wounds inflicted by
metal objects, 4 types of epilepsy and spasm, painful erosion in the female yin_[(i. ec., genital) region,urinary] stone dripping,and alternating cold and heat sensations,
collapsing _ center with a discharge of blood, and all types of evil and poison dl lt helps people to have children. Ingested processed With_ heat it prevents apingIngested over along time, it extends longevity and [lets one become] aspirit-hermit/imrmortal. 7 /7zo. It disperses concretion-iHness accumulations and [serves to cure] cough with a countermovement of rising di, and also mouse fistula6? and maligpn sores. 2zz /. Tt serves to cure worm/bug teeth and tumorous flesh growth in thenose.Da Ming. Redand white discharge from below the belt, when the face has turned yellow and cramps afect the female womb. Su Gong. Added to medication [to let apatient] vomit wind phlegm, [its effects are] very fast. Su Song-
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 石 膽 氣 ,套 味 酸 而 辛, 入 少 陽 膽 。經 其 性 收 欲上 行, 治 口齒 瘡 毒有 奇 功也 。 能 蟲, 故 咽喉 能 涌 風 熱 瘓 ,涎 發 散 風 木相 火, 又 殺 周密 齊 東 野 語 :雲 密過 南浦 , 有 老 醫 授 治 喉 痺 極速垂死 :方 用 真 鴨 落 膽志 末 , 酪 調 灌 ,之 大 吐 膠 疾 數 ,升 即 。疾 臨 汀 老兵 一 妻 苦此 , 絕 水 三 粒 日 錄 :云 治 髮脹 大 矣, 如 法 用 之 即 癢。 屢 用 無 不 立 ,駿 神 方 。也 又 周 必 陰德 及 水 腫 秘方 , 有 用 漬 州、人 信州 膽 明亮 頰 如 有以 琉璃 似 鴨 落 ,者 米 酷 ,煮 以 君 臣 之 藥 服 ,之 勝計 鐵 、砂 鐵 。蛾 蓋 膽 榕 乃 銅 之 精液 , 味 辛酸 , 入肝膽 制脾 鬼 故也 。 安 城 魏 清 臣 腫 科 黑 丸子 , 消 腫 甚 ,妙 不 ,傳 即用 此 者 。 Explication.[Li] Shizhen: Ihe qiofchalcanthite are cold; its flavoris sour and acrid.
[Qi and favor] enter the minor yang gallbladder conduits. By its nature [chalca~ nthite] is astringent and moves upward,anditis able to free the passage of phlegm and saliva caused by wind and heat. It disperses minister fire of wood/the liver excited by wind,anditis also able to Kill worms/bugs.Hencein the treatrmment of sores with poison affecting the throat, the mouth and the teeth,it is used with extraor-
dinary success. Zhou Miin his 0z7 Zoe
2 states: “When [Pb Zhou] Mi passed
through Nan pu, an old physician gave me a recipe to cure moribund |[patients affected by] throat closure. [It advises to] forcefeed [to the patient] genuine duck
beak chalcanthite powder mixed With vinegar. Ihis lets [the patient] vomit several
y2ezeof glue-like phlegm,and he will be cured.In Linting the wife of an old soldier suffered from this [ailment]. She had not consumed water or [rice] grains for three days already When [和 applied [to her the medication] as required she was cured.
[IThave] used it many times, and never without a good result. Itis adivine recipe. 63I eg >2o7g 朋 中 , “collapsing centep”excessive vaginal bleeding outside ofa menstruation period. BCGM Dict 58. 632 $2z /z 鼠 ,“mouse 站 fistula,”identical with /z 五 BVCGM Dict 466.
療 聞 ,“scrofula with pervasion襄ness。
C0/z2/7 7o
Also, Zhou Bida in his 問 z zz 及 states: “The secret recipe to cure bloating caused by gpz/3 and bloating caused by water [advises] to boilin rice vinegar chalcanthite from Pu zhou or 入in zhou shinylike emerald green opaque glass oraduck beak and to ingestitinacormbination with ruler and minister drugs. Tts effects are superior to those of iron sand and iron moths/fragpments.” Jhe fact is, chalcanthite is the essence liquid of copper. ts acrid-sour filavor enters the liver and the gallbladder and checks liver demons. Wei Qingchen of An cheng, aspecialist in the discipline of swellingy[usedj “blackpills with an extremely wondrous ability to dissolve swelling-
Ithas not been transmitted. It [recommended toj use the |item discussedj| here.
| 附
方 】
五 ,
十 五 。
Added Recipes. Five ofold.Is newly [recorded.
老 小 風 。痰 膽胡 末 小兒 方 。
一 ,錢 小 兒 一字 , 溫醋 湯 調 ,下 立
吐 出 涎, 便 。醒 譚 氏
Wind phlegm afecting old and young [patients]. [Let the patient] send downo
mixed with warm vinegar and hot waterpone 7zzz of chalcanthite 一 for children: one >7only Immediately this will let them vomit to release saliva. Ihey will soon regain COnSCclousnesS. 7/277 77 %7Zz2 e7 7
女人 頭 。運 天 地 轉 ,動 名 日 心遜 , 非 血 風 。也 膽 胡子 一 ,兩 細 研, 用 胡 餅 劑 子 箇一 , 按 平 一 指 ,厚 以 休 子 勒 成 骰子 , 大 塊 勿 界 ,斷 於 中 上 焙 四 , 每 士 事 方。 服 一 骰子 , 烏 末 , 燈 心 如竹 湯 調 。下 許 學 本 Vertigo of women. When heaven and earth seem to revolve around them, this is called “heart dizziness.”Jhis is not blood wind.%4 Grind one /z7zg of chalcanthite toafne [powder]|- Press black sesame dough required for cakes to aflat layep about one fingerthick,and cutitwith afine-toothed comb into dice. Ihis way the individual ]arge pieces are cut but they remain linked at the bottom. Spread them onatile and bake them overaslow fire until they have dried. For each application [grindl
one dice to apowder and send it down mixed with a decoction of common rushes and bamboo shavings. 入uxue shi, ec7z 7 /27zo.
喉 痺 喉 。風 二 聖 :散 用
鴨 倘 膽 馨 二 錢半 , 白 僵 蠶 炒 五 ,錢
研 , 每 少許 以 吹
之, 吐 涎。 濟生 方。 633 Gz 四 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. QOriginally it was assumed to beamost poisonous bug, the only creatureinaclosed jar Surviving competitton with hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed gez Z 回 專 ,“gez poison(Ging).“BCGM Dict LIor. 634 有 zz /zzg 血
風 ,“blood wind,”results from an intrusion of wind evil qi into an
unbalanced state of qq: and blood mostly in women,BCVGM DictL,594.
/2e 7z7 Czo Gz7zg 4
Throat closure and throat wind. Ihe“powder of the two sages. Grind two and a half 7zzzz of duck beak chalchanthite and filve 7zz7z of roasted, white stif silkworms
[to apowder」]. Each time blow asmall amount [into the patients throatj. He will Vomit saliva.. 了 zz7
2 紀
痛 及 。落 研細 石
後 復 故 乃 。止 每
以人 乳 和 党
擦 ,之 日 四三 次, 止痛 ,
復生 齡 , 百 日
日 以 新 汲 水 漱 。淨 王 壽 外 臺 秘要 。
Toothache and loss [of teeth].- Grind chalcanthite to a fane [powderj, mix it With human milk to obtain a paste and apply this [to the affected regionj, three to four
times aday. Ihis will end thepain and lets new teeth grow. When afterone hundred days the original condition is restored, end [the treatment]. Cleanse [the teeth]
every day With newly drawn water. Wang Tao, 放 // 7
口舌 生 ,瘡 眾 療 不 差。 膽 胡 半 ,兩 入
銀 鍋 內 火 炎 , 出 毒 一夜 , 細 研 , 每
以少許 傅 ,之 吐 去 酸 涎 ,水 二 三 次 。并 勝 金 方 。
Mouth and tongue develop sores,With al types of therapies remaining without effect. Calcine half a2 zz7zce of chalcanthite in asilver bowlwith fire until it has turned red. Ihen let the fire poison leave foronenightand grindittoafine |powder]. 紀 ach time apply asmall amount [to the afected region] and [the patient] will vomit,
emitting sour saliva. After two or three times acure will be achieved. $2e7zc 7z Z7ze
走馬 牙 。開 北 座 一 枚 去 核, 入 涎。 楊起簡便 方。 追
鴨 落 膽 ,纔 紙包
炎 , 出 火 ,毒 研 末 傅 之 ,
Running horse dental gzz-ness.65 Remove the pit of one northern date and insert duck beak chalcanthite into it. Wrap it in paper and calcine it until it has turned red. Wait for the fire poison to have left grind it to apowderand apply this to [the afected regionmj- Ihis will drive out saliva. Yang Qi,.7z7z 27277./27zg.
小 兒 齡 。辣 鴨 蔚 膽 雁 一 ,錢 活 幼 口議 。
匙上 和 紅 ,
少許 , 研 ,色 傅
齦上 , 立 效 。
ness of children. Calcine one 7zzz of duck beak chalcanthite on a Dental oz7z訓zspoon untilit has turned red grind it with a small amount of musk to an evenly mixed [powder] and apply this to the [affected] teeth.Immediately successful. /z2 92 92
635 Zoz zz.gzZ 走馬
牙 凍 ,“running horse dental ezz崗 ness,"a dentalillness that develops
abruptly and turns into aserious condition. BCGM Dict
C0/z2/7 7o
小 兒 罩 開 蝕 。爛 膽 碗 煙燒 盡 , 研末 摻 ,之 一二 日 愈。 集
簡方 。
of children affecting the nose, with afestering erosion. Heat chalcanthite until no more fumes rise, grind it to apowder and apply it to [the affected region].-A cure will be achieved after one or two days. 博 7Zz7z 7ze Gz7z-11]ness636
風 赤眼 爛。 膽 馨 三 ,錢 燒 ,研 泡湯
日 。洗 明 目 經 驗方 。
Red and festering eyes caused by wind. Heat three 7zzz of chalcanthite and grind it[to apowder]. Soakitin hotwaterand wash [the affected eyes with it] every day 44777zo 7)2z77 7
砍 和 酯 灌 ,之 即 。出 知 金方 。 百 日 入 。耳 膽 示 Whenanyofthehundreds of worms/bugs have centered the ears.lInsert chalcanthite mixed with vinegar [into the affected ears] and they will come out. 0O7z27z.777z. zz
風 犬 咬 。毒 膽 末馨 傅 ,之 立 。愈 濟
急方 。
Mad dog bite With poison. Apply chalcanthite powder to [the affected region]-A cure will be achieved immediately# 肥多 zz
一 切 諸 。毒 膽 子 砍 未 , 糯米 糊 丸 如 雞 頭 子大 , 以朱砂 之 , 冷水 化 一 丸 ,服 立 。愈 騰 金方 。
為衣 , 仍 以 朱砂 養
Al types of poison. Use chalcanthite powder and apaste of polished glutinous rice to prepare pils the size of euryale seeds,coated with cinnabar. [During storage con~ tinuously] repeat the coating with cinnabar to protect them against decay [At the time of their application] dissolve one pil in cold water and [let the patient] ingest
this.A cure will be achieved immediately. $2e7ze.77z Z2729
挑生 弗 ,毒 胸口
痛 ,者 膽紀 二 ,錢 茶 清 泡 ,服 即
吐出 。 領 南衛生 方 。
[Having become avictim of the technique] to “pokelife”and gzpoisonings67 With
painful chestand mouth.Soaktwo 7zzzofchalcanthite in teaand ingestit. Ihis wi |cause the poison to be] released by vomiting 了 7Zzg 727z YOe7 52z7zg Zoe
腋下 胡 上 。臭 膽胡 半 生 半熟 , 入 膩 粉 少 ,許 烏 末 , 每用 半 ,錢 以 自 然 董 汁調 塗, 十 分 熱 痛 乃 。止 數 日 一 ,用 以 愈 為 。度 黎居士 簡易 方 。 636 Gzz 凍 ,“gzz-i1ness,”also: “sweets訕ness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCCGJM _Dict LI8o-I88. 637 72z2 y2ezg 挑 生 , “to poke life,” i. e., the mixing of food or beverages with poison, and gz 選 日 專, “oz-poisoningp”i. e. the insertion of a poisonous bug into a human's food, are two crimes that are believed to be primarily committed in the South. For gz 旻 see BCGM Dict L IoL.
/2e 7z7 Czo Gz7zg 4
Barbarian stench under the armpits.Add asmallamountofcalomel to chalcanthite, half of which is unprocessed and the other half of which is processed with heat,
and [pgrind this to al powder EEach time mix half a 7zzz with natural pinger Juice and apply this to [the armpits].When they feelextremely hot and painful, end [the application]. Continue this for several days, once a day, until a healing is achieved. Li 所 shi.7zz7z 2 2
亦白癜風 。 膽 、絢 牡 曠 粉各 半 ,兩 生 研, 醋 ,調 摩 。之 聖 濟 錄 。 Red and white patches Wind.% Grind half a /Zz7ze each of chalcanthite and oyster shellpowder[toapowderj,mixitwith vinegarandrub this [on theaffected regiom|. See7z 77 /2.
甲 瓶 腫 。痛 石 膽 一 ,兩 燒煙 盡 , 研 末 , 傅 ,之 不過 四 五 并度 。 梅師 方 。 Impediment-illness"”9 affecting the nails, with swelling and pain. Heat one /zzge of chalcanthite until no more fumes rise, grind itto apowder and apply this to [the affectedregion|-Acure will be achieved afterno more than four or flve applications. 47e7 7 /27zg
痔瘡 熱 腫。 鴨 蔚 青 膽 約 研, 蜜 水 調 ,傅 可 以 消 。脫 直
指方 。
Piles sores with heat and swelling. Mix greenish duck beak chalcanthite, calcined and ground [toapowderj,with honey waterand apply this to [the affected regiom This will dissolve the prolapse. Z27 27 /2z7zg
腫 毒 不 。破 膽 馨、人 雀 各屎 少許 , 點 。之 直 指 方 。 welling With poison that has not broken open yet.Drip amixture of equally small amounts of chalcanthite and sparrow droppings on [the affected region]. Z27 227 zz
楊梅 毒 。瘡 酷 調 級 膽 末 罰 。
探 。之 痛 甚 ,者 加
乳香 、 沒 藥。 出 惡 ,水 一 二 上 即
Red bayberry poison sores.65 Apply chalcanthite powder mixed With vinegar to them.When the pain is severe,add frankincense and myrrh. Ihis will cause malign water to be released. After one or two applications [the sores] will have dried up.
638 5z7 Zzzz /zzg 白癜風 , “white patches wind.”Vaguely defined skin ailment.BCGM Dict ], 46.
疸, “impediment凡 ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 277Z. 64o
苞 zg zzz c2zzzzg 楊梅
毒 瘡 ,“red bayberry [poison] sores,”most likely including cases of
syphilis. BCGM Dict L, 293, 294.
C0/z2/7 7o
又 和 即 錢,
方: 膽 馨、 白 胡 。勾 坐 帳 ,內 取 藥 怒 。 汗 出, 或大 便 連用 三 日。 外 服
、 水 銀 各 三 錢半 , 研 不 見 ,星 入 香油 、 津 各唾 少 # 塗 兩 足 心, 以 兩 手心 對 足 心 摩擦 , 良久 再 塗 再 擦 , 于 去 ,垢 口 出 穢 涎 為 。驗 每 一 ,次 強者 用 四 錢 , 弱者 二 疏 風 ,散 並 澡 。洗 劉 氏 經 驗方 。
Alternative recipe.Grrind three andahalf /zzz each of chalcanthite,white alum and
mercury [to a powder] until no more [mercury] stars remain visible. Add equally small amounts of sesame oiland [human] saliva,and mix it evenly [Let the patiend
sitonabed.Apply the medication to the soles of his two feet and let him firmly rub thesoles ofhis feetwith thepalms of his hands for along time,alternately applying lmore of the paste to the soles] and rubbing them. Once [al11 the paste] is used up,
let him lie down. He 了 willsweat,ordiscard filth through defecation. His mouth wil emit a dirty saliva, and this is the cure. For each application, strong [patients] use four 7zz7z, Weak [patients use] two 7zz7, for three days in arow. In addition, they are
to ingesta “powder to scatter wind wand to bathe [in aliquid application of this powder 了 入 疙 777zg 7 7 IO-I4
石 本下 經 品
了 52 上 糾 57 7 Arscnolite. Arsenic trioxide,.
【 別 石 鼠
釋 】名 白 譽 石、 太 白石 、錄 澤 乳 哭 並、 鼠 鄉 吳 。也 西 山 經 雲: 時 塗 之 食 則 ,死 研 食 而 肥 , 則 鼠
別 、錄 立 制 石 本 經 、 青 介 、石 固 羊 石 本 經、 石 由 。【 普 時 珍 曰】 舉 義 不 解。 許 氏 說 文 :雲 譽 , 毒 ,山 有 白石 , 其名 日 譽, 可 以 毒 。芯 郭 璞 注 云 : 鄉 之 意 以此 ,。
Explanation of Names. zz zz 527 晶 譽 人石, 2z7z.7Z7zg. 077zg 7ze 5727 青介
lower rank
石 , Gz
72 727
7 22z7527 太
白石 ,58z 太 了
羊 石 , 7277 7772g.
227527 六 制
27 )z77 石
忠 ,25z 及
Zez 7yz 澤 乳 , Wu Pu. $2z xzzzg 鼠 鄉 , “parish of mice/rats," Wu Pu. [Li] Shizhen:
The meaning of [the character] 姑
譽 cannot be explained. Xu shi in his $2zz2 Zoe77
states: 到 譽 is apoisonous stone/mineral. The 及 7 "2zz.77zzg states: “On Mount Gao tuawhite stone/mineral occurs.It is named 六 譽 and can be used to poison mice/ rats. (ruo Pu commented:“ When mice/rats cat it, they die. When silkworms eat it they become fat.” This provides [the name] 9z xzzzzg 世 鄉 ,“parish of mice/ratsy With some meaning-
64I Ihe“powder to scatter wind”includes the following substances: mint 242Z7o77/777 [root」], Z7zozZzc2z 5Z7zz775Zy「root|, yc27%27zz2z/z「spike], zz7z77Z2z root, 22z/22Zz7zZyo7/ bark, yo97z [root], zzz77z Seed, ez7zze7zzz fruit, polygonum [root], ginseng [root], white, sti竺 silkworms, 5z22527z2207z root Zzczz7z7zzr root bark, 22/zys [rhizome] 2z/x fruit, 75) fruit os/yoZzz [tuber| yellow vetch, Chinese clematis, zy/yzgzZzy [herb], complete scorpions, Z7zez/zcz [roo 呈 27Zycyyy7272z root zzzzeZ7zz7zz [herb」.
/2e 7z7 Czo Gz7zg 4
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 日】 舉 生 石 漢中 山谷 及 少 ,室 夫 無 。【 時 當 之 曰】 或生 少 室 , 或生 魏 ,興 十 二 月 打 ,。【 弘 景 日】 今 習 漢 亦有 , 而好 者 出 南 康 ” 南 野 。亞 又 湘 東 新 寧及 零 陵 皆有 。 白 譽 ,石 能 柔 金 。 陽 溪及 喜 城 界 、中 洛 城南
以 黃 泥包 , 姑 日】 此 石 能 燒 即 烏 灰也 。 理, 不 如 漢中 石 下。
火 燒 ,之 一 日 一 夕則 解 , 可 。用 丹 房及 黃 拒 ,火 久 燒 但 解散 , 不可 脫 其 。堅 今 市人 乃取 今 漢 川” 武當 西 折境 名 譽 石 ,谷 即 是 真 者 。【 頒 日】 今 滿 州、 階 州 亦有 之 。【 時
白 術 多 用 。【 之 潔白 理石 當 之 出 。處 少 室有 粒 珍 曰】 詳 見 生特
, 細 譽
ollected Explanations. 2zz 色 : Arsenolite grows in the mountain valleys of Han zhongyand in Shao shi.Itis collected anyttime. [Li| Dangzhi: Some grows in Shao shi some grows in Weixing. Itis collected in the twelfth month.[Iao] Hongjing: Today it is presentin Shu han, too. [Arsenolite of」good quality originates in the border region of Nan yexiin Nan kang and Peng chengy,andin themoatsouth of Luo yang cheng. ltis also found in 入 in ning and Ling ling of 入iang dong. White arsenolite is able to soften gold/metals. Wrapped in yelow mud and heated with charcoal fire for one day and one night it will disintegrate and can then be used [for therapeutic purposes]L[Suj Gong: Jhis stone/mineral can resist fire. Whenitis
heated foralong ttmeitwill disintegrate but its hardness cannot be reduced. loday the market people use spotlessly white mineral gypsum as asubstitute. When it is heated it burns to ashes. Today in Xi liao ban in Wu dang of Han chuan is avalley named arsenolite valley Ihis is the origin of genuine arsenolite.[Ihat from」Shao shi comes as finely structured grains.Itis not as good as that from 了Han zhong. [Su Song: ITodayitoccurs in Lu zhouandJie zhouytoo.[Li] Shizhen: For details see the
entry on 色 s2ezegyz527 特
生 譽 石 (Io-T5).
【 氣 】味 辛 , 大 熱, 有 毒。【 別 錄 日】 甘 , 生 溫、 熟 熱。【 普 日】 神 農 、 辛 , 有 毒 。 桐 君、 黃 :帝 甘 , 有 毒 ,【 權 日】 甘 , 有 小 毒。 鉛 丹詞 賤伯: 之 才 日】 得 火 。良 刺 針 烏 之 使。 惡馬 目 毒公 、 湯 之 使。 惡 羊 ,血 不 入 。【 驚 、屎 虎 掌、 細 ,辛 長 水 。 Qi and Flavor. Acrid, very hot, poisonous. 5zz Z: Sweet, unprocessed: warm; pro-
cessed: hot.【[Wu] Pu: Shen nongy, Qi Bo: Acrid, poisonous. Tong junm Huang Di: Sweet, poisonous.[Zhen] Quan: Sweet, slightly poisonous. JMinium serves as its guiding substance. [Ingested togethep] it abhors sheep blood. It cannot be prepared as adecoction. [Xu] Zhicai: An exposure to fire benefits「its effects」|. Zz2)2zy [twig」 serves as its guiding substance.|Ingested togethep]itabhors common 2Zyoyzzz [rootj, duck cxcrements, Z7Zvzezz2z [root| and Zyvz7z/777 2e/eyo2o72zy root.Tt fears water:
【 主 】治 寒 熱 刀 站, 蝕 死 ,肌 風 ,痺 腹 中 堅 闢 邪氣 。 本 。經 除 明熱 目, 下 氣, 除 中 膈 熱, 止 消 導 , 益肝 氣, 破 積聚 , 敵 冷 腹痛, 去 鼻 中 筷 ,肉 和久 服
C0/z2/7 7o
一 圭。 不 鍊 ,服 則 殺人 及 令 人 筋 諧。 火 鍊 百 ,日 服 刀 間 積 ,氣 去 濕冷 風 痺、 閱 積 年 。者 飄 權 。
百 。獸 列 。錄 除 胸肌
ontrol. Alternating cold and heat sensations. Mouse fistula.%# Dead muscles af- of evil qi in the ab訓ness fected by erosion. Wind blockage."“6 了Hard aggregation domen. 5e7.7z7zo. Tt eliminates heat and clears the eyes.Tt serves to discharge qi. It removes heatfrom the diaphragm region.Ttends melttng with thirst.%4 Ttboosts the liver qi. Tt breaks open accumulations and collections. [It serves to cure] obstinacy
記Iness cold*5 with abdominal pain and removes tumorous flesh growth from within the nose. Ingested over along time it lets ones sinews contract. Io process it With heat overafire forone hundred days and ingest as much as is held by aknife shaped Jade tablety is good. Ingested Without processing it with heat first will kill a person and the hundreds of animals. 5zz Z. Tt eliminates accumulated qi from within the chest and the diaphragm region.Ttremoves ablockage caused by cold,moisture and Wind, as well as itch that has accumulated over years. Zhen Quan.
【 縱 】【 明 弘 景 日】 常取 生 譽 石 納 ,水 令 水 不 ,冰 如 此 則 生 者 性 大 亦 熱 矣 。【 張 仲 景 】去 生 用 , 破 人 心肝 。【 恭 曰】 此 藥攻 擊 積 冷 之 病 扁 良。 及 病 腹 冷有 物 之, 療 病 無 ,效 正 烏此 也 。【 宗 爽 日】 治久 積 久 若 以 餘代 時 珍 曰】 舉 石 性 氣 與 礙 石 相 ,近 蓋 亦其 也 不 試 。【 功, 直 須 慎用 , 其 毒 可 類 也 。 古 方 譽 石、 有其 石 常相 渾 混 ,書 蓋 二 字 相 ,似 故 誤 。耳 然胡 石 性 寒 無 毒, 舉 石 性 熱有 毒 , 不可 不 。審 陸 農 師 :雲 譽 石 之 ,力 十 倍 鍾 。乳 按 洪容 高 隨筆 :雲 王子 敬 靜 筷 貼 言 譽 石 深 是 可 。疑 凡 喜 散 者 輒 發 ,闡 蓋 散 ,者 寒 食 散 ,也 古人 多 服 ,之 中 有 譽 ,石 性 熱有 毒, 故 雲 深 可 疑 。也 劉 表 在 州 不 百 。草 伙 曰 : 此 必 古 ,家 其人 在世 服生 夸 州, 與 加王 登 部 ,山 見 一 岡 生 石, 熱 不 出外 , 故 草 木 焦 。滅 表 掘 ,之 果 有 舉 石 滿 。勞 又 今 洛 水 不站, 下 亦 有 譽, 古人 謂 之 溫 洛 是 。也 取 此 石 安 比中 , 水 亦 不冰 。 文 難 伏 ,卵 取 石 置 桌中 , 以 助 溫 ,氣 其 性 如此 , 曙 可 ?服 予 兄 文 公安 鎮 金 ,陵 秋 署 尖 食。 醫 者 湯 三 瘓 教 服 譽 石 。丸 已 而 飲 唉 日 進, 了 加 意 服 。之 越 十 月 而 毒 文 皆 端 而 死。 時 珍 謂竊 洪 安之 至 作 , 卹 血 斗 。餘 自 是 數 數 不 ,止 竟 精液 病, 未必 是 譽 石 毒 。發 蓋 因亦 其 健 啖 自 ,習 厚 味 房 ,勞 縱 癒 無 ,忌 以 致 精 642 $2z Zz 鼠 痕 ,“mouse fistula,”identical with zz 五 BCGM DictL 466.
療 塑 ,“scrofula with pervasion-ilness。
643 /zze 27 風 痺 ,“wind blockage,”diseases resulting mostly from an intrusion of wind eviL BCGM Dict LT8.
644@zz2 &z 消 洶 ,“melting with thirstb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict VolL,567. 645 Gz zz 敵 冷 ,“obstinacy-iness cold,”a condition cold evil abiding deep in the body foran extended period of time.BCGM Dict LIo5
/2e 7z7 Czo Gz7zg 4
端 而 死。 夫 減 因 食而服 石, 食 既 進 則 病 ,去 藥當 止 。吳 而 猶 服 之 不 ,已 特 爍 女 ,作 是果 藥 之 罪峽 ? Explication. [Tao] Hongjing: [ 世 have repeatedly placed 如
7 into water. When
the water turned cold it did not freeze. Ihat is, unprocessed 2 7 by its nature is Very hot. Zhang Zhongjing states: Applied unprocessed it breaks ones heart and liver [Su] Gong: Ihis medication is good at attacking diseases of accumulated cold. When other drugs are resorted to to replace it, therapies of such diseases will remain without effect, for this very reason. [Kou] Zongshi: It is effective when used
to cure long-lasting accumulations and long-lasting diseases of abdominal cold. Butitis to be applied With great caution. Tts poison is too strong to be tested. [Li Shizhen: Ihe nature and the qi of )#/ y27 and arsenic are similar. Ihe fact is, they are of one group. In ancient recipes y# 27 譽 石and 名 z 27 次 石 were often confused in Writing. Ihe fact is, the two characters are very similar and hence such errors happened. Howevep alum is by nature cold and nonpoisonous. 7 y?7 is by nature hotand poisonous.One must be carefull Lu Nongshi states:”Ihe strength of )z 527 is tenfold hat of stalactites. According to the 2 人 27gZ27 yz7 2 Wang Zijing in his.7zzg x7 ez says: [Ihe benefits of 」yz 27 can be profoundly doubted. All those who habitually ingest the “cold food powder often develop obstruction-iness他 The fact is, the powder is the cold food powder that was often consumed by the ancients. It contains 2 527 With its hot nature and poison. Tence「Wang Zijingl states can be profoundly doubted. When Liu Biao in Jing zhou climbed Mount 乙hang shan with Wang Can, he saw aridge of ahill without any herbal growth. [Wangj Can told him: Ihis must be thesite ofan old tomb. During his life,theper-
son [buried] there ate unprocessed 學 交 z. Ihe heat has not left to the outside.Hence herbs and trees are scorched and wiped out. [Liu] Biao had |the tomb] dug open,
and [eventually they saw that] the grave was filled with )z 7 Also, nowadays the Luo shui river does not freeze. Underneath of it )z/ 27 1s present.THlence the ancients called it warm Luo. When this stone/mineral is given into a jar with watep the Water w
not freeze. When |the bird|] zozzz ozz2z7 文 巷 hatches its eggs, it picks up
such stones/minerals and places them into its nest to assist its own warm qi.With such anature how could one want to ingest [9 ?直 My elderbrother Wenan gong, stationed inJJn lingy during hot weather in autumn lost his appetite. Iang Sanyi, a physician, advised him_to ingest pills with /z 7z. Ihen he drank and ate every day, and satisfled [by the effects of the medication] he decided to ingest ever more.
After ten months the poison began to work. Ihrough nosebleed he lost more than one Zoz of blood. Ihis happened again and again, and did not end. Eventually, he 646 gzg 癌 , “obstruction-iness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 64r.
C0/z2/7 7o
had lost all his essence liquid and died. [DLLi] Shizhen, venture to say that Hong
Wenans disease was not necessarily caused by the poison of 人 527 alone. Ihe fact is, itwas also caused by his forceful eating habits. He loved rich food and he exhausted himself with sexualintercourse. 品 ec indulgedin his pleasures without restraint until eventually his essence/sperm was used up and he died. Now he ingested [yz] 7
because he had lost his appetite. Once he began to eat again, his disease was gone. This was themomentwhenheshould have stopped to take this medication.Still, he
continued to ingest it without end. For his presumptious lifestyle he relied on this medication. So how could |his death] be the fault of this medication?
方】 新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded|.
風 冷 腳氣 。 白 舉 沁石 二 上 斤 , 酒 三 ,斗 漬
三 ,日 稍稍 飲 。之 肘 後方 。
Leg qicausedbywindand cold.Soaktwoz7Zzzof white 姑 5271n three ZozofWwine for three days and drink [the liquid]j in small portions. Z22z 2oz./z7zzg.
錄 品 特 生 譽 石 列下 7 529e7zzo 2 522 上 糾 及 zz /zo lower rank
Independently gprowing arsenolite. Colored asenolite.
【 州 石 處, 一名
釋 】名 鳶 譽 石、 蒼 石 別 、錄 鼠 毒。【 恭 日】 特 用 譽 石 亦有 青 者, 澳 中 人 亦 以 毒品, 不入 方 。【 止 是 一 ,物 但 以 特 、生 不 特 生 詞 異 。耳 所 謂 特 時 珍 曰】 夸石有 芥、 白 二 種 , 少 今用 者 絕 。【 蒼 譽 ,石 則 別 錄 蒼 石 係 重出吳。 其 功 療 皆 相 同 ,
Explanation of Names. Cz7zg yz y27 營 stone/mineral,” zz 玉 S2z Z
生 譽 ,石 一名 巷 譽 。石 梁 宗 學 日】 舉 石、 特生 舉 他石烏 特 附 生 ,者 不 看 而 芥 者 多 特 生 , 故此 云 今 併 為一 。
恕 ,石 “pgrey arsenoli6”cdzg 7 魯
鼠 于 , “mice/rat poison.”” [Su] Gong: 科恩
,“grey 石 謂
特生 奶 ,石 “independently growing arsenolite,”is also named ezzg yz 527 魯 舉 石 , prey arsenolite.” 兀 2z from Liang zhou includes greenish kinds. Ihe people in Han zhong use it to poison mice/rats. Ihey do not add it to medication. [Koul
Zongshi: 好 527 譽 石 and 和 y2eze zz527 特生 夸 石 are one and the same item.Their only difference is whether they grow independently yeze 特 生 ,or not, 用 名 52e7z 不 特 .生 When it is said “they grow independently” 色 2ezg 特 生, their “independence”is that they are not attached to other stones/minerals. Nowadays, [independently growing 2 疙 is used very seldom. [Li|] Shizhen: Arsenolite occurs in two kinds: grey and white,with the grey variety growing mostly independent [from
/2e 7z7 Czo Gz7zg 4
other stones/minerals]. Hence it is stated here: “alternative name: grey arsenolite. That is, the“grey arsenolite”mentioned in the 5z zz [in aseparate entry] is given there aredundant record. he curative effects of both are identical. Here now they are combinedin one entry
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 日】 特生 譽 石 名 一 營 譽 ,石 生 西域 , 采 無 。時 乂 :曰 芥 石 生 西域 , 打 無 。【 時 弘 景 日 】 舊說 巷 中果 者 佳。 巷 常入 水 ,冷 故取 以 比 卵 令 。熱 今 不 可 。得 惟 出漢中 者, 其 外 形 赤色 繁 , 內 白 如 ,町 中 央 有 白 , 狀 形如 聞 者 佳。 又出 琍 州 新 城 郡“ 房 陵 縣 綠 白 色 者 詞 。好 亦 先 以 黃 包 士 燒一 白 石耳 。 日 , 亦 可 納 萄 中孔 燒 ,之 合玉 壺 諸 。丸 仙 經 不 言 特 ,生 止 是 舉 【 恭 曰】 陶說 中 如 白齣 形 者 正 。是 今 出 梁 ,州 北馬 這 成 中 洞 亦 有 之。 形 塊 小 白於 刀 石 , 而肌 粒大 數 ,倍 乃 如 小 豆 。許 其 白 碟 粒 細 如 栗 米 。耳 今 房 陵、 漢 川、 均 州、 州 州 與 白 譽 石 同 ,處 有 色 青 ,者 是 。【 也 囚 夷 日】 博 物 志 ,言 觀 伏 ,卵 取 舉 石入 巢 助 ,暖 方家 得此 石 乃 。真 陶氏 以 注 生 特 舉 石, 則二 石 是 一 物 明 。吳 但 屢 匠檢 果 此 無 石, 況 舉 石 葡 得 處 有處 之 ? 若 入葵 水 冷 取 故 此 石 , 則 虛 旨 之 類 皆 計食 水, 亦 自 然 生 化 繁 。息 此則 乃 俗 之 士 言, 未 嘗 究 其 實 而 窮 其 理 。【 也 時 珍 】晶 舉 石有 數 種, 白 舉 石、 芥 譽 石、 紫 舉 石 、 紅 反 犬 石、 桃 花 譽 石、 金 星 舉 石、 銀 星 譽 石、 特生 譽 石 俱 是 一 ,物 但 形 立 名 。 其 性 皆 熱 ,毒 並可 毒 鼠 制 ,未 惟 、芥 白 二 色 入 藥 。用 諸 譽生 以 色 於 ,山 則 草木 不生 , 町雪 不 ;積 生 於 則 水 水 冰凍 不 , 或有 溫泉 , 其 氣 之 熱 可 知 。吳 庚 玉 辛 冊 :雲 舉 , 陽 石 ,也 生 山谷 水中 , 灌 出 似 ,枕 有 文 理 橫 截 不 者 為真 。 狀 與 方 解 石 相 ,似 但 投 水 冰 在中 者 烏 佳。 伏 ,火 制 砂 。未 其 頗 其 出 金 中穴 者, 名 握 雪 譽 石 。 ollected 選xplanations. 5zz prey arsenolite. Tt grows in said: Grrey arsenolite grows Hongjing: In old records it
/: Independently growing arsenolite is also named the western regions and is collected anyttime. Tt is also in the western regions; it is collected anytime. [Tao] is said that [arsenolite recovered] from the nests of
storks is fine. Storks often enter cold water. Hence theypick up [arsenolite] to cover
and heat their eggs. Nowadays [arsenolite from the nests of storks] is no longer available. It solely originates in Han zhong. Ihat With an external appearance Of purple-red colop With a white inside like frost and in its center with an indenture as 1 也ere were teeth,is fine.Also, thatis good that originates in 入in cheng jun and FanglngxianinJJng zhouandisofapale white color. Oneeitherwrapsitinyellow soil/loess and heats it for onec day,oroneinserts itinto the hole of an axe and heats it there. Itis compounded [with other substances to prepare] all types of “pills for the jade Hask。 7 Ihe classics of hermits/immortals do not refer to independently growing [arsenolite hey only speak of white arsenolite.[Su] Gong: Tao [Hongjings」 647 Jade Hask is aDaoist term that refers to the human body
C0/z2/7 7o
reference to aphysical appearance of atooth-like indenture is correct. Nowadays, it is also found in Liang Zhou andin the ravine adjacent to the garrison of northern Ma dao. Ihese are pieces that are smaller than white arsenolite. But the [crysta]]
pgralins pervading it like muscles are several times biggep like small beans, while the [crystal] grains of white arsenolite are as filne as millet. Nowadays, [independently groWwing arsenolite] of greenish color occurs at the same locations as white arseno~ lite in Fang lingy, Han chuan,Jun zhou andJJng zhou. [Kou] Zongshi: Ihe 52 27 says: “When storks hatch their eggs they pick arsenolite and bring them into their nests to support their own warmth. Recipe experts accept only such arsenolite as genuine. From Mr Tao [Hongjings] comment on independently growing arsenolite it is clear that the two arsenolite kinds |「i. e.,independently growing and not independently growing arsenolite] are in fact one identical item. Howevep the nests of storks have been searched time and again, and such arsenolite was never found. Also,if arsenolite were available from these [nests],should itnot be available every-
where? Nowy if storks pick up these stones/minerals because they center cold water how about such birds as cormorants? Ihey all feed in the waters and by themselves they proliferate with ample offspring. Ihese are stories told by common men. Ihere has never been an examination whether these are facts,and there has never been re-
search on their underlyingprinciples.[Li| Shizhen: Arsenolite appears in numerous kinds: white arsenolite, grey arsenolite, purple arsenolite, red skin arsenolite, peach blossom arsenolite, golden star arsenolite, silver star arsenolite, and independently
growing arsenolite 一 they al are one identical item. By their nature all of them are hotand poisonous,and they allalike can poison mice/rats and check mercury Only grey and white [arsenolite] are added to medication. All types of arsenolite grow in mountains [and on these mountains] herbs and trees do not grow and frost and snow do not accumulate. When
[arsenolite] grows in a watep this water will not
freeze. Sometimes there are warm springs that are obviously endowed with thehot qi [of arsenolite]. Ihe Gezzg x77/ )zz cc states: “Arsenolite is a yang stone/mineral It pgrows in mountain valleys and waters. Whenitis washed cleanitis similar to alum. That with horizontal line structures in the center is fine. It subdues fire and checks cinnabar and mercury ]ts shape is somewhat similar to that of the stone/minera that splits into rectangular pieces.Still whenitis tossed into water and the [water|
does not freeze, it is genuine [arsenolite]. [Arsenolite] originating in gold/metal caves is called arsenolhte that holds the snow.
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
毒 。【 之
才 日】 火
鍊 之 ,良 畏 水。
Qiand Flavor. Sweet,warm,poisonous.[Xu] Zhicai: [Independently growing arse-
nolite] is good when it has been processed over a fire. Tt fears water.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 主 】治 明 目 利 ,耳 腹
結 鼠 ,站 殺 百 日 惡 。獸 和久 服 延 年 。 內 絕 ,看 破 堅 及
別 。錄 蒼 :石 主 寒熱下 氣站 蝕 , 殺 禽 上。
別錄 。
Control. Tt clears the eyes and opens the cars. It curtails abdominal cold. It breaks open hard nodes and mouse fistula.@ Tt kills the hundreds of worms/bugs and malign animals. Ingested over a long time it extends the years [of life]. 2zz Z. Grey arsenolite: It controls alternating cold and heat sensations, discharges qi, [cures]
fstula and erosions,and kills birds and animals. 5ze Z.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 列 錄 ,言 舉 久 石 服 令 人 筋 ,諧 特生 譽 石久 服 延 年。 丹 座 也 , 與 服磯 長 藥 。 此 皆 方士 說 書 亦 ,雲 刀 石 化 烏 ,水 能 伏 水 ,銀 鍊 入 生 石 、 未 生長 之 義 ,同 其 死 而 無 悔 者 乎 ? Explication. [Li| Shizhen: Ihe 5zz 及 says: “ITIo ingest arsenolite for along time causes sineWw cramps. Io ingest independently growing arsenolite for a long time extends theyears [ofoneslife].”Ihe zz
zz too, states: “When arsenolite is trans~
formed to water it is able to subdue mercury;, following arefinement with heat it may be added to longevity medication. All these are false sayings of recipe masters; they agree with the ideaunderlying the use of arsenic and mercury for pronlonging life. If [the people resorting to such measures] die, how can one not regret it7
握 雪 碟 石 唐本 草 謠 zz 5 上 匕 7z7zg 2e7z C22. Arsenolite thatholds the snow. Yellowish-white arsenolite, Arsenic trioxide。
【 細 之 有 即 至 內, 四 酒 鈞 書 說
石間 得 之。 石出徐州 “ 宋 里 。山 入 土丈 餘, 於 爛 土 集 解 】【 恭 曰】 握 雪 譽 散 如 ,酚 黃 白 。色 士人 號 為 雪握 譽 ,石 一名 化公 色 石 , 一名 石 ,腦 云 服 長 。【 生 時 珍 日】 謹 按 獨 孤 滔 丹 房 鑑 源 :雲 握 雪 譽 石 出 曲 灘 。澤 盛 寒時 髓 生 於 石上 , 可 。米 一 分 示結 十 。兩 乂 :按 南宮 從 購 嘿 神 書 :雲 石 液 , 丹 黎 之 脂 液 。也 此 石 襄陽 出 曲 灘 澤中 , 或 在 ,山 或 在 ,木 色白 而 粗糯 。 冬 月有 脂 液 出 其上 , 旦則 見 , 日 而 。伏 和 當 於 日 未 出時 , 以 刀鋼 刊 置器 便 鐵 色 。 以 液 一 ,銖 制 水銀 火 燉通 赤 , 取出 , 楮 汁 為 ,丸 其 液 沾 處 如 不 得, 乃 神 理 所 ,惜 米時 須 用 白 、從 清 ,兩 器中 火 之 立 。乾 但此 液 亦 多 宗 。之 此 石 華山 、 高 山 皆 ,出 而有 脂 液 者, 惟 此 曲 。灘 又 熊太 古 畜 越 集 :言 丹 山 棱 十 ,兩 可 乾 示 十 。兩 此 人乃 格物 之 ,精 發 地天 之 秘 。也 據 三 所引 , 則 握 雪 舉 石 乃 石 之 ,液 非 中土 石 腦 。也 蘇 恭 所說 , 自 是 石 。腦 其 或 舉 石, 錄 陶 弘 景所 注 石 腦 相 ,合 不 當 復 注 於此 。 久 :按 諸 書 作 與 列及
648 $2z /z 鼠 ,“mouse 站 fistula,”identical with /z 五 BVCGM Dict L 466.
療 聞 ,/scrofula With pervasion崗 ness。
649 Gozg 公 ytands here for the homophone go 未 ,“mercury?”
C/2z27/e7 7oO
或作 散 ,石 未 知 孰 。是 古 書 字二 每 每 訛 。混 以 理 推 ,之 似 是 鵬 石。 彌 石有 毒, 座 石 無 毒 故也 。 Collected Explanations. [Su] Gong: “Arsenolite that holds the snow”originates in Mount Songli shan in 和>u zhou. [The people] enter the soil more than a 222Z7z deep and obtain it there from among decayed soil and rocks. It is finely dispersed like floup and of yellow white color. Ihe local people call it “arsenolite that holds thesnow. Anothernameis thestone thattransforms mercury Still anothername is “stone brain.””Ihey say to ingestit wi extend oneslife. [Li| Shizhen: According to Dugu Taos 2z7z./27zc 7z7z )zzz7z “the arsenolite that holds the snow' originates in the marshlands of Qu tang. During very cold times amarrow grows on the stones and can be collected. One zz of it binds ten /z7g of mercury Also, according to Nan Grongcongs G2z /z 52z7 疙z, stone/mineral liquid is the liquid fat of Z27z /77 丹 .遍 This stone/mineral originates in the marshlands Qu tang$。 in Xiang yangThese may be mountains or woods. Its color is white,and its substance is crude and glutinous. During winter months a fat liquid appears on its surface; it is visible at daybreak and disappears under the sun.[Ihe people] scratch it of with a copper knife and store itin avessel before the sun has risen. Ihey calcine it overafire untl it has turned red and With paper mulberry juice prepare pils. Any location touched bythis liquid will assume the colorofiron.With one 22zofthis liquid four /z7ze of mercurycan be checked.When[this mixture] is heated with fire in avesselit will be
dryimmediately Howevep this liquid is notavailable in large quantities.Ttis held in high regard even by spirits. Whenitis collected sacrifices With white chicken and clear wine are to be performed. Ihis stone/mineral originates in both Mount Hua shan and Mount Song shan. But that which has the fat liquid occurs only at Qu tang.。””"Also,Xiong Taigu in his 五 萃z 施 says: With ten Zzzge of Z27 ry2z7 zz 諒山 腳 it is possible to dry ten Zzzge ofmercury This is an example of the human spirit aiming at studying the principles underlying 4 items and thereby to disclose the secrets between heaven and earth. Based onthe quotes from these three texts, 1t 1s
obvious that arsenolite that holds the snow isalquid released by astone/mineral. Itis notthe stone/mineral brain found in thesoiL Hence,Su Grongsreferenceis to “stone/mineral brain. Itagrees with the comments in the 5z and by Tao Hongjing on “stone/mineral brain.”Ihey must not be repeated here. Also, all texts write either )z 7 譽 石 or 名 527 棒 ,石 and it is unknown what they mean. In ancient texts thesetwo characters were al to often mixedup.Deductedrationally, they seem to refer to /Zz 527 其
,alum. 石 Because
妨 97 is poisonous, alum is not poisonous.
65o A place named Oz #z 曲 灘 could not be identified.
//2e 27
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
溫 , 無 毒。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, warm,nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 敵 冷 積聚 , 輕 身 延 年。 多
食令 人 熱 。 唐 。本 治 大 風 瘡。 時 珍 。
QObstinacy過 ness cold% accumulations and collections. It relieves the body of its weight and extends the years [of life]. Consumed in large amounts it lets one become hot. 7z7ze 2e7z. It serves to cure massive_ wind sores. [Li| Shizhen.
磯 石 宋 開寶 六 7 22, 上 匕 Songy 太 27 2z2. Arsenmic, Arsenic trioxide,
【 釋 】名 信 石、 人 言 綱目。 生 者 名 礙 ,黃 鍊 者 名 太 和 。【 時 珍 日】 太 , 性 烏信 石, 而 又 隱 信 字 記人 言 。 猛 如 貌, 故 名 。 惟 出 信州 , 故人 呼 Explanation of Names. 六 zz 27 信
,“stone/mineral 石 from Xin)”7e7z )z7z 人
言 , Gzz
7zz. As long as it is rawy it is called 27 2zz7zg 磯 黃 ,“arsenic yellowy"”onceit is refined
With heab it is called 27 2zz7zg 楷 ,“arsenic 箱 frost" [Li] Shizhen: 巧 礙 [2zzzgeand 727 52zz7zg] are by nature as ferocious as [the mythical bear-like animal] 2/ 貌 . Hence the name.Tt originates only in 入in zhou. Hence the people cal it 入in stone/min-
eral,”x7z7/ 527 信 石. The character zzz 信 is also concealed by [splitting it up into the two characters] 7ez: )z7zz 人 言 .
著 出 和郡 ,縣 今近 銅 山 處亦 有 之, 惟 信 州 者 佳 。 【 集 解 】【 頌 日】 磯寐 不 所 之 ,物 一 兩大 是 其 塊 有 甚大 者, 色如 其 子 ,苹 明 澈 不 。雜 此 本類 處 自 難得 載 之, 必得 此 類, 乃可 入 方 亦 用 塊 真 ,者 人 競 珍 ,之 不 當 於 。金 古 服 食 中 須 日】 淺 爍 。 其 市 肆 所 畜 片 如 細 ,屑 亦 夾 土石 , 入 藥 服 ,之 詞 害 不 。【 封 甚 嚴。 生 不 夾 石 ,者 色 赤 其 於 雄 ,黃 以 冷水 信州 。” 玉山 有 磯 ,井 官 中 禁 者 也 。 今 市 貨 ,者 取 中山 夾 砂 磨 , 解熱 毒, 近 火 即殺人 , 所 謂人 不 當 金 價 此 石 ,者 燒煙 飛作 白 舌 , 乃 碎 屑而 記 刺, 其 傷 火 多 ,者 塊 大 而 微 ,黃 所謂 如 不 藥, 惟 燒 煉 舟 石 家 用 。之 近 人 多 以 治閥 , 者 也 。 古 方 並 入 芥子 色 明 澈 此 以 燒 町服 毒 。也 今 俗 醫 不 究 其 ,理 即 所 能 但 以 痊 本 傷 ,署 而 此 物 生 者 解熱 之, 必 大 吐 ,下 因此 幸有 安 ,者 衣 烏 所 損 極 多 , 不可 不 。慎 初 燒 固 ,時 人 犬 之亦 在上 風 十 餘 丈 外 ,立 下 風 所 近 草 木 皆 死。 又 以和 飯 毒 ,芯 死 芯 猶 食 死 , 毒過 於 射 岡 逼 。吳 衡 山 所 出 一 種, 力 差 劣 信州 於 。【 者 宗 吏 日】 今 65I Gz zz 敵 冷 ,“obstinacy崗 ness cold,”a condition cold evil abiding deep in the body for an extended period of ttime.BCUGM Dict LI95 652
zz /zg 大 ,風 “massive wind,”may refer to sores caused by a massive intrusion of wind evil and also to conditions of leprosy BCGM Dict ITr.
C/2z27/e7 7oO
信擊 坑 井下取 之。 其 坑 常 封鎖 , 坑 中 有 渴 綠 ,水 先 絞 盡水 , 然後 下 鑒 取 生 謂礎 之克 黃, 色 如和 牛肉, 或有 淡 白 ,路 謂 石 非 ,石 謂 士 非 土。 磨 酒飲 治 闢 積 氣。 見 火 有便 毒, 不 可 人 造 次 服 。也 取 法 : 將生 礙 就 置 火上 , 以 之 , 令煙 上 飛 , 看 器 凝結 。 景 然下 垂 如 尖乳 者 入 藥 詞 ,勝 平 短 者 次 ,之 塊 乃 是 下 ,等 片 細 如 屑 者 極 下 。【 也 時 珍 曰】 此 乃 錫 之 ,苗 故 新 錫 器 磯 以赤色 者 烏 ,良 熟 楷 宁 以 白色 者 記 良 日久 能 殺人 者, 烏有 磯 毒 。也 生 黃
。 , 器覆 大 盛酒 。
Collected Explanations.[Su] Song: [Ancient] records do not specify the prefectures
and counties arsenic originates in. Today it is also found at mountain locations where copper is mined. But only [arsenic] from 入in zhou is fine. Tts pieces are very big,and their coloris that of goose egg yolk, clear and Without fiaws. Ihis is an item that is hard to obtain even at its places of origin. A piece of one /z7ze is highly valued by the people, no less than gold. Ancient recipes [recommending substances] to be ingested for food have also recordedits use.Itmust be of this quality and can then be added to medication. On the markets they sell [arsenic] in pieces resem~-
bling thin slices with soiland stone impurities.When they are added to medication and ingested [by patients」j, the harm they cause will not be minor [Chen] Cheng: QOn Mount Yu shan in 入in zhou is an arsenic wellL Tt is strictly shielded of by the authorities. [Arsenic] grows there without any stone/mineral impurities, and its
color is red, even more so than that of realgar. [Ingested] ground in cold water it resolves heat poison. [Ingested] after being exposed to fire,it will kill one.It is one of those “with a value no less than gold.”Ihose who trade [arsenic] on the markets
today take from the mountains that with stone/mineral impurities. Ihey heat it and by means of sublimation they produce a white frost. Ihese are small crumbs and needles. When the fire is excessive, the pieces will be big and slightly yellow. Ihey are those that are said to be“colored like goose egg [yolk] and clear'”In ancient recipes [arsenic of this quality] was never added to medication. It was used only by those cxperts who heat and refine it for use as clixirs. Nowadays, the people often use it to cure malaria. Howevep malaria basically is a harm caused by summerheat,and this item, as long as it is unprocessed, is capable of resolving heat poison. Todays common physicians do not investigate such underlying principles. Hence 了 When [this substance] is prepared with heat to a frost and then ingested, [patients」
inevitably will be affected by massive vomiting and discharge. Ihere are some who happily recoverafter such [atherapy],but those who will be harmedare many more.
Qne must be carefull In the beginning, when the [arsenic] frost is prepared With heat [sublimationj, the persons [engaged in this process] will take a position more
than ten 2z7zgc away in the direction where the wind comes from.In the direction where the wind blows, herbs and trees wi die. Also, they mix it With rice to poison fats/mice. Whenacatora dog eats the dead rats/mice, they will die too.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
The poison [of arsenic] is much more violent than that of the “archer.” % A variety originating in Mount Heng is less powerful than [arsenic] from 入in zhou. [Koul]
Z寢 ongshi: Nowadays it is obtained in Xin are often sealed ot and closed. In the pits completely before one may dig further to is called “arsenic yellow. Tts color is that
from pits dug into the ground. Ihese pits is aturbid, green water. Itis to be removed obtain [the arsenic]. Unprocessed arsenic of beef. Tt may include white stripes. It is
said to be astone/mineral butitis notastone/mineral. It is said to be soil but it is
not soil. Rubbed in wine and [the liquid] drunk serves to cure aggregation-iness accumulation of qi. Whenitis exposed to filre itwill be poisonous immediately and must not be ingested impetuously Ihe method to obtain [arsenic yellow]: Place unprocessed arsenic above filre and cover it With a vessel. Allow the fumes to rise and to congealonce they touch thevessel|[lcover]. Ihose that hang down one next to another like tips of stalactites are the best to be added to medication. Ihose that are fat and shortare of secondary value. Large pieces are of lower quality; fine slices are oflowest grade. [Li] Shizhen: Ihis [substance] is the seedling of ttin. Hence when
newtinvessels have held wine for as long as adayitcan kilahuman,because this is thepoitson of arsenic. Raw arsenic yellow with ared color is good. Processed arsenic frost With a white color is good.
【 修 刀 從 用 。【 多 是
治】【 悸 日】 凡 使用 , 以 小 瓷瓶 ,盛 後入 紫 背天 葵、 水 ,浸 從 申 至子, 出 拼 ,牙 入 瓶 用 巳 至 ,申 便 甘草 時 珍 曰】 草家 皆 言 生 磯 輕 見 火 則 毒 ,甚 而 氏雷 治 若用生者 烏 飛 鍊 ,者 蓋 皆 欲求 速效 , 不 惜 其 毒 ,也 侈
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Leil|
石 龍 敗 二 ,味 火 再 ,燉 別 研 三 萬下 法 用 火旗, 今所 用 愈乎?
入iao: For all [medicinal]} applications, place
[the raw arsenic] into asmall porcelain jar and add the two substances purple back 77zz/oz [herb] and 7zz7zz7zcz/Zz/7 ycz/e7zzzy [herb]. Calcine it With fire from the yzhours (oog:oo 一 Io:s59) to the y2ez hours (Is:oo 一 I6:59), and then soakitin waterin which 57Zycyyy2Zz [root] was cooked from _the vezz hours (T:oo 一 I6:59) to the >7 hours
(23:oo 一 oo:59). Remove it and wipe it dry. Give it into a jar and calcine it again. Then grind it three times ten thousand times before making [therapeutic] use of
it.[ 工 | Shizhen: Ihe [57
czo specialists say 了hat“when arsenic is only slightly
exposed to fire it wil be extremely poisonous.” But Mr Lei [Xiaojs method [of pharmaceutical preparationj “uses fire to calcine it.”Ihose who resort to it today
they mostly use heat sublimation.he factis,they al are interested inaquick effect they do not care about toxicity. Would it not be better to use it unprocessed?
653 S2e zoz7 和 射問[ 毒], “archers [poison]y” is identical with y2z gozg 射工[ 毒], “archer [poison], "andreflects an ancientnotion ofbugs thatlive in waters and shoot their poison at humans, causing disease. BCVGIM Dict L, 432.
C/2z27/e7 7oO
【 氣 】味 日】 砰 鍊 出 金 母、 獨
苦、 酸, 暖 , 有 毒 。【 時 珍 曰】 辛 、 酸 , 大 ,熱 有 大 土 宿 真 君 日】 礙 用 。【 章 綠豆 、 冷 、水 酪 。 入 藥 酯 殺毒 花 成 ,汁 化 銅 牙 。求 青 鹽 、 界 頂 、革 消 石、 森、 水 、共 常、 木 律、人 莒 浦、 三角 酸、 捧 不 食 、草 波 稜、 萬 苣, 皆 能
毒。【 大 明 用 石 草 制, 常 、山 敬 伏 磯。
Qi and Flavor. Bittep soup warm, poisonous. [Li] Shizhen: Acrid, soup very hot
Very poisonous. Da Ming: [Ingested togethep] it fears mung beans, cold water and Vinegar. It is added to medication and boiled in vinegar to kill its poison before it is used [for therapeutic purposes]. Iu suzhen jjun: When [the strength of] arsenic
is checked by heating it [in water] with herbs, a juice is generated with golden streaks forming on its surface. Tt wl transform copper and dries mercury 了Halite, C2/z7z22oz7zz77/ herb, nitrokalite, garlic, Water pepper, Zc27oz [root|, /27zz7zy seed, Ao-
c27z[fruid|, poplar resin zco7yzy [rootl Indian sorrel small fz7Zoe2Z2z [herbj], 77zZzc72 [herbj| zzeczzzcz [herb 闌 all these are able to subdue [the effects of] arsenic.
【 主 】治 磯 :黃 治 瘓 。化 陳 。承 磨 時 。珍 磯宁 : 療 治 婦 人 血氣 衝 心 獸。 時珍 。
站 ,服 諸 ,痛
疾 腎 ,氣 帶 之 辟 重 。虱 大 明 。 冷 水 磨 ,服 解熱 ,毒 治 治 闢 積 。氣 宗 。爽 除 和 購 喘 積 ,痢 爛 ,肉 蝕 瘀 腐 糊 凝 。 丫, 風 痰 在 胸 ,及 可作 吐 藥。 不 可 久 ,服 傷人 。 開 寶 。 落 。胎 大 明 。 蝕 闡 疸 敗 ,肉 枯 痔, 殺 螞 , 殺人 及 鎬
ControlL Arsenic yellow: It serves to cure malaria 過 ness and kidney qi [disorders. arried on ones body it wards of lice. Da Ming. Rubbed in cold water and [the liquid] ingested resolves heat poison and serves to cure phlegm obstruction. Chen Cheng. Rubbed [in cold water and the liquid] ingested serves to cure aggregation-ilness accumulations of qi. [Kou] Zongshi. It removes snoring, panting and accumulation With free-fux ness,% decayed flesh, erosion with stagnant [bloodl, festering and scrofula With pervasion-illness. [Li| Shizhen. Arsenic frost: Tt serves
to healall types of malaria,and wind phlegm inthe chestand the diaphragm region, and can serve as ecmetic. Tt must not be ingested for long lest it harm one. 人 2z7 2z2. It serves to cure women whose blood and di rush against their heart, causing pain. It causes abortion. Da Ming. EErosion with obstruction-illness and impediment過ness,5 and decayed Hesh. It dries piles. It Kills worms/bugs. Tt kills humans, and birds and animals. [Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 宗 水 飲 。【 之 琅
爽 日】 磯 町 閥 家用 , 或過 劑 , 則 吐 瀉 兼 ,作 須 煎 綠豆 純 日 】 閥 丹 多 用 太 夭 大 毒 之 藥。 本 草 謂 主 諸 站 風 導 在
汁 兼冷 胸膈,
654 了 7 痢 ,“free-fllx ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
655 攻 zg 及 闡 疸, “obstruction-illness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BVGIM Dict L 642.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
可作 吐 。藥 蓋 以 性 之 至 ,烈 大 能 燥 痰 。也 雖有 燥 痰 之 ,功 大 胃傷 氣 , 脾胃 虛 ,者 切 宜 戒 。【 之 時 珍 曰】 礫 大 乃 熱大 毒 之 ,藥 而克 寐 之 毒 尤 烈。 鼠 雀 食少許 即 ,死 貓 犬 食芯 人省 亦 ,殆 人 服 至 一 錢 許 亦 。死 雖 鉤 、吻 射 岡 之力 , 不 過 如此 , 而 人宋 著本 草 不 甚 言 其 ,毒 何 ?哉 此 亦 古 舉者 石 之 一 種 。也 右 得 酒及 燒酒 , 則 腐爛 腸胃 , 頃刻 殺人 , 雖 綠 豆 冷 水 難解 亦 。吳 今 之 收 瓶 酒 !或 飲酒 潛 受 其 毒者 , 不 者, 往往 以 煙礙 惠 ,瓶 則 酒 不 ,壞 其 亦 啼 利 仁者 徒歸 咎 於 酒 。耳 此 物 入不 湯 ,飲 惟 入 丹 。丸 凡 痰 閥 及 動 喘 用 ,此 真有 劫 病 立地 之 。效 但須 冷 大水 之 , 不可 飲食 杯 勺 之 ,物 靜 臣 一 日 或 一 ,夜 亦 不 作 吐。 少 物 引 ,發 即 作 吐 。也 其 燥 烈 純 熱 之 ,性 與 燒酒 、 焰 消 同 ,氣 寒 疾 濕 痰 被 其 劫 而 恒 鬱 頓 開 故也 。 今煙火 家 用 少許 , 則 爆 聲 更 ,大 急 烈 之 可性 知 葡 蕉 之人 。 若 咭 酒 膏 梁 ,者 非 其 所 ,宣 疾 亦 再作 , 於 吳。 此 藥 亦 止 宣 山野 不 慎 口 慾 故 。爾 凡 頭 瘡及 諸 瘡 見 血 ,者 不 可 用 。此 其 毒入 經必殺 人 。 李 樓 奇 方 雲: 一婦 病 心痛 數 年 不 。愈 一 醫用 人 言半分 , 茶末 一 ,分 白 湯 調下 , 吐 瘀 血 一 塊 而 。愈 得 日 華 子 治婦 人 血氣心痛 之 旨 乎 ? Explication.[Kou] Zongshi: Arsenic frost is used by malaria specialists. Sometimes
they overdose it and this causes vomiting and free flow at the same time. In such cases it is imperative to [let the patient] drink the juice obtained by boiling mung beans togetherwith cold water Liu Chun: Elixirs for malaria often use the verypoisonous medication arsenic frost. Ihe 25ezz cdz2says it controls all types of malaria and windphlegm in thechestand diaphragm region.Also,it can serve as an emetic. Ihe fact is, since its nature is cxtremely violent, it is quite capable of drying phlegm. But even though itcan dryphlegmy,itmassively harms the stomach di. Ihose [patients] With a spleen and stomach depletion must abstain from it. [Li|] Shizhen: Ihis is a
medication of massive heatand ofmassive poison.And the poison of arsenic frost is especially violent. When rats/mice and sparrows eat only asmall amount of it, tfhey will die immediately, When cats and dogs cat these rats/mice and sparrows, they too, wperish. Humans consuming up to one 7zzz will die, too. Even the strength of [the poison of」yellow jessamine and ve x27 27 zz.7zzz 7z Ze 治之 則 劍 如鐵 may be acorrupt version of the original wording quoted in 727z 2zzc )z an ch. 8I3, entry tie 鐵 ,“iron”from 2z 222# 二 十 洲 記 : >27 27 527 2e7zg 4.e zzo.7zz7 治 其 石 成 鐵 作 劍 ,/]his stone/mineral can be prepared to iron to make swords.
C0/z2/7 7o
states: ”Ihe diamonds originating in Da qin guo are also called jade knives. Large ones reach alength of more than one c2z. Small ones resemble millet or rice grains. When [onesuch piece] is attachedtoaringitmay serve to cutjade.' Seenfrom this, there are someverylarge diamonds. Iheyare identifiied by foreign monks as teeth of Buddha. lo distinguish genuine ones from fakes,one only needs to heat them until they have assumed ared colorand dip them into vinegar. ff they keep the same appearance as those not dipped into vinegar they are genuine.If [a diamond] appears to have become blunt, calcine it until it has assumed ared colorp letit cool and it
ww 讓 be sharp again. Hence the [people in the] West regard diamonds as analogous to thenature of Buddha,and they regard the antelope horns as analogous to unrest. The $2Z >2oz77zrecords that “in the floating sands of the Xi haia /z/7z zz stone/mineral exists that can be made toswords,Justlike iron.Itis as brilliant as crystal,and it cuts through jade as ifit were mud.”Ihese,too,are large diamonds.Also,among the animals are tapirs and “crafty hares/rabbits "that gnaw on iron. Ihey all can eat iron. Their excrements can be made into weapons that are able to cut jade. For details see under “tapir (5rr-o4) in the section “animals.
【 主 】治 磨 水 塗 湯 火 傷。 作 釵 環 服 ,佩 辟邪惡毒 氣。 時珍 。 ontrol Rub [diamonds] in water and apply [the liquid] to harm caused by scalding or fire. Processed into hairpins and rings they keep away evilb malign and poisonous qi. [Li] Shizhen. IO-26
石 邊音 綱目
read 272z7, 上 己 Gz7zg 222
用 777 5
Stone probe.
