The Bible in Aramaic Volume 3. The Latter Prophets According to Targum Jonathan [3]

Volume 1. The Pentateuch According to Targum Onkelos Volume 2. The Former Prophets According to Targum Jonathan Volume 3

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The Bible in Aramaic Volume 3. The Latter Prophets According to Targum Jonathan [3]

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The Jewish Theological Seminary of America








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Copyright 1962 by E. J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or translated in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publisher





§ 1. THE PRINTED PAGE Each page is arranged in the following manner: 1) text, and 2) critical apparatus. This latter in turn is subdivided into three parts: a) the Upper Critical Apparatus, b) the Lower Critical Apparatus, and c) the testimonia: `` I did my very best to present the material for each of these three sections as exhaustively as only possible and advisable, so as not to be confusing by overdoing it; cf. § 6c.

§ 2. THE



in this volume is according to Ms. Or. 2211 of the British Museum. I deviated from it only in those cases of obvious scribal errors in the spelling or in the vocalization of a given word, where the reading of Ms. Or. 2211 could by no stretch of our exegetic imagination be interpreted as fitting in its context, while the corresponding reading found in other texts offered no such difficulty. All the many other instances of difficult readings of this manuscript, which are either not contested by the corresponding readings in the textual evidence of which I made use, or even if contested there, do occur in our manuscript more than just once or twice in the identical spelling or vocalization (as the case may be), have been left untouched. Such readings seem problematic to us only because they run contrary to the rules laid down by the Aramaic grammar and (or) dictionary. However, I was not out to impose upon this hitherto unknown or unattested, and therefore new textual material, the dictates of the Aramaic grammar and dictionary as currently in use, since they themselves are based on very limited textual evidence, while with this edition now at hand, new vistas are opened up, making the current viewpoint appear outdated. The final leaves of Ms. Or. 2211 are very poorly pre-

served. The thus resulting lacunae were spelled and/or vocalized according to Ms. Or, 1474 of the British Museum. On the symbols § and |, which occasionally appear in the text and on its margin, cf. § 5. Between the text and the critical apparatus, there is on every



page a line with the sig/a of all the manuscripts and printed editions, which were available to that page. A siglum in brackets ) indicates that the textual witness it stands for is preserved to part of the page only. This fact will be found corroborated by the symbols § and (or) % in the text and on the margin on the selfsame page.

§ 3. THE CRITICAL APPARATUS Following is 1) a list of manuscripts and printed texts, which could be made use of for this edition, with their respective sigla, as they are referred to in the critical apparatus; as well as 2) an explanation of the various symbols and signs, which I used in arranging these critical notes. I subdivide the manuscripts according to their vocalization. By this term I refer solely to the kind of vowel-signs they use, and do certainly not wish to imply by it that they also follow the respective laws of application of these vowel-signs according to the two vocalization systems. With these problems I have already dealt in my A Grammar of Masoretic Hebrew, Copenhagen 1959, pp. 60-88.

§ 4. LIST OF SIGLA 1) Manuscripts with Babylonian Vocalization x) Biblical ‫= צ‬


Ms. Or. 2211 of the British Museum‫‏‬

N | Ms. Or. 1474 of the British Museum‫‏‬ N Il Ms. Or. 1473 of the British Museum‫‏‬ 68) Haphtaroth 5 =

Ms. Or. 1470 of the British Museum Certain Haphtaroth are read twice a year. They are thus repeated in this ms., and with variants. This explains it, why sometimes two readings are listed here under the siglum 5. 2) Manuscripts with Tiberian (or no) Vocalization

c = f =

Ms. p. 116 of the Montefiore Library, Jews’ College, London Codex Reuchlinianus of the Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany. This manuscript is now published by me as volume I of my The Pre-Masoretic Bible, Copenhagen 1956.




