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English Pages 60 [68] Year 1971
JANUA LINGUARUM STUDIA M E M O R I A E N I C O L A I VAN WIJK D E D I C A T A edenda curai C. H. VAN S C H O Ò N E V E L D Indiana University
Series Minor, 134
with a foreword by
© Copyright 1971 in The Netherlands. Mouton & Co. N.V., Publishers, The Hague. No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publishers.
Printed in The Netherlands by Mouton & Co., Printers, The Hague.
Besides the many other distinctions which have befallen him, Roman Jakobson has twice, on his sixtieth and seventieth birthday, received substantial proof of the esteem in which his commilitones hold him, in the form of voluminous collections of articles written in his honor. Nothing can praise him more, however, than his own contributions to knowledge. Much could be said about his works, which constitute a milestone in the centuries-long road traveled by thinkers on language and the art of language. Their most remarkable characteristic, it seems to me, is their consistency. There are very few, and then insignificant, contradicting points in Jakobson's oeuvre, founded as it is on a deep respect, nay love, for the specific nature of the subject matter he deals with, language. May he keep building this monument for many years to come, excelling as ever in scholarship and friendship alike. C. H. VAN SCHOONEVELD
1916 1.* "N. N. Durnovo, N. N. Sokolov, D. N. USakov, Opyt dialektologifieskoj karty russkago jazyka v EvropS" (review), EtnografiSeskoe ObozrSnie, CIX-CX, 102-107. 1921 2. NovejSaja russkaja poizija, Prague, 68 pp. 3. Vliv revoluce na rusky jazyk (reprint with corrections and additions from Nove Atheneum, III, 1921, 110-114, 200-212, 250-255, 310-318), Prague, 32 pp. 4. "O realismu v umSni," Cerven, IV, Prague, 300-304, and Poetika rytmus verS, Prague, 1968, 46-54. 1922 5. "Bijusovskaja stixologija i nauka o stixe," Nauinye Izvestija, II, Moscow, 222-240. 6. "ZamStka o drevne-bolgarskom stixoslo2enii," Izvestija Otd. rus.jaz. islov. Ross. Akad. Nauk, XXIV, No. 2, 351-358. 7. "NSkolik zprdv o prdci v oboru slovanski filologie na dne§ni UkrajinS," Slavia, I, 634-636. 1923 8. [with P. Bogatyrev] Slavjanskaja filologija v Rossii za gody vojny i revoljucii, Berlin, 1922, 63 pp. (originally Slavia, I, 171-184, 457-469, 626-634). 9. 0 CeSskom stixe preimuscestvenno v sopostavlenii s russkim (=Sborniki po teorii poetiieskogo jazyka, V), Berlin* Items of Section I are regularly designated by numbers in Roman types, while numbers in italics are used for the items of Section II. The same distinction of types is applied in cross references to the items of these sections.
Moscow, 120 pp; reprinted by Brown University Press, ed. by T. Winner, with English appendixes translated from item 13, 1969, 125 pp. 1924 10. "StaroCeSskie stixotvorenija, sloiennye odnorifmennymi Cetverostisijami," Slavia, III, 272-315. 1925 11. "O Krâlovë Ceské prosodii," Kritika, II, Prague, 110-114. 1926 12. "F. Trâvniôek : Prispëvky k nauce o ceském prizvuku" (review), Slavia, IV, 805-816. 13. Zâklady ceského verSe, Prague, 140 pp. (revised version of item 9, with a new preface and conclusion). 1927 14. "Pro realizm u mystectvi," Vaplite, Kharkov, No. 2,163-170. (Ukrainian version of item 4). 15. Spor duSe s tëlem; O nebezpecném casu smrti ( = Nârodni knihovna, IV), Prague, 111 pp. 16. Fonetika odnogo severno-velikorusskogo govora s nameëajuScejsja perexodnost'ju (mimeographed), Prague, 82 pp. 1928 17. "O hlàskoslovném zakonu a teleologickém hlâskoslovi," Casopis pro modernifilologii, XIV, 183-184.
18. "Quelles sont les méthodes les mieux appropriées à un exposé complet et pratique de la grammaire d'une langue quelconque?" Premier Congrès International des Linguistes, Propositions, Nijmegen, 36-39, and Actes du Ier Congrès 10
International des Linguistes du 10-14 avril, 1928, Leiden, 1930, 33-36. [S. Karcevski and N. Trubetzkoy added their signatures.] 19. "K odstranovâni dlouhych souhlâsek v fieâtinë," Slavia, VII, presented to Jiri Polivka, 25-32. 20. [with JU. Tynjanov] "Problemy izuëenija literatury i jazyka," Novyj Lef, No. 12, 36-37, and Readings in Russian Poetics, ed. by L. Matejka, Ann Arbor, 1962, 99-102. 1929 21. "Nové prâce o üloze cirkevnëslovanskych prvkû v rustinë," Casopis pro modernifilologii,XV, 174. 22. "Zur vergleichenden Forschung über die slavischen Zehnsilbler," Slavistische Studien V— Franz Spina zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, Reichenberg, 7-20. 23. [with P. Bogatyrev] "Die Folklore als eine besondere Form des Schaffens," Donum Natalicium Schrijnen, NijmegenUtrecht, 900-913. 24. Remarques sur révolution phonologique du russe comparée à celle des autres langues slaves (= Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague, II), 118 pp. 25. "Über die heutigen Voraussetzungen der russischen Slavistik," Slavische Rundschau, I, 629-646. 26. "Mladenov, Stefan: Geschichte der bulgarischen Sprache" (review), ibidem, 682-684. 27. "Jan Baudouin de Courtenay," ibidem, 809-812, and Portraits of Linguists, ed. by T. A. Sebeok, I, Indiana University Press, 1966, 533-537. 28. NejstarSi ëeské pisnë duchovni (=Nàrodni knihovna, VI), Prague, 48 pp. 29. "Kus literârni pavëdy," Plan, I, Prague, 593-597. 1930 30. "O pfekladu versü," Plan, II, Prague, 9-11. 31. [with F. Slotty] "Die Sprachwissenschaft auf dem ersten 11
Slavistenkongress in Prag vom 6-13 Oktober 1929," Indogermanisches Jahrbuch, XIV, 384-391. 32. "Masaryk o jazyke," CentraVnaja Evropa, III, 270-276. 33. "Von einer Generation, die ihre Dichter vergeudet hat," Slavische Rundschau, II, 481-495 (abridged version of item 34). 1931 34. "O pokolenii, rastrativäem svoix poètov," Smert' Vladimira Majakovskogo, Berlin, 7-45. New edition in preparation, The Hague-Paris. 35. "Jazykové problémy v Masarykovë dile," Masaryk a rec, Prague, 29-47 (revised and enlarged version of item 32); reprint from Vûdce generaci (= Masarykùv sbornik, V), 396-414. 36. [with P. Bogatyrev] "K probleme razmeievanija fol'kloristiki i literaturovedenija," Lud Slowianski, II B, 230-233. 37. "Pamjati Vjaöeslava Vjaöeslavoviöa Hanky," CentraVnaja Evropa, IV, 268-275. 38. "O russkom perevodöike poèmy Havliöka 'Kresöenie sv. Vladimira'," ibidem, 327-337. 39. "Z fonologie spisovné slovenstiny," Slovenskâ miscellanea, presented to Albert Prazäk, Bratislava, 155-163. 40. "Les unions phonologiques des langues," Le Monde Slave, 388-395. 41. "O fonologiôeskix jazykovyx sojuzax," Evrazija v svete jazykoznanija, Prague, 7-12 (revised version of item 40). 42. K xarakteristike evrazijskogo jazykovogo sojuza, Paris, 59 pp. 43. "Die Betonung und ihre Rolle in der Wort- und Syntagmaphonologie," Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague, IV, 164-183. 44. "Über die phonologischen Sprachbünde," ibidem, 234-240. 45. "Prinzipien der historischen Phonologie," ibidem, 247-267. 46. "Projet de terminologie phonologique standardisée," ibidem, 309-323. 12
47. "Tolstoj o Masaryke," Central'naja Evropa, IV, 712-716. 48. "Der russische Frankreich-Mythus," Slavische Rundschau, III, 636-642. 49. "Odpovöd' dr. Frantiäku Tich6mu," Slavia, X, 396-400 (reply to a review of item 28). 50. "Neue öechoslovakische Arbeiten über die poetische Form (1929-1930)," Slavische Rundschau, III, 450-454. 51. "Neue Arbeiten zur Vergangenheit Karpathorusslands," ibidem, 512-515. 52. "Pesma o vojevanju Igorovü" (review), translated by I. Sajkovid, ibidem, 617-618.
1932 53. "Zur Struktur des russischen Verbums," Charisteria Gvilelmo Mathesio oblata, Prague, 74-84; A Prague School Reader in Linguistics, compiled by J. Vachek, Indiana University Press, 1964, 347-359; and Readings in Linguistics, II, ed. by E. P. Hamp et al., Chicago University, 1966, 22-30. 54. "O jednom typu literàrnich historikû," J ami almartach Kmene, Prague, 74-84, and Estetika, IV, Prague, 1968, 160161.
55. Association internationale pour les études phonologiques, Bulletin d'information, No. 1, 6 pp., and in Casopis pro moderni filologii, XIX, 59-64. 56. "O dnesnim brusiöstvi ôeském," Spisovnâ éeStina a jazykovâ kultura, Prague, 85-122. 57. "Neue Arbeiten über die südslavische dichterische Form," Slavische Rundschau, IV, 257-279. 58. "Arbeiten über die Sechische dichterische Form," ibidem, 506-510. 59. "André Vaillant: Les chants épiques des Slaves du sud" (review), Byzantinoslavica, IV, 194-202. 60. "Fonéma," Ottùv slovnik naucny, Dodatky II, 608. 61. "Fonologie," ibidem, 611-612. 13
1933 62. "Masaryk vu par Tolstoï," Le Monde Slave, 384-391 (enlarged version of item 47). 63. "Über den Versbau der serbokroatischen Volksepen," Proceedings of the First International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Amsterdam, July 3-8, 1932 (= Archives Néerlandaises de Phonétique Experimentale, VII-IX), 44-53. 64. "Bolgarskij pjatistopnyj jamb v sopostavlenii s russkim," Sbornik v cesf na prof. L. Miletië, Sofia, 108-117. 65. "Pravení o jinochu a dívce — Staroruská povídka," Milostny almanach Kmene, Prague, 94-101. 66. "Úpadek filmu?" Listy pro umëni a kritiku, I, Prague, 45-49. 67. "La scuola linguistica di Praga," La Cultura, XII, 633-641. 1934 68. "O predpokladech praiské linguistické skoly," Index, VI, Brno, 6-9. 69. "Co je poesie?" Volné sméry, Prague, 229-239. 70. "Ver§ staroöesky," Ceskoslovenská vlastivëda, III, Prague, 429-459. 71. "Slavische Sprachfragen in der Sovjetunion," Slavische Rundschau, VI, 324-343. 72. "Metrica Slava," Enciclopedia Italiana, XXIII, 112-113. 73. "Perpetuum mobile kyvadla," Listy pro umëni a kritiku, II, Prague, 73-79. 74. "M. P. Stokmar: Bibliografija rabot po stixoslozenijü" (review), Slavia, XIII, 416-431. 1935 75. "Slezsko-polská cantilena inhonesta ze zaóátku XV století," Národopisny vëstnik ceskoslovansky, XXVII-XXVIII, 56-84. 76. "K öasovym otázkám nauky o 5eském versi: I. Staroöesky vers a Rukopisy; II. Cesky vers pred tisici lety," Slovo a slovesnost, I, 46-53. 14
77. "T. G. Masaryk, monografie Zdenka Nejedlého" (review), ibidem, 124-126. 78. "Rub literârni vëdy," ibidem, 130-132. 79. "Ceské prvky v polské kulture," ibidem, 132. 80. "Poznâmky k dilu Erbenovu: I. O mythu; II. O versi," ibidem, 152-164, 218-229. 81. "Obecna linguistika v SSSR," ibidem, 187-188. 82. "Diskuse o metodologickych problémech v prâci Mukaïovského 'Polâkova VzneSenost pifirody'," ibidem, 192. 83. [signed Kzk = Krouïek] "Geopolitickâ linguistika?" ibidem, 252-253. 84. Association internationale pour les études phonologiques, Information Bulletin, No. 2, Prague, 12 pp. 85. "Linguistika," Ottùv slovnik naucny, Dodatky III, 149-162. 86. "Zur Geschichte der tschechisch-polnischen Beziehungen," Prager Rundschau, V, 50-54 (a part of item 75 in German translation). 87. "Les enclitiques slaves," Atti del III Congresso internazionale dei linguisti, Roma 1935, Florence, 384-390. 88. "Kontury Glejtu," Boris Pasternak, Glejt, Prague, 149-162. 89. "Randbemerkungen zur Prosa des Dichters Pasternak," Slavische Rundschau, VII, 357-374 (enlarged version of item 88).