【 釋 】名 鐵 石。 Explanation of Names. Z2ez ,27 鐵石 ,“needle stone/mineral”
【 璞 傍 玉, 硬
集 解 】【 時 注 :雲 可 扁 水, 其 病 烏 可 以 烏 。鐵 之 遺 意 。也 但
珍 日】 案東山 經 :雲 高氏 之 ,山 生 麗 之 ,山 皆多 鐵石 。 郭 鐵 。也 系 問 ” 異 法 方 宜 論 雲: 東方 之 ,域 魚 監 之地 , 海濱 石亦 從東方 來。 王 冰 注 :雲 三 石 如 治 胡 石, 故 三 瘡 瘍, 其 宜 黃 古 者 以 石 烏 ,鐵 季世 以 鐵 代 ,石 今人 又 以 恣 鐵 刺 ,病 亦 石 之 屬 詞 之討 。 丰 石 無 識 ,者 量 即 姑
Collected Explanations. [Li
Shizhen: According to the 72zgp 27z 7Z7zg, in the
mountains of Grao shi and in the mountains of Fuli there are many iron stones/ 676 The 52zz 227 7zzg 山海 經, 及 zz 4,, 27g 52z7 7zg 東山 經, writes >2ez 租 , “needley”
“probey”instead of /z 鐵 ,“iron.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
minerals. In his comment, Guo Pu states: Ihey can be made into pointed stone needles. Ihe ASz oz in its treatise Yi fa fang yi lun, states:”The region of the ast, the land of filsh and salt, where beaches border on the water. Iheir diseases are sores and abscesses. For their treatment, stone probes are suitable. 本 cnce it is for sure
thatstone probes originated in the 紀 ast. Wang Bing in his comment states: Stone probes are like jade; they can be made into needles.”Ihe fact is, the ancients used stones to make needles. Over time, metal needles have replaced stone |needles」-
Today the people use porcelain needles to pierce diseases. Jhis is still based on the old idea underlying the use of stone probes. But given that nobody knows for sure what these stone probes werelikeitmay well be that they served as arrowtips.
【 附錄 】 Appendix IO-2o-Aol
。療 $27 zz
Stone arrowtip.
【 時 珍 日】 石 娠 出 獸 。慎 國 人 以 喬木 為和 ,撩 青石 欠烏 , 施 毒, 中 人 即 死。 州以青石 為刀 藤方 石生 山中 。 和 到 頁 州 州、 梁 州 皆 頁 ,煩 即 此 石 。也 又南 劍 , 如 鋼鐵 , 婦人 用 作 環 天。 琉 璃 國人 墾 田, 以 石 詞刀 , 長 尺 。餘 皆 此 類 也 。 [Li Shizhen: Stone arrowtips originate in Su shen. Ihe people there use the wood
of dead trees to make arrows, and they use greenish stones to make arrowheads. They apply poison [to these arrowheads] and anyone struck by them dies. Jhese stones grow in the mountains.“”Jhe arrowtips supplied by 丁 mg zhou and Liang Zhou, as mentionedinthe Yu gong [sectionofthe BookofHistory]j,are made from
this stone.Also,in the South,in Teng zhou,they use greenish stones and swords, as 放 these were copper and iron. Ihe women use them When the people of Liu li guo cultivate their filelds, they use these ploughshares ofalength of more than one c2z. A]| 了 ese are of that
to make knives to make rings. stones to make same group.
【 主 】治 刺 百 病 癱 腫 。 Control. Itis used to pierce obstruction-illness7 swelling associated with any of the hundreds of diseases.
677 zzg 癱 ,“obstruction-ilness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L 64r.
C/2z27/e7 7oO
越 砍 別 中錄 品 ez
F 弓 57z /z, middle rank
Whetstone from Yue.
【 釋 】名 磨刀 石
疙 、器 羊 肝 石
綱目 、 碼 石。【 時
珍 】 晶 尚 書: 州
州 厥 真矽
稱者 烏 羊肝 石, 因 形色 也 。 云: 砍 以 細密 烏名 , 太 以 粗 糖 詞 稱 。 俗 。 太 注 【 弘 景 日】 越 砍, 今 細 礦石 。也 出 臨 平 。 Explanation of Names.
羊 肝
2 Zz2 ,27 磨刀
石 ,“sheep liver stone,”Gz7zg 2
石 ,“whetstone,” [Chen] Cangdqi.
了7 527 磊
苞 zoo oz7
,“grindstone.” 石 [LI] Shizhen:
The AS2zzg 29z [states」: 本ng Zhou submitted whetstones as tribute [to the court| A commentary states: “Whetstones, 尿 抵 , are named so because of their fine substance matter. Grindstones,
五 礦 , are named so because of their coarse/unpolished,
,糖 substance matter”Their common name is “sheep liver stone”because of
their physical appearance and color [Tao] Hongjing: Yue whetstones, 8 選
越 克,
are todays fine grindstones. Ihey originate in Lin ping-
【 氣 】味 甘 , 無 專。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 目 盲, 止痛 , 除 熱 。癌 本 經。 磨 汁 點 目, 除 障 。矣 燒 赤 投 酒飲 , 破 血 疼痛。 藏 器。 Control. Blindness. Ihey end pain. Ihey eliminate itch caused by heat. 5ezz 并 7ze Theliquid obtained by grinding [metalin water] is dripped into the eyes to remove obstructive shades. lo drink wine into which [a coarse whetstone] was dropped that had been heated until it had assumed ared color w 訓 remove painful blood conglomeration-iliness.[Chen] Cangdqt
碼 。石 二 7‧ 史 oarse grindstone.
【 主 】治 破 宿 ,血 下 石 ,淋 除 結 ,痕 伏 鬼 物 惡 ,氣 燒 亦 投 中酒 飲 之。 人 言 踢 之 患 帶 ,下 未 知 所由 。 藏 器。 ControlL To break open residual blood to discharge [urinary] stone drippingy, to removenodular conglomeration名 ness andtobring down demonicitemsandmalign di drink wine into which [agrindstone] was dropped that had been heated until it had assumed ared color
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
IO-27-o2 磨刀
疙 。474o 2 )772.
Secdimentobtainced whensharpening knives.
一 名 龍 白 果粉 。 Alternative name: “powderfrom the white spring of dragons.
【 主 】治 傅 螺 果 尿 瘡, 有 效。 藏 器。 塗 療 聞結 核。 時珍。 ControlL An effective [medicationj to be applied to sores resulting from the urine of
earwigs.[Chen] Cangdqi.Jo be applied to nodular kernels of scrofula. [Li| Shizhen. ITO-28
薑 石 本唐 草 ,/727z 交2 上 匕 727z2 227z c2o.
Gringerstone. GravelL Calcium carbonate concretion.
【 釋 】名 硫 礙 石。【 時 珍 日】 董 石 以 形 。名 或 作 勵 。礫 邦 伯 溫 雲: 天 有 至 屄 , 地 有 至 ,幽 石 類 得 ,之 則 為 勵 礫 是 。也 俗作 硫 礙 。 Explanation of Names. OzzzZ#y27 硫化 .石 [Li] Shizhen: “Ginger stone”is named so because of its physical appearance. An alternative writing is 7zzzgZ# 碩 礫 , “gravel.'Shao Bowen states: “Heavens extreme self-will, and the earths extreme unfath-
ormability are gathered in these stones/minerals.”1Ihis is a reference to gravel. A common writing is zzzg 五 硫 礙 .
【 集 解 】【 恭 】晶 董 石 所 在有 之, 生 土石 間 , 狀如 董 , 有 五 種, 以色白 而 宗 爽 日】 所 在 皆有 , 須 不 見日 時 爛 不 雁 者 ,良 齊 州歷 城 東 者 ,好 打 無 。【 色 旋取 , 微 白 者 佳 。 Collected Explanations.[Su] Gong: “Ginger stones ”are found everywhere. Ihey grow between soill and rocks. Ihey are shaped like gingep and there are five kinds. Those that are white and pappy without flaws are fine. Ihose from east of Li cheng in
Qi zhou are good. Ihey are collected anytime. [Kou] Zongshi: [Ginger stones」
are found everywhere. Ihey are to be collected at atime when they will not be exposed to the sun. Ihose of aslightly white [color] are fine.
【 氣 】味
鹹, 寄 , 無 毒 。
Qi and Flavor. Salty, cold, nonpoisonous.
C/2z27/e7 7oO
【 主 】治 熱 豌豆 瘡, 丁 毒 等 腫。 唐 本 。 Control Pea sores caused by heat. Swelling associated with pin[崗 ness」]“7 and other such poison. 727ze 227z.
【 附 方】 舊 二, 新 三 。 Added Recipes. ITwo of old. Ihree newly [registered.
丁 毒 腫 。痛 白 芊 石 ,末 和 雞 子 清 傅 ,之 惕 即 ,易 丁
自 ,出 神 。效 儲氏 方 。
Painful swelling associated with pin[-ilness] poison. Apply ginger stone”powder mixed With egg white to [the affected regionj.- Whenithas dried replace it [with a fresh application]. Ihe pin will come out as aresult. Divinely effective. Czz y27 /z7zzg.
乳 塑 腫 。大 如 鏘 腫 ,痛 方 同 。上 外 臺 要秘 。 Breast obstruction-ness62 with amassive swelling.A painful swelling resembling abowl. Recipe identical to the one above. / 7 27 )z2.
產後 脹 衝 , 氣 。吵 硫 礙 石、 代 集。 古 十 丸, 酪 湯 。下 潔 保命 Distension following delivery sion.[Grindj] equal amounts and prepare With vinegar and patient] ingest 3o to 5o pills,
芷 石 等 ,分 烏 末 , 酯 糊 丸 梧 子大 。 每 服 三 五
with[qij rushing [upward] causing aqi gullet occluof “pginger stone”(Io-28) and iron oxide to a powder dough pills the size of zoz seeds. 上 ach time [let the to be sent down with a vinegar decoction. [Zhang
Jiegu, 22 22Z7 才
通 喘 水 。腫 昔 石 燒 ,亦 納 黑 牛 尿中 , 熱 服, 日 飲 一 升。 千
金方 。
Water swelling 和1 over the body Heat ginger stones until they have assumed a red colop give them into the urine of ablack ox and [let the patient] ingest the hot
[liquid]. Heis to drink one v2zze per day. 07Z27z.777z /7zg
678 zzg 丁 ,“pin[訕ness] also Zoe 療 ,“pin-iness, refers to adeep-reaching and festering
hardness in atissue, eventually rising above the skin like apinhead. BUVGIM Dict L, I27I2g. 679 玫 7zg
癱 ,“obstruction-iness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCGM Dict DL64r.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
和 797 7
麥飯石 宋 圖 經 5 上 匕 Songy 72777z0
Wheatmealstone. Porphyry
時 名 【 釋 】【
珍 日】 象 形 。
Explanation of Names. [Li] Shizhen:[Ihe name is to] reflect the physical appearance [of this substanceL上
【 集 解 】【 時 如 拳, 或 如 掀 如 ,米 其色 黃 佳 , 誤 。吳 此 麥 性故 耳 。
珍 ,卵 ,白 石
晶 】 李 迅 :雲 從 飯 石 處 處 或如 間 , 或 如 餅, 大 略 但 於 溪間 麻 中 石 尋 有 此 不 可 作 。磨 若 無此 石, 但 以
山 溪中 有 之。 其 狀 如握 聚 一 團 麥 狀 者 即 。是 古 人 舊 猴 磨近 齣 處
石 大 小 不 等, 或 ,飯 有 粒 點 如 豆 方 ,雲 曾作 磨 者 代 石 之, 取 其 有
ollected Explanation. [Li| Shizhen: Li Xun states:“Wheatmeal stones are found
everywhere in mountain rivers. he size of these stones varies. Some are as big as a fist, others are as big as agoose egg. Or they may resemble asmall cup,or aflat cake. In general, they are shaped hke a portion of wheat meal interspersed With grains thatmay be as big as beans orrice. Iheir coloris yellow-white.Ifin therivers among the coarse rocks [small stones] of this shape are found, then these are“wheat meal
stones. An ancient recipe states that those that have been used for grinding are fine, but that is wrong. Ihese stones cannot be used for grinding. Ifno such stone is available,it can be substituted with the teeth of astone mortar used to grind wheat. The reason is that they have come to possess the nature of wheat.
【 氣 】味 甘 ,
溫 , 無 毒。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, warm, nonpoisonous.
切并 意發 背。 時 珍。 【 主治 】 一 nes and impediment-illness ness Control. Al types of obstruct崗io
effusing [as
ulcers] on the back. [ 工i| Shizhen.
【 發 明】【 頌 日】 大 凡 石 多類 主 癱 疸。 世 傳 飯石 麥 ,膏 治 發 背 瘡 甚 ,效 乃 尹 脅之 以重 刑, 呂 寧 絕 中 黃山人 ” 呂 子 華 秘方 。 玥 員 外 吃 之 以 名 ,第 河南 火 赤 , 投 米 酪 中浸 之, 如 此 榮 望, 守 死 不 傳 其 。方 取 此 石 碎 如 棋子 , 詹 燒 十 次, 研 末 和 飾 細 , 入 乳 缽 內, 用 人數 更 碾 五 七 ,日 要 細膩 如 猴 , 四 兩。 鹿 角 一 ,具 要 生 取 連 腦骨 者, 其 自 脫 者 不 堪用 , 每 二 三 寸 截 ,之 如 火燒 煙令 68o ozg 及 闡 疾 , “obstruction-illiness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructlons/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body. Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through thesurface to cause an abscess. BVCGIM Dict LPL 642.
C/2z27/e7 7oO
盡 即 ,止 烏末 研 細 , 二 。兩 白 斂生 研 末 , 二 。兩 用 三 年 米 酯入 銀 石 器 內, 冉 令 魚 目 ,沸 旋 旋 入 藥 在 ,內 竹 杖 子 不 住 ,攪 敬 一 二 時久 , 稀 稠 得所 , 傾 在 盆 ,內 待 冷 以 紙 蓋 ,收 勿 令 塵 。入 用 時 , 以 令 鵝 拂 ,膏 於 腫上 四 圍 赤o 處 錢 洩氣 。 如 未有 膿 即 內 ,消 己作 頭 即 撮 ,小 已 潰 即 排 腊如 盡 塗 ,之 中 留 大 沁 。水 若 久 病 肌肉 爛 ,落 見 出筋骨 者, 即 塗細 布上 帖 ,之 乾 即 ,易 逐日 瘡 口 收 。斂 但 中 隔 不 穴 ,者 即 無 不 。癢 已 潰 ,者 用時 先 以 豬 蹄 湯 洗 去 膿血 , 不 以 口氣 吹風 , 及 腋 氣 、 手 觸動 , 嫩 肉 仍 可 瘡 故 吊 挹 ,乾 乃 用 。藥 其 切忌 後 日一 忌 等 。 初時 一 日 一 洗 一 ,換 十 日 二 月 、經 有 孕人 見 ,之 合 藥 亦 此 藥 極細 方有 效。 若 不細 , 塗 之 即 極 痛 。也 此 方 孫 真人 千金 月 令 已 換。 此 要 有 ,之 但 不 此及 詳 切 。耳 又北齊 ” 馬 明嗣 治 導楊 彥 背 ,瘡 取 粗 黃石如 挫 卵 大 ,者 猛火燒 ,亦 納 濃 酯 ,中 當有 屑 落 酪 ,中 再 燒 再 ,淬 石 至盡 , 取 屑日 袍 , 托 和 飾極細 末 , 和 酷 塗 ,之 立 。愈 劉參 錫 信傳 方謂 之 鍊 石 ,法 用 傅 瘡腸 無 不驗 。 Explication. [Su] Song: Most types of stones/minerals control obstruction-illness
and impediment崗 ness. 人6 Ihroughout the times a“wheat meal stone paste”has been used to cure sores effusing on the back with great success. Ihis is arecipe of Z/hongqiu shanreni.e.,LGuZihua.PeiYuanwaitried [to obtain his recipe] by luring him with fameand anacademic position. Ihe governorofHenan tried to force him [to deliver his recipe by threatening himj with severe punishment. But Lu [Zihual
resented glory and career and preferred to die rather than to give away his recipe. [Ihe preparation of this paste is a follows.] Break these[“wheat meal ]stones into
pieces as big as those used inaboard game. 了Heat them with a charcoal filre until they have turned red. Drop them into rice vinegar to let them soak there. Do this ten times. 紀 ventually grind them to apowder and pass it through afilne sieve. Give itinto a mortar and have several persons grind it for flve to seven days until it has become as fine and greasy as filour[IJhis is the main ingredient,of which] four /z7z [are required. A second ingredient is] afresh deer horn removed [from the head of
adeerjl with pieces of the [deers] skull still attached to it. [Deer horns] that have
fallen of by 也emselves cannot be used. Cutitinto pieces of two to three z7 length and heat them over acharcoal fire until they will no longer release any smoke. Ihen grind them to afine powder. Two Zzzze [are required. A third ingredient is] raw/
unprocessed 2z7 /z7z ground to apowder Two Zz7zg. 上 記 rice vinegar that has been stored for three years into asilver vesselandfryituntilit boils with fish eye bubbles. Then pour the [three] pharmaceutical substances into it stir [the mixture] contin-
uously with a bamboo stick and simmer it for one or two hours. When it starts to 68I gg 及 并 疾 , “obstruction-illiness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BVCGIM Dict L 642.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
become viscous pouritinto abasin.Wait until it has cooled down, with [the basinl
covered With paper lest dust might center it When itis to be used [for therapeutic purposes」j, take the paste up with a goose feather and completely cover all four and reddish sides of the swelling.Jn the center leave aregion as big as acoin free so that levill qq may be released there.If[the swelling] is without pus,it will dissolve inter-
nally. Ithere is alreadyatip [ofpus]itwill gradually decrease in size. Hithas begun to festerp the pus w 計 be pushed out like gushing water. In the case the disease has lasted for along time already with muscles and flesh having begun to rotand to fa oft, and With sinews and bones becoming visible, apply [the paste] to apiece of fine cloth that is then to be placed [on the affected regionj. Once it has dried,itis to be
replaced [with afresh application]. Ihe opening of the sore will close increasingly over the next few days. Howevep if the center remains closed and no hole opens [to release the pusj,acure will be impossible. When it has begun to festep prior to
applying [the paste] wash of the pus and the blood with a pig trotter decoction. Wipe [the affected regionl dry with some old silk and then apply the medication. Donottouch thesore with your hands,and donotblowyourqion the delicate filesh [ofthe sore].Also,while preparing this medication stay away from persons releasing lmalodorous] qi from _their armpits, from [women having their] monthly period
and from those who are pregnant.In the beginning, wash [the affected region] and replace [the medication With a fresh application] once per day After ten days, replace [the medication] once every second day Ihe pharmaceutical substances [used
to prepare this paste] must be ground to an extremely fine [powder] for the recipe to be effective. If they are not [ground to] a fine [powderj, the application [of the
paste] Will cause extreme pain. Ihis recipe was listed in Sun zhenrens 07z27z 777z )zz /77zo already, but not as detailed as it is recorded here. Also, Ma Siming of Bei Qi once cured Yang Z/unyan who had developed asore on his back. He resorted to a coarse yellow[ wheat meal ] stone the size of goose eggs, heated itonastrong fire until it had turned red, and gave it into dense vinegar. Ihis caused some scraps to descend in the vinegar. He then heated [the stone] again and dipped it [into the vinegar] again until the entire stone was used up.He thenremoved the scraps [from the vinegarj, dried them in the sun, ground them and sieved them to obtain avery fne powder Ihis he mixed with vinegarand appliedit [to the affected regionj, with
an immediate effect. Liu_ Yuxin in his C2z27z x7z7/ /z7zp has specifiled this method to refine,With heat,[ wheatmeal ] stones.When [this medication] is applied to sores
and swellingy it will be always effective.
C/2z27/e7 7oO
水中 白石 拾遺 $272/z >2972e 227 527 上 匕 527 )7.
White stonein water. Riverbedpebbles.
【 集 解 】【 時 珍 日】 此 石 處 處 溪 潤中 有 之。 大 藥 白 小者 。 黑白 二 ,色 入 用 Collected Explanations.
者 如 雞 ,子 小 如 者 指 ,頂 有
[ 工| Shizhen: Ihis stone can be found everywhere
mountain streams. Large ones are as big as chicken eggs; small ones are as big as fingertips. Ihey may be of two colors, black and white. For medicinal applications use small, White ones.
【 水中 風 頻
主 】治 七 療 癮 洗 ,之
食 魚 魚 ,多 脹 滿 成 ,站 痛 閃 , 日 漸 顧 。弱 取 數 十 枚 赤燒 , 投 五 升 篇, 熱飲 。 如 此 三 五 ,度 當 利 站出 也。 又 燒 淬 水中 , 納 覽 三 ,合 洗 。疹 居 器。 治 背上 忽 腫如 盤 , 不 識 名 。者 取 一 二 ,釗 燒 熱 投 水中 , 立 。疾 蘇 頌 。
Control. Overeatingofminced filsh,with bloating and asensation of fullness resultinginaconglomeration-illness, With pain and heart-pressure. Patients lose weight day after day and are weakened. 了Heat several tens [of such stones] until they have turned red and give them into five y2zzge of water seven times. Drink the hot [liduid|. Once this has been continued three to five titmes,afree-flux [defecation ww
serve to] release the conglomeration-illness. Also, they may be heated and dropped into water to which are then added three ezofsalt.[Use theliquid to] wash [regions afected by] wind itch and dormant papules. [Chen] Cangdqi. Jt serves to cure sudden swellingy the size ofabowlon the back, thatcannotbenamed. ake one ortwo cups [of these stonesj, heat them until they are hot and give them into water. [Use
this water] to repeatedly wash [the affected region]j.Immediately effective. Su Song-
【 人有發 】【 明 時 榆 根 等 煮 ,之 防風 、 葛 、子 枚。 足 百 ,日 龍 、血 青 龍 熟 如 ,芋 可 食
珍 】晶 昔人 有 煮 即 熟如 芋, 謂 之 之 屬 十 許 種 上 甘草 不 食 , 氣力 顏色 ,膏 皆 可 煮 石。 又有 。
石 為 石 。閏 烏 ,散 如 。故 引
得 ,法 抱 先 欲 石 ,散
即 朴 子 服 三 ,食 則 投
用 此 石 。也 其 :云 洛陽 道士 方寸 ,匕 乃 吞 飲 葵 ,湯 下 方 寸 ,匕 可 煮
用 法 胡 敬 汁 或地 董 威 辟 穀 :方 用 石子 如人雀 卵十 二 去 石子 。 又有 赤 一 ,斗 立 白 石子
Explication. [Li| Shizhen: Ihe ancients had amethod to boil stones to [substitute them for] food. Ihese were the stones listed here. Ihe method [wentlike this]. Boil
[the stones] with shallotjuice or With vz7zezzvo72z root.O0Once they are done, they are [as soft as] taro.[ Ihe resulting food] is called “stone gruelL
The 2z22zx7states: “The
Daoist Dong Weiof Luo yang had [lthe following] recipe to avoid cereals.|Grind|
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
ten or more [substances] like yo2y27z22072z root, Z7z27z7/2zr seceds and geZycyy727%2
lroot] to apowder First ingest the amount held by three square ˊz7z spoons. Ihen swWallow twelve such stones as big as sparrow eggs and you will be stuffed for Ioo days without eating anything. Your q strength and your complexion will remain unchanged.Tfyouare hungry drink amallow seed decoction. Ihis will cause adischarge of the stones. Also, there are red dragon blood and “greenish dragon paste. They 和 can be used for boiling the stones. Furthermore, there is a powder guiding the stones . Give as much as is held by asquare ˊz7/ spoon into water to boil one Zo2 of white stones. Ihey will be immediately done, resembling taro,and can be eaten. ITO-3I
河 砂 拾遺 了7e 522, 上 匕 527 )7
Riverbed sand.
【 釋 】名 矽 , 小 石 。也 字 從 少 ,石 會 意。 Explanation of Names. $2z
砂 are small stones. The character [y2z 砂 ] is a combi-
nation of the meanings of 52z2 少 ,“1Tittle,"and 527
【 主 】治 石 淋, 取 細 白沙
三 升 炒 ,熱 以 酒 三 升 淋 汁, 服
一 ,合 日 再 。服 又
主 絞 腸 沙 ,痛 炒赤 , 維 水 淬 ,之 澄清 , 服 一 二 。合 時 。珍 風 濕 頑 痺 不仁 , 筋骨 繼 縮, 冷風 癱 緩, 血 矯 斷絕 。 六 月 取 河 ,砂 烈日 暴 令極 ,熱 伏 坐其 中 , 給 即 易 。之 取 熱 徹 通 ,汁 隨 病 用 藥。 切 忌 風 冷 勞 役。 晟 器。 Control. For[urinary] stone dripping, fry three y2zze of fine, white [riverbed] sand lstones] until they are hot and soak them in three vezzg of wine. Ingest one se [of
thelquidj.Io be ingested twice aday Also, to controla twisting pain With cramps affecting the intestines, fry them until they are red, dip them into cold watep wait for the dregs to have settled and ingest one to two ge [of the clear liquidl. [Li
?Shizhen. Numbness and loss of sensitivy caused by wind and moisture, with contractions affecting sinews and bones. Paralysis caused by cold and wind, with the movementofbloodinthevessels interrupted.Remove sand from ariverin the sixth month and exposeittoaburning sun untilit has becomevery hot. [Let the patiend lie prostrate orsitin [the sandj.Whenithas cooled down,replace it with [hot sand again].- Keep up the heatuntil [the patient| sweats all over his body and in addition
apply medication suitable for his disease. 了He mustnotbe exposed to wind, cold and exhaustion.[Chen] Cangdi.
C/2z27/e7 7oO
方】 新 一。 【 附 Added Recipes. One newly [recorded.
。死 白 沙 ,炒 覆 死人 面上 下 , 惟 囂 七 ,孔 冷濕 即 。易 千 金 。
A person has died by drowning. Fry white sand [from ariverbed] and cover the dead persons face from top to bottom, leaving only the seven oriflces uncovered. When the sand has cooled down and turns moisty replace it [with hoty dry sand.
07z27z 7777. IO-32
槍上 砂 綢 目 $2go 522z7zc 522, 上 弓 Goz7zg 22
【 集 解 】【 時
珍 】晶 此
淘 米 構 。也 有 木
構 , 皆可 用 。
Collected Explanations. [Li Shizhen: Ihis is [sand from」] aladle used for washing
rice. It may be awooden ladle,or aladle made from agourd. Ihey can all be used.
暗 痛 , 及人 唇上 生 瘡 ,者 本 家 構上 【 主 】治 面上 風 ,栗 或 青 或 赤黃 , 隱 漲 刊 去 唇 砂 二 一 粒 , 即 。安 又 婦人 吹 ,乳 取 砂 七 ,枚 溫 酒 送下 , 更 炊 以 迪 枝 通 乳 。孔 此 皆 英 解 其 。理 時 珍 。 ControlL For facial wind millet [skin papules] that may be greenish or yellow-red, or that remain invisible with arough [skin] and pain, and for sores growing on the lips,scrape and remove from aladle of the [patients] familys household oneortwo grains of sand, and he will be in peace. Also, for inflated breast6“: of women, take seven grains [of sand] and have her send them down with warm wine. Oruse atwig
from apot-scouring brush to open holes in her breast. Ihe principles underlying 弓 these [interventions]j are not known. [Li Shizhen. IO-33
石 燕 本唐 莘 人 727 )g7z, 上 匕 727zo 227z7 co, Stone swallow. SpiriferfossilL
【 閩上 出, 凝
恭 曰】 永 州 。 祁 陵 集 解 】【 李 勤 日】 石 燕 出 零 。【 重 石 。也 俗 餘 之。 形 似 而 ,小 堅 如 , 掘 深 丈 取 領 日】 祁 陽 江縣 畔 沙灘 上 有 也 隨 雨 飛 蘆 ,者 記 。【 僵 似 石 者 ,佳 失 無 。【 時 宗 爽 日】 石 如 燕 蜆 蛤 之
一十 里有 土 陽 縣 西北 雨 自 石穴 中 雲 雷 則 因 之 。 或 雲生 洞 中 , 狀, 色 如 ,士 堅 重如
682 C2z77z27 吹 奶 ,also 2z7z7z 吹 乳 ,“inflatedbreast.”A condition ofblockedmilk afterbirth,y With the breasts turning red and swelling. BUGM Dict LIor.
石。 乃 燕, 助, 樂,
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
時 珍 日】 石 燕有 二 婦 既 無 羽 ,雖 焉 能 飛 ?出 其 言 近 。【 石 類也 , 狀 類 燕 而有 文 , 圓大 者 詞 ,雄 長 小 者 烏 。肉 一 似蝙蝠 ,者 食 乳汁 , 能 ,飛 乃 禽 類也 , 見 禽 。部 禽 石 與 鐸 乳 同 ,功 故 方 書 助 陽 藥 用 多 之。 俗人 不 ,知 往往 刊 于 方冊, 誤 矣 。
: 一 種 是此, 種 是 鍾 乳穴 中 石 燕 食 ,乳 食 之 補 此用 石 烏 助陽
Collected Explanations. Li 五: Stone swallows originate in Ling ling. [Su] Gong: Ten Z#northwest of Qi yang xian in Yong Zhou [stone swallows] are obtained by digging several 2zzg deep into the soil of a hill ridge there. Iheir physical appearance resembles that of blood clams (46-I4), but they are smaller. Ihey are hard and
heavylike stones.A popular saying is 了 at they are released from stone caves during thunderand rain,and that they fiy With the rain and then drop down. Ihat is non~ sense.[Su] Song: Ihey are found on the sandy beaches of the river banks of Qi yang xian. Some say that they grow in caves. Ihose that have become stiff like stones are fne. Ihey are collected anytime. [Kou] Zongshi: Stone swallows are shaped like corbiculas and clams. Iheir coloris that of soill they are hard and heavy like stones. As they lack wings,how could they have come out [of the caves] flying? Such sayings border on nonsense. [Li] Shizhen: Ihere are two [kinds of] stone swallows.
One variety is the one discussed here. Tt belongs to the group of stones. Its shape resembles that of swallows and it has aline design. Ihose that are round and big are males; those that are lengthy and small are females. Another variety are the stone swallows in stalactite caves. hey resemble bats. Ihey eat the juice [dripping] from the stalactites and they can fly Ihey belong to the group of birds. [For details] see the section “birds. As bird type stone swallows cat stalactites, to eat them has supplementary effects, identical to those of stalactites. Hence they are often resorted to in recipe texts as medication for supporting yang [q]. Ihe common people are unaware [of the existence of these two kinds]. Ihey often use these stones [indis-
criminately] as medication_ for supporting yang [qj, and this is printed in recipe books.Jtis amistake.
【 氣 】味 草 ,
閔, 無 琳 。
Qi and Flavor. Sweet, cool nonpoisonous.
【 主治 】 淋 ,疾 目 障 ,盞 諸般 黃 , 飲食 無 。味 三 ,日 以此 詞 月, 諸 疾 悉 平。
煮 汁 飲 。之 淋 ,瀝 久 患 婦 人 月 水 準。 亦 可 烏末 時 珍 ,。
婦 人 難產 , 消 ,洶 臟腑 淇 ,濁 赤 白 , 水 飛過 ,
兩 頻 ,瀉 帶下 多 每
各 手 把 一 ,枚 腸 風 站痔 , 年 ,者 每 日 半 服 錢 至
立 。驗 唐 。本 療 眼 年久 不 ,并 面色 虐 日 磨 汁 飲 。之 一 枚 用 一 ,錢 米 飲 。服 至 一
Control For [urinary] dripping 過 ness, boil them and drink the resulting juice. Women With dif 聘 cult birth hold oneof them in each handand this will take effect
C/2z27/e7 7oO
immediately 7z7zzg 2e7. Ihey serve to heal obstructive shades in the eyes, 和 types of [urinary] drippingy long~-lasting sufering from melting with thirst,653 recurrent outflow from the long-term depots and short-term repositories and intestinal wind With piles filstula that have not been cured for years. Also, [for patients] with a yel-
low complexion signaling depletion, who sense no fiavor when they eat and drink, and forwomen with acopious and muddy menstruation liquid and who have experienced aredand white [outflowj from below the belt for many years. Ihey should rub [stone swallows in water] each day and drink the resulting juice. Ihe usage of one such [stone swallowj will last for three days. Jhis should be the standard dosage. They can also be [ground to] apowder processed with aqueous sublimation. 了Half
a 772z7/ to one 772z7z is to be ingested each day to be ingested together with arice beverage.Within one month all such inesses wi have been cured. [Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 石 燕 性 ,涼 乃 利 竅 濕熱 行 之 。物 宋 人 修 本 ,草 以 食 鍾 乳 禽 石 燕 混 收 此入 石 燕下 。 故世 俗 誤 此傳 石 能 助 ,陽 不 知 其 正 反相 也 。 Explication. [Li] Shizhen: Stone swallows are by nature cold. Ihey are items that free the passage through the oriflces and stimulate the movement lout of the body|] of moisture and heat. When during the Song authors rearranged the 57 czo, they indiscriminately added those bird type stone swallows that feed on stalactites to the entry of the stone swallows discussed here. Hence an erroneous tradition has been continued through the ages insisting hat these stones are capable of supporting yang [q]. Itremained unknown that exactly the opposite is the case.
方】 舊 三, 新 七。 【 附 Added Recipes. Ihree of old; seven newly [recorded.
傷寒 尿 ,潛 小腹脹 。滿 石 燕 為末 , 敬 白 湯 半調 錢 , 脹 通 為 。度 聖惠 方 。 Harm caused by cold with rough urination, lower abdominal distension and asensation offullness.[Grind] stone swallows toapowderand|ingest] halfa 7zzz mixed With an onion decoction until the distension [is eliminated and asmooth] flow [of urine is restored|. $2e7zg 2z/7 /27zg
小 便 淋 。痛 石燕子 帖 ,
帖 用水
一章 ,
白 三 兩到, 七 ,枚 揭 泰 米大 , 新 桑 根 皮 廚
七 分,
午前 各 一
服 。
簡要 濟
拌 ,勻 分作 七 眾方 。
Painful urinary dripping. Pound seven stone swallows to pieces as big as millet or rice grains and mix them evenly With three Zzzeofnew white bark from amulberry tree root, cut into small pieces. Divide「the mixture] into seven portions. Boil each
683 參 zz2 &z 消 洶 ,“melting With thirsb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict VolL567.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
dose separatelyinacup of water down to7 parts [out of ten] and [let the patiend
ingest each time,on an empty stomach and prior to noon, one such dose../7z7z yo 及 272 /27zg.
血 淋 心 。煩 石 燕子 、 商 、陸 赤 下。 聖惠 方 。 調
小 、豆 紅
花 等 ,分 詞 末 。人 每
服 一 ,錢 葷白 湯
[Urinary] dripping with blood and heart unrest.[Grind] equal amounts of stone 陽ower to a powder. 上 ach time 色 /zccz [root]j, red mung beans and saf swallows, 22
ingest one 7zz7z to be sent down mixed with an onion decoction. $2e7zo 2z7./272
久 年 腸 。風 石 燕 磨 ,水 常服 勿 。歇 靈 死方 。 Intestinal wind lasting for years. Rub stone swallows in water and drink [the resulting liquid] regularly Without interruption. 了 7Z7zg yz27z Z27z2
赤 白 帶 ,下 多 年 不 。止 石 燕 一 ,枚 磨 水 ,服 立 。效 徐氏家
傳方 。
Red and white discharge from below the belt that has not ended for many years. Rub one stone swallow in water and ingest [the resulting liquid]. Immediately e+t-
fective. 六 zz 57.772 227z /7z.
宰 襟 吐 ,乳 醫 衛生 寶鑑 。
嗽 不 久
。愈 石 燕子
詞末 , 以 蜜 調 少 ,許 涂
唇上 , 日 三 五次 。
Splitting of milk of a newborn, With along-]asting cough that cannot be healed. lGrindj stone swallows to apowdep mixit with asmall amountof honeyand apply
itto[the childs]lips. Ihree to five timesaday 族 7y2e7ze 222.727z.
拳 毛 倒 。睫 石 燕子 一 雌 一 ,雄 磨 點 水 探 。眼 先 以 鏽 子 摘 去 拳 ,毛 乃點 藥 , 坤 意 。 以 水 洗 。之 乾 生 後 黃連 Inverted eyelashes. Rub one female and one male stone swallow in water and drip [the resulting liquidj into the [affectedj eye. First pick up the inverted eyelash with
apair of tweezers and then drip the medication.Finally wash the laffected eyej with c22Zy[rhizome] Water. 07z7z 2zz7z y2e7zg 如 .
牢 牙 止痛 。 石 燕 三對 , 火燒 末 。 指 ,之 州 芥 湯 漱口 。
酯 淬 七 ,次 青
覽、 乳 各 香 一 ,兩 細 辛半 兩 ,
To stabilize the teeth and end pain. Heat three pairs of [female and male] stone swallows over a filre and dip them into vinegar seven times. Ihen [grind theml
together with one /z7ze each of halite and frankincense and half a Zz7zo Of Zvz7z72 2e/eyo2ozzeyroot to apowder. Rub [this powderj on the[teeth] andrinse the mouth with asyc2z%27zeoezz [spike] decoction.
C/2z27/e7 7oO
Another recipe leaves out the frankincense
and the Zyz7zz7 2e/e7o2272Zey root and
一 方 去 乳香 、 細
辛, 加
麝香 。
adds musk instead.
齒 疏 不 。堅 石 燕子 五 ,對 火刀 米醋 淬 七 ,次 烏 末 , 青 勻 。 日用 措 牙 ,後 以 溫 酒 漱 嚥 。之 元 遺 山 方 。
鹽、 麝 各 香 少許 , 研
Teeth that are positioned distant from each other and are not firm. Calcine seven pairs of [female and male] stone swallows over a fire, dip them into rice vinegar
seven times and [grind them to]l apowder. Ihen grind [this powder] together With small amounts each of halite and musk to an even mixture. 世 very day after rubbing itontheteethrinse them with warm wineandswallow the [wine with the powder. zzz77 72277 /2729.
服 石 發 。動 石 燕子 七 ,筒 打 ,碎 水 三 ,升 煮二 升, 頻頻 聖濟 方 。
淋 ,洗 以 疾 為 度 。
resulting from an ingestion ofastone/mineral [medicationj]. Strike sev上 Excitement en stone swallows to pieces and boilthem in three y2ezzceof water down to two vezzg-
Again and again pour this over [the patient] until he feels cured. 52ezzg 去 zzz
Io-34 石 蟹 宋 開寶 727z 7ze, 上 匕 Songy 人 27 22z2. Stone crabs. Crab fossiL
【 集 解 】【 志 曰】 石 生 蟹 南海 , 云 尋常 是 蟹 ,爾 年 月 深久 , 水 相 沫 看, 因 化 成 ,石 每遇 海 潮 即 瓢 。出 又有 一 種, 入 洞穴 年 深 者 亦 。然 皆 細 研 水飛 , 入 諸 相 藥 助 用 。【 之 頌 日】 近 海 州 郡 皆有 之。 體質 石也 , 而 都 與 蟹相 似 , 但有 泥 與粗 石相 看了 。【 爾 時 珍 日】 按 顧玫 海欄錄 雲: 肉 州 。 榆林 港 內 半里 許, 士 極細 膩 , 最 ,寒 但 蟹入 則 不 能 運動 , 片時 成 石 。吳 人 獲 名之 石 蟹 , 赴 之 幾 ,案 云 明能 目 。也 復有 石 外 似 炙 , 出 海邊 。 石 魚 似 ,魚 出 湘 山縣 石 不 藥 。用 一 記統 言 , 鳳翔 “ 汪 陽 縣 西有 山 魚 了 , 掘地 破 石 得之 , 魚 ,山 並 入 云可 辟靈 也 。 Collected Explanations.[Ma] Zhi: Stone crabs grow in the Nan hai. It is said that
they are ordinary crabs thatin the course of many years because of constant contact With thefoam in the water are transformed and become stones. Whenever there is ahigh tide they are released |on the beach] by the waves. Ihere is another variety [of crabs] that undergo the same process after they have enteredacave. Both kinds are to be ground toafne [powder] that is then subjected to aqueous sublimation. Theyare added toall typesofmedication to support [their effects].[Su] Song: Ihey
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
are found in 和 the >z2oz and prefectures adjacent to the sea. Ihe substance of their physical body is that of stones, but they always resemble crabs. Howeverp there are mud or coarse stones attached to them. [Li] Shizhen: According to GuJjes 727 cz2 /z, “1n a distance of alittle more than half a Zzfrom the harborof Yulnin Ya
Zhou the soilis extremely fine and greasy Tt is very cold. When crabs enter it they are unable to move further on.A short time later they become stones. he people collect them and name them stone swallows. Ihey place them on atable, stating that they can clear the eyes. Ihere are also stone shrimps resembling shrimps; they originate in the seaside. Stone fish resemble fish. Ihey originate in Mount Shi yu in 入 iang shan xian. All these are not added to medications. The 五 7ze >27 says: In Feng xiangy in Qian yang xian,is a [place called] Shan yu long where [the peoplel dig into the earth and break rocks to obtain these [stone crabs]. It is said that they
can keep away moths.
【 氣 】味
鹹, 寄 , 無 毒 。
Qi and Flavor. Salty, cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 青盲目 ,淫 膚 荔 丁 ,疾 漆 瘡。 開 寶。 解 一 切 藥 毒 並 骨 毒 , 天 行 熱 疾 , 催生 落 ,胎 療 血 ,運 並 熱 水 磨 服。 大 明 。 酪 摩 傅 癮 。腫 熟 水 磨 ,服 解 金 石 。毒 蘇 頌。 Control. Green blindness and excess skin [affecting the eyes]. Skin aa&ms covering the eye and aams [reaching deep into the eye like a] pin. Lacquer sores. 人 27 2z2. They resolve 紀 types of medication poison and gzz poison,《* as well as epidemic heat iness. Jo expedite birth and stimulate the descend of the fetus, and to heal
blood induced [brainj movements, rub them in hot water and [let the womanl|
ingest [the resulting liquid|. Da Ming. Rub them in vinegar and apply [the resulting liquid] to swellings associated with obstruction崗 ness.和 Jo ingest the [liquid resulting from」rubbing them in boiled water resolves the poison of metals and stones/minerals. Su Song-
684 Gz 四 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. Qriginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bugy, the only creatureinaclosed jar surviving competition with_ hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. The resulting disease was termed oz Zz 晶 專 ,“gzpoison(Ging)."BCGM Dict LIor. 685 zzg 癱 ,“obstruction-ilness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L 64r.
C0/z2/7 7o
【 附方】 新 一 。 Attached Recipes.One newly [recorded.
喉 痺 腫 。痛 石 蟹 磨 水 ,飲 並 涂 喉 。外 聖
濟錄 。
Swollen and painful blocked throat. Rub stone crabs in water and drink [the result-
inglquid]. At the same time,rub it from outside on the throat. S$2ezzg 肌 Z.
Io-35 石 蛇 宋 圖經 $2752e, 上 匕 Songy 7 弘77z2o.
Stone snake. Ammonite.
【 集 解 】【 頒 】晶 石
蛇 南海 出
水 山石 旁 間 , 其
形 盤 屈 如 ,蛇 無 首尾 ,
空 , 紅 紫 色 , 以 左 盤 者 。良 又 似 車 ,螺 不 知 何 物 所 。化 大 抵 與 石 蟹 功用 亦 相 。【 近 宗 學 日】 石 蛇 色 如 古增 上 士 , 髮 結 如 查 萊大, 空中 , 已細 一 。等 不 與 石 蟹 同 。類 蟹則 真 蟹 所 ,化 蛇 非 真 。蛇 今人 用 之 絕 蟹 之則 化 時 珍 曰】 按 寬姚 西 溪 叢 話 :雲 南 恩 州 海邊 有 石山 著 , 每 過 蛇過 亦 。然 此 說 不 知果人 否 ? 若 ,然 則 石 蛇 亦 真 所 蛇 化矣 。
同類 , 兩 頭 。【 少 烏石 ,
ollected 上 xplanations. [Su] Song: Stone snakes originate in the rocks of the mountains adjacent to the water of the Nan hai. heir physical appearance is coiled like snakes, with neither head nor tail. Ihey are hollow inside, and of red-purple color. Ihose coiling to the left are good. Ihere are also wheel-shaped snails but it is unknown from what items they have transformed. Generally speaking, they belong to the group of stone crabs. Iheir [therapeutic] potentials are similar. [Kou] Zongshi: Ihe color of stone snakes is that of soilon an old wall, and their coils are as big as pears. Ihey are hollow inside, and their two ends are of equal size. Ihey do not belong to the group of stone crabs. [Stone] crabs are transformations of genuine crabs.[Stone] snakes are not [transformations of ] genuine snakes. Ihe people of today rarely use them. [Li Shizhen: According to Yao Kuans 入 7 x7 27zg 2zzz, in Nan en Zhou by the seaside the mountain rocks form aprotrusion. Whenever crabs pass by it they will transform to stones. he same happens to snakes. It remains to be seen whether this statement is true.Tf it is, 了 en stone snakes, too, are transformed real snakes.
【 氣 】味
平, 無 兩 。
Qi and Flavor. Salty, balanced, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 解 金 石 毒。 蘇 頌。 ontrol. It resolves the poison of metals and minerals. Su Song-
/2e zz Cz2 Gz7zg 4 IO-36
石盡 宋 開 寶 27 cg7, 上 匕 ongy
大 27 22z2,
Stone silk worm. Coralstone fragpment.
【 釋 】名 石
僵 田 綱目 。
Explanation of Names. $277zz7g zz 石 便
蘆 ,“stone stif silk wormy”Gz7zg 22.
薈生 海晨 石 旁, 狀如 薄 , 其 實 石也 。 【 集 解 】【 志 日】 石 ollected Explanations.[Ma] Zhi: Stone silk worms grow onrocks at the seashore.
They are shapedlike silk worms,but in fact they are stones.
【 氣 】味 苦 , 熱 , 無 毒,【 爍
雇 日】 苦 ,
Qiand Flavor. Bittep hotb nonpoisonous.
熱 , 有 毒,【 獨 孤 滔 日】 制 丹 砂 。 2.Ze: Bitterp hot, poisonous. Dugu Tao:
Tt checks [the effects of] cinnabar
【 主 】治 金 瘡, 止血 生 肌 。 破 石 淋 血 ,結 磨 服, 當 下
碎 。石 開 寶。
Control. Wounds caused by metal objects/weapons.Tt ends bleeding and stimulates the growth of muscles. It breaks open_[urinary] stone dripping with blood knots. Ingested ground it w 訕 cause the discharge of stone fragments. 人 27 2z2. IO-37
石 艾 綱目 $77 2Ze, 上 匕 Crz7zg 222
Stone turtle. Septarian nodule,
【 集 解 】【 時 珍 日】 石 生 乾 海邊 , 形狀 大小 例如 廣 晶 , 蓋 亦 化 成 。者 遍 日 俗名 士 坦 。 ollected Explanations. [Li] Shizhen: Stone turtles grow at the seaside. Iheirphysical appearance, shape and size resemble those of ground beetles. Ihat is, they too,
are the results of a transformation. Grround beetles are commonly called “soil tures
【 氣 】味 甘 , 閔 , 無 毒。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet, cool, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 淋 疾 血 ,病 磨 水 。服 時珍 。 Control For [urinary] dripping
山ness and blood diseases, rub [the substance] in
water and ingest [theliquid]|. [Li] Shizhen.
C0/z2/7 7o
蛇 黃本 唐 草 Sec 2z/g72gy 上 匕 727zo 2e7z Co,
Snake yellow/bezoar. r. Nodulariron pyrites,ferric sulphide. 2.Limonite, ferric oxide,。
【 集 解】【 恭 日】 蛇 黃 出 領 ,南 蛇 腹 中 得 ,之 圓 重 如 ,錫 黃 黑 青有 雜 色 【 記 日】 蛇 多 黃 赤色 , 有 吐出 ,者 野人 或 得 之。【 頒 日】 今 越 州、 信 如 有 。之 今 醫 所用 , 云 是 蛇 冬 壺 時 所 含 ,士 到 春 發 勢 吐 之 而 ,去 大 彈丸 時 珍 日】 是 堅如 石 , 外 黃 內 黑色 , 二 月 粹 。之 與 人鈴 說 不 ,同 未 知 孰 。【 石 之, 以 其 同 黃生 腹 中 , 正如 牛黃 之 。意 世 人 因 其 難得, 衣 以 蛇 含 代 士人 九 月 掘下 七 八 ,尺 始 得 蛇 ,黃 大 蛇 故 。爾 廣 西平 南 有縣 蛇 黃 ,岡 辛 冊 :雲 蛇 含 自 是 一 種 ,石 云 蛇 雞 ,子 小 者 如 彈丸, 其色 毗。 庚 玉 化 黃 ,石 不 稽 之 言 。也 有 人 掘 蛇 尋窟 之, 並 時 , 含 圭 一塊, 起 壺 時 作 說。
。 州亦 , 蛇 出於 者如 入報 無此
ollected Explanations.[Su] Gong: Snake yellow originates in Ling nan. It is ob~tained from within theabdomen of snakes. lt is round and heavy like tin.Jtmay be ofamixed yellow black and greenish color [Ma] Zhi: Snmake yellow is mostly of red color. Specimens that are thrown up [by snakes] are occasionally found by people zhou. 和 in the wilderness.[Su] Song: Nowadays,it is also found in Yue zhouandX in
Thatused byphysicians today is said to be soil held by snakes [in theirabdomenjin Winter during hibernation. By the time of spring when they come out of hibernation, 也ey throw it up and leave it behind. Itis of the size of abullet, and it is hard likeastone.Externaliyitis of yellow colorinternallyitis of black color.Itis collectedin thesecondmonth. Ihis is different from past records anditis notknown what is correct. [Li] Shizhen: Ihat snake yellow grows in the abdomen [of asnake] is the
same idea as that cow yellow/cow bezoar [grows in the abdomen of cows]. Because [snake yellow] is difficult to obtain, the people substitute it with“stones held by
snakes, as they too originate in snakes. In Gruang xi,in Ping nan xian,is a snake yellow ridge. In theninth month,thelocal people there dig seven to eight c2z deep to obtain snake yellow. Large specimens are as big as chicken eggs.Small ones reach the size of bullets. Ihey are of purple color. Ihe Gezzze x77z )z/ ce States: “The [stones」
held by snakes are avariety of stones. lt is said, when snakes enter hibernation, they hold [in their abdomen] apiece of soil. When they come out of hibernation, [this
stone] has transformed to ayellow stone. But this is an unfounded statement. Ihere are people who have dug out snake caves in search of these [stones]j, but there has neverbeenarecord that[hese stones] were found。
/2e zz Cz2 Gz7zg 4
【作 治 】【 大明
曰】 入
三 次, 研 末 水 藥 , 燒赤 酪 淬 四
飛用 ,。
Pharmaceutical Preparation.Da Ming: Io add [snake yellow] to medication,heat it
until it has become red and dip it into vinegar three to four times. Ihen grind it to apowdep process it with aqueous sublimation and make use of it. 【
氣味 】
冷 ,
毒 。
Qi and Flavor. Cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 心 痛 症 ,性 石 ,淋 小 兒 驚 ,癇 婦人 產 ,難 以 水 煮 研 服 汁。 唐 本 。 鎮 心。 大 明 。 磨 ,汁 塗 腫 專。 時 珍 。 Control For heart pain with attachment iness6 and [being visited by] hostility lurinary] stone drippingy fright epilepsy of children and dificult delivery of womeny boil[snake yellowj in watep grindit [in the water to apowder] and ingest the juice.
7z7zg 2e7z. It calms the heart. Da_ Ming. Grind it [in water to obtain a] juice and apply this to aswelling with poison. [Li] Shizhen.
方】 新 六。 【 附 Added Recipes.Six newly [recorded
暗 風 癇 。疾 忽 然 仆地 , 不 知人 事 , 良久 方 。醒 蛇 ,黃 火 沁 酪 淬 七 ,次 但 末 , 每 調 酒 服 二 ,錢 數 服 。愈 年 深 者 亦 。效 危氏 得效 方 。 Dim-visionwindand epilepsy 崗 ness,Wwith [patients]suddenly falling to the ground,
notrecognizing persons oranything else,andregaining their consciousness only after along time. Calcine snake yellow overafire and dip it into vinegar seven times. Then[grindittojapowder.EEach time [letthepatient] ingesb_ mixed with wine, two
7727z. A cure will be achieved after several ingestions.[Ihis recipe] is effective even [the disease] has ]asted for years. Wei shi, /z xzz2./27zg.
擎 風 癇 。開 神 穴 :諒 治 急 鷗 、風 癇 、疾 刀過 , 儿 豬 尿 二 兩 小 者 泥 固 過 , 鐵 末 , 燃 粉 糊 炙丸 子 大 , 漆 盤 晒 。贅 看 一 ,丸 薄荷 酒 化下 , 立 班。 凍 ,熱 冷水
天 、中 辣 熱 等 證。 用紫色 蛇 四黃 兩 粉 一 ,兩 朱砂 半 兩, 麝香 一錢 , 詞 之 每盡 有 一 小 ,穴 故名 神 穴 。髓 每 服 化 。下 靈郊 方 。
686 Z2z 症 , also x2z 注 , “attachment-ilness,/ “influx崗 nesss,”reflects anotion of aforeign pathogenic agent, oripinally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism. BCUGM Dict 688-695.
C0/z2/7 7o
Frightwind, 擴 epilepsy oz 出ness. Ihe “divine cave clixir. It serves to cure fright 689 Wind, epilepsy lness, being hauled by heaven,“? gzz崗ness with heat, and other such conditions.「[「Grind] to apowder four /zzp of calcined purple colored snake
yellow two /z7zce of the excrements of a castrated pig, with_ small pieces firmly Wwrapped With mud and calcined, one zzzge of iron powderp half a /z7zg of cinnabar and one 7zzz of musk. Prepare [this powder] with glutinous rice powder paste to pills the size of 7zzz seeds and dry them on alacquer plate in the sun. When one inspects themy each p has asma1 cave. Hence they are called divine cave elixir Each time [let the patient] ingest one pill, to be sent down dissolved in mint Wine, and he wilicometolife againatonce.For ozz加ness with heat,have [the pills] sent down dissolved in cold water. 了 77zo )zz277 7
小 兒 項 軟 因 風 虛 。者 蛇 含 石 一 ,塊 刀 七 ,次 醋 淬 七 次 ,研 販 金 末 , 入 麝香 少許 , 白米 飯 丸 龍眼 。大 人 每 服 一 ,丸 薄荷 湯 化 ,服 一 幼 書 。 活 全
等 ,分 詞 日 一服 。
Soft neck of children caused by wind and deplettion. Calcine one “stone held by a snake”seven times, dip it into vinegar seven times and grind [it to apowder]. Ihen [lgrind it] together with an equalamountof turmeric [root] to apowdepaddasma armount of musk and prepare with_white cooked rice pils the size of 77z2c2772Zy
[fruit|.Each time [let the patientj ingest one pill, to be ingested dissolvedinamint
decoction. One ingestion aday. 號 z2 ) 交2 7Z277 5722/.
閥 站鬼 , 食 。丫 蛇 含 末 石 一 ,兩 信和 石末 一 ,兩 研 ,怕 入 水 火 鼎 內, 上 以 竟 ,蓋 六 一 泥 固 ,濟 糙 藥 升 在 ,音 刊下 烏 末 , 米 糕 糊 丸 綠 豆 大 , 雄 黃 為 衣 。 每 服 一 ,丸 黑豆 研 ,水 五 更 送 。下 摘 玄 方 。 Miasmatic malaria, demon malaria, food malaria. Gurrind to an equal mixture one
/zz7zzce of stone held byasnake powderand one /Zz7zeofarsenic powder. Give it into acauldronusedin water-flre processingand closeitwith asmali cup. Firmly seal it With earthworm excrements. Ihen calcine [the cauldronj until the medication has risen to the small cup. Scrape it offp[grind it to] a powder and prepare, With rice
cake paste, pills the size of mung beans,to be coated with realgar. 弓ach time |let the 687.7zzz/ezg 彷 風 ,“fright wind,”acondititon of children characterised by jerking and arched back rigidity eyeballs turned upward, and twitching hands and legs.BCUCGM Dict 26r, also 238, 24o. 688 Gzz 凍 ,“gzz-ness,”also: “sweets訕ness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCGJIM Dict
689 77z7z Zzz2 天 ,中 “hauled by heaven”serves to reflect the arched back ripidity of infant patients affected by7zzg/ezc 汞 風 ,“frightwind.”"THencethetwotermsareoften combined
to 4zz Zzz2.777zc
7zg 天 中 和藤 風 ,“hauled by heaven fright wind."BCGM Dict
/2e zz
Cz2 Gz7zg 4
patient] ingest one pi to be sent down in the early morning With water in which black beans have been ground. /Z2z7 xz27z./27z2.
血 痢 不 止。 蛇 含 石 二 ,枚 火 悶 醋 ,淬 研 末 。人 每 服 三 。錢 米 飲 。下 普 濟方 。 Bloody free-fHux lness65 that does not end. Calcine two_ stones held by asnake overafire and dip them into vinegar. Ihen grind them to apowder. Each time [let the patient] ingest three 7zz7z, to be sent down with arice beverage. 及 / 琶 zz
腸 風 下 ,血 脫肛 。 蛇 二 黃 顆 , 火婦 酪 淬 七 ,次 詞 末 , 每 服 三 ,錢 陳
下 。 普 濟方 ,
Intestinal wind with discharge of blood and anal prolapse. Calcine two pieces of snake yellow over a fire, dip them into vinegar seven times and [lgrind them」jtoa powder. 弓ach time ingest three 7zz7z, to be sent down with along keptrice beverage. 才 和 7
Io-39 霹 震 左 抬遺 7 Z 22e7z, 上 匕 527 )7,
Thunderboltanvil. Mieteorite,
【 釋 】名 雷 。【 楔 時 Explanation of Names.
days [the characters >2ez Wwrong-
珍 】晶 舊作 針
及 ,屑 誤
7 xze 雷 楔 , “thunderclap peg.”” [Li] Shizhen: In the old
磺 and xze 楔 ] were written >2e7
針 and xze
屑 .That was
【 集 解 】【 藏 器 日 】 此 物伺候 震 ,處 掘地 三 尺 得 。之 其 形 非 ,一 有 似 基 有妃 者, 到 刀 ,者 有 安 二 孔 。者 一 雲 出 雷 ,州 並河東 山 澤 。間 因雷震 後 得 者 。 多 似 ,萄 色 青 黑 斑 ,文 至 硬 如玉 。 或 言 是人 間 石 造, 納 與 天 ,曹 不知事 實 。【 時 珍 日 】 按 雷 書 :雲 雷 萄 如 ,芥 鋼鐵 詞 。之 雷 磺 似 ,磺 乃 石也 , 此 黑色 。 雷 鑰 重數 上 ,斤 雷 鑽 長 尺 ,餘 皆 如 鋼鐵, 雷神 以 劈 擊物 物 者。 雷 環 如 玉環 , 乃 雷 所 神 珮 遺 落 。者 雷 珠 乃 神 龍所 含 遺下 者, 夜光 滿 。室 又博物 志 云 : 人 間 往 往 細見 石 如 形 小 ,萄 名 秘 靂 ,萄 一名 靂 靂 。楔 玄 中 記 ,云 玉門 之 西有 一 ,國 山上 立 ,廟 國 人 年 年 出 ,鑽 以 給 雷 。用 此 論言 。也 雷 雖 陰陽 二 氣 激 有薄 聲, 實有 神 物 司 ,之 故 亦 隨 萬 物 啟 土, 穫 鑽 磺 銓 實物 皆 。也 卅 日 天 在 成 ,象 在地 成 ,形 如 星 隕 烏 石。 則 雨 金 石、 雨 栗 麥、 雨 毛 及 血 諸 異 物 ,者 亦 地 在 成 形 者 乎? 必太 虛 中 有 神 物 使然 。也 陳時 蘇 紹 雷 逛 重 九斤 。 宋 時 沈 括 於 震 木 之 下 得 雷楔 , 似 芥 而 無 。孔 鬼 神 之 道 幽 微, 誠 不可 究極 。 ollected Explanations. [Chenj Cangqi: For this item, wait until a [thunderbolt
has struck somewhere and dig there three c27 deep to obtain it. It occurs in different 69oo 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
C0/z2/7 7o
physical appearances. Jtmay resemble the blade of an axe or the blade of aflle, and there are those With_ two holes. 匕lsewhere it is said that it originates in Lei zhou, and in the mountains and marshlands of He dong. Ihose found after a thunderclap has struck often resemble an axe. Ihey are greenish-black and have spots and aline design. Ihey are as hard as jade. It is also said that they are made from stone by humans as an offering to the administrators in heaven. lt is unclear whether this is so indeed. [Li Shizhen: According to the zz,“thunderclap axes resemble axes
and are made of copper and iron. Ihunderclap anvils resemble anvils and consist of stone. Ihey are of purple-black color. Ihunderclap hammers weigh several Zyz. Thunderclap borers are more than one c2z long. Ihey 和1 resemble [utensils made from」steel and iron. Ihey serve the thunderclap god to cut apart items and hit items. Ihunderclap rings resemble jade rings. Ihey are ornaments inadvertently lost and dropped by the thunderclap god. Ihunderclap pearls are the ones held in the mouth by spirit dragons that have fallen [on the ground]|. Bynight they shine and 記Iuminate a room. Also, the 522 zoz 2%27 states: “Among humans fine stones are observed frequently 了 at are shaped like asmall axe. Ihey are called thunderclap axe; another name is thunderbolt peg.”Ihe 和 zz7z 2o7zg 諷 states: “West of Yu men is a country With a monastery on a mountain. 弓very year the inhabitants of that country release borers and give them to the thunderclap [god] for his use.”This is an erroneous saying. Ihunderclap is asound caused by the clash of yin and yang di but this is controlled by gods. Hence it commences and ends just like al the other myriad items. Axes, borers, anvils and mallets are al real items. ]t is said that these
are images in heaven that assume aphysical appearance once they have reached the earth.Justlike stars that have fallen [from the sky on the earth] and become stones.
Now whenitrains metals and stones,When itrains millet and wheat, when it rains
hair and blood and all types of strange items,1s it that they too, assume aphysica appearance when they are on the earth? Somewhere in the great void there must be some god who is responsible for all this. During Chen times, Su Shao obtained a thunderclap mallet weighing nine 7z7zz. During Song times, Shen Kuo found a thunderclap peg underatree struckby [athunderbolt]. Itresembled an axe but had
no holes. Ihe WAY of demons and spirits is obscure and invisible. It really cannot be investigated to its very end.
【 主治 】 無 毒 。 主大 驚 失 心, 恍惚 不 識人 , 並 石 ,淋 磨 汁 ,服 亦 煮 。服 作 枕 , 除 魔 夢 不 。祥 藏 器。 刊 末 服, 主 療 ,疾 殺 勞 ,晶 下 弗 ,毒 止 洩 泄。 置 箱 實 間 , 不 生 蛀 日。 諸 雷 物 珮 ,之 安神 定志 , 治 驚 邪 之 。疾 時 珍 , 出 雷書 。 Control. Nonpoisonous. It controls massive fright and aloss of heart [gqij, With
absentmindedness and an inability to recognize persons. lo end |[urinary] stone
/2e zz
Cz2 Gz7zg 4
dripping rub it [in water] and ingest the resulting Juice.It is also possible to boil [it in water]andtoingest [theliquid|.When prepared as apillow it keeps away inaus-
picious nightmares.[Chen] Cangdqi. A powder scraped from it controls consumption 崗 ness, Kills exhaustion worms/bugs, serves to discharge ez poisone?' and ends outflow. placed intoachestbetweenbedding itprevents the growth ofmoths and worms/bugs. All thunderclap items [listed above] when worn as ornaments serve to pacify the spirit, to stabilize the mind and to cure illnesses associated with fright evil. [Li| Shizhen, quoted from zz 22.
雷 綱目 墨 了 7 7729, 上 弓 Gz7zo 222
Ihunderclap ink.
【 集 解 】【 時 珍 日】 按 雷 書 :雲 凡 雷 書 木石 , 謂 木 ,杞 入二 三 ,分 青 黃 砂 成 , 以 雷 楔 書 。之 或 雲 篷 萊 山 石 脂 所 書 。 色 。 或 :雲 雄 、黃 青 、扛 丹 合
雷 州 每 雷雨 大 ,作 飛 下 如 沙 石, 大 者 如 ,塊 小 者 如 ,指 堅硬 如 石 , 黑色 光 石 雖 後, 人 計 野 中 得 如 州 艷 至 。重 劉 愧 仿 表 錄 :雲 雷 驟雨 國 補 雲: 雷 州 多 ,雷 秋 墨, 扣 之 錚 ,然 光 瑩 可 。愛 又李 肇 史 世 , 人 气 取 食 。之 觀 ,此 則 雷果 有 物 吳 。 ollected Explanations.[Li] Shizhen: According to the
,石 謂 之 雷公 則 伏 ,幫 狀 如
7,2z, “a1]1 woodand stone
[tablets] written With thunderclap [ink] are called “wooden slabs.[Ihe ink] enters
them two or three /zz deep;it is of greenish-black color. It is also said: [Ihunderclap ink] is made from realgarp indigo and cinnabar and a thunderclap peg is used to write_ With this [ink]. Elsewhere it is said: It is written with halloysite from the
mountains of Peng ]ai. In Lei zhou whenevera strong thunderclap and rain occur items like sand stones fiy [in the air] and fal down [on the ground]. Ihese may be
large chunks orsmall pieces as big as afilnger. Ihey are hard like astone. hey are of black colop release abeautiful hightand are very heavy LiuX 入 un in his 77zo 2722 / states: In Lei zhou, after a heavy shower the people in the wilderness flnd stones resembling black stones. Ihey call them the thunderclap lords ink.When knocked they release asound of metalb and their luster is lovely Also, Li Zhao in his Gz2 y27 states: “In Lei zhou there are many thunderclaps. In autumn, [the thunderclaps
hide and go into hibernation, shaped like pigs. Ihe people dig them up and eat them. Seen from this,thunderclaps truly include tangible items. 6oI Gz 旻 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. Qriginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bugy the only creatureinaclosed jar surviving competition with hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. The resulting disease was termed oz Z 同 專 ,“oz poison(Ging).“" BCGM
Dict LIor.
C0/z2/7 7o
【 主 】治 小 兒 驚 ,癇 邪 魅 諸 ,病 以 桃 符 湯 磨 服 即安。 時珍 。 Control Fright epilepsy of children. All types of diseases associated with evil gob~lins.Grind [thunderclap ink] with adecoction prepared from peach wood talismans
and [the patient] wi be in peace. [Li| Shizhen.