3) Printed Editions

b = g = o =

The First Rabbinic Bible, Bomberg, Venice 1515/17 The Second Rabbinic (= The First Masoretic) Bible, Bomberg, Venice 1524/5 The Antwerp Polyglot Bible, 1569/73 4) Testimonia

Targum Quotations in the Works of Early Authors. In brackets () the catchword is noted, under which the quotation is listed by the author; cf. also § 5b. A = Aruk of R. Nathan (according ot Kohut’s edition)

Dun = Dunash ben Labrat (according to ‫טרבל‬‎ ‫ תובושת שנוד ןב‬,‫רפס‬ Gan =


= =

London 1855) Yonah ibn Ganah (according to ‫המקרה‬‎ ‫ רפס‬ed. M. Wilensky, Berlin 1930) Rashi (according to the edition Venice 1524/5) Kimhi’s Commentary For Isa 1-39 I could use the edition by Louis Finkelstein (The Commentary of David Kimhi on Isaiah, Columbia University Oriental Studies, Vol. XIX, New York 1926) and the symbols he introduces: ‫א‬‎ = the ms. of the Jewish Theological Seminary, ‫ג‬‎ = Codex Adler 2545, ‫כ‬‎ = Con-



‫ל‬‎ = Lisbon


‫מ‬‎ = Leiria


‎‫ = ס‬Soncino 1485. In quoting from the edition by Finkelstein, these letters are put in hanging position with K (e.g. KO, K®).—For the remainder of Isaiah, as well as for the rest of the Latter Prophets, K indicates Soncino 1485.

§ 5. SYMBOLS AND SIGNS USED indicates the beginning / of a text (as far as preserved or as indicates the end ) far as readable) divides the catchword (right) from the variant (left) indicates: addition pr = praemittit indicates: omission ; “is used to separate two or more variants on the same word — is used to separate the variants on one word from those on another





1°, 2°, 3° indicate: the first, second, third time the word occurs in the verse ‎‫ ג‬Orp behind a siglum (inferior) indicates: prima manus or secunda manus, respectively 10r behind a siglum (inferior) indicates: marginal note; with b: the custos.


The identification of the catchword is made rather difficult in the Latter Prophets, due to the fact that so very many verses are lengthened beyond proportion by midrashic interpretations, with the result that oftentimes the word in question appears more than once in exactly the identical spelling, and (or) with minor deviations; and this makes the use of 1°, 2°, 3° impractical. I, therefore, had to introduce another method for such cases: Words in brackets ) ( are added in order to identify in a lengthy passage the preceding or following word to which the note calls attention;

e.g. (‫)ימלע‬‎ ‫ > ףא‬o means: ‫ףא‬‎ (which is followed by (‫ימלע‬‎ is missing in 0; (‫)לארשי‬‎ ‫ )םע( ינב‬o can indicate: a) for ‫לארשי‬‎ oy of the text, o reads ‫לארשי‬‎ ‫ ינב‬ny; or b) instead of ‫לארשי‬‎ ‫ תיב‬ay,

o reads ‫לארשי‬‎ ‫ ינב‬.‫םע‬ § 6 THE UPPER CRITICAL APPARATUS contains phonetic variants, which are expressed by differences a) in the vocalization or b) in the spelling. a) Variants in the manuscripts with the Babylonian vocalization are listed here fully. With regard to the texts with Tiberian (or no) vocalization, their two methods of vocalization (by vowel-letters and by vowel-signs) were differently treated: a) One of the characteristic features of the Codex Reuchlinianus is its tendency of using plene-spelling. The absence of a vowel: letter in places, where ms. Or. 2211 has a vowel, might therefore be taken as indicating a shewa instead of that vowel. Consequently I have noted down here not only the presence, but also the absence of a vowel-letter (as compared with the Basic Manuscript), first in f alone, but subsequently also from the other Tiberian sources.— The frequent use of N as a vowel-letter in medial position is particularly noteworthy. p) Tiberian vowel-signs are added here only infrequently to individual words according to b or o but never according to f, which is pre-Masoretic (cf. my A Grammar of Masoretic Hebrew,