1936 90. "Üvahy o bâsnictvi doby husitské," Slovo a slovesnost, II, 1-21. 91. "Pamâtce Agenora Artymovyëe," ibidem, 63-64. 92. "Bädäni o ëeském versi," ibidem, 121-122. 93. [signed rd. =redakce] "Fakta mluvi," ibidem, 133-135. 94. "Kodanskâ prehlidka dnesniho jazykozpytu," ibidem, 166169. 95. "Usmërnëné nâzory na staroöeskou kulturu," ibidem, 207222.
96. "Um den russischen Wortschatz," Slavische Rundschau, VIII, 80-90. 15
97. "Mathesius, Vil6m," Ottüv slovnik nauiny, Dodatky IV, 132. 98. "Metrika," ibidem, 213-218. 99. "Na okraj lyrickych bäsni Puskinovych," Vybrane spisy A. S. PuSkina, edited by A. B6m and R. Jakobson, I, Prague, 259-267, and Listy pro umM a kritiku, IV, 389-392. 100. "Neues zur Geschichte der altrussischen Literatur," Slavische Rundschau, VIII, 255-262. 101. "Pamätce G. I. Celpanova," Psychologie, II, Brno, 41-42. 102. "O cestäch k öeskd poesii gotick6," Zivot, XIV, Prague, 57-63. 103. "Beitrag zur allgemeinen Kasuslehre (Gesamtbedeutungen der russischen Kasus)," Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague, VI, 240-288, and Readings in Linguistics, II, ed. by E. P. Hamp et al, Chicago University, 1966, 51-89.
1937 104. "Antoine Meillet zum Gedächtnis," Slavische Rundschau, IX, 24-26. 105. "Socha v symbolice Puskinovë," Slovo a slovesnost, III, 2-24. 106. "Puäkinovy bàsnë v prekladu Ilji Bârta" (review), ibidem, 122-124. 107. "Spornyj vopros drevnerusskogo pravopisanija," Beliéev zbornik, Belgrade, 39-45. 108. "Über die Beschaffenheit der prosodischen Gegensätze," Mélanges de linguistique et de philologie offerts à J. van Ginneken, Paris, 25-33. 109. "Z zagadnien prozodji starogreckej," Prace ofiarowane Kazimierzowi Wôycickiemu (= Z zagadnien poetyki, No. 6), Wilno, 73-88. 110. "Die russische Totenklage," Slavische Rundschau, IX, 247-249. 111. "Russische Klagen," ibidem, 404-405. 112. "Zâklady stfedovèku," Slovo a slovesnost, III, 187-189. 113. "Staroöeskä pisen o bitvë u Varny 1444," ibidem, 189-190. 114. "Na okraj Eugena Onëgina," Vybrané spisy A. S. PuSkina, edited by A. Bém and R. Jakobson, III, Prague, 257-265. 16
115. "Glosy k legendë o sv. Prokopu," XLIX rocenka Chudym dëtem: 2ivy Vrchlicky, Brno, 65-77. 116. "L'histoire du tchèque et du slovaque littéraires," Le Monde Slave, 353-366. 117. "Jazyk rusky," Pedagogickâ encyklopedie, I, 555-556. 1938 118. "Z dëjin staroôeského zpëvného básnictví," Slovo a slovesnost, IV, 41-44. 119. "Neni pravda, 2e ... Odpovëd na broíuru K. Bittnera 'Deutsche und Tschechen. Eine Erwiderung'," ibidem, IV, 117-123. 120. "O souhláskách," ibidem, 192 (Czech abstract of item 128). 121. "Vyznam ruské filologie pro bohemistiku," ibidem, 223-239. 122. "K Puskinovym ohlasûm lidové poesie," Vybrané spisy A. S. Puskina, edited by A. Bém and R. Jakobson, IV, Prague, 248-254. 123. "Die Arbeit der sogenannten 'Prager Schule'," Bulletin du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague, III, 6-8. 124. "Franz Spina," Slavische Rundschau, X, No. 6, 1-5. 125. "Die Reimwörter Cech-Lech," ibidem, 10-15. 126. "K popisu Máchova verse," Torso a tajemství Máchova díla, Prague, 207-278. 127. "Sur la théorie des affinités phonologiques des langues," Actes du IV Congrès International des Linguistes, Copenhague, 1936, Copenhagen, 48-58. 1939 128. "Observations sur le classement phonologique des consonnes," Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Ghent, 1938, 34-41. 129. [pseudonym Olaf Jansen] "Cesky podil na cirkevnëslovanské kulture," Co daly nase zemë Evropë a lidstvu, I, Prague, 9-20. 130. [pseudonym Olaf Jansen] "Cesky vliv na staropolské písemnictví," ibidem, 48-51. 17
131. "Signe zéro," Mélanges de linguistique offerts à Charles Bally, 143-152, and Readings in Linguistics, II, ed. by E. P. Hamp et al, Chicago University, 1966, 109-115. 132. [pseudonym Olaf Jansen] "Sobaka Kaiin car'," Slavia, XVII, 82-98. 133. "Le développement phonologique du langage enfantin et les cohérences correspondantes dans les langues du monde," Vme Congrès International des Linguistes, Bruxelles, 1939, Résumés des communications, Bruges, 27-28 (abstract of item 180). 134. "Nikolaj Sergejeviö Trubetzkoy," Acta Lingüistica, I, 64-76, and Portraits of Linguists, ed. by T. A. Sebeok, II, Indiana University Press, 1966, 526-542. 135. "van Wijk, N.: Phonologie" (review), ibidem, 123-129. 1940 136. "Das Nullzeichen," Bulletin du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague, IV, 12-14. 1941 137. "Problémy poetiky," Teória literatúry — Vybor z "Formálnej metódy", ed. by M. Bakos, Trnava, 63-73 (Slovak partial translation of item 2). 138. [with JU. Tynjanov] "Problémy skúmania literatúry ajazyka," ibidem, 101-103, and Slovenské smery, V, 1938, 266-268 (Slovak translation of item 20). 139. [with P. Bogatyrev] "K problému rozhraniöenia folkloristiky a literárnej vedy," ibidem, 104-106 (Slovak translation of item 36). 140. "Co je poezia?" ibidem, 170-181 (Slovak translation of item 69). 141. "Tatarische Nachklänge in der russischen Volksepik," Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, Ârbok 1940, Oslo, 4-5, 142. Kinderspräche, Aphasie und allgemeine Lautgesetze, Uppsala, 83 pp. (reprint from Sprâkvetenskapliga Sällskapets i 18
Uppsala Förhandlingar, 1940-42 = Uppsala Universitets Ârsskrift, 1942:9); pocket edition, Frankfurt, 1969, 144 pp. 143. [with J. Lötz] Axiomatik eines Verssystems am mordwinischen Volkslied dargelegt (= Thesen zu einem Vortrag im Ungarischen Institut), Stockholm, 7 pp. 1942 144. "Neizvestnye stixi Majakovskogo," NovoseVe, No. 2, New York, 57-62. 145. "The Paleosiberian Languages," American Anthropologist, XLIV, 602-620. 146. CeSství Komenského, New York, 8 pp. 1943 147. Moudrost starych Cechû, New York, 240 pp.; and Kvart, 4, 1945-6, 239-41; Listy, 1, 1946-47, 33-50; Host do domu, 15, 1968, seS. 12, 1-9. 148. "Polish-Russian Cooperation in Science of Language," Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, I, 970-974. 1944 149. "Some Russian Echoes of Czech Hagiography: I. The Translation of St. Venceslav's Relics; II. The Hermit Ivan and John the Baptist; III. Adolph the Martyr," Annuaire de VInstitut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves, VII, New York, 155-180. 150. "Saint Constantin et la langue syriaque," ibidem, 181-186. 151. "Nécrologie: B. Baxa, J. Chlumsky, O. Fischer, V. A. Francev, A. Fuchs, V. Groh, O. Hujer, E. A. Ljackij, B. Ljapunov, G. L. Lozinskij, B. Mendl, A. Novák, D. Orel, J. Páta, D. Rasovskij, F. I. Söerbatskoj, J. Schránil, A. M. SelisCev, F. Siedlecki, N. S. Trubetzkoy, J. Uher, D. N. USakov, M. Weingart, N. van Wijk, G. Winter," ibidem, 504, 509, 516-518, 520, 527, 530, 532-535, 537-541, 544-547. 19
152. "Franz Boas' Approach to Language," International Journal of American Linguistics, X, 188-195, and Portraits of Linguists, ed. by T. A. Sebeok, II, Indiana University Press, 1966, 127-139. 153. "Introduction to Russian by George L. Trager" (review), The Slavonic and East European Review, XXII, 120-133. 154. "A Note on Aleut Speech Sounds" and "A List of Works Relating to the Aleut Language," Bulletin of the New York Public Library, August, and in the reprint, "Aleutian Manuscript Collection," by A. Yarmolinsky, New York, 9-12. 155. "Slovo o polku Igoreve," Novosel'e, No. 14-15, 46-62. 156. "The Significant Features of Indo-European," American Association for the Advancement of Romance Philology, Bulletin No. 3, May, 11. 157. "Saussure," Yivo Bleter, XXIV, 67-78. 1945 158. "The Beginnings of National Self-Determination in Europe," The Review of Politics, VII, 29-42, and Readings in the Sociology of Language, ed. by J. A. Fishman, The HagueParis, 1968, 585-596. 159. "On Russian Fairy Tales," Russian Fairy Tales, Pantheon, New York, 631-656; and Introduction to Structuralism, ed. by M. Lane, London, 1970, 184-201. 1946 160. "H. Grégoire: investigateur de l'épopée," Byzantina Metabyzantina, I, New York, 20-22, and Flambeau, XLVII, 1964, 330-336. 161. "Polish Scholarship and Pushkin," The American Slavic and East European Review, V, No. 12-13, 88-92. 1947 162. "A List of Works relating to the Kamchadal Language and to the Language of Russianized Kamchadals," Bulletin of the 20
New York Public Library, November, and in the reprint, "Kamchadal and Asiatic Eskimo Manuscript Collections," by A. Yarmolinsky, New York, 11-13. 1948 163. "Quelques remarques sur l'édition critique du Slovo, sur sa traduction en langues modernes et sur la reconstruction du texte primitif," La Geste du Prince Igor\ sous la direction d'H. Grégoire, de R. Jakobson et de M. Szeftel ( = Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves, Université Libre de Bruxelles, VIII), New York, 5-37. 164. "Edition critique du Slovo," ibidem, 38-78. 165. "Altérations du texte et leurs corrections," ibidem, 81-96 (plus 381). 166. "Essai de reconstruction du Slovo dans sa langue originelle," ibidem, 150-178. 167. "Traduction du Slovo en russe moderne," ibidem, 181-200. 168. "L'authenticité du Slovo," ibidem, 235-360 (plus 363-380). 169. "Tasks and Aims of Comparative Slavic Literature (Abstract)," Program of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, LXIII, Part 2, December, New York, 7. 170. "Trudy otdela drevne-russkoj literatury, V" (review), The American Slavic and East European Review, VII, 375-376. 171. "Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie, Vol. XIX" (review), ibidem, 383. 172. "Slovo a slovesnost, Vol. X" (review), ibidem, 383-384. 173. "Russian Conjugation," Word, IV, 155-167. 1949 174. "The Structure of Gilyak and Marr-ism," Mimeographed Program of the paper delivered on Sept. 8, 1949, at the XXIX International Congress of Americanists, New York, 5 + 2 pp. 21
175. Slavic Languages, Columbia University, New York, 26 pp. 176. Notes on General Linguistics: Its Present State and Crucial Problems (mimeographed), New York, Rockefeller Foundation, 48 pp. 177. "Notes autobiographiques de N. S. Troubetzkoy," Principes de Phonologie par N. S. Troubetzkoy, traduits par J. Cantineau, Paris, XV-XXIX. 178. "Principes de phonologie historique," ibidem, 315-336 (revised version of item 45). 179. "Sur la théorie des affinités phonologiques entre les langues," ibidem, 351-365 (revised version of item 127). 180. "Les lois phoniques du langage enfantin et leur place dans la phonologie générale," ibidem, 367-379. 181. [with M. Szeftel] "The Vseslav Epos," Russian Epic Studies, edited by Roman Jakobson and Ernest J. Simmons (= Memoirs of the American Folklore Society, XLII, 1947), Philadelphia, 13-86. 182. [with J. Lötz] "Notes on the French Phonemic Pattern," Word, V, 151-158. 183. "The phonemic and grammatical aspects of language in their interrelations," Actes du Sixième Congrès International des Linguistes (Paris, Juillet, 1948), Paris, 5-18 and 601. 184. "On the Identification of Phonemic Entities," Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague, V, presented to Louis Hjelmslev, 205-213. 1950 185. "Slavic Mythology," Funk and Wagnails Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend, II, New York, 10251028. 186. "O stixotvornyx reliktax rannego srednevekov'ja v Sesskoj literaturnoj tradicii," Slavisticna Revija, III, Presented to F. Ramovs, Ljubljana, 267-273. 187. "Les catégories verbales," Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, IX, 6.