草 本 綱目 277 22 oz7zg 2222
石 目錄 部 Sectlon Stones/Miinerals, ontents
第 十 一卷
石 之 五 國 石 類 二 十種 Stones/JMlinerals V, Grroup of Salt Stones/JMinerals, 2o kinds
附錄 二 十 七 種 Appendix: 27 kinds I-oI
AS27 yz7 食鹽
人 27zg )277 戎 鹽, crystal salt, TE 5e7
Gzz7zg zzzzg )z7 光明
了 zz7
7V77zo 527/7 527 凝
,edible salt FE 5z 秘 別 錄 2 本經
鹽 ,lustrous salt. FE 7z7zg 2ez 唐 本
畔 基 , bittern salt, FE 25e7 22 本 經 水 石, calcite, FE 5e7 777
This is 2zz y2z7 27 款
水石 .
及 zz27z 有 7 527 玄
7Z2)z7/ 綜 賢 ,verdigris, FE 727zg 2e7 唐 本 zz 鹽 爍 ,Glaubersalt FE ASZ# 罰 抬 貴
本 經.
精 ,石 selenite, FE Kz7 2z2 開 它
Appendix 附錄
II-o8-AoI 有 zzz s2z 懸 ,hanging 石 stone/mineral. ITI-o9。” ITI-IO
和 落 xzz2 朴 消 ,mirabilite, FE 5ez.7zze 本 經 六 Z//77 7z77zg /c77 玄 明 粉, thenardite, FE 好 2 %77z 藥性
及zz2 527 消 ,nitrokal 石 ite, FE 5e7.7z7zzg 本 經 .This 如 jwz xzz2 焰 消. 7Wz2 y2z 碳 砂 ,salammoniac, FE 7zzg 2 唐 本
zzzg 22 逢 砂 ,borax, FE Az2zz 日 華 Appendix 附錄
ITI-I3-Aor 7z ezge 52z 特
527 Zz/ 2zzz7zg 侶 流 黃 ,natural yellow sulphur FE 8
527 Zz 27 石 流 ,amorph 亦 ous red sulphur FE 58z 及 別 錄
7 人 本經
C/2z2/27 陽
ITI-I6 527 /zz 2772 石 流 青 ,amorphous greenish sulphur 5z 懇 Appendix 附錄 ITI-I6-Aor 了 zz 2zz7g xzzzg 流 黃 ,香 fragrant sulphur. II~-I7
7/?z7zz y27 墻
,石 alum, FE 5e7
? 必 本經
7Z2/z7 組 次 , melanterite, FE Az2zz 日 華 7 /zzg 瑟 zz 黃 馨, yellow iron alum, FE Gzzg zz 綱目
72zg 2zzg ez zz 湯 瓶 內
座 ,asubstance formed on the inside wall of
containers used for boiling watep FE Gzzg zz 綱目
Appendix 附錄
2727 石 脾 ,stone/mineral spleen.
ITI-Ao2 527/7 石 肺 ,stone/mineral lungI-Ao3 27 ez7 石 肝 ,stone/mineral liver. I-Ao4 527 ez 石門 , stone/mineral kidneys. I-Ao5 Z7,27 2zz 紫 石 華 ,purple stone/mineral splendor ITI-Ao6 5z7y27 2zz 白石 華 ,white stone/mineral splendor ITI-Ao7 77zzzg 27 2zz 黃石 華 ,yellow stone/mineral splendor I-Ao8 。 /zz7,27 黑石 華 ,black stone/mineral splendor ITI-Ao9 了zzg 27 陵 ,h 石 ill stone/mineral I-AIo
Zoozg 27 終
ezg 527 封
石,end stone/mineral. 石,mound stone/mineral.
I-AI2 5z7z 27 了 石, trough stone. I-AI3 。 現 罰 527 五 羽 ,f石 ive feathers stone/mineral I-AI4 。Zz7zz 527 紫 佳 ,p 石 urple beauty stone/mineral I-AI5 7z2 yz2 火藥 , gunpowder. I-AI6 27 7 石 音 ITI-AI7 7z ozz 27 馬 肝 ,h 石 orse liver stone/mineral. I-AI8 ”Z2z)z 27 豬 牙 ,p 石 ig tooth stone/mineral. I-AI9 。 刻 xzz 7 碧 霞 ,b 石 luish cloud stone/mineral. ITI-A2o 27z27 27 龍 涎 ,石 dragon saliva stone/mineral. II-A2I。。Ozzz gozzzg 27 鈴 光 ,l 石 ead luster stone/mineral ITI-A22 727 zz 27 太 陽 ,m 石 ajor yang stone/mineral I-A23 II-A24 ITI-A25 II-A26 ITI-A27
7Dz2 石 ) 朵 梯 牙 zz7527 >7 7 白 獅 子 ,w 石 hite lion stone/mineral. 。ZZ2ez >2z7 2Zz 7 鎮 大 宅 石 ,big stone guarding the house. 52e7z Zz7z 神 丹, divine elixir 好 zz yz2 煙 藥 ,pharmaceutical substance generating fumes.
/2e zz
Cz2 Gz7zg 4
右 附 方 舊二 十 五, 新 九 十 五 。 Recipes added to the entries above: Iro2 of old. 249 newly [recorded]-
草綢 目
277 22 oz7zg 222
部 目錄
Section Stones/JMinerals
第 十 一卷
石 之 五男 石 類二 十 種 Stones/JMlinerals V,Grroup of Salt Stones/JMlrinerals,2o kinds
附錄 二 十 七 種 Appendix: 27 kinds II-OI
食鹽 別 中錄 品 27z )g7, 上 己 57 /z, middle rank.
Edible salt. Cooking salt. Sodium chloride. 【 校 正】【 志 日】 元
在 米 部, 今
移 入 此。【 時
珍 日】 併 入 本 經 大 覽。
紀 ditorial Correction. [Ma] Zhi: Originally [salt] was listed in the section_ “rice Nowithas beenmoved here.[Li]| Shizhen: Crude salt listed [separately] in the 257
7z7zo 1s included here.
【 釋 】名 剛 音 。【 辜 時 雅 雲: 天
曰 生
珍 日】 鹽 字 象 中器 煎 嫉 之 。形 禮 記: 鹽 日 骨鹹 。 閱
,買 人 生 日 覽。 許
慎說 文
鹽 , 鹹 。也 東方 謂 之 斥, 西方
謂 之 ,思 河東 謂 之 。鹹 黃 帝 之 臣 宿 沙 ,氏 初 章 海水 烏 鹽 。 本 經 大 覽, 即 今 解池 顆 鹽 。也 別 錄 重 出 食鹽 , 今 併 烏 。一 方 士 呼 鹽 烏 海 砂 。 Explanation of Names. Cz2 几 , read cz2 磋 . [Li] Shizhen: The character ywz
鹽 is
to reflect the physical appearance of the cooking of salt in vessels. In the 了 7 //, )zz72 鹽 ,%alt”is called xzzz ez 棋 朋 .The 其) states: “Naturally prown salt is called 及 思 ,'bittern.”“That produced by man is called zz
states: “zz
鹽 ,'Salt.” Xu Shenin his $2zz2 Zoe7/
鹽 is xzzz 棋 . In the East they call it 227 斥 ;in the West they call it 及
C/2z2/27 陽
買 ;in He dong they call it xzzz 諾 . Su Sha shi,an official underthe Yellow'Thearchy was the first to boilsea waterto make salt.”Ihe “crude saltb”Zyzz 大
鹽 ,mentioned
in the 2e7 7-Zze is the salt nowadays obtained from ponds. Ihe 8zz 太 had listed it separately as y27)z7z 食鹽 ,“edible salt.”“ Here nowboth [kinds] are brought together The recipe experts call salt 2zz,2z 海 ,“sea 砂 sand.”
【 集 解】【 別 錄 】 晶 大 鹽 出 郭 郵及 河東 池 澤 。【 恭 】百 大 由 即河東 印 監 也, 人 之 常 食 ,者 形 粗 於 食鹽 。【 弘 景 日】 有 東海 覽、 北 海鹽 、 南 海 覽 、 鹽 池、 染 ” 閱覽 、井 西 羌 山 覽 、 胡 中 樹 覽, 色 類 不 ,同 以河東 者 為 勝。 河東 東海 鹽、 官 鹽 ,白 旱 粒細 , 北海 鹽 ,黃 草 粒 。粗 以 作 魚 解及 鹹 ,簿 乃 言北 勝, 而 居 繭必用 鹽 官 。者 中 覽 小 ,淡 廣州 鹽 鹹 ,百 不 知 其 為 療 體 復有 優 劣 。【 否 藏 器 日 】 四 海 之 內 何 處 無 ,之 惟 西 南 諸 夷 稍 ,少 人 皆 燒 竹 及 木婚 當 。【 之 頌 日】 並 末州 鹽, 乃 大刊 辟 鍊 ,者 不 甚 佳, 所 謂 國 上諾 是 。也 大 監 生 河東池 澤, 粗 於 末 覽 , 即 今 解 鹽 。也 解 州、 安 邑 池兩 取 ,覽 於池 旁 耕 地 , 沃 池水 以 , 每 得 南 風 ,銀 則 宿 夕 由成 滿時, 彼 人 謂 之 種 ,監 最 烏精 好 。 東海 、 北 海、 南 海鹽 ,者 今 滄、 密 、 楚 、 秀 、 溫 、 台、 明、 泉 、 福 、 廣 、 瓊 、 化 諸 ,州 煮 海水作 之, 謂 之 澤 覽, 醫 謂方 之 海 覽。 海邊 掘 坑 , 上 布 竹 ,木 覆 以 筵 ,蔗 積 沙 於上 。 每潮汐 衝 沙 , 由 鹵 鹹 計淋 坑 中 。 水 退則 尷 煎 ,之 項 刻 而 就。 其 章 鹽之 以火炬 照之 , 圍 衝氣 火細 滅 。 因 取 海 鹵 貯 中 右, 漢謂 之 牢 盆 , 今 或 鼓 鐵 為 。之 南 海人 編 竹 為 ,之 上 下 周 以 磺 ,灰 橫 式 深 ,尺 平底 , 置于 電 ,背 謂 之 鹽 。髓 染 益 覽 井 者 , 今歸 州及 四 川 諸 郡皆 有 鹽 ,井 汲 其 水 以 煎作 覽 , 如 煮 海 。法 又 濱 州有 土 鹽, 煎 鍊 草 土 而 ,成 其 色 最 粗 ,黑 不 入 堪 藥 。 通 、 泰 、 海 州 並有 停 ,戶 刮 鹹 煎 鹽 輸 官, 如 並 州 末 鹽 之 ,類 而 味 更 ,優 以供給 江湖 , 極為 饒 衍。【 時 珍 曰】 鹽 品 甚 。多 海 鹽 取 海 處 書 鍊 而 成, 今 卉 瘟 、 山 東、 兩 、淮 敝 浙 、 廣 南 所 出 是 。也 井 臣取 邑、 西 夏” 靈 州, 南 出 是 。也 池 覽 出 河東 安 井 鹵 煎 鍊 而 ,成 今四 川 、 雲 所 九 為 峙 ,陸 而 惡 圍 。之 引清水 注入, 久 色則 赤。 符 今 惟 解 州 種 。之 疏 地 秋 南 大 風 起, 則 一 夜 結成 , 謂 之 鹽 南 。風 如 南 風 不 ,起 則 鹽失利 。 亦 忌渴 水 淤 澱 鹽 矯 。也 海 豐、 深 州 ,者 亦引 海水 池入 晤 成。 並 州、 河 所 北 出, 皆 上過 覽 也 , 刮 取上 賺 士 , 前 鍊 而 成。 階 、 成 、 鳳 州 所 ,出 皆 岩 覽 ,也 生 于 土 岩 之 間 , 狀如 白 ,級 亦 生名 臣 。 此 五 種 皆 食鹽 。也 上 供 國 ,課 下 濟 民用 。 海 覽 、 井 覽 、 陪 賢三 者 出 於人, 池 堅 、 肉 覽二 者 計 出 天。 周 禮 :雲 鹽人 掌 臣 之 政令。人 祭祀 供 其 苦 鹽、 散 鹽; 賓客 供 其 形 鹽; 王 之 膳 ,羞 供 其 館 鹽。 苦 鹽 , 即 顆 鹽 ,也 出 計 池 , 其 鹽 烏 ,顆 未 鍊 ,治 其 味 鹹 。苦 散 鹽, 即末 監 , 出 於 海及 井, 並 煮 睜 而 成 ,者 其 賢 皆 末 散 也。 形 ,監 即 印 覽, 或 以 覽 刻作 生 戎 虎 形 。也 或 云 積 上 所 ,結 其 形 如 虎 。也 館 覽, 以 館 拌 成 。者 或 去 於 地 , 味 甜 而 美 。也 此 外 有又 岩鹽 生 於 山崖, 戎 臣 生 於 土中 , 傘 子 鹽生 于 化 物 之 ,妙 誠 難 殉 知也 。 草。 造 生 臣 井 , 石 鹽生 於 ,石 木 忠 生 於 ,樹 僑 生計
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ollected 上 xplanations. 5zz //: Crude salt originates in the ponds and marshlands ofHan dan and He dong.[Suj Gong: Crude salt is the cube% salt of He dong. Ihat which is regularly consumed by humans is ofa cruder physical appearance than edible salt.[Iao] Hongjing: [Salt kinds] include Dong hai salt, Bei hai salt, Nan hai salt, He dong pond saltb well salt from _ from Liang and Yi mountain salt from 入 i
diang and tree salt from the Hu territory Iheir colors differ [Salt] from He dong is considered superior. Salt from Dong hai, a white salt under government control, has fine natural grains. he salt from Bei hai is yellow. Its natural grains are crude. To prepare minced fish and salty vegetables, the [salt| from the North is said to be
superior. Io preserve silk cocoons,one must use salt under government control. Ihe salt in Shu is slightly tasteless. Salt from _Gruang Zhou is salty and bitter. ]t is not known whether there are any quality differences in their curative potentials.[Chen] Gangqi: [Salt| can be found everywhere it is rare only in all the tribal regions 0f the South-West. All the people there burn bamboo and wood to obtain their salt. [Su] Song: Salt powder from Bing Zhou is obtained by scraping and boiling soda. Itis not very good. Itis the so-called “bittern salt. Crude salt grows in the ponds and marshlands of He dong.Jtis cruder than salt powder. It is todays 六zz )z7zz, salt from 入ie [zhou]. Io obtain salt from the ponds of 入 ie zhou and An yi [the peoplel
plough the fields next to these ponds. Ihen they flood them with water from the ponds. When strong winds blow from the South, salt forms overnight and covers the flelds. Ihe people there call this “to plant salt. It is exceptionally aine and good. The salt from Dong hai, Bei hai and Nan hai is nowadays obtained by boiling sea water from
自 the 222z of Cangy Chuy Xiu, Wen Tai, Ming, Quan, Fu, Guang,
Qiong and Hua.Ttis called marshland salt,' butin medical recipes it is named sea st. [Sea salt is produced as follows. Ihe people] dig apit next to the sea and cover
it with bamboo and wood which in turn is covered with grass. Jhis then is covered with sand. When by night the tide rushes into the sand, the brine salt drips into the pit. Once the [sea] water retreats,[the peoplej light up [the contents of the pit
with atorch and the q rising from the brine will extinguish its fire. Ihen they 如 the sea brine into ]arge fat pans and boil them.[Ihe salt| will be ready within a short time. Ihe utensils employed to boil salt were called “solid basins”during the Han. Nowadays they are made from iron. Ihe people at Nan hai construct such [utensils to boil brine] by making bamboo frames that are covered above and below with clam shell powder. Ihey are [several| >2zzcelong and |several] c27 deep, With a
fat bottom. Ihey are placed on afurnace and [the people] call them “salt pans. As for the salt wells of Liang and Yi nowadays 和 the prefectures of uui Zhou and Si 693
zz 印 is an ancient term for ahexahedron. Itmay have been chosen to reflect the physical appearance of largce salt grains/cubes.
C/2z2/27 陽
chuan have salt wells. Water is drawn from these [wells] and boiled to produce salt.
This is similar to the methodofboiling sea [water].Alsoin Bin zhouisa “so1lsalt
It is produced by boiling and refilning with heat herbs and soilLL Itis of avery unrefned black colopand it cannot be added to medication.IJn Iong [zhouj, Tai [zhoul
and 了Hai zhou private firms exist that scrape and boil salt and then deliverit to the authorities.Ttis of thesame type as the powder salt from Bing zhou,but its favor is even better Ttis distributed al overthe countryanditis available in large quantities. [Li] Shizhen: Ihere are very many salt products. Io obtain sea salt, brine from the sea is boiled. Ihis is [the salt] originating in Liao, 五, Shan dongy Liang huai, Min, 之he, Guang and Nan. Io obtain well salty the brine from a well is boiled. Ihis is
[the salt| nowadays originating in Si chuan and Yun nan. Pond salt originates in He dong,An yi, 入 iia and Ling zhou. Nowadays itis “planted only in 入ie zhou. Take afeld on ground thatis rich in brine and dig amoat all around it. Ihen lead water into it. After a long time it wi assume ared color Wait until strong winds come up in summerand fall and within one night [the salt| will have formed. It is called “southern wind salt. Jfno southern Winds rise, the salt will be lost. Also one must
see to it that no turbid water causes sediments in the salt veins. In Hai feng and Shen zhou too,they lead sea waterinto ponds and have it dry in the sun.[Ihe salt originating in Bing zhouand He beiis always soda. Io obtain it, [the people] scrape saline soil [from the ground] and boilit.[Ihe salt] originating in 入ie, Cheng and Fengzhouis always cliff salt. Tt grows in thesoilofclifs and is shapedlike alum. It is also called “raw/native salt.”All these five kinds are edible salt. Ihey are submitted as levy to the authorities above and to the people for their use below. Ihe three kinds of sea salt, well salt and soda are produced by humans. Ihe two kinds of pond salt and cliff salt are produced by heaven. Ihe Z72oz Zstates: ”Ihe salt man serves to administer salt according to government decrees. For sacriflces he supplies bitter salt and dispersed salt. For visitors he supplies lump salt . For the special delicacies of the king he supplies sugar-sweet salt. “Bitter salt_is pellet salt. Tt originates in ponds. Ihis salt forms lumps and has not been refined yet. Tts flavor is salty-bitter Dispersed salt is“powder salt.” It originates in the sea and in wells. lo obtain it, [water] from both [sources] is boiled. Ihe resulting salt always appears dispersed
as apowder. “Formed salt_is cube salt. Sometimes this salt is carved to assume the form of atiger. Others say this is brine that has crystallized as nodes formed like tipgers. “Sugar-sweet salt_is made by mixing [salt] with malt sugar. Some say that it grows in the Rongregionwith aflavorthat is sweetand delicious.In additionm, there is “cliff salt_growing in mountain cliffs, “Rong salt”growing in the soill parasol salt pgrowingin wells, rock salt_growing in rocks, wood salt_growing in trees,and
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“leafy salt”growing in herbs. Ihe wondrous nature of how creation generates items is truly diffhcult to exhaust and comprehend.
【 修 治】【 時 珍 日】 凡 覽 , 人 多 鍊 乃 良 。 化, 澄 去 腳 ,塗 忌 白色
以 胡 、 、消 灰、 石
之 類 雜 。之 入
須藥 以 水
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Li| Shizhen: People often mix salt with items such as alum, nitrokalite, ashes and stones.When [salt| is added to medication,itis to be dissolved in water When [the water] has become clearp the dregs are to be removed
by ftering it. 紀ventually [the water] is boiled and this reflnement With heat results
in white [salt] that is good. II-OI-OI 大 了 監 。7Dzg
rude salt,
【 氣 】味 甘 、 鹹, 寒 , 無 毒,【 列 錄 日】 食 鹽 ,鹹 溫 , 無 毒。 多食傷 肺 , 喜 。【 醫 權 】 晶 有 小 毒,【 時 珍 日】 鹹 、 微 辛, 寒 , 無 毒。【 保 昇 日】 多 食 人令 失色 膚 ,黑 損 筋 ,力 【 之 才 日】 漏 蘆 詞 之 使 , 【 司 日】 敝 稻 淡 馨, 賊骨 亦 淡 鼠。 局 Qi and Flavor. Sweet salty cold, nonpoisonous. 2zz /: 所 dible salt is salty, warm
and nonpoisonous. lo eat much [salt| will harm the lungy, resulting inatendency to cough.[Zhen] Quan: Slightly poisonous. [Li Shizhen: Salty slightly acrid, cold, nonpoisonous. [Han] Baosheng: Io each much [salt|] causes aloss of complexion
with the skin assuming ablack color Itinjures the strength of sinews. [Xu] Zhicai: ASZe7z77zzc27z 上 zz [herb / root] serves as its guiding substance. [Lei] Xiao: A worn-out bamboo steamer serves to diminish the flavor of brine. Cuttleflsh bone, too, serves
to diminish the flavor of brine.
【 闢, 吐 水 瘡, 目, 飲
主 】治 腸 胃 結 熱 喘 ,逆 胸中 止 心腹 卒 ,痛 殺 郁 邪 下 惡 ,物 殺 蟲 , 去皮膚 風 ,臟 及 準 亂 , 心痛 , 金 ,瘡 肉 皮 ,膚 胃 大 小 ,便 長 補 夜 見 小 。字 甄 。權 解 ,毒 關 格 諸 。病 時 珍。
病, 症 毒 ,氣 毒。 調和 明 ,目 療 疝 尖 血
令人 吐。 本 。經 傷村 硬 下 部 罩 ,瘡 堅 肌 上骨 。 列 臟腑 , 消 宿 ,物 令人 壯 止 風 淚 邪氣 , 一 切 點 傷 , ,氣 滋 五 。味 大 明 。 空心 潤 ,燥 定 痛 止 , 吐 一 切
,熱 吐 胸中 瘓 。錄 除 風邪 , 。健 藏 。器 助 瘡 ,腫 火 灼 擅 ,齡 吐 水洗 時 氣 風 、熱 瘓
ontrol. Bound heat64 in the intestines and the stomach, with panting and cough. Diseases in the chest causing vomiting. 527/.7zzo. Harm caused by cold With alter694.7zz / 結 熱 ,“bound heat,”refers to repletion evilbrought about by heat that has intruded into the body whereitblocks the dimechanism or coagulates with other types of evil dl BCGM Dict L, 252.
C/z27/e7 也
nating cold and heat sensations. Vomiting because of aphlegm aggregation-iliness in the chest. It ends sudden pain in the heart and abdomen. It kills demons and 2z/25 associated with evil attachment illness%“ and poison qi. [It serves to cure] hidden-worm sores in the lower [body] part. It hardens muscles and bones. 5zz Z. It
climinates wind evil, causes vomitingy lets one discharge malign items and kills Wworms/bugs. It removes wind poison from the skin. It harmonizes the long-term depots and short-term repositories. It dissolves items stagnating [in thebody] overnight.Tt lets one be strong.[Chen] Cangdqi. It supports the water long-term depot and [serves to cure] cholera, heart pain and wounds caused by metal objects/weap-
ons.Tt clears the eyes.Itends wind tearflow associated with evil di, 崗 types of harm caused by bugs/worms and sores With swelling,as well as sores caused by burning. lt lets flesh grow and supplements the skin. It frees defecation and urination. It serves to heal elevation-illness%7 qi. Tt strengthens the five fiavors. Da Ming. Io rub the teeth [with salt| while the stomach is empty to spit out the resulting water and to use it to wash_ the eyes, this will enable one to read even small characters at night. 乙 hen Quan. It resolves poison. It cools the blood and moistens. Tt fixes pain and cnds itching. Itlets onevomitall types of seasonal di associated with wind and heat, as well as 4 diseases of phlegm rheumy,6 blockage and repulsion.%99 [Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 弘 景 】晶 五 味 之中 , 惟 此 可不 缺 。 西 北方 人食不 耐 鹹 , 而多 壽 損人 傷 肺之 效。 然 方人 食絕 欲 鹹 , 而 少 多壽 病, 便 是 少 病 好 顏色 ; 東南 宗 與 也 施 有 所 宣 。【 浸 則 能 經久不 敗, 以 沾 布 吊 則 易 致 朽 ,爛 所 各 以 魚肉 日 】 系 問 :雲 鹹 走 。血 故東方 食魚 鹽 之人多 黑色 , 走 血 之 驗 可 知。 病 喘 嗽 鑽 汁作 狄 以 淹 戶, 取 其 不 壞 。也 其 燒 怀 金銀 人 及 水 腫 ,者 宣 全 蔡 。之 北 用 695 Gz 走 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. QOriginally it was assumed to beamost poisonous bug, the only creature in aclosed jar surviving competition with hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed oz Zz 井 專 ,“gz poison(ing)."BCGM Dict LIor. 696 Z2z 症 , also >2z 注 , “attachment-iness, “influx-nesss,”reflects anotion of a foreign
pathogenic agent, originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM Dict 688-695. 697 S2zzz 導 1,“elevation-iness,”and zz 7 轎
氣 ,“elevation
這ness-qi.”A notion ofaforeign
item that has entered the scrotum, causes pain and may ascend and descend. BCGM Dict L 4Io.
698 7zz )#z 瘓 飲 ,“phlegm rheumy”refers to pathological products that have accumulated in thebody and that are excretedin the process of changes affecting the depots and palaces. They may block the passage of qi and blood and thereby become pathogenic factors. BCGM Dict L 498.
699Guan ge, 關 格 “blockage and repulsion.”A condition of an inability to pass stools and urine resulting from an irregularity of the di dynamics in the organism. Ihis may be accompanied by vomiting. BCGM Dict LI98.
藥, 水 其 之 評 鹽 無 鹽 也 。 也 。 病 此 雲: 氣
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仍須 解 州大 覽 島 佳。【 時 珍 日】 洪 範 “ 水 曰 潤 作下 鹹”, 素 問 日 “ 生 ”, 鹹 此 鹽 根源 之 。也 夫 水 周 流 天 於 地 間之 , 潤下 之 性 無所 不 在 , 作 味 鹹 , 凝結 烏 覽, 亦 無所 不 。在 在人 則血脈 應 。之 忠 之氣味 鹹 ,腥 人 無 食 ,鹹 多 則食 脈 凝 泣 而 變色 , 從 其 類也 。 血 亦 鹹 。腥 鹹 走 ,血 血 病 多 呢 收 ,之 故 鹽 之 味 微 。閨 辛 走 肺, 鹹 走 腎。 喘 嗽 水 腫 澀消 者 , 鹽 者 用 角 師 大 。忌 或引導 吐 , 或 泣 血 ,朋 或 助 水 邪 故 。也 然 鹽 鳥 百 病 之 ,主 百 病 不 用 。之 故 補腎 服 藥用 覽 湯 ,者 鹹歸 醫 , 引 藥 氣 本 入 臟也。 補 心 用 爍 炒 ,者 心 苦 ,虛 以 補 鹹 之 。也 補 脾 藥 用 炒 鹽 ,者 虛則 補 其 母, 脾 乃 心 之子 病 之 者 , 鹹 走血 治 積聚 結核用 之 ,者 覽 能 哭 堅 。也 諸 癌 疸 眼目及 血 用 諸 風 熱 用病 之 ,者 寒 勝 熱 。也 大 小 便 用 病 之 ,者 鹹 能 潤 下 。也 骨 病 齣 用 之 ,者 醫 肯主 , 鹹 骨入 也 。 吐 藥 用 之 ,者 鹹 引 水 聚 。也 能 收 豆腐 , 與 同 。義 諸 髮 及 晶 傷 用 之 者, 取 其 解毒 。【 也 頌 日】 唐 ” 柳 柳州 紅 救三 死 方 元和 十 一 年 十 ,月 得 奪 ,亂 上 不 可 ,吐 下 可不 利, 出冷汗 三 大 斗許 , 即 。絕 河 南 。” 房 偉 傳此 方 , 入 口 即 ,吐 絕 氣 復 。通 其 法 用 覽 一 大 ,匙 鰲 令
下即 愈 也。 項 黃 , 童子 小 便 一 ,升 合 和 溫 服 , 少 吐
敬啟 Explication.[Tao] Hongjing: Among the five favors, this is the only one that is indispensable. Ihe people in the North-West do not like to eat salty food, and they often live long lives, rarely suffer from diseases and have a good complexion. IThe people in the South紀ast very much like to eat salty food. Iheir lifespan is short and they often suffer from diseases because [consumption of much salt] has adamapging effect on the lung. Now fish and meat soaked [with salt] will not rot for along time, while cotton and sikk textiles steeped [in asalt] liquid will easily
decay Ihat is,the salt is to be used where it is suitable. [Kou] Zongshi: Ihe Sz 士 猥 ,雜 其色 黃 白, 故 別 錄 雲: 朴 消 黃 者 傷人 , 赤 者 殺人 。 須 再 以 水 煎 化 , 濕 天 洋 有 , 人 茲銜 枚 抽 乾 ,熱 去 全繼 , 傾 信 爸 中, 插 信 則 消 底 多 上而 面 細生 芒 如 結成 白 ,消 如 冰 如 蠟, 故 俗 呼 烏 盆 消。 齊、 衛 之 則 鋒 , 別 錄 所 謂 芒 消 者 是 。也 川 、 晉 之 消 則 底 ,少 而上 面 生 牙 如 圭角 , 作 六 稜, 縱橫 玲瓏 , 洞 澈 可 ,愛 嘉 祐本 草 謂所 馬 牙 消 者 是 。也 狀如 白石 肉 , 又 名 英 。消 二 消 之 ,底 則 通 名 朴 消 。也 取 芒 、消 英 ,消 再 三 蘿蔔 以 煎 鍊 去鹹 味, 即 烏 甜 。消 以 二 消 置 之 風 日 中吹 去 水 ,氣 則 輕 白 如 ,粉 即 烏 風 化 消 。 以 朴 、消 雯 消、 英 消 甘草 同 煎過 , 鼎 罐 刀升 , 則 詞 明玄 粉 。 陶 弘 景 及 唐” 宋 諸人 皆 不 知 諸 消 是 一 ,物 但有 精 粗 之 ,異 因 名 迷 ,實 刻 猜 亂 ,度 殊 無指 歸 。 詳 見 消 石 正 誤下。 ollected 紀xplanations.5zz /Z: Mirabilite grows on the sunny side in the mountain Valleys of Yi zhou, in saline waters. Jt is collected any time. Ihat with a green~ish-white color is fine. Whenitis yellow it harms one. When itis red it kills one. It is also said: /z7zg x7Zz2 cvolves from 2o xz2z2. [Lei|
入iao: 7Zz7ze x7zd22 is generated
through refilnement with heat out of 2 x72z2. 1ts physical appearance resembles that ofwheatawns,zzz7 亡 .[Hence]itis called zzg zzz2 亡 消 .[Ma] Zhi: [To prepare
C/z27/e7 也
77zz7zg %72z9| pour warm water on po xzz2. Collect the liquid and refine it with heat
down to one half. Give this into a tub. After one night it will have grown awns. Hence it is called zz7zp zz22. In addition there is yzzzg xzz2 央 消 . Its shape is reminiscent of quartz, 2z7 27 zzg 白石 央 . It forms [cubes] with four or five edges, and
is ofalovely clear luster. Its therapeutic potential is identical to that of 7z27zc 7z2o 亡 消 ,and it, too, is produced out of po xzz2 朴 消.-There is yet another method to prepare it through arefinement with heat, and [the resulting substance] is also called
zzz )z xzz2 馬 牙 消. [Kou] Zongshi: 落 xzzo is the first product resulting from a [refinement with] boiling. It has not undergoneasecond reflnementyet,and hence it is called 2o xzz2 朴 消 ,“crude solver””It can be used to tan the raw hide of oxen
and horses. It also serves to process fake gold and silver. 4z7o x7zz2 is obtained by asecond refinement of 22 xzz2 by pouring hotliquid on it. [Li] Shizhen:[Ihe sub-
stance] xzz2 消 is presentin three ranks. That which grows in Xi Shu is commonly called 2zzzz xzz2 川 消, 和 [Si] chuan solver” It is the very best.That which grows in
He dong is commonly called zz x7z2 號 消 ,“salt solver” It comes next.That which pgrows in Qingand QiinHebeiis commonly called xzz2 士 消 .Ysoilsolver”All of them grow on bittern ground. he local people scratch, sweep and boilit to obtain ajuice. It will congeal overnight and is shaped like powdered salt. Stillb it is mixed With sand and soillanditis of ayellow-white color. Hence the zz 及 states: Yellow 2o %7z2z2 harms one. Red [2o xzz9] kills one. It must be boiled repeatedly in water to
transform it. When it has been left to become clear the dregs are to be discarded. Jhenitis boiled with several pieces of radish until done, the radish is removed and
[theliquid] is given into atub. Overnightit will congeal to become “white solvep 2z7 x7z2 白 ,消 resembling ice or beeswax. Hence it is commonly called pezz xzz2 盆 消 , “tub solver” 入zz2
消 from Qi and Wei has much of its base [substance] and
on its surface it gprows fine awns like needles. Jhat is the one called “awn solvep 7zz7zg x7z2 亡 消 , in the 5z 用. zz2 from Chuan and 本 n has only little of its base [substance]- On its surface teeth grow like the edges of the ceremonial jade tablet. These are [cubes] With six edges, With an embossed design both vertical and horizontal, and alovely translucency This is the “horse teeth solvep”zz yz xzz2 馬 牙 消 , mentioned in the 7zz )oz 2e7z cz2. It is shaped like quartz, 227 v27 )zzz 白石 央 , and it is also called yzzzg xzz2 央 消 , “splendor/quartz solver.”The base [substancel]
of these two kinds of xzz2 消 is po xzz2 朴 消 .If zzze x7z2 and )#zze x7zo are refined again three times by boiling them with radish the salty fiavor is removed and this is then zzz xzz2 甜 消 ,“sweet solver” When the two types of xzz2 消 are placed at awindy and sunny location, fmheir water qi will be blown away and this results in alight, white powder-like substance, which is “wind transformed solver /7zo 22//
xzz2 風化 消. When 2 zz2, 2227zo x72z2 and 277zzo x7z2 are first boiled together With
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
2Zycyyy27zz [root], and are then calcined in a cauldron, this results in xzz27z 7z77zg /277
玄 明 粉 .(rr-ro) NeitherTao Hongjing nor all the people of the Tang and Song eras knew that all the xzz2 消 are identical items that differ only in terms of their fine or crude [substance matter|. Hence the [different] names obfuscated the facts, and
crrors and guesses caused utter confusion without a clear direction. For details see the entry on nitrokalite, xzz2 y27 消 石 (I-ID,“Correction of Errors。
II-ogO-ol 朴 消 本 經。 Axzgo FE 5ezz 7 Crude solver. Miirabilite. Crude Glauber salt. Sodium sulphate,
【 寒 小 曰】
氣 】味 苦 , 寒 , 無 毒,【 別 錄 】 晶 苔 、 辛 , 大 ,寒 無 毒。 鍊 如 白 銀, 能 能 ,熱 能 滑 能 潛, 能 能 辛 鹹 能 ,酸 入 千年 地 不 變。【 權 日 】 苦 、 鹹 , 有 毒, 【 時 珍 日】 列 錄 所 列 神 化 之說 , 乃 消 石 之 。功 詳 見 消 石 。【 下 之 才 張 從 正 日】 畏 三 稜 。 蔓 石 韋 烏 之 ,使 惡 麥 句 。【
Qiand Flavor. Bitterp cold,nonpoisonous. 27ze //: Bitter acrid,very cold,nonpoison-
ous. Whenitis refined with heat and has become as white as silyerpit can be cold and it can be hot,it can be smooth and it can be rough,it can be acrid, it can be
salty, and it can be sour. If it remains in the ground for athousand years,it will not undergo any change.[Zhen] Quan: Bittep salty slightly poisonous. [Li] Shizhen: The sayings on the divine transformations [of this substance] as listed in the 25ze /, they actually reflect the potentials of nitrokalite. For details, see the entry on nitrokalite, xzz2 527 消 石 (ITE-ID. [Xu] Zhicai: Pyy7yoyzz [leaf] serves as its guiding
substance. [Ingested togethep」] it abhors zzzzeyzzzz [herb]. Zhang Congzheng: [Ingested togethep] it fears river bulrush stem tuber
【 主 鍊 餌 陳 致 月 候 膿, 潤
】治 百 ,病 服 ,之 輕 。新 別 。錄 不 。通 飄 毛 。閒 大
除 寒 身 神 。仙 療 熱 。權 通 明 ,。
熱 邪 氣, 逐六 腑 積聚 , 結 固 本 經。 胃 中 食 飲 熱 ,結 破 ,脹 養 胃 消 穀。 皇 贅。 治 病 癥結 , 治 天 行 五 百 及 泄臟
留闢。 留 血 腹脹 , 熱 ,疾
能 化 ,閉 絕 大 小 頭痛 ,
七 十 停 瘓 便 不 消
二種 石 。 痞滿 , 推 。通 女 子 腫 ,專 排
Control. Ihe hundreds of diseases. It eliminates evil di associated with [alternating sensations of ] cold and heabanditremoves from the six long-term depots accumu~-
lations and collections,as well as bound and stubborn abiding aggregation-illness.2 Itis able to transform 72 kinds of stones.Ingested as a [medicationj ora|longevity] diet refined With heat it relieves the body of its weight and [lets one become] a
736 字 謂 2z 留 闢 , “abiding aggregation崗 ness,”is adifcult to cure swelling resulting from rheum remaining in the body collecting and dispersing at irregular intervals. BCVGJIM Dict L 32o.
C/z27/e7 也
spirit immortaL 5e7z 7z7zg. Heat nodes77 of food and beverages in the stomach. It breaks through blockages caused by stagnating blood and opens blockages, obstacle記 ness2 and fullness associated with_ halting phlegm. It pushes back what is old and lets arrive what is new. 5zz 2. lt serves to heal distension associated With heat. Jt nourishes the stomach and dissolves grain. Huangfu Mi. Tt serves to cure abdominal distension, blockage of the major (defecation) and minor (urination)
relief, and blocked menstruation. /hen Quan. It opens the passage and frees the flow through the five long-term depots associated with the hundreds of diseases, and concretion-ilness nodes.Tt serves to cure epidemic heat 記 nesses and headache. It dissolves poison associated with a swelling, drives out pus and moistens the hair on the body and on the head. Da Ming-
II-o9-o2 蕊
消 別 。錄 47dzzezxzgzo TE5zz 2
Awn solver. Miirabilite.
【 氣 】味
辛 、 苦 , 大 寒, 無 毒。【 權 日】 嶄 , 有 小 夫 。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, bittep very cold, nonpoisonous.[Zhen] Quan: Salty slightly polsonous.
【 主 】治 五 臟 積 聚, 久 熱胃 閉, 除 邪 ,氣 破 留 ,血 腹 中 痰 實 結 搏, 通 經 豹, 利 大 小 便及月 水, 破 五 淋 , 推 陳 致 。新 別 。錄 下 凜 逆 黃 瘟 ,病 時 疾雍 熱 , 能 散 惡 ,血 堅 胎。 傅 漆 。瘡 甄 權。 Control. Accumulations and collections in the five long-term depots. Stomach closure associated with long-lasting heat. ITt eliminates evil qi and breaks through residual blood. It strikes against phlegm repletionnodes in the abdomen and opens the passage through the conduits and vessels. It frees the flow of the major (defeca~ tion) and minor(urination) reliefand ofmenstruation.Itbreaks through [blockages
to free urinationin the case of] the five kinds of dripping. IJt pushes back what is old and lets arrive what is new. 527zz Z. Tt serves to discharge scrofula with pervasion-illness, yellow Zz7z disease79 and seasonal 訓ness with blocked up heat. It can disperse malign blood and causes abortion. Jt is applied to sores caused by [the qi of] lacquer. Zhen Quan.
737 ARz7zz 熱 結 ,“heatnodes,"BCGM DicttiDL4ooidenticalwith zz Dict L, 252.
738 片 ,痞 “obstacle-ilness,"afeeling ofuncomfortable fulliness and distension.BCGM Dict 37I.
739 7zzzg Zzz 黃疸
,mostlikely including cases of jaundice.BCGM DictL 225.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
馬 牙
消 宋 嘉 祐。 zzzxzgo Songy.7zz )z
Hlorse teeth solver. Mirabilite,
【 氣 】味 甘, 大 ,寒 無 毒,【 時 珍 日 】 鹹 、 微 。甘 即央 消 也 。 Qi and Flavor. Sweet very cold, nonpoisonous. [Li]| Shizhen: Salty, slightly sweet. This is )z7ze %729.
【 主 】治 除 臟 五 積 休熱 氣 。 飄 。權 末 篩 , 點 入 點 眼 藥 中 。用 大 明 。 功 同 芯 。消 時 珍 。
眼 ,亦 去 赤 腫 障 醫 潛 淚 ,痛 亦
ontrol. Tt removes from the flve long-term depots hidden accumulations di.Zhen Quan.[Grindit to al] powdep give it through asieve and drip it eyes. It will remove redness and swelling, shades and screens, roughness, and pain.Ttis also resorted to as an additive to medication dripped into the
of heat into red tearflow eyes.Da
Ming. Its [therapeutic] functions are identical to those of mirabilite. [Li| Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 成 無 己 日】 內 經 :雲 畝 味 下 劑泄 陰 。 又 :云 鹹 以 哭 。之 熱 淫 於 以 寒 。 氣 堅 者 以 鹹 哭 ,之 熱 盛 者 以 寒 消 。之 故 張 仲 景大 陷 胸湯 、 內, 治 咽 大 承 氣 、湯 調胃 承 氣 湯 皆 用 芯 ,消 以 軟 堅 去 實 ,熱 結 不 至 堅 者 不 可 用也 。 【 好 古 日】 本 草 雲 朴 消 味 ,辛 是 辛 以 潤 醫 燥 。也 今人 不 用 辛 ,字 只 用 鹹 字 , 鹹 能 哭 堅 。也 其 義 皆 。是 本 草 言 芯 消 利 小 便 而 堅 ,胎 然 傷寒妊娠 可下 者 用此 , 兼 大 引黃 之, 直入 大 ,腸 潤 燥 哭 堅 瀉 ,熱 而 母子 俱 。安 經 雲有 故 無 ,殃 亦 無 殃 ,也 此 之謂 硯。 以 下 在 言 ,之 則 便溺 俱 ;陰 以 前 後 言 ,之 則 前 氣 後 ;血 以 腎 言 ,之 總 主 大 小 便 。難 溺 潛 秘 ,結 俱 烏 水 少 火 。盛 經 云 熱 淫 於 ,內 治 以 畝 ,寒 佐 之 以 ,苦 故用 坊 、消 大 相 黃 須 詞 使 。【 也 元 系 日】 蕊 消 氣 薄 味 ,厚 沈 而 ,降 陰 。也 其 用 有 三: 去 實 ,熱 一 也 ; 滌 中腸 宿 折 , 二 也 ; 破 堅 積 熱 ,塊 三 。也 孕婦 惟 三 四 月 及 七 八 月 不 可用 , 餘 皆 無 妨 。 【 宗 素 日】 朴 消 是 初 得一 骨 而 成 ,者 其 味 酪 ,潛 所 以 力 緊 急 而 不和 , 治 食 鰭 不 ,消 以此 蕩 逐 。之 芒 消 是 朴 消 過 淋 鍊 ,成 故 其 和性 緩, 故 今 用 多 治 傷 晶 朴 消 澄 ,下 消 之 粗 者也 , 其 質 重 。沈 芯 、消 牙 消 結 於上, 寒 。【 時 珍 】 消 之 精 者也 , 其 質 清 。明 甜 、消 風 化 ,消 則 又 亡 、消 牙 消 之 氣味 去 而 上甘 緩 輕 爽 者 。也 故 朴 消 止可 施 於 南 華 之人 及 傅 塗 之 。藥 荐 湯 散 服 ,餌 必須 苹 消、 牙 消 烏 佳。 張 仲 景 傷寒 論 只 用 廊 ,消 不 用 朴 ,消 正 此 義也。 消 齊 太陰 之 ,精 水 之 子也 。 氣 寒 味 ,鹹 走 血 而 潤下 , 蕩 省 三 脆 腸 胃 實 熱 陽 強 之病 , 乃 折 治 火 邪 藥 。也 唐 時 臘 日 賜 群 臣 紫 、雪 紅 、雪 正 雪 , 皆 用 此 消 鍊 成者 , 通 治 積 熱 諸 病有 神 ,效 貴 在 用 中者 的 爾 。 Explication. Cheng Wuji: Jhe
7z.7zzze states: “Salty favor causes discharge with
outflow andisyin. Ttalso states: [Consume] salty [|flavorj to soften it.“ When heat is present in excess internally cure it with salty [favor] and cold. When
qi have
hardened, use salty [flavor] to soften them. In the case of abounding heaty use cold
C/2z2/27 陽
to dissolveit. Ihis is why Zhang Zhongjinginhis “major decoction to sink into the chest, in his major decoction to uphold the qi, andin his decoction to adjust the
stomach and uphold theq always resorted to zzop xzz2 to soften hardness and to rermove heat repletion. For nodes that have not hardened yet it must not be used. [Wang] Haogu: When the 2De7z czo states: “The favor of po x7z2 is acrid, this is “ac-
rid [favor] is used to moisten kidney dryness.' Ioday the people do no longer use the character for “acrid.”Ihey only write “salty [When the 57z cd2 states:] “Salty [fiavor] can soften hardness,”the underlying meaning is always to the point. The ez cgzo states that zz7zox722 frees the flow ofurine and causes abortion. However
it can be used when adischarge is required [in the treatment of ] pregnant women suffering from harm caused by cold. With rhubarb root as its guiding substance it centers straight into the ]arge intestine where it moistens dryness, softens hardness and lets heat flow of freely. Both mother and child will be safe. Ihe Classic states: Tthere is areason [such as ahardeningy the mother] will not be harmed and |the childj wil not be harmed either” This is whatis meant here.And to talk about this
in view of the lower [body partd|j, defecation and urination are both yin [activities|. To talk about this in view of ones front and back [sectionsj, the qi are in the front and the bloodisin the back [sectionj_ To talk about this in terms of the kidneys, they are in overall control of major (defecation) and minor (urination) relief and distress. When urination is rough and [defecation] is constipated, this is always as-
sociated With an insufficiency of water and an abundance of filre. he Classic states: “When heat is excessive internally cure it with salty [flavor] and cold, to be assisted
by bitter [Havor| Ihis is why zzze xzz2 and rhubarb root are used. hey require each other as guiding substances.[「Zhangj Yuansu: Jhe qi of 2z7ze x72z9 are Weak while its favoris strong. Itsinks into the depth and causes [evil qi] to descend; it is
yin. Its usages are three. It removes repletion heat. Ihat is the first. It washes out of the intestines dirt that has remained there overnight. Ihat is the second. Tt breaks through hard accumulations and heat lumps. Jhat is the third. Women must not useitduring thethird and fourth month and during the seventh and eighth month of a pregnancy [An intake of 7zz7zg xzz2」 during 3 the other months will do no harm.[Kou] Zongshi: 秒 xzz2 is obtained through an initial boiling. Its flavoris very astringent. Hence its [therapeutic] strength is aggressive and by no means harmonizing. Io cure failure to digest food this [substance] is resorted to to eliminate it
by washing it out. 47Zz7ze x7z2 is penerated by pouring [hot water] on po xzz2. Tence it has a gentle nature,and this is why nowadays it is often used to cure harm caused by cold. [Li] Shizhen: [During arefinement with heat in water] 2 xzz2 朴 消 sinks downy it constitutes the crude [variety of ] xzzo 消 .Its substance matter is heavy and
turbid. zzg xzz2 亡 消 and )z xzz2 牙 消 congeal above. They constitute the fine
/2e zz Cz2 Gz7zg 4
[kinds of] xzz2 消 . Their substance matter is clear and shiny. 7zzz xzz2 甜 消 and
2 22z xzz2 風化 消 ,in turn, are generated by removing the qi and flavor of 7z27z %zz2 亡 消 and )z xzz2 牙 .消 Hence they are sweety unexcited, lipht and clear This is Why 2o xzz9 can be used as a medication only to treat uncouth and hot-headed persons, and for external application. Whenadecoction orapowder are required to be ingested as [medication or] special [longevity] diet, 2z7zc x72z2 and )z 722 are
fine. Zhang /hongjing in his $227zo 227z //7/ Only uses zz7zo 72z2; he does not use 2 xzz2. The underlying meaning is exactly the one discussed here. zz2 消 is endowed With the essence of major yinmy itis achild of water. Tts qi are cold and its flavor is salty Tt rushes to the blood, and moistens and discharges. It washes away diseases of repletion heat and yang strength affecting the Triple Burnep the intestines and the stomach. Ihat is,it is amedication that breaks and cures fire evil. During the Tang dynasty on winter days [the Emperor] bestowed on his ministers [medications called] “purple snow “red snow and “bluish-green snow They 紀11 had been prepared by using this xzz2 消 and refining it With heat.They served to cure all types of diseases of accumulated heat, With divine effects. Jhey were considered of highest Value among their users.
【 附 方】 舊 十 ,七 新 一 十 五 。 Added Recipes.I7of old.I newly [recorded」.
茲 。震 療 傷寒 溫 ,丫 一 切 積 熱 煩 ,熱 狂 易 叫 ,走 闡 疫 毒 馮 , 閃 死 腳氣 , 五 岳 五 ,症 心腹 諸 ,疾 聞 刺 切 ,痛 解 諸 熱 ,毒 邪 熱 發 ,黃 髮 毒 鬼魅 , 野 這 熱 毒 , 小 兒 驚 癇 百 。病 黃 金 一 百 兩 , 石膏 、 寒 水 石、 滑 石、 慈 各 石 三 ,斤 揭 碎, 水 一 ,舺 煮四 斗 , 去 。洋 入 選 角 屑、 其 羊角、 衣 木 、香 沉 各香 五 兩 , 玄參 洗 、焙 升 各麻 一 ,斤 甘草 炒 八 ,兩 丁香 一 ,兩 入 前 中 汁 煮取 一 上 斗 五 升 , 去 淬。 入 鍊 朴 消十 上斤 , 消 石 三 十 二 兩 , 於 藥 汁中 , 微 火 藤 ,之 柳 木 不 住 ,攪 至 水 氣 欲 畫 , 傾 木 盆中 , 待 欲 ,凝 入 麝香 一 兩 二 錢半 , 朱砂 末 三 兩, 攪 ,勻 收 。之 每 服 一 二 ,錢 六 水 ,服 臨時加 減, 甚 者 一 。兩 和 劑 局方 。 Purple snow. It of accumulated run. Miasmatic types of corpse
serves to heal harm caused by cold and warmth malaria. All types heat with unrest and heat. Miadness with a tendency to shout and epidemics and poison epidemic.Sudden death and leg qi. Jhe flve [q] and the five types of attachment 崗 ness. 當 All types of inesses
74o.7Zzz2 77 胸 氣 ,Yleg qib”refers to painfuland weak legs.Theymaybeswollen,ordriedup and emaciated. In serious cases the functioning of the heart and spleen is impaired. BCGM Dict L, 248.
74I Z2z 症 , also >2z 注 , attachment-illness,” “influx-inesss,” reflects a notion ofa foreign pathogenic agent, oripinally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism. BUGCGM Dict 1, 688-695.
C/2z2/27 陽
in heart and the 7 each down to
and abdomen. Flatulent painful piercing and cutting pain. Fright epilepsy hundreds diseases of children. Pound to pieces ioo /z7zp of gold and three of gpypsum calcite, talc and magnetite, and boil them in one 2z/ of water four Zoz. Discard the dregs.Add five /Zz7ge each ofrhinoceros horn crumbs,
antelope horn, Zzc2/27z2Z72z [root] and zz7/z7zz [Wood], one 六 zz each of ycyo227//2772 |rootj, washed and baked over asmall fire, and zzz7cz/2zzgz「rhizomej, eight Zz7zge 0f fricd ozZycyyy27%z [root| and one /Zz7ze of cloves to the aforementioned juice, boil it
down to one Zoz and five y2ezg and discard the dregs. Add ten 7Zz of mirabilite, refined With heat,and 32 /z7zc of nitrokalite to the medicinal juice and boilit ona weak fre.Stir helquid With astick of willow wood until all the water di have left. Stick a piece of wood into the tub and wait until [the liquid| has congealed. Ihen add one /z7zoc and two and ahalf 7zzz of musk and three //zzg of cinnabar powdep
stir this until an even mixture is achieved and store [the resulting medication for ]ater use]. 弓ach time ingest oneortwo 77zz7z, to be ingested With cold water. Increase or decrease [the dosage in accordance with the requirements] when the time has corme.ln severe cases it may amount to one 7zz7z. 7 二 及 /272紀
紅雪 。 治 煩 ,熱 消 宿 ,食 解 酒 ,毒 開 三 ,焦 利 五 ,臟 除 毒 ,熱 破 積 。滯 治 傷 崎 狂 ,躁 胃 爛 發 ,斑 溫 痛 腳 ,氣 黃疸 頭痛 , 目 昏 鼻塞 , 口瘡 喉 痺 , 重 古 礎 三 ,兩 人 又 、 腸 癱 等 。病 用 川 朴 消 十 斤 鍊 去 ,洋 羚羊 角 屑 、 黃 、巷 升 各 香 二 ,兩 木 、通 居 子 、 赤 芍 藥、 檳 、榔 机 殼 來 、炒 生 甘草 、 淡 竹 、葉 木 各 哆 、根 桑 白 、皮 大 、青 監 各葉 一 兩半 , 蘇 枋 木六 兩, 並到 片 。 水 二 斗 五 升 , 恒 至 九 ,升 去 ,淬 濾過 , 恒 。沸 下 ,消 不 住手 ,攪 竺 水 氣 將畫 , 傾 入 器 中 。 欲 ,凝 下朱砂 一 ,兩 勵 香 半 ,兩 經 宿 成雪 。 每 服 一 二 ,錢 新 汲 水調 下 。 欲 ,行 則 熱湯 化 服 一 。兩 和 劑 方 。 Red snow. It serves to cure unrest with heat. Tt dissolves food that has remaitned [in the body] overnight. Tt resolves the poison of wine. It opens the Triple Burner It frees the passage through the five long-term depots. It eliminates poison heat._I breaks open accumulations and sluggishness. Tt serves to cure harm caused by cold and madness with restlessness, stomach festering and the appearance of macula,
訓ness75 and headache, dimmed vision Warrmmth miasma and leg qb克 yellow zzzand stuffed nose, oral sores and blocked throat, a doubled tongue7** and intestinal
742 ./zz2 77 腳氣 ,“leg qiu”refers to painfuland weaklegs.They maybeswollen,or dried up and emaciated. In serious cases the functioning of the heart and spleen is impaired. BCGAM Dict L, 248.
743 7zzzg Zzz 黃疸 ,mostlikely including cases of jaundice.BCGM Dict L 225. 744 C2o7ze5s2e 重 古 ,“doubled tongue.”"A growth underthe tongue,mostly in children,similar to asecond tongue. BCGM Dict L 92.
/2e zz Cz2 Gz7zg 4
obstruction崗 ness, 訂 和 such diseases.[Io prepare red snow ”the following sub-
stances are] to be used. [5和| 27zz7z 2o x72z2, ten 7
refined with heat and the dregs
discarded, three //zzgp each of antelope horn crumbs, ycz/e//277Z2 root and 777z7c7722gz
|rhizomel]. Two Zzze each of pinseng [rood」|, zzo7z7z [rootd| zzecz [nut|, fried bitter orange, fresh_gZycyy727zz2z [rood|, bamboo leaves and zzc《/z7z2Zzz「root]. One Zz7zg and ahalf of zz2zz [herb」], gz7zezz7z2z [fruid|, zz7z7zz root,White mulberry root bark,
malachite, Chinese indigo plant leaves. Six /zzzg of sappan wood. Cut all these substances to slices,boilthem in two Zozand flve y2ezze of water down to nine ve7zgo,
discard the dregs, give 消 /mirabilite_ will fal the water qi have left, liquid] has congealed.
[the liquid] through asieve and boilit to bubbling. he xz22 down. Stir it with your hand without pause until almost a and put a piece of wood into the vessel to test whether [the Ihen add one /z7zge of cinnabar and half a /zzge of musk and
wait for one night until the [redj snow has formed. 上 ach time ingest one to two
7727z, to be sent down mixed with freshly drawn water. If a passage [of loose bowel moverment] is intended, ingest one /zze dissolved in hot water. 號 / 朮
左 。雪 治 一 切 積 熱, 天 行 時 ,疾 發 煩 ,燥 或 大 小 便 不 ,通 胃 火 諸 。病 飛、 寒 水 石 水 各 飛 一 ,斤 以甘草 移 , 令 錠消 得 ,所 入 青 儘 一 片, 和 嚥, 或 吹 ,之 或 水 調 服 二 三錢。 欲
狂 昏慣, 或咽喉 腫 ,塞 口 生 古 瘡, 心中 朴 、消 芯 、消 馬 牙 、消 消 石、 石 上 膏水 一 ,斤 貢 水 五 升, 入 諸 藥 同出, 不 住手 勾 , 傾盆 ,內 經 結成 宿 雪 , 詞 末 。 人 每含 通 利, 則 熱 水 服 一 。兩 和 劑 局方 。
Bluish-green snow. It serves to cure al types of accumulated heat, epidemic, sea~sonal 記 nesses,madness with muddle-headedness,orWwith swelling and blockage of the throat,sores developingin the mouth and onthe tongue,unrest and restlessness in the hearty or With blocked major (defecation) and minor (urination) relief and stormach fire, al] such diseases. [Prepare] one
雯 7z/ cach_ of 22 X722, 7z27ze X722, 7772 2
x%72z2, nitrokalite and gypsum,processed with aqueous sublimation, and calcite, pro-
cessed with aqueous sublimation, and one 畫 z of geZycyy727zzz [root|. Boil five y2zzz
of watep add all these pharmaceutical substances and boil them together. Stir [the liquid] without pause until all [substances] have dissolved. Add one 7/zz of indigo
and pour the mixture into another tub where overnight it will congeal to form [bluish-greenj snow thatis then [ground to a] powder. EEach time hold itin the mouth and swallow [the resulting liquid]j.Orblow it [into the mouth and the nos-
745 玫 7g 并 ,“obstruction崗 ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict LP 64r. 746 Both Zz zze 大 青 and zz 藍 葉 referto Chinese indigo plant leaves.7z zze 大 青 also refers to azurite. Which of the two possible meanings applies here remains uncertain.
C/2z2/27 陽
trils」]. Oringest,mixed with water two or three 7zzz.Ifafreefow|of defecation] is
intended, ingest With hot water one /z7zo. / 且 及 2
沂 膈 驅 積。 王
坪山人上 甘露 :飲 治
熱 ,龜 六
胸 ,膈 驅
積 滯。 羿
芯 末消 一 大
斤, 用 蜜 二十 兩, 冬加 一 ,兩 和 勻, 入 新竹筒 內, 半 筒 己上 即 ,止 不 得令 , 熟 滿 。 卻 入 炊 鉑中 , 令 有 和 藥 處 在 飯 ,內 其 虛 處 出 其上 , 蒸 。之 候 飯 取出 綁 入 濾 次 缽中 , 竹 体 攪 勿 停手 , 竺 ,凝 收入 瓷 。盒 每四 時 半 含 匙 , 漸漸 咯 之。 如 要 通 ,轉 即多 服 。之 劉到 錫 信傳 方 。 Ihe Hermit Wang Mins To coolthe diaphrapgm regionand disperse accumulations. swWeet dew beverage. It serves to cure heat obstruction, cools chest and diaphragm repion, and disperses accumulations and sluggishness. Prepare an even mixture of one generous 7Z7z of Si chuan zoo x7z2 and twelve /z7p of honey 一 add one additional /z7g during Winter times 一 and fi it into anew bamboo tube so that more than half of the tube will be filled. It must not be filled entirely Ihen place [the tubelinto arice steamerp so that the medication is situated in the middle of the rice
and reaches above it. Steam it and once the rice is done remove [the tube]j. Now filter the [contents of the tube」 through asilk fabric into an earthen bowl, contin~
uously stir [the resulting liquidj with a bamboo comb until it has congealed and fnally store itin aporcelain box. For each [application, let the patient] at bedtime
hold half a spoonfulin his mouth and little by ttle swallow the_ [resulting liquid. If amore drastic [defecation] is required, increase the dose ingested. Liu Yuxin, C0/Z/277 %777 /2722.
石 發 ,動 煩 閱。 芒 消, 蜜
水 調 服 一錢 , 日 三 。服 聖 惠 方 。
Qutbreak [of poisoning] following the ingestion of stalactite minerals, With unrest and heart-pressure. Ingest one 7727z of 7zz7zg x72z2 mixed with honey water. Io be inpgested three times a day' 2e7zg 22/7 /272
骨 蒸 熱病 。 評 消末 , 水 服 方寸 ,匕 日 二 , 神 。良 千金 方 。 Bone steaming and heat disease.Ingest with water the amount of zz7 終 zz2 held by asquare zz7/ spoon. ITwice a day. Divinely good. 0zz7z.7Zzz Z7ze
腹 中 痞 。塊 皮 消 一 ,兩 獨 麻 箇一 , 大 末黃 八 ,分 揭作 餅, 詞 。度 他 氏 經 驗方。
帖計 患處 , 以 消
Qbstacle-illness77 lumps in the abdomen. Pound one /z7zce of 27 x7z2 mirabilite,
one piece single clove garlic and ecight /zzz: of rhubarb root powder [to a pulp] and prepare a cake thatis to be placed on the affected region for as long as it takes [for the lumps] to dissolve. Shao shi,.77zg jg 37I.
/2e zz Cz2 Gz7zg 4
食物 過 飽, 不 ,消 說 成 痞 膈。 馬 牙 消 一 ,兩 吳 下萊 半 ,斤 藤 汁 投 ,消 乘 熱 服 。之 良久未 ,轉 更 進 一 ,服 立 。效 實 群 在 常州 , 此 方 得 效 。也 經 驗方 。 When following overeating food is not digested and this results in an obstacle悶ness [blocking the] diaphrapgm. Boill half a 7zz of zoozz2z [fruit| and give one /Zz7zge of 7z2 yz2 %7zz2 mirabilite into the resulting juice. Ihis is to be ingested while it is hot. ITf even after an extended period of ttme no defecation results, ingest one additional dose. Ihis will have an immediate effect. Dou Qun in Chang zhou applied this recipe With success..777zg 7 /272o.
關 格 不 。通 大
小 便 ,閉 脹
欲 ,死 兩
。 坊 消 三 ,兩 泡湯 則 三 日 殺人
一 升服 ,
取 吐 即通。 百 一 方 。 Blocked passage.When major(defecation) and minor(urination) relief are blocked,
resulting in an [abdominal] bloating making one wish to die, that person will be killed Within two or three days. Dissolve three /Zz7zce of zz x7z2 mirabilite in one y2e7zge of bubbling hot water and [let the patient] ingest this. Once he vomits the passage [of defecation and urinationj will be freed. 52z7
便 不 。通 白
花 :散 用
坊 消 三 ,錢 茵
要 濟 眾方 。
香 酒 。下 簡
Blocked urination. Ihe “white blossom powder. [Let the patient] send down With fennel wine three 77z7z Of /zz7o x722 mirabilite../7z7z )z2. 有 297 7
消 二 ,兩 生 時 氣 頭 。痛 朴 末
油 調 塗頂上 。 聖惠 方 。
Headache caused by seasonal 中 . Mix two /z7zg of 22 x7z2 mirabilite powder with fresh oil and apply this to the top of the head. S$2ezze 2z/7 /7zg.
和 消 軒 豆腐 上 蒸 ,化 取 赤 眼 腫 。痛 朴
汁 收 。點 簡
便方 。
Red eyes With a painful swelling. Place po xzz2 mirabilite on bean curd and steam this until it has transformed [toalquid]. Store the liquid and drip [it into affected
eyes when needed]..//z7z 27Z7z Z7ze
風 眼 赤 爛。 明 皮 淨 消 一 ,章 水 二 ,釗 煎 ,化 串 一 ,夜 濾 其 即 ,消 雖半 世 者 亦 愈 。也 楊 誠 經 驗方 。 目。 三 日 紅
淨 澄清 , 朝夕 洗
Redness and festering of eyes caused by wind. Boil one small cup of cleap clean 2 zz2 mirabilite in one bowl of water until it has dissolved. Let it rest under the open sky for one night, pass it through asieve to obtain a clear liquid and use this to rinse the eyes in the _morning and at night. Within three days the redness will have dissolved. Even if [this ailment] has lasted for half a lifetime,it will be cured
nevertheless. Yang Cheng,.777zg zz
C/2z2/27 陽
退 明莉 目。 白 龍 :散 用 馬 消光 牙 淨 ,者 厚紙 裹 ,實 安 在 懷 ,內 看 ,肉 養 一 百二 十 ,日 研 粉, 入 少 龍 。腦 不計 年 歲 深 ,壞 眼生 痢 膜, 扣 視 不明 , 但 瞳 人 不 破 散 ,者 並 宣 日點 之。 經 驗方 。 To push back shades and clear the eyes. he “white dragon powder.”Firmly wrap shiny and clean zzz )z xzz2 mirabilite in thick paper and place it on the [patient's」 bosomy close to his flesh, for Ir2o days. Ihen grind ittoapowder and add asm 糾
amount of borneol. Regardless of whether this has lasted for many years or not, when the eyes have developed ashade membrane and vision into a distance is uncleap with only the pupil not broken or dispersed yet, it is suitable to drip this lpowder into the affecte eyes] every day..7z7zg zzz /27zg.