Copenhagen 1959, §§ 40 and 66 ff.). There is always a very special reason for referring to the Tiberian vocalization, as e.g. in the case of a misspelled or erroneously divided word, in order to demonstrate that the vocalizer had the word in question before him in this corrupt form and that he thus vocalized each individual word before him as a separate entity, irrespective of its context, which he most probably failed to understand, anyhow. b) Under differences in the spelling I understand here instances like the interchangeable use of w or 0; the use of } or in identical



e.g. ‫אבטואל‬-‫אבטיאל‬‎ ; (but ‫איהה‬-‫אוהה‬‎

do not belong here, since they represent masc. and fem. forms, respectively) and the use of the ending in ‫היה‬‎ or ‫ןהיד‬‎ in theophorous names. The difference in the spelling of the final vowel a of the status emphaticus (as ‫א‬‎ or 7) has mostly been disregarded. However, where this different spelling might be taken as reflecting a corresponding difference between the emphatic state (as (‫א‬‎ and the possessive pronoun of the 3-pers. fem. (as 7), it had always to be noted. c) Variants, which occur frequently and (or) with consistency have not been listed in the critical apparatus, in order to avoid overcrowding it with repetitious details. Thus,

z and

1 6


1 has ‫םדק‬‎ etc.; 2 and 5 have ;‫םלשורי‬‎ 1 806 0 have ‫שניא‬‎ etc. .‫ןיהליא‬‎ In cases where reference to such vocalizations do appear in the ,



notes, there is always a special reason for it; e.g. ‫ימדק‬‎ I contrasts with ‎‫ קדמי‬of the text, and the stress is on the vocalization of the ‎‫ מ‬as

> ‎‫ מ‬or

L ‎‫מ‬.

§ 7. THE LOWER CRITICAL APPARATUS contains consonantal variants.

§ 8. THE TESTIMONIA The Targum to the Latter Prophets is very frequently and mostly also very extensively quoted by the early philologians, who were even aware of the fact that the trustworthiness of the historical transmission of the Targum text is—or was already in their days— subject to doubt. Thus, for instance, Aruk may quote the Targum




equivalent of one and the same Biblical word in two different Aramaic forms, each of them separately under the respective different catchwords. And Kimhi goes even farther; he often quotes side by side two variant readings of the Targum, identifying them as variants. Sometimes he even admits that he fails to understand the Targum he had just quoted. These and related problems will be dealt with in the concluding volume of this series. These considerations made it impractical to include the evidence from the testimonia in the Critical Apparatus; much of its convincing power might thus be lost, and the very existence of the problems, which I indicated, glossed over by such a procedure. Consequently, I changed the arrangement in this volume by establishing a separate section for variant readings derived from the testimonia.

§9. MARGINAL NOTES IN CODEX REUCHLINIANUS On the margin of Codex Reuchlinianus we frequently see notes of varying length. Sometimes they are recorded simply, with no reference to their source, just like the marginal notes we find in so many other manuscripts. They are recorded here in the same manner as those of other manuscripts, namely by an inferior , to the siglum: fi. But the vast majority of marginal notes here do offer an indication of their source; for they quote the respective manuscripts under various individual sigla. And whenever a given note is found in two such manuscripts, then the sigla of both of them are preceding the note; cf. e.g. on Judg 12. 6 and 18. 3. Thus, judging by the sigla used, there were 6 such individually identified manuscripts consulted by the annotator of Codex Reuchlinianus (or his Vorlage); they are referred to here in the following manner:

f, = marginal notes preceded by ‫ד‬‎ ‫ ו‬or ‫אד‬‎ ‫( או‬short for ‫תיאו‬‎

‫(דאמרי‬ f = marginal notes preceded by ‫א‬‎ ‫ ל‬or na ‫שיל‬‎ (short for ‫אנשיל‬‎ ‎‫(אחרינא‬ f, = marginal notes preceded by ‫גילפ‬‎ f = fs =

marginal notes preceded by nx ‫פס‬‎ (short for ‫רחא‬‎ (‫רפס‬ marginal notes preceded by ‫שורי‬‎ or ‫שורי‬‎ yn (short for