1951 188. [with G. Ru2i6ié] "The Serbian Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk and the Russian Vseslav Epos," Annuaire de VInstitut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves, X, Brussels, 343-355. 189. "M. Vasmer, Russisches etymologisches Wörterbuch," issues 1-3 (review), Word, VII, 187-191. 190. "On the Correct Presentation of Phonemic Problems," Symposium, V, 328-335. 1952 191. "The Puzzles of the Igor' Tale on the 150-th Anniversary of its First Edition," Speculum, XXVII, 43-66. 192. "The Archetype of the First Edition of the Igor' Tale," Harvard Library Bulletin, VI, 5-15. 193. "Langues paléosibériennes," Les Langues du Monde, Paris, 276-278 and 403-431. 194. [with J. Lötz] "Axioms of a Versification System — Exemplified by the Mordvinian Folksong," Acta Instituti Hungarici Universitatis Holmiensis, 5-13 (revised English version of item 143). 195. [with C. G. M. Fant and M. Halle] Preliminaries to Speech Analysis (= Acoustics Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Technical Report, XIII), January, reprintings with additions and corrections, May 1952, 1955, 1961, 8 + 53 pp. 196. "The Elementary Quanta of Language," The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, XXIV, 581. 197. "Studies in Comparative Slavic Metrics," Oxford Slavonic Papers, III, 21-66. 198. "On Slavic Diphthongs Ending in a Liquid," Slavic Word I, 2-6 ( = Word VIII, 306-310). 199. "Vestiges of the Earliest Russian Vernacular," ibidem, 46-51 (= ibidem, 350-355). 200. "New Slavic Etymological Dictionaries," ibidem, 83-90 (= ibidem, 383-390). 23
1953 201. [with E. C. Cherry and M. Halle] "Toward the Logical Description of Languages in Their Phonemic Aspect," Language, XXIX, 34-46. 202. Statements: lexicon meaning and grammatical meaning, 279-280; the cultural equivalent of the phoneme, 284-286; linguistic change, 292-293; pattern in linguistics, 310-314, in An Appraisal of Anthropology Today, ed. by A. L. Kroeber et al., Chicago. 203. "The Kernel of Comparative Slavic Literature," Harvard Slavic Studies, I, 1-71, and reprintings. 204. Results of the Conference of Anthropologists and Linguists (= Indiana University Publications in Anthropology and Linguistics, Memoir VIII), Chapter Two, 11-21. 205. "Polska literatura áredniowieczna a Czesi," Kultura, No. 6/68, Paris, 27-42 (Polish version of item 130). 206. "The Yiddish Sound Pattern and Its Slavic Environment," Yidishe Shprakh, XIII, 70-83, and Judah A. Joffe Book, Yivo Institute, New York, 1958, 207-220. 207. "B. O. Unbegaun and J. C. G. Simmons, A Bibliographical Guide to the Russian Language" (review), Slavic Word, II, 76-83 ( = Word, IX, 400-407). 208. "A. V. Arcixovskij and M. N. Tixomirov, Novgorodskie gramoty na bereste" (review), ibidem, 83-85 (— Word, IX, 407-409). 1954 209. "Comparative Slavic Studies," The Review of Politics, XVI, 67-90. 210. [with R. Poggioli] Cantare della Gesta di Igor, Testo critico annotato, Torino, 87-208. 211. "St. Constantine's Prologue to the Gospels," St. Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly, New York, Summer, 19-23. 212. "Minor Native Sources for the Early History of the Slavic Church," Harvard Slavic Studies, II, 39-74. 213. "Tetrad' knjazja Belosel'skogo," Slovo o polku Igoreve v 24
perevodax konca vosemnadcatogo veka (= Studies in Russian Epic Tradition, I), Leiden, 31-52. 1955 214. Ivan Fedorov's Primer of 1574: Facsimile edition, with commentary by R. Jakobson and appendix by W. A. Jackson, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 45 pp. and 24 plates. Preprinted from Harvard Library Bulletin, IX, 5-45. 215. Slavic Languages: A Condensed Survey (revised version of item 175), Columbia University, New York, 36 pp. 216. "Unpublished Majakovskij," Harvard Library Bulletin, IX, 285-287 and 2 plates. 217. "Aphasia as a Linguistic Problem," On Expressive Language, Clark University Press, Worcester, Massachusetts, 69-81, and Psycholinguistics, ed. by Sol Saporta, New York, 1961, 419-427. 218. "The Origin of Russia. By H. Paszkiewicz" (review), The American Historical Review, LXI, 106-108. 219. "While Reading Vasmer's Dictionary," Slavic Word, TV (= Word, XI, No. 4, 611-617). 220. "K. Taranovski: Ruski dvodelni ritmovi, I-II" (review), ibidem (= Word, XI, 644-647). 1956 221. Fundamentals of Language: I, [with M. Halle] Phonology and Phonetics; II. Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbances ( = Janua Linguarum, I), The Hague, x + 87 pp.; Part I §§4.1-4.16 "Phonemic patterning" reprinted in Psycholinguistics, ed. by Sol Saporta, New York, 1961, 346-350; excerpts from Part I, §§4.1-4.3 and Part II, "The Twofold Character of Language" reprinted in Language and Thought, ed. by D. C. Hildum, Princeton, N. J., 1967, 51-61 and 171-176; Revised edition, The Hague-Paris, 1971, 96 pp. 222. "Die Verteilung der stimmhaften und stimmlosen Gerausch25
laute im Russischen," Festschrift für Max Vasmer, Berlin, 199-220. "Novye stroki Majakovskogo: I. Tekst i primeCanija; II. Komentarij k pozdnej linke Majakovskogo," Russkij literatumyj arxiv, published under the auspices of the Harvard College Library and the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of Harvard University, I, New York, 173-206. "Serge Karcevski," Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, XIV, 9-16, and Portraits of Linguists, ed. by T. A. Sebeok, II, Indiana University Press, 1966, 533-537. "Balladic Byliny Recorded in the South-Ladoga Basin," Slavic Folklore, ed. by A. Lord ( = Journal of the American Folklore Society, No. 273), 236-238. [with J. Besharov and H. A. Wolfson] "An Old Russian Treatise on the Divine and Human Word," St. Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly, IV, No. 1-2, New York, 45-50.
1957 227. "ReC a pisemnictvi Ceskych iidfi v dobS premyslovsk6," Rok 1957, Moravian Library, New York, 35-46. 228. "IzuCenie slavjanskix jazykov i sravnitel'noe slavjanovedenie v Soedinennyx Statax Ameriki za poslevoennoe desjatiletie," Beogradski medunarodni slavisticki sastanak (15-21.IX.1955), Belgrade, 415-428. 229. Fragmenta Chilandarica. Facsimile edition prefaced by R. Jakobson ( = Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, V, A: Sticherarium, 'Preface', 7-9; B: Hirmologium), Copenhagen. 230. Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb. Russian Language Project, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, 14 pp. 231. "The Relationship between Genitive and Plural in the Declension of Russian Nouns," Scando-Slavica, III, presented to Olaf Broch, 181-186. 26
232. "Mufaxxama — the 'Emphatic' Phonemes in Arabic," Studies presented to Joshua Whatmough, The Hague, 105-115. 233. "Stixotvornye citaty v velikomoravskoj agiografii," Slavisticna Revija, X, presented to Rajko Nahtigal, Ljubljana, 111-118. 234. "StaroCeskd b&sen o prvotnim hrichu," Listy filologicke, V (LXXX), presented to Frantisek Rysanek, Prague, 204-210. 235. [with M. Halle] "Phonology in Relation to Phonetics," Manual of Phonetics, ed. by L. Kaiser, Amsterdam, 215-251 (variant of 221,1). 236. [with G. Hiittl-Worth and J. F. Beebe] Paleosiberian Peoples and Languages, A Bibliographical Guide, New Haven, 222 pp. with "A Short Sketch of the Paleosiberian Peoples and Languages" by R.J., 218-222. 237. "Notes on Gilyak," Studies Presented to Yuen Ren Chao (= Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, XXIX), 255-281. 238. "The Cardinal Dichotomy in Language," Language: An Inquiry into Its Meaning and Function, ed. by R. N. Anshen, New York, 155-173 (a variant of item 221, II).