諸 眼 障 。醫 牙 消 十 兩 , 湯 泡 ,汁 厚紙 濾過 , 邑 器 荼 ,守 置地 上 一 夜, 入 飛 香 , 再 羅過 , 入 腦子 , 日 。點 濟 仙急 方 。 炒 黃 丹 一 ,兩 勵 半分 All types of screens and shades in the eyes.[|Dissolve] ten Zz7ze of )z zz2 mirabilite
in bubbling hot watep 和 ter the resulting liquid through thick paper and simmerit in an earthen containeruntil [theliquid] has dried. Place [the resulting powder] on
the ground forone nightand add one /zzgofminium,processed with sublimation and fried, and half a /z of musk. Spread this out [on the ground for one nighd again, add camphora and drip this [into the affected eyes] every day 埃 堪%7z27 zze
逐 也 。 七 聖
月 洗眼。 芯 六消 錢 , 水 一 六瘟 分 , 澄清 。 依 法 洗目 , 至 一 ,年 眼如 童子 正 月 初 ,三 二 月 初 ,八 三 月 初 ,四 四 月 初四 , 五 月 初 ,五 六 月 初四 , 月 初 ,三 八 月 ,初 九 月 十 ,三 十 月 十 ,三 十 一 月 十六 , 十二 月 初 五 日 。 惠方 。
Torinse the eyes month after month.[Dissolve] six 7zz7z of zz x72z2 mirabilite in one small cup and six /z of water to obtain a clear liquid. When the eyes are rinsed [With _ this liquidj in accordance with the method [listed below]|, within one year
the eyes will be those ofaboy[Ihe rinsing is to be performed] in the first month on the third dayin the second month on the eighth day in the third month on the fourth day In the fourth month on the fourth day in the ffth month on the fifth day in the sixth month on the fourth day in the seventh month on the third day in the etgphth month on the frst day in theninth month on theI3th dayin the tenth month on the 3th day in the eleventh month on the Ir6th day and in the twelfth month on the fifth day. $2ezze 227 7
齡 疼痛 。 呢
其 濃 ,漿 同 朴 消 買 ,化 淋說
成 ,箱 擦 。之 普
濟方 。
Toothache. Boil po xzz2 mirabilite in a viscous juice of ozZe2Zz/zz「seed] until it has dissolved, drip [the liquidj] on astone and wait forit to turn into a frost. Rub this
lon the affected teeth]. 及 去 zz
/2e zz
Cz2 Gz7zg 4
食 蟹 齦 腫。 朴 消 傅 ,之 即 。消 普 濟方 。 Whenthe gums swell following aconsumption of crabs.Apply po xzz2 mirabilite to them and [the swelling willl dissolve. 選 壇 多 7
喉 痺 腫 。痛 外 臺 用 朴 消 一 ,兩 細 細 通, 加 甘草 生 末 二 錢半 , 吹 之 。
含 ,咽 立 。效 或 加 丹 砂 一 。錢 氣 塞不
Blocked throat with a painful swelling. Ihe 殉 z zz|recommends to] hold avery fine powder of one /z7zge of 22 xzz2 mirabilite in the mouth and swallow |the result-
ing liquid]. Ihis will be immediately effective. Tt is also possible to add one 7zz7zz of cinnabar.Tf the passage of q is blocked,add two and ahalf /zzzz of fresh 2zZyc)y222 lroot] powdepand blowit [into the patients mouth/throatd
小 兒 重 。古 馬
牙 消 塗 於 古上 下 , 日 。三
姚和 眾 。
A doubled tongue7 of children. Apply 2z 籽 %zz2 mirabilite to the upper and the lower side of the tongue, three times aday Yao Hezhong-
口 古 生 。瘡 朴 消 含 之 。良 孫 真人 方 。 Sores developing in the mouth and on the tongue. Hold po xzz2 mirabilite in the mouth. Grood. zz7z 之 2e7z7e7z /272g.
小 兒 鵝 口。 馬
牙 消 擦 古上 , 日 五 。度 簡 要 困濟 。
Groose-mouth79 of children. Apply 2z ) x7zz2 mirabilite to the tongue, up to five times a day..77z7z zz2.7Z 之22729.
豌豆 毒 。瘡 末 成 膿 。者 猩 膽汁 和 芯 末消 塗 。之 梅 師 。 Pea-size poison swelling that has not begun to fester yet.JMEix pig bile and zz %722 mirabilite and apply this [to the affected region]- 2 7
代 指 腸 。痛 立 消 同 湯 汗 。之 聖惠 方 。 Finger replacement75 with a painful swellinp. Boil zzg xzz2 mirabilite and soak lthe affected fingerj in the hotliquid. $2ezzg 2z/7 zzze
748 C72oze52e 重 古 ,“doubled tongue.””"A growth underthe tongue,mostly in children,similar toasecond tongue. BCGIM Dict L, 92.
五 /oz 其 ,“goose 口 mouth,”refers to a white layer covering the mucous membranes and top of the tongueinachilds mouth making it resemble a goose-mouth.BCGM Dict, I4TI.
75o 7z7 >x27 代 ,指 “painful finger replacement.”A condition of sores developing at the marglins ofones fingernails with the edges beinginflamed,swollenand painfulL BVCGM Dict LIIZ.
C/2z2/27 陽
火焰 丹 毒。 水 調 芯 末消 塗 。之 梅 師 。 Flaming cinnabar posion.7 Mix zzz2 this [to the affected regionl]. 44z7 527.
mirabilite powder with water and apply
一 切 風疹 。 水 章 芯 消 湯 拭 。之 梅 師 。 All types of wind papules. Boil 7zzzgexzz2 mirabilite in water and wipe [the affected regionj with the hotliquid. 和 zz 52
漆 瘡作 并 。 芯
消 湯 涂 。之 知 金 。
Itching sores caused by lacquer [gq
Apply a hot 2z7zg x7z2 mirabilite solution to
[the affected region]- 0zz7z 777z.
灸 瘡 飛 。蝶 因 文 灸 火 瘡 痴 退 ,落 瘡 內鮮肉 片 子 飛 如 蝶 ,狀 騰空 飛 ,去 痛 不 可 言 , 是血肉 俱 熱, 怪 病 。也 用 朴 、消 大 黃 各 半 兩, 烏 末 。 水 調下 , 微利 即 。愈 夏 子 益 奇 疾 方 。 Sores resulting from cauterizationm With butterflies flying. When following amoxibustion treatment the scabs of the sores caused by thefire fal offandbrightslices of flesh pgrow in these sores that fiy away like butterflies. hey soar into the air and fly away and thepain associated with this cannot be putin words.Ttisastrange disease with both blood and flesh affected by heat.[Grind] half a /z7zge of 22 xzz2 mirabilite
and rhubarb root to apowdep and send it down mixed With water When aslight free flow [of defecationj results,this will be the cure. 入 ia Ziyib 07 祁
婦人 難產 。 芒 末消 二 ,錢 童子
小 便 溫 ,服 無
不 效 。者 信
效方 。
Women with diffcult birth. [Let the patient] ingest two 77Zz7/ of 7zz7zg 72z2 mirabi-
lte powder With warm boys urine. No such applcation will remain without effect 入 777 %722 /2722.
死 胎 不 。下 方 同上 。 A dead fetus that fails to be discharged. Recipe identical to the one above.
豐 城“ 曾 尉有 貓 孕 五 ,子 一 下。 信效 方。 亦
子 已 ,生 四
子 死 腹 ,中 用此 灌 之 即 。下 狼 治 一牛
ormmandant Zeng of Feng cheng had acat that was pregnant With five kitten. QOne kitten was born, the remaining four died in the [cats] abdomen. He forcefed
this [medication to the cat and the four dead kitten were] discharged. He also treatedacow this way and [its dead calf] was discharged, too. 及 zzz xz22 zz7zo
75I zz2 yz7z Zzz 2 火焰
丹 毒 ,“fiaming cinnabarpoison”askin ailment.BCGM DictL, 235.
7/2e 27 Cdz2 Gd7zg 477
白 四 錢 , 水 五 ,程 新 瓶 辟 三 ,伽 入 女人 葵 。足 脫骨 湯 : 用杏仁 一 ,錢 桑 皮 足 上 , 先 一 後 。洗 三 日 一作 , 十 餘 朴 消 五 ,錢 乳香 一 ,錢 封口 風化 。 置 說 次 ,後 軟 若 束 綁 。也 闔交 事 宜 。 To facilitate the binding of a girls feet. Ihe“decoction to soften bones. Boil one 2727z of bitter apricot seeds and four 7zzz of the root bark of white mulberry in five
bowls of waterin anew jar down to three bowls.Add five 7zz7z of 22 x72z2 mirabilite and one 7zzz of frankincense,close the [jars] openingandboilituntil [al substanc-
es]are transformed [into aliquid]|- Place [the girls] foot on [the jarj, steam it first
andthen washit.Dothis onceinthree days.After more than ten such applications, [the bones] will have become as soft as a bundle of sikk floss. Gzz.gz
II-oOo9-o4 20, 風化 。消 /ez 2 Wind transformed solver,
【 修 】【 治 時 珍 曰】 以 芯 消 於 風 中 日 消盡 水 ,氣 自 成 輕 飄 白 粉也 。 或 以 恣 瓶 ,盛 挂 蕉 下 , 竺 消 滲 出 瓶外 , 刊 下 收 。之 別有 甜瓜 盛消 滲出 刊 收 者 , 或 膽收消 刊 取, 皆 非 甜 消 也 。 黃 御牛 Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Li| Shizhen: Expose 2z7zg x7z29 mirabilite to wind
andsunligphtandthis wiletallits water divanish.Asaresult,alight,floatingp white powderis generated.Orfll [zz7exzz2 mirabilite] into aporcelain jap hang it under the eaves and wait for [aliquid] to seep outof the jar land crystallize] on its outside. Scrape it of from_ [the jars outside] and store it [for an application when neededAnothermethodistoflamuskmelonfruitwith mirabilite,let [theliquid] seep out and scrape [the crystals] of to store [them forlateruse].Or ll the gall bladder ofa yellow bull with mirabilite, and scratch [the crystals from its outside. Jhe resulting
powder] is not /27z %zz2 mirabilite.
【 主 】治 上 焦 風 ,熱 小 兒 驚 熱 膈 ,瘓 清 肺 解 署。 以人 乳和 涂 , 去 面 熱 腫 。痛 煎 黃連 , 點 亦 。目 時 珍 。 腫, 及 頭 暴
眼瞼 亦
Control. Upper Burner affected by wind and heat. Fright heat and diaphrapgm phlegm of children.Ttclears the lung andresolves summerheat.Applied mixed with human milk it removes redness and swelling of eyelids, as well as painful swelling of ones head and face associated With violent heat. Boilit together With co2Zy|rhizomejand drip [theliquidj into the red eyes. [Li] Shizhen.
時 明 【 發 】【
珍 日】 風
化 消 甘 緩 輕浮, 故 治 上 焦
心 肺 瘓 ,熱 而
不 泄利。
Explication. [Li| Shizhen: /e7zge 2zz zz2 mirabilite is sweet, unhurried, llpht and
floating. Hence it serves to cure phlegm and heatin the Upper Burnerp the heart and the lung without causing free-flow [defecatiom」.
C/2z2/27 陽
玄明 粉 藥性 你 2/277 2272 多, 上 匕 Yo2 x7772.
Lustrous powder LIhenardite Purifed Glauber salt.
【 釋 】名 白 龍 粉。【 時 白 龍粉 。
珍 】 晶 玄, 水 之 色也 ; 明 , 瑩
Explanation of Names. 5z7 /7zg /zz
澈 。也 御
藥 院 謂方 之
日 龍 粉 ,“white dragon powder”[Li] Shizhen:
和 zzz
率 is the “dark color of water. 47zg 明 is "clear The 交 yo2 yz27. zzg calls it
ge 7
【 月 一 一 至 冷 草末
修 治】【 下 露 一 取 夜 出。 ,個 容 武 旗 。之 一 伏 ,時 一 ,兩
白 龍 粉 ,“white dragon powder
時 珍 日】 製 :法 用 白淨 朴 消 十 上 夜, 去 水 取消 。 每 一 斗, 用 羅 蔔 每 消 一 ,斤 用甘草 一 ,兩 同 風 實 盛 ,之 臣 泥 固 濟 厚 半 ,寸 不 蓋 待 沸 ,定 以吧 一 片 蓋 ,口 仍 前 取出 , 隔 紙 安地 上 , 盆 覆 三 日 炙 上甘草 末 一 ,兩 和 勾, 瓶 收用 。
,斤 一 去 ,口 固 出
長流水 一 ,石 轉 化 去 ,淬 星 斤 切 ,片 同 煮 ,熟 濾 ,淨 再 露 ,溢 再 露 一 夜取 出 。 以大 沙 罐 置 爐中 , 以姑 火 十 ,斤 從 文 ,濟 再 以 十 五 斤 頂火 沁 之。 放 火 毒, 研 末 。 每 一 ,斤 入 生上 甘
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Li] Shizhen: Ihe methodto prepare it [is as follows.
Dissolve ten7zzof white,clear 2 x7z2 mirabilite in one Zzzzof boiling water that has flowed over a long distance,and discard the dregs. Let [the liquid] rest under the
open sky with stars and moon for one night, discard the water and keep the xzz2 消 mirabilite. For each _zZoz [of xzz2 消 mirabilite] cut one 7/z ofradish into fine slices,
boil [the mirabilite and the radish] togethep pass [the resulting liquid] through a sieve[to obtain aj clear [liquid] and let this rest once again under the open sky for
one night. Remove [the resulting powder] and fill alarge pottery jap with [its contents] firmly pressed.Cover [the mirabilite] With ahalf aczzthicklayerof salt mud. Do not close its opening. Place [the jar] into a furnace and calcine it With ten 有 of charcoal fire, gradually proceding from amild |fire] to astrong [fire]. Once [the contents] bubble, cover the opening with atile, firmly close it and calcine it again With atop fiame firedbyT57zz [ofcharcoall. Take [the jar out of the furnace] and let itcoolforone dayandonenight. Ihenremove [the contents] and place them on the
ground, separated by asheet of paper Cover them with abasin for three days until the fire poison has left. Ihen grind them toapowder. For each 7zzz add one /z7g of fresh geZycyy7y27zz [root]and one /z7ce of fried geZycyy7y27zzz [root],and prepare an even mixture. LThis is then storedinajar for [later] use.
【 氣 】味
/2e zz Cz2 Gz7zg 4
辛 、 甘 , 冷 , 無琳 。
Qi and Flavor. Acrid, sweet, cold, nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 心 熱 煩 ,躁 並 臟 五 宿 滯 癥結 。 瓢 。權 明 ,目 退且 上 虛 毒 。 大明 ,。
,熱 消 腫
Control. Heart heat With unrest and restlessness, and also conglomeration-illness nodes associated With sluggish [food that has remained] in the five long-term depots overnight. Z/hen Quan. It clears the eyes and removes depletion heat from above the diaphragm. It serves to dissolve swelling with poison. Da Ming-
【 發 】【 明 呆 曰】 玄明 粉 , 沉 ,也 陰 。也 其 有用 二 : 去 中胃 之 實 ,熱 蕩 腸 士 南 玄明 粉 傳 日】 唐明 呈 帝聞 終 山道 耳 以 盆 消 。【 中 之 宿 班。 大 抵 用 此 代 食 壽 , 乃 詔 而 問 。之 玄 真 :曰 臣 仙按 經, 修 鍊 朴 ,消 號 玄 明 琅 率 真 服 多 無 性 ,溫 陰 中 有 陽, 能 除 一 二插 十 種 粉 , 止 此服 方 , 隧 無 病 長 。生 其 藥 溢 疾 。 生 餌 尚 救急 能 難 性 命, 何況 修 鍊 長 。服 辣精壯 ,氣 助 陽 證 。陰 不拘 丈 夫婦 人 , 幼稚 被 。襟 不 問 時四 冷熱 。 一 切 熱 毒 風 冷, 疙 疝 氣 脹 ,滿 五 勞 七 傷 , 骨 蒸 傳 戶, 頭痛 煩 ,熱 五 內 氣 塞, 大 小 腸 不 ,通 三 焦 熱 ,淋 閨 ,必 菇 嗽 嘔 ,逆 口 苦 劑舌 , 咽喉 閉 ,杉 毆 悸 健忘 , 營 衛 不 ,調 中 中酒 鮑 , 飲食 過 度, 腰 膝 冷 ,痛 手足 酸 痺, 久 冷久 熱 , 四 肌 比 ,塞 背 膊 拘 急 , 目 昏上 運, 久 視 無 ,力 腸 風 痔 ,病 血泊 不 ,調 婦人 產後 , 小 兒 准 ,氣 陰 毒 傷 ,寄 表 理 藥 服, 令 人 悅 。澤 開 關 建 ,脾 駐 明顏 目, 輕 身 延 ,姬 功效 不可 疫 。瘓 此 久 覺 熱 傷寒 , 頭痛 鼻 十 服, 臨時 酌量 加 減。 似 雍 具 。載 但 用 一 ,兩 分 為 二 塞, 四 股 不 ,舉 飲食 不下 , 煩 閃 氣 ,脹 須 通 瀉 求 安 ,者 即 看 紀 年 高 下, 用 爍 二 半錢 或半 兩 , 以桃花 璧 下湯 鳥 使, 最 上 。 次用 菩 湯 。下 如 未 ,通 以 沸 服 錢 , 毒物 立 泄 湯 投 之 即 。效 或 食 諸 魚 藕 菜 飲 、食 諸 毒藥 , 用 莘 白 湯 調 二 下 。 若 女人 喘 懷 六 ,甲 長 服 安 ,胎 生 子 亦 無 瘡 腫 疾 。病 若要 微 暢 不 閉塞 , 但 長 服 ,之 稍稍 得 ,力 朝 服 夕 ,應 不 搜 刊人 五 ,臟 怡 怡 自 。泰 其 藥 初服 更 三 錢 。匕 七 日 內 常 微 泄利 時 , 每 日 空腹 , 酒飲茶 湯 任 下 二 錢 ,匕 良久 下 黃 黑 水 省 沫 ,等 此 是 搜 淘 諸 疾 根 本 出 ,去 勿 用 砰 。之 七 日 後 漸 知 腹 內 暖, 湯 下 詞 ,使 惟 忌苦 參 。 大 消食 下 氣。 長 服 除 故 套 ,新 氣 血 日 。安 用 麻子 好 古 日】 么明 粉 治 陰 毒 一 ,句 非 伏 陽 在 內 不 可用 。 若 中 詳 載 太 陰 經 。【 用 治 真 陰 ,毒 殺人 甚 速 【 震 亨 日 】 率明 粉 火 而 ,成 其 當性 溫。 曰 長服 , 不 二 久 ,服 輕 身 固 ,胎 駐 顏 益 ,壽 大 能補益 , 昱 理 也 ?哉 予 親 見 一 朋友 和 言 朴 消 鍊 餌 服 ,之 輕 身神 時 珍 日】 神 嵌本 草 戒 信 了 予 言 而 ,亡 故 書 以 烏 。【 仙 , 蓋 方士 竄入 之 。言 後人 因此 製 烏 明率 粉 。 和 鍊多 篇, 佐 以 甘草, 去 其 鹹 寄 之 毒。 遇 有 三 焦 腸 胃 實 熱 積 ,滯 少年 氣 壯 ,者 量 與 服 ,之 亦有 速效 。 若脾胃 虛 冷及 陰虛火 動 者 服 ,之 是 速 其 答吳 。 Explication. [ 工 | Gao:
及 zz7z 27Z7zg
7z sinks into the depth; it is yin. It has two
usapges. It removes out of the stomach repletion heat,and it washes out of the intes-
C/2z2/27 陽
tines an abiding dirt. Generally speakingy it is used as asubstitute for pezz xzz2 盆 消 mirabilite. 六 zz7z 77z77zg 7 2Z2zz7z: When Iang cmperor Ming huang was told that on Moung Zong nan shan a Daoist named Liu Xuanzhen had ingested [elixirs|」 for food and enjoyed along life, he summoned him to the court and asked him about this. [Liu] Xuanzhen said: |[LPb your] subordinate, have prepared by means of
arefinement With heat and following the [records in the] classics of the hermits/ immortals 2o xzz2 mirabilite.[The resulting substance] is called zzz7z 7z77zg /7z 系
明 粉. Ever since Ihave ingested this recipe and nothing else,Ihave never suffered from adisease and Tenjoylongevity Ihis medication has no impurities and itis of a warm nature.Itis the yangin theyin,anditis able to eliminate I2o kinds of disease. onsumed unprocessed it is also able to save the life [of patients」 in critically diffcult situations. How much more [can it achieve] when ingested refined with heat
over along time. Tt boosts essence/sperm and strengthens the qi. Tt assists the yang and ascertains the yin. Regardless of whether males or females, children or babies are concerned, and regardless of which of the four seasons it is and whether it is [atime ofj cold or heat, [this substance cures] all lof the following diseases]. Heat
訓ness - qi with distension poison and wind cold. String-iHnessZ and apggregatlon and afeeling of fullness. he five types of exhaustion and the seven types of harm. Bone steaming and corpse |[qi] transmission. Headache and unrest with heat. Ihe
five internal blockapges of di. Blocked passage through the large and small intestines.[urinary] dripping because of heatin the Triple Burner. Attachment iness7 and [demonj hostility Coughing and vomiting with counterflow. A bitter taste in the_ mouth and adry tongue. Closed throat. Fright palpitation and forpgetfulness. Disharmony between camp and guardian [q].Being struck by [excessive consump~ tion of] wine. Being struck by [excessive consumption of] minced fish. Excessive consurmption of beverapges and food. Painful cold affecting lower back and knees.A feeling in 了 he hands and feet of soreness caused by blockage. A long-lasting cold, andalong-lasting heat.Obstruction affecting the four extremities. Cramp affecting back and arms. Dimmed vision and dizziness. Loss of strength after viewing fora long time. Intestinal wind and piles disease. Blood filush out of control. [Condi崗 ness74 di. Yin poison tions] of women following birth. Children affected by gez7752
參 z27z 疙 ,“strinp迪ness,”is acondition of acute pain located in the abdomen to the lefft and rightoftheumbilicus. BCVGM Dict
753 Z2z 症 , also 22z 注 ,“attachment-illness,” “influx-inesss," reflects a notion of a foreign
pathogenic agent, originally of demonic nature, having attached itself to the human organism.BCGM Dict 688-695. 754 Gzz 聞 , “oz7-ness, also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCGJM Dict L I8o-I88.
/2e zz
Cz2 Gz7zg 4
variety of harm caused by cold. External and internal affection by epidemics. When this medication is ingested over along time, it lets one be happy and have aglossy appearance. It opens the oriflces and strengthens the spleen. It maintains a |youth~ful] complexion and clears the eyes. It relieves the body of its weight and extends [the years oflife to] longevity It is impossible to list all of its potentials and effects. Itis cnough to divide one /z7zge ofit into twelve portions. Ihey may be increased or decreased in accordance With temporary requirements. In the case of heat obstruction and harm caused by cold, headache and stuffed nose, With an inability to raise thefourlmbsand to drinkand eat,in the case of unrestand heart-pressure and qtcaused distension, when a[medicationj is required to open [the passageways] fora free fiow [of defecation] and to regain peace, then taking into regard [the patients] apge use two and a half 7zzzz, or half a /Zzzzgy of this「xzZ7z zzzg zz] medication and
have it sent down with a peach flower decoction as guiding substance. Jhis is best. Another possibility is to send it down with an onion decoction. IT the passage [of defecation」 remains closed, give [the zzz7z 7z77z2 zz] into bubbling hot water and this w 訓 be effective. Also, for [problems resulting from」aconsumption of all types
of flsh, of lotus roots and vegetables, of beverapges and food, as well as all types of poisonous medication, ingest two 7727/「of xz27 zz77zg /7z」 mixed with an onion
decoction, and the poisonous items wi be discharged immediately Ta pregnant Woman ingests it for along time, this will pacify her fetus, and after her child is born, she will not be affected by sores, swelling, ness and disease. If asmooth |defecation] is asked fop one simply ingests it for along ttme. Slow by slow it wil
pain strength. Ingestedin themorningyitwil show its effects in the evening.Tt does not plunder ones five long-term depots; its effects are mild and pleasant. At the beginning of an ingestion of this medication, every morning onanempty stomach the amount held byatwo 7zz7 spoonis to be sentdown with eitherawine beverage oratea decoction. Over an extended period of time, this dosage may be modifled to ingesting the amount held by athree 7zz7 spoon.Within seven days amild free flow ofayellow-black watery foam will recur regularly and this is how the roots of 引 訕nesses are washed out and eliminated. his is nothing to worry about. After seven days [patients] will feel a gradual warming up in their abdomen. Food will be dissolved and [intestinall qi will be discharged. An ingestion over a long time will eliminate the old and nourish the new; qi and blood will be in peace every day. To send it down,ahemp seed decoction will serve as a guiding substance. he only item prohibited [during such atreatment] is yo22oyz [root].' Further details are re-
corded in the 727 7)yzz. 有 zzg. [Wang] Haogu: Jhe statement that xz/zZ7z 77777z2 7 Serves to cure yin poison must not be applied in clinical practice fitis notacondition of an internally subdued yang. 1f [zz7z 2777ze. 7]」 is used to cure a genuine yin poison,
C/2z2/27 陽
it will very quickly kill that person. [Zhu] Zhenheng: 六 zz7 7z77ze /7z is a product
of fire calcination. Hence its nature is warm. When it is said ingested over an extended period of time,ingested overalongtimeitwill relieve thebody of its weight and stabilize afetus, it wil maintain a [youthfull complexion and boost longevity and it can massively supplement and boost [the qij”on what principle could this
be based? lhave seen one or two close friends who did not believe my words and perished. HenceThave recorded this here to serve as a warning. [Li] Shizhen: The 5S227z 27zo 2e7z c22 Says that_ an intake of heat reflned 2 zz2 mirabilite as a special diet serves to relieve the body of its weightand to make one aspirit immortal.” he fact is, this statement is alater addition inserted by recipe masters,and it is because of this [statement] that the people in later times have prepared zz7z 7z77z2 7z. If it is
profoundly refined With heat through calcination and assisted by geZycyyy2z%z [root its poison of a salty cold will be eliminated. If one encounters a case of heat repletion, accumulation and sluggishness affecting Triple Burnep intestines and stomach of ayoung person With astrong qi constitution, he is to ingest it [with the dosage] measured [in accordance with his conditionmj]. Jhis results in quick effects. However
if[a patient] ingests this [medication] when his spleen and stomach are affected by
depletion cold, and if his condition is one of yin depletion and excited fire, he w 誤 be punished right away
【 附 方】 新 三 。 Added Recipes. Jhree newly [recorded
熱 厥 氣 。痛 率明 粉 三 ,錢 熱 童 尿 調 。下 集
簡方 。
Painful heat because of [yinj qi recession. Send three qian of xz2z7/ zz /z down
mixed With hot boys urine..7z7727z./7zo
傷寒 發 。狂 率 明 粉 二 ,錢 朱砂 一 ,錢 末 之 , 冷水 。服 傷 寒 總要 。 Harm caused by cold With_fits of madness. Grind two 77277 Of xz/277 77zo 7 and one 77z7z of cinnabar to apowder and ingest it With_ cold water. $2z7zo 227z 7 )zz2.
不 止。 玄明 粉二 錢 , 水 。服 聖 濟 。
Unending nosebleed. Ingest two 77Z27z Of xz27z 27 7 With water. S2e7zg
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z II-II
消 石 本 經上 品 人 7zo 52p 上 弓 227/.777zo upper rank.
Nitrokalite. Saltpetre. Potassium nitrate,
【 本、 狀 再 緩, 石, 焰 今
釋 】名 莖 消 別 、錄 苦 消 甄 、權 焰 消 土 北 帝 玄 。【 珠 志 曰】 以 消化 其 諸 ,石 若 朴 ,消 故有 芯 消 之 。號 不 與 朴 消 及 恒 鍊取 時 去 芯 凝結 消 在 下 ,者 精央 既 惟 能 煙火 發 。【 權 日】 記 消 作 一 苦 丹 爐 用家 制 五 金 八 ,石 銀 工 家 用 化 ,起 故有 諸 。名 狐 剛 子 粉 謂圖 之 北 帝 詳 文 。 併 為 ,一 並 下
宿、 火 消 綱目 、 地 和町 習 、本 生 故 名 消 。石 初 辟 鍊時 有 細 芯 , 別 錄 亡 消 同 。【 類 宗 夷 日】 消 ,去 但 餘 溢 如 石 而 已。 入 藥 功 ,消 言 其 味 苦 。【 也 時 珍 日】 金 ,銀 兵家 作用 烽 熾 火 ,藥 得 寶 草 重 出 生 、消 廊 消 玄 。珠 開 本
Explanation of Names. 47zzg xz22 亡 消 ,“awn solvep”2zz 用
solverp”Zhen Quan. 多 ep”Gzzzg zz.
zxzz2 焰
zz xzz2 古
消宋 而 石是 力亦 消 火即 ,
,消 “bitter
,“blazing 消 solverpy 了 5z. 瑟 z2 xzz2 火 消 ,“fire solv-
7 2zz7g 地 ,“ground 箱 frost”S2z 2e7z. S2e7g zz2 生 消 ,“fresh solv-
ep”So7zge 2ez. 527 了 zz >2z 北
敝 玄珠 ,“dark pearlofthe Northern Thearch.”[Ma]
Zhi: As it is able to dissolve, xzz2 2zz 消化 , all types of stones/minerals, 52z called “stone/mineral solvep”xzz2 5297 消
石,it is
.Whenitis 石 boiled for arefinement with
heat,in the beginning it develops some filne awns, zzg 亡 ,and its shape resembles that of 22 xzz2 和 朴 消 mirabilite. Hence it is also called zz7g zzz22 亡 消 ,“solver With awns.”But it does not belong to the same group as 22 xzz2 朴 消 mirabilite and the 2zzzo zz2 亡 消 mirabilite mentionedin the 5zzZ 及 [Kou] Zongshi: Nitrokalite con-
geals on the bottom when zzzgxzz2 亡 消 mirabilite is produced by heatrefinement through boiling. Ihe fine and lustrous [elements] are removed [for later usej; the
remaining dregs resembling stones are discarded. When added to medication, its potential is rather mild. It can be used only to create smoke and fire.[Zhen] Quan:
77z7g x7z2 亡 消 is also written 和 x7z2 質 消 ,“bitter solvery” that is to say its fiavor is bitter. [Li| Shizhen: Ihe experts of elixirs and furnaces resort to nitrokalite to check [the effects of] the five metals and eight stones/minerals. Silversmiths use it
to transform gold and silver. Military experts use it for gunpowder and to light fire on beacon towers. Whenitis ltits fames rise. Hence al these names. Hu gang Z1 in his /ez #/ namesit dark pearl of the Northern Ihearch.” The 太 2z7 2z2 2e7z cZ2 has
separate entries for vezgxzz2 生 消 and zzzgxzz2 蕊 消 .Here now they are brought together into one entry For details on all of them, see the text below
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 日】 消 石 生 益 山谷 州 及 武 都、 墜 西、 西 ,羌 打 無 。【 時 紉 識 者。 或 云 與 消 似 , 仙 經 此用 消化 諸 石, 今 無 真 此 景 日】 消 石 療 病 與 朴 相 朴 消 同 ,山 所 相以 消 名 一 消 相 石 也。 又 雲 名 一 亡 。消 今 芯 消 乃 是 煉 朴 消作
C/z27/e7 也
之, 並 未 難 研 其 。驗 有 人 得 一 種 ,物 色 與 朴 大 消 同 小 ,異 肌 肝 如 握 覽雪 , 不 冰 , 燒 之 紫 煙青 起, 云 是 真 消 石 。也 今 昌宕 以 北 諸 有山 鹹 土 處 皆有 之 。 【 記 日 】 此 即 地 夭 。也 所 在 山 ,澤 冬 月 上地 有 第, 掃取 以 水 淋 ,汁 後乃 煎 鍊 而 ,成 狀 如 釵 ,腳 好 者 長 五 分 以 。來 陶 說 多 ,端 蓋由 不 的 識 之 故也 。 【 又 】晶 生 消 生 茂 州西山岩石 間 , 形 塊 大 小 不 ,定 色 青 ,白 打 無 。【 時 時 慶 陽 諸 縣 及 錦 中 尤 。多 秋 間冬 過 鹵 皆 產 ,之 而河北 珍 日】 一 消 ,石 諸 地 地 生 ,白 掃 取 恒 煉 而 成。 貨 者 苟且, 多 不 潔淨 , 須 再 以 水 煎 ,化 傾盆 中 , 在 者, 狀 如 朴 ,消 又 名 生 ,消 謂 鍊 過 生 出 之 消 。也 結 在上 一 夜 結 ,成 澄 下 芯 芯 ,消 或有 圭 艙 如 馬 牙 ,消 故 消 石 亦有 芯 、消 牙 消 之名 , 者 , 或有 鋒 如 與 朴 消 之 、記 牙 同 ,稱 而 水 火 之 則 性 異 。也 人 崔 肪 外 本 丹 草 :雲 消 ,石 陰 石 也 。 此 非 石 ,類 乃 嶄 妮 風 ,成 今 呼 焰 。消 河 北 商城 及 懷、衛 界, 沿 河人 家 , 刮圍 淋 汁 煉 ,就 與 朴 消 小 ,異 南地 不 產 。也 昇 玄 子 伏 未 圖 :雲 消 石生 消 石 中 者 烏 真。 其 石 出 處, 點上 , 便 入 英 局 場 ,國 其 色 青 ,白 用 白石 炙熱 單 過 ,之 身上 諸 蟲 悉 化 烏 。水 能 消 金 能 其上 。 人 或 衣 氣 極 穢 ,惡 飛 伺 不 過 石 烏 ,水 服 之 長 。生 以 形 若 其 管 者 佳。 謹 按 昇 玄 所 子 說 , 似 與 今 之 消 石不 同。 而 寬姚 西 溪 叢 話 以 說其 為 真 正 消 。石 昱 外 國 所 產 中與 國 異 耶 ? 抑 別一 者訂正 。 種 耶 ? 當 俟博物 ollected Explanations. 5zz /Z: Nitrokalite_grows in the mountain valleys of Yi Zhou and in Wu du,LongxiandX 入 ijiang.Itis collected any time. [Tao] Hongjing: Nitrokalite heals disease in much the same way as 22 xzz2 mirabilite. In the classics of the hermits/immortals it is used to dissolve and transform all types of stones/ minerqls.Butnowadays thereis nobodywhois familiar With this.Some say it occurs on the same mountains as 22 zzzo mirabilite. HIence 2o xzz2 朴 消 is also called zzz2 7 22 消 石 朴. They also state that its alternative name is 7zzzg xzz2 亡 消. Nowadays zz7zo %722 1s prepared by heat refinement from /o x7zz2. Its effects have not been examined yet. Once someone obtained an item that appeared very similar to 2o xzz2. Tt was shiny as if he had held salt or snow in his hand, but it was not cold. When helit it purple-greenish fumes rose. It was said: Ihis is genuine nitrokalite. Nowadays it occurs in the _mountains with saline earth north of Dang chang[Ma] Zhi: This is 和 2zzzg 地 ,“ground 寐 frost." Where it occurs, on marshlands
in fhe mountains, afrost appears on the ground during winter months. Jt is swept together and soaked in water. Ihenitis refined with heat by boiling [the liquidj」, and is ready [for medicinaluse].Itis shaped like the handles of hairpins, with good
ones reaching alength of five /7z. Tao [Hongjings」sayings are rather disparate for the simple reason that he was not familiar With it.Jtis also said to originate in the rocks of the mountains west of MIao zhou, where it is present in pieces of different sizZe. Its color is greenish-white. Jt is collected any time. [Li] Shizhen: Nitrokalite
is brought forth by 和 types of bittern ground, and especially much occurs in He
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
betin 和 the counties of Qing yangy, and also in Shu zhong. During autumn and wintep the entire ground is covered white.[Nitrokalite] is prepared by collecting [this white cover] and by refining it with heat by means of boiling. Ihe item traded is imperfecty it is often polluted with impurittes. Hence it must be boiled again in water to transform it[Ihe liquid] is poured into a tub and [the nitrokalite] wil
congeal and form overnight. he dregs collecting on the bottom are shaped like 2 zz2 朴 消 . It is also called 572e7zc %722 生 消; that is to say it is a “solvent”xz22
消 ,
that has just “emerged,”y2ezg c2z 生 出 , from a preparation With heat. “Those parts congealing on top [oftheliquid] sometimes have pointed awns, zz 亡 ,1ke 7z27z %zz2 亡 消 , or they appear as elongated tablets with edges resembling zz )z xzz2 馬 牙 消 ,“horse teeth zzzozmirabilite.” This is why nitrokalite is also called /z7zg x722 亡 消 ,“awn xzzo, and ) zz2 牙 消 ,“teeth xzz2. [Nitrokalite is identical to 92 xz22 mirabilite] in terms of their names zz7g 亡 and )z 牙 . But they differ in terms of their water and fire nature. Cui Fang in his 7 2Z27 2e7z cd states: Nitrokalite is a yin stone/mineral. But it is defilnitely not part of the group of stones/minerals. It is produced by boiling bittern,and nowadays it is called yzz xzz2 焰 消 ,“blazing xzz2/ solvent. In He bei, in Shang cheng and at the border between Huai and Wei, thhe people living along the river scrape bittern [from the ground], soak and refine it
with heat and produce something notvery different from 22 xzz2.Jtis not produced in the southern regions. Sheng 入uanZziin his /7 oo7zo 2 states: Nitrokalite grows in Wu chang guo. Jts color is greenish-white. Fry apiece of quartz until it is hot and dripiton [nitrokalite].Tf [the quartz] inmmediately dissolves and penetrates the nitrokalite, it is genuine [nitrokalite]. Ihe qi of the places where nitrokalite origi-
nates in is extremely poliuted and malign. Birds are unable to fiy above them.When persons with only asingle garment pass by them, 4 worms/bugs on their body wi be transformed to water [Nitrokalite] is able to dissolve metals and stones to water,
Ingesting it gives one longevity Pieces With a physical appearance of goose quills are fine. Now, what Sheng 入uanzi says does not seem to agree with the nitrokalite of today But Yao Kuan,in his 六 7 x7 co7zg 2z/z, considers [Sheng
入uanzis] record as
describing the genuine nitrokalite. How could it be that a foreign product differs from [nitrokalite produced in] China? Perhaps they are different kinds? Ihis is up to the scientists to decide and find the correct ansWwer
【 出 今 可 三 中 ,
正 】【 誤 弘 景 日】 神 本 嵌 經 無 芯 ,消 只 有 消 ,石 一名 芯 。消 芒 ,消 療 與 消 石 ,同 疑 即 消 石 。也 人 舊 出 寧 ,州 黃 白 粒大 , 醫 家 多 用 煮 煉 作者, 色 全 ,白 粒細 而 味 不 甚 。烈 旦 甫 士 用 消 。石 消 生 石 山 之 ,陰 覽 之 膽 。也 取 石 脾 與 消 石 以 水 ,斗 正 白 雪如 , 以 水 中投 即 消 , 故 名 消 石。 其 味 ,苦 無 止 煩 ,滿 三 月 米 於 亦 。山 相和 消 ,者 亦 生 山 之 ,陰 有 鹽 基鹹
名 醫 列 味 極 辛苦 安 :言 無 煮 ,之 一 ,毒 主 消 之 ,水 則
錄乃 。 朴消 舺得 潟熱 相
C/z27/e7 也
消 生 於 其 。陽 其 味 ,苦 無末 , 其色 黃 ,白 主 療 ,熱 腹中 飽 ,脹 養胃 消 穀, 去 邪氣 , 亦 得 水 而 ,消 其 療 與 消 石 小 異。 按 如 此說 , 是取 立 消 合 ,煮 更 消 芯 消 ,者 用 燈 湯 淋 汁 煮 之 , 成 為 真 消 ,石 但 不 知 石 脾 是 何 物也 ? 以 朴 作 看 木 盆中 , 經 宿 即 成 。吳 今 益 州人 復 鍊 遍 石作 消 ,石 絕 柔 ,白 而 味 猶 是 警 山 上, 西川 、 苞 陵 二 縣 ,界 生 說 山 爾 。【 又 曰】 朴 消 今 冰出 州北部 汶 郡 色 多 青 ,白 亦 有雜 黑 。斑 士人 擇取 白 軟 ,者 以當 消 石 用 ,之 當 燒 令 汁 沸 出, 藏 器 日 】 石 、脾 芯 、消 消 ,石 並 出 西 戎 鹵地 , 鹹水 結成 。 也 狀如 榨 石 。【 【 恭 】晶 朴 有消 縱 、理 旨 理二 種 , 用 之 無 。別 其 白 軟 ,者 朴 消 苗也 , 虛 軟 少 。力 鍊 為 消 ,石 所 得 不多 , 以當 消 ,石 功力 大 劣 。【X 也 又 曰 】 消 石 即是 亡 消, 朴 消 一名消 石 杜。 今 煉 粗 惡 朴 ,消 取 汁 作 風 芯 ,消 即 是 消 。石 別 錄 復出 芯 消, 誤 吳。馮 。。 宋 古方 , 多 用 消 ,石 少 用 立 ;消 近代 諸 ,醫 但用 芯 消, 麥 言 消 石。 理 明既 白, 不 合 重 出。【 頒 日 】 舊 說 朴 、消 芒 、消 消 石三 汁 成 者 為 朴 ,消 一名 消 石 。朴 又 煉 朴 消 或地 物 同 種。 初 米 得 ,苗 以 水 淋 購 箱 而 成 堅如 白 石 ,者 詞 消 ,石 一名 亡 。消 又 取 朴 消 淋 汁 居鍊 結 成有 細 蕊 者, 詞 芯 。消 雖 一 體 異名 , 而修煉 之 法 既 ,殊 則 主治之 功 亦 。別 然 本 所經 載, 和 疑 二 是 種 。 今 醫 方 所 ,用 亦 不 能 。究 但 以 未 鍊 成 ,塊 微 色 青 者 烏朴 消。 鍊 成 盆中 有 亡者 , 烏 芯 ,消 亦謂 之 盆 。消 記 消 之 底 澄 凝 ,者 詞 消 石 朴。 消 力 ,緊 評 消 次 ,之 消 石 更 緩。 未 知 孰 ?是 蘇 恭 言: 曾 ” 宋 古方 , 多 用 消 ,石 少用 芯 。消 按 張 仲 景 傷 午 ,論 承 氣、 陷 胸 皆 用 芯 。消 藹 洪 肘 後 方 , 消 之。 是 曾 ” 宋 多 廊 ,消 惟 治 食 鮑 不 ,化 去 無 朴 ,消 用 芯 代 傷寒 時 氣 亦 用 丸 消 ,石 並 雲 無 以 前通用 朴 、消 志 消 。吳 胡 洽 方 十 從 湯 用 芯 ,消 大 五 飲 用 消 石此 以 言 ,之 和朴 消 、 消 石 烏 ,精 芯 消 烏 ,粗 故 陶 引氏 呈 兩 士 安 之 言 烏 證 , 是 消 當石 時 難得 已 其 ,真 故 方 書 通 以 相 代 。矣 用 芯 。消 是染 隋 間通 用 芯 、消 消 石 。吳 色古方 金 石 凌 ,法 用 朴 、消 消 石、 芯 、消 馬 牙 四消 種 相 第 之 。 方 出 唐世 , 不 當知 時 如 何 分 別 。也 儿南方 醫人 著 說消 云 : 參 , 次 下 本 有草 朴 、消 消 石、 記 消, 而 馬 無 牙 。消 諸 家 所 ,注 三 種 竟 無 斷 決 。 或 言 亡 、消 消 石 是 一 ,物 不 合 重 出 。 或 言 胃 鍊 朴 ,消 經 宿 盆中 有 細 芯 為 芯消 。 或 言馬 牙 消 自 是 一 。物 今 諸 消 之 各 體 異, 理 亦 易明 , 而 惑 乃 如 。此 朴 消味 苦 而 微 ,鹹 出 綿 郡 者 瑩 白 冰雪 如 , 內地 者 小 ,黑 皆 蘇 脆 易 ,碎 風吹 則 之 結 霜, 滬江 如 ,粉 鰲 之 烊 ,沸 亦可 錠 鑄。 以 水 合 甘 、草 豬 膽 煮 至 減半 , 投 大 盆 中 , 又 下 凝 水 石 ,屑 同 漬 一 宿, 則 凝結 如 白石 英 ,者 記 消 。也 掃地 宋 都 者, 消 石也 , 能 化 金 冉 鍊 而 ,成 試 竹上 如 解 鹽, 而 味 辛苦 , 燒 之 成 焰 畫 石, 又 性 長 ,火 而 能 制 諸 石 使 拒 ,火 亦 天 地 之 神 物 。也 牙 消 即 是 芯 消也 。 又有 生 ,消 不因 煮 鍊 而 ,成 亦 暫出 道 , 類 和朴 消 而 小 堅 。也 其 論 雖 辨, 然 與 古人 所 說 殊 ,列 亦 未 全可 信也 。【 好 古 】晶 消 石 ,者 消 之 總 名也 。 但 不經 時 珍 日】 諸 消 自曾 消 和 消; 經 火 ,者 謂 之 芯 、消 盆 。【 火 ,者 謂 之 生 、消 朴 唐 以 ,來 諸家 皆 名 執 而 ,猜 都 無 定 。見 惟 馬 志 開 寶 本 ,草 以 消 石 烏地 箱 鍊 成 , 而 芯 、消 馬 牙 消 是 朴 消 鍊 出 ,者 一 言 足 破諸家 之 惑 。吳 諸 家 因蓋 消 石
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
一名 立 ,消 朴 種 , 形 質 雖 ,同 消 、 嘉 祐馬 牙 水 消 ,也 有 二 朴 ,消 其 氣味 細 芯 者 名亦 芯 消 ,石 其 氣味 說 。 自 唐” 宋 水 石、 豬 膽 煎 造成 假 消 石 。也
消 名 一 消 相石 之 相名 混, 腔 致 費 辨 不 。決 而 不 知 有消 水 二火 石 條 詞 。正 其 別錄 記 農 經 相 、消 消 二 性 氣 迥 別也 。 人 惟 神 本 展 列 朴 ,消 即 並 併 。之 神 所 寶 消, 俱 係 多 出 , 今 歸 、消 開 生 出 牙 者 烏 牙 ,消 其 凝 諺 成 塊 者 通 烏 出 消、 結 馬 種。 煎 鍊 結 細 岩 列 消 ,石 即 火 消 ,也 亦有 二 種。 司 鍊 結出 皆 鹹 而 瞭。 神 所 ,消 結 馬出 牙 者 名亦 牙 ,消 又名 生 。消 其 凝 底 成 塊 ,者 其 詞 皆辛苦 而 大 。溫 二 消 皆有 芯 、消 牙 消 之 ,稱 故 古方 有 相代 之 以 ,下 所 用 芯 、消 牙 ,消 皆 是 水 消 。也 南 醫 所 辨 雖明 , 而 以北 成 者 烏 芒 ,消 則誤 。吳 今 通 正 其 。誤 其 石 ,脾 一名 消 石者 , 見 後 石 脾下 。
Correction of Errors.[Iao] Hongjing: Ihe 52e7z ozze 2ezz /Z7zg does not have an entry 22
zzz2 亡 消 ,it only lists xzz2 527 消
石,nitrokalite, and gives as an alterna-
tive name zz7zgx7z22 亡消.The zzg)7 2 有
is the first to mention 2z7g zz2 亡 消 , [stating tat] its therapeutic potential is identical to that of xzz2 52z 消 .石 Presum-
ably [the substance referred to] is xzz2 527 消
石/nitrokalite. In former times it orig-
inated in Ning zhou. Ihese were [pieces] of yellow-white color and of the size of
small grains, With an extremely acrid, bitter fiavor. [Nitrokalite] used by physicians often today after areflnement With heat is entirely white. Ihese are fine grains and their filavoris not very strong. Huangfu Shian says: “If22xzz2 朴 消 is not available, xzz22 527 消 石 may be resorted to. Nitrokalite grows on the yin/shady side of mountains. It is the “guts' of salt. When nitrokalite is boiled together with y?#7 27 石 脾 (II-AoI) in one 2 of water down_ to three Zoz, it will become purely white, like snowy and when water is poured onibit will dissolve,xzz2 消 . Hence it is called xzz2
Its filavor is bittep and it is nonpoisonous. stone/mineral that dissolves. 石 527 消 ,'the Tt controls melting With_thirst75 and inner heat. It ends unrest and sensations of fullness. It is collected on Mount Chi shan in the third month.
秒 xzz2 朴 消 , too,
grows on the yin/shady side of mountains. Where there is water with a salty and bitter Havop 2o xz22 prows on their yang/sunny side.Jts fiavoris bitter and it is nonpoisonous.Jts color is yellow-white. It controls heat and abdominal distension fo]lowing overeating. It nourishes the stomach, dissolves grain and removes evil . It too, dissolves when itis exposed to water. Jts therapeutic potential is only slightly different from that ofnitrokalite.“”Now,based on this statement, when [vs2727 石 脾 ] is boiled together With zz7ze x7zz9, [the ]atter] is modifiled to become genuine nitro-
kalite. But it is unknown what kind ofsubstance v27 27 石 臉 is.To prepare 27 x722 out of 22 xzz2, pour warm_ water on it and then boil it. Give [this liquid] into a wooden tub, leave it there and [zz7zg zzz2」 Will have formed overnight. Nowadays,
755 有 zz2 zz 消 Volp567.
淘 ,“melttng with thirstb "most likely including cases of diabetes.BCGM Dict
C/z27/e7 也
the people in Yi zhou refine alum with heat to prepare nitrokalite.[ Iheir product
is Very soft and white,and its fiavorremains to be that of alum. It is also said, 22 xz22 朴 消 nowadays originates in the border region ofthe two counties of Xi chuan and anlhngofWenshanjuninthenorthernpartof Yizhou.Ttgrows onthemountain cliffs and is often of a greenish-white colorpsometimes interspersed with black dots. The local people choose and remove those [pieces] that are white and soft and use
them instead of nitrokalite. tneeds to be heated to have it emit a bubbling liquid, and then it is shaped like alum. [Chen] Cangdqi: $27 27 石
,脾 2zzg xz22 亡 消 and
xzz2 527 消 ,they 石 all originate in the bittern earth of Xi rong,and they form when brine congeals.[Su] Gong: 箇 xzz2 入 消 occurs in two kinds. One has a vertical [line designj structure; the other has no clearly distinguishable [lne design] struc~ ture. Iheir usages are not different. Ihose pieces which are white and soft, they are “2o zz2 seedlings. Ihey are hollow soft and of weak [therapeutic] strength.When they are refined With heat to produce nitrokalite, the outcome is small. If it is used as a substitute_ for nitrokalite, its「therapeutic] effects are very deficient. It is also
said, xzz2 y27 消 石 is zzz7g zz2 蕊 消 ,and an alternative name of po zzz2 邊 消 is zzz2
7 2o 消 石 朴 .When nowadays raw and malign 22 zzz2 蕊 消 is dissolved to aliquid and this liquid is boiled to produce zzzgx7zz2 亡 消 , then this is actually xzz2 y27 消 石 .When the 5zz 月 listed 7zz7zg zzz2 in a separate entry 了 at was an error. Ihe an~cient recipes of theJJn and Song eras frequently resort to xzz2 527 消 ,石 they rarely [recommend to] use 2z7zge xzz2 亡 消 . In recent times, a11 physicians only use 2Z72 xzz2 蕊 消, and only few of them refer to xz22 52z 消 .石 The underlying principle is obvious and [zzz7zgxzz2 亡 消 ] should not have been listed separately [Su] Song: In old statements the three items 22 %7z22 朴 消 , 7zz7zo x722 亡 消 and xzz2 y27 消 石 were
regarded as identical kinds. At first they are collected as seedlings. Water is poured over them,y they are boiled and this results in a product named 2o xzz2 朴 消 , also named xzz2 527 22 消 石和 仆 .When po zzz2 朴 消 or 選 y2zz7zg 地 箱 are further refined With heat, resulting in asubstance that is hard and white like astone, 也hen this is xzz2 527 消 ,also 石 called zzzgexzz2 蕊 消 . Furthermore, 放 2o xzz2 朴 消 is soaked in water and refined With heat by boiling it so that it congeals and develops fine awns, then this is zzg xzz2 亡 消 . These are identical substances, but their names differ. As the methods of their preparation differp [the diseases] they control and serve to cure differ too. Howeverp the records in the 2ez.7-7zoe may refer to two kinds. When todays physicians use them in their recipes,they too,are unable to make a [correct
distinction. Ihey simply consider those pieces that have not been refined with heat yet and are of aslightly greenish color to be po xzz2 征 消. And they consider those that are refined with heat and that have grown awnsinatub to be zzgxz22 亡 消. They also call the latter pez xzz2 盆 消 , “tub solvent.”Ihe dregs congealing on the
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
bottom of the zz7g xzz2 蕊 消 [tub] are xzz2 52# 92 消 石朴. The [therapeutic] strength of [22 和 ]朴 xzz2 消 is intense.That of zzz7zg zzz2 蕊 消 is second to it.That of xz2z2 527 消 石 is even milder Itis not known who is right. Su Gong says: ““Ihe ancient recipes of theJJnand Song eras frequently resort to xzz2 y2z 消 ,石 they rarely [recommend to] use 2zz7zexzz2 亡 消 Zhang Zhongjing in his $2z7ze 22z7z 太 7 in his |recipes aimed at| “upholding the di and sinking into the chest always uses 27z x722 亡 消 . Ge Hongy in his Z22z 2oz
名 Zgey for harm caused by cold and [diseases
caused by] seasonal qi often resorts to zzge zzz2 亡 消. Only when he cures “failing digestion of minced fish,”he states that “if 2 zzz2 朴 消 is not available, zz7zg %z22 亡 消 is to be used as asubstitute.” That is, prior to the Jinand Song eras, 2 x722 朴
消 and zzzg xzz2 亡 消 were used interchangeably In the 7z Ozz zz the [recipe of the] “decoction with ten Chinese dates”uses zzzzge zz2 亡 消 , the [recipe of thel]
major pills for the flve rheums”uses xzz2 527 消 ,and 石 for both it is stated: “If xzz2 77 消 石 is not available, use 2z7gxzz2 亡 消 上”Ihat is, during the Liang and the Sui era, zz7zg x7zz2 亡 消 and zzz2 )27 消 石 were used interchangeably That is to say 2 xzz2 朴 消 and xzz2 527 消 石 are fine [substances]; zzg xzz2 亡 消 is acoarse [sub-
stance」]- Hence_ Mr Tao [Hongjing] quotes Huangfu Shian as proof that at that time genuine xzz2 527 消 石 already was di 了 cult to obtain. Hence all recipe books referred to substitutes instead. In ancient recipes advising on the_method to crystallize gold and stones, [it is recommended]j “to use one after another the four
kinds of 22 zzz2 入 消 ,xzz2527 消 ,2zzezzzo 石 蕊 消 and zz
xzz2 馬 牙
消 .” These
recipes originated in the Tang era, butitis not known howy at that time, [these four
substances] might have been distinguished. Also in an explanation of nitrokalite written by aphysician in the South it is stated: “The 5ez cz2 lists 2 xzz2 朴 消 , xzz2 77 消 石 and zz zz2 亡 消 ,it does not include zz )z xzz2 馬
牙消 ." In comments
[written in later times] no author provided clear definitions. Some said that zz7ze
xzz22 亡 消 and xzz2 27 消 石 are one and the same item and that they need not be listed separately Others said, when oo zzz2 入 消 is refined with heat by boiling and thenleftinatub overnightgrows fine awns,this is zz7zg zz2 亡 消. Still others say that zzz yz xzz2 馬 牙 消 is a separate item of its own.Today the physical bodies of 和 1 the xzz2 difterp and the reason is casy to understand. Sti, there exist al these erroneous views.TIhe flavor of 22 zzz2 朴 消 is bitter and slightly salty. That originating in Shu jun is shiny and white like ice and snow. Ihat originating in the inner territories consists of small, black [items]. Ihey all are crispy and can easily be broken to pieces. When exposed to wind they congeal to afrost and are volatile like a powder. When exposed to heat, they melt and boil. Ihey can also be used for purposes of melting and casting. Boil them in water together with gzZycyyy22z [root| and pig bile down to one half, give this into alarge tub, add calcite crumbs and let
C/z27/e7 也
this soak togetherforonenight.[In themeantime,theliquidj will congeal to some-
thing like quartz, and this is zz x7z2 f翊 消. Sweep “ground frost”[from the groundj,refineitWwith heat by boiling it, and test the product onapiece of bamboo as 註 了 is were to examine salt. When its favor is acrid-bitter and when heated it flares up and vanishes entirely then it is zzz2 527 消 ,石 nitrokalite. It can transform metals and stones/minerals. By its nature it fears fire butit can be used to process 紀 types of stones/minerals to become fire resistant. It is another of the divine items between heaven and earth. 苞 xzz2 牙 消 is zzg zzz2 亡 消 . In addition, there is y2e7zc X722 生 消 . It is not generated by means of arefinement with heat. It tooy
originates in Shu dao. It is related to 2o xzz2 朴 消 ,but appears in small, hard [pieces]. Ihis discourse is differentiating, but it differs from the statement of ancient
authors. Hence it is not entirely trustworthy [Wang] Haogu: 又zz y#7 消 石 is a cormmon designation of all xzz2 消 . However before it is exposed to fire it is called y2e7g zz2 生 消 ,“fresh xzz2and 22 zzz2 朴 消 ,“raw xzz2.” After it has been treated with fireit is called zzz7zex7z2 亡 消 ,“xzzo that has grown awns,"and ez zzz2 盆 消 ,
22 from atub. [Li] Shizhen: Since Jln and Iang times, al] authors have given names to 4 the [kinds of」] xzzo,and they have guessed lwhat they might be]. None of them offered adefinite view. Only 4Zz Z27 in the 人 27 22z2 227z cz2 stated 了 at x7z22 527 消 石 is the product of arefinement with heat of “frost found on the earth,” 尿
29zz7zg 消 ,while 石 zzg 722 亡 消 and zz ) xzz2 馬 牙 消 result from arefinement With heat of 22xzz2 和 朴 .This 消 is the only statement that is sufficient to bring down the unfounded opinions of 4 the other authors. Ihe fact is, all the other authors have confused [these substances] because xzz2 27 消 石 is also named 7z27ze xz22 亡
消 , and po xzz2 朴 消 is also named xzz2 52z 2 消
石 .朴 Hence they all wasted their
time on adiferentiation and did not reach a final decision nevertheless. Ihey did not know that xzz2
消 appears in two kinds,one water [variety] and one fire [vari-
ety]. Ihe physical appearance and the substance matter [of these two kinds] are identical, but their nature and their qi are widely different. Only the $2e7z 27zo 2e77 7zzzge offered a correct [distinction] in its two entries on oo xzz2 朴 消 and xzz2 527 消
石 . Ihe 7zzzg xz2z2 isted in the 2zz Z, the y2e7zg x7z2 listed in the
2 ) zz2 listed in the 7Zz )z and the
太z7 2z2, they are al related but were listed to increase [the
number ofkinds]. Here now they are combined again in one [entry].The 22 xzz2 相 消 llsted by Shen nong is a “water xzz2.”It occurs in two kinds. That which following aheat reflnement by means of boiling congeals and grows filne awns, and that congeals further to develop “horse teeth,”is )z xzz2 牙 消. That which condenses on thebottom [of the tub where xzz2 is boiled] and forms pieces there, is always 22 7Z22
朴 消 .The qi of both [kinds] are salty and cold. The xzz2 52z 消 石 listed by Shen nongisa“”fre x7zz29. bt too,occurs in two kinds. Ihat which following aheat reflne-
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
ment by means of boiling congeals and grows fine awns, is also called zzzzg x722 亡 消 . And that which congeals further to develop “horse teeth,”is also called )z xz22 消.That which condenses on the bottom to piec牙 消 .It is also called y2ezezxzz2 生 es, that is xzz2 52z 消 .Ihe 石 qi ofboth [these kinds] are acrid-bitter and very warm. Both [the water and the fire varities of ] zzz2 have the names 2z7g zz2 亡 消 and )
xzz2 牙 .消 Hence they were mixed up in ancient recipes. Ever since the Tang and the Song eras, al1 the zzzg xzz2 亡 消 and the ) xzz2 牙 消 in use actually were “water xzz2. he distinction offered by that physician from the South was quite clearp but he was wrong when he stated that by boiling calcite With pig bile zz %722 亡 消 is generated. Here now all these errors are corrected. $27 27 石 ,脾 also named xzz2527 消 ,is 石 artificially produced fake nitrokalite. See below under “y27 7 石
脾 .”(II-AoDn)
【 即 作 連 水。 【
億 治】【 大 明 曰】 真 消 ,石 柳 校 湯 藤 三周 時, 如 湯 ,少 即 加 熱 ,者 止,【 敦 日】 凡 使 消 ,石 先 研 如 粉 , 用 雞 腸 、菜 柏 子 仁 二共 十 五 一 ,處 丸 如 小 帝 珠 ,子 以 瓷瓶 子 於 五 斤 火 中 烽 赤 , 投 消 四石 兩 於 投 藥丸 入 ,瓶 自 然 伏 火 。【 也 抱 入 子 日】 能 消 柔 五 ,金 化 七 二十 制 之 須 用 地 蓮子 、 獲 牙 呢 、角 苦 人參 、 南 星、 巴 、豆 漢 防 、己 晚 克 時 珍 晶 】 溶 化, 投 甘 入旱 內 , 即 伏火 。
伏火 ,個 和 瓶內 , 石 烏 矽 。
Pharmaceutical Preparation. Da Ming: Boil genuine nitrokalite in a willow branch decoction forthree days and nights.When the water has decreased,add hot [water」.
Stop whenthe fire [nature ofnitrokalite] is subdued.|Lei]
入iao: Forall applications
of nitrokalite, filrst gprind itto afine powder. Also gather altogether 25 specimens 人 Small Cz7z 友 ez2Zz herb and 2/2/yc/z2Zzy seed kernels and form pills the size of xz22 尿
>2z/ >7z.2 IThen calcine aporcelain jar With afive 7z7z fire untilit is red, give four Zz7ze of the nitrokalite_ into the jar and also the pills. Ihis will subdue the fire [nature of the nitrokalite」]. 2z22z 27: [Nitrokalite] can dissolve and soften the five metals and it is able to transform the 72 [kinds of ] stones/minerals to water. lo check its
[lpotential and prepare it for therapeutic applications, the following substances]are required. 77 /Zz7z >7,727 Small ge/z2277z Dods, yo22o7z [root」|, z7yzvdzezzz root, croton seed, yzz222z7zzz [root| and silkworm feces. [Li] Shizhen: Dissolve it [in water] and give
527Zycyyy22z [root]into [the resulting liquid]. Jhis will subdue the fire [nature of the nitrokalite.
7 z2z >7 敝 珠 子 ,1it: "small emperors pearls seed.” Unclear Possibly identical with the semen of Cozx zzcyyzzz-7o27. (L.) Lam.,occcasionally referred to as 罷 z2z > 意
7 zz >7 地 蓮子 ,a Daoist designation ofan unidentifiable substance.
珠子 .
C/z27/e7 也
II-II-OI 石。 和 zzo 97
【 苦。 毒, 菜。
氣 】味 苦 , 寒 , 無 毒 。,【 別 錄 日】 辛 , 大 寒, 無 毒 ,。【 普 日】 神 農 : 扁 鵲: 甘 。【 權 曰】 鹹 , 有 小 毒。【 時 珍 曰】 辛 、 苦 、 微 ,諾 有 小 陰中 之 陽 。也 得 陳皮 , 性疏 爽。【 之 才 日】 火 詞 之 使, 惡 苦 、參 苦 硼 女 、苑 杏 、仁 人 竹 葉 。
Qi and Flavor. Bittep cold, nonpoisonous. 5ze /Z/: Acrid, very cold, nonpoisonous.
[Wuj Pu: Shennong: Bitter. Bian Que:Sweet.[Zhen] Quan: Salty slightly poisonous. [Li] Shizhen: Acrid bitterp slightly salty slightly poisonous.Itis ayang in yin [substance」]. Broughtinto contact with tangerine peels, its nature will weaken. [Xu| Zhicai: Fire serves as its guide. [Ingested togethep] it abhors yo22o7z [root] and “bitter green, and itfears /zz7cZz7z7o07z herb, bitter apricot seeds and bamboo leaves.
【 膏, 止 錄。 閉。 眼,
主 】治 五臟 積 ,熱 胃 脹 ,閉 滌 去 凜 結 飲食 , 推 陳 致 ,新 除 邪 氣。 鍊 之如 百 十 ,疾 暴 傷寒 , 腹 大中 熱 , 久 服 輕 。身 本 。經 療 五 臟 二十 經 有矯 中 二 煩 滿 消 ,洶 利 小 ,便 及 站 蝕 。瘡 天 地 至 神 之 ,物 能 化 七 二十 種 。石 列 破 積 散 ,堅 治 腹脹, 破 ,血 下 療 , 瀉 得 根 。出 杜 。權 含 ,嚥 治 喉 大 明 。 治 伏 暑 傷 ,冷 槍 亂 吐 ,利 五 種 淋 ,疾 女 勞 黑 ,疸 心腸 療 ,痛 亦 頭痛 牙痛 。 時 珍 。
ontrol. Accumulated heatin the five long-term depots. Stomach distension and blockage. Jt washes out congealed beverages and food. Tt pushes back what is old and lets arrive what is new. Jt eliminates evil q. Refined with heat to a paste-like substance and ingested for an extended period of time it relieves the body of its Weight. 5z7z.777zo. Jt heals I2o 訓nesses in the five long-term depots and twelve conmduit vessels, sudden harm caused by cold and massive heatin the abdomen. It ends unrestyasensation of fulliness and meltting With thirst.有2 Tt frees the passage of urine, and [serves to cure] fistula, erosions and sores. Jtis amost divine item between
heaven and earth. It can transform 72 kinds of stones/minerals. 有 zz Zz. It breaks open accumulations and disperses hardenings. Jt serves to cure abdominal distension, breaks open blood [concretions]j,and serves to discharge in the case of scrofula
With pervasion-iness. With a free-fHow [discharge] the root [of the disease] wil
be expelled. Zhen Quan. Held in the mouth and [the resulting liquid] swallowed, it serves to cure throat blockage. Da Ming. It serves to cure subdued summerheat associated with harm caused by cold, cholera with vomiting and free flow the flve
758 六zz2 &z 消 淘 ,“melttng with thirstb "mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict VollL,567.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
types of[urinary] dripping 迪 ness, black Zzz-illness7? following a [sexual] exhaus-
tion with women, fatulent pain affecting the heart and abdominal region,red eyes, headache and toothache. [Li] Shizhen. II-II-O2 生
。消 S2ezzexzdo.
【 氣 】味 苦, 大
,寒 無 毒。【 時
珍 日】 辛 、 苦 、 大
,溫 無
Qi and Flavor. Bitterp very cold, nonpoisonous. [Li] Shizhen: Acrid, bittep very Warrm, nonpolsonous.