‫(תרגום ירושלמי‬ ,f

= lanigram seton dedecerp yb ‫‏‬xn ‫ תר‬trohs( ‫‏‬rof ‫(תרגום אחר‬




§ 10. ADDITIONAL TARGUM The text of the Targum to the Latter Prophets has come down to us in a most deplorable state of corruption. This is a mere statement of plain facts, detailed proof for which will be forthcoming in the concluding volume. These almost unbelievable errors of the copyists brought it about that I had to limit the number of texts actually used for this edition; nothing but confusion would be the result of the inclusion of further evidence from such texts. There is, however, one aspect of the Targum, which can benefit even from such an otherwise unreliable source: the Additional ¢ _ Targum. Here, every new Addition we come across, represents a real gain. Ms. Add. 26879 of the British Museum is a good example. I used it for the Former Prophets, where it is referred to under the siglum a. And then I began to go over it for the Latter Prophets. I made two attempts, with quite a number of years separating the second from the first attempt. But I had to give up! There is hardly a group of words there without an annoying error! Still, my time was not completely wasted. Because I came across a few passages of Additional Targum, which I consider a fair reward. These Additions are consecutively written in the text, and there is not the slightest remark anywhere on the page to identify them as Additions. They are published in this edition on the following pages: 1) on pp. 23-25: the Addition to Isa 10.32 and 33; 2) on pp. 462-465: the Addition to Hab 3.1-5 and 11; and 3) on pp. 479-480: the Addition to Zech 2.14 and 15. On these pages they appear at the very bottom of each respective page. They can easily be identified here by the reader, by the double-line which divides it from the regular critical apparatus.

‫‏‪ sapa‬הקרש בארמית‬




‫פאתמיה ‏‬

‫על יסוד‬

‫כתבידיד וספרים עתיקים‬ ‫ערוכים בידי‬

‫אלכסנדר שפרבר‬ ‫בית המדרש לרבנים באמריקה‬

‫כרך‪ :‬ג‬

‫תרנום יונתן לנכיאים אחרונים‬


‫אי בריל‬ ‫‪21‬‬














‫.‬‬ ‫‪able Wa an My 4.2‬‬ ‫=‪ ,‬ל > ‏‪shi thee‬‬ ‫‪ie Oe‬‬ ‫‏‪sl‬‬ ‫יהבית אוריתי לעמי ואציתי ארעא דאתרגיפת מן קדם פתגמי ארי יוי מליל‬ ‫עמי בית ישראל קריתי להון בנין חביבתינון ויקרתנון ואינון מרדו במימרי‪:‬‬ ‫‪ 3‬ידע תורא זבניה וחמרא אוריא דמרוהי ישראל לא אוליף למידע דחלתי‬ ‫עמי לא אסתכל למתב לאוריתי‪ 4 = :‬וי על דאתקריאו עם ‪PIW‬‏ וחטו כנשא‬ ‫בחירא אסגיאו חובין אתכניו בזרעא רחימא ואבאישו ואתאמר להון בנין חביבין‬ ‫וחבילו אורחתהון שבקו ית פולחנא דיוי קצו בדחלת קדישא דישראל בדיל‬ ‫‪ 5‬לא מסתכלין למימר על מא‬ ‫עובדיהון בישיא אסתחרו והוו לאחרא‪:‬‬ ‫ו‪+‬‬