1958 239. "Typological Studies and their Contribution to Historical Comparative Linguistics," Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Linguists, Oslo 1957, Oslo, 17-25; and separately, Cambridge, Mass., 1957. 240. "Izuöenie Slova o polku Igoreve v Soedinennyx Statax Ameriki," Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoj literatury AN SSSR, XIV, presented to V. Adrianova-Peretc, 103-121. 241. "Morfologiöeskie nabljudenija nad slavjanskim skloneniem," American Contributions to the IVth International Congress of Slavists, The Hague, 127-156 (and separately — 30 pp.), with an English summary "Morphological Inquiry into Slavic Declension," 154-156. 242. "Medieval Mock Mystery (The Old Czech Unguentarius)," 27
Studia philologica et litteraria in honorem L. Spitzer, Bern, 245-265. 243. "Powstanie poj$cia fonemu w lingwistyce polskiej i Swiatowej," PAN, Sprawozdania z Prac Naukowych Wydzialu Nauk Spolecznych, I, No. 6, Warsaw, 48-53. 244. "Autobiographische Notizen von N. S. Trubetzkoy," N. S. Trubetzkoy, Grundzüge der Phonologie, Göttingen, and 1962, 273-288 (German version of item 177). 1959 245. "On Linguistic Aspects of Translation," On Translation, Harvard University Press, and New York, Oxford University Press, 1966, 232-239. 246. [with M. Halle] "Supplementary Note" to E. Petrovici, "La distinction entre trois sortes de n et / — non di6s6s, diösäs et palatals — en roumain et en slave," International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, I/II, 192-194. 247. "Marginalia to Vasmer's Russian Etymological Dictionary (R-JA)," ibidem, 265-278. 248. "A.R. Luria and F. JA. Judoviö: Red' i razvitie psixiceskix processor u rebenka" (review), ibidem, 279-280. 249. "R. L. Osvalt: Russian Loan Words in Southwestern Pomo" (review), ibidem, 286. 250. "R. I. Avanesov, Fonetika sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo jazyka" (review), ibidem, 286-289. 251. "I. P. Eremin and D. S. Lixaöev, Xudozestvennaja proza Kievskoj Rusi" (review), ibidem, 304-305. 252. "Za i protiv Viktora Sklovskogo," ibidem, 305-310. 253. "Boris Viktoroviö Tomasevskij," ibidem, 313-316. 254. "Gyula Laziczius," ibidem, 348. 255. "Linguistic Glosses to Goldstein's 'Wortbegriff'," Journal of Individual Psychology, XV, dedicated to Kurt Goldstein, 6265. 256. "Boas' View of Grammatical Meaning," The Anthropology of Franz Boas. Essays on the Centennial of His Birth (= Amer28
icon Anthropologist, LXI, 5, part 2; Memoir 89), 139-145. Trois conférences données à Bucarest les 3 et 6 oct. 1958. Bucarest, Institut de linguistique de l'Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine, 93 mimeogr. pages: Les problèmes les plus actuels de l'étude des sons du langage; Discussions sur la linguistique mathématique; Sur les méthodes d'analyse de la langue. 258. Description and Analysis of Contemporary Standard Russian, I, II, and III. Ed. by R. Jakobson and C. H. van Schooneveld, The Hague, 1959-61 ; "Introductory Note" by R. Jakobson and C. H. van Schooneveld, I, 5-8.
1960 259. "Linguistics and Poetics," Style in Language, ed. by T. Sebeok, New York, 350-377, and Essays on the Language of Literature, ed. by S. Chatman, and S. R. Levin, Boston, 1967, 296-322. 260. "Poetyka w éwietle jçzykoznawstwa", Pamiçtnik Literacki, LI, 431-473. 261. "Stroka Maxi o zove gorlicy," International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, III, 87-108. 262. "Z zagadnien struktury czeskiego poematu romantycznego," Pamiçtnik Literacki, LI, 389-409 (Polish variant of item 261). 263. "Velikaja Moravija ili Velikaja nad Moravoj," Ezikovedskoetnografski izsledvanija v pamet na akad. St. Romanski, Sofia, 483-486. 264. "Why 'Mama' and 'Papa'," Perspectives in Psychological Theory, Essays in Honor of Heinz Werner, New York, 124134. 265. "Nepovsimnuté filiace": I. Kunhutina skladba a modlitby MiliSovy; II. Slovanské duchovni dëjiny v pojeti Jana Amose Komenského, Scando-Slavica, VI, 26-34. 266. "Metajçzyk w krçgu zagadnien lingwistychnych," Sprawozdania Poznanskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciôl Nauk, LIII, 157-158. 29
267. "The Gender Pattern of Russian," Omagiu lui Al. Graur (= Studii §i Cercetäri Lingvistice, XI), 541-543. 268. "Kazaáska szkcria polskiej lingwistyki ijej miejsce w áwiatowym rozwoju fonologii," Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Jqzykoznawczego, XIX, 3-34. 269. [with M. Halle] Grundlagen der Sprache, ed. and transi, by G. F. Meier, Berlin, viii + 74 pp. ( = Schriften zur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, I) (German translation of item 221). 270. "Wkîad jçzykoznawstwa do krytycznej analizy tekstu Slowa o wyprawie Igora," Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagielloñskiego, Prace Jçzykoznawcze, No. 3, 301-302. 1961 271. Structure of Language and its Mathematical Aspects, ed. by R. Jakobson ( = Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, XII, American Mathematical Society), vi + 279 pp. ; Introduction by R. Jakobson, pp. v-vi. 272. "Linguistics and Communication Theory," ibidem, 245-252. 273. "The Slavic Response to Byzantine Poetry," XIIme Congrès International des Etudes Byzantines, Ochride, 1961, preprint, Belgrade-Ochride, and definitive, corrected edition, Belgrade, 1963, 249-265. 274. Tönnies Fenne's Low German Manual of Spoken RussianPskov 1607, Vol. I, ed. by L. L. Hammerich, R. Jakobson, E. van Schooneveld, T. Starck, and Ad. Stender-Petersen, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences; "Foreword" by R. Jakobson and E. van Schooneveld, 5-31. 275. "Struktura na poslednoto Botevo stihotvorenie," Ezik i literatura, XVI, Sofia, 1-14. 276. "Poèzija grammatiki i grammatika poèzii," Poetics, Poetyka, Poètika, Warsaw, 397-417. 1962 277. Studies in Russian Philology. I. K lingvistifieskomu analizu 30
280. 281.
285. 286.
russkoj rifmy; II. O morfologiöeskom sostave drevnerusskix ot£estv(= Michigan Slavic Materials, ed. by L. Matejka, I, Ann Arbor), 26 pp. "Deux aspects du langage et deux types d'aphasies," Les Temps Modernes, XVII, No. 188, 853-880 (French translation of item 221,11). [with C. G. Fant and M. Halle] "Vvedenie v analiz reöi," Novoe v lingvistike, II, Moscow, 173-230 (Russian translation of item 195). [with M. Halle] "Fonologija i ee otnoSenie k fonetike," ibidem, 231-278 (Russian translation of item 221,1) [with E. Cherry and M. Halle] "K voprosu o logiöeskom opisanii jazykov v ix fonologi£eskom aspekte," ibidem, 279298 (Russian translation of item 201). "Russkij istoònik öesskoj komedii: Bratfi Capkové, Ze iivota hmyzû," Studii in onore di Ettore Lo Gatto e Giovanni Maver, Rome, 331-335. "Diskussionsbeitrag," Zeichen und System der Sprache, II, (= Schriften zur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, IV, Akademie Verlag, Berlin), 50-56. [with C. Lévi-Strauss] '"Les Chats'de Charles Baudelaire," L'Homme, II, 5-21 ; Il Corpo, I, 1965, 43-59; and Interpretationen französischer Gedichte, Darmstadt, 1970, 212-232. "O sootnosenii mezdu pesennoj i razgovornoj narodnoj reö'ju," Voprosy jazykoznanija, XI, No. 3, 87-90. "On the Rumanian Neuter," Mélanges linguistiques offerts à Emil Petrovici (= Cercetäri de Lingvisticä, III, Supliment, 1958/1962), 237-238. [with A. Sommerfelt] "On the Role of Word Pitch in Norwegian Verse," Studia gratulatoria dedicated to A. W. de Groot (= Lingua, XI), 205-216. Selected Writings, I: Phonological Studies, The Hague, x + 678 pp. ; includes Preface, reprinting of items 17 (English translation), 18, 24, 43, 44, 42, 178, 39 (English translation), 60 & 61 (English translation), 179, 107, 108, 109 (English translation), 128, 135, 180, 142, 206 (Russian version), 215 31
291. 292. 293.
295. 296. 297.
298. 299.
(phonological part), 184,182, 198,201,221 (I), 222,232, 239, 250, 264, 388, 319, 308, 16; 12 & 19 (English extracts); elsewhere unpublished "Zur Struktur des Phonems," pp. 280310; "Retrospect," 631-658; Indexes 659-678. [with B. Casacu] "Analyse du poème Revedere de Mihai Eminescu," Cahiers de linguistique théorique et appliquée, I, Bucharest, 47-54. "MorfologiCeskie nabljudenija nad slavjanskim skloneniem" (Tezisy; zakljuCitel'noe slovo), IV Mezdunarodnyj s"ezd slavistov, II, Moscow, 31-33, 47-48. (Appendix to item 241). "Fonetika i fonologija slavjanskix jazykov," ibidem, 308310. "Parts and Wholes in Language," Parts and Wholes, ed. by D. Lerner, New York-London, 157-162. Discussions, Actes du Colloque international de civilisations, littératures et langues romanes, 1959, Bucharest, 201-202: Atlas linguistiques, 236-238 : Phonologie. "O xudoiestvennom realizme," Readings in Russian Poetics (= Michigan Slavic Materials, ed. by L. Matejka, II, Ann Arbor), 29-36 (Russian original of the Czech and Ukrainian versions: items 4 and 14). "Anthony's Contribution to Linguistic Theory," Ruth H. Weir, Language in the Crib, The Hague, 18-20. "Struktura dveju srbohrvatskih pesama," Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku, IV-V, Novi Sad, 131-139. "Circular Number One," May, 1960, Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of Phonetic Sciences held at the University of Helsinki 4-9 September 1961, The Hague, pp. V-VI. "Concluding Remarks," ibidem, pp. XXV-XXIX. "The Phonemic Concept of Distinctive Features," ibidem, 440-455. 1963
300. "Implications of Language Universals for Linguistics," Universals of Language, Cambridge, Mass., 208-219, and 1966. 32
301. "Boris Mixajloviô Èjxenbaum," International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, VI, 160-167. 302. "On the so-called vowel alliteration in Germanic verse," Zeitschrift fur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, XVI: O. von Essen gewidmet, 85-94. With "A note on the dissimilation of vowels in Icelandic alliteration" by Sigrid Valfells. 303. Essais de linguistique générale, éd., transi., and introd. by N. Ruwet, Paris, 260 pp., and pocket edition, 1970, 258 pp. (includes French translation of items 204, 221, 239, 245, 272, 319, 183, 230, 256, and 259). 304. "Toward a linguistic typology of aphasie impairments," The CIBA Foundation, Disorders of Language, Abstracts of Papers, London, 5-6 (abstract of item 318). 305. "Tipologiôeskie issledovanija i ix vklad v sravnitel'no-istoriCeskoe jazykoznanie," Novoe v lingvistike, III, Moscow, 95105 (Russian translation of item 239). 306. "St. Constantine's Prologue to the Gospels," St. Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly, VII, No. 1,14-19 (revised version of item 211). 307. "Tainaja sluFba Konstantina Filosofa i dal'nejSee razvitie staroslavjanskoj poèzii," Mélanges G. Ostrogorski, I ( = Zbornik radova VizantoloSkog instituta, VIII, Belgrade), 153166.