【 主 】治 風 熱 癲 ,癇 小 兒 驚 邪 瘋 ,效 風 塞, 牙 頜 腫 ,痛 目 亦 熱, 多 攻 汽 。 開 寶 。
眩 頭痛, 肺 雍 耳 ,組 口瘡 喉 痺 咽
ontrolL Peak訓ness7“ with epilepsy caused by wind and associated With heat. Fright evil of children associated with clonic spasms. Wind dizziness and headache. Lung obstruction, deafness. Mouth_sores, throat blockage with obstructed swallowing-
Painful, swollen gums.Redand hot eyes,Wwith much secretion and tearflow. 人 zz 222.
【 發 】【 明 土 宿 真 君 日】 消 石 感 海 媚 之 氣 所 ,產 乃 天 地 至 神 之 ,物 能 寒能 熱, 能 滑 能 ,潛 能 辛 能 ,苦 能 酸 能 。贓 入 地 千年 , 其色 不 。變 七 二十 石 , 化 而 烏 。水 制 服 和 草木 , 柔潤 五 ,金 制 煉 八 ,石 雖 大 丹 亦 不 捨此 也 。【 時 珍 日 】 土 宿所 說 , 乃 消 石 神 化 之 。妙 列 錄 列 於 朴 消 之下 , 誤 。矣 朴 消 屬水 , 味 鹹 而 氣 ,硅 其 性 下 ,走 不 上能 升, 陰中 之 陰 。也 故 惟 蕩 滌 胃腸 積 滯 , 折 治 三 焦 邪 。火 消 石 屬 ,火 味 辛 天帶 微 ,鹹 而 氣大 溫 , 其 上性 升 , 水中 之 火 也 。 故 能 破 積 散 ,堅 治 諸 熱病 , 升 散 三 焦火 販 , 調和 臟腑 虛 。寒 與 硫黃 同 ,用 則 配 二 類 氣, 均 調 陰 ,陽 有 升降 水 火 之 ,功 治 冷 熱 緩 急 之 。病 烽 制 不 ,石 則 除 積 滯 痰 。飲 蓋 硫 黃 之 性 燈 而 ,利 其 下性 行; 消 石 之 性 暖 而散 , 其 性上 行。人 破 石 之 性 寒 而下 , 消 石 之 性 暖 而上 。 一 升 一 ,降 一 陰 一 ,陽 此 升 知 造 鐘 機 等 ,物 用 消 石 ,者 直入 雲 ,漢 其 性 可 制 方 之 妙也 。 今 兵家 烽火 從 吳。 雷公 炮 鱗論” 序 雲 腦 痛 欲 ,死 鼻 投 末消 , 是 亦 取 上其 升 辛 ,散 乃 治之 義。 本 經 言 其 ,寒 別 錄 言 其 大 ,寒 正 與 龍腦 性 寒 之 相似 誤 。 凡 辛苦 物未 有 火 焰 生 , 與 樟腦 、 火 酒 之 性 ,同 安有 性 寒、 大 寒 之理 大 寒 ,者 況此 物 得 則 哉 ? 史記 倉公 傳 雲: 苗 川 王′ 美人 懷 子 不 ,乳 來 召 浮 於 。意 意 往 , 飲 以良 療 爍 一 ,撮 以 酒 飲 ,之 旋 。乳 意 復 診 其有縣 躁 , 躁 者有 餘 ,病 即 飲 以 消 石一 五 枚 而 。安 此 去 自 結 之 又也 。 劑 , 出 血 豆 比 六 759 /z7Zz7z 黑 疸 ,“black Zzz訕nes,”along-lasting yellow Zzz-ilness, 2zzzg 2Zz7 黃疸 ,where the yellow complexion has darkened. BCGM
description of its signs. 76o zzz 其 ,“peak[-iness],”also
Dict L 2I4. See also below p. 795, for a
癲 , vaguely defined mental derangement.BCGM DictLI24.
C/z27/e7 也
Explication. Iu su zhen jjun: Nitrokalite is brought forth affected by the bittern of the sea;itis amost divine item between heaven and earth.JIt can be cold andit can
be hot. It can be smooth anditcan be rough.Jt can be acrid and it can be bitter. 1t can be sour and it can be salty Even after it has entered the earth for a thousand years, its color will not change. Tt transforms 72 kinds of stones/minerals to water. It checks, when they are to be ingested, [the effects] of herbs and trees. It softens and moistens the five metals. It checks,when they are to be reflned with heat, [the
effects] of the eight stones/minerals. Even major elixirs cannot escape its strength. [Li] Shizhen: Iu su describes the wondrous potential of nitrokalite to produce di-
vine transformations. The 5zz 及 lists itin the entry on oo xzz2 朴 ,mirabilite.That 消 is amistake.
必0 zzz2 朴 消 ,mirabilite, is associated with water. Its flavor is salty and
its qi are cold. By its nature it causes discharge with arapid movement. Tt is unable to rise.IJtis ayininyin [substance]- 本 enceitis able only to wash out accumulations and sluggishness from the intestines and the stomach, and to eliminate fire from the Triple Burner.
六 zz2 52z 消
,石 nitrokalite, is a substance associated with fire. Its
favor is acrid, With abitter and slightly salty note. Jts qi are very Warm, and by its nature it rises. J]t is filre within water. Hence it is able break open accumulations and to disperse hardenings, to cure all types of heat diseases, to rise and disperse pent-up fire,and to regulate and harmonize the long-term depots and short-term repositories in the case of depletion cold. Its usage is identical to that of sulphur It adjusts the two qiin that it regulates both yin and yang,and it has the potential of the rising of filre and the descending of watep so that it serves to cure diseases of cold and heat, those of slow and others of rapid progress. Being calcined together With zzezzg 527 灰
,chlorite-schist 石 to check [its effects],it eliminates accumulation,
sluggishness and phlegm rheum.7F The fact is, sulphur by its nature is warm and opens passageways. By its nature it moves downward. Nitrokalite by its nature is Warrm and disperses. By its nature it rises. Chlorite-schist by its nature is cold and causes discharge; nitrokalite by its nature is Warm and rises. One causes an upward movementy one causes a downward movement; one is yin; one is yang. Ihis is the
Wondrous [art] of preparing recipes. When nowadays the military uses nitrokalite for beacon filre and [as ammunition] for pistols,[the nitrokalite] penetrates straight
into the Milky Way From this it is obvious that its nature is to rise. Ihe preface to the /.z7 oo7zo 222 之27 //7z states: In the case of brain pain so severe that one wishes to die, insert xzz2
消 powder into the [patients] nose.”[Such advise,] too, resorts
to its nature of rising, and to its potential to disperse, based on its acrid [favor 76I 72z zz 導 飲 ,“phlegm rheum,”refers to pathological products that have accumulated in 了 ebody and that are excretedin the process of changes aftecting 也e depots and palaces. They may block the passage of di and blood and thereby become pathogenic factors. BCGM Dict L 498.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
This is the meaning of acure conforming with [the nature of the disease]. he 257
坑 esays [nitrokalite] is cold. he 8zz 及 says: Ttis very cold. This is similar to the description of borneol as being of cold nature. No acrid and bitter item is very cold. Also, this item [ie nitrokalite] when lit bursts in flames. Its nature is identical
to that of camphora and brandy How could its nature be cold, or even very cold. The $27 有 in its “Biography of Cang gong states: “A concubine of the King of Zi chuan failed to produce milk for her newborn baby. Chunyu Yi was called to the court. After his arrival [Chunyuj Yi had her ingest with wine apinch of ahenbane seed medication, and this let her produce mik. Ihen [Chunyuj Yi examined [the movementin her] vessels which appeared restless. Such restless [movement in the
vessels] indicates that there is yet another disease. Hence he had her ingest anitrokalite preparation whereupon she defecated five or six bean-size blood [clots] and
[her restlessness] was calmed down.”Ihis is proof of [the ability of nitrokalite] to ITCYIIOVCG
方】新 十 四 。 【 附 Added Recipes.I4 newly [recorded.
欲 。死 消 末石 吹
鼻 ,內 即 。愈 炮 炙 論 。
Headache so severe that one wishes to die. Blow nitrokalite powder into the [patients] nose and he will be cured. /z2 27 Z7z.
諸心腹 。痛 焰 、消 和 雄 黃 玄 方。
各 一 ,錢 研細 末 , 每點 少許
入 紫 內。 名 火龍 。丹 集
Al types of heart and abdominal pain. Grind one 7zzz each of nitrokalite and realgar to afne powder. 紀 ach time drip asmall amountinto the canthi lof the patient's eyes」]. Ihis [medication] is called “fire dragon elixir.
五xzz7z. 7
腰 腹 諸 。痛 方 同上 。 Al types of lower back and abdominal pain. Recipe identical to the one above.
赤 眼 腫 。痛 消 石末 , 芒 ,時 以 鋼筋 點 泰 米 大 入 目 。紫 至 ,旦 以 丰 水 之。 聖惠 方 。
Red eyes with apainful swelling.At bedtime insert with acopper stick the amount of a millet grain of nitrokalite_ powder into the canthi of the [patients] eyes. The
next morning wash it away With salt water. 52e7zg 2z7 7
眼目 障 。醫 男 女 外 內 障 ,醫 或 三 五 答 月 見效 不 ,者 一點 復明 。 好 焰 消一 兩, 銅器 鑽 ,化 入 飛 過 黃 丹 二 ,分 片 二 腦 分 , 鋼 匙 急 抄 入 罐 ,內 收 。之 每
C/2z2/7 陽
點 少許, 其 效 如 。神 豐 方 。 之 而 。愈 張 三 仙
州“朱 秀
才 忽 不 見 ,物 朝夕 拜 ,天 因 夢
神 此 傳 方, 點
Eye shades and screens.When internaland external shades and screens [in the eyes]
of males and females are treated without effect for three to five months,1f [this
medication is] dripped [into the eyes only] once, they will be clear again. Melt and transform in a copper vessel one /zzce of good quality nitrokalite, add two /z 9 minium, processed with sublimation,and two /z of borneo, and quickly ladle [the
liquid] with acopper spooninto an earthenware jar whereitis to be stored [forlater use]. For each [application] drip asmall amount [into the affected eyesj) the effects
will be divine. Cultivated Talent Zhu of Yan zhou suddenly did not see anythingFrom morning to evening he prayed to heaven. Iheninhis dreams aspirit gave him this recipe. He had [the medication] dripped [into his eyes] and was cured. Z2z7ze ASZz72/272g X%7277 /2722.
痺 纏 喉 風 。病 玉 鑰匙 : 用 風 熱 喉 及 腦子 一字 , 烏 末 , 吹 。之 三因 方 。
焰 消 一 兩半 , 白 僵 娩 一 ,錢 硼砂 半 兩 ,
Throatblockage caused by windand heat,and throat-constricting wind disease. Jhe Jade key [to open the throat|:[Grind] one /Zz7ze and ahalf of nitrokalite, one 77Z277
of white stif silkworms, half a Zz7zoe of borax and one zz7 of camphora to apowder. This is to be blown_ [into the patients throat|- 5Zz7z 27z 友 Ze
重 舌 歡 。口 竹 瀝 同 焰 點消 之。 普
濟方 。
Doubled tongue7“ and goose-mouth.7 Drip nttrokalite together with bamboo stem juice_ [on the affected region]- 用 元 zz
伏 瀉 署 痢, 及 腸 風 下 血 , 或 酒 毒下 血, 一 服 見效 , 遠 年 者 過 不 三 。服 消 石 、 胃 上 硫 各黃 一 ,兩 白 髮 半 、兩 滑 半 石 兩, 飛 四鉻 兩, 烏 末 , 滴水 丸梧 水 三 五 十 。丸 名 上甘露 。丸 普 濟方 。 子大, 每 新 汲 下 Hidden sumerheat causing outflow and free-fow iness, associated Wind and a discharge of blood, or a discharge of blood following a tion. One dose ingested will prove to be effective. Even cases that many years w 襄not require more than three ingestions.[Grind] one
with intestinal wine intoxicahave ]asted for Zzzze of nitro-
kalite and ofimported sulphup half aZz7zceofalum,half a /z7ze of talc and four /z7 of wheat Hour to apowder. Drip water into it and prepare p 包 ls the size of oz seeds.
762 C2ozges2e 重 古 ,“doubled tongue.”"A growth under the tongue,mostly in children,similar toasecond tongue.BCGM DictL 92. 763 九 Zo# 巷 ,“goose 口 mouth,”refers to a white layer covering the mucous membranes and top of the tongueinachilds mouth making it resemble a goose-mouth.BCGM Dict, I4I.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Each time ingest With newly drawn water3o to 5o pills. Ihey are called,“sweet dew pills. 選 腑7
五 種 淋 。疾 勞 、淋 血 、淋 熱 、淋 氣 、淋 石 及淋 小 便 不 用 消 石 一 ,兩 不 夾 泥土雪白 ,者 生 研 末為 , 每 服 二 ,錢 勞 倦 虛 ,損 小 便 不 ,出 小 腹 急 ,痛 葵 末子 藤 湯 ,下 通 血 ,淋 小 便 不 ,出 時 下 ,血 疼痛 滿 急 ; 熱 ,淋 小 便 ,熱 並用 冷水 調下 。 氣 淋 , 小 腹 滿 ,急 尿 後 常有 餘 ,瀝 木 急 ,痛 尿下 砂 ,石 令人 腹 內 ,痛 尿 不 能 ,出 內引 小 膨脹 鈍 ,內 隔 紙 炒 至 紙 焦 為 ,度 再 ,研 用 溫 水 調 。下 小 便 患 諸 ,淋 只 以 冷水 。下 並 空心 , 調 藥 使 消 如 ,水 乃 服 。之
通 至 甚 。者 透 格散 : 和 淋 , 各 依 湯 。使 勞 後 須便 服補 虛 丸散 。 赤色 , 臍下 急 痛 , 通 購 湯 。下 石 ,淋 莖 藥 先入 過 絕, 將 末 不 ,通 小 麥 湯下 , 殖 沈 存靈 中 禿 方。
The five types of [urinary] dripping 過 ness.Exhaustion dripping,blood dripping,heat drippingy q drippingy and stone dripping, as well as extreme cases of blocked urina-
tion. Ihe “powderto break through barriers: Grind one /z7ze of fresh nitrokalite, that has no mud or soil impurities and is snow white, to a powder and for each [application] ingest two 7zz7, to be guided by aspecific decoction in agreement with [the nature of the dripping to be cured|. For exhaustion dripping, when [the patient] is
exhausted and suffers from a depletion injury with no urine released whatsoever and a tense pain in the lower abdomen [the powder] is to be sent down with a zz/oz seed
powder decoction. Once the passage [of urine] is opened again, [the patient] is to
ingestps orpowders to supplement his depletion.Forblood dripping,Wwith no urine being released whatsoevep butan occasional discharge of blood, with pain,asensation
of fulliness and tension, and also for heat dripping, when the urine is hot and of red colop With a tense pain below the navel, send [the powder] down mixed with cold
water. For di dripping With asensation of fulliness and tension in the lower abdomen and continued trickling following urination, send [the powder] down With an zz2z2 lherb] decoction. Forstone dripping,Wwith pain in 了 ee penis and an inability to release
urine, causing abloating of the lower abdomen with tension and pain, or With arelease of sand, with the urine causing heart-pressure and [the flow of qi threatened to be] cut of give the medication powder into akettle separated by asheetof paper and fry[the kettle] until the paper is scorched. Ihen grind [the powder] again and have [the patient| send it down mixed With warm water. If urination is blocked, send it down with awheat decoction. For 4 cases of [urinary] dripping with asudden onset,
simply send [the powder] down with cold water. In any case, the medicationis to be
ingested on an empty stomach,Wwith the nitrokalite in the mixture dissolved as clear as Water. Shen Cunren, 寬 Z7Z277 /272
C/2z2/27 陽
上 龍 癥 。病 方 見 雄 黃 發 明下 。 Flood dragon conglomeration disease.?* Forarecipe,see the entry on realgap 上Explication.
服 石 發 ,瘡 疼 可 不 忍。 用 不 熱 ,痛 即 止。 兵 部 手集 。
紙 圈 圍 ,之 中 心 填 消 石 令 ,滿 以 匙 抄 水 淋 之 ,
Sores developing following the ingestion of stone/mineral [longevity elixirsj, With an unbearable pain. Build aring of paper around |the sores] and fill the open center With nitrokalite. Ihen use aspoonto drip wateron [the nitrokalite]. Once [the patient] no longer feels heat or pain,end [the treatmenf|. 有 zze 2z 92 霧
發 背 初 。起 惡 寒 會 ,會 或 已生 瘡 腫 隱 。疹 消 石 三 ,兩 暖 水 一 ,升 泡 ,化 青 易 疾 。 外 臺 秘要 ,。 布 摺 三 ,重 濕 揚 赤 處, 熱 即 ,換 頻 取 EEfusion on the backin its initial stapge, with an aversion to cold and shiveringy or when sores have developed with a swelling and dormant papules. Boil three Zz7z of nitrokalite in one v2e7o of warm water until it has transformed. Fold apiece etf greenish cloth into three layers, [soak itin the cooled down liquid] and place it moist on the red region. When it has become hot replace it [with a cold cloth. After repeated replacements a cure will be achieved. 族 7
女 腹 非 匕 ,
7 27
勞 黑 疸。 仲 景 :曰 黃家 日 晴 發 熱, 反 惡 寨, 此 詞 女 勞 得 。之 膀 胱 ,急 少 ,滿 身盡 黃, 額上 黑, 足下 熱 , 因 作 黑龍 。 腹 脹 如 ,水 大 便 ,黑 時 濟 , 水 。也 腹 滿 者 難治 。 消 石、 雁 石 燒 等 ,分 詞 。末 以 大 麥 粥 汁和 服 方寸 日 。三 病 隨 大 小 便 ,去 小 便 ,黃 大 便 ,黑 是 其 候 。也 金 匱 。
Black Zzz-illness7 following a [sexuall exhaustion with women. [Zhang] Zhong-
Jing: 玫 someone with a yellow [complexion] develops heat in the late afternoon and,contrary to whatwould be normalb has an aversion to cold,this is the result of a [sexual] exhaustion with women. His urinary bladderis tense,in his lower abdomen
he has a sensation of fulliness, his entire body is yellow his forehead is black, and 訓ness. His abdomen is bloated below his feet he is hot. Hence this is “black zZz7as if filled With _water his fecal matter is black and at times viscous, but this is not a water [swelling」]j. Ihose [patients] with a sensation of fullness in their abdomen
are di 了 cult to cure. 了Heat equal amounts of nitrokalite and alumy, grind them to a powdep mix it with aliquid barley gruel and |let the patient] ingest the amount held by asquare cz7z spoon. Ihree times aday Ihe disease will vanish together with 764./zz2 /ze 2zzg 蚊 龍 ,病 ood dragon disease,”a condition with blue hands, abdominal fulness and unearable pain. BCGM Dict L, 248.
765 /-z7 Zzz 黑 疸 ,“black Zzz崗 ness”BCGM Dict of ness signs.
2I4.See the following characterization
/2e zz Cz2 Gz7zg 4
the passage of fecal matter and urine.When theurine is yellow and the fecal matter is black, this is evidence [of the effects of this medication|- 7 Z2/7.
手足 不 。遂 土擊黃 以 合 藤 得 ,所 合 , 發 汁, 纖 門 僧方 。
風 大 及 口, 紙 收 不 力 壯
丹 石熱風 不 。朋 用 消 石 一 ,兩 生 局 泥 固 ,濟 火 。藤 初時 氣 ,腥 熟 則 氣 ,香 津 器 。中 服 時 坐 室 ,中 重 作 小 紙 ,屋 者 日 二服。 三 七 ,日 頭 面 閻 瘡 皆 減也 ,
麻 油二 上 ,斤 置 錨中 , 以生麻油 二 升, 更 然 計火 內 , 服 一 大 然 必 以 火 烏 使, 波
Hands and feet do not follow [ones intensions]. Ihey do not follow [ones intensions|] because of massive Wind766 and because of heat and wind associated With [an
ingestion of longevity] elixir stones/minerals. Give one /Zzzg of nitrokalite and two 7 of fresh, black sesame oill into a container and cover its opening with a brick made of unfired soill. Sealit farmly with paper and mud. Ihen boilit over a fire. In the beginningy foul di will be emitted. Once_ [the liquid] has become hot, they wi
be fraprant. Ihen add another two 2zzge of fresh sesame oil, and boil this again. Store [the resulting liquid] in a dry vesselL When
[a patient] is about to ingest
[thelquidj,let him sitin aroom within which a second room was made of paper Lightafreinitand [let the patient] ingest one generous ge [of the liquid]|. Ihis Ww
induce sweating. 1 he is strongy [the liquid] is to be ingested twice a day, for
three times seven days. Ihis will diminish all blisters and sores on his head and face. Howevep fire is required as [the medications] guide. 2527z27zz7z ve7zg 7
碳 砂 碳 音 鏡 本唐 草 Ago s2z, Az2
矽 read zz2 鏡 ,FE 727zzg 2e7z cZzo.
Salammoniac, Ammonium chloride,
【 釋 】名 碾 砂 音 、碳 狄 覽 日 、華 北 庭 四砂 聲、 氣 砂 圖 、經 透肯 將 車 土 宿 。 【 時 珍 晶 】 克 砂 性 ,毒 服 之 使人 碘 亂 , 故 曰 碳 砂。 狄人 以當 覽 。食 士 宿本 炳 日】 生 北 庭 軍 透 將 。【 草 雲: 磊 性 透 ,物 五 金 藉 之 以 為 先鋒 , 故 號 烏 骨 者 為上, 人 呼 詞 北 庭 砂 。 Explanation ofNames.Az2s2z 碘 砂 ,read zz2 ofthe Di, Rihua. ez7 /z7zo 2 北
矽 ; 友 )zz 狄 鹽 ,“salt from theregion
庭 砂 ,%sand from Beitingy”S7 52e7z. 07 2 氣 砂 ,“qi
7zzg. 72z oz.7zz7g 7 透 肯 將 車, the “general who penetrates bones,” Tu sand,”7Z su.[ 工 | Shizhen: AVz2 y2z2 by its nature is poisonous. Io ingest it lets ones brain be chaotic. This is why it is called zz2 52z 碳 砂 , “brain sand.”TIhe Di people consume it instead of salt. Ihe 5 2ezz czo states: AV2z2 [2z] by its nature penetrates items. 766 2z zzzg 大 風 , “massive wind,”may refer to sores caused by amassive intrusion of wind evil and also to conditions of leprosy BCGM Dict LIrr.
C/2z2/27 陽
With its help,t 了 he five metals may be formed to have sharp edges. Henceitis called 72z oz.7zzzgo.Z7
透肯 將 車, the 'general who penetrates bones.”[Xiao] Bing: “ITIhat
from Bei ting is best.The people call it 5e7 /#7zge 52z 北
庭 ,Sand 砂 from Beiting.”
【 集 解 】【 恭 曰】 碘 砂 出 西 ,戎 形 如 牙 ,消 光 凈 者 。【 良 頒 日】 今 西 閔夏 國及 河東 、 陝 西近 邊 州 郡 亦有 之。 然 西 戎 來 者 顆 塊 光明 , 大 者有 如 ,拳 重 三 五 ,兩 小 者 如 指 ,面 入 藥 最 。緊 邊 界 出 ,者 雜碎 如 麻 豆 ,粒 又 夾 沙 石 , 用 須之 水 飛 , 澄 土石 去 ,訖 亦 無 ,力 彼 人 謂 之 氣 。【 砂 時 珍 日】 碳 砂 亦 消 石 之 類 , 乃 鹵 液所 結, 出 於 青海 , 與 月 華 相 射 而 ,生 附 鹽 而 成 ,質 膚 人 來 取 淋 鍊 而 。成 狀 如 了 鹽 ,塊 以白淨 者 為 。良 其 性 至 透, 用 勤 罐 ,盛 鬆 火上 則 常 ,乾 或 加 袍 芋 同 收 亦 。良 若近 冷 及得 濕 , 即 化 為 ,水 或 滲 失 也 。 一 統 志 云: 臨 、涼 蘭 有縣 洞 出 碳 。砂 張 匡 鄭 行程 記 :雲 高昌” 北 庭 山 ,中 常有 煙 氣 涌 起 而 無 雲 ,孝 至 光 夕 焰 若 炬 ,火 照見 禽 鼠 皆 亦色 , 謂 之火焰 。山 采 碳 矽 展 之 , 若反 底 即 焦 。矣 北 庭 即 今 西域 火 州也 。 者, 乘 木 取 ollected Explanations.[Su] Gong: Salammoniac originates in Xi rong. Its physi1cal appearance resembles that of jz xzz2 牙 消 ,“teeth solver/mirabilite.”Ihat which is shiny and clean is fine.[Suj Gong: Nowadays it is also found in Xiliang and 入ia pguo,and in the 22zand prefectures close to He dongandShaanxi. But pieces from 入 irong are shiny and cleap With large pieces having the size of fists and weighing three to five /zzgo. Sma和 1 pieces resemble a finger tip. Ihey are the ones sought to be added to medication. Ihose from the border regions are pieces of various sizes like hemp seeds or beans,and they include sand and stones. Before they can be used theymustbe processed With an aqdueous sublmation so thatall the dregs,consisting of soil and stones, can be eliminated. Also, they have no strength. Ihe people there
callthem “qisand. [Li| Shizhen: Salammoniac belongs to the group of nitrokalite. Itis acongealed bittern liquid. It originates in Qing hai. When [bittern liquid] is hit by moonlight [salammoniac] grows.It attaches itself to salt and becomes asolid substance matter. Ihe Lu people collect it pour [hot water on it to refine it With
heat and whenithas formeditis shaped like salt. hat which is white and clean is pgood. By its nature it is extremely penetrating. 上 記 it into a dark earthenware pot and hang it above afire to keep it dry Or add dry pinger to it for storage; this is good too. Once it is exposed to cold and moisture it Will transform to waterp or [its di will evaporate and are lost. The
五 名 zoo >27 states: “Sal ammoniac originates
in caves in Lin tiao,in Lan xian. 之hang Kuangye in his 及 zzg 2 states: In Grao changy from within Mount Bei ting shan, fumes qi rise continuously but they are neither clouds nor fog. By night they shine and flame up like torches. All birds and rats/mice met by their lipht assume ared color;it is called filaming mountain. Those who collect sal ammoniac, they wear wooden shoes when they gatherit.
/2e zz Cz2 Gz7zg 4
their shoes had leather soles, they would be scorched. Beiting is todays HIuo zhou in 入 iyu.
【 修 治】【 宗 爽 日】 凡 須用 水 飛過 , 去 塵 穢, 入 瓷器 中 , 重 湯 煮 ,密 則 殺 其 毒。【 時 珍 日】 今 時 人 多 用 水 飛 ,淨 酪 旬煮 如 ,宁 刊 用下 之 。 Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Kou] Zongshi: For 31 [therapeutic] uses it must be
processed with an aqueous sublimation to remove its impure parts. Ihen it is failled into a porcelain vessel whereitis boiled in ahot water bath until it has dried. Ihis Ww 罰 kill its poison. [Li| Shizhen: Nowadays, the people often clean it with an aque-
ous sublimation. Ihey boilit in vinegar untilit is dry like frost. Ihen they scrape it o 芷 and it can be used.
【 氣 】味 贓 、 苦 、 辛 , 溫 , 有 毒 。【 恭 是】 不 宜 多 。服 霖 爍 。【 權 日】 酸 、 鹹 、 有 大 。毒 能 消 五 金 八 ,石 腐 壞人 腸胃 。 一 升 解 。之 畏 站 水, 人 心 為 。血 中 其 毒 ,者 生 綠豆 研 ,汁 飲 二 大 明 曰】 辛 、 酸, 暖 , 無 毒。 傅 一 切 。酸 凡 信治 , 用 黃 、丹 燉赤 使 ,用 並 無 毒。 世 人 自 和 疑 爛 ,肉 而 人 被刀 刃所 傷 , 以 生 痴。【 藏 器 日 】 其 大 性 熱 , 服 之有 瘩 ,熱 損 ,鬍 雲 溫 者 誤 日 】 伏 碳 藥 甚 多 : 牡蠣 、 海 螺 、遇 晚 蠶 、砂 羊 山崩 、 河 豚 魚 羅 蔔、 獨 市、 卷 、相 羊 蹄、 商 、陸 冬 、瓜 羊 蹤 、距 共 耳 、 馬 兢 遇 赤 臉 , 未 留 金鼎 。
金銀, 可 詞 鋰 生 食 ,之 化 忌 羊 血。【 石 作灰 櫃 , 之 得 ,傅 當 時 。【 也 抱 朴子 、膠 魚 腥草 、 梅。【 佬 日 】
Qiand Flavor. Salty, bittep acrid, warm, poisonous.[Su] Gong: It is not suitable to
be taken in large quantities. It softens gold and silver. It can serve as a substance used in firmly connecting/soldering [items].[Zhen] Quan: Soup salty, very poison~
ous. It can_ dissolve the flve metals and ceight stones/minerals, and it destroys ones intestines and stomach. Consumed raw it will transform the heart to blood. Ihose Struck by its poison pgrind fresh mung beans to obtain their juice and drink one or two y2eze to resolve it. [Ingested togethep] it fears fermented water of foxtail millet.
lDuringatreatmentwith salammoniac an ingestion of] sheep bloodistobeavoided. Da Ming: Acrid, soup warm, nonpoisonous. [Ingested togethep] it fears everything that is sour. For all pharmaceutical preparations [proceed as follows」]. Make a
boxoutoflead oxide and lime,[fllsalammoniacintoitand| calcineituntilitis red.
Thenitcan be used and will be nonpoisonous. It is commonly held that it destroys ones fesh. Howevep when someone was harmed byacut with aknife or sword, 放 [sal ammoniac] is applied to fully cover [the woundj scabs will grow immediately [Chenj Cangdqi: Byits nature itis very hot.To ingest it results in asudden sensation of heat. It damages the hair. When someone states thatit is warm,that is amistake. 2z22z > Ihere are very many [substances that are able] to subdue [the effects of sal ammoniac:
Oyster shells, cuttlefish_bones, silkworm feces, sheep tibia bones,
C/2z2/27 陽
globefish glue, 02z/zzzy7z7zz [herb and rootj, radish, /2c27z [fruid|, ve/zozze//z「[herb」, 7z77zexz [roo 和 |,22) 克 /zccz [rootd|l, Winter melon, 7922Zo2Ze7z2Zyo7 [Howel」|, x27727z7z stem and leaves,and smokedplums.[Lei] Xiao: When salammoniac is brought together
with rushes,mercury will remain in agolden crucible.
【 主 】治 積 ,聚 破 結 ,血 止痛 下 ,氣 療 菇 嗽 宿 冷, 去 惡 ,肉 生 顧 積 ,病 血氣 不 ,調 腸 g。 亦入 驢 馬 藥 。用 唐 本 。 主 婦人 丈夫 瘦 不 ,消 腰 腳 痛 ,冷 痞 闢 導 飲 , 喉 中 結 ,氣 反胃 吐 ,水 令 人 能 肥食 右。 除 冷 。病 大 敬 陽 。事 飄 。權 補 水 ,臟 燈 宮子 , 消 瘀 ,血 宿 食 肉 飽 ,脹 夜多 小 ,便 丈夫 腰 胯 酸 ,重 四 肢 不 ,任 婦人 血氣 心疼 , 闢及 血朋 帶 ,下 惡 瘡 息肉。 傅 金 瘡 生 。肉 大 。明 去 目 醫 弩 。肉 宗 積 。 好 。古 治 喳 膈 站癥 , 積 骨痢 喫 , 除 屬 痣 疣 。軟 時 珍 。
肌好 , 爛 ,鳴 食 飲 健。 天 不消 , 食 氣 塊疹 。爽 消 肉
Control Accumulations and collections. It breaks through bound blood. It ends pain and discharges qi.Itserves to healcough and abiding cold.Iteliminates malign flesh and lets good muscles grow. It destroys a fetus. It is also used as a veterinary rmedication for donkeys and horses. 7z7zo 2e7z. Tt controls accumulation diseases associated with emaciation of women andmen,disharmonyofbloodand qiintestina
sounds, failure to digest food and beverages, painful cold affecting lower back and 記 ness77 with apgregation-illness, bound din the throat, turned over legs stringstomach and vomiting of water. It lets one consume fat [meals] and gain strength. [Chen] Cangqi. It eliminates cold diseases. It massively boosts the yang affairs [1. ec., male sexual potentia]]. Zhen Quan. It supplements the water long-term depot.
It warms the womb. Tt dissolves stagnating blood and abiding food that fails to be digested, and [serves to cure abdominal| bloating because of overeatinpg of meat, and increasedurination during the night.[Furthep] in malesasensation of soreness and heaviness in the lower back and hips,and aloss of sensation in the four llmbs,
訓ness7?”and apggregaand in women heart pain caused by blood and qi, stringtion- 記 ness associated with qi lumps as well as blood collapse7?” from below the belt, malign sores and tumorous flesh growths.Applied to wounds caused by metal objects/weapons it penerates fiesh. Da Ming. It removes eye screens and tumorous flesh _growths.[Kou] Zongshi. It dissolves accumulations of flesh. [Wang] Haogu. It serves to cure gullet occlusion and concretion-illness and apgregation ness, ac767 有 zzz 六 ,“string迪 ness,”is acondition of acute pain located in the abdomen to the left and right of theumbilicus. BCGM Dict L,58I. 768 ./zz 27 結 ,“bound 氣 qdib refers to pathological di halting and congealing at any place in thehuman body BUGCM DictL, 24o. 7” 么
769 有 zzz 六 ,“string迪 ness,”is acondition of acute pain located in the abdomen to the left and rightof theumbilicus. BVGM
Dict L58r
77o 有 zz 2ezg 血 ,“blood 朋 collapse,”is excessive vaginal bleeding.BCGM Dict
/2e zz
Cz2 Gz7zg 4
cumulation free-fHux Hiness,7and choking on bones.Tt eliminates black moles and wartredundancies. [Li] Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 藏 器 日 】 一 飛鳥 酸 ,砂 二 飛 烏 伏 ,謾 三 飛 詞 定 ,精 色如 鵝 兒 烏丸 , 服 之有 暴 熱,【 頒 日 】 此 藥近 出 唐世 , 而 方 書 著古人 諸 黃 。 入 補藥 火 丸子 , 亦 胖 硫 、黃 馬 牙 消 輩 合 餌 ,者 不 知 方 出 何時 , 殊 單 服 一 味 伏 作 非 古 。法 此 本物 攻 積 ,育 熱 有而 毒 , 多 服 腐 壞人 腸胃 , 生 用 又 能 化人 心 詞 血, 固 非 居 平 可 餌 。者 而 西 士人 用 淹 炙肉 以當 鹽, 食 之 無 ,害 蓋 首 積 之 久 , 自 不 專 。【 也 宗 與 日】 金 銀有 偽 , 投 砂鍋 砸 中 , 偽 盡物 消化 , 況 人 腹 中 有 和久 積, 昱 不 腐 濱? 【 元 素 日】 矽 矽 破 堅 ,闢 不可 獨 ,用 須 入 隊群 藥 中 膈 積 塊 內 癥 之 ,病 用 之則 有 砂 熱有 毒 之 ,物 喳 反胃 時 珍 曰】 矽 大 之 用 。【 所 致, 痰 氣 綿 ,結 了 成有 形 , 芒 礙 道路 , 吐 情 神 。功 蓋此 疾 皆 起 於 七 飲食 食 痛 ,脹 非此 物化 ,消 昱 能 去 之 ? 其 性 善 爛 金 銀 鋼 ,錫 應人 章 硬 ,肉 入 人 不 多 服 。爾 張 砂少許 即 ,爛 可 以 類 推 。吳 所 謂 化 人 心 烏 血 ,者 亦 甚 言 其 可 洞 訣 :雲 北 庭 矽 秉 陰 石 之 ,氣 含 陽 毒 之 ,精 能 化 五 金 八 ,石 去 穢益 果 玉 要 房 源 :雲 人 砂 性有 大 ,毒 詞 五 金之 陽, 其 功 甚 ,著 力 並 硫 。黃 獨 孤 滔 丹 鑑 賊 , 有 沉 冷 之 ,疾 則 可 服 ,之 疾 減 便 ,止 多 則服 成 擁 購 北 腫。 二 說 甚明, 而 唐 。” 宋 醫 方 乃有 單 服 之 法 , 蓋 欲 得 其 助 陽 以 縱 ,欲 而 不 席 其 損 陰 以 發 禍 附 草 ,後 今 亦 存 。之 以備考 者 知 警 。 也 。 其 方 唐 慎 微 己 收本 Explication. [Chen] Cangqi: Following a first sublimation it becomes “sour sand.
Followingasecond sublimation itbecomes subdued wings. Followingathird sublmation it becormes stable essence. Tts coloris the yellow of ducklings. It is added to ai types of supplementing medication to be prepared as pills. When it is ingested it generates a sudden sensation of heat.[Su] Song: Ihis medication has only recently come from the Tang era. In recipe books it is recorded that the ancients ingested one single substance with subdued fire,prepared to pills.1t is also recorded that it has been consumed as a delicacy together with sulphur and 7#z )zo2 x7zz2 馬 牙 消 /mirabilite. But it is not known from what time such recipes date. They were certainly not based on an ancient [therapeutic] method. Ihis item basically serves
to attack accurmulations and concretions,associated with heat and poison. Ingested in larpge amounts it destroys ones intestines and stormach,and used raw/unprocessed it can also turn ahuman heart into blood. Soits deflnitely not something that you can eat every day as a delicacy! JIhe people in the Western territories cover roasted meat with it instead of using salt. When this is eaten it does not cause any harm. This is because they have become used to it over along period of time. Hence they are not poisoned. [Kou] Zongshi: When sal ammoniac is given together with fake gold and silver into a cauldronm the fake items will dissolve completely How much 77I 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”"a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
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more does this apply to accumulations in a persons abdomen that have been there foralong time? Why should not they be rotted? [Zhang] Yuansu: Sal ammoniac breaks through hardenings and apggregatlon訓ness. It must not be used as asingle substance. Io be used [for therapeutic purposes]itis to be added to acollective of
further medication substances. [Li] Shizhen: Salammoniac is an item of great heat
and poison. When it is used for diseases such_ as gullet occlusion, accumulation lumps, and internal concretion-illness, its application wi have divine effects. Jhe
fact 1s, 和 these 訓 nesses originate in one of the seven emotions,in beverages and food, with pent-up phlegm qi and nodes. Ihey subsequently assume a physical appearance that blocks passageways,resultinpg in vomiting of food and painful distension.Tf [sal ammoniac] were not available to transform and dissolve [these blocks| which other [substance could be resorted to] to eliminate them? By its nature it is
perfectly able to soften _gold, silyerp copper and tin. Whenacook intends to boi hard meat he wil add asmall amount of sal ammoniac and it will soften. From
this one may conclude on its other abilities. When it is said that it transforms a human heart to blood,this is just to emphasize that it mustnot be ingested in large armounts./Zhang Gaoinhis 贅 Zoo7ze states: Salammoniac holds the di ofyin stones/minerals and it includes the essence of yang poison. It is able to transform the flve metals and the eight stones/minerals, to eliminate filth and to boost the yang [qi]. Tts effects are very obvious; its strength is equal to that of sulphur.' Dugu Tao in his 7z7z 包 7ze 27z zz7z States: “By its nature,salammoniac is very poisonous. Itis the enemy of the flve metals. For illnesses of a deep-seated cold, it can be ingested. Once the iness decreases, stop [ingestingjitimmediately Ingested in large amounts it causes congestionand swelling associated With an obstruction-ness77. These two statements are quite clear. Still, in medical recipes of the Iang and Song eras one also finds an approach to ingestit as asingle substance. Ihe fact is, 也is was to avail oneself of its potential to assist the yang [qb i. e., male sexuality] to freely follow ones lusty Without concern for the harm done to the yin [qi] and subsequent
calamities. Ihis recipe has already beenadded by Iang Shenweito his 5ez cz2 work. Itis also preserved here,so that it may be consulted as a warning-
又 zz27z 六 ,“string迪 ness,”is a condition of acute pain located in the abdomen to the left and right of theumbilicus. BVGM Dict L,58I.
/2e zz
Cz2 Gz7zg 4
【 附 方】 舊 ,四 新
二 四十 ,。
Added Recipes. Four of old.24 newly [recorded.
服 食 。法 兢 砂 :丸 兢 砂 計 不 多 ,少 入 罐子 內, 上 士上 下 通 了泥 , 晒 。更 上 面 罐 子 內 盛 ,水 以 礁 火燒 。之 火盡 旋 添 ,火 水盡 旋 添 。水 從 辰 初 起 日取出 , 研 , 米醋 麵 糊和 丸 梧 子大 。 每 四服 五 忌。 和久 服 進 食 無 。瘓 經 駿方 。
面 更 坐 罐 耳 齋 葉 詞末 , 至 成公 一 時 , ,丸 溫 酒
子 一 ,箇 鋪 頭 住 火 或 米 飲下
紙 筋白 蓋 ,底 以 勿 ,動 次 , 並 無
Ihe _method to ingest [sal ammoniac] as food. Ihe“sal ammoniac pills: 上F 訓 any
quantity of sal amrmoniac into an earthenware pot and place asecond earthenware pot on top of it.Join the upper and lower parts with paper cords and white soil to achieve a complete seal. Ihen fill the upper pot With water. [lo begin with, grind|
dry pueraria leaves to a powder and place alayer on the bottom and alayer on top [of the sal ammoniac in the lower pot]. Ihen heatit with a filre. When the fire has gone out, add new frelwood]. When the water has left, add new water. Ihis is to
continue for an entire day from the cez
辰 hours (o7:oo 一 o8:59) to the xz
成 hours
(I9:oo 一 2o:59) When the fire has ended, do not move [the potsj, and remove [sal ammoniac from the lower pot only the next day Grind it [to apowder] and with
rice vinepar and dough prepare pills the size of vzoz seeds. 弓ach time ingest four or five pills, to be sent down With warm wine orarice beverage. Ihere is nothing to be avoided [while ingesting them]. Ingested over along time, they let one consume food without the generation of phlegm..777zg 7 7
元 臟 虛 ,冷 氣攻 臍 腹 疼痛 。 用 砸 砂 一 ,兩 以 纖 霞 末 草 二 和兩 勾, 用 小 砂 罐 不 固 ,濟 慢火 赤燒 , 乃入 碳 在 罐 內, 不 蓋 ,口 加 頂 火 一 ,秤 待 盡火 爐 寒取 去 臍, 生 末研 二 ,兩 和 丸 , 湯 浸 蒸 餅 丸 梧 子大 , 每 服三 出。 用 川 己 頭 皮 丸, 木
香 、湯 酪
湯 任 下 , 日 一 。服 陳
典方 。
Depletion cold affecting the originallong-term depot(i.e.,the kidneys), with navel
and abdomen in pain because of aqi attack. Prepare an even mixture of one //z7zg of sal ammoniac and two //zzzg of x7Z2z7z x72 人 zo725 powder. Ihen heat asmall earthenware poty, Without sealing it above aslow fire untilit has turned red and fill the sal ammoniac [mixture] into the pot. Do not close its opening.Add atop fire lt with
one c2ezge [of charcoall, wait until the fire has gone out and the furnace has cooled down, and remove [the contents from the pot]. Grind two /zzp of unprocessed Sichuan zc27z7zz77 [main tuberj, with the skin and the navel removed, to a powdep
and evenly mix it [with the contents of the pot]. Ihen prepare with steamed cakes thatare soaked in hot water pills the size of zoz seeds. 弓ach time ingest three pills, 773 及 727z %7Z2 C22 織
震 草 一 ,an unidentifiable herb.
C/2z2/27 陽
to be sent down With an zzc//z7zZ72z [root] decoction,oravinegar decoction. Io be
inpgested once per day C2z7z 六 zz7z /27zg.
腎臟 積 。冷 氣攻心 腹 疼 ,痛 面 青 足 。冷 碩 二 砂 兩, 桃仁 一 兩 去皮 , 酒 一小 瘟 , 哀左 十 餘 ,沸 去 砂 ,石 入 桃仁 ,泥 旋 旋 煎 成 ,膏 蒸 和餅 丸 梧 子 大, 每 熱 酒下 二 十 。丸 聖惠 方 。 Accumulation of cold in the kidney long-term depot. Painful heart and abdomen caused by a q attack, with the face assuming a greenish complexion and cold feet. [Required are] two /z7zge of sal ammoniac, one /zzp of peach seeds With their skin
removed,andasmall cup of wine. Boil the salammoniac to bubbling ten times,and remove al sand and stones. Add the peach seeds [ground to a] pulp, and boil this
slowly until a paste has formed. Ihis is to be prepared with steamed cakes to pills the size of voz seeds.
匕ach time [ingest| 2o pills, to be sent down with hot wine.
2e7zo 2z/7 /2722.
積 年 氣 ,塊 騰 腹 痛 。疼 碳 矽 酪 意 二 ,兩 木瓜 三 枚 ,切 須 去 ,著 入 砸 在 內, 得 ,盛 於 中 日 晒 至 瓜 ,爛 研 ,丑 以 米 酯 五 ,升 購如 稀 ,蝕 密 。收 用 時 旋以 化 一 。丸 聖惠 方 。 附子 末 和 丸 梧 子 大 , 熱 酒 下 Qi lumps that have formed in the course of years, with navel and abdominal pain. Boiltwo /zzzce of sal ammoniac in vinegarp cut open three 2ze7z27ze/ey fruits, remove
the internal pulp and fill them with the sal ammoniac. Put them into abowl and expose them to the baking heat of the sun until the c2ze7zo7ze/ey fruits have rotted. Then grind them to prepare an even mass and boillit in five ee of rice vinegar until it resembles a thin solution of malt-sugar. Keep it stored firmly sealed. When itis to be used [for therapeutic purposes] prepare with Zzco77zz7z [accessory tuber|
powder pills the size of voz seeds and send downy, dissolved in hot watep one pilL 2e7zo 2z/7 /2722.
疹 闢 癥 。塊 碳 臘月 收 條 桑 灰, 灰, 可 濕 得 。所 冷 定 取出 , 研。 止 。 以 儿 盛 ,汁 希, 取出 重 ,研 方。
砂 :丸 治 半 闢 癥 ,塊 燈 水 ,臟 殺 三 日, 婦人 血氣 , 子宮 冷 。 淋 去 苦 ,汁 日 。乾 每 碳 砂 一 ,兩 用 水 三 ,兩 以 水 化 ,碘 拌 灰 寸 , 入 碳 於 ,內 以 灰 填 蓋 固濟 , 文 武 火 炎 , 以 瓶 盛半 以 人引 鋪 紙 三 ,重 安 藥說 上 , 以 熱 水 淋 ,之 直 竺 砸味 盡 即 於 熱 砍 中火 大 之 , 常 令 魚 眼 ,沸 竺 汁 視 入 ,瓶 再 煉 食 以 栗 和飯 丸 綠 豆大 。 每 空心 , 酒下 五 ,丸 病 去 即 止。 聖 惠
String-illness,7 apggregatlon名 ness, concretion名 ness lumps. Ihe“sal ammoniac pills:”Ihey serve to cure string崗 ness, apggregation-illness and concretion-illness 774 玫ozg 癱 ,“obstruction-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess.BCGM Dict DL64r.
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 477
lumps. Ihey warm the water long-term depot(i.e.,the kidneys). Ihey kill the three
types of worms/bugs. Ihey [serve to cure 崗 nesses of] women caused by blood and qiyandacold womb.Drip [hot water] over ashes ofmulberry wood collected during
the I2th_ month to remove their bitter Juice and dry them in the sun. For each |preparation of sal ammoniac p 包s] transform one /z7zge of sal ammoniac in three
Zz7zge of water to aliquid and add enough [dried mulberry twig] ashes to generate amixture that is between dry and moist. Ihen 和ll ajar With further ashes to build alayerofone half zzz, add the sal ammoniac [mixture with the ashes] and cover it
With additionalashes. Tightly seal the jar and calcine it first with amild then with astrong flre, until it has turned red. When it has cooled down again, remove [the contents] and grind [them toapowder]. Spread three layers of paperinto awinnow
basket and place the medication on top of it. Ihen pour hot water on it until the sal ammoniac has completely disappeared. 上 計 the Juice into an earthen bowl and heatit with afire nourished by hot ashes so that fish-eye bubbles appear. Once the juice has dried completely 和 litinto a jar and calcine it apain for as long as it takes to consume a meal. Remove_[the contents] and grind them again [to a powder|.
Prepare with cooked millet pills the size of mung beans. 己ach time send down on an empty stomach five pills. Stop [the treatment] when the disease is eliminated. AS2e7zg 27z/7 /272g.
喳 膈反胃 。 鄧才 雜興 方用 北 庭 砂 二 ,錢 水 和 蕎麥 賦 包 ,之 焦, 竺 ,冷 取 中間 濕 者, 焙 乾 一 ,錢 入 檳榔 二 ,錢 丁香 二 ,箇 研 。色 人 每 服 七 ,習 燒酒 送 下, 日 三 ,服 愈 即 止 。 後 喫 引白 半 ,月 仍 服 胃助 丸 藥 。 Grullet occlusion and turned over stomach. Deng Cai in his Zz xzzzg /z7ze [recommends to] use two 72zz7z of sal ammoniac from Bei ting. Wrap them in dough prepared from a mixture of buckwheat and water. Calcine this until it is scorched,
Wait until it has cooled down and remove those parts from within its center that are still moist. Bake it until it has dried and grind one 7zzz of it With two 77zz7z 0 27ecz [nut| and two cloves to an evenly mixed [powder]. EEach time [let the patient
ingest seven Zz,to be sent down with brandy Io be ingested three times aday Stop [the treatment] when ahealing is achieved. Ihen [let the patient] eat a white rice
porridge for half a month,and also let him take pills as amedicine to support the stormach.
孫天 仁 集 效 用 方 北 庭 砂 二 :兩 一 ,兩 用 人 言末 一 ,兩 同入 罐 ,內 文 火 武 升 三 燒香 , 取出 , 燈間 上 末 ; 一 兩 , 以 黃 末丹 一 ,兩 同 入 罐 內, 如 上 法 升 過 , 取 。末 用 桑 灰 町 一 ,兩 研 。殺 每 服 三 ,分 燒酒 下 , 愈 即 止 。 Sun Tianren in his 脯 xz22 /Z7ze [recommends to] use two Zzzze of sal ammoniac from Beiting [and proceed as follows]. 上
one /z7zg ofit with one /z7zg of arsenic
C/2z2/27 陽
into a jar. Heatit first With a mild and then with a strong fire for as long as three incense sticks require to burn down. Ihen remove [the contents] and [grind theml] over an uncovered oil lamp to apowder. Give the second /zzzg [of sal ammoniac
from Bei tingj together with one /Zzzpe of minium into a jap [calcine and grind it in thesame way as [the jar mentioned] above.Grind [both] powders with one Zz7z
of mulberry twig ashes frost to an evenly mixed [powder]. Each time ingest three /zo,to be sent down with brandy Stop [the treatment] whenahealing is achieved.
又 ;方 平胃 散 各 一 ,錢 入 物 石, 屢 驗 。 出 黑 如
碳 、砂 生
湯 服二 錢, 當 吐 董 五 ,分 詞 末 。 沸 點 各
Another recipe. Add to one 7zzz of the “powder to balance the stomach7 five /77 each of sal ammoniac and fresh _ginger and [grind this to] a powder. Drip it into boiling hot water and [let the patient] ingest two 7zz7z. He will vomit black items resembling stones. Ihis has proven effective several times.
一 三 將 下 。
切 七 一 本
積 。痢 粒 去 七 粒 事方
蠟 兩 , 巴豆 仁 靈 砂 :丹 用 砸 、砂 朱 砂 各 二 錢半 , 詞 末 , 用 黃 半 ,膜 同入 石器 ,內 重 湯 煮 一 伏 ,時 候 紫色 豆 詞 。度 去 二 七 ,粒 止 二 同 砂 研 ,色 溶 蠟和 收。 每 旋 丸 綠 豆大 , 或 三 、丸 五 ,丸 淡 董湯 。
Al types of accumulation free-fHux 名 ness.7“ Ihe“miraculous sand (og9-o6)elixir: [Grind] two and a half 7zzz cach of sal ammoniac and cinnabar to a powder:
Give this together With half a /z7zze of yellow beeswax and three times seven croton lseeds|, With their external membrane removed, into astone vessel. Boilitinahot
water bath forone full day and nightuntil the croton [seeds] have assumedapurple color. Remove two times seven of the [croton] seeds and grind them toafine [pow-~
der|. Mix it with melted beeswax and store it [for later use]. For each application,
prepare p 記 s the size of mung beans,and send down either three pills or five p 記 ls With abland ginger decoction. 5z7z 7 7
月 水 不 。通 臍 腹 積聚 疼痛, 碳 砂 一 ,兩 吳 英 五 挺, 去 皮 ,子 天 烏末 , 以 頭 酷 一 大 ,瘟 鰲 ,膏 入 陳 橘 末反 三 ,兩 揭 三 百 ,析 丸 梧 子 大 , 每 溫 酒下 五 丸。 聖惠 方 。 Blocked menstruation. For painful accumulations and collections in the navel and abdominal region,simmer one /z7zge of salammoniac and flve Chinese honeylocust fruits,With their skin removedand grated into powdepinalarge bowloftop quality Vinegar to a paste. Add three //zzzgp of tangerinec peel. Pound this 3oo times. Prepare 775 Ingredients of the “powder to balance the stomach'_include: 7zzg7z2/zz bark, pinger Juice, tangerine peels,g/Zycyy727zzz [root], z/zc/y/o2Zey[rhizome],fresh gingepand Chinese dates.
776 了 7 痢 ,“free-fux ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr
7/2e 27
Co Gd7zg 477
pills the size of zoz seeds. 選 ach time [let the patient] send down with warm wine
five ps. $2e7zg 2z/7 /7zo.
死 胎 不 。下 碳 、砂 和 當 包 各 里 , 再 一 。服 瑞 竹 堂 方 。
半 ,兩 詞 末 , 分
作 二 ,服 溫
酒 調 。下 如 人 行 五
Failure to discharge a dead fetus.[Grind] half a Zz7zg each of sal ammoniac and z7zoz/zcz root to apowder and [let the woman] ingest it divided into two portions.
The firstportionistobe sentdown mixed with warm wine. Ihe second portionis to be ingested after the time it takes one to walk flve 志和 zz 727 27 7
痺 口 。咪 兢 、矽 馬 牙 消 等 ,分 研 ,宁 點 。之 聖濟 方 。
Throat closure and clenched jaw. Grind equal amounts of sal ammoniac and mirabilite to an evenly mixed [powder] and drip this [into the affected region]. 2e7zg 地 /7z9
砂 兩, 綁 裏 含 ,之 咚 津 即 。安 聖惠 方 。 懸 癱 卒 。腫 碘 半 Suspended obstruction illness with asudden swelling. Wrap half a /z7zge of sal ammoniac in apiece of si and hold this in the mouth. Swallow the resultitng liquid and [the
訓 ness] will be cured. 5$2ezzg 2z27 zz
牙 齡 腫 。痛 老 鼠一 和倫 去 反, 以 碳 砂 淹 ,擦 三 日 肉 爛 化畫, 取 骨 , 員 上 焙 點牙根 上, 立 止。 孫氏 集 效 較 , 詞 ,末 入 樟腦 一 ,錢 蟾 酥二 分 , 每 以 少許 方。 Toothache with a swelling. Skin one rat/mouse and generously cover it with sal ammoniac.Within three days its meat wil have rotted entirely Remove the bones and slowly bake them onatile until the are dry [|Grind them to] apowder.Add one
7727/ of camphora and two /zz of toad venom. For each [application] drip a sm amount on the root of the affected teeth and [the painj will end immediately. Sun
shi,.7zx722 7
大 , 緝包 囂 丸 偏 頭 風 。痛 碳 末砂 一 ,分 水 潤 豉 心 一 ,分 揚 蝦子 左右 內 鼻中 , 立 效。 聖 惠 方 。
出 一 ,頭
Hemilateral painful head wind.77 Pound one /z of sal amrmoniac powder and one /zz of moistened hearts of fermented beans [to a pulp and prepare] pils the size of
2/e2Z7z/vzz seeds. Wrap them in silk floss, leaving one end open,and stuff them into the left orrightnostril depending on [which side of the head is affected]. Immediately effective. $2e7zo 2zz/7 /27zo. 777 72z/zg 頭 風 ,“head wind,”is wind evil attacking the head followed by pain,or dizziness, or itching. BCGJIM Dict 5o9.
C/2z2/27 陽
損 生 目 瘀, 赤 肉 軟 出 不 。退 杏 仁 百 ,筒 蒸 熟 去 尖皮 研, 濾取 淨 汁, 入 碳 矽 末 一 ,錢 水 煮 ,化 日點 一二 次, 自 。落 普 濟方 。 Injured eye with stagnant [blood]. Red tumorous flesh pgrowth that fails to recede. Steam Ioo apricot kernels until they are done,remove their skin and ends and grind [them to a powder. Soak and] 名 ter it to obtain a clear juice. Add one 7zzz of sa] ammoniac and boilit in water to letit fully transform. Drip [the resulting liquid into the affected eyej once ortwice aday[Ihe flesh pgrowth] will fall of as aresult. / 地 /27229
砂 之, 即 。落 白 飛 需 方 。 鼻中 息 。肉 碘 點 Tumorous flesh growths in the nose.Drip sal ammoniac on them and they will fall O 侍. 27 /zx72 /272o.
鼻 食 各
不 忍 , 摘 去 復生, 此 因 中 毛 。出 書 夜 可 長 一 二 ,尺 漸漸 粗 圓 如 ,繩 痛 可 砂 一 兩 烏末 , 飯 丸 梧 子大 , 每空心 臨 臥 血 多 致 。生 用 乳香 、 左 各 豬 羊 過 奇 方。 若 疾 和 服 十 ,丸 水 下 , 自 然 退 。落 夏子
Hair coming outofthenose,With agrowth of one to two c2z during day and night. Grradually [the hair] becomes coarse and roundlike arope,Wwith an unbearable pain.
QOnce it is removed it Will pgrow again. Such agrowth is stimulated by an excessive consumptionofpigand sheep blood.[Grind] one Zzzze each of frankincense and sal
amrmoniac to apowderand prepare with cookedrice pills the size of voz seeds. 弓ach
time on an empty stomach ingest ten pills at bedtime,to be sent down with water As aresult [the hair] will recede and fall oft. 六zz Z227 77 /z7zg
魚骨 喫 。咽 碳 砂 少 ,許 呢 嚥 立 。下 外 靈 秘要 。 Choking onafsh bone. Chew asmall amount of sal ammoniac and swallow [the
resulting liquid. Ihe fish bone] will be moved down immediately 殉 7 zz7 27 zz2.
蜂 蜓入 耳。 碳 、砂 膽 胡 等 分 為末 , 每 吹 一 ,字 日 化 為 。水 聖
濟錄 。
A centipede has centered ones ear. [Grind] equal amounts of sal ammoniac and
chalanthite to a powder. 弓ach time blow one zz [into the affected ear]. Ihe worm/ bug will be transformed to water. $2e7z 元
肉 不 。瓶 砸 、砂 柳 石 為 ,末 裹 ,之 以 疾 詞 。度 外 臺 要秘 。 割 甲 侵久 Flesh deeply injured while cutting the nails, with no recovery [Grind] sal ammo-
niac and alum to apowder and wrap [the injured finger] with it until a healing is achieved. 放 7/ zz
7 )zz2.
7/2e 27
Co Gd7zg 477
蠍 晤 叮 驚。 水 調 碳 砂 塗 ,之 立 。愈 千 金方 。 Scorpion sting. Mix sal ammoniac With water and apply it [to the affected regionm. A healing will be achieved immediately. 0727z.777z /27zg
代 指 腫 。痛
唾和 白 碳 ,砂 以 麵作 句子,
套 入指 內, 一 日 。 千 金方 。
FingerreplacementZ7 with apainfulswelling. Mix human saliva With white sal ammoniac and form with dough a basin. Insert your finger so that it is completely enclosed and healing is achieved Within a day 0zz7z.777z Zoo
面上 疲 。目 碘 、砂 硼 、矽 鐵 鏽、 勵 香 等 ,分 研, 探 三 次 自 。落 集 效方 。 Warts on the face.Grind ecqualamounts of salammoniac, borax,iron rustand musk
[toapowder].Apply this [to the warts] three times and they will fall of as aresult.
療 瘡 腫 專。 好 碳 、矽 雄 黃 等 分 ,研 以 銀 籠 挑 破 瘡 ,口 擠 去 惡 ,血 安 入 ,內 紙 花 貼 住 即 。效 毒 氣入 腹 另 吐 ,者 服 護 心 。散 瑞 竹 年方 。
./7 x722 /2722.
藥 一豆
Pin-illness72? sores with swelling and poison. Gurind eqdual amounts of good sal am~moniac and realgar [to apowder] and with a double-edged fine-tooth comb break
open the sore. Squeezeitto remove malign blood, insert a soybean-size amount 9f the medication into [the openingj and coverit with a paper flower. Ihis will result in the desired effect. When the poison qi has entered the abdomen, causing [the patient] to vomit let him ingest the“powder to shield the heart/stomach. 7
及 z/7
之 2Z/ /z7z /2779.
疝氣 卵 ,腫 脹 痛 不 可 。忍 念 珠 :丸 用 碳 、砂 乳 香 各 二 ,錢 黃 蠟 一 ,兩 研 溶 和 ,丸 分 作 一 百 單 八 。丸 以 絕 ,縫 露 一 ,夜 次 取出 日 , 蛤 粉 為衣 。 每用 一 丸, 乳香 湯 吞 下 , 日二 服, 取 。效 本 事 方 。 Elevation崗 ness qiZand swollen testicles, With an unbearably painful bloating. Ihe rosaryp
記 s. Grind two 2zzz each ofsalammoniac and frankincense [ltoapowderj,
dissolve itin one /z7zgofyelow beeswax and prepare Io8 pills. Leave them wrapped in sikk Hoss in the open for one night,remove them and coat them with clamshel 778 7Dzz >2z 代 ,指 “painful finger replacement,”A condition of sores developing at the marpgins of onesfngernails with the edges being infliamed,swollen and painful. BVCGM Dict ITZ.
779 zzg 丁 ,“pin[-iness], also Zz 療 ,“pin-iness, refers to adeep-reaching and festering
hardness in atissue, eventually rising above the skin like apinhead. BCGM Dict LI27I2g.
78o Ihe ingredients of this powder are mung beans,prepared g/ycyyy2zxzz [root] and cinnabar. 78I S2zzz 儿 “elevation-iness,”and s2zz 2z 導
氣 ,“elevation illness-qi.”"A notion ofaforeign
item fat has entered the scrotum, causes pain and may ascend and descend. BCGM Dict L, 4I9o.
C/2z2/27 陽
powder. 選 ach time use one pill, to be swallowed with a frankincense decoction. To be ingested twice a day until an effect is achieved. 27z 527 /27zo.
諸 之 久 。嗽 方 見 獸 部下 。 A]| types of exhaustion associated with long-lasting cough. For recipes see “animal Sectlon,
砂 日華
7z7ze 522, 上 糾 人 7 27/2. Borax, Sodium borate,
【 釋 】名 鵬 砂 日 、華 盆 。【 砂 時 珍 日】 名 義 未 解。 一 盆 中 結成 , 烏 之 盆 ,砂 如 盆 消 之義也 。
作 硼 。砂 或 :雲 鍊 出
Explanation of Names. Zezg 52z 鵬 砂 , “roc bird sand,”Rihua.
吧 zz y2z 盆
,砂 “tub
sand. [Li|] Shizhen: Ihe meaning of these names is not clear. It is also written zz
52z 硼砂
.It is said: [Borax] is generated through arefinement With heatina“tuby”
zz 盆 , Whereby a “tub sand,”zezz y2z 盆 砂 , is formed. This is comparable to the
meaning of the name“xzzo/solvent from atub,” ez xzz2 盆 消.
【 集 可 銲 其色白 西 者 垢, 殺
解 】【 頌 日】 硼 砂 出 南海 , 其 狀 甚 光 ,瑩 亦有 宗 爽 日】 南 番 ,者 色 重 ,褐 其 和味 , 銀 金 。【 砂 時 珍 曰】 硼 生 紅 , 其 味 ,焦 入 藥 其 功 。【 黃 桃 ,膠 皆 是 鍊 結成 , 如 白 如 明 ,藝 南 者 如 五 金, 與 消 石 同 ,功 與 礙 石相 得 也 。
極大 入 藥 西南 碳 砂
塊 。者 其 效 ,番 有 之 。類
諸 方 速。 西 白 黃 二 西 者
稀用 , 戎者 , 種。 柔 物去
ollected Explanations.[Su] Song: Borax originates in Nan hai. It has avery shiny, lustrous appearance, and it may be found in extremely large pieces. In recipes it is rarely resorted to; it can be used to firmly connect gold and silyer [Kou] Zongshi: [Borax] from Nan fan is dark brown and has an apgreeable flavor. Added to medi-
cation it exerts fast effects. Ihat from Xi rong is of white color and has ascorched flavor. Added to medication its effects are slow. [Li| Shizhen: Borax grows in 入 1 nan fan. It occurs in two kinds,yellow and white. IJhat from the West is white like alum. Ihat from the South is yellow like peach resin. Both [kinds] are produced by
means of areflnement with heat,similar to the various types of salammoniac. Ihat from the West softens items and removes dirt. It kills the flve metals and has the same[therapeutic] potential as nitrokalite. When brought together With arsenic, its effects are strengthened.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 氣 】味 苦 、
暖 , 無 毒。【 頒
溫 、 平 。【 時
珍 日】 甘 、 微 眶 ,
閔 ,。 無 毒。【 獨 孤 滔 曰】 制 和 , 啞 銅, 結 砂 。【 子 土 宿 真 君 曰】 知 母、 鵝 不 食 、草 荔 、昔 紫 蘇、 室 帶、 何 首 烏 皆 能 伏 硼砂 。 同 磯 婦石 過 ,。 有 變化 。 Qiand Flavor. Bittep acrid, warm,nonpoisonous.[Su] Song: Warm,balanced. [Li Shizhen: Sweet slightly salty, cool nonpoisonous. Dugu Tao: It checks [the effects
of] mercury It darkens the shine of copper. It conglomerates to sand. Iu su zhen Jun: zz772z7zz rootsmall coezz [herb],oilrape,/e7z/2,cattail matinasteam-
er and 22/ygo7zz77z [root|] are able to subdue [the effects of] borax. Calcined with
arsenic it undergoes change and transformation.