‫=‏ ‪As‬‬













‫ ו‬

‫‪+2‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫=‪3 y‬‬






‫‪.ARL‬‏‬ ‫ל‬

‫‏‪3.4 :‬‬ ‫>‬







‫ ו‬












‫ו ‪agit‬‏‬











‫‪2 -‬‬


‫*ן‪-‬‬ ‫ ‪‎‬ו‬ ‫‪tw‬‬ ‫‪s‬‬ ‫‪iL‬‬ ‫>‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 61‬ואמר יו‪‎‬‬ ‫חשיכיא מובלין אתון ומיתן בדינהון אמר יוי אלהים צבאות‪:‬‬ ‫ףלח אבררתאד תנב ןויצ ןלזא ןמירמ ראוצ ‪‎‬ןקברסמו ‪ PIN PRY‬ובפותהון‪‎‬‬ ‫‏~‪.‬‬





‫‪: -‬‬





















‫ ‪g+‬‏ ‪-‬ושביסיא‬ ‫וסבכיא ; ושביסיא וסבכיא ‪egap‬‏ ‪detaeper ta gninnigeb fo txen‬‬

‫‪dne fo ,egap‬‬

‫‏‪ : 02 - +b‬וקלמוסמסיא > ; וקולמומסיא ‪o-—12‬‏ ‪ :‬עיזקתאה ‪g‬‏ ‪ : 22 - .5‬ולבורנקיא‬ ‫‪ ;%‬לבורנקיא ‪g‬‏ לי ‪ -‬ומחכיא] ומחביא ‪f-‬‏ ‪ : 32 -‬מחזיאתא ‪Z‬‏ ; מחזיתא‬ ‫‪ ; 6‬ואיספקליריא «‪sf‬‏ ‪ -‬וכבנתיא סי ‪ : 4 -‬ואתר] אתר ‪b+‬‏ ‪ 62 -‬ותרוקין ‪ 8‬לי ‪-‬‬ ‫לארעא ‪ef‬‏ ‪ -‬תחרובא ‪b‬‏ ; תחרוב ‪f.‬‏‬ ‫‪: 71‬װ"ת‬



‫‪R-‬‏ ‪ -‬יקרתון‬




‫‪ : 81‬שביסיא‬

‫(סבכה ; (‪wa‬‏ ‪ :91 - A‬ענקיא (ושירי) ידא (ענק) ; ועונקיא (ושירי ידיא)‬ ‫(שר) ‪at‬‏ (שיר)‬


‫‪K-‬‏ ‪ -‬חניס נסיא ‪K-‬‏ ‪ :02‬והקשורים‬


‫קלמזמסיא (קלמזמס) ; תר' וקלמזמסיא (קשר) ; תר' קרקישיא (קרקשיא) ;‬ ‫ובתי הנפש תר' (וקדשיא) וחלטיתא (קדש) ‪A-‬‏ ‪ -‬קל משמשאי ‪K‬‏ ‪:12 -‬‬

‫הטבעות תר' (עזקתא) וטלוליא (טלל) ‪A‬‏ ‪ : 22 -‬והמטפחות תר' לבורנקיא‬ ‫(ומחכיא) (מחך) ; ברנקיא ומחטיא (ברנק) ‪A-‬‏ ‪ -‬וכבינתיא (רד ; כבינת ;‬ ‫כתר) ‪ ! .4‬כבנתיא‬

‫‪:42 - :%‬‬

‫ואתרא דהוון ‪)NOIP‬‏ פסיקיא) (פסיקיא)‬

‫‏‪( : 52 - +A‬ועבדי) מצותיך ‪K‬‏ ; נצחניך ‪?K‬‏ = ‪ : 62‬ארעא א‪.‬‬

‫ישעיה‬ ‫‪Da‬‬


‫‪( :51 - .‬תקוף) גברין ‪ - .₪‬אינשא *‪ - :‬תקיף‬ ‫גברין ‪K-‬‏ = ‪( : 91‬יוחי) ויגלי (יחי) ‪A.‬‏ ‪ : 42 -‬בשלהוביתא ‪K‬‏‬