308. "Izbytoônye bukvy russkogo alfavita i smeinye orfografiôeskie voprosy," Zbornik u cast Stepana Ivsiéa, Zagreb, 143152. 309. " 'PrszeszloSé' Cypriana Norwida," Pamiqtnik literacki, LIV, 449-456. 310. "Kto2 jsû boii bojovnici," International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, VII, 108-117, and Estetika, IV, 1968, 161-169. 311. "Opyt fonologiCeskogo podxoda k istoriCeskim voprosam slavjanskoj akcentologii," American Contributions to the V International Congress of Slavists, The Hague, 153-176. English Summary: "A Phonemic Approach to the Structure 33
313. 314. 315.
and Evolution of the Common Slavic Prosodic Pattern," 176178. "Efforts toward a Means-End Model of Language in Interwar Continental Linguistics," Trends in Modern Linguistics, II, Utrecht, 104-108, and A Prague School Reader in Linguistics, compiled by J. Vachek, Indiana University Press, 1964, 481-485. [with D. Worth] Sofonija's Tale of the Russian-Tatar Battle on the Kulikovo Field, The Hague, 71 pp + 49 tables. "Analiza gramatyczna poezji slowianskiej," Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, LX, 429-432. "O lingwistycznej analizie rymu," Prace Filologiczne, XVIII: Witoldowi Doroszewskiemu, part 1, 47-52 (Polish version of item 277,1). "Patronimika w Slowie o polku Igoriewie," Studia linguistica in honorem Taddei Lehr-Splawinski, Cracow (Polish version of item 277, II). [with C. G. M. Fant and M. Halle] Preliminaries to Speech Analysis, expanded edition of item 195, with inclusion of item 319, M.I.T. Press, 64 pp. 1964
318. "Towards a Linguistic Typology of Aphasic Impairments," CIBA Foundation Symposium on Disorders of Language, London, 21-46. 319. [with M. Halle] "Tenseness and Laxness," In Honour of Daniel Jones, London, 96-101. 320. "The Prosodic Questions of Slavic Historical Phonology Restated," M.I.T., R.L.E. Quarterly Progress Report, No. 72, 216-218.
321. "Postscript," Two Essays on Poetic Language by O. M. Brik (= Michigan Slavic Studies, V, Ann Arbor), 77-81. 322. "Results of the Congress," Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass., 1962, The Hague, 1135-1142. 34
323. "A IX. Nemzetközi Nyelvészkongresszus záróeloadása," Különlenyomat a Nyelvtudományi Kozlemények, 1-8 (Hungarian translation of item 322). 324. "Nachruf auf N. S. Trubetzkoy," Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch, XI, 22. 325. "On Visual and Auditory Signs," Phonetica, XI: E. Zwirner gewidmet, 216-220. 326. [with M. Halle] "The Term Canaan in Medieval Hebrew," For Max Weinreich on His Seventieth Birthday, The Hague, 147-172. 327. "Lingvisticä $i poeticä," Probleme de Stilisticá, Bucharest, 83-125 (Rumanian translation of item 259). 328. [with M. Halle] Podstawy jgzyka, ed. and transí, by L. Zawadowski, Wroclaw, 140 pp. (Polish translation of item 221 with passages from 317). 329. "Language in Operation," Melanges Alexandre Koyré, I: Vaventure de Vesprit, Paris, 269-281. 330. [with E. C. Cherry and M. Halle] "K logickému popisu jazykü v jejich fonologickém aspektu," Theorie informace a jazykovéda, ed. by L. Doleiel, Prague, 100-113 (Czech translation of item 201). 331. "The Grammatical Structure of Janko KráF's Verses," Sbornik filozofickej fakulty University Komenského, XVI, in memory of Andrej Mráz, 29-40. 1965 332. "O latinizacii meídunarodnyx telegramm na russkom jazyke," Voprosy Jazykoznanija, XIV, 111-113. 333. "List badacza polskiego," Kultura i Spoleczeñstwo, IX, 1321, and Literatura Komparatystyka Folklor, dedicated to J. Krzyzanowski, Warsaw, 1968, 664-675. 334. "Der grammatische Bau des Gedichts von B. Brecht 'Wir sind sie'," Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, Volkskunde und Literaturforschung, W. Steinitz dargebracht, Berlin, 175-189, and Alternative, No. 12, 1969, 62-74. 35
335. "Information and Redundancy in the Common Slavic Prosodie Pattern," Symbolae Linguisticae in honorem Georgii Kurylowicz, Cracow, 146-151. 336. "Znaöenie lingvistiöeskix universalij dlja jazykoznanija," Istorija jazykoznanija XIX-XX vekov v ocerkax i izvlecenijax, ed. by V. A. Zvegincev, II, Moscow, 383-395 (Russian translation of item 300). 337. "Vystuplenie na 1-m meidunarodnom simpoziume 'Znak i sistema jazyka'," ibidem, 395-402 (Russian translation of item 283). 338. "Lingvistika i teorija svjazi," ibidem, 402-435 (Russian translation of item 272). 339. "Razrabotka celevoj modeli jazyka v evropejskoj lingvistike v period meZdu dvumja vojnami," Novoe v lingvistike, IV, Moscow, 372-377 (Russian translation of item 312). 340. "Itogi devjatogo kongressa lingvistov," ibidem, 577-588 (Russian translation of item 322). 341. "Usöekotal" skaöa," Lingua viget: Commentationes Slavicae in honorem V. Kiparsky, Helsinki, 83-89. 342. "O budowie ukrainskiego rozkainika," Studia z filologii Polskiej i Slowianskiej, V: Zdzislawowi Stieberowi, 213-218. 343. "Szczupak po polsku," Prace Polonistyczne, XX: Stefanii Skwarczynskiej, 132-141. 344. "Methodius' Canon to Demetrius of Thessalonica and the Old Church Slavonic Hirmoi," Sbomik praci filosofické fakulty Brnënské university, F9: J. Rackovi, 115-121. 345. "Poesie der Grammatik und Grammatik der Poesie," Mathematik und Dichtung, ed. by H. Kreuzer, Munich, 21-32, and Alternative, No. 12, 1969, 53-61 (reworked German version of item 276). 346. "Vers une science de l'art poétique," Théorie de la littérature: textes des formalistes russes, ed. by Tzvetan Todorov, Paris, 9-13, and Les lettresfrançaises, No. 1118, Feb, 10-16, 1966, 3. 347. "Du réalisme artistique," ibidem, 98-108 (French translation of item 294). 348. [with JU. Tynjanov] "Les problèmes des études littéraires et 36
350. 351.
353. 354.
linguistiques," ibidem, 138-140 (French translation of item 20). [with G. Fant and M. Halle] Onsei Bunseki Joseisu, Tokyo, 118 pp. (Japanese translation of item 317 by Shigeru Takemura and Osamu Fujimura). "Notes préliminaires sur les voies de la poésie russe," La poésie russe, ed. by Eisa Triolet, Paris, 2-28. "An Example of Migratory Terms and Institutional Models (On the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Moscow Linguistic Circle)," Omagiu lui Alexandru Rosetti, Bucharest, 427-431. À la recherche de l'essence du langage," Diogène, No. 51, and Problèmes du langage, Paris, 1966, 22-38 (French version of item 355). "En busca de la essencia del lenguaje," Diogenes, Buenos Aires, 21-35 (Spanish translation of item 355). [with C. Lévi-Strauss] "Sari Bodler: 'Maôke'," Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku, Novi Sad (Serbian translation of item 284). 1966
355. 356. 357. 358.
"Quest for the Essence of Language," Diogenes, No. 51, Montreal, 21-37. "Igor' Tale Reconstruction," appendix to T. Ciïevska, Glossary of the Igor ' Tale, The Hague, 390-403. "The Byzantine Mission to the Slavs," Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XIX, 257-265. "The Grammatical Texture of a Sonnet from Sir Phillip Sidney's 'Arcadia'," Studies in Language and Literature in Honour of M. Schlauch, Warsaw, 165-174. Selected Writings, IV: Slavic Epic Studies, The Hague, Paris, xii + 751 pp.; includes reprinting of items 23, 36, 22, 59, 63, 44, 132, 159, 160, 163-168, 181, 191, 93, 197, 192, 213, 225, 228, 270 (Russian version), 277 (II), 285, 313, 341, and unpublished papers "Za §olomjanem/Za Solomonom," pp. 534539; "Vlijanie narodnoj slovesnosti na Trediakovskogo," 37
362. 363. 364. 365. 366.
367. 368. 369. 370.
372. 38
pp. 613-633. Preface vii-viii; Retrospect 637-704; Indexes 707-737; Postscript 738-751). [with JU. Tynjanov] "Problems of Literary and Linguistic Studies," New Left Review, XXXVII, 59-61 (English translation of item 20). "The Role of Phonic Elements in Speech Perception," XVIII International Congress of Psychology, Symposium 23 : Models of Speech Perception (preprint: Salk Institute for Biological Studies, San Diego, Calif.), 12 pp.; reprinted with Russian abstract in Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, XXI, 1968, 9-20. "Aspetti linguistici della traduzione," Il Verri, XIX, 98-106 (Italian translation of item 245). "Devuska pela," Orbis scriptus D. Tschizewskij zum 70. Geburtstag, Munich, 385-401. "Henry Sweet's Paths Toward Phonemics," In Memory of J. R. Firth, London, 242-254. "Grammatical Parallelism and Its Russian Facet," Language, XLII, presented to Yuen Ren Chao, 399-429. "Linguistic Types of Aphasia," Brain Function, III: Speech, Language, and Communication ( = Forum in Medical Sciences, No. 4, Berkeley and Los Angeles), 67-91. [with P. Colaclides] "Grammatical Imagery in Cavafy's Poem 'Remember, Body'," Linguistics, XX, 51-59. "K védé basnického uméni," Flamen, No. 8, Prague, 95-96 (Czech translation of item 346). "Glossolalie," Tel Quel, No. 26, 3-9 (French translation of a part of item 359: "Retrospect"). "L'architettura grammaticale della poesia Brechtiana 'Wir sind sie'," Paragone, NS XVIII, No. 198, Milano, 3-22 (Italian translation of the corrected text of item 334). Saggi di linguistica generale, ed. and introd, by Luigi Heilmann, Milan, xxxvi + 219 pp. Same items as in 303. Author's Preface: 1-2. (Italian translation by L. Heilmann and Letizia Grassi.) "Razbor tobol'skix stixov Radisöeva," XVIII vek, VII : RoV i
376. 377.
znacenie literatury XVIII veka v istorii russkoj kuVtury, presented to P. S. Berkov, Leningrad, 228-236. Lingvistika ipoetika, ed. and introd. by Milka Ivió, Belgrade, 327 pp. (Serbian translation of items 188, 159, 89, 276, 284, 307, 296, 63, 312, 355, 272, 318, 221 (I), 239, 215 (phonological part), 259). "Relationship between Russian Stem Suffixes and Verbal Aspects," Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, XII, Dedicated to Istvän Kniezsa, 203-206. [with P. Valesio] "Vocabulorum constructio in Dante's Sonnet 'Se vedi li occhi miei'," Studi Danteschi, XLIII, Florence, 7-33. "Retrospektiva," Romboid, II, Bratislava, 33-37 (Slovak abridged translation of the "Retrospect," item 288). "Co to jest poezja?" Praska szkola strukturalna w latach 1926-1948 (= U zródel wspólczesnej stylistyki, IV), ed. by R. Mayenowa, Warsaw, 112-128 (Polish translation of item 69). 1967
378. "Gramatickä struktüra versov Janka Kräla," Slovenskä literatüra, XIV, No. 1,67-78 (Slovak translation of item 331). 379. "Une microscopie du dernier Spleen dans les Fleurs du Mal," Tel Quel, No. 29, 12-24. 380. "L'importanza di Kruszewski per lo sviluppo della linguistica generale," Ricerche Slavistiche, XIV, 1-20 (expanded Italian version of item 387). 381. "About the Relation between Visual and Auditory Signs," Models for the Perception of Speech and Visual Form, ed. by W. Watten-Dun, Cambridge, Mass., 1-7. 382. "Gengo Honshitsu no Tankyu," Diogenesu, No. 1, Tokyo, 36-51 (Japanese translation of item 355). 383. "Gengo to Bunka" (Language and Culture), public lecture in Tokyo, transl. by Shigeo Kawamoto, Koboba no Uchu, II, No. 10, Tokyo, 11-20. 39
384. "Decadenza del Cinema?" Cinema e Film, a.l n. 2, 163-168 (Italian translation of item 66). 385. Fonema e Fonologia, éd., transi., and commented by J. Mattoso Camara, Jr., Rio de Janeiro, 202 pp. (Portuguese translation of items 60, 61, 288 ("Zur Struktur des Phonems"), 184, 128, 264, 239, 235, 299 (modification of the "Retrospect", item 288). 386. [with P. Bogatyrev] "II folclore come forma di creazione autonoma," Strumenti Critici, I, 223-238 (Italian translation of item 23). 387. "Znaczenie Kruszewskiego w rozwoju jçzykoznawstwa ogolnego," M. Kruszewski, Wybôr Pism, Wroclaw, X-XXV. 388. "Die urslavischen Silben ur-, ul-," Zeitschrift Jur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft tmd Kommunikationsforschung, XX, 239241. 389. [with JU. Tynjanov] "Probleme ale Iiteraturii $i lingvisticii," Secolul 20, V, Bucharest, 120-121 (Rumanian translation of item 20). 390. [with C. Lévi-Strauss] "O analizà: Pisicile de Charles Baudelaire," ibidem, 130-139 (translation of item 284). 391. Fundamentos del lenguaje, transi, by Carlos Piera, Madrid, 110 pp. (Spanish translation of item 221). 1968 392. "Vivre et parler" — Un débat entre François Jacob, Roman Jakobson, Claude Lévi-Strauss, et Philippe L'Héritier, Les lettres françaises, Feb., No. 1221, 3-7, No. 1222, 4-5. 393. [with J. Lotz] Két tanulmâny, Budapest, 20 pp. (Hungarian translation of items 194 and 182). 394. [with C. Lévi-Strauss] "Charles Baudelaire A macskàk c. verse," Helikon, I, Budapest, 61-76 (Hungarian translation of item 284). 395. "Ossip Brik," Les lettres françaises, No. 1239, July 3-9, 5-6 (translation of item 321 by L. Aragon). 396. "Extrapulmonic Consonants (Ejectives, Implosives, Clicks)," Quarterly Progress Report of the Research Laboratory of 40
398. 399.