【 主治 】 消 疾 止 ,嗽 破 悶 結 喉 痺。 大 。明 上 焦 瘓 ,熱 生 津液 , 去 口氣 , 消 障 ,盞 除 喳 反胃 腑 , 積 塊 結 瘀 ,肉 陰 ,病 骨 噁 , 惡 瘡及 口 齡 諸 。病 時 珍 。 Control. Ttdissolves phlegm and ends cough.Ttbreaks through conglomeration六ness and nodular [collections,associated with] throat blockapge.Da Ming. [It serves
to cure] phlegm heatin the Upper Burner. It generates body liquids,removes [malodorous] mouth qi, dissolves eye shades and screens, and eliminates gullet occlu-
sion and turned over stomach, as well as accumulations, nodular [collections] and
excess Hesh. [It serves to cure]yin (it. escrotal) prominence-illness,7? choking ona
bone,malign sores and all types of diseases affecting the mouth and the teeth. [Li Shizhen.
【 津, 時 問 吵 用 於 汁,
發 】【 明 頒 日】 今 醫家 硼砂 用 治 中喉 腫 ,痛 及上 瘓 。熱 初 珍 】晶 硼 ,砂 味 甘 微 鹼 而 氣 ,操 雲 熱 淫 於 ,內 治 以 鹹 寒, 以 甘 膈 積聚 、 骨 喫 結 核、 惡 肉 陰 用病 之 ,者 取 其 去 垢也 。 洪 邁 夷 志 堅 咽中 , 百 計 不 。下 恍惚 夢 朱 一 衣 脫 然而 。失 此 軟 堅 之 徵也 。 日
治 咽喉, 最 為要 切 。,【 宗 爽 日】 含 化嘆 覺 便 ,治 不 能 成 喉 ,痺 亦 取 緩 效 可 。【 也 色白 而 質 ,輕 故 能 去 胸 膈上 焦 之 。熱 素 緩 之 是 。也 其 性 能 柔 五 金 而 去 垢 ,膩 故 治 之 ,者 取 務其 物 也 ; 治 痰 、熱 眼 目 障莉 雲 : 郵 陽 ” 汪 友 ,良 因 食 誤 吞 一骨 , 喫 人 日: 惟 南 僑 砂 最 。妙 腔取 一 塊 含 化咯 華 言 其 苦 辛 ,暖 誤
上 xplication. [Su] Song: Ihe physicians of today use borax to cure [diseases of ] the throat6 it is indispensable.[Kou] Zongshi: Io hold itin the mouth and to swallow
the [resultingj liquid serves to cure painful swelling in the throat, and phlegm heat above the diaphrapgm. Whenatreatment is initiated at the earliest moment of ones feeling [such illnessesj, it will not cause a throat blockagpge; it will have mild effects.
[Li Shizhen: Ihe fiavor of borax is sweet and slightly salty, and its di are cold. Tts color is white and its substance matter is of lipht weitght. Hence it is able to elem782 zz zz 陰 病 ,“yin prominence-iness,”refers to local swelling and pain affecting a male% private parts. BCUGIM Dict L 637
inate heat from the Upper Burnerin the chest and diaphragm region. Jhe 5z Zoe correctly states: H heat has encroached upon the interiop this is cured with salty [favor] and cold [qi. Use sweet [favorj to relax it. 23 By its nature it is able to
soften the five metals and to remove dirt. Hence when itis resorted to to cure gu let occlusion, accumulation and collection, choking on bones and nodular kernels,
malign flesh andyini.e.,scrotal) prominence-illness,7one makes use ofits ability
to soften items. When it is resorted to to cure phlegm heat and shades and screens in the eyes,one makes use of its ability to remove dirt.Hong Maiin his 末 7z7z 227 states: “Wang Youlianpg of Bo yang inadvertently swallowed abone that got stuck in his throat. A hundred plans were made, but they failed to send it down. Ihen he dreamed of a personinared dress telling him: Only southern borax will exert a wondrous effect. Hence he obtained apiece,helditin his mouth and swallowed the
resulting liquid.[Ihe bone] vanished without causing him any further problems. This is proof of [borax potential of] softening hardenings. When Rihua says: “Ttis bittep acrid and warm, he is wrong-
方】 新 十 四 ,。 【 附 鼻血 不 。止 硼 砂 一 ,錢 水 服 立 止。 集
簡方 。
Unending nosebleed. Ingest one 7zzz of borax With watep and it will stop immediately.. 了 zz /272.
勞 有療 晶。 硼 、矽 碳 、砂 兔 屎 等 分 末為 , 蜜 丸 梧 子 大 , 每 服 七 ,丸 生上 甘草 一 ,分 新 水 一 ,鍾 採 汁 送 。下 自 朔 至 ,望 五 更 時 , 令 病 人 勿 ,言 服 。之 乾 坤 秘靶 。 Exhaustion consumption With worms/bugs.[Grind]
equal amounts of borax, sal
ammoniac and hare/rabbit droppings toapowder and prepare with honey pills the size of zoz seeds. 紀 ach time [let the patient] ingest seven ps. Ihey are to be rubbed together With one /z of fresh geZycyy72zzz |root] in one cup of fresh watep and the
resulting juice is used to send them down. Io be ingested from the first to the rsth day of the month,in the early morning. Ihe patient must not speak a word. 0O7z27 /7Z/77 7727 如 77.
783 This is not an exact quote. Sz vez 74 has: “If wind has encroached upon the interior ... use sweet[flavor] to relax it. ]f heat has encroached upon the interop this is cured with salty [fiavor] and cold [qi
784 義 # 7 陰 病 ,“yin prominence訕ness,”refers to local swelling and pain affecting amale%w private parts. BCVGIM Dict L, 637.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
木 磊 腫 。強 硼 末砂 , 生 曹 片 警 ,措 少
時 即 。消 普
濟方 。
Swollen,sti 和 wooden tongue.六 Dip apiece of fresh gingerinto borax and wipe [the tonguejl with it.[Ihe swelliingpj will have dissolved within ashort time. /z 去 zz
穀 ,賊 腫 。痛 蓬 、砂 牙 消 等 分 烏末 ,
蜜和 半 ,錢 含 嚥。 直
指方 。
Grain intrusion78e into the throab with apainful swelling.[Grind]j equal amounts of
borax and 好 x7zzo/mirabilite to apowder Mix halfa 7zzz ofit with honey Hold this in themouth and swallow [the resultinpg liquid]. Z27 227
咽喉 腫 。痛 破 棺 :丹 用 方。
僑 、砂 白 梅 等 ,分 揭 炙丸 子 大 , 每 嗆 化 一 。丸 經 驗
Painful swelling in the throat. Ihe “elixir breaking acofn: Pound equal amounts of borax and pickled plums [to a paste] and prepare pills the size of 77z7z seeds.
Each time hold one pill in the mouth and [swallow the liquid resulting from its」 transformation..777zo 7 /72o
喉 痺 牙 。辣 盆 末砂 吹 , 並 擦 。之 集
簡方 。
- 六 Blow borax powder [into the affected Throat blockage and dental gz7z 崗 ness. throat] and also rub [the teethj with it. 了 7z7z 友 7ze
骨 喫 在 。咽 方 見 發明 ,。 hoking in the throat onabone.Forarecipe,see _ 紀 xplication.
小 兒 陰 ,病 腫 大 不 。消 硼 砂 一 ,分 水 研 塗 ,之 大 有 效。 集玄 方 。 Yin (ie scrotal) prominence-illness78 of childrenm with alarge swelling that fails to dissolve. Rub one /z of borax in water and apply it [to the affected regionj. Very € 什cctive../7 %Z/27z /272.
飲酒 不 。醉 先 服 盆 砂 二 ,錢 妙 。 相
志感 。
To avoid intoxication when drinking Wine. First ingest two 77zz7z of borax. Wondrous. 之7z7zo ozz7z 之27. 785 7z y2e 木 古, “wooden tongue,”indicates a massively swollen tongue, alling the entire oral cavity accompanied by awood-like hardening.BCGM Dict 344.
786 Gz x#z 穀 賊 ,“grain intrusion.”A condition of swelling and pain in the gullet resulting from an inadvertent ingestion of awns or spikes of cereals. BCGM Dict LI96. 787 Gzz 并 ,“gzz-iness,”also: “sweets-illness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BVGIM Dict LI8o-I88. 788 zz zz 陰 病 , “yin prominence-iness,”refers to local swelling and pain affecting amale% prlivate parts.
C/z27/e7 世
飲食 毒物 。 鵬 四砂 兩, 甘草 四 ,兩 真香油 經 。 油 一 小 。音 久 浸 尤 佳。 瑞 竹 沈 驗方
一 ,斤 瓶 內 浸 。之 遇 有 毒 ,者 服
Poisonous beverages and food. Soak four /z7ze of borax and four //z7g of p/Zycy7y72722 [root] in one 7z7/ of genuine sesame oil in a jar. Once you are affected by poisonous [beverages and foodj ingest asmall cup of the oilL Ihe longer the soaking has ]asted, the better [the effects」]. 及 zz7 22z 思 Zz 77ze )2z7z 7ze 一 切 惡
瘡 o
同 上
Al types of malign sores. Recipe identical to the one above.
答 肉 瘀 。突 南 鵬 砂 黃 色 者 一 ,錢 片 腦 少 ,許 研 末 , 燈 草 薩 點 。之 直
指方 。
Tumorous flesh pgrowth with stapgnating [blood] protrusion. Grind one 7zzz of yellow southern borax and asma1|1 amount of borneoltoapowderand drip this with a piece of common rushes on [the affected region]. Z27 227 /#7zze
【 附錄 】 Appendix
逢 殺 腰 拾遺 。 有 pezes2gz, FE S27 /.
Special borax
【 人 之, 腰, 之。
藏 器 日】 味 ,苦 寒 , 無 毒。 主折 傷 毒 前中 人 及 深山 大 蚌中 人 , 速 將 並傅 傷 ,處 當 上 下 出 黃 水 數 ,升 以防毒 。前 亦 主 惡 瘡、 熱 毒、 癱 出 賀 州 山 內 石上 , 似 碎 ,石 砸 砂
內 損 瘀 血煩悶 欲 死 ,者 酒 消 服 。之 病 者 頂上 十字 夢 ,之 出 血水 , 藥末 則 過 。解 便人 重 之 , 以竹筒 盛 腫、 亦 白 遊 、風 站 蝕 等 ,瘡 並 水和 之類 。
南 傳 帶於 傳
[Chen] Cangdi: Flavor bitter cold, nonpoisonous. lo control fracture harm, inter-
nal injuries, residual blood, unrest and heart-pressure to the extent that one wishes to die,[patients are to] ingest it dissolved in wine. If someone was struck by a poi-
son arrow of the Southerners or by alarge venomous snake deep in the mountains, cut with a knife a cross into the skin on the top of the patients head, let blood flow out and apply apowder of this medication to it. Also, apply [the medicationl
to the location harmed. Jhis will cause arelease of several vezge of yellow water from above and below and the heart-pressure will be resolved. Ihe common people
highly value it Ihey fillabamboo tube with itand carryit on their waist to prevent 789 According to the table of contents preceding this /z7, two items should be discussed in an appendix following the entry on boraxy i. c., 甸 pe7zg 72 特
蓬殺 and y77z yo? 石 皆 .
However this appendix does not include atext associated With 記 oezces2z 特 fails to mention the name 52z yo 石 樂.
篷殺 and it
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
being harmed by poison arrows.Also, to controlmalign sores, heat poison, obstruc-
tion記Iness72。 swellinpyredand white roamingwind, 諒 as well as sores such as filstula and erosion mix it With water and apply it [to the affected regionj. Tt originates in HIezhou whereitoccurs on rocks in the mountains. It resembles broken stones and Ss 和1 amrmoniac.
石 硫本 黃 經中 品 27 /7z/ 77/z72oy 上 紀 27z.7779 middle rank. Sulphur Naturalyellow sulphur
【 黃 毒, 日
釋 】名 硫 黃 吳 、普 黃 碳 砂 藥性 、 黃 、牙 陽 侯 綱 、目 將 。呈 【 時 珍 日】 硫 之 精 氣 而 結成 , 性 質 通 ,流 色 賦 中 ,黃 故名 流 。黃 含 其 猛 陽 秉 純 火石 烏 七二 十 石 之 ,將 故 藥 中 品 號 為 將 車。 外家 謂 之 陽 ,侯 亦 日 黃 ,牙 又 頁 左砂 。
Explanation of Names. 字 2 22/z7z 硫 黃 ,Wu Pu. 7了 zz7zgp 22 22 黃
碳 砂 ,“yellow sal
ammoniac,” 多 2 xzzg. 末 zz7zg )z 黃 牙 , “yellow teeth,”)z7 2oz 陽 修, “yang lord Gzzzg 2. zzzg 7 將 車, “general”[Li| Shizhen: Sulphur forms endowed with the essence qi of pure yang filre stones. By its nature its substance matter is able to both penetrate and flow, 太 流 . It has a yellow 727zzz72 黃 , color throughout. Hence
its name Zz 2zz7zg 流 黃 , “flowing yellow.”It includes a violent poison and acts as a general among the 72 types of stones/minerals. Hence among fmedications it is assipgned the rank of “general, 72 將車.The experts ofexternal [alchemy] call it “yang lord,”jz7zg 2
候 ,and also “yellow teeth,”2zzzzzg
of “yellow sal ammoniac,”2zzz7g zz2 52z 黃
牙.They also speak
【 集 解 】【 別 錄 曰】 石 流 生 黃 東海 “牧羊 山谷 ,中 及 太 、山 河 西山 , 膠 石 液 也 。【 普 曰】 或 生 易 ,陽 或生 河西 , 或 五 。色 黃 是 潘 水 石 液 。也 燒 令有 茲 弘 景 日】 東 海 郡 屬 北 徐州 , 而紅山 亦有 。 今 第 一出 米 焰, 八 、月 九 月 。【 扶 南 。” 林 ,邑 色如 鞭子 初出殼 者, 名 昆座 黃。 次 外 出 國。 從居中 ,來 色 深 而 煜 。糧 此
顯 光 而 黑
雲 馨 石 液。 今
國 波斯 國 西方明之 肉 及 膩 甚好 , 功力 不 及 舶上 不 甚 佳。 鵝 黃 名 者 昆 名 者 神 驚 ,石 並 不 堪
南方則 無棱
石, 恐
玫 爾 不 必 。【
日】 廣
雲: 生
,境 顆 塊 瑩 ,淨 不 夾 石 者 。良 暫 中 。” 雅 州亦 出 之 , 來 。【 者 頒 日】 今 惟 南海 出 諸 。番 領 外 州 郡 或有 肉 ,黃 赤色 名 者 石 亭 ,脂 青色 名 者 冬 結石 , 半 白 半 入 藥。 又有 一 種 水 流 ,黃 出 廣 及 南 資 ,州 溪 洞水 中
79o 玫 7g 并 ,“obstructio 迪 ness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the n-
body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 64r. 79I oz/7g 遊 風 ,“roaming wind,”Roaming and sudden pain and itching brought about by wind evil. BCGM DictL 645.
C/z27/e7 世
流出 , 以悶 收取 效 出, 號 真 珠 ,黃 氣 腥 昊。 止入 瘡 ,爍 亦可 風 鍊 成 時 珍 曰】 凡 產 石 流 黃 之 ,處 必 有 溫泉 , 色 寫 器 , 亦如 鵝 子 黃 。【 模 作 黃 氣。 魏 書 :雲 悅 胡 國有 火山 , 山 勞 皆 焦 ,溶 流 數 十 里 乃 凝 ,堅 即 數 也。 張 華 博 志物 去: 西域 硫 黃 且出 彌 。山 去 昌高 八 百 ,里 有 山高 十 書 則 中孔 狀 煙如 , 夜 則 如 燈光。 庚 玉辛 冊 :雲 流 有黃 二 種。 石 流 ,黃 海 “ 琉 球 山中 ; 土 流 ,黃 生 於 廣 。南 以 呢 之 無 聲 者 烏 ,佳 舶上 作 流 黃 燈 , 烏宮中 要 物 。 石 烽 煙火 今人 用 配 消 作
,汁 以 作 流 石 流黃 丈 , 生 南 亦佳 。
ollected 上 xplanations. 5zz /Z: Sulphur pgrows in the valleys of Mount Mu yang in Donghai, and on Mount Tai shan and Mount He xi shan. It is an alum liquid. [Wuj Pu: It grows in Yi yang and in He xi, and it may appear in any of the five colors. Yellow [sulphur] is amineral liquid from Pan shui. When heated it releases
purple fumes.Itis collected in the etighth and ninth month.[Iao] Hongjing: It is also found in Beixu zhou which belongs to the Dong hai prefecture, and also on Mount Qi shan. Ioday the best quality originates in Lin yi,in Fu nan. Tts color is that of goslngs that have just left their shelL Ttis called “Kun lun yellow. Next in quality is [sulphur] imported from abroad. [Sulphur] coming from Shu zhong is ofadeep and brilliant [yellow] coloryit is called “alum liquid. Nowadays, there is
no alum in the South; hence this is not necessarily correct. [Li] Xun: Ihe Gzzzz
>22z 太 states: lt prows in the Western repions of Kun lun guo and in western Po si puo/Persia.2 It cormes as shiny chunks, and does not include stone impurities. It also originates in Ya zhou of Shu zhongy, where it is shiny greasy and very good. Howeverp its [therapeutic] potential is not equal to that of imported [sulphur]. [Su
Song: Nowadays it originates only in al the foretgn ]ands of Nan hai. It is sometimes found in the 229z and prefectures of Ling wai, but is not very fine. [Sulphur|
as yellow as goslings is called “Kun lun yellow.”Ihat of red color is called “red pavillion fat.”Ihat of greenish coloris called “stone condensing in winter”Ihat which is half white and half black is called “spirit fright stone. None of them is added to medication. Ihere is yet another variety the “water sulphur. Tt originates in Guang nan and Zi zhou whereitis takenoutofthe flowingp waterofmountain rivulets.Ttis retrieved [from the water] by boiling it with couch grass.Itis called “genuine pearl yellow Its q are fshy and malodorous. It is used only for medication intended to cure sores, and it can also be reflned With heat to generate a juice. It is made to utensils for creating design patterns. Tt tooy is as yellow as goslings. [Li|] Shizhen: Al places where sulphur is brought forth inevitably also have warm springs generating sulphur q. The 族 7 9z states: In Yue ban guo is avolcano.Once the slopes of 792 The original quote in Li Xuns 7z7 )z2 zz co is: 生 昆侖 日 腳下 ,“it grows in the region of sunset behind the mountains of Kun lun.”Li Shizhen changed 77 7zz2 日 ,腳 “sunset behind the mountains,”to 波斯 West of Po si/Persia.
國 西方 ,明 “where the [sun] light is seen [last] in the
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
this mountain burned and melted and flowed down tens of z before they congealed and hardened. Ihis was sulphur” Zhang Hua in his 22 voz 27 states:”Ihe sulphur from western regions originates in Mount Qie mi shan,which is 8oo Z away from Grao chang. Ihere are mountains there that are tens of 2z7ze high. During daytime it appeares as 計 smoke came out of their holes; during the night it looks as if there Were lampliphts. he Gezzz x77/ )z/ (cc states: “There are two kinds of sulphur. Stone sulphur grows in the mountains of Liu qiuin Nan hai.Soilsulphur grows in Guuang nan. Ihat is faine which does not release sounds when it is chewed. Ihat imported from Japan is fine,too. IToday thepeople combineitwith nitrokalite to make smoke
and fire on beacon towers.Ttis an importantitem forthe military
【 修 】【 治 玫 日】 凡 使 用 勿 青赤 色 及 半 白 半 、青 半 赤 半 內 瑩 凈 似 物 命 ,者 貴也 。 凡 用 四 ,兩 先 以 龍 尾 高 自 然 鐺, 茲 天 背 葵 汁 一 ,鐺 栗朋 子 蘆 汁 鐘一 , 四 件 合 之 , 攪 用六 乙 泥 固 濟 底下 , 將 流 黃 碎 ,之 入 鍋中 , 以 前 汁 旋 旋 度。 再 以 百 末部 十 ,兩 柳曙 末二 斤 , 一 時禾 一 斤 , 細 ,天 煮二 伏 。時 取 ,出 去 諸 ,藥 用 熟 甘 草 湯 了洗 , 入 缽研二 日 】 凡 用 流 ,黃 入 丸 散 ,用 須 以 茲 蔔 刻 ,空 入 在 流 ,內 熟 , 去 其 吳 。氣 以 紫 背 浮 萍 同 煮過 , 消 其 火 毒。 以 吳 漿 。 一 :法 打 碎 , 以 絹 袋 ,髮 用 無 灰 酒 煮 三 伏 時 。用 又 埋 燭 中 一 月 亦 成 ,水 名 流 黃 液 。 以竹筒 盛 流 馬
黑 。者 自有 黃色 , 汁 鐘一 , 東流水 三 令 。勾 入 坦 鍋 內 , 添 ,入 火 煮 畫 汁 扁 以 流水 東 同 流黃 萬中 用 。【 時 珍 合 定, 稻 糠火 糧 芮 湯 淘 ,之 去 其黑 消 石 能 化 流 烏水 ,
Pharmaceutical Preparation. [Lei| 入iao: For all lmedicinal| applications, do not use greenish and red [sulphurj, and also half white, half greenish,and half red, half black [kinds」]. Only those are precitous that are of yellow color and that inside are lustrous and clean as if they were items endowed with life. For each [preparationl
take four Zz7ze [of such yellow sulphur]. First evenly mix one 2 of the natural juice Of /27zo Zoe7 222,7223 three 罷 of water flowing eastward, one 人 of the Juice of purple back 7zz7oz [herb], and one 2 of the Juice of stems of vz yz7 >7.24 Firmly seal the
bottom of acrucible With six-and-yz-mud.7 Break the sulphur into small pieces and give them into the crucible. Slowly add the aforementioned juice and heat [the crucible] above afire until al the Juice has vanished. Ihen boil ten Zz7ze of 5227z2 793 了 ozg zoz7 2z2 龍
794 Sz yz7 >7 栗
尾 高 ,botanically unidentifiable herb.
逐 子 ,botanically unidentifiable herb,.
795 字 誠 人 27 六 乙 泥 ,“six-and-yi-mud,”is an alternative name of earthworm dung. It is also apreparation used by ancient alchemists to seala crucible lest the di ofan elixir seep out. A recipe reads: “Mix ten 7zz each ofrealgar water (xzozg 2zz7g 2z7 雄 黃 ),水 alum water 鹽), bittern salt (zz yzz 圍 蛙 ], alum (/zz 7 磯 (/zz 27 52zz 發 石水), halite (ozg yzz 戎 石 ), oyster shells ( 2 五 牡蠣 ), red stone fat (27 527 27 赤 石脂), talc (2zz 527 滑石 ) and
lead carbonate (2z/zz 胡
粉) to prepare the six-and-y7z-mud。”
C/z27/e7 世
[root] powdep two7Zzz of willow tree moth powdepand two7ZZz of
沒 >z 62z2,26 finely
cut, together with waterfowingeastward and the sulphurfortwo full days. Remove [the sulphur] and discard all the remaining pharmaceutical substances. Wash |the
sulphur] with a decoction of prepared gZycyyy2zzz [rootj give it into an earthen bowl pgrindit2o ooo timesinacircle,and [store it forlater] use.[Li] Shizhen: For
ausages of sulphur in pils and powders, carve ahollow space into aradish and 興 the sulphurinto it. Firmly close it and slowly cook it above arice chaff fire until it is done. Ihis will remove its malodorous di. After being cooked with purple back duck meaty its fire poison is resolved. Ihen washitinag/zZz/zz [seed] decoction and discard the black sauce. Anothermethod: Break [the sulphur] into small pieces, 各
them intoasilk bapg andboilthis in ash-free wine for three full days to [prepare the sulphur for medicinal| use. Also, nitrokalite is able to transform sulphur to water.
Furthep filabamboo tube with sulphur and buryitin horse dung for one month. This will also transform it to water. It is called “sulphurlquid.
【 氣 】味 酸 , 溫 , 有 毒。【 列 錄 日】 大 熱 , 【 普 日】 神 展、 黃 帝、 雷 公 : 贓 , 有 毒。 醫 和、 扁 鵲: 苦 、 無 毒, 【 權 日】 有 大 ,毒 以 黑 錫 煎湯 解 之, 列 日】 人 能 制公 歸 本 色 , 服 之 能 除 百 。病 如 有 發 ,動 宜 豬 血 及 食 冷 豬 。【 肉 、 鴨 、閏 餘 甘 子 湯 並 解 之。 【 認 洪 日 】 四 黃 惟 陽 侯 為 ,論 金 石 燉 煉 者不 公 者 堪入 藥 用。 桑 灰、 益 母、 紫 荷、 波 稜、 天 鹽、 桑 白 可 用, 惟 草 木製 皮 、 地骨 皮、 車 前、 馬 肉 、講 黃 龜、 局 首 、局 石 、草 匡 麥、 獨 、富 地 榆、 之 才 曰】 曾 青 為之 之 蛇 妝、 兔 絲、 竟 麻、 轟 砂, 或 灰 或 ,汁 皆可 伏 。【 先 曰 】 硫 是 棱 之 ,液 棱 是鐵 使 , 畏 細 辛 、 飛 廉、 朴 消、 鐵 、 醋 。【 玄 壽 生 之 精, 慈 石 是 鐵 之 。母 故 鐵 砂、 慈 石 制 伏 流 ,黃 立成 楷 粉。【 獨 孤 滔 日 】 流 能 乾 ,未 見 五 金 而 ,黑 得 水 銀 則色 赤 也 。 Qiand Flavor.Soup warm,poisonous.5ze Z: Very hot.[Wu] Pu: Shennongy, Huang 了 di, Lei gong: Salty poisonous. Yi 了He, Bian Que: Bittep nonpoisonous.[Zhenl Quan: Very poisonous. Whenitis boiled with lead [the poison] is resolved. Also,
[the poison is resolved] when it is consumed together with cold pig blood. [Li Xun: One can check and subdue [its poisonous effects] and reduceit to its original characteristics. Ingesting such |[a preparation] enables one to eliminate all the hundreds of diseases. All [undesired] effects will be resolved by pork, duck meat soup
and a 22)//zz2zy fruit decoction. Ge Hong: Among the four [substances With the characterj yellow [in their namej, sulphur is the only one venerated. Tt must not be used calcined and smelted with metals and minerals. Only after [its effects] are
checked and subdued with herbs and wooden substances, it may be added to medication. 世 ither the ashes or the juice of the following substances are able to subdue 796 『 本 zz ez2 一
禾 章 ,a Daoist designation ofa botanically unidentifiable herb.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
the [undesired effects of sulphur」: Mulberry ashes, motherwort fruit, purple lotus
leaves, 7z7zzczz [herbj, celestial salt,27 mulberry [root bark|, /yczz7z root bark, 2/z7z名 go [herb」], verbena, 22z//2zZ7ezz2Zyo7z bark 7oz
92 oz972 77yoyzz [leaf」|, buckwheat,
Ao2c27z [fruit|, yozz7y9722z root 7z727z77/ seed, czyczzz [seed]|, castop and silkworm
feces. [Xu] Zhicai: Malachite serves as its guiding substance. [Ingested togethep] it fcars Zvz7z/77 2e/e7o2272ey rooty cd7zZz/zy [roodd|, px7z2 mirabilite,iron andvinegar. Ihe
Grentleman of Mysterious Longevity: Sulphur is liquid alum. Alum is the essence of iron. IMagnetide is the mother of iron. 本 ence, iron sand and magnetide are able to check and subdue sulphur and letitimmediately become apurple powder. Dugu Tao: Sulphur can dry mercury When the flve metals are exposed to it, 了 eey turn black. Whenitis broughtinto contact with mercury it assumes ared color
【 經。 下 冷, 補 風 絕,
主 】治 婦 人 陰 ,蝕 疸 痔 惡 ,血 堅 筋骨 , 除 頭 。先 能 化 金 鋼鐵 銀 奇 。物 本 療 心腹 積聚 , 邪氣 在 ,腸 醫 上逆 氣, 腳 冷 疼 弱 無 ,力 及 鼻 ,帥 惡 瘡 , 部 臨 ,瘡 止血 , 殺 開 。旱 別 。錄 治 婦人 血 。結 噴 普 。 下 ,氣 治 腰 腎久 除 冷 風 頑 ,痺 寒熱 。 生 用 治 開 ,癬 鍊 服 主 虛 損 泄 。精 甄 。權 壯 陽 道 , 骨筋 勞 ,損 風 勞 ,氣 止 ,嗽 殺 臟加 邪 魅。 大 。明 長 肌膚 , 益 氣 ,力 老人 寒 痢 , 滑 泄 槍 ,亂 補 命 門 不 ,足 陽 氣 暴 ,秘 並 宣 鍊 。服 李 。玫 主 虛 久 陰 傷 寒, 小 兒 慢 。划 時 珍 。
Control. EErosionin the yin (ie., genital region) of females, impediment-iliness,79
piles and malign blood. It hardens sinews and bones. Tt removes baldness. It is able to transform gold, silyvep coppep iron and some strange items. 25e7.777zo. It serves to
heal accumulations and collections in the heart and abdominal region, cold apggrepatilon名ness ofevilqiin the fanks,cough with counterflow of rising qi, cold,painful and weak legs, as well as nosebleed, malign sores,and hidden worm/bug sores in
the lower parts [of the body]. It serves to back and the kidneys, and removes cold and alternating cold and heat sensations. and xzz27z-iness,?5' Ingested refilned with
cure long-lasting cold affecting the lower wind assoctated with stubborn blockape, Applied raw it serves to cure 7ze由 ness?55 heatit controls depletion injury and free-
797 A white, salt-like powder found on the leaves of Chinese gall nut trees, zz./zx7z 鹽
798 史 / yoz zz 局
首選 was changed to zz 9z zoz 何
來子 .
首 局 in the Jangxi edition. However
since this is a quote from the work of Ge Hong (283-343), oz 5929z zz 局
首選 is an un-
likely writing error. /z 92z zoz 何 首 司 was introduced into Chinese materia medica by LiAo only during the Tang dynasty 799. 甩 間 , “impediment-iness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 277Z. 8oo7ze-ilIness 開 癬 ,vaguely defined skin ailment.BCGM Dict L, 249. 8oI 六zz7z-iness 癬 ,skin iness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM Dict L 59L.
C/z27/e7 世
flow of essence/sperm. Zhen Quan. It boosts the yang path_(i. e., male sexuality) and supplements sinews and bones affected by exhaustion injury as well as wind exhaustion qi.Ttends cough and kilis worms/bugs and evil goblins in the long-term depots. Da Ming. To extend muscles and skin, to boost the strength of qi, and [to
cure] wind closure?o* of old persons it is advisable to ingest [sulphur] refined with
heat. Li Xun. It controls depletion cold With along-lasting free-fHux
訓ness,"”? and
smooth outflow cholera. It boosts insuffhicient gate of life[qj, and [serves to curel」
asudden cut ofof the flow ofyang qu [It controls] harm caused by cold associated With yin poison, as well as chronic fright of children. [Li| Shizhen.
弱 瘤 冷 甚 。效 仙 經 頗 用 ,之 所 化 奇 物 , 弘 景 日】 俗 方 用 治 腳 及 明 【 發 】【 並 是 黃 白術及 合 丹 。【 法 頒 曰】 古 方 未有 服 餌 流 黃 。者 本 經 所 ,用 止 於治 瘡 ,蝕 攻 積 聚、 冷 氣 腳 弱 ,等 而近世 逐 火 鍊 治 詞 常 服 丸 。散 觀 其 治 鍊服 食 之 ,法 殊 無本 源, 非 若 乳 石 之有 論 婦議 度。 故 服 之 其 效 雖 ,緊 而 其 患 開 日, 不 可 服。【 宗 素 日 】 更 速, 可 不 戒 之 ? 土 流 黃 辛 熱 腥 ,臭 止 可 治 殺 今人 治下 元 虛 ,冷 元 氣 將 ,絕 久 患 寒 泄, 脾胃 虛弱 , 垂 命 欲畫 , 服 之 無不 效。 中 病 當 便 ,己 不可 盡 劑 。 世 人 蓋 知 用 而 烏 ,福 而 不 知 其 烏 ,禍 此 物 損益 兼 行 故 。也 如 病 勢 危 ,包 可 加 丸 數 ,服 少則 不 ,效 仍加 附子 、 乾 董 、 桂 。【 好 古 】晶 如 太 白 、丹 來 復 ,丹 皆 用 流 黃 佐 以 消 ,石 至 陽 佐 以 至陰 , 與 仲 景 白 通 湯 佐 以人 尿 、 豬 膽汁 大 意 相 。同 所 以 治 內 傷生 冷 、 外 針 暑 熱 、 無 陽, 只 是 陰 證 , 兼有 伏 ,陽 不 得 不 。爾 如 休 霍亂 諸 ,病 能 去 格 拒 之 ,寒 滯 清 , 邪 正, 返 還 不 以 陰 藥 佐 ,之 何 也 ? 流 黃 亦 號 將 ,車 功能 破 歸 更 必 ,精 賦大 熱 之 ,性 能補 命 純 時 珍 曰】 流 黃 秉 陽之 掀 挺 出 陽 ,精 消 陰 化 。【 躁 者 不 ,同 蓋 亦 救 危 妙 藥 門 真 火 不 ,足 且 其 性 雖 熱 而 疏 利 大 ,腸 又 與 洶 也 。 但 鍊 制久 服 , 則 有 偏 勝之 。害 況 服 食 ,者 又 皆 假此 縱 ,欲 自 速 其 答 , 於 藥 何 焉焉 ? 按 孫 升 談 圃 :雲 流 ,黃 神仙 藥 。也 每 歲 三 伏 日 餌 百 ,粒 去 臟 性 熱 , 火 鍊服 氣 凝結 而 ,就 其 大 腑 積 滯有 驗。 但 流 黃 伏 生 於 石 下 , 陽 溶液 之, 多 發 背 疸。 方 泊勺 宅 編 :雲 金 液 丹 乃 流 黃 鍊 成, 純陽之 ,物 有 痴 冷者 戒 服 ,食 而 晚年 服 硫 黃而 之 所 。宣 今 夏至 人 多 服 ,之 反 為 大 。患 韓 退 作文 死 , 可 不 戒 ?乎 和夏 英 公有 冷 ,病 服 流 、黃 鐸 ,乳 英之 紀 極, 竟 以 壽 ,終 此 堅 雲: 唐 與 正 亦 知 ,醫 能 以 意 治 。疾 太 巡 檢病 其 譯 受 與人 異 。也 洪 邁 夷 志 自 制黑 其 不 得 ,渴 點 則 微 ,通 立 則 不 能 滑 ,滴 過 用 通 利 藥 不 。效 唐 問 平日 錫 丹 常服 , 因 悟 :曰 此 必 結 砂時 , 硫 飛 ,去 鉛 不 。死 鉛 砂 入 膀 ,且 七則 偏 重 猶可 濕 , 立 則 正 講 水 ,道 故 不 。通 取 金 液 丹 三 百 ,粒 分 烏 十 ,服 前 圖 麥 湯 。下 鉛 得 流 則 氣 化, 累累 水 道下 , 病 逐 。愈 流 之 化 ,鉛 載 在 經 ,方 苟 無 通 變, 晤 能 臻 ?妙 類 編 云: 仁和 縣 一 ,吏 早衰 , 齡 落 不 已。 一 道人 令 以生 8o2 /ezg 27 風 秘 , “wind closure," identical with 2zzz Z 便秘 , “constipation,”brought about
by intestinal and stomach dryness and adepletion of body liquids. BCGM Dict LT58. 8o3 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,"a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
令 黃 入 豬 臟 中 煮 熟 揭 ,丸 或入 燕 餅 丸 梧 子 ,大 隨意 服 。之 飲 吹 倍 常, 步履 還 捷, 年 蹦 九 ,十 猶 康健 。 後 醉 食 牛 ,血 逐 洞 泄 如 金 水, 施 悴 而 。死 內 醫 官 管 範 :雲 豬 肪 能 制 硫 ,黃 此 用 豬 臟 尤 。妙 王 樞 使 亦 常 服 之。 Explication.[Tao] Hongjing: It is used in vulgar recipes With great success to cure weaklegs and obstinacy-ilness cold.?5+ In the classics of hermits/immortals it is said “to be used to transform strange items, and it is associated With the “yellow (gold) and white (silver) arts”and With methods to prepare [longevity] elixirs. [Su] Song:
The intake of sulphur as a special diet is not suggested in ancient recipes. Its use |recommended] in the 25ez.7ZZzo is limited to curing sores and erosion,and to attack
accumulation and collectionm,cold qq andlegweakness. Butin more recent timesit1s regularly ingested following arefnement with filre for curative purposes as pills and powders. All the methods to prepare [sulphur] through arefinement with heat and to ingest it instead of ordinary meals lack a thorough foundation. Ihis is different from [the intake of] stalactites which is based on good reason and follows certain
restrictions. Hence, to ingest [sulphur] may exert definite effects, but a suffering Will follow even faster. Should one not be cautiousP Soil sulphur is acrid, hot and fshy malodorous, It only serves, [applied externallyj to cure 7ze- 崗 ness?5 and to ki
worms/bugs. It must not be ingested. [Kou] Zongshi: Nowadays the people ingest it llways successfully to cure depletion cold affecting the original [qijl in the lower [body partsj, an imminent interruption [of the flowj of the original db long-lasting
sufering from cold outflow, and depletion weakness of spleen and stomach, with life about to end. Once the disease is strucky, the [therapy] must end immediately
and a[prescribed] dose must not be ingested entirely. Ihe fact is, the common peo~ ple know about the blessings associated With the use of [sulphurj; but they are not
aware of its disastrous consequences. Ihis is so because this item combines injury and benefit. When the strength of a disease has reached a dangerous state and is acute, it may be added to pills and several of them may be ingested.Tf only asm 沁 number [of pills is takenj, this will remain without effects. Also, add zc2zzzzz7z [ac~-
cessory tuberj, dried ginger and cinnamom bark. [Wang] Haogu: For example, the majorwhite elixir and the “elixirto [letlife] return, theyboth use sulphur assisted
by nitrokalite. Ihat is, extreme yang is assisted by extreme yin. Ihis is identical to the most impressive idea underlying [Zhang] Zhongjings penetrating decoction With_onions that is assisted by human urine and pig bile. Hence, to cure internal harm caused by fresh and cold [food], external adverse affects by summerheat and
hot[itemsj,and cholera,all such diseases,[sulphur] is able to cure barriers caused by 8o4 Gz zz 敵 冷 ,“obstinacy記 ness cold,”acondition cold evil abiding deep in the body for an extended period of time.BCGM DictL, I95. 8o5./ze-ilness 開 ,vaguely identifiable skin ailment.BCGM Dict VolL L, 249.
C/z27/e7 世
cold,andifat the same time [this is acondition of] subdued yangy this will be [the treatmentj] of choice. Howevepif 了 there is no subdued yangy,and if [the patientj only has signs ofayin [conditionj, this mustnotbe further supported by yin medication!
Why? Because sulphur is also called general Ttis able to break down evil [gqi] and let the proper [qij return; to push out sluggishness and let clarity come back. It stimulates arelease of yang essence, dissolves yin [q] and transforms the po-soul.
[Li] Shizhen: Sulphur is the essence of pure yang; it is endowed with anature of massive heat. It is able to supplement insufficient genuine fire in the gate of life. In addition,even though by its nature itis hot,it nevertheless is able to free the passage through the large intestine,and it differs from [substances with] drying and roughening [effects」]|. Hence it too, is awondrous medication for rescuing one in critical situations. Still,iingestedrefinedwith heat,and with its [effects] checked, it causes
harm of a one-sided excess. How much more will 也ose who ingest it instead of proper meals, and who rely onitto give in to their [sexual] desires, speed up their demisel! How could this be blamed on the medicationp! According to the Sz7z $2e7z zz, sulphuris adivine medication of hermits/immortals.Tfone each year during the three ten-day periods of the hottest season consumes as food one hundred [suphur] kernels, it has proven effective to eliminate from the long-term depots and
short-term repositories accumulations and sluggishness. Howeverp sulphur grows hidden underneath rocks.1tis penerated byyang q that have melted toaliquid and later congealed again. Itis of avery hot nature. Tf ingested following areflnement With heat overafire,it often causes outbreaks ofimpediment-ilness5?ontheback.
Fang Shao in his 52 >227 2727z states: ”Ihe gold liquid elixir is prepared, by means ofareflnement with heat, from sulphur. Itis an item of pure yang. It is suitable for [a condition of] stubborn cold.” Nowadays, the people often ingest it at the time
of Summer Solstice, and contrary to their expectations, it causes massive sufferingHan Iui wrote an essay to warn againstingesting [elixirs] instead of ordinary meals. Butin his late years he ingested sulphur and died.Is this notawarningP! Duke 入ia of Ying suffered from acold disease. Henever stopped to ingest sulphur and stalactites, and he lived along life. Ihis is just to show that the endowments of humans differ. Hong Maitin his 琶 7zz7z 227 states: “Tang Yuzheng also knew medicine and when he cured an ness this was based on thoughtful consideration. Wu 入unjian suffered from an inability to urinate. Lyingy he urinated asmall amount; standingy he could not even let go of atiny drop. Al kinds of medication designed to clear the passapge [of his urine] remained without effect. He told Iang [Yuzheng」 that
he himself every day prepared ablack tin elixir and continously ingested it. [Iang 8o6 甩 疸 , “impediment-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 277.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
Yuzheng] then understood [lthe problem」j and said: Ihis must be as follows. When
[the elixir is prepared with heat and] the sand congeals, the sulphur 了 es away and the lead remains present. he lead sand enters the bladder. When you lie down the heavy weight [of the lead] moves to one side [of the bladder] and this allows urination. When you stand, [the lead sand] fully blocks the waterway, and hence the
lurine] cannot pass.He then took3oopills of the goldenliquid elixir and separated them into ten doses to be sent down with aZzzz7zy, [herb] decoction. Once the
lead was affected by the sulphur q it transformed [to aliquid] and was gradually discharged through the waterway As aresult, the disease was cured. Ihe faculty of sulphur to transform lead is recordedin the rectpes of the classic scriptures. But 六 one does not understand how to adapt that faculty to areal situation, how could such miraculous effects be achieved?” The 7 2zzz states: “A clerk in Ren he xian decayed early in his life and lost all his teeth.A Daoist ordered unprepared sulphur to be flledintoapigs stomach,to boilituntil done, grind it [to apulp] and prepare pills. And he also had [the sulphur] stuffed into steamed cakes and prepared pills the size of 2 羽 ,澤 “feather moistenep”7ze 及 Calcined and dried [alumj is called 玉 汶 巴 石, “stone from Ba "Light weight, white [alum] is called Zzxz/z7z 柳卻 馨 ,“willow catkin alum.” [Li] Shizhen: [The character] zz 馨 is zz 烯 ,“to burn.”It is composed of [the two characters] zz 燃 ,“to burn,”and 7 石 ,
“stone. The 52z7z 227.7z7zge states: “On theyin/shady side of Mount Nu chuang there are many stones used for dyeing.”Guo Puin his comment states:““Ihis is zz 27 棱
石,alum. Ihe people of Chu callit zz 527 淵 石 , Stone used for dyeing. Ihe people of Qin callit 六 zze 羽 淵 ,feather moistener.
【 集 解 】【 列 錄 】晶 墻 生 石 河西 山谷 , 及 了 使 鐵 為 銅。【 弘 景 日】 今 出 盃 北部 州 西川 , 馬 齒 。胡 鍊 成 純白, 名 白 ,遍 憶 人 以當 消 用 , 惟 堪 鍍作 以 合 熟 ,銅 投 苦 酒中 , 塗 變 。【 恭 曰】 棒 石有 五 種: 白紀 多 入 藥 ;用 廬 療 生 瘡 肉, 笠 染皮 ; 絆 有紀 本 來 綠色 , 燒
西 。 武 都、 石 ,門 采 從河西 來。 色 青 ,白 。石 其 黃 墨 者 名 雞 屎 鐵 皆 作 銅 。色 外 雖 銅色 辣 青 、 黑 二 ,雇 療 及 乃 之 赤 , 故名 穎 ,【 榨
無 。時 能 生 者 , 名 ,世 不入 藥 , 內質 不 瘡; 黃 薔 頌 日】 其
C/2z2/27 陽
成 也 。 凡 有 五 種, 其色 各 ,異 白 村 、 石 初生 皆 石 也 , 夫 得 燒 碎 煎 ,鍊 乃 紀 出 曾 州、 慈 州、 無 為 車, 入 藥及 染 人 黃 馨、 綠紀 、 黑 胡 、 絆 砍也 。 今 胡白 所 用 甚 。多 黃 聲 丹富家 所 人須 , 亦入 藥 。 黑 榨 惟 出 西 ,戎 亦謂 之 皂 ,棱 染髮 藥 及 染色 。 縱 燒 之 赤則 , 今 亦稀 喉 夸 藥 用 ,之 亦 染 皮用 。 綠 馨入 喘 口齒 見 。 又有 蓉 、精 棒 胡 、蝶 巴 石、 柳 絮 ,世 皆 是 白 長 。也 鍊 胡白 時 , 候 其 極 沸 , 盤 心有 濺 ,溢 如 物 飛 ,出 以 鐵 匕 接 ,之 作 蟲 形 ,者 胡 蝴 蝶也 。 但 成塊 虛 匕 光 勞 如 水 精 ,者 砍 精 。也 二 者 入 ,藥 力 緊計 常 。硯 其 辟 鍊 而 ,成 輕 如 絮 ,者 柳絮 胡 。 其 燒 汁 至盡 , 色白 如 雪 者, 謂 之 巴 石。【 殭 日】 波 斯、 大 秦 所 出 白 ,纖 色白 而 瑩 ,凈 內有 束 針 ,文 入 丹 靈家, 功力 逾 於 河西 、 石 門 者。 近 日 文 州 諸 番 往往 有 之。 波 斯 又 出 金 線 ,馨 打 破 內有 金 線 文 者 為上 , 時 珍 曰】 灶 石析 而 辨 ,之 不 止 於 五 種 。也 白 ,遍 方士 用 多入 燒 鍊 家 。【 謂 之 白 ,君 出馮 地 上者 , 青州 、 噴 中 者 次 。之 潔 白 者 烏雪 和紀 。 光 明 者烏 明 砍 , 亦 名 雲母胡 。 文如 束 ,針 狀如 粉撲 ,者 為波斯 白 馨。 並入 藥 烏 。良 黑 菊, 銳 馨 ,也 出 曾 。地 其 狀 如 黑 泥 ,者 烏 昆 崙 馨。 其 狀如 亦 石 脂有 金 星 者 , 鳥 鐵 。級 其 狀 如 繁 石 ,央 火引 之 成 金 ,線 畫 刀 上 即 赤紫 色 ,者 鳥波斯 瘡 用 。之 綠 薊、 引 、藤 黃 髮 俱見本 條 ,。 不 服 餌 ,爍 惟 丹 宣 及 家 紫 。纖 並 入 雜 者, 則 有 鷹 屎 、炊 鴨 屎 警、 強 毛 、級 粥 ,榨 皆 下 ,品 亦 入 外 家丹 用 ,。 其有 色 ollected Explanations. 5zz 太 : Alum _grows in the mountain valleys of He xi, and also in Wu duand ShimenofLong xItis collected any time.Tt can make iron to copper [Tao] Hongjing: Nowadays, it originates in Xi chuang, north of Yi zhou, and it comes from He xi.Itis of greenish-white color. Unprocessed [alumjis called
horse tooth alum. Whenitisrefined with heatand has assumedapure white color itis called “white alum.”Ihepeople of Shuuseitinstead ofnitrokalite. Yellow-black [alum」is called “chicken droppings alum. Itis not added to medication. It is used
only for plating copper Whenitis putinto bitter wine and [the resulting liquid] is applied to iron, [the iron] will assume the color of copper Even though on the outside it has the color of coppep the inner substance matter remains unchanged. [Su
Grong: Ihere are flve kinds of alum. White alum is often added to medication. Ihe two types of greenish and black alum serve to heal gzz-illness?。 sores. Yellow alum, too, serves to heal sores, and it stimulates the growth of flesh. At the same time, it
serves to tan hides. Alum of crimson color originally is of green color When it is heated, it assumes ared color. Hence it is called “crimson alum. [Su] Song: Alum
in the beginning grows like any other stone/mineraL Tt is collected, heated, broken to pieces,boiled and refined with heat,and then becomes alum. Overall,it comes in fve kinds,all of which have theirown color Ihese include white alumy,yellow alum,
green alum, black alum and crimson alum. Nowadays,white alum originates in Jin 83o Gzz 養 , “oz7z廬 ness also: “sweets訕ness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCVCGJM Dict LI8o-I88.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Zhou Cizhouand Wu weijun. ltis often used as an additive to medication and by dyers. Yellow alum is required by the experts operating furnaces to make elixirs. Tt too is added to medication. Black alum origitnates only in Xi rong. It is also called Ink-black alum. Itis used to dye beards and hair on the head. lt is also used to tan hides. Green alum is added to medication for [ailments affecting the throat, the mouth and the teeth]j,and to dye. When crimson alum is heated it turns red. ]t is
rarely seen these days. Ihere are also “alum essence,“butterfly alum, “stone from Ba and “willow catkin alum.”Ihey al are kinds of white alum.When white alum is refined With heat, wait for the moment of its extreme bubbling. IJt will spurt out of the middle of the pan as fsomething were flying away Collect these [items] on an iron spoon,and they will assume the physical appearance of worms/bugs/insects. These are“alum butterfies.”Ihose forming shiny lustrous chunks like crystals, they are 和 he“alum essence." When
these two [kinds] are added to medication, their
strength exceeds that of ordinary alum. [Alum」] that after a reflnement with heat
is of light weight and hollow like asilk wadding is “willow catkin alum. [Aluml] heated until 4 its inner liquid has vanished, and that is as white as snowy is “stone
from Ba. [Li Xun: Ihe white alum originating in Po si and Da qin is of white
colop lustrous and clean. Inside it has aline design like abundle of needles. Ihe experts operating furnaces add it to [longevity] elixirs, and its [therapeutic] potential
exceeds that of [alumj from He xi and Shi men. Nowadays it can be found everywhere in Wen zhou. In addition,a “golden thread alum ”originatesin Po si. Ihat is best which when broken to pieces shows agolden thread lne design in its interior. It is often used by alchemists. [Li] Shizhen: When alum broken to pieces is differ-
entiated, there are more than five kinds. White alum is called “white lord by the recipe experts; that originating in theJin region is best followed by that from Qing Zhou and Wu zhong. Ihat which is spotlessly white is “snow alum.”Ihat which is shiny and brightis brightalum. Ttis also called “motherof clouds alum. Jt has a ne design reminiscent of bundled needles. When it is shaped ]kke apowder puf, itis “white alum from Po si. Al these are good medicinal substances. Black alum is lead alum. Ttoriginates inJn.Whenitis shapedlke black mudit is “Kun lun alum. Whenitis shaped like red halloysite and has golden dots,it is called iron alum. When itis shaped like filuor spar and,when exposed to afilre,develops gold-
en streaks, and when used to draw something on ablade leaves a purple-red color there, this is “purple alum from Po si None of them is suitable for ingestion as a special diet or as medication. Ihey are used only by the experts operating furnaces to prepare [longevityj elixirs,and by the experts for the treatmentofsores.For green zz, crimson Zz and yellow zz see the following entry (IT-I8). Ihose with mixed
colors are_chicken droppings /7z,“duck droppings /zz, “chicken feather /Zz, and
C/z27/e7 也
“pruel 名 zz. IThey are al of low rank, and they are not even used by alchemists for [longevity] elixirs.
【 揭 研 贓、 入 火 日】 按 地 灰 遍 之,
修 】【 治 敦 日】 凡 使 白 棒 ,石 以 瓷瓶 ,盛 於 中火 施 , 令 內 外 通 。赤 用 包 蜂 入 內 燒 。之 每 十 兩 用 果 六 ,兩 燒盡 為 。度 取 出 放 冷 , 起 ,蓋 旋 安 石 昌 ,粉 以 紙 ,裹 安 五 寸 深 土 坑 中 一 ,宿 取 用 。 又 :法 取 光 明 如 水 晶 , 酸 、 用 一 泥 泥 ,之 竺 ,更 入 粉 三 升 在 ,內 旋 旋 味 者, 研 ,粉 以 瓷瓶 六 沈 全 五 方 、嘲 拯 背 天 各葵 自 然 汁 一 ,鏡 竺 汁 ,牙 蓋了 瓶 口, 更 上泥 下 , 用 時珍 之 火 出, 其 色 如 ,銀 研如 輕 粉 用 。【 一 百 斤 旗 。之 從 已 至 ,未 去 取 今人 但 諺 汁用 , 謂 之枯 馨, 不 和 者 為 生 。紀 若 入 服 ,食 須 循 法 度 。 九 鼎 神 丹 秘 訣 鍊 雁 石入 服 食 :法 用 新 桑 合 柴 一 。具 計密室 淨 ,掃 以火燒 令 ,熱 酒水 說 上, 或 酒 苦 酒說 上 , 乃 布 白 榨 於地 上 , 以 四 覆 ,之 四 面 以 擁 。定 一 日 ,夜 其 石 精 皆 飛 胃於 上 , 掃 取 上收 。 未盡 者, 更如 前 ,法 數 乃 ,止 此 烏 炊 。精 若 作 欲 水, 即 以 下 掃 芍 精 一 ,斤 納 三 年 苦 酒 一 中斗 清 號 曰 馨 ,華 百 日 彌 佳。 若 急用 之 , 七 日 亦可 。
Pharmaceutical Preparation. For 引 applications of alum, 4和 lit into a porcelain jar and calcine it With fire untilit is red throughout, inside and outside. Lift the cover With apair of pincers,add “stone bee/wasp nest (39-o6) and heat it again. For each ten Zzzg [of alum」use six /z7zge of [stone bee/wasp] nest.”Ihe heating is to end when 4 [the “stone bee/wasp nest ]is burned. Remove [the alum from the jarj, let
it cool and grind it to apowder. Wrap it in paper and place it into a flve z7z deep soil pit for one night. Remove itandit can be used. Another method: Grind shiny, bright [alumj resembling crystal that is soup salty and astringent to apowder. Now paste a porcelain jar With earthworm excrements and wait until [they] have dried. Insert three y2eze ofthe [alum] powderinto the |jar] and while rotating it add one
爺 ofthe natural juice of both purslane and purple back zz/oz [herb]. [Heatitovera
fre] until all the juice has dried, close the openingofthe jarand add further [earthWorm] excrements to coverit above and below. Calcine it With afire lit With Ioo 才 7 [offirewood] from
已 (9:oo-Io:59) in the morning until zoez
未 (5:oo-I4:59) in
the afternoon. Remove the fire and take [thealum]j out [of the jar]- It will have assumed the colorofsilver. When ground |toapowderj itresembles calomel,it can be
used. [Li] Shizhen: Nowadays the people simply calcineitto dry its internalliquid before theyuseit. Ihey call this “dried zz. As long as it has not been calcined, they callit “raw zz Hitis to be ingested [as medication] or consumed [as alongevity diet|, it must be prepared in accordance with certain rules.According to the.7zzz 選 2
52e7z Z27z 77zz7zz, the methodtorefine with heatalum foringesting it [as medicationl] and for consuming it [as alongevity diet| is as follows. Prepare a tray from new mulberry wood. Sweep clean atightly closed room. Light afre on the ground to
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
heat it. Spray water on ity or spray bitter wine on it. hen spread white alum on the ground and coveritwith the [woodenj tray Firmly enclose it With ashes on all four sides. After one day and one nighty all the essence of the [alumj mineral will have
flown up to the tray Sweep it from there and store it has remained incomplete, apply the same method as after several times.[Ihe resulting substance] is“alum watery liquid, give one 7-zz of the alum essence swept
[for ]ater use]. If this process before. Ihis may be stopped essence. Jfitis to become a [from the tray] into one Zoz
of bitter wine stored for three years to soak.[Ihe resulting liquid] is called “alum
splendor ITf[the soaking] has ]asted forIoo days,it is fine. For urgent needs,seven days are possible, too.
【 氣 】味 酸 , 寒, 無 毒,【 普 日】 神 嵌、 岐 伯 : 酸 。 和久 服傷人 上骨。 扁 草: 鹹 。 雷 公 : 酸 , 無 毒 。,【 權 日】 注 。 閔 , 有 小 毒。【 之 才 日 】上 甘草 烏之 獨 孤 滔 日 】 紅 心 灰 養 制 薔。 黃 使 , 惡 牡 ,曠 長 麻 。【 Qiand Flavor. Soup cold,nonpoisonous.[Wuj Pu: Shennong,Qi Bo: Sour. Ingest-
cd over along time it will harm the bones of humans. Bian Que: Salty. Lei gong: Soupnonpoisonous.[Zhen] Quan: Astringentycoldslightly poisonous.[Xu] Zhic-
ai: GZycyyy27%z [root」 serves as its guiding substance. [Ingested togethep] it abhors oyster shells, and it fears z22ezyz [herb]. Dugu Tao: Sma] goosefoot With red buds checks [the potential of ] alum.
【 老 人 治 如 肉, 百
主 治】寄 ,熱 洩 痢 白 ,沃 陰 蝕 惡 ,瘡 目 痛, 堅骨 齣。 鍊 餌 服 ,之 輕 身 不 在 , 去 算 中 息肉。 列 。錄 除 風 去 ,熱 消 痰 止 增 年。 本 經。 除 固 熱 骨髓 燈 水 ,臟 治 中 風 失 。音 和 桃仁 、 蔥湯 浴, 可 出 。汗 大 。明 生 含 嚥 津 , 縫 血出 急 喉 。痺 療 鼻扯 和擬 鼻, 鼠 漏 聞療 病 。癬 甄 。權 枯 世 貼 陜 ,甲 牙 中 下 澀 飲 海, 燥濕 解毒 追 涎, 止血 定 痛 , 僚 惡 ,肉 生 好 。息 宗 與。 吐 瘓 治 癱 疸 療 腫 惡 ,瘡 癲癇, 疸 ,疾 通 大 小便 , 口 眼目 齡 諸 ,病 虎 犬 蛇蠍 蟲 傷。 時珍。
ontrolL Alternating cold and heat sensations. Outflow and free-flux 崗 ness$r with White foam. Yin_[(i. e., genital) region] erosions and malign sores. Painful eyes. It
hardens bones and teeth.Ingested as aspecial diet following areflnement with heat, it Will relieve the body of its weight, prevent aging and extend the years [of life. 27 77zg. Tt removes obstinate heat from the bones and their marrow. ]t removes tumorous flesh growths from the nose. 52zzZ. Itremoves wind and eliminates heat. lt dissolves phlegm and ends thirst. It warms the kidneys and serves to cure aloss of voice when one was struck by wind. Prepared with peach seeds and onions as a decoction for bathingy it can induce sweating. Da Ming. Held raw in the mouth and the_ [resultingj liquid swallowed serves to cure acute throat blockage. It serves 83I 了 7 痢 ,“free-flux iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM DictL3rr.
C/z27/e7 也
to heal nosebleed and stufed nose,mouse filstula,5 scrofula, zz-ness and xzz7z-訓-
ness.353 /hen Quan. Dried alum is applied to embedded nails, and to the seams of
teeth releasing blood similar to nosebleed. [kou] Zongshi. It causes vomiting and discharge [to remove] phlegm, saliva and rheum flush. It dries moisture, resolves
poison and eliminates saliva. ]t ends bleeding and settles pain. ]t eats up malign fesh and sttmulates the growth of good filesh. It serves to cure swelling associated With obstruction-illness, impedimentr-illness and pin過 ness 5 and malign sores,
peak過 ness$ and epilepsy and jaundice ailments. It frees the passage of major (defecation) and minor (urination) relief, and [serves to heal] all diseases affecting
the mouth, the teeth and the eyes, as well as harm caused by tipgers, dogs, snakes, scorpions and the hundreds of worms/bugs. [Li] Shizhen. II-I7-OI
波斯 白
警 海 爍。 各
立227/7z,FE 及 z7 yo
White alum from Po si
【 氣 】味 酸、
溫, 無 示 。
Qiand Flavor. Sourp astringent, warm,nonpoisonous.
【 主 】治 赤 白 漏 下 , 陰 ,蝕 洩 ,痢 瘡 ,導 解 一 切 毒 蛇 日 等, 去 赤目 暴 腫, 齒 ,痛 火 鍊 之 。良 李 列 。 ontrolL Red and white leakage and discharge.Yin_[(i. e., genitalU region] erosions, outflow and free-flux 外 ness.27 Sores and 7zc名 ness.3 Whenitis refined with heat,
itis good at resolving 和 types of snake and worm/bug poison, and at removing from the eyes redness and sudden swelling,and toothache.Li 和 un.
832 $2z z 鼠 痕 ,“mouse fistula”identical with zz 五 BCGM Dict 466.
療 塑 ,“scrofula With pervasion-ilness。
833 ./zz-ilness 站 ,vaguely identifable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol L 249.
834 甸 7 及 闡 龍 , “obstruction-illness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BVCGIM Dict L, 642. 835 zzg 丁 ,“pin[-ness] also Zzg 療 ,“pin-iness, refers to a deep-reaching and festering
hardness in atissue, eventually rising above the skin like apinhead. BCVGIM Dict L, I27I2g. 836 zzz I24.
顛, “peak[-iness],”also
癲 , vaguely defined mental derangement. BCGM Dict
837 二 7 痢 ,“free-fux iness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3 838 ./zz-illness 站 ,vaguely identifable skin ailment.BCGM Dict Vol L 249.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
II-I7-o2 柳
祭 藝 嘉 祐。 了 7z/ 2 7
上 比./7z 人 交 2
Wiliowcatkin alum.
味】 同棱 石。 【 氣 Qi and Flavor. dentical to alum.
【 主 】治 消 瘓 止 ,沈 潤 心 肺。 大明 ,。 Control. It dissolves phlegmy,ends thirst and moistens heart and lung. Da Ming-
【 發 】【 明 弘 景 日】 俗中 合 ,藥 火 熬 令 ,燥 以 療 厄 ,痛 多則 壞 ,肉 即 傷崩 之 證 。也 而 經 云 骨 堅 齒 , 誠 詞 可 疑。 【 宗 爽 日 】 不 可 多 ,服 損 心肺 , 人 水 故 。也 水 化 書 紙上 , 乾則 水 不 能 ,濡 故知 其 說性 水 。也 治 膈下 涎 多 爍 用 時 珍 日】 其 石 之 有用 四 。 吐 利 風 熱 之 瘓 ,省 取 其 酸 苦 涌 泄 爾 者, 此 意 。【 也 。 治 諸 血 、痛 脫 、肛 陰 挺、 瘡 ,瘍 取 其 酸 潛 而 收 。也 治 痰 、飲 泄 、痢 朋 帶 、 風 ,眼 取 其 收 而 濕燥 也 。 治 喉 、痺 癱 疸、 中 、帳 蛇 日 傷 ,葡 取 其 解毒 也 。 按 李 迅 并 疸 方 :雲 凡人 病 癱 疸 發 ,背 不 同 老少, 皆 宣 服 黃 遍 。丸 服 至 一 兩 以上 , 無 不作 效。 最 止 疼 ,痛 不 動 臟 ,腑 活 人 不 可 勝 。數 用明亮 白 顧 兩 研, 以好 黃 蠟 七 錢 溶化 , 和 丸 梧 子 。大 每 服 十 ,丸 漸加 至二 十 丸 , 一 生 熟 水 送 。下 如 未 則破 內 ,消 已 破 即 便 。合 如 服 金 石 發 瘡 ,者 引 以 白 顧末 一 二 ,匙 溫 酒 調 下 , 亦 三 五 服 見效 。 有 人 遍 身 生 ,瘡 狀如 蛇頭 , 服此 亦 效 。 諸 方 俱 稱奇 ,效 但 一 中 日 服 近 百 粒則 有 力。 此 藥 不 惟 止 痛 生肌 , 能防毒 氣 至 斤 尤 佳。 不可 欺 其 淺近 , 要 內 攻 , 護 膜 止 ,瀉 托 齊 化膿 之 功 甚 ,大 服 半 知 白 散 大 能 解毒 。也 今人 名 人 烏 刀蠟 丸, 用 之委 有 效 驗 。 Explication.[Iao] Hongjing: Ihere is acommon habit of preparing [alum] toa medication by stewing it over fire to dry it. Ihis is then applied to heal toothache. Howevep 放 applied in large doses it will destroy the teeth. Ihat is cevidence of its potential to harm bones. When the classic finds thatit hardens bones and teethy
this can be doubted. [Kou] Zongshi: Itmustnotbe ingested in ]arge quantities lest itharm heartandlung.Whenitis transformed in water and used to write on paperp the dried [writingj will not be moistened by water. From this it can be known that
by its nature it repels water. Tts frequent use as amedication to cure saliva present below the diaphragm is based on this idea. [Li| Shizhen: Alum is used for four
purposes.[First] to remove,by means ofvomiting and free-flux, phlegm and saliva
generated by wind and heat. Ihis [is a therapy availing itself of alums] sour and bitter Havor that causes asurging and outflow. [Secondyj to cure all kinds of painful
bleeding,anal prolapse,collapse from [belowj the belt [of women] and wind eyes,$9 one makes use of its ability to collect and to dry moisture.[Ihird,] to cure throat 839 7e7g zz 風 眼 , “wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to the eyes by heat. BCVGM _Dict LIZL.