‫‪iP ek‬‬



‫‬ ‫שת‪‎‬‬ ‫‪A‬‬ ‫‪22‬‬ ‫‪ea‬‬ ‫דינו כען דינא קדמי מן עמי‪ 4 | :‬מא טבא אמרית למעבד עוד לעמי ולא‪‎‬‬ ‫פבדית להון מא דין אמרית יעבדון עובדין טבין ואינון אבאישו עובליהון‪‎:‬‬ ‫‪ 5‬וכען‪kni“ ‎‬כען לכון ית דאנא עתיד למעבד לעמיו אסליק שכינתי‪atap ‎‬ויהון‪‎‬‬ ‫‪ 6‬ואשוינון רטישין לא יסתעדון‪‎‬‬ ‫למיבז איתרע‪ im ‎‬מקדשיהון ויהון לדיש‪:‬‬ ‫‪e‬‬





‫‪ ‪ :6 - .2‬לא (‪ ])%1‬ולא ‪f‬‏ ‪ )YN( - b-‬אסתעדון ‪g‬‏ לי ‪: 7-‬‬ ‫ואמרית ‪ 8‬לי ‪ -‬והא ‪xrp + [°0‬‏ ‪ g‬לי ‪snoP[ -‬‏ ‪ +‬אמרית ‪ ₪‬לי ‪ :8 -‬יי] ווי‬ ‫‪0‬‏ ‪ - -bo‬בא [(‪)sib‬‏ ביתא ‪o+ 6‬‏ ‪ -‬ואמרין ‪ef‬‏ סי ‪ -‬בגו ארעא סי ‪ : 9 -‬מבלי‬ ‫תיב סי ‪ 01 -‬מ‪:‬עשרא סי ‪ -‬אשברין ‪g‬‏ לי ‪ -‬דכרם] דברם >‪ :11- :‬װוי‪cf‬פ ‘‪ob‬‏‬

‫ חמרא )‪ (°1‬סי ‪yb[ -‬‏ עד ‪ - 2‬אונסין ‪g‬‏ ‪ - b‬מלהיק] מדליק ‪g‬‏ ‪ ; ob‬מלחיק‬‫‏‪: 21 - fc‬קנתרוס ‪ge‬‏‬ ‫‪5‬‏ ‪ NTM :‬לצרבא (בספרינו ויהון למיבז) ‪naG‬‏ ‪( :6 -‬לא) אסתערון (ולא‬ ‫יסתמכון) ‪( +‬דלא) יתנבאון (עליהון) ‪R‬‏ ‪ -‬על נביאיא ‪K-‬‏ ‪ : 01‬אשכרין (דכרם)‬ ‫(אשכר) ‪A‬‏ ‪( -‬דלא) ‪map‬‏ מעשרא *‪ - .‬אשכרן ‪K‬‏‬

‫ישעיה‬ ‫‪.-‬‬

‫‪. =a‬‬





‫= ‪s‬‬




‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬







‫= ‪5‬‬

‫ואמרין קדיש בשמי מרומא בית שכינתיה קדיש על ארעא עובד גבורתיה קדיש‪‎‬‬ ‫בעלם עלמיא יו צבאות מליא כל ארעא זיו יקריה‪ + | :‬װעו אלות סיפי‪‎‬‬ ‫‪ 5‬ואמרית וי לי ארי‪‎‬‬ ‫היכלא מקל מלולא ובית מקדשא אתמלי אמיטתא‪:‬‬ ‫חבית ארי גבר חייב לאוכחא אנא ובגו עמא דמגעל בחובין אנא יתיב ארי ית‪‎‬‬ ‫‪ 6‬ואשתוי לותי חד מן‪‎‬‬ ‫יקר שכינת מלך עלמיא יוי צבאות חזאה עיני‪:‬‬ ‫‪Lkn‬‬





‫‪i >‬






‫‪4-2, -‬‬


