401. 402.
403. 404.
Electronics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LXC, 221-227. "Alla ricerca dell'essenza del linguaggio," I, Problemi Attuali della Linguistica (= Idee Nuove, XLVII, Milan) 29-45 (Italian translation of item 352). "Poézia gramatiky a gramatika poézie," Romboid, III, Bratislava, 55-59 (Slovak translation of item 276). [with JU. Tynjanov] "Problémy zkoumàni jazyka a literatury," Poetika rytmus veri, Prague, 11-13 (Czech translation of item 20). [with M. Halle] "Phonology in Relation to Phonetics," Manual of Phonetics, ed. by B. Malmberg, Amsterdam, 411449 (new, revised version of item 235). "Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry," Lingua, XXI, 225-232 (reworked English version of item 276). [with C. Lévi-Strauss] " 'Les Chats' von Charles Baudelaire," Alternative, No. 62/63, Berlin, 156-170 (German translation of item 284). [with Luciana Stegagno Picchio] "Les oxymores dialectiques de Fernando Pessoa," Languages, XII, Paris, 9-27. "K voprosu o gluxosti i zvonkosti russkix §£elinnyx gubnyx," Slavia Orientalis, XVII, No. 3, presented to Antonina Obrebska-Jabioóska, 321-324. "Voprosy sravnitel'noj indoevropejskoj mifologii v svete slavjanskix pokazanij," American Contributions to the Sixth International Congress of Slavists, Prague, 1968, Aug. 7-13,1, The Hague-Paris, 125-128 (brief Russian version of item 416); and VI mezinàrodni sjezd slavisti v Praze 1968, Praha 7-13 VIII 1968, Akta sjezdu, II, Prague, 1970, 630-633. "Verfall des Films?" Sprache im Technischen Zeitalter, XXIX, 185-191 (German translation of item 66), Polish translation in Res facta, II, Cracow. Child Language, Aphasia, and Phonological Universals, transl. by A. Keiler, The Hague-Paris, 101 pp. (English translation of item 142). 41
1969 408.
411. 412.
416. 417.
418. 42
"Über den Realismus in der Kunst," Alternative, No. 12, 75-81 (German translation of item 294); original text (item 294) with new German translation in Texte der russischen Formalisten, I, ed. by J. Striedter, Munich, 1969, 372-391. "Marginal Notes on the Prose of the Poet Pasternak," Pasternak, ed. by D. Davie and A. Livingstone, Glasgow, 135-151 (English translation of item 89; corrected in the second edition, London, 1971). "Grammatikai képalkotâs Kavafisz 'Emlékezz test' cimü versében'," Üj Symposium, No. 47, 26-28 (Hungarian translation of item 367). "A nyelvészet a tudomâny organizmusâban," Valôsag, XII, No. 4, 23-33 (Hungarian translation of item 415). Hang-Jel-Vers, ed. by I. Fonagy and G. Szépe, Budapest, 461 pp. (includes Hungarian translation of items 221 (I), 44, 180, 352,183, 256, 325,436,202, 292,239, 318, 259, 276, 379, 334, 23, 365, 245, 32). "Dubiety tipa sockle/scel v pokazanijax T. Fenne o jazyke Pskova na poroge XVII veka," Slawisch-deutsche Wechselbeziehungen in Sprache, Literatur und Kultur, presented to Hans H. Bielfeldt, Berlin, 69-73. "Le dessin prosodique ou le principe modulaire dans le vers régulier chinois," Change, II, Paris, 37-48 (French translation of item 437). "Linguistics in Its Relation to Other Sciences," Actes du Xe Congrès International des Linguistes, Bucarest, 28 Août-2 Septembre, 1967, I, Bucharest, 75-111. "The Slavic God Veles" and his Indo-European Cognates," Studi linguistici in onore di Vittore Pisani, Brescia, 579-599. Linguistica e comunicacâo, prefaced by Isadora Blikstein, Sao Paulo, 162 pp. (includes Portuguese translation of items 204,221,245,272,256,352 and 259 by I. Blikstein and J. Paes). "Jözef Mrozinski — Jeneral-jçzykoznawca," Kultura i spoleczenstwo, XIII, Warsaw, 93-102.
419. "Autobiographical Notes on N. S. Trubetzkoy," N. S. Trubetzkoy, Principles of Phonology, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 309-323 (translation of item 244). 420. "Deux lettres," 51 ; "Formalisme russe, structuralisme tchèque," 59-60; "Le vers tchèque (fragments)," 72-79 (excerpts from item 9); "Le tchèque et le slovaque littéraire," 100-105 (excerpts from item 116), Le Cercle de Prague ( = Change, III). 421. Le langage enfantin et Vaphasie, Paris, 189 pp. (includes French translation of items 142, 217, 264, 318, 366; Author's preface 7-10). Transi, by J. P. Boons and R. Zygouris. 422. "Ejectives, Implosives, Clicks," To Honour George Akhvlediani: Essays on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Tbilisi University, 48-54 (variant of item 396). 423. "Kompozicija i kosmologija Plaôa Jaroslavny," Trudy otdela drevnerusskoj literatury, AN SSSR, XXIV, Leningrad, 32-34. 424. "La linguistica en relación con las otras ciencias," Temas Lingüísticos de Nuestro Tiempo, introd. and transí, by O. Uribe-Villegas, Mexico, 29-72 (Spanish translation of item 415). 425. Slovesné uméni a umëlecké slovo, ed. by M. Cervinka, introd. by F. VodiSka, Prague, 472 pp. (includes items 20, 69, 352, 221 (II), 259-260, 276, 294, 66, 95, 129, 90, 310, 261, 80 (I), 331, 53, 105, 329, 284, 88, 334). 1970 426. "On the Verbal Art of William Blake and Other PoetPainters," Linguistic Inquiry, I, No. 1, 3-23. 427. [with Lawrence Jones] Shakespeare''s Verbal Art in "Th'Expence of Spirit," The Hague-Paris, 33 pp. 428. "Tempus «- rotatio -> adulterium," Mélanges Marcel Cohen, The Hague-Paris, 379-380. 429. "Language in Relation to Other Communication Systems," Linguaggi nella società e nella tecnica, Convegno promosso dalla Ing. C. Olivetti and Co., S.p.A. per il centenario della nascita di Camillo Olivetti, Milan, 3-16. 43
430. "On Realism in Art," Hasifrut II, No. 2, 269-274 (Hebrew translation of item 294). 431. "Linguistics and Poetics," ibidem, 274-285 (Hebrew translation of item 259). 432. "Poxvala Konstantina Filosofa Grigoriju Bogoslovu," Slavia, XXXIX, Prague, 334-361. 433. "Hledání podstaty jazyka," Dvanáct esejü o jazyce, Prague, 29-45 (Czech translation of item 352). 434. "O wierszu i skladni Majakowskiego," Rosyjska szkola stylistyki, ed. by R. Mayenowa, Warsaw, 335-351 (partial translation of item 9). 435. [with L. Hammerich] Tônnies Feme's Low German Manual of Spoken Russian — Pskov 1607, Vol. II, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, xxviii + 566 pp.; with preface viixxviii. 436. "Da i net v mimike," Jazyk i ëelovek, in memory of P. S. Kuznecov, ed. by V. A. Zvegincev, Moscow, 284-289. 437. "The Modular Design of Chinese Regulated Verse," Échanges et Communications. Mélanges Offerts à Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Hague-Paris, 597-605. 438. "Linguistics," Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences, I, The Hague-Paris, 419-463. 439. "La linguistique," Tendances principales de la recherche dans les sciences sociales et humaines, I, The Hague-Paris, 504556 (French version of item 438). 440. "La mise en mots," Les lettres françaises, 24-30 June, No. 1340, in memory of Eisa Triolet, 3. 441. "Subliminal Verbal Patterning in Poetry," Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics, presented to Shirô Hattori, ed. by R. Jakobson and S. Kawamoto, Tokyo, 302-308. 442. "Lettre à Haroldo de Campos sur la texture poétique de Martin Codax," Change, VI, Paris, 53-59. 443. "B poiskax susônosti jazyka," Sbornikperevodovpo voprosam informacionnoj teorii i praktiki, No. 16, Moscow, 4-15 (Russian translation of item 355). 444. [with C. Lévi-Strauss] "Charles Baudelaire's 'Les Chats'," 44
446. 447. 448. 449.
Introduction to Structuralism, ed. by M. Lane, London, 202221 (fallacious English translation of item 284). "Concluding Remarks," VI mezinârodni sjezd slavistû v Praze 1968, Praha 7-13 VIII1968, Akta sjezdu, II, Prague, 614-615. "Hudebni vëda a lingvistika," Opus Musicum, II, No. 1, Brno, 3-5 (Czech translation of item 32). "Un exemple de migration de termes et de modèles institutionnels," Tel Quel, 41, 95-103 (French version of item 351). Poesie und Sprachstruktur, Zurich, 48 pp. (includes German translation of items 69 and 105). Linguistica. Poetica. Cinema., Sao Paulo, 208 pp. (includes Portuguese translation of items 415, 276, 441, 403, 442, 334, and 384). [with C. Lévi-Strauss] "'Los Gatos' de Baudelaire," Estructuralismo y Literatura, Buenos Aires, 10-50 (Spanish translation of item 284). "RoF lingvistideskix pokazanij v sravnitel'noj mifologii," VIIe Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques, Moscou (3 août-10 août 1964), V, Moscow, 608-619. "Lettre sur le Cercle de Prague," Change, IV, 224-226. 1971
453. "Greetings to Eli Fischer-forgensen," Studies in Honor of Eli Fischer-J orgensen: Form and Substance, ed. by R. Jakobson, E. Zwirner, and L. Hammerich, Copenhagen, 9-10. 454. Studies on Child Language and Aphasia, The Hague-Paris, 132 pp. (includes English translation of item 180 and reprinting of items 264, 295, 217, 221 (II), 318, and 366). 455. "The Sound Laws of Child Language and Their Place in General Phonology," Child Language, ed. by A. Bar-Adon and W. F. Leopold, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 75-82 (English translation of item 180). 45
456. "Sulla teoria delle affinità fonologiche tra le lingue," Linguistica generale, strutturalismo, linguistica storica, ed. by T. Bolelli, Pisa, 23-37 (Italian translation of item 179). 457. "Le leggi foniche del linguaggio infantile e il loro posto nella fonologia generale," ibidem, 38-50 (Italian translation of item 180).