C/z27/e7 也
blockage, obstruction-illness and impediment-illness,% being struck by 2z,+ and harm by stings/bites of snakes and worms/bugs, one resorts to its ability to resolve poison.[Fourth,] according to Li 入 uns 7zg 及
7zey whenever someone suffers on
his back from outbreaks of obstruction-illness and impediment-ness,”*“ regardless of whether[the patient] is old oryoungyit is always advisable to ingest yellow alum p 過s. When one /Zzzgeormore [of these pills] are ingested, they will always have the desired effect. Ihey are very much able to end pain without exciting the long-term depots and short-term repositories. Ihey have brought people back to life innumerable times. Grind one Zzzzc of raw bright and shiny white alum [to apowder]
and transform it by melting it With seven 7zzz of good yellow beeswax to prepare pills the size of oz seeds. 己ach time ingest ten pills, and slowly increase the dose to 2o pills, to be sent down with boiled water. If [at the onset of the treatment the
obstruction-iness and the impediment-ness] had not broken open yety they w 六 dissolve internally 攻 they had broken open already this will facilitate their closure. When sores result from an ingestion of metals and minerals, guide [the metals and
minerals] With one or two spoonfuls of white alum, to be sent down mixed With Warm _ wine. Jhis, too, will show the desired effects after three to flve ingestions. There was someone who had developed sores, resembling snake heads, all over his
body He ingested this and for this, too,it proved effective. All these recipes are said to be cxtraordinarily effective. But within asingle day next to Ioo pills are to be ingested to let them show their strength. Ihis medication serves not only to end pain and stimulate the growth of muscles,it can also prevent internal attacks of poison di. Tt protects membranes and ends outflow. ]ts potential of guarding the interior and oftransforming pus is outstanding. ITo ingest up to half a 7-Zzz is particularly fine. Qne should not be deceived by the fact that [these pills are] cheap and available
nearby. It should be realized that white alum is very much able to resolve poison. Today the people call them “beeswaxandalum ps. Iheiruse has definitely proven e 鞋cctive.
84o gg 及 闡 龍 , “obstruction-illness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BVCGIM Dict L, 642.
84I Gz 走 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. QOripginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bug, the only creature in aclosed jar Surviving competition With hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. Ihe resulting disease was termed oz Zz 貼 專 ,“gzpoison(ing)."BCGM Dict LIor.
842 zzg 及 癌 龍 , “obstruction-illness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BVCGIM Dict L, 642.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
【 附方】 舊二 十 六 , 新六 十 。 Added Recipes.26 of old. 6o newly [recorded
中 風 痰 厥, 四 肘 不 ,收 氣 閉 膈 塞 。者 白 棱 一 ,兩 牙蝦 角 一 ,錢 溫 水 調 ,下 吐 痰 為 。度 陳 師 古 方 。
五 ,錢 詞 末 , 每 服
Being struck by wind with phlegm recession.3 When the four limbs cannot be contracted, with_ closed qi [passage] and blocked diaphragm.[Grind] one /z7zge 0f White alum and five 7zzz of small gzzZzzz seeds to a powder. 上 ach time [let the patient| ingest one 7zz7, to be sent down mixed with warm water until he vomits
phlegm. C2z7z $27zoz /27zo.
蜜 合, 頓 服 。 灌 , 頭痛不 欲食。 棱 石 一 ,兩 水二 升, 煮 一 ,升 納 半 痰中 胸 須 與 大 。吐 未 吐 , 飲 少 熱湯引 之。 外 靈 秘要 ,。 Phlegm fush in the aum in two veze of uid] and ingest it 4 iting.If thevomiting
風 歲
chesty with headache and aloss of appetite. Boil one /z7zge 9f water down to one vezzg. Give halfa ge of honey [into the liqat once. After ashortmoment this will result in massive vom~ fails,stimulate it by drinking alittle hot water. /z7 /z7 27 )zz2.
丸 梧 子 。大 一 瘓 癇 。病 化 瘓 :丸 生 白 棱 一 ,兩 細 茶 五 ,錢 烏 末 , 鍊 蜜 如 十 ,丸 茶湯 。下 大 人 五 十 。丸 入 ,服 痰 大 自 便 中 ,出 斷 病 。根 鄧 筆 峰 雜
興 , 弓pilepsy disease caused by wind and phlegm. Ihe“pills to transform phlegm: |Grind] one /zz7zce of unprocessed white alum and filve 7zzz of finely cut tea leaves to
apowder and prepare with honey refined with heat, pills the size of oz seeds. For each of his years [of life let the patient] send down with tea ten ps. Adults ingest 5o pils.When [these pills] are ingested overalong period of ttime, the phlegm will be discharged through defecation. Jhis serves to sever the root of the disease. zzze 了 7/c77o 22 X7729.
小 兒 胎 ,寒 奧 啼 發 。癇 白 鵬 粘 半 日 , 床 止 , 去 痰 。良 保 幼 大全 ,。
肉 丸 泰 米大 , 每 乳 下 一 ,丸 愈 乃
Whenachild while being afetus was affected by cold, with its chest and abdomen bent forward,and with crying and epilepsy fits,calcine alum for half a day and prepare with Chinese date meatpills the size of millet grains. 紀 ach time [let the child|
send down With its nursing mothers milk one pill. Stop_ [the treatment] when it is
cured. Ihis is agood lmedicationj for eliminating phlegm. 5z2 )oz Zz 72277.
843 7zzz7zz 疾 厥 ,“phlegm recession.”Various ailments thoughtto be associated with blocked or abounding phlegm. BCUCGM Dictl, 493.
C/z27/e7 也
產後 不 語。 胡氏孤 鳳 散: 用生 白 胡 末
一錢 , 熟 水 調 。下 婦 人 良 方 。
For loss of voice_ following delivery Mr. Hus “solitary phoenix powder: [Let the patient] send down one 7zzzz of unprocessed white alum mixed with boiled water 了 7277 /7772g /2722.
牙關 緊急 不 開 。者 白 胡 、 臣 化 * 等 ,分 探 ,之 涎 出 自 。開 集 簡 方 。 Lockjaw that fails to open. Rub equal amounts of alum and salt on the [affected region]. Once saliva is released, |the mouth] will open. 埃 7z7z. 7
於 絕 上針 , 按計 喉 中 , 立 。破 絕 針 ,者 用 榆 條 上 末 走馬 喉 。痺 用 生 白 砍 塗 以 綿 纏 作 東 大也 。 儒 門 事 方親 。 Running horse throat blockage.Apply unprocessed white alum to asilk floss needle swab and insert it into the [blocked] throat. It will open immediately ITo prepare
asik Hoss needle swab, wind silk foss around the tip of an elm _twig until it has reached the size of a Chinese date. 人 zz7z 7 7777 /27zo.
喉 闡 乳 。蛾 濟 生 帳 帶 :散 用 棱 三 ,錢 針 鈍 內 溶化 , 入 劈開巴豆 去 豆 , 研 杉 用 ,之 入 喉 立 。愈 甚 者, 以 醋 調 灌 。之 亦 通關 名 散。
三 ,粒 煎 乾
Throat obstruction-iness8 by nipple moths. Ihe “life saving curtain and belt powder: Melt and transform in a kettle_ three 7zzz of alum. Add three croton [seeds] that are broken open and boil this until lthe liquid] has dried. Remove the croton [seeds] and grind the alum. It is then ready to be used. When it is inserted into the throat [the disease] will be cured immediately. In severe cases, forcefeed it
[to the patient| mixed with vinegar.[Ihis medication] is also called, thte“powder
opening barriers.
法 制 局 龍 :膽 用
膽 中, 風乾 研末 。 每 吹 一 錢 入 喉 , 取 涎 出妙 。 杉 盛 入 豬 白末
Black dragon gall bladder prepared according to the rules. Fi white alum powder into apipgs gal bladdep letit dry in the wind and grind it to apowder. 紀ach time blow one 7zzzzinto the [affected] throat. Ihis will stimulate the release of saliva, and is Wondrous.
844 殉 # 2zz 號 化 presumably should be yz7 2zz 七 花 ,“%a pinch of salt,”as specified in recipes further below 845 玫 7zg 癱 ,“obstruction-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against the obstruction may cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 64r.
846 和 zz 乳 蛾, “nipple moth,”mostlikely including cases of acute tonsillitis. BCGM Dict 4Io.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
穀 ,賊 腫 。痛 生
鞭 末石 少 點少 腫 ,處 吐 涎, 以并 烏 。度 聖惠 方 。
Throat harmed by bugs,5# with a painful swelling. Drip small amounts of alum powderon thelocation of the swelling until [the patient] vomits saliva and feels an itch. $2e7zo 27Z/7 /272o.
風 熱 喉 。痛 白 鵬 半 ,斤 研末 化 ,水 新 磚 一 ,片 浸透 取 晤 , 又 浸 又 ,晒 至 水 乾, 入 開山中 浸 一 ,月 取 ,洗 安 陰 ,處 待 箱 出 掃 ,收 每 半 服 錢, 水 下 。 普
濟 方。 Painful throat caused by wind and heat. Gurind half a Zzzz of white alum to apowder and transform it to water. Soak anew brick [in this liquidj,remove itand dryitin
the sun. Soak it again and dry it again until all the water has [been absorbed and| dried. Ihen place [the brick] into a cesspool to soak there for one month. Remove
it and wash it. Place it at ashady location and wait for a frost to come out [of the brick]. Sweep this o 生 and store it [for later use].
sent down with Water. /
弓ach time ingest half a 77z7z, to be
五 /27zg.
懸 癱 垂 ,長 咽中 煩 。閃 白 有髮 燒 、灰 覽 花 等 ,分 烏 末 , 節 頭 點頻 藥 在上 , 去 涎。 孫 用 和 秘寶 方。 Uvula extending long [into the throatj, With unrest and heart-pressure.[Grind|
equal amounts of white alum burned to ashes and apinch of salt to a powder. Dip the tip of achopstick into_[this powder] and apply it to [the affected region]. Ihis w 訓 remove saliva. Sun Yonghe, 4 2z2 zzzg.
小 兒 舌 膜。 初生 小 兒有 白 皮 膜 裹 古 , 或蝦 酉 ,根 可 以指甲 刊 破 令 血 ,出 以 燒 末警 半 綠豆 許 傅 。之 天 不 摘 ,去 其 必兒 號。 姚和 眾 至 寶方 。 A membrane on the tongue of children. When the tongue of newborn children is enclosed by a white membrane skin,in some cases covering the entire tongue and its root, one may scratch it open with a filngernail to release blood and then apply burned alum powderp as much as the size of amung been, to it. If [the membranel
is not peeled off, the child will be mute. Yao Hezhong, Z27 2z2 /7z
牙齒 腫 。痛 白 榨 一 兩 燒 ,灰 大 漱 去 。涎 簡 要 濟 眾 方 。
露 蜂 房 一 兩 微 ,鱗 烏 ,散 每 用 二 ,錢 水
Toothache with swelling.[Grind] one Zzzce ofwhite alum,burned to ashes,and one /z7zge of large dew bee/wasp nests (39-o6),slightly fried,toapowder. 選 ach time bi
two 2zzz of waterp hold [the liquidl in themouth,rinse it and [spit out to] remove the saliva..772z7z zz2.Z 0297 /27zg 847 Gz z27 穀 賊 ,“grain intrusion.”A condition of swelling and pain in the gullet resulting from an inadvertent ingestion of awns or spikes of cereals. BCGM Dict LI96.
C/z27/e7 也
患 齒 碎 壞 盡 欲 者。 常 以 絕 裏 墻 石 含 ,嚼 吐 去 汁。 肘 後方 。 Forasuffering from broken and decayed teeth, with a perspective of losing 4 他 them.Regularly hold alum wrappedinasilk fabricinthemouth and munchit.Spit out the resulting Juice. Z2oz 2oz zz
齒 斷 血 出 不 。止 鞭 石 一 兩 ,燒 水 三 ,升 章 一 ,升 含 。漱 千 金方 。 Unending bleeding from the gums. Boil one /zzc of burned alum in three vezge df Water down to one vy2ezzg. Hold itin the mouth to rinse [the affected region]. 0z27
77 /27229
舌 腫 。強 白 、裔 桂
心 等 ,分
烏 ,末 安 古 。下 聖惠 方 。
Swollen,stiffwooden tongue.#[Grind] equal amounts of alum and zzyyzz bark toa
powder and place it below the tongue. $2e7zg 2z/7 /27zo.
陰 口 。瘡 生 上甘草
二 ,寸 白 雇 一 栗 大 , 嗡 ,之 嚥 津。 活 法 機要 。
A sore on the outlet of the major yin [conduitd|. Hold a piece of fresh gZycyyy727%2 [root] of two zzz length and apiece of alum the size ofamillet grain in the mouth and swallow the [resulting] fiuid. 號 z2 克
口 生 征 瘡 , 下 虛 上 後。 定 毅 :方 用 黃 丹 水 飛 ,炒 等 ,分 研, 擦 之 。
白 泡湯 雇
灌 。足 張 和子
方: 用
雇 白 末 、
Sores developing in the_ mouth and on the tongue, with depletion below and obstruction above. 7z7zc >2z7./z7zg: Prepare a decoction of white alum and wash [the
patients] feet With it. Zhang Zihes recipe: Grind equal amounts of white alum powder and miniumy, prepared through aqueous sublimation,and apply [the resulting powder to the afected regiom」.
以 小 兒 其 ,口 滿口 白 。爛 枯 鞭 一 ,錢 朱砂 二 分, 詞 末 , 每 少許 次 , 神 驗。 普 濟方 。
傅之 , 日 三
Groose-mouthx9 of_ children with_the mouth filed With white, rotting lesions. [Grind] one 7zzz of dried alum and two /z of cinnabar [to a powder]. Each time
apply asmall amount [to the affected regionj, three times a day Divinely effective. 7 二
小 兒 征 ,瘡 飲
乳 不 。得 白 榨 如 雞 子大 , 置 酪中 , 塗 兒 足 ,底 二
七 遍 。愈 千
金 方。 848 7Zz y2z 木 古, “wooden tongue,”indicates a massively swollen tongue, filling the entire oral cavity accompanied by awood-hke hardening. BCVGM DictL,344. 849
五 zoz 其 ,口 “goose mouth,”refers to a white layer covering the mucous mermbranes and top of the tongueinachilds mouth making it resemble a goose-mouth.BCGM Dict, I4I.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Sores onachilds tongue making it impossible to drink its nursing mothers milk. Place apiece of white alumy, as big as a chicken eggy into vinegar and apply [the resulting llquid] to the childs foot soles. Two times seven times,and it will be cured. 07277 7777 /2722.
口中 氣 昊。 明 其 入 勵 ,香 烏末 , 擦 牙上 。 生 生 編 。 Malodorous qireleased from within the mouth.Add musktoalum and [lgrind itto]
apowder. Apply this to the teeth. $2e7zg y2e7zg 22277.
血 不 止。 枯 馨末 吹 ,之
妙。 聖
濟錄 。
Unending nosebleed. Blow dried alum into [the nostrils]. Wondrous. $2ezzg 埃 和
隨 爍出 。 日 鼻中 筷 。肉 千 金 志用 燒 末 , 豬 脂和 , 綿 裹 塞 ,之 數 息肉 Tumorous Hesh _growths in the nose. Ihe Ozzz 7zz [recommends to] mix burned alum powder and lard, wrap it in si and insert this into [the affected nostrils.
After several days the tumorous filesh growths can be removed together With the rmedication.
一 方 用 明 杉 一 ,兩 蘆 自 也 。 之, 化 水下
麻 仁 七 ,筒 鹽
梅 肉 五 ,筒 春香
一 ,字 楔 ,丸 鉀 裹 塞
Another recipe. Pound one /zzzze of alum, seven castor beans, flve salted plums and one 2 of musk [to a pulp and] prepare pills. Insert them wrapped in silk [into the
afected nostrils][Ihe flesh _growths] will transform to water and are discharged as aresult.
水 七 丸, 眉毛 脫落。 白 座 十 兩 燒 ,研 蒸 餅 丸 梧 子大 , 每空心 溫 下 丸 , 至四 十 丸 , 日 減 一 ,丸 周而復始 , 以 愈 烏 。度 聖 濟錄 。
日加 一
When eyebrow hair falls down. 紀 ach time prepare ten /zzg of burned and ground alum With steamed cakes to pils the size of voz seeds and send down with warm water on an empty stomach seven pills. Increase the dose by one p 過 ll per day until adose of 4o pills. Ihen decrease the dose by one pill per day and begin again when the circle is completed until a cure is achieved. $2e7zg 豬 太.
發 斑 怪 證。 有 人 眼赤 鼻 ,張 大 ,員 渾身 出 ,斑 毛 疾 如 鋼鐵 , 乃 熱 毒 氣 結 於 下 焦也 。 白 苟、 滑 各石 一 兩 烏 ,末 作 一 。服 水 三 ,得 恒 減半 , 不 住 ,服 盡 即 。安 夏 子 益 奇 疾 方 。 Queer condition of macula appearance. Ihe eyes are red and the nose is dilated. [|Ihe patient] suffers from massive panting. He develops macula all over his body His body hairand the hair on his head appear as if they were of copperoriron. Ihis
C/z27/e7 也
is acaseofhotpoison qi congealing in theLower Burner[Grind] one /Zzzzge each of white alum and talc to apowderand ingestitas one dose. Boil [the powderj in three
bowls of water down to one half,and ingestthis all at once without pause. Once 紀 of it is consumed,acure is achieved. 入ia /iyi 07 肥 zz
目 連醫 肉。 白 枕 石 納 泰 米 入大 目 , 令 減 。 外 臺 秘要 。
淚 ,出 日 日 用 ,之 惡 汁 去盡 , 其
Shades and tumorous filesh growths in the eyes. Insert a piece of white alum, as big as amillet seed into the [affected] eyes to stimulate tearflow. Apply this treatment
day after day until 4 the malign juice is eliminated. Ihe ilness will decrease in severity every day. 7 7 7227 zz2.
目生 白 。膜 敬 石 一 ,升 水 四 ,合 銅器 延齡 至寶 方 。 日點 三四 度。 姚 和 眾 每
中 風 半 ,合 入 少 蜜 調 ,之 以 綿 濾 過
A white membrane develops in the eyes. Boil one y2ezoe of alum in four ge of Water inacopper vessel down to half a g. Add a small amount of honey and pass this through asilk sieve. EEach time drip the resulting mixture three or four times [into the affected eyes]. Yao Hechong, 玫 zz Z7zg 227 222 /z7z
簡方 。
赤 目 風 腫。 上甘草 水 明磨 胡 傅 眼 上胞 效 , 或 用 枯 鞭 頻 擦 眉心 。 集
Swollen,red eyes caused bywind.Rub alum in waterin which gZycyy7y27z%z [root] was cooked and apply this to the eyes. 弓 fective. Or repeatedly apply dried alum to the reglon between the eyebrows..777z7z 7 爛
風眼 。
白 棱烽
兩 ,
三錢 ,
研 末
澄清 ,
點 洗 。
類方 。
Wind eyes?5 with festering_[eylid] rims. Grind one /z7zge of calcined white alum and three 7zzz of verdigris to apowder. Boilit and wait until the dregs have settled. Drip [the clearliquid into the afected eyes] and wash them [with this liquid|. 交zze /27 /2772.
隊 耳 出 汁。 枯 聲 一 ,兩 鉛 丹 炒 一 ,錢 烏 末 , 日 吹之。 聖 濟錄 。 Festering cears releasing aliquid.[Grind] one Zzzg of dried alum and one 7zz7z 9f fried minium to apowder and blow this [into the affected ears] every day. $2e7zg. /Z/.
85o 7e7g )z7 風 眼 , “wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to 了he eyes by heat. BCGM Dict LIZL.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
石 斤 , 水 一 斗半 , 章 湯 浸 腳 及 ,踝 即 得 班 。也 肘 後方 。 卒 死 壯 。熱 砍 半 Sudden death with strong heat. Boilhalf a7zzofalum in one Zozand ahalf of water and soak [the patients」 legs and ankles in the hot water. Ihis will bring him back to life. Z/22z 292./27zo.
腳氣 衝 心 。 白胃 三 ,兩 水 一 斗 五 ,升 風 沸 浸 。洗 千 金方 。 Leg qiYrushing apgainstthe heart.Boilthree /Zzzeof white alum in one Zozand flve y2e7zge of water to bubbling. Soak |the affected feet in the resulting liquid and use it to] wash them. 0O7Zz7z.77z /7zg
風濕 膝 。痛 腳 氣風 濕 , 虛 汁 少 ,力 多 痛及 陰 ,汗 燒 末敬 一 匙 ,頭 投 。 御 藥院 方。 淋 洗 痛處
沸湯 ,
Painful knees caused by wind and moisture. Leg qi caused by wind and moisture, With depletion sweating and loss of strength,much pain and sweating in theyin[(t ce. genitaD regionj. Give as much burned alum as fllls the tip ofaspoon into boiling
water. Drip [the resulting solutionj on the painful region and use it to wash it. 殉 )2 )2/27 /2729.
黃 腫 水 。腫 推 車 :丸 用 明和遍 二 ,兩 青 胡 一 ,兩 白 猴半 上 ,斤 同 炒 令 ,亦 以 酪 章 米粉 糊 為 ,丸 齋 湯 下 三 十 。丸 濟 急 方 。 Yellow bloating, water swelling. Ihe “pils that push acar : Fry amixture of two 產 27z2 of alum,one /z7zc of melanterite and half a7Zz of wheatfHour untilit has turned red and prepare,With rice powderboiledinvinegapp 包 s.Senddown with ahinese date decoction 3o pils.7z 霧 zz
而 惡 ,寒 膀 腕 女 勞 黃 。疸 黃家 日 晴 發 熱 反 足下 ,熱 因 作 黑 。疸 其腹脹 如 水 狀, 大 便 也。 自 大 勞 大 ,熱 交接 後入 水所 致 , 腹 滿 分 , 人 烏 ,散 以 大 麥 粥 汁和 服 方寸 上 , 日 三 大 便 正 ,黑 是 其 候 。也 張 仲 景 金 匱方 。
,急 必 者 。服
少 腹 ,滿 目 ,黑 時 ,濟 此 難治 。 用 世 石 從 小 便 病 大
盡 女 、燒 ,去
,黃 勞 之 消 小
額上 ,病 效 石 便
黑 , 非 水 黃 等 正黃 ,
Yellow Zness3# caused by an exhaustion with women. Ihese persons have ayellow [complexionj. In the afternoon they develop heat and, contrary to normal, have an aversion to cold. Iheir urinary bladder is tense. Ihey have asensation of fullness in the lower abdomen. Iheir eyes are entirely yellow. Ihe forehead is black, the soles of the feet are hot. Ihis then develops into a black zZzz訓ness. Ihe abdomen appears bloated as if it were filled with _water. Ihe fecal matter is definitely black, 85I 7/zz2 77 肝氣 , “leg qb”refers to painful and weak legs. They may be swollen, or dried up and emaciated. In serious cases the functioning of the heart and spleen is impaired. BVCGM DictL 248.
852 7/zz7g Zz7 黃疸
,mostlikely including cases of jaundice.BCGM Dict L 225.
C/z27/e7 也
and at ttmes loose. Jhis is the disease“|[sexual| exhaustion With women. "Itis not a water [disease]. Jt is caused by massive exhaustion and massive heat when [that
man] following intercourse has entered awater. Patients With asensation of fullness in their abdomen are difhcult to cure.[Grind] equal amounts of burned alum and
nitrokalite, simmered until it has turned yellow to apowder. Mix it with a barley grueljuice and ingest the amount held by asquare zz spoon. Io be ingested three times a day Ihe disease will vanish together with the release of fecal matter and urine. Once the urine is properly yellow and the fecal matter is properly black, this is evidence [of the effects of the treatment」]. Zhang Zhongjingy.777z /z7 7
橘 三錢 , 婦人 黃疸 。 經 水 不 ,調 房事 觸犯 所 致。 白 、髮 黃 各蠟 半 ,兩 陳 反 湯 。下 濟 陰方 。 或 詞 末 , 化 蠟 丸 梧 子 大 , 每 服 五 十 ,丸 以 滋 血 湯 調經 Yellow Zzzz-ilness5 of women. lrregular menstruation caused by abnormal sexua activity.[Grind] half a /z7ze each of white alum and yellow beeswax with three 7Z277
of tangerine peels to apowder. ITransform it in beeswax to pills the size of /e7z7c7z./z7zp [recommends to grind] one /z7zge of burned alum, one 7727
of cinnabar and three gold foils to apowder. 弓ach time ingest one and ahalf 77z7z, to be sent down onan empty stomach with clear hot water
C/2z2/27 陽
中 諸 結 毒。 馮 服。 濟生 方 。
馨 、 建共 等 ,分 烏 末 , 新 汲 水 下 調 二 ,錢 瀉
吐 即 。效 未 吐再
Being struck by any type of ez poison.5[Grind] eqdual amounts of alum from Jin and tealeaves from
五an to apowder and [let the patient] send down two 7zzz mixed
With newly drawn water. Once he has outflow and vomits, the effect is obvious. 症 [the patient| fails to vomit,let him ingest [the medication] again..7Zy2ezzg Z7Zzg
蛇 日 諸 毒。 毒 、蛇 射 工、 沙 蛋 等 傷人 , 口 嘶 目 ,黑 手足 直 , 毒氣 馨 、 甘 草 等 ,分 詞 。末 冷 水 服 二 。錢 瑞 竹 堂 方 。
入 。腹 白
Al types of snake and worm/bug poison. When poisonous snakes, the archery or sand lice have harmed one, With loc 了jaw and blackened vision, hands and feet stretched out straight,and the poison qi having entered the abdomen |[grind] equal
amounts ofalum and goZycyyy2zz [root] toapowderand [let the patient] ingest with Cold water two 77Z27z. 八 7 22Z/ /77zo 7
毒 傷 瘡 。痛 白 雇 飛崗 , 黃 丹 炒 ,蒜 等 ,分 貼 。之 王 驢 馬 汁 所
氏 博 濟方 。
Painfulsores harmed bythepoisonofdonkeyandhorse sweat.Apply edualamounts of alum, processed with _sublimation, and fried minium to [the affected regiom
Wang shi, 2 去 7
虎 犬 傷人 。 薊末 納入 裹 ,之 止痛 尤 。妙 肘 後方 。 Harm caused to one by tigers and dogs. Insert alum powder into [the wound] and bandage it.[Ihe recipe] is particularly wondrous when it is used to end pain. Z222 oz /27z9.
蛇 咬 蠍 。葡 燒刀 志 頭 赤令 , 置 白 砍 於上 , 汁 出 熱 滴 ,之 立 也。 頁 元 十 三 年, 有 兩 僧 流 南方 , 到 和 鄧 州, 俱 烏 蛇 , 令 無 他 。苦 劉到 錫 信傳 方 。
,并 此 神 之 駿 方 用 此 法 便 ,疾 更
Snake bite and scorpion sting. 本 eat the tip of asword or spear until it has turned red and place alum on it. Once its internal juice is released drip it on [the location of the bite] to achieve an immediate cure. Ihis is a divinely effective recipe. In the I3th year of the >2e7zz )zzz7zz reign period (785 一 8o5) two monks travelled in the South. When they reached Dengzhouboth were bitten by asnake. Ihey had this method 856 Gz 走 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. QOriginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bug, e only creatureinaclosed jar Surviving competition With hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed gz Z 回 專 ,“gez poison(Ging).“ BCGM 857 S2e oozeg 2 射
工 ,, 毒 和 he archers poison”also: y2z zozze Zz 射
Dict LIor. 問 ,毒 reflects an ancient
notion of bugs that live in waters and shoot their poison at humans, causing disease. BCGM Dict L 432.
/2e zz Cz2 Gz7zg 4
applied and were cured immediately without any secondary suffering. Liu Yuxi, C/Z/277 %777 /2772.
壁 鏡 毒人 必死 。 白 雇 塗 。之 太 平 廣記 。 When one is poisoned by zyoc/zez bugs,and death is imminent,apply white alum [to the affected region」]. 727 277ze ozzz7z 朮
刀 基 金 。瘡 白
胡 、 黃 丹 等 ,分 烏 末 , 傅
之 最 。妙 救急 方 。
Wounds caused by metal objects/weapons, such as swords and axes.[Grind] equal amounts of white alum and minium to a powder and apply this [to the wounds.
Very wondrous..7zz 肥 7
折 傷 止痛 。 白 末榨 一 ,匙 泡湯 整 筋骨 , 點 。藥 靈 死 方 。
一 ,得 帕
薩 乘 妹 熱 傷 。處 少
時 痛 ,止 然後 排
To stop pain of fracture harm. Boil a spoonful of alum powder in abowl of waterp
dip a handkerchief into the hot liquid and press it on the harmed region. After a short while the pain will end. Ihen readjust the [affected] sinews and bones, and
apply [suitable] medication. 了 zzzg )2277./z7z
瘡 鎂。 白 其 湯 拭 。之 千 金方 。 漆 作 Ttching sores caused by lacquer. Wipe them with an alum decoction. 0zz7.77z zz
勿 醋 , 即 蟲 沉 。下 直 牛皮 癬 。瘡 石 榴 上反 薩 明 末枕 抹 。之 切 用
指方 。
QOx hide xzz7-i1Hlness5 sores.Dip pomegranade bark into alum powderand rub [the affected regionj With it. Do not resort to vinegar lest the worms/bugs enter deeply 之 /27 之27 /2722-
小 兒 風 癮 作 。并 白 胡 燒 投 熱 酒 ,中 馬尾 氛 酒 塗 。之 子 母 秘錄 。 Itching wind rashes of children. IToss white alum into hot wine.Wipe [the affected regionj with a horses tail and apply the [medicated] wine to it. Z7 zz 27 和
小 兒 臍 ,腫 出 汁 不 止。 白 馨 燒 砍 傅 。之 聖惠 方 。 wollen navelof children releasing ajuice without end. Apply the ashes of burned alum to it. $2e7ze 2z/7 /2729.
Dry and moist sores on the head. Mix white alum,one half raw one half calcined,
with wine and apply this to the [affected region]. $2e7zg 2e7zg 2727z. 858 及 zz7z-iness Dict LP 59gL.
癬 ,skin iness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
C/2z2/27 陽
身 面 疾 。子 白 馨、 地
膚 子 等 ,分 煎 ,水 頻 洗 。之 多
能 一事 。
Warts on the bodyand the face.Boilequalamounts of white alum and /oc2zz [fruit|
in water and repeatedly wash [the affected regionsj with it. zz2 7zezzge 27 527.
腋下 胡 上 臭。 其
石 絹 袋 盛 ,之 常 粉 腋 下 , 甚 。縣 許 蕊殯 方 。
Barbarian stench under the armpits. 上 計 asik pouch with alum and repeatedly powder the region underthe armpits With it. Very wondrous. zz 人 Zoe2e7z./27zg.
毒。 白 枯馨 研, 寒食 獅 糊 ,調 傅 上 即 。消 救
急 良方 。
Fish mouth sores poison. Dry white alum and grindit [to apowder|. Mix it with [steamed cakes prepared fromj flour [to be consumed] during the “cold food |[festival? and apply it to the [affected region. Ihe sores」 w 遍 dissolve..7z 議 Z27zg zz
陰 瘡作 白。取 高昌 白 胡 、 麻 仁 等 ,分 研 末 , 豬 脂和 膏 , 先 以 槐 皮白 煎 湯洗 過 , 塗 ,之 外 以 乞 葉 貼上 , 不過 三 度 。愈 鳥 洪 肘 後方 。 Soresin theyin[(i.e.,genital regionj forminganindentation.Grrind equalamounts
of alum from Gao chang and hemp seeds to apowder and with lard form apaste. First wash [the affected regionj with a decoction of white vo22o7z 72227z7cz bark, and apply [the paste] to it. Ihen cover [the paste] With zzz2z leaves.A cure w 針
be achieved afterno more than three such applications. Ge Hong, Z22z 22 Zoo.
足 瘡 生 。蟲 南方 地 卑濕 , 用 和牛 或 羊 或 豬 ,肚 去 荔 研 ,色 塗 吊上 貼 。之 須 馬尾 千 ,萬 或 青 赤白 黑, 宮 從 別 嶄神書 。
人 多 患 不 ,洗 研 與 六 ,心 以 湯 洗
足 ,瘡 歲 久 如 ,泥 看 瘡 徐徐 連 吊 。之 三 日 一
毒 注 而 然。 日 星 , 乃 風攻 生 如 大 ,小 入 和 過 泥 髮 半 。兩 已 上 取 下 , 火上 炙 之。 晶 ,出 絲 曆 ,作 不過 數 ,次 蟲盡 瘡 。愈 南
Sores on the feet generating worms/bugs.In the South,where the ground is low-lying and moist the people often suffer from foot sores.After many years they generate worms/bugs resembling leeches. Ihis is so because wind poison has attacked and settled there. Take the stomach of an ox,asheep orapig. Remove the excrements but do no wash it. Grind it to a pulp. Take as much as the size of the sores, calcine it and add half a Zzzg of alum. Grind this to an evenly mixed [powderj, spread it
onapiece ofsilk and apply this to [the sores]. Afterashort while [the patient] w 六
feelan itch reaching rightinto his heart.Grently remove the silk and roast it abovea 859 This is the festival honoring Jie Zitui 介子 推 who had served King Wen of the State 人 九 my5th c. BE. Eventually he withdrew with his mother to the forests. King Wen summoned him to his court to show his gratitude.WhenJjie /itui refused to appeap the
king had the forest set on fire to force him to leave his abode.Je and his mother died in the fre in 476 BCE. he king ordered that no fres were allowed on that day in future, and food was to be consumed cold. Hence the name ofthat day 2zz527 振 ,“cold 食 food BCGM Dict IILD 224-225.
/2e zz
Cz2 Gz7zg 4
fre. Ihe worms wil come out ofit, [and theywill looklike] athousandoramyriad
ofsilk threads forming ahorse tail. Ihey may be greenish,white,red orblack. Ihen wash the [aftected region] with hot water. Do this once every third day After several applications 和1 the worms/bugs w 訓 have vanished and the sores will be cured. Nan Grongcongy, Gz /z 27z 522.
其 甲作 瘡 。 足 趾甲 入 作肉 瘡, 不 可 覆 。靴 鞭 石 燒 灰 傅 ,之 蝕 日 愈, 此 方 神 。效 肘 後方 。 肉。 細 細 割 去 甲角 , 句 取
惡 ,肉 生 好
Sores resulting from embedded nails. When toenails intrude into the flesh and cause sores, making itimpossible to wear boots. Burn alum to ashes and apply them to[the affected regionj. Ihis will erode the malign flesh and stimulate the growth of goodfesh. Carefully cut out the corners of the nails,and within ten days/a short period oftimeacure wilbe achieved. Ihis recipe is divinely effective. Z2oz 2oz./z7zg
雞眼 肉 。刺 枯 世、 黃 、丹 朴 消 等 ,分 烏 末 , 探 。之 次 日 浴 二 三 ,次 即 愈。 多 能 一事 。 hicken eye/corn and flesh _thorn.[Grind] equal amounts of dried alum, minium
and nitrokalite to apowder and rub this on [the affected regionj- Ihe following day wash it two or three times and acure w
冷 記末 撚, 然生
瘡 成 。漏 。 以 安 入 肉 痊好
訓be achieved. 7z2 7ze7ze 27 527.
明 鞭 半 生 半 ,飛 飛 者 生 ,肉 生 者 追 ,膿 五 靈 脂 水 ,飛 各半 錢 , 皮 紙 裁條 , 唾和 末 作 小 撚 ,子 香油 濕捏 , 於末 拖 過 , 剪 作 大小 ,漏 早 安 午 。換 候 膿 盡出 後 , 有 些小 血 ,出 方 得 葛 。水 住 ,藥 自 。 普 濟方 。
Sores caused by cold that have begun to leak.[Grind] half a 7zzz each of alum, one half raw one half processed with sublimation 一 with the sublimated [alum] serving
to generate new fcesh,and the raw [alum] removing the pus 一 and squirrel droppings to apowder Cut tough paper into small stripes. Mix 了he powder with saliva. Form [the paperj to small rolls. Knead them with your fingers in sesame oil un theyare wetandthenabsorb with them thepowder [mixed with the saliva]. Cut the
rolls into pieces of varying sizes and insert them into the leaking there in the_ morning they are replaced [with anew rolll at noon. is climinated, a lttle blood will be released. Eventually al watery dried. Now end the applicationofthe medication.Flesh will grow ailment w 訓 be cured. 叫 / 育 多 7
[fistula]. Placed Once all the pus liquid will have by itself and the
C/2z2/27 陽
魚 睛 丁 。瘡 枯 世 末 , 寒食 猴 糊 調 ,貼 消 腫 無 。膿 人 崔 氏 方 。 Pin-illness 6o sores resembling filsh eyes. Mix dried alum powder with [steamed
cakes prepared fromj flour [to be consumedj during the “cold food [festival| Pand
apply this to [the affected region. Jhis will dissolve the swelling and eliminate the pus. Cz/7 527 /272
丁 瘡 腫 毒。 雪 白 胡 末 五 ,錢 菩 白 糧 ,熟 揚和 丸 梧 子大 , 每 二 服 錢 酒 送 ,下 未 效 再 。服 久 、病 孕婦 不可 服。 衛 生 寶鑑 。
五分 , 以
Pin-illness sores With swelling and poison. Grind a mixture of flve 7zzzz of snowwhite alum powder and onion stalks, cooked over aslow fire until done, and form pills the size of oz seeds. 弓ach time ingest two 27z7 and flve /z7z, to be sent down With wine.Jfno effect shows, ingest [the same dose] again. Patients with a chronic disease and pregnant women must not ingest [this medication」. 族 7 y2ezzg 2z2.727z.
癱 龍 腫 專。 方 見 前 明發 下 。 QObstruction-illness and impediment-illness
with swelling and poison. For arec-
ipe,see _ 紀 xplication.
偏汗 濕
闇。 枯 胡
撲 。之 又泡湯
沃 。洗 御
藥 院方 。
Sweating, moisture and itch in the yin_[(i.e., genitalD regionm]. Apply dried alum to [the affected regionj. In addition, boil [the alumj in water and wash [the aftected
regionj With it. 如 yo )z277. 7
交接 勞 ,復 卵 ,腫 或 縮入 , 腹痛 欲 。絕 鞭 石 一 ,分 消 三 ,分 大 寸 匕 , 日 三 ,服 熱 毒 從 二 便 出 。也 肘 後方 。
鷹 粥 清 服方
Recurrence [of a disease] because of exhaustion during sexual intercourse, with a
swelling of the testicles, or their shrinkapge and withdrawel [into the abdomenj,
and abdominal pain letting one wish to die. Prepare abarley gruelfrom one part 人 86o7Dzzg 丁 ,“pin[-ness], also Z7zg 療 ,“pin-iness, refers to adeep-reaching and festering
hardness in atissue, eventually rising above the skin llke apinhead. BUVGIM Dict L I27I2g,.
86I This is the festival honoring Jle Zitui 介子 推 who had served King Wen of the State 全 nmy5th c. BL. Eventually he withdrew with his mother to the forests. King Wen summoned him to his court to show his gratitude.WhenJjie /itui refused to appeap the king had the forest set on fire to force him to leave his abode.Je and his mother died in the fre in 476 BCE. Ihe king ordered that no fires were allowed on that day in future, and food was to be consumed cold. Hence the name ofthat day 2zz527 振 ,“cold 食 food BCGM Dict IILD 224-225.
862 gg 及 闡 龍, “obstruction-illiness, impediment-illness.”refers to two vaguely distinguished obstructions/impediments of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qi rushing against the obstruction may cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM
Dict LL 642.
/2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
alum and three parts of nitrokalite and ingest as much as is held byaone square z77 spoon. Io be ingested three times aday Ihe heat poison will be released with both |urination and defecationj relief. Z22z 2oz 7ze
女人 陰 。痛 棱
石 三 分 ,炒 甘草 末 半 ,分 綿 導裏 之, 取 并。 肘 後 百 一 方 。
Painfulyin[(i.e., genitalD regionj of women.Wrap three/zz offried alum and halfa
/zof glycyrrhiza [root|powderinsilkandinsertit[into thevagina]. Jhis will result in acure. /22z 22z 227 )7 /272g.
丁 腫 惡 。瘡 二 仙 :散 用 生 、榨 黃 ,丹 臨時 等 ,分 以 三 稜 針 刺 ,血 待盡 便 之。 不 過 三上 , 決 。愈 乃 太 李醫 管 勾 。方 衛生 它 鑑 。 Pin-illness89 swelling With malign sores. Ihe“powder of the two hermits/immortals:" Open [the swelliing] when the ttime [foratreatment] has come with atrian-
gular needle to let blood. Once all the blood has left apply[a mixture of jequal amounts of raw alum and minium [to the affected regionjJ. A cure will be achieved after no more than three applications. Ihis is arecipe of the Imperial Physician Li Gruangou. 族 7 y2e7zg 22z2.727z.
日蛇 盞 毒及 髮 毒。 生 明 、菊 明 雄 黃 等 ,分 計 問 午 日 末研 , 黃 蠟和 丸 七蝦 , 熟 水 送 。下 東 坡 良 方 。 王 大 , 每 服七 ,丸 念 藥 菩薩
Worm/bug,snake,animal poisonand gezpoison.”* Grrind eqdualamounts of raw alum
and realgar on the ffth dayof the ffth month toapowderand with yellow beeswax form pills the size of zoz seeds. 比ach time ingest seven pills and recite“JMedicine King Buddha seven times.Io be sent down with boiled water. /27ze2o /7z7zg 7/27zg. II-IS
藝 日華
了 2 7, 上 比 Rihua.
Greenvitriol. Mielanterite. Ferrous sulphate.
【 釋 】名 呢 堀 綱 、目 青 其 赤粘 者名 絆 榨 唐 、本 芍 。【 紅 時 珍 日】 斷 可閱 以 瘡 用 。之 烽 赤 者 染蝦 色 , 故謂 之 呢 。芍 騷 黑 散 亦 名 吳 ,棒 不 堪 服 ,食 惟 家 俗名 楮紅 , 以 朱別 紅 也 ,。 863 六 zzzge 丁 ,“pin[-iness], "also Zoe 療 ,“pin-illness, refers to adeep-reaching and festering
hardness in atissue, eventually rising above the skin like apinhead. BCGM DictL, I27I20,
864 Gz 點 is an ancient conceptualization of diseases traced to a magic pathogenic agent. Qriginally it was assumed to be amost poisonous bugy the only creatureinaclosed jar surviving competition with_ hundreds of other poisonous bugs. Ihis bug was believed to be instrumentalized by greedy persons to appropriate the belongings of others. 1he resulting disease was termed oz Zz 由 專 ,“oez poison(Ging).“" BCGM
Dict LIor.
C/2z2/27 陽 上 xplanation of Names. Zz2 /27 也
,棱 “ink-black
zz, Gz7zo 2
077zg /27 青棱 ,
“preenish /7z,”that has been calcined untilit turns red is called 7zzz/zz 經 嗇 ,“deep red/crimson 名 zz,”727zg 2e7z. zz 2ozg 煩 紅 ,“/zz red [LI] Shizhen: With green /Z72 one can dye [fabrics] ink-black, >z2 昆. Hence it is also called >z2 /7 蝦 ,棱 “inkblack
zz. 7
黑 霹 , “black zz,”too, is called zz22 /7 蝦
,棱 “ink-black
zz. It
cannot be ingested or consumed; it is resorted to only by specialists [treating] sores. [Green /zz] calcined until it turns red is commonly called zz 2ozg 腳 紅 ,“/zz redy
to be distinguished from 22z 2o7zg 朱紅 ,“vermilion.”。
【 集 解 】【 領 日】 綠 遍 出 隱 州 溫泉 縣、 池 州 鋼 陵 ,縣 並 辟 雇 處 生 芒。 人 初生 皆 石 也 , 前 煉 乃 成。 其 形似 入 消 而 綠色 , 取 置 鐵 上板 , 上 如聚 燒 ,之 顧 沸 流 出 , 色 弈 如 金 汁 者 是 真 。也 沸 定時, 汁 盡 則 色 如 黃 。丹 又有 思 蓉 , 或 云 即 綠紀 也。【 恭 日】 綠 遍 新 出 社 未 見 風 ,者 正如 琉璃 ,色 人 以 烏 石 膽。 燒 時 珍 曰】 綠 髮 曾 、地 河 內、 西 安、 沙 良 之 赤色 , 故 名 穎 戊。 出 瓜 州 者 。【 州 皆 出 ,之 狀 如 焰 。消 其 中 揀 出 深 青 瑩 淨 ,者 即 烏 青 。紀 和 過 變 ,赤 則 為 烏 。塊 音 人 往往 以 青 警 以 絆 。郁 入 打 埸 及 漆 匠 家 用多 之。 然 貨 者 亦 雜 沙土 詞 石 膽, 誤 ollected Explanations. [Su] Song: Melanterite originates in Wen qian xian of Xi
Zhou, and in Tong ling xian of Chi zhou. Jt grows at the same places as fried /z. In the beginning it grows like any stone/mineraL Tt is through aprocess of refinement With heat that [melanterite] is generated. Tts physical appearance resembles that of po xzz2 朴 消 /mirabilite,but it is of green color When genuine [melanterite] is placed on an iron plate and this is heated with a pile of charcoalb it will bubble
and alquid flows of assuming ared color like golden juice. When the bubbling has ended, and al the Juice has vanishedy, it assumes a color reminiscent of mini-
um. Also, there is ozeZz/vzz seed /zz 喲 英
,馨 and some say that it is green
zz. [Su
Grong: When melanterite has just left the mine and has not been exposed to wind yety its color is perfectly that of opadque glass. Ihe people regard it as chalanthite. Whenitis heated it assumes ared color. Henceitis called “deep-red/crimson /7z. That originating in Gua zhou is good. [Li] Shizhen: Melanterite originates in the and Sha zhou.Ttis shaped hke nitrokalite. 和 territory ofJm,and also in He ne Xian
A deep greenishy, lustrous and clean variety is 7z7zg 7z 青 馨, “greenish /zz.” That which turns red when calcined is 7zz7g/zz 經 馨 ,“deep-red/crimson zz. "Itis added to wa plaster and it is often used by lacquer workers. Howevep whenitis sold on the market,imerchants mix it with sand and soil to earn more money Ihe ancients often regarded /7zze/zz 青 雇 ,“greenish fan”as chalanthite.TIhey were wrong-
【 氣 】味 酸 , 閔 , 無 專。 Qi and Flavor. Soup coolb nonpoisonous.
7/2e 27 Co Gd7zg 477
【 主 】治 辣 及 諸 。瘡 蘇 。恭 喉 ,痺 點 牙, 口瘡 , 惡 ,瘡 開 。癬 釀 鯽魚 燒砍 腫 利, 風 服, 療 腸 風 瀉 。血 大 明 。 消 積 ,滯 燥 濕脾 , 化 瘓 ,涎 除 脹 滿 黃 閥 眼 口 齡 諸 。病 時 珍。 崗 ness5and al other types ofsores.Su Gong: Ihroat blockage, tooth Control. Gzzz訓ness.367 Ferment worms/bugs, mouth sores, malign sores, 7ze-iHness86 and xz27zcrucian carps [with melanteritej, burn this and ingest the ashes. Ihis serves to heal
intestinal wind and outflow with_ blood. Da Ming. It serves to dissolve accurmulations and sluggishness. It dries spleen moisture. Tt transforms phlegm and saliVa. It removes distension, a sensation of fullness, yellow swelling, malaria and free
flow wind eyes?6 and all types of diseases affecting the mouth and the teeth. [Li Shizhen.
【 發 】【 明 時 珍 日】 綠 顧 酸 涌 濟 ,收 燥 濕 解毒 化 涎 之 功 與 白 敬 同, 而 力 差 緩 。 按 張 三 仙豐 傳 方 載 伐木 丸 :雲 此 方 上乃 清 金 蓬 祖師 頭 所 。傳 治 脾 土 哀 弱, 肝 木 氣 ,盛 木 來 觀 ,士 病 心 腹 中滿 , 或 黃 腫如 士 色 , 服此 能 助 土敬 元。 用 蒼 術 二斤 , 米 滑 水 浸 二 ,宿 同 黃酒 開 柳 四 兩 赤色 炒 , 思 鞭 一斤 , 酪 拌 晒 ,四 入 瓶 火 ,刀 烏 末 , 酯 糊 丸 梧 子大 。 每 服 四三 十 ,丸 好 酒、 米 湯任 下 , 日二 三 。服 時 珍 常% 以此 方加 平胃散 , 治 一 賤 中役 滿腹 ,脹 果 有 效 驗 。 黃 相此 色 綠 味 ,酸 燒 之 赤則 , 既 能 入 血 分 伐木 , 又 能 濕燥 化 ,涎 利 小便 , 消食 ,積 故 脹 滿 黃 腫 丫 痢 開 疾 往往 方 用 ,之 其 則源 自 張 仲 景用 胡 石 、 消 石 方 變 化 而 來 。 【 領 日】 劉 殉 錫 信傳 方 治 喉 ,痺 用吧 英 ,世 入 治 女 勞 黃 疸 中 好 米 酪 同 研 含 ,之 嚥 汁 立 瓶。 此 方 出 於李 誤 , 甚 奇 。妙 吳 英 ,艙 即 綠 炊也 。 Explication.[ 工 |] Shizhen: Green /zz is sour and hence itis gushing; it is astringent and henceitis collecting.1ts potentialto dry moisture,resolve poison and transform saliva is identical to that of white 名 z/alum. But its strength is inferior and slower. According to the “pills to fell wood recorded in Zhang Sanfengs 有 727z 02zz27z /2z7zo this is arecipe transmitted by FounderJin Pengtou of the Highest Purity. Jt serves to cure weakness in the spleen,|[i.e.,thelong-term depot associated with the phasel] soil accompanied by abounding qiin the liven |[i.e.,the long-term depot associated 865 Gzz 准 , “oz7z-iness also: “sweets-illness,”involves several complaints that affect chidren and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCVGIM Dict ISo-I88. 866.7ze-ilness 開 ,vaguely defined skin ailments. BCGM Dict LI, 249. 867 六 zz7zz-iness Dict LP 59gL.
癬 ,skin iness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
868 /e7g zz 風 眼 , “wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to the eyes by heat. BVGM Dict LIZL. 869 From the meaning of this passage, instead of c2zzg 沉 one might expect here nowadays the characterc227 嘗 ,“to try “once"Howevepin antiquity the two characters c2zzg 和當 and c2z7g 嘗 were used interchangeably
C/2z2/27 陽
with the phase] wood. When wood arrives to overcome soil, the resulting disease is asensation of fullness in heart and abdomen, sometimes With a yellow swelling assuming the color of soil. ITo ingest these [pills] can support the soil and boost the original[qi上 Soak twoZZz of 7/7zc/yo2Z2y |rhizome] fortwo days and nights in water which was used to wash_ rice. Ihen fry it together With distillers yeast of yellow Wine until it has assumed ared color Add one 7/zz of melanterite, and vinegap and dryitin the sun.Jt is then fillled into a jap calcined over a filre, and [ground to] a
powder 上 ach time ingest3o to 4o pills, to be sent down at wi with good wine or rice decoction. Io be ingested two or three times aday [DLLi]l Shizhen, have regu~
larly used this recipe together with the “powder to level the stomach “to cure my servants when theysensed fullness in theircentepwith abdominal distension. It was effective. he fact is, this variety of /z7z is of green color and of sour flavor. When it is heated it turns red. Hence itis able to enter the blood section and to fell woody
anditis also able to dry moisture and transform saliva, to free the flow of urine, and to dissolve accumulations of food. Hence it is often used in recipes for distension,
fullness,yellow swelliing, malaria and free-fhux 崗 ness, as well as zzz崗 ness.$ he origin of this [recipe] lies in Zhang Zhongjings “recipe to cure [sexual| exhaustion With women resulting in Zz7和 ness 2 with alum and nitrokalite that has been modifed and transformed in the course of time.[Su] Song: Liu Yuxi in his C2z/Zz7
%77z /z7zze [recommends toj “cure throat blockage「as follows]. Add melanterite to
goodricevinegap grinditand hold the [resulttingliquidj in the mouth.Swallow the Juice and acure will be achieved immediately . Ihis recipe is from Li Mo.It is very special and wondrous. GZzz/zz seed zz 喲 共 榨 is green zz/melanterite.
87o Ingredients of the“powder to balance the stomach _include: 2zozz2/zz bark, pinger Jjuice, tangerine peels, gZycyy727zzz [root], zzzc/y/o2Zey[rhizomej,fresh gingepand Chinese dates.
87I 了 7 痢 ,“free-flulx ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3 872 Gzz 准 , “goz7z廬ness also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCVGJIM Dict
873 7zz7g Zzz 黃疸 ,mostlikely including cases ofjaundice. BCGM Dict L, 225.
7/2e 27
Co Gd7zg 477
【 附 方 】人 舊 ,一 新 一 十九 。 Added Recipes. One of old. ro newly [recorded]|.%
重 舌 木 。舌 吳 胡 二 ,錢
鐵上 燒 紅,
研, 摻 之。 陸 氏 積 德 堂
Doubled tongue,5wooden tongue.?“ Heat [melanterite] on iron和
it has turned
red grind it and apply [the resulting powder] to [the affected region]- Lu shi, 堵 Z zz 2722
喉 風 腫 。閉 吳 万 一 片, 米醋 三 斤 ,拌 顆 ,乾 末 , 吹 。之 痰 末 少 ,許 入 人恭 內 漱 ,口 嚥 之 即 。愈 孫氏 集 效 方 。
涎 出盡 , 用 良 墓
wollen and closed throat caused by wind. Mix one.7zz of ink-black /zz/melanterite and three 7Zzzzofrice vinegap and dryitin the sun.[Grind it to a] powder and blow
it[into the patients throat|. Once al the phlegm and saliva have left [the mouthj,
give asmall amount of good ginger powder into tea and [let the patient] rinse his mouth.When heswallows [the liquidj he will be cured. Sz7z 77 坑 722 7/27zg.
眼 暴 赤 爛 。 紅 棗 五 ,斤 入 綠 榨 在 ,內 火爆 熟, 以 心 七 ,個 煎 ,稠 每點 少許 入 上雌 。 摘 玄 方 。 柳 各
水 一 ,儘 河水 、 井 各
The eyes have suddenly turned red and fester. Give melanterite into five 有 zz of red hinese dates and cook them overaslow filre until done. Boil them with one bowl each of river water and well water and seven finest twig tips with tender leaves 人 peach and willow trees. Boilthis toathick paste and each time drip asmall amount on the canthi. /22z7 xz27z 2729
爛 弦 風 。眼 青
棱 火 燉 出 ,毒 細 研, 泡湯 , 澄清 , 點 。洗 永 類 方 。
Festering [eyelid] rims and wind eyes.$7 Calcine melanterite over a filre to release its poison. Grindittoafne
[powderj, boillitin watep wait for the dregs to have
settled, drip [some of the clear liquid into the affected eye] and wash it [with that liquid]. zzg 7 克2
倒 睫 拳 。毛 方同上。 Inverted eyelashes, with the hair contracted like a fist. Recipe identical to the one above.
874 The number of recipes listed below amounts to 39.
875 Cozg52e 重 古 ,“doubled tongue”A growth underthe tongue,mostly in children,similar to asecond tongue. BVGIM DictL 92. 876 77z y2z 木 古, “wooden tongue,” indicates a massively swollen tongue, aling the entire oral cavity accompanied by awood-like hardening.BCGM DictLp344. 877 /e7g zz 風 眼 , “wind eyes,”are red and festering canthi and eyelids brought about by harm caused to the eyes by heat. BVGM Dict LIZL.
C/2z2/27 陽
韶 疾 寒熱 。 万 、紅 獨蒜頭 ,燼 等 ,分 搗 英子 九 大 , 每 白 湯 下嚼 一 ,丸 端午
日 合 。之 普 濟方 。
Malaria illness With alternating cold and heat sensations. Pound equal amounts of melanterite and the tips of single clove garlic, cooked over aslow fire,and form [with the resulting pulp] pills the size of 7zzz seeds.
斷ach time swallow with clearp
boiled watep one p 記 . Prepare the [pills] on the fifth day of the fifth month. 及 // /7zg
少 站陰 疾, 嘔吐 。 綠 胡 一 ,錢 乾 芋 ,炮 半 夏
昔 各 制 半 兩, 詞 末 , 每 服半
錢, 發 日 早 以 醋 湯 。下 聖 濟 錄 。 Minoryin malaria ness,Wwith vomiting.[Grind] one 7zzz of melanterite and half a /z7zg cach of roasted, dry pinger and 277zz//zz [root|, processed With ginger to check its effects,to apowder.
斷ach time llet thepatient] ingest halfa 7zz7z,to besent down
with avinegar decoctionon the dayofan outbreaky early in the morning. 52e7 及
翻胃 吐 。食 白 二 鉻 斤 半 , 蒸作 大 饅頭 一 ,箇 頭上 開 ,口 刻 ,空 將 雁 呢 填 滿 , 以 員新 圍 ,注 鹽 泥 封 ,固 空 士 容 安放 。 文 火燒 武 一 日 夜, 取出 研 末 , 服 十 ,丸 空心 酒、 湯 任 。下 忌 酒色。 醫 方摘要 ,。 棗 肉 烏 丸 梧 子大 , 每 二 Turned over stomach with vomiting of food. Steam _two 7zz and a half of white flour/dough to prepare alarge bun. Openahole on its top and cut out the interior to create a hollow space.FTillit With ink-black zzz/melanterite and hold it between [twojnew tiles. Firmly seal them with salt mud and place this into apit dug in the
soll. Heat this with amild fire first andastrong fire later for one day and onenight. Then remove it and grindittoapowderto be prepared with Chinese date meat to pills the size of zoz seeds. 弓ach time ingest 2o pills, to be sent down on an empty stomach at will with wine or boiled water. [During the treatment] wine and sexual
intercourse are forbidden.
融 多 zzc 227 y22.
大 便 不 。通 嘴胡 一 ,錢 巴 箱二 人 ,筒 同 ,研 入 燭 熟 食 ,之 酒 ,下 即 。通 集玄 方 。
雞 子 內 攪 ,勻 封 ,頭 濕 紙 裹 ,
Blocked defecation. Gurrind together one 7zzzz of ink-black /z7z/melanterite and defatted croton seed powder. Insert this into a chicken egg and stir it to generate an even [mixture]. Ihen seal the opening, wrap [the egg」 in moist paper and cook it over aslow filre until done.Eat this and send it down with wine. Ihis will free [the
passage of defecation」].7xz27z./7zg.
腸 黃 濟, 心
風 ,定 衝 粹
下 。血 積 鹽 泥 固 赤 取 ,出 、飲 溫 酒
年 不 ,止 虛弱 ,濟 炎 取出, 去 火 ,毒 研。 任 三 十 。丸 永 下
服 效。 綠 散 四 ,兩 入 砂鍋 ,內 新 員 其 ,者 一 取 入 青 覽、 生 流 各黃 一 ,兩 研 。怕 再 入 中鍋 固 入 熟 附 末子 一 ,兩 栗 米 粥 糊 丸 梧 子 大 , 每 空 類方 。
7/2e 27
Co Gd7zg 477
Intestinal wind and discharge with blood. When this has ]asted for years without end, resulting in severe depletion and weakness, one dose will be effective. 上 遍 four /z7zoe of melanterite into an earthenware poty coverit With anew tile, seal it firmly With_ salt mud calcine it until it has turned red, and remove [the contents|. Add
one /z7zg cach of greenish salt and raw sulphur and grind this to an evenly [mixed powde中 上 和 his into the pot again seal it irmly calcine it until it has turned red and remove [the contents]. Let the filre poison vanish and grind [the residue to a
powder]. Add one Zz7ze of Zco7z7zz7/ [accessory tuber] powder and prepare with a congee of millet pills the size of zoz seeds. 紀 ach time send down at wil with arice beverage or warm wine 3o p 記s. yo /7 7
婦人 血 骨。 青 杉二 ,兩 輕 粉 一 ,錢 水 下。 摘玄 方。 汲
烏末 , 水 丸 梧 子 大 , 每 服 二 三 十 ,丸 新
Blood collapse of women.?7[Grind] two Zz7zge of melanterite and one 7zzz of cal-
omelto apowder and prepare With water pils the size of zoz seeds. 斷ach time [let the patient] ingest 2o to 3o pills, to be sent down With newly drawn water. Z227 X%Z/272 /2722.
血 證 黃 腫。 綠 杉 四 兩 , 百 草 町 一 ,升 炒 醛半 升, 烏 末 , 沙 糖和 丸 梧 子大 , 每 服 四三 十 ,丸 食後 芋 湯 。下 郵 時 所舉 傳 。 Yellow swelling with ablood condition.[Grind] four /z7ze of melanterite,one y2ezzg
of soot rermoved from achimney after burning grass and half a y2ezzge of fried wheat filour to apowder to be prepared with sugar to pills the size of zoz seeds. 弓ach time ingest 3o to 4o pills, to be sent down with aginger decoction after meals. [Recipel transmitted by Zheng Shiju.
又 :方 小 從 淘 淨 一 ,斤 茲 半 警 片, 同 炒 黃 末烏 , 黑 濕 肉半 斤 揚 ,勻 米 酯打 糊 丸 梧 子 大 , 每 董 湯 下 八 九 十 ,丸 一 日 三 。服 簡便 方 。 Anotherrecipe.FryoneZzzofwheatb washed with watepand half a zz ofink-black melanterite until they have assumed a yellow colop and |[grind this to] a powder
Poundit with half aZZz of black Chinese date meat to an evenly [mixed pulpj to be prepared With rice vinegar to pills the size of voz seeds. 紀 ach time send down with aginger decoction 8o to 9o pills. lo be ingested three times a day../7z7z 272z7z 7ze
脾 病 黃 。腫 青 梆 四 ,兩 燉 赤成 珠 ,子 和當 世 四 ,兩 酒 醇 浸 七 日 ,焙 百 旱 町三 兩, 烏 末 , 以 浸 藥 酒打 糊 丸 梧 子 大 , 每 服 五 丸 至 七 ,丸 溫 水 。下 一 月 後黃 去 立 ,效 此 方祖傳七世 。
878 及 zz 2ezg 血 ,“blood 朋 collapse,”is excessive vaginal bleeding.BCGM Dict
C/2z2/27 陽
Spleen disease with a yellow swelling.[Grind」 four /z7ze of melanterite, calcined to red pearls, four Zz7zg of Z7zgzZzcz [rootd|, soaked in wine for seven days and then
baked over aslow fire, and three /z7zge of soot removed from achimney after burning grass to a powder. Let it soak in wine and prepare ps
the size of voz seeds.
紀 ach time ingest five to seven ps, to be sent down with warm water. After one month the yellow [swelling] will disappear and acure wi be achievedimmediately,
This recipe has been transmitted by ancestors over seven generations.
又 方: 綠 胡 四 兩, 百 草 、霜 五 梧 子大 , 每空心 酒下 五 丸。
倍各 子 一 ,兩 木 二 香 錢,
烏末 , 酒
煎 飛 棱丸
Another recipe.[Grind] four /z7zg of melanterite, one /zzzg each of soot removed
from a chimney after burning grass, one /zzp of Chinese sumac gallnuts and two 7727z of zzc2/z7z2Zzz [root] to apowder Fry this in wine and prepare with finest flour
pills the size of zoz seeds.
糾ach ttme on an empty stomach send down with wine
five pills.
又 方: 平胃散 四 兩 , 青 菊 二 ,兩 烏 末 , 酪 兩, 酒 糊 丸 亦 。可 潔 古 活 法 機要 。
糊 ,丸 米
飲下 , 或 加人局
湯 沉 四
Another recipe.[Grind] four /z7zge of the powder to level the stomach””? and two
/z7zge ofmelanterite to apowderand prepare with vinegarpills to be sent down With arice beverage.Oradd four /z7zce of the “decoction With /7zZe7z [root] and Z7zz7/z772
[wood] and prepare With wine p 過s. Ihis is possible, too..7zegzz 2zz2 / 霧 )z2.
酒 黃 水 ,腫 黃 腫 積 。病 青胡 半 ,斤 酪 一 大 ,韻 和 勻, 吧 盆 內 米 烏 度 ; 煮糊丸梧 子 大, 每 酒 或 芋 湯下 二 胃散 、 局 藥 順 氣 散 各 半 ,兩 烏 末 , 酯 丸。 不 忌口 , 加 鍋 。灰 趙 原 陽 真人 濟 急 方 。 Yellow water swelling caused by alcoholL An accumulation disease with yellow swelling. Evenly mix half a 7zzz of melanterite and one large cup of vinegar and calcine itin an earthenware potuntil the liquid has dried.[Grind] half a /z7zg each
of the“powder to level the stomach' and the“powder With ZzzZe7z [root] to arrange the flow ofqit toapowdep boilitin vinegar to form a paste and prepare pills the siZe of zoz seeds- 弓ach time send down with wine or with aginger decoction 2o to 3o pills. Ihere are no prohibitions on oral [food intake during the treatment.] Add ashes from acauldron./hao Yuanyang Zhen ren, 陸 玉 Z7zzg-
食 勞 頁導 , 身
目 俱 苹 。 ~有 戰
綱 自 安 奶 第 亦,
酪 拌 烏末 , 挫 肉和 丸梧 子
879 Ingredients of the“powder to balance the stomach_include: 2zozz2/zz bark, pinger Jjuice, tangerine peels, gZycyy727zzz [root], zzzc/y/o2Zey[rhizomej,fresh gingepand Chinese dates.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
Jaundice caused by food and/or exhaustion, With both body and eyes having assumed a yellow color. Calcine melanterite in a cauldron on acharcoal [fire] until it has turned red. Mix it with vinegar and prepare apowder. Mix [the powder] with
hinese date meat and form pills the size of zoz seeds. 斷ach time ingest 2o to 3o pills,to be sent down following meals with aginger decoction../2 及 Z包 7
腹 中 食 。積 綠 杉 二 兩 ,研 米醋 大 一 但, 瓷器 書 ,之 柳條 攪 成 ,膏 入 赤 胸 局 一 兩 ,研 丸 綠 豆 大 , 每空心 溫 酒下 五 。丸 聖惠 方 。 Foodaccumulationin theabdomen.Grind two /zzgofmelanterite and boilit With one large bowl of vinegarinaporcelain vessel. Stirit with awillow tree until a paste 88o has formed. Add one /z7zo of 027.77z2 voz and prind this. Prepare pills the size of munkbeans. 紀 ach time send down onanemptystomach with warm wine five ps. AS2e7zo 27z/7 /272g.
痞 蟲 食 士及 生 。物 研 綠 髮 ,末 儿 膽 汁 丸 綠豆 。大 每 米 下飲 五 七 。丸 保 大幼 全。 |Children suffering from」gz7z-ness worms/bugs and eating soil and raw items. Grind melanterite to apowder and form with pig bile pills the size of munk beans. Each time_ [let the child] send down With arice beverage 5o p 遍 s. 2z2 交 z Z2 7zz277.