458. Selected Writings 1 : Phonological Studies, The Hague-Paris, x + 775 pp. Second, expanded edition of item 288. Addenda: 246, 311, 320, 335, 332, 361, 422, 404, 469, 471; Revised indexes 755-775. 459. Selected Writings, II : Word and Language, The Hague-Paris, xii + 752 pp. Reprinting of items 53, 87, 103, 237, 193 (pp. 423-428), 183, 215, 173, 230, 231, 241 + 290, 267, 286, 342 (Russian version), 374,413; 131, 136, 202, 217, 221 (II), 245, 255, 283, 292, 295, 318, 366, 325, 381, 355, 436; 226, Russian version of 418, 27, English version of 268, expanded Russian version of 380, 148, 364, combined Russian version of 32 and 35, 152, 256, 104, 134, 224, 312, 351 (expanded version), 67,32,204, 271,272, 300, 322; 125,199 + 208,189 + 200 + 219 + 247, 428; 438, Ch. I, 429; Acknowledgements and Dedications, V-X, "Retrospect" (expanded variant of 438, Ch. II). 460. "Première lettre de F. de Saussure à A. Meillet sur les anagrammes," L'Homme, XI, 15-24. 461. "Nikolaj Durnovo, Vvedenie v istoriju russkogo jazyka" (review), International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, XIV, 210f. 462. "R. Trautmann, Baltisch-Slavisches Wörterbuch" (review), ibidem, 210. 463. "Concluding Note" (to M. Shapiro's polemics with E. Stankiewicz), ibidem, 209. 464. "The Drum Lines in Majakovskij's '150000000'," California Slavic Studies, VI, presented to Gleb Struve, LondonBerkeley-Los Angeles, 39-41. 465. "On Realism in Art," Readings in Russian Poetics: Formalist and Structuralist Views, ed. by L. Matejka and K. Pomorska, 46
Ann Arbor, 38-46 (English translation of item 294). 466. [with JU. Tynjanov] "Problems in the Study of Literature and Language," ibidem, 79-81 (new English translation of item 20. Cf. item 360). 467. "The Dominant," ibidem, 82-87 (translated from the unpublished Czech text of lectures on Russian poetics delivered at Masaryk University in Brno, 1935). 468. [with P. Bogatyrev] "Folklore and Literature," ibidem, 91-93 (English translation of item 36). 469. "Krugovorot lingvistiöeskix terminov," Fonetika. Fonologija. Grammatika, presented to A. A. Reformatskij, Moscow, 384387. 470. "Unterbewusste sprachliche Gestaltung in der Dichtung," Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, I, Bonn (expanded German version of item 441), 101-112. 471. "Saussure's Unpublished Reflections on Phonemes," Cahiers F. de Saussure, XXVI (1969), presented to H. Frei, 5-14. 472. "World Response to Whitney's Principles of Linguistic Science," Whitney on Language — Selected Writings of William Dwight Whitney, ed. by M. Silverstein, M.I.T. Press, xxv-xlvii. 473. "Motor Signs for 'Yes' and 'No'," Language in Society, I (English translation of item 436). 474. Il farsi e il disfarsi del linguaggio-Linguaggio infantile e afasia, Milan, 208 pp. (includes Italian translation of items 142, 217, 255, 264, 316, and 366 by Lidia Lonzi). 475. "Sur l'art verbal de William Blake et d'autres peintrespoètes," Hypothèses, Trois entretiens et trois études sur la science du langage et la poétique, de R. Jakobson, M. Halle, N. Chomsky, collection Change, Paris (translation of item 426 by Jean Paris). 476. "La nouvelle poésie russe," Poétique II, No. 7, 285-296 (French partial translation of item 2). 477. "Qu'est-ce que la poésie?," ibidem, 297-307 (French translation of item 69). 47
478. 479. 480.
482. 483.
"Notes marginales sur la prose du poète Pasternak," ibidem, 308-321 (translation of item 409). "Structures linguistiques subliminales en poésie," ibidem, 322-331 (translation of item 441). [with C. Lévi-Strauss] "'Les Chats' av Charles Baudelaire," Form och Struktur. Texter till en metodologisk tradition inom litteraturvetenskapen, ed. by K. Aspelin and B. Lundberg, Stockholm (Swedish translation of item 284). "Language and Culture," Sciences of Language, ed. by S. Hattorf and R. Jakobson, II, Tokyo (English version of item 383). "Musicologie et linguistique," Musique en jeu, No. 5, Paris (French translation of item 32). [with P. Bogatyrev] "Fol'klor kak osobaja forma tvoröestva," P. Bogatyrev, Voprosy teorii narodnogo iskusstva, Moscow, 369-383 (Russian translation of item 23). "Notizie autobiografiche di N. S. Trubeckoj," N. Trubetzkoy, Fondamenti di fonología, Torino, XVII-XXXVII (Italian translation of item 177). TO APPEAR
N. S. Trubetzkoy's Letters and Notes from R. Jakobson1s Archive, ed. by R. Jakobson and O. Ronen, The Hague-Paris. Form und Sinn (Sprachwissenschaftliche Betrachtungen), Munich (German texts of items 283, 355, 123, 230, 53, 256, 103, 241 (summary), 286, 136, 253, 183, 245, 429). Premessa di storia letteraria slava, Milan; Italian translation of items 203, 209, 306, 158, 357, 102, 90, 242, 130, 343, 265 (II), 226, 359 ("Retrospect," Ch. 3), 159. Ensayos de lingüística general, transi, into Spanish by G. Ferrater and J. M. Pujol, Madrid. [with Bayara Aroutunova] "An Unknown Album Page by Nikolaj Gogol'," Harvard Library Bulletin, XX. 48
"Staroslovënskâ kantiléna v dëdictvi Ceském," In Memory of Giovanni Maver, Rome. "Ob odnosloïnyx slovax v russkom stixe," Studies in Slavic Poetics, presented to K. Taranovski, The Hague-Paris. "Slavoslovie Siluana Simeonu," Xenia Slavica: Papers Presented to Gojko Ruziöic, ed. by R. Lenöek and B. Unbegaun, The HagueParis. "Tentative Inferences Made from Debates on Tradition in the Science of Language," Studies in the History of Linguistics, ed. by D. Hymes, Research Center for the Language Sciences, Indiana University. The Statue in PuSkin's Poetic Mythology, The Hague-Paris (English translation of item 105 by John Burbank). The Paths from Infancy to Language, Clark University Press. La puissance créatrice du langage, collection Les Sentiers de la création, Geneva. "Composition et structure de mots chez Joachim du Bellay," Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. "Oldest Slavic Canons and Their Hirmi," Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae. Selected Writings, III: Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry. Selected Writings, V: Early Slavic Ways and Crossroads, ed. by F. Svejkovsky. "Gimn v Slove o zakone i blagodati," Russia and Orthodoxy, presented to G. Florovsky. [with C. Lévi-Strauss] "Charles Baudelaire's 'Les Chats'," Structuralism from Marx to Lévi-Strauss, ed. by R. De George. Objectifs et contexte de la linguistique actuelle, Paris. Texte der russischen Formalisten, II, ed. by J. Striedter, Munich (includes the original text and a German translation of items 2 and 20). 49
MISCELLANEA (Newspaper articles, Letters, Forewords, Interviews, and Poems)
1. Letter to V. Xlebnikov (Feb. 1914) about new experiments in poetry, Majakovskij — Materialy i issledovanija, Akademija Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1940, 385-386. 2. [pseudonym Aljagrov] Two poems (1914) in Zaumnajagniga, ed. by A. KruSenyx and illustrated by O. Rozanova, Moscow, 1916. 3. [pseudonym Aljagrov] Poem (1914), Zaumniki, ed. by A. Kruóenyx, Moscow, 1921, 16. 4. Translation of Majakovskij's poem, "NiSego ne ponimajut," into Old Church Slavonic (1918), Tridcat' dnej, Moscow, 1940, No. 9-10, 104. 5. "Futurizm," Iskusstvo, Moscow, Aug. 2, 1919. 6. "Futurizm, kak éstetiéeskaja i nauSnaja sistema," íizri isskustva, No. 226, Petrograd, Aug. 27, 1919. 7. [pseudonym Aljagrov] "ZadaCi xudoiestvennoj propagandy," Iskusstvo, No. 8, Moscow, Sept. 5, 1919. 8. "Stixi v Cukokkale" (1919) in K. I. Cukovskij, 'Cto vspomnilos'," Prometej, I, Moscow, 1966, 239. 9. "Prof. Sachmatov," Cas, Prague, Aug. 31, 1920. 10. "V. Chlebnikov: Z poematu 'Sestry blyskavice"' (Czech translation by R. Jakobson), Den, Prague, Dec. 27, 1920. 11. Letter to V. Majakovskij, Feb. 8,1921, Poéticeskaj a kuVtura Majakovskogo, by N. Xardiiev and V. Trenin, Moscow, 1970, 148. 12. "Dada," Vestnik teatra, No. 82, Moscow, Feb. 8, 1921. 13. "Prof. V. N. Sdepkin," Cas, No. 45, Prague, 1921. 14. "Konec básnického umprumáctví a áivnostnictví," Pásmo, Brno, May 1925. 15. "Stanislav Neumann: Vesennie ritmy" (translation from Czech by R. Jakobson), Nové Rusko, I, Prague, 1925, No. 5-6, 164. 16. "Ein neuer Beitrag zur slavischen Verslehre: Die altslawischen 53
77. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 54
Verstexte von Kiew und Freising, by E. Sievers" (review), Prager Presse, July 5, 1925. "K diskusi o Ceské prosodii," Närodni osvobozeni, Prague, Aug. 8, 1926. "Nikolaj Durnovo," Prager Presse, Sept. 5, 1926. "Vladimir Majakovskij," Närodni osvobozeni, Prague, Apr. 26, 1927. "Wandlungen in der Sprachwissenschaft. Vom I. Internationalen Linguistenkongress in Haag," Prager Presse, Apr. 25, 1928. "Dem Gedächtniss Jan Wiktor Porzezinskis," Prager Presse, Apr. 17, 1929. "Romantické vseslovanstvi — novä slavistika," Cin, Prague, Oct. 31, 1929. "Vladislav Vanfiura: Markéta Lazarovä" (review), Literämi noviny, Prague, No. 9, May 1931. "Der Genfer Linguistenkongress," Prager Presse, Sept. 13, 1931. "Prof. Friedrich Slotty," Prager Presse, Sept. 18, 1931. "Tolstoj über Masaryk," Prager Presse, Sept. 28, 1931. "Tolstoj o Masarykovi," Literärni noviny, No. 18, Sept. 1931. "Neue Arbeiten N. van Wijks über das Altkirchenslavische" (review), Prager Presse, Apr. 14, 1932. "Die Lautwissenschaften," Prager Presse, July 24, 1932. "Prof. Vilém Mathesius," Prager Presse, Aug. 3, 1932. "Die entschwindende Welt. Ein Film der sterbenden Folklore" (review), Prager Presse, Sept. 11, 1932. "Musikwissenschaft und Linguistik," Prager Presse, Dee. 7, 1932. "Ukäzky z chystané monografie o slägrech V & W," Tucet melodii z Osvobozeného divadla, Prague, 1932. "Aleksandr Matvejeviö Peäkovskij," Prager Presse, Apr. 11, 1933. "Aus der deutschen Russistik," Prager Presse, July 21, 1933. "Die Slavistik auf dem Linguistenkongress in Rom," Prager Presse, Oct. 13, 1933.