小 養氣 兒 可 不 療 。者 綠 獲 赤 , 酪 淬 三 ,次 烏 末 , 欣 和肉 丸 綠 豆 大 , 每 服 十 ,丸 溫 水下 , 日 。三 集 駿方 。 Gz7z- 過 ness qq of children who could not be healed. Calcine melanterite until it has turned red, dip it three times into vinegar and [lgrind it to al powder Mix it With Chinese date meat and form pils the size of munk beans. 選 ach time [let the childl|
ingest ten pills,to be sent down With warm watep three times a day.7 聞
走馬 痞 瘡。 綠 馨入 鍋 內, 炭火 紅 , 以 醋 拌 勻, 如 此 三 ,次 為 末 , 入 麝香 少許 , 溫 水漿 漱 淨, 摻 。之 談 野 翁 試 效方 。 Running horse oz7-ness”。 sores. Give melanterite into a cauldron and calcine it above acharcoal fire until it has turned red. Evenly mix it with vinegar. Do this altogether three times and [then grind the melanterite] to apowder. Add asmall 882
88o C27z7#z2 zoz 赤腳 局 ,]it.: “barefoot/red leg crow.”Unidentifiable substance, 88I Gzz 准 , “oz7z-iness, also: “sweets-illness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, With causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BVGIM Dict ISo-I88. 882 Z2# zz gz7 走馬 并 , “running horse gzz- 崗 ness,"BCGM DictL7o3,is identical with xoz
zz yz ozz 走馬
牙 養, “running horse dental gz7z-illness.”A condition starting abruptly
and immediately turning into a serious festering decay of teeth and gums. BVGM Dict Lp7o4.
C/z27/e7 也
amount of musky, clean [the affected region] with warm fermented water of foxtail
millet and apply the [powder to it|. Ian Yeweng, $27 x7Z22./2z7zg.
白 移 頭 。瘡 吳 、榨 棟 樹 ,子 燒 ,研 探 。之 普
濟方 。
Baldness and head sores.Heat melanterite and chinaberry seeds and grind them [to apowder] to be applied [to the affected region」]. 上 去 zzg
小 兒 頭 。瘡 糾胡 一 ,兩 淡 豉 一 ,兩 炒 ,黑 膩 淨, 摻 之良 。
二 粉 錢, 研 ,色 以 桑 灰 湯 洗
Head sores of children. Grrind one /zzzc of melanterite, one /z7oe of bland fer-
mented soybeans, fried until they have turned black, and two 7zzz of calomel to an evenly [mixed powder]j- Wash [the head of the child] clean with amulberry wood
ashes decoction and apply [the powder to it|. Good.
小 兒 甜 瘡。 大 提 去 ,核 填入 綠紀 , 燒 存 ,性 研, 貼 。之 拔 萃方 。 Sweet sores85 of children. Remove the pit of a large Chinese date and fil it with melanterite. Heatit With its nature retained grind it and apply [the resulting pow-~ der to the affected region」]. 5z zz7 zz
耳生 爛
。瘡 柬 子 去 核, 包 青 砍 ,爐 研, 香油 調 傅 。之 摘 玄方 。
Festering sores developing in the ears. Remove the pit ofaChinese date,f 和 litwith melanterite and calcine it. Grind [it toapowderj, mix it With sesame oil and apply
this [to the affected region]. Z2z7 xz2Z7z./z7zg
蜂 蜓 入 。耳 水 調 綠 ,鵬 灌 。之 普
濟方 。
A centipede has invaded an ear. Mix water with melanterite and pour it [into the
affected car. 吃 / 琉
蝦 入 耳 。中 綠殼 摻 ,之 即 化 詞 。水 摘玄 方 。 A maggot has invaded an ear. Apply melanterite to itanditw 訕transform to water. 之 2/z7 %Z/277 /2772.
瘡中 生 。蛆 綠 末杉 摻 ,貼 即 化 烏 。水 摘 玄 方 。 When maggots grow in sores. Apply melanterite powder to [the affected regionl and they w 訓 transform to water. 之2z7 xz277 729.
883 77zz c2zz7zg 甜 瘡 , “Sweet sores,”develop on the head, face and ears mostly of children
With seeping liquid and itching that cannot be cured for an extended period of time. BCGM Dict L 5o2.
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
湯 火 傷 。灼 思 胡 夭 水 澆 ,之 其
疼 即 ,止 腫 亦 。消 楊誠 經 驗方 。
Burns caused by hot water and fire. Pour amixture of melanterite and coolwater on [the affected regionj and the pain will end. A swellingy too, will be dissolved. Yang
Chengy.777zg yo
樹 末 一 ,兩 入 癬 瘡作 鐘。 螺 螂 十四 人 ,筒 框 皮 探 。之 孫氏 集 效方 。
得 內 蒸 ,熟 入
棱 紅 三 錢 揭勻 ,
Ttch caused by xzz7z訓ness + sores. Crive I4 spiral shells and one /z7zo Of 5277z/227/2e2 tree bark into abowl and steam them until done.Add three 7zzz of melanterite and
poundittoan even [mixture] thatis to be applied [to the affected region]. Sz7z 527 7/2z x722 /27z9.
甲 水 醫 拭, 膿 上 然并 外
疸 延 。爛 人 氏肉 方 治 甲 ,意 或因 割 甲 傷肌 , 或因 甲 長 侵 ,肉 有 成 瘡 ,腫 黃 ,起 如火燒 ,瘡 日 夜 倍增 , 眉 淫 染, 五 指 俱 ,爛 漸上 腳 跌 , 泡 四邊 浸 相 不 能 。療 綠礁石 五 ,兩 燒 至 汁盡 , 研 末 , 色 如 黃 ,丹 收 。之 每 以 覽 湯洗 用末 厚 傅 ,之 以 軟 吊 纏 ,裏 當 日 即 汁 斷 瘡 。乾 每 日 一 ,遍 覽湯 洗 灌 有 處 使 ,淨 傅, 其 乾 痴 處 須 不 近。 但有 急 ,痛 即 塗 少許 酥 令 。潤 五 日 即 覺 疾 ,起 依 前 洗 。傅 十 日 痴 漸 剎盡 , 軟 處 或 生 更 白 膿 ,泡 即 擦 破 傅 之 , 自 也 。 張侍郎 病此 , 芒 六 經 十 ,日 京 醫 並 處 方 無 ,效 得此 法如 神。 王 奸 臺 秘要 ,。
Nailimpedimentr-ilness85 with a prolonged festering. A recipe by Mr. Cui to cure nail impediment-iness. Ihis may be due to inadvertent injury to the muscles / tissue when cutting nails or prolonged growth of nails that invade the fileshy, resulting in sores and swelling and permeation with yellow water. All flve toes festep and this gradually increases to affect the instep and thelegs.Blisters filled with starchy water rise everywhere and resemble wounds caused by burns. Ihis gets heavier every day and every night and physicians can not cure it. 日eat filve //zzg of melanterite until 和 1ts liquid has left and grindittoapowderTts color will be that of minium. Store it [for ]ater use]. For each application,wash [the affected region] with asalt decoc-
tion,apply athicklayerof the powderand bandageitwith asoft silk fabric. On the same day the [secretion of jjuice will be interrupted and the sores will be dry Do
this once every day Wash the purulent locations with asalt decoction to remove the pus and thenapply [the powderto them. Ihe powderj mustnot be brought into contact with dried crusts. Only if there is some acute pain, apply a small amount 884 有六 zz7z-iness Dict 59L.
癬 ,skin iness With itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
885 有 秘 疸 , “impediment-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocal swelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict 277Z.
C/z27/e7 也
of butter to them to moisten them. Within filve days,a crust has developed on [the
sores]. Wash them and apply [the powder to them」 as before. Within ten days, 媚
the pus Will lied
crusts again. result down
w 記 have peeled of Ihe soft regions may develop white blisters With Rub them until they break open and apply [the powder to themj]. Ihis in a cure. When Assistant Minister Zhang suffered from this disease, he for 6o days. All the recipes resorted to by the physicians in the capital
remained Without effect.When he finally came to this method,it was divinely [e+ft-
fective」|. Wang Dao, 殉 7 /7
7 )22.
婦人 甲 疸。 婦 人 趾甲 內生 瘡 , 惡 肉 突出 , 久 不 ” 愈, 名 昊 田螺 。 用 吳 共 日 顆 夜 ,露 每 以 一 ,兩 煎 湯 浸 。洗 仍 以 棱 末 一 ,兩 加 雄 黃 二錢 , 硫 黃 一 ,錢 乳 藥 一 ,錢 研 ,勻 探 。之 醫 方摘要 ,。 香、 沒 各 t- of women. When sores develop inside of toenails and 訓ness”” Nail impedimen malign filesh protrudes,andacure is impossible for along time, this is called “ma odorous field snail. Dry melanterite in the sun and leave itin the open for one night. For each application boil one Zz7zge in water and wash [the affected region With it|. Ihen grind to an even [mixture] one /z7zce of melanterite powder two 7727
of realpgarp one 7z27z of sulphur and one 7zzz each of frankincense and myrrh, and apply this [to the affected region」]. 五 多 zzge 2227 yo.
,浸 日 染 。之 相 感 志 。 鐵 染 白 。閉 綠 、毅 薄 荷、 局 頭 等 分 烏末 , 以 髮水
For dyeing white hair[Grind] equal amounts of melanterite, mint and Zc27772/777 [roottuber] toapowdepsoakitin an iron broth/suspension and use this to dye [the
hair] every day. 及 7z7zg 2z7z 227.
腳下 胡 氣 。 綠 榕半生 半 , 烏 ,末 入 少 十 分 熱 痛 乃 止 。0 仁率直 指 方 。
輕 ,粉 以
半 ,錢 浴
後 芋 汁 調 ,探 候
Barbarian [malodorous] qq from under the armpits.[Grind] melanterite, one half raw one half calcined, toapowder Add asmall amount of calomel. After washing
[the affected armpits] mix one half 7zzz [of the powder] With pinger juice and apply [it to the armpit| untilit is very hot and painful. Ihen end [the applicatioml. Renzhai, /Z27 27 /7zg.
886 及 疸 , “impediment-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L, 277.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z II-IO9
黃 綱目 警 777/g7z2c /27, 上 上 G27zo 222.
Yellow [ironjalum. Fibroferrite,
【 西 者 文。
集 解 】【 恭曰】 黃胡 , 瓜 州、 沙 州 及 舶上 來 充 ,之 非 真 。也 波 斯 丹 房 鑑 源 雲: 五色 山
丹 電 家 所 須 , 亦 入 染 皮 。【 用 時 珍 日】 黃 棱 出陜 出 者馬上 , 黃色 , 狀 如 胡 桐 汽。 人 於 綠 胡 中 揀 黃色 出者 , 同 絲 文, 謂 之 金 線 裔, 磨 刀 劍 顯 花 ,脂 太 黃 雁
ollected Explanations.[Su] Gong: Fibroferrite is required by specialists operating furnaces to produce [longevity] elixirs. It is also used for tanning hides. [Li Shizhen: Fibroferrite originating in Guao Zhou and Sha zhou of Shaan xi and that imported from overseas are best. Ihey are of yellow colop and they are shaped like poplar resin. When people pick from green 名 7z (melanterite) those parts that are yellow and sell them as [yellow zz (filbroferrite), this is not genuine [yellow zzz.
Yellow zz originating in Po si has agolden thread line design inside when broken open. Itis called golden string /2zz. When it is used to rub aknife or sword blade, avariegated line design results. Jhe 7z7z. zzz.727z yzZz7z States:”Ihe mountain fat of 十 five colors is yellow zz from Wu
【 氣 】味 酸
鹹 , 有琳。
Qi and Flavor. Sourp astringent, salty, poisonous.
主 】治 療 瘡生 肉。 蘇 恭。 野 雞 站 痔, 惡 瘡 開 。癬 李 玫。 治 陽明 風
ontrolL It cures sores and lets fiesh_grow. Su Gong. Piles fistula, malign sores, 有 過 ness 7 xzz7/-1Hlness. Li 入un. It serves to cure toothache caused by wind and heatin the yang brilliance [conduits]. Li Gao.
【 附 方】 新 五 。 Added Recipes. Five newly [recorded.
裹二錢 塞 之。 聖 惠 方 。 隊 耳 出 。汁 黃 棱 二 兩 燒 枯 , 綿 Festering ears releasing hiquid. Heat two Zoe of filbroferrite until they have dried, Wwrap two 2zz7z into apiece of silk fabric and stuff this [into the affected ear]|. S$ezzg 2z/7 /2772-
887./ze-ilness 開,vaguely defined skin ailment.BCGM Dict L, 249. 888 六 zz7z-iHness Dict LP59L.
癬 ,skin iness with itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
C/z27/e7 也
石 二 婦人 上 頰 ,瘡 每 年 頻 。發 水 銀 一 兩半 , 以 豬 脂 擦 ,擦 令 消 ,盡 入 黃 榨 末 脂和 令如 泥。 洗 瘡 ,淨 塗 之, 別 以 胡 粉 塗 上膏 。 此 兩 , 胡 粉 一 ,兩 再 加 豬 。 肘 後 方。 甘家 秘也方 Sores on the cheeks of women, continuously effusing every year. Rub ]ard into one /z7zge andahalfof mercuryuntilit has completedly dissolved. Ihen add two /zzzg of fbroferrite stone/mineral powder and one //zzg of lead carbonate. Add ]ard again until the resulting mixture forms amud. Ihen wash the sores,apply the [mixture to
themj andin addition apply lead carbonate to that paste. Ihis is asecret recipe 9f the Gran family 之229z 292./7zo
石燒令 汁 盡, 胡 粉 炒 令 ,黃 各 八 ,分 細 研, 以 臘月 豬脂和 身上 癜 。痕 黃 薊 研 如 泥。 以生 布 措 令 ,痛 乃 塗 藥 五 。度 取 鷹 、糞 白 寬燕 中 草 燒 灰 , 等 分, 人 元 亮 海上 集 驗方。 和 人 乳 涂 。之 其 癜 自 滅, 肉 平 如 故。 崔 Wound scars on the body Grind eight /zz each of filbroferrite, heated until all its liquid has vanished, and lead carbonate, fried until it has turned yellow, to afne
[powderj mix it with lard obtained in the I2th month, and grind this to amud.
Wipe[the scars] with anewpiece ofcloth until they ache and apply the medication to them five times. Mix goshawk droppings and herbs from thenests of white swallows, burned to ashes, with nursing mothers milk and apply this [to the affected
regionj]. he scars w 讓 vanish as aresult and the flesh will be as flat as before. Cui Yuanliang, 號 zz 52z7 7 7 7
并 蝕 。齒 黃 、胡 青
榨 各 半 ,錢 白
棱 燒 一 ,錢
一 ,分 烏 末 , 傅 之, 吐
Acute oz7z崗 ness22 with tooth erosion.[Grind」 half a 7zzz each of yellow /zz (fbroferrite) and greenish /zz (melanterite) and one 7zzzz of white 名 zz (alum) to a
powder and apply it [to the affected region to stimulate] spitting of saliva. $Z2e7z 2z/7 /2772.
精 陰 。瘡 黃 、榨 青 、榨 麝香 等 ,分 烏 末 , 傅 之, 不
過 三 。度 千
金方 。
Sores in the yin[(i. e., genital) region] caused by a jealousy spirit. [Grind] equal amounts of yellow /zz (filbroferrite), greenish /zz (melanterite) and musk to apow-~
der and apply it [to the affected regionj, no more than three times. 07z7z.7J7z 7
889 Gzz 痢 , “goz7z和 ness also: “sweets-ilness,”involves several complaints that affect children and adults, with causes and conditions too different to fall into a known disease
category BCGJM _ Dict
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z II-2o0
瓶 內 綱鹼 目
7272o 2772o 7zez 7
上 匕 Coz7zzg 222.
A substance formedontheinside wallofcontainers usedforboiling water
水 鹼, 如 細 砂 者 也 。 珍 晶 】 此 煎 湯 瓶 內 澄 結成
【 集 解 】【 時
These are incrustations of dregs that have formed in aflask used to boil water. Ihey are ]ike flne sand.
每人 參 【 主治 】 止 消 ,竣 以 一 兩 為末 , 罵 米 燒 飯 丸 梧 子大 , 十 兩 足 ,心 駿。 時 珍 。 又 小 兒 口瘡 , 革 時 以 酪 調末 , 書 字
湯 下 二 十丸 。
Control. To end melting With thirst [erind] one /z7ze toapowder and prepare with heated milletand cookedrice pils the size of vzozseeds. 弓ach ttme send down witha ginseng [root] decoction 2o pills. Also, for mouth sores of children,mix the powder
With vinegar and, when they go to bed, write the character 5#z
十 on the soles of
both their feet. 紀 ffective. [Li| Shizhen.
【 附 方】 新 二。 Added Recipes. ITwo newly [recorded|
消 引渴 飲。 湯 瓶 內 鹼、 庚 、根 水 萍 焙 等 。分 每 服 五 ,錢 水 煎服 。 Meltting With thirst525 and an urge to drink. [Mix] equal amounts of the substance formed on the inside wall of containers used for boiling water, 2zz7z77zz root and duckweed, baked overasmall fire. 紀 ach time ingest flve 7zzz. lo be ingested boiled With Water
又 :方 湯
瓶 內 、鹼 捧
服 錢 , 梅 核二 兩 ,焙 詞 。散 每 二 葵 根 各炒 一 ,兩 局 連
水 一 ,章 石器 央 七 ,分 溫 ,呷 日 一 。服 聖
濟錄 。
Another recipe.[Grind] one /Zz7zg each of the substance formed on the inside wa of containers used for boiling watep yzzz/zx [root|j, fried, and smoked plums With
their pits,toapowder. 弓ach time ingest two 7zzz boiledinacup of waterinastoneware vessel down to 7o%. Io be sipped warm. Io be ingested once aday. $2z7z 霧 Z.
89o@zz2 zz 消 VolPp567.
洶 ,“melting with thirstb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
C/z27/e7 也
【 |附錄 】諸 石 Appendix: Various Stones/JMinerals.
二 十 七種 27 Kinds.
【 時 珍 日】 別 錄 有 名 用未 諸 石及 諸家
所 列 而 不 ,詳 難以 類 附 ,者 通 附於 此
去 。 [Li] Shizhen: All types of stones/minerals that were listed in the 25zz Z as“being known by name but no longerin use_and those that have beenlhisted by all types of authors without providing details and that are di 了icult to categorize are added here. II-AOI
石 脾。 l a r e n i m / e n o t S spleen.
527 7
【 別錄 有 名 未 用 】晶 味 ,甘 無 。毒 主 胃 中 寒熱 , 益 ,氣 令人 有 子。 一名 胃 石, 一名 党 ,石 一名 消 。石 生 隱 山 著 谷 石間 , 黑 如 大 ,豆 有 赤 文 , 色 微 黃 而輕薄 如 棋子 , 夫 無 。時 【 弘 景 日】 呈 兩 士 安 言 消 ,石 取石 脾 與 消 石 以水 章 ,之 一 舺 得 三 ,斗 正 如 白 雪 , 以 水 中投 即 ,消 故 名 消 。石 按 記此 , 是 取 消 石 章合 成 為 真 消 ,石 不 知 石 脾 是 何 ?物 本 有草 石 、脾 石 肺, 人 無 識 者。 【 藏 器 日】 石 生脾 西 戎 國 ,地 鹹水結成 。者 【 時 珍 日】 石 脾 生乃 成 者 , 陶 氏 所 說 是 造成 。者 按 九 鼎 神 丹 經 :雲 石 脾 陰 乃 陽 結 ,氣 五 鹽 之 ,精 因 砍 而 成 , 峨 咖 山多 有 之。 俗 無 識 ,者 故 古人 作成 代用 。 其 用 法 白 、匕 戎 鹽各 一 斤 末為 , 取 苦參 水 二 ,升 鐺中 煮 五 ,沸 下二 物 煎 減半 , 去 淬 鰲 ,乾 色白 如 雪 , 此 為 石 脾 。也 用 石 、脾 朴 、消 芯 各消 一 斤 為末 , 苦參 水 二 ,斗 銅 鐺前 十 ,沸 入 三 物 意 減半 , 去 淬 ,煎 看 器中 , 冷水 汗 一 ,夜 即 成 消 石。 可 化諸 石 為 ,水 此 與 焰 消 之 消 石 不 ,同 皆 非 真也 。 zz Z, [sectionj “known by name but no longer in use: ” Flavor sweety, nonpoison-
ous. It controls stomachs struck by cold and heat, boosts the qi and lets one have . l a r e e v n i . i t h n m a e c / n r a : e r d m e n e l o m o t i ch Al na st st Alternative name: pasty stone/ . l a r e e v g n i n i t . i m a l v / n a l : e r r o e n e e s m t o n s a l t i i m A n d s It grows amidst the rocks in the valleys of Mount Yin fan shan. Tt is black hke soybeans, and has ared line design. Its color is slightly yellow and it comes in ligpht and small pieces, similar to pieces used in board games. It is collected any time.[Iao] Hongjing: In his l a r n , e o e n t i i . u i t ] m l f p s a s / i g w k e n e r n o o l t a n c l r i i a i o s de of nit Hu Sh [wr as fol “Bo st
r e h t e g o t _ n e e l sp With nitrokalite in one 2 of water to obtain three Zoz.[Ihe resulting substance w 訓 be] as purely white as snow. When it is thrown into water
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
it wi dissolve. Hence it is named “dissolving stone/mineral (nitrokalite).”Ihat is to say [stone/mineral spleen] is boiled together with nitrokalite to obtain genuine
nitrokalite. But it is unknown what kind of an item “stone/mineral spleen' is. Ihe 2527z cgzolists “stone/mineral spleen and “stone lung. Ihey are completely unknown to anyone. [Chen] Cangdqi: Stone spleen grows in the saline ground of Xi rong. It is produced when brine solidifies. [Li| Shizhen: Stone spleen is anatural produect,
while Mr Tao [Hongjing」 says itis an artiflcial product. According to the.7zz 72e7z Z27z.777zo stone spleen is solidifiled yin and yang qi. It is the essence of the types of salt. Tts generation is based on zz. Plenty of it is present on Mount 上 shan. Since this was unknown the ancients produced itartiflcially to substitute
ZZ7ze flve mei [the
natural product]j. Ihe method [of production is as follows].[Grind] one 7zzz each of white /#zz (alum) and halite to apowder. Boil two 2zzzg of vo22o7z [root] water inakettle five times to bubbling. Add the [powder of] the two items and boil the
liquid down to one half. Remove the dregs and simmer [the liquidj untilit is dry The color [of the residue] is as white as snow. Ihis is stone/mineral spleen.[Grindl] one.7z7z each of stone/mineral spleen,2oxz2z2 mirabilite and 7z7zox7z2 mirabilite toa powder. Boiltwo Zozof so22o7z [root] waterinacopperkettle ten times to bubbling-
Add the [powderof] the three items and boil the liquid down to one haltf. Remove
the dregs and boil[ltheliquid.Aresidue] will attach itself to the inside of the vessel. Soak itin cold water for one night and nitrokalite will have generated. Tt is able to transform 和1 types of stones/minerals to water.”Jhis is different from the “blazing %72z9 nitrokalite. Neither of them is genuine [nitrokalite|.
石 肺。 $277 g n u l l a r e n Stone/mi
【 別 錄 日】 味 辛 , 無 毒。 主 痛 醫 寒久 導 , 益 明 氣 目。 生 澤有赤 文, 出 水 即 。元 【 弘 景 日】 今 浮 石 亦 療 ,醫 似 黑 也 。
水中 , 狀 如 覆 肺, 肺 而 不 黑 ,澤 非 此
zz zz: Flavor acrid, nonpoisonous. It controls epidemic cough with_ cold and long-]asting dysfunction. Tt boosts the qq and clears the eyes.Tt grows in water and is shaped hke an overturned lung. It is black and moist and has ared line design. Whenitis taken out of the watep it is dry [Tao] Hongjing: Nowadays, “floating stone/mineral serves to heal cough,too.Ttlooks like alung, but it is neither black nor moist,and henceitis not the [item discussed| here.
C/z27/e7 也
石 肝 。 527 oz77.
【 別 錄 日】 味 酸, 無 毒。 主 身 ,并 令 人 色 美。 生
常山 , 色 如肝 。
27zz Z: Flavor soupnonpoisonous.Tt controls bodyitch,and lets one have abeautiful complexion. Tt grows on Mount Chang shan its color is like thatof aliver. II-Ao4 臣又 崗
人 27 52e77.
Stone/mineral kidneys.
【 別 錄 日】 味 鹹, 無 毒。 主 洩 ,痢 色白 如 珠 。 zz 2 Flavor salty nonpoisonous. Tt controls outflow and free-fux
訓ness.3 Tts
color is white, like that of pearls.
紫 石華 。 之7 27
力 72//.
Purple stone/mineral splendor
【 別 錄 】晶 味 甘,
平, 無 毒。 主
,交 去
小 腸 熱。 一名 此 石 。華 生
牛 中 山
27zz Z: Flavor sweet, balanced, nonpoisonous. It controls thirst and eliminates heat
from the small intestine. Alternative name: “water chestnut stone/mineral splendor It grows on the yin/shady side of mountains in Zhong niu. lt is collected any time. II-AO6
白石 華 。 入77 527 力 2/7.
White stone/mineral splendor
【 別 錄 日】 味 辛, 無 專。 主 痺 消 ,滲 膀
腕 熱。 生
液 北鄉 北
邑 ,山 夫 無 時 。
27zz 及: Flavor acrid,nonpoisonous.Itcontrols solitary[|-heat-]illness,?9? melting with
thirsb293 and heat in the urinary bladder. Tt grows on Mount Beiyiin Ye bei xiangItis collected any time. 8gI 了 7 痢 ,“free-flulx ness,”a diarrhea-type ailment.BCGM Dict 3
892 zz
痺 ,“solitary [heat] 1ness,”identical with xz
893 及 zz2 2 消 VolL567.
熱 ,“heat." BCGM
Dict LIr8.
洶 ,“melting With thirst”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
黃石 華 。 了 77/2720 527 727.
Yellow stone/mineral splendor
【 列 錄 】晶 味 ,甘 無 毒。 主 陰 ,送 消瘦, 色 , 夫無 時。
膈中 熱 。 去 百 毒。 生 液
北山 , 黃
25zz 太: Flavor sweet, nonpoisonous. It controls dysfunction of theyin[(i.e., genita1)
memberj, melting With thirst and heat in the diaphragm region. It eliminates the hundreds of poisons. Tt grows on Mount Ye bei. It is of yellow color Tt is collected any tilme.
石華 。
7c7 77 7277.
【 列 錄 】晶 味 、甘 無 毒。 主 陰 ,送 消 ,潟 去 ,熱 療 石 間, 煙 無 時。 陰
月 水 不 。利 生
弗 勞其 山
57zz 及 : Flavor sweety nonpoisonous. It controls yin (i. e., genital) dysfunction and melting with thirst. Tt removes heat and heals blocked menstruation. lt grows between the rocks on the yin/shady side of Mount Fu qilao.lt is collected any time. II-Aog
陵 石。 了 772o 5727.
Hill stone/mineral
【 別 錄 日】 味 ,甘 無 毒。 主 益 氣 耐寒 , 輕 身 長 年。 生 華山 , 其 形 薄澤 ,。
【 時 珍 日 】 按 聖 濟 錄 雲: 汁 後 耳 ,朮 用 錢 , 冷水 下。 一
陵 石, 有 和突 如
銀 眼 ,者 詞 末 , 每 服
zz /: Flavor sweety nonpoisonous. Tt controls boosting of qi and lets one endure cold. Tt relieves the body of its weight and extends the years [of life]. It grows on Mount Hua shan.Its physical appearance is thatofthin,moist plates.[Li| Shizhen:
According to the AS2e7z 朮 2, when the ears are deaf following an episode of sweating[grindj hill stone/mineral with holes like silver eyes to apowderand each time
ingest one 7zz7, to be sent down With cold water.
C/z27/e7 也
終 石。 之207zc 527.
【 別 錄 日】 味 ,辛 無 毒。 主 陰 痿 ,痺 小 便 ,難 益 精 氣。 生
陵 ,陰 米 無時 。
27 2 Flavor acrid, nonpoisonous. It controls yin (i. e., genita1) dysfunction and blockage and diffhcult urination. Tt boosts the essence/sperm di Ttgrows on the yin/ shady side of hills. It is collected any time. II-AII
封 石。 了 ec7zo 5727.
【 別 錄 】晶 味
、甘 無
。毒 主 馮消 熱 ,中 女
子 疸 。蝕 生
常山 及 少 ,室 打 無
時 。【 時 珍 日】 虎 尾 之 、山 游 戲 之 、山 嬰 侯 之 、山 豐 、山 服 ,山 多 封 石 , 即此 。 27 Z: Flavor sweet, nonpoisonous. Tt controls melting with thirst,?* heat in the centerandimpediment-illnessywith erosionofwomen.Ttgrows on Mount Chang shan and in Shao shi. It is collected any time. [Li] Shizhen: Much of this mound
stone/mineral occurs on the_ mountains of Hu weiy You xi and Ying hou, and on
Mount Feng shan and Mount Fu shan. II-/AI2
逐 石。 2527.
【 別 錄 日】 味 ,甘 無 。毒 主 消 渴 傷中 , 敬
氣。 生
太 山陰 , 采 無 時 。
27 Z: Flavor sweet, nonpoisonous. Tt controls melting with_thirst?” and harm caused to the center It boosts the di. It grows on the yin/shady side of Mount Tai shan. It is collected any time.
894 六 zz2 &z 消 洶 ,“melting With thirstb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict VolL567. 895 用
疸 , “impediment-illness,”refers to an obstruction of vessels or other ducts inside the
body Qirushing against theimpedimentmay cause alocalswelling and eventually break through the surface to cause an abscess. BCGM Dict L,277.
896 六 zz2 &z 消 洶 ,“melting with thirstb”mostlikely including cases of diabetes. BCGM Dict VolL567.
//2e 27
Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
II-AI3 五
所 Z/ )z/ 527.
Five feathers stone/mineral.
中 篷前 【 別 錄 】晶 主 輕 身 長 年。 一名 金 ,黃 生 海水
山中 , 黃 如 金 。
27zz /Z/: It controls relieving the body ofits weight and extending the years [of life」Alternative name: “gold yellow Ttgrows in Mount Pengxia shan [on an island] in the sea.ltis as yellow as gold. II-AI4
紫 佳石 。 7772 527.
Purple beauty stone/mineralL
【 別 錄 曰】 味 ,酸 無 毒。 主 痺, 血氣 。 一名 赤 英 , 一名 石 。血 生 聞 革 , 石 烏 賀 石。 弘 景 日】 三 十 六 水 方 呼 紫 打 如 樓 ,此 二 月 。【 zz Z: Flavor soup nonpoisonous. It controls blockage, and blood and qt. Alternative name: Red splendor. Alternative name: Stone/mineral blood. Tt grows in Han dan. Jhis stone/mineralis reminiscent of7zzz.59?7 It is collected in the second month. [Taoj Hongjing: Jhe 5z7z 527Zz/ 27z7/2z7ze cs it purple gift stone/mineral II-AIS
火藥 綱目 。 77z/9 )zo, 上 糾 Goz7zo 222.
Pharmaceutical substance to generate fire. Gunpowder
【 時 珍 日】 味 辛、 酸 , 有 小 。毒 主 瘡 ,癬 殺 點 , 許 濕 氣溫 。疫 乃 焰 、消 硫 黃 、 杉 木 災 所 ,合 以 為 烽 燈 撤 機 諸 藥 者 。 [Li| Shizhen: Flavor acrid, sourp slightly poisonous. It controls sores and xzz7z廬-
ness.9 Tt kills worms/bugs.Ttserves to ward ofmoisture di and warmth epidemics. Mixed with nitrokalite, sulphur and Chinese fr charcoalit is made to 和 types of pharmaceutical substances required to light the filre on beacon towers and for gun |ammunitionl|.
897./zz / 如此, an unidentifiable substance. 898 六 zz7z-iness Dict LP59L.
癬 ,skin iness With itching,release ofliquid and shedding ofscabs.BCGM
C/z27/e7 也
石 索。 277
【 別 錄 日】 味 甘, 無 毒。 主 醫 逆 氣。 生 石間 , 色 赤 如 鐵 ,脂 四 月 采 。 7zz Z/: Flavor sweet,nonpoisonous.Ttcontrols cough and counterflowofqi.Ttgrows amidst rocks. Its coloris red like iron fat.”?? It is collected in the fourth month. II-AI7
馬 肝 石 人 7 277 5 上
綱 日。 匕 Gz7zzg 222.
【 時 珍 日】 按 郭 憲 洞 据 記 雲: 郵 文 國 進 馬 肝 石 百 ,片 青 黑 如 肝馬 , 以 金函 盛 水 銀 養 。之 用 拭 白 ,髮 應 手 皆 。黑 雲 和 九 轉 丹 吞 一 ,粒 彌 年 不 。飢 亦 可 作 硯。 ILi] Shizhen: According to Guo 入ians 27zg 軋 zz 有 the country Zhi zhi guo once submitted one hundred plates of horse liver stone/mineral. It is greenish-black, like ahorseliver Ttis stored in agold box fllled with mercury When white hair is wiped with ieitwil turn blackimmediately Ttis said thatif one grain is swallowed together With the nine revolutions clixir,one will not be hungry for an entire year It can also be used to prepare inkstones. II-AIS
牙 石 目綱 。
zz 92 上 匕 GZz7zze 2.
Pigtooth stone/mineralL
【 時 珍 日】 明 目 去 。剖 出 西 ,番 文 理 如 象牙 , 床 紅 色 ,。 [Li] Shizhen: It clears the eyes and removes eye shades.Itoriginates in 入 ifan. It has alne design structure similar to ivory Tts color is date red. II-AIO
。 石 恩 綱目
7zg sp 上 弓 Gz7zg 2222.
Bluish cloudglowstone/mineral.
【 時 珍 日】 明 目 , 去
葉障 。
[Li| Shizhen: It clears the eyes,and removes eye shades and screens.
89 99 7ze 227 鐵 脂 ,“iron f t”an 包 unidentifiable substance.
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z II-A2o
。 石 龍 涎 綱目 了 72o 27272 5 上
匕 Crz7zg 22.
大 【 時 珍 日】 主 風間
瘡 。 出 齊 州。 一
名 龍 仙 石。
[Li| Shizhen: It controls the sores caused by massive wind?。。 epidemics. Tt originates in Qi zhou. Alternative name: dragon hermit/immortal stone/minera 和1
釣光 石綱目 。 07g77 oz/272c 5
上 匕 Cz7zg 272
Lead lusterstone/mineral.
日】主 順 骨 。 【 時 珍 [Li] Shizhen: It controls chokingonabone. II-A22
太 727)gz72c 5
陽 石 綱 日。 上 匕 Gz7zg 222.
【 時 珍 】晶 劉守 真 宣明 方 還治 年近日 一 切 目 疾 ,方 用太 陽 需 石、 豬 牙石 、 河 洛 石、 寒 水 石、 紫 石英 、 代 雷 石、 菩 障 精 石、 邑 餘 石、 世 礦 石、 雲 母 石、 燼 甘 石、 井 景 石、 陽 起 骨、 青 鹽、 鋼 各青 一 ,兩 碳 半砂 兩, 蜜 陀 僧 一 ,兩 鵬 砂 三 麝香 、 腦 各子 一 ,錢 輕 粉 一 錢半 , 黃 丹四 了 兩, 和名詞 末 , 熊 二 ,斤 井 華 水 九 ,程 同 熬 四至 得 , 點 水 內 不 散 為 ,度 濾 淨 太 陽 石、 太 陰 等 ,石 多 無 考證 , 姑 附 以此 ,。
石、 太 陰 石、 碧 石、 金 精 石、 銀 石、 滑 石、 僻 峰 ,錢 乳香 二 錢 , 膽 一 ,斤 白 砂 蜜 收 。點 此 方 所用
ILi] Shizhen: Liu Shouzhen in his 參 z/z7z 2227zg zzg [ists the following] recipe to
cure all eye afHictions regardless of whether they have lasted for many years or have begun only recently [Grind] one Zzzg each of “major yang stone/mineral,“major yin stone/mineral, “bluish cloud glow stone/mineralb “pig tooth stone/mineral, 2 /z2 stone/mineralb cold water stone/mineral, fuor spap hematite,_ Buddhas stone/
mineral”(o8-42),“gold essence stone/mineral (Io-I9), “silver essence stone/mineral_(Io-I9), “leftover provisions of Yu ”stone/mineral, alum mineral, muscovite, calamine, stones from wells and springs (o9~I8), actinolite, talc, sepia bones, halite and verdigris,half a /z7ge of salamrmoniac,one /Zz7ze oflitharge, three 7zzz of borax,
two 27z7z of frankincense,one 7zz7z each of musk and camphora,one and ahalf 7/727 9oo7Dz /zg 大 風 , “massive wind,”may refer to sores caused by a massive intrusion of wind evil and also to conditions of leprosy BCGM DictL ITr.
C/2z2/27 陽
of calomel and four /z7ze of minium to apowdep and boil it together with one 777 of bear bile and two 7Zzz of white sand honeyin nine bowls of the first water drawn from awellin he morning down to four bowls, that is, until it has reached avis-
cosity Where water dripped into it will no longer disperse. Filterit to obtain a clear liquid and store it to be dripped [into an affected eye when required]. Ihe“major yang stone/mineralb” the major yin stone/mineral and others resorted to in this recipe have mostly not been researched and identifled. Ihe listing here is tentative. II-A23
梯 綱牙 目 。
困 zzo
【 時 珍 】晶 周 憲 町 , 烏 末 , 日 。點 雪 粉 八 ,錢 烏 末 , 出 回地 回 面, 黑 廬 、 可 鐵 、刺 阿
王 普 濟 又 方: 雞 子 丁 香 即 飛 ,勇 皆
五)z, 上 弓 Gz7zg 222.
方 眼 科 去 ,醫 用 水 飛 朵 梯 ,牙 火 燉大 海螺 , 碗 糖 用 可 鐵 刺 一 ,錢 阿飛 勇 一錢 , 李子 樹 膠 四 錢 , 白 磨點 之。 又 方: 安 咀蘆 , 每 以 乳 女 兒 汁 調 錠 , 白 作 蠟 ,糞 各 詞 末 , 日 。點 所 謂 朵 梯 、牙 得 糖 、宁 安 咀 錄計此以 俟。 不 知 何 物 。也 附
和 an wang in his / 序 zz [section] ophthalmology | 山 sts the ILi] Shizhen: Zhou Xi following recipe] to eliminate eye shades.[Grind」] Zz2 五 )z, processed by means of aqueous sublimation, larpge sea snails/spiral shells, calcined over a flre, and x2zzg 虎 杖 泡 /yoo72777 c2y272727z/77 Sieb et /ucc.
人 Cz7zzzzy root. /7 zz
飛 廉
C27z7zzzy c7752Z7 工 .
Czyzeyzz7z [herb]. 47z7
7zz7g 麥
C277/2ey7z/77/ 2Z272Zz7z272ey 上
CoZsyy72z, (777772z7772727z277 Czsyyzz bark. Gz7 桂 , 7Z/277 2/7 官 桂
Unscraped bark from smaller younger branches of Cinnamom-tree Unscraped bark of old cinnamom trees, zz7 x%777 桂 心; 2z 27/7 牡 桂
C0777772772277277/ CZyy7z Presl
Czyyzz 名 7z seed../z zzzzg 訣 明 CZyy72 227/z/7272/72 了
Castor. 57 zz 華 麻 和 7Zc777z/y C27777772/72人 工 .
CzzzZoz leaf 0 有 禿 Czzz/2z 2zz7zge7 0.A. Mey Catechu. 7z7 ezyc2z 孩兒 茶 Prepared from 7czczz czzec2z ( 工 f.) Cz/oyzz flower.
五 zzz 重 完
Ce/oy7z c77Zy/zz/z 工 .
C7zezzo7ze/ey fruit. 47z ozz 木瓜
C2/ze7zo77ze/ey yeczoyz (Sweet) Nakai Charred ozc2yczz2zy [stipule fiber]. Zozg 2z7z
77yzc2yczz2zy 克 7zzz7e7 (Hook) HH.Endl Chinese chives. 7/zz
7 韭 實
7//7z/77z Z/2e7oyz77 Rottl. cx SprengChinese dates. Zz2 東
之 館) 泡22 7z/72z2z Mil.
Chinese foxglove [rhizome]. -7 2zz7zg 地 黃 入 z277zZ7z7z72z 2Zz777z2yz (Gracertn.) Libosch. ex Fisch et Mey Chinese indigo plant [leaf]. 了 zz [)e] 監[ 葉 ], zzg 大 青 I. 工 zzo zz 鞠 藍 , oo7zz77z
2. Wo7zo /77 和胡
藍, zz
厂 7/zc/77z77/ Lour.
7772Z7o2/c72z 工.
3. 4z zz 馬 監, 22727czczZ7zy czvzz (Nees) Bremek 4. 7z zz 木 監, 7zZzoo/e7z /7zc/zo7zz 工 .
Chinese pepper. 瑟 zz.7zz2 花椒 27/22x)/z/77z 277z27/zz77/ C.
Chinese pepper from Si chuan. $2z7zz2 輛 椒 之27/22%)//z/777 2z/7zoe27z277/ IMIaxim.
Chinese sumac gallnut. 雇 / zz 7 五 倍 子 Gralls produced by Ac02/c2/z7z2Z2772z c277zz7zy7y on leaves Of 人 2zy 7zoz7zZcz 上 and other spec. Czzzzcz/2gz [frhizome]. $2e7g zz 升 麻 C0777z7c7/7/oz /2eZ/72Z2 Cloves. zze xzzze 丁香
Flower buds of 人 2Zz7z Zoo7zzZzzcz7z ( 工.) Merr. et Perry C7zz2zz7z [seed]. S2z c2zz7zg 蛇 獎 C07z7277z/777 2727z7z7e77 ( 工.) Cusson
Common 2/z/z//z [root]|. 5z7 白及 肪 //z/7Z/z yz7yzzzz (Thunb.) Reichbf.
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
Common heron bill herb. 放 / je cz2 五葉 草 乙 722777/777 y/z2227z727z2z77 Willd.
Common mugwort leaf 7
/77/e7z7y7z z7o)7 Levl. et Vant.
Cozzr rhizome. /-zz7zg Zzz 黃連 C227/z7 277ze7zyzy Franch.
CyozZz [seed]. 5z Zoz 巴 蟬 C72/o7z 太 o/7zz7 工 Cz7cz/Zzgo [root]. 有 zz7z zzz2 仙 聞 C0Z/7rz/Zo2 27c27272Ze) Baertn. Czsczzz [seed]. 7 7#x7 兔
C07Z/ycz//z 02777c77y7y 工am.
Cy7zZ2o2ogo7zz [herb]. 74/z2 xzz7zg 孕 香 Cy7z2o22go7z 人7/7zZzy (D C.) Stapf. Cy7zzzzzc2zzzz [herb]. Xz c2zzg zzzg 徐 長 卿 COy7z27zc27/77z 2z7z7cz/2zZ/z/7z (Bunpge) KitapCyyzz7zc2z77z [rood]. zz zozz 白 徵 Cr7zz72627/77 2
Cyzeyzy [rood]|. 有 zz 香附 C) 光 77z/7 70Z/7727/5
Daimyo oak leaf. 末 z ) 杭 葉 Oze7czy Ze7z/zzz Ihunb. Daphne [flower]. 到 zz 2zz 元 花 7z277ze ge7z《zoz Sieb. et Zucec. 7z7zzZyo2zz7z [stem]. 527 2z 石 舺 7z7z2Zy227z/2z 227/ Lindl 7zc2yoz [leaf]. $2z 7z 界 漆 77zc27oz 27727zoz Lour.
7D7zc27oz [rootd]. C2zzg 52z7 常山 , zz 2z7 恒 山 77zc27oz 27727zoz Lour. 7zzzocz72zy [fruit]. 了 ozog zz 龍眼 7777z2c2722 /27zoz7/ Lour.
7zoycoyez [root]. $S2z )# 旨 預 ,y?zz yo2 山藥 77oycoyzz 22722yz/z Ihunb.
7Dz2yzczyr root. XX Zzzz 續 斷 7072yzczy Zyoe7ozzZey C.Y.Cheng et L.M.Ai. Dragon blood. 有 zz7e 血 竭 Resin of 0z Z7z 7zz 哄 鹿章 7ze7z27z2722y ?zc2 BL
Ducksmeat. 記 2zg 浮 汝 27zyoze/z 22/y72z%z (L .)工 Schleid. Duckweed. $2z7 zzzg 水 潤
Szo7zzz772 加 7/0772 工 . var. yz7zezzyzy (Sims.) JMakino. 7Dyyoyzzz [root]. 4/z zz Zoozg 馬 目 專公, Z.7zz2 Zz7 請 和 谷 yoy7zz 2eyyzz2e//Zy (Tlance) M. Cheng
選 盂 /z272z7z/2zy [herb]. 7 Zzz 地 膽 [ 草 ] 2z ycz72e7 工 刀 /z222z儿7z 一 22ezZ7yz [herb]. 4z 2zz7zg 麻 黃 稀22e2Z7z yz7zzcz Stapf 一277zezzz7z [herb]. XzzzZ27 仙 靈 脾 滬777zz/277z/77/ 27zd7c2777277/ IVlax1m. 乙 /77oczz/Zz7z flower. Gz.7zzzg cz2 谷 精草 乙 /Zocz7z///77 27zzc7oe77277z77 Koern.
乙 zc27z7zzz [bark]. 有 zz22zg 杜仲 乙 Z/c277777272 2/77727Z2r O]iv.
盂 z22o72zz [herb]. 277z 地 鉀 乙 Zz2227272 2z/7z7/7zyz Willd. 丑oozzz [fruid]. 放 .z2z 吳 來器 刀 0o2Zzz 7z/zercz72z (Juss.) Benth.
Ferment prepared from Chinese nutgall and tea leaves. zz zoo.7zzz 百 Nut-galls, zoz 2e7 >7 五
倍 ,and 子 tea leaves.
Fermented water of foxtail millet. Szzzz.7zz7zg 酸 眉 Vinegar made by fermentation of Sezz7zz zzzZcz (L.) P Beauv / millethke grains. 7/7z77zzzzz seed. 路 zzg 梧桐 子 77277zz727z2 儿/Z/z7z2/2772z ( 工 f) Mars 崗
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
“Flat bamboo”root. 5zzz 2z ge7 選 竹 根 527/z77zcz7zZz c27z77eyzy L )工 DGC. /7y)z27z fruit. 了 zz 2zz2 連翹 727y)/27z yy2ezzysz (Ihunb.) Vahl. /o7y)z27z herb. Z7 zz 7zz2 cz2 紫連 燒 草
727y)/27z yy2ezzysz (Ihunb.) Vahl.
放 7yy2zz [rootd]. 了 zzz yo2 連 軸 727y)/27z yy2ezzysz (Ihunb.) Vahl. Fragrant loosestrife herb. 有 zz czo 莉 草, 了 zzg Zzg xzzzg 堆 0c7777Z/77/ 22zy7/7Cz/772 工
訪 7/7Z72z7zz [root]. 2527 zz 貝 母 了 77//2777 Zz72727zc/zzzzz 二 siao et K.C. HHsia
Gy Galanga [root]. Gzo /Zzzg7zz7g 高 良 董 2777772 277/cz7z2z7z77z 中 ance. Crz7722Z277772 /2/779727.
之 , 277zg 2/7 青 芝
GCz7722e7'777/2 /z/C72z/77/ SSpD.
Gz7zezzz2z「[fruit|. Z27 >7 尼 子
Gz7ze7z72 72y72777272Z2y is. Gzyzyozzz [tuber]. 7zzzz zz 天 麻 Gzy/7ozzz ce/zzz BL
之Z7zo7227- 27/7zc77zz/z Rosc.
Ginseng [root]. 和 ez sy2ez 人 參 /z7zzx oz77zye7ze CA. Meyer GzZezz/zz [pod/seed], [bark]. Zz2.7zz2 喲 角 , zz2.7zz 蝦 英 G/ez77/v77z yz7ze7zy7y Lam.
GzZycyyy2z%z [root]. Gzz cz2 甘草 G/yc)7y727%z zz7z/e7zyzy Fisch. G7z2222z7z7z/77 herb. /? ec22 佛
耳 ,草 zoz xz7z cgz2 無
G7z222z/7z7 2777zz D. Don
Grapes. Pz /z2 葡萄 誠 /y 0777/272 工
Grass-cloth (kudzu). Gz 葛
PPz/z7z77zz /222z/zz (Willd.) Ohwi
有H /777/2/2z7ze. 了 77zg 2Z272 芯 知
77)oycyz77zzy Zoe7 上. W. chmidt
/72zzzzy7zzz [herb and root]. 多 xzzg cz2 魚
及 07//z/y7zzz co7zzZz Ihunb. Z7yzZoc2/yz [herb].[52 引 25z#z[ 石] 胡 共 ,z 2zs27cz2 鞠 /7yz7yoc27y/ 7222272797Zey Lam.
I 7//zczzzz [leaf]. 4Zz7g cz2 莽 草. 7//7czzz77z /z7zcz27/7z/z/772 A. CC. Smith 77zoe7zzz [root]. 5z7 zz2 白 聞 777z/e7zzz cy/z7zZ77Zcz ( 工.) Beauv. var. 227o7 Indian lotus flower. 了 zz7z 2zz 蓮花 7Vz/z/772o 7zzcz/z7z Cracertn.
Indian lotus leaves lying upon the water. Oz 2 藕 荷 7Vz/z/772o 7zzcz/z7z Cracertn.
Indian lotus seed. 了 zzz yoz 蓮 肉 7Vz/z/772o 7zzcz/z7z Cracertn.
Indian sorrel. Sz7z 7zz2 yzz7z 三 角 酸. Oxz/zy 27777cz//2Z7/2 工 .
7zz/z 2277cz Hower. Xzz7z 2zz 族 77zz/z.72227zzcz Ihunb.
Japanese ginger [leaf]. ARzzzeg cz2 羲 草 Z7z7zo72e7 zzogz ( Ihunb.) Rosc.
KK 太 zzz272e7zz [rhizomel]. Szzz 27 三 奈 太 /Ze772272772 oz/27zoz 工
Kansui [root]. Gzz yz7z 甘 遂 乙 z2227272z Zz7zyz7 T. N.Liou ex I.P Wang
不 食草
7/2e 7z7/ Co Gd7zg 47z
2c2zz [fruid]. 2Dz 2oz 獨 宙 , 万 Zz7 地 膺 子 太 2c27zz vco2z7zz [ 工.| Schrad.
了 zczzcz [herb]. 旋 及 高 蕊 了 7Zczzcz vzZZ0z 工
Lamb's quarters. 了 7 焚 ,
Zzzgeczo 介 頂 草
C0//e7722227Z/777 Z/27Z/77z 工 .
了 ezo7zz7zy seeds. 匡 zzz 益 母 日outt. 了 2277z77z5.72227z7cz5 名 . Xzo7g 27ozg 芎 前 , 02zz7z xzozg 了 2ozyzzcz7z [roo 子 7Z07577cz77z 02z/z7zx727 Hort.
了 zzzZe7z [root]. 砍 yw2 局 爍
了 7zZe7z zooyegzzz (Sims.) Kosterm. 了 27zzcz7z herb. ARzz Zozzg 心 冬
了 27zzce7z.7z2o7z7cz Thunb. 了 27zcz7z Hower..7zz )zz 2zz 金
了 27zzce7z.7z2o7z7cz Thunb. jrczzzz root bark. 27 ez 27 地上骨 反 了 rc7z777 22722z772z77/ 工 . 了,oo2zzz7z spores. 悶 zz.777z 2 海
了 go27z/7z.72227z7cz77z (Thunb.) Sw.
M /47zzZz7yz [wood|. Z2z 枷 和 72c7z7zz 77Zczy2722/7z Carr.
Madder. Ozzz 英 . 入 zz272z 27277/2772 工 . [ws
77z/oz herb. 72z7z /z7 天 葵 , Zz7 zz7 葵 菜 和7z7oz 2z727/Z27z 工
7Zzgeyz2/z flower.
馮zz 人 7 辛夷
人 7zo7z2/7z 2727z277 上 amp.
77zgzz2/zz bark. 2z 22 厚 相 和 7zo7z2/z2 27/7zcz7zz/zy Rehd.et Wils. Mint. 52
和7e7z/7z cZ7zz2Ze7257 工
川生 ,/ze zzozg 原 約
/727zo7zzzcz seed.
zz zz 7
木和 子
產/277zo7z77cz coc277zc277ze7zyzy (Lour.) Spreng-
Moonwort.yzzz 友 7zz 陰地 抑 Sce72/e77Z2Z7z77/ 色 77z2Z/7zz ( Thunb.) Lyon Morning glory seed. 5zz zz7 zz 白 率 牛 ozzoez zz L .)工 Roth. JMulberry fruit. Sz7zg y2277 桑 棋 /7o7z/y zz 工 .
N AAz7zoyzzc2)yy [root]. Gzz yozg 甘 松 7Vz7zZ2y/zc2) 0277ze7zyZ Batal. 7Voz2zeyyezz7z [root]. Ozzzg 2z2 羌活
7V222/e/ye7z7z Z7zc2z77 Ting ex 了H.L.Chang Nutmeg. AR2z Zoz &oz 肉 豆 站 和 yy7zy/zcz 7 方zg7z7 Houtt.
9 Ozzzz7z2ez herb. $2z7 yzzzg 水 央
Oz7zz7z2z 7zoz7zzcz (BL.) DGC. Oil rape. 災 z zz 勞 靈 27zyy7cz cz7z2ey/7y 工 var. oleifera DG. QOnion. Co7zo 葷 , Cc27zo 227 葷 白 地 //77/777 ZZ5/2//252722 了
O2727z22ogoz root. 4z7 zze7 Zozg 麥 門 冬 OZ77zo2ogo7z.7z227zzczy ( 工 f.) Ker-Grawl Oyoy/zc2yy herb. 放 soze 吧 松
O7oyzzc2) /Z7z277zzzy (Turcz.) Breper
Oyzzz7z2zy [flower/bark]../z ez7 菌 桂 Oy7zzz7z 上 5 7 方zo77zy
工 our., (0277772772772777 CZyy72z Presl.
P 7ze27zzz [rood]|. [5z和 2z2 yz9[ 7zz27z72 /c7z7/727z Pa
白 ]訪 樂
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
7ze2z7zz [root]. C27 y2z2 2 弈 7ze27z72z ez/c27z7 Lynch. 7zeo7zzz root bark.
zz Zz7z 牡丹
/悶 zz2772 5z/77zz/coyz Andr. Peas. 族 z Zoz 吾 豆 7y7/777 y2/7Z072/777 工 , Pepper../zz2 椒
之 27722x)//z/77z 277z27Zz/77
/z7zzzz [herb]. Z7 yz 紫蘇 77//2z 方 //yczzy (L工 .) Britt. Zz77zzz fruit.[Z#|yzx7|[
茲| 鱗 紫 77//2z 方 //yczzy (L .)工 Britt. /zyzz/z leaf. Z7 yz ) 紫蘇 葉 77//2z 方 //yczzy (L工 .) Britt. 2e//ze7zzyo7 bark. 7凡 zzze 多 黃 藥 了2c//22Ze7z2Zy27z Z77zz7e7zve Ruppr
/9)y7zzzo2yzy herb..7zzz zzzzg cz2 金 星草 /9)y77z2 和 2y7 27772 放 zz (Hook.) 本 Smith 9)&Z/zecz [root]. $2zzg 及 商 陸 9y#/zccz acinosa Roxb. Pickled plums. 5z7 zzz 白梅 Green plums, zz
梅 ,pickled in brine and dried.
77cyoy27zxz [rhizome]. 7 2zz7zg /Zzz 胡 黃 連 77c7o72722 vc7o22z//2z777/727z Pennell
77zze//zz [root]. 52z7z x7zz 半 夏 777zz//7/z 777zzz ( Ihunb.) Breit, 7/z7z/zgo herb/root/seed. C/2e 7Zz7z c22 車
前草 , 車
了 /z7z/zgo Zy7277cz 工
PPzz/ycZzzZzy [tree]. 5z7
7/z/yc/z2Zz7 27ze7z/z/7y ( 工.) Franco
zz/ycZzzZzy twig. 5zz 27 柏 校 7/z/yc/z2Zz7 27ze7z/z/7y ( 工.) Franco zz/ycZzzZzy leaf. zz
7/z/yc/z2Zz7 27ze7z/z/7y ( 工.) Franco zz/ycZzzZzy seed kernel 5z7 77ez 析
7/z/yc/z2Zz7 27ze7z/z/7y ( 工.) Franco 7zz/ycozZ27 [rood]../zz gezg 桔梗 7/z/yc2227z/ g7z7z27/Z27zy (Jacd.) A. DC.
用 ZyegzZz [root].
苞 zz 27 志 冰 /yoz/z zz/2/7z Willd. 夜交
用 Z2gozz7z [rood]. /z 22z zooz 何 首 選 ,)z7zz2 7 冰 /yeo7zz7z 722//77/Z27z77 Ihunb. 用 Zoozzzzz7z [root]. 末 zzzge7zzzg 黃 精
冰 /yoo7z27Z2/777 y72777cz77 L)elar. cx Redoute
用 Zooyzy sclerotium. Z2z Zzzg 豬 冬 縣 /)297z5 77z2e//zzzzy (Pers.) Fr,
Poplar resin. 瑟 z zzg 7 胡 桐 汽 ,mu lt 木 律 放 2Zz//zy zz227zZzcz Oliv. 772. 2 /772 其 蕉
Sclerotium of Zoo7yzz cocoy(Schw) Wolf PPyzz7ze/zz [fruit spike]. XXzz &z co 夏 枯 草 zz7zz//2z 2z/ozz775 工 . 7了 zz7zz 77z TOot. Ge ge72 葛根
PPz/c7z77zz /22z/zz (Willd.) Ohwi Purslane. 4/z c27 xzz7z 馬 齣 臣 , zoz Zze co2 五
oo7zz//zcz 2/z7zcez
PPyyyoyzz [leaf]. S27 zozz 石 蛋 , 石 草 7yyyoyzz Z7zzgzz (IThunb.) Farw
R 及 Z7zz7zczZzr yce/z7zz/zy [herb]. $27 /7g 7z7 石
和 2777/77CZ//zy yce/e7zZz/ 工 人 2227o27z7zZy27/ [Howelr]|. Yz7zg 227 227 羊路 踢 , 2
入 2o27o27e7zZyo7z 2zo/e (Bl.) G.Don Rhubarb root. 2z 2zzz7zg 大 黃 人 2cz/7z 27/77z2/z7z 工.
River bulrush stem tuber../zzge yz7 zz 才 三 入 Scz72zy Yzgz7z Ohwi
Rumex [rood]. gzg 五 羊蹄 人 zzex 72227z7cz outt. Rush. C27xz 赤
髮 , 7z7zg 22 燈 草
./Z/7zczy 7/7725z5 工 .
2 527 22 羊
不 食草
//2e 27 Cz2 Gzd7zg 4
S Sz7zz2zczy「[herb and root]|. $2z2 ZZzz2 期 其 2z7722Zzczy 2777z7zy7y Lindl. ASz7zgz/7y2722z root. 77 2 地 榆
527zozz7Zr2722 277cz7z27Zy 工 . AS2z225227722072z TOOt. /'277g /c72 防風
Sz22y2772072 /Z0z77czzz (Turcz.) ASzzyyz7e2 TOoot. /Zz/ x727zc 木 香
Szzyyz7ez coy/zy (Falc.) Lipsch. Sc27sz7zzyz seed. 縣 / zoez >7 五 味子 ASc27vz7727zz (27z7zezzyzy Turcz. Baill. Sc2zzo7zee/z [spike]..7zzg 7z 劑 介 Sc27%27ze2ez/z zz//z2/2272 ( 工.) Brid.
Scouring rush. 47z zz7 木 賊 及 7222c2ze/ 2Zezzzz/z ( 工.) Borher Sc7o22zzZz772z [root]. 六 zz7 y2ez 率 參 Sc7y22727z//z772 77zo22e7zy7y Temsl.
AScz////2772 TOOt. //772g 7777 黃 人 苓
AScz//c//Z77Z2z 2Zz7cz/e7zyzy Creorgpil SeZzozzze//z [herb]../zzz 227 佑 柏 Se/zo77zz//z 7770o/oe7zy SDr.
Se7zecz9 herb. 縣 / Zzz cz2 無
Se7zecz2 7z7zcze7zyzy JMlidqL.
Sesame oil. 和 zzzg yoz 香油 , zz )oz 麻油 , 2
zz )9z 胡麻 油
AScyz7722/772 777277CZ/777 Shallot. 77z 27zo 胡
7//7z/77z Zycz/27z7cZz722 工
S27yzz2z/7/z2ez tree [bark]. 7z 9z 框 樹 77727yczr yy7Zzcz5 工 . Sichuan zco7z7zz7z [main tuber|. C2zzz zz 2z /7c2777/2/77/ 2777z7c22ze/7 Debx.
Sichuan pepper. C2zzzz.7zz2 川 椒 , 9z.7zz2
川局 頭
之 27722x)//z/77z 277z27Zz/77 一二 一
S/z7z7zzz [herb]. 可 z yz 酚 預
人 777777z72z 7zedey7277z Fort.
Small coezz herb.[S2#] 2z zz [ 石] 胡
要 ,。2z 2z7cz2 挫
腸 菜, 邢 2zzg 22 從 腸草 Cz7/Zpe2Z2 7z77zzzzz
工.) A. Br. et Ascher.
不 食 ,草 及 c2zzg zz 雞
(Zooc2 儿 z y2 上 972zozZey Lam.) (772oo7z2Zy 2eZz7zcz/z7zy (revir.) Benth. Ex Hemsl.)
Small gzzZzzz [seed]. Z2z )z zz2.7zz 豬
牙 呢其
G/ez2Z7/v72z y777z7zy7y 工 am.
Szzzzzx [root]. 5z 7 拔 葛 77z7/Zx c27772z 工 .
So2/Zz7zz7z [herb]. 了 27g 2z7 龍 葵 S2/2z7zz7z 2o77277 工. So22o7yz [root]. Kz y2ez/ 苦 參 So22o7z /ZZzoeycezy Ait. So22o7z.7/z227zzcz [tree bark]. 號 zz7 槐
92227zz.72227z7cz 工 $277zzczz [herb]. 52 zzzg 波 稜, 波 稜 727z7zzczz 2/e7zcegz 工.
Sz/e//z77z z2zzzzcz herb. 選 2z7zg ez2 巷 腸 草 SZe//z772 Z7Z27Zzc2 工
ASzzZ/z77z zzzzz [herb]. /zzz 及 繁 縷 ASZz//z772 2zezZzz (LL.) Cry ASzz7z7zzzcz7z2z [herb/root|. 了 2z 靜 漏 蘆 SZ/e77z77zzcz7722z zz27727z77z ( 工.) Dittrich ASzz7zo7zz [root|. 2z7 2z 百 部 ASz77z27zz veyy7/7/2/7z JMlid-
$/z22z7zz2z [rood]. /z
,己 2
二 灌
S/e2227z72 /z7z27z ?. IMToore
Sun spurge. 4Zz2 er zz cz2 貓 兒
乙 Zz222727z 2e/Z2yc22z 工 .
和 72yzzzzzzZzz fruit. /zZz
黎 勒,z2 詞 子
7z777z7772/7z c2z2z//z RetZ.
7zz/yzzz7zzx pith. 72zg ez2 通 草 7z2/7z2z7zzx 222)777z7zy7 look.
7yz2z/zy [herb]. 7Z#E 疾 菊 77727z//z 7
7yzc2osgz7zz2zy [fruit]. Gzz 2z 瓜 樓 777zc22yz72229ey /777/27077 JMlaxim.
7yzooz2/y herb. 了 c2zzg ez2 夫 腸 草 77zoo7z2Zr ezZzz7zcz/z77y (ITrevir.) Benth. Ex HemsL
7/2e 7z7/ Cdz2 Gd7zg 47z
7jzz7zcxz7zzoozz herb. AZ ozzz 女 禿
7z7rcxzz7z77z27072 Zoo7zz/z (Fisch.) DC. Turmeric [root]|. 如 7
鬱 金
CZ7rz77z2 /27gzz 工. 77/yy7/zo2 Hower. 太 Z/27z Z272g 27Z/2 款
77Zyyz/2oo /277272 工
U CZZzzy fruit. 放 罰 蕪 英 (2//77zz zzc7ocz772/ Hance.
V 克 yzzyzz7z [root|. 了 7Z 焚 蘆 /7zz772/77z 72027 工 ,
矽 72ezzz. /z 2zzz co 馬 固 草 .
/72e7zz 2/Zcz7zz/r 工.
誠 7zzczz oil. 72zg yoz 桐 油
/y7zzczz 多 7zzz (HemsL) Airy-Shaw
產2z herb and root.[Z72z 引 層 Zzg [紫花 ] 地 丁 誠 2/z 227//z27cz av. 記 /zx [fruit]. zzz.7zzo 莖 才 記 /ex
方 //2722 工 . var. yz7z2/7c2/2/7z Cham.
亡 /x zzeoz7z2o[fruid]. 47z.7z7zzg 牡 州 記 /zx egz7z22 工 . Var. CZ7z7zz27/27/7z (Sieb.et Zucc.) Hand.-Mazz.
W Walnut. 悶 zz zz2 胡桃
./zo/27zr 7eo72 工. Water chestnut. 工zzzge 7 共 米 77zz2z 27y277z25z Roxb.
Water pepper. $2z7 Z22 水 荔 7yoo7zz77/ 97222e7- 工 . Wintersweet. 了 z zzzz 臘 梅 C2z77z27zz7z/2ey 2yzecox L.) Link.
Wolfsbane [rootd]. zzg Zz 狠毒 他 //Z772 2z77zZze7Zy77zc 工
入 及 z7z27z7z [stem and leaves]. Czzzg er[)e] 魯耳[ 葉 ] 及 7z/27z/77z yz2777cz/77/ Patr. et Widd.
Xylosma [bark]. Zz? /zzz/7 析 [ 木], 及 y/oyzzz co7zgeyzz77z (Lour.) Merr.
4 Yellow jessamine. Goz zozzz 鉤 吻 Ge/ve77z7z77 e/egz7zy Crardn. et hamp.