37. "Cesko-rusk6 styky v minulosti," Lidove noviny, Brno, May 26, 1935. 38. "Spoleönä reö kultury," ZemS SovM, Prague, July 1935,109111, and Prager Presse. 39. [with P. Bogatyrev] "Aufzeichnungen über Tolstoj. Aus unveröffentlichen Papieren von Albert Skarvan," Prager Presse, Nov. 17, 1935. 40. [with P. Bogatyrev] "Unbekanntes über und von Tolstoj," Prager Presse, Nov. 20, 1935. 41. [with P. Bogatyrev] "Tolstojs Wildheit und Sanftmut," Prager Presse, Nov. 24, 1935. 42. [signed Rn.] "Nikolaj Jakovleviö Man-," Slavische Rundschau, VII, 1935, 135-136. 43. "Ein Grundwerk zur tschechoslovakischen Sprachgeschichte" (review), Prager Presse, Jan. 5, 1936. 44. "Aktuelle Aufgaben der Bylinenforschung," Prager Presse, Apr. 26, 1936. 45. "Der IV. Internationale Linguistenkongress," Prager Presse, Sept. 12, 1936. 46. "Kolybel'nyje" [translation from Czech into Russian], Vaclav Kapräl, Uspdvanky, Brno-Prague, 1936. 47. "Policejni konfidentka opSvovand Puskinem a Mickiewiczem," Lidove noviny, Brno, Jan. 3, 1937. 48. "Puskin v realistick6m svStle," Program D 37, VI, Jan. 23, 1937, 133-136. 49. "Nespoutany Puskin," Lidove noviny, Feb. 14, 1937. 50. "Nikolaj Konstantinovifi Nikolskij," Lidove noviny, Mar. 24, 1937. 51. "VSda a noviny v pojeti MägrovS," Lidove noviny, Apr. 6, 1937. 52. "Holger Pedersen sedmdesätnikem," Lidove noviny, Apr. 7, 1937. 53. "Dopis Jirimu Voskovcovi a Janu Werichovi o noetice a semantice svandy," 10 let Osvobozeneho divadla, Prague, 1937. 54. "Frank Wollmans Ideen zur slavischen Literaturgeschichte," Prager Presse, Apr. 29, 1937. 55
55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67.
68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
"Ljubomir Miletiö zemfel," Lidove noviny, June 3, 1937. "Olaf Broch — 70 Jahre," Prager Presse, Aug. 4, 1937. "Neznämi Bulharsko," Lidove noviny, Sept. 5, 1937. "Rusko-öesky slovnik" (review), Lidovi noviny, Sept. 12,1937. "Z nejstarsich dSjin polsk£ho a öesk^ho bäsnictvi," Lidove noviny, Oct. 7, 1937. "K dgjinäm cyrilometodSjstvi," Lidove noviny, Oct. 19, 1937. [pseudonym O. Jamal] "Je zemS blizko pölu," Lidove noviny, Nov. 7, 1937. "Pfehlddnutä pamätka velkomoravskä," Lidove noviny, Dec. 23, 1937. "Svaty Alexius v slovanskych literaturäch," Lidove noviny, Dec. 24, 1937. "Ruski vypravy do budoucna," Lidove noviny, Jan. 1, 1938. "Srdce öeskoslovenskdho trölistu," Lidove noviny, May 7, 1938. "PrispSvek k diskusi," Ctvrtletnik skupiny Blok, I, Brno, 1938, 86-87. [with B. Havränek and F. Trävniiek] Sboru pro vyzkum Slovenska a Podkarpat. Rusi pfi Slovanskem üstavS (Vyvoj souöasneho spisovneho jazyka na Podkarpatske Rusi), Prague, 1938, 4 pp. "Podvrienä milenka bäsnikova," Lidove noviny, Mar. 13, 1938. "Nikolaj Trubeckoj zemfel," Lidove noviny, June 29, 1938. "Mezinärodni sjezd pro fonetiku," Lidove noviny, July 29, 1938. "Professor Frantiäek Trävniöek 50 Jahre," Prager Presse, Aug. 17, 1938. "Vasilij Zlatovlasy, kräleviö iesk6 zem5," Lidove noviny, Aug. 28, 1938. "Fr. Spina jako vSdec," Lidove noviny, Sept. 20, 1938. "Cesta sv. Doroty na Rus," Lidove noviny, Feb. 5, 1939. Letter to E. Emsheimer about the etymology of Gilyak names for the Jew's-Harp, Ethnos, Nos. 3-4, Stockholm, 1941, 119 (note 52).
76. "The City of Learning: The Flourishing Period of the Jewish Culture in Medieval Prague," American Hebrew, Dec. 5, 1941. 77. "Cesk? pfedek Puskinüv," Obzor, II, London, Feb. 1942. 78. "Oldrich Hujer," New-Yorske listy, June 28, 1942. 79. "Sv6dsky prispivek k dSjinäm staroöeskö kultury (Astrid Baecklund, Das Stockholmer Abecedarium)" (review), NewYorski listy, Oct. 7, 1942. 80. "Fr. Boas, hrdina präce," New-Yorske listy, Dec. 27, 1942. 81. "Russian Books," Rare Books (Published for the Friends and Clients of H. P. Kraus), II, No. 4, New York, 1943, 1-6. 82. Letter to E. Emsheimer about the Gilyak name for the Shaman Drum, Ethnos, Nos. 3-4, Stockholm, 1944, 145. 83. "Two Words on Bywords," The Russians Say It This Way (compiled and edited by D. Gurvitch and A. Herenroth), New York, 1945, 5-6. 84. "Foreword," Taschenwörterbuch der russischen und deutschen Sprache, International University Press, New York, 1945, III-IV. 85. "Foreword," Taschenwörterbuch der spanischen und deutschen Sprache, International University Press, New York, 1945, VII-VIII. 86. Letter to J. Hadamard about internal speech. J. Hadamard, The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field, Princeton, 1945, 96-97. 87. "Study of Armenian History Held Vital," The Armenian Mirror-Spectator, Aug. 21, 1948. 88. "Preface," U. Weinreich, College Yiddish, Yiddish Scientific Institute, New York, 1949, 7-8. 89. "A Handbook of Slavic Studies" (review), Saturday Review of Literature, New York, June 11, 1949, 18, 40. 90. Letter to Gladys A. Reichard about Language and Synesthesia, Word, V, 1949, 226, 230-231. 91. Letter on connections between Czech and Russian poetic avant-garde. A. M. Ripellino, Storia della poesia ceca contemporanea, Rome, 1950, 26. 57
92. "Foreword," W. E. Harkins, The Russian Folk Epos in Czech Literature, New York, 1951, V-VI. 93. "Preface," K. H. Menges, The Oriental Elements in the Vocabulary of the Oldest Russian Epos, the Igor ' Tale, New York, 1951, V-VI. 94. Letter about the original character of the Charles University, Kultura, No. 12/74, Paris, December 1953, 156-157. 95. "Foreword," M. Souôkovâ, A Literature in Crisis: Czech Literature 1938-1950, New York, 1953, V-IX. 96. "Preface," Serbocroatian Heroic Songs, collected by Milman Parry, edited and translated by Albert B. Lord, I, Cambridge and Belgrade, 1954, XI-XII. 97. "O pozycji i perspektywach wspôlczesnej poetyki," Nowa Kultura, X, No. 46, Warsaw, November 15, 1959, 3. 98. Letter to Gordon Wasson about Holger Pedersen's etymology of the fungal name in the Indo-European languages, Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, XIX, No. 7, 1961, 150. 99. "Amerikanskite slavisti i Sofijskijat kongres," Slavjani, XIX, No. 5, Sofia, 1963, 21-22. 100. "Relevance of Linguistics for Psychoanalysis," Minutes of Study Group in Linguistics and Psychoanalysis, ed. by Drs. Rosen and Edelheit, The New York Psychoanalytic Institute, May 11, 1964, 6 pp. 101. "Excelentà activitate çtiintificà," Contemporanul, No. 34, Bucharest, 1964, 14. 102. "La linguistique va-t-elle devenir la science des sciences? — Un entretien de Claude Bonnefoy avec Roman Jakobson," Arts, No. 20, Feb. 9-16, 1966, 10-11. 103. "Un incontro con Romàn Jàkobson," interview with Aldo Rossi, VApprodo Letterario, XII, NS 33, 1966, 93-96. 104. "V Rimë o Praze," interview with A. M. Ripellino, Literârni noviny, XVI, Prague, Feb. 18, 1967, 1, 3. 105. "Questionner Jakobson," Jean Pierre Faye, Le récit hunique, Paris, 1967, 273-285, First version in Lettres françaises, Nov. 30, 1966. 58
106. "Linguistica rivoluzionaria e avanguardie russe," Rinascita, No. 12, Mar. 24, 1967, 23-24. 107. "Gengo no Kagaku" (Science of Language), FM Broadcast interview in Tokyo by S. Kawamoto, Kotoba no Uchu, II, No. 11, Tokyo, 1967, 34-37. 108. "Gengo Kakumei e no Michi " (Road to Linguistic Revolution), interview, Misuzu, IX, No. 9, 1967, 2-25. 109. "Conversazione sul cinema," Cinema e Film, No. 2, 1967, 157-162. 110. "La langue est le moteur de l'imagination — Entretien," La quinzaine littéraire, No. 51, May 15-31, 1968, 18-20. 111. "Da Mosca a Harvard via Praga," La fiera letteraria, July 4, 1968. 112. "S. Romanem Jakobsonem," Universitas, revue University J. E. Purkynë v Brnë, I, 1968, 45-54. 113. "Vëdecky interview Hosta," Host do domu, X, Brno, 1968, 54-56. 114. "Uriel Weinreich's Modem English-Yiddish Yiddish-English Dictionary," News of the YIVO, No. 107, New York, Sept., 1968, 5-7. 115. "Jçzyk i kultura," Forum, IV, No. 36, 1968, 19-20 (abridged translation of item 111). 116. "S Jakobsonem a Bogatyrevem v srpnové Praze," Listy, Prague, No. 1, Nov. 7, 1968, 10-11. 117. "Conversa e Itineràrio Mineiro com Roman Jakobson," Minas Gérais, Suplemento literario, Belo Horizonte, Nov. 9, 1968, 9-10. 118. "Fragen an Roman Jakobson, Interview von Jean Pierre Faye," Alternative, No. 12, 1969, 62-74 (German translation of item 105). 119. "Uriel Weinreich," Yivo Annual of Jewish Social Science, XIV, New York, 1969, 9-11. 120. "Brief an Jiri Voskovec und Jan Werich über Noetik und Semantik von Jux," Interscena, III, No. 1-11, Prague, 1969, 23-25 (German translation of item 53). 59
121. Foreword to Kodansha's New World English-Japanese Dictionary, Tokyo, 1969, III-IV. 122. "Presenting the Shirô Hattori Festschrift: Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics," announcement, Tokyo, 1970, 2. 123. "Sur le mot 'structuralisme', " Change, X, Paris, 1971. 124. "Discussion sur le travail en commun et la critique," ibidem (translation of item 66).
Colophon: The publication of this bibliography marks the occasion of Roman Jakobson's seventy-fifth birthday. It has been set in ten point Times New Roman and printed on 80 grs/sqm woodfree offset paper at the press ofMouton & Co., The Hague, in an edition of2500 copies. A series of ten numbered copies have been printed on "Eenhoorn" paper and bound in Beau Brilliant. Cover design by A.M. Rehorst.